aass J^'^^ClJ^A- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. AN ACT TO AUTII0RI5CE A HISTORY OF NORTH CAUOLIN^A FOR USE OF THE COMMON SCHOOLS IN THIS STATE. Whereas, Jotin W. Moore, of Hertford [count3'] has prepared a History of North Carolina which has been examined and approved by the Joint Committee on Education : 2'he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : Section 1. That upon the publication of an abridgment of this work and i\;s approval by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the same shall be used n the common schools of the State as a text-book : Provided, the State Board of Education shall have first agreed with the ]tublishers as to [the] price which said work shall be sold for. Sec. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the 1st day of March, A. D. 1879. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Office Superintendent Public Instruction. Raleigh, May 9th, 1879. In compliance with the foregoing statute, I hereby certify that I have exam- ined Moore's School History of North Carolina, and apjiroA-e the same for use in the Public Schools of the State .JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH, Superintendent of Public Instruction. d3S ERRATA, Page 7, 14th lino, for ^'1593," read ^^1584." " 9, 27th line, for "1G22,'' read '• 1607." '• 51, 28tl) Ihie, for ^'on," read ''with." '• 52, 2d line, for '' \va«," read "were." " 120, 4th line of caption, for " 1889," read " 1789." " 142, 4th line, for "adversaris," read "advis.iris." " 167, date to chapter, for " 1716 to 1721," read " 1816 to 1821." '• 205, 10th line, for "Lilliman," read "L, Silliman." " 275, 25th line, for "June," read " July " SIR WALTER RALEIGH. SCHOOL HISTORY OF ORTH Carolina, From 1584 to 1879. Est / JOHN WHEELER MOORR The old order chai.geth, jdelding place to new." — Tennyson, k 3 4> 10 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. occupation of Nortli Carolina by white people. By degrees the English extended their settlements to Nansemond Riv- er. Governor Berkeley, of Virginia, was a tyrant and bigot His treatment of the Baptists and Quakers led Roger Green, in 1653, to seek safety from persecution by retiring, with others, to the banks of Chowan and Roanoke Rivers. Nine years later, George Durant bought of the Yeopim Indians a neck of land on the Albemarle Sound. King Charles II. was then freshly restored to the throne, from which his father had been deposed and beheaded. This Prince, to reward those whom he had not money and places at home to satisfy, in 1663, gave to Lord Clarendon and others the whole of the lands now included in North and South Carolina. They were called Lords Proprietors, and obtained this magnificent gift to gratify their love of money and power. They were largely to control the affairs of the colony, and were to prove onl}^ stumbling- blocks to its real .prosperity and happiness. Quakers? When did King Charles II. make anotiier grant of Carolina ? GOVERNOR DRUMMOND's ADMINISTRATION. 11 CHAPTER II. A. D. 16G3 TO 1679. Gov. DraramoDcl assumes control of Albemarle — Gen. Monk and Al- bemarle Sound — New England Settlers on the Cape Fear — Sir John Yeamans — Divisions of Albemarle — Gov. Stephens — The As- sembly of 1669 — Death of Drummond — The Fundamental Con- stitutions — The Navigation Act — William Edmundson — Governor Cartwright — Eastchurch and Miller — Culpepper's Kebellion. ^^iR William Berkeley, by orders of the Lords Pro- ^^prietors, appointed William Drummond, Governor of Albemarle. He was a Scotchman of j)osition in Virginia, and possessed virtues to justify his selection as ruler of the Carolina settlements. He found but few English people in the colony, except those living north of the Albemarle Sound. This fine body of water bears the name of the selfish and crafty Gen. George Monk, w^ho w^as made Duke of Albemarle by Charles II. in gratitude for that mon- arch's restoration to the British throne. Governor Drum- mond is commemorated by the lake in the Dismal Swamp, w^hich still bears his name. Carolina was named both by the English and the French in honor of the second Charles Stuart and Charles IX. of the latter kingdom. There had been a New England settlement at the mouth of Cape Fear River, established in 1660, but they offended the Indians of that section by carrying off" their children on the pretense of educating them, but really to reduce Questions.— 1. Who was the first Governor of Albemarle? Who was the Duke of Albemarle? For whom was Carolina named? What of the ISTew England settlemerjts i»pon the Cape Fear? Why 12 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, them to slavery. This same people were at this time im- porting African slaves into Carolina and Virginia. Their settlement was abandoned before the arrival of Sir John Yeamans in the same region in 1663, He was a planter of Barbadoes, and was a man of enough consideration to be knighted by the king. His gallant father was Sheriff of Bristol, in England, and was beheaded by order of Fairfax, who commanded the soldiers then fighting against Charles I. The confiscations under Cromwell ruined the estate of young John Yeamans, and he went to the Island of Barbadoes to restore his fortunes. The next year Sir John was made Governor of the new County of Clarendon, and settled upon the Cape Fear at its junc- tion with Old Town Creek. Several hundred colonists accompanied him, and Charlestown was a considerable village in less than a year from its foundation. In a short time Governor Yeamans was transferred to what is now South Carolina, and his people soon abandoned Cape Fear for the new seat upon Cooper and Ashley Rivers. 2. In 1665, a new grant was procured of the King for the lands between the southern boundary of Virginia pid the mouth of Chowan River. This territory had not been included in the first deed under the Great Seal of England. In the same year Governor Drummond con- vened the first session of the Grand Assembly of Albe- marle. This body was not as great in power and num- bers as its high-sounding title would indicate. Three Precincts — Carteret, Berkeley and Shaftesbury — sent up did they leave ? Who was Sir John Yearaans, and where did he build a town? 2. Wlien was the first Grand 4-Ssembly of Albemarle? GOVEBNOR STEPHENS' ADMINISTRATION. 13 ni^embers, v/ho met at a private residence and enacted laws for a few thousand people. 3. Governor Drummond was replaced in 1667; by Sam- uel Stephens, as ruler of Albemarle. The retiring magis- trate was soon to be put to death in Virginia, by Gover- nor Berkeley, who asserted that Drummond was aiding the rebellion of Colonel Bacon. King Charles said of Sir William Berkeley, " That old fool has put more people to death in that naked country than I in all England for the murder of my father.'^ Governor Stephens was ordered by the Lords Proprietors to act with the advice of a coun- cil of twelve men. One half of these were his own ap- pointees ; the others elected by the free-holders. The As- sembly consisted of the Governor, his Council and the House of Assembly elected by the people, who were land- holders. They were to make laws and govern Albemarle very much as they pleased, so they respected the King and the Lords Proprietors. 4. The earliest recorded legislation was in 1669. One statute of that year refused any process to collect a debt against a settler, who had contracted it previous to com- ing to Albemarle. Another provided that where people wished to marry, and no preacher was convenient, the man and woman were to become man and wife by simj^ly declaring their intention of such a purpose before the Governor or any of his Council. The first law mentioned was to induce immigi^tion, and the second is accounted for by the fact that there were no preachers in the colony 3. When did Samuel Stephens assume control ? 4. What laws were en- acted in 1669 ? What did Charles II. say of CJovernor Berkeley ? 5. Who 14 HISTORY OP NORTH CAROLINA. and they alone, by law, could then solemnize the rites 'of matrinion}^ 5. Governor Stephens' last official act was to announce to the people of Albemarle, the adoption, by the Lords Proprietors, of a system of government, which had been prepared by John Locke for the control of Carolina. This famous man had great wisdom and virtues, but the Fundamental Constitutions, as his scheme was called, was wholly unsuited to the people for whom it was prepared The Palatine, Landgraves and Cassiques were orders of nobility, and, with other cumbrous and misplaced in- congruities, were scorned and resisted by the whole people of Carolina. The Grand Model and Navigation Act were the first causes of dissension between England and the Carolina people. The latter neither wished to be ruled by titled dignitaries, or to lose the benefits of the New England trade; so a struggle began in 1669, which was to continue for more than a century. The Navigation Act was passed at Cromwell's order, by the English Par- liament, to cripple the Dutch commerce. It was now re- vived in a selfish and wanton disregard of the promises contained in the charters of the different American colo- nies. 6. In 1670, population had extended southward of the Albemarle Sound, and families were found as far in that direction as Beaufort. The county of Albemarle was di- vided into three precincts : these were called Carteret, Berkeley and Shaftesbury. In those days, when as yet was the author of the Fundamental Constitutions ? How did the peo- ple like the Grand Model? What was the tirst purpose of the Navi- gation Act? G. How was Albemarle divided jii 1670? Who preached GOVERNOR CARTWRIGHT's ADMINISTRATION. 15 there was not even a village in North Carolina, there was but little commerce, culture, or religion, to be found. In 1672, William Edmundson came with George Fox to America, and preached the first sermon ever heard in Albemarle, to the Quakers at Phelps' Point, where now stands the village of Hertford. 7. Upon the death of Governor Stephens, in 1673. he was succeeded by George Cartwright, who had been Speaker of the House of Assembly, and was then Presi- dent of the Council. In the Dutch war of that period but little attention w^as bestowed upon affairs of Europe by the toiling men of Carolina. The new factions of the English Parliament, known as Whig and Tory, w^ere neither understood or cared for by men who were each year encroaching upon the Tuscarora hunting grounds, and crowding back the Red Men toward the setting sun. 8. King Philip in New^ England, as chief of the Narra- gansetts, waged war upon the Puritans, and by his great ability extended his leagues even to Virginia. The upper districts of the Old Dominion w^ere depopulated. Colonel Bacon drove them back, but Governor Berkeley declared him a rebel for doing so without his concurrence ; and, as has already been related, among others, put to death Wil- liam Drummond, the late Governor of Albemarle. 9. Governor Cartwright met even more opposition to the enforcement of Locke's Grand Model than had been offered to Governor Stephens. The Lords Proprietors were determined upon its enforcement. Cartwright be- came disgusted and resigned. Eastchurch and Miller, the first sermon heard in North CaroUna? 7. Who was Governor Cartwright? 8. How did Governor Drummond die? 9. What led £^ 16 HISTORY OP NORTH CAROLINA. two Carolinians, were in England when this happened. The former had been Speaker of the Assembly and had gone to remonstrate, as agent of the Province, against the policy of the Proprietors. He forgot his duty to the peo- ple who aent him over, and was made Governor of Albe- marle, with Miller as his Secretary. 10. They left England in 1677, with rigid orders for the enforcement of the Grand Model and the Navigation Act. On their way they stopped at the Island of Nevis, where Eastchurch became so charmed with a Creole lady that he sent Miller to assume the government of Albemarle, while he lingered at the feet of the woman. 11. Miller assumed the government in July 1677. The population subject to his control then numbered but two thousand tax-payers. They made eight hundred thou- sand pounds of tobacco, besides corn, which was the main crop of the Province. Miller, as collector of the customs, displaced Bird from that office, and soon amassed five thou- sand dollars and thirty -three hogsheads of tobacco, by levy- inga penny a pound on every pound sent to other colonies. He attempted to exclude the New England vessels under his instructions, but George Durant was resolved to prevent this. A Yankee skipper named Gillam came with an armed vessel and supplies and produced a collision. John Culpepper and others seized Miller upon the latter's at- tempting to arrest Gillam, and put the Governor into prison. All of the Lords Proprietors' deputies suffered in like manner, and fifteen thousand dollars, belonging to the King, was seized and appropriated. ~ ^y Cartwright's resignation ? What of Eastchurch and Miller? 10. Wh did Eastchurch stop on his way home? 11. When did Miller assura® charge ? How many tax-payers then in Albemarle ? flow was Millei' GOVERNOR CARTWRIGHt's ADMINISTRATION. 17 12. The amorous Eastchurch had won his bride but lost all else. Culpepper scouted his claim to be Governor, and the unhappy man went to Williamsburg, Va., but to die of vexation at the ceremonious slowness of the Virginia officials. Miller escaped to England where Culpepper followed to justify his conduct. He was indicted for crime, but escaped punishment, through the defence of Lord Shaftesbury, who was almost as great a lawyer as he wds a demagogue. deposed? 12. What did Culpepper find upon his going to England? Who procured his acquittal there ? 18 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER III. A. D. 1680 TO 1712. John Ilarvey becomes Governor— Governors Jenkins and Wilkin- son— Seth Sot.hel and tlie Revolution of lOSS— Governor Ludwell — Major Lillington, President of the Council— Henderson Walker and Governor Daniel— Lord Carteret and the Established Church- John Ashe and Edmund Porter— Colonel Carey— ^Yilliam Glover Edward Moseley— Philip de Richebourg— Governor Hyde and the Tuscarora War— Colonels Barnwell and Moore— End of the War. • t was not until 1G80 that the Lords Proprietors really ^g> evinced interest in the usurpation of John Culpepper. In that year John Harvey was commissioned as Governor. He was the first in Albemarle of a name to become famous in subsequent times. He was soon followed in office by John Jenkins, who died in 1681, but had already been replaced by Henry Wilkinson. 2. There was wretched misrule still in the province, and many of the best citizens went to Virginia to escape the resentment of those who were opposing the schemes of the Lords Proprietors. Seth Sothel had bought the interest of the late Earl of Clarendon, and was induced to start for Carolina with the hope that he could alla}^ the disorders. He was captured at sea by an Algerine cor- sair, and did not reach Albemarle until 1683. It had been better that he never came. He was tyrannical as Sir William Berkeley, and the worst ruler ever known in America. By oppression and dishonest practices he drove the people to such fury that they seized him, and 1. Whcndid John Harvey become Governor of Albemarle? 2. What was the condition of aflairs in 1G83 ? Who was Seth Sotliel, and LUDWELL AND OTHERS. 19 would have sent him in chains to England, but upon his cowardly entreaties he was allowed to leave Albemarle, upon his abdication. King Charles II. had been dead three years, and in England too was seen in this same year of 1688, the expulsion of King James 11. Brave William of Orange and the Princess Mary of England became King and Queen of Great Britain. 3. In 1689, Philip Ludwell, of Virginia, was made Gov- ernor of Albemarle. He remained for four years in charge, and was then sent as ruler to the southern settle- ments. Major Alexander Lillington succeeded. He mar- ried a lady of the Adams family, in Massachusetts, and was the ancestor of the Lillingtons, Ashes, Moores, Mose- leys and Swanns, so highly distinguished in subsequent annals of North Carolina. During his ru^e the Grand Model was abrogated, and the discontents on that score ended. This occurred in 1693. Two years later, Thomas Harvey became Governor of Albemarle. John Archdale, a wise and godly Quaker, was made the ruler of all the settlements in both Carolinas. He was one of the Propri- etors, and rivals William Penn in the purity and benefi- cence of his life. 4. Another Deputy Governor was not appointed until 1704. In that time Henderson Walker had been ruler, by virtue of his place as President of the Council. Upon his death. Colonel Robert Daniel, who had gone with Colonel James Moore, of South Carolina, in the late expe- dition against the Spaniards in Florida, became ruler of what is said of liis habits as a ruler? 3. When did Philip Ludwell be- come Governor, and when was he succeeded by Major Lillington? What were Governor Archdale's characteristics ? 4. Who was Gov- 20 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Albemarle, He was ordered by Lord Carteret, who was then Palatine, to create a State Church in Albemarle, The Episcopalians were but a small fraction of the people, and this act was directly opposed to the promises made the settlers, both by the King and Proprietors. Governor Daniel procured the passage of an act by the Provincial Assembly which made the Church of England supreme in Albemarle. The people w^ere to be taxed for purchase of glebes, erection of churches and the support of rectors in the various parishes. The Quakers were greatly offended. John Ashe, of South Carolina, who has had many distinguished descendents in North Carolina, was sent by the Presbyterians of Colleton District to remon^ gtrate in England, Edmund Porter, of Albemarle, was 9.1so sent on the same mission by the Quakers. Ashe died in London, but their end was gained, and the House of Lords resolved that the recent colonial act " was founded in falsity in matter of fact, repugnant to the laws of England and contrary to the charter of the Lords Pro-^ prietors." Queen Anne declared the law null and void, Bhe had succeeded King William HL, in 1703. 5. Colonel Thomas Carey became Deputy Governor of Albemarle in 1705. He had been prominent in opposi^ tion to Governor Daniel's policy, and was appointed at the request of John Archdale and other Quakers. He proved false to his pi*ofessions, and continued the troubles by insisting upon test oaths, which excluded from office all but members of the Episcopal Church. There had been in Albemarle, until Governor Daniel's time, perfect ernor Daniel, and what odious policy did he inaugurate? 5, How did CQlonel Carey treat the Quakers after procurhi^ rule by tl^eir efforts? Culpepper's rebellion, 21 jr^ligious liberty. In Massachusetts and Virginia con- fiscation and the whipping^post had been too often the punishment of men and womeii who dared to disagree with the Btate regulations as to faith. 6. If John Culpepper was seditious, Thomas Carey added to such a disposition the faults of obstinacy and revenge. John Porter, of Pasquotank, was sent to Eng- land to annul the new oppressiou of the test oaths. The Quakers were numerous and many of them loved office. They therefore procured the orders for the removal of Carey ; but he disobeyed the commands of AVilliam Glover, who was elected as his successor, and Albemarle presented the spectacle of two rival factions, each claim-, ing to be the lawful government. Glover adhered to Carey's late rule as to t^st oaths, and the Quakers were in-, duced by Carey to forgive his recent sins against them and take sides with him. 7. The ablest man then in North Carolina was Edward Moseley. He was the leading lawyer and Speaker of the Assembly. He hated Thomas Pollock, who had great in- fluence in the Province, and mainly on that ground em-, braced the cause of Thomas Carey, The trouble was car-- ried to the Assembly for adjustment^ but failed to be ac-. commodated, 8. In this distracted state of affairs the Province con-, tinned to grow in wealth and numbers. Some Hugonots, with Philip de Richebourg, settled upon Trent River. A Swiss Baron, Christopher de Grafi'enreid, also established a colony at the present site of New Bern. There had heen, G. How was Glover treated ? 7. Who was Edward Moseley and Thomas PqIIocIv ? 8. When did ti^e Hugonots and Swiss come to Kovth. CaroUiiaj 22 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. incorporated in 1805 the town of Bath, but it has never been, at an}^ time of its history, more than a mere hamlet. Colonel Pollock, and others, lived at the place then called Queen Anne's Creek, and, ere long, to be known as Eden- ton, but tliere was really, in 1707, no town in North Car- olina. 9. In 1710, Edward Hyde came as Governor. He was to get his appointment, as ruler of Albemarle, from Ed- w^ard Tynte, wlio was Governor of all Carolina and had his residence in Charleston. The latter died before giv- ing Hyde his commission, but the new Chief Magistrate was induced to assume the government and procure the authentication of his appointment from England. He called an Assembly and procured the passage of an act to enquire into Carey's accountability for the public funds, and orders were issued for his arrest. He at once pre- pared for armed resistance. Governor Spottswood, of Virginia, was appealed to by Governor Hyde for help against the men who were seeking his own capture. On the approach of aid from Williamsburg, Carey fled. In his fall he stirred up the Tuscarora Indians to make war on the white people. On the night of September 22d, 1711, the Red Men, numbering sixteen hundred warriors, 'fell upon the people south of Albemarle Sound and mur- dered more than two hundred. They seized cle GrafFen- reid and John Lawson at the same time. The Swiss es- caped, but the unlucky surveyor and historian, with a ne- gro servant, was tortured to death. 10. The Province of North Carolina was helpless, b}^ and where did they settle? 9. When did Governor Hyde arrive? How did the Tuscarora war arise? 10. What of Colonel Barnwell? GOVERXOR HYDE. 23 reason of dissension and consequent poverty, to repel the attack. "Aid was procured from South Carolina. Colonel Barnwell came with a small body of y\^hite men, and near a thousand Yemassee Indians, and defeated Handcock, the Tuscarora Chief, in a bloody battle in the present limits of Craven County. Colonel- Lewis Mitchell, and other North Carolina soldiers, aided in this signal success. Colonel Barnwell did not make such terms with the Tus- caroras as suited the people of North Carolina, and he was recalled. Handcock soon violated the treaty and the v/ar continued. The Assembly voted twenty thousand dollars for supplies. Forts were built on Core Sound and Tar River. The Five Nations or Iroquois, of New York, seemed likely to join their Tuscarora kinsmen. The yel- low fever also came for the first time and frightfully scourged the already stricken Province. One of its vic- tims was Governor Hyde, who was succeeded by Colonel Thomas Pollock as President of the Council. 11. In addition to the one hundred and forty men un- der Colonels Mitchell and McKee, Governor Craven, of South Carolina, sent Colonel James Moore with fifty whites and a thousand Indians to the relief of the almost ruined Province. Such was the scarcity of provisions, these men were marched into Albemarle to get supplies. In Janu- ary, 1712, Colonel Moore found Handcock and his braves at a place they called Nahucke — now Snow Hill, in Greene county. The fort in w^hich the Indians retired was defended by palisades. The seige began March 20th. 11. Where did Colonel Moore defeat the Indians and end the war? Who were his North Carolina kinsmen ? 24 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. With a loss of" twenty-five whites and thirty -six friendly Yemassees, the work was stormed and captured, with eight hundred prisoners. Hundreds of the Tuscaroras were slain and the war ended. This gallant James Moore had won a|)plause before, in an expedition against St. Augus- tine. His brother. Col. Maurice Moore, and his posterity became celebrated in North Carolina. I'KESIDEXT POLLOCK. 25 CHAPTER IV. A . D . 1713 TO 17 4 8. Kin<:^ BlinitaiKl his Reservation— Governor Eden — Maurice Moore and the Yemassee War— Black-beard the Pirate — Fresideiit Thomas Pollock— Bertie Precinct— Governor Bnrrington — End of Proprie- tary Tlnle- -Sir Richard Everhard — Bnrrington Again — The French in America— Governor Gabriel Johnston — St. Augustine Exf)edition — Culloden— Changes in tlie Assembly. (^^Ihe Indian War was thus at last happily ended and *^^^ the power of the formidable Tuscaroras , effectually broken. Tom Blunt^ one of their chiefs, had remained neutral in the bloody contest, and w^as rewarded by having a reservation of land set apart for him and his people. This was located first south of the Albemarle Sound, and subsequently on the Roanoke River, in the present county of Bertie, where it is still known as the Indian Woods. Handcock, with the remainder of the tribe, withdrew to Oneida Lake, in the Province of New York, and became the Sixth Nation of the Iroquois. 2. The extreme public danger had healed the dissen- sions of the people, and Governor Pollock reported the Quakers as being patriotic in supplying provisions for the troops. They w^ere opposed to wars on principle and did not take part as soldiers. To meet the public debt incurred in the prosecution of hostilities, the first paper money was issued in North Carolina by the Assem- bly of 1713. The Duke of Beaufort as Palatine — that is, Questions. — Who was Tom Blunt, and where did Handcock and the other Tuscaroras go ? 2. What caused the first issue of paper money in North Carolina ? When did Governor Eden become the ruler of 2 26 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. President of the Lords Proprietors — the same year sent over Charles Eden as Governor. Pie was told to discour- age too much expansion in the settlements. The titular owners of the Province were not receiving more than a hundred dollars apiece as profit from their vast American estates. Governor Eden dwelt upon Salmon Creek, in what is now Bertie county. 3. In 1715, the same Yemassee Indians who had aided in subduing the Tuscaroras, rose in arms against South Carolina, and Governor Elden sent forces of infantry and cavalry, under Colonel Maurice Moore, to aid those who had so promptly come to the relief of North Carolina four years before. Colonel Maurice was brother to Colonel James Moore, and they were grandsons of Sir John Yea- mans. 4. The first recorded statutes of the Province were this year enacted at the hoiise of Captain Eichard Sanderson, in Perquimans Precinct. The Church of England was established, but full liberty of conscience permitted, and the Quakers were allowed to make affirmations in place of the test oaths. Edward Moseley, the Speaker of the As- sembly, was, as usual, found in opposition to the Gover- nor and his policy. Governor Eden was popular, and the new town on Queen Anne's Creek was called in his honor, Edenton. Moseley accused him of complicity with Ed- ward Teach, the noted pirate, who was also called Black- beard, and this charge, though probably unfounded, is yet remembered to his discredit. the Province. 3. What occurred between the people of South Caro- lina and the Yemassees in 1715 ? 4. Where were the first statutes GOVERNOR EDEN, 27 5. Black-beard lxa.d for some years been infesting tba Atlantic coast, and the inland waters, with his forcible larcenies.. He was chief of quite a fleet of armed vessels. His flag-ship carried forty guns, and a hundred men as a crew. Lieutenant Robert Maynard, of the Royal British ^avy, was sent by Captain Brand against him. They met near Ocracoke Inlet, and Pamlico Sound witnessed a fu- rious naval battle. Teach was slain, and the survivors of his erew were hanged at Williamsburg, 6.. Upon the death of Governor Eden, in 1722, Thomas Pollock, as President of the Council, again became Gov- ernor of North Carolina^ but died the same year. Wil- liam Swann was Speaker at this time. His father, Major Samuel Swann, had filled the same office and that of col- lector of customs. Edward Moseley and Maurice Moore were under disability for violent conduct touching the public records, William Reed succaedad Colonel Pollock. 7. North Carolina then comprised the counties of Albe- marle, Bath and Clarendon, A new precinct w^as added to Albemarle. It lay west of Chowan River, and was named Bertie, Court houses were built in each of the precincts, and private residences no longer used for the administration of public j^jstioe, 8. George Burrington was made Governor in 1724. The incapacity of the Lords Proprietors for any wise con- trol in America was illustrated in the appointment of of this man. He was intemperate, wicked and rapacious, and had been convicted in England of beating an old now preserved enacted? 5. Who wag Black-beard, and what befell him ? 6. Who became acting Governor after the death of Governor Eden? 8, What was the ehara.cter of Governors Burrington and 28 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. woman, and inipiisoned for so doing. Sir Richard Eve- rard was made Governor in 1725. He was as weak and wicked as Burrington, and disgraced his executive func- tions by a street fight in Edenton, with his predecessor in office as his antagonist. 9. The Virginia and North Carolina line was traced in 1728, by Colonel Byrd, of Westover^and Edward Moscley^ They crossed the Dismal Swamp and passed westward as. far as Meherrin River. In the same year the king was petitioned to assume control of Carolina. Twelve months later this prayer was answered by the payment of forty- five thousand dollars by the Crown to the Lords Proprie- tors for all their claims, and, with the exception of Lord Carteret, all of them relinquished their rights and titles. They had only embarrassed and hindered the growth of the new people, and were at last happily relieved froni future control. Lord Carteret, afterwards the Earl Gran- ville, was assigned the north-eastern part of North Caro- lina as his portion of the whole, and in those limits had his own land offices. Those of the King were confined to the remainder of the Province. 10. Thus ended the»Proprietary Govermnent sixty-six years after its inception in 1663. Carolina then contain- ed twenty-five thousand people, ten thousand of whom were in the Northern portion of the Province. Albemarle county was then divided into the precincts of Currituck, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Bertie and Tyrrell; Bath into Beaufort, Hyde, Craven and Carteret ; whilo Clarendon had but one precinct, called New Hanover, Everard? 9. When Avas the Virginia line run? Wlien did the Lords Proprietors sell out to the King? 10. How was Albenmrle divid.ecl f\i GOVERNOR EURRINGTON, 29 There were then upon the Cape Fear about five hundred people. Colonel Maurice Moore and his brothers, George and Roger, had repeopled the old settlement of their grandfather, Sir John Yeamans, In the number of those living on the Cape Fear were also Samuel Swann, John B. Ashe and Coi*uelius Haniett, The towns of Bath, Edenton, New Bern and Beaufort, ha,d been incorporated. 11. The liing returned Burrington as Governor. Ed- ward Moseley was again Speaker and leadiiig lawyer, John Baptist Ashe, and his friends, charged the Chief Magistrate with disgraceful conduct and procured his re- moval. In the same year, the real separation long exist- ing between North and South Carolina received legal re^ cognition, and they have, since 1732, beeri treated as in- dependent communities. 12. Doctor John Brickell was sent on a mission of dis^ covery, and to trep.t with tire Cherol^ees. Nathaniel Rice, as President of the Council, succeeded to the administra- tion of affairs, upon the departure of Governor Burring- ton, in 1734, The latter was afterwards murdered in London. Gabriel Johnston, a Scotchman, arrived in No- vember and took the oaths of office at Brunswick. He was one of the wisest and best Governors North Carolina has possessed at any time, and far exceeded in merit any of the colonial rulers, He married Penelope, the daugh- ter of Governor Eden, and resided at Eden House, in Bertie. 13. The French settlements in America, and their dar^ ing encroachments, were become a source of uneasiness that time? 11. What followed the trouble between Ashe and Bur^ VJnc^ton? 12. Wlio was sent to visit the Cherokees? 13. What Uiiid BO HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. both to English and American statesmen, but North Car^ olina was removed from immediate danger and manifest' ed but little concern in a matter so important to the Northern Provinces. Governor Johnston met his first Assembly in 1736, at New Bern. The King's revenue was raised by a poll-tax of five shillings a head on all iitheable inhabitants. A general court was established £it Edenton, and the village called Newton, on Cape Fear River, was changed as to its name, and has been since ^nown as Wilmington. William Downing was Speaker of this Assembly, and Edward Moseley the leader of the opposition. 14. In the war of 1740, with Spain, four hundred men were sent from North Carolina, to join Colonel Vander= dussen, and participated with Genei^al Oglethorpe in the siege of St. Augustine, ajid that of Carthagena, by Admj ral Vernon. In spite of poverty and scanty numbers, Governor Johnston was warmly seconded in this move=' ment by the General Assembly, There was wise and hu=- mane legislation at the same session as to marriage, for^ eign bills, roads, jiavigation, weights and measures, tav» erns, and in behalf of prisoners and English convicts. 15. In 1744 occurred tire French war. Prince Charles Edward, the exiled grandson of King James II^, sailed on his daring attempt to recover the throne of his ancestors, and, in the great disaster at the battle of Culloden, led the way to large emigration by Highland Scotchmen to JSForth Carolina. The next year Edward Mosele}^, Samuel of ruler was Uoveriior Gabriel Johnston. 14. How many l^Torth Car- olina troops were sent South |i; 1740? 15. Wljeii was tbe battle of GOVERNOR JOHNSTON. 31 Swann, Enoch Hall and Thomas Barker were authorized to revise and print such Acts of the Assembly as were in force. The General Court was removed to New Bern, and Circuit Courts established to meet at Edenton, New Bern, Enfield and Wilmington. 16. In 1747, important changes were made in the man- ner of representation in the House of Assembly. The counties of Old Albemarle no longer had five members apiece, but sent, as did the others, but two. Borough members were allowed from Edenton, Bath, New Bern and Wilmington. Attention was called to depredations of Spanish privateers on the coast, and forts were estab- lished. A battle was fought by the Cape Fear people in 1748 against one of their fleets, off" Brunswick, wherein one of the enemy's ships was blown up and spoils secured, of which relicts are still preserved in Wilmington. 32 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER V. A. D. 174 9 TO 1759. James Davis and the First Printing Press— The Moravians and Wac- hovia — Death of Governor Johnston — President Rice— Colonel Rowan and Major Washington— Colonel James Innes and the French War— Governor Dobbs— John Campbell of Bertie — Braddock's Defeat— Presbyterian Settlements in the West— Col- onel Hugh Waddell— Tower Hill— The Court Laws — Francis Cor- bin — Colonial Manners— The Baptists of Sandy Creek— Colonel Waddell and the Cherokees. J[|n 1749, James Davis set up in New Bern the first print- ^§;ing press ever knov/n in North Carolina. On it was printed the revisal of the statutes comj^iled by Samuel Swann, who was an able lawyer and often Speaker of Assembly. Sir William Berkeley had said, nearly a cen- tury before, he wished it might be long before printing was known in America, and his wish was fulfilled, so far as North Carolina was concerned. 2. The Moravians of Germany, in the same year, pur- chased a large tract of land between Dan and Yadkin rivers, and established a settlement. They called it Wachovia, but it is now known as Forsythe County. This was sold them by Lord Granville. Salem was the nucleus of this new community, who called themselves the " United Brethren." 3. Governor Johnston died in 1752. He was born in Dundee, a town of Scotland. He had greatly blessed Question.— 1. Who was the first printer of North Carolina, and when and where did he setup his press? 2. Where did the Mora- vians settle, and what did they call the place ? 3. When did Gov- PRESIDENT RICE. 33 North Carolina by his rule. The people were three times as numerous as when he came. There were ten thousand slaves, besides the white people, and a great increase had come upon the exports. Naval stores, staves, corn and tobacco were sent abroad in large quantities. Northamp- ton, Bladen, Anson, Johnston, Granville and Orange counties had been erected, and Highlanders were peopling the upper region of the Cape Fear. 4. President Rice again assumed the administration of affairs, upon Governor Johnston's death, and remained in charge until his demise, in 1753. Colonel Mathew Rowan was his successor. The French had pushed their posts to the borders of Virginia. Lord Dinwiddle, then Governor of the Old Dominion, sent a messenger to Governor Rowan, saying the French were erecting a fort at the junction of the rivers forming the Ohio, and that Major George Washington had been sent to investigate the mat- ter. Aid was requested against this dangerous move- ment. 5. The Assembly was convened at Wilmington, in 1754, and nine hundred men and two hundred thousand dollars were voted for military purposes. Colonel James Innes, of New Hanover, who had seen service at St. Au- gustine and Carthagena, was sent in command of the fine body of troops. He went forward to capture Fort Du Quesne, but soon found unexpected difficulties. Colonel Joshua Fry, who had been the Virginia commander-in- chief, died suddenly at Winchester, and Lord Dinwiddle ernor Gabriel Jolinston die, and what is said of his rule ? 4. Who was sent by Governor Dinwiddie to look after the French at Fort Du Quesne? 5. Who commanded the North Carolina regiment in Vir- 34 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. made Colonel Innes his successor. This offended the Virginia House of Burgesses and military men, who wanted Washington to command. No supplies were fur- nished the North Carolina troops, and they were forced to return home to avoid starvation. They were anxious to fight the French and Indians, but were thwarted by the jealous pride of the Virginians. Three hundred and fifty remained at Winchester until their supplies were all gone, when they retraced their course and reached their homes in North Carolina. 6. Major Arthur Dobbs was sent over as Governor of North Carolina, and took the oaths of ofiice at New Bern, November 1st, 1754. He was a testy, long-winded Irish- man, who was ready to endanger an empire on a point of empty etiquette, but was still of honorable and chivalrous instincts. Barring his fondness of filling the public offices with his kinsmen and his efforts to make jobs for his own benefit, he was without reproach in the office, which he held for ten years. 7. John Campbell, of Bertie, became Speaker of the House of Assembly, and was to be a leading member for many years. He lived at Colerain, on the Chowan River, twelve miles above Eden House. The large issue of bills of credit were entrusted to Samuel and John Swann, Lewis DeRossett, and John Starkey, who, upon the death of Edward Moseley, in 1749, became one of the two treas- urers of the Province. 8. General Braddock, in 1755, suffered the terrible de- feat, in which so many English lives were lost. Major ginia, and why did the men return? 6. What were the traits of Gov- ernor Dobbs? 8. What North Carolinians were at Braddock'g de- GOVERNOR BOBBS. 35 n. Hugh Waddell, with two companies of North Carolina soldiers, participated in the unavailing slaughter. Had Colonel Innes' regiment of nine hundred and fifty men been present, the result might have been very different. The British regulars knew nothing of Indian warfare, and were led like sheep to the slaughter, 9. Governor Dobbs visited the western settlements dur- ing the course of the summer. The new county of Rowan was fast being peopled by a stern and devoted race, who w^ere mainly Presbyterians, and were ministered to by Hugh McAden and Alexander Craighead. Shubal Stearns and the Baptists of Sandy Creek were but one of the many congregations of that sect. Shiloh, in Camden of this day, w^as the oldest seat in the Province of this denomination. 10. When Governor Dobbs met the Assembly in the Fall, the Cherokees had been maddened into war by the cruel folly of Governor Lyttleton of South Carolina. A fort was established on the Yadkin to hold them in check, and Colonel Hugh Waddell, of Cape Fear, was sent against them, with a battalion, to relieve Captain Dennie, in Fort Tellico. Other troops were sent to join the expe- dition, under General Forbes, which captured Fort Pu Quesne. This occurred in 1759, when William Pitt had become Premier of Great Britain, and was dazzling the world with his vigor and genius. 11. Governor Dobbs had succeeded in inducing the Assembly of the Province to do a thing which redounded neither to his nor their credit. The seat of government feat? 10. Who caused the Cherokee War? 11. What was Governor 86 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLIXA. had not been fixed at any one point. Tlie Legislature met at whatever village they pleased. He procured the passage of an act which provided that his farm, on Con- tentnea Creek, called Tower Hill, should be the capital. The Tuscaroras had called it Nahucke, audit was the scene of one of their disasters. It had nothing to recommend it as the capital of North Carolina, and the law was soon repealed. 12. The Court laws, passed four years before, were re- pealed by proclamation. This was the beginning of long and bitter contests between Governor Dobbs and the House of Assembly. The men of North Carolina were tired of having all their judges selected from England; and certain parties in London sought a private advantage in altering the provincial law of attachment. 13. Francis Corbin was then agent for the Earl of Granville, and was creating trouble by his frauds and extortions in land sales. In 1759, twelve men wxnt to Corbin's house, below Edenton, where they seized him and conveyed him to Enfield, then in Edgecombe county. He was detained until he gave bond to produce his books and disgorge of his unlawful fees. He violated this ex.- torted agreement, and brought suit against four of the abductors. They refused to give bail, and in its default were committed to prison. A mob collected the next day, and, breaking open the jail, released the men in con- finement. They had the countenance of Colonel Alexan- der McCulloh, one of His Majesty's Council for North Dobbs' Tower Hill project? 12. What is said of tlie repeal of the Court laws? 13. Who was Corbin, and what befell him? 14. What GOVER^^OH DOBBS. 37 Carolina, in so doing. Thus began the trouble known as the War of the Regulation < 14. Life in the eastern counties, to which Hertford was that year added, was full of pleasure and ^^rofit. The In- dians, save those of King Blunt, on the Roanoke, were all gone toward the setting sun. The rude cabins of the first settlers had been replaced by brick or framed houses. Hospitality was unbounded, and the weddings and other social gatherings were largely attended. West India rum and the negro fiddlers added charms to the midnight revel. The strict morals of the Puritans and Quakers did not prevail in the Albemarle region. The curled and powdered gentlemen and the ladies in their big hoops were never so well pleased as when walking a minuet or betting at a rubber of whist. Horse races and pursuit of the fox Were al^o in high favor as pastimes, 15. Very different were the men of Rowan, Orange and Cumberland, Swarms of Cherokee warriors were just beyond the Blue Ridge Mountains, and death by the tomahawk was possible at any moment. Long persecu- tion had stimulated the z;eal and enthusiasm of the Scotch- Irish until religious devotion became the absorbing habit of whole communities. The log churches were to them almost Avhat Solomon's temple had been to the Jews. The ministers in charge and the ruling elders were fol- lowed implicitly, both in matters of Church and State, 16. Amid the Baptists of Sandy Creek and elsewhere^ were also to be found zeal and devotion. They were ever the advocates of complete religious liberty. Each church was the condition of affairs in the eastern counties? 15. What is said of the west? 16. Of the baptists? 88 HISTORY OP NOriTH CAROLINA. was independent, and insisted that the State should have no connection with it or an}^ other religious society. They were the men who conceived of resistance to intol- erable oppression, and were not responsible for the ex- cesses of others in subsequent years. 17. The Cherokees were still on the war-path in 1760, and Colonel Hugh Waddell was stationed, with a regi- ment of infantry, at the new village of Salisbury, for the protection of the western settlements. Captain Cogdill, with a company of Tuscarora Indians, from Bertie, joined them in their expedition, in the Fall, and helped in the destruction of the Cowee or Underbill towns. The smoking wigwams were a mute protest to heaven against the violence and injustice of Governor Lyttleton, who had so Avantonly driven the Red Men into warfare, 17. Who was sent aofainst the Cherokees? GOVERNOR BOBBS. 39 CHAPTER VI. A. D. 1760 TO 1767. The Hillsboro Riot and Herman Husbands — Anthony Bacon, Colonial Agent — Accession of King George III. — Repeal of the Tower Hill Act — Peace of 1763— The Stamp Act and Governor Tryon — Mrs. Tryon and Miss Wake — The people in 1764 — George Whitefield — Opposition to the Stamp Act — Its provisions— Arrival of the Dili- gence — Consequences — Repeal of the Stamp Act — Suicide of Judge Berry — Colonel Harvey, Speaker— The Palace — The Courts —Judges — Navigation Act. Ihe growing discontent of the people of North Caro* ^ lina at the state of public affairs was farther shown in 1760, by an election riot in Hillsboro'. This village was to become a centre of political excitement for more than ten consecutive years. Herman Husbands was a Pennsylvania Quaker, who had settled near Sandy Creek, and was rapidly acquiring influence, both as a preacher and politician. 2. Governor Dobbs, in continued obstinacy, would not approve any law for the Superior Courts, but was com- pelled to sign the bill for County Courts on the threat of the Burgesses to pass none for appropriations to the pub- lic expense. At William Pitt's suggestion, Anthony Ba- con was sent by the Assemby, as agent for North Carolina, to reside in London and watch the interests of the Pro- vince there. 3. George 11. had died, and, on February 6th, 1761, the new King, George TIL, was proclaimed at Brunswick, on Questions.— 1. What is said of the riot in Hillsboro, and Herman Husbands? 2. Who suggested the employment of agents to the colo- 40 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. the Cape Fear River. He was the grandson of his prede- cessor, and was a young man of talent and many virtues, but, like Governor Dobbs, he was obstinate, and bent on asserting his power in controlling American affairs. 4. The Court troubles had so exasperated the members of the House of Assembly, that, in 17G2, they refused to vote either men or money to aid Sir Jeffrey Amherst in finishing the war. They repealed the act locating the seat of government at Tower Hill, and such was the feel- ing that even Governor Dobbs' nephew, Richard Spaight, voted against him in this matter he had taken so much to heart. 5. At last peace came in 1763. The great horror of In- dian massacres was ended and France deprived of all her lands East of the Mississippi River. The French states- man who had conducted their American affairs at once predicted that the English success would prove fatal to British rule in America. The colonies had grown too strong to need help in their contests with the Indians, and were too proud to submit to foreign oppression. 6. In that very year a measure called the Stamp Act was foreshadowed in the resolutions of the British House of Commons. Governor Dobbs died before the storm arose concerning this matter, and was followed in office by William Try on, who retained his rank as Lieutenant Colonel of the Queen's Guards. Governor Tryon was a bold, passionate and able man. He was insinuating and highly influential over those with whom he came in Con- nies? 3. Who succeeded George II. as King? 4. "Why did not North Carolina aid Sir Jeftrey Amherst? 5. When did tlie French war end? 6. What was the famous act passed in 1764, and who was Governor GOVERNOR TRYON. 41 tact ; and to great ambition added the meanness of cruel and lasting resentments. 7. The Governor's famil}^ consisted of two very lovely women and his children. Mrs. Tryon and her sister, Miss Esther Wake, were powerful assistants to His Excellency, and their charms and accomplishments are yet commem- orated in the name of the metropolitan county of the State. When, in the Revolution, the name of Tryon county was blotted from the state map, the proposition to change the name of Wake was indignantly voted down. 8. North Carolina, in 1764, numbered in its population one hundred and eighty thousand white people, besides forty thousand African slaves. Wealth and even ele- gance were common in the eastern counties, where, apart from their opposition to Parliament's claim of the right to tax America without the consent of the colonies, there were perfect content and loyalty to the British Govern- ment. 9. In 1765, the famous English preacher, George White- field, came on a mission to Carolina and other Provinces. He was an apostle of the new Methodist Church, and awakened thousands wherever he went with his zeal and eloquence. 10. News arrived, early in the same year, of the passage of the Stamp Act. Governor Tryon asked John Ashe, then Speaker of the Assembly, what his House would do about it. "Resist it to blood and death," said the tri- bune of the people. Tryon had been selected with a view Tr5^oii? 7. What is said of the ladies of his household? 8. What is said of population ? 9. When did George Whitefield visit N^orth Caro- lina? 10. What did John Ashe say to Tryon about the Stamp Act? 42 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. to his military training and capacity for popular repres- sion, but he quailed in the storm which then arose on all sides. He prorogued the Assembly and prevented their meeting ; but in every town there were assemblages of the leading citizens, who pledged themselves to resist the enforcement of the new law. 11. The Stamp Act provided that all deeds, and other legal papers, advertisements in newspapers, college diplo- mas, and various other matters, should be invalid until a stamp should be put upon them. If America was to be taxed at all, by Parliament, the proposed way would have been the best ; but the colonists were everywdiere agreed to resist, by force, the introduction and use of the obnox- ious stamps. 12. The North Carolina people were not represented in the first Continental Congress by reason of Governor Tryon's preventing a meeting of the Provincial Assembly. Continued prorogations, and finally a dissolution, were used to that end. 13. In January, 1765, His Britanic Majesty's sloop-of- war, Diligence, arrived in the Cape Fear River with the stamps. Colonels John Ashe, of New Hanover, and Hugh Waddell, of Brunswick, with the militia of their com- mands, at once notified the commander of the ship of their determination to resist the landing of the stamps. While watching, they captured a boat of the Diligence and bore it to Wilmington on a wagon, where it figured at the head of a procession in the streets. 11. What is said of its provisions? 12. Why was North Carolina not represented in the first Continental Congress? 13. What happen- GOVERNOR TRYON. 43 14. James Houston had been appointed stamp agent, Colonel Ashe, at the head of his men, sought Houston at Governor Tryon's dwelling, and, upon a refusal to pro^ duce him, threiats were made to fire the house. The ter- rified culprit was theri produced and made to swear that he would not perform the duties of his office, 15. In the meanwhile the Stamp Act had been repealed, Pitt and General Conway induced the Bedford Ministry to undo their dangerous work. Governor Tryon issued q, generous proclamation, announcing the fact and warning all public officials to beware of further extortion upon the people. Feasts and parades were gotten up to appease the men of Cape Fear, but they threw the Governor's roasted oxen in the rivex', and poured out hjs beer upon the sands, 16. The excitement had a fatal termination, A Cap^ tain and Lieutenant of the British Navy quarreled over the matter, and in a duel the superior officer was slain, The Governor procured the arrest, trial and conviction of the Lieutenant for murder, Chief Justice Berry granted him enough time before execution to enable him to es^ cape. Tryon Avas furious, and so wrought upon the fears of Judge Berry that he committed suicide, 17. When Governor Tryon met the new Assembly at New Bern, on November 3d, 1766, the Burgesses answered his address with polite reproaches for his late acts stifling the voice of the Province, John Harvey became Speaker in place of John Ashe. Few men have exceeded Colonel ed on the arrival of the Diligence ? 14. W hat befell James Houston ? 15. How were Governor Tryon's treats relished by the people ? 16. What is sakl of Jud^-e Berry f J7p Give the pliarg-cter of Colonel 44 niSTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Harvey in force of character. He was grave even to stern^ ness, and was of lofty and unspotted patriotism. This Assembly incorporated the New Bern Academy, which was the earliest institution of the kind known in North Carolina. Another act provided for the erection of a pal- ace at New Bern, for the use of Governor Tryon and his successors in office. This was to prove a costly and un- popular step, and was largely complained of by the people, 18. In the year 1767, a new circuit was added, and the court house was located at Hillsboro. The Superior Courts were held twice a year, also, at Edenton, Halifax, New Bern and Wilmington. The Sheriffs of all the cox^r ties of the district were required to meet the Judges, and three were on duty by turns at a time throughout the term. Martin Howard was Chief Justice of the State. He was a man of large abilities, but a facile instrument in the hands of Governor Tryon. Judges Maurice MoorQ and Richard Henderson were the Associate Justices, Judge Moore was the ablest lawyer of his day, and to legal learning added rare literary culture and grace as a writer, He was the son of Colonel Maurice Moore, who had rc:- established the old colon}^ of Clarendon. Judge Henderr. son lived in Granville, and was also an able lawyer who was to leave a gracious posterity, 19. North Carolina was then feeling, in common with the other colonies, the inconvenience and loss consequent upon the enforcement of the Navigation Act. This cele- brated statute was drawn by Oliver St. John in. Cromwell's time, and excluded all ships from importing to England John Harvey. 18. What school was first incorporated hi North Car- pjinf^? Who >yere tlie Judges under Govevnor Trj-'on ? GOVERNOR TRYON. 45 any but the commodities of their own lands, American ships were forbidden the carriage of anything to European jiorts north of Cape Finesterre, except the single article of rice. The colonies saw the same odious discriminations practiced against them as had been vouchsafed the trade and manufactures of Ireland. They were gratified in the repeal of the Stamp Act, but were far from being satisfiecl ■\Yith the increasing restrictions upon their conimerce. 40 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPTER VIL A. D. 17G8 TO 1771, Parliament Proposes to Tax America— Extortion Produces the Mob — Herman Husbands Organizes the Begulators — He Appears at Orange Inferior Court — Fanning stirs up a Biot— Husbands and Hunter Arrested — Ninian Bell Hamilton to the Bescue— Gov- ernor Tryon Interferes — Leaves Hillsboro for Salisbury — The Court and the Army — The Assembly— Besolutions against British Taxation— H. E. McCuUoh, Agent — Violence of the Begulators— Husbands Expelled from the Assembly and Imprisoned — The Force Bill— General Waddell goes to the West— Tryon Assembles an Army — Battle of Alamance. |n 1768, the Parliament of Great Britain and King Geoi-ge III, were still persevering in the course which had already been exemplified in the enactment and re- peal of the Stamp Act. A great debt had been incurred in the la-te defence of the English settlements of America, mid it was insisted tli^t the colonies should bear their proper share of the general burdens of the empire. It was held in London that Parliament had power to fix the 3:ate of American taxation, America said no taxes should be laid upon a people not represented in the body fixing the rate ; and thus the quarrel grew. 2. For several years past there had been much discus- sion in North Carolina as to the jDurposes of vague popu' ][ar movements. Certain men, known as the Mob, were creating uneasiness in the minds of guilty agents of the Crown and Lord Granville. Extortion and illegal fees Questions. — What action of the King and Parliament still disturb- ed Jforth CaroUna in 3708 f 2, What were the Mob and their intents? HERMAN HUSBANDS AND THE REGULATORS. 47 had become an intolerable nuisance in Granville, Orange and Anson counties. The issues of paper money had been forbidden by the King, and there was almost no circulating medium in the Province. High taxes and cheap produce had brought the western settlers to the utmost distress when pay-day came with the sheriffs. 3. Herman Husbands, with selfish cunning, had in- duced the men of Sandy Creek to sign a paper, in 1767, Avhich created a brotherhood known as the Regulators. They were pledged to each other to pay no taxes unless satisfied of their being correctly levied, nor illegal fees ; that they would often assemble for conference and, finally, to jointly contribute of their means to secure these ends. Petitions for redress and trials at law were to be the means of obtaining the correction of notorious abuses. Hus- bands origninated this league, but evaded making him- self a positive member. 4. There was no wrong, but much wisdom in the aims of the Regulators so far. In 1766, a written protest against the habits of officials was read by Husbands at the Hillsboro County Court. A conference was asked at Mattock's Mill, betw^een the county officials and the wronged farmers; but this was defeated by machinations of Edmund Fanning. He was clerk of the Superior Court, and shameless in his official iniquities. 5. In 1768, a meeting of the Regulators sent Peter Cra- ven and and another man to see the Sheriffs of Orange, and to arrange a conference. While thus engaged, the horse of one of these two envoys was seized in execution. 3. What was the league of the men of Sandy Creek? 4. What did husbands do at Hillsboro Court in 1766? 5. What happened at Jeter 48 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. A rescue soon followed; and Fanning being held re- sponsible for the wanton conduct of the Deputy Slieriff, shots were fired into the roof of his^ house. The Episco- pal rector at Hillsboro interceded, and apparently effected a settlement of the whole matter. (). On that very Sunday night, Fanning induced Tyree Harriss, one of the Sheriffs, to go to Sandy Creek, forty miles away from Hillsboro, and arrest Herman Husbands and William Hunter, wdio w^ere regarded as chiefs of the liegulators. They were carried to Hillsboro on false charges, and there released, after Fanning had extorted from Husbands a pron^^ise to desist from further agitation. 7. On May 3d, 1768, the report of these arrests brought upon Hillsboro a body of several hundred men, under Ninian Bell Hamilton. Fanning and Isaac Edwards, Governor Tryon's private secretary, induced these men to disperse with promises from Tryon. 8. Men were sent to Governor Tryon by the Regulators ill consequence of Edwards' promises ; but His Excel- lency, after disavowing his secretary's authority, only censured the discontented men of Orange, and announced his speedy approach to Hillsboro. 9. He reached the village, and ordered out the militia on absurd rumors of the Regulators intending to attack him. He had volunteered to correct the abuses of which these men complained, but all his movements were now directed against them. He administered oaths to all in his reach ; and having assembled the Council and pro- Craven's conference with the Orange SlierilTs? 6 What dicl Hamilton and Edwards do? 7. How did Governor Tryon fulfill ETl wards' pro- mises ? 8. What hapi^ened in Salisbury and Hillsboro? 9. What GOVERNOR TRYON. 49 cured their endorsement of his recent acts, he set out for the western counties. 10. Having appointed the officers needed for a consid- erable army, he returned with more than a thousand militia to attend the September term of Hillsboro Court, where Fanning stood indicted for extortion and exacting illegal fees, and several of the Regulators for riot. Sev- eral thousand Regulators approached the town and re- quested leave to enter. This was refused by Governor Tryon, unless they should come disarmed. A few sub- mitted to this condition, and saw Colonel Fanning con- victed and fined but a sixpence ; while two of the Regu- lators were punished for riot by six months' imprisonment and a fine of five hundred dollars. Husbands, who was the real author of the Regulation, escaped by an ac- quittal. 11. The Assembly met in November. Colonel Harvey, as Speaker, laid before the House of Assembly the prop- osition of Massachusetts, requesting concert of action to resist the proposed British taxation of the colonies. Gov- ernor Tryon had expended much money in a military display, in running the Cherokee line, and with his late pageant at Hillsboro and the palace he was building ; so the taxes were still further increased. 12. A new Assembly was chosen in 1769, and met at New Bern, October 23d. Governor Tryon announced that the King had no intention of adding to his taxes in America, but would soon diminish those in existence. In a subsequent session, the House of Assembly resolved fresh assurance was given tlie Assembly as to taxation? 3 50 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. that no power existed in the King to tax North Carolina without the consent of the Provincial Legislature. An address was prepared for the throne, and Henry Eustace McCulloh having been appointed English agent was in- structed to present it. 13. These resolves and the address had just been agreed on when the Governor sent a message rebuking the House and actually procured an apology from them for their patriotic coarse. They deplored his intended departure and made themselves ridiculous. 14. When 1770 was come, the Regulators had greatly increased in numbers and violence. They had been mad- dened by the defeat of justice at the Hillsboro trials, and were grown frantic in their movements. They broke up the Court at Hillsboro, and Judge Henderson fled from the town. The lawyers were beaten, and even Judge Moore, who had all along been their recognized friend, acknowledged that in Rowan legal process could no longer be executed. 15. In the Assembly of 1770, Herman Husbands was a member of the lower House. He made a wanton assault upon Judge Maurice Moore, in Davis' newspaper, for which he was expelled from his seat. He was still further pursued by Governor Tryon, who caused Judge Howard to commit him on a bench writ, and the leader of the Regu- lators was immured in New Bern jail. Before his release a great crowd of his supporters had marched to Cross Creek, and intended to liberate him and burn the new 13. Why did Governor Tryon rebuke the House of Assembly? 14. How were the Superior Courts treated in 1770 by the Reoalators? 15. Who was the new member of Assembly from Orange ? 1(3. What GOVERNOR TRYON. 61 palace of the Governor, when they learned he was at lib- erty and they returned to their homes. 16. Tryon was tyrannical but the Regulators had become intolerable. A bill for their punishment in courts other than where they resided, was made a law, and soon in- dictments were found in Craven county against many of their leaders. The Governor was also empowered to raise troops and arrest these men, and, further, to run the lines of the new county of Guilford. Judge Moore and Thomas Barker, the northern Treasurer of the Province, consider- ed this Act unconstitutional and void. Mr. Barker re- :fiised to honor Governor Tryon's drafts for money with which to raise Albemarle's quota of troops, and thus not a man of that section took up arms against the Regula- tors. 17. General Hugh Waddell was sent to Salisburj^ to command the Western Militia in the expedition against the malcontents. On April 24th, 1771, Governor Tryon set out with his army from New Bern. With him were Colonels Richard Caswell, then Speaker of Assembly, Leach of Craven, Craig of Onslow, Thompson of Carteret, and Bryan of Beaufort. Captains John B. Ashe and James Moore, of New Hanover, led a company of Artillery, and Captain Neale, the Mounted Rangers. They were joined in Wake by Col. Hinton, and in Orange by Colonel Fanning and Captain Bullock, of Granville. 18. At Hillsboro, Governor Tryon learned that General Waddell, on three hundred and forty men, had been confronted by greatly superior numbers of the Regulators and forced to return to Salisbury. This was a serious Js Siijd of fche Force Bill? 17. Describe the mUitary movements of 52 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. check to the intended campaign, but the courage and ca- pacity of the Governor was equal to the occasion, and he at once moved to Alamance, in the western portion of Orange, and, after short parley, engaged the men who had promptly assembled to dispute his advance. 19. Herman Husbands was present to prevent peace, but fled the field with the firing of the first gun. The untrained Regulators fought bravely until shattered by artillery and exhausted of ammunition, and then left the scene in disorderly rout. This occurred on May 15th. Governor Tryon hanged some of his prisoners without trial. Others were convicted at a S2:)ecial session of the Superior Court for Orange county, and were also hanged. Oaths were forced on the whole community, and the ter- rified chiefs followed Herman Husbands' example and left the State. The Regulators were utterly crushed. Governor Tryon, a month after the battle of Alamance, left North Carolina to assume the government of New York. There he was soon followed by Edward Fanning who married his daughter. 1771. 18. What caused Governor Tryon to advance so speedily from Hillsboro? 19. What happened at Alamance ? GOVERNOR MARTIN, 53 CHAPTER VIII. A. D. 1771 TO 1774'. Major Josiah Martin succeeds Governor Tryon — Colonel Harvey as Leader of the opposition — Amnesty to the Regulators — State of Provincial Finances— Leading Whigs— Court Laws — The South Carolina Line— 'Correspondence with Virginia— The Second Con- tinental Congress — Colonel Ilarvey calls a Provincial Congress- Governor Martin's Threats— Revolution Approaches— Dissolution of the Assembly — The Provincial Congress elect Caswell, Hooper and Hewes, as delegates to Philadelphia— The Boston Port Bill — Continental Congress— Chatham and America — State of feeling in North Carolina. I' HE conduct of affairs devolved upon James Hazell, ^ upon Governor Tryon's departure. He was soon displaced by the arrival of Major Josiah IMartin, selected by the King as Governor of North Carolina. He was more scrupulous than Tryon, but as obstinate as Dobbs, He resented the assertion of American rights as a personal injury to himself, and acted with studied coldness toward all those who, in the Assembly or elsewhere, went counter to his wishes. 2. Colonel John Harvey, on motion of Richard Caswell of Dobbs county, was again made Speaker, and was, until his death, the acknowledged leader of the Whig party in the Province. The term Whig in that day meant oppo- sition to English claims of light detrimental to America, As in England, the Tories upheld the divine right of Kings to do many things now denied them by all sensible people. Questions —1, Who succeeded Governor Tryon? 2. Who was 54 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ; I 3. Governor Martin advised and procured the passage \ of an act of amnesty and oblivion toward the Regulators, ^ He visited these unfortunate men, and in his dispatches ! bore testimony to the greatness of their provocations, j His only troubles with the Assembly were the English or- \ ders forbidding the issues of i^aper money, and the old ; bone of contention about the attachment law. John Bur- i gwyn, then Ti^easurer, proved that enough had been col- j lected in taxes from the people to pay the provincial debts, i and Samuel Johnston, of Chowan, a nephew of Governor \ Gabriel Johnston, introduced a bill to reduce the poll-tax | which, with the excise on foreign liquors, had been de- 1 voted to discharging the debt in question. Singular was i the course of Governor Martin in opposing this alleviation i of the public burden. 1 4. There were some distinguished men in the Assembly | of 1772. Besides Colonel Harvey, there were Caswell, ' Johnston, Hooper, Waddell, Maurice Moore, Harnett, | Willie Jones, Abner Nash, Joseph Hewes, Thomas Polk, i Abraham Alexander and Thomas Person. These were the Whig leaders, while Judge Howard, DeRossett, Cor- j nell, John Rutherford and McGuire were avowed Tories, j 5. The Assembly of 1773 was principally engaged in a I fruitless struggle with the Governor over the Court Laws, ; Neither the House or His Excellency would yield, and | the result was, no lawful Courts could be held. Governor ' Martin attempted to establish Criminal Courts, but they i were upset by the objections started by ex- Judge IMaurice i Moore. j Whig leader of IS'orth Carolina? 3. What policy divided Governor '' Martin and the Assembl}^ ■? 4. Wliat leading men were in the Assem- ; bly of J772 ? 5, What wixs the principal work of the Assembly of I GOVERNOR MARTIN. . 55 6. There was more ill-feeling engendered by Governor Martin's persistence in running the South Carolina line contrary to the wishes of the Assembly. Thomas Polk and Abraham Alexander were employed on this matter and incurred the grave displeasure of their compatriots. Great services in the future were to atone, however, for their compliance on this occasion with the Tory policy. 7. The Virginia House of Burgesses had resolved on the establishment of committees of correspondence in the dif- ferent colonies. A letter from them on this subject, and also others similar from the Northern Provinces, were laid before the House by Speaker Harvey. The House of As- sembly at once acceded to the proposition, and Mr. Speaker Harvey and Messrs. Caswxll, Johnston, Hewes, Vail, Har- nett, Hooper, John Ashe and Howe, became the perma- nent committee for North Carolina. Their duty was to watch the doings of the English Parliament, and to con- cert with other Provinces in measures of general defence. 8. When 1774 came upon North Carolina the people had resolved to hold another Continental Congress at Phil- adelphia. This step was dreaded by all Governors of the different colonies, but especially by Governor Martin. He intimated to Thomas Biggleston, his private secretary, that he would repeat Governor Tryon's old trick of proro- guing the Assembly, and prevent North Carolina from sending delegates. Biggleston told Colonel Harvey what was intended. The Perquimans statesman was fast sink- ing to the grave with incurable disease, but his resolution took fire at what he had learned. He had long been the 1773? 6. What is said of tiie South Carolina lino? 7. Who were the Committee of Correspondence? 8. What did Biggleston tell 56 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. leader of those who upheld colonial rights, and he resolved at once upon a course full of awful responsibility and peril to himself. 9. Having consulted a few friends, Col. Harvey issued, as Speaker of the Assembly, over his own proper signa- ture, a proclamation calling upon the people to elect mem- bers to a Provincial Congress, which would not be subject to the Governor's orders as to the time of its session. Gov- ernor Martin was furious when he learned this bold move- ment. He summoned his Council and issued procla- mations firmly denouncing the whole thing as treasonable, and forbade the assemblage of any such unlawful body. 10. In spite of threats and proclamations the Assembly of 1774 was supplemented by the new body known as the first Provincial Congress of North Carolina. The Assem- bly and Congress were composed generally of the same men. Colonel Harvey was Speaker of the one and Mod- erator of the other. 11. Revolution, like a decree of Fate, slowly and inevi- tably drew near. The kindred communities of great Bri- tain and America, with so many ties of blood and interest, found that each day was widening the gap of divergence and estrangement. The trouble had begun with the en- forcement of the Navigation Act, but when John Adams had prevailed on America to yield on that subject, King George III. was still resolved on such treatment of Boston as made peace impossible. Thus, in the mere lapse of time, human counsels were confounded, and from increas- ing strife grew larger- opportunity for national and indi- Colonel Harvey ? 9. What did Colonel Harvey do? 10. Who was Moderator of the First North Carolina Congress ? 12. Who were sent GOVERNOR MARTIN. 57 viclual advancement. As of old by shed blood, the world, as well as America, was to be be baptized into a new hu- manity, such as had not entered the dreams or philosophy of the past. 12. When Governor Martin saw how unavailing were all his measures for preventing the meeting of the Pro- vincial Congress he spitefully dissolved the Assembly, but this amounted to nothing. The Congress had already elected Richard Caswell, William Hooper and Joseph Hewes as delegates to Philadelphia. They prepared an address to the King and instructions to the delegates, and, having passed a resolution against the further importation of African slaves, the Congress adjourned November 1st 1774. 13. The Boston Port Bill had taken effect on June 1st. This act of ministerial vengeance had effectually closed the emporium of America. No ship but those of the Brit- ish Navy could enter or leave the sealed harbor. Not a bale of hay could be carried by water, and all movements of water craft were watched and prevented by ships of war. Thousands of sailors and artisans were left to idle- ness and approaching want. The hearts of all America throbbed with pity for the beleaguered city. North Caro- lina sent up substantial help in needed provisions. Four thousand dollars worth was sent at . one time from Wil- mington and the Cape Fear. 14. When, in September, Caswell, Hooper and Hewes met the delegates of all the Provinces save Georgia, there were but three men in America contemplating actual in- as Delegates to Philadelphia? 13. Wliat is said of the Boston Port Bill? 14. What three Aiiierieau Statesmen then contemplated dis- 58 HISTORY OP NORTH CAROLINA. dependence from the Crown. Patrick Henry, William Hooper and Samuel Adams had given utterance to senti- ments to that end. The Continental Congress avowed its lojaltj to the King, and protested devotion to the British Constitution. They were united in determination to resist oppression, but would fain cling to the old order of things. 15. When the results of their deliberations reached England the great Earl of Chatham, in the House of Lords, gave utterance to the following eulogium upon their session : "When your lordships look at the papers trans- mitted us from America, when you consider their decency, firmness and wisdom, you cannot but respect their cause and wish to make it your own. For myself I must own, in all my reading — and I have read Thucydides and stu- died and admired the master states of the world, for solid- ity of reason, force of sagacity, and wisdom of conclusion under a complication of difficult circumstances, no nation or body of men can stand in preference to the General Congress at Philadelphia. The histories of Greece and Rome give us nothing equal to it ; and all attempts to, impose servitude upon such a mighty continental nation must be in vain." 16. The people of North Carolina awaited, in painful suspense, the march of events. Governor Martin went to New York to meet the rulers of the different colonies in their consultation concerning the grave condition of America. The men of the east and those of the west w^ere all resolved to resist wliat they deemed oppression. The victims of Culloden and Alamance shivered as they recall- union of the empire? 10. Wlio in I^orth Carolina were unwilling to resist British encroachments, ainl why? GOVERNOR MARTIN, 59 ed the sufferings they had undergone, and were the only draw-backs upon the general determination. Oaths taken and yet impending penalties for past treason festered their souls and divided them from the men who were prepared to die in defence of a free America. More in sorrow than in anger should the patriots of that day have looked upon these stricken victims of war. In the dispensations of a mysterious providence they were again doomed to attempt the defence of a hopeless cause. 60 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER IX. A. D. 1775 TO 1776. Colonel Harvey calls another Provincial Cono^ress— Governor Martin's Proclamation against it — Meeting of the Congress and Assembly at New Bern — Governor Martin's Speech — Answer of the Bur- gesses — The Continental Delegates Endorsed — Dissolution of Assembly — Richard Cogdell j)uts Governor Martin to Flight — War Begins at Lexington — Effect of the News upon North Caro- lina — The Mecklenburg Declaration — Death of Colonel Harvey — Samuel Johnston calls another Congress— It Meets at Hillsboro — The Regulators make Threats — Johnston Delays the Call for In- dependence—Military Preparations — Cornelius HMrnett. tN February, 1775, Colonel Harvey issued another edition of his printed handbills, calling upon the people of North Carolina to elect delegates to a second Congress, to meet af New Bern at the same time with the Assembly. Governor Martin and his Council were again enraged at the audacious movements of the Speaker. A proclamation commanded the people to abstain from elect- ing such delegates. These orders were disobeyed, and the selected delegates were again saluted, on their arrival in New Bern, in the month of April, with another proclama- tion, which ordered them, on the penalty of the King's displeasure, "to forbear the holding of their intended convention, the election of delegates to Philadelphia, and all such unusual and unlawful purposes." 2. Colonel Harvey triumphed in this ridiculous war of words, and on April 3d, 1775, the second Provincial Con- QUESTIONS. — What did Governor Martin do when Colonel Harvey called another Provincial Congress? 2. Who was made Moderator GOVERNOR MARTIN. Gl gress of North Carolina met at New Bern, in the shadow of the Governor's palace, and again made choice of the previous Moderator, who the next day was likewise elected Speaker of the House of Assembly. 3. Governor Martin, for the last time, scolded the peo- ple's rejDresentatives for their adhesion to the liberties of America. As they gathered, with stern John Harvey at their head, the royal chief-magistrate little dreamed that never again would a British official, in that fair palace, dictate terms to an unwilling people. The perishing fabric of British supremacy was typified in the angry im- potence of Governor Martin, to whose official perplexities was also added a poignant and lasting sorrow from the loss of his son. The strenuous heart of Colonel Harvey sustained his fast-perishing frame, and he went forward in the great work of getting North Carolina into effective co-operation with the other American colonies. 4. The House of Assembly appointed Robert Howe, Samuel Johnston, William Hooper and Thomas McKnight to answer the Governor's address, and they reported a paper of great strength and elegance, which, in indignant terms, refuted his aspersions upon the popular desires and justified the conduct of the American Whigs. Before a single act had been passed, the Assembly was angrily dissolved by Governor Martin, and thus ended the last session of the colonial legislatures. 5. The course of Messrs. Caswell, Hooper and Hewes in the Continental Congress was fully approved, and these and Speaker in 1775? 3. What loss added lo Governor Martin's trou- bles ? 4. Who were appointed to answer Governor Martin's address ? 5. Was the course of the Continental Delegates approved ? 6. What 62 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. able and patriotic gentlemen were again honored by a return to the same distinguished post. ^Ir. Hooper had attracted attention by his brilliant eloquence at Philadel- phia, where he was considered one of the finest orators in America. Richard Caswell was even suf)erior to him in true statesmanship, and was to be supreme in public con- fidence until his death, while still in the people's service. Mr. Hewes was a cultivated and gracious man, but did not equal his colleagues in the breadth and solidity of his powers. Failing health crippled his usefulness and consigned him to a premature grave. 6. Articles of association had been agreed upon at Phil- adelphia, by which an obligation was made to abstain from all commerce with British marts. These were signed by almost every member of the New Bern Con- gress and by the people of the Province generally. Wil- mington and Cumberland were noted for the advanced opinions of their people, although so many men of the latter were to become loyalists in the progress of the Rev- olution. Upon the adjournment of the second North Carolina Provincial Congress, Governor Martin, to over- awe the men of New Bern, placed some pieces of artil- lery in position around the palace. These were seized by Richard Cogdell and the men he influenced, and the ter- rified Governor and his advisers fled at night to Fort Johnston, at the mouth of Cape Fear River ; and thus, after two centuries, British rule had forever departed from North Carolina. 7. The City of Boston had for months past been in a state as of siege. The slow approach of poverty and was (lone in the Second North Carolina Provuicial Cono^ress ? 7. What THE REVOLUTION. 63 despair seemed inevitable to the men and women who have, in all ages of its existence, been so remarkable for enterprise and thrift. At length came, on April 19th, 1775, the fatal encounter at Lexington. We constantly hear of mere accidents greatly more destructive of human life ; but that insignificant skirmish fired the hearts of a continent. Such an occurrence in this genera- tion outstrips the winds in its promulgation. In less than an hour it is known over the Mississippi Valley, across the Rocky Mountains, and along the far-off shores of the Pacific. But the men of the last century had no tele- graphs or railroads, and it was full two weeks after the slain militia men had stiffened in their gore before the people of North Carolina were aroused by the peal of war. 8. Richard Caswell was at Petersburg, in Virginia, on his way to the Continental Congress, when, on May 1st, he met the New England courier hurrying south with the news. Not until the 19th of the same month did the intelligence reach Charlotte, in North Carolina. Colonel Thomas Polk had ordered the Mecklenburg militia to send up delegations to consult as to public affairs. The village on the 20th was swarming with men, who were ere long to be singled out by Lord Cornwallis as " the most disloyal in America." 9. Abraham Alexander had alreadv won consideration as a provincial statesman. He was made chairman of the convention, and Dr. Ephraim Brevard, a recent grad- uate of Nassau Hall, embodied in deathless words the high resolves of the men of Mecklenburg. Nothing but happened at Lexington, Mass., April lOtii, 1775 ? 8. Where did Mr. Caswell meet the news of the battle ? 9. What occurred at Charlotte 64 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. distance prevented the forwarding of substantial aid to Massachusetts; but the indignant patriots at once avowed their independence of control, and resolute enmity to any further governmental connection with Great Britain. 10. This Mecklenburg Declaration was so far in advance of the public sentiment of the colonies, that Jefferson well pronounced it, at a subsequent time, " a gigantic step." It was bold and heroic, and most nobly vindicated in the after conduct of the men who thus early proclaimed their resolution to be free. 11. Alas ! as America rose to armed assertion of her rights the noble and strenuous spirit of John Harvey winged its flight from earth. While danger and uncer- tainty hung over the future, his heart had nerved his fail- ing physical structure to life and activity, but, wdth the certainty of American vindication, the overtaxed energies relaxed and the great man, who had for twenty years con- trolled the struggle for the right, died at his ancestral seat in Harve3^'s Neck of Perquimans county. His early death had been foreseen and provided for. 12. Samuel .Johnston, of Chowan, became the successor of the dead Moderator under a resolution of the last New Bern Congress. He was alike massive in mind and bod}^ A spotless integrity, untiring patriotism and great moder- ation of life, were to be of inestimable value in his long and illustrious course as a public man. He issued a call for a new Congress to Assemble at Hillsboro in August. This body selected Mr. Johnston as Moderator. 13. Certain threats were made on the part of the men on May 20th. 1775 ? 11. What ^reat loader died in June of the same year? 12. Who took his'plaee ? 13. What is said of the course of the THE REVOLUTION. 65 still known as Regulators, to disturb the proceedings. They had been told by emissaries of Governor Martin that unless they sided with the King they would be held liable for the old offenses of 1771. Thirteen members of the Congress were designated to confer with them and procure their aid to the American cause. Governor Tryon's oaths were yet* fresh in their memories, and a few months later showed how ineffectual was the effort to gain them over. 14. William Hooper and others advocated a plan of general and permanent confederation of all the colonies, but the conservatism of Samuel Johnston still hoped for accommodation of the disputes with Great Britain, and defeated their movement until the spring of the next year. 15. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars w^ere voted for militar}^ purposes. The Province was divided into five districts and Colonels Vail, Caswell, Lillington, Wade and Long were selected to the military command in them. These were the militia reserves. 16. Two battalions, of five hundred men each, were or- dered for the continental service. James Moore, of New Hanover, was put in command of one, and Robert Howe, of Brunswick, of the other. These gentlemen were to dis- play great bravery and conduct, and became highly dis- tinguished in the progress of the war. 17. Cornelius Harnett was made chief of the Provincial Council. He had come to Wilmington in Governor Bur- rington's time, and, by zeal and intelligence, had already Regulators ? 14. What did Hooper propose to the Tliird Provincial Con- gress? 15. Who were made chiefs of the military districts? 16. Who were the Colonels of the two first North Carolina Continental Battal- ions? 17. Who constituted the Provisional Government? 66 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. been called the Samuel Adams of North Carolina. His associates in the Provincial Government were Samuel Ashe, Abner Nash, James Coor, Thomas Jones, Whitmel Hill, Thomas Eaton, Willie Jones, Thomas Person, John Kinchen, Samuel Spencer and AVaightstill Avery. To them were committed the whole government and defence of North Carolina. THE REVOLUTION. 67 CHAPTER X. A. D. 1775 TO 1776. Battle of Great Bridge — The Snow Campaign against the Seovilites— Governor Martin stirs up the Highlanders and Regulators — Colo- nel Moore's Strategy— Battle of Moore's Creek — Effects of the Vic- tory — Cornwallis leaves the Cape Fear— Northern Military Ope- rations — The King's feelings to America — Johnston's Conserva- tism — Thomas Jeflferson- Fourth Provincial Congress — Delegates in Philadelphia instructed to propose Independence — Battle of Fort Moultrie — The Cherokee Massaci'e — General Rutherford takes Vengeance. GOVERNOR DuNMORE, of Virginia, like Governor Martin, was, in December, 1775, a fugitive at Norfolk, aiid was seeking to collect the Negroes and Tories of Albemarle to bis support. Colonel Robert Howe marched with the Second Nojrth Carolina Continental Battalion, and some of the militia, to guard against this danger. On the 9tb of December, Colonel Woodford, with the Second Virginia Battalion and the Culpepper Biflemen, defeated His Lord- ship's forces at Great Bridge. On the 11th, Colonel Howe arrived with his North Carolina troops and assumed com- mand. Lord Dunmore was speedily driven from Norfolk, and Colonel Howe was made a Brigadier General for good conduct, 2. About the same time, certain Tories of South Caro^ Una, known as the Scovilites, were making an insurrec- tion against the Whig authorities of the Palmetto State. Colonels Griffith Rutherford, Thomas Polk and James Questions. — Who endangered the Albemarle country in Deceni' ber, 1775? 2, Who were the Scovilites, and what befell them? 68 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Martin raised their militia, and, amid the cold and un- precedented falls of snow, effected a junction with Colonel Richardson, of South Carolina. The Tories were besieged in Ninety-Six and upon their attempted retreat were over- taken and defeated. 3. Governor Martin had been, since his flight from New Bern, lingering in the British sloop-of-war, Cruiser, in the lower waters of Cape Fear River. From this point he had sent out agents to the Scotch Highlanders and the Regulators. These unhappy and mistaken people were informed that in February a formidable British fleet would reduce Wilmington, and their aid was demanded to this end. 4. Colonel James Moore was with the First North Caro- lina Continental Battalion at Wilmington, when he learn- ed that General Donald McDonald was at Cross Creek> and had raised the Royal Standard. The brave and ca- pable AVhig commander at once sent orders to Colonels Caswell of Dobbs, Thackston of Cumberland, James Mar- tin of Guilford, and others, to raise their militia and hurry to the seat of disturbance. 5. On February 19th, Col. Moore took position on Rock- fish Creek, seven miles away from the loyalist camp. There he was reinforced by Colonel Lillington with one hundred and fifty Wilmington minute men, Colonel Ke- nan with two hundred of the Duplin militia, and by Col- onel John B. Ashe with a hundred volunteer rangers. 6. General McDonald soon found Col. Moore was too 3. Where was Governor Martin at this time, and what doing? 4. Who commanded against the HiglUand rising? 5, Where did Col. Moore THE REBELLION. 69 strongly posted to be effectually assailed, and that he was awaiting reinforcements which were rapidly approach- ing on all sides. He was a brave and skillful officer and saw that without prompt movements he was sure to be surrounded in the masterly arrangements of Colo- nel Moore. Daunted by the thickening dangers some of the Regulators quailed and were dismissed with reproaches on their cowardice. 7. Colonel Moore soon divined McDonald's purpose of flight, and sent Lillington and Ashe to occupy Moore's Creek bridge, in the event they were unable to join Colo* nel Caswell who was nearly up with eight hundred men of Dobbs and Craven. It was seen that the Loyalists were seeking to reach the mouth of the Cape Fear River, and Colonel Moore moved his battalion by boats down that stream. McDonald was foiled in his attempt to crush Caswell, and that astute officer hastened to where Lilling- ton and Ashe were already in position, 8. On the evening of February 26th, 1776, Caswell went into camp on the north side of Moore's Creek, This was to deceive McDonald's spies. Late in the night the men were marched over to where Lillington and Ashe were already awaiting the enemy. The planks of the bridge were removed, and no means of crossing left save two log girders which spanned the deep and narrow stream. 9. In the lingering obscurity of the earliest dawn on February 27th, Colonel Donald McLeod, in the place of his sick commander, led the brave Highlanders to a fruit- take position ? 6. What did Gen. McDonald find out? 7. What wei-e Col. Moore's disposition of troops? 8. Where was Col. Caswell Feb. 26th? 9, When did the battle of Moore's Creek occur? 10, Who 70 HISTORY OF NOETH CAROLINA. less assault. The difficulty of crossing and the deadly fire of the Whig marksmen soon slew McLeod and all those who attempted to follow him across tliat bridge of death. 10. As the repulsed Loyalists grew doubtful of the re- suit they were taken in flank by a daring attack under Captain Ezekiel Slocumb, who had crossed his company without orders and created a panic in the already falter- ing Tories. Headlong across the bridge poured the ex- ultant Whigs, and the eighteen hundred Loyalists were driven back to General McDonald's quarters in disorderly rout. 11. There was not a more decisive victory in the whole war. It crushed the King's hopes for years in North Car- olina, and foiled the great armament which soon collected in the Cape Fear. The men of CuUoden had been beaten by tlie riflemen who had never been under fire, and eight hundred prisoners and large quantities of military stores v/ere captured. Colonel ]\Ioore, who planned the cam- paign, nobly justified his promotion as Brigadier General, 12. Lord Cornwallis came with his ships and regiments, but learning of the disaster, and the further &,ct that ten thousand Whigs of North Carolina had risen to oppose the Royal Standard, he soon left the coasts after an inglo^ jious descent upon the plantation of General Howe. 13. It is sad to relate that the exultant Whigs too often forgot mercy and miagnanimity in their treatment of the crushed Loyalists. A singular fatality had long attended the brave and unfortunate Highlanders. They were ex- made the attack on the Tories' flank ? 11. What was Lord Cornwall IW conduct in BrunsNyiok? 13. How were the beaten Highlanders THE REBELLION. 71 iles amid the pines of Cumberland for their generous and uncalculating devotion to the lost House of Stuart, and their very heroism should, like charity, have "covered a multitude of sins/^ 14. The war for Independence had been in progress; more than a year when April, 1776, daw^ned upon the contending armies. General Washington had expelled General Howe from Boston, and though the expedition to Canada was a failure, there was compensation in the Southern defeats of the British movements. The militia of North Carolina, in three Provinces, had crushed the efforts of native Loyalists and the 2:>owerful armaments sent to their aid. 15. King George III. desired, above all things, the sub- jugation of the colonies, and was more unreasonable than Parliament in its assertion of powder over the property and persons of American citizens. He scorned their claims as citizens of the British Empire, and was deaf to every petition and remonstrance sent over to gain his favor. 16. Samuel Jolii^ston had been largely influential in determining the course of affairs up to the time now un- der consideration. His wisdom and purit}" were on all sides acknowledged, and he had already been long in public favor ; but his admiration of British precedents Avas becoming distasteful to men who were resolved on a different polity, and other counsellors were sought. These were Caswell and AVillie Jones. 17. The creative genius of Thomas Jefferson was, in Virginia, leading men to new ideas of human govern- treated ? 14. Wliat was the military condition of affairs at the North? 15. What were King George's feelings toward America? 16. What 72 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. • ment. Absolute religious liberty, separation of Church' and State, liberty of the press, and choice of rulers by thei people at the ballot box, were as original as beneficial to! mankind. These, and kindred novelties, were insisted on^ by the democratic leaders of North Carolina, while Mod-! erator Johnston favored an aristocratic system. i 18. The Fourth Provincial Congress met at Halifax, April 4th, 1770, and the same presiding officer was chosen. , The question of Independence was uppermost in alii minds. On the 8th, Harnett, General Allen Jones/ Thomas Jones, Abner Nash, Thomas Burke, John Kinchin ; and General Person, were made a committee to report on! the subject. Four days later, Chairman Harnett sub-' mitted a resolution in the following words : " That the .. Delegates of this colony in the Continental Congress be J empowered to concur with the Delegates of the other col- ■ onies in declaring Independence, and forming foreign al- \ liances, reserving to this colony the sole and exclusive \ right for forming a constitution and laws for this colony, '' and of appointing Delegates from time to time — under; the direction of a general representation thereof — to meet i the Delegates of other colonies, for such purposes as may | be hereafter pointed out." Thus, in advance of all the j colonies, North Carolina lifted her voice for separation ! and Independence. 19. The North Carolina Continentals, under General ^ Moore, and a brigade of militia under General John Ashe, were sent to Charleston, and were present when Sir Peter \ Parker's fleet was beaten off from its attack upon Fort ' Moultrie. This occurred on June 8th. I ■ ^ i is said of SaniLielJohiiston? 17. Of Thomas JeftVrsoii ? 18. Wliat ! THE REVOLUTION. 73 20. On tlie same day the Cherokee Indians, incited by British agents, fell upon the western settlers and murder- ed two hundred of them. General Rutherford, with Col- onels Thomas Polk and James Martin, marched nineteen hundred men into what is now Tennessee and took ven- geance on the Red Men. 21. With the Philadelphia Declaration of Independence came the resolution in North Carolina to form a perma- nent system of government. This was effected in Decem- ber by a Convention at Halifax, over whose deliberations Richard Caswell presided. He was made the first Gover- nor of the State of North Carolina, and justified, by wis- dom and patriotism, that proud distinction. famous resolution was passed b}^ the Fourth Provincial Congress? 19. What did the Cherokees do ? 21. Who was first Governor of the State of North Carolina ? 74 HISTORY OF XOKTH CAiiOi.fXA. ' CHAPTER XI. .: i; A. D. 17 77 Tf> 17 80. | General Washino:toii as a Military Commander--Governor Caswoll — | " 1 The Continentals sent North —Doat)i>v of General Janies and Jii(l<^e I Maurice Moore — The Assembl}^ — The Jiidi^es — B;«ttles of Brandy- wine, Princeton and Germantown — FoLsonie and the Tories '■ Whitmel Hill and Thomas Benbnry— Jud^e Williams — Monmouth ; — General Sumner — General Howe and the Battle of Savuinali — : Defeat at Brier Creek — Major Murfree and Stony Point — Confis- i cations — Memucan Hunt — Battle of Stono — Caswell takes the . Field. j ^|[|he new year of 1777 came npon North Carolina re- ^^^^ deemed, renovated and disenthralled. Military movements were confined to the North, where General \ Washington, amid the greatest difficulties, was displaying | his superior fitness for the position he had reluctantly ac- ■ cepted at the conjoint request of all the colonies. Patient, ^ vigilant, and often hold, he was fast acquiring fame as a ; military leader, and the world's admiration for the nohil- '■■ ity and grandeur of his character. i 2. Governor Caswell, as the Chief IMagistrate in a new ' and untried system of government, exhibited also aston- ■ ishing fitness for the position. The utmost foresight and ; delicacy were required to harmonize the parties so easily j made discordant. He was versatile as he was }3rofound, < and equally remarkable for his promptness and forbear- \ ance. Idol of the dominant Democrats, he was at the j Questions. — 1. What is said of General Wasliington and army \ movements at the North ? 2. What of Governor Caswell's tirst acl- THE REVOLUTION. 75 same time beloved and trusted by the men who followed Samuel Johnston in his political views. 3. Early in 1777 the North Carolina Continentals were ordered to the support of General Washington in the North. Four other Continental battalions had been raised, and they were soon to acquire a bloody distinction in the war. General James Moore and his brother, Judge Maurice Moore, both died on the same day, in the same house, in Wilmington, and the son-in-law of the latter, Colonel Francis Nash, was made Brigadier General in place of General Moore. The new commander was brother of the conspicuous law3'er and statesman, Abner Nash. 4. The first State Legislature met at New Bern on April 8th, 1777, Abner Nash in the Senate, and Samuel Ashe in the House of Commons, were elected Speakers. Mr. Ashe was the brother of General John Ashe, and the sec- ond son of that John Baptist Ashe who liad been promi- nent in Governor Burrington's time.. 5. In the Fall of the same year there was another ses- sion, in which Samuel Ashe, James Iredell and Samuel Spencer were elected Judges of the Superior Courts, and Waightstill Avery, Attorney General of the State. The Courts continued, as of old, to be held at Edenton, New Bern, Wilmington, Halifax, Hillsboro and Salisbury. 6. When General Washington had retreated from New York and met the British under Howe at Brandywine, the whole of the North Carolina Continentals were with him, and were joined in the battle by Thomas Burke, ministration? 3. Vv^ here were the North Carolina Contuientals sent in 1777? 4. Who were the Speakers of the first State Legislature ? 5. Who were the Jndo-es and Attorney General? 6. What is said of 76 HISTORY OF— NORTH CAROLINA. then a member of the Continental Congress. At Prince- ton a portion were also engaged. At Germantown a bloody and glorious record was made, and on that fatal field, General Nash, Colonel Buncombe and Lieutenant Colonel Irwin were all slain, besides a large number of North Carolina subalterns and privates. 7. The third year of the war found Nortli Carolina still undisturbed by invasion or any sign of rebellion among the lately subdued malcontents. They were, however, but biding their time for wholesale revenge and confusion. Such men as Ebenezer Folsome, by cruelly had widened the gap between them and the Whigs. Gentle and heroic Flora McDonald sadly went back to her native heaths and left Cumberland to its petty feuds and atrocities. 8. In the Assembly of 1778, Whitmel Hill, of Martin, and Thomas Benbury, of Chowan, were the Speakers of their respective Houses. The Democratic element still dominated every portion of the civil service, and their prominent opponents were mostly in retirement. John Penn, of Granville, Cornelius Harnett, of New Hanover, and Thomas Burke, of Orange, were the Delegates to the General Congress. 9. The long suspended Courts were again in full opera- tion. Judge Iredell, of Chowan, resigned and was replaced by John Williams, of Granville. The leading lawyers were William Hooper, Archibald Maclaine, James Iredell, Samuel Johnston, William Sharpe, Abner Nash and Thomas Jones. Indictments for treason were the princi- pal employment of Attorney General Avery. the battles of Brandywiiie and Princeton? 7. What is said of the Highlanders? 8. Describe the Acts of the Assembly of 1778? 9. What is said of the Courts and lawyers ? 10. Who was Speaker of THE REVOLUTION, " 77 10. Such was the strenuousness of the times that two sessions were held in the course of a year by the General Assembly. At Hillsboro, General Allen Jones succeeded Whitmel Hill in the Chair of the Senate, but there was no change in that of the House. The legislation chiefly concerned the Continental ti^oops, the State Seal, and the salaries of civil officers. 11. The North Carolina Continentals were again en- gaged at the well-contested and bloody field of Monmouth, General Lincoln was soon after ordered to Charleston^ in South Carolina, with all the North Carolina battalions but the second and fifth. Colonel Jethro Sumner of the Third North Carolina battalion, was made Brigadier in place of the brave and lamented General Nash. 12. General Robert Howe had been sent to Georgia and was in command at Savannah, He was so unfortunate as to incur the ill-will of Governor Houston of that State, and Christopher Gadsden, of South Carolina, In this way he met with continual opposition and embarrassments so that when the large British force under General Prevost assailed him, there were but one North Carolina battalion of Continentals and enough militia to swell his force to twelve hundred men. After a brave defence Howe was defeated and driven from the field. Among his most re- doubtable assailants was the regiment of North Carolina Loyalists under Colonel John Hamilton, of Halifax. The contest between these and the Continentals was very se- vere. 13. Gadsden's comments on this affair led to a hostile the Senate ? 11. Who was made a General \n place of General Nash ? 12. What is said o| General Robert Howe ? 13, Who had a duel with 78 itlSTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, meeting with General Howe. The latter was transferred to the North and was to win high distinction under the eye of General Washington, He was a brilliant and ver- satile man and was soon made a Major General ajid put in command of West Point on the Hudson River. 14. In the beginning of 1779, General Ashe, with two thousand North Carolina militia, was sent unprepared to Georgia, and was there surprised and defeated by General Prevost at Brier Creek. General Lincoln did not heed General Ashe's remonstrances against this precipitation, and the result was disastrous. The brave old General was so saddened by this misfortune that he left the army and was in no more active service. 15. This defeat at Brier Creek only nerved the General Assembly to order the enrollment of eight thousand fresh North Carolina levies. These w^ere, at the request of the General Congress, to be placed under the command of General Richard Caswell, upon the close of his official service as Governor of North Carolina, 16. In the month of July occurred the brilliant attack upon, and capture of Stony Point. This was a hill on Hudson River, between New York and West Point, and was a strong fortification. General Wayne made his as* sault, with unloaded muskets, just before midnight. Ma- jor Hardy Murfi^ee, of Hertford, led two companies as a forlorn hope in this desperate enterprise. They were both of the Second North Carolina Continental Battalion. Captain John Daves, of Newbern, his second in command, was badly wounded. General Howe? 14, What iiiisfortune occurred at Brier Creek? 15, What was done by the General A^^sembly ? IG. Who led the for- THE REVOLUTION. 79 17. One of the prominent subjects of legislation occu- pying the Assembly of 1779 was the act confiscating the estates of the rich non-residents of North Carolina. Henry E. McCulloh, Sir Nathaniel Dukenfield, and others, had large estates. These were declared forfeited by reason of their being alien enemies. Nations have always acted on the same principle, but the policy is at least of doubtful morality. That mere political opinions should work a forfeiture of property is both unjust and ungenerous. 18. Great issues of State bills of credit were added to those already in circulation, and Memucan Hunt, of Gran- ville, continued as Treasurer of the State. Thomas Burke, William Sharpe, Allen Jones, Harnett, Penn, Whitmel Hill and Hewes, were again elected members of the Con- tinental Congress. 19. Late in the year 1779, the forces at Charleston, un- der General Lincoln consisted mainly of the six North Carolina Continental battalions. By years of service they had become seasoned veterans. AVith these in the centre of his line of battle, and the mounted corps of chivalrous Major Davie on his right, General Lincoln fought the bloody and indecisive battle of Stono. This occurred on October 13th, 1779. The French troops and North Caro- linians participated in the costly and fruitless assault. 20. By the terms of the Constitution of 1776, the Gov- ernor of North Carolina could not continue in office more than three years in any four. Thus it was that Governor Caswell ceased to be the Chief Magistrate at the close of lorn hope at Stony Point? 17. What is said of confiscations? 18. Wiio WQve State Treasnrcr, and members of tiie General Con:^ress? 19. What troops fono-ht the British at Stono? 20. Why did Caswell 80 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. the year. He did not repose upon his laurels, but made ready for further service as Major General of all the North Carolina militia. He was like Colonel Alexander Ham- ilton in the variety and splendor of his service. 21. As a General in the field, main architect of the Con- stitution, as first Governor of the State, as Public Treas- urer and Delegate in the General Congress, General Cas- well was equally brilliant and useful. Few had dreamed thirty years before, that the unfriended Maryland boy, who had just arrived in Orange county, was destined to so noble a career. cease to be Governor? 21. What is said of liis gifts and qualities? N THE REVOLUTION. 81 CHAPTER XII. A. D. 1780. Condition of the State— General Assembly — Abner Kash becomes Governor — Great Levies of Militia — Major-General Caswell — Fall of Cliarleston— Lord Cornwallis — Colonel Buford's Defeat — Ram- senr's Mill— Major Davie and his Battles— The McDowells, Shelby and Sevier— General Howe and Arnold — General Gates — The De- feat at Camden — Sumter's Defeat — The Forlorn Situation — Corn- wallis invades North Carolina — Davies' Heroism at Charlotte. ^^§HERE were no invaders upon the soil of North Caro- ^^^ lina when the year 1780 had come, but everything indicated a change of British operations from the North. A formidable force of them was already in possession of Georgia, and South Carolina was understood to be the next point of attack. 2. The General Assembly met at New Bern, April 17th, and organized, with Colonel illexander Martin, of Guil- ford, in the Chair of the Senate, and Thomas Benbury, of Chowan, in that of the House of Commons. Willie Jones, William Hooper, Thomas Person, Archibald Maclaine, James Coor, Timothy Bloodworth, General Rutherford, Elisha Battle, William Haywood and Colonel Thomas Owen, were the prominent members. Major Joseph Mc- Dowell and Nathaniel Macon were seen for the first time in a deliberative body. 3. Abner Nash was chosen to succeed General Caswell as Governor. He was an able and patriotic man, but was lacking in the deliberation and conciliatory adroitness of Questions — 1. What was the State's condition on January 1st, 1780? 2. Who were Speal^ers and leading men of that Assembly ? 82 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. his predecessor. He had married the widow of Governor Dobbs, and his house at Pembroke, near New Bern, was famous for the elegance and bounty of its hospitality. 4. Great preparations were made against the approach- ing struggle in South Carolina, In addition to the six Continental Battalions then with General Lincoln at Charleston, eight thousand militia were being assembled from all portions of the State, to be under the command of Major General Richard Caswell. Six million of dollars were voted for the coming campaign, and Colonel Benja- min Hawkins was sent, as agent of the State, to procure supplies from abroad. 5. On February 11th, 1780, Sir Henrv Clinton, with an overwhelming force, landed on the Islands below Charles- ton and began the siege of that doomed city. After a brave but unavailing resistance, General Lincoln capitu- lated on May 12th, 1780. Thus all the North Carolina Continentals and a thousand militia of the same State were consigned to captivity. 6. The blow was fearful to the Old North State. Almost the whole of her trained soldiers were thus consigned to military inactivity and could not fire a gun in all the coming stress and agony of Lord Cornwallis' invasion. This able commander at once assumed charge of the movements for subjecting ^outh Carolina to British rule. He was the boldest and most capable of all the King's commanders in America, and was as highly distinguished for his culture and humanity as for the heroism and glory of his career. 3 Who succeeded Caswell as Governor? 4. Who was to command the North Carolina militia? 5. When was Charleston besieged? What vveie the North Carolina losses at the capitulation ? 6. Who THE REVOLTTTION, ' 83 7. As soon as Charleston had fallen, Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton was sent b}^ Lord Cornwallis in search of a column of Virginians approaching Charleston under Colonel Buford. These were surprised at Waxhaw and mercilessly sabred. In this bloody affair Captain John Stokes, of North Carolina, participated with his company, and was terribly mutilated. Colonel Tarleton was the right arm of Lord Cornwallis and was as dangerous as he was merciless in battle. Colonel Buford lost one hundred and nineteen killed, besides many prisoners. 8. The Southern disasters to the patriot cause animated the native Loyalists to fresh hopes of restoring the King's authority. In June, John Moore, Lieutenant Colonel of Hamilton's Tory regiment, collected thirteen hundred men at Ramseur's Mill, where Lincolnton now stands. General Eutherford, with his militia near Charlotte, was then threatened by a forward movement of Cornwallis from Camden. He dared not leave his post, but sent or- ders to Colonel Francis Locke, of Rowan, to embody his militia and disperse the Royalists. 9. On June 20th, 1780, Colonel Locke, with four hun- dred men, fell upon the enemy at Ramseur's Mill, and drove them, routed, from the field, though they outnum- bered his force three to one. It was a bloody and heroic affair, and v/as a foretaste of the resistance the iron men of the west were to manifest until the close of the war. It was a struggle between neighbors and previous friends and carried mourning to hundreds of bereaved firesides. dirt Tarleton surprise at Waxhaw? 8. Who collected the Tories at Ramseur's Mill? 9. Who commanded the men that defeated them ? 84 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 10. Major William E. Davie, with a troop of cavalry and two companies of mounted infantry, was still posted at Waxhaw, on the South Carolina line. He was already distinguished for valor, patriotism and consummate abil- ity. Having been reinforced, Major Davie captured a wagon train, near the British post at Flat Rock. Again at Hanging Rock he intercepted and cut to pieces three companies under the very noses of the garrison. Both these affairs occurred in July. 11. On the 6th, the attack was made on Hanging Rock. This entrenched camp was garrisoned by five hundred men under Major Garden. Colonel Sumter joined in this enterjDrise, and shared in the glory of plundering the cap- tured encampments. 12. There were other North Carolinians who came to the rescue, when not a Continental soldier was left to de- fend the State. Colonel Charles McDowell and his brother, Major Joseph McDowell, Colonel Isaac Shelby, and Colo- nel Sevier, with rare heroism, on August 13th, defeated the Tories at Musgrove's Mill, while hundreds of British regulars, under Major Ferguson, were close at hand. Thus, wholly unaided by the Continental authorities, did the bold men of the mountains resist the advancing tide of British invasion. 13. General AVashington was induced about this time to replace Major General Robert Howe, of North Carolina, by Benedict Arnold, as commandant at the all-important post of West Point. This foul traitor had persuaded various members of the General Congress to aid him in his base 10. Who commanded in the attacks upon Flat and Hanghig Rock ? 12. What befell the Tories at Muso^roves' Mill ? 13. Who tried to give THE KEVOLUTION. 85 scheme of betraying the stronghold of his countn^ into the hands of the enemy. It was sad that one so trusted could stoop to such infamy, but sadder that it cost the life of the brave and lamented Major Andre. He was an officer sent to confer with Arnold, who was captured and hanged as a spy. 14. Upon the fall of Charleston, Genera] Horatio Gates was sent to command the military department of the South. He had won reputation for his victory at Sara- toga, but was neither a great or wise man. On July 25th, Gates reached the camp of Baron DeKalb on Deep River. There were two battalions of Continentals from Maryland and Delaware, Colonel Armand's Light Horse, and three companies of artillery, at this point. 15. With these troops, and some slight reinforcements which overtook him on the route. General Gates two days later, set out upon a march to Cheraw, in South Carolina. There General Caswell was posted with a considerable portion of the North Carolina militia. August 15th, Gen- eral Gates marched with the purpose of surprising the British at Camden. In the dead of the night his col- umn collided with the enemy, who were as ignorant as General Gates of the presence of their foes. Colonel Ar- mand in front, recoiled upon and confused the troops in his rear, which threatened a general panic. Porterfield, Armstrong and the North Carolina light infantrv pressed forward and checked the enemy's advance on both sides of the road. Both armies halted and awaited daylight to renew the battle. 16. With the earliest dawn Cornwallis sent the British West Point to the British ? 14. Who was the new Southern command- 80 HISTORY OF NORTH CAKOLIXA. regulars, with fixed bayonets upon the militia, tliat fled outright before the advancing lines of steel. The few Continentals, Avith Dickson's North Carolinians, bravely held their own at fearful disadvantage until their uncov- ered left flank was supported by General Smallwood with the reserves, when the eliemy fell back and this remnant of the American Army left the field. 17. The victory of Cornwallis was complete. Two thou- sand Americans were killed, wounded or prisoners. All the artillery and wagons were captured, and such was General Gates' demoralization that he spurred on to Hills- boro, more than two hundred miles away, in three days. General DeKalb was slain, and General Rutherford and Colonels Lockhart and Geddy were numbered among the prisoners. As if this terrible blow was insufficient, Tarle- ton surprised and routed, four days later, the eight hundred inen in the command of General Sumter. Major Davie had warned him of his danger all in vain. 18. It is impossible to realize the forlornness of the American cause in the South. With no organized force but the few troopers with Davie, the Assembly w^ent reso- lutely to work to meet Lord Cornwallis as he came. Again cruel mismanagement had scattered the means of South- ern defence. There was no faltering in support of tlie good cause and troops were hurried toward Charlotte. 19. The troopers of Col. Davie awaited the coming in- vaders at Waxhaw while Generals Sumner and Davidson were near by with North Carolina militia. In September, Lord Cornwallis, having sent Major Ferguson to the West, er? 15. Wli:it is saia of the battle of Camden? 17. What were the Ainericau losses? 19. AVhat happeiied at Charlotte? THE REVOLUTION. 87 moved on Cliarlotte. At Captain Wahab's farm, near Waxliaw, Colonel Davie struck his first blow upon the advancing enemy, but in the streets of Charlotte, with less than two hundred men, he repeatedly drove back the boasted troopers of Tarleton, and for a considerable time, held in check the whole British army. Major Joseph Graham, his companion in this glorious feat, was terribly wounded, but Davie was skillful as he was daring and safely withdrew his command from its perilous encounter. 88 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, m GENERAL JOSEPH GRAHAM. CHAPTER XIII. A. D. 1780 TO 1781. Affair at Mcliityre's— Battle of King's Mountain— General Greene Assumes Command —State Efforts for Defense — General Morgan sent West — Party Struggles cease among the Whigs — Mutiny in the Northern Army — Battle of Cowpens- The Long Retreat — Generals Greene and Morgan— Death of General Davidson — Affair at Torrence's Tavern — The Retreat Ends— Major Graham's Affair at Hart's Mill— Colonel P3de's Hacking Match— Lieutenant Colonel Webster— Battle of Guilford Court House. ftoL. Davie's daring feat at Charlotte jirepared Lord I Cornwallis for the desperate resistance to be expected upon his further advance into North Carolina. He had gone just sixteen miles into the State and halted for THE REVOLUTION. 89 tidings of Major Ferguson in the west. While thus awaiting, parties were sent out to collect subsistence from the surrounding country. One of these, numbering four hundred men, was attacked by militiamen, under George Graham, a brother of the brave Major Joseph Graham, then disabled with many wounds. The British foragers w^ere driven into confusion, and finally utterly routed, fled to Charlotte, with heavy loss. This occurred at Mc- Intyre's farm. 2. Major Patrick Ferguson was the ablest of all the British partisan officers. To great skill in his profession he added dauntless courage and magnetic power over the men he sought to influence. With one hundred and fifty British regulars, he was posted at Gilbert-tow^n, where a thousand Tories had joined him, when he found that the men of the mountains were gathering against him. He sent couriers for assistance, and retreated to King's Moun- tain, on the South Carolina line. On October 7th, Col- onels McDowell, Cleavland, Shelby and Sevier, of North Carolina, having magnanimously yielded the command to Colonel Campbell, of Virginia, and having been joined by Colonel Williams, of South Carolina, proceeded to the assault of the daring chief, who had told the Loyalists that they were in position from which there was no possi- bility of driving them. 3. The bold riders dismounted from the saddles in which they had been continuously for thirty hours of drenching rain. The mountain was surrounded, and from all sides so deadly a fire saluted the British that the 1. What happened at Mclntj-re's farm? 2. Describe the battle of Khig^'s Mouatain. 3. What became of the British engaged? 4. What 90 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. desperate charges of the regulars were unavailing. Major Ferguson was slain, and his entire force killed, wounded or cajDtured. 4. This was one of the most complete victories of the war. It so ])affled the aims of Lord Cornwallis that he retreated at once to Wynnsboro, in South Carolina ; and for a second time the greatest of the English captains re- tired without laurels from attempted invasion of the Old North State. Cornwallis had been in command of the land forces that entered Cape Fear River in 1776. 5. Nine hundred of the mountain militia had thus ut- terly crushed eleven hundred and fifty of the enemy. The whole of the British loss was more than two hun- dred killed, beside the prisoners. The Whigs mourned for Colonel Williams, Major Hambrite, Major Chronicle and Captain Mattocks, with fifty-three privates. 6. On December 6th, General Gates, in general orders, announced the arrival of General Greene, and the assump- tion by the latter of the command of the military depart- ment of the South. Temporary deliverance had followed upon the brave movements of the militia at King's Moun- tain, but a greater assurance of ultimate success was implied in the fact of the presence and conduct of Na- thaniel Greene. With the single exception of Washing- ton, he was the greatest and most capable of the American generals. He was still young ; but to serenity in danger and entire devotion to the patriot cause, he added such qualities as mark and adorn the greatest of warriors. He could face danger and prepare for defeat. Under his did Coi-nwallis do on the reception of the news? 5. Wiio were slain? 6. Who succeeded General Gates, and what is said of the new com- THE REVOLUTION, 91 guidance, North Carolina was no more to see years of preparation wasted on a single and irretrievable battle. 7. The utmost alacrity was seen in arming and collect* ing men in the State for the renewed advance of Lord Cornwallis. The poverty of the Commonwealth as to means of subsistence and military equipments caused thousands to be returned to their homes after being started to the seat of war. The men under Generals Allen Jones and Isaac Gregory were thus disbanded after being en- rolled. General Greene divided the force near Charlotte, and General William L. Davidson was left in command there, while the remainder of the militia were sent to Cheraw, under General Jethro Sumner. 8. With a view of easy subsistence and to watch the foe, General Morgan, of Virginia, with his own riflemen and the North Carolinians of Major McDowell, was sent across the South Carolina line, and took position near Cowpens, 9. In the presence of the great and common danger, the party troubles of North Carolina sank out of sight, Sam- uel Johnston had been defeated for a place in the General Assembly for several years past; but both he and his rival, Willie Jones, were elected in 1780 as members of the Continental Congress, William Sharpe, of Rowan, Thomas Burke, of Orange, and Wliitmel Hill, of Martin, were continued as delegates to the same body. 10. General Ariiold's treason added much to the gloom and distresses of the American people. It suggested mander? 7. What was done to replace the armj- lost at Camden? 8. Where were new posts establislied? 9. How did dan<^er act upon the party divisions among the Wliigs of J^orth Carolina? 10, Who 92 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, doubt where trust was all-important, and added to a growing spirit of insubordination in the main army with General Washington. The shameful conduct of the Pennsjdvania Continental line was sought to be repeated b}^ the troops of New Jersey ; but the commander-in-chief w^as determined to arrest the evil. General Robert Howe was ordered with enough force from the Hudson, and soon order was restored. 11. General Daniel Morgan was posted on Broad River, in South Carolina, when, on January 17th, 1781, Tarle- ton, with eleven hundred British regulars, attacked him at Cowpens. Morgan had three hundred Continentals and five hundred militia, chiefly North Carolinians, under Major Joseph McDowell. The bold riders of the Legion, with their chief in the lead, made a gallant assault, but were met with a valor so unyielding, that the discomfited assailants becoming disordered, their defeat became over- whelming, when Lieutenant Colonel AVilliam Washing- ton, with the American Light Horse, fell upon them with their sabres. Tarleton lost five hundred and two prison- ers, one hundred and ten dead, and two hundred wounded, The routed British were pursued for twenty-four miles, 12. General Morgan, with his prisoners, at once started for retreat. He knew that Cornwallis would be mad- dened, and seek to repair the disaster. The captured stores were destroyed and the wounded left under a flag of truce. The British army was at Turkey Creek, twenty- five miles from Cowpens, when the news came of Tarle- ton's overthrow, and the race for life began. crushed the mutiny in the Army of the North ? 11. Describe the bat- tle of Cgwpens. 12. Why did Morgan retreat? 13. What liappened THE REVOLUTION. 93 13. For twelve days the flying victors pressed on, until they reached Island Ford, on Catawba River. As the sun had nearly gone for the day, Brigadier General O'Hara appeared with the vanguard of the pursuing British. Lord Cornwallis had overtaken the weary Americans, and felt assured of their capture the next da}^ This short delay in crossing saved General Morgan, That night the rain fell in torrents, and the Catawba was so swollen in the morning that for two days there was no means of crossing. 14. General Morgan sent the militia on with the pris- oners, but turned with the regulars down the left bank of the river, and met General Greene at Sherrill's. There a serious disagreement ensued between the two as to what should be the line of retreat, and General Morgan soon left the service. 15. General Greene in the two days of grace consequent upon the freshet, posted troops at Beattie's and Cowan's Fords to resist the crossing of the British. At the latter point, General William Lee Davidson, with the Mecklen- burg and Rowan militia, bravely encountered the British, and slew Colonel Hall and forty of his men ; but General Davidson was killed, and his men retreated. He was a great loss to the cause he so faithfully served. 16. The militia, thus deprived of their wonted leader, w^ent on six miles and halted at Torrence's Tavern. Here they were speedily assailed by Tarleton and dispersed, wdth small loss. They waited till the next day, when the British army was passed by toward Salisbury, when they at Island Ford? 14. What at SheiTilPs? 15. Who was killed at Cowan's Ford? 16. What was done at Torvence'.s T;\vera ? 17, 94 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, collected and selected General Andrew Pickens as tempo- rary leader. 17. General Greene was again blessed by an opportune { rise of the Yadkin River. Cornwallis was forced to turn ] up the stream, while the Americans pressed on to join the i forces from Cheraw, at Guilford. The pursuit was by no i means yet abandoned. The British Earl made for the ; upper fords of Dan River, and supposed that Greene's ^ escape was impossible at Boyd's Ferry. But he was soon ; to find that General Greene had made abundant prepara- \ tions, and was safely confronting him across the wide and \ impassable river. ^ 18. Thus ended this famous and masterly retreat. It i had extended over a space of tvvo hundred and thirty i miles, and at once established General Greene's fame as a j great captain. North Carolina found that all her men \ and preparations were not to be wasted b}" rash and in- I competent leaders, as at Charleston and Camden, and \ took fresh heart in the contest. \ 19. The British retired to Hillsboro, where the royal ] standard was erected and proclamations sent out, calling ! upon the people to submit to the King. General Pickens, | with the militia, followed their march, and was watching, '\ on Stoney Creek, when Major Joseph Graham, then just recovered of his wounds, captured the picket at Hart's Mill, a mile and a half from Cornwallis' headquarters, \ The daring partisan, with twenty-five prisoners, reached ■ Pickens just before Colonel Henry Lee, of Virginia, with j his famous dragoons, came up. I What \va.« the result of the lonij: retreat? 18. V/a? General Greene ; applauded? 19, Who beat up the British at Hart's Mjll? 20, Dc' | THE KE VOLUTION. 95 20. On the next day, six hundred Tories, under Colonel John Pyle, rode upon the Americans, seeking for Tarle- ton. The unhappy Loyalists only discovered their fatal mistake when the sfleam of hostile sabres followed the bugle's order to charge. In a few moments ninety of them lay dead upon the field, and almost all had been cut doAvn. It was a piteous and horrible slaughter. 21. General Greene had been reinforced, and crossing the Dan River, came back to give Lord Cornwallis his long-sought opportunity of battle. The brilliant courage of Lieutenant Colonel Webster at Whitsers !Mill was shown in a fruitless effort of this British officer to cut off the American ad\j&nQe, under Colonel Otho H. Williams, of Maryland. 22. On the 22d of March, the British attacked General Greene at Guilford Court House. The militia in the first line of battle gave way, and, Avith the exception of a bat- talion from the Hawfields, did not reflect any credit upon North Carolina. But the second and third lines so bravely met the British advance, that a full third of the invaders were lost in carrying the field. gcribe Colonel Pylc's "''Hacking Match.'" 22. What is said of the biit- tie of Guilford Court House? 96 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER XIV. A. D. 1781 . Lord Corinvallis rctreals to Wilmin»l? 6. What was done for the North CarolUia Conti- nentals'? 7. What two hi w vers first became famous in the tiials for treason at Salisbury ? 9. Wlio sent the first news of peace to America? 10. What is said of the Assembly of 1783 ? 12. What feelings still con- CtOVernor buhke. 107 11. A half million of dollars were voted to pay off the State's Continentals, and for redemption of outstanding bills. A land office was established in what is now Ten- nessee, and Colonel Martin Armstrong was made Surveyor for the State. Anthony Bledsoe, Absalom Tatom, and Colonel Isaac Shelby, as Commissioners, had already laid off the lands voted the officers of the Continental line. Willie Jones, Ben McCulloh, and Henry Montfort, all of Halifax, were constituted a Board of Audit to settle the soldiers' claims. 12. With the departure of the British troops from New York and Charleston, under the treaty of peace, there were many Loyalists who returned to their old homes in North Carolina. It had been agreed that these men should not suffer for their adhesion to the King; but too often the memory of past violence on their parts stirred up thoughts of revenge. The heat of conflict had been too great and recent for deliberate justice in the hearts of the triumphant Whigs. Even Judge Iredell, in drawing up the Edenton Resolutions, expressed the opinion that such refugees should not be permitted to return. 13. The great political desideratum was some certain means of support of the General Government of the Uni- ted States. It was not only unable to pay the accrued in- terest on the war debt, but could not levy a dollar for cur- rent expenses. General Washington sent a circular letter to Governor Martin and the other executives of the States, but his a2)peal was unheeded, and the Articles of Confed- eration became of no account, in the helplessness of the fabric they had create^d. tinned to Loyalists ?r 13, What is said of the wants of the General 108 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 14. Ruthless mobs in Philadelphia attempted to over- awe the Congress, and General Robert Howe, as his last conspicuous military act, brought them, by force, to a proper respect for constituted authority. Benjamin Haw- kins, Abner Nash, Hugh Williamson, and Richard Dobbs Spaight, were, at this time, elected members of the Na- tional Legislature. 15. On January 14th, 1783, the glad tidings of peace and independence were authoritatively proclaimed by Thomas Mifflin, President of the Continental Congress, and the United States assumed its position among the na- tions of the world. A new people, baptized in their own best blood, were about to commence the solution of many problems in human government. Mankind, already at- tracted by the character of General Washington, awaited further developments, and acknowledged that in him and his coadjutors the dignity of the whole human race had been magnified. 16. With the full assurance of Independence to the Whigs in North Carolina, came a feeling of deeper hostil- ity toward the late Loyalists. Many of these, trusting in the recent treaty stipulations, retained lawyers to de- fend their titles to confiscated property, and thus arose a wide resentment toward the legal profession. However, this feeling did not exist in the eastern counties. Colonel John Hamilton, who had so bravely led his regiment in the war on the side of the King, went back to full recog- nition and companionship in the cultivated circles at Hal- ifax. He and Willie Jones were close friends. Colonel Government? 14. Who quelled the Philadelphia mob? 15. When was peace declared by President Miftlin? 16. What is said of John DEATH OP GOVERNOR BURKE. 109 Hamilton had been noted for his kindness to all Whigs captured and amenable to his friendly offices. 17. The feeling against the lawyers was particularly bitter in the hearts of a large number of the returned Con- tinental officers. The Society of the Cincinnati for the State met at Hillsborough April 18th, and elected Gene- ral Sumner as President. Colonel Lyttle, Major Reading Blount, and Major Griffith J. McRee, were sent as dele- gates to a general meeting at Philadelphia. The lawyers had their revenge in producing public distrust of this ex- clusive and aristocratic movement. 18. Governor Burke, weighed down by physical infirm- ities and sorrow, died a few days before Christmas, and was mourned by a large number of admiring and devoted friends. His services and misfortunes atoned for all his mistakes, and his generosity was only remembered. There is but little doubt that mental anguish caused his death. 19. The State elections of 1784 turned principally upon the terms of the British treaty in regard to absentees. Governor Nash and General Rutherford were leaders of those who disregarded the national engagements as to the Loyalists ; Johnston, Hooper, and Judge Iredell, were of opposite sentiments. 20. Another exciting topic was the proposition to change the Articles of Confederation so as to allow Con- gress to levy a tax of five per cent, on foreign importa- tions. The General Government, as first formed, could not levy a cent, and was wholly dependent upon the in- dividual States for the means of its existence. Hamilton? 17. How did the lawyers incur oclkim ? 18. What killed Governor Burke ? 19. W}iat political questions divided the people in 110 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 21. In addition to the feud between the lawyers and inilitary men, bad feelings arose between Judge Ashe and certain members of the Bar, headed by John Hay. The quarrel was bitter and protracted, but ended in the dis- comfiture of the Cumberland jurist. 22. The Assembly met at Hillsboro, April 9th, 1784, "with Governor Caswell and Thomas Benbury as Speakers. Messrs. Johnston, Hooper, Maclaine, Willie and Allen Jones, Nash, Hill, Bloodw^orth, Coor, Rutherford, Starkey, William Blount, Macon, Johnson, Lenoir, Person, Rid- dick, and Mebane, were well known by previous service ; but Colonel Davie, Colonel John B. Ashe, and Stephen Cabarrus, w^ere debutants in an arena in wdiich they were all to grow famous. 23. The General Government received North Carolina's assent to the request of power to levy imports. The State's delegates in Congress were likewise instructed to tender to the General Government the Western Territory belong- ing to North Carolina. This magnificent gift which ulti- mately became the State of Tennessee, was not accepted at the time, and the attempted munificence, as will be seen, gave trouble to the mother State. 24. As a further benefit to distinguished officers of the late Continental line, it was enacted by this Legislature that John AValker, Charles Bruce, Archibald Lyttle, Nich- olas Long, Hardy Murfree, and G. J. McRee should be Commissioners to sell the lands confiscated as the property of absentee Loyalists. The fifth article of the Treaty of 1784? 21. What is said of Judge Ashe and John Hay ? 22. Who pre- sided in the Assembly of 1784? 23. What did the Assembly offer the General Government? \ CONFISCATION. Ill Paris Was thus disregarded by North Carolina, as in other States, and was England's pretext for retaining possession of the western forts, and other violations of the compact. 25. The forgiveness of injuries is the noblest but most difficult of human virtues. The men of this day would be apt to repeat this selfish and angry course of the vic- tors of the last century. It may be that greed and resent- ment will ever control human legislation, but it were far better to forget in peace the feelings engendered in war, and to cease from the punishment of individuals for the acts of whole communities. 112 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER XVI. A. D. 1785 TO 1788. Richard Caswell attain becomes Governor — The General Governtiient Declines the gift of Tennessee — Colonel Sevier attempts to make the new State of Frankland — Governor Caswell's Proclamation — Colonel Tipton — Assembly of 1785 — Troubles of the Confedera- tion — The Annapolis Convention Proposes a Convention of all the States— Con^^ress Ratifies the Proposition — Assembly of 1786 — Troops sent West — Delegates to the Philadelphia Convention — Death of General Howe — Madison and Hamilton Advocate Differ- ent Systems for the New Government — Judge Ashe's Decision in Bayard ard Wife vs. Singleton — The United States Constitution agreed upon at Philadelpliia — Tiie Feelhig in North Carolina — Assembly' of 1787 — Samuel Johnston becomes Governor — Members of Congress — Convention to Consider the United States Constitu- tion Ordered— Tlie Elections — Tiie Hillsboro Convention and non- Ratification. ^^|iCHARD Caswell again became Governor of North ^^P> Carolina in 1785. William Blount and John Sitgreaves of Craven, Timothy Blooclworth of New Han- over, Acllai Osborne of Rowan, and Charles Johnston of Chowan, were chosen Delegates to the General Congress. Memucan Hunt was continued as State Treasurer. 2. North Carolina, in noble unselfishness, had tendered the struggling government of the United States her mag- nificent Western Territory, as a free gift. The course of the New England States had thwarted this act of intended munificence. Congress, through policy, declined the gift until wiser counsels should prevail. 3. That wdiich had only been intended for the national good became a source of trouble and danger to the State, GOVERNOR CASWELL. 113 Colonel John Sevier, by brave service in the war and elo- quence in his addresses, persuaded the settlers in the new country that self-respect required them to assume control of their own affairs ; for that North Carolina, in the offer of cession, had renounced all care and control of them. 4. In consequence a Convention met at Greenville in November, 1785, and erected a State Government, with Sevier as Governor. Governor Caswell issued a procla- mation declaring the proposed State of Frankland abor- tive, and only the outgrowth of rebellion. Colonel John Tipton and a large party upheld North Carolina's claim to jurisdiction, and, in this way, strife and bloodshed were the results of the Old North State's devotion to the com- mon good. 5. The General Assembly met in New Bern in Novem- ber, 1785, and selected ex-Governor Martin as Speaker of the Senate, and Richard Dobbs Spaight, of Craven, Speaker of the House. Robert Montgomery, of Hertford, and Jesse Franklin, of Surry, were, for the first time, members. Amnesty was voted for Sevier and his supporters, and as- surance given that North Carolina would protect the peo- ple of the West until they were in fit condition for sepa- rate government. B. Each day was demonstrating the futility of the Ar- ticles of Confederation. The General Government, under its provisions, could borrow money and create debt, but Questions. — 1. When did Richard Caswell a second time become Governor of N'orth Carolina? 2. What prevented the acceptance of tlie State's oifer of the Western Territory ? 3. What was the effect .upon the people of tlie West? 4. Who led in the movement to create the State of Frankland ? 5. Who were Speakers and new members 114 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. could not levy a dollar to meet such a liability. The mode of assessing the several States to pay off the general indebtedness was, that each should contribute according to its relative value of real estate. There was a proposi- tion in 1785 to substitute population for this test. White people and free blacks were to be counted according to "their real number, but only three-fifths of the slaves were to be computed. This rule was to become one of the great compromises of the Constitution of 1787. 7. With the coming in of 1786, four years had passed since the cessation of hostilities. With the removal of foreign restraint came unhappy jealousies among the in- dividual States. England neglected her promised cession of the western forts, and New Jersey refused any contri- bution to the general expense until New York should ac- cede to the proposed imposts. To the wisest and best men of that day the future was full of painful uncertainty. Grand prospects and opportunities seemed hourly to grow more remote and impossible. Jealousy and selfishness seemed to grow upon the individual States, while suspi- cion and calumny continually poisoned the public mind. The Society of the Cincinnati was at best a social broth- erhood, but was denounced as a conspiracy against the liberties of the people. The very men who had achieved the freedom of America were accused of a plot against it. 8. These divisions and contentions led to the Annapo- lis Convention, in which the States of Virginia and Mary- land met to adjust matters peculiar to themselves. This of the Assembly of 1785 ? 6. What is said of tlie weakness of the'Ger- eral Government? 7. What were the feeiiiios and conduct of the States under tlie Articles of Confederatiou '? 8. Wliat is said of tlie GOVERNOR CASWELL. 115 was on September 11th, 1786, Before final adjournment, they resolved to recommend to the General Congress a Convention of all the States. Congress approved the sug- gestion and thus originated the present government of the United States. 9. The General Assembly met at Fayetteville, Novem- ber ISth, and organised with James Coor, of New Bern, as Speaker of the Senate, and John Baptiste Ashe, of Hal- ifax, in the House of Commons. Mr. Coor had long been prominent for talent and wealth, He was not an orator like Colonel Ashe, but of consummate prudence and tact as a politician, The Speaker of the House was of a fam- ily long noted for patriotism, valor and ability, He was one of the six Ashes who had served in the late war. 10. Governor Caswell directed attention to the condi» tion of affairs in the west, and three companies were or^ dered to be raised for service in the disaffected region. The declared reason for their enrollment was to defend the settlement against Indian incursion, but more proba- bly they were to aid Tipton in his contest with Sevier, 11. In consequence of the recommendation of the General Congress, five Delegates were chosen to represent North Carolina in the Convention which was to meet in Philadelphia in the following May. These were Richard Caswell, William B. Davie, Alexander Martin, Willie Jones and Kichard Dobbs Spaight. Messrs. Caswell and Jones declined the high honor thus tendered, and Dr. Hugh Williamson, of Chowan, and William Blount, of Craven, took their places. Willie Jones disliked any of- fice but his place in the Assembly. Annapolis Convention? 9, Wlio were Speakers in the Assembly of 116 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, 12. General Kobert Howe was elected a member of this Assembly but sickeiied and died on his w^a}^, at the house of General Thomas Clark, General Howe had attained j high distinction in arms and was greatly respected, both | as a soldier and statesman, 13. Timothy Bloodworth, William Blount, Benjamin ' Hawkins, and Alexander White, were elected by the As« \ sembly as membei^s of the Continental Congress, j 14. The new 3'ear, 1787, dawned with gracious portents ! upon America. Division and consequent impotence were ] soon to be replaced by wisdom, concert and the most won-. ) derful material growth seen at any age of the world. Two i great men in America headed the parties who differed as \ to the form and features of the new government, James j Madison contended for popvilar power and lai'ge reserved I rights in the States ; while Colonel Alexander Hamilton ' advocated a strojig central power and small control in th© \ people, I 15. Much excitement was observable in 1787, over aU i leged frauds by the military commissioners, At a Special i Court, held at Warrenton, Benjamin McCulloh, one of the ' Commissioners, and three other men, were convicted and i heavily fined ancl imprisoned. • 16. The omnipotence of the British Parliament had I been often asserted, and many men in North Carolina j held that no power existed in the Courts to annul a stat" ; ute of the Assembly, This doctrine was overthrown in i ■ ■■ j 1786? 10. Wliat was done as to the West? 11. Who were elected ! Delegates to Philadelphia ? 12. Who was General Howe, and where \ did he die? 14. Who were leaders of American opinion as to the fea- \ tares of the proposed new government? 15, Who was convicLeU of j GOVERNOR CAS^YELL. 117 the celebrated decision of Judge Samuel Ashe, in the case of Bayard and wife against Singleton. The Assembly had attempted to prevent all persons from suing for con- fiscated property, which act was declared by the Court to be unconstitutional and void. 17. The Convention in Philadelphia, after elaborate de- bate and deliberation, agreed upon a Constitution for the United States which was to be submitted to the several States and to be of force on those acceding to its provisions after being ratified by nine of the States, 18. Judge Iredell was the most conspicuous and labo- rious advocate of the new government, in North Carolina, His wife's brother, Samuel Johnson, and William Hooper, Colonel Pavie, Maclaine, Genei-al Allen Jones and R. D, Spaight, w^ere all leaders in the same direction, Willie Jones was unquestionably the head of those who at once resolved that North Carolina should not ratify the pro-* posed Constitution until largely amended. 19. In the Assembly of 1787 ex-Governor Martin presided in the Senate, and John Sitgreaves, of Craven, in the House, This was the first appearance of Major Joseph AVinston, of Surry. He had been a gallant leader at King's Mountain and elsewhere, and, witli Waightstill Avery and Colonel William Lenoir, had arranged the In- dian treaty of Long Island of the Holston, William, Barry Grove of Cumberland, Colonel Nathan Bryan of Jones, and General Thomas Wynns of Hertfoi'd, were also enjoying their first political experience, 20. General Caswell again retired from the executive fraud? 16. What did Jud ' GOVERXOR WILLIAMS. 143 CHAPTER XX. A. D. 1800 TO 1805. President Jefferson and tlie Alien and Sedition liaws— Assembly of 1800 — William Gaston — Jiidi^e Stone — Congr-essmen — Legislature of 1801 — Judges Sitgreaves and Potter— Assembly of 1802— Death of Governor Spaight — Whitney and the Cotton Gins — The Bertie Tnscaroras — Sedition among the Slaves— Members of Congress — Governor Johnston — Judge Locke — William Cherry and Freder- ick Nash — Re-election of Jefferson — Congressmen — T^ouisiana — Governor Alexander — ^General Wellborn — French Infidelity and the Great Revival of 1802. (^SpHE great Presidential struggle of the year 1800 re- ^^, suited in the election of Thomas Jefferson. The Alien and Sedition Laws were repealed, and the Federal- ists went out of power for all time. Mr. Jefferson was by no means so strict in his views as to the duty of adhering to the letter of the Constitution, when in the office of President, as he had been while leading the opposition, and was to acquire territory and transact other high state measures, for which there was no direct warrant in the or- ganic law\ 2. The Legislature of North Carolina met on Novem- ber 17th, 1800, and selected General Riddickj of Gates, as Speaker of the Senate, and Stephen Cabarrus, of Chowan, Speaker of the House. William Gaston, of New Bern, then twenty-two years of age, was first serving in a public capacity. His Roman Catholic faith was not shared by any considerable portion of the people; but the purity and rectitude of his life,, added to consummate ability. 144 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. soon won and retained the affection and trust of all parties in the State. 3. This Assembly elected Judge Stone to the United States Senate, in place of Alexander Martin, who had voted for the Alien and Sedition xicts. Governor Martin had been long unerring in his perception of what should redound to his own popularit}^ but fatally blundered on this occasion. He was to linger in the State Legislature, but no more received the great political honors he had previously so often enjoyed. 4. The Congressional elections resulted in the choice of Willis Alston, AV. B. Grove, W. H. Hill, Archibald Hen- derson, James Holland, Nathaniel Macon, Richard Stan- ford, John Stanly, Robert Williams, and Charles Johnson as members of the House of Representatives. 5. The General Assembly of 1801 convened November 16th, with no change as to presiding officers. Among the young members were Lemuel Sawyer of Camden, Henry Seaweil of AVake, and James Turner of Warren. These were to become prominent and lasting in their in- fluence. 6. John Sitgreaves had succeeded John Stokes as Judge of the United States District Court for North Carolina, and upon his death this year, was succeeded by Henry Potter, of Granville. Judge Potter, in blameless medi- ocrity, was to linger for more than a half century in this important office. Questions. — What was the result of the election in 1800? 2. Wliat great men lirst appeared that j'^ear in public life? 3. Who was made United States Senator in plaee of Governor Martin? 4. Who were Congressmen in 1800? 5. Who appeared in the Assembly of 1801? GOVERNOR TURNER. 145 7. The Assembly of 1802 convened on the second Mon- day in November, and chose the same presiding officers. Benjamin Williams, of Moore, was succeeded as Governor by James Turner, of Warren. Among Governor Wil- liams' last official acts v^as the pardon of John Stanly for the killing, in a duel, of ex-Governor Richard Dobbs Spaight. This deplorable affair occurred on Sunday, September 5th, 1802. It grew out of a disagreement con- cerning the bitter personal differences arising between these two distinguished men in the course of a political canvass. 8. The Assembly, among its enactments, passed an act for the benefit of Phineas Miller and Eli Whitney, the patentees of the then recently invented cotton gin. Whit- ney was a New England man, who had gone south to teach school and had contrived a machine wdiich was to affect the commerce of the world, and to add greatly to the value of slave labor, 9. Another act of this session, in its preamble, recites that the Indian Chief Sacarusa, and others of the Bertie Tuscaroras, requested the concurrence of the Assembly in the leases they had made preparatory to their migration. General Davie, for the United States, also made a treaty with them, and, just ninety-eight years after the creation of their reservation, the descendants and people of old King Blunt left their ancient hunting grounds and joined their kinsmen, the Iroquois or Six Nations of New York. The small remnant of the Tuscaroras yet survive under their chief. Mount Pleasant, and live upon their reserva- 6. Who succeeded Judge Sitgreaves? 7. Who became Governor m 1802? 8. What is said of cotton gins ? 9. What of the Bertie Tusca- 7 146 HISTORY OF NOKTH CAROLINA. tion near Niagara Falls. The present King of the Sand- wich Islands is the grandson of Sacariisa,, under whose lead the exodus of 1802 was accomplished. 10. Serious disturbances among the Negroes in Hert- ford and Washington counties occurred in 1802. Thero was no insurrection among the slaves, but a conspiracy was discovered and suppressed by the militia. An act of Assembly provided that such offences in the future should be punished capitally in the leaders^ and, in case of nu- merous convictions it should be lawful for the court in which they were prosecuted to commute such punishment into sale beyond the limits of the State. 11. The elections for Congress resulted in the success of Willis Alston, Jr., Nathaniel Alexander^ James Gilles- pie, James Holland, Nathaniel Macon,, Samuel D. Pur- viance, Richard Stanford, William S. Blackledge, Joseph Winston, Marmaduke Williams and Thomas Wynns. 12. There were no changes in the presiding officers of the Assembly of 1803. Governor Turner was also re- elected. The venerable Samuel Johnston^ having resign- ed his place as Judge of the Superior Courts, was i^placed by Francis Locke, of Rowan, who was the son of the brave leader of the Whigs at Ramseur's MilL GK)vernor John- ston sorrowfully surveyed the overtlirow of the Federal party, and in deep retirement at his place known as the Hermitage, in Martin county^ passed the sliort remnant of his days. 13. In 1804, General Riddick and Mr. Cabarrus were still in the chaii^s of their respective Houses. In this As- roras? 10. AVhat of the slave troubles in Hertford? 11. Who wei-e Congressmen in 1802? 12. Who succeeded .ludge Johnstou? 13. GOVERNOE TURNER. 147 sembly were first seen William Cherry of Bertie, and Frederick Nask of New Bern, The former liad been grad- uated at Chapel Hill in 1800, and though he died at the .early age of twenty-seven, is yet remembered as a greal lawyer. Mr. Nash was the son of Governor Abner Nash. He inherited his father^s talents, and was to be one of the most irreproaclxable public men of the nation. 14. The re-election of Mr. Jefferson, in 1804, was the natural result of his consummate policy as a party leader. So conciliatory had been his course that his rival, ex- President Adams, as one of the electors of Massachusetts, cast his vote for his return to the Presidency. He was to leave the Republican Mth supreme in the nation, but shrank from any solution of the many serious and alarm- ing foreign issues, 15. The North Carolina Congressional delegation, m. 1805, consisted, in the House of Representatives, of Evan Alexander, Willis Alston, Jr., W. S. Blackledge, Thomas Blount, Richard Stanford, James Holland, Thomas Ke- nan, Duncan McFarLand, Marmaduke Williams, and Thomas Wynns. Nathaniel Macon was of course re-elect- ed, and liad been Speaker since 1801. No man ever wielded a greater or more lasting influence in the Con- gress of the United States. He was considered the em- bodiment of wisdom and rectitude ; and for almost a half eentury he was to remain in unbroken attendance upon the great Council of the nation. IG. The Louisiana purcliase had more than doubled the national area. A mighty belt of the most fertile lands Who were debutants in the Assembly of 1804? 15. Who was thea Bpciikiir in Corgress? 1(S. How was tlifi territory of the^Uiiited States 148 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ^ i of the world was become the heritage of the American ! people. From ocean to ocean stretched the vast territory ; consecrated to the general benefit of the oppressed of all [ nations. It was a house of refuge to all those who, in ; fruitless efforts for liberty in Eui'ope^ could yet balk the \ rage of kings in the forests of America. \ 17. The Assembly of 1805 chose ex- Governor Alexan- : der Martin as Speaker of the Senate, and continued Mr. ] Cabarrus in the chair of the House. Gotlieb Shober of ; Stokes, General Riddick of Gates, and John Hay of Fay- ■ etteville, were among the leading members. Dr. Nathan- I iel Alexander, of Mecklenburg, was elected Governor. He ; was thus far brilliantly successful in political life, and I was a worthy member of a family yet fruitful in talent \ and patriotism. j 18. The most remarkable feature of this session was \ General James Wellborn's proposition of the State's con- ■ structing a great road from Beaufort, on the sea-coast, to j the Western Mountains. The Senator from Wilkes was ' prophetic in his forecaste and is entitled to be considered i the first proposer of the great railway inaugurated in 1848. 19. If America had suggested new truths in political j philosophy, France in that day had travestied the noble : lesson. The atheism of the "Mountain" flowed in pois- i oned currents over the world. Washington and his com- j peers had denied the divine rights of Kings, With the | conquering eagles of the otlier republic went doubt and ; denial of all men had held sacred. Philosophers like ■ Edmund Burke shrank from the advocacy of a cause bear- 1 ing such fruits, and human advancement was to be stayed j increased ill 1803 ? 17, Who became Governov in 1805? 18, What i GOVEENOR ALEXANDER, 149 hy the crimes of men >vho pretended to be the supporters of liberty, 20. It was the fashion of too many public men in that day to avow sentiments dangerous to morality. Pebating societies were formed in many localities which became propagandas of unbelief. But the churches were stren- uous in upholding their faith; and in 1802 a mighty re- vival of religion pervaded a great portion of the new American uation, Bishop Pettigrew, Lemuel Burkitt and Edward Drumgoole, in the east, and Drs. David Caldwelh James Hall and Humphrey Hunter, in the west, did long and valiant service in behalf of a pure faith. did General Wellborn propose ? 20. What is said of French infidelity and the North Carolina preachers? J50 IIISTORV OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPTER XXL A. D. 1806 TO 1813. The Political Situation — Assemblj^ of 1806— General BarringcF, Judge Martin and otliers — General Davie leaves North Carolina^ — The Courts — Archibald Henderson and Joseph J. Daniel — North Car- olina Congressmen — Mr. Madison President— Assembly of 1808--=- David Stone Governor — New Judges — Republican Leaders De- mand War — Federal Tactics--Congressmen — Assembly of 1807^^ Sectional Feelings in North Carolina—Judge Martin goes to Mis- sissipi— 'Assembly of 1810--rBenjamin Williams Governor-— ^' Free Trade and Sailors' Rights" — Assembl)^ of 1811 — Generals Riddick and Steele— Death of Judge Wright-^-William Hawkins Governor — War at last— ^ Assembly of 1812— Judge Murphy— .W. H. Murfree — John Branch— The Embargo— Congressmen. ^^HE people of North Carolina, in 180G, were over^ ^^^ whelmingly committed to the Republican princi=^ pies. Alexander Hamilton was no longer alive to inspirit the Federals by his great genius and address. Two years before, he had been slain in a duel by Aaron Burr, who was al^o come to grief and was in jail at Richmond, Virginia, for alleged treason against the United States, Mr. Jefferson was completely triumphant in all his party policy and was rapidly approaching the end of his last administration, 2. In the Ivegislature, General Riddick, of Gates, re* turned to the chair of the Senate, and the distinguished Mvocate, Joshua G, Wright, of Wilmington, became Speak- er of the House. After long and honored service Stephen Cabarrus had retired to the privacy of his farm, near Edenton, and was no more in public life; GOVERNOR ALEXANDER. 151 3. Among the new members of this session were Gene- ral Paul Barringer of Cabarrus, Francais Xavier Martin of New Bern, William Duffy of Fayetteville, and Edmund Deberry of Montgomery. General Davie was to be no more in public life, having gone to South Carolina, where he spent the remainder of his days. 4. The legislation as to the Courts was highly impor- tant at this session. Since 1801 the Judges had been rid- ing the circuits and then assembling twice a year in a Court of Conference. In 1804, this was made a court of record, and the Judges required to reduce their opinions to writing. In 1805, the style was again changed, and the assembled Judges became the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Judge Stone was again elected to the Superior Court Bench, and with him Samuel Lowrie, of Mecklen- burg. In addition to these were Judges McKay, Taylor, Hall and Locke. They were required, in 1806, to hold two Superior Courts a year in each of the counties of the State, where a single Judge was to preside instead of sev- eral. 5. There w^ere several new members of the Legislature in the session of 1807. Most conspicuous of these was Archibald Henderson, of Salisbury. He had been twice a member of Congress, but had been defeated through the revulsion against the Federal party. He was one of the greatest lawyers yet seen in North Carolina, and was the ablest man of all his distinguished family. Joseph J. Daniel, of Halifax, was also serving his first session. He Questions —Who killed Alexander Hamilton? 2. Who presided in the Assembly of 180G ? 3. What new men are mentioned ? 4. What chano;es were ett'ected in the Conrts? 5. What is said of 152 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. was very learned and pure in liis life and became a jurist of the first respectability. 6. The North Carolina delegation in the House of Rep- resentatives was composed, in 1807, of Evan xilexander of Rowan, Willis Alston, Jr., of Halifax, W. S. Blackledge of Craven, Thomas Blount of Edgecombe, John Culpepper of Montgomery, Meshack Franklin of Surry, James Holland of Sampson, Richard Stanford, and Marmaduke Williams of Caswell. Mr. Stanford alone was left of the Federal party in Congress. 7. As the administration drew to its close there was no disposition of the .vexed questions at issue with both Eng- land and France. Mr. Jefferson did not follow the popu- lar desire for war on the occasion of the Leopard's attack upon the unsuspecting Chesapeak ; and to Mr. Madison a legacy of war and trouble was to be left by the retiring sage of Monticello. 8. General Riddick and William Gaston presided in the two Houses of the Assembly of 1808. Governor Ben- jamin Williams had been a second time elected to the Chief Magistracy of the State, a year before, and was re- placed at this time by David Stone, of Bertie. Blake Baker and Joshua G. Wright were elected Judges, as was also Leonard Henderson, a younger brother of the mem- ber for Salisbury. Few men in North Carolina's history have been more venerated and beloved than Judge Hen- derson. His learning, rectitude and suavity, were an extraordinary combination of excellences. 9. The new President, James Madison, though of differ- Archibakl Henderson ? G. Wlio were elected to Cono^ress? 7. Did Jeiferson settle the forei<2:ii troubles? 8. Wlio was Leonard Header- GOVERNOR STONE. 153 ent mental qualities was still scarcely inferior to even Mr. Jefferson in the splendor of his endowments. He alone, of the Republicans could meet Hamilton in debate or written discussion. He was timid and irresolute in action, and was only to be driven to bold measures by the demands of the Republican leaders. 10. The prospect of war revived the hopes of the Fede- ralists, and secured, in the New Bern District, the election to Congress of the able and eloquent John Stanly, and also of Archibald McBryde and Richard Stanford. Their Republican colleagues in Congress, from North Corolina, were Willis Alston, James Cochrane, Meshack Franklin, James Holland, Thomas Kenan, William Kennedy, Jo- seph Pearson, Nathaniel Macon and Lemuel Sawyer. 11. General Riddick in the Senate, and Cleneral Thos. Davis, of Fayetteville, presided in the two Houses of the Assembly, in 1809. This Legislature w^as strong, in the wisdom and experience of its members. Mr. Gaston, Governor Williains, General Wynns, Benjamin Smith, Archibald Henderson and Duncan McFarland, were all men of weight and prominence ; and among the new members were seen Israel Pickens and Isaac T. Avery of Burke, James Owen of Bladen, William Drew of Halifax, and William R. King of Sampson. 12. The old habit of contention, as to the next place of meeting for the Legislature, had produced sectional feel- ings between the east and west of North Carolina. Fay- etteville or Hillsboro were always voted for in old days by western members, while those nearer the sea generally in- son? 9. What is said of John Stanly ? 10. What first produced feel- ino- between Eastern and Western North Carolina ? 13. What is said 154 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. sistecl upon New Bern. New counties were not only de- sired in the west to lessen the hardship of court attend- ance in the large counties, but also for the increase of po- litical strength. The small counties resisted to retain their ancient supremacy. 13. Internal improvements were also greatly desired by western counties. The men of the east, content with their water courses, were averse to taxation for the benefit of those not thus blessed with natural highways. Because extreme Republicans denied the power of the General Government, under the constitution, to enter upon a sys- tem of internal improvement of the different States, it was concluded that North Carolina should not do so. 14. Francois Xavier Martin had come to the State, years before, a mere lad from his home in the southern part of France. By industry and native ability he had won res- pect as a lawyer, and had compiled the laws of North Car- olina by appointment of the Legislature. He was, this year, appointed Judge of the new territory of Mississippi, and was no more a citizen of North Carolina. He became Chief Justice of Louisiana, and, in his old age, wrote the history of this State. 15. With General Riddick still presiding in the Senate, William Hawkins, of Granville became Speaker of the House of Commons, in the Assembly of 1810. Governor Stone w^as succeeded by Benjamin Smith, of Brunswick, as Chief Magistrate. 16. With the advent of 1811 it was seen that war with Great Britain, or France, and possibly both was inevitable. of internal improvements? 14. Who was Francois Xavier Martin? 15. Who siicccecled Governor Stone? 16. Why was war inevitable ? GOVERNOR SMITH. 155 lliitliloss interference with the American merchant ships was constantly practiced. Not even armed ships were se- cure from the English claim of the right of search. In their mighty struggle with France for the mastery of the world, the claims of the United States were despised and trodden under foot The claim of " free trade and sailors* rights" was scouted in derision, and American ships, crews and cargoes were seized, with scorn as to the conse- quences, 17. President Madison would have temporized and avoided the dreadful issue of bloodshed, but his party w^ould listen to no further pacific expedients. North Car- olina that year sent as members of the lower House in Congress, Willis Alston, W. S. Blackledge, Thomas Blount, Meshack Franklin, William Kennedy, William R. King, Nathaniel Macon, Archibald McBryde, Richard Stanford, Joseph Pearson, Israel Pickens and Lemuel Sawyer. 18. General Riddick presided for the last time in the Senate of 1811. His colleague in the chair of the House was General John Steele, of Salisbury. He was ever strongly a Federalist, but such was the confidence in his patriotism and ability he was selected by the House large- ly predominating in Republican members, as their chief. He was an able and impulsive man, who held not popu- lar political views and yet was highly acceptable himself. 19. This was a a strong Legislature. Governor Stone and George Outlaw from Bertie, General Owen from Bla- den, William Hawkins of Granville, John Branch of Hal- ifax, Edward B. Dudley of Onslow, General Wynns of 17. What was Mr. Madison's disposition? 18. What is said of Gene- 156 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Hertford, and Jolin Long of Randolph, with others, con- stituted a brilliant array of orators and statesmen. 20. Judge Wright, of Wilmington, had died, and his place was supplied in the person of Henry Seawell, of Wake. Edward Harris, of Craven, was likewise m*ade a Judge of the Superior Courts. William Haw^kins, of Granville, became Governor at the same time, and Hutch- ings G. Burton, of Halifax, Attorney General. 21. To the supreme dislike of President Madison, war was at last declared against Great Britain. In the mili- tary levies and pre23arations of the year North Carolina was neither backward or indifferent. The forts upon the sea-coast were garrisoned, and the enrolled militia held ready for the call of the Federal authorities. The thrill of shame which pervMed the nation upon hearing of Gen- eral Hull's tame surrender at Detroit, was atoned for in the glory of another Hull who so bravely fought his ship at sea. 22. In the State Assembly of 1812, George Outlaw, of Bertie, presided in the Senate, and William Miller, late the Attorney General, in the House of Commons. Mi\ Out- law was noted for the blandness of his manner, and was as popular in the Baptist Church as he was as a politician. He was the first Moderator of the Chowan Association w^hich had been established in 1806. 23. In this Legislature was seen for the first time Arch- ibald D. Murphy, of Orange. He, W. H. Murfree of Hert- ford, and John Branch of Halifax, were all recent gradu- ates of the University at Chapel Hill and conferred great ralJohn Steele ? 20. Who became Governor and Attorney General? 21. What was done in North Carolina upon declaration of war? 22, GOVERNOR SMITH. 157 honor upon that infant institution. William Gaston of Craven, and Gabriel Holmes of Sampson, were likewise members. 24. Congress had laid an embargo upon the foreign commerce which stopped all intercourse with English marts. This measure was violently denounced in New England and by the members of the Federal party gene- rally. 25. In the Congressional elections only William Gaston and Richard Stanford were elected from North Carolina, upon the opposition to this policy. Willis Alston of Hal- ifax, John Culpepper of Montgomery, Peter Forney of Lincoln, William Kennedy, William R. King of Sampson, Nathaniel Macon of Warren, William H. Murfree of Hert- ford, Israel Pickens of Burke, and Bartlett Yancey of Cas- well, were all elected as Republicans, and supporters of the w^ar measures of Mr. Madison's administration. Who presided in the Assembly of 1812? 24. What was the Embargo? 25. What of the Congressional Delegation, 158 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. JUDGE ARCHIBALD D. MURPHY. CHAPTER XXII. A. D. 1814 TO 1815. Proo:ress of the War— Governor Stone, United States Senator— Mem^ bers of Congress — Messrs. Gaston and Yancey— New England in the War— Assembly of 1814— Thomas Ruffin — General Andrew Jackson — General Joseph Graham —Captains Gibbs and McKee, United States Army— Captain Johnson Biakeley — George Outlaw and Frederick Nash, Speakers — Governor Miller — Judge Cameron — Governor Stone Censured— General Dickinson— General Robert Williams — Peace and the Battle of New Orleans— Congressmen — Futility of the late Struggle — Production of Tobacco and Naval Stores — Condition of tlie State — City of Raleigii — Moravian School at Salem — Chapel Hill and some of Its Graduates— The Bingham Sohool— Schools at Murfreesboro and Elsewhere. ILITARY disasters thickened on the Northern fron- tiers. With the exception of Gejierals Scott and GOVERNOR HAWKINS. 159 Harrison, the American commanders had won no laurels. In 1813, the whole Atlantic coasts of the United States were declared under blockade. No enemy was seen or feared in North Carolina, for nature in shutting the great estuaries with eternal barriers of sand, made it impossible for the enemy's ships of the line to enter the shallow in- lets. 2. Governor Stone, in his restless exchange of offices, had secured a place in the United States Senate, in 1813. He was elected as a declared Republican, but soon joined Mr. Gaston in opposition to the war. This was com- plained of bitterly by the men who elected him, and in consequence of the censure and instructions of the Legis- lature, he resigned and was no more in public life. He was a man of decided ability, and was a graduate of Princeton College, in New Jersey. 3. The Congressional canvass of this year was bitter to an extraordinary degree. Willis Alston, Jr., John Cul- pepper, Peter Forney, William Gaston, William Kennedy, William R. King, Nathaniel Macon, William H. Murfree, Israel Pickens, Richard Stanford and Bartlett Yancey were elected. 4. Messrs. Gaston and Yancey took opposite sides, and were among the foremost men of the nation. Henry Clay was then Speaker, and frequently called the latter to the chair of the House of Representatives, where not even the splendid qualifications of the great Kentuckian, as a presiding officer, eclipsed those of the bland and elo- quent Carolinian. Questions.— What preserved North Carolina from invasion? 2. Who was made United States Senator in 1813? 4. What two distin- 160 HISTORY OF NOBTH CAROLINA. BAETLtTT YANCEY. 5. Such was the feeling against the war in Massachu" ' eetts and Connecticut, that those States, having refused to ; send their militia to the Northern frontiers, finally met | in convention at Hartford and took steps which John i Quincy Adams denounced as leading to secession from \ the Union. When Commodore Stephen Decatur made ; ready to go out of New London harbor with his frigates, | his purpose was betrayed to the English fleet in the off- ! ing, and his escape thus frustrated. The signal lights i used on this occasion were the origin of the term " Blue ! Light Federalists." ! 6. In the Assembly of this year there was no change in , the old presiding officers. John Phifer of Cabarrus, Col- ■ guisliecl men were among the jSTorth Carolina Congressmen? 5. ; What was the war feeling in New England? 6. What great lawyer ! GOVERNOR HAWKINS. 161 onel James W. Clark of Edgecombe, John Owen of Bla- den, John Branch of Halifax and General Wynns of Hertford were all leaders and earnest supporters of the war measures. Thomas Ruffin was serving for the first time as member for Hillsboro. He was fast achieving prominence in the courts, and was to become the greatest judge that ever sat on a bench in North Carolina. 7. In the South, British influence had produced a bloody rising of the Creek Indians. General Andrew Jack- son, who had been born in Mecklenburg county and emi- grated to' Tennessee, had been assigned to the command against them. Like an avenging spirit, he had broken the spirit of the Red Men at Talladega. General Joseph Graham, of Lincoln, who had been so highly distin- guished in the Revolution, led a brigade of North Caro- linians to Jackson's aid, and contributed ably in bringing Weathersford and his conquered people to subjection. 8. Captains William Gibbs McNeil of Bladen, and William McRee of New Hanover, both, as engineers in the United States Army, had by this time established high reputations for courage and capacity ; but in the valor and success of Captain Johnson Blakeley, of Wil- mington, were the noblest laurels won. He had been promoted for good conduct at Tripoli, and early in 1814 put to sea in the command of the United States sloop of war, Wasp. With the same daring as had been seen in John Paul Jones, with his single ship he steered for the narrow seas surrounding Great Britain. After repeated victories in waters swarming with the British fleets, he appeared in the Assembly of 1814? 7. Who was sent to aid General Jackson against the Creeks? 8. What North Carolinians became 162 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. perished in some unknown manner with his ship and all her heroic crew. 9. George Outlaw and Frederic Nash, then of Orange, presided in the two Houses of the Assembly of 1814. Mr. Nash had inherited his father's ability and elegant man- ners. Serene, gentle and pure, he was learned as unself- ish, and in all his days a pattern of the noblest consist- ency. 10. William Miller, of Warren, was elected at this ses- sion the successor of William Hawkins as Governor of the State. He had been Attorney General and Speaker of the House of Commons, but did not possess qualities to give him place in the bead roll of fame. 11. Duncan Cameron, of Orange, had made much rep- utation and wealth as a lawyer. He w^as made a Judge, in place of Edward Harris, of New Bern, who had shortly before come to his death. 12. This was the Legislature which resolved that Gov- ernor Stone's conduct in the United States Senate " had been in opposition to his profession and jeopardizing to the safety and interest of the country, and incurred the disapprobation of the General Assembly." 13. British movements in Chesapeake Bay led to the collection of a large body of North Carolina troops at Norfolk, Virginia. Brigadier General Joseph F. Dickin- son, of Hertford, was in command of them. The British were beaten at Craney Island before landing; and thus they had their only dangerous experience until the making of peace. distinguished inthe wir? 9. What is said of Frederick Nash ? 10. Of William Miller? 11. Of Jndo-e Cameron ? 12. What did the Leg- islature resolve as to Governor Stone? 13. Who commanded the GOVERNOR MILLER, 163 14. General Robert Williams, of Surry, was Adjutant General of North Carolina duriiig the war. He was one of a distinguished family who gave several able men to public uses. The conduct of military affairs in the State was largely conimitted to his keeping, and was well ad- ministered, 15. Peace had been agreed on in Europe ; but in those days of slow communication, was unknown in America, when, in January, 1815, Sir Edward Packenham, with his army of British regulars, landed and marched against New Orleans, Oji the Bih of that month. General An- drew Jackson, with his men of the West, retrieved the military disasters of the whole war, and inflicted the most crushing defeat upon his adversaries which has befalleri. a British army since the battle of Hastings, / 16. The North Carolina delegation in Congress in 1815 consisted of Governor Turner and Mr. Macon, in the SeU'^ ate, and Messrs. Joseph H. Bryan, James W. Clark, John Culpepper, Samuel Dickens, Weldon N. Edwards, Daniel M, Forney, William Gaston, Charles Hooks, William C. Love, William H. Murfree, Israel Pickens, Lewis WiL Uams and Bartlett Yancey, 17. The treaty of peace with Great Britain was unani- mously ratified by the United States Senate on February 7th, 18X5, Two kindred nations had wasted their blood and resources to no purpose, so far as arranging their real causes of quarrel. England was too proud to yield her claims to the right of search, but very prudently discon- North Carolina troops at Norfolk? 14. Who was General Robert Wllliaras? 15. What battle was fought after peace had been made ? IQ> Who were Congressmen in 1815? 17, Were the causes of war 164 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. | "i ] tinned that habit for all future time. In the direst agony i i of her great struggle with Napoleon, she had incurred : the hostility of those who should haye sympathized with ; her efforts for the common liberties of the world. ] 18. North Carolina, in common with the other States, ! had great need of peace when it came. The war had ; shut up the ports, so that neither tobacco nor naval stores \ could be sent to their usual markets ; and thus the two leading industries of that day were almost completely i palsied. \ 19. Tobacco is one of the presents made by North Caro^ I Una to the luxuries of the world. Sir Walter Raleigh j collected some, through his agents at Roanoke Island, j and introduced the habit of siiioking in Europe. In the ! earlier days of the State's history, tobacco was even more" ' largely cultivated than Indian corn ; with the lapse of time, the counties north of the southern boundary of j Edgecombe became the locality of its production. j 20. The production of turpentine and tar was also a i great industry in that portion of the State which js th§ ] habitat of the long-leafed pine, the Pinus Australis of the i Botanists. An incision on the side of the tree near to thq i ground catches the crude turpentine as it exudes from the I scraped surface above the box. From these receptacles i the substance is clipped, and conveyed away in barrels, j 21. The above process in time destroys the tree, and i leaves the trunk and limbs still saturated Avith turpentine, i wdiich ceases to flow with the death of the tree. The pine ; is then known as lightwood, and utilized by extracting \ settled by peace ? 18. What was the state of iSTorth Carolina trade i (luring hostilities? 19, What is sa/id of tobacco?. 20, Of iv^val stores? ! GOVERNOR MILLER, 165 in a kiln^ by means of heat, tlie turpentine transfornied into tar. 22. At the close of the war North Carolina contained sixty-two counties. Each of these sent annually to the Assembly one Senator and two members of the House of Commons. Edenton, New Bern, Wilmington, Fayette- ville, Halifax, Hillsboro and Salisbury were called borough towns, and by virtue of this su23erior dignity each sent, in addition to their county members, also a representa- tive to the lower house of Assembly. 23. Baleigh at this period contained about eight liun^ dred people. Fayetteville was more than twice as large, while both AVilmington and New Bern were still larger than that town, Edenton had lost its ancient impor- tance as a port of entry, and growing villages were seen in Washington, Beaufort, Charlotte, Elizabeth City and Murfreesboro. Halifax was fast becoming a "rotten borough," shorn of its old splendors, 24. The Moravians had established themselves at Salem, and their female school was becoming famous in the en- tire South. Dr. Joseph Caldwell, at Chapel Hill, was making himself and the University immortal names. The public neglect could not crush his energies or damp the ardor of his soul. A. D. Murphy, John Phifer, WiL liam CheiTy, John Branch, John D. Hawkins, William H. Mui'free, John R. Donnell, Gavin Hogg, Lewis Wil^ Uams, William Hooper, James F. Taylor, Charles Manly, John H, Bryan, Francis L. Hawks, Willie P. Mangum and Richard Dobbs Spaight, Jr., had with others gradu- 22. Which were borough towns? 38, What is saifl o| other towns ? 34, What of schools and tl^e University ? t^Q HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, iated there, and foreyer established the fame of the col- lege. 25. Rev. William Bingham had removed from New Bern to Hillsboro^ and Ixad become famous as a teacher. This school, established in 1793, yet survives in undi- jninished usefulness ; and though all along a private enter- prise, is, after almost a centuxy, still the pride and orna^ ment of the State, 26. A flourishing academy had been established under Act of Assembly at Murfreesboro. Eev, Dr. Jonathan Otis Freeman was in charge of this seminary. Schools were also in successful operation at New Bern^ Edenton, Ealeigh and elsewhere. GOVERNOR MILLER. 167 CHAPTER XXIII. A. D. 1716 TO 1721. North Carolina Always Devoted to Religions Liberty — Bishop Ravens- croft — Rev. John Kerr— The Methodists— Rev. Drs. David and Joseph Caldwell Assembly of 1816 — John Branch and John Craig, Speakers ^R. M. Saunders and Bedford Brown George E. Badger and David F. Caldwell— Governor Stokes United States Senator— President Monroe ^s Policy — Bartlett Yancey — The sec- ond James Iredell — Supreme Court — Chief Justice Taylor and the Puisne Judges — Internal Improvements— Assembly of 1819 — Messrs. Yancey and Saunders, Speakers — Willie P. Mangum — James Iredell and John R. Donnell, Judges — The Slavery Issue of 1820 — The Missouri Compromise — The Colonization Society — Congressmen — Assembly of 1820— Florida— The Monroe Doctrine — Death of Waightstill Avery — Yancey and Mebane, Speakers — F. L. Hawks, R. D. Spaight, and others. I^^OLONEL William Byrd, of Westover, and his chap- ^^ lain, Rev. Peter Fountaine, before the Revolution said there was but small religious observance in North Carolina. The colony had sturdily resisted the efforts of Governor Daniel and others to establish the supremacy of the English Church ; but they were neither infidels nor scoffers. They preferred retaining the right to worship God in their own way to forced compliance with the creed and ritual of any church. 2. The churches of North Carolina had made great progress by the time of the advent of the year 1816. Right Reverend John Stark Ravenscroft was the Bishop of the Episcopal diocese. He was a man of singular piety and of much power as a preacher. Rev. John Kerr, of Caswellj was the great leader of the Baptists. His 168 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. wonderful eloquence was to become the admiration of both Virginia and North Carolina. The Methodists were planting churches in every section, and surpassing all others in the speed of their propagation. The Presbyte- rians have not been so aggressive or diffusive in this State, but Drs. David and Joseph Caldwell were reverenced in every quarter of the Commonwealth for conjoined patriot- ism and religious devotion. These able and godly men fought a prolonged battle with the leaven of French in- fidelity, and by slow degrees uprooted the curse from the land. 3. John Branch, of Halifax, and John Craig, of Orange, presided in the Assembly of 1816. Romulus Mitchell Saunders and Bedford Brown of Caswell, George E. Badger of New Bern, and David F. Caldwell of Iredell, were among the debutants of the session. It has been rarely the case that four such able men have appeared simultaneously on the political stage in the state. 4. Montford Stokes, of Wilkes, was elected to the United States Senate, in place of Judge Locke. It is a remarka- ble fact that he, when clerk of the Senate, had been once before elected to this high office and declined. He was the brother of Judge John Stokes, who had died in 1801. Few men were so popular as he, and hig wit and humor were unceasing in their flow. 5. Mr. Monroe did not adhere to the strictness of old Republican doctrines as to internal improvements by the Questions. — AVhat is said of Nortli Cavoliiia in regard to religion ? 2. What was the condition of the clnirclies in 181G? 3. What mem- bers of tlie Asseinbh' of that ynnv are mentioned ? 4. Who became Governor ? 5. Wliat produced the era of good feeling under Mr. GOVERNOR MILLER. 169 General Government. This and his willingness for the re-charter of the United States Bank produced what was called the era of good feeling. Federalism had appa- rently disappeared. 6. Bartlett Yancey soon tired of service at Washington, and declined re-election to Congress. He was made Speaker of the Senate in the Assembly of 1818, while James Iredell, of Chowan, presided in the other House. This latter was also a man of marked ability. He was the only son of the great law^^er, who was made a Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States by General Washington. 7. This session of the Legislature was remarkable for the establishment of the Supreme Court of North Carolina on its present basis. It was largely the work of Bartlett .Yancey. John Louis Taylor, of Cumberland, was made Chief Justice ; and Leonard Henderson, of Granville, and John Hall, of AVarren, Associate Justices. The Judges of the Superior Courts, at this time, were Henry Seawell, Joseph J. Daniel, John Paxton, Frederick Nash, John D. Toomer, and Archibald D. Murphy. 8. The Erie Canal, in New York, and the great govern- ment road from Baltimore to AYheeling, on the Ohio river, produced a great desire in portions of North Caro- lina for internal improvements. Mr. Yancey and Dr. Joseph Caldwell were unremitting in their efforts to inau- gurate a system w^hich should enable the western people Monroe's administratioii ? 6. Who were Speakers in 1818? 7. When was the Supreme Court of North Carolina established on its present basis? 8. What works of iuiprovement created a desire for similar 8 170 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. j to reach the eastern markets. Eastern men in the Legis- : lature were opposed to incurring debt for such a purpose. ; 9. Both presiding officers of the Legislature of 1819 ' were from Caswell county. Bartlett Yancey, in the Sen- i ate, and Romulus M. Saunders in the House, were these. ■ Many able men were in this boch^ James Iredell, W. P. • Mangum, D. F. Caldwell, Duncan Cameron, John Owen, ! Alfred Moore, Jr., John Stanly, and William Gaston, were ' an extraordinary array for one State Legislature. : 10. Messrs. Willie P. Mangum, James Iredell, and John ' R. Donnell, were elected Judges of the Superior Courts. < Judges Mangum and Iredell were brilliant advocates, and ! were more addicted to political pursuits than judicial. | On the hustings, before deliberative bodies, and in crowd- i ed courts, they were equally admirable and unexcelled, j Judge IredelFs mother was sister to Governor Samuel,! Johnston. j 11. The year 1820 witnessed a crisis in national affairs, j After several premonitory agitations, the subject of slavery ; in the new States and Territories first became of para- mount importance at that time. As early as 1790 Dr. : Franklin, as President of the Abolition Society, petitioned : Congress to "devise means for removing this inconsistency ! from the character of tlie American people." Congress ' disclaimed its powers in the premises, and asserted that, \ under the Constitution of the United States, the whole i matter belonged to the several States in their individual i capacity. 12. This question again presented itself on the accept- ; things in North Carolina? 9. What is said of the Assembly of 1819 ? j 10. Who were made Judges? 11. What is said of the Missouri Com- j i GOVERNOR MIL!LER. ^71 .•ance of the Western Territory, south of the Ohio, ceded by North Carolina to the .General Government, On other occasions exciting debates had occurred as to the duty of the government in the premises. In 1819 Missouri ap- plied for admission, as a State, into the Union. Northern -members refused admission solely upon the ground that the new State's constitution provided for the establish- ment of slavery. They said that slavery had been for- bidden in the Northwestern Territory, ceded by Virginia. Missouri was no part of this domain, but it was insisted that the same rule shois Id extend to the State in question. 13. A great and prolonged straggle then ensued. John W. Taylor, then Speaker of the House of Representatives, proposed to exclude slavery from all territory north of 36 degrees and 30 minutes north latitude, which would have made Missouri a free State. Thomas W. Cobb, of Georgia, iisserted that "a fire had been kindled which only seas of blood could extinguish, and that if northern m.en persist- ed, the Union would be dissolved," Mr. Talmadge, of ■ New York, retorted : " If a dissolution of the Union must iake place let it be so ! If civil war must come, I can only say let it come." A great portion of the session was con- sumed in angry discussion on this subject, and it was, only a yegir later, when Maine was ready for admission, that Missouri was permitted to become a State. Mr. Thomas, of Illinois, renewed the suggestion of Speaker Taylor to exclude slavery from all points north of a certain lati- tude, and thus grew into law what was called the Mis- ,60uri Compromise. 14. It was not laid down in the bill that new States ^i]th of the Mason and Dixon's line should be in virtue 172 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. \ of that fact, slaveholding, but that inference was left, and ' as matters then stood, only Texas, Arkansas, and the In- | dian Territory, would have been liable to the peculiar i southern institutions. . i 15. By efforts of southern men, in 1816, the Coloniza- j tion Society had been established for the })urpose of aid- | ing the colored people of the United States, who so desired, | to establish a republic of their own on tlie w^estern coast | of Africa. This measure was bitterly opposed by the ! party who favored emancipation. 16. At the time now under consideration North Caro- ' lina was represented in the United States Senate by Messrs.. i Macon and Stokes, and in the House by Messrs. Lemuel ; Sawyer, Hutchings G. Burton, Weldon N. Edwards, Thos. ; H. Hall, John Culpepper, Charles Fisher, Charles Hooks, | Lewis Williams, Felix Walker and Thomas Settle. I 17. The Assembl}^ of 1820 was presided over by the ) same distinguished members for Caswell. Jesse Franklin, i of Surry, was elected Governor ; and George E. Badger , of Craven, and William Norwood of Orange, were elected ' Judges of the Superior Courts, in place of James Iredell : and A. P. Murphy, resigned. ; 18. In 1821, Texas was exchanged by Mr. Monroe for ! Florida. Colonel Benton, of Missouri, who had gone from ! North Carolina, and was then in the United States Senate, ! bitterly opposed this arrangement from the fact that Spain i was on the eve of losing all her possessions on the Amer^ | ican continent, and the acquisition of Florida was inevit^ ■ able. : promise? 15. What of the Colonization Societ}' ? 17. Who was Gov- 1 ernor in 1830? 18. What was doue in regard to Tei^as in 1831 ? ^ GOVERNOR FRANKLIN. 178 19. Ill the elections for the 17th Congress, in 1821, North Carolina selected Messrs. W. S. Blackleclge of Cra- ven, H. G. Bui^ton of Halifax, Henry W. Connor of Lin- coln, Josieih Crudnp of Granville, Weldon N, Edwards of Warren, T, H. Hall of Edgecombe, Charles Hooks of Du- plin, John Long of Randolph, Archibald McNeill of Moore, H. M. Saunders of Caswell, Lemuel Sawver of Camden, Felix Walker of Eutherford, and Lewis Williams of Surry. 20. Mr, Monroe's administration was a continuous efr fort at conciliation and compromise of conflicting creeds and issues, Under his dexterous management the great differences which had separated parties in 1800 had ap- parently sunk out of sight. The only bold assertion of policy in his time lyas involved in the celebrated Monroe Doctrine, which was the declaration that the United States would no longer suffer European interference with the fiffairs belonging to American communities. 21. In 1821 Waightstill Avery died at his place in Burke couuty. He was the last survivor of the men who had been prominent in the provincial affairs of North Carolina, Governor Johnston had died in 1814 ; General Person in the last year of the XVIII century. Like the last leaf in Autumn, Aveiy had clung to life when all else had departed. He was an able and patriotic man, and had received many marks of public confidence in his Jong and eventful life. 22. Bartlett Yancey presided in the Senate, and James Mebane, of Orange, in the House, during the session be^ ginning in the Fall of 1821. Mr. Mebane belonged to the distinguished family which had so abundantly attested their devotion in the war of the Reyolution, He was an J 74 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. unfailing friend of popular education and of the Univer^ sity at Chapel Hill. 23. Among the debutants of this session appeared Francis L. Hawks and Richard Dobbs Spaight, both of Craven. Mr. Hawks was then at the bar. but was soon to assume holy orders and become one of the first pulpit orators of the nation. Like Rev, Drs. Thomas H, Skinner of Chowan, R. B. C. Howell of Wayne, A. M. Poindexter^ iind others, he was to thrill the hearts of distant States ^dth the magic of his oratory, g2. Who was James Mebane f 23. Who was Pr. F. L. Hawks, GOVERNOR BURTON. 175 CHAPTER XXIV. A. D. 18 22 TO 18 2 5. Kevoliitions in Spaiiisli America— Doatlis of Archibald Henderson and Judge Locke — H. G. Burton becomes Governor— John Branch Succeeds ex-Governor Stokes in the United States Senate — As- sembly of 1822 — Cross purposes in State Legislation — East and West— Congressmen Assembly of 1822 — David Lowry Swain, L. D. Henry, Robert Strange and Joseph A. Hill— Peter Browne — Gavin Hogg— The North Carolina Press— Assembly of 1824 — Visit of the Marquis de Lafayette — Jolui Qnincy Adams becomes President of the United States— The Era of Good Feeling ended. S|he success of the American people in their war for '^^^ independence had influenced France to a similar struggle for freedom. The contagion did not stop there. In 1822, the Mexican and South American republics were recognized, and Spanish dominion on the mainland of America was forever overthrown. With the exception of foreign possessions in Guiana, the West Indies and British America, the whole collossal results of Euroj)ean conquest and colonization were lost to the descendants of the Kings, who had so cruelly built up the many vice-royalties. 2. Political movements were of slight moment in North Carolina. With the exception of a few men, who still ad- hered to the faith of the Federalists, every one had become avowed Democratic-Republicans. The great lawyer, Archibald Henderson, of Salisbury, died in 1822, and was soon followed to the grave by Judge Francis Locke, of the same county. Questions. — What befell Spanish dominion in America in 1822 ? 2. What eminent Carolinians died in that year? 3. Who became 176 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 3. Hutchings G. Burton, of Halifax, became Governor the same year. He had been Attorney General for six years succeeding 1810, and then, for an equal time, a con- spicuous member of the national House of Representatives. He married the daughter of Willie Jones, who inherited the shining virtues of her parent. 4. John Branch, of the same county, succeeded Mont- ford Stokes in the United States Senate. There were more eloquent men in the State, but none who were more pa- triotic and wise. Governor Branch, through long and varied service, was without reproach ; and in the course of his life presided over the fortunes of both North Caro- lina and Florida. 5. The Legislature of 1822 was crowded with distin- guished men. Wake sent a new member in the person of James F. Taylor, the eloquent lawyer. Able and im- pulsive Charles Fisher of Rowan, Judge Cameron of Or- ange, and James Mebane of the same constituency, Willis Alston of Halifax, late chairman of the committee on ways and means in Congress, were also in attendance. So, too, were John Stanly and John H. Bryan of Craven, Jesse A. Bynum of Halifax, Jesse Speight of Greene, Judge Iredell of Chowan, Robert Strange of Fayetteville, Louis D. Henry of Cumberland, Bedford Brown of Caswell, and Augustin H. Shepherd of Stokes. 6. With so much ability in the public councils, North Carolina should have been a shining example of peace and prosperit}^, but this was far from being the case. A Governor of North Carolina ? 4. Who succeeded Montford Stokes in the United States Senate? 5. Mention some of the leadin*^ men in the Assembly. G. What was the scoi)e of le<5isla.tion at that i)eriod? GOVERNOR BURTON. 177 short-sighted and hateful sectionalism disgraced her states- manship, and palsied the efforts of some who were wdser in their action. The only policy of western counties was to effect a change in the basis of representation, so that their majorities could be felt in legislation. The small revenue then exacted generally failed to meet the public expense, and there was often a deficit of about ten thou- sand dollars each year. After the creation of the school fund, the easy remedy w^as to borrow therefrom enough to meet the exigency. The State held that fund as a sa- cred trust; and yet her rulers could resort to such more than doubtful shifts, sooner than surrender their subjects of discord. 7. Stubbornly, and too often with undue arrogance, the East resisted every appeal to its patriotism and magna- nimity. Such men as Jesse Spaight, of Greene, held that their duty was satisfied in opposing State aid to internal improvements, and especially it behooved them to prevent any change in the Halifax Constitution of 1776. The Western Convention met in Raleigh in 1823. Bartlett Yancey presided over its deliberations, and many wise and needed changes in the organic law were suggested. A calmly vehement spirit was aroused among those who constituted a large majority of the citizens of the State, and threats were made to proceed to such extremities as w^ere witnessed in the Dorr troubles of Rhode Island in 1842. 8. The popular vote of Hertford county did not at that date reach six hundred, and yet Orange, with twenty-five hundred votes, had no more weight in the legislation. 7. What was tlie polic}'^ of certain eastern men ? 8. IIow were coun- 178 HISTORY OP NORTH CAROLINA. i The injustice of this system could not be exphxined to 1 men who had imbibed sectional feeling against the West, j 8uch animosities are the bane of free governments. Un- • like other hatreds, they are too apt to become immortal. 9. The Congressional delegation, in 1823, consisted of | Messrs. H. W. Connor of Lincoln, John Culpepper of : Montgomery, Weldon N. Edwards of Warren, Alfred M. ' Gatling of Camden, Thomas H. Hall of Edgecombe, \ Charles Hooks of Duplin, Willie P. Mangum of Orange, i George Outlaw of Bertie, R. M. Saunders of Caswell, R. i D. Spaight of Craven, Robert R. Vance of Burke, and Lewis Williams of Surr}^ 10. Bartlett Yancey again presided in the Senate of 1823, but John D. Jones, who had been Speaker of the House in 1822, Avas succeeded by the second Alfred Moore of Brunswick. Mr. Moore was son of the eminent judge, of the same name, and had largely inherited the genius and virtues of his race. Since 1703, the name of this Cape Fear family, like that of their Ashe kinsmen, had been constantly foremost in North Carolina annals. 11. In this Assembly a young debutant was seen in David L. Swain, of Buncombe. He was the precursor of a long list of able and distinguished men from that fa- mous locality. Early disadvantages had already yielded to his persistent and manly efforts for personal advance- ment and the State was soon to give her richest rewards to the young mountaineer, who loved with such passion- ate devotion the commonwealth of his birth. 12. Louis D. Llenry, Robert Strange and Joseph Alston ties affected by relative population ? 9. Who were Con^i^ressinen in 1823? ]0. What is said of the Western Convention? 11. Who ap- GOVERNOR BURTON. 179 Hill, were likewise members of this Assembly. They were young men of marked ability and were possessed of brilliant eloquence. The extraordinary promise of Mr. Hill was blighted in his untimely death. 13. At this time Peter Browne, w^ho had been the leader of the North Carolina Bar, having accumulated a great estate, retired from the practice, and was chiefly employed in eating the good dinners of his friends. So marked w^as he in this respect that Governor Stokes said of him that he "was like a raccoon, who has a place in which to sleep, but no particular dining room.". It is needless to add that Mr. Browne was a childless and snuffy old bachelor. 14. He was succeeded, as chief among the lawyers, by Gavin Hogg. This able and adroit advocate was born in Orange, began the practice in Bertie but removed to Ral- eigh. Willian Gaston and Thomas Ruffin were yet at the bar, as also were John Stanly, Moses Mordecai, Joseph Wilson, and Samuel R. Joceylin. So also were Judges Iredell and Robert Strange. 15. The newspapers of the State were headed in age and influence by the " Raleigh Register," which had been established in 1799 by Joseph Gales, Sr. The able son, of the same name, of this venerable man, had gone with W. W. Seaton to Washington, to establish the "National In- telligencer." The elder Gales was assisted by his son, Weston R. Gales. Raleigh possessed rivals in other presses. Colonel Thomas Henderson presided over the " Star," and William Boy Ian the " Minerva." These sheets appeared peared for the first time as member for Buncombe ? 12. What trio of able men are mentioned ? 13. Who succeeded Peter Browne as leader of the North Carolina Bar? 15. Who established the "Raleigh Re- 180 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. once a week, and were neither larger or better edited then the daily papers of this day. 16. There were no changes in the presiding officers of the Legislature of 1824. William Gaston, D. L. Swain, James Iredell, Bedford Brown, John H. Bryan, Jesse A. Bynum, Jesse Spaight, Willis Alston, D. M. Forney, Jo- seph A. Hill, and James Mebane had won prominence in previous sessions ; but James Graham, oldest son of Gen- eral Joseph Graham, Emanuel Sliober, and John L. Bai- ley, were fresh in the arena in which they were to grow distinguished. 17. In 1825 occurred the notable visit of General La- fayette. His arrival in America was on August 15th, of the previous year. He was no ordinary visitor, and was the nation's guest. A half century before, he had left his young wife, and all the pleasures and splendors of a court life, in Paris, to shed his blood in defence of America. He had been a great and blameless actor in the French Revolution ; he had uncovered his whitened locks at the tomb of his dead friend at Mount Vernon ; he had been with Mr. Jefferson in the retirement of Monticello ; and was visiting all of the States, so largely indebted to him for the fortunate result of the Revolution. 18. His first public reception was at the village of Mur- freesboro, in Hertford county. This was then on the great stage route leading north and south. Thomas Manney, afterwards a judge in Tennessee, received him with an address of welcome, to which the great French- man most gracio.usly replied. Two days afterwards he gister?" 16. Who were in the Assembly of 1824? 17. Wliat notable visitor came in 1825? 18. What vilhii>c first tendered him an ovation GOVEHNOH BURTON. 181 passed on to Jackson, in Northampton, where he was met by Chief Justice Taylor and Colonel William Polk, and by them escorted to Raleigh. Thus, in a continuous round of reverent greetings, he passed from. State to State, On September 7th, 1825, after Congress had voted him two hundred thousand dollars and twenty -three thousand acres of public land, he sailed back to his French home in the new frigate, Brandywine. This ship, with rare cour- tesy, had been called after the first battle-field on which he had served, and in which he was dangerously wounded^ The world has seen no purer or more magnanimous man than this venerable Marquis de Lafayette. 19. A great sensation followed the election, by the^ House of Representatives, of John Quincey Adams a& President of the United States. General Jackson had re- ceived a plurality of votes, but was defeated in the Houses of Representatives by a combination of the friends of Messrs. Clay and Adams. John Randolph denounced this election as the result of a corrupt coalition between "a black-leg and a puritan ;" and a duel between himself and the great Kentuckian was the consequence. This election resulted in the estrangement of Mr. Clay from the Demo- cratic-Republican party, of which he had been so distin- guished a leader, and in the ultimate disappointment of his high ambition to be the chief magistrate of the people he so nobly served. 20. The Era of Good Feeling was at an end, and all who had been the opponents of Mr, Madison's policy were soon arrayed in support of the new administration. John in North Carolina? \Q. What produced a sensation in the Presiden- tial struggle? 20. WJiat was the result? 182 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Quincy Adams had claimed to be a Republican, but that party turned from him, and crushed almost every man who, in the House of Representatives, had contributed to his success in the Presidential struggle. GOVERNOR BURTON. 183 CHAPTER XXV. A. D. 1825 TO 1829. Congressmen in 1825— Death of Dr. Vance — Assembly of 1825 — J. M. Moreheacl and Alfred Dockery — Judges Badger and Rnffin — John Stanlj^ paralj^zed in Debate — Judges Strange and Martin — Presi- dent Adams and the Republican Party — Death of Bartlett Yan- cey — Death of Treasurer Haywood — Speaker Settle and Robert Potter— Hamilton C. Jones — Messrs. Wheeler, Alexander, Mont- gomery and Robards — Congressmen of 1827 — Edwnrd Jones and John Scott — General Jackson becomes President — John Branch, Secretary of the Treasury — Retirement of Mr. Macon — Hardy B. Croom — John Owen becomes Governor — Jackson as a Statesman — Politics in North Carolina. ^^ifeiLLis Alston was again elected to Congress in ^^^1 1825. Henry W. Connor, John H. Bryan, Sam- uel T. Carson, Weldon N. Edwards, Richard Hines, John Long, Archibald McNeil, Willie P. Mangum, George Out- law, H. M. Saunders and Lewis Williams were his col- leagues. In the mountains, during the canvass, an unfortunate difficulty arose between Mr. Carson and Dr. Vance, that led to a duel in wdiich the latter was slain. 2. General Saunders, Willis Alston, Judge Mangum, Mr. Edwards and Lewis Williams, all achieved national reputations, and made North Carolina a leading State in the conduct of the debates. Mr. Williams was to linger through a whole generation of iReii in his place as repre- sentative, and was to constantly increase in the love and trust of all who knew him. Questions.— What caused the death of Dr. Vance? 2. How long was Lewis Williams in Congress? 3. Wlio were J. M. Moorehead i 184 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ; 3. Bartlett Yancey again presided in the Senate in the >, year 1825. John Stanly was Speaker of the House. I John ^lotley Morehead, of Guildford, and Alfred Dock- i ery, of Richmond, were members for the first time. They j were both of large ability and influence upon the for- j tunes of the State. Through many years they were to be exponents of public opinion. Mr. Morehead was leader in the Presbyterian churches, and General Dockery was Moderator of the ancient Sandy Creek Baptist Associa- tion and often President of the State Convention of that large denomination. 4. At this session, George E. Badger having resigned as a Judge of the Superior Courts, w^as replaced by i Thomas Puffin, of Orange. Thus was the largest intelli- i gence in judicial matters lost and won. If Badger was ! the greatest lawyer North Carolina ever produced. Puffin \ was incontestably the profoundest of all her judges. His ! vast learning, personal purity and luminous statement j made him supreme in judicial annals. . \ 5. The distinguished Senator from Caswell was again Speaker of the Senate in 1826. Judge Iredell presided in the House after the disability of John Stanly. This ex- traordinary man had been elected again to preside. "While in Committee of the Whole and warmly engaged in debate, Mr. Stanly was sticken with paralysis, and fell back in the arms of Pobert Potter, of Granville. The imperious soul which had so long dominated assemblies i and crowded court houses had crushed its mortal tene-l ment. He survived a few imj)otent years, but fier}^ and \ and Alfred Dockeiy? 4. Who succeeded . J iidg'o Badger on the Supe- ! rior Coiu't bench? 5. How was John Stanly's political career ended?! GOVERNOR BURTON. 185 brilliant John Stanly had, in effect, perished with the advent of his^ deplorable malady. 6. Robert Strange, of Cumberland, and James Martin, of Rowan, were made Judges of the Superior Courts at this session. Judge Strange was a Virginian by birth, and Judge Martin was a son of the veteran Colonel of the same name, who did so much good service in the Revolution. These new Judges took the places of Pax- ton, dead, and Nash, resigned. 7. President Adams claimed to be a Republican, but the bulk of that party had arrayed itself against his ad- ministration. The opposing factions of the nation be- came known simply as Adams and Jackson men. The political hobby of the day was internal improvement by the General Government. Six millions of dollars were expended upon the Cumberland road. In 1827, under the usual appropriation bill for surveys, many insignifi- cant jobs were reported, which so disgusted Congress that the system was abandoned. Since that day the improve- ment of rivers and harbors and aid to great railway lines of national importance have displaced these petty schemes for local advantage. 8. Bartlett Yancey presided for the last time in the Senate during the session of 1827. His death occurred during the next year, after his re-election but before the meeting of the Assembly. His influence for twenty years had been in North Carolina almost equal to that of Colonel Harvey, Edward Moseley or Samuel Swann. He was the leader and support of all those who labored (J. What two Jiiflges were elected in 1826? 7. How were political jjarties then designated ? 8. What is said of Bartlett Yancey? 9. 186 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. for the development of the State's resources. He it was that remodeled the Supreme Court, and brought order out of confusion by salutary regulation of the Treasurer's and Comptroller's offices. 9. A mysterious confusion was discovered in the Treas- urer's accounts upon the death of John Ha3^wood, who had been in office since 1789. This venerable man had been a pattern and exemplar of all that is noble and true in manly character, and no one attributed wrong to him, but to some trusted subordinate, who availed himself of the infirmities of the Treasurer's old age to abuse his con- fidence. No man liad lived in the State who had received a larger measure of veneration and confidence than John Haywood. His cousin. Judge Haywood, who bore the same name, had years before left for Tennessee, where he attained high civil and literary honor. 10. Thomas Settle, of Rockingham, late a member of Congress, was chosen Speaker of the House in this same session of 1827. Eobert Potter, of Granville, in the reck- less craving for notoriety which characterized his life, in- troduced two bills which excited a profound sensation. The first suggested fraud and irregularities in the man- agement of the banks, and was only defeated in the House by the casting vote of Mr. Speaker Settle. The second was a proposition to reduce the salaries of all the Judges. 11. These dignitaries were at that time paid eighteen hundred dollars apiece. After deducting the expense of travel, the profits were but small to tlie learned and la- borious jurists who at that day dispensed justice in the What of Treasurer Haywood ':* 10. What did Robert Potter attempt ? GOyEENOR BURTON. 187 3tate. Hamilton C. Jones, of Eowan, made a brilliant de- fence of the Bench and discomfited the brutal agrarian, who was to bring a still more lasting disgrace upon his name. 12. Among the debutants of this Assembly were John JI. Wheeler of Hertford, W. J. Alexander of Mecklen- burg and William Montgomery of Orange. Governor Burton was succeeded in office b}^ Judge Iredell. Wil^^ liam Robards, of Grp^nville, became Treasurer in place of ^ John Haywood, deceased. 13. The Congressional delegation of 1827 consisted of Willis Alston of Halifax, David L. Barringer of Wake, John H. Bryan of Craven, Samuel P. Carson of Burke, Henry W. Connor of Lincoln, John Culpepper of Mont- gomery, Thomas H. Hall of Edgecombe, Gabriel Holmes of jSampson, John Long of Randolph, Lemuel Sawyer of Camden, Augustin H. Shepherd of Stokes, Daniel Turner of Warren, and Lewis Williams of Surry, 14. Colonel Edward Jones was this year succeeded in office as Solicitor General by John Scott, of Llillsboro, Mr- Jones had been the foster-father of the gallant John^ son Blakely, He was an able advocate, and greatly dis.^ tinguished himself in his conflicts with Judge Haywood, when the latter resigned and undertook the defence of Colonel Glasgow and the land ring. 15. With the advent of 1828, there came a renewal of the contest between Jackson and Adams for the Presi^ dency of the nation. The former was elected by almost fin hundred majority of the electoral votes. The Adams 12. Who were new members of 1827 ? 13. Who were Congressmen of tbiit year? l-l. W^hat is said o| Colonel Jones and Captain ii J88 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ^ "I men at that time called themselves Rational Republicans, ] and advocated high protective tariffs, internal improve- | ments by the General Goveriiment and a latitndinous i construction of the Constitution. General Jackson and ' his supporters opposed these doctrines. He had gained i the most brilliant military victory in war annals, and j was soon to become as greatly distinguished for his cour \ summate ability as a statesman and party leader. ] ,. 16. General Jackson, upon his inauguration, appointed | John Branch, of Halifax, as Secretary of the Navy ; but ; he did not retain that position long, as domestic troubles i in the Cabinet resulted in his and others retiring. ; 17. Jesse Speight, of Green, was Speaker of the Senate ! in 1828, and Thomas Settle filled a similar relation to \ the House of Commons. To this Assembly, Nathaniel ^ Macon tendered his resignation of the places he held, as i United States Senator, Trustee of the Universitv and Jus^ \ tice of the Peace for Warren county. Mr. Macon had ] been in public life for a half century, and upon reaching ; the age of seventy executed a long-formed purpose of re^ tiring to privacy and rest. ! 18. He was one of the truest ?ind best of men, and, if | John Randolph spoke truly, the wisest of his age. Though j deeply Democratic in his views, he was no mere partisan, i and opposed his part}^ on fill occasions when he differed i from their conclusiops. He said, in 1835, that he was '% \ Baptist in his religious views, but did not subscribe to all ■ that they taught." Simple in his habits and direct in all i Blakely? 15. Who was elected in 1828 to the Presidency ? 16. Who : -was made Secretary of the I^avy? 17. What is si^id of Mr, Mj^cou's j GOVERNOR OWEN. 189 his speech and actions, he became the embodiment of an- tique heroism and resolution. 19. In the session of 1828 was seen Hardy B. Croom, of Lenoir. He was graduated at Chapel Hill in 1816. He had made large attainments in law and letters, when his unfortunate death occured off Cape Hatteras, in the ship Home. This was one of the earliest sea-going steamers, Mr. Croom, his wife and two daughters perished together on that fatal coast, which has been so fearful to mariners ever since its disco ver3^ 20. John Owen, of Bladen, became Governor this year, in place of James Iredell. He was the son of Colonel Thomas Owen, of the Bevolution, and brother of General James Owen, of Wilmington. To a fine understanding, he added the Cape Fear virtues of generosity, kindness and most gracious hospitality. 21. General Jackson became President March 4th, 1829, and was at once recognized as one of the greatest rulers America had known. He was firmly fixed in the doc^ trines which assure popular government, and opposed all monopolies and the aggressive tendencies which capital and privilege are ever manifesting, The greatest men in both Houses of Congress were soon to be arrayed against him ; but he was to triumph over Messrs. Clay, Calhoun and Webster conjoined and establish every point of his great and varied policy. 22. No other North Carolinian ever so impressed him^ self on his age and countrymen. Mr. Macon was larger in the public councils and was more universally admired, resignation ? 19. Who was drowned on the steamship Home. 20. Who was Governor after James Jvedell? . gl? Wheii did Gepej-al J90 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, but his was the wisdom of a Newton. Andrew Jackson stood as Agamemnon, a born ruler and leader of men. ] ' 23. North Carolina from the first was one of those • States which hesitated as to the great issues then dividing i the two wings of the Republican party. General Jackson j was always supported personally, and did not fail to re^ | ceive the electoral votes of the State ; but many of the j .leading minds of the Commonwealth soon dissented from ^ ynuch of his bold policy. j Jackson become Presiclen,ti of the United States? 22. What is said of j bini as a statesman ? 23. What were the relations of I^forth Caroling, \ to him ^ i GOVERNOK OWEN. 191 CHAPTER XXVI. A. D. 182 TO 1833. Assembly of 1829 — Tfie Eastern Fislieries— Increase in the Cnltiu-e of Cotton — Congressmen in 1820— General Jackson and tlie United States Bank — Opening of the Dismal Swamp Canal — North Caro- lina Baptist State Convention— Assembly of 1830— D. F. CaUl- well and Charles Fisher, Speakers— Governor Owen and Judge Mang-um — Montford Stokes becomes Governor— Assembly of 1831- Louis D. Henry and Thomas J. Stanly — Burning of tlie State House in 1832 — Judge Swain — North Carolinians in otiier States — Jackson and the Opposition — Congressmen — The Great Issues in 1832— William D. Moselej^— Hugh McQueen— Death of Chief-Justice Taylor — The first North Carolina Railroads — William A. Graham. ^^EDFORD Bkown, ill the Senate, and William J. Alex- ^^k ancler, in the House, were the presiding officers of 1829. Dr. Alexander, of Mecklenburg, belonged to the large family so conspicuous in the Revolution. Daniel M. Barringer of Cabarrus, Samuel T. Sawyer of Chowan, John D. Eccles of Fayetteville, William D. Moseley of Lenoir and Richmond M. Pearson of Rowan were all brilliant debutants. 2. The fisheries in the eastern sounds and rivers had been productive ever since the earliest discoveries under Amadas and Barlow ; but the means of capturing the fish had been slightly improved over the rude nets and weirs of the Indians. About 1815, long seines, drawn in by horses and windlasses, were introduced. This added immensely to the number taken. Herring, shad, striped bass and sturgeon were, and have continued since to be 192 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. i i more abundant than anywhere else on the coast of the ; United States. ■! 3. Cotton and its culture had received a mighty im- i pulse in Witney's invention of the saw-gin. Soon tobacco i had ceased to be the staple in large regions, and the ■ greatest of textile products had taken its place. The | profits realized in cotton culture in the Southern States j led to a large removal of slaves and their masters, and : made the latter more intolerant of any discussion as to \ the justice or profit of that species of labor. ■ 4. In 1829, Willis Alston of Halifax, D. M. Barringer j of Wake, S. P. Carson of Burke, H. W. Connor of Lincoln, ' T. H. Hall of Edgecombe, Lewds Williams of Surry, Ed- : mund Deberry of Montgomery, Edv/ard B. Dudley of New ' Hanover, Robert Potter, of Granville, Abraham Pencher j of Chatham, Jesse Speight of Greene, William B. Shep- \ herd of Pasquotank, and Augustin H. Shepherd of Stokes, i were chosen as members of Congress. i 5. General Jackson, in his first message, denied both ] the constitutionality and expediency of the United States i Bank. This was the beginning of a great and protracted j political struggle. Members of North Carolina had been ! strangely divided in all the votes for re-charter, at different times since 1791. Republicans had voted for j and against the renewal without regard to party. The \ President had at last rallied a party to oppose its contin- j uance as dangerous to the pu])lic weal. ; Questions. —Who presided in the Assembly of 1S29? 2. Wliat is i said of the tishories in the East? 3. Wliat of tobacco and cotton ? ; 4. Who were, members of Con<;rcss in 1829? 5. What is said of Gen- \ eral Jackson and the United States Banks? G. What of the Dismal J GOVERNOR STOKES. 193 6. The Dismal Swamp Canal at last had been opened for traffic. It had been commenced in 1790. A great change was soon effected in the eastern counties. The large brigs which had so long been plying to the West Indies and encountering the storms of Hatteras, fell into disuse ; for all tropical supplies were soon brought with infinitely more safety by the canal boats from Norfolk. 7- In 1830, the North Carolina Baptist State Conven- tion was established, and its first session held in the vil- lage of Greenville, in Pitt county. Rev. P. W. Dowd, of Wake, was made President. Revs. Thomas Meredith, Samuel Wait, John Armstrong, W. P. Biddle, and Peter P. Lawrence and Charles W. Skinner, laymen, were the most prominent members and promoters of the new movement. Though a feeble body then, the independent churches were soon enlisted in its futherance, and great good has been effected under its ministrations. 8. David F. Caldwell in the Senate and Charles Fisher in the House, both being from Rowan county, presided in the Assembly of 1830. Montford Stokes, of Wilkes, became Governor, in place of John Owen, of Bladen. In the contest for United States Senator, there was a serious misunderstanding between Governor Owen and Judge W. P. Mangum, the successful candidate. It was happily arranged, and the hostile meeting, so imminent, averted. 9. Governor Owen was no more in public life, except his presidency of the Harrisburg Whig Convention of 1840, when he declined the nomination of his party for the Vice-Presidency, and thereby failed to become Presi- Swamp Canal ? 7. Wluit of tlie North Carolina Baptist State Conven- tion ? 8. What of the A^ssembly of 1830.^ 9. How did Governor 9 194 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. \ dent of the United States, which would have occuiTed i had he been less delicate and scrnpulous. Judge ]\[an- ] gum became one of the leading Senators in the august j body to which he was accredited. In eloquence and par- I liamentary skill he had no superiors, and his views on ; points of order became almost as authoritative as JefFer- l son's Manual. \ 10. In the Assembly of 1831, there was no change as ; to presiding officers. Among the debutants were John | Bragg of Warren, Godwin C. Moore of Hertford, John R. j J. Daniel of Halifax and John M. Dick of Guilford. i i 11. Among the ablest of the older members was elo- ! quent and polished Louis D. Henry of Cumberland, j Years before, in some trivial way, he became involved in | a duel, in which he slew Thomas J. Stanly, a younger j brother of him who, in a similar way, had taken the life ] of the first Governor, H. D. Spaight. \ 12. A serious misfortune occurred in the accidental \ burning of the State House, in the month of June. The ^ loss of the building was not so much deplored as the de- | struction of Canova's statue of Washington, recently pur- i chased in Italy. This was a noble figure, seated and in | Roman costume. It was said to have been one of the : famous sculptor's masterpieces. ■' 13. David L. Swain, then a Judge of the Suj)erior ] Courts was elected Governor the same year. His fine \ natural endowments and unwearied assiduity had already ; lifted him to fame and fortune. His heart overflowed ; _ I Owen miss being President of tlie United States? 10. Wiiat of tlie \ Assembly of 1831 ? 11. What is said of Louis D.Henry? 12 What ] house was burned in 1831 ? 13. Who became Governor that year ? ! OOVERNOR SWAIN. 195 with love for North Carolina, and no nia-n has done more for her historic vindication. 14. Emigration to the South and West had long been an exhausting drain upon the best interests of the State. Oenius, wealth and enterprise were continually withdraw- ing from North Carolina and ennobling other Common- wealths. Colonel Benton had gone to ^Missouri, and was United States Senxitor from that State ; Judges Hugh L. White and Spencer Jarnagin were in the same body from Tennessee; William R. King, late of Sampson, was also a Senator from Alabama. 15. Death had also been busy with the best. Dr. David Caldwell, of Guilford, had died in 1824; Judge A. D. Murphy in 1829, and in 1828 also James F. Taylor, At- torney General of the State. 16. North Carolina, with embarrassed finances and a bitter sectional struggle, silently awaited the development of affairs about Washington. An excitement even sur- passing that consequent upon the passage of the Alien and Sedition laws was close at hand. Henry Clay was building up a formidable opposition, but their policy was yet chaotic and undefined. Colonel Nicholas Biddle and the Bank were recognized as the agents of General Jack- son's enemies, and he was not the man to forgive or re- lent. A warfare as of the Titans was clearly discernable, and the ^'Hero of the Hermitage" girded up his loins and made r^^ady for the conflict. 17. Judge Mangum and Bedford Brown were at this time United States Senators from North Carolina. In 14. What distinguished emigrants from the State are mentioned? 15. Who died uboiit the time In question.^ IG. Who was leading the / 196 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ) ■ i the House the delegation consisted of D. M. Barringer, : Lauchlin Bethune, John Brancli, S. P. Carson, H. W. Connor, T. H. Hall, M. T. Hawkins, J. J. McKay, Abra^ : ham Rencher, William B. Shepherd, A. H. Sheoherd, \ Jesse Speight and Lewis Williams. ■ 18. The excitement of another Presidential canvass was I upon North Carolina in 1832. The electoral vote was ; given to General Jackson. He had vetoed the bank : charter in July. South Carolina was threatening Nulli- j fication unless the American sj^stem should be repealed. \ The Whig party attained its full proportions upon the j removal of the public deposits from the keeping of the i United States Bank. ! 19. William D. Moseley, a descendant of Edward Mose- ' ley of colonial times, presided in the Senate of 1832. He j was a Chapel Hill man of the Class of 1818, and had in- i herited some of his ancestor's great ability. His coadju- | tor in the chair of the House was Louis D. Henry. David j Outlaw and Lewis Thompson, of Bertie, first appeared in i this Assembly. Thomas Dews of Rutherford, William , A. Graham of Orange and others had been their class- ■ mates at Chapel Hill. They were both able and patri- ; otic and destined to large usefulness. \ 20. Hugh McQueen, of Chatham, was also a debutant ! in this Assembly. He w^as eloquent as erratic, and was \ fast achieving eminence as a lawyer. ^ 21. Chief-Justice Taylor had died in 1829, and was ' succeeded by Judge Henderson. Judge Toomer had _ — ' I opposition? 17. Who were in Congress? 18. Who was elected Presi* ! dent of the United States in 1832 ? 19. What is said of the Assembly | of that year? 20. Wliat of Hnoh McQueen? 21. Who succecdea j GOVERNOR SWAIN, 1^ been appointed to the same tiibnnal, f^nd upon his speedy resignation, Judge Rufhn, of the Superior Court, was pro* moted, Henry Seawell and Thomas Settle were madq Judges of the Superior Courts during the same session. . 22, In 1830, an act passed chartering the Petersburg Railway, Two years later the Portsmouth and Roanoke Railroad was likewise granted corporate privileges in, North Carolina, A single line in South Carolina, and a few in the North, wex^e all that had preceded them in the United States, A great advancement was fast coming to the traffic and travel of the nation, The vast reaches of the American Republic presented to wise outside ob« servers a bar to any unity of thought and iiiterest, but steam and electricity have triumphed over the difficulties of space, and the country is, in 1879, far more compact and accessible in reality than were the Atlantic States in 1787. 23, In 1833, W. P. Moseley, iu the Senate, and W. J, Alexander, in the Commons, were presiding officers. Among the uew members was "William A. Graham, of Orange, He was the son of General Joseph Graham, and, having been graduated at Chapel Hill in 1824, had al- ready won prominence at the Hillsboro bar. This, up to a year past, had iucluded Thomas Ruffin, A. D. Murphy, Willie P, Mangum, Frederick Nash, George E. Badger, Francis L. Hawks, W. H, Haywood aud Rartlett Yancey, In such an array, the elaborate preparation, fine elocu^ tion and majestic presence of Mr. Graham had already established his prestige and assured his success, At once Chief Justice Taylor? 22. When were the first raih-oads chq,rterecj ii:i North Carolina? 23. What is said of Wm, A. Grahani? 198 HISTORY PF NORTH CAROLINA, he seemed full panoplied in an arena where successful contest is generally the result of plose and laborious years of training. No man was ever more beyond reproach ^.nd the imputation of any failing than WUli^ni Alexans 4er GmhaiU; GOVERNOR SWAIN. . 199 CHAPTER XXVII. A. D. 1834 TO 1838. Railroad Convention — Congressmen — The Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad — Assembly of 1834 — The Second Governor Spaight — The Convention Bill — Convention of 1835 meets in Raleigh — The Changes eifected — Edward B. Dudley becomes Governor — Gene- ral Jackson retires from office— His Measures — Hugh Waddell and W. H. Haywood, Jr., Congressmen — The Supreme Court of North Carolina — Tlie Circuit Judges — Death of Gavin Hogg — The North Carolina Bar — Congressmen — Martin Van Buren — The United States Bank — Lewis Williams and others on the Admission of Ar- kansas — Assembly of 1838. ^HEN the year 1834 had come, the interest in the ^^^|g building of railroads was but increased in inten- sity. In the previous year a convention had been held in which W. A. Graham and Joseph A. Hill were the chief spokesmen. Mr. Graham advocated the establish- ment of a system of lines traversing the State north and south, while Mr. Hill, with great zeal, pressed the expe- diency of adopting the opposite directions of the compass. 2. In the Summer elections, the following members of the 23d Congress were chosen : D. M. Barringer, Jesse A. Bynum, H. W. Connor, Edmund Deberry, James Graham, Thos. H. Hall, M. T. Hawkins, J. J. McKay, Abraham Rencher, W. B. Shepherd, A. H. Shepherd, Jesse Speight and Lewis Williams. 3. The citizens of Wilmington, in 1833, had inaugu- rated a route which was to connect Weldon with their Questions.— What is said of the Railroad Convention of 1833 ? 3. "What of the \\ ilmingtori and Weldon route ? 4. Wlio became Gover- 200 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. town. This was for some time the longest railway in the world, and reflected the greatest credit on the en- terprise of the Cape Fear people. Subscriptions, equaling the value of the city real estate, started the enterprise at the head of which were Messrs. E. B. Dudley, W. H. Cowan, P. K. Dickinson, James Owen, W. B. Meares, AV. P. Hort and Alexander McRae. 4. In 1834, the Assembly continued the previous Speak- ers, and elected another Richard Dobbs Spaight as Gov- ernor. He was an elegant gentleman but lacked much of equalling his father in ability as a statesman. 5. The long struggle for changes in the Constitution of 1776 was this jesir concluded. On a close vote, by aid of eastern borough members, the Legislature called a Con- vention, provided a popular majority should endorse the proposition. The bill contained a clause providing that in case a majority should ratify the call, then each mem- ber of the Convention, before taking his seat, should take an oath that he would not be a party to any further al- terations in the Constitution than those specified in the enabling act. 6. The majorities in the west of course controlled in the matter, although eastern members voted almost unan- imously against any change. It was urged that the Leg- islature had exceeded its powers in attempting to limit | the capacity of a body representing the sovereignty of the | people. i 7. The Convention met in Raleigh on June 4th, 1835, \ . . \ and made Nathaniel Macon, of AVarren, its President. \ There were maii}^ of the ablest men of the State elected ^ nor that year ? 5. What contest ended in 1834? 7. When did the ' i GOVERNOR SPAIGHT. 201 members. Messrs. Gaston, Swain, Owen, Outlaw, Gaither, Kayner, McQueen, Bryan, Daniel, Toomer, Meares, More- head, Gilliam, Seawell, Edwards, Bailey, Smith, Dockery, Biggs, Skinner, Spaight, Speight, Fisher and Wilson, were the most prominent, and possessed abilities to confer honor upon any deliberative body. 8. Borough representation was abolished, and the coun- ties were to send members of the House of Commons ac- cording to population. The fifty Senators were to be based upon the relative tax-paying capacity of the coun- ties. This gave the west control of the House, while the east, by its superior wealth, still retained command in the Senate. Free persons of color had been voting by suffer- ance but not under any specific legal right ; this was for- bidden. The Governor's election was transferred from the Legislature to the people. Sessions of the Assembly were made biennial instead of annual. 9. These organic changes were ratified by a majority of more than five thousand voters. The east, to the last contending against the changes, was outvoted by the peo- ple, who, for the first time saw the large western popula- tion in a condition to make themselves felt in legislation. 10. General Jackson's removal of the deposits had re- sulted in the formation of the Whig party in every State of the Union. They nominated Edward B. Dudley, of Wilmington, as their candidate for Governor of North Carolina, in opposition to the re-election of Governor Spaight who was the choice of the Democrats. Mr. Dud- second Constitutional Convention meet ? 8. What changes were made? 9. What majority ratified the amended Constitution? 10. What act of 202 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ley triumphed by a handsome majority, and the Whigs assumed control of the State. 11. General Jackson ceased to be President of the Uni- ted States in 1837. He had created violent political an- imosities, and, by his policy, some times endangered the public peace ; but he was, for all that, a great and patri- otic ruler, and had accomplished much for the good and glory of the nation. He was unquestionably the greatest man to whom North Carolina has yet given birth, and will be famous for all time. 12. Under his rule the Sub-Treasury had been estab- lished and the funds so accumulated that thirty-seven and a half million of dollars, arising from the sale of pub- lic lands, were distributed among the several States for the establishment of Common Schools. About fifteen hundred thousand dollars were thus bestowed upon North Carolina for the benefit of children, so many of whom had hitherto been unable to go to school at all. 13. Hugh Waddell, of Orange, a descendant of the col- onial general of the same name, presided in the Senate, and W. H. Haywood, of Wake, was Speaker of the House, in the Assembly of 1836. These were very elegant and eloquent gentlemen, and were both graduates of Chapel Hill. 14. Dr. T. H. Hall of Edgecombe, long a prominent member of Congress, Robert B. Gilliam of Granville, James T. Morehead of Guilford, Kenneth Rayner of Hert- ford, Andrew Joyner of Halifax, Michael Hoke of Lin- coln, Alfred M. Dockery of Richmond, W. A. Graham of General Jackson preceded the formation of the Whig party? 11. What is said of Jackson as a ruler ? 13. Who were Speakers in 1836 ? GOVERNOK DUDLEY. 203 Orange, David S. Eeid of Rockingham, Josiah T. Gran- berry of Perquimans, Weston R, Gales of Wake, and W. N. Edwards of Warren, were leading members of this able body. 15. Chief Justice Leonard Henderson had died in 1833, and was succeeded by Judge Ruffin. The great lawyer and statesman, William Gaston, of Craven, was elected to the Supreme Court to supply the vacancy. Judges Ruf- fin, Daniel and Gaston constituted a tribunal which has never been surpassed for learning, purity and exposition of the law. 16. Judge Seawell died in 1835, others resigned, and their places were filled with new Judges. In 1836, the Su- perior Court Bench was composed of Judges Settle, Saun- ders, Dick, Bailey, Nash, Pearson and Toomer, and their respective salaries were, at this period, nineteen hundred and fifty dollars a year. 17. Gavin Hogg died this year and left the lead of the lawyers in the able keeping of Judge Badger, who had resigned from the Superior Courts and gone back to the bar. Thomas Bragg, Spier Whitaker, B. F. Moore, Au- gustus Moore, W. N. H. Smith, and David Outlaw, were all establishing their fame in the east, while Haywood, Graham, the Moreheads, and Hoke, were of equal distinc- tion in the central and western counties. 18. The North Carolina delegation to the House of Rep- resentatives of the 28th Congress consisted of Messrs. By- num, Edward Stanly, C. B. Shepherd, Hawkins, McKay, Deberry, Rencher, William Montgomery, A. H. Shepherd, 14. Who Congressmen in 1837? 15. Who were Judges of Supreme Court? 16. Of the Superior Courts? 17. What able lawyer die^i in 204 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. James Graham, Connor and Lewis Williams. Judge Strange had been elected to the United States Senate the year before. This new Senator w^as a Democrat and dis- tinguished for his graces as a scholar and orator. 19. Martin VanBuren, of New York, succeeded General Jackson in the Presidency of the nation. He was polish- ed and adroit as a politician, but did not rise to the level of true statesmanship. Individual and party success bounded the horizon of his hopes, and he w^as thus a time- server and the man of mere expedients. He was a north- ern man with southern principles in 1836, and the candi- date of the Buffalo Convention in 1848. 20. North Carolina, in common with other States, felt the monetary crisis produced in the expiring agonies of the United States Bank. The Sub-Treasury was by this time fairly established and the financial disorders soon corrected themselves. 21. Mr. Jeff'erson and Virginia had established the pre- cedent of excluding slavery from the territory of the Uni- ted States. Upon Arkansas' applying for admission, in 1839, many men of the North, like Lewis Williams and other Southerners, voted against the admission of the new State on the same principle. This was in the face of the Missouri Compromise and awoke gloomy anticipations. 22. Colonel Andrew Joyner, of Halifax, presided in the Senate, and William A. Graham in the House, during the session of 1838. The Whigs were in control of both branches of the Legislature. W. W. Cherry of Bertie, 1836? 18. Who from North Carolina attended as members of the 28th Congress? 19. What is said of President VanBuren? 20. Wliat of the crisis? 21. What about the admission of Arkansas? 22. What GOVERNOR DUDLEY. 205 William Eaton, Jr., of Warren, G. W. Caldwell of Meck- lenburg, and C. H. Brogden of Wayne, were among the debutants. 23. The second term of Governor Dudley was opposed by John Branch, but the latter was defeated and was no more in public life in North Carolina. He became Gov- ernor of the Territory of Florida, in 1843, by appointment of President Tyler. 24. Bishop Ravenscroft had died, and was succeeded by Rev. Dr. Lilliman Ives. The latter had been educated at the West Point Military Academy, and was a pulpit orator of great power. is said of tlie Assembly of 1838 ? 23. Wliat of John Brancli? 24. Wliat of Bisliop Ravenscroft and Dr. Ives ? 206 niSTOKY OP NORTH CAROLINA. \ CHAPTER XXVIII. ] A. D. 1839 TO 1844. j Korth Carolina Congressmen in 1839 — Colonel James A. McKay— ; Kenneth Rayner— 21st Rule— Davidson College — Wake Forest ' College — Common Schools — Judge Murphy and Dr. Joseph Cald- \ well — Campaign of 1840— J. M. Morehead, Governor — Messrs. Mangum and Graham, United States Senators — Death of Presi- i dent Harrison— Judge Badger — John Tyler and the Whigs — ! Assembly of 1842— Bedford BroWn and R. M. Saunders— United ' States Bank and Colonel Biddle— Death of Lewis Williams — [ Congressmen — Governor Graham and Colonel Hoke — Assembly ; of 1844— Death of Judge Gaston— James K. Polk— The Whigs ' Ruined. fN 1839, the North Carolina CoiiPTessional deleg^ation ' ^ consisted of Bedford Brown and Robert Strange in \ the Senate, and Jesse A. Bynum of Halifax, H. W. Con- ] nor of Lincoln, Edmund Deberry of Montgomery, Charles \ Fisher of Rowan, James Graham of Rutherford, Micajah i T. Hawkins of Warren, John Hill of Stokes, J. J. McKay j of Bladen, AVilliam Montgomery of Orange, Kenneth ■ Rayner of Hertford, Charles B. Shepherd of Craven, Ed- i ward Stanly of Beaufort and Lewis Williams of Surry, in j the House. j 2. Colonel McKay had greatly distinguished himself, j and was chairman of the House committee on Ways and 1 Means. In heading off William Slade, of Vermont, in a ! famous speech of the latter which threatened to precipi- ■ tate a collision on the floor of the Capitol, he exhibited a ■ coolness and depth of resources that were admirable. Mr. j Rayner also took a prominent stand on the Whig side of \ the House, and w^as a speaker of great reputation. ; GOVEHNOH DUDLEY. 207 3. All unhappy spirit of resentment was taking posses- sion of the nation, on both sides, as to the subject of abo- lition petitions. The North resented Mr. Patton's famous 21st rule as an abridgement of Constitutional rights, while the South lost all philosophic inquiry into the jus- tice and expediency of their peculiar system, in what they regarded as a rude intrusion upon their affairs. 4. Thus, in a frantic struggle, freedom of speech on a great subject of natural right was destroyed in the South. Slavery entailed injuries both on master and servant, and the excited emancipationists for the time but increased the hardships of the bondsmen. 5. Education was receiving unwonted attention in North Carolina. The Presbyterian Synod had established in 1838 the college which was called in honor of General Davidson, of the Revolution. The Baptists had converted their high school at Wake Forest at the same time into a college. These noble denominational seminaries, together with the University at Chapel Hill, afforded large oppor- tunities for culture. 6. In 1840 was the first effective legislation for the es- tablishment of a system of common schools. By act of the Assembly of 1836, the Governor and three others to be appointed by him were constituted the Literary Board. A fund arising from the sum received from distribution, the sale of swamp lands and shares in the banks owned by the State was invested and held for the benefit of pop- ular education. Questions. — Mention some of the Congressmen of 1839. 2. Who was Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means? 3. What was the feeling about abolition petitions ? 4. What is said of freedom of speech? 5. What of Davidson and Wake Forest Colleges? G. What 208 HISTORY OF NOHTH CAROLINA. 7. Judge Murphy and Dr. Joseph Caldwell had labored \ persistently to bring about the proper legislation in this i matter. In 1839, an act to divide the counties into dis- '; tricts was passed. It left to each county the option of \ schools or no schools. Nearly all the counties decided to | be taxed for the buildings necessary in the' work. The | school districts were six miles square. i 8. The Presidential canvass of 1840 resulted in a great j defeat to the Democrats. General Harrison had taken ' his enemies by storm, and Martin Van Buren was found ; to be a load too great for success on that occasion. The j coon-skins, hard cider and log cabins were very ridiculous \ adjuncts in debating the bank, tariff and sub-treasury, l but were none the less effective. i 9. Governor Dudley's term, by Constitutional limita- , tion, had nearly expired, w^hen the Whigs nominated i John Motley Morehead, of Guilford, as his successor. | Both he and his competitor. Judge R. M. Saunders, were { Chapel Hill men, and of consummate force as popular speakers. It w^as, perhaps, as ably conducted as any can- , Vass ever seen in North Carolina, and resulted in a Whig j victory. i 10. Messrs. Graham and Mangum,both of Orange, w^ere ! in 1841 in the United States Senate. In the House were Kenneth Rayner, J. R. J. Daniel, Edward Stanly, W. H. ' Washington, J. J. McKay, A. H. Arrington, Edmund De- \ berry, R. M. Saunders, A. H. Shepherd, Abraham Rench- [ er, G. W. Caldwell, James Graham and Lewis Williams, j was done in 1840 as to Common Schools? 7. Who are mentioned as j having labored for popuhir education? 8. Who became President in j 1840? 9. Who Governor? 10. Who Congressmen? 11. Who was i GOVERNOR MOREHEAD. 209 11. General Harrison had taken his place as President of the United States only a month, when his unfortunate death occurred. Judge Badger had been appointed Sec- retary of the Navy. The new President soon gave the party which had elected him grounds for uneasiness in the special session of Congress, which had been called by General Harrison previous to his death. Upon the pas- sage of the bill re-chartering the United States Bank, the Whigs found that a radical difference existed between them and the man they had made Chief Magistrate of the nation. Perhaps no great body of men in the world's history have ever been more cruelly deceived. 12. The Democrats elected a majority of the Legisla- ture in 1842, and General Louis D. Wilson, of Edgecombe, was made President of the Senate. He was a man of singular devotion, and was to illustrate his sincerity with life itself. Calvin Graves, of Caswell, was made Speaker of the House. He was very quiet and firm, and rose to the level of the greatest responsibilities. 13. Thomas S. Ashe of Anson, Thomas Bragg of North- ampton, W. W. Avery and T. R. Caldwell of Burke, D. M. Barringer of Cabarrus and D. K. McRae of Cumber- land were among the debutants. 14. Though the Democrats had carried the Legislature, Governor Morehead was again elected over the able and eloquent Louis D. Henry, then of Wake. A contest arose in this Legislature between Bedford Brown and Judge Saunders for the United States Senate, which resulted in the choice of neither of them. William H. Haywood, of made Secretary of the Navy ? 12. Who were Speakers in 1842? 13. Who were debutants? 14. Wiiat happened in the Senatorial struggle? 210 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wake, was taken as a compromise candidate and elected without trouble. He was a lawyer of great respectability, and he fully sustained the reputation of his family for fine endowments. 15. The failure of the United States Bank in 1843 pro- duced great losses. It had produced great excitement for years past, and with it soon passed away its president, Colonel Nicholas Biddle, of Philadelphia. He was the kinsman of the Shepherd family of New Bern. 16. Lewis Williams, of Surry, died at his post, in Washington, in 1842. He was called the " Father of the House of Representatives," from the fact of his long ser- vice. He served continuously from 1815 to the day of his death. He was a blameless and faithful servitor of the people, and was one of a family greatly honored in North Carolina. Henry Clay, John Q. Adams and other great men delivered noble eulogies upon his life and ser- vices. 17. In 1842, Rev. Aldert Smedes established at Raleigh the now famous St. Mary's School for young ladies. His singular grace and accomplishments and the real excel- lence of the means used, soon created a seminary which is yet high in the favor of the Southern people. Sound learning and a peculiar elegance wxre soon communicated to hundreds of the fairest and best women of the nation, at this now celebrated seat of learning. Dr. Smedes' re- cent death was deplored as a public calamity, and espe- cially by the hundreds of his pupils who are so widely the ornaments of society. 15. Vv^hat bank failed in 1843 •? 16. Who died in Congress? 17. What is said of St. Mary's School and its Principal? 18. What of the Metli- GOVERNOR GRAHAM. 211 18. A year later the Methodist Female College of Greensboro was established, which was put under the charge of the Rev, S. Lea, This soon became a favorite and flourishing institution, ajid was under the charge of Dr. C. F. Deems at one tjme. This able scholar and divine within hirnself was an assurance of the merits of the instruction. After many vicissitudes, this excellent seminary has arisen from destruction, and is again among the foremost in renown and usefulness. 19. In 1843, the North Carolina delegation to Congress consisted of Messrs, Mangum and Haywood in the Senate, and Kenneth Rayner, A, H, Arrington, D. M. Barringer, T, L. Clingman, Edmund Deberry, B. M. Saunders, J. J, McKay, J, R. J. Daniel and P. S. Reid iu the House of Represejitatives, 20. Great bitterness was to be seen in the intercourse of men siding with the Whig and Democratic parties. Estrangement and hostility were cojistantly developing between the North and South. Colored men, free and bond, fouud curtailment of their privileges, from the fact that advocacy of justice to them was odious to a people who set down such things as covert abolitionism. Alas for the misery and folly of human contentions ! In the womb of the near future lay the germs of horrid and last« ing retribution. All parties to this great c^uarrel were to pay penalties of blood and agony. 21. In the August elections of 1844, William A. Gra-- ham, of Orange, as candidate of the Whigs, defeated CoU onel Michaii Hoke, of Lincoln, the choice of the Demo- odist Female Colleoje? Id. Who were new members in Congress? go, V^liat was the party feelin;^ of that day? 31. Who became Gover- 212 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA, crats for Governor. This canvass was very brilliant. Governor Graham, with his fine presence, majestic oratory and unsullied record, was formidabl}^ rivalled in the win- ning grace and genius of Colonel Hoke, It was a remark of antiquity that the favorites of heaven die young. Within a month the brilliant son of Lincoln w^as in his grave. A noble career had been arrested in the dawn of its promise and glory. 22. The Whigs also carried the Legislature, and Bur- gess S. Gaither, of Burke, was made President of the Sen- ate, and Edward Stanly, of Beaufort, Speaker of the House, Mr. Stanly was son of John Stanly, and imbibed much of his extraordinary gifts as well as his partisan bitterness, 23. W, W, Cherry of Bertie, N. W, Woodfin of Bun> combe, John W. LUis of Rowan and David A. Barnes of Northamptox:^ were all conspicuous as members of this Assembly, 24. The State sustained a great loss in the death of Judge Gaston, January 23d, 1844. This illustrious man had filled many high positions with equal honor to the commonwealth and himself, and the Bar, Bench and As- sembly united in paying the noblest tributes to his worth, 25. The Presidential contest of 1844 rivalled its prede- cessor in interest and excitement. The names of Clay and Frelinghuysen thrilled the great AVhig hosts of th© entire nation. Polk and Dallas, as the result proved, were no less effective, Henry Clay had long been the most eplendid and enduring figure ever known as a party nor ill 1844? 22. What is said of the Legislature? 24. What Judge flied ill 1844 ? 25. Who were caudi.aates for the Presidency that year ? GOVERNOR GRAHAM. 213 leader in America, but James K. Polk had also won fame and consideration. 26. He was born in Mecklenburg county, North Caro- lina, November % 1795, and was graduated at Chapel Hill, in 1818, with the highest honors of his class. For fifteen years he had been in Congress, and had been Speaker and Democratic leader in the House of Repre- sentatives. His Congressional career terminated with his election as Governor of Tennessee. Some inconsider- able men have been Governors, but great abilities are es- sential to leadership in Congress. 27. The result of this election was fatal to the Whig party. The great issues they had advocated henceforth sunk out of sight, and the United States Bank, Distribu- tion, and other distinctive matters of policy, were buried. It was a cruel disappointment to Mr, Clay and his friends^ and the great Kentuckian at last surrendered his high ambition to be the President of the United States, 2G. Who was James K. Polk ? 27. What effect did the election have on the Whig party ? 214 JTTSTOJIY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTER XXIX, J ■i A.D.184 5T01849, ; The Political Status in 1845— War— Death of W. W, Oherry';— C. R. j Kinney— Coionel Paine and his North Carolina Rt^giinent—Colo- nel Louis D. Wilson— -Death of James Allen — North Carolina \ Gold Mines— Governor Graham Defeats Shepherd— Congressmen ■ — Tlie year 1848 — -Captain Bragg and Buena Vista — ^Carolinians : in Mexico— -The Chowan Baptist Female Institute — Governors Reid and Manlj^ — Calvin Graves and R. B. Gilliam — Assetnbly ! of 1848— W. S. Ashe and the North Carolina Railroad— Mies Disc ' and the Lunatic Asylum — Maiden Lands— Death of Judge Daniel j — Judge Battle— Congressmen — General Taylor and the Slavery i Trouble. ' , ' j I HEM the year 1845 Imd come upon America, the i ^^^ number of the people had reached about twenty ] millions, Pi^esident Polk was inaugurated on the 4th of j March, and in the succeeding July the annexation of i Texas was accomplished. This was speedily to replace ■ the contentions of political parties in the United States i by a direr conflict with a foreign power. Mexico had j been unable to enforce her authority over the unaided ! Texans, and now, with characteristic folly, loudly pro- j claimed its warlike intents against the American people, | 2, In the Albemarle country, great grief was felt at the ; untimely death of William Walton Cherry, of Bertie, He was nephew to the distinguished lawyer, William Cherry, who had died in 1810, As a public speaker this gentle- man had no superior, while his gracious demeanor and real goodness of lieart made him universally popular. He jjad been recently nominated for Congress, and died GOVERNOR GRAHAM. 215 while attending Northampton court. Mr. Charles R. Kinney, then the leader of the bar in that section of the State, delivered a fine eulogy on Mr. Cherry and died also within a month thereafter. 3. There was soon a conflict on the Texas frontier be- tween the United States troops, under General Taylor, and the Mexicans. Volunteers were called for by the President, and the North Carolina regiment was put un- der the command of Colonel Robert Treat Paine, of Chowan. John A. Fagg, of Buncombe, was made Lieu- tenont Colonel, and Montford F. Stokes, of Wilkes, Major in the same command. 4. Louis D. Wilson, so long the Senator from Edge- combe, resigned his seat and went as a volunteer in the ranks. A touching scene was witnessed in his taking leave of the Legislature. He was made Colonel of a regi- ment, by the President, without his knowledge. 5. Judge Saunders had been appointed in the mean- while United States Minister to Spain. He had presided at the Baltimore Convention and was largely influential in procuring the nominatiion of James K. Polk over Mar- tin VanBuren. 6. James Allen, of Bertie, died at this time. He had recently apj^lied for the command of the regiment given to Colonel Paine, and his disappointment contributed to his unhappy death. His was a romantic history. Born in poverty, by aid from Dr. William Turner he had re- QUESTiONS. — When was Texas annexed to the United States? 2. What two men of the Albemarle country died in 1845? 3, Who com- manded the North Carolina reo-iment sent to Mexico? 4. Who left the North Carolina Senate to enlist? 5. Who was made 216 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. " '" 1 ceivecl a limited education. He had gone to Washington i on foot and secured an appointment to West Point Acad- i emy, and there graduated with high honors. He attained ; much credit as a lawyer, but fell a victim to disappoint- ! ment and intemperance. 1 7. The gold mines of Rowan were causing excitement i at this time. As early as 1825, Professor Dennison 01m- ; stead of the University, had visited this region and pro- ; nounced it rich in minerals. In 1842, gold was discover- i ed on the lands of Andrew Troutman. This spot became i known as Gold Hill. It was worked by different compa- j nies, and in eight years yielded more than eight hundred | thousand dollars. This was before the great findings in j California and elsewhere. 8. Governor Graham was re-elected 1846 over James : B. Shepherd of Wake. The latter did not receive the ] strength of the Democratic party, and was beaten by j twenty thousand majority. Colonel Joyner, of Halifax, \ and Edward Stanly were again elected as the presiding ; officers of their respective Houses. j 9. North Carolina had supported Mr. Polk in his prop- [ osition to annex Texas, but recoiled from the bloodshed ^ consequent upon its acquisition. Colonel Asa Biggs, of the Edenton Congressional District, had defeated Colonel i Outlaw in 1845, but in the revulsion of feeling the latter ' was this time successful. His colleagues at Washington i were Messrs. Thomas L. Cl.ingman, Nathaniel Boyden, | D. M. Barringcr, A. H. Shepherd, A. W. Venable, J. J. ! McKay, J. R. J. Daniel and Richard S. Donnell. ^ Minister to Spain y 0. Who was Junu'S Allen? 7. Where is Gokl i Hill? 8. Who vviis elected Governor in 184G? Q. What was the feel- : Jj? TKaljija- ^^ ---^ Governor graham. 217 10. The year 1848 was an era of change and commo- tion in the civilized worhL Upheaval and advancement were in Europe, while war was still continuing on the American continent. The mongrel troops of Mexico had been beaten b}^ inferior forces of Americans in every con- flict. On the 22d of February, 1847, General Taylor, with about five thousand men, was confronted at Buena Yista by General Santa Anna, with more than four times that force. A surrender of the Americans was demanded ; but though they wete far f3rom support and in the heart of the enemies country, the demand was resolutely re- fused. Repeated attacks were defeated, and the most brilliant victory won that has ever been achieved by Americans over a foreign foe, with the single exception of that of New Orleans. ■ 11. It was in this battle, when the out-numbered Ameri- cans were being dreadfully pressed in front, that a large cavalry force succeeded in turning Taylor's left flank. Ruin seemed imminent and unavoidable. Almost the whole American force was already engaged, when the battery of Captain Braxton Bragg, of North Carolina, was gent to meet this tremendous danger. Under cover of tlie drifting smoke a position was obtained unseen by the cavalry directly in their front. At once the guns opened upon the dense columns of the Mexicans, and great gaps were swept through and through. Astounded by this unexpected and murderous fire, they recoiled and fled in disorder from the field. It was when witnessing this feat, which saved the day, that General Taylor shouted, in joy : *' Give tliem a little more grape, Captain Bragg ! " ing ill North Carolina touching the war? 10. What hai^pened at 10 218 inSTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. \ ] 12. Lieutenant Francis T. Bryan, of Raleigh, distin- ; guished himself on this occasion, and was promoted, l Colonel Louis D. Wilson, commanding the 12th L-nited ; States Infantry, died on his march to the City of Mexico. \ Captain J. H. K. Burgwynn was killed at Taos. He be- ] longed to the 1st United States Dragoons, and by his gal- ; lantry and accomplishments reflected credit on his native | State. He and Major Samuel McRee, General Scott's j Chief Quarter-Master, were Cape Fear men. j 13. It was during this year that the Chowan Female \ Baptist Institute was established by the Chowan Associa- \ tion. Dr. Godwin C. Moore, for so many years the Mod- ! erator of that great body, was a chief mover, and became i President of the Trustees. Few institutions have been i more useful or better appreciated than this excellent sem- : inary. Through many States are now scattered the j beautiful wives and mothers who received so many of j their graces at Murfreesboro. I 14. The contest for the Chief Magistracy in 1848 lay ' between Charles Manly, AVhig, and David S. Reid, Demo- j crat. A new issue was introduced by Mr. Reid and his j supporters, wdiich proposed the abrogation of the free- \ hold qualification of senatorial voters. A man at that time, j to vote for a State Senator, had to hold fifty acres of land, i Mr. Manly became Governor by a reduced majority. Ho was one of three distinguished brothers. Judge ]\Iathias i E. and Rev. Dr. Basil Manly were, like him, men of large i ability, and were originally from Chatham County. ■ Buena Vista? 11. What did (i^iiptaiii Brag,^ do? !:>. Wliat North Carolinians are mentioned as beiiii^ in Mexico? 18. What female >s(mh. j inary was founded in 1S48? 14. Who was elected Governor that year? ; GOyERNOR MANLY. 219 15. Calvin Graves of Caswell, and Robert B. Gilliam of Granville, presided in tlie two Houses of the Assembly of 1848. Messrs. Kenneth Rayner and W. N. H. Smith of Hertford, William S. Ashe of New Hanover, James C. Dobbin of Cumberland, John A. Gilmer of Guilford, W. H. AVashington of Craven and Walter L. Steel-e of Rich- mond were the most prominent members. 16. The railways then in North Carolina were in de- plorable condition. It took more than twelve hours to go from Gaston to Raleigh. The route to Norfolk wa^ prostrate and unused. William S. Ashe, as chairman of llie Committee on Internal Improvements, reported a bill for a line from Beaufort to Charlotte. The State gave two millions of dollars in its aid. This bill passed the House of Commons, and received the sanction of the Sen- ate only bv the casting vote of President Graves. 17. This Legislature also established the Lunatic Asylum at Raleigh, and called the hill upon which it is located in honor of Miss Dorothea Dix, who so nobly labored for its establishment The dreadful jails were before this time the o^ily places of confinement for the unfortunate persons who had lost their reason. 18. Another Ijaw preserved to married women the lands they possessed in their own right. The wasteful or un- just husbands could no longer sell their real property without their consent, attested before proper lawful of- jicers. 19. The Supreme Court was again bereaved in 1848, in the death of Ji^dge Daniel. He was as good as he was 15, Who presided in tlie Assembly that year? 16, What is said of the raiJroad^? 17- Of the Lnmitie Asyhm}? 18, Of married women's 220 HTSTORY OV NOKTII CAl^OT/fNA. learned. Judge Nasli had been some time upon this bench, and Judge "William H. Battle was temporarily ap- pointed to the new vacancy. Judge Pearson was elected by the Legislature at the ensuing session. 20. In 1849, Messrs. Badger and Mangum were the United States Senators from North Carolina, and Messrs. Outlaw, W. S. Ashe, D. ]\I. Barringer, J. V. Caldwell, Ed- mund Deberry, Edward Stanly, T. L. Clingman, A. H. Shepherd, J. R. J. Daniel and A. W. Venable, were mem- bers of the House of Representatives. 21. General Taylor had been elected President in 1848, and took his place the next March. The unhappy quar- rel arose again in regard to the territory acquired from Mexico. California had disclosed such masses of gold that a new State was asking for admission on the strength of the thousands who flocked there for making of for- tunes. The Southern members of Congress claimed that the jMissouri Compromise should be the rule, and that the portion of the new State south of §6 degrees 30 minutes should be created into a slave State, but this was resisted by Northern i^en. General Taylor took such ground as created uneasi]:;ess in the mind of Mr. Clay, but, in the midst of the excitement, the old hero died and left the wise and patriotic Millard Filmore to hold the balance of power between the contending sections. rights? 19. What Judge of the Supreme Court died? 20. Wi»o were in Congress ? 21. Who became President of the United States in 1849 ? GOVERNOK MANLY. 221 CHAPTER XXX. A. D. 1S50 TO 1853. Deatlis of General Taylor and Messrs. Calhoun and Fisher — ^"Mr. Clay and the Compromise of 1851 — The Fi^^itive Slave Law — Conven- tion at Plymouth — ISTag's Head Inlet— Democrats elect Governor Reid — Assembl}'—- The Political Status — Colonel Benton — The Wesley an .^Female Colleg-e — The Colored People— Scott and Gra- ham — The Ruin and Discontent of the Wlii^s Death of J. B. Shepherd and Mr. IMeredith — Dr. Thompkins and the Plantations — Protracted Meetino-s — President Pierce- — Secretaries Graham and Dobbin — Death of ex-Governor Iredell— Beaufort and Nag's Head. /j^f|ENERAL Taylor was soon followed in death by Mr. ^^, Calhoun, and, in Xorth Carolina, there was addi- tional sorrow over the loss of Charles Fisher and AVeston R. Gales. Mr. Gales was the editor of the Whig organ, the " Register," which had been established just a half century before by his father. William W. Holden was conducting at this time the '' Standard." This j^aper ad- vocated Democr{itic policy. 2. Mr. Clay, as the last service of an illustrious life, at length, in 1850, secured the p.assage of y^^hat was called a compromise. California was admitted as a free State. The new Territories were organized without regulations as to slavery. The slave trade was forbidden in the Dis- trict of Columbia, and a law for the recovery of fugitive slaves enacted. 3. A' great outcry arose in the Xorthern States upon the Questions. — When did Messrs. Fisher and Gales die? 2. V^Hio se- cured the cgmpromise of ISoO? 3. What was said in the l!^ortli about 222 HTSTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. passage of the act in regard to fugitive slaves. It was iu vain that Messrs. Webster and Fillmore pointed to the U, S. Constitution and the Ordinance of 1787. The Legisla- ture of Vermont set the example, which was soon follow- ed by every one of the free States, of passing what was called Person Liberty Laws, which, like South Carolina in 1832, plainly nullified and rendered of no effect tlie Federal Statute. 4. Colonel Andrew Joyner presided at a large Conven- tion, during March, 1850, at Plymouth, which met tocon^ cert measures for improving the means of access from the Atlantic Ocean to the inland waters of North Carolina, Wimble's chart of 1738 shows that at that time Nag's Head Inlet was open and four fathoms deep. As early as 1815 Hamilton Fulton reported that it was feasible to deepen this ancient inlet so as to make it again subser- vient to con^merce, Colonel W. S. McNeil, at a later date, endorsed this view, as did Murphy and Major Gwinn. It is needless to add that Colonel David Outlaw, then repre^ senting the Edenton District, was unable to secure enough appropriation to carr}^ out the work, and the project failed, 5. The sand ridges lying between the Sounds and Ocean Jiave ever been a ftital bar to foreign commerce. They render the approaches to the shallow inlets so dangerous that mariners hold the North Carolina coast as perilous as Cape Horn, and in this way we have no great cities p.nd mostly rely upon those of other Btates as maritime depots. G. The elections of 1850 resulted in the defeat of Gov* the Fugitive Slave Tiaw ? 4. What was tiie purpose of the Plymouth f)Qn\ent\on? 5, Wliat is said of tlie ^S^ort)) Carolina roast? (?. Who GOVEENOR PxEID. 22 o ernor Manly, and David S. Ried, of Rockingham, became Chief Magistrate of North Carolina. Weldon N. Edwards of Warren, in the Senate, and James C. Dobbin of Cum- berland, in the House, presided in the Legislature of this year. The Democrats thus, after fifteen years of defeat in the State, at last recovered the rule. 7. Colonel Henry T. Clark of Edgecombe, Patrick Henry Winston of Bertie, and Atlas J. Dargan of Anson, were most prominent among the new membei's of this Assembly. This session was characterized by great in- terest in the matter of internal improvement. Governor •J. M. Morehead, as President of the North Carolina Rail- road, was rapidly pushing that great work to completion. Numerous charters for plank roads were granted at this period, but this species of highway soon fell into disuse from the perishable materials used. 7. The year 1851 saw the American people still rent and excited as to the terms of the recent compromise. Notes of discontent deepened at the North over the enact- ment of the Fugitive Slave Law. Extreme men of both sections labored to widen the breach between the contend- ing factions, and slowly but surely approached the dread- ful crisis of blood and confusion. 9. Colonel Thomas Hart Benton, after thirty years of service in the United States Senate, ceased to be a mem- ber of that august body. His great services could not atone for his unwise support of some friends, and the adoption of certain views unpopular in Missouri. 10. This year was further signalized by the erection of was elected Governor in 1850? 7. Who were new members of the Assembly? 8. Wluit wus tlie feelino: in 1851? 9. Who ceased to De 224 HISTOKY OF NOKTH CAlibLiNA. a new female college in Murfreesboro. This institution was under ^lethodist patronage and was of high charac- ter and usefulness. It was recently destro3'ed by fire. 11. The growth of sectionalism was manifested in the legislation of the recent Assembly of North Carolina. The unhappy free negroes felt the force of more than one odious statute. A vigilant patrol had long excluded them- from social intercourse with the sla^'es. They were socia;]: Pariahs and huddled into little communities of their own. A great exodus to Ohio had followed upon their loss of suffrage in 1S35. That State, by statute, forbade their further access, and North Carolina and Virginia imitated this harsh and disheartening legislation. Not only were free persons of color, not denizens of these commonwealths, forbidden residence, btit if the}^ presumed to leave their homes after a short periodj it was made unlawful for them ■ to return. Like English paupers tied to their own par- ishes, in a land of liberty they experienced the evils of despotisnii ^lany free Negroes were indicted for coming to North Carolina^ for that was as mtich a misdemeanor as carrying a gun without license of a court, or trading with a slave. 12. It was a custom of large slave-holders to own and stock farms in the Gulf States, while they continued to reside in North Carolina. Thus hundreds of m-iles inter- vened between master and servant. In this way the State was not only de})rived of much labor, but tlie merciful supervision of the true owner was replaced too often by cruel and uninterested overseers. Humanity and for- Senator from Missouri? 10. What female colle«Te was estahlislied ? 11. What laws were made regarding free persons of color? V2, What GOVERNOR REip. 225 bearance were generally manifested by slave-owners, and where this was not the case public indignation was often awarded the man who, in avarice or cruelty, forgot the duties of his station. 13. Like King Arthur marching to meet his doom, the Whig party again in 1852 set the battle in array against the Democratic hosts. With General Scott as candidate for President, was associated Governor William A. Gra- ham, then Secretary of the Ivav}^ His competitor was William R. King, also a native of North Carolina and an ex-student of the Chapel Hill Universit}^ 14. Great discontent was felt in North Carolina amons: the Whigs because Mr. Fillmore was set aside for General Scott. Mr. Clingman, a leading man of that party in the House of Representatives, refused to support him, and car- ried out the threats of the seceders fx'om the Whig caucus. It was felt that the President was being punished for his efforts to execute the laws of the land.. 15. In North Carolina, as in the nation, the Democratic success was complete, and from this AVaterloo defeat there was no recovery. Messrs. Cla}" and Webster both died with the great party which their genius and patriotism had so highly adorned. In North Carolina, William B. Shep- herd also came to his death on the 20th of June. He had been some time preceded b}^ Rev. Thomas Meredith, who was one of the Avisest and best men who have at anytime made North Carolina their home. He had founded the "Biblical Recorder," the Baptist organ, in 1835, and was a preacher of great power and usefulness. custom of slave-holders is mentioned? 13, Who were candidates for the Vice-Presidency in 1852? 15. What was the result? 16. Who 220 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 16. The Legislature of 1852 created the office of Super- intendent of Common Schools. This place was filled by the appointment of Calvin H. AViley, of Guilford. He had achieved success as an author, and was to become of great benefit to the public education. His wisdom and devotion were soon so apparent that the whole system was submitted to his direction. Very few officers in the State's history have given more universal satisfaction in their discharge of duty. 17. Dr. J. F. Tompkins this year established an agri- cultural paper and travelled extensively in the formation of societies among the farmers. Peruvian Guano was be- ginning its miracles upon the worn-out fields, and the lethargy and ignorance of the past were giving way to improved modes of land culture. The habit had been to clear fields and cultivate them till exhausted, and then fresh spaces were opened in the forest. This was little better than the Indian custom of cutting down the tree to reach the fruit. 18. Protracted meetings had in a great measure replaced the camp grounds of an earlier day. For a week or more the pastor of a church, aided by other ministers, collected crowds of people who were preached to and feasted until often great religious excitement was produced. Many godly persons prefer the Sunday Schools as a means of grace, but habit has given the protracted meetings great popularity in the countr}^ churches. 19. General Pierce took the oaths of office as President of the United States, on March 4th, 1853. As he stood on was made Snporint(.'n(1(!nt of Common Schools? 17. Who was Dr. Tompkins? 18. What is said of protracted meetings? 10. What is GOVERNOR KEID. 227 the East Portico of the Capitol, in the face of the great throng there assembled, he was saddened in the memory of a recent loss. His only son had just died and his boy was dearer to him than all the honors he had recently won. No nobler or purer man has at any time filled the executive office of the nation. 20. Mr. James C. Dobbin, of North Carolina, succeeded Governor Graham as Secretary of the Navy. General Daniel M. Barringer at the same time ceased to be Minis- ter to Spain. Mr. Dobbin was defeated for the United States Senate by the friends of Judge Saunders, and Judge Mangum's term having expired, the State was for the next two years represented alone in that body by Judge Badger. He had won equal renown in that famous body and before the United States Supreme Court 21. Governor Iredell died at Edenton, on April 13th, 1853. The English statesman and poet, Edmund Waller, in his old age, purchased a small property at his birth- place, saying, " he would be glad to die like the stag, where he was roused." If such was not the wish it certainly was the fate of the distinguished Governor. He was born where he expired, and had left the place years- before for a residence at Raleigh. 22. Governor Morehead and others were making great efforts at this time to build up a seaport at Beaufort. This fine harbor is the terminus of the new railway line which extends west almost to the mountains. Great marts are the slow results of time and trade, and a thou- sand inducements will have to be collected in Old Top- said of President Pierce? 20. Of Mr. Dobbin? 21. Of Governor Iredell? 22. Of Beaufort and Xag-'s Head? ' 228 HISTORY OF XORTH CAi"iOLINA. sail Inlet before Nortk Carolina can hope to have a mari- time city. The village there and at Nag's Head were places of delightful summer resort, where the wealth and cul- ture of eastern counties delighted to assemble. The glare and rivalries of gi-eater 'watering places were iinkno^n, and life in consequence was all the more pleasant for that fact. The home-life in the cottages of Nag's Head, the pleasant gatherings and the suggestions of the vast AtT lantic still make Summer a charming season there. GOVERNOR RKTD, 229 THE STATE CAPITOL, AT RALEIGH. CHAPTER XXXI. A . D . 18 5 3 TO 18 5 6. Eev. W. M. Wino-ate— Bisliop Ives and Rev. Dr. Thom.ifi Atkinson — National Representatives — Gnbernatorial Candidates— Governor Tliomas Brao-g — Kansas-Nebraska Bill Wilmot Proviso — Tlie Know-Nothings — Zebnlon B. Vance — United States Senators — Rev. Mathew T.Yates — Northern and Sonthern Churches — Rep- resentation of 1855— Defeat of the "Know-Nothings"' — Re-Elec- tion of Governor Bragg— Assembly of 1856. /^^ovERNOR David L. Swain had been, since 1836, in ^^^ the Presidency of the State University. The same qualities which had made him so conspicuous in the courts and other public stations gave him success in the delicate and difficult functions at Chapel Hill. Dr. Robert H. Morrison had retired from a similar position at Davidson College, as had Dr. William Hooper from that of Wake 230 HISTORY OF NOIITII CAROLINA. Forest. Rev. William M. Wingate had been substituted at the latter seat of learning, and was destined to a long and successful service. 2. The Episcopal Church of North Carolina was, in 1853, just recovering from a great trouble in its history. Bishop Ives, who had succeeded the venerated Ravens- croft, had shocked his diocese by open apostacy to the Church of Rome. Judge Badger, by public disquisitions and his great influence as a layman, had for some time resisted the Puseyism of the recusant prelate, and at length convinced him of his inability to further propagate his peculiar views. Rev. Dr. Thomas Atkinson, of Grace Church, Baltimore, w^as elected to the vacant See, and atoned by his eloquence, piety and general acceptance for the defection of liis predecessor. 3. In the August election, Messrs. H. M. Shaw of Curri- tuck, Thomas Rufiin of Wayne, Sion H. Rogers of Wake, John Kerr of Casw^ell, R. C. Puryear of Yadkin, Burton Craige of Rowan, William S. Ashe of New Hanover, and Thomas L. Clingman of Buncombe, were chosen members of the national House of Representatives. 4. In 1854, the contest lay between Thomas Bragg, of Northampton, Democrat, and Alfred Docker}^ Whig, for the office of Governor. Mr. Bragg was one of six broth- ers. His father, though humble in early life, had, by earnest effort, educated three of his sons, all of whom be- came distinguished. As a jury lawyer Thomas Bragg has never been surpassed in the State. General Dockery was a foeman worthv of his steel. His earlv disadvan- QUESTIONS.— What, is said of the l^orth Carolina Colleores? 2. What of Bishop Ives? ^i. Wliat is said of Governor Brag-g- and Gene- GOVERNOR BRAGG. 231 tages could not cripple a massive and original genius. Bragg became Governor by a handsome majority. 5. The Democrats were overwhelmingly in the ascend- ant in every branch of the National Government in 1854, and in most of the States the same relation existed. Gen- eral Pierce had appointed Colonel John H. Wheeler Uni- ted States Minister to Nicaragua. Duncan K. McRae was made Consul to Paris. Everything betokened success when Judge Douglas, of Illinois, reported his famous Kansas-Nebraska Bill. 6. David Wilmot's no less celebrated proviso was to ex- clude slavery from all the Territories by act of Congress. The Nebraska Bill proposed to take the subject from "Washington and remit it to the people of the Territories. A fearful outcry arose in the North. The men who had refused to extend the Missouri Compromise line to Cali- fornia now appealed to the South to adhere to that sacred compact, and no less than three thousand preachers join- ed in a remonstrance to Congress. 7. Perhaps in the history of the w^orld no feat of jug- glery ever succeeded so admirably in defying all human calculations as to the effects to follow from a given cause. It was adopted mainly to escape the disgrace, that South- ern men said would be implied in the Wilmot Proviso, and secured the ultimate success of a new party. 8. In Massachusetts, about this time, the Wliig candi- dates were everywhere beaten by a new organization call- ed the Know-Nothings. This name grew out of the se- rai Dockeiy? 5. What party was in power? (3. What did the Wil- mot Proviso and tho iSTebraska Bill provide? 7. Did the latter fulfill its author's promise? 8, Where did the Know-Nothing party origi- 232 HISTORY OF XOKTII CAIIOLIXA. '1 crecy and mysteiy attending the movements of men, M'Uo I bound themselves by oath, to oppose the election of all i foreigners and Catholics, and to so amend the laws that i men, not born citizens of the United States, should re- ; main for twenty-one years after reaching this country be- \ fore they should be permitted to vote. i 9. This was a short-lived and pernicious niovement at ': best. It contravened the noblest precedents of American j history, and threatened to reverse the peculiar glory of j the very people who had first established religious liberty, j Free immigration is a matter of mere expediency. The j United States may w^ell pause before permitting an inun.- ■ dation of Chinese, but to proscribe any religion Avas to ; strike at the root of all tlie American system. \ 10. The Legislature of 1851 elected Warren Winslow, j of Cumberland, as President of the Senate, and Samuel ' P. Hill, of Caswell, Speaker of the House. These were \ Chapel Hill men, and both Democrats of acknowdedged i ability. Among the debutants of this session was Zebu- ' Ion B. Vance, of Buncombe. He w^as the nephew of Dr. ■ Vance who had fallen in a duel with S. P. Carson. He ' w^as to acquire great popularity and became perhaps un- ] equaled as a popular orator l)y any man yet known in i North Carolina. i 11. At this session, Asa Biggs, of Martin, and Governor I David S. Peid, of Rockingham, were elected to the United i States Senate. Judge Mangum had been in retirement , for two years and was followed by Judge Badger. The < nate? 9. Were its principles accordant with American precedents? ■ 10. When did Zebulon B. Vance enter public life? 11. Who were ; in Congress in 1855 ? 12. Who Wi^s Matthew T. Yates? 18. IIow j GOVERNOR BRAGG. 233 new Senators b}' no means equaled their illnstrious pred-^ ecessors, but were wise and patriotic men. 12. The humanity and advancement of the people of North Carolina were manifested at this time in many ways. The churches, beside founding great and costly institutions of learning, also sent abroad much to sustain Christian missions in heathen lands. Rev. Mathew T. Yates had been sent by the Xortli C^arolina Baptists to the work he is still upholding in China. 13. The other denominations were also struggling to adA^ance the same great interest. The slavery issue had divided the IMethodist, Baptist and Presb3^terian churches into fragments coinciding with Mason and Dixon's Line* It had br'oilght hatred and division to statesmen, and now divided the pathway of men who professed to be in search of the blessings of eternity. Alas for the infirmity and Weakness of men in their best estate ! Charity and for- bearance were lacking on both sides, and so, in blind dis- regard, the contending sections slowly drifted to revolu- tion and bloodshed. 14. The great struggle in the Crimea between the east- ern nations in no wise affected America beyond the en^ hancement of the prices of breadstuffs and naval stores. The tide of Know-Nothing success rolled on until checked in Virginia, and then, like an exhalation, it passed into oblivion with an ominous suggestion of how easy Ameri- cans could forget their own first principles of government. 15. The Congressional elections of 1855 resulted in the success of Messrs. R. T. Paine, Thomas Ruffin, W. S. Ashe, did ISTortbern and Sontberu churches a^^ree? 14. Where were the Kao\y-]^othHii>:s checked? 15. Who were elected to the House of 234 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. L. O'B. Branch, Edwin G. Reacle, Burton Craige, R. C. ] Puryear and Thomas L. Clingnian. Mr. Ashe was the j grandson of Governor Samuel Ashe, and had inherited ' the virtues and abilit}^ of his distinguished race. Mr. ; Clingman was exceedingly prominent, and was in the habit ] of making speeches in Washington that excited the com- ] ments of two continents. North Carolina has produced j no statesman more learned and devoted than General j Clingman. [ 16. The new year of 1856 dawned with a sad reversal ' of Judge Douglas' predictions of the effects of his Nebras- j ka Bill. The new Territory of Kansas, which was to be j an Arcadia where men were to philosophically work out the problems of their own wishes as to slavery, was at once found to be a scene of bloodshed and confusion. In- stead of a peaceful discussion a civil war arose that taxed the energies of the Federal Government to keep in bounds. 17. The American or Know-Nothing party had perish- ed, but in its short day it had massed the contending and hitherto abortive elements of Northern opposition into a compact body known as the Republican party. This or- ganization was simply pledged to resist the further exten- sion of slavery, and, at that date, had no other article of faith. 18. Governor Bragg, as candidate for a second term, was opposed by the able and astute John A. Gilmer. The great j)opularity of the incumbent left Mr. Gilmei^ but little to hope and he was beaten by twenty thousand ma- jority. Representatives'? 10. W!iat was the State; of affairs in Kansas'? 17. f How were JSTorthern isms fused? IS. Who was elected Governor in GOVERNOR BRAGG, 235 19. The Presidential contest of this year was full of jnournful auguries. James Buchanan was a statesman of great experience, and w^as illustrious by service in both Houses of Congress, in the Cabinet and in foreign courts. He really understood and regarded the restraints of the Federal Constitution. Though a childless bachelor, he took into his heart the people of the whole nation. If, in the storm wdiich arose iat the end of his administration, he stood, like blinded King Lear, not knowing where to turn, the fault was not his. Neither Madison or Hamil- ton had forseen the terrible contingency that arose, Mil^- lions of hearts throbbed with relief at the news of his elec^ tion, for, with the defeat of Colonel Fremont, the evil day was deferred for four years, , 20. There were many men in the South who thought with Thomas Jefferson that slavery was abstractly wa^ong, but when the question was asked as to ■ the future status of four millions of emancipated bondmen turned loose in their midst, there was no solution of the problem, Christ^ ians deplored the fact that lawful marriages were not countenanced among the slaves, and the further fact of their constrained ignorance. Any system upholding such contraventions of human rights was of course wrong. But the heat of contention, and the promptings of passion, prejudice and interest, all blinded the eyes of men who were, under other circumstances, both just and magnani-? mous, 21 William Waightstill Avery, of Barke, grandson of the old Attorney General., and Jesse G. Shepherd, of Cum^ 1850? 19. What is said of Mr. Buchanan? 20. What was Southern sen.tinjeul^ tpqchin^ slavery ? 21, Wl^o \yere legislators ii) 1850? 236 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. berland, were the presiding officers in the Assembly of 1856. They were both Chaj^el Hill men and of decided ability. Thomas Settle, Jr., of Rockingham, William A. Jenkins of Warren, and John Pool of Pasquotank, were among the debutants of the session. INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DU.MB AND THE ^LIND, RALEIGH. GOVERNOR BRAGG. 237 CHAPTER XXXIL A. D. 185 7 TO 1861. Cold Weather — Congressmen — Deaths of Mr. Dobbin and Judge Settle— Dr. Mitchell— Judge Ellis and John Pool— W. W. Avery and the second Judge Settle— The Common Schools and Calvin H. Wiley— D. H. Hill and C. C. Tew— The Bingham School, Dr. Wilson's School and others— Judge Biggs — Governor Bragg and T. L. Clingman— W. N. H. Smith— Harper's Ferry — Judge Ruffin retires — Judge Nash — Judge Manly — Judges Howard, Osborne and Heath— Political Status— Presidential Election— The Candi- dates— -Secession — Visiting Statesmen — Beauregard and Fort Sumter. (^^^HE new year opened in 1857 with weather of unusual '"^^ ;severity. On January 18th occurred the heaviest fall of snow ever known in the eastern counties. The thermometer sank to four degrees below zero. The mails were arrested for a week, and Albemarle Sound was so frozen that people walked upon the ice from Edenton to Plymouth. 2. Messrs. H. U. Shaw of Currituck, L. O'B. Branch of AVake, Tliomas Rufhn of AVayne, W. S. Ashe of New Han- over, A. M. Scales of Eockingham, John A. Gilmer of ({uilford, Burton Craige of Rowan, and T. L. Clingman of Buncombe, were elected to Congress. 3. There was great sorrow for the deaths of tlie late Secretary of the Navy, James C. Dobbin, and Judge Settle. Mr. Dobbin, though comparatively young, had won na- tional reputation and was stricken down in the midst of a high career. Judge Settle was rich in years and honors, He had reached tlie usual limit of human existence ; and 238 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. I North Carolina was more moved at another demise, deeply \ tragic in its particulars. On June 27th, Rev. Dr. Elisha j Mitchell, the aged Professor of Natural Science at Chapel '. Hill, came to his death amid the vast solitudes of the j Black jNlountains. He was alone, surveying the great I heights, when he accidentally fell from a precipice and \ was found several days afterwards in a pool of water, j This brave, good man, thus dying to advance science, w^as buried on the summit of the everlasting hills, v,diich ar,e ' now become his monuments. I 4. In 18085 the contest for Governor >vas between Judge ] John W. Ellis, of Rowan, and John Pool, of Pasquotank, | There was great excitement over the proposition of the ] Whigs to institute a syst.em of ad valorem taxation, which | it was feareil would be burdensome upon slave-owners, , Mr. Pool's great ingenuity in the defence of the new idea i .did not avail, for he w^s defeated, ! 5. The Assembly was largely Pemocratic and selected | W. W. Avery of Burke, and Thomas Settle of Rocking- j ham, as the presiding ofhcers. Matt. W. Ransom and ; Joseph B. Batchelor of Warren, l^te Attorney Generals of I North Carolina, i,ind Jonathan Worth of Randolph, were \ ^mong the most prominent members, though only debu- ; tants on this occa.sion. Mr. Ransom was already distin:T j guished for scholarship aiid fervid oratory. \ C). The Commoji Schools, since 1853, had been under J the able superintendence of Calvin H. Wiley, of Guilford, 1 The educational facilities of the State were further aug^ : Questions. — IIow was the weather at the beginning of 1S57'? 2, ' Who were el( cted Congressinen ? 3. Wlio?e deaths are mentioned as j occurring thfT.t jear? 4, Who becanie Qoyern'or? 5. Wliicli party ; GOVERNOR ELLIS. 239 mented by the chartering and erection of two excellent military academies. One of these, under charge of Major I). H. Hill, was located at Charlotte, and the other at Hillsboro, with C. C. Tew as Superintendent. The out- look was so portentous that military trairiiug was thought needful. 7. The Bingham Scliool was still supreme in reputation. Dr. Wilson in Alamance, Mr. Horner at Oxford, Mr. Lovejoy at Raleigh, and various other similar schools for boys, were largely successful. 8. An extraordinary zeal in behalf of female education w^as manifested. The fine seminaries at Salem, Raleigh, Greensboro and Murfreesboro had hosts of competitors. 9. Upon the death of Judge Potter, the aged incumbent of the United States District Court for North Carolina^ Colonel Asa Biggs, then in the United States Senate, was appointed his successor, and was himself replaced by Thomas L. Clingman. Governor Bragg also was elected in place of Governor D. S. Reid in the same august body. Warren Winslow, as President of the Senate, thereupon became, by virtue of his office, the Governor of North Carolina for the small remnant of Bragg's unexpired term. 10. In 1859, Messrs. W. N. H. Smith of Hertford, Thomas Ruffin of Wayne, W. S. Ashe of New Planover, L. O'B. Branch of Wake, John A. Gilmer of Guilford, Al- fred Scales of Rockingham, Burton Craige of Rowan and Zebulon B. Vance of Buncombe were -elected to Congress. In the long contest of this Congress for the choice of cjin-ied the Lcgiirslatnre f G. Who was Rev. Calvni 11. Wiley? 7» What Schools are nientioned '? 9. Who sucweded Jiuljre Totter? 10. 240 lilSTOKY OF NOUTll CAKOLINA. Speaker, Mi\ Smith, at pi-esent Chief Justice of the State, was really elected to that liigh position, but lost it through the bad faith of some of his supporters. 11. In the Fall occurred the startling seizAireof the Avse- nal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, by John Brown and a com- pany of fanatics, who thus attempted to arm the slaves of that region in an intended insurrection. It added to the unhapp)^ resentments between the Northern and Southern people, and was a most wicked and deplorable outrage. Colonel Robert E. Lee, of the United States Army, com- manded the troops that captured the incendiaries and murderers. Some of these were hanged; Ijut it may be well doubted as to the propriety of this punishment ill the case of Captain Brown. He was probably a lunatic^ and therefore not responsible for his acts. 12. Chief Justice Ruffin, after long and illustrious ser- vice, resigned his place in the Supreme Court and retired to the Hawfields. He had been on the bench since 1816, and is yet remembered as the greatest Judge who has presided in North Carolina. His learning, integrity and dignity ma'de him a model of judicial })roprietyi His opinions, as delivered, were no more remarkable for legal precision than for literary grace and elegance. 13. Judge Nash became Chief Justice, and in dignity and i)ropriety most worthily emulated his greater prede- cessor. Judge M. E. Manly, of the Superior Courts, was promoted to tlie vacancy, l^ike Judge Pearson, he Avas a Chapel Hill man, and deep in his learning and skill as a Who was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives at Wash- ington and deprived of it by the bad faith of liis supporters? 11. Wliat ocCuiTed at Plarper's Ferry? 12. Who resi^^ned. from tiie Nortli Car^ GOVERNOR ELLIS. 24L jurist. Like Judges Taylor, Gaston, Martin, Donnell and Heath, he is a member of the Roman Catholic Church. This branch of Christians have never been numerous iii North Carolina, but to the unspeakable honor of the State, they have ever been treated with the broadest and most beautiful Christian charity. 14. George Howard of Edgecombe, James G. Osborne of Mecklenburg, and Robert R. Heath of Chowan, were elected at this time to fill the vacancies of the Superior Court Bench occasioned by the death of Judge Settle and the resignations of Judges Ellis and Manly. 15. The year 1860 came upon America still in apparent peace, but the condition of the unhappy people was as that of a peasant living upon the vine-clad slopes of Mount Vesuvius. Deep hidden beneath the surface were the slumbering energies of horrid convulsion, which only bided their time for ruin and death. A prodigious ma- terial prosperity seemed to have been sent as if in mock- ery of the political dangers, so frightful and imminent. The wave of population had been steadily approaching the setting sun and continually adding to the strength and area of the cultivated districts. The original thirteen had grown into thirty-four States, and the census showed that in 1860 the three millions of people of 1775 had been more than ten times multiplied. Of this number five millions of white and almost as many black people dwelt in the South. It was felt by everybody that a crisis had come, and that only in God's providence could the evil day be longer deferred. olina Supreme Court? 14. Who supplied the mcancy made ? 15. What was the condition of the country in 1860? 16. What is said of 11 242 HISTOKY OF NOilTli CAKULI.VA. 16. The Presidential contest of 1860 was one of the sad- dest spectacles in the world's history. A people blessed beyond all precedent in all that contributes to individual happiness and material prosperity of the white race, in the madness of a great dispute, grew oblivious of all the past and reckless of the future. The men of extreme views of either section were resolved^ at all hazards, upon the carrying out of their opposing views. 17. The Republicans, with Abraham Lincoln as their candidate, said there should be no more slave Territories. The Democrats divided into two fragments : The North- ern wingy under Judge Douglas, claimed what was called " squatter sovereignty/' — that is, that so soon as a Terri- tory was authorized by enabling act of Congress^ the peo- ple could introduce or exclude slavery as they preferred ; the Southern Democrats, with A^ice President John C. 1 Breckenridge as their candidate, insisted that the decision { could be only made w^hen the State Constitution was j formed, and that prior to that time the Constitution and I laws of the United States protected Southern immigrants j in the title to their property. The Whigs, under Bell j and Everett, were silent on these weighty issues to be tried j b-efore the American people. i 18. North Carolina gave her ten electoral votes to j Breckenridge and Joseph Lane, of Oregon, but formerly of | Buncombe county. Mr. Lincoln, though a great majority | of the people had cast their suffrages against him, still, j by the divisions of his political opponents, secured a ma- j jority of the votes cast in the Electoral Colleges of the dif- ' the rresideiitial stni(?jj:lc that year? 17. Who were tandulatei^, aiul what were the issues ? 18. How did North Carolia i vote in the election ? CiOVERNOR ELLIS. 243 ferent States, and was elected the XYI President of the United States. It was at once agreed in the South, that without some modification of the Chicago platform of principles there could he no hojDe of peace to the nation. 19. The Gulf States at once resolved that they would no longer continue raembers of the Union, and before the coming in of the new year South Carolina had seceded. North Carolina appreciated the danger to her institutions but insisted that secession was premature, and tliat, as Mr. Lincoln and his party were pledged not to interfere in the internal poUey of the States, it was better to try his rule than break up the Union it had cost so much blood to form. Upon the meeting of Congress, Mr. Crit- tenden, of Kentucky, introduced measures which, it was hoped, would compi'omise the disputes;, 20. State after State followed the example of South Car- olina, until, upon the retiring of Mr. Buchanan, seven had declared themselves out of the Union, Messrs, I. W. Gar- ratt and Eobert M. Smith of Alabama, and Jacob Thomp- son of Mississipi, came as secession agents, but failed to se- cure Nort-h Cai'olina's co-operation. Governor Ellis and the Legislature waited and watched the progre^ of events. At length Mr. Lincoln began sending troops and supplies to Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, and General Beau- regard opened his batteries upon and captured that work. Mr. Lincoln called upon Governor Ellis for troops to serve against South Carolina, The hope of peace was gone, and twenty thousand men were at once ordered — not for the 19. What was tlie course of the Gu]f States? 20. When did North Carolina secede? 244 HISTORY OF KORTH CAROLINA. Union, but for whatever side North Carolina should take in the war. A Convention met, and, on the 20th of May, 1861, the State seceded and joined the Southern Confeder- acy. GOVERNOR ELLIS. 245 BRIG. GEN. li. O'B. BRANCH. CHAPTER XXXIII. A. D. 1861 TO 186 2. Weklon ^N". Edwards — Prominent men of 1861 — Confederate Congress^ men — Military Board — Seizure of United States Forts, &c., — First and Second North Carolina Regiment'? — Battle of Big Bethel Death of Governor Ellis Governor Henry T. Clarke^^ — General Joseph G. Martin — Bull Run — Death of Colonel Fisher — Enlist- ment of State Troops — Fall of Fort Hatteras — ^Roanoke Island Being Fortified—Qenerals Galling and Branch — Deaths of Judge Mansfum and Judse Dick. |he Convention of 1861 was presided over by the ven^ ^ erable Weldon N. Edwards, of AVarren. His long and varied public services, his lofty repute and undoubt^ od Pfitriotisni, combined to make him a fit successor of 246 HiSTopy OF north Carolina. ^ Richard Caswell and Na-thaniel Macon in the delicate and difficult functions incident to such a body. i 2. Many men of great experience and capacit}^ were ] seen among the delegates. Judge Ruffin and Giles Me-r bane, E. J. Warren, Bedford Brown, Governor Winslow, : Dr. Henry M, Shaw, A. W. Venable, John A. Gilmer, i Kenneth Ra3^ner, Judge Osborne, A. H. Arrington, Judge Biggs, D. A. Barnes, W. S. Ashe, Governor Graham, Gov^ ernor Reicl, Burton Craige, H. C. Jones, Judge Badger, ; Kemp P. Battle, W. W, Holden ^and George V. Strong \ constituted an array of which an}^ State might have beeii | proud. j 3. The Convention, upon North Carolina's joining the i Government of the Confederate States, selected a Congres? sional delegation consisting of George Davis and William ] T. Dortch, in the Confederate States Senate, and W. N. ; H. Smith, Thomas Ruffin, T. D. McDowell, A. W. Vena, i ble, J. M. Morehead, R. C. Puryear, Burton Craige and i A. T. Davidson, in the House of Representatives. '\ 4. Governor Ellis bent every energy of his failing life ; to meet the great public danger. Jjike John Harvey in \ the first Revolution, his spirit sustained him in the hur= ! ried sunset of his days. He appointed Colonel John F. I Hoke, of Lincoln, as Adjutant General, and created an Ad» yisary Military Board consisting of Governor Warren ' Winslow, Colonel H. W. Guion and Colonel J. A- J. Brad^ ' ford. 5. Under their auspices, the first troops collected seized ] forts Macon and Caswell, and the well-filled Arsenal at \ Questions. — Who was President of the Convention of 1861? 2. j Mention some of the distin^iijslietl iijeniljers, 3, Who were Cojigresse ' GOVEKNOK ELLIS. 247 Fayetteville. The first regiment assembled was sent, un- der Colonel Daniel H. Hill, to Yorktown, Virginia, to help defend Richmond, then just become the Confederate Capital, against approaches from Fort Monroe. The Sec- ond Regiment, under Colonel C. C. Tew, garrisoned the captured forts. 6. On June 9th, 1861, General B. F. Butler, command- ing at Old Point Comfort, ordered an advance to be made against General J. B. Magruder's outposts at Little and Big Bethel, near Yorktown, Virginia. This advance was made in two columns : Duryea's Zouaves and the Third New York Regiment on the right, and Benedix's Regi- ment and a Vermont Battalion on the left by way of New- port News. Just before day in the morning of the 10th, these two bodies of Federal troops approached each other,, and opened a fusilade. This was the beginning of their disasters. They found Colonel D. H. Hill posted at Big Bethel with the First North Carolina Regiment and one company of the Richmond Howitzers, under Captain G. W. Randolph. General Pierce in command of the Union forces ordered an assault which was bravely led by Major Winthrop, but he was slain and the attack completely failed. There was inconsiderable loss in this affair. Pri- vate Wyatt, of Edgecombe county, was the only man slain on the Confederate side, and was the proto-mart3^r of the South in the battles of the war. 7. On the 7th of July, Governor Ellis came to his death at the Red Sulphur Springs in Virginia, where he had gone in the vain hope of restoring his failing health. ITe was men? 4. Who was Adjutant General at that time? 5. What were tlie first military movements in North Carolina? 0. What happened 248 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. succeeded in executive functions by Colonel Henry T. Clarke, of Edgecombe, who was Speaker of the Senate. 8. Governor Clarke appointed Major James G. Martin, late of the United States Army, Adjutant General in place Colonel Hoke, who was to assume command of the Twenty- third North Carolina Regiment. General Martin had much experience in such work and was to be of large use in the great struggle then begun. 9. In the middle of July thousands of the men of the State had volunteered their services, and the whole com- monwealth was fast assuming the appearance of a great military camp. At this time the Seventeenth Regiment, Colonel W. F. Martin, and jDart of the Tenth Regiment, Colonel Bradford, were on the sea-coast near Hatteras ; the Third, Colonel Gaston Meares, Fourth, Colonel. G. B. Anderson, and others, were at Garysburg ; the Fifth, Col- onel D. K. McRae, was at Halifax ; the First North Caro- lina State Troops, Colonel M. F. Stokes, was at Warrenton. 10. When, on July 18th, General McDowell advanced from Washington to attack General Beauregard at Ma- nassas, no North Carolina troops had yet joined that army. On the 21st of July, in the midst of battle on Bull Run, Colonel Charles F. Fisher arrived in time with the Sixth North Carolina Troops, and bravely helped in accomplish- ing the glorious victory on that day won. But it is sad to add that he was like that Grecian chief who was the first of all to land on the Trojan coast, and first to die. 11. The Convention of 1861 remained in session for some at Big Bethel? 7. Who died on July 7th? 8 Wlio became the new Adjutant General? 0. AViiere were troops posted in North Car- olina during' Jnly ? 10. What happened at Manasas? 11. How were GOVERNOR CLARKE. 249 time and transacted much public business, besides passing the Secession Ordinance on the first day of the session. Tlie troops that first tendered their services were enlisted for six months, but it was at once determined to raise a large body for the war. Ten regiments were ordered on this basis, and were called at first North Carolina State Troops. In this way they took precedence of those already in the field, and while Colonel Stokes' command was known as First Regiment North Carolina State Troops, the Bethel Regiment became the Eleventh North Carolina Volun- teers. 12. North Carolina had been slow to leave the Union. She would not sunder the ties with wdiich she had delib- erately bound herself in 1789, while there was hope of ar- ranging the great issues at stake, but in the fact of w^ar between the Government and the Southern States, there was no hesitancy as to the course to be pursued. No peo- ple ever rose in arms more universally or with more de- termination. From every quarter of the State troops were tendered far faster than arms and equipments could be provided. The great bulk of these were hurried forward^ as fast as they were assembled, to the armies at Manassas^ Yorktown, and around Norfolk, in Virginia. 12. The preparations for defense were extremely meagre in North Carolina, and General B. F. Butler, after his ri- diculous failure at Bethel, was put in charge of the army which was carried by the fleet under command of Commo- dore Stringham. This pow^erful naval armament, carr}^- ing many of the heaviest and longest range cannons then mad^, appeared before Fort Hatteras on August 27th, troops enlisted at tliis time? 12. How did the people of North Caro- 250 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1861. This /was a small open work, built of sand upon the low beach, and defended by less than a dozen smooth- bore thirt3^-two-pounders. It was manned by portions of the Seventeenth and Tenth North Carolina Regiments. The gallant and devoted Colonel William F. Martin of the Seventeenth Regiment was in command. 13. The fleet lay out of the reach of the guns in the fort, and for two days bombarded the work, while the harmless response from the Confederate guns grew con- tinually more feeble as piece after piece was dismounted by the enemy's fire. After enduring this for so many hopeless hours. Colonel Martin, at the suggestion of Com- modore Barron, of the Confederate Navy, capitulated, and the garrison became prisoners of war. They were carried to Fort Columbus in New York, then to Fort Warren, and exchanged in the succeeding February. 14. Thus, in the outset, the enemy had established themselves in a position from Vv^hich great evils must have inevitably been foreseen. Much uneasiness pervaded the whole eastern counties, through so many of which the navigable streams flow. Upon their urgent demands, Brigadier General D. H. Hill was sent from Virginia, and the Autumn and early Winter was spent in laborious ef- forts to render Roanoke Island impassable to the fleets of the Union. 15. The Department of North Carolina was then under the command of Brigadier General Gatling, who had been in the United States army and had seen service. He was old and infirm, and contented himself at his headquarters lina act in relation to the war? 13. What happened at Fort Hatteras in August? 13. What became of the captured Confederates? 14-15. in Goldsboi'O. Colonel Sliaw at Roanoke Island, and Brigadier General L, O'R Branch at New Bern, were in command of the points threatened by the fall of Fort Hat- teras. Small bodies of troops were stationed at these two points, and, in great dread, the people awaited the slow- coming of the blow which all foresaw was inevitable. 16. Governor Clarke and General Martin were untiring in mustering in new regiments and forwarding them wherever the authorities at Richmond indicated. With +hat singular magnanimity which has ever been observa- ble in the course of North Carolina, she subordinated her own danger to the general good and hurried off thousands to Virginia when the wolf was at her own door. There were many men who had sternly disapprobated the pre- cipitancy of- the Gulf States in secession, but the almost universal sentiment in North Carolina was for a vigorous defence against all invaders. Mothers, whose sons had fallen at Manassas, while others were captives at Hat- teras, sent out those who were left to uphold what they considered the cause of the State and the South. There were but few Union men, and these were silent in the over- whelming sentiment of resistance. 17. As the year 1861 drew to its close, amid the anxie- ties of the great conflict two more distinguished citizens found in death a release from the frightful turmoil by which they were surrounded. On September 7th, Judge Willie P. Mangum died at his home in Orange. He had been in retirement since 1853, but from 1818 until that time he had been continually the occupant of great posi- What points were fortified after the fall of Fort Hatteras ? IG. Where were tlie North Carolina troops being sent at this time? 17, What 252 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. tions. In his prime he was unmatched for eloquence, parliamentary skill and loftiness of character. He suc- ceeded Mr. Fillmore as President of the United States Senate, and in that body his views were long of the high- est authority. Judge Dick opened his last Court at Win- ton in Hertford county. Though ailing, the faithful and upright old man cleared off his docket, and went as a vis- itor with Abraham Rid dick to his seat upon the Chowan River. There, on October 16th, his long and conscien- tious discharge of public duties found a conclusion, and he sank to his everlasting rest. There have been greater but few more irreproachable public men in all our his- tory. two distinguished men died in the latter part of the year 1861 ? GOVERNOR CLARKE. 253 CPIAPTER XXXIV. A . D . 18 6 2. Patriotism of Korth Carolina — Battle of Roanoke Island— Confederate Loss — Burning of Winton — Battle of ISTew Bern — Bombardment of Fort Macon — Battles of Williamsburg, Winchester, Seven Pines and Hanover Junction — Deaths of Colonel Stokes and Major Skinner — Gaines' Mills and Malvern Hill — North Carolina's Losses. |r. Lincoln had begun the war with the idea that I Southern opposition would not last longer than three months. The men who fought under the Union colors at the battle of Manassas had been enlisted for that term. With the advent of 1862 the leaders on both sides discovered that only a gigantic and exhausting struggle could settle the great issues submitted to the stern arbitra- ment of arms. The men hovering within sight of Washington had already exhibited that they possessed qualities which would render their subjection a difficult and prolonged task. The majestic capacit}^ of Robert E. Lee had not then been demonstrated, but in the strategy of Joseph E. Johnston the intelligence of McClellan had recognized an antagonist formidable in all the changing aspects of war. 2. In North Carolina the rush to arms was still una- bated. Regiments, generally numbering a full thousand men, were still organizing and passing to the front. All classes and conditions of men, at all suited to military re- quirements, were tendering their service until a white population of six hundred and twenty-nine thousand had put an army of eighty-nine thousand three hundred and 254 HISTORY OF north CAROLINA. forty-four volunteers in the fiel? *J. What happened at Roanoke Island ? 4. Wliere was a stand made? 0, What caused the Confederate retreat? GOVERNOR CLARKE. 255 Collected such portions of the Eighth and Thirty-firs^ North Carolina Regiments, and Captain 0. J. Wise's Vir- ginians, as were necessary to man the intrenched lines. It was believed that the morasses on each flank were im- passable and that the enemy's only available approach w^as directly in front. General Reno made many assaults from that direction early in the morning of the 8th, and was driven back with heavy loss. Wise's artillerymen stood bravely to their guns, and, with their infantry sup- ports, repeatedly repelled the desperate assaults of the swarming thousands in their front. 6. Hope was high of a successful defence, when, late in the day, it was discovered that the morasses had been crossed, and the enemy was massing on both flanks. Nothing was left but hasty retreat and inevitable surren- der at the northern end of the Island. A thousand men had withstood ever}^ attack in front of more than ten times their number, and the twenty-two gunboats had been held at bay by six merchant steamers under Commodore W. F. Lynch of the Confederate States Navy. 7. The Confederate loss in killed and wounded did not exceed one hundred. Their antagonists in their bloody repulses were heavily reduced. The two thousand men under Colonel Shaw became prisoners of war, but Briga- dier General Henr}^ A. Wise, who had been in command previously, effected his escape from Nag's Head, where he lay sick at the time of Burnside's approach. 8. This blow resulted in opening all the Albemarle Sound and its tributaries to the visits of the Federal gun- boats. On February 20th, three of them having ascended 7. What was the loss in tins battle ? 8. What was the effect on East- 256 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. the Cliowan River as high as Wiiiton were fired upon byl some troops posted at that point. They dropped down j the river to Barfields, and, having shelled the village of ; Winton until the Confederates retired, landed and set] fire to the buildings and consumed the town-. j 9. As all had foreseen, General Burnside's success at' Hoanoke was but the precursor of an attack upon New] Bern. This large and important place is situated at thej confluence of Neuse and Trent Rivers. It w^as susceptible,; of easy defence, but was left to its fate by the Confederate] authorities. Brigadier General L. O'B. Branch, who had : then never set a squadron in the field, held the command j of a brigade consisting of the Seventh North Carolina reg-i iment, Colonel R. P. Campbell ; Twenty-seventh, Colonel ! Sloan ; Tw^enty-sixth, Colonel Z. B. Vance ; and Thirty- ; ninth. Colonel Sinclair. Colonel S. B. Spruill's Second j North Caralina Cavalry, and Brem's and Latham's Light ' Batteries, together with a small number of militia, made i the entire force to amount to a little less than four thou- ; sand men. ; 10. These were posted below the junction of the rivers, : w^ith the Confederate left resting on Fort Thompson — the i strongest of the works constructed along the river. Thej line of battle reached from this point across the railway i and Weathersby road to an impassable swamp, which abundantly protected the right flank. General Burnside landed fifteen thousand troops from his transports and at 7 o'clock in the morning of March lOtli, 1862, the battle began. Relying upon the demoralizing effect of the fire from the great guns of the fleet, the main assault was crn Carolina ? 9. What city was next threatened ? 10. How were GOVEKNOK CLARKE. 257 made on the Confederate left between the fort and the railroad. Here the battle raged, until the enemy having been repeatedly driven back, at last that portion of Gen- eral Branch's line held by the militia gave back. This occurred at 12 o'clock, and was fatal to the further con- tinuance of the battle. A rapid retreat, with the loss of two hundred prisoners and many military stores, ensued, and the beaten men of North Carolina were in a few days joined at Kinston by reinforcements from Virginia, which would have easily driven back General Burnside to his ships, had they been at t]ie battle of New Bern. 11. The reduction of Fort Macon w^as a.-Mecessary con- sequence of this last disaster. The five companies that constituted the garrison, under Colonel M. J. White, after enduring ten hours bombardment from the investing bat- teries and Federal fleet, surrendered at 4 o'clock in the evening of April 20th, 1862. The fort had returned the beseigers' fire until seventeen of its guns were disabled, and twenty-eight men killed and wounded. 12. At this time General Joseph E. Johnston had with- drawn his army from Manassas, and was confronting the great host of General McClellan, who was seeking the cap- ture of Richmond by approaches from York River. At Williamsburg, in Virginia, the Confederate leader halted the Division of Major General Longstreet and bloodily checked the pursuit of the Union forces. The Fifth North Carolina regiment, under Colonel McRae, suffered horri- bly in charging the enemy in this engagement, and with the loss of two-thirds of its officers and a large proportion General Branch's men posted ? 11. What is said of Fort Macon ? 12. Wliat North Carolina regiment was cut to pieces at Williamsburg? 258 HISTOKY OF NOKTH CAKOLIXA. '\ of the men, established a reputation for unflinching cour- j age. , 13. In the meanwhile General T. J. Jackson had grown j immortal by his victories in the Valley of Virginia. The ■ Twenty-first North Carolina regiment, under Colonel W. | W. Kirkland, opened the battle at Winchester, and w^as ■ fearfully cut up. Here General Banks, of the Union ] forces, made his last stand. There w^ere few of the North , Carolina troops then in the arm 3^ of the Shenandoah. | 14. General Johnston was no more molested after the j battle of Williamsburg until his arrival before Richmond. ; General McClellan had posted his army on both sides of ; the Chickahominy, when a sudden freshet in that small j river suggested to the Confederate Commander that he \ might attack the left wing of the Army of the Potomac ; without encountering the whole strength of ^McClellan's ■ one hundred and twenty thousand men. The bridges ^ had been carried away b}^ the water and only the bravery j and plans of General Sumner saved a large portion of the ■ Union force from capture or destruction. As it was, the ; battle of Seven Pines, fought on May 26th, 1862, resulted '■ in one of the bloodiest conflicts of the whole war. Major i General Daniel H. Hill, with Longstreet and others, drove the enemy several miles before the darkness closed the conflict. Thousands of North Carolinians were among the killed and wounded. The Fourth North Carolina regiment lost four hundred and sixty-two out of five hun- dred and twenty men. General Johnston himself Avas j wounded and the next day General li. E. Lee assumed \ 13. At Winchester? 14, What occurred at Seven Pines? 15. At j GOVERNOR CLARKE. 259 command of the army and withdrew the Confederate troops from the attack. 15. There were few military movements in North Car- olina during the Summer of 1862. On June 5th, Colonel G. B. Singletary with his command, the Forty-fourth North Carolina regiment, engaged some Federal Troops on Tranter's Creek, near Washington, and was slain in the progress of the skirmish. 16. General Branch, with his North Carolina brigade, w^as posted on the extreme left of General Lee's army du- ring the latter portion of June, 1862. This was near Han^ over Court House in Virginia. Here he was attacked b}^ Major General Fitz^John Porter with a whole Federal army corps, and with his small force so nobly contested the field as to win high commendation from General Lee, 17. This great commander had assembled nearly eighty thousand troops at Richmond by this time. On June 26th, he sent Generals A. ?. and D. H. Hill to assail the enemy's right flank at EUyson's Mill. It was a bloody and fruitless affair that evening, for hundreds of brave men were lost without inflicting damage upon the foe, Colonel Stokes ajid Major Skinner, of the First North Car- olina, w^ere killed, ^nd General W. D. Pender and Colonel McElroy, of the Sixteenth North Carolina, wei^e among the wounded, 18. The enemy were the next day assailed at Gaines' Mill, where General Jackson, with his men from the vaL ley joined in crushing the right wing of McClellan's army, Pay after day that vast host was driven back, until their Tranter's Creek? 1(5. At Hanover Junction ? 17. Where did the seyeii days of battle before Rifhinond beo-ju? 1.8, AYhere eiul? 260 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. last stand was taken at Malvern Hill. With this terrible'^ contest ended the seven days of battle before Richmond,; The army which had come to capture ike Confederate; Capital shrank cowering under the protection of the Fed-^i eral gunboats. ; 19. North Carolina, as at Seven Pines, had lost several.' thousands of her soldiers. The divisions of Generalsj Jackson, Longstreet, D. H. Hill and A. P. Hill, were those; engaged in driving back the beleaguring host — and nine^.: ty-two regiments composed the whole of this Confederate i force. Of these fortv-six were from North Carolina, whose ' regiments were notoriously larger than those of any other' Southern State ; so it may be safely asserted that more i than half the Southern force engaged were from the 01(11 North State. Colonel Campbell of the Seventh, Colonel: Lee of the Thirty-seventh, Lieutenant Colonel Faison of! the Twentieth, and. Colonel Gaston Meares of the Third, ^ were among the slain. * ^ : . . ,. J J 9. What is said of North Carolina losses? GOVERNOR CLARKE, 261 CHAPTER XXXV, A. D. 1862 TO 1863. The Military Status in North Carolina— Colonel Vance elected Gov-^ ernor — General Jackson advances upon General Pope's Army — Battle of Cedar Rnn— Jackson indulges in a big Flank Movement —Gets behind Pope— Second Battle of Manasas— Ox Hill and Harper's Ferr}^ — Sharpsbnrg and the North Carolina Losses — Generals Branch and Anderson— The Assembly of 1862 — Giles Mebane— Judge Gilliam— Colonel Martin's Attack upon Plymouth — Lieutenant RufRn and the Gunboat— Governor Vance and his able Policy — General Burnside is beaten at Fredericksburg — Affair below Kinston— Battle of White Hall — Battle of Goldsboro, ^N North Carolina there had been but few movements ^J, on either side by troops. They had been mostly transferred to Virginia. Federal garrisons had been placed at Roanoke Island, Elizabeth City, Plymouth and New Bern. To observe these, Colonel William F. Martin, with the Seventeenth North Carolina regiment, was sta- tioned at Eainbow Bend, on Roanoke river, and a brigade was left at Kinston. Colonel William Lamb, with the Thirty -sixth North Carolina, was at Wilmington. 2. In the August elections, Zebulon Baird Vance, Col- onel of the Twenty-sixth North Carolina regiment, was elected Governor over William Johnson, of Charlotte, late Commissary General of the State. This was a rebuke to the men who had been forward for secession; for Gov- ernor A'^ance had been brought out by those who had been the last to consent to separation from the United States, Qrestions. — What military posts were established in North Caro- lina? 2. Who was eloct(^t'? G. Ulmt was Gdicral Jacksoirs course then? 7. Where did the Confederate Aniiy goV 8. Wliat happened tit 264 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Roanoke and New Berii, seemed hopelessly crushing General Lee's extreme right, A. P. Hill just reached the field from Harper's Ferr}^, and at once turned the tide of success into a bloody repulse. This was late in the even- ing, and the Northern troops forbore further attack. 9. All the next day General Lee and his foiled antago- nists awaited a renewal of the struggle. It did not ensue, and the great Virginian withdrew his dauntless and shattered ranks and went across the Potomac Piver, upon which his flank had rested in the battle. General Mc- Clellan attempted pursuit, and saw his troops dreadfully slaughtered at Shepherdstown. 10. Many thousands of the men of North Carolina had fallen in this fearful campaign. Brigadier General Branch had most nobl}^ redeemed his defeat at New Bern in many a bloody and furious conflict. Just as he was driving General Burnside across the Antietam he was slain to the inexpressible regret of the whole Southern people. So, too, with the youthful and gallant Brigadier General Anderson. Struck on the field in a manner that did not promise serious danger, he came to Raleigh but to die and add to the sorrow occasioned in the loss of his comrad. Colonel C. C. Tew of the Second North Caro- lina regiment, was also among the slain, and increased the poignancy of his loss by the cruel pangs of uncertain- ty as to his fate. 11. The Legislature of 1S62 met at the usual time in November. Giles INIebane, who was the son of James Mebane who presided in the House in 1832 and was then Simrpsbur^i,-? 9. What followed? 10. What is said of the North Car- olinians slain':' 11. Wiio presided in tlu Le.^islatnre of 1862? 13. GVJVEKNOK CLARKEi 265 ^^ BRIG. GEN. G. B. ANDERSON. living in Alamance, was President of the Senate. He had the virtues and ability so long observable in his fam- ily, and 3^et survives in honored old age. 12. Robert B. Gilliam, of Granville, was made Speaker of the House, but was also elected Judge of the Superior Courts, and was succeeded in the chair by N. N. Fleming, Judge Gilliam was greatly esteemed for his learning and social amenities, and, like the President of the Senate, was a Chapel Hill man. 13, At Plymouth on September 6th, the Seventeenth North Carolina regiment, under Colonel W. F. Martin, attacked the Federal garrison. The place was carried and held for three hours, but after the lapse of that time, 12 266 HISTORY OF NORTH CAKOLT^^A. i the Confederates having been continuously under fire from ; the enemy^'s gnnboats^ withdrew^ carrying with them , three pieces of captured artillery. Lieutenant Thomas | Ruffin^ of Bertie, with a single Company — C, Fourth ! North Carolina Cavalry — gained high distinction ou \ Blackwater River. One of the formid^ibl^ donble-enders • had ascended the narrow and crooked stream to a point ; near Franklin, Virginia. Hiere Ruffin with bis handful of troopers assailed the steamer with their rifles, and drove ; every man from her decks. She lay helpless until con- I sorts from down the stream cam^e to ber rescue and with ; I their guns drove the assailants from their prey. i 14. Colonel Vance succeeded Governor Clarke in the ' executive functions" in September, 1862. He at once ex- ' hibited great zeal and energy in the conduct of the war. , He adopted a suggestion of Generttl Martin, and sent Col- ; onel Crosson to England where a fine sea-going steamship | called the Lord Clyde, was purchased for the use and ben- \ efit of North Carolina. This vessel was called Advance, ] in compliment to the Governor's wife„ and proved of very great benefit to the troops and people. ■ 15. General McClellan w^as again removed from the ; command of the Army of the Potomac, and Mr. Lincoln, in the latter portion of the Fall of 1(S62, substituted Gen- eral Ambrose E. Burnside in his place. This new com- | mander soon resolved to move upon Richmond, leaving | his base of supplies at Acquia Creek and Fredericksburg, i General Lee forestalled him in occupying the latter place, i and on December 13th, 1862, the great Army of the : What occurred at Plymouth and on the Blackwater? 14. Who bi- ; came Governor 2' 15. Who was General Burnside 2 Id. Describe the ; aOFEEMOE VANCE. 267 Potomac, then nnmbering one hundred and foTtj thousand men, was moved to the assault of the Confed- erates. The latter did not quite reach sixty thousand soldiers of all .arms, but were strongly posted, and im- posed horrible defeat upon the assailants, 16. Gen^eral Franklin commBuded the Federal columns of attack upon the right, and w^s terribly worsted in his Assault upon Marye^s Hill. General Bumner, on the left, had better success for awhile; and the Federal Major general Meade at one time endangered General Lee's right by a bold and impetuous attack, succeeding ill. forcing back the North Carolina Brigade of General Lane ^nd wedging in between that command and that of Gen- eral Archer. This success was only momentary, and the assailants w^ere soon driven back, with great loss, from the position they had won, 17. General Biirnside had lost nearly thirteen thousand tnen in this bloody failure, while his opponents suffered less than half such decrease. General Pender of North Carolina, was wounded, axid^ as on otlier fields, greatly distinguished himself for courage and conduct, 18. On the day after the battle of Fredericksburg, Brigadier General H, G. Evans, with his brigade of South Carolinians, was posted at Kinston, on the Neuse River. On that day his pickets were driven in on the Trenton road by ja small force of tlie enem^^ Upon the approach of the latter to the river bridge, they were confronted by the four regiments under General Evans and driven back. The pursuit soon ended, for the single brigade quickly found battle of ^'rederioksburo-. 17, Wliat was the loss on both.sfdes? 18. WhnX happei.iecl .t,be nej^t day ijj Norib CyTolina? 19. What was Gen- 268. HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ! i itself in an ambuscade, and at once engaged a Federal | army of more than twenty thousand men, under Major ' General A. G. Foster. After a short and desperate con- | flict, the Confederates beat a hasty retreat, but could not i reach the bridge sufficiently far in advance of the enemy to destroy it, and thus prevent their crossing. ■ 19. General Evans saved the greater portion of his com- | mand and being reinforced, the next day took position \ on a mill pond near Kinston. General Foster moved up ' the other side of the Neuse and attempted, on Monday,. ; 15th, to cross at White Hall, and thus cut off Evans' re- ' treat on Goldsboro. \ 20. Brigadier General Beverly Robertson, with the j Eleventh and Thirty-first North Carolina regiments, the J Fourth and Fifth North Carolina Cavalry and the right section of Badham's Battery (Third North Carolina bat- i talion) burned the bridge in Foster's front and deterred \ his crossing that night. Early in the morning, under the I fire of thirty pieces of artillery, strong columns were j moved to drive off the Confederates and lay down a pon- ] toon bridge. For eight hours the struggle continued for ' this purpose. Colonel Leaventhorpe with his command, the Eleventh or Bethel regiment, supporting the guns: i under McCleese, bore the brunt of the battle and bravely ■ drove them from the river banks. ! 21. In this highly creditable battle the enemy were defeat- ; ed with the loss of more than a thousand men, while the Confederates disabled were less than one-hfth of that i number. : eral Foster's next move? 20. What Imppened at White Hall? 21^^ What was the loss there? 22. What followed at Goldsboro'^ GOVERNOR VANCE, 269 22. General Foster finding it impossible to force a cross- ing at White Hall, pushed oxi for Goldsboro and succeed- ed in burning the bridge over the Neuse, Several thou- sands of troops were in the town, two miles away, but only Cliugman's Brigade and two battalions of Soiith Carolina, ians were ordered by General Evaiis to assail the army of the invaders. They did so to no purpose, and were driyefi General Foster at once retreated to New Bern, ■g70 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLJNA, CHAPTER XXXVL A. D. 1863. yellow Fever at Wilmington — General Whiting— The Blockade— Con-? dition of the State — Great Military Efforts — The Hospitals— Ad- jutant General Fowie— -Surgeon General Warren — Dr. Chafles J]. Johnson — Condition of Civil Rights — Messrs. B. F. Moore and Lewis Thompson— Generals Bragg, Polk, D. H, Hill, Holmes, JLioring, Robert Ransom and MeCniloh^-— Brigadier Generals — ^ Colonel Peter Mallett and the Conscripts — Hooker is beaten at Chancellorsville-r^ Death of Stonewall Jackson--; Capture of Win.- Chester- — -The Great Disaster at Gettysburg — North Carolina Losses — Generals Pender and Pettigrew— Affairs at Hill's Bridge and Boone's Mill — Brandy Station— Depression. ^iLMiNOTOi^^ had been terribly scourged by yellow ^J fever in the Fall of 1862. More than two thou* ^and persons perished in that city, then containing less fhan five times that population, Brigadier General W, H. C. Whiting, forpierly of the Engineer Corps in the United States Army, had highly distinguished himself as commander of a division in the Army of Northern A^ir:^ ginia. He was sept, about December 1st, 1862, to take ,charge of the Department of the Cape Fear. The strict- ness of the blockade off other southern seaports made Wilmington of inestimable value to the Confederate gov^ ernment, The nature of the coast at the mouth of Cape Fear River rendered it in>possible to prevent access oi; favorable occasions, % With the new^ year of 1863 North Carolina was still buoyant and unabated in devotion to the Southern cause. Orcat battles had filled tlje 3tate with ' grief for ggillaTjt GOVERNOR VANCE. 271 men lost, but thousands were still going forward to fill the gaps occasioned by so many deaths. Sixty-six regi- ments and ten battalions had been sent to the front, and under the law of conscription continual levies were being made as the young men became liable to military service. 3. Under the management of Governor Vance great supplies of clothing for the troops, of medicines, cotton and woolen cards, and other necessary foreign articles, were brought in by the steamer Advance and distributed. Means were used to secure supplies of salt, and wayside hospitals were established at different points for the ac- commodation of sick and travelling soldiers. The great- est of these was at Petersburg, Virginia, and was put in charge of Drs. William C. Warren and W. A. B. Norcom, of Edenton. 4. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel G. Fowle, late of the Thirty-first regiment, succeeded General Martin as Adju- tant General of the State, and Dr. Edward Warren re- placed Dr. Charles E. Johnson as Surgeon General. Miss Mar}^ Pettigrew, like another Florence Nightingale, went to Petersburg and became the matron of the North Caro- lina hospital at that place. 5. In civil wars there is generally but slight regard manifested for the rights of people who do not agree with those prosecuting hostilities. This was not the case in North Carolina at any time in the great struggle, and the legal rights of all men could be vindicated by appeal to the courts. Some were arrested and imprisoned, but they Qrestions.— What is said of General Wliitiiif^ and Wilmington? 2. What was tlie spirit in iSTorth Carolina ? 3.. What was accomplish- ed by the steamer Advance ? 4. Wiio were the new military ap- 272 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. were generally persons who committed open acts of hos- tility to the Confederate States, while some distinguished persons, like Messrs. B. F. Moore and Lewis Thompson, were all the Avhile opposed to the Avhole secession move- ment, and were yet undisturbed. This was because these gentlemen were understood to yet love the South and only disapproved the mode of vindication. 6. Many North Carolinians had by this time risen to prominence in the different Southern armies. General Braxton Bragg, Lieutenant Generals Leonidas Polk, D. H. Hill and T. H. Holmes, Major Generals Loring, Robt. Ransom and Benjamin McCuUoh, conferred honor upon the commonwealth. 7. With General Lee were the North Carolina infantry brigades commanded by Generals W. D. Pender, M. W. Ransom, Junius Daniel, Alfred Iverson, James H. Lane, James J. Pettigrew, A. M. Scales and John R. Cooke, while the two cavalry brigades of Generals L. J. Baker and Beverly Robertson were likewise of the same State. The brigade of General Clingman was at Charleston, that of General Martin on the Roanoke, another under Gene- ral Hebert at the mouth of the Cape Fear, and yet another in the Army of Tennessee. 8. The work of enrolling conscripts and sending them to the field was committed to Colonel Peter Mallett. Lie had his quarters near Raleigh and added another battal- ion to the army which afterwards did good service under Major Hahr. pointees on the Governor's stJifT? G. What men of the State had be- come prominent in tlie war? 7. What North Carolina brio-ades are mentioned? 8. Who had cliarge of enrolling conscripts? 9. What GOVERNOR VANCE. 273 9. General Burnside lost his position as Commander of the Army of the Potomac by his defeat at Fredericksburg. He was succeeded by Major General Joseph Hooker. The new generalisimo had massed one hundred and thirty- two thousand men in front of General Lee when April, 1863, was drawing to its close. The Confederate Chief had sent Longstreet and his corps to threaten Suffolk and gather subsistence from the rich Albemarle region of North Carolina, and could only muster forty-six thousand men when it was found that eighty thousand of the ene- my had crossed the Rappahannock River and were turn- ing the left flank of the Army of Northern Virginia. 10. Stonewall Jackson at once asked and obtained leave to arrest this dangerous movement. In the darkness of a gathering night the astonished men of the North were stricken in the rear and driven in headlong ruin upon Chancellorsville, where General Lee w^as attacking from a different direction. General Hooker, fearfully situated, was saved by the fall of General Jackson and Sedge wick's attack with forty thousand men upon the small force left at Fredericksburg. When General Lee returned from the defeat of this movement the Army of the Potomac had secured its escape across the Rappahannock. 11. No victory in the world's history ever reflected greater credit upon the genius of the leaders or the cour- age of the men than the battle of Chancellorsville. It filled the North with disma}^ and led General Lee to con- sider his army almost invincible. But triumph came at fearful cost. General Jackson with a small escort, while happened at Chancellorsville? 10. What great Southern leader was wounded there? 11. What is said of the battle? 12. Did J^orth Car- 274 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. riding at night in front of the Confederate lines, was mis- taken for Federal cavalry and fired upon by his own men. He was mortally wounded and died a few days afterwards, and there was no man in all the world who could fill his^ place. Stonewall Jackson was exceedingly dear to his people, and at the news of his death the entire South was plunged in deepest grief and even hardened soldiers, un- der other leaders far aw^ay from the field of the disaster, wept aloud when the sad tidings were told. An em.inent historian has said : " Indeed, it was not only the military achievements of Jackson that had endeared him to the Southern people, but something pre-eminently great in his character. He was so pure, so noble, so untiring and so brave, that all heads bowed down to him. His splen- did victories had excited the admiration of the world, but the fame of his warlike deeds was even obscured by the brightness of his virtues. Even his enemies praised him, and admitted that his angelic goodness almost consecrated the cause for wdiich he fought." This great man married the daughter of Dr. R. H. Morrison, of Lincoln county. 12. The North Carolina brigades were heavily engaged in this great battle, and they constituted much the larger portion of the force then with General Lee. Of the ten thousand men lost by the Confederates also a majority were of the same brave and loyal people. General Pender was again wounded, and promoted for his conspicuous valor and good conduct on the field. 13. General Hooker, like Burnside, lost his place by the fearful disaster at Chancellorsville. Mr. Lincoln could not forgive his loss of twenty thousand men, and General Meade was made his successor. General Lee QOVERXOR YANCr, 275 started early in Jniie upo.n the Federal lines of commu- nication. Meade went back upon Washington, and Gen- eral Ewell, mainly with North Carolina troops, on the 17th, captured four thousand men and large supplies at Winchester, 14. The bloodiest encounter of the whole war was at Gettysburg on the first three days of July. General Heth began the action with his division but was soon wounded and replaced by General J. J, Pettigrew. This division consisted of Pettigrew's North Carolina and three other brigades. The fighting was extremely obstinate, but the enemy were driven from Cemetery Ridge and through the town. Colonel H, K. Burgwyn was slain and his reg- iment, the Twenty-sixth North Carolina, lost five hundred and forty-nine out of eight hundred men, 15. Again on the second day General Lee renewed the assault. The divisions of Hood and McLaws forced their way, on the extreme Confederate right, into possession of Round Top Hill, and greatly endangered the integrity of the w^hole Federal position. Early and Johnson were launched in the evening from the left against Gulp's Hill and the end of Cemeter}^ Ridge. At nightfall the great army of General Meade was still in possession of its im- pregnable position. 16. On June 3rd, 1863, was the last and deadliest of the Confederate assaults. , They had so often beaten the Army .of the Potomac that General Lee might well believe he could dislodge his foes even from that terrible stronghold olina loose heavily? 13. What happened at Winchester? 14. What division of the Southern Army beo^an the battle of Gettysburg? 15. What was done on the second day of the battle? 16. What is said of 276 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLTXA. they so valiantly defended. But the odds were too great for even his incomparable infantry. At the main point of attack the lines so curved as to enable General Meade to bring up any amount of reinforcements, and though the divisions of Pickett, Pettigrew and Pender reached the Federal works and drove them from their position, it was impossible to retain the lodgment made, and the costly sacrifice of life was of no avail. 17. General Lee was foiled at Gettysburg precisely as General McClellan had been at Sharpsburg. After great and bloody efforts he found it impossible to dislodge his foes and retired sorrowfully from the mighty contest. It was the turning point in the war, and the Confederate cause could never rally from this bloody check. The twenty -three thousand men lost in the Federal Army could be easily replaced, but who were to close the great gaps in the Confederate ranks. The flower and hope of the South had perished in splendid but unavailing heroism. 18. North Carolina, as on every other great field con-^ tested by the army of Northern Virginia, lost thousands of her best and bravest sons. Major General W. D. Pen- der was numbered among the slaiij and closed a career that was of infinite promise. So brave and gentle and capable was he that all had com^ to love and reverence his name. General Pettigrew was wounded, and unfortu- nately mortally injured again a few days afterwards. North Carolina has never produced an abler or more ad- mirable man. His virtues and acquirements were extra- ordinary and his loss most deplorable. Among the slain the assaults made on July 3rd. 1862? 17. How did this battle eftect the South ? 18. What NorMi Carolinians are mentioned anions: the GOVERNOR VAXOE. 277 were Colonels Isaac E. Aveiy of the Sixth, and J. K, Marshall of the Fifty-second. Brigadier General A. M, Scales was wounded, as were Colonel Avery of the Thir- ty-third, Colonel Lowe of the 28th, and the conspicuously brave Captain J. McLeod Turner, commanding the Sev- enth North Carolina regiment. 19. During the month of June Colonel Spear, with a regiment of New York Cavalry, made an attempt to reach and burn the railroad bridge at AVeldon. They disem- barked from steamers at Winton, and, after a skirmish with Major S. J. Wheeler's Cavalry battalion at Hill's Bridge in Hertford county, Avere met and defeated by an inferior force, under Brigadier General M. W. Ransom, at Boone's Mill in Northampton. 20. There had also been much North Carolina blood spilled in the great cavalry battle at Brandy Station, The ten thousand Confederate troopers all day bore the attacks of superior numbers and drove their enemies at nightfall from the field. General L. J. Baker was wound- ed, and Colonel Solomon Williams, of the Second North Carolina Cavalry, slain. 21. The depreciation of Confederate money had become a frightful evil at this time. To sorrow and bereavement in the many households of North Carolina, was now added the grim presence of want. Thousands of brave soldiers deserted the ranks because their families were at home starving for food. The authorities of the State did all that could be expected, but the most enormous public charity could not reach the needs of so many thou- sands of suffering women and children. disabled? 19. What is said of Colonel Spear's raid? 20. What of the battle at Brandy Station? 21. What was tiie state of Confederate money ? ' 278 HlSTOllY OF XOIITII CAROLINA^ CHAPTER XXXVIL A. D, 18C4. Oenerals iCirkland and Cook Repulsed at Bristoe Station — The South still Unsubdued— Ex-Govenior Braw;;^' resi^^ns as Attorney Gene- ral of the Confederate States — Ex-Governor Graham succeeds George Davis in the Confederate States Senate — Members of Con- federate House of Representatives— Pickett's attack upon New Bern — Generals Clingman and Hoke — Death of Colonel H. M. 8ha\v— General Martin and the Battle of Shepherdville — Deaths of Governor Brancli, Senator Borland and Judge Manney — Major General Hoke and the Battle of Plymoutli — The Ram Albemarle and the Naval Battle — Battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania and Cold Harboi*— North Carolina Losses — Butler and Bermuda Hundreds — Seige of Petersburg- -Battle of Winchester and Death of General Ramseur — Governor Vance Re-elected — Battle of Reams' Station— Death of Lieutenant Colonel Bird — Major Gene- ral Bryan Grimes — Assemblj'^ of 1804. f^piEN the Army of Northern Virginia left Gettys- ^ burg, the old lines of defense were resumed on the Rappahannock and Rapidan rivers. Again in October General Lee had renewed offensive movements and the North Carolina brigades of Generals Kirkland and Cooke suffered a bloody repulse at Bristoe Station. 2. In the beginning of 1864, notwithstanding the great reverses at Gett^^sburg and Mcksburg, the Confederate leaders were unabated in their determination to achieve separation from the Union and independence for the South. The vast and increasing armies of the North were still confronted by antagonists, who supplied their want of numbers by superior strategy and desperate courage in the fields. S. Ex-Governor Thomas Bragg had retired from the GOVERNOR VANCK. 279 position of Attorney General of the Confederate States. The learned and eloquent George Davis, of AV^ilmington, was also succeeded in the Confederate States Senate by Ex-Governor William A. Graham, of Orange, This great and immaculate statesman had a fit associate in the bold, able and resolute William T. Dortch, of Wayne. 4. In the House of Representatives, the North Carolina delegation consisted of Messrs. W. N. H. Smith of Hert* ford, R. R. Bridgers of Edgecombe, Thomas C. Fuller of Cumberland, James M. Leach of Davidson, J. T. Leach of Johnston, Josiah Turner of Orange, John A. Gilmer of Guilford, James G. Ramsay of Mecklenburg, Burgess S. Gaither of Burke and George W. Logan of Cherokee. 5. In the last days of January, General Lee sent from Virginia five brigades under Major General Pickett to assail the Federal garrison at New Bern. The brigade of General Clingman in a skirmish on Bachelor's creek had the great misfortune to lose Colonel Henry M. Shaw, the brave and capable commander of the Eighth North Carolina Regiment. 6. Generals Clingman and Hoke, after terrifying the enemy by their approach, were withdrawn upon the re- turn of Brigadier General Barton, who had been sent across the Trent river to cut the Federal communications. 7. This had been already most effectually accomplished by the force under Brigadier General Martin. This lat- ter officer with the Seventeenth and Forty-second North Questions.— Whose brigades were cut up at Bristoe Station ? 2. What was the feeliugof the South ? 3. Who were Confederate States Senators in 1864? 4. Who were Representatives in Congress? 5. Who went to assail New Bern ? 6. What did lie accomplish? 7. 280 HISTORY OF \ORTH CAROLINA. Carolina regiments, four companies of the Fifth South Carolina Cavalry, and Ellis' and Paris' Light Batteries, had encountered an ecj^ual force of the enemy at Shep- herdsville and achieved a brilliant and complete success. Two forts, fifteen guns and two hundred prisoners had been won, when the news of Pickett's retreat necessitated instant movements of a similar nature. The loss in General Martin's column did not exceed sixty men. 8, Governor John Branch at Halifax, ex-Senator Solon Borland in Texas and Judge Thomas Manney in Ten- nessee, all died in the progress of the year. They had all reflected honor upon their native State by useful and honored lives. 9. For much distinguished service in the Army of Northern Virginia Robert F. Hoke of Lincoln, had been recently made a Major General in the Confederate service. His father was Colonel Michael Hoke, who had so bril- liantly opposed Governor Graham in the State elections of 1844. General Hoke was sent by General Lee to assail the Federal garrison at Plymouth in Washington county. On the 19th of April, 1864, the fine Division of the capa- ble and youthful commander assaulted and captured the outposts west of the town. On the next day occurred the main battle. Brigadier General M, W. Ransom was sent around to assault the strongest works which lay on the east of the defences. He lost five hundred men in the desperate charge but was completely successful and nearly three thousand prisoners and many munitions and stores were captured. "What is said of the battle of Sheplierdsville? 8. Wliat distinouished civilians died ? 9. What happened at Plymoutli ? 10. What was the GOVERNOK VANCE. 281 10. The iron-clad ram, Albemarle, under Captain Cooke, co-operated in the attack and having sunk one and driven off the rest of the Federal gunboats, took the formidable Federal works in reverse with her fire and greatly assisted in their discomfiture. 11. The apparition of this floating battery produced a great sensation among the naval men belonging to the United States' service then in North Carolina. It had been built at the town of Halifax. In a few days a fleet of double enders were collected at the mouth of Roanoke river and Captain Cooke took the Albemarle down the stream to look after them. One of the most desperate and prolonged naval battles on record occurred in the Albemarle Sound. For hours the contest raged and re- sulted in the defeat of the Federal fleet and their flight from the scene of contest. 12. Lieutenant General U. S. Grant had by this time won the command of all the United States armies. Gen- eral Lee's thinned ranks were now confronted by a greater host than had yet been encountered. At the Wilderness, Spottsylvania and Cold Harbor, General Grant's tremen- dous assaults were all met and repulsed. Sixty thousand Federal soldiers were lost but eighteen thousand of the forty-two thousand Confederates had also been stricken down. General Lee's re-inforcements only supplied those who were slain and he thus grew hourly weaker in the merciless slaughter inaugurated by the Federal chief 13. North Carolina mourned for a host of gallant spirits lost in these tremendous struggles. Among these Albemarle? 11. What is said of tlie naval battle in the Soand? 12. What is said of General Grant and tlie oreat battles in Virginia? 13. 282 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. were Brigadier Generals Junius Daniel and James B. Gordon, Colonels J. H. Wood, of the Fourth, Thomas M. Garrett of tlie Fifth, C. L. Andrews of the Second cavalry, Edmund Brabble of tlie Thirty second, C. C. Blacknall of the Twenty-second, W. H. A. Spear of the Twenty- eighth, C. M. Avery of the Thirty-third, John G. Jones of the Thirty-fifth, W. M. Barbour pf the Thirty-seventh, Major J. J. Iredell of the Fifty-third, and Alexander D. Moore of the Sixty-sixth North Carolina regiments, were also numbered among those who sealed their faith with their blood. 14. General Butler was foiled by Beauregard in his attack upon Richmond by way of Bermuda Hundreds and that battle was the first in which, the now famous Gatling guns were used. Dr. Richard H. Gatling, the inventor, was born and reared in Hertford county, but was, in 1864, a resident of Indiana. This movement occurred in May, and North Carolina was nearly stripped of troops to make the necessary defense of Richmond. 15. The seige of Petersburg was to be long and desper- ately contested. General Lee with less than fift}^ thou- sand men went into lines stretching from Hatcher's Run to the James river above Richmond. Soon Brecken- ridge's division and Ewell's corps under Lieutenant Gen- eral Early, were sent to the Valley, and thus not forty thousand men were left in thirty-seven miles of entrench- ments. 16. The gallant and accomplished Stephen D. Ramseur was made a Major General in June and went in command Name some of tlie North C/aroliiilans slain? 14. Where was the Gat- Im^ giui first used in war? 15. With wliat force did Geiieral Lee GOVERNOR VANCE. 283 of a divisoii with Lieutenant General Early to the Valley. That officer after brilliant successes was confronted by the Federal commander, General Sheridan, with forty thousand men, ten thousand of whom were cavalry. A deadly encounter between these and the twelve thousand Confederates occurred at Winchester. The battle lasted through the day and at night fall Early's men were pushed frorn the field. They h^^d done all that skill and valor could hope to accomplish and only yielded to over^ whelming numbers, 17, On this disastrous occasion, General Ramseur was numbered among the slain. Like Pender and Pettigrew, he perished in the very blossom and promise of a noblg career, High capacity and a noble disposition had given 0,dditional charms to his knightly deeds, and sorrow was J^nown not alona in North Carolina at his lamented death, Uis first connection in the Confederate Army, was as commander of the fanious Ellis Artillery of Raleigh, which battery upon his promotion became the i3h,arge of Captain Basil C. Manly, 18, In the State election of 1864, Governor Vance was re-elected by a great majority over W, W, Holden of Wake. The people longed for peace but were unwilling to adopt Mr, Holden's plan of effecting that object. They would only make terms along with tha whole South and thus they supported Vance who still advocated a brave prosecution of the war, 19, As the seige advanced at Petersburg} there were niany deadly encounters away from the immediate pres^ cotidiict the defence of Petersburg ? 16. What able officer was slain gt Winr-liester? 18, Who wns ejectef] Governor ii) 1864? 19, De^ 284 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ence of the main armies. On August 24th, a strong hocly of Federal troops, who were intrenched at Reams' Station on the Petersburg Railroad, were attacked by General A, P. Hill. They repelled two assaults with such loss to the assailants that it was only at the request of the men of Cooke's, McRae's and Lane's brigades, that the officers consented to a renewal of the bloody contest. These brave men of North Carolina had been so reduced in battle that but seventeen huudred and fifty muskets were seen in their glorious charge as they won the day. By splendid daring they had achieved a victory over greatly superior numbers and twenty-one hundred prisoners and thirteen pieces of artillery were their trophies, 20. Among the slain was Lieutenant Colonel Francis W. Bird of Bertie, of the Eleventh North Carolina regi^ ment. He had distinguished himself at Gettysburg and was full of bravery and promise, The horror of the struggle cari'ied on in this campaign is attested in the fact that the three brigades above mentioned, that once contained more than ten thousand men, had been wasted in conflict down to seventeen hundred and fifty fit for service. General Clingman's brigade lost in the three weeks, closing with the battle of Cold Harbor, eleven hundred and seventy-three men, 21. Upon the fall of General Ramseur, Bryan Grimes was promoted to be Major General in his place. Like Robert F. Hoke, he had begun the war as Major of a regiment, Third North Carolina, and by brave and judi^ cious conduct, had attained this high rank, Colonel William R. Cox was made Brigadier General in his place p,nd was also an officer of great merit and faithfulness^ GOVERNOR VANCE. 285 So also AVilliam Gaston Lewis of Edgecombe, late Colo- nel of the Thirty-second North Caroling, regiment, was added to the number of Brigadier Generals, as Avell as William McRae, of the Seventh North Carolina,. Robert D. Johnston of the Twenty -third and R. B. Vance of the Twenty-ninth North Carolina. 22. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson were chosen President and Vice President of the United States in the Fall election. Mr. Johnson was born and reared in Raleigh, and had risen to prominence as a citizen of Tennessee, 23. In the Legislature of 1864, Giles Mebane, of Ala- mance, and Richard S. Donnell, of Beaufort, were the presiding officers. The thoughts of the Legislature anc^ of the State were all centered upon the perishing fabric of tlie Southern Government,, The bloody struggle was rapidly drawing to 9- close as the million men of the North step by step drove the few Confederate survivors to the wall. scribe the b.tttle of Reams' Stution? 20. What is said of Confederate losses? 21, Who were made Generals? 22. What is said of Andrew Johnson? 23, Who were presidi^ig officers ol the A^sep^bly? 280 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPTEE XXXYIIL A. D. 186 5 TO 1866. The Cape Fear Defences First Attack upon Fort Fislier— --General Terry Captures that Work — Battle of Kinston— General Joe E, Johnston—Battle of Averwsboro — Battle of Bentonsville-^Batile of Five Forks — Fall of Petersburg-— —Surrender of Generals I.ee and Johnston — Death of President Lincoln— General Schofield Mllitar\^ Governor of North Carolina— Emancipation of the CoU ored People--W. W. Holden Provisional Governor^^Conveiitioii of 186.")^~State of Affairs-r-Conduct of the Freedmen. ^P|hk mouth of the Cape Fear Kiver was djefexided hy '^gl^ Forts Caswell and Holmes.. A few miles .abov© these works, upon New Inlet, stood Fort Fisher. This great fortification had been constructed by Colonel Wil^ liam Lamb^ ^f the Thirty-sixth North Carolina regiment, tinder the supervision of Major Geiiex'al Whiting, and had been recenth^ pronounced by General Beauregard as welb nigh impregnable. It mounted seventy guns, and with .all its faces presented almost ,a mile of continuous bat^ Series, 2. On the day before Christmas, 1864, Admiral Porter^ with a great fleet and ;a large laiid force commanded by General B. F. Butler, stood in from the offing .and opened ^re upon Forth Fisher. He had blown up a powder ship the night before with the idea that it would explode the magazine:S in the fort No such result followed and no one on shore dreamed of his intent in wasting so much ammunition. 3, All that dav aud the next the six iiundred gre.at GOVERNOR CLARKE. 287 guns of the fleet and fort joined in their thunderous cho- rus, but,, on the night of the 26th of December, 1864, the Federal armament sailed back to Beaufort, completely foiled in their vast and costly undertaking. 4. General Braxton Bragg, then in command, suppos- ing the enemy had given up all idea of taking Fort Fisher, withdrew the troops that had been collected in and around that work. He had prepared to march against New Bern, and rations had been prepared to that end for Hoke's Division and othei*s, when, about mid- night of January 12th, 1865, Colonel Lamb telegraphed fatal tidings that the fleet had returned and were making preparations to land troops. 5. Fort Fisher is thirty miles below Wilmington. A narrow neck of land divides the Ocean from the Cape Fear river. When General Hoke's Division reached Sugar Loaf, they found that thousands of the Federal troops were in possession of the Peninsular, and had in- trenched themselves from river to sea. 6. A bombardment, such as has been seen no where in the world, had in the meanwhile been poured upon the land face of the Fortress. This portion of the work was defended by vast parapets, above which the huge traverses towered still thirty feet higher. 7. General Terry, the Federal commander, at three o'clock, on the evening of the 19th, signaled the Admi- ral to change his fire, and the storm of shells which had Questions. — Wluit forts <;!ianle(l the two inlets to Cape Fear Eiver? 2. Wlint l)ai)pened t>n the (h\y befoi-e Christmas in 1864? 3. VVliat was the result? 4. What followed on January rith, 1865 ? 5. Who seized the peninsular above Fort Fisher? 6, What of the 288 liisTOKY OF Noirni (AKOLIXA. for three days been rained upon the land face, at once went down to the water batteries. Three Federal brigades had worked their way close up and at once^sprang to the assault. They were bravely met, and the command- ers of all three lines, with five hundred of their men, w^ere cut down in the narrow interval separating the com- batants. A lodgment was established in the gun cham- bers next to the river from which the dauntless exertions of the Confederates could not expel their equally determ- ined assailants. 8. General AVhiting and Colonel Lamb had both been severely wounded, and yet the struggle still went on in- side the Fort and was not ended until ten o'clock, when the survivors of the garrison surrendered at Battery Buchanan. This was a fell blow to the tottering Confed- eracy. It sealed up the last of the seaports and was soon followed by the fall of Wilmington. 9. The Confederates, under General Bragg, soon encoun- tered the army corps of General Schofield at the town of Kinston, and after stubborn resistance, retired to Golds- boro. Major Edward Mallett, of the Sixty-first North Car- olina regiment, was numbered among tlie slain at this battle. 10. General Joseph E. Johnston assumed control of military movements in North Carolina after this, and from various quarters collected an army of twenty-five thousand men. Against these were moving the great army of General Sherman- from South Carolina, the cap- bonibardnu'iit? 7. What is said of the assault on Jamiaiy 13th ? 8. What was the e(t\*ct^:of this capture? 0. What happtned at Kinston? 10. What Confederate General assunied coi'iinand in North Carolina? "GOX'EKXOR VANCE. 289 toTs of Wilmington under Terry, and still another column led by Schofield from Kinstom 11. The first shock of arms was at Averyshoro in Har- nett comity, where General Hardee stoutly held his ground •until night, and then withdrew his small force in safety from the presence of General Sherman, 12. On March 19th, 1865, the right wing of General ■Johnston's army rested at Bentonsvilie. Here were col- lected fifteen thousand Confederates, who were assailed in ;six successive attacks hy the vast host under Sherman that had overrun Georgia and South Carolina. They were driven back wdth great slaughter, and finally, upon .:a Southern advance, they were forced from tiie possession of three separate lines of defence. The enemy retired in the direction of Goldsboro, rv^hich place they entered on March 23rd, and were joined by the forces xmder Generals -Schofield and Terry. General Jolinston put his men in cantonments around Smithfield, but shortly withdrew -with his force towards Haleigh. 13. But the end of all was close at hand. General Sheridan came with heavy cavalry reinforcements from the Valley of Virginia, and massed them on the right of General Led's lines before Petersburg. General Hampton had weakened the Confederate Horse by bringing a divi- vsion to North Carolina. General W. H. F. Lee assanlted and worsted General Sheridan at Chamberlain's RTin, but the next d^y he came back with overwhelming infantry ^supports and crushed both Fitz Lee and Pickett at Five Forks. 11. Who ioii.o:ht at Averysboro ? 12. WIio at Beiitonsville ? 13. What as said of General Lee's <;ouc]itioti at Fetei'sburg? 14. What cavalry la 290 HISTORY OF NOKTII CAIIOLINA. : 14. Brigadier Generals Riifiis Barringer and William : P. Roberts bravely contested these fatal reverses and lost ; heavily from their gallant troopers. Colonel McNeil, | Lieutenant Colonel Shaw and ^lajor Harris, all of the i Fifth North Carolina Cavalry, were slain. Lieutenant j Colonel Gaines, of the Second Cavalr}^, and Major McLeod, i of the First, were both wounded. i 15. The five thousand prisoners and men disabled in | these battles were fatal to General Lee. On the next I morning, after a brave resistance, his attenuated lines j were pierced in three places. General A. P. Hill, who is I yet revered by so many North Carolinians as their ancient j leader, was slain ; — and then folio w^ed the retreat and | ruin of the hopeless cause. ' 16. General Sherman, after increasing his force at Goldsboro, took up his line of March towards Raleigh, and on A23ril 13th, 1865, his army entered the North Car- ' olina Capital. General Johnston, with his men, had re- \ tired beyond Hillsboro, and having learned of General ' Lee's surrender to General Grant on the 9th, he knew : that further resistance w^ould be useless, and therefore '\ opened correspondence with General Sherman as to terms i of surrender. General Johnston, in company with Gene- i ral Wade Hampton, met in conference with General i Sherman and his staff, at the farm-house of Mr. Bennett, ; about five miles north of Plillsboro, and at this place the i articles of capitulation were written and signed by the re- | spective commanding officers. • 17. Mr. Lincoln had instructed General Sherman as to ; officers are mentioned Y 15. Wliat followed the defeat at Five Forks? i 16. When did Sherman enter Raleiirh ? When and where did Jolin- ' PROVISIONAL GOVERNOR HOLDEN. 291 the arrangement of terms with General Johnston and the matter had already been agreed on between these great commanders, when the unfortunate murder of President Lincoln occurred April 14th. The army was surrender- ed near Hillsboro April 26th, and North Carolina, after four years of warfare, returned to ways of peace. 18. The State had sent to the field more than one hun- dred and twent^^-one thousand men. Of these eighty- nine thousand three hundred and forty-four were volun- teers in the regular service of the Confederate States: the others being volunteers in the State service and conscripts. Full fifty thousand had fallen and mourning was in every household for those who should come no more. God in his mercy had at last ended one of the greatest and most cruel civil wars that has been seen in the world. 19. Governor Vance was deposed and placed in prison at Washington, and General Schofield, as Military Gov- ernor of the conquered people, announced the liberation of the slaves under the late proclamation of the President of the United States. 20. The condition of the State was horrible. Numer- ous armies had wasted every portion, and to grief was added the crudest pangs of want. It became necessary for the United States officials to aid the suffering people, and rations were issued where the oath of allegiance was taken. 21. President Johnson removed every officer in the State and appointed William W. Holden, of Wake, as stoii surreivler? 17. What happened to Mr. Lincoln? 18. What force had North Carolina sent to the field, and what was their loss? 1 9. Wiio becr^nje Militij-ry Governor? 20, What was the condition of 2;^2- HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Provisional Governor. The great body of the people took the oaths required, and, under the new order of things, went to work to restore the Government. Governor Hol- den appointed Judges and other officers, and ordered an election for members of Assembly and for delegates to a Constitutional Convention, which should alter the organic law of the commonwealth in certain specified particulars. 2.2. The Conventioxi met on the 2nd day of October,, 1865, and selected Edwin G. Reade, of Fci^son, as Presi- dent. Messrs. Giles Mebane, R. S. Donnell, IE- J. Warren,. Lewis Thompson, John Pool, T. R. Caldwell.M. E. Manly,, George Howard, P. H. Winston, R. B. Gilliam,. Edward. Conigland, W. P. Bynum, W. A, W rig 1 it, Alfred Dockery,. Thos. Settle, N. Boyden, and William Eaton, were tliQ: most prominent members.. This body annulled the Seces-- sion Ordinance of May 2.0thj 1861.,. abolished slavexy and forbade the jDayinent of any portion of the State debt in-- curred in the prosecution of the war. These ordinances were submitted, to the people and failed of ratification by a vote of nineteen thousand five hundred and seventy for, and twenty-one thousand five hundi:ed and fifty-two against. 23. The compliance of the Conventlo]i with the wishes of the Washington authorities resulted in the pormission for North Carolina to again, select a ruler, and Jonathan Worth, of Randolph, was elected over Governor Holden.. 24. The State had apparently resumed the great boon of self~govei:nment, but was still in a condition of pitiable confusion and misery. Every fiscal institution was bank-- the people? 21. Who was made Provisional Governoi- ? 22. Wha ■W,^s Presiden.t of the Conventipa of ISHo? 2:?. Who wa.s elect d Goy-^ GOVERNOR WORTH, 293 nipt. Much the greater portion of those who had heen wealthy were in the same condition. The courts were kept closed in pity for the debtors, and in painful uncer- taint}^ as to the course of Congress the old mep. died in hundreds on every side. 25, The liberated colored race were much affected by their unwonted freedom. Thousands flocked to the cities and townSj but the greater portion remaiped at their old pursuits. Perhaps no other people so long subjected to restraint would have acted with so much moderation. They had been quiet spectators of the struggle which end^ ed in their liberation, and, as a general rule, were still kindly disposed to their white neighbors. The Cpnfede^ rates, so lately in arrns, went to their ruined homes, and, with hearty submission to the foi-trjnes of war, addressed themselves to the work of restoring a wasted land. The old secession idol was buried out of sight, and they took it as settled that henceforth North Carolina was to be as she had been in her national relations, ernor by the people in November ? 24. What w^s tlie fiscal concli|;ioTif go. What is sfiic] of the CQlorec] people? 294 HJSTOPY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPTER XXXIX. A. D, 18G6 TO 1869. Assembly of 1866^— Messrs. Graham and Pool, United States Seur ators — The State Judo-es —Deaths of Jndi^e Badger, Governor Morehead and Dr. F. L. Hawks -4-titlre\y Johnson and the Re? publicans— New Amendments to the United States Constitntion — The Politieal Status— Reconstruction — General Canby — Elec- tions — Deatlis of Dr. Pliillips and Judge Saunders— Convention of 1868— Rev. C. H. Wiley and tiie Common Schools— The Uni. versity — rWake Forest — Davidison and Trinity C^olleges-^Female Seminaries — Shaw University— :The Ku Klux and I/oyal League — General Grant, President — Congressmen— Civil Disorders. (^SpHE Legislature met at the usual time and selected ^^^ Judge M. E), Manly as President of the Senate, and K. Y, McAden as Speaker of the House. Messrs, W. N, H. Smith, A. J, Dargan, R. S. Donnell, D. M. Carter and James M. Leach were among the prominent members, Among other reforms, was the law allowing parties to suits to become witnesses, and the same privilege was ex^ tended to the colored people, who coiild not previously be heard in the court house, except ^s for or against mem^ bers of their own race. % Governor W. A. Graham and John Pool were elected to the United States Senate ; but like those also chosen by the people as members of Congress, they were not allowed to take their seats. D. A. Barnes, R. P. Buxton, Daniel G. Fowle, W. M. Shipp, Anderson Mitchell, A. S. Merri. mon and L. J. Wari'en were confii*med in their recent appointment as Superior Court Judges. R. M. Pearson, W. H. Battle and E. G. Reade \vere also choseii foy tlie Bupreme Court ben^b, GOVERNOR WORTH. 295 3. In the year 1866, there were more deaths among the prominent citizens. Judge George E. Badger, on May 11th; Governor John M. Morehead, May 27th, and Rev. Francis L. Hawks, on October 28th, each went the way of all flesh. 4. Congress still refused to allow any Southern member a seat in its sessions. Between the members of the Re- publican party and President Johnson was a wide differ- ence as to the proper line of treatment toward the late Confederate States. The National Legislature had resolved upon radical changes in the Federal Constitution before the South should have any part in shaping future legisla- tion. 5. Three amendments were proposed. The first abol- ished slavery, the second laid disabilities on the leaders of the late secession movement, and the third gave to col- ored men the right to vote at the elections. North Caro- lina was especially unwilling to ratify the Howard amend- ment, on the ground that it was an unjust discrimination against men who were only exponents of the general will of the State. 6. North Carolina had attempted for four jesirs succeed- ing May 20th, 1861, to get out of the Union, and it had been insisted that a State had no right to withdraw from the original compact of 1787 ; but it was now held that before any Southern State should resume its ancient rela- tions that they should be reconstructed. 7. A law to this effect was passed over the President's Questions.— What is said of tlie Assembly of 1866? 2. Who Avere made Judges? 3. Wliat prominent men died that year ? 4. What was the feeliuii" between the President and Congress? 5. What were 296 HISTOKY OF NORTH CAROLINA . veto on March 2d, 1867. Under this arrangement, su- preme executive functions passed from Governor Worth and rested in the keeping of Major General E. R. S. Canby, of the United States Army. 8. This officer assuming control, ordered certain desig- nated men to open books for registration. All men, white and black, were to be allowed to register, unless they had held office before the war or were possessed of estates worth twenty thousand dollars and had in any way favored the Confederate cause. All such were refused the right to vote unless pardoned by an act of Congress. 9. The election held during the three days succeeding the 18th of October, 1867, resulted in the choice of mem- bers to a Convention to change the Constitution. More than twenty thousand of the leading citizens of the State could not participate in this choice of delegates, by reason of political disability imposed in the XIV. Amendment of the United States Constitution. 10. The year closed in with singular uneasiness and grief to the white people at the uncertainty of their future institutions. In March, Rev. Dr. James Phillips had died at Chapel Hill. He was followed, on April 23d, by Judge R. M. Saunders at Raleigh. Their long and con- spicuous public service had rendered them both emi- nently useful. 11. On the 14th day of January, 1868, the delegates recently elected met in Convention, in the State House at Raleigh, and selected Calvin J. Cowles, of Wilkes, as the amendnu'iits in tlie Federal Constitution ? 7. Who snperceded Governor Woi-th ? 8. Wliat rules of registration were adopted for voters? 10. What two prominent men died in 1867? 11. When did G(3VERN0R HOLDEN. 297 President. William B. Rodman, of Beaufort, had made reputation as a lawyer ; but neither he nor any other member of this Convention had been conspicuous in the past legislation of the State. Messrs. Plato Durham, A. W. Tourgee, J. C. Abbott, S. W. Watts, C. C. Pool, A. H. Galloway, James H. Harris, David Heaton and Byron Laflin were to become conspicuous, but were then first made known to the people at large. 12. Many changes were effected in the Constitution and institutions of the State. The courts, the Legislature, the University and common schools were all more or less changed. New officers were added to the State Govern- ment ; and upon submission to the people, these altera- tions were all ratified by a large majority. 13. At the elections held soon after the adjournment of the Convention, Governor Holden was elected to the Chief Magistracy over Thomas S. Ashe, of Anson. The new Judges elected by the people for the Superior Courts were C. C. Pool, E. W. Jones, C. P. Thomas, D. L. Rus- sell, R. P. Buxton, S. W. Watts, A. W. Tourgee, Anderson Mitchell, J. L. Henry, J. M. Cloud, G. W. Logan and R. H. Cannon. R. M. Pearson, E. G. Reade, AV. B. Rodman, Robert P. Dick and Thomas Settle were chosen in the same way for the Supreme Court. 14. The Assembly was speedily convened. The Lieu- tenant Governor, Tod R. Caldwell, presided in the Senate, and Joseph W. Holden, of Wake, in the House of Repre- sentatives. Judge J. W. Osborne of Mecklenburg, Major W. M. Robbins of Davidson, Colonel W. A. Allen of the Constitutional Convention meet? 12. Wiiat cliangeswere made? 13. Who were the new Judges? 14. What i.s said of the Assembly of 298 HISTORY OP NORTH CAROLINA. Duplin, Captain T. J. Jarvis of Tyrrell and Captain Plato Durham were the leaders on the Democratic side, while Generals Abbott of New Hanover and Byron Laflin of Pitt, A. H. Galloway of Brunswick and James H. Harris of Wake were those of the Republicans. 15. A great majority of the latter party were returned to the Legislature, and wild schemes of internal improve- ment were undertaken, in spite of the provisions of the new Constitution. About fourteen millions of dollars in new bonds were ordered to be issued ; but these were so depreciated in value that scarcely any benefit accrued from them. Many of the members were sadly wanting in experience and fitness for the positions they held. IG. The common schools had long been under the su- perintendence of the Rev. Calvin H. Wiley, of Guilford. He had manifested great zeal and usefulness, and is yet remembered as one of the most effective promoters of gen- eral education at any time known in the State. He was succeeded by Rev. S. S. Ashley, who found, like his pred- ecessor, that in the general wreck of the war the school fund was utterly lost. 17. The Universitv had been continuins: its sessions with diminished patronage. It passed to the control of Rev. Solomon Pool and a new faculty. Governor Swain died, and with him for a time perished this venerable seat of learning. Instead of crowds of students, only silence reigned in the stately halls from which had issued so many orators, statesmen and eminent divines. 18. Wake Forest, Trinity and Davidson colleges were reviving from the disasters of the period, and the female 18G8? 16. What of the common schools? 17. The University? IS. GOVERNOR HOLDEN. 299 seminaries in every portion of the State were sustaining their former relations. Those at Salem, Raleigh, Mur- freesboro, Greensboro and elsewhere were giving abun- dant tokens of undiminished usefulness. 19. Education too was in store for the colored people. Under the law they became equally entitled to a share of the common school funds and of that which was given by the noble generosity of George Peabodj. xRev. H. M, Tupper, of Massachusetts, determined to devote his life to their enlightenment, and established in Raleigh an ex- cellent institution, which at present includes both Shaw University and Estey Seminary. These names are those of New England benefactors, who have most generously contributed to the cause of African education in the South. 20. The most unhappy symptoms of these times of re- construction were the feuds of the rival secret societies, known as the " Loyal League" and " Ku-Klux-Klan." They were political engines of the parties, and happily now are only parts and parcels of the dreadful past. The life of every free people is full of convulsive throes and multiplied agonies. Only in despotisms are the conflict- ing views and wishes of the human race to be stifled into silence.* But charity and forbearance might well replace the wisest counsels born of mere partisan contests. 21. President Johnson was in 1869 succeeded by Gen- eneral U. S. Grant in the Chief Magistracy of the nation. The former had waged a long and bitter contest with the men who had elected him to office, and was again the Other institutions? 19. What of George Peabody? 20. What is said of secret societies ? 21. Who succeeded Andrew Johnson in the 300 HISTOKY OP NORTH CAROLIISrA. advocate of the same political views that had marked his^ career previous to the war. 22. There w^as much grief in North Carolina in Octo- ber for the death of Colonel David Outlaw, of Bertie, His many virtues, large abilities and long service had given him public admiration. The condition of affairs weighed heavily upon his failing energies, and, like hosts of others, he tired of the gr«at struggle and rested from his labors. His compeer, Lewis Thompson, of the same county, had also recently come to his death. 23. North Carolina was at this time represented in Congress by John R. French, David Heaton, J. T. Dew- eese, 0. H. Dockery, I. G. Lash and A. H. Jones, in the House of Representatives, and by General J. C. Abbott and John Pool in the Senate. George W. Brooks, of Pas- quotank, had been appointed Judge for the United States- District Court of North Carolina. 24. There were scenes of violence in certain districts that were discreditable to the whole State. In Jones and Robeson were outlaws who set the courts at defiance and rioted in rapine and bloodshed. Many good citizens lost their lives, and only by long and extraordinary exertions were the desperadoes exterminated. Henry Berry Low- ery and his " Swamp Angels," like Italian bandits, long evaded the punishment they deserved, and will be re- membered as fit imitators of David Fanning in his most atrocious exploits. Presidency? 22. What is said of Colonel Outlaw? 23. Who were then Congressmen? 24. What of Lowery and iiis gang? GOVERNOR HOLDEX, 801 CHAPTER XL. A. D. 18 70 TO 1-8 79, The Shoffner Bill— Mni-der of J. W. Stephens— Kirk Marches to Yan- ceyville — Judge Brooks Releases the Prisoners- — Assembly of 1870— Impeachment of Governor Holden — Congressmen — John H. Bryan and Bedford Brown die Death of General Lee— At- tempts to Change the Constitution of 1868 — Fiscal Affairs — Polit- ical Changes — Assembly of 1872 — The Judges — Death of ex-Gov- ernor Bragg — Congressmen — The Orphan Asylum — Deaths oi General Barringer, General Dockery and Weldon N. Edwards- Change of Northern Sentiment — Congressmen — Assembly of 1874 — Colleges — Deatlis of Governor Clarke, Dr. Johnston and Rev. Dr. >lason— -Mecklenburg Centennial — Death of Governor Gra- ham — Convention of 1875 — Governor Hayes, President— Congress- men- Judges— State Government — Assembly of 1877 — Congress men — Captain Jarvis Governor — Death of Judge Battle, ^^HE year 187,0 saw the same condition of affairs in '^®l. North Carolina. Governor Holden issued a procla- mation against the alleged acts of violence, and a bill was- passed creating a military establishment to be at the con- trol of the executive, This was known as the Shoffner Bill, and was ratified August 17th, 1868. 2. The only State officer to be elected in 1870 was the Attorney General. Ex--Ju.dge W. M. Shipp, of Lincoln^ and Samuel F. Phillips, of Orange, were the candidates. Members of the Legislature were also chosen and the con- test was becoming heated; when the whole State was; thrilled by the announcement of a horrid crime at Yan- ceyville. In the Court House in that town, in open day, some unknown persons inost foulh' and mysteriously 302 HISTORY OF XOHTH CAKOLINA. murdered John W. Stephens, the Sta,te Senator for Cas- well county. 3. Under the ShofFner Bill, Governor Holden ordered George W. Kirk at the head of a considerable body of troops to March from Raleigh to Alamance, Orange and Caswell counties, which were declared to be in a state of insurrection. Josiah Turner, John Kerr and others, were seized by the soldiers and committed to jail. 4. The lawyers who sought the release of these prison- ers were told by Judge Pearson that he was powerless to relieve them by the use of the writ of habeas corpus. Judge George W. Brooks of the United States District Court for North Carolina, took a different view from Chief Justice Pearson, and ordered his Marshal to bring the prisoners before him. Colonel Kirk made no resistance to Judge Brooks' orders, and, upon the hearing, as there was no alleged reason for the longer detention of tlie men in custody, they were discharged. 5. Judge Shipp was elected by a considerable majority, and the party supporting him likewise were largely in the ascendant in the Legislature. Captain Thomas J. Jarvis, of Tyrrell, was elected Speaker of the House. Messrs, Warren of Beaufort, Dargan of Anson, Allen of Duplin, Morehead of Rockingham, Robbinsof Davie, and Gilmer of Guilford, were all prominent members. 6. The most signal act of the session was the impeach- ment of Governor Holden He was arraigned for his conduct in the imprisonment of the parties seized by Qup:stions, — When Wiis the Shotrnei- Bill enacted? 2. Who was murdered at Yanceyville ? 8. "What did Colonel Kirk do? 4. Who released Kirk's prisoners? 5, WluU is said of the Assembly of 1870? GOVERNOR CALDWELL. 303 Kirk, and, upon trial, was convicted and removed from his place as Governor, and rendered thereby incapable of holding any office under the State Constitution. The House of Representatives were his accusers, and the Sen- ate, with Chief Justice Pearson presiding, were the triers on this memorable occasion. Tod. R. Caldwell, then President of the Senate, succeeded to the office of Gover- nor, and Edward J. Warren, Senator for Beaufort county, was made Lieutenant Governor. 7. North Carolina was, at this time, represented in the United States Senate by John Pool and Joseph G.Abbott. In the House were C. L. Cobb, C. R. Thomas, A. M. Wad- dell, J. M. Leach, S. H. Rogers, F. E. Shober and J. G. Harper. 8. Two prominent citizens died in the course of the year 1870: John H. Bryan, of Raleigh, and Bedford Brown, of Caswell, were both gathered to their fathers. They had been long trusted and honored by the people. But there was deeper grief when it was known that on October 12th, 1870, General Robert E. Lee had also de- parted. One of the grandest of men had thus gone to his reward. A noble career was ended, and amid the tears of mourning myriads he lay down to rest and to immortal honors, in the retirement of a village church-yard. 9. There was an unsuccessful attempt to change the Con- stitution in 1871. The people were averse to the change on account of the threatened Federal interference in case North Carolina too much altered the terms of reconstruc- tion. 6. Who was impeached y 7. What i.s said of CJongressmen ? 8. What deaths are mentioned in 1870? 9. What is said about chanoinar the 804 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 10. North Carolina had been in the habit of paying, in the years preceding 1848, about seventy thousand dolhirs a year in State revenue. Internal improvements had so multiplied this amount that, with the prostration of busi- ness in 1867, Kemp P. Battle, the able and sagacious Treasurer, had urged accommodations with the public creditors as the only means of avoiding the bankruptcy of the commonwealth. To the great additional sums voted by the Assembly of 1868, were also to be added the million and half dollars exacted by the Federal collectors of internal revenue. 11. When 1872 had dawned upon the South seven years had elapsed since the end of the great war between the States. Hope arose of restoring the concord between the two great sections of the nation. As an indication of this disposition on the part of the Southern white people they, as a general thing, voted for Horace Greeley, of New York, as President of the United States ; but he was de- feated by General U. S. Grant, and died of his disap- pointment. 12. In the State elections Governor Tod. R. Caldwell, who succeeded Governor Holden u})on his deposition, was elected over Judge A. S. Merrimon, as Chief Magistrate of North Carolina. Ex-Governor Vance was elected to the United States Senate in place of General Abbott, but that body refused him a seat because of the fact that his political disabilities had not been removed. For a year the State was onl^' represented in the Senate b}^ Mr, Pool. Constitution? 10. Wiuit was tlie State of fiscal aflairs in 1871 ? U. What is said of sectional feelino-? 12. Who was elected to the United States Senate in place of General Abbott? 13. Who presided in the GOVERNOR CALDWELL. 305 Vance finally resigned, and General M. W. Ransom, of Northampton, was seated. 13. In the Assembly of 1872, Lieutenant Governor Curtis H. Brogden, of Wayne, presided in the Senate, and James L. Robifrson, of Macon, in the House. The latter is a young man of decided ability, and is, in many respects, like his mother's brother, the late Governor Swain. 14. There were several changes among the Judges. In the Supreme Court : Judge Settle was made United States Minister to Peru and was succeeded by an able jurist in William Preston Bynum, of Mecklenburg; Judge Dick was put over the new Western District as a United States Judge, and his place filled by Nathaniel Boyden, of Rowan. E. W. Jones, of the Second District, was re- placed by William A. Moore, of Chowan. In the First District Charles C. Pool, of Pasquotank, by J. W. Albert- son, of Perquimans. So, too, in the Third District, C. R. Thomas was followed in office by Col. W. J. Clarke. 15. There was great sorrow for th^ death of ex-Gover- nor Bragg, who died January 19th, 1872. B. F. Moore, Judge Biggs, and he, with others of the Bar, had been in- volved in a difficulty with the Supreme Court, which led to Judge Biggs' retiring to Norfolk, where he has since died. 16. Upon the expiration of Senator Pool's term, Gene- ral Ransom was joined in the United States Senate by Judge A. S. Merrimon. They both reflected great honor upon the State and themselves, by their able and judicious conduct. In the House were Messrs. C. L. Cobb, C. R. Assembly of 1872? 14. What is said of the Judges? 15. Whose death is mentioned as occurring in 1872 ? 16. Who succeeded Sena- 306 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Thomas, A. M. Waddell, Sion H. Rogers, John Manning, F. E. Shober, J. M. Leach and R. B. Vance. 17. On February 1st, 1872, the Masonic Grand Lodge in- aup'urated a noble charity in the Orijhan Asvlum at Ox- ford . This institution was put under the competent ch arge of John H.Mills, late editor of the "Biblical Recorder," who most nobly justified his selection to so important a trust. The white orphans are by him sought out and educated and an incalculable good effected. 18. General Daniel M. Barringer, General Alfred Dock- ery, and the still more venerable and illustrious Weldon N. Edwards, all died in this year. They had long been eminent and useful, and were mourned for as the chiefs of an unhappy people. Death had remoyed them from strife and confusion, and " after life's fitful feyer they slept well." 19. Slowly, as one who emerges from a great delusion, the Northern people were coming to a knowledge of the fact that Southern men Ifad become reconciled to the National Union. In both Houses of Congress were continually added men who were willing to bridge "the bloody chasm of the past," and unite with the late Confederates in the noble work of fulfilling the grand destinies of the nation. The touching tributes of flowers were alike bestowed upon the graves of the heroes, who liad Avorn the blue and the gray, and tears for the fallen replaced the olden hatred and fierceness of battle. 20. The Congressional elections of 1874 resulted in the election of Jesse J. Yeates, John A. Hyman, A. M. Wad- tor Pool? 17. What is said of the Oxford Orphan Asylum audits Superintendent? 18. Who died that year? 10, \Y hat is said of the • GOVEBNOE BROGDEN, 307 dell, J. J. Davis, A. M.. Scales, T. S. Ashe, W. M. Robbins and R. B, Vance, Of thes^ Mr, Hynian alone was of the Republican party. 21. The Gener.al Assembly convened as usual. By the death of Governor Caldwell, Mr. Brogden had become Chief Magistrate, and Colonel R. F, Armfield, of Iredell, was made President of the Senate, while Captain Robin^ 3on again became Speaker of the House. Messrs. Strong, Busbee, Jernigan, Morehead, Bennett aud Means were most prominent, 22. Colonel Stephen D. Pool was this year elected as Superintendent of Public Insti*uction. S. S. Ashley had succeeded Mr, Wiley in 1868. Trinity College, in the county of Randolph, had beep in successful operation since 1853, at which time it had been empowered to grant diplomas. Rev. Dr. B. Craven has all along presided over its fortunes and by learning and administrative abiU ity abundantly justified his appointment as President, This excellent institution is under the patronage of the North Carolina Methodist Conference, There had been several female schools of high order established, Among these the Raleigh Female Seminary under Mr. F. P. Hob* good, Peace Institute at the same place, and the schools of Wilson were all in flourishing condition, 23. Ex-Governor H. T, Clarke, Dr. Charles F. John. ^ton, and Rev. Dr. Richard S. Mason had all departed this life and left large gaps in society, Life- saving sta-? tions along the Atlantic coast of North Carolina were es^ state of feeling in the nation ? 20. Who were elected Congressmea in 1874? 21. Who presided in the Assembly of that year? 22. Wliat i§ Bmd of jiistitutions of Ipf^rnjng? 23, Wliat other def^ths are meus 308 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. tablished in 1875. A great storm swept over the central portion of the State and producecl much disaster. 24. On the 20th of May, 1875, occurred at Charlotte the centennial celebration of the famous Mecklenburg Decla- ration, JudgQ John Kerr was the orator of the day, but speeches were made by ex-Go vern or Graham and others, and many thousands w^ere gathered in honor of the occa^ sion. 25. Fresh grief followed the news of the death of Govern nor Graham at Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 11th, 1875, He had long filled the forernost position in public estimation, and received sijch funeral honors as have been vouchsafed no other citizen of the State. 26. Oil September 30th, 1875, the State Convention as-, sembled and chose Dr. Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, as its President, General Clingman, ex-Governor Reid, Colonel Pavid Coleraan, Judges Albertson and Tourgeo, were most conspicuous as members. The changes as to the Assembly, Courts and County Goyernrjient, were ratified at the polls, 27. The year 1876 was marked by great political ex- citement. In the State elections ex^Governor Vance and Judge Thomas Settle were candidates for the place of Chief Magistrate. Vance carried the State by a large ma^ jority. In the Fresjdential struggle between Governors Hayes apd Tild^n arose a complication, wdiich at one time threatened the peace and stability of the govern- ment, A new tribunal erected by Congress declared R, tionecl? 24. When was tlie Ch:u-lotte Centennial'? 25. Where did Governor Graham die? 2G. What is said of tlie Convention of 1875? ^7, Who became Fresident ill ISJG? 28. Who were Congressmen? GOVERNOR VANCE. 309 B. Hayes entitled to the seat ai.id lie was duly inaugu-- r^-ted. 28. Messrs. Yeates, Brogden.. Waddell, Davis, Steele, Scales, B;Obbins and B. B. Yance were elected to CongresSo General B^^nsom was returned to the Uirited States Sen- ate, and the P^niocrats carried both Houses of the Legisr lature by large majorities, 29. Mills L. Eure of Gates, A. S. Seymour of Craven, A. A. Mclvoy of Sampsop, John Iverr of Caswell, David vSchenck of Lincoln, h^d a,U been recently elected and. were seated as Judges of the Superior Courts. 30. Beside Governor Yance, the Stg^te Government con? sisted of Thomas J. Jarvis, of Pitt, as Lieutenant Gover:^ nor ; Major Joseph A. Engelhard, who had succeeded W, H. Howerton as Secretary of State ; Dr. John M, Worth, who had replaced David A. Jenldns as Treasui'er ; Colo^ nel Thomas S. Kenan, who followed Colonel T- L. Har-. grove as Attorney General; John C. Scarborough, of Johnston,, who became Superintexide^t of Public Instruc-> tion ; £tnd Dr. S, L, Love, of Haywood, Auditoi\ Wash-^ ington C. Kerr, who had been so long and favorably l$:nown as State Geologist, was contiriued in that respon^ sible position, 31. In the raonth of June, X877, the first Normal School was opened in the Ui)iversity buildings at Chapel Hill, This was a new departure in the style of teaching in North Carolina. Instruction had beeu abundant as to text-books previously, but then for the first time was at* tention turned to the arts of teachings and a gymnasium, 29. Who Jiidc^es? 30. Who constituted the new State Government? ^'\^ Wliat is sajci of Noimal Sch.O!ols? 82, When \Ya,sthe A^riciUtura,^ SIO HISTORY OF NOBTH CAROLINA, was established for the purpose of drilling teachers them- selves in the best modes of imparting knowledge, 32. The Assembly of 1877 was presided over by Lieu^ tenant Governor Jarvis, in the Senate, and by Charles Price, of Davie, in the House. The new Lunatic Asylum at Morganton was fostered. An institution of similar character, for the colored people, was ordered at Golds- boro, and a Deaf and Dumb and Blind School for the ^ame race created at Raleigh in 1868. In compliance with the requirements of the amended Constitution, a Department of Agriculture was also created and put in the wise and energetic keeping of Colonel L. L. Polk, of Anson, 33. Dr. Eugene Grjssom, of Granville^ had succeeded Pr. Fisher in charge of the Lunatic Asylum, in 1868, He was continued in that delicate and responsible charge and by his learning and capacity justified the long reten* tion of his office, 34. Chief Justice Pearsoii died on his way to Raleigh to hold the January Term of the Supreme Court of 1878, His strong native ability, profound learning and long ju^ dicial career have made him immortal in legal circles, His place was supplied in the appointment of William Nathan Harrell Smith, who had been leader of the Bar since the death of Governor Bragg, Greo-t learning, as- siduity, and public anct private virtues, yet adorn the new Chief Jusj:ice, who, with Thomas S. Ashe and John' H. Dillard, now constitutes a tribunal in every way worthy of North Carolina. - Bartholomew Figures Moore died on. Department established? 33. Who had charge of the Raleigh Tnsaiio Asvluin? 34. What dlstin^iijsljea vm} tljed? . 35, Whut is smi] of \ GOA^KKNOR VANCE. 311 November 27th, of the same year. This legal sage had long enjoyed the veneration of the Bar and the people. Like Governor Bragg and Gavin Hogg though never clothed with the ermine, he will be ever remembered as a colossus in the courts. 35. In the elections of 1878, for Congress, J. J. Martin, W. H. Kitchen, D. L. Russell, J. J. Davis, A. M. Scales, W. L. Steele, R. F. Armfield aiul R. B. A^ance, v/ere elect- ed. The Assembly met and elected J. M. Moring, of Chatham, Speaker of the House. Lieutenant Governor Jarvis presided in the Senate until just previous to the election of Governor Vance to the United States Senate, when Captain J. L. Robinson, of Macon, was elected Pres- ident. Messrs. Dortch, Leach, Mebane, Henderson, Gra- ' ham. Scales, Davidson and Alexander, were most promi- nent in the Senate, while in the House Messrs. Cooke, Jones, McGehee, Turner and Norment, all took promi- nent parts. 36. Governor Jarvis was inaugurated February 5th, 1879. He is a strong, judicious and faithful public ser- vant, and has, in a well knoAvn public career in the past, given abundant assurance for the future. The most ven- erable and beloved ex-Judge William H. Battle, after long and illustrious service, has just ceased from his la- bors as this little history finds its end. He died at Chapel Hill, where the University, un(^r the Presidency of his son .Kemp P. Battle for three years past, has resumed its ancient effectiveness and renown. the Assembly of 1879? 3'J. When was (.Tovenior Jarvis inaugurated? 'INDEX. Abbott, Gen. J. C, 297. Adams, President John, 137, 181. Adams, President J. Q., 160. Advance, the steamer, 266. Advisory Militarv Board, 246. Address to the King, 61. Alexander, Gov. Nathan'l, 146, 148 Alexander, Evan, 147. Alexander, Gov. William J. 187. Alexander, Captain, 311. Alexander, Abram, 54, 63. Albemarle, Duke of, 11 Albemarle, the Iron-clad, 281. Alien and Sedition Laws, 138. Albertson, Judge J. W., 305. Allen. Gol. William A., 298. Allen, .James, 21"). Alston, Col. Philip, 99 Alston, Willis, Sr , 127. Alston, Willis, Jr., 146, 152, 176, 183. American Sentiment in 1774, 58. Annapolis Convention, 114. Anderson, Col. G. B., 248, 264. Andrews. Col. C. L., 282. Andre, Major, 85. Armadas and Barlow, 7. Archdale, Gov. John, 19. Arnold. Benedict, 84, 96. Armand, Col., 85. Armstrong, Major John, 85, 101. Armstrong, Colonel Martin, 107. Armstrong, Rev. .John, 193. Arrington, A. H., 208, 246. Armfield. Col. R. F., 307, 311. Articles of Confederation, 107. Ashe, John, of South Carolina, 20, Ashe, Colonel John, 41, 72, 78, 98. Ashe and Waddell resist, 43. Ashe, Gov. Samuel, 75, 117, 133. Ashe, Col. John B., 101, 115, 118, 123, 129. Ashe, Col. Samuel, 136. Ashe, Judge Thomas S., 209, 297. Ashe, Wm. S., 219, 237, 239, 246. 14 Assembly, First Grand, of Albe- marle, 12; of 1715, 26; of 1781, 81; of 1786, 115. Avery, Waightstill, 75, 76, 106, 173 Aver3\ Isaac T., 153. Avery, W. W., 209, 235, 238. Avery, Colonel Isaac E.. 277. Avery, Col. Clark M., 277, 282. Bacon's Rebellion, 13. Barnwell, Colonel, 23. Baptist zeal for Religious Free dom, 38. Barker, Thomas, 51. Barringer, General Paul, 151. Barringer, Daniel L., 187. Barringer, Gen. Daniel M., 191, 197, 306. Barringer, Gen. Rufus, 290. Baker, Judge Blake, 152. Baker. Col. L. J., 277, Barbour, Col. W. M., 282. Barton, General, 279. Barnes. Judge D. A., 212, 246, 294. Badger, Judge Geo. E., 168, 172, 184, 209, 246, 295. Barron, Commodore, 250. Bailey, Judge John L., 180. Battle, Elisha. 81, 119. Battle, Judge William H., 220, 294, 311. Battle, Kemp P., 246, 304. Batchelor Joseph B., 238. Battle of Alamance, 52; Averys- boro, 289; Bentonsville, 289; , Buena Vista, 217; Brandywine, 75; Brandy Station, 277; Bris- toe Station, 278; Big Bethel, 247; Brier Creek, 78; Bull Run, 248; Brunswick, 31; Camden, 85 ; Cedar Mountain, 262 ; Chancellorsville, 273 ; Cow- pens, 92; Ellyson's Mills, 259; Eutaw Springs, 100 ; Five Forks. 289 ; Fredericksburg, 267; Gaines' Mill, 259; Ger- 3U INDEX. Battle of— niantovMi. 7(i; Gettysburg, 275; Goldsl)oro, 3<;i); Great Bridge, (57; Guilford Court House, 95; Hanging Kock, 84 ; King's Mountain, 89; Kinston, 267 Lindley's Mill, 99; Malvern Hill, 260; Moore's Creek, 70 Musgrove's Mill, 84 ; Mon- mouth, 77; New Bern 256 Ninety- Six 68; Ox Hill, 263 Plymouth, 281 ; Ramseur's Mi'll, 83; Ream's Station. 284 Roanoke Island, 253; Savan nail, 77; Seven Pines, 258 Sliarpsburg, 263; Shepherds- ville, 280;" Stono, 79; Stony Point, 78; Sumter's Defeat, 86; Waxhaw, 83; White Hall, 268; Berkley, Gov., and the Baptists, 9. Bertie Precinct erected, 27. Berry, Judge, 43. Ben bury, Thomas. 76. Benton, Col. Thomas H , 173, 223. Bethune, Lauchlin, 196. Beaufort and Nag's Head 277. Bell and Everett, 242. Beauregard, Gen. G. T., 284. Bennett, Col. R. T , 307. Biggleston, Thomas, 55. Bingham, Rev, William, 166. Bingham School, 239. Biggs, Judare Asa, 201, 239, 246, 305. Bird, Col. F. W., 284. Biddle, W. P.. 193. Blunt, Tom, 25. Black-Beard, 27. Bloodworth, Timothy, 81, 112.116. Blount, Major Reading, 101, 109. Blount, William, 112,115,116,123. Blount, Gen. John Gray, 136. Blacknall, Col. C. C, 282. Bledsoe, Anthony, 107. Blackledge, Will'iam L., 146. Blakelev, Capt. Johnson, 161. Beard of War, 97. Boone's Mill, affair at, 277. Boston Port Bill, 57. Boylan, William, 179. Boyden, Nathaniel, 21('>. Boyden, Judge Nathaniel. 305. Borland Solon. 280. Branch, Gov. Jolin, 155, 176, 188. 280. Branch, Gen. L. 0'B..234, 237, 239. 251, 256, 259, 262, L>64. Brabble. Col. Edmund, 282. Bragg, John, 194. Bragg, Gov Thomas, 203, 209, 230, 234, 239, 278, 305. Bragg. Gen Braxton, 217, 272, 286, 287. Bridgers, R R., 279. Brickell, Dr. John, 29. Brevard, Dr. Ephraim, 63. Brown, Col. Thomas, 100. Browne, Peter, 141. 179. Brown, Bedford, 168. 246, 303. Brown, John, at Harper's Feny, 240. Breckenridge, John C. 242. Brooks, Judge Geo. W., 300. 302. Brogden, Gov C. H., 205. 305. 307. Bryan, Col Nathan. 117. Bryan, Joseph H., 163. Bryan, John H., 165, 176, 303. Bryan, James W., 201. Bryan, Francis T , 218. Bruce, Charles, 110. Burrington, Gov. George, 27, 29. Burgwyn, John, 54. Burgwyn, Capt. J. H. K , 218, Burgwyn. Col. H. K., 275. Burke, Gov Thomas, 72, 75, 76, 79, 91, 98, 100, 105, 109. Buncombe, Col. Edward, 76. Buford, Colonel, 83. Butler, Gen. John, 99. Butler, Gen. B. F., 249, 282, 286. Burgess, Dempsey, 133. Burkitt, Lemuel, 149. Burton, Gov. H G., 156. 173, 176. Burning of the Capitol, 194. Buchanan, President James, 235. Burnside, Gen. A. E., 254, 256, 263, 266. Busbee, C. M. , 307. Buxton, JucJgeR. P.. 294. Bynum, Jesse A., 175. TNDKX. 315 Bynum, Judi^e W. P., 305. Carolina Named, 11. Cartwriglit, Governor, 15. Carey, Gov. Thomas, 20. Campbell, John, 34. Campbell, William, 89. Cape Fear Duel, 43. Caswell Gov. Richard, 51, 63, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 78, 80, 82, 106, 112, 115, 123. Carlton, Sir Guy, 102. Caldwell, Rev. Dr. David, 119, 131, 149. 168. Caldwell, Rev. Dr. Jos., 168, 169. Caldwell, Juds^e D. F., 168, 193. Caldwell, Green W. , 208. Calawell, Joseph P., 220. Caldwell, Gov. Tod. R. 209, 303. Garden, Major, 84. Cabarrus, Stephen, 122, 124. Cameron, Judge Duncan. 102, 176. Cannon, Judge R. H., 297. Carson, Samuel P.. 183 Can by, Gen. E. R. S. 294. Carter, Col. D. .M., 294. Charles II., 10. Charlestown on the Cape Fear, 12. Chatham, Earl of, 58. Charlotte, Davie's fight at, 87. Charlotte Military Institute, 239. Chadwick, William, 133. Cherokee Indians, 35, 73. Cherokee I ine and the New Pal- ace, 49. Chronicle, William, 90. Cherry, William W., 204, 212, 214. Cherry, William, 141, Chowan Baptist Association, 156. Chowan Baptist Female Institute, 218. Clarendon, Earl of, 10. Clinton, Sir Henry, 82. Cleaveland, Colonel, 89. Clark, Gen. Thomas, 116. Clark, Col. James W., 161. Clarke, Gov. H. T., 248, 251. Clarke, Judge William J., 305. Clay, Henry, 181, 212, 213, 221- Clingman, Gen. T. L.. 211, 216, 225, 237, 239, 272, 279. Cloud, Judge J. M.. 297. Counties and Precincts in 1670, 14. Court Law Troubles, 36, 39. Court Ridings Established, 127. Corbin, Francis, 36. Cogl, 93 Davidson Gollei^-p. 207, 2;>8. Davidson, A. t , 240. Davidson, (Joionel, oil. Dawson, William J.. 127, 129, Dargan. Atlas J., 223, 294. Daniel, Judtie Jo.seph J., 152, 219. Daniel. John R. J.. 194. Daniel, Gen. Junius, 272, 282. Dellossette, Lewis, 34. Declaration of Independence, 73 DeKalb, Baron, 81, 86. Delegates to Philadelphia Conven- vention, 115. Devane, Thomas, 121. Deberry, Edmund, 151. Dews, Thomas, 196. Deems, Rev. Dr. Charles P., 211. Deweese, Col. John T., 300. Department of Agriculture, 310. Dinwiddle, Gov., of Virginia, 33. Diligence, Arrival of the, 42. Dickson, Colonel, 86. Dickson, Joseph, 139. Dismal Swamp Canal, 125. Dickerson. Gen. Joseph P., 162. Dickerson, P. K , 200. Dickens, Samuel, 163. Dick, Judge John M., 194, 252 Dick, Judge Robert P., 297. Dix, Miss Dorothea, 219. Dillard, Judge John H., 310. Dobbs, Gov. Arthur, 34. Donnell, Judge John R., 165. Donnell, Richard, S.. 21G, 285. Dockery, Gen. Alfred, 184, 202, 280. Dockery, Col. O. H.,800. Dobbin, Jas. C. 219, 223, 226, 237. Douglas, Judge Stephen A., 231, 242. Dowd. Rev. P. W., 193. Dortch, William T., 246, 279. Drummond, Gov. William, 11. Drumgoole, Rev. Edward, 149. Drew, William, 153. Durant, George, 10. Duomore, Lord, 67. Dukenfield, Sir Nathaniel, 79. Duffy, William. 151. Dudlejs Gov. Edward B., 155, 201. Durham, Capt. Plato, 297. Eastchuhcii and Miller, 15. Eaton, William, 204. Eccles, John D., 191. Eden. Gov. Charles, 20. Edmonson, William, 15. Ellis, Gov. John W., 212, 238. 243, 246, 247. Ellis, Capt. A J., 280. Estey Seminary, 299. Engelhard, Major J. A , 309. Eure. Judge, Mills L , 309. Evans, Gen. N. G., 267. Ewell, Gen. R. S., 275. Fanning, Col. Edward, 37, 49. Fanning, Col. David, 99, 104. Fagg, Col. John A., 215. Fall of Fort Sumter, 243. Ferguson, Maj. Patrick, 84, 86, 89. Federal Constitution Adopted. 121. Fisher, Charles, 172, 176. 158, 221. Fisher, Col. Charles F., 248. Fisher, Fort, attack on, 286; sur- render of, 288. Filmore, President Millard, 220. Fleming, N. N., 265. Force Bill, 50. Folsome, Ebenezer. 76. Forne.y, Gen. Peter, 181, 157. Forney, Daniel M., 163. Fort Bartow Bombarded. 254. Fort Macon Reduced, 257. Foster, Gen. A. G., 268. Fowle, Judge D. G , 271, 294. Frankland. State of, 113. Franklin, Jesse, 113. 189. Franklin, Meshack, 152. Freeman, Rev. Dr. Jonathan O,, 166. Free Negroes, condition of, 224. French, John R. , 800. Fundamental Constitutions, 14. Fugitive Slave Law, 222. Fuller, Col. Thomas C, 279. Gadsden, Christopher, 77. Gates, Gen. Horatio, 84, 86, 90. INDKX. oli Gaston, Judge William, 141, 143, 159, 168, 179, '201, 212. Galling, Alfred M., 178. Gatlin, Gen., 250. ^ Gatlin, Dr.^H. J.. 282. Gales, Joseph, 170 Gales, Weston R., 208, 221. Gaither, B. S 212, 279. Garrett, Col. Thomas M., 282. Galloway. A. H., 297. George II., 39. George III., 89, 50, 71, 102. Geddy, Colonel, 86. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 7. Gilbert'town, 89. Gillespie, James, 129. Gilliam, Judge K. B., 202, 265. Gilmer, John A., 234, 237, 239, 246, 279. Glasgow, James, 138. Glover, Governor, 21. Gold Hill Gold Mine, 216. Gordon, Gen. James B., 282. Gralfenreid, Baron de, 21. Granbury, Josiali T., 203. Graham, Gen. Joseph, 87. 94, 121, 161. Graham, George, 89. Graham, James, 180. Graham, Gov. Wm. A , 196, 197, 199, 211, 246, 279, 294, 308. Graham, Major Wm. A., 311. Graves Calvin, 209, 219. Grant, President U. S., 281, 299. Green, Roger, 19. Greene, Gen. Nathaniel, 90, 91, 94, 100, 106. Greensboro Female College, 211. Gregory, Gen. Isaac. 91, 97, 106. Grenville, Sir Richard, 8, Grimes, Gen. Bryan, 284. Grissom, Dr. Eugene, 310. Grove, William Barry, 117, 129. Hackluyt, Sir Richard, 0. Harvey, Gov. John, 18. Harvey, Gov. Thomas, 10. Harvey, John, Speaker, 43, 53, 56, 60, 64. Handcock overthrown, 23. Hazell, James, 53. Harnett, Cornelius, 65, 72, 76, 79, 98. Halifax Convention of 1776, 73. Hamilton, Colonel John, 77, 108. Hamilton, Alexander, 80, 116. Haywood, William, 81. Haywood, Judge John, 124, 131 Haywood, Jolin, 186. Haywood, Wm H., 197, 202, 209. Hawkins, Benjamin, 82, 98, 108, 116, 123. Hawkins, Gov. William, 154 Hawkins, John D., 165. Hawkins, M. T., 196. Hawks, Rev. Dr. Francis L., 165, 174, 295. Hambrite, Major, 90. Hall, Colonel, 93. Hall, Rev. Dr. James, l49. Hall, Judge John, 169. Hall, Dr. Thomas H., 172. Hampton, Col. Wade, 98. Hampton, Gen. Wade, 290. Hay, John, 106, 110. Hargett, Frederick, 121. Harris, Judge Edward, 15*;. Harris, Major, 29C>. Harris, James H., 297. Harrison, President W. H., 208. Hatteras Bombarded, 250. Hahr, Major, 272. Harper, J. G., 303. Heath, Sir Richard, Heath, Judge R. R.. 241. Henderson, Judge Richard, 43. Henderson, Col. Pleasant, 100. Henderson, Archibald, 139, 175. Henderson, Judge Leonard, 152, 169, 196. Henderson, Col. Thomas, 179. Henderson, John S. . 311. Henry, Louis D., 176, 194. Henry, Judge J. L., 297. Hebert, Gen. Louis. 272, Heth Gen. Harry, 275. Heaton, Col. David, 297. Hillsboro Election Riot, 39. Hillsboro Military Institute, 239. Hillsboro Circuit Established, 43. Hillsboro, capture of, 99. 818 INDEX. Hill Wliitmel. 7(>, 77, 70, 01 Hill, Colonel, 98. Hill, William H., 124. Hill, Joseph A., 17!), 199. Hill, John 200. Hill, Samuel P.. 232. Hill, Gen. D. H. 230 247. 250, 2."')S, 272. Hill. Gen. A. P, 2(.:4. Hill's Bridge, Affair at, 277. Howard, Chief Justice, 43. Howard, Judge Geo., 241. Hooper, William, 54, 62, 76, 81, 100, 124. Hooper, Rev. Dr. Wra., lOo, 229. Plowe, Gen Robert, 67, 77, 84, 92, 108, 110. Howe. Lord, 75 Houston, Gov., of Georgia, 77. Holmes, Samuel A., 133. Holmes, Gov Gabriel, 157, 187. Holmes, Gen. T. H., 272. Holland, James, 144. Hooks, Charles, 163. Hogtj;, Gavin, 165, 179. Howell, Rev. Dr. R. B. C, 174. Hort, W. P., 200. Hoke, Col. Michael, 202, 211. Hoke Col. J. F., 246. Hoke, Gen. R. F., 379, 280, 287. Hooker, Gen. Joseph, 273. Holden, Gov. W. W., 221, 246, 283, 291, 207, 301. Holden, Joseph ^V.. 297. Hobgood, F. P., 307. Howerton, Dr. W. H., 309. Husbands, Herman 39, 50, 52, 131. Hunter, Isaac, 120. Hunter, Rev. Dr. Humphrey, 149. Hyde, Gov. Edward, 22. Hyman, John A. . 307. Indians in the XVI. Century, 5. Inness, Col. James, 33. Insane Asylum, 219. Iredell, Judge James, 75. 76, 105, 123. Iredell, Gov. James, 169. Iredell, Major James J., 282. Irwin, Col. James, 76. Ives, Bishop L. S., 205. 230. Iverson, General Alfred, 272. Jamestown, Settlement of, 9. James, Hinton, 133. Jackson, Gen. Andrew. 161, 163. 189, 201. Jackson, Gen. T. J., 258, 262. 273. Jarvls, Gov. T. J., 298, 302, 311. Jarnagin, Judge Spencer, 195. Jefferson, President, 71, 132. Jenkins, David, 309. - Jenkins, Gov. John, 18. : Jenkins, Col. W. A., 230. Jernigan, T. R., 307. Jocelyn, S. R., 179. Johnston, Gov. Gabriel, 29, 33. Johnston, Gen. R. D., 285. Johnston, Gov. Samuel, 64, 71, 74. Johnston, Gen. Joe E. 257, 288, 290. Jones, Willie. 54, 71, 81, 91, 107, 115, 324. Jones, Gov. Allen, 72, 77, 79, 91. Jones, Thomas, 72, 76. Jones. Edmund, 311. Jones, Col. Edward, 121. 124. Jones, A. H., 300. Jones, Josepl), 125. Jones, Judge E. W., 397. Jones, Benjamin, 125. Jones, Hamilton C, 189. Jones, John D., 178. Jones, Col. John G., 283. Johnson, Charles, 105, 122. Johnson, Col. William, 231. Johnson, Dr. CharlesE., 271.307. Johnson, President Andrew, 28o, 291, 295, 299. Kehukee Bap. Assoc't'n, 126. Kenan, Thomas, 147. Kenan, Col. Thomas S., 309. Kennedy, William, 153. Kerr, Rev. David, 133. Kerr, Rev. John, 167. Kerr, Judge John, 230, 302. Kerr, W. "C, 309. Kinchin, John, 72. King, Vice-Pres. W. R., 153, 225. Kinney, Charles R., 215. INDEX. 819 Kirkhind. Gen. W. W., 2o8, 278. Kirk, Col. Geo. W., 302. Kitchen. W. H., 311. Know-Nothino-s, 231. Ku-Klnx-Klan, 299. Lane, Gov. Ralph, 7. Lane, Col. Joel, 129. Lane, Joseph, 242. Lane, Gen. James IL, 272. Lawson, John, 23. LaFayette, Gen., 106, 180. Lawrence, Peter P., 193. Lamb, Col. William, 2G1, 286, 287. Laflin, Gen. Byron, 297. La.?li, I. G., 300. Lexin.i^ton, Xews from, 63. Lee, Col. Henrj'^, 94. V Lee, Gen. Robert E, 240, 2-^8, 259, 2C3, 200, 303. Leslie, General, 96. Lenoir, Col. W., 117, 124, 13). Leiirh, John, 121, 130. Lea, Rev. S., 2n. Leaventhorpe, Col. Collett, 2()8 Leach, Col. James M. , 279, 303. Leach, Dr. James T., 279. Lewis, Gen. Wm. Gaston, 285. Lillington, Gov. Alexander, 19. Life and Manners in 1759, 37. Lincoln, Gen. Benj., 77, 78, 79, 82. Tjincoln, Pres. Abraham, 242, 285, 290. Little. Col. Archibald. 109. Locke, John, 14. Locke, Jndge Francis, 83, 175. Locke, Matiiew, 105. 129. Long, Nicholas, 110. Lona;, John, 150. Lowrie, Judge Samuel, 157. Love, William C, 103. Love, Dr. S. L., 309. Loring, Gen., 272 Longstreet, Gen. James, 273. Logtin, Judge Geo. W., 279, 297. Loyal League, 299. Lowery, Henry Berry, 300, Ludwell, Gov. Philip, 19. Lynch, Commodore \V. F., 255. Maclaine, Archibald, 76, 81, 106, 124. jMcAden, Rev. Hugh, 35. McBryde, Archibiild, 153. McCul'och, Alexander, 36. McCulloch PL E., 50, 79. McCulloch, Benjamin, 107, 116. McCulloch, Gen. Benjamin, 272. McDonald. Gen. Donald, 08, 69. McDonald, Flora, 76. McLeod, Col. Donald, 68, 69, 70. McDowell, C>)1. Charles, 84, 89 100. McDowell, Col. Joseph, 81, 84, 89, 100, 129. Mclntyre's Farm, affair at, 89. McFaU's Mills, affair at, 99. McFarland, Duncan, 147. McNeil. Col. Hector. 99. McRee, Maj G. J., 109. McRee, Col. William, 161. McRee Major Sam'l, 218. McKay, Judge Spruce, 124. McKay, Col.^J. J , 196, 206. McKoy. Judge A. A., 196, 206. McCorkle, Rev. Dr., 133. McNeill, Archibald, 173. McNeill, Col. Jas. H , 290. McDowell, T. D., 246. McKee, Colonel, 23. McQueen, Hugh, 196. McRae, Major Alexander, 200. McRae, Col. D. K., 20i>, 231 , 248, 257. McRae, Gen. William, 285. McElroy, Col., 259. McCleese, Lieut. Nelson, 268. McGehee, Montford, ?11. Madison, President, 152. Macon, Nathaniel, 81, 129, 147, 188, 200. Mallett, Col. Peter, 272. Mallftt, Maj. Edward, 288. Mangum, Judge W. P , 165, 183, 193, 229, 251. Manteo and Wanchese, 7. Manly. Gov. Charles, 165, 218. Manly, Judge M. E., 218, 240, 244. Manly, Rev. Dr. Basil, 256. Manning, John, 306. Mannev, Judge Thomas, 180. Manly," Maj. Basil C, 283. 320 INDEX. Marion, Gen Francis, 100. Martin, Gov. Josiah, 58, 01. G2, 101 Mason, Rev. Dr. R. S, 307. ]Martin, Col. James, 68, 73. Martin, Judge F. X., 151, 154 Martin, Gov. Alex., 81, 100, 113, 123. 124, 128. Martin, Judge James, 183. Martin, Gen. J. G., 248, 251, 272, 279. Martin J. J.. 311. Martin, Col W. F., 248, 250, 261. Marshall, Col. J. K., 277. Matthews, Mussendine, 128. Mattocks, Captain, 90. Cleans, Col. P. B., 307. Meares, Col. Gaston, 248, 260. Mebane, Maj. Robert, 99. Mebane, Alexander, 106, 129. Mebane. James, 173. Mebane, Giles, 246, 264, 311. Mecklenburg Declaration, 308. Meredith, Rev. Thomas, 193, 225. Mexican War, 214. Mifflin, Thomas, 108. Miller, Gov William, 156. Miller, Phineas, 145. Military Preparations, 65. Mills, J. H., 306. Missouri Compromise, 170. Mitchell, Col., 23. Mitchell, Rev. Dr. Elisha, 238. Mitchell, Judge Anderson, 294. Montfort, Henry, 107. Montgomery, William, 189, 203. Moore, Col. James, 19. Moore, Gen. Maurice, 27. Moore, Judge Maurice, 44, 54, 75. Moore, Gen. James, 65, 68. 69, 70, 75. Moore, Col. John, 83. Moore, Judge Alfred, 105, 106, 128, 131, 138. Moore, Alfred, Jr., 170, 178. Moore, Judge W. A., 305. Moore, Judge Augustus, 203. Moore, B. F., 203, 272. 305, 310. Moore, Dr. G. C, 194, 218. Morehead, Gov. J. M., 184, 208, 227, 246, 295. Morehead. Jas. T , 202. Morehead, Col. J. T., 302. Morrison. Rev. Dr. R. H., 274. Mordecai, Moses, 179. Moravians, 32. Moseley, Edward, 27, 29. Mosely. W D., 191. Murfree, Col. Hardy, 78, 110. Murfree, W. H.. 156. Murphy, Judge A. D.. 141, 165, 172 Nash, Gov. Abner, 54, 72, 75, 76, 81, 98, 108. Nash, Gen. Francis, 75, 76. Nash, Judee Frederick, ^ 147, 162, 169, 220, 240. Navigation Act, 14. Nebraska Bill, 231. New Bern settled, 22. New Bern, attack on. 27'J. New Eno:land Colony on Cape Fear'; 11. North Carolina Troops sent to Carthegena, 30. North Carolina Railroad, 219. Troops, 253. " State Troops, 247. " " secedes, 244. Norment, R. M., 311. Norwood, Judc:e William, 172. O'Hara, Gen., ^81. Orange Presbytery, 126. Orphan Asylum, 306. Osborne, Judge James W., 241, 246. Outlaw, George, 196. OutlPw, Col. David, 196. 222, 399. Owen, Col. Thomas, 81. Owen, Gen. James, 153. Owen, Gen. John, 161, 189, 193. Paine, Col. R. T., 215, 233. Paper money, first issued. 25. Parker, Sir Peter. 72. Paxton, Judge John, 169. Pearson, Gen. Joseph, 153. Pender, Gen. WD.. 259, 262, 272, 276. Pearson, Judge R. M., 191, 220, 294, 302, 310. Person, Gen^ Thomas, r.4, 72, 81, 118, 132, 173. INDEX. 321 Penn. John, 76, 79. Petersburg, Fall of. 289. Pettigrew, Bishop Charles, 126. Pettigrew, Ebenezer, 203. Pettigrew, Miss Mary, 27'. Pettigrew, Gen. J. J.. 272, 276. Phifer, John, 160. Philip, King, and the Narragan- setts, 1F>. Phillips, Rev. Dr. James, 294. Phillips, S. F., 301. Pickens, Gen. Andrew, 94. Pickens, Israel, 153. Pickett, General. 276. Pincy Bottom. Affair at, 99. Pierce, Gen. Franklin, 226. Pittsboro, Affair at, 99. Plymouth Convention, 222. Poindexter, Kev. Dr. A. M., 174. Political Status of I860, 241. Polk, Col. William, 98. Polk, Gen. Thos., 62, 73. 98, 102. Polk, President J. K., 213, 214. Polk, Gen. Leonidas, 272. Polk, Col. L. L, 310. Pool, John, 236, 238. Pool, Rev. Solomon, 298. Pool, Col. S. D., 307. Pollock, Gov. Thomas, 27. Populatien in 1764, 41. Porter, Edmund, 30. Porter, John, 21. Porter, Admiral D. D , 285. Porterfield, Colonel, 85. Potter, Judge Henry, 144, 239. Potter, Robert, 184. 186. Prevost, General, 78. Provincial Government, 66. Purviance, S. D., 146 Puryear, R. C, 230, 246. Pyle, Col. John, 95. Raleigh. Sir Walter, 7, 9. Raleigh, Citj'^ of, on Roanoke, 7. in Wake, 129. Kaleigli Register, 179 ; Minerva, 179; Star, 179; Standard, 221. Raid on Hillsboro, 48. Railroad, Petersburg, 197; Wil- mington and Raleigh, 199. Randolph, John, 181. 15 Ransom, Gen. M. W., 238, 272, 277, 280, 305. Ransom. Gen. Robert, 272. Random, Dr. Edward, 308. Ramsay, James G., 279. Ramseur, Gen. S. D., 283. Ravenscroft, Bishop J. S., 167, 205. RaM'don, Lord, 97. Rayner, Kenneth, 201, 202, 246. Reade, Judge Edwin G., 234, 292, 294. Reid, Gov. David S.. 203, 218, 222, 246. Rencher, Gov. Abraham, 192. Regulator.^, 47, 50, 65. Resolutions against British taxa- tion, 50. Reno, General, 254, 255. Rice, Gov. Nathaniel, 29. Richebourg, Philipe de, 21. Rogers, Col. Sion H., 230, 303. Roberts, Gen. W. P., 290. Robards, William, 189. Riddick, Gen. Joseph, 10.5, i5t. Rodman, Judge W. B., 297. Robertson, Gen. Beverley, 268. Robbins, Major W.M., 297. T?obinson, Lieut-Gov. .J. L., 305. Rutherford, Gen. Griffith, 67, 73, 81, 83, 122. Ruffin, Judge Thomas, 161. 179, 184, 240- Ruffin, Col. Thomas, of Wayne, 230, 237, 289. Ruffin, Lt. Thos., of Bertie, 266. Roman Catholics, 241. Sacarusa, 145. Salem and the United Brethren, 32. Salem Academy, 165. Sawyer, Lemuel, 144. Sampson, Col. John, 98. Sawyer, Samuel T, 191, Saunders, Judge R. M.^ 168, 173, 215, 294. Settlement on Cape Fear re- newed, 29. Sevier, Col. John, 89, 113, 123. Seawell, Judge Henry, 144, 197. Settle, Judge Thomas, Sr., 172, 186, 188, 197, 237. ooo INDEX. Settle, Judge Thomas Jr., 236, 228, 297. Seizure of Forts Maoon and Cas- well, 246. Secession Agents to N. C. , 2+3. Scotch Immigration, 30. Scott, John, l87. Scott, General, lo8. Schenck, Judge David, 309. Scarborough, John C, 309. Scales, Gen. A. M., 237, 239, 272, 277. Scales, Col. J. I., 311. Schofield, Gen., 288. 291. Shaftsburv, Lord, 17. Sharpe, William, 76, 91. Shelby, Col. Isaac, 89, 107. Shober, F. E., 303 Shober, Gotleib, 148. Shober, Emanuel, 180. Shepherd, Augustin H., 176. Shepherd, William B , 192. Shepherd, Charles B.. 203. Shepherd, James B., 21(). Shepherd, Judse Jesse G., 235. Sherman, Gen.^W, T., 288, 290. Shaw, Col. H. M., 237, 346, 254, 279, 290. Shaw University, 299. Shipp, Judge W. M., 294, 301, 302. Shoffner Bill, 301. Skinner, Rev. Dr. Thos. H., 174. Skinner, Charles W., 193. Skinner, Major, 259. Sitgreaves, Judge John, 106. Singletary, Col. G. B., 259. Slingsby, Colonel, 100. Slaves, Regulations as to, 132. Smith, Capt. John, 9. Smith, Gov. Benjamin, 106, 131, 154. Smith, Dr. James L., 201. Smith, Judge W. N. H., 203, 239, 240, 246, 279, 310. Smedes, Rev. Dr. Aldert, 210. Smallwood, General, 86. Snow Campaign, 67. South Carolina Line, 55. South Carolina Secedes, 243. Society of the Cincinnati, 109, 114. Sothel, Gov Seth, 18. Spaniards in America, Spottswood, Gov., of Virginia, 22. Spenoer, Samuel, 75. Spaight, Gov Richard Dobbs, 105, 108, 113, 128. Spaight, Gov. R. D.. Jr., 165, 178,200, 201. Speight, Jesse, 176, 188. Spear, Colonel, 277. Spear, Col. W. H. A. , 282. Stephens, Gov. Samuel. 13. Stephens, John W., 302. State Church, 20. Starkey, John, 34. Starkey, Edward, 105. Stearns, Shubal, 35. Stamp Act 1765, 41. Steele, Gen. John, 118. 128, 131, 155. Steele, Col. Walter L., 219, 309. Stokes, Judge John, 124. Stokes, Gov. Montford, 168. Stokes, Col. M. F., 248, 259. Stone. Gov. David, 127 139, 152. Stanford, Riciiard, 137, 153. Stanly, John, 142, 153, 170, 176, 184. Stanly, Thomas J., 194. Stanly, Edward, 203, 213, 216. Strange, Judge Rob't, 176, 178, 203. St. Mary's School established, 210. Strong. Judge Geo. Y., 246, 307. Sumner, Gen. Jethro, 77, 86, 91, 97, 101. Sumter, General, 86, 98, 100. Swann, William, 27. Swann, Major Samuel, 27, 34. Sw^ain, Gov. D. L., 178, 194, 229. Synod of the Carolinas, 126. Tarleton, Banastre, 82, 93. Tatum, Absalom, 107, 133. Taylor, Judge John Louis, 128, 169, 196. Tavlor, James F., 165, 176. Taylor, John W., 171. Taylor, President Zachary, 220. Tennessee, 106, 124. Tew, Col. C. C, 239, 247, 264. Terry, Gen., 287. INDEX. Thaxton, Col. James. G8. -Thompson, Lewis, 196, 272. Thorn pkins, Dr. J. F , 230 Thomas. Judge C. R, 297. Tower Hill Bill, 36. Torrence's Tavern, Affair at, 93, Toomer, Judge John D , 169. Tourgee, Judge, A, W , 297. Try on, Gov. Wm., 40, 48, 49. 51. Tranter's Creek, Skirmi'sh, 259. Trinity College, 298, 307. Tuscarora War, 32. Turner, Gov. James, 145, 163. Turner, Daniel, 187. Turner, Col. J. McLeod, 297. Turner, Capt. Josiah, 379, 303. Tupper. Rev. H. M., 299. University of N. C. , 133. University Normal School, 309. Vance. David, 136. Vance, Gen. R. B., 178, 385, 306. Vance, Gov. Z. B., 333, 339, 361, 366, 383, 391, 304. Van Buren, President Martin, 304. Venable, A. W., 346. Virginia Line Traced, 28. Virginia House of Burgesses, 55. Walker. Gov. Henderson, 19. Walker, Felix, 172. Waliab's Farm Affair at, 87. Waddell, Gen. Hugh, 34, 38, 51. Waddell, Hugh, 202. W}