■m-x? W Mi_Z¥,' m '; Ch< -■ es Jo .oh g^p-% Class __S fem Book.. vT6£t GopyrightN°_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/seedmansassistanOOjohn THE; SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. Compendium of the Growing Sources of Seeds, Vegetables and Flowers. SHOWING ADDRESSES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, OF MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY OF THE MOST PROMINENT SEED-GROWING ESTABLISHMENTS IN AMERICA AND EUROPE. CLASSIFICATION OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETIES WITH NAMES OF GROW- ERS THAT ARE CLOSELY IDENTIFIED WITH PARTICULAR KINDS. ALSO, Full List of Synonyms of Familiarly Known Varieties of Vegetables Table of Standard Quantities of Vegetable and Flower Seeds for filling small packets. FORMULAS FOR PREPARING CELEBRATED LAWN GRASS MIXTURES. SUGGESTIONS FOR MAKING OUT A CATALOGUE. CHARLES JOHNSON. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. MARIETTA, PA 1904. i j j pBRaRtoieONeHESSl two Sooies Received - 1 AUG 13 1904 Copyright Eniry ol&Is a- xxc. no. COPYRIGHT 1904, BY CHARLES JOHNSON. n*\ , 9, INTRODUCTORY. The seed business in America is now conducted on such a large scale, covering wide and diverse conditions, that those engaged in it may be said to be divided into two distinct classes, namely, the seed dealers (both wholesale and retail) and the seed growers proper. Obviously the former consti- tute a conspicuous part of the commercial life of cities, while the latter are more closely identified with the soil, being strictly commercial seed pro- ducers, i. e. } those who grow for the former. Prominent in the first class, or the seed dealers, may be mentioned such well-known houses as D. M. Ferry & Co., of Detroit ; D. Landreth Seed Co., Robert Buist Seed Co., W. Atlee Burpee & Co., all of Philadelphia ; Jerome B. Rice & Co., of Cam- bridge, N. Y.; J. M. Thorburn & Co. and Peter Henderson & Co., of New York City ; the Leonard Seed Co. and J. C. Vaughn, of Chicago, and the Plant Seed Co., of St. Louis. Those in the other class, namely, the growers of seeds, do not come prominently before the public. (3) 4 INTRODUCTORY. In a general sense, this class may be termed the fountain-head of the seed business, for obviously it is the producer-— the man who actually gets to the earth — that is the mainstay of the industry. The seed-growing firms of the country are man- aged according to systematic business principles ; some on a large scale, others with less capital, while a number are specialists in certain lines. The expression "Seed Grower" implies some- thing more than the mere act of growing certain seeds : it means that those to whom it is applied have selected the conditions of soil and climate best calculated to produce plump, vigorous, fertile seed ; hence we find that no one locality produces all the seed that finds its way into the avenues of trade, and that no country or section has a monop- oly of seed-growing as a whole. To know the growers in each locality who pro- duce particular kinds of seed necessarily requires a more extensive fund of information than is pos- sessed by the average seed buyer. This of itself makes a reliable compendium of the seed-growing industry of value to all interested in the trade. In the interest of the jobbing and retail trade the compiler has produced such a list, giving the names of the most reliable concerns located in both America and Europe who make an exclusive busi- ness of seed-growing, included in which are over INTRODUCTORY. O twenty-five concerns making a specialty of Peas and Beans ; eight or more of Cabbage : a like number of Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Onion, Melon, Beet, Radish, Turnip, etc., also the foreign growers of the Bermuda and Bloomsdale Early Pearl Onion. It has been arranged in such a man- ner that it will be invaluable to any seed dealer, whether he be a novice or an adept. We believe that whoever makes use of the data contained in this compendium will be enabled to make purchases to better advantage and at the lowest possible price. In style and arrangement the work presents the information and addresses in such a manner that it will be easy to refer to any subject, firm or location without loss of time or vexatious delay. In brief, there is an alphabetical list of growers with their addresses ; then the proper classification of the different varieties of vegetable and flower seeds with the names of growers that are closely identified with the growing of particular varieties ; in addi- tion there are given suggestions bearing on the salient features of buying. Incorporated with the compendium of growing- sources and suggestions for seed buyers, there are included several other features of importance. Of these, to be mentioned first, is a list of recent growers'-prices for the best seeds. This is known to be the first time that such a complete list of this 6 INTRODUCTORY. kind has ever been published. For the expert seed buyer it will be of assistance to have at hand when renewing his contracts, and for the novice it will be a guide in making his first orders with the grower. Next, there is furnished a list of the synonyms of familiar varieties of vegetables. Rather, this ought to be entitled a dictionary of the aliases under which so many old-fashioned, can't-do-without-'em varie- ties are now masquerading. Not only by the seed- buyer, but by the man behind the gun in the seed establishment, the man who puts up the orders, will this list be appreciated, as it will save time, worry and money. It will further entertain the novice by enlightening him as to how so many so-called " novelties " have originated. Then in connection with giving addresses of manufacturers of illustrated seed bags, it has been deemed proper to furnish a table of the standard quantities of seeds, vegetables and flowers, for filling small packets. As a matter of economy this table will be found indispensable by every seed dealer who puts up his own papers. Many are in the habit of using a scale prepared by guess work for such purpose ; some just fill their papers " any old way " with no regard to uniformity as to quantity, and, in fact, nearly all inadvertently overfill their packets. They give more seeds than are really INTRODUCTORY. 7 necessary. The table in question is similar to that used by the principal seed houses. The quantities are carefully gauged to cover what is requisite for an ordinary family garden. Take, for example, a 5-cent packet of cabbage. The standard quantity will produce about 200 plants, which is more than ample for the usual family. This illustration ap- plies to every other variety. To give more than the quantities specified is a waste. In filling many packets this waste materially affects the profit-and- loss account. With information where to obtain " electros" of vegetables and flowers for catalogue purposes, there are some suggestions given on another page as to the- best manner for making up a seed catalogue. Finally, there are presented several excellent formulas for preparing lawn-grass seed and a lawn fertilizer. The whole work represents the experience of the compiler in the seed business, now covering more than a quarter of a century's association with one of the largest and best known establishments in the country, namely, the Landreths of Philadelphia ; coupled with an additional five years' experience as a Seedsman in Chicago ; a short period with a large seed house in Memphis, Tenn., and lastly, ten years' experience in California as a member of the Johnson & Musser Seed Co. — from which 8 INTRODUCTORY. concern he has only recently retired — all of which ought to establish his authority on the practical and commercial phases of the seed business. Charles Johnson. Mabietta, Pa., July 1, 1904. CONTENTS. PAGE. Introductory 3 Alphabetical List of Seed Growers 11 Classification of the Different Varieties of Seeds 20 Names of Growers Closely Identified with the Grow- ing of Particular Varieties 20 First Class Sources for Alfalfa, Blue Grass, Etc- 46 Dealers in Electros of Vegetables and Flowers for Catalogue Illustration 46 Manufacturers of Illustrated and Plain Seed Bags ... 47 Sundries, Bulbs, Etc 48 Vitality of Seeds 51 Growers' Prices 52 List of Synonyms 57 Putting Up Seed Packets 84 Table of Quantities for Filling Small Packets 85 Publishing a Catalogue 90 Formulas for Making Lawn-Grass Seed 92 Formula for Making Lawn Fertilizer 93 Business Success 94 (9) ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SEED GROWERS, WITH THEIR ADDRESSES. All here named are reliable seed growers in good standing, and it will be well to keep in touch with every one regarding prices and particulars by making special request for same, if not sent to you early without solicitation. Disdain no information ; in the seed bus- iness one is never done learning. A. Agnew, H. C. & J. B. , Agnew, Cal. Alexander Seed Co., Augusta, Ga. Allen, C. L., Floral Park, N. Y. Allen, J. H., Seed Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Allen, R., & Son, Ballymena, Ireland. Andrews, D. M., Boulder, Colo. Anthony, H. C, Portsmouth, R. I. B. Baer, Chas., Turner, Oregon. Barnard, Frank E., Ventura, Cal. Barr & Sons, 11-13 King St., Covent Garden, Lon- don, Eng. Barter, John F., Sudbury, Middlesex, Eng. Beatty Mercantile Co., Manzanola, Colo. Benary, Ernst, Erfurt, Prussia. (11) i. of C. 12 THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. Berry, A. A., Seed Co., Clarinda, Iowa. Blackman & Griffin, Ogden, Utah. Blanc, A., Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Blodgett, V. E., Santa Ana, Cal. Bodger, John, & Son, Santa Paula, Cal. Boggs, Caleb, & Son, Cheswold, Del. Bowell, F. M. , Rolling Prairie, Ind. Box, John R., West Wickham, Kent, Eng. Braslan Seed Growers Co., San Jose, Cal. Brill, Francis, Hempstead, L. I., N. Y. Bryant, J. M., 706 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bull, Wm., & Sons, King's Road, Chelsea, London, S. W., Eng. Burbank, Luther, Santa Rosa, Cal. Busquers, Wm. E., &Co., Arnheim, Holland. C. California Carnation Co., Loomis, Cal. Carter, C. J., & Son, Wallace, N. C. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale, London, Eng. Chin-Ah-Coon Seed Growing Co., Sunnyvale, Cal. Cincinnati Bag Co. , 2d & Walnut Sts. , Cincinnati, 0. Clark, A. N., Milford, Conn. Clark, C. S., Wakeman, 0. Clark Bros., 61 Ann St., New York City. Clark, E. B., & Sons, Milford, Conn. Cole, Sam'l, Ventura, Cal. Collins, A. J., Moorestown, N. J. Comstock, Ferre & Co., Wethersfield, Conn. Connell, H. H., Guernsey, Iowa. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 13 Cooper, Taber & Co., London, Eng. Cony, J. C, Enid, Okla. Courteen, S. G., Milwaukee, Wis. Cowee, Arthur, Berlin, N. Y. Cox Seed Co., San Francisco, Cal. Coy, C. P. & Son, Waterloo, Neb. Croom, J. F., & Bro., Magnolia, N. C. Cullen, Thos., Witham, Essex, Eng. Cushman Gladiolus Co., Sylvania, O. D. Damman & Co., San Giovanni a Teduccio, Italy. Dana, J. C. , & Co. , Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Davy, Beaufort, Main & Loire, France. DegrafT Bros., Leiden, Holland. Delvondie, E. F., New Orleans, La. Dennison, W. A., Ellisburg, N. Y. Dickinson, Albert, Seed Co., Chicago, 111. Dippe Bros. , Quedlinburg, Germany. E. Egger, Geo., Jaffa, Palestine. Eldering, W. J., & Son, Overveen, Harlem, Holland. Ellery, H. E., Carpenteria, Cal. English, John F., & Co., Clay and Davis Sts., San Francisco, Cal. Evans Seed Co., West Branch, Mich. F. Falk & Buchan, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Farmer, A. A., Lafayette, Kans. 14 THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. Finch, F., Clyde, N. Y. Fish, Henry, Santa Barbara, Cal. Ford, Chas., Co., Watson ville, Cal. Fosgate, W. J. , Santa Clara, Cal. Franklin, C. B., Carpenteria, Cal. Frith, Chas. A. V., Hamilton, Bermuda. Frith & Co., Nashville, Tenn. Fuller, Arthur, Santa Ana, Cal. Furrow Bros., Guthrie, Okla. G. Gair, Robert, Brooklyn, N. Y. Gates, J. & Chas. , Hardesty, Okla. Germain Seed Co. , Los Angeles, Cal. Gilbert, D. H., Monticello, Fla. Glecner & Faust, 123 Mott St., New York. Goodale, B. E., Calverton, L. I., N. Y. Gould, Thos., Ventura, Cal. Green, W. F., Bellville, N. Y. Grenell, W. H., Pierrepont Manor, N. Y. Griffing Bros. Co. , Jacksonville, Fla. Grim, E. A. , & Co. , Hamburg, Germany. Griswold, Thos., & Co., S. Wethersfield, Conn. Groves, J. H. , & Son, Magnolia, N. C. Grullemans, J. J. , & Son, Lisse, Holland. H. Haage & Schmidt, Erfurt, Prussia. Hall, JohnM., Miller, Cal. Hansen, A., Copenhagen, F., Denmark, 15 Hansom, Jos., Arroyo Grande, Cal. Harrison & Son, Leicester, Eng. Hart, Wells & Co., Wethersfield, Conn. Hasslach & Roumanville, St. Reroy de Provence, France. Haven Seed Co., Arroyo Grande, Cal. Heineman, F. C, Erfurt, Germany. Helm, T. W., & Co., Birmingham, Ala. Henry, John, Beaverton, Oregon. Herb, M., Naples, Italy. Hillebrand, Uberto, Pallanza, Italy. Hjalmar, Hartman & Co., Copenhagen, Denmark. Hodge, Frank, Alton, Cal. Houdry, Fils, Dol de Bretagne, France. Hubert & Co. , Guernsey, Channel Is. , Eng. Hume, John, Port Hope, Can. Hurst & Son, 152 Hamsditch, London, Eng. J. James, R. K. , Rural Route No. 3, Rocky Ford, Colo. Jannette Bros., Mt. Pleasant, S. C. Jensch, Gustav, & Co., Aschers Leben, Germany. Johnson, L. M., Tustin Cal. Johnson, W. W., & Sons, Lim'd, Boston, Eng. Jones, H. P., Herndon, Ga. K. Keeney, N. B., & Son, Le Roy, N. Y. Kelsey ; Joseph B., Sawtelle, Cal. Kennell, John Fay, Box 405, Rochester, N. Y. Kimberlin, J. M., & Son, Santa Clara, Cal. King, J. K., Coggleshall, Essex, Eng. 16 THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. L. Ladd Seed Co., Adrian, Mich. Lecoq, A., & Co., Darmstadt, Germany. Little & Ballantyne, Carlisle, Eng. Loomis Floral Co., Loomis, Cal. Lupton, J. M., Mattituck, L. I., N. Y. M c - McCullough's, J. M., Sons, Cincinnati, O. McFarland, J. Horace, Co., Harrisburg, Pa. McMorran-Gray Co. , Port Huron, Mich. McNeen, Jas., La Junta, Colo. M. March, H. A., Anacortes, Wash. Mette, Henry, Quedlinburg, Germany. Merwin, Marcus, Milford, Conn. Merwin, W. S., & S. T., Milford, Conn. Morrison, E. H., Fairfield, Wash. Morse, C. C, & Co., Santa Clara, Cal. N. Newbury, H. E., Co., Magnolia, N. C. Niagara Lithograph Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Nutting & Sons, 106 South wark St. , London, Eng. O. Orcutt Seed & Plant Co., San Diego, Cal. P. Pape & Bermann, Quedlinburg, Germany. Parker, Chas., Santa Clara, Cal. 17 Parsons, E. B. , Penn Valley, Pa. Paxson, J. V., Lake Side, Mich. Peacock, W. P., Atco, N. J. Pederson, J., Copenhagen, Denmark. Pedrick, Geo. R., Pedrick Town, N. J. Peignaux & Lorain, Angers, France. Peppard, J, G., Kansas City, Mo. Perkins, Mitchell B., Beverly, N. J. Portland Seed Co., Portland, Oregon. R. Ragland, R. L., Hyco, Va. Rees & Gompers, R. F. D. No. 1, Long Beach, Cal. Ridgway, Isaac, Greenwich, N. J. Roberts & Holder, Brain, Sur Anthion, France. Robichaux, Edgar, Raceland, La. Robinson, J. C, Waterloo, Neb. Roemer, Fred, Quedlinbnrg, Germany. Rogers Bros., Chaumont, N. Y. Rohnert, Waldo, Gilroy, Cal. Routzahn Seed Co., Arroyo Grande, Cal. Rumph, L. A., Marshallville, Ga. Russ, Howard A., Delanco, N. J. S. Sachs, David, Quedlinburg, Germany. Sagarniroya, Jose, Havana, Cuba. Santa Paula Commercial Co. , Santa Paula, Cal. Shaft, W., Fullerton, Cal. Shenkel, Albert, Hamburg, Germany. Sluis & Groot, Enkhuisen, Holland. 18 Smith, N. E., Milford, Conn. Smurthwaite, C. A. , Produce Co. , Ogden, Utah. Southern Pacific Milling Co. , Saticoy, Cal. Spangler, E. J. , & Co. , 507 Ludlow St. , Philadelphia, Pa. Spears, E. F. , & Sons, Paris, Ky. Speelman, C. J., Sons, Sassenheim, Holland. Spittel, Friederick, Arnstadt, near Erfurt, Germany. Squiers, J. H., Wellington, Ont. Stallknecht & Meyer, Copenhagen, Denmark. Stanley, Ashton & Co., South Gate, London N., Eng. Stecher Lithographing Co. , Rochester, N. Y. Surrey Seed Co., Lim'd, Red Hill, Eng. Sutton & Sons, Reading, Eng. Suzuki & Iida, 31 Barclay St., New York. Swan, N. D., Belleville, N. Y. T. Taylor, C. M., Georgetown, Ky. The General Bulb Co., Vogelenzung, Holland. The Munson Co. , New Haven, Conn. Tousley, J. F. , Pierrepont Manor, N. Y. Tucker, H. V., Liberal, Kan. V. Van Waveren, L. & Co., Hillegom, Holland. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co., 4 Quai de la Megisserie, Paris, France. Vogeler Seed & Produce Co. , Salt Lake City, Utah. Volkman, C. M., & Co., 408 Front St., San Francisco, Cal. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 19 Vrendenburg & Co. , Rochester, N. Y. W. Wall, H. M., Litho. Co., Frost & Leonard Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wather, Wm., Belleville, N. Y. Watkins, S. L. , Fair Oaks, Cal. Watkins, W. G., Placerville, Cal. Watkins & Simpson, 12 Tavistock St., Covent Garden, London, Eng. West, Geo. W., Shelly Bay, Bermuda. Western Seed & Irrigation Co. , Fremont, Neb. Wherry, W. R., & Co., Bourne, Eng. Whitney, Eckstein & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Wilcox, Alvin C, Roscoe, 111. Wilcox, Frank T. , Santa Clara, Cal. Wilcox, H. W., Whitby, Ontario. Wilde, W. G., Ventura, Cal. Wildpret Bros. , Port Orotava, Teneriffe, Canary Islands. Willett, N. L. , Drug Co. , Augusta, Ga. Williams, F., Belleville, N. Y. Woodruff, F. H., & Sons, Milford, Conn. Woodruff, S. N., & Sons, Orange, Conn. Wright, C. R., Liberal, Kan. Wright, W. G., San Bernardino, Cal. Y. Young, Willis G., 323 Brown St., Dayton, 0. Z. Zippe, H., & Co., Lisse, Holland. CLASSIFICATION OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS, WITH THE NAMES OF GBOWEES THAT ARE CLOSELY IDENTIFIED WITH THE GROWING OF PARTICULAR VARIETIES, ALSO SUGGESTIONS BEARING ON THE SALIENT FEATURES OF BUYING. The alphabetical list is referred to for the addresses of growers. It is deemed unnecessary to give them here, o-wing to constant repetitions of the same firm- names. The moderate purchaser is advised as a matter of economy in freight, and to insure the best prices, that his orders should not be divided up among too many growers. Artichoke. Buy Large Globe Artichoke for America. Procure in Europe. The European firms in the alphabetical list generally can supply. Two of the most prominent houses are specially named. Dippe Bros. Yilmorin, Andrieux & Co. ( 20 ) THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 21 Asparagus. Seed is usually obtainable cheaper in America. Eur- ope also supplies reliable seed. Two prominent houses are named in that quarter. Allen, C. L., & Co. Brill, Francis. Jannette Bros. Sluis & Groot. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Asparagus Roots. Usually some nurseryman in the immediate vicinity of every town of any importance is able to supply Asparagus roots. These two growers, however, are named, correspondence with whom will give informa- tion as to growers 1 prices. Collins, A. J. Ridgeway, Isaac. Beans. For dealers located in the East, the East is, owing to its advantage in freight rates, the best general source, particularly for Bush varieties. Limas, both Pole and Bush, should be procured in California. There they are grown more cheaply than in the East, and for seed purposes California Limas are just as reliable as any grown in the East, in fact more so. That section is now depended on entirely for Limas by the seed trade. It is also a good quarter for other pole varieties. Advice is to write about Jan. 15th for best prices to 22 the seedsman's assistant. all the firms named, and make your contracts as early as possible after that time. Eastern Growers. *Allen, J. H., Seed Co. *Dana, J. C, & Co. *Dennison, W. A. *Falk & Buchan. *Green, W. F. *Grenell, W. H. *Hume, John. *Keeney 3 N. B., & Son. *McMorran-Gray Co. ^Rogers Bros. *Squires, J. H. *Swan, N. D. *Tousley, J. P. *Wather, Wm. *Wilcox, H. W. California Growers. *Barnard, Frank E. Baer, Charles. Blodgett, V. E. *Bodger, John, & Sons. Ellery, H. E. Franklin, C. B. *Fish, Henry. Gould, Thomas. Ford, Chas., Co. Hanson, Jos. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 23 Kelsey, Jos. B. Johnson, L. N. *Routzahn Seed Co. *Santa Paula Commercial Co. Shaft, Wm. Southern Pacific Millg. Co. All marked with * are leaders. Beet. Purchase both table and field sorts in Europe. All the best seed houses in America buy in Europe; California seed is not advised. E. H. Morrison, Fairfield, Washington, is a new grower who is having some success in growing Beet; has one of Vilmorin's men as manager; would advise giving him small trial order if he meets European quotations. Get quotations from all firms named. It takes two years to produce a crop; contract should be placed in Europe between July 1st and Sept. 1st. European Growers, Carter, James, Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Dippe Bros. Hurst & Son. Mette, Henry. Nutting & Sons. Sachs, David. Sluis & Groot. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. 24 American Growers. Bodger, John, & Sons. Hall, John M. Morrison, E. H. Morse, C. C, & Co. Routzahn Seed Co. Broccoli— Brussels Sprouts. Purchase in Europe; make contract between July 1st and September 1st. The following prominent grow- ers are specially named: Carter, James, Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Dippe Bros. Hurst & Son. Mette, Henry. Sachs, David. Sluis & Groot, Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Cabbage. Long Island is the main source in America and there is no better source. An extensive Eastern house, how- ever, has been procuring its stocks from growers in the State of Washington; seed grown in that quarter is equal to Long Island; name of one grower there is given. European stocks of the following are reliable and do perfectly well in America, and owing to cheaper prices, are usually purchased by some of the larger houses and sold as American seed, viz. : Etampes, Early York, Early Spring, Early Drumhead, Early Flat Dutch, ASSISTANT. 25 Early Winnigstadt, Red Dutch, Green Curled and Drumhead Savoy. Contract in America by April 1st; in Europe between July 1st and Sept. 1st. American Growers. Allen, C. A. Anthony, H. C. Brill, Francis. Goodale, B. E. Lupton, J. M. March, H. A. Woodhull, Z. M. European Growers. Benary, Ernst. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Dippe Bros. Hjalmar, Hartman & Co. Pederson, J. Sachs, David. Sluis & Groot. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Carrot. European seed is without superior and is preferred by the best houses; in recent years California has been moving to the front. That State should produce seed equal to European; with additional experience and favorable prices, its growers will ultimately secure the trade with which Europe is now favored. 26 Connecticut and Rhode Island stocks are first class, but have cost more to grow than elsewhere. Contract in America should be made between De- cember 1st and March 1st; in Europe between July 1st and September 1st; it is advisable to correspond with every house named and get in touch with them all re- garding prices. American Growers. Agnew, H. C. & J. B. Anthony, H. C. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Clark, A. N. Clark, E. B., & Sons. Comstock, Ferre & Co. Cox Seed Co. Kimberlin, J. M., & Sons. Merwin, Marcus. Merwin, W. S. & S. T. Morse, C. C, & Co. Routzahn Seed Co. European Growers. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Dippe Bros. Hurst & Son. Jensch, Gustav, & Co. Mette, Henry. Nutting & Sons. Peignaux & Lorain. 27 Sachs, David. Sluis & Groot. Spittell, Friederick. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Cauliflower. Northern Europe is the best source. In America, March, in the State of Washington, supplies seed that is affirmed to be equal to European. Benary, Ernst. Dippe Bros. Hansen, A. Hjalmar, Hartman & Co. March, H. A. Pederson, J. Sluis & Groot. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Celery. Purchase all sorts in California, excepting Paris Golden Yellow Self-Blanching, which it is advised to procure from Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. This is the variety that is being grown extensively in the famous Celery sections of California and Florida, the product of which commands the best prices in the market; it is V. A. & Co.'s seed that is being sold at a high figure by repu- table American seed firms. Contract at same time as for Carrot. Agnew, H. C. & J. B. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Kimberlin, J. M., & Sons. 28 the seedsman's assistant. Morse, C. C, & Co. Routzahn Seed Co. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Wilcox, Frank T. Chervil; Chicory. Same advice and sources as for Broccoli, to which refer. Collards. Georgia-grown seed is always to be preferred. Con- tract between January 1st and March 1st. Alexander Seed Co. Jones, H. P. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Willett, N. L., Drug Co. Corn (Sugar & Field). Nebraska grows A 1 seed corn, but crops in that State were exceedingly short in 1902 and 1903, due to un- favorable weather. Connecticut seed corn has no superior. Get prices from all named. Contract by April 1st. Anthony, H. C. Berry, A. A., Seed Co. Clark, A. N. Clark, C. S. Clark, E. B., & Sons. Comstock, Ferre & Co. Coy, C. P., &Son. Griswold, Thos., & Co. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 29 Hart, Wells & Co. Merwin, Marcus. Merwin, W. S. & S. T. Robinson, J. C. Western Seed & Irrigation Co. Woodruff, F. EL, & Sons. Woodruff, S. N., & Sons. Corn Salad. Purchase in Europe; other growers than the follow- ing are able to supply, but England and Holland take the lead as the best sources. Contract between July 1st and September 1st. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Sluis & Groot. Oress. Other European Houses than the following prominent firms are able to supply. Contract between July 1st and September 1st. There is no reason why California should not grow Cress successfully, as it seems to revel in that climate; recently the Braslan Seed Growers Co., San Jose, Cal., have been growing it. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Sluis & Groot. Cucumber. Nebraska grows A 1 Cucumber and has heretofore been favored with the trade of the larger Houses; but 30 crops in 1902 and 1903 were almost total failures, due to ravages of lice. The tendency since is, therefore, for a while at least, to divert contracts to other sources. Names of growers are given, located in Colorado, Con- necticut, Michigan and New Jersey. As Cucumber seed is good running six to eight years old (older seed is more fruitful than one year old), it is advisable in 1904 to contract for a sufficient supply to last for several years, until the prevailing scarcity in the market is overcome. Get prices from all named. Contract by April 1st. Bishop, W. R., &Co. Bowell, F. M. Berry, A. A. , Seed Co. Burrell, D. V. Clark, A. N. Clark, E. B., & Son. Comstock, Ferre & Co. Coy, C. P., &Son. James, R. H. Ladd Seed Co. Paxson, J. D. Robinson, J. C. Western Seed & Irrigation Co. Woodruff, F. H., & Sons. Woodruff, S. N., & Sons. Egg Plant. Russ, who is named, has a first-class reputation; grows for the best New York, Philadelphia and Balti- THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 31 more houses ; makes a specialty of the Spineless Large New York Purple. Make your contract about April 1st. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co.. Pedrick, Geo. R. Russ, Howard A. Endive. Procure in California; make contract by March 1st. Agnew, H. C. & J. B. Bodger, John, & Sons. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Fosgate, W. J. Kimberlin, J. M. , & Sons. Morse, C. C, & Co. Parker, Chas. Routzahn Seed Co. Wilcox, F. T. Kale. European stocks are without superior. Get quota- tions from all named, before making contract, which should be done in America by April 1st; in Europe between June 1st and September 1st. Allen, C. L. Carter, Jas. , Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Hurst & Son. Sluis & Groot. 32 the seedsman's assistant. Kohl Eabi. Procure in Europe; other European houses than the following prominent ones named, can also furnish. Contract between July 1st and September 1st. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Dippe Bros. Mette, Henry. Sachs, David. Sluis & Groot. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Leek. Contract should be made in America by March 1st, in Europe between June 1st and September 1st. Agnew, H. C. & J. B. Bodger, John, & Sons. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Fosgate, W. J. Kimberlin, J. M., & Sons. Morse, C. C, & Co. Parker, Chas. Routzahn Seed Co. Wilcox, F. T. Lettuce. Procure in California, which State also grows for Europe. Make contract by March 1st, having secured quotations beforehand from all growers named. Agnew, H. C. & J. B. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 33 Bodger, John, & Sons. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Fosgate, W. J. Kimberlin, J. M. , & Sons. Morse, C. C, & Co. Parker, Chas. Rohnert, Waldo. Routzahn Seed Co. Wilcox, F. T. Melon (Musk). Nebraska crops, on which the trade has mainly de- pended, were exceedingly short in 1902 and 1903. Secure quotations from each firm named, and make contract by April 1st. Berry, A. A., Seed Co. Bishop, W. R., &Co. Burrell, D. V. Coy, C. P., &Son. Girardeau, W. N. James, R. H. Pedrick, Geo, R. Robinson, J. C. Western Seed & Irrigation Co. Wilcox, Alvin C. Melon (Water). Inasmuch as Nebraska crops turned out short in 1902 and 1903, Oklahoma, Kansas and Iowa are recommended as other sources in the West. Contract by April 1st. 34 the seedsman's assistant. Berry, A. A., Seed Co. Corry, J. C. Coy, C. P., &Son. Farmer, A. A. Gates, J. , & Chas. Gilbert, D. H. Girardeau, W. M. Pedrick, Geo. R. Robinson, J. C. Tucker, H. V. Western Seed & Irrigation Co. Wright, C. R. Mustard. For American varieties, our own country is best source. Alexander Seed Co. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Jones, H. P. Kimberlin, J. M. , & Son. Morse, C. C, & Co. Willett, N. L., Drug Co. Okra. Helm & Co. are the largest growers in the South. Perkins is the originator of Perkins' Okra. Contract should be placed by April 1st. Alexander Seed Co. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 35 Bishop, W. R, &Co. Frith & Co. Helm, T. W., & Co. Perkins, Mitchell B. Willett, N. L., Drug Co. Onion. American Varieties. Nothing is better than California seed, which section is the cheapest source of supply. Bermuda. Procure from Teneriffe Island. California seed is not advised. Wildpret Bros, are first hands; Albert Shenkel also furnishes at reasonable prices ; obtains supplies from his own growers on Teneriffe Island. Write both parties by Feb. 15th. Early White Queen, Silver King, Giant Rocca, Red and White Tripoli. Use only European seed, as California stocks are not advised; French and German houses are recommended. Bloomsdale Early Pearl is simply a synonym for Early White Queen purchased under latter title from Vil- morin, Andrieux & Co. Creole Onion. Purchase from Edgar Robichaux. Contract in Europe between July 1st and Sept. 1st ; in America by March 1st. American Growers. Agnew, H. C, & J. B. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Chin-Ah-Coon Seed Growing Co. Cox Seed Co. 36 the seedsman's assistant. Fosgate, W. J. Henry, John. Kimberlin, J. M., & Son. Morse, C. C, & Co. Parker, Chas. Robichaux, Edgar. Routzahn Seed Co. Wilcox, F. T. European Growers. Damman & Co. Dippe Bros. Shenkel, Albert. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Wildpret Bros. Parsley. European stocks are without superior; recently Cali- fornia has entered the field. Contract in California by March 1st; in Europe between July 1st and Sept. 1st, having secured quotations in advance from all firms named. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Carter, Jas. , Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Dippe Bros. Morse, C. C, & Co. Sachs, David. Sluis & Groot. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co* 37 Parsnip. European stocks are as reliable as any and have been procurable at cheaper prices than American growth. Purchase from that firm whose prices are most favor- able. Contract in California by March 1st, in Con- necticut by April 1st, in Europe between July 1st and September 1st. Anthony, H. C. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Clark, E. B., & Sons. Comstock, Ferre & Co. Dippe Bros. Morrison, E. H. Morse, C. C, & Co. Sachs, David. Sluis & Groot. Woodruff & Sons. Peas (Table Varieties). Owing to its advantage in freight rates, the East is the best source for Eastern dealers, though it is advis- able to obtain quotations from the Pacific coast and keep posted regarding prices in that quarter; Pacific coast stocks are free from bugs. Contract in the East by March 1st; in California by February 1st. Allen, J. H., Seed Co. Baer, Charles. Dana, J. C, & Co. Dennison, W. A. Falk & Buchan. 38 the seedsman's assistant. Green, W. F. Hall, John M. Hodge, Frank. Keeney, N. B., & Son. McMorran-Gray Co. Morrison, E. H. Rogers Bros. Squiers, J. H. Swan, N. D. Tousley, J. M. Wather, Wm. Wilcox, H. W. Williams, F. Peas (Field). Sometimes all the Eastern Pea growers are in posi- tion to offer Canada Field Peas cheaply. Courteen, S. G. Delvondie, E. F. Dickinson^ Albert, Seed Co. English, J. F., & Co. Evans Seed Co. Hume, John, Portland Seed Co. Rogers Bros. Tewelles, L., & Co. Pepper. Bodger and Pedrick grow for quite a number of the larger Eastern houses. Secure quotations from all named. Contract by March 1st. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 39 Bodger, John, & Son. Dippe Bros. Pedrick, Geo. R. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Pumpkin. Make contract by April 1st. Burrell, D. V. Clark, E. B., & Sons. Comstock, Ferre & Co. Coy, C. P., &Son. Cummins, D. Robinson, J. C. Western Seed & Irrigation Co. Radish. European Radish is A 1 ; its growers are experienced and careful; all houses named in that quarter are recommended. California seed has been giving satisfaction, and the same remarks that have been made on page 26 in regard to California Carrot will also apply to Radish. Contract in America by March 1st; in Europe between July 1st and September 1st; get quotations in advance from all parties. American Growers. Agnew, H. C. & J. B. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Fosgate, W. J. Haven Seed Co. 40 THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. Morse, C. C., & Co. Morrison, E. H. Routzahn Seed Co. European Growers. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Dippe Bros. Houdry, Fils. Hurst & Son. Jensch, Gustav & Co. Mette, Henry. Nutting & Sons. Peignaux & Lorain. Roberts & Holder. Sachs, David. Sluis & Groot. Spittel, Friederick. Rape. England is the best source of supply. Make con- tract between July 1st and September 1st. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Dickinson, Albert, Seed Co. Wherry, W. K, & Co. Salsify. Procure in California, making contract by March 1st. Bodger, John, & Sons. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Kimberlin, J. M. , & Sons. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 41 Morse, C. C, & Co. Routzahn Seed Co. Scorzonera. Other European houses in the alphabetical list than the following named are also able to supply. Make contract between July 1st and September 1st. Sluis & Groot. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Spinach. Owing to cheapness and reliability of seed, Europe is the main and best source of supply. In case of large orders, the following named are particularly advised. Make contract between July 1st and Septem- ber 1st. Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Sluis & Groot. Squash. Make contract by April 1st, having obtained quota- tions from all in advance. Baer, Chas. Berry, A. A., Seed Co. Burrell, D. B. Coy, C. P., & Son. Ladd Seed Co. Paxson, J. V. Robinson, J. C. Western Seed & Irrigation Co. 42 Tomato. The Tomato grows in luxuriance in California, and in some parts, all the year round; the crop is more certain there than in the East. The Bodgers grew nearly 20,- 000 lbs. in 1903, mostly for the larger Eastern houses. Contract in California by March 1st ; in the East by April 1st. Bodger, John, & Sons. Boggs, Caleb, & Son. Haven Seed Co. Morse, C. C, & Co. Pedrick, Geo. R. Wilcox. Alvin C. Turnip. In England, the Turnip thrives in all its effulgence and glory and seed from that source is reliable; in fact, it is an open secret that the greater portion of the Turnip seed which has been sold for years in America as American growth has come from England. It may be said that some of the larger establishments sell noth- ing else. The most prominent growers in England are: Carter, Cooper and Hurst. Prices which have prevailed latterly in Europe, have ruled from 8 to 8J- cents per pound. Until America shall compete with Europe in price as well as with quality, the latter may expect to be favored with the trade for Turnip and a number of other varieties. Two seasons are required to mature a crop of seed in Europe; contract should be placed there between July THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 43 1st and September 1st. Delivery would be made in fall or winter of the following year. Write American firms by March 1st for quotations for new crop. For Seven Top Turnip write Jones in this country. American Growers. Allen, C. L. Anthony, H. C. Clark, E. B., & Sons. Comstock, Ferre & Co. Jones, H. P. Morrison, E. H. Parsons, E. B. European Growers. - Carter, Jas., Dunnett & Beale. Cooper, Taber & Co. Houdry, Fils. Hurst & Son. Peignaux & Lorain. Roberts & Holder. Sachs, David. Sluis & Groot. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Flower Seed— Miscellaneous. The German Seedsmen have the best reputation in the world for Flower Seeds. Compare their prices for common varieties with California, and in cases where prices are about the same it is advisable to give Cali- 44 the seedsman's assistant. fornia the preference; but, it is recommended, always to buy the choicer kinds in Germany or France. There is no duty on Flower Seeds coming from Europe. Make contract by March 1st in America; between July 1st and Sept. 1st in Europe. Benary, Ernst. Bodger, John, & Son. Cooper, Taber & Co. Dippe Bros. Haage & Schmidt. Morse, C. C, & Co. Routzahn Seed Co. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Flower Seeds.— Specialties. California is headquarters for the entire seed trade for Sweet Peas, which have been grown there as low as 7J cents per pound. Make contract by March 1st. Nasturium. Cullen, Thos. Davy. Dippe Bros. Routzahn Seed Co. Pansy. Benary, Ernst. Dippe Bros. Haage & Schmidt. Roemer, Fred. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 45 Sweet Peas. Agnew, H. C. & J. B. Bodger, John, & Sons. Braslan Seed Growers Co. Kimberlin, J. M., & Son. Morse, C. C, & Co. Rohnert, Waldo. Routzahn Seed Co. FIRST CLASS SOUECES FOE, ALFALFA, BLUE GEASS, EYE AND FESCUE GEASSES, SUNFLOWEE, VETCHES, WHITE CLOVEE, BULBS, ILLUSTEATED SEED BAGS, ETC., ETC. Alfalfa. Beatty Mercantile Co. Blackmail & Griffin. McNeen, James. Smurthwaite, C. A., Produce Co. Berseem or Egyptian Clover. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. Blue Grass. Dickinson, Albert, Seed Co. McCullough, J. M., Sons. Peppard, J. G. Spears, E. F., Sons. Taylor, G. M. Dealers in Electros, Vegetables and Flowers, for Catalogue Illustration. Blanc, A., Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Bryant, J. M., 706 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. McFarland, J. Horace, Co., Harrisburg, Pa. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co. (46) THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 47 Manufacturers of Seed Bags— Illustrated and Plain. Cincinnati Bag Co. Clark Bros. Finch, F. Gair, Robert. Glecner & Faust. Karle Lithographing Co. Niagara Lithographing Co. Spangler, E. J. , & Co. Stecher Lithographing Co. Vredenburg & Co. Wall, H. M., Litho. Co. Young, Willis G. Rye and Fescue Grasses. Allen, R., & Son. Busquers, Wm. E., & Co. Nunguesser, Henry. Sunflower, Connell, H. H. Courteen, S. G. Dickinson, Albert, Seed Co. Tewelles, L., & Co. Tobacco. First of the following named grows general line of seed of all the American varieties. Sagarniroya is recommended for pure Cuba or Havana Tobacco seed. Ragland, R. L. Sagarniroya, Jose. 48 the seedsman's assistant. Vetches. Vetches are being grown extensively and cheaply in Oregon. Any of the English Houses in Europe. Portland Seed Co. White Clover. Courteen, S. G. Dickinson, Albert, Seed Co. McCullough's, J. M., Sons. Tewelles, L., & Co. Whitney, Eckstein & Co. Sundries. Andrews, D. M. , Boulder, Col. ; Rare seeds. Barr & Sons, 11-13 King St., Covent Garden, London, Eng. ; Sundries. Box, John R. , West Wickham, Kent, Eng. ; Begonias. Bull, Wm., & Sons, King's Road, Chelsea, London, S. W., Eng.; Sundries. Burbank, Luther, Santa Rosa, Cal. ; Shasta Daisy. California Carnation Co., Loomis, Cal.; Calla Bulbs. Carter, C. J., & Son, Wallace, N. C. ; Caladiums, Tuberose Bulbs. Cowee, Arthur, Berlin, N. Y. ; Gladiolus Specialist. Croom, J. F., & Bro., Magnolia, N. C; Tuberose Bulbs. Cushman Gladiolus Co., Sylvania, O. Degraff Bros., Leiden, Holland; Hyacinths, Tulips, Bulbs, etc. Egger, Geo., Jaffa, Palestine; Bulbs* THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 49 Eldering, W. J., & Son, Overveen, Harlem, Holland; Hyacinths, etc. Frith, Chas. A. V., Hamilton, Bermuda; Lilium Harrissi Bulbs. Furrow Bros., Guthrie, Okla., Canna Bulbs. Germain Seed Co., Los Angeles, Cal. ; Calla, Freesia Bulbs. Griffing Bros. Co. , Jacksonville, Fla. ; Canna Bulbs. Grim, E. A., & Co., Hamburg, Germany; Sundries. Groves, J. H., & Son, Magnolia, N. C. ; Tuberose Bulbs. Grullemans, J. J., & Son, Lisse, Holland; Hyacinths, etc., Bulbs. Harrison & Son, Leicester, Eng. ; Sundries. Hasslach & Roumanville, St. Remy de Provence, France; Sundries. Heinehian, F. C, Erfurt, Germany; Sundries. Herb, M., Naples, Italy; Sundries. Hillebrand, Uberto, Pallanza, Italy; Sundries. Hubert & Co. , Guernsey, Channel Is. , Eng. ; Daffodil Bulbs. Johnson, W. W., & Sons, limited, Boston, Eng.; Sundries. Kennell, John Fay, Box 405, Rochester, N. Y. ; Gladiolus Bulbs. Lecoq, A., & Co., Darmstadt, Germany; Grasses, Forest Tree Seeds. Little & Ballantyne, . Carlisle, Eng.; Sundries. Loomis Floral Co., Loomis, Cal.; Shasta Daisy Seed. Newbury, H. E. Co., Magnolia, N. C. ; Tuberose Bulbs, 50 Orcutt Seed & Plant Co., San Diego, Cal. ;. Bulbs. Pape & Bernmann, Quedlinburg, Germany; Sundries. Peacock, W. P. , Atco, N. J. ; Dahlia Roots. Rees & Gompere, R. F. D. No. 1, Long Beach, Cal. ; Bulbs. Speelman, C. J., Sons, Sassenheim, Holland; Hya- cinths, Etc., Bulbs. Stallknecht & Meyer, Copenhagen, Denmark; Sundries. Stanley, Ashton & Co. , South Gate, London, N. , Eng. ; Sundries. Surrey Seed Co., Ltd., Red Hill, Eng., Sundries. Sutton & Sons, Reading, Eng. ; Sundries. Suzuki & Iida, 31 Barclay St., New York; Japanese Seeds and Bulbs. The General Bulb Co., Vogelenzung, Holland; Hya- cinths, Etc. The Munson & Co. , New Haven, Conn. ; Sundries. Van Waveren, L. & Co. , Hillegom, Holland ; Hya- cinth, Tulip Bulbs. Watkins, S. L., Fair Oaks, Cal.; Bulbs. Watkins, W. G., Placerville, Cal.; Bulbs. Watkins & Simpson, 12 Tavistock St., Covent Garden, London, Eng. ; Sundries. West, Geo. W., Shelly Bay, Bermuda; Lilium Harrissi Bulbs. Wright, W. G., San Bernardino, Cal.; California Native Seeds. Zippe, H., & Co., Lisse, Holland; Bulbs. VITALITY OF SEEDS. The natural law seems to be that all seeds retain their vitality for, at least, two or three years. The safer plan for the dealer, however, with seeds carried over from one season to another, is to follow the rule of the best conducted Seed Houses, that is, to test all such stocks at a set period, just before the next selling season, taking care to preserve for reference, a proper record of same. In truth, the best course is to test all seeds as soon as received in store, from whatever source, so as to confirm their vitality. In the majority of cases, fresh seeds give the best results, that is when it is desired to produce plants with a strong leaf growth. Naturally, plants from perfectly fresh seeds, possess greater vigor, but for plants that it is desired should head, fruit or bulb well, like Cab- bage, Lettuce, Cucumber, Melon, Pumpkin, Beet, Carrot, Radish, and Turnip, it is preferable to use seeds two or three years old. This applies as well to flowers; seeds two years old tend to produce more double flowers than fresh seeds. (51) GROWERS' PRICES. The following list of Seed Growers' contract prices is presented for the purpose of showing the average prices which have prevailed among Growers during the past several years. They are not in all cases the minimum prices which were given for extremely large orders, but are the actual figures at which contracts were made for moderate orders for seeds of the best quality. At date of publication, complete data for crop 1903 is the latest at hand, but it may be confidently stated that the same prices have ruled again generally for crop 1904, the notable exceptions being Beans and Peas, contract prices of which for 1904 being a trifle lower than they were in 1903. (Inclusive of duties, in case of importation. ) Per Pound. Asparagus $0.10 Beet. Egyptian, Eclipse, Blood Turnip, Long Blood, etc. .13 Sugar, different varieties 05£ Mangel Wurtzel, Mammoth Long Red 05 Mangel Wurtzel, Golden Globe 05| Mangel Wurtzel, Red Globe 06f Mangel Wurtzel, Golden Tankard 06 Brussels Sprouts 45 Cabbage. Etampes, Early Spring, Early and Large York, Ulm Savoy, Early Flat Dutch, Early Winnigstadt, Early Drumhead, Summer Flat Head 40 (52) 53 Per Pound. Select Early Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield. .40 to .50 All Head, All Seasons, Succession, Autumn King, Danish Ball Head, Green Glazed, Surehead, Premium Large Late Flat Dutch, Large Late Drumhead, Drumhead Savoy, Ked Dutch, etc.* 40 to .45 Carrot. Oxhart, Early Horn, Danvers, Long Orange, etc 16 to .20 White Belgian. 12 to .14 Cauliflower. Extra Early Snow Ball 13.00 Selected Extra Early Erfurt 11.00 Extra Early Paris 2.25 Large Algiers 2.50 Autumn Giant 1 . 00 Celery. Giant White and Dwarf White 25 Henderson White Plume 35 to .40 Half Dwarf, Golden Heart, Giant Pascal ., ...25 to .30 Golden Self-Blanching, best French 70 Golden Self-Blanching , best American 55 Collarda- Best Georgia 25 to .28 Corn Salad 16 Cress. Curled 06£ Plain 06J Cucumber. Different varieties 20 Egg Plant. Improved New York Purple (Spineless). $1.00 to 1.25 Kale . Dwarf German Greens , Tall Curled Scotch 25 KoMRabi. White Vienna 52 Purple Vienna 70 Leek. London Summer 25 Large Musselburgh 35 Lettuce. All different varieties .16 to .18 Melon, Musk. All different varieties 20 to .22 54 the seedsman's assistant. Per Pound. Melon, Water. All different varieties 12 Mustard. Black and White 05 Giant Southern Curled 13 to .15 Okra. All different varieties 10 Onion. Italian Queen 65 Bloomsdale Pearl, genuine , 65 White Portugal, Southport White Globe 65 Yellow Flat Dan vers , Yellow Strasburg 35 Yellow Globe Dan vers, Large Red Wethersfield 40 Eed and White Bermuda 1.25 Onion Sets. Bloomsdale Pearl 06 Parsley. Plain 10 Finest Double Curled, Moss Curled 13 Parsnip. Improved Hollow Crown 08£ Round 09 Pepper. Sweet Spanish, Bull Nose 50 Ruby King 60 Radish. All different varieties 10£ to .12 Salsify. Mammoth Sandwich Island 26 to .30 Spinach. All different varieties 05 to .06 Squash. Early Bush, Summer Crookneck 17 Hubbard, Boston Marrow 25 Tomato. Stone, Beauty, Acme, Perfection, Atlantic Prize, etc 50 Dwarf Champion 70 Spark's Earliana 75 Turnip. Red Top Strap-leaved, Flat and Globe, Early Flat Dutch, White Globe, White Egg, Yellow Aber- deen 11 Improved Purple Top Yellow Rutabaga 10£ THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 55 Per Bushel. Beans. Dwarf Snaps, Green Pod, Ked Valentine, ete. $2.25 to |2.50 Dwarf Snaps, Wax Pods, Golden Wax, etc 2.60 to 3.00 Bush Lima; Burpee, Henderson 2.40 Bush Lima, Dreer's 2.50 Pole; Kentucky Wonder, Creaseback, Southern Prolific, Large White Lima 2.00 Carolina or Sewee 2.40 Corn, Sweet. Early Minnesota, Black Mexican 1.15 Cory, Crosby 1.15 Stowell's Evergreen 1.00 Country Gentleman 1.30 Extra Early Adams 90 Corn, Field. Golden Beauty, Hickory King, Chester Co., Mammoth, Learning, etc 50 Peas. Extra Early sorts, Anybody's, with or without seal 2.50 to 3.00 Little Gem, American Wonder, Everbearing, Champion, etc 1.50 to 4.00 Flower Seeds. Prices in California. Per Pound. Asters. Giant Comet, separate colors $3.50 Branching, separate colors 3.00 Balsam. Separate colors 2.00 Calendula. Separate colors ,, 30 Centaurea Cyanus , 35 Cosmos. Giant, separate colors 50 Delphinium (Larkspur) 40 Eschscholtzia. The Golden West 75 Hollyhock. Allegheny, extra select 4.00 Marigold. Eldorado 75 56 the seedsman's assistant. Per Pound. Mignonette. (Reseda odorata) 18 Nasturtium . Dwarf Tom Thumb , separate colors 30 Tall, separate colors, Lobbianum 28 Pansy. Different sorts $4.00 to 6.00 Petunia. Striped and blotched 8.00 Per Ounce. Ruffled Giants $8.00 Per Pound. Phlox Druinmondii. NanaCompacta $7.00 Poppy. Double White, Cardinal 50 Shirley, Tulip 75 Stocks. Ten Weeks 3.00 Sunflower. Chrysanthemum Flowered 35 Sweet Peas. Best named kinds 8 to .10 Verbena Eybrida - 5.00 Zinnia. Curled and Crested 1.50 LIST OF SYNONYMS OF FAMILIARLY KNOWN VARIETIES OF VEGETABLES, ESTAB- LISHED FROM EXPERIMENTS AND INVESTIGATIONS MADE IN TRIAL GROUNDS. Generic Name. Asparagus — Recognized Specific Name Conover's Colossal. Beans, Bush- Brown Valentine. n a Brown Six Weeks. American Extra Early Green Pod. Davis Wax. Dwarf German Black Wax. « u Crystal White Wax. Detroit Wax. Dwarf Horticultural. Synonyms. Barr's Mammoth. Conover's Giant. California Mammoth, Donald's Elmira. Giant Argenteuil. Kefugee. Thousand to One. Early Mohawk. Mohawk. Ne Plus Ultra. Ventura Wonder. Butter Wax. Cylinder Pod. Ancient American. Cabbage Wax. Maule's Butter Wax. Dwarf Cherry. Dwarf Cranberry. Dwarf Marblehead. Dwarf Wren's Egg. Quail Head. (57) 58 THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name Beans, Bush, Con. Dwarf Horticultural. a a Emperor William. Ferry' s Challenger Black Wax. Goddard' s Improved Dwarf Horticultural. Golden Wax. it it Golden Wax, long, round, sickle shape. Green Flageolet. Mexican Tree. it n Ked Flageolet Wax. tt a Ked Kidney. Red Valentine. it a a it Triumph of France. White Kidney. a n Synonyms. Scipio Dwarf. Speckled Cranberry. Dwarf Dutch Case Knife. First in Market. Low's Champion. White Scimeter. Thorburn' s Butter Wax. Boston Favorite. Improved Yellow Eye. Eed Podded Dwarf Horticultural. Perfection Wax. Eust-Proof Golden Wax. Bismarck. Wonder of France. Cala. California Tree. Prolific Tree. Vineless Marrow. Crimson Flageolet Wax. Landreths' Scarlet Wax. Chilian. Extra Early Eed Valentine. Extra Early Eound Pod Valentine. Eed Marrow. Paris Canner. Improved Eoyal Dwarf. Eoyal Dwarf. THE SEEDSMAN S ASSISTANT. 59 Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name. Synonyms. Beans, Bush, Con, . White Kidney. Large White Kidney. << << Stanton. White Marrow. Large White Dwarf Cranberry. n a Mountain. <« <( Succotash. a a Large White Marrow. White Navy. Boston Pea. u Early Marrow. << Improved Navy. «< Snowflake. Yellow Six Weeks, Newtown. long. u a Rob Roy. Yellow Six Weeks, Yellow Cranberry. round. Burpee's Bush Lima. Dwarf Large White Lima. Dwarf Small White Henderson's Bush Lima. Lima. << << Dwarf Carolina. U (< Dwarf Sieva. (< (( Jackson Wonder. Kumerle Dwarf Lima . Dreer's Bush Lima. a a Dwarf Potato Lima. a ' a Thorburn' s Bush Lima. Beans, Pole . . Creaseback. Fat Horse. u Lazy Wife. u Mobile. Golden Butter Pole. Golden Cluster Wax. << << Mont d' Or Wax. Horticultural Pole. Housewives' Delight. (C u Red-Speckled C r a n berry. u tc Scipio Pole. 60 THE SEEDSMAN S ASSISTANT. Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name Beans, Pole, Con. Horticultural Pole. Kentucky Wonder. Mammoth Podded Horticultural. Large White Lima. Improved White Lima, Small White Lima. Tall German Black Wax. Yard Long. Ked Speckled Cut Short. Synonyms. Wren's Egg. Monstrous Podded Southern Prolific. Old Homestead. Seek No Further. Texas Prolific. Wood' s Improved Southern Prolific. Hampden. King Horticultural. Mugwump. Worcester. Butter. Early Jersey Lima. King of the Garden. Jersey Lima. Challenger. Dreei^ s Improved Lima. Potato Lima. Carolina. Sewee. Sieva. Black Algerian Wax. Black Butter Pole. Indian Chief, Asparagus. Cuban Asparagus. French Asparagus. Snake. Corn Field. Corn Hill. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 61 Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name. Synonyms. Beet— Table Sorts • • Bassano. Extra Early Turnip. Bastian' s Turnip. Philadelphia Early Turnip. u u Simon's. Dark Blood Turnip. Acme. u ci Arlington Favorite. (( it Early Columbia. u u Dewing' s. a u Edmund's. Market Gardeners'. u a New Crimson Chief. Eclipse. a Columbia. Detroit Dark Red. Egyptian. Crosby. u Excelsior. u Extra Early Turin. Lentz. Improved Arlington. U Dark Stinson. u Electric. u Landreths' Early Forcing. u New Surprise. Long Blood. Ne Plus Ultra. Swiss Chard. Silver Beet. u Spanish Spinach. Beet— Field Sorts • • Champion Yellow- Intermediate Man- gold Wurtzel. Gate Post. Giant Long Red Colossal Monarch. Mangold Wurtzel. 11 u Jumbo. u u Prize Mammoth. (c u Norbiton Giant. 62 THE SEEDSMAN S ASSISTANT. Generic Name, Recognized Specific Name. Synonyms. Beet—Field Sorts, Con Giant Long Eed Man- Saw Log. gold Wurtzel, Eed Top Sugar. White Silesian. Brussels Sprouts- Dwarf. Cabbage French. Autumn King. Danish Ball Head. Early Spring. Early Winnigstadt. Early Dwarf Flat Dutch. Etampes. Filderkraut. Fottler's Brunswick. Danish Sugar. White French. Miniature Cabbage. Perfection. Koseberry. World Beater. Amager. Base Ball. Cannon Ball. Hollander. Solid Emperor. Flat Parisian. Early Cone. Quedlinburg Winnig- stadt. All Seasons. All Year Bound. Early All Head. Early Southern Cross. Long Island Medium Flat Dutch. Advance. Express. Lightning. Henderson's Premium. Wonderful. Pomeranian Pointed Head. Fottler's Early Drum- head. Gregory's Early Drum- head. 63 Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name. Synonyms. Cabbage, Con Fowler's Brunswick. Large White Bruns- wick. " " Short Stem. Henderson's Early New York Early Summer. Summer. Large Jersey Wake- Charleston Wakefield, field. " " Large-Headed Wake- field. " " Large Wakefield. Large Late Flat Dutch. Bloomsdale Large Late Flat Dutch. " " Danish Large Late Flat Dutch. " " Excelsior Large Late Flat Dutch. " " Market Gardeners' Large Late Flat Dutch. " " Matchless Large Late Flat Dutch. " " Premium Large Late Flat Dutch. " " Silver Leaf Large Late Flat Dutch. " " Superb Large Late Flat Dutch. " " Chicago Market Garden. " " Large Late Drumhead. " " Late All Head. " " Surehead. Louisville Early Eclipse. Drumhead. " " Ferry Deep-Head. 64 THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name. Synonyms. Cabbage, Con Louisville Early Florida Header. Drumhead. " " New Hard Heading. " " Eeedland Early Drum- head. Ked Dutch. Early Dark-Red Erfurt, " Red Rock. St. Dennis. Chou Bonneuil. " Eclipse. " Imported Early Flat Dutch. Solid South. Landreths' Early Sum- mer Flat Head. Little Pixie. St. John's Day. Select Jersey Wake- field. Stone Mason. Buncombe. '' Hard Heading. " Large Bergen. " Large Late Mountain. Vandergaw' s Early Bloomsdale Early Drumhead. Drumhead. " " Succession. Carrot French Earliest Short Early Round Parisian. Horn. Half Long Scarlet Stump-Rooted. Long Orange. Extra Early French Forcing. Golden Ball. Chantenay. Altringham. Henderson's Inter- mediate. Long Red Surrey. THE SEEDSMAN S ASSISTANT. 65 Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name s. Synonyms. fin i*T*ftt; (Inn . . . . . . . . Tinner Oranw Victoria. VCUXvl) \jUlb» • • • ' 1 ■ • JL*J\J±ltl V^i*AllgVy# Orange Danvers. Rubicon Half Long. Oxheart. Early Gem. it Guerande. Scarlet Horn Blunt- Bellot. Rooted. White Vosges. White Giant. Cauliflower . . . Dwarf Earliest Erfurt. Dwarf Earliest. u a First. Early Paris. Nonpareil. Early Snow Ball. Very Dwarf, Small Leaved. U It Henderson's Early Snow Ball. Algiers. Landreths' Reliable. Celery . . . Dwarf White Solid. Kalamazoo. Giant Pascal. Winter King. v Golden Heart. Crawford' s Half Dwarf. a Golden Dwarf, Self- Blanching. u Henderson's Half Dwarf. Paris Golden Self- Golden Self-Blanching. Blanching. White Plume. Self-Blanching. Chicory . . . Common or Long- Booted. Barbe de Capuchin. Collards . . • Georgia. Cabbage. 44 Creole. u Improved White Georgia. u Silver. 44 Southern Curled. Corn— Table Sorts . . • Asylum. Early Mammoth. 66 THE SEEDSMAN S ASSISTANT. Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name Corn— Table Sorts, Con Asylum. u Ballard's Extra Early. it u Black Mexican. Concord. Country Gentleman. Crosby. Early Adams. Early 8-rowed. Egyptian. Golden Sugar. Corn— Field Sorts Imitation Sugar. Narragansett. Old Colony. Perry's Hybrid. Bed Cory. Tuscarora. Blunt' s Prolific. Early Bed Blazed. Early Yellow Canada. Synonyms. Darling's. Triumph. Dolly Dutton. Tom Thumb. Squaw. Honey. Little Gem. Ne Plus Ultra. Quaker Sweet. Shoe Peg. Boston Market. Burlington. New England. Washington Market. Brighton. Early Orange. Golden Coin. Golden Sweet. First in Market. Landreths' Early Market. Southern Boasting Ear. Marblehead. Excelsior. Landreths' Sugar. . Squantum. Chicago Market. First of All. Brazilian Flour. Mammoth Ensilage. Smut Nose. Early Yellow Flint. Vermont Eight-rowed Yellow. THE SEEDSMAN S ASSISTANT. 67 Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name. Com— Field Sorts, Con Extra Early Long Bristol. Golden Dent. Large White Flint. Maryland White Gourd Northwestern Dent. Sheep Tooth. White's Surprise. Corn— Pop Pearl. White Kice. Cress Cucumber • Curled. Gray Seeded Early Winter. Golden Yellow. ■ Early Frame. Early Russian. Failb/s Hybrid. Synonyms. Landreths' Southern Prolific. Early Golden Dent. Pride of the North. Queen of the Prairie. Yellow Dent. Old Hominy. .Southern Snowflake. Bloody Butcher. Southern Fodder. Extra Early Pearl* Silver Lace. Small White Bow. Egyptian. Monarch. Rat Tooth. Snow Ball. Pepper Grass. American. Land. Upland. Australian. Early Cluster. Livingston' s Evergreen. Short Green. Wethersfield Chicago Pickle. Extra Early Seedling. Extra Early Siberian. Everbearing. New Siberian. Extra LongWhiteSpine. Fordhook Famous. 68 THE SEEDSMAN S ASSISTANT. Gherkin. Nichols' Medium Green. Short Prolific. Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name. Synonyms. Cucumber, Con. . -Failby's Hybrid. New Orleans Market Spine. Burr. Bound Prickly. West India. California Pickle. Boston Market. Boston Pickling. Chicago- Pickling. Early Green Prolific. Extra Early Green Prolific. Jersey Pickle. Prize Taker. Chinese Snake. Astro. English Frame. Japan White. White India. White Pearl. Arlington White Spine. Bennet's White Spine. Buist's Perfection White Spine. Early White Spine. Evergreen White Spine. Fordhook White Spine. Improved White Spine. Peerless White Spine. Bismarck. Thorburn's Commercial Pickle. Cultivated. Improved Thick-leaved. Sooly Qua. Telegraph. it White Parisian. White Spine. Dandelion Common French. Cabbaging. THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. 69 Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name Plant Large Spineless Purple. Endive Madras-striped? Broad-leaved. Kale Green Curled. White Curled. Asparagus. Dwarf German. Dwarf German Purple. Extra Dwarf Light Green Curled Scotch. Jersey. Waite's Dwarf Heading Kohl Rabi Early Green Vienna. Green. a Leek Large London. Large Musselburgh. U it Large Kouen. Lettuce American Gathering. Brown Dutch. Bronzed Curled. Synonyms. New Jersey. New Orleans Market. New York Purple. Guadalupe. Batavian. Escarolle. Lettuce-leaved. Winter. Moss Curled. New Orleans Broad-leaf. Cottagers. Dwarf Curled Scotch. German Greens. Siberian. Sprouts. Winter. Dwarf Brown Curled. {Bloomsdale. Mosbach. Norfolk. Cow or Tree. Eosette. Early White Vienna. Large Green. Large White. White. Flag. Carentan. Scotch Champion. American. Onondaga. Perpetual. Prize Head. Brown Ginco Cabbage. Brown Chartiers. 70 THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name Lettuce, Con. California Cream Butter, u u Synonyms. Beckert's Golden. Blonde Beauty. Philadelphia Butter. Spotted Passion. Curled Simpson. Perpetual. White Chartiers. Long Loaf. New Trianon Cos or Celery. Bomaine. Self Closing Cos. Hardy Green Winter. Curled India. Iceberg. Marblehead Mammoth. Deacon. Norfolk Eoyal Cabbage. Perpignan , Yellow Seed. Creole. Hubbard Market. Landreths' Early Summer. Perfected Salamander. Keliable. Salamander. St. Louis Market. Stubborn Header. Thick Bead Yellow. Waite's Summer Cabbage. 11 Wood's Cabbage. Tennisball, White Seed. All Year Bound. 1 ' " Boston Market. Trocadero. Big Boston. Curled Silesia. Golden Curled. Green Cos. Hammersmith. Hanson. Largest of All. THE SEEDSMAN S ASSISTANT. 71 Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name. Synonyms. Lettuce, Con. Trocadero. Ked Edged. Turkish Butter. Black Seeded Satisfac- tion. Bloomsdale Butter. Wheeler's Tom Thumb. Landreths' Forcing. Melon— Musk Acme. Anne Arundel. " Atlantic City. Baltimore. Baltimore Market. Cosmopolitan. Cannon Ball. Delmonico. Princess. Early Hackensack. Turk's Cap. Extra Early Hacken- sack. Arlington. a it Champion. (< tt Chicago Market. it tt Early Cape May. tt t< Livingston's Market. (( a Superb. Green Persian. Casaba. (.< it Giant of Colorado. Large Jenny Lind. Extra Early June. u it Jersey Belle. Long Island Beauty. California Beauty. Mango. Vegetable Peach. a Vine Orange. tt Vine Peach. Montreal. Outremont Beauty. Netted Gem. Alamo. (( K Colorado. CC (( Dewey Gem. (( tt Golden Gem. «( tt Golden Jenny. tt tt Nutmeg. Kocky Ford. Green Citron. 72 THE SEEDSMAN'S ASSISTANT. Generic Name. Recognized Specific Name Melon-Musk, Con. Nutmeg. Paul Rose. San Joaquin. Salmon and Green.