Class _^5lZZ- /9£>4^ Ingoldsby Genealogy Frank S. Ingoldsby and Daughter Kirby, St. I^oiiis. Mo. P. 72 INGOLDSBY GENEALOGY INGOLDSBY, INGALSBE, INGLESBY and ENGLESBY From the 13th Century to 1904 Compiled and Published by FREDERICK W. INGALSBE, of Grand Rapids, Michigan Engravings by Reed-Tandler Engraving Co. Press of U. Grant Clarke (-■ ABBREVIATIONS Daughter — da. Born — b. Died — d. Married — m. Of whom nothing further — ownf. Revolution — Rev. Indepen- ent — Ind. Volunteer — Vol. Regiment — Regt. Estate ad- ministrated — est.adm. Knight — Kt. Baronet — Bart. With- out posterity — s. p. 1 H •J HOW I CAME TO ATTEMPT IT, ETC. I had always desired a genealogy of our family, but with the exception of making out a chart of one branch — that to which I belong — had not taken any step in the matter, under- standing that others were engaged on the work ; and thinking that at some time I could send for a copy. A year ago my desire for a knowledge of the relatives and our genealogical history was stimulated by a visit from a descendant of Aaron, one, Philo B. Ingalsbe ; and after con- siderable correspondence, having learned that the work had never been completed and published, and that the several laborers in the vineyard, Prof. Oscar Fitzalen Ingoldsby, of Eddytown, N. Y., Milo Ingalsbe, of Hartford, N. Y., and May- nard Ingoldsby, of Syracuse, N. Y., had quitted their earthly task, I felt the call of DUTY to the field where the vines were perishing; and a love for the work, decided me to attempt its compilation and publication ; and at once. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance in the com- pilation of Grenville M. Ingalsbe, Annis Ingalsbe Park, Mary Ingoldsby Crans, Anne Ingalsbe Frisbie, Mary Ingalsbe Staples, Caroline A. Ingalsbe, Laura B. Ingalsbe, Emma In- galsbe LeRoy, Florence Ingoldsby LeRoy, Eliza A. Ingalsbe, Smith Ingalsbe, Maynard Ingalsby, Julius M. Inglesby, Albert Inglesby, Mary Inglesby, George W. Ingalsbe, Florence In- galsbe Tufts, Albert Ingalsbe, Jane Ingalsbe Jones, Mary In- galsbe Bradford, Lewis D. Rowell, Frank S. Ingoldsby, Dency Ingalsbe, Almarin P. Bump, Orpha Ingalsbe Spencer, Allison E. Ingoldsby, Parley V. Ingalsbe, John N. Inglesby, Truman Ingalsbe, Frank R. Ingalsbe, Xurry M. Ingalsbe, John and Mark Inglesby, C. F. Ingoldsby, Truelillian Ingalsbe, Mrs. Frank Ingalsbe, Seward A. Ingalsbe, Aaron U., Joel T., Henry and Samuel Ingalsbe, C. H. Englesby, Mary Englesby Brobst, Seth and Adell Ingalsbe, and many others, all of whom I thank cordially. The plan of the work adopted is, beginning with the earliest Ingoldsby record, to give the descent consecutively until there is more than one line, then to give it by genera- tions, beginning with the first of the family, or entail line, and giving each in its respective order in that generation ; then the next generation in the same order ; until we come to the seven branches of Ingalsbe, when each branch is given separately and by generation in the order as above. The pedigree is given at the beginning of each record of our post-revolutionary families, from Capt. Ebenezer Ingalsbe, down. There is still some research necessary to fill out the early Massachusetts history— the looking up the administration of estates, records of deeds, births, marriages and deaths of _in- goldsby, at Boston, Worcester, Sudbury, Shrewsbury, Spring- field, Chelsea, Maiden, Rehoboth, Salem— which I sincerely hope will be done as opportunity offers. The following is respectfully submitted. FRED W. INGALSBE, 123 Hermitage Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. April 1 8th, 1904. DERIVATION OF THE NAME. The name of "Ingoldsby" is an ancient one, formed by that of the old Norse chieftain "Ingjald," a descendant of Aun, the old, and of the Yingling family, (or, according to the Patronymica Brittannia, "from the Scandinavian, 'Ingold,' 'Ingoll,' or 'Ingle,' a surname") in the possessive case, and the Danish termination "by," for village or town, meaning Ingold's town. "Ingjald" or "Ingold" may mean literally in gold, or golden ; i. e., wealthy ; or, it may be a modification of "Angle," an ancient people of England; or, from "Ingol," meaning m- trenched, or fortified, as, Ingolstadt, a fortified city of Bavaria. The first is the probable derivation, as the Danish in their conquest more commonly named their settlements directly after individuals. The Danes are responsible for the name of "Ingoldsby," for they bestowed it upon one of their villages in Lincolnshire, the birthplace of the INGOLDSBY race, when they invaded and settled in England under the chieftains Gothrun and Half- dene in the 9th. century; or later, under Eric, Canute, or, others, in the loth. or nth. centuries. This English town, the mother and sponsor of the IN- GOLDESBY family, is at this day described in an English Church register, as follows : "Ingoldsby — a village and parish in Grantham district, Lincoln. The village stands 4^2 m. nne. of Corby r. station and 8 m. se. of Grantham. Acres 2237. R. P. £3.663. Pop. 427. Houses 81. The Manor and most of the land belongs to Lord Aveland. There is an ancient cir- cular camp about 500 ft. diameter, with several tumuli, called the round hills. The Church is Norman and later English, in good condition and has a tower." "Manor" was synonymous in the language of the Nor- mans, with "villa" in Latin, and "tune" in English. It denoted an extensive parcel of land with a house on it for the accom- modation of the lord, and cottages for his villains and slaves. He generally kept a part in his own hands and bestowed the remainder on two or more tenants, who held of him by mili- tary service, or rent, or other prestations. We have been unable to find anything relating to the Ingoldsby family until the 13th. century, in the reign of Henry III. 160 years after the Norman conquest. Until about this period family nomenclature consisted only of a given name and a nickname, or title, or the addition of their native town ; as, William, the red; Roger, lord of Ingoldesby ; Alan, of Bretagne. This, it will be readily understood, renders identi- fication difficult before the acquisition of this Lincolnshire town by the family. As The Conqueror in his pacification of England almost completely dispossessed the Angles, Saxons and Danes in the proprietorship and holding of the land in favor of his barons, clergy and knights, it is to be presumed that the ancestor of the Ingoldsby family was a knight in the Norman army, and a Dane or Norman ; although it may be possible that he was a Danish thane, one of the exceptions, who obtained William's favor. Mrs. M. Pearson, of Kent, England, an Ingoldsby on her father's side, whose ancestors have always lived in Lincoln- shire , makes the statement that, "the Ingoldsby family is one of the oldest in England, and is mentioned in one history pre- vious to 1230; and that it is of Danish origin." The first of the family that we find any record of bears the Norman name of "Roger." The change in the orthography to "Ingalsbe" was made arbitrarily in 1774-5, when the Revolutionary War broke out, by Capt. Ebenezer Ingoldsby, of Shrewsbury, Mass., and was adopted by the several families : and the apparent reason for the change was on account of Ebenezer and his brother John having been British soldiers in the French-Indian war, and the contingency of their being treated as traitors if captured by the English. The later modifications in spelling are very likely the result of carelessness. The Ingoldsby family is honorably distinguished in the armies and governments of England and Ireland, and among the pioneers in the primeval wilderness of America. Its war- rior blood has never 'languished, but promptly responded to its country's call. Its Military history is a continuous one, for liberty and civilization. The American branch is distinguished as an agricultural people, of culture ; scholarly attainments, philosophical and scientific mentality ; artistic and musical ability ; inventive and mechanical genius ; and rugged honesty. —6- L OUR ENGLISH BEGINNING. SIR ROGER INGOLDESBY Knight, Lord of the manor of Skynand and the manor of Ingoldesby, England, in the county of Lincoln, A, D. 1230. He was doubtless a soldier — It was in the times of almost continuous war- fare — Some of his descendants always have been in the military service of England, and later, the American colonies and United States — The warrior is in their blood. "Roger'' means "famous with the spear." He was succeeded by a younger son 2 — ROGER, of the manors of Skynand and Ingoldesby afore- said, who was succeeded by his son and heir 3 — ROBERT, of the aforesaid manors, who was succeeded by his son and heir 4 — ROGER, Lord of the manors of Skinand and Ingoldesby, who m. da. and heir of Thomas Kelby, son and heir of Ralph Kelby, Lord of Eston. He was succeeded by his son and heir 5 — THOMAS, Lord of the manors of Skinond and Ingoldesby aforesaid, m. Maud, da. and heir of John Freeman of Stapleford, co. Lincoln. He was succeeded by his son and heir 6 — RALPH, Lord of the manors aforesaid, (1431) "J^^^^ uxoris 29 Feb. 10 Henry VI. m. Agnes, da. and heir of William Bardwell, Lord of the third part of the manor of Lethenborough, called "Eaton's Manor." She died I2th Jan. (1492) 8 Henry VII. He evidently moved into his wife's home and was of Lethenborough, parish of Buckingham, co. of Bucks. He was succeeded by his son and heir 7 — THOMAS, Lord of Lethenborough manor aforesaid, was succeeded by his son and heir 8 — JOHN, of Lethenborough aforesaid, Esq. Heir of Agnes (8 Hen. VII.) m. ist. da. of Moore of co. of Bucks, and had son and heir —7— Richard. 2 — ^John, of whom nothing further, m. 2nci. Isabel, da. of Ehnes, and had 3 — Thomas, of whom nothing further. 4 — Ralph, of whom nothing further. 9 — RICHARD, of Lethenborough aforesaid, Esq. D. 1564. m. Winifred, da. of Thomas Greenway Esq. of Compton's, CO. Bucks, Gent, usher to K. Hen. VIII. and had son and heir Francis 2 — George, o. w. n. f. 3 — John, o. w. n. f. 4 — Alice ,who m. Courtney. 10 — FRANCIS, of Lethenborough aforesaid, Esq., 1564. D. 1634. m. 1st. Dorothy, da. of William Saunders Gent, of Welford, co. Northampton, and had son and heir Richard m. 2nd Ann, da. of Richard Crispe, al's. Grippes. Gent, of Cobcot, co. Oxon., relict of Peter Dormer of Newbottle, co. Northampton, and of Ralph Palmer of Waddes den, co. Bucks, who D. 12th Jan. 1579, and had issue 2 — Francis, "altat 14 ann ad mortem matris 22 elir 1579." who m. Margery, 5th. da. and co-heir of Reginald Bray of Stean, co. Bucks, and had son and heir John, o. w. n. f. II — Sir RICHARD, of Lethenborough aforesaid, Kt. Was Sheriff of Bucks, 3 James I. (1606), D. 1635, m. Eliza- beth da. of William Palmer Esq. of Waddesden, co. Bucks and had son and heir Richard 2 — Dorothy, bapt. 12th. 1582. m. ist., 28th. May 1602 to Sir Christopher Pigot Knt. of Doddershall ; 3rd. to Maximilian Petty Esq. of Tetorborth, co. Oxon. ; 3 — Agnes, m. to Richard Sergeant Esq. of Dinton, co. Bucks. 4 — Martha, m. to John Passey Esq. 12 — Sir RICHARD, of Lethenborough aforesaid. Knighted by K. James I. 22 Oct. 1617, when that monarch visited Hinchinbrooke, the Seat of Sir Richard's father-in-law, Sir Oliver Cromwell K. B., (uncle to the Protector, Oliver Cromwell,) whose da. Elizabeth he m. and by •her who D. 2nd. May 1666, had issue I — Francis, bapt. 14th. Aug. 1614. 2 — Richard, 1618. 3— Oliver, b. 1619. A Parliamentary Officer, slain at Pendennis, was knighted. 4— JOHN, b. 1621. 5 — Henry, b. 1622. 6 — George, 7 — Thomas, 8 — William, b. 1627, no further account. I — Elizabeth, d. unm. 2 — Sarah, d. unm. 3 — Ann, b. 1621. m. to Sir Edward Chaloner Kt. 4 — Mary, b. 1629. m. to Major Read, who was wounded at the siege of Bristol, 1645. ANTHONY INGOLDSBY of Boston, co. Lincoln, England, person of family, a money lender and "a. verie inward friend of the maior." 1621 a contempory of Richard (12 gen.) but connected in the family at what point is not known. His sister m. Richard Whittingham. He had a son William Ingoldsby. OF THE 13TH GENERATION. 13 — FRANCIS, (i Richard 12) bapt. 14th. Aug. 1614. In the Parliaments of the Protector 1654-1656 he represented Buckingham. Upon the Restoration, gaining the Royal favor, his name was placed on the list of those on whom it was intended to have conferred the knighthood of the Royal Oak. Subsequently he dissipated his fortune, sold Lethenborough house to Mr. Robinson, his Stewart, mortgaged as far as he could his whole estates and went to London in 1673, being admitted a pensioner at the Charter House 1679, where he d. Oct. i, 1681. He m. Lettice, da. of Crawley Norton Esq. of Offleys, co. Herts, and had issue I — Francis-Richard bapt. 23rd. Apr. 1652, ownf. 2 — Edward, D. young. I — Ellen, 2 — Ann, 3 — Lettice, 4 — Martha, 5 — Elizabeth. 13— Sir RICHARD, K. B. (2 Richard 12) b. 1618. The cele- brated parliamentary General. Was one of the com- missioners of the High Court of Justice for the trial of Charles I. ; signed the warrant for his execution. Was one of the chief confidents of Oliver Cromwell. "Here is Dick Ingoldsby, who can neither pray nor preach, yet -9- I will trust him before ye all," declared the great Oliver. Governor of Oxford Castle and a lord of the Upper House; when he found the cause of his cousin Richard Cromwell desperate, he exerted himself in pro- moting the Restoration and so effectually recommended himself to the favor of Charles II., that he was not only pardoned, being the only one of the regicides freely for- given, but was made a Knight of the Bath. He m. Anne, da. of Sir Richard Croke, a Jvidge of the Court of the Kings Bench, and widow of Thomas Lee Esq. of Hartwell. He d. in 1685 leaving issue : Jane, wife of Thomas Harriot Esq. of Ascot in Glouces- tershire, and a son and heir Richard. 13— JOHN INGOLDSBY (4 Richard 12) b. 1621. "Who is stated to have been also engaged on the Parliamentary side and to have died at sea." But he did not die, al- though he NEVER RETURNED TO ENGLAND, for he came to America and settled in Boston, and became the ancestor of the American Ingoldsby family. John Ingoldsby a single man, appeared in Boston, Mass. Col. 1640 (probably about 20 years old) ; was admitted to the church 9th. July 1641 ; appeared in list of "Freemen" (or voters) May i6th. 1642; was married before 1649 to Ruth (Griffin ?) ; "John Ingoldsby, who married widow Griffin, has liberty to make use of fallen timber at Muddy River for tenant that lives in her house. Oct. 1st. 1673.") He appeared as a witness in the will of William Teft, Boston Sept. 2nd. 1648 and again Nov. 23rd. 1672. He bought a house and lot Jan. 26th 1650 in Boston. Est. adm. 1684. Had issue — I — John, who d. June 3rd. 1649. 2 — John, b. Aug. 15th. 165 1 ; d. 1653. 3 — John, b. July loth. 1653. 4 — William, bapt. June 7th 1656, ownf. 5 — John, b. Oct. 2nd. 1655: d. Oct. 15th. 1655. 6— EBENEZER, b. Dec. 15th, 1656. 7 — Peter, b. Mar. 8th, 1658; bapt. Jan. 13th. 1659; was in Capt. Oliver's Co. Boston Troops 1675-6, King Philip's War; was in the Swamp fight at Narra- ganset. His name was not in the list of killed or wounded, nor in list of applicants for bounty land at close of war, but it is the last known of him. —10— 8 — Sarah (possible da.) m. Caleb Seaver of Roxbury, Mass., Dec. i6th. 1671 ; d. Jan. 31, 1708; had son Nicholas, b. 1680. 9 — Thomas (possible son.) 13 — Sir Henry, Bart. (5 Richard 12) b. 1622 ; held at first a com- mission in the Royal army, but subsequently became a colonel in the service of the Parliament. He went after- wards to Ireland and was there most useful to his party. He was returned to Parliament by counties of Kerry, Limerick and Clare, 1654-6-9. Like his brother Richard, he was zealous in paving his way for future favor with the exiled monarch, whose restoration he foresaw. He left his command and hastened from Ireland, took pos- session of Windsor Castle and garrisoned it for the Parliament, which appeared favorably disposed toward the restoration of the monarchy. For this service he Avas created a Baronet by Charles II. Aug. 30th. 1660, having already obtained a similar dignity from the Pro- tector Cromwell in 1658. He d. in Ireland in 1701, one of the oldest officers in the army ; and left by Anne, da. of Sir Hardress Waller, a son and heir — George. 13 — Sir George, Kt. (6 Richard 12) m. an Irish lady named "Gould;" was killed in the Dutch war; leaving issue — I — Richard, who obtained his first commisssion July 13th, 1667, in Royal Welsh Fusiliers ; commanded regt. in Flanders at siege of Namar. In Ireland he was made Brig.-Gen. 1677-1701. Was in Holland in command of troops in 1702 and 1706; was Maj.-Gen. 1702 and Lt.-Gen. in 1704. In 1706 was transferred to Colonelcy of i8th Royal Irish Foot. Sat for Limerick in Irish parliament 1703. Acting Lord Justice of Ireland in 1709, d. at Dublin in 1712, issue by Frances, da. of James Naper, unknown, but likely the ancestors of the Irish Ingoldsby and Inglesby families of today. 13 — Thomas, (7 Richard 12) of Dedham, co. Essex, England, in 1643, was a Capt. in his brother Richard's regt. Par- liamentary army. Had probable issue of Richard, who was sent to N. Y. at time of Leisler rebel- lion 1690, Capt.-Maj. of two detached companies and commander of English forces. He was acting Gov. of N. Y. and N. J. during interims and from 1707-10. He was very much disliked. It is likely he returned to England in 1710. He became a —11— Colonel before he died in 1720. Possibly he was the father of George Ingoldsby, Lt. of English troops in N. Y. 1721-2. ownf, OF 14TH GENERATION. 14 — Richard (Richard 13) m. Mary ,only da. William Colmare Esq. of Warwick and d. 14th Apr. 1703, leaving issue — I — Thomas, b. 1688. 2 — Richard, living in 1713. — Very likely the Brig.-Gen. who was thought to be his brother's son, Richard, 1st commissioned Ensign in the Foot Guards 28th Aug. 1708, Lt. and Capt. 171 1; Capt. and Lt.-Col. 1715, but who while serving in Flanders and before Fontenoy, May 11, 1745, failing in the execution of an order to take a position of the enemy, was arbi- trarily and wrongfully retired from the army; and d. at London in Lower Grosvenor St. 1759, leaving wife, C. Jane Ingoldsby, issue unknown. 3 — Frances, unm. 1713. 4 — Henrietta, living 1713. 5 — Letitia, d. 171 1. 14 — ^John, (3 of John 13 of Boston Am.) b. July loth, 1653. Apprenticed to Joseph Davis, feltmaker, for the term of 8 years. May ist, 1667. Took the oath of allegience Boston, 1678. At Salem, 1704-12. Est. adm. 1712. Pos. sible issue — John. Eliza, who m. Winsor Golden Apr. 8th, 1698. Elizabeth, who m. Stephen Norwood, 1701. Ebenezer. 14— EBENEZER, (of John 13 of Boston) b. Dec. 13th, 1656, at Boston, Mass., was a soldier in King Philip's war, in Capt. Scottow's company Jan. 25th, 1675-6, on expedi- tion to recover fort at Black Point, which had been sur- rendered to the Indians ; it was found deserted and re- covered without a shot. In Capt. John Jacob's company of Hingham, Mass., at Medfield, July 24th, 1676. He was also in the Swamp fight at Narraganset ; was not in the list of killed or wounded, nor of applicants for bounty lands at close of war. Took oath of allegience 1678. He was the first Ebenezer known of in the family. Probable issue — Ebenezer, an only son. Eliza, m. Winsor Golden Apr. 8th, 1698. Elizabeth M. Stephen Norwood, 1701. Sarah, m. John Perry July 27, 1707. —12- 14 — Thomas, (9, pos. John 13) m. Mildred and had issue — Samuel, b. June i6th, 1680. Susannah, b. Aug. 27th, 1687; m. John Flood July 19th, 1706; m, 2nd. George Pemberton, 1712. 14 — Sir George, Bart. (Sir Henry 13 Eng.) m. Mary, da. of Sir Peter Stanley Bart, and had with a da. Anne, m. to Sir Francis Blundel Bart, a son and heir. Sir William Ingoldsby Bart. m. Theophila, da. of Sir Kingswill Lucy Bart of Broxbourne Herts, and had a da, Anne. He d. Apr. 25th, 1726, and the Baronetcy became extinct. OF THE 15TH GENERATION. 15 — Thomas, (Richard 14; Richard 13) of Waldridge, co. Bucks, England, b. in 1688, d. 1760. High Sheriff of Bucks. 7 George I. (1721) and M, P. for Aylesbury, 1724-34. He sold Cartown, co. Kildare, Ireland, 1738-9, sometime residence of Ingoldsbies and Talbots. m. Anne, da. of Hugh Limbrey of Tangier Park, Hamp- shire, and had issue — I — Richard, of Waldridge ; M. P. for Aylesbury, d. s. p. 2 — Thomas, (believed to be a son) Brig.-Gen. in the army, d. 1757, leaving da. 3 — Martha, m. 1762 George Pawlett, Marquis of Win- chester, d. 1796, leaving son, Charles Ingoldsby Pawlett, who in 1800 became 13th Marquis of Win- chester. 15 — John, (of John 14; John 13) of Salem, Mass., mar. Sarah Robinson May 4th, 1704. Est. adm. 1740. And had possible issue — Elizabeth, July 9th, 1705. John. Ruth, 1713. William, who m. Mary Arnold May 3rd, 1722, both of Rehoboth, Mass. Athia, m. Andrew King Nov. 17th, 1739. 15 — ^John, (of John 14; John 13) of Salem, m. Sarah Robinson May 4th, 1704, and d. in 1706, leaving da. Elizabeth, b. July 9th, 1705. 15 — EBENEZER, (of Ebenezer 14; John 13) an only son, and 17 years old when his father was about 70. The legend is that for many generations the oldest son was named Ebenezer. He was with Capt. Penhallow and company in Maine Jan. 5th-Nov. 14th, 1722, and with Capt. John Grey and company June ist-Nov. 30th, 1725, engaged against the Indians; was from Boston, The legend is, -13— that he had several daughters and three or four boys; that he was mixed up with the Tuttles and a second wife and died while the boys were away in the army, the Tuttles getting possesssion of his property and cheating the boys out of their patrimony. Now, Ebenezer and John of the sons, who lived at Shrewsbury, Mass., served in the French and Indian war in the 1750's, and there also occurs this record, "Sept. 6th, 1754, married, Daniel Tuttle Jr. and Mrs. Anne Inglesby, both of Chelsea," v/hich place is near Boston. According to one branch of the family there was valuable land in Maine belonging to the estate, and another branch has it that the long wharf at Boston was a parcel of it. Sometime they who can follow this matter up may pos- sibly learn more about it. His issue was — EBENEZER, b. 1730. John, of Shrewsbury and West Springfield. (Joseph), who lived near Boston and was the father of Ebenezer Englesby, Cudworth, and Bartholomew, who were in the Rev. war. Bethia, who m. Samuel Waite of Maiden, Mass., 1775, d. 1792 — and others, unknown. OF THE 16TH GENERATION. 16 — John, (Ebenezer 15; Ebenezer 14; John 13) of Shrews- bury, in Capt. Asa Whitcomb's company. Col. Jonathan Bayley's regt., at Lake George under Gen. Abercrombie in 1758; was with Col. Bradstreet in his campaigns in the French and Indian war. Moved to West Spring- field, Mass. Served with his sons in the Revolution. Had issue — Ebenezer, of Capt. Enoch Chapin's co. rev. war. Joseph, of Capt. Enoch Chapin's co. rev. war. John, of Capt. Enoch Chapin's co. rev. war. Abigal, b. Oct. 13th, 1750, m. Joseph Smith of Lexing- ton Mar. 13th. 1777. Nothing further of this family, though it is believed that their descendants live in the state of Vermont, near Rutland and Burlington. The early Ingoldsbies must have run out of boys as the only ones tha't have been met with for an 100 years (excepting late Irish and English comers) are the de- scendants of Capt. Ebenezer Ingoldsby, b. 1730, which is an odd fact considering the several families there were then existing. -14- THE FIRST OF THE INGALSBE FAMILY. EBENEZER INGOLDSBY, alias INGALSBE, (i6) b. Jan. 30th, 1730, in the vicinity of Boston, or Shrewsbury ; lived in Shrewsbury, Worcester co., Mass. ; m. Susanna Robbins, b. Oct. 7th, 1729, about 175 1. He was a soldier in the French and Indian war, serving in Capt. Asa Whitcomb's Co., Col. Tim- othy Ruggle's Regt. as corporal ; was with Johnson and Lyman in camp at Lake George Sept. 1755, and had his first skirmish when sent out after the retreat of Williams and Hendricks and the defeat of Dieskau's Army, to bury the dead and bring in the wounded. He was not in service in 1756-7, but was with Amherst and Wolf at the taking of Louisburg in 1758; with Amherst at Ticonderoga and Crown Point in 1759; with Havi- land in the march from Ft. Edward down the lake and across to Montreal, and at the final round up of the French in Spring of 1760; in the last two campaigns, serving as Ensign and Lieut. After the war he settled in the north part of Shrews- bury as a farmer, and was a Justice of the Peace. A short time before the Revolution, he received for his services in the past war, a grant from the English Government of 10,000 acres of land in Maine ; but the Revolution breaking out shortly after, he took sides with the Colonies and in some manner the grant became lost. Until this time he had spelled his name "Ingoldsby" (Military History of Lancastor Men) but at the beginning of the Revolution he changed it to "INGALSBE." and he had a very good reason for the change. The colonists in general were regarded as rebels by England, but a rebel who had been in English military service was treated to a short ceremony as a traitor, and appearances testify to the willingness of the Ingoldsbies to be forgotten, as military records show a general change of their name. "Ebenezer In- galsbe, Shrewsbury, Sergeant. Capt. Robert Andrews Co. of Minute Men, which marched on the alarm of April 19. 1775, from 2nd precinct in Shrewsbury to Cambridge, service 19 days: also Captain, Col. Job Cushing's regt. engaged Sept. i. 1777, discharged Nov. 2Q, 1777, service 3 mos. 9 days in North- ern Department ,including 10 days (200 miles) travel home; —15- also pay abstracts dated Scaresdale, Nov. 30, 1777, and sworn to in Worcester Co., respectively for retained rations due the officers of Col. Job Cushing's regt. in continental service in the Northern Department ; said Ingalsbe credited with rations from Sept. i, 1777, to Dec. 9, 1777, 224 rations; also Captain 5th Co. Col. Job Cushing's (6th Worcester Co.) regt; list of officers endorsed Jan. i, 1778." (Originals of following, owned by a gt. gt. gd. da., Mrs. Geo. A. Crans, Syracuse, N. Y.) "To whom it may concern: The bearer, Capt. Ebenezer Ingalsbe of Col. Cushing's Regt., has a furlow for 39 days by order of the Director. N. True, Phy.-Genl., General Hospital Northern Department, Oct. 22d, 1777." "Shrewsbury, May 15th, 1778. Then received of Ephram Holland Twenty pounds fine for neglecting to march when drafted agreeable to orders and a resolve of the general court of the State of Mass. Bay. Dated April ye 20th, 1778. I say received by me, Ebenr. Ingalsbe, Capt." Three of his sons also served in the colonial army, Eben'r, John and Joseph. After the war he moved with his wife and the younger children to Hartford, Wash. Co. N. Y., where some of the boys had preceded him, and the others followed and settled. He d. Aug. 17th, 1802, his wife surviving him four years, d. Sept. 17th, 1806. Their children were — I — Ebenezer, Feb. 25, 1752. 2 — John, May 15, 1753. 3 — Joseph, March 22, 1755; d. Oct. 25, 1756. 4 — Joseph, Feb. 9, 1757. 5 — Anna, Feb. 14, 1758; m. Wm. Lovell, 1781 ; d. in Alabama, N. Y., Dec. 1853; had 3 da., Susanna, m. John Chamberlin ; Laura, m. James Farnsworth ; Anna, m. 1st, Freelove ; 2nd, Jewell. Laura Chamberlin, m. Daniel Norton ; da. Elite, m. S. N. Brayton, 202 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 6 — Molly, Dec. 28, 1759, d. vmm. June 23, 1846. 7 — Eunice, Jan. 11, 1762; m. Stephen Bump; d. July 23, 1800; one child, Varney Bump. 8 — Susanna, Oct. i, 1763; d. unm. May 17, 1835. 9 — Aaron Newton, June 10, 1765. 10 — Eber, May 14, 1767. II — Lydia, Apr. 29, 1769; d. Oct. i, 1775. 12 — Levi, July 23, 1771 ; d. Oct. 10, 1771. 13— Levi, Aug. 22, 1773. 14— Asa, Mar. 18, 1775. -16- Edward J. Ingalsbe P. 28 Elijah Ingalsbe P. 18 Seward A. Ingalsbe V. 28 Parley V. Ingalsbe P. 22 OF THE FIRST BRANCH. EBENEZER INGALSBE, (Eb. i6) b. Feb. 25, 1752, at Shrewsbury, Mass. "He enlisted in the Continental service, Private, Capt. John Maynard's Co., Col. Job Cushing's regt., marched Aug. 21, 1777; discharged Aug. 23, 1777; 6 da'ys, including 3 days, 60 miles travel home ; Company marched to Hadley by order of Col. Denney on an alarm at Bennington. Roll dated Shrewsbury." "Private Capt. Ebenezer Ingalsbe's Co., Col. Job Cush- ing's regt.; enlisted Sept. 12, 1777; discharged Nov. 29, 1777; 2 mos., 28 dys. in Northern Department, including 10 days, 200 miles, travel home." "Corporal, Capt. Ephraim Lyon's Co. ; enlisted June 20, 1778; discharged July 13, 1778; 26 dys. Company joined Col. Wade's regt. June 22, 1778, for 21 days' service at Rhode Island. Roll dated Grafton." He did not belong to any Shrewsbury minute men com- pany, but was out 5 or 6 days at time of battle of Lexington ; also at battle of Danbury in Connecticut, where he was wounded by a musket ball, which cut across pit of his stomach, not deep enough to cause him much trouble until he was 40 or 50 years old and very fleshy, after which time he could do no hard work. At Boylstown, Mass., May 20, 1779, he m. Phoebe Estabrook, b. Aug. 2, 1755. After the war he lived in Shrewsbury until 1792, then he moved to Boylstown, and later to Hartford, Wash. Co., N. Y., where his father and brothers had preceded him. After the death of his father and mother, the families began to scatter, some migrating west- ward ; and the winter of 1808 he packed his goods on a sleigh, and with a yoke of oxen and a horse hitched ahead, made his way to Tylerville, Jefferson Co., 8 miles south of Watertown, where his brother John had been since 1804. He had pur- chased 120 acres of land in Scipio, Cayuga Co., and John joined him in his journey to that place. When about two- thirds of the way, they came to Seth and Henry Warner's, where they stayed over night and got into a log chopping match between the Ingalsbes and Warners, the latter being -17— famed for their quickness in that work, the loosers to treat the crowd to rum, of which Eb. and John had three gals, in their sleighs, for which the Warners were thirsting. There were about 20 or 30 Ingalsbes and Warners and all the neighbors came over to see the fun. The Ingalsbes lost the wager and very much of their 3 gals, of rum. After he had his farm cleared at Scipio, he did not do much work, his youngest son, Emery, working the farm and staying with him until his death, July 12, 1828. He then weighed 350 lbs. His wife d. Nov. 13, 1823. Their children were — I — Elijah, Sept. 12, 1780. 2 — Ebenezer, Dec. 23, 1781. 3 — Phoebe, Mar. 28, 1784; m. Joshua Orcutt ; d. Oct., 1832, in Alabama, N. Y. Had issue, Corydon, Silas, Amba, Ezra, Alva, and Azel ; the family moved to Gratiot Co., Mich., where descendants still live. Sam Orcutt and Mrs. Phoebe Phelps, children of Cory- don, live in Grand Rapids, Mich. 4 — Azel, Feb., 1786; d. unm., 1814. 5 — Hulda, Jan. 4, 1789; Samson Spencer; d. in Alabama, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1845 ; liad, Susan, Harriet, Isaiah, Elijah and Sally. The family moved to Vassar, Mich. 6 — Sarah, Aug. 20, 1790; m. John Hays; d. Jan. 2, 1872, Ala- bama, N. Y. ; had Ebenezer, a Methodist minister, d. unm., and John, who was killed while chief of police of San Francisco in the early gold days. 7— Adna, Jan. 11, 1793. 8 — Samuel, Aug. 17, 1796. 9 — Emery, Oct. 24, 1798. OF THE THIRD GENERATION. ELIJAH, (Eb. Eb. 16) b. Sept. 12, 1780, at Boylstown, Mass. ; worked at blacksmithing in early life, but when he miarried he bought a farm and was a farmer the rest of his days. Under six feet tall, but large, strong and agile ; a s\vift runner and high juniper, having in youth made a standing jump over a string held as high as his head and when he was about eighty would jump over fence bars three or four feet up. One of that hardy band of pioneer ax-swinging forest con- querors, which cut its homes out of the State of New York; m. ist, Polly Mitchell; m. 2nd, Nancy Mitchell, her sister, who d. 1861. Served in Maj. Eb. Ingalsbe's regt. in war 1812. Moved from Hartford to Ontario, Penfield, Byron, and settled in Alabama, Gen. Co., N. Y. A member of the Baptist church ; d. July 19, 1872. Polly's children were — —18— I — Elijah Brooks, May 3, 1805. 2 — Rial Estabrook, Sept. 24, 1806. 3 — Hulda P., Sept. 2, 1808; son Enos, b. Nov. 17, 1821. 4 — Parley V., May 29, 1810. 5— Sally L., Apr. 11, 1812; m. John M. Warren; had Parley, Morris, Sarah and Vincent. Nancy's children — 6 — Phelinda, Aug. 29, 1815, d. y. 7 — Phoebe, Oct. i, 1816. 8 — Adna, Sept. 15, 1818; d. unm. 1841, in Michigan. 9 — Anda, Oct., 1821. 10 — Levi, Nov. 24, 1824. EBENEZER, (Eb. Eb. 16) b. Dec. 23, 1781, at Boylstown, Mass. Was a farmer and pioneer; a very powerful man, measuring 48 inches around the chest ; and had an awful heavy voice; but withal a jovial, good natured man, though a great hector. Was a Maj. of Troops in war of 1812. Moved from Hartford to Scipio, Webster and to the Indian Reserve in Gen. Co., N. Y. ; m. Alzada Aldrich ; he d. July 12, 1856. Their children were — Azel d. unm. Darius. . . . Frank. . . . d. Sept., 1848, unm. Harriet. . . m. Mr. Rob. Lucy m. Sheldon Stedman and moved to Spencer, Ohio; had Charlie, d. in war, left son Frank ; Harriet, m. Henry Waters and lives at Spencer, Ohio. Hulda. . . . m. Lorain Whitney and moved to Ransom, Hills- dale Co., Mich. ; had, Franklin E., Scott, Catherine, Alzada ; m. David Hoard and lives at Ransom, Mich. ; Esther, Diana. Lora m. John Bliss, moved to Jackson, Mich.; had two girls and son George. ADNA, (Eb. Eb. 16) b. Jan. 11, 1793, at Boylstown, Mass. Served in his brother's troops in war of 1812 and was a Capt. of Militia for several years in the 1830's; m. at Byron, N. Y., May, 1819, Eliza Fenn, b. Feb. 12, 1799, da. of Theophilus Merriman and Mary (Dibble) Fenn. Was a farmer; moved from Hartford to Byron and Alabama, Gen. Co., N. Y. Served the town as assessor some years. Had liquor in the cellar like other people of those days, but never touched it himself and ceased keeping it as soon as children came into the house. —19— Was six feet tall, had light hair and hazel eyes ; was very quiet and dignified ; was a deacon in the Baptist church ; was a great reader and brought death upon him by his habit of reading through the long winters ; d. Aug. 13, 1848. His wife d. July 26, 1871. Their children were — I — Adna, Feb. 11, 1820. 2 — Ara, Dec. t.j, 1821 ; d. unm. Aug. 15, 1848, of fever. 3 — Alfred, Aug. 13, 1823; d. y. Dec. 14, 1827. 4 — Austin, May 27, 1825. 5 — Colby, Nov. 23, 1826; d. unm. Aug. i, 1848, of fever. 6 — Seth, May 15, 1829. 7— Fenn T., Oct. 18, 1833. 8— Eliza D., May 26, 1835; m. Edward Tryon Mar. 8, 1868; d. Nov. 18, 1877. Had Bessie Erma, who was adopted by Ara and Althe Fenn, of Medina, Ohio, and now lives at Grand Rapids, Mich. ; sons, Adna, now at Cheyenne, Wyo., and Archie, of Niagara Falls City, N. Y. SAMUEL, (Eb. Eb.) b. Aug. 17, 1796; m. Mary Polly Bushman, b. Oct. 31, 1800. Was a farmer; was a good player of the drum and served through the war of 1812 as Drum- Major. A jolly, good man, liked by everybody; lived in Ala- bama, Gen. Co., N. Y. ; elected as a town ofificer at different times; was a Baptist church member; d. of fever Nov. 19, 1848. Always had his joke, even to the last — the day before he died, emaciated and weak, he turned his eyes quizzically on his 15 year old nephew, and whispered, "Fenn, how will you trade knives?" His wife d. Sept. 2'], 1879. Their children were — I — Sally, July 15, 1817; m. Rial Ingalsbe, ist cousin. See his record. 2 — Ebenezer, Mar. 5, 1819. 3 — John, Apr. 27, 1821. 4 — Mary, Aug. 23, 1823 ; m. Wm. Walker ; d. Jan. 3, 1875. Had James, Judson, Charlie. 5 — Phoebe, June 14, 1825 ; m. Stephen Baker, who d. 1843 ! m. 2nd Medad Norton ; d. Dec. 28, 1848. Had son, Medad Norton, who nov/ lives at Alabama, N. Y. 6 — Will, Apr. 30, 1827. 7 — Clarisa, Feb. 11, 1829; m. Ira Green; moved to Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich. ; d. June 4, 1897. 8 — Amanda, Mar. 23, 1833 ; m. Arian Green ; d. Aug. 7, 1879. 9 — Almira, Oct. 4, 1838; d. May 19, 1855, leaving son, Alpheus Ingalsbe. —20- o St _ 03 £ S 2 ir CT> — ^ — C3 « s = c 5 o C8 bo EMERY, (Eb. Eb. i6) b. Oct. 24, 1798, at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Nora Farnsvvorth in Scipio, N. Y. ; was a farmer. After the death of his father he moved to Ahnada, McComb Co., Mich. Was a fiery tempered, large and powerful man, used to having his way and whom men did not dare oppose ; was a Methodist church member ; while he drank liquor, like other men of that day, he became a total abstainer in his later life ; d. about 1868. Their children were — I — John. . Was kicked in the head by a horse and d. unm. 2 — Emery. 3 — Marian d. unm. 1857. 4 — Annis. .m. Orson Ingoldsby ; moved to St. Joe, and to Kala- mazoo Co., where they died. s. p. 5 — Achsie.d. unm. 1862. 6 — Lydia. d. unm. 1862. 7 — Aureliam. Henry Beebe; moved to Otsego, Allegan Co., Mich. OF THE FOURTH GENERATION. ELIJAH BROOKS, (Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. May 3, 1805, at Ontario, Wayne Co., N. Y. ; m. Lucy Wright, who d. 1849; m. 2nd, Barbary Bushman, who d. Mar. i, 1874. Was a farmer and lived in Alabama, Gen. Co., N. Y. Was elected town assessor several years ; d. Feb. 5, 1887. Their children were — I — Elijah B 1830. 2 — Bela .... 1832. 3 — Lucinda .... d. unm. 4 — Martha Lodusky .... d. unm. 1849. 5 — Emily.. 1837; m. in 1858, Oramel Saxton, b. 1828; d. Mar. 26, 1889; d. Dec. I, 1891 ; children, Gertrude, Jen- nette, Horatio, Lyeta, Addie ; m. Lorain Reed; Winnogene, m. Frank Davis ; Barbaro, m. Wm. Stevens; Oramel, Inez, Emma; P. O., Oakfield, N. Y. RIAL E., (Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Sept. 24, 1806, at On- tario, Wayne Co., N. Y. ; m. Sally, da. of Samuel and Polly (Bushman) Ingalsbe, Apr. 27, 1837. Was a farmer and lived on the Judge road, Alabama, Gen. Co., N. Y. A deacon in the Baptist church, for which he served several years as clerk; d. in 1898. Their children were — I— Warren, July 7, 1842; d. Apr. 15, 1846. 2 — Harmon, Apr. 2, 1847. 3— Marion, June 19, 1849; P. O., Basom, N. Y. 4— Mary, Dec. 6, 1850; m. Nov. 27, 1878; d. Feb. 24, 1892. —21- PARLEY v., (Elijah, Eb. Eb. i6) b. May 29, 1810, at Ontario, Wayne Co., N. Y. Brought up on a farm ; though of limited opportunity for a schooling, he possessed a splendid mind for which the district schooling: he secured laid a solid foundation upon which he built a sound fabric in after years from experience, of wisdom, which he exercised in the admin- istration of Justice, town affairs, estates, the accummulation of a considerable property and in business, political and social affairs generally ; m. in the town of Alabama in the forties to Sarah A. McComber. An attentive and loving husband, five sons were born to them, three living to manhood. After a long and happy wedded life, he has lived to walk alone many years. In politics he has always affiliated with the Republican party, as in fact have the whole Ingalsbe family with little exception, being elected Justice of Peace, town of Alabama, 1841 ; again 1845; also in town of Oakfield, 1857, and re-elected twice; elected Supervisor in 1863-64-65. Was U. S. census taker for Oakfield and Elba in 1870. For the last few years a Gypsum Co. has been taking plaster rock from his property, and the income has made him quite independent. He owns two farms on the Judge road west of Oakfield, where he alternately spends the summer and winter when at home. For the last ten years he has frequently made western visiting tours to Mich., 111., Wis., Minn, and Kan. At the age of 93, from Aug. 9 to Nov. I, 1903, he was away from home, making the circle among the relatives alone. He is a large man, little stopped by his years and a very prompt correspondent ; while he says he is retired from business, he still keeps a good account of it and what is happening the world over. Their children were — I — George W., 1847; d- unm. 1887. 2 — Edwin J., Oct. 12, 1852. 3 — Judson L., Feb. 4, 1855 ; d. y. 4 — Seward A., June 9, 1857. 5 — Francis H., Mar. 4, i860; d. y. ANDA, (Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Sept. 9, 1821, at Ontario, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 16, 1854, Almira Hays, b. July 12, 1837, adopted da. of Aunt Sally (Ingalsbe) Hays. Was a farmer; moved to Lakeview, Montcalm Co., Mich., about 1875 ; d. in 1897. Their children were — I — Vinson, Apr. 24, 1856; d. Jan. 27, 1856. 2 — Edmund A., July 12, 1857. 3 — Allen L., Oct. 21, 1859; d. Nov. 2, 1863. 4 — Emery L., May 20, 1864; d. Oct. 21, 1877. 5_Myrta A., Feb. 18, 1868; d. y. 6 — William T., May 21, 1875. Address, Blanchard, Mich.; unm. -22— LEVI, (Elijah, Eb. Eb. i6) b. Nov. 24, 1824, at Penfield, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 25, 1850, Esther Whitney, b. Jan. 24, 1835. Was a farmer and lived on what had been his father's farm, situated on the Judge road near Basom, where he d. in 1899; while he was no politician, he was elected to town offices several times. His wife survives him. Their children were — I — Whitman L., Oct. 30, 1851. Address, Basom, N. Y. 2 — Alma E., June 15, 1854. Address, Basom, N. Y. 3 — Junius M., June 2, 1857. 4 — Slocum B., Mar. 15, 1863. DARIUS (Eb. Eb. Eb. 16). Have been unable to secure courtesy of a reply from him or his children. Must have been born about 1820-30; was a farmer ; moved from Webster, N. Y., to Ithaca, Gratiot Co., Mich. Has retired from the farm and lives in town. Children known of — Darius Jr., Ithaca, Mich. Mrs. Saul Humtly, Ithaca, Mich. Mrs. Sam Kinkerter, Owosso, Mich. ADNA, (Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Feb. 12, 1820, at Byron, N. Y. ; m. Florilla Story at Alabama, N. Y., May, 1851. Was a farmer ; moved tO' Paxton, 111. After the war, moved to Wheaton, Kan. ; d. in California, Feb. 22, 1884, where he had gone for his health. Was a six footer ; of fair complexion and hazel eyes ; a good thinker, logician and a master in debate. Their children were — I — Charlie, Dec. 6, 1852. 2 — Martha, Oct. 9, 1854; m. James Ward in 1871 ; had, Arthur B., May 10, 1872; Adna Fen, Mar. 17, 1892; Clara Blanch, June 29, 1894. Address, Wheaton, Kan. 3— Alfred, Oct. 2.'], i8s6. 4— Albert, ...., 1858; d.y. 1864. 5 — Adna Richard, Dec. 31, 1859. Address, Kansas City, Mo.; unm. 6 — Eliza, June 6, 1863; m. Frank Pennick, 1897; children, Maybel, 1898; Maud, 1900; Wheaton, Kan. 7 — George, July 29, 1867. 8— Amos, , 1869; d. 1871. AUSTIN, (Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. May 27, 1825, at Byron, N. Y. ; m. Sarah Bement at Alabama, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1855. Left farming for the insurance business, but was too honest to -23- suit the companies as an adjuster. Sold the homestead in Alabama and moved to Batavia, later moving to Oakfield, where he truck-farmed until 1898; d. Feb. 17, 1899, while on a visit to his da. Inez, in Chicago. Their children were — I — Clark, Dec. 1856. 2 — Cora, Sept. 1858; m. May i, 1883, Arche M. Griffin; have, Blanch, Laura, Eloise. Address Elba, N. Y. 3 — Inez, Feb. 1866; m. Aug. 17, 1889, Al. Ziegler ; have, Mil- dred, Jessie. Address, Chicago, 111. ; 540 W. 62nd St. SETH, (Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. May 15, 1829, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Lois Baker, Dec. 11, 1850. A farmer; medium height, heavy set and a powerful man, and fearless ; moved to Paxton, 111., in Apr. 1858; was 2nd Lieut. Co. C, in the loth 111. Cav. Sept. 18, 1861-N0V. 27, 1862, when being wounded he was dis- charged on account of ill health, for which he has since been a pensioner. Moved to Wheaton, Pott. Co., Kan., fall of 1870, where he farmed until 1893. Was appointed P. M. at Wheaton in Pres. McKinley's first term and is still serving under Pres. Roosevelt. Their children were — I — Emma, Apr. 19, 1852 ; m. Silas Griffis ; lived at St. Cather- ines, Can.; d. May 13, 1897; '"i^d, Edith M., Nov. 24, 1873; Peter R., Mar. 27, 1876; Edna M., July 17, 1879; d. July 20, 1886; Emma M., Oct. 6, 1881 ; Silas S., Sept. 22, 1883; Edna M., Feb. 12, 1886; Flora M., Apr. 24, 1889; Enid M., Dec. 14, 1894. Address, Rat Portage, Ont., Can. 2 — Adella, Sept. 22, 1853; m. Orrin Ingalsbe 1879; had, Pearl A., May, 1880; d. Aug. 8; Anna E., July 18, 1881 ; Lois A., June 7, 1883; Ebenezer O., Sept. 16, 1884. Address, Wheaton, Kan. 3 — Adna B., Apr. 5, 1855. Address, Mexico City, Mex. ; unm. 4 — Edward S., June 16, 1857. 5 — Franz Sigel, Mar. 22, 1861. 6 — Carrie B., June 22, 1863 ; m. Charlie Swickard, June 9, 1895 ; have, Christine E., Sept. 16, 1896; Emma J., Feb. i, 1898; Geneviou, June 27, 1899; Adna G., July 9, 1902. Wheaton, Kan. 7 — Clarence A., Jan. 22, 1872. FENN T., (Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Oct. 18, 1833, in Ala- bama, N. Y., the seventh son and child, living opposite the school house was carried to school when 2 years old. Fell ofif a load of plank when 4 years old, the rear wheel rolling over —24- 0) d CO o 5 his abdomen between the ribs and hips ; although his parents thought he was killed, his mother quickly carried him into the house and bathed him with liniment, and he was as lively as ever in half an hour; but all his life experienced trouble from the injury. When he was 15 he began to teach school. When 16 he crippled himself for life and almost bled to death by cutting his left foot open while chopping in the woods. Al- though he had never been required to do much on the farm, he was useless for the work thereafter and was sent away to school (and as an old English woman of the neighborhood who had told his forutne in his 14th year, said, as she prophe- sied the accident, he "would think it a misfortune, but it would prove a good fortune") at the Wilson Coll. Inst. 1852-3; Cara Coll. Inst. 1853-6; Hydro-Ther. Med. Coll., N. Y. city summer 1856. He went south in the fall, and the spring 1857 was spent teaching in the Knickerbocker Bus. Col., Natchez, Miss. Went up the river to Tenn. and Iowa in the summer; attended the Hillsdale, Mich., Baptist Coll. 1857-60; and took the Mich. University Law course at Ann Arbor 1860-61 ; commenced the practice of law in Filkin's Law office at Medina, N. Y., and in 1862 helped organize a military company for the war, but was unable to go to the front on account of his foot. Admitted to the Bar of the 7th Jud. Dist. at Rochester, N. Y., 1863 ; shortly after went to Mo. and became a station agent at Brookfield on Hannibal and St. Joe R. R. Went to Chicago and engaged in law practice in '64, but gave it up on account of health in '65, and went as advance agent for Bullard's Panorama of N. Y. City '65-6-7 ; was m. to Ann Maria, da. of Mrs. Mary (Tower) Kinney of Girard, Pa., at Ypsilanti, Mich., June, '67, and lived for a short time at Toledo, Ohio. Moved in fall to Detroit and taught bookkeeping and penmanship successively at the Board of Trade Bus. Coll and Mayhew's Bus. Univ. Later keeping books for a business firm. Moved to Flint, Mich., in 1871 and published his series of International School charts in 1872. Suffered in the panic of '73 and had to relinguish his publish- ing business. Moved to Ohio and engaged in business with Dr. J. J. Stedman at Wellington 1875-8. Returned to Mich, in 1879, settling in Grand Rapids fall 1880, where he has con- ducted a private school in Bookkeeping and Phonography to the present time. At times he has been upon the Lecture Rostrum with subjects on Philosophy. Naturally an inventor, scholar and teacher, he has lacked the physical strength to carry on these activities and has been a frequent sufiferer from neuralgia. Now in his 71st year he is in fair health and enjoy- ing the exercise of bicycling. Has been a widower smce 1875. Children are — -25- I — Frederick William, Apr. i8, 1868. 2 — Charlie Fenn, June 16, 1870. EBENEZER, (Sam. Eb. Eb. 16) b. Mar. 5, 1819, in West- ern N. Y. ;m. June 14, 1840, Ann Eliza Alexander, b. 1823, at Alabama, N. Y. A farmer and lived his long life in his native town ; accumulating a good property ; Ann d. Oct. 7, 1897 ; he d. Nov. 25, 1902. Their children were — I — Sarah, Mar. 28, 1842; m.. Ed. Winslow, Aug. 15, 1862; So. Alabama, N. Y. 2 — Martha, May 15, 1843; "^- Norman Winslow, 1861 ; So. Alabama, N. Y. 3 — Charlotte, Apr. 14, 1845; ^- James Gorton, 1864; So. Ala- bama, N. Y. 4 — Alfred, June 20, 1847. 5 — Orrin, June i, 1849. 6 — Eliza J., Aug. 28, 1852; m. Irving Brown, Apr. 14, 1870. 7 — Hattie C, Mar. 6, 1859; m. Sabert E. Roach, Apr. 13, 1874. JOHN, (Sam. Eb. Eb. 16) b. Apr. 27, 1821, in Western N. Y. ; m. Sybil Farmer, Mar. 4, 1840, at Alabama, N. Y. Moved to Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich., in 1856, where they followed farming to the end, owning a nice property ; Sybil d. in 1894; John d. Jan. 20, 1900. Children were — I — Samuel, Jan. 28, 1841. 2 — Henry, Jan. 6, 1845. 3 — Ara, Sept. 24, 1848. WILL, (Sam. Eb. Eb. 16) b. Apr. 30, 1827, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. June 2, 1848, Charlotte Hotchkiss, b. May 9, 1827; was a farmer and owned a farm on the Judge road near Basom ; d. June 12, 1896. Children were — I — Julia, May 11, 1850; d. July i, 1856. 2 — Julius, Dec. 16, 185 1. 3— Christina E., Dec. 27, 1853; m. Hale Wright, Sept. 1873; had, Dean, m. Bertha Sisso ; Viola, m. Hurbert Chamberlin. Address, So. Alabama, N. Y. 4 — Janette, July 17, 1857; m. Henry Hodgins ; had, Henry. So. Alabama, N. Y. EMERY, (Emery, Eb. Eb. 16) was b. in the thirties ; m. Mary Bisby. Was a physician. Moved from Almada to Brockway, Lapeer Co., Mich., where he d. in the 70's, leaving issue, son Marion, who is in Wisconsin. —26- OF THE FIFTH GENERATION. ELIJAH B., (Elijah B., Elijah, Eb. Eb. i6) b. in 1830, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Lucretia Ford. Was a farmer ; d. in the 8o's. Children were — I — Mary Lodusky, May 29, 1869; d. 2 — Sarah Agnes, Apr. 5, 1873. 3 — Dora Ellen, Mar. 27, 1875. BELA, (Elijah B., Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. 1832 in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Selinda Combs, 1850; moved to Pott. Co., Kan., on a farm near Onaga ; d. Aug. 27, 1880. Their children were — I — Judson W., Oct. 3, 1854. 2 — Dayton F., May 11, 1857; m. Henrietta Riegor, Feb. 19, 1882 ; d. Oct. 24. 1900, while in Chicago, s. p. 3 — Maud A., Aug. 22, 1864; ^- George Groves, 1886; had, Georgia M., Nov. 18, 1886. Address, Onaga, Kan. 4 — Frank, July 29, 1886; m. Simpson P. Chilcote, M. D., Sept. 12, 1883; had, John B., Feb. 15, 1887; Claud L., Aug. I, 1891, d. Oct. 29; Clyde C, Sept. 12, 1892; Bulah B., July 5, 1896; Dayton B., Mar. 21, 1901. St. Clair, Kan. 5 — Claud B., June 27, 1868. 6 — Dora, Aug. 20, 1870; m. Sherman Fulton, May 24, 1888. Onaga, Kan. 7 — Fina, Nov. 8, 1877; m. Thomas Doyle, Jan. 19, 1898; had, Nellie C, Nov. 24, 1898; Mary L., Nov. 13, 1901. Wheaton, Kan. HARMON, (Rial, Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Apr. 2, 1847, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 25, 1869. A farmer; lives near Basom, N. Y. ENOS, (Hulda, Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Nov. 17, 1821, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Alar. 19, 1854, Mary Fenner, b. Jan. 26, 1831. He d. Apr. 3, 1872. Children were — I — Solonois, Dec. 4, 1858. 2_Jackson D., Mar. 9, 1863; d. Sept. 15, 1866. 3— Lorena V., Feb. 9, 1866; m. Frank Townsend, July 2, 1881. Lives at Batavia, N. Y. ; had, Solonois, June 17, 1885, at Alexander, N. Y. ; Florence, Aug. 6, 1887, m. Claud Lyday, at Manchester, Kan.; Darwin, Sept. II, 1889, at Indian Falls, N. Y. 4— Truelillian A., July 20, 1869; unm. Indian Falls, N. Y. -27— EDWARD J., (Parley V., Elijah, Eb. Eb. i6) b. Oct. 12, 1852, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Mary B. Bliss; has lived in his native town all his life ; farming has been his business. Re- sides on the Judge road near Oakfield, N. Y. Their children are — I — Frank R., Aug. 23, 1878; at present attending the Mass. Inst, of Technology, Boston ; No. 47 Rutland Sq. ; home at Oakfield, N. Y. 2 — George W., Oct. 23, 1879; ^'^- ^47 Prospect Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 3— Edith H., Sept. 13, 1883 ; m. Wm. Jones, Oakfield, N. Y. 4— Ralph, Apr. 6, 1887. SEWARD A., (Parley, Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. June 9, 1857, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Ella Jane Bliss. While having made his home with his father near Oakfield, N. Y., his business interests have taken him abroad in the U. S. and Central America. At the fall election, 1903, was nominated upon both Rep. and Dem. tickets for Justice of the Peace. Their children are — I— Florence M., Dec. 16, 1879; m. Ralph Bickle, Mar. 18, 1903, who d. May 7. 2 — Lou W., Aug. 2, 1882. 3 — Myrta, Jan. 17, 1884. 4 — Clarence, Mar. 17, 1889. 5 — Morris, Nov. 3, 1894. Their address, Oakfield, N. Y. JUNIUS M., (Levi, Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. June 2, 1857, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Emogene Nichols in 1885. A farmer; lives near Basom, N. Y. Have — Jessie, . . . ., 1890. SLOCUM B., (Levi, Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Mar. 15, 1863, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Susie Pendee in 1884. Address, Basom, N. Y. EDMUND A., (Anda, Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. July 12, 1857, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Miss Tumelty. A large, powerful man, weighing over 200 lbs. A mechanical genius and musician. Have one child, a girl. CHARLIE, (Adna, Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Dec. 6, 1852, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Mary Musgrave, Feb. 15, 1876, at Whea- —28— :: -*■ --■ Cl.' 01 g I "" f ed ton, Kan., where they lived and he was in business until the panic of 1893 ; since which time they have been at K. C, Mo. Address, Mt. Washington, Mo. He d. Feb. 22, 1904. Their children are — I — Delia, Apr. 13. 1877; m. Marion O'Hara, Aug. 12, 1899; had Bulah, Apr. i, 1903; Mt. Washington, Mo. 2 — Susie, Aug. 7, 1879 ; d. Aug. 9. 3 — Josie, July 13, 1880; d. Apr. 9, 1890. 4 — Minnie, July 13, 1880; d. Aug. 18, 1880. 5 — Emily, Sept. 22, 1884. 6— Charlie, Oct. 14, 1889. 7 — Lewis, Dec. 9, 1894; d. Apr. 2, 1902. ALFRED, (Adna, Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Oct. 27, 1856, in N. Y. Stayed in 111. when his father moved from Paxton to Kan.; m. Mary White and they live at Danville, 111. Their children are — I— Glen, Apr. 18, 1886. 2 — Adna, June 26, 1887. 3 — Alfred, Jan. 6, 1889. 4 — Nora, May 25, 1890. 5 — George, Feb. 9, 1893. 6— Ira, Feb. 18, 1895. 7 — Frank, Oct. 19, 1896. 8 — Mary, Apr. 11, 1898. 9 — Electa, July 28, 1900. 10 — Olive, Sept. 18, 1903. GEORGE, (Adna, Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. July 29, 1867, in 111. ; m. Levine Gentine, 1892. He is in the business of a Gen- eral Store at Wheaton, Kan. Their children are— I — Veda A., Jan. 12, 1893. 2 — Irene A., June 21, 1895. 3— Ruth E., Nov. 22, 1899. CLARK, (Austin, Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Dec. 1856, in Ala- bama, N. Y. ; m. Carrie L. Foley, June 6, 1887. He moved to Syracuse, N. Y., where he d. of pneumonia Jan. 25, 1895. He is survived by his wife and a son. Address, No. 220 Baker St., Syracuse, N. Y. EDWIN S., (Seth, Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. June 16, 1857, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Lucy V. Irish, 1883, in Wheaton, Kan., -29— and they have since lived there on a farm near town. Their children are — I— Ethel G., Mar. 14, 1884. 2 — Richard Fenn, July 15, 1887; d. Jvily 9, 1903. 3 — Maybel E., June 28, 1891. 4 — Lester E., Dec. 20, 1893. 5 — Roscoe L., Oct. 30, 1895. 6 — Marion R., Oct. 1901. FRANZ SIGEL, (Seth, Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Mar. 22, 1861, in Paxton, 111. ; m. Cora Furman, 1884, in Wheaton, Kan., where they lived until 1893, he being engaged in teaching in the school. They now live in Perkins, Okla., where he has business of General Store and P. O. Their children are — I— Nettie L., Mar. 28, 1885. 2 — Oscar C., Apr. 30, 1887. 3 — Lawson S., June 3, 1889. 4 — Harry O., Sept. 16, 1893. 5 — Flora D., Sept. 10, 1895. 6 — Franz S., 1898. CLARENCE A., (Seth, Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Jan. 22, 1872, in Wheaton, Kan.; m. Laura Falkenstein, May 2, 1894. He was in the store with his cousin ; kept the hotel at Whea- ton : changed to the hotel at Blain ; later moved to K. C. where he is now engaged in a department store. Address, No. 437 Montgall Ave., Kansas City. Their children are — I — Meryl, Jan. 21, 1895. 2 — Garnet, Mar. 6, 1897. FREDERICK W., (Fenn T., Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Apr. 18, 1868, in Detroit, Mich. Had the misfortune to lose the sight of his right eye by an arrow being shot into it, at Wellington, Ohio, when he was seven years old. Moved to Grand Rapids, Mich., in Nov., 1880. He assisted his father in conducting a private Bookkeeping and Shorthand business school 1883- 1896. He engaged in his present occupation of keeping books for a printing firm in fall 1897. At times has been engaged in news- paper reporting, and would rather be at some literary study or pursuit. Was m. to Luella M. Hinckley at Freeport, Mich., Aug. 22, 1900. No children. CHARLIE F., (Fenn T., Adna, Eb. Eb. 16) b. June 16, 1870, at Detroit, Mich. Came to Grand Rapids in Nov., 1880. Commenced in the hotel business in 1886 and has been ad- -30- vanced from bell boy to a clerkship, next to manager; being specially adapted to the business by his social disposition. He possesses mechanical and artistic abilities of a high order, can turn his mind and hands to anything. Takes up woodworking as a recreation and becomes a skillful cabinet maker; takes up portraiture to paint a picture of a friend and becomes an accomplished artist — all independent of instruction. Address, The Morton, Grand Rapids, Mich. M. in 1893 Dora Botrufif. No children. ALFRED, (Eb., Sam., Eb. Eb. 16) b. June 20, 1847, i" Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Esther L. Robinson, Sept. 28, 1868; d. Oct. 5, 1896. Mrs. Ingalsbe and da's live at No. 162 Genesee St., Rochester, N. Y. Their children are — I — Lottie E., July i, 1871. 2 — Ida E., Nov. II, 1875 : m. Andrus Van Schoyk, Oct. 12, 1903. 3 — Edah A., Dec. 8, 1881 ; m. George Oberst Smith, Dec. 22, 1903. 4— Florence E., May 17, 1885. ORRIN, (Eb. Sam. Eb. Eb. 16) b. June i, 1849, in Ala- bama, N. Y. ; m. ist, Dilia Mook, May 17, 1869; m. 2nd, at Wheaton, Kan., Adella, da. of Seth and Lois (Baker) Ingalsbe; 3rd, in Nebr., Fanny Johnson. His business has been farmer and stockman. He now lives in Oklahoma. Children by Adella i_Pearl A., May 25, 1880: d. Aug. 8, 1881. 2 — Anna E., July 8, 1881 ; No. 428 Elmwood Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 3 — Lois A., June 7, 1883. 4 — Ebenezer O., Sept. 11. 1884. Children by Fanny — 5— Jessie. 6 — Blanche. 7 — Arlot. SAMUEL, (John, Sam., Eb. Eb. 16) b. Jan. 28, 1841, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Mar. 23, 1862. Rhoda Devine of Ohio, b. Apr. 8, 1846. A carpenter by trade; was in Nashville, Tenn., on government work when Pres. Lincoln was shot; later was engaged in Toledo, O., as millwright; moved to Cambria. Hillsdale Co.. Mich., and kept Dry Goods Store ; which he left to follow up farming for 20 years. Lately he sold out his farm and moved into Hillsdale, where he is engaged at his trade. No. loi Manning St. Children are — -31- I — Nettie, Feb. 23, 1866; m. W. H. Bradshaw, Nov. 24, 1887; d. May 25, 1900. No issue. 2 — Rosa, Jan. 19, 1869; m. W. R. Siddale, Nov. 12, 1890; had, Floyd, Dec, 1896. 3 — Oren, Apr. 12, 1871. 4 — Milla A., June 11, 1875 ; m. David Gringrich, June 20, 1897; live in Toledo, O. 5 — Charles W., Feb. 10, 1879. 6 — Ebenezer, June 30, 1882. HENRY, (John, Sam, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Jan. 6, 1845, in Deer- field, Mich. ; m. Mary J. Hollinshead, Sept. 22, 1867. They live on a farm in Woodbridge, Mich. Their children are — I — Clara, Aug. 4, 1868; m. Clarence Stevens and live in Cam- bria, Mich. Had, Earl, Aug. 15, 1888; Mabel, June 21, 1890. 2 — Lillie, Mar. 12, 1871 ; m. Herman Van Vlack and live in Cambria, Mich. Had. Neva, Dec. 21, 1896. 3 — Florence, July 15, 1874; m. Charles McCarthy and live in Colon, Mich. 4— Myrtle, July 17, 1880. ARA, (John, Sam., Eb. Eb. 16) b. Sept. 24, 1848, in Ala- bama, N. Y. ; m. Martha Hollinshead, July, 1867. Was a cigar manufacturer, but of a restless disposition, and moved from Coldwater to Grand Rapids; to Chicago, 111.; to Los Angeles, Cal., and Pasadena ; to El Paso, Tex., and San Antoine ; to Denver, Col. ; and to San Diego, Cal. No. 645 20th St. last address. Their children are — I — John, July 18, 1868; at last account unm. A musician of marked ability. 2 — Mamie, Oct. 14, 1871 ; m. Oscar Beebe at Grandville, Mich., 1884; he d. 1900; she d. Mar. 18, 1903, at Albu- querque, N. M. Had, son Ford. JULIUS, (Will, Sam, Eb. Eb. 16) b. at Hartland, Niagara Co., N. Y., Dec. 16, 1851 ; m. Dec. 23, 1875, Mary Amidon. Is now engaged in the Agricultural Imp. business and living at Basom, Gen. Co., N. Y. Their children are — I — Frank, Sept. 14, 1876. 2 — Eugene, Jan. 26, 1878. 3 — Levern, June 2.'], 1880; d. Sept., 1881. 4 — Ernest, Feb. 2, 1882. 5 — Eleora, Apr. 19, 1884; d. July 2, 1885. -32— 6 — Robert, Sept. 13, 1886. 7 — Grace Ethel, June 21, 1889. 8 — Ina, Dec. i, 1892. ALPHEUS, (Almira, Sam., Eb. Eb. 16) b. 1855, in Ala- bama, N. Y. ; m. Angeline Wright. They live in So. Alabama, N. Y., which is their P. O. No children. OF THE SIXTH GENERATION. JUDSON W., (Bela, Elijah B., Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Oct. 3, 1854; m. Nettie Painter, May 23, 1878. They live at Onaga, Kan. Their children are — I — Brooks, Apr. 5, 1879; d. Oct. 9, 1903. 2 — Bela, Nov. 21, 1881. 3 — Bertha, Sept. 5, 1882. 4 — Simpson, Jan. 18, 1885. 5— Nora, July 3, 1887. 6 — Ada, Apr. 30, 1893. 7 — Freeman, Oct. 6, 1897. 8 — Riley, Feb. 19, 1901. CLAUD B., (Bela, Elijah B., Elijah, Eb. Eb 16) b. June 27, 1868, in Kansas; m. Hattie L. Nelson, May 20, 1891 ; and they live at Onaga, Kan. Their children are — I— Glen T., Feb. 21, 1892. 2 — Nelson C., Dec. 24, 1896. SOLONOIS, (Enos, Hulda, Elijah, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Dec. 4, 1858, in Alabama, N. Y. ; m. Hattie Townsend ; and now live at West Batavia, N. Y. Their children — I — Mary, Dec. 29, 1879; m. Frank Tupper, Aug. 22, 1898; W. Batavia, N. Y. Have Glen, May 19, 1900. 2— Maurice, June 16, 1883; 22 Gitchell St., Buffalo, N. Y. Checker for Transfer Co. 3 — Marion, June 20, 1885. OREN, (Sam, John, Sam, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Apr. 12, 1871, in Cambria, Mich.; m. July 3, 1894, Ada Haynes; and live at 3415 Summit Ave., Toledo, O. He is in the Grocery business. Their children are — I— Ford, May 4, 1895. 2 — Corwin, June i, 1903. CHARLES W., (Sam, John, Sam, Eb. Eb. 16) b. Feb. 10, 1879, in Cambria, Mich.; m. Julie Wyllys, Sept. 11, 1898; in —33— Grocery business at 2270 Auburn Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Their children are — I — Laura. 2 — Laurence. EBENEZER, (Sam, John, Sam, Eb. Eb. 16) b. June 30, 1882, in Cambria, Mich.; m. Bessie Wyllys, 1890. Their chil- dren are — I — John. 2 — Lila. OF THE SECOND BRANCH. JOHN INGALSBE, (Eb. i6) b. May 15, 1753, in north part of Shrewsbury, Mass. Was in the Revolutionary War. "John Ingalsbe, Shrewsbury, list of men raised to serve in the Continental Army, from 6th Worcester Co. regt., as returned by Capt. Ebenezer Ingalsbe, dated Dec. 15, 1777; engaged for town of Shrewsbury, joined Capt. A. Wheeler's Co., Col. Thomas Nixon's regt., term 3 years." "John Ingalsbee, Private, Capt. Thomas Barnes' Light Inft. Co., Col. Thomas Nixon's (6) regt. Cont. Army, pay accts. for services from Feb. 12, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; credited to town of Shrewsbury; also, Capt. Adam Wheeler's Co., Col. Thomas Nixon's regt., return of men who were in camp, on or before Aug. 15, 1777, dated Soldiers Fortune, Feb. 15, 1779, and cert, at camp near Peeks- kill ; enlisted Feb. 12, 1777; reported deserted Dec. 28, 1777, but returned of his own accord Jan. 21, 1778; also, Capt. Thomas Barnes' Light Inft. Co., Col. Nixon's (6) regt. pay- rolls for June-Oct., 1779; also. Light Inft. Co., Col. Nixon's regt. pay-rolls for Nov.-Dec, 1779; also, Capt. Abel Holden's Co., Col. Nixon's regt. Cont. Army pay accts. for service from Jan. I, 1780, to Feb. 12, 1780, residence Shrewsbury, term 3 years; reported discharged Feb. 12, 1780." Was in Capt. Wheeler's Co. of Minute men in 1775, and on night of Apr. 18 he was detailed with two others to light the signal fire and discharge their alarm guns. In loading his piece, he got so much wet grass or paper, that it split 5 or 6 inches of the muzzle. He ran to the blacksmith, who sawed it ofif and put in a new sight and then they hurried after their Co. ; reaching Lexington just as the British came back from Concord. He started with 24 rounds in his cartridge box and when he got to Charleston he had one left in his box and one in his gun. He used that gun until next Sept. Only 5 Co.'s of the regt. were engaged at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and though not one of them, he was detailed to carry ammunition to those who were. He served in Canada, fall of 1775-6; at taking of Cam- blee and Montreal ; at battle of Three Rivers and White Plains, and help nurse two regts. of Penn. (His especial abhorrence) —35- at Isle Aux Noix, who were down with smallpox ; he was not an immune but did not take it. That was the most disagree- able three months of the war to him, so he used to say. He was with two Cos. on scout duty down the west side of Lake Champlain, helping settlers in Wash, and Warren Cos. to get their stock and goods to Ft. Edward, and they were fired on every morning, by Tories and Indians, who had crawled up during the night for a chance to pick them ofif when they broke camp. It is related, that in one battle, John with one, Sackett, stood in the face of the on-coming Redcoats when all of their company had fled, and as a last load, he put all the buckshot and powder he had into his gun and fired it at the enemy, and it bursted ; then having to run to escape capture, he threw his useless gunbutt in the Britishers' faces with a "There, dam you, take that." Sackett was hit in the heel as he ran, and fell. John stopped to help him, but he got up and ran alright. After the war he settled in Shrewsbury; m. Jan. i, 1785, Lovisa Maynard, b. Apr. 18, 1760; lived there until spring 1789, when they moved to Hartford, Wash. Co., N. Y., where his wife d. in 1799 and he stayed until after his father's and mother's deaths; moving in the spring 1806 to Rutland, JefT. Co., and in Dec. 1812 to north half sec. 27 of Cammillus, Onondaga Co., N. Y. He d. in Van Buren, Aug. 17, 1836, and was buried in lot 27, Sorrel Hill cemetery. (Letter by his son Eber announc- ing his death — Orig. in possession Mrs. Geo, A. Crans, Syra- cuse, N. Y.) "Aaron Ingalsbe, Esq., Hartford, Washington County, N. Y., Canal, Aug. 24. Van Buren, August 19th, 1836. Dear Uncle — It has become my painful duty to inform you of the death of my father. He departed this life the 17th inst., at 4 o'clock afternoon, his health remained about as it was when you was here until about four weeks ago. Since that time he was unable to sit up only to have his bed made. For the last week of his sickness he seemed to be in great distress ; but at last dropped away like going to sleep. My health is not very good and my wife is in poor health. Olive enjoys comfortable health. I wish you would give my respects to Aunt Polly, and all your children. I should be glad to have you write to me as soon as convenient. I feel anxious to learn how you stood your journey and how you found your children. Give my respects to Aunty Molly; if living, tell her I wish her com- fort in her declining years and peace in death. Olive wishes to be remembered to you all. Direct your letters to Van Buren, Onondaga County, Canal Post Office, Eber Ingalsbe. P. S. — Sunday morning — We had frost this morning. Corn is not yet —36- :3 O I— I V be 5£ OS fit to boil. I think we shall get no corn this year. E. In- galsbe." Their children were — I — Cynthia, Mar. 27, 1782 ; m. Grove Malby, Oct. 9, 1805. 2 — Lucy, May 15, 1786; m. Ebenr. LaZelle, 1809. 3 — Eber, June 29, 1787. 4 — Betsy, Oct. 9, 1788; m. Jacob Thomas, Sept, 18, 1808. 5— Joel, July 12, 1790. 6 — Lovisa, Apr. 28, 1792; m. Hazael Henderson, June 5, 1808. 7— John, July 17, 1793. 8 — Ruel, Dec. 26, 1794; d. at Leechate, Ind., unm. 1844. 9 — Olive, Aug. 27, 1796; d. Jan. 24, 1868; had son, Orson In- goldsby. 10 — Polly, Apr. 24, 1798; m. Phineas Meigs Jr., June 20, 1819; d. Aug. I, 1831. OF THE THIRD GENERATION. EBER, (John, Eb. 16) b. in Boylstown, Mass., June 29, 1787; lived in Hartford, N. Y. ; Oct. 1804 went with his uncle Stephen Bump, a great hunter, to Robbins settlement, near Sacketts Harbor, Jefferson Co. ; hired out to Esq. Daniel Eames of Rutland and made four trips to Salt Point, (now Syracuse) after salt. In 1804 not even a log shanty was there. Worked for Eames and Col. Gershone Tuttle five years, clear- ing land, boiling potash and running it into Canada ; and in winter drawing corn, oats and potatoes to Salt Point, and salt, back to Watertown. In 1806 when his father came on with the family, he had to help him build, and clear a few acres; and they had scratching times. Sept. 3, 181 1, he went to work as overseer in the Rutland Woolen Mills Co. (or Factory Co.) May 19, 1812, he enlisted in the Vol's., Capt. Hales' Co., Col. Tuttle's regt. as ist Serg. for 9 months. Was secretary to Gen. Jacob Brown until Oct. 15, when he was taken with camp d3^sentary and moved out to his cousin's at Robbins Settlement, until June, 1813. During his sickness he became acquainted with the school teacher and tailoress, Esther Kniffin, b. Dec. 26, 1789, and they were m. Mar. 25, 1813. In June he enlisted again, for three months, and served most of the time as Lieut, and Paymaster to Col. Belinger's regt. ; was a volunteer in Capt. Tuttle's Ind. Co. whenever there was any fighting; was at the taking of the British after they had cooped the Americans up at the mouth of French creek; was at the battle of Sacketts Harbor. He settled in Van Buren. His wife Esther d. Sept. 5, 1816. Jan. 10, 1819, he m. Zerniah Phipps, b. May 28, 1797, and she survived him, —37— living until Oct. 12, 1859. Eber d. Aug. 31, 1850, and is buried in lot 2^, Sorrel Hill cemetery. Child by Esther was — I — Cleantha, Dec. 11, 1815 ; m. Jan. 21, 1836, Benjamin Wright; d. Aug. 12, 1859. Children by Zerniah — 2 — Harriet, Apr. 4, 1820; m. Sept. 22, 1840, George Brown; d. Dec. 20, 1861. 3 — Maynard, Oct. 23, 1821. 4 — Morris, May 28, 1823 ; d. Sept. 5, 1823. 5 — Morris Phipps, Dec. 7, 1824; d. May 13, 1861, unm. 6 — Albert, Oct. 18, 1825. 7 — Daniel Eames, Oct. 20, 1828. 8 — Mary Phipps, July 14, 183 1 ; d. Aug. 8, 1900, unm. 9 — Joseph Warren. Apr. 20, 1834. 10 — Eber Keyes, Sept. 8, 1836. JOEL, (John, Eb. 16) b. July 12, 1790, in Hartford, Wash. Co., N. Y. Was living at home near Cammillus, Onondaga Co., when he m. July 28, 1814. Hannah Thomas, b. Sept. 6, 1788, in Mass. "He put up a log house near the road from w'here his father lived after he sold the middle lot to Alpheus Earl in 1817." They lived there until 1828, when they moved to Constantia and to Medina Co., O., where the Howes were, About 1841-2 they moved up to Ray Macomb Co., Mich., and bought 60 or 80 acres of land, which they lived on the rest of their years. Joel was a good natured, easy kind of man ; a great marksman with the gun and always ofif hunting or fish- ing. When he was a very old man and could hardly see and had to wipe his eyes several times while sighting, he would drive the tack and drop the target every shot, at several rods distant. In politics, a Republican all over. Hannah d. Apr. 21, 1872, and Joel survived her only until May 13, following. Their children were — I — John Newton, Aug. 3, 1816. 2 — Lovisa, . . . ., 1818; m. Samuel Butterfield, d. Dec. i, 1902; had, Cyntha, m. James McCurdle; Ursula, m. Alonzo Gibson ; Hannah. 3 — Aaron Newton, 1824. 4 — Jacob, 1826. 5 — Charlotte, 1828; m. Charles Lake ; had Jacob M. They live in Macomb Co., Mich. 6 — Martha, 1830; m. Wm. Newberry; d. Feb. 19, 1872. Lived in Lapeer Co., Mich. —38— JOHN, (John, Eb. i6) b. in Hartford, N. Y., July 19, 1793; he served in the war of 1812; m. Sept. 29, 1818, Amanda Chapin, b. at Salem, Mass., Sept. 8, 1798. They moved to Olean, N. Y., and from there to the town of Bradford, Penn., in 1844, where he bought and cleared a farm of 120 acres, en- during hardships such as early settlers only had — lumbering in the winter, raising and breaking oxen for sale, etc., and rafting lumber to the market down the runs and river. He d. in Apr. 1865, being survived by the wife, who d. Mar. 6, 1866. Their children were — I — Ursula, Sept. 2^, 1819; m. Rinaldo D. Ingalsbe, 1839, d. 1842. Had, Sarah E., Levi U. ; both d. unm. 2 — Polly L., Aug. 10, 1824; m. Mr. Noble; d. Aug. 28, 1871 ; had, Alice, m. Mr. Baker, Atlanta, N. Y. ; Maynard, Emma, Ursula, Grace. 3 — Maynard, Oct. 12, 1826. 4 — Sophronia, Nov. 23, 1831 ; m. Luther DeGolia, Amery, Wis. ; had, Herbert, Edgar, Bion, Amanda, Ruel, Chapin, George ; she d. 1902. 5 — Olivia L., Sept. 22, 1843; m. Sheldon Jewett, May, 1866; d. Dec. 7, 1890; had, Blanche E., m. Allen Wright, Custer City, Pa. ; Grace A. 6 — Amanda B., Apr. 23, 1833 ; m. Geo. A. Walker, Emporium, Pa.; d. Jan. 24, 1904; had, Stella, m. W. L. Sykes, Galeton, Pa. ; William, J. M., Gertrude, Grace, George. OF THE FOURTH GENERATION. MAYNARD INGOLDSBY, (Eber, John, Eb. 16) b. in Rutland, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Oct. 23, 1821 ; educated in the common schools and at the Baldwinsville Academy ; settled near Cammillus, Onondaga Co., and was engaged in farming until within a few years of his death, m. Mar. 2, 1861, Eliza D. Spaulding, b. Oct. 7, 1835, da. of Girardus Spaulding. He was a man who took great interest in his family history ; and he devoted the last years of his life exclusively to Ingoldsby genealogical research at the Library of Syracuse, the N. Y. State Library at Albany, and among relatives in N. Y., Penn. and Mich., visiting a great many of them and carrying on a large correspondence, to which the present work is much in- debted. His good work was cut short by his death Mar., 1903, which resulted from a fall he suffered in the last of Feb. His devoted wife survives him. Their children were — I — Percy M., Jan. 19, 1862 ; d. June 14, 1864. —39— 2 — Mary, Dec. i, 1863; m. Geo. A. Crans ; No. 409 Townsend St., Syracuse, N. Y. 3 — Zeriah, (Zeedie) Feb. 24, 1867; m- Mr. Frederick W, Taylor ; 6343 Greene St., Germantown, Philadel- phia, Pa. 4 — Walter, Dec. 24, 1871 ; Soldier 9th regt. U. S. A.; 2651 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 5— Hosea B., July 2. 1875 ; d. July 4, 1875. 6 — Morris, July 2, 1875 ; d. July 3, 1875. 7 — Irene M., July 9, 1876; m. Mr. Howard H. Crowell; 148 Garfield Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. Eliza D. Spaulding Ingoldsby entered into rest May 25, 1904. ALBERT, (Eber, John, Eb. 16) b. Oct. 19, 1826, in Onon- daga Co., N. Y. He went across the plains to California in the gold fever days of 1849 with an ox team ; returning east in 185 1 ; when he again with his brother Daniel left for the west. They mined in California for a year or two and then engaged in farming on the Merced river, in the central part of the state. Albert was associated with the farming industries and Woolen Mill business in Cal. the rest of his life. He was m. Dec. 15, 1870, to Catherine Miller, b. Nov. 25, 1842. He d. Feb. 2, 1892, and is survived by his wife. Their children are — I — Albert, Jan. 18, 1872. 2 — Florence H., Nov. 28, 1874: m. John B. Tufts, June 29, 1898; San Anselmo, Cal. 3 — Stanley M., Aug. 22, 1878. DANIEL FAMES, (Eber. John, Eb. 16) b. Oct. 20, 1828, in Onondaga Co., N. Y. Went to California with his brother Albert in 1851, where he mined a couple of years and then settled on the Merced river and engaged in farming, m. Cata- lina Ruddle, Feb. 22, 1866. d. July 3, 1902; and is survived by his wife. Their children are — I — Coral, Feb. 8, 1867; m. Will Lewis; Stockton, Cal., care Wells, Fargo & Co. Ex. 2 — India, Feb. 7, 1869; m. Jeff. Fruit. 3— Guy, Aug. II, 1 87 1. 4— Leigh, Aug. 14, 1874. 5 — Marie, Apr. 14, 1878; m. Arch Silman. -40— M.aynard Ingoldsby Syracuse, N.Y. P. 39 6 — Floss, Jan, 30, 1881. 7 — Dannie Love, Address, Merced, Cal. JOSEPH W., (Eber, John, Eb. 16) b. Apr. 20, 1834, in Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; m. Nov. 13, 1854, Mary Lanfore, b. Mar. 13, 1835; he d. Oct. 14, 1872; his wife surviving. Their chil- dren are — I — Ida Z., Sept. 11, 1855; m. Frank H. Maltby, Mar. 26, 1873. 2— Harriet, July 25, 1857. 3 — Nellie P., Aug. 26, 1862. 4 — Minnie, Nov. 5, 1868. 5 — Maynard, Apr. 25, 1870; d. May 27, 1872. EBER K., (Eber, John, Eb. 16) b. Sept. 8, 1836, in Onon- daga Co., N. Y. ; m. Jan. 15, 1862, Laura A. McCall, b. June 2, 1842 ; d. Aug. 26, 1864. He lives at Warners, N. Y. Their one child was — Carrie, Sept. 19, 1862; m. Will Peck. JOHN N., (Joel, John, Eb. 16) b. Aug. 3, 1816, in N. Y. "He was named after his grandfather, John Ingalsbe." Was brought to Macomb Co., Mich., by his father and lived in the town of Ray most of his life ;m. Elizabeth Dove. They moved to Canboro, Huron Co., some time before he d. in 1901. Their children are — I — Hannah J., June 14, 1844; m. Warren Howe; lives in Len- nox, Macomb Co., Mich. Had, Ada, Thomas, Henry, Louise. 2— Charlotte A., Dec. 13, 1845; m. Henry Corten ; live in Greenville, Mich. Had, Ernest, Henry, Lottie, Ada. 3 — Joel T., Nov. 30, 1847. 4 — Loretta, May 10, 1850; m. James Swanger; lives in Ionia, Mich. Had, Walter, Henry. 5 — Mora, Oct. i, 1853 ; m. Job Smith ; live in Ubly, Sanilac Co., Mich. Had, Edith, d ; Lophema, d. 6 — Orson, Dec. 15, 1863. AARON N., (Joel, John, Eb. 16) b. 1824, in Onondaga Co., N. Y. "Named after his granduncle, Aaron Newton In- galsbe." Brought to Mich, by his father ; m. Rhoda Cole and moved into Oakland Co., near Oxford, where he d. Aug. 16, 1877. Their children were — i_Lydia S., ; m. Sylvester Hazelton ; live in Oxford, Mich. 2— Hannah M., ; m. Chester Cooley ; live in Bruce, Ma- comb Co., Mich. —41— JACOB, (Joel, John, Eb. i6) b. 1826, in Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; was brought to Mich, by his father; m. Lovina Dove and lived in Huron, St. Clair, and moved back into Macomb Co., when he d. July 10, 1897. Their children were — I — Seward F., ...., 1858. 2 — Annis R., , 1859; d. 1866. 3 — Orpha Z., ...., 1861 ; m. Wm. Spencer; live in Romeo. Macomb Co., Mich. Had, Jacob E., 1884, d ; Evelin A., 1889; William A., 1893; Cassius H., 1897, d; Harry B., 1901. 4— Newell B., , 1863. 5 — John T., . . . ., 1864. 6 — Aaron U., May 25, 1866. 7 — Ann U., May 25, 1866; m. Stephen Rockwood; d. 1888. 8— Almina R., , 1868; m. Alfred Hand; d. 1895. 9 — Julia A., . . . ., 1870; d. 1872. 10 — Cassius C, Feb. 14, 1873. II — Lola J., ...., 1874; m. John McGann ; live in Grant, Huron Co., Mich. 12 — Anthony, Dec. 7, 1876. Address, Canboro, Mich. MAYNARD, (John, John, Eb. 16) b. in Onondaga Co., N. Y., Oct. 12, 1826. Moved to Olean, N. Y., and to Bradford, Penn., in 1844, with his father; with the exception of a few years clerking in stores, his life was spent on the farm which he helped his father to clear, near Custer City, Penn. He served in the war of the Rebellion one year and six months. He was well liked among his neighbors ; had many friends and was elected often to town offices of honor and trust. He had a rich voice and was a grand singer and often spent the winters teaching singing school. A devout Christian and earnest church worker, and for years S. S. supt., loved by all for his sunny disposition and straight forward life. m. Melinda F. Freeman; d. Oct. 11, 1895, survived by the wife and one son. Their children were — I— Grace, , 1859; d. 1859. 2 — Maynard, Aug. 19, i860. 3— Edmund J., Oct. 29, 1862 ; d. Dec. 6, 1877. 4 — Homer, Dec. 29, 1870; d. Dec. 2, 1877. OF THE FIFTH GENERATION. ALBERT, (Albert, Eber, John, Eb. 16) b. Jan. 18, 1872, in California ; m. Margaret Ames, Oct. 16, 1902. Is Trav. Rep. of Mining Interests. Duluth, Minn. —42— STANLEY M., (Albert, Eber, John, Kb. i6) b. Aug. 22, 1878, in California; m. Ada Talbot Young, Feb. 20, 1900. No. 1007 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. LEIGH, (Dan, Eber, John, Eb. 16) b. Aug. 14, 1874, in Merced, Cal. ; m. Grace Laboitian and lives in his native place. JOEL T., (John N., Joel, John, Eb. 16) b. Nov. 30, 1847, in Ray Macomb Co., Mich. ; m. Jennie Botomley and they now live in Brown City, Mich. ORSON, (John, Joel, John, Eb. 16) b. Dec. 15, 1863, in Ray, Macomb Co., Mich.; m. Ella Phelps; live at Sliverwood (or Mayville) Mich. Had one child — Joel, who d. SEWARD F., (Jacob, Joel, John, Eb. 16) b. 1858, in Ma- comb Co., Mich. ; m. Justina Sutherland. They live in Romeo, Mich. NEWELL B., (Jacob, Joel, John, Eb. 16) b. 1863, in Ma- comb Co., Mich. ; m. Eliza Summers ; lives in Orion, Oakland Co., Mich. Their children are — I — Orville. 2 — Chester. JOHN T., (Jacob, Joel, John, Eb. 16) b. 1864, in Macomb Co., Mich. ; m. Minnie McGuire ; live in Beaverton, Gladwin Co.' Mich. One child- William AARON U., (Jacob, Joel, John, Eb. 16) b. May 25, 1866, in Macomb Co.. Mich.; m. Mary Morris; live in St. Louis, Mich. Their children are — I— David E., Dec. 7, 1892. 2 — Janette E., Nov. 3, 1894. CASSIUS C, (Jacob, Joel, John, Eb. 16) b. Feb. 14, 1873, in St. Clair Co., Mich.; m. Ida Carey; now live in St. Louis, Mich. —43^ MAYNARD INGALSBY, (Maynard, John, John, Eb. i6) b. Aug. 19, i860, near Custer City, Pa. ; m. Minnie Wright, b. Sept. II, 1865, of Potter Co., Pa. Served the greater part of ten years in the ministry of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, having prepared himself in the Seminary at Sugar Grove, Pa. But the illness of his father called him home in '95 and since his father's death he has continued at the farm, car- ing for his mother's welfare. They have an only child and daughter — Willmas Myron Tngal&be Ft. Anil, N. Y. P. 4? OF THE THIRD BRANCH. JOSEPH INGALSBE, (Ebenezer i6) b. Feb. 9, 1757, in Shrewsbury, Mass. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army and there are records of his service in "The Military History of Lancaster Men" and "Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War." He was enlisted by his father, Capt. Ebenezer Ingalsbe, into Col. Job Cushing's regt. July 27, 1777. "Joseph Inglasby, Private, Capt. Asa Rice's Co., Col. Job Cushing's Regt., enlisted July 27, 1777, discharged Aug. 29, 1777; service i mo. 9 days, including 6 days (130 miles) travel home. Company ordered to march to Manchester on an alarm and was discharged at Bennington. Roll dated Shrewsbury." "Joseph Inglesbee, Shrewsbury, Private, (late) Capt. James Hyrick's Co., Col. Nathan Spar- hawk's regt.; enlisted Sept. 28, 1778; discharged Dec. 12, 1778; service 2 m. 17 days; Company raised to serve at and about Boston until Jan. i, 1779." He m. Elizabeth Barrett, b. Dec. 28, 1761, and they moved to Hartford, N. Y., after the war when his father and brothers did, about 1790, where he and his wife are buried. He d. Nov. 16, 1816. Their children were — I — Zacheus, Nov. 19, 1783. 2 — Artemus, July 13, 1785 ; d. unm. in old age ; was a farmer in Hartford. 3 — Betsey B., Aug. 25, 1787; m. Henry Rowland; lived at Conesus, N. Y. Had, I — Altathusa, Jan. 28, 1816; d. Jan. 10, 1895; m. Laban Bump ; address, Almerin P. Bump, East Hartford, N. Y. 2 — Hannah Z. ; m. George Jones ; lived in So. Dans- ville, N. Y. ; address Dr. George Jones, Gene- seo, N. Y. 3 — Joseph; address, Mrs. Gertie R. Jewett, So. Livonia, N. Y. • 4 — Frances. 5 — Artemus. —45— 6 — Marion C, ...., 1827; d. Jan. 15, 1895; address Dr. Harry Rowland, Geneseo, N. Y. 7— Henry J. 8 — Elizabeth R. ; m. Wm. Weeks, Geneseo, N. Y. 4 — Altathusa, Sept. 29, 1789; m. Mr. Hazzard ; d. Mar. 11, 1849; da. Mary, m. Wm. Bentley; address, Cam- bridge, N. Y. 5 — Joseph, Apr. 12, 1792 ; d. unm. in old age ; a farmer at Hart- ford, N. Y. 6 — Thaddeus, Aug. 25, 1794; d. Nov. 7, 1794. 7 — Hannah, Nov. 26, 1795; m. Artemus Spring, Hartford, N. Y.; d. Feb. 27, 1886. sp. 8 — Eunice, June 23, 1798; m. Mr. Fosdick. 9 — Esther, Nov. 4, 1800; d. unm. 1885. 10 — Elmira, Oct. 5, 1802; m. Joshua Walling; address, Mary E. ; Elizabeth ; or, Meribah Walling, Governure, N. Y. II — Asa, May 13, 1805; d. in infancy. OF THE THIRD GENERATION. ZACHEUS, (Joseph, Eb. 16) b. Nov. 19, 1783, likely in Shrewsbury, Mass., and grew up at Hartford, N. Y. Was a soldier in the war of 1812. His business was that of a cooper and he lived at Hebron, N. Y. ; m. Esther Chapman, 1809, who bore three children ; m. 2nd in 1817, Dency Whitford, who bore him five children ; he d. Nov. 10, 1856. Esther's children were — I — Charlotte, Nov. 24, 1809; m. Epiphalet Hills, and had, Lorenzo H., and David E. ; m. 2nd James Wright. 2 — Laner, Jan. 14, 1812; d. Nov. 8, 1817. 3 — Esther, Dec. 8, 1815; d. July 29, 1816. Dency's children were — 4 — Hiram, Dec. 6, 1817. 5 — David, Sept. 12, 1820. 6 — Homer, Jan. 26, 1823 ; d. May 7, 1823. 7 — Dency, Mar. 30, 1825; d. Jan. 31, 1831. 8 — Harriet, Sept. i, 1828; m. Wright Adams; live in Middle Granville, N. Y. OF THE FOURTH GENERATION. HIRAM, (Zacheus, Joseph, Eb. 16) b. Dec. 6, 1817, in Hebron, N. Y. ; m. Adelia Baldwin and they lived in Newark, N. J. He was a bookkeeper by occupation. Their children were — -46- I — Mary F., . . . ., 1845. 5 unm. ; No. 50 East Kinney St. 2 — Hattie A., . . . ., 1847 J unm. ; Newark, N. J. ; a milliner. 3 — Caroline A., . . . ., 1855; a teacher. DAVID, (Zacheus, Joseph, Eb. 16) b. Sept. 12, 1820, in Hebron, N. Y. ; m. Emily Elt Maynard and was a farmer in North Granville, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 12, 1880. Their children were — Myron, July i, 1846. Mary, July i, 1846; m. Edwin Staples and lives in Middle Granville, N. Y. Have one child, Annette I., b. Aug. 8, 1877; a teacher at Bloomingdale, Essex Co., N. Y. OF THE FIFTH GENERATION. MYRON, (David, Zacheus, Joseph, Eb. 16) b. July i, 1846, in Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Mary Oatman and they live in Ft. Ann, N. Y., where he is engaged in the meat market busi- ness. Their children are — I — Harvey, Apr. 11, 1872; bookkeeper in Schenectady, N. Y. 2 — Emily, Aug. 4, 1873 ; m. Manser Wait ; live in Millers Falls, N. H. ; have one child, Clayton. 3 — Julia, Nov. 20, 1876. 4 — Dency, May 21, 1879; ^ teacher, Ft. Ann, N. Y, -47- OF THE FOURTH BRANCH. AARON INGALSBE, (Ebenezer i6,) 9th child and 5th son, b. June 10, 1765, in Shrewsbury, Mass.; moved to Hart- ford, N. Y., and was, with the Bumps, the first settlers of that town. He opened with his ax the first clearing there, a small triangular field back of the school house at the "Log Village," now called East Hartford ; m. Polly Hicks, b. Jan. 5, 1773 ; who lived until Jan. 5, 1853. He settled on lot 81 of the Artillery Patent, where he continued until he d. Jan. 17, 1851. Their children were — I — James, July 18, 1789. 2 — Silas, Nov. 13, 1791. 3 — Belus, Sept. 8, 1793. 4 — Aaron, July 12, 1797. 5 — Reuben, Apr. 2, 1802. 6 — Levi, Dec. 29, 1803. , 7 — Elias, Jan. 4, 1807. 8 — Lewis, Jan. 4, 1807. 9 — William, July 24, 1809. 10 — Abel, Apr. 20, 1812; d. Oct. 6, 1813. II — ANNIS, Aug. 6, 1814; m. Leeds Park, b. Sept. 17, 1812, who d. Nov. 10, 1879. Their children were — Elizabeth L., Apr. 29, 1836; m. John B. Rowell; lived at Madison, Wis. ; d. Feb. 17, 1903. Had, Lewis D., of Milwaukee, Wis. Adelia D., May 17, 1840; m. Lorenzo D. Herrick; Verona, Wis. Roderick J., June 19, 1844; d. Nov. 25, 1864. James B., July 8, 1846; Wausa, Neb. Mrs. Annis Park, in her 90th year, is living near Madison, Wis., in the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Rowell, and con- tributed materially to this work with the data of Aaron's family, and other information. She, and Mrs. Amanda Curtis of Warren, Pa., are the only living members of the third generation. -48- s ■-J . CD >■ ^ ? I ~ «5 ^.^lri«»^- 4** ^i% 2 I OF THE THIRD GENERATION. JAMES, (Aaron, Eb. i6) b. July i8, 1789, in Washington Co., N. Y. ; Dec. 8, 1813, m. Fanny Harris, b. in Plainfield, Conn., 1795, da. of Zadock Harris, and lived in Kingsbury, from which place they removed to Hartford, occupying a farm in the south part of town on the west side of the swamp be- tween Hartford and Argyle. She d. May 17, 1868; he d. Aug. 3, 1880. Their children were — I — Mary, Nov. 23, 1814; m. Seth Cooley, May 15, 1836. Had, Dr. James S., June 29, 1845, of Glen Cove, N. Y., who has, Mary Hope, 1873, and Earnest Grenville, 1875. Fanny M., July 29, 1850; m. Jan. 28, 1869, Wm. • Tolman, b. Sept. 6, 1828. Had, William J., 1870, and Mary Fannie, 1875; d. Mar. 13, 1877. 2— Milo, May 29, 1818. 3 — Royal, Sept. 13, 1820. 4 — Homer Harris, July, 1829. 5 — James Leonard, Oct. 12, 1832. SILAS, (Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Nov. 13, 1791, in Washington Co., N. Y. ; m. Rebecca Clark, Nov. i, 1814, at Pawlet, Vt. They moved to Hartford, N. Y., to Springwater, to Alabama, Genesee Co., where Rebecca d. May i, 1853, having borne seven children. He m. 2nd, Eliza Fenn Ingalsbe, relict of his cousin Adna, of Alabama, N. Y. They separated ten years later when he and son James followed son Daniel to Oakland Co., Mich. He was a harness maker by trade ; was interested in his an- cestry and the family legends, and contended that the name should be spelled "Ingoldsby ;" d. at his son's home in Pontiac, Mich., Apr., 1876. Rebecca's children were — I — James, Aug. 21, 1817. 2 — Polly C, Mar. 12, 1821 ; m. Nelson F. Snyder, Jan. i, 1840; d. in N. Y., Mar. 27, 1856. 3 — Alma, May 17, 1823 ; m. James H. Withington, Jan. 2, 1842 ; d. in N. Y., Dec. 6, 1850. 4— Ferris Fitch, Sept. 21, 1825; d. unm. in N. Y., June 11, 1851. 5— Laura Ann, Mar. i, 1828; d. Mar. 11, 1829. 6 — Daniel C, Apr. 23, 1830. 7— Henry Clay, May 23, 1833; d. unm. in N. Y., Mar. 7, 1856. BELUS, (Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Sept. 8, 1793, in Washington Co., N. Y. ; m. in 1814, Sally Maynard, b. Jan. 17, 1797, and they -49— lived in Hartford, N. Y., on a farm. He d. Sept. 2, 1880. Their children were — I — Camilla, July 30, 181 5 ; m. Samuel H. Harden. Had, George and Sarah ; all d. 2 — Phoebe Ann; Feb., 1817; d. unm. 3 — Adolphus W., Oct. 14, 1822. 4 — Fidelia P., May 15, 1824; m. Orville Thompson, Kingsbury, N. Y. Had, Myron D., at Vermillion, S. Dak.; Etta, m. Alex. McDougall, So. Hartford, N. Y. 5 — Xurry M., Aug. 16, 1827. 6 — Charlotte A., Apr. 30, 1829; m. Vincent C. Stone, Morgan, N. Y. Had, Oscar, Jennie, Pearl, Burlington, Vt. ; Fannie, Charles. 7 — Warren B., Sept. 15, 1833. 8 — Aaron B., Dec. 25, 1836; d. unm. in Moreau, N. Y. AARON, (Aaron, Kb. 16) b. July 12, 1797; grew up at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Adeline Norton, Jan. i, 1823; d. Jan. 17, 185 1. Their children were — I — Laura B., Feb. 4, 1831 ; address So. Hartford, N. Y. 2 — Lyman L., May 22, 1836. REUBEN, (Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Apr. 1802, and grew up at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Nancy M. Hall in 1827; he was a farmer; d. Nov. 16, 1830; they had one child — Eliza A., Dec. 11, 1828; unm.; address, Nevada, Mo. LEVI, (Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Dec. 29, 1803, and grew up at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Alta Sheldon Paulet; they moved into Chautauqua Co., N. Y., where he d. Dec. 24, 1839. Their children were — I — Walter S., b. Aug. 2, 1831. 2 — Ann, b. Dec. 31, 1833 ; d. 1850, at Hanover, N. Y. 3 — Henry H., b. Mar. 22, 1836. ELIAS, (Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Jan. 4, 1807, and grew up at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Maria Smith. He and his brother Lewis moved to Dane Co., Wis., about 1847, and he lived at Stoners Prairie, where he d. Nov. 22, 1866; his wife lived until 1890. Their children were — —50— I— Jane, June 22, 1831 ; at Hartford, m. Dec. 25, 1854, Samuel Jones, who d. 1890. She lives at Hastings, Neb. Children are, Lillie, 1857; Fred, i860, d. ; Mary, 1861 ; Jennie, d. ; Jane, 1862; Levi, 1865; Hattie, 1869; Jessie, 1871 ; Willie, 1873, d. 2— Allen, July 28, 1833 ; d. Nov. 25, 1878, Omaha, Neb. Was in California at one time ; unm. 3 — Charles Willard, Oct. 10, 1835. 4 — Israel, July 28, 1837; d. Mar. 13, 1864, in War of Rebellion; unm. 5 — Mary, Apr. 3, 1840; d. Feb. 25, 1842. 6 — Levi, May 29, 1844; d. Aug. 11, 1864, at City Point Hospital in War of Rebellion ; unm. 7 — Nancy, Mar. 3, 1847; iri- Corridon Herrick, Baraboo, Wis., and had, Charles and Frank ; m. 2nd, John Green. 8 — Smith, Jan. 23, 1850. LEWIS, (Aaron, Kb. 16) b. Jan. 4, 1807, at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Lemantha Gilbert at Cohocton, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1836; moved to Stoners Prairie, Dane Co., Wis., where he d. in 1886. They had nine children, six of whom d. in infancy. The three are — I — Abigal, June 24, 1840; d. unm. Sept. 21, 1880. 2 — Annis, Apr. 25, 1847; n^- Wm. Bancroft, Feb. 24, 1889; address, Verona, Wis. 3— DeEtta, Feb. 8, 1854; m. Henry Stockdale, Mar. 23, 1879; and had, Ray, June 6, 1880; Roy, July 19, 1883; Harry, Aug. 21, 1885; Willie, Oct. 5, 1887; Nellie, Mar. I, 1890; Alilo, Jan. 31, 1892. WILLIAM, (Aaron, Eb. 16) b. July 24, 1809, at Hart- ford, N. Y. ; m. Sally Hubbell at Conesus, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 1829. It is thought that he w*as killed, or died suddenly, while on a trip to Buffalo, for his family never heard of him again. Their children were — I — John, about 1830. 2 — Sarah J., July 2, 1832; m. George B. Lewis (d. June, 1903) in N. Y., but moved to Watertown, Wis. ; had, Lilla, m. Charles E. Parks ; George C, m. Margaret Nelson. 3 — George, ; lived at Manchester, Iowa ; was killed on the R. R. ; had three da., one of whom, Mrs. N. H. Magill, Dundee, Iowa. Mrs. A. W. Colvin, Winnebago City, Minn. Mrs. H. W. Farr, Alden, Iowa. -51- OF THE FOURTH GENERATION. MILO, (James, Aaron, Eb. i6) b. May 29, 1818, at Kings- bury, N. Y. He was never very strong or robust and early evinced the taste for literature and mental improvement, which distinguished him through life. He was inclined to the Medical Profession and took a course at the Albany Medical College, but never entered on the practice of medicine. Subsequently he took more interest in physical science. Himself a most popular and successful teacher, he was a promoter of educa- tional interests. He served his town twelve years as Justice of the Peace, being elected three times; the first in 1853; and he was three times elected supervisor, holding the office in 1863-4-5. Fie was a member of the Washington County Agri- cultural Society and several times its president. June 5, 1842, he m. Laura Cook Chapin, native of Chicopee, Mass., adopted by Deacon Moses Cook of Hartford, N. Y. ; who survived he? husband and lives with her son at Sandy Hill, N. Y. He was an officer of the Congregational Church at So. Hartford when he died, Nov. 28, 1893. In later life he had in mind a genea- logy of the "Ingalsbe Family" and collected considerable ma- terial for the purpose ; the data now being in the possession of his son, who contributed freely from it to the present work. Their only child was — Grenville Mellen, July 26, 1846. ROYAL, (James, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Sept. 13, 1820; lived in Hartford during his life; m. Jane Waterbury, 1854, who d 1858; m. 2nd, Nancy R. Bailey, Oct. 3, 1864, who d. Nov. 25 1890; he d. July 17, 1892. Their children are — ■ I — Jennie Marvin, May 5, 1865 ; lives at So. Hartford, N. Y. unm. 2 — Fannie Harris, Sept. 13, 1866; lives at So. Hartford, N. Y. unm. 3 — Edward Royal, Oct. 3, 1867 ; d. Feb. 2, 1869. 4 — James Royal, July 4, 1869. HOMER, (James, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. July 29, 1829; lived in Hartford during his life ; m. Dec. 25, 1853, Nancy Maria Austin, b. Oct. 20, 1833; d. Mar. 12, 1892. He d. May 27, 1896. Their children were — I — Homer Austin, Sept. 29, 1854; d. Jan. i, 1889; unm. 2 — James Royal, Oct. 29, 1856; d. Oct. 12, 1862. —52— o ■1. 3 % cq c4 a 3 — Mary Frances, Mar. 29, 1858; m. Sept. i, 1879, 2nd w. to Wm. Tolman, b. Sept. 6, 1828; live at Hartford, N. Y. Had, Fannie B., June 13, 1880; d. 1888. 4 — Myra Lucretia, Jan. 3, i860; lives at Hartford, N. Y, ; iinm. 5 — Elmer Milo, June 13, 1861. 6 — Alfred Sherman, May i, 1868; d. Jan. 6, 1876. JAMES L., (James, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Oct. 12, 1832, in Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 28, 1858, Delia Sheldon Norton, b. Apr. 9, 1834; they live at Glens Falls, N. Y. Their children are — I — Jessie Benton, Jan. 31, 1861 ; m. Mar. 4, 1896, John J. Qua; live at Glens Falls, N. Y. 2 — Ida May, Nov, 9, 1863 ; m. Jan. 25, 1894, Isaac L. Hutton ; live at Glens Falls, N. Y. 3 — Paul Devereaux, Aug. 30, 1865 ; d. Apr. 28, 1896; unm. 4 — Phoebe Strong, May 10, 1868; Glens Falls, N. Y. ; unm. 5 — Sarah Abigail, Mar. 5, 1870; Glens Falls, N. Y. ; unm. 6 — Jabez Norton, Aug. 30, 1873 ; Glens Falls, N. Y. ; unm. 7— Edith Myrtle, Oct. 24, 1877; Glens Falls, N. Y. ; unm. JAMES INGOEDSBY (Silas, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Aug. 2, 1817, in Hartford, Wash. Co., N. Y. ; m. Sarah A. Marvin, b. May 1819,) July 31, 1840, in Spring-water, N. Y. ; moved to Alabama N. Y. About 1863 he moved to Avon, and later to Pontiac, Oakland Co., Mich., where she d. Oct. 15, 1893; where he now lives v/ith his daughters, and his grandchildren around him A man of superior mentality and a lovable disposition. He was always a lover of music and a very sweet singer, having a rich tenor voice. He used to sing in the choir of the church in So. Alabama, N. Y. He retains his voice very strong and pure and can render the old songs still, in his 87th year. Their children were — I — Ann, Feb. 17, 1843; "^- Joseph Crawford. Had, Mary R., m. Walter J. Fisher, and had, Joe H., Mark R., Charles, Alva H., Kenneth, Mary, d. ; Kate L., m. Charles Van Buskirk; address, Pontiac, Mich. Mr. Crawford d. 2 — Paul, Apr. 15, 1847; d. Apr. 1847. 3 — Florence Jane, Apr. 15, 1847; ^- Edward H. LeRoy. Had, Lucy, m. Wm. G. Sherman, had, Harold G., Flor- ence E., Bloomfield, Mich. ; Sarah E., James A., who is U. S. Con. at Durango, Mex. , had, James A.; Mary L. -53- DANIEL INGOLDSBY, (Silas, Aaron, Eb. i6) b. Apr. 23, 1830, in Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Sarah A. Wolcott, June i, 1853, in Alabama, N. Y. Moved to Avon, and to Pontiac, Oak- land Co., Mich., where he d. in June, 1897; his wife preceding him but a short time. He was a farmer and lived just east of the corporation line. Their children were — I — Laura A., May 31, 1856; m. Geo. Jones, 1877; d. 1878. 2 — Orpha J., July 2, 1859; d. unm. July, 1897. 3 — George, Oct. 20, 1861 ; address, care E. H. LeRoy, Pontiac, Mich. 4 — James A., Nov. 3, 1868. Traveling Agt. Densmore Type- writer; last, Fargo, N. D. ADOLPHUS W., (Belus, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Oct. 14, 1822, in Hartford, Wash. Co., N. Y. Went to California when he was a young man in the early gold days and was interested in a stage line, and came back east after acquiring a fortune, m. Miss Butterfield in N. Y., and moved to Wisconsin, near Columbus, investing in farming and stock lands, and accord- ing to last accounts was living there in 1903. He survived his ist wife and m. a 2nd. The ist wife's children were — I — Ralph, ; d. unm. 2 — Burr 3 — Nora, XURRY M., (Belus, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Aug. 16, 1827, in Hartford, Wash. Co., N. Y. ; m. Feb. 26, 1850, Belinda H. Owens, b. Aug. 26, 1829; they moved to New Salem, 111., where they are still living. Their children were — I — Gertrude L., Jan. 28, 1852; m. Samuel Tedrow of New Salem, 111. Had, Maud, m. Newton Kaylor; Fanny, m. David Smith ; Rose, Myron, Ferris. 2 — Ida Jane, Oct. 13, 1853 ; m. Calvin A. Kennedy of Hale, Mo. Had, Nina J., m. Harry Preble; Camelia, m. James Sheriday, N. Y. City; Grace, John, James, Bert. 3 — Moses Belus, Mar. 16, 1855. 4 — Sally Maria, Sept. 10, 1857; d. Mar. 16, 1861. 5 — Thomas Burr, Sept. 18, 1859. WARREN B., (Belus, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Apr. 15, 1833, in Hartford, Wash. Co., N. Y. ; m. Jan. 5, 1859, Lucretia Hamlin ; they moved to Ft. Edward, where he d. May 20, 1883, Their children were — -54- I — Ralph B., June 9, i860; d. Dec. 21, 1884. 2 — Truman B., Mar. 30, 1864. 3— Philo B., May 18, 1868. Trav. Rep. of The White City Art Co., 330 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 4 — Frank B., Mar. 19, 1870; Minneapolis or St. Paul, Minn. 5 — Ward B., Mar. 23, 1873 ; Plattsburg, N. Y. LYMAN L., (Aaron, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. May 22, 1836, in Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Carrie M. Allen ; d. June 25, 1880. Their children were — I — Addie m. Mr. Duers ; d. 2 — Julia m. Mr. Taylor, Glens Falls, N, Y. 3 — Laura E m. Mr. Barrelle; d. 4 — Ruby G d. 5 — Howard L Syracuse, N. Y. 6 — Mabel Helen.,., m. James R. Ingalsbe, June 19, 1895, So. Hartford, N. Y. Had, Ruth Helen, Oet. 10, 1896. WALTER S. (Levi, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Aug. 2, 1831 ; m. Eliza- beth Brown and lives at Forestville, N. Y. Children are — Antis, b. May 9, 1863 ; m. Frank G. Lewis, and had da. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 5, 1885. Mrs. Lewis is principal Eagle St. School at Fredonia, N. Y., res. Forestville. William, b. Mar. 6, 1867; d. Mar. 25, 1868. HENRY H., (Levi, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Mar. 22, 1836; m. Mar- tha J. Morey. He d. in 1869 at Grand Rapids, Mich. Had one child — Alta, b. Aug. 6, 1868; m. Julian J. Buel ; and had Clar- ence, b. Mar. 25, 1893 ; Julian, b. May 18, 1894. Res., Fredonia, N. Y. CHARLES W., (Elias, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Oct. 10, 1835, in Hartford, N. Y. Grew up at Stoners Prairie, Wis.; m. Charlotte E. Flick, 1865, and lived at Madison, Wis. ; d. July 14, 1876. Their children were — i_Nellie Maria, Jan. 29, 1866; m. Sherley Taylor, 1886. 2— Charles Eugene, Mar. 15, 1869. 3 — Alice Mable, July 18, 1871 ; unm. 4 — Lottie Amria, June i, 1874; m. Luther Buskirk, 1893; d. May 29, 1899. 5_Vinnie Frances, Oct. 16, 1876; m. Wilber Coffman, 1902. -55— SMITH, (Elias, Aaron, Eb. i6) b. Jan. 23, 1850, at Stoners Prairie, Wis. ; m. Carrie A. Bowman ; and they live at Inland, Neb. Their children are — I — George Urban, Apr. 5, 1876. 2 — Grace, June 10, 1878. 3 — Gertrude, Aug. 28, 1880. 4 — Mattie, Mar. 13, 1887. JOHN INGLESBY, (Will, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. about 1830, in Hartford, or Conesus, N. Y., and was reared by his grand- father, Hubble, at Conesus ; m. Catherine Maria Bailey. They are living at Conesus, N. Y. Their children are — I — Mark, Apr. 29, i860; unm. 2 — John B., May 6, 1867; unm. OF THE FIFTH GENERATION. GRENVILLE M., (Milo, James, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. July 26, 1846, in Hartford, N. Y., and an only child. His education was begun by his father, who kept him under his instruction until he was 14 years of age. The follow'ing four winters he attended the district school and one term of Sarah Slocum's Select School. In 1864-5 he was a year at the Ft. Edward Coll. Inst, and entered Union College in 1866, in the class of 1868, where he remained but one year. His record as a student was a brilliant one. His Bachelor's degree was conferred upon him in 1870 and in 1873 the degree of M. A. In 1867 he be- came Prin. of the Argyle Academy at Argyle, N. Y., which position he retained for three years, resigning in 1870, and leaving the educational field for the legal profession. He began the study of law in the office of Hughes & Sandy Hill, N. Y., and after a year entered the Harvard Law School, where he accomplished the two years' course in one year, graduating with honors, as Bachelor of Law in 1872. Besides law, he pursued the study of history under Dr. Elliot ; botany under Dr. Grey ; natural science under Louis Agassiz ; etc. He re-entered Hughes & Northrup's office as managing clerk. During the political campaign of 1872 he flung aside the most flattering offers of preferment to espouse the cause of his personal friend, Horace Greeley. From this time, while identified generally with the Republican party, he has not been a strict partisan. In 1874 he was admitted to the bar, opening an office in Sandy Hill in 1875. Sept. 20, 1876, he was married to Franc E. Groesback, step-da. of Amasa Howland of Sandy Hill. She was b. Oct. 19, 1856, to Nathaniel Barrett and Lydia -56— James Ingoldsby Daughter Granddaughter Mrs. Ann Crawford ]\Irs. Marv Fisher and Great Grandchild Pontiac, Mich. P. :,:i A. (Kingsley) Groesbeck ; both of revolutionary ancestry. Grenville was for four years, 1874-8, secretary of the Washing- ton Co. Agricultural So. ; for nine years elected and served as Justice of the Peace, 1877-86; for three years, 1885-8, Super- visor of his town, in 1887-8 being chairman ; was elected Clerk of the village of Sandy Hill in 1875, and with the exception of one year, served in the office until 1894. In 1895 he was elected Surrogate, and upon the expiration of his term, declined the renomination. He has always been extensively identified with the learned societies of the state, among which, The American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Historical Asso., and State Historical Asso., College and Law Alumni Asso's., Bar Asso., and Political Leagues. His business inter- ests have been wide and various and constantly being extended. In 1884 he was elected a director and counsel for the National Bank of Sandy Hill, and in 1899 elected to the Vice-Pres. of the bank. He holds important official positions in numerous cor- porations and companies, plus that of counsel, and still con- tinues actively in his legal profession. Their only child is — Grenville Howland, b. Nov. 8, 1878. JAMES R., (Royal, James, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. July 4, 1869, in Hartford, N. Y. ; m. June 19, 1895, Mabel Helen, da. of Lyman L. and Carrie M. (Allen) Ingalsbe. Live at So. Hart- ford, N. Y., and have — I — Ruth Helene, Oct. 10, 1896. ELMER M., (Homer, James, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. June 13, 1861, at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 21, 1898, Susan O. Norton, b. Oct. 2, 1877; and live in Hartford, N. Y. They have — Maria Austin, Oct. 30, 1899. MOSES B., (Xurry, Belus, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Mar. 16, 1855 I iTi- Emma Pines, and they live in New Salem, 111. Their children are — I — Xurry, Aug. 2'j, 1876; d. Jan. 5, 1903, unm. 2 — Lennia, June 9, 1878; m. Samuel Higgins of New Salem, 111. ; had, Trumy, Richard. 3— Trumie A., Nov. 25, 1886. 4 — Richard, Jan. 5, 1893. THOMAS B., (Xurry, Belus, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Sept. 18, 1859; n^- Emma B. Marien. They live at New Salem, 111., and have — —57— I — Nellie, , 1884; m. Robert Johnson of New Salem, 111. 2 — Spencer, Jan. 19, 1904. TRUMAN B., (Warren, Belus, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Mar. 30, 1864, at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 27, 1887, Minnie f. Part- ridge ; lived at Ft. Edward until lately ; now at So. Glens Falls, N. Y. Their children are — i_C. Clifford, July 10, 1888. 2 — Lucretia A., Feb. 13, 1897. CHARLES E., (Charles, Elias, Aaron, Eb. 16) b. Mar. 16, 1869, in Minn.; m. Sept. 25, 1892, to Mary Ardella Lee; and they live in Inland, Neb. Their children are — I — Stella Grace, Oct. 17, 1893. 2 — Willard Eugene, Mar. 16, 1895. 3 — Maynard Allen, Nov. 4, 1902. -58- OF THE FIFTH BRANCH. This branch of the family spell the name "Inglesby," excepting Durham's descend- ants, who vary it to "Englesby." In the following records it is spelled with an "I," except where given. EBER INGLESBY, (Ebenezer i6) loth child and 6th son, b. May 14, 1767, in Shrewsbury, Mass.; m. Sally Roxanna Drake, b. Dec. 30, 1770; d. Aug. 14, 1824. She traced her an- cestry from Admiral Sir Francis Drake of England. Eber and family moved to Hartford, N. Y., and to Crown Point, and from there about 1831, he, da. Electa and son, Caleb, removed to Ontario and settled on a farm in Norwich, Oxford Co., where he continued until his death in 1851. Their children were — I — Sally, Apr. 25, 1793 ; m. Mr. Scott, of whom there is a family at Coldwater, Mich. 2 — Durham S., Feb. 23, 1795. 3 — Roxey, Sept. 29, 1797; m. Joseph Cook; d. July 9, 1824; one child, Andrew J. 4 — Eber, Sept. 9, 1799. 5 — Lydia, Oct. 19, 1801 ; d. unm. July 23, 1824. 6— Electa, Oct. 12, 1803; m. Dyer Wilcox; d. Oct. 31, 1893. s.p. 7 — Caleb Drake, June 7, 1805. 8 — Matilda Roxannah, Feb. 26, 1810; m. Dr. Dolson Morton; d. i860, Watertowti, N. Y. s. p. OF THE THIRD GENERATION. DURHAM S., (Eber, Eb. 16) b. Feb. 23, 1795, at Hartford, N. Y., and grew up at Crown Point ; moved to Enosburg Falls, Vt., and about i860 left for the west, settling at Gilmanton, Wis., where he d. in 1864. Was m. to Electa Bell at Crown Point, N. Y. She d. at Albion, Wis., in 1883. Their children were — I — Harrison W., , 1826. 2— Halden D., ,1828. 3— Philo F., , 1830. EBER, (Eber, Eb. 16) b. Sept. 9, 1799, in Hartford, N. Y.; grew up at Crown Point; m. Emily Norton, b. 1804; and they moved, and settled at Gainsville, N. Y., where he d. Aug. 23, -59- iS/o. His wife survived him until Aug. 1881. Their children were — I — Albert, Dec. 25, 1827; enlisted in the 127th regt. 111. Vol. 1862; d. in Merrietta Hospital Aug. 1864; unm. 2 — Lucy A., July 22, 1830; m. Daniel Wheeler, who d. Apr. 1891 ; she d. Dec. 3, 1892, at Chicago, 111. Had, Fred C, Rahway, N. J. 3 — Adelaide V., May 18, 1838; m. James Smith, Swartz Creek, Mich. Had, Homer, Bertie, Eva, Edward. 4 — Homer, Apr, 3, 1839; enlisted 1861, Co. A. 9th regt. N. Y. Vol. ; re-enlisted Dec. 1863 ; killed at Travillian, Va. 1864; unm. 5 — John N., June 9, 1842. 6 — Henry C, Apr. 6, 1844; d. 1845. CALEB D., (Eber, Eb. 16) b. June 7, 1805, at Crown Point, N. Y. Moved with his father and a sister to a farm in Norwich, Oxford Co., Ont., about 1831, where he lived for over fifty years; m. May 25, 1835, Huldah Wilcox, b. Dec. 6, 1809, who with her uncle. Dyer Wilcox, had preceded him from N. Y. to Canada. In 1881 Caleb sold his farm and re- moved to a suburban home, which was called "Cedar Lawn Park," near Tilsonbury ; where he d. July 9, 1888; and his wife followed Jan. 29, 1895. Their children were — I — Edwin Caleb, Mar. 31, 1836. 2 — Mary Matilda, Dec. 3, 1837; unm.; Gladstone, Mich., care Rev. David H. Yokom. 3— Albert, Aug. 5, 1839. 4 — Rollin Carlos, Feb. 7, 1841. 5 — Lorain E., Apr. 10, 1843 - ^n- June 3, 1870, Charles Ken- nedy, d. Had, William C, Arthur I. Address, Ingersol, Ont. 6 — ^Julius Morton, Aug. 25, 1847. 7 — Emma Amelia, May 26, 1849; "^- 1872, Wm. Gillespie, d. Had, Edwin B., Athelwin, Mabelle C, William I., Helen. No. 7046 Eggleston Ave., Chicago, 111. 8— Ella Eunice, Mar. 4, 1852; d. y. 9 — Evangeline, July 26, 1854; m. July 21, 1874, Rev. David H. Yokom. Had, Wm. W., d; Merle C, Fred M., Arton E., Mertalene M. Gladstone, Mich. OF THE FOURTH GENERATION. HARRISON W. ENGLESBY, (Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. 1826, at Enosburg Falls, Vt. ; m. Roxanna Hammond at -60— Caleb Drake Inglesby P. 60 Mis. Wilcox Mrs. Kva Stanton iVlrs. Julius M. Inglesby Great Grandmother And Son Harry P. 62 Berkshire, Vt. ; moved to Wisconsin in the 50's, and they are now living at Albion, Trempealeau Co. Their children are — I — Mary E., Feb. 5th, 1850, Montgomery, Vt. ; m. John F. Brobst, 1865, Gilmanton, Wis.; present address, Mondovi, Wis. Had, H. F., 1867; m. Maggie Milan, 1894; Lona A., 1868, m. Elmer Harvey, 1892; John E., now in Schenectady, N. Y. 2 — Curtis H., , 1852. 3— John H. ., 1859. 4 — Edward S., , 1862. 5— PhiloF., , 1868. 6 — Harrison, , 1869. HALDON D. ENGLESBY, (Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. 1828, at Enosburg Falls, Vt. ; m. Clarissa Hopkins. Moved in the 50's to Mondovi, Wis. ; served in the Civil War; d. in 1897. Present address of Mrs. Englesby, No. 307 S. Lincoln, Spo- kane, Wash. Their children are — I— Ella. 2— Will D. 3 — George H., July 17, 1861. 4 — Delia, July, 1865 ; m. C. S. Kenyon; live at Gilmanton, Wis. Had, Reed, Leon, Ethel. PHILO F. ENGLESBY, (Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. 1830, at Enosburg Falls, Vt. Moved to Wis. in the 50's and to Watertown, S. D., in 1880, w^here he still resides; m. Mary J. Gilman, b. 1836, at Fayette, Wis., and lived in Buffalo Co.; Northfield, Minn., and Mondovi, Wis. Served in the Civil War. Their children are — I — Hattie, 1857, Fayette, Wis. ; d. 1867, Northfield, Minn. 2 — Nettie, 1859, Gilmanton, Wis. ; m. Geo. A. Edes, at Eleva, Wis., 1876; address, Morgan Hill, Cal. 3 — Henry E., 1867. 4 — Charles H., 1869. 5— Fred C, 1878. JOHN N., (Eber, Eber, Eb. 16) b. June 9, 1842, in N. Y. ; m. Adell E. Brainard in 1870; and they live at Gainesville, Wyoming Co., N. Y. No children. EDWIN C, (Caleb, Eber, Eb. 16) b. Mar. 31, 1836, at Norwich, Ont. Moved to the States before the war of the Rebellion, and was a soldier for one year, being in the battle of -61- Franklin and Nashville ; m. Elizabeth Musgrove about 1869 and lived at Boon, Iowa ; d. July 9, 1883. Their children are — I — Viola, ;m. Henry Warner in 1889 and live at Win- terset, Iowa. Had, Lester C, July 17, 1890; Roland E., June 5, 1892; Donald K., Feb. 5, 1894; Hallie A., May 4, 1896; Virgil A., Mar. 16, 1899. 2 — Fred W., Sept. 24, 1875. ALBERT, (Caleb, Eber, Eb. 16) b. Apr. 7, 1840, in Nor- wich, Ont. ; m. June i, 1867, at Springford, Ont., Elizabeth Catherine Gibson, b. Apr. 7, 1847. She was on a visit to her sister in Salt Lake City when she died Oct. 10, 1899, and was buried there. Albert is living in the family of Dr. Wm. A. Wilcox, a cousin, at Omaha, Neb. Their children were — I — Clarence Eugene, Apr. 8, 1869. 2 — Arthur LeRoy, Nov. 2, 1873. ROLLIN C, (Caleb, Eber, Eb. 16) b. Feb. 7, 1841, at Norwich, Ont. ; m. Lydia Laur. They moved to Toledo, Ohio, 814 Lagrange St., and he was engaged teaching in the Tri- State Business College. Their children are — I — Dora ;d. 2 — Ora L., ; at 814 Lagrange St. ; bookkeeper. JULIUS M., (Caleb, Eber, Eb. 16) b. Aug. 25, 1847, at Norwich, Ont., Oct. 18, 1871 m. Sarah Louisa Wilcox; and they live at Woodstock, Ont. He is in the employ of Heintz- man & Co., Piano Forte Mfgs., as Agt. at London, Ont. Their children are — I — Alfred, , 1873 ; Woodstock, Ont. 2 — Eva I., Oct. 28, 1876; m. Mervin Stanton. Had son, Harry M., Nov. 29, 1899. 3 — Edgar, , 1882 ; Woodstock, Ont. 4 — Loraine, ; d. OF THE FIFTH GENERATION. CURTIS H. ENGLESBY, (Harrison, Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. 1852, in Canada; m. Annie Kelly, 1876, Mondovi, Wis. Their children are — I— William, , 1882. • 2 — Leo, , 1887. 3— Gay, , 1889. 4 — Ora, , 1892. ; -62- JOHN H. ENGLESBY, (Harrison, Durham, Eber, Eb. i6) b. 1859, at Gilmanton, Wis. ; m. Ona Gibson, 1887, at Albion, Wis. Their children are — I — Leigh, , 1890. 2 — Goldie, , 1901. EDWARD S. ENGLESBY, (Harrison, Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. 1862, at Gilmanton, Wis. ; m. Ida Gibson, 1893. Live at Eleva, Wis. Have one child — I — Marguerite, , 1901. PHILO F. ENGLESBY, (Harrison, Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. 1868, at Gilmanton, Wis.; m. Selina Myres, 1895, at Eleva, and reside at Albion, Wis. Their children are — I — Cleo, , 1897. 2 — Clendon, 1899. 3 — Reed, , 1901. 4 — Esther, , 1903. HARRISON ENGLESBY, (Harrison, Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. 1869, at Coral City, Wis. ; m. Floribell South, in Minnesota. Now living in Mondovi, Wis. Their children are — I— Ruby, , 1898. 2 — Guy, , 1900. 3— Mae, , 1903. GEORGE H. ENGLESBY, (Haldon, Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. July 17, 1861, at Gilmanton, Wis.; m. Jennie Cody, Jan. 23, 1889, v^ho died at Pomona, Cal., June 12, 1896. He is living at Fowler, Otero Co., Colo. Their children are — I — Eva B., Jan. 6, 1890, at Weston, Neb. 2 — G. Leon, Jan. 8, 1893, at Lake City, Iowa. 3 — Glen H., June 26, 1894, at Lake City, Iowa. HENRY E. ENGLESBY, (Philo F. Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. 1867, at Northfield, Minn. ; m. Emma Huston, and living at Watertown, S. D. Their children are — I — Ralph, , 1891. 2 — Frank, , 1896. 3 — Gertrude, , 1898. 4 — Howard, , 1902. CHARLES H. ENGLESBY, (Philo F. Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. 1869, in Brown Co., Minn. ; m. 1895, Julia E. Parker, -63— and they live in Watertown, S. D., where he is engaged in business under the firm name of Stover & Englesby, as gen- eral cement contractors. He served in the Spanish-American War and in the Philippines as a Captain in the ist So. Dak. Inft. Their children are — I — Hugh, , 1897; d. 1898. 2 — Adeline, , 1898. 3— Ruth, , 1903. FRED C. ENGLESBY, (Philo F. Durham, Eber, Eb. 16) b. 1878, at Eleva, Wis. ; m. 1903, Edna Lawrence at Morgan Hill, Cal., and live in Watertown, S. D. FRED W., (Edwin, Caleb, Eber, Eb. 16) b. Sept. 24, 1875 J m. Belle Snedden, Aug. 31, 1899; and they live at Boon, Iowa; farming. They have — I — Edwin Earl, , 1900. CLARENCE E., (Albert, Caleb, Eber, Eb. 16) b. Apr. 8, 1869; m. Mary Burns in 1898; and they live at Bingham Canyon, Utah. Their children are — I — Willis Burns, Mar, 17, 1899. 2 — Beth, Sept. 24, 1901. ARTHUR L., (Albert, Caleb, Eber, Eb. 16) b. Nov. 2, 1873 ; graduated in the course of dentistry at the Northwestern University, Chicago, in 1898, and is engaged in the practice of his profession at Bingham Canyon, Utah. -64- o r V a ti a ti- ^ cs s a < < u OF THE SIXTH BRANCH. LEVI INGALSBE, (Ebenezer i6) 13th child and 8th son, b. Aug. 22, 1773, in Shrewsbury, Mass. ; moved with his parents to Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Betsy Newman, a widow and mother of four children (nee, Betsy Cole). They mo.ved west to the town of Butternuts, Onondaga Co., and were living there near his brother, John, in 1828. He was a schoolmaster and farmer; d. in 1855. Their children were — I — Filander, ; d. unm. in Arkansas. 2 — Rinaldo, Aug. 10, 1810. 3 — Sophronia, ; m. John Osmer, Fredonia, N. Y. Had 3 boys, 2 girls. 4 — Lorinda, ; m. Hiram Oilman, Warren, Pa. Had, Hiram, only son. 5 — Amanda, Feb. 2, 1816; m. Miner Curtis; North Warren, Pa. Had, Rinaldo I., 1839, d. Feb. 1891 ; Miner A., 1848, d. Nov. 1899; Nelson P., Aug. 28, 1839; Amanda is living with her son. Nelson, and with the excep- tion of Annis Park of Madison, Wis., is the only one living of her generation. Amanda Ingalsbe Curtis, who was born Feb. 2, 1816; died March 22, 1904. OF THE THIRD AND FOURTH GENERATIONS. RINALDO D., (Levi, Eb. 16) b. Aug. 10, 1810, at Hart- ford, N. Y., and grew up in the town of Butternuts, N. Y. ; m. ist in 1839, Ursula, da. of John and Amanda (Chapin) In- galsbe. Two children were born to them and she d. Jan, 1842. m. 2nd Mary Ann Russell, b. Aug. 14, 1819. Five children were born of this union and she d. Apr. 1853. m. 3rd Eliza Root, b. July 26, 1822, and they had seven children born. He was a schoolmaster when a young man, and later kept store -65— & and was in the lumbering business, but finally settled down to farming, in Warren, Pa., at which he ended his days Oct. i, 1878. His wife, Eliza, survived him until the next Apr. 19, 1879. Their children were — By Ursula — I — Sarah E., Oct. 26, 1840; d. Feb. 9, 1849. 2 — Levi Ursula, May 29, 1842 ; d. July 3, 1867, unm. By Mary— 3 — Russell A., Dec. 28, 1844; enlisted in the famous Bucktail regt. in '61 ; out for two years or more and then was wounded and discharged. Enlisted again in the 2ist Penn. Cav. and met death in that troop, in his 20th year, Mar., 1865. 4 — Emma J., Oct. 30, 1846; m. Daniel LeRoy in 1891 ; Lewis Run, Pa. n. c. 5 — Grace A., Mar. 26, 1849; "^- King Harmon; Warren, Pa.; n. c. 6 — Lorinda E., Oct. 25, 1851 ; d. y. 7 — Rinaldo D., Mar. 25, 1850; d. y. By Eliza — 8 — Clara, Aug. 2, 1855 ; m. F. C. Harris ; moved to Blackwell, Okla. ; Box 42. Had, Ruth E., Apr. 30, 1878 ; John L, Nov. 1879; Delpha R., Oct. 19, 1881 ; Leslie, Oct. 23, 1883 ; Alice, Apr. 1885, nurse in St. Louis Mo. Hospital; Charlie, Apr. 1887, d. ; Fern, July, 1891. 9 — Eddie R, Dec. 19, 1856; d. y. 10 — Sarah A., Jan. 24, 1858; m. G. W. Foster; Lewis Run, Pa.; d. 1890. Had, Gerald W., Dec. 1882; Lloyd, Mar. 1884; Clara, Aug. 1885; Myrtle I, Oct. 1886; Georgia, Apr. 1888 ; Beulah M., May, 1889, d. 1890. II — Mary L., Oct. 3, 1859; d. Apr. 1876, unm. 12 — Caroline S., Jan. 19, 1861 ; m. Shelden Jewett, Mar. 2, 1892; Custer City, Pa. Had, Shelden, 1893; Hallis, 1895; Margret, 1898. 13 — Julia L., Feb. 19, 1863; m. Frank F. Waid ; R. F. D. 8, Marion, Ind. Had, Mignon E., Dec. 1884, d. Aug. 1889; Ernest L., Feb. 1887; Dorris E., Mar. 1889. Yone, June, 1891 ;June, Aug. 1893; Harold L, 1894. 14— Gertrude E., Oct. 1865, d. Aug. 1866. -66- CO 60 l^^K Jit' -^ k^ f ^"W^- IPP^- be ] o -J OF THE SEVENTH BRANCH. ASA INGALSBE, (Ebenezer i6) 14th child and 9th son, b. Mar. 18, 1775, in Shrewsbury, Mass., and moved to Hart- ford, N. Y., with his parents in 1790, but finally settled in Hartwick, Otsego Co., where he continued until his death, Apr. 25, 1855. He was m. ist to Sally Mann, b. Aug. 9, 1778, who d. Aug. 21, 1803. His 2nd wife was Jane (or Jinna) Booth, b. July 8, 1780, and she survived him until Nov. 7, 1863. He was a shoemaker. Their children were — By Sally— I — Alvah, Mar. 23, 1797. 2 — Thaddeus, Feb. 4, 1799. 3 — Sally, June 27, 1801 ; m. Angel Harrington ; moved to Ind. 4 — Asa, Aug. 2, 1803. By "Jinna"— 5 — Mary, (or Polly) Jan. 25, 1806; m. Franklin Allen of Otsego, N. Y. ; d. May 12, 1891. Had, Harriet, 1833, d. 1854; was noted as a weaver of cloth and car- pets, and compounder of medicines. 6 — William, Apr. 10, 1807 ; d. 1809. 7 — George, May 8, 1808; m. Maria Scriver, and owned a large stock farm in Hancock, N. Y. ; was a Justice for 8 years ; d. Apr. 30, 1893, s. p. 8— Silas, May 8, 1810. 9 — Jinna, (or Jane) Jan. 18, 1813 ; was a fashionable dress- maker at Hartwick; d. Mar. i, 1898, unm. 10 — Laura, Aug. 8, 1814; d. at Hartwick, unm., Jan. 24, 1863. II — Harvey, Oct. 21, 1816. 12— Ann, Sept. 25, 1818; d. at Hartwick, June 5, 1859, unm. 13 — Chester, July 11, 1820; m. Asenath Carr, and was engaged in farming at Yorkville, Mich., and d. there Aug. 22, 1878, s. p. 14 — Sylvia, Nov. 2, 1822; d. Feb. 12, 1825. 15— Philo, May 31, 1825; d. June 2^, 1829. -67- OF THE THIRD GENERATION. ALVAH, (Asa, Eb. i6) b. Mar. 23, 1797, at Hartford, N. Y. Was married at Butternuts, N. Y., June 11, 1818, tq Cyntha Daw, b. in Winchester, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1799; d. in Han- cock, N. Y., 1833. He d. in Callicoon, N. Y., in 1862-3. Was a farmer. Their children were — I — Levi Daw, Mar. 8, 1819. 2 — Charles L., Nov. 13, 1820. 3 — Harriet W., May 14, 1822; m. E. R. Titus of Hancock, 1845 ; d. 1865. s. p. 4 — Clarinda, June 19, 1827 ; d. 1830. 5 — Cyntha Ann, Dec. 25, 1829; m. Delevan Frisbie, 1855; live at Hortonsville, N. Y. Had, Alva H., Aug. 13, 1856, m. Mary Hildreth ; Anna V., June 21, 1858, m. Leslie Borland, Callicoon, N. Y. ; Edward T., Aug. 23, i860, d. Sept. 28, 1884; Fannie L., Apr. 25, 1863, m. Wm. Gardner, d. Sept, 15, 1903; Jesse A., Jan. 24, 1865, m. Kate Underwood ; Charlie, Aug. 2, 1868; Frank L, Sept. 15, 1870, d. Sept. 28, 1884. 6 — Alva, July 29, 183 1 ; d. 1836. THADDEUS, (Asa, Eb. 16) b. Feb. 4, 1799, at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. ist Harriet Hatheway ; m. 2nd Amanda Bates. Was a farmer and lived near Deposit, N. Y. Their children were — By Harriet — I — Henry, Were unable to locate the boys near Deposit, By Amanda— and Mrs. C. A. Frisbie of Hortonsville 2 — Lucius believes that they moved to the western 3 — Harvey states. Where? 4 — Thaddeus .... ASA, (Asa, Eb. 16) b. Aug. 2, 1803, at Hartford, N. Y. ; m. Wealthy Sweet and lived at Otsego, N. Y. Was a shoe- maker by trade; d. Feb. 24, 1870. Their children were — I — Theodore, . . . ., 1828; m. Annette Webb and lived at Colo- rado Springs, Colo. ; d. at Lew Beach, Sullivan Co., N. Y., Apr. 25, 1898. s. p. 2 — Oscar Fitzalan, Sept. 3, 1830. 3— Laurin, , 1834. 4 — Lorin, . . . ., 1834. SILAS, (Asa, Eb. 16) b. May 8, 1810, and lived near Hart- wick, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; m. ist Sally Brooks; m. 2nd Mary Hoyt ; d. about 1884. Their children were — —68— L j3 -5 By Sally— I — Jacob. 2 — Martha. 3 — Rufus. Information is meag-er about them. Where- abouts? By Mary — 4 — Cora In Cooperstown last heard from, 5 — Clara, 6 — Ella In Asylum at Newark, N. J. HARiVEY, (Asa, Eb. i6) b. Oct. 21, 1816; m, Nancy Eldridge and lived at Hartwick, N. Y. Was a shoemaker and worked at his trade until a few months of his death, Apr, 10, 1897. Their children were — I— James, Oct. 3, 1839. 2 — Nancy, Mar. 6, 1841 ; m. Robert Goeway; d. July 9, 1886, OF THE FOURTH GENERATION. LEVI D. INGOLDSBY, (Alvah, Asa, Eb. 16) b. Mar, 8, 1819, at Norwich, N. Y. ; m. ist Sarah B. Mullen, 1844, who bore three children ; m. 2nd Mary E. Slough in 1855, who bore two children. He was a banker in Cincinnati, O., in the '50's ; later proprietor of the Bates House, Indianapolis, Ind. ; then manufacturer of Agricultural Implements at Davenport, la. ; and lastly connected with the mining industry in California. He d. at San Francisco in 1878. He had the spelling of his name changed to "Ingoldsby" by legislative act ; believing it to be the correct orthography. Their children were — By Sarah — I — Kate E., ...., 1846; lives at No. 509 Campbell Ave., De- troit, Mich. 2 — Sarah A., . . . ., 1846. 3 — Hattie A., .,,., 1848; m. Ivan D. Bush; live at No. 509 Campbell Ave., Detroit, Mich, By Mary— 4 — Ella, .,.., 1856; m. A. LaBoutillier ; live at No. 245 No. 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 5 — Frank Slough, . . . ., 1858. CHARLES L., (Alvah, Asa, Eb. 16) b. Nov. 13, 1820, at Butternuts, N. Y. ; m. Ann Voll, at Cincinnati, O., 1854, who d. at Coloma, El Dorado Co., Cal., Nov. 1861. He d. at Placer- ville, Cal., July, 1867. Their children were — -69- I — Carrie Hulbert, Feb. 15, 1855; m. Augustus L. Aull, Sept. 10, 1877; d. May 28, 1878. He d. Apr. 16, 1878. 2 — Alva Woodruff, Dec. 16, 1856, at Circle City, Alaska. 3 — Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1859; ^- James Otey BradforH (b. Nov. 5, 1841,) Oct. 8, 1891. They live at No. 2516 Union St., San Francisco, Cal. They have a pretty da., Harriet, b. Apr. 4, 1893. Mrs. Bradford is an artist, and was formerly interested in an Interior Decorative firm there. OSCAR F. INGOLDSBY, (Asa, Asa, Kb. 16) b. Sept. 3, 1830, at Otsego, N. Y. Became a school teacher at 17, and in 1884 was on his 19th year as Principal of The Starky Seminary, Eddytown, Yates Co., N. Y. He was greatly interested in the family genealogy and spent much time and money in collecting records and data and visiting many of the relatives in western and eastern N. Y. in his search ; but time failed him before he came to publish his work, and it was lost through some mishap. He m. Sarah C. Heniker, b. Apr. 24, 1832. He d. after his re- tirement to Lakemont, N. Y., May 17, 1898, and is survived by his wife. Their children were — T — Emma J., Apr. 22, 1855 ; m. Emerson T. Abbott; live at St. Joseph, Mo. 2— Allison E., May 28, 1857. 3 — Edmund C., June 12, 1859; d. Dec. 27, 1873. 4 — Frank W., Nov. 12, 1861 ; at No. 5205 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111. 5 — Ezra M., Apr. 12, 1864; d. Dec. 2, 1892, unm. PROFESSOR OSCAR FITZALAN INGOLDSBY, b. in So. New Berlin, N. Y., in 1830; became principal of Starkey Seminary in 1861. His service covers two periods, from 1861 to 1872, and from 1878 to 1884. "The history of his management of Starkey is the history of the making of the school in every important sense." "During his nineteen years' administration he might have saved some money, had it not been for the fact that as soon as re- ceipts netted him an income, instead of laying it by for the future, he always expended it for the benefit of the institution." "Professor Ingoldsby as an executive offi- cer was a genius. He inspired confidence all around. While he was principal the trustees had no anxiety about the fate of the school. * * * All the teachers shared the same feeling. * * * And while their compensation might be small, they knew themselves to —70— 3 1 X O Q. sc ^ Oscar F. Ingoldsby of Starkey Seminary Allison F. Edmund i;. Ezra M. Mrs. Saran C. Ingoldsby Franlc W. FnimaJ. P. 70 be faring fully as well as he." "While the two buildings which sheltered the school for so many years honored in their names two persons as benefactors of the institu- tion * * * Professor Ingoldsby was himself its greatest benefactor up to the time of his death." "Pro- fessor Ingoldsby belonged distinctly to the scientific and prophetical order of soul, and his service as a pastor was brief. * * * His inquiring mind led him to reject not only some of the dogmas of that orthodoxy against which his own denomination has always pro- tested, but also some of the unwritten dogmas of his own sect." "His was a nature absolutely unacquainted with fear. * * * jje did not act from impulse but from conviction. * * * After deliberate thought." "Pie was an abolitionist and when that form of slavery was apparently abolished. =!= * * He did not cease to be a reformer, but joined the crusade against the liquor traffic. Professor Ingoldsby was no actor, no hyprocrite. * * * He meant business and every- body knew it. No one had to guess where he stood. And here was a man who knew no other motive of action than love of humanity. No other man had a kinder heart or knew better how to say the word of comfort. Professor Ingoldsby never used the word "faith." * * * He exemplified it. He lived it." "Side by side with him through all the fruitful years went as noble, as heroic, as devoted a woman, wife and mother as man ever had." LAURIN, (Asa, Asa, Eb. i6) b. 1834, at Otsego, N. Y., a twin with Lorin ; m. Aseneth Phillips. He enlisted in the army Aug. 1862, in I2ist N. Y. regt. Co. E., and served until Feb. 1863, when he d. in the Hospital at Wind Mill Point, Va. Their children were — I — Mina, Nov. 9, i860; m. James E. Tilley. Had, Merton E., Clayton L. She d. 1894. 2— Charles F., Nov. 5, 1862. LORIN, (Asa, Asa, Eb. 16) b. 1834, at Otsego, N. Y.. a twin with Laurin ; m. Almira Brown and lived at Hartwick. He d. about 1884. His wife survived him and moved to Tor- ringfton. Conn., and she has since m. a Mr. Chase. Their chil- dren were — I — Asa, ; d. at Torrington, Conn. 2 — William, At last accounts was studying for the stage ; lived in Conn. —71- JACOB, (Silas, Asa, Eb. i6) b. about 1840 in Otsego Co., N. Y. ; m Their children were — I — Cora Last at Oneonta, N. Y, 2— Libbie Last at Cherry Valley, N. Y. 3 — Frank b. about 1880. Last at Middlefield, Otsego Co., N. Y. JAMES, (Harvey, Asa, Eb. 16) b. Oct. 3, 1839, at Hart- wick, N. Y. ; m. Emma Hall and became a prosperous farmer. Owned a large farm near So. Hartwick, called "Brookfield Farm," upon which he built all the buildings. He d, Jan. 19, 1901. Their only child was — Frank, June 8, 1874. OF THE FIFTH GENERATION. FRANK S. INGOLDSBY, (Levi D., Alvah, Asa, Eb. 16) b. Sept. 30, 1858, at Cincinnati, O. ; m. Rose Murry, Oct. 28 1897, and they live at No. 5069 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. He has followed the profession of Civil Eng. since 1880. He is Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. of The Ingoldsby Automatic Car Co. ; offices in the Chemical Bldg., St. Louis ; also Sec'y and Gen. Mgr. of The Ingoldsby Wagon Mfg. Co., and the inventor of the various patented devices which form the foundation of these companies. He was much interested in this genealogy and contributed materially to its appearance and publication. They have a very handsome daughter — Kirby, b. 1898. ALLISON E. INGOLDSBY, (Oscar F., Asa, Asa, Eb. 16) b. May 28, 1857, at Eddytown, N. Y. ; m. Minnie I. Parker, b. Sept. 13, 1871 ; and they live at Lakemont, N. Y. Their chil- dren are — I — Alice M., May 23, 1894. 2 — Emma C, Aug. 26, 1895. 3 — Frank Marvin, Nov. 12, 1900. CHARLES F. INGOLDSBY, (Laurin, Asa, Asa, Eb. 16) b. Mar. 5, 1862, at Hartwick, N. Y. ; m. Carrie A. Murdock; and they are living at Mount Vision, N. Y., where he is con- ducting a General Store. Their children are — I — Lauren E., Feb. 22, 1892. 2 — Llarold A., Apr. 11, 1900. -72— Charles F. IiiKOldsbj- and Sons Harold A. P. 72 Lauren E. FRANK INGALSBE, (James, Harvey, Asa, Eb. i6) b. June 8, 1874, in So. Hartwick, N. Y. ; m. Maude Mauzer; and they continue on "Brookfield Farm," where he was born and raised. He divides his time between agriculture and the nice Jersey dairy herd which he has collected. They have one child— I — Laura F., Aug. 10, 1900. —73— ADDENDA. Aaron Ingalsbe (Eb, i6) per Xurry M. of New Salem, 111., is authority for the statement that Ebenezer Torrey Englesby was a nephew of Capt. Ebenezer Ingalsbe (i6) of Shrewsbury, Mass., and as they were own cousins it must O. K. EBENEZER TORREY ENGLESBY was born in 1777; died in 1854 in Burlington, Vt. ; belonged to the Massachu- setts branch of the family, but came to Burlington from New York City in Nov. 1797. He was four times mar- ried. His first wife was Miss Pomeroy of Burlington. His second and third wives were daughters of Col. E. G. Keyes. His fourth wife was Adelia Brush, born in Bennington, Vt., 1799; married at Windsor, Vt., 1820; died 1880 at Burlington. There were three children of the last marriage — Ebenezer Cuthbert Englesby. Rosamond P. Englesby. Leverett Brush Englesby. The first two died unmarried. Mr. Englesby was president of the first bank of Bur- lington from 1820 to 1849. I^^ had the finest grounds in Burlington, many coming from a distance to see them LEVERETT BRUSH ENGLESBY, second son of Ebenezer Torrey Englesby and Adelia Brush Englesby, was born Feb. 20, 1827; died Jan. 27, 1881. Mr. Englesby was twice married. His first wife was Miss Amelia Francis of Burlington. They had two sons, one of whom died young, and Leverett F. Englesby, a lawyer, now of Washington, D. C. His second wife was Miss Mary R. Hudson of Hartford, Conn. They were married in 1869. Of this union there was one son — William Hudsoii Englesby. Leverett Brush Englesby occupied for many years a —74— leading position at the Vermont bar. He represented Chittenden county in the state senate 1865- 1866, and during the last year was president pro tern of that body. From 1867 to 1869 he was state attorney for this county. He held various other responsible positions. From 1866 until his death he was trustee of the Univer- sity of Vermont. LEVERETT F. ENGLESBY of Washington married Miss Florence Huse of Evanston, 111. They have two unmar- ried sons — George W. and Ebenezer Torrey. WILLIAM HUDSON ENGLESBY was born in September, 1872. He graduated from the collegiate department of the University of Vermont in 1894, from the medical de- partment in 1897. He studied in New York two years, and is now in practice in Burlington, making a specialty of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He married Miss Maud French of Malone, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1899. They have one son — William Hudson Englesby, born Oct. 9, 1900. By MRS. MARY R. HUDSON ENGLESBY, 112 Williams St., Burlington, Vt. -75- APPENDIX. Patrick Ingoldsby, of County Monahan, Ireland, had two sons, James, and the other's name is unknown ; Patrick and James came to New York, where James died ; Patrick married the second time and had a son, Francis, who married and had, I, James; 2, Ann, m. to McCarne; 3, Patrick; 4, Francis, b. about 1814. 3— PATRICK ; m. and had, 5, Robert, d. ; 6, Robert F., d. ; 7, Louise, d. ; 8, Kate, d. ; 9, Mary, m. to Otterson, nurse, Isolation Ward, City Dispensary, St. Louis, Mo. ; 10, Margaret m. to Armstrong; 11 William P.; 12, Ella, m. to Zeppenfeld ; 13, John. 4 — FRANCIS ; m, and had, 14, James N. Sullivan Co., la. ; 15, Patrick H., Battle Creek, Neb.; 16, Mary; 17, Lizzie; 18, Sarah, and three others dead. II — William P.; m. and had, 19, J. Wm. ; 20, G. B. ; 21, Robt. N. ; 22, Ella B. ; 23, John A. ; 24, Margaret V. ; 25, J. Francis ; 26, Charles E. ; No. 4256 Humphrey, St. Louis, Mo. W. Ingoldsby, 4756 Humphrey, St. Louis, Mo. John Ingoldsby, 10 Liberty St., Pittsburg, or Alleghany, Pa. Patrick J. Ingoldsby, 512 Arch Ave. Same. Mary Ingoldsby, same. John Ingoldsby, 5918 LaSalle, Chicago, 111. ; and Roy and Jerome, same. Patrick Ingoldsby, 652 S. Paulina, Chicago. Neal Ingoldsby, 1266 Sheridan Rd., Chicago. Thomas H. Ingoldsby, 507 Fourney, Chicago. Joseph Ingoldsby, Carp. 228 Morgan, New Orleans, La. Joseph E. Ingoldsby, M. D., 490 Dudley St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Maria Ingoldsby, wd. of John, 170 West Canton St., Boston ; also Thomas F. Thomas F. Ingoldsby, Waltham, Mass. ; dry goods. -76- THOMAS and Hannah Ingoldsby had— John, b. Aug. 28, 1774; who d. at Deeping, Fenn., Oct. 26, 1817; m. Ann , and born to them John, June I, 1795; d. Nov. 23, 1884, at Boston, Lincoln- shire, England. John Ingoldby, Laceby, nr. Gt. Grimsby, Lincolnshire, Eng- land ; had son George, b. at Elkinton, nr. Louth ; another son Fred; George had, Edward, George, Lucy, and Charles, still living, the latter at 304 Cayuga St., Syracuse, N. Y. ; the others in England ; also John, Robinson, Fred and Mary Ann, who are dead. Phillip Inglesby, of County Meathe, Ireland, had two sons, Thomas and Owen ; who both came to America, Owen settling in Auburn, N. Y., and Thomas in Stratford, Ont., moving into Bruce Co., Ont., in 1854; d. in 1872; he had, Phillip,, John J.; Thomas P. at 583 N. Francisco, Chicago. James, 666 Augusta, Chicago, and Mary, at the home of Thomas. Wm. J. Inglesby, mgr. elevators, 205 Carondelet, New Or- leans, La. Wm. J. Inglisbee, engr. 917 Antonine, New Orleans, La. Albert Inglesby, Webster Ave. and C. I. Ave., Brooklyn. Charles Inglesby, and Wm. C. I. Ave. nr. Ave. H., Brooklyn. John Inglesby, 146 Prince, Brooklyn. Patrick Inglesby, 546 W. 45th St., N. Y. City. Wm. Inglesby, 432 Pearl, N. Y. City. Frank Inglesby, 1253 S. Mole, Philadelphia, Pa. Thomas Inglesby, same h. Thomas Inglesby Jr., same h. Jno. J. Inglesby, 2132 S. Chadwick, Philadelphia, Pa. Patrick Englesby, 6517 Laflin, Chicago, 111. Minnie Englisbee, 46 Clinton Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. James Englesby, 1904 W. Wash., Indianapolis, Ind. Joseph C. Englesbe, 37 Warren, Newark, N. J. Joseph Inglesby, 950 E. 14th St., Brooklyn. -77— COLLATERAL BRANCHES. DAUGHTER OF EBENEZER i6. 5— ANNA INGALSBE LOVELL, b. Feb. 14, 1758; was work- ing in a hotel at Boston during the Revolution and often saw Gen. George Washington while he was there. She was alleged to be loi years old when she died. Had da. Susannah, Anna and Laura ; and sons Nathan and Wil- liam. SUSANNAH LOVELL CHAMBERLIN, b. 1790; d. 1853. Had da. Calista, Laura and Sarah ; and son John, Cam. James and Durham. JOHN CHAMBERLIN had sons Charles, Chancey and Wade, address Alabama, N. Y. ; and da. Jane, m. Post, Delton, Barry Co., Mich. ; and Sarah, mi. Charles Basom. LAURA CHAMBERLIN NORTON, b. 1825; living at Basom, N. Y. Had da. Alida and Elite ; and son Halsey. CALISTA CHAMBERLIN, m. Arza Underbill. SARAH CHAMBERLIN, m. Darius White. DESCENDANTS OF PHOEBE INGALSBE ORCUTT. CORYDON ORCUTT, b. Nov. 7, 1807 ; d. 1891 ; m. Jemima S., b. June 30, 1809. Had (i) Samuel, (2) Amba, (3) Cory- don, (4) Mary Esther, b. Nov. 1847, m. Eli W. Phelps ; live at Grand Rapids, Mich.; had (i) Emma, b. 1877, m. Peter Van Seters and had Ezra, d ; Nina Pearl, Wm. Carl and Henry; (2a) Nina Pearl, b. 1881 ; (3a) Henry, b. 1884. (5) Phoebe J., b. Nov. 1849; ^- Charles Palmer, P. O. Sparta, Mich. (6) Catharine A., b. 1852; d. y. WM. EZRA ORCUTT, b. 1808; d. Aug. 8, 1896; had, John and Frank, P. O. Perrington, Mich. (i) SAMUEL ORCUTT, b. 1831 ; mi. ist Hannah Hoyt ; live in Grand Rapids, Mich.; had (ib) Gene, d; (2b) Cory- don, b. 1857 ; (3b) Mary Helen, d ; (4b) Amba, b. 1864 ; -■78- (5b) Hancy, 1866, d; (6b) Samuel, b. 1869; (7b) Phoebe b. 1872 ; m. Will Rugg and had Ray ; m. 2nd John Hib- bard. (2) AMBA ORCUTT, b. 1833 ; d. 1903 ; m. Christina Bowman ; lived at Erie, Pa. ; had Charlie and Emma, m. Van Scuyver. (3) COiRYDON ORCUTT, b. 1835; enlisted in 3rd Mich. Cav. ; d. in Libby Prison in 1863 ; had Samuel J., Sarah E, Mary, Wm. Ezra, d. DAUGHTER OF EBENEZER (Eb. Eb. 16). HULDA B. INGALSBE, b. May 17, 1819; m. Loren M. Whitney, Jan. 17, 1850; d. Aug. 10, 1900. Born to them — Franklin E., b. Oct. 23, 1850; who has 3 sons and 3 da. Windfield S., b. Mar. i, 1852. Lora Francis, b. Mar. 29, 1853 ; m. John Robison, b. to them 6 boys, i girl. Alzada Jane, b. Sept. 14, 1854; m. David Hoard; b. to them 3 boys ; Pittsford, Mich., No. 29. Esther Ann, b. Jan. 17, 1857; m. Will Robison; b. to them 2 boys, i girl. Hulda Dianna, b. Mar. 7, i860. DESCENDANTS OF BETSY INGALSBE ROWLAND. Children of ELTHUSA ROWLAND and Laban Bump are— Emeline R., b. June 17, 1839; m. Mason McGan. They had George L., Gilman, Adelbert. Hartford, N. Y. Almerin P., b. Feb. 15, 1842; m. Marilla S. Wright. East Hartford, N. Y. Marvin R., b ; m. Mary Lunday. They have, Ella J., Edward L., Clarce. Sandy Hill, N. Y. Martha Jane, b. June 5, 1854; m. Wm. Durkee, d. Jan. 14, 1892. They had, Edith, Marvin, Effie, Clififord. Edith Durkee m Louis Bardwell of Belcher, N. Y. ; they have, Jane, Cora, Merritt, Amy, Margaret, Belle, Rose. Children of HANNAH Z. ROWLAND and Geo. Jones are- Frank, Came, Ella, So. Dansville, N. Y. ; Dr. George, Geneseo, N. Y. —79— Children of JOSEPH ROWLAND and Caroline are— Wm. Henry, Artemus, Gertie R., m. Mr. Jewett of So. Livonia, N. Y. ; Nellie, m. Mr. Long, Children of MARION C. ROWLAND, M. D., and are— Loretta L., Harry, M. D. Geneseo, N. Y, Children of ELIZABETH ROWLAND and Wm. Weeks are- Charles, Byron, Mary, Martha, Ella. Geneseo, N. Y. SON OF LEEDS AND ANNIS INGALSBE PARK. JAMES B. PARK, b. July 8, 1846, in Hartford, N. Y. ; m. in Wisconsin, May i, 1873, to^ Salina C. Perry, now mgr. of Elkhom Ranch, Wausa, Neb. Their children are — Addie May, b. Apr. 25, 1874; d. July 31, 1892. Lettie B., b. Oct. 17, 1876; m. James C. Bruner, Oct. 20, 1896. Randolph, Neb. Fred L., b. May 11, 1882; d. Nov. 22, 1884. Florence A., b. Dec. 13, 1886. Durward B., b. Mar. 19, 1889. DAUGHTER OF LEEDS AND ANNIS I. PARK. ELIZABETH L. PARK, b. Apr. 29, 1835, in So. Hartford, N. Y. ; m. at Madison, Wis., Dec. 24, 1871, to John B. Rowell, b. Sept. 4, 1835, a-t Springwater, N. Y. ; she d. Feb. 17, 1903. Their children are — Lewis Dow Rowell, b. Apr. 14, 1873, at Watertown, Wis. ; m. at Madison, Oct. 28, 1903, to Rose M. Toepfer, b. July 13, 1880. Address No. 262 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Rodrick Jay Rowell, b. Nov. 10, 1874, at Watertown, Wis. ; m. at Madison, Nov. 10, 1897, to Gertrude M. Blizard. They have one child, Lewis, b. Aug. 17, 1898, at Middleton, Wis. DESCENDANTS OF AMANDA INGALSBE CURTIS, Children of RINALDO I. CURTIS— Mathew B. Res. Jamestown, N. Y. Charles F. Res. Los Angeles, Cal. ? George W. Res. Jamestown, N. Y. —80— NELSON P. CURTIS, b. Aug. 28, 1839; m,. 1858; enlisted Mar. 7, 1861, in Co. H. loth Regt., Pa., for three years and served in The Army of the Potomac. Res. North Warren, Pa. Children are — Caro M., b. June 12, 1859. Res. N. Warren, Pa. Anna E., b. Mar. 5, 1865 ; m. Miller. Res. Mayville, N. D. Amanda F., b. Feb. 26, 1867; m. Spencer. Res. N. War- ren, Pa. Frank N., b. Oct. 28, 1869. Res. Jamestown, N. Y. Clyde F., b. Dec. 20, 1875. Res. N. Warren, Pa. Harrison A., b. Oct. 25, 1882. Res. Beaver Falls, Pa Mabel A., b. Dec. 18, 1884. Res. N. Warren, Pa. Children of MINER A. CURTIS— Miner A. Res. Bradford, Pa. Lulu M., m. Robins. Res. Salem, Ark, DESCENDANTS OF SILAS— Aaron, Eb. 16— Of Alma Ingalsbe and Samuel Withington; she d. Dec. 6, 1850; he is living in Springwater, N. Y., age 87 years. Their son Geo. E. Withington was b. June 14, 1843, in Ala- bama, N. Y., and res. at Springwater, N. Y., and has three children Farley J. b. June 1, 1870; Leonard A. b. Mar. 16, 1877, and Alma b. May 30, 1883. Of Polly C. Ingalsbe and Nelson F. Snyder's children: — James was killed in the second battle of Bull Run. Aubrey A. res. at Rockford, 111. Eugene B. res. 93 Hickory st., Roches- ter, N. Y. Alma m. Wm. Walker; res. Wayland, N. Y. DESCENDANTS OF LEVI— Eb. 16— Of Sophronia Ingalsbe and John Osmer; Ludolpha m. and moved to N. M. where she d. Alden settled at Jamestown, N. Y. Nathan went to Mex. Sophronia m. and went to N. M. Ellen m, Mr. Proudfit of Jamestown, N. Y. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN— John, Eb. 16— Polly L. Ingalsbe and Wm. E. S. Noble; da. Mrs. Chas. B. Windsor, of Hornellsville, N. Y., have one child, Burtis N., b. Oct. 23, 1890. Seward A. Ingalsbe — p 28 — Justice of the Peace and Notary of Oakfield, N. Y., is a member of Batavia Lodge No. 475, F. A. M.; Western Star Chapter F. A. M.; Batavia Commandery —81- No. 34, F. A. M. and Damascus Temple of the Mystic Shrine, Rochester, N. Y. Dr. S. N. Brayton— p 16— d. May 17, 1893, and Oct. 22, 1900 Elite Norton Brayton m. Dr. Geo. T. Moseley of Buffalo; res. 202 Delaware Ave. Leverett F. Englesby, res. 1315 Columbia Road, Washing- ton, D. C, Bus. 42 Broadway room 535 N. Y. City. It is hoped that any one who can furnish any further infor- mation will forward it to the compiler. L,et us come nearer together. LB/