D 570 .33 119ih .C6 Copy 1 OFFICE OF THE adjuta:^t ge:ds-srai. BiALEIGH. N. C. History 119th Infantry, 60th Brigade 30th Diuision U. S. A. Operations in Belgium and France 1917-1919 lUrilten at the request of the TDilminqlon Chamber of Commerce, and Published bq that Organization in Honor of Col. John UanB. Metfs and His Qallant Men and as a Contribution to American Historq History 119th Infantry, 60th Brigade 30th Diuision U. S. A. Operations in Belgium and France 1917-1919 lUriHen at the request of the IDilmington Chamber of Commerce, and Published bij that Organization in Honor of Col. Jnhn UanB. Metts and His Qallant Men and as a Contribution to American Historic fM t> UBRA«Y OF CONGRESS JAN 241922 OOOUMlNTo ^.» ^ion To THE Parents and Friends, and, in Honor of Those Brave and Noble Men OF the 119th Infantry, of Whom it Can Truly be Said That They Performed Their Duty Honorably and Gloriously. This History of the 119th Infantry, 60th Brigade, 30th Division, U. S. A., was compiled by Captain C. B. Conway, of Danville, Va., and Lieutenant George A. Shuford, of Ashe- ville, N. C. It was their effort to write only of Facts, that the records of the deeds of true and brave men may be given. To them is due the thanks and appreciation of the ofificers and men of the Regijiient. Due to the loss of tlie lis'f 6f t'he 'off ic^ and the fact that a full and complete list cannot be published, the names of ofhcers are not made a part of this record. It is fitting to call attention to Major John Hall Man- ning, who as Operations Officer, rendered most excellent service; Major William S. Privott, Major Graham K. Hobbs, Major Robert S. Lamb and Captain Otho Robinson, who as Battalion Commanders, showed courage and ability of marked degree in fighting and caring for their commands in battle and at other times. Captain Jere Cooper, as Regimental Adjutant, and Captain Fred L. Black, as Supply Officer, were most efficient. — John VanB. Metts. Colonel John VanB. Metts. ORGANIZATION OF 119th INFANTRY. The 2nd North CaroHna Infantry which went into Fed- eral service June 16th, 1916, and spent six months on the Mexican Border was never mustered out upon its return, but proceeded to Camp Sevier, Greenville, South Carolina, August 1st, 1917. When the 30th Division was organized about Sept. 19th, 1917, the 2nd North Carolina Infantry was designated the 119th Infantry and assigned to the 60th Brigade. A short while afterwards, the 59th Depot Brigade at Camp Sevier was broken up and the majority of the person- nel of A, B, C, D, H, I, K, and L Companies of the 2nd Tennessee Infantry was absorbed into the 119th Infantry. Later about 800 men (North Carolinians) were trans- ferred from Camp Jackson, S. C, to the Regiment; and about 700 men were transferred from Camp Dodge and Camp Gordon and assigned to the 119th Infantry. On or about September 5th, 1917, several Reserve Offi- cers were transferred from Camp Lee, Va., to the 30th Divi- sion which was then under organization, and a number of these attached to the 2nd North Carolina Infantry. Some of these officers were later transferred to other Divisions, but those remaining in the Regiment were permanently as- signed. The personnel of the 119th Infantry, at the time it was ordered to France was as follows: About 1,800 men from the State of North Carolina, 900 from Tennessee, and 700 from the States of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. TRAINING OF REGIMENT AT CAMP SEVIER, SOUTH CAROLINA. U^pon the completion of organization of the 119th In- fantry, the Regiment underwent a most strenuous training preparatory to its final training received in France. A system of trenches was constructed by the 105th Engineers and these used extensively by the Regiment, in order that the men might become somewhat familiar with trench life, 2 History of iigth Infantry and their tactical use. A large target range was also con- structed and on this the men were trained in the art of shooting accurately and rapidly, in order that they might protect their own lines in time to come. In the late fall of 1917, several British and French Instructors were attached to the 30th Di\'ision, and a few of these were sent to the 119th Infantry, who gave \-aluable instructions resulting from their own personal experience in France. These instructors were specialists in their work, and this Regiment was fortunate in getting one for each branch of its training, namely: musketry and bayonet, gas defense, grenades, sniping and observation, stokes mortar, one pound- er, and signal work. Beginning at about the 1st of January, 1918, detachments of officers from the 30th Division were sent each month to the School of Arms, at Fort Sill, Okla- homa, and the training for the officers continued until the Regiment was ready to depart for Overseas service. Between January 1st, 1918, and April 1st, 1918, the Regimental Commander was in attendance at a Brigade and Field Officers' School at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. During his absence the Regiment was commanded by Col. F. LeJ. Parker, of the Regular Army, and his work for these three months greatly assisted in the building of the backbone of the Regiment. Many competitive drills and exercises were held during this time which assisted in establishmg a keen spirit of competition, which the Regiment lived up to in later months. Upon the return of Col. J. Van B. Metts from the School at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, he resumed command of the Regiment and carried on the training until the 30th Division was ordered to France. ADVANCE SCHOOL DETACHMENT. Previous to the embarkation of the 119th Infantry, orders were received to detail twelve (12) officers and sev- eral non-commissioned officers to be sent to France as an Advance School Detachment. The following officers were detailed : History of iigth Infantry 3 Major George K. Freeman, Major Roane Waring, Captain Graham K. Hobbs, 1st. Lieut. Charles Pichetti, 1st. Lieut. Frank J. Gilliam, 1st. Lieut. Edward L. Graham, 1st. Lieut. Chester O. Bell, 1st. Lieut. George A. Shuford, 2nd. Lieut. Holcomb Rogers, 2nd. Lieut. Hargrove Bellamy, 2nd. Lieut. Marion R. Wentz, 2nd. Lieut. James E. Faison. This Achance School Detachment, under the command of Major George K. Freeman, joined the general detach- ment of the 30th Division, which left Camp Sevier, April vSOth. 1918, at 2:00 p. m., on a special train of the Southern Railroad. This detachment went direct to Camp Merritt, N. J., via Charlotte, Washington, Philadelphia, and Jersey City, arriving at Camp Merritt iibout mid-night of May 1st, 1918. While at this camp the N. C. O.'s were equipped for foreign service. On the morning of May 7th, 1918, the detachment boarded a train which carried the party to Hoboken, N. J., where it filed on board the transport George Washington, a converted German liner. Shortly after noon on May 8th, 1918, this liner slipped out of New York Harbor and started on its long journey to France. The convoy con- sisted of three (3) converted German vessels, the George Washington, the America and the DeKalb, formerly the Cruiser Crown Prince Eitel Frederich. The voyage was uneventful with the exception of one day spent in target practice. About 7:30 a. m.. May 17th, 1918, seven (7) American Submarine Destroyers joined the convoy to see it safely into port. On the last day out at sea just at sun- rise a submarine was sighted ofT the starboard side of the DeKalb. It at once submerged without firing. At 11:30 a. m.. May 18th, 1918, the George Washington dropped anchor in the harbor of Brest, France. The Advance School Detachment debarked the following day, and marched to 4 History of iigth Infantry the Pantinzer Barracks, about 4 kilometers from Brest. On May 23rd, 1918, the party left Brest for Langres and arrived there May 25th, 1918. The entire detachment was here separated into different groups and commenced special training for which they were sent o\'er. Some officers at- tended the School of the Line, the remainder the Specialist School. Upon the completion of the course the officers taking the Specialist and Line courses left Langres June 24th, 1918, and rejoined the Regiment which was stationed in the Racques Area, at Louches, on June 27th, 1918. Major George K. Freeman and Major Roane Waring were transferred from the School of the Line to the Staff College before the completion of the course. These two officers were not reassigned to the Regiment. EMBARKATION OF REGIMENT FOR OVER- SEAS SERVICE. Upon leaving the Training Camp at Sevier, S. C, the Regiment proceeded by special trains to Camp Merritt, N. J. Some of these trains moving over the P. & N. Rail- road to Greenwood, S. C, and Seaboard from there to Rich- mond, Va., then to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Jersey City, N. J. Other trains moving over Southern to Charlotte, Pan\ille, Richmond, etc. The entire Regi- ment was assembled at Camp Merritt, N. J., on the 8th of May, 1918, and remained there for a period of three days, being equipped for ()\er-Seas Service. While there, the organization was spht up into three different detachments; one remaining there, one ordered to Philadelphia, and the other ordered to Boston. Early on the morning of May 11th, Regimental Head- quarters, Headquarters Company, Machine Gun Company, Supply Company, and Companies A, B, and C, under gen- eral command of Col. J. Van B. Metts. Companies A, B, and C, of the 1st Battalion and Battalion Headquarters, under command of Captain Otho Robinson, left Camp Merritt and proceeded by rail to the docks at Hoboken, N. J., arriving there about 9:30 a. m. No time was lost in History of iigtJi Infantry 5 transferring the troops to a large steamer, and in a few minutes landed on one of the large piers at New York used by Troop Transports. The detachment embarked the same afternoon about 4:30, on the British Steamship "Ascania", owned and operated by the Cunard Line. The 2nd Battalion, consisting of Battalion Headquar- ters, Companies E, F, G, and H, under command of Captain Edgar H. Bain, left Camp Merritt, May 10th, and proceeded by rail to Philadelphia, Pa., arri\'ing on the morning of the 11th. From the train the troops marched immediately to the docks, and at 2:00 p. m., embarked on the British Steam- ship "Ha\erford". The third detachment, consisting of the 3rd Battalion Headquarters, Companies D, I, K, L, and M, under com- mand of Major William S. Privott, left Camp Merritt, May 10th, and proceeded by rail to Boston, Mass.. arriving there about 10:00 a. m., the 11th, and embarked that afternoon on the British Steamship "Laomadon". VOYAGE. The three British Transports, "Ascania", "Haverford" and "Laomadon" on departure from their respective ports made a direct sail for the coast of Canada, and on Wednesday, May 15th, saw each other in the Harbor at Halifax, Nova Scotia. While in this harbor the convoy was formed, consisting of these three Transports and nine others. On the after- noon of May 16th, the convoy sailed for England. The "Ascania" was the flag-ship, and carried the Commodore of the convoy — Lieut. Commander Underwood, of the British Navy. The convoy was escorted by the British Cruiser "Cornwall". Between the 17th and 21st the ocean was rather rough at times caused by heavy wind, but on the morning of the 22nd it was very calm, everyone was feeling better and in the best of spirits. Friday, May 24th, the convoy reached the "danger zone", and at this time numerous "abandon ship drills" 6 History of iigth Infantry' were being held. At daylight of the 25th several Ignited States Submarine Destroyers were seen chasing all around our convoy, and remained as our best friends until the convoy landed. About 11:30 j). m., Ma\' 26th, a German submarine was sighted within very close range, but it immediately sub- merged and was not seen again. The crafty Destroyers were on their job and dropped several "depth bombs" at the spot where the submarine had been seen. No disorder or confusion among the troops was caused during these crucial moments. Al)out 9:30 a. m., May 27th, 1918. the convoy filed through the Irish Sea and in a few minutes docked at Liver- pool, England. All troops remained on board until 5:00 o'clock that afternoon when the Regiment debarked, and marched a short distance to the train which left at 10:00 p. m., for Dover, England's chief Channel Port for the ex- portation of troops. The train passed through London about midnight and arrived at Dover about 8:00 o'cUjck on the morning of the 28th. Beginning at 11 :00 a. m., (jn the same date, the Regiment moved by small detachments from Dover, England,, across the English Channel to Calais, France, and by the afternoon of May 29th the entire Regiment was once more assembled in camp, located about one and one-half kilometers from Calais. The Regiment remained in this camp for three days being equipped with gas respirators and ammunition. Here the United States rifles were exchanged for British rifies, as the 30th Division had been designated to serve with the British. The night of arrival in this camp the Regiment exper- ienced their first attack by the enemy in the form of an "air raid". In spite of the heaviness and nearness of the explosions, and the whining of the bomb fragments, the be- havior of the troops in their first actual contact with the enemy was most excellent. May 31st the organization moved by rail to Audrique, History of iigth Infantry 7 France, detrained there and marched to the Racques Area where the Regiment was billeted in the following towns: Regimental Headquarters, Headquarters Company, de- tachments of Supply Company and the 1st Battalion at Louches; 2nd Battalion and detachment of Supply Company at Landretheun ; 3rd Battalion and detachment of Supply Com- pany at Yeuse; Machine Gun Company at Nordt I.udlingham and Supply Company at Lostrat. TRAINING PERIOD OVER-SEAS. In this area the Regiment underwent a most intensive training schedule. Since it was to be affiliated with the British, their methods, the development of four years of painstaking study, was adopted.- The 39th British Divi- sion, which was associated with the 30th (American) Divi- sion arranged to give assistance in training in an advisory capacity, by the attachment of British officers and N. C. O.'s to American units, and by the maintenance of close personal touch, also by the interchange of Staff Officers between the Staffs of the British formation and the corresponding Staffs of the 30th Division. The 119th Infantry was very fortunate in receiving a cadre of instructors from the 9th Black Watch and the 9th and lOtii Gordon Highlanders, under the com- mand of Brig. Gen. N. S. Hubbard, 118th Infantry Brigade (British) and under the direct supervision of Col. Cruick- shenk, Lt.-Col. Sworder, Lt.-Col. Lord Gordon and Lt.-Col. Anderson. The training was divided into two phases, i. e.: A and B. While in this area, phase A was mastered. This training consisted of 36 hours of instruction for the first week, 25 hours for the second week, 26 hours for the third week, and 20 hours for the fourth week. Realizing that every minute must be taken advantage of, the men worked most industriously, with a spirit at which our Allies marvelled. The training of specialists received the most careful atten- tion, as did the training of the Infantry platoons. It was due, in a great way, to this thorough training that the later phenomenal success of the Regiment in actual battle is attributed. Time was also given to March Discipline and Trench Warfare. 8 History of iiQth Infantry As another means of taking advantage of the experience gained by the British, officers and non-commissioned officers were sent to various schools to acquire technical knowledge of Automatic Rifles, Bayonet Fighting, Grenades, Gas De- fense, etc. It is well to know that the average standard set at these schools by the 119th Infantry officers and N. C. O.'s was exceptionally high. Also, officers and N. C. O.'s were sent to the School Sector directly east of Ypres for practical experience under actual battle conditions before receiving the responsibility of leading their men under enemy fire. They were most courteously received by the units of the 49th British Division, occupying the line and were given \aluable information and instruction while there. Some of these officers and N. C. O.'s were permitted to go on patrol, but chiefly they acquainted themsehes with trench life and warfare. The Machine (km Compan\- with the Machine Gun Companies of all the Regiments in the Division, were as- sembled at Nordt Ludlingham, where they were instructed in the latest methods of Machine (km Warfare which the British had found so successful. While in this area authority was received from G. H. Q., for the enlargement of the RegimentaJ Staff by the allow- ance of an Operation and Intelligence Officer. To fill this very important office, Captain, now Major John Hall Man- ning, then the Regimental Adjutant, was appointed. Lieut. Jere Cooper was promoted to the rank of Captain and trans- ferred to Regimental Headcjuarters as Adjutant. Captain Benjamin West on June 4th was also transferred to Regimen- tal Headquarters as Personnel Adjutant. Upon the com- pletion of the above changes, the Regimental Staff consisted of: Col. J. Van B. Metts, Lieut. -Col. Cyrus M. Faircloth, Capt. John Hall Manning, Capt. Benjamin West, Capt. Jere Cooper, Capt. Armstead K. Tayloe, Chaplain John M. Robeson. History of iigth Infantry 9 The 119th Infantry Regiment was inspected almost im- mediately upon its arrival in this area by Major Gen. Herbert Plummer, Commander of the 2nd British Army. A week later Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig, Commander of the British Armies in France, honored this Regiment by giving it a most rigid inspection. Both of these ofihcers expressed great delight in the progress of the training and the wonder- ful physique of the men. On or about the 30th day of June, Gen. John J. Pershing, Commander in Chief of the Ameri- can Armies in France, inspected the Regiment. He was pleased with the fitness of the troops and especially the high standard of the personnel, expressing himself that he had not seen a better l)ody of men in the American Expeditionary Forces. About the 15th of June, information was received that an attack by the Germans was anticipated in the sector im- mediately east of Cassel. In anticipation of this plan of attack arrangements were perfected whereby the 30th Divi- sion was to take up a position in reserve, west of Cassel. The 119th Infantry was designated to be the Di\isional Reserve which, as expressed to the Commanding Officer by Gen. Faison, was a very important position in the scheme of defense. The Regiment was preparing for this move with great enthusiasm. This position, however, was never occupied. The orders were unexpectedly changed and this Regiment with the other units of the Di\-ision, on the 2nd day of July, 1918, proceeded by marching to the Roozen- daal and Road Camp Areas, near Watou, Belgium. The Regiment formed on the Zaufques-Louches-Yeuse Road with the head of the column at the road intersection 3A, 39, British Map Hazebrouk, at 9:45 a. m., in the follow- ing order: Headquarters Company, Detachment Supply Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Battalion, and 2nd Battalion. The Sanitary Detachments accompanied their respective Battalions. The First and Second Line Transports followed their respective Battalions in the following order: Rolling Kitchens, G. S. Wagons (Ration), G. S. Wagons (Baggage), Water Carts, Limbers. The following disposition of equip- ment was made: 120 rounds of service S. A. A., one cooked 10 History of iigth Infantry meal and full field equipment, including two blankets, less overcoats, which were carried on the wagons, were carried by each man. With this equipment and in the above order the 119th Infantry marched to the Foret D'Eperlecques, a distance of 12 kilometers, where they bivouaced the night of July 2-3, 1918. On the morning of July 3rd, the Regi- ment marched to Rubrouck, forming at 6:15 a. m., on the Watten-W'elverdinghe-Voikermakhove-Herzeele Road in the following order: Headquarters Company, Detachment Sup- ply Company, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Battalion, 1st Battalion, Sanitary Troops with their respective Battalions, where it bivouacked the night of July 3-4, 1918. in a pasture. The distance marched w^as about the same as on the day before. On July 4th. 1918, contrar\- to expectations, the Regiment again formed on the Bollezeele-Rubrouck Road in the follow- ing order: Headquarters Company, Detachment Supply Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Battalion and 3rd Battalion, with Sanitary Troops with their respective Battalions at 7:20 a. m., and marched to Herzeele, where it bivouacked for the night of July 4-5, 1918. Here it was that the men of this Regiment first heard distinctly the firing of guns on the famous Flanders front. It was the subject of much dis- cussion especially since it was the birthday of the Inde- pendence of America. On the morning of July 5, 1918, at 6:00 a. m., the Regiment formed on the Herzeele- Watou Road, to march to the Roosendall and Road Camp Areas in the order of march as of the first day. It reached its destination shorth' after noon and went into camp two kilometers southeast of Watou, Belgium. It is quite inter- esting to note that this Regiment was the first American unit to enter Belgium. Regimental Headquarters and Headquarters Company were located at Bayley Camp, 1st Battalion was located just across the road, 2nd Battalion at Gabb Camp, 3rd Battalion at Chase Camp, and the Machine Gun Company in a pasture only a short distance away. The Supply Company, less the detachments which were attached to the different Battalions formed the Sixtieth Brigade Dump and was located at Dragon Camp. It must be understood that the Supply Company of this History of iigth Infantry 11 Regiment and the Supply Company of the 120th Infantry Regiment were consolidated forming the Sixtieth Brigade Dump, each Battalion was then allotted a detachment under the command of a Battalion Supply Officer. It was the duty of the Brigade Dump to issue rations and equipment for a Battalion directly to the respective Battalion Supply Officer, who in turn issued the same directly to the Com- pany of their Battalion. Also in this detachment was in- cluded a Battalion Transport Officer who had direct charge of the Battalion Transport. The feeding of the men in the line was entirely in the hands of these two officers, for as soon as the Brigade Dump had turned over the food to the Battalion Supply Officer he was relieved of further responsi- bility. Then the Transport Officer after the rations had been prepared for consumption collected them and loaded them on the transports, carrying it forward to the men in the trenches. This Regiment was fortunate in having con- scientious and fearless officers to fill these important posi- tions and they deserve the highest praise for the manner in which they performed their duties. This method of supply was continued throughout the operations of the Regiment. After resting up from the four-day march, the Regiment resumed the training schedule with renewed energy. The front line at its closest point was about 12 kilometers dis- tance, consequently the firing of artillery could be heard at all times, and even the bursting of shells, for on several oc- casions the town of Watou, where Di\ision Headquarters was located was shelled. The shells passing dii-ectly over the Camp. Here also the men of the Regiment became thoroughly accustomed to enemy air raids. Practically every clear night there were numbers of German planes overhead bombing important cross-roads and camps. The transports carrying rations forward to the men in the line also presented a favorite target. It was while stationed in this area that Major Gen. Pinny, of the British Army, addressed the officers and non- commissioned officers of the Regiment. He was very en- thusiastic on the condition of the men, especially the stand- ard of morale, which was extraordinarily high. There was 12 History of iigth Infantry one remark in his speech which clearly bespoke the condi- tions and thinking of our gallant allies before our arrival. Gen. Pinny said in substance: "An attack by the enemy is anticipated and in all probability,' his ad\ance will be on this front. It is my sincere hope that he attacks while >'ou are here." The attack never materialized. To better understand the subsequent work oi the Regi- ment it is here necessary to explain somewhat in detail the former training which was conducted under the heading of Phase B training. This consisted of one Battalion at a time going into the line and being associ^ited with the British units then occupying the po.sition and also to strengthen the line as it was very lightly held. The command and the responsibility for this sector was retained by the British while the Americans were given every opportunity to ac- custom themseKes with trencli life and conditions. This method of training was to continue until the entire outfit had been able to take ad\-antage of the opportunity. Phase B training was commenced in the Regiment In' the following order. JuK 16, 1918: III:AI)()U.VRTKRS, 119th INF.WTRY America)! Expeditionary Forces Fraxck, Jri.v 1.x mis 6' E C K E r Field Ordkr Xo. '•) Reference Map: — Sheet 27, X. E — Edition 3-A (Local) —Sheet 28. X. \A'. 1. This Resjiment, in conjunction with the remainder of the 60th Infantry Brigade, will commence training under Phase ''B" scheme, July 16, 1918. 2. {a) The 1st Bn., less Co. B, will march on Zwx'nlund Brewery at 7:45 p. m.. July LS, 1918. ib) The 2nd Bn., will march on Zws'nland Brewer}- at time to be designated on July 16, 1918. (r) The ,3rd Bn., and Hd. Co., will remain in their present camps. id) The M. G. Co., will receive instructions from the ,iOth American or 33rd British Divisions. (c) Battalions will be subject to the orders of the British Units to which attached upon arrival in the Blue Line. History of iigth Infantry 13 3. (a) The 1st Bn., less Co. B, and the 2nd Bn., will march via Cross Roads, L. 1, c. 9. 1.— Cross Roads L. 14. c. 4. 3.— L. 14. h. 1. O,— Road Intersection L. 21. c. 95. 95.— thence along Main Abeele-Poperin- ghe Road to Zwynland Brewery, where guides from 33rd British Division will be met to conduct the Bn., into bivouac along the East Poperinghe Line. (b) Column will march with 100 yd. intervals between Companies; 100 yd. interval between unit and its transport; and 25 yd. intervals between each section of six vehicles. 4. (a) Only the necessary transportation will be carried. (b) Hospital Corps Detachments will accompany their respective Bat- talions. (c) Prescribed amount of ammunition will be carried. (d) One day's cooked ration in addition to the iron ration will be carried in the haversack of each oflker and man. (c) Shelter halves, poles, pins and blankets will be left under guard of 1 N. C. O., and 6 Pvts., who will be attached to the Hq. Co.> 119th Inf., for rations. Equipment of officers will be limited to that carried on their persons. 5. Regimental Headquarters will remain at Bayly Camp (K. 12, d. 65. 75). 6. Acknowledge. J. Van B. Metts, Colonel, llQlh Infantry. ■ While undergoing Phase B training the following plan was adopted. This order was issued so that each unit would know exactly what to do in case of an enemy advance which, as stated, was anticipated on the immediate front. HEADQUARTERS, 119th INFANTRY American Expedilionary Forces France, July 17, 1918 SECRET Instructions for occupying East Poperinghe Line Reference Maps: — 9145, Sheets 27 and 28. 1. During the Phase "B" training in case of emergency, the 60th Brigade will hold the Blue Line. Brigade P. C. will be established at Road Camp F. 25. d. 4. 1. 2. This Regiment, less 1st Bn., which is under orders of the 33rd Division (British) in front line and M. G. Co., will occupy the entire Brigade Sector of the Blue Line upon receipt of message "Occupy East Poperinghe Line". 3. {a-1) The 2nd Bn., will cover the right sub-sector forward line with 2 Cos., extending from G. 14. d. 6. 6. and G. 14. d. 85. 55. (right) to G. 9. c. 5. 2. and G. 15. a. 7. 0. (left) with Bn., P. C. at G. S. a. 1.3. (Elizabeth Chateau.) 14 History of iigth Infantry {a-2) Support line with 2 Cos. from G. 14. a. 55. OO(right) to G. S. d. 75. 85. (left). (Jb-l) The 3rd Bn., during the absence from this area of the 1st and 3rd Bns. 120th Inf. will march from the present camp by the most convenient route to the Blue Line and will cover the left sub- sector forward line with 3 Cos., extending from G. 9. c. 5. 2. and G. 15. a. 7. 0. (right) to G. 4. c. 3. 1. and G. 4. c. 8. 1. (left) with Bn. P. C. at G. 2. d. 4. 1. (J}-2) Support line with 1 Co. from G. 9. a. 3. 3. (right) to G. 9. b. 2. 8. (left). (c) Each Bn. and Co. position will be covered and occupied as shown on Map 9145, as marked and issued by 30th Division (American). {d) 1 Bn. of the 59th Brigade will be in support in this sector with P. C. at G. 8. a. 1. 3. (e) 174th Brigade F. A., 39th Divisional Artillery (British) will cover the East Pojieringhe Line. S. O. S. lines will be issued to those con- cerned. (0 Liaison will be maintained with the 6th Division (British) on the right flank Brigade Sector by the 2nd Bn., and with the 59th Brigade on the left flank of the Brigade Sector by the 3rd Bn. Liaison will be maintained between units of the Regiment at all times. (g) Flank Companies in the Brigade Sector will each send forward a platoon to the general line Linda Goed P'arm — Road Junction in G. 5. d. 0. 2. — Oosthoek System (.\. 23. d.) for the purpose of main- taining liaison between our own front line troops and the British Bn. in the Ouderdom-Brandboek System. They would also cover the withdrawal of British units from advanced positions. {h) Sector Commandant (Hq. G. 8. d. 7. 6.) is in charge of ammunition dumps S. A. A., Stokes ammunition and grenades: No. 1. G. 8. c. 8. 4. for 119th Inf. No. 2. G. 8. d. 7. 6. for 120th Inf. (normally under this scheme for 3rd Bn., 119th Inf.) ii) Units will proceed equipped with arms, ammunition, pack, consisting of overcoat (one blanket may be carried in lieu of overcoat), haver- sack, containing mess equipment, toilet articles, iron rations, two pairs socks, slicker, rolled on outside of pack, helmet worn, box respirator in alert position, bayonet on pack. 4. Wagon trains will continue Hqrs. in present location. 5. Battalions will report immediately upon completion of the occupation of their position. 6. Regimental Hqrs. will move to Zw>Taland Brewery. Acknowledge. J. Van B. Metts, Cotonel, 119th Infantry. History of iigth Infantry 15 In compliance with the above order the 1st Battalion under command of Capt. Otho Robinson, moved to the Blue Line (reserve position east of Poperinghe) on the night of July 15th, 1918. Company "A" occupied the right front and right support with two (2) platoons in the front line position and two in support. Company "C" occupied ex- actly the same relative position on the left. Company "D" was held in reserve. On the night of July 16-17 the Bat- talion moved to the front line position in the right sub- sector of the Canal sector in the Ypres salient. The dis- position of troops in the sector were as follows: "A" Com- pany occupied the front line in conjunction with "C" and "B" Companies of the Argyle and Southern Highlanders with their right resting on Kruisstraathock-Voormezeel Road. To the right of "A" Company and occupying the front line "D" Company was stationed with two platoons in the front line and two in close support with the Queens Royal Rifles. "C" Company occupied support positions, "B" Company received orders to return to Louches, France, by rail to complete its course on the target range. On the same night the 2nd Battalion under command of Capt. Graham Hobbs, took over the position formerly oc- cupied by the 1st Battalion in the Blue Line. For the first six days that this Battalion was in the line it held the position with the British, first by having one English soldier stationed with one American. After con- fidence was thus gained the separate units were grouped together and a British platoon was placed on either side of an American platoon. On the 23rd day of July, after the Battalion had been in line for a period of six days the British withdrew to the Yellow Line or the Regimental Reserve Line and the 1st Battalion held the front line position alone until relieved by the 2nd Battalion on the night of July 24-25, 1918. This sector was known as a quiet one and especially suitable for the instruction of new troops but at this parti- cular time it was quite the contrary. As has been stated, an attack was anticipated, so the British artillery was ex- ceptionally active firing on all points where troop move- 16 History of iigth Infantry ments had been noticed and on important roads and cross- ings. The artillery's activity on our part consequently called for retaliation from the enemy which made the sector one of the hottest on the front. Due to this very heavy, shelling the casualties numbered more than was expected; The 2nd Battalion was disposed of as follows: "F" Company occupied the right front sector with two platoons in the front line and two platoons in close support. "E" Company with four platoons occupied the front line on the left sector. "G" Company with four platoons in close sup- port. "H" Company in reserve. "F" and "H" Companies were with the Queen's Royal Rifles, while "E" and "G" Companies were with the 5th Scotch Rifles. During the period of occupation there were a few changes made in this disposition by means of inter-Battalion reliefs. The train- ing was the same as stated for the 1st Battalion. The 3rd Battalion occupied the Blue Line during the period that the 2nd Battalion was in the forward position then relieved the 2nd Battalion in the Canal sector on the night of August 1-2, 1918. A detachment from the Signal Platoon from Headquarters Company under command of 1st Lieut. Nathaniel Hannau, accompanied the Battalion into line. The Machine (iun Company was under control of the 33rd British Division and received practical instructions in the same manner as did the line companies of the Regiment. While the 3rd Battalion was occupying the front line position, the 1st Battalion held the reserve trench or Blue Line going in on the night of August 1-2, and remaining until it was withdrawn Sunday morning, August 10th, 1918. With the withdrawal from the line of this Battalion Phase B of the scheme of instruction was completed for this Regiment and it was now deemed capable of taking over and occupying a place in the firing line alone. From the 10th of August, 1918, until the 15th day of August, 1918, the Regiment trained around Watou in a great way correcting errors which had been noted during the tour in line. On the 15th day of August, the Command- ing Ofiflcer of the Regiment received orders that the Regi- History of iigth Infantry 17 ment should proceed that night and occupy the Blue Line in the Canal sector, which it did. Regimental Headquarters was established at the Elizabeth Chateau on the eastern edge of the town of Poperinghe. HEADQUARTERS, 119th INFANTRY American Expeditionary Forces France, August 15, 1918 sIe C R E T Field Order No. 14 Reference: — Sheets 27 and 28 1. The 119th Infantry Regiment \vill relieve the 19th British Brigade in the Reserve Brigade Area of the 33rd British Division the night of 15-16 August, 1918, in accordance with attached table. All moves will be by platoon at 100 yds. intervals. Battalions will send advance parties of one ofi&cer, per Bn. Hqrs. and one officer per Company to report to Hqrs. of the British Bns., to be relieved at 5 p. m., today. The Hqrs. Company will send one officer and one N. C. O. per platoon to the 19th British Brigade Hqrs., at 5 p. m., today. 2. The 19th British Brigade is providing guides at the scale of: 1 per Bn. Hqrs. 1 per Co. Hqrs. 1 per platoon. 3. Battalions of the 19th British Infantry Brigade are handing over to re- lieving American Battalions, all defense schemes, dumps of ammuni- tion, grenades, all area stores, and all 1-10.000 maps. Instructions regarding the provision of the sector commandants of the Green and Yellow Lines are being handed over by Bn. Hqrs. of the Bn. in the Green Line and the left Battalion in the Yellow Line. 4. The transports will remain in their present camps. Guards will be pro- vided for property at the rate of 1 N. C. O. and 6 Pvts. per Bn., to be retained by the transport. 5. Completion of relief will be reported to Regimental Headquarters. Regimental Headquarters will close at Bayly Camp and reopen at Eliza- beth Chateau (G. 8. a. 2. 2.) at 9:00 p. m., tonight, August 15. 6. Orders for the movement of the Regimental Machine Gun Company will be issued separately. 7. On the night of 16-17 August, 1918, the 119th Inf. will relieve the 98th British Brigade in the right sub-sector of the 33rd British Divisional Front. 8. Advance parties as usual will report at Regimental Hqrs., at 6:00 p. m., today and proceed to the light railway from Remy Siding to Brisbane where they will be met by guides from the 98th British Brigade and taken into the line. 18 History of iigth Infantry Regimental Hqrs 1 Officer...^ 4 Signallers Each Bn. Hqrs 1 Officer... ...2 Signallers Each Co. Hqrs 1 Officer....... Each Platoon 1 N. C. O Each L. G. Team of Bns., going into line 1 other Ranks _ Stokes Mortar '. 1 Officer. These men will make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the area to be taken over on the night of 16-17 August, and will take over from the British units, defense schemes, maps, dumps of ammunition, gren- ades, etc., and all trench stores. 9. The relief on the 16-17 August will be carried out as follows: (a) 1st Bn. will take over the right section relieving the 2nd Bn., A. and S. H., with Hqrs. at H. 30. a. 5. 9. {h) 2nd Bn. will take over the left section relieving the 4th Kings, with Hqrs. at H. 24. c. 6. 1. (f) 3rd Bn. will take over the reserve relieving the 1st iMiddlese.x, with Hqrs. at H. 22. a. 4. 4. 10. Further orders regarding this relief will be issued later. 11. Units of the 19th British Brigade are sending advance parties to take over camps being evacuated bj' American units. These parties will arrive at Bn. Hqrs. of the .American units concerned at 5:00 p. m. By Order of COLONEL METTS, John H. Manning, Captain 0. and I. 0. OCCUPATION AND OPERATIONS IN CANAL SECTOR UP TO, AND INCLUDING SEPTEMBER 4th, 1918. The Canal sector was the general line extending from im- mediately southeast of Ypres, about two miles southwest to Elzenwalla, inclusive, on both sides of the Ypres-Commines Canal and the country on this immediate front was very low ^nd wet, thus causing many hardships upon the troops occupying it. To the right of the Canal sector stood Mount Kemmel, from the top of which the Germans had a domina- ting view of the entire sector, thus causing camouflaged screens to be erected on all main roads leading towards the front, and making it very difficult to move about during the day. On the left of this sector was the remains of Ypres, after the great battle the British fought in July, 1916, when the Germans used gas for the first time. The subdivisions of the Canal sector, such as support. History of iigtJi Infantry 19 reserve, etc., were represented by different lines of trenches as follows: The actual front line was known as G. H. Q. 1, and the second in close support as G. H. Q. 2 line. Support position was the Brown Line, and the reserve Yellow and Green Lines. This front when taken over by the 30th American Divi- sion was occupied by the 33rd British Division, and the 89th British Brigade under the command of Brigadier General Baird, was holding the front line. This Brigade consisted of three battalions as follows: 2nd Argyle and Southern Highlanders. 4th Kings' Royal Rifies, 1st Middlesex. On August 15th, 1918, the following order was issued from Headquarters 119th Infantry: HEADQUARTERS, 119th INFANTRY American Expeditionary Forces France, August 15, 1918 SECRET Field Order No. 15 Reference Map: — Sheet 28 1. The 119th Infantry Regiment (less 3rd Bn.) will relieve the 98th British Brigade in the right sub-sector of the Canal sector on the night of August 16th and 17th. The 3rd Battalion, 119th Infantry Regiment will remain in its present position in the Green Line and will be in Regimental reserve. 2. The Relief will be carried out as follows: (a) The two British Companies in the front line and outposts in each forward Battalion area will be relieved by one American Company. {b) The two British Companies in support and reserve in ea:ch forward Battahon area will be relieved by one American Company. (c) The remaining two Companies of the 1st and 2nd Battalions will relieve the two British Companies of, the reserve Battalion of the 98th British Brigade in their respective areas in and about the Brown Line. On completion of the relief the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 119th Infantry Regiment, will each be disposed with one Company in the front line and outposts, one Company in support and two Companies in reserve in and about the Brown Line. 3. All moves will be by platoons at 100 yards. 20 History of iigth Infantry 4. The 98th British Brigade is providing guides to meet the 1st and 2nd Battahons, 119th Infantry Regiment, at Road Junction H. 22. a. 35. 30. at the rate of: 1 per Battalion Headquarters, 1 per Company Headquarters, 1 per Platoon. 5. Units will take over from units of the 98th British Brigade to be relieved all defense schemes, maps, information about the enemy, and details of work in hand proposed, also trench stores. 6. 98th British Brigade are leaving officers and N. C. O.'s. to remain with incoming American units for 24 hours, as follows: Regimental Headquarters 1 Officer, Each Forward Bn. Headquarters 1 Officer and Bn. I. O., Each Company Headquarters 1 Officer and 1 N. C. O., Stokes Mortar Platoon 1 Officer. 7. All other details of the relief will be arranged between Commanding Of- ficers concerned. O. C. of 1st and 2pd Battalions, 119th Infantry Regiment will be expected at the Headquarters of 2nd Argyle and Southern Highlanders, and the 4th Kings, respectively, at 10:00 a. m., August 16th, and should both visit Headquarters of 1st Middlesex afterwards. 8. The 120th Infantry Regiment is moving two Battalions to the Yellow Line on the night, August 16-17, which will take over as follows: 1st Battalion, 120th Inf. Reg., from 2nd Bn. 119th Reg., in the left sector of the Yellow Line. 2nd Battalion, 120th Inf. Reg., from 1st Br. 119th Reg., in the right sector of the Yellow Line. 1st and 2nd Battalions, 120th Infantry Regiment are each sending ad- vance parties of 1 officer per Battalion Headquarters, 1 officer per Com- pany and 1 N. C. O. per Platoon, to report to the 1st and 2nd Bat- talion Hqrs., 119th Infantry Regiment, respectively, at 3:00 p. m., August 16th. These parties will take over all dimips of ammunition, and all trench and area stores in the Yellow Line. 9. 119th Regiment Machine Gun Company will march from its present camp at 3:00 p. m., August 16th, to Chinese camp, G. 3. d. 6. 4, and will come under the orders O. C. 33rd British Battalion, M. G. C, on arrival. 119th Regiment M. G. C, will send advance party of 1 officer and 2 N. C. O.'s to Chinese camp to take over accommodations. 119th Regiment M. G. Co., will move into the right sub-sector of the line on the night of August 17-18. Orders for this move are being issued by the O. C. 33rd British Battalion M. G. Co. 10. Completion of relief will be reported to Headquarters, 98th British Brigade. History of iigth Infantry 21 11. Command of the right sub-sector of the Canal sector will pass to Colonel commanding 119th Infantry Regiment on completion of the relief on night of August 16-17. 12. Headquarters 119th Infantry Regiment will close at Elizabeth Chateau and re-open at Assan Farm, H. 22. a. 2. 6. at 9:00 p. m., August 16th. J. Van B. Metts, Colonel, 119ih Infantry. 13. Acknowledge. 14. Distribution of copies: 1 — C. G., 30th Division. 9 — 33rd British Division. 2— C. G., 60th Brigade. 10— 98th British Brigade. 3— 1st Battalion. 11— 33rcl British Bn., M. G. C. 4 — 2nd Battalion. 12 — 120th American Regiment. 5 — 3rd Battalion. 13 — Surgeon. 6 — Headquarters Company. 14 — War Diary. 7 — Machine Gun Company. 15 — Files. 8 — Supply Officer. The following morning, August 16th, orders were issued for moving the 3rd Battalion, 119th Infantry Regiment from the Green Line to the right sub-sector of the Yellow Line. Upon moving into the front line on night of August 16-17, the 119th Infantry Regiment took over from the 98th British Brigade in the following order: The 1st Battalion, commanded by Capt. Otho Robin- son, occupied the right Regimental front. Company "A" relieving two companies of the Argyle and Southern High- landers in the front line and Company "B", relieving two companies of the Argyle and Southern Highlanders in close support. One platoon of Company "B" occupied a small trench in Scottish Woods, acting as a counter-attack platoon. Companies "C" and "D" occupied support trenches in the Brown Line near Smythe Farm, relieving two companies of the 1st Middlesex. The 2nd Battalion, commanded by Capt. Graham K. Hobbs, occupied the left Regimental front. Company "H" relieving two companies of the 4th Kings in the front line and two isolated trenches on the left front, about 200 yards from the main trench line. Company "F" taking over from 22 History of iigth Infantry two companies of the 4th Kings in the G. H. Q. 2 Hne as a close support. Companies "E" and "G" occupied support trenches in the Brown Line near Assam Farm. Machine Gun Company upon orders from British Bat- taHon M. G. O., moved its headquarters to Smythe Farm wnth that of Company "D", 1st BattaHon. Practically all of the Gun positions of the M. G. Co., were in the G. H. Q. 2 line. Stokes Mortar and one pounder platoons were located in the Ravine. 1st and 2nd Battalion Headquarters were located between Belgian Chateau and Segard Wood. Regi- mental Headquarters was located at Assam Farm. When the 30th Division left the States for Overseas service the Divisional Artillery was left behind and did not come over until about one month later. Upon its arrival in France, it was assigned to duty with the 33rd American Division in the Verdun sector. When the 33rd British Division was relieved on August 16-17, the 98th British Artillery Brigade, commanded by Colonel Butler, remained in the line supporting the right sub-sector until about August 25th, when it was relieved by the British Artillery Brigade, commanded by Colonel Ladd, with headquarters at Assan Farm and was still in the line when the 30th Division was relieved. On the night of August 21-22, 1918, the 3rd Battalion, commanded by Major William S. Privott, which was then in the Yellow Line relieved the 1st Battalion, 119th Infantry Regiment, then in right Regimental front. The 1st Battalion upon being relieved withdrew to the same position vacated by the 3rd Battalion. The disposition of the 3rd Battalion was as follows: Company "M" took over right Regimental front. Com- pany "K" had one platoon in Scottish Wood with the re- mainder of the Company in the Domino Trench and the Ravine. Company "L" in the Brown Line near Ottawa Farm. Company 'T' in the Brown Line near Smythe Farm. On the night of the 22-23 of August, the Machine Gun Company was relieved by Company "B", 115th Machine History of iigth Infantry 23 Gun Battalion. Upon the completion of the relief, the Machine Gun Company of 119th Infantry Regiment, pro- ceeded to Chinese Camp. Following is the defense scheme of the right sub-sector occupied by the 119th Infantry Regiment (American): Nahu, August 28, 1918 SECRET Copy No. 1 Defense Scheme — Right Sub-Sector — Canal Sector Reference Maps: — Sheet 28, N. W. 3 — } . ..q qqq —Sheet 28, N. W. 4—1 1. The 30th American Division holds the general front line of the Canal sector which extends from the Railway, incl at H. 36. c. 9. 5. on the right, by Gunners Lodge (I. 26. b.) to the Railway, incl at I. 21. d. 3. 6. just South of Zillebeke Lake on the left. 2. This Regiment holds the right sub-sector of the 30th American Division (Canal) sector with two (2) Bns., in the front line and one (1) Bn., in reserve. 3. A Regiment of the 27th American Division is on our right. A Regiment of the 30th American Division is on our left. 4. Boundaries — Division — Southern Boundary: The Elzenwalle-Vijverhoek Railway, incl from H. 36. c. 9. 5. to H. 29. c. 4. 6., thence to H. 29. a. 3. 0.— H. 22. c. 0. 0.— H. 19. b. c. 5. 6.— G. 13. Central.— L. 17. b. 7. 0. Northern Boundary: The Railway, incl., from I. 21. d. 3. 6. to I. 13. d. 0. 4.— thence H. 18. b. 9. 0.— H. 12. c. 4. 0.— H. 10. b. 9. 0.— along Railway to G. 2. d. 3. 0. Boundaries — Regime mtal — Southern Boundary: The Southern Divisional Boundary. Northern Boundary: I. 25. d. 35. 10.— along track running N. W. to I. 25. a. 7. 0.— G. H. Q. Line at L 25. a. 25. 60. — thence along old communi- cation trench (Beliegoed Avenue), excl to H. 24. d. 3. 1. — H. 24. c. 9. 7.— H. 23. b. 35. 45.— H. 16. a. 0. 0.— Inn Corner. Boundaries — Right Battalion — Southern Boimdary: The Southern Divisional Boundary. 24 History of iigth Infantry Northern Boundary: The Vormeseele-Kruistraathoek Road from I. 31. a. 0. 2.— H-. 30. d. 55. 05. inch, thence old Communication Trench to H. 30. a. 78. 30. excl., H. 30. a. 8. 5., thence track to H. 30. a. 35. 90. Boundaries — Left Battalion — Southern Boundary: The Voormezeelc-Kruistraathoek Road from I. 31. a. 0. 2., H. 30 d. 55. 05, e.xcl, thence old Communication Trench to H. 30. a. 78. 30, incl. H. 30. a. 8. 5., thence track to H. 30. a. 35. 90. Northern Boundary: The Northern Regimental Boundary. 5. The lines of defense consist of: 1. — The front line consists of a number of unconnected advance posts which are changed in location from time to time and covered by snipers. 2.— The G. H. Q. 1. line. J.— The G. H. Q. 2. line. 4. — The Intermediate line. 5. — The Brown line. 6. — A series of centers of resistance at the following points (at present in process of construction) : (a) Elzenwalle — H. 36. c. 57. 94. — Foundation laid for 2 Moir M. G. emplacements, trenches, dug, but not revetted. — No wire. {h) Gun Pits.— Wickham Market.— H. 29. d. 57. 57. (with rifle pit at H. 29. d. 60. 70. not yet commenced). — Complete except 16.000 yds. wire. (c) Hemclryx.— Old Hickory Pill Box.— H. 29. b. 20. 05.— 40@ complete. {d) Cafe Beige Tunnel.— H. 30. a. 12. 25.— Deep Dugout.— Dugout sap and O. P. completed. — Trenches to be dug, wired and revetted. (e) Segard Wood.— H. 30. d. 22. 48, with rifle posts at H. 30. d. 29. 59. and H. 30. d. 31. 62. — Complete except wiring of L. G. posts and strong point. (/) Junction of G. H. Q. 2 line and Bellegord Avenue.— H. 30. b. 85. 85. — No work done. — Incomplete. — Small point occupied by Infantry and Lewis Gun. — -No wire. (,?) Segard Water Tower.— H. 30. a. 96. 46.— Rifle posts and L. G. posts in G. H. Q. 2 at H. 30. a. 80. 41., and H. 30. a. 86. 46. Complete except wiring. 6. (i) During Normal Period: Regimental Headquarters at Assam Farm. — H. 22. a. 2. 6. The right Battalion, with Headquarters at H. 30. a. 80. 85., disposed two (2) Companies in the front line, distributed in depth. History of 119th Infantry 25 The right front Company, with Headquarters at H. 36. c. 95. 85, has two (2) Platoons in the front line, and G. H. Q. 1 line; three (3) squards in the Gun pits (H. 29. d. 57. 57.), two (2) Platoons, less three (3) squads in the Ravine (H. 23. d. S. W.). The left front Company, with Headquarters at H. 30. d. 9. 85. 85., has two (2) Platoons in the front line and G. H. Q. 1 line; one (1) Platoon in the Domino trench (H. 30. a.) and about White House (H. 24. c. S. W.) one (1) Platoon in the Ravine. H. 23. d. S. W. The two rear Companies, with Headquarters at H. 22. d. 9. 0., and Smythe Farm (H. 21. d. 8. X. 3.) in posts forming a defensive flank facing S. and S. E., between Opium Farm (H. 21. s. 9. 7.) and the Vijverhoek (H. 29. a. 35. 30.). The left Battalion, with Headquarters at H. 24. c. 6. 2., is disposed: One (1) Company, with Headquarters at H. 30. d. 2. 5. in the front line and G. H. Q. 1 line. One (1) Company, with Hqrs., at H. 30. a. 95. 55., has two (2) Platoons in G. H. Q. 2 lines and Intermediate line in H. 30. b. and I. 25. a. and two (2) Platoons in the Ravine in H. 23. d. and b. and H. 24. a. S. W. Two (2) Companies in the Brown line H. 22. a. and c. H. 16. c. with Company Headquarters at Bolton Farm, H. 22. c. 4. 9. and H. 16. c. 3. 2. The Support Battalion, with Hqrs. at G. 11. d. 2. 2. has: One Company, Hqrs. at Pigment Farm G. 13. d. 0. 5. in the Viam- ertinghe Switch Line in G. 13. d. Two Companies, with Hqrs. at G. 18. c. 25. 50. and G. 18. a. 3. 2. In the Yellow Line — Branch Line in G. 18. One Company, with Hqrs. at G. 11. d. 3. 5. and G. 11. d. and G. 17. b. The L. T. M. Battery, with Hqrs. at H. 23. b. 9. 1. has four forward guns and two (2) reserve guns. The One Pounder Platoon has Hqrs. at H. 23. b. 9. 1. The Pioneer Platoon has Hqrs. at H. 23. b. 9. 1. In the event of definite warning of a hostile offensive on a large scale a message "Assume The Alert Position" will be sent out from Regimental Headquarters. Upon receipt of this message the following movements will be carried out as soon as practicable. (a) The Centers of Resistance will be manned by their full complements as follows: 26 History of iigth lyijantry Bn. Centre of Resistance Garrison Furnished by Right- (a) - 1 Platoon. Right Company Right.. (b) . - 1 Platoon less Right Companj'- 1 Rifle Section Right.. (c) (d) 2 L. G's. and Teams Right Company- 1 Squad Riflemen Right.. 1 Platoon and 1 Rifle Section not needed in (b). Remainder of Pla- toon not needed in (c) Right Company Left...- (e).— (f) 1 Platoon.- Front Company Left 1 Platoon. Front Company Left... (g). 1 Platoon. Front Company (b) All troops forward of the Intermediate line, with the exception of garrisons of Centres of Resistance designated in sub-paragraph (2) (a), will be withdrawn to the Intermediate line where they will take up positions in depth, the Right Battalion holding be- tween the Regimental Boundary and Den Groenen Yager Cafe Nelge Road, inclusive, the Left Battalion between Den-Groenen Yager-Cafe Beige Road, exclusive and the Regimental Northern Boundar\'. One Company of the Right Battalion will be distributed in and about the Trench line from H. 29. a. 40. 05. to H. 23. d. 05. 20. One Company of the Right Battalion will dig in about the line H. 29 a. 0. 5. to H. 23. c. 6. 6. The exact positions will be selected by the Battalion Commanders con- cerned and tapped forthwith, but no digging will take place unless the message referred to above is sent out. One Company of the Left Battalion, plus the one Platoon of the Front Company not required to garrison Centres of Resistance, will be distributed in and about the Trench line from H. 23. d. 0. 5. to H. 24 a. 2. 2. One Company of the Left Battalion will dig in about the line H. 23 c. 6. 6. to. H. 23. b. 0. 4. The exact positions will be selected by the Battalion Commanders concerned and tapped forthwith, but no digging will take place unless the message referred to above is sent out. History of iigth Infantry 27 The Right Rear Company of the Right Battalion, and the Left Rear Company of the Left Battahon will constitute the Regimental Reserve. The Rear Battalion will, with one (1) Battalion of the 120th Infantry Regiment, constitute the Brigade Reserve. Right Battalion Headquarters will move to: Left Battalion Headquarters will move to: 7. Policy of Defense: (i) Defense of Sector will be active. "No Man's Land" will be patrolled constantly with the object of: (a)Maintaining superiority over enemy patrols and thereby insuring con- trol of "No Man's Land." (&) Locating hostile forward posts. (f) Insuring a constant flow of prisoners. This is all important, as pris- oners and the consequent identification of hostile units form the surest source of information with regard to the enemy's intentions. (2) During Normal Periods: Any incursion of the enemy into our lines will be met by immediate counter-attack by Platoons, or Companies, held in readiness for this purpose. With this object, each Company earmark a Platoon, each Battalion a Company. These counter-attack units will: (a) Be in possession of written instruction as to their action in case of attacks. {h) Carry out a thorough reconnaisance of the area held by the unit or formation to which they belong, and the areas on the immediate flanks of that unit or formation. On the reconnaisance, and a thorough study of the ground to be operated over, the success of the immediate counter-attack will mainly depend. (3) In the Ex'ent of a Hostile Offensive on a Large Scale: All the ground will be held. There will be no retirement and every position occupied will be fought and held to the last man and last round. There will be no withdrawal except by order to withdraw ■ from the authority who assigned the position to be held. It is to be clearly understood that the object of the move referred to in paragraph 6-(2) will be: (a) To lesson the number of casualties which may be expected from the enemy's preliminarj^ bombardment of our forward areas. {h) To break up his attack and inflict the heaviest losses upon his assault- ing troops by the Garrison of Centres of Resistance (which in every case will be held to the last.) (c) To keep as large a proportion as possible of troops in hand to counter- attack and recover the original line at the earliest moment. 28 History of iigth Infantry That the move referred to in paragraph 6- (2) is only to be carried out after receipt of orders from Regimental Headquarters to do so. (4) In the Event of Any Centre of Resistance Being Lost: The C. O. of the Battalion concerned will order an immediate counter- attack to be made to recover it. Schemes for counter-attacking these Centres of Resistance will be prepared beforehand; in no case will the garrison of any Centre of Resistance be used for the purpose of carrying out a counter-at- tack to recover another one. The security of the Immediate line will be of primary importance and must be provided for at all times in considering the force to be detailed for counter-attack forward of that line. Nucleus garrisons of not less than three (3) Platoons each Battalion section will therefor be told off to selected portions of the Inter- mediate line and these will, on no account, be used to counter- attack forward of this line until relieved by troops sent up from behind. 8. Action of Two (2) Regimental Reserv'e Companies: These two (2) Companies will be available: (a) To deliver a counter-attack against any portion of the Regimental Front captured by the enemy. {b) To hold a defensive flank facing S. W. along the line Opium Farm (H. 21. c. 9. 7.) Vijverhoek (H. 29. a. 2. 3.). (c) To hold the Brown line within the Regimental area. .\11 officers of the two (2) Reserve Companies will make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the whole of the Regimental area and areas on the immediate flanks. In the event of these Companies being ordered to move forward, four (4) Lewis Guns per Company will be left behind as a nucleus gar- rison of the Brown line and Opium Farm-Vijverhoek Line, unless troops have previously arrived to take over the defense of this line. The Lewis Gun positions will be carefully selected by the Company Commanders concerned and marked by notice boards as "Primary Lewis Gun Positions". The positions for the remaining Lewis Guns of the two (2) Companies will also be selected and marked by notice boards. 9. The Support Battalion will be available for any operations in the Brigade area. Officers of this Battalion should thoroughly familiarize them- selves with the area by personal reconnaisance. 10. Policy of Work: The Regiment is responsible for work on all defenses in the sector forward of the Intermediate line. The 105th Engineers will assist in this work. History of iigth Infantry 29 For the present the working program will be as follows: {a) Preparation and construction of Centres of Resistance. {b) Improvement of trenches actually occupied by troops and communi- cation trenches. Working parties forward of the Intermediate line will, in event of sudden hostile attack, immediately report to the nearest Infantry Commander and place themselves at his dis- posal. There will be no movements towards the rear. 11. All officers and N. C. O.'s will familiarize themselves with the location of Company, Battalion and Regimental ammunition dumps. The map co-ordinates of the same will be furnished on separate annes. The ammunition supply will be maintained at the minimum requirements at all times. 12. Scheme of Defense for T. M. Battery will be arranged by Battery Com- mander and reported to these Headquarters. 13. Regimental Headquarters will remain at Assam Farm.— H. 22. a. 3. 6. 14. Acknowledge. J. V.\x B. Metts, Colonel Commanding 11911/ Infantry. Distribution: 1— 30th Division. 11— T. M. Battery. 2— 60th Brigade. 12—37 M. M. Platoon. 3— 120th Infantry. 13— Headquarters Co. 4— 105th Infantry. 14— M. G. Company. 5— 105th Engineers. 15— Signal Officers. 6— G-1, 30th Division. 16— Transport Officer. 7— 119th Infantry. 17— Supply Oflicer. 8— 1st Battalion. 18— Surgeon. 9— 2nd Battalion. 19— File. 10— 3rd Battalion. 20— Diary. A True Copy: Capl. 119lh Infantry. On the night of August 26-27, 1918, the 2nd Battahon, 119th Infantry Regiment was relieved by the 1st Battahon, 119th Infantry Regiment, in the left Regimental front. Upon the completion of the relief, the 2nd Battalion with- drew to reserve position vacated by the 1st Battalion. Dis- postion of the 1st Battalion was as follows: Company "C" in G. H. Q. 1 trench protecting Battalion right front. Two platoons Company "D" on left of Company "C" protecting Battalion left front. Two other platoons of 30 History of iigth Infantry Company "D" on left of Segard Woods. Company "B" in the Ravine. Company "A" in the Brown Line near Assam Farm. About the night of 27-28 of August, Company "M" was relieved by Companies "I" and "L", and "M" Company withdrew to Ottawa Farm. Company "I" was occupying the right front of 3rd Battalion with two platoons in G. H. Q. 1 line and the remainder of Company on Anzac Ridge. Company "L" occupied the left front of 3rd Battalion with two platoons in G. H. Q. 1 line, one platoon in Domino Trench and the other platoon in the Ravine. Company "K" was in the Brown Line near Smythe Farm. Early on the morning of August 31st the Commanding Officer, 119th Infantry received telephonic communication from the Division Commander that the Germans had evacuated, or partly evacuated Mount Kemmel, and that the British had advanced to occupy the evacuated section. A general retirement of the Germans was now anticipated on this front due to their heavy losses and the rapid advance of the Allies further south. That morning about 9 :00 a. m., the Division Commander instructed the Commanding Officer 119th Infantry to push out strong combat patrols over his entire front and gain contact with the enemy. Patrols were sent out about 10:30 a. m., and advanced about 100 yards when stout opposition was met as the enemy machine guns came into operation making it impossible for these patrols to advance much further, until additional aid was received from supporting platoons, establishing a general firing line. After the line had been strengthened the advance began again that afternoon about 6:00 p. m., and continued at intervals throughout the night and the following morning. During the fighting that day two of our men were cap- tured and live or six killed. Several of the enemy were killed and one captured. From wounds seen on the bodies of the dead Germans there appeared evidence of bayonet fighting and hand-to-hand contact with the enemy. At 7:30 a. m., on the morning of August 31st, the troops composing the attack of the 119th Infantry Regiment had reached the line Voormezeele-Switch in I. 31. 6. and I. 32. A. History of iigth Infantry 31 Lock 8, inclusive, and thence along existing front line, cap- turing the town of Voormezeele. Upon reaching this point orders were received to consoHdate and hold the position gained. Both flanks of the Regiment were exposed and Liaison could not be obtained with the units on the right and left. The 108th Infantry Regiment of the 27th Ameri- can Division being on the right and the 120th Infantry Regiment on the left. Upon the consolidation of this posi- tion one platoon of Company "I" was sent up to protect the right flank of the 3rd Battalion, Companies "K" and "M" moved up to G. H. Q. 1 line. On the night of Sep- tember 1-2, Companies "E" and "G" of the 2nd Battalion relieved Companies "L" and "I" of the 3rd Battalion in the advance position. Companies "F" and "H" remaining back in reserve. Company "C" of the 1st Battalion was moved back to the Ravine. Two platoons of Company "B" in close support were moved up and relieved the two platoons of Company "D" on the left half of 1st Battalion in the advance posi- tion. Company "B" was now holding the entire front of 1st Battalion. Two platoons of Company "D" withdrew to G. H. Q. 1 line and the other two occupying small trenches between there and the new line. Two platoons of Machine Gun Company, 119th Infantry Regiment came back in the line x^ugust 31st for the attack; one platoon was with the 1st Battalion and one with the 3rd Battalion. The other platoons remained in reserve. (It is well to note here that the 119th Infantry was the first American unit to take over a front line sector in Bel- gium, the first to make an advance, the first to capture a prisoner and the first to capture a town.) On August 29th, 1918, orders were issued to the effect that the 118th Infantry Regiment (American), w^ould relieve the 119th Infantry Regiment (American) on night of 31st, August and 1st September. Advance parties were sent to join the 119th Infantry in order that they might become acquainted and familiar with the front which their regiment was ordered to take over in a couple of days. This relief never took place on account of the advance made by the 32 History of iigth Infantry 119th Infantry Regiment and the advance party of the 118th Infantry Regiment rejoined their organization Sep- tember 1st. 1918. During the training, occupation and operation in the Canal sector the following number of officers and men were either killed, wounded or captured. Killed Wounded Died of Wounds Missing Officers 3 8 Men 64 208 12 2 On September 2nd, 1918, the following orders were issued relie\ing the 119th Infantr\- Regiment from the line: HEADQUARTERS, 119th INFANTRY American Expeditionary Forces September 2, 1918 SECRET Field Order No. 22 Copy Xo. 00 Reference .!/<;;>.•— Sheet 28, N. W. 4 —Sheet 28, S. W. 2 1. On Ihe night 3-4 September, 1918, the 119th Infantry Regiment, will be relieved by the 106th British Brigade, in the Right Sector of the v^Oth Division (Canal) Sector, in accordance with attached table. 2. The Right Front Battalion will be relieved by the 19th H. L. I. The Left Front Battalion \\\\\ be relieved by the 12th H. L. I. Companies L and I, by the other units occupying the positions occupied by the Sup- port Battalion of the British unit relieved by this Regiment will be relieved by the 17th Royai Scots. The Companies of the Battalion in Reserve to be announced later. The Headquarters Compan>- will be relieved by corresponding units of the 106th British Brigade. The Machine Gun Company under arrangements to be made by Divisional Machine Gun Officer. All details of relief will be made by the Battalion and Se]>aralc Company Commanders concerned. Command will pass to C. O.'s of relieving units upon completion of Relief. 3. Guides will be furnished by Battalions occup>-ing the Right and Left Sub- Sectors at the following rate: 1 — Per Battalion Headquarters. 1 — per Company Headquarters. 1 — per Platoon. History of iigth Infantry 33 Other guides will be furnished as follows: Companies "I" and "L" 1 per Company Headquarters. 1 per Platoon. Other units 1 per T. AI. Battery. All guides will assemble at Road Junction H. 22. a. 35. 85., at 8:30 p. m., September 3rd, 1918. 4. The Right Front Battalion and Left Front Battalion will send each the following detail to Dirty Bucket Camp, Sheet 28-A. 30., to arrive not later than 5:00 p. m., to arrange for distribution troops of this command therein. 5. Upon completion of Reliefs, Organization-Commanders will turn over maps defense schemes, information of the enemy, program of work, trench stores, ammunition dumps, grenades, etc., and take property receipts thereof. 6. Completion of Reliefs will be reported to these Headquarters using Code Word "Granted". 7. Regimental Headquarters will close at Assan P'arm upon completion of Relief and will open at Dirt}- Bucket Camp, 28-A. 30. J. Van B. Metts, Colonel Commanding. Distribution: Copy No. 1 — 30th Division. 9 — Surgeon. 2— 60th Brigade. 10— Intelligence Officer. 3— 120th Infantry. 12— Signal Olficer. 4 — 105th Infantry. 13 — Supply Officer. 5 — 1st Battalion. 14 — 105th Engineers. 6 — 2nd Battalion. 15 — War Diary. 7 — 3rd Battalion. 15 — File. 8— M. G. Co. 16— 106th British Brigade. The following morning the Regiment moved by light cavalry from Dirty Bucket Camp to Road Camp at St. Jan-tor Biegen (Belgium) and remained there one day and a half, resting and bathing. September 5th, 1918, the following orders were received: HEADQUARTERS, 119th INFANTRY American Expeditionary Forces SECRET Field Order No. 23 Reference M(2/>.-— Sheet 27, 19 S. E. 1. This Division is being transferred to the Third (British) Army. The move will be made by rail. 2. (a) This Regiment with attached troops, will entrain on the night of 6-7 September in accordance with entraining table attached hereto. 34 History of iigth Infantry (b) Entraining Station Heidebeek (X 27. a. 2. 4.), duration of journey, about 12 hours. (c) Supervision of loading at railway station will be directly under the supervision of Major C. H. Mahon, 118th Infantry Regiment. No restrictions on roads for movement of troops to entraining station. (d) Allotment of billets in detail and orders for detrainment will be given the Commanding Oflicer of each train on arrival in new area. (e) Billeting parties of 1 olYicer and 2 men from each Battalion have pro- ceeded to the new area. (/) Officers in command of units arriving at the railhead will have pre- pared prior thereto a detail strength report in duplicate, giving the number of officers and men separately; the number of vehicles and kinds, the number of L. D., and H. D. animals separately and number of pieces of extra baggage and equipment, if any authorized. One copy of this report will be handed to R. T. O. and the other to the officer in command of entraining troops at their respective stations. 3. Information concerning supplies, refilling, changes of railhead and evac uation of sick and wounded will be furnished units upon arrival at detraining stations. 4. Battalion and separate Company Commanders will be held responsible for the police of camp and billets upon departure from this area, and that no properly belonging to organization or individual is left behind. 5. Regimental Headquarters will close at Road Camp at 5:00 p. m., Septem- ber 6th. Opening will be announced later. J. Van B. Metts, Colonel, 119th Infantry Copies to: 1— 30th Division. 8— Supply Company. 2— 60th Brigade. 9— Surgeon. 3— 1st Battalion. 10— Intelligence Officer. 4— 2nd Battalion. 11— Signal Officer. 5— 3rd Battalion. 12— War Diary 6 — Headquarters Company. 13 — File. 7— M. G. Co. 14— Capt. Wright. Train No. Departs Entrain ai Heidebeek 6 Sept. 6th, 7:30 p. m.....ll9th Infantry Regiment Headquarters. Headquarters Company. Supply Company. Machine Gun Company. Medical and Ordnance Detachment. Field Signal Outpost Section. History of iigth Infantry 35 7 Sept. 6th, 10:50 p. m...lst Battalion, 119th Infantry. Less Co. "D" Rolling Kitchen and team. 8 Sept. 7lh, 1:50 a. m 2nd Battalion, 119th Infantry. Less Co. "H", Rolling Kitchen and team. 9 - Sept. 7th, 4:50 a. m 3rd Battalion, 119th Infantry. Less Co. "M", Rolling Kitchen and team. 10 Sept. 7th, 7:50 a. m Co.'s "D", "H" and "M", 119th Infantry. With Rolling Kitchens and teams. 134th Field Ambulance. Upon the transfer from the 2nd British Army, the Regi- ment proceeded by rail to the St. Pol Area, arriving there the morning of September 7th, 1918. Regimental Head- quarters and Headquarters Company were located at Mais- nel St. Pol. 1st Battalion and Companies "C" and "D" at Neuville au Cornet, Companies "A" and "B" at Monts En Tornois. 2nd Battalion at Buneville. 3rd Battalion at Moncheaux. Machine Gun Company at Tachincourt. Supply Company at Herlin Le Sac. This Area was located near St. Pol, France, a town of probably 30,000 inhabitants and was known as a rest and training sector. Here, for the first time in two months, the Regiment was out of the Enemy Artillery Range. The men enjoyed the experience. The time there was devoted to recreation, however, training for future work did not suffer. One of the points greatly stressed was the Infantry attack assisted by tanks. An opportunity was given to three companies to engage in assemilated attack with the Tanks while the other companies of the Regiment observed their tactical use. This training though not ap- preciated at the time, proved of inestimable value in the subsequent operations of the Regiment. On the 17th day of September, 1918, the Regiment moved by rail pursuant to the following order to the Puche- villere Area: HEADQUARTERS, 119th INFANTRY American Expeditionary Forces France, September 16, 1918 SECRET Field Order No. 24 Reference ■Map:~-Lens 1-100.000 1. This Division will move to the Puchevillers area on the 17th and 18th instant. Troops will move by railway. Transport will move by road 36 History of iiQth Infantry on the 17th instant, sttiying' on the night of the 17th at Boiigeumaison. This Regiment will move on the 17th instant. 2. (a) Entraining \\\\\ take place in accordance with entraining table at- tached hereto: [h) Entraining Stations will he as follows: Petit Houvin 3T) 86. 90 Bryas 2E 60. 91 ((■) Detraining Stations as follows: Belle Englise 6F 77. 88 Rosel ■. 6E 03. 97 Duration of journey about 6 hours. (d) Route of march will be the shortest route from present location to entraining point. (f) Allotment of billets in detail and orders for detraining will be given the Commanding Ofhcer of each train upon arrival in the new area. 3. Information concerning supplies, refilling, change of railheads and evac- uation of sick and wounded will be furnished units upon arrival at de- training station. 4. Battalion and Separate Unit Commanders will be held responsiljle for police of camps and billets upon departure from area and that no property belonging to organization be left behind. 5. Regimental Headquarters will close at Maisnil St. I'ol at 5:30 a. m., Sept. 17th, 1918 Opening will be announced later. J. V'AX B. Metis, Copies to- Colonel, 119lh Infantry. 1— C. G., 60th Brigade. 8— C. O. Supply Co. 2— C. G. 30th Division. 9— Signal Onicer. 3— C. O. 1st Battalion. 10— Surgeon. 4 — C. O. 2nd Battalion. 11— Intelligence Oflicer. 5— C. O. 3rd Battalion. 12— War Diary. 6— C. O. Hq. Co. 13— File. 7— C. O. M. G. Co. EnTR.VINING T.A.BLE, To Accompany Field Order No. 24. Sept. 16th, 1918. Date Hour Entrain at Petit Houvin Route Sept. 17 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. Headquarters, 119th Infantry No Instructions Sept. 17 Supplv Company.... No Instructions Sept. 17 Machine Gun Company No Instructions Sept. 17 Headquarters Companv . . No Instructions Sept. 17 Field Signal, G. S. 119th Infantry No Instructions Sept. 17 2nd & 3rd Bns., 119th Infantry No Instructions Sept. 17 8:00 a. m. Entrain at Bryas 1st Battalion, 119th Infantry... No Instructions History of iigth Infantry 37 All trains from Petit Houvin detrain at Belle luiglise. All trains from Bryas detrain at Rosel. All troops will arrive at entraining point .iO minutes before scheduled departure of train. Upon the arrival at Puchevillere i\rea the Regiment was located as follows: Regimental Headquarters and Headquarters Company at Lealvillers; 1st Battalion at Clairfage; 2nd Battalion at Varennes; 3rd Battalion at Harponville; Machine Gun Com- pany at Dragoon Camp; Supply Company at Toutencourt. Here a most intensive training schedule was carried out over selected trenches and terrain preparatory to the attack on the Hindenburg Line, the importance of which was not realized until about ten days later. September 22nd, the following Regimental Order was issued : HEADQUARTERS, 119th INFANTRY American Expeditionary Forces France, September 22, 1918 S E C R E T Field Order No. 25 Reference Maps.— Lens, I-IOOO.OOO —Amiens, 1-100.000 —St. Quentin' 1-100.000 1. The 30th Division is being transferred to the Fourth British Army. 2. This Regiment will move by bus on the night of 23-24 September, in ac- cordance with attached movement table. All horse transport is moving by road on the night of 21-22 September, staging night of 22-23 Sep- tember. 3. Billeting parties under command of Division Billeting Oflicer proceeded to new area at 9:00 a. m., 21st of September. 4. Guides will meet debussing organizations and conduct them to their camps or billets. Administrative details will be announced later. 5. Units leaving nights 23-24 of September will carry Iron Rations only. 6. Regimental Headquarters will close at Lealvillers at 5:30 p. m., 23rd of September, and open at time and place to be announced later. J. V.AN B. Metts, Colonel, UQtli Infantry. Copies to: 1 — C. G. 30th Division. 9 — Headquarters Company. 2— C. G. 60th Brigade. 10— Surgeon. 3— C. O. 120th Infantry. 11— Intelligence Ofhcer. 4— C. O. 105th Infantry. 12— Signal Officer. 38 Jlistory of iiQth Infantry 5 — C. O. 1st Battalion. 13 — Supply Officer. 6— C. O. 2nd Battalion. 14— 105th Engineers. 7— C. O. 3rd Battalion. 15— War Diary. 8— M. G. Company. 16— File. MOVEMENT TABLE. Route. — Headainille-Bouzincourt-Albert S. edge of Fri- court-Carnoy Road to Cleary thence to Tincourt Area. Remarks. — Head of column at trail intersector 300 yds. N. of Headauville. Clear Headauxille at 9:30 p. m. Load- ing completed by 9:00 p. m. Two Motor Ambulances will accompany the column. Debussing point to be designated by the Brigade Commander. This movement w^as carried out according to instruc- tions and the Regiment arrived in the Tincourt Area about 6:00 a. m., September 24th, and after a four mile hike was camped in the southern edge of a wood immediately N. W. of Tincourt. Here the Regiment had reached shell fire again as one could be heard whizzing overhead several times each day and everyone was beginning to realize that they were draw- ing close to the fighting line every hour on account of the rapidity and secrecy of ©rder and movements. That afternoon the Regiment moved up a little closer to the line and was distributed in sunken roads, chalk cliffs, etc., throughout the vicinity of Roisel. Here several Australian Officers and N. C. O.'s were attached to the Regiment, to assist with their advice and aid in any way possible for the coming operations, as they were thoroughly familiar with this sector of the line. The Regiment remained at Roisel three days, making their final plans for the attack on September 29th, against the Hindenburg Line. September 26th, the following Regimental Order was issued : History of iigth Infantry 39 HEADQUARTERS, 119th INFANTRY American Expeditionary Forces France, September 26, 1918 SECRET Field Order No. 27 Copy No. 00 Reference Maps:— Sht&t 62-c. N. E. 1-20.000 —Sheet 62-b. N. W. 1-20.000 1. The 60th Infantry Brigade (less 115th M. G. Bn. and Regimental M. G. Co.), will relieve the 118th Infantry- in the present sector on the night of 27th-28th of September. 2. (a) The 119th Infantry will relieve the troops of the 118th Infantry hold- ing the area bounded on the North by a certain line running through A. 26, C. 9,9 and on the Soutli by a line running through L. 16. B. 0. 9. G. 8. 6. 6. 6., to the road along Sentinel Ridge towards Bellicourt, in accordance with attached table "A" — Relief to be completed by 2:00 a. m. {h) Inter-Battalion Boundary: Northern point of Bobby Farm (L. 11 a. 9. 5.), inclusive (to Right Battalion)— G. 2. c. 0. 4. (f) The 1st Battalion will take over the right sub-sector. The 2nd Bat- talion will take over the left sub-sector. The 3rd Battalion will take up supporting position, to be selected by Battalion Commander. The Headquarters Company will relieve portions of the corres- ponding unit of the 118th Infantry. The M. G. Co., relieved the M. G. Co., 118th Infantry on the night of 26-27th of September under arrangements made by Division M. G. Officer. {d) The 27th American Division will be on our left. The 120th Infantry will be on our right. 3. (a) One man from the advanced party of each Battalion will return to his unit for the purpose of conducting them to the point where guides will meet them. {h) All defense schemes, maps, trench stores, etc., will be taken over by units concerned and list of same with location forwarded to these Headquarters the morning after the relief. (c) Active patrolling of "No Man's Land" must be the polic}- of the Regi- ment. Control of this territory will be secured and kept. {d) All officers and men must be warned that in case of capture, no in- formation other than name and rank will be given. {e) Attention is directed to the fact that owing to our own bombardment, enemy retaliation may be expected. Advantage must be taken of all available cover and any congestion must be prevented in order to avoid needless casualties. 4. (a) Command of Left Sub-Sector will pass to Commanding Officer, 119th Infantry, upon completion of relief. 40 History of iigth Infantry (h) Completion of relief b}- each Battalion will be reported to these Head- quarters by the Code Word ''Fritz", telephone being used, if avail- able. (f) All details for relief not specificall>- prox'ided for herein will be arranged between Battalion Commanders of the units concerned. {d) Regimental Headquarters will close at its present location at 8:00 p. m., and open at L. 5. d. 5. 9. 5. Acknowledge. J. Va\ B. Metts, Colonel, ll9th Infiinlry. Serial Utiits From To Relieving Remarks 1 2-Bn. Present area Line left sub- sector as de- fined in F.C. 118th Infan- try- in new sector No Restrictions as to route. Head of column to pass line North and South through L. 16. Cen- tral at 8:00 p. m. 2 :. 1-Bn. Present area Line right sub - sector as defined in F. C...„ 118th Infan- try in new sector No Restrictions as to route. Head of column to pass line North and South through L. 16. cen- tral at 8:30 p. m. 3 3-Bn. Present area Line support position 118th Infan- try in new sector. Route head of col- umn to pass line North and South through L. 16. cen- tral at 9:00 p. m. 4 Hqrs. Co.... Present area Line 118th Infan- try in new sector (1) The relief to be completed by 2:00 a. m. (2) All forward movement will be made in small parties and at full dis- tance. Troops will not march in column of squads. (3) Troops will keep entirely to areas of units they relieve. (4) The usual anti -draft precautions will be taken. (5) Troops will march off roads as much as possible. History of iigth Infantry 41 After taking over the line on the night of the 27-28 of September until the morning of the attack, great pains were taken to instruct each individual soldier in his particular duty. The supporting Artillery which consisted of nine Field Artillery Brigades and five Heavy Artillery Brigades, kept up a continual fire harrassing the enemy and destroying his defense. The Artiller}^ preparation covered a period of 48 hours prior to the attack. On the night of September 28-29th, the tape was laid by the 105th Engineers. Due to casualties, however, this task was completed by officers of this Regiment. The Tanks which were to assist in the attack were led into position; and the Infantry took their place upon the tape in the fol- lowing order: 1st Battalion, commanded by Capt. Otho Robinson, with "A" and "D" assaulting Companies and Companies "B" and "C" in close support. 2nd Battalion, commanded by Capt. Graham K. Hobbs, with "F" and "G" assaulting Companies with "E" and "H" in close sup- port. 3rd Battalion, commanded by Major William S. Privott, with the exception of "M" Company, which was broken up into carrying parties, was assigned as "moppers up", to follow the two front line Battalions and clean up all the trenches, dug-outs, and machine gun posts, taken by them. "F' and "L" Companies were to mop up the Tunnel alone. Company "K" assisted in the "mopping up", but was later called upon to protect the left flank of the 2nd Battalion. The following order was issued governing the attack: HEADQUARTERS, 119th INFANTRY American Expeditionary Forces France, September 27, 1918 SECRET Field Order No. 28 Reference Maps:~-'Sh(t(ti 62-b, N. W. 1-20.000 —Sheet 62-c, N. E. 1-20.000 1 (a) On a date and hour to be notified later, the Australian Corps with The American II Corps affiliated will attack the enemy's position in the Hindenburg line, in the sector near Nauroygouy. 42 History of iigth Infantry The 27th Division (American) will attack on the left of the 119th Infantry. The 120th Infantry will attack on the right of the 119th In- fantry. {h) Boundaries: Northern Boundary: A. 26. c. 4. 7.— -V. 24. a. 0. 2. Southern Boundary: Line along road (inch), on Sentinel Ridge to Bellicourt— thence along railway from G. 2. 'd. 0. 3. crossing Sunken Road at G. 5. d. 9. 7.— thence to objective (G. 6. c. . 5.8.). Inter-Battalion Boundary: Goat line (inch), to left Battahon to G. 3. b. 4. 4.— thence to Air Shaft in tunnel (G. 4. a. 5. 8.) (inch), to left Battalion— thence to A. 28. d. 4. 1.— thence South to Cabaret Wood Farm (incl.), to left Battalion to A. 30. c. 2. 8. (c) Objective: Line running through A. 23. b. 9. 1. — A. 24. c. 0. 0., A. 30. a. 2. 8.— thence South to G. 6. a. 4. 0. Under no condition will troops of this Regiment go beyond this objective. 2. (a) The 1st Battalion will attack on the right with the 2nd Battalion the left, each Battalion having two companies in the front line, and two (2) companies in close support, each company attacking in two waves of two lines each. The 3rd Battalion will be in support and will mop-up the area cap- tured between the starting point and the St. Quenlin Canal Tunnel, inclusive, and will be detailed to mop-up the St. Quentin Canal and approaches thereto and the Sunken Road in A. 27 and G. 4. One Platoon of the M. G. Co., will report to and be at the disposal of each Battalion Commander. One 37 M. M. Gun will report to and be at the disposal of each Bat- talion Commander. The Stokes Mortar will move in advance of the Support Battalion and assist in dealing with the situations that may arise and assist in the defense of the objective. Dressing stations wiU be established under direction of the Regimental Surgeon who will report their locations to the units concerned. {h) Supporting Troops: 1. Artillery: There will be a preliminary bombardment by nine (9) F. A. Brigades and about five (5) Heavy Artillery Brigades, for a considerable period for the purpose of completing the enemy's demoralization and destroying his defenses. The Artillery will support the Infantry attack with a creeping barrage, including a considerable proportion of smoke shells (details of Artillery plan, time table, etc., will be issued later). History of 119th Infantry 43 2. Tanks: The Infantry will be proceeded by 12 tanks from the Fourth Tank Brigade. Battalion Commanders will furnish guides to conduct the Tanks from their forming up place to the Infantry Departure tape as already arranged. Battalion Commanders are responsible that these approaches be taped on the night of Day D-1 in sufficient time to permit the approach of the tanks. 3. Contact Infantry Aeroplanes will be available for communication from ground to Aeroplane. Flares and disk will be displayed only by front line troops when called for by these planes, when a Klaxon horn is sounded or a white, very Light is fired. 4. All Machine Guns of the Division (less Regimental M. G. Co.'s), will assist the advance by thickening the Artillery barrage, (c) 1. The entire 60th Brigade will attack at H. Hour on D. Day. Dis- tance between units to be gained while advancing. ^ The right flank of the Brigade will be protected by an Artillery Smoke Screen. 2. Mopping up: • , j u Mopping up will be done in accordance with map furnished the Battalion Commanders by Regimental Headquarters. ^ Bat- talion Commanders will see that moppers up wear a distinc- tive rnark, and that mopping up arrangements are worked out with the utmost care and detail. Special attention is called to the report on the St. Quentin Canal furnished the Battalion Commanders by Regimental Headquarters. Bat- talion Commanders will insure that definite bodies are al- lotted for duty at each entrance and exit to the tunnel, and that extra parties are detailed to search unknown entrances and exits. These troops must on no account be withdrawn from their task until their work is completely accomplished and will only be withdrawn upon the authority of an officer ■ or Platoon Commander. A full supply of smoke bombs and grenades will be carried by moppers up. 3. (a) Formation for the attack. Troops will assemble by 4:30 a. m., on the Tape line which is to be held by Engineers. Battalion Commander will insure that sufficient tape is laid running to the trenches to facilitate the forming of troops. The forming up of troops will be completed as quietly and quickly as possible and all troops will be massed on the tape as closely as possible in order to avoid the enemy barrage. {b) Lifts of Artillery Barrage: Barrage will lift at the following rates: 100 yards in three (3) minutes for the first 600 yards, thereafter 100 yards in four (4) minutes. On the barrage reaching 500 yards East of the St. 44 History of iigth Infantry Quentin Canal it becomes stationary for tiftcon minutes, after which it resumes this advance at the rate of 100 >-ards every four (4) minutes, (r) Tanks accompanying the Infantry will follow the barrage at approxi- mately seventy (70) yards. The first wave will follow the tanks at approximately seventy (70) yards, action of tanks accompanying supporting troops will be dictated by the situation. (' will be taken to re-organize units preparatory to resuming the ad- vance. (b) .\mmunition. water, and tools can be obtained from Regimental Ammunition Dump at L. 10. a. 1. 7. (c) All means and methods of communication will be emplo\'ed to keep Regimental Headquarters informed of the situation, especially the location of the front line. (d) There must be no doubt as final objective being reached. J. V.\x B. Metts, Colonel. 119th Infantry. History of iigth Infantry 45 Distribution of copies: 1— C. G., 30th Division. 9— C. O., M. G. Company. 2— D. G., 60th Brigade. 10— Regiment on Left. 3— 119th Infantr}^ 11— 1st Battalion, 4th Brigade 4— C. O., 120th Infantry. Tank. 5 — 1st Battalion. 12 — Signal Officer. 6 — 2nd Battalion. 13 — InteUigence OfBcer. 7— 3rd BattaHon. 14— File. 8— ,C. O., Headquarters Co. 15 — War Diary. HINDENBURG LINE. To fully appreciate the importance of this operation it is here deemed necessary to explain somewhat in detail the magnitude of the undertaking. The Hindenburg Line so called because relied upon and established by the German General Von Hindenburg, was the last organized system of trenches to stop an Allied advance. So well was this system of trenches organized and so much faith pinned upon its impregnability, that a break through meant not onl}^ the destruction of the back-bone of the German defense system, but also the morale of the German Army. Another fact of extreme importance was that once the Allied Armies had penetrated the German line at this point, the enemy's army in Flanders would be completely bottled up with no means of escape. The attack was to take place on a Three Corps Front, with the Second American Corps, composed of the 27th and 30th Divisions in the Center, attacking opposite Bony and Bellicourt, the strongest point in the line. "The Hindenburg Line at this point curves in front of the tunnel of St. Quentin. . . The line curving west of the tunnel consists of three main trench systems protected by vast fields of heavy barbed wire entanglements skillfully placed; this wire was very heavy and had been damaged very little by Artillery fire. The dominating ground enabled the enemy to bring devastating machine gun fire on all approaches. The lines had been strenghtened with concrete machine gun emplacements. It contained at this point a large number of dugouts lined with mining timbers, with wooden steps leading down to a depth of about thirty feet with small rooms capable of holding from four to six men 46 History of iigth Infaiitry each. In many cases these dugouts were wired for electric lights. The large tunnel through which the Canal ran was of sufficient capacity to shelter a Division. This tunnel was electrically lighted and filled with barges on which the Boche lived connecting it with the Hindenburg Trench System and numerous tunnels. In one case a direct tunnel ran from the main tunnel to the basement of a large stone building which the enemy used for headquarters. Other tunnels ran from the main tunnel eastward to the city of Bellicourt and other places. This complete subterranean system, with its hidden exits and entrances, unknown to us formed a most complete and safe subterranean method of communication and re-enforcement for the German sector." ATTACK ON HINDENBURG LINE. The Regiment completed its formation on the tape by 4:30 a. m., Sunday, September 29th, 1918, and waited quiet- ly the zero hour. At exactly 5:50 a. m., the most terrific barrage ever laid down on the \\'estern Front opened and the Infantry following it as closely as possible, assisted by such a density of fog and smoke that a person could not be seen at a distance greater than fi\e \ards, succeeded in making its way through the strong fortifications assisting the 120th Infantry in the capture of the town of Bellicourt and the St. Quentin Canal, pushing forward towards its objec- tive. The fog and smoke caused quite a bit of confusion. No one, except with the aid of a compass, could keep the proper direction, consequently the Companies became very much mixed and scattered, a situation which might have been more serious but for the work of the officers, the train- ing of the men and the utter rout of the enemy. Some units of the Regiment reached the final objective on the left but these were captured by the enemy as soon as they saw the gap in the line caused by the failure of the 27th Division to keep up with the advance. Because of this gap the Regimental left necessarily had to conform in order to prevent a retaking of the ground gained by a coun- ter-attack. During the time that this left flank was ex- posed the Regiment suffered a loss by capture of three of- History of iigth Infantry 47 ficers and several enlisted men and a great number killed and wounded. A short time after the zero hour, prisoners were started to the rear and the road from Hargicourt to Bellicourt was practically filled with them during the entire day. These prisoners seemed overjoyed at the fact of their capture, especially by an American Unit. Quite a number of these were interviewed and readily gave any information desired. Owing to the magnitude of the offensive, it was deemed necessary as a precautionary measure to further protect the left flank which had suffered so heavily during the engage- ment, against a possible counter-attack by the enemy. For this purpose one Battalion of the 118th Infantry was sent to the Regimental Commander to be used as he deemed necessary. He in turn sent the Battalion forward to occupy a trench which ran from the Canal in a westerly direction. This Battalion completed the occupation at about 12:30 a. m., the morning of September 30th, 1918. The counter- attack never materialized. Upon information gained from a German Battalion Commander interviewed at Regimental Headquarters, it was learned that when the enemy realized that the Ameri- cans had broken through their wire and first defenses, they withdrew the bulk of their reserves from the tunnel and reserve trenches, with the idea of making a stand at a posi- tion further to their rear. However, finding that the Divi- sion (27th American) on the left of the Regimental sector had failed to keep up with the advance and that the Regi- mental left flank was exposed, pushed additional troops in on the left. This move on the part of the enemy developed for the 119th Infantry Regiment, as it may be termed, a second battle for the day, on the then exposed left flank, between our advance line and the right flank of the 27th Division. According to the scheme of attack, the Fifth Australian Division was to pass through the Regiment upon its reach- ing its final objective. Since the final objective was not reached, and since such a critical situation presented itself on the left flank, the Australians came into the line during 48 History of iigth Infantry the afternoon of September the 29th, and occupied the front hne trenches along with the men of this Regiment, and it was not until the morning of the 30th, that they were able to make an advance. About the same time the Australians began their advance, orders were received to assemble the Regiment preparatory to withdrawal from the line for rest. It may be noticed that many of our men advanced with the Australians and had to be ordered to assemble in order that they might be relieved with the Regiment. The entire day of September 30th was consumed with a re-organization of the Regiment and the consolida- tion of the occupied position. Scouting parties were de- tailed to search every trench and dugout for the dead and wounded, numbers were found. Captured material was collected and placed along the road leading to Bellicourt. During the engagement, the Regiment suffered losses as follows: Officers Men Killed 146 Wounded 9 682 Died of Wounds .- 1 15 Prisoners 4 33 Missing 12 The field over which this fight took place, on the 30th day of September, presented a miserable appearance, as dead soldiers were scattered broadcast over its area. Shell holes were so numerous that one could not walk three steps without falling' into one. Huge masses of barbed wire had been partly cut by the bombardment and the Tanks. Not a telephone pole nor a tree had been left standing by the sweeping Artillery fire. The town of Bellicourt was a com- plete wreck. "WITHDRAWAL." On the night of October 1st and 2nd, the Regiment with- drew to the location previously occupied by it in the Tin- court Area, and in compliance with orders on the morning of October 2nd, marched to the Herbecourt Area by the route of Tincourt-Monrouge-Peronne-Biaches, and went into History of iigth Infafifry 49 camp shortly after noon the same day at a place, formerly the village of Biaches, now completely destroyed. This camp was on the Marne River and only a short distance west of Peronne. The time here was occupied principally by resting, and a general policing of the personnel in the Regiment. The men enjoyed these two days of rest. On October 5th, the Regiment marched back to the Tincourt Area and camped that night in Tincourt Wood. The following day orders were received to move up to the Bellicourt-Hargecourt Area and the night of the 6th and 7th of October, was spent camped in the trenches of the Hindenburg Line, which eight days previous were occupied by the Germans. On October 7th, the march was continued to the town of Estrees where the Regiment halted for the night. The night or the portion of night spent here was marked by a most terrific bombardment from the air. No casualties in the Regiment, however, resulted from this attack. Short- ly after midnight verbal orders were received from the Com- manding General, 60th Brigade, by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment to proceed to the vicinity of Fremont and • follow the attack of the 117th Infantry which would begin at 6:00 a. m., October 8th, passing through or "leap-frog- ging" the 117th at the railroad fill immediately west of Busigny. "ATTACK OF OCTOBER 8th, 9th, AND 10th." Leaving Estrees at approximately 3:30 a. m., the Regi- ment proceeded by marching to Fremont and to its position, arriving there just as the barrage opened. Immediately it formed up in the following order: 2nd Battalion under command of Capt. Graham K. Hobbs, with "C" and "E" assualting Companies and "G" and "H" the two supporting Companies occupied the left Regimental sector. The 3rd Battalion under command of Major William S. Frivott and in the same formation with "K" and "M" Companies as the assaulting Companies and "I" and "L" Companies supporting, occupied the right Regimental sector. The 50 History of iigth Infantry 1st Battalion under command of Capt. Robert J. Lamb, was in support with Company "C" supporting 3rd Battalion and Company "D" supporting 2nd Battalion. Companies "A" and "B" were in reserve. The Regiment joined the 25th British Division on the left and the 120th Infantry Regiment on the right. Regimental Headquarters were established at Van le Prettre Farm. In this formation the line advanced approximately 1,500J^ yards, on being held up here immediately west of the woods east of Fremont, the 119th Infantry Regiment pushed through and continued the advance to its objective a short distance north-east of the town of Busigny, capturing the town and a large quantity of material, including a Battery of 5.9's and several field pieces, also liberating 1,800 French civilians who had been under control of the Germans for the four years of the war. l^pon the entrance of the Americans into the village and before the Germans had been driven entirely out, the ci\ilians were in the streets offering the soldiers hot coffee. They could not be too kind to their liberators. It seemed to surprise them greatly that the troops occupying their town 'then were friendly Americans. They thought that the British had freed them and it was sometime before they could believe the truth. At about 4:30 the same afternoon the Regiment gained all of its objectives and immediately consolidated its posi- tion. Regimental Headquarters moved from Van le Prettre to Fremont. This ad\ancement was of 6 kilometers. The attack order for the advance on the morning of October 9th, was received at Regimental Headquarters about 3:30 a. m., and transmitted to the Battalion Com- manders and front line troops by 4:30 a. m. A runner was the only means of communication at this time. In the attack order the barrage was timed to open at 5 :00 o'clock, but later was changed to begin at 5:30, and, had it not been for the fact that the attack orders were late in arriving at the front line, this difference of 30 minutes might have caused disastrous results. The Regiment in the same formation as the previous day resumed the attack at 5:30 a. m., October 9th, with History of iigth Infantry 51 objective the Heights 500 yards east of the LaSalle River. This objective was selected for its tactical advantage, as it gave the enemy a dominating view of the country west of the LaSalle River, and from information gained seemed to be very strongly fortified. The advance continued without meeting very strong resistance until the town of St. Souplet on the west bank of the • LaSalle River was reached ; about 3 :00 o'clock that afternoon. Here the enemy apparently had time to make some preparation and to bring up a few reserves, as the Heights immediately east of the River were well protected. Heavy Machine Gun and Artillery fire was received from the en- tire ridge covering the Regimental front. It was practically impossible to advance up this open incline without the sacrifice of a great number of lives. Repeated efforts were made to cross the River, and at a few points were successful but due to the nature of the terrain and the terrific Machine Gun fire, it was deemed necessary to dig in and hold the line along the west bank of the River, as a counter-attack was anticipated, but never materialized. The left flank of the Regiment at this time was connected with the 25th British Division but the right flank was exposed as the 120th Infantry had not kept up, causing the line to bend back in front of several fortified Machine Gun posts. Confronting these conditions, the line was ordered to halt and make good a general line along the west bank of the LaSalle River and gain contact with the 120th Infantry, which was done later that night. During the day's opera- tion the Regiment advanced to a distance of 4,000 yards and captured the towns of Escaufort, St. Souplet and St. Benin, liberating 706 French civilians. A large number of Machine Guns and several field pieces were captured with a large supply of ammunition. That afternoon about 2 :30 o'clock Regimental Head- quarters moved from Fremont to Busigny. The night of the 9th-10th of October was spent in consolidating the captured position and to gain contact with the unit on the right which had been held up by Ma- 52 History of iigth Infantry chine Gun fire. It was the plan that as soon as this con- nection had been made an Artillery Barrage was to be laid down on the whole front thus enabling the entire line to advance. The German position could not be taken without this preliminary preparation by the Artillery so strongly was it defended. On the morning of October 10th, since the 120th In- fantry had not come up on the line, the plan of the attack was not enforced but instead the Regiment merely exploited a short distance immediately forw-ard of this position. After the hard fighting of the 8th and 9th, the men were com- pletely worn out and ready for a rest. However, their high standard of morale had never waned. On the afternoon of the 10th, orders were received for the relief of the Regiment by the 108th Infantry Regiment of the 27th American Divi- sion. This relief, due to the fact that some of the units of the 108th Infantry became separated from the rest of the organization, was not completed until after daylight on the morning of the 11th of October. The troops moving from the front line positions could plainly be seen by the enemy who immediately fired on them with Artillery. The Regi- ment moved by marching back to Fremont, where it remain- ed until the same afternoon when it marched to the area around Van le Prettre Farm. Here it was billeted for the night of October llth-12th. Due to a mistake, the allotment of billeting area by Corps Headquarters, the Reginient was compelled to move to the area surrounding Montbrohain, while Regimental Headquarters was establish- ed in the village. In this area every advantage was taken to rest the men and to let them clean their clothing and equipment. A captured German bathhouse was utilized and every man in the Regiment was thus enabled to get a good hot shower bath. The Regiment remained here for five days. "ATTACK OF OCTOBER 17th, 18th, AND 19th." On the afternoon of the 16th of October, in accordance with instructions the Regiment moved to the woods immed- iately southwest of Busigny, where it bivouacked for the History of iigth Infantry 53 night of the 16-1 7th. Regimental Headquarters was es- tablished in the village. Before daybreak the morning of the 17th, in accordance with battle instructions, Head- quarters 30th Division, the troops of the Regiment marched to its forming up area along a general line, eastern out- skirts of La Haie Mennerese and bore on Vaux Andigny, arriving there at 5:00 a. m., zero hour. From this point, the Regiment was to follow the advance of the 59th Brigade under an Artillery Barrage, passing through it at zero plus six hours. The following disposition of troops was made: The 1st Battalion commanded by Capt. Robert J. Lamb on the left of the Regimental sector with "A" and "B" Companies assaulting, "C" Company in close support and "D" Company in support. 2nd Battalion commanded by Major Graham K. Hobbs on the right Regimental sector with "E" and "H" Companies assaulting, "H" Company in close support and "G" Company in support. The 3rd Battalion commanded by Major John Hall Manning, was in support. The Regiment was joined on the left flank by the 120th Infantry and on the right by the 1st British Divi- sion of the 9th British Corps. While following up the 59th Brigade, the Regiment passed through an extremely heavy counter barrage of the enemy. At approximately 1 1 :00 o'clock in the morning, the 119th Infantry Regiment took over the line from the 117th Infantry as it was held up by Machine Gun fire, and ad- vanced to a railroad cut 2;000 yards west of the village of Ribeauville. Here the position was consolidated and the men dug in for the night. This position was very heavily shelled and quite a number of casualties resulted. The command of the sector officially passed from the Command- ing General, 59th Brigade, to the Commanding General, 60th Brigade, at sundown the same evening. With the passing of the command the 59th Brigade supported the 60th Bri- gade in its advance. Due to the fact that the British on the right and the 120th on the left had been unable to keep up with the ad- vance and gain connection, the attack on the morning of the 18th inst., could not be made. During the entire morn- 54 History of iigth Infantry ing harassing Machine Gun fire was distributed o\er the Regimental front. About 11:30 a. m., the British by aid of Artillery Barrage succeeded in advancing until connec- tion had been established with the 119th Infantry. At the time connection was made with the British, the 119th In- fantry attempted to advance on the town of Ribeauville, but this advance was met by such heavy Machine Gun fire that the right Battalion had to fall back to its original posi- tion. Practically no advance had been made by this Regi- ment up to 5:00 o'clock that afternoon, nor by the units on either flank. About 7:30 o'clock information was received that the British on the right had moved up to the prolongation of our front line, and were continuing the advance. Infor- mation was also received that the 27th Division (American) had succeeded in pushing its line forward. At 8:00 o'clock that evening orders were received from Commanding General, 60th Brigade, to the elTect that the 119th Infantry Avould advance immediate. y, keeping liaison with units on right and left. The attack formation consisted principally of Combat Groups and Patrols joined by con- necting files, which pushed out and continued the advance over very rough country, assisted only by the dim moon- light and compass. Owing to these conditions, very slow progress was made, as it was very hard to maintain con- nections. Very little Machine Gun and Artillery fire was encount- ered until the line reached the eastern edge of Ribeauville, where shelling became heavier, and a great number of Mus- tard Gas shells were falling in the area. The line continued to advance to the village of Ecaillon, which was reached about 1 :30 a. m., October 19th. Orders were received to halt and secure connection with units on right and left, which was done. That night the town of Ribeauville was captured liberating one French civilian, and at Ecaillon five horses were captured in a stable with saddle equipment and harness. About 3:30 that morning orders were received that the attack would resume at 7:00 o'clock on the entire Corps History of iigth Infantry 55 front, and to continue the advance as far as possible, no objective being given. The Regiment in practically the same formation as the previous day formed up and ad- vanced in the general direction of Catillon, maintaining connection on its flanks. At 8:30 the town of Mazingheim was captured by 119th which continued to advance, until it had reached the high ground east of Mazingheim overlook- ing the Sombre Canal. Here very stout Machine Gun op- position was met, and the line held up for awhile. Sup- porting Machine Guns, Stokes Mortars, and One Pounders were sent up to protect the front from any counter-attack and did good work in putting out several enemy Machine Gun posts. Practically no advance was made beyond this high ground that afternoon, due to the very open country and the deadly fire from the German Machine Guns. Orders were received to halt and make good the line held. The men and officers were now, after a period of three days' continuous fighting, very, very tired, having advanced a distance of practically five miles. That night the Regiment was relieved by the British and the Regiment retired to the town of St. Souplet where it was billeted the night of October 19th-20th. The following morning the Regiment moved by marching to Busigny, and October 21st marched to Joncourt. The march continued October 22nd, and that afternoon the Regiment was camped in small huts immediately west of Tincourt. October 23rd, the entire Regiment moved by rail from Tincourt to Heilly and marched from there to Contay Area near Amiens, where the units were billeted in the following towns: 1st Battalion at Contay; 2nd Battalion and 3rd Battalion at Behincourt; Headquarters Company at Baolincourt; Machine Gun Company at Contay; Supply Company at Hahoussoy; Regimental Headquarters at Esbart Chateau. 56 History of iigth Infantry "REST AND TRAINING." Upon the arrival of the Regiment in this area, every advantage was taken to give the men a thorough rest and also to equip them. The depleted ranks had to be filled by replacements, for the Regiment was in strength, a little larger than that of one Battalion. The Commanding Officer expressing the wish of all the officers and men of the Regi- ment, exerted every effort to have the old men of the Regi- ment who had been pronounced ready for duty from hospi- tals, returned to the organization. As a result of this effort quite a number of the old men were returned along with a few replacements to take the place of those killed and wound- ed. After the rest of a few days, a training schedule was inaugurated preparatory to fitting the organization for further fighting. Quite a number of maneuvers were in- cluded in the training schedule and the majority of them were carried out, assimilating open warfare. Connected with the training a number of field meets were held, principally to relieve the men's minds from the battle front and to create a spirit of competition throughout the entire 2nd American Corps. On or about November 17th, the 30th Division was re- lieved of further duty with the British Expeditionary Forces and transferred to the American Expeditionary Forces. With this transfer the Division was moved from its area near Amiens and sent further south with the Americans. On November 21st, 1918, this Regiment entrained at Corbie and moved by rail to the LaMans Area, detraining the fol- lowing morning at Beaumont sur Sarthe. Regimental Headquarters, Headquarters Company, Machine Gun Com- pany, Supply Company, 1st and 3rd Battalions, were bil- leted in the town, and the 2nd Battalion was billeted in the village of Vivian. This order was later changed, since the billeting space in Beaumont was entirely too crowded, and some of the organizations were moved into neighboring villages. Training schedule was inaugurated here and the Regi- ment sustained its high standard by attaining a high degree of perfection in drill, ceremonies, training and equipment. History of iiQth Infantry 57 The citizens of Beaumont were most cordial to the Amer- icans and exerted every effort towards their entertainment. The officers were extensively entertained in their homes. At a dinner given by the Mayor of the town, the Command- ing Officer of the Regiment was presented with a "wreath of Laurel" in token of the splendid work of the Regiment during the fighting. While in this area, a scheme of competition for the en- tire 2nd Corps was started. This scheme meant the selection of the best all round Regiment of each Division which were selected by means of competitive drills and inspection to determine the best Regiment of the entire Corps. The Corps meet was never held but this Regiment was selected by General Lewis to represent the 30th Division. General J. J. Pershing reviewed the Division while it was located in this area and later addressed the officers, expressing his appreciation for the work it had done while a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. A rating of the units of the Division was made by one of General Pershing's Staff Officers and shown to Colonel Herr, Chief of Staff, 30th Division. The 119th Infantry was rated number one in appearance, equipment and in marching in review. "START FOR PORT." On February 11, 1919, pursuant to orders, the Regiment proceeded by marching to the Forwarding Camps, five kilometers from LeMans, where it completed preparation before sailing, and on the twelfth and thirteenth days of March, proceeded to the Embarkation Camp at St. Nazaire, arriving March 13th and 14th. The Regiment remained at this camp for a period of three days, miking^ its final preparations for embarkation to the United States of America. On the 16th day of March, 1919, orders were received from Headquarters Embarkation Camp, Base Sector No. 1, St. Nazaire, France, to the effect that following units of the 119th Infantry would embark at 2:00 p. m., March 17th, on the U. S. S. "Madawaska". 58 History of iigth Infantry Headquarters, 119th Infantry, Headquarters Company, Supply Company, and Ordnance Detachment, Machine Gun Cornpany, 1st Battalion Headquarters, Companies A, B, C, and D, and Medical Detachment. Following these units on March 21st, the 2nd and 3rd Battalion Headquarters, and Companies E, F, G, H, I, K, L, and M, embarked from St. Nazaire on the U. S. S. "Huron." The trip over sea was very rough due to heavy wind and storms, thus causing the voyage to be several days longer than had been anticipated. The entire Regiment landed at Charleston, S. C, on April 2nd, moving immediately by rail to Camp Jackson, S. C. Here all the men in the Regiment from North Carolina, were mustered out of the service between the 6th and 10th, and those from Tennessee were sent to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., April 9th, to be mustered out there. The remaining men in the Regiment from other States were transferred as Camp Detachments and ordered to the nearest Demobili- zation Camp to their homes and discharged. The following Camp Detachments were sent from the Regiment: Camp Dix, Dodge No. 1 and No. 2, Gordon, Grant No. 1 and No. 2, Lee, Funston, Pike, Sherman, Taylor and Upton. Practically all officers took advantage of the fifteen-day leave in order to avail themselves of an opportunity to secure employment before being discharged from service. Upon the completion of mustering out of the 119th Infantry, its Commanding Officer, having applied for service in the Regular Army, appeared before a board consisting of Regular Army officers and was recommended by said board. He was not, therefore, mustered out with the remainder of the officers. While at Camp Jackson, upon request of the city of Columbia, the Regiment on April 5th, moved to that city by way of electric railway and paraded through the principal streets, receiving a jovous welcome "HOME". COLEMAN B. CARNWAY, 833 Main St., Danville, Va. GEORGE A. SHUFORD AsheviUe, N. C. History of iigth Infantry 59 Note: — The following were the total casualties of the Regiment in its several operations: OFFICERS July 4th Sept. 5th Sept. 29th 1 Oct. 7th Oct. 1st 1 Oct. 12th Oct. 16th ' Total Oct. 20th \ Killed 3 3 6 1 5 2 4 1 3 Severely Wounded. . . 6 1 1 3 19 Slightly Wounded 4 4 10 1 2 4 4 ENLISTED MEN Killed 64 12 50 112 45 2 2 146 15 123 310 103 o3 146 56 6 63 106 30 1 7 28 3 43 144 45 294 Died of Wounds 36 Severely Wounded 279 Slightly Wounded.... Gassed 672 223 Taken Prisoners 36 Undetermined Wounded. 7 162 Five (5) Enlisted Men died of Other Causes. 60 History of iigth Infantry ROSTER ENLISTED PERSONNEL Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Abbott, IbonP - Pvt D W— Oct. 17-18.... Abernathy, George L. .Cook D S— Dec. 2-18 Dec. 16-18. Abernathy, Thomas H... Sgt.. ..B W— Sept. 29-18-..Nov. 11-18. Abbott, Johnnie R Pvt— 1st CI. .A S— Aug. 18-18 Dec. 2-18. Abraham, Paul R Pvt K... S— Oct. 14-18 Nov. 11-18. Abromovic, Stanley Pvt... I .W— Aug. 29-18 Absher, Benjamin B Pvt F Acheson, James Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Acree.JoelF ..Sgt Hq S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 10-18. Adams, James C Pvt F S— Dec. 9-18 Dec. 20-18. Adams, James R Cook G Adams, Marion B Pvt Sup Adams, Haymond.. Pvt A W— Sept. 3-18 Dec. 2-18. Adams, Roy.... Pvt... G Adams, Archie B ..Pvt— 1st C1..B Adams, Earl W Pvt.... G .W— Sept. 28-18 Adams, James I Pvt L S— Oct. 30-18 Adams, John D Mech K S— Aug. 8-18 Adams, Wiley L... Pvt K S— ■;9-18 (Dec.) Adcock, William L Pvt... B Dec. 6-18 Adcock, William L Sgt Hq.. '. Adkins, Arthur Wag Sup Adkins.JohnW...- Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18 Adkinson, Joseph B Sgt C W— Oct. 14-18.. Agee, Byrd Cpl G Agney, George E Pvt... Hq Aguere, Raymond Pvt ...E Dec. 6-18 Ahlstrom, Carl W P\'t D Dec. 6-18 Aiken, Lee Pvt... Sup Aiken, Willie D Pvt M Airola, James A. Pvt — Ist C1..M Akers, Edward L Mech M.. S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 14-18 Alberty, George Pvt ...D Dec. 6-18 Alberston, Eddie. ..Pvt ....M W— Oct. 10-18.... Albritton, Knot N.. Pvt D Dec. 6-18 Albritton, Robert L Cpl D Alderman, Jacob R Pvt A K— Sept. 29-18 Alexander, Earl Pvt D Dec. 6-18 Ale.xander, James Mt Sgt A Alexander, Joseph R Cook B Alexander, William E Pvt H Aley, Charlie. Pvt D Dec. 6-18 Alford, Hansel... Pvt... D Dec. 6-18 S— Jan. 2-19 Jan. 6-19. Albright, Floyd E Mech E Allen, Connie B... Pvt.. E W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 2-18. AUen, Charles C .Pvt.. H W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 26-18. Allen, Charles... ..Pvt. A Deserted March 16, 1919. Allen, Claude W ...Pvt UA. Allen, David... Pvt. .M Allen, George S. ...Pvt— 1st CI.. B S— Jan. 5-19 Jan 10-19. Allen, Roy Pvt.. D Dec. 6-18 AUen, William H.. Pvt.. D Dec. 6-18 Allen, William R. ...Pvt— 1st CL.E.... S— Nov. 22-18 Dec. 22-18. .411en, Irving ...Pvt... D AUen, John Q Sgt M K— Oct. 10-18.... AUesandre, Angelo Pvt... D Dec. 6-18 Colonel S. L. Faison Formerly Commandin(; General 60th Brigarle. History of iiQth Infantry 61 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd AUigood, Elijah Pvt E.. - Allison, Thomas J Pvt D Dec. 6-18 AUison, .Arthur T Pvt— IstCl-G K— Sept. 29-18 AUred, CharUe L Pvt B W— Oct. 17-18 Allman, FredR.-_ _.Pvt Hq S— Nov. 26-18 Dec. 1-18. AUman, John W Pvt... D Dec. 6-18 AUman, JohnW .Pvt... .K W— Sept. 2 :-18_-..Dec. 5-18. AUman, Seby..-_ Pvt D Dec. 6-18 Alphin, Raymond Pvt K S— July 18-18 Sept. 15-18. Althol, Ludwig C Pvt— 1st C1..D ..S-Oct. 14-18 Dec. 7-18. Ambrose, Richard C Pvt— 1st C1..B T— Jaly 6-18 Amerson, Charles N Cpl L Amick, Walter _.-.Mus-3d CL.Hq Almond, Green W Pvt Sup Ammons, Clyde R Pvt— 1st Cl..Hq Amoia, Mikel Pvt B Anderson, Albert B Pvt.... C K— July 21-18 Anderson, Albert D. Pvt.... F T— May 4-18- Anderson, E._- Pvt ..F S— Oct. 1-18 Anderson, James A Pvt— 1st CL.Hq T— Jan. 20-19 Anderson, James D Cpl ..K W— Aug. 4-18 Anderson, Roy A Pvt... A W— Sept. 29-18 Anderson, Charles.. Pvt D Anderson, Charlie S Pvt Hq_.- Anderson, Da\-id.._ ....Pvt M /W— Sept. 29-18 \W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Anderson, Edgar H Pvt— 1st C1..B Anderson, George E Pvt H Anderson, George W Pvt— 1st CL.K Anderson. John B Pvt D Dec. 6-18 Anderson, John E Pvt A Anderson, Lessie R .Pvt C W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 29-18. Anderson, Gather M Pvt... Hq T— Nov. 2-18 Anderson, Robert Pvt— IstCL.C .' Andrews, Henry P Sgt !_. Andrews, Robert L.. Pvt— 1st CI.. E K— Sept. 29-18 Angle, Robert Pvt D . W— Sept. 29-18 Anthony, Amzi Cpl H fS— Oct. 14—18 Nov. 11-18. \W— Sept. 29-18 Apoian, Hrand Pvt D Dec. 6-18 Archer, Vernie Sgt M Archuleta, Felimon Pvt— 1st CI.. B Dec. 6-18 Archer 1, Antonio Pvt D Dec. 6-18 Arms, Fowler. _ ..Pvt B W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 10-18.' Armstrong, Chester B Pvt D W— July 21-18 Sept. 15-18. Armstrong, Isaac L .Pvt MG W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 2-18. Ambruster, John T Pvt M W— Oct. 10-18 Armstrong, Roger L Cpl B W— Sept. 29-18 Arnett, George W Cpl M Arney, Ernest G Pvt I S— Oct. 3-18 Nov. 26-18. Arnold, George H Pvt_.. E S— Dec. 19-18 Jna. 28-19. Arnold, Floyd L.... Pvt— 1st CI.. B ..W— Sept. 29-18 Arp, Ford W Pvt— 1st CL.Hq Arellano, Bemico Pvt... E Dec. 6-18.. Aricaetto, Donato ...Pvt A Dec. 6-18 ^.. Arminio, John .Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Ash, Benjamin H_ CpL... D K— Oct. 10-18. Ashburn, William A ...Pvt— 1st C1..L... 62 History of iigth hifcnitry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Ashe, Warren W ....Pvt F _._ Askew, James E Pvt— 1st Cl..Hq Askew, Thomas J Mech B Askew, William B... .Pvt F S— Aug. 18-18 Jan. 5-19. Atchison, James S Pvt E Dee. 6-18 _,__ Atkins, Mack D Cpl -G... S— Sept. 11-18 Dec. 2-18. Atkinson, .\rthur I Pvt.— E Dec. 6-18 Atkinson, Robert Pvt— 1st CI..E Atry, Elias- Pvt. .E Dec. 6-18 Aubrey, Johnnie S Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 14-18. Aukland.Jens Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 7-18. Aukes, Hclmuth H Cpl ....I.... D of W— Oct. 19-18 Auld, William ...Pvt ....I ...W— Aug. 31-18_.. Autry, Lewis S-.. ..Pvt— 1st CI.. L ..W— Sept. 29-18 Aulston, Clyde N Sgt... Sup Ausburn, Dewey Pvt Hq Austin, Clyde L Pvt Hq Austin, Robert L Pvt... .A Austin, William H Pvt A W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 2-18. Autry, Harry L Pvt— 1st CI.. L Avery, James B.. Pvt— IstCl-K Avery, Luther W Pvt M Avant.JohnR Pvt M... K— Sept. 29-18 Avery, Jesse Pvt— 1st C1..M... K— Aug. 4-18.... Aycock, William Sgt K W— Sept. 29-18... Aycock, Willie 1 Pvt— 1st CI.. E S— Nov. 22-18 Aydlette, Thomas F Cpl D Babb, Oscar T .Sgt E ..W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Oct. 20-18. Bachelor, ClendcrC... .Pvt A.. .S— Sept. 28-18 , Baddeur, Seff C_ Sgt_ Hq Bahuski, Wladisiaw .Pvt.. .E ....Dec. 6-18 Bail, Oren B Pvt G W— Oct. 10-18 ....Nov. 26-18. Bailey, David E Cpl A W— Oct. 10-18 Jan. 18-18. Bailey, James E Cpl H W— Oct. 16-18 ....Dec. 21-18. Bailey, John A Cpl F Bailey, Oscar FVt I Baird, Paul H. Pvt— 1st C1..E Baker, Clarence Pvt E Dec. 6-18... Baker, Conrad G Pvt— Ist C1..D.... .fW— July 20-18 \W— Oct. 10-18.... Dec. 8-18. Baker, George W Pvt E ....Dec. 6-18 Baker, Robert L Cpl. A Baldwin, Arlie S Wag ...Sup Baldwin, Ed Pvt Hq Ballard, Edgar L Cpl B S— Oct. 29-18 Nov. 27-18. Ballard, Willie S .Pvt— 1st C1..MG Baltzli.JohnE.... Pvt .B Dec. 6-18 Banke, Anthony F ...Cpl... .B .i Barbaria, Claudy Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Barbieri, Luigi Pvt.... E Dec. 6-18 Barbour, Lawrence D Sgt M Barbour, Norwood D Mess. Sgt K Barbrey, Frank Pvt— 1st C1..MG W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 9-18. Bardin, Oscar Y _ Pvt— 1st CI.. MG Barefoot, Zelotes Sgt M Barfield, Troy Cpl H .W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 11-18. History of ] TQth Iiifav/ry 63 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Bartman, Albert W Pvt I Barletta, Steve Pvt E Barlow, James R Pvt A S— »Dec. 14-18. Barlow, William T _ ...Pvt E ..._Dec. 6-18 Barnes, Dewey F ...Pvt— 1st CI. .G . Barnes, Ellis- Pvt B Barnes, John H Pvt— 1st Cl-K W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 20-18. Barnes, Morris E Mech D Barnes, Wiley I. Sgt Hq Barnett, Frederick A ...^ Cpl L S— Nov. 11-18 Nov. 26-18. Barnett, William Pvt— 1st C1..M Barrett, James L Pvt— IstCl-.G W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. Barnwell, George.... Pvt— 1st CI.. G Barret, Albert Pvt I W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 5-18. Barrix, Stokey A Pvt— 1st CI. .H W— July 28-18 Oct. 27-18. Barrow, Clyde R Sgt M Barrus, David R Sgt.. ..A Barry, Andrew J Cpl C W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 14-18. Bart, Enrice Pvt. ...E Bartlett, Alfred N Pvt Hq Barton, Burr Pvt— 1st C1..F Bass, A. C Cpl Sup Bass, Lonnie E Sgt A Bass, Thomas B Pvt D Bassett, Orville L Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Bateman, Hershell Pvt— 1st CI. .Ho Batten, Hal . Pvt— 1st CI.-MG Battisti, Frank R Cpl. A Battle, James S Sgt MG S— Jan. 14-19. Baty, Charles N Sgt L Bauer, John A Pvt B S— Oct.2'9-18 Nov. 26-18. Baumgartner, Grover Cpl H Baumgartner, Fred Pvt _D W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 26-18. Baxley, James L Cpl L Beadles, William M Pvt A Bailey, Henry S Pvt H W— Oct. 10-18 Baird, Raymond E Pvt F Deserted Dec. 10-18 Baker, Carlos Pvt E Died March, 4-19 Baker, Isaac H Pvt K S— Sept. 10-18 Baker, Joe W Cpl L T— Feb. 8-19 Baker, Silas S.. Pvt G W— Sept. 28-18 Baldwin, George R Pvt H K— Oct. 10-18 Ball, John H Pvt A ....K-Sept. 29-18 Ball, Ralph B Pvt E W— Oct. 10-18! Bancom, .John A Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18 Barbour, William C Pvt— 1st C1..C Died— Oct. 10-18 Barker, Clare D Pvt G .S— Oct. 1-18 Barkley, John A Sgt D S— Sept. .5-18 Barnett, Frank N ...Pvt Hq W— Oct. 17-18 Basden, Ira Pvt B W— Oct. 17-18 Bass, Fred Cpl. ..I K— Sept. 29-18 Bass, George W Pvt C T— May 4-18 Batson, Lewis E ..Pvt H T— July 6-18 Battle, Joseph D Sgt.. .MG T— Jan. 29-19 Bauer, Fred E .Pvt I W— Sept. 29-18 Baughan, Russel R Pvt A W— Sept. 29-18 Bavas, Hick A Pvt. ..F W— Sept. 29-18 64 History of iigth Lijantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Beaman, William. ...Pvt— 1st CL.B J W— Oct. 17-17 ....Oct. 17-18. \T— Feb. 4-19 Beck, RusselU - Pvt G ./W— Sept. 2-18 Sept. 2-18. \T— Jan. 22-19 Beck, William R .Pvt ...M.... W— Oct. 9-18! Died— Oct. 9-18! Becker, Casper..- Pvt— 1st C1..H ....W— Sept. 29-18 Becker, Victor... Pvt I K— Sept 28-18 Beckman, John W Pvt A W— Oct. 17-18 Beckwith, Bryan IstSgt F.... T— Sept. 10-18! Beeler. .\drian Pvt. ...L T— July 12-18 Beland, Charles F Pvt— IstCL.K T— June 1»-18 Bclote, Emmett N Pvt A S— Nov. 11-18 Benson, Dennie A Pvt... .C f\V— July 24-18 \S— March 15-19 Bently, John L Pvt Inf K— Sept. 1-18. Benton, Alonzo L Pvt— 1st C1..A fW— July 28-18 ....July 28-18. \t— Aug. 6-18 Benton, Robert Pvt— 1st CI.. K .W— Sept. 29-18 Berk, Max D Pvt -G T— May 4-18 Betty, Wayne S Pvt B W— Oct. 17-18 Bevins, Thomas F Pvt E.. K— Aug. 20-18 '.... Beake, Gowey L Pvt I.. Beamon, Charles F ...Sgt MG Beam, James S Wag Sup Bean, Auddie I. Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Bean, Thomas C Pvt. ...Hq Beard, Borden S Sgt ....L .W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Beard, Silas... Wag Sup Beard, Walter B Pvt I ....W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 14-18. Beasley, William T Pvt.... Inf_ Beaty, Leslie Pvt— 1st CI.. G S— Dec. 2-18 Dec. 7-18. Beaver, Clifford T Pvt— 1st C1..M Beck, John T .Wag Sup Beck, Lawrence L Pvt A Beckwith, George Mech A Bedsloe, Ernest L ....Sgt F W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 2-18. Bee, Gus Pvt A Beehler,John W... Pvt— 1st C1..C Behrends, Martin E Pvt.. .K... /W— Aug. 3-18 \W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 26-18. Beighley, Morton E Pvt M W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 9-18. Belk, Charles Cpl F Bell, Charlie Pvt E ....Dec. 6-18 S— Jan. 6-19 Jan. 15-19. Bell, Chester Pvt. .E.. Bell, Clifton L Pvt— 1st CI.. E ...'. Bell, John T ..Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Bell, Ruben R Ck C Belli, Ignazio ...Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Belt, John L ..Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Bena\-ides, Pablo E Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Bennett, Asa A Pvt A Bennett, Dove Pvt— 1st C1..M Bennett, James C ...Cpl A W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 19-18. Bennett, Sam M Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Bennett, Walter C ...Sgt M S— Oct. 14-18 Dec. 14-18. Bennett, Will C .Pvt— 1st C1..K Bennett, William J ...Pvt— 1st CI .M W— Oct. 10-18 Deo 14-18. History of iigth Infantry 65 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Bennett, Willie Pvt— IstCL.G W— Sept. 29-18... -Dec. 2-18. Benson, Harry B Pvt E W— Oct. 10-18 -...Dec. 11-18. Benson, Victor E Cpl M T— Oct. 31-18 Dee. 3-18. . Bentley, Oliver Pvt E ....Dec. 6-18 . _-- Benton, Jacob. Pvt ...E Dec. 6-18 .. ..... Benton, Lewis J Sgt Sup Benton, LouraineP Sgt C S— Sept. 11-18 Dec. 2-18. Benton, Luther M Pvt A /W— Aug. 17-18 \W— Oct. 17-18 ....Dec. 2-18. Berringer, John W Pvt E Dec. 6-1-1 Bernardini, Joe Pvt— 1st Cl-C Berry, John J ...Pvt— 1st CL.Inf Best, James H Sup Sgt MG Bethune, Alexanders BSM Hq Bethune, James E Mech L ' Betro, Joe Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Betts, Willis A. Pvt G Betty, Joseph H Pvt E S— Oct. 31-18 Dec. 5-18. Betty, Lincoln A Pvt I Beyers, Lester M Mech G W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 2-18. Bickford, Carl B Pvt E ....Dec. 6-18 Bielefeld, Albert H Pvt I... Bilbrey, Herschel V Cpl B W— Sept. 29-18 BiUing.s, Garrett H Sgt Hq., Bingham, Andrew Pvt B S— Aug. 26-18 Aug. 31-18. Binka, John.. Pvt..... E Dec. 6-18 S— Dec. 19-18 Dec. 28-18. Binkley, Claude A ....Pvt— 1st C1..C Birinske, Mike Pvt B Dec. 6-181 Bishop, Roy Pvt... -E Dec. 6-18 S— Jan. 11-19 Jan. 16-19. Bistiritsky, Morris Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Bitner, Fred. S Pvt .E Dec. 6-18 Bivins, Warren Pvt Hq W— Sept. 29-18.— Sept. 29-18. Bjudstad, Albert Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Black, George M. Pvt I Black, Wilham A Pvt E Dec. 6-18 . Biby, Robert L Pvt— 1st C1..M S— Oct. 20-18 Biggers, Tollie Ml Pvt G . W— July 29-18 Biggs, Harry Pvt B T— July. 6-18 . Biller, Edwin ..Pvt I W— Oct. 17-18 Bishop, James A Pvt— 1st C1..F K— Oct. 17-18 Bissett, Bud Pvt Hq S— March 16-19 Bissett, Charles T Sgt A T— July 22-18 Black, James Wag Sup ..S— March 15-18 Blackman, Walter M Mech C. T— July 12-18 Blackvell, Robert L. Pvt K K— Oct. 10-18.... Blake, Eugene.. Pvt— 1st C1..H W— Oct. 10-18 Blalock, Dyar C Pvt K W— Sept. 29-18 Blalock, Luther L Pvt— 1st CL.Hq . W— Sept. 29-18..... Blanchard, Leon C Pvt C S— March 15-19 Blankenship, Charles W Pvt— 1st CL.L S— Oct. 20-18 Blevins, Bruce L Cpl D... K— Oct. 18-18 . Blevins, Walter Pvt— 1st Cl..r W— Sept. 29-18 Blair, James H Pvt.... E Dec. 6-18 Blake, Alva Pvt G Blakeley, Rippey J Cpl K W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 20-18. Blaker, RusseU Pvt M Blalock, Albert L Pvt— 1st C1..B... W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 2-18. Blanchard, James H Cpl ...A W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18, ; M.. ;... E— ..Dec. 1 t-18... .-.W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 16-18. t. ...B... 66 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Blanchard, Nathan M Pvt— 1st CL.H Bland. Bccton Pvt B Bland, Miller M Pvt E Dee. 6-18 Blanton, John C Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Blodgett, Alvin R Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Blue, Daniel A Pvt 1. Blue, Kenneth L... Cpl Sup _ Boaz, Floyd Pvt L. S— Oct. 30-18 Dec. 21-18. Bobbitt, BurniceB Pvt Hq... Boehncr, George Pvt C. Boettchcr, Henry A ..Pvt. Bogdevi-z, Anthony Pvt. Bogueki, John Pvt. Bolden, Rollie Pvt— 1st CI.. C W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 2-18. Bolick, OdisS R-t— 1st C1..M fS— Oct. 1-18 \S— Dec. 31-18 Jan 2-19. Bolin, HassC ...Pvt... .E Dec. 6-18 Bolls, Harvey W. Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Bolt, Roberto ....Pvt MG Bond, John M Cpl ...L Bondi. Joseph Pvt ...E Dec. 6-18 Bonhardt, William H Pvt .M S— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. Bonnell. David E Pvt A Bonnctt, Louis H Pvt E Dee. 6-18 Boone, Chester Pvt... .M Boone, John E. ..Pvt— 1st CI. MG Boone, Lawrence J Pvt B S— Oct. 29-18 Nov. 27-18. Boone, Preston T MSgt H Bordeaux, .\nthony- .Pvt— Ist CI..F S— Oct. 20-18 Dec. 11-18. Bost, Charlie R Pvt K S— Oct. 29-18 Nov. 11-18. Bost.J.Coyt. P\'t— 1st CI..G Bost, WalterC Pvt— IstCL.D S— Oct. 28-18 Dec. 22-18. Bostain, Gerthrie D Wag ...Sup Boswell, CIcmson. Pvt Sup Boswcll, Thomas J Sgt I .., Botts, Allen RSm. Hq... , Bowdcn, Ralph Pvt— 1st C1..B...., Bowen, Connie Pvt M Bowen, Jesse L Pvt C W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 7-18. Bower.EdgvJ Pvt— Ist CL.C .W— Oct. 17-18 ..._Dec. 7-18. Bowes, Ruben W Pvt K Bowman, James S Pvt A _ _ Bowles, Roy J Pvt E ..S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 11-18. Boyd, Ernest J Ck Hq - Boyd, James W.. Pvt— 1st CI.. E S— Aug. 14-18 Dec. 2-18. Boyd. Jesse A.... Pvt— 1st CI. .F Boyd, Jesse G— Pvt— IstCL.L Boyd, William A.. _ ....Pvt L W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 2-18. Boydston, Edgar M .Pvt E Dec. 6-18 Boyette, Nathan Wag Sup... - Boyette. Neverson G Sgt B Boykin, JohnT... Pvt D Boykin, Richmond T Wag Sup ■. Boykin, Wade Pvt Sup Boylan, Rufus T MSgt MG Bozarth, Charles W Sgt Inf Bracket t, James D Pvt Sup Bobst. GlenW Pvt— 1st CI .Inf. T— Jan. 20-18 History of iigth Infantry 67 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Bodsk, Joseph Pvt... I S— Sept. 10-18 Bodenberg, Albert C Pvt ....C W— Oct. 17-18 Boger, Charles I Cpl Hq W— Aug. 19-18 Boggess, Sidney E Pvt A W— Oct. 17-18 Boggs.CharUe Pvt D W— Aug. 30-18 Bolen, Ernest Pvt MG S— Dee. 2-18 Boiling, William Pvt A K— Oct. 17-18 Bond, Edward G 1st Sgt L.... T— July 22-18 Bond,Gaither Pvt— G T— Jan. 22-19 Bonner, Joseph N Pvt I W— Oct. 10-18 Boone, Jacob CpL. A -W— Died Aug. 17-18 Boone, Teddy M. Pvt A W— Sept 29.-18 Bossert, Harry T Pvt C W— Oct. 17-18 Boswell, Ernest F Pvt K S— Oct. 14-18-— Boulis, Peter G - Pvt M S— May 1-18.. Bovendar, Coleman W... -Pvt ,-C S— Oct. 14-18 Bowen, William G Pvt— 1st C1..L /W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 27-18. \T— Feb. 8-19 Bower, Grover L Pvt MG W— Sept. 27-18 Bowers, John M — Cpl F S— Oct. 1-18 Bowling, William T._ Pvt— 1st Cl..Hq W— Oct. 17-18_ — Boyd, David H Pvt E K— Sept. 29-18 Boyette, Kirby M Pvt D fW— Oct. n-lS-.-l Nov. 20-18. \t— Jan. 20-19---/ Boyles, Roy M Pvt F— W— Sept. 29-18 Brackett, Chauncey C Pvt A W— Sept. 29-18 Bradfield, Charles Pvt E W— Oct. 17-18 '. Brady, Ernest Pvt Hq-.. W— spt. 4-18 Brady, Quitman Pvt B .W— Sept. 29-18 Brand, John M Ck A T— Jan. 29-19 Brauer, Samuel C_. Pvt M T— Sept. 2-18 Bray, Charles E Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18 Breidenbaugh, Arlo H Pvt— 1st C1..C W— July 18-18 Bremer, Herman F Sgt... .MG K— Sept. 29-18 Brewer, Frank J Pvt F W— Died Spet. 29-18 Brewer, Joseph S Pvt D S— May 1-18 Brickwell, William W Pvt E W— Died Oct. 17-18 Briedenbach, John J Pvt M K— Oct. 10-18 Brickley, Francis C Pvt H S— Aug. 31-18 Briggs, Ernest G--- Cpl F- W— Sept. 29-18 Brigman, Harvey Pvt L T— Feb. 8-19 Brigmon, Arthur F Pvt H fW— Aug. 20-18..- \S— Oct. 1-18 Briley, Jasper Pvt A K— Oct. 17-18 Brinson, Alonzo H Pvt D S— M;ay 1-18 Brinson, Lee T Cpl B W— Sept. 29-18 Briody, Charles R Pvt C S— May 1-18 Britt, Jarvis L Pvt E K— Sept. 29-18 Britton, Rassie L Pvt E S— Aug. 23-18 Brehanner, Lawrence T Pvt I W— Died Oct. 25-18 Brooks, Isaac E - Sgt ....Hq.... T— Aug. 31-18 '. Brooks, Leslie F Pvt G S— Oct. 29-18 Brown, Alvin C Pvt C S— Dec. 12-18 Brown, Archie S Pvt A S— Died Oct. 14-18 Brown, Claude J Pvt D fW— July 25-18 July 25-18. \_T— July 27-18— -1 Brown, David B--- Cpl C -- jW— Oct. 17-18..- ^ \T— Jan. 20-19— J 68 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Brown, Edgar Pvt..-_ G .S— Aug. 1-lS Brown, Edgar H Pvt— 1st C1..D S— May 1-lS Brown, ErmanR Pvt A : W— Sept. 29-18 Brown, Floyd B...- Pvt— 1st CI..C W— Oct. 10-18.... Brown, George M Pvt— 1st C1..F W— Sept. 29-18... Brown, Harry...- .Pvt ....A .W— Sept. 29-18.. fW— Aug. 23-18.. Brown, John Pvt E .......-[ W— Sept. 23-18.. [T— Jan. 22-19... Brown, Lex C Pvt K R^— Died Oct. 11-18 Brown, Rockwell V Ck Sup T— Jan. 20-19 Brown, Zeb Mech ..D S— Sept. 1!'-18 Brownstein, Sam .Pvt 1 Deserted Oct. 1-18 Broyles, Samuel K Pvt... Inf T— Oct. 28-18_ Brunett, Oscar Cpl G S— Sept. 1V1§ Brune, Sarafine Pvt F S— May 1-18.. Bruno, Dominick... Pvt— 1st C1..M : _...S— Oct. 20-18 Bruns, Herman T Pvt M VV— Aug. 5-18 Brush, Wesley.. Pvt D K— Sept. 29-18 Bryant, Alvin E CpL... K W— Sept. 29-18.. Bryson, Henry L Pvt— 1st CI.. K K— Oct. 16-18 Bryson, Thomas N .Pvt— 1st CI. .G.... W— Sept. 29-18 Bryson, Walter E Pvt K S— Aug. 12-18 Brady, Carlton Pvt— IstCL.D W— Aug. 20-18.... Dec. 2-18. Brady, Richard D.... ..Sgt D S— Oct. 28-18 Dec. 11-18. Brady, Robert L Pvt.. B... Brafford. Lawrence W Pvt— 1st CI.. D W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 26-18. Brandenburg, Henry .Cpl ..F.. fW— Aug. 25-lS \W— Sept. 29-18.. -Oct. 29-18. Brannon, Vergil T ..Pvt -E ....Dec. 6-18 S— Jan. 7-19 Jan. 16-19. Brantley, Elijah D Pvt Hq Bravard, Charles H Pvt C Brazeel, Helmer H ..Pvt.. -E —-Dec. fr-18 S— Jan. 6-19 -Jan. 15-19. Breekenridge, Chester A .Sgt K-. - _ Breeze, John A Cpl H - Breihan, Carl C Pvt F ....Dec. 6-18 Brendle, Lester Cpl A Brendle, Willlcm Pvt G Brewer, Archie R Pvt F Dec. 6-18 - Brewer, Robert B Mech F Brewer, William E BCpl Hq - Brezenski, William A. -..Pvt .F Dec. 6-18 - Bridges, Boyd Pvt M Bridges, William L Pvt- F --. fW— Aug. 18-18 \W— Sept. 29-18-. ..Nov. 6-18. Bridgewater, Harvey. Pvt -H W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Brinkley, Boney J- Pvt... F Dec. 6-18.. Brinkley, Herbert C Pvt ...K Brinkley, John R Mech K.. W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 26-18. Bristow, BernieN Sgt G ^. Brite, Freddie Pvt I Britt, Da\nd E. Pvt -G Britt, James H- Sgt -I Britt, John W --Pvt— 1st Cl.Ordn Britt, Robert E- Pvt A - Britt, Samuel M RSM Hq Brittain, Harry A Pvt -F Dec. 6-18. -.- Brittain, Stanley Pvt— 1st Cl.D. S— Nov. 11-18 Nov. 26-18. History of iiQth Infantry 69 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Brittner, Daniel Pvt A W— Aug. 31-lS Dec. II-IS. Broadwater, Paul M Pvt A _ Broadway, Walter R Mus Hq _ Brock, Horace F Cpl E W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 11-18. Brock, Thomas B Pvt F Dec. 6-18 '... Br nski, Julius Pvt F Dec. 6-18_- Brooks, James B Cpl K Brooks, Thomas M_ Cpl. I 1.. Brjone, Edward C ._ Pvt D W— Oct. 17-18!. -_. Dec. 7-18. Broughton, Charlie .Pvt Sup Brown, Arthur F.. Pvt E Brown, Artice C Pvt H Brown, Claude H Sgt... .D , Brown, Daniel L Pvt F Dec. 6-18 Brown, EazorF Pvt— 1st C1..H W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 19-18. Brown, EhnerE Pvt— 1st C1..C Brown, Fred A_ Cpl C W— Sept. 1-18 Sept. 1-18. Brown, Frederick E Pvt F Brown, George F Pvt A W— Sept. 29-18.. .Dec 2-18. ■ Brown, Huriah P Pvt K Brown, James B... Pvt F Dec. 6-18 Brown, James M.. Cpl C Brown, John T Pvt A S— Oct. 19-18 Dec. 2-18. Brown, Lemuel F Pvt C _ Brown, Lewis Pvt M Brown, Max Pvt— 1st CL.MG Brown, Norman E Pvt F Dec. 6-18 Brown, Oakes Pvt F Dec. 6-18 Brown, Ollie T Pvt— 1st Cl.C Brown, Oscar H _.Sgt_. I W— Sept. 29-18.... Dee. 14-18. Brown, Owen L Pvt._. F W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. Brown, Ray T Pvt C Brown, Roy J Mus Hq Brown, \Veldo.n Pvt— 1st Cl.C S— Oct. 29-18 Nov. 8-18. Brunntta, Tony Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Bryan, \Filliam J Pvt F Dec. 6-18 Bryant, Charles Pvt K Bryant, Clarence R Cpl I Bryant, James A Pvt — 1st Cl.Hq Bryant, Willie T Pvt Hq Bryson, Hardie C Cpl 1 W— Aug. 23-18 Aug. 23-18. Brozzowski, Peter ...Pvt F Dec. 6-18 [W— Sept. 3-18 Buchanan, George W Pvt G -j W— Sept. 29-18 [Missing in action ..Oct. 10—18. Buff, Robert L Pvt ...F S— July 6-18 Bullard, Frank R Cpl I W— Oct. 10-18 Bullock, Ernest Pvt G S— May 1-18 Burcham, Mclvinley Pvt I S— Aug 11-18! Burgess, Urious I Pvt— 1st CL.G S— Died Sept. 25-18 Burnette, Charles H Sgt F T— July 22-18 Burns, James B Pvt C S— Sept. 25-18 Burns, James E Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18 Burris, James B.. Pvt A W— Oct. 17-18 Butler, Clarence Sgt K K— Oct. 10-18 Butler, Haywood Cpl M T— Jan. 16-19 Byerley, Alva E Cpl C ....W— Aug. 31-18 Byram, Leslie A Pvt ...A.. W— Oct. 17-18 70 History of iiQth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Byrd, AkrieJ CpL M K-Oct. 10-18 Byrd, Zeke Cpl — H S— Oct. 31-18 Buchanan, Burlan C Pvt -C Buchanan, Grady D.l Pvt K Buchanan, James E .Cpl Hq Buchanan, Rufus._ Pvt— 1st Cl.I W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 11-18. Buchanan, Thomas Pvt H Buck, Charles A Pvt.. .F Dec. 6-18 Buck, James A Pvt— 1st CI.B S— Oct. 29-18 Nov. 26-18. Buck, Robert Pvt— 1st CI.. A W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 11-18. Buckncr, HerschellJ .-Pvt ..D Budzinski, Francis ..Pvt... .B ....Dec. 6-18 Bufford. Warren Cpl L BugUono, Gennaro Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Bulich, Bob!. Pvt... .0 ....Dec. fr-18 Bull, John M.. Jr Pvt— 1st Cl..Inf S— Oct. 1-18 Dec. 30-18. Bullard, James J Sgt F W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 11-18. Bullock, Noah M ...Pvt— 1st Cl.K.. W— Sept. 29-18. ...Jan. 18-19. Bumpus, .\ndrew H Sgt L W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 14-18. Bunch, Richard \V.. Sgt 1 Bunn. Joseph P ..1st Sgt MG S— Nov.8-18 Nov. 14-18. Bunn, Percy L Ck MG Burgbower, Cornelius Pvt A Burgess. Henry L ....Pvt .G... -Dec. 6-18 Burkey, Edward R- ...Pvt I Burncikis, Selvester Pvt MG Burnett, William P Sgt E Burnctte, Jaso 1 L Pvt D S— Oct. 1-18 Nov. 26-18. Burnettc, Miley Pvt... .F Burnctte. Wate? Wag.. Sup Burroughs. John H ..Pvt G ....Dec. 6-18 Burrows. Rufus B.- Pvt Hq-.-Dec. 6-18 Bursell, George FVt C Burt, John .Pvt I "- Burton, Floyd G Pvt G —.Dec. 6-18 - - Bush, Bazzle P\'t D Bushncll, Charles C Pvt H .S— Oct. 31-18 Nov. 14-18. Bussie, Pete Pvt I M— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Butler, Cliff Pvt H M— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 26-18. Butler, Emory L Pvt— 1st Cl.K 1 Butler, Harvey K Pvt F Butler, Jesse D. ..Pvt B Butler, John R- Wag Sup Butler, Oscar L Pvt I... W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 14-18. Butler, Robert H Pvt .H Butters, Ulysses E Pvt A Butts, ZebV BCpl Hq Byrd, Fred A Cpl L S— Nov. 11-18 March 14-19. Byrne, Harry T Pvt E BjTum, Lyn S Sgt ..I Cagle. Charles L Pvt K Cade, Jay Pvt... D W— Oct. 17-18 Cagle, Fred. C Pvt— IstCL.D W— Sept. 29-18.-. Dec. 29-18. Caffey, Rone L Pvt D K— Oct. 18-18 Cganola.Joe Pvt B S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 2-18. Cahoon, Lonnie L ...Pvt— 1st C1..C ....W— Oct. 17-18 History of iigth Infantry 71 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Cain, Cleve Pvt Hq Calaway, Robert A Pvt C W— Oct. 17-18 Oct. 17-18. Caldwell, Harrison Pvt F W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 26-18. Caldwell, Grover C Pvt K T— June 19-18 Callahan, Lyman T Wag Hq Callahan, Henry .._Ck E Calloway, Zeb L Sgt M. Campbell, Ellis Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Calvert, Eliza C Pvt L .S— Aug. 3-18 Calvert, Harry H Pvt— 1st C1..I K— Sept. 29-18 Campbell, June Ml Pvt Hq T— Dec. 6-18 Campfield, Jack Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18 ..... Campbell, Frank T Pvt— 1st CI. .E W— Sept 29-18_-.. Dec. 14-18. Canady, Hugh Pvt--_ -K ._ Canady, Alvin Cpl I Died of wounds Aug 2-18. Canady, Leon G Cpl H : Canale, James M--. Pvt— 1st CI.. C S— Aug. 15-18 Dec. 2-18. Cane, Bert D Pvt E W .S— Oct 20-18 Cannon, Calude Pvt G K— Sept. 29-18 Cancilla, Frank Pvt G Dec. 6-18_ Cannon, Daniel Corp G Cannon, Frank Pvt G K— Sept. 29-18 Cantelmo, Gaetno Pvt G Dec. 6-18. _ Canter, Charlie G Pvt— 1st C1..D Cantey, John J Sgt Sup Capps, Ransom Pvt — 1st CI. .A Cantrell, Radford Pvt— 1st CI.. B W— Sept. 29-18 Capps, Ernest F Pvt— 1st C1..H W— Oct. 10-18 Carabello, Demenic Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Caramezza, Louis Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Carvaun, Freeman C Pvt C W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 7-18. Carawan.GuyH ....Corp MG S— Aug. 26-18 Aug. 29-18. Carbough, John S Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Garden, Ed Pvt— IstCL.H W— Oct. 10-18 Oct. 25-18. Carguino, Martino Pvt C W— Oct. 17-18 Carlisle, Perry G Pvt— 1st CI.. I S— Oct. 31-18 Dec. 22-18. Carlisle, Thomas W Sgt D Carlisle, John W Pvt— 1st C1..K Died of disease Feb. 16-19. Carlson, Noble G Pvt I W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Oct. 10-18. Carlson, Carl J Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18 Carlson, Hilmer T Pvt F . W— Sept. 29-18 Carlson, Ervin G Pvt D _S— Nov. 11-18 Carlton, John H Pvt— IstCL.B W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 1-18. Carpenter, Ellis H ..Pvt A Carpenter, Oscar H Pvt I Carnes, Eddie M Pvt D W— Oct. 17-18 Carr.Ezra Cpl B ....W-Oct. 17-18 Nov. 27-18. Carrington, Robert F Pvt M S— Dec. 16-18 Jan. 8-18. Carson, Campbell Pvt L Carson, Wilham B Sgt A Carson, William F Pvt Sup , Carter, John S Pvt H Carter, William H Cpl L Carothers, John W Pvt C W— Sept. 29-18 Carpenter. Charlie Pvt L T— Jan. 29-19 Carpenter, Loyd W Pvt M K— Oct. 11-18 Carpenter, Schyler McK Pvt ....E W— Sept. 29-18 Carson, Victor H Pvt C S— Oct. 15—18 72 History of I iQth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Carter, Ben F.-- Pvt.._. L..._ K— Sept. 2-18 Carter, Buck A Pvt-lstCl..H...- K— Sept. 29-18 Carter, Dalton D ..Pvt— 1st CI..H W— Sept. 29-18 Carter, James A - _...Pvt..-. E ...S— Oct. 29-18 . Carter, Gene Pvt D W— Oct. 17-18 Carter, Raymond C--- ..Pvt G T— Sept. 2-18 .^ Cartwright, George P_ ...Pvt F ..T— May 4-18.... Cartwright, Hiilery. .Pvt... I Cartwright, John Pvt ..H W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 19-18. Cartwright, Sim E Pvt— IstCl-E Caruso, Domenick. Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Carver, John Cpl H W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 11-18. Casey, Edward J ...Pvt— 1st CI.. M S— Nov. 20-18 Dec. 21-18. Casey, Ernest R Cpl Hq T— March 15-19 Casey, Guy F Pvt A S— Nov. 15-18.. Casey, Luther R... ....Pvt— 1st CI..B W-Sept. 29-18 Cash, Shermans. Cpl ....D W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Castet.Fcrnand, Jr Pvt A Cassiola, Sam M ...Cpl... C... Died of wounds Oct. 13-18. Cates, Herbert. ...Pvt F K— Sept. 29-18 Gates, Jones A Mech H S— Oct. 28-18 Nov. 26-18. Cates, William S Cpl K Cattaellino, Guiseppe. Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Caudill, James E.... Pvt— 1st CI.. G... K— Sept. 29-18 Caudle, Dallas Pvt— 1st CL.E W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 3-18. Causey, Benjamin L Cpl... D — Cavanaugh, Macon E Pvt— Ist CI..MD Cavanaugh, Robert R Pvt C W— Oct. 17-18 Jan. 3-19. Caviness, Dewey Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 11-18. Caviness, Joseph E Cpl L W— Oct. 10-18.. C^ynor, Harley Pvt A S— Nov. 15-18 Dec. 8-18. Cay wood, Edgar E.... Pvt M,. .S— Oct. 31-18 Corato,Jim Pvt L W— Aug. 31-18 Chaffin, Raymond R Pvt... E ...W— Sept. 29-18 Chamberlain, Victor P B. S. M Hq ....T— Jan. 1-19 Chambers, Loyd- Pvt MG ....W— Sept. 29-18 Chandler, John R Pvt— 1st C1..B Chance, Ernest Pvt— 1st CL.E W— Aug. 20-18 Oct. 15-18. Chance, Jasper... ...Pvt— 1st CL.E W— July 30-18 Sept. 23-18. Chandler. Pleasant ...Pvt— 1st CI.. C W— Oct. 29-18 Jan. 9-19. Chart, .\lfred H Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Chase, John W Pvt Hq... Dec. 6-18 Chase, Marion B Pvt Sup Chapman, Clifton Pvt A ....K— Oct. 10-18 Cheatam, Clyde Pvt— 1st CL.Hq T— Aug. 10-18 Chatelain, Victor J Pvt... M Cheuhar, .\nthony Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Cherry, George E Pvt— 1st C1..C Chennis, Joseph W Cpl I T— Jan. 29-19... Cherry, Stone F. Pvt B K— Sept. 29-18 Cheslock, Michael J Pvt I S— Nov. 27-18 Chesteen, Ernest Pvt ....M S— Oct. 20-18 Charella, William Pvt.. ..D.'. Chaitti, Amaton Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Chism, Clay Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Christensen, Christian ..Cpl K Chesson, James H Cpl Sup — Christoff, John J Pvt... MG History of iigth Infantry 73 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Chipps, Stanley D Pvt A W— Oct. 17-18 Charhart, Edward J Pvt— 1st CL.E Died of wounds July 19-18. Christie, Charles Pvt MD T— Nov. 20-18 Church, Clinnard Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18.___Nov. 11-18. Church, Henry.... Pvt G T— Aug. 25-18 Church, Lindsay J Pvt— 1st CI. .D W— Sept. 29-18. Church, Lewis S Mech B Cieri, Angelo Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Cierlicki, Frank Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Ciernia, Nicholas Pvt C Cifers, James E .: Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18 .. Civils, Bennie .Pvt F K— Sept. 29-18 Clark, Charles E Pvt— 1st C1..C Clark, ( urtisL Pvt G Clark, Elijah H Pvt MG Clark, Isaac C .Pvt Hq Clark, John R Cpl F T-Oct. 28-18 Clark, James Pvt— 1st CL.E Clark, Ralph L Pvt— 1st CL.Hq W— Aug. 4-lS Dec. ,5-18. Clark, William A Pvt— 1st CL.E ....W— Oct. 19-18 Oct. 20-18. Clanton, Richard Pvt H K— Oct. 17-18 Clark, Dougall Pvt I W— Sept 29-18 Clark, George S Cpl K W— Oct. 10-18 Clark. Sidney C Pvt B W-Oct. 17-18 Clark, Victor \V..._ Pvt Hq S— Oct. 1-18 Clark, Winnie D Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18 Clayton, John T Mech... ....I S— Oct. 31-18 Clayton, Roy C Pvt— 1st CL.E T— July 12-18 Claxton, Wesley R Cook L Clay, John G Cook H Clery, William H Pvt Hq Clever, Charlie C Sgt Sup Clement, Stephen A.... Sgt A W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 19-18. Clemmer, Will R Pvt— 1st C1..C ..-- Clemmons, Earnest Pvt C • — Clevenger, Carl Bug. ..A Clemmons, Clamer T Cpl F _/W— Sept. 29-18. \W— Oct. 18-18... Clifton, Ivory S _.Pvt F T— May 4-18 Clifton, Willie E ..Sgt M S— Oct. 14-18 Dec. 2-18. Clymer, Flavie V Pvt H Cline, Albert W Pvt Hq Cline, Elmer W Sgt H Cline, Lawrence R Pvt.... H W— Sept. 29-18.-. Dec. 19-18. Cline, CarnellS.- Sgt G ..W— Aug. 20-18 Cline, Frank E Pvt I Died of wounds Sept. 29-18. Clippard, Klutz.-. Cpl H W— Sept. 29-18 Clontz, Charlie F.... Pvt— IstCL.C Clow, Earl E Pvt— 1st CL.H W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 11-18. Glowers, Geroge E .Pvt— 1st CL.Hq Clowes, Myrr Pvt Hq Clute, John B Pvt— 1st CI .MG Coakley, Harvey Pvt— 1st CL.E Coan, Frank. Pvt ...A S— Nov. 15-18 No. 27-18. Cobasco, John A Pvt .1 S— Sept. 13-18 Oct. 27-18. Cobb, Claudes Pvt ....MG S— Jan. 1-19 Jan. 9-19. Cobb, Carlisle A Pvt— 1st CL.D....: K— Sept. 29-18 Cobb, Glenn H_ Pvt I .S— Aug. 21-18 Dec. 11-18. 7 A History of J iQtli Injaiitry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Cobb, Robert A Corp _I. S— July G-18 Oct. 27-18. Cochran, Charles B Pvt B W— Sept. 26-18._--Dcc. 8-18. Cochran, David R Pvt I K— Oct. 7-18... Cochran, Jesse C Wag Sup Coflf, Major Bug B W— Oct. 10-18 Cockman, Isem W .Pvt ..I.. Cockrell, Walter W Pvt .F .W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Coe, Joseph C S-Sgt G W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 19-18. Coe, Wilson V Corp.. F W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 11-18. Coffman, Rollo A... ........Pvt ....C W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 7-18. Coggins. James C Sgt.... I ....T— July 22-18 Colmanti, Guiseppe... Pvt F W— Oct. 10-18 Cole, Floyd H Pvt Hq S— Sept. 6-18 Dec. 1-18. Cole, Mack Pvt B W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 11-18. Coleman, Avery L Corp D Coleman, Charles. Pvt— Ist CI. E ....W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Coleman, Char ie W Corp.. A.... S— Oct. 18-18 .Nov. 1-18. Coleman, Krnest Sgt.... M S— Nov. 27-18 Dec. 10-18. Coleman, Fred D Pvt M K— Oct. 11-18 Coleman, Ju'ius P Pvt— 1st CI. Hq T— Sept. 22-18! Coleman, .lames P Ck Hq Coleman, John F-.. Pvt— let CI.. B W— Oct. 17-18 ....Dec. 2-18. Co'eman, Peter J. Pvt F - T— Jan. 20-19... Coleman, William R Corp D W— Oct. 17-18 Colin, Earl E.- Pvt F W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 11-18. Coll, John F Pvt F W— Oct. 10-18 Collier, Ewing H Corp .E Collins, James C Pvt.. G W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 11-18. Collins, Luther J Pvt .B W— Sept. 26-18 Collins, Neal N Pvt .Hq W— Sept. 29-18 Collins, Sanford Pvt... B Collins, Walter M. P\'t G S— Oct. 1-18 Colucci, Cosimo Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Colucci, Giovanni ..Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Colvert, William T. Pvt... E... Coomey, Al )ysius B. Pvt— IstCLT. K..— Oct. 18-18 Comarata, Marine... Pvt E S— Oct. 29-18 Nov. 27-19. Combs, Levi .-Wag Sup - Comer, Lawrence Pvt F.... W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 10-18. Comers, Connie L Pvt— 1st CI .H W— Sept. 29-18 Compton, Charles C P*vt A Conatzer, Clay.. Corp G Cornatser, Emit Corp B W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 1-18. Conaway, Nason F Pvt... B Died of W— Sept. 29-18. Conder, Harry W Pvt— 1st CI..D _ Conger, Francis W Pvt— 1st CI.. L Conley, Mark. Pvt ....G W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 26-18. Conlcy, Robert L Pvt— 1st CI.. G fW— Aug. 20-18 \W— Sept. 29-18-... Dec. 2-18. Conley, Willie P Pvt— 1st C1..G' ..S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 14-18. Conlin, Arthur Pvt— 1st C1..B. W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 14-lS. Connell, John Pvt. F Conner, Claude R Pvt— 1st CI.. B S— Nov. 11-1-i Dec. 21-18. Conrad, Woodfron G Pvt H W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 26-18. Conrad, Oscar J_ Pvt F S— Oct. 29-18 Comron, William P Wag Sup Conway, William A Pvt F _ Cook. Henry E Pvt— 1st CI..C W— Oct. 17-18 ....Dec. 2-18. History of iigth Infantry 75 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Cook, Lawrence S Pvt— IstCL.K S— Nov. 26-18 Dec. 22-l,S. Cook.IsomW . Pvt .1 T— Feb. 12-19... Cook, Lee Pvt G W— Oct. 10-18 Cook, Lloyd H ...Sgt L W— Aug. 31-18 Cook, Preston J Pvt— 1st CL.L W— Oct. 10-18.-.. Cook, Walter W Corp F S— Aug. 31-18 Cooke, Claude Pvt.._ .A .fW— Sept. 29-18-_-_Jan. 3-10. \T— Jan. 29-19. Cooke, George C Pvt Hq ...T— Jan. 20-19 Cooney, Akysius B Pvt— 1st C1..C K— Oct. 18-18 Cooper, Talmage Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18 Cooper, William N Pvt L K— Oct. 11-lS Cooper, Bally Pvt K W— Sept. 29-18... .Oct. 14-18. Cooper, Bennie A Pvt B Cooper, Joseph L Corp C Coppedgo, Edward S... Pvt— 1st CL.L W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 22-18. Copeland, William A Pvt MD... T— Sept. 1-18 Copeland, Alex Pvt Hq T— May 4-18 Corbett, James E Pvt....' A ....S— Nov. 27-18 Corbett, Tudor Pvt B T— July 6-18 Corbett, Belz ni A Sgt C i Corbett, William H Corp C Cordell.JohnR Mech C fW— Aug. 22-18... .Sept. 1-18. \t— Jan. 28-19 Cornwtll, Herber F Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18 Cordon, William W Pvt— 1st CI. E Cornatzer, George F Wag Sup Corrigan, John Pvt .MG ..Oct. 26-18 Coryna, IraH Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18 Coulter, George N Pvt E S— Oct. 1-18 Councill, Bernard B Corp A D of W— Oct. 9-18 Couzins, Leroy Pvt— 1st CL.K W— Sept. 29-18 Coston, Luther Pvt— 1st CL.M S— Aug. 6-18 Aug. 16-18. Cotton, Thomas H Pvt— IstCL.K W— Sept. 29-18. ...Nov. 11-18. Couch, Jethro C _Pvt H S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 7-18. Covington, Newton J Ck Hq Cox, Ed..... Pvt G K— Sept. 29-18 Cox, Rolands . Pvt MG K— Sept. 29-18 Cowan, Edward Pvt— 1st CL.B Cox, Charles C Pvt— 1st CL.Eq S— Nov. 1-18 Dec. 5-18. Cox, EmmettH Pvt Sup Cox, John F Pvt E Cox, Willie E Corp C S— Sept. 11-18 Sept. 21-18. Cox, Willie J... Corp M Craig, James H Pvt E Crabtree, Joe W Pvt— 1st CL.Hq S— Jan. 3-19 Craft, Walter A Pvt C S— Sept. 28-18 Crane, Nathan E Pvt E T— May 4-18 Crane, Robert M Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18 Cranford, Jesse T . Pvt F W— Oct. 10-18 . Cramer, LoydK ..Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Cranfill, Harvey L ..Corp ..D W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 7-18. Cratty, Thomas Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Crawford, Edward L Pvt Sup Crawford, RufusH....^. Pvt— 1st CI .C Crawford, William E Sgt. .C .• S— Oct. 28-18 Crawshaw, Gilbert Pvt— 1st CL.B W— Oct. 17-18 Crayton, Charles Pvt E 76 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Creasy, Woodie Pvt A Creekmore, Beecham Pvt E _ Credle, Daniel C Pvt MG W— Oct. 17-18 . Crews, William Pvt K K— Oct. 9-18 Creason, Edward Pvt— 1st CI. E W— Sept. 23-18. ...Dec. 2-18. Cress, Gustave H Corp M Crews, Elijah Pvt— 1st CI .B Crisp, Albert D Pvt Sup.. Crisp, LoydE Pvt C Criswcll, Earl F ..Pvt I.. ...S— Oct. 31-18 Nov. 11-18. Criswell, Shuford C Pvt MD_ Critchclow, James... Pvt .MD Crites, Manuel H Pvt C S— Oct. 28-18 Dec. 14-18. Crocker, John H Pvt— 1st C1..C Crockett, Do k Pvt .G S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. Crockett, Peyton Pvt D T— June 21-18 Cronick, Joseph Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18 Crook, Bert Pvt.... I S— Aug. 1-18 Croom, William J_ Sgt A T— Jan. 29-18 Cronin, Dennis A Pvt C . Croom, Clyde ..HS Sup Crouch, Worth B Corp L Crouch, Barney E. Pvt— 1st C1..G ..K— Sept. 1-18 Crowder, Thomas Pvt— 1st CI..B S— Oct. 28-18 Crow, Ute Pvt— 1st CI.. H. W— Oct. 10-18 ....Oct. 27-18. Crowder, Manlie G Pvt I S— Oct. 31-18 Nov. 11-18. Crum, Benjamin J Pvt F Oct. 26-18 Crum, Edward. Pvt.... C S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 7-18. Crumpler. David D Corp H S— Nov. 1-18 Dec. 2-18. Crutchfield, William B Pvt.... F W— Sept. 9-18 Crusco, Vito.._ P\-t G Dec. 6-18 Crutchfield, William M Pvt .G S— Jan. 7-19 Jan. 15-18. Cudsworth, Joseph H Pvt E W— Oct. 10-18 Cummings, J. B. Pvt B W— Sept. 29-18 Cummings, .■Vnthony k Corp B Cummings, William J Sgt E W— Oct. 10-18 Oct. 29-18. Cunningham, Ben Pvt B K— Oct. 19-18.. Cunningham, Willie ...Pvt— 1st CI .E W— Sept. 29-18 Cunningham, Wi'sie P Pvt— 1st CI .E.... K— Sept. 29-18 Cunningham. Chas P Pvt MG... W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 14-18. Cunningham, French H.. .Pvt .A Cunningham, Lewis F... Pvt... B Dec. 6-18 Curat, George J.. ..Pvt .G Dec. 6-18 Curry, Claude B_ Pvt.. .G Dec. 6-18 Curtis, Benjamin L Pvt C W— Oct. 17-18 ....Dec. 11-18. Cushman, Walter A Pvt... Hq W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 29-18. Cusimano, Nicola Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Cutler, Augustus Pvt I S— Oct. 21-18 Dec. 2-18. Cutter, Walter.. P^'t E W— Sept. 29-18 D'Abbieri, Nicola Pvt G W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 14-18. Dackis, Charles A.. P\^;— 1st CI..F W— Oct. 10-18 Dahlinghaus, .August J.. Pvt— 1st CI.. L Dale, Edward T.... Cpl C S— Aug. 10-18 Nov. 11-18. Dalton, Samuel Pvt— MG S— Dec. ^-18 Danford, Henry F.. Cook 1 Daniels, David Pvt Sup Daniels, Monroe A Pv^— 1st C1..E History of iigth Infantry 77 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Daniels, William A Pvt E Daniels, William H Pvt G .- Daniels, Add E_ Pvt MG .... Daniels, James C Pvt E.... ...W— Sept. 29-18— -Dec. 11-18. Daniels, Joseph C_ Pvt— 1st C1..MG W— Sept. 29-18 Dee. 14-18. Daniels, Marion L... Sgt E— K— Sept. 29-18 Danksis, Kazis— Pvt... .G W— Sept. 29-18_..-Dec. 14-18. Dannels, Jesse F Pvt Hq /W— Aug. 25-18 Dec. 21-18. \T— Jan. 20-18 Dannel, Tobias Q Sgt Hq T— Jan. 20-18 Dannen, John M Pvt F Dannenbring, Fred C Pvt K W— Sept. 29-18 . Dansereau, Elmer J... ...Pvt I... W— Oct. 10-18 Dart, Percy T Pvt— 1st C1..F W— Sept. 29-18 Darling, Fenny Pvt. ...I Darrall, Curtis W Pvt C Daughterly, RoscoeT Cpl. Bnd Hq Daughterly, Charlie Cpl B T— Feb. 4-18 Daghtry, Leon L Sgt H K— Sept. 29-18 Davenport, Dennis W Pvt... K [W— Aug. 25-18.. Davidsoa, Samuel Pvt— 1st CI.. F | W— Sept. 29-18 [W— Oct. 10-18 Oct. 15-18. Davidson, Starhng Pvt C Davidson, Delbert Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18 Davidson, Henry M Pvt M S— Oct. 1-18 Dai-idson, William C Pvt G .K^-Oct. 18-18 Davis, Harry L Pvt C T— July 6-18. Davis, Homer R Pvt Hq... T— Sept. 11-18 Davis, John Pvt E... W— Oct. 10-18 Davis, John F .Pvt— 1st C1..B W— Sept. 29-18 Davis, Omer.... Pvt C K— Sept. 29-18 Davis, Phillip Pvt C K— Sept. 29-18 Davis, Stanley Pvt G W— Oct. 10-18. Davis, Arthur H Pvt C Davis, Beverage Pvt G Davis, Carter L Pvt I W— Sept. 29-18.... Oct. 27-18. Davis, Clement G Cpl ..C W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Davis, Dock.. Cook E Davis, Dunk 1st Sgt. G . W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 11-18. Davis, Edwin B Sgt MG Davis, George _Pvt— 1st C1..E Davis, Harry L Pvt— 1st C1..MD W— July 22-18 Aug. 1-18. Davis, Harvey Cpl C Davis, James Pvt F Davis, James A Wag Sup Davis, James H Bug E W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 14-18. Davis, Jesse S... Pvt M Davis, Joe R Pvt E fW— Sept. 29-18.- \W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 3-18. Davis, John Wag... Sup.. Davis, Joseph Pvt— IstCL.D Davis, Junius Cpl Hq Davis, Luke Pvt— 1st CL.Hq S— Dec. 7-18 Jan. 4-19. Davis, Major Cpl G W— Oct. 10-18 Oct. 27-18. Davis, Marshall A Cpl L Davis, Richard A Hs Sup... Davis, Rufus Pvt Hq 78 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Davis, Stephen R Pvt A Davis, William G Pvt I Davis, Willie L .Pvt— 1st C1..MG Davieau, Oscar F ..Pvt— lstCl..M- Dayton, Leo Pvt... G S— Oct. 1-18 Dean, Anthony F Pvt MG Died of disecss Feb. 27-18. Dawald, William L Pvt. .K. Dawson, Amos M^ Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 20-18. Dawson, Chester... Pvt... C Dawson, Clarence W Pvt— 1st C1..MG W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Oct. 15-18. Dawson, Herman Pvt — 1st 01. .0 Day, John R Pvt.... K W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 14-18. Dayton, John C... ...Pvt— Ist CI..G Dean, David P\-t ...C W— Aug. 31-18 Dean, Walter C Pvt F DeAgelang lis, Gervasio Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Dcarman, DeWitt T ..Pvt K ..W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 14-18. DeBcrry, George F P\-t E W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 26-18. DcBocr, William Pvt... E W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 26-18. DeBrue, Horace Pvt... Sup Dees, Dan Pvt— Ist 01.. Hq Deese, Joels Pvt K W— Aug. 26-18 Dec. 8-18. Deesing, Peter S Pvt MG DeHaan, Henry J Pvt .H Dehr.JohnA ....Cpl I Delvechio, Robert H Pvt... D S—\ug. 25-18 Dec. 22-18. Dempsey, James Sgt K T— July 22-18 Demsky, Joseph ' Pvt F ..W— Oct. 29-18. Denbo, Raleigh Pvt F S— Oct. 29-18 Dennis, Duffy Cook .A.... S— Sept. 28-18 Dennis, JudsonW. Sgt L K— Oct. 17-18 Dennis, Robert Cpl... D T— Oct. 13-18 Denny, Daws W .Cpl.... L W— Aug. 21-18 Denton, Sib Pvt— IstCL.B W— Oct. 28-18.... Deil, Charles E Cpl MG Deil, Jerry Pvt MG S— Dec. 28-18 Dec. 31-18. DeLaiey, Hobard... Pvt I Delduco, Geiieroso Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Deloatch, Willie L Pvt A Dennery, Patrick V Pvt MG Denning, James L P^'t.... B S— Dec. 22-18 Jan. 2-18. Dennis, Jasper.. Cpl.. A W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 1-18. Dent Sydney H Pvt. C Dentici, .Antonio Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Deoppe, John E.. Pvt C. S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 12-18. Derwin, Edward D Pvt E T— May 4-18 Jan. 29-19. Dew, Caldwell... CpL... D... ....W— Sept. 29-18 Dew, Harvey Pvt— IstCL.L S— Sept. 10-18 Sept. 19-18. Dewey, Frank Bug D W— Oct. 17-18. Deweese, Wesley Pvt M Dickens, Harper Pvt Dickerson, Ernest Pvt... H .- Dickerson,CarlL Cpl C S— Oct. 28-18 DiUard, Ben T Sgt Hq W— Sept. 4-18 Dillard, William E Pvt— 1st C1..MD T— Aug. 18-18. DiUon, LoydH Pvt.. G K— Sept. 29-18 Dietz, George H Pvt G Dietz, Harry F Pvt.._. MG History of iigth Infantry 79 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Dinges, EmilJ _.Pvt M T— June 22-18..- Dinopoli, Michael. .^ Pvt G Deo. 6-18 Dishop, Emil Pvt F Disney, Robert L Pvt— 1st CI.. MD Dixon, Clarence E Pvt.... A W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 25-18. Dixon, John Pvt... .M. W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 11-18. Dixon, Drew E Pvt— 1st CI.. M D T— Jan. 20— 18 Dixon, Clarence Sgt G." W— Sept. 29-18 Dixon, George T Pvt E K— Sept. 29-18 Dixon, John R Pvt— 1st CI. .A S— Nov. 15-18 Dobson, Ralph J Cpl K W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 5-18. Dobys, LeoM ....Cpl C S— Aug. 8-18 Dec. 2-18. Dodge, William T Pvt F Dodd, Alonzo... Pvt— 1st CI. .C T— Juy 15-18. Doerr, Otto J ..Pvt I Dominuco, Vincenzo... Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 14-18. Domikas, William.-.. ..Pvt L _W— Oct. 17-18 Donald, Roy Pvt E S— March 16-19 Donaldson, Wi lis N Cpl M Donnan, FredC Pvt M S— March 16-18 Donnerson, William V Pvt— 1st CI.. D... K— Oct. 10-18 Doran, CarlT Pvt— 1st Cl-.Hq S— Sept. 10-18 Sept. 25-18. Dorazio, Camille Pvt G Dee. 6-18 Dortch.Hugh Sgt.. ..MG Dorman, Jack J ....Pvt MG ....S- Nov. 18-18 Nov. 30-18. Dorsey, Lester L. Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 14-18. Dugan, Thomas C - Pvt.: G Dec. 6-18 Douglass, Ottis.-.. ...Pvt— 1st C1..C W— Sept. 29-18 Dougherty, John T Pvt B W— Sept. 29-18. ... Nov. 5-18. Douglass, Andrew J._ Pvt MD Dowd, Ralph M- Pvt Hq W— Oct. 17-18 Driver, James C. Cpl D K— Sept. 29-18 Drach, HugoA Pvt F W— Oct. 10-18 Drake, Herman H ..Pvt— 1st CI.. MG Dranth,Sam Pvt— 1st C1..C S— Oct 28-18 Nov. 26-18. Drew, Charles A ..Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18....Jan. 10-18. Driggs, OteyT Pvt G .W— Sept. 29-18... .No .6-18. Drinkard, Homer L Cpl Hq Driver, Roy H Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 11-18. Dudeck, Tony Pvt G Dec. 6-18 DuHamel, George.. Pvt— 1st CI.. L Duncan, Elmer C Cpl. Hq W— Sept. 28-18... .Dec. 1-18. Dummon, John R Pvt E S— Nov. 2-18...^. .Dec. ,3-18. Durham, Lester Cpl L Durham, Ransom C Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. l-f-18. D'Urso, Caesar Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Dush, RaeE Pvt Hq .... Duvall, Harry Pvt C Duvall, Howard Pvt Hq Drum, Will... ...Pvt G T— Jan. 21-19 Dubberly, Jesse T ...Pvt .E W— Oct. 10-18 Duddy, Peter J Pvt G ...W— Oct. 18-18 Duffy, Michael J Pvt... .G W— Sept. 29-18 Dugan, Thomas Pvt H T— Jan. 20-19...». Dula, William S Pvt— 1st CI .G f Sept. 29-18 Oct 27-18. \t— Jan. 22-19 Dunlap, Charlie W ..Pvt.. .E W— Sept. 29-18 Dunlap, Fred .Pvt— 1st CI.. G T— Jan. 22-19 80 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Dunn, Frank- -Cpl H K— Sept. 29-18 Dutler, EmilH ...Pvt- -E... W— Oct. 17-18 -._ Dwen, Abert- ....Pvt H _...S— Oct. 31-18 Dwyer.JohnC Pvt ...I Dyer, John R Cpl.. E .S— Sept. 6-18 Sept. 15-18. Dyer, William C Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Eads, AlvaA Pvt— 1st CI .B Eagan, Hughs.... ....Pvt— 1st Cl..Hq Eagan,JamesJ Pvt— 1st CI .G /S— Oct. 14-18 Dec. 7-18. \T— Jan. 22-18 Eagan, Rufe Pvt E S— Oct. 14-18 Eagan, Walter J. Corp I ..W— Oct. 14-18 Eaks.Barbee Pvt E. T— Jan. 22-18 Eaks.JoeH .Pvt E .S— Nov. 2-18 Early, Rudolph Pvt.. .G Dec. 6-18 S— Dec. 24-18 Feb. 5-19. Early, Henry G - Mus Hq Earnhardt, Fred L.... Pvt -A- W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 27-19. Eason, Otto Pvt— Ist C1..G ..W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. Eastcp, Ralph. Sgt... H.. Easter, Clifton M Pvt Hq S— July 28-18 .Aug. 12-18. Eckhert, Henry G Pvt I .S— Nov. 11-18 No. 20-18. Edens, George T Corp.. .G S— Dec. 2-18 Dec. 5-18. EderhoJf, George J Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Edge, Johnnie S Pvt Sup Edgeman, James H Pvt F Edwards, Arthur F Pvt— 1st CI. B S— Aug. 31-18 Dec. 19-18. Edwards, Fred M Pvt G —.Dec. 6-18 Edwards, Herman Pvt L Edwards, John A Pvt ...F Edwards, John R 1st Sgt Hq Edwards, John: than C Pvt JSq Edwards, Sam E .Pvt— Ist CI .E Edwards, Wayne S Corp .D Edwards, Wayne R Pvt Hq W— Aug. 19-18 Sept. 3-18. Edwards, William E Pvt E ..,.. Edwards, William W Pvt F Eden, Earl A- Pvt... I.... ..S— Oct. 14-18 Edge, Jasper Mech F.. T— Jan. 20-19 Edwards, Carsey C Pvt ..H D of W— Oct .1-18 Edwards, James J Corp .C W— Sept. 29-18 Edwards, James T ....Pvt ...L W— Oct. 17-18 Edwards, William F Pvt.. .E K— Sept. 29-18 Eikleberger, James Pvt .F W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 4-18. Eidson, Neuma R Pvt.. .E Elder, ArzaC Pvt M W— Oct. 10-18 EUer,JamesA.. _. ...Pvt G K— Sept. 29-18 EUer, Raleigh A Pvt MG M— Sept. 29-18 Elliott, Daisy Pvt L /S— Nov. 11, 18 ....Nov. 16-18. \T— Feb. 8-19 Elliott, Floyd L... .Pvt B S— Nov. 11-18 Elliott, Ra>Tnond V Pvt— 1st CI .F K— Oct. 14-18 Elliott, Seaf- . -• Pvt C S— July 6-18 EUiott, Frank C Pvt H S— Oct. 31-18 Nov. 14-18. Elliott, Joseph R... ..Pvt C EUiott, Morris A... Corp MG Ellis, Edwin D... _. Pvt— 1st C1..L ___ History of iigtJi Infantry 81 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Elliss, Haywood Pvt— 1st CI .C Ellis, James .. Pvt C •. /W— Aug. 31-18- W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Ellis, Ned Ck D J Ellis, William M Pvt— 1st CL.Hq Ellis, Joseph H Pvt MG T— Jan. 28-19 Ellis, Walter Pvt K '. T— Jan. 19-18 Ellis, Wess Pvt B W— Sep. 26-18 Elmore, George Pvt G fW— Oct. 17-18 .... Nov. 16-18. \t— Jan. 22-19 Elmore, Julius C Pvt ...G W— Sept. 29-18 Embler, McCoy L Pvt Hq Emmons, Ray W Pvt M Emolovich, Andrew Pvt — 1st C1..B Emory, Furman M Pvt F S— March 16-18 Endres, Jacob C Corp H Endrizzi, John B_._ Pvt H Englebard, Ervin G Corp G K— Sept. 29-18 Engle, Joseph C Sgt ..D W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 1-18. Enlow, Edward A Corp I W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 2-18. Ennis, Frank Pvt M S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 3-18. Enoch, Abram Pvt B Enright, Bryan Pvt I T— Feb. 20-19 Epperson, Edward A Pvt G K— Oct. 18-18 Epstein, Leonard Sgt MG T— March 16-19 Epps, Herman L Pvt D /W— Sept. 3-18 Sept. 3-18. \T— Feb. 2-19 Ervin, Ernest M Corp K K— Aug. 26-18 Ervin, William D Pvt _.MD T— Jan. 29-19 Ergle, Ernest C Pvt F Ernest Herbert C Pvt Hq Erwood, Brenton C Pvt M T— June 22-18 Eslick,JohnH ..Pvt E fW— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 19-18. \t— Jan. 22-19 . Estes, Ralph C Sgt Hq T— July 22-18 Estes, Ernest C Sgt.... B T— Oct. 13-18 Estep, Solomon W Pvt F S— May 1-18 Estep, Max- Pvt MG Etheridge, Ernest T Pvt MD Etheridge, Walter Pvt M W— Sept. 29-18... .Jan. 18-19. Etheridge, Paul Pvt Sup.. Ethier, Joseph A Pvt E W— Oct. U-18 ....Dec. 14-18. Etter, Elbert C Corp Hq Etters, Arthur Pvt I ...W— Aug. 31-18 Eubank, Elmore E Sgt_ ..B.... ..fW— Sept. 26-18 \W— Oct. 10-18 ....Nov. 8-18. Eubanks, Verny G Pvt F S— Nov. 11-18 Eudy, FredB Pvt. ..I... Eure, Solomon Q Corp F W— July 27-18.. ..Nov. 1-18. Evans, Eugene M Corp MG Evans, James C Pvt L Evans, Joe H Pvt Hq. K— Aug. 18-18 Evans, Joseph C Pvt— 1st CI .K K— Sept. 29-18 Evans, Luther Pvt Hq Everett, Cecil L Corp H /W— Aug. 26-18 \W— Sept. 29-18 ...Dec. 2-18. Everhart, Avory Pvt— AstCl.D J Everly, Guy E.... Pvt. .MG ..W— Sept. 27-18.. ..Oct. 10-18. 82 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Evera, DavidJ Pvt ...F Ewell, JesseO - Ck ■. A ._ Ewell, Charlie M.. ....Pvt... D T— Feb. 4-19 Exum, George F Pvt K Ezzell, JohnR ..Pvt... .A ..' D of W— Sept. 29-18 Ezzell, Da\nd E.. ...Pvt— 1st CI .MG Fabbri, Adelmo Mech L Fabisiak.John.... Pvt— 1st CI -B FacclinncGoivanni.. Pvt... H W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec 14-18. Fay, John J -Pvt ...A Fair, Robert K... Pvt— 1st C1..D K— Oct. 18-18 Faircloth, Archie.... Pvt .1. ...D of W— Sept. 29-18 Faircloth, Josiah S Cpl F W— July 18-18 Faircloth, Gibson Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18. ...Nov. 6-18. Faircloth, Henry C... Pvt— 1st CI. .H W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 15-18. Faircloth, Lamar Pvt .A W— Oct. 10-18 ....Nov. 26-18. Faircloth, Lonzy... ..Pvt F W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Fairless, Andrew J Pvt E Falk, James L Sgt ...L S— Oct. 20-18 Dec. 2-18. Falletti, Mike Pvt B ....Deo. 6-18 Farr, Harley Pvt.: .Hq Farr.Joe. Pvt Hq S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 15-18. Farrar, Lewis P Pvt F Farris, Marion .Cpl G T— July 6-18 Aug. 10-18. Fann, Lank Cpl M .T— Jan. 16-19 Faulkner, Thomas V Cpl E W— Oct. 10-18 : Fasig, FredA... Pvt.. Hq... Dec. 6-18 Faucett, John... .Pvt— 1st CI. Hq Faucctt, Thomas C. Cpl M Faulkner, Richard W Ck Hq Faulstich, Walter Pvt— IstCL.M Foust, Henry H Pvt .A W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Feidak, Nuan Pvt G Dec. 6-18. Ferrell, Lcroy Pvt B S— Nov. 11-18 Nov. 27-18. Ferguson, Guilford A. Sgt Sup Ferguson, Lucas B Pvt— 1st CI. MG W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 26-18. Ferguson, William Pvt.. .F ....W— Sept. 29-18 Ferguson, Roy. Pvt .E W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 7-18. Ferrell, Thomas J Pvt F T— Jan. 20-18 Ferrell, William T Pvt .H W— Sept. 29-18 Ferrantello, James Pvt... G Dec. 6-18 Ferrell, Frank B Sgt K Ferrell, Seth Cpl K Fiasst, Hugo- Pvt B D"ec. 6-18 .-.- Fickey, Charlie E Pvt— 1st CI .Hq Fickey, Harry H Cpl Hq W— Sept. 29-18... -Oct. 28-18. Field, WiUiam J 1st Sgt .E T— July 22-18 Field, EUery S Pvt ...MG S— Oct. 7-l8 .' Fink, Ode Pvt .H^ T— July 6-18... Fiderlick, Henry E Cpl.... D Fielden, Robert S Pvt— 1st CI.. L W— Oct. 17-18 ....Nov. 26-18. Fields, Charles .Pvt— 1st CI. I T— Nov. 28-18 ....Dec. 3-18. Fink, John H Cpl .K Fink, Lucy.-- Cpl M Fitch, Alonzo E Pvt .1.. ..-..K— Oct. 10-18 History of iigth Infantry 83 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd [W— Aug.31-18_...l Fitzgerald, William B Cpl L |w— Sept. 29-18-. -j- |_T— Feb. 8-18 j Fitahugh, Arthur S Pvt L T— Sept. 14-18 Fitzsimmons, Robert J Pvt G K — Oct. 16-18 Fipps, Chess Pvt Hq Fischer, Fred W. -Pvt M W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 3-18. Fischer, John Pvt .E Fisher, Julius J Pvt MG S— Nov. 8-18. Dec. 7-18. Fischer, Leo G... Pvt.. M Fischer, George H Pvt .0 - Fisher, John L_ Cpl E W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 20-18. Fisher, Samuel L ...Sgt C Flack, John T Cpl K.. Flack, Charles ..Pvt I... D of W— Sept. 2-18 Flannigan, Andrew W Pvt E T— May 4-18 Flannigan, John Pvt.. .1 W— Sept. 26-18... Flaspohier, Frank Pvt .F W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 3-18. Flauaus, Alfred P. Pvt E T— July 12-18.. Fleetwood, Mallie.. Pvt I ..W— Aug. 8-18 Fiesher, Guy ..Pvt C W— Oct. 17-18 Fleming, Har.ld T. ....Pvt— 1st CI. A W— Aug. 16-18. ...Nov. 1-18. Fleming, Hiram B...... .Pvt ...C W— Oct. 17-18 ....Nov. 26-18. Flesjer, Man'ey Pvt H W— July 26-18 ....Dec. 30-18. Fletcher, Floyd R-- Pvt I Flickinger, Harry C Pvt MG.... Flick, John L Pvt. .1 S— Oct. 20-18 Florengi, Louis Pvt.. -G ....Dec. 6-18 Flora, James... Pvt C. S— Nov. 11-18 Flowers, Clem B. - Mech Hq Flowers, George J Pvt. ..H ..W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 11-18. Floyd, Roscoe Pvt ...C '. W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 7-18. Fly, Thomas J Sgt A W— Oct. 10-18 Flynn, Homer Pvt— 1st CI M. Flynt, Rabah B Pvt— 1st 01 .A .S— Oct. 29-18 Nov. 14-18. Folger,PaulB Cpl... MG W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 8-18. Folks, George F Pvt.. .G ....W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 14-18. Follette, Clarence C. Pvt. .Sup Folden, Homer H Pvt.. .C... ...S— Oct. 28-18_ Foor, Harley J.. .Pvt... I Forbes, Bert T CpL. I Forbes, JohnS... AsstBn Ldr.Hq... Ford, James W Pvt G Ford, Jesse G Pvt— 1st C1..L K— Aug. 2-18 Forrest, Samuel P Pvt .G S— Oct. 29-18 Forhand, Walter S Sgt I.. ...T— Oct. 13-18 Jan. 3-19. Forland, Harold A Cpl A Foster, Walter I .Pvt D ....W— Sept. 29-18.. Foscue, Troy E .Cpl ...Hq Foster, Ben W Pvt.. L ..S— Dec. 1-18 Dec. 21-18. Foster, Charles J Pvt Hq Foster, Ezra P Pvt— 1st CI _A W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 2-18. Foster, Luke Pvt ..B Dec. 6-18 Fowler, Troy Pvt .A S— Oct. 1-18 Fonts, Rufus D Pvt .L S— Nov. 11-18 Nov. 26-18. Fowler, Farsom D Pvt Sup Fowler, Thomas .Pvt Sup Fowlkes, Dock F Cpl K S— Nov. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. 84 History of iiglh Injanlry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Fox, Clarence L Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Fox, Jacob F Pvt F K— July 31-18 Fox, Manuel A Pvt C W— Aug. 31-18 Foxman, Benjamin Bnd. Sgt Hq S— Nov. 26-18 Jan. 1-19. Foy, Leslie Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18 Foyles, George Pvt A- France, Alex E Cpl B S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. Francis, Henry W Cpl 1 ..S-Sept. 6-18 Nov. 26-18. Franz, George --- -Pvt 1 .W-Sept. 29-18 Franks, Ersel W Pvt ...MG fS— Nov. 8-18 Nov. 27-18. \T— March 3-19 Frazelle, James J Pvt B Frazelle, Koscoe D Pvt -H Frazier, Martin E Pvt -.B Frazicr, RoeD Pvt B Frazier, Van Pvt— 1st CI .H Frcdcrking, GustavH..- -Pvt A.... K— Sept. 29-18 Frederico, Angelo ..- Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Frederick, John R.- Cpl E W— Sept. 29-18... .Oct. 27-18. Freeman, Luther M... Pvt MG ..Dec. 6-18 S— Dec. 27-18 Jan. 5-18. Freeman, Ralph -- Pvt C— - W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 11-18. Freeman, Earnley H- Pvt C W— Aug. 31-18 French, Henry Cpl L W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Friedman, Leo — -Pvt MG W— Oct. 17-18 Freto, Antonio- -Cpl M Frochlich, Harry B Cpl M- -...D of D— Jan. 20 18 Fry, John B Pvt M- K— Oct. 10-18 Fry, William G Pvt .Hq S— Nov. 11-18 , Fryar, James E ---- -Pvt .G T— July 6-18..- Frisbee, Grover C Cpl . 1 - Fritz, Jesse M --.Cpl D. -.. -- Froio, Saverio Pvt...- G Dec. 6-18 - Fry, William L Cpl F W— Sept. 29-18... -Dec. 14-18. Fulford, Herman D .Pvt L -- -.S— Oct. 14-18 -- Fulford, James I Pvt -E K— Oct. 10-18 Fuchs, Henry J Pvt .H W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 21-18. Fulford, Samuel G Pvt .C W— Oct. 17-18 No.v 26-18. Fulk, Alpha Pvt MG- S— Nov. 14-18 Fulghum, Herman W Pvt MG ..Dec. 6-18 Fulghum, John D Mus Hq — -. Fulk, John D Pvt A -.. ---- Fussell, Raymond D Sgt H... K— Sept. 29-18 Fussnocker, Emil W -.-Pvt L S— Oct. 14-18 Fuller, Aaron Cock C Fultz, Leonard Pvt E -.W— Sept. 28-18— .Dec. 11-18. Furmage, Robert I Cook L Futrel, Julian H Pvt- -H S— Oct. 14-18 Oct. 27-18. Futrell, Albert F ....Sgt C - Gaddy, Rchard C Pvt- .K S— Oct. 29-18 — . Gage, Marion W Pvt— IstCl.Hq _-.W— Oct. 17-1 8.-- --. Gain, Linden L — .Pvt D M— Oct. 2-18 - Gaines, William C Pvt L W— Aug. 31-18.. --Aug. 31-18. Gaddy, Ernest...- Cpl G W— Oct. 17-18 -..Nov. 20-18. Gaddy, Henry W Pvt H -.S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. Gaetne, Liberto Pvt I Dec. 6-18. Gainey.BertA Pvt— 1st CI .C - History of iiQth Infantry 85 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Gainey, David C _...Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 2-18. Galensksa, Peter Pvt H Gallagher, John T Sup.Sgt-_..C Gallion, Elmer. Pvt... Hq W— Aug. 25-18.... Aug. 25-18. Gallion, Eugene Pvt— 1st CI .M K— Aug. 5-18 Galloway, Lewis Pvt — 1st CI .1 Gandy, Ernest Pvt F W— Aug. 25-18 Nov. 14-18. Ganey, James R Pvt— 1st C1..MG Gannon, John Pvt I W— Oct. 17-18 Ganshow, William .Pvt M Dec. 6-18 Gardener, James H Pvt .._L K— Sept. 2&-18 Gardner, WiUiam Pvt— 1st CI. L W— Oct. 10-18 Gardner, William J Cpl K.. S— Sept. 26-18 Gardner, John H ...Cpl..' D.... S— Oct. 1-18 ..Oct. 29-18. Gardner, William H Cpl I Garland, Bascom Pvt 1 Garland, Clarence E ' Pvt... H W— Sept. 29-18 Garland, John L.... Pvtr-IstCl..F K— Sept. 29-18 Garlow, JohnH Pvt I Garner, Carl D ...M Sgt B Garner, Danile Pvt— 1st CI.. I Garner, Cicero Pvt — 1st CI .A . Garner, Cortis H ....Pvt— 1st CI .H Garner, Alfred Pvt— 1st CI.. I Garrand, Albert R Pvt A W— Sept. 29-18. ...Nov. 26-18. Garren, Volley T. Pvt H.... K— Sept. 29-18 Garrett, Charles. ....Pvt— 1st CI .F S— Oct. 26-18! Garrett, Jim H Pvt— 1st CI .B W— Sept. 29-18. ...Nov. 5-18. Garrett, Joe W ..Pvt B Garrett, John H. ..Cpl I.. W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 2-18. Garrett, Manuel ....Pvt— IstCl .B Garrett, William H. .Pvt— 1st CI .Sup Garrett, Grover L Pvt... K Garris, Rufus R Pvt B W— Sept. 29-18 Garrison, Ernest D Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Garvin, Alvin E .Pvt— 1st CI .B Garvin, Archie C... ....Pvt Sup T— Feb. 26-19 Gaskins, Sidney E Pvt— 1st CI .Hq W— Oct. 17-18 Gaskins, William Pvt D W— Sept. 27-18 Gasparatte, Tony Pvt — 1st CJ .3 Gathings, James R Pvt— 1st Ci..E Gattis, Carver M Pvt C Gay, Leon S. Cpl F Gaynes, Alfred Pvt D Gaynus, Neil Pvt M Geiser, Louis, Jr Pvt.... Hq W— Oct. 17-18 ....Dec. 1-18. Gendreau, Homer J Pvt K George, Grover C. Pvt.. C _ George, Charles W Ck. ...A T— Feb. 4-19 Giardina, Frank Pvt— 1st CI.. Hq. ....S— Nov. 11-18 Gerald, Jennings Bug ..L Gereshkofsky, Herny Pvt B Dec. 6-18... Gerhardt, George Pvt D Gerlach, August R Pvt .C W— Sept. 26-18.... Dec. 19-18. Gher, Louis N...- Pvt ...Hq... Gibbons, John F_ Pvt I ...W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 5-18. Gibbs, Hsrmend V Cpl G Gibby, Britt Pvt... .E 86 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Flet'd Gibson, Archie W Sgt Hq Gibson, Roy C. Pvt I Gibson, William E Sgt A Gibson, Olin E Cpl A K— Oct. 16-18 Gibson. Sam Pvt H... /W— Sept. 29-18... -Dec. 19-18. \S— March 15-19 Giles, Scott E Sgt ....Hq Gill, Harley Pvt K.... W— Sept. 29-18... .Oct. 29-18. Gillahan, Fred A Sgt L ..K— Sept. 28-18 Gilliad, William Pvt.. K K— Oct. 18-18 Gilliam, Norman L ..Pvt Mg.. -Dec. 6-18 Gilliat, Earl E Pvt— 1st CI.. C W— Aug. 18-18 Sept. 25-18. Gillikin. Fernie B Pvt M.. Gillikin, Thomas L Pvt— Ist Cl..Inf-— '....S— Oct. 27-18 Nov. 26-18. Gillespie, Claude Pvt F W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 2.5-18. Gillispie, John T Pvt— Ist CI. M S— March 16-19 Oilman, Edward Pvt J" Gilmore, John C Sgt D T— July 22-18 Gindlins, Joe P. Pvt I Gladden, William H Pvt L W— Oct. 17-18 ....Dec. 2-18. Glanton, Mack Pvt A Glassbrenner, Fred L Pvt— Ist CI .Hq K— Sept. 29-18 Glasscock, Willie T Pvt B 8— Oct. 14-18 Glasscock, John A Pvt.. B W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 8-18. Glenn, Homer Pvt H Glenn, John T. Pvt— Ist CI .D Glisson, Felix A Pvt D Glover, James C Pvt .1 W— Sept. 29-18 Goble, William R Pvt— Ist CI .D W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 29-18. Godwin, John R Cpl K Godwin, Lee Wag Sup Godwin, Perry RSS Sup Godwin, Perry L Sgt M Goeller.SamW Pvt .MG.. Dec. 6-18 Goers, Horace C Pvt A S— Oct. 31-18 Dec. 8-18. Goff, .\rza A Pvt C S— Nov. 11-18 Nov. 26-18. Goggard, Walter S Sgt I K— Sept. 1-18 Coins, James F .Pvt G ^.W— Sept. 29-18 Goldburg, Sam Pvt— Ist CI .Hq W— Sept. 29-18 Golden, Bennie E Cpl ....B Golden, Walter Pvt B Goldman, Elmer Pvt I Gooch, William R Wag ..Sup Goode, Willie Pvt— Ist CI .B W— Oct. 17-18 ....Dec. 2-18. Gooden, Charles F Pvt— 1st C1..MG Goodin, Elbert Pvt .L W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 14-18. Goodman, .\lbert Pvt L M— Aug. 31-18 Goodpasture, Elmer L Pvt.... E W— Sept. 29-18 Goodscn.Wade Pvt— IstCl-H T— Jan. 20-19 Goodwin, Harry E Pvt 3 S— Nov. 11-18 Nov. 27-18. Goodwin, John Pvt. H Dec. 6-18 S— Dec. 29-18 Jan. 25-19. Goodwin, Tallie R Pvt— 1st CI. MG Gordon, Ernest W Sgt Sup Gordon, James W Pvt C S— Oct. 28-18 Nov. 26-18. Gordon, Newton B Pvt... K S— June 4-18 Gordon, Tom E..: Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18 Gore, James A... Wag Sup Gore.WilUamA Pvt— 1st CI. Hq W— Oct. 17-18 ....Dec. 1-18. History of iigth Infantry 87 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Gorganeous, Floyd D Sgt ...H W— Sept. 29-18 Oct. 27-18. Gornelli, Frank ..Pvt.. .H Dec. 6-18 Goss, Wilbur R_ Pvt K. .• W— Oct. 10-18 Gossman, Henry Pvt .K ...fW— Aug. 26-18 \K— Oct. 20-18 Gould, HiserH .Sgt A Grady, John K Cpl... B W— Oct. 17-18 Grady, Emmet Pvt Grady, William ...Pvt— 1st CI .C W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 2-18. Graf, Ernest G Pvt Hq T— Jan. 12-18 Gra''f, Charles W... Pvt... .Mg W— Oct. 10-18 Graham, John W. Sgt B .T— Sept. 22-18 Graham, William... Pvt— 1st CI .L.. W— Sept. 29-18. Graham, Reginald G ...Pvt— 1st CL.Inf. ..W—D— Sept. 28-18 Graham, Daniel F Cpl L.. W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. Graham, John E Pvt— 1st CL.MG... Graham, William E. Pvt I Grainger, Charles S ...B Sgt Hq Granade, Carl Pvt ....MG ..Dec. 6-18 Granate, Antonio Pvt B Dec. 6-lS _ Grandstaff, Robert F Wag Sup _. Graner, Fred. Pvt E ..S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 3-18. Grant, Edward P Pvt ._D.. Grant, Lester. __ Wag Sup Grant, Ernest ...Pvt A T— Jan. 29-19 Grantham, Luther L Pvt— 1st CI .MG .W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 8-18. Grantham, .Adrian H.L ...Pvt— 1st CI .MG ....K— Sept. 29-18 Gratham, William Pvt.. ..F W— Oct. 17-18 Gratopp. Edward A_ .Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Graves, Fred T ..Sgt Hq T— Nov. 16-18... Gray, Herbert B... Mech B W— Oct. 17-18 Gray, Hilary C Pvt F ..W— Aug. 25-18 Grey, Marion J Pvt ...E S— Nov. 22-18 Gray, Clarence R Pvt MG Gray, Ehner Pvt MG ..Dec. 6-18... .".... Gray, Roberts... Pvt— lat CI .G Graziani, Angelo ...Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Greco, Joe Pvt— 1st CI .E Green, Andy W Pvt. .H W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 7-18. Green, Archie R ..Pvt G Green, Brodie L ...Sgt H ..W— Sept. 29-18 Oct. 7-18. Green, Grady Pvt G.... S— Nov. 22-18 Dec. 23-18. Green, Jesse H Cpl F W— Sept. 29-18 Oct. 27-18. Green, Pierson Cpl.. G... ^ Greene, Jesse C. Wag Sup Green, Daniel H Pvt— 1st CI .D W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Green, Thad Pvt G /W— Sept. 29-18, \T— Feb. 4-19... Greene, Milton A ..Pvt A ...K— Sept. 29-18 Green, Walter S Pvt H T— July 6-18 Greer, Edmond D Cpl H K— Sept. 29-18 Greer, Samuel .Pvt. D W— Oct. 17-18 Gregorion, Goust ..Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Gregory, James E-. Cpl M ..S— Nov. 27-18 Dec. 10—18. Gregory, Willie T.. ..Pvt K Gries, FredC... Mech MG Griffin, Gus Pvt— lstCl..A W— Sept 29-18.. Griffion, Charles H Pvt H S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 21-18. History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Griffin, Manuel F Pvt M. ... Griffin, William C. Pvt ...A '.. Griffin, \rilliam K- Cpl- MG ..W— Sept. 29-18-... Dec. 10-18. Grifford, Theodore P Pvt G Dec. 6-18 Grimes, Earl G Pvt F.. W— Sept. 29-18... .Oct. 29-18. Grimes, Manly— Pvt E ....W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 19-18. Grimes, Noah J.. .Pvt— 1st C1..A W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 11-18. Griswold, Charles ..Pvt K W-Oct. 10-18... Grizzard, RusseU Pvt— Ist C1..MG Groce, Maurice E Pvt— 1st CI.. B Groening, Frank J... Mcch MG W— Oct. 10-18 Oct. 27-18. Groner, William B Pvt— 1st 01.. D W— Oct. 10-18 Groskrentz, William E Pvt K K— Oct. 9-18 Groszewski, Joseph Pvt... MG..-Dec. 6-18 Grubb, Harmon D Pvt... K ....K— Oct. 8-18 Grubbs, Ernest G Pvt A ...W— Oct. 10-18 Grubbs, Lee-.- 1st Sgt B Guerrettaz, Elsa Pvt... A W— Sept. 29-18 Guns, Thomas H ....Pvt MG. -Dec. 6-18 Gunter, Voice V Pvt E S— Aug. 12-18 Nov. 11-18. Gurganous, Otway Pvt Sup Gurgauus, Edward P Sgt ...I Gurganus, Winston A Cpl I W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 2-18. Gurlie, Vcrnie Pvt Sup Gussett, Claude Pvt K W— Oct. 10-18 Gust, William A.... Pvt F W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Guth, Fred C Pvt... Hq K— Aug. 31-18 Gutcsky, Stanley Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Guy, Hillie.... Pvt... E Guyer, Thomas L Pvt I W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec.14-18. Guyse.JayG Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Haag, Fred A ....Pvt.... F K— Oct. 10-18. Haag, Natban Pvt ....B W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 14-18. Haag, Carl G Pvt— 1st C1..B Hackney, James Pvt... F Hackney, WiUiam F.. Pvt— 1st C1..F W— Sept. 29-18 Haffner, Frank Pvt H ....W— Sept. 29-18 Hagan, Luther J Pvt K. Hagans, Gordon S.. Pvt. C T— March 10-18 Hagemann, Edwin E Pvt — 1st C1..L Hagen, Glen A ....Cpl F. M— Oct. 26-18 Dec. 19-18. Hagler, Charles S Pvt M Hagler, Daniel C .Cpl H Hagler, Sam E Pvt— 1st C1..F W— Oct. 10-18 Hahn, Leonard G Pvt K S— Oct. 20-18 Dec.14-18. Haislet, .\ulden Pvt... K Halberg, Edwin Pvt.... K Hale, Clyde A Sgt ..Hq W— June 20-18 Hall, Allen J... Pvt. ...G Hall, Ervin CpL L Hall, Howard M Pvt... C '. Hall, James B Sgt.. Hq Hall, John Mus.- .Hq Hall, Lamn H .Pvt B W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 4-18. HaU, Leon M ...Pvt— 1st CL.Hq Hall, Leonard J Pvt M... S— Nov. 11-18 Die. 5-18. History of iigth Infantry 89 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Hall, Luther P Pvt— 1st C1..A W— Aug. 30-18 Nov. 15-18. Hall, Seth Cpl M-.-. Hall, Thomas Pvt D Hall, Will D .CpL.. K S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 5-18. Hall, Banner D CpL.. F Hall, Charlie B ..Pvt... .G _W— Died Sept. 30-18. Hall, Charles E V\t K K— Sept. 20-18--. Hall, Floyd D _.. Pvt H S— July 6-18 Hall, Henry H Pvt L K— Aug. 31-18 Hall, Lonnie T Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18 Hall, Raleigh W Pvt D W— Aug. 21-18 Hall, William E-- Sgt F W— Sept. 29-18 Halterman, Albert L Pvt D ..K— Oct. 7-18 Hamby, Verndin H Pvt G Hamilton, Foster K Sgt Hq HamUton, John H ._-Pvt— 1st C1..G M— Sept. 29-18 Hammack, Elbert L ._Pvt L Hammock, Andrew B Pvt— 1st CI.. L S— Sept. 10-18 Hampton, Oscar Pvt— 1st CI.. Hq S— Nov. 11-18 Hampton, Henry W .-_Pvt K Hampton, James P Cpl C Hand, Lee Pvt MG W— Oct. 10-18 Handford, Robert Pvt MG Hanes, George F Pvt MG.-Dec. 6-18 Hankins, Louis M... Pvt .D W— Sept. 29-18 Hankins, Marvin J Cpl L Hannah, John H Cpl D W— Oct. 17-18 Hannah, Roy H Pvt K T— Jan. 22-19 Hannel, Jacob R Pvt K K— Oct. 9-18 Hanningan, Mike Pvt— 1st C1..L T— July 15-18 Hansen, John Pvt K Hanson, Lars Pvt H Happicn, Ferdinand G Pvt MG—Dec. 6-18. Harder, Roy J.. _ Cpl K Harbert, Howard Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18 Harbin, Marshall C Pvt M Harbour, Shelby G .Pvt D S— Oct. 28-18 Harden, Valen F Pvt— 1st C1..I Hardin, LaFayette E Pvt G W— Sept. 28-18— .Dec. 14-18. Hardin, Noah L Pvt E K— Aug. 20-18 Harding, Lawrence E Pvt F W— Oct. 19-18 Hardison, JohnM...- Pvt— 1st C1..G _-.W— Oct. 10-18 Hardison, AsaH. Wag Sup Hardwick, John T Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18 Hardy, Garley C... Pvt MG W— Sept. 29-18 Hardy, James F.... Pvt— 1st C1..A Hardy, Melvin Pvt— 1st Cl.-M... Hardy, William R P\'t— 1st 01.. L W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 2-18. Hardy, WiUiamE .Pvt H W— Oct. 10-18 Hare, Edward W Cpl Ordn Harger, Orion ..Pvt L W— Oct. 17-18 Harges, Cordell .Pvt— 1st CI. .B Harges, Willie M Pvt— 1st CI.. M W— Aug. 31-18. ...Nov. 11-18. Harkey, Lonnie R Pvt Hq Dec. 6-18 Harmin, WilUe D Pvt— 1st CI. .A K— Sept. 29-18 Harmon, James G Pvt — 1st C1..D _. Harmon, Monroe Pvt MG Harp, Walter E .Pvt— 1st C1..L 90 History of iigth Infanlry Name Rank Company Ddte Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Harper, Lee E Ck F Harper, Leon Pvt — 1st CL.B Harrell, Arthur Pvt .^..I... HarreU, Clyde B Cpl M. Harrell, Vance Pvt K Harrell, Edison W Pvt I S— Aug. 21-18.... Harrell, Jonn H Cpl... E W— Sept. 29-18 Harrell, Roland Pvt... I K— Aug. 2-lS Harris, Dewey S Cpl Hq... T— March 16-19 Harris, Ernest G Pvt... D S— Oct. 14-18.- Harris, Faison.. ..Mech.. D K— July 18-18 Harris, Loyd T... Pvt F W— Set. 29-18. Harris, Hall C Pvt— Ist CI..K.. W— Oct. 10-18 Harris, Perley H Cpl B. ....K— Sept. 29-18 : Harris, \ ictor E Pvt C... ..W-Sept. 18-18.. Harris, William C Cpl I Discharged June 18-18. Harris, Barry B.. Pvt E. Harris, CharUe.l ....P^-t— 1st CI..I W— Aug. 31-18. ...Sept. 19-18. Harris, Frank W Cpl L Harris, Gaither J Bug F ...S— Oct. 1.18 Nov. 14-18. Harris, George W Pvt— 1st CL.Hq... Harris, Giles H Cpl K W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 14-18. Harris, Gurley W .Cpl L S— Oct. 14-18 Nov. 11-18. Harris, Harry.... ..Pvt.... D VV— Aug. 31-18. ...Dec. 23-18. Harris, James H Cpl E Harris, John T Pvt D W— Oct. 17-18 Jan. 18-19. Harris, Lonnie L Cpl B Harris, MacJc D Mcch A ....W-Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Harris, William S Pvt E Harrelson, Norman J Pvt Sup Harrensteio, Herman A ...Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Harrington, Joe J Pvt— 1st C1..H W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 30-18. Harrington, William J Pvt ..E Harrison, James B Wag Sup , Harrison, Martin P Sgt C Harrison, Royal A Sgt C T— June 22-18 Hart, Samuel C Pvt— Ist CI.. G K— Sept. 29-18 Hart, Isaac Pvt... Sup Hartig, Ernest H ...Pvt K W— Sept. 29-18 Hartley, Donald M... ....Pvt— 1st C1..MG Hartley, Matt Pvt C Hartman, .\Ibert._. Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Oct. 10-18. Hartnels, Edward B Pvt M Hartsell, Albert A Pvt.... H M— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 8-18. Hartsell, Arthur Pvt MG..- Hartghorn, Everet L Pvt D W— Sept. 20-18 Harvel, Stanley J Cpl I - Harvell, Jacob D Cpl A ....W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 26-18. Harvey, Hiram Pvt I W— Oct 17-18 Haslach, George F Pvt MG._-Dec. 6-18 HasseU, James L Pvt I ..W— Sept. 29-18.. Hassler, Lester D .Sup Sgt G HasweU, Odie Pvt ..MG.. .Dec. 6-18 Hatch, James R Sgt .A T-Jan. 29-19 Hatfield, William M Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18 Hauger, Herbert E Pvt. K W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Hawk, Russell Pvt MG..-Dec. (J-18 Hawkins, Frank Pvt... M... History of iigtli Infantry 91 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Hawkins, Frank R ...Pvt— 1st C1..C _,_ _ Hawkins, Orviile..- Pvt— 1st CL.F Hawkins, Paul G Pvt— 1st C1..MG -- Hawkins, Greeley- Pvt L T— Feb. 8-19- -_ -. Hawkins, Tandy Pvt M K— Oct. 10-18 Hawley, Ivey Pvt- -MG - Hay, Roberto Wag Sup - - -.- Haydock, Henry Pvt k. -.K— Oct. 10-18 Hayes, General Pvt C— S— May 1-18 --. Hayes, Durward --Pvt H Hayes, Grady S-- _ .Wag Sup Hayes, Roland H Ck I -._ Haymond, Harvey K Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18- _ Haynes, James F Pvt- E W— Sept. 29-18 Haynes, Thomas M Pvt— 1st CL.C W-Oct. 17-18 Haynes, Adrien D Pvt F Haynes, Clarence D Cpl Hq Haynes, Johns Pvt— 1st CL.C -- Haynes, James A Pvt C W— Sept. 29-18 Haynes, I eonard --Pvt-- D - - Haynes, William H-- Pvt E -- Haynes, WinfredF Pvt -..H -- - Hays, Parks L. Sgt E - -..- Hays, Thomas H Pvt— 1st CI.. E - S— Nov. 22-18 Dec. 2-18. Hays, Webb B. -- -Bug C ---- - - Hazlett, Burt-.. - Pvt— 1st CL.Hq W— Sept. 29-18— -Dec. 1-18. Head, William B Pvt Sup- -- -. - Hearlston, Jasper G - Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18- - Heath, William H--- Pvt— 1st C1..G W— July 18-18 -. Heavner, Henry E Pvt— 1st C1..I Hedgepeth, Lee Pvt MG -.- Hedjuk, Thomas Pvt B - Heath, Elder E Cpl I -.- ---W— Sept. 29-18— .Dec. 2-18. Hedrick, Neal A— - ---Pvt G Hefinger, George A Cpl C T— Feb. 14-19 Heflin, William G Pvt -.D W— Sept. 1-18. .died Sept. 2-18. Heflin, Aubrey- - -Pvt— E Hein, Charles F. .Pvt_... H W— Oct. 10-18 Oct. 10-18. Helhnan, William J Pvt K S-Oct. 14-18 Nov. 11-18. Helms, Tom Pvt H M— Sept. 29-18— .Dec. 2-18. Helton, Benjamin Wag ...Sup Helton, Carl H Cpl. Hq.... ..S— Oct. 29-18 1 Nov. 11-18. Hemann, Herman H Sgt F Hemmerick, Edmund L Pvt... A Dec. 6-18 Henderson, Charlie Pvt M S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 3-18. Henderson, Ernest J -Pvt K.. Henderson, Willie H Ck Hq Henderson, Grover C Ck MG Henderson, Har ley .Pvt... .M K— Oct. 10-18 Henderson, Herbert W.. ...Sgt.. F -.W— Oct. 10-18 Henderson, Luby L... Pvt H S— July 6-18 Hendley, Nimrod... Cpl... Hq W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Sept. 29-18. Hendricks, Isaac D Cpl A— W— Sept. 29-18— -Dec. 14-18. Hendricks, Samuel G Pvt— 1st C1..MG fW— Aug. 25-18 \T— Feb. 12-19 - Hendrix, Edwards H Pvt... F /W-Sept. 29-18 \S— Oct. 14-18 Hendrix, Herman- Pvt- F -W— Oct. 10-18— -- 92 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Hendron, Charles C. ..Pvt— 1st C1..H. \V— Sept. 29-18. -.Nov. 11-18. Henries, James M... .-.Pvt — 1st C1..L Henry, Barney A Cpl— C ...W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 20-18. Henry, Robert E Sgt Hq Henry, Roy O Pvt— 1st CI.. Hq . Henry, Herbert H. Cpl L K— Oct. 14-18 Henry, Oakey H. Pvt—. D W— Oct. 10-18 Hensley, Mack Pvt I W— Aug. 31-18 Dec. 2-18. Herman, Kenneth S ..Sgt D ...W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Hermoach. .\lvin L Cpl... Sup... Herrin, William H Cpl Hq Herring, Fred Ck H Herrman, Louis... Pvt C W— Sept. 3-18 Oct. 1-18. Herthel, George W Cpl L Hesson, Oakey E Pvt.. D W— Aug. 31-18 Hewitt, William G Sgt Hq K— Aug. 31-18 Hewitt, William T Pvt B /W-Sept. 26-18... .Dec. 11-18. \T— Jan. 22-19 Hibbard, Albert L Sgt K W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 20-18. Hickman, Henry C Sgt G . T— July 22-18 Hickman, Julius L Cpl G Sept. 29-18.. Hickman, William T Pvt Inf K— Aug. 31-18 Hicks, Grant C. Pvt.... B T— Feb. 4-19 Hicks, John Pvt A W— Sept. 29-18 Hicks, Robert L Pvt... D W— Sept. 29-18 Hicks. William ....Pvt .A K— Oct. 10-18 Hicks, Burt Cpl Hq Higgins, Hiram M.. Cpl MG... ..W— Sept. 27-18....0ct. 27-18. Hilburn, Norman... Pvt B Hildreth, .\rpie M Wag Sup Hileman, John N Pvt... E .W— Sept. 29-18... HiU, Buck Pvt L .K— Sept. 29-18 Hill, Charlie W Pvt D .W— Oct. 17-18 Hill, John H. Pvt Inf ....S-Oct. 3-18 Hill, Rowdcn W Pvt L W— Sept. 29-18 Hill, Clarence C Pvt MG Hill, Elzie Pvt I HUl, Louis H Crl.Sgt Hq Hill, Sim.nic H. D Pvt— IstCL.A W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 10-18. HiU. William W.. .Pvt A Hilles, .Wolph E Pvt K Hillig, Harry Pvt G K— Sept. 29-18 Hinds, Dorsey W Pvt— 1st CI.. Hq Hinds, Estill Sgt B Hinds, James... Pvt B W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 11-18. Hinds, Rosdoe C Sgt Hq.. Hinds, Taylor Wag .Hq W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 11-18. Hines, Robert W Cpl F. Hinson, James W Sgt D Hinson, Noah A. L Pvt I S— Nov. 22-18 Dec. 11-18. Hinson, Sindey W CpL. D... K— Oct. 10-18... Hinton, Jake Pvt_ M S— July 1-18 Hinton, Or\i!le W Pvt— 1st CL.Hq S— Nov. 11-18 Nov. 26-18. Hipp, John L,_ .Pvt MG Hippard, Dand G... Mech Hq Hoag, Edwin F Pvt— 1st C1..L.... Hobba, Robert E Pvt. E. History of iigth Infantry 93 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Hobbs, Benjamin S Ck G fW— Sept. 29-18. _.. Nov. 11 18. \t— Jan. 29-19 Hookett, James L Pvt MG Hocking, Ernest.-- Pvt L -_W— Oct. 10-18 Hodge, Sam J._.. Pvt K .. Hoffman, Hurt Pvt F Hoffman, Raymond H Pvt K _._W— Sept. 29-18 Hotier, Charlie W Pvt- Ist CL.D _K— Oct. 22-18 Hogan, Harry L Ck B Hogan, Walter Pvt— 1st Cl.-Hq Hoggard, JoeW Cpl__ _.K K— Oct. 6-18 Hoglan, Everett B._._ ....Pvt... F _.-_W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Hogsed, Paul Pvt I K— Aug. 2-18 Holbrook, John L Cpl F M— Oct. 10-18 Oct. 29-18. Holcombe, James R Pvt I W— Aug. 31-18 Nov. 11-18. Holcombe, Reginald M. ..Pvt H Holder, Allen G Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Holder, Marvin K Wag Sup Holder, Albert G Pvt C W— July 18-18 Holder, Edward B-- Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18 Holder, John F Pvt— 1st C1..C W— Sept. 29-18 Holland, George R Wag Sup S— Dec. 8-18 Dec. 10-18. Holland, John Pvt A Dec. 6-18.. _ Holland, Miles Pvt A S— July 6-18 Oct. 27-18. Holland, Robert F Mus Hq Holleman, Frank P Pvt— 1st CI.. F T— Sept. 12-18 Hollingswortn, Alfred MessSgt....r S— March 16-19 Hollingsworth, JohnP... .Cpl L S— Nov 1-18 Hollingsworth, Luby G ...Cpl Hq Hollingsworth, Luther Mus Hq H Ihnann, Henry '1' Pvt D S— March 15-19 Holloman, Alberto Pvt K HoUon.Owen Pvt— 1st CI _L W— Oct. 17-18 Holloway, Christopher C._ Pvt Hq Holmes, Joseph- -Pvt A S— Oct. 29-18 Holmes, Albert C Pvt I Holmes, Ed Pvt A W— Sept. 29-18 Holtzman, Isadora Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 2 -18. Holyfi eld. Early L Pvt— 1st CI .D W— Oct. 10-18 Honeyeutt.GroverC Pvt MG .— S— Dec. 8-18 Honeycutt, Lucian G Pvt H S— Oct. 31-18 Honeycutt, Ralph Pvt.._ .A W— Sept. 29-18 Honeycutt, Benjamin Pvt Sup Honeycutt, Eli Pvt M Honeycutt, Frank W Pvt Hq Honeycutt, Reddin E Cpl.... M ...S- Oct. 31-18 Nov. 26-18. Honeycutt, William A Wag.. Sup Honnecker, Harmin L Cpl Hq S— Nov. 11-18 Nov. 26-18. Hood, William L Cpl D_.. /W— Sept. 29-18. __.Nov. 12-18. Is— March 16-19 _... Hood, Henry C-_ Pvt B Hood, Howard A. _ Cpl C Hooper, Monroe C ..Pvt I Hooper, Jesse Cpl E S— Oct. 16-18 Dec. 2-18. Hooper, Joe Pvt— 1st CI .1 S— Oct. 14-18 Nov. 1-18. Hope, Henry G Pvt. -..Hq-_-Dec. 6-18. _. Hopkins, Frank Pvt. ...E K— Oct. 10-18 Hopkins, Lonnie D Cpl ..L W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 11-18. 94 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Refd Horn, Carroll W - Pvt ...K W— Sept. 29-18 Horn, Erasmus Pvt G S— Oct. 28-18 Horn, Grod C Ck Sup.... Horn, Ralph.. ...Pvt ....Hq Home, Irvery M Pvt— 1st CI .A W— Oct. 17-18 Home, Joe R Pvt. D W— Oct. 17-18 Home, Edward B. Cpl Hq Home, Thomas L.. Pvt M Horsley, Iran E Pvt 1. S— Oct. 31-18 Hoskina, Baker Pvt — F Honck, Charley Pvt M^ - - Houghton, EUas B ..Pvt D.. W— Oct. 10-18 Houk, James L .Pvt I Houser, Boulah Pvt— let CI .L T— Jan. 29-19 Houser, Joshua P Pvt-lstCl.G fW-July 29-18 Dec. 2-18. \T— Jan. 29-19 Houston, Thomas W Wag Sup S— March 16-19 Houston, James N.. Pvt E W— Sept. 28-18....Sept. 28-18. Howard, Harvey G .Pvt... B S— July 6-18 Howard, Phillip ..Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18 Howard, Arch Pvt— Ist CI .Hq W— Sept. 4-18 Dec. 1-18. Howard, Charles H Pvt E Howard, Fred Pvt G Howard, John T. Cpl ..I. Howard, WilUam L Pvt H...-Dec. 6-18.... Howarth, James Pvt C W— Aug. 31-18 fW— Oct. 17-18 ....Dec. 4-18. Howell, Eddie Pvt A \T— Feb. 8-19 Howell, Francis M., Jr Pvt— Ist CI -E W— Oct. 10-18 Howell, Jay D Pvt fW— Sept. 1-18 \W— Oct. 10-18 .- Howell, John I... Sup. Sgt ....A T— Jan. 29-19 Howell, Maury Mech B S— Oct. 28-18 Howell, Lonnie H Sgt.... E- Howell, McKinley R Pvt G HoweU, Willie F Pvt A • Howerton, George E Pvt F Howie, Robert N Pvt— 1st CI .Inf ....S— Sept. 11-18 Sept. 15-18. Howie, Edwin P Pvt— 1st CI .Inf ..W— Sept. 29-18 Hubbard, .\lbert L Pvt ...I Hubbard, Sidney Mech F ■ Hubbard, Mack Cpl A W— Sept. 29-18 Hubert, Anthony M Pvt MG W— Sept. 29-18 Huddleston, Oren W Pvt— 1st CI .G T— Jan. 22-19 Hudson, Ahna H ..Pvt A W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Hudson, Ernest B Pvt A W— Sept. 29-18... Hudson, Arthur E ..Pvt ..H Dec. 6-18 Hudson, Frank B Pvt L Hudson, Gillard H Ck H ■ Hudson, Park Ck M Hudson, Joe Pvt H. ....S— Sept. 6-18 Hudson, Norman 1st Sgt B ..T— July 22-18 Huffstetlcr, Oscar E... Pvt H ...W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Hufham, Morris V Sgt E T— Jan. 22-19 Huggins, Walter G... Cpl H Hughes, Claude A Cpl M Hughes, CUfford C .Pvt C ....S— Oct. 28-18 Dec. 21-18. Hughes, Dorsey ...Pvt F History of iigth Infantry 95 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Hughes, John M Mus Hq Hughes, Julian T Sgt MG -- Hughes, OraC-. ..- Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18... -Nov. 26-18. Hughes, Patrick E Pvt— 1st CI.. Hq W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 1-18. Hughes, Will Pvt H S— July 6-18 Dec. 11-18. Hughes, Rush H Sgt E W— Oct. 10-18 Humraell, Samuel G Sgt MG ....W— Sept. 29-18 Hummel, Rafus J Cpl Hq Dec. 6-18 Hudspeth, Walter F.... .Cpl E .W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 14-18. Hull, CarlL Pvt L W— Sept. 29-18... .Oct. 29-18. Hull, Wade Pvt D S— Oct. 28-18 Dec. 2-18. Hull, WilUamS Cpl H. S— Nov. 22-18 Dec. 2-18. Hunt, Charles R Pvt I Hunt, Cicero H Sgt Hq Hunt, MoseE Pvt— 1st CI ..C... ._W— Aug. 31-18 Dec. 2-18. Hunt, Lonnie. Pvt A .W— Oct. 17-18 Hunt?, George H Pvt ....A W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 14-18. Hunter, Ernest H Pvt M Hunter, John Pvt L S— Nov. 14-18 Nov. 16-18. Hunter, Robert W Pvt... A—. Hunter, WiiUe Pvt E - S— July 6-18 Hurley, Preston Pvt H S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 7-18. Hurst, Henry T Pvt C Harst, Thomas T Pvt— 1st CI ..G W— Sept. 29-18. .Oct. ..17-18. Hurst, S. Zeno Pvt L W— Oct. 17-18 Hurt, William L., Jr Pvt K Hurthel, George Pvt L Huseth, Erick ...Mech -..Hq Hutcheson, Forrest B. ...Pvt D S— Oct. 1-18 Hutson.Iven. Prt D W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 7-18. Hutson, Edward ..Cpl L ..S— Oct. 30-18 Hyman, Luther D Pvt C Hyman, Jesse C Stb. Sgt C W— Oct. 17-18. Hyneman, Urveal Pvt L W— Oct. 17-18 - Hytry, PeterJ Cpl B T— Feb. 4-19 Ingram, William C-. .Pvt— IstCl.M ..K— Oct. 10-18 Ipock, BryceB Pvt D_ W— July 21-18 lonora, Nicholas. Pvt. MG ..Dec. 6-18 Inboden, Arthur Pvt H Dec. 6-18- Ingold, Torrence Corp A Ingram, Archie .Sgt I Ingram, John H Cpl MG Ingram, John J Pvt Hq S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 21-18. Inman, Perry 0.. Pvt— 1st CL.MG S— Sept. 20-18 Dec. 7-18. Ipock, Reby J ..Pvt D Ireland, Clayton J Pvt H Dec. 6-18.. _ Isbell, Frank T.. Pvt H S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 21-18. Iseley, Alfred H Pvt .B Ires, CharHe W Pvt— 1st CI .E ..S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 14-18. Izlar, James F Pvt MD_.. Jackson, Charles E-. Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18.-..Nov. 11-18. Jackson, Doctor T Pvt. .1 Jackson, James CpL. M ...,. Jackson, Luther Pvt I ...W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 20-18. 96 History of iigtli Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Jackson, Wallace F Pvt G .W— Oct. 17-lS Nov. 5-lS. Jackson, Clarence B Pvt K W— Sept. 29-18 Jackson, Donnie A Pvt H S— Oct. 14-18 Jackson, Fred T ....Pvt G K— Sept. 29-18 Jackson, Jasper D... Cpl M T— Feb. 5-19 Jackson, Lewis Pvt E \V— Oct. 10-18 Jahns, Ernest A Pvt B Jacobs, William A Pvt... MD_.Oct. 28-18 James, Jesse Pvt H W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. James, Jesse R Sgt.. D .S— Oct. 14-18 Dec. 14-18. James, Ma- kM Pvt... K Jamison, Harry Pvt G W— Sept. 28-18... -Dec. 2-18. Janzcyk, Felix Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Janowuski, John S - Cpl A Jarrett, Clyde T Pvt— let 01. B Jared, George C Pvt E W— Oct. 10-18 Jay, Joseph Pvt L.... W— Oct. 17-18 Oct. 17-18. Jeglie, Walter C Pvt K. S— Oct. 31-18 Dec. 17-18. Jenkins, Harry C Pvt Hq Jenkins, James L Pvt M Jenkins, Emmett J... Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18 Jenkins, Van Ck... Sup S— March, 16-19 Jennerson, George L Pvt MG W— Oct. 29-18 Jensen, Conrad G- Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18 Jennings, Thomas E Pvt B Jennings, Truman R .....Pvt... C /W— Aug. 31-18 \W— July 22-18 Sept. 5-18. Jensen, Ernest E.. Cpl B Jensen, Hans Pvt MG W— .Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 14-18. Jernigan, Osie C Pvt— 1st CI. M.. Jethro, James E Pvt K K— Sept. 29-18 Jcskc, Junius J Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Jemme, James Pvt M W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 8-18. Jett.TnomasB Pvt E S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 19-18. Jewell, Joseph W Pvt E Jewell, Avery Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18 Jillson.JohnW. Pvt L K— Sept. 29-18 Jinks, Walter D.... Pvt— Ist CI. MD. Jobe, Chester S Pvt... Hq W— Sept. 29-18 Johns, Albert L Pvt H.. ..Nov. 11-18 Johnson, Alexander L. Pvt — Ist CI .L Johnson, Arthur Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Johnson, Carl E Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Johnson, Daniel S Pvt D Johnson, Dewey Pvt K Johnson, George E Pvt— 1st CI. B S— Oct. 1-18 Oct. 7-18. Johnson, George F ..Pvt— 1st CI .L Johnson, George P Cpl F Johnson, Henry Pvt— 1st CI. D S— Nov, 22-18 Nov. 25-18. Johnson, Ira B Pvt G S— Oct. 29-18 Nov. 20-18. Johnson, James A P\'t — 1st CI .C Johnson, Julius V 1st Sgt M Johnson, Lee Pvt F ....Oct. 26-lS Johnson, Lowell W Pvt MD-_Oct. 28-18 Johnson, MelvinH... Pvt H Dec. 6-18 .- Johnson, Oscar E... Pvt.... C ...W— Sept. 26-18.. ..Dec. 14-18. Johnson, Roy R. Sgt C Johnson, Thomas C Pvt...'. C S— Oct. 28-18 Dec. 7-18. History of iigth Infantry 97 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Johnson, Wade H. Pvt-.- H_ -..W— Aug. 26-18 Oct. 29-18. Johnson, Alvin Pvt MG K— Sept. 29-18 Johnson, Elder E... Pvt.. K. T— July 19-18 Johnson, Emn M. ..Cpl M /W— Aug. 30-18... \W-TAug. 31-18... Johnson, Harry A- -. IstSgt F T— July 22-18. Johnson, James C Pvt— 1st CI .L T— March 15-19 Johnson, Joe... Pvt— 1st CI .E ...W— Aug. 31-18 Johnson, Junius Cpl C ...W — Aug. 31-18 Johnson, Carl D ..Pvt D ....W— Oct. 17-18 Johnson, Marcus W Pvt... A ...,. T— July 6-18 Johnson, Peter Pvt H_ T— July 12-18 Johnson, Richard Pvt H_ ..K— Oct. 10-18 Johnson, Theodore T Pvt D_ .S— Feb. 21-18 _ Johnson, Julius C... ..Cpl Hq ...W— Sept. 29-18 Oct. 27-18. Johnston, William B Pvt I K— Aug. 2-18 Johnston, Arthur C Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18 . Johnston, Matthew E Cpl A /W— Sept. 29-18... _\ \T— Feb. 4-19. / Joneg, Albert F Pvt MG S— Dec. 2-18 Jones, Andrew J., Jr Pvt-... A S— Oct. 14-18 Jones, Clinton V. Pvt L S— Jan. 1-19 '. Jones, David B. Pvt E M— Oct. 17-18 Jones, David F Pvt A S— Oct. 29-18 Jones, Fred Pvt C W— Oct. 17-18 Jones, Hosey G . Pvt— 1st C1..B fW- Oct. 17-18 .... \t— Feb. 4-19 Jones, Ira Pvt..._ F ...K-Oct. 10-18 Jones, Paul T Sgt A W— Oct. 29-18 Jones, Waverly B Cpl L S— Oct. 30-18 Jones, Wiley D Pvt A.. ..S— Oct. 14-18 Jones, Willie L Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18 Jones, Alex Pvt— 1st CI .B W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 11-18. Jones, Charles M Pvt— IstCL.K S— Oct. 31-18 Nov. 11-18. Jones, Charlie G .Cpl B ..W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 27-18. Jones, Claude 1 Pvt... E Jones, Clifton C Pvt A .- Jones, Clyde T... Pvt Hq Jones, Edward. Cpl ..D Jones, Elmer--- Pvt Hq Jones, FredE Pvt A Jones, Fred J .Sgt A Jones, Greely D Cpl C Jones, Harry M Cpl H Jones, James T ,.Pvt A Dec. 6-18 Jones, James W.... Pvt— 1st CI .1 S— Sept. 13-18 Oct. 27-18. Jones, Jesse B Cpl E Jones, Jesse L Pvt .L. ..W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 14-18. Jones, John W Wag Sup Jones, Joseph E Pvt K ..S— Nov. 29-18... ..Dec. 10-18. Jones, Maley Sgt .M T— Oct. 1-18 Jan. 8-19. Jones, ?aul M Pvt ..K ....W- Sept. 29-18-. ..Nov. 20-18. Jones, Ralph J.-.. ...Pvt.... MG.. ..W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 26-18. Jones, Richard N ...Pvt B Jones, Roscoe- .Pvt — 1st CI. M Jones, Roscoe Pvt L Jones, Selby S Bd. Ldr Hq , Jones, William B Pvt L 98 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Jones. WiUiam C Pvt... F Jones, William G Cpl C J„nican, Owen J Pvt D Jordan, Auty -- Cpl B Jordan, Ben W Pvt— 1st CI .Hq Jordan, Claude P Cpl I ...S— Oct. 14-18 Nov. 11-18. Jordan, Robert E-.. Cpl. E Jordan, Charles F. Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18. Jordan, Earl ...Pvt ....E ....S— Nov. 11-18.. Jordan, William A Pvt— 1st CI .F ....W— Sept. 29-18 Jordan, \\illiamC- Pvt D ..W-July 20-18 Joseph, Raymond F Pvt.... Hq... T— Jan. 20-18 Jorgenson, Fred M P^'t H Dec. 6-18 Justice. Roy A Pvt— 1st C1..A S— Nov. 11-18 Joseph, Harold J Pvt F ....Oct. 26-18 Joseph, Walter V Cpl B fW— Aug. 20-18 \W— Oct. 10-18 ....Nov. 26-18. Joseph. William H Pvt-lst CI .Hq Josey, Herman Pvt H Joyncr, Clyde Pvt MG Joyner, Eddie W Pvt K... Joyner, Gilbert H Cpl E S— Oct. 31-18 Nov. 14-18. Judd, Joe Ck B Junge, Peter N Pvt— Ist CI .0 W— Sept. 29-18 Nov. 14-18. Juzynski, Leon Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Kehnke, Sebastin L. Pvt C T— July 19-18 Kalfs, Peter D Pvt H... W— Aug. 20-1 8.... Nov. 11-18. Kamienski, John Pvt H Dec. 5-18 Kammerer, William E Pvt— lstCl..D W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 26-18. Kans, RoyT_ Pvt K ....K— Oct. 14-18 Kanniard, Charles M Cpl.-. B T— Jan. 29-19 Karbitoff, Charles J Pvt... L Kay, Allen F... Pvt Hq...Dec. 6-18 Keavney. Patrick ....Pvt K.. W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 5-18. Keel, Owen H... Pvt— 1st C1..L W— Sept. 29-18 Keen, Houston Pvt ..K K— Sept. 29-18 Keen, John Pvt Sup Keen.Oker Cpl M W-Oct. 10-18 Keenan.JohnR Pvt D ..K— Sept. 29-18 Keewosh, John G Pvt G S— Oct. 1-18 Keiger, Hillary C Cook.. F Keill, Ornton A. Pvt... I Dec. 6-18 Keller, Frederick Pvt A Dec. 6-18 KeUer, Martin W Pvt-lst Cl.MG Kelley, Edward N Pvt I.... W-Sept. 29-18 Kelley, Henry Pvt ...G W— Oct. 10— 18... .Dec. 8-18. Kelly, Carl ...Hq.. .Sup.... Kelly, Charles M Sgt... F Kelly, Charles R Cpl H W— July 29-18 Kelly, Dorsey C... Pvt— 1st Ci..Hq W— Aug. 30-18.. ..Dec. 1-18. Kelly, Duncan A Pvt... M -'. Kellv, Herbert Pvt— 1st CI..E - Kelly, NoahH Pvt-lst C1..A W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 14-18. Kendrick, Paul T. Pvt A Dec. 6-18 T— Feb. 5-19 Kennedy, .\lbert Pvt. L... W— Aug. 31-18 Kennedy, Chesley R Pvt H W-Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 14-18. History of iigth Infantry 99 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Kennedy, Jack P Pvt B Dec. 6-18 Kennedy, John L Sgt ....B T— Jan. 22-19.. _ Kennedy, Lewis Pvt G .- W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 7-18. Kennedy, Ray R Pvt— 1st C1..C.. .fW— Sept. 25-18... 18) \W-Oct. 17-18.. Kennedy, Walter H Pvt— 1st C1..B W— Sept. 29-18... Kennedy, William Pvt— 1st C1..B Kennerly, Harold L Pvt... .MD Kenney, Pat ...Pvt K S— Nov. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. Kepler, Lee Pvt.... F Kerenz, Thomas R Pvt... L ...S— Nov. 11-18 Feb. 5-19. Kern, Julian Cpl C W— Aug. 31-18....^Sept. 7-18. Kernitsky, Sirgey Pvt... B Dec. 6-18 Kersey, Willie -...Pvt.... B W— Sept. 29-18 Kessengor, Clinton R Pvt G W— Oct. 18-18 Keylon, Robert E Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18.-. .Dec. 11-18. Keznjin, Thomas Pvt H Dec. 6-lS - Kilbane, Michael Pvt K _ W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 5-18. Kilby, James G Cpl M .S— March 16-18 Killian, Sidney E Pvt— 1st CL.Hq Kilpatrick, George L Pvt B .S— March 16-18 Kmball, James F Pvt K Kimball, Joe W Pvt E S— Sept. 29-18 Kincaide, James W- ..Cpl.- A ..W— Oct. 17-18 Kinery, Brock M .....Cpl— _ I W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 5-18. Kimrey, Otto Pvt— 1st CL.I -. Kimes, Clarence F Sgt.... K. W— Sept. 29-18.— Dec. 5-18. Kindlesparker, Bert Pvt A Dec. 6-18 - Kindley, John A Pvt L W— Oct. 10-18 Kindley, Walter D Pvt.... C W— Aug. 31-18... .Aug. 31-18. Kindrick, William D Pvt... Hq King, Arthur Pvt Hq King, BennieF Cpl ...G.. ....W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 1-18. King, Ernest H... Pvt A K— Oct. 10-18 King, Everett F Pvt B T— June 1-18.... King, Guy Pvt— 1st C1..F ..W— Oct. 17-18... King, Hugh H Pvt MD.. King, James R - ..Sgt.... M W— Sept. 29-18. King, Jasper R Pvt.. C W— Sept. 29-18... King, John F Pvt H Dec. 6-18 King, Joseph D Pvt C King, Oscar J Pvt A.. .W— Oct. 17-18 King, Rufus A Pvt F T— May 1-18 King, Wilbur. Pvt... B King, WilUam J.. Pvt G Kingston, John H.. Pvt... D W— Sept. 29-18 Kingston, Raymond J Pvt Hq Kington, Albert B_ .Mech G.... W— Sept. 29-18_-. .Dec. 2-18. Kington, John M Sgt G.. ....S— Nov. 11-18 Jan. 15-18. Kenney, John H Pvt— 1st CL.Hq ....W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 11-18. Kenney, Lindo F Pvt— 1st C1..C K— Aug. 31-18.... Kinsler, Charles U Pvt MD Kipley, James H Pvt... D W— Sept. 3-18 Dec. 2-18. Kirkland, Jacob F Pvt M W— Sept. 29-18 Kirkland, Thomas R Pvt— 1st CL.Hq Kite, Robert K Pvt L W— Sept. 29-18.-..Dec. 2 18. Kizziaa, James A Pvt— 1st CL.Hq .../ W— Sept. 2-18 \W— Sept. 29-18....N0V. 1-18. 100 History of iiglh Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Klabuiider, William Pvt F W—Aag. 29-18. ..Dee. 14-18. Kleebuger, Arthur R Pvt M Kleffiicr, Warner H- Pvt H. ....W— Sept. 29-18.. Klemme, Valentine Cpl L ...W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 11-18. Kleonpkin, WilUam H Pvt M ....W— Oct. 10-18 Klink, John Pvt M.... Oct. 28-18 Klucas, Arthur E Pvt.... K W— Sept. 29-18 IQutts, Henry C Pvt C W— Oct. 17-18 _ Knau, Harlcy G .Pvt MD..-Oct. 28-18 Knight. Earl Cpl MG Knight, Martin ..Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Knight, Wallaces.- Hs Hq.. Knight, William L Pvt A Knight, WilUe Pvt L.... Knopp, Lewis C— Cpl D W— Oct. 17-18 Knowlton, Rex R Pvt Hq.. .Nov. 4-18 S— Jan. 12-19 Knowlton, Samuel R Pvt A Dec. 6-18 Ko'lix, Mike Pvt H Dec. 0-18 Koehn, Walter E Pvt— 1st CI.. C fW— Aug. 21-18. \W-Scpt.29-18...J Knoelling, Albert F Pvt— Ist CI .Hq Kogor, Charles W Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18... Kohlenberg, Milton P Pvt... A Dec. 6-18 Kohm, William Pvt— lstCl..L Komctcs.John... ..Pvt ...B W— Oct. 17-18 Kolaczeski, Stefan.. Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Koi;istra, Clarence Pvt ..H Dec. 6-18 Kooncc, Albert F Pvt MG W— Oct. 10-18 Koonce, Walter G Cpl B... W— Oct. 17-18 Koontz, George W Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 6-18. Koontz, GroverC Sgt K Koopman, Martin E Pvt H W— Oct. 10-18 Korte, Bernard... Pvt.... K K— Aug. 26-18 Kotula. George Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Kowalezyk, Sam ...Pvt A --- Kowalkowski, Walenty Pvt H Dec. 6-18 - Kowalzeyk, Waladyslaw Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Kramer, Benjamin H Pvt... M Kraeka, Pietre Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Krawazyk, Tony Pvt— IstCL.C Kretzmier, Herbert C- Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Krieg, Henry H Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Krocgcr, Carl H Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18 Krohmalenke, .-Mexander Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Krononberger, Joseph S P\'t K Kronern, Reiholdt H Pvt A W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 7-18. Kronick, Harry Pvt.... K... S— March 16-18 Krucillock, John Pvt.... H Dec. 6-18 Kuberski, Zifert Pvt H Dec. 6-18... Kucbler, Otto E Pvt— 1st CI.. MD... Oct. 28-18 Kuehn.ErwinF ....Pvt .K ../W— Aug. 31-18. \K— Oct. 10-18... .J Kuhlenengken, Honaman Pvt A W— Oct. 17-lS Nov. 14-18. Kuhlmann, William C Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18 Kyle, David E.. .Pvt B Kyle, William B Pvt B Kyle, Gran\-ille E Pvt B Kyle, Samuel E Pvt— 1st 01.. Hq... History of iigth Infaniry 101 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Labbee, Claade A Cpl __.G_ /W— Sept. 2-18 \W— Sept. 29-18 . .-Nov. 6-18. Lacy, George J Pvt— lstCl..M Lachelt, Alfred H- Pvt— 1st CI .M W— Oct. 10-13 Ladd, William C Pvt E _._ Lail, Jordan B Pvt M.... Lail, Luther L Cpl M Lai!, James Pvt A S— Nov. 27-18 Laird, Leo C Pvt ...H....Dec. 6-18 Lane, Charles F Pvt— 1st CL.A K— Spet. 3-18 Lamagri, Louis Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Laney,JohnC Pvt A K— Sept. 2:-18 - Langford, Roby l.Pvt D W— Oct. 27-18— Langley, Henry Pvt— 1st CI .Sup S— Nov. 11-18 Lamb, Fred E Pvt I., Lamb, Frank L Ck MG 1 Lamm, George H Cpl... D Lamm, Herbert W. __Pvt Sup Lamm, Herbert L Pvt Sup Lamm, Pink_. Pvt— 1st CI .K Lamm, Walter L -Sgt A Lancaster, James A-- .-Pvt D Land, Fred Pvt— 1st CI .F Land, George Pvt E . ." Lane, Claude A Cpl A Lane, Kilmer T .Pvt M Lane, ResterZ ..Pvt .M Lane, James S Cpl .A Lane, John T Cpl L Lang, Jack P Sgt 1 Langdon, Cornelius Pvt C W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 2-18. Lange, Frederick G Pvt ._H Dec. 6 -18 Langley, James R Ck B Langston, Willie H Cpl F Lape, Orville D Pvt D Larson, Harry W Pvt K W~Sept. 29-18 Larson, Milton J Pvt F S— Sept. 25-18 Larson, WiUiam ....Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18 Lasley, James M Pvt MD.. W— Sept. 29-18... Lashley, Connie .Mech M Lassiter, Charles Mech 1 Lassiter, James E Pvt.. .M Lassiter, William J Pvt... C Latimer, Clifton W... Pvt— 1st CI .MD Lauderdale, Don L Pvt .H • Laturell, Edward J Pvt K W— Sept. 297I8 Laue, Edward H... Sgt ...C W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Lauer, Albert A Pvt— 1st CI .D Laughter, Jabe T Pvt M... Laurant, John J Pvt I W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Lavello, Johnnie Pvt MG ..Oct. 26-18 Lawing, Granham L Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18 Jan. 7-19. Lawrence, Glenn H Pvt I... W— Aug. 2-18 Aug. 31-18. Lawson, Andrew J Pvt — 1st CI .B Lawter,King Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 16-18. Lawrence, Richard E Pvt.... E W— Sept. 29-18 Lawrence Roy Pvt B W— Sept. 29-18 Lawson, Benjamin R Pvt B T— July 13-18 102 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Leazer, Albert R.-- - -Pvt. ..-D W— Oct. 17-lS Leazer.JohnE Pvt D S— Oct. 1-18 Leckey, Ralph L.. Pvt— 1st CI .L Ledford, Be cher... Pvt— 1st CI .M Ledford, Isaac .-Pvt .1 Dec. 6-18 Ledford, Lawrence Pvt C Ledbetter, Shirley Bug B ....K— Sept. 29-18 Ledford, Josh... Pvt G ....T-May 4-18. Lee, Robert E-.- Pvt.... I W-Oct. 10-18 Lee, Walter Mech E W-Sept. 29-18. Lee, Wilton H Pvt ...-M.. W-Oct. 10-18 Lee, Archie F Wag ..Sup Lee, Ben A Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Oct. 17-18. Lee! Herman.. -. Pvt... B W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 27-18. Lee, Milton R .Pvt— IstCL.L Lee, Paul H RSS Sup.... Lee, Perry Pvt ...B Lee, Robert F Pvt— 1st CI. L Leech, George D Pvt— 1st CI. Hq Leet, Edgar B Pvt G - - Lefler, Martin L Pvt-lBtCl .C fW— Oct. 17-18 ....\ \T— Jan. 20-19 / Lcmcrt.Milo Sgt G ...K-Sept. 29-18 Lemon, Wade H Pvt -H W-Oct. 10-18 Le Master, Jack Bug L Lemcrt, Nathan Sgt. G Lemon, Eugene E Pvt— 1st CI. L W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Lemons, Willie... Pvt ...F Uonard, Alfred B. Pvt — F W-Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 25-18. Leonard, Ra>-mond J. Pvt— 1st 01. H Leonard, Willie E... Pvt -H Lentz, John F Cpl L W-Oct. 17-18 Lewis, .\mosC Pvt.... M... K— Oct. 19-18 Le«-is, Dewey... Cpl F W-Sept. 2^18 Lewis, Lonnie M Pvt-lstCI.L K— Sept. 1-18 Lewis, William L Pvt L W— Oct. 10-18 Lewis, Charlie Pvt -L W-Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Lewis, DaUas Pvt— IstCL.L ....W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 5-18. Lewis, Dutch W.. Pvt-lst CI .F W-Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 6-18. Lewis, Horace L Pvt — 1st C1..L Lewis, John L Pvt K - Lewis, Kincheon -Frt B Lewis, Murray E Sgt M Lewis, Robert F Sgt ...G W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 7-18. Leshnock, Michael .Pvt ...K....Dec. 6-18... Leshe, Lock A Cpl .F - Leta, Salvatore Pvt ..I Dec. 6-18 Leutz, George J Pvt B Li hea, Alphonso... Pvt J Dec. 6-18 Liebhober, Israel.... Pvt -I Dec. 6-18 Lieving, Otto A ....Pvt -I Lifrage, Samuel L Sgt... B Ligette, John W Sgt... B LiUibridge, Roy P Pvt... MD -... Lindsey.Otis ....Pvt. C Lilly, Elmer B ..Pvt. SS. D of D— Nov. 11-18.. Lineberger, Albert L Cpl. H. K— Sept. 29-18... Lineberger, ErroU W Cpl E K— Sept. 29-18 History of iigth Infantry 103 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Lineberry, Cyrus W Pvt— 1st CI .A K— Sept. 29-18 Link, Carl Pvt ...D K— July 24-18 Link, OlUeR Ck .M Linkous, James F ._.Cpl G fW— Sept. 29-18 Oct. 15-18. \K— Oct. 18-18 Linton, Samuel F Pvt MG - - Lippard, Glenn Pvt C /W— Aug. 31-18 \W-Oct. 17-18,.... Nov. 14-18. Little, Raney B Pvt M ....K— Sept. 29-18 List, OmaV Pvt.. .1 Little, Charlie T Pvt ...I W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Jan. 7-18. Little, Henry W-.-. Pvt.. .K ...W— Oct. 10-18 Oct. 31-18. Little, Sam Wag... Sup . Little, Walter A Pvt.... G Little, Watt ...Pvt F. Littleton, Calvin Pvt B Livermann, Herbert Sgt A Lloyd, Luther S. - Pvt I T— Feb. 22-19 Loane, Charles D Pvt Hq T— Feb. 24-19 Lookamon, James T Sgt M Lockamy, Patrick J Pvt Hq Lockard, John E Pvt F Laftaas, Roy L Pvt K Logan, Isaac Cpl F W— Oct. 10-18 Logan, William C Pvt E K— July 26-18 Logsdon, Bernard J Pvt ...F S— Oct. 29-18 Logsdon, Walter .\ Pvt... M Logue, Charles H. Pvt M :.. Long, Leonard J ....Pvt— 1st C1..M K— Oct. 10-18 Long, Charles G.. ....Pvt... .MD Long, Edward L. Pvt K W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 5-18. Long, Emory R Pvt— 1st CI .C Long, EmpieC Cpl MG Long, Kenneth L Pvt— 1st CI .K Long, Paul A Mus— 2nd ClHq Lonzo, Baldossoro Pvt A Dec. 6-18 Loomis, Orland Pvt K Loos, John A., Jr Pvt L T— June 9-18 Love, Alfred ....Pvt .L Lovell, George R .Pvt ....D Loven, George C Cpl F .-. W— Sept. 29-18 Lowe, Roger Q Sgt^ B K— Sept. 29-18.. Lowe, WiUiamE Pvt— 1st CI.. L W— Sept. 29-18 Lowery, JohnD Pvt M. W— Sept. 29-18.... Sept. 29-18. Lowory.JohnF... Pvt— 1st CI .MG.-.. Loyd, Thomas C Pvt— 1st CI .A W— Oct. 17-18 ....Feb. 25-19. Lucas, Clarence L Pvt Sup Lucas, William M Pvt M Lufsey, Charles Pvt— 1st CI .L T— Feb. 8-19 Lumpkin, Charles M Cpl G.... ...W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 19-18. Lundberg, Gustav A Pvt F ....W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 8-18. Lunte, Christian W Cpl A Lupton, Clyde E ...Cpl ....H. W— Aug. 11-18.. ..Dec. 2-18. Lyman, Asa Pvt K Lynch, Harley Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18... .Jan. 1-19. Lutter, Zach T : Pvt. ...E W— Sept. 29-18 Lyders, Oscar Mus ...Hq T— Feb. 16-19 Lynch, Edward A Pvt ....H.. K— Sept. 29-18 104 History of i iQth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Lyons, Leslie C_ - Pvt E ...- W— Oct. 18-18 -.-- Lyons, Ralph A Bug ..MG - Lyons, George F. Pvt— 1st Cl..Hq Lyons, Ira - Cpl — L Lyons, Thomas Ck L Mabry, Crawford L Pvt— 1st Cl..Sup S— Nov. 11-18.- Mabe, James G Pvt— A - W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. &-18. Mack, Thomas A Pvt Inf Macon. Thomas F Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18 Macy, Willie Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18... Madden, .John T Pvt K W— Oct. 10-18 Maddox, George W.. Pvt L Madenjian, Kersam Pvt R Dec. 6-18 Madison, Clyde C... Pvt Hq S— Sept. 28-18 Maffucci, Michael-. Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Mahan, William H Pvt L W— Sept. 10-18 Majchcr, Anton Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Majettc. Paul W.. Pvt Inf Majkowski, Boleslaw Pvt L W— Sept. 29-18.... Oct. 17-18. Majors, Ira.- Pvt— 1st CL.Hq - .Malkin, Max. Pvt Inf T— July 17-18 Mallozzi, .Antonio P\-t K Dec. 6-18 Mangum, Callahan Pvt.. M Mangum, Harrison F... Pvt D ..K— Sept. 29-18 Manley, William H Wag Sup W— Oct. 7-18 Maples, Oscar Pvt... .L W— Oct. 10-18.. .• Maranville, Clyde D Pvt L S— Sept. 30-18 Dec. 2-18. Marchiana, Frank Pvt I Marcozzi, Sam ..Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Maready, Gaylor Pvt— 1st C1..F Margulis, Michael I Pvt.... L K—A.ig. 31-18 Maricle, James Ck Hq S— Nov. 11-18- Marincau, Ernest Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Marker, Guy E Pvt M S— Oct. 31-18 Dec. 14-18. Marlow, Claudis B Pvt K Marlow, Charles R Pvt K .Marlow, Eli M Pvt— Ist CL.Sup - Marlow, Lee Pvt— Ist CL.Sup - Marquard, Henry M Pvt G --- --- Marrone, Marine.. Pvt K Dec. 6-18 -- Marshall, .-Vndy.. Cpl ..H fS— Oct. 10-18 Oct. 28-18. \t— Jan. 3-19 Marshall, George N -Pvt ...E. Marshall, Joseph W Pvt Hq - Marshall, Watter... Pvt— 1st C1..F...- W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 2-18. Marshall, Coit Sgt H.. fW— Sept. 29-18....0ct. 29-18. \jan. 20-19 Marshall, -iiquilla B., Jr ..Cpl H .T— Jan. 22-19 Marshburn, Jacob A Pvt MG K— Sept. 29-18 Martin, Frank P Pvt L S— Oct. 30-18 Martin, James A. ..Pvt E T— July 12-18 Martin, John ....Pvt— 1st C1..L W— Oct. 17-18 Martin, Codie Pvt Inf Martin, Daniel W Pvt K... - - Martin, Edward D Pvt F ..M— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 7-18. Martin, Fred Pvt— 1st Cl.-E... W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 3-18. History of iigth Infantry 105 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Mart ill, George E Cpl E Martin, Henry M Pvt— Ist C1..G S— Sept. 29-18 Nov. 26-18. Martin, Hugh B ...Cpl MG S— Oct. 25-18 Dec. 2-18. Martin, James E Pvt... F Martin, Jeacery Pvt— 1st CI.. C S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 1-18. Martin, Leslie Pvt — 1st C1..L.-. Martin, Rodus Sgt L Martin, William R Pvt— 1st CI.. Hq Martin, William M... Pvt... M W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 14-18. Martinez, Simon. _ Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Martole, Dominick Pvt L Marzello, Saverio Pvt K Dec. 6-18_ Masaitis, George..- ...Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Mashburn, Ckarles E Pvt M Masi, Pietr.) Pvt— 1st Cl.Jnf Mason, John T ...Pvt F Mason, DosieE Pvt— 1st CI.. G .W— Sept. 29-18 Mason, Samuel Pvt _-..L ..K— Sept. 29-18... Massey, James R .Pvt L Massey, JohnR Pvt C W— Sept. 3-18 Dec. 7-18. Massey, William Cpl C W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 2-18. Massie; Eddie C Pvt— 1st C1..F W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 3-18. Massingill, Fred Bug M... -- Masten, Charles Mus Hq Mastin, Thomas E Pvt— 1st C1..M Mathews, Ernest L Cpl M Mathews, Tray L Pvt .MG Mathias, WiUiam N Pvt H S— Aug. 31-18 Nov. 1-18. Matkins, WiUiam H Pvt B Matthews, Charlie .A .Pvt— 1st C1..D W— Sept. 29-18-. .Nov. 11-18. Matthews, James B Pvt— 1st CI.. C W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 7-18. Matthews, John C Pvt Hq Matthews, Joseph M Pvt. M W— Oct. 18-18 Nov. 11-18. Matthews, George W Pvt M Oct. 10-18... Matthews, Kenneth C Mess Sgt M T— Jan. 16-19. Matthews, Milton A Pvt M K— Oct. 19-18. Matthews, Thomas M Pvt F W— Sept. 29-l« .- Mattox, Bryant ...Pvt M. W— Aug. 26-18 Mauney, George M Pvt— 1st CL.Hq W— Sept. 29-18_..Nov. 26-18. Maxwell, Clifford .Pvt^ F.... S— Nov. 1-18 Dec. 7-18. Ma.well, William C Pvt E May, Willie B Mech E r — May, Rudy E... Pvt Hq S— Nov. 1-18 Mayes, Clarence Pvt D Maynard, Jacob : .Pvt H Maynard, Silas T Pvt A S— Aug. 31-18 Sept. 15-18. Maynor, Wilburt Pvt H Mayta, Martin T Pvt ....F -.- Mazzini, .'^Iphonso Pvt A Dec. 6-18 McAdams, Archie A Pvt G --- McAnnaly, John A Pvt E T— May 1-18 McBaer, Clyde Pvt Inf.. McBay. Walter. Cpl E W— Sept. 29-18--_.Oct. 29-18. McBay, WiU Pvt E. W— Sept. 29-18 McBee, Charlie Cpl L McBrayer, Charles S H.S.H.R Sup. McCall, Lawton Cpl MG - McCall, Roy..-. Pvt E S— May 1-18 106 History of iiQth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd McCann, Elzia Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. McCarkle, Ralph Wag Hq , McCaskill, Dann Pvt C . McCasIin, Mort ...Pvt M W— Sept. 29-18.... McCausIey, ilennie Pvt M McClaren, Oliver W Cpl M McClenney, Robert L Pvt L. McCluskey, John J Pvt— 1st C1..M ' McColliim, Watson S Sgt L W— Oct. 17-18 McCool, Edward ..Pvt— Ist C1..E McCormac, James E Cpl L T— Aug. 1-18 McCnrmack, Duncan Pvt H McCormick. Michael L ...Pvt Ind McCoy, Herbert E Sgt L McCray, Coleman A Sgt G K— July 2&-18 McCrory, Roy D Cpl ..C S— Oct. 1-18 ..Oct. 27-18. McCullen, Erie Sgt MG T— Jan. 29-19 McCullough, Charles B St. Sgt Hq McCullough, John F Cpl Hq W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 1-18. McCullough, Ernest... Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18 McCullough, William W Cpl E W— Sept. 29-18 McCurdy, Carrie W Pvt MG McDevett, Dennis P....- ...Pvt- let Cl..Hq McDevett. Frazier T ...Sgt Hq W— Sept. 29-18.... McDaniel, Paul M Pvt— 1st CL.Hq McDine, Richard... Pvt F McDonald, Allen Pvt M W— Aug. 5-18 Nov. 26-18. McDonald, Richard L Pvt— 1st C1..M McDonald, Benjamin A Sgt L McDonald, Robert Pvt M W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 14-18. McDonald, Arthur L Pvt L W— Aug. 31-18 McDonald, Eugene... Cpl F fW- Sept. 29-18 Dec. 7-18. \t— Jan. 20-19 McDonald, John R Prt— lstCl..G T— July 18-18 McDonald, John T... Cpl D W— Oct. 17-18 McDougald, Charles A Sgt A K— July 22-18 McDowell, \Mlliam J .Pvt.... Inf ....T— Jan. 29-19 McDiiffic. William H Wag Sup McDuffie, Paul A Sgt MG S— Oct. 14-18 Jan. 19-19. McElreath, Leonard B Pvt... Sup McGee, Edgar L Cpl M McGee, Joseph A... Wag Sup W— Oct. 7-18.— McGee, Julius M Pvt .F McGehte, Thomas A Pvt E /W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 6-18. It— Jan. 22-19 McGill, Peter T ...Pvt... Hq... McGilvary, John A 1st Sgt F McGoifgan, Ernest D... Sgt L McGowan, Hester C Mech MG Died Dec. 23-18 McGuinn, WilUeE... ..Pvt M McGuire, Roy Pvt ..K McGuirt, Charles B P\^— Ist C1..A .W— t. 17-18 Dec. 7-18. Mcintosh, Otis L Cpl ..L Mcintosh, Carl... Pvt— 1st C1..M S— Oct. 31-18 MJ tvTe, Haj-wood S Pvt— lstCl..F. Mclntyre, Daniel A Pvt. ...M S— Oct. 31-18 Dec. 3-18. McKay, William... Pvt. E S— Jan. 7-19 Jan. 19-19. McKaoun. Verner Pvt M History of iigth Infantry 107 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd McKee, Willie Pvt F S— May 1-18 McKeel, James S Sgt .K McKelvey, Sheeler Z Pvt— F McKenzie, George R Pvt— 1st CI..MG S— Dec. 1-18 McKinney, John Pvt — 1st CI. .M McKinnej', Stokes Pvt-.. .M W— Oct. 10-18 Oct. 27-18. McKinney, Homer Pvt— 1st CL.M . Died Sept. 23-18 McLain, Alex M Pvt K _ McLain, Kenneth S Cpl A McLain, Allen B Pvt... B K— Oct. 18-18-. _ McLain, Harry C Pvt L Deserted Sept. 27-18 McLaren, Ray Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18— .Nov. 8-18. McLaughlin, Henry N Pvt— IstCL.MG W— July 25-18 McLaughlin, John H.... ..Cpl F W— Sept. 28-18— .Dec. 3-18. McLaughHn, Milton-- .Pvt M K— Sept. 2&-18 McLaughlin, Ernest D Cpl Sup McLaurin, Harvey E Pvt— 1st CL.A W— Sept. 29-18 McLaurin, William Mech H W— Died— Oct. 14-18 McLean, Homer C Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18-. .Dec. 2-18. McLean, John N Pvt— 1st CL.M McLester, Charles Pvt— 1st C1..MG. McMillan, Charles G Pvt I..-. K— Sept. 29-18 McMillan, William E -Pvt H McNair, Harvey C CpL --.K W— Sept. 20-18— -Dec. 14-18. McNair, Howard C Pvt L McNaughton, Fred W Pvt C W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 12-18. McNeil, Frank E Pvt-— E... M— Oct. 17-18 McNeil, Luther M Pvt— 1st CI..L fW— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 14-18. \T— Feb. 28-19 - McNeill, Kenneth Sgt F McNeill, Clarence Sgt L McNutt, GlenA Pvt L S— Nov. 1-18 McPail, JohnD Cpl L K— Sept. 29-18 McPhail, Colon Pvt— 1st CL.M W— Aug. 5-18 Aug. 5-18. McPherson, Charles H Cpl --M K— Oct. 10-18 McQueese, Robert Pvt-— -Sup McSwain, Baxter C Pvt— 1st CL.M ----W— Sept. 29-18 McSwain, Elezer Wag Sup _- Meadows, Guy S Pvt Hq Meadows, Robert R ---Sgt Hq Meakin, Douglas H Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18 Meaks, Braxton 0— Pvt M W— Oct. 17-18 Means, Edward L-- Pvt— 1st CL.M Mears, William R -B. Sgt- Hq Meeks, William J— Pvt I - - Mehaffey, Jerry C Sgt F— S— May 1-18 Meh. n, WiUiam J Cpl H W— Sept. 29-18— -Nov. 11-18. Melting, Oliver— Cpl H Melton, William .X Pvt L K— Aug. 2-18 Melvin, Colon-- -Pvt I W— Aug. 31-18 Melvin, Marley M- Sgt--- F fW— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 14-18. \T— Jan. 20-19 Melvin, Claude G Pvt— 1st CL.M G Melvin, Edward G Pvt— 1st C1..G Melte, Frank —Pvt M.._ M— Oct. 10-18 Jan. 22-19. Menzeke, Charles E -Pvt K K— Aug. 26-18 Meredith, Marshall S Cpl E --W— Oct. 10-18- Meredith, Charles L-... Pvt K 108 History of iigth I vf an try Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Merritt, George T. Pvt M Merritt, Jesse C Pvt F Merritt, John B Pvt F. Merrow, FlaviousJ.— Pvt— lat C1..E K— Sept. 29-18 Messer, Isaac H Pvt— 1st G1..L Messcr, WiUiam E- Pvt... C W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Mette, John A., Jr Pvt— Ist C1..E— ....W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 7-18. Metts, George L ..Pvt B.... ...W— Sept. 29-18 Metzger, Orville C... Pvt K T— June 1-19 Mianogich, Stanke ..Cpl L Michael, Odie Pvt— Ist C1..G T— Jan. 22-19 Mickey, John A Pvt— 1st C1..A K— Oct. 10-18 Mickey, James Pvt... E... Mickey, William L.. Pvt H S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 21-18. Mickle, Harold E Pvt M S— Oct. 31-18 Mickle, Herbert L. Pvt ....K W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 2-18. Midycttc, Payne H IstSgt B T— Sept. 10-18 Milay, HenryJ Pvt M W— Aug. 31-18 Milenskas, Joseph Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Miles, Robert R Pvt... .Hq S— Nov. 11-18 Nov. 26-18. Miles, Walter... Pvt ...L Milholland, Robert S Cpl Hq .'. Millard, William F Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 2-18. Miller, Paul L Pvt... Hq Miller, Bennett W Pvt A Miller, Clinton F Cpl—. L Miller, Gus v.. Pvt H Miller, Hobart Pvt— Ist CI.. G Miller, Roy Pvt H Miller, Thomas J Pvt— Ist C1..M Miller, William W Pvt... I Miller, Zed T.. Pvt I ..S-Nov. 13-18 Nov. 27-18. Miller, CraJK Cpl G T-July 15-18 MiUer, Gaithcr.... Pvt G K— Sept. 27-18 Miller, George F Sgt.... K .' W— Died— Sept. 29-18. Miller, George W Cpl K W— Oct. 10-18 Miller, Glenn W.... Sgt H W-Sept. 29-18 Miller, John T Pvt G ..K— Oct. 18-18 Miller, Samuel Sgt H ....W— Sept. 29-18 Mills, Elgie Pvt E K-Sept. 29-18 MiUs, Raj-mond Pvt H ..W- Oct. 10-18 Michael, miliam H Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18....0ct. 25-18. Mick, Horace Pvt.... B Millis, Edward P Pvt M Mills, Fred R Pvt Hq Mills, James L... ....Pvt— 1st C1..G Mills, Mosiel Pvt— 1st C1..D Mills, Stamey Pvt... Hq Mills, William A Pvt F Milton, Charles C... Pvt Inf Mimis, William A Pvt I W— Sept. 29-18 .' Minter, Edwin J ....Pvt F -. Mintz, William A Pvt— let C1..A Minter, Lennie L Pvt— 1st CI.. F Minton,John Pvt ....F. W— .Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 7-18. Mintz, Van G 1st. Sgt E W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 1-18. Mitchell, WiUiam R Pvt— 1st CL.D W— Died— Oct. 11-18. Mitchell, James M., Jr. _Sgt— Ist CL.Inf History of iigth Infantry 109 Name Rank Coinpany Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Mitchell, Jasper H Pvt— 1st C1..C Mitchell, Robert R Cpl ....G W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Mitchell, William M Pvt G . Mizinski, Wladyslav. Pvt A K— Oct. 17-18. ..L._ Mizzer, Stanley G Pvt G W—?ept. 29-18 Mobley, Charlie R Sgt F . Modderman, Charlie Pvt C Modlin, William Pvt D S— May 1-18 Moffet, Ervin B Cpl M Mohr, Earl C Pvt... .E S— Nov. 22-18 Dec. 1-18. Monday, James R Pvt— 1st CL.G fW— Sept. 23-18. __. Oct. 27-18. \t— Jan. 22-19 Monroe, Edward C Pvt F _ -.. Monroe, Ernest H Pvt— 1st C1..M S— Oct. 31-18 Nov. 26-18. Monson, George E Pvt — 1st C1..D _ Monsteller, Wilburn Pvt— 1st Cl-K Moon, John E Pvt K Mooney, George Pvt A Moore, Asbury H Pvt— 1st C1..L ..W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 14-18. Moore, Carl Cpl... D W— Sept. 29-18__., Nov. 11-18. Moore, Clarence M Wag Sup Moore, Elliott L Bjgler K Moore, Frank A Pvt K S— Oct. 31-18 Nov. 26-18. , Moore, George H Cpl A W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Moore, George W Pvt... Hq W— Aug. 25-18 Dec. 1-18. Moore, Harold H Pvt— IstCL.D Moore, Herman Pvt B W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 14-18. Moore, John W Pvt M Moore, Joseph H Pvt— 1st C1..L _...M— Aug. 31-18.. ..Dec. 29-18. Moore, Lloyd B .....Pvt F Moore, Samuel A Sgt L S— Oct. 30-18 Nov. 4-18. Moore, Shelton W Sgt... .1 Moore, Thomas -Cpl E W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Moore, Wade Pvt I Moore, Walter H Pvt— 1st CI.. F ... Moore, Walter T Pvt L W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 21-18. Moore, Warner E... Mech C Moore, Albert Pvt F fW— Sept. 29-18._.. \W-Oct. 17-18 Moore, Charles T Pvt— 1st CI.. M W— Sept. 29-18.. Moore, Emmitt H Cpl K K— Sept. 29-18 Moore, Grover C Pvt C... S— Mch 15-18 Moore, Lonnie M ..Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18 Moore, Phillip L Pvt M W— Oct. 10-18 Moore, Robert A .Cpl K W— Sept. 29-18 Moorehead, Alvin Sgt H T— Feb. 4-18 Morecock, Herbert. Pvt E Morgan, Charles G Pvt— 1st C1..D S— Oct. 29-18 Dec. 10-18. Morgan, Clifford J Pvt— 1st CL.Hq S— Aug. 31-18 Oct. 20-18. Morgan, Emmet L Cpl I W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Morgan, John C Pvt K W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 2-18. Morgan, Logan Pvt D Morgan, Robert W Pvt Inf W— Sept. 29-18. ...Oct. 28-18. Morgan, Sam J Pvt— 1st CI.. B Morgan, WTiitney W Pvt D Dec. 6-18 Morgan, Whitney J Sgt Hq Morgan, Lamar Pvt B K— July 18-18 Morgan, Robert W Cpl G....- S— Mch. 15-19 110 History of II Qth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Morgan, Roy J. Pvt M K— Oct. 19-18., Morrie, Harry R Pvt ..L T— Feb. 8-19 Morris, Overton T Cpl A K— Sept. 29-18 - Morris, Walter Pvt M ...W— Oct. 10-18 Morris, Charlie H Pvt— 1st CI.. K :... W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 26-18. Morris, Covie .Pvt A Morrison, Leroy Pvt F S — Nov. 1-18 .* Morrow, Jeff L Pvt F Mort. James K_ Pvt. F Mortin, LeoW ....Sgt K... T— Jan. 27-19 Morton, Will. Pvt E S— May 1-18 Moser, Benton B Cpl E ..S— Nov. 11-18 Dec. 3-18. Moser, Eugene E Pvt— Ist CI .C M— Sept. 29-18 Moss, James B Sgt K W— Sept. 29-18 Moss, Ernest Pvt. ...E Moss Henry. ..Pvt -F Moss, George W Sgt.. I Moss, Jesse L Pvt B Moss, Wilford H Pvt— Ist CI .Hq Motsinger. Chester Pvt K S— Nov. 29-18 Moye, Thaddeus Sgt MG Moyers, James R Cpl E Moyers, James W Sgt E Moyers, Rexie E ..Cpl E W— Sept. 29-18 Mozingo, Norman... Pvt— 1st CI. ....S— Aug. 3-18 .Sept. 12-18. Muelken, Martin H Pvt -A Mullis, Boston Pvt— IstCl.F '. Mullen, Thomas L... Pvt Inf Mulherin, .John R Pvt— 1st CI .K.. K— Sept. 29-18 - Mullin, Willie G ....Cpl A W— Sept. 29-18 Mulina,\, Charlie F Pvt ...I W— Sept. 29-18... Mullini.x, Franklin M Pvt— 1st CI .B ....W— Oct. 17-18 Mullins,Sam ....Pvt.... H W D-Sept. 29-18 Mumford, Charlie J Sgt K Munday, Morgan Pvt H ..W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 7-18. Munday, Ellis Pvt .H. Munday. Benjamin H Pvt A W— Oct. 17-18 MuMilen. Bernard C Pvt— 1st CI .K W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 2-18. Munie, Raymond C Pvt K ..S— Dec. 29-18 Munns, Eunice Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 8-18. Murphy, Harold F Pvt G Murphy, James F Pvt— 1st CI .D W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 20-18. Murphy, Thomas J Pvt M... Myers, Charlie Pvt C Myers, Frank E Pvt D Myers, Raymond W Pvt M. Myers, Rufus ...Cpl .M Myers, Columbus.. Pvt— Ist 01 .M... ..1 W— Oct. 10-18 Myers, Homer L Pvt M... S— Oct. 20-18 Myers, James M Pvt I S— Sept. 2>18 Murphy, Will ..Pvt C ..W— Sept. 29-18 Musgrave, Bruno Pvt MG ..W— Sept. 29-18.... Myles, Robert H Pvt— Ist CI .Hq Myrland, Richard G Pvt Inf Nanee, Alvah H Ck I... Nance, Charles D_. Pvt Hq. Nance, Claude I.. Pvt Hq. History of iigth Infantry 111 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Narron, James W -..Pvt— Ut CI .C __._W— Oct. 17-18 ....Nov. 20-18. Narveson, Palmer Sgt H... Nash, Charlie E Pvt L Nash, William C Cpl G Nation, Jesse Pvt ....F ...W— Sept. 29-18... .Oct. 17-18. Neal, Evans Pvt— 1st Cl..Hq.. Neal, Foster A Pvt Sup... W— Oct. 27-18 Neal, Thomas J Pvt E K— Sept. 29-18... Neblett, Robert W CpL... Hq Needleman, Samuel J Pvt I Neeley, James A Cpl E Neely, James L.... ...Pvt L ...W— Oct. 17-18 Nelson, David.. Cpl B W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 2-18. Nelson, Dent K.... ...Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18 Nelson, Julius T.. Pvt— 1st C1..MD T— Nov. 2-18 Nelson, Leo H Pvt G fW-Oct. 17-18 ....Nov. 2-18. \t— Jan. 22-19 Nelson, Ludwig Pvt ...Hq Nelson, Neal A ..Cpl Hq... Nelson, Reuben F Col. Sgt Hq Nelson, VVillard Pvt M Nesbit, Claude W Ck ...E Nesbitt, .Albert Pvt K S— Oct. 20-18 Newell, Herbert W Pvt .G S— Oct. 29-18 Newman, William R Pvt B K— Oct. 18-18 Newberry, William C- ....Pvt.... G ..- Newell, Fred T GpL... E ..W-Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 2-18. Newlin, Jacob L Pvt A W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 26-18. Newman, John S Pvt B Newsom, EUisF Pvt D Newson, Neuman W Mech Hq Newsom, Brady H ..Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18...- Newsom, Windsor T ..Pvt MG _..T— Jan. 20-19 Newton, John Wag Hq... T— Jan. 20-19 Newton, Clifton ...Pvt— 1st CI .1 Newton, Isaac M Cpl H Newton, Jesse M Cpl Hq Nichols, Tony Pvt L. Nicholson, Frank C Pvt K Nicks, Jesse Pvt H... W— Oct. 10-18 ....Nov. 2-18. Niell, Leonard R Cpl .— H .S— Oct. 29-18 Nimocks, David R Cpl Hq T— July 22-18.:. Nitsche, William J Mus Hq..-Nov. 14-18 Nixon, Charlies Cpl K Nixon, RosserG Pvt M --- Noble, Archie Cpl 1 Noble, Frank H Pvt Hq Nogrotski, William Pvt K Nolan, Thomas A ...Pvt Hq Noles, Lonnie Pvt M. NoUen, Matthew Pvt— 1st CI .B T— Sept. 12-18 Nordmeyer, Henry Pvt C Norem, Martin E Pvt MD Norfleet, Joseph E Pvt— lstGl..L .../T— Feb. 8-19 \W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 2-18. Norman, Joseph Pvt ..E ....Sept. 29-18 Dec. 2-18. Noris, Mack Pvt C .T— May 1-18 Norman, Isaac C. ...Pvt .A K— Sept. 29-18 112 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Norman, WiUiam C -Pvt F T— May 1-18 -... Norris, Edgar.. Pvt— 1st Cl.M Norris, Ernest. ..Pvt. ...M C— Oct. 11-18 Dec. 8-18. Norris, Jimmie G Pvt— IstCl.G K— .Sept. 29-18 Norris, Louis H ..Pvt— 1st Cl.F. Norris, Zell. ...I Pvt— 1st CI .B Norris, Loy Cpl Hq — Norrod, Krncst L ..Cpl B Norrod, Floyd J Cpl G W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 11-18. Norton, Ben... Pvt— IstCl-C W— Oct. 10-18 Norton, John R... Cpl ..K.. Nowakowski, Joseph J ...Pvt L ....W— Aug. 31-18 Nov. 18-18. Nowotnh, .Vrthur T Pvt K ...W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 5-18. Nowotny, John Pvt Hq Nunn, Rudolph Cpl.. Hq Oakley, Richard Pvt— 1st C1..I. Oakley, Water A Pvt— 1st CI.. B .W— Oct. 17-18 Gates, John L.._ ....Pvt .MG Gates, Howard G Cpl.... D K— Sept. 29-18. O'Brien, Otis B Cpl ....D K— Oct. 14-18 Obarowski, Frank A P^'t .K.... Dec. 6-18 Obar, Cliff Cpl K 0' Brine, James B Pvt— 1st CI .M W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 14-18. O'Brinc, William L Pvt M. ....W-Sept. 29-18... -Nov. 22-18. O'Danicl, Stephen Sgt ...Hq Oguin, Cad B Pvt L S— Nov. 11-18 Jan. 3-19. Oldham, Frank A Pvt E T— Jan. 22-19 Oliver, Willard Pvt— Ist CI .D T— Feb. 4-19 OlriLson.MadsA Sgt D Olson, Bert Pvt F ....W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 19-18. Olson, Carl A Pvt... K Dec. 6-18 Olson, Jacob E Pvt. A Olson, Odin •. Pvt MG .- Olson, Oscar B Pvt MG Oiler, John Pvt H.... W— Sept. 29-18 Olson, NelsF .Pvt .A K— Aug. 17-18 Olson, .\nton _ Pvt C T— May 4-18 O'Mallcy, Charles S Pvt L .W—.4ug. 31-18 Nov. 14-18. O'Meara, Charles A Sgt Sup O'Neal, Samuel R Pvt .M O'Neal, Thomas J Sgt .C Discharged July 1-18 O'Neill, William B Pvt ..A &-Oct. 28-18 Osborne, Jesse A Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18... Ore, Brice Wag Sup Orloskc, .\lbertB .Pvt A Osga,JohnJ-. Pvt ..G.... W— Sept. 29-18... Oswald, Lawrence J Pvt L -S — Oct. 3;-18 fT- Feb. 8-19 , Oswalt, Rollin.. Cpl C \W— Oct. 17-18!.. ..Dec. 2-18. Ott, Robert Pvt.... M Ott, Daid.... Pvt— Ist CI. L K— Sept. 29-18.. Otterstrom, Kjalmar Pvt C Owen, Paul C Cpl C T— Jan. 8-18. Owen, Roland Pvt D... T— Dee. 17-18 Owens, Bernice C. Cook H T— July 12-18 Owens, Ellis A Pvt ....I D of W— .\ug. 2-18 History of II Qth Infantry 113 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd. Overman, Thomas M Pvt— 1st CI.-MG Owens, BerEiceL Pvt— IstCL.K Owens, Herman F 1st Sgt C... W— Oct. 17-18 Owens, Jesse L Pvt.._ K ...W— Sept. 29-18-. ..Dec. 8-18. Owensby, John D Pvt-.. .D W— Oct 10-18 Pack, John I. Pvt Hq... Padgett, Critchley Pvt F S— Oct. 14-18 Dec. 7-18. Page, Israel ....Pvt... F W— Sept. 29-18... .Oct. 27-18. Palmer, WiJliamH... ....Pvt.... Sup... _ Palmer, ChariesF Pvt B ....W— Oct. 17-18 Palmer, Dee D Pvt G.... W— Sept. 29-18— Died. Pals.Hilko ..Pvt Inf Parnam, Albert Ck F W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 3-18. Park, Fred.- Pvt H ....*. Parker, John W Pvt— 1st CI. A K— Oct-17-18 Parker, Samuel E Pvt Sup S— Nov. 11-18 Parker, Alfred Pvt— 1st CI.. E W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 3-18. Parker, Allcye Bglr. B S— Nov. 11-18 Nov. 27-18. Parker, Charlie C Wag -Sup Parker, Clarence Pvt— 1st Cl.-I Parker, Eugene Pvt— 1st CI.. I Parker, Harrison Pvt M Parker, Herbert! Mess Sgt M.. Parker, Hunter A ...Pvt— 1st C1..M.. Parker, Jasper Y.... Pvt.... Y Dec. 6-18 .- Parker, Jesse B Pvt H , Parker, John C Pvt— 1st CL.Inf Parker, Lonnie C ....Wag Sap W— Oct. 7-18 Nov. 11-18. Parks, Samuel W Sgt Sup Parrish, Donnie C _Pvt— 1st C1..C Parrish.JohnB... CpL... Hq Parrish, Walter Pvt— IstCL.A W— Sept. 3-18 Dec. 2-18. Parson, Charles B . Pvt K --. Pate, AlonzoL Pvt B Pate, Herman Ck ..E Pate,McIveyJ Pvt-lst C1..C... W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Patterson, Andrew Pvt— 1st CI.. Hq Patterson, Herbert W Pvt A Dec. 6-18 Patterson, Oscar M Pvt— 1st CI.. Hq Patterson, Robert F Pvt— 1st CI.. F W— Sept. 29-18.. -Dec. 7-18. Patterson, William D .--Pvt— .C-.. ..S— May 1-18... Patton, Arthur C .Pvt-. .G Patton, James E Sgt D Patton, Tiry J. C Pvt M Patton, Joseph M Cpl... H ....fW-Sect. 29-18 \Deserted Sept. 29-18 Patton, Joseph W.... Cpl .G ....K— Sept. 29-18 Patton, Sherman H Pvt... M .K— Aug. 6-18 PauJaskas, Joseph Pvt... .D - Paulson, Manford P Pvt 1 Pavlak,John... Pvt C .W-Oct. 17-18 Dec. 14-18. Payne, George E Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18-..-Dec. 17-18. Pearce, Reaben Pvt G Pearce, Joseph L Pvt F K— July 31-18.. Pearcy.JoeN..-. Cpl ....H W-Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 19-18. Pearson, Henry F- Pvt H.. W-Sept. 29-18..-.Dec. 19-18. 114 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Pearson, Will Z ....Pvt ...I.... K— Aug. 2-18 Pcavler, William C Pvt C Dec. 6-18 Peddicord, John H .Mus Hq Pedcrson, Walter N Pvt.. .MG S— Sept. 27-18 Oct. 27-18. Pederson, Arne Pvt D K— July 18-18. Peek, Lester Pvt... A Peeler, Ellis E Cpl M Peeler, Lawrence T ..Cpl H K— Sept. 29-18 Peeples, Arthur W Pvt A Pceples, Frank E Pvt C Dec. 6-18 Peeples, James I Pvt— 1st C1..MG.... W— Sept. 27-18... .Oct. 27-18. Pelfry, Clement C Pvt G Pelfrey, Samuel J Pvt .Hq Peltier, Rene Pvt A Dec. 6-18 S— March 16-18 Pennal, Robert A .^t C Dec. 6-18 Penncll, Norman E Pvt A .fW— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 11-18. Is— March 16-18 Pennell, Samuel P Pvt ...F W— Sept. 2-18 PenninKton, Corley Pvt— let CL.C Pcrgi, Frank Pvt B W— Sept. 29-18 Perkinson, Harry ..Cpl I W— Sept. 29-18... Dec. 14-18. Perrino, Dominick Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Perry, David T Cpl M S— Oct. 31-18 Nov. 26-18. Perry, John H Pvt— let CI.. K Perry, William J Ptv MG Perry, James R Pvt B W— Sept. 29-18 Perry, ScthE-. Cpl K K— Sept. 29-18 Perry, Thomas L Pvt I K— Aug. 2-18 Person, Clyde C Ck ...F W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 20-18. Peruzzini, Marreno Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Peterson, Harry C Pvt H Dec. 6-18 Peters n, .■Mphus R Cpl MG... Peters n, .\rthur M Pvt— let CI..E W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 2-18. Peterson, Harry E Pvt K Peterson, George L Pvt Hq S— Aug. 11-18 Pettcway, Roger N Pvt— IstCL.A T— Jan. 29-19 Pettie, Edgar C Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18.. Petty, Romeo- Pvt I K— Aug. 29-18 Petrowich, Frank Pvt C Pettitt, George B Pvt C Dec. 6-18 Petty, Acy- Pvt A Petty, John W Ck M Phelps, Lenwood Bug.. I W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 5-18. Phelps, William J ...Pvt— 1st C1..L W— Oct. 17-18. Phillips, Bennie L Cpl... A Phillips, Clyde Cpl F W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 11-18. Phillips, Don D ..Pvt— 1st C1..MG Phillips, John S ..Pvt.... L W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 5-18. Phillips, William J ..Pvt B Phillips, kmy B.. Pvt— 1st CL.F W— Sept. 29-18.. PhiUips, Daniel- Pvt F T— July 24-18 Phippen, Enos C Pvt L W— Aug. 31-18 Phipps, Charles.. Pvt Sup Piche, -•^^ndrew W Pvt— 1st C1..H W— Sept. 29-18 Pickens, Enmierson J Pvt.._ G Pieper, Albert H Pvt... A Pierce, Ambrose F Pvt.... H W— Sept. 29-18. Pierce, Howard L Col. Sgt Hq... W— Sept. 29-19.... History of iigth Infantry 115 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Pierce, Charles R Sgt G -K— Oct. 10-18 ._. Pierce, Luland W Pvt— 1st C1..G-- _W— Oct. 17-18 — Pigett, Lindsey Cpl B W— Sept. 29-18 Pigford, Leon C- Pvt H Pigg.OttoE Sgt Hq Pigue, PaulW Cpl ....K Pilgreen, John P Pvt— 1st CI..D W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 8-18. Pinkerton, LeRoy Pvt G ..K— Oct. 18-18 Pinkham, Lyman K Pvt Hq W— Sept. 27-18-. Pipkin, William H Pvt C Pitisano, Antonio Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Pittman, Bryant A Pvt— 1st C1..K Pittman, Jacob H Sgt G W— Aug. 26-18 ....Jan. 4-19. Pittman, John T Sup. Sgt K Pittman, William W Pvt Sup.... Pittman, Randolph Pvt D K— Oct. 18-18 Pittman, Robert L Sgt E T— Sept. 10-18 Pitts, Reuben A Pvt Sup S— Dec. 8-18.- Plaskas, Joseph F Pvt MG W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 5-18. Pleasant, Jasper R Pvt M Pleasant, William S Pvt I Pleasant,' Major W Pvt H W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Plessinger, Richard Pvt— 1st CL.M _S— Nov. 27-18 Plonk, Marvin E Pvt H .W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Plonk, Roy F Cpl A '. Plott, GuyA Sgt L W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 2-18. Plummer, David C Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18 Pohlker, John A Pvt D ....K— Oct. 14-18 Poindexter, William F Cpl M S— Oct. 31-18 Dec. 21-18. Poland, John E Pvt— 1st CL.Hq Poland, SamuelJ Pvt ....G W— Sept. 29-18. ...Nov. 11-18. PoUa, Ceasare Pvt L W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 2-18. PoUard, Mack D ...Pvt— 1st C1..I.... ..S— Oct. 14-18 Nov. 26-18. Policy, Chester Corp M W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Pollock, John C Pvt— 1st Cl.-Hq W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 26-18. Polly, Frank Pvt E W— Oct. 17-18 Poole, WiUiam L 1st Sgt L Pope, DaUasA Pvt— 1st CL.Hq Pope, Danie Sgt M S— Oct. 14-18 Nov. 26-18. Pope, Eldridge H Ck H Pope, John B., Jr Pvt A Pope, Oscar Pvt— 1st CL.M... Poppel, Henry Pvt E.... K— Oct. 10-18 PorceUi, Robert Bgk H K— July 17-18 Porter, Clarence R Cpl D W— Sept. 29-18-...Dec. 7-18. Porter, Ralph J.... Pvt— 1st CL.K Porter, Barney T Pvt C S— Jan. 6-19 Poston, Samuel McB ...Pvt— 1st CL-F W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 22-18. Poteat, George F Pvt— 1st CL.C Potter, Robert A Pvt— 1st CL.Hq Potter, Harry Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18 Potts, Ernest R Pvt F W— July 24-18 Dec. 3-18. Potts, Herman L .Pvt I. W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 5-18. Potts, Thomas H Pvt— 1st CL.L Powelka, Gilbert... Pvt. .D ..K— Sept. 29-18. Powell, Houston E Pvt.... Hq Powell, Lester F ....Cpl Hq.... W— Sept. 29-18-_..Nov. 11-18. PoweU, Frank. Pvt. Sup W— Oct. 7-18 116 History of iigth Infantry l^ame Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Powell, Robert -— Cpl H_ .....W-Si.pt. 29-18 Prater Guy C — - ---Cpl Hq W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 26-18. Pratt, Robert L —Cpl — -I W-Aug. 31-18... -Nov. 11-18. Presley, James. -Pvt. --A -- Presley, Manson W....- Pvt Sup. Pressley, Lonnie C Pvt— Ist C1..MG - --- Pressley, Dennie P^'t -F - W-Oct. 17-18— -. Pressley, Henry W-- ....Pvt-lst C1..M W-Oct. 10-18 — Pressley, Jesse Pvt.— Sup S— Dec. 9-18 Pribianca, Alpine.- .---Pvt B... -- K— Sept. 27-18 Price, Bo B -..Pvt— Ist C1..B -- Price, James A- Pvt-lst C1..H -W-Sept. 29-18.— Nov. 26-18. Price, LaneO Ck... I -- Price, MalonA - Wag Sup -- Price, Alphonso Wag- Sup S— Jan. 3-18 Price, GroverC- — -Sgt B - S-Sept. 20-18 Price, Samuel G Cpl B..... — - W-Sept. 29-18 Price, Willard..-. Pvt — L W-Aug. 2-18 Prichard. James L- Pvt K —W-Sept. 29-18 Pritchard, Charlie A - Pvt -..I---- - - Priddy, .\rthur Pvt --C --- Priddy, Maury W.. ....Pvt... C Dec. 6-18 Pridseon, Adolph ...Cpl E Prince, HerlKjrtL-... Cpl 1 _- Pritchard, George L Pvt I Prosser.RoyW.. .—Pvt ...E ....K-Sept. 29-18 Pruett, Charles M - Pvt... C Pruitt.FredC... B. Sgt Hq Pruitt.JohnG ....Pvt— 1st Cl..Hq Pruitt, Rufus G Cpl H Pruitt.JohnG Pvt-lst C1..D K-Sept. 29-18 Pryer, Edward C Bglr B... Pryor, William A Pvt— Ist CI.. G Pryor, Willie Pvt... B Pryor Cordel ---. Pvt-lst CI..G... ..W-Died Sept. 29-18. Pucke'tt.JohnA..... ....Pvt-lst CI..F..- W-Sept. 29-18— Dec. 19-18. Puckett. William L --Wag Sup Pugh, William M ..Pvt C Pugh, William M ..Sgt Inf T-July 17-18 Pugh.WilUamM Sgt D fW-Sept. 29-18— Nov. 14-18. \T— Feb. 4-18 Pulliam, Joshua Pvt ..K S-Nov. 1-18 Pully, ^^amuel C Pvt H Purcell, Douglas B Pvt L. T-Oct. 31-18 Purifoy Ray A Pvt-lst C1..D.-- W-Sept. 29-18.- Purnell,' Edward D.. - Cpl L —W-Oct. 17-18..— Nov. 11-18. Purvis, Dock W Pvt— Hq. Purvis, Whit C...— .....Cpl H-. W-Sept. 29-18- Quamn, Walter B -Pvt — .A - M-Sept. 29-18 Queen, Luther F Pvt- K --- Quickstad, Arthur C —Pvt — .H ..W-Oct. 10-18— Dec. 19-18. Quincy, Earnest L .Pvt M Quinn, Harper Pvt— 1st CI -E Quitzau, Peter Z. Cpl D Dec. 6-18 History of iiQth Infantry 117 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Rabon, Herbert Pvt I_ Raby, John H Pvt— 1st C1..F Rachley, UdaM Sgt H .S— Oct. 31-18 Radcliff, Guy Pvt M_ Radford, Herman Pvt D Ragan, Emory E Pvt A Raines, James Pvt C Dec. 6-lS Rains, Simon G Pvt C S— May 29-18 Rainwater, Dink .Pvt G- ...W— Sept. 29-18.- Rakers, John G Pvt K Ramer, Ben Pvt K. W— Sept. 29-18— .Nov. 26-18. Ramsuer, Daniel W Pvt... .K. ..S— June 19-18 Ramsey, Charlie A Pvt K.. W— Sept. 29-18 Ramsey, Lee Pvt... .L.. ..M— Aug. 31-18 Randle, John C _. Pvt— 1st CL.MG Randolph, J. B.. Pvt MG. Rankin, Conway Pvt D Nov. 2-18... Rankin, John H_._: ..Ck Sup Ranow, Clarence G Pvt E Oct. 26-18 Rasberry, Archie C... ..Cpl F W— Sept. 29-18.. Rash, Hershell H Pvt M W— Sept. 29-18 Nov. 26-18. Rash, Lee F... Cpl H Rawls, Grady Pvt— 1st C1..L.. T— Feb. 8-19 Rawls, Hampton Pvt MD Rawls, Herbert D Cpl Hq Rawls, JudL ....Pvt— 1st CI.. H Rawls, Will D Pvt B.._. W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Raster, Ernest Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18... Raxter, Roy Pvt G. T— May 1-18.. Ray, Charles M Pvt C Dec. 6-18 Ray, Emory L Pvt.... B W— Oct. 10-18 Ray, Roy T '...Pvt... .Sup Raymond, Stanley A Pvt F.. W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 11-18. Raynor, Lester C Sgt.. F Reader, George E... ..Pvt... .A K— Oct. 17-18 Reardon, Michael J Pvt... E ..W— Sept. 29-18 Dee. 2-18. Reaves, William J Pvt... G Reavis, Raymond L Pvt. ..G W— Sept. 28-18 Dec. 1-18. Rebasehio, Constantino Pvt K Dec. 8-18 Rector, John C Pvt— 1st CI..MG.... Redman, Frank M Pvt.. H T— July 6-18.. Redmond, William J ....Pvt ....M... S— Aug. 28-18 Reece, Frank W Pvt— 1st CI.. F Reed, Floyd Pvt... A Dec. 6-18 Reed, Jackson H Pvt... Sup Reece, Grant Pvt.... F ..W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 18-18. Reece, John W Ck... .D Reeves, Curtis E Pvt Sup Reeves, Ira E_.. ...Pvt A W— Aug. 25-18 Oct. 20-18. Reeves, OlheH Cpl L... Reeves, Willie D Pvt ....A.... .Dec. 6-18.. Register, Max B Sgt H W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 20-18. ReginaU, John A Cpl B W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 7-18. Reich, Pleasant A Pvt F. Reid, Albert L. Pvt— 1st C1..MD ....T— July 17-18 Reid, George J .Pvt-lst G1..C Reid, Henry F Pvt F W— July 31-18 Nov. 26-18. ReUer, Frank H Pvt... F W— July 30-18. 118 History of II gth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Rencau, James F Pvt — 1st CL.A _ Renegan, George D .Sgt M Rentz, Henry L Pvt MD T— Jan. 1-19 Revan, John J Pvt I Reynolds, James H Pvt G. W— Sept. 28-18.... Nov. 26-18. Reynolds, Lemuel H Pvt— 1st CI.. K Reynolds, Louis S.. Pvt— Ist C1..M : Reynolds, Macon A... .Pvt MG Ray, .Andrew B Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 11-18. Rhea. Eldridge... Pvt— 1st C1..E..-. W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Oct. 29-18 . Rhirichart, Walter.. Pvt F Rhoads, .\lex F Pvt H K— Sept. 29-18... Rhodes, Charlie Pvt A Dec. 6-18 Rhodes, Dallas Cpl M... W— Sept. 28-18... .Dec. 5-18. Rhodes, Gordon L Sgt F. ..K— Sept. 29-18 Rhodes, Joseph Pvt L W— Oct. 17-18 Rhodes, Richard L Mus Hq W— Sept. 2-18 Rhodes, Walter J- Sgt B I Rhue, George N Cpl B JW— Oct. 10-18 It— Feb. 4-19 Rhue, William C Pvt B ...fW— Oct. 17-18 \t— Feb. 4-19 Rice, Jeptha. Pvt— Ist CI. .H. W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 11-18. Rice, Timothy L Cpl F W— Sept. 29-18 Rich, CarmelC Pvt A K— Oct. 2-18 Rich, William J Pvt B W— Sept. 29-18. ...Oct. 27-18. Richards, Homer Cpl D .T— July 22-18 Richards, Zollie C Pvt— let CL.Sup Richardson, Harvey Pvt— Ist CI.. B K— Sept. 29-18 Richardson, Ocee Pvt B... W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 14-18. Richardson, Curna Pvt— Ist CL.A W— Sept. 29-18 Richardson, Ralph Cpl H W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Richards, Ernest L Sgt G Richard, John R Cpl G W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 14-18. Rickard, William W Pvt Hq S— Mch. 15-19.. Riddick, Walter ....Cpl.... I Ridings, John T Pvt ..C Riggins, Will A Mech K W— Sept. 29-18 Riggs, Clem M Pvt K K— Sept. 29-18 Riggs, EarlH ..Cpl A Riley, ,Iohn W. Cpl A Riley, Lonnie T Pvt— Ist C1..K Rinaldi, John Pvt K Dec. 6-18 Ritchie, Charlie F Pvt Hitter, Eli M Cpl Hq Rivenbark, James A Wag Sup Rives, John S Pvt E ...K— Sept. 29-18 Roach, John G Pvt Inf Roache, Perry E. A Pvt C Dec. 6-18 Rone, EUisB.. Pvt E ...W— Oct. 10-18 ....Nov. 27-18. Roark, Hendrick Pvt— 1st Cl.G K— Oct. 10-18 Roark, Dewey R... Sgt D W— July 18-18 Oct. 27-18. Robbins, John. Jr ...Pvt— 1st CI .D., Robbins, Connie Pvt— 1st CI .A Robbins, William E.. .Pvt. A K— Sept. 29-18 Roberson, Clenny. Pvt E Roberson, James H ...Pvt L W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 5-18. Roberts, Charles .4 Pvt k History of iigth Infantry 119 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Dale Ret'd Roberts, Emery Pvt -H_... W-Aug. 20-18 ... -De.'. 19-18. Roberts, Sewell Pvt H W-Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 27-18. Roberts, Harold P Pvt.. Hq T— Oct. 10-18 Roberts, Keifer W Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18 Roberts, Noah Pvt. ...E . — S— Sept. 10-18 Roberts, Vance Sgt 1 Roberts, Wayne -Pvt D Roberts, Willie Sgt M - Robertson, Columbus W Pvt-lst C1..F M-Oct. 18-18 ..-.Dec. 8-18. Robertson, Harvey A Pvt H S— July 6-18 V Robertson, Marvin C-- ..Pvt D W-Oct. 10-18-_._. Dec. 2-18. Robinson, Celburn Pvt ..-E S-March 16-19. Robinson, Herman Cpl D W-Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 8-18. Robinson, Stanley J- Pvt 1 T-Jan. 29-19 Robinson, Thomas. Pvt D S-Oct. 1-18 Dec. 8-18. Rochelle, Dumas W .....Bug MG W-Sept. 29-18... -Dec. 7-18. Rochelle, James M Cpl Hq Rodgers, Bruce .Pvt-..-..-D W-Aug. 20-18 Rodgers, Glenn C Pvt B W-Oct. 17-18 .- Rodgers, Hardy -.Pvt-lst CI .G D of W-No. 3-18 Rodgers, Thomas B -. Pvt 1 fW— Sept. 3-18..- \W— Sept. 29-18... -Dec. 2-18. Roe, Vance BSM Hq .....W-Sept. 29-18 Roeckers, Henry B Pvt-lst CI .E W-Oct. 10-18 ....Nov. 26-18. Rogers, Claude H Cpl L --- Rogers, Da^id J- Mus Hq --- Rogers, Joe E Pvt 1 Rogers, Robert C Pvt Rogers, Rufus M Wag .-Hq Rogers, ZoUie C --Pvt M Rogenburt, Frank -Pvt L . W-Oct. 17-18 Roland, Edward L Pvt-lst CL.Hq s-Oct.-29-18 Dec. 1-18. Roles. Nick P Pvt E T-May 31-18 Rollins, Griffin C Pvt-lst CI .H S-Oct. 31-18-..-Dec. 2-18. Romines, Arlie J Pvt L Romines, Frank Pvt L -- Roney, Lemuel L Pvt— 1st CI .A -- Roper, Floyd Cpl D W-Sept. 29-18....0ct. 27-18. Rorie, James H Pvt Sup ---- "'""'\l" Rorie John Pvt-lst 01 .F W-bept. 29-18..-Nov. 6-18. Rosco'e, Joseph E Pvt-lst CI —I K-.Aug. 31-18 Roscoe, Decater F Pvt K W-Oct. 10-18 RoTnan T Pvt H ....K-Sept. 29-18 Tiemanu. Walter H Pvt A ...K— July 22-18.. Thigpen, Alpha ...Pvt— lst-Cl..I K— Aug. 8-18 Thigpen, John Pvt D _ Thigpen, Robert W Pvt-. F Thigpen, Thomas L Sgt H ....W— Sept. 29-18— .Oct. 27-18. Thoemke, George G Cpl L _-_ Thomas, Ervin E Pvt I Thomas, Francis Pvt I Thomas, George E Mus Hq Thomas, Harry L Pvt Ord Thomas, James Cpl MG Thomas, William C..-.'. Sgt ...D Thomas, Edgar G... Pvt A..- ..S— Aug. 31-18 Thomas, Frenk L Cpl -..F... W— Sept. 29-18.. Thomas, Horace G Sgt. D T— Aug. 31-18 Thomas, Jesse Pvt D T— May 4-18 Thomas, Lonnie J .Pvt G K— Sept. 29-18 Thompson, Clarence Pvt Hq W— Sept. 29-18. ...Dec. 2-18. Thompson, Clarence B Pvt— Ist-CL.D W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. History of iigth Infantry 129 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Thompson, Ernest H Pvt H. Thompson, Frank Y Cpl F ..W— Sept. 29-18-..Oct. 27-18. Thompson, George A Pvt M W— Sept. 29-18— .Dee. 2-18. Thompson, George,G Pvt— lst-Cl..E... _. Thompson, Henry T Wag.. Sup Thompson, Hugh A Sgt ..Hq Thompson, Robert C Pvt B Thompson, Zack Pvt— Ist-CL.G Thomason, Solomon L Pvt C... K— Oct. 17-18 Thompson, Albert M-_ ....Pvt A T— Feb. 4-19 Thompson, Clarence D.... .Pvt D T— Jan. 13-19 Thompson, Joe W Wag Sup W— Sept. 4-18.... Thompson, John W., Jr Cpl E W— Sept. 29-18 Thompson, Lea vj' Pvt L :...S— Oct. 1-18 Thompson, Nathaniel B Pvt I ...W— Oct. 10-18 Thompson, Robert L Cpl D /W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 14-18. \T— .Jan. 20-19.... Thompson, Tra\-is Pvt D__ K— July 22-18 Thompson, Warren D Pvt B S— June, 1918 Thornc, Jesse ...Pvt C T— June, 1918 Thorne, Thomas J. Pvt C T— June, 1918 Thorne, James Pvt Hq. Thorne, William M . Pvt A Thrasher, Algernon E Pvt Hq...Dec. 6-18 Thrasher, James A Cpl B W— Sept. 26-18 Thurman, Erasmus ..Ck K... W— Sept. 29-18 Thurman, Litton T Sgt H Tilly, .'i.ustinW.. Pvt F K— Oct. 10-18 Tilly, George W.-.. Pvt— Ist-CL.K W— Sept. 29-18 Tilly, Thomas ....Cpl L _ W— Oct. 17-18 Tilghman, Albert Pvt... I Tillert, Robert F Pvt MG _.W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 2-18. Tillman, Martin L Wag Sup Tilton, Edward L ..Cpl E W— Sept. 29-18... Tims, William C Sgt C Tiney, Eason Pvt I K— Aug. 8-18 Todd, August ...Pvt A ....W— Sept. 29-18 Tolar, EmpieR... ..Cpl _.__G Tolefson, Auton G Pvt ..K Toller, Jesse L Cpl F W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 14-18. Tollett, Carlisle S Sgt G Tomblin, Whiteford Pvt F -. W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 29-18. Tomkins, George B ..Pvt— lst-Cl..G Tomlinson, James M Ord. Sg Ord Tomlinson, Robert W... ..Sgt F ToneUs, Frank Pvt L W— Aug. 31-18 Townsend, Claude C Pvt G-_ _ Towrn, Wiley S Pvt E-._ K— Sept. 29-18 Treadway, Troy Pvt G W— Sept. 3-18 Trinkle, Clyde C.-._ .Mech E Triplett, Ralph H. P Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 7-18. Triplett, John Pvt— lst-Cl..I Triplett, Lark L Pvt A S— Mch. 16-19.... Triplette, Crattie Pvt... C... T— July 6-18 Trott, EliG Pvt ...D W— Sept. 29-18 Troy, Ernest L Pvt H S— Aug. 2-18 True, Willis M .Cpl L W— Sept. 29-18.. -Dec. 23-18. Truitt Ralph ...Pvt Hq... Dec. 6-18. 130 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Trull. Ed. F Cpl .A W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 2-18. Tuck, Rosco.>..- Pvt— 1st Cl-Hq Tucker, Charlie M Pvt D Tucker, William B ....Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18... -Dee. 7-18. Tucker, Harley L ...Cpl... .Hq K— July 17-18 Tue, James E Cpl.... L .S— Oct. 28-18 Tue.JohnT... Mech L S— Oct. 30-18 Tullis, Julian P Pvt L ....Dec. 6-18 Turlington, Jesse E Pvt— 1st CI .Md T— July 17-18 Turlington, Je.sseT HS ...Sup Turne-, David D Pvt K K— Sept. 29-18 Turner, Charles E Pvt.... MD Turner, Lyles G P^'t C S— May 1 18 Turner, China... Pvt— 1st CI .D fW— July 18-18 \w— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 2-18. Turner, Fuller C Pvt A Turner, James W Pvt D ..W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 8-18. Turney, Herbert L Pvt. A ..W— Sept. 29-18 Turrentine, Herbert S Pvt C K— Aug. 31-18 Tuttle, Troy W Pvt— let 01 .F W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 14-18. Tweeten, Oliver D Pvt E T— July 12-18 Twiford, ElwoodB... Pvt— 1st CI -A W— Sept. 29-18... Twine, Dempsey J Cpl I Tyndall, George D Pvt— IstCL.D. Tyndali, Nick T Pvt B T— Feb. 14-19 Ullom, Harold- Pvt... L ....Dec. 6-18 Ulrich, Henry W Pvt G W— Sept. 29-18... -De;. 19-18. Umstcad, Irvin E ..Pvt MG Umphlette, Claude L Pvt— 1st C1..D-. K— Oct. 10-18 Underwood, Edwin A Pvt K W— Oct. 10-18.... Nov. 26-18. Underwood, Ernest L ...Pvt Hq W— Aug. 19-18 UzzeU, Nayard Pvt— 1st CI..K Vachon, Wilfred... Mech Sup T— Jan. 20-19 Vaitz, Steve '. Pvt A W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 1-18. Valentine, Marcel G Pvt K. W— Sept. 2C-18....D Sept.30-18 Velerio,John _ Pvt— Ist CI .MD.. Oct. 28-18 Vandever, Mrgil E -GpL. G . Van Dyke, Edgar L Pvt K. Vanhorn, John W* Pvt.-. C VanRaden, Ralph Pvt ....Hq Varner, Andrew H Pvt— 1st CI. D_ Vasser, Joseph W Pvt L Dec. 5-18 Vassillon, Alexander Pvt Hq...Dec. 5-18 Vaughn, Joe H Sgt E Vaughn, Alton C. Pvt— 1st C1..B Vaughn, Charlie J Pvt H Vaughn, Elbert L Pvt B W— Sept. 29-18.... Sept. 29-18. Vaughn, Ernest G .Pvt— 1st CI .MD.. Oct. 28-18 Vaughn, George - Pvt A W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Vaughn, Dock T ....Pvt B K— Oct. 18-18 Vaughn, Hardy- Pvt.. B T— Feb. 14-19 Vaughn, Henry H Pvt B Vaughn, Sam T Pvt I W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 5-18. Vawter, Skyler B .Pvt C W— Sept. 29-18 Verderosa, James Pvt L Dec. 5-18 Verderosa, Joseph C Pvt... L Dec. 5-18 History of iigth Infantry 131 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Vereen, Joseph J Cpl D W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 8-18. Veriia, Atillio Pvt A ....Dec. 5-18... Verzwyvert, John A ..Pvt L Dec. 5-18 Vester, James B Pvt— 1st CI .B ...W— Sept. 29-18 Vetto, Loney Pvt ...L Dec. 5-18 VezoUes, Harold A Bug F S— Aug. 13-18 Nov. 11-18. Viar, Willie B .Pvt— 1st CI .K... Viebrock, Charles Pvt L Dec. 5-18.. Vigdorowitz, Ma.\ J Pvt L Dec. 5-18 •. ! Vines, Charles C- Sgt A Vissichelli, John Pvt L Dec. 5-18 _., Vitiello, Rocco Pvt L Dec. 5-18 Vogel, Theodore K., Jr Sgt_.. G _Dis— July 16-18 Voigt, Edward Pvt L Dec. 5-18 Voigt, Henry Pvt L Volpe, Dominick Pvt Hq... Dec. 5-18... Voogd, AbeO Sgt_... F Vowell, Edward D Pvt L .W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 21-18. Vuichard, Will Pvt A Vandiver, Earl E .. Pvt M Wachsmuth, Harry L Pvt C Wachtler, Joseph M ...Pvt. I W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 8-18. Wade, Charles A Pvt G W— Aug. 26-18 Wadley, CarlL... Pvt D ....S— Dec. 24-18 Wafllard, Lender'. Pvt :...A Waggoner, Bryan L... Bug... L W— Sept. 29-18 Wagner, Albert J Pvt. Sup Wagner, Arnold L Sgt .Inf T— Nov. 6-18 Wagner, IrvinB... Sgt ||l..I. S— Aug. 9-18 Dec. 12-18. Wagjoner, Frank S Pvt E Wainwright, Everett E ...Pvt... L Dec. 6-18- Wate,JohnE.. Pvt— 1st CI .L T— Feb. 8-18 Waldrop, C. J Pvt Sup Walker, Aaron Pvt— 1st CI .F Walker, Amos Pvt F D— Aug. 25-18 Walker, Carroll P ....IstSgt D fW— Aug. 7-18 \T— July 22-18 Walker, Colonel R Pvt C W— Aug. 31 18 Walker, CUffordE... ..Sgt.... C T— Oct. 1-18 Jan.j8-19. ^ Walker, Debrial G Pvt— 1st CI .G W— Sept. 29-18... .Nov. 11-18.' Walker, Edgar Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18 Walker, Harvey Pvt G ..W— Sept. 29-18 Walker, John W Pvt G W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 24-18. Walker, John W Pvt H Nov. 27-18 Walker, Louis W Pvt G Walker, Mann Cpl K W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 20-18. • Walker, Otis Pvt D Dec. 6-18.. _ Walker, Robie E Pvt H_ .W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 1^18. Walker, RoscoeB... Pvt.. I. W— Oct. 10-18 Walker, Samuel P Pvt I.. ' Walker, Uri us I Cpl G Walker, William A ...Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18 Wall, Jesse D Pvt ..H W— Oct. 10-18 Wall, Ira E ..Pvt E ....Dec. 12-18 Wall, John L Pvt. I W— Oct. 10-18 Dec. 14-18. Wall, Johnnie Pvt A 132 History of iigth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Wall, Everett E Pvt— 1st CI .Inf. ..T— July 5-18 Wall.TrossieG Wag Sup ..&— Nov. 11-18 Wallace, David N Sad ...Sup .-. Wallace, Eugene Pvt— 1st CI .L ....T— Feb. 8-19 Wallace, Fred E Pvt F _ W— Oct. 17-18 WaUace, Theodore B Cpl L Wallace, Virgil--- Pvt I. - WaUace, William V. Pvt.. D_ W— Oct. 10-18 Wallach, Abraham ! Pvt. ...L ....Dec. 6-18 T— Feb. 8-18 Wallett, Wesley W ....Pvt L Dec. 6-18 Walls, Frank S Pvt— 1st CI .D S— Sept. 15-18 Nov. 26-18. Waltei, David C... Pvt.... F ....Oct. 26-18 Walters, William J Pvt L ....Dec. 6-18- Walton, David J Pvt G Wamser, Fred Pvt K-- W— Sept. 29- 18.. ..Dec. 5-18. Ward, Edward J ..Cpl H Ward, George B ..Pvt M Ward, John G-.- Pvt— 1st CI.. Hq W— Sept. 29-18 Walston, Britton Pvt C T— June 1-18 Walston, Leslie Pvt... K Died»of wounds August 4-18. Walston, Willie. .Pvt... D K— Sept. 29-18 Wanninger, Leo Pvt... L ...W— Sept. 29-18.. Ward, ErWn- Sgt B Discharged July 20-18. Ward, George D.. Pvt D.. -.W— Sept. 29-18.. Ward. John E- Pvt F... T— June 1-18... Ward, Robert L Mech Sup Ward, V illiam L Pvt— 1st CI. C W— Oct. 17-18J.... Nov. 26-18. Warner, Clyde A... Pvt Hq Warren, Charlie A Pvt— 1st CI. K Warren, James K Pvt M W— Oct. 6-18 Warren. John L ...Pvt— 1st CLE .tl Warren, Joseph I Pvt M.. Warren, Louis W Corp D W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 2-18. Warren, Sanuel J Pvt— lstCl..H Washburn. Jeff Pvt Hq W— Sept. 29-18 Waterficld, Lloyd L Pvt L K— July 31-18 Waters, Thomas P Pvt Sup .T— Feb. 22-18. Watkins, Claude Pvt... I Watkins, Clyde E Corp F K— Sept. 29-18 Watkins, Ernest E Pvt A Watkins, Francis M Pvt F Oct. 26-18 Watkins, Walter D Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 22-18. Watson, Claude W Pvt— IstCL.G W— Oct. 10-18 Watson, Herbert M Pvt— 1st CI.. MG Watson, Joseph C Sgt L-- Watson, Millard P Pvt— lstCl..E Watson, Samuel E Pvt D .W— Oct. 17-18 Watson, William J Pvt D Dec. 6-18 Watson, William J Pvt L .W— Sept. 29-18... -Ovt. 27-18. Watts, Carl D... Corp M-. Watts, Claude A... Pvt C T— Oct. 17-18 Way, Alfred A Pvt A W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 26-18. Wayne, Harvey C Pvt— IstCl-D K— July 21-18 Weakly, Charles T Corp C T— July 13-18 Weaver, Charlie T Pvt D W— Sept. 29-18 Weaver, George A Corp Hq S — Nov. 26-18 Weaver, Henry G ..Pvt G Weaver, Hubert Corp A History of iigth Infantry ■ 133 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Weaver, Osco Pvt G Weaver, Walter E ....Pvt H T— July 12-18 Weaver, Wayne A... ....Pvt— 1st CI..H W— Sept. 29-18.... Nov. 11-18. Weaver, William A ...Pvt— 1st Cl..Hq ..S— March 16-19 Weaver, Wiley B Corp B Weaver, William A Pvt D Webb, Berry C Pvt D Deo. 6-18 Webb, Fred L Pvt L W— Aug. 7-18 Webb, Herbert S ....Pvt— 1st C1..D S— Sept. 28-18 Webb, Percefur L Pvt E Webb, Ernest W Sgt K Webb, Vernon F .Pvt D K— Sept. 29-18 Webster, George D Pvt— 1st C1..F .W— Sept. 29-18_. Webster, Lonney A.. ..Corp F W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 15-18. Weed, Gary J ....Pvt M.... Dec. 6-18 Welch, Fred- _- Pvt D K— Sept. 29-18 Wegescheide, George S Pvt K Wells, James L Pvt D T— Aug. 25-18.... Welbourn, George B Pvt Ord Welch, Andrew F Pvt F.... Welch, James D Pvt... MG Wells, Vernie F ....Sgt G T— Oct. 29-18 Wjllman, LeoV Pvt— MG Wells, George D Pvt— 1st Cl.-G Wells, Harry E Pvt Hq Wells, John! Pvt Hq... WeUs,.JohnT Sgt E Wells, Lawson J .Wag.. Sup Wells, Raymond E ..Wag .Sup Wells, Wiley E Pvt... Ord , .' Wemsier, Peter G Pvt— IstCL.L Wentworth, James J Pvt... M Wenzel, Julous L Pvt Hq West, Broady... Corp A West, Mack Corp G West, Marvin E-... Sgt Hq West, TennyB Pvt C West, Walter Mech.. F West, Walter Pvt— 1st C1..I K— Sept. 29-18 Westbrook, Albert F ..Pvt M Whaite, Jesse G Pvt— IstCL.D Dec. 6-18 Whaley, Austin R ..Pvt— 1st CI.. L K— Aug. 31-18 Whedbee, John W Pvt A S— March 16-19 Wheeler, John J Pvt E Wheeler, Kelly B Pvt Inf Wheeless, Andrew J Pvt— 1st CI. .MG Wheeless, Billy Pvt B W— Oct. 10-18 Whichard, Julian D Sgt A Whichard, Marcus H_ .._.Sgt K W— Sept. 20-18... .Dec. 2-18. Whistnant, David C Pvt— 1st C1..G Whistnant, John W Wag Sup White, Archie F Corp F W— Sept. 29-18... .Oct. 27-18. White, Chester B .Corp D W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 20-18. White, Ernest N Pvt C. W— Aug. .31-18 White, Gilbert B Sgt F K— Sept. 29-18 White, Granville D Pvt... MG White, Jesse T ...Pvt... D Dec. 6-18.. , White, John T ....Pvt... .B W— Oct. 17-18 Dec. 2-18. 134 History of I igth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd White, Leo A.- Sgt.. E White, Lyman Corp H.. White, McKenley -Pvt D White, Robert E Corp MG White, Sam ...Pvt.. ..E .' W— Oct. 10-18 White, Thomas V. Corp K White, William E. Pvt— 1st C1..K D— Nov. 14-18 Whitley, Harvey L. Corp.. D Whitley, James A Pvt— 1st CI.. L Whitley, Walter C ....Pvt— 1st C1..K W- Aug. 27-18 Whittier, Frank Pvt L M— Aug. 31-18.... Jan. 7-19. ^^^litlock, Lemuel G Pvt... D T— July 15-18 Whitner, Marion C- ..Pvt— 1st CI. D K— Oct. lS-18 \rickler. John D P^-t C T-July 1-18 Wickham, Frank W Wag Sup...Dec. &-18 Widger,RoyS-.. Pvt MG W-Sept. 29-18 Wilenga, Nick Pvt— IstCL.B Wigand, Franklin P Pvt... L W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 7-18. Wiggins, Henry..- Pvt Sup. Wiggs,Ed. Wag .Sup Wiggs, Richard P ---Ck .C Wikle, Person Pvt F Wilbourn, Gibbs L Corp C .— Wilbourn, Johnnie Pvt— 1st C1..I. K— Ajg. 8-18 Wild, Tate Pvt G ...S— Sept. 1-18 Nov. 2-18. Wilkerson, Ernest L Corp C... ...K— Oct. 17-18 Wilkins, Charles R - -Corp F fW— Aug. 20-18... \ \W— Oct. 10-18.../ Wiley, James L Pvt... C Wilkerson, Benjamin H Sgt G Nov. 27-18 Wilkerson, George W... Pvt K S— Aug. 9-18 Dec. 14-18. Wilkerson, Harvey C Corp Hq W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Wilkerson, Raney P ---Ck -.Sup Wilkerson, Lucas Pvt H Nov. 27-18 Wilkins, Harvey N Pvt MG Wilkins, Junius J Corp C WiUette.LeoW Pvt H. S-Oct. 29-18 - WUhams, Albert W Pvt— IstCL.M W— Oct. 10-18 Nov. 14-19. Williams, -Mbert J.. Pvt A W-Sept. 29-18.. Williams, .\mbrose R Sgt H - Wilhams, .Arthur L Sgt.. Hq -. Williams, .\sley C CpL. L... ....T— Feb. 8-19.... WiUiams, Boyd V Sgt Hq --- Williams, Claud Pvt— 1st CI.. K WiUiams, Daniel W Corp 1 jW— Aug. 30-18 \W— Aug. 31-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Williams, Frank A Corp K S— March 16-19 Williams, Frank W Pvt— 1st CI.. K - WiUiams, George D Sgt A W— Sept. 29-18.. WUhams, Gomer Sgt 1- T-Oct. 1-18 Jan. 3-19. WUliams, Henry D Corp M - WiUiams, Jiihus L Ck K - WiUiams, Jack ...Pvt— 1st C1..K K— Sept. 29-18 WUUams, John R.. Corp H W— Aug. 1-18.... WUhams, Lattie 0..- --Sgt. — B WiUiams, Lee B.... .-Pvt D W— Oct. 17-18 WiUiams, Lacian W Pvt ...MG ..S— Nov. 29-18 WUhams, Roy Corp 1 W— Sept. 29-18.. History of iigth Infafifry 135 Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Williams, Sam W Pvt— 1st C1..F.. W— Sept. 29-18-.. Dec. 19-18. Williams, Sam Pvt—. E W— Sept. 28-18.... Williams, Sidney A Pvt— 1st CL.A W— July 21-18 Williams, Taylor ...Corp 1 Williams, Thomas B... .Pvt— 1st CL.Inf Williams, Taylor W .Pvt... .D ..W— Oct. 10-18 Williams, Voyle J 1 Pvt— 1st CL.A Williams, William A Corp D ^ W— Sept. 29-18.. Williams, Wesley W Pvt K Williamson, Arthur E Corp. D W— Oct. 17-18 Nov. 11-18. Williamson, ElHs W Sgt Inf .W— Sept. 27-18 WiUiamson, Phillip A Corp ...E W— Aug. 21-18 Sept. 15-18. Williamson, Fletcher A.. Pvt E W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Nov. 11-18. Williamson, Robert Pvt— 1st C1..L Williford, Richard D Pvt— 1st C1..MG W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Oct. 22-18. Willis, David R Pvt.. .C Willis, Weldon Pvt— 1st CI .E W— Oct. 17-18 Willoughly, Ernest,.. .Pvt.. .D W— Sept. 29-18. Willoughby, Ezra H Pvt... C Wihnoth, Andy C ..Mech.. G W— Sept. 29-18.-..Nov. 26-18. Wilson, Berton J... Cpl ...D Wilson, Claudia C Pvt F W— Sept. 29-18.. ..Dec. 19-18. Wilson, Elias M.. Pvt Inf. ...T— Jan. 3-19... Wilson, Franklin E Pvt G D— Oct. 16-18 Wilson, Fred Pvt G ...W— Sept. 29-18 Wilson, Grover Pvt— 1st CI .A W— Sept. 29-18 Wilson, Harrison A ...Pvt L Wilson, Herbert C Ck G Wilson, Isaac G Pvt— 1st CI .K_ Wilson, James A _ Sgt G ^ ..W— Sept. 29-18... .Dec. 2-18. Wilson, Jarvis _.Pvt— 1st CI .Inf Wilson, John A ._.Pvt C W— Oct. 17-18 Wilson, John T.. ..Pvt L ..W— Aug. 31-18. ...Sept. 1-18. Wilson, John R Cpl. L K— .Aug. 31-18 Wilson, John S Pvt M Dec. 6-18... Wilson, Lanthan A Sgt MG W— Sept. 29-18 Wilson, Lube T Ck K Wilson, Michael E Pvt ^.Hq.. .Dec. 6-18 Wilson, Plato S Pvt C. W— Oct. 17-18... Wilson, Rollie C Pvt ....D_. Wilson, Samuel Pvt... F Oct. 26-18 ..'. Wilson, Walter W... Pvt D S— March 16-19 Wineberger, Arthur C Pvt A Winfrey, Isaac E Pvt C W— Aug. 31-18 Winkler, George Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18 Nov. 26-18. Winkler, Thomas A Pvt— 1st CI .MG Winner, Clyde W. Pvt.. .Hq...reb. 20-19 Winningham, James E Cpl B ...W— July 26-18 Winslow, Clenny .Pvt D D of W— Oct. 10-18... Winslow, Grover L Cpl.. K W— Oct. 10-18 Winstead, Samuel .Pvt— 1st CI .F .W— Sept. 29-18 Dec. 19-18. Winners, Charlie Pvt... .F ...S— Aug. 14-18 Wize, ThomasM ...Pvt— IstCl .A Wiswall, Herbert. ...Pvt MG Witherspoon, John H Pvt D T— Jan. 2-19 Wlazlak, Mike Pvt D , Wojtasiak, Jose Pvt M Dec. 6-18 Wold, Daniel C Wag ...Hq '_ 136 History of iiQth Infantry Name Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Wold, John I Pvt— IstCl .B T— Feb. 4-19 Wolfe, Albert D Pvt MG-Oct. 26-18..- Wolff, Richard R Pvt ....G ....T— Sept. 12-18 Womble, Erick G Pvt A W-Oet. 17-18 Wood, Francis H ....Pvt— 1st CI .L W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 2-18. Wood, Jesse Pvt— 1st CI .C W— July 18-18 ....Sept. 14-18. Wood, John A Pvt— 1st CI .F.. Wood, Leon C Pvt— !st CI .K T— Sept. 2-18 Woodward, Clarence C Cpl L... .Oct. 26-18 Woodard, Crobwell Pvt Sup .S— Nov. 11-18 Woodard, Issac Pvt— 1st CI .MG Woodard, Jacob Ck MG T— Jan. 29-19 Woodard, Roy L.. Cpl ..D. Woodcock, Carl L ..Pvt ...H. S— Dec. 29-18 Woodoll, Pertey P\'t MG Woodhall, James P ..Pvt— 1st CI .Hq. Woody, Ed H Wag Sup Woody, Jacob Pvt— 1st CI .D ..T— July 1-18 Wooding, Charles S Wag. Sup ...Sup ..Dec. 6-18 _ Woodlief, WiUiam E Pvt B Woodliff, Joseph J... Ck L T— Jan. 29-19 Woodring. Laud C Pvt MG Woodruff, William R Wag Sup Woods, Albert H Pvt I Woods, Charles H.... ..Pvt..., MGL.Oct. 26-18 Woods, Frank G... Pvt— 1st 01 .G K— Sept. 29-18 Woodward, Morgan T. .Sgt MG Woodward, Preston.... ...Pvt ...D_ K— Oct. 10-18 Woodward, Walter L.. Pvt— 1st CI .K. Woody, Charlie ....Pvt— 1st CI .F Woolard, Claudius M... ...Cpl _.!... Woolridge, John Pvt C Woosley, Roy P Pvt H Wooten, .\rthur L Pvt F Dec. 6-19 Wooten, Joseph S Cpl ...E W— Oct. 10-18 Wooten, JuUan L Cpl. K W— Sept. 29-18 i Wooten, William H Pvt G S— Aug. 27-18 Nov. 20-18. Worley, Ambrose N Cpl 1 Warley, WadeA Pvt C T— July 15-18 Worrall, Charlie ..Pvt ....D W— Oct. 17-18 Worthington, Milton A Pvt D ....W— Sept. 29-18 Worthington, Ralph Pvt— 1st CI. D Wrmy, Joseph Pvt M Dec. 6-18 Wright, Berkley D Cpl B .W— Sept. 29-18.... Dec. 7-18. Wright, George T Pvt— 1st CI. B T— Feb. 4-19 Wright, James Pvt— 1st CI .G W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 2-18. Wright, James H Pvt— 1st C1..I W— Oct. 10-18 ....Dec. 14-18. Wright, Simon P Pvt— 1st CI .C W— July 18-18 ....Dec. 2-18. Wright, Thomas Pvt MG Wright, William A Sgt... .B T— Feb. 4-19 Wrinkle, Estel E Pvt Hq Wyatt, Moses L Pvt ...Hq S— Dec. 7-18 Wynn, Anderson Sgt. — L Wynne, Dee. Cpl ....A W— Sept. 3-18 Dec. 10-18. Wynne, George B Pvt ....Hq .T— March 16-19.. Wynne, William B Pvt E Wynne, Hugh T Cpl... Hq.... T— Oct. 10-18 History of iigth Infantry 137 l^ame Rank Company Date Joined Wounded or Sick Date Ret'd Yates, Burns B Pvt H Nov. 27-18 Yates, Clarence Pvt H W— Sept. 29-18.. .-Dec. 8-18. Yancey, Crawford G Pvt 1 .-- Yearwood, Guy F Pvt D Dec. 6-18 Yestenes, Nicholini Pvt— 1st CI .B W— Oct. 17-18 ....Dec. 7-18. Yock, FredL -Pvt I W— Aug. 2-18. ... Yonce, Osborne Pvt 1 Yopp, Samuel F Sgt MD Young, Bert G... - Pvt F S— June 22-18 Young, Boston A Sgt H W-Sept. 29-18_.. -Nov. 26-18. Young, Ed _...Pvt F- - --.M— Sept. 29-18...- Young, James R BSM Hq Young, James L.... Pvt G .W— July 26-18 Young, Ralph A Pvt K Young, Rufus Pvt— 1st CI .C S— May 1-18 Young, Vincent Ck Sup Younger, Frank L Sgt C Yow, William M Pvt I S— Nov. 22-18 Zachary, OraO Pvt I... W— Sept. 29-18.. .-Dec. 5-18. Zarkowski, William Pvt M Dee. 6-18... • Zelker, George Wag Sup ..Dec. 6-18- -. Zabatka, Adam Pvt A W— Aug. 29-18 Zifchock, Martin A... Pvt I W— Sept. 29-18... -Nov. 20-18. Zimmerle, Albert R Pvt... A ....Dec. 6-18 Zimmermann, Harry H Pvt Hq..-Dec. 6-18 ■ Zimmermann, Larry 1st Sgt K Zissels, Isadore.. Pvt Dec. 6-18 LETTERS AND EXTRACTS Headquarters 30th Division. American Expeditionary Forces. Miirch 11, 1019. France. From: Major-General E. M. Lewis, Commanding 30th Div., .\. E. F. To: The Commanding Officer, 119th Infantry. Subject: Service of the 119th Infantry-. 1. While I have endeavored to express verballj- to the officers my ap- preciation of their loyalty and service during the operations of the Division, I want you to take back with you this further testimony of my very great appreciadon of the splendid record of the Regiment, as a whole, in the opera- tions of the 30th Division. \\'hat has been accomi^lishcd by the Division is well known, and the 119th Infantry has had its full share in the accomplish- ment and can look back upon its experiences with nothing but pride, not only by its efficiency in the field, but also by its excellent discipline and mili- tary conduct, the 119th has always reflected credit upon the Division. 2. May all good things await you as individuals in just recompense for the great service done by \-ou as an organization. E. M. Lewis, Major-General, U. S. A. Jefferson Hotel, Columbia, S. C, March 5, 1919. De.\r Metts: I cannot finally sever our close association during the past year without expressing to 3'ou my appreciation of the splendid efficiency of your com- mand of the 1 19th Infantry, both in battle and in the trying period following the Armistice, when it sustained its high standard by attaining a high degree of perfection in drill, ceremonies, training and equipment. I have never seen a finer regiment than the 119th Infantr\- when reviewed by General Pershing. The results attained were, in my estimation, due to your excellent judgment concerning the selection of your staff and to your refusal to retain any officer, regardless of personal feeling, unless he delivered the goods. .\lso to your happy faculty of inspiring your officers with real affection and securing absolute team work. The spirit of your Regiment was always of the highest. Your cheerful attitude and spirit of enthusiasm and co-operation has ever been a satis- Letters and Extracts 139 faction to us at Division Headquarters. You may well be proud of having developed one of the very best Regiments in the A. E. F. c^ With verj' best wishes for your success. Cordially yours, John K. Herr, Col. Chief of Staff, 30th Division. Headcuarters American Expeditionary Forces. G-2-E — Visitors' Bureau Paris, 37 Rue Bassano, February 12, 1919. My Dear Colonel: I understand that you are about to return to the United States soon with your Division. As you of course know, I have not had the pleasure of serving with you when you were in actual command of your Regiment, beyond spending a couple of days in your camp just as you were leaving in Decem- ber, 1917. I did, however, have the privilege of commanding the 119th Infantry for several months during your temporary absence, and I can but believe that the e.xcellent spirit and morale which existed in that Regiment was largely the result of your work. I have seen personally no regiment formed during the war where officers and men gave a better or more loyal response under rather difficult conditions of training. Of the Regiment's work on this side I know only through hearsay, but comment that I have heard from outside the Regiment and Division has been most favorable. Very sincerely yours, F. LeJ. Parker, Brig. Gen. U. S. A. Col. John Van B. Metis, 119th Infantry, A. E. F. APC 749. October 2, 1919. From a letter written by Col. S. L. Faison, formerly Commanding General, 60th Brigade: 4. "This Regiment became one of the most effective fighting units in the Division, and, in my judgment, one of the best regiments in France." 140 Letters and Extracts From Major-General E. M. Lewis To Col. Metts, March 24, 1920. "The 119th Infantry' was an unusually efficient infantry unit, which did its full share in the operations of the 30th Division, under my command." Towns and \'illages C.\ptured by the 119th Infantry. Voormezecle. Busigny. Escaufourt. St. Benin. St. Souplet. Ribeauville. Ecaillon. Mazinehiem. .IBRW-' ?Li»«i ■g 915 W5 5 4