Vol. XX. No. 231 GV 867 .1194 1905 Copy 1 ALDINGS ATHLETIC LIBRARY- ^^ \ HOW TO ' UMPIRE HOW TO COACH HOW TO CAPTAIN HOW TO MANAGE HOW TO ORGANIZE A LEAGUE American. Sports Publishing Co. ,. 25 Warren Street,New^YorK. mill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, ^ Won a A. G. SPALDING &. BROS. Special Award and a Grai\d PHze for their Gymnasium Equipment at the World's Fair. The hundreds of Gymnasts who competed in the different events in the Stadium during the year proclaimed the apparatus made by A. G. Spalding & Bros, the best that they had ever worked on, and the team of German Turners that came to America especially to compete in the International Championships at St. Louis on July 1 and 2, 1904, requested that they be per- mitted to use the apparatus of the Spalding Gymnasium Exhibit in the Gymnastic Tournament, and at the conclu- sion of the two-day meeting, voluntarily forwarded to A. G. SPALDING & BROS, a testimonial highly complimenting the firm on the manufacture of their G5aTinastic Apparatus. The same re- quest was made by the Young Men's Christian Association of America, and the apparatus was used by them for the Championships with best results. In the International A.A.U. Champion- ships A. G. Spalding & Bros,' apparatus was like- wise used, and the Chairman of the Committee declared the apparatus to be the best ever used in connection with a championship meeting. b Spalding's Athletic Library How to Umpire; How to Captdn a Team; How to Manage a Team; How to Coach; How to Organize a League Edited by T. H MURNANE President New England League New York American Sports Publishing Company 15 Warren Street O LIBRARY of CONGRESS [wu Copies rtuceiveu APR 10 iyu5 Uop^ii^iii entry CLASS a- XXft Noi COPY B. ,c^A V ^ SPALDING ATHLETIC LIBRARY SERIES OF BOOKS ON BASE BALL Price io Cents per Copy No. 202 No, 219- No, 220- No, 223- No, 224- No. 225- No, 226 No. 227- No. 228- No. 229- No. 230- No. 231- No. 235- -How io Play Base Ball. -Ready Recko7ier of Base Ball Percentages. -Spaldhig' s Official Base Ball Guide for 1905, -How io Bat. -How io Play the Outfield, -How io Play First Base. -How io Play Second Base. -How io Play Third Base. -How io Play Shortstop, -How to Catch. -How io Pitch. -How io Umpire; How to Coach; How to Captain a Team; How io Manage a Team; How io Or- ganize a League. -How io Run the Base^ For complete list of the publications in Spalding's Athletic Library see last pages of this book. Copyright, 1905, by American Sports Publishing Company, New York. PREFACE In the last few years base ball has developed in a most re- markable manner, and while the public keep well posted on the doings of the players they know very little about the manage- ment of the sport. With leagues growing up in every quarter of this country and new men coming into the profession, the demand for expert information has increased, until this booklet should be welcome. T. H. M. T. H. MURNANE, The well known sporting writer of the Boston Globe and President of the New England League^ Spalding' s Athletic Library. ORGANIZING BASE BALL LEAGUES By T. H. MURNANE, President New England League. Professional base ball is divided into major and minor leagues. The two major organizations are the American League and the National League, while the minor leagues are classified into four divisions, AA, A, B and C. At least 1,000,000 people must reside in the cities in a league for it to come under Class A of the minor leagues. Therefore, in forming a league, it is necessary to ascertain the population of the cities intended for the circuit. Each league has a salary limit for its players and its teams, and these are based entirely on the population. The rules regarding salary limits should be strictly enforced. Eight cities are the ideal number for a league circuit. Cities should be paired off where games can be exchanged on holidays when possible. This is almost necessary in all leagues below Class A. In these leagues where conditions must be otherwise, prospects for prosperous existences are anything but bright. The Class AA leagues, such as the Eastern League and the American Association, cover nearly as much ground as the major leagues, and must, therefore, make out schedules similar to those adopted in the major leagues. Where the country is as thickly populated as in New Eng- land, leagues often are formed where the traveling expenses arc light and the interest kept up by cutting up the schedules so that a team is at home a part of each week. Many small lea«5ues have made a success of playing all Saturday games in 6 Spalding's Athletic Library. the best drawing cities, splitting the receipts for these days evenly. Each league must have officers at the head who are able to force proprietors, managers and players to live up to the laws in every particular. In other words, men who consider the interests of the league above all else, and who, while holding office, hew to the line, with fair play for a watchword, and the closest regard for the good of the sport. These officials must eliminate all personal interests, and the very man who will fight hardest to gain a point or a concession from the league, will be the warmest admirer of the officials when he realizes that they enforce the laws of the league to the letter, and spell duty all the time with a capital D. Therefore, when promoting a base ball league, the most im- portant work on hand is the selection of an executive head who is well posted on base ball from all angles, political, as well as from the standpoint of the magnates and players. A man who can mix up with the lovers of the sport and still have the adaptability to his executive position and the ability to lead at all times. A poor executive can keep his league in hot water all the time, while an official with good judgment and backbone will make the same league bloom like June roses. Men who have given up the idea of any connection with major leagues make the best controlling heads for the smaller organizations, for the reason that they are willing to bring out young players, and are not taken up with the championship idea at the expense of the salary limit. The day never will come when minor leagues can live while ignoring the salary limits, for it means paying out more money than comes in at the gate and the millionaire, even, is not living who will stand being the loser for more than two years at most. The safest man to control a minor league club below Class A is a retired ball player who wins out when his club does well financially. He will keep closer to the salary limit than the proprietor who is in the sport for a short time to see his name Spalding's Athletic Library. 7 in the papers, and who later will make lame excuses to get out of the business. If I were to organize another minor league to-morrow, my first move after selecting the cities for an eight-club circuit, would be the selection of eight men to manage the clubs. These men would be old ball players with executive ability and each one would receive at least a one-third interest in the club. I would have it arranged so that no club could remove Its manager without the consent of the president of the league. This would give each manager confidence, and sooner or later he would have a little of the luck that must come to a winner. My first advice would be to have perfect order on the ball field, insist on the players wearing clean uniforms, and all be uniformed alike, even to caps and shoes — the teams should cater to the best people in the community, and all questionable lan- guage on or off the field would be cut out. I would even go further, and insist that the spectators keep within the bounds in their personal remarks, for no one ever was attracted to the ball grounds by the insane and uncalled for abuse of players by the individual, disgruntled spectator. Gambling never should be countenanced for a minute in any form, for the past is strewn with base ball wrecks caused by gamblers. The latter will abuse the game at any turn, and should never be allowed to thrive on a ball ground. I would insist on having the games called promptly on time and then played as quickly as possible. No game of nine innings ever should be more than two hours long, and the shorter the better. The half hour practice before the game should be made at- tractive for the spectator, as often a poor game will follow lightning preliminary work. The public goes out to see the players handle the ball, and is disappointed when lax and erratic work marks the preliminary practice. Briefly, the following points are worth consideration by the experienced manager as well as the new man in the business who is anxious to perpetuate the sport in any given locality : Spalding s Athletic Library. (i) Keep your circuit as compact as possible while taking in the best base ball cities available, (2) Have officers and a head who know the game and will in- sist on every one living up to the rules and regulations, and who will force managers and players to respect the umpires as representing the league. (3) Select the class to which your population entitles you, i. e., Class A, 1,000,000; Class B, 400,000, etc., and make every effort to stick within the salary limit. (4) A fair sprinkling of experienced players with raw re- cruits will make the best combination. The young play- ers should start at a modest salary, as for them it is everything to get a chance in organized ball where those looking for talent will soon find the boys entitled to the substantial salaries. (5) Live up to the rules, and force the press and public of your cities to realize that the league is a substantial in- stitution, bound to improve the weak spots, and respect the rights of the individual members. (6) Pay all bills promptly, including advertising, and work in every way to gain the respect of the local public, which will find a well-handled base ball team one of the best methods of advertising a city. (7) Insist on discipline among the players, for one bad peach will spoil a basket. Therefore, be on the alert to keep the players on their good behavior, as this counts more in the minor leagues than in the larger cities in the major leagues; but in all parts of the country, it is the salvation of the game. (8) Selfish players come from all sides, and like the restless ones must be guarded against. The pick of the players go to the big leagues, and a manager of a minor club should make it plain to his players that any of them worthy of advancement will receive his hearty co- operation. Spalding' s Athletic Library. 9 By FRED LAKE, President-Manager Lowell Club. The American public is educated to base ball, and after a long term of small successes and big failures, the game can now be made to pay in all sections of this country. Take the New England League for an example. In four years this organization has cleared more than $50,000 as a whole— on an average four clubs made good money, two others finished a shade to the good, and two were slightly behind when the ledgers were balanced. Money for the sale of players increased each season, but any advantage from this was counteracted by several of the clubs failing to respect the salary limit of the league, thereby forcing well-meaning managers to increase their pay rolls, and, while getting no better ball, being obliged to pay considerably more money for talent. In several instances this money went out for broken down, glass-arm players at fancy salaries for poor work. Any institution that pays good interest on the money in- vested should be considered a success. Less than $40,000 was in- vested in the eight plants in the New England league, so that the game must be considered a financial success. Lack of co- operation is the chief trouble with base ball combinations, and for this reason the idea of an agreement covering a term of years is advisable in both the major leagues and the smaller concerns. A sinking fund of from five to twenty per cent, of the gate receipts should be created, and not one cent of this money should go back until the terms of the agreement run out. Then, each club being given an equal share of the accumulated fund, would even up the losses, and give the sport a substantial foundation to build on in the future. Since the formation of the national association of minor leagues, the game has flourished as never before. In years past the minors found it difficult to survive a season. \0 Spalding's Athletic Library. Now all such difificulty is past. Of the twenty-four minor leagues under the banner of the national association, few are not in good condition, and it is seldom, indeed, that one hears of even a club, much less a league, going out of existence. Base ball is fast going into the hands of men who know the game from long experience, and clubs run by local boards of directors now have a poor show for success, as success means a one-man power, and a level head. Spalding' s Athletic Library, il HOW TO MANAGE A BALL TEAM if By CHARLES COMISKEY, President of the Chicago American League Team. The successful way to manage a ball club is to get out all there is in the players. Give the players to understand that they are well paid and must put their whole mind on the work they are slated to perform. The ideal team is made up of two-thirds seasoned material and one-third ambitious new timber, until the desired conditions are obtained ; then, with an eye to the future, keep on the look- out to strengthen the weak spots, for all teams have weak spots ; for example, an outfielder may be a little weak with the stick, or be a poor base runner. The essential qualities for a champion team are : Batting, fielding, speed, brains and staying power. The manager of a ball team must ever be on the alert to see that his players are obeying the ABC rules of health. Temperate habits are positively necessary to good work, and ball players have many temptations to overcome from well mean- ing but useless admirers. It is a mistake to have a large number of players under con- tract, with the hope of moulding a winner. Start off with a regular team and be careful to make but one change at a time, unless it be with the stafif of pitchers. Infields must work together to be eflFective and it takes time and hard work to perfect the infield, usually the framework for a great ball team. The outfielders and first baseman should be first class bats- men, in every case, as the style of fielding required for fhose 12 Spalding's Athletic Library. places is far below the style of playing necessary in all other positions. Practice makes perfect, and the manager should insist on his men doing all of the practice possible, especially with the bat. Some hard hitters are poor "place" and "bunt" hitters, because they seldom practice to perfect their weakness, 'and here is where a manager should take hold, for often the captain of a team will be slow to do any overwork. Make it as pleasant for the players as possible, for the secret comes from a united front, and players will often band together to make it unpleasant for a manager they find unreasonable, and often rough, with no knowledge of the game. Players should never be called down for mistakes on the field, fines do no good, but instead, cause the other players to sour on the management. Where a player fails to make good after a fair trial, get rid of the man in a diplomatic way. for every player must pass on sooner or later and each will note carefully the manager's style of doing business. Clever managers listen to the comments and reasonings of the players, thereby picking up valuable information. Treat every player like a man, and never "knock" the most stupid roan in the club. Quickly get rid of the failures, and treat the successes with the respect due a man filling his contract to the letter. The young players need encouragement, while the seasoned player cares little for flattery. A good cigar will go further than a basket of cut flowers. See that every man pays his honest debts. Gambling should not be allowed. Intoxication during the playing season should mean expulsion. To be a good winner, a man should be a good loser. Confi- dence is everything with a ball team. Spalding' s Athletic Library. 13 By AL. BUCKENBERGER, Manager of the Boston Nationals. 190J. How to manage a base ball team? To be successful it re- quires a clever student of human nature, a man with much patience, and a fine knowledge of the game, backed up by an active brain and determination. No one should attempt to manage a ball club who does not figure that others in the same line of business are capable and ready to take advantage of opponents' weaknesses. The manager must have absolute faith in his players. His influence must be such as to get extra work out of his boys by showing that he has great confidence in their ability, and with an even break of luck they will recover from slumps that are sure to come to the best teams, sooner or later. A striped stick of candy could manage a club with star players out for business once they have learned to work together. A peacemaker then becomes the prime factor in the team's success, so that often individuals are given credit for the good work of a ball team when they have never thought out a play or, in fact, knew little about the game from a scientific standpoint. But once let this same team fall off in play, with the players slowing up, and the passive manager soon becomes lost in the shuffie. The team will go from bad to worse, until the manager will find relief only in slower company. A man might be a great success in a minor league, to find the major end of the game out of his line. The successful managers in the big leagues are few and far apart, for they must have the best players, men with skill, hearts and a disposition to think continually as well as play ball with- out a let up. In the major leagues you must be on the lookout for the best of the rising young talent, watching the base ball horizon as eagerly as a navigator would the sky for a storm cloud. First, a captain who is up to every trick of the game, past and present ; a man who can cull the weak players from the good, and who can figure out what to practice to make perfect. 14 Spalding's Athletic Library. Once you have a team selected and in working order then figure out the weak spot and fill one position at a time and take your time about making changes. Continual shifting will weaken any team, for the best player will often have a bad day and feel nervous with the thought that some one is ready to take his place. The pick of the young players should receive a good trying- out in the spring and the Southern trips are a splendid tiling for the trying-out period. The manager of a team should look out for the habits of his men and see that unreliable players are booked to room with the reliable players, for very often a level headed player will have great influence over a player who has little control of himself. The manager should see to it that the players have all the comforts the game affoids, as players well treated while traveling will feel disposed to hustle for the club's benefit, and without hustling players there are no profits in the game. Players should be allowed to go and come to their hotels as they please while they are playing good ball, although the universal rule has been for the men to retire before midnight, which nine out of ten players do. Years ago the players looked on the business as a chance to see the country and have a round of pleasure. It is much different now, for the large sala- ries have caused the boys to think, and saving money is now considered a high art among the profession. Never work a player unless he says he is all right and ready for the fray, for players as a general rule love to take a chance when they are feeling right. This is especially true of the pitchers, every one of whom refuses to believe that he is not able to win from all comers. This confidence is what makes the game interesting. Managers should see to it that the players get plenty of all styles of practice, for practice makes perfect in base ball, as in other things, and no player ever yet got too much practice, especially with the bat. Spalding s Athletic Library. 15 In the minor leagues, managers must pick the players green from the lots and break them in like so many colts. The minors are tied down to a salary limit, but are as apt to pick up a fine player for a small salary as a poor player for a big salary. It's a case of good luck. The young players are more apt to dissipate than' the older ones, and overfeed in a way to put them out of the game at an early stage. In the larger of the minor leagues it is well to have several experienced players, men who have passed up the big leagues and young fellows with some experience. To manage a Class A league one should know all about the playing as well as the political end of the game and how to protect his interests. The young players need a lot of coaching. Some are quick to pick up, while other fairly good men are slow thinkers and never pass a certain stage. Speed counts in base ball, and for that reason the games of the minors are more interesting than the scientific games of the big fellows, as there is a disposition to take chances, while the older player is sure of his high place without taking too many chances of being injured and put out of the game. It's a mistake to carry too many men. Keep all the players busy and bring out their best qualities. Teach the boys not to pay attention to unkind criticism by fans and newspaper writ- ers, for I have known many of the latter to be wholly irre- sponsible and bad eggs for the game ; in fact, the managing edi- tors will often send out the office boy to write up a game and the result is the game is thereby ruined for years in certain localities as the result of the kid seeing things that never hap- pened. Managers should always go out of their way to see that the local papers get every scrap of the news and treat responsible writers with proper courtesy. JIMMY COLLINS, Manager-Captain Boston Americans. Spalding' s Athletic Library, 17 CORRECT STYLE OF COACHING By JAMES A. COLLINS, Captain-Manager Boston American League Team. It takes a perfect knowledge of the ability of each player to properly coach the base runners. With wideawake players to look after, coaching at first base is wholly uncalled for, as the base runner must keep his eyes glued to the ball and use his own judgment when to move from the base. The play is altogether different at third base, and at this point a coacher is positively necessary for the man coming from second base. This base runner never should be obliged, on a safe hit, to turn his head toward the play, but should come on at top speed, looking for his cue from the man on the coaching line. He should be always in a position to turn for the home plate under full head of steam, and simply watch the coacher for the signal to keep on going for home, or to stop altogether. The loss of a fraction of a second will lose runs, games and championships, and all depends on the coachers on the lines if the players are trained to take their cues blindly from the men in a position to see all that is going on, wherever the ball is. I have seen fine players make the poorest kind of coachers, as they have failed to calculate the speed of their own runners as well as the fielding and throwing ability of their opponents. Good base runners make the best coachers, and the best I ever saw, worked with signals and made little fuss or noise during their performances. There should be as much time given to perfecting the coaching department of the game as to any other phase of team base ball. 1 8 Spalding' s Athletic Library. When a man is running from first base, he should keep in touch with the coacher at third, instead of being on the lookout for something his opponents are going to do with the ball. Moreover, he always should move exactly as he is instructed to do by the man on the lines. Men often will remain close to second base, fearing the in- fielders who are playing far away from the sack. Slow run- ners must get a good start and take more advantage of their opportunities to score on safe hits handled by clever outfielders, and the men on the coaching lines should be obliged to not yell out instructions, but to work entirely through signals, either with their hands or caps. It is a mistake to send up some one to coach who is not alive to the inside workings of the game, simply because the regular coacher is indifferent. A first-class coacher at third base strengthens a team three to five per cent., and good .men do not average tv.'O to a club in professional base ball Spalding's Athletic Library, 19 HOW TO CAPTAIN A TEAM By M. J. KELLEY, Of the St. Paul American Association Team. The captain of a ball team should be a first-class player, up to every trick of the game. He should take the side of the player, even against the man- agement, when he thinks the player is being in any way wronged. Once on the field he should have full charge of his men and carry out the programme mapped out by his manager. The players should have explicit confidence in him and obey his orders promptly and to the best of their ability. The captain should be especially well versed in the playing rules (a point, by the way, most of the players are weak on). The captain alone should address the umpire and teach his men that clubs get none the best of it by nagging the official and bringing the hot headed spectators down on the head of the arbitrator. When stupid plays are made by his men the captain should make a mental note of the same and allude to it later when the game is over, for no man feels worse than the one who has made the mistake. The captain should ever be on the alert to note a weakness and map out a plan with his players to take advantage of the same. While not outspoken, the captain should always tip off the weakness of his men to the management. The captain should never be called on to sign or release a player, but allowed to pay his attention to the men after they reach the field. The captain should make out the batting order, and work out 20 Spalding's Athlfitic Library, the plays with his men. as several heads are better than one on a ball field, for a change of front must often take place as the result of an opponent's change of attack. The captain should teach his men that a variety of plays well executed will bother the enemy, and perfection is neces- sary to carry out lightning changes of front on a ball field. When possible the captain of a team should be on the coach- ing lines, and should set a good example by his personal inside work. "A game is never won until the last man is out," is not only an old and true base ball saying, but the finest lines ever written for a ball player's guidance The players will follow the lead of the captain much as ducks will follow the rising young drake, therefore, in playing and general deportment, much depends on the captain of a ball team. Leaders are scarce, but come to the front naturally. While the best class of professional base ball team managers are as scarce as they are desirable, a thoroughly able and competent team captain is an individual member of a team very difficult to find. It may be justly asked, "What constitutes the essential require- ments of a first-class captain of a team?" In the first place, such a captain must know how to govern himself, otherwise he cannot govern others successfully; especially is this moral qualification es- sential in the case of a player possessed of a hot and ugly temper. Secondly, he should in all cases govern the players of his team as he would like his captain to do if he were himself a subordi- nate player. These are the two primary essentials in the way of the moral attributes of an "A No. i" captain. In the selection of a captain, two well-known classes of captains should be avoided, viz., the one class including those of ungov- erned tempers, without self-control, dictatorial in their manner, imperious in command, and too fond of having this, that or the other thing done simply because it is their desire that it should be done. The other class are those who are easily influenced against their best ideas, of no determination of character, afraid of cen- Spalding's Athletic Library, 21 sure, and too desirous of pleasing special friends in the course they pursue, at the cost of the best interests of the club they be- long to. Of course the captain of a team needs to be well up in all the rules of the game, as also all the special points of strategic. skill, and a first-class player not only in his position — which should be in the infield — but also in other positions which he may be called upon to fill in some critical period of a contest. He should be a lover of fair, manly play, and not a mere cunning trickster in carrying out his duties in a contest. Low cunning in a player is like "a vaulting ambition which oft o'erleaps itself." But where to find this rara avis? Of all the players of a team having pen- nant-winning aspirations, deliver us from the folly of a "kicking" captain, one who not only actually is "on the growl" in regard to errors of play and judgment, but who makes the defenseless umpire the constant target of his fault-finding. In fact, a so-called "aggressive" captain — that is, a regular fault-finding fellow — umpire baiter — is a nuisance on a ball field, amateur and profes- sional alike. ROBERT EMSLIE, Veteran umpire of the National League calling a man m on an "out." Spaldhig^ s Athletic Library. 23 UMPIRING A BALL GAME It is one of tlie necessities of the game of base ball, apparently, that the duties of the umpire should exceed, in their multiplicity and importance, those of the referee or umpire in every other sport in vogue. For this reason the position has become one re- quiring as much special training and instruction to excel in it as that of the most important position in the game. Indeed, it is far easier to obtain a suitable occupant for the most arduous place on the field than it is to find a fitting man for the position of umpire. Let us take a brief glance at the important duties the umpire is called upon to discharge in his onerous position. Quoting from the code of playing rules as to the umpire's special duties, we find, in the first place, in regard to the official authority and power given him to enforce the rules that : Rule GO. — The umpire is tlie representative of the League and as such is authorized and required to enforce each section of this code. He shall liave the power to order a player, captain or manager to do or omit to do any act which in liis judgment is necessary to give force and effect to one or all of these rules, and to inflict penalties for vio- lations of the rules as hereinafter prescribed. Experience has proved conclusively that this arbitrary power is a necessity in the game in order to successfully combat the gross abuse of disputing the umpire's decisions by the players. The next rule specially refers to the "kicking" evil as follows : Rule 61. — There shall be no appeal from any decision of the umpire, on the ground that he was not correct in his conclusion as to whether a batted ball was fair or foul, a base runner safe or out, a pitched ball a strike or ball, or on any other play involving accuracy of judg- ment ; and no decision rendered by him shall be reversed, except that he be convinced that it is in violation of one of these rules. The cap- tain shall alone have the right to protest against a decision and seek its reversal on a claim that it is in conflict with a section of these rules. JOHN SHERIDAN, Veteran umpire of the American League in the act of calhng "you're out! " Spalding s Athletic Library. 25 This rule plainly limits the action of the captain in (piestioning a decision only as to its legality, and it does not include a decision marked hy an alleged error of judgment. Here is another rule to the same efifect : RuLK 62 — I'nder no eircunistauces shall a captain or player dispute the accuracy of the umpire's judgment and de>^ision on a play. By this rule the player is prohibited from disputing a decision involving an alleged error of judgment. The umpire is required by official authority to bear in mind one important fact, and that is, that the rules are made to be en- forced by the letter of the law. If they are unjust the fault is not the umpire's, and he has no power to amend them, or to interpret them differently. But if they are disobeyed, it is the umpire's fault, if they are violated with impunity. Have the playing rules at your command. Give your de- cisions promptly. Follow the ball closely and never give a man out where there is a reasonable doubt. Pay no attention to the comments of partisan crowds. Keep the players on the move. When players break the rules laid down by the head of the league, never hesitate in forcing the penalty. Have as little to do with the players as possible, and never offer an excuse for some decision not to the player's liking. The umpire takes as much pride in his work as the player, and must be in good physical condition to do himself justice. The umpire should always try and be in a position to see the play, and never get mixed up with the players. In calling balls and strikes the umpire should adopt some peculiarity, for example, "Silk" O'Loughlin, the famous um- pire of the American League, calls as follows : "One," "Strikes tub" for two. Then comes "batter out"; or, "ball one." "ball"; then, "take your" base. Sheridan never calls the number of balls, simply "ball," "ball," "take your base" ; "strike one," "strike two," "you're out." The players and spectators soon grow to know the calls when the voice is indistinct. 26 Spalding' s Athletic Library. FACTS ABOUT THE RULES ff The rules for playing base ball have changed but little from the original rules drawn up in 1845 and first worked out on the Elysian Fields at Hoboken, N. J. The size of the diamond has never changed one inch. The pitching distance and the manner of delivering the ball to the batsman has changed continually, as the pitchers have grown to be too much for the batsmen. The principle of the game has always been the same, and always will be ; therefore, the rule mechanics devote their time to a few changes that may be suggested during the season, and year by year have improved the conditions under which the game is played, so that the umpire has been relieved of much trouble and can judge the plays and combinations as they come up. A joint committee of the National League, the American League and the National Association of Professional Base Ball Clubs, — minor association — agree on the playing rules for each year, which are then officially published in the current number of Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide, the recognized authority on the game, under the editorship of Henry Chadwick, the "Father of Base Ball." Spalding' s Athletic Library. 27 THE EftUIPMENT OF A BASE BALL TEAM The following is the gist of a conversation had with one of the most prominent minor league managers recently : "Have yon ever stopped to consider how much more a really good set of uniforms costs than those which are merely make- shifts? Just put it down on paper some time, get the cold facts written out in coin of the United States, then count up the games on your schedule and see how much the extra cost really figures out per game. There is hardly a minor league club that could not spend with advantage one hundred or one hundred and fifty dol- lars extra on uniforms and general equipment. If you will count up the total games you play during the season you will see this will not net one dollar a game additional — and, remember, that's what represents the difference between having a team go out on the field with uniforms that are really creditable and what they should be, and having them, on the other hand, parade in clothes that make fun of their playing abilities, degrade them in the eyes of their friends and your patrons, and make them feel 'cheap' — the worst thing that can happen to a player whom you expect to really do work that will mean 'winning ball.' Two extra specta- tors at fifty cents each will pay for what it costs you extra to put good uniforms on your men, and equip them so that they will really be a credit to the management of the club they represent. "What would you say to the theatrical manager who tried to costume his people in the worn-out trumpery of the green room? What would the critics say of a manager whose only idea in put- ting a play on the stage was to economize wherever he possibly could? Don't you know the critics would tear him to pieces if the 28 Spalding^ s Athletic Library, audience had not already made it unnecessary by staying away from the theatre? Theatrical managers have learned long since that it pays to have their people present a good appearance, and they don't stop there, but year by year productions are being more handsomely staged ; fortunes are spent in costumes which are never used after the play for which they were originally pur- chased has been taken off the boards, and all this lavish expendi- ture is for but one purpose — to please the patrons of the theatre. And have ycu not just as keen an audience in your grand stands as ever watched with breathless interest the denouement of some drama from the theater box? What is the gallery compared to your bleachers for enthusiasm ? Is there a star, matinee idol, you may call him, upon the stage to-day whose doings are watched with more interest than are those of the players on the league teams? Have any of them friends who are more enthusiastic, followers who are more devoted? Yet, these are the very men you send out on the diamond with an outfit positively shapeless, in many cases dirty, wrinkled, and altogether a disgrace. The same man, if you meet him on the street, wears clothes that are a credit ; he takes a pride in his appearance, and would do the same on the ball field if you really had as much regard for your own interests as you should. "The extra cost of a first-class uniform over a poor one, as already noted, is practically nothing. To a team playing over 150 games a season, as the clubs in the Eastern League do, the difference in cost amounts to less than a dollar per game. Think of that, and then consider that the bulk of the cheap makeshift suits that many of the teams wear never were intended for any such amount of service, and when the season is about half over are barely hanging together, long having lost all resemblance of what they were originally. Would it not have been economical in the first place to have purchased a good set of uniforms, made of material that is suitable for the purpose, and constructed as base ball suits should be made — not too tight to play ball and not too loose to look well? Most of the teams that are run according to up-to-date ideas even have two sets of uniforms, one generally Spalding's Athletic Library. 2g of white material, perhaps with a Httle trimming of black or some other color on the cap, or perhaps only a colored button, and striped stockings. This set is for home games. Each man has his name on every article in the outfit and he takes a pride in keeping it as it should be or seeing that it is kept so. The travel- ing suit is, of course, made of some colored flannel that will not show dust or dirt very easily. Gray has the call by a large ma- jority. The number of shades is large enough to permit of a selec- tion to suit nearly anyone. However, many still ^stick to blue and maroon for their road suits, and if the material is first class these colors will hold well even during a hard and long season, but if care has not been exercised in selecting the manufacturer and the material the amount of trouble that one set of poor uniforms can cause an already overworked manager on the road is incalculable. "The whole matter really simmers down to the question as to whether a really good uniform for a first-class base ball team is worth while. For teams of any of the leagues, as they are con- tinually in the public eye, there is no question but what uniforms should be of the same class as the playing is expected to be. The i;layer feels more like playing good ball when he realizes that his nnitorm is the best obtainable, and spectators without doubt feel much better satisfied with their hero in a neat suit than they will if he looks as though he has not been out of his clothes in a week, and the effect on the spectator is generally considered by a really progressive management. To ignore it is fatal ; too many know this to have to be reminded." Spalding'' s Athletic Library. The first requisite of a ball player is, of course, the ball and bat. The Spalding Official League Ball has been used exclusively by the Natior.al League, minor leagues, and by all intercollegiate and other associatior s for over a quarter of a century, and is beyond all question the most per- fect base ball that has ever been produced. It is backed up by an absolute guarantee to last through one continuous match game without ripping or losing its shape. The Spalding Official League Ball is sold by all first- class athletic goods dealers throughout the country, and the price is $1.25 each. For boys' use especially, there is a smaller size, called Spalding's Official Boys' League Ball, which combines all the qualities of the Official ball, and is just as carefully made. It is especially designed for junior clubs (composed of boys under sixteen years of age), and all games in which Spalding s Athletic Library this ball is used will be recognized as legal games, the same as if played with the Official League Ball. The Official Boys' League Ball costs 75 cents. Other balls which give good satisfaction are the Double Seam Ball, $1.25; 'Varsity League, $1.00; Interscholastic League— a smaller size of the 'Varsity — 50 cents, and so on down in price. Every team, however, should practice with the official ball, thereby accustoming themselves to its use when called upon to play match games. In selecting a base ball bat care should be used to select a properly balanced bat of only the best material and workman- ship; the wood should be dried for a number of seasons out of doors in order to insure the proper resiliency and driving power, and should be of a correct model to properly balance according to the needs of the particular batter using that bat. This of course will vary according to the different styles of batting. A. G. Spalding & Bros, have facilities for producing the finest bats in the world. They have a corps of experts who devote their entire energies to this particular subject. Only second-growth ash of upland timber is selected, and after it has been carefully seasoned for at least three years, it is then worked up into bats, and any wood which shows any imperfection is thrown out. The Spalding bat experts are familiar with every model used by any player of note in the country, and all of these models are incorporated in the line of bats turned out by this house. In the regular line of bats, without question, the best is A. G. Spalding & Bros.' " Gold Medal " bat, each one of which is tagged with a certificate showing the weight, length, size and inspection, and is an absolute guarantee that it has passed the most rigid inspection and is perfect in every detail. The Gold Medal bat includes the models of every prominent batter in all of the leagues. The timber is thoroughly seasoned for for from three to five years and fully guaranteed. The Spald- ing Gold Medal Bat is made with a tape-wound handle or a plain handle, in men's sizes, for $1.00 each. There is also a Boy's Gold Medal Bat, in plain handle only, at 50 cents each. Another good bat is called "The Mushroom," owing to the peculiar formation of the handle, which utilizes a principle by which a bat of the same weight is made many times more effective than the ordinary style under certain conditions, and as an all-around bat many prominent professional players testify to their appreciation of the good points of its construc- tion. They say: "Both balance and model are perfect." The knob arrangement at the end of the bat enables a more even distribution of weight over the whole length than is possible under the old construction, and for certain kinds of play the bat is practically invaluable. John J. McGraw, Manager of the New York club, says : " For a long time I have been trying to find a bat that would balance when choking. Not until I used the Mushroom Bat, invented by Jack Pickett, have I found a bat that was up to my idea. It is used exclusively by the New York players." James J. Callahan, of the Chicago American League club, says : " In all my experience as a ball player I have not found a more satisfactory bat than the Spalding Mushroom Bat. The timber is the best I have seen and the balance and model are perfect," Wm. Gleason, Captain Philadelphia National Leagrue club, says; "No Spalding' s Athletic Library. bat has given me such good service as the Spalding Mushroom Bat. Quality and balance are perfect." Charles A. Comiskey. President of the Chicago American League club, says: "The Spalding Mushroom Bat receives my hearty endorsement. My experience as a ball player enables me to thoroughly appreciate its good qualities." James F. Slagle, John Evers, F. L. Chance, J. Kling, J. McCarthy, Joe Tinker, Dr. J. P. Casey, D. Jones, of the Chicago National League club, £.11 say that they have never used a more satisfactory bat. The price of the taped or plain Mushroom is $1.00. Spalding's Trade Marked Bats rank next to the Mushroom Bat in point of excellence and are made with the greatest care and thoroughly seasoned. They are as follows : Wagon Tongue Ash Bat, League quality, special finish, spotted burn- ing, 50 cents; Black End Axletree Bat, finest straight grained ash, tape-wound handle, 25 cents ; Black Band Bat, extra quality ash, 25 cents ; Junior League Bat. extra quality ash, spotted burning, 25 cents ; Boys' Bat, selected quality ash. polished and varnished, antique finish, 10 cents ; Youths' Bat, good quality, 5 cents. Illie JiiWK Professional In catchers' masks, the best made is is Spalding's Sun Protecting Mask, which is made of finest steel wire, extra heavily enamelled, and which protects the eye without obstructing the view; it sells for $4.00. Spalding's Neck Protecting Mask is made of finest steel wire, extra heavy and black enamelled to prevent re- flection of light; the patent neck ex- tension affords absolute protection to the neck, the price is $3.00. The Special League Mask costs $2.50, and then there are cheaper ones, at still lower prices. Every catcher needs a mitt and he has the greatest variety to choose from. The very best mitt made is Spalding's Perfection" which is cer- tainly an object of art in its line. The leather is of finest quality calfskin, pad- ding of best hair felt ob- tainable and every other detail of manufacture has been carefully considered, including patent lace back with rawhide lacing. Thumb is reinforced and laced, double row of stitch- ing on heel pad and strap- and-buckle fastening at back. It costs $6.00. For professional use Spalding's are now making a special professional catcher's mitt which is a duplicate of their "Perfec- tion," but slightly smaller in size, having no heel pad, and the face of the mitt IS covered with the finest quality of white buck specially selected. The padding m this professional mitt is in accordance with the ideas of the best professional catchers in this country; price $7.00. Spalding' s Athletic Library Spalding's League Mitt is made of special tanned leather, very soft and pliable, heavily padded. It costs S4.00. In Spalding's No. Mitt the face, sides and finger-piece are made of velvet tanned boulevard and the back of selected asbestos buck, well pad- ded. $2.50. Spalding's "Decker Patent" Mitt, made same as the No. Mitt, with the addition of a heavy piece of sole leather on back for extra protection to the hand and fingers. $3.00, Spalding's No. OA Mitt is extra large and heavily padded, and is ex- tremely wen made of velvet tanned boulevard and special tanned leather finger-piece and back. $2.00. Spalding's Amateur Mitt is made of extra quality asbestos buck, per- spiration proof, extremely tough and durable. This is a very popular mitt. $1.50. The face and finger-piece of Spalding's No. C Mitt is made of special velvet tanned brown leather, sides and back of firm tanned leather. $1.00, The foregoing mitts are all equipped with strap-and-buckle fastening at back, have double row of stitching on heel pad, are reinforced and laced at thumb, and with patent laced back as an additional feature con- stitute absolutely the highest grade line of mitts ever manufactured. All styles are made in rights and lefts. Spalding's Youths' Mitt No. AB is made with extra quality white buck, face and finger-piece extremely tough and durable; well padded; rein- forced and laced at thumb and double row of stitching on heel pad; patent lace bdck strap-and-buckle fastening at back. $1.00. Spalding's Practice Mitt is made of specially film tanned oak leather, easy fitting, patent lace back. None better for practice. No. B, $1.00. Spalding's Youths' Mitt No.CC. Face and finger- piece velvet tanned brown leather, sides and back firm tanned leather; reinforced and laced at thumb; double row of stitching on heel pad; patent lace back ; strap-and-buckle fastening. 50 cents. Spalding's Youths' Mitt No. BB is a great favor- ite, made of extra quality firm tanned oak leather; well padded and substantially made; double row of stitching on heel pad; reinforced and laced at thumb; patent lace back; strap-and-buckle fastening at back. 50 cents. Spalding's No. 4 Mitt. Men's size. Firm tanned leather; extra heavily padded; reinforced and laced at thumb joint and double row of stitching on heel pad. 50 cents. Spalding's Junior Mitt is the most popular mitt made; the face and back are made of asbestos buck; well padded; laced thumb; double row of stitching on heel pad; patent lace back. No. CB. Each, 25 cents. Spalding's No. 5 Mitt. Improved style; face and back made of asbestos buck; laced thumb; well padded and double row of stitching on heel pad. Each, 25 cents. Spalding's No. 7 Mitt has a face of asbestos buck and canvas back; it is a good size and well padded. Each, 10 cents. A most necessary part of a catcher's equipment is a body protector. Spalding's Inflated Body Pro- tectors are the only practical device for the pro- tection of catchers and and umpires. They are made of best rubber, inflated with air; light and pliable. The lower part of these protectors are hinged, so that they do not interfere with the catcher in bending over. When not in use they may be deflated and the protector rolled in a very small space; Special Quality covering of extra fine material. No. 2-0, Each, $7.50. League Catchers' Protector No. 0, Each, $5.00. Amateur SpaldUig's Athletic Library. Catchers' Protector No. 1, $3.50; Boys' Catchers' Protector No. 2, $2.00. Umpires' Body Protectors are made to order only. A pattern showing exact size and shape required must be sent with order. They cost $10.00. For the first baseman there is a choice of five styles of mitts, as follows: Spalding's No. BX Mitt, made of fine selected and specially tanned calfskin, extremely well made throughout and padded to meet the special re- quirements of a baseman's mitt; laced all around and strap-and-buckle fastening at back; double row of stitching on heel pad. $4.00. The No. BXS Mitt is composed of same quality materials and workmanship as in the No. BX First Basemen's Mitt. It has no heel pad and is made up especially for professional use. $4.00. No. CX Mitt, is made on same lines as No. BX; face of specially tanned drab leather, extra well padded at wrist and thumb; laced all around and strap-and-buckle fastening at back; double row of stitching on heel pad. $2.00. No. DX Mitt, a good article at a moderate price; made of oak tan spe- cially selected leather, laced all around and strap-and-buckle fastening at back; a very easy fitting mitt. $1.50. No. EX Mitt is an excellent mitt for boys; made of good quality white leather, laced all around and strap-and-buckle fastening at back; suitably padded and will give very good service. $1.00. The Infielders have no less than sixteen styles to select from, ranging in price from $3.00 to 25 cents. Spalding's No. PX Infielders' Glove is made up on lines suggested by prominent professional players. The buckskin used in making up this glove is the finest obtainable, and all other items of manufacture have been carefully looked into. It is heavily padded around edges with fine quality felt, and padding extends well up into the little finger. Has no heel pad, but is made extra long to protect wrist. $3.00. Spalding's No. 2X Infielders' Glove has retained its popularity year after year and to-day is ac- knowledged to be the most practical in style and get-up of any on the market. Made of selected velvet tanned buckskin, lined and padded with finest felt; has web thumb; highest quality workmanship; double row of stitching on heel pad. No better made at any price. $2.50. Spalding's No. 2XS Infielders' Glove is a special glove with features that will appeal to the professional player. Made extra long, of selected velvet tanned buckskin, lined and lightly padded. Has no heel pad. $2.50, Spalding's No. AX Infielders' Glove is a very popular style. Made throughout of specially tan- ned calfskin, padded with best quality felt. Web thumb; double row of stitching on heel pad; high- est quality v/orkmanship throughout. $2.50. Spalding's No. XL Infielders' Glove is made in style similar to the No. PX professional glove, but of material same as in the No. X. Has no heel pad and is extra long. $1.50. Spalding's No. XS Infielders' Glove. Men's size glove. Made of good quality special tanned leather, well finished and exceedingly durable. "Web thumb, double row of stitching on heel pad and nicely padded. $1,50, Spalding s Athletic Library. Spalding's No. X is a fine all-around glove. Im- proved style. Made of good quality horsehide. well padded. Web thumb; double row of stitch- ing on heel pad. Will give excellent service. $1.50. Spalding's No. 15 is a well made glove, improved style. Made of extra fine quality brown leather, well padded. Web thumb; double row of stitching on heel pad. $1.00. Spalding's No. 15L Infielders' Glove is made in style similar to the No. PX professional glove, but of material same as in No. 15. Has no heel pad and is extra long. $1.00. Spalding's No. 12 Infielders' Glove is made of good quality soft suede tanned leather, nicely pad-= ded. Web thumb, double row of stitching on heel pad. 75 cents. Spalding's No. 2XB Infielders' Glove is the best youths' glove; made throughout of selected velvet tanned buckskin. Quality of material, workmanship and style of glove same as the No. 2X men's glove. $2.00. Spalding's No. XB Infielders' Glove is a good youths' size glove. Made of fine quality white tanned horsehide. Similar in material, workmanship and style to the No. X men's glove. $1.00. Spalding's No. 16 Infielders' Glove is a good ^love, full size, improved style, of good quality soft tanned leather, nicely padded. Web thumb; double row of stitching on heel pad. 50 cents. Spalding's No, 17 Infielders' Glove is a youths' glove, all leather, good quality, well made and padded. Web thumb; double row of stitching on heel pad. 25 cents. Spalding's No. 18 Infielders' Glove is youths' size. Made of asbestos buck and well padded. Double row of stitching on heel pad, web thumb. Best quarter glove on the market. 25 cents. The outfield ers' needs are as follows: The best fielders' mitt is Spalding's No. 3X. Made of the very best and softest light tanned buckskin; the thumb and at wrist is extra well padded; laced thumb. $2.50. Spalding's No. 4X Fielders' Mitt is made of spe- cially tanned drab leather, well padded with fine felt and carefully sewed and finished; laced thumb, strap-and-buckle fastening at back. $1.50. Spalding's No. 5X Fielders' Mitt is an exceedingly good mitt at a popular price; the face made of white tanned buckskin; brown leather back; laced thumb; constructed throughout in a most substantial manner. $1.00. For boys the best is No. 6X, which is made throughout of a good quality brown cape leather, well padded and laced thumb; and without doubt the best mitt of the kind ever sold at the price. 50 cents. Spalding's No. 7X Boys' Fielders' Mitt is of asbestos buck, well padded and substantially made; laced thumb. 25 cents. We now come to the matter of uniforms. In base ball, as in other sports, the constant desire of every player is to excel his fellows. He cannot expect to do this unless his outfit is first-class, and any disad- vantage he is working under in this direction will detract just so much from ultimate results. For over a quarter of a century Spalding's have made the suits worn by the best players in this country, outfitting all the league clubs and colleges, and their experience counts for something. The Spalding Base Ball Uniforms are cut and fitted according to the most scientific methods; are double-seamed and reinforced at the weakest points, where the greatest strain comes, and are made by experts who have spent many years in this work, and who are therefore better fitted \o turn out a higher grade of workmanship than any others. There Spalding's Athletic Library, .^ probably no place in athletics where quality counts for more than it does in a base ball uniform. The best is the cheapest. We give below a list of uniforms suitable to all classes of clubs, from which it is possible to equip any team from the largest League club to the smallest on the lot. The Spalding Uniform No. 0. Highest grade made. The workmanship and material of this outfit is of the very highest quality throughout, and special care has been taken to make this uniform superior to anything offered in this line. Used exclusively by all league and professional clubs for years past is suflicient evidence of its quality and durabil- ity. Colors: White, Pearl Gray, Yale Gray Light Gray, Black, Ma- roon, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Brown, Green, Cardinal. Consists of the Spalding Shirt, any style; the Spalding Pants, any style; the SpaldingStockings.No. 3-0; the Spalding Cap, any style; the Spalding Web Belt, leather lined. The Spalding Uniform complete, $15.60. Net price to clubs ordering for en- tire team, $12.50. No extra charge for de- tachable sleeves nor for lettering shirts with name of club. The University Uni- form No. 1. In work- manship and quality of material our University Uniform No. 1 is equal to our No. Uniform, but slightly lighter. Colors: White, Pearl Gray, Yale Gray, Light Gray, Black, Maroon, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Brown, Green, Cardi- nal. The University Uniform comprises: the University Shirt, any style; the University Pants, any style; the University Stockings, all wool. No. IR; the University Cap, any style; the University Web Belt, or al? leather. The University Uni- form, complete, $12.50. Net price to clubs or- JOHN J. McGRAW. dering for entire team. Manager-Captain New Yorks, National Leagua Spalding' s Athletic Library, per suit, $10.00. No extra charge for detachable sleeves nor for lettering shirts with name of club. The Interscholastic Uniform No. 2. Made of same grade of material as our higher-priced uniforms, but of lighter weight flannel. Substan- tially made and a most serviceable outfit. Colors : White, Pearl Gray, Yale Gray, Light Gray, Black, Maroon, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Brown, Green, Cardinal. This is one of our most popular suits, and will give the best of satisfaction. It can usually be worn two seasons. Interscholastic Shirt, any style; Inter- Scholastic Pants, any style; Interscholastic Wool Stockings, No. 2tl; Interscholastic Quality Cap, any style; I iterscholastic Web Bait. The Interscholas- t c Uniform, complete, $ '.65. Net price to clubs ordering for en- tire team, $8.00 per suit. No extra charge for lettering shirts with name of club nor for detachable sleeves. The Club Special Uniform No. 3 is made of good quality flannel i 1 a variety of very de- s'rable patterns. Well finished and a most ex- cellent outfit for ama- t^vir clubs. Colors: White, Pearl Gray, Yale Gray, Light Gray, Black, Maroon, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Brown, Cardinal. A most desirable young man's suit. Elegantly made, and of good, strong, handsome material. On exactly same patterns as the League suits. The Club Special Uniform No, 3 CDmprises the follow- ing: the Club Special Shirt, any style: the Club Special Pants, any style; the Club Special Stockings, all wool. No. 3R; the Club Special Cap, any style; the Club Special Web Belt, The price of the Club Special Uniform, complete, is $7.00, and the net price to clubs ordering for entire JAMES COLLINS, team, per suit, $5,50. Manager-Captain Bostons. American League. There is no extra Spalding's Athletic Library charge for lettering shirts with name of club nor for detachable sleeves. The Amateur Special Uniform No. 4 is made of good quality flannel and compares favorably with uniforms of other makers quoted at a much higher price. It is an excellent wearing uniform, cut and finished as well as higher-priced suits, and is very popular with the younger base ball players. Colors: White, Light Gray, Blue Gray, Maroon, Navy Blue, Green. The Amateur Special Uniform No. 4 consists of the fol- lowing articles: the Amateur Special Shirt, any style; the Amateur Special Pants, padded; the Amateur Special Stockings No. 4R; the Amateur Special Cap. styles 21 and 5 only; the Amateur Special Web Belt. A single Amateur Special Uniform, complete, costs $5.00, but the net price to clubs ordering for entire team is $4.00 per suit. No extra charge for lettering shirts with name of club nor for detachable sleeves. The Spalding Junior Uniform No. 5 is made expressly for clubs coni- posed of boys and youths, and will stand the hnrdest kind of wear. It is made and trimmed in first-class style. Colors: Maroon, Green, Blue Gray, Brown Mix. The Spalding Junior Uniform No. 5 is made up of the articles enumerated herewith: the Spalding Junior Shirt, any style; the Spalding Junior Pants, padded; the Spalding Junior Cap, styles 21 and 5 only; the Spalding Junior Belt, the Spalding Junior Stockings. The Spalding Junior Uniform No. 5, complete, costs $4.00. To clubs ordering nine or more uniforms, the price is $3.00 per suit. There is no extra charge for lettering shirts with name of club nor for detachable sleeves. The Spalding Youths' Uniform No. 6. The price at which this uniform is sold should make it extremely popular. It is very well made of good quality Gray material, and consists of the Spalding Youths' Shirt, button front, with one felt letter only; the Spalding Youths' Pants, padded; the Spalding Youths' Stockings; the Spalding Youths' Cap. style 21; the Spalding Youths' Belt. The Spalding Youths' Uniform No. 6, complete, costs $2.00, and the net price to clubs ordering nine or more uniforms is $1.50 per suit. The prices of Spalding's Base Ball Shirts are as follows : "The Spald- ing" Shirt, any style, with name^of club, $6.00; "University" Shirt, any style, with name of club, $5.00; "Interscholastic" Shirt, any style, with name of club, $4.00; "Club Special" Shirt, any style, with name of club, $2.75; "Amateur Special" Shirt, any style with name of club, $2.00; "Junior" Shirt, any style, with name^ of club, $1.50. Spalding's Base Ball Pants cost : "The Spalding" Pants, any style, per pair, $6.00; "University" Pants, any style, per pair, $5.00: Interschol- astic" Pants, any^style, per pair, $3.75; "Club Special" Pants, any style, per pair, $2.75; "Amateur Special" Pants, padded, per pair, $2.00; 'Junior" Pants, padded, per pair, $1.50. The Pittsburg club has adopted the idea of wearing a collarless jersey with striped sleeves under the flannel shirt, the sleeves of which extend only to the elbow, displaying the striped jersey under- neath, and matching the striped stockings. While the solid gray body is considered most suitable, they can be made up in any combination, but to order only, and orders should be placed early. They cost $2. 50 each. The shoe used by all the best players is The Spalding Highest Quality Base Ball Shoe, which is hand-made through- out and of specially selected kangaroo Lather. Extreme care is taken in its £3neral construction, and no pains or expense spared in making this shoe not only of the very highest in quality, but a perfect shoe in every detail. The plates, made exclusively for this shoe. Spalding' s Athletic Library are of the finest hand-forg'ed razor steel and firmly riveted to heel and sole. They cost $6.00 per pair. The Spalding Sprinting Shoe is made of same quality as our No. 2-0 shoe, but built on the famous Spalding running shoe last. They weigh about eighteen ounces to the pair and are made with extra care through- out. Per pair, $6.50. The Spalding Club Special Shoe is made of carefully selected satin calf- skin, machine sewed, very substantially constructed, and a first-class shoe in every particular. Steel plates riveted to heel and sole. Per pair, $5.00. The Spalding Amateur Special Shoe is made of good quality calfskin, machine sewed; a serviceable and durable shoe, and one we can specially recommend. Plates riveted to heel and sole. Per pair, $3.50. The Spalding Junior Shoe. A leather shoe complete with plates. Made on regu- lar base ball shoe last and an excellent shoe for junior teams. Per pair, $2.00. Spalding's Beveled Edge Shoe Plates, made of razor steel, are the kind used by all League players. They cost 50 cents for a pair of toe plates and 50 cents for a pair of heel plates. T08 Toe and heel plates of good quality can be bought for 25 cents a pair, Spalding's Pitchers' Toe Plate is worn on the toe and affords a thorough protection to the shoe, and at the same time a most valuable assistant in pitching. Made for right or left shoe. Made of aluminum, they cost 50 cents, and of brass, 25 cents. Every player needs an ankle supporter and the best made is the Hackey Patent Ankle Supporter. It is worn over or under stocking and supports the ankle ad- mirably, while not interfering in any way with free move- ments. It relieves pain immediately and cures a sprain in a remarkably short time. In ordering, size of shoe worn should be given. No. H. Made of soft tanned leather, best quality. Per pair, $1.00. Good quality sheepskin, lined, bound and reinforced. Per pair, 50 cents. No. CH. Black duck, lined and bound, leather reinforced. Per pair, 25 cents. No. SH. In stockings, the best cost $1.75 per pair, and range in price down to 25 cents for a cotton pair. Belts and caps also come in a great variety, both of styles and prices. Every player should have a uniform bag to keep his outfit clean and in good shape. A canvas one costs $2.50, and when made of fine bag leather, $5.00, A club should also have an official scorer and a score book. A very good score book, with board cover, to hold 22 games, can be bought for 25 cents. A complete list of base ball goods will be found in Spalding's Base Ball catalogue which will be sent free to any address by A. G. Spalding & Bros, from their stores in any of the following cities: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, St. Louis, Boston, Buffalo, Baltimore, Den- ver, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Washington, Pittsburg, Syracuse, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Montreal, Canada. JIU JITSU Spalding's Athletic Library No. 233 Per Copy 10 Cents A complete description of this famous Japan- ese system of self defence. Each move thor- oughly explained and illustrated with numerous full page pictures of Messrs. A. Minami and K. Koyama, two of the most famous exponents of Jiu Jitsu in America, who posed especially for this book. Be sure to ask for Spalding's Ath- letic Library book on Jiu Jitsu. How to Become a Boxer Spalding's Athletic Library No. 162 For many years books have been issued on the art of boxing', but it has remained for us to arrange a book which we think is sure to fill all demands. It contains over 70 pages of illustrations showing all the latest blows, posed especially for this book under the supervision of one of the best instructors of boxing in the United States, who malies a specialty of teaching and who knows how to impart his knowl- edge. They are so arranged that anyone can easily become a proficient boxer. The book also contains pictures of all the well- known boxers. A partial list of the 200 pages of the book include: A history of boxing; how to box; the correct position; the hands; clench- ing the fist; the art of gauging distance; the first principles of hitting; the elements of defence; feinting; knockout blows; the chin punch; the blow under the ear; the famous solar plexus knockout; the heart blow; famous blows and their originators; Fitzsimmons' contribution; the Mc- Coy corkscrew; the kidney punch; the liver punch; the science of box- ing; proper position of hand and arm; left hook to face; hook to the jaw; how to deliver the solar plexus; correct delivery of a right uppercut; blocking a right swing and sending a right uppercut to chin; blocking a left swing and sending a left uppercut to chin; the side step; hints on training, diet and breathing; how to train; rules for boxing. Per Copy 10 Cents 5PALDINGS1 SPALDINGS^ SPALDINGS^ gPALDINGS^ READY RECKONER OF BASE I^BALL PERCENTAGES AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BASE RAIL The greatest Collection of books of instruction on the game ever published. No. 219— B a s e Ball Percentage Book. Price 10c. No. 223— How to Bat, Price 10c. No. 224-How to Play the Outfield. Price 10c. No. 225— How to Play First Base. Price 10c. No. 226— How to Play Second Base. Price 10c. No. 227 -How to Play Third Base. Price 10c. No. 228— How to Play Shortstop. Price 10c. No. 229— How to Catch, Price 10c, No. 230-How to Pitch. Price 10c. No. 231— How to Coach; How to Captain a Team; How to Manage a Team; How to Umpire; How to Organize a League. Price 10c. No. 232-How to Run the Bases. Price 10c. Spalding's Athletic Library is for sale by all department stores, athletic and sporting goods dealers and newsdealers. rSPALDINGS?^ How TO Play -^ SECOND Base £: 5PALDINGS r§PALDINGS\ HOW to' PLAY f SHORT STOP1 §iRALDINGS^ HOW TO BECOME A BOXER For many years publications have been issued on the art of boxing that to a certain extent did not enable the novice nor the youth to become pro- ticient in the manly art. There is probably no man in America better qualified to teach boxing than Prof. William Elmer, and in his book on the subject he goes into it very ex- haustively. The book contains about seventy full page illustrations, show- ing how each blow is to be made, how to attack and how to defend yourself. It shows how the hands must be held and the positions to take, with descriptions that are so accurate that any boy can take them, open them up and with a young friend become proficient. Besides being a fully illustrated book on the art of self-defence, it contains nearly all the photographs of the leading Amer- ican boxers and the positions they take, which in itself is instructive ; the different rules under which all contests are held, and articles which will interest anyone on the question of physical education. In order to make this publication the most ac- curate one issued, Prof. Elmer had his sparring partner posed personally for all the illustrations. PRICE BY MAIL lo CENTS. American Sports Publishing Co. 16-18 Park Place, New York. T^en riinutes' Exercise Dr. LutheJ^Guiickf or Busy Hen Dr. Gulick says: "The experi- ence of years has demonstrated the efficiency of the exercises contained in ' Ten Minutes' Exercise for Busy Men ' in securing the ends for vv hich they were devised. Many letters have been written by men, testifying to the great benefit which they have secured from these few minutes of simple but vigorous work. (,4: * * The correspondence schools of physical training have come into great activity. Their general aim is to build up big mus- cles. A somewhat careful investi- gation of them satisfies me that they are inferior to the exercises in this drill for purposes of building up vigor and manliness. " One of the most vigorous claims of some of these schools, namely, that the heart particularly is bene- fited by their work, is false, for I have had case after case of men whose hearts have been injured by taking the correspondence schools' work when they were not in condi- tion for it. " The exercises in • Ten Minutes' Exercise for Busy Men ' are recom- mended with the confidence of long, successful use. The results secured are better than those possible from the correspondence school work in the specific directions mentioned." PRICE BY MAIL lo CENTS American Sports Publishing Co. 1 6' 1 8 Park Place New York From Champion Jeffries A. G. Spalding & Bros. Gentlemen— I wish to thank you for the perfect shoes and boxing gloves that you fur- nished me for my fight v/ith Mr. Fitzsunmons, and also to give you my indorsement for the superb quality of these goods. I shall expect to use them in all my future contests. Yours very truly. Send for Spalding's handsomely illustrated catalogue of athletic sports. Mailed free to any address. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago Philadelphia San Francisco Boston Baltimore Buffalo Kansas City St. Louis Minneapolis Denver Montreal, Can. London, England A COURSE IN t3^ B.P.O.E B wa.na„ Scientific Physlc' and mostattractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, 'Ors ise Ball and Athletic Sup plies shown at the W orld's Fair. ] SPALDING BAT BAGS Heavy waterproof canvas, leather rein- forced at ends; holds 12 bats. No. 2. Each, $3.00 No. 3. Same as above; to hold 6 bats. Each, $1.75 INDIVIDUAL BAT BAGS Sole leather bat bag, for two bats; used by all League players. No. OL Each, $3.00 Heavy waterproof canvas, leather cap at both ends. No. 02. Each, 1.25 Heavy canvas, leather cap at one end. No. 03. Each, 80c. 5) A. C. SPALDING & BROS. g New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England ASPECIALAWARD'^r GRAND PRIZE II ^ were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana v:^-^ Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete /'-7=i (r-^ and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, *^--::^ M Base Ball and Athletic Sup plie s shown at the "World's Fair. J ^ Spalding Uniform Bags No. 5. Combined Uniform and Bat Bag, In style similar to our regular uniform bags, but furnished with extra compartment to carry one bat; best canvas. Each, $3.00 Cb^ — B — -V Individual Uniform Bag. ]\Iade of best quality brown canvas, with two leather handles and strap-and-buckle fastenings. Will hold suit, shoes and \ \ other necessary articles. No. 4. Each, $2.00 Lettering on any of above bags extra. Prices on application. ^ Substantially made, very durable, and has separate compartments for shoes, etc. No. I. Best canvas. . . Each, $2.50 No. 2. Fine bag leather. . " 5.00 Send for Spalding's Complete Catalogue of all Athletic Sports i^ ^ A. C. SPALDING & BROS. (L^ New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England ASPECIMAWARD^r GRAND PRIZE , were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana ^^—^ ^ Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete /^ , — J^ ff^-^ and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, 'O^jv M Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. ) I ^-- THE SPALDING HIGHEST QUALITY" SWEATERS Made of the very finest Australian lamb's wool, and exceedingly soft and pleasant to wear. They are full fash- ioned to body and arms and without seams of any kind. The various grades in cur ''Highest Quality" Sweat- ers are identical in quality and finish, the difference in price being due entirely to variations in weight. Our No, AA Sweaters are considerably heavier than the heaviest sweater ever knitted and cannot be furnished by any other maker, as we have exclusive control of this special weight. No. AA. Particularly suitable for foot ball and skating. Heaviest sweater made. Each, $7.00 No. A. "Intercollegiate" special weight. " 6.00 No. B. Heavy weight. . . " 5.00 No. C. Standard weight. . . " 4.00 Colors: White, Navy Blue, Black, Gray, Maroon and Cardinal. Other colors to order. Prices on application. All made with lo-inch collars; sizes 28 to 44 inches. Send for Spalding's Complete Catalogue of all Athletic Sports. 5) A. C. SPALDING & BROS. Q New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England A SPECIAL AWARD ':° CRAND PRIZE ^ were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base B all and Athletic Sup plies shown at the World's Fair O C s ^ Spalding Vest Sweater Very popular with base ball players. Made of best quality wor- sted, medium weight. Gilt buttons down front. Made up in Gray only. No. VG. Each, $5.50 Spalding Jersey Shirts To be worn with base ball suits. Made with solid gray bodiesand striped sleeves; any color desired. No. I6X. Each, $2.50 The Pittsburg Club has adopted this style of collarless jersey, to be worn under the flannel shirt, the sleeves of which extend only to the elbow, displaying the striped jersey sleeves underneath and matching the striped stockings. rj ^ A^ C. SPALDING & BROS. R New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London. England A SPECI Al AWARD ^r GRAND PRIZE B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair, S ^ ^ THE HACKEY PATENT ANKLE SUPPORTER (Patented, May 12, 1897, A. G. Spalding &, Bros, Sole Licensees.) AN ankle support of some kind has now come to be recognized as a necessity by most athletes. The styles which we manufacture under the Hackey Patent have given universal satisfaction, and are absolutely reliable and prac- tically perfect in construction and design. They are worn| over or under stocking and sup- port the ankle admirably, while' not interfering in any way with/ free movements. Relieve pain immediately and cure a sprain in a remarkably short time. In' ordering, give size of shoe worn. No. H. Made of soft tanned leather, best quality. Per pair, $ 1 .00 No. SH. Good quality sheep- skin, lined, bound and rein- forced. Per pair, 50c. No. CH. Black duck, lined and bound, leather reinforced. Per pair, 25c. No. SH. No. CH. ^ A. C. SPALDING & BROS. £^ New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England ISPECIALAWAKD'^rCRIUNDPiUZi were won by A. G. SPALDIN|*f4. ^^^* Velvet tanned leather ^0» \JA Plllt f^(,g ^^^ special tanned leather finger-piece and back. Extremely well made. ^^S^\ JSo. OA. Each, $2.00 /^ 5) A. C. SPALDING & BROS. (C ([New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco] I Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans 1 Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati ] Montreal. Can. London, England were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 1904, for the best, most complete A SPECIAL A WAK» T (Rll^D PRIZE and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Ap^paratus! C_^ "" " " Ax,i_.. r, , . ... Fair. ) ] Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Spalding Amateur Mitt Made of extra qual- ity asbestos buck, perspiration proof, extremely tough and durable. A very popular mitt. No. A. Each, $1.50 Spalding No. C MiLt, Face and finger- piece of special velvet tanned brown 1 eathe r ; sides and back of firm tannedleather. Superior quality throughout. No. C. Each, $1.00 S} A. C. SPALDING & BROS. g ^ New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England IN all athletic contests the implements and ^^^^^^ apparatus must conform to the official rules ^^B M I as laid down by the governing bodies of the ^^ * " various sports, the object being to enable all contestcmts to c< ^^ pete under uniform conditions and w^ith the same kind of an imj fit' ment, for a record in any sport will not be allowed unless f official implement is used. That is why Spalding implemi C are always selected, because they never vary in weight jt measurement, but invariably conform to the rules. . . j iJ I HE officials of the Louisiana Purcheise CJk I ^ "*• Exposition, recognizing the importance ^^■^ of the OLYMPIC GAMES and the value of shing authentic Olympic records, selected Spalding Athletic nents for exclusive official use in connection with the pic Games (held in the Stadium of the Exposition, from :o November) because of their acknowledged superiority, lity and official standing. For over a quarter of a century . Spalding & Bros.' implements have been officially used. building in the background is the Model Gymnasium, which is entirely equipped by A. G. Spalding & Bros, v^rith an ; tRat was pronounced a model one by American and ian experts and the International Jury of the Expositiono 1 SPECIU AWARD '8° CRAIND PRIZE B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. for the best, most complete /• , '^ and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, v^ST Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. "DECKER PATENT jyjADE same as our No. O Mitt, with the addition of a heavy piece of sole leather on back for extra protection to the hand and fingers. No. OX. Each, $3.00 SPALDING No. O MITT pace, sides and finger-piece made of velvet tanned leather and the back of selected asbestos buck, well padded. Well known for reliability. No. O. Each, $2.50 A. C. SPALDING & BROS. P New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can, London, England \ SPECIAL AWARD ^r GRAND PRIZE [[ were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana "^i^-N Purchase Exposition. 1904, for the best, most complete j^-p=^ (r-^ and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus ^^-ST ^[ Base Ball and Att/.etic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. | SPALDING FIRST BASEMEN'S MITT r\ r\ "LJIGHEST quality material and workmanship and adapts itself to the conformation of the hand without any necessity for breaking in. The only really correct first basemen's mitt. Made of fine selected and specially tanned calfskin, extremely well made throughout, leather lined and padded to meet the special requirements of a baseman's mitt; rawhide lacing all round; strap-and-buckle fastening at back. No. BX. Each, $4.00 Send for Spalding's Complete Catalogue of all Athletic Sports. ^ ^ A. C. SPALDING & BROS. (L^ New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England t SPECIAL AWAItD*!° CRAND PRIZE B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. S ^ Professional First Basemen's Mitt Composed of same quality materials and workman- ship as in our No. BX First Basemen's Mitt. It has no heel pad and is made up especially for professional use; strap-and-buckle fas- tening at back. Each, $4.00 No. CX First Basemen's Mitt Fine quality and finish; made on same lines as our No. BX Mitt; face of spe- cially tanned drab leather; back of firm tanned brown leather; extra well padded at wrist and thumb; laced all around; strap-and- buckle fastening at back. Each, $2.00 5) A. C. SPALDING &, BROS. (? New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England A SPECIAL AWARD^'S!'' GRAND PRIZE I were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana *^--^ A Purchase Exposition. 1904, for the best, most complete f , > /p-—^ and most attractive installationof Gymnastic Apparatus, ^^-— :rv \\ Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fain ]| NO. DX First Basemen's Mitt Men's size; a good article at a moderate price; made of oak tan specially selected leather, laced all around; a very easy- fitting mitt; 5 trap - and -buckle fastening at back. Each, $1.50 1 NO. EX j First Basemen's Mitt An excellent mitt for boys; made of good quality white leather, laced all around; suitably padded and will give very good service ; strap-and- buckle fastening at back. Each, $I.OO Send for catalogue of athletic sports. Free. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. ^^ New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cmcmnati Montreal. Can. London, England ASPECIAL AWARD'^rGRAND PRIZE , were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana ^i=3~^ Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete , -^ and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. Spalding NO. XS infielders' Glove Mans' size glove. Made of good quality oil tanned leather, well finished and exceedingly durable; double row of stitching on heel pad, and nicely padded. Made in rights and lefts. No.XS. Each, $1.50 Spalding No. 2XS infielders' Glove A special glove with fea- tures that will appeal to the professional player. Made extra long, of se- lected velvet tanned buck- skin, lined and lightly padded. Has no heel pad. Made in rights and lefts. N0.2XS. Each, $2.50 ^ Send for Spalding's Complete Catalogue of Athletic Sports. «n A. C. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal. Can. London, England ASPECIAlAWARD^r GRAND PRIZE B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana I'urchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete r , '- and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus. V_^ ise Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair ^ Spalding — Professional Infielders' Glove =^ (^UR No. PX Infielders' Glove is made up on lines suggested by prominent professional players. Quality and workmanship cannot be sur- passed. The quality of buckskin used in making up this glove is the finest we have been able to obtain, and all other items of manufacture have been care- fully looked into. It is heavily padded around edges with fine quality felt, and padding extends well up into the little finger. Has no heel pad, but is made extra long to protect wrist. No. PX. Each, $3.00 Send for Spalding's Complete Catalogue of all Athletic Soprts. ^ A. G. SPALDING &. BROS. (L=^ New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England A SPECIAL AWARD*:' mm PRIZE B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair, S Spalding Men's Size infielders' Glove A well made glove, improved style. Made of extra fine quality- brown leather, well padded; double row of / stitching on heel pad, ' Made in rights and lefts. No. 15, Spalding in] Men's Size i infielders' Glove ' / Made in style similar / to our No. PX profes- sional glove, but of material same as in our No. 15. Has no heel pad and is extra long. Made in rights and lefts. No. 15L. Each, $1.00 Send for Spalding's Complete Catalogue of 91 A. C. SPALDING New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England 1 SPECIAL AWAKi)':°«RJlNDIitlU e were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair S ^G Spalding Youths' Size Infielders' Gloves This glove is well made of soft tanned white leather, nicely pad- ded; leather bound, and a first-class article in every way. No. 14. Each, 50c. A youths' glove; all leather, good quality, well made and padded; double row of stitch- ing on heel pad. No. 17. Each, 25c. Youths' size. Made of asbestos buck and well padded ; double row of stitching on heel pad Best quarter glove on th market. No. 18. Each, 25c. i\ All styles made in rights and lefts. ML Send for Spalding's Complete C atalogue of all Athletic Sports ^^ -00- 91 A. C. SPALDING & BROS. E=^ ^^York Chicago St Louis Denver ^^J^^^^^f Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City JNewurieans iuffafo Philadelphi^a Washington Pittst>urg « ra£ Cmcmnati Montreal, Can. London. Ij^nglana lA SPECIAL AWARD ^r GRAND PRIZE were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. s Spalding No.XLInfielders' Glove Made in style similar to our No. PX professional glove, but of white tanned horsehide. Has no heel pad and is made extra Ion No. XL. Spalding No. X Infielders' Glove A good all-around glove, improved style. Made of good quality white tanned horsehide, well padded and leather lined; double row of stitching on heel pad. Will give excellent service. No. X. Each, $1.50 Send for Spalding's Complete Catalogue of all Athletic Sports ^ £XL ^ A. C. SPALDING & BROS. e=. New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England A SPECIAL AWARD '8° CKANft MtlZE , , ^ were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana ^-— ) ^ Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete /p— -^ and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, | [ Base Ball and Athletic Sup plies shown at the World's Fai SPALDING YOUTHS' SIZE INFIELDERS' GLOVES Our best youths' glove, made throughout of selected vel- vet tanned buckskin. Qual- ity of material, workmanship and style same as our No. 2X men's glove; an article of particular merit. Made in rights and lefts. NO. 2XB. Each, $2.00 A good youths' size glove. Made of fine qual- ity white tanned horse- hide. Similar in material, workmanship and style to our No. X men's glove. Made in rights and lefts. NO. XB. Each, $1.00 Send for Spalding's Complete Catalogue of all Athletic Sports. A. C. SPALDING & BROS, ^ IfNi^York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincmnati I Montreal, Can. London, England \ SPECIAL AWARD "^r GRAND PRIZE were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana *^^-— J "\ Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete /^ ^ — y (r—^ and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, ^— ^\ |[ Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. ]| Spalding Men's Size Snfielders' Gloves Made of good quality- soft suede tanned white leather, leather lined, nicely padded ; double row of stitching on heel pad. No. 12. Each, 75c. \J Spalding Men's Size Infielders' Gloves A good glove, full size, improved style. Good quality soft tanned white leather, nicely padded; double row of stitching on heel pad. No. 16. Each, 50c. Send for Spalding's Complete Catalogue of All Athletic Sports r\ J % A. C. SPALDING & BROS. (L^ New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England ASPECIALAWARD^r GRAND PRIZE wer BPur and ase ] were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatu Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World siana plete /^ f—-J atus, ^ — -^ 's Fair, j j Spalding Regulation Inlielders' Glove This glove has retained its pop- ularity year after year, and to-day is acknowledged to be the most practical in style and get-up of any on the market. Made of selected velvet tanned buckskin, lined and correctly padded with finest felt. High- est quality workmanship throughout ; double row of stitching on heel pad. No bet- ter made at any price. No. 2X. Each, $2.50 Spalding No.AXInfielders' Glove A very popular style. Made throughout of specially tanned calfskin. Padded with best quality felt ; double row of stitching on heel pad. Highest quality workmanship through- out. No. AX. Each, $2.50 ^ r^ ^ A. G. SPALDING & BROS. (L^ New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cmcmnati Montreal, Can. London, England A SPECIAL AWARBT GRAND PRIZE B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair, -J 6 S Spalding No. 5X Fielders' Mitt An exceedingly good mitt at a popular price; the face made of white tanned buckskin, brown leather back; laced thumb; con- structed throughout in a most substantial manner; strap-and- buckle fastening at back. .... Each, $1.00 Spalding No. 6X Boys' Fielders' Mitt A substantial mitt for boys; made thooughout of a good quality brown cape leather, well padded and laced thumb, and without doubt the best mitt of the kind ever sold at the price. Each, 50c. Spalding No. 7X Boys' Fielders' Mitt Made of asbestos buck, well padded and substantially made; laced thumb. No. 7X. Each, 25c. Send for Spalding's handsome catalogue of all athletic sports. Mailed free to any address. r^. A. C. SPALDING & BROS. (U^ New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England A SPECUl AWAR»*r CRAND PfiIZE B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installationofGj'mnastic Apparatus, ise Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fai s % r\ Spalding No. 3X Fielders' Mitt Made of the very best and softest white tanned buckskin; the thumb and at wrist is extra well pad- ded; laced thumb, leather lined. Our highest qual- ity Fielders' Mitt, the finest procurable and of the best workmanship; none better made for the purpose; strap-and- buckle fastening at back. ^^ ^X. Each, $2.50 SpaI ■ A SPECIAL AWARD T CRANK KIZE B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, Base B all and Athletic Supp lie s shown at the World 's Fair. J G S '% (T Itie Interscholastic Uniform No. 2 Made of same grade of material as our higher priced uniforms, but of Hghter weight. This is one of our most popular suits and will give the best of satisfac- tion. Can usually be worn two seasons. Interscholastic Uniform No. 2. Complete, Net price to clubs ordering for Entire Team. . . Suit, COLORS: White, Pearl Gray, Yale Gray, Black, Green, Maroon, Navy Blue, Brown, Consisting of: Interscholastic style; Interscholastic Pants, any style; Inter- scholastic Stockings, No. 2R; Interscholastic Cap, any style; Interscholastic Web Belt. No extra charge for lettering shirts with name of club nor for detachable sleeves. We have on hand a special flannel. Royal Purple, dyed particularly for teams connected with the Order of Elks. While we do not recommend that this be made up solid color in suits, still it makes a beautiful combination as trimming on white flannel, and we are making these uniforms now in that way in our Nos. o, i and 2 qualities only. $9.65 $8.00 Light Gray, Royal Blue, Cardinal. Shirt, any A. C. SPALDING & BROS. (U. New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England 1 SPECIAL Mimk- CRUNV ma B were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiu..„ Purchase Exposition. 1904, for the best, most complete ■^ and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus. _ Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World s t air S =^ Spalding Base Ball Shirts (Separate No. 0. ''The Spalding" Shirt, any style, with name of club, $6.00 No. 1, "University" Shirt, any style, with name of club, $5.00 No. 2. ''Interscholastic" Shirt, any style, with name of club, $4.00 No. 3. " Club Special " Shirt, any style, with name of club, $2.75 / No. 4. ''Amateur Special" Shirt, any style, with name of club, $2.00 No. 5. "Junior" Shirt, anyvi^ style, with name of club, $1.50f^ ' i Spalding Base BaU Pants (Separate) "The Spalding" Pants, any style. Pair, $6.00 "University" Pants, any style. "Interscholastic" Pants, any style. "Club Special" Pants, any style. No. 4. "Amateur Special" Pants, padded. * No. 5. "Junior" Pants, padded. Send for Spalding's Complete Catalogue of all Athletic Sports. TAPE BOTTOM. No. 0. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. 5.00 3.75 2.75 2.00 1.50 5) A. C. SPALDING & BROS. g^— . p^York Chicago St Louis gen-r . gan ^raf dsco Jt$PECMllWAeD*S°(RlND MtlZE B were won by A, G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, for the best, most complete and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparat Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Ilia. Fair. I J /r -^ THE SPALDING "OFFICIAL'* BASKET BALL Officially adopted and must be used in all match games. The cover is made in eight sections, with capless ends and of the finest and most carefully se- lected pebble grain leather. The bladder is made specially for this ball, of extra qual- ity Para rubber. Each ball packed complete, in sealed box, and guar- anteed perfect in every detail. No. M. "Official" Basket, Ball. Each, $5.00 Extracts from Official Rule Book RULE IL-BALL Sec. 3. The ball made by A. G. Spalding & Bros, shall be the official ball. Official balls will be stamped as herewith, and will be in sealed boxes. V Sec. 4. The official ball must be used in all match games. RULE IIL— GOALS. Sec. 3. The goal made by A. G. Spalding & Bros, shall be the official goal. Sec. 4. The official goal must be used in all match games. =^ I Newl A. C. SPALDING & BROS. Q=^ York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco I Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans I Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cincinnati Montreal, Can. London, England A SPECIAL AWARD^r GRAND PRIZE were won by A. G. SPALDING & BROS, at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 1904, for the best, most complete ^ q- and most attractive installation of Gymnastic Apparatus, /— -^ s Fair. 11 Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World^ Spalding Boxing Gloves Above illustrates the patent palm lacing and patent palm grip with which all out "Corbe tt pattern" gloves are equipped. With these improvements we believe our line is absolutely the finest on the market. The patent palm lacing insuring a snug fit at all times is a very valuable feature, and the patent palm grip, we know will be appreciated by those who want gloves that are up- t'odate in every particular. Used by all the champions. CORBETT PATTERN Prices: $2.00, $2.50. $3.00. $3.25. $4.00, $4.50 per set. REGULAR PATTERN Prices: $1.00, $1.50 per set. For complete description of Spalding Boxing Gloves send for Spalding's complete catalogue of athletic sports; mailed free to any address. "How to Becorr^ a Boxer." The best book of instruction e^er polished. Numerous full page illustrations taken from actual Ufe Picture, of all the prominent boxers. Price 10 cents. A. C. SPALDING ff^York CMcago' ; St.I.uis genver . San Fran> M Base Ball and Athletic Supplies shown at the World's Fair. liTe Spalding Official Intercollegiate Foot Ball L^.^w*v Vv-*-x* Vll.i n ^ J^„ ^ \ WE have spared no expense in making this ball perfect in every detail, and offer it as the finest foot ball ever pro- duced. Each ball is thoroughly tested, packed in a sepa- rate box and sealed, so that our customers are guaranteed a perfect ball inside when same is received with seal unbroken. A polished and nickel-plated brass foot ball inflater and lacing needle will be packed with each Intercollegiate foot ball without extra charge. Used exclusively by all the leading universities, colleges and athletic associations without exception. No. J5. Complete, $4.00 :DQz ^ Tl A. C. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San Francisco Boston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Buffalo Philadelphia Washington Pittsburg Syracuse Cmcmnati Montreal. Can. London. England <^ & SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY Spalding's Athletic Library is devoted to all athletic sports and pas- times, indoor and outdoor, and is the recognized American cyclopedia of sport. Each book is complete in itself; and those sports which are gov- erned by National Associations always decignate Spalding's Athletic Library as the official publication. This gives to each book the official authority to contain the rules. Each year the books are brought up to date, with the latest rules, new ideas, new pictures and valuable informa- tion, thus making the series the most valuable of its kind in the world. The price, 10 cents per copy, places them in the reach of all, and no one's library can be complete unless all numbers are found therein. fio. l2-Association Foot Ball Contains valuable information, diagrams of play, and rules for both the Gaelic and Association styles of play. Price 10 cents. No. 13-Howto Play Hand Ball By the world's champion, Michael Egan, of Jersey City. This book has been re- written and brought up to date in every particular. Every play is thoroughly ex- plained by text and diagram. The numerous illustrations consist of full pages made from photographs of Champion Egan, showing him in all his characteristic attitudes. Price 10 cents. No. f4-Curling History of the sport; diagram of curling rink; rules for curling; dia- grams of play. Price 10 cents. No. 23-Canoejng By C. Bowyer Vaux. Paddling, sailing, cruising and racing canoes and their uses; canoeing and camping. Price 10 cents. No. 27-CoMege Athletics M. C. Murphy, the well-known athletic trainer, now with Yale University, the author of this book, has written it especi- ally for the schoolboy and college man, but it is invaluable for the athlete who wishes to excel in any branch of athletic sport. The subjects comprise the follow- ing articles: Training, starting, sprint- ing ; how to train for the quarter, half, mile and longer distances; walking; high and broad jumping; hurdling; jpole vaulting; throwing the hammer. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 29-Exercising With Pulley Weights By Dr. Henry S. Anderson, instructor In heavy gymnastics Yale gymnasium, Anderson Normal School, Chautauqua University. In conjunction with a chest machine anyone with this book can be- come perfectly developed. Contains all the various movements necessary to be- come proficient and of well-developed physique. Price 10 cents. No. 40-Archery By J. S. Mitchel. An introductory chapter on the use of the bow and arrow; archery of the present day; the bow and how to use it, with practical illustrations on the right and wrong method of aiming. Price 10 cents. No. 55-Offlcial Sporting Rules Contains rules not found in other publications for the government of many sports; rules for wrestling, cross-country running, shuffleboard, skating, snowshoeing, quoits, potato racing, professional racing, rac- quets, pigeon flying, dog racing, pistol and revolver shooting. Price 10 cents. No.87-Athletic Primer Edited by James E. Sullivan, Secretary- Treasurer of the Amateur Athletic Union; tells how to organize an athletic club, how to conduct an athletic meeting, and gives rules for the government of athletic meet- ings; contents also include directions for building a track and laying out athletic grounds, and a very instructive article on training ; fully illustrated with pictures of leading athletes in action. Price 10 cents. No* 102-Cround Tumbling By Prof. Henry Walter Worth, who was for years physical director of the Armour Institute of Technology. Any boy, by reading this book and following the instructions, which are dx'awn from life, can become a pro- ficient tumbler; all the various tricks explained. Price 10 cents. No. I04-The Grading of Gymnastic Exercises By G. M. Martin, Physical Director of the Y. M. C. A. of Youngstown, Ohio. It is a book that should be in the hands of every physical director of the Y. M. C. A., school, club, college, etc. The contents comprise: The place of the class in physical training; grading of exercises and sea- son schedules— grading of men, grading of exercises, season schedules for various classes, elementary and advanced classes, leaders, optional exercises, examinations, college and school work; calisthenic exercises, graded apparatus exercises and general massed class exercises. Nearly 200 pages. Price 10 cents. No. f24-How to Become a Gymnast By Robert Stoll, of the New York A. C, ^he American champion on the flying rings from 1885 to 1892. Any boy who frequents a gymnasium can easily follow the illustrations and instructions in this book and with a little practice become proficient on the horizontal and parallel bars, the trapeze or the "horse." Price 10 cents. No. 128-How to Row By E. J. Giannini, of the New York A. C, one of America's most famous ama- teur oarsmen and champions. This book will instruct any one who is a lover of rowing how to become an expert. It is fully illustrated, showing how to hold the oars, the finish of the stroke and other information that will prove valuable to . the beginner. Contains also the official ^aw3 of boat racing of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen. Price 10 cents. » No. r29-Water Polo By Gus Sundstrom, insti'uctor at the New York A. C. It treats of every detail, the individual work of the players, the practice of the team, how to throw the ball, with illustrations and maiiy valu- able hints. Price 10 cents. No. (35 -Official Handbook of the A. A. U. of the United States The A. A. U. is the governing body of athletes in the United States of America, and all games must be held under its rules, which are exclusively published in this handbook, and a copy should be in the hands of every athlete and every club ofl!icer in America. This book contains the official rules for running, jumping, weight throwing, hurdling, pole vaulting, swimming, boxing, wrestling, etc., and is an encyclopedia in itself. Price 10 cents. No. 136-Officlal Y. M. C. A. Handbook Edited by G. T, Hepbron, the well-known athletic authority. It contains the official rules governing all sports under the jurisdiction of the Y. M. C. A., a complete report of the physical directors' conference, official Y. M. C. A. scoring tables, pentathlon rules, many pictures of the lead- ing Y. M. C. A. athletes of the country, official Y. M. C. A. athletic rules, constitution and by-laws of the Athletic League of Y. M. C. A., all around indoor test, volley ball rules; illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. (38-Official Croquet Guide Contains directions for playing, diagrams of important strokes, descrip- tion of grounds, instructions for the beginnei-, terms used in the game» and the official playing rules. Price 10 cents. No. I40-Wrestling Catch as catch can style. By E. H. Hitchcock, M. D., of Cornell, and R. F. NeUigan, of Amherst College. The book contains nearly seventy illustrations of the different holds, photographed especially and so de- scribed that anybody who desires to become expert in wrestling can with little effort learn every one. Price 10 cents. No. 142-Physical Training Simplified By Prof. E. B. Warman, the well-known physical culture expert. Is a complete, thorough and practical book where the whole man is consid- ered—brain and body. By following the instructions no apparatus is required. The book is adapted for both sexes. The exercises comprise directions as follows: how to stand; how to sit; how to rest; breathing; exercises for the fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, hips, knees, ankles; a woi-d about the muscles; the arms and thighs; shoulders and chest; waist; sides; back and abdomen; bowing; bending; twisting; the liver squeezer, etc., etc. Fully illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 143 -Indian Clubs and Dumb-Bells Two of the most popular forms of home or gymnasium exercise. This book is written by America's amateur champion club swinger, J. H. Dougherty. It is clearly illustrated, by which any novice can become an expert. Price 10 cents. No. 149- The Care of the Body A book that all who value health should read and follow its instruc- tions. By Prof. E. B. Warman, the well known lecturer and authority on physical culture. The subject is thoroughly treated, as a glance at the following small portion of the contents shows: An all-around athlete; muscular Christianity; eating; diet— various opinions; bill of fare for brain workers; bill of fare for muscle-makers: what to eat and drink; a simple diet; an opinion on brain food; why is food required? drinking wa- ter; nutrition— how food nourishes the body; a day's food, how used; constituents of a day's ration— beefsteak, potatoes bread, butter, water; germs of disease; etc. Price 10 cents. No. 154-Field Hockey To those in need of vigorous and health- ful out-of-doors exercise, this game is recommended highly. Its healthful at- tributes are manifold and the interest of player and spectator alike is kept active throughout the progress of the game. The game is prominent in the sports at Vassar, Smith, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr and other leading colleges. Price 10 cents. No. 156-The Athlete's Guide How to become an athlete. It contains full instructions for the beginner, telling how to sprint, hurdle, jump and throw weights, general hints on training; in fact, this book is one of the most complete on the subject that has ever appeared. Special chapters contain valuable advice to beginners and important A. A. U. rules and their explanations, while the pictures comprise many scenes showing champions in action. Price 10 cents. No. 157-How to Play Lawn Tennis A complete description of lawn tennis; a lesson for beginners and directions tel- ling how to make the most important strokes; styles and skill of the experts; the American twist service; how to build and keep a court. Illustrated from photographs of leading players in action. Price 10 cents. No. 158-lndoor and Outdoor Gymnastic Games Without question one of the best books of its kind ever published. Compiled by Prof. A. M. Chesley, the well-known Y. M. C. A. physical director. It is a book that will prove valuable to indoor and outdoor gym- nasiums, schools, outings and gatherings where there are a number to be amused. The games described comprise a list of 120, divided into several groups. Price 10 cents. No. rei-Ten Minutes' Exer- cise for Busy Men By Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, super- intendent of physical training in the New York public schools. Anyone who is look- ing for a concise and complete course of physical education at home would do well to procure a copy of this book. Ten minutes' work as directed is exercise any- one can follow. It already has had a large sale and has been highly commended by all who have followed its in- structions. Nearly 100 pages of illustrations and 100 of text. Price 10 cents. No. 162-How to Become a Boxer For many years books have been issued on the art of boxing, but it has remained for us to arrange a book that we think is sure to fill all demands. It contains over 70 pages of illustrations showing all the latest blows, posed especially for this book under the supervision of one of the best instructors of boxing in the United States, who makes a specialty of teaching and who knows how to impart his knowledge. They are so arranged that anyone can easily become a proficient boxer. The book also contains pictures of all the well known boxers. A partial list of the 200 pages of the book include: A history of boxing; how to box; the correct position; the hands; clenching the fist; the art of gauging distance; the first principles of hitting; the elements of defence; feinting; knockout blows; the chin punch; the blow under the ear; the famous solar plexus knock- out; the heart blow; famous blows and their originators: Fitzsimmons' contribution; the McCoy corkscrew; the kidney punch; the liver punch; the science of boxing; proper position of hand and arm; left hook to face; hook to the jaw; how to deliver the solar plexus; correct delivery of a right uppercut; blocking a right swing and sending a right uppercut to chin; blocking a left swing and sending a left uppercut to chin; the side step; hints on training, diet and breathing; how to train; rules for boxing. Price 10 cents. . KT. No. (65-The Art of Fencing This is a new book by Reg-is and Louii Senac, of New York, famous instructors and leading authorities on the subject. Messrs. Senac give in detail how every move should be made, and tell it so clearly that anyone can follow the instructions. It is illustrated with sixty full page pic- tures, posed especially for this book. Price 10 cents. No. 166-How to Swing In- dian Clubs By Pi-of. E. B. Warman, the well-known exponent of physical culture. The most complete work on this special subject ever issued. By following the dii-ections care- fully anyone can become an expert. Price 10 cents. No. 167-Quoits By M. W. Deshong. The need of a book on this interesting game has been felt by many who wished to know the fine points and tricks used by the experts. Mr. Deshong explains them, with illustrations, so that a novice can readily understand. Price 10 cents. No. 170-Push Bail Played with an air-inflated ball 6 feet in diameter, weighing about 50 pounds. A side consists of eleven men. This book contains the official rules and a sketch of the game; illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 17 1-Basket Ball for Women Edited by Miss Senda Berenson, of Smith College. Contains the rules for basket ball for women as adopted by the conference on physical training, held in June, 1899, at Springfield, Mass., and articles on the fol- lowing subjects: Psychological effects of basket ball for women, by Dr. Luther H. Gulick, superintendent of physical training in the schools of Greater New York; physiological effects of basketball, by Theodore Hough, Ph. D.; significance of basket ball for women, by Senda Berenson; relative merit of the Y. M. C A. rules and women's rules, by Augusta Lane Patrick; practical side of basket ball, by Ellen Emerson, B. K., Agnes Childs, A. B., Fanny Garrison. A. B.; A Plea for Basket Ball, by Julie Ellsbee Sullivan, Teachers' College, New York; diagram of field, showing position of team; illustrated with many pictures of basket ball teams. Price 10 cents. No. 174-Distance and Cross Country Running By George Orton, the famous University of Pennsylvania runner. Tells how to be- come proficient at the quarter, half, mile, the longer distances, and cross-country- running and steeplechasing, with instruc- tions for training and schedules to be ob- served when preparing for a contest. Illustrated with numerous pictures of leading athletes in action, with comments by the editor on the good and bad points shown. Price 10 cents. No. 177-How to Swim By J. H. Sterrett, the leading authority on swimming in America. The instruc- tions will interest the expert as well as the novice; the illustrations were made from photographs especially posed, showing the swimmer in clear water; a valuable feature is the series of "land drill" exercises for the beginner, which is illustrated by many drawings. The contents comprise: A plea for education in swimming; swimming as an exercise and for develop- ment; land drill exercises; plain swimming; best methods of learning; the breast stroke; breathing; under-arm side stroke; scientific strokes— over-arm side stroke: double over-arm or "trudgeon" stroke; touch- ing_ and turnint>- training for racing; ornamental swimming; floating; diving; runn.iif>- header; back dive; diving feet foremost; the propeller; marching on the water; swimming on the back; amateur swimming rules; amateur plunging rules.. Price 10 cents. No. 178-Hovv to Train for Bicycling Gives methods of the best riders when training for long or short distance races; hints on training. Revised and up-to-date in every particular. Price 10 cents. No. rso-Ring Hockey A new game for the gymnasium, invented by Dr. J. M. Vorhees of Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, that has sprung into instant popularity ; aa exciting as basket ball. This book contains official rules. Price 10 cents. No. 182-AII-Around Athletics Gives in full the method of scoring the All-Around Championship, giving percentage tables showing what each man receives for each per- formance in each of the ten events. It contains as well instructive articles on how to train for the All-Around Championship. Illustrated with many pictures of champions in action and scenes at all-around meets. Price 10 cents. No. 185-Health Hints A series of articles by Prof. E. B. Warman, the well known lecturer and authority on physical culture. Prof. Warman treats very interestingly of health influenced by insulation; health influenced by underwear- health influenced by color; exercise, who needs it? Price 10 cents. ' No. 187-How to Play Roller Polo Edited by J. C. Morse. A full description of the game ; official rules ; pictures of teams ; other articles of interest. Price 10 cents. No. 188-Lawn Hockey, Tether Tennis, Coif Cro- quet, Volley Ball, Hand Tennis, Carden Hockey^ Parlor Hockey, Badminton Containing the rules for each game. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 189-Rules for Cames Compiled by Jessie H. Bancroft, director of physical training, depart- ment of education. New York City. These games are intended for use at recesses, and all but the team games have been adapted to large classes. Suitable for children from three to eight years, and include a great variety, divided under the general heads of ball games, bean bag games, circle games, singing and miscellaneous games. Price 10 cents. No. 191-How to Punch the Bag By W. H. Roth well ("Young Corbett"), champion featherweight of the world. This book is undoubtedly the best treatise on bag punching that has ever been printed. Every variety of blow used in training is shown and explained. The pictures comprise thirty-three full page reproductions of Young Corbett as he appears while at work in his train- ing quarters. The photographs were taken by our special artist and can- not be seen in any other publication than Spalding's Athletic Library No. 191. Fancy bag punching is treated by a well known theatrical bag puncher, who shows the latest tricks. Price 10 cents. No. 193-How to Play Basket Ball By G. T. Hepbron, editor of the Official Basket Ball Guide. Contains full instruc- tions for players, both for the «xpert and the novice, duties of officials, and specially posed full page pictures showing the cor- rect and incorrect methods of playing. The demand for a book of this character is fully satisfied in this publication, as many points are included which could not be incorporated in the annual publication of the Basket Ball Guide for want of room. Price 10 cents. No. 194-Racquets, Squash- Racquets and Court Tennis The need of an authoritative handbook at a popular price on these games is filled by this book. How to play each game i3 thoroughly explained, and all the difficult strokes shown by special photographs taken especially for this book. Contains the official rules for each game, with photographs of well known courts. Price 10 cents. No.l95-Ofricial Roque Guide The official publication of the National Roque Association of America. Edited by Prof. Charles Jacobus, ex-champion. Con- tains a description of the courts and their construction, diagrams of the field, illustra- tions, rules and valuable information con- cerning the game of roque. Price 10 cents. No. 1 99-Equestrian Polo Guide Compiled by H. L. FitzPatrick of the New York Sun. Illustrated with portraits of leading players and contains most useful information for polo players in relation to playing the game, choosing of equipment and mounts; contains the official rules and handicaps of the National Association. Price 10 cents. No. 200-Dumb. Bells This is undoubtedly the best work on dumb-bells that has ever been offered. The author, Mr. G. Bojus, of New York City, was formerly superintendent of phy- sical culture in the Elizabeth (N.J.) public schools, instructor at Columbia University, instructor for four years at the Columbia summer school, and is now proprietor of the Liberty Street Gymnasium, at 121 Liberty Street, New York City. The book contains 200 photographs of all the various exercises, with the instructions in large, readable type. It should be in the hands of every teacher and pupil of physical culture, and is in- valuable for home exercise as well. Price 10 cents. No. 20l-Lacrosse— From Candidate to Team By William C. Schmeisser, captain Johns Hopkins University champion intercollegiate lacrosse team of 1902 ; edited by Ronald T. Abercrombie, ex-captain and coach of Johns Hopkins University lacrosse team, 1900-1904. Every position is thoroughly explained in a most simple and concise man- ner, rendering it the best manual of the game ever published. Illustrated with numerous snapshots of important plays. Price 10 cents. No. 202-How to Play Base Bali Edited by T. H. Humane. New and re- vised edition. Contents: How to become a batter, by Napoleon Lajoie, James Collins, Hugh Jennings and Jesse Tannehill; how to run the bases, by Jack Doyle and Frank L. Chance; advice to base runners, by James E. Sullivan, Secretary-Treasurer A.A.U.; how to become a good pitcher, by Cy Young, "Rube" Waddell and Bert Cunningham; on curve pitchinc-, by Cy Young, James J. Callahan, Frank Donahue, Vic Willis, William Dineen and Charley Nichols: how to become a good catcher, by Eddie Phelps, William Sullivan and M. J. Kittridge; how to play first base, by Hugh Jennings; how to play second base, by Napoleon Lajoie and William Gleason; how to play third base, by James ColHns and Lave Cross; how to play shortstop, by Herman Long; how to play the infield, by Charles A. Comiskey; how to play the outfield, by Fred Clarke; the earmarks of a ball player, by John J. McGraw; good advice for players; how to organize a team; how to manage a team; how to score a game; how to umpire a game; base ball rules interpreted for boys. Price 10 cents. No. 204-Offlcial Intercollegiate A. A. A. Handbook Contains constitution, by-laws, laws of athletics, and rules to govern the award- ing of the championship cup of the In- tercollegiate Athletic Association of Amateur Athletes of America, the govern- ing body in college athletics. Contains official intercollegiate records from 1876 to 1904, with the winner's name and time in each event, list of points won by each college, and list of officers of the associa- tion from 1889 to 1904, inclusive. To any- one interested the book Is invaluable as a record. Price 10 cents. No. 205-OfTicial Handbook of the Public Schools Athletic League This is the official handbook of the Public Schools Athletic League, which embraces all the public schools of Greater New York. It contains the official rules that govern all the contests of the league, and consti- tution, by-laws and officers. Edited by Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, super- intendent of physical education in the New York public schools, and Wm. C- J. Kelly, secretary of the league. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. m^h No. 206-How to Play Coif No golfer should miss having a copy of this golf guide. Harry Vardon tells how to play game, with life-like illusti-ations showing the different strokes. The book also contains the revised official rules, offi- cial records, as well as pictures of many important players, and a directory giving name, address, membership and length of golf course of clubs in the United States. Price 10 cents. No. 207-Bowling on the Green; or, Lawn Bowls How to construct a green ; necessary equiiv nient; how to play the game, and the offi- cial rules as promulgated by the Scottish Bowling Association. Edited by Mr. James W. Greig. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 208-Physical Education and Hygiene This is the fifth of the Physical Training series, by Prof. E. B. Warman (see Nos. 142, 149, 166 and 185). and a glance at the contents will show the variety of subjects : Chapter I— Basic principles ; longevity. Chapter II —Hints on eating ; food values ; the uses of salt. Chapter III— Medicinal value of certain foods. Chapter IV— The efficacy of sugar ; sugar, food for muscular work ; eating for strength and endurance ; fish as brain food ; food for the children. Chapter V— Digestibility ; bread ; appen- dicitis due to flour. Chapter VI— Hints on drinking— Water, milk, butter- milk, tea, coffee ; how to remain young. Chapter VII— Hints on bathing ; cold, hot, warm, tepid, salt, sun, air, Russian, Turkish, cabinet. Chapter VIII— Hints on breathing; breathlessness, heart strain, second wind, yawning, the art of yogi. Price 10 cents. No. 209-How to Become a Skater Contains advice for beginners; how to become a figure skater thor- oughly explained, with many diagrams showing how to do all the different tricks of the best figure skaters, including the Mohawk, with all its variations; Q's, forward and backward, inside and outside; the crosscuts, including the difficult Swedish style; inside and outside spins; the grapevine, with its numerous branches, and many other styles, which will be comparatively simple to any one who follows the directions given. Profusely illustrated with pictures of prominent skaters and numerous diagrams. Price 10 cents. No. 210-How to Play Foot Ball Edited by Walter Camp. The contents embrace everything that a beginner wants to know and many points that an expert will be glad to learn. The pictures are made from snapshots of leading teams and in- dividual players in action, with comments by Walter Camp. Price 10 cents. No. 211 -Spalding's Official Foot Ball Guide Edited by Walter Camp. Contains the new rules, with diagram of field as newly arranged; special chapters on the game, foot ball for the spectator. All- America teams, as selected by leading authorities ; Middle West, Southern, Canadian foot ball, records, and pictures of all the prom- inent teams, embracing nearly 3,000 players. Price 10 cents. No. 212-Ofncial Basket Ball Guide Edited by George T. Hepbron. Contains the revised official rules, decisions on dis- puted points, records of prominent teams, reports on the game from various parts of the country, and pictures of hundreds of players. The standard basket ball an- nual of the country. Price 10 cents. No. 213-285 Health Answers Contents: Necessity for exercise in the summer; three rules for bicy- cling; when going up-hill; sitting out on summer nights ventilating a bedroom; ventilating a house; how to obtain pure air, bathing salt water baths at home; a substitute for ice water; drinking ice water; to cure insomnia; asleep in two minutes; for those who ride wheels; summer outdoor exercise; profuse perspiration; danger of checking perspiration; dress, hot weather, etc.. etc. Price 10 cents. No. 214-Craded Calisthenics and Dumb-Bell Drills By Albert B. Wegener, Physical Director Y. M. C. A., Rochester, N. Y. Ever since graded apparatus work has been used in gymnastics, the ne- cessity of having a mass drill that would harmonize with it has been felt. For years it has been the established custom in most gymnasiums of memorizing a set drill, never varied from one year's end to the other. Consequently the beginner was given the same kind and amount as the older member. With a view to giving uniformity the present treatise is attempted. Price 10 cents No. 215-lndoor Base Ball America's national game is now vieing with other indoor games as a winter pastime. This book contains the playing rules, pictures of leading teams, and interesting articles on the game. Price 10 cents. No. 216-How to Become a Bowler By S. Karpf, Secretary of the American Bowling Congress, and one of the best posted men on bowling in America. Contents: History of the sport: diagrams of effective deliveries; how to bowl; a few hints to be- ginners; American Bowling Congress; the national championships; how to build an alley; how to score; spares— how they are made. Rules for cocked hat, cocked hat and feather, quintet, battle game, nine up and nine down, head pin and four back, ten pins— head pin out, five back, the Newport game, ten pin head pin game, duckpin game, head pin game, Dayton candle (rubber neck) pin game. New England candle pin game. Illustrated with portraits of all the prominent bowlers. Price 10 cents. No. 217-Offlcial Athletic Al- manac Compiled by J. E. Sullivan, Chief Depart- ment Physical Culture, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and Director Olympic Games, 1904. The only annual pubUcation now issued that contains a complete list of amateur best-on-records; complete inter- collegiate records; complete English re- cords from 1866; swimming records; inter- scholastic records • Irish, Scotch and Australasian records; reports of lei^tfathLtTc meets; skating records; important fthletic events and numerous photos of individual athletes and leadmg athletic teams^ This vear's issue is a special Olympic Games number and contains the only tull amount oFtheOlSc Games of 1904, and a review of Anthropological Days at the WorWl's fS stadium, being the first time on record where Stic events were contested in which savages were the exclusive par- ticipants. thus forming the first authoritative basis for ^ comparison between the abilities of the civilized athlete and the savage. Price 10 cents. No. 218-lce Hockey and Ice Polo Written by the most famous player in Canada, A, Farrell, of the Shamrock hockey team of Montreal. It contains a complete description of the game, its origin, points of a good player, and an instructive ar- ticle on how <3-ame is played, with diagrams and official rules. Illus- trated with pictures of leading teams. Price 10 cents. No. 219-Base tage Book Ball Percen- To supply a demand for a book which would show the percentage of clubs with- out recourse to the arduous work of figur- ing, the publishers of Spalding's Athletic Library have had Mr. John B. Foster, Sporting Editor of the New York Evening Telegram, compile a book which answers every requirement, and which has met with the greatest praise for its accuracy and simplicity. No follower of the game can afford to be without it. Price 10 cents. No. 220-Ofnclal Base Ball Guide Edited by Henry Chadwick, the " Father of Base Ball," the official publication of base ball. It contains a complete record of all leagues in America, pictures of teams, official rules and reviews of the game. The standard base ball annual of the country. Price 10 cents. No. 221-Spaldlng's Lawn Tennis Annual Contains official statistics, photographs of leading players, special articles on the game, review of important tournaments, official rules, handicapping rules and tab- les; list of fixtures for the current year and other valuable information. Price 10 cents. No. 222-Spalding's Official Cricket Guide Edited by Jerome Flannery. The most complete year book of the game that has ever been published in America. It con- tains all the records of the previous year, reports of special matches, official rules and pictures of all the leading teams and individual players. Price 10 cents. An Encyclopedia of Base Ball Attention is called to the following- ten numbers of Spalding's Athletic Library, embracing the greatest collection of books of instruction for playing the various positions in the game that has ever been published. These books are entirely new and up-to-date, and contain the latest methods of play, as only last season's star players were consulted in their compilation. Each number is complete in itself and is profusely illus- trated. Be sure and ask for Spalding's Athletic Library. Price 10 cents for each book. For detailed description see following numbers; No. 223-How to Bat The most important part of ball playing nowadays, outside of pitching, is batting. The team that can bat and has some good pitchers can win base ball games ; there- fore, every boy and young man who has, of course, already learned to catch, should turn his attention to this department of the game, and there is no better way of becom- ing proficient than by reading this book and then constantly practising the little tricks explained therein. It is full of good advice to batsmen, and many good batters will be surprised to find contained in it so many points of which they were unaware. Edited by Jesse F. Matteson of the Chicago American, and profusely illustrated. Price 10 cents. No- 224-How to Play the Outfield. Compiled especially for the young player who would become an expert. The best book on playing the outfield that has ever been published. There are just as many tricks to be learned, before a player can be a competent fielder, as there are in any other position on a nine, and this book ex- plains them all. Illustrated with numerous page pictures of leading outfielders. Price 10 cents. No. 225-How to Play First Base No other position on a ball team has shown such a change for the better in recent years as first base. Modifications in line with the betterment of the sport in every department have been made at inter- vals, but in no other department have they been so radical. No boy who plays the initial sack can afford to overlook the points and hints contained in this book. Entirely new and up to date. Illustrated with full page pictures of all the prominent first basemen. Price 10 cents. ^"V No. 226-How to Play Second Base There are so few men who can cover second base to perfection that their names can easily be called off by anyone who fol- lows the game of base ball. Team owners who possess such players would not part with them for thousands of dollars. These men have been interviewed and their ideas incorporated in this book for the especial benefit of boys who want to know the fine points of play at this point of the diamond. Illustrated with full page pictures. Edited by J. E. Wray, sporting editor Globe-Democrat, St. Louis. Price 10 cents. No. 227-How to Play Third Base Third base is, in some respects, the most important of the infield. No major league team has ever won a pennant without a great third baseman. Collins of the Boston Americans and Leach of Pittsburg are two of the greatest third basemen the game has ever seen, and their teams owe much of the credit for pennants they have won to them. These men in this book describe just how they play the position. Every- thing a player should know is clearly set forth and any boy will surely increase his chances of success by a careful reading of this book. Illustrated, Price 10 cents. Tdo. 228-How to Play Short- stop Shortstop is one of the hardest positions on the infield to fill, and quick thought and quick action are necessary for a player who expects to make good as a shortstop. The views of every well known player who covers this position have been sought in compiling this book, and it is offered as be- ing the most complete book of its class ever produced. The boy who would excel at short needs to study it thoroughly. Illustrated. Price 10 cents. No. 229-How to Catch Undoubtedly the best book on catching that has yet been published. Every boy who has hopes of being a clever catcher should read how well known players cover their position. Among the more noted ones who describe their methods of play in this book are Lou Criger of the Boston Americans, Johnnie Kling of the Chicago Nationals and Jack O'Connor of the St. Louis Browns. The numerous pictures in the book comprise those of all the noted catchers in the big leagues. Price 10 cents. Ho. 230-How to Pitch A new, up-to-date book. Published for the first time this year. No boy can afford to be without a copy of it. Edited by John B. Foster of the Evening Telegram (New York). The object of this book is to aid the beginners who aspire to become clever twirlers, and its contents are the practical teaching of men who have reached the top as pitchers, and who have had experience, both as members of the best clubs playing base ball and as contenders against teams fhat have enioyed national reputations. Cy Young, the famous Boston that have enjoyea ^^y^^ steadiness in the box is proverbial, gives advice American pitcher T^^,f ^^^f Sfwhat a boy should do to obtain it; Sam r^eTro^theptttsSgssSows how to pitch the outcurve; William Di- ffl^ti;^ Ronton Americans tells how to pitch an inshoot; Thomas Huehes gtves hints on SShing the drop; Joe McGinnity, the "iron man." 5 the nIw York Nationals, explains how he uses his successful raise hill and his famous "cross fire"; Christy Mathewson. the pride of the New York Polo Grounds, discusses the body swing; Frank Hahn, who is l^ft handed has somethng of interest to those who use that member; TnhnTMcGraw New York Giants' brilliant manager, discourses on the Sher ^ a fiJlder and as he started in his base ball^.career as a twirler describes a?Sth the "spit" ball, of which he is so famous an exponent. The book is profusely illustrated. Price 10 cents^ ^ -r^^r^. No 231-How to Coach; How to Captain a Team; HOW to Manage a Team; How to Umpire: How to Organize a League. A useful guide to all who are interested in the above subjects. Jimmy Collins, manager-captain of the Boston Americans, writes on coaching; M. J. Kelly of the bt. Paul champions, on captaining; Al Buck- enberger of the Boston Nationals, on managing; Frank Dwyer of the American League staff, on umpiring: Fred Lake on minor leagues, and the editor of the book^ T H Murnane, President of the New England League, on how to organize a league. Price 10 cents. No. 232-How to Run the Bases The importance of base running as a scientific feature of the national game is becoming more and more recognized each year Besides being spectacular, feats of base stealing nearly always figure in the winning of a game. Many a close contest iT decided on the winning of that little strip of 90 feet which lies between cushions. When hits are few and the enemy s pitchers some manner. Effective stealSVt only increases tl,e eifecfveness of APH 10 1905 the tsam by advancing its runners without wasting hits, but it serves to materially disconcert the enemy and frequently has caused an entire opposing club to temporarily lose its poise and throw away the game. This book gives clear and concise directions for excelling as a base runner; tells when to run and when not to do so ; how and when to slide ; team work on the bases ; in fact, every point of the game is thoroughly ex- plained. In addition such clever men as Harry Bay, the fleet footed Clevelander; Frank Chance, Bill Dahlen and Hans Wagner describe their methods of action. Illustrated with pictures of leading players. Price 10 cents. No. 233-Jiu Jitsu A complete description of this famous Japanese system of self-defence. Each move thoroughly explained and illustrated with numerous full page pictures of Messrs. A. Minami and K. Koyama, two of the most famous exponents of the Jiu Jitsu in America, who posed especially for this book. Be sure and ask for the Spalding Athletic Library book on Jiu Jitsu. Price 10 cents. Spal^ng's Athletic Library is for sale by all department stores, athletic and sporting goods dealers and newsdealers. SPALDING'S HOME LIBRARY Devoted to Games and Amusements for the Home Circle 1-Chess 2-Whist 3— Dominoes and 4— Poker 5 - Backgammon 6— Euchre 7- Billiards 8-Ecarte 9— Checkers 10— Bezique 11-Pool 12 -Pinochle 13-Lotto 14- Hearts 15— Reversi 16-Piquet 17 -Go-Bang Dice 18— Games of Patience 19— Children's Games 20— Cribbage 21— Drawing Room Games 22— Group of Card Games 23— Children's Games 24— Group of Card Games 25— Drawing Room Games 26— Group of Card Games 27— Children's Games 28-Skat 29— Drawing Room Games 30— Baccarat PRICE lO CENTS PER COPY A. G. Spalding (Sit Bros. won a Special Award and a Grand Prize at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition for their exhibit of a Model Playground Gymnasium The Outdoor Gymnasium was installed in the Model Playground on the model street of the World's Fair, and during the season the appar- atus was in constant use by hundreds of child- ren each day. All the apparatus stood the test, for during the entire season, not one piece of it, after the severest kind of usage, was broken or displaced. Nine-tenths of the playground apparatus of the United States is now installed by A. G. Spalding & Bros. Blue prints and estimates will be furnished upon application. A. G. Spalding & Bros. GYMNASIUM FACTORY CHICOPEE . . . MASS. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS !!!!!! !!!•! II!!! Il!il I!!!! !!!!! II!!! !l!ii iiiii mi) mil mi ill Of FICIAL LEAGUE BAli ^iVRRANTp,?.^. BEvVARr ft l^.w^-""-'-