Class Book. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT Rand, McNally & Cols Complete City Railway And Street Number Guide Of New York City. Rand, I^cNally & Co., Chicago and New York. Picturesque Trunk Line of AMERICA. } BLOCK Only Line WHOSE TRAINS ARE EVERYWHERE PROTECTED BY SAFETY SIGNALS. Solid --^- Vestibuled : : : Trains Between New York and Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chautauqua Lake, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Chicago. The New York stations of the Erie are located at the foot of Chambers and West Twenty-third streets, North River, conven- ient to the leading business houses, hotels, theatres, ocean and coastwise steamship piers, and the statitons of connecting lines. Tickets and Pullman acomniodations at 111, S61, 401, and 957 Brofidway, 156 East 12">ih Street, Chambers and West Twenty-third Street Ferries. New York; 96 Broadway and 331 Fulton Street, Brooklyn; 200 Hudson Street Hoboken; and Jersey City Station. Erie Transfer Company calls for and! checks baggage from hotels and residences tnrough to destination. i JAMES BUCKLEY, General Eastern Passenger Agent, 401 Broadway, New York. i D. I. ROBERTS, F. W. BUSKIRK, Genl Pass'r Agt., New York. Ass't Gen'l Pass'r Agt., Chicago, 111. The Wabash Railroad Forms an important link with all lines from the East to all points West, Northwest, and. South- west. The only Through Sleeping Car Line from NEW YORK and BOSTON to ST. LOUIS Via NIAGARA FALLS w York (Grand Central Station) daily, 6 p. m. iton (Fitchburg R. R. Station) daily, 3 p. m. ALL I>IEALS SERVED IIS DINING CARS. ?ti?'' ?epin? Cars from New York and Boston to Chicagro. ave New York, "West Shore R. R., daily, 6 p. m. and 8 01. ; leave Boston (Fitchburg' R. R. Station) daily, 3 p. m. OST DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING POINTS: )LEDO or DETROIT and ST. LOUIS and A.NSAS CITY; DETROIT and CHICAGO; ilCAGO and ST. LOUIS ; ST. LOUIS and A.NSAS CITY and OMAHA. St Line between St. Louis and Denver, iving St. Louis at 12 o'clock, midnight, and arriving at Denver 9.20 a. m. second morning. There is a through sleeper on this train, and it is ready for occupancy in the TJnion Depot at 9 o'clock. Solid Vestibuled Trains, Unsurpassed Dining Cars, Reclining Chair Cars (seats free) on all Through Trains. All transfers in St. Louis for Kansas City, Omaha, St. Joseph, Denver, Colorado Springs, Texas, Mexico, and California points, made in the New Union Depot at that poijat. For further informa- tion in regard to rates, etc., apply to H. B. McCLELLAN, Gen'l Eastern Agt., 387 Broadway, New York. CHAS. M. HAYS, Vice-Pres't and Gen'l Manager, St. IJouis, Mo. C. S. CRANE, Gen'l Pass'r and Ticket Agt.. St. Louis, Mo. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY STATION IN NEW YORK, FOOT OF LIBERTY ST., NORTH RIVER. Direct Route to the Mountains and Coal Fields of • New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Schooley's Mountain, Budd's Lake, Lake Hopatcong, Bethlehem, Wind Gap, Mauch Chunk, the Switchback Gravity Road, Williamsport, Wilkestiarre, Scranton, and other points in the GRE75T IRON and OOT^L- DISTRICTS ^e New Jersey Southern Division, TO Alili SEASIDE RESORTS ON THE NEW JERSEY COAST. SANDY HOOK ROUTE Leaving Pier 8, North River, foot of Rector Street, for Atlantic Highlands, Highland Beach, Seabright, Monmouth Beach, LONG BRANCH. Elberon, Deal Beach, Asbury l^ark, OCEAN GROVE, Belmar, Spring Lake, Sea Girt, Toms River, Barnegat, Tuekerton, Beach Haven, and Atlantic City, DURING THE SEASON OF 1896. Three Capacious Steamers Will run between New York and Atlantic Highlands, in connection with Express Trains. ALL RAIL LINE TO NEW JERSEY SEASIDE RESORTS Leave foot of Liberty Street, North River. Through Express Trains equipped with New Cars, Air Brakes, and all the latest appliances for the safety and comfort of passengers. ROYAL BLUE LINE Between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and "Washington. Five Hours from New York to "Washington. Double Track, Steel Rails, Stone Ballast, No Dust, Drawing Room Cars on all Trains. Station in NEW YORK: Foot of Liberty Street, North River. Stations in PHILADELPHIA: Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, 12th and Market streets, 24th and Chestnut streets; 3d and Berks streets. Station in BALTIMORE: Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Camden and Eutaw streets. Station in WASHINGTON: Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, New Jersey Ave- nue and C Street, one Square from the Capitol. i: Rand, McNally & Co;s COMPLETE CITY RAILWAY AND STREET NUMBER GUIDE OF ISTew York City , A COMPLETE STREET AND AVENUE DIRECTORY GIVING ALL CORNER NUMBERS. CHICAGO AND NEW YORK: BAND, McNALLY & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. - \ Traveliog A Liixiiry SPEED, COMFORT, SAFETY, PICTURESQUE SCENERY, Combined with all modern improvements in Railroad Service, has made the WEST SHORE RAILROAD so deservedly popular with the Traveling Public. WEST--SHORE — RAILROAD— TtlB POPULftR ROUTE FOR FAST SERVICE BETWEEN Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Long Branch, New York, Kingston, Albany, Saratoga, Adlrondacks, Montreal, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis, and All Points West. THE ONLY LINE RUNNING BUFFET SLEEPING CARS Between New York and Toronto WITHOUT CHANGE. THE FINEST WAGNER SLEEPING CARS Ever placed la service are run regularly between NEW YORK AND CHICAGO, NEW YORK AND ST. LOUIS, BOSTON AND CHICAGO, BOSTON AND ST. LOUIS. Full information can always be obtained on application to any West Shore Ticket Agent. F«-lV H. B. JAGOE, C. E. LAMBERT, General Easter j Pa.senger Agent, General Passenger Agent 363 Broadway, l^ew York. 5 Vanderbili Avenue, New York. - Oopyright, 1896, by Rand, McNally & Co. ^^*T EXPLANATION. To find the location or number of any building, turn to the name of tlie street. The streets in smaller type, noted underneath, are those that cross or run to it, and numbers given are the corner numbers on each block of the street. For example: To find 150 Alexander av., it will be seen that 143 is on the corner of E. 134th st. and 1G5 is on the corner of E. 135th St., hence 150 is be- tween these two streets. Where no numbers are given, the corners, and frequently the blocks, are vacant, or occupied by a building not numbered. The letters and figures following the names of streets in heavy black type are given to ascertain their location on the map. Take, for example, Alex- ander av., 11-19. On each side of the map are fig- ures reading downward, and along the margin, top and bottom, are the letters of the alphabet, reading from left to right. R-1 9 refers to that point on the map where lines, if drawn from 19 to 19 east and west and from R to R north and south, would intersect each other at right angles; Alexander av. is found at such intersection. \r) a S\i)(^\e Day A THOUSAND BEAUTIFUL VIEWS A THOUSAND HEROIC SCENES A THOUSAND ROMANTIC INCIDENTS 1 1 — ^f/ILL the sight and mind of the traveler who I'— ^^-^ journeys along our grand old Hudson River and through the beautiful Mohawk Valley on one of the Peerless Passenger Trains of the New York Central. Travelers who have visited all the countries of the Globe express the opinion that the trip between New York and Buffalo and Niagara Falls, by the New York Central, is the finest one-day rail- road ride in the world. EVERY MILE IS HISTORIC EVERY MILE IS BEAUTIFUL EVERY MILE IS A PLEASURE An ever-changing panorama of Rivers, Mountains, Lakes, Fields, and Forests, interspersed with Towns and Cities of international importance and absorbing interest. FOR A COPY OF THE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE "FOUR-TRACK SERIES" BOOKS AND ETCHINGS SEND TWO TWO-CENT STAMPS TO GEORGE H. DANIELS, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, GRAND CENTRAL STATION, NEW YORK. KSiflOWiEl. OPPOSITE THE TREASURY jaONE^JBlOCK FROM THE .WHITE.«OU5_B. Tl— I P WOTFI PAR EXCELLENCE OF I n Urn I I W I Hm L. NATIONAL CAPITAL. THE Cable, Electric, and Horse Cars Pass the Doors to all parts of the city. American Plan $3.00 PER DAY AND UPWARDS. Riggs House Company, G. DEWITT, TREAS. HMGHT& FREESE ...BANKERS.. . AND Commission Stock Brokers 53 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. UPTOWN OFFICE, 1132 Broadway, next to Delmonico's, near 2Bth Street. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Provisions, Bought and Sold for cash or on a margin of 3 to 5 per cent. Commission 1-16. Write or call for our " 400-paere Manual." illustrated with railroad maps, .giving complete information of all RAILROAD and INDUSTRIAL properties, including highest and lowest prices for a series of lO to 30 years of STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, and COTTON, and also the methods of buying and sell- ing on margin. ISSUED GRATIS AND MAILED FREE. Determining the Financial Responsibility of the Firm with which you deal is as important as selecting the right Stocks. New York National Bank References Furnished. TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, LARGEST CLIENTELE, ^lOST C0>I>I0DI01S OFFICES, BEST BROKERAGE SERVICE. BOSTON OFFICE, 85 State Street. DIRECT WIRES. STREET NUMBER GUIDE TO New York City. ABBREVIATIONS. al Alley av Avenue av8 Avenues bet Between l)oul Boulevard cor Corner ck Creek ct Court e East fr From Ft .. Fort la Lane L. I Long Island nr Near n North n. e North East n. w North West no's Numbers opp Opposite pk Park pi Place Washington 15 West 21 Albany Rd. fr. 2914 Baiiey av. w. and n. e. to Van Cortlandt av U-6 Bailey av Macomb Bailev av Van Cortlandt av. Alexander Av. fr. Harlem K. n. to 2662 Third av 1M9 Even no's e. side. Harlem R E. 132d 83 Southern boul 113 E. 134th... 143 E. 135th 165 E. 136th 191 E. 13Tth 221 E. 138th 25! E. 139th 277 E. 140th 305 E. 141st 331 E.142d 355 E. 143d 376 Third av Allenfr 96 Division n. to 163 E. Houston.I-35 Even no's e. side. Division 1 Canal 17 Hester 39 Grand 71 R. R Railroad R River rd Road si Slip s South s. e Soutli East s. w Soutli West sq Square ter Terrace \v AVest Broome 91 Delancoy 113 Rivington 147 Stanton 179 E. Houston 215 Aiiisterdam Av. fr. 429 W. 59th n. to Ft. George av. and 201st n. to W. 2l8th....J-26 Even no's w. side. W. .59th 2 W. 60th 20 W. 61st 40 W. 62d 61 W. 63d 81 W. 64th 101 W. 65th 121 W. 66th 141 AV. 67th 161 W. 68th 18! W. 69th 201 W. 70th 219 Boulevard 220 AV. 71st 282 W. 72d 261 W. 73d 281 W. 74th 301 W. 75th 321 AV. 76th 335 AV. 77th 361 AV. 78th 381 W 79th 401 AV. H)th 421 W. 81st 441 AV, 82d 461 Abattoir PI. W. 39th bet. Eleventh av. and North R H-28 Academy fr. Nagle av. w. to Seaman av R-10 Nagle av Post av Sherman av Vermilyea av Kingsbridge rd Seaman av Academy P 1. fr. Sedgwick av. e. to St. James T-9 Acker man fr. Riv- erdale av. w. of Kingsbridge av. n.T-7 Riverdale av AA'eber's la A dams PI, fr. 880 Kingsbridge rd. n. to 2322 Crescent av. AV-11 Even no's p. side. Kingsbridge rd....2218 Columbine 2280 Crescent av Admiral fr. 1927 Caswell n .-...T-W Albany fr. 124 Green- wich w to North R G-36 Even no's s. side. Greenwich 1 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. W. 83d 487 W. 149th ...1793 Burnside av W. 84th 501 W. 150th ...1821 Osborne pi W, 85th 521 541 W. 151st ...1835 Hampden FordhamLand'gr W. 86th W.152d ...1861 a W. 87th . ... 561 W.153d ...1881 Andrews PI . fr. W. 88th 581 W.154th ...1901 Aqueduct av. s . of W. 89th 601 W. 155th . .1929 Buchanan pi. e . to W. 90th 621 W.156th ...1941 Jerome av .T-10 W. 9lst 641 W.157th ...1961 Aqueduct av W. 92d 661 W. 158th W. 159th W. 160th ...1981 ...2001 ...2021 Edenwoodav Jerome av. W. 93d 681 W. 94th 701 Ann fr. 222 Broadway W. 95th 721 W. 161st St. Nicholas av... .. 2033 e. to 61 Gold.... Even no's s. sid H-36 W. 96th .. .. 741 W. 97th 761 W.162d Kingshridge rd.. ...2048 ...2068 Broadway Park Row W. 98th 781 . 1 W. 99th 801 W.163d Theatre al . 21 W. 100th 821 W. 164th ...2107 Nassau . 35 W. lOlst 841 W. 165th ...2121 William . 73 W. 102d. 861 Croton ...2122 Gold . 91 W. 103d 881 W. 166th ...2141 Anthony Av . fr. W. 104th 901 W. 167th .. 2165 Webster av.and Elliot W. 105th .... 921 W. 168th ...3108 n. to 650 Potter pi. W. 106th 941 W. 169th 11-13 W. 107th 961 W. 170th W. 171st Even no's e. side Webster av W. 108th. . .. .. .980 W. 109th 1000 W.172d Carter ay W. 110th W.173d W.174th E. 178d W. Illth. E. 174tli Crane pi W. 112th W. 175th W. 178th W. 118th Gray W. 114th Washington Bridse E. 176th 1847 W. 115th W. 181st Mt. Hope pi .1862 W. 116th W. 183d W. 184th Tremont av Buckhout .1901 W. 117th .1925 W. 118th W.lSSTh Ash .1955 W 119th W. 187th W. 190th Berry Burnside av 1985 W. 120th 1220 .2038 W. 12l8t Ft. George av.... E. 181st '^163 W. 122d 1260 W. 201st E. 182d .2230 W. 123d . • • ■ W. 202d E. 183d 2294 W. 124th 1301 W. 203d E. 184th .2375 W. 125th 1321 W. 204th Welch .2460 W. 126th 1336 W. 205th Kingsbridge rd .2(60 Manhattan .. ..1341 W. 206th Southern boul .3040 Lawrence 1861 1381 W. 207th Suburban Summit 3070 W. 128th W. 208th .3100 W. 129th 1401 W. 209th Rockfleld 3130 W. 130th 1421 .. ..1435 W. 210th W. 211th Potter pi W, 131st Aquednct Av, fr. W. 132d 1460 W. 212th Wolf e. of Sedgwick W. 133d 1474 W. 213th av. n. to City Line. W. 134th W. 214th R-14 W. 135th W. 215th Even no's e. side W. 136th W. 216th Wolf W. 137th W. 217th Orchard W. 138th W. 218th Anderson Av. fr. Ogden av W. 189th Boscobelav 1520 W. 140th Bremer av. n. e. to Featherbed la .1630 W. 141st 1640 Marcher av ..R-15 Macomb's rd W. 142d 1641 Andrews A V. fr. Tremont av .1820 W. I48d 1882 Aqueduct av. n. Burnside av .1960 W. I44tli 1700 to286Fordham Land- Clinton pi .. ... W. 145th 1720 ing rd ...S-11 Andrews pi W. 146th 1734 Even no's e. side. Buchanan pi W. 147th 1760 Aqueduct av ...1895 Hampden .2252 W. 148th . . . . 1781 Montgomery pi. Evelyn pi STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Fordham Landing rd 2398 St. James 2506 Kingsbridge rd 26-12 Boston av 3168 Van Cortlandt av. . . .3206 City Line Arciilariiis PI. fr, Gerard av. e. to Slieri- dan av S-14 Gerard av Walton av Sheridan av Arnold fr. Wetmore av. s. e. to Edgewater rd V-18 Arthur Av. fr. 915 Fairmount av. n. to 880Pelhamav....V-13 Even no's e. side. Fairmount av 1807 Woodruff 1874 Tremontav 1963 Samuel 2083 E. 18l8t Kingsbridge rd Crescent av 2314 E. 187th 2395 E. 189th 2479 Pelham av Ash fr. 1954 Morris av. e. to 1955 Anthony av. U-12 Even no's s. side. Morris av 517 Anthony av 579 Astor PI. fr. 744 Broadway n. e. to 17 Third av ...1-33 Broadway 2 Lafayette pi 20 8th Fourth av Third av Attorney fr. 236 Di- vision n. to 317 E. Houston J-35 Even no's e. side. Division 1 Grand 27 Broome 47 Delancey 83 Rivington 115 Stanton 145 E. Houston 175 Audubon Av. fr. W. 165th and Kingsbridge rd. n. to Ft. George av P-14 W. 165th Kingsbridge rd W. 166th W. 167th W. 168th W. 169th W. 170th W. I71st \V. 172d W. 173d W. 174th W. 175th W. 178th W. 181st W. 183d W. 184th W. 185th W. 187th W. 190th Ft. George av Audubon Pk. fr. W. 155th n. to W. 158th, and fr. Boulevard w. to North R 0-15 Austin PI. fr. St. Joseph's s. e. to Bur- gay U-19 Av, A fr. 230 E. Houston n. to 44 E. 26th, and fr. 424 E. 53d n. tofootE. 93d.K-33 Even no's e. side. E.Houston 1 1st 5 2d 27 E. 3d 43 E.4th 59 5th 77 6th 95 7th Ill St. Marks pi 129 E.9th 145 E. 10th 161 E. 11th 175 E. 12th 195 E. 13th 211 E. 14th 227 E. 15th 243 E. 16th 259 E. 17th 275 E. 18th 291 E. 19th 809 E. 20th 325 E. 21st 341 E. 22d 361 E. 23d 383 E. 24th 395 E. 25th E. 26th E. 53d 973 E. 54th 993 E. 55th 1013 E. 56th 1029 E. 57th 1053 E. .'■jSth 1073 E. 59th 1093 E. 60th 1113 E. 6lst 1133 E. 62d 1153 E.63d 1171 E.64th 1193 E. 65th 1213 E.66th 1233 E.67th 1253 E. 68th 1273 E. 69th 1293 E. 70th 1313 E. 71st 1333 E. 72d 1353 E. 73d 1377 E.74th 1393 E.75th 1413 E. 76th 1433 E. 77th ...1453 E. 78th 1477 E. 79th 1498 E. 80th 1511 E. 81st 1533 E.82d 1549 E. 83d 1565 E.84th 1593 E.85th 1615 E.86th 1635 E.87th 1657 E. 88th .1673 E. 89th 1687 E.90th 1731 E. 9lst 1749 E.92d 1763 E.93d Av. B fr. 298 E. Houston n. to 600 E. 21st, and fr. foot of E. 79th n. to 528 E. 89th K-33 Even no's w. side. E.Houston 1 2d 17 E. 3d 37 E. 4th 55 5th 73 6th 93 7th Ill 8th 127 E.9th 143 E.lOth 159 E. 11th 175 E.12th 19S E. 13th 215 E. 14th 233 E. 15th 258 E.ieth 275 E. 17th 293 E. 18th 311 E. 19th 327 E.20th 341 E.2l8t Av. C fr. 358 E. Houston n. to East R..,. L-33 Even no's e. side, E.Houston 1 2d 15 E.3d 33 E. 4th 53 5th 71 6th 89 7th 107 8th 127 E. 9th 145 E.lOth 163 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. E. 11th 179 E. 12th 197 E. 13th 215 E. 14th E. 15th 255 E. 16th 277 E. 17th 293 E. 18th 309 Av. D fr. 426 E. Houston n. to 800 E. 16th L-33 Even no's e. side. E.Houston 2 2d 1 E. 3d 21 E. 4th 41 5th 59 6th 77 7th 93 8th 113 E.9th 131 E. 10th 147 E. 11th 165 E. 12th 179 E. 13th 199 E. 14th E. 15th 245 E. 16th Backer A v. fr. Marion n. e. to White Plains rd b-2 Catharine Matilda Fulton Bacou f r. Wctmoreav. s. e. to Winslow. . V-18 Barry Spoflord Craven Bailey A v. fr. 2461 Sedgwick av. n. to Van Cortlandt pk.T-9 Even no's e. side. Sedgwick av Kingsbridge rd 2740 Riverdale av 2879 Boston av 2914 Macomb Albany rd 3081 Van Cortlandt av..3586 Van Cortlandt pk. . Bainbi'idge Av. fr. 2324 Tiebout av. n. to Mosholu Parkway V-10 Even no's e. side. Tiebout av 2325 E. 184th 2374 E. 187th 2424 Welch 2460 Kingsbridge rd 2522 Brookline Sherwood 2732 Rosa pi 2766 Southern boul 2932 Suburban 2988 Mosholu Parkway , Bank fr.87 Greenwich av. s. w. to North I^^ H-32 Even no's s. side. Greenwich av 1 Waverly pi 16 W. 4th 51 Bleecker 81 Hudson 89 Greenwich 101 Washington 139 West 171 Thirteenth av 191 Barclay f r.229 Broad- way w.toNurthR.G-36 Even no's s. side. Broadway i Church 25 College pi 59 Greenwich 75 Washington 91 West 109 Barker Av. fr. Juli- anna s. w Y-8 B a r I o ^v fr. Edge- water rd. s. to Hunt's Point rd X-18 Lane Sacrahong Barnard fr. Dongan 8. e. to Dickey ..W-17 Gilbert Barney f r. Duyvil Parkway n. e. to Fieldstonrd U-5 Waldo Barretto Fox s. e. to Edge- water rd W-18 Sourhernboul Whitlockav Wetmore av La Fayette rd Spoflford Grinnell pi Wenman av Conover av Coster av Foote av Barrow fr. 192 W. 4th to North R H-32 Even no's n. side. W. 4th 5 Bleecker 37 Bedford 6*7 Commerce 75 Hudson. 93 Greenwich ill Washingtcc 123 West... 149 Barry fr. La Fayette rd. s. to Edgewater rd V-18 Burnet pi Laueav Ely Bacon Leggett l^.n(lall Wenman av Bartholdi fr. White Plains av. s. e... Z-8 Bassford A v. fr. 763 E. 182dn. to 851 Kings- bridge rd V-11 Even no's e. side. E. ]82d 2230 E. 183d ...2290 Kingsbridge rd 2336 Bathgate A v. fr. Wendover av. w. of Thirdav.n. to E. 188th V-11 Even no's e. side. Wendover av 1599 E.172d 1619 E.173d 1687 E. 174th 1741 E. 175th 1827 E. 176th 1879 Tremont av 1925 E. 178th 1963 E. 179th 20n Samuel 2101 E. 181st 2140 E.182d 223.3 E.183d 2293 Kingsbridge rd 2363 E. 187th 2389 E. 188th Battery PI. fr. 1 Broadway w. to North R F-37 Broadway i Greenwich 2 Washington 6 West 11 Baxter fr. 169 Park Row to 173 Grand .1-35 Even no's w. side. Park Row i Park 26 Worth 27 Leonard 48 Franklin 66 Bayard 73 White 84 Walker 97^,^ Harry Howard sq. . Canal i09 Hester 131 Grand 155 Bayard f r.70 Division w. to 73 Baxter... 1-35 Even no's n. side. Division 1 Forsyth 2 Chrystie 19 Bowery 43 Elizabeth 60 Mott 77 Mulberry 93 Baxter 107 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Beach fr. 144 W. Broadway North R G-34 Even no's s. side. W . Broadway 1 St. John's la 11 Varick 19 Hudson 4i' Collister 53 Greenwich 6.5 Washington 73 W^est . 81 Beacli (yitlV ward) f r. Rive.rdale av. n. of Rocke. to Forest. U-2 Riverdale av Forest Bear Swamp lid. fr. Bleach rd. s. e. to Corsa av Z.12 Beaiiiiiout Av. fr. Kingsbridge rd. e. of Monroe av. n. to e. 189th W-11 Kingsbridge rd 2216 Columbine 2290 E. 187th 2400 E. 188th Beaver fr. 10 Broad- way e. to 150 Pearl G-37 Even no's s. side. Broadway 1 New 15 Broad 3Z William 61 Planover 79 Pearl 95 Beck fr." 622 'JRobbins av. n. e. to Intervale av T-18 Even no's e. side. Robbins av 925 Concord av 935 Wales av 974 Union av .. Prospect av Legget av 1158 Lane av 1274 Intervale av Be1 Av. B 601 Av. C 701 Dry Dock 738 Av. D 801 East R . . E. 13th fr. 63 Fifth av. e. to East R..J-32 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 University pi 35 Broadway 65 Fourth av 101 Third av 203 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 5i>l Av. B 601 Av. C 701 Av. D 801 East R E. 11th fr. 67 Fifth av. e. to East R..J-32 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 University pi 31 Union sq. W Broadway 52 Union sq. E Fourth av 101 Irving pi 119 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av. B 601 Av. C 701 Av. D 801 East R E. 15th fr. 78 Fifth av. e. to East R..K-32 Even no's a. side. Fifth av 1 ■ Union sq.jW • 27 . Union sq., E 101 j Irving pi 123 i Third av 201 J Rutherford pi 215 ' Stuyvesant sq Second av 300 Livingston pi 825 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av. B 601 Av. C 701 Av. D 801 EastR E. 16th fr. 85 Fifth av. e. toEastR..K-32 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Union sq., W 23 Union sq.,E 101 Irving pi 123 Third av 201 Rutherford pi 209 Stuyvesant sq Livingston pi 321 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av. B 601 Av. C 701 Av. D 800 East R E. irth fr. 97 Fifth av. e. toEast R..K-32 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Union sq., W 30 Broadway 27 Union sq., E Union pi 39 Fourth av 101 Irving pi 125 Third av 199 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 17 Rutherford pi 224 Stuy vesant sq Second av 301 Livingston pi 330 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av. B 601 Av C 645 East R E. IStU fr. 109 Fifth av. e. to East R.J-32 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Broadway 27 Fourth av 105 Union pi Irving pi 127 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av. B 601 Av. C 654 East R i E. 19th fr. 119 Fifth av. e. to East R. J-32 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Broadway 27 Fourth av 101 Irving pi 125 Tliirdav 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av. B 601 EastR 616 E. 20tli fr. 135 Fifth av. e. to East R.K-31 Even no's s. side. Fifth Hv 1 Broadway 15 Fourth av 101 Gramercy pk 107 Irving pi 128 Gramercy pk 149 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av.B 601 East R E. 21st fr. 149 Fifth av. e. to East R.Iv-31 Even no's s side. Fifth av 1 Broadway 15 Fourth av 101 Gramercy pk 102 Lexington av 123 Gramercy pk 148 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av. B 600 East R E. a2l First av 401 East R 440 E. 33d fr. 335 Fifth av. e. to East R.K-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 31 Fourth av 101 Lexington av 139 Thirdav 201 Second av 3ol First av 401 East R 425 E. 34th fr. 355 Fifth av. e. to East R.K-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 43 Parlsav 101 Lexington av .. 137 Thirdav 201 Second av 301 First av 401 East R 425 E. 35tb fr. 373 Fifth av. e. to East R.K-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 25 Parkav 101 Lexington av 143 Thirdav 201 Second av 301 First av 401 East K E. 36tii'fr'" 389' Fifth av. e. to East R.K-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 27 Parle av 101 Lexington av 137 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 East R 425 E. 3rtli fr. 411 Fifth av. e. to East R.K-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison a V 19 Pa-k av 101 Lexington av 125 Thirdav 201 Second av 301 First av 401 East R 42ti E. 3Stli fr. 425 Fiftli av. e. to East R.K-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 21 Parkav 101 Lexington av 129 Thirdav 201 Second av 301 First av 401 EastR. E. 39tli fr. 441 Fifth av. e. to East R. .L-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 21 Parkav 101 Lexington av 131 Tliirdav 201 Second av 301 First av 401 EastR E. 40th fr. 461 Fifth av. e. to East R.. L-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 25 Park av 101 Lexington av 135 Thirdav 201 Second av 301 Prospect pi 829 First av 401 EastR E. 41st fr. 479 Fifth av. e. to East R.. L-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 41 Park av 101 Lexington av 141 Thirdav 201 Second av 301 Prospect pi 354 First av 401 East R E. 43cl fr. 503 Fifth av. e. to East R. . L-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 ^Madison av 19 Vanderbilt av 29 Parkav 100 Depew pi 119 Lexington av 137 Thirdav 201 Second av 301 Prospect pi 349 First av 401 East River 413 E. 43d fr. 521 Fifth av. e. toEastR. M-28 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 84 Vanderbilt a 52 Depew pi 108 Lexington av .. .. 131 Thirdav 201 Second av 301 Prospect pi 348 First av 401 EastR 414 E. 44th fr. 551 Fifth av. e. to East R. .L-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 43 Vanderbilt av 53 Depew pi 105 Lexington av .... 135 ( Thirdav 201 Second av 301 First av 4ol East R E. 45rh fr. 547 Fifth av. e. to East R.. L-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 28 Vanderbilt av 3i Park av lul Depew pi 100 Lexington av 131 Thirdav 201 Second av 301 First av 401 EastR 425 E. 46th fr. 571 Fifth av. e. to East R.. L-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 29 Parkav 101 Lexington av 127 Third av 201 Second av 801 First av 401 East R 421 E. 47th fr. .579 Fifth EastR..L-28 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 31 Parkav 101 Lexington av 119 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 East R 439 E. 48th fr. 595 Fifth East R..L-28 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 21 Parkav 101 Lexington av 135 Thirdav 201 Second av 301 First av 401 EastR 441 E. 49th fr. 611 Fifth av.e. roEast R..L-28 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 19 Madison av 21 , Park av 101 Lexington av 135 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 400 Mitchell pi Beekman pi 422 East R E. 50th fr. 621 Fifth av. e. to East R..L-28 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 29 Park av 101 Lexington av 127 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Dunscomb pi Beekman pi 427 EastR E. 51st fr. 639 Fifth av. e to East R..L-28 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 22 Parkav 101 Lexington av 145 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Beekman pi 434 EastR E. 52d fr. 657 Fifth av. e. to East R..M-28 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 41 Park av 119 Lexington av 137 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 399 East R 447 E. 53d fr. 673 Fifth av, e. to East R..M-28 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 53 Park av 101 Lexington av 137 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 400 Av. A 424 EastR E. 54th fr. 689 Fifth av. e. to East R. .M-28 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 51 Park av 101 Lexington av 141 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 EastR E. 55th fr. 707 Fifth av. e. to East R. .M-28 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 51 Parkav 105 Lexington av 137 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 EastR 507 E. 56th fr. 721 Fifth av. e. toEast R..M-27 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 3 Madison av. 53 Park av loi Lexington av 139 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R 506 E. 57th fr. 741 Fifth av. e. to East R.M-27 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 25 Park av 101 Lexington av 141 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R E. 58th fr. 761 Fifth av. East R..M-27 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 17 Parkav 115 Lexington av 135 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A SOl Riverview Ter. ... East R .514 E. 59th fr. 781 Fifth av. e. to East R.M-27 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 41 Parkav 101 Lexington av 1.37 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 Riverview Ter EastR E. 60th fr. 790 fifth av. e. to East R. .M-27 Even no's s. side. Fifth av Madison av 31 Park av 101 Lexington av 141 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R E. 61st fr. 800 Fifth av. e. to East R. .M-27 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 43 Park av 101 Lexington av 145 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R E. 6tJ(l fr. 810 Fifth av. e. to East R..M-27 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 25 Park av loi Lexington av 143 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R E. 63d fr. 820 Fifth av EastR.. M-27 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 23 Park av 101 Lexington av 139 Third av 20l Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R E. 64th fr. 830 Fifth av. e. toEast R..M-26 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 9 Madison av 31 Parkav 103 Lexington av 159 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R E. 65th fr. 840 Fifth av. e. toEastR..M-26 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 3 20 STKEET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Madison av 27 Parkav 101 Lexington av 157 Ttiird av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East K E. 66th fr. 850 Fifth av. e. toEastR..M-26 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 47 Park av 108 Lexington av 152 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R E. 67tli fr. 860 Fifth av. e. to East R .M-26 Even no's s. side Fifth av 1 Madison av 31 Parkav 101 Lexington av 151 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av Av. A 501 East R E. 68th fr. 871 Fifth av. e. to East R.. M-26 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 33 Parkav 101 Lexington av 164 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R 536 E. 69th fr. 880 Fifth av. e. to East R. M-26 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 19 Parkav 101 Lexington av 131 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R E. yOthfr. 890 Fifth av.toEastR M-26 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 30 Park av 105 Lexington av 149 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 EastR 517 E. 71st fr. 900 Fifth av. e. to East R.. M-26 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av — 21 Parkav 101 Lexington av 143 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R 516 E. 73H fr. Fifth av. e. to East R M-26 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 17 Parkav 101 Lexington av 143 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 EastR E. ySd fr. Fifth av. e. to EastR M-26 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 39 Parkav 105 Lexington av 147 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 EastR 529 E. 74th fr. 931 Fifth av. e. toEastR..M-25 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison Av 31 Parkav 121 Lexington av 151 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 East R 519 E.75ih f r. Fifth av.e to East R N-25 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 25 Parkav 101 Lexington av 153 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av.A 501 EastR 515 E. 76th fr. 950 Fifth av.e. to East R.. N-25 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 37 Parkav 109 Lexington av 153 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 EastR 513 E. 77th fr. Fifth av. e. to East R N-25 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 57 Park av 101 Lexington av 153 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 500 East R E. 78th fr. 969 Fifth av. e. to East R..N-25 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 41 Park av 101 Lexington av 141 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A East R E. 79th fr.' Fifth av. e. to East R N-25 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madisoii av 51 Park av 101 Lexington av 153 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av. B EastR E. 80th fr. 989 Fifth av. e. toEHStR..N-25 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 41 Park av 101 Lexington av 149 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av.B 533 EastR E. 81st fr. Fifth av. e. to EastR N-25 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av 65 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 21 Parkav 101 Lexington av 147 Thir.lav 201 Sfcond av 301 First av 401 Av . A 501 Av. B 537 EastR E. 8^11 fr. Fifth av. e. t ■ East R N-24 Eveu no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Madison av Parkav 101 Lexington av 145 Third av 201 Second av 301 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av.B 601 East R E. 83 vkstone fr. Je- rome av. n. e. to Eden av S-13 Hawthorne f r. Tenth av. nr. 204th n. w. to Seaman av. .R-9 Tenth av Nagle av Post av Sherman av Vermilyea av Kingsbridge rd Cooper Seaman av Heath Av. fr. Har- lem River Terrace n. to Riverdale T-8 Kingsbridge rd Henderson PI, fr. .549 E. 86th n N-24 Henry fr. 16 Oliver n. e. to 543 Grand.... 1-36 Even no's s. side. Oliver 1 Catharine 19 Market 69 Birmingham 86 Pike 105 Rutgers 153 Jefferson 179 Clinton 209 Montgomery 249 Gouverneur 277 Scammel 287 Grand 327 Jackson 338 Herald Sq. bounded on n. by 34th, e. by Sixth av., Broad- way, s. by 36th ...J-29 Hester f r.216 Division w. to 182 Centre,. 1-35 Even no's s. side. Clinton i Division 2 Suffolk 17 Norfolk 33 Essex 49 Ludlow 65 Orchard 81 Allen 97 Eldridge 107 Forsyth 121 Chrystie 137 Bowery 151 Elizabeth 161 Mott ... 175 Mulberry 193 Baxter 209 Centre 219 Hewitt PI. fr. Rob- bins av. n. e. to Pros- pect av T-17 Hill fr. Mosholu av. w. of Fieldston rd. n. U-2 HilUideAv. fr. Kingsbridge rd. and Nagle av. n. e. to Eleventh av Q-10 Kingsbridge rd Nagle av Ellwood Eleventh av Hob ok en w. of Canal G-34 Hoe Av. fr. Boston Road bet. Southern Boulevard and Wood- ruff st W-16 HofTinau Av. fr. 945 Kingsbridge rd. n. to 846 Pel ham av...W-ll Even no's e. side. Kingsbridge rd 2320 E. 187th 2395 E. 188th E. 189th 2482 Pelhamav 2508 Holly PI. fr. 4306Mt. Vernon av. e. to City Line ...Y-3 Even no's s. side. Mt. Vernon av 837 Katonah av 853 Verio av City Line STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 37 Home fr. Boston rd. nr.E. 167th e. to West- chester av U-15 Even no's s. side. Boston rd Jackson av Forest av 943 Tinton av 959 Union av Prospect av 1034 Stebbins av 1060 Intervale av 1080 Tiffany E. 169th 1104 Fox 1140 Simpson 1164 Southern boul 1184 West Farms rd Westchester av Honeywell Av. fr. 1141 Tremont av n. to 1240 Kingsbridge rd W-13 Even no's e. side. Tremont av Mechanic 2004 Samuel 2103 Kingsbridge rd .. Howarfl f r. 201 Cen- tre w. to 10 Mercer. H-34 Even no's n. side. Centre 1 Elm 11 Crosby 30 Broadway 47 Mercer 53 Hubert fr. 151 Hud- son w. to NorthR.G-34 Even no's n. side. Hudson 1 Collister 11 Greenwich 21 Washington 33 West 50 H u d'soii f r . 139 Cli am- bers n. to 47 Ninth av. G-33 Even no's e. side. Chambers 1 Reade 15 Duane 29 Thomas 56 Jay 67 Worth 74 Harrison 87 Leonard 96 Franklin 105 N. Moore 121 Beach 135 Hubert 151 Laight 165 Vestry 181 Desbrosses 205 Canal 213 Watts 219 Broome 248 Dominick 282 Spring 303 Vandam 323 Charlton 341 King 363 W. Houston 387 Clarkson 405 Leroy 423 Morton 447 Barrow 465 Grove 490 Christopher 501 W. lOth 519 Charles 535 Perry 552 W. nth 569 Bank 585 Eighth av 598 Bethune 599 W. 12th 611 Jane 623 Horatio 637 Gansevoort 653 W. 13th 669 W. 14th 683 Ninth av 691 Hull Av. fr. Mosholu parkway below Perry av. n. to Woodlawn Cemetery X-8 Mosholu parKway. . Woodlawn rd Eclipse Gun Hill rd Woodlawn C'm't'ry Hunter A v . f r. Westchester av. nr. E. ]62d n. to 1954 Bos- ton rd W-15 Westchester av E. 167th Home West Farms rd Woodruff ^'odman pi Boston rd Hunt'sPoint L. I. Sound n. w. to 1990 Southern boul. W-18 Even no's s. side. L. I. Sound Caswell 144 Laneav 570 Spofford Lafayette rd 720 Wetmore av 852 Southern boul Hyatt PI. fr. 4350 Mt. Vernon av. e. to City Line Y-3 Even no's s. side. Mt. Vernon av 859 Katonah 880 City Line Independence Av. fr. Spuyten Duyvil Parkway and Kap- pock n S-6 Intervale Av. fr. 1742 Southern boul. n. to Boston rd V-17 Even no's e. side. Southern boul 784 Fox 800 Beck Kelly 872 Dongan 934 Westchester av 960 E. 165th 1020 E. 167th 1104 Kelly Tiffany Home 1204 E. 169th Fox 1235 Boston rd .. In vrood A v. f r. Clark pi. w. of Jerome av. n. to Featherbed la. S-14 Clark pi Elliot 1414 Macomb's rd 1458 Walnut Featherbed la Irene 1*1. fr. Loring pi. s. e. to Jerome T-U Irving PI. fr. 117 E. 114th n. to 124 E. 20th. J-32 Even no's e. side. E.14th 1 E. 15th 17 E. 16th 35 E. 17th 51 E. 18th 65 E.19th 81 E. 20th 88 Isaac fr. 2760 Decatur av. e. to 2761 Webster av W-9 Even no's s. side. Decatur av 725 Webster av 737 Ishnni fr. Tenth av. nr. 209th n. w. to Spuy- ten Duyvil ck R-9 Tenth av Sherman av Vermilveaav W. 211th Kingsbridge rd Cooper Seaman av W. 218th Spuyten Duyvil ck. Jackson fr. 543 Grand s. e. to East E...K-36 38 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Even no's e. side. Grand 2 Henry 1 Madison 17 Monroe 29 Cherry 47 Water 63 Front 79 South 87 Jackson A v. fr. Westchester av. n. of Trinity av. n. to Bos- ton rd T-17 Even no's e. side. Westchester av 665 E. 156th Cedar pi Denmanpl Clifton 881 E. 163d 985 E. 165th 1007 George Home Boston rd Jacob f r. 63 Frankfort s. to23 Ferry.... H-36 Even no's w. side. Frankfort 1 Ferry 25 Jacobus PI. fr. Ter- race View av. n. e. to Kingsbridge rd...T-7 James fr. 215 Park Kow s. to 1 James si. 1-36 Even no's e. side. Park Row 1 New Bowery 25 Madison 43 Oak 73 Batavia 87 New Chambers 101 Cherry 100 James SI. fr. 77 Cherry s. to East R. 1-36 Even no's e. side. Cherry 1 Water 9 South 19 Jane f r. 115 Green- wich av. w. to North R G-31 Even no's s. side. Greenwich av 1 W. 4th 31 Eighth av 38 Hudson 59 Greenwich 69 Washington 97 West 159 Thirteenth av 165 Janseii PI. fr. Ter- race View av. n. e. to Terrace View av..T-7 Jay fr. 67 Hudson w. to North R G-35 Even no's s. side. Hudson 1 Staple 7 Greenwich 27 Washington . 37 Caroline 52 West 59 Jeanette Pk. Coen- ties si. bet. Front and South G-38 JefTerson fr.l79 Divi- sion s. e. to East R. J-36 Even no's w. side. Division 1 E. Broadway 7 Henry 23 Madison 39 Monroe 55 Cherry 65 Water 80 South 86 Jefierson (23d ward) fr. 1366 Franklin av. e. to Boston rd. .U-15 Even no's s. side. Franklin av 885 Clinton av 895 Boston rd Jeflfei'son Market 113 Sixth av. cor. Greenwich av...H-S2 Jeiiuiugrs fr. Union av. s. of Boston rd. n. to Stebbins av. . . V-15 Even no's s. side. Union av ; Prospect av 1010 Chisholm 1066 Bristow 1082 Stebbins av Jerome fr. White Plains av. e. to Fourth av Z-7 Jerome Av. fr. Har- lem R. n. to City Line. R-15 Even no's e. side. Harlem R Sedgwick av Ogden av E. 161st E.162d E. 163d E. 165th Devoe Union Marclier av Boscobel av E. 167th Cromwell av Mott av Clark pi 1324 Elliot 1410 Walnut Walton av 1534 Rockwood av Featherbed la Belmont pi 1660 E. 176th 1822 Mt. Hope pi 1860 E. lT7th 1900 Tremont av 1960 Burnside av 2049 Camer npl 2168 Clinton pi Andrew's pi Buchanan pi Hampden E.183d 2294 Evelyn pi North E. 184th 2374 Fordham Land'g rd. Welch 2460 St. James 2498 Kingsbridge rd . . . .2674 Southern boul 3030 Potter pi 3114 Van Cortlandt av. .3182 Gun Hill rd 3466 Katonah 3528 Eastchester City Line Jerome Pk. fr. Kingsbridge rd. n. to Boston av. and Van Cortlandt av., and fr. Aqueduct av. e. to Jerome av V-8 John (23d ward) fr. Brook av. n. of E. 156th e. to Eagle av. T-17 Brook av St. Ann's av Eagle av Johnson A v , f r. Spuyten Duy vil Park- way nr. Harlem R. e. and n. to Spuyten Duyvil Parkway.. S-7 Spuyten Duyvil Parkway Kappock Spuyten Duyvil rd. Spuyten Duyvil Parkway Jones fr. 180 W. 4th w. to 281 Bleecker . . H-32 Even no's s. side. W. 4th 1 Bleecker 31 Jones Al. fr. Bleeck- er n. e. to Grt. Jones. 1-33 Bond JonesLa. fr.53 South w. to 103 Front.. D-11 Julianna White Plains Bronx R. Y-8 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 39 Juliet fr. Harlem R. nr.E. leist Sheri- dan av Q-16 Harlem R Sedgwick av River av Gerard av Walton av Mott av Sheridan av Kane fr. Farragut n. e. to Edge water rd. r-19 Falconer Admiral Porter Dahlgren Kappock fr. John Bon av. e. of Spiyten Duyvll Parkway n. w. to Putnam av..S-6 Johnson av Spuyien Duyvil parkway Independence Putnam av Katonah Av. fr. 927 Eastchester n. to Mt. Vernon av Y-3 Even no's e. side. Eastchester 40.50 Clifford 4090 Willard 4100 Opdyke 4117 Oakley 4147 Kemble 4177 Knox 4207 Holly pi 4237 Hyatt pi 4267 Mt. Vernon av Kelly fr. 656 Robbins av. n. e. to Intervale av - T-18 Even no's e. side. Robbins av 914 Concord av 934 Wales av Union av Prospect av 1036 Legget av 1132 Lane av 1228 Intervale av 1324 Dongan av 1402 Westchester av 14150 E. 165th 1488 E. 167th 1574 Intervale av Kemble fr. 4140 Kep- ler, av. e. to Verio av. Y-S Even no's s. side. Kepler av 807 Katonah av 867 Verio av 4 Kemp PI. fr. Sum- mit av. 8. e. to And- erson av Q-15 Ogden av Bremer av Kepler Av. fr. 863 Eastchester n. to 4252 Mt. Vernon av Y-4 Even no's e. side. Eastchester Clifford 4050 Opdyke 4113 Oakley 4120 Kemble 4140 Knox 4156 Mt. Vernon av King f r. 43 Macdougal w. to North R ..G-33 Even no's s. side. Macdougal 1 Congress 15 Varick 63 Hudson 95 Greenwich 133 Washington 127 West 138 Kingsbrldfife Av. fr. Kingsbridge rd. n. of Spuyten Duyvil ck. w. and n T-7 Kingsbridge rd Weber's la Kingsbridge Kd. fr. 2068 Amsterdam av. n. to Spuyten Duyvil ck P-13 Amsterdam av. ... W. 162d W. 164th Audubon av W. 166th W. 167th W. 168th W. 169th Eleventh av W. 170th W. 171st W. 172d W. 173d . W. 174th Wads worth av W. 175th W. 178th W. 181st W, 183d W. 184th W. 185th W. 187th Hillside av Nagleav Sherman av Ft. Washington av. Vermilyea av Dyckman av Academy Hawthorne Emerson Isham W. 211th W. 212th W. 213th W. 214th W. 215th W. 216th W. 218th W. 219th Spuyten Duyvil ck. Kingsbridge Rd. (24tn ward) f r. Kings- bridge av. nr. Spuy- ten Duyvil ck. s. e. to Boston rd U-8 Even no's w. side. Kingsbridge av Broadway Bailey av Sedgwick av 274 Aqueduct av 341 Edenwood av Davidson av Jerome av Creston av 467 Anthony av 503 Valentine av 557 Tiebout av 605 B ai abridge av 623 Marion av 645 Webster av 685 Vanderbilt av. W. . Pelhamav 693 E. 189th. 735 Vanderljilt av. E... 737 E. 188th 785 Washington av E. 187th E. 186th 854 Bassford av Bathgate av 889 Lorillard pi Third av Hoffman av 945 Arthur av Crescent av Columbine av Quarry rd Adams pi Av. St. John 898 Cambreleng av 954 Grote Monroe av 985 Beaumont av Taylor av 1053 Prospect av 1089 Southern boul 1139 Garden Mohegan av 1204 Honeywell av 1240 Dalyav 1260 Vyse av 1810 Oostdorp av Boston rd Bronx R 40 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Kirk PI. fr. 2346 Fleetwood av. e. to 2355Anthony av. .U-10 Fleetwood av Morris av Crestonav Ryer av Anthony av Kirkside Av. fr. 423 Welch n, to 510 Wellesley U-9 Even no's e. side. Welch 2471 St. James 2498 Primrose 2584 Kingsb idge rd....2672 Wellegley Knappock fr. Spuy- ten Duvvil Park Way s. e. to Johnson av.S-7 Knowlton fr. Sedg wick av. s. of Mal- colm e. to Mali av. V-7 Sedgwick av Elwoolav Graham av Mali av Knox f r. 4252 Mt. Ver- non av. e. to Verio av. Y-3 Even no's s. side. Mt. Vernon av 805 Kepler av Katonah av 889 Verio av Kossuth Av. fr. Marian s. e. to White Plains rd a-3 Lafayette Av. s. e. to Westchester av. a-14 Lafayette PI. fr. 10 Great Jones n. to 144 8th 1-33 Even no's e. side. Great Jones 1 E.4th 15 Astor pi 61 8th Lafayette Rd. fr. Wetmore av. s. of Tiffany n. e. to Hunts Point rd. W-17 Wetmore av Tiffany Hunt's Point rd — Lafontaine A v. fr. 861 Tremont av. n. to Quarry rd V-12 Tremont av 1966 E.nSth Samuel 210'J E. 181st Quarry rd Laight fr. 400 Canal w. to North R...G-34 Even no's n. side. Canal 1 St. John's la 13 Varick 17 Hudson 45 Collister 57 Greenwich 69 Washington 77 West 91 Lane Av. fr. Pros- pect and Westchester avs. e. to Bronx R. U-17 Even no's s. side. Westchester av — Prospect av 1020 Kelly 1124 Beck 1148 Southern houl 1198 Wetmore av 1270 Spofford 1356 Tiffany 1492 Hunt's Point rd....l480 Bronx R 1802 Lasher fr. Elwood av. s. of Boston av. e. to Mallav V-7 Elwood av Mali av Lawrence fr. 405 W. 126th n. w. to 559 W. 129th N-18 Even no's s. side. W. 126th 1 W. 127th 53 Amsterdam av 81 Old Broadway 135 W. 129th 139 Lebanon fr. 2030 La- f ontaine av. e. to Cro- tona Parkway.. W-12 Even no's s. side. Lafontaine av 860 Arthur av 877 Av. St. John 915 Cambreleng av-:... Crotona av 963 Prospect av 1027 Mapes av 1063 Marmion av 1098 Crotona Parkway.. Legget Av. f r. Pros- pect av. and E. 156th s. e. to Spofford. V-18 Even no's s. side. Prospect av 1020 Kelly 1110 Beck 1140 Fox 1170 Southern boul 1196 Wetmore av 1258 Spofford 1377 Lenox Av. fr. 101 W. 110th n. to Harlem R. O-20 Even no's e. side. W. UOth 1 St. Nicholas av W. 111th 21 W. 112th 41 W. 113th 61 W. 114th 81 W. 115th 101 W. 116th 121 W. 117th 141 W. 118th 161 W. 119th 181 W. 120th 201 W. 121st 221 W. 122d 241 W. Vidd 261 W. 124th ... 281 W. 125th 307 W. 126th 329 W. 127th 339 W, 128th 361 W. 129th 381 W. 130th 401 W. 131st 421 W. 132d 441 W. 133d 461 W. 134th 481 W. 135th 513 W. 136th 521 W. 137th W. 138th 560 W. 139th 580 W. 140th W. 141st 620 W. 142d W. 143d W. 144th W. 145th W. 146th W. 147th Harlem R Leonard fr. 96 Hud- son e. to 48 Baxter. H-35 Even no's s. side. Hudson 1 W. Broadway 37 Church 65 Broadway 95 Benson pi 109 Elm 123 Centre 141 Baxter 168 Leroy fr. 252 Bleecker w. to North R ..G-33 Even no's s. side. Bleecker 1 Bedford 41 St. Luke's pi Hudson 103 Greenwich 129 Washington 149 West 169 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 41 Licwis fr. 556 Grand n. to 408 8th K-35 Even no's e. side. Grand 1 Broome 23 Delancey 45 Rivington 73 Stanton 101 E.Houston 131 E. 3d 151 E.4th 171 5th 185 6th 201 7th 219 8th 235 Iie>vis PI. fr. E. 132d 1 blk. s. w R-20 JLexiugt«n Av. fr. 123 E. 21st n. to E. 131st and Harlem R. J-31 Even no's w. side. E. 2lst 1 E.22d. 11 E. 23d 19 E. 24th 41 E. 25th 61 E. 26th 81 E. 27th 99 E. 28th 119 E. 29th 139 E. 30th 161 E. 81st 179 E. 32d 201 E. 33d 221 E. 34th , 239 E.35th 259 E. 36th 273 E. 37th 299 E.SSth 315 E. 39th 335 E.40th 355 E, 41st 375 E.42d 395 E. 43d 425 E.44th 437 E.45th 459 E.46th 467 E.47th 497 E. 48th 517 E.49th 537 E. 50th 559 E. 51st 575 E. 52d 595 E. 53d 617 E. 54th 639 E. 55th 657 E. 56th 677 E. 57th 703 E.SSth 723 E. 59th 743 E. 60th 759 E. 61st 783 E. 62d 803 E. 63d 823 E. 64th 841 iE. 65th 863 E. 66th E. 67th E. 68th E. 69th 943 E. 70th 963 E. 71st 983 E. 72d 1010 E. 73d 1019 E. 74th 1033 E. 75th 11157 E. 76th 1079 E. 77th 1101 E. 78th 1129 E. 79th E. 80th 1185 E. 81st 1190 E. 82d 1211 E. 83d 1225 E. 84th 1241 E. 85th 1263 E. 86th 1285 E. 87th 1293 E. 88th 1320 E. 89th 1341 E. 90th 1360 E. 91st 1381 E. 92d 1407 E. 93d 1424 E. 94th 1449 E. 95th 1471 E. 96th 1491 E. 97th 1501 E. 98th E. 99th 1550 E. 100th 1570 E. 101st 1591 E. 102d 1611 E.103d 1631 E. 104th .1651 E. 105th 1675 E. 106th 1691 E. 107th 1711 E. 108th .1735 E. 109th 1759 E. 110th 1775 E. 111th 1790 E. 112th 1803 E. 113th 1822 E. 114th 1843 E. 115th 1858 E. 116th 1873 E. 117th 1879 E. 118th 1897 E. 119th 1932 E. 120th 1944 E. 121st 1991 E. 122d 2007 E. 12.3d 2021 E. 124th 2049 E. 125th 2061 E. 126th 2089 E. 127th 2113 E. 128th 2135 E. 129th 2146 E. 130th 2168 E. 131st Harlem R.., Liiberty fr. 78 Maiden la. w. to North R.G-36 Even no's s. side. Maiden la 1 William 19 Nassau 53 Liberty pi 59 Broadway 77 Temple 92 Church 105 Trinity pi 108 Greenwich . 127 Washington 137 West 147 Liiberiy PI. fr. 59 Liberty 20 Maiden la G-36 Liberty 2 Maiden la 10 Ijillinu PI. fr. Bos- ton rd., bet. Southern boul. and Woodruff, e. to Boone av W-14 Lincoln Av. fr. Har- lem R. n. to 2550 Third av Q-19 Even no's e. side. Harlem R E. 132d 85 Southern boul 123 E. 134th 141 E. 135th 16-1 E. 136th 191 E. 137th 221 E. 138th Third av Lind Av. fr. Sedg- wick av. n. of Jerome av. Wolf....Q-14 Sedgwick av Devoe Union Wolf Litsbon Ernes- cliff pi. e. to Mosholu parkway W-S Ernescliff pi Mosholu parkway. Lispeuard fr. 153 W. Broadway e. to 415 Broadway H-34 Even no's s. side. W. Broadway 1 Church 33 Broadway 69 Little W. 12th fr. Gansevoort w. to North R .G-31 Even no's s. side. Gansevoort 1 Ninth av 7 Washington 41 Tenth av 65 Thirteenth av 75 43 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Livingston Fl. fi'- 325E 15thn.to330E nth K-32 E.lSth 1 E.ieth 10 E. nth 1^ liocust Av. fr- |oot E. 132(1 n. to 1183 E. 141st T-20 Even no's e. side. E.132d 83 E.133d 113 E. 134th 139 E. 135th 165 E. 136th 191 E. 137th 221 E. 138th 2d1 E. 139th 281 E. 140th 301 E. 141st 309 Liouflon Terrace W. 23d bet. Ninth and Tenth avs H-30 Longfellow fl. Wet more av. s. e. to Edge- water rd W-18 Gilbert Lane av Sacrahong Wenman av Conover av Coster av L.ongfellow Av. ir. Dongann. e. to West Farms rd W-16 Westchester av — L-orillarcl PI. fv. Kingsbridge rd. nr. Third av. n. to 814 Pelham av W-11 Even no's e. side. Kingsbridge rd 2336 E. 187th 2400 E. 188th 2436 E. 189th 2491 Pelham av lioring PI. fl"- Mont- gomery av. n. e. to Hampden T-10 Liowinede fr. Scrib- ner and Bronx R. n. to Gun Hill rd — Y-7 Scribner 3419 Gun Hill rd 3467 Ludlow fr. 142 Divis- ion n. to 203 E.Hous- ton J-35 Even no's e. side. Division Canal 3 Hester 33 Grand 63 Essex Market pi... 70 Broome 81 Delancey 105 Rivington 133 Stanton 161 E. Houston 187 Ludlow PI. W. Houston bet. Sullivan and Macdougal..H-33 Lymau PI. fr. 1256 Stebbins av. n. to Prospect av V-15 Even no's e. side. Stebbins av 1260 Freeman 1326 Prospect av Macdougal fr. 223 Spring n. to 106 Clin- ton pi H-33 Even no's e. side. Spring 1 Vandam 15 Prince 36 Charlton 31 King 43 W.Houston 61 St. Clements pi — Bleecker 91 Minetta la. 115 W. 3d 125 W. 4th 141 Washington sq. W. Waverly pi 169 Clinton pi 181 Macdougal Macdougal s 1-3-i Macomb f r. 2952 Broadway e. to Bailey av U-7 Broadway Albany rd Bailey av Macomb's La. fl^ W. 150th and Eighth av. n. e. to Harlem R. P-16 Eighth av W. 150th W. 1.51st W. 152d W. 153d W. 154th W. 155th Harlem R Macomb's Rd. fr. 1410 Jerome av. n. to Aqueduct av S-13 Jerome av Imwood av Featherbed la Aqueduct av Madison fr. 426 Pearl n. e. to 575 Grand. 1-36 Even no's s. side. Pearl 1 New Chambers. ... Chestnut 6 Roosevelt 8 New Bowery 20 James 39 Oliver 55 Catharine 71 Market 121 Birmingham 139 Pike 159 Rutgers 201 Jefferson 227 Clinton 257 Montgomery 301 Gouverneur 321 Scainmel 335 Jackson 391 Grand 441 Madison Av. fr. 27 E. 32d n. to E. 138th and Harlem R....J-30 Even no's e. side. E.23d 1 E. 24th 11 E. 25th 27 E. 26th 51 E. 27th 63 E. 28th 79 E.29th 99 E. 30th 121 E. 31st 135 E. 32d 153 E. 33d 169 E.34th 185 E. 35th 205 E. 36th 219 E.37th 233 E. 38th 249 E. 39th 267 E. 40th 279 E. 41st 299 E.42d 319 E.43d 336 E. 44th 341 E. 45th 361 E. 46th „ E.47th 399 E. 48th 413 E. 49th 432 E.50th 451 E. 51st 457 E.52d 500 E.53d 512 E. 54th 533 E. 55th 55J E.56th 573 E. 57th 601 E. 58th 613 E.59th 645 E.60th 661 E. 61st 673 E.62d 691 E.63d "-^ll E. 64th 733 E. 65th 753 E. 66th Ti'i E. 67th 798 E. 68th 813 E. 69th... 831 E.70th 839 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 43 h E. 71st E. 138th Amsterdam av 61 E. 72d 869 923 Harlem R W. 127th 110 E. 78d Madison Sq. bet. Old Broadway 121 E. 74th 933 Fifth and Madison avs. and E. 23d and Boulevard E. 75th 957 W. 129th E. 76th 971 1001 1013 E.26th J-30 Magenta fr. White Plains av. s. e Z-8 Twelfth av E. 77th North R E. 78th Manhattan Av. fr. E.79th 1033 Maiden La. fr. 174 51 W. 100th n. to St. E. 80th 1058 Broadway e. to East Nicholas av M-21 E. 81st 1072 R G-36 Even no's e. side. E.82d Even no's s. side. W. 100th 1 E. 83d 1118 Broadway 1 W. 101st 25 E.84th 1125 Liberty pi 20 W. 102d 49 E. 85th 1141 Nassau 29 W. 103d 73 E. 86th William 67 Liberty 78 W. 104th 97 E.87th 1189 W. 105th 120 E. 88th 1224 Gold 89 W. 106th 145 E.89th 1236 Pearl 113 W. 107th 169 E.90th Water 135 W. 108th 193 E. 91st 12T3 Front 151 W. 109th 217 E.92d 1293 South 169 W. 110th 240 E.93d 1323 Mail f r. Broadway W. 111th 264 E.94th 1329 (opp.239)e. to36Park W. 112th 292 E. 95th Row G-36 W. 113th 312 E.96th M a 1 c o 1 ni f r. Sedg- wick av. s of Boston av e. to Graham av. Morningside av. E W. 114th 336 E. 98th W. 115th 354 E. 99th U-7 Sedgwick av W. 116th 384 E. 100th .... W. 117th 409 E. 101st Elwoodav W. llSth 433 E. 102d Graham av W. 119th 459 E. 103d 1571 Mali Av. fr. 2380 W. 120rh 481 E. 104th .... 1531 Sedgwick av. n. to 360 W. 121st 507 E. 105th 1560 1573 Boston av U-8 Even no's e. > ide W. 122d 529 E. 106th W. 123d 553 E. 107th 1594 Sedgwick av St. Nicholas av E. 108th 1619 St. James 2506 Manhattan Mar- E. 109th 1633 Kingsbridge rd....2652 ket Eleventh av. cor. E. 110th 1651 Perot 2936 W. 34th H-28 E. 111th 16T3 Knowlton E. 112th 1695 Lasher Manhattan PI. fr. E. 113th 1713 Boston av 3116 Broadway s. e to Cen- E. 114th 1733 Mangin fr. 590 Grand ter H-35 E. 115th 1743 n. to 509 E. Houston. Manhattan Sq. fr. E. 116th 1768 K-35 Columbus av. e. to E. 117th 1781 Even no's e. side. Central Park W., and E. 118th 1815 Grand 1 Broome 15 fr. W. 77th n. to W E. 119th .... 1830 81st L-24 E. 120th 1839 Delancey 47 Mapes Av. fr. Tre- E. 121st 1869 Eivington 81 mont av. e. of Pros- E. 122d 1883 Stanton 109 pect av. n. to 1150 E. 123d 1911 E. Houston 143 Grote W-12 E. 124th 1933 Manhattan fr. 444 E. Even no's e. side. E. 125th 1959 Houston n. to 356 E. Tremont av 1960 E. 126th 1981 3d K-34 Samuel 2103 E. 127th 1995 Even no's e. side. Grote E. 128th 2015 E. Houston Marcher A v. fr. E. 129th 2084 E.2d 1 Union nr. Jerome av. E. 130th 2063 E. 3d 7 n. to Featherbed la. E. 131st 2071 Manhattan fr. 130S E-14 E. 132d 2101 2119 Columbus av. n. w. to North R N-18 Jerome av E.133d Union E. 134th Even no's s. side. Orchard E. 135th 2160 Columbus av 2 Elliot E. 136th 2164 W. 125th 1 Boscobel av E. 137th W. 126th Featherbed la 44 STREET NUMBER GUEDB, NEW YORK. Marcy PI. fr. Jerome av. s. e. to Sherman. S-14 Marion fr. 404 Broome n. w 1-84 i Even no's w. side. 1 Broome 1 I Spring 37 Elm 38 Prince 81 Marion Av. fr. 645 Kingsbridge rd. n. to j Mosholu parkwayV-9 Even no's e. side. i Marion av 2521 Brookline 2603 Cole 2626 Tappen 2688 Sherwood 2741 Rosa pi 2761 I Southern boul 2912 ' Suburban 2984 ' Mosholu parkway. . Market fr. 61 Divi- sion s. e. to East R. , 1-36 I Even no's e. side. Division 1 E. Broadway 9 Henry 23 Madison 41 Monroe 57 Hamilton 59 ' Cherry 83] Water 95 i South 101 j Market SI. Market fr. Cherry to East R. 1-36 Marketfield fr. 74 Broad w.toNew.G-37 Marinion Av. fr. 1089 Fairmount av. n. to Crotona park- way W-13 Fairmount av Woodruff Tremont av Crotona parkway.. Martha Oak- ley n. w Z-3 Martindale PI. fr. 1466 Morris av. e. and w T-14 Matilda fr. Kossuth av. n. e. to Backer av a-3 Mechanicfr. Crotona parkway nr. Mohegan av. e. to Boston rd. W-13 Even no's s. side. Crotona parkway.. Mohegan av 1126 Honeywell av 1161 Daly av 1185 Vyse av 1221 Oostdorpav 1263 Boston rd Mechanics Al. fr. 72 Monroe s. e. to 196 Cherry 1-36 Melrose A v. fr. 2859 Third av. n. to 647 E. 163d S-17 Even no's e. side. Third av E. 149th 549 E. 150th 579 E. 151st 615 E. 152d 639 E. 153d 669 E. 154th 695 E. 155th 719 E. 156th E. 157th E. 158th E. 159th E. 160th E. 161st E.162d E. 163d Mercer fr. 313 Canal 12 Clinton pl.H-34 Even no's e. side. Canal 1 Howard 12 Grand 39 Broome 63 Spring 101 Prince 141 W. Houston 177 Bleecker 207 W. 3d 247 W. 4th 265 Washington pi .. . 2S6 Waverly pi 295 Neilson pi Clinton pi 299 Mill Li a. fr. 4 S. William s. to 60 Stone. C -^7 Mi I lis an PI. f r. 133 Sixth av. n. W....I-32 Minerva PI. fr. Je- rome av. 8. of Gar- field s. e. to Anthony av V-8 Jerome av Anthony av. .. Minettafr.209Bleock- er n. to 14 Minetta la. H-38 Even no's w. side. Bleecker 1 Minetta pi 2 Minetta la 19 Minetta lio. fr. 113 Macdougal w. to 4 Sixth av H-33 Even no's n. side. Macdougal 1 Minetta 5 Sixth av 27 Minford PI. fr. 1646 Boston rd. e to West Farms rd V-14 Mitchell PI. E. 49th fr. 884 First av. to 2 Beekman pi M-29 First av 1 Beekman pi 15 Mohesau A v. fr.2884 Crotona parkway n. to 1204 Kingsbridge rd W-13 Crotona parkway,. Mechanic Samuel Kingsbridge rd Monroe fr. 59 Cath- arine n.e. to 605 Grand 1-36 Even no's s. side. Catharine 1 Hamilton 44 Market 47 Mechanic's al 74 Pike 79 Pelham 98 Rutgers 121 Jefferson 147 Rutgers pi Clinton 151 Montgomery 185 Gouverneur 213 Scammel 225 Jackson 275 Corlears 313 Grand 334 Monroe Av. fr. 985 Kingsbridge rd. n. to 956 E. 187th W-11 Kingsbridge rd Columbine Crescent av E. 187th Montsromery fr. 249 Division s. e. to East R J-36 Even no's w. side. Division 1 E. Broadway 5 Henry 17 Madison 35 Monroe 55 Cherry 73 Water 81 Front 89 South 91 1630 Aqueduct av n. to Andrews av. . .S-i2 Aqueduct av Andrews av STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 45 Moore fr. 34 Pearl s. ' to East R G-38 Even no*s w. side. Pearl 1 Water 11 Front 25 South 33 Morniiiffsfde Av. E. fr. Manhattan av. and 113th n. to Colum- bus av N-^0 W. 113th Manhattan av W. 114th W. 115th W. 116th Columbus ay Mornlngside A v. W. fr. 100 W. 110th n. w. to Amsterdam av . M-20 W. 110th W. 113th W. 114th W. 115th W. 116th W. 117th W. 118th W. 119th W. 121st Amsterdam av Morningrside Fk. fr. W. 110th n. to AV. 123d and fr. Morning- side av. W. e. to Man- hattan and Columbus avs N-20 Morris f r. 29 Broad- way w. to North R. F-37 Even no's n. side. Broadway 1 Trinity pi 6 Greenwich llj^ Washington 17 West 23 Morris Av. fr. 2557 Third av. u. to 448 AVelch T-14 Even no's e. side. Third av E. 139th 277 E. 140th 328 E. 141st 343 College av 346 E. 142d 368 E. 143d 384 E. 144th 413 E. 146th 467 E. 148th 519 E. 149th 549 E. 150th 587 E. 151st 615 E. 1.52d 639 E. 153d 669 I E. 154th 695 ' E. 15.5th 718 R. R. av. E E. 156th R. R. av.AV E. 158th E. 160th 884 E. 161st E. 162d 907 E. 163d E. 164th 993 E. 165th 1003 E. 166th E. 167th E. 169th 1294 Elliot 1494 Martindale pi 1466 Sheridan av Fleetwood av 1561 AValnut 1638 E. 173d 1674 E. 174th 1724 Gray 1805 E. 176th 1840 Mt. Hope pi 1870 Tremont av 1900 Buckhout 1924 Ash 1954 Berry 1984 Burnside av 2050 E. 181st 2144 Cameron pi 2175 E. 182d 2245 E. 183d 2295 E. 184th 2387 Welch 2464 Morrison f r.Spuyten Duyvil parkway n. of Sidney, W S-6 Morton f r. 270 Bleeck- er w. to North R.G-32 Even no's s. side. Bleecker 1 Bedford 29 Hudson 69 Greenwich 93 Washington 99 West 113 M o s h o I u A V. f r. Riverdale av. nr. West n. e. to Broadway.T-3 Riverdale Av Old Post rd Broadway Van Cortlandt pk. . Mosholu Parkway fr. Van Cortlandt pk. and Gun Hill rd. s. e. to Bronx pk X-8 Gun Hill rd Jerome av Van Cortlandt av. . Potter pi Rockfleld Bainbridge av Perry av Marion av becatur av Webster av Bronx pk Mott fr. 205 Worth n. to 30 Bleecker ...1-35 Even no's e. side. Worth 1 Chatham sq 3 Park 35 Pell 38 Bayard 58 Canal 97 Hester 121 Grand 157 Broome 175 Spring 207 Prince 243 E. Houston 293 Bleecker 311 Mott Av. fr. R. R. av. E.belowE. 138th n. to Macomb's rd R-17 Even no's e. side. R. R. av. E 215 E. 138th 251 Cheever pi 335 E. 144th 437 E. 146th E. 149th 551 E. 150th 587 Sheridan av Sedgwick av Juliet E. 161st E. 162d E.lQ3d E. 165th Walton av E. 167th Arcularius pi Jerome av Clark pi Elliot Macomb's rd Mt. 1860 Jerome av. e. to 1862 Anthony av T-13 Even no's s. side. Jerome av 361 Fleetwood av 451 Morris av 517 Anthony av 585 Mt. Morris Av. fr. 1 W. 120th n. to 54 W. 124th .0-20 W. 120th 1 W. 121st 11 W. 122d. 34 AV. 123d 31 W. 124th 38 Mt. Morris Pk. fr. A\\ 120th n. to AV. 124th and fr. Madison av.w. to Mt. Morris av..O-20 46 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Mu Vernon Av. fr. Eastchester e. of Jerome av. n. e. to City Line X-4 Even no's e. side. Eastchester 8994 Willard 4050 Opdyke Oakley 4180 Napier av Kemble Kepler Knox 4252 Hollypl 4306 Hyatt 4350 Katonahav City Line Mu Iberry fr. 188 Park Row n. to 42 Bleecker. 1-34 Even no's e. side. Park Row 1 Worth 21 Park 81 Bayard 71 Canal 91 Hester 129 Grand 161 Broome 179 Spring 213 Prince 257 Jersey 273 E.Houston 299 Bleecker 811 Murray f r. 251 Broad- way w.toNorthR.G-35 Even no's s. side. Broadway 1 Church . 83 College pi.. 63 Greenwich 89 Washington 97 West Ill Waldo e. to Broadway. . .U-5 Muscoota fr. Kings- bridge rd. s. e. to Bailey av U-5 Na^le Av. fr. Kings- bridge rd. and Hill- side av. n. e. to Tenth av. and W. 205th. R-10 Klngsbridge rd Hillside av Ellwood Dyckman Eleventh av Academy Hawthorne W. 205th Tenth av Napier Av. fr. East- Chester e. of Mt. Ver- nbn av. n. to 4180 Mt. Vernon av X-4 Eastchester 3994 Willard 4050 Opdyke Oakley Mt. Vernon av Nassau fr. 20 Wall n. to 53 Park Row..G-36 Even no's e. side. Wall 1 Pine 18 Cedar 27 Liberty 41 Maiden la 59 John 71 Fulton 93 Ann 105 Beekman 139 Spruce 154 Frankfort 168 Park Row Nathalie Klngsbridge rd. w. of Sedgwick n. to Bos- ton av U-8 Klngsbridge rd Boston av New f r. 9 Wall s. to Marketfield G-37 Even no's e. side. Wall 1 Exchange pi 31 Beaver 81 Marketfield New Bowery fr. 396 Pearl n. to 231 Park Row 1-36 Even no's w. side. Pearl 2 Oak 1 Chestnut 5 New Chambers 15 Roosevelt 21 Madison 25 James 45 Oliver 63 Park Row 68 New^ Chambers fr. 109 Park Row e. to 76 Cherry H-36 Even no's s. side. Park Row 1 Duane 6 William 18 Pearl 83 Rose 86 Madison 43 Chestnut 49 New Bowery 51 Roosevelt 57 Oak 63 Batavia 75 James 89 Cherry 94 Nichols PI. fr. Pres- cott av. n. of Crosby pi. 8 R-8 Nineteenth fr. Sec- ond av. 8. e. to Fourth av a-4 White Plains av Ninth Av. fr. 51 Gansevoort n. to 400 W. 59th. and fr. W. 201st n. to W. 219th. H-31 Even no's e. side. Gansevoort Little W. 12th 9 W. 13th 29 W. 14th 45 Hudson 47 W. 15th 69 W. 16th 89 W. 17th 109 TV. 18th 129 W. 19th 149 W. 20th 169 W. 21st 183 W. 22d 199 W. 23d 213 W. 24th 229 W. 25th 249 W. 26th 271 W. 27th 293 W. 28th 818 W. 29th 388 W. 30th 353 W. 81st 383 W. 32d 391 W. 33d 411 W. 34th 433 W. 35th 451 W. 36th 469 W. 37th 485 W. 88th 507 W. 39th 528 W. 40th 541 W. 41st 563 W. 42d 583 W. 43d 607 W. 44th 623 W. 45th 643 W. 46th 665 W. 47th 683 W, 48th 701 W. 49th 721 W. 50th 741 W. 51st 761 W. 52d 781 W. 53d 801 W. 54th 817 W. 55th 841 W. 56th 868 W. 57th 883 W. 58th 893 W. 59th 922 * * * * W. 201st W. 202d W. 203d STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW TORK. 47 W. 204th... W. 205th... W. 206th... W. 207th.., W. 208th... W. 209th.. W. 210th.. W. 211th . W. 212th.. W. 213th.. W. 214th.. W. 215th.. W. 216th.. W. 218th. . W. 219th.. Harlem R. Norfolk fr. 180 Divis- ion n. to 243 E. Hous- ton J*35 Even no's e. side. Division 1 1 Hester 15 Grand 4o Broome 69 Delancey 91 Rivington Wl Stanton 163 E.Houston 189 North fr. Fleetwood av. e. to 1819 Weeks. Fleetwood av Easthurn Weeks N. Moore fr. 124 W Broadway North R G-34 Even no's s. side. W. Broadway 1 Varick 17 Hudson 49 Greenwich »5 Washington 97 West 107 N. William fr. 16 Frankfort n. to 91 Park Row H-36 Even no's w. side. Frankfort 1 William 14 Park Row 31 North Ridge fr Woodlawnrd. s. e.X-6 Norwood Av. fr. Woodlawn rd. n. e. toReadeGunHill.X-8 Eclipse. Oak fr. 392 Pearl n. e. to 70 Catharine... 1-36 Even no's n. side. Pearl 1 New Bowery Chestnut 10 Roosevelt 15 New Chambers 21 James ^}i Oliver 45>^ Catharine 59 Oak Av. fr. E. 164th s. w l-'i'J Oakleyfr.4180Mt.Ver- nonav.e.toVerioav. Y-3 Even no's s. side. Mt. Vernon av Napier av Kepler av 81 < Katonah av 869 Verio av Oakley PI. fr. Sedg- wick av. n. ot Perot e. to Elwood av. .U-7 Sedgwick av Elwood av Oeden Av. fr. Jerome av. e. of Sedgwick av. n. to Aqueduct av. Jerome av Summit av Devoe Union 1164 Orchard Aqueduct av Old Boston Rd. fr Boston rd. ii. e — a-8 Corsa Lane Old Broadway fr. Manhattan n. to W .N-18 133d Manhattan Lawrence W. 129th W. 130th W. 131st W. 132d W. 133d Mosholu av. n. e. to 8609 Broadway. . . .U-2 106 Pearls e. to East R G-37 Even no's n. side. Pearl 3 Water 19 Front 3a South 43 Oliver fr. 63 New Bowery s. e. to East R 1-36 Even no's e. side. New Bowery 9 Henry 16 Madison ^ Oak 61 Cherry 87 Water 97 South 103 Oostdorp A V. fr. 1938 Boston rd. Kmgs- bridge rd W-14 Even no's e. side. Boston rd Tremont av 19b«J Mechanic 1990 Clover 2044 Samuel -^102 Ponus Kingsbridge rd Opdyke fr. Mt. Ver- non av. n. of Willard e. to Bronx R Y4 Even no's s. side. Mt. Vernon av Napier av.... Kepler av 817 Katonah av Verio av Bronx R Orchard fr.l22 Divi- sion n. to 185 E. Hous- ton J-35 Even no's e. side. Division 1 Canal 11 Hester 41 Grand 67 Broome 91 Delancey 117 Rivington 151 Stanton 1'3 E.Houston 201 Orchard (23d ward) f r. Aqueduct av. e. to Marcher av R-14 Aqueduct av Ogden av Marcher av Osborne PI. fr. 87 Burnside av. n. and e. to Andrews av.S-U Burnside av Andrews av Oxford PI. fr- Jer- ome av. s. e. to Fleet- wood av T-12 Palisade Av. fr .Del- afleld la. w. of River- dale av. n. to West. T-4 Delafield la Spaulding la West Park fr. 36 Centre n. e. to 21 Mott.... H-35 Even no's w. side. Centre... 27 Pearl 47 Mission pi... 60 Baxter 73 Worth 85 Mulberry 101 Mott 107 48 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Park Av. Continua- tion of Fourth av. fr. 101 e. S4th n. to E. 135th and Harlem E. M-26 Even no's w. side. E. 34th 1 E. 35th 19 E.Seth 39 E. 37th 49 E. 38th 69 £. 39th 81 E. 40th 101 E. 41st 141 E. 42d 155 Gr'nd C'ntral Depot E. 45th E.46th E, 47th E. 48th 281 E.49th 301 E.50th 321 E. 51st 341 E. 52d 361 E. 53d 381 E. 54th 401 E. 55th 421 E. 56th 441 E.57th 461 E. 58th 481 E. 59th 501 E. 60th 521 E. 6l8t 541 E. 62d 561 E. 63d 581 E. 64th 601 E. 65th 621 E. 66th 641 E. 67th 661 E. 68th 681 E. 69th 703 E.70th 721 E. 71st 741 E. 72d 761 E. 73d 781 E.74th 801 E.75th 821 E. 76th 841 E. 77th 861 E. 78th .. 881 E. 79th 901 E.SOth ,. 921 E. 81st 941 E 82d....„ ... ... 9^1 E. 83d 981 E. 84th 1001 E.85th 1021 E. 86th 1041 E. 87th 1061 E. 88th 1081 E. 89th 1101 E. 90th 1121 E. 91st 1141 E. 92d 1161 E. 93d 1181 E. 94th 1201 E. 95th.., 1221 E.96th 1241 E. 97th 1261 E. 98th 1281 E.99th 1:301 E. 100th 1321 E. 101st 1341 E. 102d 1361 E. 103d 1381 E. 104th 1405 E. 105th 1421 E. 106th 1441 E. 107th 1461 E. 108th 1481 E. 109th 1.501 E. 110th 1521 E. 111th 1541 E. 112th 1561 E. 113th 1581 E. 114th 1601 E. lloth 1621 E. 116th 1641 E. 117th 1663 E. 118th 1681 E. 119th 1701 E. 120th.. 1721 E. 121st 1741 E.122d 1761 E. 123d 1781 E. 124th 1801 E. 125th ..1821 E. 126th 1841 E. 127th 1861 E. 128th.... 1881 E. 129th 1901 E. 130th 1921 E. 131st 1941 E. 132d 1960 E.133d 1980 E. 134th 1986 E. 135th Harlem R Park waj- w. to North R. G-35 Even no's s. side. Broadway 1 Church 29 College pi 59 Greenwich 79 Washington 93 West 107 Park Row fr. 1 Ann n. e. to Chatham sq. G-36 Even no's w. side. Ann 1 Beekman 36 Mail 38 Spruce 42 Frankfort 53 Tryon Row 72 N. William 91 Chambers 96 New Chambers 107 Duane 109 Pearl 165 Baxter. 168 Roosevelt 189 Mulberry 188 James 217 Worth 198 New Bowery 231 Chatham sq Parole PI. fr. 2426 Anthony av. e. to 2427 TIebout av V-10 Even no's s. side. Anthony av 521 Valentine av 547 Tiebout av Pnrsons fr. 3016 Broadway Bailey av U-7 Broadway Albany av Bailey av Patchiu PI. fr. 118 W. 10th n. w H-32 Pay lie J fr Edge water rd. s. to Hunts Point rd X-18 Pearl fr. 21 State e. and n. w. to 318 Broad- way H-35 Even no's s. side. State 1 Whitehall 25 Moore 34 Broad 55 Coentiessl 74 Coenties al 75 Old si 110 William Ill Hanover sq Ill Hanover 128 Beaver 141 Wall 157 Pine 171 Cedar 187 Maiden la 201 Fletcher 209 Piatt 225 John 289 Burling si.. 240 Fulton 267 Beekman 287 Ferry 813 Peck si 814 Dover 340 Frankfort 853 Hague 867 Oak 392 New Bowery 396 Vandewater 401 Rose 421 Madison 426 New Chambers 427 William 449 Park Row 465 City Hall pi 48? Park 507 Centre 518 Elm .535 Broadway 557 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 49 Peck 314 Pearl e. to East R H-37 Even no's s. side. Pearl 1 Water 21 Front 35 South 45 Pelliaiii fr. 98 Monroe s. e. to 230 Clierry.J-36 Monroe 3 Cherry 18 Pel ham A v. fr. 696 Kingsbridge rd. e. to Bronx R W-10 Even no's s. side. Kingsbridge rd 690 Washington av 736 Lorillardpl 844 Hoffman av 846 Arthur av 880 Av. St. John 898 Cambreleng av 922 Southern boul 1000 Bronx R Pell fr. 18 Bowery w. to 38 Mott 1-35 Even no's n. side. Bowery 1 Doyers 19 Mott 31 Perot f r Aqueduct n. of Kingsbridge rd.w. to Boston av U-7 Aqueduct av Mali Graham av Elwood av Sedgwick av Armand pi Boston av Perry fr. 57 Green- wich av. s. w. to North R G-32 Even no's s. side. Greenwich av 1 Ashland pi Waverly pi 17 W. 4th 57 Bleecker 91 Hudson 109 Greenwich 123 AVashington 151 West 175 Perry A v. fr. 809 Suburban n. to 982 Gun Hill rd.. W-8 Suburban.. Eclipse Woodlawn rd Gun Hill rd Phe ps Second av. e. to First... K-30 Pike fr. 109 Division s. e. to East R 1-36 Even no's w. side. Division 1 E. Broadway 9 Henry 23 Madison 45 Monroe 59 Cherry 71 Water 79 South 89 Pike SI. fr. Cherry to East R 1-36 Pine fr. 108 Broadway e. to East R G-36 Even no's n. side. Broadway 1 Nassau 23 William 49 Pearl 79 Water 85 Front 91 South 99 Pitt fr. 462 Grand n. to 357 E. Houston. K-35 Even no's e. side. Grand 1 Broome 21 Delancey 45 Rivington 85 Stanton 115 E. Houston 141 Piatt fr. 225 Pearl w. to 98 William.... H-37 Even no's s. side. Pearl 1 Gold 25 William 41 Pleasant Av. fr. 440 E. 110th n. to 442 E. 124th Q-22 Even no's e. side. E. 110th 181 E. 111th 201 E. 112th 221 E. 113th 241 E. 114th 263 E. 115th 281 E. 116th 301 E. 117th 321 E. 118th 341 E. 119th 363 E. 120th 381 E. 121st 401 E. 122d 421 E. 123d 445 E. 124th 463 Harlem R Poe PI. fr. Cole's pi. e. of Kingsbridge rd. n V-9 Poillon fr. Wetmore av. n. of E. lJ9th s. e. to East K W-19 Pond PI. fr. 672 Rosa pi. n W-9 Ponns fr. Daly av. s. of Kingsbridge rd. e. to Bronx R X-13 Even no's s. side. Daly av 1216 Vyse av 1261 Oostdorp av 1305 Boston rd Bronx Bronx R Porier frLane s. e to Caswell Y-18 Farragut Strain Kane Preble Post Av. fr. Dyck- man w. of Nagle av. n. e. to Tenth av. and W. 208th R^9 Dyckman Academy Hawthorne Emerson Tenth av W. 208th Potter PI. fr. 3114 Jerome av. e. to Mos- holu parkway W-8 Even no's s. side. Jerome av 602 Anthony av 650 Mosholu parkway. . Powell PI. fr. Har- lem R. n. of Dock e. toRiverviewter,..S-ll Harlem R Commerce av Riverview ter Powers Av. fr. E. ISSth n. c. to St. Marks T-19 Pi:eble fr Farragut s. e. to Edgewater rd. T-19 Himts Point rd Admiral Porter Dahlgren P r e s c o 1 1 A V. fr. Dyckman w.of Kings- bridge rd. n. to Spuy- ten Duyvil ck. ...R-3 Dyckman Bolton rd Crosby pi Nichols pi Emerson Spuyten Duyvil ck. Primrose fr. Aque- duct av. n. of St. James e. to 5&7 Kings- bridge rd U-9 Even no's s. side. Aqueduct av Edeuwood av ... Davidson av Jerome av 437 Kirkside av 467 Creston av 495 Anthony av 50 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Valentine av Klngsbridge rd — Prince fr. 232 Bowery w. to 36 Macdougal. H-33 Even no's s. side. Bowery 1 Elizabeth 17 Mott 31 Mulberry 47 Marion 63 Crosby 67 Broadway 81 Mercer 93 Greene 109 "Wooster 127 S. Fifth av 151 Thompson 171 Sullivan 191 Macdougal 205 Prospect Av. fr. Southern boul. n. of Union av. n. to South- ern boul U-17 Even no's e. side. Southern boul E. 149th Fox . Beck Kelly Legget av E. 156th Westchester av Laneav Denman pi E. 163d 955 E. 165th 1033 George Stebbinsav 1070 E. 167th 1142 Home 1274 E. 168th E. 169th Ritter pi Boston rd Crotona pk Fairmount av 1809 Woodruff 1873 Tremontav 1937 Elwood pi Samuel 2103 E. 181st Grote 2194 Garden Kingsbridge rd 2266 Columbine 2300 Southern boul Prospect PI. fr. 329 E. 40th n. to 348 E. 43d L-29 Even no's w. side. E. 40th 1 E. 41st 19 E. 42d 45 E. 43d 67 Putnam A v. fr. Spuyten Duy vil Park- way nr. North R. n. P-6 Quarry Rd. fr. 4403 Third av. n. e. to Kingsbridge rd..V-ll Third av E. 181st Lafontaine av Arthur av Kingsbridge rd — Rae fr.650 German pi. e. to 672 St. Ann's av. T-17 Railroad Av. E. fr. E. 135th nr. Har- lem R. n. to E. 161st. Q-18 Even no's e. side. E. 135th 165 Mott av E. 138th 251 E. 144th 412 E. 146th 466 E. 148th 518 E. 149th 548 E. 150th... 578 E. 151st 614 E.l52d 638 E. 153d E. 154th E. 155th Morris av E. 156th E. 15rth 770 E. 158th 806 E. 159th 820 E. 160th 842 E. 161st Railroad Av. W, fr. Morris av. s. of E. 158th n. e. to Webster avandE. 165th... S-16 Morris av E. 158th E. 160th E. 161st E. 162d E. 163d E. 164th E. 165th Webster av Randall fr. White Plains av. s. e. to Fourth av. Z-7 Randall Wet more av. n. e. to Legget V-19 Dapont Porter Arnold Cabot Berry Spofford Craven Randolph's L.a. fr. Bettner's la. and Cuthbert's la. W..T-1 Reade fr. 22 Duane w. to North R....G-35 Even no's n. side. Duane City Hall pi 2 Centre 1 Elm 14 Republican al 36 Broadway 55 Church 85 W. Broadway 113 Hudson 127 Greenwich 163 Washington 177 West 197 Rector fr. 80 Broad- way w. to North R. G-36 Even no's n. side. Broadway 1 Trinity pi 5 Greenwich 15 Washington 23 West 36 Ren wick fr. 505 Canal n. to 308 Spring G-33 Even no's e. side. Canal 1 Spring 49 Republican Al. fr. 36 Reade n. and e. to 12 Elm H-;-;5 Reservoir S?q. bet. Sixth and Fifth av. J-29 Rider Av. fr. 453 E. 135th n.to464E. 144th. Q-18 Even no's e. side. E. 135th 165 E. 136th 190 E. 137th 220 E. 138th 251 E. 139th 276 E. 141st 366 E. 142d 390 E. 144th 405 Ridge fr. 254 Division n. to 333 E. Houston. K-.5 Even no's e. side. Division 1 Grand 13 Broome 41 Delancey 71 Rivington 103 Stanton 139 E. Houston 169 Ritter PI. fr. Union av. n. of E. 169th e. to Prospect av. V-15 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 51 River A v. (23d ward) fr. E. 138tli and Har- lem R. n. to Jerome av ...Q-17 Even no's e. side. E. 138th 251 E. 144th E. 149th E. 150th 587 Sedgwick av Juliet E. 161st E. 162d E.163d E. 165th E. 16Tth Jerome av River A v . (24th ward) fr. Riverdale av. n. of Westw..T-3 Riverdale av AVest Bettner's la Riverdale Av. fr. 2879 Bailey av. n. to City Line T-6 Bailey av 2760 Spuyten Duyvil park- way Delafield la Spauldingla West Mosholu av River av Rock Beach Cuthbert's la City Line .- Riverdale Lia, fr. Riverdale Mos- holu av. e. to Broad- way U-3 Riverdale av Mosholu av Fleldstonrd Broadway Riverside Drive fr. 307 W. 72d n. to 1 Manhattan M-19 W. 72d 1 W. 73d 10 W. 74th 20 W. 75th 30 W. 76th 40 W. 77th 50 W. 78th 60 W. 79th 70 W. 80th .. 81) W. 81st 90 W. 82d 100 W. 83d 110 W. 84th 12) W. 85th 130 W. 86th. 140 W. 87th 150 W. 88th... 160 W. 89th 170 W. 90th 180 W. 91st 190 W. 92d 200 W. 93d 210 W. 94th 220 W. 95th 230 W. 96th 240 W. 97th 250 W. 98th 260 W. 99th 270 W. 100th 280 W. 101st 290 W. 102d 300 W. 103d 310 W. 104th 320 W. 105th 330 W. 106th 340 W. 107th 350 W. 108th 360 W. 109th 370 W. 110th 380 W. 111th 390 W. 112th 400 W. 113th 410 W. 114th 420 W. 115th 430 W. 116th 440 W. 119th 470 W. 122d 500 W. 127th 550 W. 129th Manhattan Twelfth av Riverside Pk. fr. W. 72d n. to W. 129th bet. Riverside Drive and Twelfth av..L-20 Riverview Ter- race fr. 512 E. 58th. n. to500E. 59th..M-27 Riverview Ter- race (24th ward) fr. 1767 Sedgwick av. n. S-11 Dock Powell pi Riviugtou fr. 213 Bowery e. to East R. J 34 Even no's n. side. Bowery 1 Chrystie 19 Forsyth 37 Eldndge 59 Allen 69 Orchard 85 Ludlow 101 Essex 117 Norfolk 131 Suffolk 147 Clinton 165 Attorney 181 Ridge 195 Pitt 217 Willett 233 Sheriff 253 Columbia 269 Cannon 291 Lewis 307 Goerck 323 Mangin 339 Tompkins 357 East 375 Robbins Av. fr. E. 138th and Southern boul. n. to Westches- ter av T-19 Even no's e. side. E. 13Sth 251 E. 141st 321 St. Mary's St. Joseph's Crane 442 Dater 494 E. 149th 539 Fox 575 Beck 622 Kelly 656 Westchester av Rock fr. Riverdale av. n. of River av. e. to Forest U-2 Riverdale av Forest Rockfield fr. 3130 Anthony av.e. to Mos- holu parkway W-8 Even no's s. side. Anthony av 651 Mosholu parkway.. Kockwood Av. fr. 1414 Sheridan av. n. to. Jerome av S-14 Sheridan av Elliot 1415 Walnut Jerome av Rogers Pi. fr. Don- gan n. to E. 165th.V-17 Dongan 934 Westchester av E. 165th Roosevelt f r. 189 Park Row s. to East R H-36 Even no's e. side. Park Row 1 Madison 25 New Bowery 51 New Chambers 70 Oak 71 Batavia 84 Cherry 106 Water 124 Front 133 South 135 Rosa 2766 Bain- bridge av. e. to 2761 Marion av W-9 Even no's s. side. Bainbridge av 651 Pond pi 672 Marion av 52 STKEET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Rose fr. 86 Frankfort n. e. to 421 Pearl.. E-9 Even no's w. side. Frankfort 2 Duane 44 New Chambers 62 Pearl 65 Rose (23d ward) f r. 2936 Third av. e. to 619 Bergen av S-IT Roslyn PI. Greene fr. 31 W. 3d to 34 W. 4th. 1-33 Rusk in fr. White Plains rd.e. to Fourth av Z-7 Rutgers fr. 26 Canal s. e. toEastR ....1-36 Even no's w. side. Canal 2 E. Broadway 7 Henry 21 Madison 33 Monroe 47 Cherry 61 Water 71 South 79 Rutgers PI. Monroe fr. Jefiferson to Clin- ton 1-36 Even no's 8. side. Jefferson . 1 Clinton 27 Rutgers SI. Rutgers fr. Cherry to East R. 1-36 Rutheifoid PI. fr. 224 E. 17th s. to 215 E. 15th J-32 E. 17th 1 E. 16th 4 E. 15th Ryders Al. fr. 38 Gold e. and n. to 71 Fulton H-36 Ryer A v. f r.537 Burn- side a v. n. to 504 Welch U-11 Even no's e. side. Burnside av 2051 E. 181st 2179 E. 182d 2215 E. 183d 2294 E. 184th .2374 Welch St. Ann's 841 E.132dn. to 3192 Third av S-19 Even no's e. side. E. 132d 83 Southern boul 113 E. 134th <39 E. 1.35th .»s'l65 E. 136th '.' . 1«1 E. 137th 221 E. 138th 251 E. 139th 277 E. 141st 326 E. 142d 361 E.143d 387 E. 144t.h 413 E. 145th 441 E. 146th 467 E. 147th 493 E. 14Sth 519 E. 149th 553 Westchester av 630 Rae Carr E. 156th 742 John 842 Third av St. George's Cres- cent fr. Ernescliff pi. n. w. to 651 Van Cortlandt av W-7 Ernescliff pi Cordova pi Grenada pi Van Cortlandt av.. St. James fr. 2306 Aqueduct av. e. to 2497 Creston av...U-9 Even no's s. side. Aqueduct av 301 Edenwood av Davidson av Jerome av 401 Creston av St. John's Iifi. fr. 9 Beach n. to 11 Laight H-34 Even no's w. side. Beach 1 York 3 Laight !?t. Joseph's fr. 412 Robbins av. e. to Wet- more av T-19 Robbins av.... Concord av 1001 Wales av Southern boul Wetmore av St. Liuke's PI.Leroy bet. Hudson and Bed- ford H-33 St. Marks PI. 8th fr. 23 Third av. e. to 129 Av. A J-33 Even no's s. side. Third av 1 Second av 37 First av 85 Av. A 127 St. Mary's fr. 386 St. Ann's av. e. to Rob- bins av T-19 St. Ann's av Cypress av Robbins av St. Mary's Pk. fr. St. Mary's n. to E. 149th and fr. 386 St. Ann's av. e. to Rob- bins av T-18 St. Nicholas Av. fr. 101 W. 110th n. w. to 2033 Amsterdam av 0-18 Even no's e. side. W. llCth Lenox av 1 W. lUth 21 W. 112th 41 W. 113th 61 W. 114th 81 W. 115th Seventh av W. 116th 121 W. 117th 141 W. 118th 161 W. 119th 185 W. 120th 200 W. 121st 220 Eighth av 221 W. 122d 241 W. 123d 260 Manhattan av W. 124th 2>il W. 125th 301 W. 126th 321 W. 127th 341 W. 128th 361 W. 129th 380 W. 130th 400 W. 133d 429 W. 134th 486 W. 135th 490 W, 136th Edgecombe av W. 137th W. 141st W. 145th W. 146th 725 W. 147th W. 148th 751 W. 149th W. 150th St. Nicholas pi W. 151st W. 152d 841 W. 153d W. 154th 881 W. 155th W. 156th 920 W. 157th W. 158th AV. 159th W. 160th Sylvan pi W. 161st Amsterdam av Sacrahong fr. Faile e. to Farragut. . .X-18 Whittier Drake Halleck STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK, 53 Paj-ne Bai'low Falconer Samuel fr. 2090 Tie- bout av. e. to Bronx K V-12 Even no's s. side. Tiebout av 615 "Webster av 651 Vanderbilt av. W.. Vanderbilt av. E... 701 Washington av 737 Bathgate av 765 Third av 800 Laf ontaine av 861 Arthur av 877 Av. St. John 913 Cambreleng av 963 Prospect av 1063 Mapes av 1099 Southern boul .... Crotona parkway.. 1123 Mohegan av 1161 Honeywell av 1185 Daly av 1205 Vyseav ...1263 Oostdorp av Boston rd 1297 Bronx 1305 Bronx R (!»caiiimel fr. 299 E. Broadway s. e. to 630 Water K-36 Even no's e. side. E. Broadway 1 Henry 15 Madison 27 Monroe 41 Cherry 51 Water 59 Scott Av. fr. 3262 Woodlawn rd. e. to 3269 Webster av..X-8 Woodlawn rd Perry av Hull av Webster av Scribner fr. 3418 Webster av. e. to Bronx R Y-7 Webster av Station pi 1177 Lowmede Bronx R Seaman Av. fr. Bol- ton rd. bet. Prescott av. and Kingsbridge rd. n. to Spuyten Duy- vilck R-9 Bolton rd Academy Hawthorne Emerson Isham AV. 218th Spuyten Duyvil ok. Second fr. 823 Bowery e. tol Av. D J-33 Even no's s. side. Bowery 1 Second av 43 First av 91 Av. A 153 Av. B 207 Av. C 259 SheriflE 297 Av. D 314 Second 112 E. Houston n. to foot 129th ...L-2S Even no's e. side. E.Houston 1 1st 19 2d 41 E. 3d 53 E. 4th 69 5th 87 6th 103 7th 119 St. Marks pi 135 E. 9th 145 E. 10th 157 Stuy vesant E. 11th 175 E. 12th 191 E. 13th 213 E. 14th 231 E. 15th Stuy vesant sq E. 17th 301 E. 18th 313 E. 19th 329 E. 20th 345 E. 21st 371 E. 22d 381 E. 23d 401 E. 24th 421 E. 25th 441 E. 26th 463 E. 27th 481 E. 28th 501 E. 29th 521 E. 30th 543 E. 31st 563 E.32d 585 E. 33d 603 E. 34th 623 E. 35th 643 E. 36th 663 E.37th 685 E.SSth 707 E. 39th 729 E. 40th 747 E. 41st 767 E. 42d 785 E.43d 803 E. 44th 825 E./lnth 843 E. 46th 863 E. 47th 883 E. 48th 907 E. 49th 923 E. 50th 943 E. 51st 963 E. 52d 983 E. 53d 1003 E. 54th 1029 E. 55th 1045 E. 56th 1063 E. 57th 108S E.5Sth 1103 E. 59th 1123 E. 60th 1143 E. 61st 1161 E. 62d 1177 E. 63d 1201 E. 64th 1225 E. 65th 1242 E. 66th 1260 E. 67th 1274 E. 68th 1300 E. 69th 1313 E. 70th 1329 E. 71st 1349 E. 72d 1389 E. 73d 1403 E. 74th 1421 E. 75th 1441 E. 76th 1463 E. 77th 1481 E. 78th 1501 E. 79th 1523 E. 80th 1543 E. 81st 1561 E. 82d 1583 E. 83d 1601 E. 84th 1619 E. 85th 1641 E. 86th 1659 E. 87th 1681 E.88th 1701 E. 89th 1725 E. 90th 1739 E. 91st E. 92d 1756 E.93d 1801 E. 94th 1821 E. 95th 1849 E. 96th 1865 E. 97th 1881 E. 98th 1901 E. 99th 1917 E. 100th 1945 E. 101st 1969 E. 102d 1985 E. 103d 2001 E. 104th 2025 E. 10.5th 2047 E. 106th 2063 E. 107th 2079 E. 108th 2095 E. 109th 2121 E. 110th 2143 E. 111th 2161 E. 112th 2183 E. 113th 2203 E. 114th 2227 E. 115th 2243 E. 116th 2261 E. 117th 2283 54 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. E. 118th 2301 E. 119th 2321 E. 120th 2341 E. 121st 2361 E. 122d 2385 E. 123d 2401 E. 124th 2417 E. 125th 2449 E. 126th 2459 E. 127th 2487 E. 128th 2501 E. 129th 2503 Harlem R Second PI. fr.Bilggs n. e. to Second av.Y-7 Third Sedgwick 618 Molt av. n. w. to City Line S-11 Even no's e. side. Mott av Walton av Gerard av River av Juliet Jerome av Lind av Wolf Depot pi Commerce av UnderclilT av 1394 Washington Bridgel520 Riverview ter 1767 Burnside av 1986 Fordham Land'g rd 2880 Bailey av 2460 Kingsbridge rd 2671 Boston av 3072 Van Cortlandt av. .3372 City Line Seventeenth fr. Sec- ond av. s. e a-4 White Plains av — Seventh fr. 1 Fourth av. e. to East R. . J-33 Even no's s. side. Fourth av Third av 9 Tompkins Market. . Hall 16 Second av 47 First av 91 Av.A 132 Tompkins sq Av. B 181 Av. C 2.33 Av.D 287 Lewis 305 East R Seventh Av. fr. 73 Greenwich av. n. to 180 W. 59th and fr. 201 W. 110th n. to Har- lem R L30 Even no's w. side. Greenwich av 2 W. nth 1 W. 12th 21 W. 13th 41 W. 14th 61 W. 15th 81 W. 16th 101 W. 17th 119 W. 18th 135 W. 19th 153 W. 20th 171 W. 21st 189 W. 22d 209 W. 23d 225 W. 24th 245 W. 2,5th 263 W. 26th 283 W. 27th 301 W. 28th 319 W. 29th 341 W. 30th 361 W. 31st 383 W. 32d 401 W. 33d 421 W. 34th 441 W. 35th 463 W. 36th 481 W. 37th 501 W. 38th 521 W. 39th 541 W. 40th 561 W. 41st 583 W. 42d 603 Broadway 619 W. 43d W. 44th W. 45th W. 46th W. 47th 705 W. 48th 721 W. 49th 747 W. .50th 761 W. 51st 781 W. 52d 801 W, 53d 821 W. 54th 847 W. 55th 861 W. 56th 881 W. 57th 901 W. 58th 917 W. 59th 936 ***** W. 110th 1801 W. 111th 1821 W. H2th 1841 W. 113th 1861 W. 114th 1881 W. 115th 1900 St. Nicholas av W. 116th 1921 W. 117th 1941 W. 118th 1961 W. 119th 1983 W. 120th 2001 W. 121st 2021 W. 122d... 2041 W. 123d 2061 W. 124th 2081 W. 125th 2105 W. 126th 2135 W. 127th 2143 W. 128th 2163 W. 129th 2181 W. 130th 2197 W. 131st 2220 W. 132d 2245 W. 133d 2261 W. 134th 2281 W. 135th 2301 W. 136th 2321 W. 137th 2340 W. 138th 2360 W. 139th 2380 W. 140th W. 141st 2420 W. 142d W. 143d W. 144th W. 145th W. 146th W. 147th W. 148th W. 149th W. 150th W. 151st W. 152d W. 153d W. 154th W. 155th Harlem R Sheridan Av. fr. Mott av. n. to Morris av S-15 Mott av Juliet E. 161st E. 162d E. 165th E. 167th Arculariuspl E. 169th Clark pi Elliott Eden av Morris av Sheriff' fr. 502 Grand n. to 207 2d K-35 Even no's e. side. Grand 1 Broome 21 Delancey 45 Rivington 73 Stanton 101 E. Houston 127 2d Sherman Av. fr. Kingshridge rd. and Ellwood n. to Tenth av. and W. 211th.. S-14 Kingsbridge rd. ... Ellwood Dyckmau Academy Hawthorne STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 55 Emerson Isham Tenth av W, 211th Slierinau Sq. Am- sterdam av., W. TSd and Boulevard.. K-24 Sherwood f r. 2752 Valentine av. e. to 2471 Marion av....V-9 Even no's s. side. Valentine av 607 Bainbridge av 651 Marion av 669 Sidney fr. Spuyten Duyvil parkway n. of Spuyten Duyvil ck. e. S7 Simpson fr. 1239 Don- gan n. to 1164 Home. V-16 Even no's e. side. Dongan 934 Westchester av 1048 E. 167th 1140 E. 169th Home 1212 Sixteenth fr. Second av. s. e a-5 White Plains av Sixth fr. 395 Powery e. to East R J-33 Even no's s. side. Bowery 200 Tompkins Market. . L Hall 213 Second av 801 First av 401 Av. A 501 Av. B 601 Av. C 701 Av.D 801 Lewis 815 East R Sixth Av. fr. 5 Car- mine n. to 106 W. 59th H-32 Even no's e. side. Carmine 1 Mlnetta la 4 W. 3d 18 Cornelia 39 W. 4th 38 Washington pi 59 Waverly pi 77 Clinton pi 96 Greenwich av 105 W. 9th 114 Jefferson Market.. W. 10th 125 Miirgan pi 133 W. nth 151 W. 12th 171 W. 13th 189 W. 14th 209 W. 15th 229 W. 16th 253 W. 17th 269 W. 18th 289 W. 19th 307 W. 20th 321 W. 21st 339 W. 22d 357 W. 23d 375 W. 24th 391 AV. 25th 411 W. 26th 429 W. 27th 449 W. 28th 467 W. 29th 485 W. 30th 501 W. 31st 521 W. 32d 533 Broadway W. 33d W. 34th W. 35th ,593 W. 36th 617 W. 37th 635 W. 38th 655 W. 39th 681 W. 40th . 699 W. 41st.... 719 W. 42d 737 W. 43d 757 W. 44th 777 W. 45th 797 W. 46th 815 W. 47th 833 W. 48th 851 AV. 49th 871 W. 50th 887 W. 51st 901 AV. 52d 919 AV. 53d 937 AV. 54th 955 AV. 55th 977 W. 56th 993 AV. 57th 1013 AV. 58th 1033 W. 59th 1051 South fr. 64 White- hall n. e. to East R. G-3S Whitehall 1 Moore 8 Broad 15 Coenties si 23 Cuyler'sal 29 Old si 40 Gouvernorla 49 Jones la 53 AVall 60 Pine 69 Depeyster 71 Maiden la 76 Fletcher 78 Burlingsl 88 Fulton. .Fulton Market Beekman 104 Peck si 151 Dover 162 Roosevelt 176 James si 188 Oliver 195 Catherine si 203 Market si 222 Pike si 241 Rutgers si 260 Jefferson 271 Clinton 286 Montgomery 363 Gouverneur si 372 Jackson 381 Corlears 409 South Fifth Av. fr. Grand n. e. to W. 3d H-33 Broome Spring Prince East Houston Bleecker South William fr. 7 AVilliam w. to 85 Broad G-37 Even no's n. side. William 1 Beaver 2 Mill la 9 Broad 43 Southern Boul. fr. 2412 Third av. e. n. and n. w. to 3030 Jerome av R-19 Even no's s. side. Third av 467 Lincoln av 511 Alexander av 577 Willis -av 651 Brown pi 753 Brook av 779 St. Ann's av 841 Cypress av 933 E'. 134th E. l.S.5th 963 E. 1.36th 989 E. 137th 1015 E. 138th E. 139th Concord av E. 140th Wales av E. 141st St. Joseph Crane Dater Union av Prospect av E. 149th 1430 Legget av 1592 Lane av 1742 Tiffany av 1858 Hunts Point rd Dongan 1990 AVestchester av. .,, West Farms rd 2128 E. 167th 2200 Home 2268 56 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Boston rd Woodruff 2779 Crotona parkway.. Tremont av 2885 Mechanic Samuel 3024 Grote 3108 Garden Kingsbridge rd 3158 Columbine Prospect av E. 187th 3285 E. 189th 3387 Pelhamav Bronx pk Webster av 3848 Decatur av 3876 Marion av 3902 Bainbridge av 3958 Valentine av 4010 Anthony av 4046 Jerome av Spencer PI. W. 4th bet. Christopher and W. 10th Pt-17 Spoffor d fr. L. I. Sound n. e. to Hunts Point rd V-19 Even no's e. side. L. I. Sound Legget av .532 Ely 604 Lane 628 Tiffany 660 Hunts Point rd Spring f r. 190 Bowery w. to North R...H-34 Even no's s. side. Bowery Elizabeth Mott 29 Mulberry 51 •Marion 63 Elm 64 Crosby 79 Broadway 91 Mercer 107 Greene 127 Wooster 143 S. Fifth av 165 Thompson 181 Sullivan 201 Macdougal 22b Clark 234 Varick 261 Hudson 293 Renwick 308 Greenwich 319 Washington 335 West 353 Spruce f r. 42 Park Row s. e. to 83 Gold. H-36 Even no's s. side. Park Row Nassau 1 William 23 Gold 43 Spuyten Duyvil Parkway f r. Spuy- ten Duyvil ck. n. e. to Riverdale av. . .R-6 Spuyten Duyvil ck. Johnson av Sidney Morrison Riverdale av Spuyten Duyvil Spuyten Duy- vil Parkway and Har- lem R. e. and d. to Johnson av R-7 Spuyten Duyvil parkway Johnson av Stanton fr. 245 Bow- ery e. to East R . . J-34 Even no's n. side. Bowery 1 Chrystle 25 Forsyth 43 Eldrfdge 61 Allen ... 75 Orchard 91 Ludlow 105 Essex 121 Norfolk 139 Suffolk. . 151 Clinton 171 Attorney 189 Ridge 207 Pitt 223 Willett 241 Sheriff 257 Columbia 273 Cannon 287 Lewis 305 Goerck 321 Mangln 341 Tompkins 351 EastR Staple fr. 171 Duane n. to 7 Harrison. .G-35 Duane 2 Jay 46 Harrison State fr. 48 Whitehall n. to 1 Broadway.F-37 Whitehall 1 Pearl 21 Bridge 25 Bowling Green 31 Station PI. fr. 1177 Scribner n. to Gun Hill rd Y-7 Scribner 3418 Gun Hill rd 3450 S t e b b i n s A v. f r. Westchester av. n. of Prospect av. Bos- ton rd U-17 Even no's e. side. Westchester av 923 E. 165th 1035 Prospect av 1094 E. 167th .1145 Home 1153 E. 169th Chisholm Bristow 1318 Boston rd Stebbins PI. fr. Ger- ard av. s. e. to Sheri- dan av S-14 Stone fr. 13 Whitehall e. to 1 William... G-37 Even no's s. side. Wliitehall 1 Broad 25 Coenties al 41 Mill la 63 William 67 Strain PI. fr. Farra- gutn. e. toEdgewater rd Y-18 Porter Dahlgren Stuarts Li a. fr. Broadway n. of Old Post rd. n. w. to City Line U-2 S t u y V e s a n t f r. 29 Third av. n. e. to 160 Second av J-33 Even no's e. side. Third av 2 E. 9th 15 E. 10th 35 Second av 46 Stuyvesant Sq. fr. E. 15th n. to e. 17th andfr. Rutherford pi. e. to Livingston pi.* J-32 Suburban f r. 3070 Anthony av s. w. to Mosholu parkway. W-8 Even no's w. side. Anthony av 651 Valentine av 716 Bainbridge av 779 Perry av. 809 Marion av 835 Decatur av 861 Webster av 891 Mosholu parkway. . Suburban PI. ^et. Wilkins pi. and South- ern boul. on Boston rd. SufTolk fr. 202 Divi- sion n. to 217 E. Hous- ton J-35 Even no's e. side. Division 1 Hester 7 Grand 39 Broome 63 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 57 Delancey 87 Rivington 119 Stanton 151 E. Houston 1T9 Sullivaii f r. 415 Canal n. to 92 W.3d....H-34 Even no's w. side. Canal 1 Grand 23 Watts 46 Broome 57 Spring 98 Prince 131 W. Houston 161 Varick pi Bffeecker 205 W. 3d 241 Sum III it fr. 3100 An- thony av. e, to Mos- liolu parkway . . W-8 Even no's s. side. Antliony av 651 Mosliolu parkway.. 757 Suniinit Av. fr. Og- den av. n. of Jerome av. n. to Ogden av. Q-15 Ogden av Devoe Ogden av Sylvau Av. f r. Sheri- dan av. n. w. to In- wood T-13 Hawkstone Walnut...-. Sylvau PI. fr. 153 E. 120th n. to 154 E. 121st P-20 E. 120th 1 E. 121st 5 Tappeu fr. 2688 Mari- on av. e. to 2695 Web- ster av W-9 Even no's s. side. Marion av Decatur av 707 Webster av 717 Taylor A v. fr. 1053 Kingsbridge rd. n. to E. 189th W-11 Even no's e. side. Kingsbridge rd 2256 Columbine 2300 E. 187th E. 189th Teasdale PI. fr. 960 Boston rd. e. to Trin- ity av T-16 Even no's s. side. Boston rd 831 Cauldwell av 839 Trinity av 852 Temple fr. 89 Liberty 8. to 5 Thames... G-36 Teuth Av. fr. 530 West n. to 429 W. 59th G-31 Even no's e. side. West Bl oomfield ..'.'.'..'.'.'.'. 13 Little W. 12th 21 W. 13th 35 W. 14th 61 W. Inth 81 W. 16th 97 W. 17th 114 W. 18th 130 W. 19th 153 W. 20th 169 W. 21st 185 W. 22d 203 W. 23d 221 W. 24th 239 W. 25th 259 W. 26th 279 W. 27th 295 W. 28th 313 W. 29th 329 W. 30th a50 W. 31st 363 W. 32d 383 W. 33d 413 W. 34th 435 W. 35th 451 W. 36th 469 W. .37th 485 W. 38th 503 W. 39th 519 W. 40th 537 W. 41st 557 W. 42d 575 W. 43d 593 W. 44th 615 W. 45th 6.37 W. 46th 653 W. 47th 689 W. 48th 705 W- 49th 721 W. 50th 737 W. 51st 755 W. 52d 771 W, 53d 789 W. 54th 815 W. 55th 831 W. 56th 851 W. 57th 875 W. 58th ... 893 W. 59th * * * * Terrace Trin- ity av. nr. e. 149th w. and n. e. to Trinity av. T-18 Terrace View Av. fr. Kingsbridge rd. n. w T-7 Kingsbridge av — Thames f r. 113 Broad- way w. to 133 Green- wich G-36 Even no's s. side. Broadway 1 Temple 5 Trinitypl 13 Greenwich 29 Theatre Al. fr. 21 Ann n. to 3 Beekman. G-36 Third Av. Continu- ation of Bowery fr. 395 n. to Kingsbridge rd J-32 Even no's w. side. 6th Tompkins Market. . 7th 1 Astor pi 17 St. Marks pi 23 Stuy vesant 29 E. 9th 31 E.lOth 47 E.llth 67 E.12th 87 E. 13th 105 E. 14th 125 E. 15th 147 E. 16th 167 E. 17th 187 E. 18th 205 E. 19th 227 E. 20th 245 E.21st 263 E.22d 283 E.23d 301 E.24th 321 E. 25th 341 E. 26th 359 E.27th 375 E.28th 395 E.29tb 415 E. 30th 431 E. 31st 451 E.32d 471 E. 33d 489 E. 34th 507 E. 35th 525 E.36th 543 E. 37th 561 E. 38th 579 E. 39th 601 E.40th 621 E.41st.. 639 E. 42d 661 E.43d 683 E.44th 703 E. 45th 721 E. 46th 741 E. 47th 757 E.48th 777 E. 49th 797 E. 50th 817 E. 51st 839 E. 52d 859 E.53d 877 E.54th 897 E. 55th 915 E. 56th 935 E. 57th 933 E. 58th 973 E.59th...- 991 58 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. E. 60th 1011 E. 127th ..2341 E. 178th 4259 E. 61st ....1031 E. 128th ..2361 E. 179th 4321 E. 62d 1051 E. 129th ..2383 Samuel 4403 E.63d 1071 E. 130th . .2399 Quarry rd E.64th .... 1091 Harlem R E. 181st 4441 E. 65th 1110 Southern boul... ..2412 E.182d E. 66th 1129 E. 134th ..2439 E. 183d E. 67th 1151 E. Ib5th ..2465 Kingsbridge rd E. 68th .... 1175 E. 136th ..2491 Thirteeutli Av. fr. E.69th 1187 1213 E. l.S7th .2521 . .2545 386 W. 11th n. to foot E. 70th E. 138th W.25th G-30 E. 71st 1231 Lincoln av Morris av W. nth 1 E. 72d 1251 1271 Bank 8 E. 73d E. 139th ..2577 Bethune E. 74th 1291 E. 140th . .2602 W. 12th E. 75th 1311 E. 141st . 2628 Jane 45 E. 76th., 1329 E. 142d Alexander av ..2654 ..2662 Horatio .... ... 48 E. 77th 1349 Gansevoort 49 E. 78th 1367 E.143d ..2689 West ^^ ashington Mar- E. 79th 1391 E. 144th . .2713 ket E. 80th . .. 1411 E. 145th ..2739 Bloomflold E. 81st 1435 E. 146th Courtlandt av. ... E. 147th E. 148th . .2769 ..2773 . .2792 . .2817 Little W. 12th 90 E. 82d 1453 W. 13th 98 E. 83d 1471 W. 14th E. 84th 1491 W. 15th E. 85th 1511 Melrose av E. 149th ..2837 .2854 W. 16th E. 86th 1527 W. 17th E. 87th 1551 Westchester av. E. 150th.. . 2868 . .2879 W. 18th E. 88th 1569 W. 19th E. 89th .... 1585 E. 151st . .2917 W. 20th E. 90th I(i05 Rose ..2936 W. 21st E. 91st 1629 E.152d Elton av ..2939 ..2945 W. 22d 120 E. 92d 1645 W. 23d 140 E.93d 1663 E. 153d . .2969 W. 24th 160 E. 94th 1679 Grove .2976 W. 25th E. 95th .. ..1695 E. 154th.. . .2995 E 9fith . . . 1709 E 155th ..3019 Thomas f r. 317 Broad- E. 97 th 1751 1773 E. 156th .3047 ..3077 ..3101 way w. to 56 Hudson. G-35 E. 98th E. 157th E. 158th E. 99th 1785 Even no's s. side. E. 100th 1801 E. 159th Washington av.. . .3123 Broadway 6 E. 101st 1829 Trimble pi 26 E 102d 1845 1865 Brook av Church 47 E l()3d German pi - - W. Broadway 79 Hudson 97 E. 104th 1883 St. Ann's av ..3192 E. 105th.... 1905 E. 161st ..3191 Thompson f r. 397 E. l()6th 1925 E. 162d ..3211 Canal n. to 57 W. 4th. E. 107th 1945 E. 163d ..3233 H-34 E. 108th 1967 Boston rd ..3265 Even no's e. side. E. 109th 1985 E. 164th ...3287 Canal 1 E. 110th.... 2005 E. 165th . 3:339 Grand 21 E. 111th 2025 Franklin av.. .. ..&368 Broome 53 E. 112th 2047 E. 166th . .3387 Spring 83 E. 113th 2065 Spring pi ..3410 Prince 125 E. 114th 2089 E. 167th ..3455 W. Houston 167 E. 115th 2105 E. 168th . 3521 Depau pi E. 116th 2125 E. 169th ..3595 Bleecker 201 E. 117th 2143 E. 170th . 3701 W. 3d 235 E. 118th 2163 E. 171st W. 4th 249 E. 119th 2185 Wendover av Tie bout A v. fr. E. 120111 2203 2223 2243 2263 E. 172d Burnside av. s. of E. E. 121st E. 173d 179th n. to 580 Kings- E. 122d E. 174th bridge rd U-11 E. 123d Fairmount av. . . Even no's e. side. :!;. 124th 2283 E. 175th ..4109 Burnside av E. 125th 2305 E. 176th . .4177 E. 179th 2010 E. 136th 2321 Tremont av ..4191 Samuel 2090 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 59 E. 182d 2231 E. 183d 2295 Bainbridge av 2321 E. 184tli 23«5 Welch 2457 Klngsbridge rd. ... Tiif any f r. L. I. Sound n. w. to 1112 E. 169th. V-18 Even no's n. side. L. I. Sound 190 Laneav 574 Spofford 622 Burnet pi Lafayette rd 704 Wetmore 740 Southern boul 805 Fox 851 Dongan 934 Westchester av....l006 E. 165th 1020 E. 167th 1112 E. 169th Tinton Av. fr. West- chester av. n of For- est av. n. to 980 E. 169th L'-17 Even no's e. side. Westchester av 775 E. 156th Cedar pi 813 Denman pi 861 Clifton 875 E. 163d 942 E. 165th 1054 George 1074 Home 1163 E. 168th 1184 E. 169th Tonipkius fr. 606 Grand n. to East R. K-35 Even no's e side. Grand 1 Broome 13 Delancey 31 Rlvington 80 Stanton 89 E. Houston E. 3d E. 4th Tninpkfns Market Third av. cor. of 6th. J -33 Tompkins Sq. fr. Av. A. e. to Av. B. and fr. 7th n. to 6th. K-33 Topping fr. Walnut e. of Sheridan av. n. to 544 E. 176th.... T-13 Even no's e. side. Walnut 1639 E. 173d 1675 E. 174th 1725 Gray 1800 E. 176th Tower PI. fr. Web- ster av. n. of Wood- lawn rd. e X-8 Town send fr. Jer- ome av. s. e. to Rock- wood av S-13 Walton av Travel's fr. Jerome av. s. e. to West av. W-8 Anthony Valentine Briggs av Bainbridge av Marion av Decatur av Tremont Av. fr. 1820 Aqueduct av. e. to Bronx R S-12 Even no's s. side. Aqueduct av Jerome av 371 Fleetwood av 431 Buckhout E. 177th Anthony av. . 593 Valentine av 606 E. 176th Burnside av Carter av Webster av Vanderbilt av. W. . . Vanderbilt av. E... 705 Washington av 739 Bathgate av 761 Third av 801 Lafontaine av 861 Arthur av Av. St. John Cambreleng av ... 994 Prospect av 1027 Mapes av Marmion av Crotona parkway.. 1141 Honeywell av Daly av 1189 Vyseav 1221 Oostdorp av 1263 Boston rd 1293 Bronx 1343 Bronx R Trinity Av. fr. 915 E. 149th n. to George. T-17 Even no's e. side. E. 149th 548 Westchester av E.L56th 800 Cedar pi Denman pi Clifton pi 877 E. 163d 934 Teasdale pi E. 164th 991 E. 165th 1012 George Trinity PI. f r. 6 Morris n. to 108 Liber- ty G-36 Even no's w. side, Morris 1 Edgar 22 Exchange al 33 Rector 56 Thames 95 Cedar 107 Liberty 115 Truxton fr. Randall av. s. e. to Edgewater rd U-19 Wenman av Twelfth Av. Contin- uation of Thirteenth av. fr. foot of W. 25th n. to foot of W. 155th. H-28 W. 25th 180 W. 26th 200 W. 27th 220 W. 28th 240 W. 29th 260 W. 30th 280 W. 31st 300 AV. 32d 320 W. 33d 340 W. 34th 360 W. 35th 380 W. 36th 400 W. 37th 420 W. 38th W. 39th 460 W. 40th W. 41st 500 W. 42d 520 W. 43d 540 W. 44th 560 W. 4=ith 580 W. 46th 600 W. 4rth W. 48th W. 49th 660 W. 50th 680 W. 51st 700 W. 52d 720 W. 53d 740 W. 54th 760 W. 55th 780 W. 56th 8W W. 57th 820 W. 58th 840 W. 59th 860 W. 60th 880 W. 61st 900 W. 62d 920 W. 63d 940 W. 64th 960 W. 65th 980 W. 66th 1000 W. 6nh 1020 W. 68th hMO W. 69th 1060 60 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. W. 70tli 1080 W. 7l8t 1100 W. 72(1 W. 79th. W. 96th. W. 129th Manhattan av W. 130th W. ISlst W. 132d W. 133d W. 134th W. la^th W. 136th W. 137th W. 138th W. 139th W. 140th W. 142d W. 143d W. 144th W. 145th W. 146th W. 147th W. 148th W. 149th W. 150th W. 151st W. 152d W. 153d W. 155th Twentieth fr. Bronx ter. s. e. to Fourth av a-4 "White Plains av — Twenty-first fr. Second av. s. e. to Fourth av a-4 White Plains av — Undeicliir Av. fr. 1394 Sedgwick av. n. to Sedgwick av. .R-12 Sedgwick av Boscobel av Sedgwick av Union fr. 38 Lind av. e. to Jerome av. .R-14 Lind av Wolf Ogden av 118 Marcher av Jerome av Union Av. fr. South- ern boul. nr. Dater n. to Boston rd U-18 Even no's e. side. Southern boul E. 149th 539 Fox Beck Kelly Westchester av 813 Cedar pi 821 Denman pi 841 Clifton 857 E.163d 960 E. 165th 1023 George 1083 Home 1157 E. 168th 1213 E. 169th 1219 Ritter pi Boston rd Union PI. Fourth av. fr. 101 E. 17th to 100 E. 19th J-31 Even no's e. side. E. 17th 51 E. 18th 65 E. 19th 73 Union Sa. Broadway e. to Fourth av. and fr. E. 14th n. to E. 17th J-32 Union Sq. E. Fourth av. fr. 101 E. 14th to 100 E. 17th J-32 E. 14th 2 E. 15th 20 E.16th 36 E. 17th 48 Union Sq. W. Broad- way fr. 31 E. 14th to 30 E.lTth 1-32 E.14th 1 E. 15th 17 E. 16th 31 E.nth 41 University PI. fr. 29 Waverly pi. n. to 38 E. 14th 1-32 Even no's w. side. Waverly pi 1 Washington Mews. 4 Clinton pi 11 E. 9th 21 E. 10th 33 E.nth 47 Union Court 55 E. 12th 63 E. 13th 75 E. 14th 79 Valentine Av. fr. 605 Tremont av. n. to 716 Suburban.... U-12 Even no's e. side. Tremont av 1901 Buckhout Burnside av 2011 E. 182d 22.30 E. 183d 2-!!94 E. 184th 2375 Welch 2460 Kingsbridge rd 2562 Brookline 2652 Sherwood 2752 Southern boul Suburban Van Cortlandt Av. fr. 3422 Broadway s. e. to 8384Woodlawn rd. V-6 Even no's s. side. Broadway 2 Albany rd 110 Bailey av 204 Sedgwick av 302 Aqueduct av 446 Boston av 510 Jerome av 586 Mosholu parkway.. 651 Woodlawnrd Van Cortlandt Pk. fr. Van Cortlandt av. and Gun Hill rd. n. to City Line, and fr. Broadway e. to Jer- ome av. and Mt. Ver- non av V-3 Van dam fr. 15 Mac- dougal 583 Green- wich G-33 Even no's s. side. Macdougal 1 Varick 47 Hudson 81 Greenwich 101 Vanderbilt Av. fr. 29 E. 42d n. to 34 E. 45th K-29 E.42d 4 E.43d 11 E. 44th E. 45th Vanderbilt Av. E. fr. 685 E. 165th n. to 737 Kingsbridge rd..U-13 Even no's e. side. E. 165th Brook av E. 166th 1102 E. 167th 1154 E. 168tli 1242 E. 169th 1300 E. 170th 1401 E. 171st 1506 Wendover av E. 172d 1618 E. 173d 1706 E. 174th 1754 E. 175th 1810 E. 176th 1860 Tremont av 1914 E. 178th 1958 E. 179th Samuel 2102 E. 182d 2244 E. 183d 2290 E. 184th 2324 E. 185th E. 186th E. 187th 2400 E. 188th Kingsbridge rd STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 61 Vanderbilt Av.W. fr. E. 173d e. of Web- ster av. n. to 2554 Web- ster av U-12 Even no's e. side. E.173d E, 174th E. 175tli 1819 E. 176th 1861 Tremont av 1923 E. 178th 1963 E. 179th 2023 Samuel 2103 E.183d E. 184th E. 187th 2406 Welch 2481 Pclhamav 2551 Kingsbrldge rd Webster av 2596 Vamlewatei" fr. 49 Frankfort n. e. to 401 Pearl H-36 Even no's s. side. Frankfort 11 Pearl 43 Varick fr. 132 Frank- lin n. to 88 Carmine. G-34 Even no's e. side. Franklin 1 N. Moore 17 Beach 26 Laight- 63 Vestry 71 Canal 73 Grand 80 Watts 95 Broome Ill Dominick 125 Spring 137 Vandam 159 Charlton 171 King 189 W. Houston 207 Downing 218 Carmine 230 Verio A v. fr. 1019 Eastchester n. to City Line Z-4 Even no's e. side. Eastchester 4050 ClilTord 4091 Willard 4139 Opdyke 4208 Oakley Kemble Knox City Line Vei'inilyea A v. fr. Kingsbridge rd. n. e. to W. 211th R-9 Kingsbridge rd Dyckman Academy Hawthorne Emerson Isham W. 211th Vesey fr. Broadway (opp. 222) w. to North R G-36 Even no's n. side. Broadway Church 31 Greenwich 71 Washington 81 Washington Market West 110 Vestry fr. 428 Canal w. to North R.... G-34 Even no's n. side. Canal 2 Varick 1 Hudson 27 Greenwich 51 Washington 61 West 69 Villa Av. fr. South- ern boul. n. e. to Van Courtlandt av W-7 Vineyard PI. fr. Fairmount av. e. of Martha av.n.toWood- ruff W-13 Fairmount av Woodruff Vyse fr. 1887 Boston rd. n. to 1310 Kings- bridge rd X-13 Even no's e. side. Boston rd Tremont av 1960 Mechanic 2004 Clover 2044 Samuel Ponus Kingsbridge rd WadsAvortli Av. fr. W. 173d and Kings- bridge rd. n. to Elev- enth av P-13 W. 173d Kingsbridge rd W. 174th W. 175th W. 178th W. 181st W. 183d W. 184th W. 185th W. 187th W. 190th Eleventh av Waldo n. e. of Spuy- ten Duyvil Park Way U-5 Barney Wales Av. fr. South- ern boul. nr. E. 140th n. to Westchester av. T-19 Even no's e. side. Southern boul E. 141st 321 St. Joseph's 413 Crane 457 Dater 495 E. 149th 552 Fox 592 Beck 614 Kelly Westchester a V Walker fr. 137 W. Broadway e. to 224 Canal H-35 .Even no's n. side. W. Broadway 1 Church 31 Broadway 71 Cortlandtal 79 Elm 97 Centre Ill Baxter 125 Canal 126 Wall fr. 90 Broadway e. to East R G-37 Even no's n. side. Broadway 1 New 9 Nassau 20 Broad 23 William 48 Hanover 59 Pearl 79 Water 91 Front 105 South 117 Walnut fr. 1458 In- wood av. n. e. to Top- ping S-13 Even no's s. side. Inwood av Jerome av Walton av Rockwood av Bender av Eden av 416 Fleetwood av 438 Eastburn 460 Weeks 496 Morris av 516 Topping Walnut Av. fr. E. 132d w. of Locust av. n. to 1167 E. 141st.T-20 Even no's e. side. E. 132d 83 E. 133d 113 E. 134th 139 E. 135th 165 E. 136th 191 E. 137th 221 E. 138th 251 62 STREET J^UMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. E. 139th 281 E. 140th 301 E. 141st 321 Walton A V . f r. Cheever pi. n. to Je- rome av R-17 Even no's s. side. Cheever pi 335 E. 144th E. 146th E. 149th E. 150th 587 Sedgwick av 643 Juliet E. 161st E.162d E. 163d E. 165th E. 16Tth Mott av Arcularius pi Clark pi Elliot "Walnut Jerome av Warren f r.261 Broad- way w. to North R. G-35 Even no's n. side. Broadway 1 Church 35 College pi 65 Greenwich 97 AVashington Ill West 127 Washington fr. 6 Battery pi. n. to 430 W. 14th F-37 Even no's w. side. Battery pi 1 Morris 43 Rector 99 Carlisle 123 Albany 133 Cedar 147 Liberty 155 Cortlandt 171 Dey 181 Fulton 193 Vesey 207 Barclay 223 Park pi 241 INIurray 257 Warren 273 Chambers 287 Reade 301 Duane 307 Jay 321 Harrison 337 Franklin 349 N. Moore 365 Beach 379 Hubert 397 Laight 413 Vestry 427 Desbrosses 441 Watts 459 Canal 477 Spring 497 Charlton 535 King 551 W. Houston 571 Clarkson 585 Lcroy 599 Morton 617 BaiTOW 633 Christopher 649 W. 10th 667 Charles 685 Charles la 692 Perry 703 W. 11th 721 Bank 733 Bethune 755 W. 12th 773 Jane 781 Horatio 799 Gansevoort 819 Little W. 12th 837 W. 13th 859 W. 14th 877 Washington Av. fr. 721 E. 159th n. to 736 Pelham av T-15 Even no's e. side. E. 159th 825 Third av E. 160th 863 E. 161st 875 E. 162d Brook av 924 E.163d 937 E. 164th 987 E. 165th 1046 E. 166th.,. 1089 E. 167th 1187 E. 168th 1225 E. 169th 1295 E. 170th 1403 E. 171st 1535 Wendover av 1581 E.172d 1637 E. 173d 1687 E. 174th 1741 E. 175th 1809 E. 176th 1873 Tremont av 1909 E. 178th 1959 E. 179th 2025 Samuel 2103 E.182d 2245 E. 183d 2290 E. 184th 2325 E. 185th E. 186th..., E. 187th Kingsbridge rd E. 188th 24.37 E. 189th 2493 Pelham av Washington Fifth av. s. e. to L^ni- versity pi 1-32 Washington Mar- ket Fulton, AVest and Vesey G-36 WashingtouMe^fvs f r. 1 Fifth av. e. to 4 University pi 1-32 Washington PI. fr. 715 Broadway w. to 78 Grove H-32 Even no's s. side. Broadway 1 Mercer 7 Greene 23 Washington sq. E. . 35 Washington sq. W. Macdougal 69 Sixth av 89 Barrow 134 W. 4th Grove 143 Washington Sq, fr. W. 4th n. to Waverly pi. and f r. Macdougal e. to Wooster 1-33 Washington Sq. E. fr. 45 W. 4th n. to 36 Waverly pi G-2 W. 4th 77 Washington pi 82 Waverly pi Washington iSq.N. Wavei'ly pi. fr. 29 to 89 1-33 Wooster S. Fifth av Thompson Macdougal Washington Sq. S. W. 4th f r. 54 to 128.1-33 University pi 1 Fifth av 14 Macdougal 28 Washington Sq. W, Macdougal fr. 102 Waverly pi. to 131 W. 4th 1-33 Waverly pi 29 Washington pi.. .. 32 W. 4th 39 Water fr. 43 White- hall n. e. to East R. G-37 Even no's n. side. Whitehall 1 Moore 7 Broad 25 Coenties' si ^ 39 Cuylers al 55 Oldsl 77 Gouvernor la 97 Wall 119 Pine 135 Depeyster 141 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 63 Maiden la lr>5 Fletcher 161 Burling si 181 Fulton 205 Beekman 22T Peck 81 253 Ferry 260 Dover 281 Roosevelt 325 James si 363 Oliver 377 Catharines] 393 Market si 433 Pike si 473 Rutgers si 519 Jefferson 537 Clinton 567 Montgomery 597 Gouverneur si 613 Gouverneur 622 Scammel 632 Jackson 693 Corlears 737 East 755 Waterloo PI. fi. Fairmount av. w. of Southern boul. n. to Woodruff W-13 Fairmount av Woodruff Watts fr. 44 Sullivan s. w. to North R.G-34 Even no's n. side. Sullivan 1 Varick 31 Hudson 59 Canal 61 Greenwich 77 Washington 91 West 101 Waverly PI. fr. 729 Broadway w. and n. toll Bank 1-32 Even no's s. side. Broadway 1 Mercer 1 1 Greene 25 University pi 29 Washington sq. E. . 36 Washington sq. N. . Fifth av 57 Macdougal 101 Washington sq. W.. Sixth av 135 Gay.... 143 Grove 170 Christopher 173 W. 10th 187 Charles. 207 Perry 223 W. 11th 239 Bank 251 Webb fr. Barnard e. to Edge water rd . X-17 W ebster A v. fr. E. 166th n. to Eastches- ter V-10 Even no's e. side. E. 166th Brook av E. 167th E.16Sth E. 169th E. 170th E. 171st Elliot Wendover av Anthony av E.173d E. 174th E. 175th E. 176th Tremont av E. 178th 1958 E. 179th 2021 Samuel 2085 E.183d 2290 E. 184th 2324 E. 187th 2407 Welch 2481 Kingsbridge rd 2535 Vanderbilt av. W..2554 Cole 2627 Tappen 2695 Isaac 2761 Southern boul 2873 Suburban Mosholu parkway. . Woodlawnrd Eclipse Scribner 3418 Gun Hill rd 3493 Woodlawn Cemet'y Eastchester Weehawken fr. 304 W. 10th s. to 185 Christopher G-32 Even no's w.side. W. 10th 1 Christopher 13 Weeks fr. Walnut w. of Sheridan av. n to E. 176th T-13 Even no's e. side. Walnut 1665 E.173d 1682 E. 174th 1725 Grav n88 North 1819 E. 176th 1830 Welch fr. 2460 Jerome av. e. to Vanderbilt av. W U-10 Even no's s. side. Jerome av 401 Fleetwood av 424 Morris av 448 Crescent av 472 Ryer av 504 Anthony av 516 Valentine av 543 Tlehoutav 573 Bainbridge av 615 Webster av 671 Vanderbilt av. W.. Wellesleyfr. 2750 Je- rome av. e. to 2751 Anthony av V-9 Even no's s. side. Jerome av 466 Kirkside av 510 Creston av 535 A nttony av Wendover A v. fr. Webster av. and Elli- ot e. to Fulton av. U-14 Webster av Brook av Vanderbilt av. E... Washington av Third av Fulton av Weniiinii A v. fr. Wetmore av. n. e. to Drake V-19 Bungay Truxton E. 149th Dapont .. Porter Arnold Cabot Berry.. Spofford Craven Worden Winslow Sasanova Tiffany Barretto Coster Faile Bryant Longfellow Whittier West fr.ll Battery pi. n. to Tenth av...F-37 Battery pi 1 Morris 24 Rector 57 Carlisle 80 Albany 87 Cedar 97 Liberty 104 Cortlandt 115 Dey 123 Fulton ^llSir Vesey 139 Barclav 149 Park pi 160 Murray 170 Warren 177 Chambers 186 Reade 187 Duane... 190 Jay 199 64 STREET NTTMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Hamson ... 207 Bleecker .. 518 West Houston fr. Franklin ... 216 AV. Third West End Av. .. 560 Elev- 609 Broadway w. to North R H-33 N. Moore ... 226 Beach ... 235 enth av. fr. 301 W. Even no's n. side. Hubert ... 253 64th n. to 300 W . 107th Broadway 7 Laight ... 256 . . . 264 J-25 Even no's e. side. Mercer 19 Vestry Greene 53 Desbrosses ... 272 W. 64th .. 1 Wooster 65 Watts ... 281 ... 293 W. 65th W. 66th .. 21 .. 41 S. Fifth av 89 Canal Thompson 109 Spring ...301 W. 67th .. 61 Sullivan 129 Charlton .. 323 ... 332 W. 68th .. 85 Ludlow pi King W. 69th .. 101 Macdougal 151 W. Houston ...344 W. 70th .. 121 Cottage pi 162 Clarkson ... 354 W. 71st .. 141 Congress 179 Leroy ... 362 W.72d 163 Bedford 180 Morton ... 375 W. 73d .. 181 Varick 243 Barrow .. 384 W. 74th .. 201 Hudson ... 279 Christopher ... 388 W. 75th .. 223 Greenwich 313 W. 10th ... 396 W. 76th .. 241 Washington 329 Charles ... 406 W. 77th.. .. 261 West 349 Charles la ...410 . . . 417 W. 78th .. 283 Perry W. 79th .. 301 West Washington W. 11th ... 427 W. 80th .. 321 Market West and Bank ...445 W. 81st .. 343 Gansevoort G-31 Bethune .. 469 W. 82d .. 363 W. 3d fr. 683 Broad- W. 12th ... 489 W. 83d .. 381 way 18 Sixth av. Jane .. 505 W. 84th .. 401 1-33 Horatio ...521 W. 85th . . 421 Even no's s. side. Gansevoort ... 533 on d) fr. W. 86th 443 Broadway 1 West Washingt Market W. 87th W. 88th W. 89th .. 463 .. 483 .. 501 Mercer 11 Greene 31 West (24th wai Wooster 43 Riverdale av. n. of W. 90th .. 521 S. Fifth av 65 Spaulding la. n . w. to W. 91st .. 541 Thompson 81 River av .. T-3 W. 92d . 561 SuHivan 100 Riverdale av W. 93d .. 581 Macdougal 119 Palisade av W. 94th W. 95th W. 96th .. 601 .. 621 .. 641 Sixth av 143 River av W. 4th fr. 699 Broad- West Broadway way n. w. to 315 W. fr. Vesey n. to S. W. 97th .. 661 13th 1-33 Fourth ..G-35 W. 98th .. 681 Even no's s. side. Even no's e. side. W. 99th .. 701 Broadway 1 Vesey .. 2 W. 100th .. 721 Mercer 15 Barclay .. 14 W. 101st .. 741 Greene 35 Park pi .. 32 W. 102d .. 761 Washington sq . E . . 45 Murray .. 52 W. 103d . 781 Wooster 52 Warren .. 72 W. 104th .. 801 Washington sq. S.. Chambers .. 92 .. 110 W. 105th W. 106th .. 821 .. 841 S. Fifth av 70 Reade Thompson 90 Duane .. 124 Boulevard Macdougal 128 Thomas .. 142 W. 107th Washington sq. W. 131 Worth .. 166 West Farms Rd. Cornelia 162 Leonard .. 186 .. 204 fr .2128 Southern boul . n. e. to 1304 Tremont Jones 180 Franklin Barrow 194 White .. 234 .. 242 av W-16 e. Grove 210 Munroe Even no's e. sid Christopher 219 Walker .. 250 .. 260 Southern boul Westchester av.. Spencer pi Beach W. 10th 233 Lispenard 277 E. 167th.. ..1294 Charles 255 York .. 280 Home Perry . 267 Canal .. 296 Main W. 11th 285 Grand .. 334 Charlotte pi ..1534 Bank 301 Broome .. 368 Woodruff ..1846 W. 12th 321 Spring .. 404 Rodman pi . . . . Jane 331 Prince .. 442 Boston rd Eighth av 333 W. Houston .. 486 Tremont av Horatio 839 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 65 Gansevoort 356 W. 13th 319 W. 9tli fr. 24 Fifth av. 114 Sixth av. 1-32 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 75 W. 10th fr. 36 Fiftu av. w. to North R. H-33 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Patchinpl 113 Greenwich av 129 Waverly pi 155 W 4th 185 Bleecker 215 Hudson 255 Greenwich 267 Washington 285 Weehawken 304 West 307 North R W. lltb fr. 54 Fifth av. w. to North R. 1-32 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Greenwich 200 Seventh av 201 Waverly pi 217 W. 4th 255 Bleecker 289 Hudson 301 Greenwich 315 Washington 847 West 379 Thirteenth av 386 North R W. 12tli fr. 60 Fifth av. w. to North R. H-31 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Greenwich av 235 W. 4th 283 Eighth av 297 Abingdon sq Hudson 317 Greenwicli 335 Washington 375 West 409 Thirteenth av 417 North R W. 13th fr. 72 Fifth av. w. to North R. H-31 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Greenwich av 253 Jackson sq Eighth av 301 W. 4th Gansevoort 330 Hudson 397 Ninth av 401 Washington 437 Tenth av 501 Thirteenth av 521 North R W. 14th fr. 84 Fifth av. w. to North R. H-31 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Hudson 357 Ninth av 401 Washington 440 Tenth av 501 Thirteenth av 553 North R W. 15th fr. 98 Fifth av. w. to North R. H-31 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 549 Thirteenth av North R W. 16th fr. 110 Fifth av. w. to North R. H-31 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av North R W. irthfr. 118 Fifth av. w. to North R. H-31 Even no's s side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av .501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av North R W. ISthfr. 130 Fifth av. w. to Nor til R. H-31 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av.. 601 Thirteenth av North R W. 19th fr. 144 Fifth av. w. to North R. H-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av . 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av North R W. 30th fr. 154 Fifth av. w. to North R. H-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av 617 North R W.aist fr. 162 Fifth av. w. to North R. 1-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av 613 North R W. 23d fr. 172 Fifth av. w. to North R. 1-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av 603 North R 66 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. W. 33d fr. 190 Fifth av. w. to North K. 1-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av 632 North R W. 24 th fr. 1101 Broadway w . to North R 1-30 Even no's s. side. Broadway 1 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av 631 North R W. 2.5th fr. 202 Fifth av. w. to North R. 1-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Broadway 7 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av North R W. 26th fr. 218 Fifth av. w. to North R. 1-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Broadway 13 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av North R W. 27th fr. 234 Fifth av. w. to North R. 1-30 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Broadway 25 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av North R W. 2Sth fr. 250 Fifth av. w. to North R. 1-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Broadway 29 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Thirteenth av North R W. 29thfr. 270 Fifth av. w. to North R. 1-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Broadway 31 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av.. 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Twelfth av 606 North R W. SOthfr. 284 Fifth av. w. to North R. 1-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Broadway 39 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av 301 Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Twelfth av 646 North R W. 3lst fr. 302 Fifth av. w. to North R. 1-29 Even no's s. side. Fifth av 1 Broadway 51 Sixth av 101 Seventh av 201 Eighth av a)l Ninth av 401 Tenth av 501 Eleventh av 601 Twelfth av North R W. 32vay, 19 minutes. Operated by the Second Avenue Railroad Co., Second av. and E. 9fith st. 7 SECOND AVENUE ELEVATED RAILROAD LINE. From South ferry to 129th St., at Second av. Transfers— At Chatham Square to Route 9 ; at 129th st. and Second av. to Route 29. ROUTE.— Stai'ting, from South ferry, to stations at Hanover Square, Fulton, and Pearl sts., Franklin Square, Chatham Square, Canal and Allen sts.. (jrand and Allen sts., Kivington and Allen sts ; on First av. at 1st St.. 8th St., 14th st., and 19th St.; on23d st., betw'een First and Second avs., and on Second av. at 34th st. (branch runs oif here to 34th st. ferry, E. Kiver), 42d, 50th, 5Tth, (iSth, 8(ith, 86th, 92d, 99th, 111th, 117th, I21st, 127th sts. Retui'uing, by same route. Length of line, 8 7-10 miles. Trips, every 3 to 6 minutes. Time one ■^vay, 43 minutes. Operated by the Manhattan Elevated Railroad Co., 71 Broadway. 8 THIRD AVENUE CABLE LINE. From Ann st. to 129th st. at Harlem Bridge. Transfers— At Bow^ery and Canal st. to Route 39; at Bowery and Grand st. to Route 37; at 125th st. and Third av. to Routes 24 and 55. ROUTE.— Starting, from Ann st. along Park row to Chatham Square; to Bowery; to Third av.; to Harlem Bridge, f29th st. Return- ing, by same route. Liengtii of line, 814 miles. Trips, every minute. Time one way, 62 minutes. Operated by the Third Av. Railway Co., 1119 Third av. 9 THIRD AVENUE ELEVATED RAILROAD LINE. From South ferry or City Hall to I29th st. and Third av. Transfers— At Chatham Square to Route 7 ; at 129th st. and Third av. to Route 29. ROUTE.— Starting, from South Ferry, to Stations at Hanover Square, Fulton, and Pearl sts., Franklin Square, Chatham Square (branch runs off here to City Hall), on Bowery at Canal st.. Grand St., and Hous- ton St., then on Third av. at 9th, 14th,"l8tli, 23(1, 28th, 34th (branch runs oft here to 34th st. ferry, E. River), 42d (branch runs off here to Grand Cen- tral Depot), 47th, 53d, 59th, 67tli, 76th, 84th, 89th, 99th, 106th, 116th, 125th, and 129th sts. Returning, by same route. Length ot line, from South ferry, 8}4 miles; from City Hall, 7J^ miles. Trips, every 3 to 5 minutes. From midnight to 4.45 a. m., every 20 minutes. Time one way, from South ferry, 43 minutes; from City Hall, 88 minutes. EXPRESS TRAINS.— North-bound trains, starting at City Hall and stopping only at Chatham Square, Canal St., Grand St., and on Third av. at 9th, 23d, 34th, 42d, 59th, 106th. 116th, 125th, and 129th sts., run at intervals of 8 minutes or less from 4.47 p. m. to 6.15 p. m. South-bound trains, starting at 129th st. and stopping only at 125th, 116th, 59th, 42d, 34th, 28th, 23d, 18th, 14th, 9th sts., Houston St., Grand St., Canal St., Chatham Square, and City Hall, run at intervals of 7 minutes or less from 7.01 a. m. to 8.44 a. m. Operated by the Manhattan Elevated Railroad Co., 71 Broadway. 1^ LEXINGTON AVENUE CABLE LINE, w From Broadw'ay and 23d sts. to Lexington av. at 131st st. Transfers— At 34th st. and Lexington av. to Route 49. Connects with 116th St. cross-town line, when completed, from East River to Morn- Ingside Park, and on 116th st. line at Manhattan av. to 109th st. and Col- umbus av.; also with the 96th st. branch, when completed, from Central Park to East River. 83 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. ROUTE.— Starting* from 131st st. aud Lexington av., along Lex- ington av. to E. 23d St.; to Broadway; to Bowling Green; to State St.; to Whitehall St.; to South Ferry. Returuiug, from South ferry, along Whitehall st. to Bowling Green, then by same route to 131st st. and Lex- ington av. Liciigth of line, from Broadway and 23d st. to Lexington av. and 131st st., 5 7-10 miles. Trips, every 1 to 2 minutes. Time one way, from 23d st. to 13lst st., 38 minutes. Operated by Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. FOURTH AVENUE AND MADISON AVENUE LINE. From Ann st. to Mott Haven, at E. 138th st. I I Transfers— At E. 14th st. and Fourth av., to Routes 42 and 43. ROUTE.— Starting, from Ann St., along Park row to Centre sf.; to Grand St.; to Bowery; to Fourth av.; to 32d st (see branch given be- low); to 42d St.; to Madison av.; to 8.5th st. (see branch given below); to E. 138th St. Returning, by same route to Bowery and Broome St.; to Centre st. ; to Park row; to Ann st. Length of line, 8 miles. Trips, every 1^ minutes. Time one way, 8T minutes. Branch connecting cars also run as follows: ROUTES.-l. Starting, from E. 32d and Madison av., to Lexington av.; to E. 34th St.; to Long Island City ferry. Returning, by same route. 3. Starting, from Astor place and Broadway, to main line, at 8th st. aud Fourth av.; to 138th st. Return- ing, by same route. 3. Starting, from Astoria ferry, toot of E. 92d St., along Avenue A. to E. 86th St.; to Madison av. (connecting with main line); to E. 85th St.; to transverse road through Central Park; to Central Park West at W. 86th st. Returning, by same route. Operated by the New York & Harlem Railroad Co. (city line). Fourth av. and 33d st. If% FIFTH AVENUE STAGE LINE. & From Bleecker st. and S. Fifth av., to Fifth av. and E. 89th st. ROUTE.— Starting, from Bleecker st. and S. Fifth av., to Wash- ington square; to Fifth av.; to E. 89th st. Returning, by same route. Liengtli of line, 5 miles. Trips, every 2 minutes. Time one v^ay, 50 minutes. Operated by the Fifth Avenue Transportation Co., E. 89ih St., near Park av. IO BROADWAY CABLE LINE. V From Seventh av. and o9th st., to South ferry. Transfers— At 50th st. and Seventh av. to Routes 19 and 23; at 34th St. and Broadway to Route 49; at Union Square to Route 14; at Houston St. to Route 4; at Prince st. to Route 4; at Spring st. and Broadway to Routes 35 and 36; at Duane st. to Routes 34 and 38; at Chambers st. to Routes 34 and 38; at Vesey st. to Route 15. ROUTE.— Starting, from Seventh av. aud 59th St., along Seventh av. to 45th St. and Broadway; along Broadway to Bowling Green; to State St.; to Whitehall st.; to South ferry. Returning, from South ferry, along Whitehall st. to Bowling Green; to Broadway; to Seventh av. and 59th St. Liengtli of line, 5 miles. Trips, every J^ minute. Time one 'tvay, 43 minutes. Operated by Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. 14 UNIVERSITY PLACE AND GRAND STREET FERRY LINE. From Grand st. ferry, E. River, to Union Square, S. W. corner. Transfers— At Union Square to Route 13, going north ; at Spring St. and Broadway to Route 13, going south. ROUTE. Starting, from Grand st. ferry, on Grand st. to East St.; to Delancey St.; across Bowery to Spring St.; to Greene St.; to Clinton place; to University place; across 14th st. to Union Square. Returning, from Union Square, across 14th st. to University place; to Wooster St.; to Spring St.; across Bowery to Delancey st.; to East St.; to Grand St.; to Grand st. ferry. Licngtli of line, 2}4 miles. Trips, every 3 minutes. Time one way, 26 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. STREET NUMBER GUmE, NEW YORK. 83 If" SIXTH AVENUE LINE. O From 59tli st. and Sixth av. to Vesey st. at Broadway. Transfers— At 34th st. and Sixth av. to Route 49; at Varick and Houston sts. to Route 4; at Vesey st. and Broadway to Route 13; at Canal and Thompson sts. to Route 19. ROUTE.— Startiner, from 59th st. and Sixth av., along Sixth av. to Carmine st.: to Varick st.; to Canal st.; to W. Broadway; across Cham- bers St. to College place; across the block between Barclay and Vesey sts. to Vesey st. at Broadway. Returning:, from Vesey st. at Broad- way, along Vesey st. to Church St.; to Chambers st.; to W. Broadway; to Canal st.: to Varick pt.: to Carmine St.; to Sixth av.; along Sixth av. to 59th St. Length of line, 43^ miles. Trips, every 2 to 3 minutes. Time one ■way, 48 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. I£* SIXTH AVENUE ELEVATED RAILROAD LINE. O From South ferry to Central Park at 58th st. and Sixth av., and from South ferry to 155th st. and Eighth av. Transfers— At 'Mh st. and Ninth av. to Route 22; at 50th st. for Harlem Passengers who have traveled uptown on 58th st. train. Con- nects with New York & Putnam R. R. line at 155th st. ROUTE.— Startinsj* from South ferry, to stations at Battery place. Rector and N. Church sts., Cortlandt and N. Church sts.. Park place and Church St., Chambers st. and W. Broadway, Franklin st. and W. Broadway, Grand st. and S. Fifth a"., Bleecker st. and S Fifth av.. then along Sixth av., stopping at 8th, 14th, 18th, 23d, 28th, 33d, 42d, 50th, and 5Sth sts. Returning, by same route. Passengers on the above line, if for Harlem, or any station en route, will transfer at 50th St., whence they proceed, from the same platform, on a Harlem-bound train to stations at 5.3d st. and Eighth av., then along Ninth av., stopping at 59th, 66th, 72d, 81st, 93d. and 104th sts., then along Eighth av., stopping at 116th, 125th, 135th. 14.5th, and t55th sts., returning by same route. Lensrth of line, from South ferry to .nSth st. and Sixth av., 5 1-5 miles; to 155th st. and Eighth av., 10 4-5 miles. Trips, every 1}4 to 4 minutes. From midnight to 5.30 a. m., every 15 minutes (to 1.55th st.). Time one way, from South Ferry to 58th st. and Sixth av., 29 minutes; to 155th St. and Eighth av., 52 minutes. EXPRESS TRAINS.— North-bound trains, starting at Franklin St. and stopping only at 14th, 18th, 23d, and 42d sts., up to 72d st., thence at every station to iSSth st.. run at intervals of 15 minutes from 5.03^ p. m. to 5.481^ p. ra. South-bound trains, starting from lS5th st. at 9.29 a. m. and 9.58 a. m., do not stop at 116th, 104th, 93d, 33d, 28th, Desbrosses, Warren, and Barclay sts. These two trains run only to Rector st., two stations north of South ferry. South-bound trains, from \2.i'7}4 P- rn- to 1.59>^ p. m., at intervals of 20 minutes, also omit the stations just men- tioned, except 116th st. There are also evening South-bound trains, from 7.243^ p. m. to 8 p. m., at intervals of 12 minutes, which omit stations at 104th, 93d, Desbrosses, Warren, and Barclay sts. Operated by the Man- hattan Elevated Railroad Co., 71 Broadway. 1^ SIXTH AVENUE AND DESBROSSES STREET LINE. # From 59th st. and Sixth av. to Desbrosses st. ferry. Transfers— At 34th st. and Sixth av. to Route 49. ROllTE.-Starting, from 59th st. and Sixth av., along Sixth av. to Carmine st.; to Varick st.; to W. Houston St.; to West St.; to Des- brosses St. ferry. Returning, from Desbrosses st. ferry, on West St., to Charlton st.; to Varick st.; to Cannine st.; to Sixth av., along Sixth av., to 59th St. Trips, every 10 minutes. Time one "way, 40 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broa"dway. 18 SIXTH AVENUE AND AMSTERDAM AVENUE LINE. From 8th st. and Sixth av. to 96th st. and Amsterdam av. Transfers— At .S4th st. and Sixth av. to Route 49; at 65th st. and Columbus av. to Route 33; at 96th st. and Amsterdam av. to Route 21. 84 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. ROUTE.— Startiugr, from 8th st. and Sixth av.; along Sixth av. to 59th St.; to Ninth av.;to the Boulevard; to Amsterdam av.; to 96th st. R/eturniiigt by same route. Trips, every three minutes. Time, one ■*vay, 49 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. IQ LENOX AV. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE. From Oa Lenox av. at Harlem River and 146th st. to Columbus av. at 109th St. Transfers— At Columbus av. and W. 109th st. to Route 23. ROUTE.— Stai'tinjr, from Harlem River at Lenox av. and 146th St.. along Lenox a v. to W. 116th st.; to ]\Ianhattan av.; to Columbus av. at 109th St. Returning, by same route. lieu&rth of line. 2 2-5 miles. Trips, every 2 minutes. Time one way, 14 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. ICk SEVENTH AVENUE LINE. *^ From 50th st. and Seventh av. to Broadway at Canal st. Transfers— At Canal and Thompson sts. to Route 15; at Sullivan and Broome sts. to Route 36: at Sullivan and W. 4th sts. to Route 35; at 50th St. and Seventh av. to Routes 13 and 23. ROUTE.— Starting, from .Wth st. and Seventh av., along Seventh av.'to Greenwich av.: across Sixth av. to Clinton place; to MacDougal St.; to W. 4th St.; to Thompson St.; to Canal St.; on Canal st. to Broad- way. Returning, from Canal st. at Broadway, along Canal st. to Sullivan st.; to W. 3d St.; to Macdougal St.; to Clinton place: across Sixth av. to Greenwich av.; to Seventh av.; to .59th st. Tiengtli of line, 3 miles. Ti'ips, every 3 to 5 minutes. Time one way, 35 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. EIGHTH AVENUE LINE. From Vesey st. at Broadway to Central Bridge, 155th st. and Eighth Av. ROUTE.— Starting, from Vesey st. at Broadway, along Vesey st to Church st.; to Chambers st.; to W. Broadway; to Canal St.; to Hudson St.; to Eighth av.; to Central Bridge. 155tli st. and Eighth av. Return- ing, by same route to W. Broadway, then to College place; to Vesey St., to Broadway. Liengtli of line, 10 miles. Trips, average every 2 minutes. Time one w^ay, l}4 hours. Cars also run along Canal st. as follows: ROUTE.— Starting, from Canal st. at Broadway, along Canal st. to Hudson St., thence along main line as given above. Returning, by same route. Opei-ated by the Eighth av. Railroad Co., Eighth av. and 50th St. 21 NINTH AVENUE AND FULTON STREET LINE. I From 125th st. and Amsterdam av. to Fulton st.."W. of Broadway. Transfers— At 96rh St. and Amsterdam av. to Route 18; at 65th st. and Columbus av. to Route 23; at 34th st. and Ninth av., to Route 50. ROUTE.— Starting, from 125th st. and Amsterdam av., along Am- sterdam av. to the Boulevard; to Columbus av.; to Ninth av.; to Ganse- voort St.; to Washington St. ; to Fulton St.; to Broadway. Returning, from Fulton st. at Broadway, along Fulton st. to Greenwich St.; to Ninth av.; to Columbus av.; to the Boulevard; to Amsterdam av.; to 125th St. Length of Line, "^H miles. Trips, every 3 to 6 minutes. Time one way, 79 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. OO NINTH AVENUE ELEVATED RAILROAD LINE. ^ Ci From South ferry to 59th st. Transfers— At 59th st. and Ninth av. to Route 16. ROUTE.— Starting, from South ferry to Station at Battery place; then along Greenwich st., stopping atRector,Cortlandt, Barclay .Warren, Franklin, Desbrosses, Houston and Christopher sts.; then along Ninth av., 20 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 85 stopping at 14th. 23d, 30th, 34th, 42d, 50th and 59th sts. Returningr, by same route. Liength of line, from South ferry to 59th st. and Ninth av. 514 miles; to InSth st. and Eighth av. lOi^ miles. Trips, every 3 to 6 minutes. Line closes at 8 P. M. Tim* one >vay, to 59tli St., 26 minutes. EXPRESS TRAINS.— North bound trains startinprat Rector st., and stopping only at Cortlandt, Barclay, Warren, Franklin. 42d and 59th sts. en route to 125th st. and stations beyond, run at intervals of 30 minutes from 2:2i^ P. M. to 4 P. M., and at intervals of 15 minutes or less from 4.15J^i P. M. to 6.181^ P. M. South bound trains, starting at 1.55th st. and stopping only at 13.5th, 125th. 59th. and 42d St., en route to Desbrosses st. and stations beyond, run at intervals of 15 minutes or less, from 7.01 A.M. to 9.03 A. M. Operated by the Manhattan Elevated Railroad Co., 71 Broad- way. f% O COLUMBUS AVENUE CABLE LINE. From 110th St. and Man- " O hattan av., to 53d st. and Seventh av., thence to South ferry. Transfers, same as Route 13. Also at 65th st. and Columbus av., to Routes 18 and 21; at Columbus av. and W. 109th st. to Route 18A. ROUTE. — Starting, from 110th st. and Columbus av.; along Columbus av. and across the Boulevard to Ninth av.; to 53d st.; to Seventh av.; then along the route of the Broadway Cable Line to South ferry. Returninsr, by same route, liength of line, 1H miles. Trips, every 1 to 2 minutes. Time one ^vay, 23 minutes from 110th St. to 7th av. and 53d St., and 40 minutes to South ferry. 24 AMSTERDAM AVENUE CABLE LINE. From foot of £. 125th St., to W. 186th st. Transfers— At 125th st. and Third av. to Route 8. ROUTE.- Starting, from foot of E. 125th st., along E. 12.5th st., to W. 125th St.; to Manliattan St.; to Amsterdam av. ;to W. 186th st. Retnrning, by same route. Length of line, ^H miles. Trips, (^(verage) every minute. Time one >vay, 33 minutes. Operated by the Third Avenue Railway Co , 1119 Third av. Oe TENTH AVENUE LINE. ^ O From W. 42d st. to W. 130th St., Fort Lee ferry. Transfers- At 42d st. and Second av. to Route 6; at Boulevard and 71st St. to Route 26. Connects with Main Line at 42d St. and Tenth Av. to 34th St. Ferry (Route 51). ROUTE.-Starting, from W. 42d. st., along Tenth av. to Am- sterdam av., to Manhattan st. (Fort Lee ferry). Returning, by same route. Trips, every 5 minutes. Time one M^ay, 69 minutes. Op- erated by the 42d Street, Manhattanville & St. Nicholas Avenue Railway Co., 118 W. 42d St. t%£i BOULEVARD LINE. ^O From foot of E. 34th st. to W. 130th st. and Fort Lee ferry. Transfers— At Second av. and 42d st., to Route 6; at Seventh av. and 42d St., to Route 25; at Boulevard and Tlst St., to Route 25. ROUTE.-Starting, from foot of E. 34th St., along E. 34th st. to First av. ; to 4'd st.; to Seventh av. ; to Broadway; to the Boulevard; to Manhattan St. (Fort Lee f err?). Retnrning. by same route. Trips, every 3 minutes. Time one way, 59 minutes. Operated bv the 42d Street, Manhattanville & Sr. Nicholas Avenue Railway Co., 118 W. 42d st. #>"7 PORT MORRIS LINE. mi t From E. 129th st. and Third av. to Port Morris, E. of E. 133th st. Transfers— At 13Sth st. and Third av., f o Routes 28, 30,32, 56. ROUTE.-Starting, from E. 129th st. and Third av., along Third fiv., to Soutliern Boulevard: to Lincoln av. ; to E, 138th St.; to Port Morris. |86 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Retiii'ningr, by same route. lieiisrth of line, 1% miles. Trips, every 8 minutes. Time one way, 12 minutes. Operated by the Union Railway Co., 2389 Third av. AQ WESTCHESTER AVENUE LINE. ^ O From 129th st. and Third av. to Southern Boulevard. Transfers-At 138th st. and Third av. to Routes 27, 30, 32, 56. ROUTE.— Startiuff, from 129th st. and Third av., along Third av. to Westchester av.; to Southern Boulevard. Retuvninar, by same route. Lieneth of line, 21/^ miles. Trips, every 7>^ minutes. Time one way, 20 minutes. Operated by tne Union Railway Co., 2389 Third av. OCfc SUBURBAN ELEVATED RAILROAD LINE. ^7J From 129th st. and Third av. to 17Tth st. and Third av. Transfers— At 129th St. and Third av. to Route 9; and at 129th st. and Second av. to Route 7. ROUTE.— Starting, from 129th st. and Third av. to stations at 129th St. and Second av.; to I33d, 138th, 143d, 149th, 156th, I61st, 16fith, and 169th sts.; Wendover av.; 174th St., then 177th st. and Third av., Treniont. RetHrning:, by same route. licngth of line, 3 7-10 miles. Trips, every 6 minutes to 12.45 A. M. Time one 'way, 17 minutes. Operated by the Manhattan Elevated Railroad Co., 71 Broadway. Q i\ WEST FARMS LINE. O w From 129th st. and Third av\ to West Farms, E. of E. 178th st. Transfers— At 138th st. and Third av. to Routes 27, 28, 32, 56. ROUTE.— Starting, from E. 129th st. and Third av., across Har- lem River, along Third av. to Mott Haven; to Melrose; to Boston av., Morrisania; along Boston av. to West Farms. Returning, by same route. Liength of line* 3M miles. Trion, every 3 minutes. Time one way, 25 minutes. Operated by the Union Railway Co., 2389 Third av. 31 WESTCHESTER VILLAGE LINE. I From E. leist st. to Jerome av. Transfers— At 161st st. and Third av. to Route 32. ROUTE.— Starting, from E. 161st st. and Third av., along Third av. to Girard av.; to Jerome av. Returning, by same route. Jjength of line, 1%C miles. Trips, every 10 minutes. Time one way, 10 minutes. Operated by the Union Railway Co., 2389 Third av. QO FORDHAM LINE. O fc From 129th st. and Third av. to Fordham. Transfers-At ISSHi st. and Third av. to Routes 27, 28, 30, 56; at 161st St. and Third av. to Route 31. ROUTE.— Starting, from 129th st. and Third av., across Harlem River, along Third av. to Mott Haven; to Melrose; along Third av. to Fordham. Returning, bv same route. Liengtli of line, 4 miles. Trips, every 4 minutes. Time one way, 30 minutes. Operated by the Union Railway Co., 2389 Third av. EAST AND WEST. O O FULTON, CORTLANDT, AND BARCLAY STREET FERRY O O LINE. From Fulton ferry, E. River, to Barclay and Cortlandt St. ferries, N. River. ROUTE.— Starting, from Fulton ferry, along Fulton St. from South St. to West St., alternate cars to Barclay and Cortlandt st. ferries. Returning, by same route. Length of line, IM miles. Trips, every 3 to 5 minutes. Time one wav, 10 minutes. Operated by North ^ East River Railway Co., 40 Court St., Brdoklyn, STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 87 <9 M CHAMBERS STREET & ROOSEVELT STREET FERRY LINE. 04 From Roosevelt st. ferry, E. River, to Pavonla ferry, N. River. Transfers— At Chambers and Duane sts., to Route 13. HOUTE.— Starting, from Roosevelt st. ferry, along South st. to James' slip; to New Chambers st.; to Chambers St.: to West St.; across "West St. to Pavonia ferry. Returning, fi'om Pavonia ferry, along West St. to Duane st.; to New Chambers St.; to James' slip; to South st.; to Roosevelt st. ferry, also Long Island City Ferry. liCngtii of line, 1 1-10 miles. Trips, every 2 minutes. Time one way, 14 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. Of- CROSS TOWN LINE FROM GRAND STREET FERRY TO O O 14th STREET FERRY. From Grand st. ferry, E. River, to 14th St. ferry, N. River. Transfers— At Spring st. and Broadway, to Route 13: at Sullivan and W. 4th St., to Route 19. ROUTE.— Starting, from Grand st. ferry, along Grand st. to East St.; to Delancey st.; across Bowery to Spring St.; to S. Fifth av.; to W. 4th St.; to Macdougal st.; to Waverly place; to Bank st.; to Greenwich av.; to W. 13th St.; to Thirteenth av. ;to 14th st. ferry. Returning, by same route. liengih of line, Similes. Trips, every 25 minutes. Time one way, 37 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway.' o^:^ CROSS town line from grand street ferry to OO DESBROSSES STREET FERRY. From Grand st. ferry, E. River, to Desbrosses st. ferry, N. River. Transfers— At Spring st. and Broadway, to Route 13; at Spring and Greene sts., to Route 46; at Sullivan and Broome, to Route 19. ROUTE.— Starting, from Grand st. ferry, along Grand st. to East St.; to Delancey st.; across Bowery to Spring st.; to S. Fifth av.; to Broome St.; to Walts St.; to Desbrosses st. ferry. Returning, by same route. Ijengtii of line, 2]4 miles. Trips, every 5 minutes. Time one ^vay, 25 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. Q ^ DRSBROSSES STREET AND GRAND STREET FERRY LINE. O # From Grand st. ferry, E. River, to Desbrosses st. ferry, N. River Transfers — At Grand and Columbia Sts. to Routes 3 and 39; at Grand st. between Essex and Clinton sts. to Route 5; at Grand st. and Bowerv to Route 8. ROUTE.— Starting, from Grand .st. ferry, along Grand st. to Sullivan st., to Vestry St.; to Greenwicli St.; to Desbrosses st.; to Des- l)rosses st. ferry. Returning, from Desbrosses st. ferry, along Des- brosses St.; to Washington st.; to Vestry St., then by same route as above, to Grand st. ferry. Ti'ips, every ij^ to 3 minutes. Time one way, 21 minutes. Operated by the Dry Dock, E. Broadway & Battery Railway Co., 605 Grand st. OQ CHAMBERS STREET AND GRAND STREET FERRY LINE. O O From Grand st. ferry, E. River to Pavonia ferry, N. River. Ti'ansfers- At Chambers st. and Broadway to Route 13; at Duane St. and Broadway to Route 13; at MadisonandGoverueursts. to Route4U. ROUTE.— Starting, from Grand st. ferry, on East st., to Cherry St.; to Jackson st.; to Madison St.; to New Chambers st.; to Chambers St.; to West St.; across West st. to Pavonia ferry. Returning, from Pavonia ferry, along West st. to Duane St., to New Chambers St.; to Mad- ison St.; to Jackson St. ; to Cherry St.; to East St.; to Grand st. ferry. liength of tine, 2 1-16 miles. Trips, every 2 minutes. Time »'n"e ^vay, 26 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. OO GRAND STREET AND CORTLANDT STREET FERRY LINE. 09 From Grand st ferry, E. River to Cortlandt st. ferry, N. River. Ti-ansfers- At Grand and Columbia sts. to Routes 8 and 37; Canal St. and Bowery to Route 8. 7 88 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. ROUTE.— Starting, from Grand st. ferry, along Grand st. toE. Broadway; to Canal St.; to Walker st.; to N. Moore st.; to Washington st.; to Cortlahdt st.; to Cortlandt sr. ferry. Returning, from Cortlandt st. ferry, along Cortlandt st. to Greenwich St.; to Beach st. ; to Lispenard st.; to Canal st ; to E. Broadway; to Grand st.; to Grand st. ferry. Lienertli of line, 2% miles. Trips, every 23^ to 6 minutes. Time one -^vay, 29 minutes. Operated by the Dry Dock, E. Broadw-ay & Battery Railway Co., 605 Grand st. Ai\ TENTH STREET FERRY fGREENPOINT) LINE. Branch of •frw Avenue C Route. From Greenpoint ferry to Ridge and Madi- son sts. Transfers— At Avenue C and E. 10th st. to Route 4; at Madison and Governeur sts. to Route 38. ROUTE.— Starting, from Greenpoint ferry, along E. 10th st., to Avenue D; to E. 11th st.; to Avenue C: to E. Houston st. ; to Ridge St.; to Montgomery; to Madison st. Returning along Madison st. to Gov- erneur st., across Grand st. to Pitt St.; to Avenue C; to E. 10th St.; to Greenpoint ferry. liengtli of line, —miles. Trips, every minutes. Time one "wav, minutes. Operated by the Metro- politan Street Railway Co., 631 Broadway. 41 CHRISTOPHER STREET AND TENTH STREET FERRY LINE. I From Christopher st. ferry ,|N. River to E. 10th st. ferry, E. River. Transfers— At 8th st. and 9th st. and Second av. to Route 6. R'» UTE.— Starting, from Hoboken ferry, foot of Christopher st , along Christopher st. to Greenwich av.: to Clinton place; to E. 8th st.; to St. Mark's place; to Avenue A; to E. 10th st.; to Greenpoint ferry, foot of E. lOth St. Returning, from Greenpoint ferry, along E. lO'th st. to Avenue A; to E. 9th St.; to Stuyvesant st.; to E. 8th St.; to Clinton place; to Greenwich av.; to W. 10th St.; to West st.; to Hoboken ferry, foot of Christopher St. Liength of line, 2]4 miles. Trips, every 3 minutes. Time one wav, 24 minutes. Operated by the Central Cross Townllail- road Co.. 170 Christopher st. Mgy CHRISTOPHER STREET FERRY AND UNION SQUARE Hpcb line. From Union Square to Hoboken ferry. Yellow cars. Transfers— At Seventh av. and 14th Route 45; at Union Square and E. 14th st. to Route 11. ROUTE.— Starting, from Fourth av. and E. 14th st., along E. and W. 14th St. to Ninth av.; to Gansevoort St.; to Washington st. ; to Christo- pher St., Hoboken ferry. Returning, from Hoboken ferry, along Christopher st., to Greenwich St.; to W. and E. 14th St.; to Fourth av. at Union Square. Length of line, 13^ miles. Trips, every 4 minutes. Time one wav, 19 minutes. Operated by the Central Cross Town Railroad Co., 170 Christopher st. ja Q FOURTEENTH STREET FERRY AND UNION SQUARE *frO LINE. From Union Sq. to 14th st. ferry, N. River. White cars. Transfers— At Seventh av. and W. Uth st. to Route 45; at Union Square and E. 14th st. to Route 11. ROUTE.— Starting, from Union Square, along E. and W. 14th st. to Hoboken ferry, foot of W. 14th st. Returning, by same route. Liengtli of line, IH miles. Tj'ips. everv 214 minutes. Time one way, 13 minutes. Operated by the Central Cross Town Railroad Co. 170 Christopher st. MM FOURTEENTH STREET LINE. •fr From 23d st. ferry, N. River to 4th av., at 14th st. Green cars. Transfers— At 14th st. and Hudson st. to Route 46; at 14th st. and Fourth av. to Route 50. ROUTE.-Starting, from 2.Sd st. ferrv, N. River, along W.23d st. to Eleventh av.; to 14th st. ferry, N. River, along W. and E. Uth st. to Union Square. Returning, by same route. Length of line, IH miles. Trips, every 4 to 6 minutes. Time one Avav, 20 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YOKK. 89 M e CENTRAL CROSS TOWN LINE. 40 Froni23dst.feny,E. River to Christopher St. ferry, N. River. Blue cars. Transfers— At 17th and 18th sts., at Second av. to Route 6; at 14th Bt. and Seventh av. to Route 43. ROUTE.— Slartiiig, from 23d st. ferrv, E. River, to Avenue A; to E. ISth St.; to Broadway; to E. and W. 14th St.: to Seventh av.; to W. 11th St.; to West St.; to Christopher st. ferry. Returning, from Cln-istopher st. ferrv, along West st. to W. 11th St.; to Seventh av. ; to W. and E. 14th st. ; to Union Square West; to E. ITth St.; to Avenue A; to foot of E. 23d St. Length of line, 2 3-5 miles. Trips, every 3 min- utes. Time one -wav, 26 minutes. Operated by the Centi-al Cross Town Railroad Co., ITO Christopher st. A£t BLEECKER STREET AND FULTON FERRY LINE. From 23d *r O St. ferry, N. River to Brooklyn bridge and Fulton ferry, E. River. Transfers, at W. 14th and Hudson sts. to Route 44; at Spring and Wooster sts. to Route 36. ROUTE.— Starting, from 23d st. ferry, N. River, along 23d st. to Ninth av.; to W. 14th St.; to Hudson St.; to Bleecker st.; to Wooster st.;to Canal St.; across Broadway to Elm st.; to Reade st. ; to Centre st.; to Park row (Brooklvn bridge); to Beekman st. ; to South St.; to Fulton ferry. Returning, from Fulton ferry, along Fulton st. to William st.; to Ann St.; to Park row: to Centre St.; to Leonard st.; to Elm St.; to Canal St.; across Broadway to Greene st.: to Bleecker st.; to Macdougal st.; to W. 4th St.; to AV. 12th St.; to Hudson St.: to Ninth av.: to W. 23d st.; to 2:M st. ferrv, N. River fPavonia ferry). Liength of line, 334 miles. Trips, everv 3 to 6 minutes. Time one way, to Brooklyn bridge, 34 minutes; to Fulton ferrj% 43 minutes. Operated Dy the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. M ^ TWENTY-THIRD STREET LINE.— Thirtt-Fotjrth St. Feery •I' / Br Axcn. From 23d st. ferry, N. River to 34th st. ferry, E. River. ROUTE.— Starting, from 23d st. ferry, N. River, along W. and E. 23d St. to Second av.; to 28th St.; to First av.; to 34th st. ferry. E. River to (Long Island Citv) . Returning, from S4th st. ferry, E. River, to First av.; to 29th St.; to Second av.; to E. 2od St.; along E. and W. 23d st. to 23d St. ferry, N. River (Pavonia ferry). I.ength of line, iVz miles. Trips, every 4 to 6 minutes. Time one way, 27 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. A O TWENTY-THIRD STREET LINE. *| O From 23d St., N. River to 23d St., E. River. ROUTE.— Starting) from 23d st. ferry, N. River, alocg W. and E. 23d St. to 23d st. ferrv, E. River (Greenpoint and Williamsburg ferries). Returning, by sam'e route, liengtli of line, 2 miles. Trips, every 1 to 2 minutes. Time one way, 22 minutes. Operated by the Metro- politan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. MCk THIRTY-FOURTH STIEET LINE. 4^ From 34th st. ferrv, E. River to 42d st. ferry, N. River. Transfers-At W. 34tli st. and Broadway to Route 13; at W. 34th St. and Si.xth av. to Routes 15, 17, 18 ; at E. 31th st. and Lexington av. to Route 10. ROUTE.-^tarting, from 34th st. ferry, E. River (Long Island City ferrv), along E. and W. 34th st. to Tenth av.; to W. 42d st.; to 42d st. ferry. Returning, by same route. Lenortli of line, \M miles. Trips, everv 3 to 4 minutes. Time one way, 23 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. g'fX FORTY-SECOND STREET AND GRAND STREET FERRY 0\^ LINE. From 42d st., Ferry N. River to Grand st. ferry, E. River. Transfers— At 34th st. and Ninth av. to Route 21 ; at E. 14th st. and Fotirth av. to. Route 44. ROUTE.— Starting, from 42d st. ferrv, N. River (Weehawken ferry), along W. 42d st. to Tenth av.; to W. 34th st ; to Broadway; to E. 23d St.; to Fourth av.; to E. 14th st.; to Avenue A; to 1st St.; to E. Hous- 90 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. ton st; to Cannon St.; to Grand st. ferry, E. River (Broadway and Grand St., Brooklyn, ferries). Returning, from Grand st. ferry, along Grand St. to Goerck st.; to E. Houston st.; to 2d St.; to Avenue A; to E. I4th St.; to Fourth av.; to E. 23d St.; to Broadway; to W. 34th St.: to Tenth av.; to W. 42d st , along W. 42d st. to 42d st. ferry, N. River. Between 23d St. and 34th St., every alternate car runs on 23d st. and on Sixth av. instead of Broadway. liengtli of line, 2^4 miles. Trips, every 3 to 4 min- utes. Time one way, 50 minutes. Operated by the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 621 Broadway. 51 FORTY-SECOND STREET LINE. I From 34th st. Ferry, E. River, to 42d st., N. River. Transfers— At E. 42d st. and Second av. to Route 6; at W. 42d st. and Seventh av. to Route 26 ; at W. 42d st. and Tenth av. to Route 25. IlOlJTE.-SSiarting:, from E. 34th st. ferry (Long Island City ferry), along E. 34th st. to First av.; to E. 4M St., along E. and W. 42d st. to foot of \V. 42d St. (Weehawken ferry). Returning, by same route. Trips, every 3 minutes. Tiiiie one ^'ay, 25 n)inutes. Operated by the 42d Street., Manhattanville «fc St. Nicholas Avenue Railroad Co., 118 E. 42d St. The several branches of the above company are known as Boulevard (Route 26), Tenth av. (Route 25), St. Nicholas a v. and 110th st. (Route 54), and Riverside Drive (Route 53). fZt% CEMTKAL PARK, NORTH AND EAST RIVER CROSS TOWN 9& LINE. From 59th st. and Tenth av. to 59th st. and First av. Connects with Central Park, North and Fast River Belt Ltne (Route 1), at Terminals. ROUTE.- Starting, from W. 59th st. and Tenth av., along W. and E. 59th St. to First av. Returning, bv same route. Lengtli of line, 2% miles. Trips, every 4 minutes. Time one 'way, 15 minutes. jp- Q PvIYBRSIDE DRIVE LINE. 90 From Amsterdam av. to Riverside Drive. Connects with Main Line at Amsterdam Av. and W. 86th St. ROUTE.— Starting, from Amsterdam av. and W. 86th st., along W. 8Gth St. to Riverside Drive. Returning, by same route. Trips, to meet main line. Time one way, 5 minutes. fZ.A ONE-HCJNDRED-AND-TENTH STREET AND ST. NICHOLAS w*r AVENUEjLINE. From Pleasant av. to Fort Lee ferry, N.River. Transfers— At E. llOth st. and Second av. to Route 6. ROUTE.-Starting, from Pleasant av. (E. of First av. at 110th st.), along E. and W. UUth st. to St. Nicholas av.; to Manhattan st.; to Fort Lee ferry, N. River. Returning, by same route. Trips, every 4 minutes. 1 inie one ^vay, 24 minutes. Operated by the 42d Street, Manhattanville & St. Nicholas Avenue Railroad Co., 118 E. 42d st. (-(- ONE-HUNDRED-AND-TWENTY-FIFTH STREET CABLE 09 JASK. Fromfootof E. 125th st to Fort Lee ferry, foot of Man- hattan St. Transfers— At 125th st. and Third av. to Route 8. IIOUTE.- Starting, from foot of E. 125th st., along E. and W. 125th St. to Fort Lee ferry, foot of Manhattan st. (continuation of W. 130th St.). Returning, by same route. Liengtli of line, 2}4 miles. Trips, (average) every minute. Time one -way, 13 minutes. Oper- ated by the Third Avenue Railway Co., 1119 Third av. gmg-^ ONE-HUNDREDAND-THIRTY-FIFTH STREET LINE. OO From W. 135th st. and Eighth av. to E. 138th st. and Third av. Transfers— At 138th st. and Third av. to Routes 27, 28, 30, 32. ROUTE.— Starting, from W. 135th st. and Eighth av., along 135th St. to Madison av.; over Madison av. bridge to E. 138th st.; to Third av. at E. 138th St. Returning, by same route. Length of line, l]4 miles. Trips, every 4 minutes. Time one 'way, 10 minutes. Operated by the Union Railway Co., 2389 Third ay. STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK, 91 DEPOTS. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Coram unipaw, Jersey City; ferry from foot Liberty. Brooklyn, Bath & West End Railroad, Fifth avenue and 36th, Brooklyn; reached via Brooklyn Bridge & Union Elevated Railroad. Central Railroad of New Jersey, Communipaw, Jersey City ; ferry from foot Liberty. Delaware, Lackawanna & Wescern Railroad, foot Newark and Ferry, Hoboken, N. J. ; ferry from foot Barclay or Christopher. Lehigh Valley Railroad, Communipaw, Jersey City; ferry from foot Liberty. I^ong Island Railroad, Long Island City; ferry from foot East 34th or James slip. New Jersey Southern Railroad; steamers from foot Rector connect with trains at Atlantic Highlands, N. J., during summer. New Jersey «t New York Railroad, Pavonia avenue, Jersey City; ferry from foot Chambers or West 23d. New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, Grand Central Depot, East 42d and Vanderbilt avenue. New York & Greenwood Lake Railroad. Pavonia avenue, Jersey City: ferry from foot Chambers or West 23d. New York & Harlem Railroad, Grand Central Depot, East 42d and Van- derbilt avenue. New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, Pavonia avenue, Jersey City; ferry from foot Chambers or West 23d. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, Grand Central Depot, East 42d and Vanderbilt avenue. New York & Northern Railroad, West 155th and Eighth avenue. New York, Ontario & Western Railroad, Weehawken, N. J.; ferry from foot Franklin or West 42d. New York & Sea Beach Railroad, Bay Ridge; ferry from foot Whitehall. Pennsylvania Railroad, Montgomery, Jersey City; ferry from foot Des- brosses or Cortlandt. Staten Island Railroad; ferry foot AVhitehall. West Shore Railroad, Weehawken, N. J.; ferry from foot Franklin or West 42d, FERRIES. AsToniA— From 92d, East River. Bay Ridge— From foot Whitehall. Bedloe's Island— From Barge Office pier, at Battery. Blackwell's Island— From 26th, East River. 52d, East River. 76th, East River. Brooklvn— From Catherine slip. East River, to foot Main. Fulton, East River, to foot Fulton. Wall, East River, to foot Montague. Whitehall, East River, to foot Atlantic avenue. Whitehall, East River, to foot Hamilton avenue. Whitehall, East River, to foot 39th. Grand, East River, to foot Grand. East Houston, East River, to foot Grand. Grand, East River, to foot Broadway. Roosevelt, East River, to foot Broadway. 2od, East River, to foot Broadway. College PoiNT-From 99th, East River. Ellts Island— From Barge OfHce pier, at Battery. FoKT Lee— From Canal, 22d, and 129th, North River. Governou's Island— From foot Whitehall. GowANUS Bay— From Whitehall, East River. Geeenpoint— From 10th, East River. 23d. East River. Hart's Island— From 26th, East River. Hoboken— From Barclay, North River, to foot Newark and Ferry. Christopher, North River, to foot Newark and Ferry. 14th, North River, to 14th. 92 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Ferries -Continued. Jersey City— From Chambers, North River, to Pavonia avenue. Cortlanclt, North River, to Montgomery. Desbrosses, North River, to Montgomery. Liberty, North River, to Communipaw. 13th, North River, to Bay. 23d, North River, to Pavonia avenue. Long- Island City— From James Slip, East River, to Borden avenue. 34th, East River, to Borden avenue. Randall's Island— From 120th, East River. Staten Island -From Whiteliall, East River, to St. George. Ward's Island— From ILTth, East River. Weehawken— From 42d, North River, to Old slip. 42d and Franklin, North River, to R. R. slip. STEAMSHIP AND STEAMBOAT COMPANIES. Albany Day Line, foot of Vestry, North River. Allan— State Line, foot of West 21st, North River. American Line, foot of Fulton, Pier 14 (new). North River. American Passenger Lines, Robert Pier, Brooklyn. Anchor Line, foot of AVest 24th, North River. Atlantic Transport Liue, foot of West 27th, North River. Atlas Steamship Co., foot of West 25th, North River. 15ridgeport Steamboat Co., foot of Catherine, East River. Catskill Evening Line, foot of West 11th, North River. Citizens' Line, foot of Christopher, North River. Clyde Steamship Co., foot of Roosevelt, East River. Columbian Line, foot of Barrow, Pier 4;! (new). North River. Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, foot of Morton, North River. Cromwell Line, foot of Rector, North River. Cunard Line, foot of Clarkson, North River. Fall River Line, foot of Murray, North River. Florio-Rubattino Line, Mediterranean Piers, Brooklyn. Guion Line, Pier B, Jersey City. Hamburg-American Packet Co., foot of 1st, Hoboken, N. J. Hartford & New York Transportation Co., Pier 21 (old), East River. Honduras & Central American Co., Pier, Atlantic Dock, Brooklyn. Inman Line, foot of Christopher, North River. Kingston Line, foot of West 10th, Pier 4{i, North River. Mallory Line, Pier, Burling Slip, East River. Maine Steamship Co., foot of Market, East River. Mary Powell Steamboat Co., foot of Desbrosses and W.22d, North River. Mediterranean Line, foot of 2d, Hoboken, N. J. North German Lloyd Steamship Co., foot of 2d, Hoboken, N. J. National Line, foot of West Houston, North River. Netherlands Line, foot of 5th, Hoboken. Newburgh Line, foot of Franklin or Vestry, North River. New Haven Line, Peck Slip, East River. New York & Norwalk Steamboat Co., foot of Beekman, East River. Norwich Line, foot of Desbrosses, North River. People's Line, foot of Canal, North River. Providence Line, foot of Canal, North River. Quebec Steamship Line, foot 10th, North River. Red Star Line, foot of Grand, Jersey City. Red D Line, Pierrepont Stores, Brooklyn. Stonington Line, foot of Canal, North River. Thingvalla Line, foot 4th, Hoboken. White Star Line, foot of 10th, North River. Wilson Line, adjoining Wall Street Ferry, Brooklyn. HOTELS. Aberdeen, Broadway and 21st. Albert, University Place and Uth. Arno, 14 West 28th. Ashland House, Fourth avenue and 24th. As tor House, Broadway, corner Barclay. Aulic, 1329 Broadway. Barrett House, Broadway and 43d. STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 93 Hotels— Continued. Belvedere, Fourth avenue and 18tb, Brevoort House, 11 Fifth avenue. Broadway Central, 671 Broadway. Brower House, Broadway and 28th. Buckingham, Fifth avenue and 50th. Coleman House, 1169 Broadway. Colonnade, 726 Broadway. Continental, Broadway and 20th . Cosmopolitan, Chambers and West Broadway. Earle's, 239 Canal. Everett House, Fourth avenue and 17th. Everett's, 104 Vesey. Fifth Avenue, Fifth avenue and 23d. Gedney House, Broadway and 40th. Gerlach, 55 West27tli. Gilsey House, 1202 Broadway. Glenham House, 155 Fifth avenue. Gladstone, Broadway and 59th. Gramercy Park House, 35 Gramercy Park. Grand, Broadway and 31st. Grand Union, Park avenue and 42d. Grosvenor, 37 Fifth avenue. Hamblen's Hotel, 148 Chambers. Hamilton, Fifth avenue and 42d. Hoflman House, 1111 Broadway. Holland House, Fifth avenue and 80th. Hotel Barthoidi, Broadway and 23d. Hotel Bristol, Fifth avenue and 42d. Hotel Brunswick 225 Fifth avenue. Hotel Dam, 104 East 15th. Hotel Devonshire, 30 East 42d. Hotel Espanol, 116 West 14th. Hotel Grenoble, 888 Seventh avenue. Hotel Hungaria, 4 Union Square. Hotel Imperial, Broadway and 32d. Hotel Marie Antoinette, Boulevard, corner West 66th. Hotel Marlborough, Broadway and 36th. Hotel Martin, University place and 9th. Hotel Metropole, Broadway and 41st. Hotel Monico, 7 East 18th. Hotel Netherlands, Fifth avenue, corner 59th. Hotel Normandie, Broadway and 38th. Hotel St. George, 825 Broadway. Hotel St. ]\Iarc, Fifth avenue and 39th. Hotel St. Stephen, 50 East 11th. Hotel Savoy, Fifth avenue and 59tn. Hotel Vendome, Broadway and 41st. Hotel Waldorf, Fifth avenue and 33d. Hotel Winthrop, 2088 Seventh avenue. International, 17 Park Row. Langham, Fifth avenue and 52d. Leggett's, 76 Park Row. Logerot, Fifth avenue and 18th. Madison Avenue, Madison avenue and 58th. Morton House, Broadway and 14th. Mount Morris, 2396 Third avenue. Murray Hill, Park avenue and 40th. Nevada, 205 Boulevard. New Amsterdam, Fourth avenue and 21st. Oriental, Broadway and 39th. Park Avenue, Fourth avenue and 32d. Plaza, Fifth avenue and 59th. Putnam House, 367 Fourth avenue. San Remo, Eight avenue, corner 75th. Revere House, 606 Broadway. 94 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Hotels— Continued. Savoy, Fifth avenue and 59tb. St. Cloud, Broadway and 42d. St. Denis, Broadway and 11th. St. James, Broadway and 28th. St. Nicholas, Broadway and Washington place. Sherwood, Fifth avenue and 44th. Sinclair House, Broadway, corner 8th. Smith and McNeil's, 199 Washington. Stewart House, Broadway, corner West 41st. ^ Sturtevant House, 1186 Broadway. Union Square, 16 Union Square East. United States, Fulton and Water. Vanderbilt, Lexington avenue and 42d. Waldorf, Fifth avenue and 33d. Westminster, Irving place and E. 16th. Windsor, Fifth avenue and 46th. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Abbey's Theatre, Broadway and 38th. Academy of Music, 14th and Irving place. Amberg's Theatre, 15th and Irving place. American Institute, Third avenue and 64th. American Museum of Natural History, 78th and Central Pai'k, W. American Theatre, Eight avenue and 42d. Association Hall, Fourth avenue and 24th. Atlantic Garden, 50 Bowery. Beethoven Hall, 210 East 5th. Berkeley Lyceum, 19 West 44th. Bijou Opera House, Broadway, near 30th. Brevoort Hall, 54th, between Lexington and Fourth avenues. Broadway Theatre, Broadway and 41st. Casino, Broadway and 39th. Central Opera House, Third avenue and 6Ttli. Chickeriag Hall, Fifth avenue and 18tli. Clarendon Hall, 13th, between Third and Fourth avenues. Columbus Theatre, Lexington avenue and 125th. Cooper Union Hall, Fourth avenue and Stli. Daly's Theatre, Broadway and 30th. Doris' Museum, 351 Eighth avenue. Eden Musee, 23d, near Sixtli avenue. Eighth Street Theatre, Eighth, near Broadway. Empire Theatre, Broadway and 40th. Everett Hall, 33 East 4th. Fifth Avenue Theatre, Broadway and 28th. Fourteenth Street Theatre, 14th, near Sixth avenue. Garden Theatre, Madison avenue and 27th. Garrick Theatre, 85th E. of Broadway. Grand Opera House, Eighth avenue and 23d. Hamraerstein's Harlem Opera House, 125th and Seventh avenue. Harlem Theatre, 162 East 125th. Herald Square Theatre, Broadway, corner 35th. Huber's Palace Museum, Fourth avenue, near 14th. Jacobs' Theatre, Third avenue and 81st. Koster & Bial's, West 34th, between Broadway and Seventh avenue. Lenox Lyceum, Madison avenue and 59th. Lexington Avenue Opera House. 58th, between Third and Lexington avcs. i^ondon Theatre, 235 and 237 Bowery. Lyceum Opera House, Lexington avenue and 34th. Lyceum Theatre, Fourth avenue, between 23d and 24th. Lyric Hall, 723 Sixth avenue. Madison Square Garden, Madison avenue and 26th. Metropolitan Opera House, Broadway and 39th. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fifth avenue and 83d. Miner's Theatre, Eighth avenue, near 25th. STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. 95 Places of Amusement— Continued. Miner's Theatre. 165 and 167 Bowery. Music Hall, 57tli and Seventh avenue. National Academy of Design, 23d and Fourth avenue. National Theatre, 118 and 120 Bowery. New London Theatre, 113 Bowery. Olympic Theatre, Third avenue and 130th. Palmer's Theatre, Broadway and 80th. Parepa Hall, 86th and Third avenue. People's Theatre, 199 and 201 Bowery. Proctor's Theatre, 23d, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. Standard Theatre, Broadway and 3od. Star Theatre, Broadway, corner 13th. Steinway Hall, 14th, near Fourth avenue. St. James Hall, Broadway near 29th. Tammany Hall, 14th, near Irving place. Thalia Theatre, 46 Bowery. Theatre Comique, 163 East 125th. Tony Pastor's Theatre, 14th, near Third avenue. Union Square Theatre, 14th, near Broadway. Windsor Theatre, 45 Bowery. Worth's Museum, Sixth avenue, near 30th. CLUBS. Abingdon, 305 West 12th. Actors' Amateur Athletic Association, 42 West 2Sth. Adirondack League, 203 Broadway. Albemarle, 6 West 28th. Alclare Tennis, 26 Broad. Aldine, 75 Fifth avenue. Alpha Delta Phi, 35 West 33d. Amateur Rifle, 12 John. American Athletic, 135th and Railroad avenue. American Fox Terrier, 2 Wall. American Jersey Cattle, 8 West 17th. American Kennel, 44 Broadway. American Mastiff, 9 West 35th. American Spaniel, 163 Broadway. American Yacht, 32 Park place. Anawanda, 345 Second avenue. Apollo, 142 West 125th. Ariel Tennis, St. Ann's avenue, corner East 136tli. Arion, Park avenue, corner East 59th. Arlington League, 240 West 14th. Aschenbroedel, 44 East 86th. Atalanta Boat, West 152d and Harlem River. Atlanta, 58 East 3d. Atlantic Yacht, 57 Chambers. Audubon Yacht, foot West 153d. Authors', 158 West 23d. Balfe Musical, 16a East 86th. Berkeley Atnletic, 23 West 44th. Berkeley Ladies' Athletic, 23 West 44th. Brown University (of New York), 36 Wall. Building Trades', 117 East 23d. Business Men's Republican, 67 New. Calumet, 267 Fifth avenue. Canoeists', 55 West 26th. Caterers', 127 West 26th. Cathedral Literary and Athletic Association, 142 East 50th. Catholic, 120 West 59th. Catholic Club of New York, 20 West 27th. Central Turn Verein, 67th and Third avenue. Century, 7 West 43d. Cercle Francals de I'Harmonie, 24 West 26th. Century Association, 7 West 43d. Chelsea Plantation, 18 East 21st. 96 STREET NUMBER GUIDE, NEW YORK. Clubs— Continued. Chi Phi, '