^r" ^-y Glass- r ^"C' '7 . THE D NCESS + A H 4y- HOTEL VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. -<§o&= ►o* o- ^c.g>- DxvnEd and Managed by the iNoRFOLK & Virginia Beach R, R. Co, VIRGINIA BEACH CONNfCT/ONS. A 'll^GIfllfl BEflCH is situated in Princess Anne County, Va., eighteen miles due east of Norfolk, thirty miles from Old Point Comfort, and six miles south of Cape Henry, and forms a part of the most beautiful beach on the Atlantic Ocean, and only thirty miles from the Gulf Stream. The property belonging to the NORPOI^K & YIRGINIA BEACH RAII^ROAD COMPANY, Includes a site of about sixteen hundred acres, one thousand of which consists of a primeval pine forest, many of whose trees are more than a century old. 3 A-^" /^/'r' PAL ^^.^^^^- - It has an ocean frontage of five miles^ with a gently sloping beach, and the absence of any undertow is a marked feature. The temperature of the water averages seventy- six degrees in summer, is warmer and the bathing more prolonged than on the New Jersey or Lono; Island Coasts. The average winter temperature is fifty-four degrees. Average summer temperature, seventy-eight degiees; the extremes of temperature for the year being only thirty-four degrees. Its equable temperature and its proximity to the Gulf Stream make it warm and balmy in the fiercest winter months. 5 A/^i c" J' J^a^'^^/zv^^" Its situation in the midst of pines, its Leach unequalled for bathing and driving, the diversity in its many other ways for enjoyment, place it in the foremost rank of Summer or Winter resorts either in this country or abroad. Dr. A. Y. P. Garnett of Washington, D. C, who isnow (1888), President of the Medical Association of the United States, stated in a lecture delivered at a meeting of the American Climatological Association, held at Baltimore, Md., May 31st, 1887, that "Compared with Atlantic City and Fortress Monroe, the two localities on our immediate seacoast most frequented as winter resorts, we cannot fail to 7 recognize the superior natural advantages of Vir- '. N oiuia Beach. Nature has endowed it with those su- preme attributes of sanitary power, beyond the ca- l)acitv of man to give." Dr. Egbert Guernsey of s ^ ''^^''^l^^^iyigpr^m "■^'^ N. Y. , and otlier famous physicians and some of our leading medical reviews havebeen quite as conspicuous in theirpraise of Virginia Beach. Under the new management a large number of improvements have been made, consisting of an esplanade, the erection of a number of fine cottages, the establishment of Arc Electric Lights along the beach and in the pavilion, a canal connecting Lake Holly with Linkhorn Bay, the construction of numerous - walks, and the beautifying of the grounds. Li addition to the improvements made and being made by the Company, a large number of the most prominent citizens of Norfolk and elsewhere have purchased lots and are erecting fine cottages, which will not only improve and beautify the appearance of the grounds, but will greatly enhance the social attraction of Virginia Beach. THE NORPOI^K & YIRGmiA BEACH RAILROAD Connects the Beach with Norfolk, eighteen miles distant, and the ride is made in forty minutes, passing througli an interesting and varied country. THE PRINCESS ANNE HOTEI^, Owned and managed by the Company, has been completely rebuilt and rearranged 9 ^iid has been made one of the best equipped, most convenient and comfortable resorts for both Summer and Winter in the country. It will be kept open tliroughout the year, and it lias every convenience which modern thought has devised for the comfort of its guests. It will be opened for summer guests on June 1st, under an entirely new management. It will accommodate four hundred guests, has electric lights and bells, spacious entertainment rooms, a billiard room, bowling alleys, tennis court, children's playrooms, private and public parlors for adults, hot and cold sea- water baths, elevator and all other features of a first-class hotel. The pavilion near the hotel is two hundred and fifty feet long, 10 ^^ T y%' » - 'si' . ' • ' .» _« Sf^ / \iSS^.' 1(»K' and one hundred feet wide, and affords de- lightful and ample opportunity for excursion parties, out-door exercises, games, sports, etc. In Winter, glass enclosed balconies and veran- dahs, sunny rooms and open wood fires will by their influence minister to the comfort of guests. The hotel has perfect drainage and all modern sanitary A''-'^ X>C.~~ " appliances. It is accessible by all steamboats, steamships and railroads terminating at Norfolk, from which city to the ocean and return, trains run hourly during the season MAKING CLOSE CONNECTIONS WITH ALL STEAMBOAT, STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD LINES RADIATING THEREFROM. 11 AMUSEMENTS, SURF AND STILL WATER BATHING, CRABBING, BOWLING, BILLIARDS, TENNIS, HORSE-BACK RIDING AND CHARMING DRIVES through the towering pine forest, may be indulged in. Other amusements are devised and entertainments given consistent with the pleasure and requirements of its guests. ROWING, SAILING AND FISHING may be enjoyed on Lake Holly, Linkhorn and Lynnhaven Bays, all of which are adjacent to the property, the latter being famous for its delicious oysters. 13 Twelve miles south and easy of access by a well made road is the famous DUCK SHOOTING GROUNDS OF BROAD BAY, the u[)per }.art (»f Currituck Sound, and game is abundant in the forest. The FISHING and HUNTING of this vicinity has earned for it the soubriquet of the SPORTMAN'S PARADISE. MUSIC THROUGHOUT THE SEASON. A TELEPHONE WIRE TO NORFOLK is maintained by the Company for the use of guests desirous of obtaining advice of physicians, drugs, shop- ping, etc. , etc. 13 The Western Union Tele- graph Company has an office in the Hotel. There are ample mail facilities, and a well-appointed Boarding and Livery Stable. A pleasant daily excnrsion to or from OLD POINT COMFORT OR FORTRESS MONROE. 14 Full information given in regard to Rooms, Rates, the purchase of lots for Cottages, &.C,, on application to the COMPANY'S OFFICE, 44 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, — OR — T. 0. TROY, Gen'L SUP'T, NORFOLK, Va„ Or, J. W. ALMY, Manager, Virginia Beach, Va. 15 ->;th E NORFOLK & VIRGINIA BEACH RAILROAD CO, OWNER OF THE PRINCESS ANNE HOTEL, VIRQINIA BEACH, VA. CHAS. W. MACKEY, W. J. WALSH, J. W. ROWLAND, CALDWELL HARDY, President. Vice-President. Sec'y and Treas. Ass't Treasurer. WM EVANS, Jr , J. W. ALMY, WHITE & GARNETT, T. 0. TROY, - Ass't Secretary. Managerof Hotel Solicitors. General Sup't. Principal Office, NORFOLK, VA., Branch Office, 44 BROADWAY, N- Y. 16 '-—^Ai LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 415 267 #111111 v^'i ■/^T'