Ll BRARV OF CONGRESS 017 056 536 8' 55TH OONOfaSSS, 1 SENATE. (DOCUMENT 1st Srssinn. \ \ NO. I,; - BOUNDARY BETWEEN UNITED STATES AND MEXICO. F 786 .1595 copy i MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TRANSMITTING A REPORT FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE. ACCOMPANIED BY THE REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES BOUNDARY COMMIS- SION. PURSUANT TO THE CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO OF JULY 29, 1882, TOUCHING THE RE- MARKING OF THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN THOSE TWO COUNTRIES WEST OF THE RIO GRANDE. April 29, 1897. — Read, referred to the Committee on Printing, and ordered to be printed, without accompanying documents. To the Congress of the United States: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, accompanied by the report of the United states Boundary Commission, pursuant to the convention between the United States ami Mexico of July 29, L882, touching the remarking of the boundary line between those two coun- tries west of the Bio Grande. I urge that provision be made for the immediate printing of a suffi- cient supply of this valuable document. William McKinley. Executive Mansion, Washington, April 26, 1897. The President: I transmit herewith the report of the United States Boundary Com- mission under the convention between the United States and Mexico, concluded July 29, 1882, which provided tor an international boundary survey to relocate the existing frontier line between the two countries west of the Rio Grande. The Commissioners on the part of the United States were Col. .1. W. Barlow, Corps of Engineers, I", s. a.: Capt 1>. l>. Qaillard, Corps of Engineers, U. 8. a., and Mr. a. T. Mosman, of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Treasury Department They have dis- charged their work in a creditable and satisfactory manner, as will lie tm ther seen by the report ami its several accompaniments. F78& 2 BOUNDARY BETWEEN UNITED STATES AND MEXICO, -r ._. Inclosing' as a part of the record in the case a copy of a letter from the Commissioners, dated Xoveinber 25, 1896, the subject is respectfully submitted lor your consideration. Respectfully submitted. John Sherman. Department of State, Washington, April 22, 1897. List of accompaniments. Report, 3 volumes. Maps, 1 volume. Engravings, 1 volume. Letter of November 25, 1896, from the Commissioners to the Secretary of State, with its accompaniments. Department of State, International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico, Washington, D. C, November 25, 1896. The Secretary of State, Washington, D. C. Sir: The Commissioners on the part of the United States have the honor to submit herewith their iinal report on the survey and re-marking- of the boundary between the United States and Mexico west of the Rio Grande, pursuant to the convention between the United States and Mexico of July 29, L882, revived by the convention of Reb- ruarv 18, 1889, and continued until October 11, 1890, by that of April 24, 1894. The report consists of the following: First. The report of the Joint Commission (in triplicate, one copy being in the Spanish language), dated August 14, 1890. An atlas, bound in leather, containing 19 sheets of the boundary map. One volume, bound in leather, of 300 illustrations, showing views of the monuments and scenes adjacent to the boundary. Second. The report of the United States section of the Commission, consisting of 2 volumes (in duplicate) arranged in 10 chapters, including appendixes. One atlas, bound in leather, containing 5 sheets of profile and 2 sheets, index map. Two atlases (three retained by the Commissioners), each containing 19 sheets of the boundary map, 5 sheets of profile, and 2 sheets, index map, showing the adjacent country. Two volumes of illustrations (seventeen retained by the Commission for distribution to the libraries of the War Department, the Military Academy at West Point, and the principal employees of the Survey. Sixteen volumes (four sets) of the photographs and about 000 nega- tives were previously sent to the Department. Inclosed herewith is a list of copperplates, electrotypes, original maps, survey records, etc., which are transmitted in connection with the report. In presenting this report of the work upon which the Commission has been engaged during the past four years, we beg leave to express our appreciation of the uniform support and kind consideration received at all times from the Department, without which our labors would have been much more difficult. LI8KARY OF CONGRESS "gCtlVftD SEP 8 01922 DOCUMENTS DIVI SION »,. , ., r , ■m i M i rrtHt m mn i ' ' " ■ ■£* BOUNDARY BETWEEN UNITED BTATE8 \M> MEXICO. We would also pu1 on record the facl thai throughout the many try- ing and often delicate conditions of an international character, which p. ave of necessity arisen daring the progress ol the work, our associ- :iI) . s of the Mexican Commission have invariably Bbown ;i spirit of fairness and courtesj which has always rendered possible the Batisfac- t,,i\ solution of every perplexing question. To Beiior Jacobo Blanco, engineer in chief of the Mexican section, who is a thorough English scholar, Bpecial thanks arc due for valuable assistance in translating and interpreting, rendering the employment of h special translator unnecessary. This report maj now be laid before 1 1 » « - President with a view to the -mission thereof to ( 'ougress. With highest respect, your obedient servants, J. n. Barlow, Colonel of Engine r«, / . 8. .1., I). D. (i AII.I.AI.'I). ('(i/iftiin of Engineers, I . 8. .1., A. r r. Mosman, Assistant. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Commissioners. The Secretary of State, Washington, 1>. G. List of boxes and rolls (with < mum ration of contents) transmitted to (he Department of with tin report of (he International Boundary Commission, United States and M< ., im. hi si of tin- Rio Grande, six boxes containing 300 half-tone coppei plates of illustrations to accompany joint If |M'l t. One rack tin copperplate holder.-. Twelve boxes I copperplate holders I containing copperplates of map sheets No,. L, :;, 5, 7. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. 19, 25, ami 26, each box being marked "Mexican boundary weal of tin' Rio Grande," with its plate unmber. T.n boxes electrotype-plate holders) containing electrotype plates of map sheets Nos. 2 6, i, in. li'. ll. n;, 18, and L9a, each box being marked •■Mexican boundary wist of the Rio Grande," with its plate number. < me r 11 • ontaining 220 photolithographs, 1 1 sets, of the profile sheets, 90 illustra- trations lo r.-port of United States section, Chapter IV, ami ."> atlas title sheets. • i ne roll containing 17 original maps, being sheet - Nob. 1. 2,5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, L' , 23, 24, 25, and 26. One Im . \o. i, containing astronomical records, as follows: i v ilnmes 8vo., original latitude observations. 5 \ ol nmee 8vo., original azimuth observations. !» volumes 8vo., original horizontal directions fcriangulation). _ volumes 8v<>.. original horizontal angles. 'j volumes 8vo., original magnetic observations. - ■ u OS 8VO., Original miscellaneous records. 1 volume ito.. original description of stations'. 7 olumes 8vo., duplicate tangent record. 2 volnmes 8vo., duplicate heliotrope experiments; also astronomical and geo- detic computations and manuscript copies of Mr. J. F. Hayford's astronomical report and line report. i ine l>ox. No. 5, com aimng — an e giual journaL 1 volume original tangent record, parallel :!1 17 and meridian section. 1 volume original tangenl record, parallels! 20'. l_ vol u in.' original tangenl record, parallel :;i 20 and California azimuth line. 7 volumes original tangent record, Sonora azimuth line. i' volnmes original heliotrope experiments. 4 volumes original tangenl measurements, parallel 31 17 . 1 volume original tangent measurements, meridian section. 1 volume original tangenl measurements, meridian section ami parallel '-'<\ 4 BOUNDARY BETWEEN UNITED STATES AND MEXICO. One box. No. 5, containing — Continued. 7 volumes original tangent measurements, parallel 31° 20'. 6 volumes original tangent measuri Bents, Sonora azimuth line. 4 volumes original tangent measurements, California. 1 volume original tangent remeasurements, meridian section and parallel 31° 20'. 2 volumes original level records, parallel 31° 47'. 1 volume original level records, parallel 31° 47' and meridian section. 1 volume original level records, meridian section and parallel 31° 20'. 8 volumes original level records, parallel 31° 20'. 6 volumes original level records, Sonora azimuth line. 5 volumes original level records, California azimuth line. 1 volume original topographical sketches, parallel 31° 47'. 1 volume original topographical sketches, parallel 31° 47' and meridian section. 3 volumes original topographical sketches, parallel 31° 20'. 3 volumes original topographical sketches, Sonora azimuth line. 1 volume original topographical sketches, California. 13 volumes original topographical records, parallel 31° 47'. 2 volumes original topographical records, parallel 31° 47' and meridian section. 3 volumes original topographical records, meridian section. 45 volumes original topographical records, parallel 31° 20'. 41 volumes original topographical records, Sonora azimuth line. 19 volumes original topographical records, California. 6 volumes original record monument location. 2 volumes original record monument elevation. One box, No. 24, containing correspondence of the United States section of the Commission (letters received, letters sent). LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 017 056 536 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 017 056 536 8'