D 527 .3 .R7 Copy 1 A. E. F. PHOTOS OF CAMP LIFE FRENCH LIFE AND PLACES OF INTEREST IN FRANCE -t tn ii M -iii i M l M l 11— HOMER R. ROWELL 37 Dwinnells Street Groveland, - - Mass. U. S. A. Copijrtalit 1919, Homer R. Rowall lil A. E. F. PHOTOS a OF CAMP LIFE FRENCH LIFE AND PLACES OF INTEREST IN FRANCE -■«^— !■ «»^ HOMER R. |lOWELL 37 D-winnells Street Grovelaud, - - Mass. U. S. A. Copijriglit 1919, Homer R. Rowell JAN 31 1920 CU5630oO PREFACE. While in France it was the ambition of the author of this edition to get a collection of pictures that would in fu- ture years bring back those most com- mon, as well as unusual scenes, which we saw in the camps and among the French people. For a long time these pictures were taken merely for a per- sonal collection. However, other people became interested in the collection and many expressed a great desire to have some of the pictures. So it was decided to put the best pictures on sale and to publish a small catalog to describe them as accurately and concisely as possible. These pictures were taken with an Ansco V-P No. 2 Camera, which has an F. 6.3 Anastigmat lens. The pictures are very clear and each was taken, as far as possible, to present the particular object from its most interesting point of view. The strange customs of the French people, especially the peasants, were in- teresting to us; and the time we spent with them was full of unusual expe- riences. Now, those days are over, but the pictures and stories of the life "over there" are ever interesting to us. For years to come, the younger generation will certainly have no less interest in these remembrances than we have to- day. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CUSTOMERS. All the pictures described in this cat- alog are 2^/4 x 3}i inches in size and are printed with an attractive white bor- der 3-16 of an inch wide. The price of these pictures is five . cents each. Orders will be accepted for any sets, or for any individual pictures you may choose from any of the sets or groups. Write plainly the letters indicating the sets you desire, and the numbers of other pictures you wish. The names or descriptions of the pictures are not necessary. Be sure to write your name and ad- dress very plainly on the outside of the envelope and on the order sheet. Send remittance with order in the form of Post Office Money Order, Ex- press Money Order, Bank Draft, or Registered Letter. We pay postage. All orders will receive prompt and careful attention. We have good neg- atives, will make good clear pictures, and will deal with you honestly. If you have friends whom you feel would be interested in these pictures, please send us their addresses, and we will gladly send them catalogs. SET A. French Life. 20 Pictures for $1.00. These twenty pictures are specially selected, from over six hundred, as the most typical and interesting views of French life. A-214. Outdoor public market place, Blois, 6, 1, '18.* A-2i6. Old fashioned fireplace in a French peasant home, St. Aignan. 6, 2, '18. A-218. A mademoiselle and her brother beside an old French well, St. Aig- nan, 6, 2, '18. A-219. Two wheeled hay cart in front of peasant house. Hay was stored in the attic over the kitchen. St. Aignan, 6, 4, '18. A-252. French peasant cutting wheat with a cradle, St. Aignan, 7, 22, '18. A-277. Wine press. Pressing juice from grapes, process in making vin rouge, St. Aignan, 10, 2, '18. A-291. Typical peasant farm house. American soldiers billeted at one end, St. Aignan, 11, 13, '18. A-292. Peasant woman herding two cows and three goats, St. Aignan, 11, 17, '18. A-308. Entrance to large cave near Medical Labor Camp, St. Aignan, 12, 15, '18. A-310. A small cognac distillery mak- ing cognac, St. Aignan, 12, 21, '18. A-318. Typical French bed, St. Aig- nan, 1, 1, '19. A-405. Robert Fulton type locomotive, St. Aignan, 3, 7, '19. A-407. Two French women washing clothes beside a small pond, St. Aignan, 3, 11, '19. A-425. Five peasant women returning from market with bread etc., St. Aignan, 3, 28, '19. A-493. Two canal boats on the Cher River, taken from the bridge, St. Aignan, 5, 18, '19. A-532. The "Town Cryer," reading a public notice, St. Aignan, 6, 17, '19. A-555. Two giant vin rouge barrels on a flat car, St. Aignan, 6, 21, '19. A-557. A cart load of bundled brush, French fuel St. Aignan, 6, 21, '19. A-692. Ten big vin rouge barrels on a two wheeled cart, Cette, 7, 15, '19. A-746|. Two peasant women in market cart, Brest, 8, 12, '19. *Date picture was taken, June 1, 1918. SET B. French Life. 20 Pictures for $1.00. The second best selection of typical and interesting views of French life. B-222. A beautiful intensive market garden, St. Aignan, 6, 6, '18. B-223. French women washing clothes and soldiers swimming in the Cher River, St. Aignan, 6, 8, '18. B-240. Peasant tying grape vines to stakes in vineyard. Dutch windmill in background, St. Aignan, 6, 24, '18. B-262. Cave entrances along a cave wall, near Classification Camp, St. Aignan, 8, 11, '18. B-281. A typical good French house. St. Aignan, 10, 8, '18. B-344. Mountaineer, drawing load of wood with oxen, Luchon, Pyrenees Mts., 2, 4, '19. B-364. Group of school children, St. Bertrand, Pyrenees Mts., 2, 8, '19. B-423. Canal boats in canal near Camp Hospital No. 26, St. Aignan, 3, 28, '19. B-426. A French grave decorated with artificial flowers made of colored beads, St. Aignan, 3, 28, '19. B-428. Wooden Shoe store, St. Aignan, 3, 28, '19. B-437. Large modern French locomo- tive, St. Aignan, 4, 1, '19. B-438. Old fireplace and curtain cov- ered bed, St. Aignan, 4 2, '19. B-534. An old woman leading a cow and three goats while they graze, St. Aignan, 6, 20, '19. B-540. Load of hay on a donkey cart, St. Aignan, 6, 20, '19. B-541. A two-wheeled cart loaded with seven beer barrels, St. Aignan, 6, 20, '19. B-542. The bridge, church, and Cha- teau St. Aignan, &, 20, '19. B-561. Interior of a compartment in a first class French coach, 6, 22, '19. B-645. Sales stands, interior public market building, Vichy, 7, 10, '19. B-747. Typical peasant house, Brest, 8, 12, '19. B-753. Three peasants bundling and tying barley to be made into beer, Brest, 8, 12, '19. SET C. - The Work and Life at St. Aignan. 20 Pictures for $1.00. C-229. Mess hour at old K-4: Class. Camp, 6, 11, '18. C-266. Section of French train carry- ing American troops to the front, 8, 25, '18. C-283. A row of double bunks in Bar- rack No. 23, Class. Camp, 10, 12, '18. C-287. Evacuation office, Class. Camp, 11, 4, '18. C-289. Washing and shaving at wash- shed. Class. Camp, Area 2 ; 11, 13, '18. C-297. Evacuation calling stand and Barrack No. 23; 12, 12, '18. C-322. Barber shop line and a little of St. Aignan mud, 1, 6, '19. C-327. Soldiers eating chow along roadside, St. Romain Road, K-3, Class. Camp, 1, 9, '19. C-335. Entrance to "The Mill" and mud pile, 1, 16, '19. C-391. Guard house. Class. Camp, 2, 23, '19. C-400. Interior receiving ofifice of "The Mill," Class. Camp, 2, 28, '19. C-401. Billeting and forwarding office in "The Mill," 2, 28, '19. C-402. Shoe section of supply room in "The Mill," 2, 28, '19. C-480. Soldiers among packs lain out for inspection, 5, 13, '19. C-481. Landscape of Area 5, Class. Camp, 5, 13, '19. C-488. Old Dutch windmill, tents, and mud walks, 5, 18, '19. C-523. Soldiers drawing water from lister bags, 6, 14, '19. C-533. French women raiding the gar- bage barrels, K-1, Class. Camp, 6. 19. '19. C-543. An old woman with a wheel- barrow load of garbage, 6, 21, '19. C-556. A. P. O. 727 and Depot Hut Y. M. C. A., 6, 21. '19. SET D. Welfare Work at St. Aignan. 20 Pictures for $1.00. D-246. Interior Y. M. C. A. tent, Camp Hospital, No. 26, 7, 3, '18. D-288. Y. M. C. A. Hut, Area No. 2, Class. Camp, 11, 4, '18. D-296. Depot Hut Y. M. C. A. near post office, 12, 1, '18. D-311. Red Cross giving out newspa- pers, Class. Camp, 12, 26, 18. D-341. Commissary line and mud, 1, 30, '19. D-473. Depot Hut Y. M. C. A. serving bread pudding, jam sandwiches, and coffee outdoors, 5, 10, '19. D-479. Jewish Welfare Board Hut, Area B, Class. Camp, 5, 13, '19. D-486. Interior Red Cross Home Com- munication Service Hut, Class. Camp, 5, 17, '19. D-487. Interior of Depot Hut Library, maintained by the American Li- brary Association, One of the small libraries at St. Aignan, 5, 17, '19. D-489. Margaret Wilson Hut. Used as theatre. 5, 18, '19. D-512. Big Y. M,. C. A. and K. of C. Huts, Class. Camp, 6, 9, '19. D-518. U. S. Commissary, Class. Camp, 6, 14, '19. D-o24. Big Knights of Columbus Build- ing. Area B., 6, 14, '19. D-529. Front view of Red Cross Home Communication Service Hut, 6, 15, '19. D-531. Serving hot coffee at Y. M. C. A. canteen counter, on Slum Hill, Class. Camp, 6, 16, '19. D-538. Canteen counter at Big Y. M. C. A., Class. Camp, 6, 20, '19. D-546. Interior view of K. of C. Hut, near Commissary, 6, 21, '19. D-547. Altar in K. of C. Hut, near Commissary, 6, 21, '19. D-558. Red Cross platform at depot, 6, 22, '19. D-559. Red Cross woman giving out Piedmonts at depot, 6, 22, '19. SET E. Views Around Camp at St. Atgnan. 20 Pictures for $1.00. E-242. Interior of Ward 19, Camp Hospital No. 2&; 7, 1, '18. E-244. Ward N building, afterwards- called "Ward 19," Camp Hospital No. 26 ; 7, 2, '18. E-249. Giving ether to patient on table in operating theatre. Camp Hos- pital No. 26; 7, 6, '18. E-309. Bunks and stove in Barrack No. 23, Class. Camp, 12, 21, '18. E-411. Depot, 3, 13, '19. E-413. Soldiers riding on an American freight car, 3, 18, '19. E-415. Soldiers in an 8 chevaux or 40 hommes car, 3, 18, '19. E-422. Boche prisoners working on road, 3, 28, '19. E-424. American Cemetery at Camp Hospital No. 2&, (600 graves). 3, 28. '19. E-430. Close view of Dutch windmill, 3, 28, '19. E-490. Cinema and souvenir sales stand, opposite A. P. O. 727 ; 5,. 18, '19. E-501. Egg sandwich line beside Mau- rice's Cafe, 5, 25, '19. E-503. Eating chow on the mud walks at K-5, near Margaret Wilson Hut, 6, 1, '19. E-511. Graves of three American sol- diers at American cemetery near Camp Hospital No. 26 ; 6, 8, '19. E-513. Barbering outdoors on a box. 6, 13, '19. E-517. Tents on Slum Hill. General Malone theatre in distance. View from Dutch windmill, 6, 14, '19. E-519. Entrance to Camp, 1st Replace- ment Depot, 6, 14, '19. E-527. Looking up the Cher River from bridge, 6, 14, '19. E-544. Four old women raiding the garbage barrels at K-1, Class. Camp, 6, 21, ;i9. E-548. French gardens, train, and cor- ner of Class. Camp. View from Dutch windmill, 6, 21, '19. MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS OF ST. AIGNAN. 215. Peasant cutting grass with wide blade scythe, &, 2, '18. 224. Peasant carrying load of grass in a donkey cart, 6, 9, '18. 225. Typical old French house and well, 6, 11, '18. 233. Railroad crossing house, 6, 18, '18. 237. Modern French cottage, used as billet, 6, 22, '18. 256. Exterior view of kindergarten school, Ecole Maternelle, 7, 29, '18, 258. Interior kindergarten room, Ecole Maternelle, 7, 29, '18. 278. An old woman leading three goats while they graze in a meadow, 10, 6, '18. (Frontispiece). 294. Soldiers eating at Mess Hall K-5, Class. Camp, 12, 1, '18. 295. An aeroplane flying over "The Mill," Class. Camp, 12, 1, '18. 397. Trochoux's souvenir store, Place de Marche, 2, 25, '19. 416. Meat counter at outdoor market place, 3, 23, '19. 417. The Market Place on market day, 3, 23, '19. 419. Kids and egg baskets, outdoor market place, 3, 23, '19. 476. Old Roman Church built in the 12th century, 5, 11, '19. 494. Outdoor wash shed at Area 5, Class. Camp. Soldiers taking their morning wash and shave, 5, 20, '19. 495. Locomotive of St. Aignan-Blois narrow gauge, 5, 23, '19. 496. Coaches of St. Aignan-Blois nar- row gauge, 5, 23, '19. 505. Soldiers sitting on big drill field waiting for Gen. Pershing. Chateau in background, 6, 5, '15*. 507. General Pershing and Gen. Ma- lone among a group of officers and soldiers after the review, 6, 5, '19, 508. Soldiers drinking Paris Draft Beer at Maurice's Cafe, 6, 6, '19. 516. Dutch windmill, cave entrance, and garden beside Class. Camp, 6, 14, '19. 525. Cher River, church, and Chateau,. 6, 14, '19. SET F. Brest Views. 20 Pictures for $1.00. F-588. Narrow gauge train loaded with kitchen provisions, Camp Ponton- azen, 6, 29, '19. F-713. View of old Napoleon barracks,. Camp Pontonazen, 7, 23, '19. F-715. Cootie mill, Camp Pontonazen^ 7, 23, '19. F-718. Interior Salvation Army can- teen room, Camp Pontonazen, 7, 26»,. '19. F-727. Two peasant men wearing rib- boned hats. Camp Pontonazen, 7,. 28, '19. F-729. Landscape toward big water tank, taken from Marine Tower, Camp Pontonazen, 8, 2, ^19. F-732. Interior of wash house, soldiers cleaning up. Camp Pontonazen, 8, 8, '19. F-733. Mess at K-15, from Marine Tower, Camp Pontonazen, 8, 8, '19. F-734. Entrance to Y. M. C. A. cafe- teria, Flag Hut, City of Brest, 8, 9,. '19. F-739. Three Salvation Army girls,, making six thousand doughnuts a day, for soldiers, Camp Pontonazen,, 8, 11, '19. F-760. Interior Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria at Flag Hut, City of Brest 8, 16, 19. F-765. Arch at exit of Camp Ponton- azen, "America God Speed," 8, 16,. '19. F-767. Money exchange building at Camp Pontonazen, 8, 17, '19. F-768. Duck board Arch, Camp Pon- tonazen, 8, 17, '19. F-770. Entrance to Napoleon Barracks, Area A, Camp Pontonazen, 8, 17, '19. F-773. Boche prisoners sitting around a tent inside stockade, Camp Pon- tonazen, 8, 17, '19. F-783. Ice cream cone line at 319th Engineers Y. M,. C. A. recreation hut, Camp Pontonazen, 8, 22, '19. F-783. Arch entrance to Camp Ponto- nazen, "Pontonazen Welcome Base Sec. No. 5," 8, 22, '19. F-784. Salvation Army tent and long doughnut line, Camp Pontonazen, 8, 22, '19. F-788. View of harbor and old fort walls, Brest, 8, 24, '19. Miscellaneous Views of Brest. 585. East corner of high wall around Old Napoleon Barracks. Camp Pontonazen, 6, 26i, '19. 595. Looking through a big dirigible shed, 7, 21, '19. 717. French children sailing boats in fountain, 7, 24, '19. 721. Front view of Bathing Plant No. 3, Camp Pontonazen, 7, 26, '19. 726. Locomotive and passenger coach on "Shave-tail Special," Camp Pon- tonazen to Brest, 7, 27', '19. 728. The McAllister sisters of the Sal- vation Army and floral piece of the First Division Insignia, Camp Pon- tonazen, 8, 2, '19. 736. Big derrick and docks, 8, 9, '19. 74!l. /I(nterior Salvation Army Rest Room, Camp Pontonazen, 8, 11, '19. 756. A group of old farm houses, 8, 12, '19- 759. Infirmary No. 3 and Fire station, Camp Pontonazen, 8, 11, '19. 761. Cafeteria line at gate of Flag Hut Y. M. C. A., City of Brest, 8, 16, '19. 780. Salvation Army girls making pies for soldiers. 312 pies were made that day, Camp Pontonazen, 8, 21, '19. 790. Two old French houses at corner of Pontonazen Road and 2nd St., Camp Pontonazen, 8, 25, '19. 791. Soldiers lined up for mess at Troop Kitchen No. 5, Camp Ponto- nazen, 8, 26, '19. Avignon. 652. Palace of the Popes, 7, 11, '19. ' 653. Three mule passenger car, 7, 11, '19. 657. Section of the old city wall still in good preservation, 7, 11, '19. Chateau Thierry, Belleau Wood, AND Rheims. 614. Section of Station showing signs of bombardment, Rheims, 7, 7, '19. 615. German trench dugout in "No Man's Land." Rheims, 7, 7, '19. 616. A German tank left on "No Man's Land," Rheims, 7, 7, '19. 617. An old German trench and barbed- wire entanglements, "No Man's Land," 7, 7, '19. 618. Three inch projectile laying out in "No Man's Land," Rheims, 7, 7, '19. 627. City Hall showing hole in face of clock where Germans placed a ma- chine gun, Chateau Thierry, 7, 7, '19. 628. Close view of the front of a house showing bullet marks and shell holes, Chateau Thierry, 7, 7, '19. 629. Aisne River bridge and demol- ished buildings, Chateau Thierry, 7, 7, '19. 630. Shell-torn trees, cemetery in back- ground, Belleau Wood, 7, 8, '19. 632. American Cemetery, Belleau Wood, 7, 8, '19. 634. Y. M. C. A. sight-seeing truck, Belleau Wood, 7, 8, '19. 635. Stone bridge destroyed by French, to retard German advance across the Marne River, Chateau Thierry, 7, 8, '19. 636. Big Bertha Emplacement, near Chateau Thierry, 7, 8, '19. 638. Steel roofed dugout near Big Ber- tha emplacement, Chateau Thierry, 7, 8, '19. LOURDES. 697. Two mountain girls carrying pro- visions home on a donkey, 7, 17, '19. 698. A religious service at the Grotto. Statue of the "Virgin Mary" at cave entrance, 7, 17, '19. 705. Front view of the Basilica, 7, 17, '19. 706. Section of Panoramic painting, "Bernadette at the Grotto," 7, 17, '19. Life size bronze figures representing the stations of Christ's Crucifixion at Calvary. These pictures were taken at Lourdes, 7, 7, '19. 699. First station. 700. Fourth station. 701. Seventh station. 702. Eighth station. 703. Eleventh and twelfth stations. 704. Fourteenth station. LUCHON. And nearby towns in the Pyrenees Mountains. 343. Third class French coach, 2, 4, '19. 356. Valley of Luchon with mountains on either side. Taken from bridge Superbagneres M.t, 2, 7, '19. 365. Old Roman tombs recently exca- vated, St. Bertrand, 2, 8, '19. 366. Bones in Roman tomb nearly 2000 years old, St. Bertrand, 2, 8, '19. 369. Boy hauling manure with oxen, Barbazan, 2, 8, '19. 375. A mountain woman carrying wood on horseback, Luchon, 2, 10, '19. 376. Distant view of small village on m.ountain side, Pyrenees Mts., near Luchon, 2, 10, '19. 377. Thatch roofed house in mountain village, St. Paul, 2, 10, '19. 381. Donkey carrying baskets of stable- manure on his back, St. Aventin, 2, 10, '19. 385. Interior Y. M. C A. lunch room, Casino ; Luchon, 2, 11, '19. Monaco. 675. The Peninsula of Monaco, 7, 13, '19. Monte Carlo. 661. Front view of the Casino, 7, 13, '19. 662. Sea front view of the Casino, 7 13, '19. 663. Cafe de Paris, opposite the Ca- sino, 7, 13, '19. 670. Two cacti trees in the Casino Gar- den, 7, 13, '19. 672. Palm tree in the Casino Garden, 7, 13, '19. Nice. 677. The Casino, 7, 14, '19. 678. Y. M. C. A. sign at entrance of Casino, 7, 14, '19. Q79. Looking west along beach from the Chateau, 7, 14, '19. NiMES. 683. Old Roman garden of fountains, 7, 15, '19. 688. The ring and section of seating space in the Arena, 7, 15, '19. 690. Exterior section of the Arena, 7, 15, '19. 691. La Maison Caree, one of the best preserved monuments of Corinthian architecture, 7, 15, '19. Paris. 441. Eiffel Tower, typical taxicab in foreground, 4, 7, '19. 442. Ferris wheel, 350 feet high. Each wagon holds 25 people, 4, 7, '19. 445. Canteen counter, Red Cross No. 13, near Eiffel Tower, 4, 8, '19. 463. Ancient Assyrian statues in Louvre Museum, 4, y, '19. 597. German tank and guns at "Place de la Concord," 7, 5, '19. 699. Big German gun at "Place de la Concord," 7, 5, '19. 600. German guns, fountain, and ob- elisque, "Place de la Concord," 7, 6, '19. 601. Arch de Triumph, 7', 5, '19. 605. Small French tank at "Les Inva- lides," 7, 6, '19. 606. Captain Guynemer's famous aero- . plane at "Les Invalides," 7, 6, '19. 641. Botanical Garden of Plants, 7, 9, '19. Tours. 560. Soldiers on a 50 hommes, 8 che- vaux car, 6, 22, '19. 563. Front view of St. Gatien Cathe- dral, 6, 22, '19. 565. Altar in an alcove of St. Gatien Cathredal, 6, 22, '19. 570. Interior view showing Altar and beautiful architecture of St. Martin Church, 6, 22, '19. Versailles. 446. Interior Chapel Louis XIV, 4, 8, '19. 448. Fireplace and painting of Marie Antoinette, Hall of Diana; Palace Louis XIV, 4, 8, '19. 449. Interior "Hall of Battles," Palace Louis XIV. Y. M. C. A. sight-see- ing party at far end of hall. "Hall of Mirrors" beyond, where Peace Treaty was signed, 4, 8, '19. 451. Rear view, Palace Louis XIV. Stables in foreground, 4, 8, '19. 462. Statue of Louis XIV. Palace Chapel in background, 4, 8, '19. Vichy. 644. Scene in the Grand Park, 7, 10, '19. 646. Interior Crystal Palace, a glass souvenir store, 7, 10, '19. 647. Vichy water fountain, "Source Miesdames," 7, 10, '19. 648. Vichy water fountain, "Source Chomel," 7, 10, '19. From Brest to New York on the Leviathan. 793. Side view of the Leviathan, Brest Harbor, 8, 29, '19. 795. Troops on a tug alongside the Leviathan, Brest Harbor, 8, 29, '19. 797. Loading an automobile on the Le- viathan. Rafts and smoke-stacks in background, Brest Harbor, 8, 31, '19. 798. Stern end and wake of the Levia- than, 9, 2, '19. 799. A high sea, from stern of the Le- viathan, mid ocean, 9, 3, '19. 801. Band playing to crowd of soldiers on the Leviathan, 9, 4, '19. 802. Lift boats and rigging of "C" deck on Leviathan, 9, 4, '19. 805. Returning soldiers on the Levia- than getting their first glimpse of America, New York Harbor, 9, 8, '19.. 816. Statue of Liberty, 9, S, '19. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lulli Sill! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! "'" "■■< '■«■ >•"> ■mi mi im 020 994 894 1 THE RECORD PRESS HAVERHILL, MASSACHUSETTS 191Q