.C6F28 Copy 2 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 010 741 867 2 /x BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS I rOBEIGN MISSIONS. sIO\ %K V PAPKR N VII. BOS1 OIS • MISSIONARY PAPER, NO NOTICE OP CHIPPEWA'S < on 7ERT8. r ■ hich the • ■ ibition I .in . Indian ( 1 i I I circui ound I I - S Led upon bj Christian I f tilt' I i 1 1 ! I, 111(1 o!' t!i. conni light w hich baa daw ned on the mind. I 2 Eliza, an Indian Woman. Such narratives also bring before the mind in a striking manner the contrast between those who are without the gospel, and those who enjoy its light and embrace it. The effects of the change on individuals and neighbor- hoods, for this life and the future, cannot be estimated. The missionary and his patrons see in these converts living proofs, that their work is feasible, and that God approves of their labors and is co-operating with them. They also see the greatness of their work, which is to effect a similar change in the whole heathen population of the globe. [These narratives were furnished by the Rev. W. M. Ferry, missionary at Mackinaw, and may be relied upon as being authentic. The variou* individuals mentioned are members of the mission family.] ELIZA, AN INDIAN WOMAN. Her Life, before Conversion. The Indian name of Eliza was O-dah-be-tuh-ghe-zhe- go-quai, signifying in English the Mid-way-sky-woman, or the place of the sun at noon. She was born near the Aunee, about 300 miles up the south shore of Lake Superior ; and is by descent of the Chippeway, or more properly, O-jib-e-way tribe. She does not know her age, but is probably not far from 45 years old. Being of influential connections, (her uncle a principal chief,) she was selected to become an interpreter of dreams. This took place when she was probably about 16 or 17 years old. Her merits for this rank or honor must, ac- cording to their superstition, be decided by her living ten days in a separate lodge, without any other nourishment than a little water each night. She faithfully observed the prescribed abstinence, although it nearly cost her her life. Her bodily strength was almost exhausted ; and on being brought out of the lodge, probably from being too plentifully fed, she fell sick, and did not recover for several moons. And yet, of her own accord, soon after she got well, she fasted nine days more. From this time she was considered an extraordinary being. The clan would not permit her to work, but provided for her a wigwam of Eliza, an Indian Woman. 3 distinction, and constant!} supplied hei with the best ot their every thing, both food and clothing. also furnished with a large otter skin, or med- i stored u ith i article, ( ither for ,1 cure oi ting dreams. This which b! honor ; and in all their medi< amon ' proof of which was taking the lead in drinking w hi key. in this w ay Bhe l» c I intemperate, that in one of I 31 her This was during the last war, at the commencement of which Bhe came from Lake Superior, and resided on the in l i it land west of Mackinaw. Another sack was pro her; but this Bh< k< pi oni] N< • tins time Bhe I her children, which, together w ith tho ■ ikI sack, and the neglect "t" the India] dispirited her, that Bhe abandoned herself vice. \ other child, the third of four. Then for a \\ hile, Bhe list* ned to adi ice, and Btopp* d drmk i'. Bui re she was allured awaj into the woods bj an Indian man and woman, where whiskej had be< d previously carried, and there those two persuaded her to drink with th< m. In this drunken frolic, through i' alou but \\ itbout any just .Him fell upon her, and cut of! h^r nose. This was I that she could possibl} Buffer. And t.. r a long time her t'rn nds had t" watch her t<> k« ;> her from d< 3 troy in tried to ban It another time, returning from Mackinaw, where she with other Indians had been for w he threw herw It' into the lake, but the Indian in the BU mi Caught h< i b) tin- hair, and drew her again into the cai \ • tin- she began to think that the unknown Indian, who, a- Bhe supposed, had the of her life, was unwilling that >h<- Bhould kill herself, and she gave up all further attempts t-> < il'« el it Having but "n<- child h it. -h<' im.u Btaid som< times on the island of Mackinaw, and sometimes on the main land, with no fixed object but to get whiskey by every possible means. Th.- tir-t knowledge I had of her was in the tall <.t' I -jrj. . .i!i< r mil school was opened t<> receive children, I one • net her boy, and on ascertaining uh<> he was, I went with an interpreter to the lodge of the mother. A wretch- 4 Eliza, an Indian Woman. edly destitute and miserable scene we witnessed. At that time no persuasion could induce her to let me have her son. But going the second time, and the boy himself be- ing willing, she at length reluctantly gave her consent. However, in a few days he ran away, and though I obtained him again, yet through the winter the mother watched for opportunities to get him. The following spring, more out of pity than for our convenience, I employed her, first in the kitchen, and afterwards at the sugar camp on Bois Blanc, a neighboring island, on condition that she would drink no whiskey and conduct herself properly. By much counsel and care, she did so much better than my fears, that I finally told her, that, provided she would be steady, and do such work as she was able, she might have a home with us. From that time, I believe, she never had but three or four seasons of intoxication. First Religious Impressions. It is now about three years since her serious attention to religion commenced, the amount of which for some length of time was very fluctuating. While under the sound of instruction she would be more or less affected, sometimes to tears. For several years, during the hours of Sabbath school, we have had a separate school (or Indian women and others, mostly under the care of Mrs. F., for the pur- pose of reading and explaining the Scriptures, tracts, &,c. It was at these meetings that Eliza was often affected ; though afterwards, as she says, she would throw the sub* ject off, and become in a measure indifferent. Again, per- haps, impressed with the idea that there could be no mercy for such a creature as she was, and the thought of her re- ligious state making her unhappy, she would avoid being present at these meetings. Under this same impression, she could not think it right for her to come with us to family worship, or to the evening meetings of the females. Yet, she says, she often felt so strong a desire to hear the sound of prayer and singing, that she has gone to the door of the room, and remained there as long as she thought she could, without being discovered — sometimes till nearly frozen. Most of that winter passed with such uneasiness of mind, that, when not daring to look to God herself for mercy, be- cause she was such a sinner, she would feel it a kind of re« Eliza, an Indian Woman. 5 rheai the worship of< I - if God might bl v hear their prayers, though sh inworthy to be tit. During the spring,whil< greatly distressed during the * V igatb- < . had feelings tike th< Be — II' re I am, going the same round daily from I no relief — I must al ■ this w icked heart, and vt hen I die be misei Lble forever. 1 — The pious Indian woman who 1 1 ; t * i charge of the sugar camp, us< d t<» talk some with her; and after seasons of prayer, would ; k her ifsrn ii-. t feel the importance ofjoining in heart u nli li» r S she did And thoug her mind n<> , • would, . and feel strong desires i"r mercy. After her return, thought, a must look upon her con- dition as a bop !■ — om au ,i\ from thought h< rself unfit to be there. M i at M the farm, w here at i read ful state, and with i t she would go off from the house, and praj and wei p much alone: but t«»r the Hi"-' part sh« indul :> d ii h ithout i • I t fall we had unusual sickness in tin- family, and I and her thrt e weeks, I I I ■! probably suffer f nursing, I e were aware "t" it, and i ould bring them homi In n this tun. . • i k « -ii m< '.. thought with herself, t d (bund do relief t mind in owru>ay,nu iningtl I as, and that she would again trj her old way of medicim ad that she spent th< i ral eights in songs and her former Indian mummi rj Iftei she discontinued this; but she tl t n< rlv all anxi< tj oul, and qo feeling further than Foseph, h< r si • died. II*- talked with ber considerably, but she said she did not f< < l u much; that she \\ as tike one \\ bo had lost and nothing seemed to move her feelings. A few days be- fore Joseph's death, he had a long conversation with her told her that he should die soon, and that he wanted !.< r to promise him d< rei to drink any mure whiskey: to remain •i 6 Eliza, an Indian Woman. with the mission family; listen to their instructions; and pray every day to God: then, when she died, she would go to God with him. At first she told him that if he died she would die too. But Joseph said that was wrong; that it would not be as she said when to die; but that God only had a right to have her die when he wished. At length she promised him that she would remember and do as he had requested. During the whole scene attending Joseph's death and funeral, her behavior was singularly calm and solemn: so much so, that it was noticed by all. Many a professing Christian mother might have received from her in that afflictive scene, a silent, though awful reproof, for immod- erate grief. When she perceived that his spirit was really gone, the tears rolled, and she exclaimed, 'My son! my son!' in Indian: but farther than this, not a complaint nor groan was heard to escape her lips. After the funeral, I sat down with her, and had a long conversation. Among other things, I asked her, why it was that she appeared as she had done: whether it had been so at the death of her other children? To this last she said, no; and gave some account of her feelings and conduct — how she had, as is common among the Indians, wailed and mangled her own body in self-affliction. In answer to the former part, she said, 'I have no such feelings now — God is good, and I feel that what he has done must be right.' Although she expressed no consciousness of the love of God in her soul; yet she furnished comfortable evidence to my mindjthather feelings were under the sanctifying influence of the Holy Spirit. On the following night, as she now relates, while fixing her bed, all which had passed between her and Joseph, a few days before his death, rushed upon her mind like a torrent, awakening at the same time an impression that there was no hope for her soul: but in a moment, she determined with herself to pray once more that God would have mercy. For the purpose of greater retire- ment, she started to goto the cellar; and while descending the stairs, as if she could go no further,she settled down, and began to pour out her desires. This is the last distinct recollection she has of any thing that took place then. How or when she got back she has no knowledge. Between 11 and 12 o'clock, I heard a distressed noise, and lighting a candle immediately, I went to her and found her apparently / '/, an Indian Women. 7 p; ami ujx.n awakil [ was sick? N [ wenl The first I og me \\ n!i a candle in my hi od. She after- d was :i the Io?e I i filled v. ith family, t] ■i children e felt . • her mind • "\\ D ! I in a about •I . ay, and 1 \ . * 'Oh i I 1 l'u fi/. V. <] { n said, '1 G i I I I to love linn. i i -l I I □ had for I rch, or w] i.. think o Dot lov< ; 'l •! ■oul, i will soon take hi r oul of il.« worli • thua I 5 ■ . •I t that t - '" I e m tins world, and briii 5 bbath n< arer the time m b< ii I i ill be witi I M. M being particularly questioned, she re] when for a time hex mind waa troubled. A 8 Eliza, an Indian Woman. year ago she was reduced quite low, and one evening, word was brought us that she was dying. On going to her room, she was found to be very languid, but after some time re- vived, so as to be able to converse. She was questioned relative to her views and feelings, to which she gave an- swers expressive of joy in the prospect of being soon with God. She answered one of the sisters to this effect, 'I long to be gone, I want to have the time come.' After- wards she felt that she had expressed impatience, and it grieved her exceedingly; so that she had several seasons of weeping between that and the following Sabbath morning. Another time to which she referred, she had gone to bed, and, as she supposes, had not slept long, when she awoke and felt a desire to pray. She arose and knelt down, but had been engaged but a few moments before she drowsed. This occurred again; but awaking the second time, she was alarmed at herself, and feared that her love to God was all dying; and so great was her distress that it banished every sleepy feeling. With fears and a burdened heart, she set about prayer in earnest; nor did she leave off until her tears of sorrow were turned into tears of joy. Then her soul was so full that she could not sleep, and the remain- der of the night was spent in prayer, and joy that God was with her. The other instance was on an occasion when the girls had made some remarks to her, from which she thought, that, as she was always sick, they and the rest of the family considered her as burdensome, and wished her away. This made her feel unhappy for a few hours, but before night, she obtained that relief in prayer which restored peace to her soul. I afterwards put several questions to her, which follow, together with her answers. You have said that before you found peace in Christ, you did for a long time — for many months — feel yourself miser- ably wretched, and that you often prayed; was it for the sake of these prayers that God gave you peace? or was there any good in them? 'No: it was because of Christ's pity to my soul; because he died for poor sinners; and it was of God's mercy that missionaries were sent to teach me.' — Do you mean to have me understand from all you have said, that you never had any fears that you were de- ceived; no time in which you have doubted whether you had Eliza, an Indian Woman. 9 a part in the Savior or not? 'I have always felt sure that G has had mercy od my soul; and the more I have thought of my old wicked life, it has been like one pushing me n< ! rod: it has I more huml : and a : ; -r l:iin.' — But should God tal l j ou ! I that ( Spirit fr< i — "W Min what I ird of his | that trust in him; and 1 1 i he i- faithful to hia vn There i n in youi low, and have had reason to thin) would live hut a few hours <>r da} g; have | I ii iiuw illing <>r afraid to | Iwaye felt, that it' il • ill. it \>. < .» ; I* 1 privilege to die, and you would \»- glad to I coin, f 'Yes; I 1 - l Bick ud f< It I i tt< r «.r take i I \\ ill» i lad I should I might be \\ ith God.' — \ • ■ dinancesl 'Afl [ understood i Christ | had command* d th< I - Blent; nor ia then anj thing in ll i- world that I ha ; I I i and pron mnlj to I I . l« It i I the Lord I happi( • . I with the i God in mj I • w mi'. I ; ankful en • should coi it that tin next time, I should I \ i I).' 'S ■ ■ I : - lli-t been as you thi J ommuned sev< ral I ha\ »• 1 1 < -•• ,d\\ ays 1 «•< n pn lo your them.' — Have thej been as pr< i as thr In as 1 have heard more of tho 10 Eliza, an Indian Woman. Savior, and have learnt more of his love from the Bible, I have felt each time, if possible, more and more near, and happy in him.' — What good do you think that baptism or the sacrament could do you, without a heart to love the Savior? 'None. There would be no joy to my soul in them.' — Could you have this joy and peace of which you have told me, if you did not, as far as you know, strive to obey God in all things? 'No; I could not. Though un- able to do any thing with my hands to help the family and to labor for God, it is my sincere desire daily to have my heart much in prayer for them and for the salvation of their souls; and because God lets me live, I believe he wishes me to be devoted in spirit to this.' — Do you think you love God and souls as much as you ought? 'No: I try to love, but do not feel so much as I ought.' — When do you ex- pect to have perfect love to God and souls? At first she answered, 'Never;' thinking I meant while in the body. Afterwards she said, 'When I get to heaven.' Respecting the foregoing narrative, Mr. Ferry remarks — I have written it as taken from the woman through an interpreter, and as having in part fallen under my own ob- servation. I have scrupulously avoided any thing like a more favorable coloring than facts would justify. The statements have been read by those who have had most knowledge of the subject of them, and of her exercises, and they believe that the impression which will naturally be left on the mind of the reader will be less striking than the reality. In respect to uninterrupted peace and spirituality of mind, the case of this woman is unlike any other which I ever knew. Aware that some will at once set it down as untrue, or a delusion, I have faithfully tried, but in vain, to draw from her something which would warrant me in truth to cloud some part of her Christian life with doubt; but you might as well attempt to make her disbelieve her existence, as to convince her that she has been left to go mourning the hiding of God's countenance from her soul. She is indeed a favored child, ripening fast for glory: sick or well, in pain or at ease, she always meets us with a placid, and most commonly with a smiling, countenance. She is afflicted with consumptive complaints, and for many Early Life and Conversion of C. W. R. 11 month? has raised blood freely: we expected that before tin- Bhe would have been at rest uas sparcl to remain before tlie mission family a monument of i ;>le of patience and ripening holiness till November At the time of her d< die exhibited, Bays Mr. 1 , the character of the believer triumphing in death. For many months she had been almost daily looking for iter departure. Though suffering much in body, jret she miformlj patient and happy. Sh< dlj said on tin- day of her death, 'I think I shall go to-day.' At night she Bhook hands with some of the members of the mission family, and u ith a smile Bpol m< But i minutes before her death, in allusion to David's \\«>ni d Bhe feared no evil. Surely no unbeli rving hei course down tin- valley, could any 1 doubt the re ility <n family, it two days march distant Trout \\ hat is called I I u ith hi aunt, and belon distincti lonies, know n as M I timer that she left home, i lull Sh< the pre- \ ioufl mummer} . and w as tli i finishing scent ; wh< n an un< l< . who had given her h< r nam.', and h< i. 'I h< r, arrived said he h id been told in ust not b< i one of tl Thi _h. All her former plan of life was in consequ< nee al andoned, and betook her She was also, that Bummer, while with hei uncle, fthe part) in the Indian dance around th< 12 Early Life and Conversion of C. W. R. some whites, murdered by those Indians who were after- wards imprisoned at Mackinaw. She came down with the traders, and was received into the family in July, 1825. She understood only the O-jib-e-way language, and was probably between fourteen and fifteen years old. At my request, says Mr. Ferry, she gave the account, (which in substance had been given to us all before,) with this solemn injunction, that she would give what she knew to be truth, and no more nor less. — It will be seen that there is something of sameness in the narrative, because I have only felt at liberty, while following her track, to shape her own ideas into the most intelligible English. From her hopeful conversion to the present time, she has generally enjoyed much peace of mind. She says she has seasons, when conscious of little spirituality, she has been much distressed for fear she should be deceived, because it was not with her as in days past: but never, she says, has she been conscious of such a state of feeling, that she could not say from the heart, I am ready and willing to live and die for Christ. And her whole deportment has been strik- ingly characteristic of such a state of mind. She was re- ceived into church fellowship, with two other girls, at our communion season in April, 1828: and I presume I speak but the feelings of the family, when I say, that there has been no more faithful missionary to her friends and others, among us than she. The following is her account. 'Two years ago the present summer, [1828] I began first to have serious thoughts about my soul. When hearing the Scriptures interpreted, what God says in them respect- ing the wicked, and especially, when hearing M. [a pious girl of the family,] praying in the native language, for the salvation of the poor ignorant Indians, I first began to think, 'Perhaps I am one of those ignorant wicked ones.' And I began to use some Catholic prayers, which I had in part learnt, thinking these would do me good. But M. told me these were only prayers of the mouth, and not right with God; that God knew all our hearts; and that we must pray from our hearts as we felt, if we hoped to have God hear us. With this said to me, which I supposed to be true, I used to try to pray. Sometimes I could only use a few words, and did not know what was the matter with me; but often, in meeting and at other times, I was distressed with the thought,that I might be sent away with the wicked. /.' •'/ /. ■ >n of C. TI r . K. 13 I cm now see, that I had then no sense of the wicked- i I ard tlie word of God ex- plained, and was q ._ r it, and informed that not only our actions were bad in God's sight, but our rhts and feel ill ispleasing and wicked before him, the more . i : at my life, and at particu- inga which I had done; and from this review, to think more of my heart, that there thing \< ry bad, and n iich I 1 ls wicked, in my thoughts and " Pi i of communion, after mj tile helping to prepare the table i told thai none but those who loved . r be permitted to < ■ I . new noth- G *d. All the night following] lay awake, distress- tion in which 1 began t<> see myself; and lit. aa I had lived so long w ithoul thinking of God, or !i a glorious Being in the i. thing i' » do with i •. e linn think up >u nr help me. i'\i d r, I I had interpreted to the I !hri M instituted the i of the the church around the table, u ith n mj eyes, I had I h id not had \ n I not i >nly was my mind more i many around le, i \\ ho I ist be in t I ind dangerou in lesci i- bible. On leaving le in my ro >m, the in came I I be so distressed ? - I do : perhaps it when I bee >me i and ii may I •• \ lily w« re gii ing me and the oth< r girls I ofl m to think, ' I wont i ■ -i» much.' And if at any time I : m. mind con ted,] would immediately ■ check and do awaj ; as it were, saying 2 14 Early Life and Conversion of C. W. JR. to myself, ' It is enough for me to learn little by little : I won't be such a fool : by and by I shall do well enough, when I come to know more.' With this impression I al- most neglected prayer. To such a degree did I give my- self up to this feeling, that for a long time it was but sel- dom that I would attempt to pray, lest my mind should be too much frightened or distressed. " The next thing that troubled me was the parable of the sower, which I heard read to me, and upon which I was requested to meditate, and give my opinion, when I sup- posed I understood the meaning. This troubled me much ; because, after fixing on what I supposed the way-side and the stony ground meant, T thought they both represented much of my heart : nor could I resist the anxiety which the thought produced. This state of mind remained and grew worse for some time, until I was arrested with this thought, that it might bring me to sickness, or derangement, or a worse evil : and I determined that I would try to do as far as possible what was right for God, and in the mean time would avoid indulging in anxiety." Here she related a train of feelings, for several months, amounting to nothing essentially more favorable. The nar- ration exhibited a fluctuating, unhappy state ; sometimes awaked to anxious distress under instruction, and again en- deavoring to settle into indifference or ease of mind. At one time this struggle was severe, occasioned by the death of a little boy in the family. At another, on the arrival of her relatives last summer, Miss O. asked her why she did not talk with and instruct them ? Here her mind was again aroused. She says she felt in keen distress for a time, shuddering at the thought of showing others what to do, when this condemned herself. This she thought would be to look after a mote in their eye, with a beam in her own. At length, when Miss M. was lying very sick, and her death daily expected, she came into the room, and among other things Miss M. said to her, ' I suppose you are not willing to have me die ; but if you only had a good hope in the Savior, it would not be long before we should meet again in heaven, and be forever happy together.' " This," said she, " came home to my heart. It was more than I could well endure ; and I resolve; 1 that I would pray for mercy as long as I had life. From that time I was much in prayer ; and often able to get little or no rest E I ' C. TJ" R. 15 igh the night When M s M. and Mr. F. were about fall, my mind cted and distr< ssed. [1 b< ught it would be right i, w ho had b ad him h< instruct u his life : .'Hid that I. \\ 11 ed in < How can 1 endure tho [ will try, 1 though i don't i i ! When i Baw t he I qi stly thai God would pn serve 1 I could - I ! .ini inclination : i ! 1 1 1 not t.. do I d promise ; ild lie to limi ; and ' • "ii iik'. 1 \ I mind w as d was often i I up and -< - Iv nli< f in Mi C fell in M nli in' I . I had a long talk w it Ii m< t< i her I w as I I soul : you me alone, and it the feelings 1 ; than thing i ami i [, I am lost " The followin I iii.nl. re- i so much : from their conduct ly, if th< . they would have given I ■■ now.' This « as like a knife to mj I What c m I do ' 1 1 • Mil H ith M. and ( '., w ho \\".l de; I to m< ; <1 me how easy it to beli< ve in th< if I would : and after talking some time Baid, ' We will praj togeth< i H I lost all my burden: I felt light: a strange feeling that 1 cannot ribe. — I had no thought that I lov< » t, but I was happy; and yet afraid to be happy; was afraid to give in- dulgence to these feelings : for it would di idful, aflei all, it appeared to mi to hell with no feelings of dis- iboul it R •■"in our kne< s, i w as conscii a Bmile mi m\ count) nance, w hich I design dij concealed with my handkerchief, lest Eliza should observe it. I he ro 'in. died me to her f»< idroora to eat Borne supper prepared for me. I went, but could not eat. M O, ud Miss C. urged me, and asked why I reft to which I made no nswer. W hen they saw that I either could not <>r would not eat, they proposi ik.i know but that my enjoyment w great as it was possible for i to have, arising from a \irw of the 1<>\<\ the nearness, and tl »fthe Sav- ior. I se< med i" Bee it, to I ■■•! it all, in a fulness of joy ion. At the close of praj er my mind run on tin- h\ inn. ' Alas, and did mj Sn ior bh ed !" and w ith- out ' thewish I had to hear this hymn sung, Miss ('. in a few moments commenced singing it. The whole hymn possessed mj soul in mingled joy, and wonder, and love. Especially the last eerses, so that I was here as much lost to myself in the bliss of joy, as 1 had been before in the anguish of despair. Perhaps my counte- 18 Early Life and Conversion of 31. A. TV. nance told my feelings ; and Miss O. asked me if I could now love that Savior. I answered, I hope I do. This was the first intimation I had dared to give of the peace of my soul. But my joy had swallowed up all fear, and I could not resist the answer. Now I had such a love for all around, as well as for the Savior, that I could have folded them to my bosom. For two days following, night and day, there was little or no abatement of this happiness. I appeared to be in a new world : every thing led me to God : not an object did I see but seemed to say, ' how glorious and lovely is the great God." ' EARLY LIFE AND CONVERSION OF M. A. W. M. is a half Indian woman of the O-jib-e-way nation. She does not know her age, but she is probably between twenty-two and twenty-five years old. She was born at Fort William, or what is called the Grand Portage, on the northern shore of Lake Superior, where she lived till about four years ago. Her father was a Frenchman, and clerk to one of the Hudson Bay traders. He left her mother when M. was about four years old, and has never been seen by her since. About ten years afterwards her mother married another man, and removed with him towards the Rocky mountains. M. has not seen her since. She, with her brother, was left in the family of a trader, where she was required to go to a priest daily to learn the Catholic prayers and catechism, for the purpose of preparing to re- ceive baptism. This course she continued, with more or less regularity, for three years. Having passed through various scenes, she was brought into the mission family in August, 1S2G ; sometime in the following spring was the first of her being disposed to listen at all to any thing said to her on the subject of religion. She had been often told that prayers which were merely repeated, but do not come from the heart, were good for nothing : and when she now heard Mrs. L. and another Indian woman speaking of their views and feelings, she felt that she had never had any sorrow for the sinfulness of her heart. When questioned, she had heretofore said that she never sinned against God, and she thought that we t> n 1 a k/rt/? Early Life and Conversion of M. A. W. 19 most be eery wicked when talking so much about a sinful heart. This, together with what she heard from the word I . made her <1 >ubt if she might not be wrong, and in this way sfa until she became con- vinced, and gave up her Catholic pra] own mind at length I- > distress! I with a :' herself, how she had lived, how she had fought, as it were, againsl the truth, and the astonishin a of • i bringing h< r I (len, dur- ing that Bummer, she felt aa it" she knew not how to go about her work, or where she was. " Being at the farm, I • so bad in my own \ iew, that 1 * ould le with the family ; I often felt o bo unworthy that I could not eat, and had to leave the table. Aboul this time .Mr. II - id rj little to me, and 1 thought : upon me as a lost soul, and that my conduct had been so wicked in resisting the light that there \\ is no hope for me. This, though dreadful, I felt to i true, and thought I could not have too mean a place, ii ticed by every body. Soon after, there ■ two days in particular, that I was unable t<> do any thing, 1 fell i cond night I could i all, but spent the night in weeping and r. It ap i nit' that the Savior was near, but still I could nol L r <> t'» him, could not give myself to him, and fin I p "After I t) aboul my soul ; and when I praye I. I h id n i f elin :. I continued in this state with i • . nil at a meeting for religious i on- tion, I v med whether 1 meant to lead the I give up all for < 'lire 1 : tin n. as in if all those former !<•< lings \\ hich hid been m) agony, rushed upon my mind ; and unable to ansvi er a v. ird, ! I remain* d -mum- time, after all had left the room, in great distress. There 1 prayed, that if the Lord had not entirely L r i\en me up, he would Bhow me more and hum-.' of my heart, ami give me no peace mini I should find it in the Savior. It \\;i- th< o that I re olved that I would seek until I found merry. I »n the folli iimir, after going to my room, I la) down, hut could not remain in bed : I spent the time in prayer, and seemed to myself like on.' on a preci- pice, just ready to fall, and sometimes bewildered as tfloa- 20 Early Life and Conversion of M. A. W. ing my reason. In the morning I threw myself on the bed, with a willingness to have God do with me what he would ■ — to save or destroy me. I saw that as 1 had resisted so much ; I had no fault to find, if he now refused to show mercy. But just as if some one had laid hold of me, I got up in a few moments and unconsciously knelt by the bed, where, attempting to pray, I could only thank God. He appeared so good, he seemed so near and so precious, that I could not have words fast enough. I felt in a new world. Can this be that change of which they have told me? I dared not to think I had found it ; but I was happy. I felt that I was so beyond expression. On going to the win- dow, words cannot express how good and lovely every thing appeared to me, as if full of God. I then concluded that I would take a walk for prayer. I came down and started ; but often had to stop in surprise, admiring every thing around me as if it were new. I could hardly believe I was in the same world, and such a season of worship was given me alone as I never knew till then. " When I came back, I awoke the girl who slept with me, and told her I hoped I had found the Savior. She got up, and we united in prayer. My heart was full : every word came from my soul. I can say that I felt it. We then went to the room where the females of the mission family were. Never did they appear so to me before. I could not help loving them ; because, as I thought, they loved Christ, and I could not refrain from embracing them, and telling them that this was the first Sabbath I had ever seen. They sung a hymn, and although I did not know how to join with them in voice, yet I did in spirit. The whole of the Sabbath I enjoyed very much, my mind mostly filled with an inexpressible view of God's goodness ; and, being asked by some one if I could ever sin against so good a God, I answered, as I then felt, that I could not. But that answer afterwards caused me sorrow. I felt that I had said too much." The amount of her subsequent exercises shows the Christian with his clouds as well as sunshine. Yet, on the whole, her life manifests the growing Christian, and savors much of one that Jives in the spirit of prayer. She was received into the church in the winter of 1828. ' o » "b J? ^ ^ ^ * <£ ^ ** <*** u « •o. ^ * v ^ ■5 BROS. JSTINE '" ""' FLA. ♦4A