.*^~ .,-n'' <^ •-J.'' f^ ^v ,S -r. r,,. .^' "''J-- K .A^' ■.^^ ■% x^^.. * « 1 1 " \^-' 'K'^ %^ : j"^ •,^'% ' \- /^' ■^^ ^^ ,H ; "O 0^ ^> .^-^ "-^^ A'^ ■u- -^ CO" / 6 * ^ THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY, N. J. Being the Descendants of \Villiam Scott and Abigail Tilton W With Sketches of Related Familie arner COMPILED BY Rev. Arthur S. Col THE RKGISTKR PRESS RED BANK. N. J. 1903 of ^ ^.^ PREFACE. Charles Wagner has said that "the best possessions of a family are its com- mon memories." To recall and preserve these common memories, many of them long since passed out of family recollection, is the purpose of the following pages. Some old family records having come into my possession, they sug- gested the idea of further research and ultimate preservation by (he use of the printing press. More than three years have been spent in the work, and the re- sult is presented in this compact and simple form. Records of families related by intermarriage have to some extent been included so far as they represent lines of ancestry down to the time of intermarriage. The names of nearly one thousand descendants of the William Scott who first settled in Shrewsbury are to be found in this book, and yet the list is far from complete. A longer time and wider research might have increased the number, but it has been thought best not to delay publication. To honor and preserve the memory of those who have passed beyond the veil, to foster a proper family feeling and spirit, and to keep for future generations the record of their ancestry, these pages are sent out to the many branches of the family and entrusted to their keeping. Through the courtesy of Mr. John H. Cook, the proprietor of The Red Bank Register, this family history has appeared in successive issues of that publica- tion during the current year. This has given to others the opportunity of making a number of corrections and additions. Doubtless there are still many errors, which are always seemingly inseparable from a work of this kind, and those who consult this book are asked to notify the compiler of any mistakes and to send him any additional information whi<'h they may have. All corrections and addi- tions will be carefully preserved and used later in any revision of, or supplement to, this work which may be published. In addition to the matter published in The Red Bank Register and corrections thereto, this book contains a number of illustrations, a family chart, an appendix, and a complete index of persons containing over two thousand names. All dates have been given as they are found in the original records without change, except that in dates prior to 1753, when the Old Style was in use, the year has been made to corres|)ond with the present calendar, but not the day of the month. This is made necessary by the fact that until 17.53 the English people began the year on what was known as Lady Daij. or March 2.'Jth. There have been so many sources of information that only in a few cases has reference to them been possible. Public records, church records, tombstone inscriptions, newspaper clippings, and family Bibles and other private records, have furnished considerable material. The records of the Friends' Monthly Meetings at Shrewsbury and Burlington, N. J., and Flushing, L. I., and the American Loyalists Manuscripts have been consulted in manuscript form. In addition the chief published authorities and records which have been used are as follows: New Jersey Archives, New York Marriages, New York Colonial Docu- ments, Stillwell's Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, vols. 1 and 2, Salter and Bcekman's Old Times in Old Monmouth, Beekman's Early Dutch Settlers of Monmouth County, Symmes' History of Old Tennent Church, Ellis' History of Monmouth County, Salter's History of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, Wood- ward and Hageman's History of Burlington and Mercer Counties, New Jersey Coast in Three Centuries, vol. 2, Smith's History of New Jersey, Flint's Early Long Island, Bergen's Long Island Families, Hotten's Lists of Emigrants to America, Stryker's Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War, Cooley's Genealogy of Early Settlers in Trenton and Ewing, Burke's Commoners and Landed Gentry. Besides some of the above, the following additional authorities have been consulted for the history of the Throckmorton family, which has involved an amount of work out of all propor- tion to the size of the sketch in this book: Middletown Town Book, Abstracts of Wills in New York Historical Society's Collections, Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vital Record of Rhode Island, Town Records of Salem (Mass.), Felt's Annals of Salem (Mass.), Brodhead's History of the State of New York, Bolton's History of Westchester County, N. Y., Scharf's History of Westchester County, N. Y., Farmer's Genealogical Record of the First Settlers of New England, Savage's Genealogical Dictionary of New England, Austin's Genea- logical Dictionary of Rhode Island, Dictionary of National Biography (British), Burke's Peerage and Baronetage. For two of the family sketches I have also been indebted to the following: The Twining Family (Rev. Ed., 1905), Bergen's VanBrunt Family, and Beekman's A Branch of the VanBrunt Family in Mon- mouth County (article in N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Record, January and April, 1904.) This compilation would not have been possible without the aid of many per- sons who have furnished information for this work. While most of these can not be mentioned, my thanks are especially due to the Rev. William White Hance, James Steen, Esq., and the Hon. George Crawford Beekman, who have given considerable material from their rich stores of genealogical information and who have helped in many other ways. Dr. John E. Stillwell, who has ren- dered invaluable service in the discovery and preservation of original records, allowed me the privilege of looking over his manuscript notes on the Throck- morton family, and has thus contributed to the accuracy and completeness of the sketch contained in this work. Many excellent suggestions as to the form of these pages have been given by Mr. John H. Cook, and their correctness is in large measure due to his careful supervision in seeing them through the press. To these and to all who have in any way helped, the compiler of these records expresses his grateful appreciation. ARTHUR S. COLE. Manasquan, N. J., June 1st, 190s. CONTENTS. PAGE Family Chart, ...... Preceding Introduction Introduction, ......... 9 I. William Scott and Abigail Tilton Warner, .... 12 William Scott's Ancestry, . . . . . .13 The Tilton Family, . . .... 14 II. .John Scott and Mary Bills, ...... 15 The Will of John Scott, 15 The Bills Family, 17 The Twining Family, . . . . . . 1" III. George Crawford and Esther Scott. . . . . .19 The Crawford Family, ...... 26 The Sheph(-rd Family 26 The Bowne Family, ....... 27 IV. Abraham White and Mehitable Scott, . . . .28 V. William Scott and Mary Runnels, ..... 30 The Throckmorton Family, . . . . . .41 The Halmes Family, ....... 44 The VanBrunt Family, ....... 46 VI. John White and Mary Scott, ...... 47 VII. Samuel Scott and Amy Borden, . . . •. . .48 VUI. John Scott and Ruth Stockton, ..... 54 IX. Ebenezer Scott and Patience Leonard, . . . . . .57 Appendi.x, ......... 64 Index of Persons, ......... 65 NOTATION. In this book every person born in the Scott family is numbered with a sep- arate Arabic numeral. Brothers and sisters in each family are numbered con- secutively beginning with a new decade, or, in other words, with the first num- ber of a new group of ten. An asterisk (*) after a personal numeral indicates that the person is a parent, that the numeral is also the number of a family, and that a fuller record of the parents with a list of their children will be found under this number in its regular order. Hence these numbers serve the three- fold purpose of a personal numeral, a family number, and of indicating the order in the family so far as that is known. An Arabic numeral in brackets [ ] fol- lowing a name is the personal number, and is thus used in a subsequent (or prior) reference to indicate the exact person mentioned. A superior Arabic numeral (a small figure above the line) after the first name denotes the gen- eration, beginning with the children of William Scott and Abigail Tilton War- ner as the first generation. Numbers and small letters in parentheses ( ) are used in the sketches of related families for purposes of numbering and refer- ence. ILLUSTRATIONS. FACINO PAGE Barclay's "Apology for Quakers," which has been in the family over 200 years, ...... 12 Part of a page from an old account book originally bclon:jing to Joseph Shepherd, containing the signature of Richard^ Craw- ford [52], 19 William'' Scott [621] and his wif'^ Jane Throckmorton, . 31 The Quaker Meeting House at Shrewsbury, ... 48 The oldest records of births found on the blank pages of Barclay's "Apology for Quakers," being the children of William Scott and Abigail Tilton Warner, ..... 54 Receipt with signature of Samuel" Scott [r.)()l|, son of John Scott [19] and Ruth Stockton, ..... 54 Patience^ Scott [221G], who married 1st PitiT H. Conover an 1 2d Garrett Wvckoff, ....... 62 f 51. Georee Crawford. 52. Richard Crawford, m. Catherine Shepherd. a a z a < d J ca H >. 1 ^ S B S g 6-" . Z 6- « O 1^ o m .-• < -11. Esther Scott, m. George Crawford. 53. William Crawford, m. Catherine Bowne. 54. Job Crawford, . 1 m. Ann Morris. -^ 55. Joshua Crawford. 61. Richard Crawford, m. Rebecca SlillwelL 62. George Crawford, m. 1st Mary Scabrook : m. 2d Eleanor Schenck. 63. Catherine Crawford, m. Nathaniel Leonard. 64. Esther Crawford, m. Thomaa Burrows. 65. Hannah Crawford, m. Timothy White. 301. John Crawford, m. Caroline Fields. 302. William Crawftird. m. Rebecca Patterson. 303. Esther Crawford, m. Robert White. 481. Joshua Crawford. 482. George Crawford. —12. Abigail Scott -13. Mehitable Scott. , m. Abraham White. ^ m. 1st Cornelius Compton. 56. Lydia Crawford, m. 2d Benjamin Morris. 57. Elizabeth Crawford. 491. 492. - Compton. - Compton. 'i m. 1st Catherine Olden. 501. John White, m. 2d Mary Smith. —14. William Scott f 601. Richard Scott m. Mary Story. —15. William Scott m. Mary Runnels. I 602. John Scott m. Sarah Hisson. 603. George Scott m. . 604. Job Scott m. twice. 493. Benjamin Morris, m. . 49-1. Joser'h Morris, m. Patience (Herbert?) 495. Stout Morris. 496. Lydia Morris, m. James Frost. 497. Esther Morris, m. Jonathan Stout 611. Job White. 512. Nancy White. 513. James White, m. Martha Hendrickson. 514. Catherine White, m. Giles W. Olden. 515. Benjamin C. White, m. Ann Faxson. 516. Jonathan White. 611. John Scott m. Mary Schenck. G21. William Scott, m. Jane Throckmorton. 622. James Scott, m. Ann VanFrunt. 623. Ralph Scott m. Lsabella (Kue? ) 624. Sarah Scott, m. James Bennett 625. Mary Scott, m. Joseph Tilton. 626. Catherin - Scott m. 1st Daniel Hulett; m. 2d Timothy White. 1271. John W. Scott 1281. Job Scott 1282. Sarah Scott m. Woodward. 1283. Ann Scott m. Daniel Atchley. '] —16. Mary Scott m. 2d John White. 605. Ralph Warner Scott 606. Susannah Scott 607. Hannah Scott 608. Sarah Scott, m. David Tilton. 1401. Job White. 1402. Hannah White, m. Garret Covenhoven. 1403. Sarah White. m. Gasper. ! 1404. Catherine White, m. Samuel Scott. 1405. Aaron White. '- m. Deborah TrafTord. 1501. Elizabeth Scott m. Edmund Lafctra. , James Reid. . William Reid. , Eleanor Reid. 1331. William Tilton, m. Margaret Corlies. 1332. David Tilton, m. (Sarah Flemnen?) .1 2781. Aaron Scott / 2782. Jesse Scott 1511. Edmund Lafetra. 1512. Hannah Lafetra, m. John Pintard. 1513. Amy Lafetra. 1514. Elizabeth Lafetra, m. Daniel Allen. , Deborah Wall. - Millet -17. Samuel Scott m. 1st Amy Borden. -18. Hannah Scott m. John Williams. I. 1502. Hannah Scott m. William Pintard. 1503. Ebenezer Scott ■ m. Elizabeth f 1541. Samuel Pintard, I 1542. Amy Pintard, m I j543. Glencross Pintard, m. Catherine Slocum. i .544. Ann Pintai"d. :545. William Pintard, m. Lydia Holmes. ! ^546. John Pintard. m. Hannah Lafctra. I 1547. Hannah Pintard, m. Samuel Tilton. 1 1 1651. Samuel Scott m. Elizabeth Tilton. I 1652. Ann Scott, m. John Mount. 1504. John Scott 1505. Jane Scott. 1606. Amy Scott 1507. William Scott m. Ann — -19. John Scott m. Ruth Stockton. -20. Ebenezer Scott 1901. Samuel Scott 1902. Richard Scott m. Lydia -. 1903. ? Mehitable Scott m. John Melrose. 2201. James Scott. m. Margaret VanClcaf. —21. Ebenezer Scott m. Patience Leonard. 2202. Rachel Scott m. Lewis (>>novcr. ( 1911. Susannah Scott -; 1912. Job Scott m. ( 1913. Mehitable Scott 2211. William Scott 2212. Lenah Scott. 2213. Hannah Scott, m. James VanKirk. * 2214. Patience Scott m. 1st Peter H. Conover; m. 2d Garrett WyckolT. 2215. Sarah Scott 2216. Ebenezer Scott m. Ist Eliza Thompson. m. 2d Ann Knott Little. 2217. Benjamin Scott 2218. Deborah Scott m. William Little. 2219. James Scott 2.151. Joseph Conover. 2^r'2. Kbcnczer Conover, m. Mary LclTerson. 2^1.Vt. Hannah Conover. ^Vi-I. Mary Conover. 2;l.^5. Patience Conover. 2^156. Deborah Conover. 2357. Anne Conover. 2368. Helena Conover. 2203. Samuel Scott, ' 27R1. Aaron Scott m. Catherine White. I 27S2. Jesse Scott 2201. William Scott * 2791. Samuel Scott — . I 2792. John Scott The Scott Family of Shrewsbury. INTRODUCTION. The Scott family of Shrewsbury, N. J., are the descendants of William Scott, the first of the family to settle in Shrewsbury, and his wife, Abigail Tilton Warner. So far as this record is concerned, however, the family story is followed only in the line of William Scott's oldest son, John Scott. William Scott was a Quaker, and probably of English parentage. Family tradition insists upon a Scottish origin, but this is probably based on nothing more than the family name of Scott. This only tells us that the family is of Scotch de- scent, but does not inform us how far back we must go to find ancestors who lived in Scotland. Martin B. Scott, in his discussion of the "Antiquity of the Name of Scott, ' ' says : " The theory of Professor Innes of Edinburgh Univer- sity, in relation to the original name of Scott in Scotland, is that long before surnames were known, the people of that country, who wandered into Eng- land, there received the distinctive ap- pellation of Scotus or Scot, and re- turned to Scotland bearing the name of Scot in addition to their former name." This is equally true of those who never returned to Scotland, and accounts for the origin of English families of the name of Scott. Another writer says : "The name of Scott ranks among the most prominent British surnames, nearly si.\ty coats of arms being assigned to it in the Herald's College, and Burke gives the arms of 94 of the name, while the London directory shows about 200 merchants, traders and bankers of this name in that metropolis." How- ever near or remote his Scotch ancestry may have been, we only know that William Scott came to Shrewsbury from Gravesend, Long Island, which was set- tled by English families. The compiler of these records has in his possession a book about the size of an old-fashioned family Bible, which has descended to him as an heirloom in the family. It has been known in the family as the " Old Quaker Bible." It is not, however, a Bible, but the famous "Apology for Quakers" by Robert Barclay, and was published in London in 169L On some of the blank pages are family records, the oldest being the records of the births of the children of William Scott and those of his son John Scott. This book was undoubtedly the property of William Scott, the first of the name to make his home in Shrews- bury, and has been in the possession of the family ever since, for over two hundred years. There were other persons or families of the name of Scott that settled in New Jersey prior to the Revolutionary War, but it is not known that any of these is related to the others, though furcher research may reveal relation- ship in some cases. The list here given does not pretend to be complete, but THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. Widdington, England, not from Bar- badoes. Further, in a census of the loland of Barbadoes taken in 1679 and 1680, Benjamin Scott is recorded as having 108 acres of land, 2 white serv- ants and 41 negroes in the Parish of Christ Church, and 10 acres of land in the Parish of St. Michaels, which seems to show that he was not the same per- son whose home and family were at the same time in Burlington in the Province of West Jersey. In Woodward and Hageman's " History of Burlington and Mercer Counties, N. J.," it is claimed that one of the families of Burlington owning the name of Scott is descend- ed from Benjamin Scott through his son Henry, and still owns part of the original land. But Benjamin Scott had no son by the name of Henry, so far as any record shows, and the Henry Scott who lived in Burlington was of an en- tirely different family, being the son of Jonathan Scott, of near Edenderry in Kings county, Ireland, as shown by an advertisement in the Pennsylvania Ga- zette of June 15th, 1758. ;) V I William Scott and Abigail Xilton Warner. The first certain record that we have of WilHam Scott's presence in this coun- try is in the "New Yorl? Marriages," where we find that he took out a license to marry Abigail Warner February 7th, 1678, which would be 1679 according to our modern way of dating the year to begin January 1st, instead of March 25th, as was customary in Great Britain and her colonies before 1753. At the time of his marriage William Scott re- sided at Gravesend, Long Island. The records of this town show that on May 31st, 1660, one of this name bought of Nicholas Stillwell a house and garden in Gravesend, signing his name "William Scot." If this was the same William Scott, and it seems probable, he must have been born not later than the year 1639, and was thus considerably older than his wife, Abigail Tilton Warner, who was born in 1650. She was the daughter of John and Mary Tilton of Gravesend, and widow of Ralph War- ner of Barbadoes. Her first hus- band, Ralph Warner, maiTiage litense dated May 15th, 1669, died at Barba- does, and was buried there, according to the parish register of St. Michael's church, April 24th, 1678. There were two children by this first marriage, Mary Warner, born at New Utrecht, L. I., and Ralph Warner, born at Brook- land, L. I., June, 167—. The latter died at Shrewsbury, N. J., in 1695, probably in July. The following is from the rec- ords of the Court of Sessions of the West Riding of Yorkshire, Long Island, at the Court held at Gravesend, beginning December 18th, 1678: "Upon the Peti- con of Abigail Warner wherein shee de- sires to be freed from the paymt of her deceased Husbands Debts, shee being left in a desolate, and poor condicon by her said Husband, and nothing consider- able left her for the paymt thereof and for the subsistance, and maintainance of her selfe, & children, There being an Inventory brought into the cort of what was left by her said Husband, not amounting to more than the Value of 40s. The cort allowes the same, and Order yt shee shall not be lyable there- unto, having so inconsiderable a pt of her Husbands Estate for the mainten- ance of her selfe, & children." William Scott removed his family and settled at Shrewsbury, N. J. , in 1682 or 1683. His home here was in that part of Shrewsbury township bordering on Swimming River, near Newman's Spring. Two patents, both for land in Shrewsbury, are on record. One, dated March 25th, 1688, is for 140 acres on Ramsonts Neck, the right to which he had purchased from Peter Tilton, prob- ably on his first settlement in the county, for Peter Tilton had taken out a patent for these and other lands as early as 1681. This land is briefly described as follows : ' ' 136 acres, N. Naversink s R. , E. John Slocume, W. andS. roads, and 4 acres of meadow on Racoone Neck, W. Nicholas Broun, E. John Burdein, N. Narawataconck R., S. upland." The four acres on Raco Island, or Racoone Neck, were sold to Hannanias Giffard December 10th, 1684. The other patent, dated March 22d, 1688, is for land for which a Governor's warrant had been 12 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. taken out December 16th, 1685. This land is described as follows : "145 acres at Passequcnecqua, E. the creek, W. the Proprietors, N. Restore Leppencott, S. Nathaniel Slocume, also 5^ acres of meadow, N. and S. upland, E. John Leppencott, W. Nathl Slocume. " Wil- liam Scott was a farmer by occupa- tion, and a Quaker in religious belief. His name occurs frequently in the rec- ords of the Friends' Monthly Meeting of Shrewsbury. On the occasion of a marriage on the 9th day of the Uth month, 1689 (January 9th, 1690), the names of both William Scott and Wil- liam Scott, Jr., are signed as witnesses. One of these names cannot be that of a son, for both sons of this name died in infancy. If some other relative, it is the only record we have of his presence here or anywhere else in the colony. William Scott wasagrand juror in 1692, and was still living in 1699, in which year sickness or infirmity made him too weak to sign his own name to a deed. He must have died soon after, certainly prior to 1707. He had children as fol- lows : 1*. John' Scott, born January 9th, 1680, at Gravesend, married Mary Bills. 2. William' Scott, born October 8th, 1681, at Gravesend, died "ye later end of ye 10 mo." (December), 1682, prob- ably at Shrewsbury. 3. William' Scott, born December 25th, 1683, at Shrewsbury, died January 8th, 1684, at Shrewsbury. 4. Samuel' Scott, bom May 31st, 1685, at Shrewsbury ; nothing more is known about him. 5. Peter' Scott, bom September 27th, 1687, at Shrewsbury, died October 2d, 1687, at Shrewsbury. 6. Esther' Scott, born December 6th, 1689. at Shrewsbury ; nothing more is known about her. WILLIAM SCOTT'S ANCESTRY. Where was William Scott born ? What were his family connections? When, did he or his family come to America ? ! Though remotely of Scottish ancestry and probably of English parentage, no pos- itive answers can be given to these ques- tions. In the account of the Scott family given in "New Jersey Coast in Three Centuries," volume ii., pages 166-168, nearly every statement of which is incor- rect, it is claimed that William Scott of Shrewsbury was the brother of Ben- jamin Scott of Burlington, and thus came to America in 1677 from Widding- ton, county of Essex, not far from London, England. This is based upon two deeds, of which the following de- scriptions are taken from the "New- Jersey Archives:" (1) "April 3d, 1677. Deed. JohnKin- sey, late of Great Hadham, Co. of Hert- ford, England, gent: to Benjamin Scott and William Scott junior, both of Wid- dington, Co. of Essex, husbandmen, for J of a share of W. J." (2) "Nov. 7th, 1691. Deed. John Scott to James Bingham, both of Bur- lington Co., yeomen, for 200 acres bo't of his father Benjamin Scott and Uncle William Scott April 3d, 1677." Benjamin Scott was one of the com- missioners of the London Quakers who, together with some Quakers from York- shire, founded Burlington, N. J., in 1677. On their way here they had first anchored at Sandy Hook, and their presence in New York is confirmed by a council minute dated August 4th, 1677. William Scott may well have left the ship here and settled at Gravesend. L. I., for his name does not appear among the settlers at Burlington. But there is not sufficient evidence to identify the William Scott junior of these deeds with the William Scott of Gravesend. and other evidence seems to contradict it. William Scott appears to have been in Gravesend earlier than 1677. and prob- ably belonged to the family of this name that had resided here almost from the beginning of the settlement. A Ro«lgor Scott is mentioned among the settlers of Gravesend in December, 1646, and in 13 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. that year he was given a plantation lot. He is probably the same as the Roger Scott who in 1642 was in Lynn, Mass., the town from which came many of the first settlers of Gravesend. He sold some land in September, 1647, and in 1651 leased house and land in Graves- end from one Randell Scott and sub- let the same to William Oliver. Wil- liam Scott bought a hou.se and garden in Gravesend from Nicholas Stillwell, May 31st, 1660. On January 11th, 1681. Lourens Jurianse bought from Denyse Theunissen of Flushing a house and gar- den in Gravesend which had lately been occupied by William Scott. Whether Rodger Scott was the father of William Scott, or whether they were related at all, it is impossible to say. It it hoped that further investigations will reveal other records that may throw some light upon the parentage and ancestry of Wil- liam Scott, and thus make a revision of this ancestral history necessary. THE TILTON FAMILY. John and Mary Tilton, the parents of Abigail Tilton, who became the wife of William Scott, were residents of Lynn, Mass., as early as 1640. From the Lynn records of the date of December 14th, 1642, we read: "Lady Deborah Moodie, Mrs. King and the wife of John Tilton were presented for houlding that the baptism of infants is not ordained of God." "The proceedings against them resulted in their leaving Lynn, and the next year (1643), we find men- tion of Lady Moodie, the Tiltons. Wil- liam Goulding, Samuel Spicer and others at Gravesend, Long Island, founding the settlement from which afterward came many persons to Old Monmouth. ' ' John Tilton was town clerk of Gravesend in 1654-56. After the appearance of the Quakers here in 1657, he and his wife seem to have joined with them, for from this time they were often fined and persecuted for helping the Quakers. In 1658 John Tilton was imprisoned on the charge of the Schout of Gravesend that he had lodged a Quakeress, for which ofl'ense he was fined £12 Flemish money, a sum equivalent to $28.80, and costs. In 1662 he was fined again "for per- mitting Quakers to quake" at his house. "On the 5th of Oct., 1662, John Tilton and Mary his wife were summoned be- fore the Governor and his council, at New Amsterdam, charged with having entertained Quakers and frequenting their conventicles. They were con- demned and ordered to leave the prov- ince before the 20th of Nov. following, under pain of corporal punishment." It is supposed that this sentence was reversed or changed to a fine. From the record of the trial we read : ' ' Goody Tilton (Mrs. Tilton) was not so much condemmed for assisting at conventicles as for having, like a sorceress, gone from door to door to lure and seduce the people, yea even young girls, to join the Quakers." — Old Times in Old Mon- mouth, p. 145f. John Tilton died at Gravesend in 1688. His will, dated September 15th, 1687, was recorded April 3d, 1688. His wife died May 29, 1683. Their children were as follows: (1) John Tilton, born June 4th, 1640, married 1st, Mary Coats, and 2d, Re- becca Terry. Issue by second wife: Abraham, Samuel, Sarah, Daniel, Thomas, Mary, Hester. (2) Peter Tilton, born January, 1643, married April 22d, 1665, Rebecca Bra- zier, daughter of Heniy Brazier. (3) Sarah Tilton, born May 4th, 1644, married John Painter. (4) Esther Tilton, born 1647, died 1703, married 1665, Samuel Spicer, died 1692, son of Thomas and Michal Spicer. Issue: Jacob, Mary, Sarah, Martha, Sarah, Abigail. (5) Abigail Tilton, born 1650, married 1st, 1669, Ralph Warner, and 2d, 1679, William Scott. (6) Thomas Tilton, born March 1st, 1652. (7) Mary Tilton, born June, 1654, married Henry Boman. 14 II. Jonn Scott and Mary Bills. 1. John' Scott, born January 9th, 1680, at Gravesend, L. I., died 1736, married about 1700 Mary Bills, born April 14th, 1679, at Eastham, Mass., daughter of Thomas Bills and Joanna Twining. He resided on the homestead farm inherited from his father near Newman's Spring. He was a grand juror in 1711. He had eleven children, as follows: 11*. Esther- Scott, born May 13th, 1701, married George Crawford. 12. Abigail- Scott, born February 5th, 1704, probably died young. 13'. MEHlT.\BLn:-' Scott, born Janu- ary 16th, 1707, married Abraham White. 14. William^ Scott, born August 16th, 1709, died in infancy. 15*. William^ Scott, a twin, born August 30th, 1712, married Mary Run- nels. 16*. Mary' Scott, a twin, born Au- gust 30th, 1712, married 1st Thomas Toilet and 2d John White. 17*. Samuel-' Scott, born August 11th, 1715, married 1st Amy Borden and 2d Sarah Allen. 18. Hannah- Scott, born December 19th, 1717. She is possibly the one who, married John Williams of Shrewsbury as his second wife, marriage license dated July 18th, 1751. There appear to have been no children by this mar-' riage, but in his will (Trenton Will.'^, L. 424) John Williams (died 177G) mentions Rachel ScoLt, "whom I have brought up. " She is undoubtedly the Rachel Scott who married in 1771 George Gardner, but if she has any place in the family it has not been ascertained. 19*. John- Scott, born November 3d, 1719, married Ruth Stockton. 20. Ebenezer- Scott, born November 10th, or 19th, 1721, died in infancy. 21*. Ebenezer- Scott, born May 17th, 1723, married Patience Leonard. THE WILL of JOHN SCOTT. In The Na.me of God Amen the ther- teenth day of September in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and thirty Six I John Scott of Shrewsbury in the County of Monmouth and Province of East New Jersey Planter being very Sick and weak in Body but of perfect Mind and memory thanks be given to God therefore Calling to mind the mor- tality of my Body and knowing thatt itt is appointed for Man once to Die do Make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament thatt is to say principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God thatt gave it and my Body I recommend itt to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like and devout manner at the discretion of my Executors nothing Doubting butt att the General Resurrection I shall recieve the same again by the mighty Power of God and as touching sutch Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I Give Devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and fForm Viz : Imprimis it is my Will and I do Order thatt in the first Place all my Just Debts and (fu- neral Charges be Paid and satisfied ITEM I Give and Bequeath unto my Eldest Son William all that Tract of Land to the Southward of mv Plantation for- 15 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. merly belonging to Abraham Vickers with the House and Appurtenasses there- unto belonging Beginning att a Chesnutt Tree mark'd near Newmans Spring on the Bank of the River and from thence Eastwardly to within two Rods of George Aliens Corner and thence further to a Wallnutt Saplin marked on three sides near the Corner of a ffield thence due East to Edmond Lefetras Land To Gether with my uper peace of meddow known by the name of Glass makers Landing Item I Give to my Second Son Samuel thatt Tract of Land to the North ward of my Plantation together with the House and and Appurtenances thereunto belonging for him his Heirs and Assigns for Ever Beginning at the River thence up a Gully to a Red Oake Tree marked on the three Sides East. thence South Easterly to the North West Corner of the Old Peach Orchard thence East to the highway Together with my lower meddow Item I give to my Son William the one half of my homestid being the remainder of my Plantation to be Devided both in Quantity and Quality upon then Consideration of his paying to my Son John the full and Just Sum of One hundred and twenty five pounds att his Arrival at the Age of twenty one Years and if William neg- lects the Payment of said Sum of money then the said part of the Plantation shall belong to John his heirs and As- signs to have and to hold for Ever Item I give to my Son Samuell the other half of Homestid both in quantity and Quality upon the Consideration of his paying to my Son Ebenezer the full and Just Sum of One hundred and twenty five Pounds att his Arrival to the Age of twenty one Years and if Samuell neglects the Payment of said Sum of money then the said part of the Plantation shall belong to Ebenezer his heirs and Assigns to have and to hold for Ever Item my Will is that if either John or Ebenezer shall Dye before they Cum to Age and leave no lawfuU Issue the Survivor shall have the whole Part or homestid hee his heirs or Assigns to have & to hold for Ever Item I give to my daughter Mercy Toilet one Bed and Beding two Cowes One Horse likewise my will is thatt She shall have her Abode in my dwelling House till the time that my Youngest Son Ebenezer be of the Age of twenty One and the privalidge of keeping her Cretures and of Hay for them Item I give to my Daughter Hannah one Bed and Beding two Cowes and One Horse likewise her living in my Dwelling House as long as She remains Single and the Priviledge of Keeping her Cretures and of Hay for them — And the Orchards my Will is thatt thay be maid Use of betwen my two Sons William and Samuel and my two Daughters Mercy and Hannah untill my Son Ebenezer Cums of Age or my Son John Item I give the Use of the home- stid otherwise & then whatt is before mentioned to my Sons William and Sam- uel upon Condition thatt they keep itt in good Fence and repare and Soe butt one peace in four Year untill the time that my Son John is of Age and like- wise to Repare the dwelling House and Barn Item my Will is that the Negro Gerl Johannah live with my Daughter Mehethabel White until She be one and twenty Years of Age and the to return to the Estate Item my Will is that after my Debts are payd the remainder of my Movebels shall be Devided equaly among all my Children Item I do here- by likewi.se Constitute make Ordain and Appointt my two Sons William and Sam- uel Scott with my Son in Law George Crawford the Executors of this my last Will and Testament And I do hereby utterly Dissalow Revoke and Disanul all and every other former Testaments Wills Legacies and Executors by Mee in any way before this Time Named Willed and bequeathed, Ratifing and Con- ferning this and nother to be my last Will and Testament In Witness where- of I have hereunto Sett my Hand and Sfeal the Day and Year above written. John Scott, [l. s.] 16 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. Signed Sealed published pronounced and Declared by the said John Scott as his last Will and Testament in the pres- ence of Us the Subscribers William Leeds James Grover John H (his mark) Hanskins John White Christopher Nich- olson. This will (Trenton Wills, C, 128) was proved November 17th, 1736, with ex- ecutors as named. THE BILLS FAMILY. Thomas Bills, the father of Mary Bills who became the wife of John Scott [1], was probably the son of Wil- liam Bills, one of the first settlers of Barnstable, Mass., in 1640. He married 1st October 3d, 1672, Anna Twining, the daughter of William Twining and Eliza- beth Deane, who died September 1st, 1675. He married 2d May 2d, 1676, Joanna Twining, a sister of his first wife, who died June 4th, 1723. He lived at Eastham, Mass., but removed to Yarmouth, and from there to Burling- ton, N. J., not later than 1695, probably in that year. He did not stay in Bur- lington long, for we find his wife's name as a witness at a marriage at Shrews- bury in March, and his own in May, 1696. He seems to have lived for a while, however, at Woodbridge, as the following description of a lease from the "New Jersey Archives " shows: "Feb- ruary 19th, 1696-7. Lease. Mary, widow of Thomas Carhart of Woodbridge, to Thomas Bills of Burlington, West Jersey, • weaver, for a house and farm on Craine Cr., Woodbridge, 120 acres; lease ended by mutual consent June 11th, 1698." He then took up his permanent residence in Shrewsbury, for we read again in the "New Jersey Archives ": "September 16th, 1701. Deed. Thomas Bills of Shrewsbury, weaver, to his son-in-law David Killie of Middletown, for one half of the lot on the N. side of Sawmill Brook, W. another brook." Thomas Bills died at Shrewsbury .'Vpril 2d, 1721. He had the following children, most of them, if not all, born at Eastham, Masa., and all but the first two by his second wife: (1) Anne Bills, born June 26th, or 28th, 1673, married 1692 David Killie, son of David and Jane Killie. (2) Elizabeth Bills, born August 23d, 1675. (3) Nathaniel Bills, born June 25th, 1677, died 1729 at Shrewsbury. His will, dated January 24th, 1729, proved March 31st, 1729, names the following children : Thomas, Gershom, Daniel (underage), Marcey, Catherine, Joanna and Elizabeth. (4) Mary, or Mercy, Bills, born April 14th, 1679, married John Scott [1*]. (5) Mehitable Bills, born March 26th, 1681. (6) Thomas Bills, born March 22d, 1684, died 1729 at Shrewsbury ; married 1st Elizabeth Shotwell, and 2d Content Woolley, daughter of Edward WooUey and Lydia Allen, who married 2d May 27th, 1736, Isaac Hance, as his second wife. The will of Thomas Bills, dated February 22d, 1729, proved March 24th, 1729, mentions the following children, all under age : William, Silvanus, Thomas, Joanna, Lydia and Elizabeth. (7) Gershom Bills, born June 5th, 1686, died 1766, married 2d Margaret Chamberlin, marriage license dated April 7th, 1755. and had nine children. (8) Joanna Bills, born December 2d, 1688, died April 1st, 1728, married Janu- ary 27th, 1709 (marginal record, June 11th, 1710), George Williams, son of John Williams and Elizabeth Allen. Issue: Obediah, Hezekiah, George, John and Experience. THE TWINING FAMILY. "Mr. William Twining, Sr.," came to Plymouth, Mass., from England, some time between 1630 and 1640. His I name is first found in the Plymouth Court Records, June 1st, 1641, in a case : of trespass regarding certain lands. He was then a resident of Yarmouth, situated some thirty miles southeast of Plymouth. Records from 16-13 to 1645 I rank him among the militia, which con 17 THE SC0TT;FAMILY of SHREWSBURY. sisted of fifty soldiers, and in 1645 he was one of five soldiers sent out against the Narragansetts. In 1645, or soon after, he removed to Eastham. Here he married his second wife, Anna Doane, in 1652. She died February 27th, 1680. His death occurred April 15th, 1659, when he was not over seventy years old. So far as known, he had but two children, Isabel and William, and they by his first wife, born prior to his com- ing to the colony. Isabel Twining died May 16th, 1706, at Yarmouth. On June 17th, 1641, she married Francis Baker, who was born in Hertfordshire, England, in 1611, came over in the "Planter" in 1635, and died July 23d, 1696. They had the following children: Nathaniel, John, Samuel, Daniel, William, Thomas, Eliz- abeth and Hannah. William Twining, Jr., was born about 1625, "probably in England." He is first mentioned in the records when he married about 1650, at Eastham, Eliza- beth Deane, the daughter of Stephen Deane and Elizabeth Ring of Plymouth. Stephen Deane was one of the first set- tlers, coming over in the " Fortune " in 1621, and building the first corn mill in New England in 1632. He married Elizabeth, the daughter of Mrs. Mary Ring, a widow, had three children, Eliz- abeth, Miriam and Susanna, and died in 1634. William Twining, Jr., was ad- mitted and sworn in 1652. He was four times one of the grand jury from 16.52 to 1671. As early as 1677 he was a dea- con of the Eastham church, and is al- luded to as "Deacon Twining" as late as 1681. Previous to 1695, however, when his name appears on the Eastham records for the last time, he became a Quaker, and this necessitated a change of residence to escape persecution. Therefore we find him and his son Ste- phen locating in the new province of Pennsylvania, at Newtown, Bucks county. His name first appears in the records of Middletown Friends' Monthly Meeting in 1699, in connection with his son Stephen's, to a testimony against selling rum or strong drink to the In- dians. He died November 4th, 1703; his wife died December 28th, 1708. His will, dated June 26th, 1697, was proved April 6th, 1705. William Twining, Jr., had children as follows: (1) Elizabeth Twining, died March 10th, 1725, married August 19th, 1669, John Rogers, son of Joseph Rogers, born April 3d, 1642, died January 10th, 1738; lived in Eastham. Issue: Samuel, John, Judah, Joseph, Elizabeth, Mehit- able, Eleazar, Haimah, Nathaniel. (2) Anna 'Twining, died September 1st, 1675, married October 3d, 1672, Thomas Bills. Issue: Anna, Elizabeth. (3) Susanna Twining, born January 25th, or February 28th, 1654, died young. (4) William Twining, born probably same date as Susanna, died January 23d, 1735, married March 21st, 1689, Ruth Cole, daughter of John and Ruth Cole, born 1688, died after 1735. He remained a Puritan and stayed at East- ham. Issue: Elizabeth, Thankful, Ruth, Hannah, William, Barnabas, Mercy. (5) Mehitable Twining, supposed to have married Daniel Doane, Jr., of Eastham. He and his family came on the overland route in 1696, and settled on land adjoining the Twinings in New- town, Pa. He deposited a card with the Sandwich Society of Friends with wife Mehitable and children Daniel, Lydia, Rebecca, Elijah, Eleazar and Joseph. (6) Joanna Twining, born May 30th, 1657, died June 4th, 1723, married May 2d, 1676, Thomas Bills as his second wife. Issue: Nathaniel, Mary or Mercy, Mehitable, Thomas, Gershom, Joanna. (7) Stephen Twining, born February 6th, 1659, died February 8th, 1720, married January 3d, 1683, Abigail Young, daughter of John and Abigail Young, born 1660, died April 9th, 1715. Issue : Stephen, Eleazar, Nathaniel, Mercy, John. 18 ^jecf^T^ty Part ok a i-aoe krom an old account book ori(;inai.i,y bf.i.on«ing to Joskph Shei'ukrd, CONTAINING THE SIONATIHE OF Ku'lIABI)'' ChaHKORD [53]. III. George Crawford and Esther Scott. 11. Esther- Scott, born May llJth, 1701, died later than 1745, daughter of .John Scott [1] and Mary Bills, married about 1726 George Crawford, died 1745, son of John Crawford, Jr., and .Abigail his wife. They lived on the old Crawford homestead at Nutswamp in Middletown township, which had been first conveyed to John Crawford by patent from the Proprietors of East Jersey December 3d, 1687 (Trenton Deeds, B, 211). George Crawford's will, dated March 15th, 1745, was proved at Perth Amboy May 10th, 1745, and is re- corded at Trenton (D, 279). Issue: 51. GEORGE' Crawford, born 1 lZ(, died unmarried about 1750. 52*. Richard ' Crawford, born Janu- ary 27th, 1729, married Catherine Shep- herd. 53*. WILLIAM' Crawfokd, married Catherine Bowne. 54*. JoB' Crawford, married Ann Morris. 55. Joshua' Crawford, went South, where he probably has descendants. .56*. Lydia' Crawford, married 1st, license dated July 30th, 1756, Cornelius Compton of Middletown, by whom she is said to have had two sons; married 2d, 1767, Benjamin Morris. 57. Elizabeth 'Crawford, born 1745, after her father's death. 52. Richard" Crawford, born Janu- ary 27th, 1729, died September 20th, 1798, married, license dated September 17th, 1751, Catherine Shepherd, born August 11th, 1734, died January 13th, 1X07, daughter of Joseph Shepherd and Rebecca Lippet. They lived on the Crawford homestead farm at Nutswamp. Richard Crawford was prominent in the affairs of the Baptist church at Middle- town, and it is on record that in May. 1769, he was chosen to the office of ruling elder in that church. His will, dated October 1st, 1794, was proved March 8th, 1806 (Monmouth Co. WilLs, A, 116). Issue: 61*. Richard' Crawford, born 17.56, married Rebecca Still well. 62*. George' Crawford, born De- cember 5th, 1758, married 1st Mary Seabrook and 2d Eleanor Schenck". 63*. Catherine' Crawford, married Nathaniel Leonard. 64*. Esther' Crawford, married Thomas Burrows. 65*. Hannah' Crawford, marriud Timothy White. 61. Richard^ Crawford, born 1756, died November 12th, 1837, married Re- becca Still well; lived on Crawford home- stead at Nutswamp. Issue: 71. RICHARD'' Crawford, died young, unmarried. 72. CATHERINE' CRAWFORD, married John Bowne' Crawford [3()1*]. 62. George' Crawford, born Decem- ber 5th, 1758, died July 11th, 18;?4. mar- ried 1st Mary Seabrook, born 1766, died January 9th, 1795, daughter of Major Thomas Seabrook and Martha Tallman: married 2d January 27th. 1799, Eleanor Schenck. born March 17th. 17t>l, died May 17th, 1850, daughter of Hendrick Schenck and Catherini' Holmi's. He 19 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. lived at Middletown, and had five chil- dren, all but the first by his second wife. His will, dated July 13th, 1825, was proved July 23d, 1834 (Monmouth Co. Wills, C, 338). Issue: 81. Cath^rine'^ Crawford, born Au- gust 12th, 1793, married Edward'* Bur- rows [221*]. 82*. Mary^ Crawford, born January 12th, 1800, married William W. Murray. 83*. Ann^ Crawford, born February 22d, 1801, married Rev. Jacob Ten Broek Beekman. 84*. Adaline'' Crawford, born Feb- ruary 16th, 1803, married John Lloyd Hendrickson. 85. Eleanor^ Crawford, born Janu- ary 26th, 1807, died December 22d, 1823. 82. Mary'' Crawford, born January 12th, 1800, died January 17th, 1853, married November 20th, 1817, William W. Murray, born November 30th (or 20th), 1794, died June 1st, 1865, son of William Murray and Anne Schenck; resided at Middletown. Issue: 91. Lavinia'^ Murray, born Decem- ber 17th, 1818, died 1876, married Au- gust 26th, 1847, James M. Hoagland, a merchant of New York City, whom she survived; resided in Jersey City and New York City ; no issue. 92*. Eleanor Crawford* Murray, born July 21st, 1823, married Henry G. Scudder. 93*. George Crawford" Murray, born January 3d, 1827, married Mary Catherine Cooper. 92. Eleanor Crawford" Murray, born July 21st, 1823, died 1858, married May 1st. 1849, Henry G. Scudder of Huntington, L. I., a descendant of Thomas Scudder, the first immigrant of the name at Salem, Mass., in 1635. Issue: 101. William Murray' Scudder, born May 23d, 1850, died young, unmar- ried. 102. Mary Crawford' Scudder, born June 29th, 1852, died young, unmarried. 103. Nora Jarvis' Scudder, born March 30th, 1854, died young, unmarried. 104. Henry G.' Scudder, born No- vember 9th, 1856; resides on the Scudder homestead at Huntington, L. I.; un- married. 93. George Crawford" Murray, born January 3d, 1827, died November 24th, 1884, married February 27th, 1855, Mary Catherine Cooper, born March 20th, 1833, died 1905, daughter of James Cooper and Rebecca Patterson. He graduated from Yale University in 1845, the young- est member of his class, and studied law in New York City, being admitted to the bar of that state in 1849. In 1851, however, the sickness of his parents, now alone with the care of two large farms, obliged him to return to his home in Middletown. Issue: 111*. MaryCrawford' Murray, born December 29th, 1855, married Dr. Ovid Allen Hyde. 112*. Ella Cooper' Murray, born September 6th, 1857, married William T. VanBrunt. 113*. George Crawford' Murray, born April 15th, 1868, married Gertrude Whitman. 111. MaryCrawford' Murray, born December 29th, 1855, married June 11th, 1887, Dr. Ovid Allen Hyde, born July 22d, 1855, and engaged in the practice of medicine in New York City. Issue: 121. Chester Ovid* Hyde, bom July 22d, 1888. 122. George Crawford Murray** Hyde, born December 23d, 1890, died September 25th, 1891. 112. Ella Cooper' Murray, born September 6th, 1857, married June 11th, 1889, William T. VanBrunt of Middle- town township. Issue: 131. A son', died in infancy. 132. Catherine Eleanor* Van- Brunt, born September 4th, 1900. 113. George Crawford' Murray, born April 15th, 1868, married June 23d, 20 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 1897, Gertrude Whitman cf Brooklyn, where she died March 3d, 1899; resides in Brooklyn. Issue: 141. Gertrude Dorothy- Murray, born February 4th, 1899. 8o. Ann" Crawford, born February 22d, 1801, died May 18th, 1876, married February 12th, 1833, Rev, Jacob Ten Broek Beekman, born April 10th, 1801, died April 23d, 1875, son of Captain Sam- uel Beekman and HelenaTenBroek. He was born in the brick farmhouse erected by the Hon. CorneUus Ten Broek prior to the Revolution near Harlingen, Som- erset Co., N. J., and which is still standing and in use. He was a graduate of Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., and studied theology at the Reformed (Dutch) Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J. He was licensed to preach in 1826, and was called to the Dutch Re- formed Church of Middletown township, near Holmdel, where he i-emained ten years. Issue: 151. Edwin" Beekman, born Novem- ber 8th, 1833, died August 12th, 1834. 152. Theodore'' Beekman, born Jan- uary 31st, 1835, died June 22d, 1902. 153. Eleanor Crawford" Beekman, born May 5th, 1836, died March 27th, 1882. 154. Mary"' Beekman, born August 4th, 1838. died August 19th, 1838. 155*. George Crawford'' Beekman, born July 2d, 1839, married Laura B. Alston. 156. EDWlN''BEEKMAN,bornJunc 13th, 1842, a farmer, living on the homestead farm in Middletown. He served as journal clerk of the House of Represent- atives at Washington, D. C, during a part of the Cleveland administration, and was for a number of years clerk of the grand jury of Monmouth County. He has contributed many articles on agri- cultural matters and local history to the newspapers. 155. George Crawford'' Beekman, bom July 2d, 1839, married November 6th, 1877, Laura B. Alston, born March 2d, 1852, daughter of Abraham D. Al- ston. He was graduated from Prince- ton University in the class of 1859, and received the degrees of A. B. and A. M. He was admitted to the New Jersey bar in 1863, and the same year began the practice of law at Freehold, remaining there until 1903, when he removed with his family to Red Bank, where he now resides. He served as Law Judge of the Monmouth County Court 1869-1872, and was State Senator from the county 1879- 1882. He has done considerable writing for the press on historical and genealogi- cal subjects. Issue: 161. Alston' Beekman, born July 1st, 1878, married Matilda M. Craig, daugh- terof John W. Craig and Matilda Mount. He was admitted to the New Jersey bar in 1903, and is engaged in the practice of law at Red Bank. 162. Anna Crawford' Beekman, born April 9th, 1880, died December 16th, 1902. 163. Jacob TenBroek" Beekman, born May 19th, 1883. 164. Edwin Laurens' Beekman, born August 25th, 1889. 84. Adaline'' Crawford, born Febru- ary 16th, 1803. died August 27th, 1886, married December 16th, 1822, John Lloyd Hendrickson. born March 3d, 1801, died September 25th, 1845, son of John Hen- drickson and Mary Lloyd, and grandson of Daniel Hendrickson and Eleanor Van- Mater; resided on Hendrickson home- stead farm at Middletown. Issue: 191. Eleanor'' Hendrickson, born October 9th. 1823, died October 22d, 1837. 192. Ann" Hendrickson, bom Sep- tember 26th, 1825, died in infancy. 19:!. George Crawford'' Hendrick- son, born March 8th. 1829, died October l'2th, 1875. 194. Mary Louisa" Hendrickson. born January 26th, 18;}8, and now resides on the homestead. 21 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 63. Catherine' Crawford, married Nathaniel Leonard. Issue: 201*. PoLLv' Leonard, married Sam- uel C. Mott. 201. PoLLY" Leonard, married Sam- uel C. Mott. Issue: 2n. Leonard'^ Mott. Samuel C^ Mott. Ann Maria*^ Mott. Jerusha'' Mott. Clementina'^ Mott. Catherine* Mott. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 64. Esther' Crawford, married Thomas Burrows. Issue: 221*. Edward"' Burrows, married Catherine' Crawford [81]. 222*. Richard Crawford ' Burrows, married Mary Taylor. 223. Deborah"' Burrows, married Richard Walling. 224. Catherine' Burrows, married William Tilton. 221. Edward'' Burrows, married Au- gust 22d, 181.5, Catherine"' Crawford [81]. Issue: 231. A daughter'', marned Jacob Mc- Clane. 222. Richard Crawford"' Burrows, married Mary Taylor, daughter of Joseph Taylor, who carried on a large tannery in Middletown. Issue: 241. Thomas'"' Burrows. 242. Joseph T." Burrows, born July 7th, 1837, married Sarah Lemmon. and resides at Red Bank. 65. Hannah' Crawford, buried May 23d, 1845. married March 9th, 1797, Timothy White, died 1842, son of Samuel and Jemima White of Shrewsbury. Is- sue: 251*. Catherine C.'^ White, born February 2Sth, 1798, married Jarrett Morford. 252. Jemima"' White, died when about 14 years old. 251. Catherine C.'' White, born Feb- ruary 28th, 1798, died January 14th, 1869, married April 2d, 1818, Jarrett Morford of Red Bank, born May 3d, 1781, died September 21st, 1865, son of Thomas Morford and Hannah Holmes. Issue: 261. Hannah'' Morford, married James McCausland, a prominent mer- chant of New York City. Issue: Laura, Agnes. 262. Elizabeth" Morford, died un- married. 263*. Thomas F.** Morford, married Elizabeth Wilbur. 264*. Samuel White" Morford, born 1835, married Mary R. Ovens. 265*. Anna'' Morford, married Wil- liam H. Grant. 266. Henry Hobart'' Morford. 263. Thomas F.'' Morford, died April, 1888, married Elizabeth Wilbur of Brook- lyn, N. Y. Issue: 271. Jane" Morford, died young, un- married. 272. Catherine' Morford. 273. Laura' Morford, married Fred- erick Wyckoff. 274. Harry' Morford. 264. Samuel White'' Morford, born 1835, married Mary R. Ovens of Al- bany, N. Y. He resides at the old Morford homestead on the Shrewsbury river. Red Bank, and has served as mayor of the city. He conducts a large coal and wood business at Red Bank, and was for many years a direc- tor of the First National Bank. Issue: 281. Anna G.' Morford. married Walter G. French. 282. Jarrett" Morford. 283. Nelly' Morford, died young, unmarried. 284. Alice E." Morford. 285. Livingston" Morford, died in infancy. 265. Anna" Morford, died March 5th, 1868, married 1854 William H. Grant of Middletown township. Issue: 22 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 291. Laura' Grant, died youna:. un- married. 292. T. Henry" Grant, a civil engin- eer, who lives on the farm in Middle- town township where his father re- sided. 53. William" Crawford, married, license dated December 27th, ITSG, Catherine Bowne, daughter of John Bownc, who was the eldest son of Obadiah Bowne. Issue: 301'. JoHN^ Crawford, married Car- oline Fields. 302*. William' Crawford, married Rebecca Patterson. 303*. Esther^ Crawford, born Feb- ruary 3d, 1761, married Robert White. 301. JoHN^ Crawford, married Caro- line Fields, daughter of Elnathan Fields. His will, dated November 15th, 1834, was proved January 2d, 1835 ( Mon- mouth Co. Wills, C. 436). Issue: 311. Andrew'' Crawford, died young, unmarried. 312. William" Crawford, married Elizabeth Fields; no issue. 313. John'' Crawford, died young, unmarried. 314. Elnathan' Crawford, died young, unmarried. 315*. James G.' Crawford, born December 29th, 1794, married Elizabeth Smith. 315. James G.'^ Crawford, bom De- cember 29th, 1794, married Elizabeth Smith, daughter of William Smith. He lived on the homestead farm at Craw- ford's Corner in the present township of Holmdel. Issue: 321*. Caroline'' Crawford, born 1819, married Holmes Conover. 322*. Ann" Crawford, born 1821, married Joseph H. Holmes. 323. Mary'' Crawford, born 1823, died young, unmarried. .324. William S.'' Crawford, born November 15th, 1826, married 1867 Emeline L. Stillwell, daughter of John S. Stillwell, and resides on the home- stead where his father lived. 325*. John J.'' Crawford, born Feb- ruary 22d, 1829, married Mary Frost. 326. Elizabeth'- Crawford, born 1837, and resides at the homestead with her brother, William S. Crawford. 321. Caroline"' Crawford, born 1819, died August 28th, 1843, married March 3d, 1841, Holmes Conover, born Janu- ary 10th, 1808, died May 22d, 1860, son of Cornelius R. Conover and Mary Stout- enbergh of Pleasant Valley. He was twice sheriff of Monmouth County. Is- sue: 331. Crawford' Conover, died young, unmarried. 322. Ann'' Crawford, born 1821, died June 6th, 1892, married September 19th, 1848, Joseph H. Holmes, son of Sheriff Daniel Holmes; resided on the old Holmes farm in Pleasant Valley. Issue: 341. Caroline" Holmes, married Asher H. Ely of Freehold. 342. John S.' Holmes, married Anna Lake, and resides on homestead farm. 343. Daniel" Holmes. 344. Elizabeth" Holmes, died young, unmarried. 325. John J.'' Crawford, born Febru- ary 22d, 1829, died 1888, married 1855 Mary Frost of Chapel Hill. He pur- chased the old "Barnes Smock" farm in Holmdel township and there made his home. Of the following children, two sons and four daughters are living: 351. John" Crawford. 352. James G." Crawford. 353. William" Crawford. 354. Sarah" Crawford. 355. Caroline" Crawford. .3.56. Mary" Crawford. 357. Esther' Crawford. 358. Theresa" Crawford. 3.59. Emma" Crawford. 302. William' Crawford, Rebecca Patterson, daughter married of Jehu 23 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. Patterson of Middletown township. Issue; 361*. John Bowne' Crawford, born 1789, married Catherine'' Crawford [72] . 362. William'' Crawford, died young, unmarried. 363*. William H.' Crawford, mar- ried Leah Conover. 364*. James Patterson'' Crawford, married Margaretta Bowne. 365*. Ann Bowne^ Crawford, born June 25th, 1788, married Hendrict: Conover. 361. John Bowne'' Crawford, born 1789, died 1865, married his second cousin Catherine'^ Crawford [72]. She inherited all the Crawford home- stead at Nutswamp, and here they re- sided. His will, dated February 2.5th, 1857, was proved September 8th, 1865 (Monmouth Co. Wills, H. 321). Issue: 371*. George W." Crawford, born December 15th, 1825, married Sarah Frost. 372. Rebecca S.'' Crawford, born July 20th, 1828, died April 17th, 1876, married Robert Allen, Jr., a well-known lawyer of Red Bank, who at one time served as Prosecutor of the Pleas of Monmouth Co. 373. Elizabeth S.'- Crawford, born April 16th. 1832, died October 2d, 1836. 374. William" Crawford, born Au- gust 8th, 1834, died October 27th, 1836. 375. Catherine E.'' Crawford, born April 5th, 1837, diedat Jamesburg, N. J., married John D. Buckelew, sheriff of Middlesex Co. and U. S. consul to Stettin, Germany. Their later home was at Jamesburg. N. J. ; no issue. 376. Richard'' Crawford, born De- cember 1st, 1838, died March, 1906, married November 21st, 1866, Julia Robinson, daughter of William Robinson of Sing Sing, N. Y. No issue. 371. George W.'' Crawford, born December 15th, 1825, died October 19th, 1878, married Sarah Frost of Chapel Hill. At the time of his death he farmed 500 acres and represented Middletown township on the Board of Chosen Free- holders of Monmouth Co. Issue: 381. John B.' Crawford. 382. Richard' Crawford, died young, unmarried. 383. James F.' Crawford, who now owns and farms the greater part of the old Crawford homestead at Nutswamp. 363. William H." Crawford, married Leah Conover, daughter of Cornelius R. Conover and Mary Stoutenbergh. They occupied that part of the Bowne homestead at Crawford's Corner in Holmdel township on which the large dwelling house stood erected by John Bowne some time between 1725 and 1740, and which has since been destroyed by fire. Issue: 391. Holmes C' Crawford, deceased, married Evelyn Peterson. 392. William H.'- Crawford, de- ceased, married Phebe A. Duryea. 393. John B.'' Crawford, deceased, married Henrietta Schenck. 394. Albro B.'' Crawford, deceased. 395. Charles 'V." Crawford. 396. Mary Jane L." Crawford, de- ceased. 397. Jamesanna L." Crawford. 398. Sarah Elizabeth" Crawford, deceased, married D. T. Polhemus. 399. Katharine Bibb'' Crawford, deceased, married Horace A. Field. 364. James Patterson'' Crawford, married Margaretta Bowne, born 1817 and still living (1907) at the age of ninety. Issue: 401. William W. Crawford, died young. 402*. John B.'' Crawford, married Mary Foley. 403. James Hartshorne" Crawford. 404. Richard Bowne''' Crawford, de- ceased. 405*. Ellen Bowne" Crawford, married James Clark Smith. 406. Rebekah Patterson'' Craw- ford. 24 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 407. Althea Brinckerhoff" Craw- ford, married Arthur Parcells Cox of California. 408. Mary Bowne" Crawford, died 1883. 409 Sidney C^ Crawford. 402. John B.'' Crawford, died at 65, married Mary Foley. Issue: 411. Katrina' Crawford. 412. Margaretta' Crawford. 413. Ellen^ Crawford. 414. ANNIE' Crawford. 415. Agnes' Crawford. 416. Robert Lee" Crawford, de- ceased. 417. Grover Cleveland' Crawford, deceased. 405. Ellen Bowne" Crawford, mar- ried James Clark Smith of Baltimore, deceased. Issue: 421. Samuel Wyman' Smith. 422. Linda ClaRk" Smith. 365. Ann Bowne'' Crawford, born June 25th, 1788, died February 10th, 1832, married Hendrick Conover, born 1773, died September 17th, 1835, son of Jacob Conover and Mary Schenck. Issue: 431. William Crawford" Conover, born June 23d, 1808, died August 8th, 1817. 432. Jacob" Conover, born 1810, died December 24th, 18-16, married Ellen L. Vanderveer, born 1816, died September 24th, 1846; had three daughters. 433*. Rebecca'' Conover, married Tunis J. Conover. 434. Mary" Conover, married Judge James S. Lawrence of Upper Freehold. 435. Ann" Conover, married Charles Belden. 436. Catherine" Conover, married Dr. William Johnson Conover, son of John I. Conover and Lydia Johnson. 433. Rebecca" Conover, married Tunis J. Conover. Issue: 441. Hendrick'^ Conover, married Taylor, daughter of George Taylor. 442. William I.' Conover, married Susan Smock. 303. Esther" Crawford, born Febru- ary 3d, 1761, died May 10th, 1797, mar- ried July 13th, 1780, Robert White, born November 24th, 1753, died 1831 or prior. Issue: 451. Crawford" White, born June 14th. 1782, married December 9lh, 1819, Ann Taylor, daughter of Joel and Ann Taylor. 452*. Catherine'' White, born March 25th, 1784, married Isaac Martin, Jr. 453. Tylee' White, born October 29th, 1786. died September 28th, 1802. 454. Robert Bowne' White, born October 17th, 1788. 455. Lydia Grover" White, born De- cember 20ih, 1791, married March 16th, 1814, Rev. Samuel P. Lewis, and had one daughter and two sons. 456*. William C.'' White, born Sep- tember 8th, 1794, married Mary Barnes. 452. Catherine'' White, born March 25th, 1784. married June 11th, 1807, Isaac Martin, Jr. Issue: 461. Benjamin" Martin. 456. William C.'' White, born Sep- tember 8th, 1794, died June 13th, 1880, married Mary Barnes, born March lOlh, 1796, died February 6th, 1897. Issue: 471. Joseph" White. 472. Robert" White. 473. Elizabeth" White. 474. Crawford" White. 54. Job' Crawford, died 1770, mar- ried, license dated November 25th, 1766, Ann Morris, who survived him; resided at Middletown, N. J. His will, dated May 4th, 1770, was proved August llth, 1770. (Trenton Wills, K. 234.) Issue: 481. Joshua' Crawford. 482. George* Crawford. 25 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 56. Lydia" Crawford, married 1st, license dated July 30th, 1756, Cornelius Compton of Middletown, by whom she is said to have had two sons; married 2d, 1767, Benjamin Morris. Issue: 491. ■' Compton. 492. ■• Compton. 493. Benjamin^ Morris, born 1768, married and had six children, two of whom were named Charles and Ben- jamin. 494. Joseph' Morris, born 1770, mar- ried Patience (Herbert?). 495. Stout^ Morris. 496. Lydia^ Morris, married James Frost. 497. Esther' Morris, married Octo- ber 27th, 1799, Jonathan Stout. the CRAWFORD FAMILY. John Crawford, the first of the family in this country, came from Ayrshire, Scotland, about 1672. He first settled in Massachusetts, then in Long Island, and came to Middletown, N. J., as early as 1678. He is first mentioned in the New Jersey records in a deed from Richard Gibbons and wife, dated Decem- ber 11th, 1678, conveying to him a house lot in the village of Middletown assigned to the grantor in the first division of the land in 1667 under the Nichols Patent. The original deed was in the possession of the family for 227 years until 1905, when it was presented to the Monmouth Co. Historical Society. (Monmouth Co. Deeds, A. See fac-simile in Hist, and Biog. Atlas of N. J. Coast, p. 69.) Two tracts of land in Monmouth Co., one at "Waykake," were conveyed to John Crawford by patent from the Proprie- tors of East Jersey March 25th, 1687, and the homestead tract at Nutswamp was secured by another patent Decem- ber 3d, 1687. (Trenton Deeds, B. 211, 510.) John Crawford was engaged in the whaling industry from his first set- tlement in Monmouth Co. He is named among the twelve men in the county to whom a charter was granted Feb- ruary 4th, 1679, to take whales off the Monmouth coast. It was this business no doubt which led him with his wife Elizabeth and son George to remove in 1693 to Cape May Co. Whales were then frequenting the waters of Delaware Bay, where it was easier to catch them than in the open sea. Between 1691 and 1694 a number of men from Monmouth Co. and Long Island founded a town called Portsmouth on the Delaware Bay side in the lower township of Cape May Co. about three miles north of the point. The earliest deed for real estate at Ports- mouth was made April 1st, 1699, to John Crawford for 300 acres. He and his wife died here in 1705, her death oc- curring one month previous to his de- cease, and the inventory of his goods and chattels was presented by his son George December 11th of that year. He had at least two sons, John and George, and may have had two others, Richard and Joshua, for these names appear early in the records of Cape May Co. John Crawford, Jr., remained in Mon- mouth Co. His father conveyed land to him by deed signed August 3d, 1691, but not acknowledged and delivered until March 9th, 1693. (Trenton Deeds, F. 739; Monmouth Deeds, A. 36.) He also received from his father the tract at Nutswamp, which has been the Craw- ford homestead for so many generations. John Crawford, Jr,, was grand juror in 1693. He married 1698 or prior Abigail , and had at least one son, George Crawford, who married about 1726 Esther Scott [11], the daughter of John Scott [1] and Mary Bills. THE shepherd FAMILY. Joseph Shepherd of Middletown, by occupation a miller, was the son of Thomas Shepherd, who died May 17th, 1751, aged about 73 years. He married May 19th, 1733, Rebecca Lippet, and died September 1st, or 2d, 1753. His will, dated September 1st, 1753, was 26 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. proved September 10th, 1753. (Tren- ton Wills, F. 134.) Issue: (1) Catherine, born August 11th, 1731, married Richard Crawford [52*]. (2) Deborah, born December 22d, 1735. (3) Sarah, a twin, born September 1st, 1737, died unmarried January 4th, 1835, and is buried in the Murray family plot in the Baptist Church Burying Ground, Middletown. (4) Mary, a twin, born September 1st, 1737. (5) Hannah, born September 11th, 1739. (6) Thomas, born June 22d, 1741. (7) Moses, born October 25th, 1743. THE BOWNE FAMILY. William Bowne came with his wife Ann and oldest son John from York- shire, England, and settled at Salem, Mass., in 1631. He afterwards removed to Gravesend, L. I., and bought a plan- tation there November 12th, 1646. Early in 1665 he came to New Jersey and settled in Monmouth County. He married 2d, July 12th, 1669, Mary H. Felt, and died at Portland Point (At- lantic Highlands) in 1677. His children, all by his first wife, were as follows: (1) Captain John Bowne (a), born in England, died January 3d, 1684, married Lydia Holmes, daughter of Rev. Oba- diah and Catherine Holmes. (2) James Bowne, baptized in Salem, Mass., August 25th, 1636, died 1692, married 1665 Mary Stout, daughter of Richard Stout and Penelope VanPrincis. Issue: Deborah, Sarah, Catherine, James, Andrew, John, William. (3) Andrew Bowne, baptized in Salem, Mass., August 12th, 16:38, died 1708, married Elizabeth . He was Deputy Governor of New Jersey in 1698 His daughter Elizabeth married her cousin Obadiah (b), son of Captain John Bowne (4) Philip Bowne, born 1640; resided at Flushing, L. I (a) Captain John Bowne and his wife Lydia Holmes had children as fol- lows : (1) Captain John Bowne, 2d, born April 1st, 1664, died March 13th, 1716. married, license dated December 26lh, 1692, Frances Bowman; no issue. (2) Obadiah Bowne (b), born July 18th, 1666, died April 19th, 1726, married 1st his cousin Elizabeth Bowne, daugh- ter of Andrew Bowne; married 2d Eliza- beth Longfield. His children, the first three by his first wife, were as follows: John (c), Ann, Lydia, Obadiah, Thomas, Cornelius, Mary. (3) Deborah, or Dorothy, Bowne, born January 26th, 1668, married Gershom Mott. (4) Sarah Bowne, born November 27th (or 23d), 1669, married Richard Salter. Issue: Hannah, John, Ebenezer, Richard, Thomas. The daughter Han- nah married Mordecai Lincoln, who is believed to be an ancestor of President Abraham Lincoln. (5) Catherine Bowne. (c) John Bowne, son of Obadiah and Elizabeth Bowne, married Ann , and had children as follows: (1) Catherine Bowne, married, license dated December 27th, 1756, William Crawford [53*]. (2) Lydia Bowne, married James G rover. (3) Andrew Bowne. (4) Ann Bowne. IV. AtraKam Wkite and MeKitaWe Scott. 13. Mehitable- Scott, born January 16th, 1707, married not later than 1735, Abraham White, of whose parentage nothing is known. They lived at Shrewsbury and are known to have had at least one son, but some or all of the following may have been their children: Amey White, married, license dated August 5th, 1765, William Tilton; Abi- gail White, married, license dated April 24th, 1766, Miln Parker; Robert White, married, license dated December 10th, 1768, Hannah Clark; Marcy White, mar- ried Uriah West. Issue: 501*. John'' White, married 1st Catherine Olden and 2d Mary Smith. .501. John" White, married 1st Cath- erine Olden, daughterof James Olden of I Stony Brook, and married 2d, license dated October 11th, 1782, Mary Smith, I daughter of John and Hannah Smith. 1 He early removed to Lawrenceville, near , Trenton, N. J., and had six children, i three by each wife, in the following order: 511. JoB^ White, died unmarried. 512. Nancy' White, died unmarried. 513*. James^ White, born 1778, mar- ried Martha Hendrickson. 514*. Catherine^ White, married Giles W. Olden. 515. Benjamin C.-' White, married Ann Paxson. 516. Jonathan^ White, died unmar- ried. 513. James-i White, born 1778, died 1851, married Martha Hendrickson, born 1771, died 1848, daughter of Philip Hen- drickson and Charity Green. Issue: 521*. Job'' White, married Mary C. Howell. 522*. Robert'^ White, bom 1800, mar- ried 1st Elizabeth Cook and 2d Mrs. Ruth Hunt Welling. 523*. WILLIAM'^ White, married Han- nah Haines. 524*. George'^ White, married Mary C. Schenck. 525. John" White. 521. Job'' White, married Mary C. Howell, daughter of Noah Howell and Hannah Lawrence. Issue: 531. Elizabeth'' White, married Charles Henry Skirm. 532. Martha Ann'' White, died young. 533. Jane" White, died young. 534*. Benjamin C* White, married Mary Rouse. 534. Benjamin C^ White, married Mary Rouse, daughterof William Rouse. Issue: 541. Elizabeth' White, married Alonzo Howell. 542. Martha" White. 522. Robert'' White, born 1800, died 1857, married 1st Elizabeth Cook, daugh- ter of Daniel Cook, and married 2d Mrs. Ruth Hunt Welling, widow of Robert Welling. Issue by first wife: 551. Samuel'' White, died at 13 years of age. 523. William" White, married Han- nah Haines. He was a merchant in 28 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. Philadelphia for many year?, part of the time associated with Matthew New- kirk. Upon retirement from active business he removed to Trenton, where he lived until his death. Issue: 561. Ephraim'' White, died young. 562. George'' White. 563. Anna" White. 564. Elizabeth" White, died young. 565. James'' White, died young. 566. Maria Elizabeth" White. 524. GEORGE'' White, married Mary C. Schenck, daughter of Peter Z. Schenck of Pennington. He was a phy- sician and lived in I.awrenceville. Issue: 571. Louisa A.'' White. 572. James E.'' White, died in child- hood. 573. Catherine Olden'' White. 574. George Schenck" White. 575. Robert" White, a physician, set- tled at Riverton, Pa. ; died young. 514. Catherine^ White, married Giles W. Olden, son of Samuel Olden and Mary Worth. Issue: 581. JOHN'' Olden. 582. James'' Olden. 583. Samuel' Olden. V. \Villiam Scott anJ Mary Runnels 15. William- Scott, born August 30th, 1712, died 1762, married Novem- ber 27th, 1735, Mary Runnels. The wedding took place in the Friends' Meet- ing House at Shrewsbury, and among those present who signed as witnesses were his father John Scott, his brother Samuel Scott, his sisters Mehitable White and Hannah Scott, his cousin Mai-y Bills and a Jemima Runnels, some near relative of the bride. Wil- liam Scott resided on the farm which had belonged to Abraham Vickars near Newman's Spring, and which, with other land, he inherited from his father's estate. The following description of the farm is found in a deed dated November 17th, 1736 (Monmouth County Deeds, H, 168), in which Samuel and John Scott sign a release giving the property to their brother William: "All that tract of land, situate, lying and being in Shrewsbury in the County of Mon- mouth af6resaid, which was given and bequeathed to our said brother William in and by the last will and testament of our father John Scott deceased, lying to the southward of our father's home- stead farm and formerly belonging to Abraham Vickars, with all and every the buildings and appurtenances there- unto belonging, beginning at a chestnut tree marked near Newman's Spring on the bank of the river, and from thence eastwardly to within two rods of George Allen's Corner, and thence farther to a walnut sapling marked on three sides near the corner of a field, thence due east to Edmond Lefetra's land, together with the upper piece of meadow known by the name of Glassmakers' Landing." William Scott's will, dated November 30th, 1761, was proved August 20th, 1762. In it he directed that all his prop- erty should be sold and the proceeds divided among his eight children. (Tren- ton Wills. H, 176.) Issue: 601*. Richard" Scott, married Mary Story. 602*. John'' Scott, married Sarah Hisson. 603*. George'' Scott, married. 604*. Job'' Scott, married. 605. Ralph Warner'' Scott, living unmarried in Middlesex County in 1823; probably died unmarried. 606. Susannah'' Scott. 607. Hannah'' Scott. 608*. Sarah^ Scott, married David Tilton. Note. It is probable that either Sus- annah or Hannah Scott married a Reid, though no record of it can be found, and had issue, James, William and Eleanor, for John Scott [611] son of Richard [601] mentions in his will "James Reed's daughter Sarah and any other sons or daughters which he may have living at the time of my decease, William Reid's daughter Margaret living at the Genesee Country, and Eleanor Reid my 601. Richard^ Scott, died 1815, married Mary Story, died 1822, daughter of John and Mary Story of South Brunswick. He owned and lived on a farm of 212 acres at Scott Corner, in the township of South Brunswick, about a mile and a half from Plainsboro, N. J. This farm 30 Wiii.iAM^ Scott |631| and his " ii k Janl Thiiockmorton. THE SCOTT FAMILY OK SHREWSBURY. was also the home of his son, who be- queathed it to his uncle John Scott [(i02] of Shrewsbury after the death of his mother, and at his death in 1831 it was sold in the settlement of the estate. Richard Scott's will, dated May 5th, 1810, was proved April 17th, 1815. The will of his wife Mary, dated March 26th, 1819, was proved January 2Gth, 1822. (Middlesex County Wills, B, l(5fi, 5:{5.) Issue: 611. John' Scott, died 1817, married Mary Schenck, died 1841, dauf^hter of John R. and Eve Schenck of Penn's Neck, West Windsor. He was a man of some wealth, and not only owned his father's homestead farm in the town- ship of South Brunswick, where he lived, but also property in New Brunswick and at Penn's Neck. He bequeathed his estate to a number of uncles and cousins. His will, dated January 8th, 1817, was proved April 23d, 1817 (Mid- dlesex County Wills, B, 280). The will of his wife, dated October 2d, 1839, was proved May 3d, 1841 (Somerset County Wills, E, 371). 602. John" Scott, died October, 1831, married, license dated May 22d, 1779, Sarah Hisson, whs survived him. He resided at Shrewsbury until he came into possession of his nephew's farm in South Brunswick, when this became his home until his death. His will, dated February 14th. 1824. was proved No- vember 1st, 1831 (Middlesex Co. Wills, C. 448). Issue: 621*. William' Scott, born April 16th, 1784, married Jane Throckmorton. 622*. James' Scott, born about 1786, married Ann VanBrunt. 623. Ralph' Scott, married Isabella (Rue ?) 624. Sarah' Scott, married James Bennett, and is said to have had one son, who was a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church. 625*. Mary' Scott, married Joseph Tilton. 626*. Catherine* Scott, married 1st Daniel Hulett and 2d Timothy White. 621. William* Scott, born April 16th, 1784, died March 4th, 1874, married April 1st, 1810, Jane Throckmorton, born April 13th, 1791, at South River, N. J., died August 18th, 1885, daughter of Holmes Throckmorton and Susannah Forman. He was a tailor by trade, and was six feet or more in height. He resided first at Shrewsbury, and then at Eatontown, N. J., where both he and his wife died. They are both buried in the Quaker Burying Ground at Shrews- bury. Of his wife, Jane Throckmorton, Rev. T. S. Griffiths wrote in a letter which was read at her funeral, "She was the second person I baptized, March 16th, 1844, in the pond at Eatontown, and into the fellowship of the Red Bank Baptist Church." Issue: 631*.^ Catherine-^ Scott, born Octo- ber 10th, 1810, married Captain Elisha Corlies Price. 632. Susan" Scott, born July 14th, 1813, died March 6th, 1832, married De- cember 24th, 1831, James Lane. 633. John'^ Scott, born September 24th, 1815, died March 18th, 1832. 634*. Sarah Ann'' Scott, born Octo- ber 8th, 1817, married Charles Tilton Fleming. 635*. Holmes Throckmorton' Scott, born January 3d, 1820, married Eliza Field. 636*. Jane Amanda"^ Scott, born May 6th, 1822, married Jacob Brower. 637*. Mary Caroline' Scott, born November 22d, 1826, married Walter Curtis Reynolds. 638*. William Webster-' Scott, bom November 6th, 1835, married Eleanor Dangler. _ 631. Catherine'' Scott, born October 10th, 1810, at Shrewsbury, died June 27th, 1900, at Oceanport. N. J., married January loth, 1835, Captain Elisha Cor- lies Price, born October 22d, 1805, died December 30th, 1853, son of Lawrence 31 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. Price and Catherine Taylor; resided at Oceanport, N. J. Issue: 641*. Susan Elizabeth" Price, born December 8th, 1835, married William Hance Borden. 642*. Jane" Price, born March 21st, 1838, married Henry Brower. 643. John Corlies" Price, born Oc- tober 2d, 1839; unmarried and resides at Virginia Beach, Va. 644. George Scott" Price, born July 26th, 1841, died January 13th, 1846. 645. Theodore Freylinghuysen'' Price, born September 15th, 1843, died August 11th, 1861. 646*. Caroline Virginia" Price, born July 14th, 1845, married John Har- ris Cole. 647*. Winfield Scott" Price, born June 25th, 1847, married Annie Lufbur- row Irwin. 648*. Sarah Fleming" Price, born June 22d, 1849, married Jacob Edwin Corlies. 649. George" Price, born June 8th, 1852, died February 6th, 1853. 641. Susan Elizabeth" Price, born December 8th, 1835, married October 22d, 1863, William Hance Borden, born September 5th, 1833, at Red Bank, N. J., son of Captain John Borden and Eliza Ann Lake; reside at Little Silver, N. J. Issue: 651. Carroll" Borden, born Novem- ber 10th, 1868, died November 21st, 1868. 642. Jane" Price, born March 21st, 1838, died April 5th, 1895, married No- vember 19th, 1865, Henry Brower, born September 19th, 1831, at Long Branch, N. J., died April 25th, 1901, son of David Brower and Caroline Maps, and grandson of Cornelius Brower; resided at West Long Branch, N. J. Issue: 661*. Catherine Price' Brower, born March 8th, 1868, married George Lincoln Gibbs. 662*. Henry Maps' Brower, born December 18th, 1873, manied Pearl Shack. 661. Catherine Price' Brower, born March 8th, 1868, married January 21st. 1891, George Lincoln Gibbs, born March 26th, 1864, son of Samuel Louis Gibbs and Sarah Lane; reside at West Long Branch, N. J. Issue: 671. Basil Runge" Gibbs. born Sep- tember 14th, 1892, died February 20th, 1907. 672. Marion** Gibbs, born October 10th, 1898. 662. Henry Maps' Brower, born December 18th, 1873, married June 28th, 1903, Pearl Shack, born January 19th, 1887, daughter of George Henry Shack and Susan Dangler; reside at West Long Branch, N. J. Issue: 681. Vera Caroline'* Brower, born October 21st, 1904. 646. Caroline Virginia" Price, born July 14th, 1845, married February 28th, 1871, John Harris Cole, born March 20th, 1842, in New York City, son of Isaac P. Cole and Margaret Harris; resided in New York City, but now living near Red Bank, N. J. Issue: 691. Arthur Stanley' Cole, born December 18th, 1871; studied at New York University and Crozer Theological Seminary, ordained to the Christian ministry February 26th, 1896, and now pastor of the First Baptist Church, Man- asquan, N. J. 692*. John Price' Cole, born No- vember 27th, 1873, married Florence Woodhull Ailing. 692. John Price' Cole, born Novem- ber 27th, 1873, married June 10th, 1896, Florence Woodhull Ailing, born Sep- tember 3d, 1874, daughter of William Tennent Ailing and Emma Vanderveer Hendrickson; reside at Pittsburg, Pa. Issue : 711. Alling" Cole, born April 1st, 1897. 647. Winfield Scott" Price, born June 25th, 1847, married November 19th, 1869, Annie Lufburrow Irwin, born 32 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. October ISth, 1847, at Middletown, N. J., daughter of William Conard Irwin and Eleanor Hyros Bennett ; residence at Oceanport, N. J. Issue: 721. Eleanor Catherine" Price, born March 12th, 1870. 722. Elisha Coklies" Price, born January 27th, 1874, died June 12th, 1904. 648. Sarah Fleming'- Price, born June 22d, 1849, married December 15th, 1830, Jacob Edwin Corlies, bctrn Janu- ary 10th, 1844, at Oceanport, N. J., son of Captain John Pintard Corlies and Emeline Woolley ; reside in the Price hom"estead at Oceanport, N. J. Issue: 731. Kathryn Emelyn' Corlies, born April 1st, 1882, married May 4th, 1905, Joel Purcell Corin, born May 8th, 1883, son of Michael M. Corin and Sarah Robinson ; reside in New York City. 634. Sarah Ann" Scott, born Octo- ber 8th, 1817, died March 4th, 1896, married May 6th, 1838, Charles Tilton Fleming, born July 14th, 1815, died August 1st, 1894, son of Joseph Fleming and Lydia White, and grandson of Jacob Fleming; resided at Freehold, N. J. Issue: 741*. Caroline" Fleming, born Janu- ary 21st, 1839, married Charles Hen- drickson Golden. 742*. Amanda Brower* Fleming, born October 6th, 1840, married John Mount. 743. Arthur' Fleming, born Janu- ary 25th, 1842, died April 30th, 1854. 744*. Charles Henry Clay" Fleming, boi-n February loth, 1844, married Mary Elizabeth Martin. 745. Louisa'' Fleming, born Decem- ber 23d, 1850, died August 18th, 1852. 746*. Louisa'' Fleming, born Decem- ber 18th, 1852, married John Livingston Conover. 747. Kate" Fleming, born September 19th, 1856, died March 8th, 1857. 741. Caroline" Fleming, born Janu- ary 21st, 1839, died March 7th, 1884, married January 12th, 1859, Charles Hendrickson Golden, born February 19th, 1837, died November 14th, 1880, son of Cyrenus Golden and Ann Morris; resided at West Long Branch, N. J. Issue: 751. George" Golden, born Decem- ber 1st, 1859, died July 7th, 1875. 752*. Arthur Fleming' Golden, born April 19th, 1861, married Harriet Wolcott. 753. Catherine" Golden, born Janu- ary 25th, 1863, married Jesse B. Phil- lips. 754. Charles' Golden, bom April 26th, 1864, died August 17th, 1864. 755. William" Golden, born October 2d, 1865, died July 2d, 1866. 756. Harry' Golden, born February 16th, 1867, died April 21st, 1883. 757. Louise" Golden, born May 23d, 1870, married Ephraim Meghan. 7.52. Arthur Flemlng" Golden, born April 19th, 1861, married June 7th, 1883, Harriet Wolcott, born October 3d, 1861, daughter of Lewis Wolcott and Ann Kelsey ; reside at West Long Branch, N. J. Issue: 761. Ida Maps'* Golden, born July 23d, 1887. 762. Jessie" Golden, bom April 19th, 1891. 742. Amanda Brower" Fleming, bom October 6th, 1840, married September 28th, 1859, John Mount, born March 28th, 1838, died June 21st, 1878, son of James Mount and Elizabeth Gardner; resided at West Long Branch, but now at Freehold, N. J. Issue: 771*. Charles Fleming' Mount, bom November 21st, 1861, married Margaret Hayden. 772. Elizabeth" Mount, bom Sep- tember 12th, 1865, married July 2;^d, 1885, Herbert Weeks, born October 3d, 1862, son of William Weeks and Rachel Cooper; reside at Freehold, N. J.; no issue. 771. Charles Fleming- Mount, born 33 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. November 21st, 1861, married Margaret Hayden, daughter of Samuel Hayden and Louisa West; reside at Long Branch, N. J. Issue: 781. Julia Elizabeth^ Mount, born March 4th, 1894. 744. Charles Henry Clay" Fleming, born February 15th, 1844, died August 27th, 1878, married March 17th, 1872, Mary Elizabeth Martin, daughter of John Martin. He served for three years during the Civil War as a non-commis- sioned officer in Co. I, 11th N. J. Vol- unteers, having previously served three months as a private. Issue: 791. Georgiana' Fleming. 792. Lillian' Fleming, married James Tindall, has one son, and resides at Windsor, N. J. 746. Louisa'^ Fleming, born Decem- ber 18th, 1852, married John Livingston Conover, born February 21st, 1849, son of Alfred Livingston Conover and El- eanor Schenck Conover; reside at Wick- atunk, N. J. Issue: 811. Charlotte Lyell'' Conover. 812. John Livingston' Conover, Jr. 813. Edward Wolphertsen" Cono- ver. 814. Charles Fleming' Conover. 815. Sara Alida" Conover. 816. Alfred Livingston" Conover. 817. Daisy Louisa' Conover. 818. Virginia Steele' Conover. 819. Stagey Pricket' Conover. 820. Harold VanDuyn' Conover. 635. Holmes Throckmorton' Scott, bom January 3d, 1820, deceased, mar- ried November 15th, 1847, Eliza Field, born June 7th, 1828, daughter of Ben- jamin Field and Rebecca Newlin. He served nine months in Co. D, 29th N. J. Volunteers, during the Civil War; re- sided at Matawan, N. J. Issue: 821. Charles Augustus*' Scott, born December, 1849, married May 11th, 1875, Ella M. Swan, born October 15th, 1851, died June 4th, 1904, daughter of John B. Swan and Ann Maria Jones. He was for many years Chief of the Fire Department at Matawan, N. J. 822*. Rebecca'' Scott, born August 28th, 1852, married 1st William Smith and 2d Arthur Bennett. 823*. Elizabeth'' Scott, married Harrison Denise. 824*. Walter" Scott, married Emma Bogert. 825. William" Scott, died when four years old. 826. Emma'' Scott, died when nine years old. 827*. Georgiana" Scott, married Frederick Greben. 828*. William" Scott, married Elvira Walling. 822. Rebecca" Scott, born August 28th, 1852, deceased, married 1st Wil- liam Smith, deceased, and 2d Arthur Bennett, born in England, deceased. Issue: 831. Charles' Smith, died young. 832. Arthur' Smith, died young. 833. Ida May' Smith, died young. 834. Wilfrid Eustace' Bennett, living with his father's family in Eng- land. 823. Elizabeth" Scott, deceased, married Harrison Denise, as his second wife. Issue: 841. Walter' Denise. 824. Walter" Scott, deceased, mar- ried Emma Bogert. Issue: 851. Charles' Scott, died young. 827. Georgiana" Scott, deceased, married Frederick Greben, deceased. Issue: 861. LiLA Eliza' Greben, born Au- gust 8th, 1889. 828. William" Scott, married Elvira Walling; reside at Matawan, N.J. Issue: 871. Caroline' Scott, died young. 636. Jane AmandA'^ Scott, born May 6th, 1822, died January 4th, 1892, married February 15th, 1841, Jacob Brower, born 34 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. December 6th, 1817, at Locust Point, N. J., died March 6th, 1854, son of John A. Brower and Elizabeth Burdge; re- sided at Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue: 881*. Mary Elizabeth'' Brower, bom February 18th, 1842, married Charles Wesley Phillips. 882*. Caroline Virginia" Brower, born June 2d, 1844, married Eduardo An- tonio Steele. 883*. Holmes Throckmorton" Brower, born October 12th, 1846, mar- ried Mary Elizabeth Fallon. 884*. Sarah Jane'' Brower, born February 22d, 1848, married Charles E. Hendrickson. 885*. William Scott" Brower, born May 20th, 1852, married 1st Margery Plant, and 2d Anna Bausch. 886*. Maria Althea'' Brower, born September 20th, 1854, married Thomas Oliver Duncan. 881. Mary Elizabeth" Brower, born February 18th, 1842, married June 28th, 1863, Charles Wesley Phillips, born De- cember 27th, 1837, died October 24th, 1866, son of John Taylor Phillips and Harriet Edwards; resides at Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue: 891*. Ella F." Phillips, born May 7th, 1865, married George E. Collins. 891. Ella F'. Phillips, born May 7th, 1865, married June 25th, 1886, George E. Collins, born March 31st, 1864, son of William Collins and Hannah E. Fenn; reside at Westfield, N. J. Issue: 901. Charles Wesley** Collins, born October 15th, 1887. 902. Mary Evelie* Collins, born December 29th, 1889. 882. CarolineVirginia'' Brower, born June 2d, 1844, died September 1st, 1897, married Eduardo Antonio Steele, born August 6th, 1845, at Barranquilla, U. S. of Colombia, S. A., died April 21st, 1894; resided at Barranquilla, U. S. of Col- ombia, and Brooklyn, N. Y. The fol- lowing children, with one exception, were born at Barranquilla: 911. Edward' Steele, born August 13th, 1867, died June 21st, 1871. 912. Amanda" Steele, born April 15th, 1870, died 1872. 913*. Mary' Steele, born April 28th, 1872, married Anibal Perez L. 914. Ida May" Steele, born January 26th, 1877, at Brooklyn, N. Y., married June 15th, 1907, William Edward Brown; reside at Brooklyn, N. Y. 915. John Arthur' ■ Steele, born January 3d, 1884; resides at Brooklyn, N. Y. 913. Mary" Steele, born April 28th, 1872, married Anibal Perez L. as his sec- ond wife. He was born June 26th, 1855, at Carthagena, U. S. of Colombia, and resides at Barranquilla, U. S. of C. [Note: In the name Perez L., Perez is the family name of his father, and L. stands for Lopez, the family name of his mother. In Spanish countries it is often customary to combine the two and write them either Perez L. or Perez et Lopez. His children would noc thus use his mother's name, but that of their own mother.] Issue, all born at Bar- ranquilla: 921. Nestor'' Perez, born July 31st, 1890. 922. Estevan'* Perez, born Novem- ber 29th, 1891. 923. Eduardo" Perez, born April 27th. 1893. 924. Virginia'' Perez, born June 29th, 1894. 925. Ricardo" Perez, born January 26th, 1896. 926. Mary* Perez, born July 9th, 1897. 927. Anibal" Perez, born April Tth, 1899. 928. Ida" Perez, born February 1st, 1901, died November 26th, 1902. 883. Holmes Throckmorton" Brow- er, born October 12th, 1846, married Mary Elizabeth Fallon; resides at Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue: 35 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 931*. Katherine V.' Brower, born December 27th, 1868, married Bradley Rockefeller. 932. Holmes' Brower, born May 17th, 1870. 933. Edward' Brower, born Decem- ber 7th, 1876, died August, 1903. 934. Elizabeth' Brower, born De- cember 23d, 1881. 935. Mary" Brower, born August 2d, 1885. 936. Frederick' Brower, born 1887. 937. Annie' Brower, born 1889. 938. Alice" Brower, born 1891. 939. Agnes' Brower, born January 2d, 1893, died February 6th, 1893. 931. Katherine V.' Brower, born December 27th, 1868, married Bradley Rockefeller; reside at Brooklyn, N. Y. Issue : 941. Mary E.'^ Rockefeller, born September 4th, 1891. 942. Lillian** Rockefeller, born December 29th, 1892. 943. Acnes'* Rockefeller, born Au- gust 19th, 1894. died July 5th, 1895. 944. Bradley" Rockefeller, born December 1st, 1898. 945. Gladys"* Rockefeller, born September 3d, 1903. 884. Sarah Jane'^ Brower, born February 22d, 1848, died April, 1886, married Charles E. Hendrickson, born August 22d, 1849, son of Edward and Mary Hendrickson of Tinton Falls, N. J.; resided at Brooklyn, N. Y. Is- sue: 951. William B.' Hendrickson, born November 3d, 1874, died May, 1875. 952. George L.' Hendrickson, born August nth, 1876, died February, 1883. 953*. Lillian' Hendrickson, born March 28th, 1878, married Ralph A. Maul. 954. Ida B.' Hendrickson, born February 5th, 1881, married Marsden Coates; reside at Brooklyn, N. Y. 953. Lillian' Hendrickson, born March 28th, 1878, married Ralph A. Maul, son of Rev. W. R. Maul; reside at Suffern, N. Y. Issue: 961. Edward" Maul, born 1898. 962. Ruth" Maul, born November, 1902. 885. William Scott" Brower, born May 20th, 18.52, died November 23d, 1897, married 1st Margery Plant, died December, 1886; married 2d Anna Bausch, who survives him; resided at Brooklyn, N. Y., and Union Hill, N. J. Issue, one by each marriage: 971. Hazel' Brower, born Novem- ber, 1886, died December, 1887. 972. Rennie' Brower, born 1890. 886. Maria Althea^^ Brower, born September 20th, 1854, married Thomas Oliver Duncan, born December 11th, 1859, son of Oliver Duncan and Jane Hughes; reside at Brooklyn, N. Y. Is- sue: 981. Richard Oliver' Duncan, born October 26th, 1887. 637. Mary Caroline" Scott, born November 22d, 1826, married January Sth, 1845, Walter Curtis Reynolds, born January Sth, 1823, at Manasquan, N. J., died May 8th, 1893, son of John Miller Reynolds and Sarah Curtis ; resides at Eatontown, N. J. Issue: 991*. CoRLiEs Price'' Reynolds, born December 16th, 1845, married Sarah Jane Bennett. 992*. Ebenezer Curtis" Reynolds, born August 2d, 1848, married Sarah Lavinia Howland. 993. Sarah Jane" Reynolds, born April 19th, 1852, married October 19th, 1875, George Allen Hope, born February 22d, 1851, son of Washington Lafayette Hope and Helen Cobb Allen; reside at Shrewsbury, N. J. ; no issue. 994. John Miller" Reynolds, born June 24th, 1865, died September 30th, 1866. 991. Corlies Price" Reynolds, born December 16th, 1845, married June 24th, 36 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 1865, Sarah Jane Bennett, born Septem- ber 15th, 1845, daughter of James Ben- nett and Eliza Dangler; reside at Man- asquan, N. J. Issue: 1001*. EvALhNA May" Reynolds, born February 5th, 1867, married Charles Forman Gifford. 1001. EvALiNA May' Reynolds, born February 5th, 1867, married January 13th, 1884, Charles Forman Gifford, born February 7th, 1861, son of John Brewer Gifford and Caroline Forman; reside at AUenwood, N. J. Issue: 1011. John Brewer'' Gifford, born August 25th, 1888. 1012. CoRLiES Price** Gifford, born March 21st, 1891. 1013. Harold" Gifford, born March 1st, 1894. 1014. Raymond"* Gifford, born Feb- ruary 20th, 1895. 1015. Jennie N.* Gifford, born June 3d, 1897. 1016. Sarah C." Gifford, born No- vember 6th, 1899. 1017. Laura F."* Gifford, born June 15th, 1903. 1018. Archibald Higgins'* Gifford, born January 7th, 1906. 992. Ebenezer Curtis" Reynolds, born August 2d, 1848, died October 31st, 1870, married June 19th, 1869, Sarah Lavinia Howland, born . April 24th, 1849, daughter of Henry Wolcott How- land and Sarah Cook; resided at Eaton- town, N. J. Issue: 1021*. Walter Ebenezer' Reynolds, born November 8th, 1870, married Charlotte Watson Mershon. 1021. Walter Ebenezer' Reynolds, born November 8th, 1870, married September 27th, 1900, Charlotte Wat- son Mershon, born April 16th, 1874, daughter of William Mershon and Julia Charlotte Watson. He studied at Peddie Institute and Crozer Theological Semin- ary, was ordained to the Christian ministry September 16th, 1897, at Raton, New Mexico, and is now pastor of the First Baptist Church, Wood- bury, N. J. Issue: 1031. Charlotte Mershon" Rey- nolds, born August 22d, 1901. 1032. Bernice Mershon* Reynolds, born August 15th, 1902. 1033. Virginia" Reynolds, born March 29th, 1907. 638. William Webster'' Scott, born November 6th, 1835, died January 14th, 1893, married February 19th, 1864, Eleanor Dangler, born February 16th, 1&45, daughter of Joseph Lay Ion Dangler and Charlotte Howland; resided at Eat- ontown, N. J. Issue: 1041. Stella M.\y" Scott, born May 6th, 1865, died September 7th, 1866. 1042. Theodore Price'' Scott, born May 16th, 1867, died May 31st, 1893. 1043. Joseph Dangler'' Scott, born March 10th, 1869, died July 20th, 1869. 1044. Susan Borden" Scott, born June 24th, 1871, married July 3d, 1906, William Leon Walsh, born January 20th, 1873, son of John and Catherine Walsh; reside at Red Bank, N. J. 1045*. Charlotte Dangler" Scott, born August 12th, 1873, married Charles Augustus Newbury. 1046. John Price'' Scott, born Octo- ber 24th, 1875; resides at Long Branch, N. J. 1047. Grace" Scott, bom August 19th, 1879, died September 6th, 1879. 1048. Frank Dangler" Scott, born February 29th, 1884, died March 1st, 1884. 1045. Charlotte Dangler" Scott, born August 12th, 1873, married February 1st, 1900, Charles Augustus Newbury, born October 25th, 1869, son of William Newbury and Louisa Newbury, his par- ents being cousins; reside at Long Branch, N. J. Issue: 1051. Charles Earle" Newbury, born March 29th, 1901. 622. James' Scott, born about 1786, 37 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. died June, 1813, married March 12th, 1813, Ann VanBrunt, died prior to 1868, daughter of Joseph C. VanBrunt and Mary Applegate; resided at Colt's Neck, N. J. His widow married 2d, February 1st, 1829,Winiam I. Matthews of Shrews- bury. Issue: 1061*. James'' Scott, born December 13th, 1813, married Mary Ann Doughty. 1061. James" Scott, born December 13th, 1813, died March 4th, 1886, mar- ried March 6th, 1842, Mary Ann'Doughty, born April 3d, 1820, died April 10th, 1899, daughter of John Doughty and Elizabeth Llewellyn; resided at Fair Haven, N. J. Issue: 1071*. John Robert'' Scott, born August 24th, 1843, married Sarah Louisa Smith. 1072. James" Scott, born September 21st, 1846, died December 3d, 1867. 1073*. William Champlaini^ Scott, born November 13th, 1850, married Lydia Ann Snedeker. 1074. Susan Doughty'^ Scott, born June 14th, 1853, married January 12th, 1881, Edward Schoek VanLeer Stultz, born June 12th, 1854, son of Rev. Elias D. Stultz and Ellen S. Day; reside at Manasquan, N. J.; no issue. 1075*. DeWitt'' Scott, born Septem- ber 19th, 1855, married Ella Jeffrey. 1076*. Anna" Scott, born July 11th, 1862, married Howard Corkey. 1071. John Robert" Scott, born August 24th, 1843, married December 26th, 1865, Sarah Louisa Smith, born September 25th, 1844, daughter of Forman Smith and Sarah Rodgers; re- side at Fair Haven, N. J. Issue: 1081*. Frank' Scott, born December 15th, 1868, married Caroline Elizabeth Tattam. 1082. Lester J.' Scott, born June 2d, 1873, died June 22d, 1879. 1081. Frank" Scott, born December 15th, 1868, married December 21st, 1891, Caroline Elizabeth Tattam, born January 15th, 1871, daughter of George James Tattam and Elizabeth Ann Tetly, both of whom were born in England in 1843; reside at Newark, N. J. Issue: 1091. Florence Louise'* Scott, born July 9th, 1895. 1092. Walter Franklyn" Scott, born June 2.3d, 1902. 1073. William Champlain" Scott, born November 13th, 1850, died June 23d, 1906, married January 18th, 1874, Lydia Ann Snedeker, born February 23d, 1852, died December 16th, 1895, daughter of Lambert L. Snedeker and Phebe F. Mitchell; resided at Fair Haven, N. J. Issue: 1101*. Maud" Scott, born May 17th, 1875, married Herbert E. Snyder. 1102. Jeannette" ScoTT,born Septem- ber 21st, 1885. 1101. Maud" Scott, born May 17th, 1875, married September 14th, 1895, Herbert E. Snyder, born July 14th, 1876, son of George B. Snyder and Phebe Patterson; reside at Fair Haven, N. J. Issue: 1111. Myrtle" Snyder, born March 19th, 1900. 1112. Herbert Vernon" Snyder, born August 6th, 1902. 1075. DeWitt" Scott, born Septem- ber 19th, 1855, married Ella Jeffrey, daughter of John Jeffrey and Delia Springsteen. Issue: 1121. Helena' Scott. 1122. James Edward" Scott. 1076. Anna'' Scott, born July 11th, 1862, married December 31st, 1884, Howard Corkey, born February 1st, 1854, son of Odell Corkey and Elizabeth Aldrich; resides at Manasquan, N. J. Issue: 1131. Bessie Llewellyn" Corkey, born March 22d, 1886. 1132. Marjorie" Corkey, born June 30th, 1889. 1133. Irene' Corkey, born January 27th, 1892. 38 THE SCOTT FAMII-Y OF SHREWSBURY. 625. Mary' Scott, died prior to 1824, married December 23d, 1804, Joseph Tilton. Issue: 1161. John' Tilton, married and has descendants. 626. Catherine* Scott, born about 1790, died 1873, married 1st December 13th, 1816, Daniel Hulett, died March 8th, 1838, son of Thomas Hulett; mar- ried 2d May 13th, 1846, Timothy White, born March 28th, 1789, died September 6th, 1860, son of Joseph White and Mary Hart. Her will, dated July 18th, 1870, was proved March 22d, 1873 (Monmouth Co. Wills, L, 68). She resided at or near Red Bank, N. J., and had children only by her first husband as follows: 1181*. Mary' Hulett, born February 14th, 1821, married Jacob Longstreet. 1182*. Michael' Hulett, born June 18th, 1823, married 1st Mary Ann Mor- ris and 2d Mary Jane Woods. 1183*. Hannah'' Hulett, born July 8th, 1825, married John Vanderbilt. 1184. Margaret'' Hulett, born (April?) 18th, 1827, married 1st, Febru- ary 9th, 1845, John Riddle Longstreet, a brother of Jacob Longstreet who married her sister, and married 2d Mr. Thomas; removed to Indiana. 1185. Susan Lane'' Hulett, born September 1st, 1832, died January 9th, 1839. 1181. Mary" Hulett, born February 14th, 1821, died June 14th, 1890, married March 10th, 1842, Jacob Longstreet, born April 7th, 1818, died January 31st, 1906, son of William and Christina Long- street. Had nine children, the four not mentioned below dying very young. 1191*. Emily'' Longstreet, born July 12th, 1843, married Andrew Morrison. 1192*. Alonzo" Longstreet, born September 11th, 1845, married Jane Kit- tison. 1193. Catherine'' Longstreet, died young, August 31st, 1851. 1194*. Walter" Longstreet, born October 10th, 1850, married Lydia Sher- man. 1195. T. Scott'' Longstreet, born August 25th, 1852, died December 19th, 1873. 1191. Emily'' Longstreet, born July 12th, 1843, died June 5th, 1903, married August4th, 1864, Andrew Morrison, born March 19th, 1839, in Scotland, died May .5th, 1891. Issue: 1201. Josephine' Morrison, born May 4th, 1866, died February 4th, 1867. 1202. Lillian" Morrison, born June 4th, 1868, died January 15th, 1876. 1203*. Jessie Brockett" Morrison, born August 16th, 1870, married Frank F. Supp. 1203. Jessie Brockett' Morrison, born August 16th, 1870, married April 15th, 1888, Frank F. Supp, born May 15th, 1860; reside at Red Bank, N. J. Issue: 1211. Ruth J." Supp, born March 9th, 1894, died July 29th, 1894. 1192. Alonzo" Longstreet, born September 11th, 1845, married Jane Kittison. Issue: 1221. Emma" Longstreet, married 1st George Storms and 2d Samuel O. Depew. 1222. Walter S." Longstreet, born January 31st, 1885. 1194. Walter" Longstreet, born October 10th, 1850, died July 14th, 1874, married Lydia Sherman. Issue: 1231. Eugene' Longstreet, married. 1182; Michael" Hulett, born June 18th, 1823, married 1st April 26th, 1849, Mary Ann Morris, daughter of Benja- min Morris and Margaret Chadwick; married 2d Mary Jane Woods, born 1837, died August 6th, 1881, daughter of Wil- liam Woods and Eliza P. Lewis; resides at Red Bank, N. J. He had one child by the first marriage and four by the sec- ond as follows : 1241. Emma A''. Hulett, born January 17th, 1851, married 2d Mr. Raymond ; no issue. 39 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 1242'. Deborah Ann" Hulett, born March 6th, 1858, married Lawrence E. Rogers. 1243. George W." Hulett, born February 4th, 1860, died January 28th, 1862. 1244. Mary Matilda'' Hulett, born November 30th, 1861. 1245. Sarah Sickles"' Hulett, born March 1st, 1868. 1242. Deborah Ann" Hulett, born March 6th, 1858, married March 5th, 1879, Lawrence E. Rogers, son of Ezekiel J. Rogers. Issue: 1251. Charles H.' Rogers, married March, 1907, Anna Havens. 12.52. Claudius A.' Rogers. 1253. Pauline E.' Rogers. 1183. Hannah" Hulett, born July 8th, 1825, died March 9th, 1878, married John Vanderbilt. Issue: 1261. Samuel'' Vanderbilt. 1262. Melissa" Vanderbilt, died when 21 years old, married Samuel Hoyt, son of Captain William S. Hoyt, who died before his wife. 1263. Catherine E.'^ Vanderbilt, born September 17th, 1853, died June 12th, 1854. 1264. Lottie F." Vanderbilt, born November 11th, 1857, died March 31st, 1863. 1265. Charles'' Vanderbilt, born July 19th, 1860, died September 25th, 1861. 1266. Edgar'' Vanderbilt, born July 22d, 1865, died September 6th, 1867. 603. George"' Scott, who is probably the George Scott of Kingwood, Hunter- don County, on whose estate administra- tion was granted May 14th, 1821, to Elizabeth Scott, presumably his widow. Issue: 1271. John W.^ Scott, who is de- scribed in the will of his cousin John Scott [611] as living near Quaker Town, presumably in Hunterdon County, and who was bequeathed property at Penn's Neck, Windsor township. He was one of the executors who probated the will in 1817. 604. Job" Scott, who married twice, but the names of his wives are unknown. The first two children given below had different mothers. He is known to have had another daughter. It is not known certainly whether Ann Atchley was his daughter or his niece, but the fact that her husband Daniel Atchley leaves prop- erty in his will to the children of Job Scott [1281], son of Job [604], makes it probably correct to identify her with the unnamed daughter which tradition gives to Job Scott. Issue: 1281*. JOB^ Scott, married. 1282. Sarah^ Scott, married Woodward. She was living as late as 1834. 1283. Ann' Scott, Atchley, died 1839. September 8th, 1834, .3d, 1839. 311.) married Daniel His will, dated was proved May (Middlesex County Wills, D, 1281. JoB^ Scott, married — resided in Philadelphia. Issue: 1291. Benjamin' Scott. 1292. Rachel-' Scott. 1293. Sarah'' Scott. 608. Sarah'' Scott, died February 9th, 1842, married David Tilton, born July 20th, 1749, died 1840, son of Robert Tilton and Miriam Allen. Issue: 1331*. William-" Tilton, born July (or August) 4th, 1773, married Mar- garet Corlies. 1332*. David' Tilton, born January 8th, 1785, married probably Sarah Flem- nen. 1331. William^ Tilton, born July (or August) 4th, 1773, died May, 1841, married March 8th, 1795, Margaret Cor- lies, born November 17th, 1775, daugh- ter of Timothy Corlies and Lydia Allen. His will, dated May 19th, 1841, was proved June 4th, 1841. (Monmouth County Wills, D, 337.) Issue: 40 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 1341. Sarah' Tii.ton, born April 5th, 1797. 1342. Lydia CorlieS' Tilton, born April 16th, 1799, married February 14th, 1837, Samuel Holmes. 1343*. CoRLiES' Tilton, born August 26th. 1802, married Deborah H. White. 1344. EsECK' Tilton, born December 24th, 1805. 1345*. William"' Tilton, born April 7th, 1813, married Elizabeth Honce. 1343. Corlies' Tilton, born August 26th, 1802, died August 13th, 1869, mar- ried January 24th, 1832, Deborah H. White, born June 2d, 1807, died March 13th, 1884, daughterof Amos White and Ann Throckmorton. Issue: 1351. Margaret Ann'- Tilton, born November 16th, 1832, married 1st Thomas Blanche and 2d Oliver Holmes. 1352. Charles H." Tilton, born Feb- ruary 4th, 1835, married Kate Drum. 1353*. William Amos'' Tilton, born May 14th, 1837, married Cai-oline Mag- han. 1354. Sarah S.'' Tilton, born Decem- ber 10th, 1838, married December 13th, 1864, William L. Cromwell; resides on Long Island. 1355. James White'' Tilton, born . January 31st, 1841, married Kate , born 1842; resides at Marl- boro, N. J. 1356*. Lydia'' Tilton, born Septem- ber 9th. 1843, married Joseph White. 1353. William Amos'' Tilton, born May 14th, 1837, died February 19th, 1908, married February 13th, 1866, Caroline Maghan, born April 13th, 1845, died June 25th, 1898; resided in Scobeyville, N. J. Issue: 1361. William N.' Tilton. 1356. Lydia'' Tilton, bom September 9th, 1843, died December 21st, 1899, married September 9th, 1875, Joseph White, son of James White and Mary Matthews. Issue: 1371. James Howard' White, born December 6th, 1876, married September 26th, 1900, Fannie Roberts, born July 26th, 1876. 1372. George Edmund" White, born May 20th, 1879, married December 18th, 1901, Lillian Bennett. 1345. William" Tilton, born April 7th, 1813, died April 10th, 1887, married December 15th, 1837, Elizabeth Honce, born 1815, died February 23d, 1860, daughter of David Honce and Phebe VanKerk. Issue: 1381. Margaret" Tilton, born 1838, married 1867 John J. Elkin; reside in New Brunswick, N. J. 1382. David" Tilton, born June 20th, 1839, died 1856. 1383. Elizabeth'' Tilton, born Au- gust 14th, 1853, married February 25th, 1873, Albert Dennis, born July 19th, 1850; reside at Eatontown, N. J. 1384. Holmes'' Tilton, married Jen- nie VanDorn. 1332. David^ Tilton, born January 8th, 1785, died prior to March 16th, 1840, married probably, October 23d, 1806, Sarah Flemnen. Issue: 1.391. Elizabeth" Tilton, married January 5th, 1831, David K. Perrine. 1392. David'^ Tilton, born June 29th, 1813, died March 3d, 1837, married Jane S. ; she married 2d April 7th, 1839, James Brown. the THROCKMORTON FAMILY. John Throckmorton (sometimes spelled Throgmorton), the ancestor of the Throckmortons of Monmouth County, N. J., came to this country in the ship Lyon, Captain Pierce master, embarking from Bristol, England, December 1st, 1630, and landing at Nantasket, near Boston, February 5th, 1631, after a very stormy voyage of si.xty-fivedays. In the same ship came Roger Williams and his wife. No one knows certainly the English ancestry of John Throckmorton. The Throckmortons of Coughton, with whom he has often been connected, have always 41 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. been a Roman Catholic family, but he may have been related to the Haseley branch of this family, which was Protest- ant. This seems the more likely from the fact that Job was a prominent name among the Throckmortons of Haseley and John Throckmorton had a son Job, which name is perpetuated to this day among his descendants. Another con- jecture is that he may have descended from the Huntingdonshire branch of the family. John Throckmorton removed to Salem, Mass. , and his ' ' hoggehowse ' ' is twice mentioned as a landmark in the town records of 1639. He seems, how- ever, to have left there before that year. While in Salem, if not before, he be- came a prominent follower of Roger Williams. Under date of July 1st, 1639, "a letter is sent from the church here to the church at Dorchester, notifying them, that they had excommunicated Roger Williams, John Throgmorton, Thomas Olney and Stukely Westcott, with their wives, and Mary Holliman and widow Reeves; because they re- fused admonition and denied that the churches of the Bay were true churches. It remarks, that all of them but two, had been re-baptized. It states that the following were also cut off: John El- ford, William James, John Talby and William Wolcot, the last for neglecting to have his child baptized." (Felt's Annals of Salem.) Roger Williams left Salem in 1636, the date of his ex- communication, and John Throckmor- ton must have left in that or the follow- ing year and settled in Providence, R. I., for in June, 1637, lands were laid out in the town of Providence and confirmed to several persons "as their proper right and inheritance to them and theirs, as fully as the former portions appro- priated to our neighbor Throckmorton, neighbor Greene, neighbor Harris, Joshua Verin, neighbor Arnold and neighbor Williams were, and are con- firmed to them or theirs." This seems to show that John Throckmorton was with Roger Williams very near the beginning of the settlement at Provi- dence. On October 8th, 1638, he was one of the twelve persons to whom Roger Williams deeded land that he had bought of the Indian chiefs Canonicus and Miantonomi, and on April 22d, 1639, he bought of Roger Williams his inter- est in what is now called Prudence Island. He was one of thirty-nine to sign an agreement for a form of govern- ment July 27th, 1640. In the autumn of 1642, John Throckmorton left Provi- dence and came with thirty-five fami- lies to New Amsteraam with the pur- pose of settling within the Dutch domin- ions. Such a petition having been made, Governor Kieft granted the following license October 2d, 1642: "Whereas Mr. Throckmorton, with his associates, solicits to settle with thirty-five fami- lies within the limits of the jurisdiction of their High Mightinesses, to reside there in peace and enjoy the same privi- leges as our other subjects, and be favored with the free exercise of their religion; having seen the petition of the aforesaid Throckmorton, and consulted with the interests of the Company, as this request can by no means be injurious to the country— more so as the English are to settle at a distance of three miles from us — so it is granted. Mr. Throckmorton, with thirty-five English families, are permitted to settle within three miles of Amsterdam." A settle- ment was made on the East River in what was a part of Westchester County, but now included in the Borough of the Bronx, New York City. It was in the territory which the Dutch had bought of the Indians in 1640 and called Vrede- land, meaning "Land of Peace." The settlement now made was called by the Dutch Oostdorp and by the English Easttown. [Note.— This is stated on the authority of Scharf in his "History of Westchester County, N. Y.," but the name Oostdorp appears also to have been given to a later settlement per- haps some miles distant from the former, if Scharf has not confused the two. 42 THE SCOTT FAMILY OK SHREWSBURY. This is seen in tlie following: extract from a letter sent by the Revs. Johannes Megapolensis and Samuel Drissius to the Classis of Amsterdam, dated Au- gust 5th, 1657: "On the west shore of the East River, about one mile beyond Hellgate, as we call it, and opposite Flushing, is another English village, called Oostdorp, which was begun two years ago. The inhabitants of this place are also Puritans or Independents."] A patent was granted for the land on July 6th, 1643. The point known as Throg's Neck, on the end of which Fort Schuyler is now situated, was included within this grant, and its name is un- doubtedly an abbreviation of Throgmor- ton. On October 6th. 1643, the settle- ment was attacked by the Indians and destroyed, eighteen being killed, and the rest escaping in boats. Some of the Throckmorton children were prob- ably killed in this massacre. The settle- ment was not rebuilt, but John Throck- morton returned to Providence and in 16.52 conveyed the land by permission of the Dutch government to Augustine Hermans. He was a deputy to the provincial legislature from Providence in 1664, 1665, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1670, 1671 and 1673, and was town treasurer in 1677. Though at first an ardent fol- lower of Roger Williams, he became one of the earliest converts of George Fo.x, the Quaker, during the latter's visit to the colonies. He died in 1687 at Mid- dletown, N. J., while on a visit to his son, and is buried in an unmarked grave in what is now known as the Ancient Lippit or Taylor Burying Ground at Mid- dletown. This is the burying ground mentioned in the will of his son John as follows: "And my will is that one quarter of an acre of land where my father was buried in Middletovvn shall not be sold, but to remain for a burying place for me and all my posterity and all my relations forever. " John Throck- morton had at least seven children, probably more, whose names and chil- dren arc as follows: (1) Freegift Throckmorton, died prior to November 8th, 1669. (2) Patience Throckmorton, born 1640, died September 7th, 1676, married December, 1655, John Coggeshall of Newport, R. I., born 1618, died October 1st, 1708, son of John and Mary Cogge- shall. He h,id been divorced from his first wife, Elizabeth Baulstone (married January 17th, 1647), by act of Assembly on May 25th, 1655, and after his second wife's death he was married a third time to Mary . Issue by second wife: Freegift, James, Mary, Joseph, Rebecca, Patience, Benjamin, Content, Content. (3) John Throckmorton, died July or August, 1690, married December 12th, 1670, Alice Stout, daughter of Richard Stout and Penelope Van Princis. Issue: Joseph, Rebecca, Sarah, Patience, Alice, Deliverance. (4) Job Throckmorton (a), born September 30th, 16.50. died August 20th, 1709, married February 2d, 1685, Sarah Leonard, born at Lynn, Mass., July 30th, 1660 (or June 26th, 1663), died Febru- ary 5th, 1744, daughter of Henry and Mary Leonard. Issue: John, Rebecca (married Jonathan Holmes), Joseph, Job (b), Mary, Patience, Sarah, Sam- uel. (5) Deliverance Throckmorton, mar- ried Rev. James Ashton. Issue: James, John, Mary, Alice, Deliverance, Re- becca, Joseph. (6) Joseph Throckmorton, a mariner, died 1690. (7) Daughter, married Mr, Taylor. (b) Job Throckmorton, "Sr.," the son of Job Throckmorton (a) and Sarah Leonard, died February, 1747, married F'rances (Stout?). Issue: John (c), William, Thomas, Mary, Daniel, David, Job, Rebecca, Lewis. Joseph, Elizabeth. (c) John Throckmorton, of Freehold, probably died 1776, son of Job (b) and Frances Throckmorton, married Decem- ber 28th, 1739, his cousin, Sarah Holmes, daughter of Jonathan Holmes and Re- becca Throckmorton, born August 18th, 43 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 1719, died August 24th, 1805, buried at Holradel, N. J. Issue: (1) Sarah Throckmorton, baptized June 30th, 1746, buried November 15th, 1750. (2) John Throcl), who .maiihiid 1st Pfrii:ii H. CoNOVEll ANDiJXl) GaRHKTT WyiKOIT. Fiki.M A MKDAl- I.ION IN THE POSSESSION OE Mil. \V. HllllMIll \'aS- DEllVEEH, ONE <)E IIEII DESCENDANTS. THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY. 18S1, Charles Parker Emmons, born April 9th, 1858. 2746. George B." Conover, born De- cember 16th, 1862, married March 22d, 1893, Isabella F. Roahr, born June Ut. 1864. 2747. Kate Louise" Conover, born February 5th, 1865, died February 23d, 1S65. 2748. Ida May" Conoveu, born May 28th, 1866, married William Herbert Vanderveer [2281*]. 2749. Henrietta'' Conover, born Oc- tober 4th, 1868, died October 11th, 1896. 2750. Frank J.'- Conover, a twin, born April 29th, 1872, married October 10th, 1903, Grace Huxford. 2751. Florence" Conover, a twin, born April 29th, 1872, died August 3d, 1872. 2203. Samuel' Scott, died 1822, mar- ried, license dated April 28th, 1778. Catherine White [1404], daughter of John White and Mary Scott [16]; re- sided in Montgomery township, Somer- set County, N.J. His will, dated Janu- ary 3()th, 1817, was proved April 16th, 1822. (Somerset County Wills, C, 86.) Issue: 2781. Aaron^ Scott. It is possible that Samuel Scott [2203] had a -son by this name, who was living in 1794, but who probably died prior to 1817. (See Middlesex County Deeds, 16, 461.) 2782. Jesse' Scott, died unmarried, 1833. His will, dated November 29th, 18.32, was proved June 18th, 1833. (Som- erset County Wills, D, 320.) 2204. William-' Scott, married -. Issue: 2791. Samuel' Scott. 2792. John-" Scott. APPENDIX. Here are placed a few records, not mentioned elsewhere in this work, which concern persons who may have a place in the family, the certainty of which, however, has not been definitely ascer- tained. WILLS. Will of .John Scott of Somerset Co. April .5th, 1808. Moses Scott, son of Ben- jamin Scott, my nephew. Job Scott, sec- ond son of the above named Benjamin Scott, both of Bucks Co., Pa. John Scott Price, now a minor, son of Mary Stiff, my granddaughter. Daughter Sus- annah Stitf. Proved June 21st, 1808.- Somerset Co. Wills, A, 174. Will of Martin Scott of Six Mile Run, Franklin township, Somerset Co. Octo- ber 24th, 1819. I "bequeath unto my mother. Amy Scott, all that lot of wood- land lying in the County of Middlesex I drawed as an heir of my father, William Scott, as divided by the Commissioners appointed by Law to make a dividend of the Estate of my aforesaid father, Wil- liam Scott." Undivided right in his father's New York lands bequeathed to brothers and sisters. Brothers Samuel and John. Sisters Eliza and Mary Ann. Proved November 30th, 1819. -Somer- set Co. Wills, B, .326. See Minutes of Middlesex Co. Orphans' Court, B, 109. Will of Nancy Scott of the City of New Brunswick. 1847. Niece Eliza S. Garretson and her two youngest brothers. Niece Jane G. Gulick. Niece Nancy S. Gulick. Half sister Catherine Gulick. Proved February 21st, 1848.— Middlesex Co. Wills, E, 5.5. GUARDIANSHIPS. October 20th, 1819. Samuel Pintard appointed guardian of Herbert Scott of Monmouth County, minor. — Monmouth Co. Guardianship Records, A, 423. June 16th, 1862. William H. Conover, Jr., appointed guardian of Alphonso Scott of New York City, a minor over fourteen years of age. — Minutes of Monmouth Co. Orphans' Court, Q, 164. MARRIAGES. MONMOUTH COUNTY. John Roberts and Hannah Scott, March 4th, 1811. Benjamin Scott of Middletown and Maria Sanford of Shrewsbury, August 18th, 1824. Henry Roberts and Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Benjamin Scott of Middletown, January 30th, 1842. George H. Vannabrick of Fillmore and Martha Ann Scott of Allentown, September 25th, 1869. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. William Scott and Martha Brown of township of East Windsor, November 10th, 1808. Peter T. Smith and Mary Scott, Octo- ber 15th, 1818. SOMERSET COUNTY. Samuel W. Scott and Ann Vorhees, September 19th, 1816. Jacob Scott and Elizabeth Cox, Octo- ber 5th, 1828. George W. Scott and Minerva S. Paiste, November 16th. 1839. A family by the name of Scott has resided in Middletown township, but it is not known that this family is con- nected with the Scott family of Shrews- bury. A John Scott was living in Mid- dletown township in 1828 and prior, and in that year his son John H. Scott, with Sarah his wife, went to Trumansburg, N. Y. A letter describing this trip by way of the Erie Canal is in the pos- session of the compiler. (See also Mon- mouth Co. Deeds, Q, 160.) 64 INDEX OF PERSONS. Many narncfi occur inorc than once on a pa^e. Akirich. Elizabeth 38 Allan], George 49 Hannah 49 Allen. " 54- ;; Ann -19 Anna 54 Antoinette 49 Catherine 49 Charles 49 " Daniel 48. 49 Ebenezer 49 Elizabeth 17, 48. 49 George 1(J. 30 Hannah 49 Helen Cobb 36 Jerome 49 ]' John 49 Joseph 49 ' Lydia 17. 40 ■] Mary 50 Mary Louisa 49 Miriam. 40 Nancy 48 Prudence Rebecca 49 Rebecca S. 24 Robert Jr. 24 Sarah 15. 4S. 49 Thomas 54 Thomas H. B. 49 Ailing, Emma Vanderveer 32 Florence Wowlhull 32 William Tennent 32 Alston. Abraham D. 21 Laura B. 21 Anderson, Catherine Voorliies (10 Lillian Conrow 60 Louisa 60 Theodore D. 60 Antonides, Arthur 62 Carrie 62 Charles L. 62 Fannie W. 62 Florence 62 Henry C. 62 Howard V. 62 " John R. 62 Laura 62 Leroy C. 62 Mary C. 62 Myrtle 62 William 62 Wilham W. 62 Applegate, Mary 38. 46 Mary V. 60 Arnold, 42 Asht.on. Alice 43, 45 Deliverance 43, 45 ■] James 43, 45 I' Rev. James 43 . John 43 Joseph 43 ]] Mary 43 Rebecca 43 Atchley, Ann 40 Daniel 40 Bachelder, 46 Rebecca 46 Bailey. Ann 49 Joshua 49 Baker. Charlotte 59, HI Daniel 18 " Elizabeth 18 Francis 18 Hannah 18 Isabel 18 Jacob 61 John 18 Nathaniel 18 Baker, Samuel 18 Thomas 18 William 18 Barclay. Robert 9 Barnes. Mary 25 Baulstone, Elizabeth 43 Bausch. Anna 35 Beekman. Rev. Abram J. 58 Beekman, Alston 21 ;; Ann 20. 21 " Anna CIrawford 21 Edwin 21 Edwin Laurens 21 " Eleanor Crawford 21 George ('rawford 21 \\ Helena 21 Jacob TenBroek 21 Rev. Jacob Ten- Brikek 20. 21 I^aura B. 21 Mary 21 ;; Matilda M. 21 Capt, Samuel 21 Sarah 58 Theodore 21 Kelden. Ann 25 '■ Charles 25 Bennett. Adrain Williamsen 46 Arthur 34 Eleanor Hyres 33 " Eliza 37 James 31, 37 Lillian 41 Robocca3-l Sarah 31 '\ Sarah Jane 36. 37 Tryntje 46 Wilfrid Eustace 34 Bills. Anna 17, IS Anne 17 Catherine 17 j] Content 17 Daniel 17 " Elizabeth 17. 18 ■* Gershom 17. 18 " Joanna 15. 17, 18 " Lydia 17 Marcey 17 Margaret 17 " Mary 13. 14. 17. IS. 26. 30 " Mehitable 17. 18 " Mercy 17, IS *■ Nathaniel 17, 18 Silvanus 17 *■ Thomas 15. 17. 18 " William 17 Bingham, James 13 Bishop. Charles K. 51 Erneline 51 Hannah Tilton 51 Blanche. Margaret Ann 41 Thomas' 41 Bodine. Emerson 56 Louisa B. 56 Bogert. Emma 34 Boman. Henry 14 Mary 14 Booth, 54 Rachel 54 Borden. Almy 48 Amy 15. 48 " Carroll 32 Eliza Ann 32 Francis 48 " Jane 48 Joan 48 " Capt. John 32 ■' Mary 48 ■ Richard 48 65 Borden. Sarah 45 Susan Elizabeth 32 " William Hance 32 Bowman. Frances 27 Bowne. Andrew 27 '■ Ann 27 " Catherine 19. 23, 27. 45 Cornelius 27 " Deborah 27, 45 Deliverance 45 ■* Dorothy 27 " Elizabeth 27 Frances 27 James 27. 45 " John 23. 27. 45 *■ Capt. John 27. 45 " Leah 45 "_ Lydia 27, 45 Margaret 45 '\ Margaretta 24 Mary 27 " Mary H. 27 " Obadiah 23. 27. 45 " Peter 45 '• Philip 27 " Sarah 27. 45 Thomas 27 " William 27 Brazier, Henry 14 Reliecoa 14 Brerewood, Susannah 10 Britton. Catherine 44 " Catherine L. 56 Col. Dean 56 Elizabeth 44 Elizabeth C. 56 John 44 John D. .56 " Laura W. 56 Louisa B. 56 Marietta 56 Mary 44 Mary Scott 56 Maud E. 56 Nathaniel 55. 50 " Nellie 56 Rebecca 56. 56 Wahnteta56 Broun. Nicholas 12 Brower. Agnes 36 Alice 36 Anna 35. 36 Annie 36 '' Caroline ;i2 Caroline Virginia 35 Catherine Price 32 Cornelius 32 '' David 32 Edward 36 Elizabeth 35. 36 Frederick 36 '■ Hannah 48 " Hazel 36 Henry 32 Henry Maps 32 Holmes 36 Holmes Throckmorton 35 Jacob 31. 34 Jane 32 Jane Amanda 31, 34 John A. 35 Katherine V. 36 Margery 35. 36 Maria Althea 35. 36 Mary 3t*. Mary Elizabeth 35 " Pearl ;12 Rennie 36 INDEX. Brower, Sarah Jane 35. 36 Vera Caroline 32 William Scon 35. 36 Brown. Abram 49 Catherine 45 Fanny 59 " Ida May 35 James 41 ■' Jane S 41 John 44 ;■ Martha 04 Mary 44 " Sarah 49 " William Edward 35 Buckelew. John D. 24 Catherine E. 24 Budd. John 10 Sarah 10 Burdein, John 12 Burdge. Elizabeth 35 Burrows, Catherine 20, 22 Deborah 22 Edward 20. 22 "^ Esther 19. 22 John 54 Joseph T. 22 '[ . Mary 22 Mary Jane 54 Matilda 54 " Rachel 54 Richard Crawford 22 Sarah 22 Thomas 19. 22 William 54 Butell. Ernest 49 " Sarah 49 Butler. Mary F. 62 Canady. Jane 10 Canonicus, 42. Carhart. Marv 17 Thomas 17 Chadwick. Deborah E. 49, 50 Margaret 39 Tabor 50 Chaffon, Hannah, 10 John 10 Chamberlin, Margaret 17 Claes, Tryntje 46 Clark, Hannah 28 Clarke, John 44 Clay. Elizabeth 52 Clayton. Alice M. 52 Elena 52 " Elizabeth Barker 52 George 52 '' Harry Hancock 52 James 52 James Marcellus 52 Japhia 52 Margaret 52 Coates, Ida B. 36 Marsden 36 Coats, Mary 14 Coggeshall, Benjamin 43 Content 43 Elizabeth 43 '' Freegift 43 James 43 I] John 43 Joseph 43 Mary 43 Patience 43 Rebecca 43 Cole, 44, 45 Ailing 32 Arthur Stanley 32 Caroline Virginia 32 Florence Ailing 32 Isaac P. 32 John 18 John Harris 32 John Price 32 Margaret 32 Ruth 18 Coleman. Ann 50 Herbert 50 Coley, Elena 52 Capt. George 52 Mary 52 Collins, Charles Wesley 35 Ella P.. 35 George E. 35 [' Hannah E. 35 Mary Evelie 35 William 35 Compton, 26 Cornelius 19. 26 Lydia 19. 26 Condray, Leiia E. 62 Conklin, Annanias 44 Conover, Alfred Livingston 34 Alonzo Edward 61 " Ann 25 Anna 59 ;■ Anna H. 62 Anna L. 61 '] Ann Bowne 24, 25 ^[ Anne 59 Annie Barkalow 61 Arthur L. 60. 62 Catherine 25. 60. 62 Caroline 23 Charles E. 61 Charles Fleming 34 ■; Charles H. W. 61 Charles Vaughn 61 Charlotte 69, Gl Charlotte Lyeil 34 " Charlotte May 61 " Clarence Scott 61 Clarence Underbill 61 Cordelia 61 Cornelius R. 23, 24 '[ Crawford 23 Daisy Louisa 34 Deborah 59 Ebenezer 59. 61 ]■ Edgar Everest 61 Edward Woiphertsen 34 Edwin Meeker 61 Eleanor Schenck 34 Elizabeth 62 Elizabeth V. 61 Ella S. 62 Ellen L. 25 Emily M. 62 Emma H. 62 Emma D. M. 62 " Estella 61 Eugene 61 '[ Eva S. 62 Evelina 61 F. Ethel 62 ]* Florence 63 Florence Lena 61 Frances 61 _■■ Frances E. 60, 61 Frances Elizabeth 61 Franklin 61 " Frank.J. 63 Gardiner 62 " George B. 63 Hannah 59 Harold VanDuyn 34 Helena 59 Helen M. 62 Hendrick 24. 25 Henrietta 63 Henry A. 62 Hewlett R. 62 Holmes 23 Ida May 58. 63 ;; Isabella P. 63 Jacob 25 Jacob Baker 61 James Madison 61 James Scott 60. 61. 62 66 Conover. James Wilson 61 *■ Jane 59, 60 ■[ Jane Ann 62 Joanna 62 John B. 58. 60. 62 " John I. 25 '' John Living-stonSS, 34 John Livingston Jr. 34 ;] John R. 62 '' Joseph 59 '[ Kate Louise 63 Lawrence Seymour 61 '[ Leah 2 J Lena Rebecca 61 ''^ Lewis 57. 59. 61 '[ Lillian Frances 61 " Louisa 33, 34 " Louise Ely 60 " Lydia 25 Maijorie Elsie 61 Mary 23. 24. 25. 59 '[ Mary Ann 58. 60, 62 Mary Augustus 62 '[ Mary C. 62 " Mary Emma 61 '] Mary Frances 61 ]' Mary Jane, 61 Mary Louise 62 " Mary P. 58 " Mary Virginia 61 " Nathan Jackson 61 Nellie Frances 61 Patience 57. 59 Peter 59 Peter H. 57 Rachel 57. 59 Rebecca. 25 SaraAlida34 Sarah 59. 60. 62 Sarah Elizabeth 62 ;; Sarah F. 62 Sarah Louise 61 ** Stacy Pricket 34 Susan 25 " Tunis J. 25 Virginia Steele 34 Warren HartshorneBl '] William 62 William Crawford 25 " William E. 59. 61 William Edgar 61 William H. Jr. 64 '[ William L 25 Dr. William Johnson 25 William Perrine 61 [[ William Reid 61 William Seymour 61 Wykoff G. 62 Conrow, Adam 59. 60 " Anna Hanford 60 Anna M. 60 Dora Louise 60 ;; Efiie Clarke 60 Florence Louise 60 Helen Clare 60 Helen J. 60 '\ James W. 60 Louisa 60 Mabel Thompson 60 Mary 60 Mary E. 60 Rachel 59. 60 Robert White 60 Sarah Frances 60 Theodore 60 Wiiford Seymour 60 William E. 60 Cook, Daniel 28. 49 '■ Elizabeth 28, 49 " Sarah 37 Cooper, James 20 Mary Catherine 20 Rachel 33 INDEX. Cooper. Rehocoa 20 Corin. Joel Purccll 3:! Kathrvn Kmelyn 33 Michael M. 33 Sarah 33 Corkey, Anna 38 Bessie Llewellyn 38 Elizaljeth 38 " Howard 38 Irene 38 Marjorie 3S Odell. 38 Corlies. Enioline 33 Jacob Edwin 32, 33 " Capt. John Pintai-d 3:j Kathryn Emelyn 33 '' Lydia 40 Mart::aret 40 Sarah Fleming 32, 33 Timothy 40 Cottrcll, 51 Covenhoven, Garret 47 Hangah 47 Jacob 45 Mary 45 Covert. Mary Emeline 52 Cox, Althea BrinckerhotT 25 Arthur Parcella 25 " Elizabeth 51. 64 Craig, Matilda 21 Matilda M. 21 John W. 21 Crane, Anna 10 Elihu 10 Marv 10 Mary W. 59 Crawford. Abigail 19, 26 " Adaline20. 21 Agnes 25 Albro B. 24 Althea Brinckerhoff 25 Andrew 23 " Ann 19, 20. 21, 23, 25 Ann Bowne, 24, 25 Annie 25 Caroline 23 Catherine 19. 20, 22, 23, 24. 27 Catherine E. 24 Charles V. 24 Eleanor 19, 20. 45 Elizabeth 19, 22, 26 Elizabeth .S. 24 Ellen Bowne 24. 25 Ellen 25 EInathan 23 Emeline L. 23 Emma 23 Esther 15. 19, 22, 23. 25. 26 Evelyn, 24 George 16. 16, 19, 25. 26. 45 George W. 24 " G rover Cleveland 25 Hannah 19. 22 Henrietta 24 " Holmes C. 24 " Jamesanna L. 24 James E. 24 James G. 23 James Hartahorne 24 " James Patterson 24 Job 19, 25 John 19. 23. 26 John B. 24, 25 John Bowne 19. 24 John J. 23 John Jr. 19. 26 Joshua 19. 25. 26 Julia 24 Katharine Bibb 24 Crawford. Katrina 25 Leah 24 Lydia 19. 26 Margaretta 24. 25 " Mary 19.20.23. 24. 25 Mary Bowne 25 Mary .lane L 24 Phcbe A. 24 Rebecca 19, 23 " Rebecca S. 24 Kebekah Patterson 24 " Richard 19, 24, 26, 27 Richard Bowne 24 Robert Lee 25 Sarah 2.!. 24 " Sarah Elizabeth 24 Sidney G. 25 Theresa 23 William 19, 23, 24. 27 William H. 24 William S. 23 William W. 24 Cromwell. Sarah S. 41 William L. 41 Curtis. Sarah 36 Dangler. Charlotte 37 Dangler, Eleanor 31. 37 " Eliza 37 ;; Elizabeth 53 Joseph Layton 37 Susan 32 Davis. Anna 59 Dajf. Ellen S. 38 Florence 52 Seymour .52 Deane. Elizabeth 17. 18 Miriam 18 " Stephen 18 Susanna 18 Decker. Abram 53 Clarence L. 53 Dorothy 63 George B. 62. 53 " Grace .53 •■ Mabel F. 53 Mary Emma 52. 53 Monroe 53 Sarah 53 Denise, Elizabeth 34, 53 [[ Elizabeth B. 62, 53 Harrison 34 .Sanuiel T. 53 Walter ,34 Dennis. Albert 41 Elizabeth 41 Depew, Emma 39 Samuel O. 39 Dey. Mary (I. 55 Mary Scott. 56 Doane. Anna 18 " Daniel IH Daniel Jr. 18 Eleazar 18 " Eli.iah 18 Joseph 18 " Lydia 18 " Mehitabic 18 Rebecca 18 Dorn. 51 Deborah 50 Hannah Caroline .50 John Marsden 50 Samuel 50 Theixlore .50 William Pintard 60 Doughty. Elizabeth 38 John 38 Mary Ann 38 Drissius. Rev. Samuel 43 Drum. Kate 41 Duncan. Jane 36 Maria Althea 35. 36 Oliver 36 67 Duncan, Richard Oliver 36 Thomas Oliver .3.5. 36 Durham. Elizabeth Mary 51 Thomas K. 51 Duryea. Phehc A. 24 Earle. Deborah .50 " James F. .50 Edwards. Harriet 35 Elfr)rd. J..hn 42 Elkin. John J. 41 Margaret 41 El;.-. Asher H. 23 Caroline 2.3 Embley. Susan .55 Emmons. Charles Parker 63 Emma H. 62 Fallon, Mary Elizabeth 35 Felt. Mary H. 27 Fenn, Hannah E. 35 Fenton. Frank A. 62 " Frank C. 62 Joanna 62 Magdalena 46 Fetters. 54 Ann.*! fi-I Rachel 54 Field. Benjamin 34 II Eliza 31. 3.1 Horace A. 24 " Katharine Bibb 24 Rebecca 34 Fields. Caroline 23 ■' Elizabeth 23 EInathan 23 Flandreau. A. M. T. 62 Arthur C. 62 Daniel A. 62 Grace M. 62 Harold H. 62 Kate C. 62 Sarah F. 62 Wilbur A. 62 Fleming, Amanda Brower .33 " Arthur 33 " Caroline Xi Charles Henry Clay 33 34 ■| Charles Tilton 31. 33 Georgiana 34 "_ Jacob 33 Joseph ;J3 Kate 33 Lillian 34 Louisa ,33, 34 Lydia 33 Mary Elizabeth .33. 34 Sarah Ann 31. 33 Flemnen. Sarah 40. 41 Foley. Mary 24. 25 Force. 51 Forman. Caroline 37 Charles Dubois 62 Helen C. 62 Margaretta 62 " Sarah Elizabeth 62 Susanna 31, 41 Fowler, Joan 48 Fox, George 43 Francis, Bertram 60 " John H. 60 Minnie 60 Sarah FranceB 60 French, Anna G. 22 Walter G. 22 Frost, James 26 " Lydia 26 " Mary 2:1 Sarah 24 Gardiner, Helen M. 62 Gardner. Elizabeth 33 George 15, 69 Rachel 15, 69 Garretson. Eliza S. 64 Gasper, • 47 INDEX. Gasper, Sarah 47 Hegeman, Catherine 46 Gibbons. Richard 26 Hendrickson, Adaline 20, 21 Gibbs. Basil Runge 32 Ann. 21 Catherine Price 32 Charity 28 George Lincoln 32 Charles E. 35, 36 Marion 32 Daniel 21. 45. 46 Samuel Louis 32 Edward 36 Sarah 32 Eleanor 21 GifFard, Hannanias 12 Emma Vander- Giffprd. Archibald Higgins 37 vecr 32 Caroline 37 Geesye 45. 46 Charles Forman 37 George Craw- Corlies Price 37 ford 21 Evalina May 37 George L. 36 Harold 37 Ida B. .36 Jennie N. 37 John 21 John Brewer 37 John Lloyd 20, 21 Laura F. 37 Lillian 36 Raymond 37 Martha 28 " Sarah C. 37 " Mary 21, 36 Girard. Mary 52 Mary Louisa 21 Githens. George 49 Philip 28 Mary Louisa 49 .Sarah Jane 35. 36 Golden, Ann 33 Tcuntje 45 Arthur Fleming 33 William B. 36 " Caroline 33 Herbert, A. Eliza 58 Catherine 33 Patience 26 Charles 33 Hermans. Augustine 43 Charles Hendrickson 33 Hill, Catherine 49 Cyrenus 33 " Eliza Pintard 50 '■ George 33 ■■ Grace aj •' Harriet 33 " Pierce 49. .TO Harry 33 Hisson. Sarah 30. 31 Ida Maps 83 Hoagland. Geesye 46 Jessie 33 George .56 Louise 33 James M. 20 William 33 Lavinia 20 Goulding, William 14 Margaret 56 Grant, Anna 22 Okey 46 Laura 23 Holden. Frances 45 T. Henry 23 Holley. .Sarah Louise 61 William H. 22 Holliman, Mary 42 Greben, Frederick 34 Holmes, Alice 44. 45 Georgiana 34 Ann 23. 45 Lila Eliza 34 Anna 23 Gieen, Charity 28 Anne 44 Greene. 42 Catherine 19. 27, 44, 45. Mary 45 46 William 45 Caroline 23 Griffiths, Rev. T. S. 31 Daniel 23. 45 Griggs, 55, 56 Deliverance 45 Grover, Alfred Lee 55 Elisha 46 Beulah E. 55 Elizabeth 23 Elmer 55 Frances 45 Elmer Russell 55 Hannah 22 James 17, 27 Hopestill 45 Laura 55 Jacobus 45 Lydia 27 James 45 Mary S. 54 John 4.5. 46 Gulick, Catherine 64 John S. 23. 46 Jane G. 64 Jonathan 43. 45. 46 Nancy S. 64 Joseph 44. 45. 46 Haines. Hannah 28 Joseph H. 23 Hamilton. Josephine 62 Katharine 44 Hammell. Emma .55. 56 Leah 45 Hance. Content 17 Lydia 27. 41. 45, 46, 49. Isaac 17 50 Hanford. Anna M. 60 Margaret Ann 41 James 60 Martha 44. 45 Mary 60 Mary 44, 45 Hankinson. Catherine Louise 61 Obadiah 44. 45, 46 Fred Stolley 61 Rev. Obadiah 27. 44 Jennie Augusta 61 Oliver 41 William A. 61 Parmelia. 46 Hanskins. John 17 Rebecca 43, 4.5. 46 Harris. 42 Samuel 41, 44. 45. 46 Margaret 32 Sarah 43, 45 Hart. Mary 39 Stout 46 Hartshorne. Evelina 61 Teuntje 45 Havens. Anna 40 William 45 Havden. Louisa 34 Honce. David 41 •• Margaret 33. 34 •■ Elizabeth 41 Samuel. 34 •• Phebe 41 Hegeman. 46 Hope, George Allen 36 Hope. Helen Cobb 36 Sarah Jane 36 Washington Lafayette36 Howell, Alonzo 28 " Elizabeth 28 Hannah 28 Mary C. 28 Noah 28 Howland, Charlotte 37 Henry Wolcott 37 Sarah 37 .Sarah Lavinia 36, 37 Hoyt, Melissa 40 Samuel 40 ■■ Capt. William S. 40 Hughes, Jane 36 Hulbert. Susan Cooley 60 Hulett. Catherine 31, 39 Daniel 31, 39 Deborah Ann 40 Emma A. 39 George W. 40 Hannah 39. 40 Margaret 39 " Mary 39 Mary Ann 39 Mary Jane 39 Mary Matilda 40 Michael 39 " Sarah Sickles 40 Susan Lane 39 Thomas 39 Hull, 64 Anna 54 HuUfish, Catherine 56 " Emily 5.5, 56 Howard .56 John 55, 56 Hunt. Ruth 28. Hurd. Amelia Gertrude 51 John B. 51 Huxford, Grace 63 Hyde. Chester Ovid 20 George Crawford Mur- ray 20 Mary Crawford 20 Dr. Ovid Allen 20 Innes. Prof. 9 Irwin. Annie Lufburrow 32 Eleanor Hyres 33 •• William Conard 33 Jackson. Ada 60 Anna L. 60 " Charles Warren 60 Ebenezer C. 60 Edward 60 " Edwin Augustus 60 Frederick H. 60 George Conover 60 Howard B. 60 Jennie 60 Laura 60 Marianna 60 Mary Ann 60 " Mary Frances 60 Mary V. 60 Nathan H. 59. 60 Nathan Morris 60 Rebecca 60 Rebecca M. 60 Sarah 59. 60 " Sarah A. 60 Sarah Louisa 60 William Eben 60 William Franklin 60 William H. 60 James. Anna 55. 56 •• William 42 Jeffrey, Delia 38 Ella 38 John 38 Johnson, Frank. 56 Laura W. 56 Lydia 25 68 Johnston. Harry 53 Mabel F. 53 William 53 Jones. Ann Maria 34 Jurianse. Lourens 14 Keeler, Josephine 55 Kelsey. Ann 33 Kieft. Gov. 42. Killie, Anne 17 ;■ David 17 Jane 17 Kimball. Hannah 10 Kinpr, Mrs. 14 Kinsey, John 13 Kittison, Jane 39 Knott, Ann 5S Joseph 58 Knows. Sarah A. 54 Kollock, Amelia Gertrude 51 *| Annie Arnett 51 Annie Laurence 51 Catherine Tilton 51 Charlotte C 51 Edwin Walter 51 " Elizabeth 51 Elizabeth Cornelia 51 I] Elizabeth Mary 51 Emeline 51 Emma 51 '' Florence 51 " Florence Finch 51 ''^ Hannah Pintard 50. 51 Hannah Tilton 51 I] Isaac Arnett 51 I* John Anthony 51 •John Henry 51 *] John Pintard 51 Sheppard 50. 51 I-afetra, Amy 48 Edmund 48, 50 Elizabeth 48. .50 "_ Hannah 48, 49. 50 James 48 Sarah 48 Lake. Anna 23 " Eliza Ann 32 Lane. .James 31 " Sarah 32 " Su,san 31 Larpe, 44. 45 Rebecca 44, 45 Lawrence Hannah 28 \\ Judge James S. 25 Mary 25 Leeds, William 17 Lefetra, Edmond 16, 30 Lefferson, Mary .59 Ockey 69 Sarah .59 LeMaistre, Mamie 52. 53 Lommon. Sarah 22 Leon, 49 " Sarah 49 Leonard. Catherine 19, 22 Henry 43 Mary 43 " Nathaniel 19. 22 Patience 15, 47, 57 Polly 22 Sarah 43. 45 Leppencott, John 13 Restore 13 Lewis, Eliza P. 39 Lydia Grover 25 Rev. Samuel P. 25 Lincoln. Abraham 27 " Hannah 27 Monlccai 27 Lindsay. Catherine 56 Dr. 56 Lippet. Rebecca 19, 26 Little. Ann 49 " Ann Knott 57, 58 Deborah 57. 58 Little. Henry Stafford 68 .lames .58 " M.irKaret Scott 58. 59 .Sarah Frances 58 '■ William .57. .58 " William S. 58 Llewellyn, Elizabeth 38 Lloyd, Mary 21 Longfield, Elizabeth 27 Longstrcet. Alonzo 39 " Catherine 39 ("hristina 39 " Emily 39 Emma 39 Eugene 39 Jacob 39 Jane 39 '[ John Riddle 39 Lydia 39 Margaret 39 Mary 39 T. Scott 39 Walter .39 Wallers. .39 William 39 Macmamce. Frank .56 Wahnieta 56 Maghan. Caroline 41 Many. Anna Estelle 61 ■; Elizabeth V. 61 '* JohnLeguir61 Ralph Conover 61 Map.^. Caroline. 32 Marcellus. Louisa .52 Thomas J. 52 Markwalter. Aupusta.52 Elizabeth 52 Michael 52 Martin. Benjamin 26 Catherine 25 Isaac Jr. 25 John 34 Mai-y Elizabeth 33. 34 Matthews. Ann 38. 46 Mary 41 William I. 38. 46 Maul. Edward. 36 ■■ Lillian 36 Ralph A. 36 " Ruth, 36 " Rev. W. R. 36 McCausland. Ascnes 22 Hannah 22 " Laura 22 James 22 McClane, Jacob 22 McGinty, Emma 51 McCjladc. Mercy .50. .52 Thomas Alphonso 50. 62 Thomas Alphonso, Jr. 52 Meade, Dr. Charles A. 63 " Eula May .52. .53 Grace Lillian 53 Meeker. Frances E. 60. 61 McK'apolensis. Kev. .Tohannes43 Mephan. Ephraim 33 Louise 3.'I Melrose. John .51 Mi-hitablc.54 Meredith. Charlotte C. 51 John M. .51 Mershon. Charlotte W.itson 37 Julia Charlotte 37 William 37 Miantonomi. 42 Millet. 49 Amy 49 Mitchell. Phebe F. 38 Moodie. Lariy Deborah 14 Moore. Mary E. 6(i Morford, Alice E. 22 Anna 22 69 Morford, Anna G. 22 Catherine 22 Catherine C. 22 Elizabeth 22 Hannah 22 Harry 22 Henry Hobart 22 Jane 22 Jarrctt22 Laura 22 Livingston 22 Mary R. 22 Nelly 22 Samuel White 22 Thomas 22 Thomas F. 22 Morris. Ann 19. 25. 33 Henjamin 19. 26. 39 Catherine 49 ' barles 26 Elizabeth 44 Esther 26 Jacob H. 49 Joseph 26 Lydia 19. 26 MarKaret 39 Mary Ann 39 Patience 26 " Robert Hunter 46 Stout 26 Morrison. Andrew 39 Emily 39 Jessie Brockett. 39 " Josephine 39 Lillian 39 Mott. Ann Maria 22 " Catherine 22 " Clementina 22 " Deborah 27 " Dorothy 27 " Gershom 27 James 45 " Jerusha 22 I^eonard 22 Mary 45 ■• Polly 22 ■■ Samuel C. 22 " Sarah 45 Mount. Amanda Brower 33 Ann 51. ,53 Catherine L. .56 ("harles FleminK 33 Eliza .':i ■■ Job 30. 40. 54, 64 Job Ashley 55 Jonathan 10, 11 " John 9, 10. 13, 15, 16, 17, 19. 26, .30. 31, 44, 48. 51, 54. 5.5, ,57, 6:!, 64 " John Budd 10 •' John H. IVI John I'rice37 '■ John Robert 38 •■ John W. 40 ;| Joseph 10, 51 Joseph Dangler 37 Josephine 55 .(..s^'ph Warren 10 " Kenneth D. 65. 56 Laura 55 Laura L. 52, 53 Lenah 57 Lester J. :18 Lester Wallack 53 Lillian 63 •■ Lionel 63 Scott. Lottie 55 Louisa .52 Louise Marcellus 52 Lydia .54 Lydia Ann 38 Mamie 52, 53 Margaret 10, 56, 57. .58 Maria t"4 Martha 64 Martha Ann 64 Martin 10. M Martin B. 9 Mary 10. 13, 15, 17. 19. 26, 30. 31. 39. 47, 55, 63. 64 Mary Ann 38, 64 Mary <^aroline31, 36, 44 Mary D. 10 Mary Emeline 52 Mary Emma 52, 53 Mary G. 55 Mary .S. .54 Matilda 56 Maud :18 Mehitable 15. 28, 54 Mercy 17 Minerva S. 64 Moses 10. 62 Dr. Moses 10 Nancy 48. 64 Patience 15, 47, 57 Peter 13 Phebe 10 Rachel 15, 40. 54, 55. 57. 59 Ralph 31 Ralph Warner 30 Randell 14 Rebecca 34. .55, 56 Richard 10, 30, 31, 64. 55 Robert 10 Rodger 13. 14 Roger 14 Ruth 10. 15. .54 Samuel 10. 13. 15. 16. 30. 47. 48. 51. 54. 57. 63. 64 Samuel W. 64 Sarah 10, 15. 30,31, 10.54. 57,64 Sarah A. 54 Sarah Ann 31, 33, 44 Sarah Louisa 38 Sidnea 10 Stella .55 Stella May 37 Susan 31, 44. 55 Susan Borden 37 Susan Doughty 38 Susaiuia 10, 55 Susannah 10, 30, 54, 64 Theodore Price 37 Thomas 10, .55 Timothy 10 Walter 34. 55, .58 Walter Franklyn 38 William 9, 10. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 30, 31, .34, 44. 48. 51. .52. 53, 56, .57. 58, 63, 6.1 •• William Jr. 10. 13 William Champlain 38 •• William T. A. .55, 56 •• William Webster 31. 37. 44 Scudder, Eleanor Crawford 20 Henry G. 20 Mary Crawfoiil 20 Nora Jarvis 20 Thomas 20 William Murray 20 Seabrook, Martha 19 Mary 19 " Major Thomas 19 Seffoine, Frances 61 " Frances Elizabeth 61 71 SpRoine. Harold Richard (II Marion ill William til Sorviss. Mary 44 Shack, (It'oi-KC Henry 32 Pearl ;i2 Susan 32 Shafto. Antoinette 49 Shakleford, P'lorence 51 Sharpe, Kmma t»2 Shepherd. (Catherine 19, 27 Deborah 27 Hannah 27 Joseph 19, 26 Mary 27 Mose3 27 Rebecca 19, 26 Sarah 27 Thomas 2C, 27 Sherman, Hannah 49 Lydia 39 Shotwell. Klizaheth 17 Sillcocks. Mary Frances 60 Skirm, Charles Henry 28 Elizabeth 2S Slocum. Catherine 49 Samuel 49 Susanna 49 Slocume. John 12 Nathaniel i:{ Smith, Arthur ;M " Charles 34 Deliverance 45 " Elizabeth 23, 49 ** Ellen Bowne 24. 25 " Forman38 " Hannah 28 '■ Ida May 34 James Clark 24. 25 ■■ John 28 ■* Joseph 45 Linda (.Mark 25 Mary 28, (U *■ Peter T. 64 Rebecca 34 Samuel Wyman 25 ;; Sarah 38. 53 Sarah Louisa 38 " William 23. 34. 49 Smock. Catherine Jane 59 Jane TiS " Mary Ann 58, 60, 62 Susan 25 Snedeker. Lambert L. 38 Lydia Ann 38 Phebe F. 38 Snyder. Geortre B. 38 ** Herbert E 33 Herbert Vernon 33 " Maud 38 " Myrtle 38 *' Phe!>e38 Southwick, Lawrence 41 Spicer, Abigail M " Esther 14 " Jaci.b 14 " Martha II Mary 14 " Mitfhal 14 Samuel 14 " Sarah 14 Thiimas 14 Springsteen. Delia 38 Siiuirea. C^apt. 50 Susan 50 Statesir, Ann 58 Daviti Abeel 58 Steele, Amanda 35 Caroline VirRinia35 Eiluai-ilfl Antonio 35 Edwaitl 35 " Ida May 35 John Arthur 35 " Mary 35 INDEX. Stiff, Mary 64 " Susannah 64 Stillwell. 46 Alice 44 Emeline L, 23 Garret 46 Helen J. 60 John S. 23 Lydia 46 Nicholas 12, 14 Parmelia 46 Rebecca 19 Stockton. Abigail 54 Richard 54 Ruth 15, 54 Susanna 54 Storms, Emma 39 George 39 Story. John 30 " Mary 30 Stout, Alice 43 Catherine 46 " Esther 26 Frances 43 " Jonathan 26 " Mary 27, 45 " Nathan 46 " Penelope 27, 43 ■■ Richard 27. 43 Stoutenbergh. Mary 23. 24 Stultz. Edward Schoek Van- Leer 38 Rev. Ellas D. 38 Ellen S. 38 Susan Doughty 38 Supp. Frank F. 39 Jessie Brockett 39 ■■ Ruth J. 39 Sutphin, Aaron 60, 62 Aaron R. 62 Catherine Louise 61 Charles 62 Charles C. 62 Charles J. 62 Clarence Hamilton €2 DeWitt B. 62 Dorothy 60 Earle Franklin 62 Edwin A. 62 Edwin J. 62 Elizabeth 62 Elsie E. 62 Emma 62 Emma J. 02 Fannie Bunting 60 Francis A. 62 Helen Ray 62 " Henry Hulbert 60 James A. 62 James G. 62 Jane 59. 60 John Aimer 62 John F. 62 Joseph Halsey 60 Josephine Hulbert 60 Justina 62 Kate Louise 60 Lelia E. 62 " Levi S. 59, 60 Lizzie M. 62 Louise Ely 60 Lulu May 62 Mary Ann 60, 62 Mary F. 62 Mary Jane 62 May Josephine 62 Susan Cooley 60 Walter Lewis 62 William C. 62 William Craig 60 William E. 60 William H. 62 Swan, Ann Maria 34 " Ella M. 34 Swan. John B. 34 Talby, John 42 Tallman, Martha 19 Tattam, Caroline EliiXlbeth 38 Elizabeth Ann 38 George James 38 Taylor. 25. 43. 45 Ann 25 Catherine 32 George 25 Hopestill 45 \\ Joel 25 Joseph 22 Mary 22 TenBroek, Cornelius 21 Helena 21 Terhun^, Fanny 59 Helen Louise 59 Henry Stafford 59 James Little 59 John 59 Kathryn B. 59 Margaret Little 58, 59 Mary Anna 59 Mary Greenleaf 59 Mary W. 59 William L. 58. 59 William Little 59 Terry, Reliecca 14 Tetley, Elizabeth Ann 38 Theunissen. Denyse 14 Thomas, 39 Margaret 39 Thompson, Catherine CO. 62 Eliza 57. ,■"18 Margaret 52 Throckmorton. 42. 43 Alice 43 Ann 41 Ann Matilda 44 Charles 44 Charles For- man 44 Charlotte 44 Daniel 43 David 43 Deliverance 43 Elizabeth 43, 44 Forman 44 Frances 43. 45 Freegift 43 •; Holmes 31.44. 45 l>aac44 James 44. 45 James Forman 44 Jane 31, 44 Job 42, 43, 45 Job. Sr. 43 John 41, 42. 43. 44. 45 John Wilson 44 Joseph 43. 44 Lewis 43 Mary 43. 44 ** Patience 43 Rebecca 43. 44. 45 Samuel 43 Sarah 43. 44. 46 Sarah Forman 44 Susan 44 Susannah 31. 44 Thomas 43 William 43. 44; Throgmorton. John 41. 42 Tice. Gibeon or Gilbert 46 Rebecca 46 Tilton. Abigail 12, 14 Abraham 14 Amey 2S Caroline 41 Catherine 22. 50. 51 72 Tilton, Charles H. 41 Charlotte Amelia 50. 52 Clayton 50, 51 Corlies 41 Daniel 14 " Deborah 50 Deborah H. 41 David 30. 40. 41 Elizabeth 41. 51 Elizabeth Cornelia 51 Eseck 41 Esther 14 Hannah 49. 50, 52 Hannah Pintard 50, 51 Hester 14 Holmes 41 James White 41 Jane S. 41 Jennie 41 John 12, 14. 39, 50 Joseph 31, 39 Kate 41 Lydia 41 Lydia Corlies 41 Margaret 40. 41 Margaret Ann 41 Mary 12, 14, 31, 39 Mary Ann 50 Mercy 50, 52 Miriam 40 Peter 12, 14 Rebecca 14 Robert 40 Samuel 14, 49, 50. 62 Sarah 14. 30. 40, 41 Sarah S. 41 Susan 50 Thomas 14 William 22, 28. 40, 41 William Amos 41 William N. 41 Tindall, Anna A. 55 Benjamin 55 Emily 56 James 34 John P. 55 Lillian 34 Sarah 55 William H. 65 Toilet, Mary or Mercy 15, 16, 47 Thomas 15, 47 TrafTord, Deborah 47 Twining, Abigail 18 Anna 17, 18 Barnabas 18 Eleazar 18 Elizabeth 17, 18 Hannah 18 Isabel 18 Joanna 15, 17, 18 John 18 Mehitable 18 Mercy 18 Nathaniel IS Ruth 18 Stephen 18 Susanna 18 Thankful 18 William 17, 18 William Jr. 18 William Sr. 17 Ulhrich, Eula Leah 53 Lillian 63 Phineas 53 Underbill, Lena Rebecca 61 Updyke, Susanna 55 VanArsdale, 66, 66 VanBorculo, Stoffel Harmen- sen 46 VanBorculo, Tryntje 46 VanBrackle, Alice 46 John 45 VanBrunt, Augenetje 46 Catherine 46 INDEX. VanBrunt, Ann or Anne 31, 3S, 46 Catherine Eleanor 20 Cornelius 46 Cornelius Rutgersz 46 Ella Cooper 20 "_ Engeltje 46 Geesye 46 Georgre 46 " Hendiick 46 Jannetje 46 " Joost 46 " Joseph C. 38, 46 Magdaiena 46 '\ Mary 38, 46 Nicholas 46 '\ Polly 46 Rutger Joesten 46 Tryntje 46 William T. 20 VanCleaf, Benjamin 57 Leanal; 57 Margaret 57 VanCouwenhoven, Wolfert Garretse 59 Vanderbilt, Catherine E. 40 Charles 40 Edgar 40 Hannah 39, 40 John 39, 40 Lottie F. 40 " Melissa 40 *' Samuel 40 Vanderveer, Aaron 58 " A. Eliza 58 Ann 58 Charles C. 58 " Charles Herbert 58 Ellen L. 25 " Ida May 68, 63 Jane 58 Joseph Augustus 58 " Joseph I. 58 Maryan Conover 58 Mary P. 58 " Peter Conover 58 Rachel M. 58 Sarah Scott 58 " William Herbert 58,63 VanDorn, Jennie 41 VanKerk. Phebe 41 VanKirk, Hannah 57 " James 57 VanMater, Eleanor 21 Vannabrick, George H. 64 " Martha Ann 64 VanPrincis. Penelope 27, 43 Vaughn, Cordelia 61 Verin, Joshua 42 Vickars, or Vickers, Abraham 16,30 Vickers, Jane 48 Voorhees, Ann 64 " Neeltje 45 Walker, Lizzie M. 62 Wall, Deborah 49 Walling. Deborah 22 Eh-ira 34 Richard 22 Walsh, Catherine 37 Walsh, John 37 Susan Borden 37 William Leon 37 Warner, Abigail 12, 14 Abigail Tilton 9, 12 Mai-y 12 Ralph 12, 14 Washington. Gen. 59 Watson. Julia Charlotte 37 Weeks. Elizabeth 33 Herbert 33 Rachel 33 William 33 Welling, Robert 28 Ruth Hunt 28 West. Louisa 33 Marcy 28 Uriah 28 Westcott, Stukely 42 White, Aaron 47 Abigail 28 / braham 15, 28 Amey 28 Amos 41 Ann or Anna 25, 28. 29, 41 Benjamin C. 28 Catherine 25. 28, 29, 31, 39, 47. 57, 63 '\ Catherine C. 22 Catherine Jane 59 Catherine Olden 29 Crawford 25 " Daisy May 53 Deborah 47 " Deborah H. 41 " Elizabeth 25, 28, 29 Ephraim 29 " Esther 23, 25 Fannie 41 George 28. 29 " George Edmund 41 " George Schenck 29 Gordon Dennis 59 " Hannah 19, 22. 28, 47 Helen Louise 59 James 28, 29, 41 " James E. 29 James Howard 41 Jane 28 Jemima 22 " Job 28. 47 Jonathan 28 " John 15, 17.28. 47.53,63 Joseph 25, 39. 41 Lillian 41 Louisa A. 29 ■• Lydia 33, 41 " Lydia Grover 25 Marcy 28 Maria Elizabeth 29 Martha 28 Martha Ann 28 " Mary 15. 25, 28, .39, 41. 47, 63 Mary Anna 59 " Mary C. 28, 29 " Mehi table 15, 16, 28, 30 Nancy 28 " Robert 23. 25. 28. 29 " Robert Bowno 25 " Ruth 28 Samuel 22. 28 Sarah 47 •' Timothy 19. 22, 31, .39 •' Tylee 25 White, William 28 William C. 25 Whitlock. 49 Caroline 49 Whitman, Gertrude 20, 21 Whitney, Emma 51 Wikoff, Edgar Emmons 62 ;; Ella S. 02 Frederick Conover 62 Henry Conover 62 Wilbur, Elizabeth 22 Wiley, Ella 55 Franklin 55 " William 55 Williams, 42 \\ Elizabeth 17 " Experience 17 George 17 Hannah 15. 59 " Hezekiah 17 Joanna 17 " John 15. 17. 59 Obediah 17 Roger 41. 42, 43 Williamson. Patience 57 Wilson. Catherine 44 " Charles Henry 44 Forman 44 " Frank 44 George 44 " Holmes Throckmorton 44 James K. 44 ' W John 44 Mary 44 Mary Ann 44 Mary Jane 44 Sarah 44 " Susan 44 " William Forman 44 Witter. William 44 Wolcot, William 42 Wolcott, Ann 33 Harriet .33 Lewis 33 Wood, Frances A. 52 Woodford, Matilda J. 60 Rebecca 60 Walter Emerson 60 Walter O. 60 Woods, Eliza P. 39 " Mary Jane 39 William 39 Woodward, 40 Sarah 40 Woolley, Content 17 Edwai-d 17 Elizabeth 50 Emeline 33 Lydia 17 Worden, Charles 50 Ethel 50 " Eugene 50 " Howard 50 Ida .50 Orlando 60 Worth Mary 29 Wright, Ann 10 Thomas 10 WyckolT, Frederick 22 Garrett 57 " Laura 22 " Patience 57 Young, Abigail 18 John 18 SEF X6 mQ Lr Ap '09 THE SCOTT FAMILY OF SHREWSBURY, N. J.