'o « * ' 8 * % 1 ** X° °x. ' A -p ,a ■ \ n & - r v> -> .** sP©, *o o x ^ «$>. /"% ■X .>. v A °/ <& FAMOUS MAKERS OF HARNESS For Great Winners on Track and in Show Ring SUBSTANTIAL. WELL-MADE GOODS, ELEGANT IN STYLE. FINISH AND APPEARANCE Designers and Maker* of COACH, POLE, TANDEM, RUNABOUT and TRACK WITH CORRECT APPOINTMENTS We also carry a complete line of Turf Goods of every description, for stock farms and horses in train- ing, Riding Saddles-;, Ladies' and Gent's Bridles, Sad- dle Cloths, etc., a, so Jockey Outfits; in fact every- thing pertaining to the horse. Send for Catalogue. HARTFORD y, gal., $1.75; I gal. cans, $3.00* 2H gal. eans, $5.50j 5 gal. cans, $10.00. CAMPBELL'S GALL CURE CURES— Saddle Galls, Crupper Sores, Galled Backs, Shoul- der Galls, Barbed Wire Cuts, Calks, Scratches and Abra- sions of the skin. DIRECTIONS— Spread the GALL CURE over Galled and Sore Spots and WORK THE HORSE AS USUAL. PRICES— 3 oz. Boxes 25 cents each. 1 lb. Boxes, $1 each. For sale by all dealers in Horse Goods. JAS. B. CAMPBELL & CO., 412 West Madison Street, Chicago, III. fiave You a Copy of our General Catalogue and Buyers' Guide? If not, you ought to have, and you ought to keep one in the house all the time because it is the greatest money saver you ever saw. It weighs nearly four pounds, has 1,200 pages, 17,- 000 pictures and quotes wholesale prices to you on over 70,000 different things that you eat, wear and use. Many people think they cannot keep house without having this General Catalogue and Buyers' Guide for reference, and we really do not see how economical people can get along with- out it, because it saves them money on so many thousands of different things. Even if you don't wish to buy anything now, you ought to have one at hand to refer to so you could tell whether you are buying things at right prices. Many people say it is a "Dictionary of Right Prices." Well, we think it is, because the prices are so very low and the quality of everything is so good that everyone who buys anything from it is always satisfied. If they are not, they can return the goods at our expense and we will exchange them for others or refund their money, if they prefer. You know how it is, there is always a right time to do everything, and the right time to order one of our General Catalogue and Buy- ers' Guide is today, and the sooner you do it, the sooner you will start on the right road to buy- ing things at saving prices. It costs 78 cents to print and mail each copy, but we want you to have one, and if you will send us 15 cents, just to show that you do not ask for the book out of curiosity, but have in mind the buying of some- thing at some future time, provided prices are all right, we will be pleased to send you one prompt- ly, with all charges prepaid. Montgomery Ward <£ Company ...Chicago... tefetf No Farm or Stable IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A KASPER SELF-ACTING OATS CLEANER OVER 18,000 NOW IN USE It is the greatest success as a grain cleaner ever in- vented. READ on page 337 in John Splan's Book what he thinks of this oats cleaner. FOR FARM USE It is invaluable, thorough- ly cleansing the grain of all impurities and foul matter, freeing your fields entirely from weeds, and increasing the yield 20 per cent. FOR STABLE USE It assures your horses the cleanest of feed, prevent- ing sickness and disease. It is not a luxury, but is necessary to success in grain culture and to the health of horses. Nor is it an experiment, having stood the test of time, and is unhesitatingly and fully guaranteed. "We have thousands of testimonials on file and they all tell the same story. We do not ask you to BUT, but simply to send for a Cleaner on thirty days' trial and judge for yourself. If not satisfac- tory, return it at our ex- pense. WHITE FOR OIROTJLA.R A.N~D PRICE LIST Kasper Oats Cleaner Co., Owner and Manufacturer 366 Wabash Jive., Chicago > R 3 - tS5t &pt 7 U>01 MAY 8 1901 '.. *<*■ v* v»o. <£, '«,' %*' ^ V ^ ^ ^ ^ A < A &, V b *0 c. . ,0 o^ * ^ ^ A V * ^ x = ^ ^ S S A °/