E 527 .4 .n82 PRICE 10 CENTS. Copy 2 FOURTH OF JULY COXTAININd A SUCCINCT ACCOUXT OF THE CELEBUATIOX OF THE FOURTH OF JULY. 1866, UPON THE PKESEXTATION OF THE STATE FLAGS CARRIED HY THE PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENTS DURINO THE SOUTHERN REBELLION. PUBLISHED BY JAMES MOORE & SONS, NO. 241 DOCK STREET. PHILADKLPHIA. FOR SALE WHOLESALE BY E. PRICE. S K. Cor. Thinl and Pock Sts. ^ FOURTH OF JULY EESPECTPULLY DEDICATED TO HIS EXCELLENCY ANDREW G. CKIRTIN, GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND THi: Gallant Defenders of the Union, FROM THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Br WILLIAM D. MOOHE, PHILADELPHIA. / ETSZ : itilfee nnktown TO THE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA: The colobration of the Fourth of July, 18G6, is one of (.J rent importance to you, and it is be- coming at tliis period to give a succint account of the reasons which have caused tlie Governor of your vState to take so much interest in tho pro- ceedings. On tlie Fourth day of MaTcli, 1801, Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the Sixteenth Presi- dent of tlie United Strtes of America. From long scenes of disgrace and robbery the Coun- try seemed to have thrown off its apatliy, and determined to use its best endeavors to secure Government from its despoilers, and tliose Avho desired to subvert its blessings, to perpetuate their own odious institutions. It would be needless to recur to the damning schemes laid out by those who having lost power, were anxious to assassi- nate the man whom God had given a nation to be its Saviour and Redeemer. History will do justice to these deep laid schemes, and we will bring ourselves to the meeting of tlie (Jovemors of loyal states in Washington, on April 4th, 1801, so beautifully portrayijd in the following article from the ])en of Chas. C. Wilson, Esq., then of the Philadelphia Daily News, b it now attached to Forneys' liress. WORDS RIGHTLY vSPOKEN AT A MO- MENTOUS TIME. vShortly after Abraham Lincoln assumed the duties of President of the United States, while traitors infested ' the National Capital, and the gloom of rebellion was fast thickening over the face of the country, he was visited by several Governors of as many States, among whom was the Chosen Son of Pennsylvania, Andi-ew G. Cm'tin. The President was contemplating how to act. He seemed t.o be self-willed, and had the nerve, but something like a doubt lingered in his mind, he paced the floor in a meditative mood some time, and said but little. There was a solemnity in the crowd of intelligent men, and statesmen around him, that indicated deep thoughtful contemplation. Each of the limited party present had already expressed his views upon the importance of the occasion. The whole machinery of the Government was in bad order, and in the several departments there were traitors still clogging the wheels. An unbidden tear started down the cheek of the patriot President, but he nerved himself for the work before him. The Temple of Liberty was tottering indeed ; column after column was fall- ing. His mission was the arduous one of re- building it. The President seated himself in a chair once adorned by Washington, the Father of his Country, when all at once he sprang to his feet, and exclaimed " Gentlemen, the Union and the Constitution must be saved. I have been contemplating whether the States will respond to jny proclamation, if I issue it now. Governor Curtin, what will Pennsylvania do ?" Governor Curtin wlio was standing looking out of a win- dow, turned and confronted the President and replied, '• AVliat Avill Pennsylvania do ?" Wliy Sir, She'll i'urnisli a hundred thousand men in a week, if it be necessary." This noble and prompt reply of the favored son of the blue mountains of the Keystone State clinched the nail. They were tho right words spoken at a momentous time. The eye of the Springfield Statesman gi*ew brighter, his tall manly form stood more erect, and shaking hands with the Governor, said " Those words encour- age me, they take all doubt from my mind, they ease my heart of a heavy weight, my proclama- tion I shall issue tomorrow." Joy beamed as brightly in the congregation of intelligent men, as the sun ever did, after a gloomy day. The proclamation was issued, and when the unseen electric sjjark spread the announcement to all parts of tlie country, a couple of companies from the interior of the State of Pennsylvania, re- sponded, and forthwith they arrived at the capital of the Nation. Pennsyh'ania was Hrst in the field, almost before the ink was dry in the procla- mation ; and the glorious old state has now more men , good, solid, noble, true hearted patriotic men in the American Army tlian any other state in the Union, and has a few more of the same sort left. But for the reply of Gov. Curtin, or had he hesitated for a single moment, tlie issuing of the proclamation would have been delayed at a time when weeks were months, and months were years. Pennsylvania had lier huiidnMl thousand men ready by the time the National Government wanted them, and thus the words of our own active, patriotic, and prophetic Governor, have been Avell fulfilled to the very letter. He may- be truly considered the " hero of the war," Impartial history will give praise to Governor Curtin. His name will be as familiar as house- hold words among all patriotic Union-loving people, long after the names of the few miserable wretches, who are so steeped in prejudice, and so lost to all feelings of virtue, respect, and man- liness as to calumniate him, shall have rotted with their carcases in the grave of deep and blank oblivion. His name is a tower of strength, and, will in- crease in power as time progresses. Selfishness is not in his vocabulary. He stands this day in the wild sea of public opinion, like a proud defi- ant rock in mid ocean, around and against which the waves are expected to surge, but to go back into calm wa:ter again, without doing any harm. His noble reply to Presideht Lincoln, -when men of iron nerve were wanted, it is a stamp of the true character of the man. It was the musical ring of the true metal, the joyous tone of victory at the beginning, and it will be the death-knell of thieving usurpation and foul rebellion. — Philadel- 'phia Daily News, November 1th, 18G1. On April Gth, 18G1, Governor Curtin returned to Ilarrisburg, Pa., and ,the Legislature being then in Session, he issued a message to the Sen- ate and House of Representative — on April 9th, 18G1, couched in the following term " Pennsjd- vania yields to no State in her respect for, and her willingness to protect, by all needful guaran- tees, the coiii^titutional rights, and conslitutional independence of her sister states, nor infidelity to that constitutional union, -svliose unexampled benefits luive been showered alike upon herself, and them," after explaining to the Legislature the expediency of arming the Militia, in order to meet the demands of the General Govern- ernment, ho concluded by saying " Pennsylva- nia offers no counsel, and takes no action in the nature of a menace. Her desire is for peace, and her object the preservation of the personal and political rights of citizens, of the true sov- ereignty of States, and the Supremacy of law and order animated by these sentiments and. in- dulging an earnest hope of the speedy restoration of those harmonious and friendly relations be- tween the members of this Confederacy, which have brouglit our beloved counti')'- to a condition of unequalled Power and prosperity, I commit the grave subject of this comnuuiication to your deliberation. The Legislature referred the communication to a special committee, and expectations were greatly disappointed when on the 12th day of April, 1ril, details con- sisting of twelve companies of the Washington Brigade ununiformed and unarmed, left the City with the Gth Regt. Massachusetts, Vols. Upon their an*ival in Baltimore, a fight occurred when the Massachusetts, Regt., with a portion of the Washington Brigade, went on to Washington, and the balance of the Philadelphia Ref iments returned to Philadelj[diia to re-organize. The various militaiy companies throughout the State instantly tendered their services to the (Governor under the President's call for 7o,()00 men, and in twft weeks twenty-five regiments were formed 10 but the stringent orders of tlie Secretary of war, owing to the failure of the Washington Guards, no men were allowed to leave the States in which they were organized, until they were fully uni- formed. In a short time however the 25 Regts. departed, and four more Philadelphia Regts. were ready the 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th which however were accepted for three years or the war. The Legislature having been convened . by the Governor, • for the purpose of aniiing the State and creating a loan, immediately passed an Act authorizing the organization of 15 Regts. to be known as the Penna. Vol. Reserve Corps, and also authorizing a loan of $3,000,000 to provide for them ; these men were speedily raised and at this particular junction the old and revered Society of Cincinnatti tendered a dona- tion of $500 to be appropriated to purchase flags for the Penna. Regts. to be by them carried in the field, and when the service was performed and peace restored, to return them to be placed amono; the archives of the State and the Leofis- lature passed the following joint resolution : ^ Relative to the procuring of Standards for the several Regiments of Pennsylvania called or to be called into the Service of the United States. Sec# 1. Resolved hy the Senate of the House of Representatives of the CommomveaJth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the governor of the commonwealth be requested to ascertain how the several regiments raised in Pennsylvania during the war of the revotution, and the war of 1812, and the war with Mexico, 11 were numbered, amonj; what divisions of the service tjiey were distributed, and were the said regiments distinguished themselves in action. That liaving ascertained the particuhu'S aforesaid he shall procure regimentals standards, to be in- scribed with the numbers of those regiments re- spectively, on which shall be painted the arms of this commonwealth, and the names of the ac- tions in which the said regiments distinguished themselves. That the standards so inscribed shall be delivered to the regiments now in the field or forming, bearing the regimental numbers correspondiug to the regiments of Pennsylvania in former wars. Sec. 2. That the governor do procure regi- mental standards for all the regiments formed or to be formed in Pennsylvania, beyond tlie num- bers in former wars, upon which shall be in- scribed the number of the regiment, and painted the arms of this commonwealth ; and that all these standards, after the present, unhappy rebel- lion is ended, shall be returned to the adjutant general of the state, to be further inscribed, as the valor and good conduct of each particular regiment may have deserved ; and that they then be carefully i)reserved by the state, to be deliv- ered to such future regiments as the military ne- cessities of the country may require I'ennsylva- nia to raise. ELISHA W. DAVIS, Speaker of the House of Representatives, L'OUIS W. HALL, Speaker of the Senate, 12 Approved — The Sixteenth day of May, Anno Domoni, one thousand eight hundred and sixty one. A. G. CURTIN. Nor Avere the ladies during this time idle, thou- sands of Regiments from other states, constantly arriving in our city, and the transportation of so many men being so unusual, the Government could not make provision to feed them. Men weary and hungry were thankful for a glass of water, but from the poor milk woman who gave all her milk away to the Ohio Boys, to the sew- ing women of Mary Street South wark, who gave her. Coffee, Pork and Beans to the 14th Brook- lyn, all were anxious to feed the gallant defend- ers, System Avas required, and on the 27th day of May, the women of Southwark, began the task of establishing the Union, and the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloons, which to the honor of Philadelphia, never closed until thewar hadlended. The Citizens Volunteer Hospital, and the Sol- diers' Home are the monuments of the devotedness to the Union cause of the People of Philadelphia. When on the 27th day of July the intelligence arrived that our arms had met with reverses at the battle Bull Run the 15 Regts. of Penna. Re- serves were instantly forwarded to AYashington, and saved the nation of the disgrace of having Washington in the hands of the Rebels, and now after hard fought battles the^hero of Gettysburg, which battle saved the nation's life, returns the dear old flags to the Governor who presented them. INIay they ever remain among the archives of the State, and palsied be the hand that would desecrate them. 13. INDEPENDENCE DAY, 18G6. FLAG TRESENTATION, AND ROUTE OF PARADE. Form on Broad street, right resting on Arcli street, facing West. March down Arch to Twelfth, down Twelfth to Chestnut, down Chest- nut to Second, down Second to AValnut, up AValnut to ludependecce Square. PROGRAMME AT THE SQUARE. 1. Music — Triumplial March, by Professor Bergfield's Band. 2. Prayer — By Rev. Tliomas Brainerd, D. D. o. The Star Spangled Banner — By the Han- del and Haydn Musical Society. 4. Presentation of the Colors to Gov. Curtin, by Major-General Geo. G. Meade. 5. lleply by his Excellency. *"G. Music — Hallelujah. Handel. Bergfield's Band. 7. Thanks to Almighty God for Victory and Return of l^eace. 8. Old Hundred — By the Handel and Haydn Society. 9. Coronation March — Meyerbeei. Berg- field's Band. 10. Benediction — Right Rev: Bishop Simpson. 11. At the close of the ceremonies in Inde- pendence Square, a Salute will be fired in AVashington Square. PENIISYLVAJNIA EEGIMENTS. 1st REGIMENT PENNSYLYANIA VOL Organized April 15, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. (Jolonel, Samuel Yohe, 3d KEG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 15, 1861. Musterep out July, 1861. Colonel, F. ts. Stumbaugh 3d REG'T PENl^. VOL. Organized April 15, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, Francis P. Minicr. 4th EEG'T PENN.: VOL. Organized April 15, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861 , Colonel. John F. Hartranft. 5th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 15th. 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, E. P. M' Do well. 6th EEG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 15, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel,. James Nagle. 7th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organizad April 15, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, William H. Irwin. 8th EEG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 15, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, A. H. Emly. 0th EEG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 15, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, II. O. Longenecker. 10th EEG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 15. 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, Sullivan A. Meredfth. llih EEG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 15, 1861. Mubtered out July, 1861. Colonel, Plucon Jarrett. 12th EEG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 15, 1861, Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, David Campbell. 15 13th REG'T PEXN. VOL. Offifanized April 15, l8t>l. INIustcrcd out July, 18G1. Colonel, Thomas A. Rowley. 11th IlEG'T PEXN. VOL.. Organized Ajjril 15, 1851. Mustered out July, 1S61. Colonel, John W. Johnson. I5th REG'T PEXN". VOL. • Oreanized April 15, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, 11. A. Oakford. 16th REQ'T PENN. VOL. Org.inized Adril. 15, 1S61. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, Thomas A Zeigle. 17th REQ'T PENN. VOL. Orsranized April 15, 1S61. Mustered out July, 1S61. Colonel, Francis E. Patterson. 18th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 16, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, William D. Lewis. 19th REG'T PENN. VOL. Orrranized April 15, 186i; Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, Peter Lyle. . * 20th REQ'T PENN. VOL. Orjranized April 15. 1861. Clustered out July, 1861. Colonel, William H. Gray. "» 21st REG'T PENN. VOL. Orsranized April 15. 1861. Musteredout July, 1861. Colonel, John F. Ballier. 22d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 15, ISei. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, Turner G. a'NIorehead. 2.3d REG'T PENN. VOL. OrcraQizrd Ajiril 15, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861 Colonel, Charies B. Defa. 2lth REG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 16, 1861. Mustered out July, 1861. Colonel, Joshua T. Owen. 25tli REG'T PENN. VOL. Organized April 1.5, 1861. Mustered put July, 1861. Colonel, H. L. Cake. [The foregoing Regiments were of the three months' service.] 16 lltli REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'dJuly 19,1861. Must'd out July 1,1865. Colonel, Eicliard Coulter. 23d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 2, 1861. Must'd out Sept. 14, 1864. 1st Col. David B. Biriiey, 2d do. Thomas A. Neal, 3d do. John Ely, 4th do. John F. Glenn. 26th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd May 5, 1861. Must'd out June 18, 1864. 1st Col. William F. Small, 2d do. Benjamin F. Tilgman. 27th REG'T PENN. VOL." Organ'd Oct. 2, 1861. Must'd out June 11, 1864. Colonel, Adolphus Buschbeck. 28th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 28", 1861. Must'd out July 18, 1865. 1st Col. John W. Geary, 2d do. Gabriel De Korponay, 3cl do. Thomas J. AM, 4th do. John Flynn. 29th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'dMay 14, 1861. Must'd out July 17, 1865. # 1st Col. John K. Murphy, 2d do. William Rich- ai'ds, Jr., 3d do. Samuel M. Zulick. 30th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 9, 1861. Must'd out June 13, 1864. 1st Col. R. Biddle Roberts, 2d do. Wm. Cooper TaUey. 31st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Ap'l 24, 1861. Must'd out June 16, 1864. 1st Col. William B. Mann, 2d do. William McCaridless. 32a REG'T PENN. VOL. Orth REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 22, 1801. Must'd out June 11,13 and 14, 1804. 1st Col. W. ^Y. Rickets, 2d do. William Sin- clair, 3d do. AVellington H. Ent. 36th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 20, 1801. Must'd out June 16, 1804 1st Col. Elisha B. Ilarvej, 2d do. Henry C. Bolinger. 37th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Feb. 25, 1802. Must'd out May 24, 1864 1st Col. George S. Hays, 2d do. Sihis M.Bailey. 38th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 28, 1801 . Must'd out I^Iay 13, 1804 1st Col. Conrad F. Jackson, 2d do. Robert An- derson. SOtli REG'T PENN. VOL. Orn-an'dJunel, 1801. Must'd out June 13,1864. 18 1st Col. Jolm S. M'Calmont, 2d do. James T. Kirkj 3d do. Adoniram J. Warner. 40th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 1, 1861. Must'd out June 14,1864. 1st Col. T. F. GaUaglier, 2d do. Samuel M. Jackson. 41st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 25, 1861. Must'd out June 11, 1864 1st Col. John H. Taggart, 2d do. Martin D. Hardin. 42d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 13, 1861. Must'd out June 13, 14 and 15, 1864. ' 1st Col. Charles J. Biddle, 2d do. Thomas L. Kane, 3d do. Hugh W. M'Neil, 4th do. Charles F. Taylor. 43d REG'T 1st ART. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 13, 1861. Must'd out June and July, 1865. 1st Col. Charles T. Campbell, 2d do. R. M. West. 44th REG'T 1st CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 1, 1861; Must'd out Sept. 1864. 1st Col. George D. Bayard, 2d do. Owen Jones, 3rd do. J. P. Taylor. 45th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 22, 1861. Must'd out July 17, 1865. 1st Col. Thomas Welsh, 2d do. John I. Curtin. 46th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 1, 1861. Must'd out July 16, 1865. 1st Col. Joseph F. Knipe, 2d do. James L.' Self- rid^e. 19 • 47tli REG'T PENN. .VOL.' Organ'J Aurj. 5, 18G1. Mustered out Sept. 24, 18G4. 1st Col. Tilghman II. Good, 2d do J. P. Shindlc Gobin. 48tli REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 14, 18G1. Musl'd out July 17^ 18Go 1st Col. James Nagle, 2d do. Joshua K. Seig- fried, 3d do. Henry Pleasants, 4th do. George W. Gowan, 5th do. Isaac F. Brannon. 40th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 21, 18G1. Must'd out July lo, 18C5. 1st Col. AVilliam H. Irwin, 2d do. Tlionias. jM.' Hulings, 3d do. Boynton J. Hickman, 4tli do. Amos AV. AVakefield. 50th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 27, 18G1. Must'dout July 30, 18G5 1st Col. Benjamin C. Christ, 2d do. AVilliam II. Telford. - 51st REG'T. PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 27, 18G1. Must'd out July 27, 18G5 1st Col. John F. Ilartranft, 2d do. Edwin Scliaal, 3d do. AVilliam J. Bolton. 52d REG'T PENN. A^OL. Organ'd Aug. 1, 18G1. Must'd out July 12, 1865 1st Col. Jolm C. Dodge, Jr.; 2d do Henry M. Iloyt; 3d do. John B. Conynham. 53d REG'T PENN. VOL." Organ'd Aug. 17, 1 8G1 . Must'd out June 30, 1 8G5 1st Col. John R.Brooke; 2d do. S. Octavius Bull ; 3d do. A\'m. M. Miutzer. 20 54tli EEG' PENN. YOL. Organ'd July 30, 1861. Must'd out July 15,^1865 1st Col. Jacob M. Campbell; 2d do. Albert P. Moulton. 55tli REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 2, 18(3l. Must'd out Aug. 30, 1865. 1st Col. Rich'd AVhite ; 2d do. Jnol H. Filler. 56th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 1, 1861. Must'd out July 1, 1865. 1st Col. Sullivan i\. Meredith; 2d do. J. Wil- liam Hoffman; 3d do. Henry A. Laycock. 57th REG' r PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 24, 1861. Must'd out June 29,1865. 1st Col. Wm. Maxwell; 2d do. Chas. T. Camp- bell; 3d do. Peter Sides; 4th do. Geo. Zinn. 58th REG^T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 1, 1861. Must'd out 1st Col. J. Richter Jones; 2d do. Carlton B. Curtis ; 3d do. Cecil Clay. 59th REG'T, 2d CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 7, 1861. Must'd out July 13, 1865. 1st Col. R. B Price ; 2d do. Wm. W. Saunders. 60th REG'T, 3d CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 23, 1861. Must'd out Aug. 7, 1865. 1st Col. W. W. AveriU; 2d do. John ^. M'Intosh ; 3d do. Edward S. Jones. 61st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 24, 1851. Must'd out June 18, 1865 . 1st Col. O. II. Rippey ; 2d do. Geo. C. Spear; Sd do. Geo.F. Smith; 4th do. Robert L. Orr. 21 G2d REG'T PENN. VOL. DrgauM July 4, 18G1. Must'tl out July i;j, 1801. 1st Col. Samuel W. Black ; 2d do. Jacob B. I Sweitzer. G3d REG'T PENN. VOL. OrganM Aug. 25, 18G1. MustM out Aug. '», 18G5. 1st Col. Alex. Hayes ; 2d do. A. S. M. Mor- gan ; 3(> do. Wm. S. Kirkwood. G4th REG'T, 4tli CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 20, 18G1. Must'd out July 1, 18Go. 1st Col. David Campbell; 2d do. James II. Cliilds ; 3d do. Jamft K. Kerr ; 4tli do. Geo. II. Covode; 5th do.*8aml B. M.Young. Goth REG'T, 5th CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd March 12, 18G2. Must'd out Aug-. 7, 1865. 1st Col. David CampbeU; 2ddo. R. M. West. GGth REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Jan. 15, 18G2, Col. JohnTatrick. CTth REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 24, 1861. Must'd out July 14, 18G5; 1st Col. John F. Staunton ; 2d do. Harry White ; 3d do. John C. Carpenter. G8th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 2(), 18G2. Must'd out June 0, 1865. Col. Andrew II. Tippen. G9th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 10, 1861. Must'd out July 1, 1865. 1st Col. Joshua T.Owen; 2d do. Dennis O'Kane; 3d do. William Davis. 22' 70tli REG'T, 6th CAY. PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 27, 1861. Must'd otit Aug. 27» 1865. Ist.Col. Richard Rush ; 2d do. Chas. Ross Smith ; 3d do. Charles L. Leiper. « 71st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Julyl, 1861. Mustered out July 2, 1864- 1st Col. E. D. Baker; 2d do Isaac J. Wistar ; 3d do. Richard Penn Smith. 72d REG'.T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 10, 1861: Must'd out Aug. 24, 1864 Col. De Witt C. Baxter. 73d REG'T ?ENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 2, 1861. Must'd out July 14, 1865- 1st Col. John A. Koltes ; 2d do. G. A. Muh- leck ; 3d do. Wm. Moore ; 4th do. Charles C Cress on. 74th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 23, 1861. Must'd out Aug. 29', 1865. 1st Col. A. Schimmelfennig ; 2d do. Jno. Hamm ; 3d do. Adolph Von Hartung ; 4th do. Gottleib Hoburg. 75th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 7, 1861. Must'd out Sept. 1, 1865. 1st Col. Henry Bohlen ; 2d do: Philip Scliapp ; Sd do. Francis Maher. 76th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 10, 1861. Must'd out July 18, 1865. 1st. Col. John M. Power; 2d do. D. W. C. StraAvbridge ; 3d do. John C. Camp- bell ; 4th do. John S. Littell. 23 77th REG'T rp:NN. VOL. OrganM Sept. 20,1801. Must'd out 1st Col. Fred. F. Stambaugh ; 2d do. Tliomas E. Kose. 78th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 20, 1801. ]MustM olit Sept. 11, 1805. 1st Col. AVm. Sirwcll ; 2d do. Aug. B. Bonafon. 70th REG'T PEXN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 10, 1801. Must'd out July 12, 1805. Col. Henry A. Hambright. 80th REGT, 7th CAV. PEXN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 21, 1801. Must'd out Aug. 23, 1805. 1st Col. Geo. C Wynkoop ; 2d do. Wm. B. Sipes ; 3d do. Chas. C. M'Cormick. 81st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 8, 1801. :Must'd out June 29, 1805. 1st Col. James Miller; 2d do. Chas. F. Johnson; 3d do. II. Boyd iSIeKeen ; 4th do. Wm. Wilson. 82d REG'T PENN VOL. Organ'd July 22, 1801. -Must'd out July 13, 1805. 1st Col. David II. AVilliams ; 2d do. Isaac C. Bassett. 83d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Juf)'21, 1801. :Must'd out June. 28, 1805. 1st Col. John AV. M'Lane ; 2(1 do. Strong Vincent ; 3d do. O. S. AVoodward'; 4th do. Ciiauncey P. Rogers. 8 Ith REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 30, 1801. Must'd out July 29, 24 18G5. 1st Col.' Wm. G. Murray; 2d do. Samuel M. Bowman. 85th REG'T PENN. VOL. brgan'd Aug. 2, 18G1, Must'd Nov. 22, 18G4. Col. Joshua B. Howell. 86th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ 'd Aug. 28, 186L Must'd out unknown. Col. Ernest Beteze. 87th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 19, 1861. Must'd out June 29, 1865. 1st Col. George Hay ; 2d do John W. SchaU ; 3d do Walter S. Franklin ; 4th do James Tearney. 88th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 9th, 1861. Must'd out June 30, 1865. 1st Col. Geo. P. M'Lean; 2d do Geo. W. Giie ; 3d do Louis Wagner. 89th PvEG'T 8th CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Jan. 17, 1862. Must'd out Aug. 11, 1865. Isj; Col. D. M'M. Gregg ; 2d do Pen- nock Huey ; 3d do E. G. Chorman ; 4th do William A. Corrie. 90th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 3, 1861, Musc'd out Nov. 16, 1864. Col. Peter Lyle. 91st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct. 7, 1862. Must'd out July 10, 1865. Edgar M. Gregory. 92d REG'T 9th CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct. .20, 1861. Must'd out Juiy 18, 25 18G5. 1st Col. E. C. Williams ; 2a do Thos. C. James ; 3d do Thos. C. Jordan. 93d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. oth 18G1. Must'd out June 27, 18G5. 1st Col. James M. M 'Carter ; 2d do John M. Mark ; 3d do James M. M'Cartcr ; 4th do Chas. M. Eckman- 94th REG'T 10th CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct. 19, 18G1. Sold to New York. Col. A. H. McReynolds. 95th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct. 12, 1801. Must'd out July 17, 1865. 1st Col. John M. Gosline ; 2d do Gustavus W. Town ; 3d do Thomas J. Town ; 4th do John Harper. 9Gth REG'T PENN. VOL. Orian'd Sept. 23, 1801. Must'd out July 17, 18G5. 1st Col. Henry L. Cake; 2d do Wm. H. Lessig. 97th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd July ;25, 1801. Must'd out Aug. 28, 18G5. 1st Col. Henry R. puss ; 2d do Galu'a Pennypacker; 3d do John Wainwright. 98th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 30, 18G1. Must'd out June 20. 1805. 1st Col. John F.Ballier; Adolph Meh- ler ; John F. Ballier. 99th REC^'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 7, 1801. Must'd out July 1, 1805. 1st Col. Thos. W. Sweeney ; 2d do Peter Fritz ; Asher S. Leidy ; Edward R. Biles. 26 lOOth REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 28, 1861. Must'd out July 24, 1865, 1st Col. Daniel Leasure ; 2d do Norman J. Maxwell. 101st REG'T PENN VOL. Orsan'd Oct 4, 1861. Must'd out June 25, 1865. 1st Col. Joseph H. Wilson; 2d do David B. Morris ; James SliearfFer. 102d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 30, 1861. Must'd out June 28, 1865. 1st Col. Thomas A. Rowley ; 2d do Joseph M. Kinkead ; 3d do John W. Patter- son ; 4th do James Patchell. 103d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct 3, 1861. Must'd out June 25, 1865. CoL Theo. F. Lehman. 104th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 5, 1861. Must'd out Aug. 25, 1865. 1st Col. Wm, H. H. Davis; 2d do Theophilus Kephart. 105th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct. 7, 1861. Must'd out July 11, 1865. 1st Col. Amor A. M'Knight ; 2d do Wake- field W. Corbett p 3d do Amor A. MTvnight ; 4th do Calvin A. Craig ; 5th do Jas. Miller. 106th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 28, 1861. Must'd out June 30, 1865. 1st do Turner G. Morehead ; 2d do John H. Gidlagher. 107th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 15, 1861. Must'd out July 13, 1865. 1st Col. Thomas A. Zeigle; 2d do Thomas F. M'Coy. 27 lO.^tli REG,T PENN. VOL. Ornran'd July '2'.], 1801. Must'd out Aup. 13, 18(;5. 1st Col. Josiah Harlan ; 2d do Siun'I P. Spear; 3d do Franklin A. Stratton. lo'Jth REG: PENN. VOL. Or^ranM Nov. 8th 1861. Must'd oHt July 19 18G5. 1st Col. Henry J. Stainrook ; 2d do Lewis "NV. Ralston. 110th REG. PENN. VOL. ^ Ornjan'd Oct. 21, 18(U. Must'd out June 28, 18Gr>. 1st *Col. AVm. D.Lewis Jr.; 2d do Janu's Crowther ; od do Isaac Rodgers ; 4th do Franklin B. Stewart. 111th REC;. PENN. VOL. Organ 'd Sept. 2, 1801 Must'd out July9,18C>5. 1st Col. M. Schlaudeeker ; 2d do George A. Cobliam ; od do Thomas A. Walker. 112th 2d ART. REG. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Feb. 8, 1862. Must'd out June 20, 1865. 1st Col. Charles Angeroth ; 2d do Aug. A. Gibson ; 3d do James L. Anderson ; 4th do Wm M. M'Clure. 113th 12 CAV. REG. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 6, 1861. Must'd out July 20, 1865. 1st Col William Frieshmuth ; 2d do Lewis B. Pierce ; 3d do INIareus A. Reno. 114th REG. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 1, 1862. Must'd out May 29, 1862. Colonel, Charles II. T. Collis. llSth REG. PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 25, 1862. ISIust'd out June 28, 1865. 1st Col. Robert E. Patterson; 2d do Francis A. Lancaster. 26 llGtliREG. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 1, 1862. Miist'd out July 14, 1865. ist Col. Dennis Heenan ; 2d do St. C. A. Mulliolland ; 3d do David Megraw. 117tli REG. 13th CAV. PENN VOL. Organ'd July 1;1862. Must'd out July 14th, 1865. 1 St Col. James A. Galliher ; 2d do Michael •'Kerwin. 118th REG. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 28 1862. Must'd out. June 1 1865. 1st Col. Chas. M.Prevost; 2d do Jas. Gwyn. 119th REG. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 2, 1862. Must'd out June 20, 1865. 1st Col. Peter C. Ellmaker; 2d do Gideon Clarke. 121st REG PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 1, 1862. Must'd' out June 2, 1865. 1st Col. Chapman Biddle ; 2d do Alex. Biddle. 122dREG. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 12, 1862. Must'd out May 15, 1863. Col. Emlen Franklin. 123d REG. PENN, VOL. Organ'd Aug. 21, 1862. Must'd out May 12, 13, 1863. Col. John B. Clark. 124th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 18, 1862. Must'd out May 17, 1863. Col. Joseph W. Hawley. 125th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 16, 18G2. Must'd outMay 18 and 10, 1803. Col. Jacob Higgins. 126th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 13, 1802. Must'd out May 20, 18G3. Col. James G. Elder. 29 127th REG'T PKNN. VOL. Orfrnn'd An.ir. 10, 1802. MustM out May, 29, 180.'3. Col. AVm. "NV. Jennings. 128tli REG'T PKNxN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 25, 1802. Must d out May 10, 20, 1803. 1st CoL Samuel Croasdale, 2d do Jos. A. Matthews. 129th REG'T TENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 15, 1802. Must'd out May 18, 1803. Col. Jaeob G. Frick. 130th REG'T PENN. VOJ.. Organ'd Aug. 17, 1802. Must'd out May 21, 1803. 1st Col. Henry J. Zinn ; 2d do Levi Maish. 131st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 10, 1S02. Must'd out May 23, 1803. Col. Peter II. Allabach. 132d REG'T PENX. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 22d 1802. Must'd out May 21, 1803. 1st Col. Riehard A. Oakford ; 2d do Vincent M. Wilcox ; 3d do Clias. Albright. 133d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 24, 1802. Must'd out May 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 20, 1803. Col. Erank B. Speakman. 134th REG'T PENN. VOL. Orgnn'd Aug. 20, 1802. Mu.^t'd out May 26, 1804. 1st Col. Matthew S. (^lay; 2d do Ed- ward O'Brien. 135th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 19, 1802. Must'd out May 21, 1803. Col. James R. Porter. 30 136th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 9, ISQ'2. Miist'd out May 29, 1063. Col. Thomas M. Bayne. 137th REG'T PENiY. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 23, 1862. Must'd out June? 1 and 2, 1863. 1st Col. C. L. K. Sumwalt ; 2d do M. 11. M'Clennan. I39th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 25, 1862. Must'd out June 21, 1863. Col. Fred'k H. CoUier. 140th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 8, 1862. Must'd out May 31, 1865. 1st Col. Richard P. Roberts. 141st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug.29,1862. Must'd out May 29, 1865. Col. Henry J. MekiU. 142d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 1,1862. Must'd out May 19, 1865. 1st Col. Robert P.Hummins ; 2d do Alfred B. McCalmont. 143d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct. 18, 1862. Must'd out June 12, 1865. Col. Edmund H. Dana. 145th RFG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 5, 1862. Must'd out May 31, 1805. 1st Col. Hiram L. Brown ; 2d do David B. M'Creary. 147th REG'T PENN". VOL. Organ'd June 17, 1864. Must'd out Julyl5, 1865. 1st Col. Ario Pardee, Jr, 2d John Craig. 148th REG'T PENN, VOL. Organ'd Sept. 8, 1862. Must'd out June 1, 1865. IstCol. Jas. A. Beaver ; 2d do Jas.A. Beaver. 31 119th PvKGT PEXN VOLS. Orgun'd Aug. I'J, 1862. Must'd out June 14, 18G5. 1st Col. Roy Stone ; '2d do John In\ in, l;30th RKGT TKNN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 4, 1862. Must'd out June 15 and 23, 1S65. 1st Col. Lannrhorn Wistar ; 2d do Henry S. Ileidekoper; 4tli do (ieo. ^V. Joue.". 15 1st ki:gt penx vol. Organ'd Nov. 11, 18G2, Must'd out July 27, 2S, 211, o<> and 31. Col Hamson Allen. 152d RK(;T, 3d AllT. PENN. VOL, Organ'd Mareh 18, l85o. Must'd out July 11, 25 and Nov. 0, 18(35. Col. Josejili Roberts. 15;MRKG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct. 11, 1862. Must'd out July 21 Col. Ch.'irles Glanz. 155th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 5, 1862. Must'd out June 2, 18G2. 1st Col. Edward Jay Allen ; 2d do John II Cain ; 4th do Alfred L. Pearson. 157th REG'T PENN. COL. OrWd Dec. 1,1864. Must'd out June 20, 1SG5 Col. Edmund T. Tiers. 158th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 21, 1862. Must'd out Aug. 1SG3. Col. David R. McKibben; • 159th REG'T, 14th ART. PENN. VOL- Organ'd Nov. 24, 1862. Must'd out Aug. 14 and jNov. 2, 1865. Col. James M- Schoonmaktr. IGOth REG'T. 15th CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 8, 1862. [Must'd out June 21, 18G5. Colonel William J. Palmer. 32 161st REG'T IGth CAV. PENX. YOL. Organ'd Oct. 18. 1862. Must'd out Aug. 11, 1865. 1st Col. J. Irvin Gregg, 2d do. Lorenzo D. Rodgers. 162d REG'T 17th CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct, 18, 1862. Must'd out June 16, 1865. 1st Col. J. H. Kellog, 2d do. J. Q. Anderson. 163d REG'T 18th CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Dec. 24, 1862". Must'd out June 14, 1865. 1st Col. Tim. M. Brj^^n, Jr., 2d do. T. F. Ro- denbaugh. Must'd out June 14, 1865. i65th REG'T PEEN. VOL. Organ'd Dec. 6, 1862. Must'd out July 28, 1863. Col. Charles H. Buehler. . 166th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 25, 1862. Must'd out July 28, 1863. Col. Andrew J. Fulton. 167th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organi'd Nov, 6. 1862. Must'd out August 11 and 12, 1863. 1st Col. Charles A. Knoderer, 2d do. Joseph DePuy Davis. 168th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 28, 1862. Must'd out July 24, 25 and 25, 1863. Col. Joseph Jack. 169th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 28, 1862. Must'd out July 25, 26 and 27, 1863. ' Col. Lewis AV. Smith. 171st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 18, 1862. Must'd out Aug.,6, 7 and 8, 1863. Col. Everard Bierer. 172d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 19, 1 862. Must'd out July 31 and Aug. 1, 1863. Col. Charles Kleckner. 33 173a REO'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 17, 18(',2. ]\Iust'(l rmt Aug. If,, 17 and 18, 18G3. Col. Daniel Nagle. 174tli REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 11), 18G2. Must'dotit Col. John Nyce. i7oth reg'tpi:n^\ vol. Organ'd Nov. 22, 1802. Must'd out : Col. Samuel A. Dyer. 17Gtli REG'T PENN. vol. Organ'd Nov. 28, 18G2. :>^ist'd out Aujx. 17, 18 and VJ, 18G3. Col. Ani])rosc A. Lecliler. .177tli RECrT PENN. VOL. Organ'd Nov. 20, 18G2. Must'd out Aug. 4, .') and 7, 1803. Col. George B. Weistling. 178tli REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Dec. 2, 1862. Must'd out Jidy 27, 18C3. Col. James Johnson. llMi REGT PENN. VOL. Organ'd Dec. 8, 1802. Must'd out July 27, 1SG3. Col. William IL Blair. 180th RECt'T, 19th CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct. 24, 1803. Must'd out Jan 40, 18G5. Cul. Alexander Cummings. 181st REG'T, 20th CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 7, 1803. Must'd out July 13, 180r>. 1st Coh John E. Wynkoop ; '2d do Gabriel :Middleton. 182d REG'T, 21st CAV. PENN. VOL. Oriran'd July 14, 1,803. Must'd out Julv8, 180.3. i'st Col. William IL Boyd ; 2d do. Oliver B. Knowles. 34 183cl REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd March 8, 1864. Must'd out July 1^, 1865. Ist Col. George P. McLean ; 2d do John F. M'Cullough ; 3d do James C. Lynch ; 4th do George T. Egbert. 184th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd May 13, 1864. Must'd out June 2 and July 14, 1865. Col. John II Stover. 185th REG'T, 22d CAV. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 5, 1863. Must'd out Oct. 31, 1865. Col. Jacob Higgins. 186th REG'T PENN. VOL. Orfran'd March 21, 1864. Must'd out Aug. 15, 1865. Col. Henry A. Frink. 187th REG'T PENN, VOL. Organ'd May, 1864. Must'd out Aug. 3, 1865. 1st Col. John S. Schultz ; 2d John E. Parsons. 188th REG'T PENN. VOL. Orghnd April 12, 1864. 1st Col. George K. JBowen ; 2d do John G. Gregg. 189th REG'T, 4th ART. PENN. VOL. Organ'd April 30, 1864. Must'd out Aug. 1864. Col. William McClure. 190th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 6, 1864. Must'd out June 28, 1865. Col. Wm. R. Ilartshorne. 191st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd June 6, 1864. Must'd out June 25, 1865. Col. James Carle. 192d REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd July 15, 1864. Mwst'd out Aug. .24, 1865. 1st Col. William B. Thomas ; 2d do William W. Stewart. 3.5 108a REGT rp:xN. vol. Organ'd Julv 24, 18(U. ]\Iusteml out Nov. 0, 18G4. Col John li. Clnrk.'. 104th HEG'T PKNN. VOL. Organ'd July 24, 18G4. jSIust'd out Nov. 5 and 0, 18(34. " Col. James Nagle. 10.1th REGT PENN. VOL. Organ'd Julv 25, 18:>4. Must'd out June 21, 1865. Col. Joseph W. Fisher. lOGth REGT PENxX. VOLS. Organ'd July 20 1804. Must'd out Nov. 17, 18G4. Hermanns Neff. 107th REGT PENN. VOL. Organ'd Julv 22, 18G4. Must'd out Nov. 11, 18G4. Col. John R. Ilaslett. 108th RKG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 15, 18G4. Must'd out June 3 and 4, 18G5. Col. Horatio G. Sickel. 109th REGT PENN. VOL. Organ'd Oct. .3, 18G4.' Must'd out June 28, 1865. Col. James C. Briscoe. 200th REGT PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 7, 18G4. Must'd out May 30, 18G5. Col. Charles W. Diven. 201st REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Aug. 20, 1864. Must'd out June 21, 1865. Col. F. Asbury Awl. 202.1 REGT PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 5, 18G4. Must'd out Aug. 3, 1865. Col. Charles Allbright. 203d REGT PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 20, 18G4. Must'd out June 22, 1865, 1st Col. John W. Moore ; 2d do Oliver P. Harding ; 3d do Amos W. Bacliman. 36 204th REGT, 5th ART. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 13, 1864. Must'd out June 30, 1865. Col. Geo. S. Gallupe. 205th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 3, 1864. Must'd out June 2, 1865- Col. Joseph A. Matthews. 206th REG'T PEN^ VOL. Organ'd Sept. 12, 1864. Must'd out June 26, 1865. Col. Hugh J. Brady. 207th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept 8, 1864. Must'd out May 31, 1865. Col. Robt. C. Cox. 208th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 12, 1864. Must'd out June 1, 1865. Col. Alfred B. McCalmont. 209th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 15 1864. Must'd out May 31, 1865. Col Tobias B. Kaufman. 210th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 24, 1864. Must'd out May 30, 1865. Col. William Sergeant. 211th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 17, 1864. Must'd out June 2, 1865. 1st Col. Jas. A. Trimble ; 2d do. Levi A.'-Dodd. 212th REG'T, 6th ART. PENN. VOL. Organ'd Sept. 15, 1864. Must'd out June 13, 1865. Col. Charles Barnes. 213th REG'T PENN. VOL. Organ'd March 4, 1865. Must'd out Nov. 18, 18(55. Col. John A. Gorgas. 2Uth REG'T PENN. VOLS. Organ'd Apr. 5, 1865. Must out 1866. Col D. B. McKibben. 216th REG T PENN. VOL. gan'd Apr. 21, 1865. Must, out July 31, 1865. Col. Fr. Wislar. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WE ARE m Bv M,ss Sa 013 709 246 3 ^ Snuf/ bxj the thirty -four Misses at the Flag raising at the Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, on llmrsday evening, June llth, 180 1. AIR.— G.iy and li.-.ppy Oomo young ladies swell the Chorus, Let your voices fill the air ; For our Flag floats proudly o'er us, The Stripes and Stars are waving there. So let the South jog along as it will, We are for the Union still ; We're for the Union, we're for the Union, We are for the Union still. Our Union must not be divided, For every freeman takes a pride, In the Flag thats been deridoil By the flood of treason's tide. So let the South jog, &c. Our fathers framed the Constitution. We are pledged to keep it pure ; And maintain from dissolution, Our Union which must long endure. So let the South jog, &e. God is with the right forever, He protected Washington, Trust in him and he will never Fail when victory must be won. So let the South jog,