¥ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, COPYRIGHT OFFICE. No registration of title of this book as a preliminary to copyright protec- tion has been found. DEC 10 1909 Forwarded to Order Division (Date) (Apr. 5, 1901—5,000.) Glass — _ Book-- FOR ttty? (Cur? flf ItBHtH? BY Sr. Hinia Sitrfteiii l[a22arfc SEATTLE, U. S. A. HARRISON PUBLISHING CO. 1908 .,■;' V V Copyright, 1908, by LINDA BURFIELD HAZZARD - DEC 10 S9G9 This Volume is dedicated to the Memory of my Father, ^Montgomery Burfield TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction .._.. 11 Chapter I — Food and Disease 21 Chapter II — Rest and Elimination 30 Chapter III — Symptoms * 42 Chapter IV — Duration of Fast 55 Chapter V — Death in the Fast 63 Chapter VI — Mental and Bodily Reaction 69 Chapter VII — Sexual Disease and the Fast 79 Chapter VIII — The Enema 85 Chapter IX — Children in the Fast 92 Chapter X—Diet ...101 Chapter XI — Bathing and Fresh Air 114 Chapter XII — Medical Dogmas .122 Chapter XIII — Cases Treated by Fasting 129 Chapter XIV— Criticism . 167 Chapter XV — Conclusion 176 KppttxU ta (Brabtng; Sjimg^r ta Seaire. GIrabtng ta it?b*r aattafiri*; but Iteatre ta rHtrfirti fallen Want ta auppltrti. Eating imtfj0iti S?ttttg?r, nr patttertng tu Appetite at ttf* txpmB? of Stg^attott. utak*a !ta*aae tnrfritabb. INTRODUCTION. In presenting the following pages, I acknowledge my debt to Dr. E. H. Dewey, now deceased, to whose encouragement, example, and guidance I owe my early training and my later progress in the methods set forth. I believe that Dr. Dewey discovered many things in connec- tion with the natural treatment of disease the true value of which perhaps he did not appreciate. I believe, too, that in the twelve years that have gone since I began my own work along these lines I have as- certained and proved many things that he failed to put to the test. Truth is the result of the study of Nature by her own light, and we must seek for knowledge where we may expect to find it. It is difficult for the rays of truth to penetrate a mind filled with the opinions of others; and it is well to re- member that knowledge is obtained not al- ii 12 FASTING FOR THE ways by following prescribed paths or by accepting the dicta of recognized au- thorities. Self-conceit, credulity, and skepticism are said to go hand in hand; and candor compels the remark that these graces are not confined to the ignorant or to the uneducated. If a man be a skeptic, he can but mean that certain things do not exist relatively to his own knowledge; but no one can deny the possibility of the existence of that which he cannot har- monize with his accepted opinions, or of which he is ignorant. Should he do so, the conclusion holds that he is just as credulous as the man who believes without discrimination. When an extraordinary fact, a fact be- yond its own experience, is presented to a mind vicariously moulded, more often than not it is rejected as impossible or as the result of disordered physical condi- tions. In these circumstances even the testimony of the senses is repudiated, and that of credible witnesses is frequently imputed to base motives. Popular belief and medical teaching CURE OF DISEASE 13 lead to the conclusion that abstinence from food for ten or twelve days will result in starvation and death. This is easily re- futed. On my lists are considerably over one thousand instances of continuous fasts whose limits extend from ten to seventy- five days. While I esteem and consider but one cause and but one disease, the symptoms expressed in this long roll cover virtually the whole of medical pathology; and in twelve years only eleven patients have died while under my care. Each of these deaths has proved an occasion for persecution, malignment, prosecution, and injury; and from each and every case both I and the method have emerged triumphant, the autopsy showing organic disease, and that death was inevitable. No one knows better than the thinking members of the medical profession that the time is at hand when prevention rather than cure will be the key-note of therapeu- tics. Organization on labor-union stand- ards heralds the fact that medicine is fighting for its life, while dissensions within its ranks are evidenced daily. Nature, through Nature's governing law, 14 FASTING FOR THE restores and rebuilds to limits unknown to empirics, and dosage does not and cannot assist her, but, on the contrary, is a detriment. Boasted antiseptics are only tissue destroyers, and drugs are poisons more or less active in effect. Without food, blood is purified and sores are healed; without food, the processes of the body are carried on for a time with ease, while relaxation, rest, and recupera- tion occur. Even the phenomena of gesta- tion progress perfectly during the fast, and I am able to present one instance of a woman who while pregnant underwent a fast of six weeks, and gave birth at term to a healthy nine-pound boy. The wisdom of medicine does not consist in a knowledge of Nature, but in that which accepted authorities have imagined Nature to be. The true physician has a knowledge of his own, not a system bor- rowed from books or from man's dead body. What others may teach should be simply an aid in the search, but he who finds a part of the human fabric diseased should look for the cause which produced the disturbance, and not treat merely ex- CURE OF DISEASE 15 ternal effects. True perception of cause and effect is the mother of the physician, and in this understanding rests the indi- cation of the remedy. In other words, not man but Nature is the doctor, and Nature requires no complicated prescriptions in her treatment. The aim of later medical investigation has tended more towards the classification of disease symptoms and of germ forms. Hence we find the physician delaying treatment even for days until symptoms develop to the point where accurate diag- nosis may be made. I do not think that normal balanced opinion will differ from me when I advance the contention that the first things to be considered in the sick- room are the possibility of recovery and the necessity of quick action along hygienic and curative lines. In the philosophy of fasting for cure the cause is at once at- tacked, and disease is aided in its at- tempt to restore disturbed physical bal- ance by having its avenues of elimination broadened and increased. Normal taste and normal hunger are the results of natural methods, and it 16 FASTING FOE THE has proved a source of great satisfaction to me to find that the fast in all cases acts instantaneously upon perverted and abused tastes and appetites, and leaves the patient with no desire whatever for stimulation. Condiments, tobacco, alco- hol, and drugs are all proscribed and for- bidden. That Biblical reference is made to fast- ing as part of religious form, and that the Christ advised casting out of devils (or disease) by fasting and prayer, fur- nish no argument for classing the treat- ment with cults religious or ethical. It- is my earnest hope that the exposition embodied in the text will be found in consonance with the sanities of culture rather than with the incoherences of the average cult. Criticism and opposition are always met in applying the principles that I advance, but I evince no egotism when I say that these are, in all cases, the results of ignor- ance. Before his death in 1904 even Dr. Dewey's long-suffering in the cause of hu- manity had reached its limit; and in a personal letter he says that, due to the CURE OF DISEASE 17 necessary teaching and preaching of com- mon sense in hygiene, and due also to al- most ' ' infernal ' ' opposition, he had become most weary of fasting cases. Professional dicta assert that starvation and death will ensue if food be withheld for more than two weeks ; that permanent injury will result from the continued use of the enema ; that acute pain may be re- lieved only by anesthesia or narcotism; that the germ is the cause of disease ; that the drug acts upon the organ; and the list might be extended. Individually and by schools, each of these opinions is dog- matically denied, and its opposite declared to be the truth. No such disagreement can occur among those who reason with Nature from cause to effect, for the law of compensation is inexorable in its applica- tion. Disease is the reverse of health, but it is not an enemy to life. This again is one of the differences of professional lore, and the text sufficiently exposes the fallacy. I have, however, attempted no extended discussion of this fact, nor of the theory conveyed in the statement that food is 18 FASTING FOR THE not the sole source of strength or of bodily heat; but I leave these as material for thought with detail displayed. My own opinion is thoroughly formed, and I hope later to express it in a manner more elaborate and more definite. The beginnings of disease lie at the threshold of the process of digestion. Its seeds are sown in the mouth, while stomach and intestines, injured by food improperly prepared, and worked beyond limit by over-supply, continue and con- serve their propagation. Impaired diges- tion and impure blood are cause and effect. To anticipate the text, fasting is but a means to an end, a cleansing and resting process that prepares the body for right living in future time. The cure is not accomplished until the individual himself, co-operating with Nature, completes what the fast began. The facts presented and the arguments made herein are intended primarily for lay intelligence; but, since positive proof is offered and the results are easily veri- fied, I trust that investigation will follow CURE OF DISEASE 19 on the part of broad-minded professional men. I can claim no originality in theory, either philosophical or physiological, but I do advance my right to thoroughness of detail in investigation and to confidence in practical demonstration. Seattle, Washington. Some, as thou saw'st, by violent stroke shall die, By fire, flood, famine; by intemperance more In meats and drinks, which on the Earth shall bring Diseases dire, of which a monstrous crew Before thee shall appear, that thou mayst k^ow What misery the inabstinence of Eve Shall bring on men. If thou well observe The rule of "Not too much" by temperance taught In what thou cat'st and drink'st, seeking from thence Due nourishment, not gluttonous delight, Till many years over thy head return; So mayst thou live, till, like ripe fruit, thou drop Into thy mothers lap, or be with ease Gathered, not harshly plucked, for death mature. — John Milton, "Paradise Lost." JfatBitttg for i\\t (Eur* of Stfl?aar CHAPTEE I. Food and Disease. In human affairs tradition, inheritance, and education often combine to foster and preserve false and misleading doctrine, and in no instance is this fact so well illustrated as in that of the method in vogue for the treatment of bodily ills. Disease in the popular mind is dreaded, and, with certain symptoms, is fled from in panic and in terror. In existing cir- cumstances this is to be expected, but the day is in sight when the ailments of the human fabric will be looked at rightly as but rational processes of cure. Thus re- garded, disease is not a foe to life, but is Nature's plan of restoring a sick body to health. That the present general concep- tion and treatment of disease are wrong, and that perfect health is within reach of 21 22 FASTING FOR THE all not organically imperfect, are truths that the text will fully demonstrate. A healthy organism is one that is in position to liberate energy and vitality when needed in the activities. To pre- serve the body in health man eats; and, without sufficient nourishment properly supplied, the bodily machinery functions inefficiently, and disease results. This is Nature's law. But eating has long pan- dered to the sense of taste, and appetite is cultivated at the expense of digestion; and, in consequence, food is consumed in excess of that required to make good the losses incurred through physical and men- tal activity, while much unnecessary labor is entailed in the disposal of the refuse. Around the appetites and desires of man false standards have arisen, and cen- turies of catering to taste lie behind exist- ing carelessnes in feeding the body. Over- eating is a well-nigh universal vice, while the laws of nutrition in most individual cases are far from being fulfilled. This fault, apparent though it be, and weaken- ing and distressing in its effect as it is, calls out for correction as does no other CURE OF DISEASE 23 in the long list of outrages against Nature. From Cornaro to Fletcher seekers after the remedy have advanced their beliefs to meet the hope that a panacea exists. No one doubts that relief is to be found, for Nature deals but in cause and effect, and the natural tendency in all life is towards perfect health. The action of food in the body is purely mechanical. Its purpose is to replace broken-down tissue, and to supply and re- pair the working parts of the machine. To do this it must be prepared for conver- sion into cell structure, and this process is sufficiently familiar to preclude descrip- tion here. Digestion of food is an effort at once nervous and muscular, which will be followed by troubles innumerable if continued beyond the real needs of the system. For, when the body is overfed, energy that might well be utilized for other and more important purposes is em- ployed in taking care of excess material, of which part is absorbed and deposited as fat, and part remains in the intestines to ferment and putrefy. Only that portion of digested food that 24 FASTING FOR THE is assimilated can be used by the blood to rebuild wasted tissue; the remainder is refuse, and in cases of overfeeding takes its place, as described, with undigested matter to ferment and decompose in the intestines. Absorption of toxins thus formed occurs Rapidly and continuously, as is shown by resultant disease symptoms expressed in colds, headaches, or fevers. An examination of human fecal matter reveals certain conditions that are con- clusive as to overfeeding. Undigested food is found in the majority of cases ; digested food products and old feces are present; and, dependent on diet and on mastica- tion, the odor is more or less offensive. Normal refuse from properly masticated natural food is absolutely without odor. When the examination is continued daily for a time assurance is gained that all food is not digested; that the bowels are not completely cleared of waste by the regular one stool per diem ; that ferment- ing rotting material defiles the human in- terior to an extent scarcely to be accepted as a fact until proved; and that an unnec- essary tax is placed upon the digestive CURE OF DISEASE 25 tract and upon the eliminating organs by reason of food excess. A daily movement of the bowels is no indication of a clean and healthy canal. Sufferers from digestive troubles have often asserted to the author that the bowels were regular in action, and that evacuations were copious; yet, upon ad- ministration of the enema, quantities of old hardened fecal matter appeared; and this not once only, but for days in suc- cession. Post-mortem dissection of the colon furnishes additional evidence of a filthy internal condition, for masses of waste are always discovered clinging to the walls of the organ, material beyond its power to eliminate, and the direct result of overtax from overfeeding. A move- ment of the bowels in these circumstances takes place only through the center of the clogged tube. These are the facts con- fronted in the majority of instances, and indignant denial is usually forthcoming when the subject is informed of the state of affairs, but proof is easily accom- plished. Despite prevalent belief, disease never 26 FASTING FOR THE strikes suddenly, but is the consequence of long-continued violations of natural law. " Every disease," says Dr. E. H. Dewey, "is an inherited possibility, which every violation of the laws of life tends to develop. It is never simply an attack on a well person, but rather a summing-up of the more or less lifelong violations of health laws." As a result of these trans- gressions, we are admonished by a loss of digestive power ; something goes wrong with the physical scales, and they no longer balance. And, to quote from Dewey again: "Every morsel of food that gets into a human stomach beyond the power to digest and assimilate is always the di- rect exciting cause of disease." The outward evidences of disease, its symptoms, vary with temperament, heredi- tary tendencies, surroundings, and phys- ical condition. No two human beings ever express the same signs of disease even in like environment; and just why one individual develops certain symptoms while another similarly situated exhibits forms diametrically opposite, probably finds explanation in the domain of the phenomena of heredity. CURE OF DISEASE 27 It should not require an exhaustive ar- gument to establish the fact that disease has its origin in impaired digestion. Upon this fundamental truth and its de- velopment, the treatment herein described depends in its entirety; and long expe- rience at varied hands has placed an axio- matic value on the statement that, what- ever the manifestation, the only disease is impure blood, and its sole cause impaired digestion. A review of the physiology of the pas- sage of the blood through the body evi- dences that perfect health is synonymous with perfect circulation. What the blood deposits in one state it removes in an- other; and, given a pure blood supply, broken-down tissue is at once eliminated and replaced. The products of food are delivered to the tissue by the blood, and this fluid picks up and carries away the refuse. A physical equilibrium is the re- sult, and a normal healthy body rejoices its owner. Food prepared in successive stages of digestion for conversion into tissue pabu- lum first develops into chyle, a milky 28 FASTING FOR THE liquid that is absorbed from the intestines and is conducted through liver, heart, and lungs to the arterial system. Elements other than food products enter into cell structure, but the great supply arises from food ingested and digested; and blood quality depends in largest degree upon food properly converted and absorbed. Any disturbance of any part of the pro- cesses of digestion or of assimilation causes an imperfect supply of blood and tissue nourishment; the physical equilib- rium is overturned, and disease ensues. When such disorder occurs, imperfect action of one or other of the vital func- tions results, the blood becomes encum- bered with impurities, and Nature at once makes the effort to restore normal balance by manifesting disease. The simplest in- stance of this condition is a cold in the head. Properly speaking, a cold of any sort is Nature's attempt to cast out blood impurity, and excessive discharge from the nasal passages or from the throat is a sign that she is applying her cure. The object accomplished, the discharge ceases. CURE OF DISEASE 29 The law of compensation is amply and completely shown in the realm of Nature, for each and every violation of her rules of order brings condign correction, indi- vidual or cumulative. On the other hand, the Great Mother holds forth relief, for- giveness, and restoration when old paths are forsaken and natural roads resumed. Overworked Nature has one means of recuperation, rest, and rest alone. Grant- ing that impaired digestion is the source of impure blood or disease, it is reasona- ble to assume that abused digestive func- tions, properly relieved from labor for a time, will recover and return with re- newed vigor to their appointed tasks. That this conclusion is true in all senses, it is the purpose of the following pages to establish. CHAPTER II. Rest and Elimination. When a man runs as fast as his legs can move, he is able to keep up the pace for but a short distance. On account of the forced, vigorous, and rapid muscular action, poisonous materials are thrown into the blood to be carried to all parts of the body, to muscles, nerves, and brain. Through the nerve cells the heart is af- fected, and the muscles of respiration are similarly disturbed. Panting, distressed efforts of breathing, sidelong tumbling, and final semi-consciousness are symp- toms of resulting self-intoxication that may end in death. The sole method of restoration lies in complete and absolute rest. Body tissue is continually undergoing change of material. The substances that form it are being constantly cast off, and 30 CURE OF DISEASE 31 fresh matter is being supplied. The waste eliminated is poison; and, without tissue rest, this dead and noxious detritus can- not be replaced fast enough by new prod- ucts. This applies not only to tissue in active use, but to all tissue of the body. The heart, though making contractions at the rate of seventy- two beats the min- ute, is able to continue its work through- out the life of the individual. Each con- traction of this muscle is followed by an interval of rest, during which the cells recuperate. Push the heart beats to a rapid rate, and the danger point is reached at which poisonous products are not replaced by fresh cells, since the in- tervals of rest are not sufficient. The same conditions are met in every bodily organ. All during life each member of the body in the very act of living is producing poison within itself. When toxins accu- mulate faster than they are eliminated, which always occurs unless an interval of rest is offered, fatigue is felt, and this is only another name for poisonous infec- tion. If action and rest are so regulated that the cells may give off their waste 32 PASTING FOR THE products at a rate to keep pace with new formations, muscle and nerve tissue will always be in position to liberate energy continuously. As outlined in the instances described, overworked Nature has but one means of recuperation, rest and rest alone. Prac- tice has confirmed the logic of the theory, and just as muscle, just as brain, supplied with intervals of rest, return in vigor to their tasks, so abused digestive functions, properly relieved from labor for a time, recuperate and apply themselves to their bodily duties with strength renewed. Perhaps it is not at once apparent how the digestive organs may be given needed rest. The very thought of not eating brings with it a breach of long-taught doc- trine that frequent daily feeding, sick or well, is necessary for the maintenance of vitality and strength. Yet just this omis- sion is meant when one speaks of resting the digestive functions. In illness weight is always lost, and de- pendent upon the duration of disease it is lost in greater or less amount. At this time under prevailing methods feeding is CURE OF DISEASE 33 continuous, and if the stomach rebel nutri- tious enemata are called into service. The question arises, Why, if food is constantly supplied, does the body lose in weight? It should be clear that the intake is not digested, is not assimilated, and, far from nourishing the tissues, is an added burden to the vitality. With slight differences the physiology of digestion in mammals is markedly sim- ilar. When disease is manifested, ani- mals, taught by a power that has been educated out of man, abstain from food until the physical balance is restored. This fact is one that each of us has ob- served, but it, perhaps, has not been in- telligently applied. That a horse is "off his feed" is a common expression of the stable, and this alone illustrates the in- stinct that impels the animal to fast when its physical well-being is disturbed. These periods are ordinarily of short duration, but cats have been known to prolong ab- stention to skeleton condition, and then to return rapidly to health with increased strength and vigor. Omitting such mental states as fear or 34 FASTING FOR THE prolonged worry, and such physical ones as severe pain or continued exposure, the average man cannot die for want of food in at least one hundred days. This fact has been proved in medical history in many instances, and is verified and cor- roborated daily in fasting for the cure of disease. The reasons underlying it will be brought out later in the text. If, then, the body can exist without food for a time, and in illness the stomach in- stinctively objects to its introduction, it is reasonable to conclude that food not de- sired is not necessary, and this conclu- sion, once adopted, is abundantly justified. The results are such that they lead to the further conclusion that, in the absence of organic imperfections, abstinence from food, with other natural health-giving and health-preserving accompaniments, is the sovereign remedy for all physical ills. Abruptly to omit all food sets the sys- tem clamoring for its regular supply at its regular hours, and the effect is much like that experienced by the confirmed toper or by the drug victim when his dose is perforce denied. Nervous reaction is CURE OF DISEASE 35 quite evident, but there are cases when measures as drastic must be employed. The ideal way to approach total absti- nence is to lower the amount of food gradually. Perhaps the easiest and best method is found in omitting the morning meal for several days or a week; then for a few days both morning and noon re- pasts ; and finally in dropping the evening meal and subsisting for the necessary in- terval on fresh air and pure water. In the ordinary patient, the omission of breakfast occasions slight disturbances, such as dizziness, headache, and stomach and bowel pains. But these pass, and there are usually no unpleasant symp- toms when the other meals are dropped in succession. In the no-breakfast period elimination of digestive toxins begins to gain over their formation; and, as the patient tapers off, the fact that his body is undergoing a cleansing process becomes most evident from the bowel discharges, and from the odor emanating from both skin and breath. When he enters the ab- solute fast, he is surprised beyond meas- ure to discover that the odor becomes, if 36 FASTING FOR THE anything, more offensive, and that the evacuations continue, and, to a certain limit, increase in quantity and in vileness. It is soon apparent from the results that years of overworked digestive functions, and of consequent imperfect nutrition, have loaded the tissues with toxins, and that a complete reversal in the nature and manner of the food supply is necessary. But a fresh foundation must be construct- ed, and a change in internal conditions must be effected by removing the active cause, and by renewing the functions of those organs responsible for the safety and well-being of the life within. When the influx of food is stopped, the stomach is naturally emptied, and commences its enforced vacation. Its whole strength is now applied in recupera- tion, in subduing, with the assistance of a blood current continually growing in pur- ity, any inflammation that may be present in its walls, and in allaying congestion in veins and in glands. It will from time to time be disturbed in its work by its neigh- bor, the liver, which is sending quan- tities of bile into the alimentary canal. CURE OF DISEASE 37 When this occurs in great frequency, a sick stomach evidences the excess. To an appreciable degree during a fast the stomach diminishes in size ; and, when eat- ing is resumed, it is well not to distend the organ unduly with liquids or solids. If, however, water is drunk in proper quan- tities and at proper intervals, while the volume decreases, the power of contrac- tion and expansion is not at all impaired. The involuntary functions of the body blindly obey at all times their several laws regardless of the material given them to handle. As the fast progresses, the blood, following its mission, gathers up the refuse from broken-down cells, and sup- plies for rebuilding purposes what is available. This it finds partly in the fat of the body and partly in the material still in the intestines; but not for long, since, in a properly conducted fast, fat gradually disappears, and the contents of the bowels are promptly removed by enemata. As the purifying process continues, the waste grows less; the density of the blood is much reduced, and with it the labor of the heart, which is thus progressively light- 38 FASTING FOR THE ened of its burden. When food is taken away, the bowels still proceed to collect the refuse deposited within them; the kidneys and the liver continue eliminating ; and the whole sewerage system combines to clear away the impurities delivered to it by the blood. The liver stands at the portal of the circulation like a great watch-dog. It re- ceives the digested food absorbed through the walls of the intestines, and it sepa- rates good from bad. Its products are, on the one hand, blood filled with nutri- ment, and, on the other, the peculiar secre- tion known as bile. The latter it stores in the gall-bladder and feeds to the intestines as needed in food digestion. When over- worked by overfeeding, the liver cannot properly perform its function of inspec- tion, and more or less of the poison ab- sorbed from fermenting waste in the bowels is carried into the circulation. Ex- cess of bile is manifest, and with it the headache, the cold, the bilious attack, all warnings that must be heeded lest dire results succeed. The minute cells of the liver have indi- CURE OF DISEASE 39 vidua! work to perform in separating nu- tritive material from waste. These cells are delicate little bodies and will not stand abuse. All habits having a tendency to cause digestive disturbance, — excessive use of tobacco or alcohol, eating rapidly, eat- ing indigestible food, and overeating, — viti- ate the work of this organ. Any clogging or interference with its functional duties prevents the blood from receiving the benefit of inspection, and an impure fluid is the result. All parts of the body will show distressing symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion if the cells of the liver become diseased or useless through intemperate living and through ignorance of the spe- cific duties belonging to each separate or- gan of the human fabric; and over-in- dulgence in alcohol or overeating will de- stroy them in thousands. They are dead, and the organ is left with lessened power to eliminate poison, while the body re- tires, beaten by one of its members. Nature is loath to cast out anything as worthless, and that function of the liver by which waste, segregated from blood material, is utilized for further digestive 40 FASTING FOR THE operation in the form of bile, is one of the most striking instances of her economy. Unless care be taken to furnish a correct food supply in correct proportion and quantity, this fluid is secreted in amount larger than the system demands, and is absorbed and reabsorbed, with additions from other sources, until congestion re- sults, the circulation is vitiated, and the bowels are filled with bilious toxins that poison and repoison indefinitely. In the fast, the warm water enema, properly administered and assisted by manipulation of the small intestines, re- moves the excessive amount of bile se- creted at this time, and reabsorption is thus prevented. It may be seen that, in the absence of food, the liver has but one office to perform, to eliminate, to cast out. There being no food supply, all secretion from this organ is waste and should be re- moved promptly from the system. The kidneys assist materially in the cleansing process, and are not deprived of their supplies to the same extent as the other functions, for the drinking of water in quantity sufficient to insure a constant CURE OF DISEASE 41 irrigation of stomach and upper intes- tine is an absolute requirement in fast- ing. The juice of the pancreas is also discharged as refuse. CHAPTER III. Symptoms. As indicated, the ideal method of ap- proaching the fast is to prepare the sys- tem by a gradual lessening of the food supply. But whether begun in this way or without preparation, as is necessary in acute disease, the resultant symptoms are, in general, alike. Usually the first few days are the most troublesome, but this is true in the breaking of any habit. Once elimination becomes predominant, desire for food is supplanted by disgust at thought of it, and appetite gives little bother until the fast is completed. There may be variations in this sign, due more or less to the time given to the prelim- inaries; and in the author's experience are several instances in which appetite or a semblance of it was present throughout the whole period of abstinence. This, how- ever, is not usual. 42 CURE OF DISEASE 43 The tongue at once dons a thick yellow- ish-white coat, which it keeps until the im- purities within are dispersed; and the clearing of its surface is one of the im- portant signals that indicate the com- pleted fast. Like the tongue, the breath becomes loaded with evidences of the in- ternal condition, and its odor is most offensive for the greater part of the fast- ing period. This, too, is an indicator of the progress of the cleansing process, and it announces the end by becoming odor- less. It is quite common to observe in dis- eased persons unpleasant body odors. These are simple manifestations of a foul interior that Nature is seeking to relieve through the organs of elimination, not the least of which is the skin. It is well known that most lunatics have a peculiar odor so marked that an experienced at- tendant can at once distinguish a mental pervert. This is true in many disease symptoms other than those of the mind, each possessing its characteristic body odor. Even in the milder forms of ner- 44 FASTING FOR THE vous derangements, such as hysteria and the like, the odor of the body becomes distinctly changed, and is frequently no- ticed by the patients themselves. In the fast this effluvium is much more evident than is ordinarily the case, and can be de- tected at once upon entering a room occu- pied by a patient undergoing treatment. Elimination from the pores of the skin is no greater than that through other chan- nels, nor is it less offensive. Another sign of progression is found in the saliva, which at first is apt to be viscous in quality, and is much less abun- dant than in ordinary circumstances. In fact, as a general thing, the saliva, a di- gestive juice, is not secreted in quantity during the fast until hunger asserts itself. However, the mouth is more or less moist, and, in case of nausea, there is abundant evidence that the salivary glands are in working order; but, as stated, the fluid secreted is usually thick and foamy in consistency and appearance, and it re- sumes its natural condition only when the system is completely cleansed, and when food is demanded by natural hunger. CURE OF DISEASE 45 There are instances in which acid condi- tions are present during the early stages of the fast, and saliva in quantities ap- pears, but, as the fast progresses, this symptom vanishes. For some little time in severe cases, dizziness on rising suddenly, spots be- fore the eyes, and general malaise and weakness are present. But these signs are not found in every instance, and can- not be established as guides. Some there are who may abstain from food as long as thirty or forty days with no disagree- able symptoms save offensive breath and loss in weight; and there are others in whom all the indications thus far' de- scribed are in evidence until the end of the fast. In what are known as bilious tempera- ments, recruited from the ranks of those who, by high living, careless feeding, and overfeeding, have given the liver work be- yond its capability, the experience of the fast is often a trying one. The bile stored in the congested organ and extracted from the circulation is thrown out in quantities, and floods the intestines to such extent 46 FASTING FOR THE that, before it can be removed, antiperis- talsis takes place, and the stomach finds itself used as a depository. This fact is announced in the usual way, and nausea occurs with vomiting of greenish-yellow bile. There is no absolute certainty of the appearance of this sign, but it is present in greater or less degree in the subjects referred to. In one known instance vomit- ing of bile took place daily for twenty-six days. In nervous troubles extremely disagree- able symptoms, with the exception of irri- tability, are ordinarily absent; and the fast progresses without incident to com- pletion. But in all fasters the discharges from the bowels are very similar, a brown- ish fluid shading to black, with lumps of old feces more or less abundant. The lat- ter are in evidence to the end, and are proof positive of the former statement that overworked bowels do not fully evacu- ate their contents even when regular in action. With the above facts in mind, and with the thought that each individual develops his own case and may or may not ex- CURE OF DISEASE 47 hibit one or more of the symptoms de- scribed, ordinarily the time after the first few days is uneventful. As much water as can conveniently be handled must be drunk, and each day the warm bath and the enema must aid elimination. In the event that plain water prove repugnant to the taste, as is often the case, a little lemon juice may be added for palatability. In the earlier stages there are fermen- tation and consequent formation of gas, which may continue for days, depending upon the amount of solid material clinging to the walls of the intestines, and also upon what may be termed the virulence of the bile and other waste deposited in the bowels. The gas formed is often the cause of colicky pains, and is always a source of uncomfortable moments until removed. Manipulation of the abdomen and hot wa- ter applications are of great assistance at times like these, since they tend to reduce the inflated bowel by stimulating peris- talsis, and thus bring about the discharge of the gas. Almost all fasters pass through a period of chilliness and of temperature slightly 48 FASTING FOR THE below register. This is aggravated in cer- tain temperaments, and its causes are sub- sequently explained; but, as elimination progresses, and as disease disappears, tem- perature approaches and invariably reaches normal, usually long before the fast is ended. Sometimes ringing in the ears annoys the patient, and as relaxation takes place there may be partial deafness in one or both organs. The fast will eventually cor- rect this, but a soft rubber syringe and warm water will assist materially, and will hasten the relief. Finger massage of the muscles surrounding the ears also proves beneficial, and any adhering wax may ordinarily be loosened by inserting the tip of the empty syringe into the ear, and by then expelling the air and allow- ing the bulb to fill a number of times in succession. Care should be taken not to exert too much pressure upon the drum. In defective vision resulting from mus- cular inefficiency, or even when presbyopia or myopia is present, in many instances the fast develops improvement. Conges- tion is always rapidly relieved and eye- CURE OF DISEASE 49 strain with it, so that glasses are often laid aside, and natural normal sight is restored. In some long-standing myopic cases the defects show snch change for the better that weaker lenses are found to answer the requirements of sight; and, when astigmatism is the fault, the chances are that a fast will entirely correct the difficulty. The more usual indication of disease as it affects bodily temperature is fever; but it is quite frequently the case that in anemic subjects shortly after the begin- ning of a fast, the temperature drops a degree or so below register. This is caused by the absence of food stimulation, for a fast never lowers the temperature. It is always low in instances of long- standing debility, and it is high in propor- tion to the severity of acute disease. A fast tends to restore temperature and pulse to normal, be they high or low to be- gin with. The author treated a patient whose temperature was habitually ninety- four degrees. On a fast it apparently made no change until the twentieth day, and it reached normal on the thirtieth 50 FASTING FOR THE when the fast ended with the return of hunger. In any case the temperature is merely a symptom of the intensity of Nature's efforts to restore a normal condition, and is a fight for life that has little need to be suppressed. No thermometer is necessary to read the severity of disease. If the pulse and temperature are above or be- low normal at the beginning of a fast, they will go down to normal or up to normal as the case may be when disease disappears, and perhaps while other symp- toms are still present. One word more as to bodily tempera- ture in connection with the fast. Physiol- ogy asserts that there can be no digestion in the absence of digestive juices, and that there is almost no secretion of these fluids when fever is in evidence. Why, then, feed during high temperature? Com- mon sense announces that without diges- tion there can be no nourishment, no up- building of wasted tissue. Why add the burden of eliminating undigested material to the already great effort Nature is employing to reduce the overstimulated CURE OF DISEASE 51 heart action? The surest means to cor- rect a fever is to withhold food; and, in any event, since under a fast the tendency in all respects is towards the normal, abstinence from food is the certain method to employ for its attainment. Such symptoms as occur in the begin- ning of the fast, weakness, vertigo, and the like, may all be ascribed to food stimu- lation. They are akin to those observed in the steady consumer of alcoholics on the omission of his morning dram. After these signs disappear, the patient finds himself stronger, and in most instances able to attend without difficulty to his ordinary labor, and to approach it with brain marvelously clear. In other words, with the loss of stimulation due to food and food poison, disease decreases, and the patient's real strength manifests it- self. He is not any weaker than he has been at any time during his previous diseased existence, for he has been living under stimulation, which is no indication of vitality, for it is not strength. The subject of food stimulation has not received the attention that it deserves, for 52 FASTING FOR THE it is always a most important factor in disease, and must be considered as such in any system of treatment. After the body has become accustomed to a certain food supply, whatever the quantity or the hours of consumption, it seriously objects when denied. The system may be greatly over- fed and may be slowly poisoning itself through its own indiscretions; yet the omission of a meal sets the stomach clam- oring for its dose. So much for habit. Given the usual quota, matters progress comparatively smoothly until the excess of filth is too heavy to be carried, or some microbe or other finds inviting soil in which to increase and multiply, and then Nature calls a halt, and attempts to cor- rect things by disease. The removal of the familiar whip, the food supply, gives her the opportunity, but the patient is plunged for a while into the depths. Stimulation, so long a habit, now seems necessary to counteract the symptoms produced by deprivation, and at this time the mentality must be called to the rescue, and the will must be asserted in all its strength to overcome the disposition and CURE OF DISEASE 53 the desire to resume eating. Stimulation, whether it be from food, alcohol, poison, or nervous excitement, is always followed by a period of depression. The paradoxical statement that a sick and seemingly weak man is a man of strength is explained by the simple fact that all avenues for the passage of energy and vitality are so clogged by disease as to be useless. Once disease is eliminated, these forces are liberated, and strength is revealed. The mysterious powers, energy and vitality, which are expressed as life, exist outside of and independent of the human body as they do within it. A healthy organism is one that is in position to liberate these forces in the form of strength as they are needed in the activ- ities. Energy and vitality animate alike the blade of grass, the rock of the fields, and the fabric of man. When, through fasting, dead and noxious refuse is elimi- nated, the manifestation of each of these qualities is evident, and we learn that man does not depend upon food for inherent energy or vitality, nor for their expres- 54 FASTING FOR CURE sion, strength. Food is needed only for the repair of broken-down tissue, for the upbuilding and rebuilding of the frame- work that carries the human entity, the human soul. CHAPTER IV. Duration of Fast. In observed cases of so-called starva- tion in medical history, the following table from Yeo's "Physiology" exhibits the consumption of tissue and fluid: — fat, 91% ; muscle, 30% ; liver, 56% ; spleen, 63% ; blood, 17% ; nerve centers, 0%. Fat, it will be seen, is almost entirely consumed, and the muscle waste is but one-third. The loss is not remarkable in the organs mentioned, nor in the blood; but the last item is peculiar, and is a seemingly im- possible result. That the brain and the other nerve centers are not in the least affected by absence of food prolonged to starvation is paradoxical, but explanation is ready at hand. Nerve tissue uses the body itself as a food supply, and its source of subsistence during a fast is no different from that when food is ingested in usual quantities. The whole nervous system regains its vigor by rest and sleep 55 ~>6 FASTING FOR THE alone, and maintains its substance at a maximum by the means described. Hence so long as there remain tissue and blood sufficient to carry on the work of the circu- lation, the nerves will continue directing the same and will not waste away in the labor. We may look at this power that the brain possesses of consuming the body, as the cause of loss of weight in illness. It seems to prefer what is most con- veniently spared when it makes a choice of diet, for fat disappears first, and the rest of the tissue is utilized in the inverse order of the usefulness of its parts. When, in disease, digestive action is ab- sent and there is positive aversion to food, and since we now recognize that food is not the source of inherent vitality, the fact that the patient shows an increase in vital power and in strength during the fast as disease diminishes should now need no further demonstration. The duration of the fast is a matter that cannot be predicted or prescribed, for the treatment has its beginning in diseased appetite, and its end in that hun- CURE OF DISEASE 57 ger that marks the return of digestive power. Until the latter arrives, and its appearance cannot be mistaken, the fast should continue. Then, and not till then, is the system in condition again to re- ceive and transform food into body tissue. Numerous essentials govern the extent of time that should be given to the fast proper. If preparation can be had, a shorter interval is needed, for cleansing has progressed in partial manner while meals were being omitted. Also it hap- pens that patients are so weakened and the avenues of vitality are so clogged by disease as to forbid long abstinence; and in this event short fasts are in order, al- ternating with periods of dieting. In ordi- nary cases the one remedy, is a long con- tinuous fast ; and it may be carried to its logical end without danger or alarm, for in the power that the brain holds of feed- ing at the expense of the body lies the absolute safety of the treatment. The use of the tissues to nourish the nerve centers progresses so perfectly that there is no cost to the vitality, and the average adult bears within him brain food sufficient to 58 FASTING FOR THE sustain life for many weeks. Unless or- ganic disease exists and repair is impos- sible, the patient will, after the fast has removed the impurities in his system, rapidly return to perfect health. When, in the fast, the period is reached that marks the disappearance of disease, the subject begins to use his own vitality, his own strength. At this time also the mental qualities are found at a maximum, and all avenues of energy and vitality are free and unclogged, prepared in every way for the transfer of strength. Here an increase in weight often occurs, another seemingly impossible effect, for in the ordinary method of reasoning from a phys- iological standpoint, there can be no phys- ical gain without a corresponding intake. The weak man again surprises himself with his strength, and he finds that the oxygen of the air and the nutriment con- tained in pure water are hardly to be ab- sorbed in quantity sufficient to account for an increase of five or six pounds on the scales. And further, at the end of the fast, gains in weight are recorded that can in no way be balanced by the intake. CURE OF DISEASE 59 In several instances when food ingested amounted to sixteen ounces daily for five days in succession, the gain in weight was never less than four pounds a day, and on one or two days reached five pounds. This increase continues and gradually de- creases until the normal weight of the in- dividual is reached, when, with proper care of diet and exercise, normal weight as well as normal functions will be pre- served indefinitely. The signs of a completed fast are most easily recognized. The tongue slowly clears, and, when the fast concludes, is pink and clean; the breath sweetens, and at the end is without odor; appetite and false hunger give way to natural hunger, a sensation exquisite beyond description, that may be realized only by a clean, pure, regenerated system. Few people ever know natural hunger, and it is well worth working to the end that it may be experienced. Even the natural taste of food is unknown to the great majority, for cooking is done with seasoning added, and condiments abuse the sense of taste to the degree that there 60 FASTING FOR THE is no pleasure in eating if they are absent. Natural hunger relishes natural food, and to him that knows it no morsel is without delight. The question, "How long must I fast?" can never be answered with certainty ; and again it must be repeated that each indi- vidual develops his own case, and that each case has its own limitations and re- quirements. Sometimes it is good judg- ment to break the fast before the system is completely cleansed, to return after an interval of dieting to abstinence, but the most satisfactory method is the long con- tinuous fast that finishes the work, and gives to the sufferer a new and thoroughly cleansed body, ready to take up its labors and with proper hygienic care to carry them on indefinitely. In breaking the fast, and this applies especially to a fast completed in all senses and with natural hunger in evidence, great care must be used. How much, how often, and what to eat at this time and through- out the rebuilding process, are matters of vital import. When eating is resumed, excessive desire for food develops; and, CURE OF DISEASE 61 if this be indulged and not restrained, the benefits of the cleansing that the patient has undergone are apt to be neutralized, if not absolutely destroyed. Just here is where the care and direction of one con- versant in all respects with the method of treatment are almost necessary to success- ful issue. Even after the normal amount of food supply is reached, it is incumbent upon the patient to continue the diet pre- scribed, and to follow certain daily exercises that tend to rebuild the wasted muscular tissue. When the fast is ended and the cleansing of the body is complete, heart, arteries, and veins perform their work in an absolutely perfect manner; and, even when organic imperfection has caused death, temperature, pulse, and cir- culation have invariably remained at nor- mal until within a very short time of dis- solution. He argues with premises awry who be- lieves that following Nature necessitates renouncing the pleasures of living. In no conditions, save natural ones, is there so much of real gratification in the simpler acts that go to make up life. To eat 62 FASTING FOR CURE rationally, to eat enough and no more, to confine one's drink to non-stimulating beverages, become exquisite pleasures, joys unknown before; and Nature permits no grief for the flesh-pots of Egypt, nor for the loss of an artificial appetite. All that the fast requires of its adher- ents is correct reasoning. Once this is impressed upon a mind capable of carry- ing the method to its fulfillment, health is there for the asking; but no one in Nature's world has ever received some- thing for nothing, and the law of compen- sation, here as elsewhere, demands reason, effort, and will. CHAPTEE V. Death isr the Fast. In ordinary conditions by far the greater number of deaths result from troubles functional, not organic. When- ever, through disease or shock, the brain finds itself unable to draw upon body tissue for supplies, death occurs. The life within is shut off only when some paralyzing cause, not thoroughly under- stood, prevents nourishment of nerve cen- ters; and it is questionable whether, in a conscious being, death has ever resulted from starvation, or, in other words, from the exhaustion of body tissue as brain food. No evidence that can be taken as conclusive shows this to be the fact. There is no more paralyzing agent than unreasoning fear; and terror plays its part in accidental situations, such as mine disasters, shipwrecks, and the like. Death in the fast never results from deprivation of food, but is the inevitable consequence 63 64 FASTING FOR THE of vitality sapped to the last degree by organic imperfection. One instance of this is illustrative of all, and it is inserted for the light it casts on those cases in which an ignorant and thoughtless public visits its condemnation upon the develop- ment of great utilitarian truths. The subject, a woman, who had devoted twenty years of vain attempt to enjoy normal healthy existence under many methods of treatment, finally discovered that dieting and short fasts were the only means of obtaining temporary relief. That her condition was perilous at the time of consultation was plainly evident, and that an absolute fast could not be considered immediately was apparent as well. Careful dieting was advised and was continued until six months later, when the patient insisted upon carrying out a full fast. Her stomach was not digesting food, nor had it been doing so for a long time; but she had cut down her supply to two light meals daily, and had received partial benefit from the lessened strain upon the digestive tract. After three weeks of CURE OF DISEASE 65 gradual omission, she reached the total abstinence stage, and at once felt the greatest relief. At the end of ten days, fruit juices were administered with good effect, and on the twentieth day the patient thought that her stomach could handle food once more. Experience has shown in cases of this kind that opposi- tion, whatsoever be the personal opinion, is unwise, so vegetable broths were fed. The organs of digestion could not, as was plainly evident, have reached the cleansed and rested condition that would allow them to resume their labors, and the ad- ministration of food resulted in placing the patient in bed with nausea and fermen- tation in the intestines. All this was foreseen and foretold, but the other and stronger reason for the consequences described was not revealed until later. The case at this stage was brought to the attention of several skilled medical practitioners, but nothing could be sug- gested, since the stomach refused nourish- ment, and there was great difficulty in the retention of even water. Matters pro- gressed somewhat favorably, notwith- 66 FASTING FOR THE standing, for more than two weeks, with normal pulse and temperature, but with no material improvement. As a final resort, a consultation of medical men was called, but again they were helpless, and death intervened at the end of the fortieth day. The autopsy revealed a condition that Nature had already predicated. The stomach occupied a position such that its pyloric opening was turned forward and downward six or seven inches; the lower surface of the organ lay opposite the navel, and its normal shape was so dis- torted that it measured nearly two feet in length. In addition, the small intestines at various points adhered to the walls of the peritoneum, and the stomach itself had to be cut from the same surface in order to expose it entirely to view. The medical history of the case showed an aggravated attack of typhoid fever and peritonitis about twelve years previous. This determined the date of the adhesions and of the consequent distortion in stom- ach and intestines. In attempting to over- come existing conditions, the gall bladder CURE OF DISEASE 67 had developed to the size of two fists, and the liver had turned black as a coal. The wonder was that Nature had been able to preserve this organically imper- fect structure for the years that it had lived. In the story of this woman's physical existence, medicine rendered no assistance, and the progress of disease showed nothing but decline. Bilious dis- charges and weakened heart action were symptoms that never varied except to be aggravated as time went on. The fast with its accompanying enemas disclosed from the first day immense quantities of vile, black filth; and, until the twentieth day, the case showed decided ease and lessened pain; but still there was no de- crease in the amount of stored up rotten- ness that each injection revealed; and Nature at length indicated that organic trouble beyond repair existed, and that death was inevitable. In this connection the experience of the author has been more than conclusive. When death has occurred in the fast, its signals have been displayed long before actual dissolution. The characteristic 68 FASTING FOR CURE gain in vital force and in its expression, strength, was absent in every instance; and the signs of organic trouble appeared in such wise as not to be mistaken. More conclusive than all else, the autopsy in each individual case disclosed derange- ments in bodily machinery that, in any event, would have ended in death, with or without food. In these facts lies proof beyond confutation that, barring organic imperfections, improvement is certain, and a cure is possible, yea probable, in every application of the method. Death never results from a properly conducted fast; it cannot; for, with disease eliminated, hun- ger returns, and Nature is ready and able to maintain in health a reinvigorated sys- tem mechanically equal to the ordinary task of digestion. CHAPTER VI. Mental and Bodily Reaction. Bodily action may be brought about in two ways. It may originate in the brain, or it may be the result of causes not cerebral. In either case the nerve centers perform their functions, whether in the inception of the thought or in the trans- ference of the outward cause. The act of moving one's hand, for instance, may originate in the brain, or it may occur through the fact that the member is in close proximity to fire. In the former condition, the act begins with the thought in the brain, and the nervous influence operates directly on the moving muscles. In the second, the sensory nerves inform the brain that the flesh is burning, and the brain sets in motion the muscles necessary for removal. In both instances the moving power emanates from the brain, and this phenomenon may take 70 FASTING FOR THE place with reference to any part of the body. Not only are the above facts true of the voluntary muscles, but they are also ex- hibited in a similar manner in heart, lungs, stomach, and the functions generally. Swallowing an emetic causes vomiting, the mere sight or thought of a disgusting object may have the same effect, and imagination is oftentimes able to occasion action like that produced by a powerful drug or by a combination of physical con- ditions. Every organic act, healthy or diseased, is due solely to a current sent from one of the great nerve centers; and this may be set in motion either indirectly by reflex action or directly by feeling or thought. Though the fact is generally acknowledged that the mind and the emotions have great influence over the body, few know to what extent that influence operates. It is, in some respects, almost unbounded. Every bodily function may be hastened, delayed, or totally suspended, and life itself may be destroyed by a thought or an emotion just as surely as by a poisonous drug. CURE OF DISEASE 71 So much for the effect of the mind upon the body. The question now puts itself, ' ' Is this action reciprocal ? Does the physi- cal condition equally affect the mind?" Experience teaches that it not only does have an equal effect, but that the results of physical disease are always displayed mentally ; and in melancholia, epilepsy, the various manias and hypochondriacal dis- turbances, the great and only cause is found in diseased digestive functions. The fibers of the pneumogastric nerve are distributed principally to the lungs and stomach; hence its name. Whatever the motor functions that this nerve sup- plies, it influences largely the process of digestion; for, when its fibers are cut be- low those branches that extend to the trachea, digestion is virtually suspended. Nervous influence is essential to the proper action of the stomach, and in its region the nerves interlace one with an- other so that even though the direct road be destroyed, by-paths will still remain for the passage of nervous power. If the nervous influence were not needed in di- gestion, no reason would exist why its 72 PASTING FOR THE withdrawal should arrest the process ; and we know as a fact that overstudy, worry, anxiety, fright, and anger suspend, through nervous influence, all digestive action. The cause is clear when the close connection between brain and ganglia is considered. If nervous energy is ex- hausted in directions other than those necessary for the digestion of food, the same result follows as in the case of a severed pneumogastric nerve. In health the constructive and destruc- tive changes that take place in the human body progress without undue outward ef- fect so long as waste material is promptly removed, and nutritive pabulum is sup- plied. In conditions of debility and weak- ness, where either the influx is too great for the demand, or the waste too much for the eliminating organs to dispose of, ab- sorption of the toxins formed in the fer- menting mass of food rubbish retained in the intestines is continually going on, and the subject becomes a victim of auto- intoxication, is drunk with the products of his own decomposition. This condition long continued is no less baneful in effect CURE OF DISEASE 73 than alcoholic saturation, and insanity of some sort or other is its ultimate destina- tion. Further exposition seems almost un- necessary to demonstrate the results of physical condition upon nerve centers. The cause of mental disease is one and the same with that of physical disturbance; the physical signs precede the nervous ones and should be heeded ere it be too late. The close connection between the mental and physical is always prominently dis- played in the consequences of the fast; and never more so than in the treatment of melancholia, and of those morbid de- pressions that often lead to confinement in state institutions. These cases originate in abuse of the digestive organs, which coupled with hereditary tendencies af- fects the nerve centers and ultimately the brain. In fasting these patients, improvement is always evident after a short time of preparation on low diet and omitted meals; and, as the complete fast pro- gresses, the return to sanity keeps pace 74 FASTING FOR THE with the physical advance. A general fact observed in this class is the presence of prodigious quantities of black, foul-smell- ing discharges from the bowels, discharges that do not seem to cease either in quan- tity or in vileness until long after the period indicated in ordinary disease symp- toms. Mucus forms also a large part of the matter brought away by the enema. The value of fasting in cases of extreme nervousness and of insanity is almost unknown to alienists; but in future it is bound to play an important part in mental as it will in all disease. Fasting never caused a loss of mind power ; its tendency is in the opposite direction; and to refute the criticism that prolonged abstinence from food results in insanity, the author points to considerably over one thousand continuous fasts in which no case de- veloped aught but improvement in brain function. All functional derangements not cor- rected lead finally to organic disease. In the latter some part of the bodily appa- ratus is mechanically unable to perform its work ; its structure is injured or essen- CURE OF DISEASE 75 tially imperfect. In functional disease, the structure of the apparatus shows no de- rangement nor any morbid condition, but yet it acts inefficiently. That drugs do not affect brain structure is today well estab- lished; that insanity in most instances causes no deterioration in cell or nerve tissue is equally well known; and, in the latter fact is contained strong collateral proof that the source of mental disturb- ance must be sought elsewhere than in the instrument of thought. Injuries and dis- ease manifested by change in brain tissue will derange its operation, and, in soften- ing of the brain or in any inflammation, there are organic alterations in nerve sub- stance that may be seen and noted on examination. But, in hysteria, epilepsy, or mania, no changes of structure can be observed, notwithstanding evident func- tional disorder. The work that the brain can do depends upon the physical condition of the instru- ment and of its source of supply, body tissue. A functionally perfect brain re- sults from a physically perfect body; and yet the brain is not the producer of energy 76 FASTING FOR THE or vitality, nor of the mental processes ; it acts simply as a transformer, and it no more thinks than do the words that ex- press the thought. It would seem that mind and matter join only through will, and that the real man is altogether what conscious purpose makes him. For the sake of forcing home the central fact about which cluster the underlying truths of physical life, it may again be stated that energy and vitality exist out- side of and independent of the body, as they do within it. Through the dynamo of the human machine, the brain, energy is liberated as needed; and, as has been shown, the brain recovers from fatigue by rest and sleep, and not by food. Its suste- nance is obtained from body tissue, and it is recharged, we know not how. Food is not the sole source of strength; it serves the purely mechanical purpose of rebuild- ing the body by cell replacement or growth. In this connection, whatever be the final solution, the theory that body heat de- pends upon consumption of food in the processes of digestion and assimilation is CURE OF DISEASE 77 certainly subject to modification. It is true that excess of food causes rise in tempera- ture, or fever; but this is due to combus- tion in the intestines and consequent poison in the veins. The opposite is at times observed, for body temperature may be habitually below register. In either condition, abstinence from food restores temperature and pulse to normal. Hence, without attempting a complete solution of the problem, the actual facts are here pre- sented to be considered with those ad- vanced concerning the greater question of life, as revealed in the source of vitality and energy. The digestion of a meal, with the subse- quent forcing of food rubbish through stomach and bowels, costs brain power more than any ordinary work of muscle or of mind, and the result is loss to vitality, as overfeeding never fails to show. Suffi- cient food in a normal body means clear thought and maximum brain force; more than this entails excessive labor on the organs of digestion and consequent over- time charged to vitality. From these facts and from the results 78 FASTING FOR CURE of the treatment as cited previously, it should be clear that, as a fast progresses, a condition almost purely mental is reached, a condition in which the whole of life is concerned solely with the intel- lectual or spiritual side of Nature as dis- tinguished from the material. Thus it is that, in the fervor of concentration and of introspection, the Yogi lives not eating; thus it was that, in anticipation of the test when every spiritual sense was valued at its maximum perceptive worth, the Christ abstained from food. CHAPTER VII. Sexual, Disease and the Fast. In the fast the sexual desires, whether formerly excessively or moderately active, or in abeyance, are brought to normal; and attention to diet and to right living finds passion controlled and subservient in all senses to will. While the fast is in progress desire leaves, and in woman at this time the menses do not usually ap- pear. All nature rests and bides the day when every function, including the highest, may again take up its labor, restored to pristine vigor and filled with the joy of life and work. Women, who for years have suffered at their monthly periods, look in vain for the usual pains, and do not recover for months from the sense of fear lest they again occur. With correct living the men- strual difficulties have disappeared for good and all. As a matter of fact the dis- charge may not be present for several 79 80 FASTING FOR THE periods after the completion of the fast, but finally it will return odorless and healthy in appearance. Its absence should occasion no alarm; but, on the other hand, in a few instances in the experience of the author, the menses have occurred during the fast, almost viscid in consistency and most offensive in odor. But this may be regarded as the result of extreme conges- tion of ovaries and uterus, and as a natural cleansing of a clogged and filthy reproductive system, all of which happens in slighter degree in every woman. Ordinarily ovarian congestion is over- come and the impurities deposited in these parts are eliminated in the usual manner through the circulation, but the extraordinary manifestation described should produce no more alarm than the absence of the menses during the fast. Both are legitimate in origin, and are signs of Nature's housecleaning. While the menstrual flow is present in the females of all mammals, it is barely perceptible in some and in none is it so great in quantity as in woman. She is the only female in the whole animal king- CURE OF DISEASE 81 dom that is compelled to undergo the monthly inconvenience of copious dis- charge from the uterus and its appendages. This is the penalty attached by Nature to thousands of years of use of the organs of reproduction for other than legitimate purposes, and is a beautiful illustration of the universal law of compensation. In treating the disease symptom known as menorrhagia or excessive menstruation, a fast of two or three days will reduce the flow to nil; and in cases of foul or of painful menstruation permanent relief is obtained in less than twenty-four hours. Heat and manipulation are helpful agents in this connection, and they materially hasten results. It is necessary to add that in all cases of this kind a complete cleansing is imperative if the results ob- tained are to stand, and right living in the future is a positive condition of con- tinued well-being. The menopause or change of life is a period dreaded by all women. There is never any certainty as to the consequences it will produce, nor any method of telling just how they will be manifested. Fasting 82 FASTING FOR THE has demonstrated that the menses may be properly regulated, and that assurance as to their recurrence is possible when right living is practiced. The menopause is a normal event, and every woman should pass through it without pain, excessive nervousness, or other evil effect. All these things are possible to a system cleansed by a fast. Ever-present female troubles are un- known to Nature when her dictates are acknowledged and pursued. The fast and subsequent treatment result in a set of healthy muscles for the support of the organs of reproduction, and in healthy secretions for all purposes peculiar to these parts. Judicious exercise strength- ens the sustaining ligaments, and they do not fail in their work if rightly used there- after. Woman's dress is responsible for many of her physical weaknesses, and, without entering into detail it is well to mention here the one garment to which is at- tributed so much of female woe. The corset has no place in the wardrobe of a sane, healthy, normal woman. Her own CURE OF DISEASE 83 muscles shape her form as Nature in- tended, and any one of the sex, not posi- tively deformed in bony structure, may attain a perfect figure by correct living and by proper exercise. In addition, the corset causes a number of displacements in woman's special organs; and lungs, liver, and intestines suffer in many ways from its constrictive effects. All gar- ments should, as far as possible, hang from the shoulders; and there should be no restraining or binding cords, bones, or elastics to restrict free movement, or to hinder circulation. Lack of nourishment is just as much to blame for disease ex- pressed by symptoms located in the repro- ductive system as is the corset. Muscles not properly rebuilt, energy impeded in the process of liberation, and intestines filled with food rubbish, all combine in the attack, and cause congestion, inflam- mation, and sexual decay. In connection with the sexual effects of the fast and of diet, the experience of the author has shown that children fed upon a non-flesh basis develop sexually in a gradual normal manner, and exhibit fewer 84 FASTING FOR CURE tendencies toward sexual abuse or perver- sion than are found in those whose diet is composed largely of meat. Just what normal desire between the sexes originally meant is somewhat dif- ficult to state, but it is safe to assume that normal sex relations were limited to pur- poses of procreation. The fast restores all functions to a primary condition, and male as well as female find the sexual in- stinct dominated by the intellect. During the fast desire leaves, but is restored in natural characteristic quality when disease is eliminated and health returns. It is well to add that the fast will invariably restore normal sex functions though pre- viously non-existent. CHAPTER VIII. The Enema. Much has been written concerning the enema or internal bath, and opinions vary as to its efficacy and the results of its continued use. In fasting, experience has shown that daily flushing of the colon is a positive necessity for success in the treatment. This matter has been referred to previously in the text, and it has been established conclusively that the fluid state of the waste thrown into the intestines at this time admits of easy absorption and of consequent septic poisoning. Peristaltic action in the absence of fresh supplies of food is sluggish, and absorption proceeds despite the material. Hence the need for prompt removal; and here the internal bath is a staunch ally. Objections are made to the use of the enema on the scores that it is not natural and that it tends to dilate the bowel. For the moment, in answer to the first differ- 86 86 FASTING FOR THE ence, it is sufficient to say that laxatives and cathartics are themselves against Nature. To the second, a bit more detail is needed in reply. The enema should be administered in the knee-chest posture, the Sims' position of medicine, and in no other way. The descending colon lies on the left side of the lower trunk, and contains the bend known as the sigmoid flexure, a device of Nature for preventing too much pressure by the contents of the bowel on the mus- cles of the rectum and the anus. The flexure breaks the straight fall from the transverse portion of the large intestine to the rectum, and acts as a containing pouch. When the patient, in taking the injection, lies on the right side, the water is compelled to rise against gravity around and through this bend, and the colon is not completely flushed; indeed, it is safe to conclude that, in this position, not even the flexure itself is cleansed. When the left side is down and the right elevated, the condition is somewhat bet- tered, for gravity has a chance to assist as far as the bend from the descending CURE OP DISEASE 87 colon to the transverse; but here a new difficulty occurs, for the transverse colon is now a perpendicular tube and precludes further progress against its contents and gravity. When the injection is taken in the sitting posture, the rectum alone is affected, and dilatation will surely happen. Hence there are but two positions in which the whole of the colon will receive a supply of water sufficient to soften its hardened contents and to wash them away from its walls. These are the knee-chest posture and the shoulder-buttock, flat-on- the-back, or Simon's position. The latter, except in bed-ridden cases, is incon- venient; but the former, once adopted, is found to be comfortable and easily as- sumed. In this attitude gravity assists the water in its flow through the descend- ing colon, and across the transverse; and, on rising, a portion of the enema finds its way, aided by the upright position, into the ascending colon. If, as advised, not one, but two, three, or four bags are used, the bowel is completely flushed, and the loosened matter is carried to the rectum and evacuated. This of course means 88 FASTING FOR THE that the fluid from each bag with its addi- tions be discharged before the contents of the next bag are administered, for in this way undue pressure and dilatation are avoided. The enema is a necessary adjunct in fasting, and in health it is a most reliev- ing and cleansing operation. Its use be- comes in a short while a pleasure that more than compensates for the slight in- convenience. It is not intended to convey the thought that the enema should be taken daily in health, although no actual harm need result; but the formation of a habit is to be decried, and once, twice, or three times a week answers all purposes. So long as food is cooked food, and soft food, and so long as it is not properly masticated, so long will assistance be needed in completely evacuating the bowels. That this has been a recognized fact for ages is evidenced by drug statis- tics, for ninety per cent, of all medication is aimed at the intestines. The ordinary fountain syringe equip- ment is sufficient for the administration of the bath as described, and the short rectal CURE OF DISEASE 89 tube is long enough for all purposes when the correct posture is assumed. Gravity does the work. Fill the bag, preferably of three-quart capacity, suspend it at con- venient height, insert the tube, kneel upon the floor or cushion, put the elbows on the floor, and lower the head to the same level. Now start the flow, which may easily be regulated by the shut-off or by pinching the tube between the forefinger and thumb. It is possible that at first there may be a slight griping sensation, and a sense of fullness, but this is soon overcome; and, when one is accustomed to the position, the results of the enema are such that it is more than deprivation to omit its use. As the fast progresses, the bowel dis- charges are, to say the least, startling. From the first day until indications show that the cleansing process is logically ended, quantities of blackish-brown foul- smelling liquid are evacuated, and mixed with this are lumps of hardened fecal mat- ter dislodged from the walls of the intes- tines or impacted from solid particles ex- creted in elimination. Another feature, more or less noticeable in long fasts, is the 90 FASTING FOR THE great amount of stringy white or yellow- ish mucus that comes away with each internal bath. It seems that the intestines themselves are sloughing, so complete is the renewal that occurs when the method is carried to culmination. Where inflamed conditions are present, blood may be in evidence during early stages; but, as the fast proceeds, soreness and ulceration rapidly disappear; and the discharges be- come, as described, simple results of elimination. Soap-suds, salt, soda, and the like should be avoided in the preparation of the enema. Absorption of a portion of the contents of each bag is almost instan- taneous, and the safer plan is to use no foreign substance whatever. Copious dis- charge from the bladder immediately after rectal injection is the common indi- cation of the rapidity with which absorp- tion takes place from the colon. Oftentimes in illness food is supplied to the body by injections per rectum. It would be deemed an act of insanity to deliver drinking water to household faucets through the sewers of a city. CURE OF DISEASE 91 Analogy is plainly evident in the methods of transmission named, and so-called nutri- tious enemata are so absolutely against Nature, and so disgusting to the thought, that reason seems lacking in the mind that suggests them. Similarly injections of oil of any kind are to be decried, and warmed plain water, or distilled water, if pollution of any sort is feared, should be the only flushing agent. Judicious use of the enema is a certain preventive of extreme congestion in rectum and in anus. Hemorrhoids are un- known to the habitual employer of a prop- erly administered weekly or semi-weekly internal bath. And more, in conjunction with the fast, no case of piles will with- stand the warm water injection, but will quickly disappear as the system reverts to normal. CHAPTER IX. Children in the Fast. Children respond to the fasting treat- ment in a marvelous way, for, where in- nate vitality is great or has not been drawn upon by years of overeating or of physical abuse, the outcome is assured and is most rapid in accomplishment. In the adult toxins are quickly manufactured, but are not thrown off as they are pro- duced; in youth this fatigue poison is eliminated more quickly than upbuilding takes place. These facts are illustrated when overexertion occurs, for the man succumbs to auto-intoxication, but the child suffers from actual exhaustion or want of potential. Beginning at birth, the desire on the part of a baby's immediate family seems to consist in forcing food upon the new- comer. If the mother be not ready for the operation, the cow is called upon, and the result is colic or disease at the very 92 CURE OF DISEASE 93 threshold of the poor mite's existence. It never harms an infant to delay feeding within reason nntil the mother can take care of her legitimate work, or until natu- ral supplies can be furnished. Nature has stored in the tissue of the child sufficient for its support for from three to five days, and a great error is committed when feed- ing is begun too soon. The story of the average baby's early years contains successive fifteen-minute paragraphs of eating. Its waking moments are devoted to the business of the mouth and stomach, and the habit of chewing is formed for it long before it can talk. This may be called instinct, but it is almost all due to training either by mother or by nurse. Some day, perhaps, sane feeding of young children will be the rule, but until then the usual infantile disease symptoms will manifest themselves. The contention that all disease has its origin in impaired digestive power is more strongly upheld when disturbances occur in the young than when the adult organism is affected. In the child, unaccustomed to continued 94 FASTING FOR THE abuse of the body and its functions, with no habits formed, the system resents any but natural treatment. If the contrary is persistently administered, some such dis- ease symptom as cholera infantum, diph- theria, or scarlet fever develops, which, like other ills, are results of false stand- ards in habit and in diet. The infant from birth through the first two years of its existence should never be fed more than four times daily, and night feeding should not be thought of. As in the adult, when disease appears, prompt withholding of food removes the imme- diate cause of disturbance; an enema or several of them clears the digestive prod- ucts from the bowels; fever drops at once; diarrhoea and colic disappear; and in two or three days at longest the young- ster is whole and hearty again. A fast of a day is most beneficial to even the young- est of babes. No alarm need be felt, and Nature readjusts the little system most rapidly, so that the functions resume their labors rested and invigorated. In this connection it is well to mention that the mental condition of a nursing CURE OP DISEASE 95 mother will, at times, bring about such changes in the milk of her breasts as to cause serious illness in the sucking child. Mother's milk, affected by a mother's mind, becomes, through functional de- rangement of nerve force, a virulent poison; and as surely as the babe is fed with milk secreted in circumstances that show grief, or anxiety, or anger, so surely will its digestive apparatus reflect the mental state of the mother. The recuperative powers of a child are wonderful when allowed to display them- selves; and it takes many years of abuse to dispel vitality from a young body. Perhaps better illustration may be thrown upon the subject by describing the treat- ment of the mysterious and dreaded disease symptom known to medicine as cerebro-spinal meningitis. The death rate of this disorder is over ninety per cent., and medicine is at sea concerning its origin, its treatment, and its cure. As its site at the base of the brain precludes any but post-mortem examination, it bids fair to occupy an impregnable position from a medical standpoint for some time to come. 96 FASTING FOR THE As the name implies, cerebro-spinal meningitis is an inflammation of one of the meninges or coverings of the spinal cord, the covering known as the pia mater. This immediately surrounds the cord, and as the inflammation develops at or near the point where the latter joins the brain substance, it is a symptom to be feared in even its milder forms. Its causes are stated in the text-books to be shocks, lacerations, or concussions; disease symp- toms located near the seat of trouble or in close connection with the spinal cord; sometimes acute disease symptoms that may or may not be connected ; and, though very rare, excessive mental work or excite- ment. The symptoms occur more often in the young, although they may and do ap- pear in adults, but much less frequently. In conjunction with the inflammation, bacteriologists have discovered a coccus known as the "Diplococcus Fraenkel," and named for the scientist who first sepa- rated and classified the germ. This organ- ism, also, is always found in the lungs in acute pneumonia, and there seems to be a close relation between the two disease symptoms, at least in some of their forms. CURE OF DISEASE 97 When first attacked, the signs are nausea, headache at the base of the brain, and fever that may at once leap to 104 or 105 degrees. The pulse is variable but more often slow. In the so-called epidemic form a skin eruption is one of the features. The progress of the conditions is rapid, and in acute cases from three to five days mark its limit. Even in the earlier stages there is delirium, and in the later ones coma ending in death occurs. Medical treatment calls for nutrition every three or four hours, either in the natural way or per rectum. Hot applica- tions to the extremities are used to keep the blood from the head, and bleeding was formerly resorted to, though it is forbid- den today. Drugs for allaying pain and delirium are also brought into play, but no specific has been found in all materia medica, nor ever will be. However, the remedy exists, as it does for all disease, when vitality has not been permanently clogged in its transfer by abuse and maltreatment. The moment that disease is recognized in its true light as Nature's cure, the real and only specific 98 FASTING FOR THE is discovered, — rest for the overworked parts of the machine, and renewal for those functions that need repair. Referring to a former remark concern- ing feeding during high temperature, why, in the symptom under discussion or in any other, put food into a system burning with fever? Adding fuel to an over- heated stove is ordinarily not a rational way of damping the fire. Until disease appeared the patient was feeding, and in all probability was stricken with a full stomach. Fever is due to absorption of rotting food rubbish in the alimentary canal, and when food is forced into this mass, either from above or below, the re- sults are increased temperature and more acute illness. Drugs administered in the circumstances are stimulants or narcotics ; the former raise the action of the heart and with it the temperature, and the latter lower nerve transmission. Rationally the method to be employed should remove the cause of the condition, and the first step in its accomplishment is found in the absolute withdrawal of food. The next is taken in the removal of all ^ CURE OF DISEASE 99 traces of food rubbish that remain in the intestines, and this should be done with the utmost celerity. Warm water enemas of plain water properly given will flush the colon, and before the first day is ended, the major portion of the mass of poison- ous filth will have been removed. The re- sults are at once apparent: fever drops one, two, three degrees; delirium ceases; and the patient is a long way towards re- covery. To assist in lowering temperature, cold compresses may be applied along the spine and over the abdomen, but cold water should be used only when reaction is prompt and vigorous. If there be ten- dency to chill, artificial heat must be em- ployed, and in any event hot water appli- cations to the base of the brain and along the spinal column, continuously laid, are of vital import in reducing inflammation. Each day should see the details of the method carefully and constantly followed, for success depends upon faithfulness in every particular. Food must not be given until fever has entirely disappeared, and fruit juices and vegetable broths afford the best introduction to more solid forms. 100 FASTING FOR CURE Cerebro-spinal meningitis is at times so prevalent in a community as to lead to the assumption that it is either contagious or infectious, both classifications having been made by authorities presumably com- petent. It will be found, however, that the so-called epidemic usually occurs after a season during which children have been housed and have suffered from lack of exercise and from contaminated air in close quarters. The ever-present germ finds in these subjects inviting soil in which to propagate, and many victims ready for its cultivation. Herein lies the sole reason for the number of cases frequently de- veloped in late winter or in early spring. CHAPTEE X. Diet. Diet at any time is largely a matter of special need, but it would seem that, after a course of fasting, the success of which depends upon reduction to normal in all respects, certain set rules might be laid down to apply in every case. Even here, however, peculiar requirements develop in each individual. The sins of generations of ancestors are in great measure respon- sible for these conditions, and empiric methods must be used to determine the foods necessary to supply nourishment in proper quantity, distribution, and propor- tion. Taste figures more than aught else in the selection of food material in health. It is popularly believed that when an arti- cle of food is not repugnant to the sense of taste, it is wholesome and healthful, and that harm cannot result from its ingestion. The fallacy of such doctrine is easily 101 102 FASTING FOR THE shown, for tastes are generally abnormal and perverted, and their variations are such that a volume could be filled with strange tales concerning them. The ques- tion resolves itself into not how much can be eaten, nor how pleasant is the process, but what is the body's need? It is true that, after a fast, all natural food is agreeable to the taste, and is de- sired with hunger inspired by a clean, healthy system that asks wholesome nour- ishment, and that fully enjoys its inges- tion and digestion. Simple foods, prop- erly prepared and correctly proportioned as to quanta of fats, carbo-hydrates, and protein, and the mineral salts necessary, are what the dietitian and the individual should aim to supply. The fast is over, the system cleansed, and the digestive organs are in full vigor and waiting to make pure blood and pure tissue from proper food. No further demonstration is needed to show that mankind habitually overeats, and that, as a result, nutritive material is absorbed in quantity beyond the require- ments of the body. The system is loaded CURE OF DISEASE 103 with an unnecessary burden, and the machinery is hampered in its operation. But just as the liver stands guard, in so far as it may, over matter absorbed, and just as it separates the good from the bad ; so at the very inception of the diges- tive process, the mouth with its armor of teeth and its salivary apparatus deter- mines in large degree the amount of food needed in nutrition. The mouth holds the nerves of taste; taste is enjoyed in the mouth, and taste has its great purpose in deciding just when food has been ground between the teeth sufficiently to prepare it for the suc- cessive processes. Taste disappears when food has been properly insalivated, and too much chewing cannot be done, since the benefits derived are immeasurable, even apart from the comminution of solids. The mouth easily accomplishes this work when the habit has been ac- quired, but if it perform it carelessly, a great deal of extra labor is placed upon the other organs of digestion. The sub- ject of mastication is most important, and its value in digestive economy is excel- 104 FASTING FOR THE lently treated in "The A-B-Z of Our Own Nutrition," by Horace Fletcher. Fletcher says: "When food is filtered into the body after having become lique- fied and made alkaline, or at least neu- tral, by saliva, the appetite is given a chance to measure the needs of the body and to discriminate against excess. As soon as the point of complete saturation of any one deficiency is reached, the appe- tite is cut off as short as possible with no indication of stomach fullness. It will welcome a little of proteid, and then turn to sugar or fat in some of their numerous forms. Thirst for water will assert itself for a moment, sometimes asking but for a drop, and again for a full glass; and, afterwards, when near the point of com- plete saturation, appetite will hesitate for a moment, as if searching around for some rare substance, and may find its final satisfaction in a single spoonful of sweet or a sip of something in sight. "The appetite, satisfied by the infilter- ing process, is a sweetly appeased appe- tite, calm, rested, contented, normal. There is no danger from the flooding of intern- CURE OF DISEASE 105 perance, for there is not even toleration of excess either of more food or of more drink, and this contented appetite will remain in the condition of contentment until another need has really been earned by evaporation or destructive katabol- ism." In these conditions lies the solution of the problem of overeating. Mastication, carried to the degree that taste is dissi- pated, absolutely precludes eating save for the needs of metabolism. The supply is made equal to the demand, neither more nor less; and intemperance in all forms is effectively prevented. A scientific discussion of the question of diet is manifestly out of place in this text. Authorities differ widely, and none in the author's ken has ever dealt with feeding from the standpoint met after a fast, with a stomach made over, so to speak. Here we deal with first principles, and infant dietetics do not require as much care and attention as do those of the faster learn- ing again to eat. To repeat, diet is largely a matter of special need; but, generally, a fast should 106 FASTING FOR THE be broken on vegetable broths or on ripe fruit juices. Artificial aids like season- ing are not at all missed, for hunger and proper mastication supply enjoyment that must be experienced to be appreciated. Within a day or two the amount of food may be increased, and solids in the forms of vegetables and fruits may be fed in quantity sufficient to satisfy hunger, but not more. In a week nuts should be added to the dietary, and raw foods should always form part of the list. The ideal nutriment for the human body is found in raw or live food; but, in exist- ing circumstances, a return to its use is problematical. The best advice that can be given makes imperative thorough mas- tication of every morsel, after exercising due care in its selection. Meat in any form should never enter the food supply of normal man. Argu- ments pro and con have long been ex- changed on this subject, and advocates of the strongest will combat the non-flesh diet for years to come. Two reasons will serve to refute this error in hygiene, and they are these : CURE OF DISEASE 107 First, dead animal tissue holds within it the products of metabolism, both con- structive and destructive. The process of change is suddenly arrested when the animal is killed, and its juices contain toxins not thrown off that no amount of cooking can destroy. For that matter, even were they completely annihilated, flesh is still vegetable tissue with the waste of change combined in its struc- ture, and it seems more logical to consume the vegetab-° at first hand. Mr. Otto Carque, in his ' ' Errors of Bio- chemistry," says: " There is also a marked physiological difference between plant and animal food. Animals are dis- tinguished from vegetables by incessant decay in every tissue, a decay which is proportional to animal activity. This in- cessant decay necessitates incessant re- pair, so that the animal body has been likened to a temple on which two opposite forces are at work in every part, the one tearing down, the other repairing the breach as fast as it is made. In plants, no such incessant decay has ever been discovered. If it exists at all, it must be 108 FASTING FOR THE very trifling in comparison. Protoplasm, it is true, is taken from the older parts of the plant, and these parts die; but the protoplasm does not seem to decompose, but is used again for tissue building. Thus the internal activity of animals is of two kinds, tissue destroying and tissue building, while that of plants is principally of one kind, tissue building. Flesh foods will, therefore, impart less vitality to our system than plant foods, because the for- mer always contain a quantity of sub- stances which have undergone the various stages of katabolism and have lost their vital force by producing animal heat and energy. We feel drowsy and indolent after a heavy meal of meat, while an apple, an orange, a bunch of grapes in- stantly refreshes us. The theories that flesh makes flesh, that blood is converted into blood, that calf's or sheep's brain increases our mental capacity, that meat is predigested plant food, cannot stand in the light of physiological chemistry/ ' Second, late experiments carried out most thoroughly by Irving Fisher, Pro- fessor of Political Economy at Yale Uni- CURE OF DISEASE 109 versity, show beyond any chance of refu- tation that the physical endurance of the human body is increased to the utmost by a non-flesh diet. In these experiments meat-eating athletes competed in test ex- ercises with non-meat eaters, both seden- tary and athletic. The results were so largely in favor of the non-flesh diet that the most ardent advocates in opposition can find no loophole to escape the facts. No adequate explanation is as yet avail- able for the evident superiority of a vege- tarian diet over one of flesh as regards endurance, save, perhaps, in the theory that a diet composed in greater part of proteid produces uric acid and other crys- talline substances, which in turn cause muscular fatigue in exercise. The facts are patent in these instances as they are in all of the author's own experiments carried on during the past eight years along similar lines. A non-flesh diet makes a consistently strong and enduring physical structure, and the reverse is true when meat forms part of the food ingested. In the past facts like these have been obscured, and the truth has suffered, as 110 FASTING FOR THE is so often the case, because the idea con- tained in the term " vegetarian' ' sug- gested what is popularly regarded as fanaticism gone mad. Any doctrine ad- vanced with polemical warmth, coupled with enthusiasm and dogma almost relig- ious, has but small degree of influence upon scientific thought. The matter should be approached calmly and with the seriousness due to a question that is of more practical import than any in the whole subject of hygiene. When this occurs, the theory embodied in the results of the tests mentioned, and of those con- ducted by the author, will be fully borne out and established as fact. With the individual himself rests the selection of a healthful and properly dis- tributed food supply. The first thing to consider is the amount of food necessary for the body, and this depends upon phys- ical characteristics, occupation, and the nature of the subject's physical exercises. The laboring man breaks down more tis- sue in shorter time than does the banker or the clerk; yet. usually, the latter do not eat fewer meals or less at a sitting CURE OF DISEASE 111 than their burly brother. What is needed for the one is more than sufficient for the others. A mean may be established by the brain-worker should he devote his spare moments to outdoor recreation, or to manual labor; but, even then, equilibrium is scarcely reached, and he still eats far in excess of his requirements. The labor- ing man too is at fault in this respect, for, unless his be an exceptional case, the basis of diet is starch, which demands enormous bulk for satisfaction. The digestion of food of this kind is a great tax on the digestive tract and on its controlling nerves. In order to correct the conditions as described, the simplest remedy is to cut down the food supply. Perhaps the easi- est method to follow is to omit one of the regular meals, and once the habit is ac- quired, the early morning breakfast is not even missed, while reason indicates that it is the meal to be dropped. The brain and the nerves are recuperated by rest alone, and food or its absence causes no change in their functions. In fact, the presence of food in the stomach acts detri- 112 FASTING FOR THE mentally on reasoning power, since it calls energy elsewhere and deprives the brain of just so much of its force. The whole mental and nervous systems, re- freshed by the night's rest, are at their maximum of energy in the early morning; the blood has replaced the waste carried away during sleep, and the entire fabric stands at the threshold of the day ready for anything but the process of digesting food. There is no true hunger in the morning; habit and appetite are respon- sible for the craving felt at that time. In much that is written concerning the matter of diet there are so many sweeping and conflicting statements, impossible rules and foolish conclusions that it is no wonder that many persons brush the whole subject aside as being too complex for them. The trouble is that there are too many who try to enforce their own personal ideas upon others in this connection. There are the ' 'cranks" who must have something to be cranky about in any case, and a " crank" who has picked up a little scientific jargon and thinks he has cured CURE OF DISEASE 113 himself of something is a very persistent person. Then there are those who have been really cured of some ailment by a diet that happens to suit their individual requirements. They go about forever afterward finding the same disease symp- tom in every one they meet and offering the same remedy. There are also the one- food people, who are in continual search of what not to devour, and who would re- duce us all to whole wheat or pecans. It is absurd for those who have not made themselves familiar with the chem- istry of foods to try to talk learnedly of their action in human economy, and it may be taken as an axiom that within the indi- vidual capacity (which can be learned only by individual experiment) variety in diet is better than monotony. A diet that is strictly limited to a few things trains the stomach to adapt itself to those few, and eventually trouble ensues when change is attempted. CHAPTER XL Bathing and Feesh Air. The skin of the human body serves a threefold purpose: it protects the tissues; it is a sensory organ; and it is an organ of elimination. This latter function is all important from a health viewpoint, for the waste material discharged through millions of pores daily is equal in quan- tity to a large part of the solid matter thrown off through the bowels. The cos- tume of civilized man prevents complete evaporation, and as a consequence this refuse is partly dissipated, partly ab- sorbed by the underclothing, and partly deposited in dried form on the surface of the skin. That great elimination takes place from the pores is plainly evident during a fast, for body odor is most offensive, and the air of a room is quickly tainted in spite of frequent bathing on the part of the patient. A healthy skin is a clean skin, and, while bathing the 114 CURE OF DISEASE 115 outer surface of the body does not neces- sarily mean internal cleanliness as well, it is a long step towards its attainment. There are those to whom the cold water bath is a detriment, and in ill health it should be indulged in only under direc- tion. To be of benefit, it should be fol- lowed by immediate reaction, demonstrated in warmth and a general sense of exhilar- ation. The time for a cold bath is early morning, and to those whose vitality is equal to the shock, the plunge is the easi- est and best method of application. The safest way, however, is to use a wet towel or a sponge ; and, in case there is aversion or shrinking, the water may be lowered gradually in temperature from tepid to cold. Unless the thought of the bath is free from dread of shock, it is best to make it tepid. As a cleanser the cold bath is of little avail, for it is ordi- narily taken without soap, and can remove only surface filth. Its effect is simply tonic, and in fasting it should never be considered except under competent direc- tion. To cleanse the skin hot water is the 116 FASTING FOR THE only effective agent. The more bodily exercise, the more clothing worn, and the more food consumed, the more hot baths are needed to insure cleanliness. As with all things good, moderation and reason should enter into its employ, and care must be observed lest the relaxation that results be not prolonged to the point of weakness. In health the skin of the body should be cleansed daily so that it may continue to perform its functions in a normal manner. Personal characteristics, however, govern, and no fixed rule can be laid down for general observance. While fasting, the cold bath may prove a too strenuous morning diversion, and tepid water must be substituted. But each day of abstinence requires a thorough cleansing of the whole surface of the body with hot water, soap, and the flesh brush vigorously applied. At this time the skin is eliminating with redoubled energy, and the typical odor of body waste, as evi- denced in the perspiration, is augmented, oftentimes to the disgust of the patient himself. Hence the necessity of the daily bath is forced upon him reflexively. CURE OF DISEASE 117 In connection with what may be called the breathing function of the skin, it is a well known fact that, if the surface of the body be covered with a medium impervi- ous to air, such as gold leaf, death will ensue in a short time with all the symp- toms of suffocation. Like the lungs, the pores utilize oxygen and throw off car- bonic acid gas. Woolen underclothing with its absorbed perspiration acts in every respect as a covering partially im- pervious to air, and, while warmth is con- served for a time, health suffers. Gar- ments of wool worn next to the skin are deadly enemies that custom, civilization, and climate have raised against natural law. Silk or cotton of light weight and meshed in texture answer the require- ments of both comfort and health. For warmth, heavier outer garments suffice. The night clothing should consist of but one piece as light in weight as is pos- sible, and in no conditions should any por- tion of the clothes worn during the day be permitted to remain in sleep. Bodily warmth may be preserved by bed-clothing, and it is far better to return to the ancient 118 FASTING FOR THE custom of the " naked bed" than to sleep in underclothes. Virtually all bodily functions are peri- odical in both application and effect. In the lower animals this is made quite evi- dent, and is well illustrated in the annual withdrawal that occurs at the time of moulting in fowls, and at the hair-shed- ding period in fur-bearing kinds. In man and the animal kingdom generally, daily renewal of nervous and muscular energy is accomplished only at the regularly re- curring hours of sleep; and not alone does the renewal of nervous and muscular energy take place at this time, but the whole body and its functions are recuper- ated. The processes of assimilation and of elimination are most easily performed during the healthful relaxation that sleep brings ; and, while brain and nerve feeding are in progress continuously, the great period of rebuilding and of recuperation lies in the unconscious moments of peri- odical rest. Lost vitality, and with it, strength, is restored; and, to the healthy man, a night of sleep, when all but the involuntary functions are relaxed and at CURE OF DISEASE 119 rest, brings a morning of strength and renewed vitality. If sleep be necessary in health, it is much more essential during a fast; for every advantage must be taken of every natural aid toward elimination of disease; and, in natural therapeutics, rest is all important. In some instances, while the fast is in progress, sleep is found difficult, since at this time there is no digestion, and Nature requires shorter intervals to recuperate. With smaller draught upon nervous energy, nervous and physical fa- tigue is greatly lessened; but no alarm need be felt, for here insomnia is a legiti- mate effect of Nature's law. There are also many cases in which sleep is both un- disturbed and natural throughout the fast. No caution should be necessary to em- phasize the oft-repeated direction that sleeping apartments must be well venti- lated; but, sad to relate, the majority are as yet ignorant in the larger sense of the therapeutic value of fresh air constantly applied. The healthy body fears neither cold nor draughts, and it were better that every window in the sleeping room be 120 FASTING FOR THE kept open; but at least sufficient communi- cation should be had with outside air to insure a continuous supply. The importance of pure air as an aid to health is, of course, based on the great law that all purification is the result of combustion or oxidation. Of the sub- stances furnished body tissue by the blood, oxygen is of highest value. Its want is soonest felt, for, while muscle has within itself a store of this gas, it does not pos- sess sufficient to oxidize all that is offered in waste. Muscular activity is dependent to a great extent on the character of the blood supply, which must be clear of refuse and must contain oxygen enough to insure complete combustion of waste prod- ucts. The lungs receive oxygen from the air, and deliver it to the blood, from which they transfer and exhale carbonic acid gas, the product of tissue oxidation. The latter is a pungent asphyxiant, which in quantities means instant death by suffo- cation; and even a small amount has a dulling effect upon breathing organisms. It will be evident that prompt removal and dissipation are necessary for perfect functioning and for physical comfort. CURE OF DISEASE 121 In the order of their importance in the economy of his body, man needs air, sleep, water, food, and exercise. Deprive him of oxygen, and death is instantane- ous; of sleep, and it is delayed but for a time; and each in turn withheld brings dissolution in its train. Lack of exercise of muscle or of brain results in physical or in mental atrophy if long continued; but Nature resists to the utmost always, and the human body may exist for years with little or no physical work. CHAPTER XII. Medicai, Dogmas. When called to see a patient, the first act of a school physician is to study the symptoms and all conditions underlying these signs of disease — the work, the worry, the exposure, the unusual strain which the subject has sustained. With the facts before him, together with what he can learn of the man's temperament, his tendencies, his vitality, he forms his diagnosis. Until the doctor of medicine has done these things, he can make no in- telligent step towards relief. A diagnosis, or a study of symptoms with a view of determining the nature of the ailment, is the basic move of the medical man; and yet, when symptoms and tendencies are noted and arranged, what has the physi- cian discovered! Not the cause of disease, but the sources of the symptoms, and not always even these. Careful perusal of the foregoing pages, 122 CURE OF DISEASE 123 and careful comparison of personal experi- ences with those cited in the text, should convince even a prejudiced mind that but one cause is primarily responsible for all physical ills. The starting point of dis- ease is impaired digestive power, with its certain sequence, impure blood. If we attack the symptoms, we leave the cause untouched; our work is incomplete and unsatisfactory; we have not assisted Na- ture, but have only arrested her process of cure. Sooner or later, disease will re- assert itself, perhaps in other outward form, but still the same in cause and in effect. Medicine is known as a remedial agent, and drugs are, broadly speaking, either stimulants or narcotics. The former occa- sion great activity in the receptive organs, and the latter paralyze the functions. Some substances in Nature are harmless if introduced into the human body by way of the stomach, but are most deadly in effect if placed directly in the blood. The digestive juices act in the first instance, perhaps at once, and neutralize the poison, while the liver guards the circulation and 124 FASTING FOR THE separates the toxin wholly or in part from nutritive matter. Hypodermically admin- istered, no protection is afforded the vital organs save that contained in themselves and in the blood; and the efforts of lungs and heart are very apparent as they act upon the drug and attempt its elimination. Medicine asserts that certain drugs influ- ence certain organs; but a little thought, guided by the above exposition, should make clear the fact that the organ acts upon the drug, which is at once a poison and a stimulant. In medical dictionaries whole pages are devoted to the classification of bacteria and of their higher forms, bacilli. These living organisms exist in Nature at all times and in all places, and their pres- ence is assumed to be a menace to the health of any individual or of any com- munity. Specific remedies for the annihi- lation of specific germs are continually being sought, and materia medica is flooded with lymphs and anti-toxins suffi- cient to depopulate the universe. If the germ be the real cause of certain disease symptoms, why are not all individuals in CURE OF DISEASE 125 whom it is found attacked in the same manner? If we are helpless in the grasp of any bacillus, none of us can escape, since it is ever-present. But, if it be not the cause, we must admit an environment, a soil for propagation; and herein lies the solution of the vexed problem of so- called epidemic disease. Destroy the gar- den plot in which the growth may multi- ply, attack the cause, and the knell of the germ is rung. The juices of a normal body absolutely prevent the propagation of foreign life, except so much as is neces- sary for scavenger work, for germ life in Nature has its great purpose in policing all organisms. Look not then for princi- ples destructive to bacteria, but rather seek to restore to normal the diseased structure of the living body. One word here concerning vaccination. Back in the latter part of the eighteenth century, Dr. Jenner heard a milkmaid re- mark that she could never have smallpox, for she had caught it previously from a cow. Investigating the matter, the doc- tor found, or thought he found, that no one who had had cowpox ever had small- 126 FASTING FOR THE pox. He did not know anything about germs, but lie reasoned much as the germ theorists do today, and he inoculated some of his friends, and they did not catch the smallpox. This proved the theory, and he was at once persecuted by the medical profession. However, so persistently did he plead his cause that vaccination became a medical fetich, and it is now upheld, with later discoveries just as reasonable and just as true, to the everlasting harm of those who have had the poison intro- duced into healthy veins, and whose trust in educated ignorance has not as yet been destroyed. Whenever man attempts to instruct Na- ture or to overturn her methods, it is more than probable that his intelligence will suffer in the operation. He will dis- cover that Nature's laws are immutable, and that she reasons eternally from cause to effect. In homely terms, she never "puts the cart before the horse." Some- times in the effort to right conditions that are wrong, she produces results that are hideous to the sight or painful to the nerves ; yet these are but the consequences CURE OF DISEASE 127 of primary disease or impaired digestion. Cancers, tumors, hideous running sores, excrescences, and deformities, all are but attempts on the part of Nature to balance the physical scales, and to restore the functions to normal; in other words, to remove disease. If these efforts are sup- pressed in one direction, they will surely be asserted in another, perhaps more hide- ous, or more painful. Hence the extirpa- tion of a growth by knife or otherwise does not remove the cause, and makes repetition virtually certain. In the process of evolution all things change, our business methods, our theo- ries, and our conceptions. To hold to the dead past is to be dead ; to keep step with inevitable change is to live. Man's aim should be to form a part with new ideals, to fashion them into practical things whose end is found in the uplift that truth discovered and followed gives to civiliza- tion. The word " science/ ' defined as "to know," cannot apply to the practice of medicine, for no practitioner on earth can foresee the effect of his drug upon sue- 128 FASTING FOR CURE cessive patients. One may be stimulated, another stupefied; and these results may be interchanged in altered conditions. The physician of the future will abandon his nostrums; will forsake his symptoms, except as local relief can be applied; and will devote himself to prevention of dis- ease, to the science embodied in the un- changing laws of Nature. CHAPTEE XIII. Cases Teeated by Fasting. The following cases treated by fasting are typical but not exhaustive. They are selected from a large number solely be- cause of their representative character, and as evidence that the fast reaches in- discriminately but in like manner all phases of functional bodily ills. E. A., Minneapolis, Minn. Male; 17 years of age. Typical disease symptom known as in- flammatory rheumatism. The patient was in most precarious condition when first seen. His medical adviser had given up the case, and had told the distracted mother that the disease had "gone to the heart," and that it was only a matter of a day or two at farthest. All that he could do was to ease the pain with opi- ates, and thus provide the young man with a peaceful passage into eternity. The mother had heard of the results accom- 129 130 FASTING FOR THE plished by fasting, and, as a last resort and with doubt in her mind, asked its aid. The boy had been in bed for five weeks, and his body exhibited all the evidences of disease and of the remedies applied. His left arm, wrist, and hand were greatly swollen and painful, as were also both knees and both ankles. The face was flushed, the breathing stertorous, the pulse fluttering and irregular, and the tempera- ture 105 degrees. The working founda- tion was flimsy in all respects, for the pre- ceding five weeks were worse than lost from a natural viewpoint. For two of these weeks the heart action had been stimulated with doses of digitalis and strychnine; food had been forced upon a rebellious stomach as many times daily as the patient could be induced to swallow; and, when pain had become too great to be borne or delirium intervened, codein and other opiates had been used unsparingly. In addition, two quarts of brandy had been poured into the drugged interior. As the result of drugs and disease, the boy could neither lie down nor sit up, and his position was a painful compromise. CURE OF DISEASE 131 Death seemed imminent, but food was at once withdrawn, every vestige of drugs was removed, and a slight massage treat- ment was given to equalize the circulation as much as was possible in the circum- stances. At the end of a half hour, a warm water enema brought away a large quantity of fecal matter from the colon. When treatment concluded, pulse and tem- perature showed decided improvement, while the patient was resting more quietly and easily than he had in a week. The second day of the fast was a trying one, since the anxiety and fear of the fam- ily, as well as the boy's weakness and pain, had to be met. In cases of this kind drastic measures are necessary, and vig- orous application of massage and enema brought temperature and pulse to lower register once more. The third day the swelling in the arm was reduced, and on the fifth all pain had ceased; the swelling, except in the ankles, was scarcely percep- tible ; and, for the first time in weeks, the boy was able to lie at length in his bed. On this day also he had some hours of natural sleep, and temperature and pulse 132 FASTING FOR THE were but slightly above normal. Even this small difference was removed by the morning of the sixth day. The patient received two enemas daily for the first week, and great masses of impacted feces were removed at each operation. Bathing of the body twice each day relieved dis- comfort, and after the sixth day tub baths were undertaken and proved of assistance in the final reduction of filthy internal conditions by aiding and increasing elim- ination. The fast was broken on the eleventh day. Bath and massage treatment had been invariably succeeded on each of the last five days by a natural sleep of some hours' duration. In breaking the fast, tomato broth was fed morning and eve- ning, and the diet was increased as the patient became able to take care of the addition. Five weeks from the date of the first call, the young man was indulging in a walk of five miles daily. Since the completion of treatment, he has adhered strictly to the diet and exercise advised, and has developed into a healthy and robust youth. CURE OF DISEASE 133 George E. Davis, Minneapolis, Minn. Male ; 61 years of age. A case of paralysis of the entire right side whose history is perhaps better told as the patient himself recorded it from day to day. His diary follows : "Commenced the partial fast August 15, 1902, with two meals per day, drop- ping down to one meal on the 20th. On August 21st commenced the absolute fast, which lasted forty full days and seven hours, ending September 29th. August 21. Simply a faint hungry feel- ing. August 22. An all-gone feeling, but no excessive hunger; slight headache, but no great discomfort; great belching of gas ; slept well until about 2 a. m. August 23. Bather weak but not ex- cessively hungry; belching continues; slept uneasily; mouth very foul and sick- ening. August 24. Enema in morning relieved mouth, and I slept several hours after- ward; no hunger, but mouth so bad at evening that I took another enema, and was relieved in bowels and mouth, which 134 FASTING FOE THE latter was nigh insufferable before the enema; slept well until 2:30 a. m. August 25. Continued foulness of mouth; it is so distressingly foul it makes me sick ' ' all over ; ' ' enema at night ; slept well part of the night, but restless the remainder; weight 214 pounds. Trip in street cars very fatiguing. August 26. About the same as yester- day; feeling very weak; visited Doctor by going on street cars. August 27. Much better in every way; stronger and bad taste is passing away; slept fairly well last night; weight 210; not hungry since the third day. August 28. About the same as yester- day with the exception of bad spell dur- ing the night; retired at 11 p. m. and slept until 3 a. m. ; sat up an hour, went to bed again and slept until 6:30. August 29. Much the same ; a very bad taste in my mouth which makes me quite sick; relieved condition somewhat by rins- ing mouth with hot water; slept well, but took no enema. August 30. Better today, but distress- ing mouth at night ; no desire whatever for food; my only drink is water. CURE OF DISEASE 135 August 31. About the same as yester- day ; enema at night always removes quan- tity of feces. September 1. About the same as yes- terday; enema at night removed consider- able solid feces. September 2. No marked change. September 3. A little easier in the morning; very bad mouth; weight, 204. September 4. Two natural movements of the bowels this morning; more vigor- ous in general; tongue shows signs of cleaning; slept well at night. September 5. More vigor; distressing mouth at night. September 6. Natural movement of the bowels in morning; depressed in the afternoon and quite weak and sick at the stomach; enema brought away consider- able feces. September 7. Bather depressed and weak, especially toward night; much the same generally as the day before. September 8. Much the same as yes- terday; enema at night removed quantity of feces. September 9. Bright and better in the 136 FASTING FOR THE first part of the day than at any other time during the fast, but quite depressed and sick at the stomach late in the after- noon; slept well at night. September 10. Awoke in the morning feeling bad; weak all over and bad mouth; took light exercise with no appar- ent benefit; enema at night with quantity of feces ; slept well until 1 a. m., but rest- less afterward. September 11. Much the same as yes- terday, except not quite so distressed; weight, 198; slept well first part of the night, but no sleep after 1 a. m. ; Mrs. D. accompanied me to Doctor's office. September 12. Much depressed all over, unable to go to the office, Doctor calling on me in the evening; bad mouth. September 13. Somewhat easier today, but still much depressed; mouth in ter- rible shape; slept well. September 14. Eather uneasy day; weak and worse at night; slept until 12 midnight, but only a little afterward; al- most unbearable mouth. September 15. Enema at morning and night with usual results as to quantity CURE OF DISEASE 137 and color; mouth, throat, and stomach bad, but slept well. September 16. About a repetition of yesterday. September 17. Stronger in the fore- noon, but bad in the afternoon ; inclination to vomit; enema with customary results. September 18. Quite weak today; bad mouth, very offensive; slept well first part of the night, but uneasy afterward. September 19. Better in the forenoon, but bad in the afternoon; uneasy broken sleep at nigut; enema at night with slight traces of feces. September 20. "Weak and uneasy with inclination to vomit; gagging spells, large amount of slime in the mouth; slept well. September 21. Symptoms continue; in bed all day; Doctor visited me in the morning; vomited slime of reddish color; distress in the stomach ; slept well ; enema, no feces. September 22. About the same as yes- terday; kept to the bed; Doctor came morning and evening. September 23. Visited the Doctor's of- fice, but weak; a bad day; enema at night 138 FASTING FOR THE brought away a quantity of dark foul- smelling feces; slept well but awoke in the morning gagging. September 24. Better today and strong- er; weight, 188; bad mouth continues. September 25. Felt quite well in the morning, but the day developed into the worst of the fast thus far ; easier at night ; enema with little results; slept well. September 26. Somewhat better this forenoon, but ill in afternoon; restless night; in bed all day. September 27. Uneasy and restless all day; enema at night with some feces; in bed all day. September 28. Worst day and night; an uneasy gnawing at the stomach, be- coming intensified until 1 a. m., and most distressing at times; slept after 1 o'clock; mouth still bad. September 29. Hunger in evidence, and on advice of Doctor broke the fast with unfermented grape juice. From September 29 until October 2 I took the following food: One pint of un- fermented grape juice; the juice of three oranges; one pint of oyster broth; one CURE OF DISEASE 139 large apple; one large sweet potato, baked; two slices of whole wheat bread with butter; one small dish of Petti John. On this food I became stronger, and the offensive saliva that had distressed me disappeared. I was sleeping well and feeling better generally, and the use of my muscles had been entirely restored. On October 8 my tongue coated again, and the offensive saliva reappeared, indi- cating that the fast must be continued if permanent results were to be obtained, so, after a light breakfast, I began the sup- plemental fast. October 2. Felt strong and well gen- erally, except the bad taste in my mouth; excessive flow of saliva; great hunger at 5 a. m. ; slept well. October 3. Stronger than at any time since the first week of my long fast; walked down town twice; excessive flow of foul saliva continues, but not so of- fensive as before; no hunger. October 4. Quite strong in the fore- noon, but not so well in the afternoon; saliva not so offensive; enema with a quantity of feces at night; slept well. 140 FASTING FOR THE October 5. Strong and well in the forenoon, but rather weak and depressed in the afternoon; foul saliva continues; to bed and slept well. October 6. About a repetition of yes- terday; went walking twice during day; enema at night with but a color of feces; slept well until 3 a. m. October 7. Vomited a quantity of bile twice to-day; natural passage from the bowels to-night, very foul; slept well un- til 4 a. m. October 8. Rather weak and depressed in the morning; hunger with nausea evi- dent; slept well. October 9. Hunger plainly in evidence, and fast was again broken, this time per- manently. Weight, 174. A letter written subsequently by Mr. Davis is here quoted, since it contains the results of the fast in more extended form than is covered in the daily record: "My Dear Friend: "I take this unusual method of com- munication because of the long list of people to whom I owe letters, and the al- most utter impossibility of writing so long CURB OF DISEASE 141 a letter as this to each. You must regard it as no less personal because of its peculiarity, however. I have passed through a remarkable experience, a mere outline of which follows. "•I reverently give thanks for my re- covery to God, the source of all good. I am sixty-one years of age. My entire right side was completely paralyzed July 1, 1901. I immediately commenced recov- ery, but improvement was substantially at a standstill when cold weather came in the fall. A temporary advancement came and ceased with the unusual warm weather of the early spring of 1902, fol- lowed by a relapse to about the previous condition, which continued without ma- terial change to August 15th of last year. I was totally incapacitated for active manual labor of any kind, living in dread of a second stroke, with a strange un- natural depression upon slight overexer- tion, accompanied by great drowsiness. On these occasions I would sleep thirty to thirty-six hours, almost without intermis- sion. My mentality was impaired, my eyesight not fully recovered, and my speech 142 FASTING FOR THE impeded. My right hand and arm were clumsy and weak. At this stage all ordi- nary human aid was powerless. "I commenced a preliminary or partial fast on August 15th last, eating two light meals daily until the 20th, when I ate one light meal only. On August 21st I com- menced a full fast, and from that day un- til September 29th, forty full days and seven hours, I took no nutriment what- ever, liquid or solid, and no drugs. Dur- ing the next three days I had very little nourishment, and then began a supple- mental fast of one week, making in all fifty days. "Contrary to my expectations, I had no hunger from the third day to the for- tieth. (See Matt. iv. 2.) To affirm that there was no inconvenience, however, would be untrue, for by every avenue of elimination most offensive impurities were thrown off, and at times these were most unbearable had the object been lost sight of. "I wish to say just here that I be- lieve, without experienced, intelligent, and faithful pilotage, I should not have sue- CUKE OF DISEASE 143 ceeded, and I cannot understand how any- one else could. Such care and needed en- couragement I had from Dr. Linda Bur- field (now Dr. Linda Burfield Hazzard) of this city. With a few exceptions, I visited her office daily during my fast, and on these exceptions was visited by her. Like myself, nearly all who have taken this cure are grateful also, under God, to Dr. Dewey, of Meadville, Pa., the hon- ored promoter of this wonderful system. Neither of these physicians administers drugs. My weight before the fast was 228 pounds, and my stomach girth, 45 inches. At the close of my fast (Octo- ber 9, 1902) my weight was 174 pounds, and my stomach girth 38y 2 inches. No- vember 26th my weight was 184 pounds, and my girth 39 inches. At this writing (January 15th, 1903) I weigh about the same as at latter date. "I am cured of paralysis; my mentality is clear and normal; my entire digestive system is apparently perfect; my vision is better than for years; my hand and arm are strong; I have no dread of a second stroke; I have no sleepy spells; 144 FASTING FOR THE I feel lighter all over ; and, when weary, I am quite refreshed and ready for fur- ther exertion after a short rest; I feel younger, and my neighbors say I look it; I have been working in St. Paul, ten miles distant, for over a month, traveling to and from that city daily ; and I am, in every way, more robust than I have been since boyhood. "My dear friends, who regard human physical ailments as proper subjects of miraculous interposition only, are referred to Matt. ix:12; also Matt. xvii:21. "GEOBGE E. DAVIS. "Witness: Hereward Carrington. "Minneapolis, Minn., January 15, 1903.' ' Note. — The case of Mr. Davis is given in full, not only because of the interesting" and typical features presented, but also because, in a volume dealing" with the subject of the fast and recently issued in New Tork City, this case and twenty others treated by the author have been used and accredited to Hereward Carrington, compiler of the work mentioned, and witness to the signature of George E. Davis, as shown in the text. The author quotes from a letter written February 29, 1908, to the publishers of the book: "Several days ago I received from Mr. Hereward Carrington of New York City complete proofs of a volume purporting to come from his pen, and to be published by your company. In addressing you thus, I am actuated by a feeling of justice towards myself CURE OF DISEASE 145 F. K., Montana. Female; age, 28. Disease symptom, locomotor ataxia, with general derangement of the motor nerves. This case arrived for treatment on the 21st of September, 1905, and remained under care and observation until Decem- ber 13th, 1905. After a short period of dieting, the patient was placed upon the absolute fast, which continued for twenty- two days and ended with the return of and towards the cause to which I have devoted the past eleven years of my life. "Mr. Carrington was employed by me as my clerk in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from November, 1902, to March, 1903. In his published work, the cases cited are, with few exceptions, those of patients treated by me prior to or at the time that he was in my employ. He never so much as assisted in any way in the treatment of any case, and his sole knowledge of the work was obtained by observation and by compilation of the notes given him by the writer for her own records. On his departure, he abstracted copies from these latter, and his detailed memoranda of the cases mentioned are from these notes. "He has seen fit to ignore the writer's individual labors in handling the cases referred to, and yet mentions them by name or by easily recognized initials. The addresses are now cited in full, so that the statements may be verified should you so elect." The addresses then follow. In quoting the letter that Mr. Davis wrote to his friends after recovery, Mr. Carrington was most careful to omit the paragraph in which Mr. Davis ex- presses his gratitude to both Dr. Dewey and the author. 146 FASTING FOR THE hunger and a complete restoration to health. The medical history of the case showed obstinate constipation for twenty years, and very nervous tendencies that had been continually aggravated for four years previous to the fast. Medical attendance had been constant since the year 1900. When first seen the muscles controlling legs, hands, arms, and face were in con- tinuous motion, and no effort of the will could control their actions. During the first week of the fast improvement was such that the young woman was able to walk about the grounds surrounding the house, and by the fourteenth day all mus- cular evidence of nervousness had disap- peared. The fast was continued twenty - two days. No unusual symptoms developed in this case ; the enemas brought away solid mat- ter until the seventeenth day, and there- after but a small quantity of bilious fluid. Osteopathic manipulation was daily ap- plied, and the loss in weight was not re- markable. There were almost no unpleas- ant symptoms, and for this a regular out- CURE OF DISEASE 147 door life and an equable disposition and temperament are largely responsible. After a time devoted to judicious exer- cise, the patient was dismissed, completely restored in general health, and with no signs whatever of her nervous disorder of former days. This case also showed decided impairment of sight, myopic in form; the patient was able to dispense with spectacles six weeks after the com- pletion of the fast. H. P., Washington. Female; age 29. Disease symptom, epilepsy. This case was under treatment from July 19, 1907, until October 3, 1907. Be- fore undertaking the fast the patient had been tentatively practicing a diet and had noticed decided improvement in general health, but no cessation in the attacks characteristic of the disease symptom named. Medical attendance had been con- tinuous in this case for ten years, and no improvement had occurred, but rather the reverse, for the epileptic seizures had increased in number and in severity as time went by. When the fast began the attacks were recurring at intervals of two 148 FASTING FOR THE weeks, and the latest seizure had hap- pened three days before. An absolute fast of fifty-six days comprised the principal treatment, and from the moment it began to the present writing (July, 1908) not a single attack has occurred, and the gen- eral health of the patient is better than it ever has been in her twenty -nine years. The fast in this case is remarkable for several things, one of which is the fact that on every one of the fifty-six days the patient walked to the office of the author, a distance of more than a mile, and re- turned to her home after treatment; an- other, that on the fortieth day of absti- nence a large mass of dead intestinal worms passed from the bowels after the enema. Improvement was constant from the first, but after the evacuation of these parasites it was most rapid, and hunger was in evidence on the fifty-fifth day. Before the fast the patient weighed 134 pounds, and at its end she had lost thirty pounds, an average decrease. Three weeks after eating was resumed normal had been gained; and two months later Miss P. married, an event that had been CURE OF DISEASE 149 postponed for five years in the hope that relief from physical conditions could be found. F. 0., Washington. Female; age, 46. The medical history of this case shows constant treatment since the year 1871 for the disease symptom known as diffuse psoriasis. At the time that the patient turned to natural methods, January 15, 1908, the patches characteristic of the symptom covered at least one-third of the surface of her skin, and were not con- fined to any locality, but appeared indis- criminately on trunk, arms, and legs. Hands, face, and feet were not affected. At this date the conditions were much ag- gravated, and the sores were exuding serum and were itching intolerably. In order to enjoy life in previous years Mrs. 0. had discovered through medical attempts to relieve that the sores could be dried and the itching be alleviated by mer- curial sweat baths. For a week or there- abouts after treatment of this kind the symptoms remained dormant, but only to reappear more angry and more obstinate. The general health of the patient seemed 150 FASTING FOR THE excellent, and to this a strong constitu- tion and a robust physique contributed. Perhaps, as often occurs, the outlet that Nature established in this instance was most salutary in so far as the appearance of other disease symptoms was concerned. The author knows this to be the fact in syphilitic infection, for all outward evi- dences of disease are invariably subordi- nated to the direct blood taint. When first under observation Mrs. 0. weighed 172 pounds, and her habits were those of a woman in comfortable circum- stances, with the idea ingrained that three and even four generous meals a day were necessary for the maintenance of health and strength. She was, however, discour- aged and disheartened on account of her skin trouble; and, as a last resort, con- sidered what to her meant a living death, the fast. After three weeks of dieting, the period of abstinence began on February 15, and continued until April 20, inclusive, a total of seventy-five days. At no time during this interval was any food ingested, and at no time was the patient unable to walk CURE OF DISEASE 151 to the office of the author for daily osteo- pathic treatment. This was undoubtedly due to her magnificent physical organiza- tion, and to a will power that was equal to the supreme test. The case was a most easy one to treat, for, with the gradual disappearance of disease, faith grew, and opposition died. The fast was typical, and not extraordi- nary save for its length. The loss in weight was normal and registered 32 pounds on the seventy-fifth day, when Mrs. 0. balanced the scale at 142 pounds. Faster 's chilliness was in evidence until the twentieth day; and, while pulse and temperature were below register in the earlier stages, they reached normal by the sixth week. The enemas brought away solid feces until the twenty-fifth day, and thereafter great quantities of yellowish- white mucus until the last week of absti- nence. It was not until about the fourth week that visible improvement in the exuding sores became evident in any degree. The itching subsided with the cessation of exu- dation, and here amelioration was noted 152 FASTING FOR THE at the end of the third week of the fast. From the latter part of March until hun- ger appeared the inflamed areas rapidly dried, and healthy skin formed in patches that grew and gradually covered the de- nuded spots. After eating was resumed Mrs. O.'s general health became superb, and the sole remaining signs of former disease were the scarred edges surrounding the later areas. These gradually disappeared, and today no trace save slight discolora- tion, the result of previous medical treat- ment, is left to evidence the frightful dis- figurement of earlier years. At no time during the long period of abstinence was alarm felt as to the out- come either by the patient or by the author. In the absence of organic imper- fections, there is positively no danger in fasting until Nature indicates the end with hunger. It is because of ignorance of the physiology and of the philosophy of the method that fear enters and dis- aster results in cases not properly guided. E. F., Mo. Female; age, 34. Bedrid- den one year. Weight, 85. CURE OF DISEASE 153 This case suffered from a mechanical defect in the dorsal vertebras, two of them having been displaced in such manner as to pinch the spinal cord, and to cause paralysis of the lower trunk and legs. The fast was undertaken for the relief of general disease resulting from years of wrong living and overeating. In fact, the slipped vertebras were directly due to malnutrition of the dorsal muscles. The patient had never in her life known perfect health, and intermittently in earlier days there had developed severe fevers which finally created contractions in the descending colon, a condition that caused constipation and consequent septicemia. At the time noted a congestive chill of more than ordinary severity indicated that drastic measures were necessary; and, while preparation was not complete, the fast was begun and continued for fifty- eight days. The medical history of this case showed inherited scrofula, but it had never been diagnosed as such. There had been mani- fested at intervals offensive running sores, and the thumb and the index finger of the 154 FASTING FOR THE left hand had been amputated because of a non-healing abscess. This and similar ulcers were without exception diagnosed by the attending physicians as tubercular in character, and had been treated accord- ingly. On the second day of the fast an abscess broke through the surface of the skin at the base of the spine immediately over the sacrum. The discharge was most pro- fuse and offensive, and the area affected spread until it was at least three inches in diameter, and its depth was such that the periosteum of the sacrum became ex- posed in ten days after the sore appeared. For the first week hot applications were continuously laid, and the gangrenous material was carefully cauterized by fo- cusing the rays of the sun upon the ulcer with an ordinary reading glass. By the tenth day the discharge had ceased to be offensive, and several days later healthy granulation began. At the end of fifty- eight days of abstinence a circular spot of slightly reddish normal skin with a subjacent cushion of healthy flesh pro- claimed the fact that Nature's work of CURE OF DISEASE 155 repair had progressed in spite of the absence of food. This is the great point to be observed in the treatment of this case, whose blood had been poisoned and repoisoned for years by constant addi- tions to accumulated food rubbish. Once elimination could proceed undisturbed, Nature was able not only to cast out im- purity, but also to repair diseased tissue from the small store of healthy material husbanded in this slight body. The results of the copious daily enemas were remarkable for their exceeding foul- ness, and for the great quantity of black bilious fluid that was brought away until the thirtieth day of the fast. The loss in weight was not extraordinary, the patient weighing 65 pounds after fifty-eight days without food. While the mechanical diffi- culty mentioned was not wholly relieved at the completion of the fast, the general health of the patient was such as to put her a long distance toward recovery. In concluding the history of this case, the author would again call attention to the healing of a scrofular abscess to the point of complete and healthy closure while the fast was in progress. 156 FASTING FOR THE A. L., Washington. Female; age, 28. Poor nutrition and what is called a bilious temperament, aggravated by a diet composed largely of meat, brought on a condition that manifested itself physically in periodical headaches, and mentally in melancholia with violent tendencies, which, but for the care and devotion of a sister, would have placed the patient in an asylum long before coming under observation. The physician last consulted had recom- mended that she be confined, when the sister, almost in despair, turned to the fast. Examination showed a pulse continually at 128, and temperature that varied from above to below normal with no apparent cause. Diet was at once changed to liquids, and daily enemas were rigorously plied, while hot towel packs were used on the spine to control circulation and to steady the pulse. After a short time these were discontinued, for these functions showed constant improvement from the first. The enemas brought away black, foul-smelling discharges, which did not cease until the latter part of the fast. CURE OF DISEASE 157 The patient showed great vitality throughout the entire fast, and daily walked a distance of two miles, took osteo- pathic treatment, and returned to her home without undue fatigue. She fasted forty-two days, and toward the end she was able and desirous to increase the amount of exercise. Her mental condi- tion showed a tendency to mend from the beginning of the fast, and on its thirtieth day the young woman helped her sister to do the housework, performing her part of the labor well and cheerfully. Hunger returned on the forty-first day, and the fast was broken on the morning of the forty-third day. Two weeks later the sisters sailed from Montreal for their home in Sweden, and a letter written by the patient since her arrival abroad shows a mind in every way sane and rational. The sister also writes that the young woman is both physically and mentally whole, and that she does not know of any one so happy as both she and her sis- ter are over the outcome of the case. G. W. T., Philadelphia, Pa. Male; age, 47. 158 FASTING FOR THE Paralyzed on right side and had shown signs of insanity. Medical history ex- hibited habitual constipation, periodical headaches, and prolonged bilious attacks. Began fast, June 24, 1902, and continued for twenty days, when it was thought well to break at weight 100. Results : No head- aches; bowels regular; paralysis, greatly improved; a steady gain in flesh and strength on diet after the fast. Second fast begun in September, 1902, at weight 105, and continued for full forty-one days. Patient came to office daily, and showed constant improvement from the first. Weight on breaking second fast, 72 pounds. No special symptoms to be noted. Paralysis entirely eradicated and general health excellent two months after completion of second fast, which ended with return of hunger. At this time, also, the patient had regained his normal weight of 145 pounds, at which he stood at the beginning of the preliminary fast. Note. — This case is also one of those used in the volume mentioned in connection with the fast of George E. Davis. The account of the case is defective in that Hereward Carrington, the compiler of the volume, was not able to obtain the history of the CURE OP DISEASE 159 L. H., Illinois. Female; age, 32. Dis- ease symptom, tuberculosis. This patient fasted for twenty-four days, but was on diet and under treatment for six months, inclusive of the fast. When first under observation, examination of sputum showed quantities of bacilli; both lungs were affected; chills with fever oc- curred daily in afternoon; all typical symptoms of a fully developed case of the disease symptom named. Weight at be- ginning of fast, 112 pounds. After low diet for several weeks, the fast was be- gun and continued for twenty-four days with no unfavorable signs whatever. From the first excessive discharge of sputum occurred, which gradually lessened until evidences of the return of hunger appeared, and which showed at the sev- preliminary fast, since he was not at the time in the employ of the author of this text. Mr. T. resorted to the fasting method of cure through the recom- mendation of the then editor of The Liberator, of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Lora C. Little, by whom the facts here stated and those in the Davis case may easily be verified. The cuts used by Mr. Carrington to illustrate his point, "On the verge of skeletonism," are portraits of G. W. T., taken at the request of the author at her expense, and later obtained from the photographer by Mr. Carrington. 160 FASTING FOR THE eral periodical examinations during the fast progressive decrease in the number of bacilli. The enemas were always loaded with bile and with old feces, and these products disappeared only during the last week of the fast. Chills and fever van- ished by the fourteenth day, and when the sputum was examined on the twenty-sec- ond day of abstinence it showed no trace of bacilli. The general health of the pa- tient was marked by constant improve- ment after the fast was broken. J. H., Kentucky. Male ; age, 34 ; weight, 228. Disease symptom (medical diag- nosis), heart disease. As stated, this case was diagnosed med- ically as valvular heart disease, and no hope was offered for recovery. There was great pain in the regions of the heart, stomach, and liver, and at times in the abdomen. The heart missed one beat in every three; and, in view of the serious- ness of the patient's condition, the fast was begun without preparation, and imme- diately upon coming under observation. Enormous quantities of black bilious fluid came away with every enema, of which CURE OF DISEASE 161 four were administered daily throughout the fast. Excruciating pain and nervous excitement were in evidence until the twen- tieth day, when at least a teacupful of gall stones was evacuated with the contents of the enema. These continued to be passed until the thirtieth day of the fast, which was broken on the morning of its thirty-fifth day. Weight at completion, 174 pounds. There was great chilliness in the early part of this fast, but tempera- ture and pulse reached normal by the twentieth day. Before this the latter had been at times above, at times below regis- ter, and in either case the sensation of chill was present. From the breaking of the fast all functions became and con- tinued normal; weight was gained grad- ually, and at this writing (June, 1908) stands at 185 pounds, or normal for pa- tient's height and build; there have been no unfavorable symptoms since the com- pletion of the fast, a period of eighteen months, and the general health of Mr. H. is better than ever before in his life. A. L., Iowa. Male; age 45. Digestive derangements, diagnosed medically as chronic dyspepsia. 162 FASTING FOR THE This patient fasted forty-nine days, and from the first day until the forty-fifth day of this period was not able to leave his bed. At this date the tongue cleaned as if by magic; hunger returned and with it strength; and, on the forty-ninth day, when the fast was broken, the patient was able to walk a distance of seventeen city blocks with but little fatigue. No unusual symptoms excepting the weakness men- tioned developed during abstinence; and, from the breaking of the fast, improve- ment was constant and permanent. F. N., Washington. Female; age 41. Disease symptoms, obesity and functional heart disease. Weight, 200 pounds. The medical history of this case shows an operation for salpingitis. The patient was most robust, and was able to attend to her home duties and to visit the au- thor's office daily throughout her long fast of sixty-three days. There were but little faster 's chilliness and no unusual symptoms. In this case there was gain in weight about the period included with- in the thirtieth and thirty-fifth days of from one to one and one-quarter pounds CURE OF DISEASE 163 daily, after which the gradual decrease continued until the end of the fast. Weight at the end of fast was 140 pounds, and thereafter the gain was gradual until 154 pounds was reached, the normal weight for height and build. 4 E. H., Washington. Male; age, 40. Medical diagnosis, cancer of the stomach. The patient was suffering from a badly congested condition of stomach and upper intestines, and underwent a fast of fifty days with no extraordinary symptoms ; he came to office every day for osteopathic manipulation ; and, from 145 pounds in weight at beginning of fast, he was re- duced to 105 pounds at completion. The subsequent gain in weight and strength was normal, and at two months from the breaking^ of the fast he weighed 170 pounds. Y. B., female; age, 19. C. M. ; female; age, 27. A. E. ; male; age, 40. These cases are all typical of the disease symptom, appendicitis, and were fasted thirty-two, fourteen, and thirty-four days respectively. Appendicitis yields most easily to the fast, and needs no assistance 164 FASTING FOR THE other than that which complete rest of the digestive system and constant application of the enema afford. Pain ceased in all of the cases cited, and fever was reduced by the end of the third day. The fast in each instance was continued for perfect results and for the general physical welfare of the patients. Gr. W. S., Minnesota. Male; age, 45. Paralysis. This case fasted a total of 117 days in a period of 141 days, the intervals being occupied in light dieting. While the re- sults, so far as the paralyzed condition of the patient was concerned, were most fa- vorable, the care of the man finally de- volved upon the county in which he re- sided, and it was deemed best not to pursue the treatment. The case is cited in order to place on record the remarkable ratio of days fasting to days feeding de- veloped by a bed-ridden man, whose weight was but 85 pounds at the begin- ning of treatment, and was reduced to 75 at its end. In this case, also, an obstinate bedsore of two years' standing yielded to the fast, grew a covering of healthy skin, and never reappeared. CURE OF DISEASE 165 A. J., Iowa. Female; age, 38. Disease symptom, Bright ? s disease with obesity. Weight, 285 pounds. Fasted sixty days with most rapid re- duction in weight, which stood at 137 pounds at completion. No unusual symp- toms. In two months had regained weight to 150, and has balanced the scales at that figure since. One year after the end of the fast the patient gave birth to her first child, an event that had been devoutly hoped for throughout her married life of twenty years. In fact, Mrs. J. had never before been pregnant. The cases cited in this chapter are de- scribed with as little technical language as possible, and are given to exhibit the variety of symptoms treated, all of which revert to the fundamental principle dwelt upon and emphasized in the text, that there is but one disease, impure blood; that its sole cause is impaired digestion; and that any and all of its symptoms, be- cause they are results of the same cause, will yield to the remedy indicated and pre- scribed by Nature itself. 166 FASTING FOE CURE Faster ? s chilliness, referred to in a num- ber of instances, does not necessarily con- vey the idea that temperature in these cases was below normal. It is simply a condition of sensation, and is due to the absence of food stimulation as described previously. In many of these and in other instances, however, temperature was below register; but, just as in fever, the fast invariably restores the condition to nor- mal. The following is a table exhibiting losses in weight in fasts of varying lengths. The average, it will be seen, approximates one pound daily. Wt. at Wt. at Days Loss Beginni'g End. , Fast'd Wt. 1. Geo. E. Davis. . . 228 174 50 54 2. Mrs. I. Matthews 150 123 22 27 3. Rev. N. H. Lohre 178 165 10 13 4. Prf. F.Woodward 182 158 20 24 5. Mr. J. Burrows. ., 165 154 23 11 6. Mrs. J. Burrows. 135 127 8 8 7. Mr, G. W. Tuthill 108% 72% 41 36 8. Mrs. P.J. Conklin 136 103 28 33 9. Mrs. T.Armstrong 117 92 34 25 10. Robert Burfield.. 135 118 17 17 Totals 1534% 1286% 253 248* * i. e., 248 pounds of effete, diseased material elim- inated ! CHAPTER XIV. Criticism. The subject matter presented in this volume is purely the result of experience and observation extending over twelve years of practice and including to the date of writing over 1,100 cases of continuous fasts. And whenever in the text the word "fast" is used, total abstinence from food of all kinds is meant. Experience such as this is vastly different from the attempts, more or less earnest it is true, of fanatic- ally inclined devotees of "nature cures" or of "physical culture institutes," and a few remarks concerning ignorant but sophistical criticism of the method seem fitting at this point. Most of the criticism referred to finds expression in alarm at the thought that almost every community has its fasting en- thusiasts today, but the knowledge upon which true criticism is based is almost altogether absent in the arguments ad- 167 168 PASTING FOE THE vanced in opposition. An intelligent ap- preciation of the physiology of fasting is rarely discovered, and confusion is the result of putting the simple question, 1 ' What do you know about it?" The great point at issue in the better class of comment on the fast is the risk attendant upon its application. As a mat- ter of fact, there is no risk whatever in a properly conducted fast, and the text fully demonstrates this fact. Fasting will not and cannot save a system organically im- perfect; but in functional disease, if there be risk at any time or in any degree, it lies at the moment that the fast is broken, and here is where guidance is necessary. The greatest obstacle in the treatment is found in causing peristaltic action in the small intestine sufficient to evacuate its contents into the colon, and guidance and assistance is needed for this as well. In the progress of the fast symptoms de- velop and disappear from day to day, and no two individuals express like signs at regular intervals. Each case has its own peculiarities, both during the period of abstinence and after its completion. CUEE OF DISEASE 169 Statements that would be absurd did they not emanate from members of an educated and cultured profession are met with daily when the fast is discussed. One such of recent date asserts: "It should be remembered that when food is withdrawn the body does not cease to eat, but proceeds to consume its own tissue/' The author of this remark is by inference unaware that the sole process carried on in the body after a certain period of fast- ing is that of elimination. This is true of all tissues and organs with the exceptions of the brain and nerve centers and the nerve substance. In all the autopsies con- ducted by the writer, when death had oc- curred in the fast, the brain completely filled the brain cavity; its structure showed no loss or deterioration; and microscopic section exhibited no defects that might be attributed to abstinence from food. In five distinct cases of cancer of the stomach treated medically, dissec- tion of the brain showed no waste in brain tissue, although the greatest emaciation was evident in body tissue and in the organs. In these instances death had oc- 170 FASTING FOR THE curred after periods in which no food had been ingested for from four to ten weeks. The enema is assailed by physician and layman alike, and on various grounds. The great fact to be kept in mind is the realiza- tion of the predominance of elimination in the fast. Peristaltic action is sluggish, and time must be devoted to bathing and to the enema in order to rid the system of matter cast off, and to prevent reab- sorption. The advanced faster never al- lows refuse to collect to such degree as to act as soil for the propagation of germs. The colon is completely cleansed daily and more often several times daily. The business of Nature, although accom- plished through complicated organisms, is extremely simple in the fundamentals. But we often hear of diagnoses that lead the patient to believe that his days are num- bered, and that his disease symptoms are those that accompany speedy death. More often than not, some one of the eliminating organs in these cases is performing the task that its brothers should do, but which they refuse because they are clogged and cannot. Attention to the liver saves the CURE OF DISEASE 171 kidneys, and an unclogged alimentary canal relieves the liver at once of most of its burdens. One of the simplest visi- ble instances of elimination is found in the coat deposited upon the tongue. In health as defined medically a clear tongue is seldom in evidence with a full stomach. Ordinarily here stimulation dominates elimination. A foul tongue is the result of Nature's attempt to eliminate impuri- ties from the system, nothing more nor less. Some writers assert that the tongue becomes clean and remains so because in health the saliva is a natural germicide destroying the germ and the coating with it. But germicide though the saliva may be, it cannot at any time destroy the soil in which bacilli flourish. In disease, Na- ture attempts to eliminate, then to elimi- nate some more, and then to eliminate again until the clogged avenues of vitality and energy are cleared, and health is re- stored. The tongue, in common with the rest of the organs and glands, receives its deposit of refuse, and not until elimination is complete and all the body waste evacu- ated does it reach the perfectly clean and 172 FASTING FOR THE pink state that is its normal condition. This is one of the unfailing signs of a complete and successful fast; and hun- ger, natural hunger, invariably accom- panies this symptom. In fasting for tuberculosis, during the first days, typical sputum is discharged, and saliva in abundance is also present. In tests of both saliva and sputum carried on throughout the process of treatment, and made every third day, the bacilli show constant decrease, until when the tongue clears there are no sputum and no bacilli, and saliva is normal. Can one believe that the saliva had aught to do with the disappearance of the germs? Is it not a more rational solution to think that with the soil for propagation gone, the organ- ism finds no further use for the body, and can no longer exist? Opponents of fasting for the cure of disease have not hesitated to make capital of the fact that its most prominent advo- cate, Dr. Edward Hooker Dewey, died as the result of a paralytic stroke, and not from old age. It is just as well to state the facts in the case, and these are cited CURE OP DISEASE 173 from letters personal and otherwise now in possession of the author. The Morning Star, Meadville, Pa., De- cember 22, 1904, says: "The not unex- pected death of Dr. Edward Hooker Dewey occurred at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at his residence on Park Avenue. He had been ill since March 28 of the present year, sustaining a paralytic stroke on that date while standing in front of his residence. " Deceased was born at Mead Corners (now Wayland) May 21, 1839. " The above, which is correct, shows Dr. Dewey to have been 65 years old at the time of his death, and in view of long and almost vicious opposition to the methods he espoused, and of strenuous endeavor in the cause of humanity, his was a ripe old age. Dr. Dewey suffered his first stroke of paralysis on March 28, 1904, and a second one on December 10, 1904, the latter re- sulting in his death on December 21, 1904. After the second stroke internal convul- sions occurred. His illness and approaching death are 174 FASTING FOR THE best told as his son, Mr. A. J. Dewey, has set them down in a personal letter of date December 16, 1904: "Father had a sinking spell on Tuesday night and I was called up. The doctor in attendance said he thought he couldn't live through last night, but he did. It is such a wonderful fight. He seemed easy this morning, and I went to the office only to be summoned by 'phone. They thought he wouldn't get through another hour, but again he rallied. I came to the office this afternoon, and am in hourly dread of an- other message. I don't understand those internal convulsions. It was nearly five hours before they ceased entirely on Sun- day last. As you know, father fasted the first sixteen days last spring, ivhen the attach came on, but since then he has had tivo meals a day. I will mail this at once and a postal card will follow to tell you the time of his end. It seems to me it is only a question of hours. I never knew a character like his. His was a vast under- standing, so kind, so considerate, so pa- tient. It took a great mind to get the philosophy of the ' No-Breakfast Plan,' but CURE OF DISEASE 175 a greater to see the 'why' of the fasting cure. He did both. He was never aught but a kindly, unassuming gentleman." It will be seen from this account that Dr. Dewey, from about two weeks after his first seizure, was not under treatment by the method he himself advocated; that he had each day two meals ; and that when he died the inference is obvious he died with a full stomach and not fasting. His case was in the hands of a medical practitioner of Meadville, Pa., and was medically treated. The physiology of fasting as given by Dr. Dewey in his works on the subject is beyond all doubt correct; but on the dietetics and hygiene of the treatment he was hopelessly astray. He did not accept the enema, nor did he realize that daily cleansing of the surface of the body is of paramount importance. His own diet at times included meat, and the story of his last illness establishes the fact that fasting in its real sense played no part. CHAPTER XV. Conclusion. The very simplicity of the fasting treat- ment is the greatest obstacle to its ad- vancement. It is so simple that it is difficult. In developing natural methods for the cure of disease, one fact is evi- dent, — the general public displays little thought on the care of the body, and less on the relief of bodily ills. Some one has said that, speaking from an evolutionary standpoint, but about five per cent, of the cells of the average brain are ever used in thought. Observation shows the truth of the statement; and, in matters con- nected with hygiene, the percentage is reduced to a fraction of one. It is true that there are cases in which the fast brings wretched moments to the hapless followers of wrong living in past days. But housecleaning is never a pleas- ant operation. To the thoughtless mind this simple remedy that almost instinc- 176 CURE OF DISEASE 177 tively suggests itself carries no appeal. Its tangibility is doubted, and it is void of bolus. In assisting Nature no physician is necessary; but until superstitious doc- trines, born in ignorance and fostered in intellectual indifference, disappear a guide is needed to teach the patient to think, to know that his recovery depends upon and is in his own mind. He can do it if he will, and when he wills he gives the Great Mother the chance she seeks. Convincing the patient is only half the battle, for relatives and friends assail him with jeers and ridicule. Therefore, since peace of mind and quiet environment con- duce most strongly to successful issue, it is best to move from anxious but mistaken friends, leaving them to await results that prove the wisdom of conviction. Truth moves at slow pace but with irre- sistible momentum, and Nature is truth. Her laws are transgressed with seeming impunity for a time, but jeers and railing do not prevent their cumulative effects from announcing themselves in due course of events. When that dav comes those 178 FASTING FOR THE who came to scoff remain to pray, and no conversion is comparable to that of a soul bred in superstition but born again to truth. The great public heart is dominated at all times by fear of disease and death, which again is a stupendous barrier to surmount on entering natural fields. It may well be asked whether it is possible that, after thousands upon thousands of life years, man is still so ignorant of the body that carries his divine spark as not to know and to distinguish between cause and effect in its treatment and care. When disease symptoms are manifested, not in- stinctively, but through inherited and edu- cated terror at the thought of death, the heart stands still and man is helpless in the grip of unreasoning dread of dis- solution. He looks to his physician for aid, and he receives advice based on trans- mitted ignorance and superstition. He is dosed with a symptom-killing drug, and when Nature in spite of it throws aside the fever or the pain, he imagines himself cured and goes rejoicing on his way. But not for long, for pay-day cannot always CURE OF DISEASE 179 be postponed, and the debt is only adding interest to principal. Fasting is, in itself, but a means to an end, a cleansing and resting process that prepares the body for right living in future time. The cure is not an accom- plished fact until the individual, co-operat- ing with Nature, completes what the fast began. Into the hearts of those who have the courage of their convictions, who have deserted the ranks marshaled under the flag of superstitious servitude and false- hood, of retrogression and lack of reason, fear has no entrance. These believe be- cause they know, and to them the fast takes its place with the doctrine of evolu- tion, and they may say as did Faust : Let him look round him, standing without fear; This world speaks plain for one with ears to hear; He need not stray within the vast to be, * But clasp what he can feel and see. l0 %m