i.^'*m.x4 ^k \\ \ i^ir»%t$^^>?:!v^ >\-v^:'' Class ^ ^,r«^cr<;, y Book- '7^.^/rJ<'h Gonyiight]^" /?//^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. NOTICE TO PUBLISHERS AND THE PUBLIC By giving credit to the author of this book, she hereby grants to any publisher permission to quote, cr to reprint any portion of same, and not to exceed one poem in' 'single edition, in said publisher's established periodical ; legally admitted to the mail at time of publi- cation as 'Second Class Mail Matter, and mail a copy of said edition to authicr. For reprinting for all other issues, publishers should cor- respond with the author, at Lily Dale, New York. May Morse-Burke, Author. COPYRIGHT Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1 9 1 0, by May Morse-Burke of Lilly Dale, N. Y., in the office of Librarian of Congress,Washington, D. C. The Lily's Primal Cause "Consider the Lilies; how they grow." [Dedicated to Arthur Prentice, Burnhams. N. Y., a life long friend who suggested the subject.] God breathed into the bosom of the lake A lotus-tinted breath of flame, Embryoned with the essence of Himself; Pulsing the lilies name. When, lo! Stagnation stirred, convulsed with keen Desire, In wanton measurement, and play — As, Passion's co-efficient, rippling kiss Waved, where God's sunlight lay. Pregnation moved the Mire, and from its depths There sprung — through surge — in bud — and fold Of leaves — a Petaled star of white, whose crest, Gleamed, coronet of gold. June 1, I9I0 INDEX TO CONTENTS Notice to Publishers and the Public Copyright The Lily's Primal Cause Index to Contents Alphabetical Index Photograph of Author Fac-simile Autograph of Author Title page Coat of Arms, the Morse Family Publishers and Critics Author's Dedication Greeting Introduction _ _ - Thy Guardian Face (Allah's Tribute) Monogram of Allah's Tribute Interpretation of Monogram (verse) Mrs. Burke's Poems 1 ii iii iv v-ix xii xii xiii xiii xiii xiv XV xvi-xvii xviii xviii xviii 1-128 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Accompaniment to Archway of Almighty God 63 Admonition 56 Affinities 51 Ah-W(a-Wa 69 Allah's Promise 105 Alone 106 Angel Pearl, My • 93 Archway of Almighty God, The 62 Artist, The ^^ Author's Benediction to her Critic, The 4 Author's Infantile Smallness', The 118 Autumn Shadows 19 Baby, Our 94 Baby, Our (Concluded) 95 Baby LaVerna 96 Before and After 82 Bark of Life, My 38 Birth of Our Cause, The 79 Bitter-Sweet 48 Capitalistic Slave Peril. The (A Special Poem.) 126 Cause of Action, The 103 Caesar's Rebuke 110 Charge to Keep, A 92 Christmas ' 6 Dedication to the Author of This Book, A 3 Demand, A 116 Deny Me Not 116 Dreams 53 Eden's Primal Consciousness 116 Egypt 11 Enchanted Isle, The 44 Ever-more 106 Etherealization , 120 Friend, To My 65 Glass of Time, The 55 Glimpses of Elysian 51 Gethsemane 59 God's Four Bequests 22 God vs. Oblivion 113 Greeting from Allah, A 119 Hfelley Comet, The 27 Heart's' Appeal, My 34 Heart's Lament, My 28 Heart of a Rose, In the 60 Hills, An Ode to the 43 History's Tablet Tower, On 121 Ideals , 46 Inactivity? Inconceivable! 103 Infinite Parentage 120 Invocation, An 19 Just Beyond 39 Justification 50 June's Wooing 18 Laws and Philosophy of Action 112 Lay of the Last Minstrel 121 Life 33 Life is Love and Love is Life 102 Lifted Shadows, The 40 Lincoln 10 Lest We Wither 24 Love 58 Love's Vibrant Chalice 115 Love vs. Mind 31 Love's Passion Power 32 Love's Ship 45 Lover's Smile, Thy 32 Love's Touch ....,,... , 41 Memory's Cortege M'emory's Responsive Echoes Message from Ma, A (No. I) Message from Ma, A (No. II) Message from Ma, A (No. Ill) Message from Ma, A (No. IV) Message from Ma, A (No. V) Message from Ma, A (No. VI) Message from My Sister Hattie, A Message to My Sister Emma Message from Allah Mother Mother's First Experience on Passing Over Mother's Voice, My Mystic Room, A Nature's Unfoldment Night-mare A Obedient to the Master's Call Ode to the Hills, An Odeon, To Old Year Olive-May's Christening Paradise Parting of the Ways', The Platonic Shrine, The Poet's Crown, The Prayer, A Promise, A Psyche Reciprocity Right Shall Ever Prevail, The, Secret Key, The ,,,.,,,.,,,,» 71 107 89 91 92 93 98 99 97 99 119 83 83 90 111 115 66 25 43 64 20 97 68 57 65 23 Poet Poe's Vindication, The Portage Falls, Genesee Valley ^^ Power Behind the Throne. The ^ 2 30 54 42 ***"'*..* 110 1 Sent Back 91 Seventy-Seven Times Seven 105 Similes, Not Names 4 Silver Wings 69 Sister Dear, You're Not Alone 81 Sister Emma, To 100 Soliloquy to Vesuvius, A 12 Song of Ancient Times, The 108 Soul's Compensation, The 26 Soul's Ecstacy in Travail, The 47 Soul's Prerogatives, The 47 Soul's Reply, My 28 Soul's Sight, My 24 Soul's Struggle, My 42 Soul That Craves, To the 104 Soul's Trem-u-lo*s, The 33 Soul's Unrest, The 30 Soul's Vision, My 29 Spiritualism, On Modern 74 Spiritual Chivalry 26 Spring 17 Still a Problem 113 Theater of Grace, The 5 Transfiguration Through Obedience 114 Traveler, A 70 Transition in Nature 22 TRUISMS, A CHAPTER OF 122 Article I 122 Article II 122 Article III 122 Article IV 123 Article V ; 123 Article VI 123 Article VII 123 Article VIII 123 Article IX 124 Article X 124 Article XI 124 Article XII 124 Article XIII 125 Article XIV 125 Article XV 125 Article XVI 125 Vesuvius, A Soliloquy to 12 Vision, A 36 Wife, To Miy 58 Wind, The 14 Wondering Soul, A 29 Wondrous Light, The 40 ]^dj y^^j^-^^^ut:^ KEY TO THE LAWS OF THE OCCULT PSYCHE SCIENCE OR GLIMPSES OF BEULAH LAND AS VIEWED FROM EARTH THROUGH THE PSYCHE COMMUNE OF MAY MORSE-BURKE Arms o/" TITUS PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers and Critics JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK DEDICATION To my friends and co-workers in the Cause of Higher Knowledge — to my Angel Messengers, from God, do I dedicate this Compilation. Your Earnest Student. MAY MORSE-BURKE April 6, 1910 (r- ?\ A 9 K 8 ^. K 8 GREETING She, who signs her name to these pages is virtually the author. Under what conditions the inspiration came, or by whose agency, the reader will care little, if this work interests him; and still less if it does not. Opinion will not alter Facts; and, from a sense of higher justice, than Individual Opinion, I sign myself, a friend to all. MAY MORSE-BURKE April 6, 1910 INTRODUCTION "Introduction, and Authority to John Henry Titus, Critic, for Punctuation and Editing the MSS. for this Book; through Inspiration of Author, by one of her guides. ''Analagous to thine own mind, and in accordance to thine "Other Self," ye shall be made to understand, the diction without parlance, or controversy. The age, in which ye live, is Obedient to distant "Approachings, and the Van-guard, of Eternity's Projectments, will be rehearsed in pride, and becoming enslavement of its charms. Detract not, from thy Guide's vocalization, but bravely proscribe thy self to his utterances, doing thyself proud. Urbanity, is not per- fection in Scholastic eminence. Ye shall maintain expression, leaping the confines of Tradition, im^posing upon thy self the Economics of vocalization. Scorn the Hybrids of Modern distinction, becoming Pow- erful, in Self." January 28th, 1910. Through years of observation and experience as a Critic and Author, I have been made conscious of the fact that by a strict adher- ence to present-d'ay rules and technics as prescribed by oertain ones of Collegiate authority, that the beauty and worth, lying in the productions of many an author's Manuscript have been either changed or else ruinieid; land oftimes lost by being entrusted, without restraint, to Critics for revisement and "Classic" interpretation, and general preparation. I differ from the most of critics. The reader, reads with hope of learning the author- Hence, in my work I have sought to understand the author in the work here presented ; and have 'avoided any changes or stripping the original writing or changing the meaning of sentences by Iron-clad rules in punctuation, and, especially — inspirational — as is the production of the within compilation. To this end I have con- fined myself to the direction as given m 'the above instructions by one of the author's "Guides"for Spirit-messengers, whose intelligence I rec- ognize as authority in this matter, as I do in many other subjects. The Preface, by the author,/ and contents of this book will suffice, and make unnecessary for any additional introduction in its presentation to the public. May its contents be understood and realized as I have been en- abled to understand and realize the production in the careful, candid and sincere application in my work performed as Critic and Co-worker for the reform of miankind from error and ignorance, and for the uplift of humanity. John Henry Titus, Critic. April 6. 1910 Jamestown, N. Y. As tt|? scugl^tttg of tl|f tr? PS, [fit tl|ftr kaufa nxt fluttrnttg mustr i^t mnuli Bay, In %0— ilg rl^tlbrftt— 1^0^?, ani P^ar?, anb ffinn?, te tl)tn^; making, ^^a nf Slifr, to sparkk, Hik^ tl|0 flom of olif n uiin?. ||0, b?00f rl|00, i\)tt, m kittin^BB, iForfrit not, t\\^ gifts of ^rar^, An& tl|^ I|f an^nB, mill op^n, to tl^n— f f , Bljalt B?^, tljn ^narbian*B far?. Feb. 28, 1910. 4 \>>^^^ iRainbom^b in t\\t Arriving akg. (Hr^Btmitli, 3lmmartal promia^, iEmblazonielii in t\\t AU-^iering-!£gp. Feb. 22. 1910. 0^1tm$ia^H of l^ulali %mh The Secret Key A VOICE "Thou and Thy God Stand Face to Face." A voice from out the silence spake, Bidding me seek the hidden key That locked the doors of light, of truth, Of love, between my God and me. Bewildered, in the dismal swamp Of doubt I stood, gazing around Upon the tangled threads of life That kept my soul ^as captive bound To wanton web. And, Oh! I cried: "Thou silent voice, that speaks to me On vibrant waves of mute desire, Where is the key? Where is the key." In tremulous expectancy I w^ai'ting harked; then, lo! upon The air there floated this response: "Go on ! A little farther on." My hungering heart was aching, sore. Rank weeds lay meshed around my feet With poisonous vines, whose tendrils wove The trail where slimy serpents creep. MRS. BURKE'S POEMS Dejected, sad, and all but spent, I turned to silent voice once more: "Un-loose my fetters! set me free!" I prayed as never prayed before. Out from the darkness of my doubt Shot forth a light, a single ray — As zigzag lightning from the clouds- Revealing me the hidden way. Eincrypted within a recess deep Of heart of mine, where none could see But God, the angels and my soul, 1 saw the key, the secret key. I pulsed the joy that quickened in My being's chalice, running o'er With love's pure essence, as the light From Qod streamed through the open door. Flooding my beart with kindliness; With pity, for the human race. As silent voice spake to my soul: "Thou and thy God stand face to face." Sept. 25, 1909- (Dedicated to my friend, Mrs. 'Catharine Elliott Weaver, a remarkable Psychic of Elmira Heights, N. Y. ) A Prayer Master, — take my heart's pure longings. String them on the strand of time, — Run them out in the forever, — Weave them in Love's Loom Divine. GLIMPSES BEULAH LAND Take the dark threads of life's twilight; Bathe them in the roseate glow Of the dawn, of life's supernal, — Leaving not one trace of woe. Take my errors — they are many — Cast them in oblivion's sea, — All my heart-aches, and my sufEerings, — Bianish, from my memory. Straighten out the labyrinthian Vista; of my wasted years, That I glimpse, with memory's vision, — Daily, through a mist of tears. Gather up the tiny fragments, Qif the good deeds, I have done; And with love, cement together. All the ipieces, into one. Cast It out into the Future, — Keeping it within my view, — As a magnet,-potent,-powerful, — Drawing me to Heaven, land you- Sept. 8th, 1907. A Dedication to the Author of this Book Allah, be with thee, and guard thee well; Allah, be with thee, and help thee to ,'tell The story of Love, — the s'tory of Truth, — To enlighten the mind, land sweetly soothe The heart, — giving to all mankind Pure lives of worth! and unto the blind; The sight, that looks above material things Into the life *beyiond, — and brings Love, and beauty from the heights. Supernal, Proving that thou, hast found the Light Eternal- MRS. BURKE'S POEMS So, Allah, be with thee, and guard thee well, Helping thee, this story of love to tell, That all may see, and reading, know The Truth of the saying, here below, That "Life is Progression," and those who heed The Voice of the Spirit, will have no need, Of Priest, or Pilot, or, noisome Creed. By C. A. S. The Author's Benediction to Her Critic Allah, be with thee! sounds the key-note, — Touched by angel hands, that seem