mmwwaiwi i ••w*" 111 .!! HOW TO HOLD CIRCLES FOR DEVELOPING MEDIUMSHIP AT HOME REV. FRANKLIN A. THOMAS, D.SJ5. ittmmmm ■■■ Class Book.. GojpightN COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. HOW TO HOLD CIRCLES FOR DEVELOPING MEDIUMSHIP AT HOME HOW TO HOLD CIRCLES FOR DEVELOPING MEDIUMSHIP AT HOME BY FRANKLIN A. THOMAS Author of "Soul Science, the Proof of Life After Death", "An Essay on the Laws of Psychic Development", etc. Copyrighted 1916, 1920 by Franklin A. Thomas, D. S. S. All Rights Reserved m 27 1320 BOSTON : MACHINE COMPOSITION CO. PRINTER ©CI.A566762 CONTENTS Page Preface . . . ......... i Information 1 Introduction 4 Poem, "Not the World, but You" .... 9 Lesson No. 1 How to Commence to Concentrate . .11 Lesson No. 2 Development of Concentration ... 16 Lesson No. 3 Favorable Conditions ...... 20 Lesson No. 4 Training the Mind 24 Lesson No. 5 Control of Mind and Body 30 Lesson No. 6 The Value of Thought 34 Lesson No. 7 Know Yourself . ■ 38 Lesson No. 8 How to Select Your Controls ... 44 Lesson No. 9 How to Develop Physical Phases ... 56 Lesson No. 10 How to Exercise Physical Phases ... 65 Lesson No. 11 How to Develop Spiritual Healing . .71 Lesson No. 12 How to Treat at a Distance with or without the Knowledge of the Pa- tient 78 Poem, "Secret Thoughts" 86 PREFACE The author of this book has been a staunch Spiritualist, Lecturer, Medi- um, Healer, Teacher and writer for more than twenty years, has traveled extensively, and is still devoting all his energies to promote the cause of Truth. He knows it is his duty, as well as that of everyone else, to help a brother or a sister seeking Truth. Therefore, he presents to the public this book, worded so plainly that any one reading it can understand the secrets of life. If the readers will follow the instruc- tions contained herein, their influence will be such as to favorably affect all those with whom they come in contact. For he that knoweth himself is greater than he that conquereth a city. INFORMATION We want to call your attention to the first few lines of Lesson 1, which direct you to "sit alone or with your friends." Unless you have a congenial circle of friends with whom to sit, we should advise you to sit alone. Read the first lesson several times until you thor- oughly understand it, then practise it several times before taking up the next lesson. Continue to read and practise each lesson as you should do, and we know you will be more than pleased and surprised at the result. Do not expect that you will get any results or mani- festations of any kind by merely glan- 2 Development of Mediumship cing through the instructions in this book and then because you do not see the Spirits, throw it down and say, "This book is no good." If you do so, vou are the one that is at fault, for if you desire earnestly to learn, you will have to read and practise and follow each lesson to the letter. Then you will get results. The more you read and practise each Lesson, the better you will understand and the better results you will have. If you will follow the lessons in this book of Instructions, you will have con- trol over yourself, become a power for good in your day and generation, make your mark in the world and be a credit to yourself and to those who love you ; while as you are at the present time, what good do you accomplish in life? Information 3 Remember, there are many blessings in store for you if you will open the door of your soul to receive them. If you desire those blessings, follow these In- structions to the letter. The more diffi- cult it is for you to learn, the more faithfully must you study and practise to attain results. INTRODUCTION Since early childhood I could see spirits and other things around people. I supposed that every one could see the same as I, and thought nothing of it until I became interested in Spiritual- ism, i Then I found that I had the wrong idea, and that everyone could not see what I could; so I began to in- vestigate for myself. When I commenced to develop, I went from Medium to Medium. While in the home of the Medium I could see spirits, and would feel happy, but when I would leave the Medium's home I was worse off than when I went in. While Introduction 5 there, I could see and describe spirits which were the Medium's guides or con- trols, but when I would leave I could not take the Medium's spirits or controls with me; therefore I was in a worse condition than before. Around every person are spirits, wherever he goes or whatever he does. Spirits are always trying to impress him to do something. Therefore, in- stead of my trying to get acquainted with my own spirit guides, I was driv- ing them farther and farther from me. If you want any friends here on earth, you must talk to them, and when they visit you, welcome them to your home, so they will come again. It is the same with spirits. Get acquainted with the spirits that control you, for you can have your con- 6 Development of Mediumship trol with you all the time and be happy all through life. Why, this is a beauti- ful world! There is everything in it for us. It is for us to choose and by so doing, we make this world just what we wish it, for as we think so are the spirits attracted to us. There are all kinds of people living, honest, dishonest, treacherous, etc. There are just the same in the spirit world, and the spirits are right here, trying to impress us to do the same as they did when they were living in their bodies. It behooves every one, there- fore, to know himself and, by develop - ing, to be able to see what spirits are around him and to guard against the vampire spirits who are among us. After spending so much time and money among Mediums, I find there is Introduction 7 a way to develop at one's home or among friends, and that is by concentration. Dictionaries define concentration as, "to bring toward a common center"; "to bring into a closer union" ; "to con- dense". They give the meaning of con- centration, but do not tell how to concentrate; nor does any book that I have read. Therefore, I will explain it so that anyone can read and understand these instructions. For years steam was talking through the tea-kettle in every home, until Mr. Watt demonstrated its true value. Electricity was running wild until Mr. Morse caught and harnessed it. What a wonder ! No one knows what he can do until he tries. It is only those who try, that accomplish anything; and those who can concentrate are the only 8 Development of Mediumship ones who enjoy the blessings of this life. Anyone can learn to concentrate. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Clair- sentience, are natural as our other senses. All use them but do not know it. Every person has some phase of Mediumship within him if he would only develop it, and would thus be able to receive spirit communication from some dear one. Faith has nothing to do with your developing. If you will follow these in- structions you will be more than sur- prised at what you will see through concentration. The more you concen- trate, the more you will see and in a short time you should be able to see spirits around any and every one. INSPIRATIONAL POEM NOT THE WORLD, BUT YOU You say that the world misused you, That everything goes dead wrong; That the right is hot triumphant, That the weak bows to the strong, Look up, Oh despairing brother, Why take such a morbid view? Don't blame the world for your troubles, It isn't the world ; it's you. 'Tis the coward who quits to mis- fortune, 'Tis the knave who changes each day; 'Tis the fool who wins half the battle, Then throws all his chances away. You say that the world oppresses, That it will never treat you square; That evil and vice are rampant, That misery's everywhere. 10 Development of Mediumship You argue you have no chances Of working your passage through; Did you ever stop to consider It isn't the world; it's you? There is little in life but labor, And tomorrow may find that a dream ; Success is the pride of endeavor, And luck's but a meteor's gleam. You tell me the world is fickle And wicked and harsh and stern ; That everything's set against you, No matter which way you turn. But why be so pessimistic? Get wise to my timely cue ; Don't growl at the world, my brother ; It isn't the world ; it's you. The time to succeed is when others Discouraged, show traces of tire, The battle is fought in the home-stretch, And is won twixt the flag and the wire. — F. A. T. HOW TO HOLD CIRCLES FOR DEVELOPING MEDIUMSHIP AT HOME LESSON NO. 1 HOW TO COMMENCE TO CONCENTRATE Select some hour, day or night, to sit alone or with your friends. Unless you have a circle of congenial friends with whom to sit, we should advise you to sit alone, and read, study and practise the following instructions to the letter, until you understand them thoroughly. Then if you can get your friends to- gether and they are in harmony, or- ganize a class. After you have organized your class 12 Development of Mediumship do not take any new members or allow any one in the room except the class. Have the room quiet. All sit around a plain, board table. Place all hands, rest- ing easily, on the table. If you are sit- ting at home, around a table or stand, remove all articles from it. If you have neither table nor stand to sit at, sit with hands in your lap, palms up, feet on floor. Sit up erect in your chair. Elevate the head a little. Do not have the light shining too brightly in your face. Never turn the light out. Always sit in the light if you want to develop mental phases, and you will develop and see in the light. Close the eyes and all repeat together in a moderate tone, "Good Spirits," and keep repeating "Good Spirits," for one minute. How to Concentrate 13 Whoever has charge of the class should have a watch and keep time each sitting, and, at the end of the first sit- ting, should finish by saying, "Welcome Good Spirits, Welcome Good Spirits, Welcome." All should follow the leader by saying the same thing at the same time. The leader should ask everyone in the class what was seen, whether any impression was received or whether any raps were heard. If so they should speak of it. One rap means "No;" two raps, "Don't know;" three raps, "Yes." After this, all should concentrate again for two minutes, and the leader should close the same as at the first sitting. Always give each one a chance to give out whatever he sees or the impres- sion he gets. The leader should always 14 Development of Mediumship see that everyone it sitting according to instructions before commencing to concentrate. After you have concentrated two minutes, three times, then concentrate three minutes at a time for the rest of the hour. Always start at the same hour. If you want to talk or visit, do it before or after the class. While in the class, pay strict attention to the leader or the instructions. Those who can not do so had better leave the class, as they hinder the other sitters. Faith has nothing to do with your sitting or development. The object of saying and repeating "Good Spirits," orally is to assist concentration, when you first start. By saying "Good Spir- its," you are attracting to you "Good Spirits," and they will impress you to How to Concentrate IS do good, the same as they did while they were living. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." The more you concentrate at your home, or when you are at your work, the more easily you learn. The class should all meet once or twice a week. LESSON NO. 2 DEVELOPMENT OF CONCENTRATION After the class is seated at the table, the leader should always ask how many- times each one has concentrated since the class last met, and that everyone give his experience. The leader should then start the class the same as in the preceding lesson, except that instead of concentrating one minute, the class should concentrate three minutes and close by saying the same as in first sit- ting. At the end of each sitting, each one should be allowed to give out what- ever he sees or the impression he gets while saying "Good Spirits," etc. After sitting three times of three Developing Concentration 17 minutes duration, then sit three times of four minutes duration, then five min- utes at each sitting for the rest of the hour. Always remember to do your visiting before or after the class. While in the class talk only about what you or the others see. If no one sees or gets any impression, you should start at once to concentrate. Do not miss a class; and do not allow any one except a member of the class to be in the room, and do not allow any one to disturb the class in any way while con- centrating. In the first or second class while you are concentrating and saying "Good Spirits/' you should see something like mists or cobwebs, or it may be a form of something that passes in front of you. That is always the first and best 18 Development of Mediumship indication that some spirit is trying to manifest or show you something. Do not be afraid. It is the living that will harm you, not the dead. Always welcome what you see. It may be at the very next class, that what you saw may re-appear in a form that you can recognize. You will notice changed conditions at every class, and the more you concentrate, the more and more plainly you will see until, in time, instead of seeing mists and the like, you will see spirits around every person and around yourself. Remember, you will never see a spirit with material eyes, you will see spirits only with the spirit eyes. All persons have spirits with them, and can see them if they have their spiritual eyes open; but they can see Developing Concentration 19 materialized spirits with the natural eye. Then you do not see the spirit, only the material form it assumes. The moment a person passes out of this life, his spirit enters into the spirit world and takes on spiritual clothing. People here do not appear in the nude, neither do they in the spirit world. When we see a spirit, we see it clothed with spiritual clothing, with the same color or shade of clothing it used to wear while living. LESSON NO. 3 FAVORABLE CONDITIONS Always follow the instructions given in the first lesson, except as to length of sitting. Concentrate five minutes at a sitting for three times, then seven minutes at each sitting for the rest of the hour. At this lesson everyone in the class should have seen some spirits or it may be a hand, arm or head, or some scen- ery ; it may be your old home or a place you have never seen, some city, river, lake or mountain, tall or odd buildings, steamboats or animals. Again the leader should always ask everyone in tlie class, calling them by Favorable Conditions 21 name, to give out whatever he or she saw or the impression received or the sensations felt in the body and arms. Everyone in the class sees, hears, feels or gets some impression and must speak of it. The only way you will ever see or develop, is by giving out what you receive. It may seem foolish to you to give out such things as you see; or it may be of no direct value to you or any- one else in the class, but it may open the way so that you can see greater things that will be useful to you or the class. If you are not willing to give out what you see, hear and feel, or the im- pression you get while you are sitting in the class, you had better leave it. When you concentrate at home sit in a quiet room. Do not speak too loudly 22 Development of Mediumship while sitting. If you have neither table nor stand to sit at, sit straight in your chair with the palms of your hands turned up. Concentrate the same as though you were sitting at the table. You will notice a cool sensation at the ends of your fingers and in the palms of your hands that you would not feel if you had your hands clasped on your knees. Always remember while sitting at the table, or with your hands turned over on your lap, never to force your fingers out straight; as by so doing you cannot relax or become as passive as you would if you were sitting with your hands re- laxed. If you sit with just the fingers on the edge of the table, the weight of the arms will pull the fingers off the ta- ble when you relax. Sit with your arms Favorable Conditions 23 far enough on the table, so that when they relax they will be resting easily. If your clothing is too tight or you are not sitting as comfortably as you might, you cannot easily relax. When you are sitting for concentration, do not think about your work or business or what you are going to eat tomorrow for breakfast; but give up every other thought except "Good Spirit." You will then relax, become passive, receive im- pressions, and see things you could not see otherwise. LESSON NO. 4 TRAINING THE MIND Commence to concentrate seven min- utes at a sitting, for three sittings; then concentrate ten minutes at each sitting for the rest of the hour. Always follow the instructions given in the first lesson. If you have been sitting at home as you should do, you will begin to see a great many things at each sitting, see them plainly and feel different influ- ences all around your head, face, arms and body. Those are spirit forces work- ing over your body. They are prepar- ing it so they can use it. For instance, if you have always lived in a nice, clears Training the Mind 25 house, when you wish to move, you will look for another just as clean, or will insist upon having it cleaned and re- paired, and all odors, such as that of liquor and tobacco, removed. Would you invite a relative or dear friend you have not seen for some time, to come and see you in a dirty house? That is what you are doing when you are call- ing on the "Good Spirits/' if you are not prepared to receive them properly. Every time you say "Good Spirits," you are drawing them nearer to you and welcoming them also. Now open the door of your soul and let them in. The spirits use your body as a means of manifestation. If you want the "Good Spirits" to use your body, you must think the very best thoughts and lead good lives. Stand 26 Development of Mediumship up and look the world in the face. Be a man among men and a woman among women. Just the kind of life you are living here, you will live in the spirit world. When you are angry you have the an- gry spirit within you and when you are kindly disposed, you have that kindly spirit within you. Our lives are as we think. When we are crying, we are thinking of some- thing sad and that something has con- trol of us. Just as when we are laugh- ing, we are thinking or hearing some- thing that pleases us, which something has control of us at that moment. That is what we are. This is a beautiful world ! There is everything in it for us, and we can choose either good or evil. Remember Training the Mind 27 all evil is undeveloped good. What is your choice? You can either laugh or cry. You want to feel happy and you want to do right. Then why will you allow yourself to be led astray and do things contrary to your will, when there are so many good spirits in the spirit world that will help you, if you are will- ing to open the door of your soul? If you desire these blessings, follow these instructions to the letter. Start at the first lesson and you will never regret it. The harder it is for you to learn to concentrate, the more and longer you should study. Some will learn, and get impressions, see and describe spirits, sooner than others, as some are more sensitive or mediumistic than others, and thus learn more quickly. There are some children 28 Development of Mediumship who could play any kind of musical in- strument from the time they were big enough to handle it, yet they had to learn the notes before they could play well. Other children who could not play at first, after sufficient study, will be- come good musicians. It may be that way with you. You can learn to concentrate if you will get down to business and get con- trol over your mind. The mind is like a spoiled child who has always had its own way. When the mother tries to control it, she finds she has something to do. Just so when we concentrate, we find we have a task before us. It is hard to do at first, but after taking a few lessons it will become easier. Parents, take your little ones some- time during the day, into a room, sit Training the Mind 29 down with them and have them all re- peat with you, "I want to be good," "I want to be good," and repeat the same about five minutes each day and in a short time you will notice a change com- ing over the children. They will do bet- ter and learn more at school. LESSON NO. 5 CONTROL OF MIND AND BODY Commence to concentrate by first sit- ting ten minutes; and for the rest of the hour, fifteen minutes at each sitting. Each one should tell what he has seen while sitting, either at home or in the class. After you have learned to concen- trate fif ten minutes at a sitting without yawning or coughing, you are getting control over your mind and body, and will soon be able to see your own spirit leave your body. While yawning and coughing in the midst of a circle you let in other spirits. If you have control Control of Mind and Body 31 over your mind, you can keep them out. At night, while you sleep, your mind and body are so thoroughly relaxed that your spirit sometimes leaves the body, and in the morning you can remember the vision, popularly known as dreams. Everyone must relax before he can go to sleep. That is why so many persons who cannot relax, cannot sleep. If they could do so they would go to sleep at once and would wake up in the morn- ing feeling refreshed. If people would relax they would not suffer so much pain and sickness. When you concentrate you become relaxed in both body and mind, your spirit is getting control of your body and you will see things that you could not see otherwise. If at 32 Development of Mediumship first we had told you that you would see the things you are now beginning to see, you would not have believed us. You do not have the slightest idea what you will see, if you will continue to concentrate. Remember there is no one perfect. No one knows it all in this or the other life. The more you concentrate, the more you will see. The importance of concentration cannot be too strongly emphasized, nor its effect upon us both in the present and future life. No one can make a success of any business, unless he keeps his mind on it. When you write a letter, you must center your mind on what you are writ- ing, or what kind of a letter will it be? You will go to some quiet room where there is no noise or other distraction, so Control of Mind and Body 33 that you can think what you are doing without interruption. When you have gained perfect con- trol over your mind and body, you can go into a room where there is ever so much noise, and write a letter without being disturbed by it. Before you learned concentration, you could not have written where there was noise. LESSON NO. 6 THE VALUE OF THOUGHT Commence now to concentrate fifteen minutes at a sitting, and continue to concentrate fifteen minutes at each sit- ting for the rest of the hour. The leader should be sure to ask all the members to give out in the class what they see there, and at home, while sitting. Always remember, it is not so much what you see that develops you, as that which you give out. You may only see or get one impression. Just as soon as you speak of that, you will see or get other impressions. Remember, any one can develop by sitting at home, if he will follow these The of Thought 35 instructions, but if you can get a con- genial class of people to sit with you they will help you, and you will help them. If you cannot have those that are congenial, sit alone. By sitting in a class with several people there is more power. The greater power, the strong- er are the manifestations, and the easier to concentrate. By sitting and putting your hands on the table, you draw something from wood, that you could not get if you had your hands on your lap. The more you concentrate, the far- ther your mind is getting away from your body. By closing the eyes you are shutting out the material things. It also helps you to relax, and you become more passive. Concentration becomes easier than 36 Development of Mediumship when you commenced sitting in the class. By all speaking out loudly, so that you can hear one another say "Good Spirits/' you are getting control over your mind and you are welcoming the spirits to you. Your mind is now getting in condition so that they can use it. They will impress you and you will see things that you would never have seen if you had not learned to concen- trate. The best musician in the world can- not play on your piano if it is all out of tune. The keys of the piano are what the musician plays on. Just so, our mind is the key-board on which all spirits must play. If that is out of tune, the body is out of tune also. You must have a healthy mind or you will never have a healthy body. The Value of Thought 37 The only way to have a healthy body is to think healthy thoughts; and the only way to think healthy thoughts is to keep those thoughts in your mind, by means of concentration. If you will allow the thought it will lead to an act. Repeat the act and you form a habit. Continue the habit and it will shape your character. Develop the character and it will fix your destiny. Our destiny is just what we make it. We can make our mind and body weak or strong, according to the nature of our thoughts. As thoughts are things, each thought has its color, and each col- or has its vibration. The walls of our home are pictured with our thoughts. A thought will make you laugh or cry. A thought may cause you to pass out, LESSON NO. 7 KNOW YOURSELF Concentrate fifteen minutes at each sitting throughout the hour. If every- one in the class has followed to the let- ter, all the instructions in the class, and while sitting at home, and has given out whatever he received while in the class or at home, he should be able by now, to see spirits or something around each one in the circle. The leader should ask all, one at a time, to stand up, close their eyes, and give out what comes to them. As soon as they stand up, they will see or get some impression about some one in the class and should speak about it. If it Know Yourself 39 is not recognized, do not get discour- aged; but get up again whenever you have a chance and give out whatever comes to you. If any one while sitting in the class or at home, goes to sleep or is not concentrating, do not disturb him. If he is talking aloud he will soon stop and may say, "why, I was asleep." It was not a sleep but a trance. Ask him to tell all he saw while in that sleep. There may be some in the class who want to speak while entranced. Do not bother or touch them while they are un- der such conditions, although you may have to hold the class over the hour. You will see by this time that you will not have to concentrate so long in the class. You will all see more and it will take longer to talk about it. It is not so much what you see, as what you give 40 Development of Mediumship out that develops you. By repeating 'Good Spirits," at all the classes as well as while sitting at home, and by speak- ing out loudly, you are getting control over your mind so that you can keep it on one thing for fifteen minutes. That means that you have learned to control your mind. Mind either controls your body, which is matter, or matter controls mind. If mind controls matter, you are a man, but if matter controls mind, you are a slave. In the latter case your habits have got beyond your control. If you can concentrate your mind on "Good Spirits," for fifteen minutes, you can concentrate your mind on your business. Wherever you look you will see life, and things that you never Know Yourself 41 would have seen if you had not learned to concentrate. Before you commenced to concentrate you would only take a glimpse at things and pay no further attention to them; but now you have control over your mind. Your mind is not rambling. You can use it for your own good. If you have not control over your mind you should take more time, and concen- trate longer. The more you can con- centrate, the stronger your will power, the more you will attract to you. You will also have more power over your mind and body. You will have better control over yourself and others. We must have control over ourselves or how can we expect others to have respect for us? We must love ourselves or how can we expect others to love us? 42 Development of Mediumship We must understand ourselves or how can we expect others to understand us. We have no right to judge others when we do not know ourselves. We judge others according to our own mind and our way of thinking. When you are crying, you have wrin- kles in your face. The more you cry, the deeper become those wrinkles, until after a while you look as if you were al- ways crying. Just so when you are laughing, or when you think deeply, your thoughts are reflected in your face. Our body, mind and spirit are a reflec- tion of our past thoughts. We can, and have a right to, change our entire being by changing our thoughts right now, and thus become better men and women. The better you are, the more you will love and be lpved. Know Yourself 43 For "God is love and he that loveth not, knoweth not God." LESSON NO. 8 HOW TO SELECT YOUR CONTROLS Commence to concentrate fifteen minutes at each sitting throughout the hour. Follow all the instructions when you are in the class, and when you are sitting alone. Then call on the spirit guide which you have selected. You have a right to, and do, select your company here on earth. You have the same right to select what spirit you want for a guide. The kind of life you live here on earth you will live in the spirit world. When the spirit leaves the body it will try to find some one, still living in the body, that it can impress to do the same as How to Select Your Controls 45 it did. In other words, as you live here on earth you will live in the spirit world. Where do all these millions and mil- lions of spirits go to when they leave their bodies? They remain here to progress and help others. Why? Be- cause there is no place for them to go but right here which is both Earth and Heaven. You and I are as much in Heaven (the Spirit World) as we shall ever be, but we are living in a material body, and can see only material things with our material eyes. You look through a green glass and everything you see is green. Just so with the material eyes. Everything you see with these eyes is material. You can only see spirits with your spiritual eyes. 46 Development of Mediumship If you have not made up your mind as to the kind of life you want to live, you should do so at once and select some one who lived that kind of life while in the body. That spirit may be trying to find someone that it can impress to live the same kind of a life as it lived while in the body. If you call on it, it will come to you. Now you have selected some spirit you want for a guide. Call on it like this, when you are sitting alone : "Mrs. May M. Jones, Mrs. May M. Jones, Mrs. May M. Jones, Mrs. May M. Jones, my Spirit Guide, come and manifest thy- self to me, I pray thee. Mrs. May M. Jones, Mrs. May M. Jones, Mrs. May M. Jones, Mrs. May M. Jones, my Spirit Guide, come and manifest thyself to me, I pray thee !" How to Select Your Controls 47 Always call your guide by the first name, middle letter and surname. Re- member, there are more than one Mrs. Jones in the Spirit World, and we know you do not want all of the Mrs. Jones' who are there, as your guides. There- fore, call on the one you want by the full name, and continue this for fifteen minutes at each sitting. When you are in the class say "Good Spirits, ,, as usual. Now, that you have chosen a guide, you will soon see the Spirit when you call on it to come and manifest to you. It will not manifest in the material form, only in spirit, if you have never seen your guide in the flesh. When you have seen your spirit guide try to get a photograph and compare it with the spirit as you see it. From time to time 48 Development of Mediumship you will be impressed with the condi- tion under which your spirit guide for- merly lived. This condition may be sometimes sad, sometimes happy. The first time you take on the con- dition, it will be the strongest. You may only take on this condition two or three times and then it will leave you. Talk to your spirit guides the same as you would to a person. Tell them not to throw that or any other condition over you that you do not like. It may be that the spirit while in the body never knew you, does not know the kind of life you have lived, or want to live. Talk to your spirit guides. Tell them the kind of life you want to live, and that you are willing that they should lead you as long as they will lead or impress you aright. How to Select Your Controls 49 Remember there is no one on earth with perfect knowledge, neither is there in the spirit world. Never ask the spir- its to help you do anything wrong, and never lose your own individuality if you can help it. It may be the spirit will have to en- trance you for a while before it can use you. If you are not entranced, it can- not use you. Just as soon as you go in- to a trance the controlling spirit can use you. Therefore you should know who the spirit is, before you allow it to throw this condition over you. That is what we mean by losing your own individ- uality. Do not allow every spirit that comes along to entrance you because it may want to. You should have become suffi- ciently developed by this time to know 50 Development of Mediumship what phase or phases of mediumship you would like to follow. You may have one or more phases of mediumship with- in you. Whatever phase or phases you have, if you could select some one who had followed that phase of mediumship while living, his spirit would impress you more strongly than any other spirits. If you do not know any one who had followed that phase read the history of some one who practised it. It is advis- able to follow whatever phase your spir- its suggest. If it is writing, get paper and pencil, place them on the table or stand, while you are sitting. The spirits may impress you to write or may take control of your hand and write, or they may want you to get a slate and pencil. If they don't want to How to Select Your Controls 5 1 use the pencil, they will materialize one and write with it. If you feel like us- ing a trumpet, get one and set it on the table. If it is a spirit that followed that phase of work while living it will im- press you just how to sit. Always remember this, that there is progression in the spirit life as there is in earth life. You can teach people here in body, so you can teach spirits in the spirit world what you want them to do. You may have sever- al spirit controls. One may control you while you are speaking, another while you are giving messages or writ- ing, another speaking through the trumpet or materializing. You should have one leading control, that is, one that has control over all your guides. There are selfish spirits, the same as 52 Development of Mediumship selfish mortals. One spirit may want to use you all the time and not give any other spirit a chance. Speak to your leading guide, the same as you would to your foreman if you had several men working for you. Just so, give your leading control orders as to what you want done, and he or she will tell the other guides what to do. Remember you do not have to do everything your guides wish. You may have selected a father or brother who may be very dear to you and may be good in every way with the exception of some bad habit formed while in the flesh, and he may try to get you to fol- low his bad habits. Every time the spirit wants you to do something wrong, and you refuse, you are reforming that spirit. There How to Select Your Controls 53 are all classes of mortals on earth, and it is just so in the spirit world. You will see them more and more as you develop, wherever you go. When you are sitting at home or in the class, about the first impression or spirit you will see will be an Indian. Why? Because Indians live nearer to Nature's laws than the white men. They are taught to believe that when they die they go to a happy hunting ground, not a way above the clouds, or in the bowels of the earth, but right here on this earth ; therefore it is easier for their spirits to show themselves or impress you first. Their spirits always give us great strength. They make good guides, especially for those who follow Spiritual Healing. Again we want you to be careful 54 Development of Mediumship whom you select as guides. Do not select George Washington, Lincoln, Mc- Kinley,or any great man or woman. Re- member, the same spirit cannot be in New York and California at the same moment, but the spirit can be here one minute and there the next, therefore, suppose there were several Mediums who had the same spirits as guides and all were speaking at the same hour in different parts of the country. The same spirit could not impress all at the same minute on different sub- jects. Think well before you choose, and do not change guides every day, for when you once have selected a guide he is building up a strong force around you. When he cannot impress you any more, he will leave you ! When he does How to Select Your Controls 55 he will take away with him everything he gave you. Your entire future life depends upon whom you choose for your guides. If you will follow out and live according to these instructions the best spirits are none too good to be your controls. LESSON NO. 9 HOW TO DEVELOP PHYSICAL PHASES In previous lessons we have been de- veloping the Mental phases. Let us now consider the developing of the physi- cal phases. Concentrate fifteen min- utes, then turn out all the lights, make the room as dark as you can. All sit around the table with hands placed as usual. Keep your eyes open, all concen- trate. Look around each other, and around the room. After concentrating awhile, all join in singing. Concentrate the same as before, with eyes open, and look around. Sit the way you get the best manifesta- tion, for the rest of the hour. The lead- Developing Physical Phases 57 er should always ask all what they get and under what conditions they get the best results, singing or concentrating. In the last lesson we asked you to select a Guide. You have all been sit- ting in the class, concentrating, and have control over your minds and bod- ies. By all sitting in the dark, it is easier for the spirits to give physical manifestation. You will then know what phase of mediumship you possess and can choose such a spirit for your guide as is manifested to you. When sitting at home, in your room, in the dark, always keep your eyes open. Do not ask any one in to sit with you but members of the class, until you have strongly developed, or until the spirit has become strong. Keep the room dark, and do not allow any one to make 58 Development of Mediumship the room suddenly light, as by so doing they may injure the medium, so that he or she may not be able to get any manifestations for perhaps months. We have heard of cases where some one would throw a flash light on the medium when there would be a spirit trying to materialize. The sudden flash of light almost caused the medium to pass out. When using a cabinet, if you invite your friends in, always be sure to let every one who wants to, examine the cabinet. Do so before you turn out the light. The spirit may be able to show itself in a room dimly lighted. The medium should fix a cabinet in the cor- ner of the room by using black cloth, and making the corner as dark as pos- sible. Developing Physical Phases 59 The medium should go inside the cab- inet and sit down on a chair. Have the room very dimly lighted. Have your friends come into the room and all join in singing a song, or several songs. You do not have to concentrate aloud. When the medium has sat inside the cabinet half an hour, if the conditions are right in the room, he should get some results. If the conditions are not right he will not get anything. If you do not get results the next night you sit in the cabinet, get different people to sit in the room with you. Do not become discouraged if you do not get anything for several sittings, The best mediums will fail sometimes if the conditions are not right. Any one can give you the best flower that ever bloomed, and if the room is too hot it 60 Development of Mediumship will wilt, if too cold it will freeze. You must have the room at just the right temperature or the flower will die. Just so with spiritual manifestations. That is why we have been teaching you how to concentrate; so that you can make the conditions right with yourself. Before you commenced to concen- trate, certain spirits could not or would not come to you, because there were not right conditions around you. You may even have the right condition with your- self, but when others come in, or you go out to one's home, the conditions may Le so strong that they overpower your own condition. Your spirit guide will not, or can not work where there are such conditions. It is not your fault, nor the fault of your guides, for they Developing Physical Phases 61 cannot manifest unless the conditions are right. Your guides should tell you, after all people have come in and before you go into the cabinet, if the conditions are good. You should have some one out- side the cabinet to explain to the people what to say, or do when a spirit mate- rializes in any way, and about the re- quired conditions. If a spirit shows it- self, and asks if there is any one that recognizes it, do not allow anyone to touch or try to catch the spirit. If the spirit is strong enough it will come out and talk and tell who it is. Remember, every one in the class may not have that materializing phase of mediumship. Some may have men- tal phases such as Clairvoyance, Clair- audience, Clairsentience or Inspira- 62 Development of Mediumship tion. Sitting in a dark room will not develop any of those Mental phases. Sitting in the dark will help to develop only physical phases, such as spirits speaking through the trumpet, mate- rialization, and writing on slate, etc. Spirits can rap in the daylight but can rap stronger in the dark. You should all hear raps while sitting in the class. One rap means, "No;" two raps, "Don't know;" three raps, "Yes." If you want to know who the spirit speaking to you is, and do not see it, call out the letters of the alphabet and when you get to the right letter it will rap. That will be the first letter of the name. Then start at the first letter again and continue the same each time until it raps. The letter indicated will spell the name. Developing Physical Phases 63 Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clair- sentience, and Inspiration, are the most natural gifts and are most easily de- veloped. They are used more than any other. In fact all use those gifts but do not know it. When you speak, what is it that speaks through you but spirit? Your flesh can not speak a word; if it is the flesh that speaks, why does not the body stand up and speak after the spirit leaves it? Because it cannot. There- fore it is the spirit that speaks. It uses the body and physical organs, and works through our body, which is like the house in which we live. We can open the doors of our house and invite any one in that we please. Just so with our spirits. We can let any spirit come in that we want, and 64 Development of Mediumship take charge of our body. Spirit is life and cannot die. God is life and God is love and when you love yourself, you will love God. LESSON NO. 10 HOW TO EXERCISE PHYSICAL PHASES At this sitting, each member may exercise any phase desired, whether use of trumpet, tambourine, banjo, guitar, or slate. Sit around the table for fif- teen minutes with light burning, eyes open. Concentrate mentally, that is, keep the one thought in your mind. The leader will tell you when the fifteen minutes are up. Place the instrument on the table, move back from the table far enough to form a circle, and all take hold of hands. If you wish, you may rest your pencil and slate or paper in your lap. When all are ready, turn out the light 66 Development of Mediumship and commence to sing some song you all know. Keep your eyes open and watchful. Whatever you see, speak of it, and keep on singing while others are talking. Sing and speak in a mild tone of voice. By this time you will be impressed as to what to do. If the spirits want you to stop singing and commence to concentrate, do so. Hereafter, when- ever you sit in the class, concentrate in the way you get the best results. By sitting in the light around the table you are helping those to develop who have the mental phases ; by sitting half of the time in the dark you are helping those to develop who have the physical phase of mediumship. No one can live to himself alone. We are setting an example every day of our Exercising Physical Phases 67 lives. We do not know a new letter or a new word. In fact there is nothing new. Every word we speak and every word we utter or thought we think has been spoken or thought by some one else. When any one thinks he is made of a little better piece of clay than any one else, you can set him down as a piece of earthen ware half baked. There are only two things in this world, that is, spirit and matter. Even though you destroy matter spirit will remain. If you have been paying strict attention to these instructions in the class, and sitting at home, and study- ing, and practising each lesson, you should be able to notice a great change in your life. If you have not noticed a change do not despair and give up, but 68 Development of Mediumship go right home and commence at the very first lesson and go over all the lessons again. The great Power that created us, created us all equal. Therefore we can all do the same if we will practise. There are three classes of people in this world, the wills, the can'ts, and the won'ts. The first accomplish every- thing, are prosperous and happy; the second always fail, through want of confidence ; the third don't want to ac- complish anything. All who will follow these instructions will make a Heaven right here, and be happy for all time to come. They will not try to find fault or try to pick out the faults of their neighbors. Even if they do see their neighbors' faults, they will not talk about them, but will see Exercising Physical Phases 69 only the good, and will try to magnify it; for the more good you see in your neighbor, the more good you attract to yourself. You should not dare judge a brother, because as we judge a brother we only judge ourselves; neither should you curse a brother, because by so doing, you would only curse yourself. We know that as we do unto a broth- er we do unto ourselves ; for we are all part of the Great Spirit. We will know who and where God is, that Heaven and Hell are only conditions of the mind, and that we make our own Heaven or Hell, every moment of our lives, by al- lowing good or evil spirits to come in and impress us. You never see anything growing that is decayed. Everything that grows is 70 DevelopxMent of Mediumship good. If you do not take care of it, when it is ripe, it will decay. It is not the fault of the fruit that it decays. Remember all evil is undeveloped good. We can all be good if we want to, by cultivating the good, and it will grow. It is easier to tell the truth than to make up a lie. The truth is natural to all, while you have to study to make up a lie. We are placed in this world as free moral agents. It is for us to choose just the kind of life we will live. We are held strictly responsible for all our wrong doing in this life. If we will allow everyone to influence us, it is our own fault, and we will suffer when we do wrong. When we do right we feel happy, when we do wrong we feel sorry, $nd it causes us to suffer at onge* LESSON NO. 11 HOW TO DEVELOP SPIRITUAL HEALING Sit the same as for the development of Mediumship. Instead of saying, "Good Spirits/' when you concentrate, say "Perfect Health," and keep repeat- ing it at each sitting. Sit fifteen min- utes at each sitting, for an hour; but at the close of each fifteen minutes all should join with the leader in saying, "Welcome, Perfect Health." Repeat three times at close of each sitting. When you are angry, that feeling has possession of you. Just so when you have perfect health in you, this condi- tion has possession of you, and leaves 72 Development of Mediumship no place for sickness. Remember there is a limit to all things. If a person is suffering from an oper- ation or a broken bone, Spiritual treat- ment or perfect health will not heal the wound or the broken bone. If there is any one in the class who is not feel- ing very well he should commence to feel better just as soon as he says, "Per- fect Health ;" for perfect health has control of the entire body from the crown of the head to the sole of the feet. What you have in your mind, is in your entire body, even in the ends of your fingers. Just as soon as you touch any one with your fingers it passes from your hands into his. Before you treat others get perfect health within your- self. If you are sick you are in no con- Spiritual Healing 73 dition to treat any one. Practise what you preach. Treat and cure yourself before you try to cure others. Make up your mind that you are go- ing to cure your patient and you are bound to get results. Never treat any- one with your working clothes on, for there may be an odor about them that may be very offensive to a sick person. Always have your breath pure and your body clean. You must have a clean body as well as a clean mind for the "Good Spirits" to work through. Do not go into the sick room and say, "You must be sick, you look so bad." Don't they know they are sick without your telling them so? If they do not, they will find it out soon enough with- out your telling them. If a person is sick and you tell him he 74 Development of Mediumship is sick, you are only making him feel that much worse. If you can't help him by giving a cheering word do not say anything. Whatever you say will have an effect upon his condition. This effect can often be noticed at once. When you give him a cheering word you are bringing a good spirit to him. It may be that he was discouraged and had given up all hopes of ever getting well. Your being cheerful with him, causes him to feel cheerful and hopeful and so helps him to get well. Almost all cases that have come un- der my care have required treatment of the mind as well as of the body. You must have a healthy mind before you can have a healthy body; and the only way to get a healthy body is to think healthy thoughts. Get "Perfect Health" Spiritual Healing 75 in you and you will have a perfect body. When you have any pain you are thinking about the pain. Remove the thought, by thinking "Perfect Health," and you remove the pain. You should be able to see the cause of that pain, and just where it is. You should be able with your Spir- itual Eye to see your heart beat, and all the organs of the body function, by concentrating your mind upon them. Your spirit guides should tell you just what to do. Nearly all pain is caused by the mus- cles contracting. The blood cannot cir- culate. When the sufferer moves, it is like tearing the flesh off the bones. The affected parts should be massaged and moved. Make the blood circulate and the pain will disappear. 76 Developement of Mediumship Practise on one another in the class, and among your friends, by placing one hand on the forehead and the other on the back of the head and squeeze hard ; then the same on each side of the head two or three times. It will cure head- ache at once unless caused indirectly by some other ailment. You will be im- pressed how to treat. Never take a contagious or danger- ous case without first consulting a phy- sician. You should always use judg- ment. Never do anything in violation of the law. Live such a life every day that you can stand up and look every one in the face and tell him what you are, without cause for shame. We learned one of the greatest les- sons of our lives when we commenced to ride a bicycle. The way we would Spiritual Healing 77 look, that was the way our hands would turn the handle, and we would run right into the object we were looking at. Just so with you. Whatever you have in your mind, you are thinking about, and looking at, and will run right into. Whether you are sick or well, that is the way you are looking, and that is what you are. Get "Perfect Health" in you and that has control of you, and that is just what you are. LESSON NO. 12 HOW TO TREAT AT A DISTANCE WITH OR WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE PATIENT If the patient knows you are treating him, you and he should first make ar- rangements to sit at the same hour, at least once a day, and of tener if you can. You should be in a room alone while giving the treatment, and he should be alone while taking it. No one should disturb either of you. The best time for him to take his treatment is when he has retired. Just as soon as he lies down he should re- peat in a low tone, "Perfect Health, Perfect Health," and continue until he Treatments at a Distance 79 gets tired; then rest; then repeat, and so continue for an hour. The patient should not fight to keep awake. When he goes to sleep, no one should disturb him. When he awakes in the morning he will feel better and will continue to improve, if instructions are followed, until he is well. At the same time he is saying "Perfect Health/' you should call the man by name. If his name be John L. Brown, then say: "John L. Brown, John L. Brown, John L. Brown, John L. Brown, 210 East Main Street, Chicago, Illinois, you are getting well and strong." Keep repeating the same thing over and over for one hour. Let no other thought come to you, and you will be surprised at the result. If you are treating without the pa- 80 Developement of Mediumship tient's knowledge, try to ascertain, through some one in the family, or through friends just at what time your patient retires, and at what time he lies down during the day to rest. Go into your room, and sit in an easy posture. Do not allow any one to dis- turb you. Commence to concentrate on the patient. Suppose the name is Miss Ella G. Brooks, say: "Miss Ella G. Brooks, Miss Ella G. Brooks, Miss Ella G. Brooks, Miss Ella G. Brooks, 110 North 8th Street, Bangor, Maine. You are getting well and strong." Repeat the same throughout the hour. You can give her a treatment any hour in the day, but, when lying down, the body and mind are relaxed, passive, and more receptive to your treatment. Re- member there is nothing lost. The Treatments at a Distance 81 thought you send out is alive and will stay around her until she does relax and then will make her feel just as you sug- gest to her. While anyone is up and walking around or about his work he is more positive, and harder to influence, than when he is thoroughly relaxed. Often you will get better and quicker results when the patient knows you are treat- ing him. He will do all he can, and be willing to say "Perfect Health," to help the treatment along. Get your mind and body right, then get good spirits and perfect health in you, and every breath from your body will be like the odor from a sweet rose. It will do good and cheer up those who catch it, and will cause them to do good also. 82 Development of Mediumship We are like a light placed on a hill We are shining examples every day of our lives. Other people are watching us and following after us, catching the thoughts that we leave behind us, and doing the same things that we do, or are thinking of doing. No one can live for himself. We live for all. What did we know when we were born into this world? We even had to be fed. What are we? Just what we have been taught. What do we know? Only that which we have been taught to believe and think. We are either angels or devils, and we will tell you just where to go to find out what you are; not in your neighbor's house but in your own. It may be in your best room. Make up your mind what you want Treatments at a Distance 83 to see first. Go and stand right in front of the mirror and look at yourself. There you will see either one or the other, angel or devil, face to face. If you are living, doing unto others as you wish them to do unto you, you are fac- ing an angel. If you are living a life in which you do not care for any one but yourself, robbing, lying, stealing or cheating, you are meeting the devil face to face. We are making angels or devils right here, by allowing ourselves to think such thoughts. We are either God or devil. It is our thoughts that make us what we are. Again, I want to call your attention to the power of thought, and the effect it has on the coming generations. Par- ents mark their unborn children by 84 Development of Mediumship their thought, often causing them to be deformed and crippled for life. It is not God that punishes the child because Adam and Eve ate of the for- bidden fruit, neither is it heredity, but pre-natal influences. While the mother is in that condition, whatever she craves she should have. If she eats or drinks too much, the child will not want or crave for the same ; but whatever she craves and does not get, the child will crave the same as long as it lives. If persons crave liquor they do not have to get drunk, or be drunk all the time and blame their parents or some- one else, but should get control of their mind and thus overcome the craving for it. You have as much brains as any- one, if you will only use them. All who will follow these instruc- Treatments at a Distance 85 tions will never be drunkards, or be ob- sessed or demented. Why? Because we shall have taught them how to keep their minds on "Good Spirits/' and "Perfect Health," while in the class or wherever they are. Their minds are not rambling everywhere, but are under perfect control. The mind is capable of understanding all secrets of nature, without making objective examination of them. This is the goal of the mind ; do not forget that. 86 Development of Mediumship INSPIRATIONAL POEM SECRET THOUGHTS Told it true that thoughts are things, Endowed with bodies, breath and wings, 4nd that we send them forth to fill The world with good results or ill. That which is called a secret thought May speed to earth's remotest part, And leave its blessings or its woes, Like tracks behind it as it goes. It's Nature's law — remember it, In your silent chamber as you sit, With thoughts you would not dare have known, And yet make them comrades when alone. Poem, "Secret Thoughts" 87 These thoughts have life, and they will And leave their impress as they pass by Like some marsh breeze, whose poisoned breath Bears on its wave the sting of death. And after you have quite forgot, Or have outgrown some vanished thought, Back to your mind to seek its home, A dove or raven it will come. Then let the secret thoughts be fair, And thus create a healthful air, They have vital force and will take parts In building worlds and molding hearts. F. A. T. ANOTHER WORK BY THE SAME AUTHOR SOUL SCIENCE, THE PROOF OF LIFE AFTER DEATH This is one of the greatest books ever written, clear and interesting, easily understood and applied, and should be in every home. You will add to your Efficiency and Progress by the Improvement that will become evident after you have read it. Whether you are beginning, or have already advanced to some extent along the road of life it will be well worth your while to stop for a time and ab- sorb the sound maxims you will find in "SOUL SCIENCE." The reading mat- ter is not only of a high order, but also of great interest. Would you like to know something of Who and Where God is, and how to serve Him? Would you like to know what the Spirit World is — the Heaven you are striving for? "SOUL SCIENCE" will guide you to that knowledge by teaching you to find Peace, Contentment and Happi- ness in the world in which you live, thus leading you to your true goal. It explains "If a Man die, shall he live again?" Does Death end all, or is it merely the Gate of Life? The next world — and can we com- municate with those who are in it? Those are questions that have agi- tated the minds of millions. All is told in "SOUL SCIENCE, the Proof of Life after Death." With Frontispiece, $3.00 net. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. 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