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BY HORATIO BATEMAN. FIRST EDITION". < TSTEW YORK: Y H. BATEMAN, PUBLISHER, 171 BROADWAY. 1870. £^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by HORATIO BATEMAN. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York TO THE SOVEREIGN PEOPLE OP THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, QUosYoIutm is respectfully dedicated. PREFACE. That the unity of our National Government has not been fully appreciated by the people, is evident from the faet that a gigantic civil war like that of the late Rebellion was possible Such appreciation was prevented, in a great degree, by sectional differences and prejudices, caused by the existence of slavery in a portion of the States. Slavery, however, having been abolished, and the Rebellion subdued, it became necessary to " reconstruct" the former slave- holding and rebellious States in such a manner as to secure to each and all of them a " Free and republican form of Govern- ment." I have endeavored to illustrate the position of the seceding States before, during, and after the Rebellion, and the strength of the Nation under the " Constitution," by an allegorical re^ presentation which, with its explanation, forms the frontispiece of this book, I call this picture, "Reconstruction." I have also given a condensed history of the rise and progress of our new system of government, until it culminated in that glorious instrument the "Constitution," which made us One Nation, and the People Sovereign, This is followed by a brief review of the causes and effects of the Rebellion, and the ultimate results of a true and efficient reconstruction of the States. In order more fully to illustrate the subject, over 250 Por- traits of distinguished "National Men," of all sections of the country and classes of society, are represented in the picture. A condensed biography of each of those men, giving their public services and general characteristics, is also supplied, each biography occupying only one page. There is further inserted on alternate pages a biographical sketch or business compendium of prominent business men, making this volume a book of Reference, of History, Biogra- phy ', and Business. H. BATEMAN. HISTORY OF THE EISE AM) PBOGBESS OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, AND EXPLANATION OF RECONSTRUCTION. The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, in 1492, may be considered the most important event that has ever resulted from individual genius and enterprise. It was the result of a theory matured by long re- flection and experience, opposed to the learning and bigotry of the age, and brought to a successful demonstration, after years of toil against opposing difficulties. His first landing was at San Salvador, on the 12th of Oc- tober, 1492 ; and it was not until August, 1498, that he discovered the main land, near the mouth of the Oronoco, in South America. Fired with |the accounts of the discoveries made by Columbus, Americus Vespu- cius became desirous of seeing the New World for himself, and accordingly, sailed from Cadiz, May 20, 1497, as a merchant, with a squadron of four ships, which he placed in command of the valiant Ojedo. During this voyage Americus pretends to have seen the Continent, he may have done so, but much doubt envelopes the matter. In 1507, after the death of Columbus, he published a history of all his voyages, and a chart of the American coast, in which he claimed to be the true discoverer of the country. This work was read all over Europe with great delight, and the New "World was named " America" in his honor as the discoverer, when, of right, it should have been " Columbia," in honor of " Columbus," whom all the world now concede to be the true discoverer. Shortly after the return of Columbus from his first voyage, John Cabot, a Venetian by birth, but then residing in England, sailed from the port of Bristol, with his son Sebastian, in the spring of 1497, under a commission of discovery from Henry VII, King of England. He discovered the coast of Labrador, July 3, 1497, sailed north and south along the coast of the main- land ; and, being the first to discover that part of the Continent now called North America, claimed for the English King the territory from the Gulf of Mexico to an indefinite extent north, without however attempting either settlement or conquest. From this discovery by Cabot, originated the title by which England claimed North America. rt That title depended upon the first discovery of that portion of the Conti- nent, and was called the " Right of Discovery." It was a principle adopted in the practice of the nations of Europe, that the first discovery of unknown countries, gave to the government whose sub- jects had made the discovery, a title to the possession of such new found land. Under this title, the original inhabitants were permitted to remain in the territory, but they were restrained from sellmg or granting its soil, except to the sovereign by whose subjects it had been discovered, and who claimed for himself the sole right to dispose of it; consequently, no other person could acquire a title from the natives, either by purchase or conquest. Although the titles derived from discovery may not originally have been just, their validity, after a lapse of centuries, cannot now be overthrown. By successive transfers, they have become vested in the several States, and in the UnitediStates; and they have been recognized and acceded to by the Supreme Court of the United States. We still hold this country under the title by which it was originally ac- quired, and we claim that that title has, by treaties or by grants, decended to us. Notwithstanding North America was inhabited at the time, it was colo- nized, the colonists disregarded the occupancy and claims of the Indian tribes, and considered themselves as settling an unoccupied country. Hence, therefore, the colonists must be regarded as bringing with them to the New World the laws of England, so far as they were applicable to their situa- tion ; and it was so declared by the Continental Congress, in the Declara- tion of Rights. For a century or more after its discovery, nothing was done toward a permanent settlement of the country by the English. During the seven- teenth century however, the thirteen original states or colonies were settled. These thirteen colonies have, with reference to their form of government, been divided into three classes, as follows : 1. Provincial or Royal Governments. 2. Proprietary Governments. 3. Charter Governments. Under the Provincial Governments, a Governor was appointed by the King as his deputy, to rule according to his instructions. The King also appointed a counsel to assist the Governor and aid in making: the laws. The Governor established courts and raised military forces. He had power to call together legislative assemblies of freeholders and others, in which the counsel formed an Upper House ; he himself exercising a negative upon their proceedings, as well as the right to adjourn them for a time, or to dissolve them. These assemblies made local laws which had to be submit- ted to the King for his approval or disapproval. New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, were Provincial Colonies. In Proprietary Governments, the King granted his rights and privileges to certain individuals, who became proprietaries of the colony, and held it as if it were a feudal principality. These proprietaries appointed the Gov- ernor, directed the calling together of the legislative assemblies, and exer- cised all those acts of authority which, in the Provincial Governments, were exercised by the king. At the time of the " Revolution," there were but two colonies of this des- cription — Maryland, under Lord Baltimore, Pennsylvania and Delaware, under William Penn. In the Charter Governments, the powers and rights were vested by a charter from the King in the colonists generally, and were placed upon a in more free and democratic foundation. In Connecticut and Rhode Island, the Governor, Counsel, and Assembly were chosen every year by the free- men of the colony. But by the charter granted by William and Mary, in 1691, to the colony of Massachusetts, the Governor was appointed by the King, the Counsel chosen annually by the General Assembly, and the House of Representatives chosen by the people; though in other respects the charter was quite liberal in its provisions. At the commencement of the Revolution, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, were the only Charter Governments existing. Notwithstanding these diversities in the form of their governments, the situation and circumstances of the colonists were similar in several very important particulars. They were entitled to the rights and liberties of English subjects, and to the advantages of the laws of England. They were mostly a sober, industrious, and persevering people. They established Provincial Legislatures to regulate their local affairs. They did not hold their lands by any burdensome feudal tenures. The Governments were administered upon popular principles, and generally marked by a liberal policy. Many of the settlers in the colonies emigrated from England, at a time of great religious and political excitement, and were filled with the " Spirit of Liberty," of free inquiry, and of opposition to the prerogatives of the crown, and to an established church, which such excitement had produced. Schools and Colleges were founded ; religion, education, and printing encouraged. The great distance of the colonies from the mother country, so weakened the power over them, that a love of freedom gradually grew up almost imperceptibly by the English Government. In Pennsylvania (soon after its settlement), in Maryland, and in New England (except Rhode Island), the English law of primogeniture (that is the right of the eldest son and his descendants to succeed to the inheritance of the ancestor) was abolished, and the estates of the decedant were divided among all his descendants ; which tended to equalize property, increase the number of land holders and encourage habits of industry. The Colonies nevertheless had no political connection with each other : they had no right to form treaties or alliances among themselves, or' enter into any connection with foreign powers. The law of nations did not recognise them as sov- ereign states, but only as dependencies of the crown of England. They could not make treaties, declare war, or receive ambassadors. Each colonist, however, had the full rights of a British subject in every other colony. Notwithstanding the absence of any recognized right on the part of the colonies to form alliances among themselves, yet, in consequence of the sim- ilarity of their laws, religion, institutions, interests, situation and wants generally, they were frequently led to unite together for the purpose of ad- vancing their common welfare, and for defence against the hostilities of the Indian tribes. The eastern colonies, so early as the year 1643, entered into a compact under the style of the " United Colonies of New England " for the purpose of protection against the Indians and Dutch. This transaction of the colonies was an assumption of sovereignty, and doubtless contributed to the formation of that public sentiment, which prepared the way for Amer- ican Independence. Even at this early period these Colonies assumed the character of inde- pendent states ; the attention of the mother country being drawn from them, and absorbed by the civil war with which it was then so fearfully agitated. Their articles of confederation were marked by that jealousy for state sovereignly which characterized all our subsequent Confederacies, but which, we have no reason to regret, was not included in our pi'esent Constitution, which transferred the Sovereignty to the " National Government ". IV The New England Confederacy existed until 1686, when the charters o the colonies were vacated by commission from James II. After the dissolu- tion of this league, nearly a century elapsed before any general association of the colonies was formed. But still these, as well as other colonies, con- tinued to give occasion tl evidences of the great necessity they felt for, and the jigh importance with which they regarded a Union. Now and then a Congress of Governors and Commissioners, was held to adopt more effectual measures for their mutual protection against their savage enemies. One of this character was held at Albany, in the year 1722; but another, of higher impor^ tance, was convened there in 1754, consisting of delegates from seven colonies, and called at the instance of the English Administration to consult as to the best means of defending " America'' in the event of a war wit i France. This Congress published some important doctrines which, operating with a happy effect on the minds of the colonists, served to give them a National direction, and guided them on the road to our present high station. The Convention unanimously resolved, " that a union of the colonies is necessary for their preservation, and Parliament must be applied to to establish it." The celebrated " Plan," drawn up by Dr Franklin (which is of the greatest interest to the American student) developed a National spirit throughout. Power was given to the "General Government" to raise and pay soldiers, build forts, and equip vessels of force, etc. The colonies were to be represented in proportion to population. This was the first occasion upon which this idea had been suggested, the New England colonies in their con- federacy having been equally represented as colonies, not in proportion to population. In this respect the " Albany Plan" was in advance of the " Articles of Confederation" in its National spirit, and served as the proto- type of the " Constitution" itself. The sectional jealousy and colonial pride of the colonies continued so strong that the " Albany Plan" was rejected by every one of the Provincial Assemblies, and we were destined to remain sometime longer separate, and in a considerable degree alien commonwealths, jealous of each other's prosperity, and divided by policy, institutions, pre- judice and manners. Wuen, however, England began to oppress the colonies, they were led again to form a union for their common protection. On the passage of the "Stamp Act" in 1765, upon the recommendation of Massachusetts, the "First Colonial Congress" assembled at New York, October 7, of that year, at which nine colonies were represented by twenty-eight delegates, and they published a bill of rights, in which they boldly declared that, "the sole power of taxation resided in the colonies " The bold stand taken by the people of B ^ston against British taxation in 1768, called forth resolutions of approval and support from almost every Colonial Legislature, and the events succeeding served to heighten the National feeling in proportion, as the hatred to the m >ther country was increased. A Continental Congress was simultaneously proposed by meetings held at New York and Philadelphia and by the Legislature of Connecticut. On the 5th of September, 1774, the colonies, still urged on by the monstrous claims of the British Parliament and the despotic usurpations of power by George III., united in sending delegates to Philadelphia, " with authority and discretion, to mid and consult together for the common welfare. " Eleven of the colonies were represented in this Congress, and by m°n illustrious for talent, integrity and p itriotism, and whose memories arn yet, and ever will be. embalmed by fie heartfe t gratitu le of their c ointrvmen. They styled themselves •' the delegates appointed by the g<>od people of the s e colonies " and continued in session until October 26 of the sara^ var. This Congress, among several other valuable Stite papers, published a "Declaration of Rights," which is important, as fully setting forth the natural and constita* tioual rights to which the colonists believed themselves entitled. Events now crowded upon each other. Before the Congress met again, hostilities had commenced in Massachusetts, and at Lexington the blood o\ the first martyrs to the cause had been shed to cement the National Unity." Henceforth the Union was continued by successive conventions of Congress. On the 10th of May, 1775, a Congress was again assembled at Philadelphia, and vested with full powers to concert, agree upon, direct, order and prosecute such measures, as they should most approve, to obtain redress of grievances. Having published a declaration of the causes which impelled them to resolute resistance, gradually assuming to themselves the powers of the States they, on the 4th day of July, 1776, gave to the world that g.orious instrument, which marked the dawning of a brighter era, and the birthday of a happy Nation which was eventually to be truly free and independent The National sentiment had now reached its height. Flushed with thoughts of independence, and of boundless prosperity, no ideas of jealousy or of State sovereignty entered the minds of tue people, but as " one people 7 they dissolved the political bands wh.ch connected them with the mother country; and " in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies," declared themselves ''Free and Independent," which declaration was finally engrossed and signed by order of Congress. Throughout the whole of this immoital instrument the ideas of Equality Liberty, and Union are closely blended. It was never referred to the separate States for ratification, nor did any State declarers Independence. The Inde- pendence declared was for the " United States," not " Confederate States," and was then for the first time styled " United States of America." On the 11th of June, 177G, the same day on which a committee was ap- pointed by Congress for preparing a Declaration of Independence, it resolved to appoint another committee, to prepare and digest the form of alliance to be entered into between the colonies. This committee, on the 12th of July following, reported a plan of a confederacy consisting of twenty articles, but the lofty National sentiment which prevailed in the Declaration of Independ- ence did not exhibit itself so fully in the " Articles." So many were the rival interests developed that the local jealousies and sectional differences which had been forgotten during the fervour of the patriotic outburst, at the commencement, left their impress on the '• Articles." and prevented their adoption by Congress u itil November 15, 1777. Hence we find the doctrine of" State Sovereignty'' plainly set forth in that instrument, in evident conflict with the National spirit, which also makes itself apparent. "Ti.ese articles of confederation" were ratified in July, 1778, by the delegates from all the States but three, and were subsequently signed on the part of New Jersey, Nov'r 25, 1778; Delaware. Feb'y 22, 1779 ; and Maryland. March 1, 1781. The ratification of the Articles was, therefore, completed March 1, 1781, and on the 2d of March, 1781, Congress first assembled under the "Con- federation." These Articles formed the thirteen States, by the style of " The United States of America," into a firm league of friendship with each other for their defence, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare. Each State retained its own sov »\gidy, and all powers not expressly dele- gated to the United States in Congress assembled. Delegates were to be chosen every year by each £ta e,n >t less than three, nor moie than seven in Bumber. to meet in Congress. E ich State was t ) sipp >rt the expenses of its own delegates. In deciding questions, the votes were taken by States, each State having a single vole. A 1 the expenses of the war, and for the general welfare, were to be supplied by the several States in proportion to the value of the sett ed lands and improvements thereon. VI After the Declaration of Peace, and close of the Revolutionary War, it was soon found that the plan detailedin the "Articles of Confederation" was impracticable. It gave to Congress no means of enforcing its laws upon the States, and the States disregarded the recommendations of Congress with im- punity. Congress had no power to levy taxes or collect revenue for the public service ; nor could it regulate commerce either with foreign nations or among the several States. Foreign nations refused to hold intercourse with a Government which was only such in name, and possessed no real power even to carry out its most ordinary decrees. The public debt incurred by the war was very great, and the " Articles of Confederation" in no way pro- vided effectual means for its payment. The administration of governmtnt under all such confederacies has ever been marked with weakness, and de- generated into anarchy, or increased to a most galling and unbounded despotism. It became evident in a short time that distress and ruin would overspread the country unless some different and more vigorous form of government were adopted. Delegates were, therefore, appointed from the different States to meet in Philadelphia on the 14th day of May, 1787, for the purpose of devising some plan for a more perfect Union of the States. The first practical suggestion of a method of investing the Government with the requisiie power, and at the same time not destroy the State organizations, was in the winter of 1784-85, when Noah Webster struck the key-note in proposing a new system of Govern- ment which should act, "not on the States, but directly on individuals, and vest in ' Congress' full power to cany its laws into effect." The Convention met May 25, 1787, and after much discussion these views were embodied in the present "Constitution," which was finally adopted, as the result of their labors on the 17 ih of September, 1787, and, according to the recommendation of the Convention, Congress transmitted the plan of the Constitution to the several Legislatures of the States, in order to be sub- mitted to a convention of delegates chosen in each State by the people thereof. Conventions assembled in the different States, and the new system was discussed with great learning and zeal, and with many conflicting opinions, but was at last adopted, though not without much opposition. On the 17th of September, 1788, .Congress having received the ratifications of the Constitution from all the Conventions of all the States, except North Carolina and Rhode Island, resolved that the first Wednes- day of January, 1789, should be the day for appointing electors in the several States, which may have ratified the Constitution before that day. Accordingly, elections were held in the several States for electors, and the electors, thus appointed, met and voted for President and Vice- President, when Geoige Washington was unanimously elected the first President and John Adams, Vice-President. The States having also elected their Senators and Representatives, the first "Constitutional Congress," composed of Representatives from eleven States which had then ratified tie Constitution, assembled on Wednesday, March 4, 1789, in New York, and on that day the new " Constitution" went into legal operation as the supreme and fundamental law of the land, thereby establishing a Ration. The Constitution commences with the declaration that We, THE PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the gen— al welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves, and our pos- terity, Do okdain and establish this constitution for the United States of America. Its first article vests all Legislative power in a Congress of the United States to consist of a Senate, as the representative of the State ; and a House of Rkphesentatives, as the direct representatives of the people vn The duty of this Congress being to enact all laws for the GENERAL WELFARE of the whole United States. Its second article places the executive or administrative power in a "Pres- ident," whose duty it is, to " take care that the laws be faithfully executed. " The administrative business of the Government is not all managed directly by the President himself, but, has by various acts of Congress, been distrib- uted among several executive departments, called the Cabinet, who are the constitutional advisers of the President, and whose opinions he is authorised to require in writing upon any subject relating to the duties of their res- pective offices. The third article vests the judicial power in one " Supreme Court," and such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and es- tablish, whose province it is to interpret and apply the laws. Having given a condensed history of the rise and progress of the United States Government to the time of the adoption of the Constitution, I will endeavor to trace its history from that period to the present day, an alle- gorical representation of which is presented by the accompanying PICTURE as its interpretation will more fully show. The " Circular Building " represents the wliole United States, in the Dome of which is seen the representation of the three departments of the United States Government : the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial. The Dome is supported by two sets of pillars, resting on the same foundation. The " straight pillars " represent the State Governments, which, under the Confederation, alone supported the United States Government, and aa has already been shown made it dependent upon them for its existence, but on the adoption of the Constitution, a more perf ct union was established, by adding another, and more substantial support, emanating directly from the PEOPLE through their "Representatives in Congress" represented by the "curved pillars" which transferred the " Sovereignty" from the States to the United States, and cemented the States firmly into ONE NATION so as to prevent their ever, effectually dissolving their relations with each other without the consent of a majority of the people, not only of each State, but of the whole United States. Although the " Declaration of Independence " declared ALL MEN TO BE CREATED EQUAL, and endowed with certain inalienable rights, among which were life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness, and although the Consti- tution of the United States was adopted to secure the Blessings of Liberty to all, there yet remained SLAVERY for a portion of the PEOPLE of the country. Why was Slavery left in the Union after the declaration of independence and why was the constitution adopted with no clause expressly prohibiting it ? At that time a large portion of the white people had property in slaves, and many had a large interest in their importation. These considerations made it difficult to destroy the institution at once. It was expected, how- ever, that it would gradually diminish, and after a short time entirely cease to exist* That such was the expectation of the men most prominent in drawing up those instruments, such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Richard H, Lee, Patrick Henry, John Randolph, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton. Ben- jamin Franklin, James Madison and others, is evident from their speeches and writings as well as from their studied failure to expressly recognize it in either; also by the law which was passed by the Congress of the United States in session at the time the Constitution was adopted by the Conven- tion, "forever prohibiting slavery in the North Western Territory " which was ceded to the United States by different States about that time. A fact to be borne in mind in this connection is, that a number of the States did VIII abolish Slavery within their limits a few years afterwards, and the intent was evident that it should be done in all until the Cotton Gin made Slavery so very profitable, that the love of gain overcame the moral feeling that had been engendered till then, and some of the States continued, fostered, and encouraged it. i ' The States that abolished slavery, admitted Justice in its stead as an as- sociate with Liberty, and Education was their legitimate offspring, therefore the foundations of " Free States " are represented as Justice, Liberty, and Education " A ", and those of the " Slave States " as Liberty and Slavery " B ". f The incompatibility of Slavery with Liberty becoming more and more apparent, and the people of these States that had abolished Slavery, per- ceiving that it was bringing contempt upon the Declaration of Independence and the principles of the Constitution, endeavored to persuade their brethren in the States that had not, to adhere to the original understanding, and to make some provision for its eventual abolition, if they could not be pre- vailed upon to give it up at once. They showed them its antagonism to the principles and interests of a Free and Independent Republic, that it was a foe to education and progress, that it was undermining the morals and degrading the labor of the country, that it pandered to the worst passions, and tended to reduce the country to barbarism. These simple truths laid before them in candor, for their own good, as well as for the good of the country, did not have the desired effect of awak- ening them to a sense of Justice. But, feeling the debasing influence of sla- very, and finding it could not be sustained by free discussion, also perceiving the slender thread which held it (on sufferance) in the United States under the Constitution, raised the cry of persecution, and charged the free States with interfering with their domestic affairs. Fearing that the progress of liberal views among the people of the free States would soon have such in- fluence in the councils of the nation as to curtail the privileges of slavery, they attempted to revive the old jealousies that had formerly existed be- tween the States, and establish the doctrine of States Rights Supremacy ; contending that the Constitution did not transfer the Sovereignty from the States to the United States ; but that they were still, as under the Confed- eracy, Sovereign and Independent States, joined together, as then, by a com- pact or league, and that the States could nullify any law passed by Congress, and had the right to withdraw from the Union at pleasure. Not deeming it expedient to appear to sustain that doctrine in order to uphold and protect slavery, they first directed their attention to the Tariff law passed by Congress, when the State of South Carolina denied the r'ght of the United States Government to collect the Tariff Duty in that State, and threatened to resist its enforcement, and to withdraw from the Union. But this threat was promptly met by a proclamation from President " Jack- son," who declared that the " laws must be executed," and that any oppo- sition to their execution would be met by force, if necessary. South Caro- lina receded from her hostile position, although she still boldly advanced her favorite doctrine of the Supremacy of States Rights, and, in the person of her distinguished Senator " John C. Calhoun ", asserted it even in the halls of Congress. Calhoun became its foremost Champion, and endeavored with all the powers of his analytical mind to convince the country that the doctrine was correct. But " Daniel "Webster," the Champion of National bupremacy, n et his arguments step by step, and so successfully refuted them, and so fir.nly established the Sovereignty of the " United btates Government " that few afterwards openly attempted to dispute it. Finding they could not establish States Rights Supremacy openly, and through that DL. protect the institution of slavery from the encroachments of education and progressive ideas, they proceeded by intrigue and compromise to induce the National Government to acknowledge its obligation to protect it. First by admitting new States with slavery into the Union, thereby strengthening the slave power in the Nation, next by the passage of the " Fugitive Slave Law," which they claimed was only to carry into effect a provision of the Constitution, but which was so drawn as to make every man a Fugitive Slave hunter. Then by endeavoring to force the United States to protect slavery in the Territories under the name of " Squatter Sovereignty " and finally to protect it in the free States, when taken there by its master, thus seeking to force the Free States to become Slave States. The freedom loving people of the Country became aroused to a sense of their danger, opposed the two last propositions at the ballot box, and sig- nally defeated them by the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States. Their secret organizations of " States Rights " under the name of " Knights of the Golden Circle " now made their object manifest in the threatened resistance to the will of the people, by secession. Most of the offices of the National Government were in the hands of the Conspirators, a conniving or imbecile President, (James Buchanan,) was in the Chair at Washington, the fleet despatched to distant waters, the army scattered along the western borders, the arsenals at the North stripped, and the arms sent South, the Treasury depleted, and the National Credit pur- posely destroyed by the treacherous Secretary of the Treasury. All things being thus prepared, the Conspirators appealed to what they termed the reserved rights of the States, and sought to withdraw from the Union. Before the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, seven of the States had seceded, and formed themselves into a " Southern Confederacy " the foundations of which were Slavery alone represented by ' k C." Four other States afterwards joined the Confederacy, making eleven in all which seceded from the Union, and took their Pillars with them. These were, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. The position of these States after seceding has been a question of consid- erable interest to the country. Under the Old Articles of Confederation, any State had the right to withdraw fron the Union, or League at any time, as each State was Sovereign and Independent of each other, but, on the adoption of the Constitution, that Sovereignty was transferred to the Na- tional Government, thus giving the citizens of every State a joint interest in every other State. Therefore, no State, nor the people of any State, had the right to secede or withdraw from the Union, without the consent of a majority of the whole people of the United States. These eleven States did, however, as States, withdraw their practical re- lations with the rest of the Union, which is shown in the picture by the space in the Circular Building, from which were taken the State or straight Pillars. They also attempted by force of arms to compel the National Gov- ernment to allow them to take with them the " Curved Pillars " or " Pillars of the People " which would complete their separation, and establish their independence. But the National Government, now under the administration of Abra- ham Lincoln, prevented the accomplishment of their object, by calling on the Loyal People of the Nation to aid in the restoration of the Union ; who immediately responded to the call in sufficient numbers to arrest their progress. X ^,11 are familliar with the different phases of the Rebellion, of the nu- merous obstacles to the progress of Restoration, of the various prejudices to overcome, and the complete change in the rrcorale of the war before it could be successful. When th 3 war commenced, it was conducted on the part of the National Government for the restoration of the Union only. Slavery, the cans* of the Rebellion, and the great obstacle to its suppres- sion was left as before, and the slaves who fled to the Union Armies, were returned to their masters. The National Government studiously avoided all interference with the "peculiar institution " in order to convince the Southern People that they were not fighting against slavery, but to restore the L nion to its former position, and, to give them the opportunity and all ,tue inducements possible to give up the struggle, and return to their duty. The necessity of freeing the slaves of Rebels, in order to take from them a great part of their strength, and thereby destroy the cause of the rebel- lion, was foreseen by Gen. Fremont, when in command of the Department of the Missouri, who issued a proclamation, liberating the slaves of Rebels within his command. Deeming it premature, President Lincoln counter- manded the proclamation, giving them more time for consideration. But all t e .nducements held out to them were rejected, and the rebels continued the struggle, determined to compel the National Government to recognize their independence, and relinquish its control over any property in the Se- ceding States. Atter nearly two years of bloody strife, the Administration saw that the slave was an aid to the Rebellion, .though an unwilling one,) and jhat the institution of slavery was the great obstacle to the success of the Lnion Arms. Then, and then only, and as a military necessity, did President Lincoln issue his celebrated "Emancipation Proclamation" which is represented by M D,"' showing the slave fleeing from the master, ^ within the Confederacy,) being protected by the Union Soldiers. A large portion of the slaves finding they would be protected, fled to the L nion Armies, and afterwards, being allowed to enlist as Soldiers, aided us to overcome and conquer Rebellion. ihe rebellion, atter lasting four years, was suddenly brought to a close by the surrender of Lee to Grant," April 9. 1S65; tb'e supremacy of the Xational Government was vindicated, and the •• Constitution" stood firm under the shock. The collapse of the rebellion, and the radical change which it had made in the in enal affairs of the seceaing States, le't them wi-hout civil govern- ments, and made it incumbent upon the ■• National Congress'" to make some rules or regulations for their u Reconstruction. " Before Congress came together. Abraham Lincoln, who. as its Chief Executive, had guided the Nation through its great struggle, was on the Hth day of April, 1865, (the anniversary of the surrender of Fort Sumpter). stricken down by the h.ind of an assassin, inspired by that " Slate Spirit"' which had trained its votaries in the uncontrolled indulgence of their pas- sions : and Andrew Johnson. Vice-President of the United Srates, by virtue of the Constitution, became President, and assumed the task of initiating measures for restoring the Rebel States to their practical relations to the Union, instead of leaving the whole matter to "Congress,'' iu whom the Constitution vests all fa islaiive powers. Besides this. Mr. John-on's " policy" dsregarded the fact lhat -New State Constitutions" must be made before they cou d with safety be again restored to the Union, r.nd tended to deliver the reins of Government into thenars of the verv men bv whom that Government had been betrayed, and to place the sens beneath the Let of the rebels. ■»* _ - :~ L_- -_- XII When Reconstruction has tauen place, and is firmly established on the basis of the Declaration of Independence, and the seceding States again re- presented in the Councils of the Nation — slavery having been abolished — the great obstacle to progress and cause of contention will have been removed, the prejudice of color and jealousy of sections will pass away, and the People of all parts of the country that have been divided on the question of Equality and Sovereignty will congratulate each other on the happy re- sults of Reconstruction, and become strongly United as One Country and One People in interest and feeling. FREE in fact as well as in theory, and work together more earnestly for the prosperity of the Whole Country, which will progress w$h rapid strides in wealth, morals and happiness, exhibiting to the world the stability and tenacity of a Government whose 11 Sovereignty is in the People." This is represented by the gathering within the Circular Building of the United States, some of the " noted men" of the present day of the different sections, and parties, in social converse and friendly greeting. Above them in the clouds is represented the " Departed Spirits" of dis- tinguished men of all ages and sections of the country, looking down and encouraging the people to go on with the good work commenced, until Justice, Liberty, and Peace are thoroughly established, and equal rights Without regard to race, creed or color are accorded to all citizens. As the " Golden Rule" of "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" is accepted as the Golden Rule in morals, so should the self- evident truth of the " Declaration of Independence." that "All men are created equal," be accepted as the Golden Rule in politital conduct. The former leads to Justice and the latter to Liberty. Accord to all toen one, and let all men live up to the other, and we shall have perfect peace and happiness throughout the laud. Therefore, Justice, Liberty, and Peace are represented as " Guardian Angels." The emblem of the Declaration of Independence, that " All men are created equal," is represented by "Two Infants" "N," white and black, wrapped in swaddling clothes, made from the "Flag of our Union," and pro- tected by the "Eagle," of the country; and to show that the same spirit pervades the bodies of black and white, and en anates from the same source, " The Creator," those " Spirits," " E" are represented after leaving the body and assuming form, to be alike when they reach the future. Universal Suffrage is represented on the left in the foreground, show- ing the colored man exercising his right of suffrage in common with the white man of all nations, and a little in the background, just emerging from the mists of the past, is represented " Female Suffrage," showing that " Woman" has already entered the political arena, and asserted her inalien- able right to suffrage and political equality with man. Universal Education is represented on the right *n the foreground, showing that it should be a National Institution, encouraged, supported, and protected by the United States Government in every State in the Union, dispensing free education to all, irrespective of color or sex. Indian Reconstruction is also represented in the foreground, showing that the United States Government, as a remuneration for giving up the lands which they injustice own, should give them a reservation ; pay them a liberal sum yearly in money, clothing and provision ; supply them with agricultural implements and seed ; teach them to cultivate the soil, that they may learn to support themselves by other modes than hunting ; lurnish books and establish schools among them, and educate their children, that the next generation may become civilized, educated citizens, and fit to take part in the Government of the country. "H" represents Fauniel Hall, situated in Boston, Massachusetts, in xin which Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Otis and others, first instilled into the minds of the people resistance to the tyranny of the mother country ; hence it was called •■ The Cradle of Liberty." *' I" represents ''Bunker Hill Monument," where the first battle of the Kevolution was fought. 41 J" represents "Independence Hall," in Philadelphia, where the "First Congress" met, the "Declaration of Independence" was promul- gated, and the "Constitution of the United States" was adopted. " K" represents the city of Washington, the Capital, and Washington's Monument. "L" represents a "Home for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors." *'G" represents the Globe, surmounted by Justice and Liberty, showing that eventually the whole world will become republicanized and governed by the people. On the right may be seen the Lakes Michigan, Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario; the rivers St. Lawrence, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Alleghany, Monongahela, Cumberland, Tennessee ; the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Ocean in the distance ; the cities Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Louisville, and St. Louis, with the various railroads crossing each other in all directions. The North is represented as flourishing with schools, factories, and machine shops ; and at the depot, workmen, with implements of agricul- ture and manufacture, taking the cars for the South (on the left) to fuild up her railroads, factories and school-houses. On the left is also seen the Atlantic Ocean, Mississippi, Savannah, Rappahanock and James Rivers. The Cities of Mobile. New Orleans, Vicksburg, Memphis, Nashville, Savan- nah, Charleston and Richmond, _ PJ^JEtT FIRST. American Photo-Lithographic Co. (OSBORNE'S PROCESS.) Office, Eoom 19, HERALD BUILDING, NE^W YORK. i Works Cor. 3d Ave. & 10th St., Brooklyn. EZRA CORNELL, President THOMAS N. ROOKER, Treasurer and Secretary. JOHN W. OSBORNE, General Superintendent. Ezra Cornell, President of the above Company, -was born at "West- chester Landing, New York, January 11, 1807. His parents were of the Society of Friends. The advantages for early scholastic training enjoyed by nim were few, yet such as they were he eagerly availed himself of them. The last year of bis schooling, being then about seventeen years of age, he obtained, as it were, by purchase, he and his brother agreeing to clear four acres of wood-land in time to plant corn in the following spring. This was done, and an excellent crop of corn secured without the aid of a day's labor from other sources. In 1819 he removed with his father to De Ruyter ; and, in 1825, assisted in building a shop for his father. Soon after, he, alone, successfully constructed a substantial dwelling-house, into which his father removed. The execution of this task obtained for him the admira- tion of his neighbors, and a good knowledge of carpentering. He removed to Ithaca in 1828, and worked for one year in the machine-shop of a cotton- factory, when he took charge of a flouring-mill, in which he continued for ten years. During this time he built a mill of eight stones, and so admira- bly adjusted its mechanism as to require manual labor only to take the flour from the mill. He afterwards engaged in agricultural business with his brother, spending his winters in Georgia and his summers in Maine. In 1843 he was employed by F. O. J. Smith and Professor Morse to lay pipes for conveying telegraph wire from "Washington to Baltimore. This mode becoming impracticable Mr. Cornell was given the entire charge of the undertaking, and, changing the design, substituted poles for pipe. This may be regarded as the commencement of the "Air Lines" of Telegraph. He finished this line in 1844, and in 1845 superintended the construction of a line from Philadelphia to New York. In 1846 he erected a line from New York to Albany, making $5,000, and the next year erected a line from Troy to Montreal, clearing $30,000, which he invested in Western lands. He afterwards invested largely in telegraph stock. These investments have so increased in value as to make Mr. Cornell one of the " solid men " of the country. In 1862 he was chosen President of the Agricultural Society, find the same year was elected a Member of the Assembly, and State Senator in 1864. As a gentleman of fortune, he has exhibited great liberality, by con- tributing toward many benevolent enterprises. He donated $500, 0CO toward founding an Agricultural College in Ithaca, called the "Cornell University," which is destined to become one of the most beneficial institu- tions of the country. He also advanced the means to bring to a successful demonstration the Photo-Lithographic Art (Osborne's process). Mr. Cornell is a well-preserved, vigorous, clear-headed, comprehensive, high-minded citizen, and is in all respecto a good representative of the better class of what are called " Self -Made Men." 1. GEOEGE WASHINGTON. George Washington, the 1st President of the United States, was born in Virginia, in the year 1732. The common schools of that State afforded the only opportunity for his education. The study of mathematics -was his principal delight. At the age of nineteen he received an appointment in the army with the title of Major, was advanced to Colonel in 1754, and took charge of a campaign against the French at Fort Du Quesne, now Pittsburg, Pa. Erected Fort Necessity near that place, where he was attacked by four times his number of French and Indians, and, after ten hours severe fighting, was forced to surrender, but with the honorable terms of being allowed to return to Virginia unmolested with his command. "We next find him covering the retreat of Braddock, where, by his cool bravery, he saved the army from destruction. He was elected a member of the House of Burgesses, of Virginia, in 1759, and a delegate to the first Continental Congress In 1774. In that day of great peril, when Congress had done what it could to raise " That glorious old Continental Army" all eyes were turned to Washington as its leader, and he was unanimously appointed its Commander-in-Chief ; which he (with modesty and dignity) accepted, but declined all compensation for his services, asking only for the remuneration of his expenses. During the seven years of the war of the Revolution, his prudence and firmness, and his bravery and wisdom, were the admiration of all calm and wise^men. He brought order out of discord, and triumph out of difficulty. In 1787, he was called to preside over the Convention which met in Phila- delphia for the purpose of forming a Constitution, the result of which was that admirable instrument which has ever since been the guide of the nation ; and, after its adoption by the States in 1789, he was unanimously chosen 1st President of the United States for four years, and in 1793 was called by the same unanimous voice of his country to serve a second term ; on the expiration of which he resigned, and, delivering his celebrated fare- well address, retired to the peaceful shades of Mount Vernon, to enjoy the quiet of domestic life. He did not, however, live long to realize his ardent desire, for, after a short illness of only a few hours, he died, December 14, 1799, at the age of sixty-eight, and was buried at Mount Vernon, amid the grateful tears of his countrymen. Washington was above the common size, with a robust and vigorous constitution, fine person, easy, erect, and noble deportment, exhibiting a natural dignity unmingled with haughtiness. His manners were reserved, his temper highly sensitive, but always controlled by his judgment and prudence. His mind was strong ; and, though slow in its operation, was sure in its conclusions. His patriotism was as incorruptible as it was ardent, and a lofty recitude marked every small, as well as every great action of his life. He devoted a long life to the welfare of his country, and while the love of liberty is cherished, every true American will delight to accord to him the proud title of " The Father of his Country." HENRY CLEWS & CO., Dealers in United States Securities and Gold. (Successobs TO LIVERMORE, CLEWS & CO.,) >'os. 30 «fc 33 WAI-illi STREET, NEW YORK, Henry Clews, -whose name is at the head of the above firm, after years of close connection in early life with mercantile business, at the outbreak of the Rebellion threw himself, with irrepressible energy, into the support of the loyal cause, especially in connection with the financial affairs of the Government. The Banking-House, established by him at the commencement of the war, immediately took a high stand among similar institutions, and speedily beeame an official and trusted agent of the Treasury Department. The faith of Mr. Clews in the ultimate and permanent triumph of the loyal cause, continued throughout the war ; and in the troublesome times ■which have followed the surrender of the Rebel forces, he has been for- ward, 0:1 all occasions, where his influence could be usefully exercised, in giving his support to the Union sentiment of the country. He -was prominent among the earliest advocates for the nomination of G-eneral Grant for the Presidency, and was placed upon the New York State Electoral Ticket of the Republican party in 1SGS. ~Mi\ Clews continues at the head of one of the largest and most reliable Banking-Houses in the city of New York, and one -which retains the entire confidence of the Treasury Department and the mercantile community. The marked and rapid success of this house is mainly attributable to the energy, enterprise, and ability which has always characterized its efforts, and to the adoption of the soundest principles and most perfect system of the General Banking business. Conducted the same as an incorporate Bank, it offers the same facilities, -with the advantages of the individual and special attention of experienced and shrewd managers [always in the market) to the interest of those -who intrust financial matters and operations to their care. 2. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Abraham Lincoln, the lGth President of the United States, tinder "whose wise administration the country, in its hour of peril, was enabled to combat successfully with treason and rebellion, was born February 12, 1809, in Harden County, Kentucky. His father removed to Indiana in 1816, where for ten years Abraham was employed upon the farm, during 1 which time, the schooling ho re- ceived did not amount to more than one year ; but by close application ho mastered the rudiments, and learned to write. In 1830, he removed with his father to Illinois, where he was variously employed in splitting 1 rails, as flat-boatman, and clerk, and -where, by his honest and upright intercourse with his neighbors, he acquired the sobri- quet of "Honest Abe." In 1832, he served as Captain in the Black Hawk War. He did not, however, have the opportunity to display his great military skill by a conflict with the Indians, but, as he himself averred, had many a "bloody fight with the mosquitoes. After a brief attempt to keep a store, he studied surveying, afterward the law, and commenced practice in 1836, settled in Springfield in 1837, and rose rapidly in his profession. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1836 and 1838, and in 1846 to the Congress of the United States, being the only Whig elected from Illinois that year. On his return from Congress he devoted several years to his profession, until the repeal of the Missouri Compromise in 1854, when he again entered the field as a Republican, and battled indefatigably in that celebrated campaign which resulted in victory for the first time against the Democratic party in Illsnois, and elected a Legislature which sent Mr. Trumbull to the United States Senate, In 1858 he was the Republican candidate for United States Senator, in opposi- tion to Stephen A.»Douglas, with whom he conducted an active canvass throughout the State, both candidates speaking at the same place, on the same day. Face to face they argued the important points of their political beliefs, and contended nobly for the mastery. In I860 he was elected President of the United States, receiving all the electoral votes of the free States, except three ; and was re-elected in 1864. The history of his administration is a history of the rebellion. It was especially illustrious by his "Emancipation Proclamation," issued Janu- ary 1, 1S63. which gave freedom to four millions of people, and imme- diately changed the character and purpose of the war, bringing it in unison with the Declaration of Independence. The difficulties with which the war on our hands was complicated were almost interminable, but with each new-found difficulty he found new strength, hope, and energy, until all obstacles were overcome and the war ended. But at the very dawn of the nations' new birth, resting from his labors, and contemplating that peace that was then breaking through the dark, angry clouds of war, he fell, by the hands of an assassin, on the 14th day of April, 1805. Mr. Lincoln was endowed with a most genial soul, powerful intellect, and sound judgment. He met the critical hour of duty to his oountry like a 'tatesman and a man. He sustained loyalty, and gave all his strength in crushing treason. He consulted and advised with Congress for the good of his country, assisted in giving force to the laws of the land, and executed them faithfully. BALL, BLACK & CO., % 565 & 567 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. This house was founded in 1810 by Erastus Barton, and at that time 166 Broadway was the Jewelry Store of New York as 565 and 567 of the present day. In the Spring of 1833, removal to No. 187 Broadway was found requisite ; in 1848 another advance up the great thoroughfare was made to 247 Broadway, and on the first day of July, 1861, the magnificent building they now occupy was opened with great eclat. This building justly ranks among the finest specimens of architecture in this country. It was the first structure erected in New York City, for mercantile purposes, that was absolutely fire proof, and it was in its splendid vaults that Messrs. Ball, Black & Co., originated the Safe Deposit system in the United States. The interior of the store is very rich in ornamentation, and the whole appearance is rich and elegant in the extreme. The business of the first-floor is exclusively for the sale of Diamonds and other precious Stones, Watches and Silver-ware. • The stock of Diamonds in this store is among the largest in the world, offering a vast selection of the costliest gems of the finest water and rarest cutting. Their style of jewelry is of the richest and most recherche descrip- tion, and the Watches of the finest make. The display of Silver-ware on the table and in the cabinet is curiously beautiful and wonderfully exten- sive. The second story contains a wilderness of rich Clocks, Bronzes, Mar- ble Statuary and splendid Mantel Ornaments of every kind, together with superb Porcelain Ware of the Sevres, Dresden and Berlin Royal Manufac- tories. The tliird-floor is devoted exclusively to the Chandeliers and Gas Fix- tures. The stock is immense and exhibits every conceivable pattern and prices to suit their customers. The fourth, fifth and sixth-floors, are used solely for manufacturing purposes. Their store is open to all, and whether visitors come to pur- chase or to examine the building, the same courtesy is extended to them. From their large capital and resourses they can afford to sell good articles at the same prices that others charge for inferior goods. Messrs. Ball, Black & Co., collectively as a firm, and individually as men, are representatives among the sterling merchants of America, and their names are prominently identified with the history of New York City. 3. ANDBEW JACKSON. ANDREW Jackson, the 7th President, was born March 15, 1707, in Union County, North Carolina. His father was a poor emigrant from the North of Ireland, who died before Andrew saw the light of day. His early education was received at the old field -schools of that region, and from wandering school-teachers, during a few weeks in winter. He commenced his military ca:eer in 1781, at the age of fourteen, in the Revolutionary Army; but was soon taken prisoner. While prisoner he was ordered by a British officer to do some menial work; he refused, saying, " I am a prisoner of war, and claim to be treated as such," for which he received a severe wound on the head and arm by the sword of the en- raged Englishman. At the close of the Revolution he studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1786, and removed to Nashville, Tenn., and commenced practice in 1788, where he soon obtained a very successful business, and for twenty years continued to practice at the bar, except when interrupted by public employment. He was elected to the United States House of Representatives, from which he was transfered to the Senate, and for six years served as Judge of the Supreme Court of Tennessee. When the war of 1812 commenced, President Madison gave him a commission in the Regular Army, and com- mand of the Southern troops, which he led against the Creek Indians ; and after two most vigorous and perilous campaigns, conquored and made a treaty with them on the " Hickory Ground," by which he received the familiar sobriquet of " Old Hickory." He afterward led hie victorious troops to the defense of New Orleans, where he fought, behind the cotton bags, his victorious battle with General Packenham ; for which he was hon- ored with the title of the " Hero of New Orleans." The rejoicings of that victory was soon followed by the welcome tidings of peace between the United States and Great Britain. In 1818. he was again called upon to render his military services in the expulsion of the Seminoles, and in 1821 was made Governor of Florida. In 1828, and again in 1832, he was elected President of the United States. During his adminstration, Nullification raised its menacing head in South Carolina, threatening resistance to the execution of the laws of the United States. But Jackson issued his celebrated proclamation, saying: " By the Eternal the laws must and shall be executed," and South Carolina receded from her position. His antagonism to the United States Bank caused him to order the removal of the United States deposits from that institution, and transfer them, to certain State Banks. His opponents censured this measure as an unauthorized and dangerous assumption of power by the executive. His reply was, "I take the responsibility," and defended his course, by asserting the Bank to be unsound. He retired from the Presidency, March 4, 1837, and spent the close of his life at his "Hermitage," near Nashville, Tenn., cultivating his plantation, where he died June 8, 1845, aged seventy- eight. General Jackson was headstrong, but always honest; rash, but ever patriotic. Fear he knew not either on the battle-field or before that terrible power — public opinion. His purpose once taken, no threats of his ene- mies, no persuation of his friends, and no personal considerations could shake it. CHICKERING & SONS, Piaao-Forte Maatifactttrers 72 First Premiums HAVE BEEN RECEIVED For Superiority Warerooms. "Warerooms. No. 11 East 14th St., No. 246 Washington St., NEW YORK. BOSTON. JONAS CHICKERING. Few men are more -widely known in all circles of civilized society than {he founder of this firm, whose name his sons keep at its head. He is known as a most ingenious and scientific mechanician, and their beautiful musical instruments adorn the boudoirs and parlors of the intel- ligent and refined in all parts of the globe. But it is in the more imme- diate circle of his acquaintance and friends that his noble manhood is appreciated. The thousand spirits he has comforted with his untiring benevolence, and encouragiug smile, alone, understand and feel how great the good man was. Mr. Chickering was born in Mason, New Hampshire, in 1798. He received his early education at the district school. Having a great taste for mechanics, at the age of seventeen, he apprenticed himself to a cabinet- maker, whom he served faithfully for three years, winning his confidence and regard by his strict integrity and purity of character. During his apprenticeship, and long before, he had manifested a decided taste for music, and, removing to Boston, February 15, 1818, he soon became employed in a Piano factory, and in just twelve years from that date, he entered into partnership with John McKay, a retired ship-merchant, with whom he continued until 1841, when McKay died, and Mr. Chickering continued the business alone, conducting it on the most liberal principles, until his instruments were the best manufactured in this or any other country. But it was not atone as a mechanician that Mr. Chickering became famous. His inquisitive and ingenious mind sought out and applied many improvements, both in the action and the case of his instruments, and which has placed his house at the head of all the manufacturers of the Piano-Forte; and, leaving this vast business to the worthy hands of his three sons, he went to his grave full of honors, lamented by thousands whose pleasure it was to call him friend. He died on the 8th of Decem- ber, 1853. • 4. JOHN Q. ADAMS. John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States, son of John Adams, the second President, was born in Quincy, Massachusetts, July 11th, 1767. When ten years of age he accompanied his father to France, and resided abroad mostly until after the scenes of the revolution were brought to a close, and when fifteen was private secretary to the American minister to Russia. Wishing to avail himself of a classical education he returned to his native land, and in 1786 entered Harvard College as a junior at the age of eighteen, and on graduating entered the law office of Theophilus Parsons, after- wards Chief- Justice of Massachusetts for many years. Mr. Adams was more a statesman than a lawyer, and during the bitter controversy of Washington's Administration wrote several series of political articles, which won for him the esteem of the President and the applause of some of the greatest minds in both this country and England. In 1794 he was appointed minister to the Hague, and in 1797 was transferred to Berlin, whence he was recalled in 1801. Mr. Adams now entered upon the career which terminated only with his life. He was elected to the Senate of Massachusetts in 1802, and ap- pointed United States Senator in 1803, which position he held until 1808. Was made Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in Harvard College in 1805 ; sent minister to Russia in 1809 ; assisted in negotiating the Treaty of Ghent in 1815, and appointed minister to England the same year. He was Secretary of State under President Munroe in 1817, and was chosen President of the United States by the U. S. House of Representa- tives (there being no choice by the people), which position he held for four years. In 1831 he was elected a Representative to Congress and continued in that position until his death, which occurred in the speaker's room, Feb. 23, 1848, two days after falling from his chair in the House of Representa- tives from a stroke of paralysis. His last words were: " This is the end of earth ; " "I am content." Few men have passed so large a portion of their lives in active public employment as John Quincy Adams. For more than sixty years he was in the service of his country, from secretary of legation at the early age of fifteen to the Chief Magistracy of the Union. Mr. Adams was a man of rare gifts and rich acquisitions. He was one of the finest classical and belles lettres scholars of his time, and even in his old age often astonished his hearers .with the elegant classical allu- sions and rhetorical tropes with which he embellished his own produc- tions ; and which earned him the title of the " Old Man Eloquent." He was a bold champion of freedom, free speech, and the right of peti- tion, and a fearless defender of the oppressed wherever they were to he found, and in whatever clime. He died at the advanced age of eighty-six, February 23, 1848. THE SL,GER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, SUCCESSORS TO I. M. SINGER & CO. — ^^VAjCY/w^— SEWING-MACHINES. The "Singer" Sewing-Machine, which is the fountain from which has sprung the immense corporation whose name heads this page, had a definite date in the month of September, 1850. At that time, Mr. I. M. Singer had invented, and put into prac- tical operation, the Sewing-Machine which has made his name a '• household-word " throughout Christendom. The Singer Machines were used advantageously from the very- outset ; and, notwithstanding improvements and modifications have been made from time to time, the original principles upon which the Machines were constructed have never been superceded. The manufacture and sale of these Machines have known no interruption since they were first introduced ; and for manufac- turing purposes, as well as for family use, none have been more popular. In 1863, the firm of I. M. Singer & Co. was dissolved, and a joint-stock Company, known as the " Singer Manufacturing Company," was formed to continue the business. This Company has achieved an unparalleled success, and stands to-day without a peer in the Sewing-Machine business : having produced and sold, dur- ing the year ending June 10, 1867, over Forty -Three Thousand Machines, being the largest number sold by any Sewing-Machine Company in the United States during that year. 5. JAMES MONEOE. James Monroe, the 5th President of the United States, "was horn in Westmoreland County, Virginia, April 28, 1758. His early education was acquired at "William and Mary's College, from which institution he graduated in 1776, when he commenced the study of the law. The sound of war and battle, however, did not allow him to proceed. Fired with a desire to do something for his country in its deep hour of need, he enlisted, and was speedily honored with a Lieutenant's commission, and marched forthwith to the headquarters of the American army. He met the foe at Harlem Heights and White Plains, and shared the perils and fatigue of the distressing retreat of the American army through New Jersey in 1776. He crossed the Delaware with Washington, and with him made a successful attack on the Hessians' camt>, at Trenton, on the morning of the 26th of December, 1776. This successful blow was soon followed by the victory our soldiers gained at the battle of Princeton, by which courage and hope were once more infused into the spirit of our soldiers, and all classes of society. In the battle of Trenton, young Monroe received a musket-ball in the shoulder, notwithstanding which, he fought out the fight gallantly and valiantly. At Brandywine, as aid. to Lord Stirling, he took an active share, and rendered conspicuous service in the bloody battle of Germantown. At the battle of Monmouth, he was also engaged, and displayed great gallantry and cool daring. Dissatisfied with his inferior position, he received permission to raise a regiment in his native State ; but, being dis- appointed in accomplishing it, he entered the office of Mr. Jefferson, and resumed the study of law. In 1780, Mr. Jefferson, being Governor of Virginia, sent him on a special mission to the Southern army to ascertain its condition, which he performed to the satisfaction of that eminent man. On his return he was elected to the Legislature, and in 17S3, was elected to the Continental Congress, and in 1786, was again elected to the State Legislature. In 1788, he was a member of the Convention called to decide on the adoption of the new Constitution, and voted against its adoption. In 1790, he was elevated to the United States Senate, and in 1794, he was sent Envoy Extraordinaiy to to the Court of Versailles, where he arrived in the nick of time to consummate the purchase of Louisiana from Napoleon, who, being in pressing need of funds, ceded that vast tract of land, com- prising Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri, to the United States, for fifteen million dollars. After settling this purchase, he went to England to suc- ceed Mr. King as Minister to the Court of St. James ; but the affair of the frigate Chesapeake placing him in an uncomfortable position, he returned to the United States. In 1810, he was elected to tho Virginia Legislature, and soon after was chosen Governor, which office he held until Mr. Madi- son called him to assume the duties of Secretary of Sfate in his cabinet. In 1817, he was elected President of the United States, and re-elected in 1821, with great unanimity. His administration was a prosperous and quiet one. Mr. Monroe retired from the office of President more than impoverished, for he was in debt; and, in his old age being harrassed by his creditors, he removed to New York, where he found an asylum and home with his daughter, and where he died on the 4th of July, 1831, being the third President who had died on the anniversary of their country's inde- pendence. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT. Cornelius Vanderbilt, popularly known as the " Commodore," waft born on Staten Island. N. Y., May 27, 1794, His father having established a ferry between New- York and Staten Island, young Cornelius bad much to do with its management. For some five years he was engaged as boat- man, carrying pleasure parties to pic-nics, boarding ships. &c. ; no matter how it blew, or stoimed. or froze, if -'Cornell" had agreed to board a ship or deliver a dispatch, he did it. When about sixteen years of age, he be- came the owner of a boat and commenced an independent career, and by the time he was eighteen he found himself part owner and Captain of one of the largest periaugers in the harbor. During the war of 1812, he ren- dered material service in furnishing supplies, by night, to the forts about New- York. In fact, his energy, skill aud daring became so well known, and his word, when he gave it, could be relied upon so implicitly that '• Cor- ned, the boatman," as he was familiarly called, was sought after far and near when an expedition particularly hazardous or important was to be undertaken. As boatman at the age of twenty-three, he was making $5,000 a year, but perceiving steam would ere long become the great agent of navigation, he in 1817 entered the service of Thomas Gibbons, then pro- prietor of a Line of Steamboats running between New York and Philadel- phia, remaining in his employ twelve years. Having made himself thoroughly acquainted with the details and practical management of Steam Navigation, he in 1829, left the employ of Mr. Gibbons and set himself to work establishing Steamboat Lines on the Hudson River, the Sound and elsewhere, in opposition to Corporations and Companies, who, having a monopoly of trade, made travel too expensive to be enjoyed by the many. His plan was always to build better and faster boats than his competitors, to run them at their lowest paying rates, and thus furnish passengers with the best and cheapest accommodations. For the next twenty years he applied himself to the work before him, with the same wisdom, and that earnest, steadfast zeal he had ever shown,, and was eminently successful. In 1849 he obtained a grant from the Nicarauguan Government to con- struct a Ship Canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific, by the San Juan River and Lake Nicaraugua. but after spending considerable money in this enterprise it was abandoned and the Nicaraugua Transit Company was organized aud Mr. Vanderbilt was chosen President. Under his manage- ment this route to California became a favorite one, and the price of passage was reduced from $600 to $300. In 1853 he sold out his interest, and in, 1855 established an independent line to Havre. The famous Steamboat "Vanderbilt" was built for this line and made the quickest time on record. Mr. Vanderbilt made a free gift of this splendid vessel to the U. S. Government in I8t>2. at a time when the Administration needed im- mediately a large addition to the Navy. In 1865 he sold out all his vessels and transfered the greater part of of his wealth to Railroads, and is now the largest Railroad proprietor in the "United States, and one of the two or three richest men in the Empire City. It was never his plan to put away money in a chest, nor yet to simply invest it, but rather, in the fullest seuse of the word, to use it. Consequently, it is said, he employs more men to-day, directly and indi- rectly, than any other man in the land. 6. JAMES MADISON. James Madison, the 4th President of the United States, was born in Orange County, Virginia, March 16, 1751. In his youth he was favored with the instruction of a Scotchman by the name of Robertson, under whose faithful care that taste for elegant and classical literature was developed, which marked his official career. He graduated at Princeton College, in 1771, and remained in college a year after, that he might pursue his studies under the charge of Dr. Wither- spoon, between whom and himself a lasting friendship had sprung up. He commenced the study of law, but in the memorable year, 1776, he was elected to the General Assembly of Virginia, and for forty years, he was continually in office either for his State or the United States. In 1778, he was elected by the Legislature to the Executive Council of the State, where he rendered important aid to Henry and Jefferson, Governors of Virginia, during the time he held a seat in the Council. In the winter of 1779 and 1780, he took a seat in the Continental Congress, and became immediately an active and leading member, and continued to hold a seat in that distin- guished assembly of patriots until 1783. In 1784, '85, and ^SQ, Mr. Madison was a member of the Legislature of Virginia. In 1787, he became a member of the Convention, held in Philadelphia, for the purpose of preparing a Constitution for the Government of the United States. Perhaps no member of that body had more to do with the formation of that noble instrument, the " Constitution of the United States of America," than Mr. Madison. It was during the recess, between the proposition of the Constitution by the Convention of 1787, and its adoption by the States, that that celebrated work, " The Federalist," made its appearance. This is known to have been the joint production of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. This same year he was elected to Congress, and held his seat until the Continental Congress passed away among the things that were. He was a member of the State Convention of Virginia, which met to adopt the Constitution, and on the establishment of the new Con- gress, under the Constitution, he was chosen a member ; retaining his seat until the close of Washington's administration in 1797. On the accession of Jefferson to the Presidency, he immediately offered Mr. Madison a place in his cabinet, and he accordingly entered on the dis- charge of his duties as Secretary of State ; which duties he continued to perform during the whole of Mr. Jefferson's administration ; and on the retirement of that great statesman, he succeeded to his seat in 1809. He held the position of President during the war of 1812, and brought it safely to a glorious conclusion. Mr. Madison retired, in 1817, to his peace- ful home in Virginia, where he passed the remainder of his days, loved by the many and respected by all, until, on the 28th day of June, 1836, the last survivor of the framers of the Constitution, and one of the most distin- guished champions of American freedom, he gathered his mantle about him, and laid down of pleasant dreams, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. 7. JOHN ADAMS. Joh>t Adams, the 2d President of the United States, was born in Quincy, Massachusetts, October 19, 1735. He graduated at Harvard College in 1755, and was admitted to the bar in 1758. About this time he wrote his celebrated " Essay on the Common and Federal Law." In 1766, he removed to Boston, was chosen Councellor in 1773, and elected to the first Continen- tal Congress in 1774, of which he was one of the most efficient members, and was associated with Jefferson, Franklin, Sherman, and Livingston, as a committee to draft the Declaration of Independence, and was the colossus of support to that immortal instrument in that august body. The same year, he was placed on a committee to wait on Lord Howe in reference to the condition of the country, who, receiving them with imposing military display, told them that he could not receive them as a committee of Con- gress, but only as private citizens. Adams replied : " You may view us in whatever light you please, sir, except that of British subjects." While in Congress he served as a member of ninety-five different com- mittees, and was chairman of twenty-five. In 1778, he was appointed Commissioner to France, returned the next year, and was chosen member of the Convention called to frame the Consti- tution of Massachusetts, and drew up the report of the committee, which was adopted. The same year he was appointed Minister to negotiate peace with Great Britain, and the following year to Holland, from which he was summoned to Paris to consult on the general peace with the Commissioners of Austria, Russia, and France, which, after many difficulties was affected in 1783. In 1785, he was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of St. James, where he secured to his country many important advantages. At his own request he was permitted to resign his charge in 1788, and in the same year was elected Vice-President of the United States ; which office he held during Washington's administration, and on his retirement was chosen President, which position he held for four years. In 1820, at the great age of eighty-five, he was chosen a member of the Convention t> revise the Constitution of his native State, "The instrument which was the work of his own mind and pen." Mr. Adams was among the few of that brave band, who cast theirjives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors, on the die of the Revolution, who was permitted to live to witness the permanent establishment of the insti- tutions they had bequeathed to their children and posterity. He lived tc see his son succeed to the honors, which a grateful country had bestowed on himself, until, "as if Heaven appointed," on the 4th of July, 1826, th& fiftieth anniversary of his country's independence, with the glorious words trembling on his dying lips, "Independence forever," hand in hand with his old compatriot, Thomao Jefferson, he passed away amid the firing of guns, the ringing of bells, and the rejoicings of an emancipated people. 8. THOMAS JEFFEKSON. Thomas Jefferson, the 3d President of the United States, was born l at Shad well, Virginia, on the 2d day of April, 1743. At the age of seven- teen he entered William and Mary College, where his early education was completed, and his mind and body were equally nourished and developed He was one of the best riders in the State, an accomplished performer on the violin, a proficient in the science of mathematics, and a diligent student of Greek, Latin, French, and Spanish. He is said to have been one of the best educated men in America. Upon the completion of his college course he studied law for five years with an unusual assiduity, was admitted to practice in 17G7, and soon acquired an extensive business. He strongly sympathized with the spirit of freedom in the Colonies, and in 17G9, signed a resolution not to import any article from the mother country. After taking a leading part in organizing resistance in Virginia to British aggressions, he was elected to the Colonial Congress in 1775, and became one of the most prominent members. In the following year he was appointed Chairman of that immortal Committee, chosen to draw up the Declaration of Independence. This instrument was the work of his pen, and was adopted on the 4th of July, 177G. In 1779, he was elected Governor of Virginia, and in 1783, a member of Congress. While a member of this body, Washington resigned his com- mand of the army, and Jefferson was the author of the elegant address to the " Father of his Country," voted on that occasion. In 1784, he went as Minister to France (to succeed Franklin, who had won unbounded popularity), and satisfactorily accomplished the arduous task of filling his place. In 1789, he returned to the United States, and Washington called him into his council by appointing him Secretary of State. He immediately set himself to lay down maxims and rules of foreign intercourse, which have governed all our subsequent administrations. In 1795, he was called to the Chair of the Philosophical Society, and in March, 1801, was inaugurated President of the United States, and was re- elected in 1805. Retiring from the Presidency in 1809, in the sixty-sixth year of his age, Mr. Jefferson passed the rest of his days upon his plantation at Monticello, beloved and venerated by his countrjonen. His last care was to perfect the organization of the University of Vir- ginia, of which he was the founder. At the age of eighty-three he retained his intellectual powers little diminished, and died of old age rather than disease, on the ever-glorions anniversary of that Declaration of Independence of which he was the author, nearly at the same hour with John Adams, his associate, July 4th, 1826, just fifty years after its adoption. S. N. CAKVALHO'S, PORTRAIT, TVo. T'O^ Broadway, IN". Y« 5 Between 8th and 9th Streets. Life-Size Solar Camera Oil Portraits, Porcelain Miniatures, Daguerreotypes & Photographs of all kinds FERROTYPES MADE AND DELIVERED IN 15 MINUTES. Copies of Old Daguerreotypes and Cartes de Visite, en larged to Life-Size. All work guaranteed to give Satisfaction. PRICES OF PHOTOGRAPHS. Cartes de Visite, [ per doz $3 50 Originals, j half doz 2 00 " Duplicates per doz. 2 00 Imperial Cartes per doz. 6 00 " half doz. 4 00 •' Duplicates. . .per doz. 4 00 Whole plate Originals " 3 00 k ' " Duplicates " 1 00 PRICES OF FERROTYPES. Vignette Cards per doz. $3 00 Plain " " 150 Small Heads " 100 Imperial Compositions, each, 1 50 " Duplicates, 1 00 Likenesses of Children a Specialty. By a New Process, likenesses of Children are made almost instan- taneously. Pictures can be made equally well in Cloudy Weather, and, for Blue Eyes, it is more desirable. N. B. — Old or faded Daguerreotypes restored to their former bril- liance 9. JOHN 0. CALHOUN. John C. Calhoun waa born in Abbeville District, Sonth Carolina, March 18, 1782, of Irish parents. Although he had a great passion for books which fell in his way, yet, until he was eighteen years of age, his education was limited. It was at this period (1800) that he entered the academy of his brother- in-law, Dr. Waddel, in Columbia County, Georgia. Here his progress was so rapid that in two years he entered the Junior class of Yale College, and graduated, in 1804, with the highest honors, just four years from the time of commencing Latin grammar. During his col- lege life he gave brilliant signs of his coming greatness. He was a particular favorite of President Dwight, who, on account of his extraordinary talents, predicted that he would become President of the United States. He studied law at .uitcnfield, Connecticut, and in 1807 was admitted to the bar of South Carolina. The next year he entered the Legislature of that State, where he served two sessions with ability and distinction, and in 1811 was elected to the Congress of the United States, where he continued until 1817, when he became Secretary of War under President Monroe, lie conducted the affairs of that department with energy and ability for seven years. In 1825 he was elected Vice-President, with John Q. Adams, and again, 1829, with Andrew Jackson. In 1831, upon General Hayne's leaving the Senate to become Governor of South Carolina, Mr. Calhoun resigned the Vice-Presidency, and was elected a member of the United States Senate by the Legislature of South Carolina. After the expiration of this term, he went, voluntarily, into retirement. Upon tho death of Mr. Upshur, he assumed the conduct of the State Department, which he held during Tyler's administration. In 1845 he was again elected Senator, which office he held until his decease. As a presiding officer of the Senate, he was punctual, methodical, and accurate, and had a high regard for the dignity of that body, which he endeavored to preserve and maintain. During his early life he was, " like most of the educated Southerners of that day, an abolitionist, looking upon slavery as a mere temporary expedient, necessary to the South for a time, but which would pass away ere long." But in after-life his views under- went a change. His connection with Nullification, his views of the Tariff and States Rights Supremacy, are familiar to all. He shaped the course, and moulded the opinions, of the people of his own States, and of some of the other States, upon all these subjects. Amid all the strifes of party politics, there always existed between him and his political opponents a great degree of personal kindness. He died at Washington, March 31, 1850, leaving behind him the reputation of one of tho greatest of American statesmen. IfJlRv ©BIdI AMERICAN Self^^dj listing- OPt PAT'T SELF ADJUSTING Family Ironing - Machine, Is Creating a " Revolution n in the Laundry. It irons clothes without heat (by Roller pressure) much letter, and ten times as fast as can be done with heated irons. It saves time, labor, and fuel; prevents the wear and scorching of clothes, and avoids the uncomfortable heat of ironing in the usual way. It adjusts itself to any thickness, ironing one or ten pieces at once with the same ease, by simply passing them between the rollers. " Any girl can use it." It is the only Self- Adjusting Mangle in existence, and the Cheapest Ironing-Machine in the United States. Price, Retail, - - $25.00. Liberal Discount to the Trade. Apply to House-Pur nishing stores generally, or to The American Self-Adjusting Mangle and Wringer Co., 171 14. BROADWAY, Office No. In England and other parts of Europe the " Mangle " has been an indispensable "Household Article." It is, however, but a short time since they have been introduced into this country, even in hotels and laundries, on account of the large space they occupied, and the expense of the Machine. But since the " In- vention of the Self- Adjusting Mangle," which takes up no more room than a Sewing-Machine, and is sold at a very moderate price, they are becoming extensively used in private families, as well as hotels and laundries, in all parts of the United States. 10. DANIEL WEBSTER. Daniel "Webster, the " Hercules" of American orators, was born in Salisbury, N. H., January 18, 1782. He received his early education from his mother and the common school. He entered Dartmouth College in 1797, and graduated, without any special promise of future greatness, in 1801. He commenced the study of law in his native village, and finished in Boston, where he was admitted to the bar in 1805. He removed to Bos- cowan, N. H., and afterwards to Portsmouth, where he practiced nine years, and established a reputation as a sound lawyer and able advocate. In 1812 he was elected Representative to Congress from New Hampshire, and was re-elected in 1814. He removed to Boston in 1816, and the next year, by his brilliant arg*ument in the " Dartmouth College case," took rank among the most distinguished jurists in the country. In 1820 he was chosen a member for revising the Constitution of Massa- chusetts, where he received the eulogy of the venerable John Adams. In 1822 he was elected Representative to Congress from Massachusetts, and early in the session made his memorable speech on the Greek Revolution, which at once established his reputation as one of the greatest statesmen of the age. In 1824 he was re-elected, and in 1826 was elected to the United States Senate, in which he continued for twelve years. In 1830 he made his celebrated speech in reply to Robert Y. Hayne, of South Carolina, in vindication of Massachusetts history, and United States Supremacy, which is regarded as one of the ablest parliamentary efforts ever made in Congress. In 1839 he visited Europe, where his fame had preceded him ; and he received the attention due to his talents, at the Trench and English Courts. In 1841 he was appointed Secretary of State by President Harrison, and continued under Tyler until 1843, during which time he negotiated the famous Ashburton Treaty. He was again chosen Senator in 1845, and appointed Secretary of State by President Filmore in 1850. In December of that year he wrote the " immortal Hulseman letter." Mr. Webster's discourses upon historical and patriotic anniversaries, his speeches in Congress, and his efforts at the bar, are among the brightest gems of modern eloquence, and show an extraordinary power of clothing most beautiful ideas in the plainest language. He had a wonderful faculty of bringing into his speeches short and expressive sentences, which produced a powerful and lasting effect. Most of them, such as " Union and Liberty — Now and Forever — One and Inseparable" are familiar to all. But one of the most effective (at the time of its delivery), I have never seen in print; it was delivered in the United States Court in Boston, when, being corrected by Judge Story, who said, " I believe you are wrong, Mr. Webster," which was echoed by the opposing counsel, he paused for a moment, surveyed the counsel and Judge with his eagle eye, and, in Herculean tones, replied : " I'm right ; I know Fm right ; and I'll prove I'm right!" As by an electric shock, all in the room rose involuntarily from their seats, such was the power of those few words. Mr. Webster was the champion of the supremacy of the United States, and the expounder of the Constitution. In defining the latter, he said : "It certainly is not a league, compact, or confederacy; but a fundamental law, ordained and established by the people : it is the Government of the United States !" Mr. Webster died at his farm in Marshfield, Mass., October 24, 1852, with these expressive words upon his lips : " I still live !" And Daniel Web- ster will ever live in the hearts and memory of his countrymen. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN" THE WORLD. Tlx© $25 <3>v@lt j S@wtaig«MaeMa@ Tor beauty and excellence of stitch ; for strength, firmness, and durability of seam ; for economy of thread ; for simplicity and thoroughness ; and for cheapness, this Machine is WITHOUT A. RI\^AL. At the Massachusetts State Fair of 18G7, THE NOVELTY SEWING- MACHINE took the Premium over "Wilcox & Gibbs, and was awarded a Bronze Medal therefor. Every Machine is sold with a table and complete outfit, and is war. ranted for one year. Reliable Agents wanted everywhere. To such as will assure us of their intention to prosecute the business thoroughly, valuable territory will be awarded. S. E. H. VANDYKE, General Agent, 615 Broadway, New York. THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE ACE, THE BRIT3GKEPOKT Family Knitting-Machine. At "tlie low price of S 4.5. Reliable Agents wanted everywhere. To such as will assure us of their intention to prosecute the business thor- oughly, valuable territory will be awarded. S. £. H. VAXDIKE, General Agent, G15 Broadway, Xeiv York, 21. WM. HENRY HAKRISONA William Henry Harrison, the 9th President of the United States, was born in Charles City County, Virginia, February 9, 1773. He was educated at Hampton Sidney College, and prepared himself for the practice of medicine. At this time, the hostilities of the Indians excited his atten- tion, and, having received an Ensign's commission from Washington, he joined the Northwestern Army in 1792, at the age of nineteen. He was in several actions, under General Wayne, who spoke in the highest terms of his bravery and skill. For his coolness and courage at the bloody battle of Miami Rapids, he was promoted to the rank of Captain. In 1797 he was appointed Secretary of the Northwestern Territory, and, at the age of twenty-six, was elected Delegate to Congress from that Terri- tory. He was appointed first Territorial Governor of Indiana, and, in 1 addition to his duties as Civil and Military Governor, he was Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and concluded eighteen treaties. On the 7th of November, 1811, he gained over the Indians the celebrated battle of Tippecanoe. During the war of 1812, he was made commander of the Northwestern Army, and distinguished himself in the defense of Fort Meigs, and the victory of the Thames. In 1816 he was elected a Member of Congress from Ohio, where he took an active part in legislation, and delivered his eloquent eulogies on the character of Thaddeus Kosciusco and General Washington. In 1828 he was sent Minister Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Colum- bia, South America, and on his return, retired to his farm at North Bend, Ohio, from which retirement he was called by the people of the United States to preside over the country as its Chief Magistrate, March 4, 1841. Perhaps no man since Washington has received such an enthusiastic and spontaneous welcome throughout the Union as the " Hero of Tippecanoe;" and certainly no President has gone into the office with so little opposition. In one short month after his inauguration, the country resounded to deep and heartfelt lamentations ; and all sections of the land bore signs of grief. He, in whom his party had trusted as the saviour of their principles, died at the city of Washington, on the 4th day of April, 1841, in the sixty- ninth year of his age. He was an honest man, a brave general, an intelligent statesman, a shrewd and calm diplomatist, a kind neighbor and friend, and a firm and constant lover of his country. His death was calm and resigned, as his life had been patriotic, useful, and distinguished ; and the last utterance of his lips expressed a fervent desire for the perpetuity of the Constitution, and the preservation of its true principles. In death, as in life, the happiness of his country was uppermost in his thoughts. i£SmW ESTABLISHED HALF A CE\TUJtT. • Hagai^ & Co., ISo. 38 Grold. Street, IVew York:. This old-established Foundry, having a large stock and a complete assortment of the most modern laces of look, job, ^Wb, mul IJtjnm^ntat :|gpc, Is prepared to fill orders with accuracy and dispatch. PRINTING MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTICW, INCLUDING v if*- Of all the popular manufacturers, furnished at short notice, and at regular rates. Sexd Five Dollars fob our "Which will be refunded on purchase of Twenty-Five Dollars' worth of Material, or return of Book, at our expense, in case purchase is not made ; or for our "SELECTIONS FROM SPECIMEN BOOK," Which contains most of what is useful in a Country Office, and will be sent, without charge, to Printers or others desiring to purchase. And all inquiries relative to the business promptly and cheerfully answered. 12. HENRY CLAY. Heihiy Clay was born April 12, 1777, in Hanover county, Virginia, in the region known as " the Slashes;" from which he afterward received the appellation of k> the Mill-boy of the Slashes." He received his educa- tion at the field schools of that day, and when fourteen 3 r ears of age was employed as copyist in the office of the clerk of the Court of Chancery, at Richmond, where his delicate handwriting attracted the attention of Chancellor Wythe, who employed him for four years to copy his elabo- rate and learned decisions, imparted to him his own sound opinions, and assisted him to study law. He joined a debating club in Richmond, where he first became acquainted with the fact that he had talents for oratory. At twenty he was licensed to practice law, and soon afterward moved to Lexington, Kentucky, and opened an office. " I remember," says he, " with what delight I received my first fifteen- shilliug fee. My hopes were more than realized, and I rushed at once into a successful and lucrative practice." He had but fairly to get before a jury to convince a client that " Henry Clay" was the man to carry a case triumphantly through a Kentucky Court. His first ^political act was to write a series of letters urging the people ofi Kentucky to abolish slavery. In 1803 he was elected to the Legislature of Kentucky, and in 1806 was appointed to fill an unexpired term in the United States Senate. In 1807 he was again elected to the State Legislature, and was chosen Speaker. In the following year occurred his duel with Humphrey Mar- shall. In 1809 he was again elected to the United States Senate, to fill an un- expired term ; and in 1811 he was elected Representative to Congress. He was immediately chosen Speaker, and five times re-elected to this office. During this session, his eloquence aroused the country to resist the aggression of Great Britain, and awakened a " National" spirit. In 1814 he was appointed one of the Commissioners to negotiate a treaty of peace with Great Britain. Returning with great credit, he was again elected Representative to Congress, where his eloquent voice was heard in favor of recognizing the independence of the South American Republics, and he put forth his strength in behalf of a National System of Internal Improvements, and for the establishment of Protection to American Industry. In 1823, after a short recess to attend to his private affairs, he was re- turned to Congress and re-elected Speaker, and at this session he exerted himself in support of the independence of Greece. In 1825 he was ap- pointed Secretary of State, under John Quincy Adams ;"during which he fought the duel with John Randolph. In 1831 he was elected to the United States Senate, where he commenced his labors in favor of the Tariff, and the same j r ear was nominated for President of the United States. He was again nominated in 1844, but was defeated in both cases. He resigned his seat in the Senate, in 1842, and remained in retirement until 1819, when he was again elected to the Senate of the United States. Here he devoted all his energies to the measures known as the Com- promise Measures. His efforts impaired his health, and he died June 29, 1852. Mr. Clay was a powerful debater, and eloquent orator. America has produced a few men, each of whom is a tower of strength, and whose memories, as they pass away, are fragrant in all the land. Henry Clay is among the foremost of those few. 13. JOSEPH STORY. Joseph Story was born in Marblehead, Massachusetts, September 18, 1779; graduated at Harvard College, with marked distinction, in 1798; and studied law with Judge Putnam, of Salem. He entered early into political life, and was sent to the General Court for several years as rep- resentative from Salem, and presided over that body for a length of time. In 1808 he was elected to Congress, to fill a vacancy, and served with dis- tinction, but declined a re-election. In 1811 he was appointed by President Madison a Judge of the Su- preme Court of the United States, which office he held until his death. For sound legal learning; for deep, discriminating sagacity; for un- swerving rectitude — those important prerequisites in a Judge — no one was his superior. The wisdom of the selection was immediately indi- cated by the distinguished ability which he displayed, and each succeed- ing year added to the splendor and extent of his judicial fame. He moved with familiar steps over every province and department of juris- prudence. All branches of the law have been enlarged by his learning, acute- ness, and sagacity ; and of some he has been the creator. His immortal judgments contain copious stores of ripe and sound learning, which will be of inestimable value in all future times — alike to the judge, the practitioner and the student. In 1829 he was appointed Dane Professor of Law, in the Law School of Harvard University ; and removed from Salem to*Cambridge, where lie resided until his death, September 10, 1845. | Both in his professorship, and in his office of Justice of the Supreme Court, Mr. Story was a diligent student^ and laborious writer. His ex- tended reputation drew multitudes from all parts of the country to the school; and to his untiring energy is to be attributed its great success. As a teacher of jurisprudence, he brought to the important duties of the professor's chair the most unwearied patience, a native delight in the great subjects which he expounded, a copious|and persuasive eloquence, and a contagious enthusiasm, which filled his^pupils with love for the law, and for the master who taught it so well. He was always instructive and interesting ; and rarely without pro- ducing an instantaneous conviction. He published many valuable works on questionsjof law and equity, delivered addresses before various societies, eulogies on eminent men, and contributed to some of the best literary and scientific journals of the day. Whatever subject he touched was touched with a master's hand and spirit 14. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Alexander Hamilton -was born on the Island of Nevis, in the British "West Indies, on the 11th of January, 1757. At twelve years of age he was placed in the counting-room of a merchant of the Island of St. Croix, where his talents and ambition soon displayed themselves. In a letter to a fellow- clerk, before he was thirteen, he said : " I mean to prepare the way for futurity." In 1772 he came to New York, and in 1773 entered Columbia College, where he made "extraordinary display of richness of genius and energy of mind." It was during his college life that the country waa roused to the consideration of British aggressions and American Independ- ence. He took strong and decided revolutionary grounds, and wrote and spoke in so clear and forcible a manner as to attract the attention of the wisest minds engaged in that controversy. Dr. Cooper, Principal of the College, and several others of the ablest Tory writers, were confounded by the profound principles, able reasoning, and sound policy of his essays, and would not believe they were the produc- tions of a youth of seventeen. He also joined a volunteer company of militia, while in college, and made himself familiar with all the tactics and theory of war. In 1776 he was appointed to the command of artillery, and from that time until 1781 he was in constant and active service, mostly as aid to the Commander-in-Chief, and became Washington's principal and confidential aid. General Washington intrusted him with the most delicate and difficult diplomatic duties, and with nearly all his important correspondence. In 1782 he took his seat in Congress, where his genius and sound judgment was speedily felt. He retired from Congress in 1783 to the practice of law in New York, where his clear mind and lucid eloquence won for him the admiration of all, and raised him to the head of the New York bar. He was a delegate to the Convention which framed the United States Constitution ; and, while before the people for their ratification, he, in con- junction with Mr. Jay and Mr. Madison, wrote that series of essays com- posing the two volumes of the Federalist. Of those eighty-five papers, >i r wrote five ; Madison, twenty ; and Hamilton, sixty. On the adoption tl 1 i Constitution, he was called by Washington to the head of the Treasury Department, which, for five years, he filled with marked ability. Inched, there was scarcely a plan adopted by Congress during Washington's admin- istration which does not bear the mark of his mighty genius. From this period until his untimely death, he divided his time between the duties of his profession and those of public life, awakening general admiration by the brilliancy of his talents, and winning the esteem of all, by his many amiable virtues. On the 12th of Jiily, 1804, he foil in mortal combat by the hand of Aaron Burr; and "all America and Europe mourned his untimely fate." 15. SOLOMON FOOTE. Solomon Foote was "born in Cornwall, Vermont, November 19, 1802, He graduated at Middlebury College, with distinguished honor, in 1826, and the same year became Principal of the Seminary at Castleton. He wag Tutor of the University of Vermont in 1827 ; and again, from 1828 to 1831, Principal of Castleton Seminary, during which he studied law, was admitted to the bar, and commenced practice at Rutland, in 1831, where he ever after resided. For five years he was a member of the Legislature of Vermont, and for three years Speaker of the House of Representatives. From 1833 to 1842 he was Prosecuting- Attorney for the County of Rutland, and from 1843 to 1847 was a member of the House of Representatives of the United States, but declined a third election. In 1850 he was elected United States Senator, and occupied that position until his death, in 1866, at which time he was the oldest member in con- tinuous service in that body. It was as Speaker of the Vermont House of Representatives that Mr. Foote first displayed that almost wondrous aptitude and capacity as the presiding officer of a deliberative assembly, and which afterward made him so celebrated throughout the nation, when he became the presiding officer of the Senate of the United States, as, perhaps, the best presiding officer in the whole country. He seemed almost to have been made for the position. His fine, majestic person, his dignified deportment, his full and rich voice, his easy and grace- ful manners, all conspired to make him a most useful and acceptable presi- dent over any assembly. His knowledge of parliamentary law and usage was very thorough. His superiority in this respect appeared born in him. His look preserved order ; his slightest word allayed confusion. The same grace of person and dignity of manner attended him always and everywhere, and was equally pleasing and agreeable in private society and on the Senate floor. He had nothing of haughtiness or arrogance, but was kindly and benignant. All this had, doubtless, much to do with the universal personal love and reverence felt for him by all who knew him. Mr. Foote was a great man, by reason of his great heart. Not a single act, or several acts, of great statesmanship, but a lifetime of good a»d generous and unselfish deeds, made him great, and gave him such a hold upon the hearts of the people of his own State, and all others who knew him. Senator Foote was a patriotic man. He cherished the Declaration of Independence ; and when, by the force of law, " all men became absolutely free," he was the earnest and fearless advocate of those measures designed to protect the f reedman in all his civil rights. He seldom spoke, but when he did, he spoke wisely and well. Ho loved and honored Vermont, and was proud that it was the place of his birth. He ditfd at the city of Washington, March 26, 18(36. 16. THOMAS CORWIN. V THOMAS Corwin was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky, July 29, 1794. When he was four years old, his father removed to Warren County, Ohio. His early education was neglected, but when he found himself approaching manhood, he made great exertions to remedy the deficiency ; and, being possessed of a quick and intuitive perception of the fitness of things, he drew such lessons from his experience as admirably fitted him for the prominent part he was destined to act in the great drama of life. He studied dili- gently, and soon acquired a sufficient knowledge of the classics to wan-ant his decision to acquire a profession. Selecting the law, he underwent the ordinary preparation of a clerkship, and opened an office in Warren County, where he found plenty of work, and made many friends. The strong points of Mr. Corwin's character were courage, honesty, energy, and great perseverance ; and his fellow-citizens could not fail to perceive his fitness to manage the affairs of the neighborhood in which he resided. Accordingly, he was elected to the State Legislature. He served in this capacity but a short time, however, when he was called to a higher sphere of labor, having been elected to the United States Congress in 1831, He continued to hold his seat in this body for nine years, during which time he was found to be a ready and powerful debater, a steady friend of the Whig party, and an able advocate of all its measures in the House. In 1840 he was chosen Governor of the State of Ohio for two years, and in 1845 was elected to the United States Senate. He continued to hold his seat in that body until the accession of Mr. Filmore to the Presidency, when that gentleman called him to aid the executive administration by his counsel and advice, and appointed him Secretary of the Treasury, which position he held until the accession of Mr. Buchanan to the Presidency. He then retired to Ohio, to attend to the duties of his profession. In 1861 Mr. Corwin was appointed Minister to Mexico. This position he held through the trying period of the civil war of that country, as well as of his own, and until his death, December 18, 1865. Mr. Corwin was one of the most popular and effective stump orators in the country ; his speeches abounded in witty anecdotes and scathing satire, in delivering which, his gestures and facial contortions would act out the full meaning of what he said, and keep his hearers in a continuous roar of laughter, or riveted to his argument. There have been but few men who could keep his audience so long in good humor as " Tom Corwin." Mr. Corwin was a short and rather stout-built man, with a mild, roguish black eye,, very dark complexion, and was familiarly known as " Black Tom Corwin.'* IHS DYI1CG BODY SUPPLIED WITH THE VIGOR OF LIFE, THBOUGH DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT. Scrofula, Consumption, Syphilis, uncured and badly treated Venereal in its many forms, Glandular disease, Ulcers in the throat and mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous discharges from the Ears, aud the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Heads, Ring Worms, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb and all weakening and pain- ful discharges, Night Sweats, loss of Sperm, and all waste of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any per- son using it for either of these forms of disease, its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continu- ally progressing, succeeds in arresting these* wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood, and this the Sarsapai illian will and does secure, a cure is certain, for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in di- minishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel him- self growing better and stronger, the food digesting better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resolvent excel all known remedial agents, in the cure of Chronic Scrofulous, Constitutional, Skin aud Syphiloid diseases, but it is the only positive cure for Kidney ,-Bladder, Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's disease Albuminuria, and in all cases wb.-re there are Brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or thread like white silk, or there is a morbid ,dark, bilious appearance, and white.tbone dust deposits, aii'l where there is pricking, burning sensation when passing water, aud pain in the Small of the I ack, along the Loins. In all these conditions Kadway's Sarsaparillian Resolvent, aided by the application of Radway's Ready Relief to the Spine and the Small of the Back, and the Bowels regulated with one or two Radway's Regulating Pills per day, will soon make a complete cure, iu a few days the patient will be enabled to hold and discharge water naturally without pain, and the Urine will be restored to its natural clear, and amber or cherry color. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5, or $10 per dozen. Sold by Druggists K. R,. IS,. A GREAT SENSATION— PAI1V CURED IN AN INSTANT RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. 'Every kind of pain, whether Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Influenza, Sore Throat, Nervous, Headache, Toothache, Pains in the Chest, Side, Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Spine, Legs, Arms, Feet, one application is suffl ient to kill and exterminate the pain. Taken internally, 20 drops to a tejtspoonful diluted, can cure, and will cure, Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Bilious Cholic, Infhmm iticn of the Bowels, Cramps Spasms, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and every n in that may exist i i the inside of a man, womau or child. This was Radway's Ready Relief of 1847, and it is Radway'a Ready Relief, great- ly improved, in 1869. We then B tar ted it on its mission of relieving the infirm, pain -stricken, sick, distressed and crippled of all nations throughout the world, and now to-day it is used, patronized and revered us a household n cessity iu the palaces of Sultans, Emperors,. Kaimos, Kings, High Priests, Nobles, as well as in the cottages of the laboring classes of every nation on the face of the earth Sold by Druggists everywhere at 50 cents per bottle, and at No. 87 Maiden Lane THE BEST PILLS IN THE "WORLD. X>!R,. RADWAY'S PILLS, COATED "WITH SUGAR-GUM. For the Cure of all Disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous diseases. Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever. Inflammation of the. Bowels, Piles and all derangemems of the Internal Viscera. "Warranted to effect a Positive Cure. Purely "Vegetable. Contain- ing no Mercury, Minerals or Deleterious Drugs. fggu Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgustfor Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Seffooating Sensat'ons when in a I.yiny Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or "Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Defi-Mency of Por- sniration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In th« Side. Chest. Limbs, and Sudden Flushes or Heat, Burning in the F eslu A fi"v flntwa r*f Radway's Pi 1's will free the System from all of the above-named dis >rdrrs. Pr re 25 cents per Pox- BAD WAY & CO., Ho» 87 Maiden Lane, N, Y. 17. ROGER B. TANEY. Roger B. Taney was born in Calvert County, Maryland, March 17, 1777. He was educated at Dickenson College, Carlisle, where he graduated in 1795. In the spring of 1796 he commenced the study of the law, was admitted to the bar in 1799, and in the fall of the same year was elected to the State Legislature. He removed to Frederickstown in 1801, it being a more eligible point for the pursuit of his profession, and continued in its practice until 1816, when he was elected to the Senate of Maryland, which was composed of fifteen members, chosen for five years. After the expira- tion of his term of service in the Senate, Mr. Taney returned to private life, and continued the practice of law in Frederick until 1823, when he removed to Baltimore, where he ever after resided. In 1827 he was appointed Attorney-General of Maryland by the Governor and Council, who were, at the time, his political opponents. Mr. Taney continued to hold the office of Attorney-General of Maryland until 1831, when he resigned upon receiving the appointment of Attorney-General of the United States by President Jackson. Upon the refusal of Secretary Duane, of the Treasury, to remove the United States deposits from the United States Bank, as requested to do by General Jackson, and who resigned in consequence, Mr. Taney was tendered the office of Secretary of the Treasury by President Jackson, which he accepted, resigning the office of Attorney-General ; and, before hia con- firmation was acted upon by the Senate, he removed the deposits, and placed them in several State banks, created for that purpose, being informed by General Jackson that he would " take the responsibility." Mr. Taney's nomination was rejected by the Senate, and he returned to Baltimore, and resumed the practice of the law. In 1835, a vacancy occurring in the United States Supreme Court, Jackson nominated Mr. Taney as Associate- Justice of that Court, to fill the vacancy. A majority of the Senate, how- ever, refused to act upon his nomination until the last moment of the session, when it was indefinitely postponed by a vote which was intended to be, and was, equivalent to a rejection. Before the next session, Chief-Justice Marshall died, and Mr. Taney was thereupon nominated for the office of Chief- Justice of the Supreme Court ; and, the political complexion of the Senate having changed, his nomination was confirmed in March, 1836. He took his se;it on the bench in the Circuit Court, for the District of Maryland, in May, 1836, and on the bench of the Supreme Court, in January, 1837. Mr. Taney's administration as Chief-Justice was particularly memorable for the Dred Scott decision, in which he gave his opinion that a black man, although free, was not a citizen. During the term of his service, he administered the oath of office to nine Presidents. He died October 12, 18G4 18." STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. STEPHEN A. Douglas was born at Brandon, Vermont, April 23, 1813. His father, a physician, died while he was an infant, and his mother, being in straitened circumstances, apprenticed him, when quite young, to a cabinet- maker at Middlebury, where he worked for eighteen months, when his health obliged him to abandon it, and he studied for a year at the academy at Brandon. His mother having married again, he followed her to Canandaigua, N. T., where he studied law until 1831, when he went "West, and, after various vicissitudes, finally settled in Jacksonville, 111. After earning a few dollars as clerk to an auctioneer, he opened a school, devoting all his spare moments to the study of the law. In 1834 he was admitted to the bar, and soon acquired a profitable busi- ness, and rose rapidly to distinction, "being appointed Attorney-General of the State before he was twenty-two years of age. In December, 1835, he resigned, having been elected to the Legislature by the Democrats of Mor- gan County. In 1837 he was appointed Register of the Land Office at Springfield, HI., by President Van Buren. In 1840 he stumped the State for Mr. Van Buren, and the same year was appointed Secretary of State of Illinois. The following year he was made Judge of the Supreme Court. This office he resigned, after sitting upon the bench for two years, when, in 1843, he was elected Representative to Congress. He was re-elected in 1844 and '46, and in 1847 was elected to the United States Senate. Here he took a prominent position as an able and ready debater, and one of the most active members. He was an early advocate of the annexation of Texas, and a firm sup- porter of the Mexican war. He boldly stood forward as an advocate of what were called " extreme measures," on the " Oregon Question," and was the M master spirit" in procuring the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. From this important event dates the most notable agitation which has swept over the country since the American Revolution. The history of our progress and civilization are involved in it. In 1858 Mr. Douglas canvassed the State of Illinois, in opposition to Abraham Lincoln, for the United States Senatorship ; and, after a most interesting and exciting campaign, a Legislature was elected which returned Mr. Douglas to Congress. In 1859 Mr. Douglas published an elaborate paper on the "Dividing Line between Federal and Local Authority." In 1860 he was a candidate for the Presidency by the conservative Democrats ; but the great question of freedom had become the issue, and Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate, was elected. On the seceding of a portion of the States, Mr. Douglas wrote an able letter on public affairs, giving his " giant" influence in support of the Union. He did not live to see the Rebellion fairly inaugurated, but died June 3d, 1861, at Chicago, Illinois. 19. FRANCIS GRANGER. FRANCIS Granger was born in Suffield, Hartford County, Connecticut, in 1787, and was educated at Yale College, where he graduated in 1811, and commenced the practice of the law in the beautiful village of Canan- daigua, N. Y., to which his father had removed about 1814. His entry into political life was in 1825, in which year he was elected Representative to the State Legislature. He was prominent in the anti-Masonic movement, which created such excitement in the State of New York; and was the confrere of Wm. H. Seward, Thurlow "Weed, Millard Filmore, and other young men who, at thatitime, were aspirants for fame, and who joined the political crusade against the Masons, after the alleged abduction of William Morgan. In 1826 Mr. Granger was re-elected to the Legislature, and in 1828 was put in nomination by the anti-Masons as a candidate for Governor, and by the Adams Republicans as Lieutenant-Governor, but was defeated. The following yeur he was re-elected to the Legislature, and in 1830 was again the anti-Masonic candidate for Governor, and again unsuccessful. In 1831 he was again sent to the State Legislature, but for the last time. In 1832, when the Clay Republicans and anti-Masons coalesced, Mr. Granger was again nominated for Governor, but was defeated by W. L. Marcy. In 1834 the Whig party — made up of anti- Jackson Democrats and Clay Republicans — came upon the political stage, and Mr. Granger was recog- nized as one of its ablest leaders. His name was that year before the con- vention as a candidate for Governor, but Wm. H. Seward carried off the honor of the nomination. In the fall of that year, however, the Whigs of the 26th Congressional District made Mr. Granger their candidate for Congress, and elected him. In 1836 he was nominated by the anti-Masons for Vice-President, but, being obnoxious on account of his anti-Slavery proclivities, failed to secure the votes of the Electoral College. In 1838 Mr. Granger was elected to Con- gress, and re-elected in 1840, and, in 1841, was nominated by President Harrison as Postmaster-General ; but it was with some difficulty that his nomination was confirmed by the Senate. After the death of General Harrison, he resigned hia position in July, 1841, at the request of the New York delegation, in consequence of President Tyler's action on the question of the United States Bank, and was elected to Congress, and served in the session of 1841 and '42. He was tendered a renomination, but declined, and never afterward held public oQce. He was President of the Whig State Convention in 1850, and a member of the Peace Conference in 1861. Francis Granger was a gentleman of noble and commandinor person, united to remarkable energy and activity, and was a good judge of charac- ter, rejecting the base and unworthy ways of demagogistn, and deeply sym- pathizing with all the higher and better impulses of humanity and progress. He died August 28, 1868. 20. ALBEBT S. JOHNSTON. General Albert Sidney Johnston was born in the year 1803, in Macon County, Kentucky, and received his early education at the Transylvania University, in that State. ' i At the age of nineteen he entered the West Point academy as a cadet, and graduated on the 30th of June, 1820. He was breveted Second Lieu- tenant in the Second Infantry, but was subsequently transferred, in 1827, to the Sixth Infantry, and served as Adjutant of his regiment from 1828 to 1832. From May 8 to the year 1833, he was Aid to Brigadier-General At- kinson. J On the 31st of May, 1834, he resigned his commission in the Regular Army, and went to reside in Missouri. In 1830 he emigrated to Texas, arriving there shortly after the battle of San Jacinto. There, alone, and perfectly unknown, he determined to begin a new career. . At the time he entered Texas, an intestine war was raging, and, without hesitation, he entered the Republican army, in General Rusk's division, as a private soldier. The General speedily discovered his abilities, and made him Adjutant-General of his command. Subsequently, he was made senior Brigadier-General of the Texan army, and was appointed to succeed General Felix Houston in the chief command. \- In 1838 he was chosen Secretary of "War of the new Republic,' under President Lamar ; and the following year he organized an expedition against the Cherokees, seven hundred strong, who were defeated at a battle on the Neuches. ■ _J ^ In 1840 he retired from the service, and settled on a plantation in Bra- zonia County, near Galveston. Here he remained, quietly attending to his new home, until the Mexican War broke out, in 1846, when, at the request of General Taylor, he allowed his daring spirit to again find vent in the battle-field, and was elected Colonel of the First Texas Regiment, serving as such from June 18, to August 24, 1840, when he was appointed Aid and Inspector-General to General Butler, and in that capacity he was in the famous battle of Monterey ; where, during the fight, his horse was three times shot under him. On the declaration of peace, he retired to his farm ; but, on the 31st of Oc- tober, 1849 he was appointed, by President Taylor, Paymaster of the Regular Army, with rank of Major. In the fall of 1857, he was appointed by President Buchanan to the command of the Utah Expedition, sent to quell the Mor- mons, who had shown much disturbance, where, for his ability, zeal, and energy, he was breveted Brigadier-General (dating from November, 1847), and full Commander of the Military District of Utah, and was afterward sent to California. When Texas seceded, he resigned his commission, joined the Confederate army, and was assigned to the command of the Department of Kentucky, with headquarters at Bowling Green. The fall of Fort Donaldson made the evacuation of Bowling Green imper- ative, and he joined General Beauregard at Corinth, where their united forces were prepared, early in April, to strike a heavy blow at the enemy, which was attempted on the field, of Shiloh. General Johnston was in the advance, driving the enemy before him, when, at two o'clock of April 0, 1802, a minnie-ball cut the artery of his leg. bud he rode on, until, from loss of blood, he fell exhausted, and, at half-past two, quietly breathed his last. Thus, early in the war, die4 one of the most fearless soldiers and ablest .generals of the Rebel army. 21. GEN. JOHN SEDGWICK. Gen. John Sedgwick was born at Cornwall, Connecticut, in 1815, graduated at "West Point, in 1837 ; was breveted Major and Captain for gal- lant conduct in the Mexican War ; and at the breaking out of the Rebellion held the position of Lieutenant in the United States Cavalry ; soon promoted to Colonel of the 4th Cavalry; and, in August, 1861, was commissioned Brigadier-General of Volunteers. As commander of the 3d Division of Sumner's Corps he participated in the Peninsular campaign, and particularly distinguished himself at Fair Oaks. He was wounded at Antietam, promoted to Major-General of Volunteers in December, 1862, and to the command of the 6th Army Corps in February, 1863. During the Chancellorsville campaign he stormed and captured St. Marie Heights in the rear of Fredericksburg ; and, subsequently, after hard fighting against overwhelming numbers, succeeded in crossing the Rap- pahannock with his command. He had an honorable share in the Gettys- burg campaign ; and, in November, 1863, was publicly thanked by General Meade for a well-executed movement on the Rapidan, by which he captured a whole Rebel division, with several guns and colors, and compelled Lee to retreat beyond the river. He took an active and important share in the battles of the Wilderness, with which General Grant began his advance upon Richmond, in May, 1864. On Friday, the 6th, the second day of the fight, his corps was suddenly and fiercely assailed, and nearly two brigades under his command were swept away. The whole right wing, and, indeed, the whole army was in imminent peril, but Sedgwick, by incessant exertion and personal exposure, rallied his troops, and finally repulsed the enemy. On Saturday and Sunday the fight- ing was frequent and less severe. On Monday, there was comparative quiet. The army was entrenched near Spottsylvania Court-House, and General Sedgwick walked out to the advance of his breast-works to superintend the placing of his artillery. A constant humming of bullets from the Rebel sharp-shooters about this place, caused the soldiers in the works to dodge and duck their heads. The General smiled at them good-naturedly, and said, " Who ever heard of a soldier dodging a bullet ? Why, they could not hit an elephant at this distance." There was a laugh at this, and the General was still smiling at the banter, when one of his staff heard the buzz of a bullet culminate in what seemed an explosion, close by his side. "That must have been an explosive bullet, General," he said. No answer. But as the General turned his face toward the officer, a sad smile was upon it ; in another instant he fell backward, lifeless — the bullet had entered his brain ! Thus died, May 9, 1864, one of the best examples of a, practical soldier this war has pro- duced. General Sedgwick was a bachelor ; and probably on account of the ab- sence of marital ties, he attached himself more strongly to those with whom he was connected in the intimate relations of the camp. He lived among his staff like a father among children. He was exceedingly quiet in his deportment, and in matters pertaining to his profession he was fully posted. He thoroughly understood all the duties of a soldier, and could handle his corps with aprompitude and decision not excelled by any other com- mander. His faithful performance of duty was instigated by a love of the profession, not frpjn ambition for renown or position : for both had been offered him. 22. SAMUEL HOUSTON. SAMUEL Houston -was born in Rockbridge County, Virginia, March ~, 1793. At a very early age he lost his father, and he, with his mother, removed to the banks of the Tennessee River, then the outermost border of civilization. Here he grew up a wild youth, and very much attached to the Indian mode of living— a liking which seems never to have deserted him. He tried his hand at book-keeping, but, not liking a mercantile life, com- menced teaching school. At length, becoming disgusted with the ferule, he enlisted in the army in 1813, and served under the immediate eye of General Jackson to the close of the war; receiving an honorable discharge, with the commission of Lieutenant, having distinguished himself for his bravery and good soldiership on several occasions. On leaving the army he studied law, and soon entered the political arena of his country, where he figured until his death. His Congressional career commenced in 1823, when he became a member of the House of Represen- tatives, and continued a member of that body until 1828, when he was elected Governor of Tennessee. In 1829, before the expiration of his Gubernatorial term, he resigned his office, and went to take up his abode among the Cherokees, in Arkansas. During his residence among them, he undertook a mission to Washing- ton, for the purpose of exposing the frauds practiced upon the Indians; but he met with little success, and returned in disgust to his savage friends. During a visit to Texas, he was requested to allow his name to be used in the canvass for a convention which was to meet to form a constitution for Texas, prior to its admission into the Mexican Union. He consented, and was unanimously elected. The constitution framed by the convention being too liberal, was rejected by Santa Anna, who ordered, them to give up their arms, and acknowledge fealty to the Mexican Republic. The Texans determined on resistance, and General Austin, the com- mander of the Texan forces, was soon succeeded by General Houston, who, by his indomitable courage and unsurpassed military sagacity, carried on the war with vigor and ability, and brought it to a successful termination by the battle of San Jacinto, which he fought in April, 1836 ; and, in May, Santa Anna signed a treaty of peace, acknowledging the independence of Texas. General Houston was then inaugurated first President in October of the same year, and again elected in 1841. In 1846 Texas was admitted into the American Union, and General Houston was elected United States Senator, serving until the close of the Thirty-Fifth Congress, and was elected Governor of Texas in 1859. On the breaking out of the Rebellion, General Houston took neutral grounds, and endeavored to prevent Texas joining the Southern Confederacy, preferring to establish a separate government by itself; but he was overruled; Texas joined the Confederacy, and the hero of San Jacinto retired to his plantation in Huntsville, where ho died, July 25, 1863. 23. GE1STEEAL W. J. WOETH. "W. J. Worth was born in New York in 1794. His early education was plain and limited. At the age of fifteen he commenced his career as clerk to a merchant in Hudson, New York. Three years later, on the breaking out of the war of 1812, he enlisted in the ranks as a private soldier. He did not long remain in that humble station. His skill and energy, as well as his invincible courage, which even then began to appear, did not go unnoticed by his superiors, and he was, in a short time, promoted to a Lieutenancy in the Twenty-Third Regiment. His military career fairly commenced at the battle of Chippewa, where his valor was rewarded by the brevet of Captain ; and at the sanguinary battle of Lundy's Lane, his sword won for him a Major's commission. So rapidly did he rise, that in two years after he entered the ranks as a private, we find him spurring his charger across the field as a commissioned officer. On the promulgation of peace, Colonel Worth was appointed Superin- tendent of the Military School at West Point, which office he held until he was sent to Florida to succeed General Armistead, in 1841. On assuming command in Florida, Colonel Worth immediately com- menced the most active and energetic measures; and on the 17th of April, 1842, he forced the Indians to battle at Polaklaklaba, and so thoroughly whipped them that they could not afterwards be induced to meet him in anything like a fair fight. For his gallantry on this occasion he was bre- vetted Brigadier-General. On the commencement of hostilities in Mexico, General Worth was detached to Corpus Christi to join General Taylor. Dissatisfied with his relative position, he hastened to Washington, and resigned his commission. In the meantime, the gallant actions of Palo Alto and Pesaca de la Palma had been telegraphed to the capital. Stung by remorse, that he should have suffered such fair fields whereon to gather laurels to escape him, he canceled his resignation, and, flying back to Mexico, reached the army while it was investing Monterey, Dividing his army into nearly two equal divisions, General Taylor lead- ing one, gave the other to the gallant Worth. They led their forces against the town in opposite directions. Worth carried all the forts on the Saltillo Poad, and entered the streets just as the town capitulated to General Taylor, who had reached the Plaza on the other side. For his exploits here, Worth was made Brevet Major-General. At o Molina Del Key, by almost superhu- man efforts, he assaulted and successfully carried that nearly impregnable fortress. He also fought with distinction at Cerro Gordo, Cherubusco, and at the storming of the gates of Mexico. After facing death on so many battle-fields, he fell a victim to cholera, at San Antonia de Bexar, Texas, May 7, 1849. After Taylor and Scott, he was, perhaps, the most efficient — certainly, the most popular — of the Generals in the war with Mexico. 24. JAMES S. WAEDSWOKTH. James S. Wardsworth was born in Geneseo, New York, October 30, 1807. He was educated at Harvard and Yale Colleges, and studied law with McKeon & Denniston, at Albany, and afterward with Daniel Webster. He was admitted to the bar in 1833, to which profession, however, he did not give much of his time, for, having inherited an immense estate in one of the finest regions of Western New York, he devoted himself chiefly to its improvement. Although he never held office, he took a lively interest in the political questions of the day, and became a prominent member of the Republican party. On the withdrawal of the seceding States from the Union, he waa appointed one of the Commissioners to the Peace Conference which met in. Washington, February 4, 1861. He afterward, on the breaking out of the Rebellion, embarked heartily in the cause of the Union, and was proposed by Governor Morgan for a Major-Generalship, but he waived the honor in favor of General Dix. He served as volunteer aid to General McDowell at the first battle of Bull Run, displaying great gallantry and coolness, and, after having his horse shot under him, seized the colors of a panic-stricken regiment, and called upon the men to " rally nce more for the glorious Old Flag." August 9, 1861, he was commissioned Brigadier-General of Volunteers, and in March, 186.3, was appointed Military Governor of the District of Columbia, and commander of the forces for the defense of Washington. That year he was nominated for Governor of New York, but was defeated by Horatio Seymour. In December, 1862, he was assigned to the command of the Eleventh Army Corps, and took part in the battle of Chancellorsville, under General Hooker. At Gettysburg he commanded the First Division of the First Corp-, and distinguished himself by personal daring, and skillful manage- ment of his troops. On the first day of Grant's battles in the Wilderness, May 5, 1864, his division lost nearly a third of its numbers. On the next day, the 6th, he was ordered to attack A. P. Hill. For more than an hour the conflict raged fearfully ; success appeared to waver ; and, finally, General Wardsworth ordered his men to charge. He was answered by cheer upon cheer, for his men knew that whea. gray- headed " Pap Wardsworth" rode into the fight, there was fighting, to be done. Spurring his horse to the front, he was in the act of leading his troops, hat in hand, when a bullet struck him in the forehead, killing him. instantly, May 6, 1864, 25. JESSE L. RENO. Jesse L. Reno, Major-General of Volunteers in the United States Army, was born in Virginia, in 1825. He was appointed a cadet in the Military Academy at West Point, from Pennsylvania, and graduated in 1846, and commissioned Brevet Second Lieutenant in the Ordnance Depart- ment. He served with distinction in the Mexican War, and was promoted for gallantry at Cerro Gordo. He commanded a howitzer battery at the storm- ing of Chepul tepee, in which engagement he was severely wounded, and breveted Captain. At the close of the war he was appointed Assistant-Pro- fessor of Mathematics at West Point, where he remained but a short time, and was then appointed Secretary of the Board of Artillery. He was subsequently connected with the coast survey, and, upon with- drawing from that service, assisted in the construction of a military road from Big Sioux to St. Paul. He was promoted to be First Lieutenant of Ordnance, March 3, 1853. In 1854 he was stationed at the Frankford Arsenal, at Bridesburg, Penn., where he remained about three years ; and then accompanied General John- ston to Utah, as Ordnance Officer. He was stationed at the Mount Vernon arsenal in 1859, and, afterward, at Fort Leavenworth. In July, 1860, he was made Captain of Ordnance, and, in November, 1861, Brigadier-General of Volunteers. He commanded the Second Brigade in Burnside's expedition to North Carolina; was distinguished at the battle of Roanoke Island for the gallantry with which he led the attack against Fort Barton; participated in the capture of Newborn, and other important military operations, and in July, 1862, was ordered to reinforce General McClellan, on the Peninsula, About this time he was promoted to be Major-General of Volunteers, his commission dating from April 26. Sub- sequently, he was sent to Fredericksburg, whence he joined General Pope, then commanding the Army of Virginia, and took part in the actions near Manassas, at the close of August, 1862. At the battle of South Mountain, his division was in advance, and was engaged during the whole day. General Reno was conspicuous for his gal- lantry and activity, and the success of the day was greatly owing to his efforts. He was shot, while giving orders, early in the evening of Septem- ber 14, 1862. He was engaged at the moment in observing the enemy's movements, by the aid of a glass, and was struck in the spine by a musket- ball, lodging in his breast. Thus closed the career of one of the bravest and most useful officers of the Union army, who, to his honor be it noted, though born a Virginian, like many other Southerners, rose superior to sectional feelings, and felt the fire of a higher patriotism in their devotion to their whole country. 26. MAETIN VAN BUREN. Martin Van Buren, the 8th President of the United States, -was born at Kinderhook, New York, December 5, 1782. He obtained his education at the common school and academy of his native village. In 1796, while yet in his fourteenth year, he commenced the study of law. While a student, he was an active politician ; and, when only eighteen, represented the Republicans in the Congressional Convention of his district. In 1802-3 he studied in New York City, and, in the latter year, was ad- mitted to the bar. His business soon became lucrative, and his clients numerous* The first official distinction he received was his appointment, by Governor Thompkins, as Surrogate of Columbia County, in 1808. In 1812 he was elected State Senator. He at once assumed a prominent position in the Senate, and continued a member of that body until 1820, having been, during that period, a zealous supporter of the war, and of the canal project. A portion of the time he was Attorney -General of the State. In 1821 he was elected to the United States Senate, and re-elected in 1827. The following year he was elected Governor of New York by the Democratic party. His career as Governor, however, was brief. Scarcely had his adminis- tration commenced, when President Jackson offered him the office of Secre- tary of State, which he at once accepted, and resigned his Gubernatorial office. In the Cabinet he became the real, or apparent, rival of Mr. Calhoun ; and, probably finding his position therein an unpleasant one, resigned in April, 1831. The President appointed him ambassador to England ; but the Senate, by the casting vote of Mr. Calhoun, the Vice-President, refused to confirm the nomination, which step, it was generally thought, secured him the nomination for Vice-President in 1832. He received a large majority of the electoral votes for that office, which he continued to fill during President Jackson's second term, and in 1836 was elected President of the United States. The principal measure of his administration was the establishment of the independent Treasury. In the spring of 1837 commenced the greatest commercial revulsion ever known in this country. Extravagant speculations had for some years prevailed. Since the withdrawal of the deposits from the United States Bank, numerous State Banks had been chartered, a multitude of public works were undertaken, immense importations of foreign goods were made, and real estate rose far above its intrinsic value. At length the crisis came with tremendous effect. The banks suspended specie payment, and failures were numerous. The National Government became involved in the general embarrass- ment, as the banks containing the public deposits suspended with the rest. In 1838 the banks resumed specie payment, and, after repeated trials, the Sub-Treasury Bill was passed. Mr. Van Buren was again nominated for President in 1840, but was defeated by General Harrison, the Whig candidate. Since then he lived in retirement in Kinderhook, on the estate called Lindenwald, until his death, July 24, 1862. 27. ROBERT Y. HAYNE. ROBERT Y. HAYNE was born, near Charleston, South Carolina, on the 10th day of November, 1791. His early education was obtained at a gram- mar-school at Charleston ; his later training was in the school of life. At the age of seventeen he commenced the study of law, and at the age of twenty-one began to practice at Charleston. He enlisted in the war of 1812, and antered the army as Lieutenant, and served in various grades to the termination of his enlistment, when he returned to Charleston, and resumed the practice of his profession, in which he soon became prominent. His remarkable powers as an orator soon brought him into political notoriety ; and as early as 1814 he was elected a member of the State Legis- lature, and, in 1818, was chosen Speaker of that body, which office he filled with dignity and promptitude. During the session, he was chosen Attorney-G-eneral of the State. In 1822 he was elected a member of the United States Senate, which office he retained ten years. It was during his second term that the Nullification difficulties arose between South Carolina and the United States, in which General Hayne took a prominent and conspicuous position. In 1832 he was elected a member of the famous " Union and States Rights Convention," and, as Chairman of the " Committee of Twenty-One," he reported the "Ordinance of Nullification," which was adopted by the Convention. He was immediately chosen Governor of the State, and, on the receipt of Presi- dent Jackson's famous proclamation against the Nullifiers of South Carolina, Governor Hayne sent forth a counter-proclamation, " full of lofty defiance, and determined resolution." After much plotting and counter-plotting, South Carolina repealed her ordinance of Nullification, and the United States modified the Tariff. In 1834 General Hayne was elected Mayor of the city of Charleston, and in 1837 was chosen President of the Charleston, Louisville, and Cincinnati Rail- Road Company. This office he held until his death, which took place at Asheville, North Carolina, September 24, 1841, in the fiftieth year of his age. The celebrated passage at arms, in 1830, between him and the Senator from Massachusetts (Daniel Webster), will long be remembered by those who witnessed it, as one of the most gallant and interesting conflicts ever fought oa the field of Senatorial debate; and furnished examples of powerful eloquence which will be quoted for centuries to come. [ESTABLISHED ISSO.] T. G. ARNOLD, MANUFACTURER OF AND IMPORTEROFSCOTCH-TIPS. Mercury-Cups, Portable-Sockets, Burner-Pillars, Burner-Pliers, &c. T. O. ARNOLD MANUFACTURER OP PATENT WROUGHT-IRON TILE AND Perforated Sheet-Iron Flooring, FOE. MALT-KILNS AND DRYING-FLOORS; ALSO, FALSE BOTTOMS FOR MASH-TUBS, I*lain and. Galvanized, «feo. ARNOLD'S PATENT Metallic Gralvanized Trays FOR GAS-PURIFIERS. The subscriber would inform Officers of Gas Companies, and others, that he is prepared to furnish his Patent Metallic Galvanized Trays for Cas-Puriflers at short notice. These Trays are entirely fitted before they are Galvanized, and are consequently rendered free from corrosion. It is necessary when ordering" these Trays to give the exact size and shape of the Purifiers, sc that all parts may be covered with the com- position, thereby making them almost indestructible. They can be made of | No. 16 iron, or lighter if required, and will give better satisfaction than any other Trays in use. T. Q. -A-RNOLD, Nos. 336 and 338 West 21st Street, (Between 8th and 9th Avenues,) NEW YORK. REFERENCES : Ohas. C. Mowton, Escl, Superintendent New York Gas "Works, N. Y. Stth W. Smith, Esq.,Supt. Calais and St. Stephen's Gas Works, Me. Milton Boone, Esq., Superintendent Pottsville Gas "Works, Pa. 28. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. y Benjamin Franklin, the youngest of a family of seventeen, -was born in Boston, Massachusetts, January 6, 1706. He was destined for the church by his father, and was sent to the grammar-school for two years, during which time he made rapid progress. His father, being no longer able to keep him at school, took him home to assist in his occupation of soap-boiler and tallow-chandler, where he continued for two years, when his extravagant fondness for books determined his father to make a printer of him. He was accordingly apprenticed to his brother, who published the New England (Jowant, the second paper that made its appearance in America. Here he had access to books, which he read without stint, and soon commenced to write anonymous pieces on the topics of the day, which were published in his brother's paper, and which attracted the attention of prominent men, who spoke very highly of them. He then made himself known to hia brother as the author, who afterward treated him with more consideration. He continued to write for the paper, and sometimes criticised the acts of the Government so severely as to incur its censure of the paper, and, after a while, his brother was forbiddden to publish it, when it was turned over to Benjamin, and conducted in his name ; and, in order to make it legal, his apprentice papers were canceled. Having some dispute with his brother soon after, he took advantage of his freedom thus gained, and left him. He then went to New York to find business, but, being unsuccessful, continued on to Philadelphia, where, with a loaf of bread under each arm, and one in his hand from which he ate, and a few pennies in his pocket, he traveled the streets of that city, in search of employment, which he soon found ; and, by persevering industry, he ascended the ladder of greatness, round by round, until he reached the highest pinnacle of fame in his country's his- tory. He was prominent among those distinguished patriots who threw their whole influence and energies in favor of the great struggle for human free- dom, was on the committee with those who drew up the Declaration of Independence, and was one of the signers of that immortal document. In 1778 he was sent as ambassador to the brilliant Court of the King of France, where, amidst the gay and richly-dressed courtiers, ministers, and ambassa- dors, the venerable Franklin, with unpowdered hair, a round hat, and plain brown coat, commanded the respect of all around him ; and his acquaint- ance was sought with eagerness by all, as a man whose fame as " the great philosopher and statesman of the age," had preceded him. His researches in philosophy were extensive, and his experiments in electricity revolutionized the world on. that subject. He brought from the clouds the lightning with his kite, and showed that it could be controlled by man, to his advantage. His wise sa} r ings and practical advice to the young, have become house- hold words, and have done much toward stimulating them to honesty, economy, and industry. Mr. Franklin was the first President of the American Philosophical Society, which he did much to build up and make memorable. He died in Philadelphia, on the 17th day of April, 1790, being eighty-four years of age. W. KTJUTZ, S95 and. SOT" Broadway, New Yoito OPINIONS OF THE PEESS. From the Tribune, September 24. GREAT AMERICAN FAIR. * * * The display of the former is especially complete and attractive. Some of the heads and vignettes in this style of Miniature Painting 1 are so entrancingly lovely, as almost to inspire the belief that they are the creations of poetic fancy, rather than actual portraits of living women. Humphrey's Photo Journal. * * * Their Carbon Pictures are the finest which have ever been on exkibition. * * * At the atelier of Mr. Kuhtz, some of the best talent in the country may be seen. New York Evening Post, October 28. * * * They have really brought the art of Photographing on Porcelain to the highest perfection. Their heads, while they have the accuracy of a photograph on paper, have, at the same time, all the freedom and delicacy of a miniature, &c. Times, Sunday, August 18. * * * Mr. Kubtz paints upon porcelain instead of ivory, a material not liable, like its substitute, to warp and crack, the colors being equally lasting, and showing the same softness and harmony. We have seen nothing comparable to these Miniatures, either of Gurney's or Brady's. Stoats Zeitung, Sunday, November 19. * * * For transparencies, they are truly exquisite, but for that purpose the black tones are to be preferred. Finished in oil or water colors, they lose their character of transparencies, but through the skillful hands of Mr. Kuktz they become true works of art. Tribune, October 19, 1867. * * * No other Porcelain Photographs here can b* at all compared with those sent by this firm. And yet the name is a little misleading, for these pictures are not so much Photographs as Miniature Paintings on Porcelain. In all other specimens that we have seen, the photograph is plainly to be detected through the color, and in many cases the change in the chemicals of the photograph has already seriously injured the picture. * * * Mr. Kurtz is himself an artist every way, by tempera- ment and by education, and the Miniatures he produces have a value quite independent of the fact that they are portraits. Baltimore Commercial. *• * * Indeed, judging from the enthusiasm of this usually passive subject, one need not marvel at the glowing descriptions given of these Porcelain Pictures in the first- class New York Journals, which, in publications less high-toned, would surely be considered as exaggerated puffs, This Establishment received the First Premiums on Porcelain Paintings and Carbon Prints over all their competitors from New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. 29. THOMAS H. BENTON. Thomas H. Benton was born in North Carolina, in the year 1783, and was educated at Chapel Hill College. He left that institution -without receiving" a degree, and forthwith com- menced the study of the law, in "William and Mary's College, Virginia, under Mr. St. George Tucker. In 1810 he entered the United States Army, and in 1811 was at Nashville, Tennessee, where he commenced the practice of law, and became one of General Jackson's staff in the militia, with the rank of Colonel. He soon after went to St= Louis, Missouri, to reside, where he connected himself with the press, as editor of a newspaper. He thoroughly identified himself with the interests of the West, and became their leading and most prominent advocate. In 1820 he was elected to the United States Senate, and remained in that body until the session of 1851, at which time he failed of re-election. As Missouri was not admitted into the Union as a State until August 10, 1821, more than a year of Mr. Benton's term of service expired before he took his seat. He employed himself, during this interval, in acquiring a knowledge of the language and literature of Spain. Immediately after he appeared in the Senate, he took a prominent part in the deliberations oil that body, and rapidly rose to eminence and distinction. Few public measures were discussed between the years 1821 and 1851, that he did not participate in largely ; and the influence he wielded was always felt and confessed by the country. He was one of the chief props and supporters of the administrations of General Jackson and Martin Van Buren. The Democrats of Missouri long clung to him as their apostle and leader, and it required a Herculean effort to defeat him. He had served thirty years, when others aspired to the honors he enjoyed, and he was, consequently, defeated. In 1852 he was a candidate from St. Louis for Representative to Congress, and was elected. He held his seat in that body for two years, when he retired, and devoted himself to the production and publication of two great works : " Thirty Years in the United States Senate," and " An Abridge- ment of the Debates in Congress." The latter he had hardly finished, when he died, at "Washington, April 10, 1858. Mr. Benton was distinguished for great learning, an iron will, practical mind, and strong memory. His speeches, when written, were firmly fixed in his mind, so that he could repeat them accurately in public, without the manuscript, which might be, at the time, in the printer's hands. As a public speaker, he was not interesting, or calculated to produce an effect on the passions of an audience. His parliamentary efforts were in- tended for ftie closet rather than for the forum, and, when published, were read with avidity, always producing a decided, influence. e was indus- trious, determined, and unyielding, with pockets overflowin th statistics, and his head full of historical lore. 30. JOSHUA R. GIDDINGS Joshua R. Giddings was born in Athens, Bradford County, Pennsyl- vania, October 6, 1795. When he was ten years old, his parents removed to Ohio, and settled on the " Western Reserve," at Ashtabula. When seventeen years of age, he entered the army, as a substitute for his brother, and saw service against the Indians. He afterward taught school, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1820. In 1826 Mr. Giddings commenced his political career, as a Representa- tive to the State Legislature ; but declining a re-election, he pursued his profession until 1888, when he was chosen a member of Congress, as a suc- cessor to his instructor, Mr. Whittelsey. Henceforward his career became identified with anti-Slavery. By the side of John Q. Adams, he defended the right of petition, declared for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and espoused the cause of territorial .freedom. The slave power in Congress repressed his efforts in 1S39, and in 1841 he got leave to speak against the Florida war, as a pro-Slavery measure. In 1842 the celebrated Creole case occurred, in which the slaves onboard a vessel of that name, sailing from Virginia for New Orleans, rose, and car- ried that vessel into a British port. Indemnification being demanded of the British Government, Mr. Gid- dings offered a series of resolutions, utterly denying the jurisdiction of our Government in the case, or the violation of any law by the persons seeking to obtain their freedom. These resolutions created great excitement in the House. Mr. Botts, of Virginia, offered a resolution of censure ; but objection being made to Mr. Botts, as a slave-State man, Mr. Weller, of Ohio, renewed the censure, which was passed, without waiting to hear Mr. Giddings, by a vote of 125 to 69. Mr. Giddings thereupon resigned, and returned home; but was immediately re-elected by the people of his district, and he returned in a few weeks to resume his duties in Congress. He was re-elected to each successive Congress till 1861, when he declined a nomination, and was appointed, by Mr. Lincoln, Consul-General for Can- ada, the duties of which office he discharged at Montreal until his death, from heart disease, May 27, 1864. Mr. Giddings was twenty-one years in Congress, and was always fore- most as a leader in opposition to slavery ; in fact, every measure, whether of compromise with, or recognition of the extension of slavery, met with his strenuous opposition. In addition to his forensic labors, he published essays enforcing his arguments for freedom. He also published, " A History of the Rebellion, its Authors, and Causes." Mr. Giddings was a man of ardent temperament, and, like all the leaders in the great reform which led to the abolition of slavery, was so persistently held up to obloquy, that it is difficult, even yet, to credit them with the impartial verdict which truth and history will award. 31. WILLIAM L. YANCEY. "William L. Yancey was born at Ogeechee Shoals, Georgia, August 10, 1814. He received his education in the Northern States, first entering a private school, and subsequently Williams College ; but, on account of a disagreement, completed his education elsewhere. He studied law, and commenced its practice in South Carolina; but, in 1837, he removed to Montgomery, Ala., where he soon became suc- cessful, and united to his vocation the position of editor of the Cahawba Democrat, and Wetumpka Argus. In 1840 he was elected to the State Legislature as Representative, and subsequently to the Senate. He was chosen, in 1844, to succeed Dixon H. Lewis, as Representative to Congress, and was re-elected for the next term, occupying his seat in the Twenty-Eighth and Twenty-Ninth Congress. In 1845 he voted for the admission of Texas into the Union, and approved the bill on the Oregon question. Supporting every measure in the interest of the South, he voted for the extension of the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific. Upon the completion of his Congressional term, he returned to Alabama, and resumed the practice of his profession ; and, in 1848, was a member of the Democratic Convention which met at Baltimore, May 22, to nominate General Cass for the Presidency. Chosen, in 1850, the leader of the extremest of the Southern ultra senti- ment, he was regarded throughout the North as its great exponent. Con- sistent with his principles, he took an active part, in 1854-'56, to make Kansas a Slave State. More violent in the year 1859, he urged upon the Legislature of Alabama to pass an Act to require the Governor, in the case of the election of a Pvepublican President in 1860, to call a convention of Alabamians to oppose it at all hazards. He was elected a member of the Democratic Convention which met at Charleston, S. C, in April, 1860. The Convention refusing to adopt the ultra Southern platform, he withdrew, with his colleagues, joining the Con- vention at Baltimore, which nominated John C. Breckenridge for President, and espoused his election with all the ardor of his nature, and vehemence of his oratory. Visiting New York during the Presidential canvass of 1860, he advocated the policy of a fusion party, as the only practicable one to defeat Mr. Lincoln. When the Southern States began to secede, Mr. Yancey was chosen, December 24, 1860, a member of the Montgomery Convention. The ordinance of secession adopted by this Convention, was reported by Mr. Yancey. February 27, 1861, he was selected to visit Europe as a Commissioner from the Southern States, where he used all his eloquence to persuade the Continental powers to recognize their independence. Being unsuccessful in his efforts, he returned to the South, where he held several other appoint- ments, and was elected to the Confederate Congress, in which service he died, in July, 1863, before realizing the hopelessness of his dreams, and the defeat of his people. 32. THEODOEE PAEKEE. Theodore Parker, the celebrated Massachusetts clergyman and scholar, was born in Lexington, Massachusetts, August 24, 1810. He was one of the old stock whose grandfathers fought in the first battles of free- dom ; for the very musket captured at Lexington Green, in April, 1775, was preserved by Theodore, and left to the State. He worked as a farmer and mechanic, like other country lads, and went to the district school in winter, became, in his turn, teacher, bought books, and fitted himself for college. He entered Harvard College in 1830, studying at home, and compressing three years into one ; taught school, and studied languages, ancient and modern, edited periodicals, graduated as a clergyman, and settled in West Roxbury, in 1837. He formed views upon the authority and inspiration of the Bible, which were not in harmony with the New England pulpit. In short, he denied the supernatural in the Scriptures, and aroused an excited controversy, which exhausted so much of his physical and mental energies, that he was obliged to seek relief in foreign travel, spending the years 1843-4 in Europe. The controversy was renewed on his retuna, when he organized a new parish, in the Melodeon, Boston, in 1845. Mr. Parker's contributions to periodical literature, his translations from the German, and other productions of his pen, were marked by a vigor and independence of thought which ranked him among the leading minds of the age. He was one of the earliest advocates of Temperance and anti- Slavery. After the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, in 1850, he took an active part in opposing rendition. In 1852 his congregation occupied the great Music Hall in Boston, which was crowded by many, anxious to hear one whose fame had become so great, and whose views of theology created such a vivid sensation when uttered. His ideas about the interpretation of the Scriptures were too in- dependent to escape the denunciations of orthodoxy. He believed that they are interwoven with human error and superstition, while embodying in- spired truth. Though his labors as a minister were extraordinary, he traveled and lectured extensively, always carrying his bag full of books, and studying as he went. He, like many of our independent clergy, ex- pressed decided views on questions of public policy. His denunciations of Slavery, and those who either advocated or compromised with it, was some- thing more than ordinary objurgation. Mr. Parker's health began to fail, till, in 1859, an attack of bleeding of the lungs compelled him to cease his public services. He sought, in the West Indies, and in another European tour, relief from his maladies. Set- ting out from Rome, where he had passed the winter, he reached Florence in the spring of 1860, very much enfeebled, and died there on the 10th of May of that year. He was buried in the cemetery, outside the wall, where a stone, bearing the simplest record, marks the spot. He bequeathed his library, of over thirteen thousand volumes, to the Free Library, of Boston ; leaving, besides, numerous printed works — one, in a fragmentary form, on the development of religion. 33. JOHN BROWN. John Brown was born, in Torrington, Connecticut, May 9, 1800. He was a descendant, on his father's side, of one of the Puritans of the " May- flower," whose stern, uncompromising adherence to what they considered truth and justice, he fully inherited. In 1805 his father removed with him to Hudson, Ohio, on the " Western Reserve," in which place and vicinity John Brown lived most of his time, until he removed to Kansas, in 1855. He was employed in his youth as cattle-driver and farmer, and, in later years, as tanner and wool-dealer. His early education was limited ; but he entered the School of Adversity and Humanity when quite young, and graduated at the University of Human Freedom, where he studied the science of Justice and Liberty, and com- menced its practice, in Kansas, in 1855. Here, for over a year, he worked with untiring energy to establish free- dom in that Territory ; and battled manfully against the introduction of slavery, by the fraud and usurpations of the " Border Ruffians" from Mis- souri, aided and abetted by United States officers. Here, also, he fought with heroic bravery to protect his home, and the homes of other free-State men, from the aggressions and murderous assaults of pro-Slavery men, who came there for the avowed purpose of driving them from the Territory. John Brown believed in the Declaration of Independence, which taught him, that " all men are created equal." He believed in the inspiration of the Bible, which taught him to unloose the yoke, and let the oppressed go free. He saw the institution of slavery blighting and blasting the manhood of the nation, and he determined to do what he could to destroy it. Inspired by the idea that he was commissioned from Heaven to liberate the .slave, he went into Missouri, and liberated twelve slaves (who had ap- plied to him for help), whom he conducted safely to Canada, although a reward of $3,000 was set upon his head. He afterward organized a band of twenty-one men, who went with him to Virginia, and, on the 14th day of October, 1859, made that celebrated raid upon the United States Arsenal at Harper's Terry, which they captured without bloodshed ; they next secured a number of prominent slaveholders as hostages, and issued an address to the slaves, to rise and assert their rights to freedom. It produced unparalleled excitement in Virginia, and Governor Wise increased the panic by a violent proclamation, and with near 3,000 militia surrounded the town ; but it was not until the arrival of the United States Marines, under Colonel R. E. Lee, that John Brown surrendered. Two of his sons and a number of his men were killed, and he himself wounded. He was afterward tried for treason, convicted, and hung at Charlestown, Virginia, December 2, 1859. Thus ended his earthly existence ; but his spirit still marches on. THE American Sign Co, 109 NASSAU STREET, EMBLEMATIC SIQISTS TOE EYEEY TOABJi AM® PEOFBSSKOT, EMBRACING IN PART WATCHES AND SPECTACLES FOR JEWELERS, GUNS for GTJIV DEALERS, GOLD PEN SIGNS, Boots, Hats, Spread-Eagles, Balls, Stars, Spear-Heads, <3&c., Sec. |^~Our Emblems are Made of the Best Material, and Gilded with 23 Carat Gold. PATENT GLASS LETTERS and NUMBERS, The Cheapest, Handsomest, and Most Durable Decoration Ever Invented. IN" -AJLL STYLES. Sign Painting of Every Description, GILDING ON GLASS, &c, &c. Address, AMERICAN SIGN CO., 109 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. 34. JOHN HUGHES. Archbishop John Hughes was born in the North of Ireland, in the year 1798. He came to this country at the age of seventeen, and commenced his preparatory studies for the priesthood. Having spent seven years at the College of Mount St. Mary's, in Em- mettsburg, Maryland, he was ordained in 1825, and shortly afterward was appointed pastor of a church in Philadelphia. Here he became popular as an eloquent divine and active citizen. In 1830 he discussed with Dr. John Breckinridge, an eminent Presbyterian clergyman, their respective dogmas, through the newspapers; and in 1S34 an oral discussion took place. In 1838 he was appointed Bishop of the Diocese of New York, and changed his residence to that city. In this position he distinguished himself by his determination in estab- lishing the vigorous discipline of the Catholic Church. This brought him into bitter controversy with several prominent laymen, who, in some par- ishes, had assumed the right to control the resources of the Church. In a few years, however, this conflict was succeeded by an unexampled harmony and good feeling throughout the whole of the Catholic community. In 1840 a dispute arose between the Catholics of New York and the authorities and citizens of New York, on the subject of common schools. Bishop Hughes entered into a full discussion of the subject, through the newspapers, and afterward in the presence of the Common-Council ; and won for himself great credit by the urbane and catholic spirit in which he performed his duty on that important occasion. In 1850 Dr. Hughes was appointed by Pope Pius IX, Archbishop of the Diocese of New York, which was raised to a Metropolitan See. Archbishop Hughes was a man of unwearied exertions in active life, and secured the respect of all classes of citizens of the great city in which he resided. A large number of his lectures, sermons, letters, &c, have found their way to the public, mostly through short-hand reports, prepared for, and published in, the newspapers. The following are among the lec- tures which have been published : " Christianity the only Source of Moral, Social, and Political Regeneration," delivered in the House of Representa- tives of the United States, in 1847, by request of both Houses of Congress ; " The Church and the World ;" " The Decline of Protestantism ;" " Lecture on the Antecedent Cause of the Irish Famine in 1847 ;" " Lecture on the Mixture of Civil and Ecclesiastical Power in the Middle Ages ;" " Lecture on the Importance of a Christian Basis for the Science of Political Economy ;" " Two Lectures on the Moral Causes that have Produced the Evil Spirit of the Times ;" " Debate before the Common-Council of New York on the Catholic Petition Respecting the Common-School Fund," and " The Catholic Chapter in the History of the United States." He died January 3, 1804, and was buried, " after laying in state some days," with great pomp and ceremony. "HOUSEHOLD BLESSINGS." Labor made easy by the Celebrated AND CLOTHES WRINGER— COMBINED OR SEPARATE. \ Universally admit- ted to be the best and most durable in exist- 4. ence. FIRST PRIZE MEDAL Awarded in Europe and America. Warranted to wash perfectly without SOAKING, Hand Rubbing BOILING, inhaling steam or spil- ling slops. SOAP, LABOR, CLOTHES AND HEALTH SAVED. The Union Wringer though accompanying the Machine, can also be used on any kind of round or square tub. It h s a patent galvanized Frame, Cog Wheels and pure vulcanized Rubber Kolls and is known to be the most durable Wringer made. One of these Machines will last at least four times as long as any other Washing Machine in the market. Rev. W. W. Hdl, of the Bellville Female Seminary, Ky., says, the Union Washing Machine has for nearly four years in his family, done all the wash- ing for 70 or 80 persons, and has never gotten out of order. Rev. Dr. L. Hitchcock, Chicago, 111., has used one in his family nearly three years, and considers it more than pays for itself every year. It is now one of the indispensables in his family. Rev. Dr. Fish, Newark, N. J., says, I wish every Parsonage and every Homestead had one in it. Bishop C. Kingsley, Cincinnati, O., says, our family is delighted with it, and heartily recommends it to all who are seeking relief from the burdens and toils of washing day. Rev. L. N. Vernon, St. Louis, Mo. , says, this machine is above all price, it saves money, and more, it promotes domestic ease and happiness, and saves health and life. Doctors, Editors, Judges, Senators, Hotel Keepers, Sisters of Mercy and House-wives generally have written in the most glowing terms, the praises of the Union Washing Machine and Wringer. Over 50,000 of them have been sold without a single complaint It is in fact, the only successful Washing Machine ever introduced. WAKD'S AMERICAN MANGLE, for Ironing Clothes without heat— for hand or steam power — a perfect treasure in a laundry. Fluting Machines and Scissors, Clothes Dryers, Wringers of all kinds. S 'd Irons and other Laundrv Articles. J. WARD & Co., No. 31 (formerly No. ?3^ Courtlandt St , New York. Wringera of all kind repaired. Send for Circular. 35. OWEN LOVEJOY. Owen Lovejoy was born in Albion, Kendall County, Maine, January 6, 1811. His father was a clergyman and farmer. Owen worked upon the farm until he was eighteen years of age, when he entered Bowdoin College. He graduated in 1835, and emigrated to Alton, Illinois, where he engaged in theological studies, his brother, Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, being, at tho time, the editor of the paper there which advocated anti-Slavery views. In 1837, the pro-Slavery citizens of Alton and the neighboring counties in Missouri, taking offense at the denunciations of Slavery contained in Rev. Mr. Love- joy's paper, a mob, consisting mostly of Missourians, crossed the river to Alton, and, after destroying his press, murdered him. Owen Lovejoy was present, and his life was sought by the mob ; but, notwithstanding his utter fearlessness of danger, he escaped death at their hands ; and from that day he devoted himself, not to revenging his brother's death, but to seek the overthrow of Slavery, as having been the cause of it. At that time, the laws of Illinois forbade the holding of anti-Slavery meet- ings, and subjected offenders to fines. Mr. Owen Lovejoy, who was then pastor of a Congregational church in Princeton, Bureau County, Illinois, was in the habit of holding such meet- ings at various places in the State ; and, when arrested, as he often was, and convicted and fined, he always announced at what time and place his next meeting would be held. He was often threatened with violence at these meetings ; but his firm- ness of purpose and determined zeal were unshaken, while his eloquence won many to his support. The authorities soon found it a vain pursuit to punish a reformer of such a spirit, for advocating a cause which he so conscientiously held ; and, eventually, those tyrannical laws were repealed. In 1854 Mr. Lovejoy was elected to the State Legislature, and in 1856 his district sent him to Congress, where he continued, by re-election, until his death. In Congress he was an active, useful member, and eloquent speaker. Only a month before his death, he wrote to his friend, "Wm. Lloyd Gar- rison, the great and early apostle of anti-Slavery, his views with regard to the re-election of Abraham Lincoln, expressing the sentiments which filled the hearts of the large majority of Union men, and adding: "It seems to me certain that the Providence of God, during another term, will grind Slavery to powder." Owen Lovejoy was ranked among the leading reformers of the Abolition school. He died at Brooklyn, New York, March 25, 18G4. 36. GEORGE EVANS. * George Evans, one of the profeundest statesmen Maine Has ever pro- duced, -was born in that State, January 12, 17^7. After a thorough academical preparation, he entered Bowdoin College, and graduated, "with distinction, in 1M5. On leaving College, he at once commenced the study of law ; and. after a most thorough apprenticeship, he removed to Gardiner. Maine, and opened an office. He soon rose to eminence, and enjoyed a widely-extended prac- tice. He had already begun to 'be talked of as a suitable person to be clothed ■with ''legal ermine." when it was discovered that he was peculiarly fitted for the business of legislation, and he was elected to the State Legislature in 1S25, and was re-elected for four successive years. In his fourth year, he was chosen Speaker of the House, in which position his rare abilities were exhibited to advantage, and he commanded the entire approbation of both sides of the House. In 1S29 he was elected a Representative to the United States Congress. where he at once assumed a high rank as a statesman, and entered upon the business in hand with an aptitude that indicated a large experience in legislation. His maiden speech made a decided impression in his favor ; and from that time to the close of his long and arduous service in that House, he never receded a step in the estimation of his colleagues. After serving his constituents faithfully, and acceptably in the lower House for twelve years, Mr. Evans was transferred to the United States Senate. His complete knowledge of financial matters led him to be placed at the head of the Finance Committee during the protracted debate which arose on the adjustment of the Tariff question. Mr. Clay, who had been offered the position, declined, saying : " Mr. Evans knows more about the Tariff question than any other public man in the United States j* and a leading political journal of that day declared that "there probably was no man living better acquainted with the financial affairs of this country than Mr. Evans." On the occasion of his retirement from the Senate. Mr. Webster took occasion to speak of him in the most flattering terms: "And now. Mr. President."' said Mr. Webster, "since the honorable member has remi:. us that the period of his service within these walls is about to expire, I take this occasion, even in the Senate, and in his own presence, to say. that his retirement will be a serious loss to this Government and this country.*' Mr. Evans occupied an enviable position before the American people, not only as ■ statesman, but as a patron of education and literature : and his fame will go down to posterity as a profound legislator, a critical scholar, and a public benefactor. 87. ISRAEL PUTNAM. Major-general Israel Putnam was born in Salem, Massachusetts, January 7, 1718. Among the brave men, who fought the early battles of our country, none were braver than Putnam. He was of a kind and peaceful nature ; but when roused by insult, or injustice, his iron heart leaped to his hand, and his blows on the heads of wrongdoers fell fast and furious. When yet a mere boy, he was insulted by a much larger and older boy, on account of his rustic appearance, to whom he gave a sound thrashing, to the delight of the lookers-on. What schoolboy has not read the thrilling story of " Old Put and the Wolf?" He served in the old French and Indian war, in which his whole ca- reer teemed with acts of romantic chivalry. All his hardships, hair- breadth escapes, and wondrous feats, would require volumes to narrate. In 1757, while Putnam bore the rank of major, he was ordered, in com- pany with the iutrepid Rogers, with a detachment of several picked men, to watch the movements of the enemy, who were encamped near Ticonderoga. Beiug discovered, he was compelled to retreat on Fort Edward, when he fell upon an ambush of French and Indians. Taken by surprise, he halted his men and returned the fire of the enenry ; and the battle soon became general and waxed hot. Putnam became sepa- rated from the body of his army, and was compelled to defend himself against several Indians. Three'of them he slew, when the fourth rushed on him (as his gun missed fire) with uplifted tomahawk, and Putnam sur- rendered. The Indian immediately bound him to a tree, and joined the melee once more. While bound, "he was between the fire of both par- ties, at one time ; and the bullets pierced his clothes, and the tree beside him. A young Indian also amused himself by throwing a tomahawk into the tree beside of his head. At the close of the right, he was un- bound, led into captivity, and treated with great cruelty. He was tied to a sapling, and a fire kindled to roast him alive ; but just as the fire began to scorch his limbs, a shower of rain came and put out the flames ; and before they could again be kindled, the savage who captured him came and claimed him as his ; and having some spark of humanity in his savage breast, dressed his wounds and protected him from insult and cruelty during the remainder of the march. He was at length exchanged, and lived to fight other battles. At the breaking out of the Revolutionary War, he was at work upon his tarm, and when a messenger arrived informing him of the contem- plated attack on Bunker Hill, he was in the field plowing. He immedi- ately left his plow, took his gun and jumped upon his horse, arriving in season to do eminent service in that memorable battle. He served his country faithfully, and at the close of the war retired to his farm; where he enjoyed the blessings of the free institutions for which he fought, to the age of seventy-two, when he died, at Brooklyn, Connecticut, Ma v 29, 1790. 38. HENEY KNOX. General Henry Knox was born in Boston, Massachusetts, July 25, 1750. He married the daughter of a staunch loyalist, and was an officer in the British army when the struggle of the Revolution commenced. His whole soul wag fired with the cause of freedom, and he contrived his escape from Boston, and, presenting himself at the camp of Washington, offered his ser- vices to his country. His wife, who, notwithstanding her Tory origin, fully sympathized with the patriots, accompanied her husband in his flight, secreting his sword in the folds of her petticoat. The noble woman adhered to his fortune through the trials and privations of the campaign, and had the holy satisfaction of sharing her husband's joys in the established Inde- pendence of their country. When young Knox presented himself at "Washington's headquarters, our army was destitute of cannon, without which he felt that it was impos- sible to cope with the British forces. There was no way of obtaining the needed supply but by transporting it from the dilapidated forts of the Can- adian frontier. This dangerous and almost Herculean labor was triumph- antly performed by that gallant young officer, and an artillery department of respectable force was added to our army, the command of which was bestowed upon Knox, with a Brigadier- General's commission. These guns were planted on Dorchester Heights, and the British army speedily com- pelled to evacuate Boston. General Knox, at the head of the artillery, was in constant service during the entire contest which succeeded, and generally under the immediate eye of Washington, between whom and himself a strong attachment existed, which lasted until the death of his distinguished and beloved commander. At the battle of White Plains, Trenton, Prince- ton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth, as also at the seige of Yorktown, Knox and his artillery rendered most valuable aid. He w;is one of the commissioners to negotiate the terms of capitulation of C'ornwallis. In 1785, under the old regime, General Knox was Secretary of War, until the r«ew organization, when Washington immediately appointed him to the same office, which he , continued to hold until 1704, at which time Washington reluctantly consented to accept his resignation, and he retired to his farm, in Thorn aston, Maine, where he lived in hospitable retirement, until the 25th of October, 1806, when he died suddenly from accidental stran- gu 1 ation. Few men contributed more largely to the success of our Revolutionary strujr^rle than General Knox. As the projector, author, and first commander of artillery, with the entire confidence of Washington, his opportunities were equal to his desires, and hie success tantamount to his genius and bravery. 39. JOSIAH WINSLOW JosrAH Winslow was born in what is now Marshfield, Massachusetts, in 1629, just nine years after the arrival of the Pilgrims. He was son of Edward Winslow, who came over in the May-Flower, and who was the third Governor of the Oolony. Josiah was born of brave stock, of which he proved no degenerate scion. He commenced his public life very early. No sooner had he arrived at the age eligible to office than he was chosen Deputy to the General Court, from his native town, and was constantly employed in public business, until he was elected Governor. He was a man of charming address, a well-cul- tivated mind, and an amiable disposition. These traits, added to his fear- less courage and military bearing, all resting on a highly-refined piety for their base, eminently fitted him for the then highly-important office of Gov- ernor, and gave him great popularity. His first public act after he was chosen Governor, was the restoration to their civil rights of Isaac Robinson and Mr. Cadworth, of which they had been deprived on account of their religious opinions. He was mild and tolerant himself, and could not endure the persecutions which were practiced against non-conformists of whatever name. His moral character was fully equal to his physical courage. He encountered public prejudice with the same unblenching resolution with which he exposed himself to the bullets and ambush of the Indians. King Philip's war was coincident with his administration, and in it he did eminent service, and proved himself a sagacious leader and brave war- rior. In 1657, soon after the death of his father, he was elected to the office of Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the Colonies. For many years he was one of the Commissioners of the Confederated Colonies. Of highly-polished manners, greatly gifted in conversation, fond of society, and blessed with the means to gratify himself in all these respects, the social and festive scenes of " Careswell " were of the most delightful, refined, and instructive kind. Here, with his beautiful wife presiding, he won for himself the proud distinction of being " the most accomplished gentleman and the most agreeable companion in New England." Governor Winslow never enjoyed very robust health, and his exposures and hardships in King Philip's war doubtless aggravated his disease, and accelerated his death, which took place on the 18th day of December. 1680, in the fifty- second year of his age. Josiah Winslow was the first native-born Governor of the Plymouth Colony 40. PRESTON S. BROOKS. Preston S. Brooks was born in Edgefield District, Sonth Carolina, in August, 1819. Graduating at the South Carolina College, in 1S39, he adopted the profession of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1843. He was elected to the Legislature of South Carolina, in 184-4 ; and, on the breaking out of the Mexican War, in 1846, raised a company of vol- unteers, of which he was made Captain, serving in the Palmetto Regiment during the greater part of the campaign. At the close of the war, he returned to South Carolina, and settled down as a planter. He was elected Representative to Congress in 1853, and re-elected in 1855. The fiery debates in Congress on the Kansas difficulties — the electric spark that presaged the thunderbolt of war that was preparing to burst upon the country — aroused every feeling of passion that was smothered, and lay smouldering, in both the Northern and Southern heart. In the midst of all this dense passion, this pent-up feeling found its vent in two opposite natures, — one sedate, classical, and confident in the justice of its cause ; the other passionate, impulsive, and reckless, acting under imaginary wrongs. Charles Sumner had made one of his most memorable speeches against the South, and her institution, in which he particularly criticised Senator Butler, of South Carolina, a near relative of Mr. Brooks. Chafing under this severe attack upon thv. peculiar institution of his State, and the personal criticism of his relative, the " chivalrous spirit" of Mr, Brooks was arousecL and he determined to be avenged. Entering the Senate Chamber, he com- mitted a personal and almost deadly assault upon the Massachusetts Senator, This event caused great excitement in the North, and a spirit of indig- nation pervaded every breast. A Senator from Massachusetts had been brutally assaulted in his chair by a Representative from South Carolina I Henry Wilson, the colleague of Mr, Sumner, in the Senate, pronounced the assault "murderous, brutal, and cowardly ; " whereupon, Mr. Brooks chal- lenged him to a deadly conflict. Mi'. Wilson replied that, while he religiously believed in the right of self-defense, he must decline to accept the challenge, believing dueling to be, not only a violation of the law of the land, but the relic of a barbarous age. Although denounced by the North, Mr. Brooks was sustained by his constituents. The fiery spirit of Mr. Brooks was again displayed in the Presidential can- vass of 1850, when he threatened that, in the event of the election of John C. Fremont, he would " march upon Washington, seize the archives of the Government, and take possession of the capital." Disappointed in the opportunity, this threat was a foreshadowing of the events which occurred on the election of Abraham Lincoln, as President of the United States, in 1860. Dying in Washington, D. C, January 27, 1857, he left behind him many warm personal friends. 41. WILLIAM L. MARCY. William L. Marcy was born in Sturbridge (now Southbridge), Mas* sachusetts, December 12, 1786. He received bis academical education at Leicester, and entered Brown University, Providence, Rbode Island, wbere be graduated in 1808. He taugbt scbool for a wbile in Newport, studied law and commenced practice in Tro}-, New York. He heartily approved tbe policy of Jeffer- son and Madison, and tbe principles of tbe Republican party. On tbe breaking out ot tbe war of 1812 be enlisted, was appointed lieutenant and marcbed to tbe northern frontier, where be took tbe first prisoners (on land) during tbe war, which were retained. Gen. Cass hav- ing previously captured some, and lost them again. During the war. he brought himself into general notice by a series of articles which he wrote and published (in the Albany Argus) over the sig- nature of" Vindex," in justification of tbe war, which were characterized by great research and unusual force of argument. He early formed the acquaintance of Martin Van Buren, which ripened into intimacy. He was appointed Recorder o f Troy in 1816, and in 1821 was appointed Adju- tant General of the State of New York. In 1823 be was chosen Comp- troller, and removed to Albany. He was appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the State in 1829, and in 1831 was elected United States Senator, wbere al- most the first act of his senatorial career was to defend his friend Van Buren, who bad been appointed to the English Mission. In 1832 he was elected Governor of New York, and re-elected in 1834. He was again nominated for that office in 1838, bnt was defeated by Wm. H. Seward, tbe Whig candidate. He was appointed by President Van Buren one of the Commissioners to decide upon the claims against the Mexican government. In 1845 be was appointed Secretary of War, by President Polk, which he held during his administration. His services duriog the Mexican war were of great value to the President and the na- tion. From 1853 to 1857 be was Secretary of State under President Pierce. He was a member of the " Albany Regency," and bad tbe reputation of being a shrewd political tactician, and probably has never been sur- passed in this respect, by any of the politicians of New York, except Martin Van Buren. He was not a graceful speaker, but as a writer be ranked high. His style was strong clear and perspicuous, flowing with ease and elegance. He died at Ballston Spa, New York, July 4, 1857. > UU ^» to p 5" <» p ^ PU III 1 fr* 2 » s B ^ "* a? •* 4$. PETEUS STUYVESANT. Petrus Stuyvesant was born in Holland, near the beginning of the sixteenth century. In 1002 the Dutch East India Company received its charter, under whose auspices Hendrick Hudson discovered and explored the great North River, of New Netherlands, as far as Albany, in 1009. Colonies were soon after formed in Albany and New York, then called New Amsterdam. In 1021 the Dutch West India Company was formed; and, under the patronage of this mighty corporation, with its almost exhaustless resources of wealth and power, New Netherlands at once received an impetus of growth which has gone on increasing until the present day. Various men had been appointed to the Director-Generalship, who had governed, or misgoverned, its affairs, for about a quarter of a century, when Petrus Stuyvesant, who had been Director-General in the Dutch colony at Curacoa, and from which port he had returned to Holland, on account of ill health, received the appointment in 1045. Four ships comprised the squadron which bore the Governor- General to the new sphere of his authority, filled with newly-appointed officers, farmers, tradesmen, artisans, speculators, and gentlemen of leisure, seeking a home and livelihood in the New World. General Stuy vesant's " strong points of character" began at once to ap- pear in the rigid discipline of the ships, and the general good order prevalent throughout the squadron. On his arrival at New Amsterdam, he found things in a sad condition. Misrule had complete ascendency, and riot, murder, theft, and injustice of all kinds, bore sway. With a wise energy he strove to correct these evils, and at length re- duced the chaos to order. He was at once a thorough reformer of abuses, while he consolidated the Government, and became thoroughly conservative in its administration. Stern and uncompromising, and possessed withal of an unsuspected character for morality and truth, the affairs of the colony prospered under his administration. But he had to encounter the machinations of jealous, mean-minded men at home, and envious and selfish ones in the colony. After twenty years of troubled reign, he was recalled, to defend himself before his superiors, and was deprived of his commission. He was the last of the ancient regime, for New Netherlands was shortly afterward wrested from the hands of the Dutch, b* r the English, under whose rule it remained until 1770, when the United States declared their Independence. Stuyvesant returned to this country in 1008, and died in 1072. There are landmarks of his farm still in existence in the city of New York. 43. DAVID CEOCKET. David Crocket, the eccentric, laughter-loving, fun-making backwoods- man, of whom more amusing stories have been told than of any other man in our country, was born at the mouth of Limestone River, Green Connty, Tennessee, August 17, 1786. He was of Irish descent, and the natural humor of that race appears in every passage of our hero's life. At the time of his birth, East Tennessee was a mere wilderness, and David grew up without the means of education, save such as an occasional month at some rustic school, or the lessons taught him in his own rude home, afforded. When he was seven years of age, his father became sud- denly bankrupt, by a conflagration, when he removed to Jefferson County, and opened a small public house. Here the boy remained, helping his father, until about twelve years of age, when he was hired out to a Dutch- man, as a drover-boy, of whom he soon became tired, and ran away. After wandering about for some time, and getting much rough usage, he reached his father's house, where he remained for one year, when he ran away from, home, and joined another cattle-drover, bound for Western Virginia, who turned him loose at the end of his journey, with only four dollars in his pocket. Now (to use his own language) he commenced " knocking about for him- self ;" and for three years did young Crocket " knock about," when he returned home, went to school a few weeks, fell in love several times, unsuc- cessfully, and at length was married in 1810, and became a father. He lived at first with his wife's mother, working a little, and hunting a great deal, for his subsistence. After two years he set up his own cabin on Elk River, where he culti- vated a few acres for his bread, and ranged the forest for his meat. In 1813 he enlisted as a volunteer under General Jackson, and was in several hard-fought battles, the foremost among the brave. His merriment, his Dutch anecdotes, and bear stories, his wonderful shooting, his fortitude, and his courage, made him a universal favorite, and the very life of the camp. At the close of the war he was honored with the title of Colonel, elected Justice of the Peace, and afterward sent to the Legislature, where he be- came celebrated as the " Member from the Cane." He soon removed to Western Tennessee, where he became the " crack shot of all those diggins." In 1828 he was elected Representative to Congress, and re-elected in 1830. At Washington he was a conspicuous personage, and became very popular with the members, being the only genuine backwoodsman ever in Congress. He afterward enlisted in the Texan cause, and died fighting for its in- dependence. After defending a fort for ten hours against tremendous odds, he surrendered to Santa Anna, who ordered him to be murdered, and he fell, pierced by ten swords. Colonel Crocket was brave and generous to a fault. At a time of great scarcity, he took a load of corn to his " old stumping-ground." When a man came to buy his corn, the first question he asked was : " Have you the money to pay for it ?" If answered, " yes," Davy's reply was : " You can't have a kernel . I brought it to sell to people who have no money !" 44. "WILLIAM K. KING. "William It. King was born, in North Carolina, in 1786* He was not a brilliant boy ; but, by constant application, he was enabled to surmount difficulties at which many a genius would have stumbled and fallen. At a very early age he entered into political life, and his fellow-citizens showed their estimation of his abilities and honesty, by intrusting him with several minor offices, the faithful discharge of the duties of which led them to select him to represent their interests in Congress, before he was twenty-five years of age. In 1811 Mr. King went to the United States House of Representatives, and served acceptably to his constituents for two terms. Not long after the close of this service, he removed into the Territory of Alabama, then about to become a State. When it was admitted into the Union, he was chosen United States Senator from the new State, and continued for twenty-five years, without intermission, a most faithful, diligent, and consistent member of that body. In 1844, President Tyler appointed him Minister to France, where he represented his country with great credit and satisfaction, and was received by Louis Phillippe with marked distinction. He returned to the United States in 1847, and was called again to the National Senate, by the citizens of Alabama, in 1849. This was the commencement of the adminis- tration of President Taylor, as President of the United States, by whose untimely death it passed into the hands of Mr. Fihnore. Mr. King was chosen to succeed Mr. Filmore, as President pro tern, of the Senate, and, consequently, acting Vice-President of the United States. At the Democratic Convention which met at Baltimore in 1S52, Mr. King was nominated for Vice-President, with Franklin Pierce, of New Hamp- shire, for President, and was elected. But he was not permitted to en joy his new and well-deserved honor. His health, which h;id long been pre- carious, now failed him altogether, and his disease assumed the most alarm- ing symptoms. He soon found himself the doomed victim of that scourge of our climate, consumption. After trying the usual remedies, without success, he was sent to Cuba, at the expense of the Government, to try the effect of change of climate. But death had marked him for his own, and he returned just in season to expire in the bosom of his family, at the age of sixty-seven, in the yeai 45. BENJAMIN LINCOLN. Benjamin Lincoln, an heroic officer of the Revolution, a skillful dip* lomatist, and ready debater in the councils of the nation, was born at Hingham, Massachusetts, June 23, 1733. When the Revolutionary war commenced, Lincoln was Lieutenant, under commission of Governor Hut- chinson. , He unhesitatingly threw himself into the cause of the Colonists, and, in 1775, was elected a member of the Provincial Congress, and by that body appointed one of its Secretaries, and a member of the Committee of Corres- pondence. In 1776 he received the appointment of Brigadier-General, and the fol- lowing year entered the Continental Army as Major-General; and in the autumn of the same year joined the Northern Army under Schuyler. He rendered valuble service in that trying campaign, and signalized himself in both the battles on the plains of Saratoga, which proved so disastrous to General Burgoyne. He was so severely wounded in the fight of the 7th of October, as to be obliged to leave the army, and return home. He rejoined the army (to the great joy of "Washington, who duly appreciated his valuable services) in the following August. He was immediately sent to the South to assume command of the army in that quarter, which he found, on his arrival at Charleston, S. C, in December, 1778, in the most destitute and disorderly condition ; but, by indefatigable industry and energy, he was enabled to take the field, and commence offensive operations in the June following, when he attacked the garrison at Stono Ferry, and, in conjunction with the impetuous De Estaing, made a chivalrous attack on Savannah, both of which were unsuccessful. He then undertook to defend Charleston against the siege and blockade of Sir Henry Clinton's army of nine thousand men, and, after a brave resist- ance of more than two months, was obliged to surrender. Such was his popularity with the army and the whole country, that their confidence in him was not abated by this disaster, for, on being ex- changed in 1781, he rejoined the army, and was sent once more to co-operate with the Southern forces, where he had the high satisfaction of aiding in the reduction of Yorktown, and of conducting the defeated army to the field where they were to lay down their arms at the feet of Washington. Immediately after the close of the war, Mr. Lincoln was chosen Secretary of War. He resigned in 1783, and received the thanks of Congress for his patriotic military and civil services, when he retired to his farm, and passed his time in agricultural and literary pursuits, until 1786-7, when he took the field again to quell the famous Shay's insurrection. Having triumphantly accomplished this, he again sought the seclusion of home ; but he could not keep entirely from public service, for the people called him to various posts of honor, such as Lieutenant-Governor, Collector of the port of Boston, member of the Constitutional Convention, and Presi- dent of the Society of Cincinnati, from its organization to the day of his- death, in all of which he was trusted, respected, an! be:.P o H - ir ft C tt2.cc 3 B 3»y^ no ^- <"> 2 "» "9 k. so pj £p P s' 5 " «P g, 3» P-P-P^P, 5 ^ S 3 § .? ■f'S'-d 5 o 2? £^ HO^ o O „ft p J 3/'*!0 i-t 1 3 jL, < t p ►< p ni> - " £** ■ M C rS oo ,_. " 5' - ST* ^ 5 2 » m- 3 O. CO O 7J £• 6 co 3; tSbd g ^3 ® • ft 3* O ft Wg. « ■-•3 § *o«3 i» P 3 00,70 2 ft a- <"> - j° ft ft 3 3 P P >4*a a fan*) ■ a. ' « 5 P g-e-srs*® pp ff- 8o(E » p^^pp ft ft 3* b ,_. 2 t* »* 2 m 00 3J 5. St « t^JS * 09 ft 2 S p 3 «"< P-5" 3 -ft i- 5 : S.Sg —i j ■ p i 2. ft 09 fc^ »S 3-^ » - ** S x a, £. 3: ft » O B'S-B •?-3'E\3*3* I Ml O CD CO CD o B 3-o° ^ P- ft o a PP Set. g 3 ItjO g — CO p O 3* He. H c O 3 3 £ p 3 3 2 in 2^ ^ M-g,- f- 3" wa t 2 So,,. P - CO ^ co ct) S • 2 co p^HP? o 00 ^ 00 p Mj^ ",' i? . . ^ •< CO ct. ■ — hd * to m ■ ft 3 a ii K 3. CD _ O 35 M ■ a 3 3. a n-P i_, 3^ co ST. a CD m. CD 3 i° ft lj •- s- - -i p Pc? P I'd go* 3 K ^*d P'^j a.2 ft &.LE H co ^ M c w.^ T P b.* ,«B 3 3 CD J^ ^•d 3 h-jg'ft ►i "; 5 "H Ko a o P> »t! CO O 3: k "t - P ^* *"«d g, a oo 3 ft r.^ ft ' a 3 t^P 3- f - ? g'E.s s -j O 3 P S ft h a *k g 3 i-dh-l CD P CO w ^i ►-! CO CD 2. "^O V! CD o. 5 V) P a » ft 2. ja g- 5"^ tig Si £ 2. _ M r/j ft* «* S" < ■ oT^ ^ - &3^ § g^ cd 3 p a • s p « r* tti 3 S 3 » 2, - m. m a 3-^- co 3 j ,3 Si 1 ft 1:1 — -s)° p 2? •^ o C5 fea ^ H &;3ft C3 ?P £-3 a « s» 2. CD '""' 3 r» B P. "P-3 ™ "" Q- CD . oo 3 ^ ft 2 O p 0009 P> O "^ fD' 3 1 3^ co 3 f^ft 1- C5 3-«.3 •^ <* a 5° ft S • 00 bd :& *wi 3 CTCJ 1 at p O P O <1 c+- CD P p I-g* -a oo ,_, 3* 3' r^ ^* • 3 ** ►* Op • ■ p Pj 3 30? 35 3 oo" 2 ft ft 5 p ^H.t^f 1 ^ . to _► o 3* Wf0 P 3; CD g B -3 D-^3 3 p "< p -iS S'S O S ;? 1-! P CD P O&S.ft O CD ft ^a^P' 3 Baq ST*-. 2 p m 5 ^ m. 5 1 ^ ill L 1 •T' ft 3 CD p b o Pj r§ ja 5 P 3 p-g ^3* o p *■ p &g a cc -iE.25 5 3'S a 00 3 cc ^- •t'O a. 3: "I ft ^ P 3,- 3 l- 'd *-* s- 5 olSiS'r? 113 ft CD 5-ft CD a* oPS-f c*m.o^ S ft ft s co't-cciq'g • 3*ft » -^o-P 3"° B-T P ft h- pJS p • p- 50. JOHN J. CRITTENDEN. •John J. Crittenden was born in September, 1786, in "Woodford County, Kentucky. When quite young he entered the army, and during the war of 1812 he served as Major, under General Hopkins, and as aid-de- camp to Governor Shelby, at the battle of the Thames. After studying law, he opened an office in Frankfort, Kentucky, where he speedily rose to a high position in his profession. He served a number of years in the State Legislature, and was chosen Speaker. His uncommon talents, combined with the ease and fluency of his public address, made him a popular man with his party ; while his sound judg- ment, and powers of close, cogent argument, marked him as a growing lawyer and budding statesman. In 1817 he was elected by the Whig party to the Senate of the United States. After two years' service he returned to Frankfort, and for the space oi' sixteen years devoted himself to the duties of his profession, and rose to the highest rank as a lawyer, being retained in all the most difficult and abstruse legal questions which came before the courts of Kentucky. During this period he occasionally served in the Legislature. In 1835 he was once more called into public life by an election to the United States Senate, from which time he continued to serve his country in various capacities until his death. He occupied his seat in the Senate for six years, and in 1841 was appointed, by President Harrison, Attorney- General of the United States; but, in September, 1841, Mr. Tyler having succeeded General Harrison to the Presidency, he resigned, with other members of the Cabinet, and retired to private life. He was soon, however, called, by the Legislature, to resume his seat in the Senate of the United States, in 1842, to fill an unexpired term ; and wae again elected, to serve for six years from 1843 ; but, in 1848, having received the Whig nomination for Governor of Kentucky, he retired from the Senate, and was elected to that office, which he held until his appointment as Attor ney-General by President Filmore. This position he held throughout that administration, discharging ite, duties with a fidelity and ability alike honorable to himself and the Govern- ment he helped to administer. He was again elected to the United States Senate in 1855, for the term ending March 4, 1861, and was, when he re- tired, the oldest member of that body. He was elected, in 1860, a Representative from Kentucky to the Thirty- seventh Congress. During the excitement in Congress preceding the seceding of the South- ern States, Mr. Crittenden brought forward his plan of adjusting the diffi- cultj--, which were designated as " The Crittenden Compromise Measures." They were not accepted, and when the Rebellion commenced, Mr. Crittenden was found on the side of the Union. He died July 25, 1863. 7 W ^ <$ P- -& ^iSHEt) ^ © WM. H. LEE, 199 & 201 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK- ii AT MANUFACTUEEES' PEICES. UATTBASSES SPRISG-BEBS, WARE ROOMS, =Pl99 Fulton St KY. SOFA BEDSTEADS, W H LEE PARLOR, LIBRARY, CHAMBER AND DINING SUITES In every Variety, All Goods warranted and packed with care. "V7":m:- kc, lee 3 Between Broad way and Greenwich St. , i._^»1fOK[l. 61. PATRICK HENBY. PATRICK HENRY was born in Virginia, May 29. 1736. His boyhood was as unpromising as could Well be imagined. He was a great truant, hating his books, and delighting in nothing so much as his angle-rod and gun. In these sports he would spend weeks at a time ; and while watching the cork of his fishing-rod, he would sit for hours absorbed in reflection. In the midst of his companions, he often gat silent, appearing to be occupied with his own thoughts, or reflecting deeply on the character of his playmates. At sixteen his father set him up in trade, but he did not suc- ceed. During that time he acquired a taste for reading, but his chief em- ployment was in studying the character of his customers, as they became excited in controversy, or interested in relating anecdotes. Not succeeding in the store, he determined to study law. After six Weeks' study, he applied for a license to practice, and passed his examina- tion, astounding his examiners, not by his knowledge of law, but by the strength of his intellect, and brilliancy of his genius. For three years his success was small, when an event brought him before the court, and gave him a chance to display his ability as a pleader and an orator. It was a case between the people and the clergy of the English Church, in regard to the payment of their salaries in tobacco, at a price fixed by the Legislature. Patrick Henry was emploj^ed by the people, as no one else could be found to espouse their cause. "When he rose to make his plea, he faltered, and appeared very awkward, and the people hung their heads at so unpropitious a commencement, the clergy, at the same time, exchanging sly glances with each other. In a few moments, however, as he warmed with the subject, those wonderful facul- ties which he possessed were, for tho first time, developed, and now was wit- nessed that mysterious transformation of appearance which the fire of his own eloquence never failed to work in him. His attitude, by degrees, be- came erect and lofty ; the spirit of his genius awakened all his features ; his countenance shone with a grandeur which it never before exhibited ; there was a lightning in his eye that seemed to rive the spectators. His actions became graceful, bold, and commanding ; and in the tones of his voice, more especially in his emphasis, there was a peculiar charm, " a magic," of which all who ever heard him, speak, but of which no one could give any adequate description. His triumph was complete. The Jury gave him a verdict without deliberation, and the people carried him from the Court-House on their shoulders. From this time, Patrick Henry was one of the foremost men of Virginia, and his life was brilliantly connected with the history of his country. After a successful career at the bar, he was elected to the State Legisla- ture, where his well-known speeches, familiar to every school-boy, gave Vir- ginia to the Revolution. He served conspicuously in the First Congress, and was elected Governor of Virginia. He died on the Gth day of June, 1799, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. 52. JOHN HANCOCK. John HANCOCK was born in Quincy, Massachusetts, in 1737. He graduated at Harvard College, in 1754, at the age of seventeen, with no par- ticular marks of distinction. On leaving college, he entered the counting-room of his uncle, one of the wealthiest merchants of Boston, where he remained six years. He then went to Europe, and returned, after four years' absence, to enter upon the immense fortune of his uncle, who, dying, had made him his heir. In 176'i, at a political meeting to nominate a candidate to the Legisla- ture of Massachusetts, Samuel Adams, desirous of enlisting in the cause of the people, the great estate and influential name of John Hancock, nomi- nated him to represent his district, and he was elected. Ever after, he was an ardent and conspicuous friend of his country. Indeed, he made himself so prominent in the politics of the day, that he was in danger of prosecution for treason. In 1768, one of his sloops, laden with wine, from Madeira, was seized by the Government, on a pretext of false entry. A mob collected, and pelted the officers with stones, broke the windows of their residences, and seized a boat belonging to the collector of the port, which they dragged, to the Com- mon, and burned. This was the first serious disturbance which had occurred in America growing out of the events preceding the Revolution. It made a prodigious noise in the world, and gave a great prominence to the name of John Hancock. In 1774 he was elected a member of the Continental Congress, and was chosen President of that body. That year he delivered an oration, on the anniversary of the Boston massacre, which established his reputation as a true friend of the country. In 177G, as President of Congress, he placed his name at the head of that immortal paper which declared to the world our Independence, where it stands in that round, striking hand, which exhibits a bold and fearless spirit, and a resolution never to subscribe to any compromise with tyranny or oppression. Mr. Hancock was blessed with a pleasing person, winning address, and possessed great wealth. Staking everything on the die of the Revolution, he became one of the most popular leaders of that glorious struggle, and one of the most obnoxious to the Tory authorities. In 1780 he was chosen first Governor, under the new Constitution, of his native State, which office he continued to hold (with the exception of two years) until his death, in October, 1793, at the age of fifty-five. Possessed of ample means, Governor Hancock lived in a style of princely magnificence, and his abode was the ne plus ultra of a noble and brilliant hospitality. His door was never shut on the people, and the poor were never sent empty-han led or in sorrow from his door. At his table might be seen all classes, from grave and dignified clergy down to the gifted in song, narrative, anecdote, and wit. 53. JOHN JAY. John Jay was born in New York, December 12, 1745. He graduated at Columbia College, in 1764, with the highest honors of his class ; and in 1768 was admitted to the bar, with the most brilliant prospects, in which he would undoubtedly have risen to great eminence, had he not been called to the political arena, and joined that noble brotherhood who leagued for the overthrow of tyranny, and stood shoulder to shoulder with the Adamses, Jefferson, Henry, Hamilton, and the whole host of patriots who took their lives in their hands, and determined to sink or swim with their country. He was elected one of the delegates to the First Congress, in 1774, and when he took his seat was the youngest member on the floor of that House ; yet such was the gravity of his manner, the ^profoundness of his knowledge, and the ripeness of his judgment, that he was appointed to some of the most important committees of that august body. He wrote that address to the people of Great Britain, which the gifted Jefferson pronounced the pro- duction of the finest pen in America. He also wrote several other addresses adopted by Congress, all of which bear the stamp of true genius, burning patriotism, and great comprehensiveness. In 1 777 he was appointed Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York; in 1779, Minister to Spain ; and, in 1782, Commissioner, in company with Dr. Franklin, John Adams, and Mr. Laurens, to negotiate a peace with England. It was mainly owing to his firmness that the recognition of the Inde- pendence of the United States was extorted from Great Britain. He wrote a number of essays in the Federalist, was chosen Secretary of Foreign Affairs, which position he held until the adoption of the Constitu- tion of the United States, when he was appointed Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court, and in 1794 was appointed Envoy Extraordinary to Great Britain, to negotiate a treaty of commerce, which he effected with great skill and fidelity to his country. On his return he was elected Governor of New York, and served in that capacity until 1801, when he retired to private life. Like all great men of that day, like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Hamilton, Patrick Henry, and John Randolph, and all others of like grade, John Jay was an abolitionist. He brouu-ht home with him, from abroad, ono nfgro slave, to whom he crave his freedom, when he had served long enough to pay the expense in- 3urred i:i bringinghim hrre. Mr. Jay died in May, 1829, having lived to tho great age of eighty-four. QUIMB Y, SMITH & CO., MANUFACTURING- AND DEALERS IN 171 BROADWAY, N. T. Room 4, Gilsey's Building, cor. Cortlandt Street. DAYTON BROTHERS, X>EHKr i TXS l X l S. 267.1 Grand St., New York. {267. (TWO DOORS FROM LORD & TAYLOR'S) Aching-Teeth Cured, and Filled Permanently, without Pain. Teeth filled with Gold $1 and upwards Teeth Extracted 25 eta Rubber and Silver Sets $5, $10, and $20 Gold and Platina $25 and upwards Teeth filled with Silver .50 cts. to $1 "Without Pain, by the use of Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas. G. W. MASSEY, MAJTOFACTCKER OF MISSES' and. C£tI3L.r>RElV'S .BOOTS & O FOR THE GENERAL TRADE, AND FOB THE New Orleans, Cuban, and. Califbrnian [Markets. Nori^TOiLO^STIlEET, LYNN, MASS. 54. WILLIAM L. DAYTON. WiLLIAM L, Dayton was born in. Somerset County, near Breckenridge, New Jersey, on the 17th. day of February, 1807. He fitted for college under the care of Dr. Brownlee, then a somewhat famous teacher of youth, and graduated at Princeton College, with considerable distinction, in 1825. He studied law with Governor Vroom, and was admitted to the bar in 1830 ; removed to Monmouth, and opened an office, where he soon won a consider- able degree of fame, and a large amount of business, as well as a host of friends. In 1837 he was elected to the New Jersey Senate, and made Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. At the close of this session he was raised to the bench of the Supreme Court, and, though one of the youngest, was one of the most eminent, who ever held that distinguished post. After three years in this distinguished station, he resigned, and resumed the practice of his profession, where his splendid abilities as an advocate soon placed him in the front ranks of the New Jersey bar. On the death of Hon. Samuel L. Southard, United States Senator, in 1842, Governor Pennington tendered Mr. Dayton the position, which he ac- cepted, and served out the term. He was afterward elected to a full term of six years. When he entered the Senate chamber, he was the youngest member of that body, being then barely thirty-five years old. But, amidst the glare of those brilliant lights which shed so much glory on the delibera- tions of that Congress the effulgence of the youthful New Jersey Senator was manifest. He at •once took a commanding position among his compeers, and when- ever he rose to address the Senate, he was received with the most marked respect. His course was open and frank ; his eloquent address and manly bearing secured to him the confidence of his political friends, and the friend- ship of his political opponents. In 185G he was on the ticket with Fremont, for Vice-President of the United States. In 1860 he was appointed Minister to France, by Mr. Lincoln, which position he held until his death, in Paris, December 1, 1864. 55. JAMES K POL] jAmes K. Polk, the 10th President of the United States, was born, November 2, 1795, in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and there re- ceived his early education. In 1806 he .removed with his father to Tennes- see, and lived in the valley of Duck River, a branch of the Cumberland. He'graduated at the University of North Carolina, in 1815, studied law with Felix Grundy, and was admitted to the bar in 1820. He commenced his political career in 1823, as Representative to the Legislature of Ten- nessee. In 1825 he was elected to the Congress of the United States, in which position he continued until 1839 ; and was Speaker of that body from 1835 to 1837. In 1839 he was elected Governor of Tennessee for two years, and was again a candidate, but was defeated. In 1844 he was nominated by the Democratic Convention at Baltimore as a candidate for President of the United States, against Henry Clay, the Whig candidate, and was elected. The annexation of Texas being the prin- cipal question of the canvass, Congress passed a bill for its immediate admission. This act involved the United States in a war with Mexico. That country refusing to accept the proposition to fix the boundary line between it and Texas by negotiation, General Taylor was ordered to take possession of the disputed territory, and a short and decisive contest fol- lowed, which resulted in the acquisition of important and valuable territory to the United States. The discovery of gold in California (a part of the acquired territory), the June following, produced momentous changes in the condition of that coun- try, and made itself felt throughout the world. Thousands of men left their homes (forsaking farms, and closing up business) and flocked to the fortunate spot, and California soon became populated with people of all nations. Notwithstanding the advantages derived from the war, and the vast amount and value of the territory acquired, Mr. Polk was not nominated for a second term. He retired from the Presidency in 1849, and soon after reaching his home, in Nashville, Tennessee, his health began to decline, and he died June 15, 1849. 56. WINFIELD SCOTT. General "WlNFiELD Scott was born in Petersburg, Virginia, June 13, 1786. He chose the legal profession, and was admitted to the bar in 1806, at the age of twenty. "When the war of 1812 broke out, he applied for, and received, a com- mission of Captain of Artillery, and accompanied General Hull in his in- glorious campaign. His first fight was at Queenstown Heights, with four hundred men against thirteen hundred ; and, although defeated and taken prisoner, he fought with desperate valor. After being exchanged, he re- turned to the ground of his former exploits, took Fort Erie, and fought the bloody battles of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane, in which he exhibited rare and mature military knowledge. In the latter engagement he was severely wounded. Congress voted him a large medal, inscribed with the names of " Chip- pewa and Niagara," and bearing his likeness. After the war, he served his country in various capacities, as a soldier and a civilian. In 1841, on the death of General Malcolm, he became Commander-in- Chief of the Army. His military career in the late Mexican "War reflects the highest credit on his name. The taking of San Juan de Ulloa, the storming of Cerro Gordo, the capture of Jalapa, the taking of Parote, the occupation of Peubla, the negotiations carried on while the army rested a while at this place, the fight at Contreras, the fall of San Antonio, the bloody action of Cherubusco, the fight at Molino del Rey, the bombardment and storming of the almost inaccessible Chepultepec, and the final triumphant entrance into the capital of Mexico, are masterpieces of military execution, and placed him, at once, among the great military heroes of modern times. In 1852 he was the regular nominee of the Whig party for the office of President of the United States, but was defeated by General Pierce, the Democratic candidate. On the creation of the office of Lieutenant-General he was assigned to that position, and held it at the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he organized the army, and projected extended plans of operations against the advance of the Confederate army upon "Washington, and. to protect the loyal people of all parts of the Union. He continued in command until Novem- ber 1, 1861, when his greatly advanced age and increasing infirmities, led him to proffer his resignation, which was accepted ; and he was placed upon the retired list, without reduction of pay and emoluments. He did not cease, however, to take an active interest in the Union cause and army, but freely consulted and advised with Mr. Lincoln, and used his powerful influence for its success. He died, May 29, 1866, at the advanced age of eighty years. J±. LEMAIEE, ARTISTIC § WW f artout u fajw JFtanw iM^JVUF^OTORY, No. 643 BROADWAY, cor Bleecker Street, N E W YO RK. ®mmib Mm mv btvu OJ^ EVERY DESCRIPTION AND BEST STYLE* FOB POBCELAOT PASTELS, WATE& COLOES, ENGRAVINGS, PAINTINGS, CHROMOS, PHOTOGRAPHS, &c. ■» ♦ »■ 6fiW, Carved and Plain MADE TO OEDEE In a £7iorJ time, by the Dozen or Hundred. Restored and Re- Varnished. OLD GILT FRAMES MADE LIKE NEW. 57. LAFAYETTE. Marquis de Lafayette -was born in France, in the year 1757. At the age of twenty, refusing preferment and distinction at home, he fitted out an armament, at his own expense, for the relief of the American colonies, when their cause seemed most gloomy and despairing, and came to assist with his counsel, purse, and troops. Arriving in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1777, he soon joined the army, with a Major-General's commission, which he ac- cepted on the condition that he should be allowed to serve at his own ex- pense, and enter the army as a volunteer. His judgment was so profound, and his courage so cool, that the prudent and sagacious Washington confided to him the post of difficulty and danger, and never found his confidence misplaced. He remained in America two years, sharing freely in all the hardships of our suffering army, and returned to Paris, bearing honorable scars, and the grateful thanks of all the colonies. He remained in France two years, actively engaged in the affairs of his Government, and using all his influ- ence, in conjunction with Franklin, then American Minister to the Court of Versailles, in behalf of the American colonies. He soon returned to the field of strife in America, and, after a brilliant campaign, had the satisfac- tion of seeing the British forces compelled to surrender at Yorktown, and the boastful Cornwallis give up his sword to the hero, Washington. Lafayette again received the thanks of Congress, and was conveyed home in triumph in an American frigate. The following year he paid a visit to the United States, and was received amidst the grateful and expressive manifestations of the people, his progress through the States being a continued fete. On his return to France, he entered the arena of political strife, already open in that country, in which his patriotism and love of liberty doomed him to confiscation and prison, and nearly to lose his life. Many of his family laid their necks beneath the keen edge of the guillotine ; others, his wife among them, were shut up in gloomy dungeons. At length he was set free, and as soon as it was known in America, the most urgent invitations were sent him to visit the United States — " that country dear to his heart." Congress seconded the voice of the people, and placed the gunboat " North Carolina" at his disposal. De- clining the honor, he embarked, with his son, in one of the regular packets, the " Cadmus," and reached New York, August 24, 1824. Never was a reception so imposing and spontaneous. One general shout of " Welcome ! Welcome ! ! " burst from all lips, prompted by every heart. From city to city, and from town to town, through the entire borders of the land, for the space of one year, he journeyed, amidst continued enthusiasm. Valley and hill echoed his beloved name, joy and thanksgiving rang from every spire, and boomed from every piece of ordnance in the land. On returning home, he did what lay in his power to establish liberty in the bosom of his native France, until June, 1834, when his earthly struggle closed. 58. JOHN TYLEE. John Tyler, Vice-Prosident, and successor to General Harrison as President of the United States, was born in "Williamsburg, Virginia, March 29, 1790. At the age of twelve he entered William and Mary's College, where he graduated, with distinguished merit, five years after. He was admitted to the bar when nineteen years of age, and elected to the Virginia Legislature when twenty-one. In 1816 he was elected to Congress, and in 1826 was elevated to the station of Governor of his native State. In 1827 the Legislature selected him to fill a vacancy in the United States Senate. He served in this capacity until 1836, when a difference of opinion having arisen between President Jackson and himself, he resigned his seat in that body, and went into retirement. Mr. Tyler did not again make his appearance in public life until 1840, when he was selected by the Whig party as their candidate for Vice-Presi- dent, in connection with General Harrison, as candidate for President ; and, under the rallying cry of " Tippecanoe and Tyler, too? he was elected to that office by a large majority, and entered upon the discharge of its duties March 4, 1841. The death of General Harrison, one month later, raised him to the Chief Magistracy of the Republic. The course he pursued in vetoing two separate bills, chartering a United States Bank, besides opposing the measures of the party that elected him, in various other ways, caused him to be denounced by them in unmeasured terms, and occasioned the resignation, in 1842, of the whole of the cabinet, except Daniel Webster, who, as Secretary of State, had important negotia- tions with England ; and he continued in office until the consummation of the famous " Ashburton Treaty," when, in the spring of 1843, he also re- signed. Mr. Tyler's term of office expired in 1845, after which he lived in retire^ ment until the winter of 1860 and '61, when he took an active part in the calling and organization of the Peace Congress which met in Washington in February, 1861, and of which he was the presiding officer. On his return to Virginia, he became a member of the Virginia Convention which passed the ordinance of secession, April 17, 1861, and was afterward a member of the Rebel Congress. He died in Richmond, Virginia, January 17, 1862. 59. JAMES BUCHANAN. James Buchanan was born on the 13th day of April, 1791, in the County of Franklin, Pennsylvania. After having passed through a regular classical and academical course of instruction, he studied and adopted the law as a profession. Having inherited a predilection for politics, he was elected in 1814 to the House of Representatives of his native State, and re-elected in 1816. After having served two sessions, he declined another re-election. In 1820 he was elected to the United States Congress, and took his seat in that body in December, 1821. He remained a member until March 4, 1831, when he declined further service, and retired to private life. In May, 1831, he was offered the mission to Russia, by President Jack- son, and accepted the proffered honor. Immediately after his return, in 1834, he was elected to the United States Senate, to fill an unexpired term, and in 183G was elected for a full term, and re-elected in 1842. In 1845 he was appointed Secretary of State, by President Polk, which office he held during his administration. In 1853 he was appointed, by President Pierce, Minister to England, in which capacity he resided in London until 185G, when he was elected Presi- dent of the United States. His administration was signalized by the great financial revulsion of 1857 ; the difficulties with the Mormons, which led to sending two thousand five hundred soldiers to bring them to subjection ; the arrival of the mag- nificent embassy from Japan, to deliver the treaty which had been negotiated between the two countries ; the struggle for freedom in Kansas ; the admis- sion of three new States into the Union, viz. : Minnesota, in 1858 ; Oregon, in 1859 ; and Kansas, in January, 1861 ; and the inauguration of the Rebel- lion. Mr. Buchanan was surrounded, mostly, by advisers who sympathized with the South ; and he allowed events to take their course. The army of the United States was scattered along the Western borders — the navy sent to distant ports ; the arsenals at the North were stripped, and the arms sent to the South ; State after State seceded ; the Confederate Government organized at Montgomery ; Senators from the Rebel States uttered the boldest treason in the debates at the capitol ; and, during all this time, President Buchanan did nothing to counteract the efforts of the Rebels, or to avert the threatened danger, denying, in his message to Congress, any powers of " coercion" to exist, constitutionally, in the National Government. Such was the melancholy state of affairs when his administration drew to a close, March 4, 1861, and Abraham Lincoln took his place. He then retired to his farm at Wheatland, near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where his remaining years were spent in quiet retirement. In 1865 he published a defense of his course as President, with the title: " Mr. Buchanan's Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion." ^ He died at Wheatland, June 1, 1868. • 60. SAMUEL ADAMS. Samuel Adams -was born in Quincy, Massachusetts, September 27, 1722, and graduated at Harvard College at eighteen years of age. At that early age he wrote several able articles in favor of resisting the magistrates, if the liberties of the commonwealth could not otherwise be preserved. He commenced life as a merchant, but the force of circumstances, to- gether with his unconquerable love of liberty, soon convinced him and the world that the arena of politics was his natural sphere. In 1765 he was elected to the Legislature, from Boston, of which he was a member for ten years. In 1774 he was sent to the General Congress, where, by his eloquence and burning patriotism, he exerted a mighty influ- ence in behalf of Independence. On the adoption of the Constitution of Massachusetts, he was elected to the Senate, over which he was called to preside. In 1789 he was elected Lieutenant-Governor of the State ; and on the death of John Hancock, in 1794, he succeeded him as Governor, which office he held for three years, when he retired to private life, but did not live long to enjoy it. Among the names of the brave band of patriots who first offered resist- ance to the encroachments of British power on the liberties of the English colonies in America, none is more reverently and affectionately cherished in the American heart than that of the " Patriarch," Samuel Adams. For stern, unbending republicanism, and unflinching devotion to the cause of freedom, none exceeded him. No seductions or bribes could reach his integrity, as was evinced by his reply to Colonel Fenton, the emissary of General Gage, sent expressly to buy up the "obstinate rebel." After offering every tempting bribe, in the shape of gold and office, and more than intimating that his liberty, if not his life, hung on his reply : " Go," said he, raising himself to his full height, and putting himself in an attitude of proud, heroic defiance ; "go tell Governor Gage that my peace has long been made with the King of Kings, and that it is the advice of Samuel Adams to him, no longer to insult the feelings of an already exasperated people." Samuel Adams, more than any other man, induced the people of America to resist the Stamp Act. He was the man chiefly instrumental in destroy- ing the tea in Boston harbor. Above all, he was the originator of the Congress of the Colonies, which met at Philadelphia. It was he, also, who, more than any other in Massachusetts, created the public opinion that sus- tained these measures. As each new measure of arbitrary power was announced from across the Atlantic, or each new menace and violence on the part of the officers of the Government or the army, occurred in Boston, its citizens rallied to the sound of his voice in Faneuil Hall, and there, in the " Cradle of Liberty," as from the gallery or from the chair, he animated, enlightened, fortified, and roused the admiring throng, he seemed to gather them together under the segis of his indomitable spirit, as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings. Samuel Adams died, at the great age of eighty-one, October 2, 1803. 61. DE WITT CLINTON. De Witt Clinton was born in the State of New York, March 2, 1769. He entered Columbia College in 1784, as a junior, and graduated, in 1786, the first scholar in his class. He studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1789, opening his office in New York City. Scarcely, however, had he commenced, practice when he received an appointment as Private Secretary to his uncle, Governor Clinton. Thus introduced to political life, he pursued it until death. In 1797 he was elected a Member of the Assembly, from New York City, and the next year was sent to the State Senate. While in this office he signalized himself as a ready and forcible debater. In 1802 he was elected to the United States Senate. He held this office during two sessions, when he resigned, having been elected Mayor of New York City. While in the Senate he gave his support to Mr. Jefferson and his party. Mr. Clinton continued in the office of Mayor until 1815, with the excep- tion of two years. During this time he was repeatedly sent to the Senate of his native State, where he introduced a number of important laws, and developed his plan of internal improvement. In 1811 he was elected Lieutenant-Governor, and while an incumbent of that office he ran as candidate for President of the United States, in opposition to Mr. Madison, but was unsuccessful. In 1818 he was elected Governor of New York almost without opposition, and was re-elected in 1820. On the adoption of the new Constitution, he retired from office, but was again elected Governor in 1824, and retained the office until his death. Meanwhile the great project of Mr. Clinton had been carried forward to its grand consummation, and the autumn of 1825 witnessed the triumphant completion of " The Great Erie Canal," when a current of joy ran through the entire length of the land. Mr. Clinton was the patron and friend of popular education, agriculture, commerce, internal improvements, the arts and sciences, and for provisions for the insane, for the sick, for the blind, and the convict. His was a most versatile mind, and he seemed proficient in whatever department of civil or political life he happened to be placed. He had a word for all occasions, and a hand for every good work. On the 11th of February, 1828, while conversing with his family in his study, he expired instantly of disease of the heart. The name of De Witt Clinton is forever associated with progress. His enduring monument is the great Erie Canal, a work, for its time, never excelled in this country ; and whether it may be destined to fall more and more into desuetude, or become a source of more extended use — by being enlarged, so as to admit of shipping to pass from the Atlantic to the lakes — it will forever stand out as one of the giant creations of a colossal mind. 62. EUFUS CHOATE. Rufus Choate was born in Ipswich, Massachusetts, October 1, 1799. He entered Dartmouth College in 1815, and graduated, with much eclat, in 1819. After leaving college, he was chosen Tutor, which he shortly after resigned, and entered the Law School at Cambridge. Afterward he studied a year with Mr. "Wirt, and completed his studies with Judge Cummins, of Salem. He commenced practice in the town of Danvers, in 1824, and distinguished himself as an advocate. His legal arguments, replete with knowledge, conducted with admirable skill, evincing uncommon power in the analysis and application of evidence, blazing with the blended fires of imagination and sensibility, and delivered with a rapidity and animation of manner which swept along the minds of his hearers on the torrent of his eloquence, made him one of the most suc- cessful advocates in the country. His manner was now impetuous, violent ; anon, soft as a woman's ; now stirring the intellect and the passions; then touching with the sweetest pathos the seals of the heart's deepest wells, until they melt away, and suffer all the waters of tenderness to come gush- ing up into the eyes of the listener. All this was aided by a voice sometimes sweeter than any flute, and presently as stirring as the blast of a trumpet. "When he addressed a jury, or a popular assembly, he brought to his aid the entire anatomy of his frame — lips, eyes, arms, and legs ; even the very gar- ments which he wore. His political life commenced in 1825, when he was chosen a member of the House of Representatives in the General Court of Massachusetts. In 1827 he was sent to the Senate, where he soon took a prominent part in the debates, and the energy and sagacity which he displayed gave him a wide reputation. In 1832 he was elected a member of Congress from the Essex district. He declined a re-election, and in 1834 removed to Boston, to devote himself to his profession. He soon took a position among the most eminent lawyers at the Suffolk bar ; and for seven years his legal services were in continual demand. In 1841, on the retirement of Mr. "Webster from the United States Senate, he was elected to fill his place by a large majority of the Massa- chusetts Legislature. After he resigned his seat in the Senate, he gave himself up wholly to his profession. He was, for a time, Regent of the Smithsonian Institute, but resigned the position. The country has produced but few men who ranked higher as an orator, and a close, logical reasoner, than the Hon. Rufus Choate, " the great Massachusetts lawyer." He died at Halifax, Nova Scotia, while on his way to Europe for his health, July 12, 1859. 63. SAMUEL APPLETON. SAMUEL Appleton, one of the merchant princes of Boston, who for many years commanded the respect of all the citizens of that busy city, and whose charities, by thousands, have fallen, like refreshing rain, on many a blighted heart, was born in New Ipswich, New Hampshire, June 22, 1706. His early education was acquired at a district school, and completed at six- teen years of age. He worked on the farm with his father until he was twenty-two. Believing that a mercantile life would be more congenial to his tastes, he decided to become a merchant. After trying the country a few years, he removed to Boston, where he was remarkably successful. He began business on the principle that a straightforward, open, and honest course was the best, nay, the only one, and he never forsook it. No man ever lived a life of trade in a more honorable manner. His con- fidence in man was almost unlimited. Rev. Mr. Peabody once said to him: "Mr. Appleton, what is your opinion of the honesty of mankind p" " Very favorable," he replied ; " very generally, I think, they mean to be honest. I have never in my life met with more than three or four cases in which I thought a man intended to be dishonest in dealing with me." . As early as 1823, feeling that his wealth was sufficient, he resolved that his fortune should no longer be increased, and he devoted his whole income to charity. Reserving a fair amount to support the expenses of his house- hold, and to gratify a taste for travel, he consecrated the balance sacredly to the purpose of making glad the hearts of the widow and fatherless, and aiding the destitute. Thus his charities amounted in the last years of his life to tens of thousands annually. The poor wore sought out and relieved. None ever left his door empty-handed, who could show that they really re- quired assistance. The following anecdote illustrates the nice sense of justice always cher- ished by Mr. Appleton : A favorite nephew, to whom he had bequeathed in his will a large pro- portional amount of his estate, died before him ; and, by the terms of the will, a half-sister, between whom and Mr. Appleton there was no blood- relationship, became entitled to these bequests. The executor called Mr. Appleton's attention to the fact, thinking that he might wish to make some change in the disposition of his property. After taking the subject into full consideration, his reply was: " If, in the other world, there is any knowledge of what is done in this, I should not like to have my nephew, whom I loved and trusted, find that my first act, on learning his. death, is the revocation, or curtailment, of a bequest made in his favor, and which, if he had survived me. would have eventually bene- fited her who was nearest and dearest to him." Mr. Appleton's death occurred on the 12th of July, 1853, in the eighty- eighth year of his age. .•' 64. THOMAS J. JACKSON. General Thomas J. Jackson — more familiarly known as " Stonewall Jackson" — was born, January 21, 1824, in Harrison County, Virginia. His father died when he was three years old, leaving his children penniless. He lived with his uncle, and worked upon a farm, until he was seventeen. At sixteen he was elected Constable of the County. At seventeen he managed to get into West Point as a cadet, and graduated, in 1846, with distinction ; was appointed Brevet Lieutenant, and immediately ordered to duty in Mexico, where' he was breveted Captain and Major, for meritorious conduct. He resigned his commission in 1852, and obtained a Professorship in the Virginia Military Academy, and continued in that position until the breaking out of the Rebellion. On the secession of Virginia, he was commissioned Colonel, and subse- quently Brigadier-General, of Volunteers, in the Confederate army, and fought his first battle at Falling Waters, while acting as General J. E. Johnston's rear-guard, in his retreat to Winchester. It was while in the Valley, under Johnston, that he organized his first brigade, which, at the battle of Bull Run, gained the sobriquet, from its leader, of the " Stonewall Brigade." General Bee, when the fortunes of the day seemed wavering, and it was feared all would be lost, met Jackson, and said, bitterly : " General, they are beating us I" Jackson replied : " We will give them the bayonet !" Bee galloped back to his command, and called out to his men, pointing to Jackson: "There stands Jackson, like a stone- wall ! Let us determine to die here, and we shall conquer. Follow me !" The charge was made, and was successful. General Jackson was ever after known as " Stonewall Jackson." v He was advanced to Major-General, in September, 1861, and assigned to the command of the troops around Winchester. General Jackson, being bo^i in the Valley, knew all its passes. He saw, from the first, the im- portance that region bore to the success of the Rebel o*,use, and strove his I uest to preserve it from the possession of the Union forces. He expressed his military opinion, that " if the Valley was lost, Virginia would be lost." All his plans were laid with a view of securing this important region. He alternately pursued, and retreated before, the National forces, under Banks and Fremont. June 17, 1862, he crossed over to the Chickahominy, and was engaged in the seven days' battle and Malvern Hill, and, afterward, at Manassas, Chan- tilly, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville, where he was mor- tally wounded, May 2, 1863, by his own men, who mistook him for the enemy, as he was returning, after dusk, from the advance, where he had gone to view the line of battle. He died May 10, 1863. To the South his loss was irreparable, and the North had learned to re- spect him for his indomitable courage. 65 DANIEL S. DICKINSON. Daniel S. Dickinson was born, September 11, 1800, at Goshen, Litch- field County, Connecticut. In 1807 his father's family removed to Chenango County, New York, when, with no better advantages than those offered by the common school, Daniel educated himself, not only as a school- teach*, but, by the time he was of age, had mastered the Latin language, and the higher branches of mathematics, and other sciences. In 1822 he married a lady of fine intellectual attainments, and turning his attention to the study of the law, was admitted to the bar in 1828, and entered upon the practice of his profession at Binghampton, N. Y., success- fully competing with the ablest lawyers of the State. In 183b' he was elected to the State Senate for four years, and, though one of the youngest members, he speedily became the leader of his party — the Democratic. He was, also, President of the Court for the Correction of Errors. In 1842 he was elected, by a large majority, Lieutenant-Governor of the State of New York ; and in that capacity, as President of the Senate, then constituting the above Court, gave frequent opinions of importance. In 1844 he was chosen an Elector of President of the United States, casting his vote for Polk and Dallas. The same year he was elected to the United States Senate, and took an important part in the debates of that body, and was Chairman of the Finance Committee. In 1852 he received the vote of Virginia for the Presidency, at the Bal- timore Convention, but declined in favor of General Cass, in a speech re- markable for its classic taste and style. President Pierce nominated him as Collector of the Port of New York, but this lucrative post he also declined. At the close of his Senatorial term, he resumed with energy the practice of his profession ; and, on the commencement of the Rebellion, he arrayed himself with alacrity on the side of the Union. It was now that his voice was heard arousing his countrymen to the defense of the Government ; and some estimation may be formed of his labors when it is known that he de- livered, for the Union cause, no less than one hundred addresses, each pre- senting distinct and eloquent features. In 1861 he was nominated by the Republican party for Attorney-General of the State, and was elected by about one hundred thousand majority votes. President Lincoln nominated him to settle the Oregon question, which honor he declined ; and Governor Pen ton tendered him the Judgeship of the Court of Appeals, which he also declined. One of the last acts of President Lincoln was to offer him the office of United States District Attorney for the Southern District of New York, which he accepted, and the duties of which he continued to perform almost up to the day of his death. As a debater, Mr. Dickinson was among the first — being clear, profound, and logical in argument. His speeches were frequently enriched by classical and Scriptural quotations, evincing the great extent of his reading. Socially, he w;is one of the most entertaining of companions. His chief characteris- tic, brought out by the great events of the close of his life, was his honest and exalted patriotism. He died in the City of New York, April 12, 18G6. 66 EDWARD D. BAKER General Edward D. Baker was born in London, England, February 24, 1811. His father, a Quaker, removed to Belleville, St. Clair county, Illinois, where Edward received his early education ; giving even then indications of the brilliant talents afterward displayed. To great industry, energy, and perseverance, he united a memory al- most superhuman ; being able to repeat whole pages, after a hasty peru- sal. Hence the ready and almost inexhaustible fund of varied knowl- edge, which in after years astonished those who knew the circumstances of his childhood ; and which contributed, in no slight degree, to his suc- cess as a public speaker. At eighteen years of age, he removed to Car- rolton, Greene county, where he obtained a deputy clerkship in the Coun- ty Court ; and, in the interval, applied himself to the study of the law, was admitted to the bar before he was of age, and became famous as an advocate. In 1838 he removed to Springfield, where he came in compe- tition with Douglas, Lincoln and others ; not one of whom equalled him in the*ready flow, the brilliancy, or the pathos of his eloquence. He was elected Representative to Congress in 1849, having previously held a seat; in both Houses of the State Legislature. On the breaking out of the war with Mexico he raised a regiment, as colonel of which he was the first to embark, north of the Ohio. He rendered valuable service under Scott, and elicited warm commendation for his gallantry at Cerro Gordo. He took an active part in building the Panama Railroad, and in 1852 settled in San Francisco, California, whither his reputation had preceded him, and he soon built up a large practice. In 1859 he removed to Oregon, and was elected United States Senator, for the term expiring March 4, 1865. He stumped the State for Lincoln, and secured for him its electoral vote, in 1860. In Congress his eloquent voice— first heard in reply to Senator Benjamin — showed the quality of his genius. At the outbreak of the war he threw himself, heart and soul, into the contest for the Union. He immediately recruited a regiment in Philadel- phia, called the California Regiment, and took the field in the summer of 1861. On the twenty-first of October he led a battalion across the Poto- mac, at Ball's Bluff; and whle gallantly leading his men against a supe- rior force, he was shot from his horse and killed, October 31, 1861. 67. LEONXDAS POLK. General Leontdas Polk, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Diocese of Louisiana, was born at Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1806. He was intended for the army, and entered the Military Academy at West Point, where he graduated, in 1827, with the rank of Second Lieu- tenant of Artillery. He resigned his commission, however, before the end of the year, with the intention of becoming a Minister of the Gospel, and was ordained a Deacon in the Church in 1830. In 1838 he was consecrated Missionary Bishop of Arkansas and the Indian territory south of 36° 30', with provisional charge of the Diocese of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, and the mission in the Republic of Texas. His Episcopal iurisdiction was limited to the Diocese of Louisiana in 1841. He embraced with ardor the doctrine of Secession, and was commissioned a Major-General in the Rebel army in 1861 ; and held command in Tennes- see and Kentucky until the spring of 1862. He commanded a division at Shiloh, and during the siege of Corinth ; participated in Bragg's invasion of Kentucky, in the autumn of 1862, and distinguished himself at the hard-fought battle of Murfreesboro'. For alleged disobedience of orders at the battle of Chickamauga, whereby, according to the report of General Bragg, the Union army was alone saved from annihilation, he was placed under temporary arrest, but was restored to his command by Jefferson Davis, and, in the early part of the year 1S64, he regained his prestige by skillful dispositions to prevent the junction of Sherman and Smith, in Mississippi ; in consequence of which, he was ap- pointed to the command of a corps in Johnston's army, where he displayed great courage and considerable ability. He was killed by a cannon-shot, while reconnoitering on Pine Mountain, June 14, 1864. At th e time of his death, he held the rank of Lieutenant-General in the Confederate service. He never resigned his diocese in Louisiana, and intended, at the close of the war, to resume his Episcopal functions. 5f 68. NATHANIEL LYON. General Nathaniel Lyon, one of the first Generals of the Union who fell in the war of the Rebellion, was born at Ashford, Connecticut, in June, 1819. He was educated at "West Point, graduated in 1841, and was appointed Second Lieutenant. He served in Florida in the Seminole war, was subse- quently stationed on the Western frontier, and was promoted to First Lieu- tenant in 1847. He served in the Mexican War, under Taylor and Scott, and was promoted, for " meritorious conduct" at Contreras and Cherubusco, to Brevet Captain. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, he was in command of the arsenal at St. Louis, Missouri. The Government of the United States sent a re- quisition to Governor Jackson, of Missouri, for troops, with which he refused to comply ; but, on the 25th of April, assembled, under General Frost, about eight hundred men, on the outskirts of St. Louis, ostensibly t» preserve order in the State. General Lyon, in command of the Union forces, on the 10th of May, surrounded them, and summoned them to surrender. General Frost, finding resistance useless, surrendered as prisoners of war. On the 12th oi June, Governor Jackson issued a proclamation against the United States, and General Lyon left St. Louis, on the 13th, for Jeffer- son City, when Jackson fled. General Lyon, after issuing a proclamation to the people of the State, assuring them of his intention to protect their liber- ties, persons, and property, and uphold the United States Government, pursued Jackson, who was reinforced by General Price, at Booneville. Here General Lyon attacked them, but they, under the cover of a wood kept up a brisk fire, which harrassed him. In order to draw them out from their cover, General Lyon ordered a hasty retreat. The ruse succeeded ; the Rebels ran out into the wheat-fields, when General Lyon halted, faced about, and poured in such a fire of grape and musketry that they dropped their arms, and fled. General Seigel, who was acting against the Rebels further south, being outnumbered, retreated toward Springfield, where he was reinforced by General Lyon, who assumed command. August 2d, he met a portion of Price's army, with that of Ben. McCulloch. By feigning a retreat, he en- ticed them to advance, when he suddenly turned upon them, and, by a few well-directed volleys, drove them away in confusion ; Price advancing with a much larger force, he fell back to Springfield. On the 9th, General Price made an attack upon him, and was repulsed three successive times. Although the Rebels were repeatedly driven back in confusion, in consequence of their great preponderance in numbers, they were enabled to return, again and again, to the charge. Several hours of this sort of work continued, when General Lyon had his horse shot from under him, and himself wounded. He procured another horse, and, swinging his hat in the air, called the troops nearest him to follow. The Second Kansas, under Colonel Mitchel, gallantly rallied around him ; but in a few moments a fatal shot lodged in the General's breast, and he was carried from the field a corpse. Thus gloriously fell, August 9, 1861, as brave a man and noble patriot as ever drew a sword. 69. JAMES B. McPHEESON. General James B. McPherson was born in Sandusky Connty, Ohio, in November, 1828, and graduated at West Point in 1853, joining the Engineer Corps as Brevet Second Lieutenant, and until September, 1854, he was Assistant- Instructor of Practical Engineering at the Military Academy. From that time until August, 1861, he was engaged, first, on the de- fenses of New York harbor ; next, in facilitating the navigation of the Hudson River ; next, in constructing Fort Delaware ; and, finally, in for- tifying Alcatraces Island, in San Francisco Bay. He became full Second Lieutenant in 1854, and First Lieutenant in December, 1858. In August, 1861, he was ordered from California to attend to the de- fenses of Boston harbor. Soon after he received his Captain's commission, dating from August, 1861. In November, 1861, he became aid to General Halleck, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and was Chief-Engineer of the Army of the Tennessee, under General Grant, in the reduction of Forts Henry and Donaldson, re- ceiving for his services a nomination of Brevet Major of Engineers, to date from February 16, 1862 ; and for services rendered at Shiloh, he was breveted Lieutenant-Colonel of Engineers, to date from April 7, 1862. He had, as Colonel on Halleck's staff, the Chief-Engineering charge of the approaches to Corinth, which ended in its evacuation. On the 15th day of May, 1862, he became Brigadier-General of Volun- teers, and the next month superintended, with great skill, all the military railroads in General Grant's department. He was at luka, and again at Corinth, in October, 1862, acting with so much gallantry as to be promoted to Major-General of Volunteers, to date from October 3, 1862. From that time to the close of the siege of Vicksburg, when his engineer- ing powers came into full play, his career was a source of triumph. At the recommendation of General Grant, he was made a Brigadier-General of the Regular army, with rank to date from August 1, 1863. Two months later, he conducted a column into Mississippi, and repulsed the enemy at Canton. In February, 1864, he was second in Sherman's command in the famous march from Vicksburg to Meridian. In the first Atlanta campaign, his command was the Department of Tennessee, including the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Corps, con- stituting the flanking force, which, moving rapidly on one or the other wing, was employed to force the enemy back to Atlanta. He fought at Resaca; and the battle near Dallas was wholly his. He distinguished himself at Altoona and Chip Farm, and was actively engaged at Kenesaw. On the 17th of July he cut the lines between Lee and Johnston by occu- pying Decatur, on the Augusta Railroad. Nine days later he fought the 6evere battle, from which he came out only to fall, shot through the lungs, early in the day, on Friday, July 22, 1864, at the early age of thirty-six years. 70. DANIEL BOONE. Daniel Boone, the hardy and brave pioneer, and founder of Kentucky, was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in 1748. "While yet a mere boy, his father moved with him to North Carolina. The wild and daring spirit, love of adventure, and fearless intrepidity which characterized his maturer life, were displayed very early. On the 1st day of May, 1769, Boone, with a few neighbors, started for the Western wilderness, and at length located on the banks of the Red River, in Kentucky. He was several times taken prisoner by the Indians, but he had the tact to conciliate them, and the ingenuity to contrive his escape. Enduring much by reason of hunger and privation, toiling early and late to reduce the savage waste to a condition of cultivation, he acquired such a passion for his wild and adventurous life, that when, in 1792, Ken- tucky was admitted into the Union, he struck out further into the wilder- ness, and settled in St. Charles, Missouri, forty-five miles above St. Louis. Being asked why he left the comforts of a home he had redeemed from savage life, for the renewed trials of a wilderness home, he replied : " Oh, I am too crowded ; I must have more elbow-room !" He was often employed by the Government on missions of hostile and friendly intent among the Indians, in all of which he exhibited a statesman- ship and courage which won for him the approval of his employers and the admiration of his savage foes. He resided in his last home about fifteen years, when, losing his wife, who had shared with him all his perilous life, he went to spend the remnant of his days with his son, Major Nathan Boone, where he died in 1822. While residing in North Carolina, being about eighteen years of age, he, in company with another youth, got up a " fh'e-hunt," which is conducted as follows : One of the party rides through the forest, with a lighted torch swinging above his head, while the other lies in covert, and gives a signal when he descries a deer for the other to hold the torch stationary, which fixes the eyes of the wondering animal upon it, when he plants a ball be- tween them, and the deer falls a victim to its own curiosity, On this occa^ sion, Boone was in covert, when he saw a pair of eyes through the dim shade of the trees, leveled his rifle, and gave the signal, when, to his aston- ishment, the animal turned and fled, and the brave hunter sprung from his hiding-place, and pursued the game over hill and valley, brake and thicket, Until, at length, the affrighted and pursued object rushed into the house of his newly-settled neighbor, Ryan, followed by Boone, of whose confusion we may judge when he saw the object of his pursuit fainting with terror in the old man's arms, for it was his beautiful and only daughter. We need not relate how he wooed and won the fair Rebecca, who came so near being the victim of his bullet. Boone's life was full of romantic and adventurous exploits. While away from his home in Kentucky, three Indians took his daughter and two other young ladies prisoners. Returning home, he commenced the pursuit alone, overtook the party the following day, and, slaying two of the Indians, re- ^nrned to the fort, bringing the fair captives with him. 71. SILAS WEIGHT. Silas "Wright, the 12th Governor of the State of New York, was born In Amherst, Massachusetts, May 24, 1795. His father removed to Waybridge, Vermont, when he was but a year old, where he was brought up on a farm. His rare natural endowments, pru- dence, discernment, and good judgment, early attracted his father's notice, and he determined to give him a liberal education. Accordingly, he entered an academy when he was fourteen years of age, and graduated at Middle- bury College in 1815. Self-reliance was early taught him, and it became one of the brightest traits of his character. He took a deep interest in the political questions that excited the public mind during the War of 1812, and took sides with the republican party. He studied law in Albany, and commenced its practice in Canton, New York, where he always resided. Law, with him, was common sense. He always gave a plain, sensible reason for his opinion on any subject. In State politics, he was an ardent anti-Clinton man, or Bucktail, and a warm admirer of Mr. Van Buren. He was appointed to the office of Surrogate for St. Lawrence County, February 24, 1821 ; elected State Senator in 1824, and Member of Congress in 1827. Upon matters of finance he was always at home. He was placed upon the Committee of Manufactures, and reported the Tariff bill of 1828, and supported it in several able speeches. His ablest effort was made on the 6th of March, and commanded great attention. He afterward regretted his vote, and pronounced it a great error. He was a cordial and influential supporter of Andrew Jackson in 1828. In 1829 he filled the office of Comptroller of the State of New York, and January 4, 1833, was elected United States Senator, to fill the place of Gov- ernor Marcy. He sustained President Jackson in his removal of the United States de- posits from the United States Bank to the State Banks, and recommended the Independent Treasury system to Mr. Van Buren in 1837. He continued United States Senator until 1844, when he was elected Governor of New York by the Democratic party. He was offered the nomination of Vice-President with Mr. Polk, but re- fused to accept it. He retired from the Gubernatorial chair in 1846 to his farm* where he died, August 27, 1847, of disease of the heart. 72. ANDEEW H. FOOTE Admiral Andrew H. Foote, son of the late Governor Foote, was "born in New Haven, Connecticut, September 12, 1806. Young Foote was intended for one of the learned professions, but having exhibited a strong inclination for the sea, he was allowed to enter the Navy, as Arting-Midshipman, in 1822, and made his first cruise in the Grampus, under Commodore Porter, against the pirates who then infested the waters of the West Indies. He participated in this service with credit, obtained his Midshipman's warrant in 1824, Passed-Midshipman in 1827, and in 1830 was commissioned a Lieutenant. In 1833 he joined the Delaware, as Flag-Lieutenant of the Mediterranean Squadron. _^ From 1841 to 1848, Lieutenant Foote was stationed at the Naval Asylum at Philadelphia, where his efforts were beneficially directed toward amelior- ating and elevating the condition of the inmates. He prevailed upon many of the " old salts" to sign the temperance-pledge ; and on his next cruise, in the Cumberland, persuaded his whole crew to give up their grog. In 1849 he joined the American squadron on the African coast, to sup- press the slave-trade. In 1856 he was placed in command of the sloop-of-war Portsmouth, and ordered to proceed to the China station, arriving at Canton in October, just previous to the commencement of hostilities between the English and Chinese. He landed an armed force, to protect American residents, when his boat was fired upon from the Barrier forts. He received permission from Commodore Armstrong to vindicate the honor of his flag, by an attack upon the forts, which he commenced on the 21st, and on the 24th the Ameri- can flag waved over them all. The outbreak of the recent Rebellion found Commander Foote stationed at the Brooklyn Navy-Yard. In July, 1861, he received his Captain's commission, and in September was appointed Flag-Officer of the flotilla fitting out on the "Western waters to co-operate wiih the land forces ; and superintended the building and equipping of the Government gunboats on the Mississippi River for that ex- pedition. This arduous and difficult task was completed before military operations commenced. He opened the campaign by co-operating with Grant's army in the cap- ture of Fort Henry, on the Tennessee River, and Fort Donaldson, on the Cumberland, where he greatly distinguished himself. He afterward con- ducted the naval attack on Island No. 10, but after its reduction was obliged to relinquish his command, in consequence of a wound received at Fort Donaldson. He returned to New Haven to recruit his health, receiving one continu- ous ovation from the enthusiastic crowds, who greeted him with shouts of approval. He was subsequently appointed Rear- Admiral, and Chief of the Bureau of Recruiting and Equipment. After regaining his health, he was detailed to relieve Admiral Dupont, in the South Atlantic Squadron, in May, 1863, and started on his way to assume the duties of his new command, when, on arriving at New York, he was attacked by a painful disease which, in two weeks, terminated his life. He died on the 26th of June, 1863. Comstock's Rational Food Is a preparation of the richest portion of the berry of Wheat and Barley Malt, and is a perfect substitute for Breast Milk for infants, and the most nutritious, as well as most easily di- gested, food for invalids, particularly dyspeptics. The confidence of the public in Comstock's Rational Food is due, not only to its intrinsic merits, but to the fact that it is pre- scribed and recommended by the most eminent Physicians. A can of it was sent for trial to the following well-known and highly respectable Physicians, and I am permitted to refer to some of them who use it in their practice, and know how invalu- able it is for Infants where Breast Milk is defective, and for Invalids, and especially for dyspeptics, when the stomach will bear no other food. Professor WM. A. HAMMOND, M. D., late Surgeon-General U. S. A., 162 West 34th Street. Professor E. R. PEASLEE, M. D., 25 Madison Avenue. " H. B. SANDS, M. D., 5 East 13th Street. " GEO. T. ELLIOTT, Jr., M. D., 18 West 29th Street. " J. M. CARNOCHAN, M. D., 14 East 16th Street. ( JOHN H. GRISCOM, M. D., 42 East 29th Street. Dr. AGNEW, 394 5th Avenue. 11 REISIG, 34th Street. " OTIS, 108 West 34th Street. " SAYRE, Corner 5th Avenue and 30th Street. " JOHN F. GRAY, 38 East 20th Street. " BLUMENTHAL, 77 Lexington Avenue. " JOHN A. WARD, 37 East 19th Street. M JOHN C. PETERS, 18 East 15th Street. Drs. MARCY & WHITE, 26 East 22d Street. LADIES BEING CONFINED should never be without Comstock's Rational Food. It Prevents Constipation, gives strength and great nourishment to both mother and child, being digested and assimilated with the least possi- ble labor of the digestive organs ; interferes with no medicine, and is ex- ceedingly salutary under any medical treatment. "Where this Food is used, Physicians give little or no medicine. Ask your Physician about it Charles Hebard, Esq., of the firm of Dodge & Co., (a son of Hon. Wm. E. Dodge), procured, through his partner, a box of Comstock's Rational Food for his infant, ap- parently about to die for want of a nourishment that would digest and assimilate. After feeding the child, the change in its appearance and health was immediate and wonderful, and he attributes the saving of its life to this Pood. The child has become strong and healthy from its use. IT IS SOLD BY DEUGGIST3 IN ALL PASTS OF THE UNITED STATES and CANADA. ROBEHT H. TABEH, Proprietor, Successor to Geo. Wells Comstock. 170 Fulton Street, New York* 1^ 73. JOHN A. ANDKEW. JOHN A. Andrew, the 21st Governor of Massachusetts, was born at Windham, Maine, May 31, 1818. In his boyhood he was marked for his freedom from vicious habits, and for his cheerful, sprightly, and studious disposition. He graduated at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, in 1837, when he removed to Boston, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1840, and soon became eminent in his profession. Thoroughly anti-Slavery, he met the aggressions of the slave-power at every step by his protest, when his voice could speak for freedom. In 1850 the Fugitive Slave Law called forth his warmest opposition to its enactment, and its enforcement in Massachusetts. In 1858 he was elected to the Legislature of Massachusetts, and, in 1860, a Delegate to the Republican Convention at Chicago which nominated Abraham Lincoln for President of the United States. The same year he was elected Governor of Massachusetts, which position he held throughout the war of the Rebellion, and until 1866, when he declined to be again a candidate. He foresaw in the agitation at the South, during the Presidential can- vass of 1860, the beginning of a fearful conflict, and prepared the militia of his State, beforehand, to meet the impending storm. So thoroughly had the militia been organized, that, on the call of President Lincoln for troops, in less than twenty-four hours after its reception, a regiment was on the march for Washington. He had given himself with untiring energy to the work of making the commonwealth ever ready, as she was always willing, to stand in the front ranks against treason, and in the support of the United States Government. In the Conference of Governors at Altoona, Pennsylvania, in September, 1862, he was conspicuous in hopeful, ardent patriotism, and prepared the address to the President, urging the issue of a call for three hundred thousand new troops to the field. His message of January, 1861, read like a prophetic oracle. He showed the constant loyalty of Massachusetts, and her willingness to defend, at any cost, the National life. In his message of May 1, he opens with these laconic words : " The occasion demands action, and it shall not be delayed by speech." He then points out xchat is to be done, and hoic it is to be done, in the tersest lan- guage. Governor Andrew's valedictory address of January, 1866, was closely argumentative, severely logical, with no superfluous words ; and it will stand as one of the ablest papers on Reconstruction ever placed before the people. His message of April 17, 1865, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, was, perhaps, one of his best efforts. In it he says: " Let the Government and the people resolve to be brave, faithful, impartial, and just. "With the blessing of God, let us determine to have a Country, the Home of Liberty and civilization." He died suddenly, of apoplexy, October 00, 1807. V 74. JOHN VAN BUEEN. John Van Buren, a gentleman of mark and prominence, both fts a lawyer and a politician, was the son of Martin Van Buren, the 8th Preanetent of the United States, and was born at Hudson, New York, in February, 1810. He graduated at Yale College in 1828, studied law with Benjamin F. Butler, at Albany, and the Hon. Aaron Vanderpool, at Kinderhook s and was admitted to the bar in 1830. Though an able lawyer and an eloquent advocate, he was less distinguished at the bar than in political life. Mr. Van Buren accompanied his father while Minister to England, in 1832, which gave him an opportunity of becoming familiar with the higher classes of British society. In 1845 he was chosen as Attorney-General of the State of New York, and at the termination of his service settled in the city of New York, in the practice of his profession, frequently taking part in the political affairs of the day. During the Presidential canvass of 1848, he distinguished himself as a popular advocate of the Free-Soil party, and of the exclusion of Slavery from the Federal Territories. He did not, however, adhere to the princi- ples which were subsequently developed by that party ; but, during the latter years of his life, acted with the Democratic party, often taking an active interest in the canvass. In May, 18GG, he left New York for an European tour, traveling exten- sively, during the summer, in Sweden, Norway, and Russia, and spending a few weeks, previous to his embarkation for home, in the Highlands of Scotland. Mr. Van Buren's health had previously been impaired, but on his return voyage the symptoms of his disorder gave evidence of sudden aggravation. After a brief period of suffering, he expired, on board the steamer Scotia, on the 13th of October, 18GG. As an advocate, Mr. Van Buren was distinguished by an overwhelming oratory, which irresistibly carried the jury with him. He was always an eloquent and interesting speaker, but it was chiefly as a stump-orator, ad- dressing a popular audience, that John Van Buren was celebrated. He possessed an easy, but graceful manner, with a happy flow of wit, which delighted the Democratic crowds, whom he held enchained, or roused to loud and boisterous mirth. On the breaking out of the Rebellion, he placed himself on the side of the Union, as a War Democrat, and was one of the speakers at the great Union meeting which assembled at Union Square, New York, in 18G1. Mr. Van Buren, though frequently solicited, never sought office, and died with unsullied patriotism, predominant in death. c 75. THOMAS FKANCIS MEAGHER General Thomas Francis Meagher -was born in Waterford, Ireland, August 3, 1823, of wealthy and respectable parents. He was educated at the Jesuit College of ClongoWs Wood, and Stony- hurst College, Lancashire, England. He Was a close and attentive student of the English classics, and, in 1842, was awarded the silver medal for En- glish composition, to the defeat of over fifty English competitors. His first idea, after completing his studies, was to accept a commission in the British army ; but his Irish spirit revolted at the idea of serving in the army of his country's traditional enemy. Feeling a great interest in the political questions of the day, and not being satisfied with the policy of O'Connell, he became one of the leaders of the " Young Ireland" party, and greatly aided in organizing the Irish con- federation. So great were his oratorical powers, that he was soon regarded by his party as their principal leader, and the only man who could free Ireland from her bondage. When the French Revolution broke out, he was sent, with others, to congratulate the French Republican leaders on their success ; and, upon his return to Ireland, was arrested on a charge of sedition, held to bail, after- ward tried for high treason, found guilty, and sentenced to death ; but, subsequently, the sentence was altered to banishment for life to Van Die- man's Land. Here he remained until 1852, when he escaped, and arrived in New York during the month of May of the same year, where he met with an enthusiastic reception from his countrymen and the citizens, generally. For two years after, he followed the profession of lecturer, meeting with marked success. Returning to New York in 1855, he engaged in the study of law, and was subsequently admitted to the bar. In 1856 he became Editor of the Irish News. On the outbreak of the Rebellion, in 1861, he organized a company of Zouaves, and joined the Sixty-ninth Regiment of New York Volunteers, under Colonel Corcoran, and served during the first campaign in Virginia. Upon the expiration of his three months' term, he returned to New York, and organized the celebrated " Irish Brigade," and was appointed its per- manent commander, with the rank of Brigadier-General, his commission bearing date February 3, 18£2. At the head of his men, he participated in the Seven Days' battles, win- ning general praise for the heroism and skill with which he led his brigade to action. He fought with great desperation at Manassas ; and at Antietam, September 27, 1862, won a great reputation, and was specially noticed in the official report of General McClellan. At the disastrous battle of Fred- ericksburg, the charge after charge, headed by him, up to the very crest of the enemy's breastworks, added fresh laurels to the reputation of General Meagher and his men. In this engagement he received a bullet-wound through the leg, which incapacitated him from active service. On May 8, lie tendered his resignation, and temporarily retired from the service. He was recommissioned in 1864, and held command in Tennessee and Georgia, where he was signally successful. In 1865 he was appointed Secretary of Montana Territory ; and, in September of that year, Governor Edgerton, leaving the Territory for a short time, appointed him Governor, pro tern. While engaged in the duty of protecting the white settlers of that region, on the Upper Missouri, he fell from the deck of a steamboat, and was drowned. His life was full of stirring events, interwoven with the histories of Ire- land, of Great Britain, and of the United States, / 76. WM. H CHANNING. "Wm. H. Chanktstg, a celebrated divine, the champion of free thought and free limbs, was born at Newport, Rhode Island, April 7, 1778. As a boy, he was thoughtful and amiable, winning the love of his schoolmates and teachers. At a very early age he was imbued with religious reverence ; and thought, with an unusual degree of mental vigor, upon the abstract dogmas of theol- ogy. He was the soul of honor, and ever ready to take the part of the op- pressed among his playmates. Washington Allston, the poet-painter, describes him as an " open, brave, and generous boy." He entered Harvard College in 1794, and graduated in 1798, with the highest honors of his class. In 1801 he was made Regent in Harvard University, and the following year, having been licensed by the " Cambridge Ministerial Association," he commenced preaching, and was settled over the Federal-Street Society, June 1, 1803. He retained the office of Pastor of this church and Society until his death, which occurred at Bennington, Vermont, on the 2d of October, 1842, while on a journey for his health. Dr. Channing was small in stature, and always had the appearance of being in a very depressed condition of health. When he rose to speak, his voice, scarcely rising above a tremulous whisper, caused a strong feeling of disappointment and regret; but, as he warmed with his theme, his form seemed to dilate until you forgot his diminutiveness, and his voice rose to such a clear, sonorous note, that every vibration thrilled to the very soul. Few men were so eloquent as he ; but it was not the eloquence of the schools. It was the manly earnestness, with which he impressed upon his audience the greatness of his subject and the solemnity of his mission, and enchained the souls of his hearers, and melted them into tenderness and humility. Dr. Channing was an uncompromising advocate of human freedom. He sought, with all his might, to take away the irons from the limbs of the enslaved, and to disinthrall the human mind from the fetters of party, and the debasing creeds of sects. He was an ardent patriot, and his heart bled for every stain that fell upon the escutcheon of his country's glory. When the New England church divided on what were called the Unita- rian and Calvanistic doctrines, he took the liberal side, only as choosing the leas?t of two evils, and labored while he lived to do away with sectarian names and badges, and to bring all real and sincere believers together, under the broad and single name of Christians. Dr. Channing was a man of the purest life and spirit. The sins which so easily beset and contaminate many great and good men, were shed by the immaculate mantl6 of his hie without leaving a trace behind. In h'-mthcro was no guile. 77. HOSEA BALLOU. Hosea J3ALLOU was born in Richmond, New Hampshire, April 30, 1771. His father was a Baptist minister, and, at quite an early age, Hosea reoeived deep religious impressions, and joined his father's church. When he was about fourteen years old, considerable stir was made by che presence of several Universalist ministers in his native place, some of whom he heard. Their discourses led him to inquire if their doctrine was consistent with the Bible, and he resolved to give the subject a thorough investigation. In this labor he had no other book than the Bible, to the study of which he applied an honest mind and a sturdy purpose to adopt such views as might oe derived from its teachings. The result was, that he embraced the views of those preachers, and openly avowed his change ; in consequence of which he was excommunicated from the Baptist church, when his thoughts were turned to the subject of preaching. In 1791, Mr. Ballou preached his first sermon in a private house. He was first ordained in Oxford, in 1794, and in 1803, in Barnard, Vt., where he wrote and published two works: " Notes on the Parables," and a ° Treatise on the Atonement." These volumes he compiled without the aid of any other books than the Bible ; and, although there is little scholastic polish to be found in them, the marks of his keen logic and biting satire are to be seen on nearly every page. On the 8th of November, 1809, he was installed over the Universalist Society in Portsmouth, N. H., where he remained until 1815, when he removed to Salem, Mass., and remained two years, and then accepted die call of the Second Universalist Society in Boston,, where he was installed December 25, 1817, as its first Pastor. Here he continued during the remain- der of his life, living in great harmony with his people, and laboring inces- santly, both at home and abroad, in the various duties of his profession. He fell quietly asleep on the 7th of June, 1852, in the eighty-first year of his age. The labors of Mr. Ballou were arduous and extensive. He traveled widely throughout the United States, visiting the churches and establishing new ones. Although he seldom wrote his sermons, few clergymen have written more than he. His controversial writings would make many large tomes of theological lore. Few preachers have produced a stronger sensation, or left upon the circle of their mission a more enduring effect than he. Without education, without patronage, with nothing but his own strong powers ot intellect, amidst the bitterest opposition, he succeeded in building up the cause to which he devoted his life. For his attentions to the wants of his people in sickness and in sorrow, he won their love ; and, quite early in life, he passed among them as " Father Ballou." KEROSENE LIGHTS IVES' PATENT LAMPS SAFEST, SIMPLEST AND BEST! BRONZE CHANDELIERS, for Gas or Kerosene, 2, 3, 4. 6, 8, 9& 12 lights. BRONZE SIDE BRACKETS, - For Kerosene or Gas, 1, 2 and 3 lights. PULPIT STANDARDS, With Hooded Reflectors. VESTIBULE LANTERNS, With Double Reflectors. HALL OR ENTRY LAMPS, - With Ground or Cut Crystal Glass Globes. REFLECTOR HANGING LAMPS, - WithEnameled Shades, Opal Glass, HANGING LAMPS, - - With Patent Corrugated Glass Reflectors- SPRING BRACKET LAMPS, - - - With Shades or Globes. ELEGANT LAMPS & VASES COMBINED, - Of New and Novel Designs, Beautiful Bronze Portable Stands and Lamps. Common Stand and Hand Lamps, Etc. In great variety of Style, Quality and Price. We have also a large variety of First-Class G-AiSi FIXTURES! Adapted for Burning Kerosene or Gas. With our Patent Improvements. All the above can be Lighted as quickly as Cas, FILLED AND TRIMMED SAFELY AND NEATLY, WITHOUT HE- MOVING THE SHADE, GLOBE OR CHIMNEY, OR UNSCREWING THE BURNER. IVES' PATENT LAMPS are sold by dealers generally, but to introduce them, where the merchants have not got them, we give particular attention to Retail Trade, making a specialty of furnishing Safe Stationary Lights in place of those M^veahie and Dangerous. Appropriated for every place where good Artificial Light is required. Our new Catalogue is just out, with many new illustrations and a new list of Reduced Prices. We make a discount to Cuurches and C ergymen, and invite the attention of all Committees on Lights for Churches, Pulilic Halls or other Buildings. We manufacture and sell KEROSENE GOODS of all kinds, and invite Merchants to examine our Stock. PURE REFINED OIL, SAFE FOR FAMILY USE. JULIUS I^K^ *.V CO., 37 BARCLAY ST. *€ 42 PAJIK PLACE, 78. LYMAN BEECHER. Rev. Lyman Beecher, a distinguished Clergyman, was born in New Haven, Connecticut, September 12, 1775. He prepared for college under the immediate supervision of the village pastor, and in due time graduated at Yale College, where he afterward remained two or three years, studying divinity under Dr. Dwight, then President of that institution. In 1798 he received his license for the ministry, and was soon called to take charge of the First Congregational Society in East Hampton, Long Island, where he labored with marked fidelity for more than two years. In 1810 he removed to Litchfield, Conn., where he settled as Pastor over the First Congregational Society of that place. He remained in charge of this Christian flock for sixteen years, and preached with great success. Having married, he found himself, ere long, surrounded with a numerous family — " The Clergyman's Blessing " — and he set himself to work to improve the condition of the community in which his children were to be reared. He raised the standard of education in the schools, and became an efficient and successful laborer in the cause of Temperance, to which he devoted his sin- gular energies throughout a long life, and to which he was to the last as freshly devoted as in the palmy days of his youth. He also entered, heart and soul, into all the great questions of moral reforms which then began to agitate the churches ; and, during this period, assisted in the establishment of the Connecticut Education Society, the American Bible Society, the Connecticut Missionary Society, and other associations of a similar character. In 1826 great defection had taken place in Boston and neighboring parts of New England into Unitarianism, following the lead of Dr. Chan- ning, and others in sympathy with him, and Dr. Beecher was chosen, out of all the other clergy in New England, to uphold the standard of the ancient Puritan faith against their desertion, and he took charge of the Hanover Street Calvanistic Society in Boston, where he labored for six or seven years with great zeal and considerable success. His ministry partook largely of the controversial, and he flung himself into the thickest of the battle. In 1832 he was appointed to the Presidency of the Lane Theological Seminary at Cincinnati ; and, at the same time, he took charge of the Second Presbyterian Society in that city, which double charge he performed with great vigor of intellect and body until about the year 1852, when he resigned all public and official relations, and removed to Boston, where he afterward resided, enjoying the respect of all who knew him and the proud satisfac- tion of seeing his children " a numerous brotherhood," occupying command- ing positions in society, and rendering themselves famous by their labors in the cause of truth and humanity. Dr. Beecher published much during his life, consisting, principally, of sermons delivered en various occasions. He is also author of a volume on " Political Atheism," and was always a zealous advocate of the Temperance movement, and may be regarded as one of the chief founders of the " Tem- perance Reform." He died at the residence of his son, Henry "Ward Beecher, in Brooklyn, in 1862. 79. LEWIS CASS. Lewis Cass was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, October 9, 1782. Having received his education at the far-famed academy of his native vil- lage, at the early age of seventeen, he crossed the Alleghany Mountains on foot to seek a home in " the land of promise" — the " great West," then an almost unexplored wilderness. He settled in Marietta, Ohio, in 1799, studied law with Governor Meigs, was admitted to the bar in 1802, and became successful and distinguished. Elected to the Legislature of Ohio in 1806, he was active and prominent in that body, and originated the bill which arrested the proceedings of Aaron Burr ; and, as stated by Mr. Jefferson, was the first blow given to what is known as "Burr's Conspiracy." In 1807 he was appointed, by Mr. Jefferson, Marshal of the State, and held this office till the later part of 1811, when he volun- teered to repel Indian aggressions on the frontier. He was elected Colonel of the Third Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, and entered the military service of the United States at the commencement of the War of 1812. Having, by a difficult march, reached Detroit, he was dis- dinguished for energy, activity, and courage. He urged the immediate invasion of Canada, and was the author of the proclamation of that event. He was the first to land in arms on the enemy's shore, and, with a detach- ment of troops, fought and won the first battle — that of Toronto. At the subsequent capitulation of Detroit he was absent on important service ; but, though not present, he was involved in it, and became, with the rest, a prisoner of war. This greatly mortified him, and, for a time, terminated his activity. On being exchanged or released from parole, he was promoted to Brigadier in the Regular Army, and Major-General of the Ohio Volunteers, when he again repaired to the frontier and joined the army for the recovery of Michigan. Being at that time without a command, he served and dis- tinguished himself as a Volunteer Aid to General Harrison at the battle of the Thames, which retrieved the previous reverses of the American arms on the frontier. In 1813 he was appointed, by President Madison, Military Governor of Michigan, which position he held until 1831, establishing law and order, preserving peace between the whites and the Indians, and advanc- ing the resources and prosperity of the country. v Pew Americans have been more extensively and successfully engaged in that delicate and difficult kind of diplomacy, " negotiations with Indian tribes," than Mr. Cass, he having assisted at no less than ten councils with the red men of the wilderness. In 1831 he was called by President Jackson to his Cabinet, as Secretary of War. In 1836 he was appointed Minister to France, in which capacity he rendered eminent and valuable service by his celebrated protest against the " Quintuple Treaty," which, under the pretext of breaking up the slave trade, provided for an indiscriminate search on the high seas. He resigned in 1842, and was elected to the United States Senate in 1845, which place he resigned on being nominated by the Democratic party for President, in 1848. Being defeated, he was again elected to the Senate, in 1849. In this posi- tion he greatly distinguished himself as an able, eloquent, and ready debater. In 1857 he was appointed, by President Buchanan, Secretary of State, which position he held until December, 1860, when he resigned, be- cause Mr. Buchanan refused to reinforce Fort Moultrie, and retired to Detroit, never afterward taking active part in public affairs. Mr. Cass was extremely temperate in his habits, never, in the slightest degree, indulging in the use of ardent spirits. _ He died, June 17, 1866./ / v p 80. CHAELES G. ATHEETON. CHARLES G. ATHERTON was born in Amherst, New Hampshire, in 1804 His early education was received at Lome. His mother, a woman of uncom- mon gift and piety, assumed the whole charge of her son's education, and taught him the rudiments of the English as well as the Latin tongue. When of a suitable age to be sent from home, he went to the Academy at Lancaster, Massachusetts, at that time a school of much celebrity, and under the charge of Jared Sparks, the remowned biographical historian. Here he remained until 1817, when, losing his mother, he returned home ; and, finishing his preparations for college in his fath«r's office, entered Har- vard University, in 1818, and graduated in 1822. He immediately began the study of law in his father's office ; was admitted to the bar in 1825 ; and opened an office in Dunstable, N. H. (In 1836 the name of this town was changed to Nashua.) Here, for the space of four years, he assiduously applied himself to the duties of his profession, and had the satisfaction of finding his business widely extending, and his fame as a lawyer rapidly rising at the bar of his native State. In 1829 he was nominated by the Democratic party as a candidate for State Representative, but failed to be elected. The next year, however, he was elected ; and the two following suffered defeat; but was chosen Clerk of the Senate for both those years. In 1833 he was re-elected to the House of Representatives, and was called upon to preside over the deliberations of that body. He was re-elected in 1834, '35, and '36, and in each year was chosen Speaker — an office he filled with great dignity and impartiality, as well as with the entire approbation of the House. In 1837, Mr. Atherton was transferred to the United States House of Representatives, holding his seat until 1842, when he was elected to the United States Senate for six years. Having served out his term to the entire satisfaction of his constituency in the Granite State, as well as to the party generally, in the country, he retired to Nashua in 1849, and engaged in the active duties of his profes- sion, where he acquired considerable celebrity as a sound lawyer and an able advocate. In 1852 he was elected once more to the upper branch of Congress, and took his seat on the 4th of March following. He did not live, however, to serve out his term, for on the 15th day of November of that year he died, in the fiftieth year of his age. ■ J 81. FISHEK AMES. FiSHER Ames, so widely known as an eloquent oraroj. aiiu distinguished (statesman, was born in Dedham, Massachusetts, April 9, 1758. In 1774 he graduated at Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and, having completed his studies, with great credit to himself, he opened a law office in his native village, in the autumn of 1781. Although young Ames took a deep interest in the stirring scenes of the Revolution, and sympathized, with his whole heart, with the patriots, he was too young to take any active part with them. He published many striking articles in the journals of the day, in which the affairs of the nation were so skillfully discussed as to give evidence of a very thorough knowledge of the science of government and politics ; and he was chosen a Member of the Convention for the Ratification of the Federal Constitution. The speeches he delivered in this convention took his friends and the world by surprise, and at once established his reputation as one of the ablest and most eloquent debaters of that day. In 1789, Mr. Ames was elected a Member of Congress, retaining his seat throughout the whole of Washington's administration, of which he was an able and efficient supporter. "With a comprehensive insight of the subject in hand, his eloquent rea- soning made the rough places smooth, and carried conviction to the hearts and judgment of those who listened to him. When, towards the close of his last term, the question relative to the appropriation necessary to carry into effect the British Treaty was the subject of debate before the Hout-e, Mr. Ames, although in feeble health, made such an overwhelming argument that the opposition begged that the vote might not then be taken, as the effect of his speech was such as to unfit the Members to vote dispassionately. Such was the tribute paid to his eloquence and reasoning powers. This was his last and greatest effort; and, feeling that it would be, he made such a touching allusion " to his own slender and almost-broken thread of life, as to visibly affect his audience. Declining to be a candidate for re-election, he retired to his paternal acres, where, with the exception of serving a few years as a Member of the Council, he remained a private citi- zen to the close of his life. The New Jersey College conferred on him the title of Doctor of Laws; and several years before his death he was chosen President of Harvard College, which honor he declined on account of ill health, and which eventually compelled him to give up his profession, and solace himself with the oversight of his farm. Here he awaited the Heavenly summons, and passed away at last, like one who " wraps the drapery of his couch about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." // Jh 82. ELBEIDGE GEEEY Elbridge Gerry was born in Marblehead, Massachusetts^ July 17, 1744. Nothing is known of the childhood of this distinguished man, until we find him a member of Harvard College, at the early age of fourteen, from which institution he graduated in 1762. He had chosen the medical profession, but his father was desirous that he should assist him in the mercantile business ; and so he became a partner with his father, and for many years was a successful merchant in his native town. In 1772 he was elected to the General Court of the Province of Massa- chusetts. Already that body had taken strong grounds against the measures of the Crown, and Mr. Gerry sustained the doings of the patriots. In 1773, Samuel Adams introduced his celebrated motion for the appoint- ment of a " Standing Committee of Correspondence and Inquiry," and, although one of the youngest Members, Mr. Gerry was placed upon that committee. The same year, Mr. Adams laid before the House the foreign corres- pondence of Governor Hutchinson. This was like throwing a fire-brand into a magazine, and roused the indignation of the citizens to the highest pitch. Mr. Gerry was among the foremost to denounce the treason of the Governor, and greatly distinguished himself in his efforts to forward the energetic resolutions with respect to the tea-trade, the port-bill, and non-intercourse. Mr. Gerry was elected to the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, which met at Salem, in October, 1774, and then adjourned to Concord, where he came near being arrested by the British troops sent there to break up the Congress, and arrest its Members. They reassembled at Cambridge, and Mr. Gerry threw himself, with all the energy of his enthusiastic nature, into all their measures, and was one of the foremost of that " Rebel crew" who cast defiance into the teeth of the British Ministry. He was elected a Member of the .first Continental Congress, and took his seat February 9, 1776. He took a conspicuous part in the doings of that patriotic body, of which he remained a Member until 1785. His name makes one of that glorious band who signed the Declaration of Independence. He was also a Member of the Convention that framed the Constitution ; yet he did not like it, and voted against its acceptance ; but when it was accepted, he used his best influence in its support, conceiving that the best interests of the country depended on its being carried heartily into effect, now that it had become a law. He was chosen a Member of the First Congress, under it, for four years. He was sent to Paris in 1797, with Pinckney and Marshall, to adjust the difficulties with France ; was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 1805, and again in 1810 ; and, in 1812, Vice-President of the United States, with Madison. While occupying that position, he died suddenly, November 23, 1814, aged seventy. / 83. JOSEPH WAEEEN. I > General Joseph Warren, the brave Revolutionary patriot, whose blood stains the soil of Bunker Hill, was born in Roxbuiy, Massachusetts, inl 741, entered college in 1755, and commenced the practice of medicine in 17G2. In 1775 he received the appointment of Major-General in the Continental Army, and in the same year, on the ever-glorious 17th day of June, sealed with his blood the protest of freemen against the usurpations of tyranny. Had Warren lived, it is easy to perceive that he would have been among the most conspicuous of that holy band, who pledged their lives, their for- tunes, and their sacred honor, to the cause of freedom in the New World. He not only knew no fear, but seemed to court danger, for the very love of it, as 4he following anecdote will show : The Boston Massacre took place on the 5th of March, 1770, and its anniver- sary had been celebrated for three years. The British residents of Boston had become incensed at the free spirit in which that bloody act was dis- cussed in these orations, and in 1775 several British officers declared that it would be at the peril of his life, should any patriot attempt to pronounce an oration on the coming anniversary. This threat aroused the fiery spirit of Warren, and, although he had officiated only the year before, he requested permission to assume the peril and the honor. On the day appointed, the old South Church was crammed to its utmost capacity. A large number of British officers were present, some occupying the pulpit and pulpit-stairs. The doorway and aisles were so densely packed, that Warren and his friends were obliged to enter the pulpit- window by a ladder. The officers were struck by his cool intrepidity, and involuntarily yielded up the pulpit, and suffered him to assume his proper place. As he came forward, with a calm brow and flashing eye, he appeared the very impersonation of moral courage and personal bravery. It was a moment of intense excitement. Stillness, that was palpable, rested on every lip ; many a heart palpitated with the wildest enthusiasm. When he opened his lips, his voice was firm and unfaltering, while its deep and almost unearthly tones told how fully the spirit was stirred within him. Soon his voice rose, and, warming with his theme, in tones of thunder he poured out the vials of his wrath upon the actors in the bloody tragedy of March 5, 1770, and hurled defiance in the very teeth of those who, but a few hours before, had threatened his life, but who were -low awed before the majesty of his sublime courage. He declined Prescott's proposal to command at Bunker Hill, and entered the ranks, where he fought with unflinching bravery, being among the last to quit the breast-works, and fell only a few yards from them, fighting to the last. '& r 84. ZACHAEY TAYLOR. Zachary Taylor, the 12th President of the United States, was born in the County of Orange, Virginia, in the year 1790. After receiving such an education as the times permitted, he entered the army with a commission of Lieutenant in the Seventh Infantry, at the age of eighteen, under the administration of Jefferson, in 1808. On the 19th of June, 1812, when war was declared with England, Tay- lor — who had previously received a Captain's commission — held command of Fort Harrison ; and, with a handful of men, defended himself against the attack of a large body of Indians with such skill and bravery, that Madison bestowed upon him the brevet of Major. From this period until 1840, Taylor passed his life in almost incessant warfare with the various savage tribes in the "West, where he signalized himself by repeated acts of bravery and by the exhibition of a sagacious forecast, which won for him the approval of the nation. Meanwhile, he had passed through the grades of Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel, and held, at this date, a Brigadier-General's commission. On the breaking out of the Mexican War, he had charge of the Army of the Rio G-rande ; and, when hostilities commenced, he caused the erection of Fort Brown, at Point Isabel, where he deposited his stores, and then moved with his army to Corpus Christi. Hearing the Mexicans were about to attack Fort Brown, he determined to succor and relieve the place. But there was a Mexican army of not less than five thousand strong between him and the fort, ready to dispute every inch of the ground. With only two thousand men, General Taylor cut his way through to Fort Brown, during which he fought the glorious battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, in which fell so many brave and gallant men. The attack on Matamoras, the storming of Monterey, the sanguinary battle of Buena Vista, and the hundred skirmishes which took place in that year, form a page in history which will bear comparison with any other that has been written. With one-third — and often less — of the forces of the Mexicans, General Taylor met them on their own ground, and always conquered. His perfect coolness, his majestic courage, his keen sagacity, his admira- ble generalship — true constituents of a military hero — have won for him undying laurels, while his kind and dignified demeanor ingratiated him with his officers and soldiers. When peace was conquered, General Taylor retired to his farm at Baton Rouge, La., full of honors as of years. In 1848 he was drawn from his retirement, elected President of the United States, and inaugurated March 4, 1849. He survived his inauguration but little more than a year, when he yielded up his spirit on the 9th of July, 1850 ; and, for a second time, a Vice-Presi- dent succeeded to the Presidency. /hn Pierpont was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, April 6, 1785. He graduated at Yale College, at the age of nineteen. He then became a Private Tutor in the family of Col. William Allston, in South Carolina, where he remained four years. From 1809 to. 1812 he studied law at Litchfield, and settled at New- buryport, Massachusetts. The War of 1812 interfered with his practice, and he then attempted business pursuits, with indifferent success. In 1818 he entered the Cambridge Divinity School. He was soon after installed as Pastor of the Hollis-Street Unitarian Church, at Boston. For twenty-five years he remained in that Pastorate, which connection, however, became clouded with troubles and dissensions, growing out of his strong advocacy of Temperance and anti-Slavery, with other philanthropic meas- ures, which he warmly upheld. In 1835 he visited Europe and Asia. In 1845 he became Pastor of the First Unitarian Church in Troy, New York, where he remained four years, and then accepted a call to the First Congregational Church at Medford, Massachusetts. When the war of the Rebellion broke out, Mr. Pierpont was deeply in- terested, and instantly sought an active position, although then seventy-five years of age. He was appointed Chaplain of the Twenty-Second Massachusetts Regiment, by Governor Andrew. The exposure of camp-life, and the severe duties of the field, compelled him, much to his regret, to resign. Secretary Chase then appointed him to a Clerkship in the Treasury De- partment, which he held until his sudden death, at Medford, August 26, 1866, being eighty-one years of age. Mr. Pierpont was a thorough scholar, a graceful and facile speaker, and a poet of no ordinary power. His devotion to the humane and philanthropic reforms of his time, sprung from the highest influences of intelligence and truthfulness, and were carried out with the strong conscientiousness of duty. The era in which such men lived was, in our country, one calling for fearless and energetic character. The demand was supplied by such a host as history seldom records, and many of the heroic spirits called forth in that holy warfare, have already passed away from the scenes of their earthly toils and triumphs. /M 91. INDIAN "PKOPHET." The " Prophet," or Wah-pe-kee-suit, signifying " White Cloud, was a brother of the celebrated Black Hawk, and the prime instigator of the war that bears the name of this chief. He was born on the Rock River, in Illinois, about the year 1780. The blood of two races runs in his veins — the Winnebago and the Sac, or Sauk, tribes. All that can be learned of his early life is, that he was an unmitigated savage. A relentless foe to the whites, he pursued them with the most untiring zeal, forgetting to eat or sleep in his eager thirst for their blood. The bul- let or the tomahawk was the only mercy he was known to show to those who fell into his hands. Like his brother-prophets, of the Shawnees and the Seminoles, h« laid claim to supernatural powers, and pretended to have revelations from the Great Spirit. He gained such complete ascendency over the mind of Black Hawk, as to make that credulous Chief believe that he would become the glorious in- strument in the hands of the Great Spirit of relieving the whole country of their white-faced enemies, who were so fast encroaching upon their hunt- ing-grounds. In the same manner was the shrewd Tecumseh imposed upon by the Shawnees' prophet. The Prophet traveled the country through, from the Gulf to the Rocky Mountains, stirring up the various tribes to mutiny and massacre ; and when the hour came for the stroke of war, his hand was the readiest among the savage hordes. At the final treaty with the Sacs and Foxes, in 1833, the Prophet and Black Hawk were in disgrace, and the Americans would not treat with them. They were deposed, and Keo-Kuk was made Chief of this doub]e tribe, with whom all the subsequent negotiations were conducted. After the convention, the tribe removed west of the Mississippi ; and the Prophet, after making a tour of the Union with his brethren, took up his residence in the same village with Keo-Kuk, on the I>es Moines River, about seventy miles from its confluence with the Mississippi, where he spent the rest of his days in peace. He is described as having a large, broad face ; short, blunt nose ; large, full eyes ; wide mouth, and thick lips, with a full head of hair — the whole man exhibiting a savage nature, and marking him as the very high-priest of assassination and murder. r? b 92. KEO-KUK Keo-Kuk, or the " Running Fox," a powerful Chief of the Sac and Fox Indians, was born at the very commencement of the present century. He early gave indications of his shrewdness and courage — the traits of Indian character most in esteem with his tribe ; and while he was a mere youth, he was admitted to the more manly sports and dances, for which no mere pappoose is esteemed fit. On the breaking out of Black Hawk's war, he was a subordinate Chief under that renowned warrior, and showed himself a brave and careful sol- dier. He aided, both by his counsels and prowess in battle, to shorten that cruel and bloody struggle. He was among the earliest to acknowledge his error, and afterward be- came a friend of the white man, and did all he could to bring about a fair and honorable peace. When Black Hawk and the Prophet were taken prisoners, General Har- rison, who had experienced the duplicity and treachery of these malignant Chiefs in many ways, and had lost all confidence in their promises, desirous of negotiating terms of reconciliation with some competent person among the tribes of hostile Indians, at once deposed Black Hawk, and raised Keo- Kuk to his place ; and it is but justice to this Chief to say, that he main- tained the terms of the convention inviolate himself, and did what he could to enforce it among the warriors of his tribe. The negotiation of that important treaty was a scene of great interest. Keo-Kuk was the principal speaker on the occasion, while the dethroned Black Hawk stood upon the outside of the circle, not allowed to speak or sign the treaty, with the Prophet and his principal aid, oSah-Pope, standing by his side, in scowling silence and painful submission. After peace was made with the Indians, Keo-Kuk, together with Block Hawk, the Prophet, and some twenty others of the most powerful Chiefs among them, visited, the principal cities of the Union. On the return of Keo-Kuk to his native wilds, he, in company with his tribe, migrated to the west side of the Mississippi, and established a vil- lage on the Des Moines River, about seventy miles from its mouth. Here he held his court. He sustained his rank among his fallen braves with the same ceremony and grandeur as ever, but still under the restraint and power of his white foes. "I found Keo-Kuk," says Catlin, who visited his village in 1835, "to be a Chief of fine and portly figure, with a good countenance, and great dignity and grace in his manners. He is a man of a great deal of pride, and makes truly a splendid appearance when mounted on his beautiful black war- horse." Catlin painted his portrait in this guise, as well as full length on foot. He was proud of the pictures, and excessively vain of his own appear- ince. it Everything for Schools! WL AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF ■St|ffl>I Jfurratun, ^jprata^ Books, Globes, Maps, Charts, Amd many other Articles for Every School. The Greatest Variety of Softool Merchandise in the World. (E^p 1 Catalogue sent, for one stamp. J. W. SCHERMERHORN & CO., Publishers, Booksellers, and Manufacturers, 14 Bond Street, New York. 1 — ^ — g, "%mntm Scjwl Institute," (FOUNDED 1855), IS A RELIABLE EDUCATIONAL BUREAU: To aid all who seek well-qualified teachers ; To represent teachers who seek positions ; To give parents information of good schools ; To sell, rent, and exchange school properties. Fourteen years' trial has proved the American School Institute a useful and efficient auxiliary in securing "THE EIGHT TEACHER FOR THE RIGHT PLACE." A School Superintendent writes of the American School Institute as follows : " The most remarkable exponent of what method may accomplish is that system of educational tactics, as conducted and developed by the • American School Institute.' Here is a set of gentlemen who keep posted on the entire educational wants of the country Every department, high or low, comes within the plan. The apparatus, the literature the Wants and resources of education, are tabled as in a Bureau of Educational Statistics. ' " Mark the value of such knowledge. In a time consideration, what saving ! Instead of schools being closed or suffered to decline until the right man turns up one is provided whose calibre is known—' The right man in the right place.' The loss of time misdirec- tion of talent, imposition by unprofessional charlatanry, each in itself no small misfortune to patron or pupil, are happily avoided." Those who want teachers should have the " Teachers' Bulletin," pub- lished in the American Educational Monthly. Those who want positions should have the "Application Form." Circulars explaining plan, and giving Testimony from many first-class educational business men, sent when asked for. J. W. SCHERMERHOM, A. M,, Actuary, 14 Bond Street, New York. Branch Offices in San Francisco, Chicago, and Boston. / r v 93. OEMSBY M. MITCHELL. General Ormsbt M. Mitchell was born in Union County, Kentucky, August 28, 1810. He received his early education at Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio. He soon manifested a taste for study, and at twelve had acquired a good elementary English education, considerable progress in mathematics, and mastered the rudiments of Latin. In 1825 he was appointed cadet in the Military Academy at West Point, and graduated in 1829, ranking above Generals Robert E. Lee and J. E. Johnston, both of whom were in his class. He was immediately appointed Assistant-Professor of Mathematics, though but nineteen years old, which position he held for two years. In 1832 'he resigned, and, having studied law during his leisure mo- ments, was admitted to the Cincinnati bar, and continued in practice until 1834, when he was elected Professor of Mathematics, Philosophy, and As- tronomy, in the Cincinnati College, and filled the chair with great ability for ten years. In 1836 and '37, while performing the duties of Professor, he was chosen Chief-Engineer of the Little Miami Railroad, which he laid out in a most skillful manner, and caused it to be built in a substantial style, which added greatly to his reputation. In 1842 he commenced a course of lectures on Astronomy — the first at- tempt of the kind ever made in the West. He originated and raised the subscription for the stock to erect a first-class Observatory in Cincinnati, was sent to Europe to purchase the instruments, which were mounted in 1844, and Mr. Mitchell was appointed Director of the Observatory. A large debt was still due upon it, from which he resolved to relieve it, by de- livering lectures in the Eastern cities. His eloquence and fame as a lec- turer brought him large audiences, and he soon extinguished the debt. In 1846 he published the Sidereal Messenger, but continued it only two years, for want of patronage. In 1848 he was appointed Chief -Engineer of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad ; and in 1859 was offered, and accepted, the Directorship of the Dudley Observatory, at Albany, still retaining that of the Observatory at Cincinnati. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, he immediately responded to the call for his country's defense, was appointed Brigadier-General of Volun- teers, and ordered to report to the new Department of the Ohio, where his exploits at Huntsville, Alabama, procured for him the commission* of Major-General. Soon after, incurring the displeasure of General Buell, ho asked to be relieved, and was transferred to the command of the Depart- ment of the South, where he arrived :'.n September, 1802, and where he dis- played the same energy which characterized him at the West. On the 26th of October, 1863, General Mitchell was attacked with the yellow-fever, at Hilton Head, S. C, and died on the 30th, in the midst of his usefulness. 7/ 7 / 94. JAMES H. LANE. General J. H. Lane — familiarly known as " Jim Lane" — United States Senator from Kansas, was born in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, June 22, 1814. He studied law, and was admitted to the bar, but, in 1846, abandoned his profession, to enlist as a private in the Third Indiana Volunteers, then organizing' for the Mexican War. He was chosen Colonel, and at the battle of Buena Vista commanded a brigade, and highly distinguished himself. When the year's term of service of his regiment expired, he returned home, and raised the Fifth Indiana Volunteers. In 1848 he was chosen Lieutenant-Governor of Indiana, and, in 1852, Member of Congress and Elector-at-Large on the Democratic ticket. In 1855 he went to Kansas, and was chosen Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Topeka Convention, whicl instituted the first State Gov- ernment of Kansas. He was subsequently President of the Topeka Consti- tutional Convention, and was elected by the people, Major-General of the Free-State troops. In 1856 he was elected to the United States Senate by the Legislature, which met under the Topeka Constitution ; but the election was not recog- nized by Congress. About the same time, he was indicted by the Grand Jury of Douglas County for treason, on account of his taking part in the Topeka Government, and was forced to fly. In 1857 he was President of the Leavenworth Convention, and appointed Major-General of the Kansas troops, by the Legislature. In 1858 he shot a man named Jenkins, in consequence of a dispute of a local nature, and was tried on a charge of murder, but acquitted. In 1861 he was elected to the United States Senate by the Legislature of the newly-admitted State of Kansas. On the opening of the war for the Union, Lane commanded the " Front- ier Guards," enlisted for the defense of Washington. In June, 1861, he was nominated Brigadier-General of Volunteers, and commanded the Kansas Brigade. He soon after projected an expedition to the Southwest, which was, however, abandoned. After the adjournment of Congress, in July, 1862, he was appointed Com- missioner to superintend the enlistment of troops in the West. He was a member of the Senatorial Committee on Indian Affairs and Agriculture ; and, also, on that of Territories. While suffering from a violent nervous disorder, and on his way home from Washington, he was attacked by paralysis in St. Louis, when the extreme prostration of his system offered so little hope of recovery, that his mind gave way under its depression, and he ended his life in despair and suicide. General Lane was a character to be leniently judged. He had a high sense of the right, and was true to freedom ; but the rough life of the frontier had wrought out for him a melancholy end. . G 95. JOHN SMITH. Captain John Smith was born in England in the year 1579. Few men have exhibited such a love for the romance of life, and few have been more gratified in this respect than the brave and gallant John Smith. Pie exhibited this trait in early life, engaging in the most reckless and danger- ous exploits. At thirteen years of age he sold his school-books and satchel, to raise money to run away, it being his purpose to go to sea, but "was afterwards apprenticed to a merchant. At fifteen he left his master, and went into France and the low countries. At seventeen he embarked once more to carve out his own fortune in com- pany with some pilgrims to Italy. A violent storm arose, and Smith, being a "• heretic." was deemed the cause of the misfortune, and was thrown over- board, but saved his life by swimming to the shore. After this, he entered the service of the Emperor of Austria, and so won his confidence as to get an important command. At the siege of St. Eugal lie accepted the challenge of a Turkish Lord, and smote orf his head, fighting oil horseback. A second and third shared the same fate. He was finally taken prisoner, and sold into slavery, but escaped bv slaying his master. After visiting Kussia he returned to Eng- land, and immediately turned his attention to the colonization of North America Smith arrived on the coast of Virginia in 1607, with a small colony, and located on the left bank of the James River, about fifty miles from its mouth, and called it Jamestown. He was the leading spirit of the company ; and. -were it not for his sagacity and wisdom, they would have perished within a twelvemonth. " The savages regarded him with awe and hatred — now compassing his life by every ingenious artifice, and now reverencing him as a god. All are familiar with the story of his capture by Towhattan, of his being led forth for execution, and his head laid upon a large stone to receive the fatal blow, when Pocahontas, the Chief's daughter, rushed in between the victim and the uplifted axe of the executioner, and. with tears and entreaties, besought her father to save his life. The savage Chief relented, and John Smith was set free. He explored the coast from Cape Cod to the Penobscot, while on one of his expeditions, and named it New England, which name it has ever since retained. He published several volumes of his adventures, and a map of the whole coast from the Penobscot to the James Kiver, giving both the Indian and English names of the principal places. He was seriously injured by the premature explosion of a powder-flask, and returned to England for medical advice; but never recovered from its effects After various adventures, he died in London in 1631, in the fifty-second year of his ace. / 4 / 96. JOHN HUDSON. John Hn>SON was born in Concord, Massachusetts, April 5, 1S02. He received a common-school education, and learned the trade of black- smith, after which emigrated to the State of Ohio, then the ''far West," and settled on the "Western Reserve. Here he set up his forge and anvil, and soon acquired a profitable busi- ness. His shrewdness and persistent perseverance in overcoming all obstacles, and a determination to accomplish everything he undertook, brought him prominently before the people of his county, and they elected him Sheriff, which position he held for a number of years. He soon became noted for his success in hunting up fugitives from jus- tice, and the horse-thieves of that vicinity quickly scattered to distant parts. In all his professional term he never failed to arrest any culprit he was summoned to take into custody. At one time, when the rivers were swollen, and many bridges were washed away, he was called upon, about dusk to go in search of a fugitive from justice, who had two days the start of him, and no one knew the direction he had taken. He was at work in his shop, had on his paper hat and leather apron, and in his shirt sleeves. Without stopping to make any preparation, he jumped upon his famous horse " Yankee " (railroads were not then in operation), and, after making a few inquiries of those who had seen him last, started for the East, and was two hundred miles away before he stopped to purchase a hat and coat. Having, as if by instinct, got upon his track the first day, he, by changing horses, rode night and Jay. until he caught his man in the farthest corner of the State of Maine, two thousand miles away. He deeply sympathized with those oppressed by reason of their poverty ; and, when called upon to arrest them for debt, rather than take them to jail, would often pay the debt himself, or go their security. He was a Democrat, and upheld the system of slavery ; but if a fugitive slave came to him (as they often did) for protection, his political views gave way to the voice of humanity, and he would give them shelter, food, and money to speed them on to freedom. He was very eccentric in his ways, persistent and generous to a fault. As an instance of his perseverance : While in a boat fishing for bass in a deep pond, he had drawn up a large one some three feet from the water, when it dropped from the hook. Determined not to lose the bass, he dropped his line, jumped from the boat, and caught the fish in his haaids just as it struck the water's edge, and brought it safe to the boat. He was always ready to assist at the bed-side of the sick, and his services were often brought into requisition by his neighbors, for he was an excellent nurse. Having no children of his own, he adopted and brought up a number 'of orphan relatives. He was a favorite in the village in which he lived, and all. the villagers claimed the privilege of calling him " Uncle John." He died February 2, II: (33. / i. 97. JONAS BUTBICK. Colonel Jonas Butrick was born in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, May 28, 1791. He was a descendant of one of tlie Pilgrims of the May-Flower, and a relative of Colonel Butrick, of Revolutionary fame. His early life was spent upon a farm, attending the village school during the winter months. In his youth he was fond of hunting ; but being too poor to own a gun, he made himself a bow and arrows, with which he became so expert, that, at " Election Huntings," whichever side chose young Jonas, was sure to come off victorious. At an annual celebration of the " taking of Corn- wallis," he led the Indian regiment in the " sham-fight." It was at this time he received the title of Colonel. At the age of seventeen he was apprenticed to the saddle and harness trade ; and when he became of age, he had saved enough from overwork and wages to set up in business for himself, soon after which his natural inclina- tion to invent was brought into exercise by his own necessities, and he in- vented a truss, which, from a singular circumstance, became somewhat celebrated : A gentleman of a neighboring village had, apparently, died suddenly, caused by a strain. Learning the circumstances, Colonel Butrick did not believe th« man was dead ; and, meeting the funeral at the grave-yard, he stated his doubts to his relatives, and they allowed him to open the coffin and examine the body. After adjusting the rupture, and applying the truss, the man showed signs of life, and in a few days he was walking about, and lived many years to bless the day that truss was invented. Colonel Butrick was afterward continually inventing some labor-saving machine ; but, like most inventors, he did not reap the benefit of his inven- tions — others, by some means,»getting the advantage of his "new ideas." He, at one time, before theTdays of railroads, went with his own horse and carriage to Washington, to take out a patent, which took him near two months to accomplish. While on a visit to Boston, he first heard a total abstinence temperance lecture. He joined the Society, and brought the pledge to his country home, where he established the first Temperance Society of that town. He was ever after unceasing in his efforts to extend and build up the cause, until he had the satisfaction of seeing " New England rum" banished from all the public places of the village. When the Abolition question first began to be agitated at the North, Colonel Butrick was one of its earliest champions ; and he took a special interest in the right of petition and free discussion. He invited a noted speaker to lecture in his village on the subject, obtaining the use of the Town-Hall of the Selectmen for that purpose. When the speaker began to address the audience, a number of riotous spirits began to hiss, determined he should not speak, and one, more bold than the rest, came toward the platform, saying to his comrades: "Come on ; let us drive the d — n Abolition- ist from the hall ;" whereupon Colonel Butrick, with the " fire of the Revolu- tion" in his eye, sprang from the platform, seized the intruder by the collar, and before he could make any resistance, hurled him headlong into the street. Quiet was then restored, and the lecturer proceeded. He continued to lead in all the reforms of the day, in that part of the country, until his death, which occurred March 15, 1652. 98. GEOEGE HENRY. George Henry was born in "Worcester County, Massachusetts, Febru- ary 25, 1832. At the age of five he lost his mother, and was left to the care of an elder sister, to whom he was as much attached as to a mother, and who had much to do in forming his future character. She, being a believer in the orthodox Christian faith, instilled into his youthful mind the necessity of living a true Christian life, and believing in a future salvation, through the atone- ment. In youth, as well as in after-years, his mild, generous, and obliging dis- position made friends of all with whom he came in contact. He received a good common-school and academical education, studying at intervals while working upon the farm. After a few years spent in various capacities on a railroad, he removed to Boston, and commenced a mercantile life, as a clerk for his brother ; where he became noted for his upright and honest conduct in all his business transactions, and soon commenced business on his own account. During his clerkship, he joined the Presbyterian Church, and be- came one of its most zealous and consistent members and brightest orna- ments, being looked upon by his fellow-cLurchmen as an example of moral and religious perfection. Yet, with all his goodness, he was not satisfied with himself. He continually lamented that he was not able to live a more perfect life, and be the means of doing more good in the world. Relying implicitly on the teachings and tenets of the church, he soon drifted into a belief in the doctrine of election. He then thought he saw the reason why he could not live the perfect life he believed a Christian ought to live, and came to the conclusion that he was not one of the elect — therefore doomed to everlasting condemnation. This produced a vivid impression upon his mind, and made him sad and despondent; and although his friends endeavored to dissuade him from his conclusions, he still continued to harbor them. Soon after, a financial panic occurring, he was unable to meet his obligations and contracts, when he'was more than ever convinced that he was forever lost. Closing up his business, he went into the country to reside with his friends, where, for a time, he lived a thoughtful, meditative life, taking but little interest in anything. At times he was more hopeful, but soon again became despondent, until, at last, he became partially insane, and was sent to the Worcester Asylum, where he soon took a lively interest in painting, and there was hopes of his ultimate recovery through it ; but, in one of his insane moments, he took the string from his picture-frame, and hung him- self with it, January 9, 1859. /2 ¥ 99. BED JACKET. Red Jacket, or Sa-got-e-wa-tha, his Indian name, a Chief of the Senecas, was unquestionably the most remarkable orator, excepting " the good Logan, the white man's friend." that ever came of Indian stock. He was born about the middle of the last century, near where the city ©f Buffalo now stands, and which was the residence of the Senecas. He was of a brave but generous nature, and had small delight in the ferocities of Indian warfare. He was sagacious and prudent, very thoughtful, and possessed of a most determined spirit. He could neither be terrified nor cajoled into any measure. His hut was for years the resort of the learned and. curious, who went thither to hear " the old man eloquent " discourse on the traditions of his race, or on the abstruse sciences of philosophy and theology. His dwelling stood on a spot which was secured to the Seneca tribe, and called the " Reservation". In his better days, many were the fruitless attempts to convert him to Christianity. He resisted all intercession, hurling back the argumentum ad hominem : " Your religion does not make good men of the whites; what can it do more for the red man ?" Red Jacket, like some of his white brethren, could not understand the mysteries of the vicarious sacrifice — how he and his tribe could, by any method of reasoning, in justice be made participators in the guilt of the crucifixion. He observed to a clergyman, who was trying to enlighten his benighted soul on the abstruse subject : " Brother, if you white men murdered the Son of the Great Spirit, as Indians we had nothing to do with it, and it is none of our affairs. If he had come to us we would not have killed him ; we would have treated him well. You must make amends for that crime your- selves." In 1805, he held a solemn council with his tribe on the proposition of a missionary, Rev. Mr. Cram, and declined it in one of the most masterly speeches ever delivered into the ears of men. His meeting with Lafayette, when he was last in the United States, was affecting in the extreme. He preserved the utmost decorum and dignity of manner at all times, until, in the latter part of his life, when he fell a victim to the accursed " fire-water," which destroj'ed so many of his race. On the 20th of June, 1830, at the advanced age of eighty years, he left the world, to join those who had gone before him to the happy hunting-grounds of the spirit land. SUM 33, KEHOE, INDIAN CLUBS, DUMB BELLS MANUFACTURER OF mm ■■w.w.l. Crocquet Bats and Balls, Base Ball Bats, Ten Pins and Balls. HEEL PADDED BOXING GLOVES, $7 PER SET. 309 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. ££B~ Kehoe's Illustrated Book on the use of the Club, $2.50. "^\ &g~ Send, fo r Price List. nsrcx 383 BO"W^:s:Rr2% Near Cooper Institute, NEW-YORK. All styles of Photographs taken and finished in Oil, India Ink, Water Colors or plain ; Parlor Portraits, Carte de Visites and Vignettes ; also Stereoscopic Family Groups, &c. All descriptions of Pic- tures copied and enlarged to any size. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR SAMPLE BOOKS OF ALL TRADES PROMPTLY EXECUTED. -®* WOERNER & HATJOER,, MANUFACTURERS OF GILT, ROSEWOOD AND ORNAMENTAL Looking-G-lass, Picture, Portrait & Photograph Frames; also, Mantel Mirrors and Cornices of every Description. J&~ All kinds of Gilding done to order- ~m& NO. 98 CHATHAM STREET, First-Floor. NEW- YORK. 2 b 100. TECUMSEH. Tecumseh, an Indian Brigadier-General in the British army, was born about the year 1770. From his childhood he was distinguished for his bravery and intrigue. Civilization has produced few minds that exceed the mind of the " great leader of the Shawnees." With real savage abhorrence of the whites, whom he hated as the invaders of the ashes of his sires and the peace of his wigwam and hunting- grounds, he spared no white man who came within the reach of his rifle or tomahawk. For years he cherished, and at length matured, a plan for the utter expulsion of the whites from the territory of his own and the neighboring tribes. In his negotiations with the Chiefs of the various tribes from the northern extremes of the lakes to the confluence of the Mississippi with the Gulf, he exhibited a sagacity and shrewdness, a knowledge of human nature, and an untiring perseverance worthy the great diplomatists of the world ; and his success was equal to his efforts. He appears to no less advantage as a negotiator with the whites. General Harrison was often put to fault with the shrewdness of his reasoning, and could never succeed in bringing the sturdy warrior to terms, save at the muzzle of his cannon. At the close of a fruitless negotiation, General Harrison said the matter in hand would be referred to the President. " Well," was his characteristic reply, " as the Great Chief is to determine the matter, I hope the Great Spirit will put sense enough into his head to comply with the demands of my tribe ;" that such was his sense of wrong done to his brethren, that, unless his demands were complied with, he would fight it out ; and he " would give no rest to his feet, until he had united all the red men in a like determina- tion." On another occasion, when Tecumseh had closed his speech, and was about to be seated, he discovered that no chair had been provided for him. The chair was soon provided, and the officer who brought it, observed : " General, your Father's request is that you take a chair." "My Father !" exclaimed the indignant Chief, assuming his most majestic attitude ; " the sun is my fatlier, and the earth my mother ; I will repose upon her bosom," and immedi- ately threw himself, with inimitable grace, upon the ground, after the fash- ion of the Indians. At length the negotiations terminated, and an appeal was had to arms. The battle of Tippecanoe followed, and then the battle of the Thames, where, after fighting like a lion at bay — with a fury which he alone could assume — against the most fearful odds, and heaping a barrier of human bodies all around him, a shot through the head laid him low with his foes who had fallen by his hand. Thus terminated, in the forty- fourth year of his age, the life of as brave a warrior as ever fought for his fatherland. n 101. OSCEOLA. Osceola, sometimes called " Powell," was born in the Everglades of Florida, somewhere about the year 1804. His father was Chief of the tribe, and his early life was spent as a vagabond, in most inglorious barbarism. He was famous for his sagacity in hunting, his agility and strength in the athletic sports practiced among his tribe, such as dancing, racing, shoot- ing, wrestling, 4, he was attacked with diptheria, and died, after a brief illness of three days. Mr. King published, in 1859, ''The "White Hills: their Legends, Land, scapes, and Poetry ;" and, subsequently, several discourses and addresses. <3J 109. AAEON BUEE. Aaron Burr was born in Newark, New Jersey, February 5, 1756. He lost both his parents before three years of his adventurous life had passed. Young Burr entered New Jersey College before he was twelve years old, and graduated in 1772, at the age of sixteen, quite ripe in scholarship for one of his years. In 177b' he was led to join the army raised for the defense of the Colonies, and served under Arnold, and shared with him the perilous march through the wilderness to Canada. On his arrival, General Montgomery made him his Aid, and he was at the General's side when he fell. On his return, Burr was joined to the family of the Commander-in- Chief, but, for some reason, which does not appear, left the headquarters soon after, having, by his acts, lost forever the confidence of Washington. From this period, the hostility of Burr to his former patron was bitter and unceasing. In 1777 he was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, and won the character of a brave and sagacious officer. In 1779, his health failing him, he was obliged to throw up his commission, and retire from the army. He then devoted himself to the study of the law, and commenced prac- tice at Albany in 1782, but soon removed to the city of New York. He became distinguished in his profession, and was appointed Attorney-Gen- eral of New York id 1789. From 1791 to 1797 he was a member of the United States Senate, and bore a conspicuous part, as a leader of the democratic, or republican, party. At the fourth Presidential election, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr had each seventy-three votes ; and the choice was decided by Congress, by the election of Mr. Jefferson for President, and Mr. Burr for Vice-President, on the thirty-sixth ballot. Colonel Burr was the mortal enemy of nearly all the leading Federalists, and a bitter opponent to the measures of Washington's administration. Perhaps he hated nobody with such cordial hostility as Colonel Hamilton, whom he challenged to the " fight of honor," in which Hamilton fell, and Burr was driven from his home and society for a while, by the indignant scorn of the community. Nf long after this, he conceived his mad enterprise in the Western country of the United States ; for which he was at length apprehended, and brought to Richmond, Virginia, in August, 1807, on a charge of treason ; and, after a long trial, was acquitted. He afterward returned to the city of New York, and practiced law to some extent, but passed the remainder of his days in comparative obscurity and neglect. With the most brilliant talents and most insinuating address, and a tact in conversation and debate rarely equaled, Colonel Burr might have filled a high post of honor, with credit to himself and advantage to his country, but that he was destitute of true honor, or common honesty. A profligate, with a corrupt heart, who scrupled at nothing which would satisfy his lust or his ambition, he sank lower and lower in the scale of humanity, until, on the 14th of September, 1836, at the age of eighty, he died, leaving no fragrant memories behind. ^ 110. DAVID C. BKODERICK. David C. Broderice was born in the District of Columbia, in Decem- ber. i8ia When a boy of five years of age. bis fatber removed to New York C::y ; ana. in pi — :' time. D.ivid -was apprenticed to the trade of stone-cutter, which was his father's occupation. The son. like many iNew York I became a fireman, and was for m.iny years Foreman of an Engine C in] any, and an active politician. la 1849, Broderick. following the excitement of the day. went to Cali- fornia, and en^asred in the business of smeltin_- ... I assaying g id. He was a Member of the Convention which di ifh I the Constitution of thai State, served two years in the California Senate, and was President of that body inlSol. In 1856 he was elected a Senator to the Congress of the United Stal - for the lorn? term. He died" in San Francisco, September 16. 1859, from a wound received in a duel with David S. Terry. Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of thai SI ite, on the loth of the same month, He was the first member of the United States Senate ever kiii I in duel, and it produced a great aensati a all over the country, as ii was ightthai bis] uta had arrana I the duel, in order to put him out of the w; 4 y, on account of hi- | .:. dpi slivities — he being ap- posed to the extension of Siavery, and w;.s using his influence kg linst the •n win^ot the Dem II-.. .i- . laims :: Stephen A. Douglas as a ? for the Presidency. rheduel grew out of language used by Broderick. in the political can- vass for the State, that year. Broderick and the notorious Dr. Grwin w:; : both in the habit of using the most vituperative language in their pul - declamations: and when they disagi af their iiatribes is described as something stronger than even stump-oratory ackn i . - in its ethics. Gwin. who appears to have been a cautious sort of warrior, subsi .-: .. while the prominent figure of one D. W. i Mr. Broderick with having insulted him, by using off asivt Language gard to his friend, Judge Terry, an individual who had previously is U obn;x::::s to the weU-rememl . i Vigilance Conunittef : San Fi Perlev challenged Broderick, wh; I I us 1 I fight him : but when, election. Judge Terry came fbrwai lemanded aatisfa the . - t Broderi . . funeral oration was nel E D. Baker, afterward the hereof Ball's Bluff. Father Gallagher, the pries: who crhhi.. -.da high eulogium on his personal character, but condemned the dueL /fr 111. JOKX RANDOLPH. John Randolph, <; of Roanoke." as he used to write his own name, and distinguished for his genius and talents, as for his eccentricities, was born in Virginia, June 2, l?To. He was descended in a direct line from the celebrated Indian King Pow- hattan, and was ever proud of the Indian blood that flowed in his reins. At two years of age he lost his father, from which time forward he led a vagrant life, and reached his majority a wild, untamed, unlettered, and un- tutored youth. He spent a short time at Princeton College, part of a year at Columbia College, and a few months at William and Mary's College, winding up his educational career with some six month's residence in the law office of Edmund Randolph, in all of which places he says he never learned a thing. Such was the preparatory education of a man who afterward rose to the first position as a debater in the National Council. He was elected to Congress in 1799, and continued a Member of the House of Representatives most of the time, till 1829, and afterward was appointed Minister to Russia. He ever remained a bachelor ; and his naturally unamiable temper often became intolerable through his excessively abusive language in debate. He provoked a duel with Henry Clay, but afterward became his best friend. No man was listened to with more attentive silence in the House or Senate than he. He never spoke, without commanding the most intense interest. At his first gesture or word, the House and galleries were hushed into silence and attention. His voice was shrill and pipe-like, but under perfect command ; and, in its lower tones, it was music. His tall person, firm eves, and peculiarly expressive fingers, assisted very much in giving effect to his delivery. His eloquence was generally exerted in satire and invective ; but he never attempted pathos without entire success. In quickness of perception, accuracy of memory, liveliness of imagina- tion, and sharpness of wit. he surpassed most men of his day ; but his judg- ment was feeble, and rarely consulted. One of his most striking characteristics was, perhaps, his economy, which he rigidly practiced; and, both in public and private affairs, diligently incul- cated. His inheritance was inconsiderable, and heavily incumbered with a British debt ; but, by a long course of economy, he relieved his estate, and acquired wealth. With all his moroseness, Mr. Randolph was a kind master, a good neigh- bor, and a steadfast friend. At the time of his death, he was possessed of a large and valuable estate, on the Roanoke, and had three hundred and eighteen slaves and one hundred and eighty horses, one hundred and twenty of which were blood horses. ' He died at Philadelphia on the 24th day of May, 1834, in the sixty-first year of his age, while on his way to Europe, in hopes of a partial restoration to health. 112. TIMOTHY PICKEKING. Timothy Pickering was born in Salem, Massachusetts, July 17, 1745. At the age of sixteen he entered Harvard College, and graduated in 1763. "While in College, and after leaving it, he entered, heart and soul, into the discussion of those great political questions which, at that time, were agitating his countrymen; and the results of his labors are among the rarest and finest specimens of political literature which that fertile age produced. Previous to the commencement of hostilities, he held several important civil offices ; but when the sound of war echoed from Lexington and Con- cord through the land, he gave up those duties, and entered the camp. He was elected Colonel of the Essex militia, and took much pains to instruct his officers and soldiers in the art of their calling. To Colonel Pickering it fell to head the first armed force against English oppression. On Sunday, February 26, 1775, while the people were at church, news came that a British regiment was landing at Marblehead, and that they intended to march through Salem, in search of military stores, said to be secreted somewhere in the vicinity. The churches were instantly closed, and, with their ministers at their head, the congregations proceeded to the draw-bridge, raised the draw, and awaited the approach of Colonel Leslie and his regiment. Colonel Pickering, at the head of what militia he could hastily summon, appeared as their leader on the occasion. On the arrival of Leslie, he told him that the stores belonged to the people, and would not be surrendered without a struggle. Leslie then attempted to seize on a gondola, to enable him to cross the stream, when the owner of it, Joseph Sprague, Esq., jumped into the boat, knocked a hole in her bottom, and she sunk. While doing this, he received several slight bayonet-wounds, thus shedding the first blood of the Revolution. By the interference of Rev. Mr. Barnard, Colonel Leslie was induced to abandon the project, by their allowing him to cross the draw, so that it might seem to be voluntary on his part. So the draw was let down, the valiant Colonel and his regiment crossed, between the lines of the American militia, countermarched, retreated to Marblehead, and set sail the same evening. On the 19th of April following occurred the fight at Lexington. In 1776, Colonel Pickering was elected by Congress a member of the " Continental Board of War ;" and the same year he received the highly- important appointment of Quartermaster-General, on the resignation of that office by General Greene. On the close of the war, he removed to Philadelphia, and was a Member of the Convention called in 1790, to revise the Constitution of Pennsylvania. Erom 1791 to 1794, he was Postmaster-General, under Washington ; and during the latter year was made Secretary of War. In 1795 he was ap- pointed Secretary of State, which office he held until the election of John Adams to the Presidency. Removing to Massachusetts in 1802, he was elected to the United States Senate in 1803, and again in 1805. In 1814 he was elected to Congress, and finally retired from public life altogether in 1817. He died at Salem, on the 29th of January, 1829, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. 113. WILLIAM MOULTEIE General William Moultrie, one of the bravest of South Carolina's sons, was born in 1730. At the age of thirty he entered the service of his country as a volunteer against the Cherokee Indians, whose marauding parties had inspired the Southern settlements with terror. Men, women, and children were savagely murdered and carried into captivity, to be barbarously tormented for a sea- son, and then dispatched at the stake, or by the edge of the tomahawk. This campaign was unsuccessful, as was the second under Colonel Mont- gomery, in which Moultrie again served as a volunteer. The Indians, flying to their impenetrable fastnesses, eluded pursuit, and were ready, at a moment's warning, to sally forth again on their work of devastation and death. In 1761, a third expedition, in which he served as Captain, was more suc- 3essf ul. The Indians were humbled, and glad to sue for peace. Captain Moultrie was among the first and foremost of those who asserted the rights of the Colonists against the aggressions of the parent country, and who " stirred up the people to mutiny." On the commencement of hostilities he was already engaged in active service, having been appointed by the Provincial Congress, on the ever-memorable 17th of June, 1775, a Colonel in the second of the two regiments voted to be raised by that body. To him belongs the honor of raising the first American flag — a device of his own — being " blue, with a white crescent in the dexter corner." His first service was his gallant defense of Sullivan's Island, on which a fort had been erected, and to which was given, subsequently, the name of its heroic defender, " Fort Moultrie." From this time until 1780, he served in the Southern army under General Lincoln, during which he rose to the grade of Major-General. He was taken prisoner at the fall of Charleston, where he fought against fearful odds for more than a month. While a prisoner of war, the British attempted to bribe him through Lord Charles Montague. "When I entered into this contest," was his patriotic reply, " I did it with the most mature deliberation and a determined resolu- tion to risk my life and fortune in the cause. I shall continue to go on as I have begun, that my example may encourage the youths of America to stand forth in the defense of their rights and liberties. You tell me I have a fair opening of quitting that service by going to Jamaica. Good God ! Is it possible that such a sentiment could find place in the breast of a man of honor ? You tell me that by quitting the country for a season I might avoid disagreeable conversations, and return again at leisure to regain my estates ; but you forget to tell me how I am to get rid of the feelings of an injured, honest heart. Where am I to hide from myself ? Could I be guilty of such baseness, I should shun mankind, and hate myself! " He was exchanged in 1782 ; and, after the war, retired to his estates in South Carolina, and was elected Governor of that State in 1785-6, and again in 1794-5. He died on the 27th of September, 1805, in the seventy-fifth year of his age. Several years before his death, General Moultrie wrote and published the memoirs of the war in the South during the revolution, in nearly all of which scenes he took an active and glorious par f i 9 114. ANTHONY WAYNE. General Anthony Wayne — "Mad Anthony," as he -was familiarly- called in the army, on account of his reckless and headlong- courage — was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, January 1, 1745. He never had much taste for severe study, although he took kindly to mathematics ; and, at the age of eighteen, entered upon the business of sur- veying. In 1775 the first wish of his heart was gratified by a military commission. He then raised a regiment of volunteers, and was chosen its Colonel. Join- ing the Northern army, in 1777, he was appointed to the command of Ticon- deroga, afterward joined Washington in New Jersey. While the winter quarters were at Valley Forge, he was sent on a forag- ing expedition, which duty he performed to the delight of his commander and the surprise of the enemy, from under whose very nose he succeeded in carrying off large supplies of cattle and forage. It was on this expedition and its leader that the witty Andre employed the satire of his pen in a song set to the music of Yankee Doodle, the last stanzas of which ran thus : " But now I end my lyric strain, I tremble as I show it, Lest this same warrior-drover Wayne Should ever catch the poet." Singular enough, when Andre was taken, he was delivered into the hands of this same " warrior-drover." The next we find of Wayne was at Stony Point, which ha assaulted and carried. In the assault he received a shot in the knee, and fell. Rising instantly on one knee he exclaimed : " Forward, my brave fellows — -forward!" In 1781, the Pennsylvania army revolted and determined to march to Congress and present their grievances. Wayne, finding he could not pro- duce any effect by kind words, drew his pistol and swore he would shoot the first man who moved. The soldiers presented their muskets and said : " We respect and love you. You have often led us to the battle-field ; but you are our leader no longer. Dare but to discharge your pistol and you are a dead man. We are still attached to the cause, and are ready to meet the enemy in the breach ; but we will have redress." They were dismissed with disgrace for their insubordination. Wayne then went to Virginia and was at the capture of Cornwallis. After tiome unimportant service rendered at the South, he retired to private life. The Indians on our Northwestern frontier, aided by the British and tories, soon became insolent and committed the most wanton ravages and cruelties on that border ; Harmer, St Clair, and other brave officers yielding to their savage prowess. In 1792 Wayne was appointed to the command of the Northwestern army. After much maneuvering, he succeeded in bringing the enemy to bat- tle, and routed them with immense slaughter, the Indian force being twice that of his own. This brought the savages to their senses, and they soon after — August 3, 1795 — signed a treaty of peace. In the winter of 179G, in a small hut at Presque Isle, this veteran war- rior breathed his last in the arms of his officers, and was buried on the shores of Lake Erie. /#/ 115. EICHAED H. LEE. HiCHAKD HENBY Lee was born in Virginia, in 1732. Of his childhood and youth there is nothing special to record, except that he was sent to England to acquire an education. In early manhood he took a prominent part in the political agitations of those troublous times. His strong and patriotic heart, aided by a thorough classical education, gave him the position of a leader. To him has been ascribed the first regular attempt at resistance to British aggression ; though that point is not clear. In 1773, as a Member of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, he proposed the formation of that famous "Committee of Correspondence," whose investigations and appeals roused, not only the hearts of Virginia, but of the whole country. On the assembling of the first Congress, Richard Henry Lee was there to represent the burghers of his own Virginia, to act and to work in the glorious cause to which he and his coadjutors " pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors." He was among the foremost who went for an open and explicit declara- tion of independence ; and the clear, strong, and patriotic views he so vehemently urged before that body, did much to strengthen the timid and irresolute, and to confirm the doubtful in their patriotism. He introduced that immortal resolution, " That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States ; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown ; and that all political connection between them and Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." When the committee formed to draft the Declaration of Independence was appointed, Mr. Lee was in Virginia on account of sickness in his family, and thus Mr. Jefferson was placed at the head of that committee, which honor belonged, of right, to him, as the mover of the resolution. His name, however, stands among the signers of that immortal instrument. Mr. Lee resumed his seat in Congrress the next month, and continued to occupy it until 1779, when ill health compelled him to decline tho honor, till 1784, when he reluctantly consented to serve again. On taking his seat, he was unanimously called upon to preside, which he did with great dignity and to the entire satisfaction of that body. In 1792 Mr. Lee retired altogether from public life, and two years after, his exhausted powers sank into the repose of death on the 19th of June, 1794. The name of Richard Henry Lee stands among the highest on the scroll of his country's fame. As a patriot, as a man, as a friend, and as an orator, he had few equals. His enemies were few, while his friends were many ; and he went to his rest with the blessings of the multitude resting on his monument. 116. FEANCIS HOPKINSON. Francis Hopkinson was born in Philadelphia in 1738. Having gradu- ated with the highest honors at the College of Philadelphia, he entered at once upon the study of the law, in the office of the eminent j urist, Benjamin Cheever, then Attorney-General of the State of Pennsylvania, under whose care he went through the regular course of study for the practice of his profession. Instead of entering at once into the practice of law, he devoted himself to the acquaintance of elegant literature, and spent two years in England, storing his mind with scientific and classical knowledge. He used his pen in verse and prose, in which he manifested wit, taste, and a pure morality. His power of satire was very great, never letting any subject escape him that afforded scope for his pungent wit, which was elegant and refined. He never spoke or wrote a word that would give pain to the most sensitive fastidiousness. He was a Member of the Continental Congress which passed the Declaration of Independence, and his name may be found on that immortal document. When the Independence of the Colonies was at length achieved, it was found that the people were free, indeed, but with none of the necessary ele- ments of a nation. Without a currency or commerce, having no manufac- tures, agriculture almost wholly neglected, our desolate and deplorable condi- tion appalled even the hearts of those who had never yet quailed before the awful storm of war, which had desolated the fair face of our country. Francis Hopkinson was among those few brave spirits who saw the end from the beginning, and had never faltered, never doubted. Under their power- ful and patriotic guidance, order began to appear, and one after another of those glorious institutions, which are our boast and the admiration of the world, were founded. He was an active Member of the Convention of 1787, which met in Philadelphia to draft the United States Constitution, and also of the Con- vention that ratified it. He was appointed, by Washington, Judge of the District Court of Penn- sylvania in, 1790, but did not live long to enjoy the honor or perform the duty, for he was stricken with epilepsy, and died, May 9, 1791, in the fifty- third year of his age. During the sittings of the Continental Congress he was appointed Judge of the Admiralty of the State of Pennsylvania, and his decisions, while in that office, give evidence of an acute judgment and a profound acquaintance with the law pertaining to that branch of legal jurisprudence, as well as the nicest literary acquisitions and general knowledge. /54->, with George P. Morris, he revived the New York Mirror, which had been discontinued for several years, first as a weekly and then as a daily gazette, but withdrew from it on the death of his wife, in 1844, and made another visit to England, where he published " Lashes at Life with a Free Pencil," consisting of stories and sketches of European and American society. On his return to New York, in 184o, he published hi3 complete works, which filled a closely-printed imperial octavo volume of eight hundred In. October of the same year he married a daughter of the Hon. J - ph Grinnell, of New Bedford, Ma.-.s., and selected for his home the pleasant "Idlewild," which has been made memorable by his " Out-Loorsjjof Idle- wild," and later labors. About the same time he became associated with Mr. George P. Morris, as Editor of the Home Journal, a weekly, which rapid;y won a large share of the public favor, and has continued, from that to the present time, a popular organ of literature, society, fashionable life, and the news of the day. The extent of Mr. Willis's works comprise almost a lior iry of volumes, which are doubtless too well known to demand a repetition in this place. ntj or thirty years ago Mr. Willis was the recognized leading Poet of America; and at that time he deserved the reputation. His earlier poenu are marked by elegant diction, real grace, and genuine pat:. Several of them were at once adopted by compilers of school-books, and thus a large portion of the youth of the country have become familiar with Wi .i-.'s beat productions. His elegy on the death of President Harrison, and his " B tptisrn in Jordan," are among his most widely-known poems. cmal acquaintance of unnenal '-xtent, and both hers a nd abroad he had hosts of friends. He died of paralysis, January 20, the sixtieth anniversary of his bir th -day. rrt 12i. WASHINGTON ALLSTON. "Washington Allston, the eminent Poet and Painter, was born "in South Carolina, in 1780, and graduated at Harvard College in 1800. The year following, he embarked for Europe, and remained abroad for eight years, studying the works of the j^reat masters, and enjoying the friendship of the most distinguished poets and painters of England and Italy. Among those with whom he lived on terms of familiar intimacy, were "Wordsworth, Southey, and Coleridge, each of whom enshrined in verse their affectionate remembrance of his genius and virtues. He had. the in- struction and friendship of West, Fuzeli, and Reynolds. While in Europe, he was not only ingratiated to every one with whom he came in contact, but his talents and genius commanded the respect and consideration of the masters of his art. "In painting, the genius of Allston was adapted to the creation of ; both the beautiful and the sublime ; although it may be inferred from the nature of his works, that the tendencies of his mind were to subjects of stern grandeur, and of strong, deep feeling. His conceptions, taken from the highest departments of art, were always bold and originaL He possessed a powerful, as well as brilliant, imagination; while the execution of his pic- tures was marked by a rare combination of strength, freedom, and grace. As a colorist, his qualities are best described by the name applied to him by the artists of Italy, and by which alone he was known to many, that of the . American Titian.' " Among his principal works were : " The Dead Man Restored to Life by Elijah," " The Angel Liberating Peter from Prison," " Jacob's Dream," "Elijah in the Desert," "The Angel Uriel in the Sun," "Saul and the Witch of Endor," " Spalatro's Vision of the Bloody Hand," " Gabriel Setting the Guard of the Heavenly Host," " Anne Page and Slender," "Beatrice," and other exquisite productions. During the last years of his life, Mr. Allston was engaged upon a chef- d'oeuvre, called " Belshazzar's Feast," which, most unfortunately for the honor of his name and the credit of the art, he was not permitted to com- plete. Enough was accomplished, however, to show that the ripened mind of the great artist was not marred nor weakened by any manifestation of physical decay. It is the production of a great mind and heart. Mr. All.-, ton also cultivated the muses with considerable success. A small volume of his poems were published in London, in 1813 ; and his poems afterward contributed to the press, rank him among the first American poets. He published a tale called " Monaldi," a work of great power and beauty. It is full of delicate touches in its coloring, and shows him to have been .ssed of a soul keenly alive to all that is beautiful and pure in nature and in humanity. In the classic shades of Cambridge, Mr. Washington Allston, the Painter, Poet, and Poet-Painter, bade adieu to the scenes of earth, on the 9th of July, tb4o, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. 125. WASHINGTON IEYING. Washington Irving was bom April 3, 1782, in the city of New York:i He was the youngest son of a numerous family, and received his academic ' honors at Columbia College. About this time he commenced his career as a public 'writer by contribu^ ting a series of letters to the Morning Chronicle, under the signature of " Jonathan Old-Sty le." These juvenile essays attracted much notice at the time ; and, in 1823 or 1824, were collected and published without the sanc-j tion of the author. On leaving college, he commenced the study of the law ; and, after read-^ ing the allotted time, duly installed himself in tbat profession, and opened an office in New York City. It is said that he never was so unfortunate as to have but one client, and his cause he was altogether too diffident tO| manage ; so, turning over both client and cause to one of his brethern who: had less modesty, he left the profession in disgust, and decided to pursue, the more flowery path of literature. In this choice he evinced a rare judg-; ment; some say he committed a happy blunder.^ It was to him the only; sure one to fame. In 1804 Mr. Irving visited Europe for his health, and returned in 1806. 1 In December, 1809, he published his " Knickerbocker History of New York." In 1810, his two brothers, who were engaged in commercial business, gave him an interest in the concern, with the understanding that he was to pursue his literary avocation. On the close of the war, in May, 1815, he embarked for Liverpool, with the intention of making a second tour of Europe, but was prevented by the sudden reverses which followed the return of peace, overwhelming the house in which he had an interest, and involving him in its ruin. In 1818, while residing in London, he wrote and published his " Sketch- Book ;" and, after seventeen years' residence in Europe, during which he wrote various works, and held, for several years, the office of Secretary of Legation to the American Embassy in London, he returned to New York in 1832, and was greeted everywhere with the warmest enthusiasm. In 1842 he was appointed Minister to Spain, in which capacity he had evidence enough of his unfitness for the drudgery of official detail. He was better adapted to pour into the living souls of millions of his race the refreshing and strengthening waters of a benevolent, holy, and highly inten- sified intelligence. He returned in 1846 ; and, in 1850, commenced his " Life of "Washington," completing his last and fifth volume in April, 1S59. The versatility of Mr. Irving's pen is wonderful, and its power to create a laugh " beneath the ribs of death," or wring a tear of genuine sympathy from the eye of cold philosophy, all have been compelled to confess. There is, too, a freshness and raciness in all he wrote that smacks of nothing but his own high genius and all-embracing heart. Pick up a stray leaf from any of his many books, and though it have no mark or signature to identify it, yet you will know it by the faithful daguerreotyped lineament of his beautiful and harmonious mind. Unlike some whose charter of nobility lies in their pen, Mr. Irving was the personation of his best fictions — a true gentleman, and kind neighbour. His beautiful " Sunnyside " residence was as quiet and sheltered as the heart of man could desire, in which to take refuge from the troubles and care* of the world. He died, November 28, 1859. //• 126. JOHN STARK. General John Stark, tbe hero of Bennington, was born in Londonderry, now Manchester, New Hampshire, on the 28th of August, 1728. At a very early age, he, together with his three brothers, became qiiite famous as trappers and hunters. On one occasion in 1 752, having followed his vocation far into the wilderness, he was taken prisoner by the Indians, with whom he suffered incredible hardships. He was after a while redeemed at a great price, and returned home. In 1756 he was chosen Captain under the famous Major Robert Rogers. This was the school in which not only John Stark learned the practice of war, but many others on the borders of New Hampshire were thus prepared to dare and overcome the power of England. When the first blood was spilt at Concord and Lexington, he hastened with his trained band to Cambridge, and was commissioned Colonel. The same day eight hundred men enlisted to serve under him. He was at the battle of Bunker Hili, and occupied the bloodiest position on that memorable occasion. He was afterward ordered to New York, and was at the battles of Trenton and Princeton, where he manifested that heroism, courage, and prudence which were so conspicuous afterward at Bennington. He threw up his commission for some slight of Congress, and returned to his native State, whose Legislature voted him thanks for his services, and sent him to oppose the progress of Burgoyne, with the command of a brigade. He soon found himself at the head of a considerable army, and forthwith commenced operations by marching to Bennington, Vt., where he met the enemy ; and, after some sharp skirmishing, on the 16th day of August, 1777, he gained that splendid victory which made his name and Bennington famous. As they were about to commence the attack, General Stark called his " Green Mountain Boys " into a hollow-square, and thus addressed them : " Boys ! There's the enemy. They must be beat, or Molly Stark must sleep a widow this night ! Forward, boys — March /" With an enthusiasm sel- dom equaled, they went into the fight, determined to win, and they came off victorious. For these important services, Congress voted General Stark their grateful thanks, and commissioned him Brigadier-General in the Continental army ; and, joining Gates, he rendered efficient aid in the destruction of that splendid army which laid down its arms to the American commander, at Saratoga. In 1779 he served in Rhode Island. In 1780 he was with Washing-ton at Morristown, and fought in the battle of Springfield. He was also a mem- ber of the court-martial that sentenced Major Andre to be hanged. He continued In the service till 1783, when he carried the news of peace to his native colony, now a State. Henceforth he declined public employ- ment, and retired to private life, enjoying the blessings of peace and quiet to the great age of ninety-three, dying May 8, 1822. A granite shaft marks the place of his interment, on the east bank of the Merrimac, at Manchester, N. H., bearing the simple inscription, "Major- General Stark." • ~ " H 127. JOAN OF AEG. Joan OF Arc, one of the most remarkable enthusiasts that history has commemorated, was born about the year 1400, in the village of Domremy Lorraine, France, and was the daughter of poor but industrious parents. Her early years were employed in tending cattle ; and the solitude in which much of her time was passed, seems to have fostered a disposition naturally religious and enthusiastic. About the year 1425 France was in a wretched condition, Charles VII being acknowledged King only in a few provinces, the rest being occupied by the English, and presenting one vast scene of desolation. The chief occupation of the inhabitants was theft or robbery. The degradation of her country had so deeply impressed her mind, that she was persuaded " Heaven had commissioned her to effect its deliverance." Encouraged, as she fondly imagined, by " angelic voices," she determined to declare to the King her mission ; and, though she met with great opposi- tion, at length appeared before Charles, who at first treated her as a vision- ary. Persisting, however, in her declaration that she was delegated by Catharine, her patron saint, to raise the siege of Orleans, and to crown her native monarch in Rheims, at that time in the hands of the enemy, she obtained a party of troops for the relief of the besieged town in 1428. With the veteran Dunois at her side, and having pevfect faith that she was supported by hosts of angels, she exhibited such heroic courage and unbounden confidence in her success, that she instilled into her followers the same spirit, and produced such an impression upon the enemy, that she succeeded in making her way into the city, the assailants retiring before her, a prey to superstitious terrors, not less strongly felt by Talbot and Chandas than by the meanest soldiers under their command. In the course of the next year she had the gratification of seeing her sovereign consecrated in the Cathedral at Rheims. She was soon after taken prisoner by the Bungundians, while endeavor- ing to raise the siege of Compeigne, and John of Luxemburg surrendered her to the Duke of Bedford for a large sum of money. She was burned, on a charge of witchcraft, at Rouen, in 1431, it having been declared that the defeat of the English " were caused by the unlawful doubt that they had of a disciple and limb of the fiend, called the " Pucelle," who had used false enchantments and sorcery." If the cruel fate of Joan of Arc be a stain on the glory of England, what can be said of Charles VII and his friends who abandoned her to languish in captivity, and to perish at the stake. No ransom was offered for her, no attempt made to alleviate the rigors of her confinement, no notice taken of her execution. 128. RICHARD MONTGOMERY. General Richard Montgomery was born in the north of Ireland, in 1737. Possessed of a brilliant genius and cultivated mind, he entered the English service at the age of twenty, with considerable eclat. He fought side by side with Wolf, at the taking of Quebec — a place so singularly destined to witness his first and last battle. On his return to England he decided to make his home in America; and, marrying a daughter of Robert R. Livingston, he settled on the banks of the Hudson, as an American citizen. On the breaking out of the Revolution he took sides with his adopted country, and became a de- voted patriot. With a brigadier's commission he joined the expedition against Que- bec, in the winter of 1775, under Gen. Schuyler, where he soon took com- mand, in consequence of the illness of his superior, and was honored with a major-general's commission. In this arduous campaign his brilliant military talents fully developed themselves. With an army half-clad, half-fed, shoeless, and nearly destitute of artillery ; in midwinter, in the severest weather, it required the genius, the prompt and noble daring, of Montgomery, to lead such a forlorn hope to victory. Thrice — at St. Johns, at Chambly, and at Montreal — had his undisciplined and mutinous troops achieved a victory through the genius of their leader ; and it only wanted that Quebec should be added to make the list of his conquests complete. Everything combined to oppose his success. Whole companies de- serted ; others became mutinous and difficult to control. The snow had been piled in large drifts, and the cold intense. Yet nothing cooled the ardor of Montgomery. On the last day of the year, between the hours of four and five in the morning, in the midst of a heavy snow storm, he caused the attack to commence ; encouraging his men with the memora- ble words : " Men of New York, you will not fear to follow your general ! March !" He had already passed the first barrier, when the single dis- charge of a cannon, loaded with grape, proved fatal to him, killing at the same time several of his officers, who stood near him. The death of Montgomery was the token of defeat, and shortly afterward the army surrendered. A monument was^erected by Congress, in front of St. Pauls Church, New York city, with the following inscription : THIS MONUMENT WAS ERECTED BY ORDER OP CONGRESS, TWENTY-FIFTH OF JANUARY, 1776, To transmit to posterity a grateful remembrance of the patriotic conduct, enterprise, and perseverance, of Major-Oeneral RICHARD MONTGOMERY, Who, after a series of successes amidst the most discouraging difficulties, JPlsU in the attack on Quebec, Zlsi December \ 1775, Aged 37 years. /J b 129. FEANCIS MAEION. General Francis Marion — the brave, chivalrous, glorious old Marion, whose feats of arms remind one of the gallant old chevaliers in the times of the Crusade — was born at Wingam, near Georgetown, South Carolina, in 1732 — the natal year ef Washington. His father was poor ; hence his education was sadly neglected. Having acquired a passion for the sea, at the age of sixteen he cured himself of it, by making a trip to the West Indies, in which he suffered shipwreck, and barely escaped with his life, in a state of starvation. In 1759 he entered the service of the State against the Indians, in Cap- tain Moultrie's company of horse, where he is described as an active, brave, and hardy soldier, and an excellent officer. In 1775 he was chosen to the Provincial Congress of South Carolina, from St. John's. While a Member of that body, the news of the battle of Lexington arrested their proceedings, as it was like a flake of fire thrown into a magazine. Instantly, with that prompt patriotism which ever distinguished this chivalrous State, it was resolved to raise two regiments of infantry and one of cavalry, Marion receiving the commission of Captain in the cavalry, under the command of General Moultrie. At the affair at Sullivan's Island, he acted as Major, and for his bravery and coolness on that occasion, he was raised to a Colonelcy. He was with Lincoln and D'Estang in Georgia, and retired with Lin- coln to South Carolina, after their defeat. At the siege and capture of Charleston, he was prevented from taking part in the operations by an injury received in his leg. Before he had quite recovered, he made his way to Virginia, joine*d General Gates' army, and became aid to General De Kalb. The fatal battle of Camden soon followed, and Marion, with a handful of thirty men, escaped. With these brave companions he determined to commence a partisan warfare, which was one of the most brilliant and romantic ever recorded by the pen of the historian. His first exploit was to capture a British guard of ninety men, which had charge of two hundred American prisoners, whom he set at liberty. "He then cut up a party of tories of forty-nine men, and took their ammuni- tion, baggage, arms, and horses, without the loss of a man. During the bloody and disgraceful march of Cornwallis, whose track bore such horrible marks of cruelty, he and his braves did the country great service, in cutting off supplies and harrassing the enemy's operations, until Cornwallis was shut up in Yorktown, and afterward captured. In 1782 he was chosen S nator to the State Legislature, but soon retired to his plantation at St. John's, married, and spent the rest of his days in domestic peace. He died February 27, 1795. AT 130. JOHN MILTON. John Milton was born in London, England, in 1608. In order to cul- tivate the great genius which early displayed itself, his father was at the expense of a domestic tutor, from which he was removed to St. Paul's School, to complete his acquaintance with the classics; and, after a short stay, transferred to Christ's College, where he distinguished himself in all kinds of academical exercises. After some years spent in studious retirement, he traveled for two years in France and ■ Italy, when, civil war breaking out, he returned home, and undertook the education of a number of young men. In 1843 he married a lady who deserted him in little more than a month afterward, which provoked him to write several treatises on divorce. She soon after, however, returned to him ; and, throwing herself at his feet, im- plored his forgiveness and reconciliation ; which scene he has graphically pictured in " Paradise Lost," where Eve addresses Adam for pardon and peace. The keenness of Milton's pen so effectually recommended him to Crom- well's esteem, that, when he took the reins of Government into his own hands, he appointed, him Latin Secretary to himself and Parliament, which he enjoyed during the lifetime of the usurper and his son. His wife died about this time, and soon after he became totally blind. In his early days he wrote the " Mask of Comus," " L'Allegro," "II Pense- roso," and " Lucidas," all in such an exquisite strain, that, though he had left no other mementos of his genius behind, his name had been immortal. The fall of man was a subject that he had for some years before fixed on as a tragedy, which he intended to form by models of antiquity ; and some say the play opened with that speech in " Paradise Lost" which is addressed by " Satan to the Sun;" but, whatever truth there may be in the report, it is certain he did not begin to mould his subject in the form it now bears, be- fore he had wholly lost his sight, and was obliged to employ an amanuensis. Yet, under all his discouragements and various interruptions, in the year 1669 he published his " Paradise Lost" — one of the noblest poems that ever the wit of man has produced in any age or nation. It may seem strange, but nevertheless true, that Milton, after, with diffi- dulty, getting his poem licensed for the press, could sell the copy for no more than fifteen pounds. About two years after, he published " Paradise Regained," which he pre- ferred to " Paradise Lost." Milton died in 1674, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. In youth, he is said to have been extremely handsome ; his hair light brown, long, and worn in curls; the symmetry of his features exact, and his complexion ruddy, with an agreeable air. His perception was quick, memory tenacious, and genius transcendent. /J € 131. CHRISTOPHEE COLUMBUS. Christopher Columbus was born at Genoa, Italy, about the year i435. He commenced his maritime career while yet a mere youth, his first voyage being with a naval expedition fitted out at Genoa, in 1459, by John of Anjou, Duke of Calabria, to recover the Kingdom of Naples for his father, Rene, Count de Provence. f For many years after this, the traces of his career are faint. His saga- cious mind led him to believe that there were other lands afar off, toward the setting sun ; and he resolved to convince the world that his views were correct. Poor and friendless as he was, he conceived the bold idea which led to the discovery of the Western Continent. Full of this purpose, he sought the aid of powerful courts, first applying to the throne of Portugal, and then to, that of Spain. But here he encountered the fiercest opposition ; and not till after many years of struggle and disappointment did he succeed in securing the patronage of Ferdinand and Isabella, who fitted him out with a squadron of three small vessels, carrying only one hundred and twenty persons. With this little fleet, full of hope and the solemn purpose he had so long and ardently cherished, he set sail from Huelva, on the 3d of August, 1492. After a long and perilous voyage, in which the terrors of the Atlantic were among the smallest difficulties he had to encounter, his officers, crew, and passengers being in constant fear and mutiny, his heart was made glad, and the fears of all dissipated, by the joyous cry of "Land Ho /" on the morn- ing on the 12th of October, 1492. Columbus speedily landed, and took possession, in the name of their Catholic Majesties, amidst a wondering crowd of naked savages, who re- ceived him with simple sincerity. He cruised among the Islands for several months, and gave them the general name of " West Indies." January 4, 1493, he set sail for Spain, where his return was hailed as a triumph, and he was treated with all the pomp and ceremony of a mighty conqueror. He soon sailed with a larger and better- provisioned squadron, bearing the title of Admiral, Viceroy, and Governor of all the lands he had, or might discover ; with unlimited powers to make laws for their government, erect cities, &c. r He reached his place of destination, and immediately commenced to carry into execution the plans he had so long cherished ; but intrigue and treachery at Court made his lot a continual strife, and he, at length, re- turned to Spain, rather as a prisoner than a conqueror. He again returned to the New World ; and, after a futile effort to regain his wonted sway, he again sought redress at the foot of the throne ; but Isabella being dead, Ferdinand treated him with such duplicity and base ingratitude, that the old mariner died, broken-hearted, and carried his cause to a higher Court. The discovery of America by Columbus, may be regarded as the most important event that has ever resulted from individual genius and enter- prise. Although another has received the honor of giving a name to this continent, yet the world accords to Columbus the honor of its discovery. •r- 132. FELIX E. ZOLICOFFEK. Felix R. Zolicoffer was born May 19, 1812. He received an aca- demical education ; became Printer, and Editor of a newspaper in Paris, Tennessee, in 1829 ; and was elected State Printer in 1835. He removed to Nashville in 1842, and became Editor of the Banner, a Whig journal. In 1845 he was chosen Comptroller of the Treasury, and in 1849 was elected to the State Senate. He received the contract to build the suspension-bridge over the Cum- berland River, at Nashville ; after which, in 1852, he was sent to the United States Congress, and again in 1859, when he joined the Democratic party, on account of its sympathy with the institution of Slavery. On the breaking out of the Rebellion, he joined the Southern Confed- eracy, and was commissioned Brigadier-General in the Rebel army, July 21, 1861, when he took command of a large body of Rebel troops, and marched into Kentucky. He telegraphed Governor Magoffin, September 14, 1861, that the safety of Tennessee demanded the occupation of Cumberland Gap, and the three long ranges of mountains in Kentucky, and that he should hold them until the Union forces were withdrawn. But the Kentucky Legislature issued an address to the people, in which it was declared that, as the Confederates had violated the neutrality of Kentucky, it left them no alternative but " to drive the invaders out ;" and General Anderson assumed command of the United States forces in that State. Zolicoffer had a slight skirmish at Barboursville with the Home Guards of that place, September 18, 1861 ; but on the arrival of an Indiana regiment, they (the Rebels), shouting that they were Union men, approached within a short distance, and, taking deliberate aim, fired upon them before the false- hood was discovered. The Indiana regiment returned the fire with vigor, and the enemy precipitately retired. Zolicoffer afterward attacked them twice, but was forced, at last, to retreat to Barboursville. About the middle of November he made his camp at Mill Spring, on the southern bank of the Cumberland, and at Buck's Grove, on the northern bank. At the same time the Union forces were about twenty-five miles north- west of Beech Grove, at the cross-roads ; and, as the roads were bad, and rivers swollen, Zolicoffer determined to attack them before they could get any reinforcements. Accordingly, on the 19th of January, 1862, he advanced, encountered, and drove in, the Federal cavalry ; and, moving rapidly up the road, met the main body of the Union troops, with whom he commenced a sharp engagement. General Zolicoffer, surrounded by his body-guard, was leading his men to the charge, when Colonel Ery, of the Fourth Kentucky, shot him dead with a pistol. His death had such a depressing effect upon his troops, that, in the con- fusion, being charged with the bayonet by the Ninth Ohio, they were driven from the field, and at night they fled to the Cumbei'land. His death occurred on the 19th of January, 1862. ft & 133riSAAC TOUCEY.' Isaac Toucey was born in Connecticut in 1798. Like many of our eminent public men, he received the benefits only of a common-school edu- cation ; but, by force of character and rare natural abilities, he rose to the highest positions in the land. , The profession, which is the leading one to public distinction in this country — that of the law — Mr. Toucey adopted for his career ; and, at an early age, he was appointed States Attorney for his native county. He was elected a Representative to Congress in 1835, and re-elected in 1837. Retiring to private life in 1839, he returned to the practice of his profession, and became distinguished. His prominence and ability as a lawyer recommending him to President Polk as a member of his Cabinet, he accepted the position of Attorney- General in 1848, and continued in that office during the remainder of Polk's administration. In 1850 he was elected to the State Senate of Connecticut ; and to the United States Senate, in 1852, which position he filled with marked ability until 1857, when he resigned to accept the appointment of Secretary of the Navy, tendered him by President Buchanan. This office he held to the close of Mr. Buchanan's administration. Senator in the United States Congress, Attorney-General of the United States, and Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Toucey filled all these distinguished national positions with marked ability, besides holding, with honor, various offices of distinction in his native State. Terminating his official career with the close of President Buchanan's administration, he retired to pri- vate life. Whoever saw this venerable statesman during the period he held the office of Secretary of the Navy, could not fail to have been impressed with his dignified and courtly demeanor and his urbanity of manner. Added to these external accomplishments, he has shown great ability throughout a most active and successful political and professional career. Associated, as Mr. Toucey was, in the Cabinet of Mr. Buchanan, with Cobb, Floyd, and Thompson, who were conspicuous in their endeavors to place the United States Government in such a position as to render it powerless to prevent the withil ;.. wal of the Slave States from the Union and oblige it to acknowl- edge their independence, it is not strange that the people of the North should look upon the fact that the navy was scattered to distant waters on the breaking out of the Rebellion, as an evidence of his sympathy with secession; and it will be difficult to remove that impression from their minds, notwithstanding his distinguished ability as a statesman and the high positions he has held. 134. EPHEAIM E. ELLSWOETH. Colonel Ephratm E. Ellsworth, the -well-known early Union martyr, was born at Mechanicsville, Saratoga County, New York, April 23, 1837. The youthful Ellsworth early aspired to military fame. He was desirous of an education at the Military Academy, at West Point, but failing in this, he persisted in acquiring as good an education as circumstances permitted. After a brief experience in New York, he went "West, and sought to make an occupation as Patent Agent ; was deceived and despoiled of his earnings, but persevered in renewed efforts. His military bent continuing predominant, he studied and practiced the French Zouave drill, and formed a corps in Chicago, adapting it to the Ameri- can idea. His discipline was rigid in abstinence from all stimulants, and was strictly enforced. In a year he was enabled to exhibit his corps at the State Fair, where success and admiration awaited him. The corps visited the East, and won the greatest applause. Returning to Chicago, Ellsworth organized a regiment on the same plan, and offered it to the Governor for the defense of the State. In 1860 he entered heartily into the canvass in favor of Mr. Lincoln for President of the United States, organizing and drilling " Wide-Awake" clubs, and afterward accompanied him to Washington. On the breaking out of the Rebellion, Ellsworth hastened to New York, and organized a Zouave regiment, recruited mostly from the Eire Depart- ment, and, soon after, marched to Washington. His success in disciplining and controling his men was remarkable, and their attachment to him was equally so. On the 23d of May, 1861, his regiment was ordered to Alexandria, reaching there early on the next morning, and the town was occupied with scarcely any resistance. The secession flag was flying from a hotel, called the "Marshall House," kept by a violent secessionist, named Jackson. Colonel Ellsworth, with a rashness characteristic of a brave and enthusiastic, but inexperienced officer, entered, with his chaplain and a single private, and demanded whose flag it was. The proprietor denied its ownership, whereupon Ellsworth, with his two companions, ascended to the roof, took it down, and wrapped it around him, saying, as he descended, " This is my trophy !" " And you are mine ! " exclaimed Jackson, the proprietor, at the same moment discharging the contents of a shot-gun into the breast of the Colonel, killing him instantly. But Jackson instantly fell dead himself, from a musket-ball through the head, and a bayonet-thrust, from Francis E. Brownell, the private accom- panying Ellsworth. The event caused much regret, Ellsworth being considered a young officer of unusual promise, and of approved loyalty ; and, had he deputed to another to perform, what was, after all, a duty too trivial to devolve upon an officer of rank, he might have lived to render important services to his country. Colonel Ellsworth was buried with all the tributes of a grateful and ad- miring country, and his name is forever enshrined in the popular heart. / 6 l. 135. FLETCHER WEBSTER. Colonel Fletcher "Webster, of the 12th. Massachusetts Volunteers, was the last surviving child of the late Daniel "Webster, and was born at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, July 23, 1813. Commencing his education in Boston, he graduated at Harvard Uni- versity in 1833, and entered upon the study of the law at Hopkinton, N. H., and began the practice in 1836. Marrying in that year, he removed to Detroit, Mich., and remained there one year, when he re- moved to La Salle, 111. Residing there four years, he became an active member of a sporting club, and proved his efficiency as a good shot, and daring rider, in the chase of the wolf and the deer. During the period of his father's administration of the State Depart- ment, he was appointed Chief Clerk, and filled it creditably. He subse- quently accompanied Caleb Cushing, as Secretary of Legation, to China ; and, on his return, in 1845, delivered several lectures on China and the Chinese. Elected to the Massachusetts Legislature in 1847, as a Representative from Boston, he distinguished himself in a very able speech in support of a resolution appropriating $ 20,000 in aid of the Massachusetts regiment raised for the Mexican "War. In 1850 President Taylor appointed Colonel Webster to the office of Surveyor of the port of Boston, an office which he continued to hold under the subsequent administrations of Presidents Pierce and Buchanan. In 1855, he edited a valuable edition of his father's correspondence. He subsequently published, anonymously, several humorous poems; and had he cultivated literature as a profession, he might have taken high rank as a man of letters. At the beginning of the Rebellion, Colonel "Webster raised the 12th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers. Mustered into service at Fort Warren, June 2G, 1861, it left Boston on the 23d of July, and arrived at Sandy Hook, Md., on the 27th. Marching next to the Monocacy River, Hyattstown, Darnestown, Muddy Branch, Edwards' Ferry, Poolsville, and Seneca Mills, they finally wintered near Frederick, Md. Moving into the Shenandoah Valley on the 22d of January, 1862, they were in active operations at Charlestown, "Winchester, Berry ville, Snicker's Gap, Aldie, and Grove Creek. Leaving, on the 28th, for Cub Run, they marched the next day for Bull Run, and from this time till August they operated in the Shen- andoah Valley, their activity of service confining them but briefly to one point. They took part in the battle of Cedar Mountain on the 9th of August, and, on the 20th, in the battle of the Rappahannock. Continually on the move from that time until the end of the month, they participated in the battle of Grovetown, August 30, 1862, where Colonel "Webster was mortally wounded. /1 3 136. WILLIAM BAINBKIDGE. Commodore William Bainbridge was born at Princeton, New Jersey, May 7, 1774. He received his education in a common school. At sixteen he entered the mercantile business, and went to sea in the employment of a house in Philadelphia. He was in the merchant service till 1798, when, on the commencement of hostilities with Trance, our Government appointed him to the command of the United States schooner Retaliation, of fourteen guns, with the rank of Lieutenant in the navy. In 1800 he was promoted to the rank of Captain, and sailed in the frigate George Washington with presents to the Dey of Algiers. War being declared, while he was at Algiers, against France, and all the citizens of France ordered to quit the country, Captain Bainbridge received them all on board his frigate ; and, having landed them at Alicante, sailed for Philadelphia, where he arrived in April, 1801. In June following, he took command of the frigate Essex, and proceeded to the Mediteranean to protect our commerce against Tripolitan depreda- tions. In 1803 he was placed in command of the frigate Philadelphia, and joined Commodore Preble's squadron. While chasing a strange vessel he ran upon a reef of rocks, where his vessel was captured by the enemy and carried into the harbor, and where she laid, until recaptured and burned, by Decatur, in February, 1804. On the breaking out of the war with England, in 1812, he held command of the Constellation; but on the arrival of the Constitution, he took charge of that frigate, and, in a short time, made his name and his ship famous in the bloody conflict with the British frigate Java, Captain Lambert, which he captured with the loss of only nine men. Finding it was impossible to bring the Java to the United States, she was blown up, and her crew set ashore at St. Salvador, on parole. This was the second frigate this noble ship had destroyed in a short time; and, from the little damage she had sustained in her numerous conflicts with the enemy, she received the subriquet of " Old Ironsides," a name which awakens a thrill of national pride in the bosom of every American sailor who loves to see the " Stars and Stripes" floating at his masthead. At the close of the war, Commodore Bainbridge sailed once more to the Mediterranean, in command of the Columbus, 6eventy-four guns. This was the last cruise of this gallant naval officer, after which he retired from the sea altogether. On his return home he commanded for several years, at different naval stations, and was also one of the Board of Naval Commissioners. He died in Philadelphia, July 27, 1833. 6 Y- 137. X PAUL JONES. Commodore John Paul Jones -was born in the South of Scotland, near the Frith of Solway, on the 6th of July, 1747. At the early age of six or eight he used to be seen rigging out his mimic fleet of chips, and giving imperious commands to imaginary sailors engaged in bloody naval fights. At twelve he entered the merchant marine service ; and, purchasing his indentures at eighteen, he became master of a brig engaged in the Ameri- can slave trade, which he soon left in disgust. In his voyages young Paul had made several visits to the American con- tinent ; and, in 1773, having occasion to reside in Virginia while the estate of an elder brother, recently deceased, was being settled, he became enamored of the country, and resolved to make it his own. The stirring times of the Revolution roused him from his repose, and decided him to engage in the contest for Freedom with the Colonists. In 1775 we find, him at the head of the list of first-class Lieutenants. As subordinate in the Alfred and commander in the Providence he sig- nalized himself as a brave and sagacious officer. He is said to have been " the first man thafc ever ran up the Stars and Stripes to masthead." As commander of the Manger he sailed to Brest, and obtained a salute to his flag from Abe French — the first that was ever accorded to it. By superhuman effort he obtained an old ship from the French, which he named the Bon Homme Richard, in compliment to Dr. Franklin, whose assistance had largely contributed to his success. As Captain, he put to sea with a fleet of seven vessels, hoisting the flag upon the Bon Homme Richard. To the terror of the English, he cruised along their coasts, entering their rivers and harbors, taking prizes and men, and burning ships. On the 23d of September, 1779, he fought by moonlight his celebrated, and by for his most bloody and successful, battle with the British frigate Serapts, xn size, men, and metal, greatly superior to his own ship. This 6plendid victory gave the crowning eclat to one of the most brilliant cruises that the world had ever witnessed, and dazzled all Europe, filling America with joy and pride. After many sharp conflicts with the enemy, daring exploits, and hair- breadth escapes, he reached Philadelphia in the winter of 1781, vhere he was received with many marks of distinction, and Congress voted him thanks. On the close of the war, Commodore Jones passed the ^est of his life in important public service abroad, and died, at Paris, on the 18th of July, 1792. 138. NATHANIEL GREENE. General Nathaniel Greene was born in "Warwick, Rhode Island, in 1742, of Quaker parents. He early manifested a love of learning 1 ; and, by his own unaided efforts, he laid in a good stock of general and scientific knowledge, and acquired a tolerable acquaintance with Latin, while he was yet a mere stripling ; and a strong military taste was awakened in him by the stories of war, which fired his youthful imagination. At a very early age he was sent to the Legislature of his native State. When the battle of Lexington sent„ the electric spark of freedom through the oountry, Greene, at the head of three regiments of soldiers, over whom he had been chosen Major-General, hastened to Cambridge, where he was speedily joined by Washington, Gates, Reed, and others, ready " to do and die " for the just and holy cause. Accepting from Congress a commission of Brigadier-General, he accom- panied the army to New York, and in the battles of Trenton and Princeton greatly distinguished himself. He was, in this part of the country, acting with Washington and Sulli- van, until he superceded General Gates in command of the Southern army. Here, for the first time, he was in supreme command, and here his genius became manifest, leading him through weakness to strength, through defeat to victory, and through disaster to glorj 7 ". Having recruited his oft-defeated, worn-out, and dispirited army, he commenced operations. The brilliant affair of the Cowpens, where the lion-hearted Morgan first broke the English prestige, was the auspicious entree to this last glorious campaign. On the 15th of March, 1781, he met the foe, and fought the battle of Guilford with Cornwallis. Although defeated, the victory was a dear one to the English. After several unsuccessful fights, he was compelled once more to retire, recruit, and march once more to victory, with that noble resolve on his lios and in his bosom : " I will recover South Carolina, or die in the attempt/" After declining to meet General Greene at Orangeburg, the enemy was compelled to fight at Eutaw Springs, where they were defeated, with the loss of eleven hundred men, while our own loss was only half that number. This broke the power of George III in South Carolina, and Cornwallis was soon after compelled to surrender. After the war, General Greene removed to Georgia, having an estate near Savannah. Here he died of coup-de-soleil, on the 19th day of June, 1786, in the forty-fourth year of hia age. 139. STEPHEN DECATUR Commodore Stephen Decatur was born, on the eastern shore of Mary land, on the 5th day of January, 1779. He entered the navy as a Midship- man ; and, after passing through the several grades, we find him, in 1803, at the age of twenty-four, a Lieutenant in Commodore Preble's squadron, then acting against Tripoli. On the 31st of October, 1803, the frigate Philadel- phia, under Captain Bainbridge, having ran upon a reef of rocks, was cap- tured by the Tripolitans; and early in February following, Lieutenant Decatur, in command of the schooner Intrepid, with seventy-six men, entered the harbor of Tripoli, ran alongside the Philadelphia, leaped aboard, killed twenty men, drove the rest into the sea, set it on fire under the very muzzle of the guns of the Turkish batteries, and succeeded in getting out of the harbor without losing a single man. He afterward captured, in a gallant fight, the British frigate Macedonian, October 25, 1812 ; and, when subsequently cooped up in the Thames River, in Connecticut, sent a challenge to the commander of the British squadron, to pit the two frigates, United States and Macedonian, with any two frigates in the English fleet, which honor, however, was declined. His subsequent negotiations with Tripoli, where he had been sent to adjust some important matters, resulted gloriously to the Government under whose orders he had sailed, and whose flag he went to vindicate. In all the leading acts of his gallant life, as well as many of minor account, Decatur exhibited the greatest talents for a naval leader, and wreathed for his brow a chaplet of renown which the world shall honor, and his countrymen glory in, until " the sword shall be beaten into ploughshares, and the spear into a pruning hook." A nobler or a braver man never trod the planks of a man-of-war's decks than Stephen Decatur, while his cool sagacity and clear-headedness were fully equal to his courage. It would be well if we could here drop the pen of record, and draw the veil of oblivion over his tragic end. On the 27 th of June, 1807, Commodore Barron, who was in command of the Chesapeake, having refused to give up four men, claimed by the Eng- lish as deserters, his vessel was fired into by the British ship Leopard. Being unconscious of danger at the time, and unprepared for the attack, the Chesapeake struck her colors, and the four men were transferred to the British vessel. Commodore Barron was court-martialed, and suspended for several years. Decatur superseded him in the command of the Chesapeake, and five years later, when the War of 1812 broke out, he decidedly and openly opposed the reinstatement of Barron. From that moment an enmity was established between them, which time only served to strengthen, and which led to many hard words on either side, and, in 1819, to a correspon- dence between them, which only precipitated matters, and ended in a chal- lenge. Both gentlemen professed to reprobate dueling ; yet such was their mutual hatred, that neither would offer conciliation, although the friends of both did what was in their power to prevent the dreadful result. On a raw, chilly morning, in March, 1820, these brave men, who had fought side by side for glory and their country, met in mortal combat on the field of Bladensburg, so famous for its unholy and bloody sacrifices to false honor. The combatants took their ground, each fired at the same instant, and each received the ball of his antagonist. Barron was very dangerously, and Decatur mortally, wounded. The latter was carried to Washington, and borne to his home. Until then, his wife was ignorant of the matter. Her distractions were heart-rending, and the whole city was shrouded in gloom. He died of his wound, March 22, 1820. 140. HENRY WINTER DAVIS. Henry "Winter Davis was born at Annapolis, Maryland, August 16, 1817. His education began early, at home, under the care oi' his aunt, Eliza- beth Brown Winter, who taught him to read before he was four years old, though much against his will. i His father removed to Wilmington, Del., where Henry was instructed under his own supervision ; but, in 1827, he returned to Maryland, and settled in Anne Arundel County, where Henry became very much devoted to out-door life, roaming the fields with his gun, accompanied by one of his father's slaves. While here he saw much of slaves and Slavery which impressed him profoundly, and laid the foundation for those opinions which he so heroically and constantly defended in after-life. Referring to this period, he said : " Being a boy, the slaves spoke with more freedom before me than they would before a man. They felt wronged, and sighed for Freedom. They were attached to my father, and loved me; yet they habitually spoke of the day when God would deliver them." He subsequently attended school at Harvard, and afterward entered Kenyon College, in Ohio, in 1833, where he graduated in 1837. His father dying, left him a number of slaves ; but he never held any of them under his authority, nor would he accept any of their wages, and ten- dered each and all a deed of absolute manumission, whenever the law would allow. He entered the University of Virginia in 1839 ; and, after a thorough course at that institution, entered upon the practice of the law in Alexan- dria, Virginia. His ability and industry attracted attention, and he soon acquired a respectable practice. His natural aptitude for public affairs made itself manifest in due time, and some articles which he prepared on municipal and State politics gave him a great reputation. He also published a series of newspaper essays, wherein he dared to question the divinity of Slavery. In 1850 he removed to Baltimore, and immediately a high professional, social, and political position was awarded him. He became prominent in the Whig party ; and, in 1852, in the Scott campaign, was everywhere known as the " brilliant orator and successful controversialist." He after- ward led off in the American movement, and was elected to the Thirty-Fourth, Thirty-Fifth, and Thirty-Sixth Congress, by the American party, and to the Thirty -Eighth by the Unconditional Union party of the Fourth District of Maryland. Mr. Davis's most striking characteristics were his devotion to principle and his indomitable courage. He hated Slavery, and he did not attempt to conceal it. It was through his persevering energy that Maryland was redeemed from the leprous stain of this institution. He lived to witness the triumph of his country in its desperate struggle with treason — to see it rescued from the grasp of despotism, and rise vic- torious, with her garments purified, and her brow radiant with the unsullied light of Liberty. He lived to greet the return of Peace, and then he gently laid his head upon her bosom, and breathed out his noble spirit, Decem- ber 30, 1865, so quietly, that no one knew the moment of his departure. /£/- 141. ALEXANDER CLAXTON. Commodore Alexander Claxton was born in Philadelphia, in 1792. His father removed to Washington when that city became the seat of government, in 1800. In 1806 young Claxton received an appointment as Midshipman in the navy, and was forthwith ordered to the frigate Chesapeake, and was on that vessel when it was overhauled by the Leopard. The only gun fired from the Chesapeake in the encounter, was the one at which young Claxton was stationed. On the declaration of war, in 1812, Claxton was commissioned Lieutenant, and ordered to the Wasp, Captain Jacob Jones, and was in the action which resulted in the capture of H. B. M. sloop-of-war Frolic, Captain Wingate. The gallantry of the young Lieutenant was particularly commended by Captain Jones. The Wasp and her prize were captured by the British seventy-four gun ship Poictiers, and carried into Bermuda. After the exchange of prisoners, which was soon effected, Captain Jones and his officers were ordered to the frigate Macedonian ; but, being block- aded in New London, the entire crew and officers were transferred to Perry's squadron on Lake Erie. "We next hear of Lieutenant Claxton as second in command, under Com- modore Porter, at the " Battle of the White House," ten miles below Wash- ington, where an ineffectual attempt was made to stop the return of the English squadron down the Potomac, after the burning of the city of Washington. For his gallantry in the action between the Wasp and Frolic, Lieutenant Claxton was voted the thanks of Congress, the privilege of the floor of both Houses, and a silver medal. In 181G he was ordered to the command of the schooner Nonesuch. From that time until 1839 he served in command of various vessels, in different parts of the world; and, on the 12th of March of that year, he hoisted his broad pennant on board the frigate Constitution, the flag-ship of the squadron then ordered to the Pacific coast. He remained in command of that squadron until his death, which oc- curred at Talcahuana, on the 8th of March, 1841, at the early age of forty- nine years. In private life, Commodore Claxton was most esteemed. His frank and open manner was a passport to all hearts, while his many virtues endeared him to a host of warm and devoted friends. A fitting tribute to the memory of this gallant officer is embodied in a work, entitled " Old Ironsides," the author of which, sailed under him. /^ 142, WILLLIAM PINKNEY. William Pinkney was born in Anapolis, Maryland, March 17, 1765. With an extremely deficient early education, his personal application, and strong and quick natural perceptions, made up for the deficiency, and placed him among- the foremost of his acquaintances and friends. He first studied medicine ; but, feeling that it did not chime with his inclinations, he turned to the law, and having prepared himself for the bar under the instruction of Judge Chase, he was admitted to practice in 178(3. He removed to Harford County, where he opened an office, and immediately gave promise of high distinction. He was a Member of the Convention which ratified the Federal Constitution ; and from 1789 to 1792, was a Representative in Congress. He was then elected a Member of the Execu- tive Council of the State of Maryland ; and, in 1795, was a Member of the State Legislature. In 1796, he was appointed by President Washington a Commissioner of the United States, under the seventh article of Jay's Treaty, in conjunction with Mr. Gore, and remained in England eight years. During his residence abroad, questions of vital importance on interna- tional law and reciprocity, came before the Commission, on which he gave his written opinion, exhibiting a profound knowledge and clear apprehension of the subject discussed. He recovered for Maryland a claim on the Bank of England for $800,000. In 1805 he removed to Baltimore, and was appointed Attorney-General of Maryland. In 1806 he was Envoy Extraordinary to England; and, in 1808, on the return of Mr. Monroe, was made Minister Plenipotentiary. He returned in 1811, and, the same year, was elected to the Senate of Maryland. In December following, he was appointed, by President Madison, Attorney- General of the United States, remaining in that position until 1814. Mr. Pinkney entered with great spirit into the controversy that grew out of the War of 1812 : and, during the war, commanded a battalion, fight- ing with great bravery at the battle of Bladensburg, where he was severely wounded. He was a Representative to Congress from 1815 to 1816, and then made Minister to Russia, and Envoy to Naples. On his return, in 1819, he was elected to the United States Senate, where he exhibited his great knowledge, and political as well as legal acumen, in the discussions which took place in that body on the admission of Missouri into the Union. While in the Senate, several very important trials came before the Supreme Court of the United States, in which he was retained as counsel. These demanded of him almost superhuman exertions, under the pressure of which his health yielded, and he fell a prey to an acute disease, on the 25th of February, 1822. Mr. Pinkney possessed splendid talents, was one of the brightest orna- ments of the American bar, and one of the most accomplished orators and statesmen of his time. ; 143. HENDRICK HUDSON. Hendrick or Henry Hudson, an eminent discoverer and explorer of the American coast, was born in England, and devoted his early life to the seas. But little is known of him prior to 1607-8, when we find him on a voyage of discovery along the coast of Greenland, his object being to find a northwest passage to Japan or China. On the 25th of March, 1609, he sailed from Holland on that adventurous voyage, which, although it nearly cost him his life, resulted so conspicuously to the interests of mankind, and added much to his renown and to the com- mercial strength of his employers, " The Dutch East India Company." After running along the coast of Lapland, he crossed the Atlantic ; and, after a voyage of immense peril, discovered and landed on Cape Cod, in Massachusetts Bay. He then pursued his course southerly, examining all the principal rivers, to the Chesapeake, and ascended the great river which bears his name as far as where Albany now stands, expecting to find a pas- sage to the Pacific Ocean by that way ; but, being disappointed, he turned his prow towards Holland, stopped, and left a few settlers at Manhattan, now New York, and arrived home in 1610. He started again, under a new patron, to discover " the Northwest Pas- sage," which was destined never to be found. But, although he failed in this, he ^discovered the great northern bay, which bears his name, and where he was destined to find a violent grave. After exploring the inlets and promonitories of this remarkable bay, he drove his ship into a small inlet, where the ice closed around it, on the 3d of November, 1611. The prospects of a long and dreary winter was much relieved by enor- mous flocks of wild fowl, which not only afforded abundance of food for present use and future prospect, but diverted the attention of his crew from their uncomfortable condition. Already some of the men had become troublesome, and hints of revolt and threats of vengeance occasionally reached the ears of their commander. But the mild influence of an early spring softened, at once, the stony hearts of the desperadoes and the icy fetters which held them in their prison-house for more than half a year. As soon as he was clear of the ice, he started for home, but suddenly found that his supplies were nearly exhausted. The discovery broke his spirit, and infuriated the crew. He divided the provisions among the men equally, which was but a few pounds to each ; yet some of them became riotous, and in his despair he threatened to set them on shore : whereupon several of the strongest wretches entered his cabin at night, seized and bound his hands behind him, and then set him adrift, with his son and seven of his men, who were sick, in a small shallop, and proceeded on their way home, arriving at Plymouth after a voyage of terrible suffering and the loss of seven men at the hands of the savages. Hudson was never heard of more. He sleeps among the sands of that ice-girt sea and that noble bay to which he gave his name as his perpetual monument. . 144. BENJAMIN WEST. Benjamin West, the celebrated Painter, was bom in Chester County, Pennsylvania, October 10, 1738. His parents were Quakers. His genius in the art in which he became so distinguished, manifested itself at the early age of six, when he drew the likeness of a little niece of his, who had been left in his charge in a cradle, which was instantly recognized by his delighted mother. She eagerly and fondly kissed her little boy ; and he, encouraged by such a reward, made rapid progress. In speaking of this incident, Mr. West used to say : " That kiss made me a Painter." Soon after, he was put to school, and furnished with pens and paper to amuse himself with drawing, none of his friends dreaming of any other ma- terial being necessary. Here he became acquainted with some Indians, who, being struck with the accuracy of his drawings of birds and animals, furnished him with the pigment with which they bedaubed their faces, and taught him how to use it. To this his mother added indigo, and his studio was finished. Hearing of camel's-hair pencils, he substituted the hair from his favorite cat, until a fortunate circumstance put him in possession of a regular pallet, pencils, and box of colors. At eight years of age, young West removed to Philadelphia, and in a few years attained great proficiency, under the tutelage of Provost Smith. His first historical piece, the " Death of Socrates," was produced about this time. In 1759, Mr. West, then just twenty-one, embarked for Italy, arriving at Leghorn, and thence to Rome. The journey was enjoyed by him with the greatest zest ; and the wonderful works of art, and the rich exhibitions of nature, filled his soul with tumultuous wonder and delight. He soon made himself respected among the best artists of Rome, and established his reputation as a Painter of great excellence. He visited Florence, Bologna, and Venice, meeting with favor everywhere. After a brief sojourn in Rome, he went to England. He did not intend to remain there ; but ch'cumstances induced him to change his plans, and he set up his easel in London. Here he was introduced to the youthful mon- arch, who immediately took him under his patronage. While painting his " Departure of Regulus," the plan of the " Royal Academy of Fine Arts " was adopted. Reynolds was its first President, and on his death, in 1791, West succeeded to the chair, and presided over the institution, with the exception of a brief interval, until his death, in 1S20. Mr. West was a man of great simplicity of manners, credulous and con- fiding, diligent and temperate in his habits, and of a decidedly religious turn of mind. At the age of eighty-one, he closed his eyes on mortality, with his accus- tomed cheerfulness, and with all his mental faculties uneclipsed. 7 145 PHILIP KEAPNEY. General Philip Kearney -was born in New York City, June 2, 181*. From boyhood he manifested a strong preference to a military career ; but, in obedience to the wishes of his family, he passed through Columbia Col- lege, and began to study law In 1837 his soldierly propensities got the better of him ; and, on the 8th of March, he received a commission as Second Lieutenant of the First Dra~ goons, then commanded by his uncle, Colonel S. W. Kearney. He saw much hard service on the Western frontier, chiefly fighting the Indians, and acquired such a reputation as a cavalry officer that, in 1838, he was sent to- Europe by the Government to study and report upon the French cavalry tactics. While there he became attached to the Chasseurs de Afrique. He gained distinction during the campaign of 1838-'40, and was decorated with the Legion of Honor, Returning home in 1840, he was appointed, in November, Aid to General Macomb* and in December, 1841, Aid to General Scott. In December, 1846, he was promoted to Captain ; and, at the out- break of the Mexican war, his dragoons formed the body-guard to General Scott, In the valley of Mexico, Captain Kearney commanded a regiment, and for his gallantry at Contreras and Clierubusco, received the brevet of Major. After the latter engagement, he pursued the flying Mexicans as far as the gates of the city of Mexico. Here his troops, checked by a heavy fire of artillery, began to waver, whereupon Kearney dashed forward alone, the soldiers following him, and the battery was taken. In this affair he lost his left arm. He resigned his commission in 1851, after having served some time in California, and went again to Eui'ope to resume his military studies. In 1859, he served as Volunteer Aid to the French General Morris in the Italian campaign. When the Rebellion broke out in this country, he immediately returned home, and offered his services to the Government. He was appointed to the command of a New Jersey brigade soon after the battle of Bull Run, in General Franklin's division, his commission dating May 17, 1861. In March, 1862, on the organization of army corps, he was attached to the First (Gen- eral McDowell's), but was soon afterward promoted to the command of a division in the Third (General Heintzelman's), with which he served throughout the Chickahominy campaign. In the battle of Williamsburg, after Hooker had been for an hour or two struggling against an overwhelm- ing force in front of Fort Magruder, Kearney was ordered to his relief, when he gallantly attacked the enemy, and drove them back at every point, enabling General Hooker to extrieate himself from the position, and with- draw his wearied troops. In the battle of Fair Oaks and the famous " Seven Days' Fight" his gallantry was universally admired, and soon after, he was commissioned Major-General, dating from July 4, 1862. On the 23d of August he joined General Pope at Warrenton Junction; and, on the 29th, the battle of Centreville began. Kearney fought with the greatest despera- tion for two days, when the army fell back to Fairfax Court-House. The battle of Chantilly began on the 1st of September, 1862. Kearney was sent to the support of General Reno, whose troops had given way, leaving a gap, which the Rebels were hastening to occupy. Telling his orderly and aids to keep back, Kearney rode forward, alone, to examine the position himself. He never came back alive ; a musket-ball having pierced his. body. 146. AMBEOSE P. HILL.> General Ambrose P. Hill, one of the most distinguished leaders ol the Confederate army against the forces of the Union, was horn in Cul- pepper County, Virginia, in 1824, of highly respectable parentage. He entered the Military Academy at "West Point in 1843, and graduated in the same class with General Burnside. In 1855 he was appointed an Assistant of the United States Coast Survey, continuing until 1861, when he resigned his position in the United States army, and was appointed by Governor Letcher, Colonel of Virginia Volun- teers. He was attached to General J. E. Johnston's army of the Confederacy, and came in with him at Bull Bun, assisting to change the issues of that battle. He was made Major-General for his bravery, and took part in the battle of Mechanicsville ; and, in the " Seven Days" fight, was a prominent leader, where he gained a brilliant reputation. He was actively engaged in the battles of Cedar Bun, Second Bull Bun. Centreville, Chantilly, and in the campaign before Washington against General Pope. On the 14th of September, 1802, he captured Harper's Ferry, and made a forced march to Antietam Creek, where he took part in that severe battle, and repulsed the Federal troops, who crossed the river in pursuit of the Bebels, with heavy loss. In the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, his division formed the right of Jackson's force, and fought desperately, finally repulsing the Federal troops. At Chancellorsville, May, 1863, his division formed the centre of Jackson's command, and participated in that flank movement by which Hooker's right was crushed. When "Stonewall" Jackson received his death-wound, the command devolved on General Hill, who was himself severely wounded soon after. For his gallantry in this battle he was made a Lieutenant-General, and placed in command of the Third Corps in the Army of Northern Virginia. In July, 1863, he took part in the great battle of Gettysburg. In the autumn of 1863, he was in the affair of Bristow's Station, but was repulsed with serious loss. In the great battles of the spring of 1864, he was, next to General Lee, the most prominent officer of the Bebel army in Virginia, and took part in the severest fighting of that period. On the 22d of June his corps and Long-street's repulsed the attempt of the Federal troops to gain possession of the Weldon Bailroad. At the explosion of the mine at Petersburg, at Ream's Station, and the bloody fight of Hatcher's Bun, and the subsequent move- ments in that vicinity, General Hill led his corps with great ability. When the final attack upon the Southside Bailroad and the defenses of Petersburg came, he was active in his exertions ; and, on the 2d of April, his corps was opposed to the Sixth, Ninth, and part of the Twenty-fifth Federal Corps, almost unsupported; and then, as. always, exposing himself to fire without hesitation, he was instantly killed by a rifle-shot. Thus closed the career of one whose accomplishments as a military officer, acquired at the expense of his country, was, like many of his confederates, devoted to the destruction of the bosom that nourished him. n 147. JAMES E. B. STUART. General J. E. B. Stuart was born in Patrick Henry County, Virginia, about the year 1832. In his youth he gave evidence of many qualities that fitted him for the position he afterward occupied. He received a good education, and entered the "West Point academy in 1850. Graduating in 1854, he received a com- mission as Second Lieutenant in a Mounted Rifle regiment, in the United States army. % Under E. V. Sumner as Colonel, and J. E. Johnston as Lieutenant- Colonel, Stuart fought in the wilds of New Mexico : now engaging tribes of hostile Indians, anon hunting up hordes of lawless banditti, and ever per- forming some dashing and fearless exploit. Soon he became noted among his compeers for these bold and skillful charges upon a wily and dangerous foe. On the 29th of July, 1857, he was wounded in a severe fight with three hundred braves of the Cheyenne tribe, who were, however, defeated. In May, 1861, President Lincoln appointed him Captain in the United States Cavalry, but he declined the appointment, and went over to the Rebel army, where he was made Colonel of a Virginia cavalry regiment. In July, 18G1, at the first battle of Bull Run, he commanded all the aavalry attached to Beauregard's and Johnston's armies, and greatly assisted the Confederate cause. In September, 1861, he was made Brigadier-General, and in the ensuing winter organized the Virginia cavalry, of which he took command. In the beginning of the Peninsula campaign, Stuart made several cavalry expedi- tions, culminating in that famous raid, in June, through and around Gen- eral McClellan's army, which was the precursor of that General's change oi base to the James River, and the seven days' fighting which accompanied the movement. For this he was promoted to the rank of Major-General in the Rebel army, and placed in command of a division of cavalry. On the 22d August, 1862, he dashed in upon the right flank of General Pope, at Catlett's Station, during a heavy storm, penetrated to headquar- ters, and succeeded in capturing important papers, besides taking the private effects and dress uniform of General Pope, and several of his officers. He commanded the cavalry during the succeeding invasion of Maryland, and, a few weeks after the battle of Antietam, again rode around the Union lines, carrying off a considerable amount of spoils In the Chancellorsville campaign, and Lee's second invasion of the North, his cavalry was active ; and, after the battle of Gettysburg, effectu- ally covered the Rebel retreat. Daring the battles in the Wilderness, he encountered Sheridan's cavalry on the 6th of May, 1864, and was driven back ; but on the 12th, 1 e again encountered them, at Yellow Tavern, seven miles from Richmond, where he was mortally wounded. He was conveyed to Richmond, where, at eight o'clock in the evening of May 12, 1864, he died. G meral Stuart was a short, thick-set, athletic man ; a bold and expert rider, always joyous and gay, singing songs as he went into battle. He was very lond of display in dress, and his fighting-jacket shone with double rows of gilt buttons, and was covered with gold braid. Many regarded him as a military fop, but lie was looked upon by the rank and file of the army, and by the Southern people generally, as a bruve and gallant soldier. 148. AMEHICUS YESPUCIUS. AMERTCUS Vespucius was born at Florenee, Italy, in 1451. From him this continent derives its name, as its first discoverer, although it is gener- ally conceded that Christopher Columbus first set foot upon its soil and occupied the country. He descended from a very ancient house, and belonged to one of the proudest families of that celebrated city. His education was respectable, and he was possessed of a bold and enterprising spirit. Fired with the accounts of the discoveries of Columbus, he became desirous of seeing the New World for himself ; and, accordingly, on the 20th of May, 1497, he sailed from Cadiz, as a merchant, with a squadron of four small ships, under command of the celebrated and valiant Ojeda. During this voyage, Americus claims to have seen the continent. He may have done so, but much doubt envelops the matter. At all events, his success was such as to induce Ferdinand and Isabella to place a fleet of six ships under his command, when he made his second voyage. On his return in 1500, he received the same ungracious treatment from the contemptible Ferdinand which had been visited on Columbus, and he returned to Seville, mortified and disgusted at the ingratitude of princes. Emanuel, King of Portugal, hearing of his humiliation, offered to fit out a fleet of three ships and give him command, which he accepted, and sailed from Lisbon in May, 1501. He explored the coast of South America from Brazil to Patagonia, and returned, laden with riches and honors, in September, 1502, to Lisbon. He again set sail, with six larger vessels, in May, 1503, for the purpose of finding a western passage to the Moluccas Islands, but, falling short of provisions, he was foiled in the attempt. Loading his vessels with specimens of the valuable wood of Brazil, and other precious products, he returned to Portugal after an absence of a little over a year, and was received with every demonstration of joy and respect. He now retired, and devoted himself to the preparation of the history of his adventures. He drew and published the first chart of the American coast, in which lie laid claim to be the discoverer of the country. In 1507 he published a history of all his voyages. It was filled with glowing accounts of the New World, mixed up with the most splendid fictions, and was read all over Europe with great delight. It was published just after the death of Columbus, and was thus placed beyond the reach of that eminent navigator, who, had he lived, would doubtless have exposed the pretensions of its author. He died, at Terceira ,in the sixty-third year of his age, in 1514. •;' 149. HIRAM G. BEER" General HlRAM G. Berry -was born in Thomaston, Elaine, August 27, 1824 He learned the trade of Carpenter, at -which occupation he worked for several years, and afterward engaged in navigation. He was elected to the office of Mayor in the city of Rockland, and filled various offices in the Maine militia. Under the call for troops by the United States Government to protect the national life and honor, in the spring of 1861, he offered his services, and was commissioned Colonel of the Fourth Maine Volunteers. marched for the protection of Washington, and participated in the first battle of Bull Eun, where he fought in General Howard's brigade. The regiment was afterward transferred to one of General Sedgwick's brigades, and subsequently to that of General Birney's, Hamilton's division, and participated in the siege of Torktown. Upon General Kearney taking command of the division, Colonel Berry, who had been made Brigadier- General of Volunteers, was placed in charge of a brigade of Heintzelman's army corps, which separated him from his regiment. He participated in the battle of Fair Oaks, June 1, 1862, and in the * Seven Days' " battle, previous to the change of base from the ChicKahominy to the James River. On the 15th of August General Berry moved with his brigade to York- town, from whence he was transferred to Pope's command at Warrenton Junction, from which point they marched to the Rappahannock, and, on the 29th and 30th, participated with General Kearney's division in the battle of Manassas, or Second Bull Run, at Centreville. On the 1st of September he took part in the battle of Chantilly, where General Kearney lost his life. At the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, Berry's brigade drove back a Rebel force, thereby saving a great portion of Birney's division from harm. He was made Major-General of Volunteers, March 9, lb63, to rank from November 29, 1862. At the battle of Chancellorsville, General Berry was placed in command of the Second Division of the Third Army Corps, under General Sickles. On the 2d day of May, when the enemy had defeated Schurz's division of the Eleventh Corps, and, with wild yells, were rushing into the opening made by the retreating Germans, General Berry's division threw itself into the gap, and, with the aid of Captain Best's battery, stayed the torrent which had threatened to roll up the line in disastrous confusion. Manfully the small band bore up against the fierce assault of the desperate foe, and, by dint of endurance, succeeded in keeping them at bay until support arrived. The enemy's force comprised three strong divisions — A. P. Hill's, Trimble's, and Rhodes's — of Jackson's corps, and greatly outnumbered the Federal troops to whom they were opposed. The next day General Berry's division engaged the enemy again : and, although they advanced in overwhelming numbers, his brave men fought with desperate gallantry, and held them in check. General Berry fell in this assault, while gallantly fighting at the head of his command, May 3, 1863. V BENBAIX & CO., ARE STTLL SUPPLYINS HOUSEKEEPER AT THZIB OLD STAND, 205, 207, 209 A>"D 211 HUDSON ST.. AN*D T.-.K7. THZTH PAY BY THE WEEK OB MONTH, At the option of their Customers. 150. WILLIAM PENN. William Penn, the founder of the State which bears his name, was born in London, October 14, 1644. Before he was fifteen he entered Oxford, and was converted to Quakerism by the eloquence of an itinerant preacher of that sect, and was expelled from college for non-conformity before he was sixteen. Honest in his convictions and sturdy in adhering" to them, neither the expostulation of his friends, the discipline of his father, nor the threats of the church, could shake his faith in his purpose. He studied law in Lincoln's Inn until the year 1665, when, the plague breaking out in his native city, he went to Ireland, to manage his father's estate. Here he joined a fraternity of Quakers, in consequence of which he was recalled. He was so persistent in his adherence to the habits and dogmas of his sect, that his father banished him from his house. He then commenced preaching, and was very successful in gaining proselytes to his sect. He was exceedingly obnoxious to the Government, and was several times fined and imprisoned. But nothing intimidated him. Even in prison he wrote and published books, and sent them forth to the world. On the death of his father, a large estate fell into his possession ; but he continued to write, travel, and preach, as before. The Crown owing large debts to the estate, Penn asked and obtained, in 1681, a charter of Pennsylvania, where a colony was soon planted, and he himself arrived the next year. Feeling that he had no moral claim on the soil, he negotiated with the Indians who occupied it, and purchased it of them at a price perfectly satis- factory to both parties. He established the capital, and named it Philadelphia, drew up a code of laws for his growing colony, ordaining perfect toleration for religious opin- ion, and returned to England, in 1684, to exert his influence in favor of his persecuted brethren there. He was instrumental in the deliverance of more than thirteen hundred who had been cast into prison for heresy. So malig- nant were his enemies, that they effected his imprisonment on the charge of Papacy ; but he succeeded in obtaining his freedom, and returned once more to America, where he revised his code of laws, and made some altera- tions in the form of government, at the same time traveling through the country, preaching and writing on the subject nearest his heart. In 1700 he again returned to England, where he resumed his favorite pursuit, until 1712, when paralysis put a stop to his active life, and caused his death in 1718. The character of William Penn, alone, sheds a never-fading lustre upon our history. He established his commonwealth on the basis of religion, morality, and universal love, and he won the confidence of the Indians by his strict justice. Few men have lived whose efforts have been so productive of good, and so free from evil. -titfBWE RIGA to 4 ^ {0^ PABIS. °fj? Ylang-Ylang. .) Eoi des Perfums. Trade-Mark. _ V Copyright secured. Ladies are respectfully requested to favor us with, a trial of our ex- quisite perfumes, EXTR ACT of YLANCYL ANG AND ^ O J& IDUQUEt ; y v n N > A very interesting little book, beautifully illustrated with photographic portraits of the favorite French actresses in their most popular characters, published by Messrs. Bjgatjd & Cie, will be sent post-free, on application to CLIFFORD J. BALLYN, 1 7 Murray St., Kew York. 151. DAVID HUNTER. General David Hunter was born in the District of Columbia about the year 1800. He entered the academy at W-3st Point as a Cadet in 1818, from which he graduated in 1822, and was made Second Lieutenant of the Fifth Infantry on the 1st day of July of that year. In 1828 he was appointed First Lieutenant, and, two years after, a Cap- tain of the First Dragoons. On the 4th of July, 183ft, he resigned, but returned to the army in 1841 as temporary Paymaster. At the commencement of the Rebellion he was appointed Colonel of the Sixth Regiment, May 14, 1861 ; and, at the battle of Bull Run, as a Brigadier- General, commanded the Second Division under McDowell. He took position at Ludley Springs, entered into the thickest of the fight, and was severely wounded early in the action. He was made Major-General of Volunteers, August 13, and took charge of the forces at Rolla, Mo., in September, and was second to General Fre- mont, on whose removal, in November, he became temporary commander, until General Halleck took command, when he was appointed to the Military Division of Kansas. In March, 1862, he superseded General T. W. Sherman in the Department of the South, because his views harmonized more with the Freedman's Relief Association. He immediately demanded the surrended of Fort Pulaski, which was defended by Colonel Ormstead, who replied, " that he was there to defend, not to surrender." General Hunter immediately commenced a bombardment, and in thii'ty hours the fort surrendered. On the 9th of May, 1862, he issued an order, stating that the States of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida were under martial law, and added, " that slavery and martial law being incompatible in a free country, the persons in these States heretofore held as slaves are, therefore, declared for- ever free." President Lincoln, however, disapproved the order, and General Hunter resigned his command. But he was reappointed to the same depart- ment in January, 1863. He then caused the able-bodied negroes of the neighborhood to be formed into regiments, and drilled. In a short time he was convinced they would make good soldiers, and they were afterward employed as such in the army, and done good service to the country. June 12, 1863, he was relieved of his command; and, on the 14th of November, was sent on a tour of inspection through the Military District of the Mississippi. On the 20th of May, 1864, he was appointed to relieve General Sigel in "West Virginia ; and, taking up his headquarters in the field, at Cumberland, marched to Harrisonburg, which was occupied without difficulty. On the 5th of June he met the Rebels under General Jones, near Staun- ton, whom he engaged and completely routed, killing Jones, capturing twenty guns and a large quantity of stores, and entered Staunton without opposition. From Staunton he proceeded to Lynchburg, driving the enemy before him ; but the Rebels being reinforced from Rich7nond, he retreated, having run short of ammunition and supplier. Being cut off from the val- ley, he retreated ©ver the mountains to Parkersbury, where he first learned of the Rebel raid into Maryland. August 7, 1S64, he was superseded by Gonerul Sheridan. 152. WILLIAM WIRT. "William "Wirt was born at Bladensburg, Maryland,, on the 8th of No- vember, 1772. He lost his parents before he was eight years old, and his uncle, Jasper Wirt, took him under his protection, and placed him at a flourishing' school in Montgomery County. Here he continued four years ; and, being a boy of brilliant mind, he made rapid progress in the rudiments of the Latin, Greek, and his mother tongue. Here he also acquired a taste for general literature, which afterward proved of such great advantage, and gave such a charm to everything which emanated from his fertile pen. Too poor to procure a classical course, at fifteen he became a Tutor, and afterward studied law, and commenced practice at Culpepper Court-House, Virginia, in 1792. At this time he possessed a vigorous constitution, and was blessed with a fine person, and an address winning in the extreme. His conversational powers were of the highest order. His first case in Court was successfully carried through, against con- siderable difficulty, and immediately established his reputation as a lawyer, which grew fairer and broader as long as he lived. In 1795 he married the daughter of Dr. George Gilman, whose house was the resort of all the celebrated men ; and he became acquainted with Jeffer- son, Madison, Monroe, and other men of learning and eminence. Being brought into gay society, and possessing a convivial disposition, he soon became dissipated, and was fast falling into the slough of infamy, when he was arrested in his downward course by the subduing eloquence of a blind preacher, whose manner and appearance he has so graphically described in his " British Spy." From this time, he devoted himself more untiringly to the duties of his profession. In 1799 he was elected Clerk of the House of Delegates, and, in 1802, Chancellor of the Eastern District of Virginia. In 1806 he removed to Richmond, and greatly distinguished himself in the trial of Aaron Burr. In 1812 he wrote the greater part of a series of essays, under the title of " The Old Bachelor." The " Life of Patrick Henry," his largest literary production, was first published in 1817. In 1816 he was appointed United States Attorney for the District of Virginia, and, in 1817, Attorney-General of the United States, which posi- tion he filled with distinguished ability and success, through the adminis- trations of Monroe and J. Q. Adams. In 1830 he retired, to spend the remainder of his days, in the beautiful city of Baltimore. Here he lived, the object of affection, and almost venera- tion, in all the wide circle of his acquaintance, until near his death, which occurred at the capital, February 18, 1835. As a writer, Mr. Wirt ranked among the first of his time ; and the pro- ductions of his pen sparkled with the most brilliant effusions of wit, at times melting into inexpressible pathos and tenderness. 153. FRANCIS AUGUSTUS Francis Augustus was born in one of the interior towns of Massachu- setts, July 2, 1832. He early manifested a great passion for hunting and fishing, and for weeks at a time, with his faithful dog, "Major," as his only companion, would take his gun and angle-rod, and traverse the forests and neigaboring f streams, for game and fish, camping out nights in some romantic spot in the woods, or on some lone island of the village lake. During these rambles, while resting in some shady nook, he would sit for hours meditating upon the mysteries of nature and the problem of life. The question on which his mind was most often exercised, was : "Why God allowed some people to enjoy all the luxuries and comforts of life, while others, equally honest, industrious, and worthy, could not obtain even the necessaries ?" In the long winter evenings, lie employed his time in reading books of travel and history, and, by the time he was fifteen years of age, had con- ceived an unconquerable desire to see those parts of the world of which he had read. His parents, however, not being in circumstances to afford him the luxury, he concluded he would be enabled to do so by becoming a sailor. He, therefore, applied to his father for permission to go to sea, but could not gain his consent. Having set his mind upon it, he determined to go ; and, packing his trunk, unknown to his parents, he sent it off by stage to Boston ; and, not having the means to pay his fare, he walked thirty miles to that city, arriv- ing about dusk, with only twenty -five cents in his pocket, after paying for his supper, besides a few " Yankee-Notions " to sell. While in a store in the evening, endeavoring to sell some of his Notions, a young girl came in, begging for money enough to pay for a night's lodg- ing, which was refused by the proprietor, and she left the store, weeping. This was too much for the sensitive nature of young Augustus, who called her back, and gave her his last quarter, leaving himself without the means to pay for his own lodgings ; but fortune favored him, and he sold his Notions in the next store. He soon found an opportunity to ship as a sailor ; but, as he was about to go aboard his vessel, he was stopped by a messenger from his father, and was thus prevented from becoming a sailor. After clerking a short time in Boston, he started on a trading tour « through the Western and Southern States, where he traveled for two years, 'visiting nearly every city in the Union, and all places of interest and curiosity. On his return East, he soon sailed for South America, where, for a num- ber of years, he traveled over the lofty Andes, climbing their almost perpen- dicular sides, through the rugged and irregular paths, on his sure-footed mule ; and feasting, from their dizzy heights, on the beauties and wonders of nature, as he gazed, through the fleeting clouds ' elow, into the valleys of the Magdalena, Oronoco, and Amazon ; and drinking in the inspiration which these majestic and wonderful works of God yielded to his thirsty soul. Here he was taken sick with a fever, which, on his recovery, left con- sumption fastened upon him ; and he returned home to die, January 3 r lb52. PART SECOND. WESTMORELAND HOTEL, Union Sqnare, S. E. Cor. 17th Street & 4th Avenue, NEW YORK. The Pleasantest Location in the City. GEORGE ROBERTS, ]VIanager« ESTABROOKE & FARIS 3 11 11 V r l^o. 31 UNION" SQUARE (West). Porcelain yVliNiATURES a JSfecialtt. 1. OLIYEE P. MOETON. Possessing only a local reputation prior to 1860, Oliver P. Morton wis elected, at that time, Lieutenant-Governor of the State of Indiana on the same ticket with Governor Lane. The election of Mr. Lane to the Senate of the United States, elevated Mr. Morton, according 1 to the provisions of the State Constitution, to the office of Governor. In that position, not only from its prominence and importance, but from the ability in its discharge displayed by Governor Morton, he became the leading man in, as well as the head of, the State. The war, breaking like a thunderbolt suddenly upon the country, Indiana, like most of the States, was divided in sentiment, and the Indiana Legis- lature, having a majority of Democrats in both Houses, Governor Morton, as a zealous advocate of the war to suppress the Rebellion, found himself hampered in his efforts to adopt measures in aid of its vigorous prosecution. To surround him with these difficulties, one of the most effectual methods to do so, was for his opponents to adjourn the Legislature without making provisions to pay the State debt. Such a movement, in the event of its suc- cess, would have resulted in the destruction of the credit of the State ; and to avert such a calamity, at such a time, Governor Morton set vigorously to work to procure the means wherewith to liquidate the liability. Receiving his unfaltering aid, though surrounded by his enemies, vigilant for his defeat, the United States Government could, at all times, depend upon Governor Morton for co-operation and support in conducting the war. Re-elected Governor in 1864, he received a majority of twenty-one thousand of the popular vote. In political sentiments, Governor Morton belongs to the Republican side of politics denominated Radical ; and, in 1867, was elected to the United States Senate. Basing his opinions upon no one contracted idea, he possesses a grasp of mind which places him, as a public- man, in the first rank of statesmen. Of great ability, he is a ready and fluent speaker, and has, as was predicted, made one of the ablest and most distinguished members of the United States Senate. Previous to the trial of the impeachment of President Johnson, Governor Morton was prominently spoken of as the probable President of the Senate, in order to succeed the President of the United States in the event of con- viction following his impeachment. Considering the brief time he had been a member of that body, this testimonial in his favor shows how deep an impression his commanding talents and statesmanlike bearing made upon the Senate. The great reputation which Governor Morton gained during the financial embarrassments of his State serves him now, with his experience, in the Senate. He is one of the foremost men upon the Reconstruction and financial questions now in that body. A recent controversy, involving the public finances, has recently takeu place between him and Horace Greeley, which has attracted wida attention. Weekly, $2; Monthly. 50 Cents, a Tear. soldieksTfbiexd. 3V WttkU and HHonthln Journal, DEVOTED TO THE UNION— THE INTERESTS OF SOLDIERS AND SAILORS- NEWS— PAY— PENSIONS— BOUNTIES— EMPLOYMENT— LITERATURE— THE CHILDREN AT HOME— POETRY, AND INCIDENTS OF THE WAR— SKETCHES. ANECDOTES. ore. &G Weekly, $2 ; Monthly, 50 Cents, a Year. WM. OLAND BOURNE, Editor. No. 12 Centre S'.rse:, Hew York. CisT" In the execution of our design, an important feature of which is to offer to the best -writers of the country a channel of direct communi- cation with the brave defenders of the Union, we have the privilege of acknowledging our indebtedness to the following eminent writers, who have already contributed to the columns of The Soldier's Friend : His Excellency, Reuben* E. Fenton. Rev. L. G. Binoeam. Governor of New York. Charles Astor Bristed, Rev. Heney W. Bellows, P. D.. George William Ctetls, Pres. U. & Sanitary Commissien. Albert Mathews. "William Cut lex Bryant. Rev. E. Payson Roe. Hampton Hospital, Vs. Rev. Alexander R. Thompson. Rev. Wm. Rollinson. U. S. A. Hon. David S. CoddlnltI. >. Maokue Hammond. Col. CHARLES C. Xott, Mrs. Henry Baylis, Rev. Theo. L. Ctyleb, OOt A. J. H. PCGANNE. Rev. Wm. P. Strickland. D. D. Henry C. Carey. LL. D. Rev. Charles W. Denison, Thomas S. Townsenp. Esq. Wm. Ross Wallace, ables Eliot Norton. Cinibridg^?. We have assurance of contributions from others, which afford a guaran- tee that The Soldier's Friend will occupy a high and peculiar position as a literary journal of the war. —■»■»■ Every Soldier and Sailor in the United State? should have this interesting and valuable journal as a regular visitor at his home. The friends of Soldiers, who desire to aid the cause of our Soldiers and Sailors, are requested to send in their subscriptions. All orders and communications must be addressed to WM. OLAND BOURNE, Xo. 1? Centre St . K. F. Rev. W. W. Meech. J. B. JIermin. U. S. A. Rev. Maurice G. Hos-sex, Rev. Robert Lowey. •2. ROBERT ANDERSON. General a Ay? r "»:v. :'.: here .:' F rt Sumter. Kentucky, in I805l He entered West Point A . 1831 _: . " bed in l v ,~ - mad • I Lieutenant in the Third Artillery. Daring the :.- k Hawk War he .1 as Inspector-General oi meld.- is Volant ta ad in June, lfi wna ] L to a First I . I 9 ' : L837hewas Assistant Instructor at the I'm:: d St.. - A... .".-;::.; ..- .. — ._:. .'. .. :'..: star! of General "Winfield Scott, as Aid- ilc-. ? r-. la L£ - od hia • m ". ns for Field Artillery B rs ... :: Arranged for the Service sf the United Stal - aL: . .: great prad due. Hiss-em sinl . lian trouble? were ac kno w l edged by a Bre 12,1838 En July of th< Baaac year he i si h Assistant Adjn I - . : Captain, and rail Captain in 1841 En Mai 1843 - - si - sent in "'.. i ..■_■-._■■■ ■ ■ ralS tt, and took part in the - _ I • .:. - rst whom was mtrustedthe nunand of the batteries. This duty he act mplishc 1 with .»:_. Le Lg llantry. He remain* '. % ith : until its tri- umt :'-. mt entry into the Mead I I ag September, when he : M ijor ami A. :::._• 1 I :' . : L - '. : _ . .".-. " : gallantry at X was severely w onded En L851 prcanoted to full rank of M n i 5 first brigade I - hoi ding tiii: mm:. ..ml in •: mm. . " irarmsmu ..: F;rt Moultri I tat 90th. of 1 ■ '- "'o State :t S nth - : lina seceded, and declared itself ov.: . : : hot ":.■.:. 1 is bed throng] S othern cities, and the plague : Lisl yalty overspread the entire S nth. Finding himst U s. ::.- in an untenable fort, with less than one hundred men. hia government 1 . send bim re s, and being men •.:-. i. ;n £Vrry rile, en: :fr from supplies, with the deer murmurs :: m.r wing louder and re iten i ._ . m.l Anderson dm m ned to : Fort Moultrie. Accordingly, lesti ... thai was : us I fart, and] 1 hia men to Fort Sumtei the strongest of the d a- r ._e . : :'..-: 5 :u:h at t'nis - _ ment was intense r.d my I by the thrill ofj h ran through the North Before the burst ;: : . :::..'..!> • m . :./\ . m.s mm :.:—.>-..:..: I y : h 5 .-'.. . .: lim ms, and rut ir . sm: : : :■ ns: St: :._ : : ibts - thrmvr. up on Morris and J .:.. - Islands, Fort Johnson, and - ::ey . also occupied, and Sumter sted N si ipe ,i.d appr. it in tne teeth . : : -. - ... • -:':..: A \h. - 1 Stal - rnmenl i nfutauid the ins nr genta thai tt isl edte send sup- . an an unarmed trans] at were d lis- 1.. man al th a IE Jelly infoi nwid them that snppliee u be aa : I M r Araers;r poss rce. 11th : Arr:".. General Be . had command of th Be demanded al leneral And n let : Fori S which, being refuse and the 14th, the fori a _ 1 1 . and. be:: .; raonaurrei red. "Wit'n : : tat: . : _ - - j loui : I rt Sumter, I : band p". _ :s. - - gadier-General, and sen ucky to take eonunand in t S La valth. ur.: and . . retired from the am. s sini nded in the city of 1 ] . rk. tf r OF CHARLES D. FREDRICKS & CO., IVo. 587 Broadway, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, NEW YORK CITY. Me. Fredricks would respectfully inform his old customers and the public, that he has, after^an absence of several years, re- turned to New York, and from this time will give his personal supervision to his art. Having dissolved his old copartnership, he has associated with him Mr. HUGH O'NEIL, the unrivaled Photographer, and will continue the Photographic business at the^oldfstand, under the old firm-name of CHARLES D. FREDRICKS & CO. The proprietors guarantee to execute all orders in the highest perfection of the Photographic Art. Customers will meet with polite attention and prompt dispatch. No connection with any other Establishment by the name of FREDRICKS in this City. [From the Rom* Journal.'] FHO TO GRAPHIC VIE WS.—^e see that Mr. Fredricks, of the firm of Charles D. Fredricks & Co., is out with a card, saying that the old partnership, which existed for some years, is dissolved, and a new one formed under the old name. The new partner is Mr. Hugh O'Neil, a gentleman who has been identified with this house for the last ten or twelve years, and whom we know to be a first-class operator, and one of the best Photographic Chemists in the country. Mr. C. D. Fredricks, the senior partner, has been absent in Europe and elsewhere for the most part of the last half dozen years, but it is his intention now to devote his whole time to the business, and in future he will be found daily at the gallery, No. 587 Broadway, during business hours. Mr. Fredricks has been in the Photographic aud Daguerreotype business for more than twenty years. The high reputation he has gained in that time, the many personal friends he has made, and the superior ability of Mr. O'Neil as a Photographer, insures for the new firm more than a continuance of patron- age from the public than the old firm was favored with. // 3. JOHN POPE. General John Pope was born in Kentucky, March 12, 1823, and, during" his infancy, his father removed with him to Kaskaskia, 111. After receiving a careful preliminary education, he was admitted, in 1838, a cadet in the West Point Military Academy, where he graduated in 1842, standing high in his class. In July of the 6ame year he was commissioned Brevet Second Lieutenant in the corps of Topographical Engineers. Upon the breaking out of the war with Mexico, he was attached to the army under General Taylor, and, " for gallant and meritorious conduct" at the battle of Monterey, was breveted a First Lieutenant, his commission bearing date September S3, 1840. For " highly gallant and meritorious conduct" on the hard-fought field of Buena Vista, he was breveted a Cap- tain, his commission being dated February 23, 1847. In 1849 he conducted the Minnesota Exploring Expedition, which demon- strated the practicability of navigating the Red River of the North with steamers, after which he acted as Topographical Engineer in New Measico until 1853, when he was assigned to the command of one of the expeditions to survey the route of the Pacific Railroad. From 1854 to 1859 he was engaged in this work, during which time (July 1, 1856) he was promoted to a Captaincy in the corps of Topographical Engineers. On the 17th day of May, 1861, he was commissioned a Brigadier-General of Volunteers in the Union army, and assigned to a command in Northern Missouri. In December he served in Central Missouri, under General Halleck, and, on the 17th of that month, he scattered the Rebel camp at Shawnee Mound. On the 18th he surprised another camp, near Milford, and took some thirteen hundred prisoners. This campaign cleared this district of the Rebels. On the 14th of March, 1862, he captured New Madrid, and, on the 7th of April, the Rebel garrison of Island No. 10, amounting to nearly seven thousand men — for which services he was made a Major-General. He was next commander of a corps of the army to co-operate with Halleck in the reduction of Corinth. In June, 1862, he was assigned to the command of the Army of Virginia, over Fremont, Banks, and McDowell, and, on July 14, was commissioned a Brigadier-General in the Regular Army. At the conclusion of the Second Bull Run campaign, September 3, 1862, he was relieved at his own request, and assigned to the Department of the Northwest, ^3X^ 9 434 Broome Street, New York. FIELD PORTS AND NATURAL HISTORY. FRANK FORESTER'S WORKS. FUR, FIN, AND FEATHER ; Containing the Game Laws of the principal States of the United States and Canada. Price 50 cents. GUN, ROD, AND SADDLE ; Personal Experiences (By Ubique) of Land and Water. By Capt. J. Parker Gillmore, late of H. B. M. First Royal Regiment. Price, $2. DEAD SHOT; Or, Sportsman's Complete Guide; being a Treatise on the Use of the Gun, with rudimentary and finishing Lessons in the Art of Shooting Game of all kinds. By Marksman. Price, $2. CRACK SHOT ; Or, Young Rifleman's Complete Guide ; being a Treatise on the use of the Rifle. By Edward C. Barber. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Price, $2.50. COMPLETE MANUAL. For Young Sportsmen, of Fowling, Fishing, and Field Sports. By Henry William Herbert. One vol., crown, 8vo. Price, $3. THE DOG. By Dinks, Mayhew, and Hutchinson. Compiled, illustrated, and edited by Frank Forester. Trice, $3. FISH AND FISHING of the United States and British Provinces. Illustrated by 100 Engravings on wood and steel plate of 24 Colored Flies. Price, $5.50. FIELD SPORTS of the United States and British Provinces of North America. Illustra- ted on wood by the Author, two vols. Price. $7.50. THE TURF, STUD, AND STABLE. HORSE PORTRAITURE, Breeding, Rearing, and Training Trotters. Preparations for Races; Management in the Stable ; On the Track; Horse Life, &c. By Joseph Cairn Simpson. Price, $3. THE HORSE. In the Stable and the Field ; with his Management in Health and Disease. By Rob't McClure, M. D., with a History of the American Trotting Horse, with 70 illustrations. Price, $2. HIRAM WOODRUFF ON THE TROTTING HORSE OF AMERICA. How to Tr:iin and Drive Him ; with reminiscences of the Trotting Turf, illustrated by steel-plate Portrait of the Author. Price, $2.25. WALLACE'S AMERICAN STUD BOOK. A Compilation of the Pedigrees of American and Imported Blood Horses, from the Earliest Records, with an Appendix of all named animals without extended Pedigrees, prior the year L40. And a Supplement con- taining a History of all Horses and Mares that have trotted in public from the earliest trotting races till the close of 18C6. By J. H. Wallace. 1,000 pages, illustrated with Portraits of 20 celebrated Racers and Trotters. Price, $10. FRANK FORESTER'S HORSE AND HORSEMANSHIP of the United States and British Provinces of North America. By Henry William Herbert. In two superb im- perial octavo volumes of 1,200 pages, illustrated with steel-engraved Original Portraits from paintings and drawings by the most distinguished artists, of over 20 celebrated horses. Two vols., $20. Any of the above Works sent prepaid, on Receipt of Annexed Prices. In Remitting send P. O. Money-Order, or Registered Letter. f/ 12. EOBEET E. LEE. General Robert E. Lee, son of Harry Lee, of Revolutionary fame, was born at the family seat of Strafford, Virginia, in 1800. He received a liberal education, was admitted to the military academy at "West Point in 1825, and, on the 30th of June, 1829, graduated second in his class. He entered the Engineer Corps as Second Lieutenant, in July of that year ; "was promoted to First Lieutenancy, September 21 1830 ; and to Captaincy, July 7, 1838. He served in the Mexican War as Chief-Engi- neer in General Wool's command, and was breveted Major, Lieutenant- Colonel, and Colonel, for gallant conduct at Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churu- busco, and Chapultepec. In July, 1848, he was appointed a member of the Board of Engineers at West Point, and, September 1, 1852, was made Superintendent of the mili- tary academy, which position he held until March 3, 1855, when he received his full commission of Lieutenant-Colonel of the Second Cavalry. In 1859 ne commanded the company of marines that captured John Brown at Harper's Ferry, and, on the 10th of March, 1861, was promoted to the Colonelcy of the First Cavalry. On the 20th of April, 1801. he resigned his commission in the United States army, and -was appointed Major-General by the State of Virginia, and afterward General in the Confederate army. In August, 1801, he was assigned to a command in West Virginia. His first engagement was at Cheat Mountain, where he was defeated by General Reynolds. He then proceeded to the Kana-wha region for the purpose of relieving Floyd and Wise. In December he was transferred to the defenses of South Carolina and Georgia. When General J. E. Johnston was wounded at the battle of Seven Pines, June 1, 1862, General Lee succeeded to the command of the Rebel army in Virginia, and, after being reinforced by General "Stonewall" Jackson's corps, took the offensive. The initial movement to the seven days' battles "were planned by him, and the battle of Malvern Hill was fought under his personal direction. When he was satisfied that General McClellan's army had been withdrawn from the Peninsula, he transferred the main body of the Rebel army to act against Pope, which resulted in the battles of Manassas, August 29, 1802, and that of Chantilly, which was fought while the National forces "were in retreat for the defenses of Washington. General Lee then prepared for the invasion of Maryland, which resulted in his defeat at Antietam. He was afterward engaged in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, in which he defeated or repulsed the Union forces. In June, 1803, he made a second invasion of the North, when, after destroying much public property, and obtaining immense stores of goods, he concentrated his forces at Gettysburg, and fought the bloody battle at that place, which ended in his defeat, July 3, 1803. Thus both his invasions of the North proved failures. In both cases, however, he extricated himself from these critical situations with extraordinary skill and dexterity. In 1804, when General Grant took command of the Army of the Potomac, Lee concentrated his forces around Richmond, and, acting on the defensive, contested every inch of ground as he retreated toward that city, until he was at last forced to surrender at Appomattox Court-House to General Grant, April 9, 1805. General Lee was appointed General-in-Chief of the Rebel forces, January 31, 1805, and attained a military reputation second to none in the Southern army. On the close of the war he was elected to the position of President of Washington College, Lexington, Va., where ho now resides. t l a; t. stewaet & cd> DHY GOODS, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. r Scarcely a stranger visits the city of New York who does not turn his or her steps in the direction of the two vast " emporiums" of merchandise owned and personally managed by the first merchant in the United States, and probably in the world, ALEXANDER T. STEWART. Axexandeb T. Stewaet was born, about the year 1803, near the city of Belfast, Ireland, of Scottish ancestry. At eight years of age he was left an orphan, with no near relative, except a maternal grandfather, a pious Methodist, who educated him for the ministry. He took his degree at Trinity College, but before he completed his course of study, his grand- father died, leaving him to the guardianship of a Quaker friend, who furnished him with letters of introduction to prominent merchants of that society in New York City, whither the young, ambitious student determined to seek his fame and fortune, and where he arrived in 1823. These letters gave him access to the best social circles, where he was soon distinguished both for his pleasing address as a gentleman, and his attainments as a fine classical scholar. For a brief time after his arrival, he was employed as a teacher. Accident made him a merchant. Where he was to be in connection with an experienced business- man, and to contribute capital, he suddenly found himself principal, alone, charged with the rent of a store, and with the whole responsibility devolving upon him. With that indomitable will and wonderful energy which has marked his whole life, he at once went back to Ireland, converted into money the moderate fortune he had inherited, and invested it in goods — principally laces, manufactured at and around his birth-place — and then he returned to New York, and opened his store. His first customer was»alady acquaintance, who said to him, the day before he opened : ♦' You must not sell anything to-morrow, until I come and make the first purchase, for I will bring luck." Early the next morning she purchased goods (principally laces) to the value of nearly two hundred dollars. The lady married, and removed to a European city. Years after, Mr. Stewart was in that city on business, and there he learned that his first customer had lost her husband and fortune, and was then living in very reduced circumstances. Furnishing her with suitable apartments, he settled an annuity on her, which enabled her to live in comfort the rest of her life. " If she brought luck to the young merchant, that first morning's purchase was a lucky one for her." Since Mr. Stewart first opened that modest, well-supplied, and well-con- ducted Dry Goods store, on Broadway, near City Hall Park, close attention to business, and the highest sense of honor in conducting its details (with truth as his talisman), have brought their sure reward. Mr. Stewart is quick to discern, prompt to act, and energetic in all his movements. He generally has the right man in the right place. It is his perfect system and thorough discipline which enables him to control such a vast business — a business which connects itself, not only with every State in the Union, but with every State and Kingdom in Eu- rope. It includes that of Retailer, Jobber, Importer, and Manufacturer. His gross sales are enormous in amount, and aid materially in the annual contribu- tions which enrich the National Treasury. I In 1867 Mr. Stewart was appointed by the Government, President of the Honorary Com- mission to the World's Fair at Paris, and in 18"B8 was chosen an Elector, on the Republican ticket, for President of the United States. — 13. ULYSSES S. GRANT. General Ulysses S. Grant was born at Mount Pleasant, Ohio, April 127, 1822. His early opportunities for acquiring an education were limited, having the benefit only of a school during the winter months, the summer being devoted to labor on a farm or in his father's tannery. He early evinced a particular fondness for mathematics, and, at the age of seventeen, received the appointment of cadet in the military academy at West Point, where he graduated in 1843, and entered the United States army as a Brevet Second Lieutenant of Infantry. He served in the Mexican War as Second Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster of the Fourth Infantry, and, for gallant conduct at Molina del Key and Ghapul te- pee, he was breveted First Lieutenant, and, in 1853, was promoted to full Captaincy. On the 31st of July, 1854, he resigned his commission in the army, took ■up his residence near St. Louis, Mo., and engaged in farming for four years, when, finding it unprofitable, he removed to Galena, 111., and entered into the leather business with his brother, in which he continued^ until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when, remembering what he owed his country, he said to a friend : " The Government has educated me for the army ; what I am, I owe to my country; I have served her through one war, and, live or die, I will serve her through this." He offered his services to Governor Yates, who appointed him Adjutant- General of the State ; but, desiring active service, he was appointed Colonel Of the Twenty-First Illinois Volunteers, June 15, 1861, and, August 7, was commissioned Brigadier-General, with rank from May 17, 1801, and took command of Southeast Missouri, with headquarters at Cairo. He occupied Paducah on the 6th of September, and fought the Confederates at Belmont on the 7th of November. He commanded at the capture of Fort Henry, on the Tennessee River, February 6, 1862 ; then marching across the country to the Cumberland, he invested Fort Donaldson on the 12th, in conjunction with Admiral Foote, with the gunboats, commenced the attack on the 13th, and, on the 16th, received an " unconditional surrender " from General Buckner. For this victory he was made Major-General. After the capture of Nashville, and fighting the severe battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862, he was appointed to command of the Department of Tennessee, with headquarters at Jackson, Miss. Early in January, 1863, General Grant assumed the principal direc- tion of the land forces before Vicksburg, and, after gaining the victories of Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills, and Big Black River Bridge, invested that city, which he captured July 4, 1863. For this victory he was made Major-General in the Regular Army. In October, 1863, he was directed to assume command of the troops at Chat- tanooga, and, on the 24th and 25th, gained an important victory over General Bragg, which secured him a permanent base of operations at that point. In March, 1864, he was appointed Lieutenant-General, with command of all the armies of the Union, and, May 4, commenced hiscampaign against Richmond. Having marked out his course, he " fought it out on that line," until victory crowned his efforts, and Lee surrendered at Appomattox, April 9, 1865. He seems to have planned all his campaigns so as to insure suc- cess, and the territory he conquered ever after remained in the possession of the Federal arms. In May, 1868, he received the unanimous nomination for President of the United States by the Republican party, and was elected Nov. 3, 1868 2 r Y The Kotal Havana Lottery, of Cuba, is conducted by the Spanish Government, and draws every seventeen days in the City of Havana. The prizes amount to $390,000 in gold, and is equivalent to $570,000 in currency of the United States. Here, then, is a fortune distributed about every month among the people. TAYLOR & CO., No. 16 Wall- street, New York, sold $72,000 of prizes in the month of June. The Havana Lottery is conducted on fair and equita- ble principles. Persons wishing to invest are invited to send their orders to Messrs. Taylor & Co., who are responsible parties, having been many years connected with the Spanish Government, and are favorably known throughout the United States. — Chicago Post, Sept. 3. The above firm, of whom the Chicago Post thus favorably speaks, is a very old established house, which conducts its business in a strictly honor- able manner. The Lottery which they represent is a legally established concern that is largely patronized, not only throughout the West Indies, but in every part of North and South America, and of Europe. The prizes offered are princely fortunes, and investors are constantly drawing them. For our part, we consider a chance taken in such a speculation quite as safe and prudent as an investment in the usual Wall Street Stocks. Indeed, in- many respects the lottery is to be preferred to fancy stock speculations. For example : The reckoning day comes at the appointed time, and there is no " bulling " or " bearing " connected with the transaction. Besides this, somebody who is entitled to it, draws the prize, which is merely the case in < legitimate stock operations. Every turn of the wheel is so much luck for some one, and who can count the blessings that Fortune often showers in this quiet way upon thousands who stand sorely in need. There are hund- reds in this city who, if the truth were told, would trace their prospects in business, and their Btation in society, to one humble but lucky venture in the Havana Lottery. We can also safely recommend Messrs. TaYLOK & Co., as being a firm of long standing and well-known integrity ; the payment of prizes in all cases is made promptly on demand. As far as the Lottery itself is concern- ed, nothing need be said, the fairness of its transactions being too well known to need remark. [From the Evening Telegram of Sept. 30, 1868. :^'" 14. HOEACE GREELEY. Horace Greeley, Editor and Founder of the New York Tribune, was born in Amherst, New Hampshire, February 3, 1811. Until the age of fourteen, he worked upon a farm, having no other opportunity of acquiring an education than such as the district schools of his neighborhood afforded. He early manifested a fondness for reading, especially newspapers, which he would devour with the greatest relish, and which decided him to become a Printer, whenever the time should arrive to choose an occupation for him- self. He also, at a very early age, exhibited a remarkably retentive mem- ory, and correctness in spelling, which especially adapted him to the business he has since followed. When about fourteen years old, his father having removed to Vermont, Horace endeavored to find employment in a printing office in Whitehall, but without success. Nothing daunted by the first rebuff, "for he was made of sterner stuff than to bend before the first puff of ill-success," he applied at the office of the Northern Spectator, Poultney, Vt., where his services were accepted, and where he remained till 1830, when the paper was discontinued, and he returned to work upon his father's farm. Here he continued for a year, when he started, on foot, with his baggage slung across his shoulder, to seek his fortune in the great city of New York, where he arrived on the 31st of August, 1831. After persevering efforts, he obtained work as a Journeyman Printer, and was employed in various offices, at occasional intervals, for eighteen months. In 1834, in connection with Jonas Winchester, he started The New Yorker, a weekly journal, and became its Editor. After struggling on for several years, with poor success, it was finally abandoned. During its existence, Mr. Greeley published the folio wing campaign papers : The Constitution, 2 he Jeffersonian, and the Log Cabin. In 1841 he commenced the publication of the New York Tribune, with which he is still connected, and of which he is now the principal Editor. In 1848 Mr. Greeley was chosen to fill a vacancy in the United States Congress, and served through the short term preceding General Taylor's inauguration, with manifest ability. In 1851 he visited Europe, and rendered valuable service to the Ameri- can exhibiters at the World's Fair, in England. He again visited Europe in 1855 ; and, in 1859, took a trip across the plains and mountains to Cali- fornia. He gave an account of each in letters to the Tribune, which have since been published in volumes. He has also published a collection of his addresses, essays, &c, under the title of "Hints toward Reforms." During and since the Rebellion, Mr. Greeley has published a history of that struggle, in a book, entitled " The American Conflict," which has had a very extensive sale. He has also published his autobiography, entitled " Recollections of a Busy Life." Mr. Greeley's fame as a Journalist and Lecturer, are world-wide. Wherever the Tribune is read (and where is it not ?), there the name of Horace Greeley is familiar. During his whole life, his pen and his efforts have been in constant service for the weak, against the strong. He early espoused the cause of the slave; and, at a period in the history of the slavery question, when to speak out boldly against that institution was to risk one's life, there was no temporizing policy in Mr. Greeley's course. He wields a fearless, vigorous, and ever-ready pen, in favor of all reforms — political, social, and financial — and exhibits a clear understanding of all these subjects. 15. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Jefferson Davis was born in Christian County, Kentucky, June 3,' 1808. Shortly after his birth, his father removed with his family to "Wil- kinson County, Miss. He received a good aoademical education, and en- tered Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky., in 1822, which he left in 1824, to enter the Military Academy at West Point, from which he gradu- ated in 1828. He was appointed Second Lieutenant of Infantry, and served on the Northwestern frontier during the Black Hawk War of 1831-'32. In 1834 he was appointed First Lieutenant of Dragoons, and was em- ployed in operations against the Pawnees, Camanches, and other Indian tribes. In June, 1835, he resigned his commission, and retired to a cotton plantation in Mississippi. He continued in retirement until 1843, when he began to take an interest in politics upon the Democratic side ; and, in 1844, was chosen a Presiden- tial Elector. In 1845 he was elected a Representative to Congress ; but resigned in 1846, to become Colonel of the First Mississippi Volunteer Regiment, and' serve in the Mexican War. He distinguished himself at Monterey and] Buena Vista, and was severely wounded in the latter battle. He was appointed Brigadier-General of Volunteers by President Polk? in 1847, but he declined the commission on the ground that, by the Consti- tution, the Militia appointments were reserved to the States, and that such appointments by the President were in violation of State Rights. He was chosen, the same year, to fill a vacancy in the United States Senate, and was re-elected, in 1850, for a full term. In 1853 he was appointed Secretary of War by President Pierce, and, in 1857, was again elected to the United States Senate, when he took a prom- inent position among the Southern leaders, and was among the keenest and most sagacious of them all in his endeavors to precipitate secession upon the country. On the 21st of January, 1861, he took his leave of the Senate in a speech, in which he gave his opinion that, by the secession of his State, his connection with that body was terminated, and reaffirmed the doctrine of the right of secession, which he had long maintained. The Confederate Con- gress, at Montgomery, Alabama, chose him President, under the Provisional Constitution, on the 9th of February, 1861, and he accepted the office on the 16th, in a brief address, prophesying peace, but threatening that the ene- mies of the South would be "made to smell Southern . powder, and feel Southern steel." On the 17th of April, two days after the first proclamation of President Lincoln, he responded by a proclamation authorizing privateering ; and, on the 14th of August, issued a proclamation warning all persons of fourteen years and upward, owing allegience to the United States, to leave the Con- federacy within forty days, or be treated as alien enemies. On the 6th of November he was chosen permanent President, and was inaugurated Feb- ruary 22, 1862. On the 27th of February, he vetoed a bill prohibiting the Slave Trade; and on the 21st of May, he renewed the repudiation scheme of Mississippi upon a large scale, by approving an Act providing that all persons owing debts to parties in the North, should pay the same into the Confederate Treasury. Mr. Davis continued President of the Southern Confederacy, until his capture at Irwinsville, Ga., May 10, 1865, having fled from Richmond before its evacuation by General Lee, when he was conveyed to Fortress Monroe, indicted by the Grand Jury of the District of Columbia for treason ; and, after over a year's imprisonment, was released on bail, Horace Greely magnanimously becoming one of his sureties. 16. PIEEEE SOULE. Pierre Soule was born at Castillon about 1802, in the Pyrenees, during the first consulate of Napoleon. His father had risen to the rank of Lieu- tenant-General in the Republican armies, but afterward returned to his native mountains and exercised the office of Judge, which was hereditary in his family. Pierre was destined for the church ; and, in 1816, was ?ent to the Jesuits' College at Toulouse, where his abilities were soon remarked and appreciated. Young Soule, however, became dissatisfied with his situation, and left the college. He was afterward sent to complete his studies at Bor- deaux. At fifteen he took part in the conspiracy against the Bourbons, and the plot having been discovered, he was obliged to take refuge in a little vil- lage of Navarre, where he remained for more than a year, following the occupation of a shepherd. He was permitted to return to Bordeaux ; but he longed for a more exciting scene of action, and, accordingly, repaired to Paris. Here, in conjunction with Bartholemy and Mery, he established a paper, advocating liberal republican sentiments. This, of course, soon brought him under the eye of the authorities, and he was put upon his trial. His advocate on that occasion was a friend named Ledru, who appealed to the clemency of the court in behalf of the prisoner on the score of his youth. This line of defense did not suit the prisoner, who rose from his seat, and addressed the court in an impassioned strain, denying the criminalty of his opinions, and defending the rectitude of his conduct. His eloquence did not save him from St. Pelagie, whence he succeeded, with the aid of Bar- tholemy, in making his escape to England, and then to Chili. Disappointed in his expectations of obtaining a situation in Chili, which had been promised him, and finding himself alone in a strange country, wholly ignorant of the language, he returned to France. At Havre he met a friend, a Captain in the French navy, who advised him to seek an asylum in the United States, and offered him a passage in his ship as far as St. Domingo. Soule accepted the proposition, and arrived at Port-au-Prince in September, 1825. From this place he took passage to Baltimore, and finally removed to New Orleans a few months later. Having determined to make the law his profession, he applied himself assiduously to the 6tudy of English, and passed his examination for the bar in that language, and was admitted, when he soon rose to distinction by his talents and eloquence. In 1847 Mr. Soule was elected a Senator in Congress from Louisiana to fill a vacancy, and was re-elected in 1849 for a term of six years. He took an active part in the stormy session that followed ; and, after the death of Mr. Calhoun, was regarded for some years as the leader of the ultra-Southern party. In the Senate he preserved his reputation as a speaker, and his oratory is said to be rendered only the more pleasing by a slight French accent. In 1853 he was appointed, by President Pierce, Minister to Spain. In 1862 he was arrested in New Orleans for disloyalty to the Government; and, after an imprisonment of some months in Fort Lafayette, he was released on condition that he would not return to Louisiana until the end of the Rebellion. % # £ 17. BENJAMIN F. WADE BENJAMIN F. Wade, the distinguished United States Senator from" Ohio, was born im Springfield, Massachusetts, October 27, 1800. His father, a Revolutionary soldier, was too poor to afford the son the advantages of more than the ordinary education obtained in the common schools. In his youth the future statesman labored as a Farmer or Husbandman, but, by diligent application had acquired sufficient knowledge to become a Teacher during the winter. In 1826 we find him engaged in the study of the law in Ohio, Com- mencing the practice in Ashtabula County a few years after, in 1835 he was chosen as Prosecuting Attorney of that county, and, in 1837, was elected ,to the State Senate. In 1847 he was elected by the Legislature presiding Judge of the Third Judicial District of the State, and, in 1851, a United ^States Senator, to which body he was again returned in 1857 and 1863. In the Senate Mr. Wade has been prominent as a leader of the anti- slavery party, and continued unrelenting in his hostility during the most rampant period of the pro-slavery ascendancy. He opposed Mr. Douglas's bill to abrogate the Missouri Compromise, the Lecompton Constitution in |1858, Slidell's bill for the acquisition of Cuba, and was against all compromise with the South after 1860. He advocated the Homestead bill, the Agricul- tural College and the Pacific Railroad bills, and every measure for the pro- tection of American industry. On the opening of the Thirty-Seventh Congress, Mr. Wade became Chairman of the Committee on the Conduct of the War, and took an active part in urging the enactment of a law to confiscate the property of leading Rebels and to emancipate their slaves. . Ultra democratic in his views, and radically Republican in his princi- ples, Mr. Wade has consistently carried out his policy with an independence characteristic of his origin, education, and early associations and impres- sions. He has been an opponent of West Point, because he thinks it fosters an aristocratic and exclusive class, and because it numbered among many of its graduates prominent military leaders of the Rebel army. He has also opposed the increase of the standing army. The bill making Treasury Notes a legal tender he advocated and voted for, and for the bill abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia. In 1862, as Chairman of the Territorial Committee, he reported a bill abolishing slavery in all the Territories of the Government, and anticipated the future policy of the Government growing out of a successful termina- tion of the war by prohibiting it in any that may hereafter be acquired. Mr. Wade, as President of the Senate, attracted renewed attention throughout the country as the likely successor to the Presidency in the event of the impeachment of President Johnson. He is distinguished as presiding officer of the Senate by a certain degree of brusqueness, but at the same time possesses a knowledge of parliamentary law which his long experience in that body has enabled him to acquire. A long debate ensued at the beginning of the impeachment trial as to the propriety, considering his contingent relations to the Presidency, of his sitting in judgment upon the arraigned President. The suspicion of his interested motives in influencing his sense of public duty was repudiated by the Hon. Reverdy Johnson in a very eloquent tribute to the public and private honor and integrity of Mr. Wade. i 4 18. JOHN C. BKECKENBIDGE. JOHN C. Breckenridge was born near Lexington, Kentucky, January 1G, 182L He was educated at Centre College, Kentucky; spent a few months at Princeton, N. J. ; studied law at Transylvania Institute, and was admitted to the bar at Lexington. He emigrated to Burlington, Iowa, where he remained for a time, but returned to Lexington, where he prac- ticed his profession with success. He served as a Major of Infantry during the Mexican War ; and, while in that country, distinguished himself as Counsel for General Pillow, during the famous court-martial. On his return from Mexico, he was elected to the State Legislature, and afterward Representative in Congress from the Ashland District, from 1851 to 1855. During his administration, President Pierce tendered to him the mission to Spain, but family affairs compelled him to decline the honor. He was elected Vice-President of the United States, in 1856, on the ticket with James Buchanan, and entered upon the duties of his office in March, 1857, as President of the United States Senate. In 1861 he succeeded Mr. Crittenden as United States Senator from Kentucky, having been defeated as candidate for President on the nomination of the Southern Democracy, in 1860. In the summer of 1861, as the war of the Rebellion progressed, and the debates in the Senate grew warmer, Mr. Breckenridge became more demonstrative, charging the Government with the intent to make it a " war of extermination," and, in October, joined the Confederate army, when the United States Senate expelled him from that body, by a unanimous vote. We next find him as a Confederate General at the battles of Mur- freesboro', Baton Rouge, and Chickamauga ; defeating Sigel in the West ; joining Lee's army, at Cold Harbor ; commanding under Early in the attack on Washington, and in the Shenandoah valley, in 1864 ; defeating Gillem in East Tennessee; and joining the councils of the Confederate Government at Richmond, early in 1865, as Secretary of War, which posi- tion he held until the war was brought to a close. He then fled to Eng- land, and has since resided there and in Canada. Mr. Breckenridge was a great favorite with the Democratic party, and evinced the same deep-seated tenacity for " State Rights," which formed part of the nature of men accustomed to the state of society prevailing in the slaveholding sections of the country. His early rise to positions of im- portance, evince the force of his talents ; and the continuance of his progress attest his superior abilities. His conduct in public life showed a character, in many respects, suited to such a sphere. As a military man, he filled the station of commander with more credit than many civilians, on either side, during the conflict. 1 f V Silver Medal Ice-Crusher, FOR ALL WHO USE BROKEN ICE. 01 00 C4 o C 3 -J T3 O £ O w a 3 o < © 3 CD 3 r+ U pf (D 3 r+ (D a c c 3 © « 00 o 00 Premiums of Silver Medal from American Institute, N. Y., and Bronze Medal by Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics' Association, "were awarded, in 1865, to Richardson's Ice-Crusher. To quote the Judge's report : " It is very powerful ; suited to the use of Ice-Cream Saloons, Hotels, Fishing- Vessels, and Packers." Prices, [Delivered in Gloucester, Mass. Largest Size, for Steam-Power, $150 00 Common Size, with Two Hand-Wheels, 73 00 Common Size, in general use, " (see Cut,) 60 00 Medium Size (new size), for Ice-Cream Dealers, 30 00 Small Size, for Bars, Soda-Fountains, and Families, 13 00 Manufactured by RICHARDSON MILL CO., DAVID W. LOW, Agent, Gloucester, 3Iass. The following are among the many who are using our Ice-Crushers, we can refer to : H. D. Parker & Co., Parker House, Boston. Moon & Lanphear, Fulton (Fish) Market, New York, Z/J 19. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER. Benjamin F. Butler was born in Deerfield, New Hampshire, Novem- ber 5, 1818. He passed his boyhood in Lowell, where he attended the High School, preparatory to becoming 1 a student at Exeter Academy. He graduated with honor at Waterville College, Me., in 1838, studied law, and was admitted to the ' • ii 1841. Mr. Butler at c:i • plunged into law and politics, pursuing both with equal ardor, and displaying the adroitness and energy which have always characterized him. 11a espoused the most desperate causes, and became, in court, the leader of " forlorn hopes." His singular fertility in expedients, and success in defending rather awkward suits, soon won for him the repu- tation of being the ablest criminal lawyer in the State. In 1853 he was elected to the State legislature, and, in 1858, to the Senate. In 1800 we find him playing a prominent role as Delegate to the Demo- cratic Convention at Charleston and Baltimore. During all these years, he }>..d been taking lessons in the " School of the Soldier ;" and, in 1857, was appointed Brigadier-General in the State Militia. In the month of April, 1861, he responded to the call of President Lincoln for volunteers to defend the Union against the Rebels, and, with a single regiment, marched into Maryland, made a descent upon Annapolis (then the enemy's country), which he held until the Department of Annapolis was created, when he was in- stalled commander, with rank of Major-General. Soon after, he took command at Fortress Monroe. While occupying this post, the disastrous battles of Little and Big Bethel occurred. Here, also, he originated and applied the term " Contraband of war " to the captured slave, which settled the vexed question of the status of the slaves of Rebels. On the 20th of February, 1862, General Butler left Boston for Ship Island, in Mississippi Sound, where he arrived March 23, with a force of fifteen thousand men, to attack New Orleans. After the surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Phillips to Admiral Farragut, he went up the Mississippi with a portion of his command, and entered the city of New Orleans with two thousand five hundred men on the evening of May 1, 1862. He found the city much demoralized, but shaped order out of chaos ; and he saved the city, not only from its own suicidal madness, but from that ma- lignant epidemic, which had annually visited it. 3Phe yellow-fever raged at Havana, Nassau, and other unhealthy ports ; but New Orleans escaped untouched ; and the hopes of those who wished it to lay the invading Yan- kees at the mercy of their enemies, were frustrated. General Butler's course in New Orleans was, from the first, necessarily a stringent one. He arrested several British subjects, for affording aid to the Rebels; seized a large amount of specie belonging to the enemy in the office of the Consul for the Netherlands ; distributed among the suffering poor the provisions intended for the Southern army ; laid a tax on Rebel sympathizers ; and issued that celebrated and characteristic proclamation respecting active female traitors who insulted his soldiers, which extirpated at once a most annoying nuisance. It was a fortunate day for New Orleans when "Butler came to town." He was superseded by General Banks in November, 1862. In the latter part of 1863 he was assigned to the Department of Virginia and North Carolina; and, in 1864, participated in operations before Peters- burg and Richmond, as commander of the Army of the James. In the spring of 1865, he resigned his commission, and was elected to Congress, where he particularly distinguished himself in the impeachment trial of President Johnson, in the spring of 1868 ; and in November was again elected to Congress. tf 2* A. C. & J. W. BELL, 'v 20 4th Avenue, opp. Cooper Institute. BBAXCH, 35 UNION SQUARE. Offer to the Public a large, varied and complete assort- ment of for all Seasons, at very low prices. Goods Warranted as Represented Also a large and well assorted Stock of FJREXCH, EXGLISH AXD DOMESTIC CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Comprising all the LATEST STYLES AND NOVELTIES, "Which we manufacture to order on short notice, and in as good style as any house in the City, at a great reduction from Broad wav rates. Z/3 20. SALMON P. CHASE. Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, was born in Cornish, Xew Hampshire, January 16, 1S08. At twelve years of age he was sent to "Worthington, Ohio, to be educated, under the care of his uncle, Philander Chase, who was then Bishop of that State. He entered Cincinnati College, but at the end of a year he returned to Xew Hampshire and enteredthe junior class at Dartmouth College, in 1824, and graduated in HC6. Provided with a few letters of introduction, with no other means but his education, he made his way to Washington, D. C, where, after teach- ing a boys' school for three years, during which he studied law, he was admitted to the bar of the District of Columbia in 1829. In the spring of 1830 he removed to Cincinnati, where his practice as a lawyer soon be- came extensive and valuable. Almost at the outset of his* professional career, he entered upon a course of constant and earnest anti-slavery action, which has made his name widely known. In 1834 he became counsellor of the United States Bank at Cincinnati. In 1837 he defended a woman claimed as a fugitive slave, and James G. Barney for harboring a fugitive slave. From" 1838 to 1846 he was asso- ciated with Wm. H. Seward as defendants' counsel, in the famous Van Zanelt case. These and other cases, gave Mr. Chase a national reputation, both as a lawyer and an anti-slavery man. In 1841 he united in organizing a Liberty party ; in 1843 was a member of the National Liberty Convention, which was held at Cincinnati; and was a delegate to the Free-Soil Convention, held at Buffalo in 1S48. In politics, Mr. Chase first acted with the Democrats, but voted for General Harrison in 1840. His formal entrance into political life was in 1849, when he was elected L nited States Senator from Ohio. In the Senate he continued his hos- tility to slavery, and formally withdrew from the Democratic party in 1852. He joined the Republican party in 1854, was elected Governor of Ohio in 1855, and re-elected in 1857. He was again chosen United States Senator in 1860 ; but on the day he took his seat — March 5, 1861 — he was appointed by Mr. Lincoln Secretary of the Treasury. He found the national treasury exhausted and the credit of the United States Government paralyzed. The task imposed on him was gigantic, and failure in it would have ruined the country at the outset. But his well-known financial ability enabled him to obtain a temporary loan of the banks, when he immediately set to work to negotiate the national bonds authorized by Congress, and establish a greenback and national banking system, which has given us a uniform currency throughout the Union. His success in changing the various State banks into national banks, without any perceptible incon- venience, will distinguish him as one of the greatest financial minds in the country. He resigned, as Secretary of the Treasury, in June, 1864, and was ap- pointed Chief- Justice of the United States Supreme Court, December 6, 1864, which office he now holds. 2/ 21. JAMES M. MASON. JAMES MURRAY Mason, formerly United States Senator from Virginia, and more recently a Commissioner from the States in rebellion to England, was born in Fairfax County, Virginia, on December 3, 1798. (One of his ancestors was George Mason, a famous Parliamentarian of the reign of Charles I, and a strong supporter of the Royal cause. Subsequently joining the Cavaliers, under Charles II, he fought against Cromwell ; but when Charles was defeated, near Worcester, in 1651, Mason emigrated to America, and settled in Virginia.) Educated in Virginia and the District of Columbia, Mr. Mason graduated in 1813, in the University at Philadelphia, and subsequently studied law at William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va., completing his studies in the office of the celebrated Benjamin Watkins Leigh, of Richmond. Commencing practice in 1820, he was, six years thereafter, elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, and re-elected for two subsequent terms. He was chosen a member of the Convention to revise the State Constitution, in 1829, and was elected to Congress in 1837. Returned to the United States Senate in 1846, he continued to occupy his seat for fourteen years. A strong pro-slavery Democrat, he vehemently opposed the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and all other anti-slavery measures. The author of the Fugitive Slave law, his arguments in support of it constitute much of the bitter and vindictive sectional feelings and eloquence of the debates in the Senate of that day. Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs for ten years, his position made him eminently conversant with that branch of the Government, and qualified him for the subsequent position he held as Commissioner of the Rebel States. In 1850 he took an active part in the discussion which led to the admis- sion of California, as a Free State, in the Union. Still holding his position at the head of the Committee on Foreign Rela- tions, in the Senate, he left his seat in 1861, to take sides with the Rebellion, his term not expiring until March 4, 1863. Chosen as Commissioner to England, in conjunction with Slidell, he set sail from Charleston, S. C, on October 12, 1861. Arriving at Havana, Cuba, October 24, they were for- mally received by the Captain-General. Remaining for a few days, they took passage on board of the British mail-steamer Trent, for Europe. On November 8, they were captured by Admiral Wilkes, in the Bahama Chan- nels, and brought to the United States, and subsequently confined in Fort Warren. Surrendered on January 2, 1862, to the British authorities, Mr. Mason, with his colleague, sailed for England, where, during the civil con- flict, they urged the recognition of the Southern States, but without suc- cess. Mr. Mason has continued to reside abroad ever since the Rebellion. The controversy between the United States Government and Great Britain, growing out of their forcible seizure on the high seas, involved a great many questions of international law, conducted with more or less ability, and no little acrimony, by Lord John Russell and Mr. Seward, in support of their respective Governments. Mr. Mason was distinguished in the Senate as an austere man ; and though of acknowledged ability and character, he was not a man to win upon the affections of a stranger or his opponents, as are some of the public men who afford a fair representation of the Southern aristocracy. l/S 22. EEVEEDY JOHNSON. Reverdy Johnson was born in. Annapolis, Maryland, May 21, 1796, His parents, highly respectable and comparatively wealthy, sent him to St. John's College, where he obtained an excellent education. He graduated therefrom when about seventeen years of age, and immediately commenced the study of law in the office of his father, the well-known Chief-Justice of Maryland. Two years after, he was admitted to the bar, and commenced practice under the most favorable auspices. He moved to Baltimore in 1817, where his legal residence has ever since been, and rose rapidly to prominence as one of the ablest legal minds of his State. In 1819 he was appointed States Attorney, and, in 1820, Chief Commis- sioner of Insolvent Debtors. This office he held for over a year, when he resigned to take a seat in the State Senate ; was elected for a second term, but, after retaining his seat one year, he resigned in consequence of his extensive professional duties. For nearly twenty years Mr. Johnson kept aloof from politics, devoting his time to the law, and winning a reputation for legal ability such as few men in this country have obtained. In 1845 he was elected United States Senator, but resigned in 1849 to accept the position of Attorney-General in President Taylor's Cabinet. On the death of General Taylor, and the accession of Mr. Fillmore to the Presidency, he was still retained in the Cabinet ; but on the retirement of Mr. Fillmore he again resumed the practice of his profession, it being now almost wholly confined to the Supreme Court of the United States. Daring this period he aided in preparing seven volumes of reports of decisions of the Court of Appeals of Maryland, which are regarded as very valuable works of reference. In 1861 he was a Delegate to the Peace Convention ; and, in 1862, was elected to the United States Senate. Throughout the war he sustained the Union cause and gave his hearty support to the suppression of the Rebellion. "When the war had ceased, he urged the readmission of the South without delay, at the same time favoring such guarantees as would hereafter prevent the recurrence of the causes which had operated to keep the two sections of the country in con- tinual antagonism. Mr. Johnson voted for the first Reconstruction bill, and also voted in favor of its passage over the President's veto ; but when the second Reconstruction bill was introduced, he withdrew his support, and voted against it. Although connected with the Democratic party, he has frequently opposed its measures and policies. He was appointed Minister to Fngland by President Johnson, and was unanimously confirmed by the Senate, June 12, 1868. Mr. Johnson's legal abilitv, moderate party affinity, and purity of char- acter, combined with unusual suavity of manners and conversation tl powers, will make him an acceptable Minister, and will do honor to the United States at the Court of St. James. AMERICAN Self-A^ixstixig OR PAT'T SELFADJUSTING^MANGLZ. Family Ironing - Machine, Is Creating a " Revolution " in the Laundry. It irons clothes without heat (by Roller pressure) much letter, and ten times as fast as can be done with heated irons. It saves time, labor, and fuel; prevents the wear and scorching of clothes, and avoids the uncomfortable heat of ironing in the usual way. It adjusts itself 'to any thickness, ironing one or ten pieces at once with the same ease, by simply passing them between the rollers. " Any girl can use it." It is the only Self- Adjusting Mangle in existence, and the Cheapest Ironing-Machine in the United States. Price, Retail, - - ^25.00. Liberal Discount to the Trade. Apply to House-Furnishing stores generally, or to The American Self-Adjusting Mangle and Wringer Co., 171 BROADWAY, Office No. 14. I In England and other parts of Europe the " Mangle " has been an indispensable " Household Article." It is, however, but a short time since they have been introduced into this country, even in hotels and laundries, on account of the large space they occupied, and the expense of the Machine. But since the " In- vention of the Self- Adjusting Mangle," which takes up no more room than a Sewing-Machine, and is sold at a very moderate price, they are becoming extensively used in private families, as well as hotels and laundries, in all parts of the United States. *'/ 23. EDWARD BATES. EDWARD Bates was bom at Belmont, Goochland County, Virginia, September 4, 1793. Mis education, commenced by his father, was succeeded by several years of academic instruction, mostly at Charlotte Hall, Mary- land, and finished by an accomplished jurist tutor. Declining, in early youth, a naval career, afforded by the offer of a Midshipman's warrant, he afterward, in 1813, exhibited his patriotic ardor by serving as a volunteer in the Virginia militia, in the war against Great Britain. In 1814 he removed to Missouri, where, at that time, many of the enter- prising and ambitious young Virginians migrated, to seek their fortunes, and grow up with that then infant, but now powerful, State. He there con- tinued his study of the law; and, in 1816, began to practice in St. Louis. Rising rapidly into practice, in the year 1818 he was appointed Prosecu- ting Attorney for that circuit. Advancing with the growing interests of the State, he was, in 1820, appointed a Delegate to the State Constitutional Con- vention. The satisfaction with which he discharged the duties of this im- portant trust recommended him, in the same year, to his constituents, as Attorney-General of the new State of Missouri. He resigned the office in 1822, and was elected to the lower branch of the State Legislature. The confidence which he inspired in his previous public trusts, was abundantly secured in this, his first legislative position. Becoming now prominent as one of the rising young men of the rising young State, he was selected, in 1824, by President Monroe, United States A ttorney for the Missouri Dis- trict. He held this position until 1826, when he resigned, and was elected Representative to Congress from Missouri, serving from 1827 to 1829 with distinction. In 1830 he was elected to the State Senate ; and, in 1834, was again elected to the Lower House of the Legislature. In 1836, being enfeebled by sedentary labor, he moved to the country, where he continued in the active practice of his profession for seven years, and varied his professional occu- pation with horseback-tiding around the prairies, and other vigorous exer- cise in the open air. In 1842 he returned to St. Louis, in invigorated health, and renewed iu that city the practice of his profession. In 1850 he was appointed, by Presi- dent Filmore, Secretary of War, but declined the office. In 1853 he was elected Judge of the St. Louis Land Court, which office he resigned in 1856. His prominence as a Whig politician secured him, the same year, the posi- tion of President of the Whig National Convention, which assembled in Baltimore ; and his accomplishments and learning induced the Harvard Uni- versity, in 1858, to confer upon him the degree of LL. D. Again brought prominently before the public, he was appointed, in 1861, Attorney-General in Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet, which position he held until 1865, when he resigned, having performed the duties of the office with marked ability and fidelity. Mr. Bates, on the 5th of July, 1861, rendered an elaborate opinion, justifying President Lincoln in arresting persons on suspicion of intercourse with the insurgents, and refusing to obey a writ of Habeas Corpus, sued out to ascertain whether the alleged suspicions were just. o Room No. 1, Up Stairs. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in «]ies, -ffltaiiis & All Etali #1 Jew elf y j AL33, MANUFACTURER OF TEMPERANCE, >-j CT> Cy> CO pnigbis #f jpgt^hts, Oaug^tcrs of M^b^cira Y. M. A., and Society Badges. ££> ^ t Bftf tut* 11»# te# «r J}*w*|j OF EVERY KLINI*. Wholesale Illustrated Circular will be sent upon application. The Trade and Fraternity are Kespectfully Invited to Call. iiHt +Ji 1/ 24. HENRY WARD BEECHER. Heney "Ward Beecher, son of the celebrated Rev. Lyman Beecher, ■was born at Litchfield, Connecticut, June 24, 1813. His mother died when he was three years old ; and his father, marrying again, removed to Boston, where Henry was placed in the Latin School, and pursued his studies with- out the inspiration of zeal. The sea became the object of his ambition. His father, apparently acquiescing:, suggested his preparing himself for the navy ; but, as he went to school at Amherst, the Dr. said, "I shall have that boy in the ministry yet." Here he was placed under the care of a bright, attractive young man, and labored perseveringly, with his face toward the navy. Here, also, he was put through a strict drill in elocution by Professor John E. Lowell. At the close of the year, a revival of religion occurred, and Henry, with others, was powerfully impressed. The naval scheme vanished, and the pulpit opened before him, as his natural sphere. He entered Amherst College, where he surrounded himself with the best English writings, which he read and pondered with never-ceasing delight ; but was not attracted by Greek and Latin classics. The stand he took in college was, from the first, that of a reformer. He and his associates opposed all the customary irregularities and dissipations of students. In no part of his life did he ever use tobacco, or ardent spirits, in any shape. He graduated in 18o4, and studied theology at Lane Seminary, in Cincinnati, of which his father was President. Previous to cempleting his studies, he edited, for some months, the organ of the New School Presbyterian Church, in the absence of Dr. Brainard. His editorials condemning the pro-slavery rioters who destroyed Dr. Burney's press at that time, were stamped with the most fearless spirit of reform. On finishing his studies, Mr. Beecher married, and was settled at Law- renceburg, Ind., but was soon after invited to Indianapolis, where he labored for eight years, performing a great amount of professional labor, and causing a remarkable revival. August 24, 1847, Mr. Beecher was called to take charge of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. On the 19th of September, he bade farewell to his Western charge ; and, on assuming his duties at Ply- mouth Church, he informed " all whom it might concern," that he considered Temperance and Anti-Slavery a part of the Gospel, which he was deter- mined to preach. He took a deep interest in the settlement of Kansas by freemen ; and, during the Rebellion, was unceasing in his labors for the Union cause. Plymouth Church raised a regiment, and Mr. Beecher's eldest son was an officer in it. Mr. Beecher is the author of numerous volumes, replete with original and earnest thought, and deeply imbued with Christian faith, and sympathy with the beautiful in nature and art. His mind is a development charac- teristic of our nationality. It may be compared to a column, based with Eastern granite ; a shaft of Western marble ; and a capital, crowned with the flowers and fruitage of cultured graces. V"V • 25. CLEMENT L. YALLANDIGHAM. Clement L. Vallandigham was born in New Lisbon, Columbia County, Ohio, in 1822. He descended from a Huguenot family, and received a good early education, spending one year at Jefferson College, Ohio.. He afterward removed to Snow Hill, Maryland, where he spent two years as Principal oi an academy. Returning to Ohio in 1840, he studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1842, and entered upon its practice in Dayton. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1845, and re-elected in 1846. From 1847 to 1849 he was Editor of the Dayton Enquirer ; and, for some years subsequent to that date, had devoted himself wholly to his profession and politics. He was a member of the National Democratic Convention held at Cin- cinnati in 1856, and ran for Representative to the Thirty-Fifth Congress against L. C. Campbell, whose seat he successfully contested, and was re-elected in 1859. At the commencement of the second session of the Thirty-Fifth Congress, and during the Thirty-Sixth, he was placed on the Committee on Territories. Elected to the Thirty-Seventh Congress in 1861, he took an ultra-Southern view of politics ; during the most important session opposed the Republican party in all their plans for the suppression of the Rebellion, exercising his legislative abilities to thwart the Government in cariying on the war, and addressing the people of Baltimore and other cities in favor of secession. Returning to Dayton, he was received with mingled feelings of coldness and confidence by his former constituents ; and, in the fall of 1862, the election resulted in the defeat of Mr. Vallandigham in the district he had carried at the three previous elections. Having the remainder of his term to complete, he continued his opposition in Congress to the measures of the Government. Rejected for Congress, he continued his political activity in addressing the people throughout the State, indulging in expressions which were con- sidered disloyal ; and, for expressing his opinions against the war, he was arrested at Dayton, May 5, 1863, by military authority, and tried at Cincin- nati on the 6th and 7th of that month. He was sentenced to be confined in a military prison during the war, which sentence was changed by the Presi- dent to banishment to the Southern States. He was taken to Murfreesboro', where, on the 24th, he was sent over the Confederate lines. From there he went, by way of Bermuda, to Canada. While in Canada he was nominated by the Democratic party of Ohio as their candidate for Governor, but was defeated. He subsequently returned, and was a Delegate to the Democratic Con- vention held at Chicago in 1864. He was also a Delegate to the Convention held at New York, July 4, 1868, which nominated Horatio Seymour and Frank P. Blair, Jr., as candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States. 26. GEOKGE BAJSTCEOET. GEORGE Bancroft, a distinguished American Author and Historian, was born in "Worcester, Massachusetts, in the year 1800. He graduated with honor at Harvard College, before he .a seventeen years of age, and soon entered upon a course of literary pursuits, having, as their ultimate end, the profession of an Historian. In 1818 he went to Europe, and there studied at Gottenburg and Berlin, enjoying the high advantages of the most thorough system of instruction. After an absence of four years, during which he traveled in England, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy, he returned to the United States, when he Was appointed Tutor of Greek, in Harvard University. During the interval of severe labors, he made many contributions to American literature, especially from the stores of German thought and intellect, then compari- tively sealed, even to educated men in the United States. He early attached himself to the Democratic party, in whose behalf his first vote was cast. In 1826, in a public oration, afterward published, he announced as his creed, " Universal Suffrage and Uncompromising Democracy." In 1834 Mr. Bancroft published his first volume of his " History of the United States," a work to which he had long devoted his thoughts and researches, and in which he laid the foundation of a reputation at once permanent and universal. The first two volumes, comprising the Colonial history of the country, were hailed with the highest satisfaction, as exhibiting, not only the facts, but the ideas of American history. In 1838 he was appointed Collector of the Port of Boston, which he held until 1841. In 184* he was the candidate of the Democracy of Massachusetts for Governor. In 1845 he was appointed Secretary of the Navy, and, in 1846, Minister Plenipotentiary to England, which position he held until 1849. In England the prestige of Mr. Bancroft's literary reputation and his high social qualities contributed to enhance the popularity and respect which attached to him during his entire diplomatic career. On his return, he fixed his residence in New York City, and resumed more actively the prosecution of his historical labors, the fourth volume of which appeared early in 1852, portraying the opening scenes of the great drama of the American Independence. He has since issued a volume at intervals, until now he has nine volumes published. In 1867 Mr. Bancroft was appointed Minister to Prussia, which position he now holds. The work of Mr. Bancroft may be considered as a copious philosophical treatise, tracing the growth of the idea of liberty in a country designed by Providence for its development, and is esteemed as one of the noblest memories of American literature. He has published various public addresses, and has coLected a volume of " Miscellanies," chiefly upon historical and philosophical topics. ^V 1-7- SECOXD AVENUE, Corner of 22d STREET, 0FFIC3, No. 3 BOWLING GREEN, NSW YOSZ. 5 MAXCFACTCP.E THE PATENT MESTIZO WOOL BURRING PICKERS, For Opening, Picking, Dusting, and Burring Mestizo, and all other Medium to Fine Foreign and Domestic Wools, and Cleaning Waste. PATENT WORSTED WOOL BURRING PICKERS, For Opening, Picking, Dusting, and Burring "Worsted. Carpet, De- laine, and other course Foreign and Domestic Wools- Oilers t:> attach to Pickers, for Oiling or Watering, in the form of spray, the Wool issuing therefrom. Patent Steel Ring and Solid Packing Single and Double, For First Breakers of 'Wool-Carding Machines ; Fine Steel Ring Burring ^Machines, Tor Second Breakers, and Finishers of Wool Cards ; IMP&OYED STEEL EIITG TEED BOLLS, Plane and Intersecting, WITH PATENT ADJUSTABLE SPRING BOXES; With Blowers for Opening and Dusting Wool and Waste, and Mixing Wools. "Without Blowers. Our Improved Machines are the TEET BEST HTQW IHl ^SI M^EKmr, And also the most reasonable in price. Workmanship, Operation, and Sight of Use Guaranteed. EXCELSIOR! », At the "World's Fair, London, 1S62, a Prize Medal ; at American institute, New York, 1865, a Gold Medal; and at the Paris Exposition, 1S67, a Prize Medal,— was awardedour MESTIZO BURRING PICKER. The American Institute, New York. 1853, awarded us a Gold Medal, and in 1865, a Bronze Medal, for the BEST BURRING MACHINE tor Cards. The American Institute, New York, 1S67, grave us the highest award, over all competi- tors, for our BURRING PICKER, and for our SINGLE AND DOUBLE BURRING MACHINES. Prompt attention given to all inquiries and orders addressed to C. L, GODDARD, No. 3 Bowling Green, N. Y. Z2i 27. PETEE COOPEE. Peter Cooper was born in the city of New York, February 2, 1791. His youth was employed in his fathers hat manufactory. He attended school only one-half of each day for a single year, and, beyond the humble knowledge thus earned, his acquisitions are his own. At the age of seventeen he was apprenticed to the trade of coach-making, which he followed for a short time after he had served out his apprentice- ship. He next manufactured machines for shearing cloth, which were in great demand during the War of 1812, but lost all value on the declaration of peace. He then manufactured cabinetware, afterward went into the grocery business in New York City, and finally engaged in the manufac- ture of glue and isinglass, which he has carried on for more than thirty years. Mr. Cooper's attention was early called to the great resources of the country for the manufacture of iron ; and, in 1S30, he erected extensive works at Canton, near Baltimore. Disposing of them, he subsequently erected a rolling-mill in the city of New York, in which he first applied anthracite coal to the puddling of iron. In 1S45 he removed the machinery to Trenton, X. J., where he erected the largest rolling-mill at that time in the United States for the manufac- ture of railroad iron, and at which he was the first to roll wrought-iron beams for fire-proof buildings. These works have grown to be very exten- sive, including mines, blast-furnaces, and water-power, and conducted by a company of which Mr. Cooper is President. While in Baltimore, Mr. Cooper built, after his own designs, the first locomotive engine that was ever turned out on this continent, which was successfully operated on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, thus identifying his name with the early history of railroads. He has taken a great interest in the electric telegraph, in which he has invested a large capital. He is President and Director of various companies, and President of the North American Telegraph Association, which represents two-thirds of all the lines in the United States. Mr. Cooper has served in both branches of the New York Common Council. His great object in life has been to educate and elevate the industrial classes of the community, and he determined, more than forty years ago, if successful, to establish in his native city an institution in which the work- ing classes could secure a scientific education. Accordingly the " Union for the Advancement of Science and Art," commonly called the " Cooper Institute," has been erected at a cost of over five hundred thousand dollars, and devoted by a deed of trust, with all its rents, issues, and profits, to that purpose. It includes a school of design for females, evening courses of instruction to mechanics and apprentices, a free reading-room, a gallery of art, a polytechnic school, and valuable collections of models of inventions. Mr. Cooper is still engaged in active business. % 1 28. HERSCHEL Y. JOHNSON. Herschel V. Johnson was born in Burke County, Georgia, September 18, 1812, and graduated at the University of Georgia in 1834. He adopted the profession of the law ; and, while pursuing its practice, entered upon his political career, advancing rapidly to distinction. In 1844 he was a Presidential Elector, and was appointed to fill a vacancy in the United States Senate in 1848. From the Senate he was elected, in 1849, a Judge of the Superior Court. In 1860, when the popularity of Stephen A. Douglas was at its highest point, Herschel V. Johnson was selected as a candidate for the Vice-Presi- dency upon the Douglas ticket. Defeated by Lincoln and Hamlin, the tide of secession overran the Southern land, and with the political landmarks which had defied the ultra-Southern sentiment in times gone by, were swept away, and Herschel V. Johnson among the rest. Douglas died at the beginning of the war, in the very prime of his life and in the zenith of an unprecedented popularity, with sentiments of loy- alty upon his feverish lips ; but Johnson, hia fellow-candidate, went with his native South, though in principle a Union man. While the one terminated his career on the death-bed, the other con- tinued his by taking part in the stormy proceedings which inaugurated the Confederate States Government ; and, becoming a Member of the Con- federate States Senate, he took an active part in its debates. The rapidity with which men rise to public distinction in the United States, and then fall into private life (though, in many instances, honorable obscurity), is illustrated in the case of Herschel V. Johnson. At one time the representative Union man of the South, he was the choice for the second office in the gift of the people on the Presidential ticket, with one of the mo^t popular men of the United States — Stephen A. Douglas. Death and the active vitiated public life, which that political career impelled, laid his chief in the grave ; but he who followed next upon the b;mnSS Sixth A.vemxe. NEW YORK. 2J V 40. WILLIAM H. SEWAKD. William H. Seward was born in the village of Florida, New York, May 1G, 1801. From childhood he exhibited a love of knowledge, and an earnest inclination and taste for study ; and when yet a mere child, he ran away to school. At nine years of age, he was sent to Farmers' Hall Academy, at Goshen. Here books were his favorite companions ; and he always read with pencil in hand, lest memory should drop a single one of the pearls he gathered in his literary pilgrimage. "When but fifteen he entered the Sophomore class at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. His favorite studies in College were rhetoric, moral philosophy, and the ancient classics. In 1810, when but eighteen years of age, and while in the Senior class, he withdrew from College, and engaged himself as a teacher at the South. He graduated in 1820, and soon after commenced the study of law in New York City, where he was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court in 1822. In January of the next year, he commenced practice in Auburn, N. Y., where, by severe industry, he soon became possessed of an extensive and successful practice. He, at the same time, gave considerable attention to politics, and avowed his opposition to the extension of slavery. In 1824 he drew up an address, which exposed the origin and design of the Albany Regency. He joined the anti-Masonic organization ; and, in 1830, received the nomination of that party to the State Senate, for the Seventh District, and was elected. He was the leading spirit of the State among the advocates for the election of John Q. Adams as President of the United States, in opposition to the Jackson party and the Albany Regency. In 1834 he was nominated by the Whig party, as candidate for Governor, but was defeated by William L. Marcy. In 1838 he was again a candidate, and elected by ten thousand majority. During his administration, impris- onment for debt was abolished, and every vestige of slavery removed from the statute-books. He upheld the system of internal improvements, and devoted himself to reforming the mode of public education. He was re-elected in 1840 ; and, on the expiration of the second term, declined a renomination. In 1849 he was elected United States Senator, and re-elected in 1855, at the expiration of which, he was appointed, by President Lincoln, Secretary of State, which office he has filled with eminent ability through the trying period of the Rebellion to the present time. On the night of April 14, 1865, a desperate attempt was made by Rebel sympathizers to assassinate him, while ho lay upon a sick bed. He was severely and dangerously wounded, but survived the event. irjr * All copied from Photogiaphs of the same focus. THE COLIBRI PIANO. 7 and 1% Octaves. The great soul in a small body. Only four feet and ten inches long, two feet and eight inches wide. This wonderful little instru- ment took the highest prize over all fullnrized Pianos at the Great Fair of the American Insti- tute, October, 1867. NEW STYLE PARLOR GRAND. 7/i Octaves. All are delighted with its Poetical Form, power, and sweetness of tone. ORCHESTRAL PIANO. [Usual size.) 7 and 7 % Octaves. On the Principal of the Colibri, is all that can be desired in a Concert Grand. 1% Octaves. Took the highest prize over all Concert Grands, at the American Institute, October, 1867. The following, of the many important letters in our possession, will be read with interest. New York, February 15th, 1869. i Messrs. Barlow & Mathushtk:— I thank you for the privilege of testing your little Colibri Piano beside the full size (.bickering in my parlor, that I intended to have bought. The comparison, however, is so decidedly in favor of the little Colibri, that I have concluded to keep it in place of its large competitor. Its pure, sweet, and powerful tone, I consider greatly superior. Our delight is only equaled by our astonishment to find that so little can produce so much. WASH'O S. WHEELWIGHT, Residence, 363 "West 27th St., N. Y. Greenwich Savings Bank, 73 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. For full particulars send for Circular. BARLOW & MATHUSHEK, Sole Agents, 694: BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 1 3 41. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. Alexander H. Stephens -was born in Taliaferro County, Georgia, February 11, 1812, and graduated at Franklin College, Atbens, Ga., in 1832, at the head of his class. Choosing and studying the law, he was admitted to the bar in 1834, and soon obtained a lucrative practice in the town of Crawfordsville, in his native county. After paying his debts, which he had incurred in obtaining his educa- tion, his first earnings were devoted to redeeming from the handc of strangers the home of his childhood, which had been sold after his fathers death, and upon which he still resides. In 183G he was elected to the Lower House of the State Legislature, where he served five years, devoting himself especially to the internal interests of his native State. In 1839 he was chosen a Delegate to the Commercial Convention at Charleston, where he is said to have made a deep impression by his peculiar eloquence. In 1842 he was elected to the Senate of his State, and in 1843 he was elected a Representative in Congress from Georgia, as a Whig, retaining his seat until 1859, when he voluntarily retired. He served on many committees while in Congress, and delivered many speeches ; and it was while he officiated as Chairman of the Committee on Territories, that the Territories of Minnesota and Oregon were admitted into the Union. After the first Kansas struggle in Congress, Mr. Stephens became a Democrat : and, in 1858, steadily sustained the Lecompton Constitution. The disturbances following the Presidential election of 1860 called him from his retirement, and he made several speeches defending the Union and deprecating secession. The subsequent spring, however, having been chosen Vice-President of the Confederate States, he made a violent war speech at Atlanta, Ga., charging the responsibility upon the North, and declaring that the South would call out million after million, till the last man fell, rather than be conquered. In a speech delivered at Savannah in the spring oi 1861, he says, " that slavery was the cause of the rupture ; that the prevail- ing idea of Jefferson and most of the leading statesmen, at the time of the formation of the Constitution, was that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature ; that it was wrong in principle — socially, morally, and politically wrong ; that it would, in the order of Providence, soon pass away. "But," said Mr. Stephens, " those ideas were fundamentally wrong. We propose to found the new Confederate Government on exactly opposite ideas. Its i corner-stone ' rests upon the idea that slavery is the normal condition of the African ; and this stone, which was rejected by the first builders, has become the chief stone of the corner of our edifice." Thus boldly admitting what had been always claimed by the North respecting the sentiments of the founders of the Republic. Mr. Stephens's political life becomes consistent by remembering that he was a follower of Calhoun, as a champion of Southern interest and policy, throughout; He remained Vice-President of the Confederacy during the Rebellion ; and, in May, 1865, after the surrender of General Lee, was arrested and imprisoned in Fort "Warren, but soon after released. He has since written a book, entitled, " The History of the Rebellion." Mr. Stephens is a shrewd and specious writer and debater, when on the wrong side of the question ; and, for sagacity and devotion to the Southern cause, none has excelled him since Calhoun. . ft $!tttt$ft ! ! THE OBGAN OF THE NATIONAL PARTY OF NEW AMERICA, Based on Individual Eights and Responsibilities ; Devoted To Principle not Policy, Justice not Favors ; Men, Their Rights and Nothing more ; Women, Their Rights and Nothing Less. DEMANDS EDUCATED SUFFEAGE, Irrespective of Sex or Color. EIGHT HOURS LABOE, 'With Equal Pay to Women for Equal Work. PRACTICAL EDUCATION, Every Girl as well as every Boy — Rich as well as Poor— Trained to some Useful and Profitable Employment. COLD WATER, Not Alcoholic Drinks or Medicines ; Declines all Immoral or Quack- Medicine Advertisements. AN AMERICAN SYSTEM OF FINANCE. Greenbacks for Money ; Gold, like our Cotton and Corn, for Sale ; a Penny Ocean-Postage. Published Weekly, at $2.00 a Year. ELIZABETH CADY STANTON, ) ™ 1>M . B PARKER PILLSBURY, 5 hait0TS > All business letters should be addressed to SUSAN B. ANTHONY, Proprietor, 3 7 Park Hotv (Room 20), New York. BUT Volume Commences with the Year. *&l£« Every description of Ornaments made in Hair, Bracelets, Necklaces, Rings, Brooches, Earrings, "Watch-Chains, Studs, Flowers, Pictures, and Hair Designs for Albums. WM. H. BAX r rEE'S No. SIS BROADWAY, (Three Doors Below 12th Street.) Ferrotypes taken in any Weather, and Finished Immediately $ ALSO, PHOTOGRAPHS AND PORCELAIN PICTURES Taken, Plain or Colored, in the Highest Style of Art ; Also, ALL KINDS OP COPYING DONE, Jarge ^utnxts Utaire ixanx Small ©rtes at Slwrf Jjtofia, AND AT VERY REASONABLE RATES. Please Call and See Specimens. THE AMERICAN SELF-ADJUSTING MANGLE, OR Family Ironing Machine. SOLID BY THE AMERICAN SELF-ADJUSTING MANGLE & WRINGER CO., No. 171 BROADWAY, N. Y. && 43. THURLOW WEED. Thurlow Weed was born in Catskill, New York, in 1797. The loss of his parents, who were in poor circumstances, threw him at an early age upon his own resources, and he engaged as a Cabin-Boy on a North River sloop. His first step towards his present profession was in the character of " Devil " in the printing office of a country paper, but was subsequently employed as an itinerant Journeyman in the office of the Herkimer Ameri- can, edited by the late Colonel Stone. During the war with Great Britain, he enlisted as Drummer in the United States army, and served on the Northern frontier. On leaving the army, he resumed his former occupation of Printer in New York City. Sometime after, he returned to the country, married, and started a country paper, which he published fir^t in Onondaga, and afterwards in Chenango County, New York, advocating the Canal policy of Governor Clinton. His paper not proving successful, in 1824, he resumed his occupation of Journeyman Printer, in Albany. Here he became actively engaged in poli- tics, especially in the struggle which terminated in the election of John Quincy Adams as President of the United States. Soon after this, he removed to Rochester, and edited a daily paper in that city. During the excitement caused by the alleged abduction of Morgan by the Free Masons, in 1826-'27, he edited the Anti-Mason Enquirer in that city, and was three times elected to the State Legislature by the Anti- Masonic party. On the establishment of the Albany Evening Journal, in 1830, Mr. "Weed returned to Albany, and became its Editor, where he continued until 18G6, when, for a time, he was connected with the New York Times, and, in March, 1867, associated himself with the Commercial Advertiser, of New York City, with which he has, until recently, been connected. Mr. Weed took a prominent part in procuring the nomination of General Harrison for President in 1840, General Taylor in 1848, and General Scott in 1852, in each instance as an independent adviser rather than as a member of the respective conventions — a position which strict regard to the rule of conduct which he had prescribed, has never allowed him to deviate from. He warmly advocated the election of Fremont and Lincoln, although his influence in each case had been exerted in favor of the nomination of Mr. Seward. In 1861 he visited Europe at the suggestion of influential friends of the administration of President Lincoln, who thought that, in a " semi-diplo- matic" capacity, he could be of service to the country in the political circles of London and Paris, in respect to the delicate relations of the United States with foreign powers, arising out of the civil war. He returned in June, 1862, receiving the freedom of the city from the Corporation of New York on his arrival. For a number of years Mr. Weed was the acknowledged leader of the Whig and Pepiiblican parties in the State of New York, and has never been excelled as a shrewd political manager. %H v/ Blank Books and jotationbrt. FRANCIS & LOUTREL, 43 MAIDEN USNE, N. V., INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR patent Sprrag-jBjaxk ^aount-§0oks. All kinds of Blank-Books, Paper, and Stationery, for Business, Professional, and Private Use. STEAM JOB PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. Orders Respectfully Solicited. ^^ G-EORGE PARSONS & CO., WHOLESALE JOBBERS OF 3g M X3Et.3ES''C7C7 r €>3El3BCS» J^IRE-pRACKERS, j^LAGS, LANTERNS, &C. IMPORTERS OF TOYS AINTD FANCY GOODS, No, 12 Park Place, New York. GEORGE PARSOKS. CYRUS SCHOONMAKER. SHERBURNE &> Oo7 Importers and Dealers in RAILROAD SUPPLIES, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, IVo. ^1 Water Street, (Bet. Congress and Devonshire Sts.) BOSTON + i » Railroad Iron, Fish-Bars and Bolts, "Valley" Spikes, Chairs, Shovels, Wheels, Axles, Tires, Spring and Cast Steel, Bar and Plate Iron, Cotton and Wool Waste, Rubber Car-Springs. Duck, for Car-Tops ; Plush, and all kinds of Car-Trimming's ; Glass, Rubber Hose and Packing, Locomotive Head-Lamps, Head-Linings, &c. WALDRON'S MEDICATED COMPOUND Is acknowledged the sovereign remedy for all ailments of the Hair Established Over £JO Years. SOLD EVERYWHERE-TRY IT. PRINCIPAL OFFICE 4SA Strata @ot* @t& ATtmm^ I #4 44. EDWIN M. STANTON. Edwin M. Stanton was born at Steubenville, Ohio, about the year 1817. After graduating at Kenyon College, be applied himself diligently to the study of law, commenced practice in Steubenville, and rapidly rose to distinction in his profession, which he practiced for several years in Ohio. In 1848 he removed to Pittsburg. Here he conducted, with signal suc- cess, the case involving the "Wheeling controversy, wherein, for the first time, the brilliancy of his talents received a national recognition. He early turned his attention to politics ; and, although educated as a Whig, he began his career as an ultra Democrat, He was selected at the commencement of Buchanan's administration to conduct an important law case in California, in which he was successful. He then commenced practice at Washington, and shortly afterward received the appointment of Attorney-General. At the close of Buchanan's adminis- tration, he withdrew to private life, and resumed the practice of his profes- sion in Pennsylvania, whence, however, at the opening of the battle year of 1862, he was appointed Secretary of War, by Mr. Lincoln, to super- sede Mr. Cameron. So soon as his appointment was confirmed by the Senate, Mr. Stanton grasped the reins of his difficult trust with characteristic vigor. One of his primary measures was to provide for the wants and contribute to the com- fort of our soldiers who were confined in Southern prisons. In his " Annual Report" for the year 1863, the courage, devotion, patriotism, and brilliant achievements of the national armies, are feelingly eulogized. At the opening of the year 1864, some efforts were made to have him removed from the stormy helm he had grasped so firm — probably from jeal- ousy or partisan motives — but they were unsuccessful. Mr. Lincoln had perfect confidence in his ability and patriotism, and few of his opponents can truthfully withhold from him that respect which is due to promptness of decision, vigor of deed, and probity of purpose. A difference of views in regard to the carrying out of the Reconstruction laws of Congress through the officers of the army occurring between Mr. Johnson and himself, he was requested to resign, which he refused to do ; and, August 12, 1867, President Johnson suspended him from office, and appointed General Grant, Secretary of War ad interim ; but the Senate, having decided that he was legally and rightfully Secretary of War, and that President Johnson had no right to suspend him under the Tenure of Office Law without the consent of the Senate, General Grant surrendered the office to him again, January 13, 1868. February 21, President Johnson again attempted to remove him by appointing General Lorenzo Thomas, Secretary of War ad interim, and ordered Mr. Stanton to transfer the office to him, to which he refused to accede. For this and other causes, articles of impeachment were brought against President Johnson ; but, failing to convict him, Mr. Stanton resigned. 45. JUDAH P. BEINJAMIN. Judah Peter Benjamin was born in St. Domingo in 1812, of Hebrew- •parents. In 18 1G the family emigrated to Savannah, Ga. The son entered Yale College in 1825, but left in 1827, about which time his father died. In 1831 he went to New Orleans to study law, with very limited resources. Obtain- ing a situation as a teacher, he applied himself with commendable industry to his legal studies. Among his fair pupils was a young lady, Miss St. Martin, whom he afterward married. Admitted to the bar in 1834, he soon rose to eminence, and was attached » to the Whig party. In the Convention to revise the Constitution of Louis- i iaua, he advocated the article requiring the Governor to be a native-born ci.izen of the United States. In 1849 he declined the office of Attorney-General of the United States, offered him by President Taylor. Mr. Benjamin then engaged in sugar-planting, and published several pamphlets on the subject, but never succeeded in realizing profits in the business. In 1852 he succeeded the Hon. S. N. Downs in the United States Senate, and distinguished himself ; but, having been led by the developments of the slavery question to ally himself with the Democrats, he rose to consider- able prominence in the Southern section of that party. A sharp controversy with Jefferson Davis was near causing a duel, but Mr. D. openly apologized for his harsh language, which he attributed to his military propinquities. Mr. Benjamin advocated Mr. Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska bill in 1854, but subsequently insisted that the principle of popular sovereignty was set aside by the Dred Scott case, which, he contended, ought to be considered decisive. He was re-elected to the Senate in 1859, through the influence of his colleague, Mr. Slidell ; and went to California in 18G0 as Counsel in the New Almaden Quicksilver case. Returning in the latter part of the year, he announced his adhesion to the Southern cause in a speech of considerable force, wherein he declared that the South could never be subdued. He withdrew with Mr. Slidell, February 4, 18G1, and was immediately appointed Attorney-General in the Provisional Government of the Southern Con- federacy. In August, 1861, he became Acting Secretary of "War in place of L. P. Walker, and retained the office till alter the capture of Roanoke Island by the Union forces in the early part of 1862, which was attributed to incom- petency in the department over which he presided. He was then appointed Secretary of State on the resignation of R. M. T. Hunter. On the conquest of the Rebellion, Mr. Benjamin, who had figured con- spicuously in the so-called Confederacy, betook himself, with others of his confreres in the " lost cause," to the more congenial atmosphere of Great Britain, where, with the easy adaptability of his race, he soon familiarized himself to the legal profession there, and is occasionally heard of through the press. Among the remarkable episodes of Mr. Benjamin's career, the notorious Teh u an tepee Railroad speculation formed a prominent feature. The United States Senate Committee, Mr. R. Toombs, Chairman, denounced the transac- tion with severity ; and the clause confirming the titles of Messrs. Benjamin an I Slidell, introduced clandestinely in a bill to settle land claims in LI1-- souri, was subsequently repealed. l< / 46. HOWELL COBB. Howell Cobb was born September 7, 1815, at Cherry Hill, uefferson County, Georgia. He graduated in 1834, at the Franklin University, Athens, Ga., standing high in his class. In 1836 he was admitted to the bar, and there exhibited talents which afterward distinguished him in more prominent positions. He was chosen by the Legislature, in 1837, as Solicitor-General of the "Western District of Georgia, which position he held for three years, and acquitted himself successfully. ' Being popular as a Jackson or Union Democrat, he was elected to Con- gress in 1842, and re-elected in 1844, '46, and '48, where he distinguished himself by his familiarity with parliamentary rules, fair skill as a debater, strong professions of love for the Union, and of admiration for the course of Andrew Jackson in suppressing nullification in South Carolina, and equally vehement professions of fealty to " States Rights." He became the leader of the House in the Thirtieth Congress, by his efficient support of President Polk's policy of war against Mexico. In 1848 he supported Cass for President. , He was elected Speaker of the House in 1849, and in 1850 distinguished himself by his advocacy of the Compromise measures, for which he was op- posed by the extreme advocates of Southern rights in Georgia. He defended Congress, and, as the champion of the Union party, was nominated for Governor. After a violent contest, he was elected by a large majority. On his retirement he resumed the practice of law ; but in the Pierce campaign was again called into active political life, when he was again elected to Congress, in 1855. , In 1856 he made a prominent tour through the Northern States, advoca-' ting the election of James Buchanan for President, who, immediately on his acoession, appointed him Secretary of the Treasury. Mr Cobb's admin- istration of this office was disgraced throughout, in the prostitution of his official power over the finances of the Government to the one base purpose of bankrupting the Treasury, and promoting the success of the impending Rebellion, by buying up portions of the outstanding debt at a premium of twelve to sixteen per cent., and then going into the market to borrow money i at an enormous interest to meet the current expenses. On the 10th of December, 1860, he resigned, giving as a reason, that the] bankrupt condition of the Treasury no longer needed his services. > He was one of the Delegates to the Provisional Congress, over which he] presided ; but, upon the formation of the Confederate Congress, his official relation to the civil affairs of the Confederacy ended. He then took part in organizing the Militia of Georgia, after which, he raised the Sixteenth Georgia Regiment, served under Magruder on the Peninsula, was promoted to Brigadier General, and subsequently to Major General ; but made no mark during the Rebellion. Since its collapse, he has been among the un- reconstructed, pouring out vials of wrath on Union men and Rebels who, advocate the Reconstruction measures of Congress. JAMES GEANT WILSON. General James Grant Wilson, -was among the many young Cavalry officers who distinguished themselves during the late war, and is a gen- tleman of high personal character, being possessed of a mind cultivated by education and travel. Several of his ancestors were renowned as soldiers, and one of his family followed Wellington through the Peninsular Cam- paign, and shared in the glories of Waterloo, while other kinsmen have been equally distinguished as litterateurs. One of his ancestors was the savant, James Sibbald, who entertained Robert Burns, when he first ap- peared in Edinburgh ; and his father, the late William Wilson, of Pough- keepsie, N. Y., was a well-known contributor to the periodical press ; was the author of many beautiful poems and charming Scottish songs; and was the genial entertainer of men of letters, artists, and musicians. The subject of this sketch was born in 1835 ; and, after completing his studies, entered his father's publishing and bookselling establishment. Soon after attaining his majority, he became a partner in the business. In 1858 General Wilson visited Europe, meeting many eminent men, to whom he carried letters of introduction. Dissolving partnership with his father soon after his return from the Old World, he established himself at Chicago, where he resided for several years, pursuing, successfully, a literary career. Among the honorable positions for so young a man, which were conferred upon him, General Wilson was chosen a Delegate from Illinois to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, which met at Richmond, Va., in 1859, and was the youngest member of the Convention. Soon after the war broke out, he raised a battalion of volunteers, and was commissioned Major in the fifteenth Regiment Illinois Cavalry, and ordered to Tennessee. Here he was engaged in active operations, displaying great personal gallantry, until February, 1863, when the death of the Colonel, placed Major Wilson in command of the regiment. Two months later ne was sent to join General Grant, at Vicksburg, and had the honor ox taking part in that memorable campaign. In September, 18G3, he accompanied Grant to New Orleans; and it was while they were riding together, that the latter was thrown from his horse, and oeverely injured. Accepting the position of Aid-De-Camp on the staff of General Banks, he took part in all his campaigns, remaining with him till he was relieved from the command of the Department of the Gulf. General Wilson, who was promoted from the rank of Colonel, in March, 1865, for gallantry in the field, was for some time in comm md at Port Hudson, but in the autumn of the same year resigned his commission, since which period he has resided in New York, resuming the literary career for which his education and tastes so admirably fit him. Among his more important works, are " Memoirs of Illustrious Soldiers,' of the last five centuries; "The Life and Campaigns of General IT. S. Grant;" and the life of his distinguished poet-friend, Fitz Greene Halleck. It was said of General Wilson, both of whose brothers served in the war, and one of whom was mortally wounded at Frr-dericksburg : " He fights as well as any man, and writes as well as he fights." I v i 47. SAMUEL C. POMEROY. SAMUEL C. Pome kOY -was born in Southampton, Massachusetts, January 3, 1816, and spent his boyhood on his father's farm. After receiving an academical education, he entered Amherst College, and graduated in 183G. He spent four years in Onondaga County, New York, and, in lb42, returned to Southampton. While in New York, in 1840, he became a convert to political anti- slavery through the eloquence of that remarkable man, Alvin Stewart. lie immediately took steps to organize a county Liberty party, and called a meeting to be held at Lyon, the county seat. Arriving there at the appointed time, he found an audience of just two persons. Mr. Pomeroy called the meeting to order, and delivered the speech, while one of the gentlemen took the chair, and the other acted as secretary. Resolutions were then adopted, and a county ticket nominated, which received at the election eleven voice in a population of twenty thousand souls. On his return to Southampton, he worked zealously in disseminating anti-slavery truths, lecturing in school-houses, and making converts every- where. After eight years of battle, nominated for the Massachusetts Legislature upon the same ticket year after year, Mr. Pomeroy at lentgh won, triumph- ing over both Whigs and Democrats in 1851. This was a great victory. In 1854 he engaged in organizing the New England Emigrant Aid Society, and became its financial agent. On the 27th of August of that year, the first little band of Kansas emigrants assembled in Boston under the lead of Mr. Pomeroy, bound for the far West, a land by their efforts, and, perhaps, at the sacrifice of lives, to be forever consecrated to freedom. When the historian of another generation shall seek, among the incidents of our brief and passing hours, to find the pivot upon which, at one moment of its life, turned the nation's destiny, trembling and seeming all uncertain, he will find it here. Arriving in Kansas the same year, Mr. Pomeroy participated in the affairs of that territory, and worked zealously toward organizing its society upon the model of New England thrift, intelligence, and freedom. He was a member of the Territorial Defense Committee, and a Delegate to the Pittsburg and Philadelphia Conventions of 1850. It was in opposition the infamous swindle of the Lecompton Constitution that - commenced the political career of Mr. Pomeroy in Kansas. Down to this period his labors had been purely those of the philanthropist. From henceforward we find him in the political arena, and here, if anywhere, we firmly expect to find the true record of a man. In 1858 he was elected the first Mayor of Atchison, and was re-elected the next year. The first free school was instituted by him while filling the Mayoralty. He was a Delegate to the Chicago Convention in I860, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency, and, during the famine of that ) r ear in Kansas, was Chairman of the Pelief Committee. In 1861 he was elected United States Senator from Kansas, and re-elected in 1867. Mr. Pomeroy' s career in Congress has been radical in the best sense of the word, and his anti-slavery record stands conspicuously among the proudest of his peers Upon his tombstone let the motto of his life be written : " I was right upon this question in 1840," BABBITT & ELLIOTT, PUBLISHERS OF THE ftttittotttffit ^tmnmUf, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURING DEALERS IN THE BABBITTONIAN PATENT PENHOLDERS, RULERS, PENS, LEAD PENCILS, INKS, BLANK BOOKS, &c, 42 JOHN STREET, N. Y. This system which in a brief time has spread by tens of thousands in this country, and been republished in Great Britain under flattering auspices, offers the following advantages : It excels in its self-explaining character, in its comprehensive drill of arms and Augers, in thorough and systematic development, in the grace and simplicity of its capitals, in its gradual progress from easy to difficult writings, in the completeness of its Business Forms, and in its simple System of Elements, which, while comprehending the lorms ot all other systems of writing, contains also bases of two groups of letters ranged under the € and Q Elements, which cannot be analyzed by the other systemsof the day. The Copy Books have very beautiful paper, and are about one quarter larger than the ordinary books at the same price, and should be iutrodu ed into all Schools. The Manual of Babbittonian. Penmanship, handsomely oouBd with ele- gant copper plate'copies on the right-hand page, and hundreds of small wood cuts, showing right and wrong forms, on the left, together with great fullness in its Business Forms, &c, comprehends lur more than any similiar work for the price. It contains a full explanation of the theory of Penmanship ; also, Primary Copies, Elements, Capitals, Ladies' Styles, Ledger Headings, Commercial Forms, etc. Price, post-paid, $1. Kept by the Book and Stationery Stores. Published by BABBITT & ELLIOTT, 42 John Street, New York. GEO. & C. W. SHERWOOD, 105 Madison St., Chicago. JARROLD & SONS, 12 Paternoster Row, London. ©pinions of Scljoofo, fcc. " The Babbit ton ian Penmanship has awakened a greater interest, and caused a greater progress among my pupils, than any other system with which I have been acquainted during an experience of thirty-five years." — Alfred T. Dearte, President of the Collegiate Institute, Staten Island. " The best arranged and most scientific system extant." — if. J. Francisco, President of Bryant , Stratlon & Francisco 's Business College, Harrisburg, Pa. " Superior to all other systems." — E. B. Rice, of the N. T. Custom House, formerly Pro- fessor of Penmanship at the State Normal School at Albany, iV. Y. ©I)e Babbittonian JJnts* These are made in the most finished style by the best artizans on both sides of the oceau, under the direction of skillful Penmen : 1. The LADIES' Pen is exquisitely finished. 2. The EXTRA FINE resembles Gillott's No. 303, but is not so stiff. 3. The EXTRA FINE ELASTIC " is remarkable for quill-like ease and durability."— Bos- ton Traveller. An excellent school pen. 4. The BUSINESS PEN is admirable for business or school use. 5. The COMMERCIAL CARBONIZED PEN is made to resist the acids of ink, and is greatly admired for banking and mercantile use. Hodge's Journal of Finance s ys : "We have thoroughly tested the Babbittonian Pens and cheerfully recommend them as the best and cheapest iu use." 33ABBITT &> ELLIOTT, 42 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK 6 48. SCHUYLEE COLFAX. Schuyler Colfax was born in the city of New York, March 23, 1823, and is a lineal descendant from General Schuyler and Captain Colfax, both of Revolutionary celebrity. He received all his academical instruction before he was ten years of age.' At the age of thirteen he went to Indiana, where he entered a printing office, and continued to follow that pursuit with degrees of advancement, until about the year 1844, when he became editor and proprietor of the South Bend Register. Mr. Colfax was then only twenty-one years of age ; but, by his energy and his sterling integrity, he worked himself into a posi- tion of influence and responsibility. The paper he published was a political organ, and in the interest of the Whig party. Its circulation was not extensive, but its editor strove to render it a useful and healthy journal ; and it was not long before he obtained considerable reputation for his bold avowal of honest sentiments, for his temperate habits, and his substantial abilities ; and eventually he became an influential leader in the politics of Indiana. In 1848 he was appointed a Delegate to the Whig National Convention,] and elected Secretary. In 1850 he was elected a Member of the Indiana State Convention, having' for its object the preparation of a State Constitution. In this body he proved very efficient in bringing about the adoption of the present Consti-j tution of that State. In 1851 he was a candidate of the Whig party for Representative to' Congress, but was unsuccessful. In lb52 he was again sent as a Delegate to the Whig National Conven-j tion, and elected Secretary. In 18o4 Mr. Colfax was elected by the Republican party a Representa- tive to Congress, and from that time to the present has occupied a seat in the House. At the opening of the Thirty-Fourth Congress, and during its session, Mr. Colfax took his stand as one of the most promising Congressional debaters. His speech against the extension of slavery was a masterly effort, and stamped him at once as a most influential orator. In 18.36' Mr. Colfax labored zealously for the election of John C. Fremont. In the Thirty-fifth Congress he was elected Chairman of the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, which position he held until his election as Speaker of the Thirty-Eighth Congress, to which responsible position he has since been twice re-elected — honors awarded before only to Henry Clay. As a speaker, Mr. Colfax is earnest, frank, pointed, and fluent. His manner is pleasing, and his language well chosen and refined. He always commands the respect and attention of both sides of the House. Mr. Colfax received the unanimous nomination of the Republican Convention in May, 1868, for Vice-President of the United States, and was elected. 49. WADE HAMPTON. General "Wade Hampton was born in the city of Charleston, South Carolina, in the year 1818. His early education was received at South Carolina College, where he graduated with much distinction. The pursuits of Hampton, previous to the Rebellion, were almost exclusively those of a planter, though he served in both branches of the South Carolina Legisla- ture with distinction. His argument against the opening of the African slave trade was spoken of as a masterpiece of elegant and statesmanlike logic, dictated by the noblest sentiments of the Christian and the patriot. At the commencement of 1861, he was considered one of the richest planters of the South, and owned the greatest number of slaves. When hostilities commenced, he immediately raised a splendid legion of six com- panies of infantry, himself their leader, and contributed largely toward their equipment. He joined the Confederate Army just in time to take part in the battle of the first Bull Run, July 21, 1861, where his "soldierly ability" was espe- cially noted by General Beauregard, who said that " veterans could not have behaved better than his well-led regiment." Before the last charge, however, he was wounded in the head, and obliged to retire from the field. In the subsequent battles on the Peninsula, Hampton's Legion was ever conspicuous; and, at the battle of Seven Pines, was especially noticed. During the battle of Gaines' Mill, June 29, the Hampton Legion again displayed great valor. Hampton was now promoted to Brigadier-General of Cavalry, under Major-General Stuart, and zealously seconded that officer in all his daring exploits, accompanying him on his successful expedition into Maryland. At the battle of Gettysburg, General Hampton was wounded thrice, which compelled him to retire a while from his command ; but his active spirit would not brook a longer absence than was imperative. Therefore, we find him again zealously engaged with Stuart, the two Lees, and his gallant men, in many other raids and adventures. On the death of General Stuart, May 11, 1864, having been made a Major-General, he took command of the cavalry ; and, in August, was made Commander-in-Chief of all the Cavalry in the Army of Northern Virginia, and was henceforth considered as General Lee's Master of Horse, — a position of no slight dignity in such times. One of his most exciting raids, and one which was peculiarly ser- viceable to the Confederate army, was his foray upon General Grant's com- missariat, in which he captured over two thousand cattle. General Hampton continued at the head of the cavalry until the surren- der of Lee, April 9, 1865, having previously been promoted to a Lieutenant- General At the Democratic Convention which met in New York, July 4, 1868, for the purpose of nominating candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States, General Hampton was a Delegate from South Carolina, and was one of its most prominent and influential members. General Hampton is said to be a man of immense physical strength and activity, of wonderful endurance, and of inexhaustible energy. He is pas- sionately fond of horses, a splendid rider, a practical swordsman, and an excellent shot. 50. HENRY A. WISE. Henry A. "Wise was born December 3, 180G, in Drummond Town, Acco- mack County, Virginia. Ho became an orphan at an eaiiy age, but was, by the kindness of relatives, sent to Washington College, Pa., and graduated, in 1825, with honor. He studied law, and was admitted to the bar at Winches- ter, Va., in 1828. The same year he removed to Nashville, T.enn., and practiced his profession two years, when, from local attachment, he returned to Accomack County in 1830. He became one of the most vigorous exponents of " State Bights ;" and, during the Nullification excitement of 1832-83, espoused the doctrine of the Resolution of 1798-99, but opposed the extreme measures of South Carolina, and thought General Jackson too severe. In 1833 he was elected, to Congress, and fought a duel with R. Coke, his political opponent, whose right arm was fractured. He was re-elected in 1835, and continued to serve until 1843. In the famous Graves and Cilley duel, he was second of the former, but tried to prevent the collision. Mr. Wise was instrumental in the nomination of John Tyler ; and, on President Harrison's death, he urged Tyler to veto the United States Bank bill, and to further the speedy annexation of Texas. In 1842 the Senate rejected him as Minister to France. In 1843 he resigned his seat in Con- gress for the mission to Brazil, which post he occupied until the fall of 1847. In 1848 he was one of the Presidential Electors of Virginia; and in 1850 was a Member of the Reform Convention of that State, which adopted the late Constitution. In 1852 he was again Presidential Elector. La 1854 the Know-Nothing party came into existence, which called out Mr. Wise, with all the ardor of his temperament, in opposition to its principles and objects ; and, in 1855, he was elected Governor of Virginia, which office he held until 1860. In 1859 he wrote with enthusiasm in favor of Mr. Douglas's nomination, and published an elaborate treatise on Territorial Governments and the admission of new States into the Union. That year commenced those events which only ended when, after four years of bloody struggle, the question of slavery was settled by its eradication. Governor Wise took a very active part in the troubles of the times, and was called upon, as Governor, to administer the laws against the conspirators, headed by John Brown, at Harpers Ferry. He was a Member of the State Convention to consider the relations of Virginia to the Federal Government, and advised immediate secession. He entered with his wonted enthusiasm into the war of the Rebellion, and advised the people to " take a lesson from John Brown." He was appointed Brigadier-General in the Confederate army, and occupied the Kanawha valley, but was driven out by General J. D. Cox, losing the " Gauley Bridge,'' and a large quantity of arms and stores. He joined General Floyd in Western Virginia, until ordered to Rich- mond, when he was sent to defend Roanoke Island, N. C; but, at the attack by Burnside, he was sick at Nag's Head. " The Wise Legion " took part in the action, and his son, Captain O. Jennings Wise, was among the killed. Making his escape from the island, General Wise afterward took no active part in the war. Since the restoration of peace, he has been occasionally heard from, and not without some of his characteristic vehemence. But he is, like many who have played their parts in the great drama of our national strife, retired into the shadowy precincts of the closing scenes. Henry A. Wise is entitled to the tribute of honest and earnest purpose in a " lost cause." ' ¥ 51. WENDELL PHILLIPS. Wendell Phillips -was born in Boston, Massachusetts, November 29, 1811. He graduated at Harvard College in 1831, and at Cambridge Law School in 1833. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar in 1834, and began life with every advantage. But at the very outset he was a witness of the mob in which Garrison was dragged through Boston for the conscientious expression of his opinions, and which aroused the Puritan spirit, and rendered Phillips a devoted adherent of the anti-slavery cause. When Rev. E. P. Lovejoy was murdered at Alton, 111., in 1837, a great public meeting was held in Boston, to express the horror felt at this outrage on the freedom of the press and the rights of opinion. The conservative powers strenuously resisted the efforts of free speech, aud the Attorney- General of the State denounced the reformers, and declared that Lovejoy was presumptious and imprudent, and died as the fool dieth. Dr. Channing' was declared equally out of place. This speech produced a sensation in the " Old Cradle of Liberty," and Phillips, who had come, without expecting to speak, rose, and, amidst the boisterous cries of the mobocratic party, rebuked the spirit of conservative tyranny, till a storm of applause and hisses inter- rupted the young orator. An attempt was made to silence him, but Phillips persisted ; and, after the most eloquent and scathing speech, took his position as the leading' orator of the Abolitionists and progressive Reformers of the age. " In "Wendell Phillips the scornful world had found its match." Henceforth he gave himself up to the cause of reforms, and abandoned his legal practice. " The little band of Abolitionists that gathered around him and Garrison, men and women, were heroes." The career of the leaders of this despised band was, in those days, often attended with danger of personal violence. Assassination was held up to them as the penalty of the utterance of their detested truths. Phillips's house was threatened with incendiarism, but no threats of violence could prevent him from giving expression to his senti- ments. Far from limiting his labors to one idea, he has been a vigorous advocate of Temperance, and a champion of the political rights of women. " A drunken people," he says, " can never be the basis of a free govern- ment." It is the corner-stoae neither of virtue, prosperity, or progress." In our recent war he has always been for the most thorough measures; and, since its close, seems to feel that the whole work of emancipation is not finished ; that the status of the colored man is not fixed ; that the hates and prejudices of the past incline to keep him an outcast. Mr. Phillips is one of the most fluent and eloquent orators of the day, and his fame always brought him a large and attentive audience even on the unpopular subjects he had most at heart. 52. REUBEN E FENTON. Reuben E. FentoK was "born in Carroll, Chautauque County, Ne^v York, July 1, 1819. He was educated at Pleasant Hill and Fredonia Acade- mies, and adopted the profession of the law, but soon abandoned its prac- tice, to engage in mercantile pursuits, and in which he was eminently successful. In 1843 he was elected Supervisor of the town of Carroll; and held that position for eight successive years, and was for three of them Chair- man of the Board of Supervisors. The fact that an avowed Democrat, as ho was then, remained in office for such a long period in a strong Whig lo- cality, is tho most unanswerable evidence ot hi* faithfulness a:* i\ public offi- cer, and his popularity as i man. In 1853 he wa§ elected a Representative from New York to tho Thirty-Third Congress, and was again elected to the Thirty-Fifth Congress, serving on tho Committee on Private Land Claims. In 1859 hcj waj re-elected to tho Thirty-Sixth Congress, serving as Chairman of the Committee on Invalid Pensions. He was also elected to the Thirty-Seventh Congress, serving as Chairman of the Committee on Claims, and re-elected to the Thirty-Eighth Congress, when he served on the Committee of Ways and Means. Having distinguished himsell for high executive ability, as Chairman of the Congressional Committees, and for integrity of character, and devoted patriotism, he was selected by the Republican party as their standard-bearer in the State of New York, and elected Governor of that State. Fully realizing the anticipations of tho patriotic men of the State, ho was re-elected in 1866. Witli ample experience as a legislator — a successful merchant, like his predecessor, Edwin D. Morgan — Governor Fen ton brought to the administration of the Gubernatorial office, great practical knowledge of men and business, and executiva ability. At the Republican Convention which met at Chicago, May, 1868, his name was prominent as a candidate for the second office in the gift of tho people, the delegation from New York sustaining their favorite son until tho fifth ballot, when V huyler Colfax received the unanimous nomination for Vice-President. The position of Governor of the Empire State of the Union, is one now of as much administrative importance as was once that of President of the United States. To fill this position with honor, if not always with entiro satisfaction, is a task which requires experience, ability, and firmness. Bringing to the discharge of his official duties those qualities, Governor Fen ton retired from the Gubernatorial chair with the approval of the pub- lic voice. Still in the prime of life and a gentleman of active habits, Mr. Fenton's public career is far from being closed, and bids fair of attaining a yet more distinguished future as United States Senator, to which position he was elected January 19, 18CS. 53. ALEXANDER RAMSEY. ALEXANDER Ramsey was born in Dauphin County, near Harrisburg*, Pv msylvania, September 8, 1815. .He was educated at Lafayette College, an«4 was Clerk in the office of the Register of his native county, in 1838. In 1840 he was appointed Secretary of the Electoral College of Pennsyl- vania ; and*in 1841, was elected Clerk of the House of Representatives of that State. He was elected a Representative to Congress in 1843, and re- elected in 1845. He succeeded to the Chairmanship of the State Central Committee of Pennsylvania, in 1848, and was appointed, in 1849, by President Taylor, the first Territorial Governor of Minnesota, serving in that capacity with a great deal of credit to himself, and benefit to the country, until 1853. He effected a treaty at Mendota, in 1849, for the extinction of the title of the Sioux (half-breeds) to the lands on Lake Pepin. In 1851 Governor Ramsey negotiated another treaty with the Sioux nation, by which the Government acquired all the lands in Minnesota west of the Mississippi River. This achievement, without a bloody Indian war, opened that State to the large emigration which now peoples >t, and makes it one of the most promising and prosperous of the great Northwest. Added to these, Governor Ramsey made a treaty with the Chippewa Indians, on Red River, which he followed up with another, in 1863. He was elected Mayor of the city of St. Paul, in 1855 ; and, in 1860, was elected Governor of the State of Minnesota, which had been admitted into the Union as a State in 1858. He continued in the official position of Governor until 1863, when he was elected to the United States Senate, for the term ending 1869, and served on the Committee on Naval Affairs, Post-0 ffices, Post- Roads, Patents and the Patent-Office, Expenses in the Senate, Pacific Railroad, and as Chairman of the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions, and of the Committee on Revolutionary Claims. Governor Ramsey was also a member of the National Committee appointed to accompany the remains of President Lincoln to Illinois. Fortunate in being the first Governor of Minnesota, Mr. Ramsey was enabled to promote j udiciously the welfare of the people of that Territory and State, the interests of the Government, and advance his own honorable career. Acting honestly and wisely with the Indians, he cffeoted numer- ous treaties, which averted the too frequent and bloody Indian wars, and contributed to the mutual benefit of the two races. if 54. GEOKGE H. PENDLETON. George H. Pendleton was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 25, 1825, He studied law, was admitted to the bar, and has become distinguished in his pi'ofession. His political career commenced by his election to the State Senate of Ohio in 1854 and 1855. In 1857 he was elected Representative to Congress from Ohio, and served successively in the Thirty-Fifth, Thirty-Sixth, and Thirty-Seventh Con- gresses, and was a member of the Committee on Military Affairs during each term. He was re-elected to the Thirty-Eighth Congress, serving on the Committee of Ways and Means, and as Chairman of the Committee for Admitting Cabinet Officers to the Floor of the House of Representatives. Identifying himself during hi^s last term in Congress with the Anti-War Democrats, Mr. Pendleton became prominent for the boldness of his senti- ments against the policy of the Administration in conducting the war, though few who knew his honorable character doubted his patriotism. lie was nominated for the Vice-Presidency in 18(54 on the Democratic ticket, with General McClellan for President, and was defeated. But this did not damp the ardor or shake the faith of his friends, who brought his name forward for the Presidency in 1868. Defeated in his nomination, when the whole Western delegation urged it, he submitted with good grace, and went to work strenuously to assist in the election of his most formidable rival, Horatio Seymour ; but, although his popularity was unbounded in the West, he could not stem the tide that had set in against the principles of the Democratic party, and Seymour was defeated in all the Western States, except Kentucky and Oregon. Eloquent, popular, and young, Mr. Pendleton is an admirable representa- tive of the Northwest in its truest and frankest sense. Blending much of the Southern ardor, the land of his forefathers, with Western independence, he combines those elements of character which makes a man irresistible in the free Western country. Mr. Pendleton has been brought more prominently before the country by the discussions of the financial question. Favoring the payment of the Government bonds in " greenbacks," that phrase of the financial question received new significance from his fearless advocacy of it. Frank and bold in whatever public measure he advocates, he vindi- cated his policy in this respect upon grounds of public necessity ; and it soon came to be designated as the Pendletonian policy, although the same .views were advocated by other prominent public men of both parties. His policy was thoroughly ventilated during the Presidential canvass, (and stigmatized by its opponents, some of whom were counted among the 'greatest financial minds of the country, as tending to repudiation and want of faith in the Government to fulfill its obligations. 55. HANNIBAL HAMLIN. Hannibal Hamlin, Vice-President of the United States during the first term of President Lincoln's administration, was born in Paris, Oxford County, Maine, August 27, 1809. Like many of our noted public men, he was the son of a farmer, and prepared himself for a collegiate education ; but the death of his father obliged him to take charge of his farm, "where he remained until he was of age. Following a career frequently adopted by aspiring young men in this country, Hamlin took to the calling of a printer, and spent a year in a printing office as a Compositor. Then, with an eye still bent on advance- ment, he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1833, continuing in active practice until 1848. Mr. Hamlin was a Member of the Maine Legislature from 183G to 1840, and, for the three latter years, was Speaker of the House. He was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1843, and re-elected in 1845. He was again elected a Member of the State Legislature in 1847. In May, 1848, he was elected to the Senate of the United States for four years, to fill a vacancy occasioned by the decease of John Fairfield, and was re-elected for six years, in 1851. January, 1857, he was elected G-ovei'nor of the State of Maine, resigning his seat in the Senate, and being inaugurated on the same day. On the 16th of the same month, he was re-elected to the United States Senate for six years, and resigned the office of Governor, February 20, 1857. "While in the Senate, he served as a member of the Committee on Com- merce, and the Committee on the District of Columbia. In 1860, at the Republican Convention which met at Chicago, he was nominated as candidate for Vice-President, on the ticket with Abraham Lincoln, and was elected. He presided over the Senate for four years with marked ability and impartiality ; but the asperity of party feeling was exhibited with extreme bitterness toward him, and the foulest abuse was heaped upon Ids name and character, animated, however, always by the inspirations of treason. Mr. Hamlin never sacrificed the dignity of his position by the slightest notice of these absurd calumnies. There are thousands throughout the country who profoundly feel that it was a dark day for the Republic when a convention, largely composed of, or inspired by, office-holders and contractors, decreed his displacement as Vice-Presi- dent, to make room for Andrew Johnson, and who would like to see some reparation made for that grave error. After retiring from the office of Vice-President, Mr. Hamlin was appointed Collector for the port of Boston, the most desirable post in New England ; but, when Andrew Johnson commenced his course on the recon- struction of the seceding States, instituting a policy in antagonism to Con- gress, and the party which elected him, Mr. Hamlin resigned his office, and took the stump for liberty and loyalty, and has done yeoman service in the ranks ever since. Having filled every post in the gift of his fellow- citizens, from State Representative to Vice-President, he may be averse to further labor and responsibility ; but his integrity, fidelity, experience, and well-earned popularity, render it highly probable that he may be invited to fill some important post again in the public service. 56. MONTGOMERY BLAIR. Montgomery Blair, son of Francis P. Blair, Sr., the famous editor, and brother of Francis P. Blair, Jr., late candidate for Vice-President, was born in Franklin County, Kentucky, May 10, 1813. He graduated at West Point Military Academy in 1835, and was appointed Second Lieutenant in the Second Artillery, in Avhich capacity he served in the Florida War. Resigning on May 20, 183b, he studied law, and was admitted to practice in St. Louis, Mo., in 1837. In 1S39 he was appointed United States District- Attorney for Missouri, and neld that position until 1843, when he was appointed a Judge of 'the Court of Common Pleas. He continued to officiate in this position until 1849, when he resigned, and, in 1852, removed to Maryland, where he was residing when appointed, by President Lincoln, Postmaster-General, in March, 1861. He was a Democrat previous to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise ; but, after the consummation of that measure, he identified himself with the Republican party, with which organization he became a prominent member. He was appointed by President Pierce to the office of Solicitor to the Court of Claims, but, on account of his change in political sentiment, was removed by President Buchanan. He presided over the Republican State Convention in Maryland in 1860, and was a candidate for Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket. He gave his earnest support to the first election of Abraham Lincoln, and in the formation of his Cabinet was tendered a place in it as Postmas- ter-General, which he accepted. This position he continued to hold until 1864, when he resigned. His subsequent course has been that of an ardent Democrat, advo- cating strenuously the election of Seymour and Blair to the Presidency and Vice-Presidency, and the overthrow of the Reconstruction measures of Con- gress. Mr. Blair's name was made prominent to the country as Counsel for the plaintiff in the celebrated Dred Scott litigation ; and the active part he took in the late canvass as brother of the candidate for Vice-President, not only brought himself, but all the members of the Blair family more conspicuously before the country. The founder of it, Francis P. Blair, Sr., the most famous political journalist of his day, lived to an advanced age, to see his eldest son a prominent politician and Cabinent Minister, and his younorest son an aspirant and candidate for the Vice-Presidency, a Member of Con- gress, and a distinguished officer of the army. 57. JAMES GOEDON BENNETT. James Gordon Bennett, the celebrated Editor of The New York Herald, was born near the town of Keith, Banffshire, Scotland, abont the year 1800. The son of a sincere Catholic, his father intended him and another brother Cosmo, for the priesthood, and educated them for that vocation. Cosmo, qualified for the Church, held an ecclesiastical office up to the time of his decease. James, with ambition and energy directed to a more active career, sought the pursuit of journalism and letters in America. With this object in view he came to this country, and landed at Halifax, N. S., in 1819. His good education qualified him for the position of a, School-Teacher ; but this occupation was too limited for his energy and ambition, and he abandoned it for the more congenial vocation of journalism. Settling for a while in Boston, he became connected with the press ; but, the field of journalism not offering great inducements for him to remain in that city, he removed to New York. Here he became prominently connected with the press. Inducements having been held out to him by the proprietor of the Charleston Courier, to connect himself with that journal, Mr. Bennett removed to Charleston, S. C, where he remained for two years. Returning to New York, where his perception and judgment inspired him to lay the foundation of a powerful journal, he connected himself with various papers before he established The New York Herald. This he started in 1835. As a city goes through many gradations before it is established, so it was with the building up of The New York Herald; but its completion proves, not only as a monument of the enterprise, energy, and talents of James Gordon Bennett, but also as a triumph of journalism in the nineteenth century. Our space is too limited to attempt an analysis, even, of the genius, enterprise, and liberality which were necessary to be expended in the estab- lishment and growth of such a journal. In a profession which unites relentless rivalry and daily partisan and professional jealousy, more than in any other, it is conceded, in spite of it, that Mr. Bennett has infused more enterprise into the American press, and, for that matter, has furnished an example of energy to the European press, which no other journalist of his age has inspired. Associating with him the best journalistic talent in the country in the reportorial, editorial, and corresponding departments, the Herald becomes a daily index of the active brain, vitality, and movements of the world. With all this diversity of talent, comprising so many departments of mind, there is one controlling intellect over all, and that is James Gordon Bennett. What Richelieu was to the State, he is to the management of the Herald. What the elder Rothschild was in building up a great financial power, James Gordon Bennett is in building up a great journalistic power. The progress in the mechanical branch of printing has been observed by the Herald in an equal ratio with its intellectual advancement. The mag- nificent marble structure at the corner of Broadway and Ann street is one of the most thorough and extensive printing offices in the world. 58. PHINEAS T. BABNUM. Phineas T. Baiinum was born in Danbury, Connecticut, July 5, 1810 Mr. Barnum is literally a self-made man. On the death of his father in 182G, he found himself without a cent, and compelled to struggle alone through the world. He commenced life as a clerk in a country store, and married when nine- teen years of age. He published a newspaper in his native town, where he was fined and imprisoned for publishing his own opinions too freely. After- ward he tried mercantile business on his own account, in both Connecticut and New York, with indifferent success. In 1835 he became engaged in a strolling exhibition ; afterward in a circus; and, in 1842, bought the American Museum in New York. This establishment began to thrive immensely under his management. In 1843 he picked up General Tom Thumb, whom he exhibited in his museum for a year, when he took him to Europe, where he remained three years, appear- ing before all the principal courts and monarchs of the old world, and returned with, a fortune to his native country. In 1850 he engaged Jenny Land, the celebrated songstress ; and, with her, made the most triumphant and successful musical tour ever known, clearing some five hundred thousand dollars in nine months, after paying that lady three hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Barnum built a magnificent oriental villa, called " Iranistan," in Bridgeport, Conn., where he resided until it was burned in 1855. Mr. Barnum was connected with the Jerome Clock Company, in which he became involved to a large amount, bringing him to the verge of bank- ruptcy, but, after considerable litigation, he was enabled to settle with his creditors, leaving him yet apparently rich. He still continued to carry on the museum, occasionally traveling through the country with some "special exhibition," such as " The Baby Show," Tom Thumb, &c. While in Boston, exhibiting his White Babies, a counter exhibition was had of Colored Babies, to test the natural ability or intelligence of the races. The palm was carried by the colored babies — there being one who could talk when three months old, and another who could read when only three years old. Mr. Barnum could not brook being outdone, therefore got up an opposition " Colored Baby Show ;" but, not being so popular with the colored people as his oppo- nent, together with their fear to trust their children with him, he was obliged to abandon it. In 18G5 he lost his museum by fire, but sold his lease of the ground to the editor of the Herald, James G. Bennett, who built a magnificent mar- ble edifice in its place. Mr. Barnum then started a temporary museum on Broadway, which was burned in the winter of 1867— '68. In 1807 he was a candidate for Representative to Congress from his dis- trict in Connecticut, but was unsuccessful. Mr. Barnum, by common con- sent, ranks as one of the most expert and successful " showmen " of this or any other age. His name and fame as a shrewd and successful business man in this line are world-wide. Apart from this peculiar and striking trait, his industry, enterprise, and energy, while enabling him to amuse, instruct, and hoax mankind, secured to him a fortune and presented to the rising population an example worthy of regard and admiration. 59. LYMAN TRUMBULL". LYMAN TRUMBULL was born in Colchester, Connecticut, in 1813, where he received his education, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. Removing from Connecticut to Illinois, he was elected a Member of the Legislature of that State in 1840. Rising rapidly in the line of political promotion, he was made Secretary of State in 1841, which position he held for two years, when he retired ; and, entering into the practice of his profes- sion, became distinguished for his legal ability. His sound judgment as a Lawyer led him to be chosen Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois in 1848, in which office he continued until 1853, when he resigned, and was elected to the House of Representatives of the United States in 1854. In 1855 he was elected by the Legislature of Illinois to the United States Senate, being the first Whig Senator from that State. During this term, he served as Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary, and as a member of the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and Indian Affairs. Retaining the confidence of the State he so ably and faithfully served, Judge Trumbull was re-elected to the Senate ; and, although he had to encounter considerable rivalry, was again elected to the same office in 1867. In 1864 he was appointed a Regent of the Smithsonian Institute, to serve until December, 1865. Judge Trumbull is descended from an ancestry illustrious in the Con- tinental and Revolutionary history of this country, and which has sustained its historical renown in the subsequent progress of the Republic. Jonathan Trumbull, Joseph Trumbull, and Joseph Trumbull, Jr., were all Connecticut men by birth, and prominent as legislators, Governors, and military men, during the Revolutionary era. Judge Lyman Trumbull, inheriting the talents and energy of his ancestors, has made a mark in the eventful period through which the Republic has triumphantly passed. Emigrating to the great West from the over-populated East, at a time when it was just begin- ning to develop its immense resources and agricultural wealth, he has illus- trated the energy of his countrymen, in the successful and honorable career through which he has passed. Progressing with rapid strides, as that State has, in population, wealth, and influence, in the country, Mr. Trumbull has kept pace with that progress, and become equally influential and prominent in the councils of the nation. 2 £3 60. LEWIS T. WIGFALL. Lewis T. Wigfall, United States Senator from Texas, from the year 1859 until that State seceded from the Union, left the Senate, with other leading Southern Senators, and identified his fortunes with the South in the great Rebellion. In all the debates preceding the war, in the United States Senate, if Mr. Wigfall failed to take a leading part as one of the wisest legislators of that illustrious body, he did not fail in making himself distinguished for the zeal (not always, perhaps exercised with the best judgment) in the cause which he had espoused, and with which he honestly and disinterest- edly cast his fortune. Without the endowments of great eloquence (in this respect unlike many of the other Senatorial leaders of the Rebellion), Mr. Wigfall was nevertheless a prominent and influential member with his party in the Senate. His peculiar and defiant style of independent, not to say reckless, bearing, furnished daily material for the Northern press ; and many a paragraph, and often column, was written at Senator Wigfall's expense. Not content with his politics, the irreverent press, true to its mission of ridicule as well as liberty, spoke irreverently and jokingly of the Texas Senator, on account of his peculiar name ; and even when Mr. Wigfall said nothing (which was seldom), the irreverent press of the more patriotic caliber would not let him rest in peace, but w T ould pour in its hot shot upon Mr. Wigfall's head, as if they were making the wig of his name as w T ell as his head a target for their paper bullets. After withdrawing from the United States Senate, he joined Ihe South- ern Confederacy, served in the Rebel army, and distinguished himself as the negotiator of the terms of surrender between Major Anderson and General Beauregard for Fort Sumter, appearing at an cmbrazure of that fort in a skiff, under the fire of both sides, hoisting the white flag upon his sword, as a signal to cease firing. Going to Europe during the war, in the service of the Confederacy, he has since remained there. Witt* other Southern Commissioners, he has expressed his intention of availing himself of the President's Amnesty Proclamation, and returning to the United States. After a long residence abroad, the Southern exiles, upon their return to their long-lost homes, will, no doubt, be among our best and most useful adopted fellow-citizens of the emigrating class. Truly admitting them to ihe reunion of our nation, if we fail to appre- ciate them as rulers, we will not deny their claims as citizens, among whom, we doubt not, they will prove loyal in the future. 61. MARCUS L. WARD. Mahctts L. Ward was born in New Jersey in the year 1823, and after receiving a collegiate education, adopted the law as a profession. Enter- ing into politics, he held several offices of honor and trust, and was finally elected Governor ot his State in 1865. An active and zealous partizan, he maintained with characteristic zeal his political views, and against the tide of disloyal opposition, as he re- §arded it, he struggled with the Republican party to bring back the ancient tate of New Jersey to its fealty to the Union. "Out of the United States," as New Jersey was very often humorously regarded by many, Governor Ward thought she was literally about to be classed with the se- ceding States, that is, if the Democrats could possibly effect that end. Regarded always as a stronghold of the Democratic party — a political for- tification between the States of New York and Pennsylvania — that party could not yield it without a desperate struggle, and the Ward party could not secure it without an equal effort; and after a second attempt, Mr. Ward brought the State triumphantly into the Union, being elected its Governor for three years. What is said of the slowness of the movements of large bodies, applies relatively to the actions of small States. The great seal of the State of New Jersey is a matter of the national legislative history; and the Dorr rebellion of Rhode Island will live in history as the prototype of the Great Rebellion. Hence we see little States have a great deal to do in the settlement of great questions. Holding for a long time sway in the State, ifwas not until after a desperate struggle that the Democratic party yielded its as- cendency in New Jersey. Of opposite politics, though of the same name as Governor Ward, was another prominent politician of that State, the son of a former United States Senator, and himself, for a brief term, a Senator in the United States Congress; therefore the leading representatives of the two dominant parties — the two Wards — are very often confounded together. Governor Ward is a man of great tenacity of purpose and positivensss of character. The equal division of parties in New Jersey makes its par- tizan warfare pretty hot, and Marcus L. Ward is — not what Artemus would say, but Brick Pomeroy — " red-hot" in his politics. It is upon the anvil of these Republican principles that the fiery red sparks of Democracy are hammered out of New Jersey, with such men as Governor Ward at the political bellow's, and his partisans, like General Kilpatrick, dealing such trusty blows. Governor Ward was for several years Chairman of the Republican Central Committee. Z CS' 62. JOHN W. FOENEY. John "W. Forney was born at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, ^September 30, 1817. In 1833 he was an apprentice in the office of the Lancaster Journal; and, in 1837, we find him joint Editor and proprietor of the Lancaster Intel' ligencer. Taking- a leading position as a Democratic partisan, he settled, in 1845, in Philadelphia, in the Editorship of 1 he Pen nsylv anion. In 1851 he was chosen Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, and was re- el cted in 1853. In the long and close contest for Speaker of the Thirty-Fifth Congress, Mr. Forney gained great credit for the impartial performance of his duties. He now ceased his connection with The Pennsylvanian, and became Editor of Tlie Un>on, the Democratic organ at "Washington. In 1856 Mr. Forney devoted himself to the canvass for Mr. Buchanan; and, returning to Pennsylvania, was chosen Chairman of the Democratic State Committee. In 1857 he was the rival of Mr. Cameron for the position of United State* Senator, but was defeated. In the same year he commenced the publication, of The Press, an independent Democratic paper ; but in a shorfr time there- after, the division between the Northern and Southern sections of the party assuming a very serious character, Mr. Forney took sides warmly with Mr. Douglas. When the Kansas troubles developed themselves, he took a determined attitude against Mr. Buchanan's administration, and wan again chosen Clerk of the House of Representatives in the Thirty-Sixth Congress. His opposition to the pro-slavery power has since been thoroughly uncom- promising; and he now publishes, besides The Press at Philadelphia, a weekly paper in "Washington, The Chronicle, began in October, 1862. In 1861 Mr. Forney was chosen Secretary of the Senate, which position he has continued to hold up to this time. | Ever since the assassination of President Lincoln, and the accession of Mr. Johnson, as his successor, he has rendered himself very conspicuous as an opponent of the Johnsonian policy, provoking a very un-Presidentiai epithet from that high functionary, in one of the numerous addresses which his Excellency has been in the habit of " getting off," at home and abroad, who designated him as a " Dead Duck." Late events, however, indi- cate that Mr. Forney "still lives" unharmed ; but, since the smoke has cleared away, his opponent has been found crippled for life, from the explosion of the overcharged blunderbuss with which he was celebrating that event. During the Presidential canvass of 18G8, Mr. Forney was quite prom- inently and actively engaged in the State of Pennsylvania, and contributed much toward securing that State to the Republican party in the October election, and to General Grant, for President, in the November following. 63. CHAKLES F. ADAMS. Charles F. Adams was born in Boston, Massachusetts, August 18, 1807. He spent most of his early years in St. Petersburg and London, whilst his father, John Quincy Adams, was Minister to Russia and Eng- land. He graduated at Harvard University in 1825, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1828. Entering public life, he served three years in the House of Representa- tives and two in the Senate of Massachusetts. He was a Delegate to the Buffalo Free Soil Convention in 1848, and was nominated for Vice-President on the ticket with Mr. Van Buren. He was elected to the Thirty -sixth Congress from Massachusetts, serving with fidelity and credit as Chairman of the Committee on Manufactures, but took no active part in the debates. Mr. Adams was at one time the Editor of a paper called the Boston Whig, has contributed extensively to the North American Review, was the Editor of the well-known Adams Letters, and is the author of the standard biography of John Adams. He was re-elected to the Thirty-seventh Congress, and was subsequently, in 1861, appointed by President Lincoln Minister to England, which position he resigned in 1867. Early initiated into diplomatic training under the experienced tuition of his distinguished father, no position could have more appropriately crowned Mr. Adams's public life than Minister to the Court of St. James at the most critical period of our diplomatic history since the Revolution. The foreign courts, supposed to be prepossessed in favor of the seceding States, an American Minister abroad at that time had to exercise more than ordi- nary energy and vigilance to compete with the agents and commissioners of the South, as well as against the sympathy of the courts. More than any other similarly situated, Mr. Adams had to contend against these combined influences. The fitting out of Confederate cruisers by English shipbuilders, involving the neutrality of the British Government, previously declared as between the North and the South, led to the most serious controversies, threatening the peace of the two countries. Growing out of these, the Alabama claims loomed up the most threatening. Correspondence after correspondence ensued. Questions of international law, the rights of bel- ligerents, and the duties of neutrals, all were involved ; and throughout all these controversies, sometimes in spite of diplomatic decorum, an acrimoni- ous spirit pervading them, Mr. Adams conducted his cause with masterly and dignified diplomatic ability. Leaving the most serious question in a fair way of adjustment, Mr. Adams asked, after a prolonged residence at the English Court, to be relieved, which was, accordingly, granted ; and in 1867, he returned to the United States. Added to his public honors. Mr. Adams h_as had conferred upon him tl degree of LL. D. by Harvard University. 2 £ 64. WILLIAM LLOYD GAREISON. William Lloyd Garrison, the most eminent and fearless leader of the anti-slavery reform in the United States, was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, December 2, 1804. His mother, becoming a widow, was obliged to place him in a situation of usefulness, and he was, at the early- age of nine years, sent to learn the trade of a shoemaker ; but, longing for educational advantages, he was sent to school at Newburyport, Mass., paying for his board and school by his own labors out of school hours. After several experiments he found a congenial occupation, as a printer, in the office of a local newspaper ; and, at this early age, he was distinguished for his neat- ness and accuracy of penmanship, and ever after remarkable for his talents, both as a typographer and free and easy writer. After sufficient experience as an assistant, he became, in 1826, the editor of a paper called the Free Press. He toiled with unceasing energy and industry, and frequently printed his editorials without previously writing them. He went to Boston, and, about 1827, became editor of The National Phil- anthropist, the first journal that advocated total abstinence, and, in 1828, joined a friend at Bennington, Vt., in a journal devoted to Peace, Temper- ance, and Anti-Slavery. On the 4th of July, 1829, he delivered an address in Park-Street Church, Boston, on the subject of slavery. From this time his labors in the cause to which he has devoted his life, assumed a more prominent and influ- ential character. Mr. Garrison then went to Baltimore, to join a quiet, persistent, worthy Quaker, Benjamin Lundy, who was laboring for the cause. Garrison's burning denunciations of the outrages of slavery roused the indignation of slaveholders, and he was indicted for libel, found guilty, con- demned, and imprisoned. He bore his cross with the cheerfulness of a true martyr, until he was finally liberated by a well-known philanthropist of the day, Arthur Tappan, a New York merchant, who paid the exorbitant fine. On the 1st of January, 1831, Mr. Garrison issued the first number of The Liberator, which, through over thirty years, was the leading organ of the Anti-Slavery party in the country. It is beyond the limits of this brief sketch to trace the various labors and trials of the great reform of which Mr. Garrison was the dauntless leader ; the mobs in Boston, where his life was only saved by the author- ities hiding him in a prison ; the furious violence in New York, where churches were sacked and negroes murdered ; the fierce and brutal ruffian- ism which exhibited itself in various country places where he lectured, and, as late as 1851, came near desolating the city of New York with blood and rapine, because a steadfast band of quiet Quakers and others from the country choose to protest against slaveholding. Suffice it to say that, after the awful retribution had seared the land with fire and blood, and liberated the slave, Mr. Garrison finished his toils as the "Liberator," by discontinuing his paper and visiting Europe, to recruit, at sixty years, the health impaired by more than an age of faithful devotion to the cause of human emancipation. MIXSELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ®vmtxm$ f tend m& $ 72, FRANZ SIGEL, General FiiANZ SiQEL was born in Zinsheim, in the Grand Duchy of Baden, November 18, 1824, and was educated at the military school of Carlsrhue. He became Chief-Adjutant in the Baden army, in 1847, and Was called the best artillerist in Germany. In the Revolution of 1848, he was Commander-in-Chief of the Revolu* tionary army ; and, being defeated by an immense force, migrated to this country in 1850\ He was for several months Major of the Fifth New York Militia Regiment; subsequently, Professor of Military Science at St. Louis; and, at the outbreak of the Rebellion, became Colonel of the Third Missouri Volunteers, and Acting 1 Brigadier under General Lyom He was made a Brigadier in August, 18(51, his commission dating from May 17. He performed efficient service in the protection of St. Louis, and seizure of Camp Jackson. He was soon ordered to Southwest Missouri, where, near Carthage, Jasper County, with only nine hundred men, he met General Jackson, with over four thousand men, whom he attacked with suc- cess, until his artillery ammunition gave out, and he was obliged to retreat, which he accomplished with but little loss, having only thirteen killed, and thirty-one wounded, while the Rebel loss was over three hundred and fifty. August 10, 1861, he conducted the famous retreat from Wilson Creek, where Lyon was killed ; and was present at the battle of Pea Ridge, where, on the 7th and 8th of March, 1862, he displayed great bravery and consum- mate artillery skill, and by which he turned the tide of battle from what seemed to be a defeat, to a decided victory ; for which gallantry and skill, he was made Major-General, and received a command in Western Virginia. He served through Pope's Virginia campaign ; took a prominent part in the Second Bull Run ; and, in September, 1862, was appointed to com- mand the Eleventh Army Corps, but was relieved early in the following year. In the spring of 1864, he commanded in the valley of the Shenandoah; but having been twice badly defeated, he was relieved in M ly by General Hunter, yet still continuing to act under that General, who, being defeated and driven across the mountains, the enemy advanced down the valley to Murtinsburg, flanking Sigel, and obliging him to retreat to Maryland Heights, which he held tintil the enemy were driven back to the "alley. Id May, 1865, he resigned his commission in the army. 73. CHARLES G. HALPIXE. General Chables G. Halpine (more generally known by his non de plume, Miles O'Reilly), was born in November, 1829, in the County Meath, Ireland. His father who was an Episcopal minister, editor of the Dublin/ Mail, and one of the principal contributors to Blackwood's Magazine, took great pride in the education of his son, whom he prepared for and entered at Trinity College, in 1846, In the following year, young Halpine hav- ing married, removed to Boston, where he became an associate with B. P. Shillaber (Mrs, Partington), on one of the literary papers of that city, called The Carpet Bag J and subsequently connected himself with lite Pilot. In 1848 he accepted the position of French Translator on the New York Herald', and, while holding this position, wrote sketches, poems, and edito- rials, for nearly all the other leading daily and weekly papers of the city. He was next appointed the Nicaragua Correspondent of the New York Times, and wrote a series of remarkably spicy letters on "Walker's famous filibus- tering expedition to Central America. After acting as Washington Corres- pondent and Associate Editor of that paper for a time, he purchased an inter- est in the Leader, and assisted in editing that journal until the breaking out of the Rebellion; but, at the same time, wrote for the Tribune, Times, and Herald. Although not known to the world at large as a writer, yet many brilliant things came from his pen ; among others, a poem, published in the Tribune some years before the war, entitled *' Stanzas to the American Flag," has been credited to him, but is now claimed by William Oland Bourne, editor of The Soldiers' Friend. It begins; "Tear down the flaunting lie"— a poem prompted by the horrors of the last slave hunt, in which a poor human being was dragged from toil-bought freedom into hated bondage again, under the banner which waved " over the land of the free, and the home of the brave." In 1861 Mr. Halpine severed his connection with the Leader, and entered the military service as a private in the Sixty-Ninth New York Regiment of three-months' troops. At the close of the three months' service, he was ap- pointed on the Staff of General David Hunter, with whom he served in Missouri and at the South, but was afterward transferred to the Staff of General Halleck. At the South, under the nom de guerre, " Miles O'Reilly/' in a communi- cation to a New York paper, he gave a long and entirely fictitious account of the arbitrary imprisonment of a private by that name, who, it was pre- tended, had given some slight offense to General Butler, the cause of which was asserted to be a " Lampoon" written by "Private Miles O'Reilly," of the Forty-Seventh New York ; and, in his next letter, he gave a copy of the lampoon, which caused great merriment wherever it was read. This first brought him into notoriety, which was greatly increased by his account of a supposed dinner given to Miles O'Reilly at Delmonico's, whereat Mayor Hoffman sang a comic song, and other well-known dignitaries indulged in ridiculous speeches. Just before his resignation from the army, he was made Brigadier-Gen- eral of Valunteers, by brevet, and commissioned as Major in the Regular Army. He was appointed on Governor Seymour's staff on his return to New York; and, in 1866, was elected Register of the City and County of New York. Previous to this, he purchased the Citizen, a weekly journal, of which he remained Managing Editor until his death, Monday, August 3, 1868. Gerieral Halpine was a warm-hearted and generous companion — ever ready to give or take a joke, — and was a favorite with all classes o: his, readers. 74. JAMES T. SHADY. James T. Brady, one of the most eminent and accomplished of New York lawyers, was born in the city of New York, April 9, 1815, of Irish parentage. His addresses and orations are characterized by all the wit and eloquence of his gifted race. He received a liberal education, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1835. Commencing ics practice in New York, it gradually increased until it rose to be among the most lucrative and influential of the distin- guished lawyers of the day. In addressing a Jury he was generally successful in gaining their entire confidence and respect ; and the Judges were equally influenced by his logic and legal acumen. Associate counsel of the late Daniel Webster in the great India Rubber case between Day and Goodyear, he received from that eminent statesman and jurist the highest encomiums for the able manner in which he had assisted in conducting the suit. He early identified himself with the Democratic party ; and, about the year 1845, was regarded as among the most influential of its active leaders in the city of New York. Holding the office of Counsel to the Corporation for several years, he retired from it with honor to himself and credit to the city. Popular and eloquent as a public speaker, Mr. Brady was constantly the champion of popular rights and philanthropical movements, and was always distinguished for his boldness and fearlessness in discussing public men and measures. Never a seeker for office, he was always enabled to hold an independent position either in his own party or toward his opponents. Early obtaining popularity as a public orator, Mr. Brady had the happy faculty of swaying the " Fiery Democracy " either in its turbulence or sympathy. Gifted with this power in voice, manner, and person, the announcement of his name, when he took a more active part in politics, would fill a large hall to overflowing, and possessed the most magical in- fluence. Ever just in his convictions, his detestation of oppression did not leave him in sympathy with turbulence and disorder ; and, actuated by these principles, he was one of the most influential in suppressing the riots of July, 1863. Outside of his professional and political life, Mr. Brady was peculiarly amiable, and exceedingly fond of social enjoyments. He idolized the children of his sisters, and was always happy in winning the confidence and esteem of the little ones. He never married, but, like Washington Irving, cherished fondly the memory of one, from whom death had separated him. Yet in the prime of life, with a vigorous frame and a powerful intellect, Mr. Brady was struck with paralysis ; and, after lingering a few days under that terrible malady, died February 9, 1869, in New York City. 75. HENBY J. EAYMOND. Henry Jarvis Raymond, the founder of The New York Times, was bona In Lima, Livingston County, New York, January 24, 1820. The son of the proprietor of a small farm, he early assisted in its labors ; but, while still young, he entered the Academy of Lima, and in the winter of 1835-30, taught a district school. He graduated at the University of Vermont in 1840, when he repaired to New York ; and, after studying law for a year in the office of Edward W. Marsh, he maintained himself by teaching the classics in a young ladies' seminary and by contributions to the New York press. He was connected with the New York Ti ibune upon its establishment, in April, 1841 ; and, in the capacity of Assistant Editor, distinguished him- i self by great ability as a Reporter, an art then in its infancy in the United States. Accepting an offer from General James Watson Webb, of a position on the New York Courier and Enquirer, he relinquished it in 1851. Some four years previously he had formed a literary connection with the publish- ing house of Harper & Brothers, which continued uninterrupted for ten years. The social doctrines of Fourier finding at this time a zealous champion in Horace Greeley, Mr. Raymond entered into a prolonged and spirited controversy with Mr. Greeley respecting them — ^which controversy was sub- sequently published in a pamphlet edition, and attracted, from the ability displayed on both sides, very general public attention. Elected in 1849 to the State Legislature, he soon became prominent as a ready debater and legislator. Re-elected in 1850, he was chosen Speaker of the Assembly. During this session he advocated vigorously the Common School System and the Canal policy of the State. The adjournment of the Legislature found Mr. Raymond in impaired health, for the benefit of which he sailed to Europe. Returning in August, he published, September 18, 1851, the first number of The New York (daily) Times, a journal which has continued to grow in public respect and confidence from the great ability displayed in its editorial management. Acting as a substitute for a regular delegate to the Whig National Con- vention at Baltimore in 1852, he addressed that body, against violent oppo- sition, in defense of Northern sentiment. Nominated, in 1854, by the Whig, Anti- Nebraska, and Temperance Conventions, he was elected, over two competitors, by a large majority, Lieutenant-Governor of the State. Taking an active part in the organization of the Republican party, caused by the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, he drew up the " Address to the People," submitted by its first National Convention, held at Pittsburg in February, 1856. During the Presidential canvass which followed, he made numerous public speeches in favor of General Fremont, its candidate. His term of service as Lieutenant-Governor of the State, expiring Decem- ber 31, 1857, Mr. Raymond declined, the same year, to be a candidate for the Gubernatorial office. Entering energetically into the Presidential can- vass of 18(i0, he took a prominent position both in his journal and in public addresses, in favor of Abraham Lincoln's election, and sustained throughout a zealous prosecution of the war against the seceding States. Governor Raymond was subsequently elected to Congress, and in that body maintained an influential position from his ability as a debater and an able legislator. A popular speaker and a practical writer, he could not fail to wield a great power by the combined strength of the forum and the press. 76. HIRAM WALBRIDGE. ITiram Walbridge was born in Ithaca, Tompkins County, State of New York, February 2d, 1821. He commenced life by learning the trade of a machinist, but subsequently received a collegiate education at the Ohio University, in which State he had previously taken up his residence. Leaving the University with a mind well s ored with practical as well as theoretical knowledge, he took a special interest in the military affairs of the S ate, and at the early age of twenty-three was elected Brigadier- General of the Ohio Militia. Removing to New York City he, entered into the mercantile business and soon became one of the most active commer- cial men of the Metropo is. In 1853 he represented that class of its citi- zens in the Congress of the United States, where he exhibited a clear ap- preciation of our commercial importance and contributed greatly to the promotion of our Ocean marine by his wise councils and devotion to its interests. So prominent had he become in his endeavors to build up our com- mercial and maritime interests that he was elected President of the Com- mercial Convention, held in Detroit, Michigan, in the year 18G5, and the City of New York found in him a true representative in that Convention. In 1861, General Walbridge having always been connected with the Democrat c party, left it, and became the independent Republican candi- date for Congress in opposition to Fernando Wood, the Democratic candi- date. It is still well remembered how he stumped his district with his six-horse team and brass band, haranguing the people from every corner. Although he put forth extra efforts he was not able to defeat his opponent in that Democratic stronghold. During the Rebellion, General Walbridge was a firm supporter of the Union and the Administration, and contributed by his voice and influence to the diffusion of that liberal and patriotic sentiment which encouraged enlistments. In the Presidential canvass of 1868. he took an active interest in the election of General Grant for the President of the United States, and in the success of the Republican party, General Walbridge is still engaged in many enterprises more or less of a p ib.ic nature, and to show in how high an estimation his commer- cial {services and talents are held by the mercantile community, he was brought iorward by them as a candidate for the very important office, Col- lector of Customs of the Port of New York in the spring of 1869, but his senior, an old, tried merchant of New York, Mr. Grinnell, received the appointment. Notwithstanding his failure to obtain this position, he is undoubtedly destined to fill some appropriate place lor his peculiar talents r.t tome fiuure ("a". A 77. GEOKGE B. McOLELLAN. General George B. McClellan was born in Philadelphia, December 3, 1826. He entered the military academy at West Point in 1842, grad- uated in 1840, and was immediately called into active service as Second Lieutenant of a company of sappers and miners, which sailed for Mexico on the 24th of September, with orders to report to General Taylor at Camargo, by whom he was ordered to proceed to Matamoras. Great praise was bestowed upon him for the amount and excellence of the work done in this part of Mexico. From Tampico they went to Vera Cruz, where Lieutenant McClellan was engaged in the most severe duties — in opening paths and roads to facilitate the investment, and lighten the toil and hardship of the trenches, which was always done with intelligence and zeal. On the 20th of August, 1847, he distinguished himself at the battle of Churubusco, for which he was promoted to First Lieutenant; at Molino del Rey and Chapultepec, his gallantry secured him the additional rank of Captain by brevet. The following year he assumed command of the sappers and miners, which position he held until 1851, in the autumn of which year he super- intended the building of Fort Delaware. In 1852 he was assigned to duty in the expedition that explored the Red River ; and also served as an Engi- neer upon some explorations in Texas. In 1853 he aided in surveying the Northern route of the Pacific Railroad, for which he was highly complimented by the Secretary of War, Jefferson Davis. Shortly after, he was sent on a secret mission to the West Indies, and on his return, in 1855, received a Captaincy in the United States Cavalry; and, the same year, was sent, in company with Captain R. E. Lee, to watch the progress of the Crimean War, and perfect themselves in tht» art. In 1857 he resigned, and accepted the position of Vice-President of the Illinois Central Railroad, which office he held for three years, when he accepted the Presidency of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. On the breaking out of the Rebellion, Ohio immediately made him Major-General of her militia, which he organized quickly and thoroughly ; and, on the 14th of May, was assigned to the Department of Ohio, as Major- General in the United States Army. Then followed his campaign in West Virginia, and victories of Rich Mountain and Philippi. November 1, 1801, he was appointed to succeed General Scott as General-in-Chief of the United States Armies. He organized the army with great ability ; but when the advance took place, in March, 1802, he was restricted to the command of the Army of the Potomac. He first invested Yorktown, where he exhibited extraordinary engineering skill, and which soon fell into his hands. He subsequently con- ducted the campaign of the Peninsula, reaching James River on the 2d of July; and, in the middle of August, conducted the army back to Washing- ton, where, for several days, he held command of the Washington fortifica- tions. At the close of Pope's campaign, he resumed his old command, and fought the battle of Antietam. On November 7, he was relieved by Gen- eral Burnside. He was the Democratic candidate ior President of the United States in 1804, and resigned his commission in the fall of that year. He has since been travelin ■*• in Europe. ze< 78. JOHN C. FREMONT. General John C. Fremont was born in Savannah, Georgia, January 21, 1813. His father was French, and his mother a Virginia lady. At fifteen years of age he entered Charleston College, S. C, where he made rapid progress, graduating at seventeen. For three years he was employed as Instructor in Mathematics in various schools in Charleston, and as Practical Surveyor. In 1833 he was appointed Teacher of Mathematics on hoard the United States sloop-of-war Natchez, and made a cruise of two years and a half in that vessel. From this time until 838 he was employed as Engineer on the Charleston and Augusta Railroad. In 1838 he accompanied M. Nicollet, to explore the country between the Missouri and the British line, and assisted in preparing the maps and report of the exploration, when he was appointed Second Lieu- tenant, United States Topographical Engineers. In 1842 he applied for and obtained an order to explore the "Wind River Peak of the Rocky Mountains. He left the mouth of the Kansas Riv^r, June 10, and proceeded up the Piatt River and its tributaries to the South Pass, which was carefully examined. Thence he proceeded to the Wind River Mountains, the loftiest peak of which was ascended, and returned to Kansas, October 10. His report was laid before Congress in the winters of 1842-43. Humboldt praised it, and the London Athenewn pronounced it one of the most perfect productions of its kind. He again, .n May, 1843, set, out with twenty-five men, to find a new route across the Rocky Moun- tains, and for nearly a year was lost to the world, suffering unheard-of hard- ships in the snow-clad mountains, planting the flag of his country upon their highest peak, discovering the Great Salt Lake, Sierra Nevada, the valley of the Sacramento, and establishing the geography of the Western portion of the continent. For this service he was breveted Captain in 1845, when he set out on his third expedition, which resulted in giving California to the United States. Arriving in California, he became in- volved with the Mexican Governor of that State ; and, with the aid of a few Americans, defeated the Mexican forces, raised the Independent Be&r Flag, and was elected Governor by the settlers, which election was ratified by Commodore Stockton. He was afterward made a victim of a quarrel between General Kearney and the Commodore, and dismissed the service. The President reinstated him ; but Fremont would not accept "mercy." He resigned his commission, returned to California, making his home on the Mariposa, and was elected its first Senator. In 1853 he set out to complete, at his own expense, the survey of the direct line for the Pacific Railroad. In 1856 he was unanimously nominated as a candidate for President of the United States by the Republican Con- vention, but was defeated by James Buchanan. Being in Paris at the breaking out of the Rebellion, he purchased a quantity of arms for the United States Government with his own private credit, and brought them with him. On his arrival, a Major-General's com- mission awaited him, and he was assigned to the Western Military Depart- ment, where he arrived, July 25, 1861. He at once set vigorously to work organizing an army, fortifying St. Louis, and diatting plans for a Western campaign. He continued in this- Department until November 2, during which he issued his celebrated proclamation freeing the slaves of Rebels within his command. He afterward distinguished himself in the Shenandoah valley in various battles with "Stonewall" Jackson; but his political prom.n n.e making him a victim of jealousy and intrigue, he left the service, o uuo 27. io#, and resigned his commission in May, 1804- '79. WILLIAM T. SHEEMAN. General "William T. Sherman was born in Lancaster, Ohio, in 1820; graduated at West Point, in 1840; and, in the same year, was appointed Second Lieutenant of the Third Artillery. He served in California during the Mexican War; was breveted Captain, in 1850 ; but, in 1853, resigned his commission, and engaged in business in San Francisco. In 1858 he became President of the Louisiana Military Academy, but resigned his position at the outbreak of the Rebellion. In June, 1861, he was commissioned Colonel of the Thirteenth Regular Infantry, and was subsequently appointed Brigadier- General of Volunteers. He participated in the first battle of Bull Run, and in the ensuing autumn and winter was in Kentucky and Missouri. In the spring of 1862 he commanded a division in Grant's army, and dis- tinguished himself at the battle of Shiloh, earning thereby his promotion to Major-General of Volunteers. He made an unsuccessful attack on Vicksburg in December, 1862, and took part in the subsequent campaign against that place under Grant. He accompanied General Grant to Chattanooga, was placed in command of the Department of Tennessee, and aided materially in the success of Grant's movements against Bragg in that vicinity ; after which, ho marched to the relief of General Burnside at Knoxville, who was besieged by General Longstreet, compelling that General to raise the siege, and retreat to the borders of Virginia. Early in 1864 General Sherman conducted a successful raid through Southern Mississippi and Alabama, where he made the most complete de- struction of railroads ever performed, destroyed the arsenal at Mer id ian, which was filled with valuable stores and machinery, and burned a large number of Government warehouses filled with stores and ammunition, besides destroying depots, bridges, and rolling stock ; after which, he retraced his steps to the Mississippi, with over eight thousand liberated slaves and an immense amount of spoils. His whole loss in the raid was less than two hundred. In March, 1864, Grant, then recently appointed Lieutenant-General and Commander-in-Chief, turned over to Sherman the command of the Military Division of the Mississippi, who soon after commenced his successful cam- paign against Atlanta, during which he fought the series of battles from Chattanooga to that place, driving General J. E. Johnston before him, and succeeded in obliging Hood, who had superseded Johnston, to evacuate Atlanta, September 1, 1864. In the succeeding November, after driving Hood into Northern Alabama, General Sherman commenced his triumphant march through Georgia, and reached Savannah, which he captured in December. Thence he marched North to Goldsboro', North Carolina, near whi^ r place he received the surrender of General J. E. Johnston's army, Ap~\l ati, 1865. He was soon after appointed to the command of the Milit/»-~j Division of the Mississippi, and subsequently transferred to the v . _oi,ern Division, which position he now holds. In June, 1868, he was made Lieutenant-General, Grant having been raised to General. 2 S 80. JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON. General Joseph E. Johnston was born in Prince Edward County, Virginia, about the year 1808. G-reat attention was paid to his early education, which he received in Abingdon district. In 1829 he graduated at West Point with great credit, and was immedi- ately assigned to the Fourth Artillery as Brevet Second Lieutenant. He remained there until 1836, when he was appointed First Lieutenant. In 1838 he was appointed First Lieutenant of Topographical Engineers ; and, in that capacity, served through the Florida War, where he greatly distinguished himself by his coolness and bravery. February 16, 1847, he was breveted Lieutenant-Colonel of Voltigeurs, and sailed with the expedition of General Scott to Mexico, where, on the advance to Cerro Gordo, he made a most daring reconnoissance, and where he was severely wounded. He distinguished himself at Molino del Rey, and was again wounded at Chapultepec. At the close of the Mexican War he was retained as Captain in the Topo- graphical Engineers ; and, at a later date (1855), was made full Colonel in the Regular Army. In June, 1860, he was placed at the head of the Quar- termaster's Department, with the rank of Brigadier-General. When Virginia seceded he felt bound to join the service of his native State, when he was appointed to a high command by Governor Letcher, and afterward was commissioned Major-General in the Confederate army, with command of the Army of the Shenandoah, where he acted against Patterson, whom he eluded, and arrived at the first battle-field of Bull Pun in season to turn the scale of battle against the Federals. He subsequently com- manded at Richmond in the early part of the Peninsular campaign, and was severely wounded at Fair Oaks, after which he was assigned to the Trans-Mississippi Department, where, in attempting to succor General Pem- berton at Vicksburg, he encountered General Grant at Jackson, was defeated, and forced to evacuate that city. In January, 1864, General Johnston took command of the Army of Ten- nessee (General Bragg having been removed), and contested General Sher- man's advance into Georgia in a series of battles, among which the most severe were at Resaca and around Dallas, Altoona, and the Kenesaw Moun- tains, all of which he conducted with great skill, but was obliged to retreat before the superior force of Sherman to Atlanta, when he was superseded by General Hood, in obedience to a popular clamor against what was called his Fabian policy of retreat. From this time until February, 1865, he was virtually retired from the army, when public opinion had begun to set in strongly in favor of his restoration, and he was reinstated and placed in command of the forces in North Carolina, in place of Beauregard, who continued to serve under his old commander. He concentrated his forces at Raleigh, where he prepared to resist the advance of Sherman from Savannah ; and, by the time Sherman vrrived, had made up an army sixperior to his in cavalry, and formidable snough in artillery and infantry to make it incumbent upon Sherman to move with caution, and to afford, a prospect of being able to resist his pro- gress ; but, on the 26th of April, 1865, after being driven back beyond Goldsboro', and hearing of Lee's surrender to Grant, he capitulated on the same terms to General Sherman. p 81. JOHN A7 LOGAN. General John A. Logan was born in Jackson County, Illinois, February 19, 1826. He was early thrown on his natural resources of energy for suc- cess in life, and received a good common school education. When the war with Mexico occurred, he entered the army as private, was elected a Lieu- tenant of a company of the First Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, and was made Quartermaster of his regiment. Returning home on the close of the war, he was elected County Clerk of Jackson County in 1849, but resigned, and commenced the study of law in 1850. Having graduated at the Louis- ville University, he was admitted to the bar in 1852, and the same year was elected to the State Legislature of Illinois, where he acquired distinction. In 1853 he was appointed Prosecuting Attorney of the Third Judicial Circuit ; in 1856 was a Presidential Elector ; and the same year was again elected to the Legislature. In 1858 he was elected a Representative from Illinois to the Thirty-Sixth Congress, and, in 1860, was re-elected. On the breaking out of the Rebellion he resigned his seat in Congress, and entered the Union army as Colonel, distinguishing himself by his great bravery at the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. Returning to Illinois in August, he organized the Thirty-First Regiment of Illinois Volunteers. His regiment participated in the battle of Belmont in November, 1861, and, also, at the capture of Fort Henry. He took an active part in the capture of Fort Donaldson, and was wounded in the left arm. Commissioned a Brigadier-General of Volunteers, March 24, 1862, he reported to General Grant, and, after participating in the siege of Corinth, he was placed in command of the United States forces at Jackson. He com- manded a division of the right wing in the movements into Mississippi in December, 1862, and subsequently held one in the Seventeenth Corps, under General McPherson. In the spring of 1863 he was confirmed a Major-General of Volunteers, with rank from November 9, 1862, and distinguished himself with General Grant in his rapid march from Grand Gulf to Jackson, in May, 1863, when, continually in the advance, he occupied the Mississippi capital. He participated prominently in the battle of Champion Hills, and was equally distinguished at the storming of Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. On the surrender of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863, Genaral Logan's command occupied the surrendered city, an honor bestowed upon his gallant corps for its dis- tinguished services, and he was made Military Governor. Returning North, General Logan took an active part in all the political questions growing out of the war, addressing public meetings throughout the country, and was again elected Representative to Congress, in 1866, where he participated in the debates on Reconstruction, and was chosen one of the Managers on the part of the House in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson. The great organization which constitutes the " Grand Army of the Repub- lic" selected General Logan as its Chief ; and in that capacity, with hia political prominence, he is one of the most influential men of the country. 82. ROGER A. PRYOR. Roger A. Prtor was born in Dinwiddle County, Virginia, July 19,1828, and graduated at Hampton Sidney College and tue University of Virginia, in 1845. He adopted the profession of the law, commencing practice in Char- lotteville, Virginia, but relinquished it on account of his health, and in 1851, became an Editor in Petersburg. He was early drawn into politics in which he took an active and con- spicuous part. In 1852 Mr. Pryor connected himself with the "Washington Union'' as a writer, but relinquished his position on account of a difference with the Administration in respect to our relations with Russia, Mr. Pryor being pro Russian in his sentiments. In 1853 he joined the "Richmond En- quirer," which he edited. In 1855 he was appointed by President Pierce a special commissioner to Greece to adjust certain difficulties wi h that coun- try, originating in the persecution of the Rev. Dr. King, an American Mis- sionary, which he successfully settled. On his return he established a polit- ical journal called the "South," which stopped in eighteen months, and was afterwards connected for four months with the " Waslrngton States." In 1859 he was elected Representative to the thirty sixth Congress, and was re-elected to the thirty-seventh Congress, but was among those who were prominent in the secession movement. He was a member ©f the Provisional Congress of the Southern Confederacy and was conspicuous among those who aided in the formation of the New Government. He was elected to the regular Congress of the Secession States, but resigned his position to enter the Confederate Army and was appointed a Colonel. He was promoted to a Brigadier-General and served in the Army of Northern Virginia until 1864, when, resigning his rank on account of a differ- ence with Jefferson Davis, he served as a private until the end of the war. Removing to New York City, in 1865, he settled as a Lawyer and at once took a prominent position at the bar, where he has advanced to distinction and a lucrative practice. In Congress Gen. Pryor was distin- guished as a ready debater and took a lead'ng part in all the stormy legis- lation preceding the war. Eschewing politics since, he has devoted himself exclusively to his profession, and, making numerous friends among his new associates, both in find out of his profession, Gen. Pryor has a fair field before him of f iture promotion and distinction. 83. RICHARD TAYLOR. General Richard Taylor (popularly known in the late war as " Dick" Taylor, of the Confederate service), was the son of General Zachary Taylor, the tenth President of the United States, and was born in Louisiana about the year 1822. The son of a President of the United States, he also had the peculiar fortune of being the brother-in-law of the President of the Southern Confederacy. He first distinguished himself in " Stonewall Jackson's " famous campaign in the valley of Virginia, when, at Port Republic, the Louisiana Brigade, commanded by General Taylor, decided the day by an attack upon the Federal artillery, which was taken in response to Jackson's stern command, " That battery must be taken !" With the rank of Major-General, he was afterward transferred to another field of operations, and placed in command of the District of Louisiana. Here transpired the chief interest of his military life, in its remarkable connection with the city of New Orleans, which he indulged the hope of relieving or capturing. Engaging actively in the campaign in the La Fourche country in the sum- mer of 1863, General Taylor captured Brashear City and its forts. This position, with that of Thibodeaux, placed him in command of the Mississippi River above New Orleans. The unexpected fall of Vicksburg, involving so many other operations, proved equally disastrous to General Taylor's place ; and, exposing Port Hudson, compelled it also to surrender, rendering General Taylor's position in the La Fourche country still more hazardous. Unable to hold it with a force of only four thousand men, he was compelled to abandon it. In the famous Red River campaign in the spring of 1864, acting under the orders of General E. Kirby Smith, he encountered the army of General Banks, moving from Alexandria, and gained, it is claimed by the Confed- erates, two of the most important victories of the war. The battle of Pleasant Hill being won, General Taylor favored the pur- suit of the Federal troops with the view of the destruction of Banks and Porter, and then rapidly opening the way to New Orleans. The views of General Taylor, indulged from a romantic and brilliant point, were not sympathized in by the Commander-in-Chief, so they were abandoned, much to his disappointment. Banks escaped before any concentration could be formed against him, although Taylor, with a small force, was in hot pursuit. Promoted to Lieutenant-General, he was transferred east of the Missis- sippi, and placed in command of the Department of the Southwest, com- prising East Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Surrendering this command to General Canby on the 4th of May, 1865, General Taylor's military career ended with the end of the Confederacy. . / 84. SILAS H. STRINGHAM. Admiral Stlas Horton Stringham was born in Middletown, Orange County, New York, November 7, 1798. He entered the navy as Midshipman in 1810, and served in the frigate President, then under command of Com- modore Rodgers, being on board during the fight with the Little Belt and the Belvidere — British vessels. In 1815 he was in Commodore Decatur's squadron, and took part in the Algerine War. In 1816 young Stringham distinguished himself by the rescue of part of the crew of a French brig at Gibraltar. He served as Lieutenant in 1819, on board the Cyane, which conveyed the first settlers to the Colony of Liberia. Here he went on an expedition after slavers, and captured four, was made Prize-Master, and sent home with his prizes. In 1821 he was promoted to a First Lieutenancy ; and, in the Hornet, on the West India station, aided in the capture of a notorious pirate and slaver. From 1825 to 1829 he was on duty at the Brooklyn Navy- Yard ; then sailed, as First Lieutenant .of the Peacock, to search for the Hornet, sup- posed to have been lost near Tampico ; was transferred to the Falmouth, and returned to New York in 1830. For the next five years he was engaged on shore duty. In 1835 he was ordered to the command of the sloop-of-war John Adams, then in the Mediterranean squadron ; and, in 1837, was appointed second in command of the Brooklyn Navy- Yard. In 1842 he was ordered to the razee Independence; and, in the following year, was assigned to the command of the Brooklyn Navy-Yard. In 1846 he took command of the ship-of-line Ohio, and was engaged in the capture of Vera Cruz. After various important services, in 1861, on the breaking out of the Rebellion, he was appointed Flag-Officer of the Atlantic blockading squadron, and ordered to the Minnesota. He commanded the joint expedition which captured Forts Hatteras and Clark, August 27 and 28. On September 23 he was relieved from his command at his own request ; and, A\igust 1, 1862, was made a Rear-Admiral, and placed on the retired list. Since that period, Admiral Stringham has been in the enjoyment of a well-earned repose. His long and arduous life of patriotic service is grate- fully remembered by his country, and he lives a noble example of the honors of a well-spent life, spared by an all-wise and over-ruling 1 power to remind us how faithfully we ought to cherisn the memory of those devoted spirits which are now translated to higher and more glorious spheres of existence as the reward of their fidelity and truth. l~p> & 85. S. F. DUPONT. Admiral S. F. Dupont was born at Bergen Point, New Jersey, Sep- tember 27, 1803. In 1815, when but twelve years of age, he was commis- sioned by President Madison a Midshipman in the United States navy, and sailed on his first cruise, in 1817, on board the frigate Franklin, under Commodore Stewart. Owing to the peaceful relations subsisting between the United States and other powers, the duties of his profession were of no special importance. He, however, showed himself an active and able officer in whatever capacity employed, and experienced a fair proportion of sea service. In 1845, being then a Commander, he was ordered to the command of the frigate Congress, under Commodore Stockton, and was on the California coast at the commencement of the war with Mexico. He was soon after put in command of the Gyane, and took a conspicuous part in the conquest of Lower California. In 1856, Dupont attained to the rank of Captain, and, in the succeeding year, was placed in command of the steam- frigate Minnesota, which conveyed Mr. Reed, the American Minister, to China; and, after visit- ing Japan and the coast of Southern Asia, returned to the United States in 1859. In January, 1861, he was appointed to the command of the Philadel- phia Navy- Yard. At the breaking out of the Rebellion it was determined by the Govern- ment to occupy one or more important points on the Southern coast, where the blockading squadron or cruisers of the Government might resort for shelter or supplies, or' rendezvous for expeditions; and to Captain Dupont was intrusted the selection of such a place. The harbor of Port Royal, on the coast of South Carolina, was fixed upon ; and, during the summer of 1861, preparations for a joint naval and military expedition thither were vigorously pursued. On the 29th of October the whole fleet of over fifty sails stood out to sea. After encountering a furious gale, which dispersed the vessels in all directions and caused the loss of several transports, the greater number arrived off Port Royal, November 4, when a recon- noissanoe discovered that Hilton Head and Bay Point were protected by works of great strength, scientifically constructed, and mounted with guns of heavy calibre. After a few days' preparation, they were attacked by the fleet on the morning of the 7th ; and, by two o'clock, the enemy were dis- covered in rapid flight from Fort Walker, which was taken possession of, and the next morning Fort Beauregard was also abandoned by its garrison. This victory excited universal enthusiasm throughout the loyal States, contributed to restore confidence, and increase the eclat which had attended the naval operations of the war. Commodore Dupont immediately took active measures to follow up this success, and his fleet was afterward busily employed in expeditions along the coast and in co-operation with the land forces under T. W. Sherman and Hunter. Apart from his sea service, and for the past quarter of a century, Admiral Dupont has been employed on shore in numerous important public duties requiring the exercise of high professional knowledge and experi- ence. He died at Philadelphia, June 2 ; , 1865. 2// 86. NATHANIEL B. FORREST. Lieut-General N. B. Forbest was born on the 13th day of July, 1821, at Chappil Hill, Bedford Co., Tennessee. Removing in 1834. with his father, William Forrest, to Mississippi, he settled in that State. Amassing a con- siderable fortune in various pursuits, the breaking out of the war found him a successful planter on the Mississippi Bottom. Entering the Confederate service as a private soldier, he soon obtained the authority to raise a Regiment of Cavalry which he commanded with distinguished gallantry at Fort Donelson. Subsequently accompanying Gen. A. S. Johnston in his retreat to the Tennessee River he was with him at the Battle of Shiloh, where, rendering distinguished service, he was severely wounded. Acting in co-operation with John Morgan, when that General made his raid into Kentucky to operate on the communications of Gen. Grant's Army in Mississippi, Forrest, with a cavalry force, marched to oppose those of Gen. Rosencranz, in Tennessee. Crossing the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, Forrest captured Mc- Minnville, surprised the garrison of Murfreesboro, taking prisoner Gen, Crittenden and capturing a force of 2000 infantry. Gen. Bragg's Army advancing from Chattanooga towards Kentucky, Forrest was sent again to Middle Tennessee. Forrest's Cavalry covering the whole front of the Confederate Army, constant engagements were fought between them and the Federals. Col. Straight, the active Federal commander, disembarking a select Brigade in the neighborhood of Tuscumbia, Alabama, Forrest marched rapidly with a force of 1500 men to the Tennessee River. After 48 hours of rapid pursuit he overtook the Federal rear-guard in the mountains. Bring- ing his antagonist to bay, Straight made his disposition for battle. Forrest demanding his surrender, Straight, believing himself overwhelmed by a superior force, surrendered to his invincible enemy. Gen. Van Dorn dying. Forrest was placed in command of the whole Cavalry corps of the Army of the Tennessee. At the Battle of Chicamaugua his command occupied the extreme right of Bragg's line of battle. After many other achievements and his success- ful expedition to Paducah, Gen. Forrest appeared before Fort Pillow on the Mississippi. This fort, garrisoned by negro troops surrendered after terrible slaughter, April 12, 1864. Its capture covered the name of Gen. Forrest throughout the North with great ignominy from his alleged merciless mas- sacre of the colored soldiers after their surrender. 87. JEFFEKSON THOMPSON. Jefferson Thompson was born in Virginia, but, when a youth, emi- grated to Missouri. Engaging in commercial and speculative enterprises, generally so rife in the West, he succeeded in gathering together a comfort- able competency. The great Rebellion coming upon Missouri, as upon the whole country, found the inhabitants of that State in a more unfortunate position than those of the more interior States. A border State, rent asunder by factions and overrun by desperate border ruffians before the war, during the war its inhabitants were divided in implacable hostility as Union men and seces- sionists. This state of affairs found Jefferson Thompson, the plain country Mer- chant and land speculator, in the peaceful pursuit of his profession. Answering the call of his country, as he fondly imagined, he joined the motly crowd which formed the famous army of General Sterling Price. After many severe battles, in which he displayed that native daring for which he is distinguished, Jefferson Thompson was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-G-eneral. With a marvelous adaptation which seems to have been inborn, Jefferson mastered the most intricate and most delicate part of the military art — namely, the issuing of orders. These he issued on all possible and impossible occasions. Undoubted in his courage, he seems to have envied the fame of Napoleon Bonaparte in issuing stirring appeals to his soldiers. The border Merchant transformed into the guerilla chieftain, he seemed to have been keeping a deadly account of the losses and gains of the great Rebellion. Eccentric, active, brave, all the time in motion, and advertising his movements in war as he would his business in peace, Jeff. Thompson kept his trade as a soldier all the time before the world as he would that of a trader before the public. Napoleon died in exile after losing Waterloo; but Jeff. Thompson, after issuing as many military orders as ever Napoleon did — and, but for certain failures, would have become as great a military genius — after the fall of the Confederacy, true to his pacific promises, retired to New Orleans^ and opened a grocery and commission store. t 88. WILLIAM J. HABDEE. General William J. Hardee was born in Savannah, Georgia, about the year 1817. He entered the military academy at West Point in 1834, aod graduated -with honor in 1838. He was then commissioned Second Lieutenant in the United States Dragoons, and was sent to Florida, where he served nearly two years. On the 3d of December, 1839, he was promoted to a First Lieutenancy, and was sent, by the Secretary of "War, to the cele- brated military school of St. Maur, in France. There, he was regularly attached to the cavalry department of the French army ; and, after com- pleting his studies, returned to the United States, bringing a nattering let- ter of recommendation from Marshal Oudinot to the Secretary of War at Washington. I Lieutenant Hardee's regiment was now stationed on the Western fron- tier, and quickly joining it, he soon became actively employed in defend- ing the advanced settlements from Indian depredations. On the 18th of September, 1844, he was promoted to Captain of Dragoons, and accompanied General Taylor across the Rio Grande, being, in the Mexican campaign, the first to engage the enemy, at a place called Curricitos, where, overwhelmed by superior numbers, he was taken prisoner; but was ex- changed in time to take part in the battle of Monterey. He afterward joined the forces of General Scott at Vera Cruz, and displayed great gallantry in an affair at Madelin, for which he was promoted to Major of Cavalry. After the close of the contest, Jefferson Davis, then Secretary of War, detailed him to prepare a system of Tactics, which were published as " Hardee's Tactics, or the United States Rifle and Infantry Tactics," in two volumes. On the completion of the work, in July, 1856, he was appointed Commandant of the Corps of Cadets at West Point, with local rank of Lieu- tenant-Colonel. He resigned his commission in the United States Army, January 31, 1861, and offered his services to the Confederate Government, was made a Brigadier-General, and was sent to Arkansas with his command. He was afterward sent to Kentucky, when he was appointed a Major-General ; and, on the 17th of December, 1861, fought the battle of Munfordsville, Ky. In 1862 he commanded a corps in General Polk's division, and participated in the battle of Shiloh, where his zeal and ability "was spoken of by Beaure- gard, in his official report. From this time, General Hardee's corps was, attached to Bragg's army, and accompanied it in all its movements, to the battle of Perryville. His conduct on this occasion, and throughout the campaign, procured him the appointment of Lieutenant-General. He took a conspicuous part in the battle of Murfreesboro', in December, 1862. In the month of July, 1863, he was assigned to duty in command of the department formerly held by General Pemberton, but was soon recalled to Bragg's army, and the Second Corps placed under him. The battles of Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, followed; and, finally, General Hardee was appointed to temporarily succeed Bragg in the general command. In May, 1864, General J. E. Johnston assumed full command of the army; and, in September, General Hardee was relieved at his own request, and appointed to the command of the Department of South Carolina. "When General Sherman advanced upon Savannah, General Hardee occupied that city, with fifteen thousand men ; but finding it vain to attempt resistance, he evacuated, it December 21, 1864, and retired into South Carolina. He after- ward held command under J. E. Johnston, in North Carolina, and was in- cluded in the surrender of that General, in April, 1865. 89. FRANCIS P. BLAIR, Jr. General Francis P. Blair, Jr., was born in Lexington, Kentucky, In 1821. He graduated at Princeton College, New Jersey, and settled in St. Louis, Mo., where he was the political associate of Thomas H. Benton, and was t among the first public men in Missouri to denounce the institution of \ slavery. His bold and fearless efforts did much to revolutionize public sen- * timent in St. Louis. In 1856 he was elected to Congress as a Republican, and was re-elected by increased majorities, in 1858 and 1860. Throughout these years, he continued earnestly to advocate Free Soil doctrines. At the commencement of the Rebellion, he was among the first to organize troops for the defense of St. Louis and Missouri ; and in conjunction with General Lyon, raised the forces known as the u Missouri Home Guards." He was made Colonel of the First Regiment, and assisted in the capture of Camp Jackson, near St. Louis, May 10, 1861. Colonel Blair also participated in the battle of Boone- ville, under General Lyon, June 17, 1861, and his regiment took a very active part in the battle of Wilson's Creek, where General Lyon was killed, August 10, 1861 ; but, in conseqence of his having to occupy his seat in the special session of Congress, Colonel Blair was not present during that action. During the session of 1861-62, he was Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, and, as such, did good service to the country. Upon the close of the session, he returned to Missouri, and commenced the organization of a regiment of artillery ; but afterward, at the request of the Secretary of War, he raised a brigade of infantry, of which he was placed in command, and commissioned a Brigadier-General in August, 1862. General Blair participated in the siege of Vieksburg, and greatly distin- guished himself. He also commanded his brigade in General Sherman's wing of McClernand's army during the capture of Fort Hindman, on the the Arkansas River, January 10 and 11, 1863. For gallantry displayed in these contests, General Blair was promoted to Major-General of Volunteers. During the remainder of the war, General Blair took an active part in nearly all the great battles of the West, and exhibited many high traits of general- ship. As soon as the war was over, he urged a liberal treatment oi the ex- Rebels. The Legislature of Missouri having passed a law disfranchising all who participated in the Rebellion, it was opposed by him as proscriptive and unconstitutional. With regard to the test oath, he absolutely refused to subscribe to it, and his vote was refused at the polls. For this act he brought a suit before the courts, lot the purpose of testing the law. The case is now before the Supreme Court of the United States. He gradually withdrew from the Republican party, ani denounced the Reconstruction laws of Congress as despotic. He opposed the policy of universal Negro suffrage, creating no little surprise, as contrasted with his former opinions, and showing how grently men's views chmge in the progress of events. In July, 1868, he was nominated by the Democratic party a candidate for Vice-President of the United States, but was defeated. 2 90. NATHANIEL P. BANKS. 11 Nathaniel P. Banks was born in Waltham, Massachusetts, January 30, 1816. His father was overseer in a cotton factory, and when he was j yet young, he became a " Bobbin boy." Some few months at school had . instilled into him a thirst for knowledge, and all his leisure hours were devoted to history, political economy, and the science of government. He afterward learned the machinest trade. During all this time, he was unremitting in his studies, and soon began to lecture before lyceums, temperance societies, and political assemblies. In 1840 he stumped the State of Massachusetts for the Democratic party. He became editor of a paper in Lowell ; and, under Polk's administration, received an office in the Boston Custom-House. For six years, he was a candidate for a seat in the Massachusetts Legislature, but was defeated each year. On the seventh, he was elected a Representative from Waltham. In 1850 he was simultaneously elected Senator from Middlesex, and a Representative from Waltham. He concluded to continue in the House, and was chosen Speaker. He held this position for two years. In 1852, Mr. Banks was elected to Congress, by the affiliation of the Democrats and Know-Nothings. He left the Democratic party in 1854, on the formation of the Republican party, and was by them again elected Representative to Congress, where he was chosen Speaker after a trial of nine weeks. In 1856 he was elected Governor of Massachusetts, and was re-elected in 1857 and 1858, during which time he administered the government of the State with eminent wis- dom, and to the entire satisfaction of all parties. Soon after the expiration of his third term, he removed to Illinois, where he became associated with the conduct of a railroad, and so continued until the war actually broke out. He was appointed Major-General of Vol- unteers, May 30, 1861, and took command of the Department of Annapolis, with headquarters at Baltimore, where he stopped one source of secession aid, by arresting Marshal Kane and his police board, whose quarters resem- bled, in some respects, a concealed arsenal. July 25 he took command of the Department of the Shenandoah ; and, on the 8th of February, 1862, General Banks commenced active operations by moving up the valley, driving the Rebels before him. He had advanced as far as Harrisonburg, when an order came to send a portion of his troops to McDowell, and retreat to Strasburg. He succeeded in reaching Wil- liamsport, without material disaster. On the 8th of August he successfully fought the Rebels under Jackson and Ewell, at Cedar Mountain, where his personal bravery and good management were conspicuous. In November, 1862, ho was sent to New Orleans to relieve General Butler, where he arrived December 17, 1862, and immediately sent out ex- peditions, took Baton Rouge, Port Hudson, Bate le Rose, Corpus Christi, and had numerous other engagements, some of which were defeats. He was superseded by General Canby, in May, 1S64; and, on the close of the war, having returned to Massachusetts, he was again elected Representative to Congress, which position he now holds. I ^ . 91. GEOEGE H. THOMAS. General GEORGE H. Thomas was born in Southampton County, Virginia, July 31, 1816. He received a good education, and commenced the study of law at the age of nineteen ; but his attention, from some cause, turning to military life, he received an appointment as Cadet in the West Point Military Academy, in 1830, and graduated in 1840, receiving a commission as Second Lieutenant in the Third Artillery. In November of the same year, he joined the army in Florida, when the Seminole War was in progress ; and, for gallant conduct in that war, he was breveted First Lieutenant. On the first indications of war with Mexico, he was ordered to Texas, and was with the first United States troops which occupied the soil of that State. He was left by General Taylor to garrison Fort Brown, opposite Matamoras, which was invested and bombarded by the Mexicans for about a week, when they withdrew, to reinforce General Ampudia at Resaca de la Palma. General Thomas served with General Taylor through the Mexican campaign, and was breveted Captain and Major for gallant conduct. In 1851 and 1852, he was Instructor of Artillery and Cavalry at West Point, and subsequently saw much active service in the West. In April, 1801, on the commencement of hostilities, he was assigned to duty at Carlisle, Pa., to remount his regiment, which had been dismounted by General Twiggs, and ordered out of Texas. He was promoted to Lieu- tenant-Colonel and Colonel of the Fifth United States Cavalry, and from May to August, was acting Brigadier-General, under Patterson and Banks. On the 17th of August, he was appointed Brigadier-General of Volunteers, and ordered to the Department of Kentucky, where he defeated Zollicoffer at Mill Spring, or Somerset, January 19, 1802. He was appointedMajor-General of Volunteers in April ; and, during the summer, commanded a wing of the Army of the Tennessee. He commanded the centre of the Army of the Cumberland at the battle of Stone River; participated in the advance upon, and occupation of, Chattanooga ; and, at the battle of Chickamauga, saved the Union army from destruction. In October, he was appointed to the Department of the Cumberland, assumed command of his troops at Chattanooga, and had an important share in the victory of November 24, at that place. He partici- pated in Sherman's campaign, ending in the capture of Atlanta, in Septem- ber, 1804, and was then ordered to Nashville, where, on December 15 and 16, he practically annihilated the army of Hood, jj£ a series of battles, which may be said to have ended the war in the West. He is now a Brigadier- General in the Regular Army, and commanded, at the ciose of the war, the Military Division of Tennessee. He now commands the Third Military District, under the Reconstruc- tion laws. V 92. HOEATIO SEYMOUR Horatio Seymour was born in Onondaga, County, New York, in 1811, of wealthy parents. He received a liberal education, studied law, was admitted to practice in Utica, N. Y., and became popular as an advocate. But he did not long pursue the profession, the death of his father having made him successor to a large estate, requiring his attention. Mr. Seymour's politics were inherited from his ancestors. He first appeared in political life as the Democratic candidate for Mayor of the city of Utica, in 1842, and was elected by a fair majority, though one of the strongest Whig localities. In the same year he was elected to the State Legislature, and served until 1845, when he declined a re-election. In 1850 he was a candidate for Governor of his native State, but was un- successful. In 1852 he was again a candidate for the same office, against the same opponent, Washington Hunt, and was elected by a large majority. His administration was distinguished by his veto of' the Maine Liquor Law bill, which had passed both houses of the Legislature. In 1854 he was again a candidate ; but, there being four in the field that year — two Demo- crats, "hard" and " soft shell," one Republican, and one Know-Nothing — the Republican, Mr. Clark, was elected by a small majority After his defeat, Mr. Seymour retired to private life, but still took an active part in politics. When the Rebellion broke out, he served as Chairman of the War Com- mittee, in his county, aiding in forwarding troops to the seat of war. In 1862 he was once more nominated for Governor, and was elected. During his administration, he had quite a warm controversy with the Gen- eral Government respecting the draft, by claiming that the quota of troops from the southern portion of the State was larger, in proportion to the voting population, than that of the northern. The matter was finally set- tled by a revision of the draft list. In 1803 the draft riots broke out in New York City, and Mr. Seymour addressed the rioters, urging them to disperse, promising to do all he could to stay the execution of the draft. In 1804 he was again a candidate for the office of Governor, but was defeated by Mr. Fenton ; and, in 1808, he was nominated by the Demo- cratic Convention, held in New York City, in July of that year, a can- didate for President of the United States, but was defeated by General Grant. In personal appearance, Mr. Seymour is quite dignified, and is said to be a very sociable and hospitable gentleman. As a public speaker, he is fluent, eloquent, and argumentative, and one of New York's most popular stump- orators. 93. FERNANDO WOOD. Fernando Wood, a Member of the United States Congress, and for three terms Mayor of the city of New York, was born in Philadelphia, in 1812, during the early part of the second war with England. Moving to New York, he engaged in commercial pursuits, and amassed, by his energy and talents for business, a handsome fortune. His political life commenced as a Member of Congress from one of the districts of the city of New York, having been elected for the term beginning with December, 1841, and ending March 3, 1843. Mr. Wood distinguished himself in Congress by taking a decided ground against any concessions growing out of our controversy with Great Britain, relative to the boundary line between Maine and Canada, that question then being an absorbing one in the public mind. Leaving Congress, he resumed his position as a merchant ; and, about the year 1848, was a candidate for the Mayoralty, but was defeated. Un- daunted, he ran again in 1854, and was elected for three successive years — 1855- T 57. If a debt of gratitude was due Mayor Wood for nothing else, it would be acknowledged for the energy and characteristic perseverance he displayed in securing to the city the Central Park. It was intended by the Board of Aldermen and Councilmen to limit the southern extent of the Park to Seventy-Second street, when Mayor Wood, on March 23, 1855, vetoed the resolution on the ground that, " though it proposed to take from the Central Park a portion of the area agreed upon, still it would be in effect a blow at the whole, and jeopardize the success of the most intelligent, philanthropic, and patriotic public enterprise which had been undertaken by the people of this city since the introduction of the waters of the Croton River." Being, ex officio, one of the Park Commissioners, he administered that office with ability during the period of his Mayoralty. Among the number of practical and beneficial reforms which he introduced was the organization of the Municipal Police. The action of the Legislature in 1857 changed this to the Metropolitan Police ; but it continued to retain, without municipal control, many of the efficient features which Mayor Wood introduced. Defeated in the election of December, 1857, by Mayor Tieman, Mr. Wood was triumphantly elected at the subsequent election, and occupied the Mayor's chair for 1860-'61. The Japanese Embassy and the Prince of Wales' visit ware two conspicuous events which transpired during the year 1860 of Mr. Wood's Mayoralty. On the 1st of January, 1862, Mr. Wood was succeeded by the Hon. George Opdyke, and in December following, he was elected to Congress for the term ending March, 1865. In tbe November election of 1868 he was triumphantly re-elected to Con- gress, with a combination of two opposing candidates in the field. Alternately victor or vanquished, Fernando Wood possesses a stamina and vitality of character which knows no such word as fail, and is a man to whom the public are indebted for many great reforms, and an example of public spirit and invincible energy. 94. JOHN B, HOOD. General John B. Hood was born in Bath County, Kentucky, June 29, 1831. He was educated at Mount Sterling, entered West Point Military Academy in 1849, and graduated in 1853, when he joined the Fourth Regi- ment of Infantry, with which he served nearly two years in California. In 1855 he was transferred to the Second Cavalry, and with this regiment did duty on the Western frontier of Texas, where in July, 1856, he was wound- ed in a fight with the Indians. It was here, no doubt, in the wild service of the Texan West, that in common with others who were employed in that service, he derived that boldness and dash so conspicuous in him during the rebellion. He resigned his commission in the U. S. army April 16, 1861, and entered the army of the South with the rank of first lieute- nant, with the order to report to General Lee early in May. He was then appointed captain of cavalry and sent to Magruder, then m command on the Peninsula, and took part in the battle of Great Bethel. On the 30th of September, 1861, he was ordered to Richmond, and received the rank of colonel of infantry, taking command of a regiment of Texas volunteers. When Senator Wigfall had to take his seat in the Confederate Con- gress on Mar>i 3d, 1862, Colonel Hood was assigned to his post with a brigadier's rank, and attached to Longstreet's corps. The first great fight in which Gen. Hood took a prominent part was the battle of Gaines' Mills, June 27, 1862, his brigade having been previously held in reserve, and placed where skirmishing or outpost work was carried on. Now, however, they were called upon to show of what stuff they were made, and a desperate part was assigned them. The federal batteries had to be charged, and when the word was given, Hood himself on foot, led them forward, and, with a wild shout, at a run, they rushed on, right into the redoubts and among the guns. A hand to hand conflict ensued. The result is known. For his gallantry on this occasion Hood was promoted to a major-general. From this time the movements of General Hood were bound up with the grand army under Lee, but we find honorable mention of him at the first and second invasion of Maryland, at Fredericksburg and at Gettys- burg, at which latter place he was wounded in the arm. He afterwards accompanied Longstreet into East Tennessee and on to reinforce Bragg, then preparing for the battle of Chickamauga, in which he took an active part, and in the engagement of the second day, September 20, 1863, he was again wounded, making amputation of his leg needful, it being terribly shattered- For his valuable services in this and other engagements, Hood was afterwards made a lieutenant-general. Six months elapsed before he could again take the field. On the 18th of July, 1864, General Johnston having been relieved of the command of the Army of Tennessee, General Hood was appointed in his place, and assumed command at Atlanta, Geo., which he evacuated September 1st, being flanked by General Sherman. In October he moved against Sherman's communications, and passing through Northern Ala- bama invaded Tennessee in the latter part of November. After the hard fought battle of Franklin he moved upon Nashville, where he was defeated by General Thomas December 15 and 16, 1864, and retreated into Missis- sippi with the remnant of his army, where he took leave of them, having been relieved of his command. * 1 95. JUDSON KILPATEICK. General Judson Kilpatrtck was born in New Jersey, January 14, 1836; graduated at West Point, in 1801 ; was commissioned a* Second Lieutenant of Company O ol tho First Regiment ol United States Artillery, May 6, 1861 ; and soon after wa* promoted to First Lieutenancy. Obtaining leave of absence, he accepted :t Captaincy in Duryea's Zouaves (Fifth New York Volunteers), and participated in the battle of JBi J Bethel, June 16, 1861, in which he was wounded. Recovering, ha was com- missioned Lieutenant-Colonel of the Harris Light Cavalry. Attached t> General McDowell's army, his regiment guarded the outposts of tho Firss Army Corps on the banks of the Rappahannock. Subsequently, he was commissioned Colonel of this regiment, and par- ticipated in the cavalry operations of the campaign of General Pope, in August, 1862. In the various operations of General Pleasanton, in tho Maryland campaign, he was actively engaged, as also at the time of tho advance of the Army of the Potomac to Falmouth, under General Burnside. At the last-named post he was particularly distinguished with his regiment for conspicuous gallantry. Upon the organization of the Cavalry Corps under General Stoneman, General Kilpatrick received the command of the First Brigade of the Third Division, and took part in the famous Stoneman raid, arriving at Louisa Court-House, Va., May 3, 1863. He detached his own regiment from the command ; and, through all the subsequent movements, led it in person to Gloucester Point, opposite Yorktown, marching nearly two hundred miles in less than five days. The expedition was attended with marked success, capturing over three hundred men. Returning to the main army, then on the north side of the Potomac, by way of Urbana, he passed completely around the entire Rebel army. Previous to this, he had made three other raids, and was speedily promoted for his bravery. In June, 1863, he received the rank of Brigadier-General of Volunteers, and commanded subsequently a division of cavalry under General Pleasan- ton. June 17, 1863, he conducted the battle of Aldie, and took part in those of Middleburg, June 21, and Hanover, July 1, of the same year. In the campaign in Pennsylvania, after General Meade had taken com- mand of the Army of the Potomac, General Kilpatrick was engaged in operations on the flanks of Lee's Rebel army. In this service he destroyed many trains, captured a number of prisoners, and otherwise dealt many blows to the enemy. On the 28th of February, 1864, he conducted a daring raid toward Richmond, having for its object the liberation of the Union prisoners con- fined in that city. He forced his way through the first and second lines of the enemy's works ; but the bridge over Brook Creek having been destroyed, and not being reinforced as he expected, he did not attempt the third, but moved off toward the Chickahominy, destroying a large amount of the enemy's property, and returned again in safety to the Union lines, having again passed entirley around Lee's army. He was afterward appointed to command a cavalry division in Sherman's army, and was with that General in his triumphant march through Georgia, and until the surrender of Johnston. At the close of this campaign, he was breveted Major-General of Volunteers ; and, at the end of the war, was appointed Minister to Chili. He returned on leave of absence in October, 1803, and took an active part in the Presidential canvass for Grant and Col- fax, when he infused into his political campar'gn much of the spirit aud e.ui.\,y whivih characterized his military operations. 3" 96. ROBERT C. SCHENCK. Robert C. Schenck was bom in Franklin, "Warren County, Ohio, Octo- ber 4, 1SU9. Receiving a liberal academical education, he entered Miami University, and graduated in 1827. He remained in this institution as tutor for one or two years afterwards, when he commenced the study of the law and was admitted to the bar in 1831. Settling in Dayton, Ohio, he entered upon the practice of his profession, in which he became eminently distinguished and successful. He commenced his political career in the exciting Presidential cam- paign of 1840, which elected General Harrison for President of the "United •States, and Mr. Schenck as Representative to the Ohio Legislature. Serving with satisfaction to his constituents he was re-elected in 1842. The ability displayed in the State Legislature caused his nomination and election as Representative to Congress in 1843. His peculiar fitness for this position, and his fidelity to his constituents, made him more popular than ever, and he was re-elected to the three successive Congresses, during which he served on many Committees, and during the Thirtieth Congress served as Chairman of the Committee on Roads and Canals. On his retirement from Congress he was appointed by President Filli- more, Minister to Brazil, and during his residence in South America he took part in negotiating a number of treaties. On his return to the United States in 1853, he became extensively engaged ia the Railway business in which he continued until the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1861, when he offered his services to the Governmenc and was commissioned Brigadier-General of Volunteers in the Union Army, serving during the Campaign of 1861 under McDowell. Being ordered to dislodge a force of the enemy at Vienna a few miles from Washington, he took the 1st Ohio Volunteers and on the 17th of June, pro- ceeded by the Alexandria Railroad, cautiously towards that place. On turning a curve in a deep cut, he was surprised by a volley of shot and shell from a battery. Leaving the cars with his Regiment he retreated under cover of the woods, until meeting reinforcements, when he returned and dislodged the enemy. He continued to serve during the Campaign of that year, and was pro- moted to Major-General of Volunteers, but being elected in 1862 to the Thirty-eighth Congress, he resinned his commission and took his seat in that body, serving as Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs. Re-elected to the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Congresses, he continued to serve as Chairman of the same Committee, distinguishing himself for eminent ability, sound statesmanship and patriotic energy. Mr. Schenck particularly exerted himself to establish the National Mili tary and Naval Asylum for the benefit of Disabled Soldiers and Seamen of the Army and Navy of the Unite 1 Sates. In 18G8 he w;is again a candid .te for Congress, his opponent being Mr. Clement C. Vallandigham A spirited contest ensued and Mr. Schenck was elected t_> the Forty-First Congress. 4. How to Read Characters A New Illustrated Hand-Book of Phrenology And Physiognomy, for the use of Students and Examiners ; -With a descriptive Chart and up- wards of 170 Engravings. Price, in muslin, $1.25 ; in paper, $1.00. One who wishes to get a practical knowledge of Phrenology and Physiognomy in the shortest possible time, and without burdening his mind with theoretical speculations, will find this just the Work he needs. It begins at the beginning ; describes the brain and the skull ; illustrates the temperaments ; shows how the organs are grouped together in I the cranium; points out the location and function of each organ, with the corresponding | physiognomical signs; gives practical direction for the cultivation or restraint, as may b e f necessary, of each organ. The practical application of the whole to the affairs of life — education, business, etc., is then pointed out ; and the mental organization required in each trade and protession described. It does not claim to be exhaustive : but we can con- fidently assert that so touch truly useful matter on the subjects treated, with so many fine illustrations, can nowhere else be found in the same small compass, or for so low a price. New Physiognomy. ; or, Signs of Character, as manifested through Temperament and external forms, and especially in the Human Face Divine. With more than 1,000 illus- trations. By S. B.. "Wells. 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A clear and succinct Exposition of the Rules and Methods of Fractiee by which Readiness in the Expression of Thought may be acquired, and an acceptable style, both in Composition and Gesture, obtained. $1.50 Life in the West; or, Stories of the Mississippi Valley. With List of Land Offices. Useful to all going West. By N. C. Meeker, Agricultural Editor of the New York Tribune. $2.00. jEsop's Fables. Elegantly Illustrated ; New Pictorial Edition j full of beautiful en- « gravings on tinted paper. A handsome present. Cloth, gilt, only $1.00. Pope's Essay on Man. With Note-. Beautifully Illustrated. Gilt, bevelled boards. Companion volume to the above. Best edition. Price $1 .00. Sold by all Newsmen and Booksellers. Sent by mail, prepaid, by the Publisher, on receipt of price. We have all works pertaining to that subject to which we are especially devoted \i namely, the " SCIENCE OF MAN." Including Phrenology, Physiognomy, Ethnology, Psychology. Physiology, Anatomy, Hygiene, Dietetics, Gymnastics, etc. Also all Standard Works on Phonography, Hydropathy, and the Natural Sciences, generally. Daclose stamps for Illustrated Catalogues, Terms to Agents, and Address, S. R. WELLS, Publisher, 389 Broadway, Nivt TorJc. 97. WILLIAM C. BEYANT. "William Cullen Bryant was born at Cummington, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, November 3, 1794. His father, who was a physician, observed the manifestations of young Bryant's genius as soon as he could read, and encouraged and trained it. At five years of age he wrote verses that were quite respectable ; and, at ten, his poetry was given to the world through the newspapers of his neighborhood. At thirteen he published a political satire called the " Em- bargo," which gained for him some applause, and soon passed into the second edition. He was not quite sixteen when he entered "Williams College in advance. Here he made rapid proficiency ; and, after remaining less than two years, he asked and obtained an honorable dismissal, that he might pursue the study of the law. In 1815 he was admitted to the bar, and opened an office at Plymouth, where, for ten years, he followed the tortuous course of legal practice, but at last gave it up for the more genial profession of literature. When he was nineteen, and while yet studying law, he published his *' Thanatopsis," " Entrance to the Woods," and several other pieces, in the North American Review. These publications brought the author into notoriety at once, and he was requested to deliver the poems before the Phi- Beta-Kappa Society of Harvard University. He removed to Great Barrington, where he married a young lady of that place in 1821, and, the same year, tmblished the volume entitled, " The Ages, and Other Poems." In 1825 he removed to New York, and became one of the editors of the New York Review. He published, in 1827, several poems and tales, which quickly became popular. From this point he went on successfully, writing in the chief periodical publications in connection with some of the leading American authors of his day. He then became one of the editors of The (New York) Evening Post, and his sweet voice, which, of yore, waked the echoes of the still evening and the green hills, begun to grow hoarse with the harsh epithets of the political arena, and the melodious days of this great bird of song seem here to have ended. In 1834-'35, and also in 1845, Mr. Bryant traveled in Europe, writing descriptions of what he saw for his journal in America. He again visited Europe in 1849, and, on his return, published his " Letters of a Iraveler," being a resume of his tours in Europe and this country. He has gaimed a high reputation by his poems ; and his political writings in favor of free trade and free discussion, and against monopolies of all kinds, are marked with clearness and vigor. He has labored earnestly to diffuse a taste for the fine arts in this country, and was President of the Apollo Association prior to its incorpor- ation as the American Art Union. Mr. Bryant, in his " Thanatopsis," has touched the chords of the human heart, making thetn vibrate to the innermost of man's being, and stirring up a consciousness of immortality within him, to which he was a stranger until that deep, solemn, and heavenly music was drawn from the " wondrou harp" of his existence by the magic wand of the poet. 98. SAMUEL P. HEINTZELMAN G-eneral S. P. Heintzelman was born at Manheim, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in 1806. He graduated at West Point in 1826, as Brevet Second Lieutenant. He became Captain, in 1833; Assistant Commissary, in 183G; and Assistant Quartermaster, in 1838. As Captain, he served in the Quartermaster's De- partment in Florida during the Creek War. In 1846 he was ordered to Mexico as Captain in his old regiment, the Second Infantry. Having acquitted himself with distinction at Huamautla, he was breveted Major in 1847. In 1848 he was ordered to California, and assigned to the command of the southern district of that State, where, for nearly three years, he acted against the hostile Indians of that country. From the close of 1831 to 1855, most or all of Heintzelman's time was passed at the most distant of all the army posts, at the confluence of the Gila and Colorado Rivers ; but in 1855 he returned East, and resided with his family at Newport, Ky., until 1857, when he was ordered to join his regi- ment, which was then serving in Texas under G-eneral Twiggs, where he distinguished himself in an action against Cortinas, a Mexican, who was ravaging the country about the Rio Grande, for which brilliant affair Gen- eral Scott asked for him a brevet. The treachery of General Twiggs surrendered the army in Texas on the 18th of February, 1861, to the Rebels, and the officers and men were paroled. Heintzelman escaped by having taken advantage of the retirement of his Lieutenant-Colonel to procure leave of absence, and arrived in Wash- ington in the spring of 1861. During all the portentous and despairing months that signalized the opening of the new administration, his acknowl- edged military ability and sterling loyalty made him the confidential adviser of many officers at Washington. In April he was stationed, for a short time, at Governor's Island, New York harbor. A day or two after the occupation of Arlington Heights, he received a commission as Colonel of the Seventeenth United States Infantry, and was assigned to the command of the forces at Alexandria. At the battle of Bull Run, on the 21st of July following, he commanded the extreme right wing of McDowell's army, and was wounded in the arm when leading the Brooklyn Fourteenth in a desperate effort to recover the lost fortunes of the field, remaining in the saddle for fifteen hours after, rallying his straggling troops in the best order he might, and slowly falling back on Alexandria. In October, 1861, he was made a Brigadier-General of Volunteers, and assigned to the left wing of the Army of the Potomac. On the bth of March, 1862, the army was reorganized, and formed into five corps, and Heintzelman took the Third. The history of this corps is a history of fighting. It was the first to land and the first to advance on Yorktown. On the 5th of May, Heintzelman fought the fiercely-contested battle of Williamsburg, General Sumner, his ranking officer, being but slightly engaged. He was afterward prominently engaged in all the battles of the Peninsula ; and, on arriving at Harrison's Landing, was promoted to Major-General. He was soon after ordered to serve with Pope on the Rappahannock, where he again distinguished himself ii many hard-fought battles. When Banks commenced the organization of the Gulf expedition, Heintzel- man succeeded him in command of the defenses of Washington. History sometimes brings out and emblazons forever, some whom the laurel of the day has never crowned; and so may she do for Heintzelman, without snatching a single leaf from the leaders under whom he fought. 3* 99. JOHN S. MOSEBY. General John S. Moseby was born December 6, 1833, at Edgemont, Powhatan County, Virginia. Graduating at a noted institute in 1853, with the highest honors, he soon after established himself in the practice of the law in Albemarle. Marrying, on the 30th of December, 1857, Miss Pauline Clark, the daughter of the Hon. Beverly L. Clark, of Kentucky, he settled in Wilming- ton County, where he was in the successful practice of his profession at the breaking out of the great Rebellion. Volunteering at once as a private in the First Regiment of Virginia Cavalry, he rapidly distinguished himself by his reckless boldness and successful exploits as a scout. The celebrated cavalry leader, General Stuart, seeing and admiring the daring character of Moseby, took him into his confidence. The result of this combination is said to be the wonderful tour which General Stuart made around the enemy with such great success while on the line of the Chicka- hominy. Being captured about this time, he was kept a prisoner until after the toattle of Malvern Hill, when he was exchanged. Continuing his services with Stuart, as a scout, until March, 1863, he was commissioned as a Captain, and authorized to raise a company of Par- tisan Rangers. Placed in this independent position, henceforth the name and career of Colonel Moseby became famous throughout all the campaigns in Virginia during the War of Rebellion. What Morgan was as a Partisan Ranger to the Southwest, Moseby was to Virginia. Daring, reckless, and bold, he was always on the skirts of the Union army with his equally daring and reckless young Cavalrymen. These embraced some of the hottest and truest blood of the boasted chivalry of the Old Dominion, from a great-grandson of President MonFoe to the sons of ex-Governors and Senators, all serving as privates in Moseby's famous cavalry. Surprising Federal Generals at night in their beds, when not in their camp, making dashing raids into quiet and unsuspecting towns, surprising railroad trains, anticipating telegraphic intelligence by cutting the wires, or stopping it by the same means, were some of the arts of war which this guerrilla chieftain practiced. Vary these with a love-making with the fair dames and damsels of Old Virginia, and we have the bold, dashing, and daring John Moseby pretty well photographed. — * P * 100. GEORGE D. PRENTICE. George D. Prhnticb was born in Preston, Connecticut, in 1804. He was educated at Brown University ii Rhode Island where he graduated in 1823. He afterwards resided in Hartford where he was several years engaged in editing ik The New England Weekly Review," and in the year 18.il he removed to Louisville, Kentucky. Since that time he has been a resident of that City and editorcf the celebrated "Louisville Journal," with which bis name has since become identified and which, in his hands, has he- come one of the most popuiar and successful in the country. For many years the •• Louisville Journal" was a leading advocate in the West of the policy of the Whig pirty, and Mr. Prentice won for himself a high and world-wide reputation for political ability, and as one of the greatest wits and most powerful satirical writers in the country. In I860 he sustained the Union, or Bell and Everett party, and in 1861, mainta ; ned with great zeal and ability the cause of Union against the Secessionists. He was not, however, a very zealous supporter of the Ad- ministration of President Lincoln and the policy of the Republican Con- gress on the Reconstruction of the Seceding States. Mr. Prentice particularly interested himself in procuring the release of parties who were confined as prisoners ia Fort Lafayette, but his efforts were unsuccessful, and on its destruction by fire in 1868, he hailed the event with undisguised satisfaction. To his other accomplishments Mr. Prentice unites that of being a poet. Most of his poetical productions are the work of h s early years, and they have never been collected into a volume but may be found in Collec ioni of Amor can Poetry. A selection, however, was published V v\ n 1 ?; a- per par.gr phs, in New York in ISC'), under tbo lit'.e of 'TV nticiana.' 3 i 101. JOSEPH HOLT. Centre College; DanviUe 1* 182 » b.l° Seph8 ^ ^ Bordsto ™. and It Elizabethtown Kentucky SIS commenced the Practice of the Law in Pointed Conimonw^ 1 S3 2, he was ap' in its jurisdiction Louisville Fro Z he Jeff , In a bloody engagement off Valparaiso, between the Essex and the two British sloops, Phebe and Cherub, he distinguished himself by his gallant behavior ; but when he saw the American flag hauled down, he burst into tears. Nor did he willingly surrender himself a prisoner until, after a pugilistic encounter with an English " Middy," he har T secured a favorite pig, the pet of himself and fellow-sailors. At thirteen he was appointed Master of a British prize vessel from Guay- aquil to Valparaiso. He served on board various vessels in various parts of the world, until 1861, during which he had risen to the position of Captain. On the breaking out of the Rebellion he resisted all the flattering induce- ments of his many Southern friends to dosert the old flag ; and, after estab- lishing his family at Hastings, on the Hudson, he remained ready for action at his country's call. His name was quickly suggested when the expedition against New Orleans was fixed upon, early in 1862. He was appointed Flag-Officer of the fleet, and sailed in the flag-ship Hartford for the " Crescent City,'' which surrendered after a desperate defense from Forts Jackson and St. Philip. The courage and skill displayed by Commodore Farragut in this memorable engagement won for him the gratitude and admiration of a generous people. In July, 1862, he was promoted to Rear- Admiral, and continued in com- mand of the Gulf blockading squadron ; passed the batteries of Port Hudson in March, 1863, and rendered valuable aid to General Grant, then besieging Vicksburg. In August, 1864, he succeeded in effecting the passage of Forts Morgan and Gaines, in Mobile Bay, with his fleet, destroying the Rebel ram Ten- nessee, and compelling the forts to surrender by the 23d of the month ; for which achievement he was promoted to Vice-Admiral, which grade was specially created for him by Congress ; and, July 2o, 1566, he wad mad© Admiral. $ / s 108. ANDEEW J. HAMILTON Andkew J. Hamilton was born in Madison County, Alabama, January 28, 1815, received a good common-school education, and was in his earlier years employed on his father's farm. Holding for some years the position of Clerk of the Circuit Court ; he was engaged also in mercantile pursuits. Subsequently studying law, Mr. Hamilton was admitted to the bar, and removing to Texas in 1846. he devoted himself to his profession. He was elevated to the office of Attorney-General of Texas, and was elected for repeated terms to the Legislature. He was Presidential elector in 1856, and was elected a Representative from Texas to the Thirt3'-sixth Congress, serving as a member of the Select Committee of Thirty-three. He was appointed by President Lincoln Military Governor of Texas in 1862. and was appointed by President Johnson Provinsional Governor of the same State in 1865. Governor and General, and familiarly called Jack Hamilton, he occu- pied a prominent position in the turbulent affairs of the country, particu- larly in the anarchical state of Texas during its most rebellious period. Originally an Alabama politician of the fire-eating school. Governor Hamil- ton seems to have carried over to his new political principles all the fiery elements of his nature. During the controversies in Texas, growing out of its anarchical condition and his administration, the country was overrun with depredators of all kinds, and Governor Hamilton came in for a great share of abuse, doubtless animated much more from political hostility than actual error in his administration. Coming north. Governor Hamil- ton made speeches in which the fiery element of his extreme Radical doc- trines met upon the opposite extreme of his former ultra Southern prin- ciples. A type of an extreme Southerner, Governor Hamilton could not adopt any political principle without infusing into it much of his own spirit, and urging it with all the vehemence of a neophyte and all the tenacity of an zealot. Withal, he was honest in his declarations and patri- otic in his motives. f/£ 109. JOHN A. 1>IX. General John A. Dix wai born in Bosccwan, New Hampshire, July 24, 1798. At an early agj ha wag sent t> the* academy at Salisbury ; afterward at Exeter; and, in 1811, when fourteen yeari old, ha was transferred to a collego at Montreal under th» direction oV tha Fathers of the Sulpician Order, wher* L# diligently pursued his studies, until hostilities commenced between the United State* and Great Britain, when he was compelled to return. After a short study at Boston, he was appointed a Cadet in the United States army, and was ordered to Baltimore, where his father was then in command. In March, 1813, the Secretary of "War offered him, without solicitation, the choice of a scholarship at West Point or an Ensigncy in the army. He choose the latter, and entered the Fourteenth Infantry, of which his father was Lieutenant-Colonel, and immediately marched to Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. In June, 1813, while only in his fifteenth year, he was appointed Adjutant of an independent battalion, with which he descended the St. Lawrence, and participated in the perils and hardships of that unfortunate expedition. The same year, his father having* died, he obtained leave of absence to settle his father's estate, which had become embarrassed. In 1814 he was transferred to the regiment of artillery, under Colonel Wallach, with whom he continued several years. In 1819 he was appointed Aid to General Brown, and passed his leisure hours in studying law, with a view of leaving the army at an early day. In 1825 he was promoted to command of the Third Artillery, and the same year, his health failing him, he traveled in Cuba and Europe. In December, 1828, he retired from the army, and commenced the practice of law in Cooperstown, N. Y. He also entered political life, and became an active member of the Democratic party. In 1830 he was appointed Adjutant-General of the State. In January, 1831, he was chosen Secretary of State of New York. In 1841 he was elected Member of Assembly; went to Europe again for his health in 1842 ; and, on his return, in January, 1845, elected a Senator to Congress, to fill the place of Silas Wright, who was made Governor of New York. He represented the " Barn-Burners," or Free-Soil Democrats of New York. In 1848 he was a candidate for Governor of New York ; but, not being successful, he retired to private life. In 1853 he was appointed Assistant Treasurer of the United States at New York City. In May, 18G0, he was appointed Post-Master of New York ; and, in January, 1861, was made Sec- retary of the Treasury by President Buchanan. On the 29th of January, he sent that celebrated telegraphic dispatch to Mr. W. H. Jones, whom he had previously sent to New Orleans, with orders to save, if possible, the revenue cutters McClellan and Cass : "If any one attempts to haul down the American Flag, shoot him on the spot." He retired from the Treasury in March, 1861 ; and, on the 20th of May, presided at the immense meeting at Union Square, N. Y., which organized " The Union Defense Committee," and elected him Chairman. He was appointed Major-General of Volunteers, May 6, 1861 ; and, on the 14th of June, the President appointed him to a similar position in the Regu- lar Army • July 20, having been appointed to command of the Department of Maryland, he was ordered to Baltimore, where he established his head- quarters. In 1862 he was transferred to Eastern Virginia, with headquarters at Fortress Monroe ; and, frcm 1863 to 1866, he comm aided the Department 'A the North, with headquarters at New York. In 1808. he was appointed Minister to France. ■*"' INDEX TO PART FIRST. Page. 1 George Washington Am. Photo-Lithographic Co. 2 Abraham Liicoln Henry « lews & Co., Bankers. 3 Andrew Jackson Ball, Black & Co. , jewellers. 4 Jonn Q. Adams .Chickering & Sons, Piano Fortes. 5 James Mo iroe Singer Manf. Co., Sewing Machines. j 6 James Madison C. Vanderbilt. 7 John Adams. 8 Thomas Jefferson. 9 John C. Calhoun Carralho, Photographs. 10 Daniel Webster Self- Adjusting Mangle. 11 Wm. H. Harrison Knitting & Sewing Machine. 12 Henry Clay Hager & Co., Printers' Emporium. 13 Joseph Story. 14 Alexander Hamilton. 15 Solomon Foor. 16 Thomas Corwin. 17 Roger B. Taney Eadway's Beady Belief. 1$ Stephen A. Douglas. 19 Francis Granger. 20 Gen. A. S. Johnston. 21 Gen. John Sedgwick. 22 Samuel Houston. 23 Gen. W. J. Worth. 24 Gen. J. Wadsworth. 25 Gen. Jesse L. Reno. 26 Martin Van Buren. 27 Robert Y. Hayne. 28 Benjamin Franklin Arnold & Co., Gas Burners. 29 Thomas Benton Kurtz Photographs. 30 Joshua R. Giddings. 31 William L. Yancey. 32 Theodore Parker. 33 John Brown. 34 Arch'p J. Hughes American Sign Co. 35 Owen Lovejoy Union Washing Machine. 36 George Evans. 37 Gen. Israel Putnam. 38 Gen. Henry Knox. 39 Josiah Winslow. 40 Preston S. Brooks. 41 William L.Marcy. 42 David Crocket New York Laundry Co. 43 Petras Stuyvasant. 44 William R. King. 45 Benjamin Lincoln. V 46 John B. Floyd. 47 Gen. E. V. Sumner Smith's Compound. 48 Edward Everett Watches and Clocks. 49 Benjamin Rush Guffroy's Dragees. 50 John J Crittenden Cod Liver Extract. 51 Patrick Henry W. H. Lee ; Furniture. 52 John Hancock ■ 53 John Jay. V 54 Wm. L. Dayton Dentist, Jewelry & Shoes, 55 James K. Polk. 56 Gen. Winfield Scott. 57 Lafayette. Lemaire. Passe Partout. 58 John Tyler. J 59 James Buchanan, 60 Samuel Adams. 61 De Witt Clinton. 62 Rufus Choate. 63 Samuel Appleton. 64 Stonewall Jackson. 65 Daniel S. Dickenson.'' 66 Gen. E. D. Baker. 67 Gen. Leonidas Polk. , 68 Gen. Nath'l Lyon. 69 Gen. J. B. McPherson. 70 Daniel Boone. 71 Silas Wright. 72 Adm'l A. H. Foote. 73 John A, Andrew Comstock's Rational Food, 74 John Van Buren. 75 Gen.T. F. Meagher. 76 Rev. W. H. Channing. 77 Rev. Hosea Ballou, 78 Rev. Lyman Beecher. . . . .Ives' Patent Lamps. 79 Lewis Cass. H 80 Chas. G. Atherton. 81 Fisher Ames. 82 Elbridge Gerry. 83 Gen. Joseph Warren. 84 Zachary Taylor. 85 Chancellor J. Kent. 86 C. Justice J. Marshall. 87 John Davis. 88 Com. W. D. Porter. 89 J, Fen^imore Cooper. 90 John Pierpont. 91 Indian Prophet. 92 Keo Kuk. 93 Gen. O. M. Mitchell Schermerhorn, EducationarBureau. 94 Gen. Jim Lane. 9 S John Smith. 96 John Hudson. 97 Col. J. Butrick. 98 George Henry. 99 Red Jacket. 100 Tecumseh Indian Clubs — Photographs, Mouldings. 101 Osceola. 102 Black Hawk. 103 H. R. Schoolcraft. 104 Charles Carroll. 105 Thaddeus Kociusco. Iu6 Arthur Middletou. 107 Gen. E. P. Gaines. 108 Starr King. 109 Aaron Burr. 110 B. F.Broderick. 1 1 1 John Randolph. 112 Timothy Bickering. 113 Gen. Wm. Moultrie. 114 Anthony Wayne. 115 Richard H. Lee. 116 F Hopkins. 117 Robert Fulton. 1 18 Com. Oliver Perry. 119 Com. Isaac HulL 120 Capt. J. Lawrence. 121 George P. Morris. 122 Simon Boliver. 123 Nathaniel P. Willis Home Journal. 124 Washington Allston. 125 Washington Irving. 126 Gen. John Stark. 127 Joan of Arc. 128 Gen. R. Montgomery. 129 Gen. Francis Marion. 130 John Milton. 131 Christopher Columbus. 132 Gen, F. K. Zoliicoffer. 133 Isaac Tousey. 134 Col. E. E. Ellsworth. 135 Fletcher Webster. 136 Com. W. Bainbridge. 137 Com. Paul Jones. 138 Maj-Gen. Green. 139 Com. St'n Decatur. 140 Henry Winter Davis. 141 Com. A. Claxton. 142 William Pinkney. 143 Hendrick Hudson. 144 Benjamin West. 145 Gen. Phil. Kearney. 146 Gen. A. P. Hill. 147 Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, 148 Americus Vespusius. 149 Gen. Hiram G. Berry. 150 William Pern Bendall & Co., Furniture. 151 Gen David Hunter Perfumery . 152 William Wirt. 153 Francis Augustus. • INDEX TO PART SECOND. Page. 1 Oliver P. Morton Westmoreland Hotel— Photographs. 2 Gen. Robert Anderson Soldier's Friend. 3 Gen. John Pope Frederick's Photographs. 4 Gen. P. H Sheridan. 5 Gen. Daniel E Sickles. 6 Simon Cameron. 7 John Slidell. 8 Charles Sumner Clark & Chapman, Water Wheels. 9 Professor M. F. Maury. 10 Robert Toombs. 11 Henry Wilson Reconstruction. 12 Gen Robert E Lee Field Sport and Turf Books. 13 Gen. U. S Grant A. T Stewart. 14 Horace Greeley Royal Havana Lottery, 15 Jefferson Davis. 16 Pierre Soule. 17 Benjamin F. Wade. 18 J. C. Breckenridge. 19 Benjamin F. Butler Richardson's Ice Crusher. 20 Salmon P. Chase A. C. & J. Bell, Clothing. 21 James M. Mason. 22 Reverdy Johnson. 23 Edward Bat^s , Self- Adjusting Mangle. 24 Henry Ward Beecher . . .Hayward's Masonic Marks & Jewelry, 25 C. L Vallandigham. 26 George Bancioft. 27 Peter Cooper Godard's Burring Machines. 28 Herschell V. Johnson. 29 Gen. O O.Howard. 30 George Wilkes. 31 Gen. J. Longstreet. 32 William Frederick. 33 Gen. A. E Burnside. 31 Gen. R. S. Ewell. 35 Gen. George G. Meade. 36 Gen. P. G T. Beauregard. 37 Gen. Joseph Hooker. 38 Parson Brownlow. 39 Humphrey Marshall. 40 William H. Seward The Equalizer. 41 Alexander H. Stephens Mathushek's Pianos. 42 Thaddeus Stephens The Revolution. 43 Thurlow Weed Hair Jewelry — Photographs. &e. 44 Edwin M Stanton Stationary, Hair Compound, Fireworks. 45 J. P. Benjamin. 46 Howell Cobb. 47 Samuel C. Pomeroy i/. James G. Wilson. 48 Sehny l^r Co'fax Babittonian Pens. 49 Wade Hampton. 50 Henry A. Wise. 51 Wende 1 Pnillips. 52 Reuben E. Ffiitori. 53 Alexander Ramsey. 54 George H. Pendleton. 55 Hannibal Hamlin. 56 Montgomery Blair. 57 James G. Bennett. £8 P. T. Barnum. 59 Lyman Trumbull. G. Farragut. V K 8 A J. Hami ton. 1C3 John A. Dix. : - I 291 79 *°^ 4> ^ ». r*. 5 <^ vP i>«* ** % cv > & o V CV ^ ^ ** ** ** V^ > v 4 °^ ,0' ++0* ^°o o vr < s > ^ C* * 0' ^°^ "oV l © N ° ,0' ***** V O * o » o ° « *- > X ^ -S •Ay l»«*' - - ^ '\ ,^ ^' 0" , SSPT '79 N. MANCHESTER, SS'