* o s^ .V »jj» '^^ •A' A^^ A > ? rxV . o - . '^^ X' AN ADDRESS OF CHARLES HUDSON, OF MASS., TO THE CITIZENS OF THE FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF THAT STATE, ON RETIRING FROM THE OFFICE OF REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. J. & G. S. Gideon, Printers, Ninth street, Washington. * O A/ ADDRESS '^ FELLOW-CITIZENS OF THE FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS. In retiring, under circumstances somewhat peculiar, from the station I have for some years past occupied by your kindness, I have thought that a few words from me would be neither unsea:«onable nor improper. Being impressed with the pro- priety of rotation in office, I signified, more than a year ago, to many of my friends in the district, my intention of declining a re-nomination to Congress. But I re- ceived from every one with whom I communicated, an assurance that no change was desired by the people in the district; and among those who gave this assurance, and who urged me not to decline, were several of the warm personal friends of my successor. I was induced by these representations to remain silent, and let the good people in the district do as they pleased in relation to the selection of a candi- date, though I had assured the chairman of the district comm.ittee that it was my personal wish to decline. I was again selected by the convention, and did not feel at liberty to decline a nomination Avhich, I was assured, was cordially made. The result of the election is known to you all. Had I been defeated on the ordi- nary political issues, or had there been nothing peculiar in the character of the can- vass, you would never have heard a word from me on the subject. But I have been charged with basely deserting my principles; with Avantonly betraying the in- terests of the State; and with wickedly sacrificing the cause of freedom at the shrine of slavery- On these charges all the changes have been rung, and the cry of cowardice and pro-slavery^ desertion and treachenj, has been reiterated from day to day duiing the whole canvass. I/:heerfully recognise the accountability of the representative, and the right and dut^ of the people to discard their public agents whenever they be- come unfaithful; and, if I have been guilty of the charges preferred against me by some of my former friends, I justly merit, not only what 1 have received at their hands, but the execration of the whole people of the Commonwealth. But on what overt act of mine do they rely to prove me guilty of these misdemeanors. To what chapter of my political life do they point to sustain their allegations? Have they been able to produce one act of omission or commission, during the seven years I .have served them in Congress? Not one, that I am aware of. The sum of my of- fending, as you all know, consists in this: I preferred Gen. Taylor to Martin Van Buren. I exercised the right of every freeman, and gave my vote in accordance with the dictates of my own conscience. Though opposed to the nomination of Gen. Taylor, being satisfied, after the nomination, that either he or Gen. Cass would be the next President, I felt it my duty to support Gen. Taylor, because I believed him to be a better man, and more sound than Gen. Cass even on the Wilmot provi- so, which with me was a controlling consideration. Such was the conclusion to which my mind was brought, on a full examination of the subject, soon after the nomination was made at Philadelphia. I saw at once, before I had declared my resolution to any man, that an organiza- tion would be made in Massachusetts in opposition to Gen. Taylor. In fact I heard, a week before the Convention, that a preliminary meeting had been held in Boston, at which this course had been agreed upon, and that a committee had been appointed to prepare an address to the people. I saw, soon after the Convention, the notification of a meeting at Worcester, to ratify the nomination; and also a call for a popular con- vention, at the same place, to repudiate it. Several of my former friends in Massa- chuselts wrote me, asking me what course I Intended to pursue; some urging me to oppose General Taylor, and others advising me not to commit myself on either side: suo-gesting that both parties would take me up if I remained silent. In a few days I received a letter from the committee of arrangements for ''.he ratification meeting at Worces-ter, and also a letter from the committee of arrangements for the mass convention at the same place, each inviting me to attend their respective meetings, and each expecting from me some expression of opinion. I was aware that a storm was gathering in my own State and district, and by standing aloof I might, under the peculiar condition of the parties, obtain the support of both. But I could be guilty of no concealment; I could practise no duplicity. As then advised, I was satisfied that General Taylor was preferable to General Cass; and, occupying the position I did, I thought that the people had a right to know my views upon the subject, and that it would be unmanly and dishonorable in me to attempt to conceal them. I accordingly replied to both committees, stating to them frankly my honest convictions on the whole subject matter, and informing them that I preferred Gene- ral Taylor to General Cass, especially on the anti-slavery or Wilmot proviso ques- tion. I said, in one of these letters which was published at the time: "Being nnalterably opposed to the further extension of slave territory, anO an advocate for free soil and free Uihor, I feel it to be my duty to do all that can honorably be done to oppose the election of the democratic candidate, whose policy I believe would be exclusively southern. General Taylor has pledged liimself to sustain the popular will as expressed by the representatives of the people, and administer the Government on the principles of the fathers of the Republic. I believe he is less bel- ligerant than the democratic candidate ; that he would be more inclined to peace ; less disposed to an- nex foreign territory ; and, on the great subject of slavery itself, would take a ?uo?-e honorable course than his democrcilic competilor.''^ Such was the ground taken by me as early as the 22J of June. I took this posi- tion at that time after serious and mature reflection, and nothing has since occurred to shake my faith in the soundness of the position. I looked upon the question then, as I do now, as one of a practical character. The nomination of General Taylor had changed the aspect of the whole affair, and, as a practical man, I must change with it. I was compelled to meet the case as it was then presented, and I endeavored to do the best I could for the occasion. I acted frankl}' and without re- serve; and I have seen no occasion to reproach myself for the course I have pur- sued. If I erred at all, it was in confiding in certain men in my own district who have shown themselves unworthy of confidence; but it is better, perhaps, to be be- trayed occasionally, than to be so suspicious as never to trust. The manner in which I have discharged the duties of the station you have as- signed me, is so well known to the intelligent people of the district that I would not, under ordinary circumstances, allude to it ; but as I have been arraigned by some of my former friends on the charge of infidelity or treachery on the subject of slavery or free soil, I shall, I trust, be pardoned if I refer to my congressional course on this subject. I have always been opposed to the institution of slavery. I have regarded it as a political and moral wrong ; and, since I have been in Congress, the only field on which a northern man can meet it as a practical question, I have done what I could do, legally and constitutionally, to prevent its extension and to resist the encroachments of its power. I have not, like some individuals in and out of Congress, embraced every opportunity to drag this subject into every discussion, whether it properly belonged there or not. I have not introduced it for the mere purpose of producing agitation and exciting ill will; because I have been persuaded that such a policy would naturally tend to defeat the object in viev/, and so strengthen the institution in question. I have regarded it as an important subject, which should be approached with wisdom and prudence, and disposed of in a con- stitutional manner ; and where I could meet the subject fairly, and with any reason- able prospect of doing good, I have not failed to do it. And while I have avoided personal altercation, and refrained from denunciation and bitterness, I have met directly every question involving the institution, and have expressed my views without fear or reserve ; and hence I have, in some instances at least, had a fair and attentive hearing, when those who pursue a violent and irritating course would not be listened to at all by the very men Vve wish to influence. My course has left no doubt upon the minds of those with whom I have acted in regard to my views and policy. I have been regarded by all northern men as/i/vrt, and by ultra southern men as obslinute. In the first speech I made in Congress, December 27, 1841, though the question was that of the tarill", I introduced the subject of slavery. Mr. Rhett, of S. C, and other gentlemen from that section of the Union, had said that a protective tariff was a tax upon southern labor to increase northern capital. To this position I replied: '•1 wish to assail no section of the country; but I am compelled to say that the truth is the very reven e of this. It is southern capital against northern labor. From a full view of our manufactures, it will be seen that our fabrics are, in a great degree, the product of labor, and not of capital. But how is it with the products of the South ? Take their great staple, cotton ; of what is that the product ? Of labor or of capital ^ Of capital almost exclusively. Their lands are capital, and their slaves are capital, made so by their laws. In strictness of speech, they have no labor, in the sense in which that word is used as distinguished from capital, in the production of their cotton crop, if we except the overseers and the few white men who are employed. By the institutions and laws of the South, their slaves are property — capital, in the same sense that our machinery is ; and when they talk of protecting their labor, they mean, if they mean anything, protecting their property. With these facts staring them in the face, will .-outhern gentlemen on this floor have the effrontery to tell us that the doctrine of protection is a contest between northern capital and southern labor .'' It is a contest betv»een southern capital, or what is made so by their laws, and the free labor of the North." When the madness of Mr. Tyler's administration manifested itself in the attempt to annex Texas to the Union, I took early and decided ground against it: first, in an elaborate letter addressed to the Whig Committee of the county of Worcester, published in the Spy and in the ^^gis, of August 15, 1S44 ; and afterwards, in a speech on the floor of the House, I predicted that the annexation of Texas would so strengthen the South as to enable them to break down the protective policy which sustained the free labor of the North, which was consummated by the votes of Texan Senators. I also predicted that it would involve us in an unjust war with Mexico, which has likewise been verified. On both of these occasions, I denounced the measure as one designed to extend and foster the slave institution. In the speech in the House, January "20, 1845, I used this language: '• But we are told b)' Mr. Secretary Calhoun that the Constitution guarantees to the southern States the protection of slavery. — If we are bound to take in new .slave territory to secure slavery, have we not a right to turn out some of the present slave Stales to secure freedom ? If the guarantees of the Constitution require us to prevent abolition in a foreign nation for the benefit of the Soutii, they re- quire us to abolish slavery at home for the benefit of the North. " Cut, sir, 1 have no belief at all in guarantees of this kind. Congrjss has no power to interfere with slavery in the slave States. No northern man contends for it — they all disclaim it. But the same latitude of construction adopted by Mr. Calhoun would give them full power in the premises. 1 Sijy northern men on this floor do not wish to interfere with slavery in the South. We know that it is beydnd our control in the States. If it be an evil and a citrse, as most southern men will admit, the responsibility is with those who alone have the power to abolish it. And, on the other hand, if it be the grealcH of blissinos, v.e are willing that they shall enjoy all its fruits — we ask no portion for ourselves ; we will not disturb them in the enjoyment of such a good. Not that we feel indifferent to the subject Our sympathy is with the oppressed. We wish to see them raised to the condition of Jreemen. But as the Constitution puts the subject beyond our control, we shall not attempt to violate its provisions. But southern gentlemen must not e.xpect that we will lend our influence to extend an institution which we believe to be at war with the fundamental principles of law and morals, and to reflect dishonor upon the American character. 1 can never, wilU my vote, or xcith my voice, susiain sxuk -an institulion. " I say I cannot do it, and hence I cannot vote for the annexation of Texas. For it cannot be dis- guised, that Texas is sought solely for the purpose of extending slavery and strengthening the slave power. It is not, as has-been said, ' to enlarge the area of freedom,' but to extend the bounds of slavery and strdngthen slave power in the councils of the nation. It is a device, got up by Messrs. 6 Upshur and Coihoun, to place slavery on a more permanent foundation, and to give the South a bal- ance of power ; and we are called upon to annex Texas to the United Slates, as I before said, to destroy the balance of liiis Union, and to establish, strengthen, and perpetuate upon the land what we have already pronounced piracy upon the ocean." When the President of the United States, to gratify an inordinpte ambition, and acquire further territor}^ for the purpose of adding to the number of slave Stales, had involved the nation in a war, 1 was among the very first to reprobate the measure, and expose the conduct of the Executive. I was one of the fourteen who voted against the war bill, and I embraced the earliest opportunity to give my views of the war and its object. On the 14th of May, 1846, the day after the war bill became a law, I expressed myself in a speech, as follows : " I have no boasts to make of my devotion to my country. I am a citizen of this country, and my fortune is connected with hers. When she is right, 1 will sustain her ; and if 1 believe her to be in the wrong, 1 will not give her up, but will point out her errors, and do all in mj' power to bring her into the right; so that, if war must come, and our young men must be offered on the alti^r of our country, we may safely commend them to the God of battles — to that Being who rules in the armies of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. 1 desire the prosperity of my country, and nothing but my devotion to her interest, and to the higher principles of moral rectitude, induced me to separate from those with whom I have generally acted. 1 could not consent to involve my country in a war which I believe to be unnecessary and unjust — a war of conquest — brought about by ambitious men to an- swer peri;©nal and party purposes. " Before I conclude my remarks, I must notice another subject closely connected with this, and one out of which our present difficulties have grown. Gentlemen with v^hom I have acted on this floor will bear me vv-itness, that 1 have not been in the habit of going out of my way to attack the in- stitutions of the South. Though I have always regarded slavery as an evil — a political and moral wrong — having no power over it in the States, I have been disposed to leave it with those who have it in their keeping, to manage according to their own sense of propriety. I will not give il my coun- tenance — ll shall nnt be extended by me. This war is one of the first fruits of the annexation of Texas. And that measure was got up and consummated to extend and perpetuate slavery. Mr. Calhoun, in the correspondence submitted with the treaty, avowed this to be the primary object of annexation. I opposed it then, aiid I voted against the war because its object is to extend, not the " area of freedom," but the arga of bondage. And I wish to commend this subject specially to the gentleman from Illi- nois, whose bosom glows w,ith such ardent patriotism, that he is wilbng to spill i;ivers of blood in this war with Mexico. He is so devoted to his country, and so in love with her institutions, that he is willing to sustiiin, with blood and treasure, an institution at war with the first principles of a republi- can government — liberty and equality. He denounces Mexico as an uncivilized and barbarous power, and still he aspires to be a leader in a policy designed to extend and perpetuate slavery, and to plant on the soil of Mexico an institution which she, barbarous as she is, and corrupt as the gentleman would represent her to be. would not permit to pollute her sril. This is the position of tlie gentleman- who denounces all as traitors who will not bow to the dictation of the majoritj?^ on this floor." In debate on the President's message, December IG, 184G, alluding to the motives which bd to the v/ar, I used the following language : " The President wished to distinguish his administration, and he wished to distinguish it by a fur- ther accession of terutory ; he wished to acquire a large portion of territory in that section of the Union, in ordei- to give the South a perpetual preponderance in the countils of the nation. There is a deep feeling in the country against the extension of slavery. There are thousands upon thousands in the northern section of this Union (and I allude to no fanatics, but to sober, deliberate, and substantial men — men who have the good of t!ie country at heart) who would resist, by every means in their power, the establishment of slavery in these Mexican provinces, if they should be annexed to these United States. This feeling is both strong and deep, and the prosecution of this war of conquest is contributing daily to the increase of that feeling. Let this war go on ; let victory crown our arms till Mexico shall yield up a large ]iortion of her territory ; and we should have questions of internal regu- lations, v/hich would be more difficult to settle than the boundary between us and Mexico." Again, February 13, 1847, on the Three Million Appropriation bill, I took part in the debate, in which was involved the acquisition of territory, and the disposition to be made of it, and employed this language : "We see in the case before us a fruitful source of discord. The war was commenced for the con- quest of territory to convert into slave States. The most that the Administration desire, in the first instance, is to acquire the territory. The South declare upon this floor that if territory is acquired, it must be slave territory ; that they will not submit to be surrounded by a cordon of free States. On iiie other hand, the North have resolved, and fi.-mly resolved, that not another foot of slave territory shall be added to the Union. Here, then, an issue is directly made, and 1 have no doubt but that the North will be found true to her principles, when the day of trial comes. "I teil you, Mr. Chairman, that the North will stand firm. You cannot judge of the present by the past. Within two years there has been a radical change in public sentimeiit in the free States. The Texas outrage, followed by this iniquitous war, both for tlie extension of slavery, has brought the people to their senses. They have seen this Administration breaking through the barriers of ihc Con- stitution to sustain and extend slavery, and the people in the free States have resolved that the evil shall extend no farther. I say to the South, in all frankness, you will find northern sentiment immo- vable on this subject, "as firm as nature, and as fixed as fate.'' When the subject of territorial governments was under debate, June 20, 1848, I uttered my sentiments on slavery thus : "That slavery is a great political evil, no reflecting man can deny. In a pecuniary point of view, it is a burden to any community where it exi.sts. The idleness which it induces, the degradation of labor which naturally arises from it, mark it every where as a withering cur.se to the coinmuaity, too plain and palpable to be denied. "But the institution of slavery is a political evil in another respect ; it weakens a State not only in its pecuniary but in its physical resources. It is an element of danger ; it contains the secda of in- surrection. But slavery is a great moral as well as political evil. So long as ojipressiui is a moral wrong, slavery will stand forth as one of the crying sins of the land. To convert men into chattels, and expose them at public sale, tearing husbands from wives, and children from parents; to degrade human beings, created in the image of God, and render tliem mere beasts of burden ; to deprive them of all means of cultivating their moral nature, and of reading the word of eternal life — if this be not a moral wrong, I know of nothing which is worthy of that appellation. I am willing to admit all the palliation which can be urged in favor of the institution. But nothing, in my estimation, can justify it. It begins in a wrong, in a violation of the first principles of natural right — that of enjoying per- sonal liberty, and the fruit of one's own labor. And this first violation of moral right mu.^t of neces- sity lead on to others. "Believing slavery to be a moral and a political evil, I feel it my duty to use my influence lo exclude it from the Territories. I should be Ailse to myself, to my constituents, to my country, and even to the Territories themselves, did I not do all in my power to save them from this calamity. "I am aware that northern men who speak their sentiments freely upon this subject are denounced as fanatics and hypocrites, bul these denunciations have no terror for me. If to sympathize wiih the op- pressed and down-trodden be fanaticism, I am willing to be called a. fanatic. If a desiie to limit a cor- rupt and corrupting in.stitution be hypocrisy, I glory in being called a hypocrite. If a wi.sh to save the nation from disgrace, and free soil from a withering blight, be treason to tiie Union, set me down as a traitor. "Entertaining these views, I can never by my vote doom human beings to servitude who have been guilty of no crime. I should be false to myself — to every principle of humanity — to ev^ry sentiment of honor, were I to do it. Slavery in the States is beyond the reach of this Government. Over it, as a State institution, I have no control. But when it is propcssd to extend the institution into free territory, it becomes a matter of national concernment, and God forbid that I should record my vote to extend and enlarge its present area, or pollute with this institution one foot of frcctiom's sacred soil.'" The President in one of his mes.sages had volunteered the opinion tliat Texas had a just claim to all that part of New Mexico lying east of the Rio Grande. This claim allowed, would extend slavery over the whole of this vast tract of country. I took an early opportunity to expose the fallacy of his reasoning, and also that of the Texas members in relation to that claim. That speech, which was in fact the only one made upon the subject, was printed in the Appendix to the Congres.-^ional Globe, 1st session, 30th Congress, and concludes as follows: "Having, I believe, noticed all the principal arguments v/hich have been advanced in support of the claiuis of Texas, I will state in conclusion what I believe to be the grand motives of those who urge these claims. Texas of course has a pecuniary interest in the extension of her boundary, be- cause by the terms of annexation she is allowed to retain all the unappropriated lands within her terri- tory. Another object which Texas and the South have in view, is the exten.sion of slavery. They knew that if New Mexico, or the Sante Fe country, be given up to Texas, she has power to continue slavery there; but if it should be held as a territory of t!ie United States, it would Le competent for Congress lo apjily the ordinance of 1787 to it, and thereby continue it free territory. We are free to admit that Mr. Polk is consistent with himself. As he commenced the war for the acquisition of slave territory, it is natural to suppose that he wou'd do all in his power to secure the end for which lie has been toiling. But it becomes the friends of freedom to be upon their guard, and to take all juft mea- sures to defeat the infamous object.'s of a corrupt udministiation." These extracts will show the course I have pursued in relation to the great ques- tions of annexation, slavery, and the Mexican war. Whether my course lias been 8 vise or unwise, I leave others to determine. But I claim, and have a right to claim, miformit}'^ and consistency of action. I have followed the dictates of my own con- cience, regardless of the opinions of others, and have done what I believed to be for he best interest of my country. I have opposed, and shall continue to oppose, the ixtension of slavery ; and neither the denunciations of fanatics of the South, nor he slanders of my former friends of the fifth district, will ever induce me to deviate rom that my settled purpose. But in the face of all these facts, I have been accus- :d of being treacherous to the cause of freedom — of betraying the interests of the ^orth — of deserting my former friends in the day of trial — and of lending my influ- nce to the cause of slave extension. Now, fellow citizens, I pronounce these harges base calumnies ; and I challenge the production of one particle of proof to ustain them. My accusers have produced none, and they can produce none. On he contrary, so far as I know or have heard, they have admitted that I have uni- 3rmly spoken and acted in accordance with my own professions, and their own Irishes. Of what then do they complain ? The only thing they specify is voting Dr General Taylor. Yes, these boasted friends of freedom with "free soil" and "free uffrage" inscribed upon their banner, are ready to denounce as a traitor every one irho cannot see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and vote for the candidate i^hom the Democratic Barnburners of New York forced upon them. In relation to General Taylor, my course has always been an open one. I was pposed to his nomination. I was opposed to it, because he was a southern man. thought it was due to the North that the candidate should be taken from that sec- ion of the countr}^. I was opposed to it, because I preferred a civilian to a military aan. I inade no secret of my opposition ; and I was so well satisfied that General ''avlor would not obtain the nomination, that, I confess, up to the time of the Convention, I had not made any very thorough examination into his character or Lialifications. But when the nomination was made, I felt it my duty to investigate ds character and qualifications more fully than I had done before. I examined his gtters, reviewed his correspondence, and having an opportunity to converse with everal distinguished Whigs who were personally acquainted with General Taylor, I mbraced these opportunities and obtained all the information in my power concern- Qcr him. And I am free to admit, that the closer I studied his character, the more became satisfied with the nomination. I found that he was a man of vigorous intel- sct, of sound judgment, of elevated patriotism, of incorruptible integrity ; that he vas simple and unaffected in his manners, exemplary in private life, industrious in lis habits, and systematic in the transaction of business, possessing great clearness if perception and firmness of purpose; that with a high moral sense, he united stern ustice with the most condescending mercy; and that by the goodness of his heart .nd the force of his character, he was calculated to win the affections and command he confidence of those around him. I was satisfied that he was a Whig of the old chool, utterly opposed to Executive usurpation, and if elected, the highest object )f his ambition would be to administer the Government on the principles of the Con- ititution, and to walk in the footsteps of the Fathers of the Republic. I was also mpressed with the idea, that the Whigs who went into the Convention and took >art in its deliberations, and pressed the claims of their respective candidates, were )ound in honor to abide by the nomination ; and especially, as I was assured by many ■espectable members of that body, that the nomination was fairly made. Being aware that either General Taylor or General Cass must be the next Presi- lent, I carefully compared their views and sentiments, their pledges and the lines of policy thev were bound to pursue. I was satisfied that General Cass was in favor )f farther acquisition of territory, while General Taylor was pledged against that •uinous policy ; that General Cass had pledged himself to veto any bill which should contain the Wilmot proviso, while General Taylor stood committed to carry out the bvill of Congress, should they pass such a bill. Such were the conclusions to which I came, after a careful examination and much serious reflection. After the nomination of Mr. Van Buren, I was confident that he could not obtain- a single electoralvote, and that supporting him was increasing the chances for the election of Gen. Cass. Under these circumstances, I felt it to be my duty to give my suppoi-t to the nominee of the Whig Convention. I should have been false to myself, false to my Wh'g principles, false to the true cause of anti-slavery, if I had given my vote for Gen. Cass or for Mr. Van Buren, thereby increasing the chances for the election of Gen. Cass. I regretted that our candidate was not a northern man. I reo-retted, as I did four years before, that our candidate was a slaveholder. But I voted for Judge Thomas as a Taylor elector in 1848, on the same principle that I and mv Whig friends in the district voted for Judge Allen as a Clay elector in 1844. As I do not claim infallibility, I may have erred in judgment. But I had no doubt that Gen. Taylor would sign a bill containing the Wilmot proviso, and that General Cass would veto such a bill; and, entertaining these views, I never gave a more sincere anti-slavery vote in my life than the one I gave for Gen. Taylor. If it be deserting Whig principles to withhold a vote from Martin Van Buren, I am guilty of desertion. If it be bowing to the slave power to support the only candidate Avho would permit Congress to exclude that institution from the Territories, then am I obnoxious to the charge. If doing wbat I believed would best promote the interest of my country by circumscribing slaver}^ v>ithin its present limits be treason, I glory in being considered a traitor. I had done what every honest man should do — fol- low the dictates of his own judgment. I have done what every patriot is bound to do — seek the best interest of his country. I had no personal objects to secure; on the contrary, I was apprised early, long before I had taken any active part in the canvass, that unless I came into the support of the new movement, a' Free Soil can- didate would be run against me. But, preferring the approval of my own conscience to any preferment or political support, I took what, with my views, was the only honorable course, and supported the candidate who would best carry out my prin- ciples. But for this honest, independent, and, I believe, consistent course, I have been abused and vilified by some of my former friends. I do not complain that they have voted for Judge Allen. They are freemen like myself, and have the same right to cast their suffrages for the man of their choice that I have. But I have reason to com- plain of the means which have been employed to injure me. The oldest Whig press in the county, which I have patronized, and to whose columns I have contributed for a long series of years, has rudely assailed me, calling my sincerity in question, and more than intimating that I have been bought up by the promise of office. Now, I pronounce all such charges utterly false. No Whig, or body of Whigs, ever, even by the most distant insinuation, intimated to me that adhering to Gen. Taylor would secure to me any office, or even the nomination to any office. But, on the other hand, if I felt at liberty to betray private confidence, or \o publish pri- vate letters, I could show that it was distinctly intimated to me by certain Free Soil gentlemen, that uniting with their party would secure to me a re-election to Con- gress, or a nomination to the highest office in the State. But these personal attacks have been characterized by a perfidy rarely to be met with. Early in the canvass the editor or publishers of the Spy exposed to the gaze of their friends, an article written by me about two years ago, and published at the time as an editorial in that paper. But this was not all; they must go further. Ac- cordingly, this article, in connection with my name, was stricken off in a handbill, and a brother of the editor started on a mission to attend Whig meetings, to interrupt Whig speakers, and to distribute this handbill. But even the editor of the Spy could not, thus early, make up his mind to endorse this species of professional treachery; for the handbill was perfectly anonymous — not even bearing the name of the office whence it issued. But the master spirit of this movement, Hon. Charlks Allen, more bold than his agent of the Spy, came out in a public meeting at Worcester on Saturday evening, October 28, read the handbill, and ascribed it to me by name, and stated that it was published in the Spy at the time of its date. On Monday moru- ing, October 30, the pliant agent of Mr. Allen appeared in his paper, and charged me with writing the article which he published in 1847 as his own, placing it under the editorial head; and to account for his publishing it as an editorial, and to justify the breach of confidence in now revealing the name of the writer, the editor makes the following statement: " Soon after the adjournment of Congress, in the spring of 1847, a gentleman, high in the councils of the nation, sought and had an interview with us in relation to the situation, aspect, and future course of political affairs. He began the conversation by some kind inquiries in relation to the Spy. He then proceeded with some complimentary remarks upon the ability, consistency, and political tact with which it had been conducted ; remarks which we have no disposition to repeat, and which,, fortunately, are not necessary to the object in view. He proceeded to say that the position of the Spy was important, and its influence on the public mind a salntaay one. It was fortunate for the W hig party that it had such a paper here, and one that did exercise such an influence. He then took a viev/ of the existing state of public affairs, especially in reference to the approaching Presiden- tial election, and said that the time had come when it became the North to take higher and more de- cided ground than she had done, and cause her feelings, her interests, and her rights to be respected. We had submitted long enough to the dictation of tiie South. We should now not only demand, but insist on, the right of having the next President taken from the free States. " He said, in addition, tliat, at the close of the session of Congress, a conference had been held be- tween several northern Whigs, who have agreed very liarmoniously as to the line of policy it was proper to pursue. He said that Hon. Charles Hudson had agreed to prepare several articles on leadino- political questions for publication in several Whig papers, calculated to have a favorable influ- ence on the public muid, and that it was desirable that some of them should appear in the Spy. He urged the importance of giving the articles a leading position as editorials, as they would have more influence as such than they would as anonymous communications. To this we replied, that though, we were not in the habit of adopting the writing of others, yet, as we believed the opinions of Charles Hudson coincided with our own, we had no special objection to doing it in the present instance ; and we parted with the understanding that it was to be done, if, on the receipt of the articles, they met our approbation. " Not long after we received the first number of the series, and it was followed by others in suc- cession in season for our weekly is.sues. They were published according to understanding as edito- rials." Such is the apology of the editor of the Spy for degrading his professional character by violating private confidence. And what excuse does this furnish him, even, admitting it to be true r None whatever. But, as far afe I am connected with this conversation, it is utterly untrue. I never agreed to write any articles for the Spy,, or for any other paper, as above related. I never authorized any person to apply to. the editor to publish any articles editorially, nor did I write the article in question, at the request or suggestion, or even with the knowledge, of any man living. The article was my own in every possible sense, and for it I alone am re. ■sponsible. I cannot say what conversation the editor of the Spy may have had with .some "gen- tleman high in the councils of the nation," but, from the best information of which such a vague statement admits, I am constrained to believe that this story, in all its essential features, is a fabrication, gotten up for the purpose of exciting prejudice against me, of com.menuing '• The Spy," and of hiding the treachery of which the editor virtually admits himself to be guilty. But Judge Allen, not content to avail himself of the professional treachery of the Spy, in his speech of October 30th, reads and then publishes to the world d. pri- vate letter which I wrote him before the Philadelj^hia Convention. I Avill not remark upon this violation of private confidence, because every one, not entirely Avrapt up in selfishness and devoid of honorable feeling, knows that there is a sacredness in private intercourse which no gentleman will violate. But, after all, what important fact has Judge Allen, or his satellite of the Spy, brought to light by these violations of private friendship ^ They have disclo.sed just what I have always openly declared: that I was opposed to the nomination of Gen. Taylor ; that I was in favor of exclud- ing slaver)^ Irom the Territoiies ; that I preferred a northern candidate for the Presi- deiicy; and thought Judge McLean might be the most available man. Whilst this conspiracy against me was developing itself, and the Spy was daily pouring forth its vituperation, I published wo private letters^ I wrote no articles justi- fying myself, or exposing the conduct of my opponents. I felt that there was a 11 delicacy in appearing from the press in defence of myself. Nor had I any desire of converting the canvass into a personal altercation; and therefore I refrained from any publication. But, in the mean time, my opponents were active. In the language of the bard — " This prints my letters, that expects a bribe, And others roar aloud, subscribe, subscribe." But not beingdisposed to imitate certain examples and subscribe largely for copies- of this Van Buren paper, or enter into a personal contest, I remained silent. " Though want provok'd and madness made them print, I wag'd no war with bedlam or the mint." I had no subsidized press at my command; no treacherous editor to do my bidding; no brother pampered by the commonwealth, and fitted by long expe- rience for rancorous debate, to let loose like a tiger upon my rival; no disap- pointed, restless Democrats to aid my cause, or transfer their friends — if transfer it can be called — i;o me and Martin Van Buren. Nor did the part3^ with which I acted, while they Avere proclaiming "free soil" and "free suffrage," attempt to make slaves of the people, by adopting every means within their power to induce them, in advance, to .'^ign written pledges that they would vote with a certain party when the election should arrive. Now, gentlemen, keeping in mind that the only fact brought against me to sus- tain all the crimes charged, is that I refused to vote for Martin Van Buren, and voted for Gen. Taylor, I wish to inquire who are those that have pursued me with so much virulence, and who seem disposed to magnify my faults almost to capital offences? They are gentlemen who, in 1840, voted and spoke and wrote against Mr. Van Buren, declaring him to be a corrupt, intriguing politician, bov.ing down to the South, and betraying every northern interest; gentlemen who, in 1844, voted for Mr. Clay, a southern man and a slaveholder; one of whom declared at Philadel- phia that he preferred Gen. Taylor to Mr. Clay; gentlemen who commenced their late political career by declaring that they were Whigs, and could not vote for Gen. Taylor because he was not ^ain.iit the exten- sion of slavery, and against any leo;islation, the object of which is to upliold slavery v.'here it now ex- ists If the people of tiie free States who are opposeil to slavery will take this ground, they will assuredly conirol the next Congress. But iflhty separate from the existing parties, and split up into fac- tions, tlieir influence tcill be lost, and a pro-slavery Congress will be elected, ^ts regnrdi the nomination for President, each man may decide for himself ivluther he can give his vote to the nominee, for the purpose of de- feating a more obnoxious candidate, or whether principle requires that he should xoithhold it altogether. "Looknig at the signs cf the times, we believe that Gen. Taylor wiii be elected. If elected, it will be as the Whig nrmhiee, and, with such union as may be maintained without any sanijice of principle, the election of President will carry with it, as it alwavs does, the election of memljers of Congress. The oppotients of slave extension and slave legislation have it in their power to give potency to their prin- ciples in that election, if ihey are wise and prudent. Will they not do it.'" Here the editor of the Spy declares that he ''shall not be driven from the support of Whig principles, Whig measures, and Whig men;" that, if Gen. Taylor is elect- ed, "it will be as a Whig nominee, and with such union as may be maintained with- out any sacrifice of principle,'''' the election will carry with it a Whig Congress, and so secure the rights of the North ; and hence, he calls upon his friends to "act together as Whigs in support of Whig principles, as we have heretofore done." And yet, in about one week, this same gentleman, after falsifj/ing his own declarations, eating his own words, and abandoning every principle he had laid down for himself, denounces as a traitor every one who pursued the course which he marked out, and declared that they could pursue "without any sacrifice of principle." But why did the editor of the Spy, after making these truly Whig and statesman- like declarations, repudiate them ail in the short space of ten days.? I will state what followed, and you may judge for yourselves. On the 21st of June, just seven days after the editor defined his position, the Hon. Charles Allen, in a public speech de- livered to a large assembly in Worcester, made this significant declaration: " I hope our friend of the Spy will see that there is something more than a shower coming; and I hope he will see that his interest is in boldly speaking out his prniciples, and let him be the organ here ■ A v^ V t -:^ '-^^^^Y^^ ^ "^ ^" <^'ii^ ^^-^4-. v^ vV^^_ V^ ^^^ ^^, ^..yy . O " -f ,. '*%^ 0^- .0 .-. ^'!'' .0'