L210 L2 py 1 ^EXICAN^I^IDE AND COMMISSIONER CABRERA iiy iraxisfer MAY li . 1917 Dressmaking Class at Girls' Industrial School, mexlco City, D. F. oo'sT CA_ Published by LATIN-AMERICAN NEWS ASSOCIATION 1400 Broadway, New York City Mexican Pride and Commissioner Cabrera B HE letter which the Mexican commissioner, Luis Cabrera, has not long- ago addressed to "The New York Times," is a precious document for the history of the international relations be- tween the United States and Latin-American countries. This letter is "representative," as Emerson might have said, and is. greatly so, since it re- flects not only the soul state of the Mexican people, visible under the present critical circumstances, but also the latent character- istics ready to manifest themselves on the slightest pretext, of all the peoples of Spanish America, which besides having iden- tical origin with Mexico, the same blood and similar racial fac- tors, the common ties of legend, religion and language, also have the same thought and the same heart. Following is the letter of Licenciado Cabrera, as published in the above mentioned daily : "To the Editor of The New York Times : I am referring to your editorial regarding Mexico in yes- terday's issue. The attitude which I am supposed to have as- sumed is a mere conjecture. I refrain from the personal justi- fication, as it. would compel me to disclose the nature of our discussion with the Joint Commission. The purpose of this letter is to express my regret that your ne-v 0.10 Manifest Destiny j What of Mexico ) Speech of General Alvarado > 0.10 Many Mexican Problems } Charges Against the Diaz Administration ) Carranza \- 0.10 Stupenduous Issues ) Minister of the Catholic Cult ) Star of Hope for Mexico > 0.10 Land Question in Mexico ) Open Letter to the Editor of the Chicago Tribune, Chicago, 111. ) How We Robbed Mexico in 1848, by Robert H. Howe > 0.10 What the Mexican Conference Really Means j The Economic Future of Mexico We also mail any of these pamphlets upon receipt of 5c each. Address all communications to LATIN-AMERICAN NEWS ASSOCIATION 1400 Broadway, New York City