Class \. ,T\ 4 . 4 \ Book isa4_ HENRY WADE ROGERS, A.M., LL.D., President of Northwestern University since 1S90. I BIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE ALUMNI OF THE College of Liberal Arts IRortbwestern "Qlniversitg. EDWIN L. SHUMAN, HISTORIAN Compiled and Published for THE Alumni Association of the University V s>* o^ vM P F. PETTIBONE & CO., PRINTERS, CHICAGO. Ii Fxchange • i i3tt Biblical Inst 0c T 1 5 igV Preface. One of the most pathetic passages in English literature is Dr. Samuel Johnson's preface to his dictionary. His long task ended, he realizes that those who may attempt to read his book through in course will find the plot rather disconnected, and that even those who are to enjoy the fruits of his laborious years will do so without a thought of the compiler. Even so with the author of this Catalogue, in whom the task at last accomplished has somehow awakened for the first dictionary-maker a fellow feeling wondrous kind. And yet, somewhere in the wide domain of letters, there is to be found a sentence in which an author, in an unguarded moment, breaks forth into thanks that God had put it into the hearts of some men to make dictionaries. May we not hope that some still more devout soul, in some later and better age, may yet bless the illusion that has led some men to compile Alumni Catalogues ? Completed such a task as this can never be; but there comes a time, even in the compilation of a Catalogue, when the work of attending to belated replies must cease, and when the biographer must firmly put an end to all further marriages, and even to all new and crying additions to alumni households. That time has come, and all who have failed to arrange their biographical affairs accordingly must hereafter forever hold their peace. ■ ■'■■ ■•: Two months ago an individual letter on the subject was mailed to the best available address of each of the 875 graduates whose names make up this, North western's roll of honor. After continuous sifting and remailing of returned letters, about fifty of these have failed entirely of finding the addressee, and over a' hundred alumni have neglected, wilfully or otherwise, to respond. All addresses thus left in doubt for one reason or another, are marked with a dagger. " Is it a dagger that I see before me? " is a quota- tion that is recommended, with due animosity, to all such as are thus reminded, upon opening this book, that they ignored the Historian's billets- doux. It is the fond hope of the writer that the work begun in this Catalogue, and reDresenting but one of the departments of the University, may be taken up by each of the other Alumni Associations comprising the Uni- versity Council. The motto of that body: "Not one Alumni Association, but one University, " expresses the sentiment that must underlie the ampli- 3 4 PREFACE. fication and completion of this alumni biographical work. Allow me to suggest and urge that the Alumni Association of each department collect and publish the data relating to all graduates of that department, thus com- pleting the great volume of which this is but the first chapter. The Alumni can do no greater favor than this to the great institution of which they form so important a part. A joint record of the triumphs of all the graduates would be one of the very strongest bonds of union between departments unfortunately isolated, and would do more than anything else to keep bright that interest in University affairs which, to the alumnus, is all too likely to decrease inversely as the square of the distance, and which makes even of the swift succession of commencement days but a retreating comet with an increasingly nebulous tail. Errors, both of omission and of commission, there undoubtedly are in this volume; but the complaisant compiler hereby assures the critics that, if there are errors, they are due, not to lack of care, but to lack of data. The incompleteness that is more or less apparent on every page of this book is but the suggestion of a duty on the part of every alumnus who possesses the lacking information. All such corrections should be mailed to the Alumni Recorder, Prof. James T. Hatfield, Evanston, Illinois, who has undertaken the task of keeping up the work begun in this volume, and of setting down upon an extensive card catalogue the aforesaid corrections, all and singular, as fast as they are brought to his notice. It would be but an act of due loyalty if every alumnus of the College of Liberal Arts were to communicate with Prof. Hatfield once each year. It certainly will be the bounden duty of every alumnus who changes his address to apprise the Alumni Recorder of the change. In this way alone can the work now begun be kept accurate and be made of permanent value. It is the present intention to republish the Alumni Catalogue every two or three years, or, at farthest, every five years. But, as the bare mechanical cost of the present edition is over $400, and as a later edition will be likely to cost considerably more, it is not an expenditure that can be repeated every year, or entered into lightly. This is an enterprise, however, that must be undertaken and maintained by every large educational institution, and the Alumni Association is the proper party to shoulder the burden of it. Need it be added that every alumnus should be a member of this Asso- ciation? The compilation of a Catalogue like this is something that should have been attended to by the graduates of Northwestern University long ago; if it had been, the work upon this volume would not have been so outrage- ously arduous as it was. Few of the alumni, who will lightly read over the brief paragraphs devoted to themselves and to a dozen or two of their classmates, will realize that each of these names represents from two to six autograph letters, and more than half-a-dozen copyings and revisions of the matter involved. In fact, many of the names still left bare of biographical details stand for more work than the others, for in some cases nearly a PREFACE. 5 dozen letters have been written in attempting to trace these fugitives to their hiding places. When these facts are taken into consideration, a great part of the vanished leisure of the Historian's last two years is accounted for. An amanuensis has, besides, devoted six weeks of all-day work to this task since the beginning of last April. To the constant and self-sacrificing loyalty of Mrs. Marie Huse Wilder we owe the original collection of most of the biographical data upon which this book has been based. The patient pertinacity with which she for sev- eral years bombarded the older alumni with statistical blanks and begging letters that asked only for data, deserves more of a reward than a mere "thank you," in the preface of a book that will, in the majority of cases, be laid upon the attic shelf after ten minutes' perusal. Prom the data collected by Mrs. Wilder has grown the present volume, through compilation, elimination, and amplification, by all the means at hand. Others, to whom the Historian personally owes a debt of gratitude for drudgery shared, are Frank M. Elliot, Frank B. Dyche, Miss Lydia L. Jones, Prof. James T. Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Raddin, Giles Hub- bard, Miss Lodilla Ambrose, O. M. Howard, Henry M. Echlin, R. Roy Shu- man and Jesse J. Shuman. And allow the compiler here also to thank the many other loyal friends who have aided by furnishing some missing link of fact, or resurrecting some name or address from the limbo of the lost. As proof of his deep sincerity, the Historian hereby gracefully tenders to all these the boon and privilege of criticising this book. Strictures from all other sources are strictly prohibited. A word in explanation of the system followed in the gigantic work of "boiling down" the original data in order to bring them within hailing dis- tance of a " hard-times " exchequer. Wherever possible or expedient, words have been abbreviated and repetitions avoided. For instance, when the profession is given as " Physician " or " Minister, " the corresponding degrees of M.D. or B.D. are omitted; it is taken for granted that they have been attained, as in nearly all cases they have. The use of the broader word " Teacher " in place of professor, educator, instructor, and the rest, was found necessary on account of the impossibility of drawing a satisfac- tory line between the more technical terms. College honors have been omitted entirely, unless the membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Society be an exception. Any attempt to mention even the Kirk prize was found to lead to invidious distinctions, for there are now other prizes of equal value, and lack of space forbade a mention of all. The names of the Greek Letter Fraternities have been inserted at the last moment; hence, if there are omissions in this regard, they must be attrib- uted to haste and a bad pen. The great diversity in the quantities of material sent in by the various graduates has necessarily been toned down and each biography brought within the bounds of the same standard, while yet preserving as much indi- viduality as possible. It has, however, been a matter of constant regret on 6 PREFACE. the part of the compiler that the pruning-knife had to be used so often and so ruthlessly. The reader is assured that the Historian did not adopt this skeleton-outline style of treatment without first having tried a more preten- tious method and having found it impractical. Many will, therefore, find in these pages much less than they antici- pated; others, perhaps, will find more than they like. Every one who has to deal with the printing of people's names early learns the wide diversity of opinion entertained by good citizens as to what the public should or should not know concerning their personal affairs. It is, indeed, an apho- rism among reporters, that people to be interviewed are divisible into three classes: those who talk too much, those who talk too little, and those who will not talk at all. All these characters the compiler of this work has of course encountered, even to several who asked to have their names omit- ted entirely. Those who erred on the side of " muchness " are gratefully remembered by the writer, though he could not use all the material. While all reasonable requests have as far as possible been respected, all qviestions as to what was to go in or stay out have been decided solely with a view to the greatest good of the greatest number. So far as known, no name has been omitted. The photogravure portraits of all the Presidents and Acting Presidents of the University since the beginning, which are herewith presented, will, it is believed, prove a valuable addition to the permanent archives of the institution, as several of them are now published for the first time. Though certain of the portraits of early Presidents had to be taken from small and poor photographs, and are therefore not as good as those of the later ones, no expense has been spared to make each as perfect as possible. It was also the original intention to incorporate in this volume a brief history of the University, but the already healthy size of the book and the lack of time have crowded this out. It is to be hoped that it will be made a feature of the next edition. In relinquishing the chronicler's pen the writer wishes to pronounce his heartfelt and solemn Dominus Vobiscum upon the devoted head of his successor, and to assure an inquiring world that the joys bound up in the pmud title "Historian," are not for a moment to be compared with those that cluster around that of "Ex-Historian." E. L. S. Y.\ vxston, 111., June 5, 1S94. Alumni Catalogue. Note.— Star (*) before a name indicates " Deceased." Dagger (t) before an address means " Doubtful." CLASS OF 1858. * Lydia M. Waugh, nee Hayes. First graduate of the Northwestern Female College, which was associated with the University from the first, and which was merged in it in 1872. CLASS OF 1859. Thomas E. Annis, A.M., Physician, National City, California. Born Jan. 15, 1836, at Hamburg, N. Y. Prepared in La Porte, Ind., schools. Student N.W.U., 1854-59. Teacher, 1859-63: student Rush Medical College, 1863-66. Practiced at Holland, Mich., until 1883, and in National City, Cal., since. Married, Aug. 29, 1865, Sarah Baum of Tipton, Iowa. George W. Beggs, A.M., Sioux City, Iowa. Student in Northwestern University, 1855-59; Phi Delta Theta. Winchester ElhanoN Clifford, A.M., Insurance, Chicago. Residence, Evanston, 111. Born Apr. 21, 1837, Will County, 111. Prepared at Mt. Morris and Bloomington, III. In Coll., 1855-59. Taught school at Mendota and Joliet, 111., until 1865; since in insurance business. Married Sept. 8, 1861, Emily M. Smith. Children: Chester C, 1865; Caro- line H. (Mrs. Burbank), 1868. Samuel L. Eastman, A.M., Minister, Algona, Iowa. Born February 11, 1S30, in Newbury. Vt. Prepared in Newbury Sem. Student, N.W.U., 1855-9. Prin. Newbury Sem., 1876-87. Married, Jan. 1859, Emily Colburn. who died Aug. 5, 1862. Married, "April 10, 1867, Emilie G. Batchelder, Montpelier, Vt. Children: Ellen C, 1861 (died); Adah G., 1868; Arthur L., 1870 (died). Henry M. Kidder, Ph.B., Merchant, Chicago. Residence, EvaDSton, 111. Born May 12, 1839, in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Prepared at Mt. Morris, 111. Student, N.W.U., 1855-9. Phi Delta Theta. Farmer; soldier in civil war, 1862-5; in business since in Chicago; now on Board of Trade. Married Sara C. Ravenhill, of Newark, N.J., Jan. 25. 1867. Children: Kate C. and Daniel P. • * Margaret McKee. Student N.W. Fem. Coll., 1855-59. Died at Batavia, 111. Elhanon J. Searle, A.M., Lawyer. 8 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Frances Elizabeth Willard, A.M., Temperance Reformer, Evans- ton, 111. Born at Churchville, N.Y., Sept. 28, 1839. Prepared in Milwaukee Woman's College. Student, N.W. Fem. Sem., 1855-9 ; Alpha Phi. Prof, in N.W. Fern. Coll., Evanston, and in Pittsburgh Fem. Coll. ; preceptress in Genessee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N.Y.; Dean of Woman's College, Evanston; President Chicago W.C.T.U.; Pres. Illinois W.C.T.U. : Pres. National W.C.T.U.; Pres. World's W.C.T.U. Editor Union Sigiuil, besides being a writer of books, a speaker of international reputation, and organizer of the W.C.T.U, movement. CLASS OF I860. Elizabeth D. W. Benthall, nee Wilson, M. D. Physician, Spencer, la. Born Dec. 18, 1839, in Middlebury, N.Y. Prepared in Batavia Institute, 111. At N.W. Fem. Coll., 1858-GO. Taught four years in Batavia, 111. Graduated from Hahnemann Med. Coll. and hospital, 1884; practiced at Quasqueton and Spencer, Iowa, until Jan.,. 1894. Married to J. M. Benthall, of Quasqueton, Aug. 18, 1870. Children : Eugene D., 1871; Mary E., 1877. Julia M. Jones, nee Wood, L. S., Marseilles, 111. Born Dec. 27, 1810, in Chicago. Prepared for College at Ch'go Normal School. Student, N.W. Fein. Coll., 1856-60. Married 1870, to C. De H. Jones, M. D., of Brooklyn, N.Y., who died Feb. 23, 1877. Children: Alonzo De Haven, 1871; Gertrude M., 1876. *Alphonso Clark Linn, A.M., Teacher. Born Sept. 4, 1836, at Windsor, Me. Prepared in Lee Center Acad, and Mount Morris Sem. Student, N.W. U., 1860-64. Entered U.S. Army in 1864 as Captain of Company F. University Guards, 134th regiment HLVol's. Died in camp at Columbus, Ky., July 10, 1864. William Alexander Lord, A. B., Insurance, Adrian, Mich. Born Aug. 31, 1838, at Kochester, N. Y. Prepared at Evanston. Student, N.W.U., 1856-60. Phi Delta Theta. Four years in U. S. Army. Practiced law ten years. In mer- cantile pursuits 19 years. Now engaged in life insurance. Married Sarah Camp, April 18, 1869. Married Ellen J. Seger, Aug. 11,1872. Children: Willie D., 1870; Bessie M., 1873 (died). * Ada Marshall, nee Ward. Marie Louise Medlar, nee Dake, L.S., Woodstock, 111. Born Feb. 22, 1840. at Fort Ann, N. Y. Prepared in Woodstock H. S. Student N.W. Fem. Coll.. 1858-60. Married 1862 to John S. Medlar, at Woodstock, 111. Children: Frank W., 1865; Frederick B„ 1867 (died); Mabelle C, 1868; Herbert B., 1869; Julia L., 1873; Adele B., 1877. Julia Miller, nee Atkins, Sheffield, Mass. Born Julv2s, 1834, near Morris, 111. Prepared at Plainfleld Acad, and Joliet Union School. Student N.W. Fem. Coll., 1856-60. Tutor, IS59-60. Teacher, Greek, Latin, 1860-61. — Marrisd, Mar. 4, 1862, to J. Leland Miller, M. D., of Pittsfleld, Mass., who died April 17, 1889. Homer A. Plimpton, A. B. , Business, Perris, Cal. Born June 11, 1838, North East, Erie Co., Pa. Prepared for Coll. in Painesville Acad, and Oberlin Coll. Student N.W.U., 1856-60. Phi Delta Theta. Four years in U. S. Army, War of Rebellion ; fourteen years in Internal Revenue service, Chicago. Miner, cattle raiser, fruit grower, and now Sec'ty of the Perris Irrigation District. Married Dec. 23, 1868, Sophie C. Wood, Chicago.— Children: Grace S.; Mary E; Helen L.; Stella G.; HomerW.. * William H. H. Raleigh, Ph. B. Student in College, 1856-60; Phi Delta Theta. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 9 *Elmore Q. Seaele, A.B. Martha J. Smith, nee Stewart, Chicago. Address, 1729 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Melville C. Spaulding, A.B., C.S.B., Teacher, Columbus, O. Address, 406 Oak St. Born, Boston. Mass., Jan. 3, 1836. Prepared in Alexander Coll., Iowa. Student N. W. TJ., 1855-60. Admitted to the bar just before the war, but never practiced. In Union army in 1864. Engaged in literary work and in real estate, until 1885 ; since practicing and teaching Christian Science. Author of " The Eighteen Administrations of the United States,'^ and " Statistics of the United States." Married Elvira Wetherbee, of Kocking- ham, Vt., Dec. 18, 1866. Frank A. Springer, A.M., Teacher, Washington, D. C. Address, 516 Spruce St., Le Droit Park. Born Nov. 13, 1839, at Portland, Me. Prepared in Gardner H. S. and Maine Wesleyan Sem. Student N. W. U. 1858-60. Teacher 1861-81. In P. O. Dept., Washington, D. C, 1881-85. Now teaching. Principal of Night High School. Married Oct. 3, 1866, Annie V. Bates, of Washington, D. C. Children: Robert F., 1867 (died) ; Frank B., 1869 (died) ; Sarah L., 1871; Chas. A., 1874; William E., 1876; Edward L., 1879; Frank A., 1882. *Hart L. Stewart, A.B. In college 1856-60. Phi Delta Theta. *Mary Eliza Willard, L.S. Born Mar. 5, 1842, in Oberlin, O. Prepared at Milwaukee Fem. Coll. Attended N. W. Fern. Coll., 1858-60. Teacher in Evauston where she died in 1861. She is the subject of Frances Willard's book, " Nineteen Beautiful Years." Mart Willard, nee Bannister, A.M., Teacher, Berlin, Prussia. Address, Nettlebeck, Str., III. Born at Fairfield, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1841. Prepared in Cazenovia Sem., N. Y. Student N. W. U. 1858-60. Housekeeper until 1878; business manager of old Chicago Post; deputy collector of internal revenue: editor Union Signal; now principal of school for American girls in Berlin. Married July 3, 1863, to Oliver A. Willard, Evanston, HI., who died Mar. 17. 1878. Children: Robert A., 1863; Katharine, 1866; Josiah F., 1869; Mary B., 1875; Lucy K., 1876 (died). CLASS OF 1861. *Celia E. Boyd, nee Stow. Louise B. Fitch, nee Bragdon, Evanston, 111. Address, 1724 Chicago Avenue. Born, 1840, in Maine. Graduate of Prof. Jones' N.W.Fem.Coll., '61. Married Feb. 7, 1865, to Julian Robertson Fitch, Officer U.S.A. Two daughters, one born in Evanston, the other at Ft. Bayard, N. M. *Isabella S. Foote, nee Miner. James William Haney, A.M., D.D., Minister, Normal, 111. Address, P. O. Box 70. Born Jan. 24, 1840, at Bloomington, 111. Prepared at Mt. Morris and in Hedding Coll. In N.W.U., 1857-61. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Beta Kappa. Practiced law; Captain in U.S. Army. Preaching since the war, in Central 111. Conf.; P. E. of Streator Dist. First alum- nus to receive D.D. from N.W.U., 1886. Married June 18, 1862, Jane E. Sherman of Evanston. Children: Nellie, 1863; Adaline S., 1864. Richard S., 1873; Mary L., 1875. 10 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Lydia M. Howe, A. B., Teacher. Margaret J. Kinney, nee Shannon. Mary Newkirk Ludlam, M.S., Evanston, 111. Born at Deerfleld, N.J. Prepared in N.W.. Fern. Sem. Student N.W. Fern. Coll., 1857-61. Teaching in Evanston. * James W. Milner, Ph.D. Born Jan. 11, 1841, at Kingston, Out. Student N.W. Fern. Coll., 1859-G1. Served in U.S. Army four years, in Battery A. 1st 111. Light Artillery. Farmed near Waukegan. Married, Jan. 1, 1871, Sarah Fay. Three children. Died Jan. 2, 1880, at Waukegan, 111. Martin Mohler, A. B. , State Official, Topeka, Kas. Address, 1528 College avenue. Born Mar. 20, 1830. at Mechanicsburg, Pa.— Prepared for Coll. at Perryville Acad.. Pa., and Rock River Sem., 111. Student N.W. U.. 1859-61. Teacher, 1861-70. Supt. of Mifflin Co. Schools Pa., 1865-70. Treas. Osborne Co., Kan., 1878-82. Secretary Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 1888-94. Married May 7. 1862, LucinaM. Hoover, of Lewistowu, Pa. Children: William A. (dead); Margaret L.; Jacob C.; Laura M.; Frank M. * Georgia A. Muller, nee Bryce. Born Sept. 4. 1841, at Auburn, N.Y. Prepared in N.W. Fern. Coll. In Coll. 1857-61. Married. Nov. 4, 1802. to Rev. 1). H. Muller, in Evanston. Daughter, Mrs. Mary L. Derrick. Mary Shepherd, nee Bragdon, L.S. , Auburndale, Mass. Address, Lasell Seminary. Born June 25, 1843, at Kennebunk Port, Maine. Prepared in Public Schools. Student N.W. Fern. Coll., 1858-61. Married to William T. Shepherd, Oct. 9, 1867, at Evanston. Chil- dren: Bessie C. 1873; and a son, who died in 1872. William Anson Spencer, A.M., D.D., Minister, Philadelphia, Pa. Address, 1026 Arch street. Born at Rock Island, 111., Sept. 6, 1840. Prepared in Rock River Sem. and at Iowa Coll. In N.W.U., 1855-61. Private in 8th 111. Cavalry, 1861-63; Chaplain of same, 1863-65.— Preach- ing since in Illinois and in Philadelphia. Elected to Gen. Conf. of 1884 and 1888 ; elected Asst. Cor. Sec'v. Board of Church Extension, Nov., 1885; Cor. Sec'y., same. May, 1892. G.B.L. B.D.. 1867: D.D. from same, 1885. Married Eliza B. Sargent, of Rock Island, Sept. 21, 1S68. Children: Clarissa H., 1870; John W., 1S75 (died); Charles H., 1877; Edward M., 1878: Robinson. 1881; William A., 1888i * Warren Taplin, A.B. * John C. Wilson, Ph.D. CLASS OF 1862. Robert Bentley, A.M., D.D., Minister, Berkeley, Cal. Address, 2410 Fulton street. Born May 6, 1838, at Cambridge, Engl. Prepared at Evanston. Student N.W. U., 1858-62. Preached in Chicago and Rockford. 111.. 1863-68. Preaching since in California. Married Frances A. Harvey, of Chicago in 1863. Children: Robert Irving; Grace H. (dead); Charles H.; Edward F.; Mary I. (dead), and May F. Bennet B. Botsford, Ph.B., Merchant, Chicago. Address, 95 Wabash avenue. Born Aug. 3, 1840, in Chicago. Student in N.W.U.. 1858-62; Phi Delta Theta. In mer- cantile business. REV. CLARK T. HINMAN, D.D., First President Northwestern University. Elected June 23. 1853 ; died in 1854. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 11 Cornelia F. Emmert, nee Winslow, A.M., Sibley, Iowa. Born Feb. 24, 1844, at Freeport, 111. Prepared at Rockford Sein. Student X.W. Fern. Coll., 1801-02. Married June 8, 1875, to H. L. Emmert, of Freeport. Daughter Freda M., born July 28, 1880, died in 1885. Harriet C. Furber, nee Wood, L.A. , Chicago. Address, 187 Twenty-fifth street. Born Mar. 4, 1843, in Chicago. Prepared for Coll. at Kenosha H. S. Student N.W.Fem. Coll., 1858-62. Married (Jet. 30, 1880, to W. A. Furber. Daughter, Theodosia, born Feb. 10, 1883. Mary E. Harding, nee Clifford, Evanston, 111. Address, 1014 Chicago avenue. Born, 1840. Prepared for Coll. at Evanston. Student N.W.Fem. Coll., 1855-02. Married May 14, 1807, to P. D. Harding, M.D., of Goshen, Ind. Removed to.Evanston, 1891. Emily H. Jones, nee Hall, L.A. , Greeley, Col. Born Jan. 0, 1842, at Lacon, 111. Prepared in Lacon H. S. Student N.W.Fem. Coll.. 1800-02. Married Aug. 25, 1804, to Albert W. Jones of Lacon. Children: Julius C, 1865 (died); James H., 1807. Isaac Williams McCasky, A.B., Merchant, Chicago. Address, 790 W. Monroe street. , Born Sept. 0, 1839, at La Porte, Ind. Prepared in X.W. U. Prep. Student, X.W.U.. 1858-62. Phi Beta Kappa. Served in U. S. Army, 87th Reg. Ind.Vol., 1862-64. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Taught School in Indiana: connected w T ith Revenue Dep't. at Chicago. 1872-87: in dry goods business since. Married, Sept. 0, 1870. Louise Woodford, of Dixon, 111. Children: Harriet L., 1872; Katharine E., 1874; Franklin W., 1876; Eliza A., 1880 (died); Grace E., 1885. *Henry G. Meacham, A. B. Born Jan. 18, 1841, at Maine, 111. Prepared for College in X.W.U. Prep. Student X. W.U., 1858-02. Enlisted in U.S. Army, July 25, 1862— 2d Lieutenant Co. I., 88th Reg. 111. Vol. Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., April l, 1863. Henry A. Pearsons, A.M., Banker, Chicago. Residence, 1718 Chicago Ave., Evanston; Office, 140 Dearborn St., Chicago. Born Aug. 14, 1843, at Bradford, Vt. Prepared for College at N. W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U., 1858-61; Sigma (hi. Served in U.S. Army four years: was given diploma in 1866. and graduated as a member of Class of '02. Since, real estate and loan broker and banker. Married Catherine J. West, of Uniontown. Pa., Jan. 3, 1807. Son, Harry P.. born Jan. 15, 1873. William F. Rose, A.B., Minister, Pierre, S. D. Born April 21, 1835, at Victor, N.Y. Prepared at Albion, Mich. Attended College 1858-02. Preaching since in Mich.. 111., Iowa and S. Dak. Married May 16, 1804, Sarah E. Devendorf, of Lowell, Mich., who died May 16, 1874. Daughter, Mina, born Feb. 23, 1805. David Sterrett, A.B., Lawyer, Washington, Pa. Born Aug. 30, 1830, at Pinegrove Mills, Pa. Prepared for College at Central Acad. Port Royal, Pa. In College, 18G0-G2. Practicing law since in various Pennsylvania towns. Married June 30, 1808, Emma C.Brooks, of Pittsburg, Pa. Children: Martha B., 1869; (died); Charles C. 1870; Rufus A., 1872; Whiter B., 1876; Malcolm, 1878; Marion. 1880: Louis E., 1883. • 12 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. CLASS OF 18«3. Henry Martyn Bannister, A.M., M.D., Physician, Austin, 111. Born July 25, 1844, at Cazenovia, N.Y. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in College, 1859-63; Phi Beta Kappa. Received M.D. from Medical Dept. Columbian Univ. Con- nected with Smithsonian Institution, 1864-73. Editor, with Dr. J. S. Jewell, of Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1874. Physician at Kankakee Insane Asylum. Married In June, 1887, Deli i C. Ladd, of Chicago. Frances H. Bentley, nee Harvey, Berkeley, Cal. Address, 2410 Fulton St. Born Feb. 22, 1840, at Butternuts, N.Y. Prepared in Elgin H.S. Student N.W. Fern. Coll. 1861-63. Married Oct. 25, 1863, to Rev. Robert Bentley, of Chicago. Children: Robert I.; Grace H. (dead); Charles H.; Edward F.; Mary I.; (dead), and May F. Almus Btttterfield, A. B.. Commission Merchant, Chicago. Address, 182 S. Water St. Aurelia M. Ferry, L.S. , Teacher, Long Pine, Neb. Born Nov. 8, 1842, at Benton, Lake Co., 111. Prepared in Waukegau Acad. Student N.W. t em. Coll., 1860-63. Teaching since in Illinois, Indiana and Nebraska. Cornelia S. Ferry, L. S , Teacher, Long Pine, Neb. Born Nov. 8, 1842, at Benton, Lake Co., 111. Prepared in Waukegan Acad. Student in N.W. Fein. Coll., 1860-63. Teaching since in Illinois and Indiana., Harriet Fisher, nee DeCoudres, A.B. , Honolulu, Hawaiian Isl ands. Born Sept. 10, 1844, at Cayuga, N.Yf. Attended College 1859-63. Teacher five years. Married 10 Kev. Albert N. Fisher, of San Francisco, Aug. 24, 1869. Son, Ray DeCoudres, born Nov. 22, 1880. Louise Huntoon, nee Gamble, L. S. , LaPorte, Ind. Address, 108 Noble St. Born Dec. 24, 1842, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Prepared in public schools, Chicago. Student N.W. Fern. Coll. 1859-63. Married Nov. 21, 1866. to George W. Huntoon, of Evans- ton. Children: Jesse C, 1867; Charles E., 1869; Walter G., 1872; Louise E„ 1874; Percy W., 1876 (dead); Clara M., 1878; Ida B., 1881. *Jennie M. Pearce, nee Wheeler. Student in N.W. Fern. Coll., 1859-63. Died at Baltimore, Mar. 5, 1S86. *Mary E. Stevens, nee Bishop. CLASS OF 1864. Cornelia A. Holyoke, nee Wheeler, A.M., Waukegan, 111. Born Aug 10, 1846, in New Y'ork City. Prepared for College in Normal school, Ypsl- lanti, Mich, student N.W. Fern. Coll., 1861-64. Married Oct. 30, 1875, to Chas. Holyoke, of Chicago. Children: Charles E„ 1876; Eleanor M., 1878; Bertha A., 1882; Arthur and William, twins, 1884 (dead). *Frederick J. Hutchings, Ph.B. , Farmer. Died Nov. 11, 1891. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 13 Clausine Christiana Kiboey Mann, nee Borchsenius, A.M., Orange, New Jersey. Born Aug. 23, 1840. at Rudkjobing, Denmark. Student N.W. Fem. Coll., 1860-64. Mar- ried March 14, 1867, to Rev. Chas. H. Mann, of Chicago. Children: Three sons and three daughters. * Milton C. Springer, A.M. Born 1837, at Hennepin, 111. Student N.W.U., 1860-64; Phi Kappa Psi. Married Mary E. Ward. Son, George \V., born Dec. 14, 1868. Was president or Hedding College; dep- uty collector Internal Revenue ; secretary and treasurer Anderson Press Brick Co. ; Real Estate dealer. Died at Wilmette, 111., 1890. George E. Strobridge, A.M., D.D., Minister, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Born Hamilton, Can., Feb, 4, 1839. Prepared at Woodward, H.S., Cincinnati, O. Attended N.W.U., 1861-64; Phi Kappa Psi. A.B. and A.M. from N.W.U.; B.D. and D.D. from G.B.I. Preached in Rock River Conf.; Lexington, Ky.; Buffalo and Kingston, N. Y., and New York City. Now pastor Trinity M.E. Ch. Poughkeepsie. Married Kate M. Kidder at Evanston, Nov. 27, 1866. Children: Harriette H., 1867; Mabel, 1869; Robert, 1877; George, 1883. Sarah Isabella Wallace, nee Denning, Mankato, Minn. Address, 22 Byron St. Born July 26, 1843, Princeton, 111. Prepared in select school, Sterling, 111. Student N.W. Fem. Coll., Classical Course, '64. Taught till date of marriage. Married to Lewis Wallaceof Sterling, Jan. 6, 1868. Children: John D.,7868; Lowell M., 1869 (died); Frank L., 1870; Daisy K., 1871; Robert S., 1875; Percy, 1878 (died); May M., 1880 (died); Esther C, 1881. Sarah E. Wright, nee Holmes, f Binghamton, N. Y. Last address, 341 Oak St. Born March 13, 1842, at Westford, N.Y. Prepared at Westford and Kankakee City. Student N.W. Fem. Coll., 1862-64. Taught school in Illinois and New York State. Farmed twelve years in Otsego Co., N.Y. Married Dec. 24, 1867, to W. E. Wright, of Westford, N.Y. Children: Horace C, 1868; Matilda L., 1871. CLASS OF 1865. Charles C. Bragdon, A.M., Teacher, Auburndale, Mass. Address, Principal Lasell Seminary. Born Sept. 6, 1847, at Auburn, N.Y. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In college 1860-65, Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Teaching since; principal Lasell Seminary. Student in Germany, 1872-74; again, 1886-87. Around the world, 1890-91. Married June 30, 1869, Kate Ransom, of Williamsport, Pa. Children: Kate Belle, Mar. 14, 1874; John Ransom, Aug. 31, 1875. * Emily G. Hazelton, nee Bishop. In N.W. Fem, Coll., 1861-65. Taught continuously from graduation until 1873, when she was married to Truman W. Hazelton, of Austin, Minn. Left two children, one of whom is still living, about IS years of age, and a student at Hamline Univ., Minn. Died of bronchitis, in Illyria, Iowa, in 1876. Josephine Hill, nee Day, L.S., Chicago. Address 445 Forty-sixth St. Born July 2, 1844. Prepared at Knox College. Student. N.W. Fem. Coll., 1862-65. Taught select school five years; kindergarten five. Married May 15, 1867, to Edwin Hill, of Davenport, Iowa. Children: Fred D., 1868; Ben B„ 1870; Alice H., 1872 (dead) ; Jose- phine, 1880 (dead). 14 A.LUMN1 CATALOGUE. * Melville A. Pingree, A. B. Student N.W. P., 1861-65; Phi Kappa Psl. Died In 1866. A. inks Vernette Snyder, nee Forbes, Riverside, 111. Born Mar. ■-',">, 1S4C, at Silver Creek, ill. Prepared at CedarvlUe Acad. Student, N.W.I'., 1865-66. Married Jan. l, 1868, to Chas. 0. Snyder, of Rockford. 111. Children: Waldos . 1868; MaudC.,1872; Karl F., 1875; Agnes V„ 1879; Charles C, 1887. Mary E. Springer, nee Ward, A.M., Wilinette, 111. Born 1845. at Harvard, 111. Prepared at Rockford Sem. Student, N.W. Fern. ColL, 1863-65. Married Milton C. Springer, who died 1890. son, George W., born Dec. 14, 1868. Elbert B. Wheeler, Ph. B., Civil Engineer, Arlington Heights, 111. Born Sept . 86, 1841, at Elk Grove. Prepared for college In N.W.TJ. Prep. In college, 1861-65; I'lu Kappa PsI. Teacher, civil engineer, and surveyor. Married Dec. 26, i87;i, Nancy L. Skinner, who died In 1882. Married Sept, 1, 1886, i. >ulsa Frederick, of Wheaton. Children: Fanny, 187C; Linn K.. 1876; Emily M.. 1878; Annie 1... 1888; Elbert 1?.. 1890; Clierie K., is<)-_>. Martha W. Wilson, nee llichardson, fPotter, Neb. Born July 24, 1843, at West Stockholm, N.Y. Prepared In public school, student, N. W.P., 1861-65, Married Sept. 27, 1866, to Rev. Daniel T.Wilson. Children: George A. ,1868; Frank M., 1870; Fred. T., 1872; Nellie, 1876; Grace, 1878 (died); Jesttna, 1879 (died); Guy B., 1881; Halo, 1883. CLASS OF ISCHt. Alice J. Comstock, L.A., A.M., Evanston, 111. Address, 1326 Ridge Ave. Student in N.W. Fein. Coll.. 1863-66. lias lived at her home in Evanston since gradu- ation. James Frake, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Office, 132 La Salle St. Born Mar. 29, 1841, at Loughborough. Engl, Prepared in N.W. I'. Prep. Attended Coll., 1861-66; PhlKappaPsL Phi Beta Kappa. Grad. Univ. of Chicago Law School, '69. A trustee of Northwestern University since 1874; Member Board of Education. Chicago, 1878-81. Ellen E. Garnsey, nee Bradley, Evanston, 111. Born Sept. 16, 1844. at Canterbury. N. II. Prepared in Cottage Hill 11. S. Student. N. W. Fem. Coll., 1862-66. Married Sept. 15. 1869. to Dr. Chas. A. P. Garnsev, of Evanston. Children: Charles C. 1870 (died 1871); Ellen M., 1872; l.illie B.. 1874; Charles E., 1876; Laura J., 1876; Mabel I'... 1882; Willie (;., 1884. ♦Amelia Elizabeth Holcomb, A. M. Born Sept. 28, 1845, at Naperxille. 111. Student N. W. Fem. Coll., 1862-66. Taught school in Lake Co., 111.; Goshen. Ind.; Dupage Co.. 111.: principal of Kvanston avenue school, Chicago. 1879-87. Established the Rockefeller classical institute. September, 1887. fn 1891, compelled to quit teaching on account of failing health. Elected honorary member Amer. Acad, l'olit. and Soc. Sci. of Philadelphia, 1890. Erected with her own means the chapel where the first Congregational church of Rockefeller hold their meet- ings and of which she was a charter member. Died Dec. 20. 18!»3. Mary E. Lott, nee White, Chicago. Address. 4021 Yincennes Ave. Born Sept. 7, 1841, at Sycamore. HI. Prepared for college at Sycamore. Student N. W. Fem. Coll., 1865-66. Married, Get. 30, 1873, to James P. Lott. of Chicago. REV. RANDOLPH S. FOSTER, D.D., LL.D., Elected President Northwestern University June 5, 1865; resigned in i860. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 15 Ella Palmer, nee Judson, Indianapolis, Ind. Address, 441 Broadway. Born Feb. 0, 1846, at Mount Morris, 111. Prepared at Clark Seminary. Student N. W. Fern. Coll., 1862-06. Married Apr. 22, 1869, to Orlando H. Palmer, of South Bend, Ind. Children: Eloise, 1870; Henry A., 1872; Vana B., 1885. Liston H. Pearce, A.M., D.D., Minister, Courtland, N. Y. Address, 39 Church St. Born May 27,' 1838, near Springfield, 0. Prepared in Fort Wayne College. Student N. W.U., 1802-66. Married, 1867, Jennie M. Wheeler, who died Mar. 5, 1886. Married, 1889, Katharine A. Oler, of Baltimore. Children: Etha Ette, 1S70; Walter C, 1874. Emma Phelps, nee Kyle, Rogers Park, 111. Born Sept. 9, 1849, at Rogers Park, 111. Prepared in Evanston public school. Student N. W. U., 1861-00. Married Apr. 9, 1808, to Harlon W. Phelps, of Kogers Park. Children: Anna, 1872 (died) ; Grace A., 1874; Bessie, 1881. May Sewall, nee Wright, Indianapolis, Ind. Address, 343 N. Pennsylvania St. Born May 27, 1847, in Milwaukee, Wis. Prepared by private tuition and at Tafton Acad. Student N. W. Fern. Coll., 1863-66. President of the Prophyhtum Assn., and chairman University Extension Com., Indianapolis; director for Indiana in Assn. of Col- legiate Alumnae; president iNat. Council of Women. Married to Theodore L. Sewall, of Corinth, Mich., Oct. 30. 1880. Joseph Conable Thomas, A.M., B.D., Journalist, New York City, Address, 150 Fifth Ave. Born Oct. 26, 1833, at New Woodstock, N. Y. Prepared in Cazenovia Sem. Attended college 1860-02 and 1865-66. Chaplain 88th 111. Vol., 1862-65. Grad. G. B. I., 1866. Joined New Y'ork East Conference 1867. Served five charges, the last Leonard Street, Brooklyn, where in 1877 his health failed. On editorial staff of Christian Advocate, N. Y. City, 1879- 92; still Advocate indexer. and librarian Editor's Library, Missionary Library and" Meth. Hist. Soc. Library in Meth. Book Concern. Arthur J. Wheeler, A.M., Minister, Bangor, Mich. Born Sept. 25, 1841, at Strait's Lake, Mich. Prepared at Mich. State Normal School. Student N. W. U., 1861-66. Married, 1876, Dorlisca J. Wheeler, of Saranae, Mich Daughter, Florence, who died Sept. 3, 1889. CLASS OF 1867. John William Bissell, A. M. , D.D., Minister, Fayette, la.. Address, Upper Iowa University. Born Prescott. Canada, Aug. 4, 1843. Prepared at Rock River Sem., Mount Morris 111. In college 1803-07. Prof, of Latin and Greek, Northern Indiana Coll., South Bend' Ind., 1807-GS; Prin. of Brookston Acad.. 1808-70; student G. B. I., 1871: Pastor at J^ew Hampton. Iowa, 1871-72; Prof, of Nat. Science in L'pper Iowa Univ.; Vice-president (Ibid) 1873-74; Pi esident (Ibid) since 1874. Married Emma E. Rockafeller. June 28, isog. Chil- dren: William, 1870 (died 1872); James R., 1872. Frances J. Bright, nee Roberts, f Oshkosb, Wis. Born 1840, at Kacine, Wis. Prepared in Wisconsin H. S. Student N. W U 180 r >-07 Teacher four years. Married. 1871. to Charles M. Bright, of Waupaca, Wis " Child- ren: Winifred Miles, 1877; Roberts Orville, 1S79. 16 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. John Howard Brooks, A. M. , Minister, Wisner, Neb. Born Dec. 15. 1842, at Tuckahoe, N. J. Prepared at Hudson River Inst., Claverack, N. Y. At Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn., 1860-02; as Junior at N. W. U. 1865-67. B. D. from G. B. I., '68. In Wisconsin Conf ., 1869-85, when he was transferred to Nortli Nebraska conference, where he lias filled various fields of labor. Married, Dec. 25, 1870, Lizzie McCullough, daughter of Rev. Wm. McCullough, of Canada. Children: William H., 1875 (died) ; John M., 1876 (died); Spencer B. M., 1877; Frances Gertrude, 1880. William Charles Comstock, A.M., Grain Merebant, Cbicago. Office, 54 Board of Trade; summer res., Evanston; winter res., Winter Park, Fla. Bom Oct. 20, 1847, at Oswego, N. Y. In Coll. 1863-67. Phi Kappa Psi. In grain busi- ness until he retired in 1893. Married Eleanor K. Douglas, Evanston, Sept. 8, 1868. Morton Culver, A. M., Lawyer, Cbicago. Address, 159 Randolph St. Born Aug. 30, 1841, in Niles, Cook Co., 111. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Student N. W. U., 1864-67; Phi Kappa Psi. Taught school; sold real estate; and is practicing law. Author of a history of Chicago. Married Eugenia M. Taylor, of Loda, Iroquois Co., 111. Dec. 25, 1865. Eight children: Harry N.; Genia M.; Morton T.; Delphia M.; Alvin H.; .John R.; Arthur E. and Roger S. John Ellis, A.M., Minister, Evanston, 111. Address, 1109 Maple Ave. Born June 25, 1843, New Bedford, Mass. Prepared in Wilbraham Acad., Mass. In col- lege 1865-67; Phi Kappa Psi; Grad. G. B. I. Taught in Prep. Dept. N. W. U. two years. Filled important charges in Rock River conference. Lately pastor of a Congregational •church. Moved to Evanston. Nov. 1893 to educate his children in his Alma Mater. Act- ing editor Transatlantic Art Pub. Co. of Chicago; especially engaged in the preparation •of a memorial volume on Chicago and the World's Col. Ex. Married Ella H. Gary, of Wheaton. 111., Jan. 4, 1870. Four children, one dead. *Mary Ann Fisher, nee McKean, M.S. Born Jan. 29, 1841, at Trov, Wis. Prepared at Rock River Sem. Student N. W. Fern. Coll., 1803-67. Married in Mount Morris, July 12, 1871, to Rev. O. L. Fisher, of Upper Iowa Conf. Children: Ethel, 1872 (died); Jay McK., 1875. Mrs. Fisher died Feb. 8, 1877, at Greeley. * Ada S. Kinsman, nee Wanless. Student in Northwestern Fern. Coll., 1865-67. Married and had one daughter. Died in Turkey in 1870. John B. MacGtjffin, A.M., Minister, Liberty ville, 111. Born in London, Canada, 1844. Prepared at Rock River Sem. Student N. W. I)., 1863-67; Phi Kappa Psi. Has served eleven churches and not missed one Sunday service because of sickness in all these years. Is now pastor in Libertyville, and Pres. of Rock River Domestic Missionary Society. Married Miss M. T. Laughlin, of Bloomington, 111., in 1871. Children: Paul; AdaL.; Ralph D. Belle Mappin, nee Pearsons, A.M., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Born Mar. 9, 1848, at Hartford, Vt. Prepared at Evanston. Student N. W. Fern. Coll.. 1863-67. Journalist several years. Married June 6, 1872, to Rev. W. F. Mappin. Children: Alice Louise, 1873 (died); Lillian May, 1874. Margaret J. Miller, nee McKean, B.S., A.M., Lockport, 111. Bom Oct. 29, 1842, at Belvidere, 111. Prepared in Rock River Sem. Student N.W. Fein. Coll.. graduating in 1867. After teaching six years became a Methodist minister's •wife. Married Apr. 2, 1874, to Rev. Amos H. Miller. Children: Esther McD., 1875; Jo- sephine R., 1878; Ada, 1885 (died) ; Helen M., 1887. Harriet North, nee Linn, A.M., Cbicago. Address, 889 W. Adams St. Born Apr. 5, 1844. at Lee Center, 111. Prepared at Lee Center Acad. Student N. W. Fern. Coll., 1862-67. Married Dec. 25, 1873, to Charles A. North, of Lee Center. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 17 Thomas R. Strowbridge, A.M., Minister, Chicago. Address, Marshfield Ave. M. E. Church. Born June 3, 1840, in Hamilton, Can. Prepared at Evanston. Student N. W. U., 1861- 67; Phi Kappa Psi. Married, May 27, 1874, Nellie Maud Smith, of Oak Park. Children: Jesse George, 1878; Mary L., 1880; Thomas R., 1880. George W. Winslow, A.M., Minister, Byron, 111. Born Aug. 4, 1842, at Southwick, Mass. Prepared in Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111. In Coll., 1863-67. Principal N.W.U. Prep. School four years; preaching since. Married, July 10, 1871, Lizzie Spaulding, of Springfield, Vt. Children: George A.; Charles S.; Annie S. CLASS OF 1868. Edmund W. Burke, A.M., Judge, Chicago. + Address, 84 LaSalle St. Born Sept. 22, 1847, at Byron, 111. Prepared for College at Mt. Morris, 111. Student, N.W.U. , 1864-68; Phi Kappa Psi. Practicing law since graduation. Elected Judge of Superior Court, Chicago, 1894. Married, Dec. 5, 1878, Myra "Webster, of Rockford, 111. Sons: Harold, 1882; and Ralph, 1885. Nellie Henry, nee Case, BloomingtoD, 111. Address, 607 E. Empire St. Born July 16, 1847, at Manchester, Conn. Prepared in Clark Sem., Aurora, 111. Stu- dent, N.W. Fern. Coll., 1867-68. Married, Aug., 1870, to Rev. Ira B. Henry, who died at Mason, Tex., Aug. 11, 1890. Children: Hattie, 1871; Ruth, 1873; Eleanor M., 1890. "*F annie C. Huntington, nee Lakin. Student, N.W. Fem. Coll., 1866-68. Married, 1870. Died Aug. 27, 1871, at Milwaukee. *Frederick Josiah Huse, A.B. , M.D. Born Dec. 30, 1847, at Dresden, Me. Prepared at Evanston. Student, N.W.U. 1863-68. Student, Chicago Med. Coll., 1870-73. Student in Vienna, Paris and London. 1873-75. Supt. Hospital and Benefit Dept. of Employes of Pacific system of S. Pac. Ry. Co., from Port- land, Ore., to El Paso, Tex., 1888-90; also connected with Piano Mfg. Co., Chicago. Mar- ried, Dec. 12, 1873, at Edinburgh, Scotland, Sarah M. Gammon, of Batavia, 111., who died Jan. 3, 1S80. Married, June 14, 1884, Helen I. Clement, of San Francisco, at Redwood, Calif. Children: Norman, 1876 (died); Charles G„ 1878. Dr. Huse died in Chicago, Aug. 7, 1893. Marie Wilder, nee Huse, A.M., Evanston, 111. Address, 1816 Chicago Ave. Born July 27, 1850. at Castine, Me. Prepared at Evanston. Student, N.W. Fem. Coll., 1864-68. Post-graduate student at Vassar College, 1868-70. Teacher Van Norman's Insti- tute, New York city, 1870-72. Director 111. Industrial School for Girls; chairman Art Dept. of Chicago Exchange for Woman's Work; President Evanston Branch Needle- Work Guild of America; secretary nine years of N.W.U. Alumni Association. Married, Oct. 7. 1873, to Frank Blaisdell Wilder, M.D., of Boston. Children: Fred, 1S77; Rich- ard, 1880. Annis Jewell, nee Gage, Dowagiac, Mich. Born Mar. 15, 1849, at Dowagiac, Mich. Prepared in Dowagiac H. S. Student, N. W. Fem. Coll., 1867-68. Married, Mar. 26, 1872, to Augustus Jewell, of Dowagiac, who Is present State Senator from the Seventh Senatorial district of Mich. William C. Knapp, A.M., f Abingdon, 111. Annie M. Loiseaux, nee Roberts. 18 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Alla Raymond, nee Beveridge, Chicago. tAddress, B6 Cedar St. Born 1848. Prepared at Evanston. Student N.W. Fein. Coll., 1864 68. Married Samuel B. Raymond, of Evanston. Two sons and a daughter. *Elizabeth Torrexoe, nee Norton. Born Aug. 11, 1849, at Joliet. 111. Student, N.W.Fem. Cell., 1864-68. Married to Gen. Joseph Torrence, of Chicago, in 1870. Daughter, Jennie Norton, born Dee. 7, 1875. Mrs. Torrence died in Chicago, Oct. 12, 1891. CLASS OF 1869. Jacob R. Allen, A.M., Minister, Waterloo, Iowa. Born Apr. 5, 1838, at LaPorte, Ind. Prepared for college in N.W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U.. 1865-69. Giad. G.B.T.. 1870. Preaching In Illinois since. Married. Dec. t;, 1870, Jennie Wallace, of Downer's Grove, 111., who died April 29, 1884. Children: Lela, 1873; Floy, 1 8T."» : Kay, 1879; Bessie, 1881. Married Hannah Corson, Apr. 23, 1887. Children: Ralph, 1889; Glenn, 1892. Robert Baird, A.M., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, January, 1844. Prepared in N.W.U, Prep. Student in College, 1865-69; i'lii Kappa Fsi; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor in N.W.U. Preparatory De- partment; now. Professor of Greek in the University. Married July 12, 1*74, Sarah Heston. Children: John (died); Ruth; Robert W.; Malcolm H. Charles K. Bannister, A.B., Civil Engineer, yOgden, Utah. Born Nov. 14, 1847, in Cazenovla, N.Y. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in College 1S65-60; Phi Kappa l'si. Married Emma B. White, of Evanston, February, 1874. Children: Edward VY.. 1875; Emily. 1877. Fannie S. Best, nee Stont, A.M., Jacksonville, 111. Born Aug. 26, 1846, at Potter Center, N.Y. Prepared in Upper Iowa Univ. Filtered N.W.U. as Junior, 1867-69. Taught mathematics one year. Married to Rev. Win. Dudley Best, o' Freeport, Nov. 31, 1870. Children: Flora Mae, 1871; Frank, 1875; Lunetta, 1878; Alice, 1880. Andrew B. Bishop, A.M., Physician, San Jose, Cal. Born July 5,1836, at Verona. N.Y. Prepared in Janesville,(Wis.) H.S. Student N.W.U. 1865-6H. Clergyman until 1881; since practicing medicine. President of Medical Societj of Santa Clara County, Cal. Married Oct. 30, 1870, Eva L. Wells, of Albany, N.Y. Chil- dren: George W., 1873; Mabel, 1874; Maude, 1881. Willis Butterfield, A.M., Physician, Belvidere, 111. Born Oct. 5, 1848, at Marion, 111. Prepared at Rock River Sem. Student N. W. U.. 1865-69; Phi Kappa l'si. Ass't. physician Iowa state Hosp. for Insane. Practicing phy- sician. Married Grace E. Wells, June 18, 1879. Children: Ada M., 18S0; Willis, 1882 (died); Fauiiy May, 1890. Hiram Curtiss, A.M., Minister, Davenport, Thayer Co. , Neb. Born May 6, 1836. at Cazenovia, N. Y. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In College 1868-69. Preaching since in Wisconsin and Nebraska conferences. Married Feb. 19, 1878, Fanny Bishop, of Somers. Wis. Children: Horace B., 1877; Hiram G., 1880; Nelly, 1881; Alida (i., 1883; Victoria B., 1885. *Albert John Kennicott, Ph.B. Born Sept. 3. 1844, at Northfield, 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep.: attended college, 1865-69; Phi Kappa Psi. Taught four years. Married Miss F. R, Wood, of Mendota, 111., \^er. 24,1870. son Willie (dead). Mr. Kennicott died at Arlington Heights, 111.. Dec. 30, 1876. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 19 Ellen Merwin, nee Bannister, L. A.. , Evanston, 111. Born May 6. 1850. at Cazenovia, N. Y. Prepared in Evanston. Student N. W Fern. Coll 1S65-6') Married May 2, 1S71, to Orlando H. Merwin, in Evanston. Children: Henry B., 1872; Samuel A., 1S74; Mary W., 1876 (died); Willard H., 1878 (died). William Miner Raymond, A.M., Business, Evanston, 111. Born Aug. 1846. in Boston. Mass. Prepared at Wllbraham Acad. Student N. W U., 1864t69; Phi Kappa Psi. In commercial pursuits since. Married at Salt Lake, Libbie. Fox. Children: Samuel (dead), and Marjorie. Oharles Gardiner Root, Ph.B., Business, Minneapolis, Minn. Address, Bryant" Ave. and Twenty-ninth St. S. Born Sept 27 1845, at Remsen, N. Y. Prepared in Phillips Exeter Academy, N. H. Student N. W. U. 1865 69; Phi Kappa Psi. In commercial pursuits since; now with Ada- mant Plaster Co., Minneapolis; also Vice Pres. and Geul. Mgr. "Adamant Mfg Co. ot America.-' Syracuse, N. Y., and Genl. Mgr. Ohio Adamant Co., Cleveland. Ohio. Married Jan. 15, 1880, Mrs. D. B. Colclazer, of Indianapolis, lnd. Son, Richard Weir, born Oct. 58, 1882. Henry T. Scovill, A.M., B.D., Customs Official, Chicago. Residence, 617 Orrington Ave., Evanston, 111. Born Mar. 16, 1S40, in Camden, Oneida Co., N. Y. Prepared in Rock River Sem., Mount Morris. In college 1864-69; Phi Kappa Psi. Member Rock River Conf. hve years; -then compelled to stop all literary and ministerial work on account ot severe brain .trouble Part of the time since engaged as merchant. Lived in Southeastern Nebraska, 1876-90- since, in Illinois. Now employed in U. S. Custom House, Chicago. Married Evie •G Graves, of Winnetka, 111., Oct. 31, 1870. Son, Melvin S., born 1876. CLASS OF 1870. ^William H. H. Adams, A.M., D.D., Teacher. Bom Mar. 30, 1840, at Effingham. 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1865-70; Phi Kappa Psi. Preached until 1875; Pres. 111. Wesleyan Univ. Married Hannah W. ^Concklin. 1S67. Children: Lulu, 1869; Grace, 1871; Charles, 1S73 ; Kate, 1875. Emeline Badger, nee Green, Amboy, 111. Born Nov. 17, 1858. at Elizabeth, 111. Prepared in Clark Sem., Anna, 111. In Coll. 1869-70. Married Oct. 1, 1874, at Elizabeth, 111., to W. H. Badger. Children: Henry H., Frances E., Arthur W., Earl W., Lucy K. William Dudley Best, A.M., B.D., Minister, Jacksonville, 111. Born Mar. 31, 1845, in Germantown, W. Va. Prepared at Rock River Sem. Student N "W. U., 1S65-70. G. B. I., '70. Joined 111. Conf.; filled eight of its best stations. Now "presiding elder of the Jacksonville district. Married Fannie S. Stout, of Byron, 111., Nov. :30, 1870. Children: Flora M., 1871; Frank, 1875; Lunetta, 187S: Alice, 1880. Rollin Peake Blanchard, Ph.B., Lawyer, Chicago. Born June 7, 1843. at Bristol, Vt. Prepared in Hathaway Acad. Student N. W. U., 1869-70. Practiced law; dealt in real estate; now practicing law. Married Oct. 2, 1869, .Sarah Caroline Carson, of Chicago. Children: Edith I., 1874; Caroline E„ 1876. Merritt Caldwell Bragdon, A.M., Physician, Evanston, 111. Born Jan. 6, 1850. at Auburn, N. Y. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student N. W. U.. 1866-70; Sigma Chi; Phi Beta Kappa. Practicing medicine since; elected professor in Hahnemann Medical Coll., Chicago; now practicing in Evanston. Married June 6, 1876, Elizabeth Wayne Byerly, of Philadelphia. Children: Bessie, 1878; Wayne, 1880 (died); ■tCharlesR., 18S4; Sarah Frances, 1S86; Merritt C, 1892. 20 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Thomas Craven, A. B. , Missionary, Nairn Tal, India. Born Mar. 28, 1844, at Buckley, North Wales. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll.- 1866-70. Missionary at Lucknow, India, until 1885; at Calcutta until 1887; and at Naini Tal since. Author, editor and compiler. Married July 20, 1870, Jennie M. Wells, of Chittenango, N. Y. Children: Theodore T., 1872; Henry W., 1873; Jennie W., 1875; Mer- ritt B., 1876. Annie L. Davis, nee Marcy, L.S., Evanston, 111. Born Nov. 30, 1851, at Wilbraham, Mass. Prepared in a private school. Student N- W. Fem. Coll., 1866-70. Teacher in N. W. U. Prep., 1873-75. Married in 1875 to Frank Howard Davis, M.D., of Chicago, who died In 1880. Children: Elizabeth F., 1877; Oliver M., 1878; Frank H., 1880. Michael Finity, A.M., Lawyer, Coolidge, Kan. Bom July 4, 1839, in Washington Co., Maryland. Served in the war, 1861-65. Pre- pared in Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111. In Coll. 1866-70. G. B. I., 1870-72. Preached in Illi- nois until 1882. Supt. U. S. Indian school, in Indian Ter., 1882-85. Since then practicing law at Coolidge, Kan. Joseph Hamilton Gill, A.M., Missionary, Garhwal, India. Born Mar. 29, 1844, at Strabon, Ireland. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1866-70; student G. B. I., 1870-71. Missionary since, in India. Married Mary E. Ensign, of Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 6, 1871. Fanny Gradle, nee Searls, L.S. , M.D., Waukegan, 111. Address, 127 South Ave. Born Sept. 21, 1851, at Waukegan, 111. Prepared at Waukegan Acad. Was a student in N. W. Fem. Coll., 1867-70, and in N. W. U., 1870-71. Was the first woman registered in Northwestern University. Student Ann Arbor Med. Coll., 1875-77; post graduate course- in New York city 1877-78. Professor of physiology in Chicago Med. Coll. Married to- Henry Gradle, M.D., Aug. 30, 1881. Children: Harry S., 1883; Roy, 1892. * Frances Green. Student N. W. Fem. Coll., 1866-70. Died at Amboy, 111. *Ira Belknap Henry, A. B. , Minister. Born Aug. 2, 1839, at Greenlield, Pa. Prepared at Mount Morris, 111. Student N. W. U. r . 1866-70. Preached in 111., until 1879; afterward in Texas. Married Nellie L. Case . Aug, 1870. Children: Hattie, 1871; Rush, 1873. Died at Mason, Texas. Ella E. Hussey, nee Badger, L. S., Evanston, 111. Address, 907 Crain St. Born Mar. 4, 1849, at Corning. N. Y. Prepared in Rock River Sem. Student N. W. U - 1867-70. Married, July 14, 1875, to Jerome B. Hussey of Amboy. III. Children: Frederic J., 1876; Warren B., 1877; Raymond, 1880; Alice, 1883; Rush E., 1885. Florence Knapp, nee Galloway, Fond du Lac, Wis. Born Mar. 22, 1852, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Prepared at Merrille Institute. Student N, W. Fem. Coll., 1869-70. Married Sept. 12, 1871, to Gaines A. Knapp, of Fond du Lac, Daughter, Anah, born July, 17, 1872. Albert D. Langworthy, A.B., Real Estate and Loans, Chicago. Address, 99 Dearborn St. Born in Chautauqua Co. N. Y., 1850. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll., 1866-70;: Sigma Chi. Amos W. Patten, A.M., D.D., Minister, Joliet, 111. Born Feb. 11, 1848, in Baltimore, Md. Prepared at Baltimore City Coll. Student N. W. U., 1868-70. Preaching since in 111. Two years abroad in special study at Leipsic and Berlin. Married. Dec. 5. 1871, Belle R. Harrison, of Monticello, Wis., who died April ll r 1875; married. Oct. 25, 1883, Ella S. Prindle, of Evanston. Children: Harrison E., 1873; Clarence B., 1875 (died) ; Emma, 18S5; Helen, 1888. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 21 Ella L. Pierce, nee Davis, f Los Angeles, Cal. * William Plested, A. B., B.D. Born Dec. 11, 1842, at Chatham, Can. Prepared at Albert Coll., Ontario. In Coll. 1866- 70. Preached until 1881; since, in grocery business; also land attorney and pension agent, at Trinidad, Colo. Married, Oct. 6, 1874, Alice Gordon, of New York city. Children: Alice G., 1875; Edith S., 1876; William G., 1878; Howard M., 1880. Mr. Plested died in July, 1893. Homer Potwin, A.B., LL.B. , Real Estate, Chicago. + Address, 950 AVest Madison St. Born Dec. 19, 1848, at New Diggings, Wis. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student at Coll. 1S66-70. Student Albany Law School, 1870-72. In real estate business since. Eliza Powell, nee Thompson, M.L., f Columbus, Ohio. Address, 478 Broad St. Born Aug. 14, 1852, at Delaware, Ohio. Prepared in Wesleyen Coll. Student N. W. Fern. Coll., 1868-70. First woman on Board of Examiners of Ohio Wesleyan, Univ. Mar- ried, June 16, 1872, to Thomas Edward Powell. Children: Edward T., 1873; Gordon, 1875 (died); Maria, 1877; Cornelia, 1878; Kaymond, 1881; Warren H., 1884; Oliver A., 1887. Alice Maria Shepard, nee Galloway, "j" Milwaukee, Wis. Address, 86 New Ins. Bldg. Born Oct. 3, 1850, at Byron, Wis. Prepared for Coll.. in Merrille Institute. Student N. W. Fern. Coll.. 1869-70. Married June 15, 1881, to Charles Edward Shepard, of Fond du Lac, Wis. Lizzie W. Sullivan, nee White, South Evanston, 111. Born 1852, in Chicago. Prepared in private school. Student. N. W. Fem. Coll., 1866-70. Married 1881, to Arthur N. Sullivan, of Chicago. Children: Twin sons, Feb., 1S87. *Levi Van Fossen, Ph.B. Emily Webster, nee Winne, L.S., Evanston, 111. Born, 1851. Student N. W. Fem. Coll., 1867-70. Married to Edward H. Webster, M.D.. of Evanston. Daughter, Helen. Frederic C. Winslow, Ph.B., Physician, Jacksonville, 111. Born Oct. 6, 1850, at Cuyler, N. Y. Prepared in Freeport, H. S. Student N. W. U., 1867- 70; Sigma Chi. Practicing since in Freeport and Jacksonville. Married Feb. 9. 1881, Fran- ces Eockwell, of Jacksonville. Children: Frederic H., Jan. 1882; Charles Edward. Oct. 1887. CLASS OF 1871. Amelia C. Foster, nee Conwell, South Evanston, 111. Address, 831 Washington St. Born June 19, 1853, at Laurel, Ind. Preparer! in Minneapolis H.S. Student. N.W. Fem. Coll., 1869-71. Married, Oct. 13, 1875, at Oak Park, to B. F. Foster. Children: May S., 1876; MignonC, 1878; Amelia J., 1883. Daniel O. Fox, A.M., Missionary, Poona, India. In charge of Marathi Circuit, Bombay Conference. Josephine C. Gibbs, A. B. , Teacher, Chicago. Address, 65 Washington St. Born at Blanford, Mass., Dec. 22, 1852. Prepared In N.W.Fem.Sem. Student, N.W. Fem.Coll.. 1867-71. Superintendent of the Bureau of Typewriting and Stenography at the Institute of Building Arts. 32 ALUMN] CATALOGUE. * Edwin D. Gould, A.B. Sanford H. MoIntyre, A.M., Teacher, f Negaunee, Mich. Cora Helen Merrell, Ph.B. , Teacher, Evanston, 111. Address, '.'404 Ridge Ave. Born Dec. 7, 1852, at Avon, N. V. Prapared in N.W.Fem.Coll. student, N.W.U. 1867 Ti. T aching iu public schools. A ah is H. Miller, A.M., Minister, Lockport, 111. Horn Oct. 20, 1840, in Lancaster, Pa. Prepared in Bock River Seni. and N.W.Prep. student. N.W.U., 1867-71. Graduated from G.B.I., 1872. Preaching since, as pastor of M. K. Church in Wheaton, Palatine, Rock Falls, DeKalb, Florua, Bethel Church, Morri- son. Warren, Plainfteld and Lockporc— all iu Illinois. Marrie . Apr. 2, 1S74, Margaret .1. McKean, or Mount Morris, 111. children: Esther Mel)., 1875; Josephine R., 1878; Ada, 1885 idled): Helen M., 1887. Albert B. Norton, A.B., B.D., Minister, North Cohocton, N. Y. Horn Mar. 21, 1*47, at Alabama. N.V. Prepared at Genesee Wosleyan Sem., Luna. N.Y. In Coll. 1865-71. Grad. G.B.I. '72; went as missionary to India. Returned on account of sickness, in 1890; joined Genesee Conf. and has since been stationed at North Cohocton, N.Y. Author of "A Vocabulary of the Korkoo Language," spoken by a Hill Tribe in Central India. Married in 1874, in Bombay, to Mary E. Keliey. a grad. of Oberlin. Children: Kbene/.er. 1875; John E., 1877; Albert. 1880; Charles P., 1881 : Wil- liam K., 1885. Charles William Pearson, A.M., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Born Aug. 7, 1846, in Selby, Yorkshire, Engl. Prepared at Woodhouse Grove, near Leeds, Engl, student N.W.U. 1867-71. l'hi Kappa l'si; Phi Beta Kappa. Preached in 1876-77, in Bangor, Mich. Instructor in Prep, and Coll. ol Lib. Arts. N.W.U., 1871-81; Prof. !' Minneapolis, at Evanston, Nov. 24. 1882. Daughter, Mildred, born «lau. 20, 1886. Amos L. Smith, A. B. , Lawyer, Milwaukee, Wis. Born Sept. 8. is4*». at Appleton, Wis. Prepared in Lawrence Cniv. Alter graduation in '72 went into journalism and then law. Married, Frances L. Brown, of Evanston, May 20,1874. Children: Laura E., 1876; Philip R., 1878; EdwinL., 1882; Walton K., 1890. Herbert M. Thiers, C.E., Kealty Broker, j'Chicago. Born Oct. 18, 1852, near Baltimore. Md. Prepared in Kenosha (Wis.) H. S. Student, N.W.U.. 1869-72. Practiced Civil engineeiing and law; dealer in realty loans and brokerage. * Edmund Booker Woodson, A.M., Minister. Horn Mar. 80, 1850, at Michigan City, lud. Prepared In Chelsea (Mass.) H.s. and \. W.U. Prep. In Coil. 1869-72. Taught school three years; in business In Chicago three years; preaching In Northwest Indiana Conference, from 1878 till the time of his death. CLASS OF 187.$. Edwin Camp Arnold, A.B., Minister, Galena, 111. Born Dec. 19, 1851, at Fulton, N.Y. Prepared in Rockford U.S. student, N W.U., 1869-73. l'hi Kappa Psl; l'ln Beta Kappa; G.B.I., 1873-75. Preaching since in Kock River Conf.; now at First M. E. Church, Galena. Married. Nov. 24, 1880, Mattie II. Arnold, of Syracuse, N.Y. Children: Florence W., 1881 ; Gladys H., 1888; Kenneth F., 1892. Emma J. Bannister, nee White, South Evanston, 111. * Frank M. Beatty. Lewis Butterfield, A.B., -j-Momencc, 111. F. W. Cleveland, Ph.B. , Business, Chicago. Office, C. & N.W. Ry. Land Dept. Residence, U43Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. Student, N.W.U., 1869-73. l'ln Kappa Sigma. Now in Land Department, C. & N.W. Kv., Chicago. Henry Allen Cooper, A.M., Lawyer, i'Haoine, Wis. 1 i Coll., 1869-78. Sigma Chi. Dist. Atty. Racine county, 1880-87. Del. to Natl. Rep. Convention, 1884. .Member of Senate ol Wisconsin, 1887-91. John Milton Dandy, A. B. , Journalist, Chicago. Address, s;i Clark St. Born duly is, 1852, in Versailles, Ky. Prepared In N.W. it. Prep. In Coll. 1869-73. Phi Kapna Sigma. Entered newspaper work in Chicago. At present editor and publisher of the Saturday Evening Herald. Married, October, 1884, Nellie Blanford Cook, or Baltimore. Chidren: Alice, 1885; duo. M„ ami Mary. L890. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 27 Byron H. Eldridge, C.E., Civil Engineer, La Grange, 111. Born in Macomb, N.Y.. Jan. 27, 1846. Prepared in Monroe (Mich.) H. S. Student, N. W.U., 1870-73. Engaged in Civil engineering with Chgo. & Alton; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe; aud Mexican Central railways. Chatjncey Gaines, A.M., Banker, Fresno, Cal. Born Oct. 9, 1848. in Victoria, 111. Prepared in Union H. S.. Ann Arbor, and N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U. , 1809-73; Phi Kappa Psi. Went to Calif, in 1874. Taught school, read law, became a railroad employe, a bank teller, and iinally Manager of the Eagle Vine- vard, at Fresno, Cal. Married June 11. 1878. Chattie K. Kixon. Children: Clarence A. , 1880; Mabel, 1881; Irene, 1884; Howard P., 1885, and Victor C, 1888. Henry Green, A. B. , Lawyer, Sterling, 111. Born May 17, 1846, in Racine Co. .Wis. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1809-73. Admitted to the bar in 1870, and has practiced law since in Sterling, 111.; Mayor or Sterling, 1882-83. Married June 30, 1881, Harriet T.Brookrteld, of Sterling. Children: Charles H., 1882; Howard S., 1880. * Frank E. Hesler, C.E. Frederic Monroe Husted, A.M., Lawyer, San Fraucisco, Cal. Address, 530 California St. Born July 30. 1850, at Starksboro.Vt. Prepared in Union School, Ann Arbor, and N.W.. U. Prep. Student, N.W.U., 1809-73. Phi Kappa Psi. Admitted to the bar in 1875, upon graduation from Union College of Law, Chicago. Practicing since in San Francisco. Mar- ried, Aug. 19, 1879, Angle L. Holcomb, of Oakland, Cal. Children: Edith, 1881 ; Winifred, 1884. William King, A.M., Highland Park, 111. * John R. Leslie, Ph.B. Draper Alonzo Lindsey, A.M., Lawyer, Fargo, N. D. Office, Stern Block; Residence, 516 Eighth St., South. Born June 1, 1848. in Monroe Co., lnd. Prepared in Baker Univ., Baldwin City, Kan. Student. N.W.U., 1809-73. Prin. public schools^at Plain view, Minn., 1873-80. Supt. Pub. Sch. Fargo, 1880 82. Studied law, 1882-85; admitted to practice, 1885; practicing law in Fargo since. Married Carrie M. Stone at Plainview, Minn., June 24, 1877. Children: Ralph A., 1880, and Maud M., 1882. William J. Minium, A.M, Minister, Sheldon. 111. Born Jan. 10, 1845, in Kane Co., 111. Prepared at Evanston Prep. In Coll. 1809-73. Grad. G. B. I. Preaching since, in Illinois. Married Emily E. Wheadon ('75), Evanston, July 29, 1874. Children: Willis F., 1877; Ruth B., 1885. Adolphus Henry Needham, A.M., Minister, Santa Clara, Cal. Born Oct. 25, 1844, on the Island of Guernsey, Engl. Prepared in Chicago H. S. and N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1809-73. Phi Kappa Psi. Preached in Rock River Conf. after graduating from G.B.I, in 1875. until 1885. when he went to Cal. Married Mary ('.Crois- sant, in Evanston. June 23, 1870. Children: Adolphus, 1871; Sidney D., 1873; Paul A. r 1875; William G., 1870; CI ve Ninde, 1882; Frank E., 1890. Edward Lamay Parks, A.M., Teacher, South Atlanta, Ga. Address, Gammon Theological Seminary. Born Jan. 20, 1851. at Dundee, N.Y. Prepared in Rochelle H.S., Jennings Sent., and N.W.U. Prep. In college, 1869-73. Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor in N.W.U. until 1879; pasior. Uraud ( rossing. 111., 1879-SO; president Simpson College, Indian- ola. Iowa, 1880-80; since, professor of systematic theology, Gammon School of Theology, Atlanta, oa. Married July 30, 1879, to Isabella B. Webb of Kelley's Island, Ohio. Chil- dren: Julia H., 1883; Sara R., 1885; George E., 1880; Emma W., 1888; Charles W.. 1S90- 28 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Wilbur Octavius Peet, A.M., Minister, West Webster, N. Y. Born Sent. 9, 186C, at West Webster, N. Y. Prepared in Cenessee Wesleyan Seni. Student, N.w.U., 1871-72. Grad. from G.B.I., 1*74. Preaching since in Genessee (N. ][) conference. Married E. Jeanie Frackelton, Petersburg, 111., Sept. 9, 1879. Children: James C, L880; Mary E., 1889; Robert L., 1891. Lee J. Pitner, A. B., Business, Seattle, Wash. Address, 7o:i Second St. Born at Alton, 111., Nov. 28, 1849. Preparedln N.W.U. Prep, in Coll.. isr.9-7;!. Went into real estate and financial enterprises, anally becoming 1'res. Seattle Trust Co. Mar- ried [sabelle Abell, of Evanston, who died Dec. t, 1878. Children: ina, 1878; Paul, ist;». CLASS OF 1S74. Henry Sherman Boutell, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Address, 388 Superior St. Born Boston, Mass., Mar. 14, I8. r >0. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1870-74. Beta Theta l'i; Phi Beta Kappa, in Harvard. 187J5-76; A. P.., A.M. Studied law in Chicago, 1877-7H; admitted to bar in 1879. Practiced 1879-85, when he became resident solicitor Wis. Cent, and Chicago & Gt. Western Ry. Co. Member 111. House Reps. 34th Gen. Assembly. Married Dec. -".», 1880, at Providence, R.I., Euphemia P. C. dates. Son, Roger S., 1881. * Alexander D. Brainard, A.B. David W. Casseday, Civil Engineer, Minneapolis, Minn. Address, 724 Guaranty Loan Bldg. Born Feb. 12, 1850, at Petersburg, [11. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student, in Coll., 1870 74. Married Clara O. Willard, Oct. 7, 187.">, at Highland Park, 111. Daughter, Marion <;., is7c. Rebecca Childs, nee Roland, Ph.B. , Evanston, 111. Horn .lan. 7, 1851, at Cedarville, ill. Prepared at FreeportH.S. student, N.W.U., 1870-74. Married Sept. 12, 1878, John A. Childs, at Napervllle. Children: Florence, 1881; Mildred, L882; John, 18S0. Chester Tuttle Drake, C.E., Iron Manufacturer, Chicago. Address, 800 Jackson Boul. Born Feb. 22, 1851, at Sturgls, Mich, student, N.W.U., 1870-74. Sigma Chi. Married Oct.;.. 1876, Alice B. Hudson, of Coldwater, Mich. Children: Hattie, 1878; Florence, 1887.. William Carvossa Estes, C.E., Hardware Merchant, Neligh, Neb. Born Feb. 2, 1850, at Bay View, Wis. Prepared at Albion Acad. Student, N.W.U.. 1870-74. Phi Kappa Sigma. Married Dec. 26, 1877, at Willow Springs, Wis., Henrietta Pilling. Daughter, Elsie V., 1879. * Oscar L. Gibbs, C.E. Bom June 14, 18".;!. Died at Phoenix, Arizona, Sept, 21, 1893. Joseph M. Hawks, A.B., Journalist, St. Paul, Minn. Address, 258 Dayton Ave. Born in Maine. In Coll. 1870-74. Beta Theta Pi. In newspaper work since gradua- tion. Now connected with St. Paul Dispatch. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 29 Richard Gear Hobbs, A.M., Ph.D., Minister, Champaign, 111. Born Joliet, 111,, Feb. 24, mr/i. Prepared in K. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1870-74; Beta ThetaPi; Phi Beta Kappa. Graduate 6. B.I. '78. Preacher In Illinois Conf. Sec'y 111. Annual Conf. M. E. Church. Trustee of 111. Fein. Coll., and of Ctiaddock Coll. Frequent contributor to .Methodist church papers. Married Ella Kimber in Springfield, III., June 2'.', 1880. Daughter, Marjorie, 1891. De Forest Mills Hyde, C.E., Real Estate, Appleton, Wis. Horn Due 15, 1849, at Itosendale, Wis. Prepared at Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis. Student in Coll. 1*71-74; Phi Kappa Sigma. Taught mathematics in Lawrence University Sept. 1874-78; has since been in real estate and lumber business. Married Inez B. Angell, Jan. 3, 1870, Chicago. Daughter, Gladys, 1888. Matthias Sailor Kaufman, A.M., Ph.D., Minister, Providence, R. I. Address, 33 Broadway. Born at Decatur, 111. Prepared at Ann Arbor, Mich. Student N. W. U. 1870-74. Grad. G. B. I., '76. Now pastor M. E. church, Providence, B. I. Has traveled through Europe, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and other lands. Married A. Louise Schlieman, of Princeton, 111., July 26, 1876. Son, J. Paul, 1880. William M. Knox, A.M., Journalist, Chicago. Address, Press Club, Clark and Madison Sts. Horn Dec. 30, 1850, at Marcellus, N. Y. Prepared in Kenosha H. S., and Beloit Coll. Prep. In Coll. 1871-74: Sigma Chi. Principal Park Ridge, 111., and Harvard, 111., schools, 1874- 77; editor Independent, Harvard, 111,, 1877; principal Evanston H. S., and then at Kavens- wood, 1878-80; in journalism with Chgo. Herald, New*; and N. Y. Herald, London edition, 1881-90; editor Dept. publicity and promotion, World's Columbian Exposition, 1891-93; originator, Sec'y. and Ireas. International Dress and Costume Co., World's Fair, Midway Plaisance. Charles Leach, Ph. B. , Minister, Compton, Cal. Born Sept. 4, 1845, at Clark, Ont. Prepared at Cornell Coll. and N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1870-74. Grad. G. B. I., '75. Pastor in Des Moines Conf. 1876-82; in South Calif. Conf. since. Married Jan 3, 1877, Darle S. Junkin, of Ked Oak, la. Children: Ellen M., 1877; Joseph E., 1881. Martin O. Lewis, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. tAddress, 99 Kandolph St. William L. Martin, A.B., Gen. Freight Agent, Minneapolis, Minn. Address, 1811 Vine Place. Born Nov. 15, 1853, in Lee Co., 111. Prepared at Eockford H. S. Student N. W. U., 1871-74; Phi Kappa Sigma. Engaged in mining seven years, as Supt. of Nestor Mining Co., Colo. Sec'y. and Treas. of Minneapolis, St. Paul& Sault Ste. Marie By. Co., 1890-92. General freight agent of same company since June, 1892. Married Lizzie L. Batchelder, Apr. 9, 1884. Children: Marion E., and Helen L. Eli McClish, A.M., D.D., Minister, San Francisco, Cal. tAddress, 938 Twenty-first St. Born Oct. 3, 184C, at Itainsville, Ind. Prepared in Prep. In Coll, 1871-74. Grad. from G. B. I., 1877. Seven years a minister; then Prin. of Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga. 111. Preaching since 1892 in San Francisco. Married, 1872, Louise A. Clarke, Onarga. Child- ren: Clarke, Maud, Lois, Paul. William L. McGarry, Ph.B. , Lawyer, fDavenport, Iowa. William A. Omelvena, A.B., Minister. 30 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. John Wesley Richards, A.M., Minister, DeKalb, 111. Born Aug. 3, 1840, at Alexander, N. Y. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1870-74. Sec'y. Rock River Couf. M. E. church. Married Nov. 17. 1881, Fannie Belle Van Demark, of Chicago. Children: Gilbert H., 1884; Paul R., 1889. Daniel Charles Riehl, A.M., Evangelist, Owosso, Mich. Born at St. Louis. Mo. Prepared at Adrian. Mich. Tn Coll. 1S70-74. Grad. G. B. I., *7G. Member Mich. Couf. 18 years; engaged for the last two years in evangelistic work. Trustee N. W. U. Married Mary A. Davids, of Dauby, Mich., Oct. 22, 1879. Children: Mary, 1881; Lena, 1884. William B. Robinson, A.M., Minister, Clarendon, N. Y. Born Sept. 10, 1848. at Buffalo, N. Y. Prepared at Central H. S., Buffalo, N. Y. stu- dent N. W. U., 1870-74. Married Oct. 12, 1875, Ella L. French, of Grand Crossing, 111. Children: Pearl, 1870 (died); Fred, 1878; Leota, 1880; Roy, 1885; Andrew Jackson Scott, A.M., Lumber Merchant, fLoudon, Tenn. Born Feb. 4, 1848, at Virgil, 111. Prepared at Clark Sem., Aurora. Student N. W. U.. 1868-74. Married August. 1873, Belle Early, at Des Piaines, 111. Children: Clarence E.. 1874 (died); Donald, 1879; Lucile,188G. John W. Scott, A.M., Physician, Springfield, 111. Born Jan, 15. 1855. at Wellsburg, W. Va. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student N. W. U., 1870-74. Secy. 111. State Board of Health. Married, May 11, 1880. Jennie E. Dixon, of Wakeeney, Kan. Children: Theresa. 1881; Robert, 1883; Leonard, 1885; John W., 1887. * Gilbert M. Simmons, B.S., Banker. Born at Kenosha. Wis. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student N. W. U., 1870-74. Phi Kappa Sigma. Married, Mar. 31, 1870, Juliet R. Clarkson, of Evans ton. Children: Eliza- beth. 1882; Clarkson, 1883. . Died at Kenosha. Wis., 1890. George Henry Smith, A.M., Minister, Sheffield, Mass. Born at Waplode, near Moulton Chapel. Lincolnshire. Engl.. Apr. 16. 1849. Prepared in Detroit, H. S. Student in Coll. 1870-74. Grad. Union Theol. Sem., 1870; member N. Y. Conf. since, to present time; served nith St. M. E. church, 1876-79; ^made the tour of the world. 1880-81. Now pastor in Sheffield, Mass. Married Belle McElhone. of Kllenville, N. Y.. Jan. 4, 1882. Children: Halsey, 1882 (died); Ford C. 1883; Courtland Ninde, 1SS5; Roger Mc E.. 1888; Kenneth M.. 1892; Oliu R., 1893. James Trewartha, A.B., B.D., Minister, Bradley, S. D. Born in England, Jan. 28, 1845. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1870-74; G. B. I. '76. Preached in Wis.. Kan., Iowa; missionary to Dakota. Married Alma Bennett, at Avoca, Wis. Son, William J., 1883. Oscar W. Willits, A. B., B. D. , Missionary, Pekin, China. Born June 30, 1854, at Detroit, Mich. Prepared at Detroit H. S. Student N. W. CJ„ 1870- 74 G. B. I., '76. Married, Oct. 10, 1876, Phena Mason, at Chesaning, Mich. Children: Clara, 1877; Estella, 1883. Melville Cox Wire, A.M., B.D., Minister, Mount Tabor, Ore. Born June 11. 1S46. at Union, N. Y. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1870-74. Married. Oct. 25. 1876. Minnie E. Bradshaw, ex-'77. at Freeport, 111. Children: Melville, 1877; Francis, 187y; Wesley, 1883. Thomas J. Ziegler, A.M., Minister, Philadelphia, Pa. Address, 636 N. 35th St. In Coll. 1870-74; Beta Theta Pi. Grad. G. B. I. DR. DAVID H. WHEELER, Acting President Northwestern University, 1S67 to 1860. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 31 CLASS OF 1875. Geo. A. Babbitt, A.B. , Reporter. Address, 618 W. Monroe St., Chicago. * Joseph H. Bates, A.M., Physician. Born Jan. 4. 1851. at Neiionset. 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1871-75. Phi Kappa Sigma. Received M.D. from Chicago Med. Coll. 1881. Taught school 1875-79; medical student 1879-81: practiced in Altona, III., 1881-84; in Neponset, 111., 1884-93. Mar- ried, Dec. 23, 1876, Mary E. Wood, of Evanston. Daughter, Ethel M., 1877. Dr. Bates died Jan. 1, 1894. * Charles H. Burke, A.M. Lucius C. Colman, A.B. , Merchant, La Crosse, Wis. Born Mar. 27, 1853, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student N. W. U. 1871-75. Phi Kappa Sigma. Dealer in lumber. Married, May 15, 1883, Genevra W. Reed, of La Crosse, Wis. Daughter, Helen, 1884 (died). * John J. Crist, A.B., Minister. Born at Lawrenceburg, Ind. Prepared at Hamline Univ., Red Wing, Minn. In Coll. 1871-75. Beta Theta Pi. Preached in Minn. Conf. until death from heart disease Mar. S, 1894, at Faribault. Married Eva Van Norman, of Hamilton. Ont., Mar. 14, 1878. Chil- dren: Nina VanN., 1879; Hamline E.. 1880; Carl, 1885; Harry P., 1887. * John W. Dickson, A. B. Charles Arthur Gtaskell, A.M., Publisher, Chicago, III, Address, 1024 W. Adams St. Born Dec. 5, 1849, at Cazenovia, N. Y. Prepared at New Berlin Acad., N. Y. Student N. W. U. 1871-75. Editor and publisher U. S. Gazette. Manufacturer and publisher of subscription books. Author of " Memories," "Antiquarian Research," and editor of the book " Thrifty People and Why They Thrive." Married A. Augusta Kuhlen, at Chi- cago, Nov. 5, 1892. Daughter, Grace, 1894. Albert Dana Gillespie, B. S., C.E. , Architect, Chicago. Born Apr. 11, 1853, at Dubuciue, Iowa. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student N. W. U. 1871-75. With U. S. Engineer Corps on the Lake Survey 1874. Teaching 1875-76. Graduate course in architecture in Cornell Univ., winning highest honors in Designing. Again with U. S. Engineer Corps in the improvement of the Mississippi River, l -79-81. Practiced architecture in New York City, 1886; returned to Chicago in spring of 1887; since has been practicing in Chicago. Cortez J. Goodenow, B. S , Merchant, Granite Falls, Minn. Born March 4, 1857, Manitowoc, Wis. Prepared in Northwestern Prep. In Coll., 1871-75. Beta Theta Pi. Married Anna E. Wheelock, Troy, N.Y., Feb. 14. 1881. Chil- dren: Sylvester, 1884; Harold W., 1886. John Henry Hamline, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Address, 500 Woman's Temple. Born in Rotterdam, a suburb of Schenectady, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1856. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll.. 1871-75; Sigma Chi. Grad. from Columbia Coll. Law School, '77. Mar- ried in 1880. Four children— three dead. Practicing law in Chicago, firm of Hamline, Scott & Lord. Frank M. Harris, C.E., Business, jKansas City, Mo. In Coll., 1871-75. Sigma Chi. 3 32 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. James Lewis Harrison, A.M., Minister, Worcester, Mass. Addre-s, 21 LaGrange St. Born May 8, 1846. at New Castle, Ky. Prepared in Westminster Coll., Fulton, Mo. Student, N.YV.U., 1871-75. Attended theological school in Boston, 1875-77. Preached in New Hampshire Conf., 1876-84. private theological studies, 1884-87. Grocer in Worcester, Mass., 1887-90. Real estate, 1890-94. Preaches occasionally yet. Has lived in Worcester since 1884. Married Lucie F. Wallace, of Nashua, N. H„ July 30, 1878. Frank A. Hills, A.B. , Farmer, Oregon, 111. Robert B. Hostetler, B. S., Decatur, 111. In Coll. 1871-75; Phi Kappa Sigma. Charles Edward Lambert, A.M., Minister, Yaquima City, Ore. Born Sept, 30, 1842, at Connemarra, Ireland. Came to IT. S. at 18 yrs. of age. Served three years in the War of the Rebellion. Prepared at Baldwin, Kansas. Student, N.W.U., 1869-75. Professor of Latin and History Purdue Univ., Indiana. Pres. Willa- mette Univ., Oregon. Prof. Engl. Lit. Oregon State Univ. Pastor Congregational Church, Yaquima City, Oregon. Married Oct. 25, 1876, Nellie Lathrop, of Evanston. Children: Edith, 1877; Clara, 1880; Cecil, 1883; Elinor, 1886; Francis, 1889; D'Arcy, 1891. Robert Lewis, A.B. , Lawyer, 99 Randolph St., Chicago. Henry K. Metcalf, Ph.M., Minister, Bushnell, 111. Born June 5, 1852, at Kenosha, Wis. Prepared in Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis. Student in Neb. State Univ. Student, N.W.U., 1873-75. Pastor of various charges in Central 111. Conf. sec'y. Central 111. Conf. since 1890. Married Oct. 17. 1878, Ella L. Robinson, of Geneseo, 111., woo died Dec. 24, 1892. Children: Minnie M., 18S0; Florence O. and Frank A., 1883; Zella V., 1886. Emily W. Minium, nee Wheadon, Ph.M., Sheldon, 111. Born Apr. 13, 1S54, at Brickton (Park Ridge). 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1871-75. Married Win, J. Minium ("73) July 29. 1874. Children: Willis F., 1S77; Ruth B., 1885. Amy Cornelia Morse, nee Kellogg, Ph.B., Teacher. Ft. Atkinson, Wisconsin. Born March 18, 1853. Prepared at H.S. in Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Student, N.W.U., 1871-75. Teacher and Lecturer for W.C.T.U. Pres. Wis. W.C.T.U. John Thompson Ray, Ph.B., Teacher, Chicago. Address, 477 S. Leavitt St. Born in Oregon, 111. Prepared at Oregon H. S. Student, N.W.U., 1871-75. Principal Byron (111.) schools two years; Supt. Ogle County schools five years; Supt. Highland Park schools, four years; Prin. Highland Park Twp. H.S., one year; Prin. Edwards School, Springfield, 111., four years; now Prin. John Crerar Grammar School, Chicago. Married Sept., 1X81, Kittie Light, of Oregon, 111. Children: Bessie, 1882; Hugh L., 1885; Charles, 1888; Stella, 1S!K). Albert Richardson Robinson, A.M., Teacher, Hinsdale, 111. Born Feb. 20, 1847, in Pickaway Co., O. Prepared at Baker Univ., Kan. Student, N.W.U., 1871-75. Prin. Chicago English High and Manual Training School. Married June 27. 1S78. Jennie E. Pearsall, of Hinsdale, 111. Children: Mabel, 1S79; Helen E., 1886 (died); Katheryn, 1892. James Frank Stout, A.M., Minister, Mankato, Minn. Address, 213 E. Cherry St. Born Feb. 25, 1850, at Potter Center, N.Y. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1870-75. Preached in various Central 111. cities; also in St. Paul and Minneapolis; now pastor Centenary M.E. Church, Mankato, Minn. Married Nov. 8. 1875, Mary L. Luellen, of Kvanston. Children: Mary, 1878; William B., 1880; Frances, 1885. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 33 •Charles W. Turner, A.B. Herman H. Unland, A.B., Business, Peoria, 111. Born Mav 12, 1848, at Bluff Springs, TIL Prepared at Wesleyan Coll., Warrenton, Mo. Student, N.W.U., 1871-75; Phi Kappa Sigma. Prin. Pekin (111.) H.S. one year; merchant at Beardstown, 1877-82; real estate at Wellington and Cimarron, Kan., 1883-89; merchan- dise commis. broker, Kansas City, 1889-91. With the grain firm of Smith, Hippen & Co., Peoria, 111., since 1891. Manied Emma J. Smith, of Will Co., 111., June 15, 1876. Children: ■Cora C , 1877; Lloyd B., 1879; Bloss C, 1882. Thomas Van Scoy, A.M., D.D., Teacher, Portland, Ore. Born Feb. 13, 1S48, in White Co., Ind. Prepared at Brookston Acad., Ind. Student, TST.W.U. 1869-75. Preached at Rensselaer, Ind., 1875-78. G.B.I. , '80. Prof, of Greek and pres. Willamette Univ., 1880-91. Dean, College Liberal Arts, Portland Univ. since 1891. Is a member of Oregon conf. Married, 1875. Jennie Thomas, Battle Ground, Ind., who •died Feb. 14, 1884; married, 1885, Jessie Eastham, of Salem, Ore. Children: Lena M., 18S2; Paul W., 1886. Francis Marion Warrington, A.M., S.T.B. , Minister, Ensenada, Lower Calif., Mexico. Born July 2, 1850, at Alexandria, Ky. Prep, at Quincy Coll. (now Chaddock) and N. W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U., 1871-75. In pastorate 1875-83. Took degree of S.T.B. in Boston Univ. School of Theology, 1886. Did graduate work in philosophical studies and voice -culture, 18S6-S7. Is now in the regular ministry. Emily F. Wheeler, B.L., A.M., Teacher, Evanston. Address, Woman's Hall. Born at Guilford, Til. Prep, in Rockford H.S. At Coll., 1871-75. Instructor in French in N.W.U., 1875-77; then two years of foreign study. Instructor in history and modern languages in Gannett Inst., Boston, 1880-83; then six months more of foreign study. Prof, of modern languages in Ohio (State) Univ., at Athens, 1884-86; same chair in Allegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa.. 1886-87. Graduate scholar in Romance and Teutonic philology at Bryn Mawr Coll., 18S7-88. In Europe in 1890. Made acting Prof . of Romance languages in N.W.U., in 1891; and elected professor in 1893. George H. White, Ph.B. , Lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Office, N. Y. Life Blclg.; residence, 2416 Stevens Ave. Born Sept. 12, 1852, at Easton. N. Y. Prep. N.W.U. Prer>. In Coll., 1870-75. Now practicing law in Minneapolis. Married Cora H. Arndt, of Sandusky, O., Feb. 17, 1885. ■Children: Vernon A., 1887; Gladys C, 1890. CLASS OF 1876. Nathan B. Allen, Jr., C.E. , Manufacturer, Kenosha, Wis. Born Sept. 18, 1855. Prepared in Kenosha public schools. In Coll., 1872-76. Alanson Stewart Appleton, A.B., Journalist, Chicago. Born at Evanston, 111., July 25, 1856. Prepared at N.W.U. Prep. Attended ^college, 1872-76; Sigma Chi. Proprietor of Appleton's Bureau of Writers, Chicago. Writer of stories, books, magazine articles and newspaper editorials. William Sanford Arnold, A.M., Teacher, Tacoma, Wash. Born Nov. 30, 1842, in Hampshire Co., Va. Served in Union army fourteen months. .Prepired in Battle Ground Collegiate Inst.. Indiana, and in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1872- 76. Removed to Salem, Ore., 1880. Prof, of Nat. Hist, and Engl. Lit. in Willamette Univ., for last thirteen years; now Prof, of Hist, and English, in Puget Sound Univ. 34 ALUMNI CATALOG UK. James Ellis Bell, A. B. , Minister, Altoona, Fa. Address. 1422 Sixth Ave. Born Aug. 4. 1846, in Lewis town, Pa. Prepared in Dickinson Sem., Willlamsport, Pa., and in Kishacoquillas Sent., Pa. Student, N.W.U., 1878-76. Pa.-tor M. E. Church in Wil- llamsport, Dnncanft< n, Hollidaysburg, Bedford Springs, Willlamsport, and now pastor of Eighth Avenue church, Altoona. all in Pa. .Married Juniata Waters, of York, Pa., Jan. !,"■, lsso. children-. ( ; race B., 1881; Mary Elsie, 1883; Marian Evelyn, 1885; Lois J., 1889, *Smith Scott Bradford, A.M., Minister. Born sept, is, 1848, at Saratoga Springs, N. v. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. At Coll., 1872-76; G.B.I., 1878. Member upper Iowa Conf.; served until 1878, compelled by sick- ness to take a supernumerary relation. During ins four years' illness ne completely wrought out in his own mind, and orally discussed a work" on experimental religion, which he was unable to commit to writing before passing away. Hied Dee. s. 1892, at University Park, Colo. Address of sister, Jennie Bradford, Truer, la. Walter Lee Brown, B. S., Chemist., Chicago. Horn Atii,'. '.'4, is:>3. at Melrose, Mass. Prepared at public schools of Chicago and Oak Park, and Penn. M litary Acad., Chester, Pa. student, N.w.i'.. 1878-76. Special student School of Miles, Columbia Coll., 1875-77". Assistant to Prof. Charles F. Chandler. Colum- bia Coll. Commercial chemist and assayer in Chicago, 1880-85. chief chemist c. B. & 0. Kv. Co. laboratory. Aurora. 111. Author of "Manual of Assaying Gold, silver. Copper and Lead Ores." ' Married. Oct. 16, 1884, in Boone, Iowa, to Inn Belle Brown. Son, Lothrop I!., born Mar. 28, 1886. Leonard Gurley Cochran, A.M., Minister, Salem, Ore. Born Sept. 4, 1851, at Clyde, O Prepared at Rock River Sem. Attended N.W.U., 1871-76. Student G.B.I., 1878-80. Prof. Natural Sciences at Hedding Coll., 1880-84. Prin, Rochester Sem. and Norm. Sch., Rochester, Minn.. 1884-85. Castor in Cent. [11. Conf., 1885-88. Castor New Hamilton, Iowa. M. E. Church. 1888-89. Prof. Nat. Sciences. Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette, la.. 1889-93; since, same in Willamette Univ., Salem, Ore. Married, Dec. 'jr.. 1883, Marian C. Tubbs, A.M.. preceptress and Prof, of mathematics in Hedding Coll. Two sons, Harold 11.. 1886; Leonard C. 1892. *Drayton L. Cornell, C.E. In Coll. 1872-76; Phi Kappa Sigma. Died in 1883. , *John Currer, A.M., Minister. Charles M. Ellinwood, Ph.M., Teacher, University Place, Neb. Born at Grand de Laus, HI., Oct 14, 1855. Prepared at Morris. 111., and in N.W.U- Prep. In Coll., 1872-76. Taught at Simpson Coll., Inuianola, la.. 1880-88; since then, at University Place, Lincoln, Neb. Married Carrie A. Miller, of Rockford, III.. Aug. 7, 1877. Children:' Bernice, 1878; Anna B., 1880; Herbert M., 1882; Marvin E., 1888; Fannie A., 1890; Grace, 1892; Agnes, 1S94. Jessie Hilton, nee Brown, A.M., Evanston, 111. Address, 150,"> Oak Ave. Porn in Chicago. 1854. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll., 1S(;<1-7H. First ladv class- ical graduate of N. W. F. Labored with her husband in various Illinois and Nebraska charges, and in Salt Lake city. Was Evangelist, Neb. state W. C. T. F.; cor. secy. Chi- cago and Omaha districts of W. F. M S., pres. Quiney W. C. T. U. Married Mav 28, 1878 to Theophilus B. Hilton. D.D. ('76) who died at Quiney, III.. March 25, 1894. Children: Marguerite, 1879; Carolyne Louise, issi (died); Theophilus B.,1884; Homer, 1886; Charles O., 1887. * Theophilus Brown Hilton, A.M., D.D. , Minister. BornAue.28, 1848. at Rockton, 111. Prepared in N. W.U. Prep. InColl.1870-76; Sigma Chi- G. B.I. '78. Pastor various Illinois and Nebraska charges and in Salt Lake city. Member 111. State Cent. Exec.Comm.of Prohibition party: editor Utah Review (monthly mag.) estab- lished. Salt Lake City Sem , on a solid basis: erected a church and parsonage in South Omaha. Married Jessie Brown ('76) of Evanston. May 28, 187s. Children: Marguerite, 1879; Carolyne L, 1881 (died); Theophilus B.,1884; Homer, 1886; Charles ().. 1887. Dr. Hilton died at Quiney, 111. Mar. 2,"., 1894, of typhoid fever. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 35 •Charles Wesley Hudson, A.B., Business, Waukegan, 111. Born at Concord, X. Y. Prepared at Aurora Acad., N. Y. Attended Coll., 1872-76 R sides in the township of Waukegan, 111. Sunday School Supt., of Kast Benton M. E. Clnircli se.en years; Township Trustee of Schools. Now dealer in pianos and organs. Married Hattie S. Piper, August 24. 1875, at East Aurora, N. Y r . Children: Elmer \V., 1876; Farnham A., 1878; freeman B., 1880; Charles W., 1883; Albert C, 1885. Francis M. Jones, C.E., fPueblo, Colo. John Krantz, A.M., Minister, Jersey City, N. J. Address, 115 York St. Born at Kacine, Wis. Nov. 10. 1852. Prepared at Racine H. S., and Beloit Coll. Attended N. \V. U., 1872-76. Admitted to Newark, N.J. Conf. April 1878: Served import- ant charges in Staten Island. Newark and Jersey City; Manager of Tne Methodist in 1876- 77: at present one of the managers of Sunday School Union and Newark Conf. Ed. Board. Married Miss C. R. Ptoherts of Beverly, Mass.,, at Kacine, Wis. July 2, 1877. Children: Clay- tun, John, Stephen, Edith, Hazel and Newton. Jennie Kryder, nee Pattison, Ph. B. , Freeport, 111. Born, 1S53, in Stephenson Co., 111. Prepared at Freeport H. S. Student N. W. U., 1871-76. Taught school at Cairo and Freeport seven years. Now, dealer in books and pictures. Married at Freeport, in 1882, to Rev. Cyrus F. Kryder ('78), who died in 1884. Ella S. Linn, B.L., fBird City, Kan. Frank W. Lord, A. B. , Druggist, Piano, 111. Born in Colchester. Conn,, Aug. 30, 1848. Prepared in Jennings Sem. In Coll. 1872-76. In drug business. Married Lida Van Emon, Dec. 15, 1880, at York\ille, 111. Children: Walter V. E., 1881 (died); Frank M., 1887. W infield Scott Matthew, A.M., D. D , Journalist, San Francisco. Address, 1037 Market St. Born May 6, 1848, at Cotton Hill, 111. Prepared in N.W.U.Prep. Attended College, 1872-76; Sigma Chi. Joined 111. Conf. 1876; appointed pastor of Auburn Circuit; i astor Taylorville, 1877-79. Pastor Second Church. Springfield, 1879-82. In Minnesota Conf. 1882-87. Dean of Coll. Lib. Arts. Univ. of Southern Calif., 1887-89; dean and Vice-r"res.of University, 18^0-94; since, associate editor of Calif. Chris. Adv., San Francisco. D.D.from N.W.U. in 1889. Member Amer. Acad. Polit. and Social Sci. Married Marion L. Pomeroy ('77;, of Evanston, 111., Dec. 25. 1877. Children: Margaret L., 1879; Allen P., 1881; Melville P., 1883; Sarah W., 1885; Winfleld S., 1886; Hettie B., 1888; Samuel H., 1S90; Raymond, 1892. Lafayette E. McGarry, B.S., j Callao, Mo. Samuel C. McPherrin, A.M., Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo. Address, Whitney Bldg., 720 Delaware St. Born Nov. 26, 1853, in Knox Co., 111. Prepared in public schools. Grad. in Clas.Course, "76. and in Law Course '78. Married Jessie Moore, at Clarinda, Iowa, July 25, 1879. Chil- dren: Hugh, 1880; Howard W., 1883; Ruth, 1887. Andrew W. McPherson, A.B., Teacher, j- Panora, 111. In College, 1872-76; Beta Theta Pi. Mary E. Pattison, Ph. B. , Freeport, 111. Prepared in Freeport Pub. Schools, Student, N.W.U., 1871-70. Teacher in Freeport H. S. Book and picture dealer five years. Taught in Cairo, 111., nine years. Earl F. Potter, C.E., j Chicago, 111. In Coll. 1872-76; Phi Kappa Sigma. Civil Engineer. 36 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Frank Hamline Scott, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Hamline, Scott & Lord, 500 The Temple. Born Jan. 1, 1S57, at Tipton, Iowa. Prepared for Coll. at N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U., 1872-76; Beta Theta Pi. Married Oct. 10, 1882, Edith Kribben.of St. Louis, Mo, Children: Bertha, 1884 (died); Bertram D., 1885; Marion S., 1890. Fbed Manville Taylor, A.M., Ph.D., Teacher, Ann Arbor, Mich, Born July 11, 1855, at Northville, M'ch. Prepared for Coll. at Houghton H.S. and? Mount Olemens H.S. Student, N.W.U., 1872-76; Sigma Chi. Principal Winnetka High School. 1876-77; Professor of History in Albion College, 1879-92. Alderman of Albion,. 1892. Published in 1891, thesis entitled " The Right of the State to Be," and " The Law of Nature." Asst. Professor Polit. Kcon. University of Michigan, 1892, Junior Prof. Polit. Econ., 1893. Married, 1880, Mary S. Brown, of Ann Arbor. Children: Sanford. 1881 r Margaret C, 1883; Edith Anna, 1887; Edward C, 1887. * Samuel E. Van Petten, A. B. * Emma E. Weller, nee Parks, Ph.B. Charles P. Wheeler, A.M., Merchant, Chicago. Address, 175 Dearborn St. Born at Mt. Carroll, 111., May 5, 1856. Prepared at Evanston. Attended College 1872-76; Sigma Chi. Wholesale roal merchant.' Married Nov. 10. 1881, Mattie F. Sey- mour, Norwood Park, 111. Children: Catherine, 1885; Seymour, 1885. John Angell James Whipple, LL.B. , Minister, Mendota, 111. Born July 22, 1856, at Howard, 111. Prepared at N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1S72-76; Phi Kappa Sigma. Graduated from Law School, Chicago, 1880. Preached in Rock River Conf., 1885-92. Was pastor of M. E. Church at Mendota, III., for five years. Married Minnie A. Newton, Feb. 15. 1882. Children: Viva C, 1883; Mary L., 1884; Charlotte E.,.. 1886; Helen I., 1887; John G., 1891. CLASS OF 187 7. Howard R. Antes, A. B. , Minister, Rocky Ford, Colo. Born Oct. 20, 1850. In MiffUnburg, Pa. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1873-77. Pastor the first ten years since, in Illinois, and the last seven years in Colorado, except a short time in New Mex. Ter. among the Navajo Indians, as a missionary. Publisher of. The Navajo's Evangel. Married Evelyn S. Smith, of Peru, 111., Dec. 25, 1879. Edwin John Bickell, A.M., Minister, Red Wing, Minn. Born in Quebec City, Can., Oct. 16, 1846. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Attended col- lege, 1873-77. West Wis. Conference, at Whitehall and Mondovi. 1879-80; Cent. 111. Conf. ^ 1880-81; in Arizona as news correspondent, 1882-83; missionary at Helena, Mont., 1883-86;. for a time at Blackfoot, Idaho. Editor Mont. Chris. Adv., 1883-86. Married Dec. 25, 1877- at Evanston, Ella A. James, ex-'SO. Chddren: Edith E., 1879; Ralph, 1880. Mr. Bickell says: "I lost my eyesight in 1879 from severe cold, without human hope of recovery.*" Timothy C. Bradley, C.E., Civil Engineer, Kansas City, Mo. Born Dec. 6. 1855, in Chicago. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1873-77- Since 1878, U. S. Ass't. engineer, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.; located at different periods- at St. Louis, Lake Providence, La., Jefferson City, St. Joseph, and Kansas City, Mo„ Member Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers; member N. W. Soc. Civ. Eng. Frank M. Bristol, A.M., D.D., Minister, Evanston, 111. In Coll. 1873-77; Phi Kappa Sigma. Grad. from G. B. I. Entered Rock River Confi- rming prominent charges, in and near Chgo., including Englewood, Grace and Trinity M~ E. churches. D. D.from N. W. U. Now pastor of Evanston First church. Married, and! has three children. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 37 Albert Henry Burr, Ph.B., Physician, Chicago. Address, 2036 Indiana Ave. Born Aug. 19. 1850, in . Hancock Co., 111. Prepared at Hedding Coll., Abingdon, 111. In Coll. 1873-77. Grad. from Medical Dept. 1881. Lecturer on rhinology and laryngology in Grad. Med. school. Attending physician to Provident Hospital. Married Lizzie^West- lake, 1879. who died Mar. 18, 1881. Married Johanna Hess, 1885. Children: Fred, 1881 (dead); Marguerite, 1SS6; Walter A., 1891. William Wallace Carr, A.B., Minister, Cohoes, N. Y. Born Middlebury, Vt., July 2, 1850. Prepared at Middlebury H. S. and Brandon, (Vt. ) H. S. At N. W. U.. 1873-77; Beta Theta Pi. Minister in Central Illinois Conf. Trans- ferred to Troy Conf., N. Y., 1892; now stationed at Cohoes. Trustee N. W. U 1888-92 Married Mattie L. Piper, of Middlebury, Vt., Oct. 13, 1877.- Children.- Euby P. 1879- Harlow P., 1881; George W., 1882; Sydney McC, 1885; Ruth M., 1893. Frank Fisk Casseday, Ph.B., Physician, Minneapolis, Minn. Address, 1123 First Ave. S. Born Feb. 29, 1856, Newark, 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll 1873-77- Phi Kappa Sigma. Student Chicago Med. Coll., and Hahnemann Med. Coll., Philadelphia' graduating at the latter in 1879. Practiced two years at Stevens Point, Wis.; ten years, in Kansas City, Mo.; one of the incorporators Kansas City Homoeopathic Med. Coll, and occupied chair of diseases of eye, ear, throat and nose. Pres. Kansas City Med Soc ■ vice-pres. Mo. Inst, of Med. Began to publish The Medical Argus, monthly journal, in 1890; is still its editor. Removed to Minneapolis in 1S91, where he is practicing, making diseases of eye. ear, throat and nose a specialty. Alfred Cook, A.M., Ph.D., Teacher, Piano, 111. . T Born Oct. 21, 1S50, at Piano, 111. Prepared at Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111. Student N. W. U., 1873-77. Editor Kendall County News at Piano, 18S0-83. Student Univ. of Halle, Germany, 1884-86, degree Ph.D. Prin. Minonk public school, 1887-88- teacher of philosophy in Bryn Mawr, (Pa.) college, 1889; docent in philosophy in Clark Univ , Wor- cester, Mass., 1,890, and teacher in West Chester, (Pa.) normal school, ism. Author of " Ueber die Berkleysche Philosophic,'' and now preparing a psychology for popular use. Frank Harvey Cutler, B.S., M.D., Physician, Bancroft, Iowa. Born June 25, 1855, at Plainfleld, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. Robert Edward Earll, M.S., Scientist, Washington, D.C. Address, Curator Smithsonian Institution. TT .Born Aug. 24, 1853, at Waukegan, 111. Prepared ; n Pub. Sell., Waukegan. Student Univ. of Chicago. 1872-73 ; N.W.U , 1874-77. Phi Beta Kappa. Special Agt. 10th Census ; in charge fisheries investigation, Atlantic Coast. Dep. Pep. of U.S. at Internat Fisheries Exhib., London, 1883. Deputy Rep. Smithsonian Institution and U.S. Nat. Museum, at New Orleans, 1885; Cincinnati, 1888, and World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. Pub. numerous sci- entific papers on fisheries. Married Louise A. Hardi is, of Clinton, la., Feb. 27, 1883 Children : Ernest H., 18S6 (died) ; Donald M., 1889. Albert D. Early, A.B., Lawyer, Rockford, 111. Born Jan. 23, 1855, at Rockford, 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student N. W. U 1873-77 Married Knuna F. Blakeman, Oct. 25, 1880, at Rockford. Children: Caroline B.„ 1881; John B., 1883; Benjamin B., 1887. Anna Elder, nee Davis, B. L., Salina, Kan. Born in Gallipolis. O. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1873-77. Principal grammar school, McGregor, Iowa, 1878-80. Married to Rev. E. B. L. Elder, in McGregor. Iowa, July 7, 1880. Children: Myra, 1881; Earl B., 1884: Carey D., 1S93. 38 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. E. B. L. Elder, A.M., Minister, Salina, Kan. Born Dec. 4. 1848, in Marion Co., 111. Prepared in N. W. TJ. Prep. Preaching since graduation from Coll., in Wisconsin, Montana. Malm and Kansas. Member of Wis. Couf. 187S-86; N. W. Kan, 18S6 to present. Prof, in N. W. U. (two years). Married Anna Davis, July 7, 1880, at McGregor, la. Children: Myra, 1881; Earl B., 1884; Carey D., 1893. Frank M. Elliot, B.L., Real Estate, Chicago. Office, 123 La Salle St. ; residence, Eranston, 111. Born Mar. 27, 1S53, at Corrina, Me. Prepared in H. S., at Minneapolis, and in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll., 1873-77: Sigma Chi— Grand Annotator of the fraternity, 1884-87. Secretary and treasurer of Alumni Ass'n., 1883-84; president Alumni Ass'n., 1884-85. Trustee, Village of Evanston, 1890. Secretary, Evanston Club since 1888. Member Uni- versity Club and Chicago Literary Club. Real estate dealer in Chicago since graduation. Married Anna Shuinan. of Evanston, Nov. 13, 1S78. William Gray Evans, Business, Denver, Colo. In Coll., 1873-77; Sigma Chi. Interested in railroad construction and real estate; sec'y Denver Tramway Co. *Clarence A. Gardner, Ph.B. In Coll., 1873-77; Phi Kappa Sigma. William James Hathaway, A.M., Minister, Plainwell, Mich. Born Aug. 7, 1848, Blilfton. Ind. Prepared at Carleton Coll., Northfield, Minn., and N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U., 1873-77. Charges: Union City, Burr Oak, Wayland. Ithaca, Onondaga, Leroy, Decatur, Berrien Springs, Paw Paw, Vicksburg, Plainwell— all in Midi. Married. Oct. 1, 1879, Mattie L. Whituer, at Sturgis, Mich. Children: William H., 1880; Grace M., 1886. Arthur S. Kimball, A. B. , Merchant, Chicago. Address, 644 Monroe St. Born Oct 7, 1856, at Lawrence, Mass. Prepared in Chicago H.S. Student N.W.U., 1S73-77; Beta Theta Pi. Mercantile manager National Shoe and Leather Exchange. Frank E. Knappen, A.M., Lawyer, Kalamazoo, Mich. Born at Hastings, Mich., Sept. 27, 1854. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep.; college student, 1S73-77: Sigma Chi. Prosecuting attorney Kalamazoo Co., Mich., eight years. Gave alumni oration in 1887, on " Restriction of Crime." Was leading counsel for prosecution in trial of Stonewall J. DeFrance, noted forger. Charles Lyford Logan, A.M., B D. , Teacher, Bishop, Cal. Born June 10, 1850, at Atkinson, Me. Prepared for college at home on the farm. Stu- dent, N.W.U., 1S73-77. Joined Wis. Conf. in 1878. Transferred to Rock River Couf. in 1883, and is still a member of the same; uow principal of Inyo Academy, Bishop, Calif. Mar- ried May 8. 1884. Grace Boehm Wood, granddaughter of Father Boebin, the centenarian of American Methodism. Children: Mary L., 1885; Grace S., 1887; Laura L., 1889; Helen I., 1891; Edith E., 1893. Marion L. Matthew, nee Pomeroy, Ph.B., University, Cal. Born Oct. 24, 1857, Chicago, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll.. 1S73-77. Married Rev. W. S. Matthew ( 76), at Evanston, Dec. 25, 1877. Children: Margaret L., 1879; Allen P., 1881; Melville R.. 1883; Sarah W., 1885; Winheld S., 1886; Hettie B., 1888; Sam- uel H., 1S90; Raymond, 1892. Oliver Perry McCool, A.M., Minister, Rogers Park, 111. Born Aim. 14, 1X50, at Savanna, 111. Freeport H.S., 1870, and N.W.U. Prep., 1872. In Coll., 1873-77; Beta Theta Pi. Removed to Freeport in 1879, after completing middle year in G.B.I. Connected with Peoria Transcript, 1888-91; has resided at Rogers Park since 1831. Reports himself as " Minister, journalist, ass't postmaster, hardwire busi- ness, insurance agent, newspaper business and life insurance." Married Rozella Tobias Feb. 18, 1885, at Freeport. Children: Bessie, 1886; Caroline Lucy, 1890. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 39 ■Charles Herbert Morgan, A.M., S.T.B., Ph.B., Minister, Howell, Mich. Born Nov. 13, 1852, in Oakland county, Mich. Prepared in H. S., Holly, Mich. Student of Albion Coll., 1873-74. Student N. W. U. 1S74-77. Studied theology and philosophy two years at Boston Univ.; rec'd S.T.B. in 1879 and Ph.D. in 1883. Pastor in Detroit annual M. E. Conf., since 1879. Married in 1887; has one child. Luther Andersen Norland, A.M., Ranchman, La Jara, Conejos Co., Colo. son, of Baltimore, Md Lorenzo T. Potter, B.L., Physician, Chicago. Address, 144 Oakland Boul. Born in Cliarleston, s. C, in 1S59. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Entered Coll., at age of 14; graduated after Ave years, in 1877. Phi Kappa Sigma. M.D., from Chicago Med. Coll., 1S80. Interne St. Luke's and Mercy Hosp. Inspector, Board of Health; Clinical Instructor, Chicago Med. Coll. Now in private practice. Cornelius L. Rice, A.B., Teacher, fSturgis, Mich. .Martin S. Robinson, C.E., j Cleveland, O. In Coll., 1873-77. Phi Kappa Sigma. Civil engineer. Robert B. Seaman, A.M., Minister, Prince ville, 111. Born Aug. 4, 1849, in England. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1873-77. Preaching in Illinois since graduation. Married, Sept. 2, 1879, Mattie A. Ewer, at seneca, 111. Children: Maud T., 1880; Anna L., 1882; Gracelene May, 1S84. Charles W. Thornton, A.B., Minister, Marengo, 111. Born May 28, 1850, at East Liberty, O. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in Coll.; 1873-77; Beta Theta Pi. Graduated G. B. I., 1879. Married, Dec. 6, 1S82, Martha fanner, at Aurora, 111. Children: Anna Vera, 1886; lmogene, 1888. De Loss M. Tompkins, A.M., Minister, Aurora, 111. Address, 128 Gelena St. Born Jan. 7, 1849, at Ashland, NT. Y. Prepared in Claverack Coll.. and Hudson River Inst. In Coll., 1873-77; Beta Theta Pi. Pastor tfavenswood, Austin, Winnebago and Free- port, 111., and at Mussuri and Nairn Tal, India. Established the boys' high school at Miis- suri; president of the Naini Tal College aud boys' high school for two years. Married, in 1877, Ida May Foote. Children: Alfred' F., 1879; Margie L., 1882; Frankie S., 1886. CLASS OF 1878. George Everett Ackerman, A.M., M.D., D.D., Teacher, Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Born Nov. 16, 1850. in Bath, N.Y. Prepared in Genessee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, Bath (N.Y.)H.S. and N.W.U. Prep. In Coll.. 1874-78; Beta Theta Pi. G.B.I., '78. Took graduate course in Presbyterian Thee. Coll. of McGiilUniv., Montreal, where, after ten examina- tions, he was given D.D. Graduate of Buffalo Med. Cll. Preached in Genessee Conf.; Pres. Blue Mountain Univ.; elected Prof, systematic theology in U. S. Grant Univ., 1889; vice-chancellor of same, 1890. Author of "Researches in Philosophy" and "Man a Revelation of God." (See Internat. Encvc, 1891, article "Ack-rman.") Married Eugenia Van Warner, of Cohocton, N.Y., Aug. 26, 1879. Cnildren: Grace I., 1883 (died); Edith W., 1886; Edna M., 1889. 40 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Edward Wyllys Andrews, A.M., M.D. , Surgeon, Chicago. Address, 65 Randolph St. Born Mar. 25, 1856, in Chicago. Prepared at Babcock Acad., Chicago. Student N.W.U., 1874-78; Sigma Chi, Phi Beta Kappa. Graduated from Chicago Med. Coll. Prof, clinical surgery. Chicago Med. Coll.; Surgeon in Mercy Hosp., Michael lleese Hosp. and South Dispensary; author of several medical works. George Milton JBassett, A.M., Minister, Chicago. Address, 82 De Kalb St. Born in Russellville. O. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U., 1874-78. In journalism one year, and preaching since in Illinois. Graduated from G.B.I, in 1883. Married, Aug. 10, 188G, Phoneta G. White, of Chicago, 111. William Morris Booth, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Address, 100 Washington St. Born in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Sept. 26, 1853. Prepared at Chicago H.S. Student N.W.U., 1874-78; Sigma Chi. Married Ada Feuton Sheldon, Nov. 17, 1886. Sou, Sheldon M., 1888. Ida Breed, nee Stuard, A.B., Teacher, yBelvidere, 111. Abner Clarke, A.B. , B.D., Teacher, Quincy, 111. Born Jan. l, 1850. in Brown Co., 111. Prepared at Hedding Coll. and N.W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U. , 1873-1878. Took degree of B.l). at (i. B.I. , and was admitted to Illinois Conf., where he preached until 1S92, since which date he has been professor in Chaddock College. William L. Demorest, A.M., Minister., Oshkosh, Wis. Address, 359 Jackson St. Born Nov. 9, 1853. at Harrington, Ont. Prepared in Aurora H.S. and N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1873-78; Si^ma Chi. Preached in Minnesota, North Dak >ta and Illinois conferences. In 1888 transferred his ministerial relations to the Congregational body, serving churches in Grand Island, Neb., Monticello, Iowa. Blue Island, 111.; and is now pastor o Plymouth Cong. Church in Oshkosh, Wis. Married Etta A. K. Rhodes, of Aurora. 111., Oiit. 23, 1879. Children: Charles H., 1881; Pearl, 1882; Rea R., 1889; David Be R., 1891. John Rainier Edwards, A.B., Minister, Olney, Wash. Born Apr. 22, 1850, in Columbus, O. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In coll.. 1874-78. Preached siuce in Ohio. Wisjon^in and Illinois; now a member of Puget Sound Conf. Married. Aug 28. 1878. Mary Alice wa Univ. Law School, 1881, and since practicing law in Muscatine. Is Vice-1'res. First Nat. Bank of Muscatine, and Lieut. -Col. 2d Regt. la. Nat. Guard. Married at Muscatin ', Sept. 14, 1885, Alberta C. Jarvis. Two children. William B Leach, A.M., Ph.D., Minister, Chicago. Address, 331 Centre Ave. Born Jan. 8, 1851, at Port Hop\Ont. Prepared in N.W.U. Pren. Attended Coll., 1875-79. G.B.I., 1881. Ph.D. from U.S. Gov. Univ.. in 1888. Minister in Rock River Conf., since 1877. Now pastor St. Paul's M. E. Church, Chicago. Founded Grace M. E. Church at Elgiu, and built its fine edifice. Edited and published a system of Sunday School diplomas. Married Kmma Rose Warthwein, at Hampshire, 111., Oct. 17, 1882. Children: Grace, 1S84; William B., 1889. 44 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Spencer Lewis, A.M., Missionary, Chungking, China. Born Jan. 10, 1854 at Joliet, 111. Prepared at Joliet and in N.W.U. Prep. Student at college 1S75-79. Started for China in August and arrived at Chinkiang in Nov., 1881; left Chinkiang, Oct., 188-', and arrived in Chungking Dec. 3. 1882. Driven from Chungking by riot. July, 1880; arrived in America, Nov., 1886. Since, returned to China, and there now in the mission field. Married, Aug. 10, 1881, Esther M. Bilbie, of Anoka, Minn. Children: Eleanor F., 1882, and Raymond L., 1886. Jessie McPherrin, nee Moore, A.B. , Kansas City, Mo. Address, 720 Delaware St. Born Mar. 29, 1857, in Fayetreville, Iowa. Graduated, Classical Course. 1879. Married to Samuel C. McPherrin. at Clarinda, Iowa, July 25, 1879. Children: Hugh W., 1880; Howard C, 1883; Ruth, 1887. James Tyson Musgrove, A.M., Minister, Los Angeles, Cal. Address, 131 N. Workman St. Born at Alnwick, Northumberland Co., Ont. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U., 1875-79. BetaThetaPi. Practicing his profession in Colorado. Married Aug. 9, 1880, Lillie C. Casey ('79), at Centralia, 111. Children : Julia'E., 1881 ; William J.. 1884. Lillie Caroline Musgrove, nee Casey, Ph. B., Los Angeles, Cal. Address, 131 N. Workman St. Born Oct. l, 1859, at Hovlton. . Prepared at Centralia H. S. In Coll., 1876-79. Married Aug. 9, 1880, to Rev. James T. Musgrove ('79). Children: Julia E., 1881; William J., 1884. Isabella Parks, nee Webb, A.M., South Atlanta, Gra. Born May 9, 1854, at Kelley's Island, O. Prep ired in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1875-79. Since, house-keeping; teac iin.i in Simpson Cohere, Indiauola, Iowa. Regular editorial con- iributor to Union Signal, and writes for other papers. Married Julv 30. 1879, t > Edward L. Parks, at Kelley's Island. O. Children: Julia H., 1883; Sat ah R., 1885; George E., 1886; Emma W., 1888; Charles W., 1890. Ella Patten, nee Prindle, Ph.M., Joliet, 111. Born at Elmira, Minn. Prenared in N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1875-79. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher in Piep. Dept. N.W.U.. 1879-83. Married to . ev. Amos W. Patten, Evanstun, Oct. 25, 1883. Children: Emma. 1885; Helen, 1888. * Clara Shumway, B.L. Born Sept. 11, 1856, at Milledgevill \ 111. Prepared in Polo (III.,) H. S. Student, N.W U , 1875-79. Studied at Berlitz School of Languages, and Boston Conservatory. Died March 27, 1892. Edward L. Stewart, B.S., Lawyer, Chicago. Born Mar. 12, 1856, in Roekford, II. Prepared in Ohio We-leyan Univ. Stu 'ent, o.W.U., as Fres unan and Sophomore. Student, N.W.U., 1877-79. Sigma Chi. Attorney 1879-82; journalist 1883-86; attorney and real estate dealer 1886 down to the present. Manied Oct. 11, 1881, Nellie B. Conger. Frank Eastham Tyler, B. S., Merchant, Kansas City, Mo. Born in Vineennes, Ind., Jan. 25. 1859. Prepared at Vincennes Univ. Entered N.W.U. as Soph., 1876-79. Married Clara Danforth McLean, of Knnsas City, Mo., Nov. 22, 1881; daughter. Marguerite, 1883. William Henry Wait, A.M., Ph.D., Teacher, Peoria, 111. Address, 403 N. Jefferson Ave.- Born at McConnell, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Pre;>. Student, N.W.U., 1875-79. Teacher in Peoria H.S., 1880-83; Prof, of Latin and German in Weslevan Univ., Bloom- iugton', 1883-90; Acting Pres. 111. Wes. Univ., 1887-88. Living in Peoria i-ince 1890. Mar- ried Sept. 6, 1S88, Clara W. Hadley, of Peoria. Now in Germany, engaged in special philological work in Universities of Berlin and Bonn, 1893-94. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 45 Jane Hutchlns White, Ph.M. , Teacher, Evanston, 111. Address, 218 Greenwood Boul. Born July, 1858, in Evanston. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. At Coll., 1875-79. Teacher Lockport, ili., 1880; in Streator H.S. 1881-85; since, in Evanston Twp. H.S. •George Whitney White, Pb.B. , Minister, Waupun, Wis. Born Jan. 18, 1854, at Oak Grove, Wis. Prepared at Wayland Acad., Beaver Dam, Wis. Student, N.W.U. . 1875-79. Pastor of M. E. Church in various Wisconsin cities, including Beloit and Milwaukee. Now at Waupun. Married Nov. 26. 1879, Flora C. Smith, of Milwaukee. Children: Ward A., 1880 (died); Edith L., 1882; Mabel E., 1884; Alfred G., 1886; William, 1893 (died). CLASS OF 1880. Nellie Barns, nee Lewis, B. L., Joliet, 111. Address, 410 Richards St. Born May. 18. 1858, at New Lenox, 111. Prepared at Joliet H.S. Student in Coll. 1876-S0. Married, Aug. 22, 1881, to Julian Barns, at New Lenox, 111.; son, Julian L., 1885; daughter, Erma L., 1891. John W. Bennett, A. B., Lawyer, fAnn Arbor, Mich. In Coll., 1876-80. Sigma Chi. Grad. Univ. of Mich. Law Dept, 1884. Joseph Coombe, A.B. , Business, Areola, 111. Born in 1850 at Torqua, Engl. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1876-S0. Preached in Kausas until recently. Now has charge of large tracts of real estate for eastern parties, in Douglas County, 111. Married Mary A. Van Vighten, Chicago, June 26, 1879. Son, H. N. Coombe, 1880. Cassie Gushing, nee Scott, Ph.B. , Highland Park, 111. Born June 20, 1856, at Grand Rapids, Wis. Prepared in Vassar Coll. Student, N.W.U. 1876-sn. Married, Dec. 1, 1883, to F. W. Gushing, at Merrill, Wis. Children: Frederick S., 1884 (died); Elise J., 1886 (died); Catherine C, 1890; Margaret C. 1891. Nathan Smith Davis, Jr., A.M., Physician, Chicago. Address, 65 Randolph St. Born Sept. 5, 1858, in Chicago. Prepared at Babcock's School, Chgo. and N.W.U. Prep. At Coll., 1875-80. Sigma Chi; Phi Beta Kappa. Degre6 M.D. Chicago Med. Coll., 1883. Visiting physician Mercy hospital and assistant to chair of pathology in N.W.U. Med Coll. since 1884. Studied pathology at Heidelburg and Vienna, 1885. Prof, of principles and practice of medicine in N.W. Med. Coll. since 1888. Has given clinics and didactic instruction in Mercy Hosp. since 18S6. Member of numerous medical and other associations. Mem. board of trustees of N.W.U. and board of managers Y.M.C.A. Author of "Consumption, How to Prevent and How to Live With It," and " Diseases of the Lungs, Heart and Kidneys." Married in 1884 Jessie Hopkins, daughter of the late Judge Hopkins, of Milwaukee. Children: Ellen, 1887 (died) ; Nathan S.,1889; Ruth, 1891. Frank B. Dyche, A.B., Lawyer, Chicago. Office, Home Ins. Bldg.; residence, Evanston, 111. Born at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U., 1876-80. Phi Kappa Sigma. N.W.U. Law School from 1881 to 1383. Practicing law in Chicago. Charles Allison Foulkes, Ph.M., Physician, Vincennes, Ind. Born Feb. 4, 1858, at Vincennes, Ind. Prepared in Vincennes public school and Univ. In Coll., 1876-80. Sigma Chi. Salesman, abstractor oftitles; med. stud. Graduated from ■Chicago Med Coll. 1S85. Resident physician in St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago; private medi- .cal practitioner since 1886. 46 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Almon Witter Greenman, Ph.B., Missionary, South America. # Address, 242 Calle Tacuarembo, Montevideo, Uruguay. Born, Newcastle, Ind.. Nov. 18, 1854. Prepared in DePauw University Prep., Fort Wayne Coll. and N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll., 187G-80. Appointed missionary to Mex- ico 1880, in charge of Queretaro circuit; presiding elder 1886; acting Pres. Theological Sem. at Puehla; 1887; wrote several Spanish religious brochures. Married May R. Gammon, (ex- '811. at Odell, 111., Apr. 17, 1880. Children: Emily H., 1881: Almon A., 1882; John W., 1887; William E., 1891. Pastor New Carlyle, Ind.. 1889. Appointed missionary to Monte- video, Uruguay, S. A., 1890, where he is presiding elder. Charles H. Hamilton, B.S., Manufacturer, Ottawa, 111. Born Feb. 11, 1858, at Ottawa, 111. Prepared in H.S. of that city. In Coll., 1876-80. Phi Kappa Sigma. In merchant milling business until 1890; since then in hardware and mfg. business. Married Sept. 12, 1882, Carrie E. Manley; two children. Sidney Munson Harris, A. B., Farmer, fVergennes, Vt. Born at Panton, Vt., Jan. 21, 1854. Prepared in Middlebury (Vt.) H. S. and Coll. Stu- dent. N.W.U. , 1878-80. Phi Kappa Sigma. Engaged in preaching, teaching and farming. Married Alice Jane Bristol, of Panton, Vt., Sept. 29, 1881. Children: Corydon S., 1882; Lionel M., 1884; Jennie A., 1880. Bessie Helmer, nee Brad well, A.M., LL.B., Journalist, Chicago. Address, 1428 Michigan Ave. Born in Chicago, Oct. 20, 1858. Prepared in Chicago H.S. In Coll., 1876-80. Phi Beta Kappa. Grad. from Union Coil, of Law, 1S82, as valedictorian. Edited 12 vols. Bradwell's Appellate Court Reports. At present associated with her father. Judge James B. Brad- well, as editor of Ghicaao Legal News. Dec. 23, 1885, married to Frank A. Helmer, lawyer. Daughter, Myra B., born 1889. George W. Hewitt, A.M., Lawyer, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Born July 31, 1859, at Franklin Grove, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1876-80. Attended Union Coll. of Law, 1880-82. Practicing law since. Robert B. Jessup, Jr., Ph.B., Physician, Vincennes, Ind. Born at Vincennes. Ind., Apr. 21, '53. Prepared in Vincennes schools. Student N.W U. 1876-80; Sigma Chi. Practiced in New York City four years, house surgeon Chambers Street Hospital; now practicing in Vincennes. Duston Kemble, A.M., B.D., Minister, Mansfield, Ohio. Born June 12. 1855, at Big Lick, O. Prepared at Bryon (O.) Normal and Union Schools , with two terms in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1870-8); G.B.I., '81. Missionary, Guanaxuato, Mexico, 1881-86. Preaching since in Ohio, filling various charges. Married Maggie A. Day, Sept. 8, 1880. Two sons, Serb T., 1881, and Edwin C, 1889. Emma Lacy, nee Nind, Ph.B., Missionary, Foo Chow, China. - Born Dec. 21, 1857, at St. Charles, 111. Prepared at Winona (Minn.) H.S. and N W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U.. 1876-80. Taught, until marriage, in De Pauw Coll., Ind.. and in Wisconsin. Married, May 24, 1883, to Win. Henry Lacy, at Minneapolis, Minn, Children: Walter N., 1884; Henry V., 1886. John E. Lipps, Ph.B., Silk Importer, f Bethlehem, Pa. Student N.W.U., 1876-80; Sigma Chi. George Merritt, A.M., Minister, Trenton, N. Y. Born July 15. 1855, near Barrington, 111. Prepared in Chicago H.S. Student N.W.U., 1875-80; G.B.I '82. In ministry since, in Minnesota conference until recently. Charles Jules Michelet, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Office, Chicago Opera House Block; residence, Wilmette, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Pren. Student in Coll., 1876-80. Edited Kankakee Timet, 1881- 83; practicing law since. Married, Sept. 15, 1887, Gertrude A. Warder. Children: Ger- trude, 1888; Chas. J., 1891 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 47 Helen L. Miller, Ph.B., f 390 La Salle Ave., Chicago. William Bernard Norton, A.M., Minister, Fulton 111. Born Oct. 19, 1S57, at Freeport 111. Prepared in Freeport H.S. Student at Coll.. 1875- 80; B^ta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Ci B.I. '82. Preached in DesMoines Conf. three years; since in Rock River Conf. Married. Dec. 23„ 1881, Marie T. Wemeburg, at Chicago. Chil- dren: Lulu W., 1884; Lowrey F., 1S86; Julia E., 1S88; Frederick W., 1892. Ellen M. Pryor, Ph.M. . Stenographer, Omaha, Neb. Address, 2410 Cass St. Born Sept. 26. 1851), at Sc lies Mound, III. Prepared in Evanston H.S. Student, N.W. IT., 1876-80. Teaching since in Iowa public schools, last place, Council Bluffs. Now, law stenographer, Omaha, Neb. John H. Pryor, A. B., fCreston, la. , In college. 1S76-80. Phi Kappa Psi. . Dollie V. Pcjrsel, nee Mesiok, B.L., Plainwell, Mich. Born Jan. 29, 1859, at Plainwell, Mich. Prepared at Plainwell H.S. Student, N.W.U., 1876-80. Taught school. Has been four years county school examiner in Allegan county, and still holds the position. Married, Apr .28, 1881, to Geo. W. Pursel, at Plainwell, Mich. Children: Richard M., 1883 (died); Roscoe S., 1886. Mary E. Rice, nee Webster, B.L., Evanston, 111. *Elias F. Shipman, A.M., M.D. Nels Edward Simonsen, A.M., B.D., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Born near Alderley, Wis. Pr pared in N.W.TJ. Prep. Student in Coll., 187G-S0. G.B. I., 18S2. Continued theological studies in Univ. of Christiania, Norway; pastor of church in that city. Prof, in Norwegian-Danish Theol. Sem., Evanston, 111., since 1885. Ettie L. Smith, A.M., Teacher, Clifton, 111. Born Dec. 29, 1858, at McHenry, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1876-SO. Taught in Richmond, Havana, Hinsdale and Pontiac, 111., and LaPorte. Ind. Julia Thompson, nee Watsoa, Ph.B., Chicago. Address, 328 Superior St. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1876-SO. Married to Slason Thompson, at Evanston, April, 1887. Levi P. Warrington, A.M., Physician, fChariton, la. Thomas Clinton Warrington, A.M., Minister, fWyauet, 111. Born at Quincy, III., Apr. 19, 1852. Prepared in Quincy H.S., Chaddock Coll., and N. W.U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1875-80. Graduated G.B.I. , 1882. Preaching in Rock River Conf. Married Julia E. Ormiston, Chicago, June 20, 1882. Children: Isabel O., 1883; Raymond O., 1884; Ruth O., 1891. Francis A. Wood, A.M., Teacher, f Quincy, 111. Born at Point Bluff, Wis., Jan. 17, 1S59. Prepared at Evanston. student X. W. U., 1875-80; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught in public schools; studied in Germany; since 1S90 Prof . of Greek and Latin in Chaddock College. 4 48 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. (LASS OF 18S1. Frank Taylor Andrews, A.M., M.D., Physician, Chicago. Address, 3169 Groveland Ave. Bora Apr. 10, 1853, In Chicago. Prepared in Prof. II. H. Babcock's school, Chicago. Attended Coll. 1877-81; Sigma Chi. Grad. Chicago Med. Coll. (N.W.U. Med. Sch.) 5 !*. Demonstrator of histology, 1885-7; lecturer same 1887-8; Prof, histology since, in N.W.U. Me I. School and attending gynecologist to Mercy hospital Member Chgo. Acad, of Sci- eoces and several medical societies. Fellow of the Amer. Acad, of Med. Married, Jan. 31, 1893. Arthur Hyslop Briggs, A.M., Minister, San Jose, Cal. Born Jan. 16. 1859, in San Francisco, Cal. Prepared in N.w.u. Prep. For a time state teamster in Yosemite Valley; asst. supt. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, SanFran- clsco; student in Boston Univ. School of Theology; pastor in Vallejo, Cal.; College Park Church, san dose; Epworth Church, San Francisco,; now at Centllla Church, San Jose. John Patrick Brushingham, A.M., Minister, Chicago. Address. S77 Fulton St. Horn isr.5, in X. Y. state. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U. 1875-1881 ; Flu Kappa l'si. Pastor of various churches in Chicago, now at Fulton Street M. E. Church. .Married. Oct. 12, 1881, Lillia S. Norton, of Oloan. N. Y. Children: Nellie P., 1S85; Robert M., 1887. John C. Butcher, A.M., M.D., Missionary, Bijnonr, India. Student N.W.U. 1877-81; Delta Upsilon. William Roswell Chamberlain, Ph.B. , Lawyer, Chicago. Address. Mi Hartford Bldg. Born Vug. 31. ism. at St.Elmo, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll, 1877-81; Delta Upsilon. Taught school; admitted to the bar 1834, practicing since. Married Har- riet .1. Haines. Chicago, Feb. 21, 1887. Children: Faith <'.. 1888; Grace A., 1889; l'hilo 11., 1893. Ebex P. Clapp, A.M.. Physician, Evanston, 111. Born Mar. 10, 1859, at Borne, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep, student in Coll. 1877-81. Graduated from Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1882; studied In Europe. Prac- ticing in Evanston smce. Married Mary E. Norton ('83) Jan. 23,1889. Son, James N., 1892. Jennie Cormack, nee Marshall, B.L., Joliet, 111. Born in Sycamore, ill.. \H'f. 19, 1859. Prepared in Sycamore 11. S. Attended Coll. 1878-81 : Alpha Phi. Married Rev. J. M. Cormack ('81), Nov. '-'7. 1834. Joseph M. Cormack, A.M., Minister, Joliet, 111. Born in Philadelphia, Feb. 29, 1855. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll 1877-81; Delta Upsilon. Preaching since in Bock River Coif erence. Married Jennie 11. Marshall C81), Nov. 27, 1884. Moses S. Cross, A.M., B.D., Teacher, E. San Jose, Cal. Horn 8. 18>4. at Lightsville. 111. Prepared in Jennings Sem., Wheaton Coll. and Chicago Univ. In N.W.U. 1875-81; Beta Theta l'i: G. B. 1. '82. Tutor in G. l'». I. two years. Studied four years in Leipsjgand Berlin universities; also one year in Univ. of Athens, Greece, 1888-9. Traveled and studied in Italy. Pastor Vischer M. E. Church. Stockton. Cal.. 1890-91. Since, Prof, of Ancient Languages in Univ. of the Pacific, San Jose, Cal. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 49 Raymond V. DeGroff, B. S., Teacher, Farmington, 111. Born July 17, 1859, in Whiteside Co., 111. Prepared in Sterling (111.) H.S. and N.W.U. Prep. Stude t in Coll., 1876-81; Sigma Chi. Engaged for a time in journalism; at pres- ent Kupt. of Schools, Farmington, 111. Married Bird M. Hazen, at Amboy, 111., Oct. 1, 1885. One daughter, Hazel Lorine, born 188G. George Alfred Foster, A. B. , Merchant, Chicago. Address, 228 Fifth Ave. Born at Whitewater. Wis., Apr. 17, 1859. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1877-81; BetaThetaPi; Phi Beta Kappa. In silk-importing business. Walter B. Helm, B. S., Physician, Rockford, 111. Born Oct. 12. 1859, at Butlerville. la. Prepared in Beaver Dam (Wis.) H. S. Student. N. W. IT., 1877-81. Graduated from Chicago Med. Coll.. 1884; took course in Cook Co-, hospital as interne; attending physician and surgeon at Rockford city hospital. Practic- ing physician since. Horace Nelson Herrick, B. S. , A.M., Minister, Muncie, Ind. Born at Fort Wayne, Ind., June 17, 1846. Prepared in Fort Wayne Coll., Asbury Univ. and N. W. U. Prep. Attended Coll., 1877-81. Graduated from G. B. I. Preaching since in North Indiana Conf. Two years Pres. Fort Wayne Coll. Presiding elder of Mun- cie District since 1882. Married Mary E. Erick, in Allen county, Ind., June 28, 1868 children: Bessie R., 1871; Wm.V., 1877. Wm. Henry Huston, A.M., LL.M., Gov't Official, Washington, D. C. Address, R. & P. Div., War Dept. Born Aug. 12. 1858, at Fairplay, Wis. Student, 1876-81, with a year's intermission; Delta Upsilon. Farmed in Iowa until 1885; since then in War Dep't at Washington. Took regular and post-graduate courses in law dep't of Columbia Univ., Washington. Benjamin B. James, A.M., Electrician, f Aurora, 111. Born July 4, 1860, at Island Grove, 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in Coll.. 1877-81. Taught school in Glencoe, 111., Farmington. Mo., and Evanstoo. In electrical business in Chicago. Married Emma Meserve, in Kenosha, 1885. One- daughter, Clara L., born. 1885. Emma James, nee Meserve, A.B., Teacher, Englewood, Chicago. Address, 7132 Wentworth Ave. Born in Chicago, i860. Prepared in Lake View H.S. Student, X. W. U., 1877-81 • Alpha Phi. Taught school at Mendota and Riverside, in. : since 18S7, H. S. teacher, Englewood, Chicago. Married Benjamin B. James ('81), in Kenosha, in 1885. Daughter, Clara. L., born 1886. William Henry Lacy, A.M., Missionary, Foo Chow, China. Born .Ian. 8, 1858. at Milwaukee Prepared in Milwaukee H. S. Student, N.W. U 1.S77-81 ; Phi Kappa Psi. Preached in three charges in Wis., then went as missionary to' ( 'hina. Married, May 24, 1S83, Emma Nind, at Minneapolis, Minn. Children- Walter N 1884; Henry V., 1886. Joseph Alexander Matl ac x, A.M., Minister, Chicago. Address, 189 Sacramento Ave. Born May 26. 1854, in Philadelphia, Pa. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U 1S77-NI . Piii Kappa Psi: Phi Beta Kappa. Preaching since in Freeport. 111., and Chicago Marr ed. May 21;. 1s75, Emma L. Harvey, at Chicago. Children: Harold E., 1879; J. Rov 1883; Edith L., 18S7; Gertrude E., 1893. ' Elizabeth May, nee McArthur. A.M., Milwaukee, Wis. Address, 231 Fifteenth St. Born Apr. 5, 1858. at Joliet, 111. Prepared in East Rockford (111.) H. S. Student, N. W. U., 1877-81. Tau ;iit school two years; published a book of "poems. Married Albert B May. at Ro kford. July l, 1886. Children: Richard B., 1887; Donald C. 1889; Jessie E . 1891 : Jean E., 1893. 50 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Nathan Clark Miller, Ph.B., Lawyer,* Colorado Springs, Colo. Born at Mt. Carroll, 111., Oct. 25, 1859. "Prepared at Lincoln Coll., Mo. Student. N.W.U., 1877-81. Delta Upsilon. Supt. of public schools in Longmont, Colo., and McGregor, Iowa, until 1880; since then practicing law in Chicago and Colorado Springs, Colo. James Edgar Nichol, A.M., Minister, Scranton, Iowa. Born Jan. 17, 1855, at Marseilles, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll. 1876 81. Was admitted into the Des Moines Conf. in 1881, where he has since been labor- ing. Married June 14,1882, Helen E. Pope, at Odell, 111. Children: Gertrude E., 1883 (died '84); Koscoe E., 1886. Martha Gertrude Pooley, nee Skelton, Ph.M., Oak Park, 111. Address, 230 Forest Ave. Born at Flora, 111., Nov. 18, 1859. Prepared in Evanston H.S. In Coll., 1877-81. Pro- fessor of (German and Mathematics in Upper Iowa Univ. until marriage to Rev. Robert H. Pooley ('82), Aug. 11, 1884. Children: Leila Jessica, 1886; Eleanor G„1888; Elizabeth M., 1890. * Frederick Porter, A.M., Minister. Born Aug. 3, 1848. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1877-81. Delta Upsilon. Preached in Chicago, Batavia and Rockford, 111., and Eureka. Nev. Married Alice Downey. Greencastle, Ind., Nov. 14, 18X3. Daughter, Anna D., born 1887. Mr. Porter died at Gleridora, Cal. Frank L. Rice, B. S., Manufacturer, Chicago. tAddress, Lexington Hotel. Born May 11. 1859- Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in College, 1877-81. In manu- facturing business in Chicago since. John Schneider, A.M., Minister, Fort Howard, Wis. Born Dec. 14, 1849, at Wiirtemburg. Germany. Prepared in Oberlin Coll., Ohio. Stu- dent, N.W.U., 1877-81. Preaching since in Wisconsin M.E. Conf. Married Sept. 23, 1875, Sarah A. Cameron, at Trenton, Wis. Children: Percy C, 1876; Archibald G., 1879; Carl W., 1886. Claudius B. Spencer, A.M., Minister, Denver, Colo. Address, Christ Church. Born in Fowlerville, Mich.. Oct. 20, 1856. Prepared in Howell. Mich., H.S. Student, N.W.U., 1877-81. Phi Kappa Sigma. Preaching since at Lake Superior, Detroit, aud Christ Church, Denver. Editor of Rocky Mountain Christian Advocate. Married Oct 20. 1886, Mildred L. Mitchell, Brockport, N. Y. Children: Helen M., 1887; Marjorie E., 1890' Polemus Hamilton Swift, A.M., Ph.D., Minister, Chicago. Address, 307 Forty-first St. Born Oct. 24, 1853, at Palmyra, Wis. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1877-81. Delta Upsilon. G.B.I., '83. Took post-graduate course at Syracuse University. Preaching since in Chicago and Rockford. Married Nov. 20, 1883, Olive L Boyntou, at Keesville, N. Y. Children: Marian E„ 1884 (died); George II., 1886; Mildre I E., 1889. Frank H. Thatcher, Ph.M. , Lawyer, Aurora, 111. Born July 17, 1859, in Chicago. Prepared in Aurora H.S. Student, N.W.U., 1877-81. Beta Thd a Pi. Practicing law at Aurora since graduation. Married Edith s. Norton, of Winona. Minn., Jan. 21, 1891. Parker S. Webster, A.M., Lawyer, Dubuque, Iowa. Born at New Hampton. Iowa, Oct. 17, 1857. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll.. 1877-81. Delta Upsilon. Practicing law. Frederick S. Wheeler, A.M., Business, Portland Block, Chicago. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 51 C1?ASS OF 1882. Stanley P. Black, Ph.B., Physician, Chicago. Address, 2346 Calumet Ave. Born Aug. 21, 1859, Omaha, Neb. Prepared in Chicago H.S. Attended Coll. 1878-82; Phi Kappa Sigma. Graduate from Chicago Med. Coll. '85; interne Cook Co. Hosp., 1885- 87 : student Royal-Imperial Hosp. .Vienna, 1887-89; instructor N.W.U. Med. School; patholo- gist Mercy Hosp. Married May 27, 1892. Alvah Green Briggs, A.B., Business, Sierra City, Cal. Born, Santa Clara, Cal., Men. 11, I860. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll. 187S-82; Beta Theta Pi. Entered business in San Francisco. 1882; since 1884, bee y Sierra Buttes Gold Mining Co; Park Com. Yosemite Valley; M-m. Grand Lodge K. of P. of Cal. Married Laura J. Richards, Sierra City, Cal., June 13, 1887. Jessie S. Brown, nee Cowles, Ph. B. , Buffalo, N. Y. Born at Cascade, Iowa, Apr. 27, 1861. Prepared in various high schools and a normal school. Student N. W. U., 1878-82. Taught one year in Fremont, Neb. Married Oct 28, 18S5, Rev. G. M.Brown, of Fremont (Neb.) M. E. Church. Children: Walter H., 1886; Winifred, 1891; George C, 1893. Now at 218 Woodworth Ave., Omaha, Neb., but will re- move to Buffalo, N. Y., in Sept., 1894. *William F. Carroll, A.B. Student N.W.U., 1878-82; Beta Theta Pi. James Simpson Conwell, B.S., Merchant, San Franeisco, Cal. Address, with Follmer, Clogg & Co. Born July 4, 1859, in Winona, Minn. Prepared in Lake View H.S. Student N.W.U., 1879-82. Dealer in business men's furnishing goods. Married Sept. 16, 1885. Hattie Ruena Cone (ex-'82), of Winona, Minn., who died in Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 20, 1886, of consump- tion. Charles Worthington Darrow, B.S., Lawyer, Glenwood Springs, Colo. Born Dec. 7. 1857. at J^nesville, Wis. Prepared at South Evanston and in N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1878-82; telegraph operator 1871-75; train dispatcher; village clerk of So. Evanston in soph, year and until graduation; private sec'y to president Board of Underwriters; private sec'y to Asst. Gen. Solic. C, B. & Q., Chicago; admitted to the bar, 1885; atty. at law, Glenwood Springs, Colo., 1886 to date; city atty. and clerk of same place for the last four years. Married Elizabeth G. Morper, at Elroy, W s., Oct. 5, 1885; William Andrew Dyche, A.M., Pharmacist, Chicago. Office, State and Randolph Sts. ; residence, Evanston, 111. Born at Monroe, 0., May 25, 1861. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1878-82; Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; Pres. N.W.U. Alumni Assn.; member Ex. Com. N.W.U. School of Pharmacy. Alderman of Seventh ward, Evanston. Walter Allen Evans, A.M., Minister, Chicago. Address, 1730 Fletcher St. BornatPlainfleld.HL, Aug. 8, 1859. Prepared N.W. Coll., Naperville. 111. Student N.W.U., 1878-82; Delta Upsilon. Clergyman in M.E. Church, and later in Congregational Church; in M.E.Ch., Waukegan, 1885-86; in Cong. Ch.. Cherokee, la., 18S7. Married Helen Schliemann, Fargo, Dak., Jan. l, 1885. Son, Homer K., 1886. Adele Hall, nee Somers, B.L., Chicago. Address, 3519 Calumet Ave. ' Born Aug. 3, 1861, in Chicago. Prepared in Evanston H.S. Student N.W.U., 1878-82. Married October, 1883, to William T. Hall, of Chicago. Children: Eleanor L. and Ed- ward S. 52 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Nathan James Harkness, Ph.M., Minister, Chicago. Address, 58 n. Sheldon St. Born at Starksboro, Vt„ Sept. 4, L852. Prepared at N. \v. p. ['rep. student In Coll., L876-82; Delta Upsllon, Preaching In Chicago since, except four years In Freeport. Now pastor Ada Street M. E. Church. Was rust Pres't Christian Ass'n In the University. Author of the Epworth Guards movement, and lias a book In press on that subject. Mar- ried, Oct. 26, 1886, M. Virginia Westlake, of Elizabeth, N". J. Emily Hobart, nee Hatfield, A. B. , Missionary, China. Address, Tsun Una (via Tientsin). Born at Flushing, Long island, i860. Prepared in Logan Square Sem., Phila., and in N. w. U. Prep, student at Coll., 1878-82; Phi Beta Kappa. Married, Aug. 3, 1882, to W.T. Bobart('79), Kvanstoh. Children: Louise, 1884; Alice. 1885 (died) ; ChaunceyG., L886; Marcus 11., 1888; Elizabeth, ism. Lydia Luella Jones, A.M., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Born at Evanston, Aug. 28, 1859. Prepared in N.W.TJ. Prep, student N. W. U". 1878-82: Kappa Kappa Gamma; Pnl Beta Kappa, studied a year in Germany. Taughtin Red Oak(Ia.)Hlgh School one year. Instructor in English and Mathematics in Fremont Normal Sch. and Bus. Coll., 1884-89, Since 1889, teacher in Lake View Bigh School. Daughter oi Prof. W. P. Jones, founder and president N. W.Fem. Coll. John Lee, A.M., Minister, Chicago. Address, 6929 Eggleston Ave. Born in Loughgall, County Armagh, in the North of Ireland. Arrived In Chicago di- rect from Londonderry, in 1884. Commenced life in Evanston as a lirst year Prep., sept. 2, 1874, without a cent in the world or the prospect of earningone. B.D. in .May, '82 from G.B.I. , and A.B. in June, '82 from N. \v. r. Laboring since in Lock River Conf. Con- tributor to religious papers and author of numerous controversial pamphlets; including a "Reply" to Archbishop Ireland's "lias Protestantism Advanced Liberty?" "Discussion with .\i xander Sullivan on the Part That Ireland Played in the American Revolution:" and "Religious Persecution," an Examination of Cardinal Manning's famous letter in the London rimes. Robert Alexander MoPherrin, A.B., Business, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Born Oct. 12, I860, at Knoxville, 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1876-82, Delta t'psilon. In hardware business in Oskaloosa. since 1887. Married, Dec. 8, 1885; Minnie F. Haw (\x. r >), in (utumwa, Iowa, one boj five years old. Frank Warren Merrill, A.M., Minister, Rock Island, 111. Born at Lindley, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1857. Prepared in Classical Sem., E. Paw Paw, 111. Student N. W. (J., 1878-82; Phi Kappa Psi. Taught In N. W, U. Prep., 1882-88. G.B.I. '88. Preaching since in Central III. Conf. Ph.D. from 111. \Yosley;in, '92, >>n examination. Is now in his third \ear at First Church, Pock Island. .Married Amelia Persons, Aug. 23, 1876. Pour boys;' Morton Win., 1880; Llewellyn P.. 1886; Lloyd 1''.. 1888; Dwight, 1890. Emma Middlekauff, nee Prindle, Ph.B. , Ravenswood, 111. Born at Chatliold, Minn. Prepared in Kvanslon II. S. and N. \V. P. Prep. Attended Coll. 1878-82. Devoted herself to art. Married, Apr. 'J7, 1887, to P. D. Middlekauff (class of '82), Of Chicago. Children: Marjorie E. anil Robert. Peter D. Middlekauff, Ph.B., Business, Chicago. Office, 16 Pllllerton Ave.; residence, Ka\ enswood. III. Born at Adeline, 111., Julyl7, 1858. Prepared in Rock River Sem". In Coll., 1878-82; Delta Upsilon. in business since with Wm. Deering & Co.; nowSupt. Married Emma M. Prindle, (class of '82,) at Evanston, Apr. 27, 1887, Children: Marjorie and Robert. Harry Huntington Miller, B.S., Chemist, Honduras, C. A. Address, San Juancito. Bom Aug. 2, 1861, at Granville, 111. Prepared in Evanston U.S. Attended Coll. 1879-82; Beta Theta PI; Phi Beta Kappa. Analyt. Chemist and assayer, 1882-4; Mining engineer and assayer; 1884-5: Mfg. Agt., implements, etc., 1885-7; vice-Prest. St. Paul Plow Works! in charge or Nebraska business. Now Assayer and Mining Engineer, Ro- sario Mining Co. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 53 William Heney Otjen, A. MT, Minister, Lighthouse, 111. Born in St. Clair Co., Mich.. Jan. 4, 1854. Prepared in Markham's Academy, Milwau- kee, and N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1878-82. Preaching since, in Rock Eiver Conference. Married Oct. 8, 1884, Edith A. Bennett, of Dodgeville, Wis. Children: Duane P.., 1885; Annie M., 188C. Charles E. Piper, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Address, 1238 Stock Exchange Bldg. Born in Chicago, June 12. 1858. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll., 1878-82; Phi Kappa I'si. Admitted to the bar. Since then practicing inCidcago. Married Carrie L. Gregory of Indianola, Iowa, Aug. 15, 1882. Children: Carrie E., 1884; Lula L., 1887; Rob- ert G., 1889; Margaret J., 1892. Robert Henry Pooley, A.M., Minister, Oak Park, 111. Address, 230 Forest Ave. Born at Rush, 111., 1856. Prepared in N. W. TJ. Prep. In Coll., 1878-82. Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Graduated from G. B. I. Served as pastor in Joliet, Chicago (Trinity and Wabash Ave. M. E. Churches) Appleton, Wis., and now in First Church, Oak Park, 111. Member Am. Inst. Christian Philosophy. Married M. Gertrude Skelton C81,) at Evans- ton, Aug. 14, 1884. Children: Leila, 1886; Eleanor G., 1888; Elizabeth M., 1890. Fred H. Sheets, A.B., Minister, Joliet, 111. Address, 306 Richards St. Born Dec. 25. 1859, at Mount Morris, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1878-82. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa. Pastor M. E. Church, at Oregon, Sterling, Dixon, Blue 1 Island and Richards street. Joliet, all in 111. Married Mary A. Hill ('84,) at Milwaukee, Dec. 25, 1884. Children: Alister R., 1888 (died 1893); Fred H., 1891. Ella M. Tarr, M.L., fLos Angeles, Cal. Student N.W.TJ. , 1878-82; Delta Gamma. * Sarah E. White, Ph.B. CLASS OF 1883. John C. Bannister, A.M., Business, Kewanee, 111. Born, Evanston, 111., Nov, 15, 1860. Prepared N.W.TJ. Pr<-p. Student in Coll., 1878-83; Beta Theta Pi. Teaching in Princeton (111.) H. S., 1883-91. Supt., of Western Tube Co., Kewanee, 111. Married Dec. 25, 1886, Frances E. Bryant, of Princeton, 111. Children: Two boys and two girls. Henry Olin Cady, A.M., Minister, Chungking, China. Born Sept. 12, 1857, in Middlebury, Vt. Prepared in Middlebury H. S., and Coll., Vt. Student N.W.TJ. ,ls80-83; Delta Upsilon. Graduated from G.B.I. , 'S6. Pastor in Wisconsin and Illinois, 1883-86. Since at Chungking, China, as a missionary. Mary E. Clapp, nee Norton, Ph.B., Evanston, 111. Born, Winona, Minn. Prepared in Winona H. S. Student N.W.TJ., 1879-83; Phi Beta Kappa. Traveled abroad in 1888. Married Jan. 23, 1889, to Eben P. Clapp, M.D., of Evans- ton. Son, James N., born 18£2. Anna Lyon Crandon, Ph.B., Evanston, 111. Born July 13, 1860, at Aurora, 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1879- 83; Delta Gamma. At home in Evanston since graduation. 54 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Asahel Holmes Denman, Ph. B., Lawyer, Tacoma, Wash. Address, 936 Pacific Ave. Born, Nov. 29, 1859, at Sing Sing, N. Y. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student Coll. of Liberal Arts, 1879-S3. Minnie R. Goodsmith, nee Moulding, B.L., Chicago. Address, 957 N. Clark St. Bun Nov. 5, 1860. at Carpenterville, 111. Prepared in Lake View H.S. Student in co'lege 1879-83; Alpha Phi. Married to Dr. Goodsmith, Chicago. Two children, Wini- fred and Howard. Traveled abroad after marriage. Emily A. Greenman, Ph.B. , Teacher, Marion, Ind. Address, 215 W. Fourth St. Born Nov. 14, 1858, at F >rt Wayne, Ind. Prepared in LaGrang • (Ind.) H.S. Student, N.W.U., 1879-83. Scliool teacher and stenographer. Martin M. Gridley, Ph.M. , Lawyer, Chicago. Office, Ashland Blk.; residence, Evauston, 111. Born May 16, 1863. in Milwaukee. Prepared in Evanston H.S. and N.W.U. Prep. Stu- dent in college, 1879-83; Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa. Graduated from N.W.U. Coll. of Law, and admitted to the bar, 1885. Practiced law in Kansas City, Mo., 1886: and since in Chicago. Member of firm Paden & Gridley, Ashland Block, Chicago. Nominated on Democrati • ticket for legislature in 1890. James Taft Hatfield, A.M., Ph.D., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Address, 617 Foster St. Born. Brooklyn, N.Y., June 15. 1862. Prepared in Rugby Acad., Philadelphia, and in N.W.U. Prep. Attended college 1879-S3; BetaThetaPi; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher at. Holly Springs, Miss., 1884, and DeFuniak Springs, Fla., 1886. Graduate student and fel- low of Latin in Johns Hopkins Univ.. 1887-90. Hospitant at Bonn, Germany, 1890. Since Sept , 189', occupying chair of German language and literature in Nortnwestern Uni- versity. Author of several philological works ; frequent contributor to philological and literary journals. Editor of Gustav Freytag's " Rittmeister von Alt-Rosen," D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, 1S94. Member of Amer. Oriental Soc, and Modern Language Ass'n of Amer. Mar ied Maude W. Wilson, Mar. 13, 1890, at Baltimore: son, Henry W„ 1891 (died ) Alfred E. Hills, A.B., jSpicer, Colo. At college 1879-83; Delta Upsilon. • Harriet Augusta Kimball, Ph.M., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Born at Black River Falls. Wis. Preparation for Coll. in N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U., 1879-83. Delta Gamma: Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher in N.W.U. Prep., 1883-91. Abroad for study and travel 1891-92; since, teacher in N.W.U. Academy. Frank Elmer Lord, A. B. , Lawyer, Chicago. Address. The Temple, Room 500. Born Dec. 20, 1861. at Danvers, Mass. Prepared in Holten H.S., Dan vers, and Salem H.S. . Salem, Mass. In Coll., 1879-83; Beta Theta Pi. Admitted to practice law in 1886, and practicing since in Chicago. Director Evanston Pub. Lib.; Director Evanston Emer- ge: cy Hospital; Director N.W.U. Alumni Ass'n. William A. Phillips, Ph.B., Physician, Evanston, 111. ■ Born in Chicago, Jan. 18, 1861. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in college, 1879-83; Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa, student in N.W.U. Med. School, 1883-85; Harvard Med. Sch., 1885-87, degree M.I). Studied in Vienna. 1887-88. Practicing in Evanston; lec- turer in Comparative Anatomy. Coll. of Lib. Arts. Married Josephine Patterson, in Evanston, 1891; daughters, Isabel and Marion. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 55 Louis S. Rice, Ph. M., Business, Chicngo. Address, 1945 Orrington Ave., EvanstoD, 111. Born Nov. 13, 1862. Chicago. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Attended college 1879-83; Phi Kappa Sigma. Two years in the book and stationery business in Denver; the remainder of the time in th J manufacture of engines, boilers, ami heating a paratus, Chicago. Married Anna R. Ballard, of Evanston, Mar. 25, 1S86. Children: l orothy, 18S7; Donald B., 1891. Isabella Ross, Ph.B. , Teacher, Chicago. . Address, 71 Auditorium Bldg. Born Nov. 6, 1859, in Chicago. Prepared in Jeff. H.S. and N.W.TJ. Prep. Student N.W.U.. 1S79-83. Organist and teacher of piano. Taught mathematics in Jefferson H.S. Graduated from N.W.TJ. Conservatory, 1S85. Charles H. Sharer, Ph.B., Merchant, Mt. Morris, 111. Born Sept. '25, 1859, at Mt. Morris, 111. Prepared at Rock River Sem. In Coll., 1878-83 ; T3eta Theta Pi. G. B. I., 1884. Ass't postmaster at Mount Morris four years, and now merchant there. Married Susie McCosli, Nov. 30, 1887; two boys and one girl. Amos Rtjeus Solenberger, Ph.B., Physician, Itasca, 111. Born in Canton, O. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in college, 1S79-83; Phi Kappa Psi. Graduated from Chicago Med. Coll., April, 1885. Attending physician to Addison Orphan asylum. Married, 1885, Priscilla H. Stauffer, at Denver, Colo. Merritt E. Taylor, M.S., Teacher, Stanford Univ., Cal. Born June 24, 1857, at Lighthouse, 111. Prepared in Rock River Sem. Student, N. W. TJ.. 1778-83. Instructor in mathematics in N. W. TJ., 1884-86. Student in Berlin and Zurich and Baltimore, 1886-89; general electrical work, 1889-92; instructor in electricity in Leland Stanford, Jr.. Univ., 1892. Present position Asst. Prof, of Physics, L.S.J. TJ. Married, July 30, 1S92, Ellen Gammon (18S5), who died Dec. 11, 1892, at Redlands, Cal. Nelson Parley Webster, Ph.B., Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Address, 1220 H St., N. W. Born at Kingston, 111., Jan. 30, 1862. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Attended North- western, 1S78-83. TJ. S. civil service. Graduated from Columbian Law School, Washing- ton, D. C, 1890; since 1S92, patent attorney, Washington, D. C. Held position of private secretary to Secretary of War. William Edward Wilkinson, A.M., Minister, South Evanston, 111. Address, 933 Chicago Ave. Born Mar. 28, 1857, at Plattville, 111. Prepared at N. W. TJ. Academy. In Coll.. 1879- 83. Grad. from G. B. I., 1886. Pastor at Utica, 111., Warren and Hemenway M. E. Church, South Evanston. Married at Belvidere, 111., Sept. 21, 1886, Mary B. Swail. Children; Ruth L., 1S88; Warren E., 1891. CLASS OF 1884. Zella F. Adams, M.L., Teacher, Maywood, 111. Born, Apr. l, 1863, at Marengo, 111. Prepared in Ev. H. S. Student N. W. TJ., 1879-84. Taught at Atlanta, Ga., two years; atJ3ismarck, N. D., and sine-: at Maywood, 111. Wilbdr F. Atchison, A.B., Minister, Hyde Park, 111. Born April 9, 185S, at Savannah, 111. Prepared at Jennings Sem. Student N. W. TJ., 1875-84; Delta Upsilon. Studied two years in G. B. I. Preaching since in Rock River Conf. Now at Hyde Park M. E. Church, Chicago. Married Rena A. Michaels, former dean of Woman's Coll., N. W. TJ., at Albion, Mich., June 7, 1893. • 50 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Leon Edwin Bell, A.B. , Minister, fYoungstown, N. Y. Born Oct. 20, 1S57, Weedsport, N. Y. Prepared at Olivet Coll., Olivet, Mich, Student- s'. W. U., .1880-84: Delta Upsilon. Pastor M. E. Church, Orangeville, 111., 1884-87. Pur, sued studies at Boston Unfv. School of Theology with class of '90, also at School of Ora- tory in same institution with class of '89. *Maby Ann Bennett, A.B. Born Aug. 3, 1861, at Covington, Ind. Prepared in Prep. Dept. N. W. U., and attended college 1880-84; Delta Gamma. Leila M. Crandon, M. L., Teacher, Evanstou, III. Address, 1414 Forest Ave. Born Nov. 4, 1862, at Batavia, 111. Prepared in N. W. U . Prep. Attended Coll.. 1880- 84; Delta Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor in Minneapolis H. S„ 1886-88; instructor inN. W. U. Acad. William Henry Crawford, A.M., D.D., Teacher, Meadville, Pa. Address, President Allegheny College. Born Oct. 6, 1855, at Wilton, 111. Prepared in Joliet H. S. and N.W.U. Prep. In ( toll. 1881-84; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Preached two years in Pavenswood, 111.; was transferred to Fulton St. M. E. Church, Chicago, from which place he acccepted a pro- fessorship in Gammon School of Theol., Atlanta, Ga. D.D. from N.W.TJ. 1893. Made Pres. of Allegheny Coll. in 1803. Married Jennie M. Foote, of Batavia, 111., 1884. Child- ren: John R., 1886; Lucy P., 1893. Florence C. Cowles, nee Call, Algona, la. Born at Algona, la. Prepared in Algona Coll. Student N.W.U. 1883-84. Married, 1884, to Gardner Cowles, of Iowa Wesleyan Univ. Children: Helen, 1886; Russell, 1887; Bertha, 1892. Albert Dean Currier, B. S., Lawyer, Chicago. Address, 107 Dearborn St. Born July 29. 1861, at Osceola, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1880-84; Sigma Chi. Two years after resided in Boston, Mass; afterward located in Chicago, where he is practicing law. Charles Horswell, A.M., Ph.D., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Address, 718 Emerson St. Born Nov. 27, 1857, at Kingston, Can. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1879-84; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Grad. from G. B. I.. '87. Instructor in Greek andHebrew, G. P>. [., 1887-92; since then Adjunct Prof, in same institution. Ph. D., Yale, 1891. Married Helen M. Redfteld ("84), in 1887. Helen Horswell, nee Redfield, Pb.M. , Evanstou, 111. Address, 718 Emerson St. Born Dec. 9, 1861, at Beaver Dam, Wis. Prepared in Evanstou H. S. Student N.W.U. 1880-84; Delta Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught three years in High School at Beloit, Wis. Married to Charles Horswell ('84), in 1887. Adella Goodrich Dickman, nee Maltbie, M.L. Teacher, Fayette, la. Born 1861, at Hinckley, 111. Prepared for Coll. at Hinckley. Student N.W.U. 1879-84. Teacher of Engl. Lit. and Rhetoric in Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette, la. Married, 1889, to Prof. /. W. 1) ckinan. George Peck Merrick, Lawyer, Chicago. Office. Hartford Bids; residence, Evanston, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1880-84; Sigma Chi. Admitted to the bar in 1886. Attorney for the Santa Fe railroad two years. Practicing law in Chicago. Trustee. 1893, in Evanston City Council. Married Grace Thompson. Son, Clinton. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 57 Edmund B. Patterson, Ph.D., Minister, Lansing, Mich. Born Mar. 1, 1862, at Batley, Eng. Prepared in Constantine (Mich.) H. 8. and N.W.U. Prep In Coll 1880-84 G. B. I. '86. Pastor M.E. Church at Stevensville, Vandalia, New Buffalo, Benton Harbor, Manistee, and now at Lansing— Central M. E. Church. Was. Prof, of Greek in Benton Harbor Coll. 1890-92. Charles Griffin Pltjmmer, B.L., Physician, | Wallace, Idaho. Born Jan. 1, 1859, at Chicago.Prepared at Paw PawIiJ., Sem. Student N.W.U. 1880-84. Studied medicine in Chgo. Med. Coll. Practicing when last heard from, at Wallace, Idaho. Charles S. Raddin, M.S., Business, Chicago. Office, Carsley Mfg. Co.; residence, Evanston, 111. Born Jan. 29, 1863 at Lynn', Mass. Prepared at Chauncey Hall, Boston, Mass., and N. W.U. Prep. InColl. 1880-84; Phi Kappa Sigma. Author of "Plants of Evanston and Vicinity: Flora of Cook Co., 111., and Lake Co., Ind." Married Belle E. Ailing ('88), of Evanston, in 1892. William Durham Sargent, A.M., Business, Chicago. Address, 701 Western Union Bldg. Born June 16, 1863, at Lynn, Mass. Prepared in H.S. at Des Moines, la., and Evans- ton. InColl., 1880-84; Phi Kappa Sigma. Studied mech. engineering at Boston; mining in Montana, 1885; in machinery dept., Pullman, 111., and in iron foundry in N.Y., 1886-87. Since with Congdon Brake Shoe Co. (now the Sargent Co.) ; in 1888 became Supt., and in 1893 Gen. Manager. Mary Sheets, nee Hill, B.L., Joliet, 111. Prepared for Coll. at N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1S80-1884; Delta Gamma. Married to Fred. H. Sheets ('82), at Milwaukee, Dec. 25, 1884. Children: Alister E., 1888 (died 1893); Fred. H.,1891. Frances Simpson, M.L., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Born 1863, in New York State. Prepared in Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. In Coll. 1880-84; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught German in Bockford H.S. Traveled and studied in Germany, 1889-90. Graduate student N.W.U., 1893-94. CLASS OF 1885. *Owen Wheaton Battey, A. B., Lawyer. Born May 29, 1861. Prepared for Coll. in N.W.U. Prep. Student at Coll. 1881-85; Delta Upsilon. Studied law. David H. Bloom, A.B. , Lawyer, Chattanooga, Tenn. Born at Tiskilwa, 111., Oct. 29, 1859. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1881-85; Beta Theta Pi. Graduated from Union Coll. of Law, Chicago, 1887. Practicing law in Chatta- nooga, Tenn., firm o Bloom & Boddy. Married Ellen M. Sawyer, class of '85. Ellen Bloom, nee Sawyer, Ph.B., Chattanooga, Tenn. Born at Reading, 111., May 28. 1864. Prepared at Streator (111.) H.S. Student N.W.U. 1881-85; Alpha Phi. Taught in Streator H.S. Married to David H. Bloom, '85. Samuel Lambert Boddy, Ph.B., Lawyer, Chattanooga, Tenn. Born at Newburgh, Out,, June 27, 1859. Prepared in Cherokee (la.) H.S. and N Prep-. Student in Coll. 1881-85; Beta Theta Pi. Studied law, and practiced in Chi la., and Chattanooga, Tenn. William C. Chase, A.B. , Business, Quincy, 111. 58 • ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Frank Cook, A.B. , Teacher, Geneseo, 111. Horn in Chicago, Mar. :s, i860. Prepared m Cook Co. Normal Sell., Englewood, 111., ami N.VV.U. Prep, in Coll. 1881 85; Delta Upsilon. Was Supt. of public schools in Geneseo, ill.; now in business in that city. William Dyer Fullerton, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Office, 121 La Salle St. ; residence, Evanstoii. 111. Born at Freedom, 111., Aim. is, 1865. Prepared at Kittenhouse Acad., Washington, D.C. Student N.W.U., 1881-85; BetaThetaPi; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught in Franklin School, Cincinnati, i.ssr>s7; master in Berkeley School, New York, 1888-89. Grad. Co- lumbia Law School, 1889, LL.B. Admitted to tne har in Chicago, is'.mi, and practicing since. Mary Henry, A'. M. , Teacher, Evanstou, 111. Address, 1819 < MTington A\e. Born at Last Homer, N.Y.,.Iune '.), 1863. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U., 1881-85. Alpha Phi. Taughtschool at Cent-alClty, Neb.; National Supt. press workW.CT.IJ.; assistant editor Cha/utauqua/n; traveled abroad; now teaching at Kenil- worth, 111. Edward D. Huxford, B. S., Banker, Cherokee, Iowa. Born at Albion, Mich., July 27, 1862, Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U. , 1881-85. BetaTheta l'i. In banking business since at Cherokee, Iowa, and in Cliicago. William Russell Light, A. B., Teacher, fWinfield, Kan. Born in Beaver, Minn.. April 3, 1861. Prepared in Iowa Wesleyan Univ., Mt. Pleasant. Iowa, student, N.W.U., 1881-85. Prof, ancient languages Vermont Methodist Spin., Montpelier; Instructor in Iowa Wesleyan; agent Kansas Midland Hail way. Wichita Heights; teaching at Wintield, Kansas. Gerhardt Cornell Mars, A.M., Minister, Kenilworth, 111. Residence, Evanston, 111. Born in Thompson Town, 111., Feb. 22,1800. Prepared in N.W.U. Pre)). In Coll., L880-85. PhlKappaPsi; Phi Beta Kappa. G.B.I., '87. Prof. Eng. Lit. in Univ. of South Dakota until 1892. Now pastor of Kenilworth Union Church. E. Eugene McDermott, M.S., Teacher, Minneapolis, Minn. Address, 1313 Fifth St. S. Born at Fennimore, Wis.. Sept. 17, 1859. Prepared in State Normal School, Platte- \illc. Wis., and N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U., 1881-85. Helta. Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Read law in office one year; principal Lancaster (Wis.) 1 1. s. two years; took post-graduate course in oratory, N.W.U., two years. Teaching in Univ. Of Minnesota since. Married Marie Antoinette Bock (U. of Wis. ex-'91), at Lancaster, Wis., Apr. 20, 1891, Rush McNair, A. B. , Physician, Kalamazoo, Mich. Address, 320 South Burdick St. Born at Elburn, 111., July 1, 1860. Prepared in N.W.U Pre)). In Coll., 1881-85. Phi Kappa Psi. Grad. N.W.U. Med. School. '87. Practicing in Kalamazoo, Mich. U. S. pen- sion examining surgeon, since 1890; Pres. Kalamazoo Cycle Co.; member Kalamazoo Acad, of .Medicine, and of Mich. Stale Med. Soc. Married Mary Ellen Everard, of Kala- mazoo, May 15, 1889. Children: Burnett O., 1890 (died); Ruth, 1891. Mary Eleanor Moore, M. L., Argyle Park, 111. Born at Wenona, 111. Prepared in Wenona U.S. and N.W.U. Prep. Attended Col- leu. >, 1881-85. Alpha Phi. George A. Mulfinger, A. B., Minister, Chicago. Bom in Chicago. Mar. 31, 1865. Prepared in W.D.H.S., ChgO. Student, N.W.U., senior year, 1885. Grad. from G.B.I. Preaching since in Chicago Conference, Merman M. E. Church. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 5& Katharine Lucinda Sharp, Pb.M. , B.L.S., Librarian, Chicago. Address, Ravenswood, 111. Born at Elgin. 111., May 21, 1865. Prepared in Elgin Acad, and Oakland (Cal.) H.S. In Coll., 1881-85. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Taught in Elgin Acad., 1886-88; asst. librarian in Scoville Inst., Oak Park, 1888-90; student in N. Y. State Library Sell., .1890-92, receiving degree of Bachelor of Library Science from Univ. of the State of N. Y. In charge oi comparative library exhibit of the Amer. Lib. Ass'n., prepared by X. Y. State Lib. Sell. for World's Col. Ex., 1892-93. Now, librarian and director of Dept. of Lib. Science in Armour Institute, Chicago. Leonard L. Skelton, A.M., Physician, Chicago. Address, 70 State St. Born at Elizabeth, 111., July 18, 1862. Prepared in Evanston H.S. In Coll., 1880-81 and 1883-85. Delta Upsilon. Prin. Vineyard (Ark.) schools, 1886-87. Grad. Chgo. Med. Coli.. 1889. Physician in Mercy hospital, Chicago, 1889: Kankakee State hospital, 1890-91. Practicing now in Chicago, and professor of physiology in N.W. Coll. of Dental Surgery, and lecturer on physiology in N.W. Woman's Med. Coll. Married at Appleton, Wis., Antoinette Mergens, June 1, 1893. Charles Sumner Slichter, M.S., Teacher, Madison, Wis. Address, 636 Francis St. Born at St. Paul, Minn., "Apr. 16, 1864. Prepared in Oakland H. S., Chicago. Student N. W. U., 1881-85; Sigma Chi. Instructor in Mathematics in Chicago Athena-um, 1885-86. Then called to University of Wisconsin, to fill a similar position; now professor of applied mathematics in that institition. Author of several school and college text books on alge- bra and logarithms. Married Louise Byrne, Madison, Wis., Dec. 23, 1890. Son, Sumner H., 1892. Sydney Watson, B. S., Lawyer, St. Paul, Minn. Born in Chicago, Sept. 10, 1863. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Student N.W.U., 1881-85; Sigma Chi. Entered real estate and loan business in St. Paul. Now practicing law in that city. Helen Frances Weeks, Ph.B., Evanston, 111. Born at St. Charles, Minn. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. I i Coll. 18S1-85. Graduated from Wellesley College, '89. Traveled in Europe, and on the Pacific Coast. Charles A. Wightman, Ph.B., Insurance, Evanston, 111. Born at Kenosha, Wis., Oct.-ll, 1861, Prepared in Evanston H. S. Student N. W. U. 1S81-85; Sigma Chi. In real estate, loan and insurance business in Evanston. Secretary of the Evanston Savings and Loan Ass'n. Mary Wilkinson, nee Swail, Ph.B., South Evanston, 111. Born July 5, 1864, at Belvidere, 111. Prepared at Belvidere H. S. In Coll. 1881-85; Alpha Phi; Phi Beta Kappa. Married to Rev. W. E. Wilkinson ('83), at Belvidere, Sept. 21,1886. Children: Ruth L., 1888; Warren E., 1891. CLASS OF 18S6. Stuart P. Edmondson, Ph.B., Minister, Danville, Ind. Born Feb. 10, 1858, at Sumner, 111. Prepared in McKendree Coll. and N. W. U. Prep. Student N. W.U. 1882-80; Phi Kappa Psi. Grad. G.B.I. Preaching since in Indiana; now at Danville, Ind. * Robert Isaac Fleming, A.M., Minister, St. Louis, Mo. Address. Cor. Li dell and Newstead Aves. Born in Hannibal, Mo., May 4. i860. Prepared in Hannibal H. S. and N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1882-86; Delta Upsilon. Preached in Rock River Conf. Since 1893, pastor of Lin- dell Ave. M. E. Church, st. Louis, Mo. 60 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Mary Ada Foster, nee Peart, Pb.M., Pontiac, 111. Born at Wilmington, 111., Dec. 4, 1864. Prepared in N. W.U. Prep. At College 1882-86; Alpha Pin. Taught school in Braidwood, 111., and in Pontiac H. S., as assistant two years and as principal one year; two years in Jacksonville Fein. Acad. Married to Henry A. Foster, at Braidwood. 111., Sept". 1, 1892. Joseph Henry Hill, A.M., Teacher, Emporia, Kan. Born at Stockton, Pa., May 21, 1858. Prepared in Kansas State Normal and N. W. II. Prep. In Coll. 1882-86: Plii Kappa Psi. Preached 1886-87. Since, professor of Latin in Kansas State Normal Sch., Emporia, Kan. Married Frances Meldrum, July, 1892. Son, Alfred G. Henry Leonidas Kindig, A.M., Minister, Lebanon, Ind. Born Oct. 8, 1858, at Eaton, Ohio. Prepared in N. W. U Prep. At College 1882-86; Sigma Chi; G.B. I.,'8S. Preached. 1886-94 at South Bend, Waveland, Covington and Lehanon, Ind. Married Mary Avaliue Hull, Oct. 23, 1888. Children: A valine H., 1890; Geraldine, 1892. Minnie E. King, A.B., Emporia, Fla. Born Dec. 12. 1864, at Marshall, Mich. Prepared in Evanston H. S. In Coll., 1881-86, losing in the interim nearly a year by nervous prostration. Owing to weak lungs, she sought the mild climate of Florida, and became a teacher in the Orange City public schools, in Volusia Co., her father being principal. Taught in Emporia, same' county, next year, and then failing health obliged ner to rest for two years. Taught at Hawk's Park'and Lake Helen, 1890-92; and since in Emporia, her home; also teaching music, Latin and Greek. Lyman Ormond Perley, B. S., Lawyer, Omaha, Neb. Address, 304 S. Sixteenth street. Born at Emporia, Kan., Felt. 2s, 1866. Prepared in Emporia H. S. Student N. W. U., 1882-86; Phi Kappa Psi. Office clerk; iron inspector; law student at Yale, receiving LL.B. in 1890.. Practicing since in Omaha. Anna Olivia Peterson, B.L., Teacher, Galva, 111. Born at Galva, 111., Mar. 27. 1866. Prepared in Galva H. S. Student, N. W. U., 1882- 86. Teacher in Galva public school. Chester Allen Place, A.M., Minister, Blue Island, 111. Born Nov. 7, 1862, at Earlville, 111. Prepared at Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111. Student, N. W. II.. 1883-86. (i. P.. I.. 1890. In ministry at Meade Center and Scott City, Kan. Pastor at Worth, Crete and Plattville, 111., 1888-91; pastor at Blue Island since. Post- graduate in philosophy at N. W. U., 1892-94. Married Estella M. Beedle, of Wilton Cen- ter, 111., Sept. 8, 1885. Children: Edna L., 1887 (died); Junie M., 1888; Lester. 1S90 (died); Chester A., 1892. Edwin A. Schell, Ph.D., D.D. , Minister, Chicago. Address, 57 Washington St. Born at Logansport, Ind., Nov. 25, 1859. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll., 1881- 86; Phi Kappa Psi. Preached at Hammond, Ind., South Bend. Ind., and Yonkers. N. Y.; at present general secretary of Epworth League. Married Emma Wright, Red Wing, Minn., July 14. 1886. Children: Louise E., 1888; Helen H., 1890. Caroline Stewart, nee Bumanri, B.L. , Lincoln, Neb. Address. 1122 F St. . Born, Bunker Hill, 111., 1856. Prepared in St. Louis Normal Sch. Student. N. W. U., L884-86. Teacher in Napa College, Cal., and Manual Training School, St. Louis, Mo. Married to Win. A. Stewart, Feb. 4, 1891, at St. Louis, Mo. Now living in Lincoln, Neb., but expects to remove at end of year to Priestland House, Coleraine, Ireland. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 61 ■Clinton S. Tomlinson, Ph. B. , Journalist, Chicago. Address, 1G7 Adams St. Bom Feb. 11, 1860. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In college, 1882-86; Beta Theta Pi. Editor Boone (Iowa) Republican, and later of the Springfield (Mo.) Daily Republican. Now, editor Chicago Dry Goods Reporter. Married, Apr. 22, 1891, Anne Eversole at Springfield, Mo. May Van Benschoten, B. L., Librarian, Evanston, 111. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1865. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Student, N.W.U., 1882-86. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Librarian, Evanston public library. CLASS OF 1887. Lodilla Ambrose, Ph.M. , Librarian, Evanston, 111. Born at Ann Arbor, Mich. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Student, N. W. U., 1883-87; Phi Beta Kappa. Assistant librarian of Northwestern Univ. Wilber Jerome Andrews, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Office, 108 LaSalle St. ; residence, Evanston, 111. Born at Kockford, 111., Mar. 24, 1859. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In. Coll., 1878-79, 18S5-87; Phi Kappa Psi. Admitted to the bar, 1885. Practicing since in Chicago; firm, Andrews & Piper. Married Ada C. ftedfield, of Evanston, Aug. 17, 1881. Children: Elliot P., 1884; Jerome E„ 1893. Hugh D. Atchison, A.B., Minister, Chicago. Address, 1085 Bonney Ave. Born at Belvidere, 111., Nov. 15,1864. Prepared in Princeton (111.) H. S. Student N. W.U. 1883-87; Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught school in Evanston, 1888. Grad G. B. I. '90. Preaching at Fowler M. E. Church, Millard Ave., Chicago. Married Julia Molitoi at Detroit, Mich., June 14, 1893. Charles Herbert Brand, B.L., Business, Chicago. Address, Eoom 13, 132 LaSalle St. Born at Milledgeville, 111., Nov. 16, 1864. Prepared in Polo (111.) H.S. Student N.W.U. 1883-87. Cashier 111. Agency New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. Married Franc Warner Chicago, Nov. 15, 1892. Fred McRae Byers, Ph.B., Teacher, fKirkland, 111. Born at South Grove, 111., Mar. 9, 1861. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1884-87. Taught school since at Kirkland and Troy 111. Frank James Campbell, Ph.M., Fargo, N. I). Born Winona, Minn., Aug. 12, 1862. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1883-87 Phi Kappa Psi. Grad. from Chicago Med. Coll. 1S90. Physician in Mercy Hospital Chgo Health officer city of Fargo, N. D. ; Supt. Cass Co. Board of health. Frances Collins, nee Towle, B.L., Faribault, Minn. Born at Eugene, Ind., Feb. 25, 1863. Prepared at Eugene H. S. and N.W U Prep Student in Coll. 1883-87; Alpha Phi. Took post-graduate work in Boston. Married Sent 23, 1890, at Evanston, to Fred Irving Collins. Henrietta M. Coon, Ph.M., Teacher, "{"Chicago. Born at Victoria, Knox Co., 111. Prepared in Elmwood (111.) H. S., and Syracuse Univ. N. Y. Student N.W.U. 1884-87; Alpha Phi; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught school in Hanna City, 111., and Chgo. 62 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Mary E. David, Ph.B., Joliet, 111. Address, 200 Richmond St. Born Apr. 10. 1866, at Channahon, 111. Prepared at Northern Illinois Coll., Fulton. In N.W.U. 1882-S7; Alpha Phi. Housekeeper, at home, circumstances preventing teach- ing. Expects to teach in Joliet public schools next fall. Smith Cornell Davis, A.M., Minister, fChicago. Born at South Dumfries, Ont., Feb. 1,1854. Prepared in a Michigan normal school and N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1883-87. G.B.I. '88. Preached in Michigan; recently trans- ferred to neighborhood of Chicago. Married Meta C. Perry of Geneseo, 111., Oct. 25. 1888. Son. Herbert P., born, 1880. Janet Clive Gloss, Ph.M. , Teacher, St. Louis, Mo. Address, 3518 Lindell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Home address, Evanston. 111. Born at Frankfort, 111., 1884. Prepared in East Rockford H. S. In Coll. 1883-87. Prof, of History and Latin in Jennings Sem., Aurora. 111., 1887-90. Since 1800, instructor in Mod- ern Languages in Manual Training School of Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. David H. Gloss, Ph.B., Printer, fNew York City. Home address, Evanston, 111. In college 1S82-87. Printer in Chicago and other cities; now in New York. Truman R. Greene, B.L., Minister, Chicago. Address, Wabash Ave. M. E. Church, 14th St. Born in Naples, Maine, Jan. 28, 1859. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1883-87. Phi Gamma Delta. Attended G. B. I., 1888. Married Eva L. Robinson, daughter of J. B. Robinson, D.D., July 6, 1886, at Aurora, 111. Preached in Iowa, 1880-01. Now pas- tor Wabash Ave. M. E. Church, Chicago. Guy W. Greenman, Ph.B., Business, Chicago. Office, Wilson Bros., wholesale; residence, Evanston, 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in Coir., 1883-87. Credit man for Wilson Bros., Wholesale Department, Chicago. Married, in 1800, Louise Jaycox, of Evanston, who died in 1891. Married, May 3, 1804, Louise Culver, of Evanston. Winfield Scott Hall, B.S., M.D., Teacher. Temporary address, London, E. C, Engl., care Brown, Shipley & Co. Born. Blackberry, 111. Jan. 5. 1861. Prepared at home in odd hours of study. Student N. W. U., with intervening absence, 1881-87; Phi Kappa Psi. Taught in Chicago Athen- a-urn; graduated from Chicago Med. Coll.. '00; interne in Mercy hospital. Prof, in Haver- lord Coll., Pa., until June, 1803; studying in Leipzig, Germany, where he will probably remain until summer of 1805. Ida M. Harvey, A.M. Teacher, Chicago. Address, 1023 Wilcox Ave. Prepared in Chicago H. S., and N. W. U. Prep. In Coll., with interruptions, 1881-87; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught at Missouri Wesleyan Univ., Cameron, Mo., a. id" at New Orleans Univ; now teaching in Lake View High School, Chicago. Helen Minerva Holden, M.L., Teacher, Baraboo, Wis. Address, 120 Fifth Ave. Born in Baraboo, Wis. Prepared in Baraboo H. S„ and N. W. U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1881-87. Teacher in First Ward school, Baraboo, Wis. Giles Hubbard, A.B., Lawyer, Chicago. Office. 1237 Stock Exchange Bldg. Born at Mt. Clemens, Mich., July 20, 1857. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll., 1885- 87; Sigma Chi. Practicing law and dealer in Berwyn real estate. .Ji. ■ ■ REV. E. O. HAVEN, D.D., LL.D., Elected President Northwestern University June 23, 1869 ; resigned fall of 1872. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 63 Matilda P. Hutchison, B.S., Mineral Point, Wis. Born at Mineral Point, July 5, 1865. Prepared in H. S., of that town. Tn Coll., 1883-87; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Taught in Necedali (Wis) H. S., and in Mineral Point H. S.; ceased teaching three years ago. George Iewin Larash, A.M., Minister, Warren, 111. Born, Pekin, 111.. May 15, 1857. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student N. W. U., 1883-87- Delta Upsilon. Grad. G. B. I., '90. Preaching in Rock River Conf., since; now at Warren' Married Lora A. Sorter (Oberlin Coll., '86,) July 24, 1890. at Oberlin, Ohio. Lizzie Leek, nee Hill, Ph.B., Port Washington, Wis. Born at Gerico, 111., May 17, 1861. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student N. W. U., with intervening absence, 1881-87; Alpha Phi. Teacher in 1888. Married to Rev. Wm. P. Leek, Nov. 23, 1887. One son, born 1889. Charles George Lewis, A.M., Business, Chicago. Office, 92 Washington St.; residence, Evanston. Attended Coll., 1883-87; Beta Theta Pi. In bond and mortgage business. William Etridge McLennan, A.M., Minister, South Bend, Ind. Born at Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, July 7, 1861. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in College 1883-87; Phi Kappa Psi. Missionary in City of Mexico. 1889-91. Since 1891, preaching at South Bend, Indiana. Married Lila F. Keeley ('88), Oct. 12, 1887, at Nora. 111. Two children. Frank G. Middlekauff, B. S., Business, Chicago. Office, 16 Fullerton Ave.; residence, Evanston, 111. In College, 1883-87; Delta Upsilon. Since graduation in employ of Deering Co • now holds position of buyer. Married in 1892, Charlotts Armstrong, of Plymouth'' lud Daughter, Margaret L. Josie Nash, nee Crandon, Ph.B., Cherryfield, Me. Born at Columbia Falls, Nov. 14, 1864. Prepared in Cherryfield (Me.) H S Student N. W. U., 1883-87; Delta Gamma. Taught school in Minneapolis, 1887-88. Married Oct 10, 1888, to James W. M. Nash, of Cherryfield, Maine. Children: Caroline M., 1890, and William Chamberlin Raymond, M.S., M.D., Evanston, 111. Address. 1461 Ridge Ave. Born at Gloucester, Mass., July 21, 1866. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep Student in College, 1882-87. With Parkhurst & Wilkinson, iron merchants, Chicago, 18S8-89- with Thomson-Houston Electric Co., 1890-91. Graduated from N. W. U. Med Coll 1S94 On medical staff of Mercy hospital, alter Nov. l, 1894. ' Edwin Llewellyn Shuman, Ph.M., Journalist, Chicago. Office, Eocnin™ Journal; residence, 2130 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. Born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 13, 1863. Prepared in Englewood (111.) H S In Coll. 1883-87; Sigma Chi; Phi Beta Kappa. Printer and publisher four years in Evanston ■ edited Evanston Press two years, being one of its founders. Traveled in Alaska and Cen- tral America. Since 1891 on editorial staff of Chicago Journal. Author "Steps Into Jour- nalism;" compiler " N. W. U. Alumni Catalogue." Ruter W. Springer, A.M., LL.M., Gov't Official, Washington D. C. ° Address, 43 B St.,S. E. o. Borafrlay 2. 1863, at Springfield, III. Prepared at St John's Acad.. Alexandria Va Student Northwestern, 18S2-S7; Sigma C!hi. Grad. Georgetown Uuiv Law Sell 1889-90 Asst. Exam U. S. Pat. Off., 1887-91. Clerk Ways and Means Com., U. S. H r" 1892-93 Now clerk Com. on Bank'g and Currency, H. R. Entered M. E. ministry, and became a member of Baltimore Conference, Mar. 12, 1894. 5 » 64 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Bond Stowe, A.M. j Physician, Chicago. Office, Venetian Bldg.; residence 4060 Ellis Ave. Barn 1865, at Beloit, Wis. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Student N. W. U., 1883-87: Beta Theta Pi: Grad. N.W.U. Med. School; six months interne at St. Luke's Hosp., Chi- cago; one and a half years student in German hospitals at Vienna, Munich, Berlin and Dresden. Professor of General Pathology in N. W. U. Dental School. Demonstrator of microscopical pathology in N. W. U. Med. School. Kate Thomas, nee Ailing, A.B., Eaton, Colo. Born at Fremont, Xeb. Prepared in Chicago H. S. Student N. W. U. 1883-87; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Prin. high school at Fort Collins, Colo., 1889-91; Dean of Ladies' Sem., Kalamazoo. Mich., 1892-93. Married to Frank N. Thomas, Fort Collins, Colo., 1893. Anna C. Towle, Ph.M., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Address, 1741 Orrington Ave. Born at Eugene, Ind., May 10, 18(34. Prepared in Eugene H. S. and X. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1883-87; Alpha Phi. Taught in high school two years Studied in Paris, Geneva and Leipsig. Preceptress and teacher of languages, Mouut Carroll (HI.) Seminary, 1893-94. Engaged for same 1894-95. Albertine C. Wales, B.S., Colorado Springs, Colo. Address, 1623 X. Cascade Ave. Jn College, 1SS3-87; Alpha Phi. Herbert Perry Wright, M.S., Business, Kansas City, Mo. Address, room 1G, Armour Bldg. Born June 24, 1865, at Plum River, 111. Prepared in Woodstock (111.) H.S. Student X.W.U., 1883-87; Sigma Chi. Entered banking and brokerage business, Kansas City. Mo., 1887. Marritd Hattie Haw ('88), in October, 1890, at Ottumwa, Iowa. Son, Herbert Edwin, born, 1891. Charles Zeublin, Ph. B. , B. D., Teacher, Chicago. Address. 6052 Sheridan Ave , Woodlawn. Born at Pendleton. Ind., May 4, 1866. Prepared in Philadelphia H.S. and the Univ. of Pennsylvania. Student X.W.U. 1886-87; Beta Theta Pi. Graduated from Yale Divinity School, 1889. Took post-graduate work in Leipsic. Sec'y Ch'go Society for University Extension. From 1892, instructor in social science, university extension department of Chicago University. Married Aurora T. Fisk ('89), .June 18, 1892. CLASS OF 1888. Cora L. Allen, B. L., Teacher, Washington, D.C. tAddress, 215 E. Capitol St. Born at Turner Junction, 111. Prepared at Turner June. H.S.; Alpha Phi. George A. Bass, Ph.B., Real Estate, Chicago. Home address, Evanston, 111. Born in Will County, 111., 1864. Prepaid for Coll. in Xorth Div. H.S.. Chicago. In Coll. 1884-88; Phi Kappa Psi. In real estate business in Chicago. Perkins Btjrnham Bass, A. B. , Real Estate, Chicago. Office, room 9, 149 La Salle St.; residence, Evanston, Til. Born Feb. 19, 1866, in Will Co.. 111. Prepared in Xorth Division H.S., Chicago. Stu- dent X.W.U. 1884-88; Phi Kappa Psi. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 65 ■Charles S. Bennett, Ph.B., Business, Evanston, 111. Address, 1888 Sheridan Eoad. Born at Penn Yan, N.Y., Feb. 27, 1864. Prepared in Cazenovia Seminary, N. Y. Stu- dent Syracuse University, 1884-85; N.W.U., 1885-SS; Psi Upsilon. *Charles H. Booth. Ph.B., Lawyer. Born at Orange, 111., May 30, 1863. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. At Coll. 1884-88; Phi Kappa Psi. Grad. from N.W.U. Law Seh., and admitted to the bar about three weeks before his death, which occurred July 4, 1890. •Columbus Bradford, A.B., Minister, Aspen, Colo. , Address, 211 E. Hopkins Ave. Born Oct. 7, I860, at Licking, Mo. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. ; Delta Upsilon. Grad. from G.B.I. Preached in Missouri; in 1892 took charge of Maple Ave. M. E. Church, St. Louis. Transferred to Colorado Conf., 1893. serving charges at Cripple Creek, Manitou and Aspen; contributor to periodicals; author of a brochure, "The Sunday Newspa- per." Married, Jany Hallock, of St. Louis, Mar. 25, 1891. Henry Caddock, A. B. , Business, Chicago. Residence, Evanston, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1884-88; Sigma Chi. Member U.S. Life Saving Crew. Now accountant in Wilson Bros.' wholesale dept., Chicago. Harvey Reeves Calkins, A.B. , Minister, Evanston, 111. Born Apr. 11. 1866, in Valparaiso, Ind. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U., 18S4-88; Beta Theta Pi. After graduation spent a year abroad. Filled appointments in Milwaukee, Wis., Colorado Springs, Castle Rock and Denver, Colo. Married, in 1890, Helen M. Pearsons ('88), of Evanston, who died in 1893. *Helen Calkins, nee Pearsons,. Ph.B. Born Dec. 4, 1865, in Evanston, 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student N. W. U. 1884-88; Alpha Phi. Married in 1890, to Rev. Harvey R. Calkins ('88). Died of consumption in 1893, in Colorado. Ira Chester Cartwright, Ph.B., S.D. , Missionary, Guanajuato, Mexico. Address, Calle de Garridos, No. 5. Born Nov. 19, 1855, in Cincinnati, O. Prepared at N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1884-88. While in college, was instructor in Swedish Theol. Sem. Joined Rock River Conf. 1888. G.B.I., '90. Transferred to Mexico Conf.; in charge of Pachuca Mexican-English work and cir- cuit. In 1894 appointed to Guanajuato, where his wife has charge of a "clinic" for women and children, among the poor. Married Dec. 17, 1890, Marguerite C. Green, M.D., a grad- uate of Woman's Hosp. Med. Coll., Chicago (now of N.W.U.) Children: Paulina P., 1892; Laura L., 1893. Chester C. Clifford, Ph.B., Business, Woodstock, 111. Born in Evanston, Aug. 10, 1865. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1884-88. Now book-keeper for Weir & Craig Mfg. Co., Woodstock, 111. George L. Conley, A.B., Morgan Park, 111. In College 1884-88; Phi Kappa Psi. Eric Adolphos Davidson, A.B., Minister, Oakland, Cal. Address, 1166 Seventli St. Born in Sweden, Oct. 23, 1858. Arrived in U. S., June 24, 1868. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1884-88. Student Swedish Theol. School. 1879-82. Post-graduate studies in Boston Univ., 1890-91. Appointed Presiding Elder of the Swedish District of California Conf., 1892. 66 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Arthur Robin Edwards, A.M., Physician, Chicago. Address, 2818 Indiana Ave. Born June 26, 1SG7, in Chicago. Prepared in South Div. H. S., Chicago. Student N*- W. U.. 1884-88; Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa. Graduated from Chicago Med. Coll.. 1891. Interne Cook County Hosp., 1891-92. Student General Hosp., Vienna, 1893. In regular practice since. Wellington Frizzelle, A.M., Minister, Lexington, 111. Born at Rock Island, 111. Prepared in Rock River H. S., and graduated from 111. Wes. Univ. Attended N. W. U. one year, and graduated in 1888; Phi Gamma Delta. Grad. of DrewTJieol. Sem. Member of the Cent. 111. Conf., now serving his third year at Lexington. Julia Gross, nee Fitch, B.L., Albuquerque, New Mex. Born May 15, 1866, at Warrensburg, Mo. Prepared in Warrensburg State Normal Sch. Student N. W. U., 1884-88. Taught in Dodge City, Kan.. 1890-91. Married to Robert S. Goss, Supt. Goss Military Inst., Albuquerque, N. M., Dec. 9, 1892. Isaac R. Hitt, Jr., B.S., Real Estate Dealer, Chicago. Residence, Evanston, 111. Porn in Chicago, Sept. 7, 1864. Prepared in Evanston H. R. and N. W. U. Prep. In Coll. 1884-88; Phi Delta Theta. Entered First Nat. Bank of Chicago, as clerk. In 1889, became junior partner of firm of Isaac R. Hitt & Co., real estate agents in Chicago and Evanston. Studied law at Kent Law (night) school, Chicago. Member general council' Phi Delta Theta fraternity; also treasurer of the National body. Married Rosa M. Birch (ex- '87) in 1889. Children: Ruth E., 1890; Leila B., 1892. ■ Caroline L. Hunt, A.B., Teacher, Evanston, Ill- Delta Gamma. Teaching in Minneapolis High School, Minn. John Eddy Hunt, Ph.B., Lawyer, Chicago. Office, 605 Unity Bldg.; residence, Oak Park, 111. Born at Lafayette, 111., Sept. 28, 1865. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll 1884-88. Beta Theta Pi. Practicing law. Isaac Johnson, A.B. , Minister, Hortonville, Wis. Charles E. Linebarger, A.B. , Teacher, Chicago. Prepared in Evanston H.S. Student N.W.U. , 1884-88; Delta Upsilon. Graduated from. N.W.U. Conservatory of Music. Studied in Germany. Teacher in North Division H.S., Chicago. Frank Little, A.B., Business, Chicago. Address, River Forest, 111. In Coll., 1884-88; Phi Kappa Psi. Entered book publishing business in Chicago. Mar- ried Mabelle Thatcher ('88), of River Forest, 111. Mabelle Little, nee Thatcher, Ph.B., River Forest, 111. In Coll., 1884-88; Kappa Alpha Theta. Married to Frank Little, of the same class. Ellen F. Marsh, B*.L., Teacher, Bristol, Wis. Born in Bristol, Wis., 1863. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1884-S8. Taughrin Knoxville, Iowa, 1889-93. At present teaching at Bristol, Wis. Norman A. Martin, A.B. , Minister, Grand Island, Neb. Born Aug. 16, I860, in Vermont. Prepared in Troy Conference Acad. Student Wes- leyan Univ., Freshman and Sophomore, 1882-84. Student N.W.U., 1886-88. Preaching in Nebraska. Married, in 1S84, Luthera E. Percival, of Vermont. Children: PercivalP.,. 1886 (died); Ruth E., 1892. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 67 iSamuel Henry Middlekauff, A. B. , Minister, Meriden, Iowa. Born Feb. 3, 1865. at Forreston, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll., 1884- SS. Engaged in the ministry since. ■Oscar Middlekauff, Ph.B., Lawyer, Sioux City, Iowa. Born Aug. 8, 1868, at Forreston, 111. Prepared .in N.W.U. Prep. Student at Coll., 1SS4-SS; Delta Upsilon. Edward C. Page, A. B. , Teacher, Chicago. Address, 405 E. For tieth St. Born May 29, 1863, at Belvidere, 111. Preparation for college and Freshman year at Mt. Morris (111.) College. Student at N.W.U., 18S5-88. Tutor iu Acad, of N.W.U., 1886-88. Asst. Co. Supt. of Schools, Ogle Co., 111., 1888-93. Graduate student in history and litera- ture at Univ. of Chicago, 1S93. Institute instructor in history and literature, 1SS9. Mem- ber of Amer. Acad, of Political and Social Science. Arthur Pattison, B.A. , LL.B., Teacher, Chicago, Address, 306 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111. Born Dec. 10, 1866. Prepared at Chicago West Div. H.S., 1880-84; Chieago Univ. 1884-86; N.W.U., 1886-88. Delta Upsilon. Instructor in North Div. H.S., 1888-94. Edmund C. Quereau, Ph. D., Teacher, Chicago., Address, University of Chicago. Born Mar. 18, 1867, in Aurora, 111. Prepared in Jennings Sem., Aurora. Student in •Coll., 1SS4-88. BetaThetaPi. Taught Nat. Sciences, 1888-90; Studied in University of Freiburg, Ger.; now docent in geology in Univ. of Chicago. Belle Raddin, nee Ailing, Ph.B., Evanston, 111. Born Oct. 26, 1864, in Evanston. Prepared in Chicago H.S. and N.W.U. Prep. Stu- dent, N.W.U., 1884-88. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Married in 1892 to Charles S. Kaddin, C84), Evanston. -George O. Richardson, Ph.B., Minister, Star, Idaho. Born May 22, 1852, in Hudson, Wis. Prepared in Minn. St. Nor. Sch., Bed Wing Col- legiate Inst, and N.W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U., 1884-88. Transferred to Idaho Conf., 1891. Granted U. s. Letters of Patent on folding bed Jan. 16, 1894. Married in 1878 Clara A. Milne. Daughter, Carrie May, born 1880. Mae Sterling, nee Earle, B.S., Dixon, 111. Address 319 N. Hennepin Ave. Born May 4, 1867, at Taylor, 111. Prepared in Evanston Prep. In Coll., 1884-8S. Kappa Alpha Theta. Taught school in Dixon, 111. Married Nov. 15, 1892, at Taylor, 111., to James N. Sterling, real estate dealer. Mary E. Sumner, B.L., Omaha, Neb. Address, 635 Georgia Ave. In Coll., 1884-88. Alpha Phi. Charles Burton Thwing, A.M., Ph.D., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Born Mar, 9. 1S60, at Theresa, N. Y. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1884-88. Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Appointed instructor of physics in 1S8S in N.W.U. Took Ph.D. at Bonn, Germany, 1894. Married Lucy Blakeslee White, at Cazen- tovia, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1893. Cragie S. Thoms, A.B., Minister, Morris, 111. Born at Elgin, 111., 1860. Prepared in Chicago Univ. Prep. Phi Kappa Psi. Grad. ■jfrom Baptist Theological Sem., Morgan Park, 111., '91. Baptist pastor since at Morris. .Married Erne B. Walker, Evanston, in July, 1891. 68 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Frederick Judson Tourtellotte, A.B. , Lawyer, Chicago. Address. 3432 Vernon Ave. Born Mar. 9, 1867, in Chicago. Prepared in Harvard school and Univ. of Chicago, stu- dent, N.W.U., 1886-88. Sigma Chi. Grad. f rom N.W.U. Law School, '93. Practicing in Chicago. William Harvey Tuttle, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Office, 306 Chamber of Commerce; residence, Berwyn, 111. Born Oct. 30, 1862, in Peoria Co., 111. Prepared at Dunlap Acad. Entered North- western in the fall of 1883; was out one year teaching, and graduated 1888. Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Grad. from Northwestern Law School, and admitted to the bar 1890. Practicing law in Chicago. Since 1893, has been associated with James P. Grier ('90) under the firm name of Tuttle & Grier. Married Carrie Skinner, of South Bend. Has one daughter. Robert Oatman Vandercook, Ph.B. , Publisher, Chicago. Office, 21 Plymouth PI; residence, 452 Church St., Evanston, 111. Born Aug. 26, 1867. Prepared in Evanston II. S. Attended Coll., 1884-88. Manager of Evanston Press Co., 1888-94. Four years publisher of Evanston Press, of which he was one of the founders. Now with J. C. Winship & Co.. printers and publishers, Chicago. Married Sue E. Oatman of Denver, Colo., Nov. 20, 1894. Charles P. Abbey, A. B., Lawyer, Chicago. Office, 403 Owings Bldg.; residence, 450 W. Adams St. Born May 23, 1805, in Chicago. Prepared in Chicago H. S„ and Freshman in Univ. of Chicago. Student N. W. U.. 1887-89; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Student Chicago Coll. of Law. 1889-91. Admitted June term, 1891, Illinois Supreme Court. Practicing law since admission. John Quincy Adams, A. B., Minister, Neponset, 111. In Coll., 1885-89; Delta Upsilon. Florence Babcock, Ph.B., Teacher, Kenilworth, 111. Born June 29. 1S69, in Chicago. Prepared at Mrs. Babcock's school, Chicago. Student N. W. U.. 1885-89; Delta Gamma. Teacher in Kockford (111.) H. S., 1889, and in Kenil- worth Hall school for young ladies since 1891. Mabel Babcock, A. B., Kenilworth, 111. Stella Bass, Ph.B., Evanston, 111. Born in Chicago. Prepared for Coll., in Chicago H. S. Student N. \V. U., 1885-89; Alpha Phi. Student, Bryn Mawr, 1893-94. Forrest W. Beers, A.B. , Evanston, 111. Address, 1960 Sheridan Kd. Born Jan. 1, 1863. Prepared in N. W. U. Acad. In Coll., 1S85-89. Post-graduate in philos., and student in Divinity Sch., at Yale, 1890; Delta Upsilon. With Christian Alliance, Chicago, 1891-92; general manager Columbian Visitor's Ass'n., for Penna. and Ohio, 1892-93. Theresa Benedict, nee Ludlow, B. L., Indianapolis, Ind. Address, 1091 N. Meridian St. Born June 3, 1867, in Ludlow, 111. Prepared at Paxton, 111. Student N. W. U., 1885-89. Married June 26, 1890, at Paxton, 111., to John L. Benedict. Charlotte Boyd, nee Lyford, A. B. , Galva, 111. Born at Port Byron, 111., Dec. 10, 1867. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Coll. Student 1885-89; Gamma Phi Beta. High school assistant at Wyoming, 111., 1889-91. Married. Sept. 16, 1891, at Port Byron, 111., to James H. Boyd, editor and publisher of Galva Standard and dealer in real estate. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 69 Herbert F. Briggs, A.M., Minister, Los Gatos, Cal. Born Mar. 16. 18G6, at Sacramento. Cal. Prepared in N. W. U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1885-89; Beta T.ieta Pi. Student in Boston Univ. school of Tlieol., 1889-92. Pastor Jama- ica Plain, Mass., 1891-92; since, pastor at Los Gatos, Cal. Married, at Evanston, Sarah M. Foster ("90,) Aug. 6, 1891. Blanche Caraway, B. L., Washington, D. C. Address,, 215 E. Capitol St. In Coll. 1885-89; Alpha Phi. George W. Dixon, A.B. , Lawyer, Chicago. Office, 1153 Home Ins. Bldg.; residence 3131 Mich. Ave. Born Sept. 1G, 1S66, in Chicago. Prepared in Chgo. West Div. H. S. Student in Coll. 18S5-S9; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Student N.W. U. Law School, 1890-92. Secretary and Treasurer of Arthur Dixon Transfer Co. Lawyer with Defrees, Brace & Ritter. Arthur E. Elmore, Ph.B., Coal Dealer, Rockford, 111. Address, 705 W. State St. Born Mar. 25, 1866. at Rochelle, 111. Prepared in West Rockford. H. S. and N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1885-89; Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Secy-Treas. Elmore Coal Co. Married Alice G. Jones, of Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1893. Samuel S. Farley, A.B., Minister, Montevideo, Minn. Born Jan. 28, 1859, at Galesburg, III. Prepared in Marengo (Iowa) H. S. and N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1885-89; Delta Upsilon. Member of Minn. Conf. since 1890. Married, 1890, Grace Curtis, at Evanston. "One baby boy— a bouncer— came on Good Friday, 1894." Elizabeth Field, nee Edwards, M. L. , Evanston, 111. Address, 1562 Maple Ave. Born 1867, Syracuse, N. Y. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U. 1885-89; Alpha Phi. Married to Howard Field, Evanston, 111., June 12, 1890. Charles S. Graves, A. B. , Lawyer, Chicago. Office, Suite 1335, 79 Dearborn St. Res. 1450 Sherman Ave. Evanston, 111. Born Jan. 18, 1864, in Ogle County, 111. Prepared in Sycamore (111.) H. S. and N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1885-89; Phi Kappa Psi. Student in Chsio. Coll. of Law 1889-91. Became member of the law firm of Ela. Grover & Graves, 1893. Married Oct. 22, 1S91, Nellie Adelia Gray. Grace Ida Herben, nee Foster, A. M. , B. L. , Evanston, 111. Born Sept. 19, 1864, at Lanark, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1SS5-S9; Alpha Ehi. Preceptress in Allegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa., 1889-91. A.M., Allegh. Coll., 1890. Married May 27. 1891, at Park Ridge, 111., to' Stephen J. Herben, ('89). Son, George F., born March 17, 1893. Stephen J. Herben, A.B., B.D. Journalist, Chicago. Office, 57 Washington St. Res., Evanston, 111. Born May 15, 1861, in London, Eng. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1885-89; Phi Kappa Psi. G.B.I. '91, B.D. Asst. Ed. Epworth Herald since 1S90. Married Grace I. Foster, ('89), at Park Ridge, 111., May27, 1891. Son, George F., born Mar. 17. 1893. Otis McG. Howard, A.B., Journalist, Chicago. Office, N.E. cor. Madison and Franklin Sts. Res., Glencoe, 111. Born Oct. 24. 1868, in Washington, D. C. Prepared in Glencoe H.S. and N.W.U. Prep. Student N. W. U. 1885-89; Sigma Chi. Student in Gottingen, Germany, 1S90. Editor of Farm, Field and Fii-eside, Chicago. Harold R. Howell,, B.S., Insurance Agent, Des Moines, Iowa. Born Feb. 23, 1868, at Millbrook, Ont. Prepared in Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa; Phi Delta Theta. Agent for Hawkeye Fire Ins. Co. Married Elizabeth M. Brown. ("90), at Fond du Lac, Wis., Jan. 12, 1S92. 70 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Minnie Jones, A.B., Librarian, Chicago. Address, Univ. of Chicago. Born at Floyd, N. Y., 1866. Prepared in Milwaukee Coll. and N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll., isso-S'.i; Alpha Plii; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught in Kewaunee (Wis.) H.S., 1890-91. Librarian at Morgan Park, 111., 1891-92; since then, librarian Univ. of Chicago. Gustav W. Kunstman, A.B., County Commissioner, Chicago. Ia Coll., 1885-89; Delta Upsilon. Real estate reporter on Chicago Evening Pod three years. Dealer in real estate. Elected a commissioner of Cook county, 1894. Frances Leonard, nee Hubbell, B. L., Wilmette, 111. Born at Altona, III., O t. 13. 1865. Prepared in Altona H.S. and Hedding Coll. Stu- dent N.W.U. , 1886-89. Married .-»ug. 6, 1891, at Altona, 111., to Herbert G. Leonard ('89). Daughter, Alice, born 1892. Herbert Gr. Leonard, Ph.B. , Minister, Wilmette, 111. Born, Northlield, Vt., Aug. 16. 1859. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U. , 1885-89.' G.B.I., '91. Married, Aug. 6, 1891, at Altona, 111., Frances E. Hubbell ('89). Daughter, Alice, born 1892. Mary Leslie, hee Richey, A. B., Lostant, 111. Bom Jan. 26, 1866, in Lostant. 111. Prepared in Ottawa (111.) H.S. Student N.W.U., 1885-89: Delta Gamma. Teacher at Rockefeller, 111., and Lu Verne, Minn., 1889-91. Mar- ried Aug. 18, 1891, at Lostant, .11., to Geo. L. Leslie, A.M. Benjamin L. McFadden, A.B. , Business, Havana, 111. Born Nov. 2:3, 1865, in Havana, 111. Prepared in N.W. U. Prep. Student N.W.U., 1885-89; Sigma Chi. Editor The Lever, Chicago, 1890-92. Sec'y Cook Co. Prohibition Com- mittee. 1891. In grain business witii McFadden & Co. Chairman Mason County Prohibi- tion Committee. Married, June 15, 1892, Genevieve Rowell, of Joliet, 111. Lizzie B. No yes, B.L., Teacher, Madison, Wis. Born June 18. 1868, at Colerain, Mass. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Student N.W. U. 1885-89. Instructor iu mathematics, in Waupaca High School, 1889-92; instructor in alge- bra, in Madison High School, since 1892. Mabel E. Peck, A. B., Teacher, Owatonna, Minn. Born Jan. 6, 1864. at East Guilford. N. Y. Prepared at Pillsbury Acad., Owatonna, Minn. Student Carlton Coll., Xortnfield, Minn., 1883-85. Student N.W.U., 1887-89. Latin teacher in Rochester, Minn., 1891-93. Orlando Shepard, B.S., Electrician, Chicago. Address, 271 Clark St. Born 1863. in Hannnondsport, N. Y. Prepared for college, and Freshman, in Chicago University. Student N.W. U., isx7-89; Phi Beta Kappa. Philip R. Shumway, A. B., Business, Chicago. Office, witii Wm. Deering & Co.; residence. Evanston, 111. Born Jan. 31. 1868, in Evanston. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U., 1885-89; Beta Theta Pi. With William Deering & Co., Deering, Chicago, Ada Townsend, A.B. , Teacher, EvaDston, 111. Born in Manchester, Iowa. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. In Coll., 1885-89; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor in Latin, N.W.U. Acad., since 1889. Holder of Univ. Fellowship in Latin, 1893-94. REV. CHARLES H. FOWLER, D.D., LL.D., Elected President Northwestern University October 23, 1872 ; resigned in 1876. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 71 Burr M. Weeden, A. B. , Minister, Evanston, 111. Bom Jan. 20, 1870, at Harvard, 111. Prepared in N.W.TJ, Prep. In Coll., 18S5-80; Sigma Chi. G.B.I., '91, A B. Instructor in Cumnock School of Oratory, 1891-92. Post-graduate student in GB. I., 1892-93. Graduate St. Andrew's Divinity School, Syra- cuse, N. Y., 1S94. Minister of the Episcopal Church. Samuel Weir, A.B. , B.D., Teacher, fEvanston. In Coll., 1SS5-89: Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Grad. G.B.I. Member of Colo- rado Conf.; transferred to Rock River Couf. Instructor in mathematics, N .W.U., until 1894. Now traveling in Europe. Frank Cole Whitehead, A.B., Manufacturer, Erie, Pa. Address, Chicago and Erie Stove Co. Prepared in N.W.TJ. Prep. Student., N.W.U., 1885-89; Beta Theta Pi. With Chicago and Erie Stove Co., Chicago*, 1S89-92; with same in Erie, Pa., since 1892. Charles B. Wright, B. S. , Real Estate, Woodstock, 111. Born Nov. 21, 1868, at Stockton, 111. Prepared in Woodstock H.S. In Coll., 1885-89; Sigma Chi. Now in real estate and loan business, firm of Richards, Jewett & Wright. Married Florence M. Bunker at Woodstock, May 16, 1894. CLASS OF 18t)0. Francis Asbury Alabaster, A.B. , Teacher, University Place, Neb. Born June 10, 1866. at Rochester, N. Y. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in Col- lege, 18S6-90; Phi Kappa Psi. Taught Greek and Latin in Little Rock Univ., 1890-93. Elected to chair of Latiu in Neb. Wesleyan Univ., 1893. Pursuing graduate work in Greek, N.W.U. Jay B. Ambrose, A.B., Publisher, New York City. Home address, Evanston, 111. Born at Omaha. Neb. Prepared in Evanston H.S. In Coll., 1886-90. Publisher of premium books in New York City. George Oscar Barnes, B.S., Lawyer, Normal, 111. Born 1868, at Washburn, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student, N.W.U., 1886-90; Phi Delta Theta. Andrew Lawson Baxter, A. B., Broker, Chicago. Address, 44<'6 Grand Boul. Born Dec 26, 1S69, Chicago. Prepared in Chicago Univ. Student, N.W.U., 1S86-90. Phi Kappa Sigma. Stock broker. Helen Hamilton Bock, Ph.B. , Teacher, Lincoln, 111. Address, 327 Lincoln Ave. Born Feb. 3, 1869, at Prairie Farm, Elkhart. 111. Prepared in private and at Lincoln Univ. Student, N.W.U., 1887-90; School of Oratory, 1892-93; teacher of reading and elocu- tion in State Normal at Spearfish, S. Dak., 1893-94. Caroline Burbank, nee Clifford, B. L., Box 66, Des Moines, la. Born in Evanston. 111., Aug. 16, 1868. Prepared in Evanston Township H. S. Student N. W. U.. 1886-90; Gamma Phi Beta. Teacher of mathematics and science in Evanston Township H. S. Married Eugene D. Burbank, at Evanstou, Dec. 23. 1893. 72 AH MM CATALOGUE. William A. Buroh, Ph.B. , Minister, Argyle Park, 111. I '.on i Oct. 6, 1864, at Warwick, Can. Prepared In Jennings Sera., Aurora, ill. Attended Coll.. 1886-90; Delta Upsilon. Preached In Epworth M. E. Church, 1890-92; supply at Hyde Park and Fulton St., 1892-93; Hamlin Ave. since. Married Dora M. Boree, Chicago, Sept. 16, 1892. Son, Arthur C. Maky Edith Clarke, B.L., Teacher, Algona, Iowa. Horn, 1867, In Algona, lowa. Prepared in Algona II. s. student A'. W. l'., 1886-90; Kappa Kappa Gumma. Spent two years In study and travel: Last year a student in Bos- ton Coll. of Oratory; now teacher in Northern Iowa Normal School. Alfred E. Craig, A. B., Minister, Benton Harbor, Mich. Bornat Peel, Ontario, July 28. ism. Prepared at Collegiate [nst., Gait, Oht. student x. \v. r., 1886-90. Preaching in Mich. Married Clara Tucker ('no.) Mays, 1892, at Galva, in. Daughter, Prances. Clara Craig, nee Tucker, B. L. , Benton Harbor, Mich. Horn at Calva, 111., Oct. I, 1868. Prepared in (lalva 11. S. Student X. W. I'.. 1886-90; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa. Married to Alfred E. Craig ('90,) at Galva, 111., May .">, 1892. Daughter, Prances. Haskell C. Davis, A.B., Law Student, Evanston, 111. Born Mar. 6, 1866, in New Holland, O. Prepared in Northwestern Preparatory School, and was a student in the Coll., 1886-90. Will enter N. W. U. Law Sehool fall of 1894. Nellie Dean, nee Stewart, B. L., La Grange, 111. Born June 21, 1865, at Palatine, III. Prepared in l>es Moines and x. W. U. Prep. Student X. W. U., L886-90; Alpha Phi. Married at Palatine. 111., Dee. 29, L891, to Dr. W. F. Dean. Frederick C. Demorest, A.B., Teacher, Lynnville, Iowa. Horn at Muscatine, June i. 1864. Prepared in x. w. p. Prep. In Coll., 1886-90; Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher 111. Military Acad; Principal of a private school, north side, Chicago; now teaching in Lynnville, lowa. Charles Morton Denny, Ph.B., Insurance, Des Moines, Iowa. Address, Clapp Block. Lorn April :i. 1867, in Orangeville. lnd. Prepared at Blair (Neb.) II. S. Student X. W. U., 1885-90; Delta Upsilon; Phi P. ta Kappa. Supt. Of lowa agents for Equitable Life Assurance Soc'y, X. Y. Married. May a. 1892, Mabel Sheldon ('90.) of Burlington, Wis. At present Gen'1 Ag't for Royal Union Mutual Life Ins. Co., of Des Moines, la. A son, Charles M., 1893. Mabel Denny, nee Sheldon, B. L., Des Moines, Iowa. in Coll., 1886 90; Delta Gamma. Married May :*. 1892, at Burlington, Wis., to Charles Morton Denny. A son, Charles M., 1893. Edward \Y. Eriokson, A. B. , Minister, Bloomrield, Neb. Born at Chicago, Aug. 22, 1862. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1886-90. G.B.I., '92: filled out a conference year at Bartlett, Neb.; since then has been pastor M.E. Church in P.looinlield, Neb. James P. Grier, A.M., Lawyer, Chicago. Residence, Evanston, in. Born Peli. s. 1864, at Loran, 111. Prepared in X.W.I'. Prep. In Coll. 1886-90; Phi Kappa I'si. Student, N.W.U. Law School, 1890-92. Now practicing law, firm oi Tuttle & Grier, Chamber of Commerce Bide., < Ihicago. WORTH WESTERN UNIVERSITY. 73 John E. Groves, B. S., Lawyer, Cbicago. Oflice, Boom 22, 97 Clark St. Born Nov. 5. 1867, at Blue Grass, Iowa. Prepared in Cherokee (la.) H. S. Student N.W.U., 1886-90. The only Roman Catholic in the College. Grad. from N.W.U. Law School, '91. Practicing his profession. Anton Peter Haagenson, B.S. , Merchant, Kenosha, Wis. Eva Reed Hall, B. L., Teacher, Sycamore, 111. Born at Indianapolis. Prepared in Sycamore (111.) II. S., and Kimball Union Acad., Meriden, N. H. Student N.W.U, 1880-90; Kappa Alpha Theta. Teacher in River Forest Institute, River Forest, 111., 1890-92. James R. Hamilton, Ph.B., Minister, Mendota, 111. Born Nov. 9, 1850. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1885-90, with one year's absence. Preaching since in Illinois. Married Ella S. Tattle, of Gratiot, Wis., June 13, 1889. Robert H. Holden, A.B. , Journalist, Chicago. Address, 340 Hoyne Ave. In Coll. 1886-90; Delta Upsilon. Reporter Chicago City Press Assn. Eliz.vbeth Myra Howell, me Browa, Ph.B., Das Moines, Iowa. Horn at Fond du Lac, Wis., May 7, 1807. Prepared in Fond du Lac H. S. Attended N.W.U. 1885-90, being absent year 1888-89; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Fhi Beta Kappa. Mar- ried to Harold R. Howell, ('89), Jan. 12, 1892, at Fond du Lac. Wirt E. Humphrey, Ph.M. , Lawyer, Cbicago. Office, Room 14, 89 Madison St. Res. 10 N. Sacramento Ave. Horn Jan. 0. 1808, at Orland. 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1880-90. Student in N.W.U. Law School 1890-92; Plii Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Deputy clerk Superior Court of Cook County, 1890-92. and appointed Master in Chancery of same 1893. Married KateM. Hay, of Indianapolis, May 31, 1893. Amy Jarrett, Ph.B., Hinsdale, 111. Born at McGregor, Towa, Sept. 10, 1807. Prepared in Chicago, Univ. Prep. School and N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1880-90; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Riley P. Martin, Ph.B., Journalist, Evanston, 111. Born July 18, 1805, at Franklin Grove, 111. Prepared in N.W. U. Prep. In Coll., 1886- 90. Instructor in Physics in Northwestern University, 1892. Now correspondent Chicago Tribune. Isabel Russell Morse, Ph.B., Librarian, Evanston, 111. Born May 22, 1800, at Kent's Hill, Me. Prepared in N.W. U. Prep. In Coll 1885-90; Kappa Kappa Gamma. In Evanston public library until Nov., 1891. Now at home with work at Northwestern Academy. William H. Newcomb, B. L. , Law Student, Chicago. Address, Ashland Club, or 230 Warren Ave. Prepared in Chicago w. Div. H.S. Attended Coll., 1886-90. Formerly with Merchants' Loan and Trust Co., Chicago. Now studying law at N. W. Univ. Law School. Joseph Hastie Odgers, A.B., Minister, Chicago. Address, 5528 Sangamon St. Boru July 21, 1803. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1880-90; Delta Upsi- lon. Married Stella Bowles, of Chicago, Oct. 25, 1893. 74 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. William R. Parkes, Ph.M. , Physician, Chicago. Address, Presbyterian Hospital, Wood and Congress Sts. Born in Milwaukee, 1869. Prepared in Milwaukee Acad, and H.S. In Coll., 1886-90; Delta Upsilon. Grad. from Rush Med. Coll., 1893. At present House Physician in Pres- byterian Hosp., Chicago. Elvin E. Scott, Ph.B., Accountant, Des Moines, Iowa. Born 1867, in Racine. Wis. Prepared in Racine H. S. In Coll., 1880-90; Delta Upsilon. In Chicago until Jan., 1891 ; in Racine, Wis., Jan., 1891, to Jan., 1892. Now, Des Moines. Jesse Jay Shuman, Ph.B., Business, Joliet, 111. Address, 111. Steel Co. Born J in. 8, 1869, in Lancaster Co., Pa. Prepared in Cook Co. Norm. Sch.and Chicago N. 0. H. S. Attended Coll., 1886-90; Sigma Chi. Witli ill. Steel Co., in South Chicago, 1890-94: recently transferred to works of same company in Joliet. George W. Springer, B,S., Real Estate, Chicago. Residence, Wilmette, 111. Born in Abingdon, 111., Dec. 14, 1808. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Col'., 1SS6-90; Phi Kappa Psi. Dealer in real estate in Chicago. William Swenson, A.B., Minister, Donovan, 111. Born at Center City, Minn.. Feb. 5. 1863. Prepared in N.W. U. Prep. In Coll., 1880-90. Removed from Englewood, 111., to McKeesport, Pa., 1891; thence to Donovan, 111., 1893. Married Lizzie HaLSon, of Chicago, Sept. 7, 1891. Maurice L. Wickman, A. B., Minister, Pullman, 111. In Coll., 1880-90. Grad. Swedish Theol. Sem. Thomas J. Woodcock, Ph.B., Minister, Hinsdale, 111. Born in Chicago, Nov. 27, 1SGS. Prepared in Hitisd le H. S. At Coll. 1880-90. Student in Chicago (Congregational) Theol. Sem., 1890-92. Preaching. Ralph L. Wyman, B.S., Business, Chicago. Office, 227 S. Clinton St,; residence,- 525 W. Monroe St. Born at Sycamore, 111. Prepared in Sycamore H.S. Student in N.W.U., 1880-90. With Western Electric Co., Chicago. Graduated from Chicago Coll. of Law, and admitted to the bar, 1893. John B. Young, A.B. , Lawyer, Chicago. Office, 1209 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ; residence, 4925 Wabash Ave. Born June 9, 1868, Morrison, 111. Prepared at Ottawa (111.) H.S. Student N.W.U., 1886-90; Beta Tlieta Pi. Married March 20, 1891, Louise E. Swan ('90). Louise Young, nee Swan, B. L., Chicago. Address, 4925 Wabash Ave. Born at Medina, N.Y. Prepared at Elgin (111.) Acad. Student N.W.U. , 1886-90; Delta Gamma. Married at Elgin, 111., March, 26, 1891, to John B. Young ('90). Aurora Zeublin, nee Fisk, A.B., Chicago. Address, 0052 Sheridan Ave., Woodlawn. Born Feb. 4, isos, in Wilbraham, Mass. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student N.W.U., 1885-90; Delta Canima. Taught at Schuyler, Neb., and at Hardy School, Duluth, Minn. Married to Charles X. Zeubliu ('87), in Evanston, June 18, 1892. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. CLASS OF 1891. John Porter Adams, A.B., Lawyer, Chicago. Address, Maywood, 111. Born in Elizabeth City, N. J., March 10, 1803. Prepared in Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111. At Coll. 1SSS-91; Beta Tlieta Pi. Principal Maywood Ull.J H. S., and student in Chicago Coll. of Law 1891-93. John Nichols Adee, Ph. B., Teacher, Wheeling, 111. Born at Sycamore, 111., 1807. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep.' In Coll. 1887-91. Prin. Pub. Sell., Wheeling, Cook Co., 111. William Tracy Alden, Ph.B., Lawyer, Chicago. Address, 184 Dearborn St., room 12. Born in Pleasanton, Iowa, Sept, 20, 1806. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1887-91 ; Sigma Chi. Asst. foreman Mailing Div. in Chgo. P.O., and student N.W.U. Law School, 1891-93. In law office of Wilber, Eldridge & Pinney, since July, 1893. William D. Barnes, A.B., "^Cambridge, Mass. Address, 52 Mt. Auburn St. Born, March, 1808, Irwin Pa. Prepared at N.W.U. Prep. Beta Theta'Pi. Student in Graduate Dept., N.W.U., 1891. May Louise Bennett, A.B. , Librarian, Chicago. Kesidence, 18S8 Sheridan Koad, Evanston, 111. Born in Elmira, N.Y., Dec. 6, 1870. In N.W.U. Prep., 1885-S7; in Coll. 1887-91; Alpha Phi; in New York State Library School,»Albany, N.Y., 1892-93. Ass't librarian in Armour Institute, Chicago. Frederick Royal Corbin, B. A, Electrician, Chicago. Address, The Vermont, 51st St. and Drexel Boul. Born Apr. 24, 1809, in Charleston. S. C. Prepared in St. Johnsbury Acad., Vt. At Coll., 1887-91. Electrician of Western Electric Co., at Hawthorne experiment station. Ray Clarkson Harker, A.B. , Minister, South Chicago, 111. Address, S908 Exchange Ave. Born at Leadmine, Wis., Nov. l, 1866. Prepared in N. W. Acad. At Coll., 18S7-91; Delta Upsilon. Student G. B. I., 1891-93. Now pastor of First dL. E. Church of so. Chicago. Amary Sherman Haskins, A.B. , Minister, Evanston, 111. Address, 2413 Central St. Born Dec. 19, 1864, in LaSalle Co., 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in Coll., 1887-91; Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. G. B. I., '93, B. D. Now pastor Central Ave. M. E. hurch, Evanston, 111. James G. Hensel, B.S. Mary B. Holderman, B.S., Morris, 111. Gamma Phi Beta. Livonia Ruth Kay, Ph.B., Stenographer, Watseka, 111. Born in Watseka, 111., Oct. 2. 1867. Prepared in Watseka H.S. and N.W. U. Prep. Attended Coll., 1886-91; Gamma Phi Beta. 'I eacher in Watseka. 1892: since Sept., 1892 T stenographer and typewriter in law office of her father and brother, Kay & Kay. 76 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Lina Preston, nee Kennedy, B.L., Benton Harbor, Mich. Born Dec 8, 1869, Chicago, 111. Prepared in Hinsdale (111.) H.S. and N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll.. 1S87-91; Kappa Alpha Theta. Married June 15, 1893, to Rev. B. C. Pres- ton, a Congregational minister of Benton Harbor, Mich. Hose M. Logeman, Ph. B. , f Chicago. Born, Chicago, 18G7. Prepared at Lake View H. S. Mary A. Maltman, Ph.B., LL.B., Chicago. Address, 1406 Ashland Block. Born 1870, in Chicago. Prepared in Lake View H. S. Student X. W.U., 1887-91 ; Alpha Phi. Graduated from Northwestern Law School, class of '93. In Europe, in 1894. Stewart A. Maltman, B. S. , Lawyer, Chicago. Address, 1406 Ashland Block. Born in Chicago. Aug. 8, 1868. Prepared in Lake View H.S. Tn Coll., 1887-91; Phi Kappa Psi. Grad. N.W. U. Law Sch. '93, LL.B. Member of the law firm; Hummer & Maltman. Benjamin Franklin March, B. S., Lawyer, Chicago. Address, 79 Dearborn St. Born Nov. 3, 1870, in Oregon, 111. Prepared in Oregon (111.) H.S. In Coll. 1887-91. Grad. X.W.U. Law Sch., '93, LL.B. Myrtle Eugenia Mattison, A.B. , Teacher, Wheaton, 111. Born at Fulton 111., Nov. 9, 1869. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep, At Coll. 1887-91; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher in Joliet; teacher in Chicago. Thomas C. Moulding, A.B. , Business, Chicago. Address, 957 X. Clark St. Born Jan. 14, 1S69, Lake View, 111. Prepared in Lake View H.S. Student in N.W.U., 1887-91; Phi Kappa Psi. Brick manufacturer. Robert K. Nisbet,'B. S. , Real Estate, Evansville, Ind. Born Evansville, Ind., Jan. 20, 1807. Prepared in Evansville H.S. and N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1887-91 ; Phi Kappa Sigma. In firm of Xisbet & Sonntag, real estate, loans and insurance, in Evansville. Alfred Horace Phelps, B. S., Lawyer, Denver, Colo. Address, with Benedict & Phelps. Born at Greenville, 111., Xov. 14. 1868. Prepared in Denver H.S. Attended Coll. 1887- 91; Sigma Chi. Yale Law School, '93. LL.B., magna cum laude. Guy Neale Power, Ph.B., Business, Burlington, Iowa. Born in Burlington, Iowa, 1870. Prepared at Burlington H.S.; Thi Beta Kappa. Frank A. C. Reynolds, Austin, Minn. In Coll. 1S87-91. Member of Phi Beta Kappa. Anna Eleanora Robinson, B.L., Teacher, West Union, Iowa. Born June 3, 1S70, at West Union. Iowa. Prepared at West Union. In Coll. 1887-91; Alpha Phi; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor of elocution in Northwestern Univ. School of Oratory since 1892. Ward Beecher Sawyer, Ph.B., Lawyer, Chicago. Office, 108 Dearborn St. Born in Streator, 111., Dec. 17, 1868. Prepared in Strea'or H.S. In Coll. 1887-91; Beta Theta Pi. Grad. X.W.U. Law School, LL.B. Practicing law. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 77 John A. Scott, A.B., Teacher, Baltimore, Md. Address, 1112 Clendening St. Born in Fletcher, 111., 1867. Prepared in State Normal School, Normal, 111. In Coll., 1888-9L; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor in Greek, N.W.U. Now taking graduate course in Greek, Sanscrit and comparative philology in Johns-Hopkins Univ. Married Matilda J. Spring, Sept. 1, 1892, at Centralia, 111. Raphael Roy Shtjman, Ph.B. , Journalist, Chicago. Address, 2130 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. Born Apr. 4, 1867, in Lancaster, Co.. Pa. Prepared in North Div. H.S., Chicago. In Coll., 18S9-01; Sigma Chi. Reporter Chgo. Tribune, 1891-92. In charge of Advertising Department Wm. Deeriug & Co., Deering, Chicago. Eva Gertrude Simmons, Ph. B. , Teacher, Evanston, 111. Address, 1512 Maple Ave. Born in Clarence, Iowa, Jan. 15. 1870. Prepared in Clarence H.S. At Coll., 1887-91; Alpha Phi. Teacher in Evanston High School. Mary Olive Singleton, nee Finley, B.L., Wilmette, 111. Born at Sycamore, 111., Dec, 1865. Prepared in Sycamore H.S. Student, N.W.U. , 1S86-91; Alpha Phi. Teacher in Haven Sch., Evanston, until 1893. Married Shelby M. Singleton, of Evanston, June 6, 1893. Daughter, Olive G., born April 1, 1894. Martha Constance Smith, Ph.B., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Born at Princeton, 111., Feb. 26, 1868. Prepared in Rockford Coll. HT' N.W.U., 1887-91; Alpha Phi; Phi Beta Kappa. Student in graduate dept. N.W.U. and tutor, 1891-92. Student in Berlin, Rome and Pans, 1892-93. Student in Graduate School of Chicago Univ., 1S94. Ida Thorp Staver, B.L., Portland, Ore. Address, 434 Clay St. Born at Nashua, Iowa, Sept. 27, 1869. Prepared in Portland (Ore.) H.S. Student N.W.U., 1888-91 ; Alpha Phi. Charles L. Stevens, Ph.B., Journalist, Chicago. Address, 1010 Washington Bonl. Born Mar. 12, 1868, Joliet, 111. Prepared for College, W.D.H.S., Chicago. Student, N.W.U., 1885-91 ; Sigma Chi. Editor The Lever. Candidate for 111. State Legislature on Prohibition ticket, 1892. Minnie Ruth Terry, A. B., Evanston, 111. Address, 1812 Hinman Ave. Born at Peekskill, N. Y., March 29, 1870. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1887-91; Alpha Phi. Student, Graduate Dept., 1892-94. Fred Monroe Tisdel, A.B., Teacher, Cambridge, Mass. Address, 109 Eliery St. Born at Belvidere, 111., Jan. 7, 1869. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll.. 1887-91; Beta Tlieta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor in elocution in Wis. State Univ. 1891-93. In graduate school of Harvard Univ. since 1893. William Crowell Van Benschoten, A. B. , Ph.B., Med. Student, Evanston, 111. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1870. Prepared in Evanston H.S. Attended N.W.U., 1888-91; Sigma Chi. Grad. Harvard ('oil., '92, A. B. In Northwestern Coll. of Pharmacy, 1892-93; now in Northwestern Med. Coll., Chicago, class of '96. Luanna Vernon, B.L., Lancaster, Pa. 78 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Harry F. Wakeman, B. S., Lincoln, 111. In Coll. 1887-91; Sigma Chi. William Bradley Walrath, A.B. , LL.B., Teacher, Chicago. Address, Evanston, "111. Born ia Evanston, Mar. 20, 1870. Prepared in Evanston H.S. In Coll. 1887-91; Delta Dpsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. LL.B. at Kent Law School of Chicago, '93. Is teacher iu Chi- cago North Division High School. Myrtle V. Whitney, A. B., Teacher, Ripon, Wig. Prepared in RipOii College, Wis.; Gamma Phi Beta. Instructor in Latin. Charles Hamline Zimmerman, A.M., Teacher, New Haven, Conn. Address, 22 Trumbull St. Born in Macomb, 111., April 12, 1870. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Attended Coll. 1886- 91; Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor in Latin and Greek in Preparatory School of Northwestern University, 1892-93; now teaching in high school, New Haven T Conn., and studying at Yale for degree of Ph.D. CLASS OF 1892. John Lewis Alabaster, A. B. , Business, Chicago. Address, The Caxton Co., 331 Dearborn St. Born Jan. 10, 1870, in Canandaigua, N. Y. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1888-92;. Phi Kappa Psi. Treasurer of the Caxton Company, publishers and manufacturers of school supplies and books, Chicago. Helen Babcock, Ph.B., Kenil worth, 111. Born, Chicago, Feb. 29, 1872. Prepared in Mrs. Babcock's school,Chgo. In Coll.1888- 92; Delta Gamma. Studied at Mrs. Mary B. Willard's school for American girls, in Berlin, Germany, 1892-93. Ethel Baker, Ph.B., Chicago. Address. 3513 Lake Ave. Born at Tiffin, Ohio, July 31. 1871. Prepared in South Div. H.S., Chicago. At- tended Coll. 1889-92. Post-graduate student since in psychology and literature, Univ. of Chicago. Frederick Waldo Belknap, B.S., Physician, Evanston, 111. Address, 1402 Chicago Ave. Born in Chicago, 1868. Prepared in Evanston U.S.; Phi Kappa Sigma. Graduate Chi- cago Med. College, '94, M.D. John Austin Bellows, B. S., Evanston, 111. Born, Guilford, Mo., Nov. 9, 18615. Prepared in Maryville (Mo.) H.S.; Phi Kappa Psi, Student N.W.U. Law School. 1892. Manager Parliament Publishing Co., 1893. Lee L. Benbow, A.B., f Chicago. Born in Peru, Ind., May 18,1862. Prepared in Mount Morris (111.) Acad. Student Carthage Coll., 1884-86; student Univ. of Mich.. 1886-87; in N.W.U., 1891-92; post-graduate student in polit. econ. In Univ. of Chicago, 1892-93. Married Emma G. Young, of Graiul Crossing, July 6, 1887. Gertrude Leroy Brown, Evanston, 111. Prepared in Evanston H. S. In Coll. 1888-92. OLIVER MARCY, A.B., LL.D., Acting President Northwestern University, 1876 to 1881. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 79 Charles Henry Bucks, Ph.B., Teacher, Morris, 111. Born at Monee, 111., May 6, 1870. Prepared in Aurora H. S. and Jennings Sem. In Coll. 1887-89 and 1890-92; Phi Kappa Psi. Teaching school at Morris. Alfred Wendell Burton, Belvidere, 111. Born Aug. 17, 1867, in Toronto, Can. Prep, in N.W.U. Acad; Delta Upsilon. Edgar Pumphrey Cook, Jr., Ph.B., Medical Student, Chicago. Residence, Mendota, 111. Born Aug. 18, 1870, in Mendota. 111. Prepared in Blackstone H. S. In Coll. 1888-92; Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa. Student N.W.U. Med. School, class of '95. William Doble, fEvanston, 111. Born Sept. 29, 1859, in England. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad; Delta Upsilon. Henry Magifford Echlin, B.S., Teacher, Chicago. Eesidence, Evanston, 111. Born in Hamilton, Ont., Dec. 13, 1863. Prepared in Albion Coll., Albion. Mich., and N.W.U. Acad. In Coll., with interruptions, 1887-92; Beta Theta Pi. Asst. Secy. Chgo. Soc. for Univ. Extension 1892-93; instructor of mathematics in Armour Institute, Chgo., 1893-94. Arthur B. Fleager, A.B., Law Student, Chicago. Born at Sheldon, 111., July 30, 1S70. Prepared in Sheldon U.S. In Coll. 1SSS-92; Phi Beta Kappa. Studying law. Herbert A. Fraser. Born June 22, 1865. Prepared at Jennings Sem. and Univ. of 111. Mary Elgin Gloss, B. S. , Evanston, 111. Born in Elgin, 111., May 1, 1870. Prepared in Evanston H. S.; Kappa Alpha Theta. Teacher in H. S., Menominee, Mich. Herbert Eugene Griffith, B. S. , Teacher, Moline, 111. Born at Titusville, Pa., Jan.l, 1866. Prepared in Moline, 111. H.S. 111. Wesleyan Univ. 1883-81; Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher in Moline public schools 1887-89 and since in Moline H.S. Cleander Raymond Hartman, Park Ridge, 111. Born May 26, 1871, at Polo, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. Henry Rand Hatfield, A.B. , Teacher, St. Louis, Mo. Address, 1815 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111. Born in Chicago. 1866. Trepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1S83-85, and 1S90-92; Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa. Graduate student in polit. econ. in Univ. of Chicago, 1892-93. Instructor in Political Economy, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo.. 1S94. Ernest Bryant Hoag, B.S., Evanston, 111. Born in Evanston, Mar. 23, 1S6S. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll.. 1SSS-92; Beta Theta Pi. Post-grad, student of biology in Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1892-94. Nettie Josephine Hunt, B. L., Teacher, Oshkosh, Wis. Born Sept. 2, 1865, at Kaneville, 111. Prepared at East Aurora H.S. In Coll., 18S8-92; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa. Head of department of Engl. Lit., State Norn ..I School, Oshkosh, Wis. 6 80 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Ernest Clarence Johnson, B. S., Evanston, 111. Address, 916 Cook St. Born Evanston, May 29. 1872. Prepared in N,W. U. Prep. In Coll., 1888-92. Bank clerk. Loren Henry Knox, B. S., Lawyer, Chicago. Address, 1329 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. Born in Menasha, Wis., Nov. 3, 1868. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1888-92. Attended N. W. U. Law School, 1892-93, and admitted to practice March 9, 1894. Howard Emmet Leach, B.S., Lawyer, fEvanston, 111. Born at Chatsworth, 111., April 20, 1872. Prepared in Morris (111.) Normal School. In Coll.. 18S8-92. Edmund Ludlow, B.S., Teacher, Paxton, 111. Born in Ludlow. 111.. 1871. Prepared in Paxton Collegiate Inst, and N.W.U. Prep.; Sigma Chi. Student N.W. U. Med. Coll., 1892. Is instructor of natural science and phys- ical culture in Chicago Univ. Prep. School; physical director of Ravenswood Y.M. C. A. gymnasium. Emily Butts Mack, Ph.B., Joliet, 111. Born Joliet, 111., June 8, 1870. Prepared in Joliet H.S. In Coll., 1888-92. Teaching in Joliet High School. James Mailley, A. B., Minister, Polo, 111. Born in Scotland, May 3, I860. Prepared in York Coll., Neb., and N.W.U. Prep. In Coll.. 18S9-92. Was raised a Roman Catholic; ran away from home when eleven years of age, and has never since found his parents. Was a newsboy in Chicago. Married Miss W. A. Bissell, at Fullerton, Neb., Nov. 28, 1883* Children: Lumen W., 1885; Charles C. W., 1SS7: Helen L., 1891 (died). Albert Sherman Mason, A.B., Lamoille, 111. Born Dec. 2, 1865, at Washington, Calif. Prepared at Griffith Inst, and N.W.U. Acad. In Coll., 1887-92; Delta Upsilou; Phi Beta Kappa. Pleaching at Lamoille, 111. Married Lizzie Burton, of Belvidere, 111., Dec. 14, 1892. Son, Albert B. Harriet Louise McCasky, A.B. , Teacher, Chicago. Address. 790 West Monroe St. Born. Chicago, July 12, 1872. Attended Brown Grammar School and W.D.H.S., Chi- eago; Alpha Phi; Phi Beta Kappa. Anna Pauline Meddaugh, nee Simonson, B. L., Garner, Iowa. Born Feb. 26, 1871, Chicago. Prepared at Clear Lake, la. In Coll., 1888-92. Married Dr. I.. A. Meddaugh, Sept. 15, 1892, at Eagle Grove. Iowa. Effie Windle Miller, B.L., Kensington, 111. Born in Bloomington. 111., Oct. 2, 1872. Prepared in Kensington H.S. In Coll., Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa. Teaching since 1S92, in Chicago. Harriet Louise Osgood, B.L., Marseilles, 111. Born in Brookfield, 111., Mar. 27, 1870. Prepared in Marseilles (111.) H.S. In College, 188S-9L': Kappa Kappa Gamma. *Mary Etta Patterson. Bora 1869, at Wheatland, Wis. Prepared at N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1888-92; Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Beta Kappa. Taught in Burlington, Wis., where she died Nov. 8, 1893. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 81 Charles H. Perkine. Born Oct. 22, 1864, at Wilton June, la. Prepared for College at Moore's Hill and Franklin, Ind. Charles Abbott Phillips, B.S., Evanston, 111. Born in Chicago, Aug. 1870. Prepared in N.W.TJ. Prep. In College, 1888-92- Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa. Student, Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1892. Mary Ross Potter, A. B., Teacher, Bloom ington, 111. Address, 1007 W. McLean St. Born at Bloomington, Jan. 30, 1871. Entered N.W.U. from first half of senior year of 111. Wes. UniT., and graduated with class '92. Kappa Alpha Theta. Since gradua- tion teaching Latin and Greek in H.S. Dept. of 111. State Normal Univ. Cora Monnier Rawlins, A.B., Teacher, Scales Mound, 111. Born at Guilford, 111., Jan. S, 1S64. Attended State Normal of 111. and N.W.U. Acad • Phi Beta Kappa. Jerome H. Raymond, A.M., Teacher, Appleton, Wis. Born Mar. 10, 18G9, at Clinton. Iowa. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1888-92- Beta Theta Pi. Private secretaryto Bishop Thoburn in India, 1890-91, and traveled around the world, 1890-92. Graduate student in history and polities, 1892-93. Sec 'y Chicago Soc. for Univ. Exten., and editor University Extern. Mag.. 1892-93; professor of history and politi- cal science in Lawrence Univ., since 1893. Published in Oshkosh Northwestern a series of articles on " The Labor Movement," and other subjects. Charles Lewis Rundell, Ph.B., Business, Chicago. Address, 190 Winchester Ave. Born in Chicago, Dec. 30, 1868. Prepared in West Div. H.S., Chicago. In Coll. 188S-92- Solicitor for The Economist. Ida May Schottenfels, Student, Chicago. Address, University of Chicago. Born Dec. 21, 1864. in Des Moines, Iowa. Prepared in Chicago W.D.H.S. In N.W U 1889-94. Graduate student Univ. of Chicago. James Grundy Sinclair, A.B. , Physician, Chicago. Address, 4101 Grand Boul. Born at Green Castle. Ind., Oct. 21, 1856. Prepared in Macksburg (Iowa) H S., and N.W.U . Prep. In Coll . 1890-92 . Grad . of Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 188S. Grad. Bennett Med. Coll., 1SS3. Married Anna Dobbs, of Creston, Iowa, April 4, 18S8. Son, Donald A., born 1893. Maude Martha Smith, Geneseo, 111. Born July 19. 1870, at Decorah, 111. Prep, in Geneseo Collegiate Inst.; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Beta Kappa. Newland Farnsworth Smith, Ph.B. , Teacher, Keokuk, Iowa. Home address, Aurora, 111. Born Jan. 28, 1S70, at Downer's Grove, 111. Prepared in Aurora H.S. Student N.W.U. 1888-92. Teaching in Keokuk (Iowa) High School. Ralph Ham Smith, Alameda, Cal. Born Dec. 12, 1872, in San Francisco. Prep, in N.W.U. Acad . ; Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa. 82 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Josephine Stahl, Missionary, India. Home address, Goshen, Iowa. Born 1S61, in Goshen, la. Prepared in Simpson Coll., Indianola, la. In Coll. 1888-92; Missionary in India. William Cass Stowe, A. B., Student of Architecture, Chicago. Address, Cristoval Flat 4, 40th St. and Cottage Grove Ave. Born in Oshkosh, Wis.. Sept. 27, 1870. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll. 1887-89 and 1890-92. Studying architecture in Art Inst., Chicago. Florence Marian Tabor, A. B. , Benton Harbor, Mich. Born in Lawtou, Mich., Sept. 6, 18G8. Prepared at Olivet Coll., Mich. StudentN.YV.U. 1889-913. Daniel Webster Terry, Jr., A. B., Teacher, Claverack, N. Y. Born in New York City, May 30, is<>9. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. Student in College, 1888-92: Phi Kappa Psi. Now teaching. Edwin Herman Towle, B.S., Law Student, Falls City, Neb. Born in Falls City, Neb., Sept. 19, 1869. Prepared in Falls City H.S. and N.W.U. Prep. In College 1888-92. Law student. John Albright Walz, A.B., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Born Dec. 19,1871, in Kirctaheim unter Teck, Germany. Prepared at Stuttgart Ger- many; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor in German, Acad, of N.W.U. Laura Ada Theodora Wanless, A.B., Med. Stud., Raymond, 111. Born in Bustchuk, Turkey, 1871. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1889-92. Now a medical student. Matthew Cossner Wenz, Springfield, 111. Born 18G2. at Hazel Green. Wis. Prepared in Galena and N.W.U. Acad. William Louis Wilson, fWaverly, Kan. Born July 19, 1869, at Centerville, N. Y. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. CLASS OF 1893. Fanny Grace Alabaster, B. L. , University Place, Neb. Born in Elniira, N.Y., March 20,1872. Prepared in Chicago and Evanston H. Sch's. In College, 1888-93; Alpha Phi. Is now at University Place, Neb., with her brother, and continuing the study of modern languages with a view to teaching them. Charles Sherman Aldrich, A.B. , Teacher, Canton, 111. Born Jan. 25, 18G5, at Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y. Prepared in Fredonia State Normal School, Fredonia, N, Y., and N.W.U. Acad. In College, 1889-93. Prin. High School, Can- ton, 111., 1893-94. Married Rilla Taylor, Dec. 29, 1891, at Wichita, Kans. Wife died Oct. 10, 1893, at Canton, 111. Wilfred Fitch Beardsley, A. B., Teacher, Evanston, 111. Born at Albion, Wis.. Oct. 1G, 1870. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. In Coll., 18S9-93; Beta Theta l'i; Phi Beta Kappa. Teaching in Evanston High School. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 83 Benjamin Fell Beazell, A. B., Minister, Chillicothe, Mo. John Edwaros Bonebright, B.S., Teacher, Nora, 111. Born at Amboy, 111., Aug. S, 186S. Prepared in N. W. U. Acad. Professor in Idaho Univ. Mary Chattle, Ph.B. , Aurora, 111. In Coll., 1888-90 and 1891-93; Alpha Phi. James Franklin Clancy, Ph.B., Albion, Mich. Edward L. Colebeck, A. B., f Evanston, 111. In Coll., 1889-93; in Grad. Dept. 1894. George Elmer Colter, A.B. , Peoria, 111. In Coll., 1889-93; Delta Upsilon. Alvin Howard Culver, A.B , Glencoe, 111. Mary Elizabeth Demorest, Ph.B., Teacher, Muscatine, Iowa. Born Dec. 1, 1869, at Muscatine, Iowa. Prepared in Muscatine H. S.; Alpha Phi; Phi. Beta Kappa. Taught in Kiver Falls (Wis.) H. S. George Boyd Dyche, A.B. , Medical Student, Evanston, 111. In Coll., 1889-93; Phi Kappa Sigma. Student N. W U. Med. Coll. Robert Francis Earhart, B. S., Monticello, Iowa. William McDonald Ewing, A. B., Minister, Areola, 111. In Coll., 1889-93; Phi Kappa Psi. Student G. B. I. Member U. S. Life Saving crew. Special course in elocution. Henry Lawrence Harvey, A. B., Chicago. Address, 1023 Wilcox Ave. Helen Scott Hay, B.L., Chicago. Address, 304 Honore St. Born at Lanark, 111., Jan. 5, 1869. Prepared in Savannah H. S. and N. W. U. Acad.; Phi Beta Kappa. In training at Illinois Training School for Nurses. George Philo Hills, A.B., Law Student, Ottawa, 111. Born Feb. 26, 1871, at Polo, 111. Prepared in Ottawa Twp. H. S. In Coll., with interim of one year, 1888-93; Sigma Chi. Student of law. Robert Newton Holt, Ph.B., Law Student, Chicago. Address, 100 Washington St. Born Nov. 4, 1868, at Savannah, 111. Prepared in Rockf ord H. S. Principal of Ade- line (111.; Pub. Sch. in 1888. Member of Life Saving crew while in College. Now a stu- dent in N. W. Law Sch., class of '95. George Jamison, A.B., Teacher, Liberty ville, 111. Born 1870, Libertyville, 111. Prepared in Rockefeller Classical Institute. Teaching since graduation. 84 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Alva Monroe Janes, Ph.B., Farmer, Lafayette, 111. Born Jan. 10, 1863. Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington. In Coll. 1891-93. Henrietta May Jennings, B.L., Mattoon, 111. James Frank Oates, Ph.B., Chicago. t Address, Young Men's Christian Ass'n. In Coll. 1889-93; Phi Kappa Psi. William Arthur Pease, A.B., Irving Park, 111. Born at Centralia, 111.. April 22, 1871. Prepared in Jefferson H. S. In Coll. 1889-93. World's Fair U. S. Inspector, 1893-94; teacher in Chicago Evening Schools, 1890-94. Mary Bigelow Peterson, Ph.B., Teacher, Milwaukee, Wis. Address, S. S. H. S., Madison and Indiana Aves. Born in Salem, Mass. Prepared in N. W. U. Acad. In Coll. 1877-78 and 1891-93; Phi Beta Kappa. One year at Wellesley Coll. Special student in mathematics. Since 1893, teacher of mathematics in South Side High School, Milwaukee. Christian August Petterson, Ph.B., Teacher, Chicago. Address, 901 W. North Ave. Born Aug. 10, 1870, in Chicago. Prepared in Jefferson H. S. In Coll., 1889-93; Phi Beta Kappa. Teaching in Jefferson Higu School, Chicago. Frederick Charles Roberts, B. S., Mining, Mastodon, Mich. Born Dec. 8, 1867, at Hancock, Mich. Prepared in N.W.U. Prep. In Coll., 1889-93 Business in mining office, Mastodon mine. Elizabeth Delight Sanborn, A.B. , fEvanston. In Coll., 1889-93; Alpha Phi; Phi Beta Kappa. William Thompson Scott, A.B., Minister, Lebanon, Mo. Iu Coll., 1889-93. Grad. G.B.I., '93; now preaching. Home address, Lehanon, Mo. Charles King Sherman, B. L. , Law Student, Chicago. Address, 361 Oakwood Boul. Born in Chicago, Apr. 8, 1870. Prepared in N.W. U. Acad. Student in Coll., 1888-93; Phi Kappa Sigma. Now attending Chicago Coll. of Law. Mary King Singleton, B.L., Rogers Park, 111. Born at Momence, 111., Mar. 27, 1870. Prepared in Evanston, H. S. In Coll., 1888-93; Alpha Phi. Marietta Myrtilla Stretton, nee Murray, Ph.B., Big Suamico, Wis. Born at Macomb, 111. Prepared in Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111. In Coll., 1889-93. Married to Kev. J. T. Stretton, pastor M. E. Church of Suamico, Wis. Wilbur Fisk Tomlinson, A.B., Minister, Kinsley, Kan. Born Apr. 8, 1870. in Steuben Co., N. Y. Prepared in S. W. Kansas College, Winfleld Kan. In Coll., 1890-93; Delta Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Now preaching in M. E. Church Kinsley, Kan. Joseph Little Walker, A. B., Minister, Esmond, 111. In Coll., 1888-93. Grad. of G.B.I. Preaching. Married. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 85 Willis Edward Way, Ph.B., Minister, Geneseo, 111. Born June 25, 1865, in Geneseojll. Prepared in Normal Sch. at Geneseo, and in N.W.U. Acad., Evanston; Delta Upsilon. In G. B.I., 1893-95. Member of Rock River Conf.- preaching in Benton, 111. Howard Thomas Wilcoxon, A.B. , Freeport, 111. Born at Freeport, fal. Prepared in Freeport H. S. In Coll., 1889-93. Law student. Charles Damon Wilson, Ph.B., Minister, Morrison, 111. Born in Morrison, 111. In Coll., 1889-93. Student G. B. I. Horace Pldmmer Wilson, Ph.B., Med. Student, Chicago. Address, 35 University PI. Born July 7, 1871, in Burlington, la. Prepared in Burlington H. S. In Coll., 1889-93; Delta Upsilon. N. W. U. Med. Coll., class of '96. CLASS OF 1894. Myron Lucius Ashley, A.B., Yorkville, 111. Born Apr. 25, 1865. Prepared in Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111., and N. W. U. Acad. In Coll., 1890-94. Edith Mae Baker, A.B., Evanston, 111. Address, 2146 Sherman Ave. Born in St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 15, 1873. Prepared in N. W. U. Acad. In Coll., 1890-94; Kappa Kappa Gamma ; Phi Beta Kappa. Elva Barber, Ph.B., Lancaster, Wis. Born Nov. 1, 1873, in Lancaster, Wis. Prepared in Lancaster H. S. In Coll., 1890-94; Gamma Phi Beta, James K. Bass, A.B., Evanston, 111. Born May 14, 1872, in Chicago. Prepared in N. W. U. Acad. In Coll., 1890-94; Phi Kappa Psi. Leslie Walter Beebe, Chicago. Address, 582 W. Adams St. Born Aug. 16, 1872, Chicago. Prepared in Chicago W. D. H. S. Attended Coll., 1887-94; Delta Tau Delta. Anna Maude Bowen, Chicago. Address, 206 Oakwood Boul. Prepared in South Div. H. S., Chicago. Student N. W. U., 1891-94. Phi Beta Kappa. Addison F. Butters, A.B., Duluth, Minn. Address, 230 Fourth Ave. W. Born at Galva, 111., April 5, 1870. Graduated from Galva H. S., and from N. W. U. Acad. Attended Coll., 1890-94. Charles B. Campbell, A.B., Law Student, Manteno, 111. Born March 1, 18G9, near Manteno, 111. Prepared at Depauw Univ. Prep. In C 1892-94; Phi Delta Theta, Phi Beta Kappa. Law Student. 86 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. Daniel Davis Canfield, A. B. , Minister, Fleming, Ohio. Born it Fleming. Ohio, July 22, 1867. Prepared in Ohio Wesleyan *Jniv. Prep. Stu- dent O. W. U. 1887-92; N. W. U. 1892-94; Phi Delta Theta. Organized West Pullman M. E. Church, fall of 1892. Fred Lemar Charles, B. S. , Teacher, Austin, -111. Address, 405 N. Central Ave. Born Nov. 15, 1872, at Aurora, 111. Prepared at Austin -H. S. Attended N. W. U. 1890-94; Beta Theta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa. Teaching. Dennis Cranmer Clancy, fEvanston, 111. Born, 1864, at Newburgh, Ontario. Prepared at Newburgh, H. S. and N. W. TJ. Acad. In College, 1890-94. Matthew Alexander Clarkson, Ph. B. , Rock Falls, 111. Born at Morristown, N. J., Oct. 20, 1869. Prepared in Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. In College 1890-94; Phi Delta Theta. J. H. Cole, A.B., Teacher, Bridgeton, N. J. Born Jan. 21, 1865, at Woodstown, N. J. Prepared in N. W. U. Acad. In Coll. 1890-94; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Teaching. Clarence Dickenson, Evanston, 111. In Coll. 1890-94; Beta Theta Pi. John N. Dingle, A. B. In Coll. 1890-94. Preaching at Cuyler, 111. Hannah Isabelle Drew, Ph. B. , Chicago. Address, 4356 Union Ave. Born Mar. 30, 1872, at Kankakee, 111. Prepared in Chicago W. D. H. S. In Coll. 1890-94; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Chadncey Burnett Earnheart, Chenoa, 111. Born Nov. 27, 1862, at Fairhury, 111. Prepared in N. W. U. Acad. In Coll. 1890-94. John Mark Ericson, A.B., Evanston, 111. Born Apr. 25, 1864. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. In Coll. 1S90-94; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Will continue graduate work in Boston University, Ph.D. course. Louie Josephine Fitch, B. L., Evanston, 111. Student N.W.U, 1890-94; Kappa Alpha Theta. John E. Fluck, A. B., Minister, Elgin, 111. Born Oct. 8, 1870, at Birmingham, Engl. Prepared at Elgin H.S.; Elgin Acad.; Oberlin Prep. School. In Coll. 1890-94. Thomas Keene Gale, Jr., Ph. B. , Minister, Evanston, 111. Born at Hampton, Iowa, Sept. 20, 1S66. Prepared at N.W.U. Acad. In coll. 1890-94. Preaching. Ella E. Gary, Ph.B., Wheaton, 111. Fanny Gates, B. L., Evanston, 111. Address, mis Orrington Ave. Born Apr. 26, 1872, at Waterloo, Iowa Prepared in East Waterloo H.S. In Coll. 1890- 94; Alpha Phi; Phi Beta Kappa. r REV. JOSEPH CUMMINGS, D.D., LL.D., Elected President Northwestern University July, 1881; died May 7, 1890. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 87 Grace Estella Germain, Ph.B. , Teacher, Gardner, 111. Bom Mar. 31, 1873. at Gardner, Grundy Co., III. Prepared in Gardner U.S., Beloit U.S. and \'.\V.l,\ Acad. At Coll. 1891-94; Alpha Phi. Charlotte Eve Goetzmann, Ph.B., Boone, Iowa. Born Dec 22, 1870, at Booue, Iowa. Prepared at Boone H.S. In doll. 1890-94. Elmer I. Goshen, Farmington, 111. Born at Farmington, 111., Feb. 10,1871. Prepared at Oberlin, O. In Coll. 1890-94; Delta Upsilon. Alice Maud Gray, B.L., Momence, 111. Born, Momence, 111., Sept. 25, 1868. Prepared at Momence H.S. Student N.W.U., 1888-94; Alpha Phi; Phi Beta Kappa. James Vernon Hall, B. S. , New Milford, 111. In College, 1890-94. Phi Kappa Sigma. Charlotte B. Hayes, B.L , Rochelle, 111. Born Dec. 18. 1870, at Kochelle, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. In Coll., 1890-94. Alpha Phi. Expects to teach. Anna Laura Hitchcock, Ph.B., Evanston, 111. Address, 1139 Forest Ave. Born Feb. 29, 1872, at Kewaunee, Wis. Prepared at Wellington School, Evanston, and Evanston H.S. Attended N.W.U. , 1890-94; Delta Gamma. Franklin Lee Johnson, A.B., Decatur, 111. Address, care of Milton Johnson, N. Water St. Born Oct. 28, 1S72, at Decatur. HI. Prepared at Decatur H.S. and N.W.U. Acad. In Coll., 1801-94. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa. C. A. Kelley, Evanston, 111. Born at Waverly, G., Mar. 5, 1808. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. In Coll., 1890-94. Robert Joseph Kerr, A.B., Law Student, Chicago. Address, 1323 Washington Boul. Born Dec. 27, 1872, in Chicago. Prepared in Chicago W.D.H.S. Student, N.W.U., Sigma Chi. Will study law. Carl Ray Latham, Ph.B., Law Student, Evanston, 111. Born at Sandwich, 111., Oct. 20, 1872. Prepared at Evanston H.S. Student. N.W.U., 1890-94; Sigma Chi. Studying law. Chester B. Masslich, A. B. , Evanston, 111. Address, 1732 Sherman ave. Born Mar. 24, 1872, at Union City, Ind. Prepared at Union City H.S., Chicago W.D.H.S., and N.W.U. Acad. In Coll., 1890-94. Phi Beta Kappa. Clarence J. Miller, A. B. , Rock Rapids, Iowa. Born in Auburn, Iowa, 1872. Prepared at Cornell Coll., Iowa. George Mooney, A.B., Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 969 < laics Ave. Born May 6, 1863, in New York City. Student at Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn., prior to January, 1893. Entered N. W. U., in Junior year, and was graduated with class of '94; Psi Upsilon. 88 ALUMNI CATALOGUE. John Price Odell, A.B. , Teacher, Moline, 111. Born Mar. 22, 18GS, at Hampton, 111. Prepared at Port Byron Acad., 111. In Coll. 1S92-94. Entered N.W.U. from Beloit Coll., graduating with '94. Teacher. Ida Jane Okey, Ph. B., Corning, Iowa. Born Nov. 2, 1871, at Coming, Iowa. Prepared at Corning Acad, and 111. Wes. Univ., Bloomington. Student N.W.U. 1890-94. Grace Evelyn Owen, A.B., Mokena, 111. Born Aug. 10. 1871. Mokena, 111. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. In Coll. 1S90-94; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Bayard Henry Paine, A.B., Grand Island, Neb. Address, 819 W. 3d St. Born at Painesville, O., 1872. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. In Coll. 1890-94; Phi Delta Theta. Harrison E. Patten, A.B. , Joliet, 111. Born May 29, 1873, at Crete, 111. Prepared in Englewood H.S.; Jennings Sem.; N.W.U- Acad. In Coll. 1890-94. Student of chemistry. Annie Harriet Price, Ph.B., Evanston, 111. Address, 422 Lake St. Born July 10, 1870, at Polo, 111. Prepared at Polo H.S. and N.W.U. Acad. In Coll. 1891-94. John C. Ransmeier, Murphysboro, 111. Born at Jonesboro. 111., May IS, 1872. Prepared in St. Louis ManualTraining School. Student N.W.U. 1890-94; Phi Beta Kappa. William Francis Rice, Ph.B., Minister, Evanston, 111. Address, 2024 Maple Ave. Born Aug. 21, 1871, at Pentwater, Mich. Prepared in Albion Coll., Mich. Student N.W.U. 1890-94. Preachine;. Married Dec. 28, 1892, at Big Kapids, Mich., Emma Jean Parsons, B.S., Albion Coll., '92. Benjamin Rist, Toulon, 111. Born 1871, at Toulon. 111. Prepared in Toulon Acad, and N.W.U. Acad. In Coll. 1890-94. Joseph Francis Roberts, A. B. , Mastodon Mine, Mich. Born Sept. s, 18G7, at Hancock, Mich. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. In Coll. 1890-94. Delta Tau Delta. Gertrude Seager, B.L., St. James, Minn. Born May 2, 1872, at Rochester, Minn. Prepared in Hamline Univ. In Coll. 1892-94; Kappa Kappa Gamma . Ida S. Simonson, B.L., Evanston, 111. Address, 2103 Sherman Ave. Born July 6, 1872, in Chicago. Prepared at Clear Lake (la.) H. S. and N.W.U. Acad. In Coll. 1890-94; Gamma Phi Beta. S. T. Smetters, A.B., Waverly, 111. Born Sept. 12, 1871, at Waverly, 111. Prepared at Waverly H. S. and N.W.U. Acad. In Coll. 1890-94. Will enter in 1895, 'Mass. Inst, of Technology, Boston, for course in civil engineering. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. 89 Anna M. Smith, B. L. , Evanston, 111. Address, 1231 Maple Ave. Born Jan. l, 1872, in Chicago. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Attended Coll. 1890-94; Delta Gamma. Myka Emily Tubbs, B.L., Kirkwood, 111. Born at Kirkwood, 111., Nov. 3, 1871. Prepared in N.W.U. Acad. In Coll. 1890-94; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Minnie Belle Turner, Ph.B. , Evanston, 111. Address, 1456 Chicago Ave. Born Apr. 6, 1872, at Piqua. O. Prepared in Evanston H. S. Student in Coll. 1890-94; Alpha Phi. Effyan R. Wambaugh, Ph.B., Kearney, Neb. In Coll. 1890-94; Phi Beta Kappa. Elias Ward, A.B. , Aurora, 111. In Coll. 1890-94; Phi Kappa Psi. Milton Bryant Williams, A. B. , Minister, Chicago. Address, 829 Walnut St. Born Aug. 24, 1869, in Prince Edward Co., Ont. Prepared in Abbott Coll., Belleville, Ont. Student N.W.U. 1889-94. Was teacher in various public schools in Ontario; junior pastor of Newburgh circuit for two years; asst. pastor Garfield Park M. E. Church, Chicago, since August, 1893. Married Lillian M. Reynolds, of Picton, Ont., Sept. 25, 1893. Jared W. Young, A.B., St. Louis, Mo. Address, 1505 Lucas PI. Born at Gettysburg, Pa., Jan. 4, 1872. Prepared in Kansas City H. S. Attended N.W.U. 1890-94; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. Index by Classes. A. Abbey, Charles P., '89. Ackerman, George E., '78. Adams, Edward C, '79. Adams, Isaac E., '79. Adams, John P., '91. Adams, John Q., '89. Adams, William H. H., '70. Adams, Zella F., '84. Adee, John N., '91. Alabaster, Fanny G., '93. Alabaster, Francis A., '90. Alabaster, J. Lewis, '92. Alden, William Tracy, '91. Aldrich, Charles S., '93. Allen, Cora L., '88. Allen, Jacob R., '69. Allen, Nathan R., '76. Ailing, Belle E. (Raddin), '88. Ailing, Kate M. (Thomas), '87. Ambrose, Ella (Davis), '79. Ambrose, Jay B., '90. Ambrose, Lodilla, '87. Andrews, E. Wyllys, '78. Andrews, Frank T., '81. Andrews, Wilbur J., '87. Annis, Thomas E., '59. Antes, Howard R., '77. Appleton, Alanson 8., '76. Arnold, Edwin C, '73. Arnold, William S., '76. Ashley, M. L., '94. Atchison, Hugh D., '87. Atchison, Wilbur F., '84. Atkins, Julia (Miller), '60. B. Babbitt, George A., '75. Babcock, Florence, '89. Babcock, Helen, '92. Babcock, Mabel, '89. Badger, Ella E. (Hussey), '70. Badger, Emeline, nee Green, '70. Baird, Robert A., '69. Baker, Edith M., '94. Baker, Ethel, '92, Bannister, Charles K., '69. Bannister, Ella B. (Merwin), '70. Banni ter, Emma J., wee White, '73. Bannister, Henry M., '63. Bannister, John C, '83. Bannister, Mary (Willard), '60. Barber, Elva, '94. Barnes, George O., '90. Barnes, Nellia A., nee Lewis, '80. Barnes, William D., '91. Bass, George A., '88. Bass, James K., '94. Bass, Perkins B . , '88. Bass, Stella, '89. Bassett, George M., '78. *Bates, Joseph H., '75. *Battey, Owen W., '85. Baxter, A. Lawson, '90. Bayne, Mary, '79. Beal, Ellery H., '72. Beardsley, Wilfred F., '93. *Beatty, Frank M., '73. Beazell, Benjamin F., '93. Beebe, Leslie W., '94. Beers, Forest W., '89. Beggs, George W., 59. Belknap, Frederick W., '92. Bell, James E., '76. Bell, Leon E., '84. Bellows, John A., '92. Benbow, Lee L., '92. Benedict, Theresa, nee Ludlow, '89. Bennett, Charles S., 88. Bennett, John W., '80. *Bennett, Mary A., '84. Bennett, May L., '91. Benthall, Elizabeth D., nee Wilson, '60. Bentley, Frances H., nee Harvey, '63. Bentley, Robert, '62. *Berry, Thomas S., '72. Best, Fanny S., nee Stout, '69. Best, William D., '70. Beveridge, Alia (Raymond), '68. Bickell, Edwin J., '77. Bishop, Andrew B., 69. *Bishop, Emily G. (Hazelton), '65. *Bishop, Mary E. (Stevens), '63. Bissell, John W., '67. Black, Stanley P., '82. Blanchard, Rollin P., '85. Bloom, Ellen M., nee Sawyer, '85. 92 INDEX BY CLASSES. Bloom, David H., '85, Bock, Helen H., '90. Boddy, Samuel L., '85. Bonebright, John E., '93. *Booth, Charles H., 'SS. Booth, William M., '78. Borchsenius, Clausine (Mann), '64. Botsford, Bennet B., '62. Boutelle, Henry S., '74. Bowen, Anna M., '94. *Boyd, Celia E., nee Stow, '61. Boyd, Charlotte, nee Lyford, '89. Bradford, Columbus, '88. *Bradford, Smith S., '76. Bradley, Ellen E. (Garnsey), '66. *Bradley, Lilla M. (Hemenway), '79. Bradley, Timothy C, '77. Bradwell, Bessie (Helmer), '80. Bragdon, Charles C, '65. Bragdon, George E., '72. Bragdon, Louisa (Fitch), '61. Bragdon, Mary E. (Shepherd), '61. Bragdon, Merritt C, '70. *Brainard, Alex. D., '74, Brand, Charles H., '87. Breed, Ida, nee Stuard, '78. Briggs, Alvah G., '82. Briggs, Arthur H., '81. Briggs, Herbert F., '89. Bright, Frances J., nee Roberts, '67. Bristol, Frank M., '77. Brooks, J. Howard, '67. Brown, Elizabeth M. (Howell), '90. Brown, Gertrude, '92. Brown, Jessie (Hilton), '76. Brown, Jessie S., «eeCowles, '82. . Brown, AValter Lee, '76. Brushingham, John P., '81. *Bryce, Georgia A. (Muller), '61. Bucks, Charles H., '92. Bumauu, Caroline (Stewart), '86. Burbank, Caroline, nee Clifford, '90. Burch, William A., '90. -Burke, Charles H., '75. Burke, Edmund W., '68. *Burke, James E., '72. Burr, Albert H., '77. Burton, Alfred W.. '92. Butcher, John C, '81. Butterfield, Almus, '63. Butterfield, Lewis, '73. Butterfield, Willis, '69. Butters, Addison F., '94. Byers, Fred M., '87. C. Caddock, Henry, '88. Cady, Henry O., '83. Calkins, Harvey R., '88. *Calkins, Helen, nee Pearsons, '8! Call, Florence M. (Cowles), '84. Campbell, Charles B., '94. Campbell, Frank J., '87. Canfield, Daniel D., '94. Caraway, Blanche, '89. Carr, William W., '77. *Carroll, William F., '82. Cartw r right, Ira C, '88. Case, Nellie (Henry) '68. Casey, Lillie (Musgrove), '79. Casseday, David W.,'74. Casseday, Frank F., '77. Castle, Curtis H., '72. Chamberlain, William R.. '81. Charles, Fred L., '94. Chase, William C, '85. Chattle, Mary, '93. Childs, Rebecca, nee Roland, '74. Clancy, Dennis C, '94. Clancy, Jame,s F., '93. Clapp, Eben P., '81. Clapp, Mary E., nee Norton, '83. Clark, Abner, '78. Clarke, Mary E., '90. Clarkson, Matthew A., '94. Cleveland, F. W., '73. Clifford, Caroline (Burbank), '90. Clifford, Chester C, '88. Clifford, Mary E. (Harding), '62. Clifford, Winchester E., '59. Cochran, Leonard G., '76. Cole, J. H., '94. Colebeck, Edward L., '93. Collins, Frances, nee Towle, '87. Collins, Loren C, '72. Colman, Lucius C, '75. Colter, George E., '93. Comstock, Alice J., '66. Comstock, William G, '67. Conley, George L., '88. Conwell, Amelia J. (Foster), '71. Conwell, James S., '82. Cook, Alfred, '77. Cook, Edgar P., '92. Cook, Charles E., '79. Cook, Frank, '85. Coombe, Joseph. '80. Coon, Henrietta M., '87. Cooper, Henry A., '73. INDEX BY CLASSES. 93 Corbin, Frederick R., '91. Corinack, Jane M., nee Marshall, '84 Cormack, Joseph M., '81. '■Cornell, Drayton L., '76. Cowles, Florence M., nee Call, '84. Cowles, Jessie S. (Brown), '82. Craig, Alfred E., '90. Craig, Clara T., nee Tucker, '90. Crandon, Anna L., '83. Crandon, Josie B. (Nash), '87. Crandon, Leila M., '84. Craven, Thomas, '70. Crawford, William H., '84. *Crist, John J;, '75. Cross, Moses S., '81. Culver, Alvin H., '93. Culver, Morton, '67. Cumnock, Anna C, nee 'Webster, '72. ' *Currer, John, '76. Currier, Albert D., '84. Curtiss, Hiram A., '69. Cushine, Cassie M., nee Scott. '80. Cutler, Frank H ., '77. • D. Dake, M. Louisa (Medlar), '60. Dand,, John M., '73. Darrow, Charles W., '82. David, Mary E., '87. Davidson, Eric A., '88. Davis, Anna A. (Elder), '77. Davis, Anna L., nee Marcy, '70. Davis, Ella, nee Ambrose, '79. Davis, Ella L. (Pierce), '70. Davis, Haskell C, '90. Davis, Lewis P., '72. Davis, Nathan S., '80. Davis, Smith C, '87. Day, Josephine (Hill), '65. Dean, Nellie, nee Stewart, '90. DeCoudres, Harriet A. (Fisher),'63. DeGroff, Raymond V., '81. Demorest, Frederick C., '90. Demorest, Mary E., '93. Demorest, William L.. '78. Denman, Asahel H., '83. Denning, Belle (Wallace), '64. Denny, Charles M., '90. Denny, Mabel S., nee Sheldon, '90. Dickenson, Clarence, '94. Dickman, Adella G., nee Maltbie, '84. *Dickson, JohnW., '75. Dingle, John N., '94. Dixon, George W., '89. Doble, William B., '92. Doe, Roxy (Haney), '72. Donelson, Dexter P., '79. Drake, Chester T., '74. Drew, H. Isabelle, '94. Dyche, Frank B., '80. Dyche, George B., '93. Dyche, William A., '82. E. Earhart, Robert F., '93. Earle, Mae (Sterling), '88. Earll, Robert E., '77. Early, Albert D., '77. Earnheart, Chauncey B., '94. Eastman, Samuel L., '59. Echlin, Henry, '92. Edmondson, Stuart P., '86. Edwards, Arthur R., '88. Edwards, Elizabeth (Field), '89. Edwards, John R., '78. Edwards, Robert B., '72. Elder, Anna A., nee Davis, '77. Elder, E. B. L., '77. Eldridge, Byron W., '73. Ellinwood, Charles M., '77. Elliot, Frank M., '77. Ellis, John, '67. Elmore, Arthur E., '89. Elmore, Eltinge ; '72. Emmert, Cornelia F., nee Winslow, '62. Erickson, Edward W., '90. Ericson, John M., '94. Estes, William C, '74. Evans, Walter A., '82. Evans, William G., '77. Ewing, William McD., '93. F. Farley, Samuel S., '89. Ferry, Aurelia M., '63. Ferry, Cornelia S., '63. Field. Elizabeth nee Edwards, '89. Finity, Michael, '70. Finley, M. Olive (Singleton), '91. Fisher, Harriet A., nee De Coudres, '63. *Fisher,Mary Ann, nee McKean,'67. Fisk, Aurora T. (Zeublin), '90. Fitch, Josephine, '94. Fitch, Julia P. (Goss), '88. Fitch, Louise, nee Bragdon, '61. Fleager, Arthur B., '92. Fleming, Robert I., '86. Fluck, John E., '94. 94 INDEX BY CLASSES. *Foote, Isabella S., nee Miner, '61. Forbes, Veriiette A. (Snyder), '65. Foster, Amelia J., nee Conwell, '71. Foster, George A., '81. Foster, Grace I. (Herben), '89. Foster, Mary A., nee Peart, '86. Foulkes, Charles A., '80. Fox, Daniel O., '71. Frake, James, '66. Fraser, Herbert A., '92. Frizzelle, J. Wellington, '88. Fullerton, William D. ; '85. Furber, Harriet C, nee Wood, '62. Q. Gage, Annis (Jewell), '68. Gaines, Ckauucey, '78. Gale, Thomas K., '94. Galloway, Alice (Shepard), '70. Galloway, Florence (Knapp), '70. Gamble, Louise (Huntoon), '63. *Gardner, Clarence A., '77. Garnsey, Ellen E., nee Bradley, '66. Garst, Bertha, nee Goodwin, '78. Garst, Mary E. (Smith), '78. Gary, Ella E., '94. Gaskell, Charles A., '75. Gates, Fanny, '94. Germain, Grace E., '94. Gibbs, Josephine C., '71. * Gibbs, Oscar L., '74. Gill, Joseph H., '70. Gillespie, Albert D., '75. Gloss, David H., '87. Gloss, Janet C, '87. Gloss, Mary E., '92. Goetzmann, Charlotte E., '94. Goodenow, Cortez J., '75. Goodsmith, Minnie P., nee Mould- ing, ' s:> >- Goodwin, Bertha (Garst), '78. Goshen, Elmer I., '94. Goss, Julia P., nee Fitch, '88. *Gould, Edwin I)., '71. Gradle, Fanny, nee Searles, '70. Graves, Charles S., '89. Gray, Alice M., '94. Green, Emeline (Badger), '70. *Green, Frances, '70. Green, Henry, '73. Greene, Truman P., '87. Greenman, Almon W, '80. Greenman, Emily A., '83. (ireenman, Guy W., '87. Gridley, Martin M., '83. 'Jrier, James P., '90. Griffith, Herbert E., '92. Groves, John E., '90. H. Haagenson, Anton P., '90. Hall, Adele, nee Soniers, '82. Hall, Emily II. (Jones), '62. Hall, Eva P., '90. Hall, James V., '94. Hall,WinfieldS., '87. Hamilton, Charles II., '80. Hamilton, James R., '90. Hamilton, William A., '79. Hamline, John II., '75. Haney, Conrad, '78. Haney, James W., '61. Haney, Koxy, nee Doe, '72. Hankinsou, Mary E. (Yaple), '71. Harding, Mary E., nee Clifford, '62. Harker, Pay C, '91. Ilarkness, Nathan J., '82. Harris, Frank M., '75. Harris, Sidnev M., '80. Harris, William II., '78. Harrison, Edwin J., '72. Harrison, Hugh, '79. Harrison, James L., '75. Hartmau, Cleander P., '92. Harvey, Clarence H., '78. Harvey, Frances A. (Bentley), '63 Harvey, Henry L., '93. Harvey, Ida M., '87. Haskins, Amary S., '91. Hatfield, Emily M. (Hobart), '82. Hatfield, Henry R., '92. Hatfield, James T., '83. Hathaway, William J., '77. Hawks, Joseph M., '74. Hay, Helen S., '93. Hayes, Charlotte B., '94. *Hayes, Lydia M. (Waugh), '58. *Hazelton", Emily G., nee Bisha . '65. Helm, Walter B., '81. Helmer, Bessie, nee Bradwell, '80. Hemenway, Henry B., '79. *Hemenway Lilla M., nee Bradley , '79. I *Henry, Ira B., '70. Henry, Mary, '85. Henry, Nellie, nee Case, '68. Hensel, James G., '91. Herben, Grace I., nee Foster, '89. Herben, Stephen J.. '89. Herrick, Horace N., '81. *Hesler, Frank E., '73. INDEX BY CLASSES. 95 Hewitt, George W., '80. *Hill, Devonia, '72. Hill, Joseph H., '86. Hill, Josephine, nee Day, '65. Hill, Lizzie A. (Leek), '87. ' Hill, Mary A. (Sheets), '84. Hills, Alfred E., '83. Hills, Frank A., '75. Hills, George P., '93. Hilton, Jessie, nee Brown, '76. *Hilton, Theophilus B., '76. Hitchcock, Anna L., '94. Hitt, Isaac R., '88. Hoag, Ernest B., '92. Hoag, Junius C., '78. Hobart, Emily M., nee Hatfield, '82. Hobart, William T., '79. Hobbs, Richard G., '74. *Holcomb, Amelia E., '66. Holden, Helen M., '87. Holden, Robert H., '90. Holderman, Mary B., '91. Holmes, Sarah E. (Wright), '64. Holt, Robert N., '93. Holyoke, Cornelia A., nee Wheeler, '64. r ood, Thomas H., '79. lorswell, Charles, '84. lorswell, George H., '79. lorswell, Helen, nee Redfield, '84. lorton, Ella L. (Thompson), '72. tfostetler, Robert B., '75. Howard, Otis McG., '89. Howe, Lydia M., '61. Howell, Elizabeth M., nee Brown, '90. Howell, Harold R., '89. Hubbard, Giles, '87. Hubbell, Frances E. (Leonard),'89. Hudson, Charles W., '76. Humphrey, Wirt E., '90. hint, Caroline L., '88. Hunt, Elizabeth R., '77. Hunt, John E., '88. Hunt, Nettie J., '92. *Huntington, Fanny C, nee Lakin, I '68. Huntoon, Martha (Scott), '72. Huntoon, Louise, nee Gamble, '63. *Huse, Frederick J., '68. Huse, Marie (Wilder), '68. Hussey, Ella E., nee Badger, '70. Husted, Fred M., '73. Huston, William H., '81. *Hutchings, Frederick J., '64. Hutchison, Matilda P., '87. Iluxford, Edward D., '85. Hyde, DeForest M., '74. J. Jackson, Douglas V., '79. James, Benjamin B., '81. James, Emma P., nee Meserve, '81 Janes, Alva M., '93. Jamison, George, '93. Jarrett, Amy, '90. Jennings, Henrietta M., '93. Jessup, Robert B., '80. Jewell, Annis, nee Gage, '68. Johnson, Ernest C, '92. Johnson, Frank S., '78. Johnson, Franklin L., '94. Johnson, Isaac, '88. Johnson, John M., '72. Jones, Emily H., nee Hall, '62. Jones, Francis M., '76. Jones, Julia M., nee Wood, '60. Jones, Lydia L., '82. Jones, Minnie, '89. Judson, Ella G. (Palmer), '66. K. Kagey, Jacob, '78. Karcher, Louis, '7S. Kaufman, Matthias S., '74. Kay, Livonia R., '91. Kelley, C. A., '94. Kellogg, Amy C. (Morse), '75. Kemble, Duston, '80. Kennedy, Lina (Preston), '91. *Kennicott, Albert J., '69. Kerr, Robert J., '94. Kidder, Henry M., '59. Kimball, Arthur S., '77. Kimball, Harriet A., '83. Kimball, Mather D., '72. Kindig, Henry L., '86. King, Mary E., nee Parks, '78. King, Minnie E., '86. King, William, '73. Kinman, Edward M., '78. Kinney, Margaret J., nee Shannon, '61. *Kinsman, Ada S., nee Wanless,'67. Knapp, Florence, nee Galloway, '70. Knapp, William G, '68. Knappen, Frank E., '77. Knox, Loren H., '92. Knox, William M., '74. Krantz, John, '76. *Kryder, Cyrus F., '78. 96 INDEX BY CLASSES. Kryder, Jane, nee Pattison, '76. Kunstman, Gustav W., '89. Kyle, Emma J. (Phelps), '66. L. Lacy, Emma, nee Nind, '80. Lacy, William H., '81. Ladd, Joseph T., '78. *Lakin, Fanny C. (Huntington), '68. Lambert, Charles E., '75. Langworthy, Albert D., '7U. Larash. George I., '87. Latham, Carl R,, '94. Leach, Charles, '74. Leach, Howard E., '92. Leach, William B., '79. Lee, John, '82. Leek, Lizzie A., nee Hill, '87. Leonard, Frances E., nee Hubbell, '89. Leonard, Herbert G., '89. * Leslie, John R., '73. Leslie, Mary, nee Richey, '89. Lewis, C. George, '87. Lewis, Martin O., '74. Lewis, Nellie A. (Barnes), '80. Lewis, Robert, '75. Lewis, Spencer, '79. Light, William R., '85. Liudsey, Draper A., '73. Linebarger, Charles E., '88. *Linn, Alphonso C, '60. Linn, Ella S., '76. Linn, Harriet P. (North), '67. Lipps, John E., '80. Little, Frank, '88. Little, Mabelle, nee Thatcher, '88. Logan, Charles L., '77. Logeman, Rose M., '91. Loiseanx, Annie M., nee Roberts, '68. Lord, Frank E., '83. Lord, Frank, W., '76. Lord, William A., '60. Lott, Mary E., nee White, '66. Ludlam, Mary E., '61. Ludlow, Edmund, '92. Ludlow, Theresa (Benedict), '89. Lunt, George, '72. Lyford, Charlotte (Boyd), '89. M. Macard, Frank, '78. Mac Guffin, Jno. B., '67. Mack, Emily B., '92. Mai lley, James, '92. Maltbie, Adella G. (Dickman), '84. Maltman, Mary A., '91. Maltman, Stewart A., '91. Mann, Clausine, nee Borchsenius, ,'64. Mappin, L. Isabelle, nee Pearsons, '67. March, Benjamin F., '91. Marcy, Anna L. (Davis), '70. Mars,' Gerhardt C, '85. Marsh, Ellen F., '88. * Marshall, Ada, nee Ward, '60. Marshall, Jane M. (Cormack), '84. ' Martin, Mary L. (MeCabe), '72. Martin, Norman A., '88. Martin, Riley P., '90. Martin, William L., '74. Mason, Albert S., '92. Masslich, Chester B., '94. Matlack, Joseph A., '81. Matthew, Marion L., nee Pomeroy, '77. Matthew, Winfield S., 16. Mattison, Myrtle E., '91. May, Elizabeth C, nee McArthur, '81. McArthur, Elizabeth C. (May), '81. MeCabe, Mary L., nee Martin, '72. McCaskey, Isaac W., '62. McCaskey, Harriet L., '92. M<-Clish,'Eli, '74. McCool, Oliver P., '77. McDermott, Eugene E., '85. McFadden, Benjamin L., '89. McGarry, William L., '74. McGarry, Lafayette E., '76. Mclntyre, Sanford H., '71. *McKean, Mary Ann (Fisher), '67. McKean, Margaret J. (Miller), '67, * McKee, Margaret, '59. McLennan, William E., '87. McNair, Rush, '85. McPherrin, Jessie E., nee Moore, '79. McPherrin, Robert E., '82. McPherrin, Samuel C, '76. McPherson, Andrew W., '76. * Meacham, Henry G., '62. Meddaugh, Anna P., nee Simonsou, '92. Medlar, M. Louisa, nee Dake, '60. Merrell, Cora H., '71. Merrell, Frank W., '82. Merrick, George P., '84. Merritt, George, '80. Merwin, Ella, nee Bannister, '70. INDEX BY CLASSES. 1)7 Meserve, Emma P. (James), '81. Mesick, Dolly V. (Pursel), '80. Metcalf, Henry K., '75. Michelet, Charles J., '80. Middlekauff, Emma, nee PrirTdle, '82. Middlekauff, Frank G., '87. Middlekauff, Oscar, '88. Middlekauff, Peter D., '82. Middlekauff, Samuel H., '88. Miller, Amos II., '71. Miller, Clarence, '94. Miller, Effie W., '92. Miller, Harry H., '82. Miller, Helen L. (Moore), '80. Miller, Julia, nee Atkins, '60. Miller, Margaret J., nee McKean, '67. Miller, Nathan C, '81. *Milner, James W., '61. Miner, Isabella S. (Foote), '61. Minium, Emily W., nee Wheadon, '75. Minium, William J., '73. Mohler, Martin, '61. Mooney, George, '94. Moore, Helen L., nee Miller, '80. Moore, Jessie E. (McPherrin), '79. Moore, Mary E., '85. Morgan, Charles H., '77. Morse, Amy C, nee Kellogg, '75. Morse, Isabelle R., '90. Moulding, Minnie R. (Goodsmitk), '83. Moulding, Thomas C, '91. Mulfinger, G. A., '85. *Muller, Georgia A., nee Bryce, '61. Murray, Marietta M. (Stretton), '93. Musgi-ove, James T., '79. Musgrove, Lillie, nee Casey, '79. N. Nash, Josie B., nee Crandon, '87. Needham, Adolphus H., '73. Newcomb, William H., '90. Nichol, James E., '81. Nielson, Rasmus, '78. Nind, Emma (Lacy), '80. Nisbet, Robert K., '91. Norland, Luther A., '77. North, Harriet P., nee Linn, '67. Northrup, Charles S., '78. Norton, Albert B., '71. *Norton, Elizabeth (Torrence), '68. Norton, Mary E. (Clapp), '83. Norton, William B., '80. Noyes, Lizzie B., '89. O. Oates, James F., '93. Odell, John P., '94. Odgers, Joseph H., '90. O key, Ida J., '94. Omelvena,William A., '74. Osgood, Harriet L., '92. Otjen, William H., 82. Owen, Grace E., 94. Page, Edward C, '88. Paine, Bayard H., 94. Palmer, Ella G.,nee Judson, '66. Palmer, Hiram H., '72. Parkes, William R., '90. Parks, Edward L., '73. *Parks, Emma E., (Weller), '76. Parks, Isabella, nee Webb, '79. Parks, Mary E. (King), '78. Patten, Amos W., '70. Patten, Ella, nee Prindle, '79. Patten, Harrison E., '94. Patterson, Edmund B., '84. ^Patterson, Mary E., '92. Pattison, Arthur, '88. Pattison, Jane E. (Kryder), '76. Pattison, Mary E., '76. Paul, Clarence R., '72. *Pearce, Jennie M., »eeWheeler,'63. Pearce, Liston H., '66. Pearson, Charles W.. '71. *Pearsons, Helen (Calkins), '88. Pearsons, Henry A., '62. Pearsons, L. Isabelle (Mappin), '67. Peart, Mary A. (Foster), '86. Pease, William A., '93. Peck, Mabel E., '89. Peet, Wilbur O., '72. Penny, Arthur W., '71. Perley, Lyman O., '86. Perrine, Charles H., '92. Peterson, Anna O., '86. Peterson, Mary B., '93. Pettersen, Christian A., '93. Phelps, Alfred H., '91. Phelps, Emma J., nee Kyle, '66. Phillips, Charles A., '92, Phillips, William A., '83. Pierce, Ella L., nee Davis, '70. *Pingree, Melvin A., '65. Piper, Charles E., '82. 98 INDEX BY CLASSES. Pitner, Lee J., '73. Place, Chester A., '86. *Plested, William A., '70. Plimpton, Homer A., '60. Plummer, Charles G.; '84. Pomeroy, Marion L. (Matthew), '77. Pooley M. Gertrude, nee Skelton,'81. Pooley, Robert II., '82. *Porter, Frederick, '81. Potter, Earl F., '76. Potter, Lorenzo T., '77. Potter, Mary R., '92. Po'twin, Homer, '70. Powell, Eliza, nee Thompson, '70. Power, Guy N., '91. Preston, Lina, nee Kennedy, '91. Price, Annie H., '94. Prindle, Ella (Patten), '79. Prindle, Emma (Middlekauff), '82. Pryor, Ella M., '80. Pryor, John II., '80. Pursel, Dolly V., nee Mesick, '80. Q. Quereau, Charles H., '78. Quereau, Edmund C, '88. R. Raddin, Belle, nee Ailing, '88. Raddin, Charles S., '84. *Kaleigh, William II. II., 'GO. Ransmeier, John, '94. Rawlins, Cora M., '92. Ray, John T., '75. Raymond, Fred D., '72. Raymond, James II., '71. Raymond,AllaM., nee Beveridge,'G8. Raymond, Jerome II., '92. Raymond, William C, '87. Raymond, William M., '69. Redfield, Helen (Horswell), '84. Rice, Cornelius L., '77. Rice, Frank L., '81. Rice, Louis S., '83. Rice, Mary E., nee Webster, '80. Rice, William F., '94. Richards, John W., '74. Richardson, George O., '88. Richardson, Martha (Wilson), '65. Richey, Mary (Leslie), '89. Riehl, Daniel C, '74. Rist, Benjamin, '94. Roberts, Annie M. (Loiseaux), '68. Roberts, Frances J. (Bright), '(>7. Roberts, Fred C, '95. Roberts, Joseph F., '94. Robinson, Albert R., '75. Robinson, Anna E., '91. Robinson, James F., '72. Robinson, Martin S., '77. Robinson, William B., '74. Roland, Rebecca (Childs), '74. Root, Charles G., '69. Root, Charles L., '78. Rose, William F., '62. Ross, Isabella, '83. Roys, Fernando, '72. Roys, Ozro, '71. Rundell, Charles L., '92. Russell, Richard D., '71. Sanborn, Elizabeth D., '93. Sargent, William D., '84. Sawyer, Ellen M. (Bloom), '85. Sawyer, Ward B., '91. Schell, Edwin A., '86. Schneider, John, '81. Schottenfels, Ida M., '92. Scott, Andrew J., '74. Scott, Cassie M. (Gushing), '80. Scott, Elvin E., '90. Scott, Frank H., '76. Scott, John A., '91. Scott, John W., '74. Scott, Martha J., nee lluntoon, '72. Scott, William T., '93. Scovill, Henry T., '69. Scaler, Gertrude, '94. Seaman, Robert B., '77. Searle, Elhanon J., '59. *Searle, Elmore Q., '60. Searls, Fanny (Gradle), '70. Sewall, May, nee Wright, '66. Shannon, Margaret J. (Kinney), '61. Sharer, Charles II., '83. Sharp, Kate L., '85. Sheets, Fred H., '82. Sheets, Mary A., nee Hill, '84. Sheldon, Mabel, '90. Shepard, Alice, nee Galloway, '70. Shepard, Orlando, '89. Shepherd, Mary, nee Bragdon, '61. Sherman, Charles K., '93. Shipman, Elias F., '80. Shrader, Edwin R., '71. Shuman, Edwin L.. '87. Shuman, 'Jesse J.. '90. Shuman, R. Roy, '91. *Shumway, Clara B., '7'.». Shumway, Philip R., '89. Simmons, E. Gertrude, '91. INDEX BY CLASSES. 99 ♦Simmons, Gilbert M., '74. Simonsen, Nels E., '80. Simonson, Anna P. (Meddaugh), '92. Simonson, Ida S., '94. Simpson, Frances, '84. Sinclair, James G., '92. Singleton, Mary K., '93. Singleton, M. Olive, nee Finley, '91. Skelton, Gertrude (Pooley), '8*1. Skelton, Leonard L., '85. Slichter, Charles S., '85. Smetters, Samuel, '94. Smith, Amos L., '72. Smith, Anna M., '94. Smith, Etta L., '80. Smith, George H., '74. Smith, Martha C, '91. Smith, Martha J., nee Stewart, '60. Smith, Mary E., nee Gar^t, '78. Smith, Maude M., '92. Smith, Newland F., '92. Smith, Ealph, '92. Snyder, Vernette A., nee Forbes, '65. Solenberger, Amos R., '83. Somers, Adele (Hall), '82. Spaulding, Melville C, '60. Spencer, Claudius B., '81. Spencer, William A., '61. Springer, Frank A., '60. Springer, George W., '90. Springer, Mary E., nee Ward, '65. ♦Springer, Milton C, '64. Springer, Ruter W., '87. Stahl, Josephine, '92. Staver, Ida T., '91. Sterling, Mae, nee Earle, '88. Sterrett, David, '62. Stevens, Charles L., '91. *Stevens, Mary E., nee Bishop, '63. Stewart, Caroline C, nee Bumann, '86. Stewart, Edward L., '79. *Stewart, Hart L., 60. Stewart, Martha J. (Smith), '60. Stewart, Nellie (Dean), '90. Stout, Fanny S. (Best), '69. Stout, James F., '75. *Stow, Celia E. (Boyd), '61. Stowe, Bond, '87. Stowe, William C, '92. Stretton, Marietta M., nee Murrav, '93. • J ' Strobridge, George E., '64. Strobridge, Thomas R., '67. Stuard, Ida (Breed), '78. Sullivan, Elizabeth R.,?-eeWhite,'70. Sumner, Mary E., '88. Swail, Mary B. (Wilkinson), '85. Swan, Louise (Young), '90. Swenson, William, '90. Swift, Polemus H., '81. T. Tabor, Florence M., '92. ♦Taplin, Warren, '61. Tarr, Ella M. (Thompson), '82. Taylor, Fred M., '76. Taylor, Merritt E., '83. Terry, Daniel W., '92. Terry, Minnie R., '91. Thatcher, Frank H., 81. Thatcher, Mabelle (Little), '88. Thiers, Herbert M., '72. Thomas, Joseph C, '66. Thomas, Kate M., nee Ailing, '87. Thompson, Eliza (Powell), 70. Thompson, Ella L., nee Horton, '72. Thompson, Ella M., nee Tarr, '82. Thompson, Julia D., nee Watson '80. Thorns Craigie S., '88. Thornton, Charles W., '77. Thwing, Charles B., '88. Tisdel, Fred M., '91. Tomlinson, Clinton S., '86. Tomlinson, Wilbur F., '93. Tompkins, DeLoss M., '77. ♦Torrence. Elizabeth, nee Norton, '68. Tourtellotte, Frederick J., '88. Towle, Anna C, '87. Towle, Edwin H., '92. Towle, Frances (Collins), '87. Townsend, Ada, '89. Trewartha, James, '74. Tubbs, Myra E., '94. Tucker, Clara, '90. Turner, Charles W., '75. Turner, Minnie B., '94. Tuttle, William H., '88. Tyler, Frank E., '79. U. Unland, Herman H., '75. V. Van Benschoten, May, '86. Van Benschoten, William C, '91. Vandercook, Robert O., '88. ♦Van Fossen, Levi, '70. *Van Petten, Samuel E., '76. Van Scoy, Thomas, '75. Vernon, Luanna M., '91. 100 INDEX BY W. Wait, William H., '79. Wakeman, Harry F., '91. Wales, Albertine C, '87. Walker, Joseph L., '93. Wallace, Belle, nee Denning, '64. Walrath, William B., '91. Walz, John A., '92. Wambangh, Effyan, '94. *Wanless, Ada S. (Kinsman), '07. Wanless, Laura A., '92. *Ward, Ada (Marshall), '60. Ward, Elias, '94. Ward, Mary E. (Springer), '65. Warrington, Francis M., '75. Warrington, Levi P., '80. Warrington, Thomas C, '80. Watson, Julia (Thompson), '80. Watson, Sidney, '85. *Waugh, Lydia M., nee Hayes, '58. Way, Willis E., '93. Webb, Isabella (Parks), '79. Webster, Anna C. (Cumnock), '72. Webster, Emily R., nee Winne, '70. Webster, Mary E. (Rice), '80. Webster, Nelson P., '83. Webster, Parker S., '81. Weeden, Burr M., '89. Weeks, Helen F., '85. Weir, Samuel, '89. *Weller, Emma E., nee Parks, '76. Wenz, Matthew G., '92. Wheadon, Emily (Minium), '75. Wheaton, James M., '78. Wheeler, Arthur J., '66. Wheeler, Charles P., '76. Wheeler, Cornelia A. (Holyoke), '64. Wheeler, Elbert B., '65. Wheeler, Emily F., '75. Wheeler, Fredericks., '81. *AVheeler, Jennie M. (Pearce) '63. Whipple, John A., '76. White, Elizabeth (Sullivan), '70. White, Emma J. (Bannister), 73. White, George H., '75. White, George W., '79. White, Jane H., '79. White, Mary E. (Lott), '66. * White, Sarah E.. '82. Whitehead, Frank C, '89. CLASSES. Whitney, Myrtle V., '91. Wickman, Maurice L., '90. Wicks, Hamilton S., '71. Wightman, Charles A., '85. *Wilcox, Alice A., nee Yaple, '71. Wilcox, Levi S., '71. Wilcoxon, Howard T., '93. Wilder, Marie, nee Huse, '68. Wilkinson, Mary B., nee Swail, '85. Wilkinson, William E., '83. Willard, Frances E., '59. Willard, Mary, nee Bannister, '60. *Willard, Mary E., '60. Williams, Milton B., '94. Willits, Oscar W., '74. *Wilson, John G, '61. Wilson, Charles D., '93. Wilson, Elizabeth D.(Benthall),'60. Wilson, Horace P., '93. Wilson, Martha, nee Richardson, '65 Wilson, William L., '92. Winne, Emily R. (AVebster), '70. Winslow, Cornelia F. (Emmert),'62. Winslow, Frederick C., '70. Winslow, George W., '67. Wire, Melville C, '74. Wood, Harriet C. (Furber), '62. Wood, Francis A., '80. Wood, Julia M. (Jones), '60. Woodcock, Thomas J., '90. Woodruff, Herbert W., '71. *Woodson, Edmund B., '72. Wright, Charles B., '89. Wrioht, Herbert P., '87. Wright, May (Sewall), '66. Wright, Sarah E., nee Holmes, '64. Wyman, Ralph L., '90. Y. *Yaple, Alice A. (AVilcox), '71. Yaple, George L., '71. Yaple, Mary E., nee Hankinson,'71. Young, Jared W., '94. Young, John B., '90. Young, Louise, nee Swan, '90. Z. - Zeublin, Aurora T., nee Fisk, '90. Zeublin, Charles N., '87. Ziegler, Thomas J., '74. Zimmerman, Charles H., '91. m- ^ ^ ^r I* ■to\* ft.-