V ' \ . ^ '^ PRIMARY HISTORY UNITED STATES FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. By BENSON J. LOSSING, AUtfOV. OF "the pictorial field book of the REVOLUTIOX," " ILLUSTRATED FAMILY UISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES," " PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FOB SCHOOLS," " EMINENT AMERICANS," ETC. ETC. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. A NEW EDITION, KVCLUDING A HISTORY OF THE GREAT REBELLION. Z])' XEW YOEK: PUBLISHED BY MASON BROTH] BOSTON: MASON & HAMLTN. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & OO, CINCINNATI: SARGENT, WILSON & HENKLE. 1866 ';^./n/rH^^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 185S, by MASON BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by MASON BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. lOSSLNG'S HISTORIES OF THE UiNITED STATES. COMPLETE SERIES FOR ALL CLASSES. LOSSING'S PICTORIAL PEIMARY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ; 238 pages, 12mo. LOSSING'S COMMON -SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ; illustrated with Maps, and over 200 other Engravings. 378 pages, 12mo. LOSSING'S PICTORLA.L SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ; 374 pages, large 12 mo. LOSSING'S ILLUSTRATED FAMILY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ; with a Frontispiece Illuminated in Colors. For District, School, and Family Libraries. 672 pages, imperial octavo. Electroyped by Smith & Mc^^^SJ^l, S2'4cS4J5eicuian Street. Printed by C. A. ALV0RD,*1^^l!hdewat8r Street. X HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER I SECTION I. The Author to the Student. My Young Friend : 1. This book was written for your instruction. I was once as young as you are. I was fond of asking questions, and loved to have them answered. By this means, and by reading books and listening to conversation, I learned many useful things which, I have no doubt, you would be glad to know. 2. Among other kinds of knowledge that pleased me, was that which related to the country in which we live. It so delighted me, that I have always felt a desire for all young people to learn what I have learned, and much more. 3. If you will listen to me, I will relate a long and interesting story about the Indians, who first lived here ; and then about the great Sailors, and Soldiers, and Governors, and the hundreds of men who came here and cut down the forests, built houses and churches, and raised grain in fields and fruit in orchards. 4. Then I will tell you how, when many thousands were here, with their wives and children, they made laws, built villages and cities, factories and ships, steamboats and railways, and made every thing appear just as you see it to-day. That story is called HISTORY. When you hear a man tell a new story, you say that is his story — it is History. INTRODUCTION. The beautiful country we live in. 5. The story I am going to tell you, is the History of THE United States. That is the name of our country which we love so much. Look on the map of the world and you will see that it is now a large part of North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean on the east, which is between us and Europe, ano the Pacific Ocean on the west, which is between us and Asia. 6. It has almost every kind of climate. In the north tht' winters are long and cold, with much snow. In the south the}! are short and warm, with seldom any frost. There flowers bloom all the year round. In our country every kind of grain, and fruit, and flower in the world may grow. In some parts are high mountains and great woods ; in others, are wide plains, and wider lakes ; and in others, hills and valleys, beautiful rivers, pleasant brooks, and great meadows called prairies. V. In some parts there are wild and fierce Indians, buffaloes and bears, wolves and panthers, elks and deer, eagles and wild turkeys, and a great many kinds of smaller animals and birds, just as there were in the whole counry before the white people, like us, came here. 8. Altogether, ours is a very noble, beautiful, and fruitful country, where every body may be happy. Here we need not be afraid of bad rulers who have power to hurt us, for if we do right nobody can injure us ; and we are at liberty to do as we please, if we do not injure our neighbors. 9. And every one born in this free and beautiful country, should be proud of it, thankful to God for it, and willing to do every thing that is right to keep it free and good. 10. When I shall have told you the whole story — told you of all the dangers, and troubles, and hard work that the people who first came here had to endure, to make it such a fine country ; and how much others have since done to keep it so, I am sure yo i will feel glad to do all in your power to help in the good work. 11. And to make you feel so, is one great reason why I wish you to listen to the whole story attentively, that you may re- member it and do well. THE INDIANS. INDIAN G HEAP. How the Indians were named. Their language. SECTION II. THE INDIANS. 1. I will now tell you about the Indians who lived in our country before any white people were here. Where their fathers came from we can not tell, nor do you care to know at present. They were here when the white men ^- came from Europe, and appeared very strange to them, for they were of a reddish-brown color. They were dressed in the skins of wild boatts in the cold North, and in the warm South they were almost naked. 2. Columbus, the first great sailor who came to this country, thought the Island, or the land surrounded by water, that he first saw, was in that part of Asia called India. So he called these reddish-brown, or copper-colored people, Indians. I shall tell you about that great sailor presently. The Indians were found in all parts of North America, and were all very much alike in their appearance and way of liv- ing. 3. The Indians did not all talk alike. You know the Amer- ican and Frenchman call the same things by difterent i:ames. The American says horse, and the Frenchman says cheval. Their word or language is diflferent. So the Indians, in diff"erent parlr, of the country, spoke eight kinds of language, because there were eight nations. 4. These nations were named Alr/onquin, Huron-Troquoh^ Cherokee, Catawba, Uchee, Natchez, 3fohiliaii, and Dacotah or Sioux. Now these are hard words, but you must spell them out and remember them. Questions. —1. How did the Indians appear? How were they dresBed? 9. How came they to he called Indians? 3. What can you tell about their language ? 4. What were the nations called ? NDI ANS. Indian dwellings, money, and writing. 5. The Indians were tall and straight. They had straight black hair, fine teeth, and black eyes. They were seldom sick, because they had plenty of exercise and ate simple food. They lived in a sort of huts or tents, made of poles covered with the bark of trees or the skins of wild beasts. These A WIGWAM. were called wigivams. 6. The men went to war, hunted and fished ; and the women planted corn and other things, and did all the hard work. They did not have good tools to work with, for these were made of stones, shells, and bones. Their food was the flesh of the deer, buffalo, and bear, roasted or boiled, with beans, peas, potatoes, and melons. 7. The Indians had money, but it was not like ours. It was made of shells in the shape of long beads, which they strung on threads or fastened upon belts. So many of these pieces were worth a penny, and so many more were worth a shilling or a dollar. This money they called loampuin. 8. The Indians could not write as we do, and never saw a pen or ink. They made rude pictures to describe what had been done. Here is one of wampum. the kind. In the picture you see human figures, a boat with nine paddles, and a bear and turtle, with a fire between them. This tells INDIAN WAITING. tlic story of a fight between some Indians. One man, you see, has his head oflf. Then nine of them went in a boat which they call a canoe, and after that two families, one called the Bear tribe or family, and the other the Turtle tribe or family, had a council or talk, by a great fire. 9. The Indians had no schools, and the little children never had pleasant picture-books to read. Their mothers taught them Questions. — '>. What can you tell about their appearance and houses? 6. Wliat did they do? What was their food ? 7. What kind of money did they have ? 8. Can you tell about their writing? IfH c^'S-^s^ THE INDIANS. Indian weapons, sports, and burials. IXniAN WEAPONS. to make wampum, mats, skin and feather-clothing, and shell and bone ornaments. But I dare say they did not work much, but played nearly all day in the woods and by the pleasant brooks. They went to bed when the birds did, at sunset, and were up be- fore the sun, and so they kept their eyes bright. 10. The Indian men loved to fight, for they sometimes felt like tigers. Forty or more of one nation would go and fight those of another nation ; and sometimes there would be hundreds on both sides. They fought Avitli bows and arrows, war- clubs, scalping-knives, and tomahawks. In the picture is seen a bow and arrow, a kind of war-club, tomahawks or hatchets, and a scalping-knife. 11. When the men were tired of fighting, they would sometimes become good friends, as we white people do. Then they would build a gr6at fire in the woods, and the head men of both nations would meet around it and smoke a pipe which was handed from one to the other. This was called a calumet^ or pipe of peace. 12. The Indian men played ball, fired at the mark, danced, leaped, played games, and had other amusements, but they would never let the women They were not at all polite to the women. I am sure that no right-minded boy, when he gets to be a man, will let his mother, or sister, or wife, do all the hard work, while he hunts, or fishes, or plays ; and then not let them have any of the fun. 13. The Indians did not always bury their dead in the ground. When they did, they wrapped them in skins, and buried their bows and arrows, and other things, with them, supposing they would uuKiAL-i'i.Acr. QUEBTioNB. — '>. What did the children do ? 10. What can you tell about Indians fic;ht- ing? 11. What about their becoming friends? 12. What can you tell about their amusements ? 13. What about their burials ? CALUMETS. join them. 10 THEINDIAN8. Indian religion and law. What is to become of them. want to use them in the spirit land. They often folded the body in skins, and laid it upon a high scaffold, where wild beasts could not get at it. 14. The Indians had no churches, yet they believed in God, prayed to Him, and worshiped Ilim. They called Him the Good Spirit ; and they believed in an Evil Spirit. Instead of churches and meeting-houses, they had the sky for a roof; and the wind and the thunder, the singing of birds, and the roar of the storm, was their music. Then they would look up to the sun, the moon, and the stars, and believe that they saw God, for they knew of nothing greater. The Indians knew nothing of the Bible, and the religion of Jesus. They all had one belief, never quarreled about it, and were happy. 15. The Indians were governed by sachems and chiefs. Tlie sachems were general rulers ; the chiefs were the commanders of the Indian armies. Only wise men were made sachems, and only brave meli were made chiefs. These could not govern nor lead if they were not wise and bra\'e. 16. Such, my young Friend, were the copper-colored people who lived in this country hundreds of years ago, and some of whom live here yet. Unless you live beyond the Mississippi river, you seldom see any of them now. They are nearly all beyond that river, and are becoming fewer every year. 17. The time will come when there will not be an Indian on the earth. You may live to see that time, because they are pass- ing rapidly away. The white man, from the beginning, has used the poor Indians badly. He has cheated and oppressed them, given them rum to take away their senses, and with swords aiid guns has driven them far into the wilderness. 18. God, in his wise providence, has permitted the "bite man to take the Indian's land away from him. The Indian would not cut down the trees and raise grain, except here and there a little patch ; but the white man, as the Bible says, has made "the wil- derness to blossom as the rose." Questions.— 14. What about their religion ? V\ How were they governed ? IC. Where are they now ? IT, 18. What has the white man done ? INDIAN HISTORY. 11 Where the Algonquins lived. Pontiac. SECTION III. INDIAN HISTORY. 1. Now look on a map of the United States, and I will show you in what parts each of the eight Indian nations, of whom I have told yon, lived. I would like to tell you, also, of many things that they did before the white people came. But the story is too long for me to tell you now. You will know more about it Avhen you grow older. Do you remember the names of the eight nations, given in verse 4 of Section 11. ? 2. The i\LG0NQUiNS lived in the country north and south of the great lakes which lie between the United States and Canada. They occupied nearly all of Canada, a part of New York and all of the country east of it, a part of Pennsylvania, all of New Jer- sey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, eastern North Carolina, a portion of Kentucky and Louisiana, and all north and west of these States, eastward of the Mississippi. 3. The Algonquins, like each of the other nations, were divided into tribes, or collections of families, who often quarreled, and made war upon each other, just as brothers and sisters some- times wickedly do, I am sorry to say. But when the white peo- ple came and treated them badly, these quarrelsome tribes became friends, and joined to fight their oppressors. For manv, many years, the Indians did the white people a great deal of harm, as you will learn hereafter. 4. The greatest man of all the Algonquins was Pontiac, who was a sachem and chief. He caused many of the tribes in the neighborhood of the more western lakes to join together to kill all of the white people, but did not succeed. You will hear more of this before we get through with the whole story. 0. The Huron-Iroquois lived in a much smaller portion of Questions.—''. Where did the AlgonquLis live? 3. What did the Algonquins do? 4. Whit can you tell of Pontiac ? 12 INDIAN HISTORY. The Huron-Iroquois and the Cherokees. country, and were completely surrounded by the Algonquins. They dwelt in a part of Canada, in large portions of New York, and in parts of Pennsylvania and Ohio, along the southern shores of Lake Erie. A few of them lived in a small part of Vir- ginia and North Carolina. 6. The Huron-Iroquois, in the north, were divided into five tribes. These met around a great fire, at one time, and agreed to be friends forever. They formed a league, and were known as the Five Nations when the white people came. Finally those who lived in the south, and were called Tuscaroras, came north, joined the others, and then they were called the Six Nations. 7. Almost all of the Six Nations joined the British in the War of Independence, and fought the Americans. Two of their greatest men were called, by the white people, Joseph Brant and Red Jacket. The first was a great warrior, and the last was a great orator or speech-maker. 8. The Cherokees lived in the south-west. Their country was a very beautiful one, having high mountains and hills, fertile valleys, and many pleasant streams. Their dwelling-place cov- ered the whole upper part of Georgia, and extended from the Carolina Broad river on the east, to the Alabama river on the west. 9. Because their country was so full of mountains, the Chero- kees were called the mountaineers of the South. They were brave and warlike, and often had bloody battles with the jFive Nations, who used to travel through the woods away down there to fight them. They, too, joined the British against the Amer- icans, in the Revolution, but after that old war they were our friends. 10. The Cherokees lived in their beautiful country until a few years ago, when they were compelled to leave their nice farms?, and settle in the wilderness west of the Mississippi. At that time they had schools, and churches, and printed a newspaper. 11. The Cherokees have fine farms, and schools, and churches Questions.— 5. Where did the Iluron-Iroqnoislive? 6. What did they do? T. What can you tell of the Six Nations ? 8. Where did the Cherokees live ? 0. What can you tfeU about them? 10. Where are they now, and what ai-e they doing? INDIANHISTORY. 13 The Catawbas, Uchees, and Natchez. in their new country, and tliey are now the best Indians in America. I wish you could visit them, for they would treat you kindly. 12. The Catawbas lived in a very pleasant country in parts of North and South Carolina, between the Yadkin and Catavvba rivers. They, too, were very brave, but were peaceable. They seldom went away from home ; but whenever quarrelsome In- dians came there to fight them, they soon sent them about their business, I can assure you. Then the quarrelsome Indians would stay away. 13. The Catawbas were generally the friends of the white people, and were the good neighbors of the Americans in South Carolina in the old wars. Now there are not a hundred of them left. They could all stand in a barn. These live on the banks of the Catawba, in South Carolina. Very soon not one will be living. How sad to think of a whole nation gone forever ! 14. The Uchees lived in a warm, and very beautiful country. It extended from Augusta, on the Savannah river, across the whole State of Georgia. Their principal town was near Mil- ledgeville. They said to the white people when they came, "We were the first inhabitants who ever lived in this country." Even then there were very few of them left. soutueen lxdians. 15. The language of the Uchees was harsh, but their dis- positions were mild, like the climate. They never engaged in war, yet they appeared to be brave. There are now a few of them among the Creek tribe of Indians, west of the Mississippi. 16. The Natchez occupied a very small portion of country, extending from the east bank of the Mississippi river, up the valley of the Pearl river to the head waters of the Chickasaw. lY. The Natchez worshiped the sun, believing it to be the Questions.— 12. Where did the Catawbas live? What was their character? 13. What more can you tell about them? 14. Where did the Uchees live? 15. What can yon tell about them? 16. Where did the Natchez live:' 14 INDIAN HISTORY The Natchez and the French people. Great Spirit, as the Indians in South America did. They were proud and warlike. When, more than a hundred years ago, some French people came to live on the banks of the Mississippi, the Natchez agreed among themselves to kill them all, for they thought they had no business in their country. MEETING OF WHITE MEX AND INDIANS 8F,E PAGE 50. 18. The French people soon heard of what the Indians in- tended to do, and instead of waiting for the Natchez to come and attack them, they took their o:uns, went to the homes of the do: Questions. — 17. "What can yon toll about the Natchez? 18. What did the French IXDIAN HISTORY. 15 The Mobilian Tribes. Indians, and in a short time killed nearly all of tliem. There are now only about three hundred of the Natchez Indians left. 19. The MoBiLiANS composed a very extensive nation, for there were a great number of tribes. They lived chiefly in the warm country along the Gulf of Mexico, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi river, a distance of six hundred miles. 20. Their country also extended up the Mississippi river to the Ohio river, and up the Atlantic to the Cape Fear river. It in- cluded the greater part of Georgia, the whole of Florida, Ala- bama, and Mississippi, and part of South Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky. 21. In the Mobilian nation were three great leagues, com- posed of several tribes. These were called Creeks, Choctaws, and Chickasaws. The climate was so mild that these people re- quired very little clothing in winter, and in summer they went almost naked. 22. These southern Indians have given the A\hite people a great deal of trouble. But I must confess that the white people have been most to blame, because they have not treated the poor Indians fairly. Of these troubles I shall tell you more hereafter. 23. Most of the Mobilians have been compelled to go to the wilderness west of the Mississippi. Many of a tribe called Semi- noies yet remain in Florida, and refuse to go. They are dan- gerous and troublesome neighbors. 24. Nearly all that are left of these seven Indian nations ai'c now in the country west of the Mississippi, between the Red and Missouri rivers. Their present country, as you will see by the map, is now called Indian Territory. I fear it will not be theirs a great while, for white people are already going there, and will crowd the Indians out, I expect. 25. The eighth nation is composed of the northern and south- ern Sioux, who are sometimes called Dacotahs. When the French people went into their country, two hundred years ago, QxiEBTroNS.— 19. What can you tell of the Mobilians? 20. Where did they live ? CI. Whnt more can you tell about the Mobilians? 22, 2.^. What have they done, and whor.^ are they now? 24. Where are now those seven Indian nations? 25. What can you tell about the eighth nation ? 1 () 1 N D I A X II I S T U II V . The Northern and Western Indians. tliere were a great many of them. It is an immense country, west of the Mississippi, extending from the Arkansas river on the south to Lake Winnipeg on the north, and westward to the foot of the Rocky Mountains. 26. The northern tribes in particular, are very fierce anci war- like, and have always been fighting each other. They all yet remain in the country where they were first found, because the white people have not wanted it. But the white man will soon tell them to go further west, into the wilderness, because he wishes to raise grain, and build villages and cities where th^r cabins and wigwams now stand. And they will go. 27. Away beyond the Rocky Mountains on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, from Mexico on the south, to the northern line of "Washington Territory, there are scattered tribes of Indians, some of whom are very weak and few, while others are strong and many. 28. These occasionally try to beat oft' the white people who settle among them, but they always get badly beaten themselves. Year after year, these, as well as all of the other Indians in America are becoming fewer, and, as I said before, you may live ^ntil not a live Indian can be found. 29. I hope you have looked at the map attentively, while I nave been telling you about the Indians. If you have, you will know much that is useful, because these very Indians, many of chem, will be mentioned again in the course of my story. And when you are older, and come to learn more of them in a larger book, you will be glad that you were attentive now. Questions.— '>r.. Wliat of the northern tribes? 27. What can you tell of the western Indians? 28. What is their fate ? CHAPTER II. THE GREAT SAILORS OR DISCOVERERS. SKC'IION I. THE GREAT SAILORS FROM SPAIN. The trade with India desired. 1. Almost four hundred years ago, before there were any white people in America, there was a good young man named Christopher Cokimbus. He was born in Genoa, a city in Italj in the southern part of Europe. He studied hard at school, was much pleased with stories about the sea, and when he was old enough, he became a sailor. 2. At that time merchants, or store-keepers, in Italy, who lived near the sea, sent ships and traded with the people of that part of Asia called India, and became very rich. Their neigh- bors in Western Europe, especially in Spain and Portugal, wished to trade with them too. But the Italians were selfish and strong, and would not let the ships of their neighbors sail eastward in the Mediterranean Sea, 3. What must be done ? Look on the map, and I will tcU you what was done. Some bold sailors went in ships around the southern part of Africa, which is called the Cape of Good Hope, and then sailed across the Indian Ocean to India. But this was a very long way to go from Portugal and Spain. 4. Columbus thought a great dial about the matter. He had been in a ship away up in the ocean at the north, where there is ice all summer, at an island called Iceland. I think Qttestiovs.— 1 . What nan you tell ahout Cnlnmhus? ''. Wha*^ di<1 Ttnlim morchants do ■? a. What did some bold sailors do ? 4. What can you tell about North America ? 2 JB DISCOVERIES, The ideas of Columbus. His efforts and trials. ^^^^i^^^^==^ NOKTHMAN'S SHIP. NOETHilAN. lie must have heard of some rough sailors of that cold country called Northmen, who, it is said, came over to America live hundred years be- fore, in queer shaped vessels. 5. Columbus had also got the idea into his head that the earth was round like an orange, and not flat like a cake, as every body then thought it was. He thought that if the earth was round, India could be reached by sailing westward across the Atlantic Ocean, as well as sailing eastward ; and he believed it could not be half as far to it in that direction as around the Cape of Good Hope. 6. Columbus went to Lisbon, in Portugal, and told the king and other great people, what was in his mind. The king thought well of it, but most of the great people who did not know half as much as Columbus did, laughed at him, and he went away very sorrowful. Y. Columbus was poor. He had a Httle son named Diego, wdiose mother was dead. So he took his boy by the hand and started on foot for Spain, to ask the rich king of that country to let him have a ship with which to sail westward on the Atlantic Ocean iu search of India. 8. Ferdinand, the King of Spain, had an excellent w^ife, named Isabella, who loved God and her fellow-crea- tures. Columbus was a Christian, and thought that he could tell the people of new countries that he might find in searching Questions.— 5. What thoughts had Columbus? 6. Wliat was done in Portugal? 7. What did Columbus do ? 8. What can you tell about the Queen of Spain ? COLUMEUS. THE GREAT SAILORS FROM SPAIN. 19 Departure of Columbus for America. The Discovery. for India, about Jesus and the Bible, and the Gospel, and so do them good. 9. Columbus told Queen Isabella all that he would like to do, in searching for India and helping the heathen. Her heart was kind, and his words brought tears to her eyes. She prom- ised to help him even if she had to sell all the diamonds in her crown to buy a ship for him. She spoke to her husband about it. lie was willing, and she fitted out two small vessels for Columbus. 10. The great sailor was now full fifty years of age, and every body thought avcU of him, because he had always acted right. Ilis friends fitted out another ship, ^larger than those of the queen, and with plenty of company, Co- lumbus left the town of Pales, on the Tinto river, on the 3d day of August, in the year 1492. 11. It was a hot summer day when Columbus and his men sailed down the river. But when they were out on the ocean, the breeze was cool and delightful. They were soon out of sight of land, and could see nothing but water, and sky, and clouds. 12. They sailed on and on, week after week, and saw nothing but the water, and the sky, and the clouds. All but Columbus grew afraid, and wanted to go back. The common sailors even threatened to throw him overboard if he would not turn back. He trusted in God, and kept on unharmed. 13. Just at sunset on a pleasant day in October, Columbus felt sure that land was nigh. During the evening the perfumes of flowers came to his nostrils. The great sailor watched all night. In the morning all saw green forests, and soon they heard the singing of birds. Questions.— '>. What did Isabella do? 10. What did Columbus then do ? 12. What happened on the ocean ? l.S. What can you tell about seeing land ? THE VESSELS OP COLUMBUS. 20 DISCOVERIES, Landing of Columbus. The Indians. COLTJMBUS DISCOVERING LAND. 14. The sailors who were so afraid and so wicked, now joined with Columbus in praising God. All went on shore, among tlij beautiful shrubs and sweet flowers, and there on their knees they sang a hymn of thanksgiving to God. 15. They were on an island not very far from the continent of America. They saw men, w^omen, and children, hiding among the trees and bushes. These were very timid, for they had never seen white people before. As I have told you — [verse 2, page Questions. — 14. What did all who were with Columbus do ? 15. What can you tell a*>out the landing of Columbus? THE GREAT SAILORS FROM SPAIN. 21 Other discoveries. Americas Vespucius 7] — Columbus thouglit this island was a part of India, so he called the copper-colored people, Indians. The island he named San Salvador, the Spanish words for Holy Saviour. 16. Columbus found other islands in the neighborhood, and these, as you will see by the map, were afterwards named AVest Indies. "When he went back to Spain, he took some Indians, and parrots, and other things with him. Then King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were so pleased with the great sailor, that they made him rich and strong. 17. Soon after Columbus went back, another Italian, named Americus Vespucius, came over the Atlantic Ocean with one of Columbus's great sailors, named Ojeda. lie visited the West India Islands, sailed southward, and discovered the American continent, near the mouth of the Oronoco river. It was an easy matter after Columbus had led the way. • 18. Some people said to Columbus, "It was easy to find Amer- ica." He asked them to make an egg stand on its end. They COLTJMBXJS OX BAN BAL- VADOK. one end of his, so made tried in vain. Columbus cracked it flat, and it stood. Then they did the same. " It is easy enough when I have told you how," said the great sailor. Then they all felt ashamed. 19. When Americus returned, he wrote a letter, which was printed in a book. It told of what he had discovered, and he claimed the honor of first seeing this New World. Columbus, in another voy- age, had seen it at the same place Questions. — 16. What did Columbus then do ? 17. Who else came to Aitierica? 18. What can you tell about Columbus and the eggs ? 19. Why was the New World called America ? AMEKICU8 VEBPUCruS. 22 DISCOVERIES. How America was named. Ponce de Leon. Spanish adventurers. in South America, a year sooner. But ho was not allowed to tell the world what he had discovered, so this wonderful country was named America, in honor of Americus Yespucius. 20. Many Spanish people now came to live in Cuba and other West India Islands. Among these was an old man named Ponce de Leon. He was very proud, and did not wish to die. He was told that on an island north-west from Cuba, there was a spring whose waters would make him young again, and keep him so. 21. In the spring of the year he sailed in a ship, in search of that island. He sought in vain, but finally he discovered a land that seemed full of flowers, and partly on that account he named it Florida. Tliat was twenty years after Columbus made his first voyage. It was our pleasant Florida. 22. Other Spaniards went to the same country afterward, and going westward, dis- covered the Mississippi river. Others again Avent up the coast into the present Carolinas ; and some warriors sailed to Mexico, and took possession of that country. They all treated the kind Indians most shamefully. Of these warriors and their deeds you will learn more when you grow older. A SPANISH WAKEIOB. SECTION IL THE GREAT SAILORS FROM ENGLAND AND FRANCE. 1. When it was known in Europe that a new world had been found beyond the Atlantic Ocean, the kings and merchants made a great ado about it. In Spain, Portugal, France, Holland, Italy, and England, the people talked about it a great deal. QuFSTtONS.— '^fl. What can you tell of Ponce de Leon? 21. Wliat did he find? 22. V/'hat did other Spaniards do? 1. "What did finding a new world produce? SAILORS FROM ENGLAND AND FRANCE. 23 Cabofs voyages. Cabot's discoveries. 2. Henry, the King of England, who refused to listen to Colum- bus before his first voyage, was now glad to do all he could to assist John Cabot and others, v.ho were merchants in Bristol, in sending ships across the Atlantic in search of new counti'ies. 3. Four years and a half after Columbus made his first voyage, John Cabot prepared two ships, and with these, his son Sebastian sailed. He was a young man about twenty vears of age. At first he sailed toward Greenland ; then he turned southward, and in the course of a few weeks he came in sight of the rugged shores of y Labrador, and saw many icebergs float- '' inor in the sea. SEUASTIAN CAliOT. 4. Cabot did not land, but sailed southward, and discovered a large island, which he properly nanled New-found-land. There he saw great numbers of cod- fish, which are yet abundant in the sea in that region. He landed at several places, and then sailed to England to tell his countrymen of the new world he had found. 5. Sebastian Cabot crossed the Atlantic Ocean the next year, and sailed all along America from the icy coasts of Labrador to the sunny shores of oar Carolinas. He was the first discoverer of North America, for this voyage along the shores of the United States was made about fourteen years before Ponce de Leon, of whom I have told you [verse 20, p. 22], landed in Florida. 6. Sebastian was a very great sailor, and w^as upon the ocean nearly all his life. He sailed all along the coast of Brazil, in South America, discovered the great river La Plata, and wer.t on its bosom in a boat four hundred miles up into the broad wil- derness. He was an old man, with a large white beard, when he died. 7. After Cabot had told of the many codfish near Newfound- Ian 1, bold sailors went from England, Brittany, and Normandy, QuESxroNS. — 2. WTiat dii tho King of England do? S. Who sailed to America from England, and how ? 4. What did Cabot discover ? 5. What elsr^ did he do ? 6. What other discoveries did Cabot make? 7. What did other sailors do? 24 DISCOVERIES Verrazzani and his discoveries. Cartiers voyages. to catch them. The fish were so very numerous that the sail- ors soon filled their little vessels with them and went home. 8. Some of the fishermen had seen the neighboring coasts of Nova Scotia, and the stories they told of the beautiful land there, got to the ears of Francis, the first French king of that name. 9. At that time there was a great sailor in France, who came from Florence. His name was John Verrazzani. The king fitted out four vessels, with plenty of men and provisions, and sent Verrazzani with them to explore the coasts of America along which Cabot had sailed. 10. Three of Verrazzani's ships were injured by a storm, and he crossed the Atlantic with only one. He first reached the coast of our North Carolina, and then he went into almost every bay from there to Newfoundland. He talked a great deal with the Indians who came out of the woods to see him and his hig canoe, as they called his ship. He named the whole country New France. 11. Four years afterward, another great sailor, named James Cartier, came from France to this New World. He first landed at Newfoundland, afterward he sailed into a great gulf and the mouth of a very large river, and then returned to France. 12. Cartier came back in another ship the next year, and sailed up that great cAKTiEB's SHIP. j-iyer to a town which the Indians called Hochelaga. He named the gulf and the river, St. Lawrence. The Indian town he called Mont Real, or Royal Mountain, be- cause there was a high mountain just behind it. 13. That river, you know, is between the United States and Canada, a part of the way, and Montreal is now a large city. From that place Cartier wickedly carried away the King of the Indians, whom he coaxed to go on board of his ship. He took QuFSTiONS. — ^S. What was discovered? 9. \Vhat was done in France? 10. Tell about Verrazzani's voynge. 11. "What other French sailor came to America, and what did he sea? 12. What did Cartier afterward do? 13. What wicked thing did he do? SAILORS FROM ENGLAND AND FRANCE. 25 War in France. The Huguenots. Settlement in America. him to France, where the poor man died of a broken heart, when thinkino^ he should never see his wife and children acrain. 14. A few other French sailors came to explore America soon afterward. But the French king had his hands so full of business at home, because his people had commenced fighting each other, that he paid no more attention to fitting out ships to sail to America. 15. And what do you think the French people quarreled and fought about ? It was religion ! — the religion of Jesus Christ, who said, " Love your enemies." One believed something which the other did not, and so they quarreled and fought about it, and many were killed. 16. There was a great and good man in France, named Coligny. He loved the people called Huguenots, whom the Roman Catholics hated, and very frequently injured. Coligny seeing his friends in continual danger, thought it would be nice for all of them to go to America, where the Roman Catholics could not hurt them. 17. So Coligny helped a good many of them to fit out ships. They came over in the spring of 1562, or about three hundred years ago. FKENCIIMAN IN 1560. rril 1 1 1 • T^l • 1 1 t-. i lliey landed in iMorida, near where Ponce de Leon did, when he gave it that name. It was near our St. Augustine, the oldest town in the United States. 18. The Huguenots did not like the spot, and sailed northward to Carolina. But these nearly all perished. Two years after- ward some more came, and lived in tents on the coast of Florida, while they were building a fort, 19. The Spaniards claimed Florida as theirs, because Ponce de Leon, a Spaniard, first saw it. Melendez, a cruel warrior, went there with many soldiers, and murdered almost a thousand of the French settlers, chiefly because he and his men, and his king, did not believe what the Frenchmen did in religion. QUKSTIONS. — 14, 15. What now happened in France ? 10. What can you tell about the ITuguenots? 17. What did the Huguenots do? 18. What happened to them? 1^. What did the Spaniards do ? 26 DISCO V ERIE Revenge of the French. Qneen Elizabeth and the Huguenots. 20. When tliis cruel murder was known in France, a brave soldier, named De Gourges, sailed to America Avitli many others, and killed nearly all of the Spaniards. So the white people were in Florida no more. The first white settlement in America was broken up, and the Indians had the whole country to them- selves again, for a long time. 21. Some of the great English sailors sup^ posed they could get to India by going north- west, not dreaming that they would find the FKESrcn 80LDIEE IN . , ,. . • n i • i FLORIDA. ocean m that direction continually covered with ice. So, many years after Cabot discovered North America, Martin Frobisher and others crossed the Atlantic to find a north- west passage, and to sock gold in the rough soil of Labrador. They found neither, were discouraged, and went no more. 22. When a very remarkable woman, named Elizabeth, was the Queen of England, she and her great men heard of the beautiful region of our North and South Carolina. Some of the Huguenots, who escaped the massacre by the Spaniards, went to sea in a boat. They were picked up and carried to England, and they told the queen all about that fine country. 23. Queen Elizabeth was wonderfully delighted, and said her great sailors would do better to go there with people to plant corn than to go to cold Labrador to dig for gold they would not find. So God caused these poor Frenchmen to turn the minds of the English toward the beautiful middle regions of America. 24. At that time there was an intelligent and worthy young En- glishman, named Walter Raleigh, Q:t"STIOX8.— 50. What did a French Koldier do try to do? '2?. What can yon tell of a Queen of England? 2.S. What did Queen Eliz:v- bctli say ? C4. What can you tell about Walter Uakigh and his step-brother ? WAl.TEll KALKIGn. ?1. What did other English sailors SAILORS FROM ENGLAND AND FRANCE, Kaleigli and Gilbert's expeditions. Gilbert's death. KALEIGn S SHIP. ^vliom the queen thought a great deal of. His step-brother, Sir lliimphrey Gilbert, was one of her great English sailors, and had often thought it would be a fine thing to go to the beautiful Carolina region with a number of people, to build houses, raise grain, and live there. 25. Gilbert spoke of the matter to Raleigh, who seems to have liad the most money. The young man was delighted with the idea, and asked the queen's permission. She readily granted it, and early in the year 15Y9 they both started for Amer- ica. Storms and Spanish enemies soon drove them back, and they gave up the \j^ voyage. 20. Four years afterward Gilbert start- ed again, but did not reach Carolina. He was at Newfoundland awhile, and the*n started for home. A dreadful storm arose, beat upon the ship lie was in, and at midnight it went to the bottom of the sea with Gilbert and all on board. 27. Raleigh w^as much grieved at the loss of his step-brother. But he was a man of courage. He had a good deal of money left, so he fitted out two more ships to carry people to America. They were commanded by two great sailors, named Amidas and Barlow. 28. It Avas in the hot month of July when Raleigh's ships reached the Carolina coast. The people in them landed on an island which the Indians called Roanoke. They traded with the Indians for several weeks, and then returned to England. Two Indian chiefs wlio wished to see the w:orld went to England Avith them. 29. Queen Elizabeth and Raleigh were de- lighted with the stories which Amidas and Barlow told them, about the beautiful Roanoke »:nglisii gentlemax 15S0. (eUESTioxs.— C5. What did Raleigh and Gilbert do ? ?G. What happened to Gilbert afterward ? 27. What did Raleigh then do? C8. What can you tell about the English at Roanoke ? 29. How came that region to be called Virginia .* 28 DISCOVERIES. Grenville'o expedition. ■ Tobacco. Peril of the settlers. and the main land near by. The queen called the whole country Virginia. You remember Vcrrazzani had named the whole country New France, sixty years before. [See verse 10, page 24.] 30. Queen Elizabeth gave the use of the whole country to "Walter Raleigh, and he expected to make a large fortune by sending settlers to that fine region, for he Avas to share in all the profits that might be made in raising grain and digging gold. So the very next year, as soon as the trees were in blossom, Raleigh sent another great English sailor, named Sir Richard Grenville, with seven ships, to carry people to settle in America. 31. Grenville and his party reached Roanoke in June. The Indians were right glad to see their two chiefs come back again. These Indians were a remarkable people. They lived in arched- roofed houses, and had fine gardens, and fields of corn and to- bacco. 32. The white people never before saw tobacco. The Indians taught them to smoke it, but the more filthy practice of chewing it they learned themselves. I hope the boy who reads this, will never use tobacco in any way. Smoking it is better than chew- ing it ; but he who smokes it finds that " It robs his pocket, soils his clothes, And makes a chimney of his nose." 33. The Indians treated the English well, but were used so badly in turn that they determined to kill them all. At this time Grenville w^ent back to England with the ships, and the angry Indians prepared to murder all the settlers. 34. Sir Francis Drake soon afterward arrived, in a large ship He was one of the greatest war-sailors England ever had, and was the first Englishman w^ho sailed around the world. The settlers went on board his ship and returned to England. Others were landed there afterward, but they were all murdered by the angry Indians. 35. Finally quite a number of men and women were sent over QuKSTiONS. — 30. "What did the queen and Raleigh do? 31. What can you tell about the Indians? 32. What can you say about tobacco ? 33. How did the Indians behave ? 34. Who came to Roanoke? and what happened to the settlers? SAILORS FROM ENGLAND AND FRANCE. 29 Little Virginia, Dare. Efforts of other English sailors. The French. by Raleigh, to malvc a settlement. A man named John White was their governor. He went back to England for a good pur- pose, and was kept there many years. 36. Mr. White had a daughter married to a man named Dare. Before he left for England she had a beautiful little babe, which she named Virginia. She was the first English child born in America. AVhen Mr. AVhite went back to Roanoke, his daughter, and sw^eet little Virginia Dare, and all the rest were gone. I don't think they were murdered. I suspect they went far away in the country, and lived w ith the Indians. 37. Raleigh was now tired of trying to settle America. His money was nearly all gone, and he sent no more ships. He lived a great many years afterward, and wrote a History of the World while in a prison. He was put in prison by a very bad King of England named James. Raleigh was a good old man, and yet that wricked king, after keeping him a great many years in prison, caused his head to be cut off. 38. In the year 1602, Bartholomew Gosnold, another great English sailor, came across the Atlantic, and explored the coast from Boston to Newport. He saw a great many codfish near a low, sandy point south-east of Boston, and he named it Cape Cod. I wish you to remember this cape, for I shall speak of it again by-and-by. 39. Other great English sailors came to the same region soon afterward, and two of them explored the present coast of Maine. One of them wickedly carried off" some Indians in his ship, and all their friends were made very angry against the white people. 40. It was now more than a hundred years since Columbus revealed the New World to Europe, and yet there was not a set- tlement of white people in all this broad land. One was made soon afterward, on the river St. Lawrence, by some French peo- ple, who named the place Quebec. They came with Samuel Questions — C5. What can you tell of others? 36. What can you tell about little Virginia Dare and her mother? 37. What more can you tell of Raleigh? 3S. What can you tell of another great English sailor ? 39. And what of others ? 40. What caa you tell about settlements in America? 30 DISCOVERIE*. Acadie. Quebec. Henry Hudson. Champlaiii, a great French sailor, who discovered the lake of that name, in the northern part of the State of New York. 41. A little earlier, some French people had attempted to set- tie in Nova Scotia, and they named that country Acadie. They were compelled to leave it, but the settlement at Quebec re- mained. That is the oldest permanent settlement of Europeans in North America. 42. The English having failed in their attempts to make set- tlements in America, several London merchants concluded to employ some great sailor to make another effort to find a north- west passage to India. They employed a famous man named Henry Hudson. He sailed twice in that direction, but like others before him, he could not get through the ice, so the Lon- don merchants gave it up. 43. Hudson was a proud man. He was very anxious to be the first sailor who should reach India by a northern route. At that time there were a number of merchants in Holland who had joined together to trade in India. They were called the Dutch East India Company. 44. Hudson went to Amsterdam to see the managers of that Company. He told them that he firmly believed that he could reach India by going around the north of Europe, instead of the north of America. They liked the idea, and fitted out a small vessel, called the Half-moon, for him to sail in. He went away up into the Arctic Ocean, where he found just as much ice as in the other direction. He was too proud to re- turn without doing something great ; so he turned westward, after passing Iceland, and steered across the Atlantic. 45. The great sailor first saw America on the coast of Maine, lie then sailed 'southward to the Capes of Virginia, and explored QtJEBTiONR.— 41. What .ibout Fronch Rettlenients ? 42. "What did London morch'ints do? 4:^. Wha^, can you tell about Hviry Hudson and t'lc Dutch? 44. What did Hud- son do? 45. What wore Hudson's first discovorias .■• UALF-MOON. SAILORS FROM ENGLAND AND FRANCE. 31 Discovery of the Hudson river. Fate of Hudson. the bays and rivers northward until he entered the waters which now form the harbor of New York. 46. Hudson saw a great river rolling down from among the blue hills at the north, and he sailed up that stream more than one hundred and sixty miles. He had many adventures with the Indians, who had never seen a white man, nor such a " big canoe" before. That stream now bears the name of Hudson's river. 47. When Hudson returned to Europe, and told of the im- mense and beautiful country which he had discovered, the people of Holland, who were great traders, began at once to send ships to Hudson's river to traffic with the Indians. I shall tell you more about that presently. 48. Hudson tried once again to find a north-west passage. In GO doing, he discovered the bay in the far north which bears his name. There he lost his life. Some of his sailors were very wicked. They bound Hudson and his son with strong ropes, and putting them in a little boat, with seven sick companions, they sailed off with the ship and left them. Hudson and his companions all perished with cold or hunger, on that icy sea. 49. I have now told you the story of the Great Sailors, and I hope you have been interested. With Hudson's voyage, their work was made complete. Then the coasts of the New World had been explored from the West India Islands to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The way was prepared for settlements, and soon hundreds of people came from Europe, and commenced cutting down trees, erecting houses and churches, raising grain and fruit, and building villages and cities. We must always love the Great Sailors for finding such a beautiful country as ours. Questions. — 46. WTiat can you tell about Hudson's greatest discovery ? 47. What effect did his discoveries have ? 48. What liappeaed to liiui afterward ? 49, What had the Great Sailors now accomplished ? CHAPTER III. SECTION I. THE ADVENTURERS OR SETTLERS. Difference between a settlement and a colony. 1. I HOPE you remember what I have told you about the Great Sailors. They should be thought of frequently, as we go on in our story, because they opened the way to this beautiful land for people to come and settle in. Now I shall tell you about the Adventurers or Settlers. 2. I must first explain to you the difi'erence between a settle- ment and a colony. You know people may go from your neigh- borhood, away into the wilderness, and there cut down trees and build houses. This is called a settlement. But the Indians, or sickness, or some other thing, may cause them to move away. Then that place is no longer a settlement. Just so, you remem- ber, it was with the English on Roanoke [verse 36, page 29], and the Huguenots in Florida [verse 18, page 25]. 3. When a settlement becomes permanent, and the people make laws, plow fields, build villages, and so on, and continue to live in one place always, then the Adventurers who made the set- tlement become Planters, and form a colony. 4. I am now going to tell you what Adventurers did in making settlements in many parts of this country, and how they after- ward became Planters and formed colonies. It took some of the settlements ten years, and some twenty years, to become colonies, while one of them was about sixty years in so doing. I will first tell you of Questions. — 2. Can yon explain the diflferencs between a settlement and a colony? 3. What is a colony ? 4. How long did it take some settlements to become colonies ? ADVENTURERS IN VIRGINIA. 33 The division of Virginia. Plymouth and London companies. ADVENTURERS IN VIRGINIA. 5. Because of the discoveries of their Great Sailors, the En- glish claimed a right to settle anywhere in America between the mouth of the Cape Fear river in North Carolina, and the town of Ilaliftix in Nova Scotia. They allowed the Spaniards to have the country all south of that, and the Frenchmen all north of it. G. You remember [verse 29, page 27] Queen Elizabeth gave the name of Virginia to that whole territory. When she died, a Scotchman, named James Stuart, who was a king in his own country, became King of England, and a very mean and unlovely man he Avas. But he did some good things. 7. That vast country claimed by the English w^as divided into North and South A^irginia. Quite a number of men in the town of Plymouth, England, joined together for the purpose of making settlements in North Virginia. The king gave them a -written agreement, in which he promised to let them have the use of all that country if they would agree to do so and so. They were called the Plymouth or North Virginia Company. 8. A number of men in London joined together in the same Avay, to settle in South Virginia. The king gave them a similar paper, and they made a similar agreement with the king. They Avcre called the London or South Virginia Company. These papers given by the king were called Charters. Remember that word, and its meaning — an agreement. 9. The Plymouth Company first tried to make settlements in their part of America, but failed. The London Company soon afterward collected together more than a hundred Adventurers, fitted out three good ships for them to sail in, and then sent a great sailor, named Newport, to conduct them to the island of Pioanoke, where, you remember [verse 30, page 28], Walter Paleigh tried to make a settlement more than twenty years be- fore. This was at the close of the year 1600. QirFSTioxs. — 5. 'WTiat can you tell about the claims of the English? r>. AVhat can you say of a new King of England ? 7, How was America divided by the English ? 8. What can you tell of two companies in England ? 9. What did these companies do i 34 SETTLEMENTS. Arrival of Adventurers. Captain Smith. Troubles in Virginia. 10. A heavy storm drove the ships of the Adventurers away to the northward, and they entered the mouth of a great river, after passing two capes at the entrance to Chesapeake Bay. To please the king, they named the great river James, and the two capes Charles and Henry, after his two sons. 11. The Adventurers sailed more than fifty miles up that river, and landed on a sort of island. Every thing appeared beautiful, for it was in warm April weather, and the earth and trees were covered with flowers and blossoms. There they com- menced building a village, which they called Jamestown. 12. Captain John Smith, a very great soldier, of whom you have heard, I dare- say, was one of the Adventurers. He had been in many fights with the Turks in eastern Europe, and had done wonderful things there. Many of the Adventurers were rather bad characters, and they be- came jealous of Captain Smith, for they knew he was smarter and better than JOHN GMiTii. the v. 13. Smith was accused of wrong intentions during the voyage, and was put in prison on board the ship. When the Adventur- ers landed, they proceeded, according to King James's orders, to open a sealed box, which he had given them. Then it was found that the king had appointed Captain Smith to be one of the gov- ernors of the settlement. Greatly fearing the king's displeasure, f.icy set him at liberty, and for many years Captain Smith wag t'.ic greatest and best man in the New World. 14. Newport sailed for England in June, 160*7, for more Ad- venturers and provisions. Soon after he left, the provisions of the settlers became scarce, and the poisonous vapors which arose from the swamps near by, made a great many sick. Before the close of summer, full one half of the Adventurers died, and were buried in the ground at Jamestown. Questions. — 10. What happened to the Adventurers in Newport's ships? 11. What did they do? 1?. What can you sav of John Smith and his companions? 13. Wliat had been done to Captain Smith? 14. What happened to the settlers? ADVENTURERS IN VIRGINIA. 35 Smith ia captivity. His life saved by Pocahontas. 15. Every one now began to think of death and starvation, for the Indians had not received tlicm very kindly, and would not bring them food. The man whom the Adventurers had cliosen to be their chief ruler, was a very bad one, and it was not long before they asked Captain Smith to take his place. 16. Smith soon made the Indians respect him, and bring food for his companions. He now resolved to know more of the country he was in. He had already been up the James River to the Falls at Richmond, and had seen a large stream coming in from the north, just above Jamestown. With a few companions he went up that stream, which the Indians "called Chickahom- iny. While away from his boat, in the woods, some of the In- dians, who had been watching the white people, sprang forward and made Captain Smith a prisoner. 17. The great Emperor of the Indians was called Powhatan. Captain Smith was taken from one Indian village to another, so that the women and children might see him. Then he was con- ducted to the dwelling of the emperor on the York river. He was kindly treated ; but when the great men around Powhatan had talked the matter all over, they concluded to kill him. 18. A huge stone was placed before Powhatan, on which the head of Captain Smith was laid. His hands were tied behind him, and he could not stir. Then two strong Indians raised each a heavy club to kill him, and there appeared no help for him. 19. Powhatan had a beautiful daughter, ten or twelve years old, named Pocahontas. She sat by the side of her father, who loved her very much. She was a good girl, and pitied poor Captain Smith. Just as the Indians raised their clubs to kill liim, she leaped from her scat, clasped the head of the captive in her arms, and bogged her father to spare his life. Pocahon- tas was an angel of deliverance, for PoAvhata^i not only gave Smith his life, but sent a guard of twelve men to conduct him back to his friends at Jamestown. 20. During his captivity Smith learned much that was useful Questions. — 15. What were the troubles of the settlers? 16. What did Smith do ? What happened to him? 17. What did the Indians do with Smith? 18. What oc- curred beforo Powhatan? 10. How was Smith's life saved? 36 SETTLEMENTS. Smith's exploring voyage. First women in Virginia. to him, about the Indians and their country. But he was grieved to find every thing in confusion at Jamestown, and only forty of his companions alive. These were just preparing to leave, but he caused them to remain, and by his own exertions he procured food enough from the Indians, for them all. 21. Newport arrived with more Adventurers and provisions, the following spring. Then Smith started, in an open boat, to explore the Chesapeake Bay. He visited every bay and river along its coasts ; and, on foot, he went up into the wilderness as far as the country of the Five Nations in the southern part of Hew York. 1:2. Altogether this was one of the most wonderful voyag: 3 I have ever read about. Smith and his companions were gone three months, and traveled about three thousand miles. Tnat is the distance across the Atlantic Ocean, from New York to London. 23. A pleasant thing happened not long after Smith's return. Some more adventurers came from England, and with them, two women ; the first from Europe ever seen in Virginia. They w^ere very good women, but I am sorry I can not say the same of the men. Most of those who w^ere in Virginia, were very lazy. They would not raise grain for food, but looked for gold, or did nothing, day after day. 24. Smith coaxed the Indians to give the white people food, or they would have all starved. Finally, when he went to En- gland on account of being badly hurt, the Indians not only re- fused to let the wdiite people have food, but laid a plan to kill them all. The good and beautiful Pocahontas, like a divine angtl, went to Jamestown, told the Adventurers what the Indiai.s thought of doing, and so made them prepared to defend them- selves. 25. The Indians did not attack the people at Jamestown. After awhile, an English sailor, named Argall, who was a sort of QXJESTIO'S— "0. Whut can you tell about Smith's return? What did he do? 21. What can you tell about his exploring voyage ? 22. What about that voyage ? 2.^. What pleasant thing now happened ? AVhat can you say about the men in Virginia ? 24 What more can you tell of the goodness of Pocahontas ? ADVENTURERS IN VIRGINIA. 37 Pocahontas a prisoner. Marriage of Pocahontas. sea-iobbei*, came there, coaxed Pocahontas on board of his ship and kept her a prisoner for a long time. Her father was greatly grieved. But the robber would not let her go until her father sent plenty of food to the half-starving Adventurers. 26. And now another pleasant thing occurred. While Poca- hontas was on the ship, a young Englishman, named John Ptolfe, MAEEIAGE OP POCAHONTAS. fell in love with her. She became a Christian, was baptized, and married Rolfe. This made her fLither a good friend of the En- o-lish as lonor as he lived. o o Questions.— -5. What can you tell about Argall and Pocahontas ? 26. What other pleasant thing no^v happeued ? S8 S E T T L E M E N T S . Death of Pocahontas. Dutch traders in America. 27. Pocahontas went to England with her husband not long afterward, and died there, just as she was about to sail back to her native land. We should always remember that good Indian princess with gratitude. 28. After that, things went on much better in Virginia, A great many other Adventurers came over, and they were good ami industrious people. They tilled the land, did not spend their time in foolishly looking for gold, and raised plenty of food. 29. The settlement soon became so strong that the people did not fear the Indians, and those who came to stay a little while, and then return to England, resolved to stay as long as they lived. In the year 1619, they met together to inakc laws. Then the Vir- ginia settlement became a colony. SECTION II. ADVENTURERS IN NEW YORK. 1. I have told you [verse4'7, page 31] that when Henry Hud- son let the Dutch people, who lived in Holland, know about the beautiful land he had found in the New World, they sent ships with people there to trade with the Indians, who caught bears, beavers, otters, and other fur-bearing animals. Among other ships, the Half-moon, Hudson's exploring vessel, was sent for that purpose. That was in IGIO, or about two hundred and fifty years ago. 2. One of the greatest of the Dutch sailors who came to Amer- ica at that time was Adrian Block. He brought several Adven- turers with him, and landed on the lower end of the island which the Indians called Manhattan. There the city of New York now stands. QuESTTOxs.— 27. "What more can yon tell about Pocahontas? C8. What can you say about other Adventurers? 29. What did the settlers now do? 1. What did the Dutch people do? 2. What can you tell about a great Dutch sailor? ADVENTURERS IN NEW YORK. 39" The first ship-building. West India Company. First eettlcrs. 3. Block's sliip took fire aiul was destroyed, just at the com- mencement of a cold winter, in 1G13. The Adventurers built themselves huts to sleep in, and worked hard every day all win- ter, in building a new ship. It was completed in the spring, and then they explored the coast from New York to Halifax. That was the first ship ever built in the United States, and was named the Unrest. 4. Many other Adventurers came soon afterward, and some went up Hudson's river as far as the spot where Albany now stands. In that neighborhood, and on the lower part of Manhat- tan island, a fort and trading-houses were built soon afterward. The whole country which the English called North Virginia, the Dutch now named New Netherland. 5. A few years later, some Holland merchants formed the Dutch West India Company, and the rulers of their land gave them the privilege of making settlements anywhere in America, and in some parts of southern Africa. 6. Although the Dutch were getting rich ftist by trading with the Indians for furs, it was now thought best to have some fam- ilies come over, clear the land, raise grain, build houses, and thus commence a colony. 7. It Avas in the spring of 1623, when thirty families, mostly French people who had lived in Holland a long time, came to Manhattan. Quite a number of them went up Hudson's river, and settled at Albany. Others remained on Manhattan, ar.d some went across the East river, where Brooklyn and Williams- burg now are, and settled. 8. At about this time, several log houses were built at the. lower end of Manhattan island, and a permanent settlement was formed in New Netherland. With these dwellings and people, and those at Albany and at Brooklyn, a colony was formed, and became prosperous. I will tell you, by-and-by, how this country came to be called New York. Qttestions. — 3. WTiat happened to the Dutch Adventurers ? and what did they do ? 4. What did other Adventurers do ? 5. What can you tell of some Holland merchants ? 6. What was thought best? T. Who came to Manhattan? and where did they settle? 8. How was a colony formed ? 40 SETTLEMENTS. About New England. Captain Smith in New England. SECTION III. ADVENTURERS IN MASSACHUSETTS. 1. I have told you [verse 1, page 33] liow tlie Plymouth Company was formed. They sent a great sailor, named Pring, to prepare the way for settlements in North Virginia. The next spring, Sir George Popham (who was one of the company), and a hundred Adventurers, came over to settle. Many did not like the country, and more than half of them went back in the same ship. Those who remained suffered so much the next winter, that they also went back to England. 2. Eight years afterward, the famous Captain John Smith, who helped to settle Virginia, came over with two vessels, and ex- plored the American coast from Cape Cod to the Penobscot river. lie made a good map of the country, showed it to the king's eldest son, Charles, and by his permission, he named the whole reirion east of Hudson's river, New England. 3. Captain Smith was a just man, but his comrades were not always so. The commander of one of his ships carried off twenty Indians, and sold them for slaves in Spain. This made the In- dians in New England very angry toward all white people. 4. It was not until the year 1620 that a permanent settlement was formed in New England. The king, that year, gave the Plymouth Company a new charter, and they prepared to make settlements in their own way. But this was not permitted by the good and wise God. 5. Instead of Adventurers whose chief desire was to make money, others, who sought for a place where they might worship God as they pleased, were allowed to become the permanent set- tlers of that portion of New England known as Massachusetts. I will tell you how it was, and who they were. Qttestions.— 1. What did the Plymouth Company do? What can you toll of Rettlers who came to America? 2. What did Captain Smith do? 3. Wliat did Smith's ccm- panions do ? 4. When was New England first settled ? 5. By whom ? ADVENTURHUS IN MASSACHUSETTS. 41 The Roman Catholics. The Pope. Origin of the ruriLa::s. G. Very Earnest people, you know, believe that tlieir way of worshiping God is the best Avay, and they try to make every body else believe and act as they do. There was a bad King of England, named Henry the Eighth, who was a Roman Catholic. He got angry with the Pope of Rome one day, because he would not allow him to do a wicked thing. After that. King Henry would have nothing more to do with the pope. 7. The Pope of Rome, you know, is the principal Bishop or head minister of all the Roman Catholics in the world. The greater part of the people of England were glad when the King quarreled with the Pope, for they thought they would now be allowed to worship God as they pleased. But they were sadly disappointed. They were no better off than when King Henry was the Pope's friend. . 8. Henry's son, Edward, ^vas a better man, and when his father died, he told the people that they might Avorship and the ministers might preach and pray, just as they pleased. There were two kinds of people then in England, the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. The greater part of the Protestants be- longed to the Church of England reformed in Henry's time. 9. Many people began to think that neither the Roman Catholics nor the Church of England folks were as good as they might be, and plainly said so. They would have very little to do with either of them, and tried to live so as to please God. Be- cause they were so pure in all their Avords and actions the others laughed at them and, to make fun of them, called them Puritans. 10. AVhen Edward died, his sister Mary, who was a Roman Catholic, became Queen of En- gland. Now there are good Roman Catholics as well as good Protestants, but Mary was a bad one. '"-'' She told the people that they must worship God ^ putiitan. Questions. — G. Wliat can you tell about the pope and a bad Kinj? of England ? 7. What can you say about the people in the matter? S. What did Edward do? What can you tell about two kinds of pen])le in F:ngland ? 0. What can von tell about the Puritans? 10. What can you tell about Queen Mary and the Puritans? 42 SETTLEMENTS. Persecution of the Puritans. The Puritans in Holland. in tlic same way that she did, or she would punish them. Many- good Puritans and Church of England people would not obey her, and they w^ere whipped, or driven out of the country, or were imprisoned, or hanged, or burned to death. 11. All this was stopped for awhile when her sister Elizabeth became Queen of England. She was the one who thought so much of Walter Raleigh. She was not a lloman Catholic, but, like her father, she determined to make all the people worship God according to the w^y of the Church of England. The Puritans, who knew it was better to obey God than the queen, would not do as she had commanded, so they were made to suf- fer severely. 12. When that mean man, James Stuart of Scotland, became King of England, the Puritans hoped to have better times, for he pretended to be one of them. You know the Bible says, " Put not your trust in princes." The Puritans did so, to their sorrow. As soon as James became King of England he called the Puri- tans hard names, and because they would not worship God ac- cording to the way of the Church of Eng'and, he, also, mad.^ them suffer very severely. 13. The Pnritans endured it as long as they could, and then many of them fled to Holland and other places in Europe. A laro-e cono-regation, wdiose minister was a good man named John Robinson, hearing that the Dutch, in Holland, allowed every body to worship God as they pleased, went there, and lived hap- pily for some time. 14. But the Dutch people were so different from the English people that the Puritans concluded to go to America, about which they had heard a great deal in Holland. Here they hoped to be as free as. the air they would breathe, or as the Indians in the woods, " So they gQt pormission of the Plymouth Company to settleysomewhere in' North Virginia, and the king promised to let them alone in their new home. 15. The Puritans, who felt that they were only Pilgrims in this world, had very little money. So they formed a partnership QuFSTiON-8.— 11. What can vou tell about Queen Elizabeth? 1?. What about King James's conduct ? 13. What did the Puritans do ? 14. What did they do in HoUimd y ADVENTURERS IN MASSACHUSETTS. 43 The Pilgrims on the ocean. Their written constitution. MAY-FLOWEE. witli some London merchants, who fitted out two ships to convey them to America. The Puritans and the merchants were to ,^hare in all advantao-es that might be derived from the transaction. 16. Tlio Pilgrims—" the youngest and best"— left Delft-Haven, m Holland, in the summer of 1620, and went to England. They soon sailed for America, but the courage of some of tliem failed, and both ships went back to Plymouth. 17. Only one hundred, men, women and children finally sailed for America in one of the vessels, which they called by the beautiful name of May -Flower^ a pretty blossom that grows in England. They were on the ocean sixty- three days, and did not reach America until cold December, when every thing was covered with snow. " They sought not gold nor guilty ease Upon this rock -bound shore — They left such prizeless toys as these To minds that loved them more. They sought to breathe a freer air, To worship God unchained ; They welcomed pain and danger here When rights like thes3 were gained." 18. In the cabin of the May-Flower^ the Pilgrim Fathers^ as those IHiritan men are called, signed an ao^rce- ment that when they should get on shore, ai d have log houses built to live in, they would make good laws, and all would obey them. 19. Then they chose John Carver to be their governor. The plain chair in which he sat was as much a throne as the fine seat in which King James sat, all covered with silk and gold. Questions.— 15. What arrangements did the Puritans make ? 10. What did they then dor IT. What can you tell about their coming to America? IS. What was done in the Maj-Flower ? 19. What of Governor Carver? OOVEENOn CARVER 8 CHAIR. 44 SETTLEMENT Landing of the Pilgi'ims. The English in New Hampshirf. 20. The May-Flower was anchored in a fine bay, in sight of Cape Cod. Do you remember how that sandy point came to be named so ? [Sec verse 38, page 29] Some of the boklest of the men went in a little boat to find a good landing-place. Among them was Captain Miles Standish, a small man, but a great soldier. They did not sec any Indians, because a terrible pestilence had killed almost every one of them in that neighbor- hood. They soon found a good place. Then all the people on board the May-Flower landed, and they called the place New Plymouth. 21. The winter was cold, the snow was very deep, and the Pilgrim Adventurers suftered very much. Before the flowers bloomed, in the spring, the governor and his wife, and about one half of the Adventurers, died. The rest remained, cleared the ground, raised grain, and were joined by other Puritans from England. The settlement became a permanent one, and thus the colony of Massachusetts was founded. SECTION IV. ADVENTURERS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1. You see by the map that the State of New Hampshire lies north of Massachusetts. Two years after the Pilgrims came to America, John Mason, who was the Secretary of the Plymouth Colony, and Sir Fernando Gorges, both wealthy gentlemen, ob- tained permission to make settlements in that more northerly region, which they named Laconia. 2. Soon afterward, parties of fishermen built log houses near the present Portsmouth and Dover. In 1G29, a minister of the gospel, named Wheelwright, bought of the Indians the whole QiTE3TiON3. — 20. What can you tell about: the landing of the Pilgrims? 21. What can you tell of the Pilgrims in Amrrica? 1. Who were permitted to settle i.i New Hamp- shire '! '2. What can you tell of settlements ? ADVENTURERS IN MARYLAND. 45 Settlements ia New Hampshire. Lord Baltimore. country between the Merrimac and riscataqua rivers, and com- menced a settlement at Exeter. Fishermen commenced settle- ments, also, along the coast of Maine, and at several places log hnts were built. 3. The most of these settlements became permanent. Mr. Mason, who had been governor of Portsmouth, in Hampshire county, England, named the whole region New Hampshire. The people were too much scattered to get together to make laws, so, in 1641, they agreed to become a part of the colony of Mas- sachusetts. 4. Forty years afterward, when the settlers became numerous, they met and made laws, chose a governor, and formed the colony of New Hampshire. SECTION V. ADVENTURERS IN MARYLAND. 1. Now look further south on the map, and you will see the name of Maryland, between Pennsylvania and Virginia. It was called so to please King Charles the First, whose wife's middle name w^as Maria, or Mary. 2. I have told you how the mean King James worried the Puritans. He hated the Roman Catholics just as much, and per- secuted them in many ways. There was a smart Irishman, named George Calvert, who said he was a Roman Catholic, but did not act much like one before the king. He Avas so much liked by King James that he made him Secretary of State. He also made him a nobleman, and called him Lord Baltimore. 3. This smart Irish lord got permission from the king to form a settlement for Roman Catholics in America. He went first to Newfoundland, but the soil was so sandy, and the French settlers Questions. —H. "What w.-is done in 1041? 4. What can you tell about forming a colony? 1. Why was Marylaad so called ? 2. What cj.n you .say of Lord Baltimore? 46 SETTLEMENTS. Settlement of Maryland. -were SO near, that he left, and sailed for Virginia. The Church of England people there would not allow him to settle among them ; and he well knew that the Puritans would not allow him to live in New England. 4. Lord Baltimore was in a quandary. He had heard that when America was divided into North and South Virginia, a space of two hundred miles was left between them, so that the Plymouth and London Companies should have no cause for dis- putes about the line that separated their territories. Baltimore resolved to settle on this strip which nobody owned. 5. While Lord Baltimore was looking for a place to settle in. King James died, and his son Charles became monarch of En- gland. Charles gave Baltimore a charter, but about that time the Irish nobleman died. His brother, Cecil Calvert, then be- came Lord Baltimore. The first company of Roman Catholic settlers who came to the territory of the United States, arrived in 1G34. Their governor was Leonard Calvert, Lord Baltimore's brother. 6. These Adventurers sailed up the Potomac river as far as Mount Vernon, where AVashington afterward lived, but they did not find a good place to commence a settlement. So they sailed down the river, and on the shores of Chesapeake Bay they landed, built log houses, and called the place St. Mary. They bought the land from the Indians, and this honesty was always remembered by those children of the forest. 1. Calvert called a meeting of the people to make laws. AYithin five years after these Adventurers sailed up the Potomac, the settlement had much increased, for many more Eoman Cath- olics had crossed the Atlantic. The first Legislature— a number of men chosen by the people to make laws — met at St. Mary in 1630, and then the colony of Maryland was formed. Ottestioxs.— 3. What did Baltimore do ? Who opposed him ? 4. What can /c" tell of the rpiiion named Maryland ? R. What nn yon tell ahout its settlement? 6. What did the first Adventurers do ? 7. How did the settlement grow to a colony ? ADVENTURERS IN CONNECTiCUT. 47 The Dutch and English in the Connecticut Valley. SECTION YI. ADVENTURERS IN CONNECTICUT. 1. The river that rises in Canada and empties into Long Island Sound, was called by the Indians Quon-eh-ta-cut, which means, in their language, The Long River. It was discovered in the spring of 1613, by Block, that great Dutch sailor who, you remember, [verse 3, page 39] built a ship where New York now stands. 2. Dutch traders went up that river soon afterward, and, near where Hartford now stands, they built a fort and trading-house. The white people spelled the name of the river as it sounded to thorn — Connecticut. The Puritans of New Plymouth having heard of the beautiful country through which it flowed, were very anxious to make a settlement there, before the Dutch should do so. 3. The Plymouth Company claimed this region. So they gave permission to several English gentlemen to make settlements there. Quite a number of Adventurers went up the Connecticut river in the autumn of 1633, in a sloop commanded by Captain Holmes. The Dutch well knew what they came for, and de- clared that they should not pass their fort. Captain Holmes declared that he would, and so he did. The Dutch grumbled about it, and the next year sent seventy men to drive the Puri- tans away, but they could not do it. 4. Two years after this, a company of man, women, and children traveled through the woods from Plymouth to the Connec- ticut river. The following winter was very cold. Many of their cattle died, and food became so scarce that the'people were com- pelled to eat acorns that fell from the oak fost meeting-house. QuTSTioxs. — 1. "What can yon tcU about the Connecticut river? ?. What did the Dutch and Puritans do? 3. What can you tell of the tro'iMes bctvreen the Dutch and Eaglish ? 4. "What can you tell of settlers from Plymouth ? 48 SETTLEMENTS. Emigration to Connecticut. Pequod War. trees. Some left in the spring, but many staid, and where the city of Hartford now stands, they built a small meeting-house of logs — the first ever erected in Connecticut. 5. In the summer of 1636, a very excellent minister of the Gos- pel, named Thomas Hooker, who lived near Boston, went away through the wilderness to Hartford, with several families, con- sisting of about one hundred people. These Adventurers drove cows with them, and lived upon their milk and the berries which they found on their way. 6. It was on the fourth of July when they reached Hartford, and the next Sunday they all assembled in that little first meet- ing-house, where Mr. Hooker preached to them. Some of the families settled there, and others went up the valley and founded Springfield and other places. v. Just as these Adventurers were preparing to establish a permanent colony, they were called upon to endure great trouble. There was a tribe of the Algonquin nation [page 1 1], called Pequods, who lived east of the Connecticut river. They de- termined to kill all the white people, and tried to get the Narra- gansets, further eastward, to join them. This, Roger Williams (of whom I will tell you presently), prevented. 8. The Pequods, froni time to time, murdered several white people. The Adventurers in the Connecticut valley, seeing no chance for peace with them, resolved to kill them all. The set- tlers in Massachusetts agreed to help them, and they got the Indians who lived on Narraganset Bay, in Rhode Island, to joia them. 9. In May, 1637, full five hundred warriors, white people and Indians, were marching toward the country of the Pequods, whose great sachem and chief, Sassacus, felt no fear. He had a strong fort a few miles from the present New London, and could call around him almost two thousand warriors. But Sassacus felt stronger than he really was. 10. Captain Mason, a famous Indian fighter, commanded the Questions.— 5. What can yon tell of other settlers from near Boston? C. What did thp new sf.ttlors do? 7. What trnnblj appeared? 8. What did the Indians do? 9. What preparations for war were made ? ADVENTURERS IN CONNECTICUT. 49 Destruction of the Pequods. Settlement at New Haven. Connecticut Colony. army that marched against Sassacus. One morning, before day- light, he surrounded the Indian fort, set it on fire, and, when the sun arose, more than six hundred men, women, and children had perished in the flames, or by the sword and spear. Only seven escaped. 11. Sassacus was amazed; and when he heard that other soldiers were coming from Massachusetts, he fled westward with his remaining warriors, to a great swamp near Fairfield. There a severe battle was fought, and the Indians were nearly all slain. Sassacus again fled, and took refuge with the Mohawks, one of the Six Nations, where he was murdered. The whole territory of the Pequods was desolated, and the tribe was destroyed. 12. The white people who followed the Pequods in their flight, discovered the beautiful country along Long Island Sound. Ad- venturers soon came from Massachusetts to examine it. In the autumn they built a log hut on a little stream near a bay, and spent the winter there. 13. The next spring the Adventurers were joined by John Davenport and others. Davenport was a Gospel minister, and preached his first sermon to the people under a large oak tree. They purchased the land of the Indians, made a covenant by which they agreed to be governed, and called their settlement New Haven. 14. In the winter of 1639, the settlers in the Connecticut valley met and formed a covenant, and chose a governor. They called their settlement the Connecticut Colony. Although these and the New Haven settlements were not united under one government until twenty-six years afterward, the foundations of the colony of Connecticut were laid in these covenants made by the Adventurers in each, in 1G39. Questions— 10. What can you tell of an attack upon the Indians? 11. What about Sassacus and his warriors ? 12. What did the white people discover? And what did they do? IH. What can you tell about New Haven? 14. How was tlie Connecticut colony formed ? 50 SETTLEMENTS. Roger Williams and the settlement of Rhode Island. SECTION XII. ADVENTURERS IN RHODE ISLAND. 1. William Blackstone, the first white man who lived where Boston now stands, was also the first one who lived in the State of Rhode Island. Although he was the first settler there, he was not the founder of the colony. 2. There was a minister of the Gospel in Massachusetts, named Roofer Williams. The Puritans there wanted everv hodv to be- lieve and act as they did. Williams would not, and so they told him he must leave that settlement, or they Avould put him in prison. 3. Williams went off among the tribe of Indians, called Nar- ragansetts, and their great sachem, Canonicus, gave him some land at the head of Narragansct Bay. Williams, and a few men, formed a settlement there ; and because of the goodness of God in preserving their lives in the wilderness, he called the place Providence. It is now the chief city in Rhode Island. 4. AVilliams gave permission to every one to worship God as he pleased. Many in Massachusetts, when they heard of this freedom, went to Providence, and the settlement grew quite fast. The great Indian sachem loved Williams, and matters went on smoothly. 5. In 1639, some people who came from Boston, and joined Williams, were presented by Miantonomoh, another Narragansett sachem, with the beautiful island of Aquiday, now called Rhode Island. They settled at the north end of it, and founded Ports- mouth. Others, who came afterward, settled near the south end, and founded Newport. Each of these settlements formed a league, or covenant, for their government. 6. Roger W^illiams went to England to get a charter from the QiTESTiONS.— 1. Who was the first white man in Rhode Island? 2. What can you tell of Roger Williams'? 3. What can you tell about the settling of Providence? 4. What can you say of freedom there ? 5. What can you tell of the settling of Rhode Island ? ADVENTURERS IN" DELAWARE. 51 The Swedes on the Delaware. king, in 1G43. But the Parliament, or Legislature, of England, was then at war with the king, and had the power in their hands. So the next spring, Parliament gave him a charter, and all of the settlements were united into one colony, with the name of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. SECTION VIII. ADVENTURERS IN DELAWARE, NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA. '1. The settlements in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Dela- ware, were so connected that I must tell you about them all, in one story. We will begin with DELAWARE. 2. Some Dutch Adventurers came over in two ships, com- manded by Peter Heyes, in 1631, and landed where the village of Lewiston, in Delaware, now is. The Indians murdered the whole of them. 3. At this time, the King of Sweden, in the north of Europe, had formed a plan for some of his people to establish a colony in America. That king was killed in battle, and he left his little daughter, who was only six years of age, to be queen. She was too little to do any thing, so some great men managed affairs until she became a woman. 4. Some people of Sweden joined, and formed the Swedish West India Company. The great men who managed affairs there gave them a charter, in the name of the dear little queen, and, in 1638, quite a number of Adventurers landed on the shores of the Delaw^are. They built a church and fort, bought a large tract of land of the Indians, and named the territory New Sweden. Questions. — fi. How was a charter for Rhode Tslind obtained? 2. Who first settled in Delaware? 3. What can you tell of the King of Sweden, and the little queen? 4 What about some Swedish Adventurers ? 52 SETTLEMENTS. End of New Sweden. Settlers in New Jersey. 5. Now the Dutcli claimed all this land as a part of New Netherland, and told the Swedes they must leave it. The Swedes refused to go, and they and the Dutch quarreled about it for more than a dozen years. The Dutch governor on Manhat- tan finally sent soldiers there, to drive oft" the Swedes. The Swedes agreed to be governed by the Dutch, if they would let them stay, and so, in the year 1655, New Sweden was no more. NEW JERSEY. 6. New Jersey was a part of New Netherland, and some Danish traders settled first at Bergen, and then on the Delaware river. The Dutch built a log fort just below Camden ; and near there some families from Manhattan went in 1623. 7. Settlements were soon afterward made in other places in New Jersey. In 1630, a Dutchman purchased Staten Island, and all of the land around Jersey City, from the Indians. When, in 1664, the English took New Netherland away from the Dutch, the territory between the rivers Hudson and Delaware, was called New Jersey. 8. Soon after that, some families from Long Island settled at Elizabethtown. In 1665, Philip Carteret, brother of one of the owners of New Jersey, who had bought it from the Duke of York, came over with a charter, as governor of that territory. Then the people, for the first time, met together to make laws, and the colony of New Jersey was formed. PENNSYLVANIA. 9. I shall tell you pretty soon how the people of Englan ^^^j^g^i u pine-tree money." It FIRST MONEY COINED IN THE UNITED STATES. ^yRS tllC first mOUCy CVCr madC in the United States. It was not half as beautiful as our dimes and quarters, but just as good for use. 19. I have already told you that the Puritans did not like to have people who differed from them come among them. I have also told you a little about the Quakers [page 52], when speak- ing of W^illiam Penn. A\ell, in the year 1656, two women, called Quakers, came to Boston. The Puritans had heard of such people, and they put these women in jail as soon as they arrived. Eight others came during the year, and they were all put on board of a ship and sent back to England. 20. Other Quakers came, and so annoyed the Puritans by their fault-finding with the ministers and the rulers, that they passed very harsh laws against them. Yet they continued to come, and the head men at Boston got very angry with them. They hanged some of them, whipped others naked through the streets, Q-JK6TION8. — IT. What can you tell about the New Enjjlanders and Oliver Cromwell? 18. What about their money? 10. What can you tell about the Quakers? ^0. How were the Quakers used in New England ? P L A N T E 11 S IN iM A S S A C II U S E T T S . 65 Persecution of the Quakers. Defiance of the king. The Wampanoag chief. put several in prison, and drove others away, telling them that they should be hanged if they ever came back. 21. The Quakers did come back, and suffered much. Finally the Puritans ceased persecuting them, and the Quakers stopped preaching against the ministers and rulers. They went to teach- ing the Indians, and became good, quiet citizens. Persecution is always wrong. You may try to persuade people to believe and act as you do, but you should never attempt to force them to do so, because you may have the power. 22. When, in the year 16G0, Charles the Second, son of the beheaded king, became monarch of England, the people of New England suffered some. The king had heard how they had liked Cromwell better than his father, and it made him ansfrv with them. He dared not persecute them here, as his father and grandfather had done in England, but he annoyed them very much by injuring their trade with the West Indies and elsewhere. I will tell you how. 23. The king ordered the people of New England to pay him so much money, for every thing they received in certain ships. He sent men to collect the money in Boston and other places, but the New England merchants would not pay it, and the people said they were right. The king finally got tired of trying to col- lect the money, and he told his tax-gatherers that they might as well come home. This was the first grand act of defiance by the American people, toward the monarch of England, but not the last one, I can assure you. 24. And now, very serious trouble appeared. Old Massasoit, the Wampanoag sachem — the friend of the English — was dead. He had a brave son, named Metacomet. The white people called him King Philip. He saw the lands of his people where they hunted, and the streams wherein they fished, constantly passing into the possession of the English, and, in his cabin at Mount Hope, he sat and thought long about the future. He saw no hope for his nation, but in a war that should destroy all the Questions.— 21. What was done at last? 2'>. "VVTiat can ym tell ahont the second King Charles? 23. How did the king use the New Englanders? and how did they act? 24. "What can you tell about a new trouble ? 66 COLONIES. King Philip's war. strangers. These strangers had wronged him, and he soon kindled a war. This is called KING PHILIPS WAR. KING PniLIP. ed 25. On a Sabbath day, just as the people of a little village, called Swanzey, were returning from their churches, Philip and his warriors fell upon them. Several were killed, and some escaped to other settlements. The white people seized their arms, and surrounded a swamp, in Rhode Island, in which Philip had a sort of iiM^^^^^^^^^^^ f<-^^% ^^^^ where he was gathering his 1 i\..\Hi\^"'^fhi , - , warriors for other bloody deeds. 26. The white people watched closely, but Philp and his men escap- He hastened toward the Connecticut Valley, and aroused other Indians on the way. They spread death and destruction in every direction. In the course of a few weeks, several settlements were destroyed, the people were murdered, and their houses were burned. Philip was finally checked, and retreating to Rhode Island, he took refuge with the Narraganscts. 27. Quite a large army of white people now fell upon the Narragansets, who, with Philip and his men, full three thousand in number, were in a swamp. In a little while, a thousand war- liors were slain, many were made prisoners, and five hundred wigwams, with all the winter provision of the Indians, were burned. 28. Again Philip escaped, and he persuaded several tribes of the New England Indians to join him against the white people. These were soon upon the war-path ; and in the course of a few weeks, in the spring of 1676, they spread terror, desolation, and death over a space of three hundred miles. Many of the fright- QtTESTiONS.— ?5. IIow did King Philip's War commence? 26. What happened in the Connecticut Valley ? 27. What can you tell of an attack on the Indians ? 28. What was done in the spring of 1076 ? PALISADED IIOUSI PLANTERS IN MASSACHUSETTS. C7 The Indians conquered. The feelings of King Charles of England. Governor Andros. ened people had palisaded tlieir houses with sharpened sticks driven in the ground, but these did not always keep the Indians away. 29. The white people chastised the Indians severely, after this. During that year, they killed almost three thousand of them. King Philip was chased from one hiding-place to another, and finally he was shot in a swamp by an Indian friendly to the En- glish. Then his head was cut off, and carried in triumph upon a pole, into the village of New Plymouth. So perished the last of the princes of the Wampanoags, and with him the strength of the New England Indians. 30. King Charles the Second would have been glad, I have no doubt, if the Indians had killed all of the white people in Massa- chusetts, for he feared and hated them. They were increasing rapidly in numbers and wealth, and at the close of the war, the territories of the present New Hampshire and Maine were added to that of Massachusetts, and made the colony still stronger. 31. At length, the king determined to take all power in New England into his own hands, and not let the people govern them- selves. He had already taken steps to do so, Avhen God took his life away, and his brother James became king. James Avas worse than Charles. He hated a people who despised kings, like himself, and he gladly sent a proud man, named Andros, to be- come governor of all the Planters in New England. 32. Andros was as bad as his master, and the people hated and despised him because he w^as cruel and wicked. The Plant- ers of Massachusetts were about to send him oft' to England in a ship, as they did the Quaker women, and then tell the king to help himself, if he could, when the people in that country drove James away to France, and William and Mary became their monarchs. 33. The King of France took sides with James, and the French Questions.— 29. What was finally done to Philip and the Indians ? 30. "VATiat can you say of King Charles and the people of New England? 31. What can you tell of Kings Charles and James ? 32. What can yoa tell about Governor Andros ? 68 COLONIES. Destruction of Schenectada. Expedition against Quebec. Union of colonies. and English went to war with each other. The French and En- glish people in America quarreled and fought, too. These trou- bles continued for several years, and the event is called KING 34. Tlie white people of New England suflered dreadfully during King William's war, because the Frenchmen in Canada persuaded the Indians to join them in murdering the English. Several villages in New England were burnt, and many white people were killed. Women and little children were not spared. 05. On a cold night in February, 1690, the French and Indians came softly in the snow, and burned the village of Schenectada, near Albany, in New York. The people were fast asleep, and were awakened by the yells of the Indians and the burning of their houses. As they ran into the streets, they were killed by their enemies. The boldness of the French and Indians, in com- ing so near the thick settlements, caused the people of New York and New England to join together and make war upon Canada- where their enemies came from. 36. They made great preparations. Tlicy sent strong ships, with armed men, up the St. Lawrence to attack Quebec, and hun- dreds of soldiers by land. But they did not succeed. The troops did not get to Canada, and the people in the ships, who landed at Quebec, found the city too strong for them, with its soldiers, and cannons, and heavy walls around it 37. This war finally ended in 1697. In the mean while, King William had united the colonies of Plymouth, Massachusetts, Maine, and the region beyond, called Nova Scotia, or New Scot- land, made them into a royal province, and called it Massachu- setts Bay Colony. Sir William Phipp?, who commanded the ships sent to Quebec, was appointed governor. But the people did not like the new arrangement very well, and plainly told the king's officers so. Questions.— 33. What followed the cxpulsionof King James from England? 34. What happened in New England ? 35. What can you tell about the destruction of Schenec- tada? and what was the effect? oC. What can you tell about an expedition to Canada? 87. What new arrangement was made by the king ? PLANTERS IN MASSACHUSETTS. 69 Salem witchcraft. Conduct of the French and Indians. Queen Anne's war. 38. A great many people, in tliose days, were foolish enough to believe in witches. One day, two young girls in Salem com- menced twitching and acting very strangely. An old Indian woman was accused of bewitching them. Pretty soon others began to act just as strangely, and in almost every house some- body was " bewitched." Homely old women were first accused of being the witches, but at last, all sorts of people were sus- pected. 39. Even the governor's wife was called a witch ; and a very good minister of the Gospel was accused, and was afterward hanged. A great many innocent people were imprisoned, and otherwise punished ; and during the six months that this fright- ful delusion prevailed, twenty persons were hanged. At last the rulers and people came to their senses, and the supposed witches disappeared. They all felt ashamed ; and every body, from that time to this, laughed about the Salem witchcraft. 40. This trouble had passed away, and the long war had ended, and r^eople began to hope for happier days. But they were dis- appointed. The French and Indians continued to plunder and murder the English who lived in the wilderness, and even vil- lages were attacked and destroyed. The French wanted to get possession of the whole country, and the Indians loved war and plunder, c.nd so they kept busy together in annoying the Xew England ers. 4i. Eno-land became offended at somethino; France had done. They qunrreled and went to war. Queen Mary was dead, and Jving William having been killed by a fall from his horse, Mary's sister, Anne, became Queen of England. On that account, this war, which was commenced in 1702, was called QUEEN A X N E ' S WAR. 45}. As before, the French and English in America went to war too, and again the white people in New England suffered Questions.— 38. What can you tell about witches I 39. "What about the sufferings of the people? 40. What new troubles came? 41. What changes took place i;i England^ 42. Whmi Lben happened in America ? 70 C O L N I E Troubles with the French and Indians. The captive maiden. Walker's expedition. dreadfully from the cruelty of the French and Indians. Fortun- ately for the people of New York, the Five Nations, of whom I have told you [verse 6, page 12], were honorable, and having agreed not to fight for or against either party, did as they liad promised. 43. The New England Indians had made similar promises to the English, hut the French wickedly persuaded them to break their word. Then there was great trouble all along the frontier, and every one Avas made afraid. Many people were murdered by the French and their dusky allies, villages were burned, and a large number of inhabitants were carried off by the Indians, as prisoners. 44. There was a little girl, named Williams, who was carried away from Deerfield by the Indians. She was the daughter of a minister, and was kept among them until she grew to be a young woman. She came to love them very much, for they were kind to her, and she married a Mohawk chief, a brave man among the Five Nations. 45. Some of the New England Colonies joined together in raising an army of soldiers and a fleet of ships, with which to chastise the French in Nova Scotia. In the course of three or four years they made the French people there very glad to be- have themselves properly, and then, to prevent more trouble, they took the country away from France and gave it to England. 46. In the year iVll, a great English war-sailor, named "Walker, came to Boston with many ships and soldiers. These were joined by New England people, and they all sailed for the St. Lawrence river, to attack Quebec. Eight of Walker's ships were wrecked, and a thousand of his soldiers were drowned, and he went back to Boston very sorrowful. 47. The French, the English, and the Indians, had now be- come tired of war, and in 1713 they all agreed to be friends. The chiefs of the eastern Indians went to Boston, and promised Qtjestioxs. — tn. What can you tell about troublos in New England ? 44. What can you ti'll about a liltlo, captive girl ? 45, What was done against the French in the East ? 46. What can you tell about Walker's expedition ? 47. What more can you tell of the English, French, and Indians? PLANTERS IN MASSACHUSETTS. 71 King George's war. Capture of Louisburg. not to do the English any more harm. They kept their word, and, for thirty years, there was no more war in America, between the French, the English, and the Indians. 48. In the year 1*744, England and France quarreled again, and went to war, and, for the third time, the French and En- glish in America thought it proper to quarrel too, and com- menced fighting. At that time, Queen Anne's son, George, was monarch of England, and this contest was called KING George's war. 49. Eastward of Nova Scotia is quite a large island, called Cape Breton. Upon that island the French had a town named Louisburg, and there they built a very strong fort, having heavy walls and many great guns. This gave the French very great power in that quarter, and the people of New England and New York joined together to take the fort away from them. 50. The English in America hated the French, because they had made the Indians act so cruelly. On a warm day in April, in the year 1745, a large number of soldiers sailed from Boston, for Cape Breton. On the way they were joined by several large English war-ships, from the West Indies ; and toward the middle of May they all landed not far from Louisburg. 51. The French people, seeing four thousand Englishmen com. ing with ships and cannon, were greatly frightened. After talking the matter over among themselves, they came to the conclusion that they could not drive their enemies away, and therefore there was no use in fighting. So they surrendered — that is, they sent word to the English commanders to come and take their fort, city, and ships, if they would spare their lives and treat them well. These thino;s were done, and the Enn;lish went back to Boston, well pleased. 52. The King of France was much mortified by the capture of Louisburg ; and the next year he sent many heavy ships to QtTESTiONS. — 4R. WTiat can yon tell of a new quarrel with France ? 40. What can you tell about Louisburg? 50. What was done in the spring of 1T45? 51. What did the French at Louisburg do ? COLONIES. The Dutch on Manhattan, Then- kindness to all. get the fort back again. Dreadful storms beat upon the ships, and many of them went to the bottom of the ocean. The re- mainder returned to France. From that time until now, the English have owned the island of Cape Breton, and every thing upon it, except private property. 53. France and England remained quiet a few years, when another quarrel broke out, and caused one of the most distressing wars then ever known in America. It lasted seven years, and is called the French and Indian AVar. I shall tell you about that in another chapter. SECTION III. planters in new YORK. 1. I have told you [page 39] how the Dutch made settle- ments on Manhattan island, and commenced building a city at the lower end of it. They called that city New Amsterdam. When Planters and their families came, a governor came also. His name was Minuit. He bought of the Indians all of the land on which the city of New York now stands, for twenty-four dollars. I will soon tell you how New Amsterdam came to be called New York. 2. The governor built a strong inclosurc and called it Fort Amsterdam. But he did something better than this, to keep the Indians from troubling the Dutch — he made them his friends, and traded honestly with them. He was also friendly with the people of New England, and did every thing to make New Amsterdam a pleasant home for all who came there. So commenced the colony. 3. In order to settle the country rapidly, th.e Dutch West Qttebtions — 5"^. What can yoti tell of a^i oxncdition frmn France ? 53. What happened after'vard? 1. What can you tell about the Dutch oa Manhattan? 2. What did their governor do ? PLANTERS IN NEW YORK. 73 A weak and a wicked governor. The poor Indians. India Company, of which I have told you [verse 5, page 39] agreed to give so much land to men who should lead or send a certain number of emigrants to settle upon it. Those who received lands in this way, were called Patroons, or patrons. The family <;)f one of these Patroons, named Van Rensselaer, yet own large tracts of such land in the neighborhood of Albany. 4. AVhen a new governor, named Van Twiller, came to rule at New Amsterdam, it was found that he could be easily persuaded. Bad men, no doubt, advised him to do wrong. He quarreled with the settlers in Connecticut, but I do not blame him much for that. He did not treat the Indians very well, and in that he was wrono'. Yet he was a much better man than Kieft the next governor. 5. Kieft loved money, power, and liquor. He loved to quar- rel with every body. He made the English in Connecticut, and the Swedes on the Delaware, his enemies. He quarreled with the Indians all around him, and with his Dutch neighbors in New Amsterdam. His conduct soon made the Indians hate him, and his own people despise him. 6. Under some pretense, he made war first upon some Indians in New Jersey, and then upon others beyond the Harlem river. The people' of New Amsterdam did not like these things, be- cause their fur-trade with the Indians was lessened, and they plainly told the governor so. Kieft was somewhat afraid of the people, so he asked the leading men of the city to get together, and talk over these affairs with him. This was the first Ilepre- sentative Assembly in New Amsterdam. 7. Some of the people finally agreeing with the governor, he resolved to make further war upon the poor Indians. At this time a large number of River Indians, pursued by the ^Mohawks, had taken shelter at Hoboken, opposite New Amsterdam. In- stead of being the friend of these poor people in their distress, Kieft took this opportunity to destroy them. 8. At the middle of a cold winter's night, Kieft's soldiers QxTF-STiONS.— ".. What can you tfll about Patroons f 4. What can you tell about Van T^viller? 5. What kind of a man was Kieft? 6. How did he offend the people? and what was done? 7. What did the governor do? 74 COLONIES. Destruction of Indians. Governor Stuyvesant. Conquest of New Sweden. crossed the Hudson, attacked the sleeping Indians, and before daylight, almost a hundred helpless men, women, and children •were either killed outright, or were pushed off the high banks into the freezing river. It was a cruel act, and the Indians all over the country were so angry, that they killed every white man they saw, and burned white people's houses everywhere. 9. This terrible Indian war finally ended. The white people were the strongest, and peace came. Kieft's conduct was so bad that the company told him to come home, and they would put a better man in his place. With a great deal of property ob- tained by WTong-doing, he sailed for Europe. The ship was wrecked, the property was lost, and Kieft was drowned. The wicked never go unpunished. 10. Peter Stuyvesant, a brave soldier, became governor of New Netherland, in 164*7. His kindness and honesty made the Indians his friends, and his bravery and justice made him re- spected by both the English on the east and the Swedes on the west. He ruled the people strongh^, but wisely and faithfully. 11. The Dutch at length became jealous of the Swedes, who w^ere rapidly increasing ; and as they were clearly in New Nether- land, Stuyvesant was directed to bring them under his power. He had built a fort which the Swedes had attacked and taken possession of. This was sufficient cause for war, and with six hundred men he went to the Delaware, and soon made the Swedes acknowledge his power. He was their governor after that. 12. The Swedes being conquered, the Indians reconciled, and the English in Connecticut satisfied, Stuyvesant concluded all trouble was at an end. But there was some at his very door. You remember Kieft once asked the leading men to get to- gether, [verse 6, page 73], and consult with him. Stuyvesant never did so ; and finally the people who wished to be consulted, appointed a few good men to assemble and propose certain laws. 13. Stuyvesant scolded, but the people were firm. They re- QuESTiONS. — 8. What wicked thing was done to the Indians? 0. What happened to Kieft? 10. What can you tell of Stuyvesant? 11. What can you tell about the Dutch and Swedes? 12. How was Stuyvesant mistaken ? PLANTERS IN NEW YORK. 75 New Amsterdam taken by the English, and named New York. fused to be taxed without being* consulted, and when he threat- ened to punish them, they plainly told him that they would will- ingly be under English rule, for the sake of enjoying English liberty. This was an unpleasant hint. 14. Soon after that English ships and soldiers came, took possession of the fort, and compelled Stuyvesant to give up the whole countij. That was a sad day for the proud governor, but OITY OF NEW TOBK IN 1C64. he could not help himself. Then he wished that he had list- ened to the people, and made them love Dutcb rule better. This was in 1664. 15. King Charles had given New Netherland to his brother James, the Duke of York, So its name was changed to that of New York, in honor of the Duke. The city was called so too, and many things were changed. An English governor ruled ; and the people soon found that they were no better off. Taxes were greater, and privileges were less. 16. A few years after this, England and Holland went to war. Suddenly many Dutch ships appeared in New York Bay, and the English were compelled to give up the city and whole country to them. When peace ^'as made, these were given back again, and from that time, until it became an independent State, New York belonged to the English. lY. The wicked Andros, who was afterward sent to rule all New England, you remember [verse 31, page 07], became gov- ernor of New York in 1674. The people, who hated him, grew stronger and stronger every day ; and, finally, when he left in 1683, they procured from the Duke a writing, wdiich was called a Charter of Liberties. Then a Representative Assembly was QuESTioxs. — 13. "What more can you tell of Stuyvesant and the people ? 14. What Boon happened ■? 15. What chanjies took place in New Amsterdam ? 16. What other chancres pnon occurred? 17. What can you toll about the people and government in New York? COLONIES. Leisler, the martyr. Political parties ia New York. Newspapers. regularly chosen by the people, and popular government -was established. 18. When Duke James became King James, on the death of Charles, he refused to let the people have an Assembly, and he began to oppress them in various ^vays. They had resolved to defy him, and were on the point of open rebellion, when the king was driven from England, and William and Mary be- came monarchs, as you remember. [See page 60.] 19. There was now no royal governor in New York, and the people chose Jacob Leisler, a talented merchant and leader of their military companies, to rule them. This gave offense to many leading men ; and, finally, when a governor was sent, Leisler was accused of treason, or doing injury to the govern- ment, because he had done as the people wished him to do. 20. The enemies of Leisler tried to persuade the governor to hang him and his son-in-law, Milborne, who was his aid. The governor refused. But one day, while he was drunk, after dining with one of their enemies, the governor gave his written consent to have them hanged, and they were both dead before he became sober. The people were very indignant, and Leisler and Mil- borne have ever been regarded as martyrs by those who think the people have a right to choose their own rulers. 21. From that time there were two political parties, violently opposed to each other, in New York. One took sides with the governor, whoever he might be at the time, and the other with the people. Those who favored the governor were called Aris- tocrats, and those who favored the people were called Dem- ocrats. 22. Each party had a newspaper, and through this, as well as in public meetings and the Colonial Assembly, they quarreled continually. The Democratic editor published something offen- sive to tlie governor, in 1734, and he was put in prison. The best lawyer in America was employed in his favor, and he was finally set at liberty, by the decision of those who tried him. Questions. — 18. "What can you tell about the king and people ? 19. What did the people do? 20. What did the enemies of Leisler accomplish? 21. What can you tell of parties in New York? 22. What can you tell about a newspaper difficulty ? PLANTERS IN MARYLAND. 77 The freedom of the Press. Civil war in Maryland. 23. This decision made great rejoicing among tlie people, and they gave the lawyer, Mr. Hamilton of Philadelphia, a gold box. This was considered a great victory, because it established the lib- erty of the Press in New York. 24. From that time until the commencement of the French and Indian war, the history of New York is made up chiefly of the stories of party quarrels, which you care nothing about, and which I take no pleasure in relating. So here, for the present, I will end the history of the State of New York, and pass on to that of another. SECTION IV. PLANTERS IN MARYLAND. 1. The people at St. Mary's, where, you remember [verse 6, page 46], the first settlement in Maryland was made, formed a more convenient government, after they had been there six years, by choosing a few men to make laws for the wdiole of them. This is called a Representative Government, because a few represent the many. Oar Government is such a one. 2. The people of that colony, as well as those of others, had some troubles with the Indians, but they did not last long. Then they quarreled and fought among themselves. A man named Clayborne had traded with the Indians, and made settlements in Maryland, before Calvert and his people came, so he claimed to have a better right to the country than Lord Baltimore. Many of the people thought so, too, and they and those who thought otherwise, fought about it. Clayborne's party got the worst of it. 3. The Maryland Legislature did a good thing in 1649. They made a law which allowed the people to worship God as they pleased. The Quakers and Churchmen, who were persecuted in QuESTio>fS.— f?.'?. Whit was tho effect of th'- decision? 24. What can von say of the history of New York from that time? 1. What cm you t"ll of tho trovernment of Maryland ? 2. What can you tell of troubLs there ? 3. What did the Legislature do ? 78 COLONIES. Troubles in Maryland. Religious diflaculties. New England, and the Puritans ^Yllo were badly used in Virginia, went to Maryland to live, and the colony grew very fast. 4. The troubles in England at the time wdien King Charles was beheaded, made trouble in Maryland, also ; for many of the peo- ple took sides with the king, and many others with Cromwell, as they did in Virginia [page 58], you remember. These parties quarreled a great deal, and they were all unhappy for many years. 5. Finally the people of Maryland quarreled about religion. The earlier settlers were mostly Roman Catholics. When the law that allowed everybody to worship God as he pleased, be- came known, as I have told you, a great many Protestants, as those who were not Roman Catholics were called, came there to live. 6. In 1654 there were more Protestants than Roman Catholics in Maryland, and they ungenerously changed the laws, and de- prived Roman Catholics of their rights. This led to hot quar- rels, and finally to a war that lasted two years. Such a war of a people among themselves, is called Civil War. 7. Lord Baltimore, who owned Maryland by a charter from the king, was a Roman Catholic, and the Protestant Legislature went so far as to take all power and right away from him, and give them to the people. These things made great unhappiness in Maryland ; but finally, in 1660, wdien the dead king's son, Charles, became monarch, he gave every thing back to Lord Bal- timore ; and for almost thirty years afterward, the colony was quite peaceable, and prospered. 8. All worshiped God as they pleased, in Maryland, and every thing w^as going well, when King James of England was driven away to France [page 60], as I have told you. That king was a Roman Catholic. The governor of Maryland w^as also a Roman Catholic, and he did not like, at first, to own the Protest- ant William and Mary as his sovereigns. 9. This hesitation made a busy-body, named Coode, tell the Protestants that the governor was going to call in the surround- ing Indians to murder them all. They armed themselves, and, Qtjfstiovs. — 4. What wns the effftct of tmulilos in Encjland ? 5. What can you tell of a, rflidy do? 10. What chancre took place in Mary- land? 11. What can you tell of Lorl Baltimore's family? 1. Whatdid the New Haven people do ? 2. What can you tell of the Dutch and English ? 80 COLONIES. The Connecticut charter. Quarrel with Rhode Island. Governor Andros. went to war, the New England people foolishly believed tliat the Dutch in New Netherland wished to fight them, and that they had employed the Indians to kill all the white people eastward of the Connecticut river. So they prepared to fight the Dutch, but they soon found that there was no truth in the foolish story. 3. When Charles the Second became monarch, the Connecticut Valley people asked him for a charter. He refused. Then the Con- necticut governor, whose father had been a great friend of the dead king, went to England to see Charles about it. The king's father had given the governor's father a ring. This the governor gave to Charles, and he felt so happy that he granted a charter to the Connecticut river people, which included Rhode Island and the New Haven colony, and extended west to the Pacific Ocean. 4. Rhode Island refused to be thus joined to Connecticut, but the New Haven colony agreed to the union, and so, in 1665, the real colony of Connecticut was formed, and remained so until it became an independent State, more than a hundred years after- ward. Rhode Island and Connecticut quarreled about the bound- ary line between them, for sixty years. It was a very long quarrel. 5. In the year 1695, Andros, the tyrant, then Governor of New York, claimed the right to rule the people of Connecticut, and went there to assert it. They soon sent him away ; and for ii dozen years every thing went on pleasantly and prosperously. 6. Andros, as I have told you [verse 31, page 67], came over in 1686, as Governor of all New England, and tried to take away the charter from the colonies. Late in autumn he went to Hartford, to get the Connecticut charter which King Charles had given them. The people treated him politely. They knew his errand, and were prepared. v. Andros went into the Assembly or Legislature, and told them to bring the charter to him. The law-makers talked about it a long time, until it became dark and candles were lighted. Questions.—"'. What can you tell about a charter for Connecticut? 4. What can you tell about Rhoi(^ Island and Connecticut? 5. What can you tell of Andros? P What did he afterward try to do ? PLANTERS IN CONNECTICUT. 81 Andros and the Connecticut charter. The charter preserved. Tlien the charter, nicely packed in a long- mahogany box, was brought and laid upon the table. Just as Andros stepped for- ward to take it, the lights v»crc ;ill put out. ANDROS AND THE CUAETEB OF CONNECTICUT. 8. When the candles were again lighted, the charter could not be found. A plan had been laid to keep it from Andros. In the darkness. Captain Wadsworth snatched it up, ran some distance into a field, and hid it in the hollow trunk of an old oak-tree. There it remained until Andros was driven away from New En- gland, when it was brought out. QursTiONS.— 7. What can you tell about Andros and the Connecticut charter ? 8. How- was AiiJros outwitted'/ 82 COLONIES The charter oak. Governor Fletcher and Captain Wadswcrtli. THE CllAIlTiCIl OAK. 9. That venerable and venerated tree stood in the city of Hartford, one hun- dred and sixty-nine years afterward. On a very stormy night in August, 1856, it was blown down, and now it has passed away forever. It was known ., by the name of The Charter Oak. 10. Again the people of Connecti- cut showed their bravery and love of freedom. Governor Fletcher, of New York, claimed the right to I'ule in Connecticut. The people there refused to obey him. He went to Hartford, called out the militia, and commenced reading a paper which gave him the right. That same Captain AVads- worth who hid the charter, now commanded the militia, and he ordered the drums to be beaten. " Silence," said the governor, angrily. The drummers stopped, and he began to read. "Play," said Wadsworth to the drummers. "Silence!" shouted the gov- ernor. Wadsworth then stepped in front of him and said, " Sir, if they are again interrupted, I '11 make the sun shine through you in a moment !" The frightened governor put the paper in his pocket, and went back to New York, very much out of patience I can assure you. 11. From that time until the French and Indian war, when there were one hundred thousand people in Connecticut, the Planters there shared in all the labors and expenses of the con- flicts that occurred. They were also very prosperous. SECTION VI. PLANTERS IN RHODE ISLAND. 1. I have told you how Ptoger Williams was driven from Mas- sachusetts, and became the founder of Pihode Island. Those who Qttestions. — 0. What can you tell about the Charter Oak? 10. Tell the story of Governor Fletcher and the Connecticut people. PLAKTEllS IN NEW JERSEY. 83 The Rhode Island charter. Newport. Sale of New Jersey. drove liim away soon became jealous of liim, and afraid of liis free opinions; and it was claimed that "Williams's Narraganset Plant- ations," as tliey called Rhode Island, belonged to Massachusetts. 2. The charter that Williams obtained in 1643, was pro- nounced, in 1652, to be good by the Legislature of England, called the Long Parliament, and Massachusetts then gave up its claim. But there was a dispute about the boundary line between Rhode Island and Massachusetts, for almost a hundred years. It was settled in 1Y41. 3. Roger Williams was chosen the first governor of the Prov- idence and Rhode Island Plantations, in 1653, and the colony prospered greatly, for every one was free. Ten years afterward Charles the Second gave them another charter, which Andros took away. It was afterward restored, and under it the people lived one hundred and fifty-seven years. 4. Newport soon became a thriving town; and when, in 1732, Dr. Franklin's brother commenced printing there, it contained five thousand inhabitants. There John Smibert, the first man who painted good portraits in America, lived for some time. The colony always bore its share in wars until the French and Indian contest, of which I shall soon tell yon. SECTION VII. PLANTERS IN NEW JERSEY. 1. New Jersey was a part of New Netherland, and was in- cluded in the gift [page 75] which Charles the Second made to his brother James, the Duke of York. The same year when the English took possession of New Netherland, the Dutch sold New Jersey to two noblemen, named Berkeley and Carteret. Questions. — 1. What can you tell of Roger Williams and others? 2. What can you tell of the claim of Massachusetts to Rhode Island? .H. What can you tell of the pro- crress of Rhode Island? 4. What can you tell about Newport? 1. What can you tell about New Jersey? 84 COLONIES. Liberality of the owners of New Jersey. Trouble with the settlers. The Quakers. 2. These noblemen, anxious to have the country settled, offered the land without rent or taxes, for five years. This liberality, and the fine climate, caused many planters to go there, and farms were seen in all directions. The people first met to make laws, in 1668. 3. Every thing went on smoothly during the five years ; but then, when the owners asked for a rent of only a half-penny an acre, the people grumbled, and declared they would not pay it. They quarreled with the owners for two years, and then drove away the governor they had appointed, and chose one themselves. 4. The owners were about to compel the people to pay the rents, when the Dutch, as I have told you [verse 16, page 75] took possession of the whole country again. When it went back to the English, new regulations were made, and the western half of New Jersey was bought by a Quaker, as a place for his friends in England and elsewhere, to settle and have peace. It afterward went into the hands of William Penn and others, and the prov- ince was divided into East and West Jersey. 5. More than four hundred Quakers came from England and settled in West Jersey, in 1677. They lived peaceably together, as Quakers always do, and prospered. Andros, the tyrant, tried to rule them, but they would have nothing to do with him ; and, in 1681, the first Legislature of West Jersey met at Salem, and made some excellent laws. 6. After awhile the Quakers bought East Jersey also; and Thomas Barclay, who wrote a large book about his people, was made governor. Every thing was going on well, when the Duke of York became King James, and the charters were taken away from both the Jerseys. 7. Now all was confusion, and remained so for several years after King James was driven away to France. Finally, in 1702, the Jerseys were united and made into a royal province, under Lord Cornbury, a bad man who was the governor of New York. Thirty-six years afterward. New Jersey was made independent of QtTESTiONS.— ?. What can you toll of a liberal offer ? H. How did the people behave ? 4. What changes tnok place? 5. What can you tell of Quaker settlers in West Jersey? (5. What of them in East Jersey? 7. What changes again took place? PLANTERS IN PENNSYLVANIA. 85 The character of William Penn. Founding of Philadelphia. New York, and remained so. Lewis Morris was its first gov- ernor. It became an independent State in 1776. SECTION VIII PLANTERS IN PENNSYLVANIA. 1. I have told you that William Penn joined the territory of Delaware to Pennsylvania in 1682. Then the colony of Penn- sylvania fairly commenced, and a great many Planters came. 2. Penn was a just man, and treated the Indians so well that they loved him, and called him "Good Father Penn." He bought their lands instead of taking them without leave ; and he told them that he and his people wished to live with them as brothers. " Thou'lt find," said the Quaker, "in me and mine, But friends and brothers to thee and to thine ; Who abuse no power, and admit no hne 'Twixt the red man and the white. "And bright was the spot where the Quaker came To leave his hat, his drab and his name, That will sweetly sound from the trump of Fame, Till its final blast shall die." 3. In the autumn of 1682, Penn laid out the city of Phila- delphia. That word means " City of Brotherly Love." Within a year, almost one hundred houses were built, and every day the Indians came with wild fowls and the flesh of deer, to present to Good Father Penn. Never was a State blest with a better be- ginning; and, as long as the Quakers ruled Pennsylvania, peace and prosperity prevailed there. QtrESTiONS.— 1. What was done in 1682? 2. What can you tell about William Tenn ? 3. What can you t(.ll of Penn and Phil^.flolpM:^ « 86 COLONIES Penn's kindness to the Planters. His visit to America. His death. 4. In 1683, Penii called the representatives of the people to- gether, and gave them a " Charter of Liberties." It was so very- just, that all were made happy. It was agreed that all might worship God as they pleased ; and to the people he gave the privilege of choosing their own rulers. So they were a perfectly free people, as we now are. 5. Penn returned to England, and soon afterward King James was driven away to France. He and Penn had always been good friends, and because the Quaker would not speak harshly about the king, he was suspected of being an enemy to the new monarch. He was put in jail, and Pennsylvania was taken from him, and made a royal province under the control of the Governor of New York. 6. Not long afterward Penn was let out of prison, for it was found that he was a friend of William and Mary. Pennsylvania was given back to him, and he came over to America in 1699, to look after his affairs. v. The people asked Penn for a more liberal charter, and he granted it in 1701. The people of Delaware now asked him to let them have a Legislature of their own, and he granted that too. From that time, until the War for Independence in 1776, Pennsylvania and Delaware were under one governor, but had distinct Legislatures. 8. Soon after making these arrangements, William Penn re- turned to England. He never came to America again, for his health failed, and he died in I7l8, leaving Pennsylvania to his three sons. These and their heirs owned the province until 1776, when it was purchased by the people for more than half a million of dollars. Questions. — 4. "What did Penn do for the people? 5. What happened to Penn in England ? 6. What was the result ? 7. What more can you say of Penn and hia family? 8. What can you tell of Pennsylvania and Delaware? PLANTERS IN THE C A R O L I N A S . b7 The proposed government for North Carolina. Troubles with the Planters. SECTION IX. PLANTERS IN THE CAROLINAS. 1. The owners of the Carolinas, knowing that they possessed a very beautiful country, and that a great many Planters w^ere going there, thought it would be fine to make a government for it, like that of England, with all sorts of grand people, except a king. So they employed two or three learned men to write a Cofistitution for the purpose. 2. At first, the Planters in the Carolinas laughed at the idea of having fine gentlemen who would do nothing, with their fine houses, and horses, and carriages, and servants, in the woods of America ! And when they found that the owners were in earn- est, the strong and industrious Planters told them plainly that they would have no such government. 3. There was a long quarrel about it, and finally the owners were compelled to give up their grand scheme. Then they tried to get money from the Planters, by making them pay so much for every thing that came in ships, and in other ways. The peo- ple got very angry at last, drove the governor and other ofticers away, and for two years they managed their own aff'airs. 4. When these quarrels were settled, a very mean man, named Seth Sothel, who loved money more than any thing else, came to govern the Carolinas. He cheated every body. After being there six years, he left, just as the people were going to put him on a ship, and send him to England. Then some better govern- ors came, but none made the people so happy and prosperous as the good Quaker governor, John Archdale. 5. These troubles happened in the northern part of the Caro- linas. At the same time, the Planters in the southern part were prospering, and were rapidly increasing. They formed a Legis- QuKSTTONB.— 1. What did the owners of the Cirolinns wish to do? ?. "SVhat did the Planters think of their srhnnip? ?>. What can yon tpll ahont the owners a"d the Plant- ers? 4* What can you tell of Sothel and others ? 5. What was done in South Carolina? C3 COLONIES. The people ot South Carolina. Troubles with the governor. John Archdale. lature in 1674, but there was such a mixture of people, that they did not agree very well. There were English, Scotch, Irish, and Dutch, Protestants and Roman Catholics, and they disputed continually. C. But when, in 1680, the Indians attacked the settlcmerts, they all united for defense, and forgot their quarrels, while they conquered the Indians. That same year, the city of Charleston was laid out, and it soon became a flourishing village. The Planters continually increased, and many went up the San tee and Edisto rivers, where they cultivated fine farms. 1. Many Huguenots came from France to settle there, and have peace. The English disliked the French, and would not allow them to take any part in making laws, or in other manage- ment of affairs. The French people were treated so for about ten years, when the English, finding them better than they ex- pected, began to love and respect them, and then gave them all the privileges of citizens. 8. Like their more northern friends, the Planters in the south refused to have any thing to do with the grand movement pre- pared by the owners. They quarreled w;ith the governor, drove him away, and took public matters into their own hands. This happened in the year 1690. 9. In the midst of this trouble, Seth Sothel came there, and the people foolishly allowed him to be their governor. He rob- bed and cheated them, as he did the people of the northern colony, and at length they drove him away. After that they would have no other governor from the owners, till the good Quaker, Archdale, came to rule both Carolinas, in 1695. 10. The Planters had peace and prosperity while Archdale remained, which w^as not a great while. From the close of his time, the histories of the two Carolinas are quite distinct, although the provinces were not separated until 1729. QursTiONS.— 0. What can yon tell ahout the Indians and the Planters? 7. IIott vere Fren^'h p' o'«le treaded there"? 8, 0. What can you tell about the government of South Carolina ? 10. What can you say of Archdale ? PLANTERS IN THE CAROLINAS. 89 The white people and the Indians. The Spaniards at St. Augustine. NORTH CAROLINA. 11. At the beginning of the year 1700, Planters were culti- vatino- lands in North Carolina from the sea-shore to the Yadkin i-iver. The Indians were dying rapidly. Many had gone further into the forests, and the people of difterent countries were coming to occupy their lands. 12. For several years all was peaceful, and the Planters no longer dreaded the Indians, when a terrible calamity befell them. The Tuscarora Indians were yet quite strong, and they persuaded the broken Indian families in that region to join them in killing all the white people, in 1711. In one night they murdered one hundred and thirty Germans ; and for three days they destroyed the people, and plundered and burned their buildings, in all direc- tions. 13. The people of South Carolina came to help their neigh- bors. The Indians were driven back, but the war continued more than a year. Finally, in the spring of 1713, eight hundred Tnscaroras were made prisoners, and the rest fled north and joined their brethren, the Five Nations, in New York. Then was formed the union of the Six Nations, of which I have told you on page 12. south CAROLINA. 14. The Spaniards at St. Augustine, in Florida, became trou- blesome, and in 1702 the governor of South Carolina prepared twelve hundred soldiers to go there and attack them. Half of these were white people, and half of thein were friendly Indians. 15. Some of these soldiers went by land, and some by water. They did not succeed in driving the Spaniards away from St. Augustine, as they expected to, and they went home disappointed. This affair cost the Planters of South Carolina many thousand dollars. They had very little gold and silver, so they made paper Questions. — 11. "What was the condition of North Carolina inlTOO? 19. What can you tell of an Indian massacre? \?.. What about an Indian war? and how did it end? 14 What can yon tell about the Spaniards in Florida ? 15. What did the Carolinians do? 90 COLONIES. Troubles in South Carolina. An Indian war. money for the first time — such as we use — to pay the expenses with. 16. The next year, the governor and some soldiers marched against the Indians in Georgia and Florida, who were friends of the Spaniards. They took several hundred of them prisoners, and desolated their country. 17. Soon after this, another governor of South Carolina tried to make all the people worship God according to the forms of the English Church. Those who would not, were persecuted. This made a great many people uneasy, and disputes continued a long while. The Churchmen had to give up, at last, and the people were allowed to think and act about religion as they pleased. 18. A greater trouble appeared in 1706. The angry Span- iards sent many soldiers, in several French and Spanish ships, to attack Charleston and take possession of the country. The ships came into Charleston harbor, and eight hundred soldiers landed. The South Carolinians were ready to meet them. They soon drove them all to their ships, and took one of the French vessels. 19. A still darker trouble appeared a few years later. Several Indian tribes joined for the purpose of killing all of the white people in South Carolina, in the spring of 1715. In this great band there were full six thousand warriors. They commenced so secretly that one hundred people had been murdered in the back settlements before the news reached Charleston. 20. The governor of South Carolina acted promptly. With twelve hundred men, he marched against the Indians. After several hard fights, he drove them far back into the wilderness, and killed a great many. The Indians were dreadfully fright- ened ; and believing the white people to be such mighty war- riors that they could not be conquered, they let them alone after that. 21. The people of South Carolina were now heartily tired of proud and money-loving governors. The owners, or Proprietaries^ had never spent a dollar in helping them build up a State, or for Qtjestions. — 16. What was donr; to the Indians? 17. What other trouble occurred in South Carolina ? IS. What trouble did the Carolinians have in 1706 ? 19. What further trouble a few years afterward ? 20. What can you tell about an Indian war ? PLANTERS IN GEORGIA. 91 Division of the Carolinas. Georgia. Oglethorpe and the Spaniards. paying the expenses of Indian wars. They had made the Planters pay their rents punctually, and in every way acted ungenerously toward them. At last the Planters asked the king to take the country into his own hands. He did so, and South Carolina be- came a royal province in 1720. 22. The people of North Carolina were just as tired of their governors, too, and talked of taking matters into their own hands, when the king bought the territory in 1*729, and it be, came a royal province. The two Carolinas were thus separated. But the people were not much better oft' under the royal gov- ernors, and with these they were continually disputing, until they became independent in 1776. SECTION X. THE PLANTERS IN GEORGIA. 1. The town of Savannah, laid out by Oglethorpe, was upon a high bluff", beautifully shaded with palmeto and other evergreen trees. It grew rapidly ; and within eight years, full twenty-five hundred people had come to Georgia, from Europe. Quite a large number of these were German and Swiss families. There were also many lazy people among the immigrants ; and, as the climate was very hot in summer, very little work was done in the fields. So the colony did not prosper. 2. Oglethorpe was wide awake. He knew the Spaniards at St. Augustine would soon become jealous of his colony. Being in England in 1736, he persuaded three hundred tall and stout Scotch Highland soldiers to come over with him. With these he thought he might defy the Spaniards. 3. A great soldier of the cross, as gospel ministers are some- QiTESTiONS. — 21. What brought about a change in South Carolina? and how? 22. What was done in both Carolinas? 1. What can you tell about the Georgia colony? 2. What can you tell about Oglethorpe ? 92 C O L O N I E Preparations to fight the Spaniards. Story about a French deserter. times called, came with him at the same time, to preach to the Indians and persuade the planters to be better people. It was John Wesley, the first great Methodist. But the people cared very little for what he said. Then the great preacher, George Whitefield, came, and tried to do them good in many ways, but he labored almost in vain. Oglethorpe felt dis- couraged, for he well knew that without industry and goodness, his colony would not thrive. 4. As Oglethorpe expected, the Spaniards soon began to show their jealousv. So he built some forts in the lower part of Georgia. This made the Spaniards very angry, and they told Oii;lethorpe that he and all the English must leave the country bjlow the Savannah river, or they would drive them out. 5. Oglethorpe was not alarmed, but he went to England and got six hundred more good soldiers. Just then war broke out between England and Spain, and Oglethorpe concluded not to vv'ait for the Spaniards to come against him, but he marched against them, with his own troops, and some South Carolinians and Indians. He had almost reached St. Augustine, when sick- ness and want of food compelled him to go back to Savannah. 6. Two or three years afterward, the Spaniards, with many vessels and soldiers, came to invade Georgia, and drive the Planters away. Oglethorpe was prepared for them, and in the lower part of Georgia, and upon an island near there, the En- glish and Spanish soldiers came very near having hard battles. 7. One day, when Oglethorpe Avas preparing to go secretly around and attack the Spaniards, a Frenchman in his army rah away and told the enemy all about it. Oglethorpe laid a plan to punish the runaway and trick the Spaniards. 8. He wrote a letter to the Frenchman, telling him that a British fleet was near St. Augustine, and also spoke about his doing all he could for the English, in the Spanish camp. Then he gave a young Spaniard, who was his prisoner, some money and told him to carry the letter to the Frenchman. Instead of Questions. — 3. What about j^ood men in Georgia? 4. What offended the Spaniards? and what was done ? 5. What did Oi^lethorpe do ? G. What did the Spaniards do? 7. Whut did a Frenchman do ? 3. What story can you tell about the Frenchman ? THE FRENCH AND INDIAN AVAR. 93 The Spaniards deceived. Prosperity of Georgia. The strife for power. that he carried it to the Spanish commander. That was just what Oglethorpe wanted. The Frenchman w^as arrested as a spy, and the Spaniards were dreadfully alarmed at the idea of a British lleet being near St x\ugustine. 9. Just then some Carolina vessels appeared. The Spaniards thought they were the English fleet. They resolved to attack one of Oglethorpe's forts, and then go to St. Augustine as quick as possible. On the march Oglethorpe attacked them, and so many Spaniards were killed that the spot is yet known as Bloody Marsh. So Georgia was saved. 10. Oglethorpe went to England in 1743, and never returned to America. That year a sort of government was formed in Georgia, but the colony did not prosper. The Planters did not own the land they cultivated, and they were not allowed to traffic wdth the Indians nor trade, in ships, with the people of the West India islands. On these accounts, there was very little inducement for the people to be industrious and improve the lands. 11. Finally a change came. The king took possession of Georgia in 1752, and from that time until our War for Inde- pendence, it remained a royal province. The people might now own their own lands, traffic with the Indians, and trade in ships with the people of the West Indies. From that time Georgia began to thrive wonderfully. Negro slaves were aow intro- duced, and from that time to this, they have performed most of the hard labor in that State. SECTION XI. THE STRIFE FOR POWER ; OR, THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 1. I have already told you of the wars in which the French and Indians fought the English in America. These were called, you remember. King William's war. Queen Anne's war, and QuT:sTIO^is — 9. "What can you tell .about a battle between the English and Spaniards? 10 What change took plac;- ? Why did the colony not prosper ? 11. What happy change occurred ? 1. What were the wars between the French and English in America called i 94 COLONIES The French and English in the Ohio country. King George's war. The quarrels that brought on these wars were about matters in Europe. 2. The war I am now going to tell you about, began in a quar- rel about the boundary line between the English and French in the Ohio country. At that time there w^ere about one hundred thousand French people in America, and ten times as many peo- ple in the English colonies. 3. The French were great traffickers with the Indians, all over the country west of the Alleghany mountains, from Lake Erie to New Orleans, and they built a great many forts in the wilderness. This made the English jealous. 4. After awhile, some English people, by permission of King George of England, went into the Ohio country, and commenced marking out land upon which to settle. The French told them that they had no business there, for the country belonged to the King of France. So they quarreled about it, when, in fact, the country belonged to the Indians. One smart old Indian, who heard the quarrel, said, " You English claim all one side of the river, and you French all the other side ; where does the Indians' land lay ?" They could not answer. 5. The French had soldiers there, and, with these, they caught some of the English and put them in prison, and drove the re- mainder away. Dinwiddie, the Governor of Virginia, whose rule extended over a part of that country, now thought it high time for him to take up the quarrel. So he sent a young man, named George Washington, to ask the French commander what he meant by such conduct. 6. Young Washington, who afterward became the greatest man in America, was prudent and brave, and could be relied on. In cold weather, he traveled through the woods and over rivers, with ice and snow everywhere, full four hundred miles, before he found the French commander. He had a long and polite talk with him, and carried a letter back to Governor Dinwiddie, which was not very satisfactory. Questions. — ?. IIow did the French nnd Indian war commence? R. What can you tell of the French ? 4. What can you tell of events in the Ohio country ? 5. What did thj French and the Virginia governor do? 6. "NVhat can you tell about Washington? THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 95 Expedition against the French. Battle at Fort Necessity. Congress at Albany. 7. The French captain gave Dinwiddie to understand, that he liad a right to be in the Ohio country with his soldiers, and that he should stay as long as he pleased. Dinwiddie then mustered the Virginia soldiers, and sent them to drive the French away. lie made ycung Washington a major, and gave him the com- mand of the first body of troops that went against the French. 8. While these things were taking place, the English com- menced building a fort where the city of Pittsburg now is. The French drove them away, finished the fort, and called it Du Quesne, which was the name of the Governor of Canada. This is pronounced Du Kane. 9. Washington marched rapidly forward ; but hearing that a large number of French soldiers were coming to meet him, he sveut back a little way, and built a fort, which he named Neces- sity. At that time. Colonel Fry, who commanded all the troops, died, and Washington became the chief leader. 10. The French attacked Fort Necessity; and after fighting ten hours, Washington and his soldiers were compelled to give up, and became prisoners. The next day the French commander let them all go, and they returned to Virginia. 11. In the summer of 1754, a number of men, appointed by several colonies for the purpose, met at Albany, in New York, to consider how they should proceed to keep the French back. They first made a covenant of peace with the strong Six Nations, and then they agreed upon a plan made by Dr. Franklin, by which the colonies should all be united as one, as our States now are. Many of the people, as well as the English Government, did not like it, and the colonies were not united until twenty years afterward. 12. Excited by the French, the Indians now commenced mur- dering white families on the frontiers of New England and other places, and the English saw no better way than to make a reg- ular war upon the French. Qttestions. — 7. What did Governor Dinwiddie do? and why? 8. What happened where Pittsburg is? 9. What can you tell of Washington's expedition? 10. What about a battle? 11. What was done at Albany in 1754? 12. What happened in New England ? 90 COLONIES. Troops from Great Britain, War in Acadie. Braddock's defeat and death. 13. The English Government agreed to help the colonists; and in February, 1755, Edward Braddock, a great Irish soldier, came to America, with troops, and took the chief command. He met the governors of several colonies at Alexandria, in Virginia, and they arranged a plan of operations, or THE CAMPAIGN OF 1755. 14. Three separate armies were to be mustei'ed. One was to march against the French at Fort Du Quesne ; another against French forts near each end of Lake Ontario ; and a third against strong forts on Lake Champlain. 15. Already a fourth expedition had been arranged to drive the French out of Acadie, or Nova Scotia. Three thousand men sailed from Boston for the purpose. They took the French forts, and then cruelly drove the poor and innocent inhabitants to the woods, destroyed all their crops, and carried many away in ships. In one month a happy people were made the most wretched of any on the earth. How dreadful is war ! 16. With two thousand men, Braddock marched from the Potomac river, toward Fort Du Quesne, having Washington for his aid. Braddock was a proud man, and would not listen to the advice of young AVashington, concerning the best way to be pre- pared for the Indians. He marched proudly on, when, just at noon, on a hot day in July, a shower of bullets and arrows came from the woods around him. 17. A dreadful battle now commenced. There were a thou- sand dusky warriors concealed in the woods. For three long hours the fight continued ; and every officer who rode a horse, except Washington, was killed or wounded. The dead bodies of the white people covered the ground ; and finally Braddock was shot, after having several horses killed under him. 18. W^ashington now took command. God had preserved him for greater deeds in after years. An Indian warrior declared that Questions —13. Wliat was done in 1755 ? 14. What was the plan of the campaign for 1755? 15. What occurred in the East? 16. What can you tell about Braddock ? 17. What can you tell of a battle ? THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 07 The preservation of Washington. Burial of Biaddock. he had fifteen good shots at liim, but could not hit him. Ho, tried no more, for he knew the Good Spirit protected him. Un- der Washington's directions, the troops retreated, and the Indians did not follow. BUEIAL OF I3EARD0CK. 19. Braddock was carried from the field and soon died. He was buried in the woods by torch-light ; and on the margin of the grave, with sorrowing officers around him, Washington read the solemn funeral service of the Church of England. Then all the troops went back to their homes. QuT:sTrox6. — IS. What can you tell of Washin.i^ton ? 10. What about the burial of Braddock ? 7 98 COLONIES. Operations in Northern New York. Battle at Lake George. Fort William Henry. 20. Governor Shirley, of Massachusetts, commanded the troops that were to march against the French forts on Lake Ontario. He did not succeed in reaching them. He went to Oswego, but storms on the lake, and sickness in his camp, prevented his going further. So he commenced building a fort there, and, leaving a few troops to take care of it, he marched back to Albany with the remainder. 21. The troops intended for Lake Cham plain w'ere commanded by an Indian agent among the Mohawks, named William John- son. About six thousand of them w^ere collected at Fort Ed- ward, under General Lyman ; and when General Johnson arrived there, he led nearly all of them to the head of Lake George, and formed a camp, in September. 22. Indian scouts now informed Johnson that Dieskau, the French commander, was coming with many Canadians and Indi- ans to attack him. He sent Colonel Williams, with a party of white soldiers and Mohawk Indians, to meet him. They were assailed and beaten by Dieskau, who then marched rapidly for- ward to attack Johnson's camp. 23. Johnson had two cannons, upon a pile of logs and brush, which the French and Indians knew nothing about. When they came rushing forward, these were fired. Many of the enemy were killed, and the remainder, dreadfully frightened, fled to the woods, and Johnson w^on the battle. Dieskau was badly wounded, and died some time afterward. 24. General Johnson was told that the French were vcr}' strong at Crown Point and Ticonderoga, on Lake Champlain, and con- cluded not to go there. He built a fort where his camp was, and called it William Henry. He then left some troops there and at Fort Edward, and with the rest of his army marched back to Albany in October. Thus ended the campaign of 1755. 25. There was now a regular war between the English and French in America. As there appeared no prospect of the quar- QuESTiONS.— 20. What can you tell about Shirley? 21. What can you tell about William Johnson? 22. Wlmt can von tell of a battle near Lake George? 2.S. What can you tell of another batUe ? 24. What did General Johnson then do ? 25. What now occurred ? THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 1)9 Campaign of 1776. Lord Loudon. Capture of Oswego. rel being settled soon, preparations were made on both sides of the Atlantic, for ABEECEOMBIE. THE CAMPAIGN OF 175G. 26. Lord Loudoun, a very indolent man, was appointed chief commander of all the troops, but he did not come to America until late in the summer. General Abercrombie, a great soldier, came in his place, in June, with a large body of troops from England and Ire- land. England and France had then declared war against each other, and the battles were nearly all to be fought in America. 27. The plan of this campaign was similar to that of the last. Fort Dii Quesne, and the forts on Lakes Ontario and Champlain were to be attacked. When Abercrombie arrived, there were seven thousand troops at Albany, ready to march against the French on Lake Champlain. On account of some foolish diffi- culties they did not start until August, and then that great French soldier. General Montcalm, was well prepared to fight. 28. Early in August, Montcalm, with five thousand Frenchmen, Canadians, and Lidians, went up Lake Ontario, and after a pretty hard battle, took the forts at Oswego away from the English. They also made fourteen hundred of them prisoners, and took from them many cannons, and vessels in the harbor. 29. The loss of Oswego was very disheartening. Loudoun was alarmed, and he ordered all the other expeditions to be aban- doned. Forts William Henry and Edward were made stronger. A large number of soldiers were placed in block-houses and other small fortifications along the frontiers of Virginia and Pennsylvania, under the command of Washington ; and similar strong places were made in the Carolinas. Questions. — 26. What can you tell of Loudoun and Abercrombie? 27. What can you tell of the plan of the campaip^n of 1756? 28. What occurred at Oswego ? 29. Whr.t was then done by Loudoun? and what movements took place ? 100 COLONIES. Indians ia Western Pennsylvania. Expedition against Louisburg. 30. During the spring and summer of 1756, the Indians killed or carried away almost a thousand white people on the western frontier of Pennsylvania and Vii'ginia. Hearing that a greater portion of these Indians were at Kittaning, their chief town. Colonel Armstrong and three hundred soldiers attacked them there one night early in September. Their chiefs were killed and their town was destroyed. x\fter that they were quiet. So ended the campaign of 1756. 31. It was a pity that the slow, and w^eak-mindedLord Loudoun had the chief commaud of the troops, for some greater soldiers were ready to do much more than he. The French had got possession of Louisburg, and Loudoun resolved to make the cap- ture of that fortress the chief business of THE CAMPAIGN OF 1757. 32. Most of the people were disappointed, for they wished to liave the French driven from Lake Champlain and the Ohio country. 33. Loudoun arrived at Halifax at the close of June, where ho met a large number of war-ships and five thousand troops, from Enorland. He was about to start for Louisburo;, when he was told that the French had many more men and ships there, than he had with him. So he thought it more prudent to leave them alone. He returned to New York in August, when he was mor- tified and alarmed by the news that Montcalm had been doing a great deal of mischief in the north. 34. Toward the close of July, Montcalm and a large number of French, Canadians, and Indians, left Ticonderoga, and attacked Fort AVilliam Henry at the head of Lake George. The garrison, as troops in a fort are called, was commanded by Colonel Monro, a very brave officer. The chief commander, General Webb, w\is at Fort Edward, and when Montcalm approached, Monro sent to him for help. Qttestions. — 30. "UTiat can yon tell of Indians in western Pennsylvania? 31. What can you say about Loudoun ? 32. How did the people feel? 33. What more can you say of Loudoun? 34. What can you tell of an attack upon Fort William Henry? THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 101 Capture of Fort William Henry. Indian Massacre. Pitt prime minister. 35. For six days the brave Monroe refused to give up the fort, every day expecting help from Webb. It was not sent, and at last he could hold out no longer, and surrendered. Montcalm admired Monro's bravery, and promised that he and his troops should be used well, and conducted to Fort Edward. 36. Montcalm's intentions were honorable, and he endeavored to fulfill his promises. But his blood-thirsty Indians, two thou- sand in number, could not be controlled. Soon after the English left the fort, these savages fell upon them, killed a great man}^ plundered their baggage, and chased them almost to Fort Ed- ward. Then Fort William Henry and all belonging to it were destroyed, and Montcalm marched back to Ticonderoga. 37. This disastrous event ended the campaign of 1V57, and with it the command of Lord Loudoun in America. Thus far the English had lost by the war, chiefly for the want of a good chief commander. The Colonists knew this all the while, and felt ir- ritated. If they could have chosen their own generals, and car- ried on the war themselves, no doubt they would have ended it the first year, by driving the French back to Canada. 38. Yet, whenever money or men were called for, the Colonists furnished them cheerfully, even while feeling the injustice of their own rulers, and of the English government. By these misfor- tunes the pride of the English people was touched, and at last, to their great joy, their wishes were gratified by having William Pitt, the smartest man in England, made the prime minister, or chief manager of public aftairs. He commenced, with great energy, preparations for THE CAMPAIGN OF l758. 39. Pitt appointed General Abercrombie in the place of Lord Loudoun. A large number of armed ships were prepared, and placed under the command of a great war-sailor. Admiral Bos- cawen ; and in America every body was determined to do some- thing great this year. Questions. — r:5. "What can you tell of Colonel Monro? .%. What dreadful event oc- enrred ? 37. What can you say about the war, so far ? 38. How did the Colonists feel ? and what gratified them ? 89. What preparations were made for the campaign of 1758 ? 102 COLONIES. Campaign of 1758. Operations on Lake George and Champlain. 40. It was agreed to attack Loiiisbiirg, Ticonderoga, and Fort Du Qiiesne. Late in May, Boscavveii, with forty ships, left Halifax. Two great soldiers, Generals Amherst and ^Yolfe, with twelve thousand men, went with him, and early in June they landed near Louisburg. For almost fifty days there was fighting there. Then the French gave way, and five thousand of them became prisoners to the English. 41. While these things were going on in the east, General Abercrombic and young Lord Howe were leading almost twenty thousand men toward northern New York, to attack Ticonderoga. They went down Lake George, in flat-boats, on a beautiful Sab- bath in July, and the next morning commenced marching through the woods and swamps toward Ticonderoga. Pretty soon they were attacked by the French, and Lord Howe was killed. 42. Every body mourned when they heard of the death of voung Howe. He was so good that they all loved him. Cap- tain Schuyler took his body to Albany and put it in a vault. Many years afterward his coffin was opened, when behold ! his beautiful brown hair had grown very long. 43. Abercrombie heard that more troops were coming to help the French, so he pushed on through the woods, without his can- nons, to attack Ticonderoga. But he found it too strong for him, and after a hard fight for four hours, and losing almost two thousand men, he marched back to Lake George, and finally to Albany, leaving the French still in possession of Ticonderoga. 44. From Lake George, xVbercrombie sent Colonel Bradstreet luid three thousand soldiers to attack the French at PVontenac, where Kingston, in Canada, now is. They captured the fort in August, and then marching through the woods to the Mohawk river, where the village of Rome now stands, they assisted in build- ing fort Stanwix. 45. The army that marched against Fort Du Quesne was com- manded by General Forbes. Colonel Washington was with him. Questions. — 40. What can vou tell of the expedition against Louisburg? 41 What occurred in northern New York? 42. What can von tell of Lord Howe? 43. Wb.it did Abercrombie do ? 44. What cm you tell about Bradstreet? THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 10^^ Capture of Fort Du Quesne. Preparations to invade Canada. Forbes, like Loudoun, was a very slow man, and it was late in the Autumn before he got over the Alleghany mountains. 46. AVashington then marched rapidly forward. The French at Du Quesne heard of his approach, and being greatly alarmed, they set fire to the fort and escaped down the Ohio river in boats. The name of Fort Du Quesne was then changed to Fort Pitt, in honor of England's prime minister. There the city of Pittsburg now stands. 47. From what I have told you, you perceive that the English did do great things this year. They took from the French three of their strongest forts, Louisburg, Frontenac, and Du Quesne, and friorhtened the Indians so, that thev ao-reed not to fio^ht the En- glish any more. The American Planters now began to feel safer, though the war was not ended. 48. The final struggle was now at hand. Pleased with what had been done in 1758, Pitt determined to do more in THE CAMPAIGN OF 1759. 49. He resolved to send good officers and troops enough to conquer all Canada, and thus put an end to French power in America. For this purpose he appointed General Amherst to the command of all the troops in America and those to be sent from England. 50. In the spring of 1759, Amherst found twenty -four thousand troops in America, ready to invade Canada. Ships and soldiers were also sent from England. lokd amuekst. It was arranged to send one division by the way of the St. Law- rence river, to attack Quebec ; another was to drive the French from Lake Champlain ; and a third was to attack them at Fort Niagara. 51. When, on a hot day in July, Amherst appeared before QuKSTiONS. — 45. What can you say nbont Forbes? 40. What can you toll of the, riarch against Fort Du Qnesne ? 47. Whnt had the Fnr-lish done? 48, 4'^. Whnt did Pitt resolve to do? 5\ What c.v.i you tell {.bout the plan of the campaign for 1750? 104 COLONIES The French driven from Lake Champlain. Taking of Fort Niagara. "Wolfe. Ticonderoga, with eleven tliousaiid men, the French, who had just heard that an English army, under Wolfe, was at Quebec, fled in haste to their fort at Crown Point. Amherst pur- sued them. They were dreadfully frightened, took to their boats, and fled overthe Lake toward Canada. So the French were Fort Ticon- EUINS OF TICON DEKOGA. driven from Lake Champlain, and never returned, deroga was partly destroyed. 52. Generals Prideaux (pronounced Pre-do) and Johnson sailed from Oswego in July, to attack Fort Niagara, at the mouth of the Niagara river. Prideaux was killed by the bursting of a gun at the first assault, and Johnson took command. For three weeks the French held out, when some of their countrymen and many southern Indians came to help them. But the English conquered them all, and took possession of the fort. 53. Wolfe, the greatest soldier of them all, was now near Quebec, with eight thousand troops, and a large number of battle- ships under the command of Admirals Holmes and Saunders. Quebec was a strong, walled town, a part of it three hundred feet above the river St. Law- rence. It was a hard city to fight against. 54. That great French soldier of whom I have told you [page 100], General Mont- calm, was the commander, and his army was in a strong camp along the St. Law- geneevl wolfe. QuKSTiONB — 51. What ran you tell of Amherst on Lake Champlain? 5"*. Wliat oc- curred at Niagara? 53. What can you tell of events at Quebec? 54. What can you tell of the movements of Wolfe and Montcalm ? THE FUENCll AND INDIAN WAR. l05 Battle oa the sliore of the St. Lawrence. Attack on Quebec. Wolfe wounded. rence, from Quebec to the Montmorenci river. Wolfe first landed on the island of Orleans, below the city, to attack this French camp. lie also took possession of Point Levi, opposite, where General Monckton was stationed. 55. Eai'ly in July, AYolfe formed a camp below the Mont- morenci, and a nnmber of English troops crossed from Point Levi, and attacked the French just above that stream. On tne beach, in the midst of a terrible thunder-storm and the roar of the waters, a hard battle was fought, and full five hundred of the English perished. 66. Week after week now passed away. Wolfe was waiting, in vain, for Amherst to come and help him, xVt length, a fever laid the great soldier prostrate in his tent. At the beginning of September he called his wisest officers to his bed- side, and consulted upon what it was best to do. They soon decided. 57. Back of Quebec, and as high above the river, is a level spot, called the Plains of Abraham. It was resolved to scale these heights, and attack the city on its weakest side. Feeble as he was, the brave Wolfe determined to lead the troops. On the evening of the 12th of September, they went secretly in their boats, and at midnight they were on shore at a ravine that led up to the Plains of Abraham. 58. Montcalm had no suspicion of what the English were doing, and you may imagine his surprise when, early in the morn- ing, he saw their scarlet dresses and bright bayonets flashing in the sun, upon the Plains of Abraham. lie immediately marched his whole army across the St. Charles river, and at- tacked the English. 59. A hard battle commenced at ten o'clock. Wolfe led the English, as the two armies came together, notwithstanding he was already wounded twice. Soon a musket-ball pierced his breast, and he fell. He was conveyed to the rear, fainting from Questions. — 55. What can you tell of a battle? 56. What can you tell of Wolfe and his plans? 57. What was now done? and how can you describe the places? 58. What can you tell of Montcalm ? 50. What ca i you tell of the battle, and death of Wolfe ? 106 COLONIES. MONUMENT TO 'WOLrE AND MONTCALM. Death of Wolfe and Montcalm. Capture of Quebec. Montreal taken. loss of blood. Just tlien lie lieard a sliont, " They run! they run!" "Who run?" asked ^yolie. "The French," was the reply. "Then I die con- tented," he said, and expired. 60. Montcalm was killed at about the same time ; and now, in the city of Quebec, one tall monument stands in memory of both of them. Five days after the battle, Quebec was given over to the English. Fighting then ended for the season, but Canada Avas not yet conquered. That event was accomplished in THE CAMPAIGN OF 1V60. 61. In the spring of 1760 the French made eflbrts to get Que- bec back again. But they failed ; and their army was compelled to leave that neighborhood and flee to Montreal. That was now the last strong place held by the French in Canada. 62. General Amherst made great preparations during the sum- mer, and, early in September, three English armies appeared •before the doomed city of Montreal. Amherst came down the St. Lawrence with ten thousand troops and a thousand Indian warriors, and was met the same day by (general Murray, from Quebec, with four thousand men. The next day Colonel Hav- iland arrived from Crown Point, with three thousand troops. 63. The French commander now saw that all was lost. He gave up the city and all Canada, on the 8th of September, and General Gage, of whom I shall tell you more, was made gov- ernor. So the French and Indian war ended in America, but all was not settled, until a treaty, or bargain, Avas made at Paris, in 1763. 64. Frenchmen kept the Indians at the South very restless. In the spring of 1760, some Cherokees having been injured by some wdiite people, the whole nation commenced a bloody war- Qttestions — 60. "Wliat more can you say about Wolfo and Montcalm? What was accomplished? 61. What can you tell about tho French? 6?. AVhat occurred at Mo i- troal ? 63. What further occurred at Montreal ? THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. lO. Pontiac's war. Death of Pontiac. Close of French and Indian war. fare upon the frontiers of Virginia and the Carolinas. This con- tinued for more than a year. Finally the Cherokee villages were destroyed, and many of the warriois were killed by a small En- glish army, and their power was broken forever. G5. Soon after this, Pontiac, an Ottawa chief, induced several of the north-western tribes to join in endeavors to drive the white people from their country. Pontiac was one of the great- est Indians ever known. Like King Philip, he saw the lands of his people passing into the hands of the English, and in despair, he kindled the war. It was terrible for a time, but the Indians were finally conquered. G6. Pontiac fled to the country of the Illinois tribe, where he was basely murdered by an Indian, who did it for a barrel of rum given him by an Englishman. The great city of St. Louis now covers his burial place. This was nearly the last sad act in the French and Indian War. 67. Here, my Young Friend, .the story of the American people as English colonists draws to a close. I am now to tell you how they became tired of being ruled by a king and legislature be- yond the ocean, and resolving to rule themselves, struggled many years and gained the victory. A new and more interesting scent will now open. Listen attentively. QuESTioxG. — "4. AVliat can you t-ll of an Indian war? 65. What can you tell about Pontiac ? GO. What can you tell of Pontiacs death ? 67. What am I to tell you about iiext ? CHAPTER V. SECTION I. THE STRIVE JP'OR FREEDOM *, OR THE REVOLUTION. The Great Patriots. The War for Independence. 1. The story of the great Patriots, or those who loved their country better than their own ease and comfort, than silver and gold, houses and lands, and willingly suffered every thing for their country's good, is one of great interest to you, my Young Friend. 2. When you shall have heard the whole story of the Revolu- tion, I am sure you will not only love those great Patriots who suffered and worked so much, but you will wish to do all you can for the good of your country. I will first tell you about THE PRELIMINARY EVENTS, or what happened to bring about the war, called the Revolution, or the War for Independence. 3. You have heard how, for a long time, the English people in America had troubles with their governors ; and that they did not like the Kings of England any too well. But each settlement or colony was too small and weak to defy the king, so they submitted to wrong. 4. Then you have heard how they joined against the French and Indians; and how, at last, being helped some by soldiers and sailors from England, they took the whole northern country Questions.— 1. What are Patriots? 2, What is first to be related ? 3. What has been said of the Americ.-.nB ? 4. What more have you heard about them .' PRELIMINARY EVENTS. l''^ Strength of the Planters. George the Third. Taxation. away from the French, made the Indians afraid, and became really one great nation of Planters. 5. Well, these things made the Planters know how strong they were when united, and they felt a desire to become one people. They talked about this a great deal, and finally they re- solved that if the king and governors did not use them better than they had done, they would defy them all, and govern them- selves. G. When the French and Indian War closed they hcfjDcd for better times, for a good young man had just become King of En- gland. This was George the Third, who lived almost sixty years a king. If he could have had his own way, he would have been kind and indulgent to the Americans, but bad, and often ignor- ant men advised him, and things went wrong. T. The war just ended had cost England a great deal, and all the money in the king's treasury was spent. He asked his min- isters or advisers how he should get more. "Tax the Amer- icans," they said ; " they are rich, and are willing to give you as much money as you want. Make them pay so much upon every thing they receive in ships. It is but little, and they will not mind it." 8. The young king did so, and sent men, called Commissioners of Customs, to collect the money. The people grumbled about it, and disliked the commissioners; and a great patriot, named James Otis, of Massachusetts, spoke his mind plainly, and ad- vised the people not to pay a jitenny. So the king did not get much money in this way. 9. The king and his advisers now tried another way to get money from the Americans. They made a law that every piece of paper on which bargains or agreements of any kind were written, should have fastened to it a little piece of blue paper, on which were stamped certain words. It Avas decreed that all bargains or agreements, written upon paper without this, should be good for nothing. Questions.— 5. What did the Planters know and do? 6. "What ran yon say of a young king? T. What can you tell about taxing the Americans? 8. What did the king do? and how did the Americans feel and act? 0. How did the king and his friends try to get money from the Americans? iiO THE REVOLUTION. TIio Stamp Act. Patrick Henry and his eloquence. 10. These bits of blue paper were called stamps^ and were furnished by the king and his advisers, only, for which they charged certain prices. It was thought that, in this way, money could be got from the Americans, because they would have to buy paper with these stamps on, or else liave none that was good. This law was called The Stamp Act. ' 6TAM1. 11^ The Americans were very indignant because of this attempt to get their money. In Virginia, a great Patriot, named Patrick Henry, boldly advised the people to write bargains on whatever paper they pleased, and pay no attention to the Stamp Act. ATEICK HENllY IN THE VIEGINIA ASSEMBLY. 1 2. Henry charmed every body by his manner of speaking. AMien, in the Virginia Legislature, he boldly defied the king and his government, and in speaking of the danger a monarch was in Qt]-e6tion8.— in. Whnt can you tell of stamps and the Stamp Act? 11, 12. What can you tell about Patrick Henry? PRELIMINARY EVENTS. Ill The Stamp Act Congress. Sons of Liberty. Repeal of Stamp Act. who oppressed his people, he had said, " Caesar had his Brutus, Charles the First his Cromwell, and George the Third" — he was interrupted by persons who cried, "Treason ! Treason !" Henry finished by saying — "may profit by their example; if that be treason, make the most of it." 13. All over the country the people were very much excited. The ministers in their pulpits, speakers at public meetings, and the newspapei-s spoke against the Stamp Act. At length men were appointed in several colonies to meet in New York in the Autumn of 1765, to talk the matter over, and advise the people what to do. 14. This meeting was called the Stamp Act Congress. Very wise men were there ; and they wrote excellent letters to the king, and to the English Parliament or Legislature, asking both to be just toward the Americans. They also wrote what they called a Declaration of Rights, or a statement of what privileges they were entitled to under the constitution and laws of England and their own charters. 15. After that, the people resolved to have nothing to do with the stamps. Men who had agreed to sell them were insulted everywhere. Many persons formed societies, and called them- selves Sons of Libert//. Merchants agreed not to T)uy any more goods in England, while that act was a law ; and the women spun wool and flax, and made cloth for their brothers and husbands to wear, rather than have them buy it in England. 16. The king and his ministers soon saw that they had made a serious mistake. The great William Pitt, of whom I have told you [page 101], was in Parliament, and advised the repeal of the Stamp Act ; that is its being done away with. His advice was taken. The Act was repealed in the spring of 1*766, and there were great rejoicings in England and America. 1*7. The advisers of the king not knowing how to obtain as much money as they wanted, determined to try some other way to get it from the Americans. So they induced Parliament (for QuT-STioxB.— IS. What can you tell of the excitement of the people? 14. What can yon tell of the Stamp Act Concress? 15. What did the American men and women do? 16. What was done in England ? 112 THE REVOLUTION. The Americans and taxation. Entrance of Gage into Boston. only Parliament could do it) to decree that the Americans should pay to the king's officers so much money ^Yhenever they bought any tea, paper, glass, painters' colors, etc., brought in ships. 18. Knowing that the Americans -would object to this, they sent soldiers over here to compel the people to pay the money. This made the Americans very angry. They could not bear the thought of being enslaved by soldiers ; and, in every colony, the Legislature took the matter in hand. In the year 1768, almost every Colonial Assembly had declared that Parliament had no right to tax the Americans, unless Americans were allowed to be- come members of Parliament. Their opinion was, that TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION IS TYRANNY. 19. But the king, his advisers, and Parliament, did not mind what the Americans said. They sent officers over to collect the duties or tax, and threatened to send more soldiers, if the Amer- icans did not become quiet, and pay the money without saying a word against it. 20. Those proud men in England did not know what bold, and wise, and good men they w^ere dealing with, or they would never have acted so foolishly and wickedly. The tax-gatherers came, but they were treated with contempt. In Boston they were insulted, driven from their houses, and compelled to take shelter in a fort in the harbor. 21. General Gage, who, you remember [verse 63, page 106], was made governor at Montreal, was then in Halifax with an army. He went to Boston, with many soldiers, to compel the people to pay the duties or tax. It was a quiet Sabbath morn- ing in September, 1768, when he marched into the town, with flags flying and drums beating, as if it had been a conquered city. But the people, strong in the right, felt no dismay. 22. The colonial governors became more proud, insolent, and overbearing, when they saw the determination of the English Qttestions. — 17. What else was done to get money from the Americans? 18. What vraa done to force the Americans to pay money? What did the Assemblies dr.? 10. What did the king and Parliament do ? 20. What then happened, and why ? 21. What can you toll about Gates's arrival in Boston? PRELIMINARY EVEITTS. llj^ Boldness of the Boston boys. Their demand for redress. The soldiers and citizens. government to force the Americans into obedience. They treated them as rebels, and in every way the Americans were irritated beyond endurance. Yet they acted manly and re- spectful, while they were firm and unyielding. 23. Even the children partook of the boldness of their fathers and mothers. On one occasion, in Boston, the soldiers had beaten down some snow-hills which the boys had raised. This had been done before, and the lads determined not to endure it longer. The larger boys held a meeting, and several of them were appointed to see General Gage about it. 24. When the boys entered Gage's room, he asked why so many children had called upon him. " We come, sir," said the tallest boy, " to demand satisfaction." " What !" said the gen- eral, " have your fathers been teaching you rebellion, and sent you to exhibit it here ?" " Nobody sent us, sir," replied the boy, while his eyes flashed, and his cheeks reddened, at being accused of rebellion. 25. The lad then told Gage how the soldiers had broken down their snow^-hills, and how, when they complained, they were called young rebels. " Yesterday," he continued, " our works were destroyed the third time, and we will bear it no longer." The general's heart w^as touched by the noble courage of the boy. " The very children here," he said to an officer at his side, " draw in a love of liberty with the air they breathe." He then assured the boys that their snow-hills should not be touched again. 26. The soldiers in New York and Boston became very insol- ent, and they and the citizens frequently quarreled. In the latter city, on the 5th of March, 1770, a quarrel took place, and that evening there was a riot. Three citizens were killed, and four were dangerously w^ounded, by the soldiers. 27. The excitement was very great. All the bells of the city were rung , and no doubt there would have been a great deal of bloodshed, if the governor had not promised justice to the people. QuKSTioNR. — '?2. IIow did the trovcrnors act? 23, 24. What diil soldiers do to Boston boys? '24, 1:.5. What c-m you tell about brave Boston boys ? 26. What sad event hap^ pened in Boston ? 27. What then was done ? 114 THE REVOLUTION. The tax upon tea. The Regulators in North Carolina. They demanded tlie instant removal of the troops from Boston. This was done, and quiet was restored. The "Boston Massacre," as it was called, was long remembered. 28. The advisers of the king, seeing how much trouble there was in America, concluded to take the tax off of every thing, except tea. This was continued, because they wished to assert the right of Parliament to tax the Americans. 29. But the Americans would not be satisfied so long as a sinsrle tax remained without their consent. It was not the amount of the tax that they cared for, but they denied the right to tax them at all. Seeing that the Americans were firm, and would not buy goods in England, to the great hurt of the merchants there, the ministers tried to put the tax upon tea, in another shape, as I shall explain presently. But it would not do. " No taxes, without our consent," said the Americans. 30. In North Carolina the home taxes were very heavy, and the people joined in the arrangement of measures to regulate afi"airs. These associations were in the back settlements, and the members were called Regulators. 31. The governor, finding his ofiicers could not collect the taxes there, marched to these districts himself, with a body of soldiers. The Regulators now prepared to meet him, and in May, 1771, they had quite a battle near the Allamance creek. The Regulators were defeated, and several leaders were hanged. From that time the people hated the rule of the king and his governors. 32. A year later, the people of Rhode Island showed their defiance, by burning a vessel belonging to the king, which was in Narraganset Bay, to enforce the collection of taxes. On a starry night in June, 1772, Captain Whipple and more than sixty men, went in a boat and set the vessel on fire. Three years afterward, the Captain of a British vessel \yrote to the leader — "You, Abraham Whipple, on the I7th of June, 1772, QursTiONS. ^28. "What change in taxing was made? 29. How did the Americans feel about it, and act ? 30. What can you tell about the Regulators in North Carolina '/ 31. What can you tell about a battle there? 32. What oocurred in Narraganset Bay in 1772 ? What three vears afterward. PRELIMINARY EVENTS. 115 Captain Whipple and the Gasp6. A new scheme. Destruction of tea in Boston harbor. burned Iiis majesty's vessel, the Gaspe^ and I will hang you at the yard-arm. James Wallace." W hippie immediately replied : " To Sir James Wallace : " Sir, — Always catch a man before you hang him. " Abraham Whipple." Whipple was neither caught nor hanged. 33. The English merchants complained because the Amer^ leans would not buy goods of them while there was a tax upon tea. So the king's advisers thought to please the Americans by making an arrangement with the East India Company, that brought all the tea from China, to sell it at a less price to the Americans. The tax, also, was made very small. 34. Now, thought Lord North (the chief minister) and the East India Company, all will be well ; and ship after sliip was filled with tea and sent to America. But all was not well. There was yet a tax upon tea, though ever so small, and the Americans would not yield an inch. 35. The ships arrived, but nowhere was the tea allowed to be sold. In most places it was not permitted even to be landed. In Boston the people had resolved beforehand what to do, when any tea ships should arrive. The captains were to be ordered to leave the harbor at once, and if they refused, their cargoes were to be destroyed. J 36. Two ships came to a Boston wharf in cold December, 1773, and would not leave. The people held a great meeting in Faneuil Hall ; and at dusk, a large number of men, dressed like Indians, went on board the vessels, broke open every chest of tea, and cast the contents into the water. So, as i'A2xl All VI 11 i Ethan Allen, with a small party, attempted to take Montreal, but were taken themselves. Allen was sent to England a j^risoner, in irons, and did not gain his liberty for a long time. 30. Colonel Bedell, of New Hampshire, and a few troops, took the fort at Chamblee, at about the same time ; and soon after that, Montgomery was marching as a victor, toward Montreal. That city was given up to him on the 13tli of November. 31. Winter was now coming on. Montgomery heard that Arnold was approaching Quebec through the wilderness, and, with a little more than three hundred poorly clad troops, he hastened toward that cit}' to join him, for winter frosts were bind- ing the rivers, and blinding snow was covering the country. 32. That inarch of Arnold with a thousand men, through forests and swamps filled with snow and ice, was wonderful. He went through the wilderness from the Kennebec river to the St. Lawrence, and Avas at Point Levi, opposite Quebec, on the 9th of November. He crossed the river, and, with his shivering little army, stood upon the Plains of Abraham [see page 105], and de- manded the surrender of the city. He was unsuccessful ; an.l then he marched up the St. Lawrence twenty miles, where he nut Montgomery on the first day of December. 33. The united troops now marched directly for Quebec; and for three weeks, in the midst of terrible snow-storms, they tried to get possession of the city. Montgomery finally determined to Q^TiSTTOvs.— ''O. What was don^ in Canada? 30. What else wis doe there? 31. AVhat dii Montgomery do? 32. What can you tell about Arnold and his men? FIRST YEAR OF THE WAR. 125 Attack on Quebec. Death of Montgomery. The Minute-men of Virginia in battle. force his way into that strong-walled city, tlirougli tlie gates, and for this purpose he separated his little army into four divisions. 34. In this attempt, while leading one of the divisions, the brave Montgomery was hilled. After a combat for several hours, many of the Americans were made prisoners, and Arnold led the remainder away, for there appeared no hope of tak- ing Quebec. Before the middle of June following, the Patriots were driven en- tirely out of Canada. o- rri T> 4- ' + J? -XT' • • GENEEAL MONT60MEBY. So. ihe Jratriots oi Vn-gima were more successful. After Governor Dunmore was driven aAvay from AVilliamsburg, he collected a large number of Tories and negroes, and commenced destroying the property of AVhigs in lower Virginia. The Minute-men soon gathered to oppose him ; and after a severe battle at the Great Bridge, near the Dismal Swamp, they drove him to the British ships at Norfolk. In re- venge, he burned Norfolk on the 1st of January, 1776; but he w^as soon afterward compelled to leave the country and go to En- gland. 36. Among the Minute-men of Virginia were brave ones from Culpepper county, whose flag bore the picture of a rattlesnake, with the words, DonH tread on me. It said, " Don't tread on me, I have dangerous fangs." The Americans said to the king, "Don't tread on us; we will fight." It also had the words of Patrick Henry, " Liberty or Death !" 37. No doubt you wish to know the mean- ing of Whig and Tory. Their names came from England, where Toi-i/ meant one who was a friend of the king, and Whir/ one who was opposed to him. All tlirougli the Revolution, there were many here who were the friends of the king. These were called Tories, and the Patriots were all called Whigs. Questions— 33. Wliat can you tell of the Americans at Quebec? 34. Wliat can you tell of Montgomery, and of the Americans in Canada? 35. What can you toll of events in lower Virginia? 36. What can you tell of the Culpepper flag? 37. How do you explain the meaning of Whig and Tory f CULPEPPEE FLAG. 126 THE REVOLUTION. Continental money. American vessels-of-war. SECTION III SECOND YEAR OF THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. [iVVC] 1. During tlie summer of 1775, the Continental Congress made every preparation to continue the war. Money was wanted, and enough of gold and silver could not be had. So they issued Bills of Credit, as they were called ; that is, a kind ik n; Six tDOXemS. ■T^HISBiUentuUs^lw -l TieareT- to -receive ^ orS ILVER- MroTd .ne- 1 o '- ^ a Resolution of COA^ GRESSpuUMirt Phi^ „-=^_ jjcoT FT i,o i-Eceive SIX SPANISH MULED DOLLAJPtS. or tV YaUethi-reof inCOLD \l^ ^Yiai§J-o^a igl clcfe ' o:^ ^-g .^^ A BILL OF CREDIT, OK COJ^TIXENTAL MONEY. of paper money similar to our bank bills, but printed on coarse paper, and very rough in appearance. 2. These bills the people used freely, expecting to get gold and silver for them after the war. But they did not. Congress issued cart-loads of them. They answered the purpose for the time, but the people lost a great deal by them, for before the war was ended they became worthless. 3. The Congress also ordered some war-vessels to be built; and they gave private persons permission to arm vessels and take Questions —1, 2. What can yon tell about Continental money? 3. What did Con- gress do ? and what can you tell about privateers ? SECOND YEAR OF THE WAR. 127 British preparations for war. Expulsion of the British from Boston. any British ships they might find. These were called Privateers, and soon there were a great many of them on the ocean. 4. Great Britain also made large preparations for war against the Patriots. Besides mustering thousands of soldiei's and pre- paring a great many war-vessels, for the purpose, seventeen thou- sand German soldiers, called Hessians, were hired and sent over to help make the Americans slaves. How wicked and cruel this was ! 5. When Washington heard of these preparations, he resolved to do his best to drive the British from Boston immediately. He then had fourteen thousand soldiers. He fired many cannon- balls upon the city from time to time ; and finally, on the even- ing of the 4th of March, 1776, he sent a strong party to build embankments for cannons on Dorchester Heights, now in South Boston. 6. When the British saw this at daylight, they were alarmed, and Howe ordered troops to go and drive the Americans away. A storm prevented their going. So the Americans completed their works, and the British now saw plainly that the sooner they left Boston the better it would be for them. 7. Howe sent word to Washington, that if he would let him and his troops leave Boston quietly, in his ships, he would do so. Washington consented; and on Sunday, the l7th of March, 1776, the British and a great many Tories, left Boston forever. The American army then took possession of it, to the great joy of the people, and its harbor was opened for business. 8. Before this, a great British soldier. Sir Henry Clinton, left Boston with troops, in ships. Washington thought he might be going to attack New York, so he sent a brave officer. General Charles Lee, to raise troops in Connecticut and go to that city. 9. Clinton heard of this some way, and thought it best not to go into New York harbor. He sailed southward to attack Charleston, and Lee went on by land to watch his movements. Questions. — 4. What preparations did Great Britnin make? 5. What can you tell n bout Washington at Boston? 6. What did the British perceive and do? 7. "What can you teU about the British leaving Boston ? 8,9. What can you tell about Clinton and Let ? '28 THE REVOLUTION. Events in Charleston harbor. Bravery of Jasper. The battle and its results. 10. When Howe sailed from Boston, Washington thought that he, too, might be going to attack New York. He left troops enough to keep Howe from coming back, and then went to New York himself with quite a large army, and built forts there and on the Hudson river. 11. Clinton was joined on the coast of North Carolina by sev- eral battle-ships, commanded by a great sea-warrior named Park- er, and early in June they all reached Charleston harbor. The Patriots there were prepared for them, and General Lee arrived soon afterward 12. Within that harbor is an island, on which the Patriots had a fort nearly completed. Five hun- dred soldiers, under Colonel Moultrie, and many cannons, were placed in it, when they saw the British fleet com- ing. AVhile Clinton and his men were trying in vain to reach the fort by land, several of the battle-ships came in and fairly rained heavy iron cannon-balls upon it. COLONEL MOULTEIE. -^3^ rj.^^^^ ^^^^^ J- J |-^^J^ J^^^.^^^ ^^^ the fort v/as made of soft palmeto logs. One of the balls cut down the staff on which the patriot flag was fastened. The flag fell outside of the fort. A brave young man, named Jasper, climbed down in the midst of the flying cannon-balls, picked up the flag, fastened it upon the ramrod of a cannon, and then placed it on the fort in such a way that it kept flying during the whole battle ! 14. This fight lasted almost ten hours. The patriots fired can- non-balls from the fort upon the British ships, so fast and continual, that they were half cut in pieces, and more than two hundred of the people in them were killed or wounded. The ships were dreadfully shattered and their sails torn. They got away from the fort as quickly as possible. The troops went on board the Questions.— 10. What did Washington do? 11. What was done on the Carolina coasts? 12. What can you tell of a fort near Charleston ? 13, What can you tell of a brave young soldier there? 14 What can you tell about the battle? SECOND YEAR OF THE WAR. l-'i^ Desires for Independence. Action of Congretis. Declaration of Independence. best vessels, and all sailed away, sony enough that they ever went there. 15. The Americans now felt certain that the British would never be just toward them, and that there was no use in trying to be friends with the king and Parliament. So they thought much of being a free and independent people, without a king, and at liberty to choose their own rulers. First the Patriots in one colony, and then those in another, met together, and talked it over ; and finally the Continental Congress took the matter into consideration. IG. In June, 17*70, Richard Henry Lee, a great Patriot of Vir- ginia, arose in Congress and declared that the United Colonics were, and ought to bo, free and independent states, and then asked other members to think about it, and talk it over. They did so for almost a month, and on the 2d of July Congress agreed to it. Con- gress then held its meetings in the State House, Philadelphia, and John Hancock was president. 17. Five great Patriots, named Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston, had written a long paper, giving reasons why the Americans ought to be free ; and this, with the words of Richard Henry Lee, is called The Declaration of Independence. 18. This Declaration was agreed to on the Fourth of July, 1776. So, every year, on that day, at sunrise and sunset, we ring the bells and fire the guns ; and at noon the soldiers aie out with their flags flying, and drums beating. The boys, full of glee, let oflf crackers from morning till night, and in the evening splendid fire-w^orks are shown, to the delight of ^eve^y body. This is as it should be, for that was the birth-day of the United States of America. Questions. — 15. What did tlio Anoric'is now feel .and do? IG. WlK-twas done in Congress? IT. What can you lell of a Committee of Congress? 18. What more can you say about the Declaration of Independence? STATE HOUSE. 130 THE REVOLUTION. Destruction of the King's statue. Battle near Brooklyn. Escape of the Americans. 19. I would like to tell you more about the Declaration of Independence, but I have not time. Yet one thing more I will tell you. In the city of New York was a fine statue, or figure, of the king on horseback. It was made of lead, and covered with gilding. "When the people and soldiers there heard of the Declaration of Independence, they pulled down that leaden statue, and made bullets of it, with which they fought the British. 20. At about the time of the Declaration of Independence, General Howe came in ships with many troops, and landed on Staten Island, near New York. A month afterward, Sir Henry Clinton came there from the South, with many more troops ; and two or three weeks later, a large number of the hired Hessians came and landed there. 21. Washington w^as in New York with the American army. He sent a large number of them over to Brooklyn, to build a fort and oppose the British, for he believed that they would come to the attack of New York by that way. And so they did. They crossed the Narrows between Long and Staten Islands, marched up, and near Brooklyn they had a severe battle with the Amer- icans. Many of the Patriots w^ere killed and made prisoners, and the British were the victors. 22. The Americans called their strong work at Brooklyn, Fort Putnam. In and near that the remainder of their army were col- lected, while the British prepared tb attack them again. Early on the third morning after the battle (the 30th of August), they all escaped across the East river in boats, under cover of a heavy fog, much to the astonishment and mortification of the British. When the fog rolled away, and the sunlight burst upon Brook- lyn and New York, the last boat-load of Patriots had reached the city shore. 23. The Americans were not allowed to remain much longer in New York. Washington saw that the British army was a great deal stronger than his, and that Howe was preparing to Qttebtions. — 19. "What can yon tell about a statne of King George ? ?0. What oc- curred on Staten Island ? ?1. What did tbe Americans and the British do? 2?. What can you tell about the escape of the Americans ? SECOND YEAR OF THE WAR. 131 Battle at White Plains. Capture of Fort Washington. Prisons and prison-ships. cross over and attack his troops. So he prudently left the city, marched to the lofty ground on the Hudson, where Fort Wash- ington had been built, and there formed a strong camp on wliat was called Harlem Heights. 24. Howe tried to drive the Americans from this position, but could not. Then he resolved to get in their rear, and went up the East river to Westchester county, with a large number of troops, where lie was joined by some fresh Hessians. Washing- ton was wide awake, and went into Westchester, too, when both armies marched up the river Bronx to White Plains, watching each other. 25. The two armies had a pretty severe battle at White Plains on the 28tli of October. The Americans were defeated, and fled to the hills of North Castle. A few days afterward, Washington crossed the Hudson river with most of his army, and joined General Greene at Fort Lee, on the Jersey shore, nearly opposite Fort AVashington. 26. Less than a fortnight afterward, many Hessians, and some English soldiers, attacked Fort AVashington. They took posses- sion of it, after losing a thousand men, and then made more than two thousand Americans prisoners. These, with others, were confined in the loathsome prisons and prison-ships at New York. The most famous of these prison-ships was /' \ \ the Jersey^ in wliich thou- sands of Americans died. 2*7. Two days after the capture of Fort Washing- ton, Lord Cornwallis (a the jeks::y prison-biup. great English soldier), with six thousand troops, crossed the Hud- son, drove AVashington and his army from Fort Lee, and for three weeks chased them across New Jersey to the Delaware river at Trenton. QuKSTiONs.— ".-. What can you tell about the Americans leaving New York? ^4. What can von t^ll .-tbont events in Wostcheater countv? '^a. What r-^n von tell of a bittlp at White Plni-^c:? ff.. What c'>m von toll of a battle at Fort Wishin-ton. and of prisonpi-.s? 27. What oociirre-l ii \'e-,v Jprspv? 13f^ THE REVOLUTION The Americans on the Delaware. "Victory at Trenton. 28. The American soldiers were then not more than three thousand in number, and these were wretchedly clad, and half- starved. They crossed the icy Delaware on the 8th of Decem- ber, and sat down, almost in despair, upon the Pennsylvania shore. 29. But the mind of AVashington was full of hope, because he knew that he was engaged in a right cause, and fully believed that God would help the Americans. The Congress, sitting at Philadelphia, knew that the British might easily cross the Delaware, and come and take that city. They were much alarmed, and fled to Baltimore, leaving Washington to do just as he pleased. 30. The British did not cross the Delaware, but formed small camps near it. The Hessians were encamped at Trenton, and Washington resolved to attack them. Christmas was approach- ing. The Germans always make that a holiday, and Washington very wisely concluded that, after drinking and sporting all day, they would sleep very soundly that night. 31. So, on Christmas night, in the midst of a storm of hail and rain, Washington, with more than two thousand men, and several cannons, crossed the river among the floating ice, eight miles above Trenton, but not in time to reach that town before daylight. The Americans marched in two divisions. One was led by Washington, and the other by General Sullivan. The Hessians were greatly surprised. Their commander was killed, several of his soldiers were slain and wounded, and more than a thousand were made prisoners, and taken to the Pennsylvania shore the same day. 32. This was indeed a brilliant affair. There was great le- joicing among the Patriots all over the country ; and the Con- gress told Washing-ton that he might do just what he liked, for six months. The British were very much astonished and fright- ened at the boldness of the Americans ; and many true Patriots, QxTESTTONR. — 28. TVlmt can yon say abont the Amoricin soldiers? 20. "What can you Bay about Washington and Concrress? HO. What can you tell about the Hessians at Trenton? .31. "What can you tell about crossing the Delaware, and battle at Trenton.' 32. What was the effect of the battle at Trenton? THIRD YEAR OF THE WaR. IHo Proceedings of Parliament and Congress. Mission to France. who felt afraid when Washington was chased across New Jersey, now came forward and joined his army. 33. Washington now determined to drive the British out of New Jersey. lie crossed the Delaware again, with the whole of liis little army, and formed a camp at Trenton. The British and Hessians joined, and formed a camp at Princeton, only ten miles off. Such was the situation of the two armies at the close of 17Y0. SECTION lY. THIRD YEAR OF THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. [iTYY.] 1. The British Parliament acted very strangely. They seemed to think that the Americans were nobodies, and that tliey might kick and cuff them as they pleased. They appeared not to know how bravely the Patriots had acted against almost thirty thou- sand choice British troops and fierce Hessians; and no doubt they thought that the whole flurry, as they called it, would soon be over. They refused to do justice to the Americans, and pre- pared to send more soldiers over to fight them. 2. The Continental Congress, on the contrary, acted wisely and promptly. They knew how the French hated the English, so they sent Silas Deane to France, to ask the French king to help the Americans against his old enemy. King Louis was glad of the opportunity, and promised great things. Then, after the Declaration of Independence was over. Congress appointed Silas Deane, Dr. Franklin, and Arthur Lee, to be ministers or agents for the Americans, in France. 3. The Congress had, long before, perceived the necessity for laws to bind all of the colonists together. In 1775, Dr. Franklin wrote such laws, and others did so afterward. Pretty early in Questions.— 33. What did the two armies do? 1. How did the British Parliament think and act ? 2. What did Congress do ? 8. What can you tell about Articles of Con- federation ? 134 T H E R E V O L U T 1 O X . Articles of Confederation. The armies at Trenton. Battle at Princeton. 17*77 these Avere agreed to. They T^^ere called Articles of Confederation, or solemn ugTeements between the different colonies to act as one State, in many things. These lasted tea years. I will tell you by-and-by what was then done. 4. We will now see what the Amer- ican and British armies near the Del- DE. FBANKLiN. awarc were doing. Washington had five thousand soldiers at Trenton on New Year's day. On the 2d of January, Cornwallis came from Princeton with a great many troops to attack them. He arrived at evening, and con- cluded to wait until the next morning, when he thought it would bo very easy for him to conquer the Patriots. 5. The Americans were in great peril, and hardly knew what to do. Cornwallis was very strong, the ground was so soft that the cannons could not be dragged away, and they could not get across the Delaware. Toward midnight the wind blew cold, and the ground was frozen. Washington then left some men to keep his camp-fires burning, and, with his whole army and can- nons, he marched off to Princeton before daylight. 6. Cornwallis was astonished and mortified, when he found Washington had escaped. Just then he thought he heard the rumbling of thunder in the direction of Princeton. He listened, when one of his officers said, " Thunder, on a clear morning in mid-winter! No, no; to arms, general ! Washington has out- generaled us, and is attacking our troops at Princeton. You hear his cannon. Let us fly to the rescue !" 7. lie was right. Just at sunrise, on that keen frosty morn- ing, the Americans attacked a large party of British soldiers at Princeton, and, after a severe battle, became victors. But they lost General Mercer, one of the bravest and best Patriots in the army. He was wounded, taken to a house near by, and there died a few days afterward. Questions. — 4. Wliat occurred at Trenton ? 5. What did the Americar.s do ? 6. What can you tell about Cornwallis ? 7. What can you tell of a battle at Princeton ? THIRD YEAR OF THE W A II . 135 British driven from New Jersey. Marauding expeditions. 8. Cornwallis had hastened to Princeton, but when he arrived not a patriot soldier was there. Washington had led them on to a resting-place many miles distant, and then they all en- camped among the hills of East Jersey, at Morristown, until spring. 9. From Morristown, Washington sent out parties to attack the British and armed Tories, and finally drove them out of New Jersey, except at two places. Then Congress returned to Phila- delphia ; and every body now began to tliink that the Americans would surely dri\e all the British and Hessians back to Europe. 10. It was almost June before the two armies commenced the summer campaign in earnest. The most of the British were in New York and neighborhood ; and General Howe sent out strong parties of soldiers to do mischief to the Americans, in New Jer- sey, on the Hudson river, and in Connecticut. 11. One of the meanest of these expeditions was under General Tryon, who had been Governor of New York. He went up Long Island Sound with British and Tory soldiers, landed be- tween the villages of Norfolk and Fairfield, and, marching into the country, he burned Danbury. He also treated the innocent in- habitants very cruelly. 12. The Patriots of Connecticut soon gathered, under those brave soldiers, Arnold, Wooster and Silliman, and drove the in- vaders back to their ships, after a sharp battle at Ridgefield. There General Wooster was killed. Tryon lost altogether about three hundred men before he escaped to his vessels. 13. The Americans concluded that they could play at this game, too. So toward the close of May, a party under Colonel Meigs crossed Long Island Sound to Sag Harbor, burned a dozen British vessels there, also the store-houses and their contents, and carried ofi* ninety prisoners, without losing one of their own men. 14. The British held possession of Rhode Island for several months. Prescott, then commanding general, was a tyrant, and QuKSTtoxs. — ^S. What followed? 9. What did Washington and Congress do? 10. What can you say about the summer campaign? what was first done? 11. What can you tell of Tryon's expedition? 12. What canyon tell of Connecticut Patriote? 13. What did the Americans do ? 136 T H E R K V O L U T I O N . Washington's perplexity. March to Philadclphiii. Burgoyne in the North. treated the people very badly. One night in July, Colonel Bar- ton of Providence, and some others, went across Narraganset Bay unseen, and carried off Prescott from his quarters, without allow- ing him to dress. These things made the British act a little different, for they saw that the Americans were expert players at their own game. 15. At the close of May, 1777, Washington had almost ten thousand troops with him in New Jersey. For a long time he was perplexed to know what the British army was going to do. It had been arranged in England, that the British should take possession of the country on the Hudson river and Lake Cham- plain, and thus separate New England from the other colonies. IG. To accomplish this, a large army, under Burgoyne, assem- bled at St. John's, at the foot of Lake Champlain, in June, and Howe was to send troops up the Hudson. But Howe seemed hardly to know what to do, and his movements perplexed Wash- ington. He went into New Jersey, and tried to draw the Amer- icans into battle. Then he retreated ; and finally, with all of the British troops in New Jersey, he crossed over to Staten Island, and encamped there. 17. In June and July, Burgoyne came up Lake Champlain, a victor, taking Crown Point and Ticonderoga from the Americans, without much trouble, and spreading terror all over the North. At the same time, the British troops in New York seemed to be preparing to go up the Hudson. All at once, eighteen thousand of them, with Howe at their head, went on board ships commanded by Howe's brother, and sailed southward. 18. Washington now saw plainly that Howe w'as proceeding to capture Phila- delphia. He immediately marched to that city with the main portion of the Patriot army, and there he was first visited by La Fayette, a young and ()dt:stion8. — 14. What occurred on Rhode Island ? 15. "What can yon toll ahont the British nlinR? Irt. What can yon toll of the movement'^ of Bnrc;ovne and Tlowe? 17. "Wliat further can you tcU ahout British troops? 18. What did Washington perceive and do ? GENERAL I. A lAYETTn. T Fl I R I) V E A R O F T H E \V A R. 1 -^"^ La Fayette. Battle on the Brandywinc, The British victorious. brave soldier who had just come from France to fight for the Amcricaiip. 19. La Fayette was a noble young man. lie had heard how the Americans were striving for freedom, and he was anxious to help them. He had just married a beautiful girl, and his friends tried to keep him at home. But she, generous as he, cheerfully consented to his departure, and he came here full of love for the Americans. He joined the army under Washington. You will hear much more about him. 20. Howe went up the Chesapeake Bay, because the Amer- icans had obstructed the Delaware river, lie landed near the head of it, and proceeded toward Philadel})liia. Washington was marching to meet him. On the Brandywinc creek, several miles above Wilmington, the two armies had a very hard battle, for a whole day, and the British were victorious. 21. In that battle, La Fayette was badly wounded in his leg, and many good and brave men were lost. Full twelve hundred of the Americans were killed, wounded, or made prisoners, and the British loss was about eight hundred. This occurred on the 11th of September. 22. Washington and his thinned troops fled to I'hiladclphia, followed by the British. The Congress left that city, and met, first, at Lancaster, and then at York, where they remained sev- eral months. Fearing the British might take their provisions and other things at Reading, the Americans soon left Philadel- phia, and marched in that direction. Then Howe encamped at Germantown, four miles distant, and prepared to make Philadel- phia the residence of his army for the winter. 23. I have told you that the Americans had put obstructions in the Delaware, below Philadelphia, to keep ships from sailing up to that city. Near there, on each side of the river, they had built a fort. Those must be taken from the Patriots, or the Brit- ish army at Philadelpia could not get provisions by water. 24. Lord Howe's fleet came up to the obstructions, and two QuEPTiovB.— 10. What oin yon trll ahont La Fayotto ? 90. Whnt dirl thp t^o armies f!o' ''I. What ca'i you toll ahout tho. hattle on fho, Branrlvwin.^'i' ^'^. Whnt can yon t"!! of th'^ movements of the two armies? ?n. What can you tell about forts on the Delaware^ ? 1 -58 T H "E REVOLUTION. Capture of the forts on the Delaware. Battle iit Germantown. Burgoyne victoriou thousand Hessian soldiers attacked Fort Mercer, on the New Jer- sey side. Soon afterward, British soldiers attacked Fort Mifflin, on the Pennsylvania shore ; and after a brave defense, both had to be given up to Howe's troops. Then the obstructions were removed, and several British ships went up to the citv. 25. Toward the close of September, Washington came down the Schuylkill with his whole army, and early on the morning of the 4th of October, fell upon the British at Germantown. They fought several hours, when the Americans were beaten, with a loss about equal to that on the Brandywin^^. 26. Washington and his army then marched back, and en- camped at AVhite Marsh. Soon afterward the whole British army went into Philadelphia, where they remained all winter. A little later the American avmy marched to Valley Forge, built huts, and remained there until spring, suffering dreadfully for the want of food and clothing. 21. Let us now see what Burgoyne was doing. The Amer- icans at Ticonderoga, under General St. Clair, were too weak to oppose Burgoyne; so they fled, and he took possession of the fort. A part of Burgoyne's army pursued them, overtook them at Hubbardton, in Vermont, and there a hard fight occurred. 28. Here, again, the Americans were beaten. The same even- ing, some of the British armed boats, filled with soldiers, came up Lake Champlain to Skenesborough (now Whitehall), and de- stroyed a great quantity of provisions belonging to the Amer- icans. 29. General Schuyler was the chief commander of all tie American troops in the North. These were very few, and most of them were discouraged. Every thing appeared gloomy, we may be sui-e ; and the people began to think that Burgoyne would eat his Christmas dinner at Albany, as a victor, which he had boasted he would do. 30. Schuyler set his soldiers to tearing down the bridges, and felling trees across the roads along which he knew Burgoyne QuTSTioxs. — ^"4. "UHiat ran yon tell of hattlos on ihp. Delaware ' fK. Wliat can von ♦oil about til e battle at Crermantown ? T). What difl the two rrmies now (^o ' 27. What dirl Bnrerovne and his -'•niv do? 9S. Whnt hnf-fle ooourrfd' and what happened at Skenesborough ? 29. What was the state of thinfrK at the North ? T II 1 11 D YEAR OF T II K W A K . 1 HD Battle of Bennington. Death of Jane McCrc would come. In this way, he made the victor's march slow, and enabled himself to go down the Hudson, and collect the people to fight the British. 31. It was the last of July when Burgoyne reached Fort Ed- ward. Then his provisions were nearly gone, and he sent a party of Hessians and other troops to seize some cattle and food belonging to the Americans, which he heard v»ere at Bennington, in Vermont. 32. The people all through that region shouldered their mus- kets, and, led by the brave General Stark, fought the invaders on the 16tli of August, and killed, wounded, and made prisoners, a thousand of them. Burgoyne was now worse off than ever, and hardly knew what to do. 33. Here I must tell you a short, sad storv. A beautiful young girl, named Jane McCrea, lived at Fort Edward, and had a lover in Burgoyne's army. When that army approached Fort Edward, the lover sent two Indians to bring her in safety to the British camp. She was shot near a spring, by the way. Some said she was killed by the Indians, who quarreled about some rum the lover was to give them; and others said she was shot by accident. 34. Burgoyne had offered the Indians so much money for every scalp (the hair and skin of the top of the head) they would bring him ; and the people generally believed that the Indians had killed this beautiful young girl for her scalp, which they car- ried into the camp. O, how angry the people Avere with Burgoyne for employing the cruel Indians at all ! It made thousands of young men join the American army, to fight, and drive r.way, such wicked invaders. 35. AVhile Burgoyne was coming toward the Hudson, St. Leger, a British soldier, was marching from Oswego toward the Mohawk Valley, to attack the Americans at Fort Schuyler, then the name of Fort Stanwix, of which I have told you on pac , 102. He led many Indians under a great chief, named l>rant, and a large number of Tories. QUESTIONS —SO. AVhat flid Schnvlcr do? ?,1. ^^n^ras then in chief command of the Patriots at the North, and had a camp at Stillwater, strongly defended by fortifications, built by a brave and generous son of Poland, named Kosci- uszko. 38. The two armies came to battle on the morning of the 19tli of September, and fought hard all day. They battled again on the Tth of October; and ten days afterward, Burgoyne and his whole army, almost six thousand in number, were made prisoners by the Americans. 39. This was more than two months be- fore Christmas. Burgoyne dined in Albany much earlier than he expected to, but not as a victor. He was a prisoner, and a guest at the table of General Schuyler, who gener- ously forie Uvrt firmios? SS. What can you tell of two battles? 30. What more can you tell about Burgoyne ? KOSCIUSZKO. FOURTH YEAR OF THE WAR. 141 Events in the Hudson Highlands. Valley Forge. ber of British soldiers, attacked Forts Clinton and Montgomery, two strong places in tlie Hudson highlands, belonging to the Americans. They took them both ; and then many troops went up the river in ships and burned the village of Kingston. They hoped, in this way, to help Burgoyne. But it was too late. 41. When the news that Burgoyne was taken, had spread, there was great joy all over the country. The British were astonished, and the Tories were dreadfully frightened. And when the French King heard of it, he said, " Well, the Amer- icans help themselves pretty well ; I guess it will be safe now for me to send soldiers and ships to help them more, and England may say what she pleases." 42. At the close of IVZV, the Third Year of the War for In- dependence, the Americans felt very much encouraged, for they had done wonders during the campaign, and the good opinion of ■the world was on their side. SECTION V. FOURTH YEAR OF THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. [l 778.1 1. Twenty miles northwest from Philadelphia is a little valley that opens upon a wide plain along the banks of the Schuylkill river. Through it runs a stream on which, before the War for Independence, was a forge, where iron was made into various things. It was called the valley forge, and after a while the wdiole place was named Valley Forge. 2. To that little valley Washington led the American army from Wliitemarsh, through the snow, in cold December. Many of the soldiers were barefooted, and left marks of blood in their tracks in the snow. Qtjkstions. — 40. WHiat was done on Hudson's river? 4'. What was the offoot of the rewRof the capture of Burgoyne? 4'"*. How did the Americiins now feel? 1. What can you tell about a little valley ? 2, What happened there ? 142 THE REVOLUTION. The Americans at Valley Forge. Flight of the British. Chase of the Americans, 3. There the soldiers built rude huts, and spent the dreary winter, thinly clothed and half-starved. They were more willing to suffer so, than to lose their freedom and become slaves to the king and Parliament. At the same time, the British army Avere enjoying every comfort in Philadelphia. Then it was that the good Washington prayed in secret for God to help his country- men, and his prayers were heard, and answered. 4. By-and-by, when the snow had melted, and the tree-buds began to open, news came that the French King would send soldiers and ships to help the Americans. It made them very joyful. Then came news that the king and Parliament would now do right. Then they were still more joyful. But when they remcnibered how often they had been deceived, they would not believe it. It was well they did not. 5. In the pleasant month of May, Gen- eral Howe sailed for England, and left the British army in charge of Sir Henry Clinton. They gave Howe a great ball and feast, before he left. At the same time the Americans, who loved freedom better than all such things, were suffer- ing at Valley Forge. GENEKAL cLiNTox. 6. Ncw^s now camc that the French King had sent one of his war-sailors, named D'Estaing, with many ships, to take the British vessels in the Delaware. The British commander. Lord Howe, w^as frightened, and left that river as soon as possible. Clinton was also alarmed, and left Philadelphia, with all his army, on the 18th of June. They fled across New Jersey toward Sandy Hook, to get upon Lord Howe's ships that lay at anchor there. 7. When Washington heard of these movements, he put his army at Valley Forge in motion, crossed the Delaware and pur- sued the British to Monmouth, in West Jersey. There, on one Questions. — X What can you tell about the American and British soldiers? 4. What news delii^rhted the Americans. 5. What can yon tell about General Howe's departure? 6. Wh it cm yoM tfH about the French vessels and the British fleet and army ? 7. What can you tell of Wabhiigton and a battle? FOURTH YEAR OF THE WAR. 14: Battle at Monmouth. Continued flight of the British. The French fleet. of the hottest days ever known, they had a terrible battle. It lasted from nine o'clock in the morning until dark. It was on the 28th of Jmie, 1778. 8. Fifty soldiers died of thirst that day. One soldier, who was firing a cannon, was shot dead. His wife, a young Irish woman, named Molly, who had been bringing water to him, took his place at the gun, and kept firing it all through the battle. Washing- ton was so pleased with her for this, that he gave her the pay of her husband after that, and she wore his soldier-clothes and was called Captain Molly as long as she lived, 9. AVashiuixton intended to renew the battle in the mornino;. But that night, after the moon was down, while he and his wearied soldiers were sleeping, Clinton and his troops marched silently away in the dark, and escaped to Sandy Hook. Then Clinton wrote to his king how valiantly he withdrew in the broad moonlight. One of our poets made fun of him by writing thus : " He forms his camp, with great parade, While evening spreads the world in shade — Then still, like some endangered spark, Steals off on tip-toe in the dark ; Yet writes his king, in boasting tone. How grand he marched by light of moou I" 10. Washington and his army marched from Monmouth to the Hudson river, and crossed into Westchester county, while the British proceeded in ships from Sandy Hook to New York. D'Estaing and his wai'- vessels appeared there in July, but the Brit- ish ships were safe in Raritan Bay. The water Avas so shallow between Sandy Hook and Staten Island, that the heavy French ships could not get over and attack those of Lord Howe. COUNT 1> EST.VlNt QuKBTioxs.— '^. What can you tell about Captain MoPv ? rrf>^pr. n*" t'lP British army? 10. What en yot trll nl French fleet.' 9. What ran yon tell about the bout the Anvrieui army and 144 THE REVOLUTION. Events on Rhode Island. Terrible scenes in the "Wyoming valley. 11. AVashington now determined to drive the British from Rhode Island, and sent La Fayette and General Greene, ^Yith some soldiers, to help General Sullivan, who was there with a small army. D'Estaing also went there with his ships, to help them. Early in August, the Patriot army crossed over to the north end of the island, and the French fleet was in Narraganset Bay, near Newport. 12. Many ships from England joined the fleet of Lord Howe, and with these he sailed to attack D'Estaing at Newport. That war-sailor went out to meet them. A terrible storm arose and greatly damaged the ships of both fleets, so that they did not fight. D'Estaing went to Boston to repair his vessels, and left the Americans to help themselves. 13. On the 29th of August a severe battle took place at Quaker Hill, on the north end of Rhode Island, and the Americans were driven away, much disheartened. Many were very angry, be- cause, if the French had helped them there, they might have driven the British away. 14. Most of the Six Nations of Indians, of whom I have told you [verse 6, page 12], fought against the Americans in the Revolution. They were very terrible foes to the white people, especially in the Wyoming, Mohawk, Schoharie, and Cherry valleys, where they murdered men, women, and children, and burnt their houses. 15. Early in July, 111 8, a Tory leader, named John Butler, went down into the beautiful valley of Wyoming, in Pennsyl- vania, at the head of more than a thousand Indians. Most of the strong men were away, in the American army, and these Indians did about as they pleased. The old men and boys fought them, but without much eftect ; and at evening the next day, the savages went through the valley, burning houses and killing people everywhere. Terrible, indeed, was that Massacre of Wyoming^ as it was called. Questions. — 11. ANHiat was done to drive the British from Rhode Island? 12. What can you toll about Ihc. French and English fleets? 1.3. What can yon tell of a battle on Rhode Island ? U. What can you tell about the Six Nations? 15. What can you tell about Wyoming? FOURTH YEAR O 1'" T HE W A 11 . 145 The Indians in the Mohawk Valley. Capture of Savannah. 16. While these things were going on, Brant, and some wicked Tories, were at the head of Indians and equally savage white men, in spreading death and terror over the country south of the Mohawk. Many Patriots and their families were murdered and their property destroyed. So dreadful were the events there for three or four years, that the region was called " The dark and bloody ground." 17. In November, D'Estaing sailed for the West Indies, to fight the British there. Lord Howe sent several of his ships to oppose him ; and as the British power was thus weakened, Sir Henry Clinton concluded it would be useless to try to do much against W^ashington for a time. So he sent about two thousand troops, under Colonel Campbell, to attack Savannah, the capital of Georgia. 18. The American soldiers at Savannah were commanded by General Robert Howe. There were only about a thousand of them. These fought nobly, but were finally compelled to give up the city, and flee to the country higher up on the Savannah river. Savannah now became the head-quarters of the British army in the South, and it remained in their possession for almost four years. 19. When the year 17*78 drew to a close, the two armies were in a position similar to that which they held toward the close of 1776. The British had gained almost nothing toward conquer- ing the Americans, while the Patriots had discovered their real strength, and had obtained the active alliance of the French, one of the most powerful nations in the world. So the Amer- icans, you perceive, had rather the best of it when the campaign of 1778 was ended. Questions.— IG. What can you tell about Indians and Tories ? IT. What can you tell about the movements of the French and English? 18. What can you tell about an attack on Savannah ? 19. What can you say about the two armies at the close of 1778 ? 10 14() THE REVOLUTION. The continental money. The armies in the South. SECTION YI. FIFTH YEAR OF THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. [1779.] 1. Altliongli the Americans had been successful against the British in 1778, the commencement of 1779 was a gloomy one to them. Their bills of credit, or continental money, of which I have told you [page 126], were becoming almost useless, and they could get very little gold and silver; and the promised French army had not arrived. In the South, where the British had now got a foothold, the Patriots were quite weak, and the Tories were very mimerous. 2. Washington and the Congress prepared a good plan for the campaign of 1779. It was determined to confine the British to the sea-coast, at the North and at the South, and chastise the Indians and Tories in the interior, or back country. 3. Soon after Campbell took possession of Savannah, General Prevost marched from Florida with troops, and became chief commander of all the British soldiers at the South. (General Lincoln was apppointed chief commander of the Patriot army there, and early in January he collected quite a large number of troops some twenty miles from Savannah. GKNr.r.AL LINCOLN. 4. Liucolu was on the South Carolina side of the Savannah river. Campbell marched up the Georgia side, and took possession of Augusta. This enabled the British to have commimication with their friends, the Creek Indians, in the west, and also encouraged the Tories. But the defeat of a large body of Tories at about that time, greatly alarmed Campbell, and he prepared to march back to Savannah. QxjESTiONS.— 1. What can yoti say of American affairs at the bpsrinniif? of 1770? ?, "VVhatplan was prepared? .S. What was done at the South? 4. What occurred on the Savannah river ? FIFTH YEAR OF THE WAR. 1x7 Defeat of the Americans. Charleston threatened. Flight of the British. 5. Lincoln sent Colonel Ashe, with a quarter of his little arm}-, to drive Campbell from Angusta, and to pursue him down the Sa- vannah river. Ashe followed Campbell some distance, and then halted and formed a camp. There the Americans were attacked by Prevost in the middle of February. A greater portion of them were killed, made prisoners, or scattered. Many of them were drowned while trying to escape across the Savannah river. 6. This was a great loss to Lincoln, yet he was not discour- aged. But Prevost felt stronger ; and at the close of April he crossed the Savannah river with two thousand British troops, and a large number of Tories and Creek Indians, and marched for Charleston, the capital of South Carolina. Lincoln, who had been joined by many Americans, after the defeat of Ashe, fol- lowed him, to prevent his taking that city. 1. Prevost arrived near Charleston on the 11th of May, and told the Americans that they must give up the city to him im- mediately, or he would destroy it. They refused, and nobody could sleep in Charleston that night, I assure you, for they ex- pected every moment to have the British cannons firing upon them. 8. When morning came, the scarlet uniforms of the British were seen across the waters upon John's Island, and not a single soldier of the enemy was near Charleston. The Patriots won- dered at this, at first, but it was soon explained. Prevost had heard of the approach of Lincoln, and at midnight he started to go back to Savannah, by way of the islands along the coast. 9. At Stono Ferry, just below Charleston, a fight occurred on the 20th of June, in which the Americans got the worst of it. But Charleston was saved, and they were satisfied. Let us now leave the South, and see what was going on at the North all this time. 10. Sir Henry Clinton, at New York, sent out armed parties to plunder the people in Connecticut and other places. In March, Governor Tryon went to Greenwich with some soldiers, and at- QuKSTiONB.— 5. What can you tell about Colonel Ashe and his men ? 6. Wliat did Prevoyt dn ' 7. What can yon tell about Prevost at Charleston ? 8. What can you tell about the Britioh leaving Charleston ? 0. What happened at Stono Ferry;' !48 THE REVOLUTION. Putnam's escape. Maraudiug expeditions. Capture of Stony Point. GENERAL PUTXAM. tacked and scattered some American troops, under General Putnam. The general escaped, on horseback, down a steep hill and stone steps, while the British bullets were Hying- past his head. 11. In May, some British vessels, bearing quite a large number of sol- diers, sailed into Hampton Roads and the Elizabeth river, in Virginia. The soldiers plundered the people on both sides of the river, from Hampton to Norfolk. These same ships and troops went up the Hudson river at the close of the month, and took away from the Americans the fort at Stony Point, just below the Highlands. 12. In July, the same vessels carried Governor Try on and more than two thousand soldiers to the shores of Connecticut, where they plundered New Haven, and burned the villages of East Haven, Fair- field, and Norwalk. The wicked Try on then boasted that he was very good because he did not burn every house on the New England coast! 13. But the British did n^t have it all as they pleased. General Wayne, a brave soldier with Washington in the Highlands, led some Americans, at midnight in July, and attacked the fort on Stony Point, while the British sol- diers were asleep. They awoke, and fought desperately. 14. Wayne was the victor. Though badly wounded in the head, he thus wrote to Washington, at two o'clock in the morning— "The fort and garrison, with Colonel Johnson, are ours." The British lost, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, six hundred men. The Amer- icans lost less than one hundred. This was a brilliant act, and the patriots everywhere rejoiced. Questions.— 10. What can you toll about parlies sent out hv Clintoi? 11. V^Tiit ran you teU about British ships and snldiprs in the Elizabeth and Hudson rivers? 12. What was done in Connecticut? 13, 14. What can you tell about Stony Point? GENERAL WAYNE. FIFTH YEAR OF THE WAR. 149 The War in the West. Chastisement of tlie Indians. 15. Three nights after the capture of Stony Point, Major Henry Lee and a few Americans took from the British a fort Avhere Jersey City, opposite New York, now stands. They killed thirty British soldiers, and made one hundred and sixty prison- ers. For these brave deeds, the Congress gave both Wayne and Lee a silver medal. 16. The war extended into the wilderness beyond the Alle- ghany mountains, where Daniel Boone, the great hunter and pioneer, with others, had made settlements. These had been fight- ing the Indians in Kentucky for several years. Further north, in the present States of Indiana and Illinois, the British had forts, and the soldiers there were con- tinually urging the Indians to fight the Americans. i'a^ie^ «oone. 17. The patriots finally resolved to take these forts away from the British. George Rogers Clarke, and a few brave men, marched through the wilderness against them ; and in the course of a few months, the Americans captured the forts, and drove the British away. Then the Indians became peaceable. 18. Now it was determined to chastise a part of the Six Na- tions, for their cruelties. In the summer of 1779, General Sulli- van collected an army in the Wyoming Valley, and marched up the Susquehannah into the country of the Senecas. In the course of a few weeks he destroyed forty Indian villages, and a vast amount of corn, fruit, and garden vegetables. After that the In- dians feared and hated the Americans ; and they named Wash- ington, who had sent these soldiers there, The Town Destroyer. 19. Now let us look southward and see what was going on there. Early in September, D'Estaing, the French war-sailor, of whom I have told you, came from the West Indies with his ships, and told the Americans he was ready to help them drive the QuiSTiONs.— 15. What other brave deed was done? and what did Congress do? 16. What can you tell about Boone and the Western wilderness? IT. What can you tell of Clarke and his men ? 18. How were the Senecas chastised ? 19. What now happened in the South ? l/JO THE REVOLUTION. Attack on Savannah. Disappointment of the Americans. La Fayette in France. British from Georgia. General Lincoln immediately marched his army toward Savannah, and the Americans and French com- menced an attack upon the British works there, toward the close of September. 20. After firing cannon-balls upon the British works day after day for a fortnight, the two armies concluded to climb the walls and banks, and fight their way into Savannah. This is called taking a place by storm. The battle was a terrible one, and many brave men were killed. Among these was Count Pu- laski, another noble soldier of Poland, who came to help the Americans. 21. Sergeant Jasper, the brave young man I have told you about, who picked up the South Carolina flag on the outside of the fort in Charleston harbor, was also killed there. He w^as holding a flag made by the ladies of Charleston, when a bullet slew^ him. His last words w^ere, " Tell Mrs. Elliot I lost my life in supporting the colors she presented to our regiment." 22. All at once D'Estaing said he must leave, or his ships might be injured by the autumn storms. So, just as Savannah was about to be given up by the British, the French all left, and the Americans were compelled to abandon it. Lincoln crossed the river and fled toward Charleston, and the British had it all their own way in the South, for some time. I think the Amer- icans had reason to think very lightly of that D'Estaing, don t you ? 23. During the summer of 1779, La Fayette was in France, and he persuaded his king to send many more ships, and a large army to help the Americans, as soon as they could be prepared. When the King of England heard of this, he ordered the British soldiers to leave PJiode Island and go to New York, so that the army in America should not be too much scattered. When they were all there, Sir Henry Clinton took a large number of them and sailed southward to attack Charleston. I shall tell you presently what lie did. QirFRTtoxs.— ''0. What can von tell nbout the attack on Savannph ? 21 . AVhat can yon tpll FKANKLTN IN THE NATIONAL CONTENTION. tlio beginning, thoy could not agree, and things went on badly. Then Franklin arose, and proposed that the Convention should be opened every morning with prayer to Almighty God for guid- ance. It was done, and from that time all went on well. 10. The Constitution was finally agreed to by the people of all Questions.— 0. What canyon tell about the Federal Convention? What did Dr. Franklin do? 170 THE REVOLUTION. Close of llie history of the strife for freedom. the States. On the 4th of March, 1789, the old Continental Congress ended, and the ^National Constitution Lccame the Great Law of the liepublic. That was the final act of the Revolution. That was the closing work of the Great Patriots. Then the United States of America commenced their glorious career, 11. And now the story of the Strife for Freedom, or The Revolution, is ended. I am sure, my Young Friend, you have been interested ; and I am also persuaded that you will always love those great and good men who did and suffered so much during the War for Independence, and w^ill do all you can to pre- serve the blessed Union which is bound together by that old and sacred bargain — The National Constitution. Question.— 10. What can you say about the National Coastitutioa ? What is th** conclusion of the matter '? CHAPTER VI. SKCTION I. THE NATION, OR UNION OF STATES Washington elected president of the United States. 1. When most of tlie people of the United States had agreed to the Federal Constitution which bound them all together, they pie- pared to choose a great governor or president, who should be the chief man of the nation. They all turned toward Washington, who had '^o nobly led their armies through the War for Independence. He was h'-^-nored and beloved by every bod\ . So the people, as if with one voice, chose him to be their chief ruloi, or the President of the Uniti d States. John Adams, another great Patriot, was chosen Vice-President, or the second man in the nation. 2. The new government was to ^tM^ be arranged at New York. Wash- M C ington left his quiet home at Mount Vernon, on the Potomac, and tra\ - eled to that city. Everywhere the people met him and expressed their love ; and at New York he was received by a great crowd of Question. — I. What can you tell about the choice of a President of the United States i WASHINGTON ANI> HIS RESIDENCE. THE NATION. Inauguration of Wa hington. Arrangement of public officers. soldiers and citizens. On the 30tli of April, 1V89, he was inau- gurated the first President of the United States — that is, he laid his hand upon the Bible and solemnly promised, in the presence of thousands of people, to do all in his power to be a good and faithful governor. That took place on the balcony of the old Federal Hall in Wall-street. Then commenced THE ADMINISTRATION OF WASHINGTON. [l 789-1 '797.] 3. The National Congress met at the same time. It was made up of Representatives from the confederated States. These were of two kinds. One kind, chosen by the people for two years^ were called Representatives. The other kind, chosen by the sev^ eral Legislatures for six years, were called Senators. 4. The Senate and House of Representatives met in separate rooms. According to the Constitution, any decree made by one body could not become a law unless it was agreed to by the other body, and was signed by the President. It was also directed that the Congress should meet every year. So each Congress (chosen for two years), has two sessions, as their remaining to- gether is called. 5. Men were also appointed to assist the President in the management of the affairs of government. One was to do all the talking and writing, necessary to keep up a good under- standing with other governments. He was called Secretary of State. Another was appointed to take charge of all matters connected with the army. He was named Secretary of War. And the Secretary of the Treasury was chosen to take care of all money affairs. Then an Attorney-General was appointed as the President's lawyer. These different persons composed the President's Cabinet, and were to ha his advisers, the same as the British ministers are the king's advisers. 6. When this matter was settled, the Congress, and Wash- ington and his Cabinet worked hard to carry out other plans of Questions.— 2. What can you tell about Waslnnp::ton and his inauguration? 3. What can you tell rbout Congress? 4. What can you tell about tho Senate and Representa- tives? and the meetings of Congress? 5. What can you tell about the President's Cabinet? WASHINGTON S A D M I N I S T R A l' I O N . i7:i Formation of the government. The North- Western Territory. ALEXANDER II.VMILTON. government. They took measures to tax the people for every thing they received in ships, so as to get money to pay the gov- ernment expenses. This required a great deal of care. Fortunately Alex- ander Hamilton, one of the greatest men in the country, had been chosen the President's helper and adviser in money matters, and he soon arranged an ex- cellent Revenue System^ as it was called. 7. Next they planned a method for having the laws properly carried out. They appointed five judges, in different parts of the United States, with a chief judge to preside. These formed the Supreme Court ; and what they should decree was to be considered law, without another word from any body. This w^as called the National Judiciary. 8. Among other things, Mr. Hamilton recommended the estab- lishment of a National Bank. This was done in 1794. Two years earlier, a mint was started, where gold and silver and cop- per coins were made. And so, after about three years, the Ex- ecutive Departments^ the Revenue System^ and the Jucliciary^ were arranged, and the government of the United States, very much as it is now, was put in motion. 9. Immediately after the Revolution, settlers began to go, in great numbers, into the wild country north of the Ohio rivei-. In 1787, the region now covered by the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, was put under a governoi', and called The North-Westcrn Territory. Four A^cars afterward, a ncAv State was added to the old thirteen, by the admission of Vermont. 10. The British yet kept some forts in the north-west. Al- though peace was agreed to, they continually advised the Indians to fight the Americans; and finally, in 1790, they commenced a Questions. — 'i. AVhat can you tell of the lahors of Washington and others? and of the Rivcnue System ? 7. What can you tell about tlie Natiimal Judiciary V S. What ricr. Tv-^s dom? 0. \Vhat can you tell about the O'lio country? 10. What did the British do? 174 THE NATION. Federalists and Republicans. Troubles with the French. Whisky insurrection. "war upon tlic white people in the Ohio country, which continued three or four 3-ears. 11. At last General Wayne, who .you remember, [page 148], took Stony Point away from the British, was sent there with an army. He beat the Indians here and there, until they were glad to make peace, and agree to behave themselves. They continued quiet for more than a dozen years after that. 12. The leaders in public aflfairs did not always agree, and at last two parties were formed. Those who were favorable to giv- ing great power to the government, were called F'edcralists, and those who wished to give more power to the people, were called Republicans. The chief leader of the Republicans was Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence. 13. At this time the people of France, having become tired of a monarch, had cut off the heads of their king and queen and many other great people. They were resolved to be free^ and have a president, as the United States had. But they did not know how to manage such affairs, and a blood}^ time they had. They sent an agent here, named Genet, to persuade our govern- ment to help them, as the French had helped the Americans in the late war. 14. The Republicans wished to aid the French, but the Feder- alists, with Washington and Hamilton at their head, were unwill- ing to have any thing to do with European affairs. This matter gave the President much trouble. Genet became very imperti- nent, and, finally, Washington asked the French government to call him home. It was done, and another was sent, who behaved much better. 15. This trouble was just passing away, when another appeared. Congress had put a tax upon whisky made in this country. The numerous whisky-makers in western Pennsylvania, declared they would not pay the tax ; and arming themselves, they treated the collectors of the money very badly. The President was compelled to send soldiers there in 1795, to make them behave, Questions.— 11. What can you tell of an Indian war? 12. What can yru tell about two parties? lo. What can yon tfll almiit France and a French agent ser.t here ? 14. What trouble occari-cd, ar . how did it happen? Washington's administration. ^th Jay's treaty. Algerine pirates. Navy. and matters soon became quiet. This is known as The Whiskfj Insurrection. 16. Bad feeling was now growing- up again between the Amer- icans and the British. The British refused to act fairly accord- ing to the great bargain or treaty, made at the close of the war, of which I have told you on page 167. Not wishing to have another quarrel, the President sent John Jay, an excellent Pa- triot, to talk the matter over. He did so, and made a new arrangement, which many Americans did not like. They quarreled a great deal about Jay''s Treat?/, but finally they let the matter drop. 17. And now another trouble ap- peared. It seemed as if the United States would never bo "without some difficulty. Their merchants were send- ing ships to trade in the Mediterranean sea, where there Avere a great many sea-robbers, who came from Algiers, in northern Africa. They seized and plundered many American ships, and the merchants began to be afraid to send their vessels there. 18. Congress concluded to put a stop to this, and ordered some war-ships to be built and sent there to protect the merchant ves- sels. This was the beginning of the American navv ; and another cabinet officer, to assist the President, was appointed, called the Secretary of the Navy. But the United States could not stop these sea-robbers, called pirates, from plundering, until it was agreed to pay them so much money evei'v year. 19. Washington was twice elected President, which made his term, or administration, eight years. lie and his associates had done a world of work within that time, and every thing was going on smoothly. In the autumn of 1706, the people came QTJK8TION8 — 10. Whnt caused bad feolint^ between tbe Americans and the British ? What was done? 17. "Wliat can you tell about trouble in the Mcliterranean sea? 1*^. VJh^t cari you tell about the becnnnin? of the navv, and money paid to the sea-robbers i' 10. What cvn you tell .' bout Washington, and a new clcctio;;? 176 THE NATION Death of Washington. Adams's administration. together in different places, all over the country, to choose a new President. The Federalists and the Republicans had a ha' d cor.- tost. The Federalists beat, and chose John Adams for President. Thomas Jeftersou, the Ptepublican, was chosen Vice-President. 20. In September, 1796, Washington sent forth to the people a noble Farewell Address ; and, on the 4th of March folloAvino;, he retired to Mount Vernon, 'svhere he lived in repose until the 14th of December, 1799, when he died. Then there was mourning in America and in Europe, for a great and good man — a cham- pion of liberty, and a friend of mankind, had left the earth forever. ADAMS, AND HIS RESIDENCE. SECTION II. ADAMs's ADMINISTRATION. [1797-1801.] 1. John Adams, the second ^. President of the United States, was very active in Congress and in Europe, during the whole War ^ for Independence. He found trouble to begin with when he became President. France and England were at war ; and because of Jay's Treaty with Great Britain, and be- cause the American government would not help the French in their Rc\olution, the rulers of France were very angry with us. 2. Adams soon called the Con- gress together to talk over the matter. They sent three smart men as ministers to the French Qtjebtions.— "f^. What moro can vo-i snv nhont Wishingfon? 1. What can yon tell ahout Ad.ims and thu beginning of his administration? ADMINISTRATION. l77 Bonaparte. District of Columbia. President Jefferson. government, to settle all difficulties, but these were insulted, and could do nothinj^^ The French were then ruled by a Directory^ as the government was called, composed of five men. 3. Soon after that, the great Napoleon Bonaparte, then a vounjr man increasing in power, took the government into his own hands. He was courteous and wise, and it was not long before every difficulty was settled, and the danger of a war with France passed away. 4. In the year 1790, a tract of land on the Potomac, ten miles square, and called the District of Columbia, was given to the United States, and there the city of Washington was laid out the next year. A building called the Capitol, for Congress to meet in, was commenced. In the year 1800 that city was made the federal capital, and President Adams went there to reside. 5. In the autumn of 1800, the people elected another Pres- ident. Then, again, the Federalists and Republicans had great strife. This time the Republicans were the victors. Thomas Jefferson was elected President, and Aaron Burr Vice-President, not by the people, but by the House of Representatives. When you are older you may better understand how this happened. SECTION III. Jefferson's administration. [1801-1809.] 1. Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, Was also active during the whole War for Independence, in Con- gress, and as Governor of Virginia. He, too, was an agent for his country in Europe, but not until after the war. 2. Like Washington, Mr. Jefferson held the office of President eight years. He was inaugurated on the 4th of March, 1801. Questions. — ''. Wliat can you tell about trouble with France ? .^. "What can you tell about Bonaparte? 4. What can you tell about the federal city and cnpitol? 5. What 3an you tell about an election in ISOO ? 1. What can you tell about Jefferson? 12 178 THE NATION, Ohio and Louisiana. The war with Tripoli. He turned a great many Federal- ists out of office, and put his Re- publican friends in ; and he began many and great changes in the management of public affairs. 3. In the autumn of 1802, Ohio became a State of the Union. The next year, a vast region west of the Mississippi river, called Louisiana, J ^^^>% ^^^ purchased of the French for ■*"'■ "'"' fifteen miUions of dollars. This was divided. The southern portion was called the Territory of New Or- leans ; the northern part was called the District of Louisiana. 4. The sea-robbers in the Medi- terranean, of whom I have told you [page 1*75], were yet giving the mer- chants and traders a great deal of trouble, and the United States Gov- ernment resolved not to pay any more money every year to them. Then Tripoli, one of the robber- governments, declared war against the United States. Jefferson at once sent strong ships there to protect our merchant vessels, and soon there was fighting. 5. One day the United States frigate Philadelphia, com- manded by Captain Bainbridge, a brave war-sailor, struck on a rock in the harbor of Tripoli. Bainbridge and his officers were made prisoners, while his men were all made slaves, and suffered dreadfully. 6. Early in 1804, Lieutenant Decatur, who was afterward one of the best men in the navy, sailed into the harbor of Tripoli with a small vessel, on a dark night, drove the Tripolitans from Questions. — ?. "What did Jefferson do ? 3. What can you tell ahout Ohio and Louis- iana? 4. What can you tell about a war with Tripoli? 5. What happened to an American ship, and her officers and crew ? C. What can you tell of the brave Decatur ? JEFFEESOX AND HIS llESIDENCE. JEFFERSONS ADMINISTRATION. 179 Bravery of Decatur. Hamilton and Burr. Burr's scheme. the Philadelphia., set the vessel on fire, and escaped without losing a man. This bold act alarmed the Bashaw, or governor of Tripoli. 7. The Bashaw was a bad man. Ilis place belonged to his brother Hamet, whom he had compelled to flee to Egypt. Hamet readily joined the Americans against his wicked brother, and at the head of a number of Mohammedan sol- DECATtTB. diers, he accompanied some seamen, under Captain Eaton, across the deserts from Alexandria in Egypt. They captured a Tripolitan town on the Mediterranean, and were marching directly for Tripoli, when the terrified Bashaw made peace with the American agent there. So the war was ended. 8. In the summer of 1804, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton had a duel, or fight w^ith pistols. Hamilton was killed, and after that Burr was gen- erally detested. He had a great desire to be a leading man ; so, in the spring of 1806, he went beyond the Alleghany mountains, where an enterprising and restless people were fast gathering, and took measures to raise a large number of troops, to go, as he pretended, and seize the Spanish territory of Texas and the neighboring States. 9. Many good and brave men joined Burr in this, because, on account of the conduct of the Spaniards, they thought it right. But he was finally suspected of an intention to divide the Union, make a separate government of the Western States, and become its President. He was arrested, and tried in 1807 ; but it could not be proved that he had any such intentions, and they let hi in go. QuKBTiON^S. — 7. "What morpi can you tell about the war with Tripoli ? S. Yv'hat can you tell about Aaron Burr? 9. What can you tell of his schema, and its end ? AAEON IJUBK. .80 THE NATION Fulton and navigation by steam. Trouble in Europe and America. 10. This same year a most important tiling occurred. Robert Fulton, an American portrait painter, and a good mechanic, who liad in- vented machinery for driving boats by steam, placed some in a vessel on the Hudson river. The boat went from New ^ York to Al- Eo:5E2T FULTON. bauy iu thirty- six hours, " against wind and tide," to "■ — — -~ — the great astonishment ot every body. This was the commencement of successful steamboat navigation in the world. 11. And now there was great trouble in Europe. There was war almost everywhere. Bonaparte had made himself Emperor of France, and three of his brothers kings of other countries. All Europe was in arms against him, and Great Britain, too. The United States would have nothing to do with either party ; and so, for a long time, our merchant-vessels were allowed to trade in all parts, and make much money. 12. A change came. England and France, in their endea\ors to injure each other, closed many ports, and both parties seized American vessels. Our commerce was very soon ruined, for we had few large ships to protect it. Congress had ordered swarms of gun-boats, but these were hardly sufficient for a coast-guard. 13. These things caused bitter feelings toward Great Britain, which was increased by the commanders of British vessels claiming the right to go on board of American ships, and search for their runaway sailors. This claim became the chief cause of war between the United States and Great Britain. Qtiestions.— 10. What can you tell of Fulton and steamboats' 11. What can yon tell of troubles in Europe? How did the Americans act';* 12. What change came? and what was done? 1.S What was the eflfect ? FELUCCA GUN-BOAT. Jefferson's administration. IJSl The Leopard and Chesapeake. The embargo act 14. One pleasant day in June, 1807, the British ship Leopard attacked the American ship Chesapeake, off the coast of Vir- ginia, because her commander would not allow his vessel to bo searched for runaway sailors. The Chesapeake was badly beaten, and was compelled to go into port at Old Point Comfort, near Hampton. 15. This wicked act made the Americans very angry. Pres- ident Jefferson issued a decree, that every British vessel should immediately leave America, and not be allowed to return until satisfaction was given by the king and Parliament, for the out- rage. 16. In the mean while, England and France did all they could to injure each other, while the British would not give up what they called their rights — that was, full liberty to search American vessels for runaways. Finally, when the Congress met in De- cember, a law was made, forbidding all vessels, of every kind, leavino; the American shores, and orderino* all American sailors abroad to come home immediately, and pre^^are for expected war. This was called The Embargo Act. 17. Merchants, and all others connected with ships, very much disliked the Embargo, for it ruined their business. Nor did it seem to do much good, for the English and French went right on, as before, and paid very little attention to what the Amer- icans said or did. So, early in the spring of 1809, the Embargo law was done away with, and another was made, forbidding all trade with Great Britain or France until they should act more justly. 18. Mr. Jefferson had now been President eight years, and his place was filled by James Madison, a great Patriot of Virginia, who was also a Republican. Questions. — 14. What can you tell of an attack on an American ship? 15. What was then (lone? 16. What did the English, French, and American Governments do? 17. What more can you tell about the Embargo ? 18. What can you tell of a new elec- tion ? 182 THE NATION. President Madison. Beginning of his administration. King George. SECTION lY MADISONS ADMINISTRATION. [1809-1817.] 1. James Madison, the fourth President of the United States, was also active in the Revolution. Though a very young man, he was a member of the Continental Congress, and was one of the warmest friends of the Federal Constitution. 2. Mr. Madison became Pres- ^ ident on the 4th of March, 1809. ', He chose wise men for his cabinet, or his advisers. On account of the continued troubles with Great Brit- ain and France, he called the Con- gress together a few weeks after- ward, to talk over these matters. 3. King George, who was the same man that ruled Great Britain when the Ilevolution commenced, -'^ almost forty years before, was dis- posed to be just toward the Amer- icans, I think, bat he had bad advisers, and he was sometimes crazy, and did not know what he did. He sent a man over here to settle all difficulties, and things would have gone on smoothly had not his advisers prevented the king from approv- ing of what his agent had done. For awhile the Americans believed things were going on well again, and they commenced trading with Great Britain, as before. QlTEBTioxs. — \ ■\Vliat can you say about Madison? 2. What did Madison do? 3. What can you say about King George and his advisers ? MADISON AND HIS RESIDENCE. Madison's administration. 18^ Conduct of France and England. Naval engagement. War with the Indians. 4. But France and England continued to act very wickedly to- ward the Americans. They allowed their war-ships to seize and plunder our merchant vessels, and in every way acted as enemies, while they pretended to be friends. Great Britain even sent her war-ships to our coasts, to seize American vessels and send them to England as prizes. 5. On one occasion, about the middle of April, 1811, the British ship Little Belt, attacked the American ship President, off the coast of Virginia. They had a pretty severe fight, when the commander of the British ship concluded it was best to stop, and they separated. This event made a great deal of bad feeh 6. I have told you how the British, in the West, a long time before, had caused the Indians to attack the Americans. Now they did the same thing again; and in the spring of 1811, Te- cnmseh, a great Indian warrior, united several of the western tribes in a league, in which they agreed to drive the white peo- ple from the country between the Ohio river and the Lakes. V. General Harrison, who was afterward President of the United States, was then Governor of the Indian Territory. He saw the gathering danger, and caused the people to arm them- selves, and prepare for war. In the summer he marched these armed men into the Indian country, and for several months he watched the savages closely. Finally, on a dark night early in November, while he was on the banks of the Tippecanoe river, the Indians fell upon him and his men. They had a very hard iiGcht until morning, when tlie Indians were driven away. The battle of Tippecanoe was one of the severest ever fought with the Indians. 8. The people of the United States now saw that they must either fight or become slaves, as it were, to Great Britain again. They had become prosperous and happy in peace, and very much disliked going to war. But they could no longer enduro the in- QUFSTiONS. — 4. "WTifit was done? How did France and England continue to act? 5. What can you tell of a fiiiht in Chesapenke Bay? 6. What can you tell about the I idians in the West? 7. What did Harrison do? and what can you tell of a h'lLtle? S. What can you say about the people of the United States? What was done ? 184 THE NATION. SecoDd war for independence. Preparations, Hull's Burrender. spits and the wrongs of the English, and so on the 1 Yth of June, 1812, Congress declared war against Great Britain. This is known as The Wae of 1812, or THE SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. 9. Congress made ample provisions for an army, but the navy was so small that it appeared as nothing when compared with that of Great Britain. The Americans had only twelve large war-ships, while the British had over nine hundred of all kinds, yet the Americans went boldly and confidently into the war. 10. Henry Dearborn, who had been in the old War for Inde- pendence, was appointed chief commander of the armies-; and Wilkinson, Hampton, Hull, and Bloomficld, who were also soldiers of the Revolution, were chosen to be his chief assistants. 11. General Hull was then Governor of the Territory of Mich- igan, and when he heard of the declaration of war, he was marching with two thousand troops against the Indians. He was ordered to cross the Detroit river into Canada, and endeavor to take possession of the country. He did so, in July, but he found so many British soldiers and Indians there that he went back again, and remained at Detroit. 12. The British general. Brock, followed Hull across the river, and ordered him to give up the fort and his army at once, or he would take them by force, and let his Indians murder them all. Hull felt sure that Brock could do it, because he had so many more men than himself; so, on the 16tli of August, 1812, the army, fort, and all Michigan were given to the British. 13. This loss greatly mortified and off'ended the Americans. General Hull was called a coward and a traitor, like Benedict Arnold. In fact he came very near being hanged. But when the war was over the people thought better of him. For my part, I don't think he should be blamed at all for wishing to save his soldiers from being murdered. Questions.— 0. What did Conf^ess do? How were the Americans prepared for war? 10. Who was npnninted commander? 11. Whnt can von tell about General Hull ? n Wliat can you tell about the surrender of Hull? 13. How did the Americans feel about the acts of Hull ? SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. 185 Invasion of Canada, The war on the ocean. Privateers. 14. During the summer of 1812, a plan was arranged for in- vading Canada across the Niagara river. Many troops were sent there ; and in October, a hirge number, under Colonel Sol- omon Van Rensselaer, crossed over and attacked the British on Queenstown Heights. The battle was very severe. The British were driven off, and their general, Brock, was killed. Others at- tacked and beat the Americans in the afternoon of the same day, so that both parties suffered dreadfully. 15. Very little more was done on land, during the remainder of the year. But the little American navy did wonders on the ocean. In August, the frigate Constitution completely destroyed the Britieh frigate Guerricrc. Two months later, the sloop of war Wasp, fought and beat the British brig Frolic, oil' the united states feigatk. coast of North Carolina. But the Wasp was taken by another British vessel that very afternoon, so the victory did not amount to much. 16. A week after this, the frigate United States fought the British frigate Macedonian for two hours, and beat her. The United States was commanded by the brave Decatur, of whom i have told you on page 78. At the close of December, the Constitution and Java had a terrible fight. Many of the British were killed, and the Java was surrendered and burnt. The Constitution was then commanded by Bainbridn-e, of whom, also, I have told you on page 78. 17. These victories made the Americans proud and joyful. I have told you [verse 3, page 126], what 2)rivateers are. Well, there were swarms of these on the ocean, at this time ; and dur- ing the year, they took away from the British about three hun- dred vessels. Feeling stronger on account of these things, the Americans prepared for a lively campaign i)i 1813. 18. During the excitement of the war, Mr. Madison was again Qttestioxb. — 14. What can yon tell of an invasion of Canada? 15. What oconrre-l on Ihe ocenn •? 16. What other conflicts occurred on the ocean? 17. How did the Americans feel ? V»Tiat can you tell about privateers ? 1 86 THE NATION Campaign of 1813. The war in the west. chosen President of the United States. George Clinton, of whom I have told you [verse 5, page 168], had been Vice-President. He died, and Elbridge Gerry, one of the great Patriots of the Revolution, was chosen in his place. SECTION V. THE SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. [1813.] 1. The campaign of 1813 opened with the year. The army- was divided. The army of the West was under General Harri- son, at the head of Lake Erie. The army of the Center was under General Dearborn on the Niagara river ; and the army of the North was under General Hampton on the borders of Lake Champlain. Sir George Prevost took Brock's place as com- mander of the British army in Canada. 2. War began in the West. Thousands of young men came from Kentucky and other western States, to drive the British from Michigan. These were led by the brave old Governor Shelby, who fought valiantly at the battle of King's Mountain, of which I have told you on page 156. 3. Early in January, General Winches- GENF.3.VL suELuT. tci", wlth an army of fine young men, marched toward Detroit. Some of them were sent ahead ai d had some skirmishing. The British general. Proctor, then on the Canada border, crossed over, and attacked Winchester near the river Paisin. After a hard battle, the Americans were compelled to surrender, on promise of being well treated. 4. Do you remember what Montcalm promised Monro at Fort William Henry ? and what sad thing happened ? Look at \ erse QtrKBTtoNS — ""S. Whrt can yon tell abont a new election ? 1. What nan yon tell aboMt t^e division of the arm v? 2. What was done in the West? 3. What cm yon tell of Winchester and a battle ? SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. 187 Indian Massacre. Attack on Fort Meigs. Major Croghan. 35 and 36, page 101. Well, a similar thing occurred now. Proc- tor, who was not half as honorable as Montcalm, went off, without leaving a guard to protect the American prisoners. The Indians soon turned back, murdered a great many of them, set fire to houses, and kept some of the prisoners, to torture them in the woods. O, how angry the Kentuckians were. After that, when they attacked the British and Indians, they Avould cry out " Re- member the river Raisin !" 5. When General Harrison heard of this massacre, he was at the Maumee rapids. There he built a strong work, and called it Fort Meigs. He remained there with his troops till the 1st of May, when he was attacked by General Proctor with more than two thousand British troops and Indians. The savages were led by Tecumseh, of whom I have told you on page 183. G. Proctor and his men were driven away, after five days' struggle. Some Americans pursued them, and were themselves taken prisoners. Then Proctor returned ; but on the 8th of May he Avas compelled to fly to the Canada shore. V. A large number of Americans, under General Clay, re- mained at Fort Meigs. Toward the close of July, Proctor and Tecumseh, with four thousand men, attacked them. Leaving Tecumseh there. Proctor soon marched swiftly to attack Fort Stephenson, at Lower Sandusky, which was defended by Major Croghan — a brave young man, only twenty-one years of age, having with him only one hundred and fifty men. 8. " Surrender immediately," said Proc- tor, on his arrival. " Never, while I have a man left," replied Croghan. Then a terrible fight followed. At last the Britie^h and Indians, beaten and greatly alarincJ, jia.tor cboghan. fled in confusion. The shots from a single cannon in the fort, had Questions. — 4. Wliat wicked thing was done near the river Raisin ? 5. Whnt did Harrison do? What happened at Fort Meigs? 6. What can you tell about Procter:' 7. What more can you tell about Proctor and the Indians? 8. What can you tell of the bravery of Croghan ? 188 T H E N A T I O N . evening every British vessel had sur- rendered to Perry, and then he ^Yrote Scenes on the Lakes. Perry's Victory. Battle near the Thames. killed or wounded one hundred and fifty of them, Avhile Croghan lost only one man killed and seven -wounded. Tecumseh and the remainder, fled in terror from Fort Meigs. 9. The tv/o great lakes, Erie and Ontario, now became places of much interest. In the autumn of 1812, the Americans com- pleted a small fleet on Lake Ontario ; and in the summer of 1813, another had been prepared on Lake Erie, and placed under the command of the brave young war-sailor, Commodore Perry. 10. The British also had a small fleet on Lake Erie. This and the American fleet met toward the west end of the lake, on the lOtli of September, 1813, and had a very hard battle, which lasted a greater part of the day. Toward to General Harrison — " We have met commocoi:e pee:2t. the enemy, and they are ours !" 11. Harrison was near the western shore of Lake Erie at this time. On the I7th of September, he was joined by four thou- sand Kentuckiaus, under the brave old Shelby, and they pro- ceeded to attack the British at Maiden, on the Canada shore, and to take Detroit away from them. 12. The British and Indians fled into the country in western Canada. A part of the American army took possession of Detroit, and the remainder, more than three thousand strong, led by Harrison, Shelby, and others, started in pursuit of the flying enemy. 13. They overtook Proctor and his army on the river Thames, on the 5th of Octobei-. There a desperate battle was fought. Tecumseh was killed, and his followers fled in dismay. Ahnost the whole of Proctor's army were killed or made prisoners, aiul Proctor himself barely escaped on horseback. 14. Now all that Hull had lost was recovered, and there was Questions.— '>. Wliat was done on the lakes? 10. What can you tell of Perry a^d his battle ? 11. What can you tell of Harrison and Shelby 'i 1^. What can you tell of a pursuit? 13. What can you tell of a battle near the Thames ? SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. ISW Capture of York. Death of Pike. Events at Sackett's Harbor. no more war in that region. The people, all over the country, rejoiced. Harrison left Cass with some soldiers, to keep Detroit, and dismissing- many of the volunteers, (the young men from Kentucky), he marched with the remainder of his army to Niagara, where they joined the army of the center. 15. In February some British troops had crossed the St. Law> rcnce on the ice, and destroyed much property at Ogdensburg. General Dearborn now determined to attack the British at To- ronto (then called York), in Upper Canada. Toward the close of April, quite a large number of troops, in ships commanded by Commodore Chauncey, went to that place, and made a strong attack upon it. The Americans were commanded by General Pike ; the British and Indians by General Sheafle. 10. The British found the Americans too strong for them, so they fled, after setting fire to the powder in the fort, which blew it all in pieces. General Pike was so badly hurt by some of the flying stones and timbers, that he died on Chauncey's ship soon afterward, with the captured British flag under his head. The American flag soon floated over the ruined fort at York. 17. A month afterward, the same troops, borne by the same ships, attacked the British Fort George, on the Niagara river. The British were compelled to give up the fort. They fled to Burlington Heights, at the western end of Lake Ontario, closely pursued by the Americans. 18. Sir George Prevost, whom I have already mentioned [verse 1, page 186], came to Sackett's Harbor with ships and troops, while Chauncey, Avith his fleet, was at the other end of Lake On- tario. On the 27th of May, 1813, Prevost landed more than a thousand men. General Brown, a brave soldier, was there, with a few troops, and he called the surrounding inhabitants together as quickly as possible. Prevost soon became alarmed, and fled to his ships in great liaste. 19. Now the Americans plaimed an attack upon Montreal, in QtTESTiONS. — 14. What was now gained ? What did Harrison do ? 15. What can you tell about an attack on York, or Toronto ? 16. What can you tell of the fight and other events? 17. What did the Americans do on the western shores of Lake Ontario? 18. What occurred at Sackett's Harbor? 90 T H E N A T I O N . Events on the St. Lawrence. Villages burnt. Troubles in the South. Canada. Dearborn was taken sick, and General Wilkinson took bis place as chief commander. He collected seven thousand troops on the banks of the St. Lawrence, early in Xovember, and went down that river, expecting to be joined for the attack on Montreal, by three thousand troops, under Hampton, from Lake Cham plain. 20. The British were wide awake on both sides of the river, and the Americans found it very difficult to pass many places, with their boats. Some of them, under General Brown, landed at Williamsburg, and there, on the 11th of November, the Americans and British had a severe fight. The Americans lost more than three hundred men, and the British about two hundred. 21. When he arrived at St. Regis, Wilkinson found that Hampton would not join him, so he marched his army to French Mills, nine miles in the country, and prepared to spend the win- ter there. They called the place Fort Covington. 22. While these things were going on, there were some ex- citinor scenes on the Niai^ara. The Americans burned the Ca- nadian villao;e of Newark. The British were soon revenored. They took Forts George and Niagara away from the Americans, and burned Youngstown, Lewiston, Manchester (now Niagara Falls village), the Tuscarora Indian village. Black Rock, and Buf- falo. These places were all burned in December, and thus ended the campaign of 1813 in the North. 23. I have told you that the brave Indian warrior, Tecumseh, was killed in battle, in October, 1813. In the spring of that year, he was among the fierce Southern tribes, to arouse them against the white people. The Creeks [see verse 21, page 15] listened to him ; and late in August they attacked Fort Mimms, on the Alabama river, and murdered almost three hundred men, women, and children. 24. This terrible massacre made all the white people of the South very angrv ; and full twenty-five hundred Tennesseeans, under General Jackson (one of the greatest of the American war- QoESTiONS. — 10. What was planned? and what did the AmericanR do? 20. What can yon tell o<" a battle in Canada? ''1. What did Wilkinson do? 22. What can you tell of events on the Niagara frontier ? 23. What can you tell of TecumReh ? CAPTAIN LAWEENCE. SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. 191 The Indians subdued. Battles on the Ocean. Death of Lawrence. riors), marched into the country of the Creeks. They had battle after battle with the Indians, and always beat them. Finally, toward the close of March, 1814, the last battle was fought at the Great Horse Shoe Bend, on the Tallapoosa river. There more than six hundred Indian warriors were slain, and the power of the Creek nation was crushed forever. 25. Now I will tell you what happened on the ocean during 1813. On the 24th of February, the sloop-of-war Hornet^ commanded by the brave Captain Law- rence, fought and captured the British brig Peacock^ off the east coast of South America. A few minutes after the Pea- cock gave up, it went to the bottom of the sea. 26. Captain Lawrence was much praised, and when he came home he was made commander of the frigate Chesapeake^ a larger vessel. In this ship he sailed out of Boston harbor on the 1st of June, 1813, and that afternoon liad a hard battle with the British frigate Shannon. The brave Captain Lawrence was shot, and as they carried him below to die, he said, "Don't give up the ship!" But they were com- pelled to give it up, for the Shaiuion was the victor. 27. In August, the British sloop Pelican took the American brig Argus. A month afterward. Perry gained his great victory on Lake Erie, about which I have told you. A few days before this, the British brig Boxer had surrendered to the American brig Enterprise, after a fight off the coast of Maine. The com- mander of each vessel was killed, and they were buried in one grave at Portland. 28. During the summer of 1813, the British admiral. Cock- burn, attacked, plundered, and destroyed towns and other prop- erty on the Chesapeake Bay and vicinity. In INIarch he destroyed the American shipping in the Delaware, and in May he attacked Qtjkstions. — ^24. What can vou tell nbont Jackson and Indian battles? 25. What oc- cnTftd on the ocenn in 1813? f6. Wb^t can you tell about Captain Lnwrence? 27. What else occurred on the ocean? 28. What can you tell about Admiral Cockburn ? 19: THE NATION. Cockburn the marauder. LAWEEarCE CAEEIED BELOW. and burned Havre de Grasse, Georgeto^vn, and Frederictown, on the Chesapeake. Then he went into Hampton Roads, at Old Point Comfort, and proceeded toward Norfolk. 29. The Americans on Craney Island, a little below Norfolk, bravely disputed Cockburn's passage, and drove him back. Tlie British then attacked and plundered Hampton until they were tired, for the American soldiers there were too few to drive them awav. Then they went South, plundering the Carolina coast all the way to the Savannah river. OrESTioxs.— 20. What occurred at Craney Island ? What more can you tell about •Cockburn? SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. J 93 Porter in the Pacific. Movements of the American troops. 30. During 1813, the American frigate Essex, commanded by Captain Porter, made a long cruise in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and captured many British whaling vessels. At length, in March, 1814, the Essex fought two British vessels at Valpa- raiso. It was one of the hardest sea-fights during the wa". The British were victors ; and Porter wrote to the Secretary of the Navy, " We have been unfortunate, but not disgraced." SECTION \{. SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE CONTINUED. [1814, 1815.] 1. It was well for the Americans that Great Britain was at war with Bonaparte all this time, and was prevented sending ships and soldiers across the Atlantic. In March, 1814, Bonaparte was driven out of France, and it was supposed that war would cease. So the British sent fourteen thousand of the p'reat Wch lington's troops over to Canada. 2. The American army in northern New York Avas put in mo- tion at the close of February, It was useless to invade Canada in the St. Lawrence region, so Wilkinson led some of the troops to Plattsburg, on Lake Champlain, and Brown marched with others to Sackett's Harbor. 3. In May, a British fleet and three thousand troops attacked Oswego. After fighting a good deal of the time for two days, they were driven away by the Americans, with a loss of over two hundred men. They did not venture back again. 4. At about this time. General Brown led his troops to the Niagara river. On the morning of the 3d of July, some Amer- icans, under Generals Scott and Ripley, crossed the river and captured Fort Erie. The next day, the American and British armies had a very severe battle at Chippewa. The British were QuESTioxa.— 30. What more can you tell about Captain Porter and his vessel' l. What was well for the Americans'? 2. What did tlie Americans in northern Ni w York do i 3. What occurred at Oswego ? 4. What occurred near the Niagara river ? 13 194 THE IVATION Events on the Canada frontier. Battle at Plattsburg. GENE3AL BEOWN. badly beaten, and both armies suffered very iniicli. The British lost about five hundred men, and the Americans three hundred. 5. The British retreated to Burling, ton Heights, where they were joined by General Drummond. Then they all 1 1 /Tlli^^^^'i^K^" \^ came back, and attacked Brown and his iCIi'lE^^^^K^ "^ army at Bridgewater, near Niagara Falls. There, at the close of a hot day, one of the hardest battles of the war com- menced, and continued until midnight, when each party had lost a little more than eight hundred and fifty men. The Americai.s were again the victors ; and the next day they took post at Fort Erie. 6. On the 15th of August, Drummond, with five thousand men, attacked Fort Erie, but was driven oft', after losing almost a thou- sand of them. He was compelled to flee to Fort George ; and finally the Americans destroyed Fort Erie, crossed the river, and went into winter quarters at Buflfalo and in its neighborhood. 7. In August, General Prevost, with fourteen thousand men, marched from Canada to drive the Americans from Plattsburg. Each party had a small fleet on Lake Champlain, and these, and the two armies had a very severe battle at Plattsburg, on the ■ 11th of September. The American army was commanded by General Macomb, and the navy by Commodore Mac- donough. 8. This was one of the most im- portant battles of the war. The Brit- ish fleet was beaten ; and Prevost, much alarmed, fled, having lost in killed, wounded, and missing, twenty- QOT-STIONS. — 5. What can yon 4 ell about the British army and a battle near Niajrara Falls ? 6. What else happened on the Niagara frontier ? 7. What can you tell of the Brit- ish and Americans on Lake Cliamplain ? 8. What can you tell of a battle at Plattsburg ? COMMOnOEE MACDONOC(;ii. SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. 195 Burning of Washington. Defense of Baltimore. The " Star-spangled Banner," five hundred men. The Americans lost only one hundred and twenty-one. This victory caused great rejoicings all over the country. 9. At about the middle of August, General Itoss, one of Wel- lington's bravest officers, came with a large fleet and six thousand soldiers, and landed on the shores of Maryland. With five thou- saiVd men he marched toward Washington city, and, at Bladens- burg, he had a battle with Americans under General Winder. 10. The Americans were too few to oppose Ross, and on the 24th of August, the British entered Washington, burned the Capitol, the President's house and many private buildings, and came very near making a prisoner of President Madison. 11. Early in September, Ross proceeded with the British fleet and army to capture Baltimore. He landed a few miles from the city, and, while marching to attack it, he was killed in a skirmish. Soon afterward, a severe battle, known as that of North Point, occurred, while the British ships were attacking Fort McHenry, in Baltimore harbor. 12. The Americans behaved with great valor, and so opposed the British, at every move, that they concluded it was useless to make further eff'orts to capture Baltimore. So they sailed away. This defense was considered a great victory. Have you ever heard the song of The Star-spangled Banner ? The banner mentioned in it, was the American flag on Fort McHenry at that time. That flag, you know, has a star for every State, and so it is called the " star-spangled banner." 13. During the summer of 1814, British ships continually an- noyed the people on the New England coast. Stonington was attacked in August, but the armed inhabitants, after opposing them for four days, finally compelled the British to leave. After this, the war almost ceased at the North. 14. There was yet much trouble and danger in the South. The Indians were pretty quiet, but the Spaniards, who owned Florida, favored the British. The Spanish governor allowed the Questions. —0. What occurred in Maryland? 10. What did the Britis]i do? 11. What oconrred near Baltimore ? 1?. What can yon tell of tiie defense of Baltimore, and rvsoiig? 1^. V>'hat occurred on the New England coast? lk)(j THENATION. Events in Florida. New Orleans. Battle at New Orleans. fitting out of a British fleet at Pensacola, to attack tlic American fort at tlie entrance to Mobile Bay, and encouraged two hundred Creek warriors to go with thein. The attack was made on the 11th of September. The British were driven off, with the loss of one of their vessels and many men. 15. General Jackson, who commanded at the South, told the Spanish governor that he would punish him for helping the enemies of the Americans, if he did not give a good excuse for his conduct. The governor paid no attention to what Jackson said. So the general, early in November, marched his army into Florida, drove the British in Pensacola to their shipping, and luade the governor beg for mercy, and give up the fort, town, and every thing else. 16. And now the people of New Orleans were greatly alarmed by the news that a large number of British ships and soldiers were coming to attack the city. They sent in great haste to General Jackson, asking him to come and help them. lie ar- rived there in December, and soon after that, General Packen- ham, with twelve thousand of Wellington's soldiers, appeared below New Orleans. 17. Jackson was soon prepared for the invaders. First he had skirmishes with the advancing British. Finally, on the 8th of January, 1815, a very severe battle was fought four miles below the city, where Jackson had erected strong works, armed with a few cannons. These works stretched across from the Missis- sippi river to a deep cypress swamp. 18. Jackson had about six thousand men behind his works, most of them armed with rifles. The British in full force marched up. When they were within rifle shot, the Americans fairly rained a shower of bullets upon them. Packenham was killed, and soon the whole British army fled, leaving seven hun- dred men dead, and more than a thousand wounded, on the field. The Americans lost only seven killed, and six wounded ! 19. The battle at New Orleans was the last one, on land, of Questions.— 14. What cain you tell of events in Florida? 15. What did General Jackson do? 16. What can you tell about Now OrieansV 17. What preparations against the British were made? 18. Describe the battla of New Orl .anr. WAR WITH ALGIERS. 197 War with Algiers. Decatur in the Mediterranean. the Second War for Independence. The victory made the Americans rejoice greatly. The American and British govern- ments, through their agents appointed for the purpose, had ah-eady made another bargain, or treaty, to become friends. 20. That bargain was completed at Ghent, in Belgiimi, on the day before Christmas, in 1814 ; and forty days after the battle at New Orleans, the President of the United States proclaimed Peace. Then a day was appointed for the whole nation to join in thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God for that blessed event. 21. The contest with Great Britain had just ended, when the Americans were compelled to engage in a short war with a l g I e ir p . 22. I have already told you [page 175], about the sea-robbers in the Mediterranean sea, and how the Bashaw of Tripoli was made to behave himself. The Dey, or Governor of Algiers, hav- ing been deceived by the story that the British had destroyed all of the American war-vessels, began to rob their merchant-ships^ and was very impertinent to the American agent there. 23. President Madison determined to make the Algerine, also, behave liimself, so he sent the brave Decatur to the Mediterra- nean, with some war-ships, in May, 1815. He fell in with the Algerine fleet, took two of the vessels and many prisoners, and then sailed to Algiers. The governor was astonished. Decatur told him he must let every American go, and pay for all the property his people had robbed the Americans of, or he would, destroy his ships and his city. The frightened governor did so, and after that he let the Americans alone. 24. Decatur thon made the Bashaws or Governors of Tunis and Tripoli do the same thing, and from that time to this, we have had very little trouble with the Barbary Powers, as they Questions. — Tt. What can yon say of the victory at New Orleans ? What was done ? ?0. What can you tell about the treaty for peace ? 21. What happened at that time ? 22. What can you tfll about the sea-robbers in the Mediterranean ? 2.^. What can you tell about an expedition against the Algerines"? 24. What else did Decatur do? 108 THE NATION Close of Madison's administration. American manufactures. were called. In a little while, Decatur did there what all the powers of Europe had not been able to do. 25. And now the stirring administration of Mr. Madison drew to a close. Little else of much importance occurred before its end, except the admission of Indiana into the Union, and giving a 7iew charter to the United States Bank. In the autumn of 1816, James Monroe of Virginia, was elected President, and Daniel D. Tompkins of New York, Vice-President of the United States. T/r^ MO^TEOE, AND UI8 EESIDENCE. SECTION YIL Monroe's administration. [1817-1825.] 1. James Monroe, the fifth Pres- ident of the United States, was a soldier in the Revolution, and be- longed to the Republican party. ^ He chose very wise men for his cabinet, as advisers, and they all went to work industriously to get government matters out of the confusion in which the war had left h them. 2. During the war the Amer- icans made cloth and many other things, which before they bought in England and France. They spent a great deal of money for machinery to do it with. When the French and English goods came in abundance after the war, Qtjtstions.— "^S. What can you say about the closing; of Madison's administration? 1. What can you tell about Monroe and his cabinet? 2. What can you tell about manufactures ? Monroe's administration. 199 Emigration to the West. Indian difficulties. Jackson in Florida. these manufacturers were much injured, and thousands of people had nothing to do. 3. Like many other things, tliis, that seemed an evil, was a good. Thousands who were compelled to be idle went beyond the mountains into the fertile West, cultivated the soil, and be- came healthier, happier, and wealthier than they could have been had they remained in the East. 4. Daring Mr. Monroe's administration, the Territories of Mis- sissippi, Illinois, Alabama, and Missouri, w^cre admitted into the Union as States. Settlements also increased very rapidly all over the West. General prosperity was everywhere visible, and every- body hoped for long years of repose, when some difficulty appeared in the South. 5. There were bad British subjects in Florida, who were excit- ing the Indians to injure the Americans. Toward the close of 1817, a large number of Creek and Seminole Indians and run- away negroes, commenced plundering and murdering the settlers on the borders of Georgia and Alabama. Troops were sent to protect the people, but the Indians, becoming aroused, placed all of them in great danger. 6. Hearing of this. General Jackson, with a thousand Ten- nessecans on horseback, went to the aid of the troops. He caught and hung two white men who had excited the Indians to murder and plunder his countrymen. He then marched to Pen- sacola, took the town and fort away from the Spaniards, and sent the governor and others off to Cuba. 1. Some blamed Jackson for this. Finally, almost every body said he was rie"ht, and had treated the governor just as he de- served to be. Not long afterward the United States and Spain made a bargain, by which all of Florida was given up to the Americans. Then General Jackson was made the first American Governor of Florida. 8. When the people of Missouri asked Congress to admit their Territory into the Union as a State, there arose a great deal of Questions. — 3. What did many people do ? 4. What«can yon say about Monroe's ad- ministration? 5. What occurred in the South? 6. What did General Jackson do? 7. What did the people think ? What was done ? 8. What can you tell about Missouri ? 200 THE NATION. The Missouri Compromise. The old soldiers. Pirates. La Fayeite. disputing in Congress and out of it, as to whether slaves should be allowed there. These disputes continued about two years, and at times they were very warm. 9. It was finally agreed to allow negro slaves in Missouri ; but it was also agreed that a line should be drawn from the southern boundary of Missouri to the Pacific Ocean, and that north of that line there should never be any slaves, in any new State that might be formed there. This was called the Missouri Compro- mise. 10. While this question was disturbing the people, Mr. Mon- roe and Mr. Tompkins were again chosen President and Vice- President. There was very little opposition to them, for the old Federal party had almost ceased to exist. 11. In 1818, Congress made a law by which the old sol- diei-s of the Revolution, yet living, were to be paid s(i^ much money every year. I am sure you are glad of that. The same year an arrangement was made for the Americans to share with the Brit- ish in the Newfoundland fisheries. Do you remember what I told you on page 23, about Cabot seeing so many codfish in the neighborhood of that island ? 12. The sea-robbers, or pirates, were not all in the Mediter- ranean. There were a great many of them among the West India Islands, and they annoyed our merchant-vessels. The President sent some ships there in 1822, and they destroyed more than twenty of the pirate vessels. Commodore Perry cap- tured many more of them the next year, and then the yellow fever deprived him of his life. 13. And now a pleasant thing happened. La Fayette, who, you remember [page 136], helped the Americans so nobly in the old AVar for Independence, came to visit the people of the United States. He had become an old man. He arrived in the sum- mer of 1824, staid until the next year, and traveled more than five thousand miles among us. A national vessel named Brandy- wine^ in his honor, was then sent to convey him home. Questions. — ^9. What was apreecl to ? 10. What can you tell about a new election ? 11. What can yon tell about the old soldiers and the fisheries? 12. What can you tell about West India pirates ? 13. What can you tell about La Fayette ? ADAMS S ADMINISTRATION. 201 -John Quincy Adams. Prosperity of the United States. 14. In the autumn of 1824, the people of the United States chose a new Chief Magistrate. John Quincy Adams, son of the old President, John Adams, was elected to that high office, and John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, was chosen Vice-President. SECTION VIII. ADAMSS ADMINISTRATION. [1825-1829.] 1. John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States, was a youth during the Kevolution ; yet he saw and knew much of its scenes. He became President on the 4th of March, 1825. At that time the United States were at peace with all the world, and every thing appeared bright with prosperity. 2. How I Avish, my Young- Friend, that in telling you the his- tory of the United States, I could have told you of such pleasant and peaceful years as the country was blessed with while John Quincy Adams was President. But, alas ! too much of the story is made up of wars and disputes — of the doings of bad men and the sufferings of good men. I hope you will live to see the time when wars and quar- J. Q. ADAMS, AXD IIlS RESIDENCE. QIrE8TI0^"S — 14. What about another election? 1. What can you tell about John Ouincy Adams ? What can you say about peace and prosperity ? 2. What would I like to tell you ? Of what is history made up ? 202 T H E N AT I O N The Erie Caiml. A singular coincidence. The Taritf. rels will be no more heard of. Wl>cn every body shall try to do right, that time will have come. 3. Thei'e was a little trouble in Ge'^'^rgia in connection with the removal of the Creek and Cherotee Indians fi'oin that State, at the commencement of Adams'? administration. But this diffi- culty soon disappeared, and -bese Indians went beyond the Mis- •^Jssippi river. 4. The same year, the great canal in i^\'i State of New York, which connects Lake Erie with the Hudson river, was completed. It was a most wonderful work, for it was really making a nav- igable river over three hundred and sixty miles in length. Dewitt Clinton did more than any other man to accom- plish the work, and his name will never be spoken but with pride. DEWITT CLIxNTON. r A 111 j. 1 5. A remarkable occurrence took place in the summer of 182G. On the 4th of July, just fifty years after the Declaration of Independence was adopted, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died. They were both on the Committee that drew up the Declaration, you remember [verse 17, page 129], both had been foreign ministers, and both had been Vice-Presidents, and then Presidents of the United States. At the time of their death, Mr. Adams was almost ninety years old, and Mr. Jefferson almost eighty -three. 6. I have told you how the Americans, who commenced ma: - ufacturing cloth and other things during the war, were injured afterward by such goods coming from England, and being sold cheaper than they could make them. AVell, in order to help the American manufacturers, Congress, in 1828, decreed that so much should be paid to the government for such and such goods brought from England and France, and used by the Americans. 1. This duf?/, or tariff, as it was called, made such goods Questions. — 3. What can you tell about the Creek Indians in Georgia? 4. What can you tell about a great canal ? 5. What remarkabl;j occurrence took place ? 0. What m(tre can you tell about American manufacturers '? JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION. 203 Andrew Jacksoi His character. dearer, and then tlie Americans could make money Ly manufac- turing tlicm at the same price. This phm to })rotect our manu- facturers, and get money for the government, was called The American System. It was afterward a cause of trouble, as I shall tell you presently. 8. President Adams's term now drew to a close. The nation was very prosperous. The government was very little in debt, and was at peace with all the world. In the autumn of 1828, the people chose the great soldier, Andrew Jackson, to be their Chief Magistrate, and John C. Calhoun was elected Vice-Pres- ident. SECTION IX. Jackson's administration. [1829-1837.] 1. Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States, was the last of the Chief Magistrates, except Harrison, who lived during the Revolution. Jackson, though quite a lad, was in the Patriot army in South Carolina, and a brave boy he was. 2. Jackson became President on the 4th of March, 1829. He was an honest man, with a strong mind ; and he Avould always do what he thought was right, without caring a fig about what people might say. 3. Things went on pretty smoothly for two or three years. jackson, and nis residexce. Questions. — 7. What can you tell about a tariff? 8. Wliat can you say about our country, and a new election ? ' 1, 2. What can you say about General Jackson ? 204 THE NATION. Opposition to the United States Bank. The Black Hawk War. There was a little trouble about the Cherokee Indians, in Georgia, for a while, but nothing caused much uneasiness until the sum- mer of 1832, when matters concerning the United States Bank, the Western Indians, and the Tariff, made a great stir. 4. The Bank could not exist after 1836, unless Congress should decree otherwise. At the beginning, Jackson believed that it ought not to exist, and promptly said so. In the winter of 1832, the officers of the Bank asked Congress to recharter it, that is, decree that it should go on and do business after 1836. Con- gress did so, but it was of no use. 5. I have told you [verse 4, page lT2] that no decree can be- come a law until the President shall put his name to it. When the Bank decree of Congress was handed to the President for him to sign, he refused, and gave them to understand, that if they should make forty such decrees, he would never put his name to one of them. This refusal is called a Veto. This made a great many people, all over the country, very angry, for they thought business could not be done well without the Bank. 6. On page 7 is the picture of the head of Black Hawk, a great Indian chief. Well, in the summer of 1832, Black Hawk led some of the warriors of the Western tribes against the white people near the Mississippi. But the war did not last long. United States soldiers beat the In- dians, and Black Hawk was made a prisoner. Then they took him to New York and other great cities, and he was so astonished at the number and power of the white people, that he resolved never to go to war with them again. 1. The most serious trouble was about the Tariif, of which I have told vou. The people at the South did JOHN c. cALiiocx. not likc It*, aud those of South Car- QuESTioxs. — n. "Wliat occurred during thn first two or three years? 4. What can you tell about the United States Bank ? 5. AVhat more can you tell about the Bank, and Congress, and a veto ? 6. What can you tell about Black Hawk ? JACKSON S ADMINISTRATION, 205 Trouble in South Carolina. Henry Clay. Jackson and the United States Bank. oliiia declared tliat they would not pay tlie duty on goods brought into Charleston. They were uphold in this Ly Mr. Cal- houn, their greatest statesman. 8. But this was breaking the great bargain made in the National Constitution, and President Jackson plainly told the people of South Carolina that they must pay the duty, or he would send United States troops there to compel them to, as Washington did, you remember [page 174], among the whisky- makers of Pennsylvania. 9. Matters appeared darker and darker every day, and most people thought there would be war. Then, early in 1833, Henry Clay, one of the wisest men we ever had in Con- gress, proposed a plan, called the Com- promise Measure, which satisfied all parties pretty well. It was adopted, and so the trouble ceased. 10. Again in April, 1833, Jackson made war upon the United States Bank. Almost ten millions of dollars, belonging to the United States, were in that bank, and the use of this money was profitable. Jackson declared that the money was not safe there, and he ordered it all to be taken from the bank, and put into various State banks. This injured the old bank very much, and as it could not get a new charter, it stopped business forever, in 1836. This removal of the deposits, as it was called, made the merchants and others very angry, and business got into great confusion. 11. Jackson was again chosen President of the United States, in the autumn of 1832, and most of the people believed him to be the best man in the world to manage matters. Among other things, he attempted the removal of all the Indians in the United States to a fine country west of the Mississippi, where they would not be disturbed by the white people. Questions.— 7. What trouble now occurred? 8. What did the President do? 9. How was the trouble ended? 10. What can yon t'^11 about the United States Bank and the public money ? 1 1. What can you tell of a new election ? Wh.it rlid Jiickson try to do .' IIENEY CLAY. 206 THE NATION The Seminoles aud Creeks. Jackson's administration. 12. The Seminoles in Florida refused to go. Led by Osceola, a brave and cunning* chief, they made war upon the white people, which continued for several years. Many United States soldiers were sent there, from time to time, but the Indians, in their dark swamps, defied them. 13. Finally, in 1836, the Creeks joined the Seminoles, and mail- coaches, steamboats, and villages in Georgia and Alabama, were attacked by them. General Scott, of whom I shall soon tell you much more, went there, and beat the Creeks. During the sum- mer of 1836, several thousands of them went to their new homes beyond the Mississippi. 14. President Jackson's second term now drew to a close. He had ruled with wisdom and energy, and the United States were more thought of by the world than they ever Avere before. France, and other governments of Europe, were compelled to be honest in paying what had long been owing to the people of this country, for injuries done to their ships before the war of 1812. Jackson always acted upon the principle — ask nothing but what is right^ and submit to nothing that is wrong. 15. Two more new States had now been added to the Union, by the admission of Arkansas and Michigan. In the autumn of 1836, Martin Van Buren, of New York, Avho had been Vice- President for four years, was chosen President of the United States ; and in the following winter the Senate chose Richard M. Johnson, of Kentuckv, to be Vice-President. Questions. — 12. What can you tell about Indians? IR. AVhat can you tell of an Indian War? 14. What can you say about Jackson's administration? 15. What can you tell about new States ? What about another elcctioa ? VAN BURENS ADMINISTRATION. 207 Martin Van Buren. Extravagance of the people. SECTION X. VAN buren's administration. [1837-1841.] 1. Martin Van Buren became the eighth President of the United States, on the 4th of March, 1837. He was born just at the close of the Revohition. He was a poor boy, but by doing right, and study- ing and working very hard, he became the greatest man in the United States, when he was fifty- five years old. 2. At this time, business all over the country was in great confusion. The., State banks had lent the pub- lic money to almost every body, and almost every body Avho bor- rowed it became proud and ex- travagant, built fine houses, and even commenced building Avhole villages. They acted as if they never expected to pay the money ^ = back, and a great many did not. Finally, when the banks would not lend any more, these people could not pay the money back to the banks, nor to others, so almost every one suffered. 3. The troubles in business became so great, that Van Buren called Congress together in September, 1837, to talk the matter over. But they did very little to help the people out of their ^# TAN BUKEN, AND III8 ErSIUENCE. QuF-STioNS.— 1. What can about brsiness and the action yon toll nbont Martin Van Buren? ?. What can you sny IS of the people';' 3. What can you tdl about Congress? 208 THE NATION. Sub-Treasury. Seminole war. North Eastern boundary. troubles. Finally it was concluded not to let the banks have any more of the public money. So men called Sub-Treasurers were appointed to receive it at difterent sea-ports, and keep it until called for. This plan, which has been in use ever since, was called The Independent Treasury System. 4. The Seminole war was continued. Finally Osceola was in- vited to the camp of General Jessup, wdio commanded the United States troops in Florida, to have a talk about peace. There Os- ceola was made a prisoner, and taken to Charleston, where he died not long afterward. This was unfair ; and yet it seemed the only way to stop the war. 5. Colonel Taylor, who afterward became President of the United States, was in Florida a long time with troops, and had several battles with the Indians ; but they were not finally sub- dued until 1842, when the war ended. It had continued seven years. 6. In 1837, some of the people of Canada resolved to become independent of Great Britain, and commenced a revolution. Many Americans went there to help them, and this caused very unpleasant feelings between the governments of the United States and Great Bi'itain. 7. President Van Buren did all he could to keep the Amer- icans from going to Canada, but it was not until 1841, when John Tyler was President, that a stop was put to it. Then the revolu- tion had been put down ; and, since then, all has been pretty quiet in Canada. 8. At this time the Americans had a serious dispute with th3 British, about the boundary line between the State of Maine and the province of New Brunswick. This, too, made a great deal of bad feeling, and at one time the people in that region armed themselves for war. General Scott went there and made peace, and in 1842 the whole matter was settled. 9. In the autumn of 1841, General Harrison, of Ohio, of whom I have told you, was chosen President of the United Questions.— 4, 5. What more can you tell about the Seminole war? 6. What can you tell of troubles in Canada? 7. What did the Presidents do? S. What can you tell about a boundarv line ? HARRISON 's AND TVLEk's ADMINISTRATION. 209 William Henry Harrison. His inaugnration and death. States, with John Tyler, of Virginia, as Vice-President. Now there were two parties, called V^Hiigs and Democrats. Those who were the friends of Jackson and Van Buren, were the Democrats, and those who elected Harrison were Whigs. SECTION XI. Harrison's and tyler's administration. [1841-1845.] 1. William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the United States, was born more than two years before the Battle of Bnnker's Hill, of which I have told you. He was a little boy all through that old war. 2. General Harrison became Pres- ident on the 4th of March, 1841, and precisely one month afterward, he died. There was great grief amonor his friends all over the coun- o try, but the people felt that the event was right, for God had ordered it so. Harrison was an old man, almost seventy years of age. According to the decree of the Federal Consti- tution, the Vice-President became the Chief Magistrate, and on the 6th of April, 1841, the HARBISON, AND HIS RESIDENCE. administration of TYLER commenced. John Tyler was a much younger man, and was the tenth President of the United State?. Questions. — ^. Wiiat can yon sny about a new election? 1. What can yon tell about General Harrison? 2. What can you tell about his death and the consequences ? u 210 THE NATION Congress. Tyler's veto. Changes in the country. 3. President Harrison had ap- pointed the last day of May for Congress to meet, to talk over the aifairs of the country. Tliey did so, and remained together until the \\ middle of September. Their chief business was to make a law for chartering a United States Bank. 4. President Tyler, like Jackson, refused to sign the law. His politi- cal friends were very much offended, and all of his Cabinet advisers left him, and would have nothing more ^ to do with him, except the great Daniel Webster, who Avas the Sec- retary of State. Mr. Webster knew that it was best for his country to remain, and he did so. Men should love their country more than party. 5. During Mr. Tyler's adminis- tration, changes were made in the tariff laws ; the State of "Rhode Island was favored with a new constitution, and measures were taken for the admission of Texas into the Union. There was much trouble in Rhode Island about the constitution. Some liked the old charter given them by King Charles TTLEE, AND HIS KESIDENCB. the Second [verse 3, page 83] well enough, and others wished a new one. The two parties came very near having a war about it. 6. The admission of Texas was an important matter. That State QiTF.STiONS.— 3. What can von tell about Congress? 4. What can vou tell about Tyler's troubles? What did Webster do ? 5. What occurred during Tyler's adminis- tration ? DANIEL WEUSTER. folk's administration. 211 Texas. Its Annexation. The Magnetic Telegraph. was once a part of Mexico. A great many Americans had settled there, and they finally concluded to be free. But they had to fight for their freedom, and in 1836 the jDcople of Texas became independent of Mexico. 1. After awhile the Texas people wished their State to become one of the United States, and arrangements were made for that purpose in 1844. Just at the close of Mr. Tyler's administration in 1845, Congress agreed to it, and Texas became one of the States of our Union, on the 4th of July following. 8. The annexation of Texas had much effect on the election of President in the autumn of 1844. A majority of the people were in favor of that annexation, and James K. Polk, of Ten- nessee, who was also in favor of it, was chosen Chief Magistrate, with George M. Dallas as Vice-President. 9. One of the most wonderful things ever before known, oc- curred in 1844 in connection with Mr. Polk. A meeting of Democrats at Baltimore, having selected Mr. Polk as the best man for President, the news of this choice was sent from there to Washington, forty miles, by the Magnetic Telegraph. This wonderful invention by Professor Samuel F. B. Morse, an Amer- ican, by which one man's thoughts may be conveyed to another man, a thousand miles in a second, was then just completed, and that was the first public use ever made of it. Now, you know, sending thoughts by Telegraph is a very common thing. SECTION XII. POLKS ADMINISTRATION. [1845-1849.] 1. James Knox Polk was fifty years old when he became the eleventh President of the United States on the 4th of March, Qor:sTiON3.— 6. What can you say about Texas? 8. What did Texas and the United States do ? 8. What happened in 1844 ? 9. What can you tell about a wonderful inven- tion? 1. What can you say about James K. Polk? 212 THE NATION. Trouble with Mexico. Armies on the frontier. 1845. He was a Democrat in politics, and his party was strong throughout the country. 2. The coining in of Texas was the most important event at tl.3 beginning of Mr. Polk's administn> tion. The government of Mexico had never acknowledged the inde- pendence of that State, but con- tinued to claim it as a part of that republic. Of course the act of ="^^ Congress in admitting it was very ^ offensive. 3. This offense and an old quarrel about debts due from Mexico to people of the United States, soon caused a war. Expecting this, the President ordered General Taylor and fifteen hundred soldiers to go to Texas in July. They encamped at Corpus Christi, not far from the Rio Grande, or Grand River. At the same time some American war-vessels went into the Gulf of Mexico. 4. A large number of Mexican troops collected at Matamoras, near the mouth of the Rio Grande, at the close of 1845. Early in January following. General Taylor with most of his troops, formed a camp and commenced building a fort on the opposite side of the river. General Ampudia (pronounced Atn-poo-dkec~ ah) who commanded the Mexicans, ordered him to leave in twen- ty-four hours, but be refused to do so. 5. General Arista (pronounced Ah-rees-tah) now became the Mexican commander. He was a better soldier than Ampudia, and Taylor's situation became a dangerous one. Soon, armed Questions. — 2. What can you eay about the admission of Texas? 3. What can you tell about preparations for war ? 4. What occurred on the Rio Grande ? 5. "What can yon tell about tlie t\. o armies ? POLK, AND HIS BESIDENCE. WAR W 1 T H M E X I C O . 213 War with Mexico. Taylor's two great battles. Plan of the war. Mexicans crossed the river, and late in April some Americans were killed by tlicm. This was the first blood shed in THE W A R W I T II ISI E X I C O . (). Taylor had left some soldiers, with provisions and other things, at Point Isabel. lie heard that a large number of Mex- icans were marching in that direction, so he hastened thither with a greater part of his army, \yhcn he had gone, the Mexicans attacked his fort, opposite Matamoras, which compelled him to march back to defend that. Y. On his way back, General Taylor fell in Avith six thousand Mexicans, under Arista. It was on the 8th of May, 184G. The place where they met was called Palo Alto, and there they had a very hard fight for five hours. The Mexicans were badly beaten, and lost six hundred men. 8. Just at evening the next day, the Americans again fell in with the Mexicans at a place called Rcsaca cle la Falma, three miles from Matamoras. There they liad another severe battle, and the Mexicans were beaten, with a loss of more than a thou- sand men. These misfortunes greatly alarmed them. 9. Before these two battles were heard of in the United States, Congress liad declared war against Mexico, and the Sec- retary of War, with the help of General Scott, had planned an extensive campaign. Mexico, you will see by the map, extends across to the Pacific Ocean, so it was planned to send war-ships around to attack the enemy on that coast. The President was allowed to raise an army of fifty thousand men, and it was deter- mined to take possession of Mexico. 10. After his successful battles, Taylor drove the Mexicans from Matamoras, and marched toward Monterey, a strong city in Mexico. He took that city on the 24th of September, and then encamped near, where he waited for further orders what to do, from the President of the United States. Questions. — G. What can you tell about the commencement of the war ? 7, S. AVhat can you tell about two battles with the Mexicans? 9. What did Congress do ? What plans were arranged ? 10. What can you tell about General Taylor in Mexico 'r 214 THE NATION Military movements. General Scott. Northern Mexico conquered. 11. While Taylor was waiting, other officers were busy else- M'here. General AVool was preparing the recruits, or the new men who joined the army, for military service ; and in October he marched into Mexico, and took possession of some of the coun- try. In November General Worth took one or two places away from the Mexicans. At that time General Taylor was in motion, with his main army. After taking possession of a large tract of country, Taylor encamped at Victoria. 12. General Scott, as commander-in- chief of the armies of the United States, went to Mexico early in 1847, and pre- pared to attack the strong town of Vera Cruz, and the fort there. For that purpose, he strengthened his own army, by taking many troops from General Taylor. Yet that brave soldier, with only about five thousand men, marched boldly against the Mexican general, Santa Anna, who had twenty thousand. 13. At Buena Vista (pronomiced Bwe-nah Ves-tah), which means " pleasant view," the two armies had a terrible battle on tne 23d of February, 1847. It lasted all day. The Mexicans were dreadfully beaten, and left full two thousand men on the field, killed and wounded. The Americans lost about seven hun- dred. 14. All northern Mexico was now in possession of the Amer- icans ; and in the course of a few months, the conquering Taylor returned to the United States, and was everywhere received with the greatest honors. Then the people first began to talk about making him President of our Republic. 15. A\hile these things were occurring, the Americans, under different leaders, were taking possession of other parts of northern Mexico. General Kearney was in chief command of what was called the Army of the West ; and in August, 1 846, he drove OTJESTtONB.— 11. What can you tell about oth,->r movements in M-xico? l"?. What can you tell about Generals Scott and Taylor y 13. "What can you tell about a battle ? 15. What else did the Americans do ? GENERAL SCOTT. SCOTT S INVASION OF MEXICO. 215 Fremont and California. Doniphan. Scott' B invasion. the Mexicans from Santa F6, the chief city of New Mexico, and took possession of that broad territory. 16. During the same summer, Colonel Fremont (the brave explorer of the Rocky Mountains) and others, took possession of California. After some more battling until early in January, 1847, all became quiet. Then a vast territory, stretching along the Pacific Ocean, and several hundred miles into the country, came into possession of the Americans. 17. In the mean while, Colonel Doniphan, with a thousand brave Missourians, made a triumphant march into northern Mexico. After capturing Chihuahua (pro- nounced Chee-wah-wah), one of the finest provinces of northern Mexico, he returned to New Orleans, having marched over five thousand miles. General Scott was now on his victorious way toward the great city of Mexico. Listen attentively, and I will tell you something about COLONEL FEEMONT. SCOTT S INVASION OF MEXICO. 18. Scott landed near Vera Cruz with about thirteen thousand men, early in March, 1847. His troops were borne there by a fleet commanded by Commodore Conner, which remained to assist in the attack on Vera Cruz. That attack occurred on the 18th of March, and continued nine days. Then the city, the strong castle of San Juan de Ulloa (pronounced San Whan dah Oo-loo-ah), and five thousand prisoners, with five hundred can- nons, were given up to the Americans. 19. On the 8th of April, Scott's army commenced their march toward the city of Mexico. At Cerro Gordo, a diflRcult place in the mountains, they were met by Santa Anna and a large army. Questions. — 10. What can yon tell about Fremont and others? 17. What can yon ttiU nbout Colonel Doniphan ? ' 18. What can yon tell about the Americans at Vera Cruz? 19. What can you tell of the battle at Cerro Gordo ? ;16 T II E N A T I O N Progress of the American army. Capture of Mexico. End of the war. There tliey had a severe battle, when the Mexicans lost, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, over four thousand men. Santa Anna escaped on the back of a mule. 20. Week after week, Scott's army continued to move on through that interesting country, taking possession of place after place, and everywhere driving the Mexicans before them. Within two months, that army of not more than ten thousand men, took some of the strongest places in Mexico, made ten thousand pris- oners, and captured seven hundred cannons, ten thousand muskets, and thirty thousand bombshells and cannon balls. 21. Scott rested awhile at Puebla (pronounced Pweb-lah), and in August moved on over the lofty Cordilleras, a chain of high mountains in Mexico. From the summits of these hills, the Americans looked down into distant valleys, and saw the great city of Mexico, the object of their long and perilous march. 22. Onward the conquering army marched, and after fighting several hard battles, and always beating the Mexicans, they ap- peared before the ancient city, where Cortez, a great Spanish soldier, appeared almost three hundred years before. Santa Anna and his army, with the government officers, fled from the doomed capital at night ; and on the next morning, the 14th of September, 1847, General Scott and his brave army entered the city as victors, and took possession of the Mexican empire. 23. The war soon ceased. On the 2d of February, 1848, the Mexican Congress and American Commissioners made a bargain or treaty for peace. It was agreed to by the United States Gov- ernment, and then all but New Mexico and California, which had been taken from the Mexicans by the Americans, was given up. These provinces became a part of the United States, and Califor- nia has since been admitted into the Union. 24. In the same month when this treaty was made, gold was first found in a mill stream on the American fork of the Sacra- mento river, in California. Soon it was found elsewhere ; and QursTioxs.— SIO. ^Vhat did Scott's army accomplish ? 21. What can you tell of the approach to the city of Mexico? 22. What can you tell about the conque-^t of Mexico? 2.3. What can you toll about the asreements of the tvro governments? 24. What can you tell about finding gold ? What did it lead to ? TAYLORS ADMINISTRATION. 217 Gold in California. General Taylor. His Inauguration. when it was known that gold was plentiful there, thousands of people went from the United States and elsewhere, to dig it. Gold, worth millions and millions of dollars, has been found in California since then, and a fine State of the Union has grown up on that coast of the Pacific Ocean. 25. The war with Mexico was the chief event of Mr. Polk's administration. A difficulty with England, concerning the north- ern boundary of Oregon, had been settled; and in May, 1848, Wisconsin was admitted into the Union as a State. 26. The brave deeds of General Taylor, in Mexico, made him respected and beloved by the people of the United States, and at the election for President, in the autumn of 1848, he was chosen Chief Magistrate of the Republic. Millard Fillmore, of New York, was elected Vice-President. SECTION XIII. Taylor's administration. [1849-1850.] 1. Zachary Taylor was sixty- five years of age when, on the 5th of March, 1849, he became the twelfth President of the United States. The 4th of March came on Sunday that year, and he was not inaugurated until the next day. 2. I have told you that thou- sands went to California to dig gold. Very soon there were peo- 'AYLOB, ANi) Ilig I'."8inp:NCE. Questions.— 25. What were the chief events of Polk's adnii-iistration ? CC>. What can you say about a new election? 1. What can you tell about President Taylor and his inauguration? 218 THE NATION Admission of California. Disputes about Slavery. Death of Taylor. pie enough there to form a State, and in September, 1849, twenty months after the first gold was found there, they met and formed a constitution, or solemn covenant, by which they agreed to be governed. 3. In February, 1850, the people of California asked Congress to' admit their country into the Union as a State. That request made a great stir, for they had said in their constitution that there should be no negro slaves in California. The people of the north- ern and w^estern States liked that, but those of the southern States did not like it at all. At one time it was thought by some that they would go to war about it. 4. This matter was disputed about in Congress for many months. Finally, Henry Clay, of whom I have told you, [p 206,] proposed a plan that suited all parties pretty \vell. It was agreed in that plan, that California might come in without slaves, and that if any slaves ran away from the South into the free States they should be given up to their owners. All this was agreed to in Congress, but many people, particularly at the North, were not pleased with what was called the Compromise Measure. 5. While this matter was being talked over in Congress, Pres- ident Taylor sickened and died. That sad event occurred in July, 1850. He was the second President who had died while in office. The Vice-President, as before, you remember [page 209], then became President, and on the 10th of July, 1850, FILLMORE S ADMINISTRATION commenced. 6. During President Taylor's brief administration of sixtccD months, one State and three Territories were added to the Re- public. One of the Territories was named Utah, but was called by the people who settled there, Deseret, or the Land of the Honey- bee. It is near the middle of our continent. v. Utah was settled by a people called Mormons. I liavc not Questions. — 2. What more can you say about California ? V,. What can you tell about C ilifornia coming into the Union? 4. What was finally done ' 5. ^Vhat sail event hap- pened ? «j. What occurred during Taylor's administration ? FILLMORE S ADMINISTRATION. 219 The Mormons. Cuba. Arctic Expedition, time to tell you much about them. It would be a long story. They are a people with a very queer kind of religion ; and they all do as their head man, or Proijhet^ as ^ he is called, tell them to do. There f/ are now a great many thousands of them in Utah, and I expect there will be much trouble yet, on their account, because they allow things to be done which the people of the United States do not like. 8. Some trouble with Cuba, one of the West India islands belong- ing to Spain, commenced in the spring of 1850, and at one time it j^T^: threatened to make war between the United States and Spain. But the dispute was fairly settled, and the trouble disappeared. 9. An important expedition left New York in May, 1850, under the command of Lieutenant De Haven. It went to the Frozen Ocean, at the North, in search of Sir John Franklin, a great English sailor, who went there five years be- fore, and has never returned. Another similar expedition sailed from New York in 1853, under Dr. Kane, and was gone until the autumn of 1855. The commander and his men suff'cred terribly among the ice and snows, during the long, dark polar winters. Dr. Kane lived only a little more than a year after his return. 10. In 1852, the United States and Great Britain had a dis- pute about catching fishes in the neighborhood of Newloundland. They both sent armed ships there, but the difficulty was finally settled by the better way of talking^ rather than \>y fghtinyj. Questions. — 1. What can you tell about the Mormons ? 8. Wliat can you tell about Cuba? 9. What can you tell of wonderful expeditions to the North? 10. What can you tell about a fishery dispute? FILLMORE, AND HIS EESIDENCE. 220 THE NATION. Japan expedition. New election. Franklin Rerce. 11. In tlie same year American -vvar-sliips -went to Japan, off the eastern coast of China, and the commander carried a letter to the Emperor, from our President, asking him to allow Americans, as well as the Dutch, to trade there. The Emperor agreed to it, and the war-ships came homo. You Avill be glad to know a great deal about the Japan people, when you shall be older. 12. In the autumn of 1852, the people of the United States chose Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire, to be their next Pres- ident, and William R. King, of Alabama, for Vice-President. Not long afterward a new Territory, called Washington, was made out of Oregon. So the States of our Confederation con- tinually grow. First Territories, then States. PIE3CE, AXn III3 EESIHENCE. SECTION XIY. Pierce's administration. [1853-1857.] 1. Franklin Pierce was forty -nine years of age when he became the fourteenth President of the United Jjj States, on the 4th of March, 1853. The country was prosperous and ]■ peaceful, and nothing disturbed the general harmony, except a little dispute with Mexico about bound- aries, which was soon settled. 2. In May of that year, ships were sent to explore the eastern ^ coast of Asia ; and at the same time, there were land expeditions in progress, searching for a good route for a railway to the Pacific QtJr:GTioNS. — 11. What can you tell about an expedition to Japan? l**. ^yllat cin you toll about a new election ? 1. What can you tell about President Pierce and the coun- Pierce's administration. 221 Exploring expeditions. Kansas. Atlantic Telegraph. Ocean. When all things con- templated by these expedi- tions shall be completed, and ocean steamships go regularly across the Pacific from Amer- ica to Asia, we may go to the wonderful land of China and ^_ Japan, in a very little while. 3. In the year 1855, the ^ ^"^^^ steamship. Americans became much excited about negro slavery in a Territory west of the Mississippi, called Kansas. People from all parts of the Union went there to settle, and they quarreled, and sometimes fought, because a part of them were in favor of having slaves there, and a part of them were opposed to it. There was real war there, in 1856, but it was soon stopped. Those who opposed slavery were the more numerous ; and in January, 1860, Kansas became a free State of the Republic. 4. Some trouble was expected with foreign nations in 1855. Spain was offended because our government seemed determined to possess her island of Cuba. Great Britain was offended be- cause we sent her minister home for violating our laws, by en- listing men for the British army ; and the Central American States were offended, because lawless men went there from our borders, to seize their country 5. These things were settled in a friendly manner, and nothing of much importance occurred for some time, excepting attempts to connect America and Europe by telegraphic wires more than sixteen hundred miles long. [See verse 9, page 211.] It was accomplished at the close of the summer of 1858, when the Queen of England spoke to the President of the United States, and he answered on the same day. 6. In the autumn of 1856, James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, was elected President of the United States, and John C. Breck- inridge, of Kentucky, Vice-President. Questions.— 2. What can you tell about exploring expeditions? 3. What can you say about Kansas? 4. Tell about threatened trouble with foreign nations. 5. Tell about the telegraph wires. &. Who were elected President and Vice-President ? 222 THE NATION. fJames Buchanan. The Mormons. The Slave-trade. SECTION XV. T3UC II A N A n' S A D M I X I S T R A T I O X . [1857-lSGl.] 1. James Buchanan was in- augurated the fifteenth President of the United States on the 4th of March, 1857. From the be- ginning to the end of his admin- istration, the subject of slavery kept the people of the country in continual disputes, and created much bad feeling. 2. The Mormons, of whom I have spoken in verse 7 on page 218, made some trouble. Be- cause the Congress would not make their Territory a State, they threatened to rebel. Troops were sent to compel their obe- dience ; but before these arrived, the Mormons concluded to obey the laws and make no more trouble. 3. Slight difficulties with for- eign nations occurred in 1857 and 1858, but they were small in comparison with troubles at home on account of slavery. Men in the Slave States determined to brinjy neo-roes from Africa ajjain, and to fill some of the new Territories with them. The people of the Free States declared that they should do no such thing. 4. Bitter quarrels were kept up. They were stopped for a BUCHANAN, AND HIS EESIDENOE. THE GREAT CIVIL WAR. 223 Distinguished Visitors. Rebellion. Civil War. little while, when great men from Japan, and a lad (the Prince of Wales), who expects to be King of England, came here in 1860, to visit our President. As soon as they were gone, the old quarrel was resumed. 5. Abraham Lincoln, of Illi- nois, who was opposed to Slav- ery, was elected President of the United States in 1860. Poli- ticians in the slave-labor States made this a pretext for rebellion against the National Govern- ment. Without any right to do so, they declared several States to be separated from the rest; and they formed a confederacy of them, and made Jefferson Davis, a bold and wicked man, chief ruler. 6. These Confederates com- menced war against their gov- ernment, in the Spring of 1861, by attacking Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor. President Lincoln called for a large army to stop them. The people in LINCOLN, AND HIS RISIDENCE. FOET SUMTER. 224 THE NATION. Traitors. "Washington City in Danger. Big Bethel and West Virginia, tlie slave-labor States gladly took up arms to defend their coun- try. Then began the most dreadful civil war ever known. THE GREAT CIVIL WAR. [I8GI.] 7. Men who try to destroy their government are called trai- tors. Some of these managed our Government before the war began. They had sent far away all the soldiers and ships of war ; and had also sent a larger part of the guns of all kinds to the Southern States, so that Mr. Lincoln should have nothing to de- fend the Government with. But the people all over the free- labor States hnrried to help him, and the traitors soon found that they were not going to have things all their own way. 8. The Confederates tried hard to get Washington City, the seat of Government, intending to drive Mr. Lincoln away, and make Jefferson Davis President. They raised an army, and went as far as Manassas, in Virginia, thirty miles from Washington, where they staid a long time. Late in May, National troops, as those were called that defended the Government, went across the Potomac River, from Washington into Virginia, and took possession of Alexandria and Arlington Heights. 9. Early in June, a battle was fought at Big Bethel, a few miles from Fortress Monroe, in Virginia, when the Nationals were beaten. On the very next day there was a little battle at Rom- ney, in Western Virginia, when the Confederates were beaten. At the same time, National troops were marching across Western Virginia, under General McClellan, to assist in defending Wash- ington City. At this time, loyal citizens of V/estern Virginia formed a new State, called West Virginia, which was recog- nized by the Government. Questions.— 5. Who was elected President of the United States, in 1860? What did politicians do? 6. ITow was a civil war begun? What did President Lincoln and the people do ? 7. Who :ire traitors ? What did some of them in the Government do ? How did the people act ? s. What did tlie Confederates try hard to do ? What can you tell about their army? What did the National troops do? 9. What can you tell about a battle, in June, near Fortress Monroe? What about another battle the next day? Wliat were the National troops doing? What can you toll about a new St it,- ? CHEAT CIVIL W A R . Army of the Potomac. The Coast and the Mississippi JEFFEBSON DAVIS. 10. Jefferson Davis and his asso- ciates went to Kiclimond in July, and called that the capital of the Con- federacy. National troops soon start- ed from Washington to drive them away and stop the rebellion. They met the Confederates near a place known as Manassas Junction, and on a stream of water called Bull's Run, the two armies had a hard fight, and several hundred were killed and wounded on each side. The National troops were made to fly back toward Washington in great confusion. 11. General McClellan now took command of the troops They were called the Army of the Potomac, and for many months he was preparing them to march to Richmond. In the mean time there was war in Missouri ; and in a battle at Wilson's* Creek, in August, the brave General Lyon was killed. 12. The war was all the time spreading wider and wider, and more and more people were engaged in it. At the close of Au- gust, General Butler and Commodore Stringham, with many troops, went to Hatteras Inlet, on the coastof North Carolina, and took away from the Confederates some forts they had built there. Very soon afterward, General Rosecrans had some fighting with Confederates in Western Virginia. 13. At a place called BalTs Bluff, not far up the Potomac from Washington City, there was a battle at the close of October, when the Nationals were badly beaten. A week later, troops under General Grant were beaten by the Confederates in a fight at Belmont, on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River. On the Questions. — 10. What can you tell about the Confederates at Richmond ? Give i»n account of the battle of BuH's Kun. 11. What did General McClellan now do? What was his army called ? What have you to say about the war elsewhere ? 12. What have you to say about the war* What was done on the coast of North Carolina and in West- ern Virsrfnia ? 13. What can you tell about the battles of Ball's BlutT, Belmont, and on the coaKt of South Carolina ? 226 THE NATION. England and France. North (Jarolina Coast. Operations in the West same day (7th of November), the National navy, under Admiral Dupont, captured forts near Port Royal, on the coast of South Carolina; and from that time the Government troops held all the fine islands in that neighborhood. 14. At the close of 1861, the war appeared at places several hundred miles apart, and was becoming more and more terrible. At the same time, tbose who ruled England, France, and some otlier countries, helped the traitors all they could safely, and made the war longer and sharper. The conduct of these rulers was considered very unfriendly and mean, and they were ashamed of it afterwards. THE GREAT CIVIL WAR. [1862.] 15. Early in January, General Burnside and Commodore Goldsborough, with many troops and several war vessels, captured Roanoke Island, on the coast of North Carolina. This was a great loss to the Confederates. Look on a map, and you will see that it gave the Nationals control over a large region of country, and threatened Norfolk. A few days afterward. General Thomas, with Western troops, won a victory over the Confederates in Eastern Kentucky, near a place called Mill Spring. 16. Toward the middle of February, General Grant, (who after- ward became very famous), with Western troops, went to the Cumberland River, not far from Nashville, in Tennessee, and took from the Confederates Fort Donelson, and over thirteen thousand men. This was more men than General Scott went into Mexico with, and conquered it. Commodore Foote helped Grant a great deal. 17. Toward the western part of Arkansas, among the Ozark Mountains, is a place called Pea Ridge. There National troops, under Generals Curtis and Sigel, fought and conquei'cd Con- QuEBTiONS.— 14. What have you to f^ay about the war at the close of 1861 ? What about f()rei?:ners ? ir>. Tell what happened at Roanoke Island, and what were the eflfects? AVhnt did Gei'eral Thomas do ? 16. Give an account of the capture of Fort Donelson. 17 Give an account of the battle of Pea Ridge ; and the doings of the Merrivutc and Monitor. THE GREAT CIVIL WAR 227 Merrimac and Monitor. Pittsburg Landing and Island No. 10. federates iiiider General Van Dorn, on tbe 8th of March. On the same day, many hundred miles eastward of this battle-field, on the coast of the Atlantic, a ship of war covered with iron, called the Merriinac^ at- tacked and destroyed some National war vessels, made of wood, near Fortress Monroe. That night a strange vessel, made of iron, with a sort of tower THE MONITOK. that could be turned round, in which was cannon, suddenly ap- peared, and drove the Merrimac back to Norfolk. The vessel was called the Monitor, and was commanded by Lieutenant Word en. 18. The President of the United States is the Commander-in- Chief, or head general, of all the warriors of the nation, on land and sea, and whatever he tells them to do, they must do. Now, knowing that they Confederates were in arms in many places, and growing more numerous every day, he ordered all of his armies to move against them on the 22d of February, the birth- day of Washington. The Confederates at Manassas fled toward Richmond, expecting General McClellan would follow. Grant had gone over to the Tennessee River, and early in April, near Pittsburg Landing, he and his troops fought the Confederates un- der General Beauregard for two days,beat- inor them, and drivino; them into Missis- sippi. This is called the battle of Shiloh, 19. At the same time, a fleet of gun- boats, under Commodore Foote, and some troops, captured Island No. 10, an im- portant place in the Mississippi River. COMMCPOUF, I-OOTE. QuESTiONB. — 18. What is the power of the President concerning the armies? What did the Confederates do Grant? 19. Wliat did Commodore Foote do? What fort was surrendered to Grillmore, and what town was taken by Mitchell? What did General Augur do What did the President order What can ynu tell about Gen. 228 THE NATION. Capture of New Orleans. Seven Days' Battles. Four days afterwards, the Confederates gave up Fort Pulaski, at the mouth of the Savannah River, to General Gilhnore. On the same day (April 11), General Mitchell took possession of Hunts- ville, in Northern Alabama. On the 18th, General Augur drove the Confederates out of Fredericksburg, in Virginia. 20. Tlie National troops gained a great deal in the month of April, 1862, Besides what I have just related, they captured two heavy forts below New Orleans, and on the 24th of the month, took that city. The forts were taken by war vessels, under Com- modores Farragut and Porter. The Confederates, twenty thou- sand in number, under General Lowell, fled from New Orleans, when the Nationals approached, and General Butler took posses- sion of the city. This was a terrible loss to the Confederates. 21. Early in April, General McClellan, with the Army of the Potomac, which had gone down to the neighborhood of Fortress Monroe, began a march up the Peninsula toward Richmond. He moved slowly. Between the first of May and the last of June, \^ 1 " '^. ~ /' several very severe battles were GENERAL M'cLELLAN. fought wlthlu a short distancc of Richmond. 22. McClellan thought he could not get to Richmond, and stopped fighting. The Confederates then rushed toward Wash- ington. General Pope was between them and Washington, with an army ; and McClellan was ordered to hurry on with his own army in that direction, to help Pope. He did not get there in time to do much good, and the Nationals were driven to the forts around Washington. Questions.— 20. What did the National troops do in April, 1862? What can you tell about New Orleans? 21. What did General McClellan do ? What happened? 22. What cl.'se did General McChlhin do? What can you tell about the army under Pope? THE GREAT CIVIL WAR. 2:^9 Events in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. 23. Robert E. Lee, then chief commander of the Confederates, led them into Maryland. Not far from Harper's Ferry, severe battles were fought; the hardest being called the battle of An- tietam, because it was on Antietam Creek. It was at the middle of September. Lee was beaten, and compelled to fly across the Potomac into Virginia, pursued by General Burnside, who took command of the whole army, in place of McClellan. 24. Burnside followed Lee to the Rappahannock River; and at Fredericksburg, on the 13th of December, the two armies fought a great battle. The Nationals had crossed the river, and were driven back with great loss, and there they remained until late in the next spring. 25. All this time there were important doings in the West^ or beyond the Alleghany Mountains. All summer long the Con- federates tried to get back what they had lost in Kentucky and Tennessee. They marched a large army, under Bragg, toward the Ohio river ; and at one time it seemed as if they might really seize Cincinnati and Louisville. But they were kept back by Generals Buell, Wallace, and Rousseau ; and Bragg was finally driven toward Alabama. 26. During the summer, Memphis, Natchez, and other places on the Mississippi were captured by the Nationals, and much was done toward opening the river to the safe passage of steamboats. At the same time the chief army in the West, lying in Northern Mississippi, was assisting in the matter. Li September, General Rosecrans fought and' conquered General Price, at luka, Missis- sippi. A little later there were severe battles near Corinth. Before the close of the year, the Confederates were nearly all driven out of Kentucky and Western Tennessee. 27. At the close of December, General Rosecrans fought the Questions. — 23. What did General Lee do? What can yon tell about a battle in Maryland y 24. What did Burnside do ^ Whnt was done at Fredericksbur};? ^5. What did the Confederates try to do in the West? UMiat was done! 26. What was done on the Mississippi? What can you tell about battles at luka and Corinth, and of the Con- federates in Kentucky and Tennessee? 27. What can you tell about a battle at Murfreesboro' ? 2au T JI E N A T ION. Emancipation Proclnmation. Battle of Chancellorsville. Hooker and Lee. Confederates several days at Murfreesboro', below Nashville. He was victorious, but lost twelve thousand men. He drove the Confederates toward Georgia. 28. In July, the Congress gave President Lincoln power to de- clare the slaves in certain States free for ever. In September, he told the rebellious people in those States, that if they did not cease making war on the Government, within the next hundred days, he should set their slaves free. They did not mind what he said. So, on the first of January, 1863, he proclaimed about three millions of bondmen to be free. In 1864, two hundred thousand of these freedmen were soldiers in the National army, fighting for the Government and their own freedom. THE GREAT CIVIL WAR, CONTINUED. [1863.] 29. Late in January, General Hooker was put in command of the Army of the Potomac, in the place of Burnside. Toward the end of April, he led them across the Rappahannock, above Fredericksburg ; and on the 2d and 3d of May, he had a severe fight with Lee in a place called the Wilderness, near Chancellors- ville. The National army sufi"ered severely, and they were com- pelled to go back to the other side of the river. 30. Early in June, Lee, with a large army, moved up the Shenan- doah Valley, and crossed the Poto- mac into Maryland, closely watched by Hooker, who kept them from Washington and Baltimore. At the close of this month. General Meade took Hooker's place, and soon after- ward Lee pushed on into Pennsyl- RouEKT E. i.EE. vauia. At the beginning of July, Questions.— 28. What power did the Congress p:ive to President Lincoln? How did he use it? What can you say about slaves ? 29. What can you tell about Hooker's doinj,'S, and the battle of Ohancellorsville? 30. Give an account of Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and battle of Gettysburg. What followed ? \ THE GREAT CIVIL WAR. 231 }{attle of Gettysburg. Events in the Carolinas and Mississippi. Meade fonght Lee for three days at Gettysburg, and conquered him. Lee fled toward Virginia, and escaped with what was left of his army. By the middle of August, the Confederate army was beyond the Rappahannock, when for a long time the two armies confronted each other near that stream. 31. While these movements were going on in the vicinity of the Potomac, General Foster was very busy in North Carolina, struggling with General Hill for the mastery of a portion of the coast region. At the same time. General Longstreet, one of the best of Lee's commanders, was trying to drive the Nationals from Norfolk. That city had been captured by General Wool, in May, 1862, and the Nationals held it until the close of the war. 32. Li April, 1863, Admiral Dupont and General Gillmore commenced a siege of Charleston, which lasted almost two years. The bombardments were frequent. Fort Sumter was reduced to a heap by the National shells, and the city was made a ruin. At the same time General Banks was in command of the Department of the Gulf, with his headquarters at New Orleans. He drove the Confederates out of a portion of Louisiana, westward of the Mis- sissippi. He also captured Port Hudson, earrly in July, with more than six thousand prison- ers. At the close of the year, troops from his army occupied a line on the Rio Grande, opposite Matamoras. 33. At the close of 1862, it was made the business of Gen- eral Grant to clear the Missis- sipi river banks of the Con- federates. Vicksburg was their admiral poktee. Questions.— r.l. What can you tell of doinjis on the North Carolina coast, and nenr Norfolk ? What did General Wool do ? 32. What can you tell about the siege of Char- leston? What can you tell about General Banks's movements in Louisiana? H.'i. What was General Grant expected to do ? AVliat did he do ■.-• 232 T JI K NATION. 6en Grant in Tennessee. Battles of C'-hickamuuga and Chattanooga, strongest place, and he proceeded to attack that city, with the assistance of Admiral Porter and his fleet of gun-boats. The places "was surrounded late in May, and on the 4th of July it was surrendered to Grant, by General Pemberton, with more than thirty thousand Confederate troops. Then the Confederates lost the control of the Mississippi River, and were much weakened. 34-. After sending troops to General Banks in Louisiana, and General Steele in Arkansas, and leaving General McPherson in com- mand at Vicksburg, Grant hastened to the aid of Rosecrans, then at Chattanooga, in East Tennessee, in command of the Army of the Cumberland. Rosecrans had driven Bragg into Georgia, where he was joined by troops under General Longstreet, sent by General Lee. They turned upon Rosecrans, when the terrible fight known as the battle of Chickamauga occurred, at the middle of Septem- ber. The Nationals were beaten, and driven back to Chattanooga. 35. Grant reached Rosecrans in time to relieve him from great perils, and took command of the Army of the Cumberland. Gen- eral Sherman joined them late in November, when a contest was begun which lasted two days. It is called the battle of Chatta- nooga. The Confederates were badly beaten, and the Nationals gained control of a large part of Georgia and Alabama. Burn- side was at Knoxville, Tennessee, at the same time. He was in danger of being captured by Longstreet, who went up from Bragg. Relief was sent to him ; and Longstreet, driven off, fled back to the army of Lee in Virginia. 36. The war raged in Missouri and Arkansas during 1863, in many places, but no great battle w^as fought in those States. On the first of September, General Blunt took Fort Smith from the Confei3rates ; and nine days afterward General Steele captured Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas. 37. In June, a noted guerilla chief, namod Morgan, with three Questions — B4. ■\^^lat did Grant do after taking Vicksburs:? Give an account of -what occurred near (Jhattanooga. ?>!>. What can you tell about Grant, Rosecrans, and Sher- man, and the battle of Chattanooj^a ? What about Burnside and Longstreet? 36. What was done in Missouri and Arkansas, in 1^&3? 37. Give an account of Morgan in Indiana iind Ohio THE GREAT CIVIL WAR. 233 Morgau's Raid. The Navy. Doiugs in the Souttiwest. thousand boisemen, went over the Ohio River into Indiana, and swept through the lower portions of that State and Ohio, to join Lee in Maryland, or Pennsylvania. He was captured, with nearly all of his men, in Ohio. 38. The National navy, which had rapidly grown to be a very large and powerful one, was employed in keeping ships from going in and out of the seaports of the Southern States. This is called blockading. The war vessels also did great service on the Missis- sippi and other rivers in the Southwest, as well as on the coast, in assisting troops ; and they captured many ships from abroad, that tried to get in and out of the Southern ports, THE GREAT CIVIL WAR CONTINUED. [1864.] 39. The National armies were strong and cheerful at the begin- ning of 1864 ; and the Government had plenty of money to carry on the war. The first most important movement was by General Sherman, who marched from Vicksburg at the beginning of Feb- ruary, and going eastward, almost to Alabama, destroyed a great deal of public property, and liberated ten thousand slaves. Gen- eral Seymour invaded Florida at the same time, but was beaten back by the Confederates, who met him at Olustee. 40. General A. J. Smith and Admiral Porter went up the Red River at the middle of March, and were joined by General Banks from New Orleans, who had marched an army across Western Louisiana. They had some sharp battles above Alexandria, and were obliged to return down the river. It was very difficult for Porter's fleet to get over the rapids at Alexandria, but they did so on the 11th of May, and vessels and army retreated to the Mississippi River. In the meantime General Steele had met with some misfortunes in Arkansas, and the Confedevates under Forrest had invaded Ttmnessee and Kentucky. Qttestioxs.— 38. What have you to say about the National navy ? 39. What can you say about the National armies and the Government? Give an account of Sherman's march across Mississippi. What did General Seymour do? 40. What can y^u tell about an expedition up the Red River, and its results? What ca'i you tell about Steele and Forrest ? 234 THE NATION. Doings of the Army of the Potomac. Sherman in Georgia. Pirate ships. LIEUT.-GEX. GEANT. 41. Grant was made Lieutenaiit-General and Geneial-in-Chief of all the armies of the Republic, in March, and he ordered a for- ward movement of the larger ones at the beginning of May. That of the Potomac, under General Meade, crossed the Rapid Anna River, and moved toward Richmond, accom- panied by Grant. They fought Lee's army all the way to the James River, which they reached at the middle of June. 42. In the mean time General Butler had landed a large army at Bermuda Hundred, at the mouth of the Appomattox River. This was to assist Grant in crossing the James, which was accom- plished at the middle of June ; and then commenced the famous siege of Petersburg and Richmond. 43. Sherman with a large army left Chattanooga at the begin- ning of May, and fought his way against the Confederates under General Johnston to Atlanta, in Georgia. He besieged that city during the month of August, and captured it on the 2d of September. 44. Ever since the war was begun, the Confederates, helped by their friends in England, had kept one or more pirate ships at sea, called Privateers, capturing and destroying x\merican ships Among the woi'st of these were the Sumter and the Alabama. The latter was built and fitted out in England, and destroyed many ships. Finally the Kearsarge^ one of our national vessels, attacked the Alabama off the coast of France, and sent it to the bottom of the sea. The loyal people of the United States, and good people everywhere, rejoiced very much. Questions. — 11. "What can you tell about Grant's promotion and orders? What did the Army of the Potomac do? 4'2. Wliat did General Butler do, and what was accom- plisliod? 43. Give an account of Sherman's march to Atlanta. 44. What have yon to khv about pirate ships, called privaleers? THE GREAT CIVIL WAR. 235 Washington threateued. Farrugut at Mobile. SLieridau in the Valley. 45. In July, a large number of the Confederates, under General Early, hastened down the Shenandoah Valley, crossed the Po- tomac into Maryland, and at one time it was thought that they would take Baltimore and Washington. They would have done so, had not General Wallace with a few troops fought them at Monocacy Creek, and kept them back until forces in Washington were prepared for them. They fled back to Virginia; but, before they went, they burnt the fine village of Chambersburg, in Penn- sylvania. 46. Whilst Grant and Sherman were making their important movements on land, Farragut was preparing to attack Forts Morgan and Gaines, near Mobile. He made the attack on the 14th of August, and captured the forts with the assistance of land troops under General Granger. His fleet sailed into Mobile Bay, and the city of Mobile was cut oft' from admiral farkagut. any communication with the sea. This was a heavy blow for the Confederates. 47. During the Autumn, General Sheridan broke the power of the Confederates under Early in the Shenandoah Valley. He gained a victory over him near Winchester, on the 19th of Sep- t^'uiber, and others afterwards. At the same time. General Hood, who commanded the Confederates opposed to Sherman, marched westward, and then invaded Tennessee. He went north, almost to Nashville. He had an army of about forty thousand men. 48. General Schofield fought and weakened Hood at Franklin, Tennessee, at the close of November, when the latter besieged QtTRSTiONs. — 45. Give an account of Early's invasion oi Maryland How was he chci-ked, and what did he do ? 46. Give an aceonnt of doinp;s near Mobile. 47, 48. What did Sheridan do? What did Hood do? How was he driven out of Tennessee ? 236 THE NATION. Hood driven from Tennessee. Fort Fisher, Sherman's great March. GENEEAL TUOMAS. Nashville. At the middle of De- cember, Thomas marched out and attacked him. Hood and his army were driven away, and fled with heavy loss to Alabama. 49. On Christmas dfiy Fort Fisher, at the mouth of the Cape Fear River, was terribly bombarded by the fleet under Admiral Porter. An attempt to take it by a land force failed ; but on the 13th of January, 1865, a large number of troops, under General Terry, took the fort, with the assistance of the navy. The Nationals then went up the Cape Fear River, and captured Wilmington on the 21st February. 50. Early in November, Sherman commenced a grand march through Georgia and the Carolina?. He took the capital of Georgia on the 20th of November, and entered Savan- nah on the 21st of December. Then he crossed the Savannah River into South Carolina, and captured the capi- tal of that State on the l7th February. The Confederates fled from Charleston the next day, when National colored troops entered that city. Sherman general sheeman. marched on into North Carolina; and at Goldsborough, his army joined others under Schoneld and Terry, who had come from Newbern and Wilmington. 51. During the early part of the Spring of 1865, Sheridan beat Early's army in pieces, and so cut ofl" supplies of food from Rich- QuESTiONS— 49. Give an account of the capture of Fcrt Fisher and Wilmington. 50. Give an account of Sherman's erreat march through the Carolinas. 51. What did Sheridan do in the Spring of 1865? What did Lee try to do, and what happened ? THE GREAT CIVIL WAR. 237 Dispersion of the Confederates. Murder of Lincoln. Johnson President mond, by destroying the railways and canal that led into it, that Lee's army was likely to be starved. Grant had held Lee fast at Peters- burg and Richmond, since June the previous year. Lee now tried to escape by breaking through Grant's lines, but was made prisoner on the 9th of April, with his whole " ' '^ ' GENERAL SHERIDAN. army. 52. Jefferson Davis, the wicked head of the Confederated traitors, very much frightened, ran away from Richmond with a great deal of gold that he and his associates had stolen from the banks and the people, followed by a number of those associates. The Avar soon afterwards came to an end. 53. While all the loyal people of the country were rejoicing, because the war had so ended. President Lincoln, one of the best men that ever lived, was cruelly murdered in Washington, by a young man hired by the Confederates to do the wicked deed. Then there was mourning everywhere. 54. When the President dies, the Vice-President takes his place, and so the government goes right on. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, was Vice-Pi-esident ; and on the day when Mr. Lincoln died [April 15, 1865], Mr. Johnson became the President of the Republic. Ten days afterward General Johnston had surrendered his large army in North Carolina to Sherman ; and everywhere the bands of armed Confederates were speedily broken up. 55. Jefferson Davis, the leader of the wicked rebellion which had cost half a million of precious lives and thousands of niillions of money, became an outlaw, and a heavy sum of money was Questions. — 52. What can you tell about Jeflferson Davis? 53. What can you tell about the murder of President Lincoln? 54. How does the Government po on when a Presi- dent dies ? What have you to say about Andrew Johnson ? What military event occur- red in North Carolina? 55. Give an account of the flight of Jeflferson Davis, and his dis- graceful conduct. 'A'i6 THE GREAT C 1 \ I L WAR. Disgrace and Euin of Jefferson Davis. Our Country's Future. offered for his arrest. He was finally captured in Georgia, while fleeing for shelter to a swamp, disguised as a womai by his wife's clothes ! In utttcr disgrace and humiliation ended the career of the representative of the Confederacy of the Traitors. 56. God will doubtless make the terrible civil war a blessing for our beloved country and the world. It has given fi-eedom to four millions of colored bond- men, and relieved the whole people from a dreadful curse. Better days for our dear country are dawning. You, my Young Friends, may enjoy those days, as men and women. What you shall do will be a part of the history of your country. Remember this, and try to make that history so good and beautiful, that all will love to listen to it, and will thank their Heavenly Father for his kindness in allow- ing them to live in a country Virtuous and Free. May you always feel like singing — ANDREW JOHNS ' Great God ! I thank thee for this home — This bounteous birth-land of the free ; "Where wanderers from afiir may come And breathe the air of Liberty ! Still make her flowers untrampled spring:, Her harvests wave, her cities rise ; And yet, 'till Time shall fold his wing:, Remain earth's loveliest paradise 1 " Qttestions.— 56. "What, has this Civil War ancomplished ' what should be done ? What may we hope for and