Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/charterconstitut01onei f SS^Ss*-^*^ MUNSOIN-^VILLIAMS MEMOKIAL,, THE HOME OF The Oneida Historioai. Society At XJtica. CHARTER, CONSTITUTON AND BY-LAWS -OF— THE ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY AT UTICA. OFFICERS, COMMITTEES AND MEMBERS. FOUNDED 1876; INCORPORATED 1S78. MUNSON-WILLIAMS MEMORIAL. 901. Tt osd?- The Oneida Historical Society was organized De- cember I, 1876, at an informal meeting held in the office of Hon. Charles W. Hutchinson, at which a committee con- sisting of John F. Seymour, Alexander Seward and Rob- ert S. Williams was appointed to prepare a constitution. and by-laws, and to nominate a list of officers. At a sub- sequent meeting, held December 15, 1876, this committee submitted its report, which was adopted. The officers elected were the same as those elected in 1879, with the exception of Dr. M. M. Bagg, Recording Secretary, wha resigned that office in January, 1878. UTICA.NEWYORK*- OFFICERS. OFFICERS AND STANDING COMMITTEES. 1901 President, ALFRED C. COXE. Vice-Presidents, EDWARD COMSTOCK, GEORGE M. WEAVER, JOSEPH V. HABERER. Recordijig Secretary, DONALD McINTYRE. Corresponding Secretary, CHARLES W. DARLING.. Librarian, DANA W. BIGELOW. Treasurer, SYLVESTER DERING,. OFFICERS. BOARD OF COUNCILORS. jfc HENRY J. COGGESHALL JOHN L. EARLL FRANCIS KERNAN MILTON H. MERWIN W. STUART WALCOTT DANIEL N. CROUSE FREDERICK W. GUITEAU WARREN C. ROWLEY THOMAS R. PROCTOR ALFRED C. COXE CHARLES W. DARLING DANA W. BIGELOW EDWARD NORTH WILLIS E. FORD DANIEL BALLOU CYRUS D. PRESCOTT CHARLES A. BUTLER THOMAS W. SPENCER WILLIAM H. WATSON W. PIERREPONT WHITE PASCAL C. J. DeANGELIS SYLVESTER DERING RICHARD W. SHERMAN CHARLES S. SYMONDS EGBERT BAGG ROBERT BURCH G. ALDER BLUMER. OFFICERS. 5 Executive Committee. W. PIERREPONT WHITE, WARREN C. ROWLEY, DANIEL N. GROUSE, WILLIS E. FORD, ROBERT BURCH. Finance. THOMAS R. PROCTOR, CHARLES B. ROGERS, BRINLEY S. DERING. A 2idit. WARREN C. ROWLEY, GEORGE S. DANA, JOHN J. TOWN. Library and Exchange. DANA W. BIGELOW, GEORGE GRIFFITH, E. PRENTISS BAILEY, HENRY W. ROWLEY, WALTER N. KERNAN. Donations and Collectiotis, NICHOLAS E. KERNAN, MISS CAROLINE GRIDLEY, GEORGE E. DENNISON. 6 OFFICERS. Property and Fixtures. FREDERICK H. GOUGE, WILLIAM L. DOWNING, NICHOLAS E. DEVEREUX, EGBERT BAGG, WILLIAM A.MATTESON. Addresses. DANA W. BIGELOW, WILLIAM W. BELLINGER, HERBERT J. PEASE. Publications of the Society. CHARLES W. DARLING, GEORGE E. DUNHAM, ROBERT MacKinnon. Natural History and Specimens. WILLIAM H. WATSON, THOMAS F. BAKER. JOHN L. EARLL, JULIUS T. A. DOOLITTLE, WATvSON T. DUNMORE. Biography^ Necrology and Natural History. DANIEL BALLOU, JOHN C. SCHREIBER, WILLIAM KERNAN. OFFICERS. 7 Statistics. RALPH W. BROKAW, GEORGE A. KERNAN, MISS ANNE D. PROCTOR. Me7nhership. PASCAL J. C. DeANGELIS, ARTHUR L. GOODRICH, WILLIAM S. DOOLITTLE, GEORGE M. WEAVER, HENRY W. MILLAR. Monuments. SAMUEL R. CAMPBELL, JOHN M. GROUSE, FREDERICK H. GOUGE, MRS. RACHEL M. W. PROCTER, JOHN F. HUGHES, MISS SARAH E. GILBERT. CHARLES A. MILLER. Early Utica Publications. GEORGE L. CURRAN, OTTO A. MEYER, MRS. MARY B. W. GRAY, D. CLINTON MURRAY, HAROLD L. PALMER. O OFFICERS. Hall. FREDERICK T. PROCTOR, W. STUART WALCOTT, FRANK E. WHEELER. Law. CHARLES C. IRISH, WILLIAM E. LEWIS, GEORGE S. KLOCK. Portraits. FREDERICK GILBERT, CHARLES S. SYMONDS, FRANCIS KERNAN, MRS. SOPHIA M. CROUSE. En terta in men ts. MRS. MARIA M. W. PROCTOR, MRS. EMMA M. SWAN, MRS. HARRIETTE C. DIMON, MRS. SARAH K. L. GREEN, MRS. MARY L. S. FORD, MRS. FRANCES W. ROBERTS, MRS. MAY C. CROUSE„ ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. We, the undersigned citizens of the United States, residing within the county of Oneida and State of New York, and being also citizens of the vState of New York, of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, do hereby associate ourselves and form a corporation, pursuant to the provisions of the statutes of the State of New York, and particularly under Chapter 267 of the Laws of 1875, as amended by Chapter 53 of the Laws of 1876. The name by which such corporation shall be known in law is "The Oneida Historicar Society at Utica. " Said corpora- tion is formed for historical and literary purposes, and the particular objects and business thereof shall be the discovery, collection, preservation and publication of the history, his- torical records and data of and relating to the territory or districts of country formerly occupied or claimed by the Oneida and Mohawk tribes or nations of Indians; the collec- tion and preservation of books, newspapers, pamphlets, maps, genealogies, portraits, paintings, relics, manuscripts, letters, journals, surveys, field-books and any and all other articles and materials which may establish or illustrate such history, or the growth and progress of population, wealth, education,, agriculture, arts, science, manufactures, trade and commerce in said territory or districts. The principal' office and place of business of said society shall be in the City of Utica, in the County of Oneida. The said corporation shall be managed by its President, three Vice-Presidents, a Recording Secretary, a Correspond- ing Secretary, a Treasurer, and five members of said society lO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. and who shall constitute its Board of Managers. The names of said Managers for the first year of the existence of said cor- poration are Horatio Seymour, President; Alexander Seward Charles W. Hutchinson, and Edward Huntington, Vice Presidents; S. N. Dexter North, Recording Secretary; Morven M. Jones, Corresponding Secretar}^; Robert S. Wil- liams, Treasurer; and William J. Bacon, John F. Seymour, Daniel Batchelor, Richard U. Sherm.an, and S. G. Vis- scher, said managers; and Roscoe Conkling, Pomroy Jones, Luther Guiteau, Philo White, Daniel B. Goodwin, Charle- magne Tower, John Stryker, Ward Hunt, Ellis H. Roberts, Dewitt C. Grove, Francis Kernan, John H. Edmonds, Michael Moore, Alexander S. Johnson, Edward North Othniel S. Williams, William D. Walcott, Daniel E. Wager,' John P. Gray, John G. Crocker, and Theodore S. Faxton, constitute a Board of Councillors of said Society — the fore- going being all the officers of said society for the first year. Horatio vSeymour, Deerfield, N. Y. ; C. W. Hutchinson, Utica, N. Y. ; Alexander Seward, Utica, N. Y. ; Robert S. Williams, Utica, N. Y. ; Pomroy Jones, Lairdsville ; Ellis H, Roberts, Utica, N. Y. ; M. M. Bagg, Utica, N. Y. ; John F. Seymour, Utica, N. Y. ; E. D. Buckingham, Utica, N. Y. ; S. N. D. North, Utica, N. Y. ; A. McMillan, Utica, N. Y. ; Harold Frederic, Utica, N. Y. ; M. M. Jones, Utica, N. Y. ; James Benton, Utica, N. Y. ; Francis Kernan, Utica, N. Y. ; Samuel G. Wolcott, Utica, N. Y ; J. E. West, Utica, N. Y. ; S. G. Visscher, Rome; R. U. Sherman, New Hart- ford; J. L. Earll, Utica; Edgar O. Wagner. Utica; Theo- dore S. Sayre, Utica; P. G. Webster, Fort Plain; W. H. Christian, Utica; George Graham, Oriskany; Matt. D. Bagg, Utica; W. J. Bacon, Utica; DeWitt C. Grove, Utica. articles of incorporation. ii State of New York, ) r SS ' Oneida County, City of Utica, ) On the 1 8th day of September, 1878, personally appeared before me, Charles W. Hutchinson, Alexander Seward, Rob- ert S. Williams, and on the 30th day of September, 1878, personally appeared before me, Moses M. Bag-g-, John F. Seymour, E. D. Buckingham, Andrew McMillan, Harold Frederic, and on the 7th day of October, 1878, personally appeared before me, James Benton, Francis Kernan, Samuel G. Wolcott, Joseph E. West, S. G. Visscher, Richard U. Sherman, J. L. Earll, Edgar O. Wagner, Peter G. Webster, and on the i8th day of October, 1878, personally appeared before me, Horatio Seymour, Pomroy Jones, William H. Christian, George Graham, Matthew D. Bagg-, William J. Bacon and Dewitt C. Grove, all of whom are to me well known and whom I know to be the persons who executed the above written articles of association, and they sever- ally acknowledged that they had subscribed their names to said articles of association. M. M. JONES, Justice of the Peace, Utica. Oneida County, \ City of Utica, f On the 26th day of October, 1878, before me personally came Ellis H. Roberts, S. N. D. North and Morven M. Jones, who are to me well known, and whom I know to be three of the persons who executed the above written articles of association, and they severally acknowledg-ed that they had subscribed their names to said articles of association. GEORGE L. ROBERTS, Notary Public, Oneida County, N. Y 12 articles of incorporation. State of New York. Oneida County, ss. I hereby consent to and approve of the foregoing certifi- cate, and of the objects therein expressed, and of the Society thereby formed. Utica, November 6, 1878, M. H, MERWIN, Justice Supre^ne Court. (Filed in the office of the Secretary of State November 16, 1878, and in the office of Oneida County Clerk November- 21, 1878.) CONSTITUTION, AS REVISED AND AMENDED JANUARY 8TH, I9OI. ARTICLE I. NAME. The name or title of this society is and shall be known in law as "The Oneida Historical Society at Utica." ARTICLE II. OBJECT. The object of the society shall be as stated in its certificate of incorporation. ARTICLE III. seal. The seal of this society shall be circular, shall contain the words "The Oneida Historical Society, Founded in 1876," and the following is an impression thereof: 14 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP. The members of this society shall be persons of full age,, citizens of the United States. There shall be life, resident, annual, corresponding and honorary members. Any citizen of the United States of full age may become a life or resident member upon payment of the fee herein- after prescribed. Any person residing outside of Oneida County may become a corresponding or honorary member. Clergymen, ministers of the gospel and teachers, where- soever they reside, and all other persons residing at a greater distance than five miles from the Munson-Williams Memorial may become annual members on the payment of the fee hereinafter prescribed. Annual, corresponding and honorary members shall possess all the privileges of the society, except the}^ shall have no voice or right to vote at the meetings of the society and shall have no right to participate in its management or control. Any person may be proposed for membership at any regular meeting of the society, whereupon the matter of his admission to membership shall be referred to the committee on membership. No further action shall be taken on the subject at that meeting, and he shall only be balloted for on a favorable report of the committee, except by unanimous consent. The membership of any person in this society and all his interest therein shall be determined by his death, his volun- tary withdrawal therefrom, his failure to pay dues, or his expulsion, as provided by the by-laws. CONSTITUTION. I5 ARTICLE V. FEES AND DUES. The admission fee for life membership is $50.00, to be paid by the person elected to such membership before he acquires any rights as a member. All fees received for life membership shall constitute part of the permanent fund of the society to be invested and kept invested, the income of which only shall be appropriated to the use of the society. The admission fee for resident membership is $5.00, and for annual membership $2.00, to be paid by the person elected before he acquires any rights as a member. The annual dues of resident members are $5.00, and of annual members $2.00, the admission fee to constitute the annual dues for the first year. The annual dues shall be payable on the second Tuesday of January in each year, in advance. In case any member shall not pay his dues when due, the treasurer shall send to him by mail a written or printed notice, addressed to him at his last known place of residence, requesting the payment of said dues within sixty days. In the event of the failure of such member to pay his dues within said time, his case shall be reported by the treasurer to the society, and, thereupon, the society may declare said membership forfeited and drop the name of such member from the roll of membership, or take such other action in the premises as it may deem wise. ARTICLE VI. OFFICERS. The officers of this society shall be a president, three vice- presidents, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary, a librarian and a treasurer, and five other members of the society, all of whom shall be elected annually at the annual 'l6 CONSTITUTION. meeting of the society, by ballot, the persons so elected, except the librarian, to constitute the managers and the board of managers of said society and to hold their offices, respectively, for one year and until their successors shall be •elected. The five other persons above mentioned shall be selected from the board of councillors, hereinafter mentioned, and shall constitute the executive committee. No person shall hold the office of president or vice- president for more than two consecutive full terms. In case of a vacancy in any of the above mentioned offices, the board of managers may elect any eligible person for the unexpired term. ARTICLE VII. BOARD OF COUNCILORS. There shall be a board of twenty-six councilors to be composed of life or resident members, who shall hold their ■offices for life, or so long as they shall continue to be life or resident members. All vacancies in the board of councilors shall be filled at the next succeeding annual meeting of the society by a majority of ballots, but only such persons shall be elected to fill such vacancies as shall be nominated by the executive committee, and shall be residents of Oneida ■County. ARTICLE VIII. QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS AND OFFICERS. None but life and resident members shall be eligible to office or qualified to vote. ARTICLE IX. MEETINGS. The annual meeting shall be held on the second Tuesday of January in each year at the Munson-Williams Memorial. CONSTITUTION. 17 Regular and special meetings shall be held as provided in the by-laws. Meetings of the board of managers shall be held as pro- vided in the by-laws. ARTICLE X. QUORUMS, Seven members in attendance at any regularly called meeting of the society shall constitute a quorum. A majority of the board of managers shall constitute a quorum. Three members of the executive committee shall con- stitute a quorum. ARTICLE XI. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Managers. The board of managers shall have the control and manage- ment of the affairs and funds of the society. Said board of managers shall present at the annual meet- ing of the society a report, verified by the president and treasurer, or by a majority of the managers, showing the whole amount of real and personal property, owned by it, where located, and where and how invested, the amount and nature of the property acquired during the year immediate- ly preceding the date of the report, and the manner of the acquisition; the amount applied, appropriated, or expended during the year immediately preceding such date, and the purposes, objects or persons to, or for which such applica- tions, appropriations or expenditures have been made ; and the names and places of residence of the persons who have been admitted to membership in the corporation during said year; which report shall be filed with the records of the so- l8 CONSTITUTION. ciety, and an abstract thereof entered in the minutes of the proceedings of such annual meeting-. President and 'Vice-Presidents. The president shall preside at all meetings of the society, regulate its proceedings, and have a casting vote. He shall be chairman of the board of managers. Any one of the vice- presidents may discharge the duties of the president in his absence. Re cor din <^ Secretary. The recording secretary shall have the custody of the con- stitution, by-laws and records of the society. He shall give due notice of all regular and special meetings, and keep a record of the proceedings of the same. He shall be secre- tary of the board of managers, and keep a record of its pro- ceedings. Corresponding Secretary. The corresponding secretary shall have the custody of all letters and communications on the business of the society, and shall submit to the society all communications received by him as such secretary. He shall, under the direction of the society, prepare all communications to be addressed to others in the name of the society, and keep true copies of such as may be important. Librarian. The librai'ian, under the direction of the board of mana- gers, shall have the custody of the library and cabinet, in- cluding all manuscripts, documents, coins, relics, pictures and maps, and shall prepare and continue a catalogue of the same. He shall arrange the collections of the society in a manner suitable for convenient reference and inspection. He shall keep a record of all donations to the societ}^, and CONSTITUTION. 19 make a report of the same at each regular meeting-, and shall prepare and read at each annual meeting a statement of the growth and condition of the library and collections of the society. He shall acknowledge every gift that may be made to the library or cabinet by a certificate addressed to the donor. He shall have the right to employ an assistant, with the consent and approval of the executive committee, at a salary fixed by the board of managers. Treas7irer. The treasurer shall receive and keep all securities and moneys due and payable or belonging to the society. He shall keep the funds of the society on deposit to his credit as such treasurer, in some institution to be approved by the board of managers. He shall keep a true account of his re- ceipts and disbursements, and render a statement thereof at the annual meeting of the society, or whenever called upon to do so by the society or the board of managers. He may also be required to give such bonds as the board of managers may direct. ARTICLE XII. DEBTS AND AUDIT. No debt shall be incurred in the name of the society, for any purpose whatever, beyond the amount of its unappropri- ated funds in the hands of the treasurer at the time any ex- penditure may be authorized. Nor shall any officer incur any obligations in the name of the society without authority previously conferred by the board of managers. No bill shall be paid by the treasurer unless audited by the com- mittee on audit. * 20 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE XIII. USE OF MUNSON-WILLIAMS MEMORIAL. The building belonging to and occupied by the society known as the "Munson-Williams Memorial" shall be used for the purposes of the society only, except the hall may be used by such patriotic associations as shall have the consent of the board of managers. ARTICLE XIV. AMENDMENTS. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the society, provided notice of any proposed amendment is given at the previous regular meeting. BY-LAWS. I. MEETINGS. The annual meeting- of the society shall be held on the second Tuesday of January at 4 o'clock P. M. Regular meetings of the society shall be held monthly on the second Tuesday of each month at 8 o'clock P. M. Special Meetings ma}^ be called by the president, or any vice-president. Meetings of the. board of managers shall be held on the call of the president or any vice-president. The recording secretary shall give notice through the press, or otherwise, of both stated and special meetings. II. COMMITTEES, THEIR APPOINT^MENTS AND DUTIES. At or before the next regular meeting after the annual election of officers, the president shall appoint from the life or resident members of the society the standing committees, to consist of three or more members, as designated in the following: 1. On Finance. 2. On Audit. 3. On Library and Exchanges. 4. On Donations and Collections. 5. On Property and Fixtures, 2 2 BY-LAWS. 6. On Addresses. 7. On Publications of the Society. 8. On Natural History and Specimens. 9. On Biography, Necrology and Historical Material. 10. On Statistics. 11. On Membership. 12. On Monuments. 13. On Early Publications of Utica. 14. On Plall. 15. On Law. 16. On Entertainments. 17. On Portraits. 18. (The Executive Committee is elected as provided in the Constitution). The president shall also appoint a committee of seven women, to be known as the committee on entertainments. The executive committee shall perform the usual duties of such a committee and shall act for the society in an emer- gency when a meeting of the board of managers cannot be secured. The president shall be ex-officio chairman of the com- mittee on finance. It shall be the duty of such committee to supervise the books, accounts and reports of the treasurer, and the financial receipts and expenditures of the society; it hall also be its duty to consider and recommend all suitables measures to increase the revenues of the society, and pro- miote economy in its expenditures. It shall also recommend to the societ}^ a proper investment of its funds. The auditing committee shall audit all bills for a greater sum than $5.00 and approve all bills for any amount. The committee on library and exchanges of which the librarian shall be chairman, shall have the general charge and supervision of the library, and of all propositions in regard DV-LAWS. 23 to its use, increase and management; or in regard to the pro- curement, exchange, or other disposition of books, periodi- cals and pamphlets, or their binding and preservation. It shall supervise the cataloguing of the collections of the society, and shall take such steps, from time to time, as may be necessary to secure a proper accountability for said col- lections and library. The committee on donations and collections shall have supervision of the discovery, solicitation and transportation of donations for the collections of the society; it shall make such recommendations to the society in regard to the procur- ing of historical materials, by purchase or otherwise, as shall seem to it desirable. The committee on property and fixtures shall have the charge and supervision of the real estate of the society and its property, otherwise than its catalogued collections; shall keep the same in repair, and shall recommend ■''uch additions, from time to time, as the growth of the socie:y shall render necessary. The committee on addresses shall arrange for the delivery of papers and addresses on historical topics and investigation connected with the objects of the society, to be read at the regular meetings and shall recommend an orator to address the society at its annual meetings. The committee on publications shall have the charge and supervision of all the publications of the society, in order that the same may be properly and correctly printed whenever directed by the society. It shall also recommend for publi- cation by the society, such material as it may deem desirable. The committee on natural history and specimens shall have the supervision of these departments of the society's ■collections, and shall make such recommendations to the society regarding these departments, as the needs of the cabinet may require. 24 BY-LAWS. The committee on Biography, Necrology and Historical Material shall have charge of the procuring of details and data respecting the history of Central New York, and the in- dividuals prominent in that history ; and it shall be the duty of its members to prepare and arrange these data in a man- ner suitable for preservation and reference. The committee on statistics shall have the charge and supervision of the collection and arrangement of statistics of the manufactures, trade, commerce, agriculture and busi- ness of Utica and Central New York, and place them in proper shape for preservatiou and reference. The co.nmittee on membership shall inquire into the qualifications of candidates proposed for members and promptly report thereon to the society; and it shall be its duty to labor to increase the membership, by inducing all proper persons to become members. The committee on monuments shall visit and inspect the several public monuments in the territory contained within the original county of Tryon ; shall take an interest in having said monuments properly cared for; shall have charge for the society of the matter of the placing of historical monu- ments in the said territory; and shall report its proceedings from time to time to the society. The committee on early Utica Publications shall have gen- eral supervision over the matter of the early Utica publica- tions. The committee on hall shall have general supervision of the hall of the Munson- Williams Memorial, and shall see that the same is properly used and properly cared for. The committee on law shall discharge such duties of a legal nature as shall be required of it by the society. The committee on entertainments shall perform the usual duties of such committee. IJY-LAWS. 25 III. WITHDRAWAL OF MEMBERS, ETC. Any member maj'' voluntary withdraw from this society by filing with the corresponding- secretary a written resignation, and upon payment of any dues owing by him. Any member of this societ}'' may be expelled by the affirm- ative vote of two-thirds of all the members present at a reg- ular meeting. No action shall be taken by this society for the expulsion of any one of its inembers unless written charg- es are preferred against him, and such member shall not be expelled without notice, and an opportunity to be heard. IV. ORDER OF BUSINESS. At the regular ineetings of the society, the following shall be the order of business : 1. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. 2. Acknowledgement of donations to the society. 3. Reports and communications from the officers of the society. 4. Reports from the standing committees. 5. Reports from special committees. 6. Election of members. 7. Miscellaneous business. 8. Reading of papers and delivery of addresses. V. AMENDMENTS, ETC. Any of these by-laws may be suspended in case of a tem- porar}^ emergency, by the unanimous vote of a ineeting, duly organized. They may be amended froin time to time, 26 BY-LAWS. by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meet- ing-, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given at the previous regular meeting. RULES. 1. No book, map, chart, manuscript, or any other article belonging to the library, or cabinet of the society and no moveable furniture or property of the society shall be taken from the Munson- Williams Memorial. 2. All books, maps, charts, manuscripts and other articles belonging to the society shall be plainly marked with the name of the society and with the names of the donors. They shall be numbered and entered correspondingly in the cata- logue. 3. All books or other articles placed on deposit with the society shall be carefully labelled and preserved, and shall not be removed from the places where the same are kept without the written consent of the owners. 4. The printed books in the library of the society shall be accessible to all members under the supervision of the librarian , and its manuscript collections, at the discretion of the librarian. 5. No ink shall be used by any one in the library or cab- inet, except the librarian or his assistant. 6. The Munson- Williams Memorial shall be open each day of the week, except Sunday from 1 1 A. M. to i P. M. and from 2 to 4 o'clock P. M. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY SINCE ITS FOUNDATION. Presidents. 1S76-1S86. .Horatio Seymour Deerfield, N. Y. 1887-1S90. .Ellis H. Roberts Utica, N, Y. 1891-1896, .Charles W. Hutchinson Utica, N. Y. 1897 . .George D. Dimon Utica, N. Y. 1898-1S90. .Thomas R. Proctor Utica, N. Y. igoo-1901 . . Alfred C. Coxe Utica, N. Y. 1876-1S77. 1878-18S3. 1884-1SS6. 18S7-18S9. 1S90 1891-1893. 1S94-1S95. 1896 1897 1S98-1899. 1900 1901 1st Vice Presidents. . Alexander Seward Ut , Charles W. Hutchinson Ut . Ellis H. Roberts Ut , Isaac S. Hartley Ut , Charles W. Hutchinson Ut . Henry Hurlburt Ut . William M. White Ut . George D. Dimon Ut .Thomas R. Proctor Ut: . Alfred C. Coxe Ut . Frederick T. Proctor Ut . Edward Comstock Rome, ca, N. Y. ica. N. Y. ica, N. Y. ica. N. Y. ica, N. Y ica, N. Y. ica, N. Y ica, N. Y ica. N. Y ica, N. Y ica, N. Y me, N. Y 2nd Vice Presidents. 1S76-1877. .Charles W. Hutchin.sox Utica, N. Y. 187S-1881 . . Alexander Seward, Utica, N. Y. 1882-1883. . William J. Bacon, Utica, N. Y. i884-iS86..Is.\AC S. Hartley, Utica, N. Y. 1887-18S9. .Daniel E, Wager, Rome, N. Y. iSqo . . Henry Hurlburt, Utica, N. Y. 28 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. 1891-1S95. .George D Dimon, Utica, N. Y.. 1896 . .Thomas R. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. 1897-1900. .Cyrus D. Prescott, Rome, N. Y. 1901 . . George M. Weaver, Utica, N. Y. ^rd Vice Presidents. 1S76-1881 . . Edward Huntington, Rome, N. Y. 1882-1886. .Daniel E. Wager, Rome, N. Y. 1887-1889. .John F. Seymour Utica, N. Y. 1890-1896. .Daniel E. Wager, Rome, N. Y. 1897 . . Alfred C. Coxe, Utica, N. Y. 189S-1S99. .N. Curtis White, Utica, N. Y. 1900 . .Warren C. Rowley, Utica, N. Y. 1901 . . Joseph V. Haberer, Utica. N. Y. Recording Secretaries. 1 876-1877. .Moses M. Bagg, Utica, N. Y. 1878-1S82. ,S. N. Dexter North, Utica, N. Y„ 1883-1888.. Moses M. Bagg, Utica, N. Y. 18B9-1892 . . Rees G. Williams Utica, N. Y. 1893-1897. .William Pierrepont White, Utica, N. Y. 1898-1901 . . Donald McIntyre, Utica, N. Y. Correspoyiding Secretaries. 1876-1SS3. .Morven M. Jones Utica. N. Y. 1 884-1901 . . Charles W. Darling, Utica, N. Y . Librarians. 1876-1886. .Morven M. Jones, Utica, N. Y. 1887-1888. .Frederick C. Ingalls, Utica, N. Y. 1889-1900. .Moses M. Bagg, Utica, N. Y. 1901 . . Dana W. Bigelow, Uiica, N. Y. Treasurers. 1876-1886. .Robert S. Williams, Utica, K. Y. 1887-189B . . Warren C. Rowley, Utica, N. Y. 1899-1901. .Sylvester Dering, Utica, N. Y. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY 29 Deceased Members of the Board of Councilors. Bacon, William J. Bagg, Moses M. Barrows Storks Batchelor, Daniel Campbell, Samuel ■conkling, roscoe Crocker, John G. Edmonds, John H. Faxton, Theodore S. Foster, Gilbert A. Gray. Israel J . Gray, John P. Goodwin, Alexander T. Grove DeWitt C. Guiteau, Luther Hartley, Isaac S. Hunt, Ward Hutchinson, Charles W. Johnson, Alexander S. Tones, Morven M. Jones, Pomroy Kernan, Francis Kinney, Thomas E. Miller, Rutger B. Moore, Michael Osborne, Amos O. Seward, Alexander Seymour, John F. Sherman, Richard U. Stryker, John Tower, Charlemagne Visscher, Simon G. Walcott, William D. White, N. Curtis White, Philo White, William M. Williams, Othniel S. Williams, Rees G. Williams, Robert S. LIFE MEMBERS. A Qzialified. Feb. 21, 1900. . Agne, Jacob ,Utica, N. Y.- Nov. 6, 1889.. Armour, Herbert O - New York City Oct. 26, 18S9. .Armour, Philip D Chicago, 111. B Feb. I, iS8g. .Bachman, Robebt L Knoxville, Tenn., April 3, 1900. .Bailey, E. Prentiss Utica, N. Y. Dec. 8, 1896. .Baker, Thomas F Utica, N. Y. Dec. 23, 1896. .Baker, William T Utica, N. Y. Nov. 13, 1899. .Ballou, Daniel Utica, N. Y. Jan. 20, 1900. .Bellinger, William W Utica, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1900. .Bigelow, Dana W Utica, N. Y. Mar. 19, 1900. .Boyle, John W Whitesboro, N. Y.. Jan. 17, 1900. .Bradford, George L Utica, N. Y. Nov. 25, 1896. .Brainard, Charles Green Waterville, N. Y. Feb. 15, 1900. .Brandegee, John E Utica, N. Y. Jan. 16, 1900. .Brayton, M. Jesse Utica, N. Y.. June 29, igoo. .Breen, Jeremiah C .Utica, N. Y. April g, 1900. .Brower, Abram G Utica, N. Y. Majj- 2, igoo. . Brokaw, Ralph W Utica, N. Y. Jan. 16, 1900 . .Burch, Robert Utica, N. Y. Jan. 18, igoo. .Butler, Charles A Utica, N. Y. Feb. 16, 1900. . Butterfield, Daniel New York City c Feb. 12, 1901 . .Cassidy, Frederick A Utica, N. Y. May 3, 1900 . . Childs, Charles H Utica, N. Y. Mar. 27, 1900. .Churchill, G. Clarence Utica, N. Y. Mar. 20, 1900. .Clark, George A Utica, N. Y.. Nov. 12, 1900. .Coggeshall, Henry J Waterville, N. Y. Jan. 12, 1901 . .Comstock, Edward Rome, N. Y. Nov. II, 1896. .CosTELLO, Patrick C New York City. Jan. 13, 1900. .Coxe, Alfred C Utica, N. Y. LIFE MEMBERS. 3 1 Jan. 10, igoo. .Crittenden, Cornelia Goldtiiwaite Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Seth B. Crittenden.) Feb. 22, igoo . . Crouse, Charles B Utica, N. Y. Jan. 15, 1887. .Crouse, Daniel Nellis Utica, N. Y. April g, igoo. .Crouse, May Conklin Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. John M. Crouse.) Jan. 2g, igoo. .Crouse, Sophia Maynard Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Daniel Nellis Grouse.) April 4, igoo. .Curran, George L Utica, N. Y. D Nov. 24, 1887. .Dana, William B New York City Nov. 24, 1884. .Darling, Charles AV Utica, N. Y. Feb. 3, igoo. .DeAngelis, Pascal C. J Utica, N. Y. Jan. 23, igoo. .DeLong, Frances E Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. James B. DeLong.) Dec. 4, igoo. . Dering, Brinley Sylvester Utica, N. Y. Nov. 14, i8g9. .Dering, Sylvester Utica, N. Y. Nov. 20, i8g7. .Devereux. Nicholas E Utica, N. Y. Nov. 16, 1899. .DiMON, Abigail Cami- Utica, N. Y. Mar. ig, igoo. .Dimon, James Watson Williams Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, i8g7. .Dimon, Theodore Utica, N. Y. June 26, 1900. ,DoAN, John K . . . . Utica, N. Y. Apr. 14, igoo. .Doolittle, Julia Tyler Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Charles H. Doolittle.) Jan. 31, igoo. .Doolittle, William S Utica, N. Y. Jan. 22, igoo. .Downing, William L Utica, N. Y. E June 25, 1900. . Earll, John L Utica, N. Y. Nov. 25, i8g6. .Ellinwood, Grace Munsg.n Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Francis F. Ellinwood.) May 31, 1S87. .Everts, Daniel T .New York City F Sept. 20, igoo. Fairchild, Helen L Cazenovia, N. Y. (Mrs. Charles S. Fairchild. > Feb. g, 1900. .Fitchard, William H Utica, N. Y. April 3, igoo. .Ford, Willis E Utica, N. Y. 32 LIFE MEMBERS. May 7, igoo. .Foster, David S Utica, N. Y. Jan. 1 7, igoo . . Fraser, Robert Utica, N. Y. G Nov. 25, i8g6. . GoLDTHWAiTE, Cornelia Catlin Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Henry Goldthwaite.) Mar. 24, igoo, . Gouge, Frederick H Utica, N. Y. Jan. 16, igoo. .Gilbert, Sarah E Utica, N. Y. April 16, igoo. .Green, Sarah Kittelhuyn Swartout Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. \V. Jerome Green.) Nov. 25, i8g6. .Green, Walter Jerome Utica, N. Y. Dec. 2g, i8g4. .Guiteau, Frederick W Tarrytown, N. Y. H Nov. 13, iSgg. .Haberer, Joseph V _. Utica, N. Y. April 3, igoo . . Hall, Benjamin Utica, N. Y. April 7, igoo. .Hart, H. Gilbert Utica, N. Y. Mar. 30, igoo . . Hoxie, John C Utica, N. Y, Feb. 7, igoo. . Hoyt, John C Utica, N. Y. Sept. 18, i8g5. .Hubbard, Robert J Cazenovia, N. Y. June 13, igoo. .Hughes, John F Utica, N. Y. April 3, igoo. . Hunter, A. Sharp Utica, N. Y. J Aug. 4, i8go. .Jenkins, Thomas C Pittsburgh, Pa. July 27, igoo. .Johnson, Herman I Utica, N. Y. May 22, igoo. .Jones, David Utica, N. Y. K Jan. 17, igoo. . Kellogg, Charles C Utica, N. Y. May 3, igoo. .Kendrick, Frank M Utica, N. Y. Mar. 21, igoo. .Kernan, Francis Utica, N. Y. Mar. 26, igoo. .Kernan, Nicholas E Utica, N. Y. April 3, igoo. . Kernan, Walter N Utica, N. Y. Jan. 12, igoo. .Kingsley, William L Rome, N. Y. LIFE MEMBERS. ;^;^ L Mar. 27, 1900. .Lawrence, Lewis H Utica, N. Y. April 16, 1900. . Lewis, William E Utica, N. Y. May 10, 1900. . Love, Henry M Utica, N. Y. April 14, 1900 . . LowERY, Marklove Utica, N. Y. Mar. 27. igoo. Jan. 29. 1900 Jan. 17, 1900 Mar. 24, 1900 Feb. 13, 1900. June 30, 1900 Oct. 20, 1896 Nov. 24, 1884 July II. 1900 Jan. 19. 1900 June 29. 1900 Feb. 16, 1900 Jan. IS, 1900 Apri ^ 9, 1900 Mar. 27, 1900 April 25, 1900 M . MacKinnon, Robert Ut . Mahar, John L Ut: . Marklove, Clifford Ut . Martin, Henry Ut: . Matteson, William A Ut . Maynard, Isaac N Ut .Maynard, John Frederick Ut . McIntyre, Donald Ut . McLouGHLiN, John E Ut . Meyer, Otto A Ut . Middleton, Walter D Ut . Millar, Henry W Ut . Millard, William J Ut: . Miller, Charles Addison Ut: . Munson, Alfred H Ut . Murray, D. Clinton Ut ca, N. Y. ica. N. Y. ica, N. Y. ica. N. Y, ica. N. Y. ica, N. Y. ica. N. Y. ica, N. Y. ica, N. Y. ica. N. Y. ica. N. Y. ica. N. Y. ica, N. Y. ica, N. Y. ica N. Y. ica, N Y. N Mar. ig, igoo. .Ney, Proctor Huxford Utica, N. Y. o Jan. 24, 1896. .OsBURN, Ada Morse Waterville, N. Y. (Mrs. Amos O. Osburn.) Mar. 27, 1900. .Owen, Philip L^tica, N. Y. Feb. 6, 1900. .Palmer, Harold L Utica, N. Y. Mar. 30, igoo. .Pinkney, Edward A Utica, N. Y. April 10, 1900. .Pixley, Henry D Utica, N. Y. July 30, igoo. .Proctor, Anne Dalusia Utica, N. Y. 34 LIFE MEMBERS. Nov. 25, 1896. . Proctor, Frederick Towne Utica, N. Y, July 30, 1900. .Proctor, Lomy Redfield Utica, N. Y.. Nov. 10, 1S97. .Proctor, Thomas Redfield Utica, N. Y. R April 3, 1900. .Roberts, John A Utica, N, Y, April 3, 1900. . Rogers, Charles B Utica, N. Y. Nov. II, i8g6. .Root, Elihu New York City. April 12, 1900. . Rowley, Henry Waite Utica, N. Y. s Jan. 27, 1900. .Sanger, Mary Ethel Cleveland Dodge, Sangerfield,N. Y. (Mrs. William Gary Sanger.) Jan. 6, 1890. .Sanger, William Gary Sangerfield, N. Y. Nov. 13, 1899. .Sayre, Theodore S Utica, N. Y. Jan. 16, 1900. .Schantz, Louisa Graham Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Samuel Schantz.) Mar. 27, 1900. .Sheehan, John H Utica, N. Y. June 29, 1900. .Sheldon, Morris W Utica, N. Y. Mar. 20, 1900. .Sherman, Richard W Utica, N. Y. Feb. I, 1B89. .Shurtliff, George K Denver, Col. Feb. 4, 1897 . SoPER, Arthur W New York Cit5\ Jan. 16, 1900. .Spencer, Thomas W Utica, N. Y. Mar, 27, 1900. .Stewart, Victor B Utica, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1900. .Symonds, Charles S Utica, N. Y. T Mar. 30, 1900. .Terry, Israel N Utica, N. Y. May 15, 1900. .Thomas, Thomas R Utica, N. Y, W Jan. 17, 1900. .Walcott, W. Stuart New York Mills, N. Y Mar. 27, 1900. .Watson, William H Utica, N. Y. Mar. 27, 1900. .Watson, William Livingstone Utica, N. Y. May 22, 1900. . Weaver, Frederick G Deerfield, N. Y, May 9, 1900. .Wells, Edward L Utica, N. Y. LIFE MEMBERS. 35 Jan. 24, 1900. . Wetmore, Edmund New York City. Jan. 30, 1900. .Wheeler, Fr.a.nk E Utica, N. Y. Mar. 24, 1900. .Wheeler, Thomas Utica, N. Y. Jan. 13, 1900. . White, Charles Carroll Utica, N. Y. JaN, 13, igoo. . White, Delancey Pierrepont Utica, N. Y. Dec. iS, 1896. .White, John Dolbeare Utica, N. Y. Mar, 31, 1897. .White, William Pierrepont Utica, N. Y. Nov. 16, 1899. .Williams, Abby D Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Robert S. Williams.) Nov. 25, 1896. .Williams, Cornelia D'Auby .Utica, N. Y. Feb. 14, igoo. .Williams, Irvine A Utica, N. Y. Nov. 25. i8q6. .Williams, John Camp Utica, N. Y. June 13, igoo. .Williams, John B Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1S96. .Wiley, George H Utica, N. Y. Total, 146. RESIDENT MEMBERS. A Elected. Feb. 9, 1897. .Allen, Benjamin Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .Allen, W. Frederick Utica, N. Y. Feb. 9, 1897. .Avery, David A Utica, N. Y. B Jan. 8, 1901 . . Bacot, Richard W Utica, N. Y. Jan . 8, 1901 . . Bacot, William S Utica, N. Y. Feb. 25, 1879. Bagg, Egbert Utica, N. Y. Apr. 25. 1887. .Barrows, Samuel J Utica, N. Y. May 3, 1889. .Beckwith, Henry Utica, N. Y. Jan. 28, 1879. .BiGELow, Horace P Waterville, N. Y. May 16, 1889. . Blumer, G. Alder Providence, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .BoswoRTH, Frank A , . . .Utica, N. Y. Apr. 22, 1889. .Brown, John G Utica, N. Y. July 14, 1896. .Brown, Melville C. , Utica, N. Y, Feb. 9, 1896. .Brandegee, Martina L Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. John J. Brandegee.) Feb. 9, 1896. .BuELL, Harriett E Utica, N. Y. c Sept. 10, 1892. .Campbell, Samuel E New York Mills, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .Ch.'Vmberlain, Theresa W Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Ephriam Chamberlain.) Mar. 14, 1899 . . Clark, Walton Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 14, 1S96. .Cookinham, Henry J Utica, N. Y. May 8, 1883 . . Cooper, Henry H Utica, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1900. .Coventry, George Utica, N. Y. Apr. 14, 1896. Cross, Theodore L Utica, N. Y. Jan. 9, 1900. .Crouse, Beecher M Utica, N. Y. Feb. 9, 1900. .Crouse, John M Utica, N. Y. Apr. 22, 1S89. .Crumb, Everett Utica, N. Y. RESIDENT MEMBERS. 37 Nov. 10, 1S96. .CuRKAN, Lucy H. D Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Edward Curran.) Nov. 10, 1S96. .Curran, Sherwood S Utica, N. Y. D Feb. 13, 1900. .Dana George S Utica, N. Y. Jan. 8, 1895. .Davies, John C ...... .Camden. N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896 . . Day, J. Francis Utica, N. Y, Nov. 10, i8g6. .Deforest, George .Utica, N. Y. Apr. 12, 1892 . .Dennison, George E Whitesboro, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. . Dimon, Harkiettk Camp Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. George D. Dimon.) Mar. 12, 1900. .DooLiTTLE, Julius T. A Utica, N. Y. July 14, 1S96. .Dunham, George E Utica, N. Y, May 27, 1889. .Dunmore, Watson T Utica, N. Y. E Dec. II, 1900. .Edmunds, James Utica, N. Y. F Oct. 23, 187S . . Fincke, Frederick G Utica, N. Y, May 30, 1887. . Fish, Winslow P Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1S96. .Ford, Mary Ledyard Seymour Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Willis E. Ford.) Mar. 13, 1S94. .Fuller, Earl D .Utica, N. Y. G May 16, 18S9 . . Gibson John G Utica, N. Y Oct. 15, 1878. .Gilbert, Benj.amin D Clayville, N. Y Oct. 12, 1900. . Gilbert, Frederick Utica, N. Y Feb. 9, 1897. .Glenn, Hugh Utica, N. Y Feb. 9, 1897. .Goodrich, Arthur L Utica, N. Y Feb. 9, 1897. .Goodrich, Susan Utica, N, Y Nov. 10, 1896. .Goodwin, S.vmuel W Waterville, N. Y Feb. 9, 1897. .Gr.ay, Mary Buckminster Wetmore Utica, N. Y (Mrs. John P. Gray.) 38 RESIDENT MEMBERS. Feb. 9, 1S97. .Gridley, Caroline Utica, N. Y. Jan. 8, 1S9; . .Griffith, George Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1S96. . Griffiths, Thomas J Utica, N. Y. H May 27, 18S9. .Heath, William R New York City- Mar. 23, 1SS7. .HiEBER, John C Utica, N. Y. Mar. 8, 1S98 . . Humphrey, Correl Utica, N. Y. Nov. 12, 1S7S . . Hunt, James G Utica, N. Y. May 31, 1897. .Hurd, DeWitt C Utica, N. Y. Feb. II, 1S79. .Hurlburt, Frazier W Utica, N. Y. I Mar. 12, 1S99. .Ibbotson, Edward D Utica, N. Y. May 14, 1895. .Irish, Charles G. Utica, N. Y. J Dec. 12, 1899 . . Jones, Frank L Utica, N. Y. Dec. II, 1900. . Jones, George W ... .Utica, N. Y. Mar. 12, 1900. .Jones, Thomas S Utica, N. Y. K Nov. 10, 1S96 . . Kathern, Helen M Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Charles Kathern.) Jan. 14, 1896 .Kellogg, Frederick S Utica, N. Y, Mar. 12, 1900. . Kernan, George A Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .Kernan, Leslie Warnick Utica, N. Y. Feb. 12, 1901 . . Kernan, Thomas P Utica, N. Y. June 15, 1878. .Kernan, William Utica, N. Y. April 9, 1900. .Klock, George S Utica, N. Y. L Jan. 9, 1S94. . Lewis, David B Utica, N. Y. May 27, 1889 . .Locke, Francis C Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1S96. .LowERY, Emily J Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. James L. Lowery.) RESIDENT iMEMBERS. ]M Feb. 9, 1897. .Maine, August Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, i8g6. .Maynard, Mary Adams Beardsley Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. John Frederick Maynard.) Feb. 8, 1S9S. .McQuade, Patrick J Utica, N. Y. Jan. 28, 1879. .McQuade, Thomas R Utica, N. Y. May 19, 1885. .Merwin, Milton H Utica, N. Y. Oct. 8, 1895. .Millspaugh, Edward J Utica, N. Y. Jan. 9, 1889. .MooNEY, Thomas N Utica, N. Y. Apr. 22, 1889. .MuNSON, Edward L Utica, N. Y. N Feb. 9, 1897. .Nelson, Edward B Rome, N. Y. Dec. 15, 1876 .North, Edward Clinton, N. Y. Jan. 12, 1895 . . NoYES, Wilbur T Utica, N. Y. o May 31, 1887. .Olmsted. Charles Tyler New York Citj-. Apr, 22, 1S89. . Owen, John Boonville, N. Y. P Apr. 25, 18S7. .Palmer. Henry C Utica, N. Y. Apr. 14, 1896. .Pease, Herbert J Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .Peck, Fayette H Utica, N. Y. Oct. 16, 1900. .Pitcher, Charlotte A Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Herbert D. Pitcher.) Dec. [7, 1878. .Prescott, Cyrus D Rome, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1888. . Putnam, Frederick W Waterville, N. Y. R Nov. 10, 1896. .Ralph, Cornelia Marion Barnes Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. George Frederick Ralph.) Nov. 10, 1896. . Roberts, Frances White Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Henry L. Roberts.) Feb. 9, 1897. .Roger. Mary Evans Amsterdam, N. Y. (Mrs. John Roger.) Nov. 10, 1896. .Rogers, Elizabeth Butler Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Publius V. Rogers.) 4© RESIDENT MEMBERS. May II, 1881 , .Rowley, Warren C Utica, N. Y, Apr, 9, 1895. .RuDD, Joseph Utica, N. Y. May 16, 1889. .Russell, Charles P Utica, N. Y.. s Mar. 13, 1894. .Schuyler, William J Utica, N. Y. May 16, 1889. .ScRANTON, William C Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .Seward, Anna Raymond Beardsley Utica, N. Y, (Mrs. Alexander Seward.) July 14, 1896. .Seward, Elliott H Utica, N. Y. Sept. 23, 1896. .Shreiber. John C Utica, N. Y. May 27, 1889. .Smith, William T Utica, N. Y. Dec. 10, 1895. .Stephens, W. Hudson Utica, N. Y, Jan. 8, 1878 . . Storrs, William M Utica, N. Y. Feb. 9, 1897. .Stradling, Edmund W Utica, N. Y. Feb. 12, 1901. .Stryker, John Rome, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .Swan, Emma Mann Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Joseph R. Swan.) Nov, 10, 1896. .Swan, Joseph R Utica, N. Y, T Mar. 12, 1900. .Talcott, Charles A Utica, N. Y, Nov. 8, 1892. .Terrett, William B Clinton, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .Terry, Marshall O Utica, N. Y. Mar. II, 1879. .Thorn, James E, B Utica, N. Y. May 8. 1900. .Town, John J Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .Trevvett, Edward Utica, N. Y, w Apr. 22, 1889. .Warnick, Leslie A Utica, N. Y. July I, 1897. . Watson, James T Clinton, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .Watson, Julia Millard Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. William H. Watson.) Nov. 10, 1896. .Watson, Lucy Carlile Utica. N. Y. Nov. 13, 1883. .Weaver, George M Utica, N. Y. May 27, 1889. .White, Hugh Utica, N. Y. Nov. 10, 1896. .Wilcox, Wallace B Utica, N. Y. RESIDENT MEMBERS. 4I Feb. 2S, I S87. .Williams, E. Stuart Rome, N. Y Nov. 9, 1897. .WiLLOUGHBY, Edward A Rome, N. Y Feb. 7, 1S76. .WoLCOTT, Emily J Utica, N. Y (Mrs. Samuel G. Wolcott.) June 12, 1900. .Wood, Frank T Utica, N. Y Apr. 22, 1889. .Wood, Henry J Utica, N. Y Feb. 13, 1900. .Wright, William C Utica, N. Y Total 127. ANNUAL MEMBERS. Jan. 9, igoi- -Corby, James D. ._ Utica, N. Y. Nov. 13, 1900-- Hitchcock, Walter A. Utica, N. Y, Jan. 9, 1901 , . Waufel, Lester A _ _ .Trenton, N. Y, CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. A Elected. Mar. 29, 1886. .Adams, Herbert B Baltimore, Md. Nov. 13, 1894. .Adams, William W Union Springs, N. Y. Nov. 30, 1885. .Adams, F. G Topeka, Kansas. Feb. 10, 1891 . .Andrews, W. J Chapel Hill, N. C. Jan. II, 1887. .Angel, Myron San Luis Obispo, Cal. B Feb. 25, 1879..BABCOCK, H. G Little Falls, N. Y. Feb. II, 1879. .Babcock, B. P Cayuga, 111. Oct. 14, 1879. . Bagg, Charles J Deer Lodge, Mont. Apr. 27, 1885 . . Barton, Edward P Freeport, 111. •Oct. 26, 1885. .Barton, Edmund Mills Worcester, Mass. Apr. 22, i8Sg. . Baxter, James Portland, Maine. Apr. 8, 1879. .Beach, Allen Watertown, N. Y. June 15, 187S. .Beebe, A. M Hamilton, N. Y. Jan. 3, 1SS2. .Beauchamp, W. M Baldwinsville, N.Y. Apr. 28, 1890. .Belden, B. L Jersey City, N. J. Dec. 8, 1880. .Bennet, Alfred Hannibal, Mo. June 15, 1878. .Beecher, H. H Norwich, N. Y. Apr. 27, 1890. .Benjamin, Walter R New York. Dec. 8, 1891 . .Bice, Hiram T New York. Jan. 13, 1880. .BiGELow, Horace R St. Paul, Minn. Apr. 26, 1886. .Bryant, Hubbard W Portland, Me. Sept. 29, 1884. .Bryant, William C Buffalo, N. Y. Jan. 13, 1885 . .Brock, R. A Richmond, Va. Nov. 10, 1891. .Brigham, Albert P Hamilton, N. Y. May 12, 1S91 . .Brown, S. Reed St. Johnsville, N. Y. Apr. 26, 1886. . Burton, Mont. I Tuscaloosa, Ala. Apr. 14, 1896. .Burton, John E Milwaukee, Wis. c May 14, 1895. .Cady, Henry C Schoharie, N. Y. June 15, 1878. .Camp, Walter B Sackets Harbor, N. Y. Jvine 15, 1878. .Campbell, Douglass New York CORRESPONDING MEMRERS. 43 Feb. II, 1S79. .Caton, John D Ottawa. 111. Jan. 3, 1SS2. .Ci.ARk, John S Auburn, N.Y. Feb. II, 1879. .Clinton, George W Buffalo, N. Y. Dec. 17, 18S8. .Constable, Cassimer Constableville, N. Y. Jan. 13, 18S5. .Cohen, Mendes Baltimore, Md, Jan. II, 1S87. .Colling, Thomas R Oswego, N. Y. Nov. 30, 1885. .Conover, George S Geneva, N. Y. Oct, 29, 1888. .Conkling, Alfred R New York Dec. 19, 18S7. .Cook, Frederick , Rochester, N. Y. Feb. 25, 1S99. .Cook, James H Canajoharie, N. Y. May 26, 1890. .Cooley, James E Westport, Conn. Feb. 9, 1892. .Cobb, Lyman Yonkers, N. Y. Jan. 26, 1B91 . . Courtenay, W. A Charleston, S. C. Apr. 28, 1890. .Collins, Daniel M Jersey City, N. J. Oct. 31, 1887. .Cunningham, Thomas W Mohawk, N. Y. Dec. 9, 1879. .Curtis, George W- Nora, 111. D Nov. II, 1 8 79. .Dakin, George W. B Cherry Valley, N. Y. June 15, 187S. .Danforth, Peter S Middleburgh, N. Y. Dec. 8, 1S91. .Danforth, Elliott New York. Oct II, 1882. .Davis, Henry McGregor, Iowa. Nov. 30, 1S85 . . Davis, M. W Iowa Cit3^ Iowa. Nov. 25, 18S9. .Davies, William A San Francisco, Cal. Mar. 10, 1891 . .Day, David F Buffalo, N. Y. Nov. 13, 1894. .Dennison, Ellery New York. Feb. II, 1879. .De Lancey, Edward New York. Feb. II, 1879. • De Peyster, J. Watts Tivoli, N. Y. June 15, 1878. .De Ferriere, Charles Wampsville, N. Y. Feb. 25, 1879. .De Graff, Alfred Fonda, N. Y. ^lay 3, 18S2. .Dunning, John B Deposit. N. Y. Mar. 30, 1885 . .DuREN, E. F Bangor, Me. Apr. 28, 1890. .DuNLOP, Thomas Toledo, Ohio June 15, 1S7S. .Dygert, James M Ilion, N. Y. E June 6, 1S77. .Earl, Robert Herkimer, N. Y. Oct. 26, 1885. .Eastman, Samuel C Concord, N. H. Apr. 5, 1882. .Edmunds, Walter D New York. Oct. 27, 1890. .Ellis, George E Boston, Mass. Maj' 2S, 1S88. Feb. i8, 189I. Feb. II, 1879. Jan. 13. 1880. Feb. II, 1879. Oct. 2S, 1886. 44 CORRESPONDING MEISIBERS. F , FiSKE, John Cambridge, Mass, . FisKE, Richmond Watertown, N. Y. .Fitch, Charles E Rochester, N. Y. . Flandrau, Charles E St. Paul, Minn. . Fox, Christopher G Buffalo, N. Y. . Frasier, W. H Ottawa, Canada, Feb. II, 1S79. .Frost, Thomas H Chicago, 111, Feb. II, 1879. . Frothingham, W. W Fonda, N. Y. Apr. 8, 1S79. .Frey, S. L Palentine Bridge, N. Y, G Jan. 12, 1S92. .Gatfield, George London, England. Sept. 8, 1 891 . .GooLD, Sir Henry V London, England. Dec. 8, 1 891 . .GoLDiE, Thomas Guelph, Canada. Nov. 30, 1 88 5. .Goldsmipt, Edmund Edinburgh, Scotland. Oct. II, 1892. .Green, Nelson B Fort Plain, N. Y. May 3, 1882. .Green, Horace G Fort Plain, N. Y, H Feb. II, 1S79. -Hall, James Albany, N. Y. Feb. II, 1S79. .Hardin, George A Herkimer, N. Y. Nov. 30, 1885 . .Hardin, William Savannah, Ga. Nov. 9, 1897. .Harwood, C. A Montreal, Can. Jan. 28, 1889. .Hanchett, Henry G New York. Feb. II, 1879. .Haven, E. O Syracuse, N. Y, Feb. 25, 1879. .Haven, S. D Woi-cester, Mass. Jan. 3, 1SS2 . . Hawley, Charles Auburn, N. Y. Feb. 25, 1879. .Heath, S. P Amsterdam, N, Y. Mar. 29, 1886 .Henderson, Wm. W Jamestown, N. Y. Apr. 27, 1S90. .Henion, Charles K Waterloo, N. Y. May 6, 1S79. .Holden, A. W ^ Glens Falls, N. Y. Nov. 12, 1895. .Holden, Stephen Sherburne. N. Y. Dec. 30, 1889. .Holt, Henry H Muskegon, Mich. May 15, 1 889. .Howarth, James W Glen Riddle, Penn. Feb. 22, 1886. .Howard, George E Lincoln, Neb. May 12, 1891 . . Howell, George R Albany, N. Y. June 30, 1 838 . . Hubbard, Belas Detroit, Mich. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. 45 Apr. 27, 1S90. .Ht^BKARD, A. S San Francisco, Cal. Feb. 12, 1901. .Houghton, Louise Seymour New York. J Dec. 29, 1887. .Jones, William Carey San Francisco, Cal. Dec. 30, 1S89. .Jones, Edward F Binghamton, N. Y. K May 31, 1886. .Kelly, J. D Louisville, Ky. Feb. II, 1879 . . Kendrick, A. C Rochester, N. Y. Apr. II, 1893 . . Kimball, C. H Parsons, Kansas. May 8, 1900. .Kingsbury, O. A New Hartford. N. Y. May 26, 1890. . Knapp, Lyman E Sitka, Alaska. Feb. 25, 1879. .Knox, Charles E Newark, N. J. L Oct. 29, 1888. .L.^CEY, R. B , Bridgeport, Conn. Nov. 13, 1S94. .Langdon, Andrew New York, April 8, 1S79. .Lathing, John J New York. Feb. II, 1879. .Lewis, John L Penn Yan, N. Y. Feb. 25, 1879. .Litchfield, Edwin C Brooklyn, N. Y. Feb. 25, 1879. . LiTTLEjOHN, A. N Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 8, 1891 . .Long, Oscar F San Francisco, Cal Feb. II, 1879. .LoTHROP, Samuel K Boston, Mass. Mar. 12, 1895. .Lowell, D. R Middletown, Conn. M Sept. 23, 1878. .Mack, Robert C Londonderry, N. H. Oct. 28, 1889. .Manchester, D. W Cleveland, Ohio April 22, 1889. .Mann, Edward C New York. Jan. 30, 1888. .Marsh, Luther R Middletown, N. Y. Jan. 12, 1892. .Mason, D Sj^racuse, N. Y. Feb. II, 1879. .McLntvre, Frazer Johnstown, N. Y. June 15, 1S78. .Milligan, M. G Little Falls, N. Y. Oct. 26, 1885 . . Mills, Edward Worcester, Mass. Feb. 25, 1879. .Miller, Anson S Patchin, Cal. Mar. 31, 1S84. .Miller, Warner Herkimer, N. Y. April 8, 1879. .Moore, Charles B New York. Feb. 25, 1879. .Morris, Edward D Cincinnati, Ohio. 46 CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Feb. II, 1S79. .Morgan, Lewis H Rochester, N. Y. June 15, 1878, .Moss, George Rochester, N. Y. Apr. 25, 1887. . Moses, Bernard Berkeley, Cal. Apr. 22, 1889. .MuNSELL, Frank Albany, N. Y. N Feb. 8, 189S . . Newton, Howard D Norwich, N. Y.. Oct. 22, 1886. .North, S. N. D Boston, Mass. P JaN. 13, 1S91 . .Parkhurst, Frank B ... .Frankfort, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1894. .Patrick, Wm. Kirk Syracuse, N. Y. Feb. 25, 1879. .Pierson, Jonathan ...... Schenectady, N. Y. Feb. II, 1879. .Potter, Eliphalet Schenectady, N. Y. June 15, 1878. .Potter, Platt Schenectady, N. Y. Jan. 13, 1885. .Poillon, William New York. Apr. 8, 1879. .Purple, Samuel L New York. R Sep. 23, 1878. .Richmond, A. G Canajoharie, N. Y. May 6, 1879. .Rogers, Horatio Providence, R. I. Feb. II, 1879. .Roosevelt, Robert B New York Majr 26, 1884, .Roosevelt, Charles H. . New Rochelle, N. Y. May 6, 1S79. .Roof, F. H Rhinebeck. N. Y. Oct. 26, 1885 . . Ropes, John C Boston, Mass. Oct. 29, 1888. .Rowley, H. Curtis Springfield, Mass.. Jan. 13, 1885 . . Rowlands, Wm. R Flatbush, N. Y. s Apr. 8, 1879. .Schoonmaker, Abram Kingston, N. Y. Dec. 8, 1891 . . Sheard, Titus Little Falls, N. Y. Apr. 14, 1891..SHREVE, B. F. H Mt. Holly, N. J. Jan. 13, 1891 . .Sims, Wm. Rice, Lafayette, Miss. Jan. 10, 1888. .SiLSBEE, William Trenton, N. Y. Apr. S, 1879 . . Smith, Green Peterboro, N. Y. May II, 1897. .Smith, Arthur Tappan Herkimer, N. Y. CORRESPONDING MEiMBERS. 47 Feb. 22, iS86. .Sfarks, Jesse W Murfreesboro, Tenn. Dec. 9, 1S79. .Spencer, Wm. A . . .St. Paul, Minn. Mar. II, 1879. -Snow, B. B Auburn, N. Y. Feb. II, 1879. .Staring, John H Fultonville, N. Y. June 15, 1876. .Stephens, John Austin New York. Apr. 8, 1879. -Stiles, Henry R New York. Feb. II, 1879. .Stone, William L Mt. Morris, N. Y. Oct. 12, 1892. .Strong, Augustus H Rochester, N. Y. T May 15, 1SS9. .Terry, Benjamin S Auburn, N. Y. June 3, 1879. .Throckmorton, B. W New York Dec. 9, 1879. .TiMMERMAN, W. S St. Paul, Mich. Jan. 10, 1888. .TiLLEY, R. H Newport, R. I. Apr. 22, 1889. .TisDALE, Wm. D. San Jose, Cal. Jan. 13, 1885. .Trowbridge, Thomas R New Haven, Conn. Jan. 13, 1891 . .Trenchard, Edward, New York. U Feb. II, 1879. .Upson, Anson J Glens Falls, N. Y. V Feb. 22, 1SS6. .Van Siclen, George W New York, May 31, 18S6. . Vermilye. A. G Englewood, N, J, Nov. 20, 1890. . Vosseller, Elias Flemington, N. J. Apr. 27, 1S90. . Vrooman, John W Herkimer, N. Y, w Oct 29, 1888 . . Waite, Henry R New York. June 15. 1898. .Walcott, Charles D Washington, D. C. Apr. 27, 1890. .Walker, Charles H Chittenango, N. Y. June 15, 187S. . Walrath, D. D Chittenango, N. Y. Feb. II, 187S. .Walrath, S. B Albany. N. Y. June 15, 1878. .Ward, Edward A Richfield Springs, N. Y. Nov. 24, 1890. .Waters, T. Frank Ipswich, Mass. Jan. 25, 1 886. .Watson, S. IM Portland, Maine. 4© CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Feb. 25, 1S79. .Webster, Horace E Schenectady, N. Y. Jan. 8, 1 8g3 , . Wells, S. R Waterloo, N. Y. Feb. 25, 1879. . Wemple, Edward Fultonville, N. Y. Feb. II, 1879. .White, Andrew D Berlin, Germany. Feb. 22, 1S80. .Williams, W. W Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1879. .Wilcox, E. W West Winfield, N. Y. Nov. 25, 1889. . Willers, Deidrich Varick, N. Y. May 28, 1888. .Wilson, James Grant New York. Jan. g, 1894. .Winslow, William C Boston, Mass. Jan. 12, i386, .Woodruff, George H Joliet, 111. Nov. 29, 1886. .Woolen, Wm. W Indianapolis, Ind. May 6, 1886. .Wright, Wm. W Geneva, N. Y. Dec. 8, 1891 . . WuRTELE, F. C Quebec, Canada. Y Jan. 10, 1893. .YouNGLOVE, James J Johnstown, N. Y. Feb. 25, 1879. .Yost, George Fort Plain, N. Y. Total 201. HONORARY MEMBERS. May 8, 1894. .Hunt, Ward Colorado vSprings, Col. Apr. II, 1899. .Miller, Blandina Dudley Utica, N. Y. Nov. 13, 1899. .Miller, George L Omaha, Neb. Feb. II, 1879..PARKMAN, Francis Boston, Mass. Mar. 8, 1887.. Pride, Herbert A . Holland Patent, N. Y. Dec. 8, 1896. .Proctor, Maria Watson Williams Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Thomas Redfield Proctor.) Dec. 8, 1S96.. Proctor, Rachel Munson Williams . . Utica, N. Y. (Mrs. Frederick Towne Proctor.) Nov. 14, 1 899. -Roosevelt, Theodore Oyster Bay, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1S87--SEVMOUR, Horatio .Marquette, Mich. Dec. S, 1896- .Upson, Anson J Glens Falls, N. Y. DECEASED MEMBERS. A ELECTED DIED Jan. 14, I S79.. Abbott, Henry G Jan. 17, 1896 Dec. 10, 1S78- -Armstrong, Jonas W Jan. 30, iqoi B Dec. IS, 1876-. Bacon, William J July 3 June 6, 1877. -Bagg, Matthew D Jan. 6 Dec. 15, 1876. .Bagg, Moses M,. May 2 June 6, 1877-.BALLOU, Theodore P April 30 Apr. 8, 1879.. Barber, Amaziah D June 2 June 6, 1877.. Barnard, Charles E May 4 May 26, I S84.. Barnes, Charles C Feb. 17 Nov. 26, 1878-.BARNETT, Milton D..- Aug. 3 May 26, 1884..BARNUM, George G Oct, i Dec. 15, 1876- -Barrows, Storrs Mar. 4, Feb. 25, 1879.-BARTLETT, Dwight H Jan. 11 Dec. 15, 1876--BATCHELOR, Daniei Dec. 14 Jan. 14, 1879- -Beach, Bloom field J.-. Mar. 21 Apr. 25, 1887-.BEARE, Henry C... - -Jan. 2 Dec. 12, 1878. -Bennett, Dolphus Sept. 7 June 6, 1877-. Benton, James Sept. ig Jan. 13, 1885., BiDWELL, Hudson -. Aug. 17 Oct. 29, 1878--B1SSELL, John G -.. Oct. 21 Apr. 27, 1890--BRADLEE, Caleb Davis Mar. i Dec. 12, 1878--BRAYTON, Edward S June 2 Mar. II, i87q--BRooKs, Erastus Nov. 25 June 15, 1 878 -.Brown, Samuel G .-. Nov. 4 Sept. 23, 187S- -Buckingham, Edward Doty Mays Dec. 17, 1878--BUELL, Abel B, - Mar. 20 Oct. 23, 1878.. Bulger, Patrick F Dec. 30 Apr. 25, 1887. -Butler, Morgan Aug, 3 June 6, 1877- -Butler, Truman K.- -- ..Nov.ii Jan, 14, 1879- -Butterfield, Theodore F Feb. 21 1889 1881 I goo 1887 1892 188S 1891 18S7 1S99 1877 1881 1893 1S94 I goo 1881 1895 1895 1900 1S97 1SS7 1S86 1885 iSgi 1880 i8g8 1892 1888 1891 50 DECEASED MEMBERS. c ELECTED DIED June 6, 1878. -Campbell, Samuel Sept. 22, 1885 Jnne 6, 1S77. .Campbell, William W .._ . Sept. 7, 1881 June 28, 1889-.CANTWELL, Edward April 11, i8qi Apr. 14, 1 891 - -Chamberlayne, John K _ Oct. 5, 1893 Feb. 5, i882_-Childs, Elias Jan. 19, 1895 Dec. 8, 1889..C111LD.S. J. Morris April 15, 1892 Apr. 12, 1S92.-CHILDS, Lucius C July 31, 1895 June 6, 1877.. Christian, William H ...May 8, 1897 Oct. 5, 1878. -Clark, Erastus ..Dec. 31, 1900 Dec. 15, 1876--C0NKLING,, RoscoE April 18, 1888 May 27, 1 889 --Constable, James Aug. 23, i8g8 Feb. II, 1879- -Constable, John. April 4, 1887 Dec. I, 1876- -Cook, Theodore Dwight... May 27, 1887 Oct. 13, 1887-. Corey, Daniel G Feb. 20, 1890 Dec. 15, 1877- -Crocker, John G .;-. July 8, 1888 June 6, 1S87.-CURRAN, Edward -June 4, 1894 D Feb. II, 1879- -Dana, James Dwight.-- -... April 14, 1895 May 27, 1889.. Dana, James W. .- -.. ...May 2, 1394 Sept. II, 1883- -Darling, Charles Chauncey Sept. 15, 1887 Nov. 13, 1883- -Darling, Henry April 20, 1891 Mar. II, 1879.-DAVIES, Peter..- - -. ..Oct. 7, 1893 June 15, 1878. -Dawson, Henry B --. — May 23, 1889 Sept. 23, 1878--DENNISON, Charles M ... Nov. 5, 1900 Dec. 15, 1876--DEVEREUX, John C _-Dec. 24, 1884 Nov. 23, i878-_Dimon, George D April 13, 1897 June 6, 1877- -Dix, John Adams April 21, 1879 Dec. 24, X878-. Donaldson, David Mar. 25, 1879 Feb. II, 1879-.D0RSHEIMER, William Mar. 26, 1888 Oct. 19, 1 88 1.. Douglas, Isaac H April 13, 1884 June 15, 1878- -Draper, Lyman Copeland -Aug. 27, 1891 Feb. 8, i882--DuBois, George - -.-Sept. 27, 1887 Apr. 25, 1 8S7.. Dunham, Moses E _ Dec. 17, 1898 Jan. 12, 1886. -Dwight. Benjamin Woodbridge ..Sept. 18, 1889 DECEASED MEMBERS. E ELECTED DIEU June 6, iS77._Earl, Samuei .Oct. lo, 1S91 Apr. 22, 1889--EATON, James ..Nov. iS, 1890 Dec. 15, 1 876-. Edmonds, John H April i, iSSi June 6, 1877--FAXTON, Theodore S Nov. 30, 1881 Feb. 9, 1 892.. Flower, Roswell P May 12, 1899 Oct. 29, 1S7S.. Foster, Charles B July 22, 1882 Dec. I, 1876. -Foster, Gilbert A Dec. 7, 1877 Oct. 14, 1879- -Foster, Henry A May 12, i88g Oct. 8, i878_-FowLER, Philemon H Dec. 19, 1879 Dec. 23, 1 878 ..Frederic, Harold .... Oct. 19, 1898 Oct. 29, 1888. .Fuller, John W Mar. 12, 1891 Feb. 22, 1886--FURNISS, Frederick H Nov. 10, iSgo G Oct. 14, iS79-.Gard.\er, Murray Monticello July 31, iSSo Feb. I, 18S9--G1BSON, WiLLi.AM T. .- ..Nov. 23, i8g6 Mar. II, 1879. -GooDALE, John ^ '^^^ ^O' ^^9^ Oct. 8, 1878- -Goodwin, Alexander T Jul)'' 3, 1899 Dec. 15, 1876- -Goodwin, Daniel Butler--.. Oct. 20, 1889 Dec. 27, i886_-Graham, A. A --. Feb. 1896 Feb. 9, 1897--GRAHAM, Cornelia Cooper July 17, 1S98 (Mrs. Edward A. Graham.) May 30, 1887. -Graham, Edward A.. Jan. 27, 1SS9 June 6, 1877-. Graves, Ezra. ..Jan. S, 18S2 Feb. 22, 1886--GRAY, Asa Jan. 30, 188S Feb. 13, 1883.. Gray, Israel J April i, 189 1 Dec. 15, 1876--GR-AY, John P Nov. 29, 1S86 Jan. 28, 1879--GREEN, W. Jerome... Jan. 27, 1SS5 May 14, 1S95..GRIDER, RuFus A .. Feb. 7, 1900 Dec. 15, 1S76. -Grove, DeWitt C. . _.May 17, 1S84 Dec. 15, i876..GunEAU, Luther.. June 13, 18S5 52 DECEASED MEMBERS. H ELECTED DIED Nov. 24, 1884--HACKETT, Cordon Dec. 31, iSgi Jan. 26, 1886. -Hale, Horatio Dec. 28, 1896 Oct. 3, 1889. -Handy, Truman P Mar. 27, 1898 Dec. 31, 1880-- Hartley, Isaac Smithson July 3, 1899 Feb. 25, 1889. .Harris, George H Oct. 5, 1893 Oct. 9, 1883.-H0LBROOK, Henry J June 11, 1895 June 6, 1877- -Homes, Henry Augustus Nov. 3, 1887 June 6, 1877--H0PPER, Thomas Sept. 8, 1894 Ma)"- 27, 1889.-H0RTON, George C May 30, 1898 June 6, 1877. -Hough, Franklin B June 11, 1885 Dec. 15, 1876--HUNT, Ward .- Mar. 24, 1886 Feb. 24, i8go.- Huntington, Channing Moore. . Nov. 24, 1894 Dec. 15, 1896- -Huntington, Edward- April 17, 1881 Dec. I, 1876.. Hutchinson, Charles W Sept. 14, 1896 Jan. 8, 1S78--HUTCHINSON, Edwin Oct. 19, 1887 Dec. 10, 1878. -Hutchinson, Frederick E Sept. 22, 1883 J Oct. 29, 1878. -Jackson, William B Dec. 28, 1890 Dec. 15, 1876- -Johnson, Alexander Smith Jan. 26, 1878 Apr. 8, 1879- -Johnson, Charles Adams Mar. 30, 1S91 Nov. 26, 1878.. Johnson, Delos M. K July 29, 18S6 Feb. 25, 1889--J0HNSON, William Clarkson Jan, 22, 1893 Dec. I, 1876- -Jones, Morven M Nov. 22, 1886 Dec. 15, 1876-. Jones, Pomroy Dec. 30, 1889 May 8, 1883--JUDSON, Henry R Aug. 12, 1896 K Dec. 15, 1876..KERNAN, Francis.. .Sept. 7,1892 Jan. 27, 1890-- Kinney, Thomas E Nov. 4, 1899 Feb. II, 1879-.K1RKLAND, Charles P Aug. 7, 1883 Feb. II, 1897.. Knox, William E Sept. 17, 18S3 L Sept. 7, 18S1.-LAMB, Martha Joanna Reade Nash Jan. 2, 1893 (Mrs. Charles A. Lamb.) Apr. 8, 1879.-LEDLIE, James Hewett Aug. 5. 1882 DECEASED MEMBERS. 5;^ ELECTED DIED Jan. 9, 1883.-LEDYARD, L, Walters Sept. 25, 1897 Apr. 25, 1S87...LENGENHAGER, Frederick J Dec. 4, 1888 Nov. 12, 1878-. Lewis, Benjamin F Junes, 1897 July I, 1879. _LiNTNER, Joseph Albert ..Mays, 189S Feb. II, 1879.. LossiNG, Benson John ...Junes, 1891 M Apr. 22, 1889-.MARKLOVE, John G ..Aug. 12,1891 Feb. II, 1879. -Marshall, Orasmus Holmes July 9, 1884 July 14, 1896. -Mather, Charles W Nov. 4, 1899 Nov. 13, 1883.-MCK1NNEY, Charles .June 8, 18S4 Jan. 8. 1S78. -McMillan, Andrew ..July 27, 1893 Jan. 14, 1S96. -McMillan, Sally S -Dec 9, 1896 (Mrs. Andrew McMillan.) Oct. 8, 1878--MC QuADE, James Mar. 25, 1885 June 15, 1878--MERRIAM, Clinton L Feb. 19, igoo June 15, 1878. -Messenger. I. Newton Mar, 11, 1895 Apr. 8, 1879-. Miller, Addison C Dec. 18, 1894 Dec. 15, 1876. .Miller, Rutger B Nov. 22, 1877 Dec. 3, iS8g-.MooRE, Horatio S. July 23, 1898 Dec. 15, 1876. .Moore, Michael May 28, 1888 June 15, 1878..MUNSEL, Joel Jan. 15, 1880 Feb. 9, 1897..MUNSON, Council Feb. 12, 1897 N May 27, 1S89.. North, Walter C Sep. 6, 1891 O Apr. 22, 1889..OATLEY, Francis M July 8, 1891 Feb. II, i879..0'Calloghan, Edward Bailey .-- ..May 27, iSSo Jan. 28, 1879..OSBURN, Amos Ozias ..- -.- Sep. 27, 1896 P Apr. 28, 1890--PARKER, Ely Samuel -..Aug. 31, 1S95 Feb. 25, 1879-. Parker, Matthew M July n, 1900 Oct. 16, 1894.. Peattie, John - Mar. ig, 1896 54 DiECEASED MEMBERS. ELECTED DIED Oct. 8, 1S78-.PECKHAM, MERraiT .-Apr. 13, 1S93 Feb. II, i87g-.PiERREPONT, Williaim Constable Dec. 20, 1885 Jan. 14, 1879-. Piper, John - .-Nov. 4, 1S97 Feb. II, 1879. -Pratt, Daniel J. , Sep. 12, 1884 R June 6, 1877. -Ray, Benjamin F Dec. 15, 1884 June 15, 1878.-REDFIELD, Lewis Henry Dec. 17, 1881 Dec. 28. 1885..R1CORD, Frederick William Aug. 12, 1897 Jan. 31, 1887.. Roberts, James July 4, 1889 June 6, 1877. -Roberts, John E. -. Nov 4,1897 June 6, 1877. -Rogers, Publius Virgilius Julys, i895 Feb. 25, 1 879-. Roof, Garrett L. .. July 15, 1891 Apr. 25, 1 887.. Russell, William -.. Jan. 27, 1890 S June 6, 1877-.SAMMONS, Simeon May 9, 1881 Jan. II, 1887--SAYRE, Charles H Apr. 27, 1894 Apr. 25, 1887, -Schiller, Charles H. .Dec. 25, 1899 Feb. 25, 1879--SCI1ROEPPEL, Richard Sept. 14, 1S82 May 30, 1 8S4-- Schuyler, George W. Feb. i, 18SS Dec. I, 1876--SEWARD, Alexander JMar. 14, 1897 Nov. 12, 1878. -Sieboth, Joseph Sept. 19, 1885 Dec. 15. 1876- -Seymour, Horatio .Feb. 12, 1886 Dec. I, 1876- -Seymour, John F _.Feb. 22, 1890 May 6, 1879- -Seymour, Norman Feb. 21, 1892 Jan. 28, 1879-.SHATTUCK, Lewis H Sept., 1884 May 27, 1889- -Shaver, Charles C Nov. 26, 1900 Dec. 15, 1876- -Sherman, Richard U Feb. 19, 1895 Oct. 12, 1897--S1CARD, Montgomery Sept. 14, 1900 June 6, i877_.Simms, Jeptha R May 31, 1883 Sept, 7, 1881. -Smith, Erminnie Adelle June 9, 1886 (Mrs. Simeon H. Smith.) June 6, 1877- -Spinner, Francis E Dec. 31, 1890 Nov. 29, 1886--SPRIGG.S, J. Thomas. Dec. 23, 1888 Feb. II, 1879- -Street. Alfred B June 2, 1881 Dec. 15, 1876. -Stryker, John Apr. 30, 1885 DECEASED MEMBERS. 55 T ELECTED HIED Jan. 8, 1S7S..TALL1MAN, Edward A... July 13, 1898 Jan. 13, 18S0-. Taylor, James W Apr. 28, 1893 Feb. 15, iS82._Terrv Edward A ..May 15, 1899 Nov. 12, 1875.. Thomas, George R ..July 25, 1897 Nov. 25, 1896.. Thomson, Helen E Mar. 24, 1899 (Mrs. Milton H. Thomson ) June 7, 1 883.. Thomson, Milton H _ .Mar. 5, 1893 Apr. 22, 1889.. Thorn, John ...Dec. 31, 1894 Jan. 28, iS79._TouRTELLOT, Louis A. Apr. 4, 1899 Dec. 15, 1876..T0AVER, Charlemagne .... July 24, 1889 Feb. II, 1879. .Tracy, Charles Mar. 4, 1885 Feb. II, 1879. .Tracy, William Nov. 2, 1881 Feb. II, 1S79.. Trumbull, James Hammond Apr. 5, 1897 V Dec. 17, i87S._Van Emberg, Thomas June 11, 1892 Dec. 6, 1877.. Van Schaack, Henry C Dec. 16, 1887 Feb. 25, 1879..V1SSCHER, Frederick J Mar. 6, 18S0 June 6, 1877..V1SSCHER, Simon G Dec. 24, 1887 w Dec. 15, 1876. -Wager, Daniel E Apr. 13, 1896 Feb. 25. 1879. .Wagner, Peter J Sept. 13, 1884 June 6, 1877.. Wagner, Webster Jan. 13, 1882 Dec. 15, 1877..WALCOTT, William D Apr. i, 1890 June 6, 1877.. Walker, George Nov. 22, 1890 Apr. 22, 1889. -Wells, John B... Nov. 27, 1891 June 6, 1 8 79.. Webster, Peter G Apr. 15, 1888 June 15, 1878- -West, DeWitt C Aug. 27. 1880 June 6, 1877.. West, Joseph E. ...Mar. 6, 1897 June 15, 187S. .White. David P June 19, iSSi Nov. 10, 1896. -White, Henry L --. Jan. iS, 1900 Feb. 12, 1884- -White, N. Curtiss Feb. 16, 1900 Dec. 15, 1876--WHITE, Philo Feb. ii, 1883 56 DECEASED MEMBERS. ELECTED DIED Feb. 13, 1S83. -White, William M. July 2, 1896 Apr. 25, 1887-. Williams, James H Oct. 6, 1896 Dec. 15, 1876.. Williams, Othniel S. May 20, 1880 Jan. 14, 1879-. Williams, Rees G. Dec. 23, 1885 Dec. I, 1876-. Williams, Robert S Aug. 6, 1899 Feb. II, 1879.. Williams, S. Wells Feb. 16, 1884 Feb. 28, 1887-. Winston, Dwight D Jan. 8, 1895 Jan. 28, 1879..W0LCOTT, Samuel G ...Junes, 1883 Feb. 25, 1879. .Wright, Ebenezer K . Aug. 5, 1895 ERRATA. Page 7 — ' Pascal J. C. DeAngelis," should be Pascal C. J. DeAngelis. Page 8— "Mrs. Maria M. W. Proctor," should be Mrs. Maria W. W. Proctor. Pages 2g, 33 and 53 — "Osburne" and "Osburn," should be Osborn. Page 36 — "Oct. 27, 1900," should be Oct. 27, 1896, and "Feb. 9, 1900," should be Feb. 9, 1897. Page 40 — "Terrett, William B," should be Terrett, William R., and "July I, 1897," should be July i, 1879. Page 41 — "Waufel, Lester A," should be Waufel, Lester G. Page 43 — "Edmunds, Walter D.,'' should be Edmonds, Walter D. Page 44 — "Hubbard, Belas," should be Hubbard, Bela. Page 47 — ''Ward, Edward A.," should be Ward, Edmund A. Page 57 — "The name "Edward" in connection with Graham should be Edmund. Page 52 — "Dec. 15, 1896," should be Dec. 15, 1876.