r o K^ Health Strength and Symmetrical De^delopment fulfill WILLIAM A N N A L DUNCAN VIM PUBLISHING COMPANY :: 500 Fifth Avenue NEW YORK Copyrighted by Vim Publishing Co., 1904. I C^'-«^0^^ ^S^?- •Sexual Hygiene. Chapter XII— Impaired Virility. Chapter XIII— Venereal Diseases. Chapter XIV— Sexual Perversions. Chapter XV— Advice to Young Wo- men. Chapter XVI— A Word to Young Men. Chapter XVII— Concluding Remarks. This book covers the ground more completely and scientifically than any other work ever published before. It is our earnest desire that every reader of \'IM should become the owner of a copy, no matter how many similar books he may already possess. Remember, there is nothing else like it, and the following offer should not be neglected. OFFER No. 1— Book will be sent FREE on receipt of $1.50 in payment for subscription to Vim for three years. OFFER No. 2— Book will be sent FREE on receipt of $1.50 in payment for three subscriptions to Vim. OFFER No. 3— Book and subscription to Vim for one year will be sent on receipt of $1.00. Remit in one or two-cent stamps, postal note, express order, etc. Address VIM PUBLISHING COMPANY, S-eV^'^Vk^EYV? Chapter 1— The Ban Upon Sexual Science. Chapter II— The Purpose of Love. Chapter 111— Adaptation in Marriage. Chapter IV — Antagonistic Factors in Adaptation. Chapter V— Temperament and Adap- tation. Chapter VI— The Art of Courtship. Chapter VII— Preservation of Love. ChapterVIII— The Conjugal Relation. The Orvly Combination Bag and Exerciser ir\ the World A PERFECT GYMNASIUM FOR. THE WHOLE FAMILY The Seeret of the Success of the ]5ag-Exerciser is the uiiiQue coinbi- iiation of the striking hag- and ]£lastic Jixerciser ; thus briny^inij; into use the two ber.t and most effective exer- cising devices kiioun tf) the World for Scientific trainiutf ^'"d Home use. When the Combination Exerciser is used as a punching bag, it presents most admirable qualities. It can be reguleted to any speed and permits the execution of all the styles of bag punching employed by professionals. Bag in Action By merely actaching the handles to the end of the cables above the bag, the device becomes, without further adjustment, a perfect pulley exerciser. Can be taken down or put up on three screws anywhere in the home without marring the walls or woodwork. The apparatus is made of the best quality of material and is gttaranteed for one year, including the elastic. The 3ag is made of the best sheepskin leather. Price complete with " Vim Bag- HxerciFer System of }'l:y:;ical Culture," a beautiful chart, illustrating- and describing- all the Uiove- ments wl-.ich can lie made -with this hae, also illustrating a series of exercises to lie used in conucction wiih the lisits Exerciser With one year's subscription to VIM ■^ 5 m25 NOTI-2. — The price of this complete Exer- ciser i;^ less tlian X\y.\\. usually char^:ed for a :iiiid jjuncliing'- bag alone i.r exerciser al.iue. VIM PUBLISHING CO. 500 FiftK Ave. NEW YORK ^5.QO Exerciser in Action "VigoroMs NaivKood NO DOSINGi ' WITH DRUGS ' ^ will bring that perfect health and manly vigor which alone makes tJ ^ life worth living. If you care for the welfare of your own body, and ^ 5 would learn the rules of right living, read the startling little book, ^ 2 15? ^ ^ ^ By DR. WILLIAM GEORGE BOLLER, OsteopaLtKist ^ ^ " \'iGORous Manhood " is the author's original " Men's Pocket ^ ^ Physician " revised, eniarg^ed and profusely illustrated. X ^ It gives rules for health and physiological exercises to keep you ^ 5 well. ^ Ij In plain and easily understood language it describes the symp- ^ ?5 toms of all diseases peculiar to nif-n, and gives directions for their ^ ^ positive cu-e, witKout tKe use of drugs or medicine of w-. "^ ar\y kin It enables you to diagnose your own rase and thus avoid danger ^ 5 of being fleeced by quacks and charlatans ; it teaches you how ^ 5 you may restore yourself to vigorous manhood, without spending ^ ^ a single dollar for medicine, electric belts or other "fake" ^. ^ appliances. ^ 55 The treatment is ea=y to f(»llr)w, involving no hardship or de- <^ S privation of ih.* rational j)leasures of life, aid it will impart ^ new vita.lity, fresh covira>.ge and surprising strength to ^ any man \\ho aeaires 10 reaii.e superbly las Diviue creative i^ powers. <5 No matter if your case be new, or of long standing, you will get ^ immediate relief and ultimate cure, by following the treatment 'Jt, described in this most valuable manual ever published. S A copy of this little book, which can be carried in the pocket, yet 5 which is a scientific treatise by an educated physician, will be ^ sent to any address upon receipt of its price, ONE DOLLAR. ^ With one ) ear's subscription to Vim, $1.25. ^ Whether you are sick or well, you cannot spend that amount S more wisely than by investing it in a copy of "Vigorous ^ Manhood." ^ V. ^ VIM PUBLISHING CO., 500 Fifth Ave, New York ^ ^ ? ^ WKitely Elastic Platform Various devices have been invented aiming to do away with the noise and jar incident to the wooden Bag Platform, but in doing away with the noise, the makers also did away with the platform action and failed accordingly to meet the requirements of the Bag Puncher. THE WHITELY ELASTIC PLATFORM works exactly like a regular gymnasium platform and with the same precision; with it, you may per- form any movement, no matter how intricate, which you could perform on any other platform : the only difference being that the elastic cords which compose the platform proper, yield to the impact of the bag, re- lieving the strain and absorbing the jar, while the leather mufflers reduce the sound and check the vibration. Four screws attach it to any door or window frame. Does not mar the wail or obstruct the light. Adjustable to the height of operator or the width of any door or window. Can be removed from supports and stowed away in a moment. Withstands th t hardest blow, responds to the lightest tap; is very fast and never bursts bag or b adder. All parts warranted, including elastics. Very att -active appearance. Price, without bag, $4.00 ; with bag. $6.00 WitK one year's subscription to VIM, $4.25 VIM PUBLISHING CO. 500 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YOR.K CITY Development of SexuQLl Vitality A 250 psLge book on the SCIENCE OF SEX Free to our Subscribers (Men Only) Ignorance regarding the subject of Sexual Physiology and the relation of man to woman, is the cause of more weakness and misery than the violation of all the other laws of hygiene combined. The world is full of sexual wrecks. A powerfully sexed man or woman is rare. The nervous debility victim's outnumber them ten to one. Why? Because men and women do not understand the science of sex. Ninety-nine married women out of a hundred suffer from some "disorder" because of their husband's ignorance and their own ignorance. \'IM is a magazine devoted to the development of health, strength and vitality. It teaches the science of right living. The care and development of the sexual powers should be given prominence in its pages, but unfortunately* this cannot be done. Therefore this special book on the subject free to our subscribers. With the co-operation of some of the best writers in America on the subject of sexual physiology and sexual hygiene, we have compiled a complete treatise on the subject, entitled "The Care and Development of Sexual Vitality." The book contains 250 pages and is fully illustrated and artistically bound in cloth. This book differs from all others on the subject in that it does not devote its pages to moralizing. It deals with conditions as they are found and not as they should be found. CONTENTS THE SEXUAL FUNCTIONS. ailustrated).— Sexual reproduction. Puberty and its signs; Menstruation; Impregnation; Conception and its signs. Control of Offspring ; regulation of sex and number of offspring. Important facts of vital interest to every man, married or single. SEXUAL DERANGEMENT. — Plain facts in regard to "sexual disorders." The causes explained. The intimate relation existing between the sexual organs and the nervous system- Impotency, its causes and how prevented. The effect of the mind upon the condition of the sexual organs and sexual instinct. Marriage, its relation to health, etc. Diet and its relation to sexual strength. NATURE'S SEXUAL LAWS.- Danger of the violation of this law. Popular beliefs on the subject wrong and misleading. Some vital truths. DPSEASES.— Diseases of the sexual organs. Nature's cure. The danger of quack medicine and quack doctors. Varicocele, Hydrocele, Locomotor Ataxia, Paralysis, etc. Treatment for the various manifestations of these diseases. Exer- cises (illustrated) for stimulating sexual health. A series of movements (illustrated) to re-establish blood circulaf.on to the sexual organs. Hydropathic treatments, etc. GENER.AL COMMENTS.— Comments upon points of vital importance that even most medical writers leave obscure. Plain facts, plainly told. OFFER. No. l.-Book will be servt FR.EE on receipt of $1.50 in pa.yment for subscription to Vim for 3 yea.rs. OFFER. No. 2.— Book will be sent FR.EE on receipt of $1.50 in payment for 3 svibscriptions to Vinrv. OFFER- No. 3.— Book a>.nd subscription to Vim for lyea^r will be sent on receipt of $1.00. 'Remit in one or Ituo-ceni stamps^ poslat note, ejcpress order, etc. ADDRESS VIM PUBLISHING COMPANY 500 Fifth Avenxie NEW YORK The Herculean Exerciser Heaviest in the World This Exerciser is designed especially for persons re= quiring very heavy work THE CABLES ARE MADE OF THE STRONG- EST PURE PARA RUBBER CORD Every pair detachable by means of the Snap Safety Coupling . *. . '. 5 Strand Chest Expand or Wrist Machine can be used separately . *. . *. Price, in Fancy Silk Cable, $3.50 Ordinary $2.50 VIM, PUB, CO,, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York e X \i 8l 1 Physiology By R. T. TRALL M.D, 4-00 Tages, "Bound in Clolh. More than 100 Itlustralionj This is the most exhaustive and practical treatise of this vital subject ever published. The information is romplete and reliable. It should be read by every man and woman. Knowledge along the lines covered means greater vitality, less weakness, and more effective beings. CONTENTS Anatomical Structure. — The Various Organs Embraced in and Appertaining to the Sexual System. — The Ori- gin of Life. — Vital and Chemical Action, Properties of Living Matter. — Sexual and Assexual Generation, — Sexual Relations of Plants — Varietions of Reproduc- tion. — Physiology of Menstruation. — Rationale of the Function. — Character and Function of the Secretion. — Hygiene of Menstruation. — Things that Affect it. — Diet and Care of Body During the Period. — Effect of Mental Attitudes. — Bathing. — Development of the Bust. — Rules and Precautions. — Nature of the Ovum. — Conception; Signs of Pregnancy. — Duration of Pregnancy. — Development of the Embryo. — Child- Birth. — Natural Labor. — The Law of Sex. — The Effects of Child-Bearing. — Regulation of the Number of Offspring. — Regulation of Births. — Social Evil. — Effect of Food and Drink on Sensuality. — Sexual Selection. — Nature of Passion. — Love Habits of Ani- mals. — Love in Man. — Its Power and Variety. — Love's Effect upon the Moral State. — Evolution of the Mar- riage Relation. — Marriage, Celibacy, Polygamy.-— Sex- ual Hygiene. — Injurious Habits. — Sexual Health and General Health Linked. Price ^2.00, postpaid: tt/ii/t year's subscription to X/IM, ^2.2S Vim Publishing Co., 5«^ ^'"''^o^lh THE WHITELY PLATFORM -1 ^(Ktttmt^^jL * f. i The difficulty with most platforms is to get them to stay up when put up. Some won't even go together so you can put them up — warped out of plumb and useless. The Whitely Platform we guar- antee to satisfy the most fastidious Bag Artist, and to be the best work- manship of its kind in the world. Steady as a rock, and absolutely true. PRICE, $4.00 VIM PUBLISHING CO., 500 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK Auto Clutch Exerciser HE inven- tor of this instrument aims at three marked im- provements over the other devices of this class. First, absolute noiseless- ness, which can not be had with a pulley machine. Second, doing-away with the necessity of turning- the exerciser around ; a little matter, perhaps, but one that will appeal to every habitual user. Third, the adap- tation of the pull to the precise action of each group of muscles, a feature which every physician and scientific worker for results will appreciate instantly. May be attached to the door, hinges, or suspended anywhere with two screw hooks. PT? Tr- V coo FIFTH AVENUE im rublishmg Company, ?new york = :'^- ^^;Vj W)6I I 03a LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 714 100 4 %