ORyCTTON MOTTIER DE LAFAYETTE, -•:3 OT? TUT MDCCCXXXIV. oaX QUiNCY ADAMS, x:^ Glass. Book_ 7* A :5 I ijied May sv.'ibi*- TfLOmsiys rmogTOflur Sc ORATION / LIFE AND CHARACTER or GILBERT MOTTIER DE LAFAYETTE, DELIVERED AT THE REaUEST OF BOTH HOUSES OF THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, BEFORE THEM, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AT WASHINGTON, ON THE THIRTY-FIRST OF DECEMBER, MDCCCXXXIV. lY JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, II A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE. NEW- YORK: PUBLISHED BY D. K. MINOR, 35 WALL STREET. 1835. e: ORATION. FeUow -citizens of ike Senate and House of Representatives of the United States : If the authority by wliich I am now called to address you is one of the highest honors that could be conferred upon a citizen of this Union by his countrynien, I cannot di?;. semble to myself that it embraces at the same time one of the most arduous duties that could be imposed. Grateful to you for the honor conferred upon me by your invitation, a sentiment of irrepressible and fearful diffidence absorbs every faculty of my soul in contemplating the magnitude, the difficulties, and the delicacy of the task which it has been your pleasure to assign to me. I am to speak to the North American States and People, assembled here in the per- sons of their honored and confidential lawgivers and representatives. I am to speak to them, by their own appointment, upon the life and character of a man whose life was, for nearly threescore years, the history of the civilized world — of a man, of whose cha- racter, to say that it is indissolubly identified with the Revolution of our Independence, is little more than to mark the features of his childhood — of a man, the personified image of self-circumscribed liberty. Nor can it escape the most superficial observation, that, in speaking to the fathers of the land upon the life and character of Lafayette, 1 can- not forbear to touch upon topics which are yet deeply convulsing the world, both of opinion and of action. I am to walk between burning ploughshares — to tread upon fires which have not yet even collected cinders to cover them. If, in addressing their countrymen upon their most important interests, the orators of antiquity were accustomed to begin by supplication to their gods that nothing unsuitable to be said or unworthy to be heard might escape from their lips, how much more forcible is my obligation to invoke the fivor of Him " who touched Isaiah's hallowed lips with fire," not only to extinguish in the mind every conception unadapted to the grandeur and sublimity of the theme, but to draw from the bosom of the deepest conviction, thoughts congenial to the merits which it is the duty of the discourse to unfold, and words not unworthy of the dignity of the auditory before whom I appear. In order to form a just estimate of the life and character of Lafayette, it may be ne- nessary to advert, not only to the circumstances connected with his birth, education, and lineage, but to the political condition of his country and of Great Britain, her national rival and adversary, at the time of his birth, and during his years of childhood. On the sixth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven, the heredi- tary monarch of the British Islands was a native of Germany. A rude, illiterate old soldier of the wars for the Spanish succession ; little versed even in the language of the nations over which he ruled ; educated to the maxims and principles of the feudal law; of openly licentious life, and of moral character far from creditable : — he styled himself, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King ; but there was another and real King of France, no better, perhaps worse, than himself, and with whom he was then at war. This was Louis, the fifteenth of the name, great-grandson of his imme- diate predecessor, Louis the Fourteenth, sometimes denominated the Great, These two kings held their thrones by the law of hereditary succession, variously modified, in France by the Roman Catholic, and in Britain by Protestant Reformed Christianity. They were at war — chiefly for conflicting claims to the possession of the western wil- derness of North America — a prize, the capabilities of M'hich are now unfoldinc^ them- selves with a grandeur and magnificence unexampled in the history of the world ; but of which, if the nominal possession had remained in either of the two princes, who were staking their kingdoms upon the issue of the strife, the buffalo and the beaver, with their hunter, the Indian savage, would, at this day, have been, as they then were, the only in- habitants. In this war, George Washington, then at the age of twenty-four, was on the side of the British German King, a youthful, but heroic combatant ; and, in the same war, the father of Lafayette was on the opposite side, exposing his life in the heart of Ger- many, for the cause of the King of France. On that day, the sixth of September, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven, was born GiLBEUT Motier De Lafayette, at the Castle of Chavaniac, in Auvergne, and a few months after his birth his fiither fell in battle at Minden. Let us here observe the influence of political institutions over the destinies and the characters of men. George the Second was a German Prince ; he had been made King of the British Islands by the accident of his birth : that is to say, because his great-grand- mother had been the daughter of James the First ; that great-grandmother had been married to the King of Bohemia, and her youngest daughter had been married to the Elector of Hanover. George the Second's father was her son, and, when James the Second had been expelled from his throne and his country by the indignation of his peo- ple, revolted against his tyranny, and when his two daughters, who succeeded him, had died without issue, George the First, the son of the Electress of Hanover, became King of Great Britain, by the settlement of an Act of Parliament, blending together the prin- ciple of hereditary succession with that of Reformed Protestant Christianity, and the rites of the Church of England. The throne of France was occupied by virtue of the same principle of hereditai-y succession, differently modified, and blended whh the Christianity of the Church of Rome. From this line of succession all females were inflexibly excluded. Louis the Fifteenth, at the age of six years, had become the absolute sovereign of France, because he was the great-grandson of his immediate predecessor. He was of the third generation in descent from the preceding king, and, by the law of primogeniture ingrafted upon that of lineal succession, did, by the death of his ancestor, forthwith succeed, though in child- liood, to an absolute throne, in preference to numerous descendants from that same an- cestor, then in the full vigor of manhood. The first reflection that must recur to a rational being, in contemplating these two results of the principle of hereditary succession, as resorted to for designating the rulers of nations, is, that two persons more unfit to occupy the thi'ones of Britain and of France, at the time of their respective accessions, could scarcely have been found upon the face of the globe — George tlie Second, a foreigner, the son and grandson of foreigners, born beyond the seas, educated in uncongenial manners, ignorant of the constitution, of the laws, even of the language of the people over whom he was to rule ; and Louis the Fif- teenth, an infant, incapable of discerning his right hand from his left. Yet, strange as it may sotuid to the ear of unsophisticated reason, the British Nation were wedded to the belief that this act of settlement, fixing their crown upon the heads of this succession of total strangers, was the brightest and most glorious exemplification of their national freedom ; and not less strange, if aught in the imperfection of human reason could seem strange, was that deep conviction of the French People, at the same period, that their chief glory and happiness consisted in the vehemence of their afl'ection for their king, because he was descended in an unbroken male line of genealogy from Saint Louis. One of the fruits of this line of hereditary succession, modified by sectarian principles of religion, was to make the peace and war, the happiness or misery of the people of the British Empire, dependant upon the fortunes of the Electorate of Hanover — the personal domain of their imported king. This was a result calamitous alike to the people of Hanover, of Britain, and of France ; fbr it was one of the two causes of that dreadflil war then waging between them ; and as the cause, so was this a principal theatre of that disastrous war. It was at Minden, in the heart of the Electorate of Hanover, that the father of Lafayette fell, and left him an orphan, a victim to that war, and to the principle of hereditaiy succession from which it emanated. Thus then, it was on the 6th of September, 1757, the day when Lafayette was born. The kings of France and Great Britain were seated upon their tlirones by virtue of the principle of hereditary succession, variously modified and blended with difterent forms of religious faith, and they were waging war against each other, and exhausting the blood and treasure of their people for causes in which neither of the nations had any beneficial or lawful interest. In this war the father of Lafayette fell in the cause of his king, but not of his country. He was an officer of an invading army, the instrument of his sovereign's wanton ambi- tion and lust of conquest. The people of the Electorate of Hanover had done no wrong to him or to his country. When his son came to an age capable of understanding the irreparable loss that he had suffered, and to reflect upon the causes of his father's fate, there was no drop of consolation mingled in the cup, from the consideration that he had died fbr his country. And when the youthful mind was awakened to meditation upon the rights of mankind, the principles of freedom, and theories of government, it cannot be difficult to perceive, in the illustrations of his own family records, the source of that aversion to hereditary rule, perhaps the most distinguishing feature of his political opinions, and to which he adhered through all the vicissitudes of his life. In the same war, and at the same time, George Washington was armed, a loyal sub- ject, in support of his king ; but to him that was also the cause of his country. His commission was not in the army of George the Second, but issued under the authority of the Colony of Virginia, the province in which he received his birth. On the borders of that province, the war in its most horrid forms was waged — not a war of mercy and of courtesy, like that of the civilized embattled legions of Europe ; but war to the knife — the war of Indian savages, terrible to man, but more terrible to the tender sex, and most terrible to helpless infancy. In defence of his country against the ravages of such a war, Washington, in the dawn of manhood, had drawn his sword, as if Providence, with deliberate purpose, had sanctified for him the practice of war, all-detestable and unhallowed as it is, that he might, in a cause, virtuous and exalted by its motive and its end, be trained and fitted in a congenial school to march in aftertimes the leader of heroes in the war of his country's Independence. At the time of the birth of Lafayette, this war, which was to make him a fatherless child, and in which Washington was laying broad and deep, in the defence and protec- tion of his native land, the foundations of his unrivalled renown, was but in its early stage. It was to continue five years longer, and was to close with the total extinguish, ment of the colonial dominion of France on the continent of North America. The deep humiliation of France, and the triumphant ascendancy on this continent of her rival, were the first results of this great national conllict. The complete expulsion of France from North America seemed, to the superficial vision of men, to fix the British power over these extensive regions on foundations immoveable as the everlasting hills. Let us pass in imagination a period of only twenty years, and alight upon the borders of the river Brandywine. Washington is Commander-in-chief of the armies of the United States of America — war is again raging in the heart of his native land — hostile armies of one and the same name, blood, and language, are arrayed for battle on tho banks of the stream ; and Philadelphia, where the United States are in Congress as- sembled, and whence their Decree of Independence has gone forth, is the destined prize to the conflict of the day. Who is that tall slender youth, of foreign air and aspect, scarcely emerged from the years of boyhood, and fiesh from the walls of a college ; fighting, a volunteer, at the side of Washington, bleeding, unconsciously to himself, and rallying his men to secure the retreat of the scattered American ranks ? It is Gilbert MoTiER DE Lafayette — the son of the victim of Minden ; and he is bleeding in the cause of North American Independence and of freedom. We pause one moment to inquire what was this cause of North American Indepen- dence, and what were the motives and inducements to the youthful stranger to devote himself, his life, and fortune, to it. The people of the British Colonies in North America, after a controversy of ten years' duration with their sovereign beyond the seas, upon an attempt by him and his parlia- ment to tax them wiiiiout their consent, had been constrained by necessity to declare themselves independent — to dissolve the tie of their allegiance to him — to renounce their right to his protection, and to asstune their station among the independent civilized nations of the earth. This had been done with a deliberation and solemnity unexampled in the history of the world — done in the midst of a civil war, differing in character from any of those which for conturies before had desolated Europe. Tlie war had arisen upon a question between tlie rights of the people and the powers of their government. The discussions, in the progress of the controversy, had opened to the contemplations of men the first foundations of civil society and of government. The war of Independence began by litigation upon a petty stamp on paper, and a tax of three pence a pound upon tea; but these broke up the fountains of the great deep, and the deluge ensued. Had the British Parliament the right to tax the people of the colonies in another hemisphere, not represented in the Imperial Legislature? They affirmed they had : tlie people of the colonies insisted they had not. There were ten years of pleading before they came to an issue ; and all the legitimate sources of power, and all the primitive elements of freedom, were scrutinized, debated, analyzed, and elucidated, before the lighting of the toi'ch of Ate, and her cry of havoc upon letting slip the dogs of war. When the day of conflict came, the issue of the contest was necessarily changed. The people of the colonies had maintained the contest on the principle of resisting the invasion of chartered rights — first by argument and remonstrance, and finally by appeal to the sword. But with the war came the necessary exercise of sovereign powers. The Declaration of Independence justified itself as the only possible remedy for insuffer- able wrongs. It seated itself upon the first foundations of the law of nature, and the incontestable doctrine of human rights. There was no longer any question of the con- stitutional powers of the British Parliament, or of violated colonial charters. Thence- forward the American Nation supported its existence by war ; and the British Nation, by war, was contending for conquest. As, between the two parties, the single question at issue was Independence — but in the confederate existence of the North American Union, Liberty — not only their own liberty, but the vital principle of liberty to the whole race of civilized man, was involved. It was at this stage of the conflict, and immediately after the Declaration of Indepen- dence, that it drew the attention, and called into action the moral sensibihties and the intellectual faculties of Lafayette, then in the nineteenth year of his age. The war was revolutionary. It began by the dissolution of the British Government in the colonies ; the people of which were, by that operation, left without any govern, ment whatever. They were then at one and the same time maintaining their indepen- dent national existence by war, and forming new social compacts for their own govern- mcat thenceforward. The construction of civil society ; the extent and the limitations of organized power ; the establishment of a system of government combining the greatest enlargement of individual liberty with the most perfect preservation of public order, were the continual occupations of every mind. The consequences of this state of things to the history of mankind, and especially of Europe, were foreseen by none. Europe saw nothing but the war ; a people struggling for liberty, and against oppression ; and the people in every part of Europe sympathized with the people of the American Colonies. With their governments it was not so. The people of the American Colonies were insurgents ; all governments abhor insurrection ; they were revolted colonists. The great maritime powers of Europe had colonies of their own, to which the example of resistance against oppression might be contagious. The American Colonies were stig. matized in all the official acts of the British Government as rebels ; and rebellion to the governing part of mankind is as the sin of witchcraft. The governments of Europe, therefore were, at heart, on the side of the British Government in this war, and the people of Europe were on the side of the American people. Lafayette, by his position and condition in life, was one of those who, governed by the ordinary impulses which influence and control the conduct of men, would have sided in sentiment with the British or Royal cause. Lafayette was born a subject of the most absolute and most splendid monarchy of Europe, and in the highest rank of her proud and chivalrous nobility. He had been edu- cated at a colleo-e of the University of Paris, founded by the royal munificence of Louis the Fourteenth, or of his minister. Cardinal Richelieu. Left an orphan in early child- hood, with the inheritance of a princely fortune, he had been married, at sixteen years of age, to a daughter of the house of Noailles, the most distinguished family of the king, dom, scarcely deemed in public consideration inferior to that which wore the crown. He came into active life, at the change from boy to man, a husband and a father, in the full enjoyment of every thing that avarice could covet, with a certain prospect before him of all that ambition could crave. Happy in his domestic affections, incapable, from the benignity of his nature, of envy, hatred, or revenge, a life of " ignoble ease and indo- lent repose" seemed to be that which nature and fortune had combined to prepare before him. To men of ordinary mould this condition would have led to a life of luxurious apathy and sensual indulgence. Such was the life into which, from the operation of the same causes, Louis the Fifteenth had sunk, with his household and court, while Lafay- ette was rising to manhood, surrounded by the contamination of their example. Had his natural endowments been even of the higher and nobler order of such as adhere to virtue, even in the lap of prosperity, and in the bosom of temptation, he might have lived and died a pattern of the nobility of France, to be classed, in aftertimes, with the Turennes and the Montausiers of the age of Louis the Fourteenth, or with the Villars or the Lamoignons of the age immediately preceding his own. But as, in the firmament of heaven that rolls over our heads, there is, among the stars of the first magnitude, one so pre-eminent in splendor, as, in the opinion of astronomers, to constitute a class by itself; so, in the fourteen hundred years of the French Monarchy, among the multitudes of great and mighty men which it has evolved, the name of La- fayette stands unrivalled in the solitude of glory. In entering upon the threshold of life, a career was to open before him. He had the option of the court and the camp. An office was tendered to him in the household of the king's brother, the Count de Provence, since successively a royal exile and a re- instated king. The servitude and inaction of a court had no charms for him ; he pre- ferred a commission in the army, and, at the time of the Declaration of Independence, was a captain of dragoons in garrison at Metz. There, at an entertainment given by his relative, the Marechal de Broglie, the com- mandant of the place, to the Duke of Gloucester, brother to the British King, and then a transient traveller through that part of France, he learns, as an incident of intelli- gence received that morning by the English Prince from London, that the Congress of Rebels, at Philadelphia, had issued a Declaration of Independence. A conversation en- sues upon the causes which have contributed to produce this event, and upon the conse- quences which may be expected to flow from it. The imagination of Lafayette has caught across the Atlantic tide the spark emitted from the Declaration of Independence ; his heart has kindled at the shock, and, before he slumbers upon his pillow, he has resolved to devote his life and fortune to the cause. You have before you the cause and the man. The self-devotion of Lafayette was twofold. First, to the people, maintaining a bold and seemingly desperate struggle against oppression, and for national existence. Secondly, and chiefly, to the principles of their Declaration, which then first unfurled before his eyes the consecrated standard of human rights. To that standard, without an instant of hesitation, he repaired. Where it would lead him, it is scarcely probable that he himself then foresaw. It was then identical with the stars and stripes of the American Union, floating to the breeze from the Hall of Independence, at Philadelphia. Nor sordid avarice, nor vulgar ambition, could point his footsteps to the pathway leading to that banner. To the love of ease or pleasure nothing could be more repulsive. Something may be allowed to the beatings of the youthful breast, which make ambition virtue, and something to the spirit of military ad- venture, imbibed from his profession, and which he felt in common with many others. France, Germany, Poland, furnished to the armies of this Union, in our revolutionary 8 struggle, no inconsiderable number of officers of high rank and distinguished merit. The names of Pulaski and De Kalb are numbered among the martyrs of our freedom, and their ashes repose in our soil side by side with the canonized bones of Warren' and of Montgomery. To the virtues of Lafayette, a more protracted career and happier earthly destinies were reserved. To the moral principle of political action, the sacri- fices of no other man were comparable to his. Youth, health, fortune ; the favor of his king ; the enjoyment of ease and pleasure ; even the choicest blessings of domestic fe- licity — he gave them all for toil and danger in a distant land, and an almost hopeless cause ; but it was the cause of justice, and of the rights of human kind. The resolve is firmly fixed, and it now remains to be carried into execution. On the 7th of December, 1776, Silas Deane, then a secret agent of the American Congress at Paris, stipulates with the Marquis de Lafayette that he shall receive a commission, to date from that day, of Major-General in the Army of the United States ; and the Mar- quis stipulates, in return, to depart when and how Mr. Deane shall judge proper, to serve the United States with all possible zeal, without pay or emolument, reserving to himself only the liberty of returning to Europe if his family or his king should recall him. Neither his family nor his king were willing that he should depart ; nor had Mr. Deane the power, either to conclude this contract, or to furnish the means of his conveyance to America. Difficulties rise up before him only to be dispersed, and obstacles thicken only to be surmounted. The day after the signature of the contract, Mr. Deane's agency was superseded by the arrival of Doctor Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee as his col- leagues in commission ; nor did they think themselves authorized to confirm his engage- ments. Lafayette is not to be discouraged. The commissioners extenuate nothing of the unpromising condition of their cause. Mr. Deane avows his inability to furnish him with a passage to the United States. " The more desperate the cause," says Lafayette, "the greater need has it of my services; and, if Mr. Deane has no vessel for my pas- sage, I shall purchase one myself, and will traverse the ocean with a selected company of my own." Other impediments arise. His design becomes known to the British Ambassador at the Court of Versailles, who remonstrates to the French Government against it. At his instance, orders are issued for the detention of the vessel purchased by the Marquis, and fitted out at Bordeaux, and for the arrest of his person. To elude the first of these orders, the vessel is removed from Bordeaux to the neighboring port of Passage, within the dominion of Spain. The order for his own arrest is executed ; but, by stratagem and disguise, he escapes from the custody of those who have him in charge, and, before a second order can reach him, he is safe on the ocean wave, bound to the land of Inde- pendence and of freedom. It had been necessary to clear out the vessel for an island of the West Indies ; but, once at sea, he avails himself of his right as owner of the ship, and compels his captain to steer for the shores of emancipated North America. He lands, with his companions, on the 25th of April, 1777, in South Carolina, not far from Charleston, and finds a most cordial reception and hospitable welcome in the house of Major Huger. Every detail of this adventurous expedition, full of incidents, combining with the sim- plicity of historical truth all the interest of romance, is so well known, and so familiar to the memory of all who hear me, that I pass them over without further notice. From Charleston he proceeded to Philadelphia, where the Congress of the Revolution were in session, and where he offered his services in the cause. Here, again, he was met with difficulties, which, to men of ordinary minds, would have been insurmountable. Mr. Deane's contracts were so numerous, and for offices of rank so high, that it was im- possible they should be ratified by the Congress. He had stipulated for the appointment of other Major-Generals ; and, in the same contract with that of Lafayette, for eleven other officers, from the rank of Colonel to that of Lieutenant. To introduce these offi- cers, strangers, scarcely one of whom could speak the language of the country, into the American army, to take rank and precedence over the native citizens whose ardent pa- triotism had pointed them to the standard of their country, could not, without great in- justice, nor without exciting the most fatal dissensions, have been done ; and this answer was necessarily given aa well to Lafayette as to the other officers who had accompanied 9 him from Europe. His rcpJy was an offer to serve as a volunteer, and without pa). Magnanimity, thus disinterested, could not be resisted, nor could the sense of it be wor- thily manifested by a mere acceptance of the otfer. On the 31st of July, 1777, there- fore, the following resolution and preamble are recorded upon tiie journals of congress. " Whereas, the Marquis de Lafayette, out of his great zeal to tlie cause of liberty, in which the United Stales are engaged, has left his family and coimexions, and, at his own expense, come over to offer his service to the United Slates, without pension, or particular allowance, and is anxious to risk his life in our cause : " Resolved, That his service be accepted, and that, in consideration of his zeal, illus- trious family, and connexions, he have the rank and covimission of Major-General in the army of the United States." He had the rank and commission, but no command as a Major-General. With this, all personal ambition was gratified ; and whatever services he might perform, he could attain no higher rank in the American army. The discontents of officers already in the service, at being superseded in Command by a stripling foreigner, were disarmed ; nor was the prudence of congress, perhaps, v/ithout its influence in withholding a command, wiiich, but for a judgment premature " beyond the slow advance of years," might have liazarded something of the sacred cause itself, by confidence too hastily bestowed. The day after the date of his commission, he was introduced to Washington, Com- mander-in-chief of the armies of the Confederation. It was the critical period of the campaign of 1777. The British army, commanded by Lord Howe, was advancing from the head of Elk, to which they had been transported by sea from New-York, upon Philadelphia. Washington, by a counteracting movement, had been approaching from his line of defence, in the Jerseys, towards the city, and arrived there on the 1st of August. It was a meeting of congenial souls. At the close of it, Washington gave the youthful stranger an invitation to make the head-quarters of the Commander-in-chief his home : that he should establish himself there at his own time, and consider himself at all times as one of his family. It was natural that, in giving this invitation, he should remark the contrast of the situation in which it would place him, with that of ease, and comfort, and luxurious enjoyment, which he had left, at the splendid court of Louis the Sixteenth, and of his beautiful and accomplished, but ill-fated queen, then at the very summit of all which constitutes the common estimate of felicity. How deep and solemn was this contrast ! No native American had undergone the trial of the same alternative. None of them, save Lafayette, had brought the same tribute, of his life, his fortune, and his honor, to a cause of a country foreign to his own. To Lafayette the soil of freedom was his country. His post of honor was the post of danger. His fireside was the field of battle. He accepted with joy the invitation of Washington, and repaired forthwith to the camp. The bond of indissoluble friendship — the friendship of heroes, was sealed from the first hour of their meeting, to last through their Uves, and to live in the memory of mankind for ever. It was, perhaps, at the suggestion of the American Commissioners in France, that this invitation was given by Washington. In a letter from them, of the 25th of May, 1777, to the Committee of Foreign Affairs, they announce that the Marquis had departed for the United States in a ship of his own, accompanied by some officers of distinction, in Older to serve in our armies. They observe that he is exceedingly beloved, and that every body's good wishes attend him. They cannot but hope that he will meet with such a reception as will make the country and his expedition agreeable to him. They further say that those who censure it as imprudent in him, do nevertheless applaud his spirit ; and they are satisfied that civilities and respect shown to him will be serviceable to our cause in France, as pleasing not only to his powerful relations and to the court, but to the whole French nation. They finally add, that he had left a beautiful young wife, and for her sake, particularly, they hoped that his bravery and ardent desire to distinguish himself would be a little restrained by the General's (Washington's) prudence, so as not to permit his being hazarded much, but upon some important occasion. The hea!d-quarters of Washington, serving as a volur\teer, with the rank and com- mission of a Major-General without command, was precisely the station adapted to the development of his character, to his own honor, and that of the army, and to the prudent 2 10 management of the country's cause. To him it wag at once a severe school of experi- ence, and a rigorous test of merit. But it was not the place to restrain him from exposure to danger. The time at which he joined the camp was one of pre-eminent peril. The British Government, and the Commander-in-chief of the British forces, had imagined that the possession of Philadelphia, combined with that of the line along the Hudson river, from the Canadian frontier to the city of New-York, would be fatal to the American cause. By the capture of Burgoyne and his army, that portion of the project sustained a total defeat. The final issue of the war was indeed sealed witli the capitulation of the 17th of October, 1777, at Saratoga — sealed, not with the subjugation, but with the inde- pendence of the North American Union. In the southern, campaign the British commander was more successful. The fall of Philadelphia was the result of the battle of Brandywine, on the 1 1th of September. This was the first action in which Lafayette was engaged, and the first lesson of his practical militaiy school was a lesson of misfortune. In the attempt to rally the American troops in their retreat, he received a musket-ball in the leg. He was scarcely conscious of the wound till made sensible of it by the loss of blood, and even then ceased not his exertions in the field till he had secured and covered the retreat. This casualty confined him for some time to his bed at Philadelphia, and afterwards detained him some days at Bethlehem ; but within six weeks he rejoined the head- quarters of Washington, near Whitemarsh. He soon became anxious to obtain a com- mand equal to his rank, and in the short space of time that he had been with the com- mander-in-chief, had so thoroughly obtained his confidence as to secure an earnest solicitation from him to congress in his favor. In a letter to congress of the 1st No- vember, 1777, he says : " The Marquis de Lafayette is extremely solicitous of having a command equal to his rank. I do not know in what light congress will view the mat- ter, but it appears to me, from a consideration of his illustrious and important connexions, the attachment which he has manifested for our cause, and the consequences which his return in disgust might produce, that it will be advisable to gratify him in his wislies ; and the more so, as several gentlemen from France, who came over under some assurances, have gone back disappointed in their expectations. His conduct with respect to them stands in a favorable point of view ; having interested himself to remove their uneasiness, and urged the impropriety of their making any unfavorable representations upon their arrival at home ; and in all his letters he has placed our affairs in the best situation he could. Besides, he is sensible, discreet in his manners ; has made great proficiency in our language ; and, from tlie disposition he discovered at the battle of Brandywine, pos- sesses a large share of bravery and military ardor." Perhaps one of the highest encomiums ever pronounced of a man in public life, is that of an historian eminent for his profound acquaintance with mankind, who, in painting a great character by a single line, says that he was just equal to all the duties of the highest oflnices which he attained, and never above them. There are in some men quali- ties which dazzle and consume to httle or no valuable purpose. They seldom belong to the great benefactors of mankind. They were not the qualities of Washington or Lafayette. The testimonial offered by the American commander to his young friend, after a probation of several months, and after the severe test of the disastrous day of Brandywine, was precisely adapted to the man in whose favor it was given, and to the object which it was to accomplish. What earnestness of purpose! what sincerity of conviction ! what energetic simplicity of expression ! what thorough delineation of cha- racter ! The merits of Lafayette, to the eye of Washington, are the candor and gene- rosity of his disposition — the indefatigable industry of application which, in the course of a few months, has already given him the mastery of a foreign language — good sense — discretion of manners, an attribute not only unusual in early years, but doubly rare in alliance with that enthusiasm so signally marked by his self-devotion to the American cause ; and, to crown all the rest, the bravery and military ardor so brilliantly mani- fested at the Brandywine. Here is no random praise ; no unmeaning panegyric. The cluster of qualities, all plain and simple, but so seldom found in union together, so gene- rally incompatible with one another, these are the properties eminently trustworthy, in the judgment of Washington ; and these are the properties which his discernment has I 11 found in Lafayette, and which urge him thus earnestly to advise the gratification of hi3 wish by the assignment of a command equal to the rank which had been granted to his zeal and his illustrious name. The recommendation of Washington had its immediate effect ; and on the 1st of De- cember, 1777, it was resolved by congress that he should be informed it was highly agreeable to congress that the Marquis de Lafayette should be appointed to the com- mand of a division in the Continental Army. He received accordingly such an appointment ; and a plan was organized in congress for a second invasion of Canada, at the head of which he was placed. This expedition, originally projected without consultation with the commander-in-chief, might be con- nected with the temporary dissatisfaction, in the community and in congress, at the ill- success of his endeavors to defend Philadelphia, which rival and unfriendly partisans were too ready to compare with the splendid termination, by the capture of Burgoync and his army, of t!ie northern campaign, under the command of General Gates. To foreclose all suspicion of participation in these views, Lafayette proceeded to the seat of congress, and, accepting the important charge which it was proposed to assign to him, obtained at his particular request that he should be considered as an officer detached from the army of Washington, and to remain under his orders. He then repaired in j)erson to Albany, to take command of the troops who were to assemble at that place, in order to cross the lakes on the ice, and attack Montreal ; but on arri\ ing at Albany he found none of the promised preparations in readiness — they were never effected. Con- gress some time after relinquished the design, and the Marquis was ordered to rejoin the army of Washington. In the succeeding month of May, his military talent was displayed by the masterly retreat effected in the presence of an overwhelming superiority of the enemy's force from the position at Barren Hill. He was soon after distinguished at the battle of Monmouth ; and in September, 1778, a resolution of congress declared their high sense of his services, not only in the field, but in his exertions to conciliate and heal dissensions between the officers of the French fleet under the command of Count d'Estaing and some of the native officers of our army. These dissensions had arisen in the first moments of co-operation in the service, and had threatened pernicious consequences. In the month of April, 1776, the combined wisdom of the Count de Vergennes and of Mr. Turgot, the Prime Minister, and the Financier of Louis the Sixteenth, had brought him to the conclusion that the event most desirable to France, with regard to the con- troversy between Great Britain and her American Colonies, was that the insurrection should be suppressed. This judgment, evincing only the total absence of all moral con- siderations, in the estimate, by these eminent statesmen, of what was desirable to France, had undergone a great change by the close of the year 1777. The Declaration of Independence had changed the question between the parties. The popular feeling of France was all on the side of the Americans. The daring and romantic movement of Lafayette, in defiance of the government itself, then highly favored by public opinion, was followed by universal admiration. The spontaneous spirit of the people gradually spread itself even over the rank corruption of the court ; a suspicious and deceptive neutrality succeeded to an ostensible exclusion of the Insurgents from the ports of France, till the capitulation of Burgoyne satisfied the casuists of international law at Versailles, that the suppression of the insurrection was no longer the most desirable of events; but that the United States were, de facto, sovereign and independen' and that France might conclude a Treaty of Commerce with them, without giv ing just cause of offence to the stepmother country. On the 6th of February, 177S, a Treaty of Commerce between France and the United States was concluded, and with it, on the same day, a Treaty of eventual Defensive Alliance, to take effect only in the event of Great Britain's resenting, by war against France, the consummation of the Commercial Treaty. The war immediately ensued, and in the summer of 1778 a French fleet, under the command of Count d'Estaing, was sent to co-operate with the forces of the United States for the maintenance of their Independence. By these events the position of the Marquis de Lafayette was essentially changed. It 13 became necessary for him to reinstate himself in the good graces of his sovereign, ofiended at his absenting himself from his country without permission, but gratified with the distinction \\hich he had acquired by gallant deeds in a service now become that of France herself. At the close of the campaign of 1778, with the approbation of his friend and patron, the commander-in-chief, he addressed a letter to the President of Con- gress, representing his then present circumstances with the confidence of affection and gratitude, observing that the sentiments which bound him to his country could never be more properly spoken of than in the presence of men who had done so much for their own. " As long," continued he, " as I thought I could dispose of myself, I made it my pride and pleas-are to fight under American colors, in defence of a cause which I dare more particularly call ours, because I had the good fortune of bleeding for her. Now, Sir, that France is involved in a war, I am urged, by a sense of my duty, as well as by the love of my country, to present myself before the king, and know in what manner he judges proper to employ my services. The most agreeable of all will always be such as may enable me to serve the common cause among those whose friendship I had the happiness to obtain, and whose fortune I had the honor to follow in less smiling times. That reason, and others, which I leave to the feelings of congress, engage me to beg from them the liberty of going home for the next winter. " As long as there were any hopes of an active campaign, I did not think of leaving the field ; now that I see a very peaceable and undisturbed moment, I take this oppor- tunity of waiting on congress." In the remainder of the letter he solicited that, in the event of his request being granted, he might be considered as a soldier on furlough, heartily wishing to regain his colors and his esteemed and beloved fellow-soldiers. And he closes with a tender of any services which he might be enabled to render to the American cause in his own country. On the receipt of this letter, accompanied by one from General Washington, recom. mending to congress, in terms most honorable to the Marquis, a compliance with his request, that body immediately passed resolutions granting him an unlimited leave of absence, with permission to return to the United States at his own most convenient time ; that the President of Congress should write him a letter returning him the thanks of congress for that disinterested zeal which had led him to America, and for the services he had rendered to the United States by the exertion of his courage and abilities on many signal occasions ; and that the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at the Court of Versailles should be directed to cause an elegant sword, with proper devices, to be made, and presented to him in the name of the United States. These resohilions were communicated to him in a letter expressive of the sensibility congenial to them, from the President of Congress, Henry Laurens. He embarked in January, 1779, in the frigate Alliance, at Boston, and, on the suc- ceeding 12th day of February, presented himself at Versailles. Twelve months had already elapsed since the conclusion of the treaties of commerce and of eventual alliance between France and the United States. They had, during the greater part of (hat time, been deeply engaged in war with a common cause against Great Britain, and it was the cause in which Latayette had been shedding his blood ; yet, instead of receiving him with open arms, as the pride and ornament of his country, a cold and hollow-hearted order was issued to him not to present himself at court, but to consider himself under arrest, with permission to receive visits only from his relations. This ostensible mark of the royal displeasure was to last eight days, and Lafayette manifested his sense of it only by a letter to the Count de Vergennes, inquiring whether the interdiction upon him to receive visits Avas to be considered as extending to that of Doctor Franklin. The sentiment of universal admiration which had followed him at his first departure, greatly increased by his splendid career of service during the two years of his absence, indem- nified him for the indignity of the courtly rebuke. He remained in France through the year 1779, and returned to the scene of action early in the ensuing year. He continued in the French service, and was appointed to command the king's own regiment of dragoons, stationed during the year in various parts of the kingdom, and holding an incessant correspondence with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of War, urging the employment of a land and naval force in aid of th« 13 American cause. "The Marquis de Lafayette," 8a.ys Doctor Franklin, in a letter of the 4th of March, 1780, to the President of Congress, " who during his residence in France, has been extremely zealous in supporting our cause on all occasions, returns again to tight for it. He is infinitely esteemed and beloved here, and I am persuaded will do every thing in his power to merit a continuance of the same affection from America." Immediately after his arrival in the United States, it was, on the 16th of May, 1780, resolved in congress, that they considered his return to America to resume his command, as a fresh proof of the disinterested zeal and persevering attachment which have justly recommended him to the public confidence and applause, and that they received with pleasure a tender of the further services of so gallant and meritorious an officer. From this time until the termination of the campaign of 1781, by the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and his army at Yorktown, his service was of incessant activity, al- ways signalized by military talents unsurpassed, and by a spirit never to be subdued. At the time of the treason of Arnold, Lafayette was accompanying his commander-in- chief to an important conference and consultation with the French general, Rocham- beau ; and then, as in every stage of the war, it seemed as if the ])osition which he oc- cupied, his personal character, his individual relations with Washington, with the officers of both the allied armies, and with the armies themselves, had been specially ordered to promote and secure that harmony and mutual good understanding indispensable to the ultimate success of the common cause. His position, too, as a foreigner by birth, a Eu- ropean, a volunteer in the American service, and a person of high rank in his native country, pointed him out as peculiarly suited to the painful duty of deciding upon the character of the crime, and upon the fate of the British officer, the accomplice and vie- tim of the detested traitor, Arnold. In the early part of the campaign of 1781, when Cornwallis, with an overwhelming force, was spreading ruin and devastation over the southern portion of the Union, we find Lafayette, with means altogether inadequate, charged with the defence of the ter- ritory of Virginia. Always equal to the emergencies in which circumstances placed him, his expedients for encountering and surmounting the obstacles which they cast in his way are invariably stamped with the peculiarities of his character. The troops placed under his command fjr the defence of Virginia, were chiefly taken from the eastern regiments, unseasoned to the climate of the south, and prejudiced against it as unfavorable to the health of the natives of the more rigorous regions of the north. Desertions became frequent, till they threatened the very.dissolution of the corps. In- stead of resorting to military execution to retain his men, he appeals to the sympathies of honor. He states, in general orders, the great danger and difficulty of the enterprise upon which he is about to embark ; represents the only possibility by which it can pro- mise success, the faithful adherence of the soldiers to their chief, and his confidence that they will not abandon him. He then adds, that if, however, any individual of the de- tachment was unwilling to follow him, a passport to reliirn to his l;ome should be furthwith granted him upon his application. It is to a cause like that of American Independence that resources like this are congenial. After these general orders, nothing more was heard of desertion. The very cripples of the army preferred paying for their own trans- portation, to follow the corps, rather than to ask for the dismission which had been made so easily accessil)le to all. But how shall the deficiencies of the military chest be supplied ? The want of money was heavily pressing upon the service in every direction. Where are the sinews of war ? How are the troops to march without shoes, linen, clothing of all descriptions, and other necessaries of life ? Lafayette has found them all. From the patriotic mer- chants of Baltimore he obtains, on the pledge of his own personal credit, a loan of money adequate to the purchase of the materials ; and from the fair hands of the daughters of the monumental city, even then worthy to be so called, he obtains the toil of making up the needed garments. The details of the campaign, from its unpromising outset, when Cornwallis, the British commander, exulted in anticipation that the boy could not escape him, till the storming of the twin redoubts, in emulation of gallantry by the valiant Frenchmen of Viomesnil, 14 and the American fellow-sokliers of Lafayette, led by him to victory at Yorktown, must be left to the recordhig pen of history. Both redoubts were carried at the point of the sword, and CornwalHs, witli averted face, surrendered his sword to Washington. 'i'his was tlie hist vital stnie motion to convoke the states general has been made by the Marquis de Lafayette ? " Yes, Sir ;" and the name of Lafayette was accordingly reported to the king. The assembly of notables was dissolved — De Calonne was displaced and banished, and his successor undertook to raise the needed funds, by the authority of royal edicts. The war of litigation with the parliaments recommenced, which terminated only with a posi- tive promise that the states general should be convoked. From that time a total revolution of government in France was in progress. It has been a solemn, a sublime, often a most painful, and yet, in the contemplation of great results, a refreshing and cheering contemplation. I cannot follow it in its overwhelming multitude of details, even as connected with the life and character of Lafayette. A second assembly of notables succeeded the first ; and then an assembly of the states general, first to deliberate in separate orders of clergy, nobility, and third estate ; but, finally, consti- tuting itself a national assembly, and forming a constitution of limited monarchy, with an hereditary royal executive, and a legislature in a single assembly representing the people. Lafayette was a member of the states general first assembled. Their meeting was signalized by a struggle between the several o^rders of which they were composed, which resulted in breaking them all down into one natioftal assembly. The convocation of the states general had, in one respect, operated, in the progress of the French Revolution, like the Declaraiion of Independence in that of North America, It had changed the question in controversy. It was, on the part of tlie King of France,- a concession that he had no lawful power to tax the people without their consent. The states general, therefore, met with this admission already conceded by the king. In the American conflict the British government never yielded the concession.^ They under- took to maintain their supposed right of arbitrary taxation by force ; and tlien- the people of the colonies renounced all community of government, not only with the king and parUament, but with the British nation. Tliey reconstructed the fabric of government for themselves, and held the people of Britain as foreigners — friends in peace — enemie» in war. 18 The concession by Louis the Sixteenth, implied in the convocation of the states gen. eral, was a virtual surrender of absolute power — an acknowledgment that, as exercised by himself and his predecessors, it had been usurped. It was, in substance, an abdication of his crown. There was no power which he exercised as King of France, the lawful- ness of which was not contestable on the same principle which denied him the right of taxation. When the assembly of the states general met at Versailles, in May, 1789, there was but a shadow of the royal authority left. They felt that the power of the nation was in tlieir hands, and they were not sparing in the use of it. The representa- lives of the third estates, double in numbers to those of the clergy and the nobility, con- stituted themselves a national assembly, and, as a signal for the demolition of all privileged orders, refused to deliberate in separate chambers, and thus compelled tiie representatives of the clergy and nobility to merge their separate existence in the general mass of the popular representation. Thus the edifice of society was to be reconstructed in France as it had been in America. The king made a feeble attempt to overawe the assembly, by, calling regi- ments of troops to Versailles, and surrounding with them the hall of their meeting. But there was defection in the army itself, and even the person of the king soon ceased to be at his own disposal. On the 11th of July, 1789, in the midst of the fermentation which had succeeded the fall of the monarchy, and while the assembly was surrounded by armed soldiers, Lafayette presented to them his Declaration of Rights — the first declaration of human rights ever proclaimed in Europe. It was adopted, and became the basis of that which the assembly promulgated with their constitution. It was in this hemisphere, and in our own country, that all its principles had been imbibed. At the very moment when the Declaration was presented, the convulsive struggle between the expiring monarchy and the new-born but portentous anarchy of the Parisian populace was taking place. Tiie royal palace and the hall of the assembly were surrounded with troops, and insurrection was kindling at Paris. In the midst of the popular commotion, a deputation of sixty members, with Lafayette at their head, was sent from the assembly to tranquillize the people of Paris, and that incident was the occasion of the institution of the National Guard throughout tiie realm, and of the appoint- ment, with the approbation of the king, of Lafayette as their general commander-in-chief. This event, without vacating his seat in the national assembly, connected him at once with the military and the popular movemeut of the revolution. The National Guard was the armed militia of the whole kingdom, embodied for the preservation of order, and the protection of persons and property, as well as for the establishment of the liberties of the people. In his double capacity of commander-general of this force, and of a representa- tive in the constituent assembly, his career, for a period of more than three years, was beset with the most imminent dangers, and with difficulties beyond all human power to surmount. The ancient monarchy of France had crumbled into ruins. A national assembly, formed by an irregular representation of clergy, nobles, and third estate, after melting at the fire of a revolution into one body, had transformed itself into a constituent assembly representing the people, had assumed the exercise of all the powers of government, extorted from the hands of the king, and undertaken to form a constitution for the French nation, founded at once upon the theory of human rights, and upon the preservation of a royal hereditary crown upon the head of Louis the Sixteenth. Lafayette sincerely believed that such a system would not be absolutely incompatible with the nature of things. An hereditary monarchy, surrounded by popular institutions, presented itself to his imagination as a practicable form of government ; nor is it certain that even to his last days he ever abandoned this persuasion. The element of hereditary monarchy in this constitution was indeed not congenial to it. The prototype from which the whole fabric had been drawn, had no such element in its composition. A feeling of generosity, of compassion, of commiseration with the unfortunate prince then upon tlie throne, who had been his sovereign, and for his ill-fated family, mingled itself, perhaps unconsciously to himself, with his well-reasoned faith in the abstract principles of a republican creed. The total abolition of the monarchical feature undoubtedly belonged to his theory, but the family of Bourbon had still a strong hold on the afliections of the French people ; history had not made up a record favorable to the establishment of elective kings — a strong executive head was absolutely necessary to curb the impetuosities of the people of France ; and the same doctrine which played upon the fancy, and crept upon the kind-hearted benevolence of Lafayette, was adopted by a large majority of the national assembly, sanctioned by the suflrages of its most intelligent, virtuous, and patriotic members, and was finally embodied in that royal democracy the result of their labors, sent forth to the world, under the guaranty of numberless oaths, as the Constitution of France for all aftertime. But, during the same period, after the first meeting of the states general, and while they were in actual conflict with the expiring energies of the crown, and with the exclu- sive privileges of the clergy and nobility, anoiher portentous power had arisen, and entered with terrific activity into the controversies of the lime. This was the power ot popular insurrection, organized by voluntary associations of clubs, and impelled to action by the municipal authorities of the city of Paris. The first movements of the people in the state of insurrection took place on the 12th of July, 1789, and issued in the destruction of the Bastile, and in the murder of its governor, and of several other persons, hung up at lamp-posts, or torn to pieces by the li'enzied multitude, without form of trial, and without shadow of guilt. The Bastile had long been odious as the place of confinement of persons arrested by arbitrary orders for offences against the government, and its destruction was hailed by most of the friends of liberty throughout the world as an act of patriotism and magna- nimity on the part of the people. The brutal ferocity of the murders was overlooked or palliated in the glory of the achievement of razing to its foundations the execrated citadel of despotism. But, as the summary justice of insurrection can manifest itself only by destruction, the example once set became a precedent tor a series of years for scenes so atrocious, and for butcheries so merciless and horrible, that memory revolts at the task of recalling them to the mind. It would be impossible, within the compass of this discourse, to follow the details of the French^evolution to the final dethronement of Louis the Sixteenth, and the extinc- tion of the constitutional monarchy of France, on the 10th of August, 1792. During that period, the two distinct powers were in continual operation — sometimes in concert with each other, sometimes at irreconcilable opposition. Of these powers, one was the people of France, represented by the Parisian populace in insurrection ; the other was the people of France, represented successively by the constituent assembly, which formed the constitution of 1791, and by the legislative assemblyv elected to carry it into exe- cution. The movements of the insurgent power were occasionally convulsive and cruel, with- out mitigation or mercy. Guided by secret springs ; prompted by vindictive and san- guinary ambition, directed by hands unseen to objects of individual aggrandizement, its agency fell like the thunderbolt, and swept like the whirlwind. Tlie proceedings of the assemblies were deliberative and intellectual. They began by grasping at the whole power of the monarchy, and they finished by sinking under the dictation of the Parisian populace. The constituent assembly numbered among its members many individuals of great ability, and of pure principles, but they were over- awed and domineered by that other representation of the people of France, which, through the instrumentality of the jacobin club, and the municipality of Paris, discon- certed the wisdom of the wise, and scattered to the winds the counsels of the prudent. It was impossible that, under the perturbations of such a controlling power, a consti- tution suited to the character and circumstances of the nation should be formed. Through the whole of this period, the part performed by Lafayette was without paral- lel in history. The annals of the human race exhibit no other instance of a position comparable for its unintermitted perils, its deep responsibilities, and its providential issues, with that wiiich he occupied as commander-general of the national guard, and as a lead- ing member of the constituent assembly. In the numerous insurrections of the people, he saved the lives of multitudes devoted as victims, and always at the most imminent hazard of his own. On the 5th and 6th of October, 1789, he saved the lives of Louis the Sixteenth, and of his queen. He escaped, time after time, the daggers sharpened 20 by princely conspiracy on one hand, and by popular frenzy on the other. He witnessed, too, without being able to prevent it, the butchery of Foulon before his eyes; and the reeking heart of Berthier, torn from his lifeless trunk, was held up in exulting triumph before him. On this occasion, and on another, he threw up his commission as com- mander of the national guards ; but who could have succeeded him, even with equal power to restrain these volcanic excesses? At the earnest solicitation of those who well knew that his place could never be supplied, he resumed and continued in the com- mand until the solemn proclamation of the constitution, upon which he definitely laid it down, and retired to private life upon his estate in Auvergne. As a member of the constituent assembly, it is not in the detailed organization of the government which they prepared, that his spirit and co-operation is to be traced. It is in the j)rinciples which he proposed and infused into the system. As, at the first assem- bly of notables, his voice had been raised for the abolition of arbitrary imprisonment, for the extinction of religious intolerance, and for the representation of the people, so, in the national assembly, besides the Declaration of Rights, which formed the basis of the constitution itself, he made or supported the motions for the establishment of trial by jury, for the gradual emancipation of slaves, for the freedom of the press, for the abo- lition of all tilles of nobility, and for the declaration of equality of all the citizens, and the suppression of all the privileged orders, without exception of the princes of the royal family. Thus while as a legislator he was spreading the principles of universal liberty over the whole surface of the State, as commander-in-chief of the armed force of the nation he was controlling, repressing, and mitigating, as far as it could be effected by human power, the excesses of the people. The constitution was at length proclaimed, and the constituent national assembly was dissolved. In advance of this e\eni, the sublime spectacle of the Federation was ex. hibited on the 14th of July, 1790, the first anniversary of the destruction of the Bastile. There was an ingenious and fanciful association of ideas in the selection of that day. The Bastile was a state prison, a massive structure, which had stood four hundred years, every stone o^ which was saturated with sighs and tears, and echoed the groans of four centuries of oppression. It was the very type and emblem of the despotism which had so long weighed upon France. Demolished from its summit to its foundation at the first shout of freedom from the people, what day could be more appropriate than its anniver- sary for the day of solemn consecration of the new fabric of government, founded upon the rights of i nan? I shall not describe the magnificent and melancholy pageant of that day. It has been done by abler hands, and in a style which could only be weakened and diluted by repe- tition.* The religious solemnity of the mass was performed by a prelate, then eminent among the members of the assembly and the dignitaries of the land ; still eminent, after surviving the whole circle of subsequent revolutions. No longer a father of the church, but among the most distinguished laymen and most celebrated statesmen of France, his was the voice to invoke the blessing of heaven upon this new constitution for his liberated country ; and he and Louis the Sixteenth, and Lafayette, and thirty thousand delegates from all the confederated national guards of the kingdom, in the presence of Almighty God, and of five hundred thousand of their countrymen, took the oath of fidelity to the nation, to the constitution, and all, save the monarch himself, to the king. His corre- sponding oath was, of fidelity to discharge the duties of his high oflice, and to the people. Alas ! g.nd was it all false and hollow ? had these oaths no more substance than the breath that ushered them to the winds ? It is impossible to look back upon the short and turbulent existence of this royal democracy, to mark the frequent paroxysms of popular fren?y by which it was assailed, and the catastrophe by which it perished, and to believe that the vows of all who swore to support it were sincere. But as well might the sculptor of a block of rnarble, after exhausting his genius and his art in giving it a beautiful liuman form, call God to witness that it shall perform all the functions of animal life, as the constituent assembly of France could pledge the faith of its members that their royal jdenjocracy should work as a permanent organized form of government. The Declara- ♦ In the AJdrMS to the young men of Boston, by Edward Everett. 21 don of Rights contained all the principles essential to freedom. The frame of govern- ment was radically and irreparably defective. The hereditary royal executive was itself an inconsistency Avith the Declaration of Rights. The legislative power, all concen- trated in a single assembly, was an incongniity still more glaring. These were both departures from the system of organization which Lafliyette had witnessed in the Ameri- can constitutions : neither of them was approved by Lafayette. In deference to the prevailing opinions and prejudices of the times, he acquiesced in them, and he was des- tined to incur the most imminent hazards of his life, and- to make the sacrifice of all that gives value to lile itself, in faithful adherence to that constitution which he had sworn to support. Shortly after his resignation, as commander-general of the national guards, the friends of liberty and order presented him as a candidate for election as mayor of Paris ; but he had a competitor in the person of Pethion, more suited to the party, pursuing with inexorable rancor the abolition of the monarchy and the destruction of tlie king ; and, what may seem scarcely credible, the remnant of the party which still adhered to the king, the king himself, and above all, the queen, favored the election of the Jacobin Pethion, in preference to that of Lafayette. They were, too fatally for themselves, successful. From the first meeting of the legislative assembly, under the constitution of 1791, the destruction of the king and of the monarchy, and the establishment of a republic, by means of the popular passions and of popular violence, were the deliberate purposes of its leading members. The spirit with which the revolution had been pursued, iVom the time of the destruction of the Bastile, had caused the emigration of great numbers of the nobility and clergy ; and, among them, of the two brothers of Louis the Sixteenth, and of several other princes of his blood. They had applied to all the other great monarchies of Europe for assistance to uphold or restore the crumbling monarchy of France. The French reformers themselves, in the heat of their political fanaticism, avowed, without disguise, the design to revolutionize all Europe, and had emissaries in every country, openly or secretly preaching the doctrine of insurrection against all established governments. Louis the Sixteenth, and his queen, an Austrian princess, sister to the Emperor Leopold, were in secret negotiation with the Austrian government for the rescue of the king and royal family of France from the dangers with which they were so incessantly beset. In the Electorate of Treves, a part of the Germanic Empire, the emigrants from France were assembling, with indications of a design to enter France in hostile array, to effect a counter-revolution ; and the brothers of the king, assuming a position at Coblentz, on the borders of their country, were holding councils, the olyect of which was to march in arms to Paris, to release the king from captivity, and to restore the ancient monarchy to the dominion of absolute power. The king, who even before his forced acceptance of the constitution of 1791, had made an unsuccessful attempt to escape from his palace prison, was in April, 1792, reduced to the humiliating necessity of declaring war against the very sovereigns who were arming their nations to rescue him from his revolted subjects. Three armies, each of fifty thousand men, were levied to meet the emergencies of this war, and were placed under the command of Luckner, Rochambeau, and Lafayette. As he passed through Paris to go and take the command of his army, he appeared before the legis- lative assembly, the president of which, in addressing him, said that the nation would oppose to their enemies the constitution and Lafayette. But the enemies to the constitution were within the walls. At this distance of time, when most of the men, and many of the passions of those days, have passed away, when the French Revolution, and its results, should be regarded with the searching eye of philosophical speculation, as lessons of experience to after ages, may it even now be permitted to remark how much the virtues and the crimes of men, in times of political convulsion, are modified and characterized by the circumstances in which they are placed. The gi'eat actors of the tremendous scenes of revolution of those times were men educated in schools of high civilization, and in the humane and benevolent precepts of the Christian religion. A small portion of them were vicious and depraved ; but the great majority were wound up to madness by that war of conflicting interests and ab- S3 sorbing passions, enkindled by a great convulsion of the social system. It has been said, by a great master of human nature, — " In peace, there's nothin<» so becomes a man As modest stillness and humility ; But when the blast of war blows in your ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger. Too faithfully did the people of France, and the leaders of their factions, in that war of all the political elements, obey that injunction. Who, that lived in that day, can re- member? who, since born, can read, or bear to be told, the horrors of the 20th of June, the 10th of August, the 2d and 3d of September, 1792, of the 31st of May, 1793, and of a multitude of others, during which, in dreadful succession, the murderers of one day were the victims of the next, until that, when the insurgent populace themselves were shot down by thousands, in the very streets of Paris, by the military legions of the con- vention, and the rising fortune and genius of Napoleon Bonaparte ? Who can remember, or read, or hear, of all this, without shuddering at the sight of man, his fellow-creature, in the drunkenness of political frenzy, degrading himself beneath the condition of the cannibal savage ? beneath even the condition of the wild beast of the desert ? and who, but with a feeling of deep mortification, can reflect, that the rational and immortal being, to the race of which he himself belongs, should, even in his most palmy state of intellectual cultivation, be capable of this self-transformation to brutality ? In this dissolution of all the moral elements which regulate the conduct of men in their social condition — in this monstrous, and scarcely conceivable spectacle of a king, at the head of a mighty nation, in secret league with the enemies against whom he has pro- claimed himself at war, and of a legislature conspiring to destroy the king and constitution to which they have sworn allegiance and support, Lafayette alone is seen to preserve his fidelity to the king, to the constitution, and to his country, " Unshaken, unseduced, unterrified. His loyalty he Itept, his love, his zeal." On the 16th of June, 1792, four days before the first violation of the palace of the Tuilleries by the populace of Paris, at the instigation of the jacobins, Lafayette, in a letter to the legislative assembly, had denounced the jacobin club, and called upon the assembly to suppress them. He afterwards repaired to Paris in person, presented himself at the bar of the assembly, repeated his denunciation of the club, and took measures for sup- pressing their meetings by force. He proposed also to the king himself to furnish him with means of withdrawing with his family to Compiegne, where he would have been out of the reach of that ferocious and bloodthirsty multitude. The assembly, by a great majority of votes, sustained the principles of his letter, but the king declined his proti'ered assistance to enable him to withdraw from Paris ; and of those upon whom he called to march with him, and shut up the hall where the jacobins held their meetings, not more than thirteen persons presented themselves at the appointed time. He returned to his army, and became thenceforth the special object of jacobin resent- ment and revenge. On the 8th of August, on a preliminary measure to the intended insurrection of the 10th, the question was taken, after several days of debate, upon a formal motion that he should be put in accusation and tried. The last remnant of free- dom in that assembly was then seen by the vote upon nominal appeal, or yeas and nays, in which four hundred and forty-six votes were for rejecting the charge, and only two hundred and twenty-four for sustaining it. Two days after, the Tuilleries were stormed by popular insurrection. The unfortunate king was compelled to seek refuge, with his family, in the hall of the legislative assembly, and escaped from being torn to pieces by an infuriated multitude, only to pass from his palace to the prison, in his way to the scaffold. This revolution, thus accomplished, annihilated the constitution, the government, and the cause for which Lafayette had contended. The people of France, by their acquies- cence, a great portion of them by direct approval, confirmed and sanctioned the abolition of the monarchy. The armies and their commanders took the same victorious side : not a show of resistance was made to the revolutionary torrent, not an arm was lifted to restore the fallen monarch to his throne, nor even to rescue or protect his person from ... ;jrv of his inexorable foes. Lafayette himself would have marched to Pans with 23 his army, for the defence of the constitution, but in this disposition he was not seconded by his troops. After ascertaining that the effort would be vain, and after arresting at Sedan the members of the deputation from the legislative assembly, sent, after their own subiugalion, to arrest him, he determined, as the only expedient left him to save his honor and his principles, to withdraw both from the army and the country ; to pass into a neutral territory, and thence into these United States, the country of his early adoption and his fond partiality, where he was sure of finding a safe asylum, and of meeting a cordial welcome. But his destiny had reserved him for other and severer trials. We have seen him struggling for the support of principles, against ihe violence of raging factions, and the fickleness of the multitude ; we are now to behold him in the hands of the hereditary rulers of mankind, and to witness the nature of their tender mercies to him. It Avas in the neutral territory of Liege that he, together with his companions, Latour Muubourg, Bureau de Puzy, and Alexandre Lameth, was taken by Austrians, and trans- ferred to Prussian guards. Under the circumstances of the case, he could not, by the principles of the laws of nations, be treated even as a prisoner of war. He was treated as a prisonor of state. Prisoners of state in the monarchies of Europe are always pre- sumed guilty, and are treated as if entitled as little to mercy as to justice. Lafayette was immured in dungeons, first at Wesel, then at Magdeburg, and finally at Oimutz, in ^ Muravia. By what right? By none known among men. By what authority ? That WL has never been avowed. For what cause 1 None has ever been assigned. Taken ^ by Austrian soldiers upon a neutral territory, handed over to Prussian jailers ; and, when i Frederick William of Prussia abandoned his Austrian ally, and made his separate peace !■ with republican France, he retransferred his illustrious prisoner to the Austrians, from W. Avhom he had received him, that he might be deprived of the blessing of regaining his liberty, even from the hands of peace. Five years was the duration of this imprison- ^ nient, aggravated by every indignity that could make oppression bitter. That it was H intended as imprisonment for hfe, was not only freely avowed, but significantly made ^ known to him by his jailers ; and while, with aflected precaution, the means of termi- 8 nating his sufferings by his own act were removed from him, the barbarity of ill usage, a of unwholesome food, and of a pestiferous atmosphere, was applied with inexorable ^ rigor, as if to abridge the days which, at the same time, were rendered as far as possi- . ble insupportable to himself. -J| Neither the generous sympathies of the gallant soldier. General Fitzpatrick, in the II British House of Commons, nor the personal solicitation of Washington, President of the j ;«| United States, speaking with the voice of a grateful nation, nor the persuasive accents .. of domestic and conjugal affection, imploring the monarch of Austria for the release of '* Lafayette, could avail. The unsophisticated feeling of generous nature in the hearts of men, at this outrage upon justice and humanity, was manifested in another form. Two individuals, private citizens, one of the United States of America, Francis Huger, the other a native of the Electorate of Hanover, Doctor Erick BoUmann, undertook at the imminent hazard of their lives, to supply means for his escape from prison, and their personal aid to its accomplishment. Their design was formed with great address, pur- ; - sued with untiring perseverance, and executed with undaunted intrepidity. It was frus- ^trated by accidents beyond tlie control of human sagacity. ^// To his persecutions, however, the hand of a wise and just Providence had, in its own time and in its own way, prepared a termination. The hands of the Emperor Francis, tied by mysterious and invisible bands against the indulgence of mercy to the tears of a more than heroic wife, were loosened by the more prevaihng eloquence, or rather were severed by the conquering sword of Napoleon Bonaparte, acting under instructions from the executive directory, then swaying the destinies of France. Lafayette and his fellow-sufferers were still under the sentence of proscription issued by the faction which had destroyed the constitution of 1791, and murdered the ill-fated Louis and his queen. But revolution had followed upon revolution since the downfall of the monarchy, on the 10th of August, 1792. The federative republicans of the gironde had been butchered by the jacobin repubUcans of the mountain. The mountain had been subjugated by the municipality of Paris, and the sections of Paris, by a reor- 24 ganization of parties in the national convention, and with aid from the armiee. Brissot and his federal associates, Danton and his party, Robespierre and his subaltern demons, had successively perished, each by the measure applied to themselves which they had meted out to others ; and as no experiment of political empiricism was to be omitted in the medley of the French Revolutions, the hereditary executive, with a single legislative assembly, was succeeded by a constitution with a legislature in two branches, and a five- headed executive, eligible, annually one-fifth, by their concurrent votes, and bearing the name of a directory. This was the government at whose instance Laftiyette was finally liberated from tlie dungeon of Olmutz. But, while this directory were shaking to their deepest foundations all the monarchies of Europe ; while they were stripping Austria, the most potent of them all, piecemeal of her territories ; while they were imposing upon her the most humiliating conditions of peace, and bursting open her dungeons to restore their illustrious countryman to the light of day and the blessing of personal freedom, they were themselves exploding by internal combustion, divided into two factions, each conspiring the destruction of the other. Lafayette received his freedom, only to see the two members of the directoiy, who had taken the warmest interest in ejecting his liberation, outlawed and proscribed by their colleagues : one of them, Carnot, a fugitive from his country, lurking in banish- ment to escape pursuit ; and the other, Barthelemy, deported with fifty members of the legislative assembly, without form of trial or even of legal process, to the pestilential climate of Guiana. All this was done with the approbation, expressed in the most unqualified terms, of Napoleon, and with co-operation of his army. Upon being informed of tlie success of this pride's purge, he wrote to the directory that he had with him one hundred thousand men, upon whom they might rely to cause to be respected al' the measures that they should take to establish liberty upon solid foundations. Two years afterwards another revolution directly accomplished by Napoleon himself, demolished the directory, the constitution of the two councils, and the solid liberty, to the support of which the hundred thousand men had been pledged, and introduced another constitution with Bonaparte himsejf for its executive head, as the first of three consuls, for five years. In the interval between these two revolutions, Lafayette resided for about two years, first in the Danish territory of Holstein, and afterwards at Utrecht, in the Batavian Re- public. Neither of them had been effected by means or in a manner which could pos- sibly meet his approbation. But the consular government commenced with broad pro- fessions of republican principles, on the faith of which he returned to France, and for a series of years resided in privacy and retirement upon his estate of La Grange. Here, in the cultivation of his farm, and the enjoyment of domestic felicity, embittered only by the loss in 1807, of that angel upon earth, the' partner of all the vicissitudes of his life, he employed his time, and witnessed the upward flight and downward fall of the soldier and sport of fortune. Napoleon Bonaparte. He had soon perceived the hoUowness of the consular professions of pure republican principles, and withheld liimself from all participation in the government. In 1802, he was elected a member of the general council of the department of Upper Loire, and in declining the appointment, took occa- sion to present a review of his preceding life, and a pledge of his perseverance in the principles which he had previously sustained. " Far," said he, " from the scene of public affairs, and devoting myself at last to the repose of private life, my ardent wishes are, that external peace should soon prove the fruit of those miracles of glory which are even now surpassing the prodigies of the preceding campaigns, and that internal peace should be consolidated upon the essential and invariable foundations of true liberty. Happy that twenty-three years of vicissitudes in my fortune, and of constancy to my principles, authorize me to repeat, that if a nation, to recover its rights, needs only the will, they can only be preserved by inflexible fidelity to its obligations." When the first consulate for five years was invented as one of the steps of the ladder of Napoleon's ambilion, he suffered Sieyes, the member of the directory whom he had used as an instrument for casting off" that worse than worthless institution, to prepare another constitution, of which he took as much as suited his purpose, and consigned the rest to oblivion. One of the whef ""s of this new political engine was a conservative senate, 35 forming the peerage to sustain the executive head. This body It was the ijterest and th« pohcy of Napoleon to conciliate, and he filled it with men who, through all the previous stages of the revolution, had acquired and maintained the highest respectability of char- acter. Lafayette was urged with great earnestness, by Napoleon himself, to take a seat in this senate ; but, after several conferences with the first consul, in which he ascer- tained the extent of his designs, he peremptorily declined. His answer to the minister of war tempered his refusal with a generous and delicate compliment, alluding at the same time to the position which the consistency of his character made it his duty to occupy. To the first consul himself, in terms equally candid and explicit, he said, "that, from the direction which public affairs were taking, what he already saw, and what it was easy to foresee, it did not seem suitable to his character to enter into an order of things contrary to his principles, and in which he would have to contend without success, as without public utility, against a man to whom he was indebted for great obligations." Not long afterwards, when all republican principle was so utterly prostrated that he was summoned to vote on the question whether the citizen Napoleon Bonaparte should be consul for life, Lafayette added to his vote the following comment : " I cannot vote for such a magistracy until the public liberty shall have been sufficiently guarantied ; and ire that event I vote for Napoleon Bonaparte." He wrote at the same time to the first consul a letter explanatory of his vote, which no republican will now read without recognising the image of inordinate and triumphant ambition cowering under the rebuke of disinterested virtue. " The 1 8th of Brumaire [said this letter] saved France ; and I felt myself recalled by the liberal professions to which you had attached your honor. Since then, we have seen in the consular power that reparatory dictatorship which, under the auspices of your genius, has achieved so much ; yet not so muck as will be the restoration of liberty. It is impossible that you, general, the first of that order of men who, to compare and seat themselves, take in the compass of all ages, that you should wish such a revolution — so many victories, so much blood, so many calamities and prodigies, should have for the world and for you no other result than an arbitrary government. The Fi'ench people have too well known their lights ultimately to forget them ; but perhaps they are now better prepared, than in the time of their effervescence, to recover them usefully ; and you, by the force of your character, and of the public confidence, by the superiority of your talents, of your position, of your fortune, may, by the re-establishment of liberty, surmount every danger, and relieve every anxiety. I have, then, no other than patriotic and personal motives for wishing you this last addition to your glory — a permanent magistracy ; but it is due to the principles, the engagements, and the actions of my whole life, to wait, before giving my vote, until" liberty shall have been settled upon foundations worthy of the nation and of you. I hope, general, that you will here find, as heretofore, that with the perseverance of my political opinions are united sincere good wishes per- sonally to you, and a profound sentiment of my obligations to you." The writer of this letter, and he to whom it was addresssd, have, each in his appro- priate sphere, been instruments of transcendent power, in the hands of Providence, to shape the ends of its wisdom in the wonderful story of the French Revolution. In contemplating the part which each of them had acted upon that great theatre of human destiny, before the date of the letter, how strange was at that moment the relative position- of the two individuals to each other, and to the Avorld ! Lafayette was the foundbr of the great movement then in progress for tlie establishment of freedom in France, and' in the European world ; but his agency had been all intellectual and moral. He had asserted and proclaimed the principles. He had never violated, never betrayed them. Napoleon, a military adventurer, had vapored in proclamations, and had the froth of jacobinism upon his lips ; but his soul was at the point of his sword. The revolution was to La- fayette the cause of human kind ; to Napoleon it was a mere ladder of ambition. Yet, at the time when this letter was written, Lafayette, after a series of immense sacrifices and unparalleled sufferings, was a pi'ivate citizen, called to account to the world for declining to vote for placing Napoleon at the head of the French nation, with, arbitrary and indefinite power for life; and Napoleon, amid professions of unbounded devotron to liberti/, was, in the face of mankind, asce.t^ding