" o 4^ %-^^' ^^ - -^^^d^ -^Mli^^^ ^^^ ^, »bv" -NO' V O * ' n^ CO, ■^ V -^KW/^^^r -^^ ~) *^' .^•' ,5^ v^ >^- ^o / / A\ ^^ Je)esccr)dcrr)fs of feiOpnelius 5 lull ar)d ^^l)ar)l5"ul fryoofj |iull l)is y^i'd, of (sfpccrf J^aprir)qfor), /'lass. Comf>ilccl ty EDCiAR HULL, / Cornelius Hull was born about 1744, married Thankful Root about 1765, his son Pomeroy was born 1766, his son Josiali in 1774, and he died in Great Barrington after 1808. Both he and his wife buried there. The proof of these statements is as follows : First. The name of Cornelius Hull appears as a debtor in an old ac- count book kept \yy Captain Hewitt Root in the year 1766, now in posses- sion of Charles J. Taylor the historian of Great Barrington, Mass. Second. The name of Cornelius Hull appears in the tax list of that town in the year 1773. Third. The family record of Captain Hewitt Root and the genealogy of the Root family, now in the Albany State Library, show that Cornelius Hull and Thankful Root were married as follows : "Captain Hewitt Root, son of John Root ; his daughter, Thankful, born January 20, 1746, married Cornelius Hull." Fourth. The family Bible record of Josiah Hull shows that he was born at Great Barrington, Mass., April 27, 1774, and Josiah declared to his children that his father was Cornelius Hull and his mother was Thankful Root, and that his brothers and sisters were as hereinafter named. Fifth. The records of the Secretary of State's office of Massachusetts show that Pomero}-, his son, born at Great Barrington, enlisted in the Con- tinental army at the age of 16 years, on the 20th day of February, 1782. Sixth. The will of Captain Hewitt Root, probated at Great Barring- ton, who died between February 8 and April 3, 1788, shows a devise to Thankful, wife of Cornelius Hull, of the life use of lands and after her death to her heirs. Seventh. The registrar's office of Great Barrington and also of Pitts- field show deeds executed bj' Cornelius and Thankful, his wife, and some of the children, as follows : Cornelius, Thankful and Experience Hull, to Robert Kilbourn, dated January 24, 1797 (Book 34, page 282). Cornelius, Thankful, and vSarah, their daughter, to Thomas Ives, June 21, 1800, of five and one-half acres (Book 37, page 408). Cornelius, Thankful and Josiah, their son, of New Marlboro, to Robert Kilbourn, March 22, 1S05, of seven acres (Book 42, page 388). Cornelius Hull and Thankful Hull, his wife, of Great Barrington, to Robert Kilbourn, dated Februan- 4, 1808, of twenty acres (Book 45, page 375)- Mercy Eggleston, a daughter of Cornelius, also executed a deed of her Miterest in twenty acres, dated June 18, 1827, recorded May 29, 1832 (Book 66, page 136). ?W Qaq Cornelius anrl Thankful resided about two miles east of the old bridge ich crossed the Housatonic river on the road to Three Mile Hill. The father of Thaukfyl Root was Captaiu Hewitt Root, who kept Root's tavern, 1 was a son of John Root of Westfield, who was a son of Thomas Root of Westfield, , was a son of John Root, vSr., of Farmingtou, Conn. Captain Hewitt Root was born 6, 1721, married May 12, 1744, to Experience Pomeroy of Suffield, Mass., who died •" 18, 1777, aged 57 years ; was buried in Great Harrington. Captain Hewitt married u October 12, 1777, to Bethesda Sackett of Westfield— she survived her husband and April 19, 1791, aa^ed 74 years; Captain Hewitt Root died at (ireat Barriugton be- n February S and April 3, 1788. No tombstone of either himself or second wife, but ...^Le is one of his first wife. Experience. Aaron Root and Elihu Root of Massachu- settts, and Josiah Root and Nathan Root, all soldiers in the Continental army, were of this family. 'Captain Hewitt Root, in the summer of 1777, was captain of militia and marched with 4S of his company to Fort Edward to resist Burgoyne's army and was absent 12 days— the time of his men varying 12, 13, 16 and 19 days from July Sth to July 27th, and traveling no miles, and Captain Root was also interested in filling of quotas of Great Barringtou for the Continental array. He resided on the old "Root Tavern .Stand," located near and directly east of the Great Bridge across the Housatonic river, on the' north side of the road. The old tavern was destroyed by fire in November, 1764, and Captain Root built a new one in 1765. The children of Cornelius Hull and Thankful, his wife, were named as follows : Pomeroy enlisted at the age of 16 in the Revolutionary army, February 20, 1782 ; Stephen, not traced; Dauiel, not traced; Josiah, born at Great Barringtou, Mass., April 27, 1774, named in above deed as heir at law ; Rhoda ; Mercy was alive in 1837 and signed above deed as heir at law. She married Moses Eggleston. Speedy married Mr. Mann ; had a daughter Elizabeth and a son. Sally or Sarah died before 1827. She signed above deed as heir at law. Joel Hull of Tiffin, Ohio, was a .son of Josiah and grandson of Cornel- ius Hull and on the Sth day of April, 1S37, wrote a letter upon the subject of the above conve^'ances of land which is in the possession of Edgar Hull of Fort Edward, N. Y., from which the following is an abstract : "Every deed was given for particular portions of the laud which could not be done, as the property was undivided. The only title, which Kilbonrn has are the deeds of Aunts Sarah and Mercy. Father's (Josiah's) name is mentioned in the body of the deed, but not signed by him. One deed is signed by Mercy Eggleston. Sarah died before grandmother and never inherited any part of it, and Moses was living when Mercy gave her deed and did not sign it. Ascertain when and where grandmother and Aunts Sarah and Mercy died. Moses told me that grandmother died at Van Deusen's in Barrington, in 1827. Saphrona thinks Sarah died at Turner's, others say Halleubeck's. " On August 2, 1882, the said Joel Hull wrote another letter, now in pos- ses.sion of Edgar Hull, on the subject of his ancestry, from which the fol- lowing is an extract : "Father told us that his father (Cornelius) settled in Berkshire County, Massachu. setts where he lived and married and died, leaving a family of four boys, viz : Pomeroy, Stephen Josiah and Daniel, and four girls, viz: Rhoda, Mercy, Speedy and Sally. Grandmother was a daughter of General Root who lived near the bridge over the Housa- tonic in Great Barrington. Her maiden name was Thankful Root. Grandfather's name was Cornelius. Both died in or near Great Barrington. General Root willed to grand- mother 40 acres of land near Barrington, her life time, and entailed to her heirs." Electa Simmons, a daughter of Jo.siah, and granddaughter of Cornelms, wrote a letter about i863 to Joel, now in posses.sion of Edgar HuU, from which the following is an extract : "Have been in Rensselaerville to visit Uncle Daniel. He is growing old. Old Aunt Belinda, the last of her mother's family, is pretty well ; their two youngest daughters live with them. Uncle Dan is a strong advocate for the south. Josiah has two or three sous in the army under Grant." Fanny Bryan of Cohoes was a daughter of Josiah and granddaughter ofCornehus, and on the 8th day of August, 18S2, she dictated to her daughter, Frances Bryan, a letter now in possession of Fdgar Hull, upon the subject of her ancestry, from which the following is an extract • ■,u ■^""'^f^'l^^'-'^ (Josiah's) mother's name was Root. His sister Speedia Man,, Aiiut iji„„. ,, ^ -•-».>.-. .^iv.u ail iiic luiormation ne coul< Electa gave mother a Bible printed iu 1S24, and this bears the name of 'Mr Wm Rhodes from A. Penfield, July ,8, :S.5.' and also contained the following record : M.,.h r ."""' ^'"' "'^'^^"' ^°' ''^7- ^g^'i 76 years; William Rhodes died ,S V Y; ,/-^°"''"""''°^'^^P"^ 27,1774; Abigail Rhodes, born November.' ?■ J^^'^''""" ^"d Abigail Rhodes were married July 2,, :7cA There is also a rec ord of Grandfather Hull's family and the names of Uncle Jo iah's (Jr ch Idren •' Thr'"';V."r '"' '^°"'""°" °f ^'-«F— es Bryan of CoLes. John R,l e ^1 Thomas C. Rhodes of the Continental army were of this family The Bible family record of Josiah Hull, the son of Cornelius, was in the possession of his daughter. Electa, but now is in the possession of her daughter, Cornelia Wilkins, who resides in New York city Pomeroy Hull, son of Cornehus, enlisted in the Revolutionary army and the following description of him is from the records of the Secretary ot State of Massachusetts : "POMEROY HULL appears in a descriptiye list dated February 20, 1782, Captain Zebnlon Kings Company, Lieutenant Colonel J. Brooks' (7th) Regiment. Birth- place, Great Barrington ; residence. Great Barrington ; age 16 years Stat- ure, 5 feet 7 inches. Complexion, light; hair, light; occupation, la- borer. EnJisted April 10,1732. Term of enlistment three years." (Vol 74 page 167). He is also referred to in Vol. 53, page 209 and Vol. 74, page 113.' JOSIAH HULL, son of Cornehus Hull. Born at Great Barrington, Mas.s., April 27 17-4 married Abigail Rhodes at Dedham, Mass., on July 21, 1796, who' was a daughter of William and Abigail Rhodes. William Rhodes, died March 1828 Abigail, his vyife, born Noyember 29,1766; died October 29, 1827' Josiah and his wife settled at Tyringham, Mass., where in 1797, daughter Electa was born. They then removed to New Marlboro, Mass., wherein July, 1799, son Haryey was born and lived there until December i=j 1814 when daughter Fannie was born. Seven years afterwards he was living in Sharon, Conn., where an infant was born and died. On June 6, 184, he bought a farm in Sharon and hved there until his death, September 28, 1856, aged 82 years, his wife, Abigail, dying there also, June 29, 18^5 a-ed 78 years. Their descendants are shown in their family Bible record as'fol- lows : Klecta, born at Tyrington, Mass., April 24, 1797, died December 3, ,883 Harvey, born at New Marlboro, Mass., July 13, 1799. died November 2, ,862. Joel, boru at New Marlboro, Mass., April lo, 1S03, died November, 1890. Abigail, boru at New Marlboro, Mass., November 23, 1804, died October 30, 1859. Josiah, Jr., born at New Marlboro, Mass., October 13, i8c6, died August 26, 1881. Erastus (died aged 2 years), born Julj- 23, 1808, and died September 9, 1810. Erastus R., born at New Marlboro, Mass., December 29, 1810, died Decembers, 1873. Harriet, born at New Marlboro, Mass., November 3, 1812, died January 21, 1S90. Fanny, boru at New Marlboro, Mass., December 15, 1814, died at Cohoes. An infant, died at Sharon, born January 25, 1821. All are dead and their places of burial are as follows : Electa Simmons, at Hopewell, near Tiffin, Ohio; Harvey, at Sharon, Conn. ;Joel, at Tiffin, Ohio; Abigail Loveridge, at Sharon, Conn. ; Josiah, Jr., at Athens, Pa; Erastus, at New Marlboro, Mass.; Erastus R., at Fort Edward, N. Y. ; Harriet, at Tiffin, Ohio; Fanny Bryan, at Cohoes, N. Y. ; Jo.siah Hull and Abigail, his wife, at Sharon, Conn. AS TO ELECTA : Born at Tyrington, Mass., April 24, 1797, died at Hopewell, Ohio, De- cember 3, 1883. Married Amasa Crocker, by whom she had two children, Cornelia and Horace. Subseciuently she married James Simmons, by whom she had no children. She nursed her father and mother during their last sickness. Cornelia, her daughter, born at Berne, N. Y., 1833, married Eg- bert Wilkins, who died 188S, in New York City, by whom she had one child, Walter, both of whom now reside in New York City. Horace, born West Troy, November i, 1828, married Hannah Schofield, now deceased. Horace, died at Payne, Ohio, March 2, 1892, leaving the following children: Elmer Crocker, Payne, Paulding county, Ohio. Mrs. Carrie Peale, Payne, Paulding county, Ohio. Mrs. Bertha Casanova, Payne, Paulding county, Ohio. Mrs. Alice Heck, Payne, Paulding county, Ohio. Mrs. Mary Croj' (now dead, leaving infant child, wliose guardian is Joseph Casa- nova.) Edward Crocker, Tiffin, Ohio. AS TO HARVEY : Born at New Marlboro, Mass., July 13, 1799, died at vSharon, November 2, 1862. Not married. Left a will dated May 9, 1862 ; probated at Sharon December 22, 1862, leaving half his property to the warden and vestry of Christ's chtirch, vSharon, the use of $600 for his sister. Electa, and after her death to go to an Episcopal mis.sion called Neeshata Mission. He lived at the time of his father's and mother's death with his sister, Abigail, about a mile from the homestead. From February 16, 1839, until 1841, he lived at Rensselaer ville, N. Y. ; engaged in woolen mill and dyeworks. AS TO JOvSIAH, JR : Born New Marlboro, October 13, 1806, died at Athens, Pa., August 26, 1881. Visited his brother, Erastus, at Fort Edward, N. Y., with his brother. Joel in 1873 ; married Mercy Jones in Lisle, Broome county, N. Y., October 13, 1830. She died at Athens, Pa., July 22, 1887. Their descendants are as follows : I. Emeline S. Hull, boru August 3, 1S31, married Aaron E. Fox at Athens, October 20, 1833, who died in 1887 leaving two children, to wit : Fred Fox of New York City. Minnie Fox, who married Mr. Stevens and now lives in Denver, Col. 2. Charles T. Hull, born December 25, 1S33, married Margrette Stnlen May 23, 1S91 No children. Enlisted Angnst 16, 1S62. Served Company E, 141st Pa. Vols., in Kearney Division, Sickles' Third Corps until July 17, 1865 ; war department comma 'er Gran Army of Republic of Pennsylvania iu 1S78 ; commanded first Grand Army enc. :i pmeu at Gettysburg July, 1878. Cashier Athens National Bank. 3. Phcebe A. Hull, born April 30, 1837, married to D. G. Phelps September 24, 1864' Have one child, a daughter ; all living in East Smithfield, Bradford county, Pennslyl vania. 4. Joel H. Hull, born January 6, 1839, died September i, iSji. 5. Fanny H. Hull, born June 22, 1842 ; now living at Athens, Pa. 6. FrauklinlV. Hull, boru September 29, 1844 ; married to Julia A. Stone. Have one son, Walter, who is married. All live in Cinimaron, Kan. Franklin served in Comj pany M., 50th N. Y.| Engineers from March 13, 1854, to May 15, 1865, in War of the Re bellion. 7. Horace J. Hull, born August 26, 18^8, died in San Diego, Cal,, 1897 or '98, leaving a' widow, who was his second wife. By his first marriage he had two children, to wk : Ray Hull and Charles Hull. By his second wife he had one daughter, Fanny Belle Hull and she and her mother now reside iu San Diego, Cal. Horace J. served in Company M. 50th N. Y. Engineers from March 13, 1804, to May 15, 1865, iu War of the Rebellion. AS TO JOKL: Born at New Marlboro, April 10, 1803, died at Tiffin, Ohio, November, 1890. No children. He was married twice, first to Mary Stoner and sec- ond to her sister, Sarah A. Stoner. At one time he lived in Hartford county, Maryland, then in Carrol county, Maryland, then in Woodsboro, PVedsrick County, Maryland, then in Mount Plea.sant, Md., Linjrona Hill, Md., Freder- ick City, Md. He lived in Woodsboro (according to his letter.s) in 1837, and June, 1841, and also in Hagarstown, Md. He was a noble, generous man ; constantly solicitous for the welfare of his parents, brothers and si.sters, and always generously aiding those whose neces.sities required it. He vis- ited his parents at Sharon frequently, and until his death kept the Sharon family cemetery plot in good condition. In 1873, in company with his brother, Josiah, Jr., he visited his brother, p;ra.stus R., at Fort Edward, N. Y. ; the three having large photographs taken in group by William Nims, Esq. One of the group is in possession of Charles Hull, at Athens, Pa., another at Tiffin, Ohio, and another in possession of Edgar Hull, at Fort Edward, N. Y. He left a will wherein Florence Cronise was named as executrix, which provided for his wife and gave legacies to her children and made his nephews and nieces residuary legatees. AS TO HARRIET: Born at New Marlboro, Mass., November 5, 181 2, died at Tiffin, Ohio, January 21, 1890 ; unmarried. AS TO FANNY: Born at New Marlboro, December, 1814, died at Cohoes, N. Y. ; mar- ried Church Bryan, who died at Cohoes January 4, 1862. The issue of the marriage was Frances Bryan, who now resides at Cohoes, N. Y. AvS TO ABIGAIL : Bom at New Marlboro, Mass., November 23, 1804. died at Sharon Oc- tober 30, '^'^59 ; married Griswold L,overidge, who died at Sharon Decem- ber 3, ¥857. She left no descendants. In characteristics she was like her brother, Joel — constantly aiding her parents and solicitous for the welfare of her relatives. In her will she bequeathed her property to her relatives. AS TO ERASTUS R. : Born at New Marlboro, Mass., December 29, iSio, died at Fort Ed- ward, N. Y., Decembers, 1S73. At on.e time he resided at Alvord, Mass. In 1833 conducted a woolen and dye works at Salisbury, Conn., and was en- gaged in the same business in Rensselaerville, N. Y., about 1839, and be- tween 1840 and 1846 engaged in the same business at Berne, N. Y., and in 1846 and 1847 resided at Prattsville, N. Y. He married Louisa Race at vSheffield August 29, 1835, she being born at .Sheffield June 20, 1815, and by whom he had three children. His wife, Louisa, died at Pratts- ville January 24, 1S47, and his daughter, Mar}' R., died at the same place March 26, 1845 ; both buried in the old cemetery at Prattsville. A tomb- stone at Mary's grave marks the place of her burial. His family Bible record is in possession of Edgar Hull. The maiden name of the uiother of Louisa was Rebecca Scott, whose mother's maiden name was Fidelia Smith, wife of William Smith, who died in 1808. She married Race, 180 , and after his death, about 1850, married vSparks. She died at Canadice, N. Y., in 1877, aged 93 years. After the death of his wife Erastus R. removed to Great Barrington, Mass., where for several years he was overseer of a department of the Berkshire Woolen Mills, and about 1850 married Sarah Adams, a daughter of Robert Kilbourn, Sr. , of that place, by whom he had no children. Upon the discovery of the daguerreo- type process he commenced business in that line and followed it through all its ambrotj'pe and photographic branches until his death. His de- scendants are as follows : Mary Louisa, born at Prattsville, N. Y., Marcli 30, 1846 ; married Julian Barre. No children. Resides at Johnstown, N. Y. Edgar, born at Berne, N. Y., January 16, 1840 ; married Amelia E. Possons Septem- ber 13. 1S59. Resides at Fort Edward, N. Y. For 15 years District Attorney of Washing- ton Coiinty. Mary R., born at Berne, N. Y., May 15, 1843, died March 26, 1845. The children of Edgar and Amelia, as follows : Jennie, married John Dolen May, 1S92. Resides at Syracuse, N. Y. No children. Born January 19, 1S68. Nellie L., born at Fort Edward, N. Y., May 11, 1865; married Albert V. Pratt, attor- ney and magistrate, June 27, 1889. Now residing at Fort Edward. No children. F'rank B., an attorney and magistrate, born at Fort Edward, N. Y., July 13, 1862 ; died June 5, 1S94 ; married Delia Fox January 16, 1883. Their children, as follows : Edgar, Jr., who resides at Ballston Spa., N. Y. Born at Fort Edward, N. Y. , July 27, 18S8. Nellie, born at Fort Edward, N. Y., July 4, 1885. Now residing iu Fort Ed- ward, N. \'. The Great Barrington records state that Mrs. Hull died May 25, 182S, aged 83 years, and as Thankftil Hull was born Janttar}' 20, 1746, no doubt um2i of his death. The ExnerW " . ' ^' "° ^''^^^ """^^^^ ^^ "^^ ^^te! iiic -cvxperience named in thp rlf^^ri ^f t„ mnst have been either another name for V T, / •^"''■-' ^^' '797, granddaughter It could notb. K Z ^"' ^^^^^^^ters or else a Root, as she died June 8 t ^'" E-penence. the widow of Captain name was ExperiJ^e Po J/o v ."d 7" •' '" '°"'-^'""- ^^^ "-^^- to her eldest s'on. xL K Ibo" r and l""" ""T '' '''""^°^' ^'^^ ^^-" perfect title to the landt de" Ld " : ir TT' """ endeavoring to Thankful's children after her T.f . '^'' '''"'^ ^^^'^ ^^^^ed m the onlv ones nan" d as „ a" tot T T ''•'"'' "^"^^^^^ ^"^ ^^^^^ --- deed, did not execute tt S" tl^'to " -'f -^°"''' ^^"^'^"^^ "^"-'^ "^ '^^ ^..j^ Pom: -^ -:: ^:-rii::^-:?i ---::;;- GrirBa LSn 'aT " fcoZ't ^ 'T" ^^k^"^^^^" ^^^ '^^3' --^' o^ yearseachbeue nTl aT'^' 1 " '""^ two periods of seventeen 1765, when 10 vear, olH r r ' ' ""'""°"^' *e ™s married in thne of hi ZlrilZt\l°'Z , ""l"'-'""*''- - ;-«" "' •'■S;^ about the Root in .,., ::^:v;;::s/L^„,to:;e'::;,''r:\:;ni:;"r"r""" Fort Edward, N. Y., February 21, 1903. ?y v«f r ^^-v-. ■^ '^^ ^ %^<^ .0 . . « 1 • o.^ '^^M. %,^^ Z,^'-- \/ .-I^vlf/v". *' '=^1 i:^ .0' '^ A '^ (ft, . < '^^ • , -i* ■ » *b O M O ,\J >.. --^ i r, "S* ^?^ £=(lifcS5 (.O <^" * rf' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 549 656 9