Capitol Build^q 5outh Portico February Second INAUGURATION OF Governor H. C Stuart FEBRUARY SECOND 1914 : \rilOI BUILDING ■I 1 I II PORTICO ,7 ( V/r.IA'7 ( , ' ORDER OF EXERCISES 11:15 o clock. The Senate and House of Delegates called to order in their respective halls : 30 o clock. Joint AssembW 1 1 : 11:40 o clock. Reception of following officials by the Joint Assembly State Of!i. ials and May)oi of the City 1 of Richmond Judges of Circuit, City and Federal ( lourts State Corporation Commi Members of the Congress of the United State ' oui t of Appeals of \ 12:00 o clock. Administration o\ Oaths A. W. HARMAKI, Jr., State Treasurer fudge R. Cuter Scott of the Circuit Courl of the City of Richmond B, O. JAMES. So rel 11 1 of the Commonwealth by Judge David C Richardson of the I [listings Court of the City of Ri. I JNO. GARLAND POLLARD, Attorney General by Judge Bev'erly I . Crump of the Law and Equity Court of the City of Richmond GEORGE W KOINER. Commissions Agriculture by) Judge Win A. Moncure of the Chancei ' !our1 of the City of Richmond R. C STEARNES, Superintendent Public Instruction by |udge 1 rnesl H. Wells of the Husting ( '.mi of the City) of Richmond, Part II 12: 15 o clock. Joint Assembly and incited guests repair to South Portico of Capitol I TA ) f.()H hU.YSO.\ INAUGURAL CEREMONIES , i : oo o'clock. Legislative Committee accompanies Governor William Hodges Mann, with military escort, to the Jefferson Hotel 12 : oo o'clock. Governor-Elect Stuart, with military escort, leaves Jefferson Hotel 12:15 o'clock. Arrive at Capitol 12 : 30 o'clock. Governor-Elect Stuart and Lieutenant-Gov- ernor-Elect Ellyson escorted to South Por- tico of Capitol I ' 1 In BisKop ("ollms Denny O.itli of office administered to Lieutenant-Governoi J. Taylor Ellyson. by Judge Richard H. CardvJell of the Supreme Court o\ Appeals Oath of office administered toGovemorH. C. Stuarl by Judge James Keith, Presideni o| the Supreme < ourl of Appeals Inaugural Address of Governor Stuart Benediction Governor's Salute by Richmond Howit en Piil'/ii tin >/'.'.""'. / 1, . n/iri Maiiaoii \ ,,, ,, Elivin /'. M I II // I/' U.I V, / / /; o ./i i// '. , nt (hi i IM> i, IA7 l \l> Vol i \ / \W,rii,\ Cniinll 1< i 1 1 I R \ I : hi hi In I, II k()l\l:R Committee on the Part of the Senate 1 I IWARI I ECI IOLS President pro JNO R. SAUNDI RS A C II \RMAN JNO A lesner B F. BUCHANAN I row II I ROYAI I Committee on the Part of the House EDWIN P COX, SpeaU \\ \\ BAKER ' HAS W ( ;rant M \RTIM W'll 1 I Wis J Til \\ I WM M MYERS A I I INK :OLN |N i \\ WILLI/* tOII ARI) It HOI.S :, III I'l ■• t, HI Hi ill, S,, i /'ii / v r t a \ ... ORDER OF ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPATING IN PARADE Battalion of Richmond City Police Maj. Louis Werner Commanding Col. Robert F. Leeck;, Chief Marshall and Staff R. L. I. Blue. Band Richmond Light Infantry Blue? Battalion Maj. E. W. Bowles Commanding Richmond Grays Battalion Maj. Lawrence 1 Price Commanding Provisional Battalion, Visiting Companies Ranking Officer Commanding Kessnich's Municipal Band Richmond Howitzers Capt. William M. Myei ! Virginia Military) Institute Cadet ( iorps Co!. Jenning C. Wi ' inding Legislative ( Jommittee 1 11. a and Sta|) / ;.■, \I,tllil0ll ( \ipitnl Si/inin