Class j::psiL5iil3 Book X^^J^ Copyright N°_. 4- COPYRIGHT deposit: CHRIST Detail from ''Christ and the rich young Ruler y' by Hofman THE MASTER A Rosary of Christian Verse BY CARROLL LUND BATES With Tiuenty Illustration: BOSTON RICHARD G. BADGER 1907 Copyright 1906 by Carr(Jll Lund Bates All Rights Reserved LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received FEB 19 190/ ^ Copyright Entry CLASS A XXC, No. copy's. Z'^- M^ The Gorhatn Press, Boston CONTENTS The Annunciation . . . • 1 1 The Nativity — Christmas . . 13 The Magi— Epiphany {One) . . 1 7 The Boy in the Temple— Epiphany {Two) .... 21 The First Miracle— Epiphany (Three) 23 The Stilling of the Tempest— Ephi- phany {Four) ... 29 Ash Wednesday — A Meditation . 32 The Temptation — Lent ... 33 The Triumphal Entry — Palm Sun- day . . ' • • 37 The Last Supper— Maundy Thursday 41 Good Friday . . • • 43 The Resurrection — Easter . • 49 Appearance of Christ after the Resurrection The Great Forty Days . . 51 The Ascension • • • 57 The Descent of the Holy Spirit— Whit- sunday . . • • 59 'ILLUSTRATIONS Portrait of Christ by Hofman Frontispiece Nazareth .... p^g^ 10 The Annunciation by MuriUo . . 12 The Nativity by Schouherr . . 14 The Adoration of the Kings by Pfatin- schmidt .... 16 The First Vieiu of "Jerusalem by Nungelberg . . . . 1 9 Christ and the Doctors by Hofman . 20 Cana ...... 24 Marriage at Cana . * . . 26 Christ Stilling the Tempest by Dore . 28 Christ Tempted by Satan by Cor- necelius .... 34 ILLUSTRATIONS The Entry into 'Jerusalem by Dore The Last Supper hy Zimmermann Golgotha hy Gerome The Crucifixion by Rubens Easter Dawn by Thompson On the Way to Emmaus by Plack hurst Supper at Emmaus by Raima Vecchio The Ascension by Hofm ann Descent of the Holy Spirit 36 40 44 46 48 52 54 56 60 " Lord,^^ said my Soul one quiet morris *' Men think the age-old creeds out-worn. Faith IS asleep', and sad hearts yearn For what their blindness makes them spurn." fVritel" said my Lord, — ^* Of what?" I cried. Write how The Master lived and died." 10 The Master A Rosary of Christian Verse II The Annunciation Nazareth's streets lie quiet and brown, As morning dawns and the sun looks out. Nazareth wakes; while the day lets down Curtains of light on its hills about. For the village today is the Bride of God. (Veiled be thy hills in a silver light!) As Mary, kneeling, receives the word That ransoms our race from its death and night. '^ Ave!" 'Tis said, and the entail of sin Is broken. God severs the sin-soiled thread. A new strand commences; and man may begin A God-renewed sonship in Christ his new Head. ^*Ave!" O Saviour, say the word, For Thy Church is kneeling in this new day; '' Keep me" she prayeth, "the Bride of God, Scatter these clouds of doubt away. " 12 The Master The streets of our city lie bare and brown- Bare and brown with the fires of sin — Ave! Lord, send an angel down; Let Thy Holy Ghost bring the new age in THE ANNUNCIATION By Murtllo A Rosary of Christian Verse 13 The Nativity Christmas Low burned the lights in a village inn, Master and servant had gone to rest; Quiet which hovers when new days begin Folded thee, Bethlehem, close to its breast. Cattle all sheltered in yonder rude shed, Beast nor man felt never a care; One only needed. The Christ Child's head Pillowed itself in a manger bare. Pardon, O Jesus, our sinful race. That they gave to Thee such scanty cheer. Filled were Thy hands with largess of grace. Men drove Thee out to a stable drear. We have driven Thee forth, O Jesus blest. Many a time from our own heart's gate; Out in the storm with no place to rest; Driven Thee out though the hour was late. 'Tis our sins, O Christ Child, 'tis our sin! That has turned Thee away from our heart's gate; 14 The Master THE N ATI FIT r By C. Schonherr A Rosary of Christian Verse 15 They have crowded the rooms of our own heart's inn. They, and not we, have made I hee wait. Out of our hearts on this Christmas-tide We will drive our sin with a ^^hip of cord. Enter, Christ Child! the door stand wide! Here make Thy Bethlehem, Jesus, Lord. 1 6 The Master ADORATION OF THE KINGS By C. C. Pjaunschmidt A Rosary of Christian Verse 17 The Magi Epiphany {One) Into a city, far away, Three strangers ride in solemn quest, '' Where is the king that is born ?" they say, ' * We have seen his star in the distant east. " '' A king ?" said the City, " No king is here; Herod, the robber, is on the throne. The shadows are dark, and the times are drear; Messiah tarries. The night is lone." Yet, even then, not far away, Mary sang over her Child a song. The King had come to begin His sway. The strangers were right, and the City, wrong. Into our city they come today. From distant lands and beyond the sea — - ' * Where is the King } We have heard men say That a star hangs over this country free. '' 1 8 The Master "' A King!" we answer, '' O stranger guest You mock our woe by what you have said. Mammon fattens. Greed is blessed. Virtue has perished. Our Christ is dead." Yet, even now, in the heart of our youth, Mary sings over the Christ her song, And our new Christ shall rise and restore His truth. The strangers are right and the cynics wrong. A Rosary of Christian Verse 19 20 The Master S ^ O ^ A Rosary of Christian Verse The Boy Christ in the Tempi Epiphany {Ti wo Awake! ye Hebrews, wake! The doves sing low in the ohve trees, There's the smell of dawn in the stirring breeze, Awake! ye Hebrews, wake! Come! Nazareth townsmen, come! The season is here when Passover waits; Queen city Salem opens her gates. Come! fellow-townsmen, come! Yes! son of the carpenter, yes! Twelve is the age when by Moses' decree, A ''son of the law" you too may be, Yes! son of Mary, yes! Hail! holy city, hail! How fair is the city of God most High, Thy courts, O Sion, dehght mine eye; Hail! holy city, hail! Lost! fellow-townsmen, lost! Returning, this night-fall has brought great care, 22 The Master Boy Jesus has tarried, we know not where: Lost, fellow-townsmen, lost! Why ? mother Mary, why ? Did ye not know that I must be. In my Father's House, as now ye see ? Why ? mother Mary, why ? Jesus, beloved, yes! The Church bells ring, and the doctors preach, And still it is Thou whothe teachers teach; Jesus, beloved, yes! Jesus, my Saviour, how ? Thy teachers may diverse doctrines tell, Yet all tell truth, if they love Thee well; Jesus, my Saviour, how ? Jesus, the blessed, here! Thou art still in Thy Church, and strife of minds Shall cease as our heart one Saviour finds, Jesus, the blessed, here. A Rosary of Christian Verse 23 The First Miracle Epiphany {Three) Just on the slope of a hill-side green, A village with houses low and white, Lay sunning itself in a glamour of light, As a day dawned long ago; A maiden in one of the houses awoke, Opened her window and tenderly spoke: ''Welcome! beautiful day of mine — For today from my home I go; Go — but come to my home as well. For with him I love I wed today. '' — And anon the guests gather in goodly array. And all is happy and glad; Mary comes from Nazareth town, And Jesus, her Son — and the guests sit down, And the wedding feast is had. ''The wine has failed!" — There is heard the cry; — 'Twas just as when the day has been bright, And a cloud in the sky obscures the lieht, The beautiful light of the sun. 24 The Master A Rosary of Christian Verse 25 " The wine has failed!" 'Tis the end of joy, And of innocent smiles — with no alloy Of anything wrongly done. ' ' They have no wine, " said Mary then — ''Nay! but my summons comes not from men," Tenderly pleads our Lord. To the servants does blessed Mary say, " Do as he bids, for I feel that today He will hear His Father's word." " Fill ye the water jars!" Jesus cries. For God had called Him to then arise. And His public work to begin; " Draw off and bear," and wine's fair hue Glinted and gleamed, as the servants drew, And the vessels filled to the brim. Jesus, often as the hours go by, Tired and worn to Thee we cry — There seems no joy. Life's stream runs slow. Then to our Lord right oft we go, " The wine has failed, dear Lord," we say, " Take this poor boon of breath away!" 26 The Master A Rosary of Christian Verse 27 Youth goes, — ''The wine has failed," we claim; Wealth goes — our plaint is still the same; Loved ones fare on through Heaven's door — • Sadly we moan, as we had before, ''Ah! it has failed, — the wine." " Son," speaketh Christ, "do not complain. Seek not thy Father to rudely constrain; Draw off and bear what remains of life. Asking of me to bless." When we obey, lo! the glint and glow, Of bane changed to blessing, of profit in woe! And time brings character; trouble, strength; Sorrow brings hope, and Faith at length. Dawning within life's secret place. Changes the heart and changes the face. And we know that it has not failed, the wine. But, by the process of life, divine. The water of living, through toil and strife, Jesus has changed to the wine of life. 28 The Master CHRIST STILLING THE TEMPEST By Don' A Rosary of Christian Verse 29 The Stilling of the Tempest Epiphany {Four) Evening! and Galilee quiet lies; Come men, and the boat prepare! Jostle of throng — hurry and noise — cry of the people — Have worn Me, the Master, The lake has rest on its waters — Carry Me there! Weary ? yes, He has taught since morning. Someone a pillow !There in the hinder part of the boat let Him lie. Bend to the oar! Keep stroke together! Fisher-men's muscle Shall do what it can for Him. Sleeping .^ Thank God ! — Still now as breath- ing, our oars we'll ply, How dark it is now! — and just past the sun- set! A storm, men! Row for the nearest shore. Swish of the waves! Clamor of wind! Clangor of thunder! Master! Save us! Carest Thou not that we perish .^ Our hope giveth o'er! 30 The Master Children! Why are ye faithless? Am I not here ? And this world is your Father's, all — Sunshine and cloud — ocean and land — quiet and tempest — He has these in His care, Rest trustfully on Him. He heareth your call. *' Peace, be ye still!" But if these fear the tempest. Let the storm end. Calmer it grows! The wind is a breeze. The sun shineth out — ■ The fishermen quiet, sit in their places. Ap:ain the oars bend. Jesus! Life is not all of it calm. As we proceed on life's journey, oft cometh storm. Wrenching of faith! Breaking of heart! Torture of worry! Carest Thou not that we perish '^. Why is God sleeping } Waken, and spare us this harm. A Rosary of Christian Verse 31 Children ! Always your Father is with you. Even in the tempest is hidden His love. Welding of Faith ! Forging of Hope ! Grow- ing of Charity — These in the tempest thy Father's bene- ficence prove. But — is the tempest too heavy .? Do its clamor and straining weary your dear human heart ? Come unto me! Wake me by prayer! Hold to me closely! Peace! — I will quiet thy tempest — All of thy fears shall depart. 32 The Master Ash Wednesday A Meditation Jesus, whene'er my past I view, And all my guilty sins spell o'er. Grief loads my heart; death seems my due; I stand ashamed outside Thy door. But when I think of Thy dear love, That brought Thee here for my poor sake. To this low earth from Heaven above; Ah, then my dearest Lord, I wake. Saidst Thou upon the cross '' I thirst ?" And didst Thou mean " I thirst for thee V Straight then, upon that word, I burst All that divides us. Take Thou me. For, Jesus, I am thirsty, too; For lack of Thee my strength is spent; Not with vain tears my past I'll view; New consecration bless my Lent! A Rosary of Christian Verse 33 The Temptation Lent Out from His world my Saviour went, Out from the clamor of throng and street; Out from the home whose shelter meant Nazareth happiness, mother-love sweet. Out from the task and out from the plan; Out from pleasure, and out from ease; Out from the common haunts of man Till the Desert, astonished, her Master sees. " I have no bread," the Desert cried, "You will hunger, Lord, I have only stone." "Nay, yield Me your Bread;" my Lord replied, "The world is hungry. Men perish alone." Back to His world my Saviour went, Back to the city, and back to the throng; Back to where multitudes, hunger-spent. Feeding on husks, had been starving long. CHRIST TEMPTED BT SATAN By Corneceltus A Rosary of Christian Verse 35 Into their hands my Lord put food, Bread of peace, and of sweet commands; Bread of faith in a Father good; He had found God's Bread in the desert sands. Out from our world we will go, dear Lord, Out from our work, from ease, and hoard; To ask the Desert to give us food, For we starve, in this world for the Bread of God. '' I have no Bread," does the Desert say ? (Nay; fasting nor vigil yield not content.) But Christ waits out from the world's high- way. He will break us Bread. He will bless our Lent. 36 The Master Co SI o T- ft:; A Rosary of Christian Verse l^J The Triumphal Entry Palm Sunday The street stands crowded from wall to wall. Yon Hebrew boy, come here, I pray. And tell me what has sufficed to call Such a multitude abroad today. '' Friend, do you see upon yonder hill Where the road winds around old Olive's brow?" " Lad, I see only the sunshine still, And some ragged trees and the dust below; While along the poor path some weary men, With one in their midst as poor as they; He is much bespent, for I see again That he rides on an ass; and they draw this way." " Stranger, many a month before, I stood on the coast of Gennesaret's sea; In a basket of wicker some loaves I bore That a mother, at home, had prepared for me. 38 The Master '* Stranger, just at the set of the sun, He that was teaching called me near; '*Will you give me your loaves, lad?" — ** Every one!" I answered, and gave them with never a fear. *' Stranger, five thousand men and more Had heard what the Teacher had to say; And these were hungry. He blessed my store, And He fed them all, and He sent them away. '* Stranger, He that rides down toward the gate Is that Teacher — All hail! — Let me go I say! I must join them at once. I would not be late. You must keep me no'longer. I cannot stay." " Hosanna!"irdown- from the hill they cry, " Hosanna!" comes back from the town below. As they pay meet homage and honor high, And for Christ's dear feet their green palms St row. O Saviour, all-blessed, as Thy dear f^eet Come down the hill which Thy good Cross crowns. A Rosary of Christian Verse 39 As into our Salem Thy presence sweet Draws near, and our trouble and sorrow drowns. Help us to give Thee the tribute we owe, Confession meet — Consecration true. And thus in Thy pathway, dear Lord, to strow The palms that Thou lovest. Thy tribute due 40 The Master A Rosary of Christian Verse 41 The Last Supper Maundy Thursday When Israel through the desert went, They traveled many days. Worn were they then, and much bespent. It was a weary ways. The host arose on one blest morn And, all the camp around, Lay morsels numberless along Like hoar frost, on the ground. " Manna ?*— what is it .?"— Israel said. 'Twas Heaven's gift — Jehovah's bread. When Jesus' days on earth were gone. His chosen apostles gathered near. The night seemed dark. The way seemed long. Heart-hungry were they; racked with fear. Through centuries, men had longed for God; Thro' Jesus these twelve on God had fed. ^ Manna is here taken to he a contraction of the Hebrew ^^ man hii," signifying "what is it?" 42 The Master They pressed around to keep their Lord. They knew Him well — their heart's true Bread. '* Take ye and eat," in love He cried, " Drink ye this Cup, my children blest. Heart-hunger shall not be denied. My presence shall always with you rest." When on life's path the Christian fares. Sometimes the way seems lone and drear: He wonders if the good God cares. He sinks and faints midst many a fear — Then, if the Christian heeds and calls. Bending in the quiet Church his knee, Silent around, the blessing falls; Tearfulness ends; his heart is free. ** Manna .?- what is it V — does knowledge cry .? A Rosary of Christian Verse 43 Good Friday Sleep on Judea's city lies, Shadows hang over her valley and hill; With the coming of morning the people arise, And the marts and the streets for a new day fill. But the heart of the race was passing sad, And this bright new day brought the heart no light; Though 'twas outwardly morning and voices seemed glad, Man doubted his God, and within it was night. Hail! On a hill near the city appears A Cross! and One gives His life thereon; It scatters the shadows, it terminates fears. It rises resplendent,— the heart's true sun! Out from his own the shepherd went. One sheep had strayed from the ninety and nme, Wayworn and weary and all bespent. He returned with the lost in his arms benign. A Rosary of Christian Verse 45 The prodigal, sick of the world and its charms, Cried, "Father, in exile my true home I miss." The father fared forth, took his child in his arms, And sealed the home-coming with passionate kiss. So, when our one little world had strayed, Far on the path of shame and, sin. Search for the lost the Shepherd made. And, travel-bespent. He brought man in. And so, when our earth, all hungry and sad, Complained, '* There's no joy in an exile like this," Forth-faring from Heaven my Lord made glad The earth — blood-ransomed — with God's own kiss. Sleep yet lies over us. Shadows drear Still hang dark on this poor earth's skies; Banish our darkness, Saviour dear, Qver earth's night let Thy Cross arise. 46 The Master THE CRUCIFIXION By Reubens A Rosary of Christian Verse 47 Hail, holy day! and year, by year. Draw o'er our era the holy sign; Print on man's forehead God's kiss most dear. Home bring the world in thine armsbenign. A Rosary of Christian Verse 49 The Resurrection Easter Hosanna! Jesus slays our foe! His strong right arm the victory brings. Hosanna! Let all men below Extol Him. He is King of kings. Hosanna! The first Adam's sin Bred hateful death, made joy to cease. Unfold, ye gates of life! Let in The Conqueror! Jesus brings us peace! Hosanna! Though for three sad days *Twas dark, while Jesus seemed to sleep; Upon the third, Love's conquering rays Banished the dark; men ceased to weep. Hosanna! Even now, dear Lord, 'Tis often dark. I sometimes fear. What matter! I can wait Thy word To end the darkness. Thou art near. If, sometimes in life's shadowy room, Hope dies, and Jesus seems to sleep, V\\ bravely keep beside Thy tomb My three days' watch; I will not weep. 50 The Master Three days! I will with patience bide. I'll watch and trust with quiet heart, I know that soon my Easter-tide Will come; and all my fears depart. A Rosary of Christian Verse 51 Appearances of Christ After the Resurrection The Great Forty Days The Church begins her march again Along those forty festal days Which follow Easter's happy reign, And swell the Risen Redeemer's praise. Like lights along a road at night These two score days are lamps alight With Easter's hope. And many a glow Upon the path of life they throw. Two walked, discouraged, to their home. Near to them now see Jesus come. The three fare on. He blesses bread; They know Him, though no word is said. Into the town, with zealous speed They run to bring the eleven word — ** We've seen Him!" — '^ He is risen indeed," These answer, ** Simon hath seen the Lord." But Thomas was not with them then; An eight days pass, Christ comes again; In fellowship with faithful hearts Thomas believes; his doubt departs. 52 The D^ aster ON THE fVAT TO EMMAUS By Plackhurst A Rosary of Christian Verse 53 Dim dawn — and Galilee's watery sheen. All night these seven have fishing been; One speaks from the not distant shore — 'Tis jesus' voice! They are sad no more. We walk Emmaus-ward when we sigh, And let these precious days go by The prey of grief.— Wouldst happy be ? Take the Christ home thy Guest to be. And if, perchance, in some still place, Where Bread is blessed, and Wine out- poured, Thou'st seen, at last, thy Saviour's face, Haste! Tell some others of thy Lord. We all have Thomas' sickness felt Where Faith's pulse fails, and dark doubti pain — Then find where Christians meet, and melt In prayer thy doubt — believe again. We toil all night like those sad seven Who caught no fish, when hard we try To live and work our way to Heaven With no real Faith in our heart's sky. 54 The Master A Rosary of Christian Verse cc Awake! The dawn bids dreaming cease. Wouldst really fill life's empty net ? Heed Jesus' word. His counsels yet, Followed, bring His beloved peace. 56 The Master THE ASCENSION By Hojman A Rosary of Christian Verse 57 The Ascension Open, ye doors of vasty light! Jesus completes His high emprise; Conqueror now of Death and Night, Wearing our nature, He seeks the skies. '^ Follow!" He calls, '' ye children mine. See ye not how the road winds steep, Over rough stones where thorns entwine. Past sharp ascents, through shadows deep ? Craven is he who peril heeds. Fear not the steeps, the goal shows clear; Straight to God's throne the pathway leads. Follow! I lead you, my children dear. " '* Yea, we are coming,'*' 'tis Christendom's cry ** To Jesus ascending to God's white throne. But creed-strife weary and Pharisees' lie Hinder our feet; and time flows on. " Coming! O Jesus," Knowledge calls. While school-houses rise and books increase; But, v/eary of learning, man stumbles and falls; The wisdom-path fails him. He finds not peace. The Master iming,'' says Progress, with ardor meet, As we build great cities and hoard up gold. Yet, over our heads Christ's ascending feet Pass onward; we miss them. The age grows old. '' I come!" says Today, and we strain our eyes To discern the high path through the years before; And we see, at last, with a glad surprise. How plain goes the way to the Heavenly door: For man cannot ascend by progress great, Nor by strife of creed nor by wisdom's lore. ''Twas love lifted Jesus to Heaven's gate, 'Twas service extolled Him to Heaven's door. Open, ye doors of vasty light! Manhood awakens and seeks the skies. Jesus, in Thee we would scale the height, Jesus! complete Thy high emprise. A Rosary of Christian Verse 59 The Descent of the Holy Spirit Whitsunday Seven times seven days had sped Since the Paschal lambs in the temple bled, And Pentecost was drawing near — A feast which all faithful Jews revere. " Listen my children," Jesus had said, ' ' I must leave you now, but, in my stead. Shall Another come, a Presence Divine, To possess, to comfort, to strengthen mine." Shadows of Jewish ritual old In mystical whispers, had all foretold. Paschal lamb bespoke Jesus slain; The **wave-sheaf" had said, "He will rise again." And now the sun of Pentecost rose. And, as Jewish priest to the temple goes. The rites of this day tell soft and clear Of the promise of Jesus, so soon to appear. " Jehovah, we thank Thee," the priest had said, ** For Moses' law; and we bring this bread, THE PENTECOST A Rosary of Christian Verse 6 1 Leavened and made of the first-ripe wheat, Our Pentecost offering and tribute meet. " And, as the priest his service said, And offered the * 'wave-loaves'' of hallowed bread. Lights of the promise danced and glowed In this Hebrew service — so strange and old. Sinai and Moses and tables of stone Whispered, *' God's Spirit, and He alone, Can make men good, when in the heart The will to be good He doth impart." And the offered loaves of leavened bread These, in a whisper, plainly said: '* The leaven of Jesus shall finish its task When the Spirit He sendeth all men shall ask." So they gather now, the twelve good men. Pledged to be Christ's till He comes again; Never a thought of doubt or fear, ** Wait — He will come. — And the time draws near." Hosanna! When the fire had died That God made to glow in the soul of man, 62 The Afaster Choked by the embers of sin and pride, God relighted the flame as He only can. Hosanna! Lambent tongues of fire Dividing, sat upon each dear head. So Christ fulfilled man's vast desire, **Who wanteth God's Spirit may have,"- 'twas said. Jesus! Now as we kneel and pray, Keep us Thine own from day to day. Send to us now Thy Holy Ghost, Then shall we serve and please Thee most. FEB 19.1907