0^ < o ■>, „ to the sweet world From whence it came. o &'\ttk (n^ivit. ^IIE ij:anli>n walks are silent now; The listening flowers weep, the sweet biids di-oop: Our little singing bird has flown. I V lie plumed his white wings for Heaven, '^ And folds tlieni now in Paradise, To bleVs the angels with his melody — « To swell the strain of joy and gladness ^ In the rich garden above. Favored nursling, grow in Heaven, IJreezes soft play round thee, love; Lay thy trusting head upon An angel's arm and rest, '' ■v My darling, rest, rest. '^ The good Shepherd folds Here and there a lamb, to draw v Tlie wandering sheep to m Fields of " living green." f 5477-155 Lot ^9 Out QSafi^. io 1 (^ BIRD of beauty rare Seems warbling measures sweet. No wings are putting forth, P>ut little liands and feet. A charming little thing, With tender notes atrill, * * And, sailing in sweet robes, ^ Subdues the hearts at will. ^ Dear little honey bee, ° Dispensing sweets so well, <; We love thee, my darlinii, ' Oh, more than tongue can tell. '^ J'liou art a brilliant gem, v ' A dainty jewel, rare; m We'll set thee in our hearts, W And ever keep thee there. • , ' P ^^ '^ I ■^^ W M 9 ^ * ^-'- *'^0^ / ,^^ ^^•^^. ^.^ o ^ y Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide O 'o /\ J. A Treatment Date: Sept. 2009 *^> PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Dnve Cranberry To-wnship, PA 1 6066 (724)779-2111 •/ /% '■ •^^r / ^' r*. ^°-^*. K#^7-t.*-'r,T.V^..^-o .-^<^^ "^ *- ©HO* «0 '^^ * » / n