^LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. # # # 2 [SMITHSONIAN DEPOSIT.] f ^ _ J) I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.^ .'Hi ^ r. ^ HlA\ THE ^SN^ njAv THE /^ gIEDEN OE AMERICA; CONTAINING PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS FOR THE CULTURE OF FLOWERS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, THE NATURES AND IMPROVEMENT OF SOILS, MANURES, AND THEIR APPLICATION, WOUNDS, DISEASES AND CURES, MONTHLY CALENDAR, INSECTS, BOTANY, ETC. BY WALTER ELDER, AN EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL GARDENER. **Know ye the land wherein Washington flourished, Where man is regarded the fellow of man." PHILADELPHIA : MOSS & BROTHER. / 1849. Ikitered according to the Act of Congress, in the vear 1848, by MOSS & BROTHER, In the office of the Clerk of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Stereotyped by R. P. JSlosrid^e. Printed by T. K. ^ P. G. Collins, AMERICAN AUTHORS ON HORTICULTURE. Robert Buist, seed and nurseryman, Philadelphia, is the most comprehensive writer on choice flowering plants in America ; his "American Flower Garden Directory" being the standard work on floriculture in this country. His " Rose Manual," on that queen of flowers, the rose, is a gem ; and his "Family Kitchen Garden" is said to be the best treatise on culinary vegetables. Thomas Bridgeman, nurseryman and florist, New York City, is a plain, unassuming writer ; his " Gardener's Assistant" has done much good, and is an excellent treatise on general gardening. A. J. Downing, nurseryman and florist, Newburg, Orange Co., N. Y., is perhaps the most eloquent Horticultural writer of the present age ; his book on " The Fruits and Fruit Trees of America" is a rich volume, and contains the cream of all its predecessors. Mr. D. refutes the " Limited Durationists" with a caustic pen. His " Landscape Gardening" is a splendid volume on the different styles of laying out grounds, the cul- ture of trees, grasses, &c. Michael Flay, nurseryman and florist, New York City, is an (iii) IV AME RIC AN AUT HO RS excellent writer ; his edition and additions of Leindely's "Guide to the Orchard" is a valuable book on fruits. Messrs Hovey, seeds and nurserymen of Boston, are very scientific writers; their Magazine of Horticulture, a monthly publication, is an excellent paper, containing- all the new dis- coveries, new fruits, flowers and vegetables, costing three dol- lars per annum. A. J, Downing, Newburgh, also edits a monthly periodical called, " The Horticulturist," a most valuable paper, at three dollars per annum, giving all the new discoveries and improve- ments in Horticulture. Mr. Kenrick, nurseryman and florist, Boston, is a fine writer; his "New American Orchardist" is a superb book, on the cul- ture of fine fruits ; [It is a pity that Mr. K. adheres to the Doctrine of Limited Duration.] David Landreth, seed and nurseryman, Philadelphia, is a pleasing writer. His edition and additions of Johnson's " Dic- tionary of Modern Gardening," is a splendid book, and a fine ready reckoner for the Amateur and Gardener. His "Rural Register" is a yearly periodical of a hundred pages, with many wood cuts, well filled with new discoveries, improvements, and other instructive matter, costing only twelve cents a year. Mc'Mahan's " American Gardeners Calender" is a good book. The late Wm. Prince, nurseryman, Flushing, Long Island, N. Y., was an excellent writer. His treatise on the vine, is a valuable work. Edward Sayers is a spirited writer. His "American Flower Garden Companion," and " American Fruit Garden Com- panion," are useful small works for the beginner. Thacher's "American Orchardist" is a valuable book on the culture of fine fruits. Mr. Fessenden of Boston, is an accomplished writer, and has published a valuable work on gardening. ON HORTICULTURE. Nuttal's " Genera of American plants" is a useful book. Barton's " North American Flora" is said to be a most splen- did work. But, all the above authors address the inhabitants of the mansion. Some of them may say, "how do you do" to the cottager at a distance ; but they then pass on, seemingly afraid to be thought associating with him. So we have taken un- trodden ground in the field ; and address ourselves entirely to the intelligent cottagers of America. PREFACE. There is, perhaps, nothing more pleasing to the eye of the at- tentive traveller, as he traverses a country, than an improved state of the cottage-g-arden ; and nothing can more plainly bespeak the intelligence and refinement of a happy people, or tend more to enhance the value of property. However plain the structure of the cottage may be, yet, when its approaches and appen- dages are converted into a flower garden, or stocked with deli- cious fruits and wholesome vegetables, it is set down as the abode of contentment and good morals ; and where such objects are often m.et with, the valleys look more fertile and the hills less drear. The well-cultivated fields of the farmer improve the landscape, and add beauty to rural scenery; but there is always something picturesque and fascinating about a neat cottage-gar- den. How seldom do we see the walls of a cottage clothed with the clustering honeysuckle and rose, or the generous vine, whose delicious fruit richly repays the care of its industrious pruner ! The late Judge Buel, in an address on the improvement on our country, said : " He who endeavours to improve and beautify the small spot of ground attached to his dwelling, is both a patriot and a Christian, and does much to elevate himself and his country in the scale of improvement." Cobbett, in his " Ride in France," gives several illustrations of the improved state of the cottage-garden in that country. Germany, Holland, and Belgium have long been celebrated for their improved (vii) VlU PREFACE. cottage gardens ; so has Great Britain. Several good articles have been written upon the improved cottage garden of New England ; and a large book has been published upon improve- ments on the banks of the noble Hudson. A volume may soon appear, displaying the cottage garden in the different nations in the world; and I would fain see the cottagers of our happy republic, prepared to occupy the first page of such book, when- ever published. Philadelphia, Walter Elder. Ix\ TllODUCTION. In presenting this small volume to the intellig-ent cottagers of America, we wish to say, that we make no claim to litera- ture, but are an humble delver in the earth, more accustomed to the spade than the pen; and better at laying out gardens than making up books. But having travelled much, and seen the rapid strides which improvement is making, in planting towns and villages in different directions throughout our widely extended country ; and that Horticulture is not, as it ought to be, an accompanying handmaid with other improvements; we have thought that it was for want of a little practical knowledge on the subject. So we have resolved to condense a few practical items in a small volume, to assist the farmer, mechanic, manufac- turer, small merchant, and labouring man, to stock and cultivate their gardens, and make tor themselves pleasant and happy homes, and to enable their housewives to grow a few choice pot plants, to enliven their dwellings in the dreary days of wmter. It is not intended for those already' skilled in the business, but only for the young and inexperienced; and with the humble wish of doing good. Every article contained in the book will stand the scrutiny of practice; and the whole has been deduced from long and extensive practical experience, as head gardener to several wealthy gentlemen in difi'erent parts of the country. The contents will be found as suitable for the people in the south as for those in the north. We request the indulgence of (ix) INTRODUCTION. the reader in regard to any mistakes ; for no man is perfect ; and we are not so silly-minded as to think that there is but one way of doing everything. On the other hand, we have tried many experiments, and the most successful are given in this book ; which is the only volume addressed exclusively to the American cottager. Philadelphia. Walter Elder. CONTENTS. PAOE - p&aa Address to the Farmers, . 232 Garden Department, - - 13 Apricot. - - 96 " city, •> - 229 Apple, - - 90 " societies, - - 14 " gathering and keeping. - 94 " cottage, - - 225 Artichoke, - - 140 Gum, - . . 203 Asparagus, - - 141 Grape-vine, _ - 100 Botany, ' - - 27 Grapes, keeping, _ - 108 Botanist and Florist, - - 30 Gooseberry, - - 99 Bene, Plant, - . 167 Horticultural, notes on. . 3 Beans, bush or string, - _ 142 Hot Beds, _ _ 34 Beet, - - - 143 " '• management, . 35 Baricole, . _ 144 Herbs, aromatic and sweet. - 167 Brocali, - - 144 " remarks, . 166 Cherry, - - 97 Hedges, . - 178 Currants, - - 98 " planting of, - - 179 Canker, - - 203 " keeping, - - 180 Cottage, the garden, - - 225 " evergreen. - - 180 Calendar, yearly, - - 204 Insects, _ - 162 Cabbage, early. - - 145 Leek, _ - 153 " late, - - 146 Lettuce, . - 153 Carrot, - - 146 Landlords, duties of. - . 15 Cauliflower, - . - 147 Laying out. _ _ 25 Celery, . - 147 Manures, - _ 22 Cucumber, - . 150 " application of. - 23 Cum, Indian, - . - 152 Melon, Musk, - - _ 154 Compost, _ - 76 Water, - _ 154 Draining, under. - - 20 Mustard, . - 155 Diseases, - . 199 Moss, - _ _ 202 Dialogue, _ _ 216 Nectarine, _ _ 113 Extract, matrimonial garden , 222 Nasturtium, . _ 155 Endive, - - 151 Nursery Department, - _ 184 Fences, live, . . ISS " budding or inoculatin s. 184 Flower Department, - - 38 " cuttings, . 166 Flowers, sowing seeds. - 64 " grafting. _ _ 187 Bulbs, - . 67 " whip grafting, _ 188 " keeping clean beds, - 65 " cleft, " - . 189 " gatherirkg seeds. . 66 " root, " _ - 190 " labelling sticks. - 66 " in-arching, - _ 190 " tieing up sticks, . 67 " layering. - - 191 Fruit Department, - - 87 " seeds, - . . 192 Fruit Trees, prices, - _ 133 " suckers. _ _ 193 " " remarks. - _ 134 '* divisions. _ . 193 " " transplanting. . 135 " leaves, . _ 194 " " pruning, - - 139 " insects, _ _ v.n " " watering, - . 137 Nurserymen and Seedsmen, 32 Florist and Botanist, - - 30 Okra, - - - i:s (x\) xu CONTENTS. PAQB Onion, - . - 156 Rose, perpetual damask. » plants, names of, - .. 29 " microphylla, - " fruitful organs . - 31 " climbing. - " climbing. - 55 Rhubarb, - " perennial herbaceous , 57 Societies, - " biennial flowering. 59 Sites, - - - - " annual " - . 60 Soils, - - - - " tuberous rooted, . 69 " improvement of - " pot. - - 74 Seedsmen and Nurserymen, " soils and compost, - 76 Shrubs, deciduous flowering " list, - . _ _ 77 *' evergreen. - " potting and re -potting, 82 Strawberry, - " watering. - - 83 Salsafy, " stands, for - - 84 Scurvy Grass, - - Tarsley, . - 157 Sorrel, - - - - Parsnip, - - 157 Spinach, - Pepper, - - 158 Squash, - Pea, . - 159 Soil, . - - - Potatoe, . - 163 Soap, whale oil solution. - " varieties, - - 164 Tree Department, '- - Peach, - - - 108 " shade, - - Pear, - . 114 " evergreen. - " gathering and keeping, 119 " transplanting shade. Plum, - - - 119 " " evergreen , Plat, grass. - - 73 " ornamental, - Pigs, keeping, - - - 214 " insects, - Poultry, - - 215 " pruning, - Quince, - - 124 " salve, - - Raspberry, . - 125 " diseases, - Radish, . - 158 " gum, - " horse, - - - 152 *' wounds, - Rose, Boursault, - . 42 " canker. - " Remontant, - _ 40 Tenants, duties of _ " Multillard, - . 43 Trenching, - " Prairie, - - - 43 Tomato, - " list of hardy bush. - 44 Turnip, - " protecting in winter. - 45 Vegetable Department, - " removing protection, - 46 " hoeing and killing weeds " pruning, - - — 46 *' seeds, - _ « propagation and management, 47 " varieties. - " destructive insects. - 48 " books, - - " growing in pots, - - 50 " purchasing. - " planting, - - - 47 " raising seeds, - - ♦' daily. . . 37 " scalding seeds. - " tea scented. . . 37 age, - - - •' bourbon, - . . 38 " remarks, _ *' noisette, - _ . 39 Weeds, hoeing and killing. _ ♦' musk-scented, - - 41 Wounds, - FAoa 41 42 42 159 14 17 18 19 32 51 54 128 160 160 161 161 161 76 196 173 175 176 177 178 181 182 183 197 199 203 203 203 16 19 162 166 140 , 16b 171 171 172 169 170 171 171 167 168 203 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMEllICA. We will begin with a few preliminary items in respect to the general Culture of the Garden. The cottage garden is the allotment of land at- tached to every country residence, intended for the pleasure, profit, and recreation of the indwellers of the cottage. Eating one's own fruits and fresh vege- tables; performing the different operations of the garden, throughout the endless variety of its pro- ducts and appearance; watching nature in her pro- gress through the year, refining and moralizing the young, and forming their minds to habits of industry and usefulness ; — all these things improve the neigh- bourhood and country at large, and exalt the national character. - „ 2 ^"^ 14 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. SOCIETIES. As there are influential and well-disposed persons in every community, willing to do good whenever an opportunity offers itself, we call on them to assist in the improvement of the cottage garden. Estab- lish a saving society in every township of every county, in every state in the Union ; admit as mem- bers, persons of all ages, sex, and station ; and let each pay in from half a dime to half a dollar per month, according to their circumstances. Let the rich give a few dollars per annum, to encourage the cause : let the society be broken up every year, say on the first of November or March, and let the mana- gers appropriate the moneys accruing to the purchase of plants, seeds, implements, and horticultural books, to be distributed among the members, in proportion to their monthly subscriptions. The implements and books may be kept by the society, to lend out to the members in rotation, or, as they may need them ; and a portion of some horticultural book should be read to the members at every monthly meeting. Such societies would be a stimulus towards the improve- ment of the cottage garden ; from which an emula- tion would arise in different states, counties, town- ships, and individuals, to out-vie each other. Every THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 15 person wishes to have a good garden, but those in country places have not always the convenience of nurseries near them, and must send to cities for a tree, a rose, or paper of seeds. But when societies are formed, large quantities may be sent for, making price and transportation cheaper; while gratis con- tributions will assist every one to stock his garden, and give him something w^orth cultivating. Every state and county should give so much every year, to encourage cottagers to make for themselves pleasant and happy homes. Nothing has a stronger tendency to soften the minds of the poor, and create grateful feelings in our hearts, than kindness from those above our stations; and it is a duty incumbent on those who have abundance, to assist those in need : "He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord." DUTIES OF LANDLORDS. Landlords, being generally richer than their ten- ants, should be first in showing their liberality in endeavours to make iheir tenants comfortable. They should select healthful sites, and erect neat and con- venient houses ; with grape-vine arbours attached, 16 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. SO as to reach over and shade the back kitchens. A well should be sunk in the dividing fence between every two tenants, unless a free well of easy access is close by. The lot should be well fenced and manured, and trenched or deep ploughed ; the gar- den laid out and stocked ; the walks edged and graveled or tan-barked ; a patch near to the house sodded or sowed with grass, for a bleaching green, with a strong post in each corner, eight feet long, sunk tw^o feet, to fasten the clothes lines on ; a gar- den of an eighth of an acre might have eight fruit trees, six currants, and six raspberry bushes, four goosberry bushes, fifty strawberry plants, six flower- ing shrubs, twelve roses, two grape-vines, two street shade trees, twelve climbing plants, etc. He w4)o attends to the above duties in a proper manner, will find his tenants generally apt to take care of, and improve his property, for their own benefit and com- fort, and be punctual in the payment of their rents. DUTIES OF TENANTS. By the laws of honesty and discretion, every ten- ant should be as careful of his landlord's property as THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 17 if it were his own; as, by so doing, he will add to his own comfort and prolit. He should manure the garden every year, and crop it in a proper manner; ke.p weeds from seeding; prune fruit trees, grape- vines, shrubs, climbers, etc. ; procure flower and vegetable seeds, and any desirable plants ; be punc- tual in the payment of rents; make trifling repairs when needed; make no complaints to landlords i stay as long in the same house as possible ; and agree well with the neighbours. Tenants attending properly to these duties, wdll be happy in themselves, get the respect of their neighbours, and find their landlords generally willing to do any thing reasonable for their comfort and convenience. SITES. The most healthful sites are on elevated lands, at a distance from still creeks and navigable rivers. The air in such situations is always dry and bracing ; and when heavy rains fall, they are imbibed by the earth, and given out as nourishment to the plants growing thereon. The most unhealthy sites are on low marshy lands, 18 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. near muddy creeks, and large rivers that frequently overflow their banks ; or near stagnant pools of wa- ter. In such situations the air is always moist, and the evaporation of such waters produce many noxious gases hurtful to human health. SOILS. The earth or soil is the foundation on which the vegetable temple is to be erected ; and on its nature and preparation much of our after success depends. The best soil for most garden crops, is a light brown loam, having a fair proportion of sand in it to keep it mellow. Such a soil on a flat or level, is best when resting on a sandy or gravelly subsoil. If on a declivity, it is best when the subsoil is inclining to clay. The two extremes of bad soils are, sharp sands and stiff clays. Sands are hot and dry — clays cold and wet. Black loams are not always very fertile ; they contain too little of those ingredients most bene- ficial to plants. Soils having much irony matter in them are seldom very fertile — iron in any shape being hurtful to most plants. THE COTTAGE GARDEN Ul" AMERICA. 19 HOW TO IMPROVE SOILS. Sandy soils can be made fertile by frequent dress- ings of clay, or muck from swamps and river sides, or the cleanings of ponds and ditches — and enriched with cattle and hog manures, lime, bleached wood- ashes, plaster of paris, marl, etc. Clayey soils can be much improved by frequent dressings of sharp sand, stone coal ashes, lime, etc., and manured Avith long barn yard and fresh horse manures. They should be dug up rough in fall, and left so all winter. TRENCHING. Trenching is very beneficial to trees and other woody plants that strike deep root in the ground. Dig out a trench two feet wide, and at least fifteen inches deep, and carry the earth to the other end of the garden, to close the trench when it gets there. Line of!' another trench two feet wide, and dig the earth of that into the open trench, putting the top soil undermost, and subsoil uppermost. If the soil 20 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. is of the right kind, it will only need a good portion of manure mixed in with it, in the process. If it be sand, it should have three inches thick of clay or muck in the bottom of the trenches; and a quantity of that as well as manure mixed with the soil. If it is clay, put three inches thick of stones, bones, bro- ken bricks, or coarse gravels, in the bottom of each trench ; and mix sand and long manure with the soil. UNDER DRAINING. Every one must be impressed with the importance of under draining, from the knowledge that low, flat, and springy lands are wet and sour, and unhealthy to live on ; and that waters remaining long on the surface, evaporate into the air and cause many diseases. There are different modes and materials for under draining, of which the following are ex- amples. BOX DRAIN. This kind of drain may be dug three feet deep, eighteen inches wide at top, and fourteen inches at bottom ; two stones of equal sizes are set on edge THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF A3IERICA. 21 close to the sides of the drain, and bent over to lean on each other like an arch. Smaller stones are packed behind them, to brace and keep them toge- ther ; the drain is then filled with stones to within fourteen inches of the surface ; straw, shavings, etc., are laid over the stones two inches thick, and to pre- vent the earth from running down among the stones, which would choke up the drain ; the earth is then filled in, and the drain is finished. RAMBLING DRAIN. This drain may be of the same depth and width as the box drain. Round stones, gathered off cultivated fields or river sides, are thrown in at random, to wdthin fourteen inches of the surface, and covered with straw, etc., and the earth filled in. tile drain. This drain is dug two feet deep, fourteen inches wide at top, and eight inches at bottom. Thin hem- lock boards are laid along the bottom, and arched tiles, eighteen inches long, four inches high, and four inches wide, are laid on the boards all along the drain; straw, etc., packed in at the sides and over them, four inches thick. The earth is then filled in, softly at first, so as not to displace or break the tiles. 22 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. The drains should be made in the walks of the garden, which will always keep them dry, and the stones will not then be disturbed with the spade. MANURES. Manures are different in their natures, and suita- ble for various kinds of plants, and various kinds of soils. Those most soluble in water give the most immediate effect to plants; they are dissolved by the rains, and become incorporated at once with the soil. Cattle, hog, and night manures are easily dissolved, and give immediate effect ; long, strawy manures may keep stiff soils open, and allow the roots of plants to run more freely in search of nourishment ; and greedy feeders, such as corn, potatoes, etc., which have large spungoles, are much benefitted by them, — but it is the second or third year before they become fairly incorporated wuth the soil. Manures of a hot or salty nature should be applied to lands in fall. Lime, soot, live ashes, pigeon, poultry, slaughter house, and horse manures are hot; night manure and sea-weed are salty. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 23 APPLICATION OF MANURES There has been much discussion among practical men, about the proper application of manures. Some assert, that manures applied to lands in fall, should be immediately dug in ; because they lose much oi their fertilizing qualities by evaporation, when they remain long on the surface ; while if immediately dug in, they sooner become insorporated with the soil. Others again assert, that manures rather imbibe than lose fertilizing matter, when exposed to the atmos- phere in winter ; as there is but little evaporation going on then ; and that when manures are dug in in fall, the rains and snows wash the soluble matter too deep for the benefit of young plants, raised from seeds, which consequently get stunted in their inf^incy and never attain their natural size : whereas, on (he contrary, when they remain on the surface all win- ter, the rains and snows carry the soluble matter to a proper depth to benefit all kinds of plants, by the time vegetation com.mences in spring. It must be admitted, that all manures must be decomposed be- fore they can incorporate with the soil, and become food for plants ; and as all substances decompose more rapidly when exposed to the atmosphere, than when buried in the earth, so must manures. We 24 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. have always thought it best, to manure all lands, ex- cept clay, in the fall, and leave it on the surface all winter, and dig it in, in spring. Barn-yard manure, when well rotted, is suitable for nearly all kinds of plants and soils. Horse manure, when the horses are much fed on grain, is hot and pow^erful in its undecomposed state — detrimental to woody plants, and poison to all conniferous trees ; but when well rotted, one of the richest of all manures. Cattle manure is good at all times. Hog manure is good at all times. Night manure is the richest of all manures, spread thin. Apply it in fall. Slaughter house manure should be applied in fall • — spread thin. Pigeon manure — sow three quarts per perch. Poultry manure — sow four quarts per perch. Sea-weed is a great stimulant. Salt — sow a pint per perch, in fall. Charcoal dust — sow three quarts per perch. Bone dust— sow two quarts per perch. Shell dust — sow two quarts per perch. Lime — sow a peck per perch, in fall. Live wood-ashes — sow a peck per perch, in fall. Stone-coal ashes — sow two pecks per perch, in fall. Marl — spread two bushels per perch. Hops, from breweries — tw^o bushels per perch. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AME.IICA. 25 Grains, from breweries — two bushels per perch. Yeast, from breweries — ten gallons per perch. Guano — we have used much of this manure, in various ways, and to various crops ; but have not witnessed any of its good effects. Street sweepings are an excellent manure. Vegetable mould is decayed leaves, weeds, and other vegetables ; it is the best of all manures. Whole bones and shells, horn shavings, leather parings, etc., decay very slowly, and cannot be much reckoned on as manures. Soot — sow two quarts per perch, in fall. LAYING OUT. As the sizes of gardens and minds of people are so various, it would be a difficult task to lay down a plan to suit all tastes. Those we address are the owners and occupiers of cottages, with gardens from one perch to one acre, which will be according to locations and circumstances. A neat garden can be made, and many choice flowering plants grown, on one perch; and where there is an acre, much fine taste can be displayed. The walks should be made 26 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA, for the convenience of the family, and to give the garden a pleasing appearance ; symmetry should be prevalent throughout, and the greatest economy practised in the stocking and cropping. Styles. — The rich gentleman may have his broad domain finely diversified with wood lots, open fields, deep ravines, creeks, cataracts, canals, rock works, fancy or rustic bridges, etc. ; and the wide extended lawn, with its dark green sod, which surrounds his mansion, may be beautifully interspersed with wind- ing walks and deciduous and evergreen trees. The beauty of the latter will consist in the features of the style in which his place is laid out ; if in the garden- esque or graceful style, it will be found in their erect habits, symmetrical forms, and gigantic statures. There will be the horse-chesnut, with its broad-reach- ing, horizontal branches ; the proud tulip tree, with its lofty head reaching almost to the clouds ; the weeeping willow, with its hypochondriac branches sweeping the ground ; the noble oak, a gigantic spe- cimen of the king of the forest. If in the picturesque style, the trees will stand in groups, contrasting the sizes and colours of their foliage, commingling, and making a harmonious whole. If in the geometrical style, the trees will stand in lines or figures ; some cut into different shapes and forms, from a seat to a temple. If in the rustic style, the beauties of the trees consist in their ivy and mossy trunks, their lean- THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 27 ing habits, crooked limbs and other deformities. There maybe rivulets, whose waters ripple their way among moss-covered stones, and here and there dash themselves heedlessly over some projecting rock, from which their murmurs will be heard a short dis tance off. There is a pleasure and a beauty in all styles, by which the man of money and leisure may amuse himself; but there is far more real pleasure in the neatly laid out, the well stocked and well kept cottage garden, where every thing is under the im- mediate care and observation of its owner. BOTANY. Botany divides plants by two grand arrangements, (the Jussieuen system and the Linnean system,) into classes and orders, genera and species, hybrids and varieties. The Jussieuen or natural system classes plants toge- ther that have a near relation to each other ; for ex- ample, the henbane, mandrake, nightshade, and daturea (all poisonous plants) belong to the same order. The Linnean or artificial system, classes plants ac 28 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. cording to the structure of their flower, the number and arrangement of their stamens and pistils ; so that the name of every plant can be ascertained when it is in bloom. GENERA AND SPECIES. Genera is the family ; species the individuals of the family. Acer is the generic name for maple. Saccharinum is the specific name for sugar ; so the sugar maple is a member of the maple family. A species will always produce the same from seeds, unless it gets impregnated with some other species. HYBRIDS AN© VARIETIES. Hybrids and varieties are the production of two species, either belonging to the same or different genera. If an Azalia were impregnated with a Rho- dodendron, the young plants raised from the seeds might be different from both parents — Azalias or Rhododendrons : so they would be hybrids. But if the daily rose were impregnated with the moss rose, the plants produced from the seeds might be unlike both parents, but they would still be varieties of the rose — although, indeed, they may vulgarly be called hybrids. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA, 29 , FRUITFUL ORGANS OF PLANTS. This is the most important item in botany for the cottager to know, and which can only be read in the open flower or bloom. The green leaf or leaves en- closing the flower bud before it opens, and appearing under it when expanded, are called calyx or cup ; the coloured leaf or leaves of the flower are called corolla. The process or processes immediately in- side of the corolla are called stamens, and are the male part of the plant ; they consist of two parts, the filaments or threads, and the anthers or heads ; the long tube in the centre of the flower is called pistil, and is the female part of the plant. It consists of three parts — the germen or rudiments of seeds and fruit, the style or tube, stigma which crowns the style. The anthers contain a dust or flour called Pollen ; and when the flower has been a certain time expanded, the anthers burst and the Pollen flies out and lights on the pistil, which has a strong attraction for it, and carries it down to the seed vessel called Pericarp, and there makes the seeds. There are some plants which are entirely male plants, and some female plants. Male plants can never bear fruit nor seeds; — the female may bear fruit, but not seeds; unless it gets impregnated with a male plai t of the 30 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. same species, growing near to it. When that is the case, it will yield seeds and fruit in abundance. If the weather be very windy or rainy at the time that the plants are in bloom, the pollen is destroyed, which renders the plant unfruitful for that season. Exam- ples of this are experienced in years that there is a scarcity of fruit. If the weather be calm and dry while the plants are in bloom, that will be a plenti- ful year of fruit. r\j>~'.,^\.^^- BOTANIST AND FLORIST. The botanist and florist are distinct persons, and their theories are quite opposite to one another. The botanist delights in nature — the florist in art. The botanist is at home in all parts of the world where plants are in bloom — the florist's world is the flower garden. The botanist is amused with the stamens and pistils — the florist with the flower leaves. The botanist takes a plant to study its structure and na- ture—the florist takes a plant to triple the size and number of its flower leaves. The botanist considers a plant with a double flower a monster — the florist considers it a beauty. A double flower is useless to THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 31 the botanist — it is a prize to the florist. The bota- nist loves to see plants in their natural characters — the florist loves to see their characters altered by hybridization and extra culture. Species are the hobby of the botanist — varieties the hobby of the florist. BOTANICAL AND COMMON NAMES OF PLANTS, Every cottager should study to learn the botanical names, as well as the common names, of all the plants grown in his garden. Common names are different in different places — botanical names are the same in all languages and in all countries over the world. No person should purchase a plant unless it is labelled ; and the lable should be preserved and renewed, until the name of the plant is fully com- mitted to memory. Every cottager should have a catalogue of all the plants he grows. The best plan is to draw a map of the garden, and write on it the name of each plant, and where it grows in the gar- den. This map could hang up in the housg*, and would be an excellent reference, both in summer and winter. It is better to purchase seeds and plants from respectable seedsmen and nurserymen, than to 32 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. purchase them under false names in the public mar- kets. It is the duty of all nurserymen and seedsmen to keep their seeds and plants all properly labeled, and be strict in their nomenclature. The labels should be written in a large, plain hand, and not with a dash and scribble, as is often the case in public markets. What a great pleasure it is to a man him- self, and how intelligent he appears to others, when he can name every plant grown in his garden. SEEDSMEN AND NURSERYMEN. We have purchased many seeds and plants from the following seedsmen and nurserymen, who are both scientific and practical; and have found them punctual with their orders, strict in their nomencla- tures, and honest men. D. Landreth, seeds and nurseryman, Philadelphia. R. Buist, " " " J. Ritchie, nurseryman and florist, " J. Fulton, " " " A. Dryburgh, '' " " J. Dick, *' " " J. Sheerwocd, '' " " a a li u ^ y\.r^' ANNUAL FLOWERING PLANTS. The seeds of these are sowed in spring or fall — the plants bloom in summer, ripen their seeds, and die off in fall. By this they require more care than other flowers ; but their endless variety, exceeding beauty, delightful fragrance, and profusion of bloom, well reward the care bestowed on them. Those marked thus, * should be sowed in September or October, those thus f, sowed in May, and those J, need to be raised in a hot bed. All the rest, sow early in spring. t:ie cottage garden of America. 01 pink. Botanical Names. Colour. Amaranthus of sortSjVarious ifAlysum Calycina, white, Anagalis Phillipii, blue, Angeratam Mexi- cana, lilac, fBalsamina Hor- tensis, Callistemma Hor tensis, Cleoma Grandi- flora, JCelosia Cristata, various, *Centaura of sorts, various, Collinsia of sorts, various. Convolvulus Mi- nor, blue, *CaHiopsis of sorts, various, Escholtzia Califor- niaca, lemon, Escholtzia Corcea, orange. Erysimum PerowfT- skianum, orange, Gallardia of sorts, various, ■fOomphrena Glo- bosa, white and red. Hibiscus Afri- cana, white and black, Iberis of sorts, various, in. high. Common Names, 12to24 Prince's Feather. 6 Sweet Alysum, 3 12 various, 16 Lady Slipper, various, 12 China Aster, 30 Spider Flower, 12 Cock's comb, 24 Suhan, 12 12 Dwarf Convolvu- 24 Coriopsis, [ lus, 6 6 12 14 Balchler's Button, 12 African Hibiscus, 6 Candytuft, 62 THE COTTAGE GARDEN oF AMERICA. Botanical Names. Colours, in. high , Common Names. Iberis of sorts, various. 6 Candytuft, Lathyras of sorts, various. 24 Sweet Pea, Lupinus of sorts. various. 24 Sun Dial, Mirabilis Jalapa, various, 24 Four o'clock, JMeserabryanthe- CrystalJi- - white, 3 Ice Plant, JMimosa Sensa- tiva. pink, 6 Sensitive Plant, Nemopbila In- signus. blue, 7 Grove's love, -Nigella Damas- cena, blue, 16 Love in a mist, Reseda Odorata, green, 6 Mignionette, ^Delphinium Aja- cis, various, 12 Rocket Larkspur, '^Delphinium Con - solida, various. 24 Branching, JPitunea of sorts, various, 12 Phlox Drumondii, , various, 8 Drumond Phlox, *Porlutacea Splen - dens, purple. 4 Flowering Purs- Poppy of sorts. various, 20 lane, Porlutacca Thel- lusonii, scarlet. 4 *Siline of sorts, various. 12 Catchfly, Tagetes Catula, various, 16 French Marigold, THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 63 Botanical Names. Colours, in. high. Common Names. Tagetes Erecta, various, 24 African, *Viola Tricolor, various, 6 Heart's Ease, Zinnea Eligans, scarlet, 18 The above are bush annuals. The following are climbing annuals: Con vol vus Major, purple, Morning Glory, flpomea Quam- oclit, scarlet. Cypress vine, Ipomea Rubra, red and blue. Ipomea Hede- racea, blue, JMaurandia Bar- clayand, purple, JLoasaLateretia, orange, JLophospermum Erubesceus, pink, JThunbergia of sorts, — orange, buff, white, etc. The seeds of the Cypress vine and the Bachelor's Button, should be soaked in hot water ten minutes before they are sowed ; or pour boiling water over them after they are planted. The seed shells are very hard, and require hot water to crack them. 64 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. SOWING FLOWER SEEDS. As soon as the ground is dry enough to work, spread well-rotted manure over the flower beds : if it has not been done the previous fall. Then dig them up, taking little before the spade at a time. Break the ground fine with the spade as it is turned over ; then rake and smooth the beds and sow the seeds — each kind of seed to be sowed of a depth, according to its size. Scratch a circle six inches in diameter, in the ground, and of a depth suitable to the size of the seed to be sowed in it; if seeds the size of poppy seed are merely covered, it is enough. Larkspur seeds may be covered half an inch. Lady Slipper an inch deep, Sweet Peas two inches deep, and so on. Cover up the seeds with the earth scratched out of the hole, and press it firm with the ■back of the hand ; draw a rut with the forefinger round the circle, and write the name of the seeds on a labling stick, which stick in the centre of the circle. If there be only one row in the bed, sow a tall and a dwarf kind alternately ; if there be more than one row, sow the taller farthest off the walk, and the more dwarf nearest to the walk. Mind in the sow- ing to mix the colours well. If the soil is of a stiff nature, apt to get hard by rains, sow a little sharp THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 65 sand on each seed patch, and water them if the Weather should set in dry. Some of the young plants will be up in a week, and some will take three weeks. KEEPING THE FLOWER-BEDS CLEAN. This is a branch in the keeping of the cottage garden properly belonging to the fair sex ; and those of a good disposition take much pleasure in attending to it. Pull out the weeds from among the flowers in the patches, and hoe and rake the beds every two weeks. By this, the flowers will get all the nour- ishment in the ground, will grow stronger, and their colours will be brighter. A more fascinating sight cannot be seen, than a lovely maid in her flower par- terre, surrounded with the beauties of nature, and of all, herself the most charming ; her skin transcend- ing the Lily, her cheeks the Rose, her lips the coral of the Honeysuckle, her eyes bright as the Dewdrops glittering in the sun, and her mind as calm as the mild summer's morn. 6* 66 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. GATHERING FLOWER SEEDS. Gather the seeds when they get ripe, on the after- noons of dry days; put each kind in a paper by itself, and write its name on the paper ; lay them in the sun a few hours, then roll them up and place them where damp and mice will not reach them. We knew a gardener who was so troubled wdth mice, that he kept his seeds in bottles. LABELING STICKS. These are made of pine or cedar wood, of differ- ent sizes, according to the purpose for which they are intended. Those for flowers are made an eighth of an inch thick, half an inch broad, and six inches long; the one end is sharpened to a point, the other is smoothed with a sharp knife on one side ; a little white paint is rubbed on the smooth part, and the name of the plant is written on it with a lead pencil. Then it is stuck into the ground, close beside the plant. When for fruit trees, it is made one inch broad, quarter of an inch thick, and twclv^e inches long. Every plant in the garden should be labeled. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 67 TIEING UP STICKS. All flowering plants requiring support, should have sticks provided for them, and kept neatly tied up. The sticks should be of a size corresponding with the growth of the plants. A shingle split into twelve pieces, snnoothed and rounded, and sharpened at one end, will be suitable for plants from sixteen to twenty inches tall ; taller kinds will require larger sticks. The plants should be taller than the sticks, and tied round them so as to hide them entirely. Note. — It should be remarked, that Ageratum Mexicana is an " annual" north of New^ York city, and a "pererinial" in Philadelphia. BULBS. All bulbs delight in rich loamy soil, and look best when grown in beds or clumps. Plant the hardy kinds in October, and let them remain in the ground two or three years ; then take them up in summer, when their tops die off. Separate the roots, and keep 68 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF A3IERICA. them in a dry place, and plant again in October. Plant the tender kinds in April or May, take them up in November, and keep them in dry sand over winter. The figures in the annexed table show the depth to be planted, distance apart, and number suit- able for a clump. Each of the species has many varieties. time to inches inches number in time of plant. deep, apart, a clump. bloominfy. Amaryllis, May, Crocus, Oct. Crown Impe- rial, Daffodil, Gladiolis, Hyacinth, Bigonia, Oct. Oct. May Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Iris, Jonquil, Lily, Narcissus, Polyanthus Narcissus, Oct. Snowdrop, Oct. Tigridia, May Tuberose, May Tulip, Oct. 4 4 3 July to Sept. 3 2 12 March, April. 6 7 3 May and June. 4 3 5 March-April. 4 4 3 July and Aug. 2 5 3 March-April. 3 5 3 July and Aug. 4 4 3 May and June. 4 3 5 April and May. 5 6 3 June and July. 4 4 5 April and May. 4 6 3 April and May. 2 1 12 Febry.-March, 3 3 12 July and Aug. 5 5 3 Sept. and Oct. 4 4 7 April and May. There is something very pleasing in the culture of bulbs. The beauty of their flowers^ and the sweet THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 69 odour they emit, gives a delightfulness to the air which surrounds them ; and their tips, stripes, spots and mottlings, defy the pencil of the painter to imitate. " Consider the lilies of the fields how they grow ; they toil not, neither do they spin: yet Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these." TUBEROUS ROOTED PLANTS. These have thick, fleshy roots, separated from each other, but connected to the main plant. They are propagated by division of the roots, which multiply very fast. Asclepias Tuberosa— a native plant, with orange flowers in August and September. Madiera Vine — a vine growing thirty feet in a sea- son, with white, sweet scented flowers from August till November. Hemerocaulis Flava-yellow, lily-like flowers in June and July. Hmerocaulis Fulva-bufT flowers in June and July. Poeony — has double flowers from five to eight inches in diameter, in April and May. There is a 70 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. herbaceous kind, and a woody kind. The following are choice : Pceomy Edulis Whiteleji — double white herbace- ous. Poeony Edulus Humei — double rose herbace- ous. Poeony Edulus Fragrans — double red herba- ceous. Poeony Officinalis — double crimson herba- ceous. Poeony Moutan Banksii — double blush woody. Poeony Moutan Albidapleno — double white woody. Dahlias. — The following are very choice : (those marked thus, * are American seedlings.) Argo, (Widnall's) bright yellow fine. ^Alexander the Great, (Schmitz') dark crimson. *Beauty of Philadelphia, (Schmitz') yellow tipped rose. ^Conqueror, (Schmitz') dark maroon. *Desdemona, " primrose. *Emily, " white edged with rose. *Fire King, " bright scarlet. Henry Clay, *' dark scarlet. *Horace Binney, " shaded maroon. Hon. Miss Abbot, light lilac. *Mrs. Jones, (Buist's) dove colour. *King of Yellow, (Hyslop's) large light yellow. *Miss Percival, (Schmitz') pure white extra fine. *Mrs. Rushton, (Ruist's) white tipped with rose. Orange Superb, large orange, very fine. Queen of Roses, (Widnall's) rosy lilac. Rising Sun, scarlet. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 71 Washington Irving, (Schmitz') light purple. Beauty of England, purple tipped with white. Cinderella, red tipped with pure white. Harlequin, (Dodd's) white tipped with bright scarlet. Illuminator, white edged with shining scarlet. Surprise, (Oakley's) purple tipped with w^hite. Striata Formosissema, maroon stripped with pink. Village Maid, purple tipped with pure white. The following w^as written by the Author, and published in the " Belvidere Apollo," New Jersey. Mr. Editor : — In compliance with numerous re- quests, and from a desire to see every cottage and mansix)n in our borough and county enlivened by a few of the beauties of flora, I send you an item on the management of the Dahlia, with a brief sketch of its history. The Dahlia is a native of Mexico, and was first discovered by Humboldt, in 1756, growing on a sandy plain three thousand feet above the level of the ocean. It was taken to Spain, where it received but little attention. In 1803, Lady Hol- land introduced it into England from Madrid, and owning to its lateness in flowering, it was considered a great acquisition to the floral department. It w'as for ten years propagated only by division of the roots. When amateurs and gardeners began to produce new varieties from seeds, the original plant grew three 72 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMEKICA. feet high, and bore a single red flower three inches in diameter ; and from that sj^ecies, all the varieties now in cultivation have sprung. We have them growing from two to ten feet in height, with double flowers from one to seven inches in diameter, with petals flat, cupped and quilled— their forms from a flat surface to a perfect globe, their colours from a dark maroon to a pure white ; variegated, edged, tipped, striped, mottled and spotted. The whole applause for bringing the Dahlia to such perfection, belongs to the American and British amateurs and gardeners. From the middle of May to the middle of June, is the time to plant the Dahlia in this latitude. It will grow on almost any kind of soil, but sandy loam suits it best ; a single tuber with one sprout, is enough to make a good plant. Dig a hole the size of the tuber, and four inches deep — lay it in flat, and cover it up ; do not let more than one shoot arise from it, and displace all laterals the first twelve inches from the ground, above that let it branch. Drive a stick two or three inches in diameter, and of a length suit- able to the growth of the plant, into the ground, close to the side of each plant. The plant is to be tied to the stick as it advances in growth ; this will prevent its being blown down and destroyed by high winds. If the head gets crowded, cut out some of its branches. September is the month in which the Dahlia THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 73 shows its pride. As soon as the frost has killed down the top, cut off the stem six inches from its base, and dig up the root carefully ; after drying two days in the sun, pack it in a box with dry earth, and place it in a cool, airy part of the cellar. In the following spring, about the first of May, if it has not sprouted, plant it in a corner of the garden until it sprouts, and then plant it where it is to bloom. GRASS PLAT. A GRASS plat near the house has a clean and lively appearance all days in the year; and every cottage garden should have one to serve as a bleaching green. It can either be sodded or sowed with grass seeds; the sodding can be done any time except during hard frost. It should be firmly clapped down, to bring it in close contact with the earth, which will ensure and facilitate its growth. If the sod is laid in mid- summer, or in a dry time, the ground should first be bug and broken fine, and well watered. The sod should likewise be w^ell watered after it is laid and clapped. Fall is the best time to sow grass seeds, and spring is best to sow clover seeds ; but these 74 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. seeds may be sowed any time, except in the time of hard frost. When they are sowed in midsummer, the ground should be frequently watered, and a slight covering of straw, etc., put over it, until the grass is an inch high, to keep the plat in good condition. Mow the grass once in every three weeks during the growing season, and give it a good rolling and wa- tering every time it is mowed. Give it a top dress- ing of well rotted manure every fall, and a peck of fresh slacked lime per perch once in three years. When plantains, sorrell, and dandylions appear among the grass, it is a sure indication of the want of lime. POT PLANTS. Growling plants in pots is by far the nicest part of gardening : they live in the house with us, and we provide their food, and give them their daily drink. If we grow them from seeds, or from cutlings, how pleased we are when they come up or take root. They soon grow big ; we watch their progress daily ; they form buds ; our anxiety becomes intense until they expand ; the first bud bursts and shows colour ; we hail it as the most beautiful sight we ever have THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 75 seen. We call in the neighbours to see it, and help us to rejoice. If we purchase them in a distant city, or get them sent us by a friend, the pleasure is the same. If we should have no land attached to our dwellings, we can have a garden in our windows with pot plants ; and they grow as well in an old tea-pot, in the humble cottage window, as in the richest vase, in the parlor or conservatory of the mansion. And there is eloquence in the expression, "smiling flowers in a cottage window :" there is not a house in Philadelphia but has pot plants in its win- dows. They are like our own children ; and where there are no children in a family, there are sure to be flowers. The reason of this is, the well disposed human mind wants something to love ; and what is more lovely than flowering plants. Read the beau- tiful lines from a German poet — A flower do but place near the window glass, And through it no image of evil shall pass : Abroad must thou go 1 and on thy white bosom wear A rose ; and doubt not that an angel is there. Forget not to water at break of the day The lilies ; and thou shalt be fairer than they : Place a rose near thy bed nightly sentry to keep, And angels shall rock thee on roses to sleep. 76 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. SOILS AND COMPOSTS. The natures of plants, and the food they require, are as various as that of animals. A dog could not live on straw, nor a horse on flesh meats ; so one kind of plant would die on a soil whereon another would thrive. When growing them in pots, we must give them soils to suit their natures. When a plant is purchased in a nursery, the soil should be examined, and when it needsrepotting, a similar soil should be used. There are five ingredients to make compounds of, and five kinds of compounds will suit nearly all kinds of plants — sand, peat, loam, man^ure, and leaf mould. Peat — is a black soil, found around Savannah, Albany, N. Y., and in parts of New Jersey. Sand — everybody knows. Loam is earth, but sod three inches thick, taken from an old pasture field: or road side, having lain in a heap one year, and frequently turned and broken fine, is the loam used in pot culture. Manure — should be as fine and rotted as a mould. Leaf-mould is the black earth found in woods. — Where peat cannot be got, use this as a substitute for it. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. T7 «? "- ■ ■■ . . ■ - . . ■ _.^ Soil No. 1—3 of Peat 1 of Sand, 2—2 " 1 " 3 — 4 of Loam, I " 1 of Manure or Leaf-mould. 4—3 " 1 " 1 " •• " 5—2 " 1 " i " " The soils or compounds should be mixed a month or two before they are used : so that the ingredients may become incorporated. The number of the soil suitable for each kinds of plants is appended to it. LIST OF POT PLANTS. Camellia Japonica, Japan Rose. — This is a class of evergreen woody plants, with dark, shining, thick, leathery leaves, and double, rose-like flowers. The following are profuse bloomers from November till April. The first six came from China — the others were raised from seeds by American nurserymen. The figures denote the diameter of the flowers in inches. — Soil No. 3. Alba Pleno, or Double White, Fimbriata — fringed white, Imbricata — crimson and white striped, Incarnata, or Lady Hume's — creamy blush, Sesanqua Rosa — rose and white, 78 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. r , -a Variegata — scarlet and white striped, 4 Landrethii, (Landreth's) splendid pink, 4 Prattii, (Buist's) rose and white striped, 5 Miss Percival, (Buist's) rose colour very superb, 4 Hampsteadii, (Ritchie & Dick) crimson, 5 Sherwoodii, (Sherwood's) crimson and white, 4 Feastii, (Feast's) pink and white spotted, 4 Floyii, (Floy's) rosy red, 5 Amabile, (Smith's) red and white spotted, 4 Mrs. Cope, (Sherwood's) white, spotted with rose, 5 Azelia is an evergreen woody tribe, with a great profusion of bloom from February till May. — Soil No. 1. Capeii,-has large rose coloured flowers superb, Alba, white (C (( Elegans, salmon it (( Powellii, purple cc cc Superba, crimson and purple spotted, Hybrida, lilac spotted with crimson, Specieosa, cherry red flowers. Acacia are evergreens with yellow flowers from March till June in great profusion. — Soil No. 2. Alata, — has light yellow flowers, Armata, — has bright yellow flowers, Decurrens, — deep yellow flowers, Swaveolens, — has sweet scented flowers. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 79 Erica, or Heath — are evergreen dwarf woody plants, with flowers of various colours. — Soil No. 2. Curviflora — has red flowers, Cruenta, Grandiflora, Mediterrania, Ventricosa, Viridiflora, crimson flowers, scarlet flowers, large, pink " white " green " Fuchzia, or Lady'^s Eardrop — bloom from May till November. — Soil No. 4. Globosa — has scarlet flowers, Exoniensis — has crimson flowers, Rosea Alba, '* white " Chandlerii, " white and red flowers. 'i Gardenia, or Cape Jasmine — evergreen woody plants, with rose-like flowers from May till Septem- ber.— Soil No. 1. Grandiflora — has large white flowers double Camelliaflora, " '' " " Radicans— has small white flowers double. Epacris — is a choice tribe of evergreen woody plants, blooming from May till November. — Soil No. 2. Copeii-has red and white flowers. Pallida — has red coloured flowers, 80 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. Paludosa — white sweet scented flowers, Purpuracens— has purple flowers. Cactus Tribe — are succulent plants with splendid flowers, having flesh stems or balls. — Soil No. 5. The Cereus Grandiflora blooms in the night time, blush. The Cereus Speciosissimus — scarlet and purple, flowers splendid. The Cereus Smithianus, scarlet superb flowers. The Epiphyllum Speciosum, pink superb flowers. The Epiphyllum Trancatum, scarlet flowers all winter. The Epiphyllum Russellianum, purple flowers all winter. The Epiphyllum Chalmerii, scarlet superb. Pelargonium^ or Geranium. — Soil No. 4. Beauty of Ware, has large crimson flowers. Bridegroom, has blush flowers with crimson spots. Black Hawk, dark flowers, Cecilia, pure white flowers, Fanny Grath, pink and red flowers, Henry Clay, scarlet with crimson spots, Harrisonii, rose w^ith crimson spots, Lenoxii, (Buist's) purple and crimson, Mrs. Peck, (Buist's) white and crimson, Miss Percival, (Buist's) white and crimson, THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 81 Mrs. Stiles, (Buist's) rose and crimson, Mrs. Clay, pure white and dark crimson, President, (Buist's) salmon and crimson. The above have large fine flowers — the following are sweet scented. Citriodora, or Citron Scented, Limonium, or Lemon Scented, Capitatum, or Rose Scented, Fragrans, or Nutmeg Scented, Odoratissima, or Apple Scented, Tomentosum, or Pennyroyal Scented. The above tribes with the following list will serve to make a selection — " fr," in the list, means sweet scented. 2 Ardesia Crenulata, pink floweis and red berries, 3 Calla Ethiopica, large white flowers, 4 Calceolaria of sorts, flowers various, 4 Cineraria of sorts, flowers various, 3 Dionoea Muscipula, venus fly trap, 4 Euphorbia of sorts, rich scarlet flowers all winter, 3 Daphne Odora, purple flowers all winter, 3 Hovea Celsi, dark blue flowers in spring, 4 Heleotropium Peruvianum, lilac sweet scented, 3 Ixora of sorts, rose and scarlet, 4 Kennedia Monaphylla, blue flowers, climber, 3 Lemon Trees, varieties of 4 Olea Fragrans, sweet olive yellow flowers, 3 Orange Trees, varieties of 82 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 3 Nerium, or Oleander, varieties of various colours, 3 Plumbago Capensis, lilac flowers all summer. The following are splendid climbers: 3 Bignonia Venust, orange flowers, 3 Ipomea Horsfalhi, rich crimson purple flowers, 3 Ipomea Florabunda, rosy purple, " 4 Manettia Cordifolia, scarlet crimson " 4 Passiflora Alata, crimson purple '' Passiflora Cerula, light blue The following bulbs do well in pot culture : 3 Amaryllis of sorts, colours various, 2 Achimenes of sorts, '' (C 3 Gladiolus, " <( 5 Gloxinia, " cc 3 Hyacinth, '' (C 5 Lachenalia, '' (C 5 Oxalis, " cc 3 Narcissus, " (C 4 Tulips, " cc 4 Verbenia, " (( cc 66 CC CC CC CC CC CC cc POTTING AND REPOTTING. Plants newly raised from seeds or cuttings may be planted into pots three inches wide. Put a few THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 83 pieces of broken pots or small gravel stones in the bottom of the pots, to serve as a draining. Fill the pot half full of suitable soil, then place the plant in the middle of the pot, and fill it up to within half an inch of the brim. Give the plants a good watering overhead, and place them in a shady place for a week. Repotting. — The best time to repot all kinds of plants is just after they are done blooming. Spread the one hand over the mouth of the pot, with the plant between the fingers. Take hold of the bottom of the pot with the other hand, turn it upside down, then tap the brim of the pot on the spade handle, or any other thing convenient, aud the plant with the ball of earth will leave the pot entire. Shake off half of the earth from the ball, and plant the plant into a pot two or three inches wider than the one it was in. Put a few pieces of charcoal in the bottom of the pots, and set the plants in a shady place for at least one week, and water them overhead in the evenings. A quart of fresh slacked lime, or charcoal dust, should be mixed with a bushel of every kind of potting soil. The pots should never be filled with the soil. Space should be left for to hold as much water at once, as will moisten the whole soil in the pot. The soil should be frequently stirred on the surface of the pots. Watering, — The soil in the pots should be kept 84 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. moist, but not saturated ; the water should always be poured in at the top of the pot. If saucers are placed under the pots, water should not be left in them, more than half an hour after watering. When the soil becomes so dry as to separate from the sides of the pots, the plant and pot should be set in a tub or pail of water for half an hour. If the soil is peat, it may remain a whole hour in the water. Tielng Up. — All plants unable to support them- selves should have sticks, pushed close in at their sides, and tied neatly up to them. The sticks should be as much hid with the plants as possible, and they should never be thicker than the stems of the plants. STANDS FOR PLANTS. A TABLE three feet long and two feet wide, the heighth of the window sill, and set close to it, will hold twelve good sized plants. If white painted, it will give more light, and contrast w^ell with the red pots and green leaves of the plants. Or a stage of a crescent form, and set on casters, with the shelves inside, and of a size to fit the windows, will be good to grow small plants on ; and those who have one. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 85 should select dwarf growers, as it is useless for large plants, the shelves being too small for large pots. It can easily be drawn back from the window in cold nights, or turned with the plants inward when there is company. Those who are able, may put up a greenhouse on the most sheltered and sunnny side of the house ; and it could be heated by the heat of the house, by having a glass door to enter it out of the parlour : this door could be opened or shut at pleasure. A house ten feet square would hold a choice assortment of winter flowering exotics, which would form a cheap, pleasant, and social amusement for the whole family and their visitors. Insects are sometimes very troublesome on pot plants. The green fly, or plant louse, can be de- stroyed by brushing it off the plants, with a long hair brush, into a pail of hot water. The scaly insect, red spider, and mealy bug may be destroyed by- washing the stems and leaves with lukew^arm water. Use a hard brush for the stems, and a sponge or cloth for the leaves. Then syringe the plants frequently. Washing the pots benefits the plants very much : so it should be done at least once every two weeks. Shading Plants.— MsLny of the pot plants would be destroyed if exposed to the hot sun in summer. The Cammellia, Azalia, Gardenia, Ardesia, Daphne, should be well shaded and watered overhead in the evenings during summer. g 86 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. For a greater variety of flowering plants, the reader is referred to the catalogues of our nursery- men in different parts of the country; and for full descriptions and instructions for their culture, the "American Flower Garden Directory," by Robert Buist, seeds and nurseryman, Philadelphia, is the best book on the subject, ever published in America. Note. — The following plants bloom from May till December, and can be purchased in pots from our nurserymen, for from five to twenty-five cents each. Calceolarias, various colours, Cypress vine, a climber, scarlet colour, ErycimumPerofTscanum, orange " Globe Ameranthus, white and purple colours, Ice Plant, white colour, Heliotrope, sweet scented, lilac colour, Hememeris Coccenia, scarlet " Loasa Lateritia, a climber, orange " Laphospermum Erubescens, a climber, pink colour, Manettia Cordifolia, a climber, scarlet colour, Ivlaurandia Barclayana, a climber, purple colour, Phlox Drumandii, various colours, Portulacca, two sorts, crimson and scarlet colours, Pitunea, many sorts, various colours, Sweet Alyssum, white colour, Salvia of sorts, scarlet and blue colours. Scarlet Geraniums, scarlet colour. Sensitive Plant, pink (( THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 87 Plumbago Capensis, light lilac colour, Thunbergia, three sorts — climbers, white, bufT, and orange colours. Verbenias, many sorts, various colours, Vinca, two sorts, white and rose colours. FRUIT DEPARTMENT. " Fine fruit," says one, " is the flower of commo- dities," combining the beautiful and useful. What wond'rous life is this I lead, Ripe apples drop above my head ; The luscious clusters of the vine, Upon my mouth do crush their wine ; The nectarine and the curious peach, Into my hands themselves do reach. Marvell. The following, written by the Author some years ago, and published in the "" Belvidere Apollo," New Jersey, may serve as a preface to this department — Among the various branches of social industry and rural economy, the cottage garden holds a prominent place,— and is one with which every person who 88 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. lives a country life is associated. Nothing can have a greater tendency to create an industrious habit in a man, and keep him away from the temperance house and tavern door, than the desire to possess a well-stocked and well-cultivated cottage garden * and nothing is more conducive to the health and happiness of a family, than to assist in its culture and share in its products ; but it is only when it is well stocked and well kept, that it is appreciated at its full value. My purpose here, is to show to the young and inexperienced, the difference between a cottage garden stocked with choice fruits, and one that is not. We will then suppose, that two young men shall purchase two quarter acre lots, joining each other, and have the houses, fences, and ground plans of their gardens alike ; the one manures and culti- vates his garden well, but contents himself with growing vegetables only ; the other stocks his with a variety of choice fruits, manures and cultivates it well, and raises as many and as good vegetables as his neighbour. Suppose that he has planted one apple, one pear, one cherry, two peaches, two plums, one quince, and one grape-vine, — and the whole to have cost him five dollars, — we will now estimate the average product of fruit w^hen the trees are half- grown: and value it at the half of city prices.: — Twelve bushels of apples, $6 ; six bushels of pears, $6 ; three bushels of cherries, $3 ; one bushel of THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 80 quinces, $1 ; six bushels of peaches, $5 ; three bushels of plums, $3 ; four bushels of grapes, $6. — Here this man raises $30 worth of fruit yearly, and as many vegetables as his neighbour the other side of the fence does Avithout growing a single fruit. Fruit growers will say, that I have estimated the price and produce altogether too low. I confess I have, but my purpose is not to exaggerate. There is, too, a pleasure beside the profit, in taking a friend, a visitor, or a neighbour through one's garden, show- ing the trees planted with one's own hands, and de- scribing the size, colour, and taste of their fruits, — their time of ripening, etc. A wife, too, has plea- sure in sending a few of the best to her distant friend, or distributing a few among her near neighbours. I would say to those who have houses to rent, — stock your gardens with choice fruit trees. By so doing, your property will be better taken care of, and your rents better paid. And to those who occupy their own cottages and gardens, it is well worth your while to save ten cents each week for one year, to purchase a full variety of fruit trees to stock your gardens with. To the young man who has not yet entered the path of connubial bliss, — be saving and industrious, purchase a lot of ground, fence, manure, and plough it well : then stock it with choice fruit trees. You can either let an industrious man cultivate it for the half, or do it yourself in your 8* 90 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. leisure hours. It will always be a greater treat for your sweetheart, and more pleasure to her parents, to take a walk with you through your own lot, and hear you name all the trees you planted with your own hands — and describe their different varieties of fruit, than to sit in a confectioner's shop, spending as much at one time, as would purchase a choice fruit tree. Try this once, and I'll guarantee you'll never get the " sack," — unless it be from your wdfe, to fill with fruit to send to some of her friends. THE APPLE. The apple is a universal fruit in the temperate zone. It will grow on almost any kind of soil, but thrives best on a deep loam. The fruit of many varieties is very delicious and wholesome, eaten raw or cooked. It serves as a physic for the bowels, purifies the blood, and its acids correct impurities about the stomach. Cider, made from its juice, is both refreshing and strengthening, and where it is much used, little or no medicine is needed. We have grown and fruited the following varieties, in different sections of the country, and know them to THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 91 be all of first rate excellence, either in their raw state, or when cooked. Their sizes are defined thus : less than three inches in diameter, are called small; be- tween three and four inches, are medium sized ; all above four inches in diameter are large. Early Harvest. — A native fruit of medium size, and excellent qualities; skin yellow — flesh white and crisp, with a rich juice ; ripe in July. Tree a thrifty grower and good bearer. Maiden Blush. — A beautiful apple, a native of New Jersey, of medium size ; lemon colour, with a bright red cheek; flesh white, tender, with a lively fla- voured juice, and of great celebrity in Philadelphia markets ; ripe in August, and keeps till October. The tree a great bearer and rapid grower. Summer Pearmain. — An excellent apple, of me- dium size; skin red, streaked with yellow ; flesh white and tender, with a sprightly perfumed juice. The tree is of slow and slender growth, but a fair bearer; ripe, end of August, and keeps till October. Fall Pippen. — A beautiful apple, of large size ; skin yellow, flesh mellow, with a spicy perfumed juice, and very tender. The tree is a thrifty grower, and a great bearer ; ripe in October and keeps till March. Mr. Downing thinks this a native fruit: and surely it is — for it is universal here, and scarce in Europe. There is a tree of it, of an enormous size, growing on "EUerslie," the seat of Dr. J. M. Paul, 92 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. Warren county, N. J. A man ninety years old, told me, that the tree was as large when he was a boy, as it is now. This may prove to be the original tree. Yellow Belle Fleiir. — A native of New Jersey ; a choice apple of large size ; skin pale yellow ; flesh white, w^ith a red blush on the sunny side, crisp, w^ith a rich sprightly juice. The tree is of rapid growth, large bearer ; ripe, end of October, and eeps till April. Wwde Islavd Greening. — A native of Rhode Island, fruit large ; skin green ; and flesh yellowish white, tender and crisp, with abundance of sharp, highly perfumed juice. Tree a thrifty grower, and prolific bearer ; ripe, end of October, and keeps till April. Baldwin. — A native of Massachusetts : an apple of much beauty and excellence ; fruit large — skin yellow, with a red cheek ; flesh tender, with abun- dance of rich, sugary, well flavoured juice. Tree of strong erect growth ; a great bearer. Ripe, end of October, and keeps till March. Swarr. — A native of New York, of exceeding ex- cellence ; fruit large, skin yellow, flesh yellow, crisp and tender, wdth a rich aromatic flavoured juice. Tree a rapid grower and large bearer. Ripe in No- vember, and keeps till May. Esopus SpitzenhuTg. — Another native of New York, an apple of first rate excellence, of medium size, skin shining crimson, flesh yellowish white, full of TriE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 93 sprightly highly perfumed juice; ripe, end of Octo- ber, and keeps till March, The tree is a thrifty grower, and constantly great bearer. Irish Russet. — A native of Ireland, a very choice apple, fruit small, skin yellow, flesh greenish yellow, tender, crisp, with exceedingly rich, finely-flavoured juice. Tree of a free and thrifty growth, and a great bearer; ripe, end of October, and keeps till March. Wine Apple. — A native of Delaware, an apple of many excellent qualities ; skin red, mixed with yel- low ; flesh yellowish white, full of sprightly flavoured juice. The tree is a thrifty grower, and very pro- lific; ripe, end of October, and keeps till March. Green JYewtown Pippen. — A native of Long Island ; is not surpassed by any apple in good qualities, — fruit of medium size, skin green, flesh greenish, very crisp and juicy, and hightly perfumed. Tree of slender growth, a regular, good bearer. Yellow JVewtown Pippen. — An apple without a rival in good qualities ; fruit medium size ; skin yellow with a red cheek, flesh white, tender and juicy, and richly perfumed. ^„ Tree a slender grower, and great bearer. This, and the green Newtown Pippen, are ripe in November, and keep without shriveling till June. 94 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERU-^A, GATHERING AND KEEPING THE FRUIT. The fruit should be gathered before it is dead ripe, and on the afternoon of a dry day ; and as much of it picked off' the tree with the hand, as can be reached. A step-ladder can be used to reach the outer ends of the branches, and the picker can have a pole with a hook, to pull the branches near to him, a basket to put the fruit in, and when on the tree, a basked with a rope to it, to let softly down when full. The fruit should be at once packed into barrels or boxes, with a layer of soft hay and fruit alternately. Well-dryed chaff, or coarse bran will suit the same purpose. Some mix mint with the fruit, to give it a fine fla- vour. The barrels or boxes may be headed up at once, and set in a shady, airy place for a week, then placed in the airyest part of the cellar and used when needed. Propagation. — The apple is increased by seeds, budding, and grafting. — See article on Propagation. Insects. — The enemies of the apple tree and its fruit, are the Borer, Caterpillar, Canker worm. Scaly insect, woolly Aphis, and the fly that stings the fruit. The Borer is a grub that enters the trunk of the trees at their base, and eats into the heart of the tree. When it has got in, push a wire into the hole as far as it will go, and kill the grub. To keep it off, wash THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERI(;A. 9^5 the stem of the tree, in spring, with whale oil soap and water; one pound of soap to five gallons of water ; or, cattle manure and water, as thick as paint, will do. The Caterpillar preys on the leaves. Have a long hair brush, with the hair all round. Tie it on a long pole, reach it up to the nest in the mornings while they are all in it, turn round the brush in the nest, and it wall stick to it. Pull down and destroy them with the feet ; or burn tobacco shanks, or any thing that will make an offensive smell, under the trees in calm evenings — that will destroy them. De- stroy the Scaly insect, by washing them off with a scrubbing brush and w^ater blood heat. The Canker worm preys on branches and leaves. It winters in the ground ; destroy it in the same way as the cater- pillar. To keep it off, sow lime or ashes round the stem of the tree, before the frost is out of the ground in spring, or w^ash the stem with whale oil soap and water, or cattle manure and w^ater. The Woolly Aphis is a white louse, and found in great numbers on the cliffs of trees, covered wuth white cotton. Wash them off with a hard brush and whale oil soap and water, lukewarm. The fly that stings the fruit may be kept off by sowing fresh slacked lime over the trees once a week for three weeks, just after the fruit is set : while the dew is on in the mornings. Gather all the fruit that falls before ripe, and put it in the pig's tub, and that will destroy the insects. 96 THi: COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. APRICOT. The Apricot is a fine fruit, the size of the plum, of a deep yellow colour, and of a rather firm, dry nature. It is generally cut in pieces and eaten with cream and sugar, and makes excellent preserves. The tree will grow on many kinds of soil, but thrives best on a deep light loam. When grafted on the plum, it does best on a heavy loam ; and when grafted on the peach, it does best on sandy loam. Moor Park. — A popular variety; orange colour, a little juicy and perfumed, ripe in August. Tree very thrifty and prolific. Peach Jipricot. — Fruit large, a little juicy and well flavoured, ripe in August. Tree free grower and large bearer. Roman. — Fruit large — pale yellow — rather dry, but well flavoured ; ripe in July. Tree is a great bearer. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMLia^A. 97 CHERRY. The cherry will grow on almost every kind of soil, but thrives best on a light loam, and in an elevated situation. The frJlowing are good for eating and cooking, the trees being all thrifty growers and very prolific. American Amher. — Raised by Mr. Bloodgood, at Flushing, Long Island ; fruit medium size, with a sharp finely flavoured juice ; colour clear amber, ripe in June. Black Tartarian. — The largest and finest cherry in cultivation : of a dark purple colour, with an abun- dance of sprightly, rich, highly perfumed juice : tree of rapid growth, and a prodigious bearer. Downton. — An English cherry, raised by the late Mr. Knight; fruit large, cream colour, juicy and richly flavoured ; ripe in July — a large bearer. English Morcllo. — The very best of all preserving cherries: fruit large, deep crimson colour, with strong, rich acid juice; tree of slender, straggling growth; a regular great bearer, ripe, end of July. May Duke. — The finest early cherry, deep red colour, juicy and richly flavoured : ripe in June ; tree of erect, thrifty growth,, and very prolific. Wendell Bigerreaii. — A new cherry, advertised in 98 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. Downing's Horticulturist, by Wilson Thorburn & Co., nursery and seedsmen, Albany, New York. It is said to be of great excellence. [If its juice is like the sweet nature of the young gentle (Dr. Herman Wendell) in whose honour it is named, it will be a great acquisition.] CURRANTS. The currant is so well known and universally cul- tivated, that no description of it is required. It grows on almost every kind of soil. The fruit is wholesome in its raw or cooked state, and jellies made from its juice are delicious. Red Grape.— This currant grows three times as large as the common red, the juice is richer and sweeter, and the bush a prodigious bearer. KnigliVs large red is also a desirable variety. White Grapej or White Dutch. — Fruit very large, bunches six inches long, juice very rich and highly perfumed ; bush a great bearer. The currant is propagated by cuttings, planted in fall or spring. The cuttings should be young shoots of the previous season's growth. The bushes should THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 99 be rooted up when eight years old, and a young plantation should be made two years before the old one is uprooted. They should be pruned in winter, so as to have the branches at least six inches from each other, and the bushes should never be closer planted than six feet apart. GOOSEBERRY. The gooseberry does best on a heavy deep loam, and a cool bottom ; and where it is shaded, the fruit is wholesome and delicious, and makes a rich jam. Bunker Hill, is an excellent large yellow. Bonnie Lass, u a white. Cheshire Lass, * i i white, Crown Bob, ( a red. Red Warrington, il U red. Jolly Tar, u a green. Old Jam, U il crimson Yellow Sulphur, * c u yellow. Whitesmith, ' i << white. Uproot the bushes when eight years old, propa- gated by cuttings. 100 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. GRAPE-VINE. " Lo the vine of canaan bends, Near tlie hand that faith extends Branches laden with such fruit, As thy parching thirst will suit." The following was written by the Author some years ago, and published in the '^ Warren Journal," New Jersey. It may not be considered out of place here. VITIS VINEFERA. The history of the grape-vine is coeval with that of man. It is said to have been an inhabitant of the garden of Eden ; " and Noah, the servant of the Lord, as soon as the waters of the flood had subsided, planted a vineyard." Our Redeemer, w^hile on earth, extolled it : as, on one occasion he said to his disci- ciples — " I am the vine, ye are the branches." Since the remotest ages of antiquity, it has been celebrated as the emblem of plenty, and the symbol of happi- ness ; in the same ratio as the spread of Christianity, and the march of civilization and improvements, has increased the cultivation of the vine. Italy has long been celebrated as the garden of Europe, but the surpassing ingenuity of the French places them on THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 101 the first page of improvement in the cultivation of the vine. The produce of which, as an article of commerce, they annually export to the enormous value of 40,000,000 of francs. The vine is a plant of great age. Pliny speaks of one six hundred years old. There are vineyards in Italy which have been in a flourishing state over three centuries. It is also of great luxuriance and productiveness; a single vine growing in Essex, England, covers a space of one hundred and sixty square yards: and yields annually a ton of grapes. On gentleman's establishments around Boston, New York and Philadelphia, the vine is cultivated under glass as well as in the open air: and ripe grapes are gathered six months in the year. In those large cities, where the allotments of ground are small, some of the yards no larger than the size of a common room, by the care of intelligent inha- bitants, produce two or three bushels of grapes an- nually. In Belvidere, too, the vine is cultivated to perfec- tion by several enterprising townsmen. There is no country in the world better adapted to the growth of the vine than the United States; and in no other country do so many individuals own the land on which they live. The simple propagation, rapid growth, and great fruitfulness of the vine, its deli- cious fruit, and the many purposes to which it can be appropriated, claim for it a place in every well 102 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. cultivated garden. Indeed, every citizen of this great and happy Republic may, if he chooses, sit under his own fruit vine and fig tree. Mr. Longwarth, of Cincinnati, says, — "the banks of the Ohio will soon rival those of the Rhine, in the quality and quantity of their wine." The native vines will grow on a great variety of soils, but flourish best on deep rich loams ; and are more hardy and prolific when trained on open arbours with sloping roofs, than when trained on perpendicu- lar or horizontal fences or buildings. But when trained on upright walls or trellises, perpendicular training is preferable to horizontal ; an arbour with a perpendicular front eight feet high, and a sloping roof twelve feet wdde, rising three feet in the twelve, is a suitable structure to train the native varieties on. They will cover the whole, and yield a large crop yearly, without being exhausted. If growing on a good soil, properly pruned, and if they get a yearly dressino; of w^ell rotted manure, and a biennial dress- ing of fresh slacked lime, (say a peck per perch, ap- plied in fall or early spring,) the following system will assist the beginner. Take cuttings in spring or fall, of young shoots of the previous summer's growth, with three buds to each; plant them in rich mellow ground, with tw^o buds under ground, and one bud above ground. If they are partly shaded, well watered, and kept clear THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA 103 of weeds, they will each make a shoot six feet long which should be tied up to a stick or arbour. Thi« is the first year: second year, in March, cut down the young shoots to two buds each ; dig well rotted manure around their roots, and sow a handful of lime around. They will each make two shoots ten feet long this year, which are to be trained up as they progress in growth ; nip off all laterals or small shoots growing out of the sides of the main shoots; do this once every two weeks, when the main shoots are six feet long; nip off the top, and let the upper lateral take its place ; and when that has grown two feet, nip off the top, and let the upper lateral again take its place. These toppings will check the rapid flow of the sap, and give more strength to the main shoots: now each plant has two shoots. In November, when they shed their leaves, cut down these shoots to two buds each, and spread rotted manure over their roots. Third year, in spring, dig in the manure around their roots, and sow a handful of lime around each plant. We will suppose that the vines are growing at the arbour on which they are to be trained, and stand six feet apart. Each plant will this year make four shoots fifteen feet long, which are to be trained to the arbour fifteen inches apart and topped twice, and their laterals nipped off every two weeks. Each plant now has four shoots fifteen feet long ; in fall, after their leaves drop, cut down two shoots on each 104 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. plant to two buds each, and cut ofi' onc-tli'id of the leng'h of the other two shoots ; these shoots will yudd fruit next year. Spread manure around their roots, and a quart of lime to each plant. Fourth 3'ear, in spring, dig in the manure about their roots, and sow a quart of fresh lime around each plant. The roots by this time, will extend ten feet from the stems; and as it is from their extremities the nourishment is gained, the manure should be spread over the ground as far as they extend. The two shoots which were left to two-thirds of their length, will yield fruit this year ; and those cut down to two buds each, will make two shoots each, which are to be trained up to the arbour fifteen inches apart, and have their laterals nipped off' once every two weeks. This system is now complete : each vine has four young shoots, fifteen or twenty feet long, of this year's growth. .In fall cut down the two shoots which bore fruit this year, to two buds each, and cut two of the young shoots to two-thirds of their lengths, and cut two feet off the length of the other two shoots. Fifth year — the four shoots which grew last year, will yield a large crop of fruit this year ; and the two which were cut down will each make two shoots fif- teen or twenty feet long, which are to be trained up between the bearing shoots ; in fall, cut down the shoots which bore fruit, to one bud. Each will make one shoot next year, to be trained up where the old THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 105 ones grew. Shorten two of the young shoots to two- thirds of their lengths, and cut two feet off the length of the other two shoots. Manure and lime occa sionally, and by this system the vines will yield a large crop of fine fruit every year, without ever being exhausted. Be sure always to keep the ground clear of weeds around them, and never let the fruiting shoots make much wood. — This is called the alter- nate system. The fruit of the native varieties is seldom properly ripened before October, and should not be eaten before that time : but ripe fruit can be produced a month earlier, by girdling the bearing shoots. Cut out two inches in length of the bark all round the shoots, two feet above where they are to be pruned down to next fall : the shoots thus girdled will ripen their fruit a month earlier than other shoots on the same vine that are not girdled. It is better to purchase the plants, than to be troubled and perhaps disappointed with cuttings ; besides, two years are gained by purchasing the plants, and two year's fruit of one vine would purchase two dozen plants. Good plants of the native varieties are fifty cents each. Good plants of foreign varieties are seventy- five cents. Isabella. — A native of South Carolina ; first brought into notice by Mrs. Isabella Gibbs, wife of George Gibbs, Esq. It is a luxuriant grower, and a prodi- gious bearer ; fruit nearly black ; berries a good size, 106 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. thickly set on the bunches, which are six inches long, without shoulders. The leaves are stiff, and cup up at the edges; the back of the leaf is silvery white. "Whoever grows only one vine, let it be the Isabella. The fruit has a small pulp-, and a rich, aromatic fla- voured juice ; ripe in October. Catawba. — A native of Maryland, first brought into notice by Major Adlum. A strong grower, and pro- lific bearer ; fruit brown colour, w^ith little pulp ; berries large, loose on the bunches, which are a good gize and well shouldered, juice sweet and sprightly; leaves large and soft, reflecting at the edges; silvery white on the under sides ; ripe in October. Elslngburgh. — A native of New' Jersey, a free grower and great bearer ; fruit nearly black ; ber- ries small, bunches small and compact, juice very sweet, no pulp ; leaf small and wood slender; ripe in October. Bland. — A native of Virginia, a free grower and moderate bearer; fruit brown; berries a good size loose on the bunches, which are a good size, and shouldered : leaves large and green on the under side ; ripe in October; juice rich and sweet. Ohio. — A choice variety, brought into notice by Mr. Longw^orth of Cincinnati, and a subject of much discussion. The fruit is very like the Elsingburgh, but the leaves are larger than that variety. It does not get into favour about Philadelphia. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 107 The following are foreign varieties, and require a more sandy soil, and the same pruning and training as the natives ; but should be taken off the arbour in fall, and tied up with straw for the winter, as di- rected for roses north of Philadelphia. Golden Chasselas. — A thrifty grower, and great bearer ; fruit greenish white, with a golden bloom ; berries large, bunches large, juice very rich and sweet, without pulp ; ripe in September. White Sweet Water. — A hardy prolific variety, fruit greenish white ; berries large, bunches good size, juice sweet and finely flavoured ; ripe in September ; a fair bearer. White Hamburgh. — A strong grower, very hardy and prolific ; fruit pale green, berries large, bunches very large ; juice sweet and pleasant, ripe in October. Black Hamburgh. — An exceedingly choice variety, a strong grower and great bearer; fruit dark brown, berries very large, bunches large, juice sweet, rich and highly perfumed, ripe in October. Griuzly Frontignac. — A free grower and large bearer; fruit brown, berries and bunches good size; juice rich and sweet, ripe end of September. Hansteretto .' — A hardy prolific varieties fruit blacky berries and bunches large; juice rich and well fla- voured, ripe in October. 108 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. KEEPING GRAPES. Grapes may be kept sound for a twelve month. Gather the fruit before it is dead ripe, on the after- noon of a dry day; dry them on boards in the sun one day, then pack them with coarse bran, putting a layer of bran and a layer of fruit alternately, in boxes or barrels. Cover them up air tight. The bran should be dried on boards in the sun a few days, or in a spent oven before it is used. A grape-vine growing near to a dwelling, and the eating of its fruit, gives a lively feeling to the whole household. The French and Italians owe their sprightly natures to the culture and fruit of the vine, " which cheereth the heart of God and man." PEACH. The peach, "rich with fertility and life distil," will grow on almost every kind of soil, but thrives best, lives longest, and is most prolific on a rich, sandy loam, and in an elevated situation. Being a THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 109 tree of exceedingly rapid growth and great fruitfal- ness, it requires much fertilizing matter to keep it in a healthy state. Salt, lime, and decomposed manures are suitable food for the peach. When grown on cold, wet, or clayey soils, it should be budded on a plum stock. Both tree and fruit are preyed on by insects. When the weather becomes warm in April and early part of May, the tree grows and expands its foliage ; then if asudden cold snap comes, it checks the flow of the sap, the veins of the leaves burst and blister, the leaves become decrepit and yellow, and it is supposed that the tree has got "the yellows." But a few weeks of w^arm weather will again make it push and grow% and shed a dark green over its foliage. An insect deposits its eggs in the fruit shortly after it is set ; a grub is soon hatched, which lives on the kernel of the stone ; the fruit relaxes its hold, and falls from the tree before it is matured ; the grub gets out and enters the ground, where it remains dormant until next spring, when it comes forth a fly to depo- sit its eggs in the young fruit. As soon as the fruit falls, it should be gathered and burned, or put into the pigs' tub, which will destroy the insects. If fresh slacked lime or ashes be sowed over the head of the tree in the mornings while it is wet with dew, once a week, for three successive weeks after the fruit is set, the insect will hardly touch the fruit. Another insect deposits its eggs in the stem of the 10 110 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. trees, half an inch below the surface of the earth ; grubs are soon hatched, which live on the inner bark and eat downwards, and along the roots, till they destroy them ; the tree being deprived of feeders, dies of starvation, which is called " the yellows." If the earth is taken away from the stems of the trees for three inches all round, and down to the spreading of (he roots, and the place filled up with fresh slacked lime or ashes, the insects will not touch the tree. If urine or salt brine is poured around the stem, the insect Avill keep off. These ingredients are to be re- newed in May and August, as the insect hatches twice a year. When gum appears about the base of the stem, examine it to see that no grubs are there. When the peach is grown on poor grass lands, or farmer's fields ^vhich are scantly manured, and cropped close up to the stem of the tree, the surface crops take up all the good of the manures, the tree in a few years consumes all the food suitable to its nature contained in the soil, and then dies of starva- tion, called "the yellows." The symptoms of star- vation, caused either by the povert}^ of the soil, or by being deprived of feeders by insects, are the same. The tree becomes bark bound, the young shoots are red, the leaves small, yellow, and often curled : the fruit is small, of a high colour, soft to the touch, ripens a month before its natural time, and is not very palatable. When all these symptoms THE Cr,«TTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. Ill appear, the tree should at once be dug up ; for to remain, it will be an unsightly, unprofitable, and incurable object, '^y" means free-stone — " c" for cling-stone. f Crawford? s Early Melocaton A native, raised by Wm. Crawford, Esq., New Jersey; fruit large, yellow, with a red cheek ; flesh tender, rich and finely flavoured ; ripe in August ; tree very prolific. f Crawford'' s Late Melocaton, — A splendid native peach, raised by Wm. Crawford, Esq., New Jersey ; fruit very large, yellow, with a red cheek ; flesh melting, juicy, rich, and highly perfumed ; ripe, end of September ; tree very productive. f Early York. — A very excellent peach, fruit me- dium size, red colour, flesh melting, juicy, and finely flavoured : ripe in August ; tree great bearer. f George the Fourth. — Raised by Mr. Gill, Broad street, New York; a delicious, splendid peach, fruit large, yellow, with a red cheek; flesh melting, juicy, and highly perfumed ; ripe in August — tree a strong grower and great bearer. f Grosse Mignonne. — A magnificent old peach, un- surpassed by any ; fruit very large, yellow, with a deep red cheek; flesh very melting and juicy, and richly perfumed ; ripe in August — tree very prolific. fKenrick Heath. — Raised by Mr. Kenrick, nursery- man, Boston ; a choice peach, fruit large, greenish white, with a deep red cheek; flesh melting, juicy, 1 12 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. and richly flavoured ; ripe in September — tree a thrifty grower and great bearer. f Morris White. — A native, medium size, greenish white, with a blush on the sunny side ; flesh tender, juicy, and finely flavoured; ripe in September — tree a good bearer. f Royal George. — An excellent peach, fruit medium size, whitish, with a red cheek ; flesh melting, juicy, and highly perfumed ; ripe in August — tree a thrifty grower, and great bearer. The above are free-stones — the following^ are cling-stones. c Heath. — A delicious and magnificent peach — fruit large, creamy white, flesh melting, very juicy, and richly perfumed ; ripe in October — tree very prolific. c Old Mixon Cling-stone. — One of the finest of all peaches; fruit large, yellow, with a red cheek; flesh melting, very juicy, rich and highly perfumed; ripe in September — tree thrifty and prolific. c Old JYeioington. — A celebrated peach ; fruit large, pale yellow, with a red cheek; flesh melting, juicy, very rich and perfumed ; ripe in September — prolific. c Tippecanoe. — .4 splendid peach, raised by George Thomas, of Philadelphia ; fruit large, yellow, with a red cheek ; flesh melting with a rich, sprightly, highly perfumed juice ; ripe in September-^tree very pro- lific. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 1 l3 c Washington. — A choice native ; fruit mediam size, greenish, with a blush on the sunny side ; flesh melting rich and juicy; ripe, end of September — tree a great bearer. NECTARINE. The nectarine is like the peach in everything but the fruit, which is smooth and shining, whereas the peach is rough and downy : treat it as the peach. Elruge. — A choice, free-stone nectarine; fruit medium size, green and red ; flesh melting, very juicy, and finely flavoured ; ripe in August. PitrnastoTi's Orange. — A choice nectarine ; fruit large, orange, with a red cheek; flesh melting, juicy, and richly perfumed ; ripe in August. Violette Hative. — Fruit large, greenish, and red; flesh melting, rich, and juicy; ripe in August. The above are free-stones — the following are cling- stones. Early JVewington. — Fruit large ; green and red ; flesh melting, with a rich, sprightly, highly perfumed juice ; ripe, end of August. Red Rom.an. — Fruit large; yellow and crimson; flesh melting, very juicy, and richly perfumed ; ripe in September. 10* Hi THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. PEAR. The pear in its improved varieties, is one of the most delicious fruits of the temperate zone. What can be compared to the fine Bergamottes, Beurres, Bartletts, Seckels, Washingtons, Vergalieux, and many other varieties, when preserved ? and Perry made from their juice, is a pleasant and refreshing beverage. Yet, notwithstanding all our boasted in- telligence and refinement, the culture of the peai- is sadly neglected with us in America ; but the great fault lies in the exaggerated accounts of the " blight.'' This blight, so far as our experience goes, is caused by a direct ray of the sun, the first or second year after the tree has been transplanted, or when it is grown on an improper soil. The wood is hard and brittle, and the sap veins very fine. When the tret is transplanted, it is long before it makes new fibers to sustain itself; the warm weather in spring causes the sap to flow; the leaves expand, but there being no feeders, the action of the sap is slow. The hot sun brazes on it, and scalds it, or dries up the sap, either in the stem or branches. The bark shrivels, and in a few" days becomes black, as if burned over a slow fire ; this is always on the south side of the tree : (we have never seen any blight on the north THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 115 side of the trees.) To prevent the blight, we sew wall paper slackly round the stems of newly trans- planted trees, the first and second years. This, with transplanting in fall, preparing large holes for the trees, putting good earth about their roots, and litter over them the first winter, watering them in dry weather the first summer, (in the evenings.) We have never seen pear trees blighted when so treated ; but have seen many blighted, when transplanted late in spring, stuck into small holes, and left to them- selves. i\Ir. Downing, in his book on the " Fruits and Fruit trees of America," says, there are-two kinds of blight, — the one caused by an insect, which deposits ts eggs in the trees in July or August ; the grub from it, in the following spring, eats into the heart of the tree and girdles it, cuts off the downward passage of the sap, and kills the tree. The second is the frozen sap blight ; in w^arm wet falls the sap is put in motion, when a sudden cold snap comes and freezes it, and chokes up the veins of the tree in the ensuing spring ; the motion of the sap is arrested by this frozen sap, W'hich becomes poisoned, and is diluted by the fresh sap and circulates through the tree till it kills it. Mr. Downing gives the opinions of many distinguished Pomologists, in different parts of the countr}^, to prove this assertion. We think that our precautions given above, may be the means to protect the trees from 1 1 6 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. Doth llicse blights. So we would advise every cot- tager to grow some choice kinds of pears. They flourish in all places where we have been : at Boston, Long Island, the banks of the Hudson, and many parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The tree will grow on a great variety of soils, but thrives best on rich deep loams. The best Bergamottes, Beutres, and Vergalieux we have seen growing, were in the garden of E. C. Delavan, Esq., (champion of tem- perance,) at Albany ; and the best Bartletts and Seckels we ever ate, we got from A. J. Downing, at his " Highland Nursery," Newburgh, Orange county, N. Y., which he ripened in a drawerof a bureau. J. B. Smith, of Philadelphia, grows a choice variety of pears ; and generally carries off the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's prizes, for fine pears. Bartlelty or Williams Boncretian. — An English, noble pear of exceeding excellence ; fruit large, yellow, with a red cheek; flesh melting, rich, juicy, and perfumed ; ripe in August; tree thrifty and prolific . Blood^ood. — Raised by the late J. Bloodgood, Long Island; fruit medium size, yellow; flesh melt- ing, juicy, rich, and perfumed; ripe in August — tree good bearer. Bergomot Ganseh.—A highly delicious pear; fruit large, yellowish brown ; flesh melting, very juicy, rich, and finely perfumed ; ripe in September, and keeps till November. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 117 Beurre Diet. — Fruit five inches long, four inches across, yellow ; flesh buttery, with a rich, highly per- fumed juice; ripe in October, and keeps till Febru- ary — 'good bearer. Dix. — An American pear, raised by a Mr. Dix, near Boston ; fruit large, yellow ; flesh melting, juicy, and richly flavoured ; ripe in October, and keeps till January. Duchess B''Angoleme. — The queen of pears ; fruit five inches long, and four inches across, greenish yellow ; flesh very melting and buttery, with abun- dance of rich, highly perfumed, sugary juice ; ripe in October, and keeps till Feb'y ; tree thrifty and prolific. Flemish Beauty. — A magnificent pear, fruit large, yellow ; flesh buttery, juicy, sweet, and richly per- fumed ; ripe in September; keeps till January. Golden Beurre ofBilboa. — Imported by Mr. Hooper, Mass. ; fruit medium size, golden colour ; flesh melt- ing, juicy, rich, and highly perfumed ; ripe, Septem- ber, keeps till January. Jargonelle English. — Fruit large, yellowish green ; flesh melting, juicy, very rich and perfumed ; ripe in August ; tree very thrifty and prolific. Seckle. — Originated at Germantown, Philadelphia ; fruit small, yellowish brown, dull red on the sunny side ; flesh buttery, melting, with a rich, perfumed, sugary juice ; ripe in September, and keeps till De- cember — very prolific. 118 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. We clip the following varieties from D. Landreth's "Rural Register," a yearly publication, containing one hundred pages of instructive matter, and nearly a hundred wood-cuts, costing only twelve and a half cents a year. Haddington. — Orio;inated on the farm of J. B. Smith, at Haddington, near Philadelphia ; fruit me- dium size, yellowish green; flesh buttery and crisp, juicy and finely flavoured ; ripe in December and keeps till April — tree thrifty and prolific. Moyamensing .—Ov\g\n?i\.eA in the garden of J. B. Smith, Philadelphia ; fruit medium size, yellow ; flesh buttery, juicy, and richly perfumed ; ripe in July — tree prolific. Pennsylvania. — Raised from a seed by J. B. Smith, Esq., Philadelphia; fruit medium size, brownish yellow ; flesh a little gritty, juicy, and richly per- fumed ; a choice American variety, ripe in Septem- ber — prolific. Washington. — An unsurpassed variety, originated on the farm of the late Col. Robinson, near Naaman's Creek, Delaware ; fruit medium size, yellow ; flesh buttery, juicy, and very richly perfumed ; ripe in September. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 119 GATHERING AND KEEPING THE FRUIT. The fruit when intended for keeping, should be picked off the tree with the hand, before it is fully- ripe, on the afternoon of dry days, and dried in the sun a few hours — then packed into air-tight boxes or barrels, with a layer of soft hay and fruit alternately. When the boxes or barrels are full, cov^er them up air-tight, and place them where neither frost nor damp will come to them. Some strew mint leaves among the fruit, to give it a high flavour.' This is for winter pears; the summer pears will ripen in a desk or drawer, or covered box, without any hay. Chaff or coarse bran, well dried, will suit for packing instead of hay. Pears budded on quince stocks ara very prolific, and never blighted. PLUM. The plum will grow on any good soil, but with few exceptions ; it thrives best, lives longest, and is most proline on heavy loams, resting on clayey sub- 120 THK COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERIC/i. soils. J. Denniston, Esq., of Albany, N. Y., who has raised many very choice new varieties, and per- haps, grows the best plums in the country, grows them on heavy loam, resting on a blue clay. When the plum is grown on light or sandy soils, it should be budded on the peach stock, or the Jefferson plum, or Flushing Gage selected, as they thrive equally as well on light as heavy soils. The fruit is very nutri- tious and wholesome, both in its raw and cooked states ; it makes rich preserves, and when dried in spent ovens-, is superior to prunes. The trees are subject to a disease called *' Knots." So far as our experience and observation have taught us, the knots are caused by poor and improper soils, the want of proper food and culture, and the drought of very dry and hot summers. In either case, the tree becomes languid, and unable to throw its sap to the extremities, in such quick motion as is necessary for the health of the tree ; the thick or gummy part lodofes in the sides of the stem and branches, the brittle part of the stem bursts, the gum oozes out, and the soft flexible bark of the branches blisters, in what are called knots. These blisters, or knots, are at first soft and spongy, and afterwards get so hard as to be cut off with difficulty. An insect whose na- ture it is to live on the gum, deposits its eggs in the knots while they are soft, and in the gum oozing out of the stem, and when cutting the knots, grubs are THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMEHICA. 121 found inside, and also in the gum. From this, it has been supposed that the insects sting the trees and cause the knots and gum ; and yet the same kind of grubs are found in the gum of the peach tree, caused b}' the cut-\Yorm. The knots should be cut out, with all the spongy bark around them, into the solid wood : the gum scraped off the stems, and any loose bark around it, the wounds rubbed over with a mixture of cattle manure and earth in equal parts, in water, to the consistency of good mortar. Spread plenty of cattle manure, or lime, or bleached wood-ashes, and dig it in around the roots of the tree : and if the w-eather is very dry, give plenty of w-ater. We knew a plum tree which grew on a flat, at the foot of a small hill, where all waters from the house were car- ried in an open ditch and spread around the roots of the tree. That tree flourished, and was free of knots, and yielded fruit in abundance, w-hile other pluin trees in the neighbourhood were covered with knots. Afterwards, an under drain was made, w'hich carried the Vv'aters away in another direction ; the tree ever after that had knots; the ground around it was not cultivated, but was overgrown with coarse grass. We also knew an instance of the same kind with an English Marrelo cherry tree. Mr. Downing, in his Fruits and Fruit trees of America, says, " these knots are a disease attacking the bark and wood ; the passage of the sap upwards, 11 122 niE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. becomes stopped by the campression of the brancli by the tumour, and finally, the poison seems to dis- seminate itself by the downward flow of the sap throuoh the whole trunk. The kinds most attacked are those with purple fruit. There is yet some doubt respecting the cause of these knotty excrescences, though there is every reason to think them the work of an insect. Prof. Peck and Dr. Harris believe that they are caused by the plum weevil that stings the fruit. The second brood, finding no fruit, choose the branches of this tree and the cherry. This obser- vation seems to be confirmed, by the grubs of the weevil being found in the w-arts. On the other hand, in some parts, where the weevil has been trouble- some to the fruit for m.any years, the knots have not been known ; and again, the knots have been abun- dant where the fruit was not touched. These facts are irreconcilable, and w^e believe that to some other insect or cause, we owe this unsightly disease." An insect deposits its eggs in the fruit shortly after it is set, which lives on the kernel of the stone, and causes it to fall from the tree before it is ripe. The fruit should be gathered as soon as it falls, and burned or put into the pigs' tub, which will destroy the insect. If fresh slacked lime or ashes be sown over the tree once a week, for three successive weeks after the fruit is set, the insect will not be troublesome. Bvngliam. — A native of Pennsylvania ; fruit large, THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 123 yellow, melting, rich and juicy ; ripe in August, tree very thrifty and prolific. Blcecker''s Gage. — Raised by Mrs. Bieecker, of Albany, N. Y. ; fruit medium size, yellow, sweet and delicious ; ripe in August, tree good bearer. Co^''s Golden Broji. — Fruit large, yellow ; flesh firm, rich, and finely flavoured ; ripe in September, tree very thrifty and prolific. Denniston's Superb. — Raised by Mr. Denniston, of Albany ; fruit medium size, pale green, rich, juicy, and perfumed, tree great bearer. Emerald Drop. — Raised by Mr. Downing, at his celebrated ''Highland Nurseries," Newburgh, Orange county, N. Y., and said to be very choice ; fruit medium size, yellowish green, melting, rich, and delicious; ripe in August, tree thrifty and prolific. Green Gage. — Fruit small, green, sweet, rich, and delicious; ripe in August, tree very prolific. Hulling''s Superb. — Raised by Mr. Keyser, of Penn- sylvania, and named in honour to Dr. Wrn. G. Hul- lings, who first brought it into notice ; fruit very large and beautiful, yellow, rich, sweet, and highly perfumed ; ripe in August, tree thrifty and prolific. Jefferson. — The best of all plums, raised by the late Judge Buel ; fruit large, yellow, with a red cheek, very rich and delicious ; ripe in August, great bearer. Imperial Gage, or Flushing Gage. — Raised by the late Mr. Prince, of Flushing Nursery ; fruit medium 124 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. size, pale green, juicy, rich and perfumed; ripe in September. TVashmgton. — Fruit large, yellow ; flesh firm, rich, and well flavoured ; ripe in September. White Magnum Bonum. — Fruit very large, pale yellow; flesh firm, rich, and perfumed. Damson. — Fruit small, tart ; first rate for preserves ; dark purple ; ripe in September, very great bearer. Columbian Gage. — Very large, purple, and delicious. Cruger'^s Scarlet. — Raised by H. Cruger, Esq., N. Y. ; fruit medium size, red, very rich and delicious. Kirkes Plum. — Fruit medium size, purple, rich, and very delicious; tree a wonderful great bearer. Orleans. — Small, purple, delicious; very prolific. Purple Gage. — Medium size, purple, delicious, and prolific. QUINCE. The quince appears to thrive on every soil and situation, and is, perhaps, an inhabitant of every cottage garden in America : never failing to yield a full crop of fruit, which is unfit for use in its raw state, but excels all other kinds of fruit when stewed or preserved. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 125 Jlpple Shaped. — Fruit large, orange round ; flesh firm, j'^iicy, and stews tender; excellent for preserv- ing ; ripe in October. Pear Shaped. — Fruit medium size, oblong, yellow ; flesh firm and good, but not equal to the apple shaped ; ripe in October. Portugal. — Fruit large, yellow, tender, and juicy ; ripe in October, very prolific. RASPBERRY. The raspberry will grow on many kinds of soils, but flourishes best, and is most prolific on deep rich loams ; the fruit comes into use after the strawberry, and is used at the table in the same way, i. e., eaten with cream and sugar. It makes the finest jams and jellies, and raspberry vinegar is the most pleasant of all summer drinks. The plants should be planted five feet apart each w^ay, putting four or five canes to each plant ; the fruit is produced on the canes or shoots of last year's growth, which die off in fall, and are followed by a succession of young shoots of the present year's growth. A stick one or two inches in 11* 126 THE C }TTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. diameter, should be driven into the ground close to the side, or in the middle of each bush, and the canes tied up to it, which will support them when loaded with fruit. In fall, all the old shoots should be cut out, and the young ones tied up to the sticks, and six inches cut off their lengths ; twelve or fifteen canes will be enough to tie up for each bush. Select the strongest, and cut away the others. By this, the fruit will be larger, better coloured, better flavoured, and more in measure. The plants should be ma- nured and dug between every fall, and all outstreach- ed suckers cut up. They should be kept clear of weeds in summer, by frequently hoeing between them when the sticks fail or get rotten ; they should be renewed, but frames should never be put up for them. [The most unsightly object we ever saw in a small cottage garden, was a large out- spreading frame, with a single row of rampant growing raspberries inside.] The varieties suitable for a cottage garden, are those which never attain more than six feet in height, and are of robust growth. They are propa- gated by suckers, and should not occupy the same piece of ground more than eight or ten years ; and new beds or rows should be planted w^ith the suckers of the old ones, two years before the old bed or row 'is uprooted. Red Antwerp. — Is the largest, most delicious, and prolific of all raspberries; of strong robust growth, THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 127 very hardy, never reaching more than five feet high; fruit large, deep red ; ripe in July. White or Yellow Antvjerp. — Is the largest, most prolific, and delicious, light coloured raspberries; rather tender north of New York city ; requires tieing up with straw in winter; fruit dull yellow ; ripe in July — grows five feet high. Fastolof. — This is a raspberry of English origin. D. Landreth, seeds and nurseryman, Philadelphia, in his " Rural Register " says, it is recently received from England, has produced fruit two years in Phila- delphia, and seems to surpass all others ; fruit dull red, melting, juicy, highly perfumed, and very pro- lific. Francoma,—A choice French variety ; fruit large, tender, melting, juicy, and perfumed ; dull red colour, of robust growth, five feet high ; ripe in July — very thrifty and prolific. Ohio. — Brought into notice by that most indefati- gable Horticulturist, Mr. Longwarth, of Cincinnati ; fruit medium size, nearly black ; produced from July till November. The above are very choice varieties — the following are good varieties. Barnet. — Fruit large, dull red, nearly equal to the red Antwerp; very prolific and of robust growth; five feet high, very hardy. Brentford. — Fruit medium size, dull red, melting, 128 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. juicy, and finely flavoured ; prolific, of robust growth, five feet high, and very hardy. KneveVs Giant. — Fruit large, deep red, rich, and melting ; prolific, hardy, and robust. STRAWBERRY. The strawberry is one of the most delicious and wholesome of small fruits. What can be compared to a dish of "ripe strawberries smothered in sugar and cream ?" Excellent jams and jellies are made from them ; and they are used to give flavour to ice creams, etc. The plants will grow on almost every kind of soil, but thrive best, and are most prolific on rich loam., and in an open situation. Plant them in rows, the larger fruiting kinds should be planted eighteen in- ches apart in the rows, and the rows twenty-seven inches and thirty-six inches apart alternately. When the plants are full grown, their foliage will cover the narrow rows, and the wide rows v.ill suit to go in to pick the fruit, i. e., pick a row" on each side. The smaller fruiting kinds maybe planted fourteen inches apart in the rows, and the rows twenty-four inches THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF A?,:ERICA. 129 and thirty inches alternately. The planting may be performed in April or September. Those planted in April will produce a few berries the same year, and a full crop the succeeding year ; those planted in September will yield a half crop the following sum- mer, and a full crop the succeeding year. They will require a slight covering of litter the first winter. In spring, after the hard frosts are over, dig between the rows and plants, and sow fresh slacked lime over the bed after it is dug, at the rate of a peck per rood. The lime is very fertilizing for the strawberry, and will have the tendency to kill insects and slugs in the ground, which are just then coming into active life. When the plants are coming into bloom, hoe and rake all the weeds off the bed, and spread straw or short grass between the rows and plants. Some spread long straw between the rows, and cut straw between the plants; short grass is best, as it is not so easily displaced. This straw or grass is to keep the fruit off the ground, and prevent the earth from being washed up by the rains. When the fruit is all picked, cut all the dead leaves off the plants, and clear the bed of straw, weeds, and runners; give it a deep h'oeing, rake fine, and keep it clean by hoeing and raking through the summer. Be sure to cut off all runners every time the bed is cleaned. In fall, spread short manure between the rows and plants, to be dug in, in spring. The plants are propagated by the 130 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. young plants formed on the string-like runners, which grow out of the main plants. When a new bed is to be planted, let the runners grow to supply the plants ; choose a rainy day to plant out ; lift the young plants with a trowel, with as much earth as will stick to them, and separate them from the run- ners. If the weather sets in dry after they are planted, water them once or twice. The Alpine strawberry makes no runners, and is propagated by dividing the plants. Strawberries should not remain on the same piece of ground longer than four years; indeed, three years is long enough. A new bed should be planted out a year before the old one is dug up. By the above method, w^e have grown " Hovey's Seedling" five and a half inches in circumference, and " Keen's Seedling" four and a half inches ; and in such abun- dance as they might have been shoveled into the basket. Some plant their strawberries in beds four feet wade, and the plants a foot apart each way, and let them run promiscuously, until the bed is a com- plete sod of strawberries. Those who follow this plan never produce a good strawberry ; for by it, the size, colour, and flavour of the fruit are lost. Dundee. — An excellent Scotch strawberry ; fruit large, scarlet, firm, lich, juicy, and perfumed ; ripe in June — very hardy and prolific. Duke of Kent. — Fruit small, scarlet, melting, juicy, and finely flavoured ; ripe in May. THE COTTAOE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 131 Hudson. — Fruit large, scarlet, firm, juicy, and well flavoured ; ripe in June — thrifty and prolific. Large Early Scarlet. — An American variety ; fruit large, scarlet, melting, juicy, and richly perfumed; ripe in May — very hardy, thrifty and prolific. Horey^s Seedling. — Of all the delicious productions of the earth, this strawberry is one of the choicest and most prolific; fruit immensely large and beautiful, shi- ning scarlet ; flesh firm, rich, with a delicious, sprightly, perfumed juice ; an abundant bearer, and very hardy ; ripe in June. It w^as raised by Messrs. Hovey, seeds and nurserymen, Boston, and conductors of " Hoveys' Gardeners' Magazine," an instructive and very scientific monthly periodical. Mr. Downing says, " It is known throughout all the States, and has proved superior to all other large fruiting kinds;" Mr. Landreth very justly says, " too much cannot be said in its praise." Mr. Buist says, " it is the best straw- berry I ever grew ;" and Mr. Longwarth offers five hundred dollars for another to equal it. Its fruitful organs ai'e perfect, but the stamens are rather defi- cient of pollen, and fail to impregnate the pistils. If rainy w^eather continues when they are in bloom. Keen's seedling should always be grown along with it, two rows of Hovey's to one row^ of Keen's, is a fair proportion. Kecfi's Seeiling. — An English variety, fruit very large — dull red — firm, rich, juicy and highly per- 132 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA, fumed, and stands next to Hovey's seedling for ex- cellence, ripe in June. Ross Phenie. — An excellent variety, raised by our friend and old acquaintance Mr. Alexander Ross, of Hudson, N. Y. fruit very large— dark red, flesh firm, juicy, rich, and of the finest flavour ; organs perfect ; very prolific and hardy ; well deserving a place in every well-kept garden ; ripe in June. ((We clip thetwo following varieties from D. Lan- dreth's Rural Register. Wasldngton. — Brought into notice by D. Lan- dreth's seeds and nurseryman, Philadelphia ; fruit medium size, deep red; flesh firm, rich and perfumed ; ripe in June. CusJnug. — Raised by that indefatigable cultivator Dr. Wm. C. Brinckle, of Philadelphia, and named in respect to J. P. Gushing of Boston ; fruit very large, scarlet — very delicious, and is quite new ; per- fect in its organs, and very prolific, ripe in June.)) Methven. — An old English variety, fruit very large — deep scarlet, rich and well flavoured, very thrifty and hardy, and stands next to Hovey's seedling as a great bearer. [Mr. Downing says " about Philadel- phia this sort was cultivated for the Keen's seedling" and D. Landreth says " called Keen's seedling erro- neously." It must be very singular for this variety to be grown around far famed Philadelphia, for Keen's seedling, the plants surely had to be imported and THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 133 not got from our nurserymen here. A more scientific, practical, discerning and honest class of men, is no where to be found than are Philadelphia nurserymen. We could name several of them who have grown both varieties for twenty-five years, (R. Buist is an exam- ple,) the Methven is a thriftier grower, more prolific, the fruit more regular in size, rounder, lighter red, and less finely flavoured than Keen's seedling.] BmsVs Prize seedling. — A very superior variety, raised by R. Buist, seeds and nurseryman Philadel- phia ; fruit medium size, light crimson, rich melting and finely perfumed ; ripe middle of May, very pro- lific, gained the prize of the Pennsylvania Horticul- tural society in 1835, for the best seedling, and the first prize in 1848 for the best early strawberry. For a greater variety and fuller description of fruits, the reader is referred to " Downing's Fruits and Fruit trees of America." PRICES OF FRUIT TREES IN NURSERIES. The following is the rate of prices of good varieties as sold in the nurseries — poor kinds are cheaper, rare kinds dearer. 12 134 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. Apple 25 cents each $20 per hundred Apricot 50 " " $40 " (( Cherries 50 " " $40 " cc Peach 12 '' " $10 '' a Nectarine 25 *' " $20 " <( Pear 50 " " $40 " (< Plum 50 " " $40 '^ tc Quince 40 " " $35 " (C Currants 15 " '' $150'^ dozen Gooseberries 30 " cc j|3 u i( Grapevine 50 " $5 " a Raspberry 30 " cc ^3 a (C Strawberry 50 cts. per dozen $2 to $6 per hundred. REMARKS. Let no person be deterred from planting fruit trees, merely because they are subject to disease and the prey of insects, hundreds of our farmers grow large orchards, and are never troubled with disease or in- sects except the common caterpillar, which every body knows how to destroy. Select young thrifty trees ; prepare the ground properly for them ; lift them with good roots ; make large holes to plant THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 135 them in ; put good earth about their roots ; let the time of taking up, and planting be as short between as possible ; keep the ground well enrichened and pulverized around them ; — and neither insects or dis- ease will be troublesome. Choosing trees in the nursery. — Choose trees from five to eight feet high, with straight clean stems, smooth, shining bark, prominant buds, and neat light heads. Make the choice in fall, before all the best are sold. TRANSPLANTING TREES. It is seldom that people exhibit so much folly as they do in planting trees and other woody plants, they are got sound from the nurseries; small holes are dug, and they are stuck in them, with their roots bent or coiled to fit the size and shape of the holes ; the lumpy earth is thrown in at random, and tramped about their roots, and of course they are planted. The apple and shade trees becomes stunted, the pear blighted, plum knotty, cherry barkbound, nectarine and peach get the yellows, shrubs die, and ever- greens give up the ghost; and who but the nursery- 136 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. man is to blame, for sending healthy trees to be killed. A person intending to stock his garden with fruit trees, should decide on the number and kinds he is to plant, and appoint and prepare berths for them. Dig a hole for each, two feet w^ide and eighteen inches deep ; lay the first spade depth taken out of the hole on one side of it, and throw that taken out of the bottom a little ways off; take a few spadefulls of top soil off the bed, and lay it beside that first taken out of the hole, and put a half bushel of short manure on the other side of the hole, then send to some respectable nurseryman for trees. As soon as they arrive, get them planted without delay. Put three inches of the manure in the bottom of the holes, and six inches of earth above it. Set the tree in the hole, in such a way that all the roots will lay out in their natural positions; let one person hold it in its place, and another to break the earth fine, and fill it gently into the hole. When all the roots are covered, give the tree a gentle shake and pull up, so that it will be no deeper than it grew in the nursery, and give it a slight lean to the northwest, tramp the earth firm about its roots, then fill in the rest of the manure and earth above it, and tramp again. If this is done in fall, spread long manure around the trees as far as their roots extend, and remove it in spring. If planted in spring and the trees come far, give each THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 137 tree a pailful of water, after its roots are covered with earth and tramped, and let it soak away before the holes are filled up. — If the trees should arrive in the time of, or after a great rain, while the earth is saturated with water, get them unpacked and dig a large hole and set them in it, and cover their roots with earth. If the garden has been trenched, all that will be needed in planting is to dig holes large enough to admit their spreading roots. All hardy woody plants, properly transplanted from the first of November till the setting in of severe frost, will grow more, and stand the summer's drought better the first year, than those transplanted in spring; and not one out often thousand will die. WATERING TREES NEWLY PLANTED. Water is a sort of nutriment, and an important agent in culture. All plants require a certain degree of moisture in the soil, as their roots cannot absorb food that is not held in solution by water ; and if water is not furnished either by nature or art, at the proper time, the trees will fall short of what they otherwise would be. On the other hand, if water is 12* 138 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. given in excess, to excite an unnatural growth in the tree, while under a scorching sun, death is likely to ensue. When small quantities of water are poured frequently on the surface, they do more evil than good; they are generally lost by evaporation, and if not, they attract the roots too much to the surface, and prevents them from penetrating into the soil on which the tree most depends for nourishment in times of a great drought. When trees need watering, the earth should be drawn away from their stems three inches deep, and as far as their roots extend. This v/ill form a basin, which will hold as much water at once as w^ill reach all the roots. Trees from five to eight feet high should get at least three or four gallons at each time, and once in two weeks will be often enough if it does not rain, water should be ap- plied in the evenings, or on cloudy days. After it has sunk into the earth, the soil wdiich forms the basin should again be replaced around the trees. All liquid manures are hot in their natures, and -do not descend into the earth to the same depth as pure water; they should only be applied after heavy rains, or when the earth is already moist with artificial watering. They do most good to plants if applied to them when they are in a dormant state. Tlili COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 139 PRUNING TREES. The proper time to prune is when the trees are in a dormant state, and the sooner after the leaves fall the better. The objects in pruning are, the cutting out of superabundant branches, shortening those too much extended, balancing the heads of the trees, and training them in a symmertical form. When many fruit trees are grown in small gardens, and vegetables grow^n under them, they should be trained spiiady i.e. cut in the spreading branches and encourage the erect. If there is space enough for the trees to spread, and nothing grown under them, the erect brandies should be cut off, and the spreading ones left, so as to have as much of the fruit hand picked as possible. If any tree leans to one side, the branches should be mostly cut off the side it leans to. Small branches may be cut with a sharp knife, the large can be sawed close off to the stems or branches they grow to, and the cut smoothed off with a knife, so that the bark will soon grow over the wounds ; and the wounds should be rubbed over with cattle manure and earth mixed in water, to the consistency of good mortar. The heads of the trees should be kept open, so that the sun and air may get in to colour and fla- 140 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. vour the fruit. All branches should at least be eigh- teen inches apart ; a tree in beautiful symmetry is a noble object. CULINARY VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT. "A garden in which all thing's thrive ; Cheers and pleases the possessor." This is the most useful and necessary department of the garden. Those devoid of fine taste may do without flowers, and even without fruits, but without wholesome culinary vegetables no one can do. They form part of our daily food, and without them neither life nor health can long exist. ARTICHOKE-— LARGE GLOBE. Plant either in fall or spring, three feet apart each way ; keep the ground enrichened with manures, and clear of weeds, by hoeing and digging. The only part for use is the immature flower buds. They are peeled and fried in paste, or eaten as a salad. They are propagated by suckers, and increase very fast. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 141 ASrARAGUS — GIANT. Sow the seeds as soon as the ground is free of frost in spring, in drills one inch deep, and twelve inches apart, and the seed one inch apart in the drills. Then give them a good watering with boiling water. They are to be covered with the earth drawn out of the drills and well tramped. Keep them free of weeds, and in two years the plants will be fit to set out into beds. Line out a bed four and a half feet wide, and of any length desired, dig out the surface earth three inches deep, and lay it on the sides of the bed ; then spread short well-rotted manure three inches thick over the bed, dig it well in, and smooth off with the rake ; then line out four rows on the bed lengthways twelve inches apart, and the two outer rows nine inches from the edges of the bed. Place the plants flat on the rows twelve inches apart; this will make them twelve inches apart each way; then fill up the bed with the earth taken out, and dress it neatly off with the rake. Drive a strong stick in at each cor- ner of the bed, to show its extent. The planting can be done either in spring or fall. If more than one bed is made, leave an alley two feet wide between them, to walk in and gather the crop; but no crop should be gathered until two years after planting. A row of corn or cabbages may be grown on the alleys the two first years. Keep the beds free of weeds, 143 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. and every fall cut off the dead stalks, spread short manure over the beds two inches thick, and dig it lightly in with a dung fork in spring. Never use a spade to dig the beds, as it is apt to cut the crowns of the plants, and cause them to bleed to death. Salt is an excellent manure for asparagus, and all the salt brine about the house should be spread over the bed. Lime is also good for asparagus. BEANS— BUSH OR STRING. MOHAWK — EARLY VALENTINE LATE VALENTINE. Plant in drills three inches deep and thirty inches apart, and the seeds two inches apart in the drills. Cover them with the earth taken out of the drills, and tramp it down. The first planting may be put in early. in May; and the second first of June ; and for fall use or pickling, plant first week in August. The mohawk is the earliest, and will stand a slight frost; the early valentine is the most prolific for sum- mer use ; and the late valentine is best for fall use and pickling. Hoe between the rows, and keep free of weeds. BEANS rOLE CASEKNIFE LIMA. Plant the Caseknife early in May, in hills three feet apart each way ; put five seeds into each hill, THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 143 plant the lima latter part of May, in hills four feet apart each way. Put seven seeds in at each hill, When they come up, put a strong pole to each hill for them to twine upon. The caseknife will need poles eight feet long, the lima, will want poles ten feet long. If the seeds all come up, cut off all but three to each pole ; and when they make runners twelve inches long, tie them slackly up to the poles. After that, they will run up themselves. Pole beans require rich ground, and w^ell pulverized by frequent hoeings during summer. Keep free of w^eeds. The best plan is to set the poles first, and plant the seeds around them. The different kinds should be grown apart from each other, as their fructifying qualities are apt to mix, and make impure seed. BEET. EARLY TURNIP ROOTED LONG BLOOD. Beets delight in rich yellow ground, having been manured for the previous crop. Sow the seeds in drills one inch deep and fourteen inches apart; cover them up and tramp firm. The turnip rooted can be sowed as so( n as the frost is out of the ground in spring, for summer use, and the long blood in June, for fall and winter use. Hoe well between the rows, and keep free of weeds. When the plants are two 114 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. inches high, thin them out to four inches apart. Dig up the roots before hard frost in fall, put them in the cellar among dry earth, and plant out a few of tlie best in spring to raise seed. BORECOLE —OR SCOTCH KALE. Sow in April in drills half inch deep and six inches apart. Cover and tramp them , keep free of weeds ; transplant into rows thirty inches apart, and twenty inches apart in the rows in June. They are for win- ter use, and are best after getting a hard frost. They make a delicious dish when boiled alonir with salt pork. 'o UROCOLI — rURPLE CAPE LARGE AVIIITE. Tins is a species of cabbage with long leaves and cheese-like heart, which is very tender and delicious. Sow in drills half inch deep and six inches apart in June ; transplant into rows thirty inches apart each way in August, and use the hearts when they become full grown, which will be in October and November. The leaves are not for use. Brocoli delights in rich loam, and is best in wet seasons. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 145 EARLY CABBAGE. EARLY YORK EARLY VANACK LA.XDRETu's LARGE EARLY. Around Philadelphia, and south of it, earlj cab- bage seeds are sowed middle of September in drills half inch deep and six inches apart, covered, and the earth pressed firm on them and well watered, if the weather continues dry until they are up. Early in November, they are transplanted into a well-shel- tered spot facing the south. The bed is made slo- ping towards the south. A box or frame is made with four boards nailed together, and set on the bed, half sunk, and half banked up. The plants are planted inside of this frame an inch apart each way, lids are made to cover the frame in wet or severe cold weather, during winter. They are tilted up in front in mild weather, and held up with sticks four or five feet long. In March, they are transplanted into the open ground in rows thirty inches apart, and eighteen inches apart in the rows. This plan does not succeed well north of Philadelphia; so it is bet- ter to sow them in hot beds in March, and transplant them into the open ground end of April or May. They should be dusted over tudce with fresh lime or ashes in the mornings, to keep off the small black-Oy, which is very destructive to them when newly trans- planted. ^ 13 146 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA, LATE CABBAGE. DRUMHEAD FLAT DUTCH SAVOY. Sow late cabbage seed in April, in drills half incL deep, and six inches apart; when the young plants come up, dust them over with fresh slacked lime twice a week in the mornings, while they are wet with dew, to keep off the small black-fly. After the plants have four leaves, they will require no more dustings, as they then outgrow the flies. Transplant them in June and July, into rows thirty inches apart each way. Hoe well between the rows and keep them free of weeds ; and on the approach of cold weather, dig them up, and put them in the cellar, or plant them close together in a bed, covering all but the heads with earth. Cover the heads with straw. All kinds of cabbages delight in rich mellow ground. CARROTS. EARLY HORN LONG ORANGE. Sow in drills half inch deep and fourteen inches apart. The early horn can be sowed as soon as the ground is fit to dig in spring for summer use, and the long orange in June, for fall and winter use. Cover the seed, and tramp the earth firm on them. When the plants are two inches high, thin them to three inches apart, hoe between the rows and keep THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 147 clear of weeds. Late in fall dig them up, and put them in the cellar among the dry earth; and in spring plant out a few of the best for raising seeds. CAULIFLOWER. EARLY ASIATIC LATE DUTCH. Manage the early asiatic, as directed for early cabbage, and the late dutch as brocoli, and make the ground very rich. CELERY. WHITE SALID RED SALID. As soon as the frost is out of the ground in spring, sow the seeds in drills quarter inch deep, and eighth inches apart. Cover with the back of the rake ; tramp the earth firm on them, and give them a good watering with boiling water immediately after sow- ing, and they will vegetate more freely. Without this, they often take six weeks before they sprout. Some of the largest plants may be transplanted into rows in June, for summer use, and the others at in- tervals, till the first of August. The following is considered the most approved mode of after culture: draw drills with a hoe, six inches deep, and four feet apart ; then draw back the earth from their edges, 148 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. and smooth off with the rake. When finished, the drills will be like concave furrows, and the space between them like convex ridges. The furrows are then dug one spade in breadth, and the earth broken fine in the process ; a line is stretched along the fur- rows Iheir whole length, and the plants are set in them six inches apart. Short manure is either dug in, or spread on the surface after the plants have taken root. A row of radishes or lettuce is grown on the middle of the ridges. When the plants are six inches high, earth is drawn off the ridges up to their sides: once every two weeks, as they progress in growth, the part covered with earth becomes blanched, and is the only part fit to eat. The green leaves are only used to garnish dishes and to flavour soups and stuffings. Plaster of paris, and bleached wood-ashes are excellent manures for celery. The plants should be transplanted when it rains, or im- mediately after, and should get one or two good waterings if the weather sets in very dry after they are transplanted. Indeed celery cannot get too much water. The earth should be dry when drawn up to the plants ; the afternoons of sunny days is the best time to earth up. On the approach of cold w^eather in fall, the plants are dug up, and planted among good earth in the cellar, where they will blanch and be ready for use when needed ; or they may be planted in a bed in the open ground ; in a well- THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 149 sheltered spot. The plants may be two inches apart in the rows of the bed ; and the rows four inches apart. The bed should slope greatly towards the southj to carry off the rains in winter. An embank- ment of earth may be made on the north side eigh- teen inches higher than the plants; and the plants should be covered with long straw, lengthways across the bed, and boards laid on it to keep it from being blown away. The straw is not to be put on until the hard frost is fairly set in. A few dozens of plants can be taken into the cellar on mild days, where they will be ready for use. Plant out a few of the best in spring to produce seed. CRESS OR PEPPER GRASS. Sow early in spring in drills half inch deep, four joches wide, and eighth inches apart. . When the ^-jlants are two inches high, cut them off with a knife, and eat them as a salad. They wdll grow up again and afford two or three cuttings. The seeds should be sow^ed very thick, and well tramped in ; leave a part of a row entire for seed. 13* 150 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. CUCUMBER. EARLY FIIAME LONG GREEN. Manure and dig the ground well for cucumbers; make marks live feet apart each way, and plant a dozen seeds at each mark. If they all grow, thin them out to three at each place when the plants have four leaves. There is a green and yellow striped bug, which devours the young plants with great ra- pidity unless prevented. Dust the plants over with fresh lime or ashes, in the mornings, while they are wet with dew, twice a week, until they have four large leaves. After that they will outgrow the bugs. The early frame is best for summer use ; plant early in May. The long green is best for fall use and pickling; plant in August. Let a few of the largest fruits ripen oil' for seed: the places where the seeds are planted, should not be elevated, but rather hal- lowed out. The cucumber is a half aquatic plant, and can hardly get too much water. Hoe the ground frequently and keep free of weeds. EGO PLANT PURPLE WHITE. The purple is grown as a culinary vegetable. Sow in a liot bod in March, and transplant into the open ground in June, thirty inches apart each way. They THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 151 require rich ground, and the warmest spot in the garden. When the fruit is four or six inches long, and three or four inches across, they are fit for use. Peel and cut them into slices like a steak ; salt and pepper each slice, and place them on a plate one above the other. Let them stand so an hour: then press on them to squeeze out the juice, and pour it off. Make a batter with eggs and flour ; dip each slice in the batter and fry in butter. They taste so much like a pork steak, that many who eat them without knowing what they are, say that they are the sweetest flesh meat they ever ate. The white variety IS raised the same way^ but unfit to eat; it is grown among t;he flowers for ornament. ENDIVE. CURLED BROAD LEAVED, In June, sow in drills half inch deep, and six inches apart ; and in August, transplant them twelve inches apart each way. When their leaves coverall the space between them, gather them neatly together and tie them up with strings, and draw the earth up around them. When the inner leaves get white, they are fit for use, and eaten as a salad. It is only the blanched part that is eaten. 152 TIIK COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. INDIAN CORN. EARLY SUGAR TUSCAUOKA (U)<)M;r's PROLIFIC. Manurh and dig the giotind well for Indian corn, nnd plant three feet apart each way. Put five or neven seeds in at each place, and il" all grow, pull all up but three at each place ^vhen \\\vy are four inches high; dust lime or ashes over and around tlie plants to keep oil" the grub and wire-worm, if the .sod is sandy, plaster of paiis wdl he better than either ashes or lime. When the plants are eight inches high, draw up a little earth around them to serve as a supj)orl, and displace.all suckers which grow out of the bottom of the main plants. Iloe fre- cpiently between the rows and around the j)lants, and keep clear of weeds. The iirst ])lanting might be i)ut in Iirst of May, and at intervals until the first of July lor succession. IIORSK RADISH. Manure the ground, and dig it deep; make holes one inch wide, twelve inches deep and twelve inches apart each way. Plant a ])iece of root two inches lontr into each hole; and let them till uj) with the weather, and in two years they will have large roots fit for use. The planting can be done either in spring or fall. TIIK COTTAOE OAKUKN Ol" AM K KM; A. 153 LEEK. i.AK(;ii: acjoTcii — ji:.\(;LiJiii ii,a(;. 'I'm; large Scotch leek, is far siipeiior to llie I'lnj^- lish lla;^ in every respect. Sow in April, iti diills liairiiicli (l(M'p and (Mj^iit inches apart, and tiansplant iioin June to August in drills three inches deep, and twelve inches apart. (*ive a good watering aftcT transplanting, even if it rains. Hoe helween the rows and k't the drills fill up wilh lh(! hoein'j:. The plants should h(^ loin- inches apart in th(.' drills. Keep lr(.'(,' of weeds, 'i'lui le(;k is us(;d in soups and stews, and is ornr (jf tin' wholcsomest of all vcgdaMcs ; and *' Cocky Lccky" (as tin; Scotch call it) thai, is; leeks hoiled arul mashed in butter, is a certain cure (or Aslhnia. in use all winter. LETTtJCE. PIIILADELPIIIA HEAD CUKLIM) fXHIAN. Sow in 4lrllls half inch deep and six inches apart. When th(; plants have leaves two inches long, trans- plant into rich ground twelve inches apart each way. The Philadelphia produces large firm heads, and is very hardy. Sow it at the same time, and cultivate it in the way as directed for early cabhage, except 154 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. the distance apart. The curled Indian is best for summer use; sow in April and at intervals through the summer. MUSK MELON. NUTMEG — CITRON PINE-APrLE. Manure and dig the ground well for Musk Melons. Plant them in May, six feet apart each way. Put twelve seeds in at each place and if all grow, pull up ail but three at a place when the plants are four inches high. Dust them with lime or ashes, in the mornings while wet with de\v, twice a week, until they have four large leaves, to keep off grubs and bugs. The fruit will be ripe in August. It has a sweet scent, and parts from the vine on being touched when ripe. It is a delicious and wholesome fruit. i WATER MELON. CAROLINA SPANISH. The water melon is cultivated in the same way as the musk melon, except that they are planted ten feet apart each way. Both musk and water melons flourish best on rich, sandy loam. The water melon is ripe when it has a breaking sound on being pressed by the hand ; it is a wholesome fruit. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 155 To have melons a month earlier than by the above method, have boxes made two feet square, sixteen inches deep at back, and eight inches deep at front, with sloping sides, and a glazed sash to fit, with a lath on each side as high as the sash, to keep it from being blown off with high winds. Having all ready about the first of May, dig holes two feet wide and two feet deep; put eighteen inches of hot horse manure in them, and a foot of earth above it. Plant the seeds an inch deep in the middle, and place the box and sash on it. When the plants are an inch high, push down the sash a little every day to admit air. Be sure to draw it close up at night, and if there appears to be frost, cover the sash with mats or boards over niQ;ht. Water when needed. The sash can be taken off in warm days; after the plants have four leaves, both box and sash might be taken off altogether by the second week in June MUSTARD. WHITE — BROWN. Cultivate mustard in the same way, and use it in the same form as Cress or pepper grass. 156 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. NASTURTIUM. Sow the seeds in drills two inches deep, along side of a fence. Scald the seed before planting, or pour boiling water over them after they are planted. The green seeds ere gathered, pickled, and used as capers. Sow in April. OKRA. Sow okra seeds in May, in drills two inches deep and thirty inches apart. The green seed pods are used in soups. ONION. Around New York city, and north of it, onion seeds are sowed thin in drills half inch deep and twelve inches apart as soon as the frost is out of the ground in spring, hoed between the rows, and kept free of weeds. They are full grown by September. If the season is wet, and they grow^ much to stalks, an empty flour barrel is rolled over them early in September, which bends down the stalks, and causes them to bulb better. By this mode, onions are pro- duced on sood ofround twelve inches in circumference in one year. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMEKICA. 157 South of New York city, the onion takes two years to grow. The seeds are sowed thick in drills one inch deep and eight inches apart in April or May. They are ripened off in July, with bulbs the size of bush beans, which are kept in a loft or garret, until the following spring. As soon as the frost is out of the ground, they are planted in drills one inch deep and eight inches apart, and the sets 2 inches apart in the drills ; they are kept free of weeds and are full grown end of June. PARSLEY. CURLED PLAIN Sow early in spring, in drills one inch deep, and ten inches apart. Give a good watering with boil- ing water immediately after sowing. PARSNIP SUGAR. Sow early in spring, in drills one inch deep, and sixteen inches apart. When the plants are two inches high, thin them out to four inches apart, hoe frequently between the rows, and keep free of weeds. The roots are full grown in fall, and are most tender after getting a sharp frost. Let them remain in the ground all winter; and dig up a few every mild time, and put them in the cellar, to be ready for use. They are delicious when boiled along with salt meat. 14 158 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. PEPPER. LARGE BELL TOMATO SHAPED. Sow in drills one inch deep and six inches apart. "When the plants are four inches high, transplant into rich ground in rows two feet apart, and the plants sixteen inches apart in the rows. It is best to sow them in a hot bed in March, and plant thera out in May. If that cannot be done sow in April, and water with boiling water as soon as sowed, and transplant when large enough. RADISH. LONG SALMON YELLOW SUMMER SPANISH. Sow the long salmon, as soon as the ground is fit to dig in spring, in drills one inch deep and six inches apart. Yellow Summe^'. — Sow in April and at intervals through the summer, in drills one inch deep and twelve inches apart. Spanish. — Sow in August in drills, one inch deep and sixteen inches apart. When the plants are two inches high, thin them out to four inches apart ; hoe between the rows and keep free of weeds ; and on the approach of cold weather in fall, pull them up, cut off their leaves and put them in the cellar among THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 159 dry earth. They are in use in late fall, and all win- ter. Plant out a few of the best in spring, to pro- duce seeds. PEA. LANDRETH's extra early WASHINGTON EARLY BLUE IMPERIAL. Sow as soon as the ground is free of frost in spring, in drills three inches deep, and thirty-three inches apart. Cover them with the earth drawn out of the drills, and tramp it well down. When the plants are six inches high, draw up a little earth to them, and stick in branches of trees three feet long on each side of every row, for them to climb on. If the above named are sowed at the same time, or a week after one another, they will come into use to succeed each other. They are dwarf growers, and prolific kinds, and well suited for cottage gardens. The tall growers take too much room for such places. Hoe frequently between the rows, and keep free of weeds. RHUBARB— PIE PLANT. GI A NT MAMMOTH VICTORIA. The plants are from two to five dollars per dozen. Plant in fall or spring, thirty inches apart each way. Dig in plenty of manure about them every year, and 160 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. keep free of weeds. The foot stalk of the leaves are peeled and stewed, then made into pies, and are both delicious and wholesome. Break off' the flower stalk when it appears ; so that the whole growth of the plant may go into the leaves and foot stalks, which will make them larger. SALSAFY—OYSTER PLANT. Sow early in spring, in drills one inch deep, and twelve inches apart ; when the plants are two inches high, thin them out to three inches apart in the rows. They will be fit for use in late fall and all winter. They can either remain in the ground all winter, or be dug up before the ground freezes up. Have their leaves cut off*, and put in the cellar among dry earth. The roots are washed with a hard brush and boiled in water, or water and milk and salt ; then mashed up, and kneaded in flour into cakes and fried in butter. They both taste and smell like oysters, and are very wholesome. SCURVY GRASS. Sow in September, in drills one inch deep and fourteen inches apart. Cover with straw in winter, and use as a salad th'^oug^ 'l.p winter and early spring. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 161 SORREL— GARDEN. Sow in April, in drills one inch deep and twelve inches apart, and use as a salad. SPINACH. PRICKLY SEEDED ROUND SEEDED, Sow the prickly seeded in September, in drills one inch deep and fifteen inches apart. Cover with straw in winter, and use in early spring. Sow the round seeded as soon as the ground is fit to dig. In spring it will come in use to succeed the prickly seeded. SQUASH. EARLY BUSH — COCOA NUT. Sow the early bush in April in rich ground, plant six feeet apart each way, and cultivate as directed for Musk Melons. Sow the cocoa nut in May, ten feet apart, and cultivate as water melons. The early bush will be in use in July and August. Peel, boil and mash up with butter. The cocoa nut is in use in late fall and all winter ; gather in before very cold weather, and 14* 162 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. place them in an airy part of the cellar. They are peeled, boiled, mashed up with eggs and spices, and made into pies. TOMATO— LOVE APPLE. Sow in a hot bed in March, and plant out into the open ground in May, four feet apart each way. Or the seeds can be sowed in April four feet apart each way. Put several seeds in at a place, and if all grow, cut ail off but one. Hoe well between them, and keep free of weeds. When ripe they are boiled, then peeled and mashed up with salt and pepper. They are very wholesome. The large Red is per- haps the best. There are the small red, large yellow, small yellow, and several other kinds. Tomato Catsup. — Is one of the finest and whole- somest sauces for meat. The fruit is gathered, cut once through, and boiled in a brass or copper kettle half an hour. The juice is then squeezed out of them, and strained through a hair sieve, or coarse cloth, and the spices are added ; and the whole is boiled three hours over a slow fire. Then they are poured into an open dish to cool— next day, the vinegar is added, then the catsup is bottled, and tight corked. The following are the spices. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 163 For each peck of tomatoes — add of red pepper I" oz. black, J oz. mace, J oz. allspice, -| oz. cloves J oz. mustard 2 oz. salt to suit the taste — the spices are all in a powdered state, vinegar one pint. POTATOE. This most useful of vegetables has been the sub- ject of much discussion as to the best mode of its culture. We have tried many experiments and grown many varieties, and would recommend the following. Dig up the ground rough in fall, and sow it over with fresh lime at the rate of half a peck per rood. In spring spread it over with long manure, and dig it in. Cut the tubers into sets, with two eyes each. Plant the early kinds as soon as the ground is in a good working condition in spring, in drills three inches deep, and twenty-seven inches apart ; and plant the sets eight inches apart in the drills with their eyes uppermost. Cover them up with the earth taken out of the drills. Plant the late kinds in May, in drills four inches deep, and thirty-three inches apart. Plant the sets ten inches apart in the drills, and cover up. When they come up, give the ground a good hoeing around them, and when they are eight inches high, draw the earth well up to their sides, 164 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. and keep them clear of weeds. The early kinds can be dug when needed for use, and the late kinds should be all dug up in September. By thi.s mode we have never been troubled with the rot, and the tubers keep well till July. We never grow them two years in succession on the same piece of ground, and get a fresh set of tubers from a distance every second year. We think that all kinds of potatoes degenerate when grown long on the same soil, and in the same neighbourhood. VARIETIES. There seems to be no end to varieties ; every dis- trict has its preference. In eastern Pennsylvania and West Jersey, Landreth's Extra Early is preferred as an early — the Mercer and Foxite as late kinds. In New York, East Jersey, and part of New England, Thorburn's Sovereign Early is preferred as first early — Ross, seedling, as a second early — the New York Pinkeye and Mercer as late kinds. Around Boston, Perkins seedling is highly spoken of as an early kind. — In 1839, we grew fifteen kinds in the garden of Dr. Peter Wendell at Albany, which we got from that matchless Agriculturist, (the late Judge Beul.) They were planted in May, and dug up in September. The produce was washed, weighed, THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 165 and measured, and the flour taken from two pounds weight of each kind. The whole was exhibited at the Albany Horticultural Society's Exhibition, for which we got the society's thanks and first prize. The following lists show which had the greatest yield, and which contained most flour. The greatest stands first, the least last. YIELD. QUANTITY OF FLOUR. Rohan late Thorburn's sovereign early Dutch Red *« Irish Cups English Whites " Foxite " Reds " New York Pinkeye Mercer " New England Blue Ross seedling, second Mercer early Ross, seedling New Y'ork Pinkeye late Forty Fold Thorburn's sovereign Late Stanford first early Orange Pinkeye Orange Pinkeye late English Whites New England Blues " Reds Forty Fold Dutch Reds Late Stanford Nonparelle ^ Irish Cups Rohan Nonparelle second early Foxite late It is seen that the ^ Rohan' had the greatest yield ; and the least flour. 166 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA, TURNIP. RED TOP YELLOW ABERDEEN RUTA BAGA. Sow on rich ground, the Ruta Baga and Yellow Aberdeen first of July in Boston, and first of August at Baltimore ; in drills half inch deep, and thirty inches apart. When the plants are three inches high, thin them out to eight inches apart in the drills. The Red Top may be sowed three weeks later than the others, in drills half inch deep, and sixteen inches apart ; and thin them out to five inches apart in the rows. Hoe the ground well about thera, and keep free of weeds, and on the approach of severe cold weather pull them up, cut off their leaves, and put them among dry earth in the cellar. In spring plant a few of the best, to produce seeds. The different kinds should be planted apart from each other, as the flowers of the one are likely to get impregnated by those of the other and make impure seeds. > AROMATIC AND SWEET HERSS. CARAWAY SWEET BASIL SWEET IIARJASAM SUMMER SAVORY — ARE ANNUALS. Sow in April, in drills half inch deep, and fifteen inches apart; give a good watering with boiling water as soon as sowed. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 167 Lavender, Sage, Mint, Thyme and Winter Marja- ram, are perennials, and last many years. Sow early in spring, in drills one inch deep and fifteen inches apart. Water with boiling water as soon as sowed. Hoe well between the rows and keep them clear of weeds. All herbs are best, if gathered just before they expand their blossoms. The Caraway is grown for its seed. W^hen gathered they should be dried in a garret, and not in the sun. BENE PLANT. The bene plant is a sure cure for the summer com- plaint. Put five full grown leaves in a pint of cold water ; bruise them and let remain half an hour, and the water will be as thick as a jelly. Drink half a pint at a time, and frequently, till a cure is efTected. It gives neither colour nor smell to the water, and is as easily drank as clear water. Sow the seeds in drills one inch deep, and fifteen inches apart first of May; and give a good watering with boiling water immediately after sowing. REMARKS. It should be understood that all seeds sowed in drills are to be covered with the earth taken out of the drills ; and that it is of great importance to tramp 168 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA the earth firm on the seeds, as it brings the earth and seeds in close contact, and causes the seeds to sprout more freely. All plants transplanted, should be done before or after rain, or on cloudy days or evenings, and watered well immediately after, unless it rains ; and many kinds will require several waterings if the weather continues very dry. The greatest economy should be practised in the cropping; so as not to have any part of the garden without a crop in the growing season. As soon as one crop is ripened off, the ground should be cleared, and another crop put on. Late cabbages may be planted between the rows of early peas, beans, corn, etc.; late beets, car- rots, etc. may succeed spinage, early cabbage, lettuce, etc. turnips, fall radishes, etc. may succeed early cucumbers, late cucumbers, beans, etc. may succeed early potatoes; fall spinage may succeed melons etc. HOEING AND KILLING WEEDS. Frequent hoeing pulverizes the ground, and makes it admit the sun, rain and air to the roots of the plants, which is of essential benefit to their growth. The killing of weeds while young is also of great importance to the cultivated plants, as the whole nourishment of the ground, rains, air, and sun, are given to them ; all of which are necessary to the THE COTTAGE GARDEN OP AMERICA. 169 health and growth of plants. The weeds should be raked off the ground as soon as hoed up ; as in wet or cloudy weather, they may strike root and grow again, and cause double labour. PURCHASING SEEDS. All seeds should be purchased if possible, from respectable seedsmen, whose w^iole business is in procuring the choicest kinds from all countries, and after trying their qualities and adaptation to our climate, to offer them for sale. And having served their lifetimes to the business, such men are competent judges. So we advise all country mer- chants who sell seeds, to purchase them from respec- table seedsmen, for the benefit of their customers. We have seen many vexations and disappointments caused by purchasing seeds in city markets and small country stores, raised by "Shakers" and other irre- sponsible growers. We give for the benefit of our cottagers a list of seedsmen, whom we know to be extensive dealers, strict in their nomenclatures and honest men. D. Landreth, Philadelphia Penn. Ft. Buist, " " H. Dreer, " " Protty & Co. " " 15 170 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. J. Thorburn, New York A. Smith, " '' Wm. Thorburn, Albany, New York. Hovy & Co. Boston, Mass. We have grown many hundred dollars worth of seeds, got from the above seedsmen ; and have not met with a single disappointment, and there are ex- perienced honest seedsmen in other places who may be depended on, although we are unacquainted with them. RAISING SEEDS. Every cottager can raise his own seeds ; but all kinds will degenerate if grown for many years on the same soil, and same neighbourhood, unless they get extra culture. So every one should get a new set of seeds from a distance every four or five years, either from friends or by purchase. There are always new and choice kinds of culinary vegetables, as w'ell as flowers, coming out every year ; and if any one contents himself with growing the same kinds, he will soon be left behind the age, and his garden will have the same appearance in ten years hence as it has now. Changes give pleasure to life. The reason why large dealers seeds are superior to others is, because they are constantly importing fresh stocks; so that their seeds are as suitable for the neighbourhood where they are raised, as at a distance. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 171 SCALDING SEEDS. Many kinds of seeds have hard shells, and are apt to fail, unless scalded before sowing, or immediately after. AGE OF SEEDS. The age of seeds is of importance according to the purpose for which the plants are cultivated. When the whole plants are of use, such as celery, lettuce, radish, cabbage, turnips, etc., the younger the seeds the better ; as by it, the plants will grow larger, and be more tender. But if the plants are grown for their seeds or fruits, seeds three or four years old, are better than when only one year old ; as that causes the plants to grow less in size and more to fruit and seeds, and also makes seeds and fruit ripen earlier. Cucumber, egg plant, pepper, squash, melon, ocra, etc., are earlier and more prolific when the seeds are old. VARIETIES. We have not pretended to give a full list of culi- nary vegetables, but just such as we think most suitable with economy for small cottage gardens. 172 TH^ COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. There are many other choice kinds, for which the reader is referred to the Catalogues of seedsmen in different parts of our country. BOOKS ON VEGETABLES. There are many books on vegetables, which dwell more at length on their culture than we can be expected to do in a small volume, noticing so many articles. Bridgeman's "Gardiner's Assistant," is one of the best books on the subject. Buist's " Family Kitchen Garden." — Mr. Downing in his " Horticultarist" says, " this is the best book on the culture of culinary vegetables. It is to the point, no superfluous words." [We have not read the book, but know that Mr. Buist is a man of great energy and intellect ; he takes hold of his work with both hands, it matters not, whether his tool be the pen or spade.] Mr. Fessenden of Boston, has also written an ex- cellent book on vegetables. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 173 «fc TREE DEPARTMENT. My cottage home ! my cottage home ! Here, in thy cherished loved embrace, I'll spend my lotted hours to come, Nor seek to find a lovelier place. Notwithstanding all our attempts to embellish and beautify our cottages and gardens with flowers, vines and shrubs, which are truly pleasing and lovely in themselves — they have an unprotected and dimin- utive appearance without some sturdy sons of the forest to watch over them. But what a fine finish do a couple of noble shade trees on the side-walk, and a handsome evergreen in the centre of the plot, each side of the approach from that to the cottage, give to the whole place. And when we are abroad, ihe first thing we see of our homes in the distance ^n our return, are these gigantic sentinels by the gate, watching over the place in our absence, and looking out for our coming. And we know that they are ours, by their size, their form, and their color. They seem to meet us half way, and stretch out their extended arms to shake hands with us on our ap- proach, and wave their leaves, to fan the sweat from our brows. And how refreshing we feel when they throw their shady mantle over us; and on leaving \5* 174 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. them to enter our cottage, we meet our constant friends, the evergreens, smiling in their beauty to welcome us home. And these very trees seem to know the purpose for which they are there. The evergreens, being nearer to the cottage, keep them- selves tidy dressed through the winter, and smile in at our windows when all other beauties are gone. They are like dear, comforting friends, keeping us in remembrance of the happy past, and in anticipa- tion of the pleasant future. And the deciduous trees, knowing that it is for their shade they are there, drop their foliage on the approach of cold weather, in obedience to our wishes ; as their ser- vices are no longer needed, and each remains through the winter, a " leafless plant, a desolate waste." But on the return of warm weather in spring, when they are preparing for service, how beautiful their swelling buds ! O how fresh their newly expanded foliage. "All nature dies and lives again ; Anew shall flowers deck the plain ; The woods shall hear the voice of spring; And flourish green again." There is no species of benevolence so universally bestowed, and more gratefully felt, than the planting of shade trees The wayfaring pedestrian is refreshed by the shade of trees in front of the lonely cottage by the wayside. The village is beautiful and its THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 175 inhabitants comforted with shade trees, and they afford a delightful promenade when growing along the sides of streets of large towns and cities. Every- body should plant shade trees; he who is able to build a house, and will not give two dollars to de- corate it with a couple of shade trees, for his own comfort, and the benefit of his fellow man, shows himself a miserable object of pity, and utterly un- worthy of the blessings which the God of Heaven is daily bestowing on him SHADE TREES. Msculus, Hippocastanum, or Horsechesnut — is of slow growth, forms a handsome tree, bearing large, fragrant, white flowers in May and June. ^scuhoSy Rubicunda, or red-Jlowering Horsechesnut. Acer Dasycarpunif or Silver Maple — is of rapid growth, weeping habit, and forms a handsome head. Acer Saccharinum, or Sugar Maple — makes a noble shade tree. Acer Rubrum, or Red Maple — a beautiful tree. Acer Pseudo Platanus, or European Sycamore— makes a most splendid shade tree. Ailanthus Glandulosus, or Tree of Heaven — is of rapid growth ; thrives on every soil. Filia, or Linden Tree — both the European and American species make handsome trees. . 176 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA Paulownia Imperiales — a choice shade tree, of late introduction from China, is of very rapid growth ; thrives on all soils. Ulmus Campesirisj or English Elm tree — makes a most splendid shade tree. Ulmus Americana^ American Elm — also makes a handsome tree Salix Babylomca, or Weeping Willow — one of the very handsomest trees; thrives on every soil, and of rapid growth. Fraxinus Americana, or American Ash tree — makes a good shade tree. Fraxinus Excehiory or English Ash tree — makes a handsome shade. EVERGREEN TREES. PiNus Balsamed — Balm of Gilead tree. PInus Abies, or Norway Feir. Pinus Canadensis, or Hemlock Spruce. Pinus Nigra, or Black Spruce. Pinus Storbus, or White Pine. Pinus Picea, or Silver Pine. Pinus Rubra, or Red Pine. Thuja Occidentalis — American Arborvitea, THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 177 TRANSPLANTING SHADE TREES. Shade trees are generally larger when transplanted than fruit trees are, and succeed better when done in fall than in spring. Set the tree where and how it is to stand when planted ; make a rit with the spade nine inches out from the extremity of its roots all round ; dig the hole that size and shape, and nine inches deeper than the tree is to be planted ; put the good top soil around the hole, and cast the poor under soil a little ways off; put nine inches of the good soil in the bottom of the hole ; break it fine ; then set the tree in it. Fill up with good soil, after the roots of the tree are covered. Tramp the earth firm on them ; then fill up the hole with good soil, mixing short manure along wuth it, and when full tramp down again. Form a basin around the tree, with the poor earth taken out of the bottom of the hole. The basin should be as wide as the spreading roots, and fill it half up with manure ; if the planting is performed in spring, fill the basin at once with water, and frequently through the summer, if the weather is very dry. If done in fall, no water will be needed, unless the trees appear to suffer with the following summer's drought. 178 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. TRANSPLANTING EVERGREEN TREES. Evergreen trees may be transplanted the same way as shade trees. From August till June, except in the time of hard fjost, fill their basins frequently with water the first summer after planting. All trees should be dug up with as much of their roots as pos- sible. HEDGES OR LIVE FENCES. The cheapest, most beautiful, and durable fences are hedges, and all dividing fences of cottage gar- dens, should be made of hedges ; there are several kinds of plants well adapted for the purpose. Madura Aiirantiaca^ or Osage Orange — is of rapid growth, with large, shining Orange-like leaves, and long sharp thorns ; thrives on all soils, hardy at the north, and being a native of Arkansas, it succeeds well at the south. Ligustrum Vulgare, or Privet or Prim — is of rapid growth, with slender shoots and small leaves ; forms a neat hedge, thrives on all soils, hardy at Maine, and flourishing in Virginia. Crateagus, or Hawthorn. — There is an American and an English species, of rapid growth, with slender shoots and small leaves, and short sharp thorns ; THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 179 succeed well on heavy soils ; hardy at Maine, and flourishing in Virginia, the finest hawtorn hedges that we have seen in America, were at Downing's *' Highland Nurseries" at Newburg, Orange Co. New York. The English thorn enclosed one lot, the American another. The English looked most tempting in spring, its leaves smaller and wood more slender than the American ; but by the end of August, it was almost devested of foliage by the heat, while the American was as green, and flourishing as it was in spring. Any of the above plants, will make thick fences six feet high in three years, and are cheaper than common post and rail fences, and will last for gene- rations. PLANTING HEDGES. Dig out a trench twelve inches deep, and fifteen inches wide ; let one person set the plants in the middle of the trenches six inches apart, and another break the earth fine, and put it gently in around them, while the planter holds them straight up ; tramp the earth well down around them. The trenches should not be entirely filled, but rather left concave, so that all the rains which fall may settle about their roots ; and if waiter is needed the first summer, it should be given. 180 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. KEEPING HEDGES IN GOOD ORDER. Hoe frequently, and destroy all weeds about their roots, and clip them once or twice a year, that is, shorten the top and side shoots, so as to make them grow thick and bushy. They may be trained any height, shape and thickness. It is however better to have them ridged on top than flat, as the snows in winter will not lodge so much on them and put them out of shape. EVERGREEN HEDGES. Evergreen hedges are the most beautiful of all fences. The finest we have seen in America are of Chinese Arborvitea, and growing in the nursery of Mr. T. Landreth, Philadelphia Junipents Virginiana, or Red Cedar — makes a neat evergreen hedge, thriving equally well on the sands of Jersey, and heavy loam of Pennsylvania. Thvja OrientaliSj or Chinese Arhorvitca — is a most choice plant for evergreen hedges ; thrives best on loamy soils. These hedges are too expensive for working peo- ple, and their slow growth would wear their patience out. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 181 ORNAMENTAL TREES. Amygdalis Persica^ or Double-flowerivg Peach — resembles the peach tree in everything but the flowers, which are large and double. Cercis Canadensis, or Judas tree — grows as large as a peach tree, with pink, pea-like flowers, in April and May. Cercis Siliquasirum — bears purple pea-like flowers, in April and May ; a splendid tree. * Crataegus, or Hawthorn — fragrant and beautiful. Alba Pleno, or double white. Rubra Pleno, or double scarlet. Splendeus, or splendid. Cytisus Laburnum, or Golden Chain tree — has large racems of yellow flowers in May. Hibiscus Syriacus, or Althea, or Rose of Sharon. Alba Pleno, or double white large rose-like flowers. Picta, " " '^ striped " " " " Rubra, '' " «' red " '' '' " The Hibiscus are all beautiful, with large double rose-like flowers, from July till September. Rohinia Vi.scosa, Rose Acacia tree — with large racems of white flowers, in April and May. The above may be grov/n as shrubs ; they seldom exceed twenty feet in height when full growm. The following grow very large trees. 16 182 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA Cerasus Areium Multiplex^ or douhle-flowerwg cherry — has large, snowy white daisy-like flowers, from bottom to top, in April and May ; splendid tree. Magnolia Conspicua—\ms large tulip-like white flowers, in April and May; a native of China. Magnolia Macrophylla— has large white tulip-like flowers, in May and June ; a native of America. Magnolia and double-flowering cherry trees — are highly ornamental, and would have a beautiful ap- pearance, if planted in long lines as shade trees, in the public streets of large cities. INSECTS. Caterpillars are often found on shade and orna- mental trees, and may be destroyed in the same way as directed for fruit trees. Bag Grub. — This is a large dark-colored grub, which weaves for itself a silken bag in which it lives, and can open and shut it at pleasure, just as any body would open and shut a purse which, is drawn together in the mouth with a string. As soon as these bags appear on trees or bushes, if within reach of the hand, they should be picked off", and put in a pail of hot water ; if out of reach, they can be cut ofl' with the young shoot to which they are attached, and burned, or scalded. They devour the leaves with great greediness, and THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 183 in a short time, a few of them will strip a large tree of its foliage. Pine Blight — is an insect, which (deposits an egg, near to the top of the main shoots of pine trees ; a grub is hatched, which lives on the inner bark and soft wood, and eats downwards, whenever the shoot appears to fade ; cut it off twelve inches below the faded part, split it up, and there is the rogue ; kill him. PRUNING. Shade and ornamental trees, should get a proper pruning every year ; thin out and shorten the over- grown branches; study to balance the head of the tree, and if it leans to one side, cut off some of the branches on the side it leans to, and train it in a symmetrical style. 184 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. NURSERY DEPARTMENT, OR PROPAGATION. There are several systems by which plants are propagated, according to their natures. Species can be propagated by seeds, but varieties cannot. So Horticulturalists had to find out the other systems, whereby varieties and hybrids can be perpetuated as well as species ; and now, some species are propa- gated with more facility by these systems than by seeds. BUDDING, OR INOCULATING. In the taking a bud from the young shoot of one plant, and inserting it in between the bark and wood of the stem or branch of another plant, so as to make them unite and grow. The piece to be inserted is called Bud, the plant on which it is to be inserted, is called Stock. Have a sharp knife with a thin blade, and ivory heft, tapering to a thin edge at one end ; get a shoot of the present year's growth with prominent buds, from the plant that is to be increased, and procure soft strings for tieing, (bass mat strings are best,) now fix on a smooth part of the stocky and THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 185 make a horizontal cut on the north side of it, half an inch in length, through the bark, into the solid wood, but no further; and make a perpendicular cut two inches long, from the middle of the horizontal cut downwards. Now fix on a prominent bud on the young shoot, enter the knife half an inch above it ; cut slantingly downwards and half through the wood, and bring it out an inch below the bud. Now sepa- rate the wood from the bark gently, so as not to in- jure the inner bark, or to pull out the eye of the bud. If there is a hole behind the bud, the eye is out, and the bud useless, if there is no hole, — the the bud is entire. Now take hold of the stock with the left hand near to the cuts, and with the right hand, raise the bark up from the wood, each side of the perpe.idicular cut, with the thin end of the knife haft. Then siip in the prepared bud between the wood and bark, slide it down to the bottom of the cut, and lay the stock bark smoothly over it ; let the eye project out. Now tie it up with a string. Be- gin half an inch below the bottom of the cut, and wind it tight and close around the stock upwards, to half an inch above the horizontal cut, and tie it. Observe not to cover the eye of the bud with the string. Look at it two weeks after it is inserted : if it is green and plump, it is doing well ; if brown and shriveled, it is dead. If the string appears to gird the stock, and the bud is alive, take it off and tie it 16* 186 THE COTTAGE GARDExV OF AMERICA. on slacker, and in two weeks more remove it alto- gether. Some do not separate the wood and hark of the bud, but smooth it off and insert it entire. This plan is more simple, and equally as successful ; more so with some plants, especially if done early. If the head of the stock is cut off after the bud is fairly taken, the bud will make a large growth the present season, but is apt to be killed by the winter. So the safest plan is to leave it till next spring; then cut off the head of the stock six inches above the in- serted bud, rub off all the stock buds as they swell, except one above the inserted one, and when it has made a shoot six inches long, rub off the other ; so that the inserted bud may get all the nourishment in the stock. Several buds may be put on one plant. We have had twenty-six everblooming roses grow- ing on a sweet briar bush, all stone fruit trees do best by budding, and pears on quince stocks. The season for budding is, from the middle of July, till the end of August. CUTTINGS. By this species of propagation, cuttings taken from the young shoots of plants, with three or four buds each. They are planted with two buds in the ground, and one or two buds above ground. The cuttings of hardy plants may be procured early in spring and THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 18*7 planted in mellow ground, in a shaded part of the garden. They may be planted in rows from six to fourteen inches apart, and the cuttings from three to six inches apart in the rows according to their growths. If the ground is not naturally sandy, some sharp sand should be put about the bottom of the cuttings, and they will grow more freely. Give them several good waterings in summer, and by fall they will have made good growths, and be well rooted ; and in the following spring they may be transplanted to where they are wanted. The cut* tings of pot plants should be planted in half sharp sand, and half loam. A number of cuttings may be planted into one pot, and when well rooted, they can be planted singly into small pots. All cuttings and young plants should be shaded for some time after they are planted. GRAFTING. Is the taking a young shoot from one plant and inserting it in the stem or branch of another plant, causing them to unite in growth. The shoot to be inserted is called Graft or Scion. It should have five or six buds. The plant on which the graft is to be inserted, is called stock. The time to graft fruit trees and other hardy plants, is in spring, when they are beginning to swell their buds. Have a sharp 188 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. knife; procure shoots of last year's growth, with five or six buds each, for grafts, and soft strings for tie- ing. Then prepare grafting clay or wax. The clay is prepared by mixing three parts clay, and one part horse droppings, to the consistence of good putty. Grafting wax is made of four parts bees-wax, four parts common pitch, two of lard and one of burgundy pitch, boiled an hour together. The strings are to bind the graft and stock tight together, the clay or ■wax is to cover the union of the graft and stock so as to exclude the air and moisture. WHIP GRAFTING. Is generally practised in nurseries on young stocks. The nearer one thickness the graft and stock are the better. Head off the stock six inches above the ground, and make a sloping cut two inches long on one side of the upper end. Then make a slit in the middle of the cut downwards, one inch in length. Now make a sloping cut on the lower end of the graft, to correspond exactly with that made on the stock, and. make a slit in the middle of it upwards an inch long. Now fix the graft on the stock, slip the tongue of the graft in the slit of the stock, then bind tight together with a string, beginning below the union, and finish above. Cover the whole with THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 189 clay or wax. The clay should be half an inch thick all round, tapering off to nothing at both ends, and reaching an inch below, and an inch above the union. The wax may be put on an eighth of an inch thick. Look at it occasionally to see that the clay or wax do not fall off; if so, replace it. When the graft has made a shoot ten inches long, remove the clay or wax, and string, so that it may swell with the growth. It should be observed that both clay and wax are not used on the same graft, either of them is enough. CLIFT GRAFTING, Is practised on the stocks from one to three inches in diameter. Saw off the head of the stock level, and smooth the cut with the knife. Split the stock down the middle, two inches in length, with a strong knife, and put a large nail in the middle of the split, to keep it open. Sharpen the lower ends of the grafts on both sides to the shape of a thin wedge, two inches in length ; insert one on each side of the clift in the stock, with the outer edge flush with the bark of the stock. Hold them in their places with one hand, and draw out the nail with the other, to let the clift close on the grafts ; bind tight with strings and cover with clay, at least an inch 190 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. thick all round. When the grafts have grown twelve or eighteen inches long, remove clay and bandage. ROOT GRAFTING, Is practised by nurserymen with choice roses. The stocks are pieces of common rose roots two or three inches long ; the grafts are pieces of young shoots of choice roses. A slit is made in the stock an inch long, and the lower end of the graft is shaped like a wedge, and fitted in the slit of the stock. They are then slightly tied together, planted in small pots, and placed in a hot-bed, where they soon grow. They are re-potted into larger pots as they progress in growth, and make large plants in one season. The grafts are generally two inches long, and planted so as to have one bud above ground. This species of grafting is performed in midwinter. IJVARCHING, Is sometimes called, " Grafting by Approach," and practised on plants which are not easily propa- gated by Budding or Grafting, and cannot be per- petuated by seeds. The stock is a young plant, with a stem as thick as a goose quill ; the graft is a young THE COTTAGE GARDEN OP AMERICA. 191 branch of a large plant, nearly of the same thickness as the stem of the stock; the stock is set on a bench as high as the branch to be grafted on it. A cut, two inches long, is made on one side of both stock and graft in an arch form, and half through the shoots at the middle of the cut, the graft and stock are placed together, the two cuts are bent into each other, so as to fit exactly, heart to heart, and bark to bark, and tied tight together with a soft string. In three months after the operation, they will be united, when the graft can be cut from its parent close to the stock, and the stock headed off, close to the graft. The plant is then placed in the shade for a few weeks, and makes a good growth the same year. The ope- ration should be performed early in June. It will be seen that the graft is attached to its parent, and receiving nourishment from it, while it is uniting with the stock ; and the head of the stock is left on to draw up the sap, and assists the uniting. LAYERING, Is practised on carnations, roses, shrubs, and many kinds of greenhouse plants, grape-vines, etc. Select a young shoot of the present year's growth, bend it down, and make a sloping hole in the ground where the shoot comes in contact with it, from two 192 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. to six inches deep, according to the kind of plant. Now cut off the leaves on the part of the shoot that is to be in the hole, enter the knife immediately be- hind a bud which will be in the bottom of the hole, half through the shoot, and split it upwards two inches. Put some sand or earth in the split to keep it open. Lay the shoot in the hole, push in a peg or stick with a hook into the ground over the shoot, behind the tongue or split, to keep it in its place. Then break the earth fine, and fill up the hole. If the soil is not naturally sandy, mix sharp sand with it, above, below and around the split or tongue. This will make it root more readily. The operation may be performed from June till September. Car- nations, grape-vines, roses, etc. will be well rooted by fall. Shrubs, etc., will take fifteen months to be well rooted. It will be seen that the layer is at- tached to its parent, and receiving nourishment from it, while it is making roots in the earth. When well rooted, it can be dug up and planted where it is wanted SEEDS. All plants have first originated from seeds. Dif- ferent kinds of seeds may be sowed at different times, according to their natures ; the larger the seeds are, the deeper should they be sowed, and the THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 193 smaller, the more shallow. Small seeds with hard shells, should be scalded before they are sowed, or well watered with boiling water immediately after. Seeds of stone fruit trees, nuts, etc., should have their shells broken, and taken off before sowino". Seeds of trees, shrubs, etc. should be sowed in fall, unless there be many land mice in the ground. All kinds of seeds should have the earth well tramped over them, and the soil kept moist until they sprout; and they will vegetate more freely. SUCKERS. Many plants propagate themselves by throwing up suckers from their root?, which make as good plants as those propagated bv artificial means. Fruit trees are an exception to thi^: they should never be propagated by suckers. DIVISIONS. Many herbaceous plants are propagated by divi- sions of the plant or roots. The daisy, polyanthus, primrose, cowslip, etc. are propagated by divisions of the plant. The plants are divided, and every piece that has a heart to it will grow and soon make a large plant. The roots of Perennial larkspurs, 17 194 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. Moonkshoods, Peonas, Pie plant, Phlox, etc., increase very fast. These roots are divided, and each piece with a bud will make a plant. LEAVES. Some plants are propagated by leaves, the "wax plant'' for example. Take a leaf with the foot stalk attached : plant it with the foot stalk and part of the leaf in the soil, and in a short time it will grow, and make a plant. All young plants should have the soil kept uni- formly moist, and frequently stirred about them, and kept free of weeds ; and many hardy kinds will be benefited, by being slightly covered with manure or litter, the first winter. [NSECTS., When greatly harrassed with enemies, we are apt to think that all are enemies, and often vent our wrath on our real friends through mistake. So it is the case wuth insects ; birds, which are the great de- stroyers of insects, are either shot, or frightened away from our places ; and yet it is said that one small bird consumes over a hundred destructive insects in THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 195 a dny. We see that the trees in a forest are un- touclied by insects, because birds shelter there unmolested ; while those plants cultivated by us with great care, are constantly preyed on hy insects. We advise every cottager to encourage birds to shelter in his gardens, and never let a gun be fired on their places. Take advice from the Poet, "Uon't kill the birds, the little birds, That sing- about your door." Insects which winter in the earth may be de- stroyed by sowing fresh lime, ashes, soot, charcoal, dust, salt, etc., over the ground in late fall or early spring. The quantity to the rood, might be a half- peck of lime, or peck of ashes, or half peck of char- coal dust, or quart of soot. The same ingredient should not be sowed every fall on the same piece of ground. Insects which nrake their nests of eggs on the clifts of trees, etc., may be destroyed in winter by scra- ping the nests ofl'and burning them. Insects in manure heaps may be destroyed by mixing lime or ashes with the manure, or by spread- ing it over the ground in fall. Insects which winter in the earth, and crawl up the stems of trees in spring, may be prevented by laying lime-ashes or tanners bark around the stems. Caterpillars and Flies — which sting the fruit, may be kept off, by sowing fresh slacked lime over the 195 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA heads of the trees wliile ihey are \vet with dew; or by ranking fi;es under the trees in calm evenings, of any thinf that will make an offensive smell ; to- bacco shanks will do, but they should be uet, so as not to blaze, which would hurt the trees. A stink- inp' smoke is the thinq; needed.. Wasps and Hornets — which destroy fine fruits, may be prevented by hanging bottles of sour cider vine- gar — sugar and water — molasses and water, en the trees. Rabbits and Mice — may be jirevented from eating the bark of the stems of young trees in winter, by tieing them up with cattle Manure, or tobacco shanks around them. Files y BiigSy and Slugs — may be destroyed by sowing fresh slacked lime over the plants affected, in the morning"^, while the dew^ is on them ; or syringe them in the evenings with the whale oil soap solution. WHALE OIL SOAP SOLUTION, Is made, by mixing one pound of soap with eight gallons of water, twenty-four hours before using. The soap can be had from our seeds and nursery- men in large cities. They send it all over the country. It is certain to drive oflC all insects, and THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 197 was first discovered by Mr. David Ilaggerston, a practical gardiner near Boston ; for which he got the Massachusetts Horticultural Society's prize of one hundred dollars. TREE SALVE, Is made of cattle manure and earth, in equal parts, well mixed together with water. For large wounds on trees; it may be mixed like good mortar, and tied on with a cloth; for small wounds, it may be as thick as cream, and rubbed over the wounds. Scaly Insects — are destroyed by washing the plants affected with warm water and soap, and a hard brush. The Oleander is very much affected with this insect, if kept in a cellar or other dark places in winter. Take leaf by leaf, and wash the whole plant ; the warm water irritates the insect, and causes it to move, w^hen it is easily shelled off". It will take several washings to cleanse a plant that is much affected. Grape-vine Insect — is a small white insect, hatched in soft white wool on the clifts of the vines ; it lives on the underside of the leaves, and when full grown, is like a white butterffy in minature, with wings, and is not a sixteenth part of an inch long, and half as broad. It eats the leaves as thin as a cobweb. Sy- 198 THE COTTAGE GARDEX OF AMERICA, ^■ 3 ringe the plants afl'ected, with the whale oil soap solution, and scrape od'lhc nests and burn them. Chmatis Insect — is like a black clock, \*i.vy nim- ble, and a greedy feeder ; eats the leaves of the sweet scented clematis. It is always in great num- bers, and will strip a large plant of its leaves in a few days. Syringe the ph^nts affected with the whale oil soap solution in the evenings ; and the next morri' ing, the insects will all be found on the ground sick. Gather them into a pail of hot water. It is said that they destroy fields of })otatoe tops in Maryland. Red Spider — is very troublesome in forcing houses, and on plants in hot houses and greenhouses. Burn- ing brimstone on the flews, keeps them down ; the best plan is to search them out on the plants and kill them ; and give the plants frequent syringings with pure water. Mealy Bug — is troublesome in hot houses. Search ihem out on the plants and kill them, and give fre- quent syringings. Green Fly — When there are many pot plants kept in a green house, the green fly may be killed by burning tobacco in a small furnace in the green bouse, in calm evenings, until it is very full of the smoke. The tobacco should be wetted a little to keep it from blazing; the plants should be well syringed with pure v,-a!er next morning. When there are but few pot plants, the insects THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 109 may be brushed off the plants into a pail of hot water, or they may be taken down to the cellar, set close together, and a tight box or barrel placed over them; makinof an auger hole on one side where it rests on the ground, and placing a saucer with to- bacco in it, at the hole. Burn the tobacco, and blow it in at the hole, if it does not burn free. When the box is full of smoke, stop up the hole and let it remain two hours. Then take off the box, and give the plants a good syringing with pure water. Insects should be destroyed at all stages, never pass one without killing it. DISEASES. Mildew — is a must or mould, the production of foul air, caused by decomposition, and found on plants of a strong odour when grown on a soil, and in an atmosphere, unsuitable to their natures. The grape- vine, peach tree, tea rose, cabbage, turnip, etc., are nlants .if strong* odours, and are affected with the mildew. When the grape-vine, peach tree, and tea rose, are grown on light mellow soils, and high airy situations, they are never troubled with mildew, but when grown in forcing houses, where a high tem- perature i.s kept up, often syringed, and but liltle atmospheric air admitted, the leaves not being fur- 200 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. nished with oxygenic matter enough to purify the sap as it rises from the rools, it is sent on its down- ward course in its undigested state; which destroys the health of the plant : so vegetation ceases, and decomposition takes place. The strong effluvia which the plant now emits, putrifies the air around it, and falls back on it in the form of mildew. The plants are now dusted over with sulphur, w^hich contains a very great porticn of oxygenic matter. This purifies the air again, vegetation begins, and the plants look healthier ; but if the sulphur is not soon applied again, the plant falls back to its old state. Lime contains a large portion of oxygenic matter, and if slacked in the forcing house, and the. walls white w^ashed with it, the air will be greatly purified by it, as much of the oxygenic matter escapes from the lime, and mixes with the nitrogen in the air. If the plants are frequently syringed with sul- phur and lime dissolved in water, the air will in a mea- sure be kept sweet, and continue vegetation, which of course will prevent decomposition. When cab- bages and turnips are grown on moist soils, and moist atmospheres they are never troubled with rail- dew^ ; but when grown on dry soils and dry atmos- pheres, they become mildewed, because they are unsuitable to their natures ; both roots and leaves being deprived of moisture, vegetation is stopped, and decomposition ensues. The plants now emit a THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 201 very strong effluvia which putrifies the air around them, and which falls back on them in the form of mildew, and if a full supply of water is not soon fur- nished to the plants, to cause a reaction, the whole plants will in a short time be covered with the mil- dew. But if water is furnished at the proper time, vegetation will commence and the mildew disap- pear. It is not the mildew that hurts the plants, but the decomposiiion which putrifies the air and makes the mildew. If a pound of Hour of sulphur, and a pound of lump lime be dissolved in thirty-two gal- lons of water, it will tend greatly to purify the air, if frequently syringed over the plants growing in for- cing houses; which will continue vegetation, and of course there will be no mildew. And if cabbages, turnips, etc., are well supplied with water, vegeta- tion will continue, and there will be no mildew. rhe above is different from any article we ever i-ead on the subject: yet we could use many illustra- tions to prove its correctness. Let us go to Agricul- ture, and there we will find wheat w^hich delights in a dry atmosphere, and is very odourous when in its milky or sugary state ; if the w^eather at that time be close, hot, moist and cloudy, vegetation is checked, decomposition takes place, and mildew is produced. But if the weather be dry and sunny, there will be no mildew. Again, if straw is spread out loosely while wetj there appears no change in it when it 202 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. becomes dry; but if it is put into a stack while wet, and tramped down, it will soon begin to decompose, and then if it is forked over, we find that the heart of the stock is entirely covered with mildew. And again, we find abundance of mildew among the de- composing vegetable matter in dung heaps; and if buried in the earth before it is entirely decomposed, it will produce a host of funguses which will be rank poison. MOSS, Is a parasite plant of an hermaphrodite nature, pro- pagating itself all over within the reach of its multi- plying influence ; and when found growing on trees or other woody plants, it is a sure indication that such plants are in an unhealthy state. When grow- ing on trees, scrape it ofT with a cattle's rib, or strong iron hoop, and dig aw^ay the earth from the tree as far as its roots extend ; and then fill up the place with short manure and soil of an opposite nature to that dug out. If it stands on a high and dry place, give it frequent waterings through the summer. If the place where it stands is low and wet, a drain should be dug around the tree, and another to carry off the water. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA 203 GUM. When stone fruit trees have gum oozing out of them, the gum should be scraped off; cut off any loose bark around the place, and if a part of the wood is dead, it should be cut out into the live parts, and the wound covered over with the tree salve, which see WOUNDS. When trees and other woody plants, get hurts or wounds, pare off all the loose bark around the wounds, and cover them over with the tree salve. CANKER. When trees are cankered, cut the part out into the fresh live wood, and cover the wound with the tree salve. When a branch is killed by lightning, cut it off at once. When a branch gets broken by high winds, saw it off below where it broke, and smooth the wound with the knife, and cover it over with the tree salve ; if the bark is stripped off below where it broke, cover that with the tree salve. 204 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. When a fruit tree grows very luxuriant, and does not bear fruits, dig the earth away fiom around it, cut part of its roots, and fdl up the place with small stones, gravel, or sand. This is called " Root pruning." CALENDAR FOR JANUARY. Clear the garden of all dead crops and their sup- ports, cover with straw all culinary vegetables left in the open ground ; cover bulbous roots with man- ure ; collect all the manure possible, and spread it over the vacant ground ; prepare bean poles, pea brush, labeling sticks, tieing up sticks; prepare a heap of compost for pot plants ; mix some of the manure taken out of the hot bed in it ; clear out the hot bed to its bottom ; prune fruit and shade trees, shrubs, hardy roses, etc. ; tie up half hardy roses and other plants with a covering of straw; clip hedges, make drains, search out insects nests on trees, etc., and burn them ; sow lime, ashes, soot, salt, charcoal dust, etc., over the ground, and the grass plat, to kill insects ; mend fences, arbours, etc. ; look over the seeds, and see that they are all pro- perly labeled, and keeping well ; ako the vegetables in the cellar, and onion sets in the garret ; see that the pickles and preserves do not ferment and get sour ; pick dead leaves ofif pot plan's, wash the green THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 205 leaves with a sponge and pure water; syringe them over head on mild days; keep them in a tempera- ture above forty degrees over night, and fifty in the day-time ; give them as much light as possible, and but little water, except when in bloom ; apply the water in the mornings; destroy all insects on them, and stir the earth on top of the pots. CALENDAR FOR FEBRUARY. Whatever was omitted last month, do this month. Procure horse manure and tanner's bark, to make a hot bed; get the seeds which are to be sowed in the hot bed separated from the rest, to be in readiness w^hen wanted ; look over the fruits, vegetables, onion sets, summer bulbs, pickles and preserves, to see that they are keeping well ; shift pot plants that are growing in too small pots, into larger ones ; scrape off the soil at the mouth of the pots, and put on fresh rich soil in its place. CALENDAR FOR MARCH. Make hot beds early; sow in them, egg-plants, tomatoes, early cabbage, lettuce, radish, tender annuals, peppers, etc., give air as needed; transplant 18 206 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. trees, shrubs, hardy roses, hedges, evergreens, etc. ; dig and sow early peas, beets, carrots, radishes, let- tuce, pepper-grass, celery, parsley, parsnips, salsafy, etc. ; plant early potatoes, onion sets, culinary vege- table plants, to grow seeds; prune grape-vines early; transplant into the open ground, early cabbage and lettuce, cauliflowers, etc., which have been kept in cool frames all winter; remove the covering off bulbous roots, and vegetables which have been in the open ground through the winter; re-pot plants, that need it; clear them of insects, dead leaves, etc.; wash and syringe the leaves; open the door and w^indow on them on mild days ; look over fruits, vegetables, pickles and preserves, to see that they are keeping well ; if the ground has not been all manured, do it now ; dig in the manure betw^een the rows of straw- berries, and cut off the runners, unless they are wanted for to make new beds; tie up and prune raspberries if not already done ; dig between the rows ; give new sticks if needed ; prune currants if not done ; dig in short manure about them ; do the same with gooseberries; if trees, shrubs, etc., have not been pruned, do it now^ ; and dig in the manure on asparagus beds; make new asparagus beds, sow also the seeds ; plant artichokes, pie plant, pot herbs, etc.; mend fences, arbours, etc. ; transplant trees, shrubs, hardy roses, and perennial roots. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 207 CALENDAR FOR APRIL. Attend to hot beds ; water, air, and weed, when needed ; dig up every vacant spot in the garden ; any thing that was omitted last month, do now ; sow peas, beets, carrots, radishes, lettuce, pepper-grass, end of the month, to succeed these sowed last month ; plant strawberries, early corn, bush beans, box edg- ings, etc. ; clear up every spot of the garden, dig up the flower beds, and sow hardy annuals on them ; plant perennials, roses, etc., also biennials, where wanted ; give pot plants a fuller supply of water now, keep them free of insects, dead leaves, dust, etc. ; give plenty of light, and air, on mild days ; sow onion seeds, summer herbs, etc. ; transplant trees, shrubs, evergreens, roses, etc. CALENDAR FOR MAY. Any thing omitted last month, do early this month. Set bean poles, and plant the beans around them ; plant bush beans, cucumbers, musk melons, water melons, squashes, nasturtiums, early and late pota- toes, strawberries, evergreens, shrubs, roses ; sow half hardy annuals in the flower beds; plant peren- nials, biennials, and plants that have been kept in 208 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. the house all winter, such as verbenias, pituneas, heliotropes, geraniums, vincas, fuchsias, plumbagos, salvias, etc. ; also procure some new varieties for a change; hoe between the rows of strawberries: cut off all runners, spread short grass or straw be- tween them, pick and eat the fruit of Buist's " Prize Seedling," and "Early May;" both are choice early kinds ; hoe between the rows of peas, and slick in the brush for them to climb on ; thin out and hoe between the row^s of beets, carrots, parsnips, salsafy, radishes, etc., and keep every thing in first rate order ; give pot plants a liberal supply of water and air; keep them clear of insects and dead leaves, syringing over head frequently ; tie up any that need it, neatly, with tastiful sticks ; re-pot any that need it. They may be set out in the open air by the end of the month, but keep in geraniums and others that are in flower, and their bloom will be prolonged ; plant dahlia roots, and tender bulbs. CALENDAR FOR JUNE. Open your mouths wide this month, tolef'Hovey's seedling strawberries" get in. O, how delicious! is there any thing in this world to equal them ? This is a pleasant month in the garden ; fruits, flowers, and vegetables, delicious, fragrant, and wholesome, THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 209 t^ — put forward your hand and help yourself; don't be afraid, there is abundance. Whatever was omitted last month do now ; trans- plant all the plants in the hot bed, into the open ground, if not done last month ; transplant cabbages, celery, leeks, peppers, and all others that are fit ; sow late beets, carrots, corn, etc. ; sow endive bro- coli, radish, lettuce, bush beans, etc. ; hoe up and rake off weeds ; mow the grass plat, every two weeks; sow annual flowers for late flowering; cut off dead flowers, of roses, etc.; plant dahlias, shift pot plants into larger pots that need it, syringe them over head every night, destroy insects on trees, bushes, etc., keep the whole garden in the finest style, any of the pot plants which were kept in the house all last month, may now be put out, tie up grape-vines as they progress in growth, nip off all latters, give dahlias and other flowers, neat tieing up sticks for supports, and keep them neatly tied upj train flowering vines up where wanted, water newly planted trees, shrubs, roses, vines, etc., also newly sowed seeds, if the weather continues dry. CALENDAR FOR JULY. Here comes delicious raspberries, apricots, goose- berries, cherries, currants, early peaches, melons, etc Whatever was undone last month, do now; give 210 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. plenty of water to pot plants, and syringe them over head every evening, sow ruta baga and yellow aber- deen turnips, transplant cabbage, celery, kale, leek, brocoli, endive, etc. , hoe, rake, and keep down weeds, thin out such crops as need it, sow annual flowers for late flowering, sow biennial and perennial seeds to bloom next year, cut off all dead flowers as they fade, and keep every thing in the finest taste. CALENDAR FOR AUGUST. Ripe apples, pears, peaches, plums, melons, etc., are in abundance, also fragrant flowers, and whole- some vegetables w^ithout measure. Do all that was omitted last month ; plant late beans, cucumbers, etc., for pickling and fall use; transplant such plants that are fit, and water all that need it; sow ruta baga and yellow aberdeen turnips early, and red tops late ; gather seeds as they be- come ripe, thresh out clean, label, and paper them up ; eaVth up celery and endive on dry days ; late cabbage and celery may yet be planted ; sow Spanish radish, destroy insects every where, cut ofT all dead flowers, remove matured crops, and sow or plant the ground at once, give pot plants plenty of water ; cut in pituneas, verbenias, etc., that may have over- grown the edges of the walks, or are overtoping other THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 211 plants; renew the ashes or lime around peach, plum or apricot trees, to keep off the cut worm, and exam- ine if there be none in the trees ; if so, kill them ; all kinds of pot plants should be shifted and get fresh soil end of this month ; don't let a weed nor an insect live a day. CALENDAR FOR SEPTEMBER. Plenty of ripe, rich, and delicious apples, peaches, pears, grapes, melons, etc., and no scarcity of flowers and vegetables, to please our sight, scent, and palate. Sow late spinach, scurvy grass, lettuce, early cab- bage, red top turnip, Spanish radish ; plant out onions for early spring use, and to produce seeds; dig up late potatoes, and other matured crops ; earth up celery and endive ; tie up dahlias and other flowers; hoe rake and keep down weeds; plant out strawberries. CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER. Mind your heads — don't you see those large apples, peaches, pears, grapes and quinces falling? plenty of fragrant flowers and wholesome vegetables ; gather in apples and pears before they are fully ripe ; pack 212 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. them carefully ; pick all with the hand within reach; make splendid preserves of the quinces, and rich catsup of ripe tomatoes ; gather in cucumbers and beans for pickling, also nasturtiums ; make mangoes of small melons and large peppers ; fill boxes, bar- rels, pots, mugs, and jars, of the riches of the earth, and all your own produce ; every husbandman has his harvest ; now is the industrious cottagers, must be up and doing; "he that sleepeth in harvest, hungereth in winter ;'' gather in all crops as they become matured ; cut off all dead flowers, and keep free of weeds; take all pot plants into the house; wash the pots first, and syringe the plants well ; give them plenty of light, air and water ; plant bulbs. CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER. " Chill November surly blasts. Make fields and forests bare.' Not so with the garden ; see how the apple and pear trees are loaded ! gather in the rest of the deli- cious grapes; there's a lot of large quinces left yet; how splendid them dahlias, chrysanthemums, roses, slavias, pituneas, vincas, verbenias, honeysuckles, etc., look! they make me think that it is summer; see how green those cabbages, celery, turnips, radishes, beets, carrots, parsnips, salsafy, beans, THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 213 leeks, brocoli, etc., all look! give us a drink of that sweet cider ! All fruits and root vegetables may be gathered in this month ; also dahlia and cobia roots • "House full; cellar full; where can we live?" tie up; cut off dead flowers; hoe and rake, and keep every thing tidy; transplant lettuce and early cabbage plants into the cool frame ; give pot plants plenty of light and air, but water sparingly ; keep the cellar door open all day to let off the sweat of the newly stored fruits and vegetables ; dig up ten- der bulbs; transplant trees, shrubs, hardy roses, etc. CALENDAR FOR DECEMBER. Now we have got the finisher of the out-door gar- den ; there are still chrysanthemums, roses, honey- suckles, pituneas, verbenias, china pinks, china asters, etc., in bloom; many of the parlour collection of pot plants, are in great splendour; epiphyllums, roses, heliotropes, camellias, chrysanthemums, scarlet ger- aniums, passiflorias, bignonias, salveas, vincas, etc., are all in bloom ; and the sweet scented kinds per- fume the whole air of the parlour; celery and late cabbages should now get their winter quarters ; all crops should now be gathered in and placed in their winter's quarters ; tie up all half hardy plants with 214 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. straw for winter ; see article on the protection of roses ; cover bulbous roots with manure ; and vege- tables that are to be left out in the open ground, cover with straw, such as spinach, scurvy grass, let- tuce, etc ; clear the asparagus beds of dead stalks, and cover it with rotted manure ; clear the whole garden of faded flowers and vegetables, and spread the vacant places with manure; dig out the manure in the hot bed box; mix part of it in the compost for pot plants ; prune grape-vines early in this month . also shrubs, hardy roses, fruit and shade trees, etc. ; transplant trees, shrubs, hardy roses, grape-vines, etc; leave nothing undone, nor unprotected, this month. The above calendar is suitable for the latitude of Philadelphia; those for south, or for north of it, must be guided by the earliness or lateness of their sea- sons, as no calendar can be suitable for all latitudes, especially in such an extensive country as ours. KEEPING PIGS. Every cottager should keep one or two pigs, as they can live much on the refuse of the garden, and make the richest kind of manure for the soil. The grass breed — are white, short legged, easy kept, sweet meat, small bone and large hams. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 216 The Berkshire breed — is a neat pig, with short nose, short pricked-up ears, short legs, small bone, large hams, good natured, and easy kept. KEEPING POULTRY, Is very profitable for the cottager ; the common hen is among the best, but should be kept up while the seeds are sown in the garden, indeed they will get more picking about the way side, than in the garden, and should not be too much encouraged at home, as they are bad gardiners. Bucks — are very profitable where there is a creek or pond near by ; they are seldom in the garden in summer, and don't scratch, but devour a host of de- structive insects. Geese — are also very profitable, when a creek or pond is near by. Tarkies — are not so easily raised, or so profitable, as any of the others, and are less suitable for the cot- tage, unless the cottager understands their nature ; the young ones are often attacked with a staggering disease, and die off very rapidly. 216 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. A DIALOGUE, BETWEEN TWO COUSINS, AND OLD SCHOOLFELLOWS. Adam is a city mechanic, the owner of a house and lot. Ben, is a country mechanic, the owner of a cottage, and garden of a quarter of an acre, and a large workshop. Ben, calls on Adam, unexpectedly on a sabbath morning. B. Good morning, Adam! A. Good morning, Ben ! come and see my garden ! B. What a small spot you have got! A. Do you call two roods a small spot? look how many kinds of plants are grown on it, which yield flowers and fragrance from March till Christmas 2 Daily roses. 12 Hyacinths, 2 Noisette, 12 Crocuses, 2 Bourbon, 3 Carnation pinks. 2 Remontant, 3 Paisley " 1 Moss, 2 China « 1 Cabbage, 2 Vinca rosas, 1 Damask, 2 Salvias, 1 MultiHora, 6 Verbenias, 1 Piaiiie, 3 Pituneas, 1 j\Iusk cluster. 2 Heliotropes, 1 Bourtault, 2 Sweet Alysums, 1 Evergreen Honeysuckle, 3 Phloxes, THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 217 1 Monthly Honeysuckle, 2 Calceolarias, 1 Coral " 1 Plumbago Capensis, 1 Sweet scented Clematis, 6 Chrysanthemums, 1 Sweet " Jasamine, 1 Euonymus japonica, 1 Scarlet Pyrus, 2 Mignionette patches, 1 Hydrangea Hortensis, 2 Escholtzias, 12 Tulips, 2 Portulaccas, These have a different appearance, and scent from the long grass, thistles, nettles, single holyhocks, sun- flowers, etc., which cover your quarter of an acre. Now look at Sarah's pot plants, wdiich scent and bloom from November till June. 2 Camellia japonicas, 1 Lemon tree, 4 Geraniums, 1 Acacia, 2 Azalias, 1 Kennedia, 1 Heliotrope, 1 Ardisia, 1 Daphne Odora, 1 Myrtle, 1 Euphorbia, 3 Tea roses, 2 Epiphyllums, 6 Hyacinths, Now these plants are a great pleasure to us; they are like children to us ; if you country folks could take an interest in your gardens, you would have some pleasure of your lives: but there is no taste in the country. Ah, Ben! if you had only come to the city when your apprenticeship was out, you would have been a different man than you are to-day. B. Adam, you are perhaps labouring under a mis- take. If you will take a sail up the river with me, 19 218 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. this afternoon, and see my cottage and garden, you will be an altered man when you return. A. Go to see your garden ! let me tell you, that the last time I saw it, I was so much disgusted at its condition, that I resolved never to set my foot in it again ; and now it is five years since. B. Don't you know that we live in an age of im- provements ? A. You love the hole below your nose too well to care about improvements, but I will take a sail up with you to get a change of air. B. Now we will soon be in sight of my cottage. A. There is a handsome carriage house. B. That is my workshop ! A. Who owns it ? B. I am its owner. A. There are two noble shade trees, growing on the side walk in front of that beautiful cottage. Let us stop and refresh ourselves under them. B. I planted those trees with my own hands, and that is my cottage. A. Your cottage ! nonsense ! B. Come into the house and rest yourself. A. What a fine place you have got ! that is a neat, well painted front fence ; the flower plat between it and the house, with the evergreen in the centre is beautiful, and that verandah over the door, covered with flowering vines, looks well. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 219 B. Come round to the back of the house. A. What a fine shady place you have got here ! "what is that falling ? B. It is the luscious clusters of my vines. A. What a fine garden this is ? B. Walk down and see it. A. What are those big red apples lying there for? B. They are Hovey's seedling strawberry. A. Are those pumkins on that tree ? B. They are apple shaped quince. A. Are them ruta bagas on that tree ? B. They are dutchess d'Angolime pears. A. Are those nutmeg melons on that tree ? B. They are Rhode Island greening apples. A. Are those cantelopes on that tree ? B. They are Crawford's melacoton peaches. A. Are those oranges on that tree ? B. They are moorpark apricots. A. Are those maiden blush apples on that tree } B. They are Jefferson plums. A. What big black plums on that tree ? B. They are black tartarian cherries. A. What place is that covered with roses and Honeysuckles ? B. That's a shady bower with seats in it. A. Is that another shady bower, covered with sweet scented clematis and roses ? B. That's a building for the use of the family. 220 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. A. What other place is that covered with Gly- scines and Jasmines. B. That's the pig pen. Jane is calling us to tea ! come up ! A. Jane, you have got a splendid place here. Ben, I would like to know when and how this refor- mation took place. B. A few weeks after you were here ; the temper- ance folks had a meeting, and me and Jane went to it. Mr. Delavan came up to us, and asked us so kindly to take the pledge that we had not the power to refuse. Shortly after that, our preacher got us to join the church, I began to get so much work to do, that I have had three men ever since. Mr. P. our merchant in the village, sent for me to go down there on the Friday evening, to attend a meeting for the improvement of the township. I went, Lawyer S. made a speech, he said ^* that we were getting entirely behind the age. The cottage garden in every county and state was improving ; and we, who were enjoying the blessings of a free government along with others, ought not to remain in our dor- mant state. We should be up and doing. Let us form a saving society, to assist in purchasing fruit trees, flowers, and a better kind of vegetables ; let every body in the township become a member, and pay in from one dime to one dollar per month, and we will soon have the finest cottage gardens in the THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 221 country. Nothing gives a sweeter relish to life than a pleasant and happy home ; and nothing can be more pleasing than to have our cottages surrounded with delicious fruits, fragrant flowers and wholesome vegetables. And more than that, it makes a favour- able impression on the stranger travelling through the country, of our happy condition in life ; and exalts the character of our country abroad." I be- came a member at once, and have paid in a dollar per month ever since. So every plant in our garden has been got from the society, and we have never missed the money ; and now we have some pleasure in taking care of our garden, as we have something worth taking care of. A. A blessing has come over you ; but it is time for me to go home. B. Stop ! Jane has something to send to Sarah. Jane — Adam ! take this basket home to Sarah. A. What is in it ? Jane — Some pots of preserves, one of strawberries, one of gooseberries, one of currants, one of cherries, one of apricots, one of peaches, one of plums, one of quinces, one of pears, one of apple butter; a bot- tle of sweet cider, a bottle of tomato catsup, a bottle of pickled nasturtiums ; six bunches of grapes, a dozen of apples, and a dozen of pears, of last year's growth. Tell Sarah that they all grew in our own garden. Here are also a paper of dried herbs, and 19* 222 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. a paper of caraway seeds, some pickled peppers and cucumbers, and two mangoes. A. I have always thought that there could be no pleasure in a country life ; but now w^hen I see you enjoying so many of the necessaries and luxuries of life, the produce of your own garden, and at all times breathing the pure air, I am ready to say with the songster : " O give me my lowly thatched cottage agam ; The birds singing gayly that come at my call." I cannot see how it was that I chose a city life. I am an altered man since I left home. EXTRACT. THE MATRIMONIAL GARDEN. Man is formed for social enjoyment, and if it be allowed that " it is not good for him to be alone," it may justly be inferred that it is not good for woman to be alone. Hence a union of interests indicates a union of persons, for their mutual benefit. By this union, a sort of seclusion from the rest of our species takes place, and as a garden in a retired apartment, appropriated to propagation, cultivation and improve- ment the married state may be compared to it in THE COTTAGE GARDEN OP AMERICA. 223 many respects. I wish to instruct young adventurers in this garden, on the nature of the different plants grown in it, and caution them not to dream of per- manent happiness. The entrance to this garden is very gay and glittering. The first path is about thirty steps in length, and is strewed with flowers of rare beauty and fragrance. This is called " the honey moon path" at the end of this path, the garden opens in a vast variety of ways. You will meet a beautiful flower called " Good Humor ;" take a large sprig in your hand, and never let it go. There is a low un- sightly plant called Indifference ; do not touch it, you will know where it grows by the coolness of the air that surround it. Near this is that deadly plant called Jealousy ; never look at it, as it has marred the happiness of thousands. You will meet crooked paths inscribed on their entrance, ** I am right," do not enter them, for they occasion endless disputes. There is a rough sturdy plant called Obstinacy ; avoid it as you would the cholera. There is a lovely plant called Compliance, which bears a delicious fruit ; never be without a large sprig of it. There is an important plant called Economy ; cultivate it with care. There are two other plants of the same spe- cies called Industry and Frugality ; keep a good supply of each. There are three plants which the fair sex should cultivate, called Regularity, Exact- ness and Simplicity. There is a sweet, modest plant 224 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. deserves good culture, called Humility, it adds a charm to life, and spreads a fragrance around its wearer. There is a compartment of the garden for raising young plants called the Nursery ; these young plants are frail, and liable to be destroyed by every blast. Should you witness a fade on the dawning beauties of a young plant. Oh ! how your fond hearts will bleed with tender affection ! should it live and thrive, spare no pains to " train it up in the way it should go," weed it, water it, prune it. It will need all the cultivator's skill ; without this, many baneful weeds will grow up with it, and blast your fondest hopes. Without careful cultivation, what can you expect, but that the growth of unruly appetites, will in time break forth, in disgraceful irregularities. Anger, like a prickly thorn, will arm the temper with untractable moroseness ; Peevishness, like a stinging nettle, will render the conversation irksome and for- bidding ; Avarice, like a choking weed, will teach the fingers to gripe, and the hands to oppress ; Re- venge, like a poisonous plant, replete with baneful juices, will rankle in the breast, and meditate mis- chief to its neighbour ; unbridled Lusts, like swarms of noisome insects, will taint each rising thought, and render ^' every imagination of the heart only evil continually," such are the usual products of un- restrained nature ; such the furniture of uncultivated minds; by all means then clear the soil by careful THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 225 instruction ; implant the seeds of virtue, " direct the young idea how to shoot," the wayward passions how to move. Then the mature man will become the chief ornament of the garden. Around him, Charity, will breathe her sweets, and in his branches Hope expand her blossoms ; in him the personal virtues will display their graces, and the social ones their fruit; the sentiments will become generous, the carriage endearing, the life useful, and the end happy. THE COTTAGE. Having passed through the matrimonial garden, we now arrive at the cottage which the united *' happy pair" are to occupy. If it is situated alone by the way side, or in a small scattered village, it should never exceed one and a half stories in height, and have the roof sloping on all sides, and some other form than square should be adopted, Gothic style is suitable, and it should invariably stand twenty feet off the way side ; with a neat light fence in front. The cottages on the same way side, or in the same small village, should differ as much as pos- sible in their forms, and modes of construction, so as to give a pleasing variety ; but none should be of tall, narrow construction. These narrow, naked 226 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. three story houses are unsightly when standing alone, and they should never be chosen by cottagers, un- less in a town or thickly settled village, where the nakedness of one house is hid by its next neighbour; every cottage should have a porch, or verandah, over its front door, to train flowering vines upon, and serve as a pleasant, shady seat in the summer time. Cottagers intending to put up cottages for themselves, should procure a drawing, count the cost, and keep that within the bounds of their capi- tal ; contract with an honest builder to put it up, and finish it, for so much. Those putting up cot- tages for rent, should make them convenient, and of a size suitable for the purpose intended. All per- sons of fine taste, prefer a neat convenient small house, to one that is more roomy if of common- looking constructions. Ladies and Gentlemen who have farmers and gardiners living on their premises, should furnish them with neat comfortable cottages, near to the side of the most public road passing their places, if that is not too far from their labour. Every body looks up to those richer than themselves for examples ; so every lady and gentleman should create a fine taste for building in the neighbourhood where they reside, by erecting neat cottages for their working hands. We, while in the capacity of head gardener to private gentlemen, occupied some very neat and THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 2S7 comfortable cottages. When in the service of Ed- ward C. Delavan, Esq., (Champion of temperance,) we had that unique cottage at the corner of his noted flower garden in Albany, N. Y. It had three rooms on the first floor, and a good garret, and was finely shaded with a grape-vine arbour, which stretched over it ; a neat bleaching green behind it, and a pump and well of " pure cold water" for our private use- While in the service of Robert Donaldson Esq., we were the first to occupy that neat cottage, so widely known as the " gardener's house at Blithe- wood," and so favourably noticed in Downing's book on landscape gardening. There was an eighth of an acre of excellent ground attached to it ; enclosed with a close board fence, and stocked with choice fruit trees, as a garden for us ; and a good well and windlass for our private use, and also a neat hog pen. The cottage had three rooms, on the first floor, and two rooms above, and a fine cellar ; the tw^o upper rooms were then occupied by the pious and philanthropic Miss Isabella Donaldson, sister to our employer, as a Sunday School. All the youths of the neighbourhood assembled there on Sunday after- noons, and we were an assistant teacher. While in the service of Dr. Peter Wendell of Al' bany, N. Y., he put up a neat cottage for us, with four rooms on the first floor, a large cellar, and good 228 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. garret, and a pump and fine well of water in front. While in the service of Dr. J. Marshall Paul, of Ellerslie, Warren Co. N. J., we occupied a neat cottage, and garden attached, which was the pride of '' Belvidere," the village in which it was situated. If any cottager dislikes the rich people, we think that it must be for want of knowing them. These, our late employers, were kind and sociable with us, anxious to make us happy, and made us more like their companion than their workman ; and that made us anxious to please, and perform our duty in faith- fulness to them ; and although we left them, it was without a fault, but a whim and desire of ours, to see other places, and here we candidly say, that it has proved much to our disadvantage in moving so much. We have now been three years settled in Phila- delphia, and some of the richest ladies and gentle- men in the city are our best friends ; and we are enabled to live comfortable and happy by them. If this should meet the eyes of any of our late employers, or our present friends, we say, ladies and gentlemen, do not think that all the good you have done is lost ; for we, for one, still remember your many kindnesses; while we have life in our body, and presence of mind, we will always bear a grate- ful heart to you. THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 229 CITY GARDEN. The private city garden is in general smaller in size than the country cottage garden, and is more tidy kept and richly dressed, but then it is near the *Moug of the law" (the nurseries) and is well sup- plied with counsellors and physicians, (experienced gardeners.) By-the-bye there are a great many *^ Quacks," who give wrong counsel for want of knowledge to give right, and charge more for kill- ing than the experienced do for curing. But that encourages trade, and changes are lightsome ; so any body may be a Doctor, a Lawyer, or a Gardener, in these days of false " Democracy." Every-body in a city should adorn the front of his dwelling with a pair of neat shade trees, and convert his back yard into a flower garden ; it is the cheapest amuse- ment he and his family can get ; much more so than attending balls and theatres. We are not against such entertainments for young folks, if not too much indulged in, but married people should try to make their partners happy by creating amusements at home, and nothing is more pleasing than a neat well kept garden. Every house in Philadelphia has its flower garden, and nearly every one has its couple of street shade trees; we like to see a grape-vine in everv 20 230 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. garden, but hate fruit trees in very small ones ; they are like the Potentates of old, they extend their roots and branches so far, as to take up nearly all the nourishment in the soil, and the benefit of the sun and air, and make the starving subjects under them, believe that they could not live unless they were under their shade. The following was written by the author a few years ago, and published in the ^'United States Gazette." Among the various amusements and recreations enjoyed by the inhabitants of large towns and crowded cities, none affords a greater source of innocent plea- sure, or is better calculated to instruct and moralize the young, than the neatly laid out, the well-stocked and nicely kept flower garden; and nothing can more plainly bespeak the refined taste and good dis- position of a family, or tend more to promote their health and happiness. The different members of the household are invited out at an earlier hour in the mornings, than they otherwise would be wont to go, to witness how the Great Ruler of the Universe has watered the plants with the dew of heaven, and to inhale the fragrance of their odoriferous flowers. And the summer evenings are usually spent in social" enjoyment by the w^hole family under the shade of their own fruitful vine and fig tree. The garden affords a pleasure, and produces beauties for nine THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA 231 months in the year; in February, the snow-drop raises its delicate head, and expands its pale blos- soms to view ; it is soon followed by the crocus, tulip and rose, and other flowering plants come in irregular progression, to keep up the bloom and fra- grance till the end of November ; when the green house and parlor collection forms an object of greater amusement and attraction. As every thing out doors becomes dreary and sad, what can be compared to the splendour and beauty of the Epiphyllums, and Euphorbias in the winter months, combined with a choice and varied collection of camellia japonicas, an orange and a lemon tree, loaded with their golden fruit, and the delightful fragrance of the pur- ple flowers of the Daphne odora. They may be suc- ceeded with choice varieties of the everblooming rose, the Heliotropeum, Hyacinth, and other vernal flowering plants of minor growth ; and these may be followed by the Agelea, Geranium and Cactus tribes, which will prolong the bloom until the garden has put on a gay appearance. I never knew a person who entered this path of pleasure that was willing to give it up. The late Judge Buel, in an address on the improvements of our country said ; " He who endeavours to improve and beautify the small spot of ground attached to his dwelling, may be considered both a patriot and a christian, and does much to elevate himself and his 232 THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. country in the scale of improvement. The cre- ditable progress which Boston, New York and Phila- delphia, have made in this branch of Horticultural improvement, within the last ten years, is surely un- surpassed in the history of cities. This may be at- tributed to the prosperity of our country, the refined taste and liberality of our citizens, the fostering influ- ence of our Horticultural societies, and the indefati- gable exertions of our commercial and practical gardeners. Although Boston and New York have done much, Philadelphia may, without exaggeration be called the Flower Garden of the United States. THE FARMERS OF AMERICA. We have always been delighted when taking a summer jaunt through the country, to see the highly cultivated fertile fields, with crop of different kinds waving in the breeze, and bending under their own luxuriance. The beauty and fruitfulness of the orchards, the implements of husbandry of the most improved cast, the fine breeds of horses, and other domestic animals, the large and commodious barns, handsomely built and neatly painted dwellings, standing apart from the ojther farm buildings, in the middle of well stocked, well-kept and neatly fenced THE COTTAGE GARDEN OF AMERICA. 233 gardens, with the tidy house wives, the stout bloom- ing sons, and the gay beautiful daughters, whose blithe countenances bespeak them the inhabitants of, " The land of the free, and the home of the brave." Of all the people in the world, they are surely the most independent and happy, and would be the first, and best fitted to defend the country, were a foe to invade it. A blessing must it be, if all other coun- tries possess such exemplary men, and skilful rural economists as the Farmers of America. 20* THE END. \^^< Jo hu^^^^ f2Q 7