E312 6793 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDD3353aaT \» o ^ * O « '^O JO ^-^•^^x. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Tine Library of Congress littp://www.arcli ive.org/details/timesmanOOgree npHE TIMES AND THE ^ MAN, by Dr. Thomas Ed- ward Green, Director of Speaking Service, Ameri- can Red Cross; and Past President, Society of the Sons of the Revolution in the State of Illinois An address delivered at the joint celebration of the Patriotic Societies of the District of Columbia on February 22, 1922, in commemoration of the one hundred and ninetieth anniversary of the birth- day of George Washington PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY Washington 1922 T HE TIMES AND THE MAN, by Dr. Thomas Ed- ward Green, Director of It Speaking Service, Ameri- can Red Cross; and Past President, Society of the Sons of the Revolution in the State of Illinois An address delivered at the joint celebration of the Patriotic Societies of the District of Columbia on February 22, 1922, in commemoration of the one hundred and ninetieth anniversary of the birth- day of George Washington PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY Washington 1922 EI 3 /^ hod', ^ (h.