JEO,. 3, n MGTON POST iUO; DEFT, OF N, Y. ( ' ^ k # c» OFFICERS. MARTIN T. McMAHON. ^•r. t)tc£-(Jlcmmaniicr. WILLIAM D. WHIPPLE. Jr. fifc-CommanJicr. FRED. T. LOCKE. EDWARD HAIGHT, 26 Broad Street, N. Y. City. (!>uartcrmrt3tcr. SAMUEL TRUESDELL, 18 Broadway, N. Y. City. ^'urgcou. JNO. J. MILHAU. Rev. JNO. R. PAXTON. Officer 0f tijc jOap. THOMAS B. RAND. ©fficcr rtf tlje (Duarlr. D. C. MOYNIHAN. ^Sergeant iltajor. J. ESTCOURT SAWYER. (Q.. i\\. 5-crocaiit. JAS. H. BUTLER. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee of Jmic0tiflatt0n. HENRY E. SMITH. AUG. M. CLARK. CHAS. F. ULRICH. iluMting (ilcimmittcc. ROBT. WATTS. IVAN TAILOR CHAS. TREICHEL. Ilclicf Committee. M. T. McMAHON, Commander. JNO. J. MILHAU, Surgeon. SAML. TRUESDELL, Quartermaster. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. Section i. This encampment shall be known as George Washington Post, No. 103, Department of New York, Grand Army of the Republic. ARTICLE II. Sec. t. The stated meetings of this Post shall be held monthly, unless otherwise or- dered, at 8 o'clock P. M. Sec. 2. The distinctive badge of this Post shall be a diminutive Hatchet, bearing the figures 103. ARTICLE in. Sec. I. The application fee for member- ship in this Post shall be ten dollars, and the muster fee fifteen dollars. The first amount to be paid at the time the application is made, and the last amount at the time of muster-in. (Should the applicant be rejected the fee of ten dollars will be returned to him.) Sec. 2. Comrades joining by transfer shall pay the sum of twenty-five dollars, as now es- tablished for original membership, less such sum as the Comrade may have already paid to his original Post for entry. Sec. 3. The annual dues shall be ten dol- lars payable semi-annually, in advance. ARTICLE IV. Sec. t. There shall be a Committee of Em- ployment and Relief, consisting of the Com- mander, Surgeon and Quartermaster. Sec. 2. The Relief Committee shall report their action at each stated meeting of the Post. Sec. 3. All applications for employment or relief shall be referred to this Committee, who shall investigate the same ; but they shall make no expenditure exceeding ten dollars, unless authorized by the Post. Sec. 4. No Comrade of this Post shall be entitled to assistance unless for the six months previous to his application he shall have been a member in good standing. 9 ARTICLE V. Sec- I. The Rules of Order for the Na- tional Encampment shall be those of this Post, as far as applicable, ARTICLE VI. Sec. I. These By-Laws may be amended at the will of the Post, provided that they be not so amended as to conflict with the rules and regulations of the Grand Army of the Republic, or with any order issued by supe- rior authority. All amendments must be in writing, read before the Post, and laid over for one meeting before a vote of the Post is taken. A vote of two-thirds of the Comrades of the Post present shall be necessary for the adoption of any amendment. Sec. 2. These By-Laws shall not be sus- pended except by a three-fourths vote of the Post. EXTRACTS FROM RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE GRAND AMYoftheIIEPDBLIC 1887. 12 CHAPTER I. ARTICLE IV. Eligibility to Membership. Soldiers and sailors of the United States Army, Navy or Marine Corps, who served be- tween April 1 2th, 1861, and April 9th, 1865, in the war for the suppression of the Rebel- lion, and those having been honorably dis- charged therefrom after such service, and of such State regiments as were called into act- ive service and subject to the orders of U. S. General Officers, between the dates mentioned, shall be eligible to membership in the Grand Army of the Republic. No person shall be eligible for membership who has at any time borne arms against the United States. CHAPTER II. ARTICLE I. Admission to Membership. Sec. I. Every application for admission to membership shall be in writing, and shall 13 give in detail, upon the blanks furnished by the National Headquarters, the applicant's age, birth-place, residence, occupation date and rank when entering the service, and his rank at the time of his discharge (or if still in the service, his present rank), the date and cause of his discharge, the company and regi- ment or ship to which he belongs or belonged, the length of time he served ; if wounded, when, in what engagement, in what manner and degree, and the fact of any previous ap- plication, and to what Post it was made. Sec. 5. If an applicant be rejected, his ad- mission fee shall be returned, and he shall not be eligible to admission to the Grand Army of the Republic until six months after such re- jection. He shall not be eligible to member- ship in any other Post without the consent, by a two-thirds vote, of the Post rejecting him. A second and all subsequent applications shall be in the same form and subject to the same conditions as the first. Sec. 7. Each applicant, upon his election, shall be at once notified thereof in writing, and on presenting himself for membership shall be properly mustered. 14 But unless he present himself for muster within three months from the date of such notice, his election shall be void, and all moneys which may have been required by the Post to accompany the application shall be forfeited to the Post treasury. The Commander-in-Chief, or a Department Commander, may, however, grant a dispensa- tion in any particular case to a Post to muster a candidate, even though he has 7iot presented himself for muster within three months after notice of election. ARTICLE III. Admission of Comrades from other Posts. Sec. I. A comrade having a valid transfer card may be readmitted to the Post which granted the same, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, and voting at a regular meeting, or he may be admitted to another Post after his name has been proposed, re- ferred and reported upon as in case of an ap- plicant for membership, and upon receiving a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a regular meeting, or he may be ad- mitted a charter member of a new Post Sec. 2. Each Post may establish such ad- mission fees, to be paid by comrades joining by transfer, as they may think proper, not ex- ceeding the amount required from recruits. ARTICLE IV. Sec. 3. Any comrade in good standing, on appHcation to the Post Commander at a regu- lar meeting, shall receive at some subsequent meeting an honorable discharge, signed by the Post Commander and attested by the Ad- jutant : Froviaed, That at the time of such application there are no pecuniary charges against him on account of the Post. A com- rade thus discharged can be readmitted by filing a new application, to be regularly re- ferred and reported on, and upon receiving a two-thirds vote of the members present, and voting at a regular meeting, he shall be ad- mitted without re-muster on taking anew the obligation. ARTICLE VII. Election of Officers. Sec. I. The Post officers (the Adjutant, Sergeant-Major and Quartermaster-Sergeant i6 excepted) shall be elected at the first stated meeting in December by ballot, unless a bal- lot be dispensed with by unanimous consent. They shall be installed into their respective offices at the first stated meeting in January following. At the installation of officers the Post Commander shall appoint the Adjutant, and upon the recommendation of the Adju- tant and Quartermaster respectively, he shall also appoint the Sergeant-Major and the Quartermaster-Sergeant. They shall enter upon their duties at once, and all officers, whether elected or appointed, shall hold office until their successors are installed. And such installation may be conducted publicly at a special meeting to be held for that purpose, when no part of the opening or closing ser- vices or signs of recognition shall be used. Sec. 2. In case of a ballot for officers, a majority of all the votes cast shall be neces- sary to a choice. If there is no election on the first two ballots, the name of the comrade receiving the lowest number of votes shall be dropped, and so on in successive ballots until an election is made. Sec. 3. Posts may fill any vacancy in their 17 offices at any stated meeting, notice of such contemplated action having been given at a previous meeting. A Post may, by a two- thirds vote, declare vacant the position of any officer who has absented himself for four con- secutive stated meetings, provided that notice has been duly given the delinquent officer, and notice of the intended action has been given to the members of the Post. ARTICLE IX. Rep reseniatives. Each Post shall, at the first stated meeting in December, annually elect, from its own members, representatives, and an equal num- ber of alternates, to the Department Encamp- ment, in the manner described in Chap. Ill, Art. 2. CHAPTER V. ARTICLE IV. Sec. 3. Any member of a Post who is six months in arrears in the payment of his dues shall be notified thereof in writing by the Post i8 Quartermaster, and if the same are not paid within two months thereafter he may be sus- pended from all privileges of membership by vote of the Post, and be then so reported in the quarterly reports to department headquar- ters until such dues are paid- While so sus- pended the Post shall not be subject to the per capita tax on such member, and he shall not be counted in the representation of the Post in the Encampment of the Department, nor of the Department in the National En- campment. Provided, however^ That when a comrade is unable, by reason of sickness or misfortune, to pay his dues, they must be re- mitted by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a stated meeting of the Post. Sec. 4. If a member of a Post shall be one year in arrears for dues, he shall be notified thereof in writing by the Post Quartermaster, and on failure for two months thereafter to pay such dues, he may, by vote of the Post, be dropped from the rolls, unless relieved from such payment, and can be reinstated only by the Post which dropped him by a two- thirds vote, by ballot, of all the members present and voting at a stated meeting, upon 19 payment of a sum to be prescribed by By- Laws of the Post, said sum not to be less than the amount charged for muster-in fee. If elected he shall be re-obligated : Provided, That he may be re-obligated in any Post within whose jurisdiction he may reside, upon the written request of the Post reinstating him. Application for reinstatement shall be made by filing a new application, to be regu- larly referred and reported on. If the Post from which a member in arrears has been dropped has been disbanded, he may make application to another Post. A comrade dropped as aforesaid, whose application for reinstatement has been rejected, upon pay- ment to the Quartermaster of the Post which dropped him of the amount of his dues at the date of being dropped, shall receive from the Quartermaster a receipt therefor, stated as dues of Comrade • , dropped and refused reinstatement, and such Comrade may make application, as provided in Art. II., Chap. 2, of these regulations, accompanied by the re- ceipt aforesaid, to another Post, and may be admitted to membership upon payment of the muster fee and being mustered in as a recruit. If the applicant be rejected he may apply 20 again after a lapse of six months. His name is not to be published. — Res. Nat. Encamp- ment, 1880. Sec. 5. The provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of this article shall not apply to any Comrade in the service of the United States, and on duty at a distance from the Post of which he is a member. ROSTER. AMES, A. Brevet Major General, late U. S. A. New York. *ASPINWALL. LLOYD, do Col. 22D Reg't, Brig. Gen. N. G. do ♦ARTHUR, E. J. Lieutenant U. S. Navy, retired do ANDREWS, W. S. Captain U. S. V. do f ARTHUR, WM. Major U. S. Army ASCH, MYER, Brevet Major \} . S.V. So.Norwalk,Ct. ALLEN, VANDERBILT, Brevet Major, late U. S. A. New York. ALLEN. H. F., As St. Engineer, late U. S. N. do ASCH, MORRIS J., M. D. Major, late U. S. Army do • Deceased. f Still in Service. , 22 BRODHEAD, WM. Brevet Major N. Y. Vols. New York. BUTLER, J. H., Brevet Major N. Y. Vols. do BURNETT, R. L. Bievet Major do late U. S. A. BREVOORT, H. W., Major late U. S. A. do BOGGS, THOS. K., Brevet Major Vols. do BOEHM, P. M., Captain U. S. A., retired Brooklyn. BURNETT, H. L., Brevet Brig. Gen I. U. S. V. New York. BARTON, G. De F. Paymaster, late U. S. N. do BLUNT, E,, Captain Yo\i. Brooklyn. BARRETT, C. T., Brevet Major U. S. V. W. N. Bricrhton BARRETT, T. H., Ass't, Engineer, late U. S. N. New York. BRITT. J. W., Colonel\o\s. do 1 23 fCIIADWICK, F. E., Conwiander, U. S. Navy, New York. CHURCH, W. C, Brevet Lieut. Ct?/., U. S. V do CLARK, A. M., Brevet Lietit Col. U. S. V. Belleville, N. J. CLAY, H. De B., Captain, late U. S.N/^,^^. Jamestown, Va, CORSE J. M., Brevet Major Gen I. U. S. A. Boston, Mass. f COGSWELL, J. K., Lieutenant, U. S. Navy. COSTER, C. R., Colonel, Vols. New York. CROSBY, J. SCHUYLER, Brevet Lieut. Col., late U. S. A., Washington, D. C. COOLEY, J. C, Captain, late U. S. A., New York. fCALHOUN, G.A., Lieutenant, U. S. N. DAVIES, H. E., Major Gen, Vols. DENISON, D. S., Captain, late U. S. A., do do ♦DICKINSON, WM., Brevet Major, U. S. A., retired do * Deceased, f Still in Service. 2 54 fDUNN, WM. McKEE, Major, U. S. Army, DeKAY SIDNEY, Brevet Major, U. S. V. New York. Des MARETS, E. a., Captain, late N. G. , S. N. Y. do EUEN, M. S., Brevet Colonel, U. S . V. New York. EDDEY, GEO. B., 35TH. Mass . Inf'ty. do ESTE, W. M., Major, U. S. V, do *FROTHINGHAM, W., Surgeon, New York. FULLER, CHAS. W., Colonel, late N, G., S. N. Y., Bergen Point, N. J. * Deceased. \ Still in Service. 25 •j-GlBSON, H. G., Brezet Brig.-Gein. U. S. Army. GRANT, G., 6V/;-.w. New York. •fGILLIS, J. H., Commodore, U. S. Nayy. GILMORE, J. R., Brevet Lieut.-Col., U. S. V. Brooklyn, N. \ GILBERT, D. B., Z?>^./^;^««A late N. G., S. N. Y.. New York. HALL, J. W., ^;rz;./ ^;7V.-6".«V.. U. S. V. Jackson, Mich. HANDREN, JNO. W., ^../. ^«-m6vr, late U. S. N., Dunellen, N. J. HEDDEN, W. R., Lieutenant, N. Y. V. New York. HUGHES, T. W. B., Captain, N.Y.V. do HAWLEY, JOS.R.. ^;rz'6V J/ay^r-^^^., U. S. V. Hartford, Conn. HAIGHT, ED. Brevet Lieut.-Col. , late U. S. Army, New York. HARKINS, D. H., Major, U. S. V. do HERRON, F. J.. Major-Gen. U. S. V. do t Still in Service. 1 26 ROWLAND, H. E, Captain, late N. G., S. N. Y. New York. fHARGOUS, C. E., Captain, U. S. Army. HAYES, JOS., Brevet Major-GenemI,\J . S.V. New York. JACKSON, J. C, Brevet Brig.-Gen' I. , U. S. V. New York. JARDINE, ED., Brevet Brig. -Gen I., U. S. V. do fKENNETT, J. C, Lieutcjiant-Coimnander, U. S. Navy. fKELLEY, J. D. J., Lieutenant. U. S. Navy. KETELTAS, H. Brevet Lient, -Col., late U. S. Army, New York. t Still in Service. 27 t LITCHFIELD, LL, Brevet Colonel, U. S. Armv. LOCKE, FRED F., Brevet Brig. -Gen. U. S. V. New York. *LEDLIE, J. H., Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. do *LOVE. T. Brig.-Genl. U. S. V. do LAWSON, F. B., Surgeon, do LOCKWOOD, J. B. Major, U. S. V. Brooklyn. fLILLIE, A. B. H., Lieutenant, U. S. NAVY. LEONARD, O. W., Brevet Lieut. -Col., Vols. New York. LEONARD, R. W., Brevet Lieut.-Col. U. S. V. Mt. Kisco,N.Y LUSK, W. T., Captain, Vols. New York. McKENZIE, C. F., Lieut. Vols. New York. fMcCALLA, B. H., Commander, U. S. Navy. McCOOK, A. G., Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. Washington, D. C. McMAHON, M. T., Brevet Major-Gen. U. S. V. New York. * Deceased. t Still in Service. 1 28 McMICKIN, J. A., Brevet Major, Vols. Brooklyn. MILES, T. C, Colonel, late N. G., S. N. Y., New York. ♦MORRIS, T. F., Colonel, Vols. Yonkers, N. Y. MOYNIHAN, D. C, Major, Vols. New York. MILHAU, JNO. J,, Brevet Brig.-Gen'L, late U. S. .A. do MARTEN, B. T., Brevet Lietit.-Col. Vols. do McGregor, d., captain, vois. do MOORE, J. F., Captain, Vols. do MERRILL, L., 1 Brevet Lieut, -Col, U. S. A., retired. McCOOK, JNO. J. Brevet Lieut. -Col. Vols. New York. fMOORE, J. W., Chief Engineer, U. S. Navy. McMICHAEL, W., Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. New York. MEARS, C. E., Major, Vols. Elizabeth, N. J. MANN, W. D., Colonel, Vols. New York. * Deceased. t Still in Service. 29 tOSBORN, A. P., Lieutenant, U. S. Navy. O'CONNOR, P. E., Captain, Vols. New York. OTIS, JAS., Major, late N. G., S. N. Y. do fO'BEIRNE, R. F. Lie lit. -Col., U. S. Army. PAGE, J. P., Captain, Vols. New York. fPAUL, A. G., Lieutenant, U. S. Navy. PAXTON, JNO. R.. Lieutenant, Vols. New York. PORTER, HORACE. Brevet Brig.-Gen., late U. S. A. New York . PRATT, JNO, Captain, U. S. V. do PORTER, H. M., Colonel, Vols. do PYNE, C. M., Captain, U. S. A., retired ' Washington, D. C. PLATT, J. H., Brevet Lieut. - Col. Vols . Queens, N. Y. tRODGERS, FRED, Commander, U. S, Navy. ROBESON, JNO. T., Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, Vols. New York. RAYMOND, CHAS. H., Captain, Vols. do RAND, THOS. B., Lieut. -Col. Vols do t Still in Service. fSCHOFIELD, J. M., Major- Gen era I, U. S. A. SHANLEY, J. N. Y. Vols. Brooklyn. SHORKLEY, GEO.. Brevet Major, U. S. A., retired. New York. tSTARRING, \V. S., Captain, U. S. Army. SMITH, HENRY E., Brevet-Major, late U. S. A. Philadelphia. *SNYDER, H. L., Chief Engineer, U. S. Navy. fSPEYERS, A. B., Lieutenant, U. S. Navy. SATTERTHWAITE, J. F., Lieutenant, Vols. Fl Paso, Tex. SWAYNE, WAGER, Brevet Maj. -Gen I. , U. S. A., retired. New York. SMITH, WM. M., Surgeon, Stapleton, S. I. SAWYER, J. E., Captain, U. S. Army. SIMMONS, G. C. 50TI1 Mass. Vols. New York. SWIFT, C. N., Brevet Lient. -Col. U. S. V. do SMITH, R. PENN, Colonel, Pa. Vols. do * Deceased. f Still in Service. 31 TAILOF, IVAN, Major, U. S. V. New York. -fTOTTEN, G. M., Lieut. -Commander, U. S. Navy. *TORBERT, A. T. A., Brevert I\Iajor-Gen l. U. S, A. TREICHEL, C, Brevet Lieut. -Col. U. S. V. New York. *TIBBITS, W. B., Brevet Major-Gen. U. S. V. Troy, N. Y. TREICHEL, W. P. C, Brevet-Licut.-Col. U. S. V. New York. TOMPKINS, C. IT., Brevet-Brig. -Gen. U. S. V. do fTHOMPSON, T., Paymaster, U. S. Navy. TRUESDELL, S., Brevet Lietit. -Col. N. Y. V. Brooklyn. *TIEDEMAN, F. M.,C^//^/;/,Vol.s. New York. ULRICH, C. F., Brevet Major, U. S. V. Po'keepsie, N.Y VANDERBILT, A., Ensign, late U. S. Navy New York. VAN RENNSELAER, K., Lieutenant, Vols. do * Deceased. f Still in Service. 32 WARD, JNO., Colonel, late N. G., S. N. Y. New York. WHITEHEAD, G. I., Major,\5. S.V. do WILSON, C. L., Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, Vols. do jWILTSE, G. C, Captain, U. S. Navy. WHARTON, J. S., Captain, U. S. A., retired, Montrose, Westchester Co., N. Y. tWHITEHOUSE, E. N., Paymaster, U. S. Navy fWHEELAN, J., Captain, U. S. Army WINANS, W. G., Lieutenant New York. fWHIPPLE, W. D., Brevet Major-Gen' I., U. S. Army. WATTS, ROBT., M. D., B7-evet Colonel, U. S. V. New York. WARD, C. S., Surgeon do fWILSON, T. D., Chief Naval Constructor, Washington, D, C. fWILSON, C. I., Major, U. S. Army. t Still in Service. m... *.->«y ffpTL'jy^Pii/'' \f T~r\ Kiy^ ^v-^^^ ^^A^ \/7L>f WW^Ta > I .istr 'ifl .Mi "aPr \^v^ *% sj/ x.^ S.-.- C^ k> w ^ w\ ^5^.V> V vVii JJ^VV ^^ .^- %■ i' .(P=C-4 % :€)f \ V( r /^^ x^>ir-i" «. .r\,^K