SK 443 .A5 1908 Copy 1 JUNE 1908 Abstract of Haws Mating to l&itbs Published by a QJammiaaiattcrs of Witba CHARLES H. REMINGTON. Chairman Providence County W. GORDON REED, 2d, - - Kent County E. R. LEWIS .... Washington County W. H. THAYER .... Bristol County A. O'D TAYLOR - - - Newport County Globe Print 26 Custojn Hpuse St. BIRDS. J. i)T Every person who shall take, kill, destroy, buy soli or offer for sale, or have In his posse any wild bird or birds at any season of the except as hereinafter provided, shall be fined $20 for each of such birds. Every person who shall pursue with Intent to kill any wild bird, except as hereinafter provid- ed, shall be fined $20 for each offence. Every person who shall destroy or disturb the nest or eggs of any wild bird shall be fined $20 for each offence. Patrldge, Quail and Woodcock may be killed from November 1st to December 31st, Inclusive. Partridge, Quail or Woodcock wherever taken may not be sold, offered for sale or possessed with Intent to sell. Penalty $20 for each bird. Partridge, Quail or "Woodcock may not be taken or sent beyond the limits of the state. Penalty $20 for each bird. Black Duck and Wood Duck may be killed from August 15th to March 31st, inclusive. Peep, Plover, Snipe, Yellow-Lefts, and other so- called "shore birds," may be killed from August 1st to December 31st, inclusive. Wild Geese, Brant, Teal, Coot and all duck, except Black Duck and Wood Duck, may be killed at any time of the year. Waterfowl may not be pursued or killed, from, or by means of. or by the use of any boat ex- cept what is commonly known as a skiff and propelled by oars, in Point Judith Pond. Charles- town Pond, or Quonochontaug Pond. Penalty, $20 for each offence. Pheasants may not l»e killed prior to October 15. 1910. Penalty $20 for each bird. Fish-Hawks may not be killed at any time. Penalty, $20 for each bird. TCiicrliNh Sparrows, Hawks, (except Flsh- Hnwks) Owla, Crows and Crow-Blackbirds may be killed at any season of the year by a person upon his own land. The law providing a bounty on wild Hawks. Owls and Crows does. not permit any person tak- i&3 Or CO CD -6 c ^ cu > cd .s cu JZ cu bo c cd en "io U T3 o 13 4-1 en CO 13 C cd cu u c bo Q a: c > vts 5 6 w CU o u JZ "o a: o en CO JZ 3 CO c J* CO cd CU cu Q o In CU ""o cu cu JZ 4- o CO CU >- ^2 co 13 H CQ 4-1 c > 6 p a CO* bo cu cd "cu CO u jd CO a cu -73 z CO on -J CO n bn c "o c CG U en o CO C cd o < [— I "7* ^3 US v., >> p p ID u & c . 'co co o p fi - 12 4-J 13 co" ID cu O > JZ CO co Uh en o en In CO P bO C £ U < Z >> CO *-T CO cd i c O Cu cd cu CQ 2 < MN c 'co CO td JC m < > a In >> cu CO 13 H 1c UJ cu c cd CO cu cu cu jz 13 O o ^c T3 Cu CO a u 0) 05 a >> In cd CO p _c c cd s c a Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress State of IRbobe Ifslanb, COMMISSIONERS OF BIRDS. CHARLES H. REMINGTON, Chairman, Providence County. E. R. LEWIS, WM. H. THAYER, A. O'D. TAYLOR, W. GORDON REED, 2nd, Washington County. Bristol County. Newport County. Kent County. August i, 1908. Dear Sir : The Commissioners of Birds beg to call your attention to the following abstracts of the laws of the State of Rhode Island relating to birds : — " Partridge, Quail and Woodcock shall not be taken, killed or had in possession, between the first day of January and the first day of November following. Penalty $20 for each bird." " Partridge, Quail and Woodcock wherever taken, may not be sold, bought, offered for sale, or possessed with intent to sell, at any time. Penalty $20 for each bird." Such laws are passed in the hope of preventing the extermination of our game birds, and the Commissioners desire your assistance and co-operation in the enforcement of this law. A special appropriation has been made by the State for the protection of game, and a special officer has been hired as a game warden. Determined efforts will be made to apprehend offenders, who will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Respectfully, THE COMMISSIONERS OF BIRDS FOR RHODE ISLAND. r killing birds for such bounty to go upon ►ther or to kill any of such above birds upon land not owned by himself. No\-m>im;\ i i. n. not a bona tide resident of the hunt, t;ike, kill or to kill any wild bird or anl- I ite of Rhode Island without first a license therefor from the Secretary of State. Penalty, fine not exceeding $50, or Imprison- ment not exceeding 30 days, or both fine and Im- prisonment. FEED THE DIHDS. The Commissioners of Birds request persons who are kindly disposed towards birds, to pUu 8 for them In their usual haunts during the winter season. With their regular supply of food cut off, all birds — game, plume, song and Insectivorous birds alike — are in great danger ermihatlon by cold and hunger. A small supply of grain, table scraps or the sweepings from hay mows will do much to relieve their distress. Pieces of meat or suet hung in the trees will be eaten by carniverous species. In the feeding of birds it is a great advantage to begin before the severe w<-ath^r sets in, so that the birds may become accustomed to the plri'os where food has hern found and the more lly return there when in ne desiring to birds hould mal tlon to The Comm !y or •omission' DREO. r shall not be killed at any time. Penalty $ioo to $500. E Owner or occupant of land, first procuring a license from I his own land, kill with shot gun, loaded with shot. ' illy found or fruit trees. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS l III HI RABBITS, HARI 002 898 288 4 Rnhbltn, Hares i killed from Nover The use of Ferrets and Weasels is prohibited at all times. Penalty, 10 days in jail. TRESPASSING. Persons shooting or trapping on another's land between December 15th and October 15th. next following, shall be fined $5 for the first offence and $10 for each subsequent offence. This ap- plies to persons shooting Wild Hawks, Owls and Crows upon the land of another. Persons trespassing on land posted against hunting or shooting, for the purpose of huntlnt? or shooting, shall be fined $20. This applies to persons hunting or shooting wild Hawks, Owls or Crows for bounty. U. S. LAWS RELATING TO SHIPPING GAME. All packages containing dead animals, birds or parts thereof, shipped by Interstate com- merce, must be plainly marked with name and address of shipper and nature of contents. Pen- alty on shipper, carrier and consignee, not over $200. Penalty on common carrier for transport- ing game killed in violation of laws of state In which killed, $200. COMMISSIONERS. Commissioners of Birds and their Deputies are empowered by Chapters 112 and 113 of the Gen- eral Laws of Rhode Island and the amendments thereof and additions thereto to arrest without warrant any person violating the laws relating to birds. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II II II III II I 002 898 288 4 # Hollinger Corp.