MONOM^' 451 .51 mmmm, Book - i 5 "^ '^^^^ -:— =: i~r>liDV^\''!^ ^^ NATIONAL LINCOLN MONUM.ENT ASSOCI ATIO^^ IKCOEPORATED BY A' ; I ' I*;! A RC n .' .• : h WASHINGTON : rRlKTFD AT TIIi>: GREAT FDPUBLIO OFFICE. 1867. I . . . . ><" I i il NATIONAL LINCOLN MONUMENT ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED BY ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 30TH, 18G7. ff'ASHINGTON : PHIN'TED AT THE GREAT REPUBLIC OFFICE!. 1807. -C ^- «-Vv'y<.^ r--"^ / /*» *y /V3 ADDRESS. The loyal people of the United States of all class- es, without distinction as to race or color, fueling an admiration and gratitude for the patriotism, servi- ces, and noble character of Abraham Lincoln? late President of the United States, who fell a mar- tyr to the cause of Liberty and Humanity, have f©r some time been desirous of expressing their a])pre- ciation of his noble services and sublime character in a manner worthy of the American name, and which would commemorate in the most fitting way the great charter of Emancipation and Liberty in our land. In order to make effectual such a desire, Congress passed a law, which was approved by the President, incorporating the " National Lincoln Monument Association, " whose duty it should be under a proper organization, with rules and reg- ulations, to proceed to collect funds and make all necessary plans and arrangements to erect a suit- able monument to that great and good man, somewhere within the public grounds in the City of Washington. Let the monument we propose to rear in the cap- ital of this great and redeemed nation go up under the care of all our people, and by the contributions of all. NATIONAL LINCOLN Let all who are happier, wiser, or more secure in person or property in consequence of the virtue and patriotism of Abraham Lincoln, contribute to his memory ; let each give something to commemorate the devotion to Country and Liberty that inspired the great soul of our Martyred President, and caus- ed him to live and act for his country and the noblest ends and highast good of humanity. Let the citizen ^vhose earnest co-operation at home gave strength to oiu- cause ; the soldier and sailor who fought on land and sea to uphold " the dear old flag" during our great conflict, now happily closed ; the freedman whose chains have fallen in part through the instrumentality of the great and good man whose virtues we in this manner pro- pose to commemorate— let each and all do them- selves the honor to contribute something to this no- ble object, so that when the work shall be complet- , ed it shall be eminently national, and a source of pride and glory to our country and an honor to all our people. And, let the work be promptly done. JAMES HARLAN, President. J. M. Edmunds, Secretary. JOHN F. DRIGGS, Vice President. F. E. SPINNER, Treasurer. FRANCIS THOMAS, MATTHEW SIMPSON RICUAKD YATES, ALEXANDER W. RANDALL BURT VAN HORN, SCHUYLER COLFAX NATUANIEL G. TAYLO^I iaB3i\®[l[E StbNEY PERUAM SAMUEL SHELLABARGER JOHN CONNESS, 0. HOWARD, HENRY D. COOKK, FREDERICK DOUGLASS (JEORGE H. WILLIAM8 ' MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. AIITICLES OF INGOIIPOKATION. A.v Act to luGorporate the Lincola Monument Association. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bejrresenta- iives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Alexander W. Randall, James Harlan, Alexander Ramsey, Nathaniel P. Banks, Sidney Perham, John Con- ness, John T. Wilson, Godlove S. Orth, Delos R. Ashley, Halbert E. Paine, Charles O'Neill, Burt Van Horn, John F. Driggs, Frederick E. Woodbridge, Jacob Benton, John Hill, Shelby M. Cullom, Thomas A. Jenckes, Orin S. Fer- ry, N. B. Smithers, Francis Thomas, Samuel McKee, Hor- ace Mavnard, John F. Benjamin. Rufus Mallory, Sidney Clarke," Daniel Polsley, Walter A. Burleigh, John Taffe, and their successors, are constituted a body corporate in the District of Columbia, by the name of the Lincoln Mon- ument Association, for the purpose of erecting a monu- ment in the City of Washington, commemorative of the great character of emancipation and universal liberty in America. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the persons named in the first section of this act shall be the first trus. tees of the corporation, and shall have power to fill vacan- cies in their number, and to add to their number, not ex- ceeding one from each State in the Union. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That said corpora- tion shall have power to own and control such property as may be necessary for the carrying out of the objects of the association. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That said corpora- tion shall have power to collect money, and to make such rules and regulations as they may deem necessary or expe- dient. Sp:c. 5. And be it further enacted, That said corpora- tion shall have power' to appoint a president, a vice presi- NA.TIONAL LINCOLN deiit, a secretary, a treasurer, and also a board of mana- gers; consisting of not less than seven nor more than thir- teen, who shall have a general control of the affairs of the association, and who may be selected from persons not in- cluded in the list of corporators. The treasurer shall ex- ecute a bond in such penalty as may be required, condi- tioned for the safe-keeping of the funds of the corporation which may come into his hands, and for the faithf il dis- charge of the duties required of him. Sec, 6. And be it further enacted, That the property of said corporation held or occupied by them for the use-; and purposes of their incorporation, shall be exempt from all taxes to be levied under the authority of the United States or of any municipal corporation within the District of Columbia. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That Congress may at any time hereafter repeal, alter, or amend this act. Approved March 30, 18G7. inimrOlH'3 m iB®S!?®!Si\'ir®!B3> At a meeting of the corporators named in the fore- going Act, held at the room of the Senate Com- mittee on the District of Columbia, Washington, D. C, on the 30th day of March, A. D., 1867, at 10 o'clock, A. M., Hon. Sidney Perham, of Maine, was called to the chair, and Hon. Burt Van Horn, of New- York, was appointed Secretary. On motion a committee of five was appointed to J MONL^MENT ASSOCIATION. present a lAan of organization. The following gen< tlcnien were named as such committee : Hon. John F. Driggs, of Michigan, " Jacob Benton, of New Hampshire, " Walter A. BurleKtII, of Dacota, " James Harlan, of Iowa, '' Sidney Perham, of Maine. The Association tlien adjourned, to meet again ou the evening of the same day to hear and consider the report of the committee. The Association assembled in pursuance of ad- journment, at 7 o'clock P. M., on the day above named. The conunittee recommeaded the folloAving uam^ ed gentlemen for officers of the Association : OFFICERS. For Preddent — Hon, James Harlan, of Iowa. For Vice President — Hon. John F. Driggs, of Michigan. For Secretary — Hon. James M. Edmunds, of District of Columbia. For Treasurer — Hon. Francis E. Spikner, of District of Columbia. NATIONAL LINCOLN FOR MANAGERS. Hon. Fjiancis Thomas, of Maryland. '' Sidney Pkrham, of Maine. " Heniiy D. Cooke, of D. C. Rev. Matthew Simpson, of Fenn. Hon. RiCHAKi) Yate8, of lllinob. " Alkx. W. Ra*ni>all, of D. C. " BuKT Van Horn, of New-York. " Sc'iiL'^ j.KK Colfax, of Indiana. " Nathaniel Ct. Tayi30k, of Tenn. ''■■*' Fkedekick DovGLAsy, of New- York. ^[aj. Gen. O. O. Howard, of Maine. Hoil Samuel Shella barker, of Ohio. '^ John Conni:s,-«, of California. '* Geo. I{. Williams, of Oregon. The report of the committee w-xi accepted and adopted by vote of the Association. On motion the foHowing By-Law;-! vwro adopted : L The annual meeting of this Association shall be on the poconii '\\'e(ln.">s(iny of January in eacli year, in the city of V.'nshington. 1). C. at ^vln^ll tinn- ilio IJoard of Mana- gers, by tho Treasurer and Secretary, ;-hall sul)mit a full report oF receipts aiivl expenditure^, and of all tlieir action in behalf of said Association ; and, at 8tich annual meet- ing, the election of officers for the ensuing year shall take place. Special meotingn of the Association shall l)e call- ed by the President, whenever required by live or more of the Managers. "^ 2. It shall be the duty of ihe Secretary and Treasurer of this Assoeiation to perform all duties pertaining to their places respectively, under the direction of the Board of JNIanagers. o. The Treasurer sliall be required to give bonds to the Assoeiation for the safe-keeping and faithful delivery of all funds which shall come into his hands as such officer, as from time to time directed, which bond, wlien approved by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of MONUMENT ASS001ATIOr>[. Columbia-, shall bo deposited with ilie Presidc-ut of the Ak- seciation. 4. It shall be, and is made the duty of the Managers, to take all necessary and proper steps to raise money for the objects of the Association, and attend to the general management of its affairs. The following resolvTtions were also adopted by the Association. * Resolved, That each Post Master be constiruted an agent to solicit and receive such donations as the friends of the late President Lixcoi.x may l)e willing to contribute, and to forward the same to the Treasurer, at the same time no- tifying the Secretary by letter of the amount so transmitted. Resolved, That all officers of the Government — civil, military and naval — be, and they are liereby requested to make a donation to aid in the erection of the proposed monument, and to forward the same to the Treasurer di- rect, or through some Post Master, taking his receipt there- for, which receipt should be forwarded to the Secretary at Washington, D. C. Resolved, Tliat the Board of Managers is liereljy author- ized to iix the salary of the Secretary, but no other officer of the Association shall receive compensation other than for actual expenses incurred in the execution of his duties. Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to procure for this Association a suitable seal, which shall be used upon all official papers of the Corporation, and shall bear upon it the following words : '*' National Liiicoln Monument As- sociation, AVashington, D. C. "' Resolved, That the first meeting of the Board of Mana- gers be called by the President of this Association, when in his judgment a meeting should be held, and that at all meetings of said Board five members may constitute a quo- rum for business. Resolved, That the Secretary of this meeting cause to be published the act_ of incorporation, and so much of the proceedings of this Association as may be necessary to place its objects and the fact of its organization before the country, and to request all loyal papers to publish the same. On motion the A^isociation adjourned. JAME8 HARLAN, President. Burt Van Hokn, Secretary pro. fern. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. Pursuant to the call of the President, the Board of ^Managers assembled on the 13th day of July, 1867, at the rooms of the Senate Committee on the District of Columbia, and upon being called to or- der the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That an appeal to the people of the United States be made for funds to carry out the objects of the Association ; that such appeal be accompanied with a print- ed copy of the Act of Incorporation, and a full statement of the proce-edings of the Association 5 and that the Sec- retary be directed to cause a copy of the same to be placed in the hands of each Post Master, Revenue Officer, Pen- sion Agent, Member of Congress, United States Senator, the President of each National Bank, the officers of each Union League, the officers of each Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, each Head of Department of the Nation- al Government, the Mayor of each City and Chiet officer of each Incorporated Town, each officer of the Army and Navy and of the Freedman's Bureau, and of such other Organizations or Associations as will act as agents to so- licit, receive and forward donations in aid of the objects of the Association. . . Besolved, That application be made for an appropriation of captured Ordnance from which to construct the Ijronze figures to be used in the construction of the monument. Resolved, That the Washington City Lincoln Monument Association be requested to unite its funds with those of this Association, and that the President communicate this resolution to said Association. , , Resolved, That agents, individuals and associations, on the receipt of these proceediegs and the address of the Ot- ficers and Managers accompanying the same, be requested to act with promptness and energy in soliciting subscrip- tions, and to forward the sums collected on the first of each succeeding month, until and including the month of Jan- nary, 1868, when a full report of receipts will be published. Resolved, That we appeal to the loyal newspapers ot the country to lay before its millions of readers the proceed- ings of this Association, and to aid with its powerful voice the undertuhimr we have entered upon. NATIONAL LINCOLN 11 i!?SSai\!L aiIS52®[Ei\Sail)i\< 1. That each person receiviug a copy of this ad- dress and accompanymg proceedings, will promptly endeavor to collect and forward a specific sum, be it $5, $10, $20, $50 or $100 or more, according to the facilities he may have and the number and abil- ity of the persons he can readily apply to. 2. That the sums so collected be forwarded by Postal or other draft on the first of each month to Hon. Francis E. Spinner, Treasurer of National Lincoln Monument Association, Washington, D. C. A duplicate receipt or letter stating the amount so forwarded should be sent to the Secretary of said Association. 3. Let the subscriptions be taken on the blank leaves herewith, each marked paid, the books care- fully preserved and forwarded to be bound in vel- umes and deposited in the monument when com- pleted. 4. Every person holding a subscription book is requested to report to the Secretary on the first of January, 1868, his aggregate collections to that date. 5. Only those are constitiited agents who present the regular subscription books of the Association, of which this is one, and all of which are alike. 6. The officers of organized bodies or associations to whom subscription books may be sent, are re- quested to designate proper persons to solicit sub- scriptions to be returned as the contribution of such organization. 7. Each subscription book will be verified by the signature of the President and Secretary. ! 12 MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. CERTIFICATE. Office Nitioxal Lincoln Moncmsnt Assooiation, WA3HIN0T0N, D. C, Soptember 23, 1867. We hereby certify that the foregoing is a trae copy of the Act of Congress incorporating this As- sociation, and of the proceedings of the Ass-ociation and Board of Managers of the same. JAMES HARLAN, Prr^ident, J. M. Edmunds, Secretary. /''"^/a^rTX -'f^d^ ^p !EJe'13 I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 025 960 A