S .S72 5 p6Rmalif6« pH8J E 470 .5 .S72 Copy 1 HEADQUARTERS g^nrirty of tlj^ Armg of tl|0 EmntBBi^t. w RECORDING SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Masonic Temple, Room 6. P. O. Box 35. Cincinnati, Ohio, October 15, 1910. To the Members of the Society:— Our Fortieth Reunion will be at Toledo, Ohio, on Wednesday and Thursday, November 16th and 17th next. The headquarters will be at the Boody House. The rates there will be, European, $1.00 and up; Amer- ican, $2.50 and up. For room with bath, add $1.00. No reduced railroad rates can be obtained. The Ohio Commandery of the Loyal Legion will hold their stated meeting on November 16th at 3 o'clock P.M. at the Boody House. Fuller's Ohio Brigade will hold their reunion upon the 15th of November at Toledo. Our Society will hold its first business meeting at 10 o'clock A.M. on November 16th, and at this meeting a paper, **The Battle of Champion's Hill," will be read by Captain J. Q. A. Campbell of our Society; the second business meeting at 10 o'clock A.M. on November 17th, both at the Boody House, The joint banquet of our Society and *' Fuller's Ohio Brigade" and of the Ohio Commandery will be at the Boody House on the evening of the 16th. The banquet tickets will be $3.00. Among the responses to the Toasts will be General Charles H. Grosvenor for the Loyal Legion; Companion Rathbun Fuller for Fuller's Ohio Bri- gade and Mrs. James Sexton of our Society. err' 5^ IP Upon Thursday Evening, the 17th, our public meeting will be in the Memorial Hall, assigned to us by the Mayor of Toledo, Hon. Brand Whitlock. At this meeting we will be welcomed to Toledo by the Governor of Ohio and the Mayor of Toledo to which welcome our President will respond. The Re- union Oration will be given by Colonel William R. Warnock of our Society. The families of Grant, Sherman and Logan, the Commanders of our army, will be represented and speak to us. All arrangements for our meeting are in charge of Mr. Rathbun Fuller, Vice-President of our Society who will appoint such committees as he may need to aid him, selecting them from our Society, the Ohio Commandery and the Grand Army of the Republic. We will welcome all soldiers. Union and Confed- erate, to our meetings. Under our rules Ladies and invited guests can be present at our Banquet. In order that we may know how many to provide for at the Banquet a postal card is enclosed. For economy the Recording Secretary has suspen- ded the printing of the volume of our Columbus re- union and expects to combine that volume with the report of our 40th Reunion and hopes that it may be issued by the end of 1910. Major W. H. Chamberlin, Corresponding Secretary. Smith Hickenlooper, Treasurer. By order of Grenville M. Dodge, President. Recording Secretary. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 013 673 537 1 W ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 673 637 1 p6nmM.Tp6«