PS 3543 .P43 ne 1897 Copy 1 jMORS JMORXaS. ^^■■'i A ^^^ )yioRS jMORrts. .i9e«33(J;i .&x^y>iOM ftiiOM IP ? |VIOR81VIORC I8> — ILL o>e 8KYe aiH8 Roisre mxay 6L00)vre: DHRKHN6 LHY CRe f leLDS HROOND, IN H sRROoi D Of siLe^ce saDDejv BROKe cne ensc iiv BL00)vie, DRHpeRie Of CLOOID aiH8 DRHOlNe, LO^cReoHoiNei LL the Landc was lapt in white: Buerie beating pulse was stiU'd, Into Icy IVumnesse chilVd. Chen a Chrob of secret JMight Brought new Life one golden JMorne, 8pring was borne! LL the Bodie ach'd with paine: ]Sot a moment did it hnowe 8weete surcease from searching ^oeV [] Balme to Rart, nor Rest to Braine. Chen there came Refreshment deepe, Welcome 8leepe! (LL the Cdorld was dull and grey: Darke and cold and bitter, Life; Rowres of 8tupour, Rowres of 8trif e, CKearie Day succeeding Day. Chen Chy 8elf for all suff icU Ie8a8 Christ lOROe, our fast bath brought Cby f^O^ 1 Cbou art risen from tbc Dead, Sucn as Cbyself badst said, I Conquering King, RcvcaUr,pricetl Hnd wcc sbarc Cby Life alway, 6asterDay» OR Cbou giuest to Cbine Owne Bread of Deauen, Royall Cdine, Consecrate by powV Diuine _ Bt Zhy boly HUar-Cbrone. ^boso f eedetb worthily Shatnotdye. PRDe and 60D,wee worship Chee, JMig^bty 8ole-Begotten One, Sonne of 60D yet )VIarie's Sonne! Cbou Chat reignest from the Cree, Graunt to us Chy face to see, Hnd Chy presence to adore 6uemiorel i^^i^^i.^^^^ pis paecball I>>mine Of CRe DenCR Of OeHCR, made b)^ Cdm. Rartnan uan HUcn, priest, Sir imprinted by f rancis ^atts Lee, Gent:, at Boston in IMassa- cbusetts, is finisbt on tbe xxii. da>? of Hprill in tbe Y^^^^ <^^ Our LORDB mdc- cclxxxxvii, and beares to tbeir friends all louing easter Salutations in CRRISC 16808. ,^^.^. tmtmt^ttmii LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS J