LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ©|Hpj3 . ©jjp^rjgp :f a Shelf UNITED STATES OF AMEEIOA. T3i^i<5F>© Jtoi^es (T) i^iGf)^ Jfo^es HY ELTZABET H F.ORRODAILE. "^ ' ^"^^ //f'/^, ///'^' ^z glimmering tapers light. Adorns and cheers the way ; And still, as darker gro7vs the night Emits a brighter ray. .OI.nSMITH. ^^^^-^ HARD & PARSONS : NEW YORK. t5 I alt Copyright 1886, BY Hard & Parsons. ri: — rjt .-. , -■ -r— MORNING GLORIES. © FR0RNING Slonies bloomm^ now. Wben all tl}e eart[) lies neatb tl}e snow, 3n you 3 read a promise briar^t, (^l^at winter soon nnust tabe its fliabt, ynd ll;)ouab tl^e passina clays are drear ^l^e aladsome sprina will soon appear, ©i^en tell your " Dniaf)t Hopes blossoms aay, ^o all you meet, tl;is wintry day! Elizabeth PjOkkodaile. HOPE FOR WINTRY DAYS. ' l'10UGH savage Winter s iron reign oi^ase evei y flow ret from fr^e distant plain, Waain \\)Q ^pnna si^all twine l^er early wreatr} yaain tl^e rose l^er Rummer fraarance breaibe, Wl/ile by eacb auspina fountain s mossy side y aain sl;all blow tl^e lily s snowy pnd e ! J. G. Phuximoke. LOVE. ^HERE is a fragrant blossom \\)c\\ mal^etb placi \\)Q narden of tl}e heart ; ^ts root liet'9 deep ; it Is delicate, yet lastinp, as t[;e Mac crocus of clutumn, tloveliness and "ihouaht are tbe de\?is l^ot water it morninn and even ; rriemory and absence cbenisl) it, as \\)e balmy breatbmas of tl^e soutp. Sts sun IS tl^e bnabtness of affection, and it bloometi) in tl^e border of Mope. M. F. Timer. HOPE IN ALL. *^HE Ripbt is motber of tbe Bay, ^be Winter of \\)Q ^pnna ; Ond ever upon old decay ^b® qreenest mosses cima. Debind tbe cloud tbe starliabt lurbs ; ^b^oLiab sbowens tbe sunbeams fal nor trod, wbo lovetb all b'S worbs, Hatb left bis Hope witb all. VVmrriEK A FAITHFUL FRIFND. V^RIMEVAL Hope, tbe Qonian FRuses say, Wl^en rKan and rtature mourned tl;eir first decay. Wl;en every form of ueati) and every woe ^>\)o\ from malignant stars to QantI} below. Wben I Kurder bared ^en arm, and rampant War Y obed tr^e red dragons of oer iron can ; Wben reace and iHercy, banisbed from tbe plain, Sprung on tbe viewless winds to Heaven aaain ; OH, ail forsool? tbe friendless, nuilty mind, Dut, Mope, tbe cbarmer, lingered still bebmd. Thos. Campdki.i THE SLEEPING YEAR. ^RPHAN Hours, il;e Year is dead, Oome and sial;?, come and weep ! rrierry Hours, smile instead, Por tl^e Y ear is but asleep : ^ee, it smiles as it is sleepina, rHocking your untimely weepinn, •X- -X- -Jf (ds \\)Q Wild air stirs and sways (^be tree-swuno cradle of a cl^ild, ^o the breatf} of ibese rude days l\ocl?s il^e Y ear. De calm and mild, ^remblmn Hours ; sbe will arise Witb new love within ber ey es. Pp:rcy Bysshe Sheli.ey. THE FINAL TRIUMPH OF HOPE, ^ TERNAL Mope ! wl^en yonder spberes sublime, realed tbeir first notes to sound t[;e marcr) of time, ^l^eir loyous vnutr) began — but not to jade. — Wl^en all ti^e sister planets l;ave decayed ; Wben rapt in fire lbe realms of etl^er ^low, Ond Heavens last launder sl^abes tl^e world below; ^bou, undismayed, s^alt o er tbe rums smile. Ond ligbt iby torcb at Kature s funeral pile! ThOS. CAMPIitCLL. THE HAPPY MAN. If} "e, e en now, E is t[}e [)appy man wpose life ^i^ows somewhat of il^at l^appier life to come; WI70 doomed to an obscure, but tranquil state, Ss pleased witl} it, and, were pe free to c9oose, Would mabe l^is fate bis ci^oice; wl^om Peace, tf^e fruit 0f Virtue, and whom Virtue, fruit of Kaitf?, r repare for l^appiness : bespeab 91m one Oontent indeed to soiourn, wr^ile i^e must, Delow \\)Q sbies, but r^avina tpere 91s bonne. COWPER. EARTH'S BLESSING. OPEa buinbly then ; witb tremblina pinions soar Wait \\)e areat teacher Deatl; ; and t^od adore. Wl;at future bliss, \)Q aives not tf)ee to bnow, Dut Gives tr)at bope to be il}y blessina now. Mope sprmas eternal in tl^e l^uman breast: iHan never is, but always to be blest ; (^pe soul uneasy, and confined, from \)o\v,q, i\ests and expatiates in a life to come. Poi-K. PROMISES OF SPRING. *^'HR0UGH bedpe-row leaves in drifted beaps vJ beft by tbe stormy blast, ^be li"^^le bopeful blossom peeps, Qnd tells of winter past; few leaves flutter from tbe woods ^^\)o\ \)i\r>.(^ tbe season tbroupb- beavina tbeir place for swelling buds ^o spread tbeir leaves anew. Clare. HOPE EVER! •^ x' 0PE on, bope even ! after darbest nigl^t, oomes, full of loving life, tl^e lauabma morning ; Mope on, bope even! ^pmna-tide, flusb c) witl; liq^t, (dye crowns old Winten witb ben nicb adonnmn. Mope on, bope even I yet tbe time sball come, Wben man to man sball be a friend and bnotben Ond tbis old wonid sball be a bdPPy bof^e. olnd all Qantb s family love one anotben I Mope on, bope even. ("lEKAi.o Masse V. NATURES RADIANCE. I jOST \\)ov\ revel in tbe rosy momma,. Wben all nature [)ails ll^e Qorcl of liar)t, (sind hiS smile, \\)Q mountain tops adorning, l\obes yon fragrant fields in radiance bnal^t. Kature wears tl^e color of ti^e spirit; sweetly to l^er worshiper sr)e sinas ; yil t[}e alow, the nrace sl^e dotl} intierit, l\ound \)Q? trustina cpild S9e fondly flina s. Harriet Sewai.i,' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 11 015 973 247 2