11^ PS 3129 5l .1449 Copy 1 mi MIseiil4lll©¥S y@iiis, WHICH THK AUTHOR DESIRES TO DEDICATE TO THE CAUSE OF EDUCATION A]SD HUMANHY. rot- Kin d reader give this little Book A cheerful smile and tender look; Read it, pass it, from hand to hand, Until it visits every land. And when you shall have criticised, With it I know you'll sympathize. For you can see it's day is small. And make allowance, you will for all. -:o: WASIIINOTOiN : Reed & Woodward, Printers, 401 7tli St. 1872. ^^14,C', fmm MIiilll4Hl©¥S y©lMi» WHICH THE AUTHOR DESIRES TO DEDICATE TO THE CAUSE OF EDUCATION AND HUMANITY. ^„ WA.SHINGTO^ : Reed & Woodward, Printers, 401 7th St. 1872. T'^ Eiiiered accordhuj io act of Cotujress, in ihc year 1872, h/j IslaY Walden, hi the ofiioc of the lAbrarwn of Covorc^fi, ai fl'ash- ington. • War. Department. paymaster genekal's office. Washington, August 1, 1872. I take great pleasure in commending to the read- ing public the author of this work, Mr. Islay Walden. now of this city. Of the worth of his writings I leare careful readers to judge; of his own worth, his per- severance, integrity, and Christian character I can speak in terms of praise, after years of careful obser- vation. From the time of his coming to Washington, in the winter of 1867-'G8. up to the present date, I have watched with interest and pride his steady .. growth in grace, his rapid mental development, his uncea.^ing devotion to principle and his earnest labors u\ behalf of the poor of his race, who surely will, in days to come, remember and bless him for his coun- sels. His work in organizing Sabbath Schools among the poor colored children of this city, as well as his labors among those who could not thus be reached, by reason of their infirmities, we know and cannot too highly approve. And all this persevering study, this devotion to duty, is the more to be commended, as we remember his affliction, a defective vision—^ at times almost blindness — which alone would ha^ve served to keep a less devoted servant in the back- ground. ;; ..; ,^ "^,^ ' I trust this his first venture will meet with the success it deserves ; that his quaint rhymes my please ^and profit all who read them; that, whatever may be the faults of metre, critics will not lose his .sight of the eloquence, originality, and real beauty of thought that are found in his work. J. L. H. WINFIELD. ( Howard University, Washington, D. C, July 26, 1872. I believe the facts as stated in the following Intro- duction to be strictly true, and take pleasure in commending Islay Walden to a generous public for such aid as can be given him, in his effort to ob- tain an education. A.L.BARBER, Prof. Nat Phil and Prin. Nor. Dept. H. U. INDEX. Page. liitrodnction 5 Introductory Verses 8 The Danger g Election of Mayor Boweu , U Inipeaelimeiit of President Johnson 12 To S. S. N 14 Doubts and Fears 15 Jesns, my Friend IG Enh)i>y on a (Massniatc 17 Prayer f<)r the School 18 Temperance 19 One to Love 20 Letter to Miss Smitherman 21 The Sacred Stream 24 The Nation's FrieniL 25 Eden 27 Mv Refnge - 28 The Litth- Helper. , 29 Love's Soliloqn v * 30 Our May-Day Walk 32 The Young Man's Comforter 35 Consecration of Self 36 To My Benefactor, Dr. D. B. N 36 Inquiry, N. N. Gray. 37 Grace at Table ...". 37 To M. W. W., on her first effort at sliirt makiuii- 38 Ode to Gen.eral O. O, Howard 39 Cast your ('ar<'ss upon the J^csrd 41 Letter to Dr. See 42 On a Friend 44 On a Seamstiess ^ . 45 (Jali to Sal)bath-School ".".!'.''. 45 To 1 he Graduating Class 4P) Oi5 a Friend 47 A Lad v Fri(;nd 47 Campaign of '72 , 4.S ERRATA: Oil \M\g6 24 read stream instead of streams ; On page 40 read aid instead of and ; On page 47 read dost instead of dust ; is insteab of it ; dai'kest instead of darkies : On page 46 I'm instead of I am ; you're instead of yours : On page 49 battle instead of bafifle : INTRODUCTION. IsLAY Walden was born a slave in Randolph County, North Carolina. His master died when he was an infant, and he was sold twice in his mother's arms. When eight or ten years old he attracted a good deal of attention by his ingenuity in the use of carpenter's tools, and for great aptness in reckoning. His master would take him to market to make his cal- culations for him, and bets were frequently made bv himself and friends on Islay's being able to perform certain difficult calculations in three minutes time. These calculations were all mental; he had never had the least training from books. His master learned to value his services in keeping things in order about the place, making Uttle repairs, etc., so that he was never put to hard work. From the failure of his owners, he changed hands several times. His mother died when he was about eight years old. When about eighteen years old he was engaged at a gold mine in driving oxen. The owner was a very passionate man, and was so angry one day that he was about to strike an ox to the ground with a mat- tock. Walden remonstrated, saying, " The ox will die." It fell dead in a few moments. They threw its body into a pit where a shaft had been sunk, and while they were standing over it Walden made and recited impromptu his first verses — 6 Poor Old Dick, He (lied quick I He died all in a miuute. Here is a shaft thirty feet, And we have thrown him in ir. He was red. And he is dead ! The buzzards may forsake him. For he is l)uried thirty feet, Where they can never get him. Alter he had repeated this the man eays, '' Walden, you are a poet."" Waldeii asked " What is a poet?" He replied, "One who writes poetry.'" " VVhat is poetry," Walden asked. The man explained by ask- ing him if he did not know what hymns are, &(;. From tliis time he was I'unning over rhymes in his liead and longing to learn The second poem was composed on the occasion of his being attacked by a drunken man A mob col- lected, and he \vas in danger of being killed if caught. While hiding from them under a tree he composed the lines beginning — "Now here I lie upon the ground.^' The surrender of Gen. Lee occurred while he was at the mine. He left there soon after, and went from one mine to another, in North Carolina, until he caiile to Washington, searching for glasses to enable him to study. He came on foot, the snow failing during part ot the journey. He was told by some he was too old to learn; by others that his^eyes were so poor he could never study. After a good deal of wandering about he met Dr. Nichols at a preaching service at Howard University. He gave him the first real encouragement. He composed some political ballads, which he had printed, and went about the street selling them — all the time trying to find some help for his eyes, or some school where they would teach him. He lived in this way three years, extending his travels through parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. While in New Jej-sey he attracted the attention of the Second Reform Church in New Brunswick, which, through Professor Atherton, pledged one hundred and fifty dollars a year towards his school expenses until he ,^hould graduate. Dr. Nichols was still his friend, and when he made application to enter Howard University a year ago his daughter taught hiin, patiently and faithfully, for three weeks. At the end of that time he was able to write something which resembled his name, read pretty well in the Second Reader, and work- examples in long division. He entered the lowest class three months behind it. At the end of six months he skipped a class, and joined another a yeai- in advance of the one which he first entered. Since he has been in the University he has com- posed a number of pieces suggested by passing events, characteristic of schoolmatters, etc.. which he has col- lected in this little book. He wishes to sell them during his vacation, to make a sure, suflficient .for extra expenses during another year. We do not claim great poetical merit, but think the effort worthy of encouragement. His stock of words is necessarily small, as he has had no knowl- edge of books until within the past vear. 0. 0. H. lu Now it is stauding on the hilf. AdcI if I'm safe it is God's will : And should I now be called to die. On wings of love I soon would Hy. I liear the crew now passing bv, I wonder if they'll me descry ; For Tcan hear them loud proclaim. While swearing vengeance on my njinie, 1 see them going hand in hand, And hear them in their jolly hand. 1 hear their guns aud pistols crack. As though they were returning hack, J esus, to Thee I lift my prayer. That Thou wouldst save me from despair For they are drawing near the place »./Where I have sought to hide my fac(\ Now they have pa&sed and did not see. And I believe I now am free. Now let me rise upon my feet : It may be that I can retreat. How near they came unto the jiine By which in fear I did recline. The distance measured in good fix. The feet were numher thirfv-sixed . 1] (!)u thr #lcttioa of W^^(^x goucn. Laug-hter on tha other side ! Send the ghid tidino:^ far and wide I The City Hall we have redeemed ; Of such a (.'hangx' I'd never dreamed. Redeemed it from obnoxious laws : Cheer Bowen with right loud applause ! For they are l)eaten in the clear, Tn the election of Mayor ! lis true they heat us heretofore, But we thern, at the Precinct door ; We've never Viad tlie City-mayor, Xor did they ever treat us fair. Now we will laui>:h while tViev may crv : It seems to me that they must die ! Though he will never do them harm. For they may rest upon his arm. In giving us the City-mayor. Our God has kindly answered prayej-. And He will hear us when we call, For we have cleansed the City Hall. Now Given made a noble speech. Although the Hall he could not reach ; Though he spoke nobly, loud and clear. He could not be put in Mayor. in Now it is stauding- on the hill. And if I'm safe it is God's will ; And should I now he called to die. On wings of love I soon would fly. T liear the crew now passing bv. I wonder if they'll me descry ; For Pcan hear them lond proclaim. While swearing vengeance on niy name, 1 see them going hand in hand. And hear them in their jolly hand. I liear their guns aud pistols crack. As though they were returning hack, J esus, to Thee I lift uiy prayer. That Thou wouldst save me from des}>air For they are drawing near the place Where T have sought to hide my face. Now they have pa&sed and did not see. And I believe I now aiii free. Now let me rise upon my feet : It may be that I can retreat. How near they came unto the j^inc By which in fear I did recline. The distance measured in good fix. The feet were numher thirtv-sixed . 11 {in Oh ! why not come to me ? J told him that I could not come With sins so much oppressed ; While they were rising one l>y one Upon my weary breast. Jesus, the Son of God, still lives And scatters doubts and fear; His power the sins of all forgive?^ And bids them disap})ear. 16 The iol lowing lines are the second ever composed by my self, and these were suggested to me on one pleas- ant Sabbath day, when returning from Sabbath School, and I was thinking of my souls welfare, both in time and in eternity when suddenly I was a-roused by the noise of some very wicked boys w^ho were spending the Lord's day in idle sport, smoking and swearing, thus profaning God's name and day. I wondered how long men will be permitted to disregard the Bible, and violate the laws of the land ; how long will he shut himself out from good society, and bind himself in the fetters of sin and death, the death that never dies '/ May they iioon hear, turn, and live. %mi^ mt) Jrieiul • lesus, tW love did leave its (diai'ins. Engraved upon my heart : Tliou badst nie fly unto thine arniis. And from my sins depart. It was the time I came to thee. With sin so much oppressed, Then t'was thy love that rescued me. And gave my spirit rest. But since that time I've gone astray. My love is cold to Thee, And I am in the crooked way, Thy light I cannot see. 17 c HI Id I see tli^' love again. Come beaming from the sky, And know that I am free from sin. And feel that thou art nigh ! T would no longer linger here, And sink with fear and shame, But I would seek the cross to bear. And own my Saviour's name. Then let me to my Saviour go, And rest upon his breast, Where peace and love forever flow. In lieaven. among the l)lest. Sweet and pleasant are thy features. Kind and lovely are thy ways. Fairer than ten thousand creatures, The brightest vision of my days ! 1 mark thy steps from day to day, And know that they are firm and true. [ only wish a word to say ; Take heed to all you speak or do. From thy door a glancing look. Upon my heart what wonders wrought ! Thy smiles from me my sorrows took. Oh, how I felt ! Oh. what I thouo:ht ! IS Xovv let nie to yoti garden go, Where flowers bloom so gay. And I shall find some one I know,. That will entice nie there to stay. Among the flowers great and small. The sweetness I will much admire ; Till one T find amidst them all, That I may pick and then retire. Art thou not in a gorgeous green, Where all the living flowers grow ? How is it that thou art the queen Of all who see and all who know. But for myself, let me employ, Ten thousand tongues this one to aid. That I may speak my inward joy, When thee T see. thou pretty maid. Kind Miss, I you must bid adieu. T'o thee and all who thee surround ; But let me say, there's none like you fn all the world, that I have found. ^xmjtv for tht Mxool. Jesus, my Saviour and my King; O grant this school a song to sing, That we together here may meet And how and worship at thy feet. 19 And when we shall liave left this placo. Then give us of thy richest grace, And lead each one unto his home, That we may praise thee on thy throne ! And if we here shall meet no more, Then let us meet on Canaan's shore, Where we may walk the streets around. And were a robe and starry crown. Wtmvtrmct Stretch forth thy h.)ving, gentle haml. And raise thy banner to tlie sky, And save the drunkards of the land. When others shall have passed them hv- Yov-!, stretch tliy net across the sea. And gather in both great and small. A^es, l)id the chninkards come to thee. And save them frc^m the dreadful fall. Thy ship is anchored near the shore. Ten thousand stand upon her deck, And she can carry thousands more, Fearless of winds, or storms, or wreck. How millions gather thick around, With each eye tixed upon her sails. To see her venture o'er the sound. Moved on by favoring gales. 20 She soon will reach the happy land, And gently touch the blissful shore, Where millions . round their Savior stand. Who'll sail this temperance l)oat no more. This was composed during the Congressional Temperance Meeting hekl at Howard University, at which Dr. Chick- ering presided and Senator Pomeroy and others made speeclies. O where's the maid that I can love, With love which I have never told ! Where is the one that I would like. To comfort me when I am old ! Do I not see before my face, A mate prepared for every one ( Then sure there's one prepared for me Nor need T trudr/e the road alone. Now who is he that speaks to me Of Mormans and of Mormanhood \ While this you know, the Lord has said, They twain shall be one ilesh. one bloov 24 My little friend, I'd like to ask. Art thou a child of God? And do yoi; walk the narrow path That saints and angle's trod ? It is a straight and shineing road, And leads through wisdom's ways, And if you'd be a child of God, O start in early days ! Now, if we never meet again About the old home place, Then may we meet in Heaven above, Around God's throne of grace. Remember me to all my friends In words which I proclaim ; Then give my love to all thy house, And thou accept the same. Jesus, that stream shall ever flow That washed my sins away ; That made my heart as white as snow. And moved me then to pray. It is a stream of pure delight, Flowing both deep and wide ; Each ripple doth reflect the light Proceeding from Thy side. lib It is a stream where all can meet And drink a full supply ; Can bow and worship at thy feet, And praise Thy name most high. There millions in Thy presence stand, And bid us welcome home; They tell us of the happy land, Where all in Christ are one. And if we will consent to go, We there shall bathe again In waters bright that can, we know. Cleanse from the foulest stain . A This nation has a faithful friend, In whom she may confide ; Whose iufluence is like the sea, Which flows both deep and wide. Let us behold the sea, how calm- What ships her billows float, Come let us hasten to the shore^ And get on freedom's boat. 0^ Upon her deck the nations meet ; , The white and colored there. Where no first place nor second known, ^N'o diflerence in the fare. 26 I saw her raise her banner hig'h, ' And cast it to the breeze. When tempests raged and billows rolled She sailed through gulfs and seas. Through smoke and fog she onward went, This nation to defend, "When Dixie cried, "Take her last son, And her last dollar spend." When hissing shot around her fell, From rebel cannon's mouth She stood the storm , the rain, the hail, And now can stand the drouth. I heard her cry while sailing on— And Justice is her name — Grant equal rights to every man, And amnesty the same. She soon will land her noble crew Within a city bright, Where nations in one brotherhood Drink national delight. -^ Where we may have our public schools. With open doors displayed ; Where all may drink at wisdom's fouirt With none to make afraid. f 27 Young friends, I know you will be therpti Bright shining as the sun ; if With equal rights secured to all. When Sumner's work is done. • The nation's friend ! still firm he stand^^ Proclaiming without number. Till every Freedman in one band Shall hail the name of Sumner ! I plant this tree to try thy faith, And, if thou only wilt obey, Thou shalt ever see my face, Add I will bless thee day by day. The good of life I'll not withhold, i Nor kindred pleasures will deny, But thou shalt walk in streets of gold, And thou shalt never, never die. Thy days and years shall have no end ; Sickness nor sorrow shalt thou know ; And in old age thou shalt not bend, Except thou yield unto the foe. Freely drink from every fount, From streams as they go laughing on, Proceeding down from yonder mount. Singing their merry, merry song. 28 It is not well to be alone ; There should be one to conitort thee ; And from thy side I'll take a bone. And soon in one thou twain shalt be. In yonder place I think I see Adam reclining in the shade, Rejoicing near the green bay tree, E'en in the place where Eve was made. List ye to what this man will say, This man who never spake before ; And see how w^ise, though made of clay, Now he has some one to adore. Bone of my bone, I know thou art, And truly Eve thy name shalt be ; I'll wear thine image in my heart, And thou shalt ever cleave to me I Wiiy do I doubt and tremble here. Beneath this load of sin I bear ? Is there no one to pity me, In all this grief and misery ? Why do I shrink with fear and shame. And dare to own my Saviour's name ? J3id He not die upon the tree. That Qinful man might thus be free ? 29 Is there no rooui upon His breiist. Where I may lay my head to rest i Did He not die a death of shame, And bear for man the dreadful pain ? ihe pttU iJlpfr. [The day of the celebration of the Fifteenth Amendment I was passing through the crowd in the street when a little girl noticed my eyes, and thinking I could not see and would be run over, took me by the hand and lead me to a place of safety. The kind- ness made such an impression, I was moved to write this little poem:] Behold the great and swelling eM'owd, While thronging through the street. And then behold the hand that keeps Me from the horses feet. The great and small have passed me by, And here unseen 1 stand ; I have no sympathy, no help, Except this little hand. And now I bless this little hand. Which clings unto my arm ; Kind Jesus, bless this little child, And keep her from all harm. 30 The proud and gay are passing by, And foolishly have scorned, When they have met me on the street Afflicted as when born. But now and then I meet a child As harmless as a dove. Who tells me by its little deeds, That God alone is love. Dear Saviour, bless this little child, Whate'er her name may be ; Dost Thou not see her little heart, How kind its been to me ! Oh, why have I thus failed to write A line upon my heart's delight? The reason why I need not tell. For it, I think, is known too well. I need not say that she is pretty ; But I am sure she is quite witty. She's both comely to behold, And, in my sight, as pure as gold. -I like the style in which she's dressd, And place her now among the blessed ; There is no one more neat than she Amono; the fairer ones I see. 31 It's true I take a complex view, Instead of one, I look at two ; One, because she's neat and triiid\^'^^'* The other one is fair and slim. Ti's verj true one has a beau. The othe^ one has none I know : The one may dwell e'en near my heart, The other one must then depart. There's only one that I can love, And she's as harmless as a dove ; She is not drifted by the tide With twenty beaux around her side. I have seen one all dressed in green ; The other one may be a queen : I think one has a pleasant mother. The other one a handsome brother. Now, shall I tell the first one's name. For fear that you may think in vain ? Shall I record on history's page. The other one is not of age ? When you have seen the other one, Then think of mother's only son. To her be kind, be just and true, That she may thus confide in you. And wlieu you have been kind to ber, A favor you will then confer, I bope tbat you will never sligbt Tbe one wbo is my beart's deligbt. We went out to tbe Soldiers' Jfome, Witb bappy hearts and free, And as we stopped within the grove All eyes were fixed on rae. They seemed to speak in words like these : "Will he not write a poem? ** Does he not feel the gentle breeze "■ On which our thoughts arc borne, An