■ I' ' ■: : i " 11 I III 1 III J" 1 JU1 JH J in HHH > m i H t a 1 »« llllli luiiUiHfin Uuuliili UtHiuUllDllllHi HRl iNHi Ulllffl IJII Ml rat Malir ttitlau W ii Rlluuli iHil 1 ( ! IT I m ■ I In WWVWtf / GUIDE National fSrtttttfte ©fiScea THE CAPITOL OF THE UNITED STATES ILLUSTRATED BY DIAGRAM PLANS, DESIGNATING THE SEVERAL EXECUTIVE BUILDINGS, AND THE RELATIVE POSITION OF THE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS, THEIR BUREAUS AND OFFICERS' ROOMS, AND ALSO THE COM- MITTEE ROOMS IN THE CAPITOL. BY ROBERT MILLS, ARCHITECT PUBLIC BUILDINGS. ~ WASHINGTON : F. FORCE, PRINTER. 1841. ' ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1841, BY ROBERT MILLS, IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE DIS. TRICT OF COLUMBIA. INTRODUCTORY. The author of this little work has been induced to undertake it from its acknowledged utility. Eve- ry one having business with the Public Offices, or Capitol, whether stranger or resident, is sensible of the difficulty of locating the different bureaus in their buildings, and more particularly the offi- cers and clerks attached to those bureaus. The nature of the information contained in this work will tend to remove this difficulty, and afford to all the means of identifying both the building and the room occupied by every officer doing business* therein. In connection with a brief description of each ex- ecutive building, is a diagram plan of the same, with each room numbered, the numbers applying to each floor, consecuti vel y. T he officers and clerks of eac h department being alphabetically arranged, and fol- lowing in the order of the departments to which they belong, will be easily found, and opposite to their name, in the margin, is the number of the room in the diagram, on first, second, or third floor, as the case may be. The key to the business rooms in the Capitol is in the numbers and labels over the doors of the several committee rooms; these being given, ancf 4 INTRODUCTORY. their relative locations, as respects the floor and part of the building where they are situated, no difficulty will occur in finding them. The index at the end of the book will point out at a glance the bureau to which every officer named is attached, by a reference to the page, which gives the number of the room he occupies. This edition of the work has been brought out in a cheap form, to answer present demands. Should it be well received, a larger and more perfect work will follow at some future period. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. The building occupied by this department is situated on the east side of the President's square, on a line with Fifteenth street; it is built of stone, and fire-proof; extending three hundred and thirty- six feet, with a depth in the centre, including the colonnade in front and portico in the rear, of one hundred and ninety feet. Each floor contains forty- five apartments, or, in the three stories above the basement, one hundred and thirty-five rooms. The main entrance is on the east, by a double flight of steps. The first, or colonnade floor, is oc- cupied as follows : — The Treasurer of the United States in the cen- tre building ;* The First Auditor in the north wing ; The Attorney General and Solicitor of the Trea- sury in the south wing. On the second floor, in the centre building, are the apartments of the Secretary of the Treasury and his suite. In the south wing are those of the First Comp- troller, and the Register of the Treasury, who occupies also a suite of rooms in the north wing, besides several on the first floor, south side. The Library of the Treasury is also on the se- cond floor, containing most of the public documents, and a few valuable miscellaneous works. The third floor is occupied entirely by the General * The Commissioners for adjusting the Claims on Mex- ico, also have rooms here. t> TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Land Office, with its numerous and interesting records. Second Floor. Room. No. 24. Levi Woodbury, Secretary. 25. McClintock Young, Chief Clerk. 21. T. G.Bradford. 31. Charles Dummer. 16. Thomas Dungan, (first floor.) 22. Richard Ela. 19. Charles Fisher. 20. William Gulagar. 20. Samuel Green. 15. William M. Gouge. 28. John F. Hartley. 16. C. M. Ingersoll, (first floor.) 1. William W. King, Librarian 29. John N. Lovejoy, Jr. 27. Samuel M. McKean. 28. Gilbert Rodman. 19. James H. Smoot. 18. C. Petit, J. W. Shields, Messengers FIRST COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY Second floor. Room. No. 37. J. N. Barker, First Comptroller. 36. James M. Burke, Chief Clerk. 35. Thomas F. Anderson. 32. William Anderson. 37. John Barker. 32. William S. Briscoe. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, t Room. No. 33. Thomas Feran. 33. George Johnson. 36. J. G. Laub. 44. James Lamed. 32. William Miller. 35. James R. McCorkle. 44. John B. North. 35. N. B. Van Zandt. 33. Lund Washington. 44. George Wood. J. N. Lovejoy, J. Hines, Messengers. FIRST AUDITOR OF THE TREASURY. First Floor. Room. No. 4. Jesse Miller, Auditor. 5. Alexander Mahon, Chief Clerk. 14. J. W. Bronaugh, Jr. 12. John A. Brightwell. 7. J. W. Bronaugh. 15, James Colgate. 3. George Davis. 3. John Ferguson. 11. William Morton. 8. Samuel Pettigrew. 15. James M. Ramsay. 12, Thomas G. Slye. 8. James M. Torbert. 7. John Underwood. 14. Jeremiah Williams. Thomas Wallace, Messenger. 5 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. TREASURER. First Floor. Room. No. 28. William Selden, Treasurer. 27. William B. Randolph, Chief Clerk, 25. S. M. Boots. 20. Henry Brooks. 25. J. Dashiell. 24. J. Guest. 26. Henry Jackson. 24. Hopkins Leightner. 19. William D. Nutt, Cashier. 26. William B. Page. 20. Andrew Smith. 24. William H. West. 19. James Moore, Messenger. REGISTER OF THE TREASURY, Second Floor. Room. No. 38. Thomas L. Smith, Register. 39. Michael Nourse, Chief Clerk. 40. John D. Barclay. 44. George W. Barry, (first floor.) 43. John B. Blake. 7. Henry Brewer. 11. James G. Berret. 43. George G. Cox. 39. P. W. Gallaudet. 8. J. K. Hanson. 1 U William James* 12. James Laurie. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Room. No. 43. F. Lowndes, (first floor.) 43. Robert Lawrence, (first floor.) 32. Joseph Mountz, (first floor.) 3. James McCleary. 12. John Nourse. 7. Edgar Patterson. 33. Benjamin J. Perry, (first floor.) 42. L. G. Van Klick, (first floor.) 40. John W. Williams. 42. James D. Woodside. 41. James Watson, Messenger. SOLICITOR OF THE TREASURY. First Floor. Room. No. 35. Matthew Birchard, Solicitor. 40. Nicholas Harpur. 39. B. F. Pleasants. 42. Basil Waring. 40. Joseph H. Waring, Messenger. ATTORNEY GENERAL. First Floor. Room. No. 37. Henry D. Gilpin, Attorney General 38. Richard K. Watts. 38. J. H. Gibbon, Messenger. 10 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Third Floor. Room. No. 24. James Whitcomb, Commissioner. 23. John M. Moore, Chief Clerk. 33. Addison. John 40. Ashton. John N. 19. Berryman. W. B. 33. Brown. W. V. H. 4. Barnhili. J. L. 5. Brooke. W. T. 7. Bestor. O. H. 7. Barnard. E. 1. Bennett. R. 20. Bryant. John Y. 22, Coxe. Richard 20. Causin. Nathaniel P. Jr. 29. Cambloss. George W. 36. Curran. W. W. 7. Cathcart. J. L. Jr. 14. Coolidge. E. 22. De Krafft. John W. 33. Davis. L. P. 39. Dowson. A. R. 12. Deitz. William H. 27. Evens. Benjamin 8. Evans. Estwick 28. Fraily. Charles S. 36. French. William 21. Fitzhugh. Meade 14. Fletcher. Charles 26. Gilman. E., Draughtsman. 38. Garland. Hudson M., Recorder. 4. Greenleaf. A. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1 1 Room. No. 5. Gassaway. L. G. 35. Hood. John 39. Henry. William 42. Hungerford. Henry 43. Haxtun. W. M. 44. Hicks. William 14. Heaton. David F. (2d floor.) 26. Kelly. A. B. 37. Lawrence. A. H. 21. Morsell. Richard S. 12. Murray. C. 43. McRoberts, Samuel, Solicitor. 14. Nollner. J. 14. Nourse. William (2d floor.) 26. O'Neal, H. G. Assistant Draughtsman. 42. Pew. T. J. 15. Paine. O. S. 18. Powell. Grafton, packer. 18. Quincy. Thomas H. t packer. 3. Quincy. A. B. 42. Reinhart. E. W. 5. Randall. N. A. 7. Reilly. T. B. 25. Steiger. W. T., Principal Clerk of Surveys. 36. Smallman. Thomas 12. Simmons. W. 12. Smith. Isaac 1. Sherburne. John H. 39. Sweet. P. H. 8. Slade. W. O. 28. Taylor. George 19. TschifTely. F. A. 15. Taffgart. J. B. 12 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Room. No. 26. Williamson. R. H. 27. Wilson, J. S., Principal Clerk of Pri- vate Land Claims. 22. Wood. William 21. Wingerd. John P. 29. Whiting. George C. 37. Wolf. Samuel M. 35. Wilson. George W. 40. Wallace. W. F. 44. Watson. W. H. 44. White. Ashton S. H. 4. Washington, L. Jr. 33. Willett. Marinus COMMISSIONERS OF CLAIMS UPON MEXICO. First Floor. Room. No. 23. W. L. Marcy, 23. J. V. de Leon. I 'J l:t.tt^ mitry 1 s - etaries - 22. H. Toler, Clerk. 22. W. P. Toler, Messenger. ~ ^ 5^ V C w i §■ i \ tmf ^ ! 1 v & 1 fe rj N ^yfr 4m p* jLyj.kiiL v, /'^••Vy 1/ STATE DEPARTMENT. This department occupies the building adjoining that of the Treasury, on the north side. The prin- cipal entrance is from the north, but the business entrance is on Fifteenth street. The building is of brick, two stories high, containing thirty-two apart- ments, besides those in the attic. The first floor is occupied by the following offi- cers : — The Fifth Auditor of the Treasury, at the east end; and the Superintendent of the Census of 1840, at the west end. On the second floor are the apartments of the Secretary of State and his suite. Here also is the Library of the department, containing many valu- able works on general literature and science, be- sides state papers; and in another room are deposit- ed the original Declaration of Independence, all the Treaties with Foreign Powers, and the pre- sents made by them. Second Floor. Room. No. 11. John Forsyth, Secretary. 12. J. L. Martin, Chief Clerk. 6. Robert Chew. 15. William S. Derrick. 3. A. H. Derrick. 4, T. W. Dickins. 14 STATE DEPARTMENT. Room. No. 1. R. Greenhovv, Translator, &c. 14. William Hunter, Jr. 9. George Hill. 3. Horatio Jones. 5. A. T. McCormick. 16. Francis Markoe, Jr. 7. James S. Ringgold. 8. Edward Stubbs, Disbursing Agent. 7. Benjamin C. Vail. 10. Wm. H. Prentiss, packer, (first floor.) J. Kavanagh, W. P. Faherty, Messengers. FIFTH AUDITOR OF THE TREASURY. „ First Floor. Room. No. 15. Stephen Pleasonton, Auditor. 14. Thomas Mustin, Chief Clerk. No. 16. H. W. Ball. No. 16. J. D. King. 14. A. Campbell. 14. Robert Rickets. 13. John Devlin. 16. Alex. Spear. 13. J. H. Houston. E. Holland, Mess'r. 13. A. T. Hillger. Room. CENSUS BUREAU. No. 6. William A. Weaver, Superintendent. 9. C. E. Weaver. No. 9. M. P. Stubbs. 6. Daniel Buck. 3. F. J. Walker. 8. C. F. O'Driscoll. 7. T. G. Weaver. 7. C. Hunt. 3. C.H. W.Wharton. 3. Nevius. 3. L. B. Windsor. 8. M. L. Patterson. 7. J. Staht, Mess'r. 6. E. W. Stubbs. WAR DEPARTMENT. This department occupies the building situated on the west side of the President's square. Seventeenth street, on the same line with the State Department building, with which it corresponds in design, being two stories high, and containing thirty-two rooms, besides those on the basement and attic floors. The principal entrance is on the north, though access may be had from every front. The following officers are on the first floor : — The Major General, Quartermaster General, Adjutant General, and Second Auditor of the Trea- sury. On the second floor are the apartments of the Secretary of War and his suite, occupying the east end ; and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and his clerks at the west end, where also is the Galle- ry of Indian portraits. The Library of the department is on this floor, and contains many valuable works of science and art. On the third and basement floors a few rooms are appropriated for clerks. Second Floor. Room. No. 11. Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary. 13. Major S. Cooper, Assistant Adj. Gen. 12. John T. Cochrane, Chief Clerk. 17. Charles Calvert. 16 WAR DEPARTMENT. Room. No. 16. J. D. McPherson. 15. J. H. Offley, Librarian. 16. John Potts. 17. Nathan Rice. Wm. Mark wood, F. Datcher, Messengers. COMMANDING GENERAL'S OFFICE. First Floor. Room. No. 17. Alexander Macomb, Major- General. 16. M. S. Miller, Aid-de-Camp. 16. L. P. Reaney, do. 16. Edward Brewer, Clerk. Joseph Williamson, Messenger. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. First Floor. Room. No, 5. Roger Jones, Adjutant- General. 4. Major L. Thomas, Assistant do. 4. Captain E. Schriver, do. do. 3. Brooke Williams, Chief Clerk. 3. James L. Addison. 3. John M. Hepburn. 4. James H. Lowry. 5. Charles H. Lee. 16. John George Law, (third floor.) 4. A. F. Wilcox. C. Baker, Joseph Polato, Messengers, WAR DEPARTMENT. 17 QUARTERMASTER'S BUREAU. First Floor. Room. No. 6. General Thomas S. Jesup, a M. G. 7. Captain A. K. Hetzel, Quartermaster. 7. William A. Gordon, Chief Clerk. 9. Levin Belt. 6. George Bender. 8. W. L. Bailey. 8. A. L. Fleury. 7. James Goszler. 9. John P. Moore. J. Keith, George Phelps, Messengers. INDIAN BUREAU. Second Floor. Room. No. 6. T. Hartley Crawford, Commissioner. 7. Daniel Kurtz, Chief Clerk. 5. H. S. Addison. 4. L. H. Berryman. 1. Timothy H. Cruttenden. 8. William Devereaux. 1 . John B. Luce. 5. Charles E. Mix. 7. Hezekiah Miller. 4. Samuel J. Potts. 8. A. W. Parris. 1. William B. Waugh. ' ?. T. Waugh. . 3. B. H. Waring. C. Draine, Wm. Wilson, Messengers. 18 WAR DEPARTMENT. SECOND AUDITOR OF THE TREASURE. First Floor. Room. No. 13. William B. Lewis, Second Auditor. 12. James Eakin, Chief Clerk. 14. R. M. Boyer. 11. P. Brady. 15. C. W. Brown. 15. B. E. Dunscomb. 11. William Ford. 15. C. W. Forrest. 11. O. S. Hall. 12. Samuel Lewis. 1 4. Edward W. Lewis. 14. William Mechlin. 11. L. Mackall. 15. J. F. Polk. 14. R. T. Queen. 2. J. Wells, Jr. William Lloyd, Messenger. \ $ S. 3 to - §Jf CO H O ' CO J 1 * vl fcN ff> -1 * G» 1 Jill 1 i ,111111 'llllllllllllll 1 H W [ Jo r4l ft s N « a & <* S' 1 t* s WAR DEPARTMENT. 19 ENGINEER BUREAU. The building at present occupied by the Chief Engineer and his suite is situated on the north- west corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Seven- teenth street west, opposite diagonally to the War Office. It contains eight rooms on the three floors. The Chief Engineer and his officers occupy the second and third floors. On the first floor are the apartments of the National Institution for the Pro- motion of Science, with their cabinet. OFFICERS. Col. J. G. Totten, Chief Engineer. Capt. Frederick A. Smith, Assistant Engineer. Col. Benjamin Fowler, Chief Clerk. R. Cruikshank. James Eveleth. R. B. Fowler, Clerk. James Wilson. O. B. Denham, Messenger. TOPOGRAPHICAL BUREAU. This bureau occupies the first floor of the dou- ble tenement of brick, in the block of buildings on Seventeenth street, opposite the War Office. OFFICERS. No. 5. Col. J. J. Abert, Chief Officer. 6. J. Thompson, Chief Clerk. 7. Draughtsmen's Rooms. 20 WAR DEPARTMENT. ORDNANCE BUREAU. This bureau occupies the third floor of the same building with the Topographical. The officers located here are as follow : — Room. Room. No. 9. Col. G. Bomford. No. 10. J. P. Keller. 8. Captain Mordecai, 6. W. McDermott. Assistant: 10. Samuel Rainey. 6. Morris Adler. 10. W. C. Riddall. 5. J. W. Butler. 6. George Welsh. 6. N. W. Fales. N. Mulliken, Mess. ORDNANCE BOARD. First Floor, Room No. 9. Lieutenant- Colonel Talcott, President. Major Baker. Captain Mordecai. Captain Symington. Capt. Huger, Sec'y. SUBSISTENCE BUREAU. This bureau occupies the second floor of the same building, over the Topographical Office. The officers located here are as follow: — Room. No. 9. Joseph Gibson, Commissary- General. 5. J. H. Hook, Assistant ditto. 6. Richard Gott, Chief Clerk. 9. Captain N. C. Macrae. 10. Captain J. O. Searight. 10. Columbus Monroe. 8. W. J. Smith. 6. C. D. Wilcox. WAR DEPARTMENT. 21 PAYMASTER-GENERAL'S BUREAU. The Paymaster-General occupies the first and -second floors of the brick building adjoining south that of the other bureaus mentioned above. The officers located here are as follow: — Room. No. 12. N. Towson, Paymaster Gen. 2d floor, 11. N. Frye, Chief Clerk, 2d floor. 12. T. P. Andrews, Paymaster, 1st floor. 11. W. W. Billing, Rec'g Clerk, 2d floor. 12. W. D. Beall, 3d floor. 12. Edmund H. Brooke, 3d floor. 12. Charles Whitman, 3d floor. Jacob Brodbeck, Messenger. „ CLOTHING BUREAU. lioom. No. 11. Major Whiting. 11, Goolrick. PENSION BUREAU. The buildings occupied by this bureau adjoin, on the north, that occupied by the Topographical, Ordnance, and Subsistence Bureaus. The Commissioner and his suite occupy the three floors of both tenements in this block, except two rooms on the first floor of the south tenement. The officers located here are as follow : — Room. No. 1 . J. L. Edwards, Commissioner, 2d floor. 4. G. W. Crump, Chief Clerk, 2d floor. 1. J. Ragsdale, Navy Pension C'k, 3d floor. 2. D. D. Addison, 3d floor. 3. W. S. Allison, 3d floor, 22 WAR DEPARTMENT. Room. No. 1. Daniel Brown, 1st floor. 3. Seth A Elliot, 2d floor. 10. F. S. Evans, Basement of War Office. 9. W. H. Fales, do. do, 3. Vinal Luce, 2d floor. 1. Dennis McCurdy, 1st floor. 1. W. M. Steuart, 1st floor. 4. H. H. Sylvester, 3d floor. 3. George Taylor, 3d floor. 2. John D. Wilson, 2d floor. 2. Zantzinger, 2d floor. 2. Charles Hibbs, Messenger, 1st floor, 4. Nathan Leak, Messenger, 2d floor, BOUNTY LAND BUREAU. This bureau occupies the first floor of the south tenement of the same building above named. The officers are : — Boom. No. 4. Wm. Gordon, Chief Clerk. 3. Edward Stephens. George Thompson, Messenger. MEDICAL BUREAU. The building occupied by this bureau is situated on the north side of G street, not far from the War Office. The officers located here are as follow: — Thomas Lavvson, Surgeon General, 1st floor. H. L. Heiskell, Surgeon, do. R. Johnson, Clerk, do. A. Balmain, Clerk, do. J. H. Collins, Messenger, do. NAVY DEPARTMENT. The building occupied by this department is situated on the west side of the President's square, on a line with Seventeenth street, and south of the War Office. In its design it resembles the latter building, containing sixteen rooms on each floor. The first floor is occupied by the Third Auditor of the Treasury, at the west end ; and by the Fourth Auditor, at the east end. On the second floor are the Secretary of the Navy's apartments, with his suite, occupying the east end ; the Navy Commissioners and their offi- cers the west end, and the Second Comptroller of the Treasury in the centre. On this floor are many interesting objects connected with our Naval histo- ry, especially on the west side, where are deposit- ed, the trophies of two wars, and many beautiful models of vessels. The library of the Department is at the east end, embracing several works of interest. Some rooms on the third floor, or attic, are occu- pied by clerks, and some with models. Second Floor. Room. No. 5. J. K. Paulding, Secretary. 4. J. D. Simms, Chief Clerk. 3. James Callaghan, (3d floor.) 8. L. B. Hardin. 8. C. Handy, temporary, (3d floor.) 7. Moses Poor. 8. William W. Russell, (3d floor.) 24 NAVY DEPARTMENT. Room. No. 3. Henry Stark. 7. A. T. Smith. 3. B. M. Voorhees, Pay Agent 8. H. T. Weightman, temporary. Samuel Mickum, Messenger. Lindsay Muse, Messenger. NAVY COMMISSIONERS. Second Floor. Room. No. 14. Charles Morris, President. 14. Lewis Warrington. 14. John B. Nicholson, 15. Charles W. Goldsborough, Secretary. 13. William G. Ridgely, Chief Clerk. 12. John Green. 11. Stephen Gough. 11. D. H. Haskell. 12. Sam'l Humphreys, Chief Naval Con- structor, (3d floor.) 11. G. Harrison. 12. Joseph P. McCorkle. 11. John H. Reily. 15. C. Schwartz, Draughtsman, (3d floor.) Richard Elliot, Messenger. SECOND COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY. Second Floor. Room. No. 16. Albion K. Parris, Comptroller. 17, Jonathan Seaver, Chief Clerk. NAVY DEPARTMENT. 25 Room. No. 2. George D. Abbot. 7. John R. Broadhead, 1st floor. 7. James L. Cathcart, 1st floor. 17. James M. Cutts. 2. John Davis. 2. Joseph Manahan. 7. Charles McGill, 1st floor. 2. T. Purrington. 7. H. O. Whitman, 1st floor. 17. John Sessford, Messenger. THIRD AUDITOR OF THE TREASURY. First Floor. Room. No. 14. Peter Hagner, Auditor. 13. James Thompson, Chief Clerk. 11. Charles Abbot. 1 3. Richard Burgess. 11. Benjamin L. Bogan. 15. Thomas V. Brundige. 12. Bennet Clements. 12. Daniel D. Davidson. 16. Thomas L. Fitzhugh. 8. Thomas Gunton. 11. John Harry. 12. Anthony Hyde. 11. S. H. Hill. 1 4. John R. Hagner. 15. T. R. Hampton. 13. Levin Jones. 15. H. C. Matthews. 15. Gideon Pearce. 26 NAVY DEPARTMENT. Room. No. 16. Henry Randall. 16. Samuel S. Rind. 13. Robert Read. 8. John H. Smith. 8. Edward Smith. 8. W. H. S. Taylor. 11. John P. Van Tyne. 12. Charles Vinson. 16. James Winne. 16. Henry S. Whiting. T. Dove, R. Dove, Messengers. FOURTH AUDITOR OF THE TREASUR First Floor. Room. No. 6. A. 0. Dayton, Auditor. 5. Thomas H. Gilliss, Chief Clerk 3. N. T. Arnold. 3. Hobart Berrian. 2. William Brown. 3. Robert Getty. 2. George Gilliss. 4. Samuel Grubb. 3. G. M. Head. 4. William Hunter. 5. A. U. Kyle. 17. R. T. McGiil. 4. A. H. Mechlin. 17. J. B. Sullivan. 5. H. C. Williams. John E. Holland, Messenger. t? present occuj?zcc2 ly ?7ie Cc??cra2 Icwisj/tvania, ^#ve*?ue POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. The buildings at present occupied by this depart- ment are located on Pennsylvania Avenue, north side, beginning on the north-west corner of Four- teenth street, and extending west one hundred and thirty feet ; divided into five tenements of brick, three stories high, the corner tenement extending back on Fourteenth street one hundred and seven- ty-five feet, with a return wing in the rear, of equal extent with the Avenue range; containing on the three floors about sixty apartments. The first floor, front range, is occupied by the clerks and messengers of the General Post Office proper. The second and third floors, corner build- ing, with its wing, by the Auditor of the department and his clerks. The second floor of the adjoining tenements by the Postmaster General, the three Assistant Postmaster Generals, and their chief clerks; and the third floor above by their clerks. Room. No. 4. John M. Niles, P. M. G., 2d floor. 5. S. R. Hobbie, First Assistant, do. 3. Robert Johnson, Second do. do. 6. Daniel Coleman, Third do. do. 9. John Marron, Chief Clerk, do. 8. W. H. Dundas, Principal Clerk, do. 10. E. L. Childs, do. do. 7. Joseph Perry, do, do. 23. H. A. Burr, Topographer, 3d floor, 6. Addison, W. D. 1st floor. 5. Addison, Thomas B. 3d floor. 7. Bohrer, G. A. 1st floor, 28 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Room. No. 3. Barcroft, J. 1st floor. 4. Beach, S. B. 3d floor. 4. Barker, L. M. do. 7. Bridge, A. do. 5. Colt, C. A. do. 2. Darden, W. J. 1st floor. 10. Dent, Joseph, 3d floor. 5. Dow, J. E. do. 7. Ferguson, J. do. 1 0. Grammer, F. L. do. 2. Hobbie, Drake, 1st floor. 4. Hunter, J. 3d floor. 8. Hollis, J. W. do. 5. Hotchkiss, E. do. 8. Halter, N. do. 8. Johnson, Henry, 1st floor. 2. Kendall, George M. do. 6. King, H. 3d floor. 20. Kyle, Alexander, 1st floor. 3. Lacy, R. A. 3d floor. 6. Lawrenson, J. do. 6. Leech, D. D. T. do. 3. Macrae, A. 1st floor. 8. Marr, J. H. 2d floor. 5. Nevin, Charles, 3d floor. 4. Owner, J. Jr., 1st floor. 2. Burt, R. B. do. 9. Reily, T. B. 3d floor. 12. Ross, M. 1st floor. 4. Smith, David, do. 5. Smith, Chauncey, do. 4. Sturgeon, J. G. 3d floor. 7. Smith, John, 1st floor. 6. Towle, N. C. 3d floor. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. 29 Room. No. 6. Wheat, J. H. 1st floor. 10. Wallace, R. 2d floor. 7. Williams, Thomas J. 2d floor. 3. Zevely, A. N. 3d floor. 9. Sweney, P., Messenger, 1st floor. 8. Harke, R. A. assistant, do. 9. Sibley, Wm. J. do. do. 10. Herbert, N. do. do. AUDITOR FOR THE POST OFFICE DEPART- MENT. Room. No. 1. C. K. Gardner, Auditor, 2d floor. 12. P. G. Washington, Chief Clerk, do. 1. John Suter, Principal Clerk, 3d floor. 23. W. G. Elliot, do. 2d floor. 11. David Saunders, do. 3d floor. 2. R. Dement, Pay Agent, 2d floor. 12 to 16. Anderson, L. J. 2d floor. 29. Bronaugh, W. J. do. 18. Boone, J. F. 3d floor. 29. Caldwell, J. T. 2d floor. 11. Coolidge, James, 3d floor. 31. Caden, James, do. 22. Carter, James, 2d floor. 18. Dyer, Giles, 3d floor. 16. Duncanson, J. A. M. 3d floor. 14. Dale, George, do. 2. Dexter, Samuel, 2d floor. 20. Durham, J. H. 3d floor. 21. Dumas, H. do. 30. Darrel, W. S. do. 16 to 20. Evans, John, 2d floor. 24. Ellis, E. E. 3d floor. 30 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Room. No. 15. Foltz, George, 3d floor. 26. Fitzhugh, Samuel, do. 26. Hopkins, T. B. 2d floor. 30. Howard, D. do. 30. Harris, James, do. 20. Harkness, Samuel, do. 2. Hanson, G. D. do. 30. Hanson, J. M. 3d floor. 29. Houston, S. A. do. 14. Ingle, W. do. 31. Koones, D. 2d floor. 19. Lipscomb, W. C. 3d floor. 26. Monroe, Charles, 2d floor. 15. Mountz, G. W. 3d floor. 12. Merri wether, A. G. do. 2. Middleton, L. J. do. 16 to 20. McPherson, Samuel, 2d floor. 16 to 20. Quicksall, Joseph, do. 17. Robbins, J. H. 3d floor. 29. Reynolds, Joseph, do. 16 to 20. Simpson, P. 2d floor. 26. Stone, N. do. 22. Seavy, J. D. do. 2. Scott, T. A. 3d floor. 1. Tastet, N. do. 17. Thaw, John, do. 20. West, John, 2d floor. 16 to 20. Washington, P. do. 12 to 16. Wheeler, J. P. do. 12 to 16. Waugh, J. H. do. 1. Wilson, T. B. B. 3d floor. 31. Wharton, R. S. do. 26. Welsh, Lewis, do. 11. Cox, W. W. Messenger. 24. White, R. Assistant do. PATENT OFFICE. This bureau now occupies its new fire-proof building, situated on F street north, between Se- venth and Eighth street west, with its centre portico looking down Eighth street ; the portion of the building now erected extends two hundred and seventy feet, by a depth of seventy feet, and two stories high above the basement. The first or portico floor, is occupied by the Commissioner of Patents and his suite, at the east end; and the model room at the west end. The second, or principal floor, will be occupied altogether as an exhibition room for home manu- factures. This room is the largest in the United States, taken as a whole, being two hundred and sixty-four feet in length, sixty-three feet in width, and thirty feet high. It is ornamented with a quad- ruple row of massive stone columns, rising with their entablature twenty feet; above which spring a series of arches, which, covering the whole area, form a highly ornamental ceiling. In the center a grand barrel arch, of forty feet span, towers above the rest, pierced with an aperture thirteen feet in diameter, to admit light from above. The basement story is occupied by office rooms, and a large room for full size models. The principal entrance to this building is from the south, up a noble flight of granite steps, and through a magnificent portico of sixteen massive 32 PATENT OFFICE. Doric columns, in double rows, into a spacious hall, at the end of which a double flight of marble steps lead to the grand exhibition room. Room. No. 1. H. L. Ellsworth, Commissioner. 2. J. W. Hand, Chief Clerk. 7. C. M. Keller, Examiner. 9. T. W. Donovan, do. 8. W. P. N. Fitzgerald, assistant do. 9. Henry Stone, do. 10. A. L. Mclntire, Prin. Draughtsman. 16. J. J. Greenaugh, Draughtsman. 16. Francis Bene, do. 16. C. L. Fleeschman, do. 16. George Strickland, do. 12. Henry Knowles, Machinist. 4. Thomas Johns, Clerk. 4. J. J. Roane, do. 3. L. G. Fales, do. 3. J. H. Titcomb, do. 10. Wm. G. Cranch, do. David Little, Messenger. THE CAPITOL. This building is so conspicuous from every part of the city that it needs no notice of its locality. Its front extends three hundred and sixty-two feet ; depth of the wings one hundred and twenty-two feet; and the centre two hundred feet, including the portico. The grounds around this building, enclos- ed, embrace thirty acres, and the circuit of pavement one mile. The east front presents three stories, and the west four. Every front has one or more en- trances. The sub-basement floor is confined to the west projection, and contains several committee and other rooms, as follow : — No. 40. Committee of the Public Buildings and Public Grounds. No. 41. Commissioner of the Public Buildings and Grounds. Np. 42. Columbian Institute. No. 43. Committee of . No. 44. Refectory for Members of Congress.* * Refectory rules, established by the Commissioner of Public Buildings : — Venison steak, 37J cents ; beefsteak, 25 ; pork steak, 25 ; mutton chop, 25 ; veal cutlet, 25 ; one dozen raw oysters, 12£ ; one dozen roasted oysters, 25 ; one dozen stewed oysters, 25 ; one dozen fried oys- ters, 37£ ; a cup of coffee, tea, or chocolate, 12£ ; coffee, tea, or chocolate with toast, 18| ; ditto, with steak or chops, 37£ ; ditto, with eggs, 31£ ; ham and eggs, 37£ ; one plate of soup, 18| ; one plate of calf head soup, 25 ; one plate of common turtle soup, 25 ; one plate of green turtle soup, 50 ; wine and water, and malt liquor, per tumbler, 6\. c 34 THE CAPITOL. No. 45. Committee on Military Affairs; and Committee on the Expenditures in War Depart- ment. No. 47. Committee on the Territories; and Com- mittee on Expenditures on Public Buildings. No. 49. Committee of the District of Columbia; and Committee on Public Expenditures. No. 81. Refectory for Members of Congress. The stair-case in front of the entrance leads up to the first floor proper. FIRST FLOOR. The distribution of the rooms on this floor is as follows : — WEST PROJECTION. North side appropriated to the Committees of the Senate. No. 44. Committee on Indian Affairs. No. 45. Committee on the District of Columbia. No. 46. Committee on Military Affairs. No. 47. Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. No. 48. Committee on Naval Affairs. No. 49. Committee on Foreign Relations. South side appropriated to the Committees of the House. No. 38. Committee of Ways and Means. No. 39. Committee on Private Land Claims. No. 40. Committee on Commerce. No. 41. Committee on Revolutionary Claims ; and Expenditures of Treasury and Navy Depart- ments. No. 42. Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. THE CAPITOL. 35 No. 43. Committee of Public Expenditures ; of Expenditures of Department of State; and Revolu- tionary Pensions. THE CRYPT. This space is immediately under the Rotundo, and contains the sub-pedestal for the statue of Wash- ington, to be placed in the centre of the Rotundo above. On the north side a door leads to the apartments occupied by the Supreme Court and its officers. The rooms on the south side of the Crypt, in the south wing, are appropriated to the House Com- mittees. No. 50. Committee of Claims. No. 53 and 76. Furnace Rooms. No. 58. Messenger. No. 59. Committee on Indian Affairs. No. 63. Committee of Accounts and Invalid Pensions. No. 64. Committee on Naval Affairs. No. 69. Committee on Military Claims. No. 70. Committee of Revisal and Unfinished Business. No. 77. Committee on the Judiciary. PRINCIPAL STORY. The arrangement of this floor is as follows : — In the north wing the Senate Chamber, with its officers' rooms. In the south wing the House of Representatives, with its officers' rooms. In the west projection the Library of Congress, with some offices and commit- tee rooms at each end. In the centre the Rotundo. 36 THE CAPITOL. In the Senate wing are the following commit- tee and other rooms : — No. 1. Committee of Finance. No. 2. President of the Senate. No. 3. Committee on Claims, Committee on Commerce, and Committee of Roads and Canals. No. 4. Clerks of the Senate. No. 5. Secretary of the Senate. No. 6. Senate Chamber. No. 7. Stairway to Ladies' Gallery. No. 8. Stairway to Gentlemen's Gallery. No. 9. Post Office and Messengers' room. No. 28. Committee on the Judiciary. The stone stair-case to the left of the elliptical vestibule leads to a suite of rooms over those of the Secretary of the Senate and his clerks, occupied by the Committee on Militia Affairs, and Committee on Public Lands. In the House wing are the following apartments : No. 2. Sergeant -at- Arms. No. 3. Speaker of the House of Representa- tives. Lobbies. Stairs to Document Room. Stairs to House Library. Folding Room. Stairway to Gentlemen's Gallery. Stairway to Ladies' Gallery. Clerk of House of Representatives. 14£, Messengers' Rooms. Engrossing and Enrolling Clerks. Chief Clerk and three other clerks. In the west projection are the following rooms: — No. 10. Congressional Library. No. 4 No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9 No. R No. Hi No. 15. No. 16. THE CAPITOL. 37 No. ll t Law Library. No. 12. Committee on the Library. No. 13. Stairways to Galleries. In the Rotundo, which fills up the centre space, are the following National Paintings and Sculp- ture, viz : West side — 1. Declaration of Independence; 2. Surrender of Burgoyne, Saratoga; 3. Surrender of Cornwallis, Yorktown ; 4. Resignation of General Washington, at An- napolis ; all painted by Trumbull. East side, for the reception of — 5. Baptism of Pocahontas ; by Chapman. 6. Settlement of the Western Country; by In- man. 7. Sailing of the Mayflower; by Weir. 8. Landing of Columbus ; by Vanderlin. The Sculpture subjects are: — 1. The preservation of Captain Smith by Poca- hontas ; by Capelano. 2. The Landing of the Pilgrims ; by Caucici. 3. The Treaty of Penn with the Indians ; by Gevelot. 4. The fight of Boon with the Indians; by Caucici. 5. The Statue of Washington; in the centre; by Greenough.* THIRD STORY. The divisions on this floor are principally into committee rooms, except where the great rooms break up into it. * This statue, and the paintings Nos. 6, 7 and 8, are expected to be placed here early in the summer. 38 THE CAriTOL. The corridor north leads to the following com- mittee rooms of the House. No. 30. Committee on Public Lands. No. 31. Committee on Agriculture. No. 32. Committee on Elections. No. 34. Committee on Roads and Canals. And the corridor south to the following : — No. 26. Document Room. No. 27. Enrolling and Engrossing Clerks. No. 28. Committee on Foreign Affairs. No. 29. Committee on Manufactures. Officers of the Senate. Asbury Dickens, Secretary. Lewis H. Machen, Principal Clerk. William Hickey, Executive Clerk. William Carr, First Legislative Clerk. Wm. J. McDonald, Second Legislative Clerk. J. C. Fitzpatrick, First Engrossing Clerk. William Patton, Second Engrossing Clerk. S. Haight, Serg't-at-Arms and Doorkeeper. Robert Beale, Assistant Doorkeeper. John L. Clubb, Messenger to the Sec. Office. Simon Basset, Messenger to the Senate. R. P. Anderson, attends the Ladies' Gallery. G. Phillips, attends Committee Rooms, 1st floor. J. M. Jenison, do. do. third floor. M. Dooly, Messenger. R. Young, do. Wm. Johnson, do. R. Tweedy, Mail Carrier. J. Tims, Mail Distributer. F. Clark, Laborer. B. Owings, do. THE CAPITOL. 39 Officers of the House of Representatives. Hugh A. Garland, Clerk of the House. Benj. B. French, Chief Clerk of Office. John T. Frost, Clerk in Office. Brook M. Berry, do. Robert N. Johnston, do. Daniel Gold, do. Horatio N. Crabb, do. Noah Fletcher, do. George S. Wharton, do. Wm. S. Morgan, do. Eliab Kingman, Librarian of the House. Roderick Dorsey, Sergeant-at-Arms. Joseph Follansbee, Principal Doorkeeper. John W. Hunter, Assistant do, Wm. J. McCormick, Postmaster. David H. Burr, Draughtsman. Stephen D. Wallace, Messenger to the House. John T. Ball, Messenger to the Clerk's Office. William W. Stewart, do. Simon Brown, do. Stephen Cutts, do. Bernard Parsons, do. John Wheat, do. Charles W. Stewart, do. Joseph W. Beck, Messenger to the Post Office. Library of Congress* John S. Meehan, Librarian. Edward B. Stelle, Assistant Librarian. C. H. Wharton Meehan, do. Robert Kearoh, Messenger. * Open every day, except Sunday, during the session, and in the recess three times a week, viz : Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from nine to three o'clock. 40 THE CAPITOL. Officers of the Supreme Court. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice. Henry Baldwin, Associate Justice. James M. Wayne, do. Philip P. Barbour, do. Joseph Story, do. Smith Thompson, do. John McLean, do. John Catron, do. John McKinly, do. Henry D. Gilpin, Attorney- General. Wm. T. Carroll, Clerk. Alexander Hunter, Marshal. Officers having special charge of the Public Build- ings and Grounds. William Noland, Commissioner. Robert Mills, Architect. Jabez B. Rooker, Clerk to Commissioner. James Maher, Principal Gardener. Patrick HerTerman, Lamplighter, William Craig, Assistant do. Police of the Capitol. David M. Wilson, Principal. James M. Waller, Assistant. Thomas Scrivener, do. I. H. Wailes, do. John L. Wirt, do. Three of these officers are constantly on duty by day, to protect the buildings, enclosures, trees, and shrubs ; to keep order, and to report to the Com- missioner every violation of the rules and regula- THE CAPITOL. 41 dons ; to keep away vagrants, disorderly persons, and boys ; to conduct visiters through the buildings,, and to sweep and scour the Rotundo, passages, por- ticos, steps, &c. Full authority is given these officers to enforce the rules established by both Houses of Congress, in relation to preserving order within the limits of the Capitol square, especially in relation to hackney coaches and drivers, vagrants and beg- gars, drunkards, disorderly persons, and persons of ill fame. The stand assigned for private carriages is in front of the building, on the opposite side, near the pavement. The stand assigned hackney coaches is at each end of the building, outside of the private carriage stand. No refreshments are allowed to be sold within the premises, except in the rooms appropriated to that purpose, and these are open on the days Con- gress are in session, and closed an hour after the adjournment of both Houses. Children are not permitted to frequent the Capitol or square, unless in charge of some discreet person, nor people of color, except on necessary business. No person will be permitted to remain in any part of the building after it is closed, except the clerks in the two Houses, who may be detained on necessary business. INDEX EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. Page. Abert, Col. J.J 19 Abbot, George D 25 Abbot, Charles 25 Addison, John 10 Addison, James L 16 Addison, H. S 17 Addison, D. D 21 Addison, W. D 27 Addison, Thomas B 27 Adler, Morris 20 Allison, W. S 21 Anderson, Thomas F 6 Anderson, William 6 Andrews, Major T. P 21 Anderson, L.J 29 Arnold, N. T 26 Ashton, John N 10 Bailey, W. L 17 Baker, C 16 Baker, Major 20 Baldwin, A 22 Ball, H.W 14 Barker, J. N , Barker, John 6 Barclay, John D , BamhiiLJ. L 10 Barnard, E 10 Barcroft, J 28 Barker, L. M 28 Barry, George W 8 Beall, W. D 21 Beach, S. B 28 Belt, Levin 17 Bender, George 17 Bene, Francis 32 Bennett, R 10 Berret, James G 8 Berryman, W. B 10 Berryman, L. H 17 Berrian, Hobart 26 Bester, O. H 10 Billing, W. W 21 Birchard, Matthew 9 Blake, John B 8 Bogan, Benjamin L 25 Bohrer, G. A 27 Bomford, Col. G 20 Boots, S. M 8 Boone, J. F 29 Boyer, R. M 18 Bradford, T. G 6 Brady, P 18 44 INDEX. Page. Brewer, Henry 8 Brewer, Edward ...16 Briscoe, William S 6 Brightwell, John A 7 Bridge, A 28 Bronaugh, J. W 7 Bronaugh, J. W., Jr 7 Brown, W. V. H 10 Brown, C. W 18 Brodbeck, Jacob 21 Brown, Daniel .22 Broadhead, John R 25 Brown, William 26 Bronaugh, W.J 29 Brooks, Henry 8 Brooke, W. T 10 Brooke, Edmund H 21 Brundige, Thomas V 25 Bryant, John Y 10 Buck, Daniel 14 Burke, James M 6 Burgess, Richard 25 Burt, R. B 28 Burr, H.A 27 Butler, J. W 20 Caden, James 29, Calvert, Charles 15 Caldwell, J. T 29 Callaghan, James 23 Cambloss, George W 10 Campbell, A 14 Carter, James 29 Castillo, P. F. del 12 Cathcart, J. L., Jr 10 Cathcart, James L 25 Causin, Nathaniel P., Jr.. 10 Chew, Robert 13 Childs, E. L 27 Clements, Bennet 25 Cochrane, John T 15 Colgate, James 7 Coleman, Daniel 27 Page. Colt, C. A 28 Collins, J. H 22 Coolidge, E 10 Cooper, Major S 15 Coolidge, James ,.29 Cox, George G 8 Coxe, Richard 10 Cox, W. W 30 Crawford, T. Hartley 17 Cranch, Wm. G 32 Cruttenden, Timothy H.. 17 Cruikshank, R 19 Crump, G. W 21 Curran, W. W 10 Cutts, James M 25 Dale, George 29 Dashiell, J 8 Darden, W. J 28 Darrel, W. S 29 Datcher, F 16 Davis, George 7 Davis, L. P 10 Davis. John 25 Davidson, Daniel D 25 Dayton, A. 26 Deitz, William H 10 De KrarTt, JohnW 10 Denham, O. B 19 Dent, Joseph 28 Dement, R 29 Derrick, William S 13 Derrick, A. H 13 Devlin, John 14 Devereaux, William 17 Dexter, Samuel 29 Dickins,T. W 13 Dimitry, Alexander 12 Donovan, T. W 32 Dove, T 26 Dove, R 26 Dowson, A. R 10 Dow, J. E 28 INDEX. 45 Draine, C 17| Fowler, R. B 19 Dungan, Thomas 6|Frai]y, Charles S 10 Dunscomb, B. E 18 French, William 10 Dundas, W. H 27 Fry e, N 21 Duncanson, J. A. M 29 Gallaudet, P. W 8 Dummer, Charles 6 Dumas, H 29 Durham, J. H 29 Dyer, Giles 29 Eakin, James 18 Edwards. J. L. 21 Ela, Richard 6 Elliot, Seth A 22 Elliot, Richard 24 Elliot, W. G 29 Ellis, E. E .-, 29 Ellsworth, H. L 32 Evans, F. S 22 Evans, John 29 Evans, Estwick 10 Evens, Benjamin 10 Eveleth, James 19 Faherty, W. P 14 Fales,N.W 20 Fales,W. H 22 Fales, L.G 32 Feran, Thomas Ferguson, John 7 Ferguson, J 28 Fisher Charles 6 Fitzhugh, Meade 10 Fitzhugh, Thomas L 25 Fitzhugh, Samuel 30 Fitzgerald, W. P. N 32 Fletcher, Charles 10 Fleury, A. L 17 Fleeschman, C. L 32 Foltz, George 30 Forsyth, John 13 Ford, William 18 Forrest, C. W 18 Fowler, Col. Benjamin... 19 Gardner, C. K 29 Garland, Hudson M 10 Gassaway, L. G 11 Getty, Robert 26 Gibson, General Joseph.. 20 Gibbon, J. H 9 Gilman, E 10 Gilpin, Henry D 9 Gillis, Thomas H 26 Gilliss, George .26 Goldsborough, Chas. W..24 Goolrick, ■ 21 Gordon, William A 17 Gordon, Wm 22 Goszler, James 17 Gott, Richard 20 Gough, Stephen 24 Gouge, William M 6 Grammar, F. L 28 Greenhow, R 14 Greenleaf, A 10 Green, Samuel 6 Green, John 24 Greenaugh, J. J 32 Grubb, Samuel 26 Guest, J 8 Gulagar, William 6 vjrunton, Thomas 25 Hagner, John R 25 Hagner, Peter 25 Halter, N 28 Hall, O. S 18 Hanson, J. K 8 Hanson, G. D 30 Hanson, J. M 30 Handy, C 23 Hand, J. W 32 46 INDEX. Pae Hampton, T. R... Harpur, Nicholas 9 Hardin, L. B 23 Harkness, Samuel 30 Harke, R. A 29 Hartley, John F 6 Harrison, G.... 24 Harry, John 25 Harris, James 30 Haskell, D. H 24 Haxtun, W. M 11 Heaton, David 11 Head, G. M 26 Heiskell, H. L 22 Henry, William 11 Hepburn, John M 16 Herbert,N 29 Hetzel, Captain A. K 17 Hibbs, Charles 22 Hicks, William 11 Hill, George 14 Hilleger, A. T 14 Hill, S.H 25 Hines, J 7 Hobbie, S. R 27 Hobbie, Drake 28 Holland, E 14 Holland, John E 26 Hollis, J.W 28 Hood, John 11 Hook, Major J. H 20 Hopkins, T. B 30 Hotchkiss, E 28 Houston, J. H 14 Houston, S. A 30 Howard, D 30 Huger, Captain 20 Hungerford, Henry 11 Hunter, William, Jr 14 Hunt, C 14 Hunter, William 26 Hunter, J 28 Humphreys, Samuel 24 Hyde, Anthony 25 Ingersoll, CM 6 Ingle, W 30 Jackson, Henry 8 James, William 8 Jesup, General Thomas S.17 Johnson, George 7 Johnson, R 22 Johnson, Robert 27 Johnson, Henry 28 Johns, Thomas 32 Jones, Horatio 14 Jones, Roger 14 Jones, Levin 25 Kavanagh, J 16 Kelly, A. B 11 Keller J. P 20 Keller, C. M 32 Kendall, George M 28 Keith, J 17 King, William W 6 King, J. D 14 King, H 28 Knowles, Henry 32 Koones, D 30 Kurtz, Daniel 17 Kyle, A. U 26 Kyle, Alexander 28 Lacy, R. A 28 Larned, James 7 Laub, J. G 7 Laurie, James 8 Lawson, Thomas 22 Lawrenson, J 28 Lawrence, Robert 9 Lawrence, A. H 11 Law, John George... 16 Leak, Nathan 22 Lee, Charles H 16 Leech, D. D. T 28 Leightncr, Hopkins 8 INDEX. 47 Leon, J. V. de I Lewis, William B ....18 Lewis, Samuel 18 Lewis, Edward W 18 Lipscomb, W. C 30 Little, David 32 Lloyd, William 18 Luce, John B 17 Luce, Vinal 22 Lovejoy, John N., Jr 6 Lovejoy, J. N 7 Lowndes, F 9 Lowry, James H 16 Macomb, Alexander 16 Mackall, L 18 Macrae, Captain N. C....20 Macrae, A 28 Mahon, Alexander 7 Manahan, Joseph 25 Marcy, W. L 12 Martin, J. L 13 Markoe, Francis, Jr 14 Markwood,Win 16 Marron, John 27 Marr, J. H 28 Matthews, H. C 25 McCorkle, James R 7 McCleary, James 9 McCormick, A. T 14 McCurdy, Dennis 22 McCorkle, Joseph P 24 McDermott, W 20 McGill, Charles 25 McGill, R. T 26 Mclntire, A. L 32 McKean, Samuel M 6 McPherson, J. D 16 McPherson, Samuel 30 McRoberts, Samuel 11 Page. Mickum, S amuel .24 Middleton, L. J 30 Miller, William 7 Miller, Jesse 7 Miller, M.S 16 Miller, Hezekiah 17 Mix, Charles E 17 Monroe, Columbus 20 Monroe, Charles 30 Moore, James 8 Moore, John M 10 Moore, John P 17 Morton, William 7 Morsell, Richard S 11 Mordecai, Captain 20 Morris, Charles 24 Mountz, Joseph 9 Mountz, G W 30 Mulliken, N 20 Murray, C 11 Mustin, Thomas 14 Muse, Lindsay... 24 Nevius, 14 Nevin, Charles 28 Nicholson, John B 24 Niles, John M 27 Nolluer, J 11 North, JohnB 7 Nourse, Michael 8 Nourse, John 9 Nourse, William 11 Nutt, William D 8 O'Driscoll, C. F 14 Offley, J. H 16 O'Neal, H. G 11 Owner, J., Jr 28 Page, William B 8 Paine, O. S 11 Palacio, L. de 12 Mechlin, William 18|Parris, A. W 17 Mechlin, A. H 26 Parris, Albion K 24 Merriwether, A. G 30. Patterson, Edgar..... 9 48 INDEX. Page. Patterson, M. L 14 Paulding, J.K 23 Pearce, Gideon 25 Perry, Benjamin J 9 Perry, Joseph 27 Pettigrew, Samuel 7 Pew, T.J 11 Petit, C....; 6 Phelps, George 17 Pleasants, B. F 9 Pleasonton, Stephen 14 Poinsett, Joel R 15 Polato, Joseph 16 Polk, J. F 18 Poor, Moses 23 Potts, John 16 Potts, Samuel J 17 Powell, Grafton 11 Prentiss, Wm. H 14 Purrington, T 25 Queen, R. T 18 Quincy, Thomas H 11 Quincy, A. B 11 Quicksall, Joseph 30 Ragsdale, J 21 Rainey, Samuel 20 Randolph, William B 8 Randall, N. A 11 Randall, Henry 26 Ramsay, James M 7 Read, Robert 26 Reaney, L P 16 Reinhart, E. W 11 Reilly,T. B 11 Page. Rind, Samuel S. 26 Roane, J. J 32 Robbins, J. H 30 Rodman, Gilbert 6 Ross, M 28 Rowan, John 12 Russell, William W 23 Saunders, David 29 Schwartz, C 24 Scott, T. A 30 Seaver, Jonathan 24 Seavy, J. D 30 Searight, Captain J. O....20 Schriver, Captain E 16 Selden, William 8 Sessford, John 25 Sherburne, John H 11 Shields, J. W 6 Sibley, Wm. J 29 Simmons, W 11 Simms, J. D 23 Simpson, P 30 Slade,W. O 11 Slye, Thomas G 7 Smallman, Thomas 11 Smith, Andrew 8 Smith, Thomas L 8 Smith, Isaac 11 Smith, Capt. Frederick A. 19 Smith, W.J 20 Smith, A. T 24 Smith, John H 26 Smith, Edward 26 Smith, David 28 Reily, John H 24 Smith, Chauncey. Reily, T. B 28" Reynolds, Joseph 30 Rickets, Robert 14 Rice, Nathan 16 Riddall, W. C 20 Smith, John 28 Smoot, James H 6 Spear, Alexander 14 Staht, J 14 Stark, Henry 24 Ridgely, William G 24Steuart, W. M 22 Ringgold, James S 14|Stephens, Edward 22 INDEX. 49 Page. Steiger, W. T 11 Stone, N 30 Stoae, Henry 32 Strickland, George 32 Stubbs, Edward 14 Stubbs, E.W 14 Stubbs, M.P 14 Sturgeon, J. G 28 Sullivan, J. B 26 Suter, John 29 Sweet, P.H 11 Sweney, P 29 Symington, Captain 20 Sylvester, H. H 22 Taggart, J. B 11 Talcott, Lt. Col 20 Tastet, N 30 Taylor, George 11 Taylor, George 22 Taylor, W. H. S 26 Thaw,John 30 Thomas, Major L 16 Thompson, J 19 Thompson, George 22 Thompson, James 25 Titcomb, J. H 32 Toler, H 12 Toler.W. P 12 Torbert, James M 7 Totten, Colonel J. G 19 Towson, General N 21 Towle, N, C 28 Tschiffely, J. B 11 Underwood, John 7 Vail, Benjamin C 14 VanZandt, N. B 7 VanKlick, L. G 9 VanTyne, John P 26 Vinson, Charles 26 Voorhees, B. M 24 Walker, F.J 14 Wallace, Thomas 7 Page. Wallace, W. F 12 Wallace, R 29 Waring, Basil 9 Waring, Joseph H 9 Waring, B. H 17 Warrington, Lewis 24 Washington, Lund 7 Washington, L., Jr 12 Washington, P. G 29 Washington, P 30 Watson, James 9 Watson, W. H 12 Watts, Richard K 9 Waugh, William B 16 Waugh, T 17 Waugh, J.H 30 Weaver, William A 14 Weaver, C. E 14 Weaver, T. G 14 Weightman, H. T 24 Welsh, George 20 Welsh, Lewis 30 Wells, J., Jr 18 West, John 30 West, William H 8 Wharton, C.H.W 14 Wharton, R. S 30 Wheat, J.H 29 Wheeler, J. P 30 Whitcomb, James 10 Whiting, George C 12 Whitman, Charles 21 Whiting, Major 21 White, Ashton S. H 12 Whitman, H. O 25 White, R 30 Whiting, Henry S 26 Wilson, J. S 12 Wilson, GoorgeW 12 Wilcox, A. F 16 Wilson, Wm 17 Wilson, James 19 50 INDEX. Page. Wilcox, CD 20 Wilson, John D 22 Wilson, T. B. B 30 Willett, Marinus 12 Wolf, Samuel M Williams, Jeremiah 7 Williams, John W 9 Williamson, R. H 12 Woodside, James D 9 Williamson, Joseph 16 Williams, Brooke 16 Williams, H. C 26 Williams, Thomas J 29 Page. Wingerd, John P 12 Windsor, L.B 14 Winne, James 26 12 Woodbury, Levi 6 Wood, George 7 Wood, William 12 Young, McClintock 6 Zantzinger, 22 Zevely, A.N 29 CAPITOL. Page. Committee Rooms, basement floor 33 Committee Rooms, 1st floor 34 Committee Rooms, principal floor 35 Committee Rooms, 3d floor 38 Library of Congress 39 Officers of the Senate 38 Officers of the House 39 Officers of the Supreme Court 40 Officers in charge of Publick Buildings 40 K& GUIDE "STatioual ISvttuUbi <&ffitt& THE CAPITOL UNITED ST A T E S ILI rSTRYTED BY DIAGRAM PLAN'S, DESIGNATING THE SEVERAL EXECUTIVE BUILDINGS, AND THE RELATIVE POSITION OF THE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS, THEIR BUREAUS AND OFFICERS' ROOMS, AND ALSO THE COM- MITTEE ROOMS IN THE CAPITOL. BY ROBERT MILLS ARCHITECT PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Washington: p. force, printer 1841. c — LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 368 960 8 * ■ 111 ■ II mbi ill JB Mas 1 w ■ I