Wl mmmnimmi s-.t(?^: 1 ATE 'fK'f'i T> ^TeE,:!- BAViS GprightN^ CQBffilGHT DEPOSm BAGGAGE RATE AND STREET DIRECTORY OF THE Merchants Transfer Co. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 1920 F COPYRIGHT 1920 MERCHANTS TRANSFER CO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRESS OF MAVERICK-CLARKE LITHO CO. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS JUIL !lE$ iS'^P A570932 , I STREET RATE ^ A STREET (See ALCALDE) '^ ABBEY (Edmund) 1.00 2200 Jones Ave. E. to Ditch j^ ABERDEEN PL LOO J 500 Berkshire Ave. S. to Schley O ABISO - L50 Alamo Hts. 120! Tow^nsend W. to Long \_, Lane ^^ ACACIA 1.25 301 Reservoir N. to Allensworth ^ ACADIA 1.25 Alamo Hts. 845 Estes W. to Harwood ACHILLES 1.00 Government and Hedges E. to City Lim. ADA 1 .25 4306 S. Presa E. to S. Hackberry ADA _ 1 .25 2600 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. ADAES (Anderson) 1.00 1601 Culebra Ave. N. to W. Bancroft ADAMS (See AGANIER) ADAMS 100 TO 200 50 300 TO END 75 11 24 S. Alamo S. to Marne ADELAIDE 75 1 00 Rehman S. to Lachapelle ADELE 1 .25 1401 West Falls S. to Steves ADINA 1 .25 Palm Hts. W. Theo S. to Malone ADOLPH 1 .50 Columbia Hts. Mission S. to Hill AGANIER (Adams) 100 TO 400 75 500 TO END 1.00 321 Hickman N. to Summit AGARITA E : 1.00 3002 Main Ave. E. to McCullough —3— STREET RATE AGARITA W 1 .00 3001 Main Ave. W. to SAP. Track AGNES 75 80 i Ave. A W. to River ALABAMA 75 520 S. Pine E. to S. Monumental ALAMEDA 1 .00 Laurel Hts. Ter. Add. 700 Ale N. to Pastores ALAMETOS AVE 1.25 Lcs Angeles Hts. 3101 Blanco Rd. W. to West Ave. ALAMETOS 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. 200 Jackson NE. to Solano ALAMO N 50 201 E. Commerce N. to Alamo Plaza ALAMO S. (Aransas) 50 202 E. Commerce SW. to S. Flores ALAMO PLAZA E. SIDE 50 Blum N. to E. Houston ALAMO PLAZA W. SIDE 50 N. Alamo N. to E. Houston ALAMOSA AVE 1.00 702 Roosevelt E, to Hunstock ALAZAN N 75 221 1 W. Commerce N. to W. Houston ALAZAN S 75 2210 W. Commerce S. to Buena Vista ALBANY L50 Montclair Add. 4600 Broadw^ay E. to N. New Braunfels ALBERT , .^ 1 .00 1 3 I 5 N. Navidad W. to N. Hamilton —4— STREET RATE ALCALDE (A St.) 1.00 Grand View Add Conception Ave. and Mayes NE. to City Lim. ALDER 75 1 1 1 2 N. Pine E. to Willow ALDER 75 700 Refugio SW. to Callaghan ALE AVE 1 .00 1500 McCuIlough E. to River ALEXANDER AVE 1.00 9 1 5 E. Texas Ave. N. to Bancroft ALHAMBRA 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. 2400 West Ave. E. to Fig. ALICE AL 50 2 1 1 S. Salado W. to S. Comal ALLEN (See MANITEAU) ALLEN (See VAN ZANDT) ALLING 75 1102 River E. to Ave. D. ALLINGSWORTH 1 .25 3 1 00 River Ave. E. to N. New Braun- fels Ave. ALPINE (Swiss S.) 75 8 1 Wyoming S. to Nevada ALTA 1.50 Alamo Hts. 4800 Broadway W. to North St. ALTA VISTA 75 Aha Vista Add. 1 700 S. Trinity W. to S. Navidad ALTA VISTA 1 .00 1800 Piedmont E. to S. Palmetto ALTO 50 609 S. Comal W. to S. San Marcos ALVAN 1.25 1806 Foch Hway. NE. to Beal STREET RATE ALVAREZ PL. (Pecan PI.) ' .75 1400 Sommerset Rd. E. to Halstead ANCONA AVE. (Ridge Rd.) 1.00 600 Olympian Way N. to Priv. Prop. ANDERSON (See ADAES) ANDERSON 1 .00 6 i S. Waiters E. to Priv. Prop. ANDREWS ^ 1 .00 3014 N. New Braunfels E. to Tilden ANGELES (See ELDORADO) ANGELES DR. 100 TO 900 1.25 1 000 TO END 1.50 2 7 GO Foch Hway. NW. to Solano ANGELLA .- .75 1615 S. Brazos W. to Cibolo ANGELO (See CUSTER) ANITA (Netta) LOO 300 Concection Ave. W. to Magendie ANTIA .". 1 .25 Sunny Slope Add 300 Sewanee S. to I iiawatha ANNA 1 .25 Grend Viev/ Add. 2300 Nebraska S. to C. St. ANNIE 1 .00 Denver Side Add. N. end of Kendall off Hildebrand APACHE 75 22 ) S. Laredo S. to Apache Cr. APFERSON 1 .00 Edgewood Add 1400 S. W19th St. W. to C^ty Lim. APPERSON 1 .25 Sunset PI. No. 2 4100 Sommerset Rd. E. to Artesia APPLE (See FOUNTAIN) APPLER 75 1202 River Ave. E. to Pine —6— STREET RATE APPLEWHITE 75 202 Ripps S. to SP. Track ARABELLA AL. (Walton Al.) 75 3 1 6 N. Hackberry E. to N. Olive ARANSAS (See S. ALAMO) ARANSAS AVE. 100 TO 400 75 500 TO END 1. 00 iSOO S. Mesquite E. to S. Mittman ARBOR PL. (Lopez) 100 BLK 50 200 TO 1000 75 II 00 TO 2300 1.00 2400 TO END 1.25 1203 N. Laredo W. to City Lim. ARBUTUS 1 .50 Alamo Hts. Harwood N. to Parked Blvd. ARCADIA PL L25 Madeline Ter. Add. 4001 Broadway E. to V/alton ARCHER 75 200 blk. W. Josephine S. to Priv. Prop. ARCINIEGA 50 402 Garden E. to S. Alamo ARCTIC AVE. (Atlantic) 1.25 Harlandale Add. Sayers S. to Harlan Ave. ARDEN GROVE (Maverick Grove) 50 9th and Oakland N. to River ARGO 1.50 Alamo Hts. 4500 Broadway W. to Parked Blvd. ARGYLE AVE 1.25 Alamo Hts. 300 bik. Encino W. to Casa Grande ARIZONA 1 .00 Edgewood Add. about 1600 S. W19th St. W. to Barclay —7— STREET RATE ARLENE 1.50 Columbia Hts. Add. ARLINGTON CT 1 .00 3002 S. Presa E. to Priv. Prop. ARMADILLO AL. (Burnet AI.) 75 720 N. Cherry E. to N. Hackberry. ARMISTEAD (Pecan) 50 4 1 Soledad E. to River ARMOUR PL 1 .00 300 Preston E. to Rive'- ARMY BLVD - ... .75 1500 River Ave. E. to Army Post ARROYO AL (South St. Al.) 50 350 Water SE. to Matagorda ARSENAL E 50 702 S. Flores SE. to River ARSENAL W 50 701 S. Flores W. to S. Laredo ARTESIA 1 .25 Sunset PI. No. 2 Mirabeau S. to Mission ARTHUR 100 TO 300 75 400 TO END 1.00 9 1 N. Palmetto E. to N. Gevers ASH 1 .00 1715 Carson N. to Hood ASHBY PL. E. (San Pedro PI.) 75 2100 Main Ave. E. to Jones ASHBY PL. W. (San Pedro PI.) 75 2101 Main Ave. W. to Foch Hway. ASHCROFT AVE 1.50 Montclair Add. Trinity Circle N. to Yebona ASHLEY 1 .00 602 Edgar E. to Ervin ASPEN 1.50 Montclair Add 300 Yebona N. to Castano STREET RATE ASTOR 1.00 2901 S. Hackberry E. to S. Pine ^JL^ISITA 75 800 Dallas NW. to E. Laurel ATLANTIC (See ARCTIC) AUBREY 50 300 bik. Gilbeau S. to Priv. Prop. AUBURN BLVD 1.50 40-4200 Sommerset Rd. W. to Vernon AUGUSTA 50 Convent Bridge NE. to River AURENA or ADENA 1.25 Palm Hts. Add. W. Theo. S. to Malone AUSTIN 100 TO 400 50 500 TO END 75 1 1 5 Burnet NE. to E. Josephine AUSTIN RD 1 .25 400 M. St. NE. to City Lim. AVANITA DIAZ (See PASTORES) AVANT 100 TO 800 1.00 900 TO END 1.25 2201 S. Hackberry E. to Conception Ave. AVE A 75 River to 1 blk. N. of E. Josephine AVEB 100 TO 900 50 1000 TO END .75 202 5th St. N. of James NE. to Priv. Prop. AVE C 100 TO 900 50 1000 TO END 75 401 E. Houston NE. to Grand Ave. AVE. D 100 TO 900 50 1000 TO END 75 501 E. Houston NE. to Appier AVE. E 50 701 E. Houston NE. to 8th St. —9— STREET RATE ^ZUZA 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. 2900 West Ave. E. to Priv. Prop. STREET (See RANGER) lAILEY 1 .00 Lake View Add. S. V>/2 i st St. W. to Priv. Prop. ;AILEY AVE. 100 TO 700 1. 00 800 TO END 1.25 2302 S. Hackberry E. to Conception iAITY CT 1.00 240! S. Presa E. to Hunstock ALDWIN (See GOODRICH) ;aldwin 100 TO 400 1.00 500 TO END 1.25 3000 S. Hackberry E. to St. Anthony ALTIMORE AVE 50 301 Oakland NW. to E. Maple ALTIMORE AVE. CT. CSee CLAIRBORNE CT.) ;ANCR0FT AVE. E. (Lake) 100 TO 200.... 1.00 300 TO END.. 1.25 1000 E. Cincinnati NW. to Bandera lANCROFT AVE. W. 100 TO (Lake) 200.. 1.00 300 TO END 1.25 1000 E. Cincinnati NW. to WooIIey lANDERA AVE. 100 TO 700 1.00 800 TO END 1.25 1001 Foch Hway. E. to Priv. Prop. ;ANDERA N. (See ELMENDORF N.) ;ANDERA S. (See ELMENDORF S.) ANK 75 2310 S. Flores E. to Priv. Prop. ANNER AVE 1 .00 700 W. Agarita N. to W. Summit lARBE 75 1205 Garden SW. to River — 10— STREET RATE BARCLAY 100 TO 600 1.00 700 TO END 1.25 300 Castroville Rd. S. to Priv. Prep. BARGAS 1 .00 2220 Virginia Blvd. S. to S. Hts. St. BARILLA PL 1.25 Madeline Ter. 3800 Broadway E. to N. New Braunfels BARNARD 1 .00 Oakland '1 er. Add. 40 1 Brackenridge N. to Duncan BARRERA 75 720 S. Aiamo SE. to Virginia Blvd. BARRETT PL 1.00 San Fernando Add. 2i00 Sommerset Rd. W. to CIaris.«a BARTLETT PL 1.50 Terrell Hills Add. 5500 N. New Braun- fels W. to N. Walton BARTON AVE 1.25 Malcne Park Ter. Clarissa W. to S.A.U. & C. 'T-r-ck BASCEN AVE 1.25 Alamo Hts. 3500 Broadway W. to Pat- BASTROP (Henry Terrell) 1.00 Hillcrest Add. Boehmer S. to Cotton- wood BAUER PL 1.25 2200 S. New Braunfels W. to Priv. Prop. BAYARD RD. (Milam) 50 5 1 5 Oakland NW. to Augusta BAYLOR AVE. 100 TO 400 75 500 TO END 1.00 2701 S. Flores W. to Sommerset Rd. BEACON AVE 1. 00 1801 Blanco Rd. W. to Capitol — n— STREET RATE BEAL 1 .25 Keystone Park Add 200 Buckeye NW. to Concord BEATTIE 100 TO 200 1.00 300 TO END 1.25 300 Beal E. to SAP. Track BEAUMONT 1 .50 Mt. Auburn Add. 42-4400 Sommerset Rd. W. to Vernon BEAUREGARD 50 900 S. Alamo NW. to River BECKER 75 2002 S. Presa E. to Yorkshire PI. BEDELL 1 .50 Los Angeles Hts. 1900 West Ave. W. to Jackson BEE 1 .00 1002 Frank E. to Ervvin BEE DRIVE 1.00 300 blk. Bee St. S. to Coleman BEECHWOOD 1 .50 40-4100 Sommerset Rd. W. to Vernon BELDEN AVE 1.25 Harlandale about 5400 Corpus Christi Rd. E. to Donna Maria Blvd. BELKNAP PL. 100 TO 700 75 800 TO END 1.00 3 1 5 Diewey PI. N. to Priv. Prop. BELL AL. (Madero Al.) 75 5 1 San Fernando S. to Guadalupe BELLMEADE 1 .25 3100 S. Gevers E. to Conception Ave. BELLVIEW ; 1 .00 200 Elmhurst N. to Reservoir BELMONT 1 .00 202 N. Nevyr Braunfels E. to Rio Grande BELVIN 50 903 N. Flores SW. to Cameron — 12— STREET RAT" BENITA 1 .00 1 60 1 Roosevelt Ave. W. to Conception Rd. BENTON 1 .00 201 Seguin N. to Carson BERKSHIRE AVE. (Hartwell) 100 TO 200.. .75 300 TO END 1.00 2200 S. Presa E. to S. Hackberry BERLIN 1.50 Columbia Hts. 5000 Sommerset Rd. E. to Ethel BERNARD 1.50 Kingston Hts. 500 Solano N. to Gantt BEZE (See PIEDMONT) BIERING 75 1502 S. Garden E. to S. Presa BIG FOOT 1.00 310! S. Flo res W. to Nogalitos BILL GREEN 1.00 600 blk. S. New Braunfels E. to S. Gevers BIRCH 1 .00 42 7 West Falls S. to Drexel BISHOP 1 .00 200 W. Dittmar S. to Priv. Prop. BISMARK (Dittmar See MARNE) BLAIN 100 TO 300 75 400 TO END , 1.00 8 1 N. Palmetto E. to N. Gevers BLANCO RD. 100 TO 400 75 500 TO 2000 1.00 2100 TO END 1.25 410 Foch Hway. N. BLANKEY 1 .25 California Gardens Elks Drive S. to Highland BLOOMING AVE 1.00 1 100 St. W19th St. W. to Barclay — 13— STREET RATE BLUE BONNETT (Bonnett) 1.00 8 1 4 N. New Braunfels E. to N. Gevers BLUE STAR 50 1420 S. Alamo S£. to Priv. Prop. BLUM - 50 202 Alamo Piaza E. to Live Oak BLUMBERG 1.25 Biunswick Park Add. Brunswick S. to Highland BOEHMER LOO 3601 blk. S. Flares W. to Halstead BOERNE .75 200 \V. Carolina N. to Indiana BOIS'D'ARC 50 300 E. Arsenal S. to Johnson BONHAM 50 301 E. Commerce N. to Crockett BONNETT AVE. (See BLUE BONNETT) BOOKER AL. (Chestnut) 50 520 Live Oak E. to N. Walnut BOONE AL. (Johnson AL) BOONE AVE 1-25 Alamito Add. 500 Palmer N. to Priv. Prop. BORDOY 1 .00 San Fernando Add. 1000 McLeary S. to W. Theo BOSTON 75 420 N. Olive E. to N. Pine BOUDET PL 1.00 2030 Nebraska S. to Priv. Prop. BOWEN PL 75 814 River Ave. E. to Ave. D. BOWERS (See HANCOCK) BOWIE 50 401 E. Commerce N. to Nacogdoches BRACKJINRIIDGE AVE 1.00 1600 River Ave. E. to U. S. Post — 14— STREET RATE BRAD AVE. 100 TO 1200 1.25 1300 TO END 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. 1101 Hildebrand N. to Haas BRAD ST 1.25 Los Angeles Hts. 400 Beal N. to Hilde- brand BRADLEY (Kimball) 1.25 Harlandale Add. 400 Sayers S. to Harlan Ave. BRADY 1 .00 Frio City Rd. V/. to G. H. & S. A. Track S. of Ceralvo BRADY (See RAWLINS) BRAHAN BLVD 1.00 1320 River Ave. E. to N. Pine BRANDON (Harrison) Alamo Hts 1.25 Alamo Hts. 1020 Townsend NW. to Crescent BRAZOS N 75 2203 W. Commerce N. to E. Cincinnati BRAZOS S. 100 TO 2300 75 2400 TO END 1. 00 2200 W. Commerce S. to Ceralvo BREABY 1 .25 2200 Nople E. to S. Gevers BREARLY 1 .00 2900 Piedmont E. to S. Palmetto BREEDEN 100 TO 400 75 500 TO END 1.00 701 W. Ashby PI. N. to W. Summit BREMEN 1.25 Mission View Add. 500 blk. Hiawatha S. to Priv. Prop. BRENDEL 1 .00 300 Van Zandt E. to Priv. Prop. BRENEMAN AL 50 4 I 4 St. Mary's E. to Priv. Prop. — 15— STREET RATE BRISTOL (Calvert) 1.25 Harlandale Add. Donna Maria Blvd. W. to Fordyce 3ROAD AVE. 100 TO 300 75 400 TO END 1.00 1320 McCulloueh E. to Jones Ave. BROAD AVE. AL 75 100 bik. Kings Ct. W. to Priv. Prop. BROADWAY 3500 TO 4000 1.25 4100 TO END 1.50 Alamo Hts. continuation of River Ave. N. Country Club Rd. and River Ave. BRODBENT 1 .25 600 blk. Steves S. to Floral BRONSON 1 .25 Alamo Hts. 501 Patterson N. to 923 Cambridge Oval BROOKLYN AVE 50 501 Oakland NW. to Cypress BROOKS 75 1416 N. Hackberry E. to N. Pine BROOKS AVE 1.25 Denver Side Add. McCullough E. to Shook BROWN 75 416 N. Cherry E. to N. Hackberry BRUHN 1.25 Brunswick Park Add. Davis S. to High- land BRUNDAGE 1 -25 Crestholm Add. 400 Dauchy Rd. S. to Lennon BRUNSWICK BLVD 1.25 Pleasanton Rd. W. through Brunswick Park Add. BRUNSWICK ST , 1.25 Harlandale Add. Donna Maria Blvd. W. to Quintard — 16— STREET RATE BRYAN (See HUICAR AVE.) BRYANT 75 200 Roosevelt E. to S. Presa BUCHANAN (M St.) 1.25 1200 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. BUCKBERRY AL. (Comal Al.) 50 8 1 San Fernando S. to Guadalupe BUCKEYE AVE. 100 TO 1300 1.25 1400 TO END 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. Add. 1001 Hildebrand N. to Haas BUCKEYE ST 1.25 Keystone Park Add. 2000 Foch Hway. N. to Hildebrand BUCKINGHAM AVE 1. 00 2600 S. Presa E. to S. Hackberry BUCKNER AVE 1.25 Palm Hts. Add. Clarissa W. to S.A.U.G. Track BUCNAN 1 .25 Lake View Add. 700 W26th St. W. to Priv. Prop. BUENA 1.50 Kingston Hts. Add. 300 Jackson NE. to Solano BUENA 100 TO 600 1.25 700 TO END 1.50 3201 Blanco Rd. W. to West Ave. BUENA VISTA (See SAN SALV ADORE) BUENA VISTA 100 TO 1000 50 1100 TO 2500 75 2600 TO END 1.00 201 Santa Rosa W. to S. W19th St. BUFFALO (Miller) 1.00 Elite Hts. Add. 900 \V. Theo S. to Milligan BURDA VALLEY PL 1.50 Terrell Hills Add. Garraty Rd. N. to Zambrano — 17— STREET RATE BURBANK 75 701 Nogalitos W. to Priv. Prop. BURLESON 100 TO 1200 75 1300 TO END 1.00 504 Austin E. to N. Walters BURNET 100 TO 300 50 400 TO 1400 75 1500 TO END 1.00 100 Austin E. to City Lim. BURNET (See ARMADILLA AL.) BURNET AVE 1.00 601 Brendel N. to S. P. Track BUSCH AVE 1.25 700 Hiawatha S. to City Lim. BUSHNELL AVE 1.00 2200 McCullough E. to Jones Ave. C ST. (See JEMISON) CACTUS 75 620 Dakota S, to Virginia CADWALLADER 50 1003 N. Flores W. to Camaron CALAVERAS N. 100 TO 1000 75 1100 TO END 1.00 3201 W. Commerce N. to Foch Hway. CALAVERAS S. 100 TO 1100 75 1 200 TO END 1.00 3200 W. Commerce S. to Ceralvo CALDER (Steves) 50 7 1 6 \V. Commerce S. to Dolorosa CALDWELL 1 .00 4101 S. Presa W. to Naylor CALEDONIA 1.50 Alamo Hts. Yebona N. to Castano CALHOUN 1 .00 300 Seguin Rd. N. to Pinckney CALIFORNIA 50 200 Kingsbury N. to Romana STREET RATE CALIFORNIA BLVD 1.25 California Garden Add. 200 Blankney W. to Artesia CALKINS 1 .00 4201 Pleasanton Rd. W. to Priv. Prop. CALLA 1 .25 Palm Hts. Add. CALLAGHAN AL. (See MUSTANG AL.) CALLAGHAN AVE. 100 TO 300 50 400 TO END 75 7 1 2 S. Presa SE. to Priv. Prop. CALUMET (Morales) 1. 00 Palm Hts. Add. CALVERT 50 202 W. Sheridan S. to W. Johnson CALVERT (See BRISTOL) CAMADA 75 920 N. Navidad W. to Calaveras CAMARGO 50 802 S. Alamo SE. to Labor CAMARON 100 TO II 00..... 50 1200 TO END 75 70 I W. Commerce N. to Foch Hway. CAMBRIDGE OVAL 1.25 Alamo Hts. Add W. end of Willem off Broadway CAMDEN 100 TO 900 ' 50 1000 TO END 75 702 Main Ave. NE. to River CAMP 50 1201 S. Flores W. to S. Laredo CAMPBELL 75 300 Baylor S. to Fairmount CAMPECHE (Park PI.) 75 1813 N. Flores W. to N. Comal CANADIAN (Cleveland) 75 816 N. Palmetto E. to N. New Braun- fels * -19- STREET RATE CANAL 50 300 Camargo SW. to Leigh CAN'T STOP 75 1115 Lamar N. to Priv. Prop. CANTON 75 400 N. Palmetto E. to N. New Braun- fe!s CAPITOL AVE. 100 TO 1300 1.00 1400 TO END 1.25 9 1 6 ipoch Hway. N. to Covina CARETTA 50 2 1 7 Soledad W. to Main Ave. CAREY AVE 1 .25 3100 River Ave. E. to N. New Braun- fels CARLETON AVE 1.00 200 Olympian Way S. to Ale Ave. CARLISLE AVE. (Haines) 1.25 3 700 Sommerset Rd. E. to Priv. Prop. CARNAHAN AVE 1.25 2900 River Ave. E. to Acacia CARNOT 1 .00 Elite Hts. Add. 700 Dureau S. to Priv. Prop. CAROLINA E 75 S. end of Peach St. E. to 1400 S. Cherry CAROLINA W _ 75 S end of Peach St. W. to 1 4 1 S. Presa CARRIE 1 .25 Palm Hts. Add. CARRINGTON BLVD. (College) 1.50 Alamo Hts. 5000 Broadway W. to West Texas Military College CARROLL AVE. 100 TO 300 1. 00 400 TO END 1.25 Palm Hts. Add. 2401 Sommerset Rd. W. to S.A.U.G. Track —20— STREET RATE CARSON 100 TO 600 75 700 TO END 1.00 1202 Austin E. to Ervin CARTER AVE. 100 TO 200 1.25 300 TO END 1.50 4000 Sommerset Rd. W. to Sullivan CARTER 1 .00 1615 N. Zarzamora W. to Priv. Prop. CASA BLANCA 75 1015 Austin W. to River Ave. CASA GRANDE AVE 1.25 Alamo Hts. Patterson N. of Argyle SW. to Torcido Dr. CASANOVA 75 80 1 Tampico N. to Priv. Prop. CASCADE (Fountain) 1.25 2302 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. CASH AL. (Cherry) 75 910 S. Walnut E. to S. Mesquite CASINO 50 now. Commerce S. to Market CASS AVE 75 2501 S. Flores W. to Sommerset Rd. CASSIANO 75 1921 S. Flores W. to San Pedro Cr. CASTANO AVE 1.50 Alamo Hts. and Montclair Adds. E. and W. from 5300 Broadway CATALINA AVE. 100 TO 1500 1.25 1600 TO END 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. 701 Hildebrand N. to Alhambra CASTILLO AVE. 100 Block 75 200 TO END 1.00 300 Grove S. to Priv. Prop. CASTRO 100 TO 800 75 900 TO END 1.00 1501 N. Laredo W. to City Lim. —21 — STREET RATE CASTROVILLE RD 1.25 900 S. WI9th St. ext. SW. CATALPA 1 .25 20 1 Reseirvoir N. to AUensworth CAVALIER AVE. (Sanders) 100 TO 300 1.00 400 TO END 1.25 Palm Hts. Add. 2600 Sommerset Rd. W. to S.A.U.G. Track CEDAR 100 TO 200 .50 300 TO END 75 900 S. Alamo S. to Fir CENTER N. 100 TO 300 .50 400 TO END 75 1 20 Live Oak E. to N. New Braunfels CENTER ST. AL. (See HALLER) CENTRAL AVE. (Otis) 1.25 Lounsberry Add. Pleasanton Rd. W. to Priv. Prop. CERALO AVE L25 Morna Dale Add. Corpus Christi Rd. E. to Priv. Prop. SE. of Harlandale CERALVO 100 Block 75 200 TO END LOO 200 ! S. Brazos W. to City Lim. CERVANTES (Diaz Ave.) L50 Montclair Add. Chichester PI. N. to Zambrano CEVALLOS E 50 1500 S. Flores E. to Probandt CEVALLOS W 50 1501 S. Flores W. to S. Laredo CHALMERS AVE L25 Sunset PI. No. 2, 3900 Sommerset Rd. E. to Artesia CHARLES L50 Columbia Hts. Add. 100 Berlin S. to Hill —22— STREET RATE CHARLES RD 1.25 Madeline Ter. Add. 5000 N. New Braunfels E. to Priv. Prop. CHARLOTT 100 TO 600 1. 00 700 TO END 1.25 Palm Hts. Harriman PI. S. to V/innipeg CHERRY AL. (See CASH AL.) CHERRY N 75 80 I E. Commerce N. to Austin CHERRY S. 100 TO 1600 75 I 700 TO END 1 .00 802 E. Commerce S. to Halliday in Lawndale Add. CHESTER 1.25 Madeline Terrace Add. 201 Mary D. N. to Hubbard. CHESTNUT 50 60 I E. Commerce N. to Austin CHESTNUT AL. (See BOOKER AL.) CHEYENNE AVE 1.00 1601 S. Wi9th St. W. to City Lim. CHICAGO AVE 1.50 Columbia Hts. Add. Sommerset Rd. E. to Ethel CHICAGO BLVD 1.00 3800 S. Presa E. to S. Hackberry CHICHESTER PL 1.50 Madeline Ter. 4200 Broadway E. to N. New Braunfels CHIHUAHUA 100 TO 1800 75 1900 TO END 1.00 1201 S. Frio V/. to S. Wi9thSt. CHIHUAHUA AL. (See PRIEST A AL.) CHILDRESS (Gertrude Ave.) 1. 00 801 Baylor S. to Big Foot CHILTON (Taft) 1.00 921 S. W19th St. W. to City Lim. —23— STREET RATE CHRISTI 1 .25 Harlandale 200 Sayers S. to Harlan Ave. CHUPADERAS N 75 3101 W. Commerce N. to Perez CHUPADERAS S 75 3100 W. Commerce S. to Potosi CIBOLO N 75 2901 W. Commerce N. to Lakeview CIBOLO S : 75 2900 W. Commerce S. to Guadalupe CINCINNATI E. 100 TO 200 75 300 TO END 1.00 301 Blanco Rd. W. to E. Bancroft CINCINNATI W 1.25 701 W. Bancroft W. to Germania CIRCLE (Trinity Circle then Coventry Circle) 1.50 Montclair Add. 4400 Broadway CIRCELLA 1 .50 Alamo Hts. 700 Normandy N. to Olmus Dr. CITY 50 402 W. Arsenal S. to W. Johnson CLAIRBORNE CT. (Baltimore Ave. Ct.) 50 3 CO blk. E. Elmira SE. to Priv. Prop. CLAIRE 75 200 E. Josephine S. to Gertwood CLANDORA 100 TO 200 1.25 300 TO END 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. 3500 Blanco Rd. W. to West Ave, CLARISSA (Mildred) 1.25 Palm Hts. Add. W. end of Taft Blvd. S. to Culberson CLARK AVE 1.25 901 Bandera N. to Donaldson CLAUDIA 75 1101 blk. S. Presa SW. to Henrietta —24— STREET RATE CLAUDON AVE 1.25 City View Add 700 Culberson Ave. S. to Malvern CLEMENT 1 .00 Lake View Add. CLEO 75 2201 S. Brazos W. to S.A.U.G. Track CLEVELAND CT. 100 TO 300 1.25 400 TO END 1.50 Madeline Ter. Add. 200 Barilla N. to 300 Chichester CLEVELAND (See Canadian) CLEVELAND 1.50 Columbia Hts. 500 Mission S. to Hill CLIFF AVE 1.25 Corpus Christi Rd. W. to Pleasanton Rd. SW. of Harlandale CLIFFORD CT 1.00 3616 S. Presa E. to S, Cherry CLIFTON AVE 1.00 Lake View Add. 3601 Durango NW. to City Lim. CLINTON AVE 1.00 1410 McCullough Ave. E. to Jones CLINTON AVE 1.50 Columbia Hts. 300 Mission S. to Hill CLOWER 1.50 Kingston Hts. Add. 1801 West Ave. W. to Jackson CLYDE 1.25 Kenwood Add. McCullough W. to San Pedro CLYDE 1 .25 Sunset PI. No. 2, 200 Mirabeau S. to Hudson COAHUILA 1 .25 Palm Hts. STREET RATE COFFMAN AVE 1.00 1 701 Blanco Rd. W. to Warner COKE AL. (Pierce Al.) 75 800 blk. N. San Jacinto E. to Priv. Prop. COLBY 1 .00 800 blk. W20th St. W. to W2Ut St. COLEMAN 1 .00 902 Frank E. to Ervin COLIMA 100 TO 400 50 500 TO 1800 75 1 900 TO END 1 .00 1001 S. Pecos W. to S. Wl9th St. COLLEGE 50 220 St. Mary's E. to Losoya COLLEGE AVE. (See GERMANIA) COLLEGE BLVD. (See CARRINGTON) COLLINGSWORTH (Hines) 1.00 901 Steves N. to Seguin COLLINS 75 200 N. Hackberry E. to N. Pine COLLINSWORTH 1 .00 702 W. Theo S. to Priv. Prop. COLONIAL DR. 100 TO 300 1.25 400 TO END 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. 1001 Santa Anna NW. to Solano COLORADO AL 75 1011 N. Colorado W. to Priv. Prop. COLORADO AVE. (See WAVERLY) COLORADO N 75 ?.00l W. Commerce N. to Foch Hway. COLORADO S. 100 TO 2500 75 2600 TO END 1.00 2000 W. Commerce S. to Saltillo COLQUITT PL. (See WACO AVE. E. & W.) COLUMBIA (Curtis) 1.25 3300 S. Gevers E. to City Lim. —26— STREET RATE COLUMBIA 1 .00 East End Add 400 Rio Grande E. to City Lim. COLUMBINE L50 Alamo Hts. Shaw Ave. N. to Lamont COLUMBUS 1.25 Lake View Add. Magnolia W. to Lady of the Lake College S. to Castroville Rd. COMADA 75 900 blk. N. Calaveras S. to N. Navidad COMAL N. 100 TO 800 50 900 TO END 75 I 70 1 W. Commerce W. to Hickman COMAL 5. 100 TO II 00 50 1200 TO END 75 1701 W. Commerce S. to S. Laredo COMAL AL. (See BUCKBERRY AL.) COMMERCE S. (See HEDGES) COMMERCE E. 100 TO 700 50 800 TO 1600 75 1700 TO END 1.00 River E. to City Lim. COMMERCE W. 100 TO 1800 50 1900 TO 3300 75 3400 TO 4600 1 .00 4700 TO END 1.25 River W. Beyond City Lim. COMPTON AVE 1.25 Harlandale 5600 Corpus Christi Rd. W. to Donna Maria Blvd. CONCEPTION AVE. 100 TO 700 1.00 800 TO 3100 1.25 3200 TO END 1.50 Mayes and Alcalde S. to Goliad Rd. and Woodruff —27— STREET RATE CONCEPTION (See YELLOWSTONE) CONCEPTION RD. 100 Block 75 200 TO END 1.00 501 Roosevelt SW, to Donna Maria Blvd. at River CONCHO N 50 80 1 W. Travis iN. to Laredo CONCHO S 50 1000 W. Commerce S. to San Fernando CONCORD (Davis) 1.25 2500 Foch Hway. E. to SAP. Track CONNELLY 1 .00 202 Hedges S. to Nebraska CONNER (Gonzales) 1.00 202 Mitchell S. to San Pedro Cr. CONNERS AVE 1.25 Alamito Add. Palmer N. to Priv. Prop. CONRAD (Gimble) 75 1816 S. Presa E. to Priv. Prop. CONSTANCE 75 700 E. Guentber SW. to Crofton CONVENT AVE .50 60 1 St. Mary's NW. to River COOKE AVE. (Herff) 100 TO 200 1.00 300 TO END 1.25 1900 Foch Hway. W. to Clark COOPER 1.50 Alamo Hts. No. 6 Circle S. to 4300 Broadway COOPER 1 .00 620 Aransas E. to S. Walters COOPER (See FENIMORE AVE.) CORCORAN 50 228 W. Commerce S. to Market CORDELIA , 1 .50 Woodruff PI. 200 Woodruff E. to Goliad Rd. —28— STREET RATE CORDERO (Texas) 1 .00 Pruitt Add. 500 Pruitt S. to Big Foot CORNELIA PL L50 Terrell Hills Add. N. New Braunfels E. to Walton CORNELL AVE 75 1711 N. Brazos W. to SAP. Track CORONA AVE 1.50 Alamo Hts. 4700 Broadway W. to North St. CORPUS CHRISTI RD. 3900 TO 4300 75 4400 TOPYRON RD. 1.25 3800 S. Flores S. thru Harlandale CORTEZ 75 505 Foch Hway W. to 2000 .— MARYLAND 1 .00 500 Hedges E. to Rio Grande MASON 100 TO 600 75 700 TO END 1.00 1112 Austin E. to Calhoun MATAGORDA 50 200 Lafitte SW. to Camargo MATAMORAS (See SAUNDERS AVE.) MATAMORAS 50 40 1 Santa Rosa W. to I. & G.N. Track MATLOCK 1 .00 H^^Uand Park Add. 700 blk. Rigsby S. to Highland Blvd. /A ' ..; MAURY 1 .00 1600 Sommerset Rd. S. to Big Foot MAVERICK 75 600 San Pedro N. to Russell PI. MAVERICK GROVE PL. (See ARDEN GROVE) MAY (See JUNE) MAY 75 1st St. S. of E. Houston on Wheeler E. to Goodloe Al. —75— STREET RATE MAYES 1 .00 2120 Nebraska S. 1 blk. to Priv. Prop. MAYFLOWER (Irving) 1.25 Madeline Ter. Add. 4101 Broadway SW. to 300 blk. Encino MAYNARD 1 .00 2200 Foch Hway. E. to SAP. Track MAYWOOD 1.25 Sunny Slope Add. 2800 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. McCASKILL 1 .00 Conners Grove Add. 1 st St. on W. Mitchell S. of Flato McCOMBE AVE 75 701 Roosevelt W. to Conception Rd. McCULLOUGH AVE. 100 TO 1300 75 1400 TO 2000 1.00 2100 TO END 1.25 301 E. Cypress N. to Priv. Prop. McDonald 1.25 2100 blk. Roosevelt SW. to Riverside Dr. McILVAINE 1.25 Los Angeles Hts. 2700 Blanco Rd. W. to Foch Hway. McKAY AVE 1 .00 400 W. Mitchell N. 1 blk. on Probandt E. to River. McKINLEY AVE. 100 TO 1400 1.00 1500 TO END 1.25 1100 Roosevelt E. to Conception Ave. McKINNEY PL 75 1900 Jones Ave. E. to River McLANE 75 1 200 Camden N. to E. Euclid McLEARY 1 .00 2801 S. Flores W. to 1900 Sommerset Rd. — :s— STREET RATE McLEOD (Edwards) 1.00 1616 N. Hamilton W. to N. W19th St. McMillan (See hubbard) McMULLEN 1 .00 3601 S. Presa W. to 1300 Roosevelt MEBANE 1 .25 4500 S. Presa E. to 3801 S. Hackberry MEDINA N 50 1501 W. Commerce N. to Ruiz MEDINA S 50 1500 W. Commerce S. to Tampico MEDIO 75 1600 S. Brazos E. to L&G.N. Track MEEKS 1 .50 Mission View Add. 600 blk. Hiawatha S. to Priv. Prop. MEERSCHEIDT 1 .00 500 Hedges S. to City Lim. MELBOURNE 1.50 Keystone Hts. Add. 400 Solano N. to Gantt MELROSE 1 .25 Sunny Slope Add. 2700 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. MELROSE PL 1.25 Arlington Add. 3001 McCullough W. to San Pedro MELVERN 1.50 City View Add. 38-4000 Sommerset Rd. W. to Sullivan MEMPHIS AVE 1.00 Edgewood Add. 200 Castroville Rd. S. 1 blk. on W20th St. W. to Barclay MENARD AL 75 100 blk. N. Mesquite E. to Priv. Prop. MBNCHACHA 100 TO 800 75 900 TO END LOO 1601 N. Uredo W. to N. WI9tK St. —77— STREET RATE MENEFEE BLVD 1 .25 2301 S. \V19th St. W. to City Lim. MERCHANT 1.00 1501 Blanco Rd. W. to SAP. Track MERIDA 100 TO 300 75 400 TO END 1.00 1901 S. Brazos W. to City Lim. MERIDIAN (Drexel) 75 300 E. Cincinnati S. to Granado MERIMAC (Dixie) 1.25 Crestholm Add. 300 Dauchy Rd. S. to Lennon MERRICK 1.00 4130 Corpus Christi Rd. E. to River MESQUITE N 75 901 E. Commerce N. to Crosby MESQUITE S 75 900 E. Commerce S. to West Falls METCALF 1.00 1200 Hedges S. to Alcalde MEYER AL 50 726 S. Laredo E. to San Pedro Cr. MIAMI (Maimi) 1.00 Keystone Park Add. 202 Buckeye St. E. to SAP. Track MICHIGAN AVE. 100 TO 1500 1.00 1600 TO END 1.25 Los Angeles Hts. 720 Foch Hway N. to Covina MICKLEJOHN 100 TO 200 75 300 TO END 1.00 1415 N. Trinity W. to N. W I 9th St. qw MIDWAY AVE :.. 75 "^^ 200 Glass S. to Pruitt jj^ MILAM ST 75 ^ 200 Oak E. to 1301 N. Piixe —78— STREET RATE MILAM (See BAYNARD RD.) MILDRED (See CLARISSA) MILDRED 1 .00 4000 Corpus Christi Rd. E. to Cr. MILITARY PLAZA E 50 600 W. Commerce S. to Dolorosa MILITARY PLAZA W 50 700 W. Commerce S. to Dolorosa MILLARD 1 .25 Kenwood Add. San Pedro E. to Main MILLER 1 .25 3301 S. Gevers W. to Sandfield MILLER (See BUFFALO) MILLIGAN (Mulligan) 1. 00 I 09 Pleasanton Rd. W. to Buffalo MILLS AL 75 720 S. Cherry E. to S. Mesquite MILTON PL. (See WALTON) MINNETONKA 1 .25 3500 S. Gevers E. to Conception Ave. MINTER (Olmus) LOO 4 I 00 W. Commerce S. to Laredo MIRABEAU (Division) L25 4600 Corpus Christi Rd. W. to 3800 Sommerset Rd. MISSION 100 TO 200 50 300 TO END 75 400 Pereida S. to Marne MISSION L50 Columbia Hts. Add. 37-3900 Sommer- set Rd. E. to Brunsw^ick Park Add. MISSISSIPPI 75 1210 S. Walnut E. to S. Cherry MISTLETOE E 75 2600 Main Ave. E. to McCuUough MISTLETOE W. 100 TO 200 75 300 TO END ..., UOO 2601 Main Ave. W. to SAP. Track :tS —79— STREET RATE MITCHELL E 1 .00 3305 S. Flores W. to River MITCHELL W 1.00 2800 blk. S. Flores E. to River MITTMAN N LOO 2001 E. Commerce N. to Paso Hondo MITTMAN S. 100 TO 2100 1.00 2200 TO END.. 1.25 2300 E. Commerce S. to Sequoya MOBERLY 1.00 500 Warner E. to SAP. Track & W. to Louise MOCKERT 75 200 Furnish S. to Cass MOHAWK (Wyoming) 1.00 300 Hedges E. to City Lim. MONCLOVA (Ruth Al.) 75 7 1 5 N. San Jacinto W. to N. Navidad MONCLOVA AVE. (See VAL VERDE AVE.) MONROE 1 .00 502 E. Mitchell S. to School St. MONROE AVE. (See PENDLETON) MONTANA 100 TO 1300 75 1400 TO END LOO 200 Santa Clara at Hoefgen E. to Rio Grande MONTCLAIR AVE. (Simpson) 1.50 Montclair Add. 4500 Broadway E. to N. New Braunfels MONTEREY 100 TO 1000 50 11 00 TO 2500 75 2600 TO END 1.00 301 S. Santa Rosa W. to Wl9th St. MONTEZUMA AL. (San Francisco Al.) 75 915 S. Brazos W. to S. Navidad MONTICELLO CT 1 .25 Crestholm Add. 5100 S. Presa E. to Priv. Prop. —80— STREET RATE MONUMENTAL N 75 1301 E. Commerce N. to Dawson MONUMENTAL S 75 1300 E. Commerce S. to Iowa MOODY AL ,. .75 120 S. Pine E. to S. Monumental MOON 1 .00 500 E. Glenn Ave. S. to Truax E. of Englewood Add. MOORE 1 .00 400 Rullman N. to Hood Government Hts. MORALES 100 TO 900 50 1000 TO 2200 75 2300 TO 3600 1.00 3700 TO END 1.25 60 I N. Laredo W. to City Lim. MORALES (See CALUMET) MORNINGSIDE 1 .25 300 S. Gevers E. to 2401 Conception Ave. MORRELL 1 .25 Sunny South Add. 4700 Corpus Christi Rd. E. to Donna Maria MORRISON AL 75 I 1 6 Hoefgen E. to S. Walters MORRISON AVE 1.25 Temple Will Add. 5500 S. Presa E. to Russi MORSE 1.25 Alamo Hts. Cambridge Oval and 90 1 Estes NW. to Ha r wood MORTON ! .25 Alamo Hts. 201 Torcido Or. N. to Cambridge Oval MORTON 1.50 Woodruff PI. 200 Rc»clin S. to Priv. Prop. —81 — STREET RATE MORTON AL. (See DOUGLAS AL.) MOSALY AVE 50 Mornadale Add. Gerald Ave. S. to Pyron Rd. MONCLOVA (See VAL VERDE) MOUNT VERNON CT 1.25 Crestholm Add. 5000 S. Presa E. to Priv. Prop. MOUNT ZION 50 2 1 Labor SE. to Pear MUEGGE .,. 1 .00 200 Van Zandt E. to Giddings MULBERRY AVE. E , 1.00 2900 Main Ave. E. to McCullough MULBERRY AVE. W 1.00 2901 Main Ave. W. to SAP. Track MULLEN 75 221 Foch Hway. W. to N. Brazos MULLIGAN AVE. (See MILLIGAN) MUNCEY (Magnolia) 75 301 Gorman N. to Carson MUREL (Murphy PI.) 1.25 Lounsberry Add. Pleasanton Rd. W. to Priv. Prop. MURIEL 1.50 Keystone Hts. 601 Solano N. to Gantt MURPHY AVE. 100 TO 500 1.00 600 TO END 1.25 1810 Foch Hway. W. to Clark MURPHY PL. (Sec MUREL) MURRAY N 1.00 3501 W. Commerce N. to Delgardo MURRAY S 1.00 3500 W. Commerce S. to Tampico MUSTANG AL. (Callahan Al.) 50 2 1 5 N. San Marcos W. to Richter —82— STREET RATE MUTH 75 401 Blk. Carson N. ot Quittman MYRTLE E 75 1 700 Main Ave. E. to Jones MYRTLE W. (Longinarri) 75 1701 Main Ave. W. to N. Comal MYRTLE (See NIAGARA) N. STREET 1 .25 Grand View Add 1300 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. NACIONAL 50 2 1 8 S. Presa E. to Wamble NACOGDOCHES 50 301 E. Crockett NE. to Nolan NACOGDOCHES RD 1.50 Alamo Hts. Parked Blvd. N. to Tuxedo NARP 50 201 Sycamore NW. to Lafitte NATLEN (See UNIVERSITY) NATALEN (Harwood) 1.00 2300 River Ave. E. to Priv. Prop. NATHAN 50 300 W. Johnson S. to S. Alamo NATIONAL BLVD. 1.25 Sunset PI. No. 2 Packard E. to Artesia NAVARRO 50 River 1 blk. S. of 400 Market N. to River at Romana NAVIDAD N. 100 TO 1300 75 1400 TO END LOO 3001 W. Commerce N. to Bandera Ave. NAVIDAD S. 100 TO 1400.... 75 1500TOENI>. 1.00 3000 W. Commerce S. to Ceralvo NAYLOR ................: 1 .00 200 School St. S. to Caldwell —83— STREET RATE NEAL AVE 1.00 4301 Corpus Christi Rd. W. to Pleasan- ton Rd. NEBRASKA 100 TO 1000 75 1 1 00 TO END 1 .00 700 S. Walnut E. to City Lim. NEER AVE. 100 TO 400 1.00 500 TO 1200 1.25 1300 TO 3300 1.50 3400 TO END 1.75 Keystone Park and Los Angeles Hts. Adds. 301 Frame N. to Hildebrand NEFF AVE 1.25 West End Add. 1701 Culebra N. to 200 W. Waco NELDA AVE 1 .50 Kingston Hts. 201 Solano N. to Gantt NELSON AVE 1.00 900 S. Palmetto E. to 90 1 S. New Braun- fels NESBIT .75 7 1 5 W. Cypress NW. to Ditch NETTA (See ANITA) NEVADA 100 TO 1300 75 1 400 TO END 1 .00 300 Peach St. E. to S. Walter. NEW BRAUNFELS N. 100 TO 900 75 1000 TO 3000 1. 00 3100 TO 5000 1.25 5100 TO END...„ 1.50 1701 E. Commerce N. bet. Terrell Hills and Madeline Ter. Adds NEW BRAUNFELS S. 100 TO 2600 1. 00 2700 TO END 1.25 1700 E. Commerce S. to City Lim. NEW MEXICO AL .3t) 310 Dtrrango S. to San Luis —84— STREET RATE NEW YORK PL 1.25 New York PI. Add 5400 Corpus Christi Rd. W. to Lavonia PI. NEWELL AVE 75 501 River Ave. W. to River NEWTON AVE 50 600 North St. SW. to Goliad NEWTON AL. (See GALITZEN AL.) NIAGARA 1 .25 Lake Viev/ Add. Ist St. S. of Lady of the Lake College E. & W. of W24th St. NIAGARA (Myrtle) 1.50 Columbia Hts. Sommerset Rd. E. to California Gardens NIKA (Hamilton Ave.) 75 2201 N. Pine W. to Ditch NIMS AVE. (Pershing) 1.00 1720 blk. S. Hackberry E. to S. Olive NINTH 50 200 Arden Grove SE. to Austin NIXON 75 601 Park Ave. W. to Ditch NOGAL 1.50 Alamo Hts. 1st St. W. of N. end of Circella on Olmus Dr. S. to Olmus Dr. NOGALITOS 100 TO 1400 75 1500 TO 2700 1.00 2800 TO 3900 1.25 4000 TO END 1.50 1501 S: Flores at Cevallos SW. to Som- merset Rd. NOLAN 100 TO 400 50 500 TO 1400 _ 75 1500 TO END 1.00 >0e Elm E. to N. Gevers NONA L25 Gladston Add. Milligan S. to Priv. Prop. STREET RATE NOPAL (Washington Ave.) 100 TO 1500 1.00 1 600 TO END 1 .25 900 Aransas Ave. S. to Floral NORMANDY (King) 1.50 Alamo Hts. 4601 B. Way at Townsend W. to Park Blvd. NORTH 50 220 S. Alamo S. E. to Santa Clara NORTH 1.50 Alamo Hts. W. end of Val Verde S. to Olmus Dr. NORTH 1 ITH (See VAN NESS) NORTH NORTH (See HILDEBRAND AVE) NORTH 13TH (See SANDMEYER) NORTH 12TH (See STAFFORD) NORTH VIEW , 1.25 Queensborough Add. ElmKurst Ave. N. to Roservoir NOYER AVE. (Hoyer Ave.) 1.00 3600 Durango S. to Castroville Rd. NUECES N. 100 TO 800 75 2000 Block 1.00 2701 W. Commerce N. to Perez 2000 blk. begins at 358 Yale N. to University NUECES S 75 2700 W. Commerce S. to Guadalupe NUEVA E 50 401 S. Alamo W. to River NUEVA W 50 At River 1 blk. E. of 200 Dwyer W. to Santa Rosa NUNES 1 .00 Palm Hts. Add. 502 Recio S. to W. Theo. O STREET 1.25 1400 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. —86— STREET RATE OAK 75 4 I 5 Grand Ave. N. to Casa Blanca OAKLAND 50 St. Mary's and Romana NE. to N nth and Arden Grove OBRAJE (See TRAVIS) OCCIDENTAL (See ORIENTAL) ODELL 1 .25 Kenwood Add 34-3600 McCuIlough W. to San Pedro OELKERS 75 S. end of Dowdy E. to Priv. Prop. OGDEN 75 E. Maple and E. Euclid N. to Ashby PI. OGDEN AVE. (See ROLAND) OGDEN LANE (See LONG LANE) OHIO 75 I 101 blk. S. Cherry W. to S. Walnut OLEANDER 75 2 1 5 Mason N. to Carson OLIVE N 75 1101 E. Commerce N. to Grayson OLIVES. 100 TO 1300 75 1400 TO END 1.00 1 100 E. Commerce S. to Baldwin OLIVER (See HYACINTH) OLIVET AVE. (See OREY) OLMUS DR 1.50 Alamo Hts. Olmus Cr. N. to Tuxedo OLMUS (See MINTER) OLYMPIAN WAY 1.00 1 702 McCuIlough E. to Jones Ave. OMAHA 75 222 S. Mesquite E. to S. Pine ONTARIO (Florence) 1.25 2 1 02 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. —87— STREET RATE OPHELIA - 1 .50 Woodruff PI. Add. Goliad Rd. W. to Woodruff ORANGE (See FIG) ORANGE 1 .00 Gladston Add. 249 Gladston Ave. N. to Custer ORD 100 TO 700 75 800 TO END 1.00 1516 N. Hackberry E. to N. New Braun- fels OREY (Olivette Ave.) 1.25 Sunset PI. Add. Eskino S. to Mirabeau ORIENTAL AVE. (Occidental) 100 Block.. .75 200 TO END 1.00 Collins Garden Add. 1401 Sommerset Rd. W. to L & G. N. Track ORLEANS 75 1800 S. San Jacinto W. to S. Trinity OTIS (See CENTRAL AVE.) OXFORD (Young) 1.00 Keystone Park Add. 200 Buckeye W. to SAP. Track P STREET 1.25 Grand View Add. 1 500 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. PACE AVE , .75 8 1 2 N. Sabinas W. to N. Navidad PACIFIC AVE. 1.25 Harlandale Add. 56-5800 Corpus Christi Rd. E. to Donna Maria Blvd. PACKARD 1 .25 Sunset PI. Add. Chalmers S. to Flan- ders PADRE (See ST. JOHN) PAISANO „ .75 8 1 1 blk. S. Trinity W to S. Sabinas STREET RATE PALMER .....::...........:....: 1 .25 Alamito Add. S. end of Boone Ave. E. to Olmus Creek PALMETTO AVE. N. 100 TO 1600 75 1700 TO END 1.00 1401 E. Commerce N. to Grayson PALMETTO AVE. S. 100 TO 1000 75 1100 TO END 1.00 1400 E. Commerce S. to City Lim. PALO VERDE AL 75 200 Tampico SW. to Priv. Prop. PANAMA AVE. (Pierson) 75 1 708 S. Presa E. to Priv. Prop. PARDEE 1 .00 200 Hampshire S. to Schley PARK AVE. E 75 1 600 Main Ave. E. to 1 000 Jones PARK AVE. W..^ .^,^. „ 75 1601 Main Ave. W. to San Pedro Creek PARK PL. (See CAMPECHE) PARKED BLVD. 1.50 Alamo Hts. Olmus Dr. NE. to Tuxedo PARKER AVE 1.00 700 E. Mitchell S. to SAP. Track PARKHURST BLVD. (See S. LAREDO) PARKHURST BLVD 1.25 Collins. Garden and Frio City Rd. W. to City Lim. PARKWAY 1 .00 Opp. Mahncke Park in Brackenridge Park W. 1 blk. bet. 2300 and 2400 blks. River Ave. PARRAL (See S. LAREDO) PARSONS 75 422 Peach St. E. to Hoefgen —89— STREET RATE PASADENA 1 .25 Los Angeles Hts. 240 I Blanco Rd. W. to 3000 Foch Hway. PASCHAL 75 N. end of Erie at E. Laurel N. to E. Ashby PI. PASO HONDO 100 TO 900 75 1000 TO END 1.00 126 N. Mesquit ; E. to City Lim. PASTORES AVE. (Avanaita Diaz) LOO 500 Alameda Ave. E. to 2601 Jones PATTERSON AVE 1.25 Alamo Hts. W. end of Basden NW. to Argyle PAUL 75 420 S. Pine E. to S. Palmetto PAULY AL 75 220 PeacK St. E. to Hoefgen PEACH ST. 100 TO 200 50 300 TO END 75 500 Wyoming S. to Carolina PEAR ST 75 724 Victoria S. to Santos PEAR GROVE 1.25 Edgewood Add. About 1 100 S. W19th St. PEARL 1.25 Kenwood Add. San Pedro E. to Mc- Cullough PEARL 75 E. end of E. Lambert E. to Emerald PECAN E 50 1 blk. E. of 500 St. Mary's E. to Ave. C. PECAN W 50 401 Soledad E. to River —90— STREET RATE PECAN (See ARMISTEAD) PECAN PL. (See ALVAREZ PL.) PECHE 75 601 Delgado N. to Rivas PECK AVE. 100 TO 1000 1. 00 1100 TO END 1.25 1 600 S. Hackberry E. to Conception Ave. PECOS N 50 1201 W. Commerce N. to Perez PECOS S 50 1200 W. Commerce S. to S. Laredo PECOS AL .50 4 1 S. Pecos W. to Medina PEDBN AVE 75 1400 S. Flores E. to SAP. Track PENDLETON AVE. (Monroe) 75 2200 S. Brazos E. to Priv. Prop. PENN 1 .00 1006 N. Gevers E. 1 blk. to Euclid PENNSYLVANIA AVE. E 1.00 901 Foch Hway W. to E. Bancroft PENNSYLVANIA AVE. W 1.25 80 1 Woolley Ave. W. to Russ Ave. PERDIDO (See ST. CATHERINE) PEREIDA 50 90 1 S. Presa SW. to 1 1 24 S. Alamo PEREZ 100 TO 600 50 700 TO 2000 75 2100 TO 3500 1.00 3600 TO END 1.25 905 N. Laredo W. to City Lim. PERRY CT 1.25 3500 River Ave. E. to N. New Braun- fels Ave. PERSHING (See NIMS) PERSHING AVE. (King William) 50 40 1 Garden SW. to E. Guenther —91 — STREET RATE PETERS AL. (San Pedro Al.) 75 812 McCullough E. to Jones Ave. PETERSON AVE 1.00 Brackenridge PI. 200 Natalin N. to Ursula PICOSO 1 .00 3900 W. Commerce S. to Laredo PIEDMONT 100 TO 1200 75 1300 TO 3100 1.00 32^0 TO END 1.25 Formerly Powder House then Beze then Maryland 1320 E. Commerce S. to City Lim. PIERCE AVE. 100 TO 200....... 75 300 TO END 1.00 1 00 1 Duval N. to Grayson PIERCE AL. (See COKE AL.) PIERCE AVE 1.25 Sunset PI. No. 2, 4100 Sommerset Rd. W. to Artesia PIERSON (See PANAMA) PILGRIM (Greeley) 1.50 Alamo Hts. 40 1 ShavkT N. to Tuxedo PINCKNEY 1.25 3100 N. New Braunfels E. to Tilden PINE N. 100 TO 2100.. 75 2200 TO END..-. 1.00 1201 E. Commerce N^ to Appier PINE S. 100 TO 300 75 400 TO 2100 1.00 2200 TO END...........„ 1.25 1200 E. Commerce S. to City Lim. PINTO N 75 2501 W. Commerce N. to Perez PINTO S. .: .75 2500 W. Commerce S. to S. Laredo —92— STREET RATE PLAN 1.00 2300 Virginia Blvd. N. to Priv. Prop. PLEASANTON RD 1.25 3900 blk. S. Floras beyond City Lim. PLUM (Sae HOEFGEN) POCO AVE 1.50 Madeline Ter. 3801 Broadway W. to Chester POE 1 .00 601 Stevens N. to SP. Track Government Hts. POLARIS N 1 .00 1 80 1 E. Con>merce N. to Paso Hondo POLARIS S 1.00 I 800 E. Commerce S. to Preston POLK 75 200 W. Josephine S. to Gertwood POMONA 1 .50 Los Angeles Hts. 2300 West Ave E. to Fig. POPLAR E 75 1200 Main E. to Trenton POPLAR W 75 1201 Main W. to Camaron PORTER 100 Block 75 200 TO END 1. 00 1122 S. Pine E. to S. Walters POST AVE 1.00 1500 River Ave. E. to U. S. Post POST (See GOLANORINA) POTOMAC (State) 75 320 N. Olive E. to N. New Bxaunfels POTOSI 100 TO 1000 75 1100 TO END 1.00 1401 S. San Marcos W. to Wl 9th St. POTTER 1.25 4600 S. Presa W. to SAP. Track —93— STREET RATE POWDER HOUSE (See PIEDMONT) POWELL 75 1301 Sommerset Rd. NW. to Floyd PRADO 1 .00 Steves Garden 1501 Edwards W. to 600 Magil PRADO (See KALTMEYER) PREMIER AVE 1.00 1401 S. W19th St. W. to City Lim. PRESA N 50 126 W. Commerce S. to River PRESA S. 100 TO 900 50 1000 TO 2300 75 2400 TO 4000 1.00 4100 TO 5700 1.25 5800 TO END 1.50 At River 1 blk. N, of 201 Villitia S. to City Lim. PRESTON AVE 1.00 820 S. New Braunfels E. to S. Gevers PRESTON PL 1 .00 Belmont PI. 1st St. E. of Ditch in Craig PI.. N. to Priv. Prop. PRESTON 1.25 Lynwood Add. McCuIIough W. to Main PRICE 1 .25 3000 River Ave. E. to Acasia Ave. PRINCESS PASS 1 .00 401 Olympian Way NW. to 200 Shook PRINCETON AVE..... 75 1 82 1 iN. Brazos W. to SAP. Track PROBANDT 75 E end of Cevallos S. to E. Mitchell PROSPECT (See S. WALTERS) PROVINCE 75 1 120 McCuIIough E. to Jones Ave. —94— STREET RATE PRUITT 100 TO 500 75 600 TO END 1.00 2501 S. Flores W. to 1600 Sommerset Rd. PYRON RD 1.50 S. of Mornodale Add. Pleasanton Rd. E. to Donna Maria Blvd. QUEEN ANN CT. (Queensborough) 1.00 2700 River Ave. E. to N. New Braun- fels Ave. QUEENSBOROUGH CT. (See QUEEN ANN CT.) QUEENSBOROUGH CT 1.00 2600 San Pedro E. to 1901 McCullough QUEENS CT. (See VESTA PL.) QUEENS CRESCENT 1 .00 Laurel Hts. Ter. curves from 200 Olympian Way back to 500 Olympi- an Way QUEENS DR. 100 TO 300 1.25 400 TO END 1.50 Angeles Ter. 1 blk. E. of Foch Hway. on Santa Anna NW. to Buena and Sol- ano Sts. QUINCEY E. 100 TO 700 50 800 TO END 75 800 Main Ave. NE. to River QUINCEY W 50 80 1 Main Ave. SW. to Priv. Prop. QUINTARD 1.25 Harlandale 200 Sayers S. to Pacific QUITTMAN 100 TO 500 75 600 TO END i.OO 1300 Austin E. to 1901 N. New Braun- fels RAILROAD AVE 1.00 100 Frank along SP. Track E. to City Lim. — 95— STREET RATE RALPH 75 1000 Nogalitos W. to Union Stock V" A RAMONA (See LEE HALL) RAMONA L50 4000 Foch Hway NE. to Solano RAND L50 Kingston Hts. Add. 1801 West Ave. W. to Jackson Ave. RANDELL 1 .00 Lake View Add. S. W20th S:. S. of Bailey W. to Priv. Prop. RANGER (B St.) 1.00 Grand View Add. Alcalde and Lacy E. to City Lim. RAWLINS (Brady) 50 201 blk. RuizN. to Arbor PI. RAY 1 .00 201 Floyd Ave. W. to S. Braxos RECIO 1 .00 2500 Sommerset Rd. E. to Edwards REDONDO 1 .00 Avondale Add. 200 blk. School St. N. to Kirkpatrick REDONDO 100 TO 1000 L25 1100 TO END 1,50 Los Angeles Hts. 29-5000 Blanco Rd. W. to Foch Hway. REED 1.50 Montclair Add. 500 Hutton N. to Castano REES 1 .25 California GaTdens Elks Drive S. to Lincoln REFUGIO 100 TO 500 30 600 TO END 75 701 S. Alamo SK. to Iowa —96— STREET RATE REGENT 1. 00 Englewood Add. 300 Truax N. to Creek REGINA 1.25 4400 S. Presa E. to Priv. Prop. REHMANN 75 30 i Nogalitos W. to Creek REICHELT 1.00 2401 Virginia N. to Priv. Prop. RENO (Henry) 1.00 800 Edgar E. to Ervin RESERVOIR 1 .25 2800 River Ave. E. to N. New Braun- fels REYNOLDS 50 200 Camden SE. to Dallas RICHMOND AVE .50 301 Augusta NW. to Main Ave. RICHTER N : 50 1901 W. Commerce N. to Lakewood Ave. RICHTER S 50 1900 W. Commerce S. to Guadalupe RIDDLE 1 .25 Lynwood Add McCulIough W. to Zent- ner RIDDLE 75 1200 S. Presa NE. to 525 Labor RIDGE RD. (See ANCONA AVE.) RIFE 1 .25 City View Add. 200 Culberson S. to Sommerset Rd. RIGSBY AVE. 100 TO 900 1. 00 1000 TO END 1.25 1900 S. Hackberry E. to Conception Ave. RINCON AL 50 616 St. Mary's NE. to River —9 7— STREET RATE RIO GRANDE N I.OO 2301 E. Commerce 'N. to Paso Hondo RIO GRANDE S 1.00 2300 E. Commerce S. to Hedges RIP FORD J.OO 3 I 01 S. Flores W. to 2200 Sommersct Rd. RIPLEY AVE. (Hill) 100 TO 300 ^ 75 400 TO END 1.00 90 1 W. Ashby PI. N. to W. Swmmit Ave. RIPPS , 75 Simon and Appl^whit^ E. to Probandt RISCHE E 50 I 100 S. Flores E. to River RISCHE W. (Lachapelle Al.) 50 II 1 S. Flores W. to San Pedro Creek RIVAS 100 TO 900 75 1 000 TO 1 700 1 .00 1 800 TO END ^ 1 .25 1401 N. Laredo W. to City Lim. RIVER (See ISLETA) RIVER AVE. 1 00 TO 1300 75 1400 TO 2500 1.00 2600 TO BROADWAY 1.25 301 Grand Ave. at Ave. C. N. to Broad- wav and Country Club Rd. RIVERSIDE DRIVE 1.25 4900 S. Presa S. of Fair Grounds NW. to McDonald ROBERT E. LEE 1.25 New York PI. Add. 5500 blk. Sommer- set Rd. W. to Pleasanton Rd. ROBERTS - 1.00 1215 N. Zarzamora W. to N. W19th St. ROBINSON 1.25 Kenwood Add. 3300 McCullough W. to San Pedro —98— STREET RATE ROCHAMBEAU ^ l.OO 600 W. Theo S. to Priv. Prop. ROCK QUARRY RD 1.25 Extends N. from Jones Ave. ROCKWOOD CT I.OO 3400r blk. S. Presa E. to S. Cherry RODRIGUEZ E. 50 500 Main Ave. E. to River RODRIGUEZ W 50 50 1 Main Ave. W. to 600 N. Flore. ROGERS AVE „ 1.00 1251 Lamar N. to Grayson ROLAND AVE. (Ogden) 1.25 300 Twohig Ave. SE. to City Lint. ROMANA E _ ^- 50 658 Main Ave. E. to River ROMANA W 50 657 Main Ave. W. to Camarotl ROOSEVELT AVE. 100 TO 200 75 300 TO END LOO Extension of Garden at Grove S. to City Lim. ROPER 1 .00 401 Stevens N. to Carson ROPES 1.25 City View Add. 200 Culberson S. to Melvern ROSALIE AVE 1.25 Alamito Add. Olmus Drive W. to Olmtis Creek ROSALIND 1.50 Woodruff PI. Add. Goliad Rd. W. to Woodruff ROSARY (Crofton) 1.00 2901 Hedges N. to Paso Hondo ROSE 50 300 blk. Water St. SW. to 300 blk. Indianola —99— STREET RATE ROSEBOROUGH 75 2300 blk. S. Presa E. to Yorkshire PI. ROSELYN AVE 1.50 Keystone Hts. Solano N. to Gantt ROSELYiN AVE i.OO 1 80 1 Sommerset Rd. W. to Frio City Rd. . ROSILLO N 75 3301 W. Commerce N. to Perez ROSILLO S. 100 TO 800 75 900 TO END 1.00 3300 V/. Commerce to Tampico ROSEWOOD AVE. (Isabel]) 1.25 2702 S. Walters E. to Conception Ave. ROSS AVE. (See HILLCREST AVE.) ROUNDS 75 1215 N. Trinity W, to N. Zarzamora ROUSE 100 TO 400 1.00 500 TO END 1.25 1900 Culebra N. to W. Bancroft ROUTT 1.50 Montclair Add. No. 4 Circle W. to N. New Braunfels ROVER AVE 1 .50 Terrell Hills Grand View PI. and N. New Braunfels E. to Priv. Prop. ROYSTONE AVE 1.25 3100 Sommerset Rd. W. to S.A.U.G. Track RUBIOLA AL 75 1634 Jones Ave. E. to D tch RUBY (See EMERALD) RUBY 1.25 4600 S. Presa E. to S. Hackberry RUCKER 75 300 E. Whittier S. to Dunning RUDOLPH (Grant) 1.00 1 2 1 N. New Braunfels E. to N. Gevers — 100— STREET jRATE RUIZ 100 TO 300 50 400 TO 1 100 75 1200 TO 2500 1.00 2600 TO END 1.25 1 105 N. Laredo W. to City Lim. RUIZ AL 75 800 Blk. San Jacinto E. to Priv. Prop. RULLMANN AVE 1.00 2 1 Laurens E. to City Lim. RUNNELS AVE. (Johnson) 1.00 200 Frank St. S. to San Marcos RUPERT AL. (Frio Al.) 75 1210 S. San Marcos E. to Priv. Prop. RUSK 50 346 E. Commerce S. to South St. RUSS AVE 1.25 1001 W. Cincinnati NE. to Bandera Rd. RUSSELL PL. 200 TO 1000 75 1100 TO END 1.00 1501 Howard W. to Foch Hway. RUSSI 1.50 Temple Hill Add. Lennon S. to Priv. Prop. RUTH AL. (See MONCLOVA) RUTHS CT 1.00 About 2500 blk. R.ver Ave. E. to Ditch SABINAS N. 100 TO 1600 75 1700 TO END 1.00 2801 W. Commerce N. to Bandera Ave. SABINAS S. 100 TO 1700 75 1800 TO END 1.00 2800 W. Commerce S. to Ceralvo SACRAMENTO 1.25 Los Angeles Hts. about 2500 Capitol Ave. W. to Foch Hway. SADIE 75 1000 S. Presa SE. to Labor —101— STREET RATE ST. ANTHONY (Skinner Ave.) 100 TO 400 75 500 TO 2500 1.00 2600 TO END 1.25 1700 Wyoming S. to Floral ST. CATHERINE (Perdido) 50 225 Labor SW. to Barrera ST. CHARLES 75 1300 Dawson N. to 1000 Sherman ST. CLAIR 1.25 Keystone Park Add. 200 West Ave. .E to SAP. Track ST. DANIEL (See LOCKHART) ST. DENIS (Hamilton Ave.) 1.25 Madeline Ter. 4200 Broadway at Ell- wood W. to 200 blk. Bronson ST. ELMO 1.25 Sunset Add. 30-3200 Sommerset Rd. S. to Mirabeau ST. FRANCIS AVE 75 2100 S. Flores E. to Probandt ST. GEORGE (St. Jamer.) 75 1401 Dawson N. to Sherman ST. JAMES (See ST. GEORGE) ST. JAMES .75 800 Paso Hondo N. to 1 100 Sherman ST. JOHN (Padre) 75 1415 Dawson N. to Burnet ST. JOSEPH 50 230 E. Commerce N. to Blum ST. LOUIS (See ESKIMO) ST. MARTIN AVE 1.00 1701 Dawson N. to Sherman ST. MARY'S N 50 301 W. Commerce iN. to E. Romana ST. MARY'S S 50 302 W. Commerce S. to Garden at E. Nueva. — 102— STREET RATE SALADO N .50 1601 W. Commerce N. to Delgado SALADO S 50 1600 W. Commerce S. to Vera Cruz SALDANA 1 .00 2300 Somerset Rd. E. to Edwards SALINAS E 50 400 Main Ave. E. to River SALINAS W. 100 TO 1400 50 1500 TO 2900 75 3000 TO 4100 1.00 4200 TO END 1.25 40 1 Main Ave. W. to City Lim. SALTILLO 100 TO 1000 75 1100 TO 2500 1.00 2600 TO END 1.25 1701 S. San Marcos W. to City Lim. SALTILLO AL 75 1 100 blk. S. Brazos SAM HOUSTON PL 50 500 blk. Marshall N. to Warren SAMPLE — .75 8 1 S. Pine E. to Dreiss SAN ANGELO 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. about 2800 West Ave. E, to Priv. Prop. SAN ANITA 75 9 1 Ruiz S. to Leal SAN ANTONIO AVE. 100 TO 400 1.00 500 TO END 1.25 Threes Add. 901 Georg'a N. to Donald- son SAN ANTONIO AVE. (See SAYERS AVE) SAN FELIPE AL 75 1 20 Chihuahua S. to Priv. Prop. — 103— « STREET RATE SAN FERNANDO AL. (See MADERO AL.) SAN FERNANDO 100 lO 800 50 900 TO 2300 75 2400 TO END 1.00 70 i S. Laredo \V. to Hamiiton SAN FRANCIS (Francis) 75 920 Ruiz S. to Leal SAN FRANCISCO AL. (See MONTEZUMA AL.) SAN FRANCISCO L25 Los Angeles Hts. 2300 Blanco Rd. W. to Foch Hway. SAN JACINTO N 75 2401 W. Commerce N. to Granado SAN JACINTO S 75 2400 W. Commerce S. to Ceralvo SAN JOSE 75 700 blk. Colima S. to Vera Cruz SAN JOSE TEXAS (See Special Rate) SAN JUAN 30 7 1 S. Presa iNW. to Camargo SAN JUAN AL. (See ESPERANZA AL.) SAN JUAN BLVD. (See DONNA MARIA BLVD.) SAN JUAN RD L50 Continuation of S. Presa beyond City Lim. SAN LUIS 100 TO 900 50 1000 TO 2300 75 2400 TO END 1.00 601 S. Laredo W. to S. Zarzamora SAN MARCOS N. 100 TO 600 50 700 TO END 75 1801 W. Commerce N. to W. Ashby PI. SAN MARCOS S. 100 TO 700 50 800 TO END 75 1800 W. Commerce S. to Saltillo —104— STREET RATE SAN PATRICIO AL .75 1015 S. Brazos W. to S. Navidad SAN PEDRO AVE. 100 TO 500 50 600 to 1900 : .75 2000 TO 3500 1.00 3600 TO END 1.25 701 Main Ave. N. beyond City Lim. SAN PEDRO PL. (See ASHBY PL.) SAN PEDRO AL. (See PETERS AL.) SAN SABA AL. (See ZACATECAS AL.) SAN SABA N 50 1101 W. Commerce N. to N. Laredo SAN SABA S 50 1 I 00 W. Commerce S. to San Fernando SAN SALVADORE AVE. (Buena Vista Ave.) 1 .00 1300 blk. Essex N. to South Hts. St. SANDERS 75 6 1 S. Pine E. to S. Palmetto SANDERS 50 520 Ourango S. to Zacatecas Al. SANDERS (See CAVALIER) SANDMEYER (N. 13th St.) 1.09 1816 N. New Braunfeis E. to Edgar SANDOVAL 75 401 Foch Hway. W. to N. Brazos SANTA ANNA L25 Los Angeles Hts. Foch Hway. E. to Capitol Ave. SANTA BARBARA 1.25 Lo3 Angeles Hts. Foch Hway. E. to Capitol Ave. SANTA CLARA 50 2 1 1 S. Walnut SW. to Santos SANTA FE AL. (Leal Al.) 50 700 S. Laredo E. to San Pedro Cr. SANTA MONICA 1.25 Lo3 Angeles Hts. Foch Hway. E. to Capitol Ave. — 103— STREET RATE SANTA PAULA 100 TO 1500 1.25 1600 TO END 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. 70 1 Hildebrand Ave. N. to Haas SANTA ROSA N 50 901 W. Commerce N. to N. Laredo SANTA ROSA S 50 900 W. Commerce S. to S. Laredo SANTOS 50 300 blk. Labor SE. to Priv. Prop. SATCHERS AL 1.25 4734 S. Presa E. to S. Hackberry SAUNDERS AVE. (Matamoras) 1000 TO 2500 75 2600 TO END 1.00 1101 Matamoras W. to City Lim. SAYERS AVE. (San Antonio Ave.) 1.25 5300 Corpus Christi Rd. E. to Donna Maria Blvd. SCHILLER (Kelly) 75 1301 E. Quincy NW. to E. Elmira SCHIMPFF (Bowen PI.) .75 8 1 4 River Ave. E. to Ave. D. SCHLEY AVE. 100 TO 1500 1.00 1600 TO END 1.25 1000 Roosevelt E. to Conception Ave. SCHOOMANN 75 1502 Jones Ave. E. to River SCHOOL 1 .00 3401 blk. S. Presa W. to 1 100 Roose- velt Ave. SCHUBACH AL 75 319 S. Hackberry E. to S. Pine SCHUEH 1 .25 Mission Ridge Add. 200 Stonewall S. to Davis —106— STREET RATE SCHUEMAN PL 1.25 Wellington Hts. Add. 2800 S. New Braunfels W. to Priv. Prop. SCOTT 1.00 2200 N. New Braunfels Ave. U. S. Government Property SECOND PL 75 Southolm Add. 300 Floyd Ave. E. to Fenton SEGUIN 100 TO 1100 1. 00 1200 TO END 1.25 1502 N. New Braunfels E. to City Lim. SEQUOYA 1.25 S. Gevers and Goliad Rd. E. to Concep- tion Ave. SEVENTH 50 201 Austin NW. to River SEVIER (White) 1.00 2620 Piedmont E. to 2800 S. Palmetto SEWANEE (L St.) 1.25 1 100 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. SHACKLEFORD (Trenton) 1.25 Harlandale Add. Compton S. to Pacific SHARER 75 1410 N. Pine E. to N. Palmetto SHARP 75 1300 S. Laredo SE. to San Pedro Cr. SHAW AVE 1.50 Alamo Hts. 1020 Townsend W. to Long Lane SHERIDAN E 50 1001 S. Alamo W. to River SHERIDAN W 50 800 S. Flores E. to City St. SHERMAN 100 TO 1000 _ 75 1100 TO END 1.00 606 Austin at Grand Ave. E. to N. Walters — 107— STREET RATE SHERMAN AL. (See DECATUR AL.) SHIELDS CT 75 In rear 1712 N. Olive SHINER AL 50 400 S. Laredo E. to San Pedro Cr. SHIRLEY 1.00 ] 6 i 5 Carson N. to Hood SHOOK AVE 1.00 Denver Side Add. 301 Olympian Way N. to Grace Ave. SHOOK AVE 1 .00 City ViewT Add. 600 Culberson S. to Melvern SHORT 1 .00 I I 02 Foch Hway. E. to SAP. Track SIBLEY 1 .25 4900 S. Presa E. to 4200 S. Hackberry SIDNEY (D St.) 1. 00 300 Conception Ave. E. to Aniiie SIMON 75 1 700 S. Flores E. to Ripps SIMON (See URSULA) SIMPSON (See LEROUX) SIMPSON (See MONTCLAIR AVE.) SIMPSON 75 2000 S. Flores E. to 200 blk. Roore- velt SIMS AVE _. 1.25 Sunset PI. Add. 3400 Somn^ersat Rd. E. thru Gladston Add. to Priv. Prop. SIXTH ST 50 600 Ave. B SE. to Burnet SIXTH ST. AL 50 620 Ave. D E. to Ave E. SKINNER AVE. (See ST. ANTHONY AVE.) SLOCUM PL 50 301 W. Romana NW. to W. Elmira —108— STREET RATE SMITH N 75 2101 W. Commerce N. to Rivas SMITH S 75 2100 W. Commerce S. to Saltillo SOLANO 100 TO 600 1.25 700 TO END 1.50 3300 Blanco Rd. W. to West Ave. SOLANO 1.59'/ ic Kingston Hts. Add. 1400 blk. West >^'^^ Ave. W. to Jackson SOLEDAD 50 40 I W. Commerce N. to E. Romana SOMMERSET RD. 1200 TO 1400 75 1500 TO 2700 .1.00 2800 TO 3900 1.25 4000 TO END 1.50 Nogalitos at San Pedro Creek SW. beyond City Lim. SOUTH 50 302 S. Alamo SE. to Santa Clara SOUTH AL. (See ARROYO) SOUTH FIRST 1.00 1110 N. Gevers E. to N. Walters SOUTH FOURTH :. 1.00 820 N. Gevers E. to N. Walters SOUTH HEIGHTS ST 75 1 102 S. Mittman E. to Conception Ave. SOUTH SECOND (Spring) 1.00 1016 N. Gevers E. to N. Walters SOUTH THIRD (Marathon) 1. 00 920 N. Gevers E. to S. Walters SOUTHOLME AVE .75 2300 S. Brazos E. to San Pedro Creek SPEED : .......„.: 75 621 S. San Marcos W. to S. Brazos SPOFFORD AVE 1.00 1101 Duval N. to Grayson — 109— STREET RATE SPRING N 1. 00 3701 W. Commerce N. to Ruiz SPRING S 1.00 3700 W. Commerce S. to San Fernando SPRING (See SOUTH SECOND) SPRUCE 75 720 Dakota S. to Virginia Blvd. STAGE 1 .00 200 Truax N. to Priv. Prop. STAFFEL 75 200 Indiana S. to W. Carolina STAFFORD (N12th St.) 1.00 1716 N. New Braunfels E. to Edgar STANDFIELX) AVE 1.25 Park Hts. Add. 700 bik. Steves S. Margetts STANLEY AVE. .„ „ 1 .00 Oakland Ter. N. end of N. Pine and Ditch E. to U. S. Pest STARK _ 75 300 W. Cevallos S. to W. Lachapelle STARR (See E. HOUSTON) STARR 50 400 Bowie E. to Elm STATE (See POTOMAC) STEEPLER 1 .50 Temple Hill Add. Lennon S. to Hot Wells Ave. STELLA _ 1 .00 6 1 4 S. Walters E. to 611 S. Grimes STETSON AVE _ 1.00 1209 S. W19th St. W. to City Lim. STEVENS _ „ 1 .00 1 blk. S. of 1 00 Frank SE. to City Lim. STEVES AVE. 100 TO 600 1.00 700 TO END 1.25 2600 S. Hackberry E» to Conception Ave. —no— STREET RATE STEVES (See CALDER) STIEREN 50 600 E. Guenther E. to 1 100 blk. Garden STONEWALL 1.25 5000 Corpus Christi Rd. W. to Calif- ornia Gardens STOVELL 1 .25 South Heights Add. STRATFORD CT 1.25 Crestholm Add. 5100 S. Presa E. to Priv. Prop. STRIBLING 1.00 Shook Ave. S. of Denver Side Add. W. to Priv. Prop. STUART AVE 1.00 2600 River Ave. E. to Ditch SULLIVAN AVE 1.50 City View Add. 1000 Culberson S. to Melvern SUMMIT AVE. E 1.00 3102 Main Ave. E. to McCuIlough SUMMIT AVE. W 1.00 3101 Main Ave. W. to SAP. Track SUN 1 .00 400 E. Glenn S. to 401 Truax SURREY AVE. (Vance) 1.25 3700 Sommerset Rd. E. to Priv. Prop. SWEET 50 1230 S. Flores E. to Frasch SWISS N 75 8 1 9 E. Commerce N. to E. Crockett SWISS S. (See ALPINE) SYCAMORE SO 622 E. Commerce S. to North St. TAFT AVE. (See CHILTON) TAFT BLVD 1.00 San Fernando Add. 2100 Sommerset Rd. W. to I.&G.N. Track — 111 — STREET RATE TAMPICO too TO 1700 75 1800 TO END :... 1.00 1403 S. Laredo V/. to S. W19th St. TARRANT (Hardin) 1.25 Harlandale Sayers S. to Harlan TAYLOR (See WALLACE) TAYLOR 50 End of Martin at Third N. to Fifth , ' TEJEDA .75 1200 blk. S. San Jacinto W. to S. Trinity TEJON - ,- 75 1200 blk. S. San Jacinto E. to Casa- nova TEMPLE 75 1401 Garden SW. to River TENDICK 1.00 501 Brackenridge N. to Ulrich TENNESSEE AVE ,. );25 Woodrow PI. Add. 5700 Corpus Christi Rd. W. to Priv. Prop. TENTH .50 501 Austin NW. to River TERRACE 1 .00 2800 Piedmont E. to S. Palmetto TERRACE 1 .25 2500 Nople E. to 3601 S. Gevers TERRELL RD. (Via Madre) 1.25 Madeline Ter. 3607 Broadway E. to Priv. Prop. TERRELL (See DUNCAN) TEXAS (See CORDERO) TEXAS E 1 .00 1 blk. E. of 2000 N. Calaveras W. to E. Bancroft TEXAS W 1.25 501 W. Bancroft W. to Woolley — 112— STREET RATE THELKA AVE 1. 00 4200 blk. Corpus Christi Rd. E. to Priv. Prop. THELMA AVE 1.25 Palm Hts. Add. Linares S. to W. Theo THEO E 1.00 2900 S. Flores E. to River THEO W. (Woodward Ave.) 100 TO 1000 1.00 II 00 TO END 1.25 2901 S. Flores W. to I.&G.N. Track THIRD 50 100 Taylor at Martin SE. to Nacog- doches THIRD PL 75 Southolm Add. Floyd E. to FentOn THIRTEENTH 75 400 Oak NW. to River THOMAS 1 ,25 Lynwood Add. Main Ave. E. to Mc- Cullough THOMPSON (See COSGROVE) THOMPSON PL 1.00 2200 Sommerset Rd. W. to I.&G.N. Track THURMAN AL 1.00 1 120 N. New Braunfels E. to N. Gevers TILDEN 1.00 401 Seguin N. to 1401 Carson TILDEN 1.25 M St. N. to Pinckney TODD AL. (Virginia) 75 9 1 S. Walnut E. to S. Cherry TOLEDO 75 120 Montana S. to Dakota TOLLE PL 50 331 Garden St. W. to River — 113— STREET RATE TOM GREEN 1.25 Melrose Add. 5100 Corpus Christi Rd. W. to Pleasanton Rd. TOMMINS AVE..... 1 .00 4500 blk. Corpus Christi Rd. W. to Pleasanton Rd. TOPEKA BLVD. (Kansas City Blvd.) 1.00 3 708 S. Presa E. to 3000 S. Hackberry TORCIDO DR 1.25 Madeline Ter. W. end of Basden NW. to Patterson and Argyle TORREON :: 7 1 5 S. Trinity W. to S. Sabinas TOWNSEND AVE 1.50 Akmo Hts. 701 Cambridge Oval N. to 4601 Broadway TRAVIS E 50 201 Ave. D E. to River TRAVIS W. (Zavala) (Obraje) 100 TO 1600 50 1 700 TO 3 1 00 75 3200 TO 4300 1.00 4400 TO END 1.25 At River 1 blk. N. of 1 00 W. Houston to City Lim. TRAYLOR 1 .25 Sunny Slope Add. TREMLETT AVE. 1.00 3401 S. Presa W. to Redondo TRENTON (See SHACKLEFORD) TRENTON AVE. E 50 NW. End of Fifth St. NW. to River TRENTON AVE. W 50 River and 400 blk. Oakland NW. to E, Poplar TREVINO 50 Main Plaza W. to Military Plaza — 114— STREET RATE TRINITY N. 100 TO 1800 75 ! 900 TO END 1 .00 2601 W. Commerce N. to E. Cincinnati TRINITY S 75 2600 W. Commerce S. to Ceralvo TRINITY CIRCLE (See CIRCLE) TRUAX 1.00 3600 S. Flores E. to River TULSA 1 .00 1204 Foch Hway. E. to SAP. Track TURNSTALL 50 1 St St. E. of S. Laredo on Herff S. to Sharp TURNER 5 800 bik. S. Alamo NW. to 200 Wash- ington TUXEDO 1.50 Alamo Hts. 5400 Broadway W. to N. end of Olmus Drive TWELFTH : 75 200 Ave. A SE. to Austin TWOHIG (Grace) 1.25 Conception Ave. and West Falls NE. to City Lim. TYLER 75 2400 S. Brazos E. to Floyd TYRRANT 1.25 ^arlandale Add. Sayers S. to Harlan Ave. ULRICH 1 .00 Oakland Ter. Add. 2905 N. New Braun- fels E. to Ditch UNION 50 4 1 4 Eighth St. N. to Ninth — I 15— STREET RATE UNION AVE. (See HALE AVE.) UNIVERSITY AVE. (Natlen then Harvard) 100 TO 200 75 300 TO END 1.00 2005 N. Brazos W. to S. SAP. Track UPSON 50 1 block S. of 900 W. Euclid NW. to Marshall URBANO 1 .00 Mission Park Add 201 Kaltmeyer W. to Priv. Prop. URSULA (Simon) 1.00 2700 blk. River Ave. E. to 3 100 N. New Braunfels UTAH 75 920 S. Pine E. to S. Palmetto UTICA AL 50 1 blk. E. of N. Floras bet. Warren and W. Poplar UVALDE 1 .00 3805 S. Presa W. to Roosevelt VALDEZ AL 75 1600 blk. Jones E. to Ditch VAL VERDE AVE. (Monclova Ave.) 1.50 Alamo Hts. Pilgrim St. W. to N. end of North St. VAL VERDE 1.25 Mission Ridge Add. Davis S. to Robert E. Lee VAN BUREN (See LEWIS) VAN BUREN AL 50 200 blk. E. Elmira N. to E. Euclid VANCE (See SURRY) VANCE 75 1 102 S. Presa SE. to Labor VANDERBILT 1 .00 2600 S. Hackberry E. to S. Pine — 116— STREET RATE VAN NESS (N. 1 1th St. 100 TO 700 75 800 TO END 1.00 1006 Austin E. to Edgar VAN ZANDT (Allen) 1.00 607 Stevens N. to S. P. Track VARGAS 1 .00 328 Hedges S. to Nebraska VENICE 1 .50 Los Angeles Hts. about 300 West Ave. E. to Priv. Prop. VERA CRUZ 100 TO 400 50 500 TO 2000 75 2100 TO END 1.00 1 103 W. Laredo W. to S. W. I 9th St. VERAMENDI 50 Main Ave. to Soledad Bet. Houston and Commerce S. of Wolf & Marx Store VERBINA RD 1.25 Terrell Hills Add. Terrell Rd. N. to Garraty Rd. VERE 1 .00 Keystone Park Add. Linn E. to SAP. Track VERONA 1.50 Montclair Add. 4700 Broadway E. to N. New Braunfels VERNON 1 .50 Mt. Vernon Add. 300 blk. Melvern S. to Priv. Prop. VESTA PL. (Queens Ct.) 75 500 blk. Burnet S. to Priv. Prop. VIA MADRE (See TERREL RD.) VIASCO AVE 1.25 Alamo Hts. Imlay and Harwood W. to Pilgrim St. VICTOR 1 .00 3000 N. New Braunfels E. to Tilden — 117— STREET RATE VICTORIA (Goliad) 100 TO 500 50 600 TO END 75 602 Water St. SE. to S. Hackberry VICTORIA DR. 100 TO 600 1.25 700 TO END 1.50 Angeles Ter. Add. San Francisco N. to Solano VIENDO 1.25 Keystone Park Add. about 2800 Foch Hway. E. to SAP. Track VIGNES 1 .00 Hillcrest Add. 200 Doureau S. to Cot- tonwood VILLITA 50 100 Garden E. to S. Alamo at South St. VINE 1 .00 9 1 Aransas E. to S. Mittman VINTON 1.00 2100 blk. N. New Braunfels E. to City Lim. In Ft. Sam Houston VIOLA 1.50 Woodruff PI. Add. Goliad Rd. W. to Woodruff VIRGINIA AL. (See TODD AL.) VIRGINIA AVE. (See GEORGIA AVE.) VIRGINIA BLVD. 100 TO 1100 75 1200 TO END 1.00 1 blk. W. of 700 Hoefgen E. to Con- ception Ave. VITRA PL. (Louise PI.) 75 1800 Garden E. to 1800 blk. S. Presa VIVIAN 1.25 Gladstone Add. 700 Milligan S. to Priv. Prop. VOLLUM AVE. 100 TO 200 1.00 300 TO END L25 1001 E. Georgia N. to Donaldson — 118— STREET RATE WACO E. (Indiana Ave. then Colquitt).... 1.00 701 Foch Hway. W. to N. Elmendorf WACO W 1.25 Formerly W. Indiana Ave. also W. Colquitt 90 1 W. Bancroft W. to Russ WADE 1 .25 1802 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. WAGNER 1 .50 Columbia Hts. Add, 5400 Sommerset Rd. E. to Ethel WAHRMUND CT 1.50 Hot Wells Park Add. about 6100 S. Presa E. to Russi WALETKA 1.25 3600 S. Gevers E. to Conception Ave. WALDREP 1.25 Waldrep Ter. Add. 800 blk. Steves S. to Hyacinth WALKER AVE 1.50 Artesian Garden Add. 4700 Sommerset Rd. W. to Priv. Prop. WALL AVE 75 1200 blk. S. San Jacinto E. to Casa Nova WALL 75 Rear 1817 N. Comal WALLACE ^Taylor) 1.25 1602 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. WALNUT N. 100 TO 600 50 700 TO END 75 701 E. Commerce N. to 532 Austin WALNUT S 75 700 E. Commerce S. to E. Carolina WALSH .75 1217 N. Flores W. to Camaron WALTERS N 1.00 2501 E. Commerce N. to Sherman — 119— STREET RATE WALTERS S. (Prospect) 100 TO 800 1.00 900 TO END. 1.25 2500 E. Commerce S. to Sequoya WALTHALL AVE. (La Fayette) 1.50 Montclair Add. 300 Hutton SE. to Albany WALTON AL. (See ARABELLA AL.) WALTON AVE. (Milton PI.) 1.00 Palm Hts. Add. 2300 Sommerset Rd. W. to I.&G.1N. Track WALTON N 1.50 Terrell Hills Add. Zambrano Rd. S. to Rover WALTON S 1.50 Terrell Hills Add. Garraty Rd. N. to • Rover Ave. WARD AVE 1.25 4100 S. Presa E. to S. Hackberry WARD AVE 1.50 Columbia Hts. Add. Mission S. to Hill WARNER AVE. 100 TO 1100 1.00 1100 TO 3000 1.25 3100 TO END 1.50 1316 Foch Hway. N. to Granado WARREN 50 600 blk. San Pedro SW. to N. Flores WARREN AL. (See GRADY AL.) WARWICK BLVD 1.00 2602 S. Presa E. to S. Hackberry WASHINGTON 50 I 2 I Pershing SW. to Beauregard WASHINGTON AVE. (See NOPAL) WASHINGTON PL. (See COURTLAND PL.) WASHINGTON HTS. 1 .25 N. of Country Club off N. New Braun- fels — 120— STREET RATE WATER ST 50 4 1 4 E. Commerce SW. to S. Alamo WATER ST. AL 50 4 1 6 Water St. SE. to Indianola WAVERLY AVE. (Colorado) 100 TO 1400 1.00 1500 TO END 1.25 1901 N. Navidad W. to Woolley WAYNE 1 .25 Keystone Park Add. Capitol W. to West Ave. WEBB 1 .25 4300 S. Presa W. to SAP. Track WEBSTER 1 .25 Harlandale Compton S. to Pacific WEINBERG AVE 1.00 Gladstone Add. 133 Milligan S. to Mira- beau WELLS (S. Eda.) 75 220 Montana S. to Dakota WELTHAUSEN 1 .00 1 I Bill Green S. to Priv. Prop. WESATCH E 1 .00 2000 Main Ave. E. to Hilcrest WESATCH W 1.00 2001 Main Ave. W. to SAP. Track WESLEY (Weverly) 1.00 Oakland Ter. Add. Duncan N. to Ulrich WEST AVE. 100 TO 1300 1.25 1400 TO END 1.50 Los Angeles Hts. 2600 Foch Hway N. to Haas WEST 18TH N 1.00 2500 Durango N. to Culebra WEST 18TH S 1.00 4000 W. Commerce S. to S. Laredo — 121 — STREET RATE WEST FALLS AVE. 100 TO 300 75 400 TO 1300 1.00 1400 TO END 1.25 1600 S. Cherry E. to Conception Ave. WEST 19TH N 1.00 4201 W. Commerce N. to Culebra WEST 19THS. 100 TO 2000 1.00 2100 TO END 1.25 4200 W. Commerce S. to G.H.&S.A. WESt'^IoTH N 1.00 4301 W. Commerce N. to Castro WEST 20TH S 1.00 4300 W. Commerce S. to Elmendorf Lake thence from S. side of Lake S. to Merida WEST 2 1ST 1.00 440 1 W. Commerce N. to Castro WEST 22ND 1 .00 4501 W. Commerce N. to Castro WEST 23RD 1.00 4601 W. Commerce N. to Castro WEST 24TH N. 100 TO 400 1.00 500 TO END.. 1.25 4701 W. Commerce N. to Castro WEST 24TH S 1.00 4700 W. Commerce S. to Niagara WEST 25TH 1 .25 4801 W. Commerce N. to Castro WEST 26TH 1.25 4901 W. Commerce N. to Castro WESTOVER RD. (Lincoln Ave.) 1.25 Madeline Ter. Add. Mary D. and 301 Encino W. to Torcido Drive WEVERLY (See WESLEY) WEYMOUTH 75 2105 N. Flores W. to I.&G.N. Track — 122— STREET RATE WHARTON 1 .00 3 703 S. Presa W. to 1400 Roosevelt WHEELER (Marino) 75 1221 E. Crockett N. to Dawson WHITE AVE 1 .25 City View Add Culberson S. to Melvern WHITE 1 .25 Sunny Slope Add. 2400 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. WHITE (See SEVIER) WHITING AVE 1.00 400 School St. S. to Fair Grounds WHITTIER E. (Lewy) 75 2200 S. Presa E. to Yorkshire PI. WHITTIER W 75 300 Roosevelt E. to 2200 S. Presa WICKS 100 Block 50 200 TO END 75 1200 S. Alamo SE. to Temple WILBUR 1 .00 1400 Foch Hway. E. to Priv. Prop. WILKENS AVE 1.00 2800 S. Presa W. to 400 blk. Roose- velt WILLEM 1.50 Madeline Ter. 4201 Broadway W. to 900 Cambridge Oval WILLIAM... 1.50 Columbia Hts. Add. 1st blk, E. of Som- merset Rd. on Highland S. to Hill WILLIAMS AVE 1.00 1 40 1 Culebra 'N. to Texas WILLOW 75 201 Gorman N. to Grayson WILLIS 1 .25 Crestholm Add. Dauchy Rd. S. to Mt. Vernon Ct. — 123— STREET RATE WILMINGTON AVE 75 At River 1 blk. SE. of 900 Dallas NW. to Kendell WILSON 1 .00 2300 N. New Braunfels E. to City Lim. WILSON (See HANSFORD) WILSON (See GATES) WINDEMERE 1 .00 Mittman at Aransas E. to S. Walters WINGATE 1 .00 2501 S. Brazos W. to Priv. Prop. WINNIPEG AVE. (Louise) 1.25 Palm Hts. Add. 3 1 00 Sommerset Rd. to Priv. Prop. WINSLOW 75 1616 N. Hackberry E. to 1621 N. Olive WINTON 1 .25 Sunset PI. No. 2 Hudson S. to Flan- ders WISCHKAMPER PL 1.25 Wellington Hts. Add. 3000 S. New Braunfels W. to Piedmont. WOMBLE AL 50 300 Villitia S. to Nueva WOODBY CT 75 207 Woodlief Al. W. to Priv. Prop. WOODLAWN E 75 2500 Main Ave. E. to McCullough WOODLAWN W. 100 TO 500 75 600 TO END 1. 00 2501 Main Ave. W. to Foch Hway. WOODLIEF 75 70 1 W. Poplar NW. to San Pedro Creek WOODLIEF AL 75 Rear Woodlief St. WOODROW 1.25 About 5500 Corpus Christi Rd. W. to Priv. Prop. — 121— STREET RATE WOODRUFF 1.50 End of Conception Ave. at Goliad Rd. S. to Priv. Prop. WOODWARD PL 50 300 Dwyer E. to River WOODWARD AVE. (See W. THEO AVE.) WOOLLEY 1 .25 2101 Culebra N. to Bandera Rd. WORLEY AVE 1.00 1301 S. W19th St. W. to City Lim. WORTHAM AVE 1.50 City Vievyr Add. Culberson S. to Mel- vern Ave. WYOMING 100 TO 1 100 75 1200 TO END 1.00 300 Water E. to Hedges YALE 75 1920 N. Brazos W. to SAP. Track YEBONA (Verona) 1.50 Montclair Add. 4700 blk. Broadway E. to Priv. Prop. YELLOWSTONE (Conception) 75 600 Roosevelt Ave. W. to Conception Rd. YNDO 75 1000 McCullough E. to 1601 Jones YOAKUM AL. (Croston Al.) 75 621 Burleson N. to Milam YORKSHIRE PL. 100 TO 200 75 300 TO END 1.00 E. end of Becker S. to 700 Schley YOUNG 1 .25 Harlandale 5 I 00 Corpus Christi Rd. E. to Donna Maria Blvd. YOUNG „ 1 .25 Alamo Hts. 200 Crescent NW. to Har- wood —125— STREET RATE YOUNG (See OXFORD) YOUNGBLOOD 1 .25 4600 S. Presa E. to Priv. Prop. YTURRI ^ 50 300 blk. W. Commerce S. to River YUCCA (E. St.) 1.00 401 Conception Ave. E. to City Lim. ZACATECAS 1.00 800 blk. S. Hamilton W. to S. W19th St. ZACATECAS AL. (San Saba Al.) 50 6 1 5 S. San Saba W. to S. Medina ZAMBRANO RD 1.50 Terrell Hills Add. Kampman and Koroma E. to Priv. Prop. ZAPATA 1 .00 3000 blk. S. Presa W. to SAP. Track ZARZAMORA N 1.00 3301 blk. W. Commerce N. to Foch Hway. ZARZAMORA S 1.00 3300 blk. W. Commerce S. to Ceralvo ZAVALA (See W. Travis) ZENTNER AVE 1.25 Kenwood Add and Lynwood Add. Robin- son N. to Joyce ZIPP PL 50 200 blk. Live Oak E. to Chestnut 126- HOSPITALS AND SANITARIUMS NAME RATE BAYLOR HOSPITAL 50 103 Ninth St. KINNEY'S SANITARIUM, DR 75 209 Ogden St. LAKESIDE SANITARIUM 50 Gibbs Building LEE SURGICAL HOSPITAL 75 E. Myrtle and McCullough MOODY'S SANITARIUM, DR 1.00 3 1 5 Brackenridge Ave. MOUNTAIN PARK SANITARIUM 50 Gunter Building PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 50 1 I I Dallas St. ROBERT B. GREEN MEMORIAL 50 Morales and Frio Sts. SANITARIUM FOR TURERCULOSIS, GRACE LUTHERAN 1.00 S. Zarzamora and San Fernando Sts. SANTA ROSA INFIRMARY 50 743 W. Houston St. S. W. INSANE ASYLUM L50 Hot Wells Park on S. Presa VON ORMY SANITARIUM FOR TUBER- CULOSIS 50 San Antonio Office 1 i H/S Ave. C. URRUTIA, AURELIANO DR 50 City Office 420 Ave. C. — 127— SCHOOLS NAME RATE ALAMO CITY COM. AND BUS. COLLEGE.. .50 305 E. Houston St. BONN-AVON SCHOOL 50 126 Oakland St. BRIGGS DALSY MARQUIS 50 205 W. Travis St. DRAUGHON-S BUS. COLLEGE 50 128 Crockett St. DICTAPHONE SCHOOL 50 Frost Bldg. INCARNATE WORD ACADEMY 1.25 N. end of River Ave. at Broadway and Burr Rd. LADY OF THE LAKE CONVENT 50 Lake View Add. Magnolia and S. W24th St. LUKIN'S MILITARY ACADEMY 75 3900 bik. Broadway SACRED HEART ACADEMY 75 2605 W. Commerce St. ST. CATHERINE'S SCHOOL 75 700 blk. Leal St. ST. JOHNS SEMINARY ,. 75 Rigsby and Adele Sts. ST. JOSEPH'S ORPHANAGE ANNEX 1.00 Conception Road ST. LOUIS COLLEGE .75 West End Add. W. end of Cincinnati Ave. ST. MARY'S HALL 50 200 1 San Pedro Ave. ST. MICHAEL'S SCHOOL 50 430 South St. — 128— SCHOOLS NAME RATE ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL 75 425 Crosby St. SAN ANTONIO ACADEMY 50 1935 N. FloresSt. SAN ANTONIO BUS. UNIVERSITY 50 106 Soledad St. SAN FERNANDO SCHOOL 50 2 1 6 N. Laredo St. SAN FERNANDO SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 50 215 S. San Saba St. SISTERS OF THE HOLY GHOST 50 203 Nolan St. THERESIAN SISTERS 50 3 1 Dwyer Ave. THOMAS SCHOOL 75 5000 S. Presa St. WESTMORELAND COLLEGE 50 726 W. Waco St. WEST TEXAS MILITARY ACADEMY 75 Alamo Hgts. W. end of Carrington Blvd. NOTE: — The rates given above applying to schools are 50c and 75c. straight for each piece. — 129— APARTMENT HOUSES AFFLECK 50 6 1 N. St. Marys St. ALAMEDA ^ 50 707 Ave. C. BASSETT 50 422 San Pedro Ave. BEGONIA 50 605 N. St. Mary-8 St. BLACKBURN F. W 50 223 Fourth St. BOOKER 50 232 Lafitte St. BORDEN ^ 50 104 Slocum PI. CARNEGIE „ ^ 50 2 1 1 S. Presa St. CHABOT 50 415 Madison St. CLEVELAND .50 512 E. Quincy St. CORONA 50 820 Ave. C. CUMMINGS 50 106 W. Romana St. DELMAR 50 202 Eighth St. DEWEY 75 320 E. Dewey PI. ELK 50 219 St. Mary's St. ELMS 50 104 Slocum PI. EVERGREEN 75 501 W. Evergreen St. — 130— APARTMENT HOUSES NAME RATE FERNERY 5 63 I Main Ave. GALLAGHER 1 .00 928 Carson St. GLENWOOD COURT 1.00 Glenwood Court GRAND. THE 50 3061/7 Dolorosa St. GRIFFIN 75 201 E. Courtland PI. HAVANA ^ 50 431 E. Romana St. JAFFEE .50 227 Narp St. KING EDWARD 50 106 Armistead St. KINNEY 50 1151/ Main Ave. LA BARRE ^ 50 230 Ave. E. LA CASA 50 820 Ave. D. LAURA LEE 50 620 E. Commerce St. LOHRBERG 50 309 S. Cherry St. LOMITIA 50 357V4 E. Crockett St. LYTLE 50 630 E. Commerce St. MAGNOLIA 1 .00 535 W. Magnolia St. MAHNCKE COURT 1. 00 120 Mahncke Ct. MAURER .50 243 Madison St. — 131 — APARTMENT HOUSES NAME RATE MENGER 50 12b E,. Commerce St, MITCHELL 50 228 Martin St. MORNIiNG GLORY 50 223 Fourth St. NARCISSA 1 .00 205 Brahan Blvd. NETHERLAND 50 106 Armistead St. PAGUE A., MISS : 50 2 1 Augusta St. PETTY 50 525 Fourth St. POST 50 I 1 2 Fourth St. RANDOLPH 50 224 E. Pecan St. RIPPS 50 235 Rusk St. RICHELIEU .50 209 Soledad St. ROMANA , 50 435 E. Romana St. ROSEMERE 75 220 Berkshire Ave. ROYAL 50 3 1 7 E. Commerce St. SHACKLETT 50 202 Convent St. STRATFORD 50 239 Ave. C. VERNETT. THE 50 122 Madison St. — 132— APARTMENT HOUSES NAME RATE WARNE NORA, E 75 9 1 8 Willow St. WESTBROOK, THE 50 3151/7 S. Alamo St. WINDLINGER 50 216 South St. WINDOW BOX 50 234 Lafitte St. YALE 50 308 Ave. D. YANDELL, J. S 50 1116 Main Ave. 133— HOTELS NAME RATE ALAMO 50 325 Alamo Plaza ALTON 50 I 23 Heimann St. ANGELUS 50 I 04 S. Alamo St. ARGYLE 1 .25 Alamo Hgts. Argyle and Patterson Aves. ARLINGTON .50 Above 5071/4 E. Commerce St. ARTHUR 50 1 1 8 Ave. D. AVENUE C. 50 501 Ave. C. BANCROFT 50 323 N. St. Mary's St. BEXAR 50 327 E. Houston St. BOWEN ROOMS 50 1 1 4 Dwyer Ave. CHEANEY 50 229 Martin St. CRAWFORD 50 439 Main Ave. CRESCENT 50 508 S. Flo res St. CROCKETT 50 301 E. Crockett St. DALLAS 50 1318 W. Commerce St. EIGHTEEN 50 104 South St. —134— HOTELS NAME RATE ELITE 50 304 Main Ave. FAIRMOUNT 50 359 E. Commerce St. FARMERS 50 1815 S. Alamo St. FULLER 75 320 River Ave. GARDEN 50 116-126 Garden St. GLOBE 50 5011/7 W. Commerce St. GRAND CENTRAL 50 1410 W. Commerce St. GUNTER i .50 205 E. Houston St. GURDEN 50 902 Ave. C. HOT WELLS 1 .25 Hot Wells Park Opposite Insane Asylum HOTEL CUBA 50 204 N. Santa Rosa St. HOTEL HIDALGO 50 11011/ W. Commerce St. HOTEL HOUSTON 50 201 W. Houston St. HOTEL MORELOS 50 808 1/7 W. Commerce St. HOTEL SAM HOUSTON 1.00 1915 N. New Braunfels Ave. HOTEL SOLEDAD 50 1211/ Soledad St. HOTEL WILLIAMS 50 309 E. Commerce St. HOWARD 50 13051/ W. Commerce St. — 135— HOTELS NAME RATE HUTCHINGS 50 205 Garden St. I. & G. N. HOTEL 50 120 N. Medina St. IMPERIAL .50 1 22 Heimann St. JEWELL 50 205 S. Alamo St. JO-LOTTA HOTEL 50 202 N. Presa St. KILMARNOCK HOUSE 50 221 E. Pecan St. KNICKERBOCKER 50 224 1/4 Losoya St. LA BARGE 50 308 S. Alamo St. LA BARRE 50 230 Ave. E. LACLEDE 50 7241/7 W. Commerce St. LANIER 50 Travis and N. St. Mary's Sts. LAREDO 50 403 S. Santa Rosa St. LOSOYA 50 1 25 Losoya St. MAJESTIC 50 210 Ave. D. MARYFORD 50 229 Martin St. MAVERICK 50 328 E. Houston St. MENGER 50 Alamo Plaza and Blum St. NUECES. THE 50 511 St. Mary's St. — 136— HOTELS NAME RATE O. K. HOTEL .50 1 2 1 W. Houston St. PALACE 50 640 1/7 E. Commerce St. PLATON SANCHEZ 50 1 1 9 W. Military Plaza PORTLAND 50 1 1 2 Armistead St. POST VIEW 1 .00 1825 N. New Braunfels Ave. PRESNALL. THE 50 2 1 5 Garden St. RANDALL 50 202 N. Presa St. RANSOM 50 316 E. Crockett St. REX 50 1126 W. Houston St. RICHELIEU 50 209 Soledad St. RICHEY 50 4 St. Mary's St. SAFIRO HOTEL 50 602 1/9 W. Houston St. ST. ANTHONY 50 306 Travis St. ST. FRANCIS 50 2221/4 Losoya St. SAN PEDRO .50 908 1/7 W. Commerce St. SANTA MONICA 50 108 N. Medina St. S. A. p. HOTEL 50 1819 S. Alamo St. SAVOY 50 122 W. Houston St. — 137— HOTELS NAME RATE SCOTT W. T ^ 5 321 Martin St. SOUTHERN 50 125 Main Plaza SPAHN 50 230 E. Commerce St. SPANISH 50 508 Dolorosa St. STERLING 50 234 S. Alamo St. TERMINAL 50 4 1 S. Flores St. TERRELL WELLS 2.00 San Jose, Texas. TOWER 1 .00 1418 Grayson St. TRAVELERS 50 2 1 8 Ave. C. TRAVIS 50 609 Navarro St. UNION STOCK YARDS HOTEL 1.00 at Union Stock Yards VICTORIA 50 3 1 9 St. Mary's St. WESTBROOK 50 3151/7 S. Alamo St. WOODROW 1.25 Harlandale 230 Laclede Ave. YALE 50 308 Ave. D. — 138— ADDITIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS ACADEMY HILL S. of Culebra bet. N. W19th and Floras Sts. ALAMITO ADD, W. of Alamo Hgts. Olmus Cr. on E. side Olmus Dr. on W. side. ALAMO HGTS. N. of Madeline Ten W. of Broad- way. ALAMOSA ADD. W. of S. Preaa bet. Wilkins and Schley Sts. ALTA VISTA W. of S. Trinity bet. S. Laredo. S. Navidad and Saltillo Sts. ANGELES TER. W. of Los Angeles Hgts. bet. Foch Hway., Solano St. and West Ave. ARLINGTON HGTS. N. of City Lim. bet. San Pedro and McCullough Aves ARTESIAN GARDENS W. of Sommerset Rd. bet. Jackson Blvd. and Manton Rd. ASBURY PL. ADD. N. of W. Cincinnati Ave. bet. Bandera and Pennsylvania Aves and City Lim. AVONDALE ADD. W. of S. Presa bet. Roose- velt Ave., E. Mitchell and School Sts. BARGUS SUBDIVISION W. of Grand View Add. E. end of Virginia S. to Essex. BEACON HILL N. of Foch iHway. bet. Blanco Rd. and SAP. Track. BELLAIRE ADD. E. of S. Presa bet. Ward, S. Hackberry and Regina Sts. BELLVIEW PL. E. of Corpus Christi Rd. bet. City Lim. and Morrell St. BELMONT PL. Jones Ave. E. to River bet. Mc- Kinney and Valdez Al. BRACKENRIDGE PL. Opposite Brackenridge Park bet. Ursula and Brackenridge Ave. — 139— ADDITIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS BRUNSWICK PARK. W. of Pleasanton Rd. bet. Stonewall and Highland Aves. CALIFORNIA GARDENS SE. of Sunset PI. No. 2. W. of Melrose Gardens bet. Elks Dr., Blankey St., Artesia St. and Lincoln PI. CITY VIEW ADD. W. of Sommerset Rd. bet. Culverson, Sullivan and Melrose Aves. CLOUDCROFT ADD. S. of W. Commerce bet. S. Zarzamora, Durango and S. Hamilton Sts. COLLEGE HGTS. W. of Conception Ave. bet. Schley Ave. and Morningside St. COLLINS GARDENS W. of Sommerset Rd. to I. & G.N. Track bet. Oriental Ave. and Kirk PI. COLUMBIA HGTS. 1 Mile SE. of City Lim. E. of Sommerset Rd. bet. Missio i, Ethel and Hill Aves. CONNERS GROVE S. of W. Mitchell bet. San Pedro Cr. and Flato Ave. CRESTHOLM ADD. E. o"^ South Presa St. bet. iDauchy Rd. and Lennon Ave. DENVER HGTS. (South Hgts.) S. of Porter to Rigsby bet. S. Olive and S. Walters Sts. DENVER SIDE ADD. N. of Hildebrand Ave. bet. McCullough and Shook Aves. DIGNOWITTY HILL PL. S. of Burnet bet. Daw- son, N. Palmetto and' N. New Braunfels Aves. EAST END. S. of E. Commerce bet. S. New Braun- fels, Hedges and City Lim. EDGEWOOD ADD. W. of S. Hamilton to City Lim. bet. Castroville Rd. and Darby Blvd. ELITE HGTS. S. of Dureau Ave. bet. Ditch, Pleas- anton Rd., Milligan and Buffalo Sts. ENGLEWOOD ADD. W. of S. Flores bet. Fair- mount Ave., Steves Irrigated Gardens and Boehmer St. — MO— ADDITIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS FAIR FIELD ADD. E. of S. Presa bet. Schley Ave., S. Cherry St. and Mahncke Ct FAIR VIEW ADD. E. of S. Hackberry bet. Ward Ave. and Ada St. FLORIDA HGTS. E. of 900 and 1000 biks. S. Mittman. GIVENS ADD. E. of S. Presa bet. Leopold St. and G. H. & S. A. Track GLENDALE HGTS. W. of Foch Hway bet. E. Cincinnati, N. Elmendorf and Bandera Aves. GOVERNMENT HGTS. S. of Seguin Rd. at Tilden E. to City Lim. GRAND VIEW ADD. E. of Conception Ave. bet. Alcalde, P. St. and City Lim. GRAVES END E. of S. Presa bet. City Lim. S. Hackberry and DaucKy Rd. GREHNERS ADD. W. of S. Hamilton bet. Buena Vista, S. WI9th St. and Durango Sts. GROVELAND PL. E. of River Ave. bet. Allens- worth, N. New Braunfels and Country Club Rd. HALLIDAY ADD. E. of S. Presa bet. Halliday Ave., S. Hackberry and Fair Ave. HARLANDALE ADD. E. of Corpus Christi Rd. bet. Sayers Ave., Donna Maria Blvd. and Pacific Ave. HIGHLAND PARK ADD S. of West Falls Ave. bet. S. Pine, Steves and Conception Ave. HIGHLAND TER. S. of 600 blk. Steves Ave. bet. S. Palmetto, Floral and Brodbent Sts. HILLCREST ADD. S. of E. and W. Theo bet. Buf. falo, Dourau and E. and W. Dittmar Sts. HOT WELLS PARK E. of S. Presa bet. Hot Well. Ave. Russi St. and Exposition Ave. HYDE PARK S. of 300 blk. West Falls Ave. bet. S. Hackberry, High Ave. and S. Olive. JOHNS ADD. S. of City Lim. E. of Conception Ave. — 141 — ADDITIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS KENWOOD ADD. N. of City Lim. N. of Arlington Add. bet. San Pedro, Clyde, and McCullough Aves. KEYSTONE PARK ADD. E. of Foch Hway. bet. SAP. Track, and Hildebrand Ave. KINGSTON HGTS. N. of Solano St. bet. Jackson Blvd., Gantt St. and West Ave. KNOB HILL E. of S. Palmetto bet. Iowa St., N. New Braunfels and Aransas Aves. LAKE VIEW ADD. N. of W. Commerce bet. N. W19th, Castro and N. W26th Sts. LAUREL HGTS. N. of E. and W. Ashby PI. bet. I. & G.N. Track, Kendell St. and Jones Ave. LAUREL HGTS. TER. N. of Laurel Hgts. bet. Jones and McCullough Aves. LAWNDALE ADD. E. of S. Presa bet. Topeka Blvd., S. Hackberry St. and Halliday Ave. LOS ANGELES HGTS. N. of Hildebrand Ave. bet. Blanco Rd., West Ave. and Haas St. LOUNSBERRY SUBDIVISION E. of Pleasanton Rd. bet. Mirabeau and Gates St. LUBBOCK AND CAMPBELL ADD. W. of S. Flores bet. Baylor, Sommerset Rd. and Big Foot LYNWOOD ADD. iN. of Kenwood Add. bet. San Pedro, Clyde, McCullough and Joyce Aves. MADELINE TER. ADD. W. of N. New Braunfels. Ave. N. of Terrell Rd. and Basden Ave. MALONE PARK TER. W. of Clarissa bet. Culber- son Ave. and SAUG. Track. MARLBOROUGH PL. E. of S. Presa bet. Dunn- ing Ave., S. Hackberry and Schley Ave. MELROSE GARDENS W. of Pleasanton Rd. bet. Elks Dr., Blankey and Davis Sts. MISSION FIELD W. of S. Presa bet: Schley, Roose- velt and E. Mitchell Aves. MISSION PARK W. of Roosevelt Ave. bet. E. Mitchell and Conception Rd. — 142— ADDITIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS MISSION RIDGE E. of Pleasanton Rd. bet. Davi. St., Lavonia PI. and Robert E. Lee St. MISSION VIEW E. of Conception Ave. bet. Hiawatha, City Lim. and Johns Add. MONTCLAIR ADD. E. of Broadway bet. EUwood, N. New Braunfels Ave. and Castano MORNA DALE ADD. W. of 56-5800 Corpus Christi Rd. MORTONS ADD. E. of S. Presa bet. Fair Ave., S. Hackberry and Ward Ave. MOUNT AUBURN ADD. W. of Sommerset Rd. bet. Melvern, Vernon and Beaumont Aves. NARCISSA PL. E. of River Ave. bet. Cvrnningham Blvd. N. Pine St. and Army Blvd. NEW YORK PL. W. of Corpus Christi Rd. bet. Davis, Lavonia PI. and Robert E. Lee. OAKLAND TER. S. of Brackenridge Ave. bet. Ditch and Ulrich St. PALM HGTS. W. of Sommerset Rd. bet. Walton Ave., Clarissa and Winnipeg Sts. PARK GROVE E. of River Ave. bet. Reservoir, Acacia and Allensworth Aves. PARK HGTS. W. of Nople bet. De Leon, Sandfield Ave. and Margetts St. PECAN Grove. S. of E| Theo W. of River PFEIFFERS ADD. S. of Helena bet. Probandt and Bank Sts. and Ditch. PROSPECT HILL S. of W. Commerce bet. S. Colo- rado and S. Zarzamora Sts. PRUITTS ADD. W. of S. Flores bet. Pruitt Ave., Sommerset Rd. and Baylor St. QUEENSBOROUGH PL. E. of River Ave. bet. Brackenridge Ave., Ditch and Mahncke Park. RIVERSIDE PARK W. of S. Pine bet. Steves Ave.. S. Hackberry and Baldwin Sts. RIVERSIDE PARK W. of S. Presa bet. School St. and SAP. Track. — 143 — ADDITIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS ROBERTS ADD. W. of Roosevelt Ave. bet. Yellow- stone Ave., Conception Rd. and McComb St. ROOSEVELT PL. E. of S. Hackberry bet. High Ave., S. Pine and Hammond Ave. ROSEDALE ADD. E. of S. Mittman bet. S. Heights and Delmar Sts. ROSEMERE PL. E. of S. Presa bet. E. Whittier, Yorkshire PI. and Warwick Blvd. SAN FERNANDO E. of Sommerset Rd. bet. Har- riman PL. I. & G.N. Track and Walton W. of Sommerset Rd. bet. Big Foot, Edwards and W. Theo. Ave. SEIDELLS SUBDIVISION W. of Calhoun bet. Carson Frank and Seguin Rd. SOUTH HGTS. (See DENVER HGTS) SOUTHOLM W. of Sommerset Rd. bet. S. end of Stock Yards, I.&G.N. Track and Oriental Ave. SOUTH PARK TER. W. of S. Presa bet, Bryant St., Roosevelt and Fairplay Aves. STEVES IRRIGATED GARDENS S. of Big Foot bet Edwards St. and Englewood Add. STRIBLING ADD. S. of W. Commerce bet. S. Hamilton, Monterey and S. W19th Sts. SUMMIT PL. N. of Summit Ave. bet. McCullough and San Pedro Aves. SUMMIT TER. N. of Summit PI. bet. McCullough and San Pedro Aves. SUNNY SLOPE E. of Conception Ave. bet. Grand View Add. and City Lim. and Mission View Add. SUNNY SOUTH E. of Corpus Christi Rd. bet. Morrell Ave., Donna Maria Blvd. and Sayert Ave SUNSET PL. E. of Sommerset Rd. bet. Eskino St., and Mirabeau Ave. SUNSET PL. INO. 2 E. of Sommerset Rd. bet. Mira- beau Ave., Artesia St. and Flander Ave. — 144— ADDITIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS TEMPLE HILL E. of S. Presa bet. Lennon. Russi and Hot Wells Aves. TERRELL HILLS E. of N. New Braunfels bet. "Garraty and Zambrano Rds. THREES ADD. W. of Foch Hway. bet. E. Pennsyl- vania, Clark and Donaldson Aves. TOBIN HILL N. of Ditch bet. San Pedro and Jones Aves. TOMMINS SUBDIVISION W. of Corpus Christi Rd. bet. Tommins Ave., Pleasanton Rd. and Koepke Ave. TREASURE HILL E. of Foch Hway bet. SAP. Track and W. French PI. VILLA ROSE E. of S. Presa bet. Mahncke Ct., S. Cherry and Topeka Blvd. WALDREP TER. S. of Steves St. Nople E. to Col- lege Hgts. WASHINGTON HGTS. N. of Country Club E. of N. New Braunfels. WELLINGTON HGTS. S. of Steves bet. Broadbent. Floral, and S. New Braunfels Ave. WEST END W. of N. Elmendorf bet. E. and W. Texas St., Wooiley and Culebra Aves. WITTS ADD. SE. of Labor St. bet. W. Delaware, Peach and W. Carolina Sts. WOODLAWN ADD. N. of Burnet bet. N. Palmet- to, Sherman and N. New Braunfels Ave. WOODROW PL. W. of Corpus Christi Rd. S. of Robert E. Lee. WOODRUFF PL. W. of Goliad Rd. to Woodruff St. 145— OFFICE BUILDINGS ALAMO NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 128 W. Com- merce St. BEDELL BLDG. 1 12-126 Ave. C. BOOK BLDG. 106 W. Houston St. BRADY BLDG. 202 E. Houston St. CALCASIEU BLDG. 202 Ave. C. CENTRAL OFFICE BLDG. (Mackay BIdg.) 403- 4 1 I Navarro St. CENTRAL TRUST CO. BLDG. Navarro and Hous- ton Sts. CHANDLER BLDG. Losoya and Crockett Sts. CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 202 W. Com- merce St. CONROY BLDG. 1 1 8- 1 20 N. Alamo St. DUERLER BLDG. 222 W. Commerce St. F. BLDG. 201 Ave. C. FRENCH BLDG. 102 Dwyer Ave. FROST BLDG. Main Ave. and Houston Sts. GEORGE BLDG. 229 E. Houston St. GIBBS BLDG. E. Houston St., and Ave. D. GROOS NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 243 W. Com- merce St GUNTER OFFICE BLDG. E. Houston and St. Mary's Sts. HICKS BLDG. E. Houston and Ave. C. KAMPMANN BLDG. 331 W. Commerce St. MOORE BLDG. 108 Ave. C. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE BLDG. Sole- dad and W. Commerce Sts. — 146— OFFICE BUILDINGS OPPENHEIMER BLDG. 228 W. Commerce St. OWL BLDG. E. Houston St. and Ave. D. PRINCESS THEATRE BLDG. 2 1 5 E. Houston St. PRUDENTIAL LIFE BLDG. 126-132 Main Plaza. RIVERSIDE BLDG. 1 1 W. Commerce St. RUSSELL BLDG. 313 E. Houston St. SAN ANTONIO LOAN & TRUST CO. BLDG. 2 1 7 W. Commerce St. SAN ANTONIO NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 213 W. Commerce St. SAUR BLDG. 130 E. Crockett St. STEVENS BLDG. 129 W. Commerce St. SWEARENGEN-McCRAW BLDG. E. Houston and Alamo Plaza. 147- BAGGAGE RATES .50 $ .25 $ .25 .50 .25 .25 .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 .75 .50 .25 ip rates apply only to baggage same place. Rates given in this book are for one piece — for additional pieces see schedule below: First Second Third All Add'l Piece Piece Piece Pieces $ .50 .75 LOO 1.25 1.50 These follow originating all at For Example — If customer has 3 trunks at I, & G.N. Depot going to 400 River Ave. and two trunks at Manger Hotel for the same address, the rate is $2.25 and not $1.75 as it would be if all came from same place. Where grips, suit-cases, or hand baggage ac- company trunk, add 25c. for each. Where grips, suit-cases or hand baggage are not accompanied by trunk, 1st piece takes regular trunk rate, and 25c. for each additional. ACROSS TOWN The rate for hauling from one part of the town to another are as follows: Add to the highest rate |/2 of the lower rate. If this should happen to split 25 c. give the company the benefit. EXPRESS PACKAGES Express packages must always be charged for at the regular rate for each piece, regardless of the fact that customer may also have one or more trunks. However, parcels not larger than a suit- case will be charged for at same rate as suit-case. — 148— TIME ALLOWANCE The following allowances must be given (except Hotels) for picking up baggage in the different zones: 50c. Rate 1^ Hours 75c. " 2 1.00 •• 21/2 " L50 •• 3 SPECIAL RATE Where Baggage is to be called for, or delivered, other than on regular trips, add 50c. to total of regular charge. BAGGAGE TO OFFICE No charge from origin will be made for this aervice, but on final disposition, a charge will be made according to the Zone rate. STORAGE RATE Baggage brought into office, to be stored one ( 1 ) week Gratis. Storage rate after first week 10c. a day, or $1.00 a month, for each piece. THEATRICAL RATES 20 foot load, round trip $10.00 40 foot load round trip 20.00 Baggage, round trip LOO CORPSE TRAISISFER Truck $3.00 NOTICE Rates and Rules contained herein, subject to revision, without notice. — 149— ABREVIAXIONS ADD ADDITION AL ALLEY AL ALAMO AVE AVENUE BET BETWEEN BLDG BUILDING BLK BLOCK BLVD BOULEVARD BRKGE BRACKENRIDGE BUS BUSINESS COM COMMERCIAL CR CREEK CT COURT DR DRIVE E EAST EXT EXTENDS HGTS 'HEIGHTS HWAY HIGHWAY LIM LIMITS N NORTH NE NORTHEAST NW NORTHWEST PL PLACE PRIV PRIVATE PROP PROPERTY RIVER S. A. RIVER RD ROAD R. T ROUND TRIP S SOUTH SE SOUTHEAST ST STREET SW SOUTHWEST TER TERRACE W WEST ''^ Wi>i'= *^'^ .' '^^^l^iZuiMilE^^'ii'^^r i' < if .'. 'S^f '"'lie . u ' ^^/^i;'4^»