Glass . Book_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT @5 '*"~W JJiTORIC MUSE "^1^ ON Mount REGOR ONE Of THE /cDIF^OJvJD/ceKS, NEAR SARATOGA. Sylvester. k LOOKING TOWARDS SARATOGA LAKE. THE HISTORIC MUSE Mount MacGregor ONK OK TUK ADIRONDACKS NEAR SARATOGA. Nathaniel Bartlett Sylvester, COKRESI'ONDING SKCRETARY OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OK SARATOGA. AND AUTHOR OK HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF NOKTHKKN NEW YORK AND THE ADIRONDACK WILDERNESS; A HISTORY OF SARATOGA COUNTY; A HISTORY OF RENSSELAER COUNTY ; A HISTORY OF ULSTER COUNTY ; AND A HISTORY OF THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY, IN MASS., ETC. IVItile (here's leaves in the forest and foam on the river, MaeGret^or, despite them, shall flourish forever! — Sir IValter Scott. TROY, N. Y. : X,^' t N. B. SYLVESTER 1885. G \ Coi'yku;ht, 18S5, HY Nathaniel Bartlktt Sylvester. THE DREXEL COTTAGE, MT, MAC GREGOR, Residence of General Grant. THE HISTORIC MUSE ON Mount Mac Gregor Leave me to gaze at the landscape, Mistily stretching away, Vv'hen the afternoon's opaline tremors O'er the mountains quivering play — Till the fiercer splendor of sunset I'ours from the west its fire. And, melted as in a crucible, Their earthly forms expire. — IF. W. Story. I. MOUNT MAC GREGOR is one of the peaks of an Adirondack range of the old Laurentian mountain system. It is situated in a sharp bend of the Hudson river, about ten miles to the north of the village of Sara- toga Springs. It rises to the height of nearly thirteen hun- dred feet above the level of the sea and is the highest peak south of the Hudson of the Palmertown range of the Adirondacks. On the Atlantic slope of the* North American continent two vast mountain systems lie contiguous — the Appalachian to the east and south and the Canadian Laurentian to the north. These two mountain systems differ radically both as to form and (reoloaraToqa C)prinqs (^a (i;prina$ av. W. W. WORDEN, Proprietor. Green & Waterman ■Siri^t-ffila^d Babinet Raker^?^ «-^c) e>^^ ^^^w ■ " " feefe^ AND DEALERS IN pjR[NjITLfl^E, QJl^TAIJNlSj QeDDI[nJGj [^TC. We solicit a visit to our extensive Warerooms and an opportunity to estimate for every variety of House Furnishing and Decor- ating. Special attention given to furnisliing country cottages. Personal atttention will be given when desired. -^ W AR E R O O Nl S -^ 283 f^lVER ST, - - - TF^OY, JSI. Y. 26 ADVERTISEMENTS. T|HE JVIANSION JHOUSE, KXCELSIOR PARK. Mrs. C. W. Lawrence, Proprietor. Mrs. H. M. ToLHURST, Manager. X ■pj^His house will accommodate from seventy to eighty guests, and is fs/lvGi situated a mile east of the Town Hall, Saratoga Springs. It has wide piazzas, a fine shady lawn with Tennis and Croquet Grounds, and combines all the advantages of Saratoga, with the greater coolness and purer air of the country. It is three minutes walk from the Excelsior Springs, and the same distance from Excelsior Lake. The fine old woods of the Park e.\tend from the Spring to the village, and the drives and walks through them are always shady and inviting. The house has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished almost throughout. The drainage is perfect and the water pure. The chambers are large and airy, with roomy closets. Comfortable beds and a good table, will be made specialties. A large garden insures fresh vegetables. The office has a telephone, and a conveyance will make trips at stated times to and from the village. The best of accommodations for private carriages. Special attention paid to the comfort of families taking board for the season. Address Mrs. H. M. TOLHURST, Manager. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. -^*s^REKEREN C ES .*^5*^- Rev. Theo. L. Cuyler, D. D., pastor Lafayette Ave. Church, . . Brooklyn Dr. James Cary Thomas, 317 Madison Ave., Baltimore Mr. James Whitall, 410 Race St., Philadelphia, . . . Residence, Germantown Rev. Joseph Carey, D. D., Rector Bethesda Episcopal Church, . . Saratoga Miss Sarah F. Smiley, ....... Excelsior Park, Saratoga Mr. and Mrs. James H. Talcott No. 7 West 57th St., New York Mr. and Mrs. Chas. N. Lockwood 68 First St., Troy, N. Y. Mrs. Hannah Whitall Smith, . . . 4(5.53 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia Mr. Franklin N. Poor, Treas. Vermont and Mass. R. R., . . 17 State St., Boston Judge C. S. Lester, ........ Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Abel 258 West 127th St., New York City Rev. Peter Stryker, D. D., Pastor Andrew Pres. Church, . . Minneapolis Miss Mary L. Bonney, . . Ogontz School for Young Ladies, near Philadelphia Rev. Wm. R. Terrett, Pastor Second Pres. Church, Saratoga ADVERTISEMENTS. 27 glinton M. Pcncclu BELL * COMPANY, TROY, N. Y. MANUFACTURE THE FINEST GRADE OF BELLS. % ©pecial ailcrihoT) giVcr) lo Lnin-jc, ]'~caj ar)d (iriurcr) jOells. [ESTABLISHED 1861.1 J. J. GILLESPY. DEALER IN |F21?2| ?ErIB©CD2BMT^3.^ /\les, yi[MES, [^jc, ro^ pAr^iLy (Jse. 271 River St., Troy, U. Y. 7 j&y'i^i''^ >>.-y STOWELL PRINTING CCMPANV, TBOV, N. Y