LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. v ______ Copyright No,„_..__. Shelf ■ K > 3 \ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE THERAPEUTICS OF Facial and Sciatic Neuralgias WITH REPERTORIES AND CLINICAL CASES. BY F. H. LTJTZE, M, D. When we have to do with an art, whose end is the saving of human life, any neglect to make ourselves thorough masters of it becomes a crime — Samuel Hahnemann. PHILADELPHIA BOKRICKK & TAFBL. ' -< ' 7 ■ / 14374 Copyrighted 1898 BY BOERICKE & TAFEL. T. B. & H. B. Cochran, Printers, Lancaster, Pa. 2nd COPY, 1893. TWO COPIES RECEIVED. PREFACE. In the earlier years of my practice I had to treat quite a number of patients afflicted with Neuralgia ; it seemed to be almost like an epi- demic. Being unable to obtain any but a very few, not very characteristic, symptoms, I made a study of the remedies having symptoms of Neuralgia in their pathogenesis. The notes then made were gradually added to, and I found them often of great benefit not alone in the treatment of Neuralgia, but of other diseases as well; and when they had nearly acquired the proportions of this work, con- cluded to add appropriate clinical cases and publish all, that others, who so desired, might derive benefit from it as well. Special atten- tion has been paid to give all the modalities, as I have found myself and heard others in the profession to express the opinion, that they often point out the similimum. I hope that the work may be a great help in alleviating human suffering and to further the cause of Homoeopathy. INTRODUCTORY. In diseases accompanied with very acute, ex- cruciating suffering, where the patient often demands to be relieved of his torture at once, and is on account of the exquisite pain often unable to give symptoms whereby to select the similimum, the beginner in Homoeopathy, or he in whom sympathy, for the patient overcomes the faith that is in him, is easily tempted to use old school methods for the im- mediate relief of the patient. But is the patient really benefited thereby? Assuredly not ! Even though relieved at first, the pain soon returns, often with greater intensity, and, the symptoms being changed, the difficulty of finding the similimum is very much increased. . Bnt if the physician has an efficient aid to help him to ascertain the proper indicated remedy, and has learned from experience that it is the easiest, quickest and most pleasant way to cure any curable disease, he will not be tempted thus, for knowledge is strength. This is my excuse for offering this special aid in the cure of neuralgia as my con- tribution for furthering the cause of pure INTRODUCTORY. 5 Homoeopathy ; and if every true Homoeopath would in a similar manner give his mite in furthering our cause, what a blessing would soon accrue to suffering humanity and how much easier would be the labor of the consci- entious Homoeopath ! There may be those in our ranks who think that there are many unnecessary repeti- tions and useless symptoms given. True, I have endeavored to give all symptoms I could find directly connected with the matter in hand, but the repetitions will be found on closer scrutiny to be only apparently such and to vary somewhat in their modalities, location, etc.; and as to the uselessness of any symp- tom, how can anyone affirm such to be the case ? Those frequently styled " useless chaff" are named so because they do not occur very frequently, but are they not therefore the more peculiar and characteristic ? I have fre- quently seen such rare symptoms lead to a grand cure. While collecting material for this work I noticed in Dr. T. F. Allen's materia medica the following symptom under Phosph.: "Sleep:" * * * on falling asleep, * * * "auto- matic movements, as in sexual intercourse !" and thought at the time it would probably never be found in actual practic ; yet, before the year 6 INTRODUCTORY. passed, this very symptom led me to give Phosphorus to a gentleman, set. 65 years, who showed this symptom, been sick for fifteen years, and it proved a brilliant cure ! A failure being often more instructive than an actual cure leads me to report the following : The patient, set. 45, a wood carver, suffered from tearing, shooting, agonizing pain in right side of face and head, especially in right occi- pital region, somewhat relieved by warmth and rubbing (which he had done so continuously that the painful spot there was denuded of hair); were worse evenings and at night, pre- venting sleep and accompanied with distortions of the muscles of the face and an involuntary upward jerking of the right arm and leg. He had been for five weeks under the care of a Homoeopath without any improvement. I attended him for ten days also with negative results. Then he had a small piece of a root of a right molar tooth extracted, against my advice, with almost instant relief, my dis- missal following. The respite, however, was short, the neuralgia returning with increased fury. He was sent to a hospital, where after a few weeks a deep right mastoid abscess showed redness and swelling externally; this was opened, the pus and detritus evacuated ; in due INTRODUCTORY. / time the wound healed and the patient was permanently relieved. It is self-evident that not all symptoms and modalities, which may occur in a case of neu- ralgia, could be incorporated in this work as that would require the whole materia medica. Only such symptoms, are given as were found in the works hereinafter referred to, directly connected with the disease under con- sideration ; the- study of the materia medica, Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocketbook and other aids, besides this monograph, must not be neglected. In undeveloped cases, where no symptoms can be discovered for the selection of the remedy, it may be necessary to give one of the following grand antipsorics to develop them, as : Calc. c, Carbo veg., Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Psorinum, Sepia, Sulphur; and to antidote previous drugging : Arsenicum, China, Natrum mur., or Nux vom., may be found need- ful. Such clinical cases have been introduced as tended to illustrate the action of the remedy and potency employed ; as to the potency best suited in a given case of neuralgia, I am con- vinced that the higher act best as a rule. Though I would not condemn nor reject en- tirely the low potencies, I must say that he who has never used the higher and highest 8 INTRODUCTORY. potencies has never seen all the beauties and the grandeur of Homoeopathy. What music could be produced on a violin if each string could be caused to give forth but one note, instead of several octaves, each note differing from the preceding one on the same string in pitch and volume, due to the change of the string in length and tension. Is it not possible that a a similar difference exists between the different potencies of the same remedy, and therefore the difference in the action? The whole is arranged strictly alphabetical, first the remedies and their symptoms with clinical cases ; at the conclusion of this a very complete Eepertory follows each part, which for the sake of convenience is divided in six parts, viz : 1st. Aggravations. 2d. Amelioration. 3d. Causes. 4th. Concomitants ; After. Before. — • During. 5th. Direction, Location. 6th. Pains and Sensations. Under Sepia, Part I., and Sulphur, Part II., INTRODUCTORY. \) are given illustrations of how to work out a case by the cheeking method. Notice of any errors of omission or commis- sion will be thankfully received. F. H. Lutze, M. D. Brooklyn j December 16, 1896. AUTHOKS CONSULTED. Hering's Guiding Symptoms. Hering's Condensed Materia Medica. Allen's Hand-book of Materia Medica. Hahnemann's " Chronic Diseases." Farrington's Clinical Materia Medica. The Homoeopathic Physician, from 1884 to 1896. The Medical Advance, from 1886 to 1894. The North American Journarl of Homoe- opathy. Hahnemannian Monthly. Medical Current. Homoeopathic Eecorder. TABLE OF REMEDIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS. Aeon., Aconitum nap. ^Esc, iEsculus hip. Agar., Agaricus muse. Agn., Agnus cast. Ail., Ailanthus gland. Aloe., Aloe socot. Alum., Alumen. Alumi., Alumina. Am. m., Ammonium mur. Am. p., Ammonium picricum Aps., Apis mel. Arg. m., Argentum met. Arg. n., Argentum nitr. Arn., Arnica mont. Ars., Arsenicum alb. Asar., Asarum Eurpseum. Atrop., Atropine. Aur., Aurum met. Aur. mur., Aurum muriaticum. Bar. acet., Baryta acetica. Bell., Belladonna, Berb., Berberis vulgare. Bism. n., Bismuthum nitric. 12 TABLE OF REMEDIES. Bry., Cact., Calc. c, Calc. p., Caps. , Carbl. ac, Carbn. s., Carb. v., Card, m., Caust., Cedr., Cep., Cham., Chel., Chin, ars., Chin, off., Chin, s., Cimcfg., Cin., Cinn., Clem., Cocci., Cocc, Cocc. c, Cod., Cofi°. c, Coff. t,, Colch., Coloc, Con., Croc. , Crot. h., Cupr. act., Cupr. m., Bryonia alba. Cactus grandiflor. Calcarea carb. Calcarea phos. Capsicum. Carbolic acid. Carboneum sulph. Carbo veg. Carduus mar. Causticum. Cedron. Cepa. Chamomilla. Chelidoneum. Chinin. arsenicum. China officinalis. Chininum sulph. Cimicif uga racernosa. Cina. Cinnabaris^ Clematis erecta. Coccionella. Cocculus Indicus. Coccus cacti. Codeinum. CofFea cruda. Coffea tosta. Colchicum autumnale. Colocynthis. Conium maculatum. Crocus sativus. Crotalus horridus. Cuprum aceticum. Cuprum metallicum. TABLE OF REMEDIES. 13 CUT., Curara. Diosc, Dioscorea villosa. Dros., Drosera rotundifolia. Dulc, Dulcamara. Elat., Elaterium. Eup. purp., Eupatoriuin purpur. Euph., Euphorbium. Ferr., Ferrum metallicum. Ferr. phos., Ferrum phosphoricum Gels., Gelsemium. Glon., Glonoinum. Gnaph., Gnaphalium. Guaj., Guajacum. Hekl., Hekla lava. Hel., Helleborus niger. Hep., Hepar sulph. cal. Hydrctl., Hydrocotyl Asiatica. Hydrcy. ac, Hydrocyanic acid. Hyper., Hypericum. Ign., Ignatia amara. Ind., Indigo. Ipec., Ipecacuanha. Iris v., Iris versicolor. Kali bi., Kali bichromicum. Kali c. , Kali carbonicum. Kali cy., Kali cyanatum. Kaliiod., Kali iodatum. Kali mur., Kali muriaticum. Kali phos., Kali phosphoricum. Kalm., Kalmia. Kreos., Kreosotum. 14 TABLE OF REMEDIES. Lac. c, Lac caninum. Lach. , Lachesis. Led., Ledum pal. Lob., Lobel. inn. Lycopd., Lycopodium. Lyss., Lyssin. Macro., Macrotin. Mag. c, Magnesium carb. Mag. phos., Magnesium phos. Medor., Medorrhinum. Meny., Menyanthes. Merc, v., Mercurius vivus. Mez., Mezereum. Naja, Naja trip. ISTatr. m., Natrum mur. Katr. s., Natruin sulph. Nitr. spts. die, Nitri spiritus dulcis. Kux m., Nux moschata. Nux v., Nux vomica. Petr., Petroleum. - Phos., Phosphorus. Phos. ac, Phosphoric acid. Phyt., Phytolacca. Pip. meth., Piper methysticum. Plant, m., Plantago major. Plat., Platinum met. Pluinb., Plumbum. Pod., Podophyllum. Polyp, off., Polyporus officinalis. Prun. sp., Prunus spinosa. Psor., Psorinum. Puis., Pulsatilla. Ean. b., Ranunculus bulb. TABLE OF REMEDIES. 15 Rhod., Rhododendron. Ehus t., Rhus toxicodendron. Rob., Robinia. Ruta gr., Ruta graveolens. Sabad. , Sabadilla. Sabin., Sabina. Sang., Sanguinaria. Sep., Sepia. Sil., Silica. Spig., Spigelia. Spong., Spongia. Stan., Stannum metallicum Staph., Staphisagria. Stil., Stillingia sylvatica. Stram., Stramonium. Sulph. , Sulphur. Sulph. ac, Sulphuric acid. Syph., Syphilinum. Tabac. , Tabacum. Tel., Tellurium. Tereb., Terebinth. Thuj., Thuja. Yaler., Yaleriana. Yerat. alb., Yerat rum album. Yerat. v., Veratrum viride. Yerb., Yerbascum. Yisc, Yiscum album. Zinc. , Zincum metallic. PART I Facial Neuralgia, WITH Repertory and Clinical Cases. SYMPTOMS OF NEURALGIA OF THE FACE. 1. ACONITE. Neuralgia of the trigeminus, left side, face red and hot; restlessness, anguish, rolling about, screaming. Supra- and infra-orbital neuralgia, pains in- tense, shooting, pressing, especially if in, or over, the left eye, brought on by exposure to cold dry winds, or sudden chilling of surface of the body when overheated. Drawing and pressure in cheeks, in upper jaw, and forehead, increasing gradually in inten- sity. Pains tingling, remittent and shifting, con- tinued later very intense, with anaesthesia. Sharp shooting, along the nerve, drawing, tense, involving ear and parts about it ; pulsat- ing, numb, or heavy feeling and swollen; pulse small and rapid, anguish, fear of death; noise startles him and is unbearable. The pains often begin with a slight itching, tingling, creep- ing and crawling; stitches and tingling here and there ; pressure and shooting pains in eye balls. 20 ACONITE. Neuralgia with congestions from dry cold air or checked perspiration. Neuralgia of upper and lower extremities; sciatica. Aggr. At night, from cold, motion and noise. When a patient can give no symptoms for the selection of the homoeopathic remedy — "Aconite" will often relieve his intense suffer- ing for a time, and thus enable him the better to observe his symptoms, whereby to select the curative remedy. Magnes. phos. is reported as having a similar action, and is called by some the homoeopathic morphia. Clinical. Case L Mrs. T., set. 65 years, had for a number of weeks been suffering from neuralgia on the left — but also to some extent on the right side of the head and face; worse in left temple and about the left eye and ear. An old school doctor had dosed her with various drugs, but for the last three days had given her morphia, stating that it was the only thing which would relieve her, yet her sufferings had steadily increased. At night she was worse, restless and anxious, could not get rid of the idea that death was near. During the day it was not so severe, and intermittent, she tried then to do some work, but could finish nothing ^ESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. 21 that she commenced. She would, for example, begin to make the bed, but before that was half done she would feel compelled, through restlessness or an unexplainable something, to leave it unfinished and go to sweeping, and again leave the half swept floor to commence preparing for luncheon, and so on through the whole day, on account of which she feared that she would become insane. She received Aeon. 200 in aq. to take two teaspoonfuls every hour. She began to im- prove immediately and after two days' treat- ment slept for several hours for the first time since taken sick ; could continue her work without going from one unfinished piece to another, and after taking three or four powders Aeon. 1000, dry on the tongue, for the next two days, was restored to perfect health. — F. H. L., 1894. 2. ^SOULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Severe neuralgic pains from upper lip, ex- tending around to right side of head all fore- noon. Severe pain in right mastoid region ; frequent neuralgic pains in fauces, temples, occiput and frontal region, coming and going. Pains darting from right to left across fore- 22 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. head through temples, followed by flying pains in epigastrium. Neuralgic pains in right supra-orbital region ; in left side of head. The face swells enor- mously and becomes spotted after washing, followed by rubbing. Aggr. In the forenoon. 3. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Electric like pains, tearing, lancinating, draw- ing in right cheek, pains as from splinters be- tween skin and flesh, most in infra-orbital nerves, and right lower jaw and jaw bones, on awaking so violent in left articulation of lower jaw, he could scarcely open his mouth. Electric like pains in left malar bone with soreness to touch, drawing, lancinating in right cheek ; fulgurant pains ; pains as if pierced by cold needles ; as if sharp ice touched in spots ; as if a nail were thrust in right side of head. Icy coldnes of head and face ; drawing, stitching, shifting from side to side. Aggr. At night, mornings, during repose, after eating, from cold air, on awaking. Amel. From motion, walking. 4. AGNUS CASTUS. Tearing, pressing, deep in right ramus of lower jaw ; rending, tearing under alveoli of AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA. 23 right lower jaw. Tearing pain above right eye and temple as from a blow upon eye, with sore- ness to touch. Aggr. Evenings and from motion. 5. AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA. Electric like thrill through left side of head, or from brain to extremities ; the pain forces the patient to walk; face hot, speckled, or spotted red, the articulations of jaw feel swollen. 6. ALOE SOCOOTRINA. Pains in the head and face, especially when yiwning or masticating solid food ; evenings and mornings when awaking ; the pain causes him to make his eyes small. Aggr. Mornings, evenings, when yawning or masticating solid food, on awaking. 7. ALUMEN. Pain in left articulation of jaw close to ear. Neuralgia of the throat. 8. ALUMINA. Severe pain on left side, in articulation of lower jaw, close to ear, when chewing or open- ing mouth. 24 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. 9. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Tearing pains in right temple and through right side of face and head, causing nausea. Stitches in left temple, side of head and vertex, when stooping. 10. AMMONIUM PIORICUM. Periodical neuralgia in right side of occiput, boring, extending to ear, orbit and lower jaw. Vertigo when rising, especially with irregular menstruation. 11. APIS MELLIPIOA. Pains like bee stings migrating in and about the left temple ; burning smarting with tremb- ling and frequent vomiting. Ameliorated by cold. Clinical. Case I. Fred. F., set., 17 years, neuralgia on left side of face, comes sudden and leaves slowly; cannot lie down, must sit up. Sting- ing pains in left temple and upper jaw, worse from warmth or warm things in the mouth, better from drinking cold water ; and some- times like an electric shock from centre of fore- head over right side of face ; worse in the day- time, especially in the afternoon, better when ARGENTUM METALLICUM. 25 shaking the head. Apis 30 cured in a few days.— F. H. L., 1895. 12. ARGENTUM METALLICUM. Drawing, tearing in right zygoma and right side of face ; pains increase gradually and cease suddenly. Pain as if a nerve were being torn in left side of brain ; worse lying on back. 13. ARGENTUM NITRIOUM. Infra-orbital neuralgia on left side of face with sour taste ; in right or left molars. Grum- bling, digging in left lower jaw, with sensitive- ness to cold water. (Calc. carb.) Aggr. Chewing, eating sour things, and put- ting cold things in the mouth. 14. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Intermittent, tearing, burning, boring pain in right supra-orbital region, extending over eye and into upper teeth, not allowing a moment's rest, better from walking about. Periodical neuralgia on left side of head, then paralyzed feeling. Dull beating in one half of the head as far as above the eye. Tearing, burning in left eye, orbit and temple as if pierced with hot needles, lancinating along right inferior maxillary nerve ; sensation as if 26 ARSENICUM ALBUM. a hot wire were passed through the ramifications of the fifth nerve ; neuralgia of the trigeminus ; face pale and distorted. Ciliary neuralgia with burning pains, great restlessness, weakness and anguish, driving him from place to place ; burning in the soles of the feet. (Sulph.) Neuralgia after abuse of quinine. Aggr. At night, after midnight, toward evening, from rest, after a meal, from cold air, and fatigue ; 12 to 2 A. M. Amel. From warmth and walking about. Clinical. Case L A lady, set. 46, in whom the menses had been absent for several months, but with nosebleed as vicarious menstruation, had neu- ralgia of left side of the head. The patient at first described the pains as coming on sudden- ly, lasting for an indefinite time, and leaving then suddenly. For this indication she re- ceived Belladonna, but without relief. Finally she stated that the pains were worse about 1 A. M., that they were like hot needles, and were relieved by heat. Arsenicum 100m, one dose, dry, cured. — Dr. J. M. Selfridge. (Horn. Phys., October 1, 1894, p. 325.) ATROPINUM. 27 15. ATROPINUM. Supra- and infra-orbital neuralgia on left side, extending to ear and head. (Neuralgia under the knees.) Aggr. From emotion. Amel. From warm wraps. J 6. AURUM MET ALLICUM. Neuralgia on left side, cutting, drawing, tear- ing in side of head, deep in brain, — forehead, temple and vertex. Tearing in jaws with swelling of cheek, burning in zygoma; draw- ing, tearing in left side of face, in right lower jaw. Amel. From pressure. 17. AURUM MURIATICUM. Neuralgia in left eye. (Lachesis.) 18. BELLADONNA. Ciliary neuralgia appearing and disappearing suddenly with photophobia and congestion. Orbital neuralgia especially of infra-orbital nerve, with hot, red flushed face and hot hands. Pains begin under right orbit and run to ear and neck ; violent shooting in right maxillary articulation, extending to ear when chewing, worse from touch or motion. 28 BELLADONNA. Cutting, burning, tearing in right side of face and temple, shifting, shooting into ear and down nape of neck ; pains paroxysmal, come and go suddenly, with stiffness of nape of neck and twitching of eyelids ; hyperesthesia. Violent neuralgia originating in right temple and spreading over orbit to right cheek, worse from slightest motion; the pain sometimes radi- ates from forehead to orbit and over the face, affecting the ears and teeth ; face red, mottled or bluish red, flushed with injected eyeballs. Tearing on inner surface of left lower jaw, in and behind left tonsil, in corner of mouth, worse from: deglutition. Aggr. From touch, chewing, motion, deglu- tition, slightest jar, light or noise, from noon to midnight, from 2 to 3 P. M., to 3 A. M., at 11 P. M. Amel. From hard pressure, lying down, warmth. Clinical. Case I. On September 15, 1885, I was sent for with strict injunctions to bring along my vial of morphia and injector. As I am happily not possessed of these inventions of the evil one, I went without them and found the patient suffering excruciating pains in the face and head, which were greatly aggravated by BELLADONNA. 29 the least jar or movement, and which came on "like a flash. " I immediately called for a glass and dissolved a few pellets of Bell. cm. (Skinner), and left with an assurance of speedy relief. This man had been subject to such attacks for many years, under allopathic treat- ment, which usually consisted of the hypo- dermic injection of morphia and generally with lulling of the pain. But the attacks were growing much more frequent and increas- ing in severity : the old story. He told me next morning that nothing had ever helped him so quickly. On November 23d he called for some more of that medicine, and said, that while he had not prior to the September attack gone longer than two weeks without pain, he had had no indications of it since then, about ten weeks. The present attack had been quite as sudden, although less severe than the other. A few doses of Bell. cm. again acted quickly, for I met him two hours later going out for an evening's amusement. On December 17th he had a few twinges of pain at once helped by the same remedy, and he has remained free from it ever since, now three months. — Wm. Jefferson Guernsey, M. D., "Horn. Physician," 1886, Vol. VI., p. 172. Case II. This patient, a practicing dentist of Frankford, consulted me some months ago , 30 BELLADONNA. then suffering from neuralgia, and asked for a prescription which he knew would be Homoeo- pathic. For the past eight years he has not known a well day, so severe has been his suffer- ing that Profs. Garretson and Lewis, each in turn, has unsuccessfully tried to cure him by the extraction of branches of the trifacial nerve. Nor did the patient stop at butchery, but sought the treatment of two prominent Homoeopaths of our town, and all in turn failed to relieve what afterward proved so easy. The pains were sharp, cutting in right superior and inferior maxillary region, coming and going suddenly. Of course Bell, was the remedy to cure on account of the character of the pains. Of this T gave him six powders of cm. potency, and the patient has not had a return of the paroxysm, and to this day is free from pain — G. V. Allen, M. D., Phila., " Horn. Phys.," August, 1886, Vol. VI., p. 306. Case III. A young nurse girl, subject to ter- rible neuralgic pains in the right side of face, of which she had suffered frequent attacks for over a year. They came suddenly at night, waking her from sleep, began and centred in a hollow lower bicuspid — a tearing, beating and bursting, extending to the ear and right side of head, causing great agony, screaming, BELLADONNA. 31 moaning and crying. A little relief was ob- tained by hot applications. A peculiar symptom was relief by burrowing or pushing that side of the head into a pillow, and pressing on a hard surface. Being of a Pulsatilla temperament, with cor- responding symptoms, a dose of the remedy gave no relief after twenty minutes. She got one dose of Bell. 200, which relieved at once, and after three minutes she went into a long and sound sleep, from which she awoke with only a little soreness. Several days after an extensive aphtha appeared on inside of cheek and on gums about the affected teeth. Several times there was a threatened return of the pain, but a dose of Bell, promptly stopped it. The patient had been accustomed to suffer in similar attacks for a whole night under palliative treatment, and scarcely believed she was cured except by miracle. — Thomas C. Bunting, M. D., East Mauch Chunk, Pa. (Horn. Phys., Decem- ber, 1894, p. 390.) Case IV. Mrs. G,, of Brooklyn, had suffered severely from facial neuralgia, mostly on the left side. She had been treated by a quasi Homoeopath for three months, but the only relief she had experienced was from the last remedy (Nux v. #), and even that was very slight. Noise and light made her feel very 32 BERBERIS VULGARIS, much worse ; also if she attempted to eat, espe- cially when the food touched the teeth. The whole face was extremely sensitive to touch, she could not even wipe it lightly with a hand- kerchief; the cheeks had a bluish-red color and she was very restless at night on account of the pain. I sent her four powders of Bell, lm., with instructions to stop the medicine if she felt better. She took all of the powders as directed, one powder on arising in the morning, which improved her very much ; when after fourteen days of waiting on the remedy the improvement ceased, I sent her three powders of Bell. 50m., which completely cured her. — F. H. L., 1889. Case V. Lena 6., set. 14. Neuralgia under right angle of jaw, worse during the day, sleeps well at night ; cannot chew solid food, but can take liquids without any inconvenience. Throb- bing, hammering pains, which come and go suddenly ; worse from 8 to 10 P. M. One dose of Bell. 200 cured.— F. H. L., 1895. 19. BERBERIS VULGARIS. Tearing and stitches in cheek and jawbones. Squeezing, rending and stinging pain in facial bones, and in upper and lower jaw, as if from a blow, extending to temples. BISMUTHUM NITRICUM. 33 Clinical. Case I. A postal clerk was taken with pain in his neck on right side. The pain began near the right mastoid process, shooting like light- ning to the point of the shoulder and upper arm. He had to keep perfectly still and ex- tend his head to the left, putting all the muscles on the right side of the neck on the stretch, and keeping them that way. The least motion or relaxing of the muscles would cause a sudden cramp and he would cry out. I gave Bell, and Bry., but a close study of the case brought to light the similimum, which was : Berberis vulg. cm. I put one dose on the tongue, and when I called again in half an hour he could move his head in any direction, without exciting the cramping of the muscles. — Geo. W. Sherbino, Abilene, Texas. Horn. Phys., '91, p. 69. 20. BISMUTHUM NITRICUM. Neuralgia on right side of face most severe in one of the upper molars, which is only slightly affected ; pain constant, but exacer- bating at intervals, icorse from mastication and touch of warm food, better from cold and touch of cold ivater. 3 34 BRYONIA ALBA. Lancinating burning pain, as though the face were torn by pincers. Facial muscles not contracted, face pale, no salivation, no fever. Aggr. From mastication and touch of warm food. Amel. From cold and touch of cold water. 21. BRYONIA ALBA Ciliary neuralgia; pains very sharp and severe, making patient scream out ; the pains are worse from opening eye and any motion of the ball; eyes must be kept closed and at rest; the pains are usually sharp, passing through the eye into the head, or from eye downward to malar region and thence backward to occiput. The seat of the pain becomes as sore as a boil, and least exertion, talking, using or moving the eyes, aggravates. Neuralgia with twitching of the face ; twitch- ing and tearing in right malar bone, extending to right temple, which is sore to touch, painful pressure under the right eye, relieved by ex- ternal pressure ; the face is hot, red and of a soft puffiness, sore to touch, though the pains are relieved by steady pressure ; a round red spot over right malar bone. Tearing in left cheek involving the eye, can- not speak or eat, because the pains are so much worse from the least motion. CACTUS GRANDIFLORrS. 35 Aggr. Opening eyes, motion of eyeball, motion in general, speaking, eating, touch, least exertion, using or moving eyes. Amel. By external pressure, lying on af- fected side, cold applications. 22. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Chronic neuralgia of the right side of face ; returns at the same hour (but not malarial). Constricting throbbing pulsating pains, from loss of a meal or dinner at the usual hour ; from wine, strong light, music or excitement. Aggr. From slight exertion. Amel. Lying still in bed. 23. CALCAREA CARBONICA. Tearing in temple orbit and cheek bones with swelling of the latter, lasting all day. Tearing in head and eyes and bones of face every afternoon from 3 or 4 until 9 or 10 P. M., with red face. Pains from right mental foramen along nerve up lower jaw to ear, worse if face is exposed to cold air. soon subsides in a warm room. Chronic prosopalgia ; fat people ; damp, cold feet ; profuse menses ; rending in facial bones. Aggr. Afternoon, 3 to 4 till 9 to 10 P. M., from cold air. Amel. In a warm room. 36 CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. 24. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. Rheumatic or neuralgic faceache, worse at night, particularly in upper jaw bone, from right to left, extending from face to other parts and from other parts to face. Chronic proso- palgia on right side, pain in superior maxilla, worse at night, Aggr. From cold, change of weather, east winds, draught, at night, from motion or slightest exertion. Amel. By lying down, rest and warmth. 25. CAPSICUM. Neuralgia with burning, pungent, tearing, darting pains, like fine pains piercing the nerves, tormenting on falling asleep. Fothergill's dis- ease. Aggr. From slightest draught of air (warm or cold), from touch, in the evening. Clinical. Case I. June 8, 1890, Mrs. K., slender, dark hair and eye, a nervous individual. Has facial neuralgia beginning above the right temple, and extending downward over the face, espe- cially below the eye and on the right side of nose. With the pain the face is sensitive to touch. Slight pressure will bring on the pain CARBOLIC ACID. 37 when it is absent. There is circumscribed red- ness of the cheek with the pains. These sensa- tions are described, viz.: a crawling, ticking like a clock, burning like fire, like hot needles running through the face, like fine threads through the face drawn tightly. This neuralgia is an old enemy and she has suffered for months at a time under allopathic treatment. R. Capsicum lm, four doses in one day. June 29th, she has had no pain for more than a week. The soreness of the face is all gone; no medicine. July 14th, she has been overworking and the pains returned two days ago, but less severely; R. Caps. 40m F., one dose. She has had no neuralgia since then. — E. E. Case, M. D., Hartford, Conn., Horn. Phys., Vol. XIIL, 1893, p. 78. 26. CARBOLIC ACID. Very severe orbital neuralgia over right eye and in eye and temple. 27. CARBO VEGETABILIS. Tearing in left half of head ; violent tearing in a small spot near temple. Drawing, burn- ing, tearing in left cheek, periodical in shocks ; tearing in right cheek and upper jaw, in de- 38 CAUSTICUM. pression behind right ear, and in left zygoma, evening in bed. Tearing, jerking in left or right upper maxilla, drawing in facial nerve, maxil- lary bones sore. Swelling of upper lip, with jerking pain, tearing, jerking pain in upper right side of face. Pains may fly all over. Aggr. Evening in bed. 28. CAUSTICUM. Sticking, boring, externally behind right ear, often with sudden perspiration lasting several minutes, several times daily. Neuralgia on right side of head, worse at night, with chilliness, scanty menses, no thirst ; on left side, relieved by rubbing part with cloih dipped in cold water. Severe tearing pains in left half of face. Drawing, tearing in right cheek, then in right ear, pain and tension in jaws so that they are difficult to open ; eating is difficult be- cause a tooth seems too long. Neuralgia at every stormy change of the weather. Lightning-like pains, darting from place to place, with chilliness. Sensation as if cold wind blew into the right ear ; worse during eructations. Steps and sounds re-echo in the ears. Paralysis of one (left side) of face. (Cepa, Puis.) Neuralgia moving from occiput upward and forward over vertex; remitting pains. CAUSTICUM. 39 Intermittent neuralgia, coming on at 9 A. M. and going off at 3 or 4 P. M. The pain is tear- ing in character, with hardness of muscles in region of pain. Aggr. At night, 9 A. M. to 3 or 4 P. M. Amel. Rubbing with cloth dipped in cold water. Clinical. Case I. Mrs. J. F., set. 25, had been suffering for many weeks with neuralgia on right side of face, intermittent in character. The pains were slight at first, seemed to be in the teeth and caused by a decayed tooth. As the pains gradually increased in severity she had the tooth filled, and, no relief following, finally ex- tracted, which, however, greatly aggravated the pains, which were now sticking, gnawing, darting from place to place, often accompanied with chilliness ; cold applications relieved them somewhat Puis, in various potencies with Sach. lac. was given with little or no improvement. Later, when calling one day, she stated that she had very often a sensation as if wind blew into her right ear, when the pain would soon become worse and she could hardly eat, as an- other tooth, a molar in left lower jaw, seemed to be loose and pain her every time she tried to 40 CEDRON. chew on that side. I now gave her four powders of Caust. 200, to dissolve one in four teaspoon- fuls of water and take one teaspoonful every two hours, until she saw some improvement, then stop. She took three powders and needed no more.— F. H. L., 1892. 29. CEDRON. Neuralgia of supra-orbital nerves, worse on left side. Severe, sharp, shooting pains, start- ing from a point over the eye (more often the left) extending along branches of the supra- orbital nerve up into the head ; the pains may come and go suddenly. Flying heat in the face alternating with chills. Chronic intermittent neuralgia, occurring in regular paroxysms, with clock-like regularity, at the same hour each day, 7 or 8 P. M., and last- ing several hours, with spasmodic distortion of muscles of affected side, the eye burns as if on fire. Periodical ciliary neuralgia. Aggr. Evenings, 7 or 8 P. M., when lying down, from hot applications. Amel. From motion. Clinical. Case I. A girl, aged 20, for two weeks has had severe shooting pains on left side of face. They recurred several times daily, lasting CEDRON. 41 about an hour, and were aggravated by heat, and better when she moved about. Gelsemium lx and Arsenicum 3x gave slight relief. Next Cedron lx was ordered. This cured the pains in a few days, and was continued for a week, after which there was no return. Case II. A woman, aged 24, had endured continuous pain for a week on left side of face and head. The pains were shootiug and were made worse by hot applications. No teeth seemed to be involved. At first Gelsemium lx was tried with transient effect. Next Cedron lx was ordered and continued for a week, with complete relief of the pain, which did not return. Case III. Mrs. A., aged 30, for a month has suffered from severe attacks of left-sided facial neuralgia, recurring every night and morning, and sometimes continuing throughout the night, but not during the day. The pains are dull and gnawing and aggravated by warmth. Cimicifuga lx at first relieved, bub soon lost its effect. Cedron lx was then tried and continued for two weeks, during which the pain disap- peared and has not returned,— Monthly Horn. Review. 42 CEPA. 30. CEPA. Electric shocks through the head, with heat in the face and pain about the face, temples and toward the ear. Pain from above down- ward as if from a thread deep in the bones of left side. Thread-like pain over the right eye, toward root of nose, and from the cheek toward the eye, throbbing, drawing and swelling of the cheek. (Neuralgia of the stump after amputations; Ammon. mur., Cepa. After amputations of the thigh, Asafoetida.) Paralysis of left half of face (Puis., Caust). Aggr. Evenings, from damp, cold weather, from northeast winds. Ameh In the open air. 31. OHAMOMILLA. Stitches into jaws extending into inner ear; tearing on left side and in right articulation of jaw, extending into upper back teeth, causing hot sweat about the head and extorting screams ; great irritability and restlessness, hot sweat particularly on face and scalp, worse at night, while lying down, must get up and rush about. Hypersethesia. CHELIDONIUM. 43 Stinging pains extending to upper jaw from occiput on left side, swelling, hardness and blueness of one cheek, generally the left. Great debility and prostration as soon as the pain begins. Patient is wild aud unruly, wants relief at once. Heat with anxiety. Aggr. From warm drinks, from coffee and at night, when the pain drives the patient nearly to distraction. 32. CHELIDONIUM. Neuralgia of the head, gradually increasing in intensity, preceded by pain in the liver and fol- lowed by bilious vomiting. Tearing, hammer- ing, burning, stitching in Antrum Highraori- anum and from right cheek bone to teeth or eye and around ears to upper part of occiput, along suture of parietal bone. Eight supra-orbital neuralgia (Acid carbol., Kalm., Sep.) throbbing pains, eyes water; shiv- ering; pains in the head, eyes and ears; temples tender to pressure; eyes reddened, gushing tears, icy coldness of occiput and nape of neck; mucous pasty taste, yawning and chilli- ness. The usual redness of cheeks has a mixture of dark yellow, hard white stools every four or five days. Bruised pain in right eye, from front to back, relieved by pressa?*e, worse from light, air, and 44 CHININUM ARSENICUM. holding the head down ; the whites of the eyes are a dirty or deep yellow, or the eyes are red, lids sore and swollen, conjunctiva much in- flamed. Aggr. From warmth, light, air, holding down the head, and at night in bed. Amel In the early morning, while sweat- ing, from cold water, and from the pressure of the hand. 33. CHININUM ARSENICUM. Pain in the right eye and temple as if torn with red hot tongs; in left lower jaw. Aggr. From motion, from ascending. 34. CHINA OFFICINALIS. Facial neuralgia with morning periodicity ; darting, constrictive pressure, which extends from temples and eyes to whole side of face, with lachrymation ; pains worse from noise, motion, touch, jarring, light, fresh air and any motion of the head. Periodical neuralgic attacks, pains excessive, from left to right (or the reverse), in left lower jaw ; parts feel weak ; face alternately red and pale. Pains mostly in infra-orbital and maxil- lary branches. Cheeks and lobules of ears red and swollen, the rest of the face, neck and ears a CHINA OFFICINALIS. 45 sallow color; pains intermittent, come and go ; neuralgia of malarial origin. Hyperesthesia. Violent tearing, laming, burning pains in right side of face, extending up to parietal bone and down to clavicle, worse at night from touch and lying down, better from eating ; right arm numb ; great weakness and prostra- tion. Supra-orbital neuralgia with morning period- icity ; the pains are lancinating, tearing, with swelling and perspiration of the face, redness of eyes and lachrymation ; the parts are in- tolerant to pressure ; she cannot work, speak or swallow on account of the pain. Needle like pains in left half of the face, left chest and left hand. Intermittent ciliary neuralgia, with painful pressure and drawing in forehead and temples every day at 10 A. M., w r orse from touch or motion. Excessive pain as if a knife was thrust between orbit and ball, and moved about in orbital cavity as if to scoop out the eye, from 8 A. M. till 2 or 3 P. M. Agg?\ At night lying down, from noise, from draught of cold air, from motion, and the slightest touch (which will reproduce the pain if absent), from pressure, 10 A. M. and 8 A. M., to 2 or 3 P. M. 46 CHINA OFFICINALIS. Amel. In the open air, from cold and gentle slow motion, from eating. Clinical. Case I. Chas. P., a tailor, came to see me at the dispensary, having suffered for along time from facial neuralgia. Had been treated by several old school doctors, but each one of them after treating him for some time with remedies and liniments, with hardly any relief, told him that he would have to be operated on to have the diseased nerve cut out, as it was the only way he could ever be cured. This was to him always a signal to try another doctor, as he did not relish the idea of an operation. He had been so long unable to work and had spent all his savings for doctors and drugs that he was now compelled to try the free dispensary. The pain was entirely on the left side of the face and neck. It would come and shoot through the face like lightning, e pecially in the house, if he tried to sew on the machine, or the children made any noise. The only relief he could get was by walking slowly about in the open air. He could only sleep after ap- plying cloths, wet with cold water, to the left side of the face and head ; when these got warm the pains would awaken him, but on reapply- ing them he could go to sleep again. CHINA OFFICINALIS. 47 The relief from cold, open air and slow motion decided me to give him Puis, cm., but all in vain. I then assured him he must be mistaken about his symptoms, for, if correct, I thought he ought to have been cured, but he persisted that he had given his symptoms correctly and continued : " If I only touch my nose or cheek ever so slightly, thus," suitiug the action to the word, " I can bring on that pain," and the expression of his face and his groans showed that he had been more than successful. He was still worse from any noise indoors, heat, lying on the left side of the face and from eat- ing ; better from fresh, open air, walking slowly and from cold in general. Stool daily, but almost black, urine dark yellow. I now gave him China 200, to take one powder mornings and evenings. After three days he returned, saying : u I have had no more neuralgia since taking the second powder, and have slept well every night since without the cold cloths. You are the thirteenth doctor who has treated me for this, but the only one who has cured me." — F. H. L., Med. Adv., Jan., 1893; The Clinic, p. 17. 48 CHININUM STJLPHURICUM. 35. CHININUM SULPHURIOUM. Intermittent periodical neuralgia in head and face, in left lower jaw, with intense pulsa- tions, vertigo and twitching of eyelids ; com- mences under the eye and extends into and around it. Facial neuralgia with morning periodicity, pains usually commence on the left side, but sometimes on the right, and occasionally on both. Attacks commence every morning and continue from 7 to 12 o'clock ; or 10 A. M.; 3 to 4 P. M. and 10 P. M. The pains are lancinat- ing, commence under the eye and soon extend into and around it, causing considerable lachry- mation of the right eye and are relieved by pressure. Intermittent neuralgia, pains return with great regularity. Supra- and infra-orbital neuralgia, occurring daily. Aggr. Mornings, 7 to 12 A. M., 10 A. M., 3 to 4 P. M., 10 P. M., from slightest touch, jar- ring, light and noise. Amel. From pressure. Clinical. Case I. Capt. W., set. 56. Tall, spare, dark hair, nervous temperament, suffered from facial CHININUM SULPHURICUM. 49 neuralgia for twenty-eight years. Sharp shoot- ing pain, beginning at angle of jaw and extend- ing up over eye along superior and inferior maxillary, seeming deep in the bone structure. Aggravated by slightest touch, by thinking and talking about it, by cold, in damp weather, by mental exertion or excitement. Relieved by heat, by hard pressure, by lying down. Very nervous, has frequent pains in different parts of the body, possessing the same charac- teristics as neuralgia. Frequent headaches, takes cold easy, very despondent, gloomy fore- bodings of the future ; fears he will lose his mind and become insane ; imagines everyone knows he is becoming an imbecile ; cannot read for any length of time, it makes the eyes watery, causes the head to> ache and become tired and starts up the pain in the face. His history is that of an old soldier, exposed to malaria and the vicissitudes of camp-life, ir- regular eating, etc. Had old-fashioned chill and fever and ate quinine by the teaspoonful. Received all manner of treatment for the pain with only temporary relief, and finally settled back upon the old and faithful friend (?) quinine. Every part of his body gave evidence of sup- pression of symptoms by the daily use of quinine, and upon deductions laid down in the Organon, that we should treat the last condi- 4 50 CHININUM SULPHURICUM. tion first and proceed backward in regular order, I commenced with his present condition. On December 10th ? 1892, he received one dose of Chinin. sulph. cm., dry on his tongue, and S. L. every two hours. No improvement was noticed for three days ; neither was there much of an aggravation until the night of the 13th, when he awoke feeling very cold. Thinking the fire had gone out, he started to get some more clothes for his bed, but when getting out of bed he became so cold that he put his clothes on, even to his overcoat, and went to find a good fire. After becoming thoroughly heated and putting more clothes on his bed he again retired, only to shake worse than ever. He then realized that he was having the hardest chill he had known sincejie was in the army. The next morning he reported his con- dition and said he must have some quinine or whisky. I told him that I could not give him either, but explained the reason for his experi- ence and gave him some more S. L. The one dose of Chin, sulph. is gradually making a new man of the sufferer. He has had but the one dose, given on December 10th, and continues faithfully taking his medicine. — Med. Adv., Vol. 30, March, 1893, p. 41. (The Clinic.) Case II. Mrs. E., set. 65, had been treated during five or six years, at different times, by CHININUM SULPHURICUM. 51 two Homoeopaths for torpid liver ! During all this time she had not had a natural evacuation, the stool had to be washed out by an enema : there had not been the least desire for stool nor any urging. She had become very feeble and emaciated, and suffered frequently and severely from neuralgia on right side of face, which the treatment of her physician did not seem to relieve. An allopath being called in gave her a lengthy prescription, containing Qui- nine, Strychnine, Aloe, Podoph., Euonymus, etc., to be made into pills to take two, mornings and evenings. The first dose aggravated her so much that she did not take the second dose until the following morning ; this making her still worse the pills were abandoned and I was called. I found her delirious, temperature 104°, but could obtain no symptoms. Nux vom. 200, given at bedtime, produced a favorable change by next morning, but in the evening neuralgia of right side of head and face ap- peared, with symptoms of Bell., and this soon relieved the neuralgia, as also another attack a month later. During the interval and after the second attack she was treated according to symptoms, but after two months the neuralgia made its appearance again ; this time on the left side of the head, face and neck, with ex- actly the same symptoms, but Bell, gave no 52 CIMICIFUGA. relief whatever, she was rather worse in the afternoon. Mrs. E. then told me that the slightest touch would not only aggravate the pain, but actually reproduce it in its worst form if touched when she was free from it. Chinin. sulph. covering all the symptoms, in- cluding the reproduction of pain by touch, which is not found under Bell., I gave her a dose of Chinin. sulph. 45m., in water, to take two teaspoonfuls every two hours, which gradu- ally improved her, so that she was free from pain in four hours and never had another attack of neuralgia.— F. H. L., 1893. 36. CIMICIFUGA. Neuralgia of malar bones, of rheumatic ori- gin or from uterine disturbances^ sharp lanci- nating pains, go off at night and reappear the next day. Sensation as if top of head would fly off; rush of blood to the head after sudden ces- sation of neuralgic pains. Heat or electric-like shocks on vertex ; per- spiration of hands, and numbness of arms. Ciliary neuralgia, aching pains in eyeballs or in temples, extending to eyes, so severe, espe- cially at night, it seemed as if patient would go crazy; sharp shooting pains from occiput through to eyes, or darting from eyes to top of head, with redness of eyes and photophobia, CINA. 53 worse on right side, after/won and night, better on lying down. Severe darting pains into left eye as if needles were run into eyeball through cornea, ivorse on closing eyes ; sleepy, but cannot sleep on this account. Aggr. During the day only, pass off at night; or afternoon and night, on closing eyes. Amel. Lying down ; at night. 37. CINA. Pain as if both malar bones were pressed together by pincers. Aggr. From external pressure ; (Verbasc). 38. CINNABARIS. Sharp stitching, stinging or dull aching pain above eyes, extending in a semi-circle from inter- nal to external canthus, or runs around eye, with soreness over exit of supra-orbital nerve ; the pain may extend into the eye or up into the head. Aggr. In the morning. 39. CLEMATIS. Pain shooting up in right side of face which is tender to touch, also to eye, ear and temple. Aggr. At night, lying down, from warmth of bed, lying on painful side, from tobacco. 54 COCCIONELLA SEPTEMPUNCTATA. Amel. By holding cold water in the mouth, from smoking (temporarily). 40. COCCIONELLA SEPTEMPUNCTATA. Frontal neuralgia, commencing as a pressure and heaviness in the forehead, especially over the right eye, which is sensitive to the least touch. Patient cannot open the eye during the whole paroxysm, as it increases the pain, which is also worse from any bright object.. Attacks last six to twelve hours, ending in a general heat, and sleep of two to three hours, at the end of which he awoke without the least pain. The paroxysms return every eight, twelve, four- teen or twenty-one days. Aggr. From opening eyes, light, any bright object, and touch. Amel. From sleep. 41. COOOULUS INDIOUS. Pains darting from left to right across fore- head through temples, followed by flying pains in epigastrium. Lassitude, too tired to stand. Hyperesthesia. Attacks of prosopalgia, coming on regular in the afternoon ; before the paroxysms, irrita- ble disposition, prostration, yawning, chilli- ness, feet cold ; then follows a violent jerk in COCCULUS INDICUS. 55 the affected nerve (pes anserinum), boring, crushing, lancinating pains in jaws, drawing and jerking in sympathetically affected nerves. These radiations extend very far, even as far as the finger points. Face distorted and cold to touch. Pressing, benumbing, cramp-like pain in re- gion of malar bones and maseter muscles, ivorse opening the mouth. Acidity and collection of wind in the stomach. Least noise or jar is in- tolerable. Aggr. In the afternoon, opening the mouth, from motion, slightest touch, noise, jarring. Clinical. Mr. S., a tailor, called November 14th, 1897, to be treated for Eheumatism (?) The pains appeared three weeks ago in lower part of back (sacrum), thence extended gradually down the back of the left thigh and leg, are very severe now, shooting downward lightning like and produce cramping pains in the calf. They are accompanied w r ith a sticking, press- ing, burning pain in the stomach ; nausea and vomiting, which is worse after eating or drink- ing coffee or water. Water is vomited im- mediately after drinking, and though he is very thirsty , he drinks on this account but little, yet often. He has no appetite, the smell 56 CODEINUM. or sight of food nauseates. Eating or drink- ing increases the burning in stomach ; pains in lumbar region are aggravated from a misstep. He is restless, must walk about and the pains in the leg are relieved some from walking and warmth. The face is pale and emaciated ; he is worse in general about 1 A. M.; has taken no medicine of any kind. Ars. 41m, one powder dry, relieved all pains instantly and made him feel very hungry. But the suffering returned after a few hours as severe as before, but were now more of a shift- ing nature, alternately in the back, leg or stomach. November 18th, he gave me the following additional symptoms, which he had forgotton to mention before. The pain in_ the back is much worse on rising from a chair. He received : Cocculus Indicus, a powder to be dissolved in six teaspoonfuls of water to take one every two hours. He improved with the first dose, continued to do so slowly but steadily, and on Novem- ber 21st, was completely restored, after taking but three powders. — F. H. L. 42. CODEINUM. Neuralgic pains from occiput to back of neck. Painful soreness of the skin of the face COFFEA CRUDA. 57 and scalp, which remained after a severe attack of neuralgia. 43. COFFEA CRUDA. Neuralgia after prolonged mental effort. Pain in right side of face and temple in shocks in rapid succession, in and around the ear, in lower molar teeth., through the right eye, fore- head and scalp. She is very irritable and sen- sitive and moaning from the distressing pain. Aggr. From sharp motion of any part of the body, from draught of cold air, eating solid food, washing, from slightest touch of nose, from noise, at 1 P. M. Amel. From lying down, chewing ice or hold- ing ice in the mouth, but returns when the water gets warm. Clinical. A. B., a lawyer, middle-aged, had neuralgia after any prolonged mental effort, for ten years, has tried everything, but failed of cure. The pain is in the right side of the head ; in temple, in and around the eye, in the ear and in the lower molar teeth. Chewing ice gives some re- lief. B. Coffea 3c ; one dose relieved in one hour and the pains have not returned in the past six months. — Geo. H. Higgins, M. D. ? Colorado, Texas. 58 COFFEA TOSTA. 44. COFFEA TOSTA. Excruciating facial neuralgia from decayed teeth. 45. COLOHIOUM AUTUMNALE. Tearing and tensive pains in the facial mus- cles, moving from one place to another. Draw- ing in bones of face or nose with sensation as if they were rent asunder. Tingling in skin of face as after being frosted. (Edematous swelling of the face, cheeks red and hot, and covered with sweat ; thick brownish coating on lips, teeth and tongue. " Very painful drawing, rending, tearing pains in left side of head, from eyeball to occiput. Great irritability with the pains, very sensitive to slightest touch or jarring;" gouty constitution. 46. COLOCYNTHIS. Neuralgia of left side of face ; right side of face, temple, ear and eye, and sometimes side of neck attacked also ; supra- and infra-orbital regions exquisitely painful; attacks come sud- denly at 10 P. M. The pains shoot from these parts to left ear and down left side of neck, cannot lie in bed, must get up and walk about ; relieved by walking in the open air. Great tenderness of affected parts, dim sight and pro- fuse lachrymation of left eye ; great soreness, yet relief ^ from pressure (Bry., Mag. phos.). COLOCYNTHIS. 59 Infra -orbital neuralgia. After a feeling of heat in the face and forehead there occurs in a small circumscribed spot below lower eyelid an extremely tiresome aching, pinching pain, which produces twitching in lower lid, dazzling before the eyes and diplopia. The attacks often last several hours and leave behind a dull frontal headache. Shooting rending pains in left side of face, between temple, ear and jaw, at first slight and intermittent, but gradually increasing in severity and frequency, until they are accompanied by nausea and empty retching of most distressing violence, when the pains in the face become almost insupportable. The paroxysms last sometimes twenty-four hours or longer, go off gradually as they come on, deprive the patient of sleep and render him unfit for work. Tearing burning or stinging pain on left side, extending to ear and head from catching cold ; the pain is worse from least touch, patient cries out with pain and is very restless. Severe cutting, stitch-like ciliary neuralgia, relieved by firm pressure and while walking in a warm room; icorse from rest, at night and when stooping. Neuralgic pains from left parotid to eye. Constriction and pressing in left malar bone, extending into left eye ; on stooping the eye 60 CONIUM MACULATUM. feels as if it would fall out ; the eye feels too large. Tensive, tearing, burning, crampy pains in left side of face, with heat, swelling and red- ness ; worse from touch or motion, better in per- fect rest and from external application of warmth. Sensation as if left side of face were being torn from right. After vexation or mortified feel- ing. Aggr. 10 P. M. at night from motion, when stooping, from touch. Amel. From walking, pressure, perfect rest, and external application of warmth. 47. OONIUM MACULATUM. Sticking pains in face frcwn inside outward about noon. Stinging and tearing pains at night. Aggr. At night and noon. 48. CROCUS SATIVUS. Ciliary neuralgia; acute tearing pain in head and right eye, with dimness of vision and a sensation as if cold air was rushing through the eye. Jerking, twitching and itching in upper lid. The pains go from eye to top of head or occiput. CROTALUS HORRIDUS. 61 49. CROTALUS HORRIDUS. Tearing, boring pain, as if a cut had been made around the eye, sometimes sticking in character, ivorse mornings and evenings ; great sensitiveness to light, especially lamplight ; lids swollen in the morning with pains in the fore- head and occiput ; palpitation, especially at menstrual period. Ciliary neuralgia. Chronic or periodic neuralgia of a dull char- acter. Aggr. Mornings and evenings. 50. CUPRUM ACETICUM. Facial neuralgia, in cheek-bone, upper jaw and behind right ear, ivorse morning, none at night, worse from mental emotion. Pains in upper and lower extremities, tin- gling in fingers and jerks and drawing in limbs ; pains in the face are relieved by chewing, by external pressure and wrapping up warmly. Feeling of coldness in the head ; when there is no pain, she cannot bear warm things around the head. The brain seems void and absent, mental activity much impaired ; inclined to gape and cry ; appetite poor ; sleeps well lying on affected side. Aggr. Mornings, from mental emotions and from least touch. 62 CUPRUM METALLICUM. Amel. By chewing, by external pressure, wrapping up warmly, at night, and lying on affected side. 51. CUPRUM METALLICUM. Pain sticking inward in left lower jaw ; press- ure in left ramus ; (Ars.). Spasmodic contraction of jaws. Agg?\ From touch. 52. DULCAMARA. Tearing in cheek, with drawing, cramp-like contraction beneath the left ear, usually seemed to start from malar bone, involving temple, ear and orbit, extending to ramus of lower jaw, caused or aggravated by exposure to wet or the slightest cold, relieved by external warmth. The paroxysms are preceded by parts becoming very cold and attended by canine hunger. Aggr. By exposure to wet or the slightest cold. Amel. From external warmth. 53. FERRUM METALLICUM Neuralgia with fullness of blood vessels, throbbing at night, after cold washing and over- heating. During the paroxysms face fiery-red, sometimes only in one spot, cannot keep the head quiet ; at intervals face looks pale and FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM. 63 earthy. The pain is aggravated to an intense degree by lying down, relieved by sitting up. (Ferr. phos.) Aggr. At night, by lying down, from rest. Amel. From motion, slowly walking about and sitting up. 54. FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM. Facial neuralgia with stinging, pressing, throbbing pains, worse from shaking the head, stooping and all motion ; one sided, in the head, temples over eye or in the jaw bone, accom- panied with flushed face, burning heat, feeling of weight and pressure. Neuralgia along inner side of orbit and nose. Tic douloureux. Aggr. From shaking the head, stooping and all motion. 55. GELSEMIUM. Terrible neuralgia, commencing in upper part of spinal chord, proceeding thence gradu- ally through upper portion of cerebrum and terminating in a bursting pain in forehead and eyeballs, worse at 10 A. 31. and when lying down, with nausea, vomiting, cold sweat on forehead and cold feet ; vertigo, obscuration of sight when stooping, sensation of a band drawn tight around the head above ears, vertebra 64 GELSEMIUM. prominens and cervical vertebrae sensitive to pressure, neck lame and stiff; on waking nights head retracted, better by bending forward ; fre- quent urging to urinate with partial loss of power in sphincter vesicae ; heat in palms of hands and itching all over body preventing sleep; after scratching a raw sore forms sur- rounded by blisters ; worse from exertion or study. Orbital neuralgia, periodic every day at the same hour, in distinct paroxysms with contrac- tion and twitching of muscles on affected side. Face congested, of dusky hue, with vertigo, occipital headache and dimness of vision ; pains sharp in either or both sides. Lower jaw wag- ging spasmodically sideways, has no control over it. Pain in the temple gradually growing more severe, and extending into ear, spreading thence to eye and side of head. These parts are affected alternately, but finally the pain settles in right wing of nose, where the paroxysms became extremely severe. Sudden darting, acute pains from region of ear and side of head to supra-orbital region, and again to infra-orbital region, still at other times to chin and front of lower jaw, flying from one branch of fifth pair to another with- out any regular order as to succession, being, GLONOINUM. 65 however, more or less constantly present and starting from temple to ear. Chronic infra-orbital neuralgia worse from motion , as : eating, laughing or crying. Shooting tearing along tracks of nerve, especially if worse from change of the iveather. Neuralgia with absence of organic lesion, with indistinct or double periodicity. Neu- ralgic affections of the fifth pair of nerves when the pain is traceable along only one of its three divisions at a time. Congestive facial neuralgia, grumbling or shooting pain, ivorse from pressure especially if malarial. Facial neuralgia in nervous women . Aggr. At 10 A. M. from motion, eating, laughing, crying, lying down, exertion, pres- sure, study, change of weather. Amel. From bending forward. 56. GLONOINUM. Periodical attacks of facial neuralgia, supra- orbital, extending through the head, from 6 A. M. until 11 or 12, pulsating with twitching of the muscles. Sudden neuralgic pains from a decayed tooth, concentrating in temple. Head heavy but can- not lay it on the pillow. Stertorous breathing. Aggr. From 6 A. M. to 11 or 12 A. M., from heat of the bed. 5 66 GNAPHALIUM. 57. GNAPHALIUM. Intermittent neuralgic pains of superior maxillary of both sides. (Anterior crural neuralgia.) 58. GUAJACUM. Severe neuralgia of left side of face, head and nape of neck, with stitches in temples and tearing pains in skull. Paroxysms appear every day at 6 P. M. and last till 4 A. M. Aggr. By sitting or standing, from 6 P. M. to 4 A. M. Amel. From external pressure and tem- porarily from walking. 59. HEOKLA LAVA. Facial neuralgia or headache, dependent on derangement of dental nerves, or where the irritating cause is a carious tooth. 60. HELLEBORUS NIGER. Neuralgia on left side, parts so tender he cannot chew. 61. HEPAR SULPHURUS GALCAREUM. Chronic neuralgia of right side of face ; ex- tending in streaks into temple, ear, alse nasi and upper lip ; after abuse of mercury, particu- larly after exposure to dry cold winds. Ex- tremely sensitive to cold air. Angry at least HYDROCOTYL ASIATICA. 67 trifle, hasty speech (Bell., Dulc., Lach., Sulph.). Sensitive to touch. Aggr. From cold air, from touch. Amel. From wrapping up warmly. 62. HYDROCOTYL ASIATICA. Neuralgic affections of supra- and infra- orbital nerves. Intermittent pains in left cheek-bones. Hyperesthesia. 63. HYDROCYANIC ACID. Sudden supra-orbital neuralgia with much flushing on same side of face. 64. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. Dull pains in the brows, afternoon and even- ing ; in left zygoma, in right half of face. Aggr. At night disturbing sleep ; afternoon and evening. 65. IGNATIA AMARA. Ciliary neuralgia; severe pains extending from eye to top of head, producing nausea, often alternating with swelling of the throat, (globus hystericus). Pains begin very slightly, increase gradually until they become very severe, and only cease when she becomes exhausted. Pains from head into left ey e, which latter burns and waters. 68 IGNATIA AMARA. Prosopalgia coming on suddenly without any- warning; or preceded by slight premonitory symptoms, such as bruised feeling, tension or twitching in the face. Duration of paroxysm and time of recurrence very various. Exciting cause chiefly mental emotions, but sometimes excesses in mental work, in musical perform- ances, in venere or bacho ; also suppressed perspiration, blennorrhea and hemorrhoidal fluxes are frequently remote causes. The seat of the pain is usually in the smaller twigs of facial nerve and has no tendency to radiation. The attacks by day are preceded by uneasy sleep, waking with a bruised feeling, pandicu- lations (stretching) and ill humor ; pains boring, dart-like shoots, giving quite a shock, dull drawing, twisting, formication, being borne in dull resignation ; partial convulsion of facial muscles, trismus, face pale and cool, lachry- mation and photophobia, spasms in cheek, yawning ; diuresis, urinary tenesmus ; pulse quickened, small; cutaneous temperature cool; quiet weeping, pusillanimity. Prosopalgia in women of the upper ranks ; delicate, soft fibered, anaemic, nervous, of mel- ancholic, or melancholic-sanguine tempera- ment ; in those suffering from special irritation due to sexual excess or inordinate mechanical IPECACUANHA. 69 irritation of spinal nerves, as in case of some musical virtuosi ; from presence of ascarides ; arthritic form, in course of typhoid or miliary fever ; m roues during prolonged course of gonorrhoea ; due to musical excesses ; from pro- longed nursing ; during pregnancy ; from pol- lutions ; after diuresis ; after lancinating uterine pains ; after attacks of proctalgia. Every evening, about half an hour after going to bed, pains in right lower jaw, which continue until she falls asleep ; pains last one to one and a half hours, with exacerbations and are followed by quiet sleep, and sweating. Twitching in corners of mouth ; spasmodic closing of jaws; changeable disposition. Aggr. Mornings, 8 A. M. to 1 P. M.; even- ings, 10 P. M.; from tobacco, touch. Amd. By lying on back or painful side; from hard pressure. 66. IPECACUANHA. Periodical infra- and supra-orbital neuralgia, with photophobia, lachrymation, smarting eye- lids and constant nausea. Malarial neuralgia. Aggr. Mornings, evenings, from warm moist south wind. Case L W. T. L., set. 26, clerk in a lawyer's office, suffered from neuralgia over the right eye, and in right temple, extending up to ver- 70 IRIS VERSICOLOR. tex. The pains were intermittent, came at irregular intervals, lasted from a few minutes to half an hour at a time, and were accom- panied now and then by slight nausea of short duration. Both the pain and nausea were al- ways increased by motion, and both hot and cold applications to the painful parts. There was loss of appetite, bad taste in the mouth, tongue covered with a thick white coating, and he had frequent eructations. He received one powder each of Ipecac 2c. and lm., with S. L., and needed no more medicine. — F. H. L. • 67. IRIS VERSICOLOR Neuralgia on right side on awaking, ivorse in infra-orbital nerve, with darting stitches in carious teeth. Next day : facial neuralgia involving supra- and infra-orbital nerve, superior maxillary and inferior dental nerves; began after break- fast, every morning with stupid, stunning headache, copious urine, disposition to stool, burning at anus, and followed by soreness, where the neuralgia had been (Bry.). Neuralgia in head, temple and eyes ; cutting pain, attended with nausea and most distress- ing vomiting of sweetish or sour water or mu- cus, and occasionally when there is much strain- ing with traces of bile ; great despondency, and KALI BICHROMICUM. 71 violent, stunning headache, with facial neural- gia. Aggr. Evening and at night, from rest or motion. Amel. From continued motion. 68. KALI BICHROMICUM. Sharp, shooting, stabbing, sticking pains be- ginning in supra-orbital ridge, and spreading over one side of the head : comes early in the day and lasts ten hours, leaving soreness of the scalp. Throbbing, tearing pain in the left temple, stretching across forehead to right temple and around the eye and malar bone of right side. Complete loss of sight in right eye, and puffy swelling on malar bone during pain, beginning at 9 A. M„ and goes off in the afternoon ; the pains also often come and go with the sun, are accompanied by blindness, blurred sight or seeing of yellow flashes of light, nausea and vertigo, and are worse from stooping and relieved by pressure, open air and by eating. Shooting pains in left maxilla under the eye to ear. Wandering, shifting pains (Apis, Cimicif., Puis.). Neuralgia in a small spot no larger than a three cent piece, near inner angle of right eye. Neuralgia every day at the same hour. Aggr. At 9 A. M. till afternoon, from stoop- ing, comes and goes with the sun. 72 KALI CARBONICUM. Amel. By external pressure, open air, eating. Clinical. Case L May 16th, 1890. Mr. E. S., aet. 22 years blonde, phlegmatic temperament, gave the fol- lowing symptoms : Dull throbbing pain in right supra-orbital notch, subject to chronic nasal ca- tarrh ; pain increases and decreases with the sun, worse from stooping and violent exertions ; better from w r ashing in cold water. He received for this : Kali bi. 3x, was well in one day and remains so to date. Med. Adv., Jan. '93, p. 16. Clinic. 69. KALI CARBONICUM. Drawing, tearing in left half of head, espe- cially in front, above and in temple and vertex. Tearing, drawing, pressing in forehead to eyes and root of nose; sticking in both temples. Stitching, stinging, tearing pains from a molar into forehead, eyes and temples with congested hot head, mostly from catarrhal conditions, has no power to ward off the ten- dency to take cold. Pressure in forehead, with photophobia. Painful blister on tip of tongue. Aggr. From stooping, motion, moving head, eyes or jaw, from cold, at 2 or 3 A. M. Amel. From warmth and raising the head. KALI CYAXATOI. 73 70. KALI OYANATUM. Agonizing attacks of neuralgic pains between temporal region, ciliary arch and maxilla, with screaming and apparent loss of sensibility as if struck with apoplexy, pulse 84, face flushed. Severe pains in temporal region and left upper jaw daily at 4 A. M. and ceasing at 4 P. M.; in the interval fever, headache and anorexia. Torturing neuralgic pains in orbital and supra-maxillary region, recurring daily at the same hour, with much flushing of that side of the face. Aggr. From 4 A. M. to 4 P. M. 71. KALI MURIATICUM. Lightning-like attacks of pain in the face, gradually growing more frequent; left side of face fiery red, with twitching and trembling of muscles of face ; lachrymation, throbbing of temporal arteries, ivorse speaking and chewing, eating fruit or anything sour, and excited by least touch. Cramplike drawing in cheeks, extending to articulation of jaws; tearing in upper jaw (after Mercury). Face-ache, with swelling of gums or cheek. 74 KALI PHOSPHORICUM. Aggr. From speaking, chewing and eating fruit, or anything sour; from least touch. 72. KALI PHOSPHORICUM. Severe neuralgic pain in left mastoid, worse from motion and in open air ; neuralgic pain in right parietal eminence. Neuralgic stitches, especially from the upper teeth to the ear on left side, and from temple near the ear to a point above the eye on right side, while driving, i. e., in the open air ; better from warmth of hand, great weakness after the attack. Neuralgia on right side of the face proceed- ing from hollow teeth ; worse on rising, better from cold applications and gentle exercise. Thick, white coating on the tongioe in the morn- ing, offensive odor from the mouth. The pains are apt to change location frequently. Physical prostration, better from motion, yet easily ex- hausted. Aggr. In the open air, from light, noise, exposure to cold, on rising, from motion. AmeL From warmth, motion, gentle exer- cise and cold applications. Clinical. Case I. Neuralgia on right side of face pro- ceeding from hollow teeth, better from cold applications. Kali phos. cured. — W. P. Wes- selhceft, M. D. KALMIA LATIFOLIA. 75 73. KALMLA LATIFOLIA. Bending, tearing, agonizing, burning pains, stupefying or threatening delirium, with feeling of stiffness or numbness, vertigo and flushed face. Neuralgia each afternoon, becoming worse at night: the pains extend from back of neck up over scalp to vertex and temples. Tearing in bones on right or left side of head, ear and face, even going down to arm ; darting pain between right eye and right side of nose and in right lower jaw in the after- noon, in malar bones and bicuspids, under angle of jaw, attended or succeeded by numb- ness in parts affected. Pains sticking, teasing, pressing or shooting in a downward direction, occur at irregular times, continue for no de- finite period, coming suddenly or gradually and leaving just as uncertainly. Supra-orbital neuralgia affecting the eye, with ptosis; sensation of a ball in the throat, general weakness; the parts are tender to touch. Severe neuralgia in the right cheek, with alkaline taste in the mouth. "Tic douloureux." Severe pain in right eye, extending to fore- head ; commences at sunrise, increases until noon, 76 KREOSOTTJM. then decreases and leaves at sunset; sensation of stiffness in muscles around eyes and of eyelids. Aggr. At night, from heat, in the afternoon, from worry or mental exertion. Amel. From cold and food. 74. KREOSOTUM. Tearing and burning in upper jaw and upper teeth ; burning pains, restlessness ; the teeth decay. Aggr. From motion and talking ; in the open air, in cold weather, washing in cold water, when growing cold. 75. LAO OANNINUM. Neuralgic pain in right temple and through temples and forehead all the afternoon ; in left side of head followed by a film over the right eye, with inclination to rub it off, but rubbing does not relieve. Steady aching pain in left eyebrow several afternoons, ameliorated by keeping the head steady. Terrible pain in forehead as if it would split open, with lachrymation on going into cold wind, relieved on going into warm room. Dull, heavy, frontal headache on arising at 9 A. M., severe, sharp pain on top of head, coming from nape of neck, then stretching across head forward ; pain so severe that he presses LACHESIS. 77 top of head with hands, neck stiffened. Bend- ing head forward or lying dozen causes congestion and increases pain. Again, pains subside for a short period and begin anew, either in front part of head or nape of neck, or all over head at once. Left superior maxilla feels sore in the morn- ing, most of the time there is a dull pain, wors* from exertion, sometimes the pain is throbbing, a burning, aching, heat, sensation of fullness, cannot wear her false teeth on account of sore- ness and swelling of the maxillary; an exacer- bation of the pain leaves face very sore ; the pains are better from warm applications, but only cold applications relieve the soreness. Aggr. In the afternoon, 9 A. M., from cold wind, lying down, bending head forward and from exertion. Amel. By keeping the head steady in a warm room, from warm applications (pains), from cold applications (soreness). 76. LACHESIS. Neuralgia of left orbit ; heat rising to the face and head before, and weak feeling in ab- domen after the attack ; the eye feels as if it had been squeezed. Tearing pain in w T hole left side of head from temple down as far as collar bone, so severe as 78 LACHESIS. to cause tears to flow continually, ivorse at night; articulation almost impossible; when the tongue is put out it inclines to the affected side. Painful weariness of head, neck and face ; tongue feels as if bound or tied up. Severe pain, commencing in right inner canthus and extending upwards and outwards in a semicircle, just above superciliary ridge, dull and heavy pain and prevents him work- ing. Skin extremely sensitive to touch. Neuralgia of the trigeminus ; horrible heat running up into the head, previous to attack; weak, nervous feeling in abdomen during in- tervals. Sensation of warmth rising into head, fol- lowed by tearing pains, beginning in forehead, but particularly affecting left malar bone, and parts under left eye, causing Tachrymation- The attack lasts several hours, then disappears for a day or two, and then returns without any cause ; on the day when the pain is absent there is a weak feeling in abdomen. Left side of face and lower jaw swollen, sen- sitive to touch. Drawing tearing, throbbing, boring pains in jawbones. Aggr. At night, during and after sleep, in the morning, from touch. Amel. From warm applications. LOBELIA INFLATA. 79 77. LOBELIA INFLATA. Neuralgia on left side of face and temple, passes over forehead to other temple ; or may pass from one temple to the other just above eyebrows, with retarded menses, nausea and cold sweat on face. 78. LYCOPODIUM. Neuralgia sudden in coming or going in right face and temple and parietal bone, with swell- ing of cheek and inability to chew. Tearing in left cheek bone, below left eye. Aggr. From 4 to 8 P. M., from excitement or fright. 79. MACROTIN. Neuralgia in occiput, pain intense, ivorse at every throb of the heart, with retraction of head and neck. (Neuralgia of limbs.) 80. MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM. Neuralgia with shooting, lightning-like pains, worse from touch, draught of air or change of temperature. Cannot stay in bed, but must walk the floor nightly; tearing, digging, boring in malar bone insupportable during rest 5 driving one from place to place. Swelling of the malar bone, with pulsating pain ; obliged to run from room to room on 80 MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM. account of the pain in the face, to hold the pain- ful side and constantly wag the head ; so soon as she remained quiet the pain returned. Aggr. From touch, at night, from rest, draught of air, change of temperature, in cold weather. « Amel. From motion. Clinical. Case I. Wm. P., set. 40. Had had neuralgia of the face for a month, and had not slept at all for the last week. The pain would invariably compel him to rise and walk about. R. Magnes. carb., 50 m., Swan, p. 8, beginning at 2 P. M. He retired that night at 9 o'clock and did not wake till the next morning. Wm. Jeff. Guern- sey M. D., Philadelphia, Horn. Phys., 1887, vol. 7., p. 63. Case IT. A young lady with numerous symp- toms had a neuralgia, waking her earlier every morning; Magnesia phos. quickly palliated , but in a week it returned with redoubled force. Mag- nes. carb. cured it more slowly, but permanently. C. M. Boger, M. D., Parkersburg, W. V., Horn. Phys., 1896, Jan., p. 33. 81. MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM. Supra- and infra-orbital neuralgia of right side, intermittent, spasmodic, tearing, shooting darting, cutting, lightning-like pains, aggravated MAGNESIUM PH0SPH0RICUM. 81 by touch and pressure, ameliorated by warmth and worse when the body gets cold, with increased lachrymation. Neuralgia of upper jaw and teeth of right side, begins everyday at 2 P. M., with great precision, and continues until patient gets warm in bed ; the pains are sharp, lightning- like, aggravated by cold, ameliorated by external heat. Face swelled until it looked as if stung with bees. Boring, pinching, nipping pains, driving out of bed, and soon spreading over entire right side of face, occur regularly each night. Neuralgia in supra-orbital nerve over right eye, worse at 11 A. M., better from external warm applications. Neuralgia on right side of face and toothache, changing location freguently, returning every two or three hours, rushes about like lightning. Neuralgic pains on awaking mornings behind the right ear, sharp intermittent, icorse on going into the cold air, intensely aggravated by bathing the face and neck in cold water, all day and the following night, relieved after sleep late next morning. Chilliness especially up and down back, desire for warmth. Tingling in all parts of the body, more noticeable in extremities, like an electric shock ; easily fatigued. Neuralgic pains on right side from infra- 6 82 MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM. orbital foramen to incisor tooth, gradually radiating over the entire right side of the face, aggravated by slightest touch, opening the mouth to eat or drink, cold air, and walking or riding in the cold wind. Pains boring or shooting, light- ning-like, along course of nerves, often with a feeling as if laced or drawn together, changing place frequently ; ameliorated by warmth and pressure. Neuralgia from exposure to strong north wind, patient in bed almost frantic with pain, flushed face, injected eyes and a high degree of photo- phobia ; pain on left side involving supra- maxillary portion of trigeminus, lancinating, crampy, darting and shooting, extorting cries. After catching cold, severe pain in ear fol- lowed by prosopalgia on left side, affecting lower maxillary bone, also frontal, involving whole of left side of head and nape of neck, and back of head ; pains maddening, high fever and sleeplessness. Neuralgia from washing or standing in cold water (Galea). Convulsive twitching of angles of mouth; sensation of painful contraction at articulation of lower jaw for several days with nervous, backward jerking. Fearfulness, apprehension of a long and painful illness, sudden appearance and disappearance of the pains. Adapted to lean, emaciated persons MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM. 83 of a high nervous organization. Neuralgia in any part of body, sciatica. Neuralgia every night, well during the day. Neuralgia from ex- posure to strong north wind. Aggr. At night, 11 A. M, 2 P. M., from slightest touch, from pressure, cold air, north wind, or opening mouth to eat or drink, from washing or standing in cold water. Amel. By external application of heat or from warmth generally, from hard pressure, from hot drinks, after sleep, during the day, mornings. Clinical. Case I. Mr. J. M., a gentleman, aged 72, spare and thin, of medium height, by occupa- tion an architect, was attacked in September, 1885, by a violent neuralgia of the infra-orbital nerve on the right side. He is a plain liver, using neither tea or coffee, tobacco or stimu- lants of any kind, very regular and methodical in all his habits, and had for years enjoyed most excellent health, hence was at a loss to account for this attack. He felt as well as usual, no inconvenience or pain whatever, until on opening his mouth to take the first mouthful of breakfast he was suddenly at- tacked by severe, lightning-like pain, extend- ing from the infra-orbital foramen to the bicus- 84 MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM. pid tooth. On closing the mouth and applying hot water the severity of the pain was miti- gated and he was comparatively free, unless he attempted to eat or speak. Under Bell. 200 the pains gradually de- creased in severity and he could partake of liquid food, but for several weeks was unable to chew solid food. His teeth (at 72) are sound and have never troubled him, and a careful in- spection by the dentist failed to detect the cause of the pain in a disease of fang or alveolus. In February, 1886, as a result of facing a severe cold wind while walking, he had another attack of neuralgia on right side of face, worse on attempting to eat, from touch, cold water and when walking against the wind, could not bear the least cold air. Aconite 30 now gave very prompt relief, and in a few days he was himself again. A few weeks later another attack on same side of face appeared, decidedly intermittent in character, coming on promptly at 6 and gradually disappearing at 10 P. M. This was attended by great aggravation from touch, could not wash the right side of the face, even the slightest touch of the whiskers was sufficient to bring on severe lightning-like, stabbing or, as he expressed it, " nipping " pains. MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM. 85 From the early morning aggravation, the periodicity and the extreme sensitiveness to touch I gave him Chinin. sulph. 200 with grad- ual relief. But as the severity of the pains in the face disappeared, the right deltoid muscle become affected ; not only was it very painful, with entire inability to raise the arm, but nearly paralyzed the arm ; could neither feed nor dress himself. Rhus t., Sanguinaria, Plumbum, Ferrum and Tarantula as the indications appeared to call for were successively exhibited with only par- tial relief. The shoulder was still very lame and painful, and the face more than occasion- ally grumbled. The next attack, a few weeks later, had the following peculiar symptoms: Pains, supra- and infra-orbital, extending to all the front teeth of right side, intermittent, stabbing, nipping, lightning-like and extremely sensitive to touch, relieved by heat and press- ure, coming and going suddenly and attended by marked prostration and profuse night- sweats. When the pains in the face were most severe the shoulder was comparatively free and vice versa. No thirst, appetite normal, but obstinate constipation. Stool hard, small balls, difficult to expel, and no inclination whatever. Here was a totally different picture and evidently a difficult totality to cover. 86 MAGNESIUM PH0SPH0RICUM. Magnes. phos. 200 promptly gave relief; not only the terrible neuralgic pains but the lame shoulder as well have remained entirely free to date. The doctor was relieved as well as the patient at the happy termination of the case. It was one of the worst cases I have met for years. A slight nipping returned in March, 1888. He came in and asked for another dose of the same medicine, remarking: "Make it as strong as you can, doctor." Dr. Pyrell had in the meantime potentized it for me, so I gave him a dose of the cm., the strongest I had, and he has had no pains since. Case II. A lady aged 26, of dark complexion, dark hair and eyes, seven months advanced in her first pregnancy, had suffered terribly for four months from neuralgia of right supra- orbital region. When she came under my observation the pains were pressing, band-like, at times extending into jaws and teeth, worse at night, and confined entirely to the right side of the face. A few doses of Chelidoneum gave relief for three weeks, when it returned in the following manner: pains darting, lightning-like, intermittent, suddenly appearing and disap- pearing, relieved by hot cloths and pressing or lying on the affected side. Magnes. phos. 200 now gave prompt and per- manent relief, and with it disappeared an MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM. 87 obstinate and annoying constipation, which despite several well-selected remedies had per- sistently followed her during her entire gesta- tion.— H. C. Allen, M. D., Med. Adv., 1889, Vol. 23, pp. 400-402. Case III. On February 5th, 1890, Mrs. D. M. S., a tall, large woman, obese and phleg- matic, 35 years of age, had neuralgia one week, pains in right temple, cheek and supra-orbital region. They came suddenly and disappeared suddenly, remaining, however, severe for a period varying from two to three minutes to two hours. In character they were tearing predominantly, but occasionally shooting and throbbing. No conditions of aggravation or amelioration had been observed. While giving her symptoms she was unable to restrain her tears, which fell rapidly without sobbing, a quiet tearfulness. She was apprehensive of a long and painful illness, which was probably due to a former experience, since some years before she had, on a number of occasions, in spite of the utmost exertions of her physician, two of our ablest and most conscientious thera- peutists, suffered for weeks with similar at- tacks before she was relieved. I gave her Bell. 200. February 7th (two days later), a careful re-examination failed to show the slightest change in her condition, 88 MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM. nor could I obtain further indications for treat- ment, except that she thought her pains were more frequent in the afternoon, and again after midnight. She received a dose of Arseni- cum, high, and on the next day, February 8, at 10 A. M., her condition was still unchanged. Bear in mind, I do not say unimproved but unchanged. Now, for the first time I dis- covered that the pains were relieved by exter- nal heat, for when I saw her she lay in bed, with the painful side of her face upon a hot waterbag, and this she said was the only thing which gave her any comfort during the paroxysms of suffering. The indications, now reinforced by this characteristic condition of amelioration, were : Tearfulness, apprehension of long: and painful sickness, pains in right temple, forehead and cheek, intermittent in character with suddenness of onset and dizziness, tearing or shooting or throbbing. Relief from external heat. She re- ceived a single dose of Magnesium phos., cm. F., dry on her tongue. About an hour later, by far the most severe attack of neuralgia, which she experienced, set in suddenly, re- mained for nearly or quite half an hour with unremitting severity, and then suddenly and, as it proved, finally disappeared. For since this time she has not the faintest pain in these MEDORRHINUM. 89 parts. — Clarence Willard Butler, M. D., Mont- clair, IS". J., Med. Adv., June, 1890, Vol. 24, p. 342. Case IV. An old lady of 66, thin, spare. I saw her for the first time about six years ago ; the pains were excruciating and had lasted for weeks, were entirely on the right side of the face, intermittent, spasmodic, lightning-like and relieved by heat. Magnes. phos. gave prompt relief and effected a wonderful cure — Dr. Wm. P. Wesselhceft, Med. Adv., 1889, Vol. 23, p. 402. Case V. Supra and infra-orbital neuralgia, extending to all the front teeth on right side, intermittent, stabbing, nipping, lightning-like, and extremely sensitive to touch, relieved by heat and pressure, coming and going suddenly and attended by prostration and nightsweats. Magnes. phos. promptly gave relief. — Med. Adv., December, 1889. 82. MEDORRHINUM. Neuralgia, first in left temple and parietal bone, then in right, next day in left eye ; sen- sation of great weight and pressure in vertex ; has lasted twenty-four hours and is increasing gradually in violence. Neuralgic pain in eye balls, when pressing eyelids together, morse ichen rolling them. 90 MERCURIUS VIVUS. Neuralgia of right upper and lower jaws, ex- tending to temples. Aggr. When pressing eyelids together, when rolling eyeballs. 83. MEROURIUS VIVUS. Neuralgia of trigeminus, tearing pains, from taking cold, with salivation ; pain on touch as from nettles ; the scalp is painful to touch. Tearing or drawing or stinging pains in bones of skull, on one side of the head, extending to ears, teeth and neck ; pressive, tearing pain in left temple. Tearing in lower jaw toward evening. Aggr. In the evening, at night, in wet weather, during exercise, when lying on right side. Amel. During the day, during rest. 84. MEZEREUM. Neuralgia of right supra-orbital nerve, pains come quickly and leave parts numb, worse from warmth. Neuralgia on left side, over left eye ; infra-orbital in cheekbones, involving the face ; the pain is so violent, the patient could not wash his face ; with profuse lachrymation, fol- lowed by numbness, worse from heat and at night : pains seem to arise from the teeth involving head. Mezereum cured after Mercurius had failed. MEZEREUM. 91 Violent neuralgia of the head and face, after suppression of herpes zoster. Neuralgia of infra-maxillaries ; severe pain in lower jaw, in region of mental foramen, as if a hole was heing bored there ; pain at one time on right side then on left or both sides ; pains irregular coming day and night, lasting several minutes, run along course of infra-maxillary nerve, motion of jaw impeded, saliva runs from open mouth ; hard palate insensitive as if made of wood ; pharynx red, burning in throat, vari- cose veins on legs ; frequent appearance of round red spots on neck ; drawing in limbs, while in the ivind. Lightning-like pains, coming from right in- fra-orbital foramen and extending to temples and corners of the mouth ; pains come suddenly while talking or eating ; during the interval twitching of muscles and numb pain. Prosopalgia on left side from arcus super- ciliaris into eye, cheek and teeth, down to neck and shoulder, increased lachrymal secretion, injected conjunctiva, great sensitiveness of parts to touch ; dry feeling in the throat, some difficulty in swallowing, constant chilliness, even in bed, weak memory and debility, tuorse evenings until midnight with moaning ; better* from wrapping up the head, and from quiet in a dark room. Appetite poor, stool costive, menses 92 NAJA TRIPUDIANS. regular but scanty, followed by irritating leucorrhoea and pruritus vaginae ; hands and feet cold, nails blue, sensation of heat on a small spot on top of head. Cramping numbness and pressure, beginning in left zygoma, and spreading toward eye and temple, ear and down neck to shoulder; at times pressing in occiput, sudden stitches in side, and a sensation as of ants running over chest, worse entering a warm room, and after warm food ; appeared first on right, later on left side. Periodical attacks of left-sided supra-orbital neuralgia, commencing in the morning, increas- ing till noon and then gradually subsiding until 4 P. M. (similar to Causticum). Aggr. Evening till midnight,-at night, at noon, from warmth, entering a warm room, warm food, washing the face, from touch, talk- ing or eating. Amel. From wrapping up the head and from quiet in a dark room. 85. NAJA TRIPUDIANS. Neuralgic pains in the face, shooting to eye, temples and head ; preceded or followed by nausea or vomiting. Severe pain in left orbital region, extending back to occiput, aching around orbit increased NATRUM MURIATICUM. 93 to throbbing, thence it was drawing in charac- ter to back of head. From overeating or mental or physical ex- ertion. Very susceptible to cold. 86. NATRUM MURIATIOUM. Facial or supra-orbital neuralgia, going from right to left, with bronchitis ; from eating salt. Prosopalgia, recurring periodically, espe- cially after checked ague, with constipation; tongue showing a clear mucous slime, and little frothy bubbles at the edge; with vomiting of clear phlegm or water : pains produce para- lytic symptoms. (After Quinine.) Neuralgia of the ophthalmic branch of trige- minus of left side; blepharospasmus. photo- phobia, contracted pupil, red conjunctiva, in- creased lachrymation, restless sleep; begins regularly at 7 A. M., increases till noon, and then decreases, never leaving entirely. Ciliary neuralgia ; pain in and above the eye (especially right), coming on and going off with the sun ; eyes congested, sore and painful, when moved : can bear neither natural nor artificial light ; could not hurt more if the eye were pulled from socket ; icorse at noon ; discour- aged ; craves salt. Neuralgic pains in eyes, periodical, with flow of tears and reddened conjunctiva. Tearing, 94 NATRUM MTJRIATICTTM. sticking pain from upper lip over cheek into ear. Aggr. At noon, from heat of sun and from heat in general ; in the morning, 7 A. M. Amel. In open air. Clinical. Case 1. Mr. L. A., of Oswego, N. Y., aged 76, eyes blue, 160 pounds, bilious tempera- ment, has neuralgia. Soreness, lightning-like, and at times zig-zag flashes along the tract of the fifth nerve. Attacks are provoked by a cessation or lessening of the coryza, in damp cold weather, or indigestion. They are accom- panied with dysphagia, aphasia once, and drawing of facial muscles to the right side. The aphasia was temporary, lasting but a few hours. The soreness and pain are aggravated by touch, eating, talking, fatigue, riding; they are jabbing, sticking and are aggravated by deglutition, empty or of hot water or food. Swallows solid food easiest and with least- pain. The coryza still persists and comes on early, at 4 A. M.. The symptoms of coryza are a profuse, thin, watery, odorless, hot discharge from both nostrils, and from eyes, with sneez- ing as a starter. When the coryza or catar- rhal symptoms are worse he has less facial neuralgia, and vice versa. NATRUM MURIATICUM. 95 His sight is ordinarily good, also hearing. Taste is blunted, and it is hard to distinguish flavors. The sense of smell is fair. The coryza is worse from 4 to 8 A. M.; also better from warmth. The tic douloureux better from warmth, quietude, sleep and pressing over the puncta ; worse from swallowing, riding, jar- ring, eating, drinking; comes on at any time. For some time he has had sleeplessness, is rest- less at night, changes position often, gets up and walks about. Slept very well until he commenced to take morphine. Under these circumstances of late he goes to sleep at 3 A. M.; has been taking " McMunn's Elixir of Opium." Temperature normal, pulse quite fair. When the tic douloureux is aggravated he has dys- phagia, swallowing solids best, the obstruction seeming to be of the nature of a tumor, more to the left, and he has a profuse perspiration that gives no relief. October 31st. Mr. A. has been improving since the first, has far less neuralgia, less sen- sitive to touch, eats and swallows better, sleeps well, has better circulation, but he has slight returns when the weather is damp, or from errors of diet, fat, rich food. Janury 10, 1894, and May 2, >94. Mr. A. came to-day and stated as follows : The tic 96 NATRUM SULPHURICUM. douloreux is better, had but two attacks when in Connecticut and but two or three since. Has some pain in left malar bone, a sore pain, has better power to swallow, to eat, to smooth his whiskers, to press the parts. Has good appetite and digestion, only occasional disturb- ance after meals, fats disagree. Has 40 per cent, less of coryza than before, can smell better, blow the nose better and with less sore- ness than before. Has fewer u tics " but some neuralgia in occiput and in upper neck, has no pain at night. Some soreness of stomach after eating, something like an hour or so after a meal. Four prescriptions of Natrum mur. cm., two powders each, substantially cured the patient. —Dr. Stow, Med. Adv., '95, VoL 33, June, p. 388. 87. NATRUM SULPHURICUM. Piercing pain in right ear, inward ; sharp, lightning-like stitches in ear, worse when going from cold air into a warm room; worse in damp weather, living on wet ground. Pressure in fore- head and coronal region after sunset, with heat on top of head, better from pressure of hand, dur- ing quiet and while lying down, worse when think- ing. Tearing in left zygoma, attacks come on suddenly and often make him restless (Rhus t.). NATRUM SVLPHURICUM. 97 Aggr. "When going from cold air into a warm room, in damp weather, living in damp houses, going into a damp vault or cellar, from a damp change of weather, lying on left side. when thinking. Amel, Warm, dry weather, in open air. after dinner, from motion, at night. Clinical. Case I. On January 4, 1893. Rev. Mr. was referred to me by Dr. S. F. Wilcox for my opinion as to the advisability of evulsion of the fifth nerve for a frightfully severe neuralgia. The history was as follows: Some ten years ago he had a second molar tooth extracted from upper jaw, right side. Bleeding con- tinued for eight days; there was some slight pain on touching the vacant space and on washing the face. He had a bad attack of neuralgia on that side in about three months. it lasted a short while. This was repeated. and the attacks gradually grew longer in dura- tion and more frequent. Two years ago he underwent the operation of resection of the maxillary branch of the nerve at the foramen at the malar bone, and experienced relief from pain during the following summer. The trouble. however, returned in the autumn or early winter, and now he has no relief from pain. 7 98 NATRUM SULPHURICUM. At present the pain is worse after midnight. Any movement of jaws or tongue will aggra- vate existing pain, or bring on a frightful paroxysm. A drink of cold water aggravates, while hot water sometimes relieves. Is some- what easier by lying down, but is intensely restless, cannot lie still at night. There is no thirst, feet and hands always cold. Bowels regular, but has piles, which get worse when the neuralgia is worse. He could not open his mouth to show me his tongue? and it was ex- tremely difficult to understand his speech. Upon asking how he managed to preach, he said he did but little of that, and that after he got excited he could open his mouth somewhat and so make the necessary announcements to his congregation or preach a short sermon. Arsenicum 30 was prescribed. In ten days he returned, saying that his nights were not so bad, but that there was no other essential im- provement. I could now examine his tongue and found it coated in its posterior two-thirds with a thick yellowish-brown layer. As this colored coating of the tongue is given by Schussler as a char- acteristic for Natrum sulphuricum, I was anxious to get some more and better indica- tions for that remedy, and upon further inquiry J found that the trouble began when he was NITRI SPIRITUS DULCIS. 99 living in a very damp house, the walls of which were frequently moist, and that the earlier attacks always came after he had been down in the cellar. On this indication I gave Natrum sulph. 6, to be taken in water, with instructions to cease taking it as soon as any improvement was noted. The result was marvelous and he got practically well, and in the course of a few months took a parish in another part of the country. Had not the operation been per- formed on the nerve I feel sure that the cure would have been absolute before he left. My chief object in recording this case is to urge upon the practitioners of Homoeopathy to seek always for the cause of the trouble in chronic disease, and to prescribe according to the causal indications, where such exists in the materia medica. This is the only short cut that I know of in selecting the remedy. — Joseph T. O'Connor, M. D., New York, Horn. Phys., 1895, p. 433. 88. NITRI SPIRITUS DULOIS. Prosopalgia after catching cold during stormy weather, both sides affected ; with photophobia, burning heat in cheeks ; vomiting followed by lassitude. At times attacks are accompanied by pain in the arms and back ; if the pain is confined to the 100 NUX VOMICA. right side it is less severe, but vomiting is worse, often thirteen times in twenty-four hours ; if the pain is on the left side, it is very severe and vomiting is better ; the eye is sympathetically affected, pupil contracted, eyelid hanging ; shortness of breath and wheezing before an attack, especially while eating. Least mental disturbance brings on or ag- gravates an attack. Attacks are more fre- quent and severe during winter and spring ; very sensitive to cold. Boring and pressure in bones of face; boring in angles of lower jaw. Aggr. In winter and spring, from mental disturbance. 89. NUX VOMICA. Daily attacks of sharp, twisting, boring, ex- cruciating pains in both supra-orbital regions, frequently shooting through whole forehead and occasionally into temples, extorting groans of agony ; no external applications, neither hot nor cold affect it, pain generally less after sundown. The severest spells are usually in the forenoon and afternoon ; sometimes attacks are semilateral ; exceeding restlessness with the pain ; better walking and moving in the open air ; worse in wet weather and when over- worked. Thinks attacks were brought on by mental application and long hours of sedentary NtJX VOMICA. 101 occupation ; uses cathartics ; prolapsus ani at every stool, often difficult to reduce. Every morning at eight o'clock, pressing, boring and stitching pains along the course of left supra-orbital nerve, pain effects whole left side of forehead, and when it is at its height (at about 11 o'clock) it extends to the left eye, which then seems to be pulled deep into orbital cavity ; lachrymation from left eye. The attacks cease at 2 P. M.; face earthy, despondent, easily angered, yellowish coating on the tongue, slimy taste, appetite impaired, nausea and vomiting during height of attack, epigas- trium sensitive to pressure, stool every three or four days. Tearing pain in infra-orbital and middle branch of trigeminus ; clear water runs from eye and nostril of affected side ; face numb ; after abuse of coffee, liquors or quinine. Intermittent neuralgia, worse in infra-orbital branch of trigeminus, always markedly worse in the morning , better sometimes when lying in bed. Intermittent neuralgia, coming on every spring ; attack appeared at 9 A. M. and ceased at 2 P. M., pain over right eye and in right temple. Neuralgia of trigeminus, early in the morning, worse from standing and from motion. Shooting pains in the head, face almost 102 NUX VOMICA. purple ; suddenly leaving head it attacks bowels, causing her to scream violently ; at the same time darting pains in arms and legs ; constant urging to urinate, could pass but a little light colored urine ; skin very dry. Aggr. From odors, light, noise, music, a slight current of air, early morning, forenoon and afternoon, 8 to 11 A. M., 9 A. M. to 2 P. M., from overwork, standing, from motion, in wet weather. Amel. At 2 P. M., after sundown from walk- ing in the open air, from warmth, and lying in bed. Clinical. Case I. Mrs. T., set. 40, spare habit, but very active and industrious, had been several times under my care troubled with restless, fidgety feet, and promptly cured by Belladonna, Am- nion, carb., Zinc, as they seemed indicated by her symptoms, nor had she suffered from this trouble for the past year, when in the spring of ? 94 she had an attack of facial neuralgia on left side, extending to left ear and temple and left parietal region. Before the attack, the feet became cold, then this sensation of cold would spread upward over whole body, until it reached especially severe the left side of head and face : then the NUX VOMICA. 103 neuralgia began with crawling, tingling over left eyebrow, then shooting, tearing pains ex- tended thence over the whole left side of the head ; she was very anxious and restless during the attack, going from couch to bed, applying hot cloths, but all without relief; she had a fear of the future, a foreboding as if some great calami ty was before her, had a pressure as of a hard lump in the stomach, and very much anno}^ed by and sensitive to noise. Aeon. 200 seemed to cure, inasmuch as she was free from pain for 48 hours, but then the neuralgia returned, very much worse, other- wise unchanged, and Aeon, in varying poten- cies proved unavailing. On the third day after its reappearance she gave me the follow- ing additional symptoms, which she had for- gotten to mention before : With the appear- ance of the pain, the nose became obstructed with pain at the bridge of nose, and clear water running from left eye and nostril. The pain was worse from 4 to 7 A. M. and from 9 A. M. to 2 or 3 P. M., but she was never en- tirely free from it. Xux vom. 200 in aqua, a teaspoonful every 2 hours, completely cured the neuralgia, and she has had no return of the trouble since. F. H. L. 104 PHOSPHORUS. 90. PHOSPHORUS. Facial neuralgia, involving jaw especially, pains go to root of nose and temples, hot bloated face; caries of lower jaw; worse talking, eating and opening the mouth; especially if there be congestion of blood to the head. Tearing, shooting from left eye to vertex, from forehead into eyes (right especially) and from temples and vertex down to zygoma; tearing about lower margin of right orbit, ex- tending under right ear, involving bones of face, as if everything were torn out ; drawing and tearing in jaws, root of nose, eyes and temples, from taking cold over the washtub, twitching, tearing, darting, and tension in cheekbones and jaw with threatening caries. Jerking, tearing pain in cheek and teeth of left side, extending to forehead and right tem- ple, ivorse taking anything cold in the mouth, or in cold ivet weather ; better from warmth. Pain as if nails were driven into jaws, darting in dif- ferent parts ; beginning in uncertain places. Attacks are brought on by speaking, eating or slightest touch. Tearing, shooting pains in right cheek and up into head, worse eating, speaking or swallow- ing; tendency to sweat, weariness, vertigo, could hardly walk without falling. Neuralgia of the PHOSPHORUS. 105 head, it must be wrapped up warmly day and night, worse in the morning and in windy weather. Neuralgia from anaemia, from loss of blood and severe exhausting disease, from scrofulus or tuberculus (none S} 7 philitic) exostoses. Cili- ary neuralgia accompanying glaucoma. Aggr. When opening the mouth, taking any- thing cold in the mouth, in cold, windy or wet weather, speaking, eating, swallowing, in the morning, on lying down. AmeL By warmth. Clinical. Case I. Miss D., — set.. 21 years, a stationer, has had neuralgia for two months. Pain in left temple and over left zygomatic process. The pain is sticking, worse at night, when she gets warm in bed. Very warm or very cold things make the pain come on. Sometimes has a feeling as if top of head is lifting off. Has palpitation and shortness of breath, also disten- sion of stomach. Bowels irregular. Patient is anaemic looking and has bad teeth in left lower jaw. I commenced treating with Aeon. and Ferrum mur., but without good results. Then I prescribed at different times : Puis., Bell., Ignat., Sepia, but with no relief. My patient would not face the dentist, and as a la!st re- source I prescribed Phosphorus, taking the cari- 106 PHYTOLACCA. ous teeth as a chief indication. The pain dis- appeared in 24 hours entirely and has not since returned. The shortness of breath, distension of abdomen and palpitation are also much bet- ter. Dr. W. F. Thornton., Monthly Horn. Keview, June 18. 91. PHYTOLACCA. Prosaplgia in syphilitic and rheumatic sub- jects. Pains in bones of head and face at night. 92. PIPER METHYSTICUM. Intermittent shooting in left supra-orbital nerve, after 3 P. M., in the afternoon and evening, with drowsy, stupid feeling ; deep in upper parts of orbits, worse left side with pain on moving the eyes. Intermittent shooting in right frontal eminence, better in the open air and from motion ; heaviness in forehead and temples, icorse thinking and reading. Shooting in left temple, in left side of brain from front to back, after 3 P. M. Aggr. After 3 P.M., afternoon and evening, when thinking, reading, lying quiet, alone. Amel. In the open air, from gentle motion, diversion, excitement and change of position. PLANTAGO MAJOR. 107 93. PLANTAGO MAJOR. Neuralgia in left side of face, shooting, tear- ing pains, extending from jaw to ear. Violent bruised aching pains in right side of face. Teeth on left side feel elongated, sore; un- bearably severe boring, digging in sound teeth, worse from contact and extremes of heat and cold; from walking in cold air; profuse flow of saliva, teetli feel elongated, sore, even sound teeth, while eating. Neuralgia of inferior dental nerve. Sharp, twinging, running pain in ear, with pain in teeth and face. Otalgia independent of organic lesion. Neuralgia from use of tobacco. Ciliary neuralgia. Aggr. From contact, extremes of heat and cold, walking in the cold air, while eating. 94. PLATINUM. Cramplike boring pain, and painful feeling of numbness, and tingling in malar bones, at root of nose, mastoid process and chin, as if parts were squeezed in a vise, followed by numbness and tingling, with anxiety, weeping and palpitation of heart ; menses profuse. Pains gradually increase and decrease. Prosopalgia affecting pes anserinus ; par- oxysms in the forenoon ; pinching, boring, burning pains, facial muscles horribly dis- 108 POLYPORUS OFFICINALIS. torted ; trismus, face hot, dark red, profuse lachrymation and ptyalism. Convulsions of upper extremities and pectoral muscles, loud crying and insane tossing about and striking out on all sides, lasting six or eight hours ; paroxysms in short remissions, during which the patient sat wrapped up in herself; menses profuse, uterine spasms, headache, palpitations of heart, megrims and variable humor. Creep- ing, crawling pains, with numbness, especially on right side of face, worse at night and during rest. Sharp neuralgic pains in left malar bone. Tearing, boring pain in right side of face near canthus of eye, extending along nasal branch of tri-facial nerve; profuse lachry- mation (Verbascum) and swelling of the face; the attack generally comes on at night. Aggr. At night, during rest. 95. POLYPORUS OFFICINALIS (Boletus laricis). Facial neurelgia, periodical in character, from torpid liver. Intermittent neuralgia on left side of face ; weak and languid, poor appetite ; every day for the last week at 12 noon, burning pain in upper teeth, left side of jaw, also in left tern- PRUNUS SPINOSA. 109 pie, pain intense, lasts until midnight, when it gradually passes off; feels it slightly in the forenoon. Aggr. From noon till midnight. 96. PRUNUS SPINOSA. Pain in right eyeball as if inner part of eye would be torn out, a crushing in the eye as if pressed asunder, sharp, shooting through the corresponding side of the head (Glaucoma). Ciliary neuralgia, severe pain in right eyeball as if crushed, or as if the eye would burst ; sharp, shooting like lightning through the eye and back into the brain to occiput, involving all the parts around the eye ; the pain com- mences behind the ear and shoots forward to the eye, worse from motion, better in rest ; occa- sionally the pains are periodic in character and may be worse at night. Aggr. From motion, at night. Amel. From rest. 97. PULSATILLA. Neuralgic pains, commencing in right tem- poral region, and rapidly extending over whole right side of head and face, pains so intense as to distract her mind, causing her to resort to all sorts of applications without the slightest relief; scalding tears from the eye of affected 110 PULSATILLA. side ; paroxysms at 7 A. M., continue to increase until 11 A. M. then gradually subside until 5 P. M. Neuralgia of right temple, extending to back of head and side of neck and into ear ; lanci- nating, boring pain as from a gimlet piercing the skull, worse at night; during paroxysm numbness of rest of head. Pressing, constrict- ing, dull, throbbing pains in right supra-orbital region, extending over whole right side of face, most severe in zygomatic region and hairy por- tion of head where parts feel as if seized by pincers ; the attack ends with profuse lachry- mation from right eye. Coryza, stoppage of right nostril, pinching, pressing sensation at root of nose, ears feel as if stopped up, sense of smell impaired, often entirely lost; thick yellow dis- charge from right nostril on blowing the nose; oppression of chest during attack, migraine and digestive disturbances, pain worse from least occupation. Neuralgia on right side of face and head, worse at night ; throbbing pain causing intense suffering, face flushed, particularly the right side ; pulsations in head and external soreness, all worse in the evening and ivhen stooping. Pain in left side of face, extending from supra-orbital region to teeth, zygoma, ear and nape of neck, worse in a warm room, warmth of bed , lying with head low, rest, before midnight and PULSATILLA. Ill from warm food. Chilliness with the pain ; aver- sion to fat, thirst at night, constipation. Ever} 7 morning at 11 o'clock severe parox- ysmal jerking, erratic pain along the course of left infra-orbital nerve, becoming more severe as they continue, with discharge of thick, white, offensive smelling mucus from left nostril, both pain and discharge are better in the open air, and cease at 4 P. M. Facial neuralgia on left side commencing in foramen* in en tale and extending up into ear ; drawing, tearing, jerking with sensation of heat and dullness of head, ringing in ears and great nervous excitation, coming in regular intervals, worse from talking, chewing and lying upon the affected side, from taking cold or warm tilings in the mouth, more through the day than through the night. She cannot bear any cold applications, is subject to vagrant rheumar- thritis (has been treated for ten days with quinine and morphine injections). Violent faceache of a jerking, tearing charac- ter, paroxysms every evening at 6 o'clock, which increased in intensity till midnight; worse from lying down and from heat, better from rising up and from cold. Facial neuralgia, lower lip swollen with a deep crack in the middle ; the pain is often attended with a sensation as if parts were being drawn 112 PULSATILLA. together tighter and tighter, and then suddenly let loose, as if cutting a tight string. Prosopalgia worse in a warm room, in bed and from hot food, in the evening till midnight, lying with head low, lying on left side or on side not affected. Disgust for fat. Neuralgia from bad diet, late hours, fat, pastries and gravies. Erratic pains which fly from one part of the body or limbs to another, short and sharp, and attended by a bruised, sore sensation. Numb- ness of suffering parts. Paralysis of left side of face. (Caust.) Aggr. From 7 A. M. to 5 P. M., at 11 A. M. to 6 P. M., from evening till midnight, at night or through the day, from least occupation when stooping, in a warm room, irom warmth of bed, lying with head low or upon the left side, on painless side, when lying, from warm food, taking cold or warm things in the mouth, cold or hot applications, from heat, chewing or talking and rest. AmeL In the open air from cold, rising, sitting up, at 4 P. M. Clinical. Case L Mrs. G., set. 35, a farmer's w 7 ife, called to get some medicine for neuralgia, stat- ing that the whole right side of the head was RHODODENDRON. 113 involved. The pains would come and go grad- ually at very irregular periods, shoot into the ear along the side of the neck and under the eye, and were always made w r orse by putting anything cold in the mouth. To the question, if the pain was relieved by putting anything warm in the mouth she answered : " Oh, no ; that makes it a great deal worse." The pains although mostly confined to the right side of the face were moving about frequently, often after leaving the head appear in the left leg or heel ; she was always chilly, easy moved to tears, and felt decidedly better in the open air. I gave her Puis. 30, two powders, to dissolve one in four teaspoonfuls of water, and to take one every two hours. The neuralgia was cured with the first powder and remained so ; she had no need of the second. — F. H. L. 98. RHODODENDRON. Violent tearing, jerking, drawing pains in the face, involving both dental nerves, worse in the wind, and from change of weather, better while eating and from warmth. Prosopalgia, pain begins in temple and extends to lower jaw and chin ; acute pain, ex- tending from temple to temple, worse from motion, talking and cold applications.. Violent faceache, spreading over right side 8 114 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. of face, from teeth and gums radiating over mouth, eye and ears, is equally violent day or night, during motion or rest, drawing, tearing or jerking pains, worse from wind or changes of weather, better from warmth and entirely relieved while eating and for some time after; occurs generally in spring or autumn ; though some- times also in winter. Ciliary neuralgia, involving eyeball and ex- tending to orbit and head, worse before a storm, better when the storm broke out. Suits nervous persons, who are afraid of storms. Aggr. From cold applications, from motion, talking, change of or stormy w T eather, before a storm, from wind. Spring, autumn. Amel. From warmth, from eating, and after the storm has broke out. 99. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Facial neuralgia with chilliness, worse eve- nings ; cramp-like pains, in articulation of jaw on left side, close to ear, during rest and motion of the jaw, accompanied by a crackling sound and severe pain, as if the jaw would be dislocated or break, worse evenings during spas- modic yawning. Burning, drawing, tearing in the face, better from hard pressure, rubbing, warmth and warm food. Jaw feels bruised, as if it would break RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 115 on moving it ; sensation as if teeth were too long. For several successive nights awoke, after hav- ing been asleep an hour, with pain in tem- poral region on left side, extending toward head, cheeks and teeth of same side, pain in- creased from minute to minute, was of a burn- ing, glowing, tearing character, and forced him to quit his bed and walk about the room for three hours during the night, went to bed ex- hausted, fell asleep, but awoke again in half an hour, and was obliged once more to walk about until 7 or 8 A. M. During the day the teeth on affected side felt too long and loose, so that he could masticate but little, and felt very weak and cold. Facial neuralgia, with a feeling of great coldness, worse in the open air ; violent evening exacerbation ; dysenteric diarrhoea. Old neuralgic pains reappeared after being in a cellar where he perspired much, especially on the head ; patient pressed hand on left cheek, pressed teeth together and had a painful dis- torted face. Sensitive to cold open air, suffering during raw cold weather, and the prevalence of north- easterly winds, often caused by getting wet. Aggr. Evenings, from cold, in cold open air, from rest, after sleep, from raw cold weather, northeasterly winds. 116 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Amel. From rapid motion, from hard pres- sure, rubbing, warm food or drink, warmth in general ; about 7 to 8 A. M. Clinical. Case L Mrs. L., neuralgia on left side of face, neck and left shoulder; better from warmth of fire, rubbing, external hot applications, and motion, must move or rock; cannot keep still, worse in the morning at 9 A. M,, and in the evening from 8 to 12; from rest and cold. Picking or pressing with a toothpick at and be- tween the teeth on leftside, also relieves some- what ; sleepy after the aggravation. Rhus tox. 2 c, and next day Ehus 1 m.; no change. S. L. for 3 days, but getting worse. On the sixth day I gave in the morning Ehus 105 m., one dose in water, a spoonful every hour, and a cure followed in 4 hours. The neuralgia returning a few days later, another small dose of the same remedy. Ehus 105 m. was given, which put an end to the trouble. F. EL L., Horn. Phys., 1891, Vol. 11, p. 261. Some time in 1892, this lady told me that when young she had suffered from the same kind of neuralgia in same location and with same concomitants for over a year at a time, under eclectic treatment, of which she had still a memento, as the lower jaw on that (left) side ROBINIA. 117 had been dislocated from the pain, and re- mained so ever since; and on examining same found the condoyle of the lower jaw in front of, and a little lower than its glenoid cavity, protruding like a small marble under the skin. 100. ROBINIA. Neuralgic faceache, spreading to eyes, fore- head, temples, ears and teeth, changing the whole features. The jawbone on lelft side feels as if dis- articulated or broken, with intensely sour taste on vomiting. 101. SABADILLA. Intermittent neuralgia, beginning with a severe shaking chill, with twitching and con- vulsive trembling ; face deadly pale and sunken, features distorted, great anxiety ; beating and jerking in muscles of left upper jaw. Cracking in articulation of jaw on opening the mouth wide. 102. SABDSTA. Drawing pain in right angle of lips and masseter muscle. Aggr. From touch. Amel In open air. 118 SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. 103. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. Neuralgia in and over the right eye ; in upper jaw, extending to nose, eye, ear, neck and side of head. Pains shooting, burning, patient cannot endure it, except by kneeling down, bending over and holding head tight to the floor (Ignatia), better from pressure. Intermittent neuralgia, coming in the morning and lasting four to six hours ; pain at internal superior angle of right orbit, acute pressing with occasional darts inwards and some throb- bing ; the parts are sore, but he holds his hands there, while the pain lasts; conjunctiva con- siderably injected during the pain, thick catar- rhal discharge mostly from righr side of nose, every day for five or six days. Neuralgia from getting feet wet. Aggr. In the morning. Amel. By pressure ; kneeling and holding head tight to floor. Clinical. Case I. March 10th, 1890. Mrs. McA., set. 60, spare, nervous, dark haired, suffering severely with the following symptoms: Has had sharp, throbbing pain at emergence of right supra-orbital nerve for two days, is now SEPIA. 119 extending to the same nerve on the left side. Intense aching in eyeball, conjunctival injec- tion, photophobia and profuse lachrymation. Pain increases and decreases with the sun at the height of the attack, at noon, she groans and is very restless. Pain is worse from cold, better from warm applications. She had this pain thirteen years ago, but an attack of the grippe seems to have brought it back again. Prescribed Sanguinaria and in fifteen minutes she felt a sensible relief and by the next day was well, since which there has been no return. C. M. B., Med. Ad., 1893, p. 16. Clinic. 101. SEPIA. Intermittent neuralgia, jerking pains like electric shocks, shooting upward with conges- tion to head and eyes. The pain appears in the morning, immedi- ately on awaking, none in the daytime, but severe at night, spreading over lower and upper maxillae, radiating to vertex, occiput, neck, arms and fingers ; tearing, drawing pains in the face and nose, with swelling of the cheek ; the pains frequently extend to the ear, especially on left side, worse by taking either hot or cold things in the mouth; in delicate, sensitive. nervous women, especially when uterine func- tions are disturbed. 120 SEPIA. Paroxysms of facial neuralgia, brought on by riding in the wind and from excitement; menstrual nisus nearly always attended with neuralgic pains of greater or less severity. When wind is the exciting cause, the paroxysm comes on with a chill; when excitement is the cause, it begins with trembling. The pains are better from pressure, being in a warm room and lying quiet. Cold chills run down the spine. Neuralgic pains commence in left temple and run over left side of face and down ramus of left jaw, throbbing and digging, worse from noise , odors of cooking and in the evening, better from sleep. Menses last two or three days, are dark, scanty and somewhat stringy ; pain and heavi- ness in right ovarian region, better by leaning forward; costive, stool alternately hard and soft with straining ; emission of urine on coughing, walking, or standing on her feet ; urine light-colored and frequent ; abdomen dis- tended ; appetite good ; pain ' running down the right leg. Worse from northeasterly wind, damp weather and excitement. Boring, stinging over the right eye worse in a thunder storm, cold air and north wind. Tearing in left frontal protuberance, over eye and left temple to left upper head. Tear- ing, drawing, cramp-like pain in bones of face, SEPIA. 121 with swelling of cheeks. Violent tearing from forehead downward along right side of nose. Tearing in left upper jaw and soon after in right; tearing in left articulation of jawbone close to ear. Neuralgic pains in left side of face from abuse of tobacco ; jerking of muscles of face, when talking. Intermittent facial neuralgia during preg- nancy. Aggr. From cold air, north or northeasterly winds, damp weather, thunderstorm, taking cold in the head, taking cold or hot things in the mouth, in the evening, at night, from noise, excitement, odors of cooking. Amel. From pressure, lying quiet, in a warm room, from sleep, during the day, by leaning forward. Miss H. J. C, a costumier, had been suffer- ing from a severe neuralgia for two years. She is of a cheerful disposition, very active and full of energy ; has dark hair and a florid complex- ion. She described the pain as a maddening, boring pain, as if a screw was being driven slowly through the left temple. The exciting cause was overwork and mental strain, which could not be avoided. Indeed business was daily increasing and she felt herself totally in- capacitated to execute it, and the pain was 122 SEPIA. thereby increased. After the pain she felt quite befogged and unable to comprehend her work, and became quite confused. If she could get only a little sleep she felt a slight amelior- ation, but all the pains were aggravated toward evening, so that sleep was rarely possible. With the exception of habitual constipation, she was in normal good health. I prescribed Sepia 1 m. F. C, a few globules in water, a spoonful to be taken at once. The second dose caused a serious aggravation, fol- lowed immediately by a marked relief and a cure, which has remained permanent, in spite of the exciting cause (overwork) which was and is still kept up. Diagnosis of the remedy taken from Boen- ninghausen's Pocket Book, Boring in temple : Bell., Kali carb., Phos-ac, Puis., Sepia. Befogged: Bell., Kali carb., Phos-ac, Puis., Sepia. Comprehension difficult and confusion : Bell. Kali carb., Phos-ac, Puis., Sepia. Dark hair: Phos-ac, Puis., Sepia. Aggravation from mental exertion : Phos-ac, Sepia. Amelioration from sleep : Sepia. Sepia having the highest rank in all the rubrics, and corresponding to the totality of the symptoms was the remedy selected, and the SILICA. 123 speedy cure which resulted proved the thorough homoeopathicity of the remedy. W. Bellerly, "Horn. World, " London. 105. SILICA. Neuralgia of the face, head, eyes, teeth and ears, worse after being in bed a short time ; bor- ing, tearing pains day and night in bones of face, spreading over whole chest, ivorse during the night. Prosopalgia, with affection of the periosteum, with haemorrhoids ; itching, with sensation of dryness in inner nose extending into frontal cavities and antrum with small lumps and nod- ules on scalp and face. Ciliary neuralgia, worse over right eye, at exit of supra-orbital nerve ; darting pains through the eyes and head, from exposure to any draught of air or just before a storm. Aggr. After being in bed a short time, during the night, from draught of air, before a storm, from cold air. Amel. From warmth. 106. SPIGELIA. Prosopalgia on left side of face often begins in occiput, comes forward and settles over left eye; sticking, tearing, burning, shooting into eye, malar bone, teeth, nose, face, temples and 124 SPIGELIA. neck, occurring at regular intervals worse at noon, from motion, noise, jarring of the body, but especially by stooping, with pale face, restless- ness and palpitation ; begins in the morning, in- creases during the day and subsides in the even- ing, periodical, from sunrise to sunset. At the acme of the pain there is bilious vomiting, usually with profuse lachrymation and palpi- tation. Neuralgic pains centre in above or below the eye, from cold, in damp rainy weather, hyper- esthesia of filaments of fifth pair of nerves. Ciliary neuralgia, cheeks dark red or pale face, coryza, restlessness, rolling about scream- ing. The pains are sharp, stabbing in the eye and radiate in every direction, especially back into the head. Supra-orbital region tender to touch. Prosopalgia with tearing, shooting, burning into the eye, malar bone and teeth, periodical from morning till sunset; worse at noon, from motion or noise ; with lachrymation, palpitation and ciliary neuralgia ; cheeks dark red. Neuralgia affecting infra-orbital and maxil- lary branches of fifth pair of nerves. Periodical facial neuralgia above eyebrows, in left side, spreading out over the face, burn- ing pains, especially in cheek bones ; frequent nose bleed ; red face. SPIGELIA. 125 Neuralgic pains come on between 11:15 P. M. and 11:30 P. M., about fifteen or twenty minutes after lying down in bed, beginning in left malar bone, extending down face, sometimes to neck and only on left side ; pains shoot downward with burning and throbbing, and parts feel swollen, continues until about 3:15 to 3:30 A. M., when she gets to sleep; worse lying, better directly after standing up, from hard press- ure and either cold or hot applications. During the day left side of the face feels as if it had been scorched ; no actual pain, only a throb- bing, better after eating. A heavy cold in the head developed into a severe neuralgia of left side of head and face, involving the eyes. The pains seem to start from the left occipital region and extend for- ward ; sharp, tearing, especially in and around the eye, much lachrymation, constant nausea and occasional vomiting of bile ; the least noise even talking aggravates the pain and light is in- tolerable. Feeling as if all the muscles on left side of face from forehead to neck and left axilla were pierced with red hot needles ; the muscles of the cheek and around the eye are spasmodically affected, the muscles of the eye contracted, making the eye look smaller. 126 SPIGELIA. Dreadful banging, tearing, throbbing, burn- ing pains, better when lying quietly on the face, worse from coffee. The affected side of the face is almost par- alyzed after the pains ; very weak, inclined to weeping ; the pain is preceded by violent beating of the heart, and the attacks are re- newed by eating. Stinging, darting pains on left half of face, commencing under left eye, going downward to cheekbone, where they are severest and toward left side of nose and farther ; radiating, not so painful, down to teeth of upper jaw, better from heat. Facial neuralgia on left side ; the zygomatic region and eyelids slightly reddened and swollen, conjunctiva injected, slight dacryor- rhoea ; the pain commences near infra-orbital foramen and extends into eye, temple, ear, nose and teeth, jerking, tearing, increased flow of saliva and increased temperature of the parts, which are very sensitive to touch ; commences usually in the afternoon, rages until midnight, driving patient out of bed, and remits toward morning, when patient falls asleep from sheer exhaustion ; during the attack, the pulse is ac- celerated, with precordial anxiety and palpita- tation, great nervous agitation and trembling of limbs. SPIGELIA. 127 At first the pain is relieved by applications of water, later this could not be borne ; worse in cold, damp air, from lying upon the affected side and chewing ; better from rest and ivrapping up the head. Facial neuralgia of right side, pain dis- tributed about and within right orbit, darting through from frontal to occipital region ; (relieved by Cimicifuga cured by Spigelia). Facial neuralgia of left side, suddenly coming and suddenly going, with palpitation of heart and sleeplessness, Facial neuralgia on right side ; pain began in lower jaw, extending upward to nose, face, ear, temple and neck ; hot feeling around the eye, teeth feel too long, pain occurs whenever she lies down. Severe tearing, burning pain, shooting from left side of forehead to temple, especially in left supra-orbital ridge, with ptosis of left upper lid. Prosopalgia from drinking tea, pain in right side of lower jaw, as if it would be torn out of its joint. Aggr. At noon, at night, from sunrise till sunset, from afternoon till midnight, noise, even of talking, light, motion, jarring of the body, stooping, during stool, lying down, lying on the affected side, chewing, coffee, damp, 128 SPIGELIA. cold air, stormy, rainy weather, or any change of weather, from 11:15 or 11:30 P. M. till 3:15 to 3:30 A. M.; from eating. Amel. From hard pressure, hot or cold ap- plications, heat, wrapping up the head, rest, after eating, lying upon the face. Standing up. At sunset, mornings, 3:15 to 3:30 A. M. Clinical. Case I. A lady 28 years old applied to me for relief. She looked much older, suffering — not age — had furrowed her brow, and the ex- pression of her face was sad and anxious, almost despairing. She assured me that her life had been spent in pain of the most ex- cruciating character. Her ill health began when she was fourteen years of age and every week since then had brought three or four days and nights of torture. The attacks came on in the early morning, increased during the forenoon, reached their acme at noon, de- creased with the declining sun, ceased at night- fall ; returned about ten o'clock in the evening and lasted until three or four next morning. She described the pain as jerking, shooting and burning, usually in the left eyeball, sometimes spreading in all directions on left side of face and head, but rarely crossing to the right side. The height of the paroxysm was attended by SPIGELIA. 129 a profuse flow of tears from the affected eye, and she declared the pain was almost unbear- able. In addition to this, during damp weather she had asthma, accompanied by rheumatic pains all over- the body, especially severe in the intercostal muscles, with sudden shocks of pain in the left chest and violent palpitation of the heart. In the earlier years of her ailment she had consulted many celebrated physicians. Later she had been gulled and bled by advertisers. Then losing faith in men, though not in medicine, she took each new patent anti- neuralgic as soon as she could hear of and ob- tain it. until finally, hearing of the novelty Homoeopathy, she determined to try that. I gave her Spigelia 30x, night and morning. She was permanently cured within one week. — T. J. Hudson, M. D., Kansas City, Mo., Med. Adv., 1892, Vol. 29, p. 437. Case II. Mrs. M., set. 32, had for more than a year been treated with morphine, quinine and various patent medicines for a severe pain in left side of face and head, occurring daily. The treatment having afforded onty slight temporary relief, she was induced by friends to try Homoeopathy, and she called on me ac- cordingly. A study of the case led me to sup- pose Spigelia was the remedy indicated. 10 130 SPONGIA TOSTA. I gave Spigelia 12x, to be dissolved in water and taken, a spoonful four times a day. About ten days from the time of prescribing she re- ported as having been entirely free from pain for six days. The next day after commencing the medicine the paroxysm was much more severe than usual, but on the next day was much less ; on the third day it was less still, and after the third day there was no return of the paroxysm and has not been to this day, an interval of five years. — Wm. M. Huston, M. D., Urbana, Ohio, Med. Adv., 1892, Vol. 29, p. 144. Case III. Spigelia 3x cured the following case: Mrs. D., set. 40, while in good health, was attacked by the following symptoms : The neuralgia began in the occiput, and settled over the left eye and in cheek ; the character of the pain was tearing, jerking, burning. The suffering was increased by noise, cold, warmth, or any jarring of the body. It would begin in the morning, increase during the day and sub- side at night. She was very sensitive to any change of the weather. — Med. Current, October, 1890. 107. SPONGIA TOSTA. Cramp-like pain from left articulation of jaw to cheek, evening, while eating or walking in the open air. STANNUM METALLICUM. 131 108. STANNUM METALLICUM. Neuralgia in left eye, gradually increasing from 10 A. M. to noon, then gradually decreasing, with lachrymation. Intermittent supra-orbital neuralgia from 10 A. M. to 3 or 4 P. M., gradually increasing until obtaining its acme and then again decreasing as gradually, worse from least noise ; (after abuse of quinine). Violent neuralgia of the face and head, pains stealing on in a " slow and sure " fashion, requir- ing hours to reach its maximum, then beginning to decrease, which is quite as slow. Neuralgia from temples down over upper and lower maxilla and lips, a drawing, gnaw- ing pain, begins at a certain hour for several days, rises to its greatest severity, and then de- creases again gradually, from morning until eve- ning. Aching pain over left eye, and in left temple, coming on about 4 A. M., very gradually increas- ing until 11 A. M. and from 3 P. M. as slowly de- creasing until 6 P.M., when it was entirely gone not to return until the next morning at4 A. M. The pain is at first a dull aching only, but after a few days it became sharp, cutting and boring, with a terrible sense of fulness ; by the end of the week, so excruciating at its acme 132 ST ANNUM METALLICUM. that patient would roll and toss over the bed, exhibiting expressions of great agony. Laehry- mation of the eye on the affected side, with slight excoriation of lower lid ; the pain is temporarily relieved by jjressure. Neuralgia after intermittent fever, or with profuse menses; menorrhagia. Aggr. At noon, from least noise, 4 A. M. till 3 P. M., 10 A. M. to noon, or 3 to 4 P. M. Amel. By pressiu*e. Clinical. Case I. An Allopath had suffered since a child with violent neuralgia of the face and head, which nothing had helped. In this case the pain would come stealing on in a slow and and sure fashion, requiring hours to reach its maximum of intensity, and then begin to de- crease, which was quite as slow. I gave him Stannum 5c (Tafel). He has called several times since and received a repeti- tion of the remedy or Sac. lac, as I thought best, but find the attacks further and further apart and relieved at once by the remedy. He had never been able to attend any place of amusement without deserting his friends to " seek the seclusion that his cabin grants," and to stop all business, when particularly anxious to stick to it, was his regular program. Since STAPHISAGRIA. 133 taking the Stannum he has had more real en- joyment than ever before in his life, and lately has made trips to New York and Chicago in business interests. — AYm. Jefferson Guernsey, M. D., Phila., Horn. Phys., 1886, Vol. 6, p. 172. 109. STAPHISAGRIA. Neuralgia of the scalp, worse from excitement, worry, mental work, pressure of hat and change of air, better by quiet, solitude, rest and in a warm room. Pain dull and stupefying, pro- ducing a muddled feeling in the brain, as if a hard substance were pressing on the skull; all mental work is a burden, cannot find the right word and ideas are slow in coming. Inexpressible pains shoot from lips over face on touching spoon or fork to lips, even fluid food had to be eaten with fingers; could not take solid food, as mastication was impossible. Pressing and beating pain, extending from a decayed tooth to eye : worse from pressure or contact of a metallic substance, better from heavy pressure. Stitching, burning, drawing, cutting, throbbing, shooting, with pressure in the cheek- bones and a sensation as if cheeks were swollen, especially on left side, better at night, during rest. Tearing pain, beginning in a carious tooth of left upper jaw and extending through all 134 STRAMONIUM. upper teeth of that side : pain in left cheek, most severe in pes anserinus, worse from touch. When the pain is very severe, it extends be- hind left ear and into left arm ; sensation as if cheek were swollen ; spasms of oesophagus ; griping in abdomen, spasmodic weeping and oppressed breathing; cold hands and cold sweat on the face. Neuralgia of shoulder joints and arms; crural neuralgia, aching of limbs with great heaviness during rest ; very sensitive to either mental or physical impressions. Aggr. From excitement, worry, mental work, pressure of hat, change of air, contact of metallic substance with lips, from touch. Amel. By quiet, solitude, rest, in a warm room, from heavy pressure, at night, during rest. 110. STRAMONIUM. Prosopalgia nervosa, pains maddening, spas- modic shocks, and starts through the body, throws arms upward, skin of forehead wrink- led. Pain in cheek near left ear as if sawing the bone, oscillating motion of muscles, and twitches with delirium and hyperesthesia. Periodical neuralgic pain in the forehead over either eyebrow, beginning about 9 A. M., gets worse until about noon, when it begins to STRAMONIUM. 135 decline and by 3 P. M. has passed off, but returns at 9 the next morning. Prosopalgia in the evening after lying down, worse in left cheek close to ear, in temporal and zygomatic region, with sensation as if bones were sawed through, radiating to os pe- trosum, with sensation at a small place as if there were a hole in the bone, which on being touched feels as if brain were touched. Prosopalgia beginning over left eye, with severe stitches in ear, passed over left cheek, to left ala nasi, stitching, tearing at different times for three or four days. Pain spreads over all branches of facial nerve, from foramen stylomastoideum to ala nasi ; tearing and of such severity as to pro- duce oscillation of facial muscles with distor- tion, eyes almost bursting from the sockets. For three days at 9 A. M., severe tearing pain over w T hole right ride of face, with cold extremities and very warm face. Warmth at first relieves, then aggravates the pain. Very sensitive to draught ; worse evening and night. Delirium with open eyes. Aggr. At noon, evening and night, touch, after lying down, 9 A. M. till noon. Amel. 3 P. M., warmth relieves at first then aggravates. 136 SULPHUR. 111. SULPHUR. Neuralgia, involving especially the right side of the face and head, worse at night. The upper lip and margins of the nose are most affected, being dry, scaly, rough and burning, with sticking as if raw, worse in the morning after rising. Tearing in right half of face, in left ear and jaws and evenings in right upper jaw. Malarial neuralgia recurring quite periodi- cally, and resisting other remedies. (Ars., China off., Chinin. sulph., Ipec, Natr. mur.) Intermittent periodic neuralgia worse every twenty-four hours, generally at 12 noon, or 12 midnight, and analogously worse in midwinter and midsummer. Periodic neuralgic head ache, affecting greater part of the head, and coming on about noon every day and lasting until evening, when it gradually subsides. Neuralgic pains in right infra-orbital region along the course of the right inferior maxillary nerve, down back of head and on both sides of back of neck ; sight of right eye extremely dim, with profuse lachrymation, and a constant- desire to rub the eye to remove the dimness ; sensation of heat on the vertex and down back of neck. Great tenderness of the scalp, which SULPHUR. 137 is so sore he can scarcely touch it with the comb. Hair comes out in handfuls when comb- ing ; nervous and restless, fingers and feet move constantly, restless desire to move, and while telling her story walks about the room nervously, pulling and rubbing her fingers ; very miserable and profoundly depressed ; deter- mination to commit suicide, but cannot make up her mind how. All cervical vertebrae ex- tremely sensitive to pressure ; slightest pressure on spinous processes aggravates the pain in infra- orbital region, side of face and side and back of neck makes her shrink and almost leap from the chair. A sensation as if the air just in front of her were hot; cannot get a full, easy and satisfactory breath. Neuralgic pains in right side of face and head, pains commence in upper and lower jaw bones, extend to infra- and supra-orbital nerves and up side of head : come on in the afternoon, last three or four hours, return again late at night and continue until I A. M., come on again in the morning and disappear before the after- noon. Pain comes on about noon and lasts till even- ing and centres in right temple, going up to top of head over eyebrow, below eye and down along inferior maxilla. 138 SULPHUR. Pain in right side of face and head extend- ing over jaw of that side and to top of head; comes on in the evening and lasts all night ; better towards morning. For several days pain all over lower jaw, ex- tending to shoulders and supra- and infra- orbital nerves on both sides and over whole head, commences in the evening and lasts all night, keeping her awake. Severe intermittent pain in right side of head, commences over malar bone and extends backward over side of head, worse at night ; be- gins gradually at 9 P. M., becoming more severe till about 3 A. M., when at its height it gradually subsides ; also comes on at breakfast and lasts till 4 P. M. After catching cold neuralgia- of jaws and temples, sometimes one side and sometimes the other; at first attacks came on at a regu- lar hour at night, and lasted about an hour and a half; he then caught a fresh cold and pains were almost incessant, dull aching, often very severe, worse during the night. Pain in all three divisions of the fifth pair of nerves on left side, from exposure to cold draught of air ; worry or anxiety always brings on an attack, which generally begins about 5 P. if., and lasts with little intermission three or four days. SULPHUR. 139 Besides sharp dartings, which occur every few moments, the affected side of the face is extremely sore and tender, while the scalp is so sensitive that she can hardly bear the touch of the comb and cannot find a pillow soft enough. Sharp stabbing pains below left zygoma, at times darting up side of head, implicating gums and dental nerves ; teeth sound, chewing and talking very difficult, at times impossible ; sleep greatly disturbed ; pains come and go suddenly. (Bell.) Pains extend up left side of lace, teeth, and head ; neck stiff, face greatly swollen ; pain worse in cold air and in the evening, better from warmth and walking about ; often comes on with a twinge, when sucking the teeth, darts up side of head and then as suddenly leaves ; at times the pains shoot up to the eyes, sometimes on one side, again on the other ; a pain in back of head as if scalp had been beaten. Burning of soles of feet ; (Ars.) Tic douloureux on right cheek ; several de- cayed teeth on same side. Aggr. From cold air, draught of air, at 3 A. M., 5 P. M., 9 P. M. to 3 A. If., mornings after rising, evenings, at night, every 24 hours, at noon or at midnight, mid-summer or mid-win- ter, from pressure on spinous processes of cer- vical vertebrae. 140 SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. Amel. From warmth, from walking, in the morning, 1 A. M., 4 P. M. 112. SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. A gnawing pain begins at 9 A. M. in ramus of lower jaw and temple of right side; better from tear mth and lying on the affected side ; comes on gradually and leaves suddenly. Right-sided neuralgia, affecting face from temple to lower canine teeth, aching and jerk- ing pain with twitches and contortions of face and deep blue circle under right eye ; chatter- ing of the teeth, dimness of sight, black appear- ance or wavering of objects before the eyes. Buzzing in right ear; frequent sensation as if skin of cheek, and chin, were pinched ; ivorse in bed and from excess of heat or cold. Painful shocks in forehead and temples, ivorse in forenoon and evening, Aggr, From excess of heat or cold, in the forenoon 9 A. M. and evening, in bed. Amel. From warmth, and lying on the af- fected side. 113. SYPHILINUM. Neuralgia every night, beginning about 8 or 9 P. M., gradually increasing in severity until it reached its height, about 3 or 4 A. M., and after continuing thus for three to four hours gradually SYPHILINUM. 141 decreased, and finally ceased about 10 A. M. ; the attacks get gradually more severe and last longer; first feels cold all over, almost a shiver, then soreness as if beaten in right half of head, extending a little beyond middle line on vertex ; in about thirty minutes scalding lachrymation from right eye, with shooting backward, in- creased to a boring backward therein ; the eye is very red and closes with photophobia, gnaw- ing pains extend down right side of face and whole of nose ; the head is the worst, when the eye is bad ; during paroxysm the right eye feels as if lids were wide open, and cold air blowing on exposed eye. She perceives a horizontal band across pupil of right eye, hindering sight; this came on soon after paroxysm commenced ; the eye is relieved by placing a handkerchief on head and letting it hang over eyes, also by gentle pressure, though she cannot bear much pressure ; it is more painful when lying on right {affected) side, when also right side of head feels sore. Eight eye red, and red vessels run all over it, converging toward iris ; right pupil horizontally oval, right iris looks dull, and there is a slight brown hue around pupil, the left eye is normal ; attacks seem to have orig- inated from sitting at a window in a cold draught, the right eye being next to the win- dow. 142 SYPHILINUM. Body, extremities and face covered with syphilides, a sticking soreness begins in throat every evening between 6 and 7 o'clock, and continues to grow worse during the night ; exceedingly restless until 4 A. M., then a rest- less sleep for a few hours. Can scarcely swal- low; when swallowing a sensation as if throat were tearing to pieces ; continual throbbing in the throat, worse from cold and hot drinks and lying down; throbbing in temples and ears, boring in ears, meeting in center of brain ; sensation as if top of head were coming off; drawing pain in eyes worse from lamplight; teeth pain when eating, also when taking any- thing hot or cold, feel as if they were loose, better from pressing teeth together and pressing throat with hands. Excessive flow of saliva, it runs out of the mouth when sleeping ; severe pain in neck, better from bending head backward ; ach- ing pain in the shoulders and knees, rending tearing pains throughout the body, better when moving about slowly ; had his wife hide his re- volver, lest in a fit of desperation he might kill himself, as was his desire during the extreme paroxysms of pain : strikes wall with fists, and beats head against the wall for relief. Stools hard and dry, like sheep's dung ; desire for stool three or four times a day, but only a little scentless wind passes, which gives relief; the TABACUM. 143 pain in the head is better from sitting on stool. Is easy offended, gets desperate, cannot bear to be alone ; great anxiety about getting well ; at night no position suits him, walks the floor or goes into the street and walks slowly about. Sleepy all the time but cannot sleep, dreams about his disease ; frequent urination with sud- den desire ; discharges large quantities of mud- dy urine. Neuralgia, causing sleeplessness or delirium at night, from 4 P. M. till daylight, worse at 10 or 11 P. M. Aggr. At night, 8 or 9 P. M. to 10 A. M., 3 to 4 A. M., 6 or 7 P. M. to 4 A. M., 10 or 11 P. M., from lying down, lying on right or affected side, cold or hot drinks, from lamplight. Amel. At daybreak, during the day, from gentle pressure, pressing teeth together, press- ing throat with hands, bending head backward, moving about slowly, sitting on stool, having handkerchief hanging over eyes. 114. TABACUM. Neuralgic pains in face, neck and between shoulders ; violent tearing in bones of right side of face and teeth, glowing heat in the face with redness, frequently on one side only ; worse evenings. 144 TEREBINTH. 115. TEREBINTH. Neuralgia, with a sensation of coldness in the nerve, occasionally like hot water running through a tube. Ciliary neuralgia with acute conjunctivitis, injection of conjunctiva variable, sometimes excessive, again very moderate, amounting to hardly more than a simple hyperemia, at no time commensurate with the severity of the pain ; redness, usually dark, especially in later stages, but may be bright during the height of the inflammation ; chemosis, infiltration into cellular tissue of orbit ; deep ciliary injection, swelling of lids, photophobia and laehryma- tion. Pupil contracted, dilates slowly, but regularly under atropine; tension changeable, even within a short time, though more fre- quently diminished than otherwise ; eyeball sensitive to touch, pain excessive and always present, varies from a dull grumbling, aching, beating, sore pain to a severe, sharp, darting, almost driving the patient crazy, especially severe over and around the eye, extending through to occiput on corresponding side, often following the course of the supra-orbital nerve, always worse at night, and frequently ac- companied by severe paroxysms, particularly in early morning, 1 to 3 A. M. Corresponding THUJA. 145 side of face flushed, scanty, high colored urine and pain in the back. Neuralgic and nervous headaches, relieved by free micturition ; coming and going all day, on right side of head ; hot flushes in the face, followed by slight sweat, sudden twitching of limbs as from an electric shock. Intense pains along tracts of large nerve trunks ; violent neuralgia in course of supra- orbital nerve ; shooting pain, like lightning or heavy beating, squeezing, crawling, tingling, with a feeling of heaviness or as if asleep. Aggr. At night, 1 to 3 A. M. Amel. By free micturition. 116. THUJA. Neuralgic pains of an intense, stabbing char- acter, are well nigh unbearable and drive patient to distraction, when he sits up may even produce unconsciousness; from left malar bone to ear, teeth, nose and back to whole head painful spots burn like fire and are sen- sitive to the sun. Prosopalgia after suppression of an eczema- tous eruption on ear ; during the day parox- ysms of pain occur every 5 or 6 minutes, very intense, but of short duration, less often at night. The pain begins about lips and gums, spreads thence over the whole right side of the 11 146 VALERIANA. face, which is congested and is followed by a feeling of tension and numbness. Neuralgia at 3 A. M. almost constant in left side of face on level of zygomatic process and malar bone. Ciliary neuralgia with cold feeling in the eye, the pains go up and backward. Aggr. During the day, in the evening, at 3 A. M. Clinical. Case L Patient had recurring for ten suc- cessive nights at precisely 3 A. M. a violent prosopalgia in spite of morphine and quinine. One dose of Thuja cured him. — J. A. Tom- hagen, M. D., Chicago, 111., Horn. Phys., 1895, p. 363. 117. VALERIANA. Fierce pains shooting through left side of face, and dart into teeth, ear and arm ; mus- cles of face twitch ; pains appear suddenly and in jerks ; spasmodic twitching, drawing in cheekbones. 118. VERATRUM ALBUM. Drawing tearing pains in right side of face, or going from left to right, with bluish pale face, features pinched, sunken ; eyes sunken and limbs cold; indigestion, chilliness, VERATRTTM ALBUM. 147 excessive prostration, fainting ; tearing in temples, cheeks and eyes, with heat and red- ness of face, worse mornings, better evenings. Facial neuralgia with cold extremities, cold sweat, nausea and vomiting, driving to mad- ness, worse in damp weather, when getting warm in bed. mornings; better evenings, and temporarily from moving about; in anaemic persons. Trembling of whole body, twitching of limbs after the attack, general cold sweat and prostra- tion. Suddenly aroused from sleep by a severe at- tack of prosopalgia: left side of face and head affected, constant crying, pain continuous, not relieved by warmth. Face red, especially on affected side, which is hot and bluish red; left eye injected: pain in supra- and infra-orbital nerves and branches. Intermittent frontal neuralgia, face very pale; eyes sunken and dull; limbs cold: nearly every fifteen minutes vomiting of greenish yellow serum, ceasing as the pain abates. Neuralgia palpebrals in upper lid, pain severe on slightest pressure or least touch, as if a hundred fine needlepoints were suddenly thrust into lid. Could not open the eyes in the morn- ing on first waking, it seemed as if inner sur- face of lids were too dry and that they stuck fast to the ball. 148 VERATRUM YIRIDE. Aggr. On getting warm in bed, mornings, from slightest pressure or least touch,in damp weather. Amel. Evenings and temporarily from moving about. 119. VERATRUM VIRIDE. Neuralgic pain in right temple close to eyes, with dull frontal headache. 120. VERBASOUM. Periodical neuralgia with pain like crushing as with tongs, benumbing, sometimes lightning like, particularly beginning in malar bone and articulation of jaw, occurs often twice a day. Infra- and supra-orbital neuralgia, periodi- cally, at the same hour, morning and afternoon each day, with coryza and lachry mation, ivorse from change of temperature, from pressure or motion of any muscle of the face, talking, sneezing, at 9 A. H. and 4 P. M. Lightning-like pains shoot over right side of face, on talking, sneezing, biting hard, or touching teeth with tongue, worse mornings, lasting from ten minutes to an hour, tearing, twitching, stitching, frequent intolerable pain from right temple to angle of mouth; during attack, face red, head hot, belching of wind, expectoration of tenacious saliva, severe vertigo, pressing tearing pain in left side of head. ZINCUM METALLICUM. 149 Prosopalgia on left side at exit of supra-orbi- tal nerve, tearing, cutting pains from thence to forehead, zygoma and cheek, during height of paroxysm also affecting right side; painful spots very sensitive to touch, not entirely lost during free period. Attacks appear about 9 A. M., attain their height about noon, and then grad- ually diminish in intensity till 4 P. M., and dis- appear. During the attack eyes dim, dull, look small- er than usual, especially left eye, which is swollen, sees as if through a fog; face red, de- spondent, worse from least motion or draught of air. Caused by exposure to cold air. Aggr. Mornings, noon, 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., from change of temperature, from pressure, motion, even of any muscle of face, from talking, sneezing, biting hard, touching teeth with tongue, from draught of air. 121. ZINCUM METALLICUM. Severe burning, lancinating, lightning-like shocks and jerks, from infra-orbital foramen over right side of head to occiput ; face on right side swollen, tense and hot, eye swollen and retracted into orbit, eyelids bluish, a sensa- tion in the teeth, as if they would be pulled out, tongue numb, throat constricted and secre- 150 ZINCUM METALLICUM. tion of saliva increased. Attacks mostly after eating, between 5 to 7 P. M., lasted from one to three hours, and during that time could not bear the least touch of head, and screamed from severe pain. Neuralgia through face and brain continu- ally, ivorse at menstrual period ; was obliged to lie with head hanging over side of bed, and body in a prone position ; the thought of food makes her sick, and the sight of meat nauseates her. Aggr. Between 5 and 7 P. M., from touch, and at menstrual period, after eating. Repertory of Facial Neuralgia. AGGRAVATIONS. Air, from change of : Staph. , — cold : Agar., Ars., Calc. c, Hep., Kali c, Mag c, Mag. phos., Plant, m., Rhus t., Sep., Sil., Spig., Sulph. , going into f rorn warm room : Natr. s. , — damp : Spig. , — draught of cold : Bell., Calc. phos., Caps., Chin.^ Coff. c, Kali phos., Mag. c, Mag. phos., Nux v., Sil., Sulph., Verb. , or warm : Caps. , — fresh : Chin . , — open: Chel., Hep. s., Kali phos., Kreos., Rhus t., Spig., Spong. Afternoon, in the: Calc. c, Cimicfg., Hypr., Kami., Lac c, Nux v., Pip. meth., Sulph., Verb. , — till midnight : Spig. Alone, when : Pip. meth. Applications, from cold : Rhod., Rhus t. , — warm : Cedr. , Spig. Applications, from cold or warm : Puis. Ascending: Ars., Chin, ars Asleep, on falling : Caps. Autumn, in the : Rhod. Awaking, on : Iris v., Lach., Sep. , — in the morning : Aloe. Bathing face and neck in cold water : Mag. phos., Bed, after being a short time in : Carb. v., Puis., Sil., Sulph. ac. , on getting warm in : Verat. alb. 1 54 AGGRAVATIONS. , from heat of: Clem., Glon., Mere, v., Mez., Puis., Yerat. alb. , rising from : Rhus t. Bending forward, from : Lac c. Bright object, from : Cocci. Chewing, from : Alumin., Arg. n., Aur., Bell, Cham., CorL c, Kali m., Puis., Spig. Cold, from : Aeon., Calc. phos., Dulc., Kali c, Mag. phos., Nux v,, Rhus t. air, from : Chin., Mag. phos., Nux v., Rhus t. , — draught of : Bell : Calc. phos., Caps., Chin., Coif, c, Kali phos., Mag. c, Mag. phos., Nux ■ v.,Sil., Sulph., Verb. , from body getting: Kreos., Mag. phos. things, when putting in the mouth : Arg. n., Phos. , or hot things : Puis., Sep. , or heat extremes of, from : Plant, m., Sulph. ac. , wind : Lac c, Mag. phos. Cooking, from odors of : Colch., Sep. Crying, when : Gels. Day, during the : Bell., Cimicfg., Calc. c, Mag. phos., Puis., Thuj. or night; Mez., Rhod., Sil. .Daily: Chin. s. Dinner or meal, from loss of a, at the usual hour : Cact. gr. Draught of cold air, from: Bell; Calc. phos., Caps. Chin., CofT. c, Kali phos., Mag. c, Mag. phos., Nux. v., Sil., Sulph., Verb. or warm : Caps. Drinking, when : Mag. phos. Drinks, from cold or hot : Syph. , — warm : Cham. Driving, while : Kali phos. (i. e., in open air). AGC4RAVAT10NS. 155 Eating, when : Bry., Gels.. Mag. phos., Mez., Phos., Plant, m., Spig., Spong., Syph. , after : Agar., Xux v.. Zinc. fruit, from : Kali m. solid food, from : Coff. e. sour things : Arg. n., Kali m. Emotions, from : Atrop.. Caps.. Cupr. aeet. Evenings: Agn.. Aloe., Ars., Caps., Carb. v., Cedr.. Cep., Grot, h., Hyper., Ign.. Ipec., Iris v., Merc, v., Mez., Plat.. Pip. meth., Puis., Ehod., Rhus t,. Sep.. Spong., Strain. Sulph., Sulph. ac, Tabac, Thuj., Zinc. Evening till midnight : Puis. morning : Sulph. Exercise, from : Merc. v. Exertion, from mental : Brv., Gale. phos.. Gels.. Kalm. Xux v., Lac c, Stai3h. -, — a slight : Bry., Cact. gr., Gale. phos. Excitement, from: Lycopd., Sep.. Staph. Eyes, from closing:. Gimicfg., Medor. , moving the : Bry., Kali c. , opening the : Bry.. Cocci. , rolling the, or pressing lids together : Medor. , use of: Bry. Eace, from moving any muscle of: Verb. Fatigue : Ars. Food, eating cold or warm : Puis. , — solid : Coff. c, Staph. , — warm : Bism. nitr.. Mez. , the thought of : Zinc. Forenoon : .Esc. Nux v., Plat.. Polyp, off.. Sulph. ac. Fright: Lycopd. Gradual : Kali m., Kalm., Medor., Rhus t. Hat, from pressure of : Staph. 156 AGGRAVATIONS. Head, from taking cold in the : Sep. , — holding down the : Chel. , — moving the : Kali c. , — shaking the : Fer. phos. Heart, at every throb of the : Macrot. Heat, from: Kalm., Mez., Natr. m., Plant, m., Puis., Sulph. ac. Hot or cold things, when taking in the mouth : Puis. Hour, at the same, each day : Cedr., Kali bi., Kali cy. , morning and evening : Verb. Hours, every two or three : Mag. phos. , — twenty-four : Sulph. Jarring, from : Bell., Chin., Chin, s., Cocc, Colch., Spig. Jaw, moving the : Kali c. Light, from : Bell., Chel., Chin., Chin, s., Cocci., Kali phos., Natr. m., Kux v., Spig. , artificial, from : Crot. h., Natr. m., Syph. , from strong, bright : Cact. gr. Lying down, from, after running : Strain. , while : Bell., Cham., Cedr., Chin, off., Ferr., Gels., Lac c, Phos., Pip. meth., Puis., Spig., Syph. , — , at night: Clem., Con., Hyper., Mag. c, Mag. phos., Merc, v., Mez. , , on affected side : Clem., Puis., Spig., Syph. , — , on back : Arg. m. , — , in bed : Coloc, Carb. v. , — , on left side : Nat. s., Nitr. spts. die, Puis. , — , on side not affected : Puis. , — , — , right side : Merc, v., Syph. , — , with head low : Puis. Masticating solid food, when : Aloe, Bism.nitr., Staph. Meal, after a : Agar., Ars. AGGRAVATIONS. 157 Menses, during the: Caust., Crot. h., Gels., Lob., Mag. c, Mez., Puis., Sulph., Zinc. Mental disturbances : Nitr. spts. die. exertion, from : Xux v., Staph. Midnight, before : Mez., Puis. , at : Sulph. , after : Ars. Midsummer in, or midwinter : Sulph. Mornings: Agar., Aloe, Chin., Chin, s., Cinn., Crot. h.,Cupr. act., Ign., Ipec, Kali bi., Lac c, Mag. phos.,Nuxv., Phos., Sang., Sep., Sulph., Ye rat. alb., Verb. till evenings : Kali bi., Spig., Stan. afternoon: Sulph. Motion from: Aeon., Agar., Atrop., Bell., Bry., Calc. c, Chin., Chin, ars., Cocc, Coff. c, Coloc, Ferr. phos., Gels., Iris v., Kali c, Kali phos., Kreos., Nux v., Prun. sp., Khod., Rhus t., Spig., Verb. of head, eye or jaw : Kali c. , — any muscle of face : Verb. Mouth, from opening the : Agar., Alum., Cocc, Mag. phos., Phos. , — putting cold things in the : Arg. n., Phos. , or hot things in the : Puis., Sep. Music, from : Cact. gr., Nux v. Xight, at: Aeon., Agar., Ars., Calc. phos., Caust., Cham., Chel., Chin., Cimicfg., Clem., Coloc, Con., Ferr., Hyper., Iris v., Kalni., Lach.. Mag. c, Mag. phos., Merc, v., Mez.. Phyt., Plat., Prun. sp., Puis., Bhus t., Sep., Sil., Spig., Stram., Sulph., Syph., Tereb. , occurs regularly, well during the day : Mag. phos. 158 AGGRAVATIONS. , when lying down : Clem., Con., Hypr., Mag. c, Mag. phos., Merc, v., Mez. Noise, from: Aeon., Bell, Chin., Chin, s., Coff. c., Cocc, Kali phos., Nux v., Sep., Spig., Stan, Noon, at: Con., Kali bi., Mez., Natr. m., Polyp, off., Spig., Stan., St ram., Sulph., Verb. , from, till evening : Sulph. , , — midnight: Bell., Polyp, off. Occupation, least : Puis. Odors, from : Nux v. , — , of cooking : Ars., Colch., Sep. Open air, in the : Kali phos., Kreos. Paroxysms, in: Cedr., Chin., Chin, s., Sep. Periodical: Carb. v., Chin., Chin, s., Gels., Gion., Ipec, Mez., Polyp, off., Spig. Pressure from : Chin., Cin., Gels., Mag. phos., Spig., Staph., Sulph., Verat. alb., Verb. , — , on spinous processes of cervical vertebrae : Sulph. Reading, from : Pip. meth. Rest, from: Agar., Ars., Coloc, Ferr., Iris, v., Mag. c, Plat,, Puis., Rhod., Rhus t., Ruta. Riding, from: Caust., Mag. phos. Rising, from : Kali phos., Pip. meth. Room, in a warm : Cep., Mez., Puis. , from a warm, on going into cold air : Natr. s. Sitting when: Guj., Thuj. Sleep, after: Aloe, Iris v., Lach., Phos., Rhus t., Verat. alb. , during and after: Lach. Sneezing, from : Verb. Sour things, from eating: Arg. n., Kali m. Speaking, from : Bry., Kali m., Kreos., Mez., Phos., Puis.. Rhod., Rhus t., Sep., Verb. AGGR AV ATIONS. 159 Spring, in the: Nitr. spts. die, Bhod. Standing, when: Gnj., Nux v., Spig. Stool, dnring: Spig. Stooping: Am. hi., Coloc, Ferr. phos, Gels., Kali bi., Kali c, Puis., Spig. Storm, before a: Bhod. Sil. , thunder : Sep. Summer, in mid- and mid-winter : Sulph. Sun, comes and goes with the : (see morning till even- ing) : Kali bi., Kalm., Natr. m., Spig. 5 from heat of: Natr. m. Swallowing: Bell., Phos. . Temperature, from change of : Mag. c, Verb. Thinking, when: Natr. m., Pip. nieth. Time : 2 A. M. : Spig. 3 A. M. : Sulph., Thuj. 7 A. M. : Natr. m. 8 A. M. : Nux v. 9 A. M. : Kali bi., Lac c, Nux v. Sulph. ac, Verb. 10 A. M. : Chin., Chin, s., Gels. 11 A. M. : Mag. phos., Nux v.. Puis. 12 noon : Natr. m., Polyp, off., Spig., Strain., Sulph., Verb. 1 P. M. : Coff. c. 2 P.M.: Mag. phos. 3 P. M. : Pip. nieth., Chin. s. 4 P. M. : Chin, s., Coloc, Verb. 5 P. M. : Sulph. 6 P. M. : Puis. 10 P. M. : Chin, s., Coloc, Tgn. 10 or 11P.M.: Syph. 11 P. M. : Bell. 12 at night: Sulph. 160 AGGRAVATIONS, 12 at night to 2 A. M. : Ars. 1 A. M. to 3 A. M. : Tereb. to 3 A. M. : Kali c. to 11 or 12 A. M. : Glon. to 11 A. M. : Puis, to 5 P. M. : Puis, to 12 noon : Chin. s. to 11 A. M. : Nux v. to 3 P. M. : Stan, to 4 P. M. : Kali cy. to 1 P. M. : Ign. to 2 or 3 P. M. : Chin. M. to noon: Stram., Verb. to 3 or 4 P. M. : Caust. until afternoon : Kali bi. until 2 P. M. : Nux v. M. until noon, or 3 or 4 P. M. : Stan. 10 A. M. until 3 to 4 and 11 P. M. : Chin. s. 11 A. M. until 4 P. M. : Puis. 12 at noon to 12 midnight : Bell. - 2 or 3 P. M. to 3 A. M. : Bell. 3 or 4 P. M. to 9 or 10 P. M. : Calc. c. 4 P. M. to 8 P. M. : Lycopd. 5 P. M. to 7 P. M. : Zinc. 6 P. M. to 12 at night : Puis. 6 P. M. to 4 A. M. : Guaj. 6 or 7 P. M. to 3 or 4 A. M. : Syph. 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. : Cedr. 8 or 9 P. M. to 3 or 4 A. M. : Syph. 9 P. M. to 3 A. M. : Sulph. 11:30 P. M. to 3:30 A. M. : Spig. hour, at the same each day : Cedr. , morning and afternoon each day : Verb. 2 A. M. 6 A. M. 7 A. M. 7 A. M. 7 A. M. 8 A. M. 4 A. M. 4 A. M. 8 A. M. 8 A. M. 9 A. M. 9 A. M. 9 A. M. 9 A. M. A. M. AGGRAVATIONS. 161 Tobacco, from use of: Clem., Ign. Touch, from : Agar., Agn., Bell., Bry., Caps., Caust., Chin., Chin, s., Cocci., Cocc, Coif, c, Coloc, Cupr. acet., Cupr. m., Hep., Kalim., Lach., Mag. c, Mag. phos., Phos., Plant, m., Sabin., Staph., Stram., Yerat. alb., Zinc. Touching lip with fork, spoon or any metallic sub- stance : Staph. teeth together or to food : Bell. with tongue : Verb. Vault or cellar, from going in a : Xatr. s. Vomiting from : Nitr. spts. die. Waking : Agar., Aloe. Walking : Mag. phos. Warmth, from : Chel., Natr. m., Mez., Puis. Washing, — : Coff. c, Mag. phos., Mez. , — , in cold water : Kreos. , Mag. phos. Water, cold, sensitive to : Arg. n., Calc. c, Phos. , — , from standing in : Calc. c, Mag. phos. Weather, from change of : Calc. phos., Caust., Gels., Rhod., Spig., Verb. , from cold : Cep., Kreos., Mag. c, Phos., Rhus t. , — damp: Cep., Natr. s., Phos., Sep., Spig., Verat. alb. , — stormy, windy : Caust., Phos., Rhod., Spig., Verb. , — wet: Dulc, Merc, v., Xux v., Phos. Wind, from dry, cold: Aeon., Lac c, Mag. phos., Rhod. , — east : Calc. c. , — north : Sep. , — north-east: Cep., Rhus, t., Sep. , — south, warm and moist : Ipec. Wine, from : Cact. gr. 12 162 AMELIORATION. Winter: Nitr. spts. die. , in mid - and midsummer: Sulph. Worry, from: Kalm., Staph. Yawning, from : Aloe. AMELIORATION. Air, open : Cep., Chin., Coloc, Kali bi., Natr. m., Natr. s., Nux v., Pip. met., Puis., Sabin., Sulph. , cold : Apis, Chin., Kalm., Puis. Afternoon: Lach., Natr. m. Applications, cold: Bry., Chin., Lace, Kali phos., Spig. , warm : Coloc, Dulc, Lac c, Lach., Mag. phos., Spig. , warm or cold : Lac c, Spig. Bed, lying in : Nux v. Bending forward, > retraction of head B :_Grels. Chewing : Cupr. acet. Cold: Apis, Bism. nitr., Chin., Kalm., Puis. Day, during the: Mag. phos., Merc, v., Sep., Syph. Dinner, after : Natr. s. Diversion of mind : Pip. met. Drinks, warm: Chin., Bhus-t. Eating : Chin., Kali bi., Khod., Spig. Evening : Kali bi., Spig., Stan., Sulph., Verat. alb. Excitement, pleasant : Pip. meth., Kali phos. Exercise, gentle : Kali phos. , violent : Iris v., Sep. Exhausted, when patient is : Ign. Eyes, covering with handkerchief: Syph. Flatus, from passing : Syph. Food, warm: Kalm., Rhus tox. AMELIORATION. 163 Gradually till 4 P. M. : Caust., Mez. Hand, warmth of : Kali plios. Head, bending back the : Syph. , keeping steady the : Lac c. , raising the : Kali c. Hard pressure: Bell., Coloc, Bhus t. Heat : Kali c, Mag. phos., Spig. and pressure ; Mag. phos. Hot tea or water : Mag. phos. Ice, holding in the mouth or chewing : Coff. c. Leaning forward : Sep. Lying down: Bell., Calc. phos., Cimicfg., Coff. c, Sep. in bed : Xux v. — , with head hanging down over side of bed : Zinc. on affected side : Bry., Cupr. act., Ign., Sulph. ac. back : Ign . face : Spig. still in bed : Cact. gr., Spig. Micturition, free : Tereb. Midnight, after: Polyp, off. Morning early : Chel., Mag. phos., Spig., Sulph. Motion : Agar., Cedr., Ferr., Kali phos., Bhus t. continued : Iris v., Bhus t. — -slow: Chin., Coloc, Ferr., Xatr. s., Mag. c, Pip. meth., Bhus t.< Syph. Moving about, relieves temporarily : Yerat. alb. Xight: Cimicfg., Coloc. Cupr. acet., Kami., Staph. Open air: Cep., Chin., Coloc, Kali bi., Xatr. m., Xatr. s., Xux v., Pip. meth., Puis., Sabin., Sulph. Position, change of : Pip. meth. Pressing teeth together : Syph. 164 AMELIORATION. Pressure: Aur., Bell., Bry., Chel., Chin, s., Coloe., Cupr. acet., Ign., Kali bi., Gruaj., Mag. phos., Nux v., Rhus t., Sang., Sep., Spig., Stan., Staph., Syph. , hard : Bell.. Coloc, Rhus t., Spig. of hand on throat : Syph. Quiet, in a dark room, when : Mez. Rest, from: Calc. phos., Coloc, Merc, v., Prun. sp., Spig., Staph. Rising, when : Puis. Room dark : Mez. warm : Calc. c, Lac c, Sep., Staph. Rubbing : Rhus t. with wet cold hand or cloth dipped in cold water : Caust. Sitting upright : Bell., Ferr.,Puls., Sulph. Sleep, from: Cocci., Cupr. acet., Ign., Mag. phos., Phos., Sep. Smoking, from : Clem. Solitude, : Staph. Standing, : Spig. Storm, after a : Rhod. Sunset, : Nux v. Sweating, while : Chel. Tea, from hot : Mag. phos. Teeth, from pressing together the : Syph. Throat, with hands — : Syph. Time : 1 A. M. : Sulph. 4 A. M. : Syph. 7 A. M. to 8 A. M. : Rhus t. 2 P. M. : Nux v. 3 P.M.: Stram., Sulph. 4 P. M. : Puis., Sulph. 6 P. M. : Stan. CAUSES. 165 Walking, when : Agar., Ars., Coloc, Ferr., Guaj. Sulph. Warm applications : Lac c, Lach., Mag. phos. drink or food : Rhus t. room, in a : Lac c. , walking in a : Coloc, Sep., Staph. wraps, from : Atrop. Warmth, from : Ars., Bell., Calc. phos., Kali c, Kali phos., Mag. phos., Nux v., Phos., Rhod., Rhus t., Sil., Sulph., Sulph. ac. at first relieves, then aggr. : St ram. , from external applications of: Coloc, Dulc, Mag. phos. of hand, from : Kali phos. Water, applications of , at first relieve, could not be borne later : Spig. , cold, from : Bism. nitr., Chel. , holding in the mouth, from : Bism. nitr., Clem. -, from hot, or hot tea : Mag. phos. Weather, warm dry, from : Xatr. s. Wrapping head up day and night, from : Phos., Spig. up warm, from : Cupr. acet., Hep., Mez. CAUSES. Air, from dry cold : Aeon., Verb. Anaemia, from : Ign., Phos. Anger, : Cham. Anxiety,—: Sep., Sulph. Ascarides, — : Ign. Biliousness, from : Cham., Chel. Blood, from loss of : Phos. Catarrhal conditions, from : Kali c 166 CAUSES. Cathartics, from : Nux v. Cellar, from going in the : Ars., Natr. s., Rhus t. Chills, after : Stan. Coffee, from abuse of : Nux v. Cold, from: Dulc, Kalm., Merc, v., Mez. , getting a : Calc. c, Mag. phos., Mez., Nitr. spts. die, Phos., Spig., Sulph. Damp house, from a : Natr. s. Diet, from poor : Puis. Disease, an exhausting : Phos. Diuresis, : Ign. Draught of air, from a : Sil. — cold air, in right eye : Syph. Draught of cold air, from a : Sulph. Emotions, from: Tgn. Eruptions, from suppressed : Thuj. , after herpetic : Mez, Excitement, from : Cact. gr., Sep. Exertion, from mental : Coff. c, Naja^, Nux v. , — physical : Naja. Exostoses, — : Phos. Fat food: Puis. people, in : Calc. c. Fatigue, from : Sep. Gonorrhoea from : Ign. Gouty constitutions, in : Colch. Gravies, from : Puis. Herpetic eruptions, from suppression of : Mez. Hemorrhoids, from suppression of: Ign. Hours, from keeping late : Puis. House, from a damp : Natr. s. Lean people, in : Mag. phos. Light, from strong : Cact. gr. CAUSES. 167 Liquors, from use of: Ign., Nux v. Liver, from a torpid : Chel., Polyp, off. Malaria, from: Ars., Cedr., Chin., Chin, s., Gels., Ign., Stan., Sulph. Meal, from loss of a, at the usual hour : Cact. gr. Melancholy, from : Ign. Menses, during the : Sep., Stan. Mental work from : CofT. c, Naja, Xux v. Mercury, from abuse of: Hep. s., Kali m., Mez., Staph. Musical excesses : Cact. gr., Ign. Nerves, dental, from derangement of : Hekl. Nervous women, in : Gels. Nursing, from prolonged : Ign. Overeating, from : Naja. Overheating, : Ferr. Overwork, — - : Nux v. Pastries, from : Puis. Perspiration, from checked : Aeon., Ign., Rhus t. Pollutions, from : Ign. Pregnancy, during : Ign., Stan. Quinine, after : Ars., Nux v., Stan. Rheumatism, from : Cimicfg., Phyt. Sedentary occupation : Nux v. Sexual excesses : Tgn. Spine, from irritation of : Ign. Standing in cold water, from : Calc. c, Mag. phos. Storm, from approach of a : Sil. Syphilis: Phyt., Syph. Tea, from: Sep. Teeth, seems to arise from : Mez. Tobacco, from: Bell., Plant, m., Sep. Tooth, from a carious: CofT. c, Glon., Hekl., Kali phos., Phos. Typhoid fever, during ; Ign. 168 CONCOMITANTS. Uterine disease, from : Cimicfg. — - functions, from disturbance of: Sep. Yenery from : Sep. Vexation or mortified feeling, from : Coloc. Water, cold, from standing in : Calc. c, Mag. phos. , — , from washing in : Ferr., Mag. phos. Weather, from change of : Caust. , from damp rainy : Nux v., Spig. , — stormy : Nitr. spts. die. Wet, from, or dampness : Dulc. , — , getting : Rhus t. Wind, being in the : Mez. , exposure to dry cold : Hep. s. , from strong north : Mag. phos. , — east — : Rhus t. , from riding in the : Sep. Wine : Cact. gr. Women, in delicate, nervous, sensitive : Sep. Worry, from : Sulph. Zona, after : Mez. Zoster, from suppression of : Mez. CONCOMITANTS. AFTER THE PAROXYSM. Abdomen, pain and weak feeling in : Lach. Body, trembling of : Yerat. alb. Bones, sore : Hep. s. Face, muscles of, paralyzed: Spig. , numbness in : Thuj. , tension in : Thuj. Headache, dull frontal : Coloc. Head, heat in : Cocci. Hunger, canine : Dulc. CONCOMITANTS. 169 Lachryination : Puis. Limbs, twitching of : Verat alb. Menses, followed by itching, acrid leucorrhcea : Mez. Nausea and vomiting : Naja. Numbness: Kalm., Mez., Nux v., Plat. Scalp sore : Kali bi. Skin of face and scalp sore : Kali bi. Vomiting and nausea : Naja. Weak feeling : Spig. in abdomen : Lach. BEFORE THE PAROXYSM. Breathing, difficult, short, wheezing, while eating : Nitr. spts. dulc. Bruised feeling : Ign. Chills: Sep. severe, shaking ; Sabad. Chilliness : Cocc. Cold all over, shivers : Syph. , becomes very : Dulc. Crawling and itching : Aeon. Eye, sensation of horizontal baud across pupil of right eye, hindering sight : Syph. Face, heat in : Coloc. Feet cold : Cocc. Forehead, heat in : Coloc. Heat, running up in head and face : Lach. Ill humor: Ign. Irritable: Cocc. Itching and crawling : Aeon. Nausea : Naja. Palpitation : Spig. Pandiculations : Ign. Prostration: Cocc. 170 CONCOMITANTS. Sensation of horizontal band across pupil of right eye, hindering sight : Syph. Sleep : Cocci,, Ign. (uneasy). Sore, as if beaten on right side of head : Syph. Sweat: Ign. Tension: Ign. Trembling : Sep. Twitching: Ign. Vomiting and nausea : Naja. Yawning: Cocc. DURING THE PAROXYSM. Abdomen, distended : Sep. , griping in: Staph. Agitation, nervous: Spig. Agony: Stann. Air, blowing in right ear, sensation of : Caust. , hot, as if just in front of her : Sulph. , open, sensitive to : Rhus t. Alone, aversion to be : Syph. Anaesthesia: Aeon. Angered easy : Nux v. Angina pectoris : Tabac. Anguish : Aeon., Ars. Antrum, itching in : Sil. Ants, as if running over chest : Mez. Anxiety : Aeon , Cham., Plat., Sabad. , precordial : Spig. Anus, burning in : Iris v. Appetite good : Sep. poor: Cupr. act., Mez., Nux v. Apprehension, of a long and painful illness: Mag. phos. Apoplexy, as if struck with : Kali cy. CONCOMITANTS. 171 Arms, numbness of: Chin., Cimicfg., Kalm. , pain in : Nitr. spts. dulc. , throwing upward of: St ram. Articulation almost impossible : Lach. Back, pain in : Tereb. Ball in throat, sensation of: Kalm. Bed, cannot stay in : Mag. c, Mag. plios. Belching of wind : Verb. Bend over, must (Ign.) kneel down and hold head tight to the floor to get relief: Sang. Black objects appear before eyes : Sulph. ac. Blood vessels, fullness of : Ferr. Body, itching and scratching of: Gels. , shocks and starts through : Strain. Brain, shooting through : Prun. sp. , void sensation in : Cupr. act. Breath, cannot get a full : Sulph. Breathing oppressed : Staph. stertorous : Glon. Bruised sensation : Puis. Burning in soles of feet : Ars., Sulph. Caries threatening : Phos. Catarrhal discharge from right nostril : Sang. or left nostril : Puis. Cheek bones, swelling of: Calc. c. Cheeks and lobules of ears red and swollen : Chin. blue : Cham. burning, heat in : Nitr. spts. die. dark red : Spig. , drawing in : Caust. hard and swollen : Cham. swelling of: Aur., Cep., Cham., Chin., Sep. , sensation of: Staph. Chemosis : Tereb. 172 CONCOMITANTS. Chest, oppression of: Puis. Chew, unable to: Bell., Hell., Lycop., Sulph. Chilliness: Caust., Chel., Mag. phos., Mez., Puis., Rhus t., Verat. alb. Chills, cold, running down the spine : Sep. Cold extremities : Verat. alb. feeling (in general) : Plat. , sensitive to : Kitr. spts. die. , tendency to take : Calc. c, Kali c. Coldness : Plat., Rhus t. in head : Cupr. act. and face : Agar. Congestion : Aeon., Bell. to eyes : Puis., Sep. head : Bell., Phos., Sep. Conjunctiva inflamed : Chel. injected : Bell., Sang., Spig. Conjunctivitis : Tereb. Constriction in left malar-bone and left eye : Coloc. Contraction of jaw : Cupr. act., Dulc, Gels. muscles of eye : Spig. Convulsions of facial muscles : Ign. pectoral muscles and upper extremities : Plat. Coryza : Spig., Verb., of right nostril, Puis. Costive : Mez., Natr. m., Puis., Sep. Cracking in jaw : Rhus t. Crying constant : Verat. alb. — - loud : Plat. Dazzling before eyes : Coloc. Death, fear of: Aeon. Debility : Cham., Mez. Decay of teeth : Kreos. Delirium : Stram. Depression: Sulph. CONCOMITANTS. 1 73 Desperate : Syph, Despondent : Nnx v., Yerb. Diarrhoea, dysenteric : Rhus t. Digestion disturbed : Puis. Discharge of thick, white offensive smelling mucus from left nostril : Puis. yellow, on blowing the nose: Puis. Discouraged : Natr. m. Diplopia : Coloc. Distortion of muscles of face : Plat. Diuresis : Ign. Draught, sensitive to : Stram. Dreams of his disease : Syphl. Dullness, sensation of: Puis. Eat, cannot: Bell., Bry., Caust. Ears, as if stopped up : Puis. , ringing in : Puis. Epigastrium, flying pains in : iEsc, Cocc. sensitive to touch : Nux v. Exhaustion : Ars. Extremities, tingling in : Mag. phos. Eyeball, seems enormously large: Cimicfg., Coloc, Spig. sensive to touch : Tereb. Eye, clear water runs from eye and nose on affected side : Nux v. Eyes, affected: Bry., Kalm. , black appearance before : Sulph. ac. burn, as if on fire : Cedr. , burst, as if they would : Prun. sp. closed with photophobia : Syph. , cold feeling in, with ciliary neuralgia : Cedr. , congested : Natr. m. , contraction of muscles of : Spig. 174 CONCOMITANTS. Eyes, dazzling before : Coloc. , deep blue circles under the : Sulph. ac. , dim, dull : Yerb. fall out, a?, if they would, on stooping : Coloc. , glaucoma : Phos. , hot feeling around the : Spig. injected : Bell., Mag. phos., Mez., Verat. alb. look smaller : Yerb., Zinc. painful on moving them : Xatr. m. , puffiness around eyes : Ars. , pupils contracted : Teneb. , , slight brown hue around right : Syphl. , red : Chel., Chin., Cimicfg., Syphl. — — , — and red vessels converging toward iris : Syph. , retracted : Zinc. , rub, desire to : Sulph. , sight dim : Coloc, Sulph. ac. , sight, sees as through a fog : Yerb. smaller looking : Zinc. , must make the : Aloe. sunken : Yerat. alb. , wavering objects before : Sulph. ac. , whites of, yellow, deep red or dirty : Chel. , yellow flashes of light before : Kali bi. Eyelids bluish : Zinc. , lower, excoriated : Stan. swollen: Crot. h., Tereb. Excitation, nervous : Puis. Extremities cold : Stram. Face, bees, as if stung with : Mag. phos. bloated: Phos., Plat, blue : Yerat. alb. bluish red : Bell., Yerat. alb. burning hot : Fer. phos. CONCOMITANTS. 175 Face cold : Cocc. congested dusky : Gels., Thuj. , contortion of: Sulph. ac. distorted: Ars., Cocc, Plat., Rhus t., Tell. earthy : Nux v. fiery red : Ferr. — — flushed : Bell., Ferr. phos., Kalicy., Kalro., Mag. phos., Puis. on painful side : Hydrcy. ac, Tereb. , heat in from above downward : Cep. - — , heavy feeling in : Aeon. hot: Aeon., Ail., Bell., Bry., Phos., Ye rat. alb., Zinc , lumps and nodules on, and on scalp : Sil. j malar bone, red round spot over : Bell., Bry. mottled, spotted : Ail., Bell. , — as if stung with bees : Mag. phos. muscles, oscillating motion of: Strain. , neck and ears, sallow color of : Chin. numb : Nux v. pale: Ars., Sabad., Spig., Yerat. alb. and red alternately : Chin. puffy: Bry. red : Aeon., Bell., Bry., Calc c, Kali mur., Plat., Spig., Yerat. alb., Yerb. spotted : Aesc sunken : Sabad., Yerat. alb. , swelling of: Mag. phos. , , after washing and rubbing : Aesc. and feet : Plat. and scalp, nodules and lumps on : Sil. tender to touch : Clem. tense : Zinc twitches : Sulph. ac. 176 CONCOMITANTS. Face warm : Strain. Facial or maxillary bones sore : Carb. v. Fainting : Verat. alb. Fat, disgust for : Puis. Fatigued easy : Mag. phos. Fear of death : Aeon. Features, change of: Rob. distorted : Sabad. pinched, sunken : Verat. alb. Feet and fingers move constantly : Sulph. cold : Calc. c, Gels., Mez. , soles of, burning: Ars., Sulph. Fever high : Mag. phos. Fingers and feet move constantly : Sulph. , pulls and rubs the : Sulph. Flushes, hot : Tereb. Fog, sees as through a : Yerb. Food, the thought of, makes her sick : Zinc. Forehead wrinkled : Stram. Fullness in temples and over left eye : Stan. Gape and cry, inclined to : Cupr. act. Globus hystericus: Ign. Gums and cheeks swollen : Kali mur. Haemorrhoids : Sil. Hair falls out : Sulph. Hands, cold: Mez., Staph. hot: Bell. palms of, hot : Gels. must press face with : Rhus t. head with : Lac c. parts with : Sang. Headache: Iris, v., Gels., Lac c, Plat., Yerat. vir. Head, must bend (Ignat.), and hold tight to the floor to get relief : Sang. CONCOMITANTS. 177 Head, congestion to : Kali c, Phos. , dullness in : Puis. , heat in : Kali c, Verb. heavy, but cannot lay it on the pillow : Glon. -, retraction of: Gels., Macro t. , sensation of heat in : Puis. Heat: Cham., Cimicfg., Coloc, Fer. phos., Staph., Yerat. alb. around eyes : Spig. in face : Cep. , flying, alternating with chills : Cedr. in the head : Kali c, Verb. malar bone : Verb. on vertex : Cimicfg., Mez., Sulph. Humor variable : Plat. Hypersesthesia : Bell., Cham., Chin., Chin, s., Hy- drctl., Lach., Mez., Nuxv., Stram., Spig. Indigestion : Verat. alb. Irritabilit3 r : Cham., CorT. c, Colch., Rhus t. Intervals, during (between the paroxysms) : abdomen weak, nervous feeling in : Lach. fever and headache : Kali cy. muscles, twitching of : Mez. numb pain : Mez. , pain not free from : Natr. m. patient sits wrapt up in herself : Plat. - — , articulation of, cracking in : Rhus t. , , when opening the mouth wide : Sabad. Jaw, beating and jerking in muscles of left upper : Sabad, , break, as if it would, during rest or motion : Rhus t. , bruised feeling of : Rhus t. , contraction of: Cupr. m., Dulc, Gels., Mag. phos. , — in articulation of lower : Mag. phos. 13 178 CONCOMITANTS. Jaw dislocated, as if it would be : Bhus t. , jerking backward : Mag. phos. , motion of impeded : Mez. , spasmodic closure of : Ign. , stitches in : Cham. , swelling of : Caust. , tension in : Caust. , to open difficult : Caust. , torn, as if it would be from its joint : Spig. Jaws, wagging sideways : Gels. Jawbones feel as if disarticulated, with intensely sour taste : Rob. Kneel down, must (Ign.), bend over and hold head tight to the floor to get relief : Sang. Knees, pain under the : Atrop. Lachrymation : Chel., Chin., Chin, s., Coloc, Ign., Ipec, Kali mur., Lach., Mez., Natr. m., Nux v., Plat., Puis., Spig., Stan., Sulph., Tereb., Verb. , scalding, of affected eye : Puis., Syph. Lassitude, too tired to stand : Cocc . Leg, pain running down the : Sep. Limbs cold : Yerat. alb. , drawing in : Mez. heavy during* rest : Staph. , neuralgia of : Macrot. trembling : Spig. Lip, lower, swollen and deep crack in the middle : Puis. , upper swollen : Carb. v. Lips, dry, scaly, rough, sticking and burning as if raw : Sulph. Liver, pain in : Chel. Lumps and nodules on face and scalp : Sil. Malar bones, red, round spot on : Bell., Bry. CONCOMITANTS. 179 Maxilla, swelling of : Kali bi., Lac c, Mag. c. Meat, the sight of, nauseates : Zinc. Megrims : Plat. Memory weak : Mez. Menses dark : Sep. irregular : Am. p. profuse : Calc. c, Plat., Stan. retarded : Puis. scanty : Caust., Mez., Sep. short : Sep. stringy : Lac c. , Sep. Migraine : Puis. Moaning : CofF. c, Mez. Move, desire to: Sulph. Mouth, cannot open the : Agar. Muscles distorted : Cedr., Stram. , facial, oscillating motion of: Stram. , hard, in region of pain : Caust. twitch : Agar. Muddled sensation in brain : Staph. Nails blue : Mez. Nape of head icy cold : Chel. Nausea: Am. m., Coloc, Gels., Ign., Ipec, Iris v., Kali bi., Lob., Nux v., Spig., Verat. alb. Neck and occiput icy cold : Chel. , back of, hot : Sulph. nape of stiff: Bell., Lac c. retracted : Gels., Macrot. stiff and lame : Gels. Nodules and lumps on face and scalp : Sil. Nose, bleeding : Spig. , catarrhal discharge from right nostril: Puis., Sang. 180 CONCOMITANTS. Nose, thick, white, offensive mucus from left nos- tril : Puis. , yellow on blowing nose : Puis. dry : Sil. itching: Sil. , margins of, dry, scaly, rough and burning : Sulph. , smell impaired or lost : Puis. , stoppage of : Puis. , clear water runs from, and eye on affected side : Nux v. Numbness : Ars., Kalm., Plat., Puis. Occiput and nape cold : Chel. , pain in : Sulph. (Esophagus, spasm in : Staph. Offended easy : Syph. Oscillating, muscles of face : Stram. * Ovarian region, heaviness and pain in : Sep. Otalgia : Plant, maj. Pain in the liver : Chel. under the knees : Atrop. Palate hard as if of wood and sensitive : Mez. Palpitation: Crot. h., Spig. Periosteum of bones of face affected : Sil. Perspiration on face and scalp : Cham., Chin. hands : Cimicfg. Pharynx red: Mez. Photophobia: Bell., Cimicfg., Ign., Ipec, Kali c, Mag. phos., Nitr. spts., die, Plat., Spig., Syph., Tereb. Pillow, cannot lay head on : Glon. hard : Sulph. Presses hand on face : Ehus t. teeth together : Ehus t. Prolapsus ani : Nux v. CONCOMITANTS. 181 Prostration : Chin., Ye rat. alb. Pruritus vaginse : Mez. Ptosis : Kalm., Nitr. spts. die, Spig. Ptyalism: Plat. Pulsations: Chin, s., Puis. Pulse increased : Spig. , small rapid : Aeon., Igu. Pupil contracted : Nitr. spts. die. horizontally oval, iris dull : Syph. Redness of face : Coloc, Yerat. alb. and swelling of lobules of ears : Chin. Belief, wants, at once : Cham. Restlessness: Aeon., Ars., Cham., Coloc, Kreos., Mag. c, Kux v., Rhus t., Spig., Sulph. Retching : Coloc. Retraction of head and neck : Macrot. Rheumatism shifting : Puis. Rise from bed, must, and walk about : Rhus t. Rolling about with pain : Stann. — and screaming : Aeon., Spig. Run, must, from room to room on account of the pain : Mag. c. Salivation: Merc, v., Mez., Plant, m., Spig., Syph., Zinc. during sleep : Syph. , saliva runs from open mouth : Mez. , — , tenacious, expectoration of : Yerb. Salt, craving for : Natr. m. Scalp and face, nodules and lumps on : Sil. sore and tender to touch : Merc, v., Sulph. Screaming : Kali cy. Secretion; profuse, from left nostril : Puis. Sensation of a band drawn tight around head, just above ears : Gels. 182 CONCOMITANTS. as of cold wind blowing into right ear : Caust. against eyes : Croc. of fullness in temples : Stann. heat and dullness in head : Puis. hot air being just in front of her : Sulph. lids being wide open and cold air blowing against exposed eye : Syph. parts being drawn tighter and tighter and sud- denly let loose, as if cutting a tight string : Puis. soreness : Puis. stiffness in muscles around eye and of eyelids : Kalm. teeth being too long : Rhus t. a tooth being too long : Caust. top of head coming off and teeth coming out : Syph. Sensibility, apparent loss of : Kali cy. not modified : Coloc, Iris v., Spig. Sensitive : Coif. c. to physical or mental impressions': Staph. Shuddering : Ign. Side, painful, must hold : Mag. c. Sight, dim : Coloc, Gels., Sulph. , loss of, or blurred : Kali bi. Sinus frontal, itching in : Sil. Skin cool : Ign. Sleep disturbed: Sulph. Sleeplessness: Mag phos., Spig. Sleepy, but cannot sleep : Cimicfg., Syph. Sleep restless : Natr. m. Smell impaired or lost : Puis. Soreness : Bry., Coloc, Iris, v., Puis. Sounds and steps reecho in ears : Caust. Spasms in cheeks: Ign. CONCOMITANTS. 183 Spasmodic contraction of jaws : Cupr. m., Speaking impossible : Sulph. Speech hasty : Bell., Dulc, Hep., Lach., Sulph. Sphincter vesicas, loss of power in : Gels. Spots, red, on neck : Mez. Stand, too tired to : Cocc. Stiffness : Bell., Kalm. (of nape of neck). Stitches in side : Mez. Stomach, acid, and wind in the : Cocc. Stool, desire for : Iris v. every 3 or 4 days : Nux v. hard and dry, like sheep's dung : Syph. , straining with : Sep. white : Chel. Striking out on all sides : Plat. Suicidal tendency : Sulph., Syph. Swallowing difficult : Mez.', Syph. Sweat: Caust., Cham., Chin., Tereb. , cold : Yerat. alb. , — , on face : Loh., Staph. , — , on face and scalp : Cham., Chin. , — , forehead : Gels. , — , hands : Cimicfg. , — , head, hot : Cham. Swelling of cheeks : Cep., Coloc, Lycop., Zinc. and gums : Kali rnur. left side of face and lower jaw : Lach. malar bone : Mag. c. and redness of left zygoma and eyelid : Spig. , sensation of : Staph. Swollen feeling in articulation of jaw : Ail. Syphilid es on body and face : Syph. Taste alkaline : Kalm. mucus, pasty : Chel. 184 CONCOMITANTS. Taste slimy : Nux v. sour : Arg . m., Arg. n., Rob. Tears, gushing : Chel. Tearfulness: Mag. phos. Teeth, as if pulled out : Zinc. chattering : Sulph. ac. coated brown, and lips : Colch. decay : Kreos. feel elongated : Plant, m. loose and too long during the day : Rhus t. (Spig.) Tooth, a, seemed too long : Caust. Temperature of parts increased : Spig. Temples, sensation of fullness in : Stan. Tenderness : Coloc. Thirst, absence of : Caust. at night : Puis. Throat, sensation as of a ball in the : Kalm. DURING THE PAROXYSM. Throat, constriction of : Zinc. , dry feeling in : Mez. , sticking in : Syph. , tearing in : Syph. , throbbing in : Syph. Throbbing and fullness of blood vessels : Fein*. of temporal arteries: Kali mur. Tongue as if bound or tied up : Lach. coated yellow : Nux. v. , edges of, red and indented: Ars. inclines to one side, when put out : Lach. , lips and teeth coated brown : Colch. numb: Zinc. pale and doughy : Ars. , tip of, painful blister on : Kali. c. CONCOMITANTS. 185 Tossing and rolling in bed : Stan., Plat. Touch, parts sensitive to : Bell., Cham., Chin., Chin, s., Hydrctl., Lach., Mez., Nux. v., Strani., Spig. Trembling : Apis, Kali mur., Sabad. Trismus : Plat. Twitching of corners of mouth: Ign., Mag. phos. Twitching of eyelids: Bell., Chin, s., ,lower: Alum., Bell., Bry.,Chin. s., Coloc, Gels. muscles: Bry., Glon., Ign., Kali mur., Sabad., Stram., Tereb., Thuja, Valer. Unconsciousness : Thuja. Urine copious : Iris v. frequent, light colored : Sep. involuntary, when standing or walking : Sep. scanty, dark: Tereb. Urinary tenesmus : Ign. Urinate, frequent desire to : Gels. , , and sudden : Syph. Uterine spasms : Plat. Vagina, pruritus of : Mez. Varices on legs : Mez. Vertebrae, cervical, sensitive to pressure or touch : Gels., Sulph. Vertex hot : Sulph. Vertex, weight and pressure in : Medor. Vertigo : Am. p. , Chin. s. , Gels. , Kali bi. , Kalm. , Verb. Vision dim : Gels., Coloc, Kali bi., Kalm., Sulph. Vomiting : Apis., Iris v., Chel., Gels., Natr. m. , Nitr. spts. die, Nux v., Bob., Spig., Verat. alb. of greenish yellow serum : Verat. alb. mucus and bile of sweet or sour taste : Iris v. sour : Iris v. , Bob. Wag the head, must : Mag. c. 186 DIRECTION OF PAINS. Wall, strikes with fist and beats head against for relief Syph. Walk about, must: Coloc, Mag. c, Rhus, t. at night : Syph. Wants relief at once : Cham. Warm, wrapped up, must be, day and night : Phos. Warmth, desire for : Mag. phos. Wash the face, cannot : Mez. Water, clear, runs from eye and nose on affected side : Kux. v. , cold, sensitive to : Arg. n., Cal. c. Weak feeling of parts : Chin. Weakness: Ars., Chin., Kalm. Weariness : Lach. Weeping: Ign., Plat., Spig., Staph. Weight, sensation of: Per. phos. Wild unruly : Cham. Wind, belching of: Yerb. Wrapped up, must be, day and night : Phos. Yawning: Chel., Ign., Rhus. t. spasmodic, with sensation as if jaw would break : Rhus. t. Zygoma, left, contusion of : Mez. DIRECTION OF PAINS. EXTENDING PROM : Prom above downwards : Cep., Kali c, Mez. across the forehead from left to right to temples : Aeon., JGsc. arcus superciliaris into eye, cheek, teeth and down to neck and shoulders : Mez. articulation, right of jaw, into upper back teeth : Cham. back to front : Spig. DIRECTION OF PAINS. 187 From backward from front : Syph. below, upward : Thuja. brain, to left side of head and extremities : Ail. canthus, from inner to external, above or around eye : Cinn. , near the, of eye on right side along nasal branch of trifacial nerve : Plat. , right inner, upwards and outwards in a semi- circle just above superciliary ridge and into head : Lach. From cheek, left, close to ear, to alae nasi, and from temporal and zygomatic region toospetrosum : St ram. , right, to teeth, eye and upper part of occiput, along suture of parietal bone : Chel. , and teeth on left side to forehead and right temple : Phos. cheeks to articulation of jaws : Kali m. ciliary region, into eye in every direction, especi- ally back into head : Spig. nerve pain goes up and backward : Thuja. - — down right side of face and nose : Syph. ear and side of head, to supra- and infra-orbital region, chin and front of lower jaw : Gels. From ear, behind left, to left arm : Staph. , behind the, toward right eye : Prun. sp. , left side, frontal bone and lower maxilla, to left side of head, nape of neck and back : Mag. phos. eye, from above the, into and around it : Prun. sp. , over the, to upper teeth : Ars. , under left, downward to cheekbone, toward left side of nose, teeth and upper jaw : Spig. , under the left into and around it: Chin. s. 188 DIRECTION OF ^>AINS. From eye, over left, along branches of supra-orbital nerve up into head : Cedr. , left, to vertex, from forehead into eyes and from temple to vertex and down to zygoma : Phos- , right, through it, into brain to occiput Prun. sp. eye, through it, into head and malar bone an thence back to occiput : Bry. , left to malar bone, teeth, nose, face, temples, neck and in every direction, especially back into head : Spig. , over and around it, through to occiput along course of supra-orbital nerve : Tereb. , right to forehead : Kalm. eyeballs to occiput : Colch. eyebrows, above, on left side over face : Spig. eyes to top of head : Croc, Ign. face, over the, on right side, and head over jaw and to top of head : Sulph. and nose to left ear : Sep. and temple left side, over forehead, to right. temple : Lob. bones of, to whole chest : Sil. on left side to teeth and ear : Yaler. face on left side to ear and head : Coloc. , right side, into temple, ear, alae nasi, and upper lip : Hep. , into eye, ear and temple : Clem. to eye, temple and head : Naja. to other parts, and from other parts to face : Calc. phos. facial bones, and upper and lower jaw to temple : Berb. — nerve, over branches of, and from foramen stylo-mastoideum to alee nasi : Stram. DIRECTION OF PAINS. 189 From, flying from one part of body or limbs to another : Puis. fifth pair of nerves, one branch of, to another, from temple to ear : Gels. foramen infra-orbitale, to temples and corners of mouth: Mez. — - mentale, left, to left ear : Puis. forehead downward along right side of nose : Sep. , left side, and left supra-orbital nerve to left eye: Nux. v. , left side, to temple and left supra- orbital ridge : Spig. : into eyes, from temple to vertex and down to Zygoma: Phos. front to back of head : Chel. frontal protuberance, left, over eye and left temple to left upper head : Sep. head, right side, and upper and lower jaw bones, to infra- and supra-orbital nerves, up side of head to vertex : Sulph. head to left eye : Ign. , right side of, over malar bone, backward over head : Sulph. infra-orbital foramen to incisor tooth and whole right side of face : Mag. phos. ; right to temple and corners of mouth : Mez. to eye, temple, ear, nose and teeth : Spig. over right side of head to occiput : Zinc. infra-orbital nerves, along the : Gels. — (and to right and left lower jaw : Agar.) region, right, along course of right inferior maxillary nerve down back of head and neck : Sulph. to left ear and head : Atrop. 190 DIRECTION OP PAINS. From jaw, articulation of, on right side into upper back teeth : Cham . on left side to ear : Plant, m. . lower, on right side, upward to nose, face, ear, temple and neck : Spig. jaw, over lower, to shoulders, supra- and infra- orbital nerves and whole head : Sulph. , ramus of lower, to canine teeth and temple : Sulph. ac. to root of nose and temple : Phos. , upper, to nose, eye, ear, neck and side of head : Sang. , — , upper, right to left, and from face to other parts, and from other parts to face : Calc. phos. left side of face to above the eye : Ars. left to right, across forehead and through temples : Aeon., Cocc. lip, upper, over cheek into ear : Natr. m. — , — , — around right side of head, across fore- head to temples : A esc. lips and gums over right side of face : Thuja. lips over face : Staph. malar bone, left, to ear, teeth, nose and back to whole head : Thuja. , — , and left parotid to left eye : Coloc. , — , to ramus of lower jaw : Dulc. , — , to face and neck on left side : Spig. — : , right, to right temple Bry. maxilla, left, under eye to ear : Kali. bi. , lower, ear on left side and frontal bone, to left side of head, nape of neck and back : Mag. phos. lower and upper, to vertex, occiput, neck, arms and fingers : Sep. DIRECTION OF PAINS. 191 From maxillary nerve, right inferior, to back of head, and down neck on both sides : Snlph. mental foramen, right, up along nerve of lower jaw, to ear : Calc. c. molar (from a), into eyes, temples and forehead : Kali c. neck, back of, up over scalp to vertex and temples : Kami. , nape of, over head forward : Lac c. nerve, left supra-orbital, to left side of forehead and left eye : Nux v. occiput, on left side of, forward and settles over left eye, thence to malar bone, teeth, nose, face, temples, neck, and in every direction, especially back into head : Spig. , , to upper jaw : Cham. , right side, to ear, orbit and lower jaw : Am. pic. upward and foreward over vertex : Caust. occiput to back of neck : Cod. occipital region, left, forward and around the eye : Spig. occiput, through to eyes, and from eyes to top of head : Cimicfg. orbit along inner side of nose : Per. phos. — to ear : Bell. orbital region, left to occiput : Xaja. place to place, moving: Apis., Bell., Cimicfg., Coleh., Kali bi., Puis. right to left, and from side to side : Agar., Katr. m. spine, upper part of, through to forehead : Gels. supra-orbital nerve to forehead, zygoma and cheeks : Yerb. through head : G-lon. , left side, to forehead, and left eye : Nux v. 192 DIRECTION OF PAINS. From supra-orbital regions through forehead into tem- ples : Nux v. , right, over whole right side of face : Puis. to teeth, zygoma, ear and nape of neck: Puis. and infra-orbital region on left side, to left ear, and down left side of neck : Coloc. ridge, over one side of head : Kali bi. teeth and gums, right side of face, over mouth, eyes and ears : Khod. , upper, to ear on left side and from temple, near the ear, to a point above the ear, on right side : Kali phos. temple and eyes, to whole side of face : Chin. temple, left, across forehead, to right temple, and around eye, and malar bone, on right side : Kalibi. , — , over left side of face, down ramus of left jaw : Sep. to lower canine teeth : Sulph. , right, to top of head, over eyebrow, and below eye, down along mframaxillary nerve : Sulph. -, — , to ear, eye, side of head and wing of nose : Gels. , — , to right side of face and head : Puis. , — , to right orbit, right cheek and from orbit to forehead, face, ears and teeth : Bell. , — , through right side of face, head, left temple and side of head and vertex: Am. m. to collar bone : Lach. , — lower canine teeth : Sulph. to lower jaw and chin : Lobel., Rhod. to vertex and down to Zygoma : Phos. down, over upper and lower maxilla and lips ; Stan. LOCATION OF PAIN. 193 From temporal region, on left side to head, cheeks and teeth on same side : Ehus t. , right, to back of head and side of neck, and into ear : Puis. tooth, a carious, in left upper jaw, through all upper teeth, eye, left cheek, pes anserina, be- hind left ear, and into left arm : Staph. a decayed, to temples : Glon. Trigeminus nerve, on left side to ear and parts about it : Aeon. up and backward : Thuja. upper lip, around right side of head, across fore- head to temples : Aesc. jaw, right, to left upper jawbone, and from face to other parts, and from other parts to face : Calc. phos. zygoma, left, toward eye, temples, ear and down neck and shoulders : Mez. LOCATION OF PAIN. Alae nasi : Gels., Hep., Stram. Antrum Highmorianum : Chel. Arcus superciliaris : Mez. Arms : Kalm., Sep., Staph. Articulation of lower jaw : Agar., Alum., Rhus t. Back, in the : Mag. phos. Between temporal region, ciliary arch and maxilla : Kali cy. temple, ear and jaw : Coloc! Bicuspids : Kalm! Brain: Ail., Arg. m., Aur., Aur. mur., Prun. sp., Zinc. Brows : Hyper. Cheek bones: Calc. c, Hydrctl. 14 194 LOCATION OF PAIN. Cheek, left: Bell., Bry., Garb, v., Dulc. Lycopd., Mez., Phos., Spig., Staph., Stram. , right: Agar., Bell., Carb. v., Caust. Cep., Chel., Coloc, Kalm., Rhod. Sulph. Cheeks: Aeon., Bry., Cupr. acet., Dulc, Kali m., Natr. m., Mez., Rhus, t., Stram., Yerat. alb., Verb. Changing frequently: Apis., Bell., Cimicfg., Colch., Kali bi., Puis. Chest: Chin., Sil. Chin : Gels., Lob., Plat., Rhod. Ciliary region: Ars., Bell., Bry., Cedr., Chin., Cimicfg., Coloc, Croc, Crot. h., Ign., Mez., Natr. m., Phos., Plant, m., Prun. sp., Rhod., Sil., Spig., Tereb., Thuja. Clavicle: Chin., Lach. Crural region : Gnaph., Staph. Dental nerves: Hekl., Iris v., Plant, m., Rhod., Sulph. Ears: Aeon., Alum., Am. p., Atrop.^ Bell., Calc. d Caust., Cep., Cham., Chel., Olem., CorL c, Coloc, Cupr. acet., Dulc, Gels., Hep., Kali bi., Kali phos., Kalm., Mag. phos., Merc v., Mez., Natr. m., Plant, m., Puis., Rhod., Rhus t., Rob., Sang., Sep., Sil., Spig., Staph., Stram., Syph., Thuj., Yaler. , behind : Carb. v., Caust., Mag. phos., Prun. sp.. Staph. ,in front of: Carb. v., Clem., CofT. c, Sep., Yerat. v. Extremities: Aeon., Ail., Cupr. acet., Eyes: Agn., Ars., Bry,, Calc c, Carbol. ac, Cedr., Chel., Chin, ars., Chin., Chin, s., Clem., Cocci., Coflf. c, Coloc, Croc, Gels., Iris v., Kali bi., LOCATION OF PAIN. 195 Kali c, Kali phos., Kalm., Lach., Medor., Mez., Naja., ISTux v., Phos., Plat., Prun. sp.? Bhod., Bob., Sang., Sep., Sil., Spig., Stan., Staph., Sulph., Syph., Tereb., Verat. alb. Eyes, canthus of: Kali bi., Lach., Plat. , ball, of: Aeon., Am. m., Cimicfg., Medor., Prun. sp., , brows, of : Hypr., Lac c , Spig., Strain., Sulph., Eyelids : Yerat. alb. Face : Aeon., Aloe, Agar., Am. m., Arg. m. Arg. n., Aur., Bell., Berb., Bry., Calc. phos., Carb. v., Caust., Cep., Chin., Chin, s., Clem., Coff. c, Coloc, Cupr. acet., Gels., Glon., Guaj., Hyos., Hyper., Ign., Kali m., Kalm., Lach., Lob., Lycopd., Mag. c, Mag. phos., Merc, v., Naja., Nitr. spts. dlcNuxv., Phos., Phyt., Plant, m., Plat., Puis., Rhod., Bhus t., Sep., Sil., Spig Stan., Stram., Sulph., Tel., Thuja., Valer., Yerat. alb., Zinc, bones of, and of head : Calc. c, Sep. Fauces: Acon.,Aesc. Fifth pair of nerves: Ars., Gels., Spig., Sulph. Fingers: Cocc, Sep. Forehead : Aeon., Aesc, Agar., Aur., Bell., Carb. v., Cocci., Coccul., Coloc, Coff. c, Crot. h.,Gels., Kali bi., Kali c, Lace, Lach., Lob., Mag. phos., Nux v., Phos., Bob., Spig., Stram., Yerat. alb., Yerb. , over from temple to temple : Lob. Frontal bone : Mag. phos. protuberance : Sep. Gums: Bhod., Thuja. Hand : Chin. Head: Aeon., Aesc, Agar., Ail., Aloe, Am. m., 196 LOCATION OF PAIN. Atrop., Aur., Calc. c, Caust., Cedr., Chin., Chin. s.,Cinn., Coloc, Fer. phos., Gels.,Glon., Gujac, Iris v., Kali bi.,Kalm., Lach., Lac c, Mag. phos., Merc, v., Mez.,Naja., Puis., Rhus t., Sang., Sep., Sil., Spig., Stan., Sulph., Verb., Yerat. alb., Zinc. Head, back of: Puis., Sulph., Thuja. Infra-maxillary nerve: Mez., Spig., Sulph. orbital branch of fith pair of nerves : Spig. Infra-orbital foramen : Mag. phos. nerve: Bell., Chin, s., Gels., Hydroctl., Ipec, Iris v., Kalibi., Lach., Nux v., Puis., Spig., Sulph., Verb., Zinc. region: Agar., Arg. n., Atrop., Bell., Chin., Chin, s., Coloc, Gels., Hydroctl., Ipec, Kali bi., Lach., Lycopd., Mag. phos., Mez., IS r ux v., Puis., Spig., Sulph., Verat. alb. Jaw: Phos., Polyp, off., Sulph. , alveoli of : Agn. c, , angles of : Kalm. bones: Agar., Fer. phos., Lach., Rob. , lower: Agar., Agn. c, Am. p., Arg. n., Ars., Aur., Bell., Berb., Bry., Calc. c, Chin, ars., Chin., Chin, s., Cimcfg., CofF. c, Cupr. act., Dulc., Gels., Kali bi., Kalm., Lob., Mag. phos., Merc, v., Medor., Paris q., Plant, m., Plat., Rhod., Rob., Sep., Spig., Stan., Sulph., Sulph. ac. , — , articulation of: Agar., Alum., Alumi., Bell., Cham., Kahm., Rhust., Sep., Spong., Verb. , — , ramus of: Agn. c, Cupr. act., Dulc, Sep., Sulph. ac. , upper: Aeon., Berb., Bry., Calc phos., Carb. v., Cham., Chin., Coloc, Graph., Iris v., Kalicy., LOCATION OF PAIN. 197 Kreos., Lac c, Mag. phos., Merc. v.. Medor., Sang., Sep., Spig., Stan., Staph., Sulph. Knee : Sypb. Leftside: Aeon., Aesc.. Ail., Alum., Alum., Am. in., Arg. m., Arg. n.. Ars., Atrop.. Aur., Carb. v., Cham., Caust., Cedr., Cep., Cham., Chin., Chin, s., Cimicfg., Colch., Coloa. Gruaj., Hel., Hydroctl., Kali bi., Kali c, Kali phos., Kalm., Lach., Lac c, Lob., Lycopd., Mag. phos., Merc. v.. Medor., Mez., Xaja., Nitr. spts. die. Xux v.. Phos., Plant, m., Puis., Rhus t., Rob., Sang., Sep., Spig., Staph., Strain., Sulph., Thuja.. Valer., Verb. Left or right : Bell., Chin., Gels. then right : Aeon., Aesc, Caust., Chin., Chin, s., Coca, Mez.. Yerat. alb. Lips: Hep., Stan.. Staph.. Thuja. , right angle of: Sab. Lip, upper : Aesc, Hep.. Xatr. m., Sulph. Malar bones : Agar., Bry.. Calc. c, Cimicfg., Cina.. Coca, Coloa, Cupr. act., Dulc, Kali bi.. Kalm., Lach.. Mag. a, Paris q., Plat.. Spig., Sulph., Thuja.. Taler., Verb. Masseter muscle : Coca, Sab. Mastoid region: Acou.. Aesc, Kali phos., Plat. Maxillary nerve: Ars.. Cham., Iris v.. Mez., Spig., Sulph. Mental foramen : Calc. c, Mez. Molars : Arg. n., Bism. nitr.. Coff. c, Kali c Mouth: Rhod. , angles of: Bell., Mag. phos., Mez. Sabin.. Verb. Xeck : Aeon., Coloa, Merc. v.. Mez.. Puis. Sang., Sep., Spig., Sulph., Syph.. Tabac. , back of: Cod., Kalm., Sulph. 198 LOCATION OF PAIN. Neck, nape of: Bell., Chel., Guaj., Kalni., Lac c, Mag. phos , Puis. Nerve-trunks: Tereb. Nose: Gels., Phos., Sang., Sep., Spig., Sulph., Thuja. alae : Gels., Hep., Stram. and eye, between the : Kalm. , margins of: Sang., Sulph. , right side of: Kalm., Nux v., Spig. , root of: Phos., Plat. Occiput: Agar., Am. p., Cham., Caust., Chel., Cod., Crot. h., Macrot., Mez., Naja., Prun. sp., Sep., Spig. Sulph., Tereb., Zinc. Orbit: Am. p., Dulc, Bell., Calc. c, Carbl. ac, Kali cy., Lach., Mez., Naja., Phos., Sang. , between, and ball : Chin. Os petrosum : Sram. Parietal bone : Chin., Kalm., Lycopd. eminence : Kali phos. suture : Chel. Parotid: Coloc. Pes anserinus : Coca, Plat. Staph. Place from to place moving: Apis, Cimicfg., Colch., Kali bi., Puis. Radiating in every direction : Spig. over entire side of face : Mag. phos. Ramus of lower jaw: Agn. c, Cupr. act., Sulph. ac. Right side : Aeon., Aesc, Agar., Agn., Am. m., Am. p., Ars., Bell., Bism. nitr., Bry., Cact. gi\, Calc. c, Calc. phos., Carb. v., Carbol. ac, Caust., Cham., Chel., Chin., Cimicfg., Clem., Coif, c, Coloc, Gels., Hep., Iris v., Kali bi.^ Kali phos., Kalm., Lac c, Lach., Mag. phos., Medor., Nitr. spts. die, Nux v., Phos., Plant, m., Plat., Prun. sp., Puis., Rhod., Sep., LOCATION OF PAIN. 199 Sil., Spig., Strain., Sulph., Sulph. ac, Syph., Tereb., Thuja, Verat. alb., Yerat. vir., Yerb., Zinc. Right to left : Calc. phos., Katr. m.. Mez. Scalp: CofT. c, Kalrn., Puis., Staph., Tereb. Shoulder: Mez., Staph.. Sulph., Syph. Skull : Guaj., Merc. v. Stump, after amputations : Am. m., Asafcet., Cep. Stylo-mastoid foramen : Strain. Superciliary ridge : Lach. Supra-orbital region : Aeon., Aesc, Agn., Ars., Atrop., Cedr., Chel., Chin., Chin, s., Cinn., Cocci., Coloc, Fer. phos., Gels., Glon., Hydroctl., Hydrcy. ac, Ipec, Iris, v., Kali bi., Kalm., Mag. phos., Mez.. Natr. m., Nux v., Puis., Sep., Sil., Spig., Stan., Strain., Sulph., Tereb., Yerat. alb., Yerb. Supra-orbital ridge : Kali bi. Spig. Teeth : Bell., Cham., Chel., Iris v., Kali phos.,Kreos., Mag. phos., Merc, v., Mez., Phos., Plant, m., Polyp, off., Puis., Rhod., Rhus t., Rob., Sil., Spig., Staph., Sulph., Thuja, Yaler. — -, canine : Sulph., Sulph. ac. , carious : Glon., Staph. Temples: Aeon., Aesc, Agar., Agn., Am. m., Apis., Ars., Aur. m., Bell., Berb., Bry., Calc c, Carbl. ac, Cep., Cham., Chel., Chin, ars., Chin., Cimicfg., Clem., Cocc, Coloc, Coff. c, Dulc, Fer. phos., Gels., Glon., Guaj., Hep., Kali bi., Kali c, Kali cy., Kali phos., Kalm., Lace, Lach., Lob., Lycopd., Medor., Merc, v., Mez., Naja., Xux v., Phos., Polyp, off., Puis., Rhod., Rhus t., Sang., Sep., Spig., Stan., Strain., Sulph., Sulph. ac, Syph., Yerat. alb., Yerat. vir., Yerb. 200 PAINS AND SENSATIONS. Throat: Alum. Tonsils: Bell. Tooth, incisor : Mag. phos. Trifacial nerve, nasal branch of : Plat. Trigeminus: Aeon., Ars., Lach., Mag. phos., Merc. v., Nux v., Veratr. alb. Vertex: Am. m., Aur., Caust. Cimicfg. Croc, Kali c, Kalm., Mez., Phos., Sep., Sulph. Zygoma: Arg. m., Aur., Carb. v., Hyper., Phos., Puis., Stram., Sulph., Verb. PAINS AND SENSATIONS. Aching: Cimicfg., Cinn., Coloc, Lac c, Naja, Plant. m., Stan., Staph., Sulph., Sulph. ac, Syph., Tereb. Agonizing: Kalm. Asleep, as if: Tereb. Banging : Spig. Beating: Ars., Tereb. Beaten, scalp as if: Sulph. Bed, drives out of: Spig. Bee stings, like : Apis, Mag. phos. Begin ; come and go suddenly : Bell., Cedr., Lycopd. ; quickly : Mez. ; — at irregular intervals : Puis. ; regular intervals : Puis., Spig. gradually and leave gradually : Kali bi., Stan. suddenly : Arg. n., Sulph. ac. increase and become unbearable as they continue: Puis. ; increase gradually in intensity : Aeon., Chel. mornings, increases during the day and ceases evenings : Spig. , increasing till noon : Natr. m. PAINS AND SENSATIONS. 201 Begin, increase gradually during the day and subside evenings : Spig. , return at same hour : Cact. gr., Ced. , subside, and begin anew : Lac c. suddenly: Bell., Cedr., Chin., Kalm., Lycopd., Spig. sunrise, at, increase till noon, decrease, and leave at sunset: Kali bi., Kalm., Natr. m., Spig. with itching and crawling : Aeon. Benumbing: Mez., Nux v., Verb. Bones, facial, and maxillary soreness, of: Carb. v. , as if sawed through : Stram. , rent asunder : Colch. Boring: Am. pic, Caust., Cocc, Coloc, Crot. h., Lach., Mag. c, Mag. phos., Mez., Kitr. spts. die, Nux v., Plant, m., Plat., Puis., Sep., Sil., Stan., Syph. - Break, pain in maxillary joint, as if it would break on moving : Bhus t. Broken, as if jaw bones were : Rob. Bruised : Chel., Plant, m., Bhus t. Burning: Apis, Ars., Aur., Bell., Bism. nitr., Caps., Carb. v., Cedr., Chel., Chin., Coloc, Ign., Kalm., Kreos., Lace, Plat., Rhus t., Sang., Spig., Staph., Polyp, off., Thuja., Zinc Burst, as if the eye would : Prun. sp. Bursting : Gels. Chronic: Cact. gr., Calc c, Calc p., Cedr., Crot. h., Gels., Hep. Coldness: Agar., Cham., Plat., Tereb. Cold wind, as if blowing against eyes : Croc. , in right ear : Caust. Constricting: Chin., Coloc, Mag. phos., Puis. Continuous : Aeon., Verat. alb. 202 PAINS AND SENSATIONS. Contracting jaws: Cupr. act., Dulc., Gels., Mag. phos. Cramping: Cocc, Coloc, Dulc, Mag. phos., Mez., Plat., Rhus t., Sep., Spong. Crawling: Aeon., Plat., Tereb. Crazy, driving patient almost : Tereb. Creeping : Aeon., Plat. Cries extorting : Mag. phos. Crushing: Cocc, Prun. sp. Cutting: Coloc, Iris v., Mag. phos., Stan., Staph. Darting: 2Esc, Caps., Caust., Chin., Cimicfg., Cocc* Coloc, Cupr. act., Gels., Ign., Iris v., Kalm., Mag. phos., Phos., Sang., Sil., Spig., Sulph., Tereb., Yaler. Delirum threatening : Kalm., Stram. Digging: Arg. n., Mag. c, Plant, m., Sep. Disarticulated, as if jaw would be : Rhus t. Dislocated, as if jaw would be : Rhus t. Distraction, driving to: Cham., Thuja. Drawing: Aeon., Agar., Arg. m., Aur., Carb. v., Caust., Cep., Chin., Cocc, Colch., Cupr. acet., Dulc, Kali c, Lach., Merc, v., Naja, Phos., Rhod., Rhus t., Sabin., Sang., Sep., Stan., Staph., Syph., Yaler., Yerat. alb. Driving from place to place : Ars., Mag. c out of bed : Mag. phos. Electric like : Agar., Sep. shocks: Cep., Cimicfg., Mag. phos., Sep., Tereb. thrill: Ail. Erratic pains : iEsc, Gels., Puis. Excessive: Chin., Tereb. Excruciating : Nux v. Extorting groans : Nux v. Eyes burn, as if on fire : Cedr. PAINS AND SENSATIONS. 203 Eyes, shooting iu : Xaja. small, must make them : Aloe. , squeezed feeling in : Lach. Fierce: Yaler. Flying: Aesc, Gels., Puis. Formication : Ign. Fulgurant : Agar., Kux v. Glowing : Rhus t. Gnawing : Stan. Grumbling : Gels. Tereb. Heat: Cimicfg., Lac c, Lach., Mez., Paris q., Puis., Staph. Heaviness : Cocci., Lach., Mez., Paris q., Puis., Staph. Hypersesthesia : Bell., Cham., Chin., Hydrctl., Nux v., Stram. Hysterical: Yaler. Ice, as if touched with sharp : Agar. Icy coldness of head and face : Agar., Chel. Insupportable : Coloc, Mag. c. Intense : Aeon., Polyp, off., Puis., Tereb., Thuja. Intermittent (see periodical): Ars., Caust., Cedr., Chin., Chin, s., Coloc, Crot. h., Gels., Gnaph., Hep., Hydrctl., Ipec, Mag. phos.,, Nuxv.- Pip. uieth., Polyp, off., Sabad., Sang., Sep., Spig., Stan., Sulph., Yerat. alb., Yerb. Intervals, at regular: Cedr., Puis., Spig. Jaw, as if broken : Hob. , it would break during rest or motion : Rhus t. , be torn from its joint : Spig. , bruised feeling of: Rhus t. , contraction of: Cupr. act., Dulc, Gels. , spasms of muscles of : Cupr. acet. , stitches in : Caust. , to open, difficult : Caust. 204 PAINS AND SENSATIONS. Jawbone, feels as if disarticulated, with intensely sour taste : Kob. Jerking: Bry., Carb. v., Cocc, Cupr. acet., Phos., Puis., Rhod., Sep., Sulph. ac., Yaler., Zinc. Laced, as if: Mag. phos. Laming: Chin. Lancinating : Agar., Ars., Bism. nitr., Chin., Chin, s., Cimicfg., Cocc, Mag. phos., Mez., Prun. sp., Tereb., Yerb., Zinc. Lightning like: Aesc, Caust., Kali mur., Mag. c, Mag. phos., Mez., Prun. sp., Tereb., Yerb., Zinc. Maddening: Magn. phos., Stram., Yerat. alb. Migrating : Apis., Cimicfg., Colch., Kali bi., Puis. Moving from above, downward : Cep., Mez. behind, forward and from back to front : Spig. below, upward, and backward, with cold feel- ing in eye (Ciliary Neuralgia) : Thuja. from place, to place : Apis., Cimicfg., Colch., Kali bi., Puis. Needles, like cold, piercing, or like sharp ice touching the parts : Agar. Needles, like hot, piercing, or touching the parts : Ars., Spig. Nettles, as from touch of: Merc, v., Nipping: Mag. phos. Numbness : Aeon., Cimicfg., Kalm., Mez., Plat. Pains, like fine, piercing the nerves : Caps. pungent : Caps. sharp : Aeon., Gels. Paralyzing : Ars. Paroxysmal : Bell., Cedr., Gels., Puis. Periodical : Am. m., Am. pic, Ars., Chin. Chin. s. Natr. m., Nux v., Spig., Stram., Sulph., Yerb] PAINS AND SENSATIONS. 205 Pincers, as if ceased by : Puis. Pinching : Coloc, Mag. phos., Plat.. Puis. Place from, to place driving : Mag. c, Pressed asunder, as if parts were : Prun. sp. together, as if malar bones were : Cin. Pressing: Aeon., Agu. c, Bry., Cep., Cocci., Coloc, Cupr., acet., Fer. phos., Kali c, Kalm., Merc. v., Kitr. spts. die, Nux v., Puis., Sang., Staph., Yerb. Pressure as of a hard substance on brain : Staph. Pulsating: Aeon., Bell., Cact. gr., Chin, s., Glon. Pungent : Caps. Rending :. Agn. c, Berb., Calc. c, Colch., Coloc, Kalm., Syph. Rent asunder, as if bones were : Colch. Remitting : Aeon., Caust. Return, when cold water .in the mouth gets warm : Coff". c Sawing, as if in bone : Stram. Screws, as if parts were between : Plat. Sensation, as if bones were sawed through : Stram. — a cut had been made around eye : Crot. h. as if everything was torn out : Phos. as if eyeball were enormously large : Cimicfg. Coloc, Spig. , eye would be scooped out : Chin. eye lids, under surface of, were too dry and fast to the ball : Verat alb. — eyes would burst : Prun. sp. — inner part of eye would be torn out : Prun. sp. — eye were crushed : Prun. sp. would fall out on stooping : Coloc. be pulled from its socket: Katr. m., Nux v. 206 PAINS AND SENSATIONS. Sensation, as if face were scorched during the day : Spig. , left side, were torn from right : Coloc. heat and dullness, in head : Puis. hole was bored, in bone near mental for- amen: Mez. hot water, run through a tube : Tereb. a hot wire were thrust through nerve : Ars. jaw bone were broken : Eob. would be torn from the joint : Spig. maxillary joint would break on moving : Rhus. t. nail were thrust in right side of head : Agar. nails were driven in jaws : Phos. — — needlepoints, fine, were thrust into lids : Yerat. alb. — — needles were run into eyeballs through cornea : Cimicfg. Paralyzed : Ars. pierced with red hot needles : Ars., Spig. , pincers, torn by : Bism. nitr. , pressure of hard substance on brain : Staph. ■ of stiffness of muscles around eye and eyelids : Kalm. , — as if teeth were too long : Rhus t. , top of head would fly off: Cimicfg. a tooth were too long : Caust. , under surface of eyelids were too dry, and fast to the ball : Yerat. alb. — wind, cold, blowed against the eyes: Croc, Thuja. into right ear : Caust. PAINS AND SENSATIONS. 207 Sensitive to cold water : Arg. n., Calc. e. touch : Agar.. Bell., Bry.. Cb am., Chin., Chin, si, Clem., Cocci., Hydretl., Kalm., Merc, v., Nux v.. Paris q., Spig., Stram., Yaler., Verb- Sensitive to the sun : Thuja. Severe : A esc., Lach., Prim. sp. Sharp: Aeon.. Bry., Cimicfg., Cinn.. Gels., Kali bi., Lace, Mag. phos.. Xux v., Plat., Prun. sp.. Puis., Spig.. Staph.. Sulph. Shifting : Aeon.. Apis., Bell.. Cimicfg., Coloc. Colch.. Gels., Kali bi.. Mag. phos., Puis. Shocks, spasmodic, through body : Stram.. Zinc. , — ,in rapid succession : Corf. c. Shooting: Aeon., Bell., Oedr.. Cham., Cimicfg.. Coloc, Gels., Ign., Kali bi., Kalm., Mag. c. Mag. phos., Xaja., Xux v., Plant, m., Prun. sp., Sang., Sep., Spig., Staph., Syph., Tereb. Sleep, disturbing : Hyper. Smarting : Apis. Soreness : Bry., Coloc, Iris v.. Lac c, Sang. Spasmodic : Mag. phos. Splinters, as from, between skin and flesh : Agar. Split, as if forehead would, on going into cold wind : Lac c. Spots, painful, burn like fire : Thuj. Squeezed, as in a vise : Berb., Plat. Squeezing : Tereb. Stabbing : Chin., Kali bi., Spig., Thuja, Sulph. Starts through the body : Stram. Sticking pains : Cupr. act., Kali bi., Kali c, Kali phos., Spig., Stiffness: Kalm. , of nape of neck : Bell. 208 PAINS AND SENSATIONS. Stinging: Apis., Berb., Cham., Cinn., Coloc, Con., Fer. phos., Merc, v., Sep., Spig. Stitches into inner ear : Cham., Kali phos. jaws : Cham. malar bone : Paris, q. teeth : Kali phos. temples : Guaj., Kali c. — two carious teeth : Iris v. Stitching: Aeon., Agar., Am. m., Berb., Chel., Cinn., Coloc, Kali c, Kali phos., Nitr. spts. die, Nux v., Staph., Stram. Sticking: Caust., Con., Crot. h., Kali c, Kalm., Natr. m., Verb. Stupefying: Kalm., Staph. Suddenly appearing : Coloc, Glon., Ign., Valer. ,pain comes and goes : Bell. Sunrise to sunset : Kali bi., Natr. m., Spig. Tearing: Agar., Agn. c, Am. m., Arg. n., Ars., Aur. m., Bell., Berb., Bry., Calc c, Caps., Carb. v., Caust., Cham. Chel., Chin.,-Colch., Coloc, Con., Crot. h., Dulc, Gels., Guaj., Kali c, Kali m,, Kalm., Kreos., Lach., Lycopd., Mag. c, Mag., phos., Merc, v., Natr. m., Nux v., Phos., Plant, m., Plat., Puis., Rhod., Rhus t., Sep., Sil., Spig., Staph., Stram., Sulph., Syph., Yerat., alb., Verb. Teeth, seems to arise from : Mez. Tension in jaws : Caust. in throat or nose : Caust. Tensive : Coloc, Phos., Spig. Thread, as if from a, deep in the bone : Cep. Throbbing: Cact. gr., Cep., Chel., Cocc, Fer. phos., Kali bi., Lac c, Lach., Naja, Sang., Spig., Staph. PAINS AND SENSATIONS. 209 Tingling: Aeon., Merc, v., Plat., Tereb. in extremities : Mag. phos.: in face : Colch. Tongs, like crushed between : Verb. , as if torn with red hot : Chin. ars. Touch, sensitive to : Agar., Bell., Bry., Chain., Chin., Chin, s., Clem., Cocci., Colch., Hydrctl., Kalm., Mer., v., Nux v., Paris q., Spig., Stram.' Yaler., Verb. Trembling: Apis., Cocc. Twisting: Ign., Nux v. Twitching of angles of mouth: Mag. phos., Phos., Verb. lower lid : Alum., Bell., Bry., Chin, s., Gels. , muscles of face: Bry., Glon., Ign., Stram., Tell., Yaler. Unbearable, becoming more and more as they con- tinue : Puis. Unconsciousness, producing : Thuja. Walk, forcing one to walk : Ail., Mag. c, Rhus t. Wandering, vagrant, shifting pains: Aeon., Apis., Bell., Cimicfg., Coloc, Colch., Gels., Kali bi., Mag. phos., Puis. Weak feeling of parts : Chin. , after in abdomen : Lach. Wind, as if cold, blowed into right ear : Caust. — — , , blowed against the eyes : Croc, Thuja. Wrapped up, must be, day and night : Phos. Yawning, during spasmodic, as if the jaw would break : Rhus t. Zygoma, burning in : Aur. , dull pain in : Hyper. , jerking in left : Carb. v. 15 PART II. Sciatic Neuralgia, WITH Clinical Cases and Repertory, BY F\ H. Lxjtzk, M. D. SCIATIC NEURALGIA. 1. AOONITUM. Leaden heaviness and numbness of limbs, worse ascending, inability to raise them from the ground. Tingling, pricking and asleep sensation. Pain in right hip, better walking in the open air. Contraction of cords under knees ; drawing inside of both legs, worse walking, with sensitiveness to touch. Short feeling in tendons of hams and tendo-achilles. Tearing upward in left outer ankle. Drawing tearing in left hip joint on moving; shooting, tearing pains in legs, knees, ankles and toes. Tingling, commencing in the feet and spreading upwards. Aggr. From cold air, moving, ascending steps, during rest. Amel. Walking in open air. 2. AG-ARICUS MUSCARIUS. Twitching and convulsive shocks in limbs, tearing and stitches. Trembling, cramplike, burning, bruised, boring, piercing pain, worse from walking and ascending, relieved by sitting. Violent ischiatic pain, neither touch nor pressure, neither walking nor rest has any in- fluence, but is aggravated by stooping or from, change of position. 214 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Electric like shocks through lower limbs, mostly in the left, suddenly awaking him ; great heaviness of legs. Aggr. From stooping, change of position ; from walking or ascending. Amel. By sitting. 3. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Cramplike contraction in left hip, in popliteal region and in lower part of left leg ; hamstrings painful, as if too short, worse and must limp when walking. Violent tearing and stitches, with ulcerative pain in heels, occur also at night in bed, at times relieved by rubbing. Tearing in front and external surface of right thigh when sitting in the evening. Intermittent tearing in left hip extending down thigh in the afternoon when sitting, at first relieved by rising. Neuralgia of the stump after amputation. (Cepa., Asafoet.) Aggr. When sitting, when walking, in the evening and afternoon. Amel. By lying down, from rubbiug, on ris- ing. Clinical. Mr. H. M. E., aged 48, a carpenter by trade, has been working during the cold weather in ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 215 an exposed place. For three days he has suf- fered from a severe drawing pain in left leg, commencing at nates and extending down the posterior aspect of the thigh to popliteal space and into the calf of the leg, better while lying quietly with leg extended, and while walk- ing slowly, but is unbearable when sitting. Ehus tox. and Pulsatilla afforded no relief (of course not), but for the two days he was wasting with these drugs he grew steadily worse, the only relief he had was by the recumbent position. Ammon. mur. cm. (H. S.) relieved in two hours and cured in a day and a-half. He re- ceived but one dose. Clarence Willard Butler, M. D., H. P., 1888, p. 93. 4. ARGENTUM NITRIOUM. Periodical pain from hip to knee with para- lytic heaviness and weakness of legs, does not know where to put them. Cramplike pain in the calves all night with startings, which awaken him. Chorealike motions, lassitude, jerking and trembling. Paroxysmal nervous cramplike drawing through right thigh ; in hips along ischias antica to knees. Aggr. At night and mornings. 5. ARNIOA MONTANA. Drawing, pressing, sore bruised pain in left hip joint, when sitting, thigh being extended. 216 ARSENICUM ALBUM. Formication, lame feeling, must often change position, the bed or chair seems too hard. Tearing pain in left knee, better from violent friction ; tearing on right outer maleolus and on dorsum of foot; crawling in outer half of left foot ; as if a nerve were pulled. Aggr. When sitting with thigh extended. Amel. By violent friction. Clinical. A lady subject to neuralgia and headache; when the headache was relieved, by walking, speaking or especially by violent rubbing, the pain would appear in a small spot on lower extremity, most often the right foot, where, however, it was less severe. Arnica cured after Rhus t. had given only temporary relief. 6. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Pain back of great trochanter extending down thigh posteriorily, then towards knee anteriorly, embracing patella down tibia to ankle, somewhat relieved by flexion of knee. Deep drawing, boiling sensation in limb, hopeless, pale and emaciated ; dyspnoea or fainting spells from slightest exertion. Drawing, tearing, burning pains, with great anguish and restlessness; shooting, tearing and ASARUM EUROPAEUM. 217 burning in left hip, thigh, groin and foot; pa- tient can find no rest in any position, but feels himself compelled to walk about or change the position, which is painful and gives no relief. Tearing in limb from top to bottom, with inability to tread, sit or lie, had to shake the limb to and fro day and night or else limp about and had no rest, ivorse at night. Draw- ing, tearing from anterior surface of thigh to knee and tarsal joint ivhen walking. Intermit- tent pain, extending along crural nerve as far as heel and toes; burning in soles of feet. (Sulph.) Sciatica caused by staying in damp house or cellar. (Natr. s., Khustox.) Aggr. At night, I A. M. in the morning, from motion; cold. Amel. From heat, pressure, and flexion of knee. 7. ASARUM EUROPAEUM. Chronic sciatica, with severe pain, in the hip- joint and middle of the thigh, worse when step- ping, the foot feels as if paralyzed. Drawing in hamstrings, evenings, when lying in bed; darting and tearing pains. Lightness of all the limbs, he does not feel that he has a body. Seden- tary habit, shrinks from cold. Generally worse on the left side. The sound of scratching on linen or silk is insupportable. 218 BARYTA ACETICA. Aggr. Cold, dry, and clear fine weather, when stepping. Amel. Washing, damp wet weather, wetting affected part. 8. BARYTA ACETICA. Tearing from above downward in right but- tock periodically increasing and decreasing, drawing pain down entire left leg; tension as if tendons were too short, worse when standing, less when lying down. Tearing most painful and lasts longest in knees; tearing in external and anterior side of thigh, extending downward as far as knee when walking; drawing down whole left leg. Weariness of legs when sitting with jerks in foot and aching in posterior surface of thigh, which extends to foot and is worse by stepping. Aggr. From walking, standing, and stepping. Amel. From lying down. 9. BELLADONNA Pain in thighs and legs, as if brittle, bruised, beaten and carious, with fine shooting and gnawing along the bones and violent tear- ing in the joints, the pain rises gradually from ankle to hips, is worse in the hip joint and necessitates while sitting, constant motion and shifting of the feet or change of position (Bell., BERBERIS VULGARIS. 219 Sulph., Zinc), worse at night and afternoon, bet- ter from walking. Restlessness in the legs, with sensitiveness to touch as if a nerve was uncovered, cannot bear to have anything press upon the affected part. Crarnplike pain in the gluteal muscles, with tension on bending forward ; cramplik-e pain in the right knee, near patella, on outer side when sitting ; cutting shoots in external mus- cles of right knee only when sitting. Aggr. When sitting, from touch, jarring, draft of cold air, in the afternoon, 2 or 3 P. M., 11 P. M., at night. Amel. From warmth, from standing erect, letting the limb hang down, from walking. 10. BERBERIS VULGARIS. Drawing, stretching pain in thigh, and ten- sion in bend of knee, as if tendons were too short; tearing, shooting pain in thighs ; stitches at intervals while sitting or walking either through across the thigh, or from hip down to foot. Touch is painful, even through the dress, with burning of thighs. Pain in thighs, worse from changes of weather, mostly before a heavy wind; burning, stinging, tearing, pressing, worse when stretching the leg. Gnawing on outer upper part and posterior surface of left thigh above hollow of knee, and 220 BRYONIA ALBA. outer lower part of right, worse from walking, and rubbing, burning on upper part of right thigh, worse from touch. Aggr. From changes of weather, before heavy windstorms, from stretching the leg, rubbing, touch, sitting or walking. 11. BRYONIA ALBA. Pains in left lumbar region, extending to thigh, worse in the afternoon and evening, when sitting, and from motion. Stabbing pains in hips, shooting pains extending towards hip, worse late in the evening, and often from cold water, relieved by lying on the painful side. Sciatica, ivorse on slightest motion, yet cannot lie still, though motion increases the pain, shooting from left to right; constant moaning. (Left ovaralgia ; Ars). Cracking and feeling of dislocation in hip joint when walking ; limb feels heavy. Aggr. Prom least motion, afternoon and evening, when sitting, and sometimes from cold applications. Amel. From rest, lying on the painful side and cold applications. 12. CALCAREA CARBONIC A. Sciatic pains caused by working in water ; the pain extends down the limbs and keeps CAPSICUM. 221 them in constant uneasiness. Tearing in left limb from hip to ankle, worse from motion. 13. CAPSICUM. Shooting, tearing, sticking, from hip to knee, and feet, especially ivhen coughing ; drawing pain in hip joint, worse from touch, and bending the trunk backward. Sprained pain in right leg, worse stretching out the thigh; bruised pain better walking, returning during rest. Aggr. When coughing, from touch, bend- ing the trunk backward, stretching out the thigh and rest. Amel. From walking. 14. CARBONEUM SULPHURATUM. Chronic sciatica in the right thigh, hindering motion of the limb. Inflammatory sciatica in left thigh, from taking cold with entire inability to walk. Jerking, tearing, stitching, flying pains, returning at regular intervals for a long time. 15. CARDUNUS MARIANUS. Pain in hip-joints, spreading through but- tocks, causing difficulty in arising, icorse from stooping. Drawing pain in right thigh on inner side to internal ankle. Aggr. From stooping. 222 CAUSTICUM. 16. CAUSTICUM. Tearing on outer side of left limb, from above downward, with constant desire to move the foot; paralyzed and gone to sleep sensation. Aggr. In direct proportion to the bodily ex- ertion involved and in the open air. Amel. By a short rest and from warmth of bed. 17. CHAMOMILLA. Violent drawing tearing pains from left ischium to os-calcis and sole of foot, with cramp- like tension of muscles; tearing pains from abdomen down the legs. An indescribable pain in thigh, on rising from a seat, and when lying with thigh stretched out. Tearing pains in all the limbs only relieved by constant tossing about in bed. Excessive sensibility and irritability. Aggr. On rising from a seat, when lying with thigh stretched out, at night in bed. Amel. From constant tossing about in bed. 18. CHININUM SULPHURICUM. Sciatic Neuralgia on right side of many weeks duration, worse when walking; the pains are generally intermittent, and return with great regularity; great sensitiveness to touch. Aggr. When walking. CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. 223 19. OIMIOIPUGA RACEMOSA. Pain in lumbar region, sacrum, and whole left leg, also in left shoulder and groin. The pain changes from extremities to abdomen, pro- ducing diarrhoea and sometimes retention of urine. Hysterical tendency. Complication with ovarian or uterine diseases. 20. OOOOULUS INDIOUS. Pain as if hip was screwed together or shoot- ing like lightning down the whole limb, worse from motion and contact; sensitive to fresh air, which is excessively prostrating; wretched color of the skin; sleeplessness, great emaciation. After the paroxysms the parts feel numb as if asleep. Chilliness with perspiration and heat of the skin. Aggr. From motion and contact. 21. COCCUS CACTI. Tearing, sticking in anterior muscles of the thigh and in left sciatic nerve, extending from gluteal muscle to outer and posterior side of thigh during rest, better by walking. Aggr. From rest. Amel. By walking. 22. COPFEA CRUDA. Paroxysmal sciatic or crural neuralgia, rend- 224 COLOCYNTHIS. ing, shooting pains, better by pressure, worse afternoon and night and by walking. Kestless, sleepless at night. Crural neuralgia of gouty or rheumatic origin, stitching pains worse from motion, attacks irregular in appearance and lasting several hours, mostly at night and in the afternoon. Crural neuralgia, in the left limb, better by pressure, but very much worse from pressure at point of exit of nerve. Aggr. Afternoon, at night, when walking and from pressure at exit of crural nerve, from motion. Am el. By pressure. 23. OOLOOYNTHIS. Tearing, shooting, boring, throbbing pain, better at night in warmth of bed, but wakes him at 4 A. M., when it was throbbing and boring in sacral region, corresponding to position of plexus ischiadicus, thence extending through the incisura ischiadica major towards the hip- joint down posterior portion of thigh into fassa poplitea. (Gnaphalium) Crampy pain in affected hip, as though the parts were screwed in a vise, lies upon affecte d side with knees drawn up. Violent, continuous, tearing, sticking, burn- ing pains from sacrum; along course of sciatic COLOCYNTHIS. 225 nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg down as far as the knee; can neither lie, sit or walk; worse from tear mth of bed; or the pain in right leg compels him to lie quietly in one place; the slightest attempt at motion causes great pain, which is accompanied by a sensation as if the marrow of bone was being crushed; want of sensation along course of sciatic nerve; occa- sionally pain shoots with lightning-like rapidity from small of back to heels. Severe stitching, drawing, tearing pains, from right hip to thigh, and knees, with periodical exacerbations, making him cry out, ivorse from motion. Acute paroxysmal sciatic pains with head- ache, parts tender to touch ; ivorse at night, by motion, heat and rubbing; ischias with albumi- nuria ; the paroxysms of pain are intolerable often accompanied with sweat and thirst, and a tendency to shortening of tendons. Pain passing down right thigh to knees, when walking as if psoas muscle were too short; cramp in left calf, left foot " goes to sleep ; " formication and numbness with pains. Pains stitching, cutting, passing down out- side of left leg, from hip to ankle, in parox- ysms every quarter of an hour, parts very painful to touch, ivorse at night, better from heat; motion at first aggravates, afterwards relieves the 16 226 COLOCYNTHIS. pain, but is worse again from long continued motion. Every two or three hours, four, or five successive shocks of pain pass suddenly through affected parts. Tenderness on pressure over sciatic nerve and stiffness of knee joint. Pain worse between 1 and 2 A. M. and 4 P. M.. about a quarter hour after rising, about noon, better by rubbing. Sciatica in left hip and thigh, and inner side of right thigh, worse 4 P. M., very violent tearing, shooting, boring in left knee, calf and foot, better from heat, pressure or flexing leg on abdomen, at night, and keeping perfectly quiet; worse in the day-time, with constipation and sensation of contraction and shortening ; draw- ing cramping in right calf and inner side of , left thigh. Tongue coated white, and rough, or yellow, tearing pains in abdomen, better by hard pres- sure and bending double; brought on by vexation or indignation ; muscles of the thigh stiff* and tight as if screwed up; or a sensation as if sur- rounded by an iron band. Aggr. At 4 A. M., 1 to 2 A. M., 4 P. M. noon, during the day, from warmth of bed, motion, heat, rubbing, continued motion, or beginning to move, from touch. Amel. At night, rubbing, heat, pressure, flexing leg on abdomen, keeping perfectly COLOCYNTHIS. 227 quiet, or after beginning to move, bending double, lying on painful side. m Clinical. Case I. Mr. D. D. C, aged 50 years, came to me on Saturday, June 4th, saying he had been suffering for more than a week with pain in both limbs, extending down thighs and some- times into calves and heels. When sitting upright on a chair or standing still in certain positions, or even walking about on a smooth surface, the pains are ab- sent, but when getting up or sitting down the sharp, cutting, crampy pain was " damnable." He could not lie down and had slept sitting up for five nights. There was no swelling, or red- ness, no tenderness on pressure, no relief from the application of heat or liniments ; appetite good, bowels regular, slept well considering the position, and feeling well as above stated. He received one dose of Colocynthis cm., went to bed that night and slept soundly, went to work Monday and has not had a twinge of pain since. H. F. Smiley, M. D., Chicago ; M. A., 1894. Vol. 31, p. 138. Case II Mr. G. H. has been all of nine months under treatment. First allopathic, then with two eclectic doctors successively, for sciatica of right leg, hip, and lower extremity, 228 COLOCYNTHIS. better from continued exercise, especially from running till tired, then better for awhile by ly- ifig still, better from heat and rubbing, worse in damp weather and in the day-time; at night in bed he can roll around freely, and turn over without suffering any pain. Ehus 75 m., 1 powder ; although it does not correspond to the aggravation in the day-time, yet every other symptom seemed to corre- spond. The next day I was sent for, as he was very much worse, yet the night had been passed as comfortable as usual. He showed me some homoeopathic pellets the last eclectic doctor had given him, one-half ounce nearly full with about a half drachm of a tincture looking very much like Ehus tox., and concluded that the symptoms presented the day before were all due to this drug, for the powder Ehus 75 m. had removed them all, except the amelioration at night, which, continued along with the fol- lowing new symptoms : Pain in the right hip and lower extremity of a drawing, tearing, cramping character, with a sensation of con- traction or shortening ; drawing, aching on inner side of left thigh, all worse in the day- time, and from slightest motion, better by lying perfectly still and at night; can move and roll around in bed at night, freely without CURARE. 229 any pain. Bowels constipated, has to urge a great deal to expel the dry, hard stool, this as also coughing, sneezing or stooping forward aggravates the pain. Colocynth. 200, one powder, and S. L. After a week there was only a slight im- provement. Coloc. 200 a powder daily for two weeks. Reports about well, but the stool is still dry, requires much urging and causes pain at anus on voiding. There is an oozing from the anus keeping the perinaeum and coccyx moist ; anus is surrounded with a pimply eruption. Sep. cm. F. completed the cure. F. H. L. H. P., 1891, June, Vol. II, p. 260. 24. CURARE. Sciatica with great stiffness ; paralysis with burning heat and chills. Legs tremble when walking. 25. DIOSOOREA. Pain about the exit, and along the course of sciatic nerve, down the whole length of the right leg, only when moving the limb or when sitting; entire relief when lying perfectly still. (Bry.) Cramping pain in posterior side of right leg worse at buttock and heel. Aggr. From motion and when sitting. AmeL When lying perfectly still. 230 droserA. 26. DROSERA. Laming pain in right hip joint and thigh, with pain in ankle as if sprained, causing limp- ing when walking ; pressing pain in posterior muscles of thigh. Aggr. From pressure, stooping and lying on the painful side. Amel. After rising. 27. ELATERIUM. Tearing and gnawing pains in hips and thighs, deeply seated. Shooting and dull ach- ing pains in left thigh in the course of the sciatic nerve, extending down to instep, and extremities of toes. Neuralgic pains involv- ing whole right side of body from temple to foot, with swelling of the right knee, suppres- sion of urine, and bitter taste in t e mouth. 28. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM Severe shooting pains in the course of the left sciatic nerve, producing a palsied sensa- tion, especially after motion; neuralgia of the right shoulder or right knee passing over to left side. Neuralgic pains from below upward, mostly on left side of back and hip, gnawing pain in shinbone, legs feel weak and tired, more so the left. EUPHORBIUM. 231 29. EUPHORBIUM. Tearing, stinging, pressing pains better from motion, worse during rest, more often on the left side. Paralytic sensation, with difficulty of rising from a seat. Aggr. During rest. Amel. By motion. 30. PERRUM METALLICUM. Violent pain in hip joint, worse evenings un- til 12 midnight, must get out of bed, and walk about, can hardly put the foot down to the floor, but the pain lessens while walking. Shooting and tearing in hip-joint, which pains as if bruised when touched; shooting down along tibia must get up and walk about. Remitting pains icorse at night; although at first scarcely able to stand on affected limb, the pain gradually becomes milder by continued motion and walking about) pain in left shoulder, face pale and emaciated but flushes easily. Throbbing at night, worse from rest, ivhen lying down, when sitting, better by walking and continu- ed motion. Aggr. Evening until midnight, at night, from rest, when lying down, sitting, rising from a seat, standing and touch. 232 GELSEMIUM. AmeL By walking, continued moderate motion. 31. GELSEMIUM. Obstinate sciatica, paroxysmal shooting pains in left thigh, worse at rest, and particularly when beginning to walk; burning pains worse at night, compelling her to lie awake; in sole of foot when walking. Hyperesthesia, muscles of thigh so sore to touch, as a boil, pains were all relieved when in a sweat. Crampy pain, heaviness, loss of volun- tary motion; coldness and heaviness of extremi- ties, especially the feet, as if in cold water, with pain and anguish. Sharp drawing crampy pains, loss of voluntary motion, muscles will not obey the will; worse from motion, walking and at night. Sharp drawing pain in hip-joint, extending at times to outer side of thigh, worse from motion; pain in left thigh at 7 P. M., in left rectus femoris at 11:30 P. M. Aggr. From rest, when beginning to move, at night, changes of weather and touch, motion and walking. AmeL By perspiration. 32. GNAPHALIUM. Intense pains along the sciatic nerve, follow- ing its larger ramifications, dull, darting or GUAIACUM. 233 cutting pains from right hip-joint posteriorly downward to foot, worse lying down, from motion or stepping; better sitting in a chair. A feeling of numbness occasionally takes the place or alternates w4th sciatic pains, making exercise very fatiguing; frequent cramps in calves of legs, in the feet, when in bed, numb- ness of lower part of back; gouty pains in big toe. Tongue covered with long white fur; colicky pains in various parts of abdomen, which is sensitive to pressure in caecum. Borborygmus with much flatus. Affects the right side most frequentty. Anterior, crural Neuralgia. Aggr. From lying down, motion and step- ping. AmeJ. Sitting on a chair. (Xanthoxylum is similar to Gnaphalium in anterior, crural or genito-crural Neuralgia. 33. GUAIACUM. Tension in the thighs, especially the right, as if muscles were too short, with languor, when walking ; worse from touch, better when sitting. Pain begins in the middle of the thigh or leg and extends to knees ; tearing, drawing, lancinating in leg from right tarsus to knee. Drawing pain from middle of right thigh to knee on stretching the leg, better by drawing it up and bending it. 234 HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. Aggr. When stretching the leg, from touch. Amel. When sitting, drawing up or bend- ing the leg. 34. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. After a severe injury to the sciatic nerve, sharp, cutting pains darting along the course of the nerve and terminating in a twisting, wrenching sensation in the foot. Cramp in lower part of right gluteal muscle at 5 P. M., shooting down great sciatic nerve on back of pelvis at night in bed, running down left median nerve in the evening. Coxalgia after confinement, the feet feel pithy as if pricked with needles. Aggr, 5 P. M., evening, night Jn bed. 35. IGNATIA. Lancinating, cutting pains in hip joint, in- cisive throbbing, bursting intermittent pains, at first every other day, then daily, chilly, mild, melancholic temperament ; fever but no thirst, returns every winter. Hyperesthesia. Paroxysms of excruciating neuralgia of the sciatic nerve and its perineal branches, pre- ceded by intense coldness and shivering, worse at night, obliging her to get up and icalk about the room. INDIGO. 235 Tearing, boring, digging, throbbing pain, lasts sixty to ninety minutes, when it slowly departs. Chronic intermittent ischias worse in winter, better in summer; beating as though it would burst the hip-joint, accompanied by chilliness with thirst ; flushes of heat, particularly of face, without thirst, tearing pains in tendo-achillis and calf, as though parts would be cut off, ivorse standing, walking, or exerting muscles. Cold hands and feet, and cold up to knees ; periodicity, complaints often return at exactly the same hour. Aggr. Daily, every other day, at night, in winter, standing, walking, or exerting muscles. Am el. In summer. 36. INDIGO. Intense aching, stinging and bruised pain, in the middle of posterior thigh, extending to knee, boring pain in the knee joint, sharp, tearing, stinging or pricking in calf, above ankle, worse sitting, better from motion, though motion is also painful ; worse afternoon and evening, much pricking in calf just below knee, and in popliteal space, must lie down. Aggr. Sitting, afternoon, evenings. Amel. From motion. 236 IRIS VERSICOLOR. 37. IRIS VERSICOLOR. Shooting, burning, laming pains, affecting posterior femoral muscles, shooting along left sciatic nerve to foot; worse from motion; shoot- ing, burning in right shoulder. Tearing, shooting, rapidly shifting pains; sciatic pains, as if left hip-joint was wrenched and confined to left leg. Painful drawing and lameness behind left trochanter, extending down to popliteal space, in the evening, causing limping. Aggr. From sitting, motion, in the evening. 38. KALI BIOHROMICUM. Pain in the course of the left sciatic nerve, from behind great trochanter ^fco calf, better from motion, worse mornings (in males) running from left hip, to knee, sharp pains in hip, and knee joint; erratic, wandering, shifting pains; aching in leg with trembling. Pains come on quickly and subside soon; jerking, aching in hip, better by walking and flexing the leg, worse in the morning, in hot weather, from standing, sitting, or lying in bed; pressure causes the pain to shoot along the entire track of the nerves. Severe pains in hip and down outside of left leg, worse afternoon and evening and from any change of the weather. Sciatica from getting KALI CARBONICUM. 237 the clothes damp; pain in left hip, better from motion; aching in back and down left side into hip. The sciatic pains may be preceded by a cold in the head. Aggr. In the morning, afternoon and even- ing, in hot weather, summer, from any change of weather; from pressure, when sitting, stand- ing or lying in bed. AmeL By walking, motion, flexing the leg, in bed. 39. KALI CARBONICUM. Crampy, tearing, drawing in left hip-joint, knee, and leg; sharp, lancinating pains, shoot- ing down the back of the left thigh; bruised pain, when moving, or sneezing, parts sore to touch; pains felt during sleep, and awakened by the pains at 3 A. M., has to walk about to get relief. Tearing bruised pain, drawing from left hypochondrium down through abdomen, into testes; worse evenings, lying doivn on left painful side, worse from motion at night, and 3 A. M., awakened by the sharp lancinating pains; has to turn over on right side before he can rise. Aggr. Lying on left and painful side, from motion, pressure and touch, at night, at 1 P. M. and 3 A. M. AmeL Walking about. 238 KALI IODATUM. CLINICAL. Mr. C, a. laboring man, living in a very old log house, had sciatica in the left leg. It was at first only a laming, stitching pain in lumbo- sacral region, when he was treated by the county poor doctor, old school, without any improvement; but the pains began to go down from the left hip-joint, along the course of the left sciatic nerve, and from left hypochondrium into abdomen, and testes. He was worse from moving, lying on the leffc side, or sitting on a hard chair. When lying on the left side, he had to turn over on his right to be able to rise. The pains were lancinating, sticking and somewhat relieved by warmth. Kali carb 1 m. in aq. cured him in two days. ~ 40. KALI IODATUM. Sciatica of mercurial or syphilitic origin. Gnawing, aching, tearing pains in right thigh, knee and leg; a darting from point where sciatic nerve leaves pelvis to within ten inches of popliteal space, then, interrupted, to appear about middle and outer side of calf, continuing to external maleolus and heel. Motion, at first painful, is after a moment more bearable; she walked leaning toward affected side, so much as if femur had been dislocated above acetabulum; KALI PHOSPHORICUM. 239 when standing the foot is one and a half inches from the floor; worse at night, not able to remain in bed, for the pain in thigh, leg, and kneejoint is excruciating when lying down, eliciting screams; gave up the bed for several weeks, occupying a chair in a semi-reclining position, emaciated and prostrated from want of rest, and from pain, which is bearable during the day, worse evenings, better in the open air. Violent jerking of limb and muscles of thighs, pain worse in the knee, tearing and lacerating, better by walking and flexing the leg, worse standing, sitting or lying in bed. Tearing in right thigh and knee awakens him at night, worse lying on affected side or back. Aggr. Evening, at night, standing, sitting or lying in bed, or lying on the affected side or on back. Amel. Open air, from walking or flexing the leg. 41. KALI PHOSPHORICUM. . Eheumatic or Neuralgic affections of sciatic nerve, worse on rising, better from gentle exercise (motion). Drawing and aching pains following the whole length of the right sciatic nerve, better from walking slowly; drawing pains from knees downward, and also from soles to knees, better 240 KREOSOTUM. from motion and warmth. The pains frequently change location; thick white coating on the tongue in the morning, and offensive odor from the mouth. Aggr. On rising. Amel. From gentle exercise, motion, warmth. 42. KREOSOTUM. Pain in left hip-joint as if dislocated, with a sensation as if the leg was too long (Thuja) when standing. Boring pains in right hip, alternating with numbness and loss of sensation of the whole thigh. Severe, old neuralgic affections with tearing pains, great restlessness and -excitation of whole body, worse in repose than during motion. Aggr. Best. Amel. Motion. 50. LAO OANINUM. Intense, unbearable pain across super-sacral region, extending to right nates, and down right sciatic nerve, pain so severe as to prevent sleep or rest; restlessness; pains in left hip and along left sciatic nerve. Pains change from one side to the other. LACHESIS. 241 51. LACHESIS. Intolerable shooting pains, extending from left hip down to foot, followed by a sensation of intense heat, burning, as from a hot iron in parts affected, and afterwards by perspiration and general prostration; pains extort cries, constantly change locality, now in the head, now in the teeth, now in the sciatic nerve, attended with nervousness, palpitation of the heart, burning like fire in hypogastrium, lumbar region and behind sternum. Severe pain in left great toe, darting, tearing, excruciating pain, extending in shocks from tde to knee, along the course of anterior tibial nerve. Aggravated by the slightest touch of bed- clothing; from the knee the pain darted into the hip or abdomen; complete exhaustion from the pain; worse after sleep. Aggr. From touch, during and after sleep, from sitting up erect, walking, rising to one's feet. Amel. Lying quietly in bed. Clinical. A man over seventy years old suffered from sciatica several years, during which time he obtained no relief, although under the care of a homoeopathist in the last two years. 17 242 LEDUM. April 26th, 1887. he complained of pain in the left hip and thigh, worse in stormy or wet weather, from sitting long and when lying on the opposite side. Relief from walking, motion and warmth. Weak gone feeling in stomach before meals, milk disagrees. Gave one dose of Rhus tox mm. May 6th pain in hip and thigh better, not- withstanding a severe cold, from which he now suffered. The present symptoms are: Chilliness in the back, chill runs upward, pain in left thigh is a burning pain. Gave Lachesis cm. one dose. May 13th came in happy, says that he has not been so well in years and continues so to this date. J. A. Biegler, M. D., Rochester, N. Y., Med. Advance, 1887. 52. LEDUM. Weakness, and heaviness in left limb, follow- ed by swelling of limb and feet; pressure in right hip-joint, worse from motion; the limb feels cold to the touch yet ivarmth aggravates the pain, which ascends from the foot and prevents sleep. Sprained pain towards posterior part of left thigh, as if muscles were not in proper position, ivorse from walking or touch. Aggr. From warmth, warmth of bed, from LYCOPODITJM. 243 motion, walking, or touch, and evenings before 12 at night. 53. LYCOPODITJM. Tension in left hip, with violent jerking in limbs; burning, stinging pains with complete intermissions. Stiffness and weakness of affect- ed limb, worse from rest, slightly relieved by motion. Periodically, every four days pain in the limb, from hip, to foot causing limping. Chron- ic sciatica, abdomen bloated, with incacerated flatulence, constipation, red sandy sediment in high colored urine. Painful muscular twitch- ings. Sciatica on right side, pain very much aggra- vated by any pressure upon affected side, either by sitting or especially by lying upon it; # pain deep in the joint, as from contraction in calves when walking. Aggr. From pressure, sitting or lying upon affected side, rest, and in the spring. Amel. By motion. Clinical. I succeeded two years ago in curing a chronic case of this painful affection with Lycopodium mm. (Johnston.) I had several times partially relieved her 244 LYCOPODItJM. with Rhus tox, Chamomilla etc. but the parox- ysms, to which she had been subject for years would return. The condition, when the Lyco- podium was given, was that the pain was very much aggravated, by pressure upon the affected side, either by sitting, or especially by lying upon it. It was the right side. The patient complained that, when lying upon the affected side, it seemed as though the pain and sore feeling was deep in the joint. When not lying on the painful side, the pain always ran down from the hip to the part on the outside of the leg. Phyto- lacca was prescribed on this indication, with only little if any relief. When the patient mentioned this symptom, of deep seated pains in the joint, it called to my mind^that I had read in a society discussion somewhere, that Lippe said that Lycopodium affected the ends of the bones, and might it not be that there was an inflammation in the head of the femur. Act- ing on this as a sort of a guiding symptom, I found, on again reviewing the case in its past history, that she had at times suffered from rheumatic soreness in her ankles, so that she could walk only with the greatest difficulty. She was and had been troubled with a great deal of flatulence and constipation, and thus I was enabled to see quite a number of Lycopo- LYSSIN. 245 dium symptoms in my case. Under this remedy in this very high potency she made a rapid and full recovery and she had no return of the trouble. Question: Was this Sciatica? E. B. Nash, M. D., Cortland, N. Y. Med. Adv., Vol. 21, p. 507, 1888. 54. LYSSIN. A dull pain along the left sciatic nerve, re- turning periodically, worse when rising from sitting. 55. MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA. Sciatica with excruciating, spasmodic pains in right leg from hip to ankle, worse in joints. Shifting pains, often lightning-like shooting, intermits, renders a change of position neces- sary, and is relieved by tvarmth of bed. Every night neuralgia, now in lower limbs, in tibia or in thighs, now in left, now in right side, mostly with spasmodic muscular contrac- tions, during the day perfectly well. Great dread of cold air, of uncovering or touching affected part, of washing in co d ivater or moving. Aggr. At night, from cold (air or washing); from touching affected part. Aniel. During the day, from heat, pressure and warmth of bed, 246 MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. 56. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. Stitching, contractive pain in region of hip- joint, cramplike drawing in anterior portion of thigh, when sitting. When sitting the thigh and legs are spasmodically jerked upward, (Sticta.) not when standing. Pains are better from motion and pressure, worse evenings, during rest, and when lying down; after abuse of quinine; from injuries to nerves. Aggr. Evenings, during rest, when lying down, and sitting. Amel. By motion, pressure, when standing. 57. MEROURIUS VIVUS. Tearing, lancinating, in hipjoint and knee- joint, ivorse at night with pulsating pains, worse in warmth of bed and from motion; parts sore to touch. Aggr. Warmth of bed, at night, from motion. Amel. Sitting quietly (tremors.) 58. MEZEREUM. Darting from hipjoint down to knee; draw- ing pain along the whole thigh leaving a pain- ful weakness and hindering walking. Sensation as if the flesh were torn from the bones; of inter- nal heat, the surface being cold, NATRUM MURIATICUM. 247 Aggr. From touch, motion, evenings and at night. Amel. At daybreak, in open air. Clinical. Mr. B. set. 66, rheumatic pains in legs like sciatica, with jerking of right leg; pains begin about 6 P. M. last all night, and are relieved at daybreak. Mezereum relieved, but further treatment was necessary. E. W. Berridge, London. Horn. Phys., 1886,p. 77. 59. NATRUM MURIATICUM. Drawing pain in right hipjoint extending to knee, with painful contraction of hamstrings, chronic cases; of a remittent character; pains renewed or increased by a recumbent position even in the daytime. Aggr. Toward noon, w x hen lying. Amel. By heat. 60. NATRUM SULPHURIOUM. Sudden piercing pains in left hipjoint, ichile walking, making it impossible to walk. Pain in abdomen, small of back, and right hipjoint, worse from stooping, rising from a seat, or turning in bed: caused often by living in a damp house. 248 NUX MOSCHATA. Aggr. From stooping, rising from a seat, moving in bed, or walking. Amel. Temporarily from a change of position. 61. NUX MOSCHATA. Violent pains in right leg, extending from hip to knee, along posterior part of thigh, awaking her from sleep at 12 P. M. and continuing for several hours. Attacks several nights in succession, then discontinued for a longer or shorter time .These free intervals finally became less, she was no longer free from pain, became lame and the pain would suddenly appear, when sitting quietly. A sudden motion or jar would cause great suffering, and care was constantly required on beginning to move; scarce one night in a week would be passed quietly. Sciatica, probably hysterical, due to retro- lateral version of the uterus. Aggr. From a sudden jar or motion, 12 o'clock at night. 62. NUX VOMICA. Darting pains upward from toes to hips, or from trochanter, to hollow of knee, ivorse at stool, from motion, when lifting and at night {better at daybreak'), and hot water applications, PETROLEUM. 249 Limb stiff and contracted, parts feel numb; paralyzed and cold; lies best on painless side, worse mornings. Constipation; sedentary habit, addicted to alcoholic stimulants. Drawing, severe pains into foot during an evacuation. Pains worse at night, cries out when moving in bed, pains par- ticularly severe, when patient is lifted up, or attempts to stand, it seems then as if upper part of thigh was being broken, with anxious sweat and constipation; the stool is accompanied by severe pains, causing him to cry out and spend much time before evacuation is accom- plished. Sensation in hollow of knee, as if tendons were too short on rising from a seat. Aggr. From motion, lifting, on attempting to stand, during stool, at night and mornings, when lifted. Amel. By external applications of heat, lying on the painless side, (at daybreak). 63. PETROLEUM. Sciatica with pain in the spine. 64. PHOSPHORIC ACID. Keualgic (or rheumatic) pains in left hipjoint or left thigh, running from gluteal muscles or hipjoint down to knee, and often to calf of leg or ankle, slightly better from walking, but still 250 PHYTOLACCA. severe. Paralysis or partial paralysis with sciatic pains. Amel. From walking. 65. PHYTOLACCA. Pain in outer side of thighs, soreness in left groin, pressing, shooting, drawing, aching in thigh, great lassitude and desire to lie down. Syphilitic or gonorrheal sciatica with sharp, tearing, lancinating pains down to feet, not inclined to remain in one part long at a time, often darting along whole length of limb in quick successive impulses, rendering the leg powerless, numb and heavy even to extremity of toes, Aggr. At night, from motion and pressure. 66. PLUMBUM METALLICUM. Drawing, pressive pains in the course of the sciatic nerve, from the posterior part of the thigh to the knee, with difficult walking, followed by great exhaustion; later on there is marked con- secutive muscular atrophy. The pains get worse in paroxysms; cramps in the calves, feet swollen, foetid footsweat. Aggr. From motion, pressure, at night. Amel. From rubbing. 67. PODOPHYLLUM. Sharply defined aching in sacro-ischiadic for- amen, with tenderness on pressure; pain and PSORINUM. 251 weakness in left hip, like rheumatism, from cold, worse ascending. Cramps in thighs, calves and feet, with pain- less watery stools. Aggr. From ascending. 68. PSORINUM. Pain in hipjoint as if dislocated, worse when walking, with weak arms; tension down to knee; tearing in left knee. Diarrhoea alter- nating with neuralgia. Aggr. From walking. 69. PULSATILLA. Jerking pain in hipjoint, extending to knee on left side, worse towards evening and at night, with inclination to change position constantly or move the leg, icorse in a warm room, better in the open air. Cannot rest, though motion aggravates. The more sevei^ the pain, the worse the chills. Jerking, lacerating pain through left leg and foot, which becomes numb and oedematus, sensitive to touch, better from change of position. Pain in hipjoint, as if dislocated; drawing pain and tension in muscles of thighs at night, forc- ing him to move, with sleeplessness, and tossing about even when there is no pain, Anorexia and general coldness, 252 RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Aggr. Toward evening, at night in a warm room, from motion. Amel. In the open air, from change of position. 70. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Sciatica, especially in women; pains worse moving about, yet not relieved by lying down worse in rainy stormy weather. Stitching burn- ing pains radiating from dorsal region of spine. Aggr. From motion, in rainy stormy weather. 7i. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Sciatica, right side, dull aching pain, worse at night and in cold damp weather ; better by rubbing, from heat and when warmed by exercise ; numbness and formication. Severe attack every few weeks, crippling him for days at a time, right hip and thigh affected ; pains worse when keeping still, when attempting to move and in cold damp weather ; better after mjving around and from warm ap- plications. Attacks brought on by overwork or exposure. Violent tearing, burning pains proceeded from tuberosity of the right ischium, followed the course of the sciatic nerve, and spread oyer thigh, knee and leg; generally came on RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 253 at night, increased in intensity every minute, until obliged to get up and walk about, when the pain ceased. Acute pain in left hip, especially when rising from a seat ; the pain extends toward spine, into abdomen and at times into knee; shortness of breath, pains about the heart, sometimes very severe, as if something would burst in the chest, better from hard pressure over the painful spot, and entire quietness relieves. Sciatic neuralgia for 12 years, pain occupied the whole left lower limb, particularly the posterior part of the thigh, drawing, burning, tearing, lancinating pains, worse at night so as to prevent sleep, also worse in cold wet weather. Sciatica in left side, intense pains gradually- increasing in severity ; lightning-like pains shoot through the limb, sensation of coldness in the limb, worse from rest, better by continued motion ; sleeplessness at night. Sciatica with tenderness about the knee- joint; pain constant when walking ; could rise from bed or chair only with great effort and care ; and worse after rising ; urine thick. Excessive nervousness, sleeplessness, in- ability to rest in any position, muscular twitch- ing in all parts of the body, especially in affected leg at night ; pains often paroxysmal. 254 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Rhus tox will not cure if the bowels are costive. Aggr. At night, after midnight, when lying on back or right side, in cold or damp weather, from rest, overexertion, beginning to move, rising from bed or from sitting. Amel. From rubbing, hard pressure, from heat, when warmed by exercise, change of position, continued motion, and warm appli- cations, walking. Clinical. Case I. A man over seventy years old suffered from sciatica several years, during which time he obtained no relief, although under the care of a homoeopathist in the last two years. April 26th, 1887, complained of pain in the left hip and thigh - r worse in stormy wet weather, from sitting long and when lying on the opposite side ; relief from walking, motion and warmth; weak gone feeling in stomach before meals. Milk disagrees, gave Rhus tox. mm., one dose. May 6th., pain iu hip and thigh better notwithstanding a severe cold, from which he now suffered. The present symptoms are: Chilliness in back, chills run upward, the pain in the left thigh is a burning pain. Gave Lachesis cm. one dose. May 13th, comes in happy, says he has not RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 255 been so well in years and continues so at this date. J. A.' Biegler, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. Horn. Phys., 1887, Vol 7, p. 478. Case II Mr. M. had suffered for four or five weeks from sciatica, for which allopathic physicians had been unable to do anything. He was lying in bed, resting on his left side, and moving his right leg constantly. Elec- tricity had been employed with but slight re- lief. He could not stay in bed at night, particularly after midnight, but had to get up and walk abo it. Constant thirst, drinking little at a time, frequent voiding of scanty urine, smelling strong, could not lie on back or right side, worse during windy weather ; icy coldness of affected part. Ars. 10th was pre- scribed for two days, without result, when he mentioned he was worse in damp weather and damp air. Rhus tox. 10 was then given for 3 days, without much relief. On the night of the third day he obtained ten hour's sleep and in two days more went about his business in the open air. A slight relapse from some cause was rapidly removed by Rhus tox. Hahn. Monthly, 1890, p. 862. 256 RTJTA GRAVEOLENS. 72. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Sciatica, the pain is deep seated as if in mar- row of bone, or as if the bone were broken, obliged to walk about constatnly, during the paroxysm, as the pain increases, so soon as he sits or lies down and therefore sleep is impossi- ble, constantly conplaining about his suffer- ings; burning corrosive pains, worse in damp, cold weather or from cold applications. Shooting pains from back down outside of left thigh, sometimes down sciatic nerve, on first moving or on rising after sitting. Hamstrings, chiefly outer, feel shortened, sore and weak, knees give away going up or down stairs. Sciatica from injuries or contusions. Aggr. From sitting or lying ^and beginning to move, cold applications, in cold damp weather, ascending or descending. Amel. By walking about constantly. 73. SEPIA. Severe tearing pains in left thigh, along course of sciatic nerve, extending to calf of leg and toes at 3 to 5 A. M. During attack the veins of affected part are greatly distended, she cannot remain in bed, gets up and walks about the room sobbing. Lassitude during the day, cannot lie on the affected side, and it sepia. 257 is unbearable to sit still; restless. Feels sleepy and fatigued on waking, perspires easy. Sciati- ca, better during pregnancy ; sciatica becomes chronic and localizes in the heel. Constipation, manual aid is often required to evacuate the stool. Aggr. When sitting, rising from a seat, after moving, or going to bed, lying on the painful side, from 3 to 5 a. m., in the forenoon. Amel. During pregnancy, great exertion, walking about. Clinical. Case I. Mrs. S., set. 47 years, had suffered several years ago from ah eruption on different parts of the body. She consulted me August the 3d, 1892, on account of an ischias on the right side, from which she has suffered since last February. She says, she was at first sick for eight days, during which the pains were on both sides. Then it settled in her right hip and then went downward, and is now so that she suffers all the time. She cannot endure sitting, or keeping quiet, long at a time. Ag- gravation at night in bed (when at rest); she must lie on the painful side, she sweats pro- fusely. Before this disease sat in, she suffered from headache on awaking in the morning. This has now disappeared, general health good. Sepia 40, a dose every seventh evening. 18 258 sepia. September 8th. The primary action of the remedy was very violent, and it continued a week. She perceived a clear improvement in every direction after the second dose, including sleep. I now gave her the remedy every seventh evening, and no other was required to complete the cure. Dr. Kunkel, Kiel. Archive fur Homoeopathie. Case II. A countryman, always well until the present illness, consulted me July 25th 1892. He has suffered since last January from ischias of the left hip. He feels no pain when working in an upright position, but it appears immediately on stooping. Slight sweat on en- tire body, particularly of the head. Sultry air is intolerable. When sitting long the pain is constant, and disappears on rising and walk- ing about. Free from pain at night. Aggrava- tion on catching cold. Sepia 30, a dose every seventh evening. Sep- tember 5th, he is almost well, except on stooping there is some pain below the left trochanter (formerly it was in the whole ex- tremity) which soon disappears on motion. Dr. Kunkel, Kiel ; Archive fur Homoeopathie. Case III. Mr. G., set. 48, had sciatica in both lower extremities and had taken Gaultheria, and Bry. on his own account, and also two silica. 259 prescriptions from a Homoeopath, without any improvement, he felt despondent and was worse during the day. Nux v. 200 gave him some relief; no pain in the left leg, but the right seemed worse ; aggravated from coughing, sneezing, or pressing at stool ; the constipation was so great that it required manual aid to evacuate the stool ; he could not ride com- fortably, but was somewhat relieved by walking rapidly. Pains severe all day, slept good without pain at night : Sepia 45m, two powders taken a week apart, gave complete relief. F. H. L. 74. SILICA. Sciatica on right side, worse from rest and when cold, better from heat and motion. Con- stipated. 75. STAPHISAGRIA. Exceedingly severe pain in right leg, ex- tending into genitals, especially testes, attacks followed by great prostration. The pains begin daily in crest of ilium, on right side extending backward, and downward to thigh, worse early morning, on rising and on sitting down, better when standing, and from warmth. Pulsating in hipjoint as from beginning sup- puration. Crural neuralgia, worse from motion, stinging, 260 STILLINGIA SYLVATICA. stitching pains during movement extend from point of egress of right crural nerve on thigh down over inner surface of knee to great toe, constant aching of limbs, with great heaviness during rest ; after first sense of pain paralysis of leg, till menses appear, when it gradually became normal. Dull aching of nates, while sitting extending to sacral and hipjoint regions and small of back ; dull stitches during move- ment, and drawing sensation, during rest, about knee and patella. Paroxysms of stinging pains along fibula near maleolus, sweat at night, great general prostration, sinking feel- ing in stomach and abdomen, pricking in balls of feet on putting them to the ground ; com- plete relief of all pains during rest at night. Aggr. Early morning, on rising or sitting down, from motion. Amel. By standing, from warmth and during rest at night. 76. STILLINGIA SYLVATICA. Aching pains in left lumbar region, shooting down hip, thigh, leg, instep and feet ; peri- ostitis and nodes on tibia. Syphilitic or gonnorrhoeal sciatica. 77. SULPHUR. Subacute and chronic sciatica ; pain in small of back ; stitching drawing pains on rising SULPHUR. 261 from a seat, tensive pain in hip, on left side, especially, drawing down limb with a sensa- tion as if bruised ; limb feels heavy as if para- lyzed, worse walking ; knees rigid, feet swollen. Cramps in calves at night, in soles at every step ; burning in soles, wants them uncovered. Excruciating tearing in limbs, especially the left from above downward ; pains often come and go quickly, worse from walking. Aggr. On rising from a seat, when walking, covering with feather covers; when standing, from touch, washing or bathing, during rest. Clinical. Case I. A lady about forty years of age had suffered for many months from sciatica and, had endured much from many physicians and drugs without relief. The peculiarities of the case were as follows: The pain was confined to the outer side of the left thigh, was aggra- vated by lying down, and especially aggra- vated by lying on the left or painful side. In the night she was frequently obliged to rise and walk about, the pain would be so persistent and unbearable. Even lying down for a few minutes in the daytime would bring on the pain. She felt that the pain was wearing her out. Examination revealed no tenderness of the sciatic nerve,the ischiatic notch or the spine. 262 SULPHUR. The pain was of an indefinite character, as she expressed it " a dull ache •' but intolerable. The relief from moving was so marked day and night that I assured her that the remedy which I would give her would relieve, and, as a 4 matter of course, I gave her Rhus tox. 6 in water, a teaspoonful every two hours. After three days there was not the slightest effect observable from the medicine, the conditions were exactly the same. I felt so confident that Rhus was the correct remedy, that I continued it in the 60x still without the slightest relief, and my patient was beginning to be discouraged. So I took my notes home, and sat down with my little Boeninghausen's pocket-book to work the case out properly. I took the following rubrics in order : 1. Aggravated from lying down in any position (see page 289). 2. Aggravated from lying down on left side (see page 290). 3. Aggravated from lying down on painful side (see page 290). 4. The outer side of thigh (see page 136). 5. The left lower extremity (see page 142). On reviewing the case carefully I found that though the aggravation from lying down was decidedly marked (see page 270), yet the SULPHUR. 263 aggravation at night was also marked. Adding then the values of the drugs, as made out on Dr. Yingling's checking list (which is an im- mense convenience), I found that Rhus had 15 votes, to Sulphur 14; these were the two highest. Silica came next, also with 14, and Baryta carb. 13. While I could elicit no special symptoms to distinguish between Sulphur and Silica, since the lady seemed perfectly well in every other respect, having failed with Rhus tox. I pro- ceeded to administer Sulphur, which acted im- mediately, so that within a week or ten days my patient seemed to be almost entirely cured. T. F. Allen, M. D., Horn. Recorder, Feb. 15, 1893. Case II. Mr. H. B. had been treated for 6 weeks by an old school "doctor with Quinine, etc., and for the last week with morphine, for a severe sciatica of the left leg. The symp- toms June, 1895, were as follows : Pains worse at night, very violent, causing sleeplessness and restlessness ; some relief was obtained, especially during the day, by lying on the back with leg stretched out. Nux v. 200 improved him somewhat, but in a few days the pains were worse again, and he complained of a severe and painful contraction of tendons in the hollow of the knee. Natr. mur cm. in aq. 264 SYPHILINUM. a teaspoonful every two hours, completely re- lieved him of all pain after the second dose and after a few days he resumed his usual occupation, very hard manual labor. But in two weeks the sciatica returned as severe as before, the pains were excruciating, especially at night, very much aggravated from walking, yet very restless, especially after midnight, somewhat better during the day, especially lying on back with leg stretched out ; he could not even sit long enough to eat his meals. The pains were tearing, shooting down on outside and back of left leg, with a sensation of contraction of tendons in lower third of the back of the left thigh. Sulph 5dm. in aq. a teaspoonful every two hours, and two weeks later Sulph cm. administered in the same way produced a complete cure, and he has suffered no relapse since, though his labor has been the same as before. F. H. L. 78. SYPHILINUM. Tearing pains in hip and thigh, worse at night, better about daybreak and by walking; not effected by weather. The neuralgia begins 8 to 9 p. m., and is better by daybreak. Clinical. Sciatic aduringBright's disease. Pains lanci- nating, the whole length of lower extremity, TELLURIUM. 265 worse at night, from touch, when pains were on and from cold air; better about daybreak and from warmth. Syphilinum cm. cured. 79. TELLURIUM. Sciatica on the right side with sensitiveness of the vertebral column; pains radiating from sacrum down the right thigh and sciatic nerve. Contraction of tendons in bends of knees. Aggr. When pressing at stool, coughing, laughing, sneezing, and when lying on affected side, or lying down, at night. Clinical. Dr. B., July 22d, 1867. Sciatica in left lower limb, worse when coughing, laughing, sneezing, going to stool, straightening the limb, stepping lower than imagined. Eheumatism in small of back preceded it. The pain goes from the foramen sciaticum down to the foot, which is numb. Suffers since June 28th. Tellur. met. 90 m F. helped him, and since then he cures all (?) the sciaticas of his pa- tients with Tellur 90 m. So he told me to-day. B. Finke, M. D. Horn. Phys., 1893, Vol. 13, p. 101. 80. THUJA. Sciatica in left leg, exacerbations growing gradually more and more severe, until she was 266 VALERIANA. finally confined to bed for several weeks; left leg atrophied. Sciatica after improperly treated gonorrhoea or from fright. Pain in right sciatica nerve, when rising, first starting to walk, bending forward (as when putting on stockings); tired from standing at desk; gonorrheal history. Aggr. From rising, when starting to walk, bending forward; about 3 A. M., after 3 P. M. Amel. In the open air, and from warmth. 81. VALERIANA. Sciatica on right side ; pain in hip and pos- terior muscles of thigh, intolerable when stand- ing or when straightening out the limb, as if the thigh would break. Acute crampy, tearing pain in posterior muscles, especially those of the calf, worse toward evening and when quiet , better mornings, and when rubbing affected part. Can stand with comparative comfort with foot of affected side upon a chair. Pains running down from hip on outside, and back of thigh. Aggr. Evenings, when standing with limbs straight, when lying quiet. Amel. Mornings, when rubbing affected part, when standing with foot raised on a chair. VERATRUM ALBUM. 267 Clinical. Mrs. G., a young married lady, seven month's pregnant with first child, slender built, blue eyes, dark brown hair, had sciatica on the right side. Had prescribed for her a number of times. The pain ran from the hip down the outside of the thigh, or at times she said it was more towards the back of the thigh. Finally the symptom came out that she was worse when straightening out the limb, especially, in standing, but could stand at her work with comparative comfort if she stood with foot of the affected side upon a chair. Hering's Con- densed has : Pain in hip and thigh, intolerable when standing, as if the thigh would break, ischias. Valeriana 12 cured promptly and per- manently. E. B. Nash, Cortland, 1ST. Y. Med. Adv., 1888, Vol. 21, p. 507. 82. VERATRUM ALBUM. Sharp transient pains, darting upward and downward, and from both sides to center, worse from heat, better from cold ; the attacks are accompanied with cold perspiration. The pain compels patient to move about, but motion does not relieve. Tearing in left leg from thigh to toes in frequent shocks. 268 VISCtJM ALBUM. Leg sensitive to touch, at other times cold and insensible ; frequent restlessness of leg. Pains worse at night, after being in bed awhile. Must rise and let leg hang over side of bed. The right leg may be affected, but to a less degree. Aggr. From heat, touch and at night. Amel. From cold, letting leg hang down. Clinical. Mrs. J. M. L., aged 43, a widow has suffered with sciatica for four years. Pains sharp, transient, darting upward and downward, and from both sides to center. Heat makes the pains worse, " the colder the better," attacks with cold perspiration. Head- ache from both temples to base of brain, aggra- vated by heat, vertex itches during the attacks. Pain compels her to move about, but motion does not relieve. Veratr. alb. 200, one dose promptly cured. W. S. Gee. Med. Adv., July, 1890, Vol. 25, p. 22. 83. VISOUM ALBUM. Severe cases of sciatica. Metastasis of pain from nape of neck to buttocks, and outside of thigh; tearing, shooting, throbbing in left side of sacrum, extending to thigh. Sensation as if the flesh of the thigh was being torn away with hot pincers. Great sensitiveness of thigh, the ZINCUM METALLICUM. 269 slightest touch causing pain. Periodic pains from sacrum into pelvis, worse in bed, with tear- ing, shooting pains from above downward, in both thighs as well as in upper extremities with sleeplessness and general prostration. Aggr. In bed and from touch. 84. ZINCUM METALLICUM. Violent, continuous pain at last lumbar ver- tebra, burning along whole spine, must walk about; fidgety feet; the pain extends the whole length of the left leg; worse at night, when walking from being overheated. Hysterical hyperesthesia. Aggr. At night, when walking, from being overheated. Repertory For Part II. Sciatica. AGGRAVATION. Coff. c, Ind., Kali Air, cold: Aeon., Mag. phos. , open : Caust., Cocc. Afternoon: Am. m., Bell., Bry. bi., Kux v. Ascending: Aeon., Agar., Pod. or descending : Buta. Bathing: Sulph. Bed, lying in: Hyper., Kali bi., Kali iod., Lycopd., Ruta, Sep., Vise. , warmth of: Coloc, Led. Bending backward : Caps. forward : Thuja. Cold: Asar., Coloc, Mag. phos., applications ; Buta. Coughing : Caps., Sep., Tel. Day, during the : Coloc, Sep. Descending : Am. m., Ruta. Evening, in the : Am. m., Bry. at night), Hyper., Ind., Iris v., Kali bi., Kali iod., Led., Meny., Mez., Puis., Valer. Exertion: Caust., Ign. Exertion, from over,: Bhus t. Feather covers : Sulph. Forenoon : Sep. Heat: Led., Verat. alb., Zinc. Jarring : Bell., Nux m. Laughing: Tel. Lifted, when (or when lifting) : Nux v. 19 Sil. Coloc, Ferr. (till 12 274 AGGRAVATION. Lying: Coloc, Ferr., Gnaph., Meny., Natr. in., Ruta, Tel., Valer. in bed : Kali bi., Kali iod., Lycopd., Ruta., Yisc. on back : Kali iod., Rhus t. left side : Kali c. painful side : Dros., Kali c, Kali iod., Lycopd., Sep., Tel. right side : Rhus t. with thigh stretched out : Cham. Midnight, after: Ars., Rhus t. , before : Ferr. Morning: Arg. n., Ars., Kali bi., Nux v., Staph., Sulph. Motion: Aeon., Bry., Calc. c, Cocc, CofL c, Coloc, Diosc, Eup. purp., Gels., Gnaph., Iris v., Kali c, Led., Mag. phos., Merc, v,, Mez., Nux m., Nux v., Phyt., Plumb., Puis., Ran. b., Sep., Staph. continued : Coloc, Ruta. Move, beginning to : Gels. , Rhus t. Moving in bed : ]STatr. s., Rhus t., Ruta. Night: Arg. n., Am. m., Ars., Bell., Cham., CofF. c, Coloc, Ferr., Gels., Hyper., Ign., Kali c, Kali iod., Mag. phos., Merc v., Mez., Nux v., Phyt., Plumb., Puis., Rhus t., Sep., Staph., Syph., Tel., Verat. alb., Zinc. Noon: Coloc, Natr. m. Overheated, from being : Zinc. Pressure: Coloc, Dros., Kali bi , Kali c, Lycopd., Phyt., Plumb. Pressure at exit of nerve : Coff. c Position, change of: Agar. Rest: Aeon., Caps., Cocc. c.« Euph., Ferr., Gels., Kreos., Lycopd., Meny., Rhus t. Ruta., Sil., Sulph. AGGRAVATION. 275 Rising from a seat: Cham., Coloc, Ferr., Kali pkos., Lach., Lyss., Natr. s., Rhus t., Ruta, Sep., Staph., Sulph., Thuja. Room, warm : Puis. Rubbing : Berb., Coloc. Sitting: Am. m., Bell., Berb.. Bry., Coloc, Diosc, Ferr., Ind., Iris v., Kali bi., Kali iod., Lach., Lycopd., Lyss., Ruta, Sep., Staph. with thighs extended : Arn. Sleep: Lach., Led. Sneezing: Kali c, Sep., Tel. Spring : Lycopd. Standing: Baryt. acet., Ferr., Ign., Kali bi., Kali iod., Sulph., Yaler. , on attempting to : Nux v. Stepping : Asar., Baryt. acet , Gnaph. Stool, pressing at : Nux v. T Tel. Stooping: Agar., Card, m., Dros., Natr. s. Straightening out the limb : Yaler. Stretching the leg: Berb., Caps., Guaj. Summer : Kali bi. Time : 12 at night : Xux m. 1 .A. M. : Ars. 1 to 2 A. M. : Coloc. 3 A. M. : Bry., Kali c, Thuja. 3 A. M. to 5 A. M. : Sep. 4 A. M. : Coloc. 1 P. M. : Kali c. 2 P. M. to 3 P. M. : Bell. 3 P. M. : Thuja. 4 P. M. : Coloc. 5 P. M. : Hyper. 7 P. M. : Gels. 8 P. 9 P. M. : Syph. 276 AMELIORATION. 11 P. M. : Bell. 11.30 P. M. : Gels. Time until 12 at night : Ferr., Led. at same hour daily : Ign. every other day : Ign. every fourth day : Lycopd. irregular attacks : Coif, c regular intervals : Carbn. s. Touch: Bell., Berb., Oaps., Chin, s., Cocc, Coloc, Ferr., Gels., Guaj., Kali c, Lach., Led., Mag. phos., Mez., Sulph., Verat. alb. Yisc. Uncovering : Mag. phos. Walk, beginning to : Thuja. Walking : Am. m., Baryt. acet., Berb., Chin, s., <.off. c, Coloc, Ign., Lach., Led., Katr. s. Psor., Sulph., Zinc. Warmth : Led., Verat. alb., Zinc. of bed : Coloc, Led., Merc, v., Washing or bathing : Sulph. Water, cold: Bry., Mag. phos. Weather, change of: Berb., Gels., Kalibi. , cold : Asar., Rhus t., Buta. , dry, clear, fine : Asar. , hot : Kali bi. , stormy, rainy : Ban. b. , wet, damp : Bhus t., Ruta. Wind, before heavy : Berb. Winter : Ign. AMELIORATION. Air, open : Aeon., Kali iod., Mez., Puis., Thuja. Bed, in : Cham., Kali bi. Bending double : Coloc. (colic). Catamenia, appearance of : Staph. AMELIORATION. 277 Cold : Verat. alb. applications : Bry. Damp, wet weather : Asar. Day, during the: Mag. phos., Syph. Daybreak: Aur., Colch., Merc, v., Mez., Nux v., Syph. Exercise : Rhus t., Sep. , gentle : Kali phos. , violent: Iris, v., Sep. Heat or warmth : Ars., Coloc, Mag. phos., Natr. m., Rhus t., Sil. , external application of: Nux v. Knee, bending the : Ars., Guj., Kali bi., Kali iod. Leg, drawing up the : Guaj. , flexing the, on abdomen : Coloc. , letting hang down the : Bell., Yerat. alb. Lying down : Am. m., Baryt. acet. still: Bry., Diosc. — — in bed : Lach. on painful side : Bry., Coloc. painless side : Bry., Nux v. Morning: Syph., Valer. Motion: Euph., Ferr., Ind., Kali bi., Kali phos., Kreos., Lycopd., Meny., Natr. s., Rhus t., Ruta., Sep., Sil. Move, after beginning to : Coloc, Rhus t. Night : Coloc, Sep. Perspiration: Gels. Pressure: Ars., Coff. c, Coloc, Mag. phos., Meny., Rhus t. Position, change of: Natr. s., Puis., Rhus t. Pregnancy : Sep. Rest: Bry., Caust., Coloc, Diosc, Staph, (at night). Rising : Am. m., Dros., Sep. Room, warm; Staph, 278 causes. Bubbing: Am. m., Arn. (violent), Coloc, Plumb., Ehus t., Valer. Sitting : Baryt. acet., Gnaph., Guaj., Merc. v. (tremors) Standing: Bell., Meny., Staph. with foot raised : Yaler. Summer: Ign. Tossing constant in bed : Cham. Walking: Aeon., Agar., Bell., Caps., Cocc. c, Ferr., Kali bi., Kali c , Kali iod., Phos. ac, Bhus t., Buta., Sep., Syph. Warm applications : Bhus t. Warmth : Bell., Caust., Coloc, Kali phos., Mag. phos., Bhus t., Staph., Thuja. of bed : Caust., Mag. phos. Washing: Asar. Weather, damp, wet : Asar. Wetting aflected part : Asar. CAUSES. Alcoholic stimulants : Nux v. Amputations, after: Am. m., Asafoetida, Cep. Cellar or house, damp : Ars., Natr. s. Clothes damp : Kali bi. Cold : Carbn. s., Pod. Confinement, after : Hyper. Contusions : Buta. Exposure : Bhus t. Fright : Thuja. Gonorrhoea: Stil., Thuja. Gout : CofF. c. House damp: Ars., Natr. s. Hysterical : Nux m. Indignation : Coloc. Injuries: Buta. — — to sciatic nerve : Hyper, CONCOMITANTS. 279 Mercury : Kali iod. Ovarian disease : Cimicfg. Overwork : Rhus t. Quinine : Meny. Rheumatic : Con 2 , c, Nux v. Sedentary habit: Asar., Nux v. Syphilis: Kali iod., Stil., Syph. Uterine diseases : Cimicfg. Uterus, retrolateral version of : Nux m. Vexation : Coloc. Water, working in : Calc. c. CONCOMITANTS. AFTER. Asleep, parts feel : Cocc. Atrophy, muscular : Plumb. Exhaustion: Lach., Plumb. Feet swollen : Plumb. and limbs : Led. Foot-sweat, foetid : Plumb. Numbness : Coloc. Paralysis, partial : Coloc. Perspiration : Lach. Prostration: Lach., Staph. BEFORE. Back, small of, pains in : Kali c-, Rhus t., Sep. Coldness, shivering: Ign. Cold in the head : Kali bi. DURING. Abdomen, bloated : Lycopd. , colicky pains in, and sensitive to pressure : Gnaph. , sinking feeling in : Staph. Air cold, dread of : Mag. phos. — — , fresh, sensitive to : Cocc, 280 CONCOMITANTS. Anorexia : Puis. Anguish : Ars. Arms, weakness of: Psor. Bed, cannot remain in, but must recline in a chair : Kali iod. , , but must walk about : Ferr. , confined to : Thuja. feels hard : Am. Body, excitation of whole : Kreos. Bones, as if broken : Ruta. , gouty pains in : Gnaph. Borborygmus : Gnaph. Calves, contraction in : Lycopd. Calves, cramps in and in soles : Gnaph., Sulph. Chilliness, with flushes of heat: Ign. , — perspiration and hot skin : Cocc. Chills, with burning heat and paralysis : Cur. when pains are most severe : Puis. Chorea like motions : Arg. n. Cold, parts feel, numb and paralyzed ^Nux v. Constipation : Lycopd., Nux v., Sep., Sil. Contraction of hamstrings, sore and weak: Am. m., Ruta. , sensation of, and stiff : JS"ux v. , spasmodic, muscular : Mag. phos. of tendons in bend of knees : Aeon., Am. m., Coloc. Natr. m., Nux v., Ruta, Tel. Cramps in calves and feet : Gnaph., Sulph. Diarrhoea: Cimicifg. alternating with neuralgia : Psor. Drawing inside of both legs : Aeon. Dyspnoea, from slightest exertion : Ars., Phos. Emaciation : Ars., Cocc, Kali iod. Excitation of whole body ; Kreos, CONCOMITANTS. 281 Exercise, fatigues easy : Gnaph. Face pale, emaciated, flushes easy : Ars., Ferr. Fainting from slightest exertion : Ars. Fatigued on waking : Plumb,, Sep. from exercise : Gnaph. Feet cold, up to knees : Ign. feel pithy, as if pricked with needles: Hyper. Feet, fidgety : Zinc. in constant motion, shifting: Bell. , pricking sensation in, on putting them to the floor : Staph. Foot, left, goes to sleep : Coloc. Femur, as if dislocated above acetabulum : Kali iod. Fever, no thirst : Ign. Flatulence : Gnaph. Formication : Coloc. Hands cold : Ign. Heart, pains about the : Khus t. Heat, burning, with paralysis : Cur. , flushes of : Ign. Heaviness of legs : Agar., Arg. n., Bry., Led. Hopelessness : Ars. Hyperesthesia : GTels., Ign., Zinc. Hysterical : Cimicfg., Zinc. Irritability and sensibility : Cham. Jerking of legs upward when sitting : Lycopd., Meny. violent of muscles of leg and thigh : Arg. n., Kali iod. Knees, contraction of, under hollow of: Aeon., Am. m., Coloc, ^atr. in., jSTux v., Buta., Tel. give away ascending or descending : Buta. rigid : Sulph. , right swelling of : Elat. Kneejoint stiff: Coloc, 282 CONCOMITANTS. Lassitude : Arg. n., Phyt. during the day : Sep. when walking : Gruaj . Legs heavy : Agar, jerk upward, when sitting : Lycopd., Meny. Legs weak and tired : Eup. purp. , left atrophied : Thuja. , numb and cedematous : Puis. , must let hang over side of bed : Verat. alb. , paralysis of : Staph. , powerless, numb : Phyt. tremble when walking : Cur. Lie cannot, or sit or walk : Coloc. Limbs heavy : Led. Limp, must, when walking: Agar., Am. m., Dros., Iris., Lycopd. Melancholic mild : Ign. Motion, at first painful, is after a moment more bear- able : Kali iod. constant of feet, and shifting th^m : Bell., Zinc. , dread of: Mag. phos. relieves restlessness : Rhus t. not the restlessness : Ars., Ferr., Puta. , voluntary loss of : Gels. Mouth, offensive odor from : Kali phos. Nervousness : Lach., Phus t. Numbness : Coloc, Gnaph., Nux v. Pains change from head to feet : Am. , the more severe, the worse the chills : Puis. Pale, emaciated, or flushed face : Ars., Ferr. Palpitation: Lach. Paralysis, with burning heat and chills : Cur. , sensation of : Eup. purp. — — , ; Nux v., Phos ac, Staph, CONCOMITANTS. 283 Perspiration : Coloc. at night : Staph. , cold : Yerat. alb. , easy : Sep. Prostrated : Kali iod., Staph., Vise. Restlessness : Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., CofF. c Ferr., Kali iod., Kreos. Mag. phos. Katr. in., Puis., Rhus t., Ruta gr. Sep., Yerat. alb., Zinc. , at night : Coff. c. Rising from a seat difficult : Euph. Sciatic nerve tender to pressure : Coloc. Scratching on linen or silk is insupportable : Asar. Sensibility, great: Cham. Side, right, must turn over on, from left, ere he can rise : Kali c. Sit cannot, or lie or walk : Coloc. Skin, wretched color of : Cocc Sleep, pains felt during and awakened thereby : Kali c, Lach. Sleeplessness: Cocc, CofL c, Puis., Rhus t., Ruta., Yisc, Sleepy : Sep. Soles of feet burning : Ars., Sulph. Spine, pain in : Petr. Starting : Arg. n. Stiffness: Cur., Kux v. Stomach, sinking feeling in : Staph. Stool, painless, watery : Pod. Taste, bitter : Elat. Tendons feel too short : Aeon., Am. m., Coloc, Natr. m.., Nux v., Ruta, Tel. Thirst : Coloc Thigh, muscles of, stiff and tight, as if screwed up: Coloc 284 DIRECTION. Thigh, sensation as of an iron hand around the part : Coloc. , sensitive : Yisc. alb. , sprained pain in back of left : Led. Tibia, periostitis and nodes on fStil. Tired from standing at desk : Thuja. Tongue coated thick, white, mornings : Kali phos. coated, white or yellow, and rough : Coloc. covered with long white fur : Gnaph. Tossing: Puis. Touch, sensitive to: Aeon., Bell., Berb., Chin, s., Coloc, Mag. phos., Vise, Verat. alb. Trembling Arg. n., Kali hi. Twitching, muscular: Lycopd., Rhus t. Uncovering, dread of : Mag. phos. Urine, retention of: Cimicfg. , suppression of : Elat. , red sandy sediment in : Lycopd. , thick : Rhus t. Veins distended : Sep. Vertebral column sensitive to touch : Tel. Walking, fatigued on : Sep. Walk about, must : Ferr., Ign., Rhus t., Ruta., Sep. cannot, nor lie or sit : Coloc. - — , must limp to : Agar., Am. m., Plumb. , unable to: Carbn. s. Walking difficult : Mez. , Plumb. , impossible : Natr. s. , leans toward affected side when : Kali iod. Weakness and heaviness in limbs : Arg. n., Led. Washing in cold water, dread of : Mag. phos. DIRECTION. Prom abdomen down legs : Cham. — — above downward in right buttock : Baryt. acet, DIRECTION. 285 From ankle to hips : Bell . back down left side into hip : Kali bi. outside of left thigh, and sciatic nerve : Ruta. , small of, to heels : Coloc. Bones, shooting and gnawing along the bones : Bell. Changing from extremities to abdomen : Cimicfg. head to extremities : Arn. one side to the other : Lac c. From crural nerve down as far as heel and toes : Ars. , point of egress of right on thigh, down over inner surface of knee to great toe : Staph. Downward: Am. m., Arg. n., Ars., Baryt. acet., Berb., Calc. c, Caps., Card, m., Caust., Cham., Cocc, Coloc, Diosc, Elat., Eup. purp., Ferr., Gnaph., Guaj., Hyper., Ind., Iris v., Kali bi., Kali c., Kali iod., Kali phos., Lac c, Lach., Lycopd., Mag. phos., Katr. m., Nux m., :Nnx v., Phos. ac, Phyt., Plumb., Puis., Rhus t., Ruta., Sep., Staph., StiL, Sulph., Tel., Verat. alb., Vise, Zinc. From extremities pain changes to abdomen : Cimicfg. feet the tingling spreads upward : Aeon. foot upward : Led. gluteal muscles or hipjoint down leg to knee, and often to calf or ankle : Phos. ac. From gluteal muscles to outer and posterior side of thigh : Cocc. c. head to extremities : Arn. hip along ischias antica to knee : Arg. n. posterior part of thigh to knee : Kux m. down thigh : Am. m. to ankle : Mag. phos. foot : Berb., Lach., Lycopd. knee and feet : Caps. 286 DIRECTION. From hip to outside of leg to knee : Kali bi. to spine, abdomen and knee : Rhus t. hipjoint down to foot posteriorly : G-naph. tibia : Ferr. through buttocks : Card. m. * to knee, left side : Puis. hypochondrium, left down through abdomen into testes : Kali c. ilileum, crest of on right side, backward and down the thigh : Staph. ischium, left, to os calcis and sole of foot : Cham. , tuberosity of right, along course of sciatic nerve, and spreads over knee and leg : Rhus t. knees downward, and from soles of feet to knees : Kali. phos. into hip and abdomen : Lach. left to right : Bry., Mag. phos. leg, along whole length of limb : Phyt., Zinc. , right, to genitals testes : Zinc. limb down left : Sulph. lumbar region, left, down hip, thigh, leg, instep and feet : Stil. From lumbar region to thigh and hip : Bry. nates to sacral and hipjoint regions and small of back : Staph. neck, nape of, to buttocks, and outside of thigh : Vise. nerves, along their tracks : Gels. outer side of left leg, from hip to ankle : Coloc. right to left side : Eup. purp. sacral region, corresponding to plexus ischiadicus, through incisura ischiadica major to hipjoint, down posterior part of thigh into fossa popli- tea: Coloc. DIRECTION. 287 to right nates and down right sciatic nerve : Lace. sacrum, along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg, down as far as knee : Coloc. sacrum, down right thigh and sciatic nerve : Tel. , left side, to thigh and into pelvis : Vise. sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg^ along its course, down as far as knee or heel : Coloc. along its course down to instep and toes, and to extremities : Elat. , , left side : Eup. purp. , , right side : Hyper. , , and larger ramifications from right hipjoint, posteriorly down to foot : Gnaph. and its perineal branches : Ign . , about exit of, along its course down whole length of right leg : Diosc. Sciatic nerve about exit of, to within ten inches of popliteal space, then interrupted and appears again at middle of anterior side of calf, to ex- ternal maleolus and heel : Kali iod. — along whole length of right : Kali phos. from great trochanter to calf, and from hip to knee : Kali bi. left, down to foot : Iris v. side, one to the other : Lac c. sides, both to centre : Verat. alb. spine dorsal, region of, radiating : Ran, b. tarsus right, to knee : Guaj. temple right to foot : Elat. thigh, along left, to calf, leg and toes: Sep. thigh, anterior surface of, to knee and tarsal joint: Ars. 288 LOCATION. From thigh, downward : Am. m. , external and anterior side of, down as far as knee : Baryt. acet. , middle of right down to knees : Guaj. , posterior middle of, to knee : Ind. , — part of to knee : Plumb. , right down to knee : Coloc, Natr. m. , on inner side, to internal ankle: Card. m. , through and across it, or from hip down to foot : Berb. to toes : Yerat. alb. tibial nerve, anteriorly along its course, from toe to knee : Lach. From toe to hip : Nux v. knee : Lach. trochanter, great down thigh posteriorly, then towards knees anteriorly, embracing patella, and down tibia to ankle : Ars. , left, to popliteal space : Iris v. to hollow of knee : Nux v. Upward : Aeon., Bell., Cimicfg., Eup. purp., Guaj., Kali phos., Lach., Led., Nux v,, Rhus t., Yerat. alb., Vise, Zinc. Yertebra, from last lumbar, along whole spine and whole length of leg : Zinc. LOCATION. Abdomen : Cham., Cimicfg., Coloc, Gnaph., Kali c, Lach., Natr. s., Rhus t. Ankle: Aeon., Ars., Bell., Calc. c, Card, m., Coloc, Dros., Ind.. Mag. phos., Phos. ac Back : Coloc, Eup. purp., Gnaph. Kali bi., Natr. m., Natr. s., Ruta, Staph., Sulph. Bones : Bell. , Ruta. LOCATION. 289 Buttocks: Baryt. acet., Card, m., Diosc., Yisc. Calf: Coloc, Gnaph., Ign., Ind., Kali bi., Kali iod>, Phos. ac, Pod., Sep., Yaler. Changing location : Iris v., Kali bi., Kali c, Kali phos., Lac c, Lach., Mag. phos., Puis. Crural nerve : Ars., Coflf. c, Gnaph. Staph. Dorsal region of spine : Ran. b. Extremities : Cimicfg. Yisc. Feet : Aeon., Ars., Caps., Gnaph., Pod., Stil., Sulph. Femoral muscles : Iris v. Fibula : Staph. Foot : Arn., Ars., Berb.. Cham., Elat., Gels., Gnaph., Iris v., Lach., Lycopd., Phyt., Pod., Puis. Genitals: Kalic, Staph. Gluteal muscles : Bell., Coca a, Hyper., Phos. ac. Groin: Ars., Cimicfg., Phyt. Hamstrings : Asar. Head : Lach. Heels : Am. m., Ars., Coloc, Diosc. Kali iod. Hip: Aeon., Am. m., Arg. n., Arn., Ars., Bell., Berb., Bry , Calc. c, Caps., Coca, Coloc., Elat., Eup. purp., Iris v., Kali bi., Kreos., Lach., Lycopd., Mag. phos., Merc, v., Natr. s., Nux m , Nux v., Pod., Rhus t., Stil., Sulph., Syph., Yaler. Hipjoint : Aeon., Arn., Asar., Bell., Bry., Caps., Card, m., Coloc, Dros., Ferr., Gels., Gnaph., Ign., Iris v., Kali C Kreos., Led., Meny., Natr. s., Phos. ac, Psor., Puis., Staph. Hypochondrium : Kali c Hypogastrium : Lach. Ileum : Staph. Incisura ischiadica : Coloc Inner side of limb : Card, m., Coloc. Instep : Elat., Stil. 20 290 LOCATION. Ischiadic plexus : Coloc. Ischium : Cham., Bhus t. Joints : Mag. phos. Knee: Aeon., Arg. n., Arn., Ars., Baryt. acet , B ell. Berb., Caps., Coloc, Eup. purp., Guaj., Ind.,, Kali bi., Kali c, Kali iod., Kali phos., Lach., Merc, v., Natr. m., Nux m., Nux v., Phos. ac, Plumb., Psor., Puis., Bhus t., Staph., Sulph.,Syph. Leftside: Aeon., Am. m., Arg. n., Arn., Ars., Asar., Baryt. acet., Bry.,Calc. c.,Carbn. s., Cimicfg., Cocc. c:, CofF. e, Coloc, Elat., Eup. purp., Ferr., Gels., Gnaph., Hyper., Iris v., Kali bi., Kali c, Kreos., Lach., Led., Lycopd., Lyss., Natr. s., Phos. ac, Phyt, Pod., Psor., Puis., Bhus t., Stil., Thuja., Verat. alb.. Vise Leg : Aeon., Am. m., Baryt. acet., Bell., Caps., Cham., Cimicfg. Coloc, Diosc, Gels., Kali bi., Kali c, Kali iod., Mag. phos., Meny., Phos. ac, Puis., Bhus t., Sep., Staph., Stil., Thuja., Verat. alb., Zinc. Limb : Calc c, Led., Lycopd., Phyt., Sulph. Lumbar region: Bry., Coloc, Cimicfg., Lach., Natr.s., Staph., Stil., Zinc Maleolus : Arn., Kali iod., Staph. Nates : Guaj., Staph. Neck, nape of: Vise Nerves : Gels., Hyper. Os calcis : Cham. Patella : Ars., Bell., Staph. Pelvis : Hyper., Vise, Plexus ischiadicus major : Coloc. Popliteal space : Am. m., Coloc, Ind., Iris v., Kali iod. Posterior parts of limb : Cocc, Diosc, Dros., Gnaph. LOCATION. 291 Eight side: Aeon., Am. m., Baryt. acet., Bell., Bry., Caps., Carbn. s., Card, m., Chin, s., Coloc., Diosc., Dros., Eiat., Eup. purp., Gnaph., Guaj., Hyper., Iris v., Kali c., Kali iod., Kali phos., Kreos., Lac c.. Led., Lyeopd., Mag. phos., ISTatr. m., Natr. s., Nux m., Pod., Rhus t., Sep., Sil., Staph., Tel., Thuja., Valer., Yerat. alb. Sacro ischiadic foramen : Pod. Sacrum: Coloc, Staph., Tel., Yisc. Sciatic nerve : Cocc. c, Coloc, Diosc, Elat., Eup. purp., Gnaph., Hyper., Ign., Iris v., Kali bi., Kali iod., Kali phos. Lach., Lyss., Plumb., Rhus t., Ruta., Sep., Tel., Thuja. Shifting : (see : Changing location, wandering). Shoulder : Cimicfg., Eup. purp., Ferr., Iris v. Spine : Ran. b., Rhus t., Zinc Sternum: Lach. Stump, after amputation: Am. m., Asafcet., Cep. Tarsal joint : Ars , Guaj. Te"eth: Lach., Led. Temple: Elat. Tendo-achillis : Ign. Testes: Kali c, Staph. Thigh: Am. m., Arg. n., Asar., Ars., Baryt. acet., Bell., Berb., Bry., Carbn. s., Card. m.,Cham., Cocc c, Coloc, Dros., Elat., Gels.. Guaj., Ign., Ind., Kali c, Kali iod,, Kreos., Led., Meny., Natr. m., Phos., Phyt.. Plumb., Pod., Puis., Rhus t., Ruta., Sep., Staph., Stil., Syph. Tel.: Valer., Verat. alb., Yisc Tibia: Ars., Ferr., Lach. Toes: Aeon., Ars., Elat., Gnaph., Lach., Nux v.. Sep., Staph., Yerat. alb., 292 PAINS AND SENSATIONS. Trochanter, major: Ars., Coloc, Iris v., Kali bi., Nux v. Vertebrae: Zinc. Wandering: Iris v., Kali bi., Kali c, Kali phos., Lac c, Lach., Mag. phos., Puis. PAINS AND SENSATIONS. Aching: Elat., Ind., Kali bi., Kali iod., Kali phos., Pod., Phyt., Khus t., Staph., Stil. Acute: Rhus t., Pod., Yaler. Asleep, as if gone : Aeon., Caust., Coloc. Beating: Coloc, Ferr., Ing., Merc, v., Staph., Yisc. Boiling: Ars. Boring: Agar., Coloc, Ign., Ind., Kreos. Bruised: Agar., Arn., Bell., Caps., Ferr., Ind., Kali c, Sulph. Burning : Agar., Ars., Berb., Cep., Coloc, Cur., Gels., fris v., Lach., Lycopd., Ban. b., Rhus t., Ruta- Bursting: Ign. Carious, as if : Bell. Changing from left to right: Bry., Lac c, Mag. phos. Changing location : Iris v., Kali bi., Kali c, Kali phos., Lace, Lach., Mag. phos., Puis. often and rapidly : Kali c, Lac c, Puis. Chronic sciatic pains : Asar., Carbn. s., Ign., Lycopd.. Natr. m., Sep., Sulph. Coldness: Gels. Colicky: Gnaph. Come and go quickly : Kali bi., Sulph. Continuous : Coloc, Zinc. Contraction : Aeon., Am. m., Berb., Coloc, Meny., Katr. rn., painful — (see drawing tension and Nuxv.,Ruta, Tel.) Corosive: Ruta. PAINS AND SENSATIONS. 293 Cramplike: Agar., Arg. n., Am. m., Bell., Cham., Ciniicfg., Coloc, Gels., Gnaph., Hyper., Kali c, Meny., Plumb., Pod., Valer. Cutting: Bell., Gnaph., Hyper., Ign. Darting: Gnaph., Hyper., Lach., Mez., Nux v., Phyt., Yerat. alb. Digging: Ign. Drawing: Aeon., Arg. n., Am., Ars., Asar., Baryt., acet., Berb., Caps., Card, m., Cham., Coloc., Gels., Guaj., Iris v., Kali c., Kali iod., Kali phos., Meny., Mez., Natr. m., Nux v., Phyt., Plumb., Puis., Rhus t., Staph., Sulph. Dull: Gnaph., Lyss. Electric like : Agar. Erratic: Kali bi., Kali c. Kali phos., Lac c, Mag. phos., Puis. Excruciating : Ign., Kali iod., Lach., Mag. phos. Flying : Carbn. s. Formication: Arm, Coloc, Rhus t. Gnawing : Bell-, Berb., Elat., Eup. purp., Kali iod. Gradually increasing : Rhus t., Thuja. Heat: Cur. Heaviness: Aeon., Arg. n., Gels., Led., Staph. Increase and decrease periodically : Baryt. acet. Inflammatory sciatica : Carbn. s. Intense : Gnaph. , Lac c. Intermittent: Chin, s., Ign., Lycopd., Mag. phos., Natr. m. Intolerable : Lach. Jerking: Baryt. acet., Carbn. s., Kali bi., Lycopd., Meny., Puis. Lacerating : Kali iod., Puis. 294 PAINS AND SENSATIONS. Laming : Arii., Dros., Iris v. Lancinating: Guaj., Ign., Kali c, Merc, v., Phyt., Rhus t. Lassitude : Arg. n. Leave slowly : Ign. Lightning like : Cocc, Mag. phos., Rhus t. Numbness : Aeon., Coloc, Gnaph., Kreos., Rhus t. Obstinate : Gels. Paralytic: Arg. n., Caust., Eup. purp., Euph. Paroxysmal: Coloc, Gels., Ign., Rhus t. Periodical: Lycopd., Lyss., Kux m., Vise. Piercing : Arg. n., Natr. s. Pressing : Arn., Dros., Euph., Phyt., Plumb. Pricking: Aeon., Guaj., Ind. Pulsating : Merc, v., Staph. Remitting : Ferr. Rending : CofT. c. Return often at the same hour : Ign. Sensation as if beaten : Bell. bone, marrow of, were crushed : Coloc. were brittle or bruised : Bell. , bursting : Ign. , cold, the limb were : Gels., Rhus t. , cut off, parts would be : Ign. , dislocated, as if the hipjoint were : Kreos., Psor., Puis. flesh of thigh was being torn away with hot pincers: Yisc. torn from bone : Mez. foot was paralyzed : Asar. hamstrings were too short : Am. m., Ruta. (see contraction.) of heat internally, the surface being cold : Mez. intense : Lach. PAINS AND SENSATIONS. 295 Sensation as of hot iron : Lach. if hipjoint would burst : Ign. — were dislocated : Kreos., Psor., Puis. an iron band were around the parts : Coloc. knees, muscles in hollow of, were too short on rising from a seat : Nux v. leg were cold : Gels., Rhust. was fastened down by an iron band : Coloc. were too long when standing: Kreos., Thuja. of lightness of the whole body : Asar. as if muscles were not in their proper places or position : Led. muscles were too short : Guaj. — — psoas muscle were too short : Coloc. — nerve were uncovered : Bell. limb were screwed together : Cocc. in a vise : Coloc. sprained : Caps. tendons were too short: Am. m., Baryt. acet., Berb., Ruta (see contraction, tension.) thigh, flesh of, was being torn away with hot pincers : Vi>c thigh would break : Valer. — : , upper part of, were broken : Nux v. - — -, loss of : Kreos. Sensitive to pressure : Pod., Vise. Severe: Eup. purp., Yisc. Sharp : Hyper., Kali c, Verat. alb. Shifting: Iris, v., Kali bi., Kali c, Kali phos,, Lace, Lach., Mag. phos., Puis. Shocks: Agar., Coloc, Verat. alb. Shooting: Aeon., Ars.,Bell., Berb., Bry., Caps., Cocc, Corf, c, Coloc, Elat., Eup. purp., Ferr. Gels., 296 PAINS AND SENSATIONS. Iris v., Lach., Mag. phos. , Phyt., Rhus t., Ruta., Vise. Sleep, pains felt during and waking from: Kali e, (Lach.), Nux m. , preventing : Led. Sore: Arn., Gels., Phyt. Spasmodic: Mag. phos., Meny. Sprained: Arn., Dros. Stabbing : Bry. Sticking: Caps., Cocc, Coloc. Stiffness: Cur., Lycopd. Stinging: Cep., Euph., Ind., Lycopd., Staph. Stitches or stitching: Agar., Berb., Cofr". c, Coloc, Meny., Ran. b., Staph., Stil., Sulph. Stretching: Berb., Carbn. s. Subacute : Sulph . Tearing : Aeon., Agar., Am. m., Arn., Ars., Asar., Baryt. acet., Bell., Calc. c, Caps., Carbn. s., Caust., Cham., Cocc, Coloc, Elat., Euph., Ferr., Guaj., Ind., Iris v., Kali c, Kali iod., Kreos., Lach., Merc v., Nux v., Phyt., Rhus t., Sep., Sulph., Valer., Vise Tension: Baryt. acet., Bell., Berb., Cham., Guaj.^ Lycopd., Psor., Puis., Sulph. Tingling : Aeon. Throbbing: Coloc, Ferr., Ign., Merc v., Staph., Vise Twitching: Agar. Unbearable : Lac c Violent: Coloc, Ferr., Nux m., Rhus t., Zinc. Wandering : Iris v., Kali bi., Kali c, Kali phos., Lac c, Lach., Mag. phos,, Puis. Weakness : Arg. n., Lach., Lycopd., Pod. Weariness : Baryt. acet. Wrenching, twisting : Hyper., Iris v. INDEX— Part I. FACIAL NEURALGIA. Page. Preface 3 Introductory 4 Remedies and their abbreviations ........ 11 Eemedies and their indications 19 Repertory 151 Aggravations ; 153 Ameliorations 162 Causes . . 165 Concomitants 168 a. After the Paroxysm 168 b. Before " " 169 c. During " " 170 Direction 186 Location 193 Pains and sensations 200 INDEX— Part II. SCIATICA. Page. Remedies and their abbreviations 11 Remedies and their indications 213 Repertory 271 Aggravations . . . . 273 Ameliorations . . . . 276 Causes 278 Concomitants 279 a. After the Paroxysm • . . . 279 b. Before " " . 279 e. During " " 279 Direction 281 Location 288 Pains and sensations .... 292 ©roanon *«*-■.. Ert of Ibealing. Ibabnemann* Aude Sapere. Fifth American Edition. Translated front the Fifth German Edition by C. WESSELHCEFT, M. D. 244 Pages. I^arge 8vo. Cloth, $1.75; net, $1.40; by mail, $1.55. &* &* t^* ©roanon of flbebicme- Ibabnemanru Translated from the Fifth Edition, with an appendix, by R. E. DUDGEON, M. D. 304 Pages. 8vo. Cloth, $2.50 net; by mail, $2.63. £nl {£* t£* This book is the corner-stone of the whole homoeo- pathic edifice, the text-book embracing the fundamental principles of homoeopathic practice, Samuel Hahnemann's Organon. It has wrought a greater change in this world than any other book of purely human origin. It has brought a mighty but bloodless revolution, and the revolutionary forces it let loose are still growing, deepen- ing and widening in all directions. It is a book that small men have looked to see drop into oblivion, but it treads on down the century a giant among pygmies. As one reads its pages, ever and anon the feeling comes over him that Hahnemann instinctively feels that he is not the author, but the messenger of the great tidings — that his message is from a greater than he ; he does not claim this, but, at times, when dwelling on the deep truth, he is singularly reverent and humble ; there is no arrogance or assumption of "my discovery," but ''God mercifully permitted Homoeopathy to be discovered," It is the spirit of a truly great mind. flfoateua flfeebica Ipura* Ibabnemanm Translated from the Latest German Edition by R E. DUDGEON, M. D., with Annotations by RICHARD HUGHES, L. R. C. P. E. Two Volumes. 1427 Pages. Royal 8vo. Cloth, price for the set, $10.00; net, $9.00; by mail, $9.64. Half Morocco, $12.00; net, $10.80; by mail, $11.44. t0* t&* t&& This book, together with the Chronic Diseases by Hahnemann, is the basis of nearly all the homoeopathic works on materia medica, and if the student of that science will take the trouble he can trace nearly all our key-notes and red letter symptoms back to these books. Thorough and exhaustive re-provings of the many drugs, whose provings were originally given to the world in these books, have been made since then, but in no instance has the practical accuracy of the original been questioned. In these books is to be found the homoeo- pathic materia medica in its purity. Chronic ^Diseases. Ibabnemanm Gbeir peculiar mature anfc tbeir Ibomoeopatbic Cure Translated from the Second Enlarged German Edition of 1835, by PROF. LOUIS H. TAFEL, with Annotations by RICHARD HUGHES, M. D., Edited by PEMBERTON DUDLEY, M.D. 1600 Pages. 8vo. Half Morocco. Two Volumes. $11.00, plus- book expressage. No work by Hahnemann has excited so much criticism and controversy among his followers as The Chronic Diseases; on the one hand, it is said to be a work of a great mind gone astray, and on the other, a work so far in advance even of present day medicine that but few can comprehend its magnificient scope. There is one fact, however, about this work that stands out undisputed, namely, that to it we owe most of our remedies that are the sheet anchors of physicians in chronic diseases — such remedies as Calcarea, Graphites, Lycopodium, Phos- phorus, Sepia, Silicea, not to mention many others almost as useful ; it would seem that this fact ought to settle the inestimable valuable of this, Hahnemann's last ork in this world. TTVfeti C£ ot tbe ©wnon of National flDeoicine 2lnD of bis previous Ibomoeopatbfc TKHorfts against tbe attacks ot professor Ibecfcer* Ibabnemann. An Explanatory Commentary on the Homoeopathic System. Translated by R. E. DUDGEON, M. D. 130 Pages, Clothy $1.00 net; by mail , $1,05. *£& f£™ t£* This book, Hahnemann's Defence^ was published early in the Centennial year of Homoeopathy, 1896. The work was professedly published in the original as Hahne- mann's son, Friedrich's, but reading a few pages will show anyone that it is from Hahnemann's pen, which fact Dr. Dudgeon proves in his preface and gives the reason why it was published in this manner. The book is strong meat indeed — a good diet for the weak and the doubters. Words are not minced or smooth phrases chosen ; the fight is to the finish, and no quarter asked or given. It is a brave literary tonic. This is the only English translation ever made of the Defence. SEP 16 1*98