>"\' .5^'^^. Z"-^, 'e » . <• e V^ '•■ V 1^^ O ,T- -1 o ; . !.o-v; ^-i-. •t-^ .& A> i^i >P-^^. o D I, o VS '— ' t^ 0^ f ' •°. .-^^ V-~ •■^^9^ A** *■ "^d. - v-r«v^ >■,♦ v^ ^ -^yi^* ^IS^/' ^^'\. '^° ■^"^-""■^ 'WW'' •.if. n,V ..... 1 ^ '^^^' V-^^ ..S^'^... o V? ■^bi .■^ ■=,<. r ,t 1807. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY OHIO. WITH Illustrations & Biographical Sketches Some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers, PHILADELPHIA: Williams Brothers. —1879 PRESS OF LEADER PRINTING COMPANY, CLEVELAND, O. i I-S^UL' A AT THE CONFLUENCE OF EAST aWEST BRANCH SLACK RIVER CAST BRANCH AT LAKE SHORE RI VIADUCT, Scenes in and around e:lyria, ohio. .66 ± mrc^ to Prefatory Note, N tlie preparation of this History, accnrafv has lieen the aim of the publishers. They have endeavored to confine themselves within the limits of aseei'tained facts and reliable (hita, and while they have not published every item of history belDngino- to the county of Lorain, all tliat is realU' important is given, and that which is published may l)e regarded as authentic. (ientlemen of experience, as writei-s, liave assisted the author in the production of this book: and it is believed that the subjects, which eacli writer luxs severally dealt with, have been treated \\ith care and thoroughness. In the general history department, A. G. Riddle, of Washington, D. C contributed the cliapter on "Pioneer Life:"' Jay Terrell, the "Geology" and "Fossil Fishes:"" P. H. BoYNTON, the "Bar of Lorain County:"" George G. Washburn, the "Press of Lorain County;"" K. Baker, the "Lorain Agricultural Society." The history of "Elyria" was mainly prejiared by Dr. L. T>. Griswold; that of "Russia,"" including "Oberlin," by Rev. Henry Matson; that of '• Wellington,"" by Hon. J. H. Dickson, while iSL-s. Nesbett contributed the greater part of " Grafton."" To the pen of President Fairchild, the publishers are indebted, in the main, for the history of " Brownhelm,"" and the biography of "Father Keep."' They are also under obligations to many others who have aided them greatly in collecting and furnishing data for this history. The publishers feel that they have done the work, they undertook to do, faithfully; and while the book may not be found entirely free from blemishes, they are confident that none of a serious character Avill be discovered. Hitherto the publishers have had their county histories published in Philadelphia, by J. B. LiPPiNCOTT & Co., but this volume is from the press of the Leader Printing Company, Cleveland, who have done themselves credit by the high degree of typographical excellence shown in the printing of this book. Every inhabitant of the Western Reseiwe has cause for congratulation in the fact, — of which this Histoi-y of Lorain County is proof, — that Cleveland is al)le to maintain successful rivalry with Philadelphia, New York and Boston, in the publication of books whose beauty of typography is of the highest standard attained by the " art preservative." ^munvjiv} CONTENTS. h:istok.ig..^Xj. ;erve aiiv are F uund HISTORY OF LOEAIN COUNTY. (!H \PTER I. — Biseovery II. — The Connecticut Western Re; III. — The Connecticut Land Comp; IV. — Physical Features . V. — Fossil Fish, and Where they VI.— The Mound-Builders . VII.— The Indians . VIII. — The Moravian Missions IX. — Pioneer Life . X. — Civil Organization Xr.— Civil List . XII. — The Bar of Lorain County XIII.— The Press of Lorain County XIV. — Lorain Agricultural Society XV. — Lorain in the Rebellion XVT. — Roster of Soldiers . HISTORY OF THE TOWNS AND VILLAGES LORAIN COUNTY. Errata PAGE Elyria 9 Columbia . 10 Ridgeville . l.T Russia IS Eaton HO Black River 32 Brownhelm 33 Henrietta 37 Carlisle 38 Sheffield 41 Grafton 43 Avon . 45 Huntington 55 Rochester . fi8 Camden 77 Penfield 'JO Lagrange . Brighton Amherst Wellington . 373 Pittsfield . or PAGE 103 147 157 169 199 207 217 236 245 250 255 271 278 284 289 298 308 317 325 347 367 I Xj Xj TJ s a? I?, j^ T I o 3sr s. Scenes in and around Elyria (Frontispiece) Outline Map of Lorain County . Dentition of Dinichthys Terrelli (Front View) . " " " (Side View) , ELYRIA. Residence of A. Bccbe, Sr. Edwin Hall . " A. Beebe, Jr. Beebe House Tavern, opened in 1820, l)y A. Beebe, Portraits of Artemas Beebe and Wife Portrait of N. B. Gates Wm. H. Tucker Iral A. Webster St. .Andrew's Episcopal Church Portrait of Elizur G. Johnson " Judge John C. Hale Residence of Geo. G. Washburn, Esq Union Hall Clothing House Portrait of Dr. E. C. Perry " Dr. Chas. F. Cushing " Frederick S. Reefy C. A. Ely (steel) Residence of Mrs. C. A. Ely Elyria Library Building Portrait of Hon. P. Bliss (steel) Dr. L. D. Griswold W. A. Braman . R. E. Braman . E. D. Holbrook Wm. W. Aldrich E. P. Haines . L. C. Kelsey . PAGE ; Title il 30 31 between 1114, 105 104, 105 104, 105 104, 105 104, 105 104, 105 facing 108 112 113 115 lis bi-twocn lis, 119 facing 123 " 123 between 130, 131 130, 131 facing 131 between 134, 135 134, 135 . 136 facing 137 138 140 140 141 141 141 141 Portraits of M. W. Pond and Wife Residence of Martin W. Pond . Portrait of Hon. Stevenson Burke (steel) . " Houston H. Poppletoh (steel) . COLUMBIA. Portraits of Ransom Brouson anrl Wife Portrait of Jesse Eddy .... RIDGEVILLE. Congregational Church and Centre Cemetery Portrait of Harry Terrell . Residence of M.ark Humphrey . Portraits of Mark Humphrey and Wife N. H. Hinckley and Wife Residence of E. W. Hinckley " N. T. Meach . " C. L. Sexton . Portrait of Richard Blain . RUSSIA. Residence of C. L. Freeman Portraits of C. L. Freeman and Wife Portrait of Sylvester Hart . Homestead of Mrs. R. B. Hart . Portraits of Mrs. Relief B. and Mi.ss E. C. Hart Portrait of John Keep (steel) . Residence of Charles Bassctt Portraits of Charles Bassctt and Wife Residence of Lott Parsons . Portraits of Lott Parsons and Wife . EATON. Residence of Lemuel Abbey Portraits of Ebenezer Abbey and Wife PAGE facing 143 143 144 between 146. 147 between 156, 157 '* 156, 157 facing 157 159 160 160 162 162 164 167 168 facing 169 " 169 between 184, 185 184, 185 184, 185 facing 192 between 196, 197 " 196, 197 196, 197 196, 197 199 199 CONTENTS. IXjIjTJSTK...^TI03NrS. Portraits of Lemuel Abbey and Wile Residence of John Roacb . '* Oel Durkee . Portraits of Ocl Durkee and Wife Portrait of William 11. Phillips . facin' BL.4CK RIVER. Portrait of Conrad Keid .... Residence of E. Gregg .... BROWNHELM. Residence of George G. Morse . Portrait-^ of George G. Morse and Wife Portrait of Anna Ray Jlorse " Elisha Peck (deceased) " Colonel E. F. Peck and Wife Residence of E. F. Peck . '• Solomon Whittlesey, 1S24 Portrait of Solomon Whittlesey . Residence of Cyrus L. Whittlesey Portraits of William Sayles and Wife Portrait of Mrs. Sarah C. Sayles (deceased) Residence of William Sayles " Chester A. Cooley . Portraits of Chester A. Cooley and M'ife Residence of W. H. Cooley Portrait of W. H. Cooley . " Leonard Bradley Portraits of George, Catharine, and Maria B. Wells The Amherst Mill .... Residence of John H. Ileymann Portraits of John II. Ileymann and Wife CARLISLE. Residence of the Heirs of David Bennett Portraits of David and Jane Bennett . Residence of Lorenzo Clark Portrait of William Patterson " Chauncey Prindle SHEFFIELD Residence of L. F. Parks . Portraits of L. F. Parks and Wife . Residence of the late Geo. B. Crehore Portraits of Geo. Crehore and Wife . " Erastus Ileeock and Wife " Zopher Irish and Wife . Portrait of Isaac Burrell . " Jonathan C. Bennett facing PACK I'.lil 200 205 201; 208 21C bet veen 218, 219 218, 219 218, 219 220, 221 220, 221 220, 221 facing 222 222 222 bet iveen 224, 225 224 225 224, 225 226, 227 226, 227 226, 227 226, 227 facing 228 23.3 234 234 234 facing 245 245 246 bet tveen 248, 249 ■■ 248, 249 GRAFTON. Residence of Henry B. Rawson . Portraits of H. B. and Grindall R.-iwson . " B. S. Corning and Wife . Birthplace of Duke MeuncU, Yorkshire, Eng Residence of " •' (Grafton, Mich. Portraits of Crispin and Duke Mcnnell Residence of A. W. Nichols (double page) Portraits of A. W. Nichols and AVife . Birthplace of A. W. Nichols, York, N. Y. . Residence of Dr. C. B. Knowlton Portrait of " " . . " Mrs. Harriet I. Nesbett . Portraits of Stephen H. and Margaret R. Brown AVON. Portrait of Edwin Snow Residences of Edwin, C. 11., and T. L. Snow . Residence of G. W. and W. 0. Hurst facing facing facing 250 250 252 252 between 254, 255 " 254, 255 " 254, 255 " 254, 255 facing 256 " 256 between 258, 259 260, 261 260, 261 260, 261 264, 265 264, 265 264, 2G5 266 266 268 270 facing 272 272 274 Portraits of William and Lucina Hurst Portrait of Albin Stickney Joseph Schwartz E. G. Moon Dr. T. B. Dailev HUNTINGTON. Residence of Abram Holland Portraits of Abram Holland and Wife ROCHESTER. Portraits of Roswell B. Boice and Wife CAMDEN. Residence of John Rose, Kipton Portraits of John and Lueinda Rose . PENFIELD. Residence of William W, Penfield Portraits of Truman Penfield and Wife " Elisha and Sally Sheldon Residence of Elisba Sheldon " the late Beri Andrews . Portraits of Beri and Amy S. Andrews " Orrin Starr and Wife Residence of Orrin Starr . " Street Goodyear Portraits of Street Goodyear and Wife LAGRANGE Residence of Dr. E. D. Merriam Portraits of Dr. E. D. Merriam and Wife " Roman and Amanda Freeman " E. H. Sanders and Wife Residence of E. H. Sanders '* Boman Freeman " Allen Sanders " Delos M. Sanders Portraits of Allen Sanders and Wife " Delos M. Sanders and Wife " R. B. Muuro and Wife . Residence of " "... Portrait of Nathan P. Johnson . BRIGHTON. Residence of James Whipi>le Portraits of Leonard H. Loveland and Wife AMHERST. Residence of Capt. Samuel Flint " C. Bailey Portraits of Curtis and Lovina Bailey Residence of J. J. Rice, and Foundry of J. J. & Co Portraits of J. J. Rice and Wife Residence of Emeline Cook Portraits of L. R. Cook and Wife " Samuel and Jane Kendeigh Residence of Samuel Kendeigh . Late Residence of Geo. Dudley . Residence of Casper Dute . Portraits of Casper Dute and Wife . Residence of Captain E. P. Frink Portraits of Captain E. P. and Aurilla Frink ** George and Adaline L. Bryant " John J. and Cecilia Kendeigh Views of Clough Stone Co.'s Quarries (double Portrait of Henry Warner .... " Baxter Clough .... " A. A. Crosse, M.D. . Portraits of Jacob Hildebrand and Wife , Rice P.\GE facing 274 276 277 277 277 facing 283 283 facing 284 facing 297 " 297 facing 298 298 300 300 302 302 305 305 307 307 fa. cing 308 308 between 310, 311 310,311 310, 311 " 310, 311 312, 313 312, 313 312,313 •' 312, 313 facing 314 314 316 facing 320 323 between 226, 227 facing 325 325 page) between 326, 327 " 326, 327 326, 327 " 326, 327 " 328, 329 328, 329 328, 329 330, 331 .330, 331 " 330, 331 " 330, 331 332, 333 " 332, 333 336, 337 facing 338 341 342 346 CONTENTS. IXjXjTJSTK/.A^TIOZsrS- WELLINGTON. PAGE "Evergreen Hill," Residence of F. S. Wadsworth between 358 359 Residence of D. L. Wadsworth . facing 347 Portraits of Roswell and Jane Smith facing 361 " James Sheldon between 348, 349 " Selden Hall and Wife . . 361 " S. D. Bacon . 348, 349 Portrait of Abner Loveland .... • ■ 361 Portraits of James Sheldon and Wife 348, 349 Portraits of Silas and Ljdia Miller . . 364 " S. D. Bacon and Wife . 348, 349 Residence of Silas Miller " 364 Residence of Homer Mason facing 350 W. H. H. Sutliff .... . 366 " and Portrait of J. H. Dickson 353 Portraits of W. H. H. Sutliff and Wife . 366 Carriage Manufactory of T. Doland . 354 Residence of B. B. Herrick 356 PITTSFIELD. Portraits of Lawton Wadsworth and Wife between 358, 359 Residence of J. T. Carter facing 368 BIOGE^^IE'HIIO^Xj. Ebenezer Lane . Elijah Parker Reuben Mussey . - Woolsey Welles . Frederick Whittlesey ?. J. Andrews Edward S. Hamlin Horace D. Clark Joel Tiffany Albert A. Bliss . Judson D. Benedict Philemon Bliss . Wm. F, Lockwood Sylvester Bagg . John M. Vincent Lionel A. Sheldon Artemas Beebe, Sr. Nahum B. Gates William H. Tucker Iral A. Webster . Elizur G. Johnson Judge John C. Hale Judge W. W. Boynton Edwin C. Perry, M.D Charles F. Gushing, M.D. Frederick S. Reefy Charles A. Ely . Hon. Philemon Bliss Dr. Luther D. Griswold Wm. A. Braman Ransom E. Braman Dr. L. C. Kelsuy William W. Aldrich Martin W. Pond Hon. Stevenson Burk Elwood P. Haines Edwin D. Holbrook Houston H. Poppleton David Bennett . Ransom Brondon Jesse Eddy , Harry Terrell C. Lester Sexton Richard Blain . Sylvester Hart . Charles G. Finney Rev. James H. Fairchild John Keep . Samuel Matthews Charles Bassett . Lott Parsons Luther Freeman . PAGE . 45 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 51 51 between 104, 105 facing 108 112 113 118 between 118, 119 " - 118, 119 130, 131 130, 131 facing 131 . 134 . 137 . 138 facing 140 140 . 141 141 143 144 145 146 between 146, 147 facing 147 between 156, 157 " 156, 157 facing 159 . 167 . 168 between 184, 185 . 190 . 191 . 192 . 196 . 196 . 197 198 PAGE Lemuel Abbey 204 Oel Durkee 205 William H. Phillips, Esq 206 John Roach 206 Conrad Reid facing 208 Ebenezer Gregg .......... 216 Capt. Samuel L. Flint 216 George G. Morse between 218, 219 Col. E. F. Peck . " 220, 221 Chester A. Cooley " 226, 227 Leonard Bradley facing 228 Deacon George Wells 233 Solomon Whittlesey ......... 233 William Sayles 234 John H. Heymann 234 Henry Brown .......... 234 Rev. Alfred H. Betts 235 William Patterson between 248, 249 Chauncey Prindle " 248, 249 Erastus Hecock " 254, 255 B. S. Corning " 258, 259 Crispin and Duke Menncll .... " 260, 261 Mrs. Harriet I. Nesbett 268 Grindall Rawson 269 Henry B. Rawson 269 Allen W. Nichols 269 Dr. C. B. Knowlton 270 Stephen H. Brown facing 270 Edwin Snow 276 William Hurst 276 Joseph Schwartz .......... 276 Albin Stickney ........ facing 276 Elbridge G. Moon 277 Dr. Truman B. Dailey 277 Abram Holland 283 Roswell B. Boice facing 284 John Rose ........... 297 Truman Penfield ......... 305 Elisha Sheldon 305 Beri Andrews .......... 306 Orrin Starr 306 Street Goodyear and Family ....... 307 Nathan P. Johnson facing 316 E. D. Merriam, M.D 316 R. B. Munro 317 James Whipple 322 Leonard H. Loveland ........ 323 Selden Hall, Sr 323 Samuel Kendeigh between 328, 329 George Bryant " 332, 333 John J. Kendeigh '• 332, 333 Henry Warner facing 338 CONTENTS. BZOC3-E.^I=I3:IC^Xj. Biixtcr Clough Asahel A. Crosse . Curtis Bailoy Joseph aud J. J. Kicc Lewis Rodman Cook . Caspor Duto Capt. E. P. Frink lion. J. II. Dickson . Lawton Wadsworth Francis S. Wadsworth facing between 358 PAGE 341 342 343 .344 344 345 345 353 , 359 359 Sereno D. Baeon . Abner Lovcland, Jr. . Roswell Smitli . Homer Mason and Family James Shelden " Silas Miller Bert B. Herrick '* Dr. John W. Houghton Wm. H. H. Sutliff R. J. Robinson . PAGE 360 361 361 363 363 364 365 366 366 366 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO, BY W. W. WILLIAMS. CHAPTER I. DISCOVERY. The year 986 signalizes the first visitation of white men to the New World. Then it was that Herjulfson, a Xorse navigator, in sailing from Iceland to Green- land, was driven by a storm to the coast of Labrador, or, as some historians claim, to that of Newfouu-dlaud. The uninviting character of the coasts of the new land deterred him from landing. What Herjulfson first saw, it was reserved for other discoverers to expore. The Norsemen returned to Greenland, and there re- lated wonderful stories of the land they had seen, but made no further attempts at discovery. Fifteen years later Lief Erickson, a brave and daring Icelandic captain, with mind inflamed with the fabu- lous accounts of his brother Norseman, resolved to extend the discovery of Herjulfson, and in the year 1001 set foot upon the shore of Labrador. He directed his course southwest along the coast, and finding the country pleasant and attractive extended his explora- tions, and finally reached the territory embraced within the present State of Massachusetts, where he and his companions remained one year. They pro- ceeded along the coast bordering upon Long Island Sound, and it is claimed that the persevering band even found their way to New York harbor. That this early discovery of American soil may not be deemed a myth, we will say, that while ujitil recently historians have been incredulous, they now almost universally concede the fact; and by way of trustworthy information we quote fi'om Humboldt's "Cosmos," as follows: "We are here on historical ground. By the critical and highly f)i"a'ise worthy efEorts of Professor Rafn and the Royal Society of Antiquaries in Copenhagen, the sagas and documents in regard to the expedition of the Norsemen to New- foundland, Nova Scotia, and Vinland, have been pub- lished and satisfactorily commented upon. The dis- covery of the northern part of America by the Norse- men cannot be disputed. The length of the voyage, the direction in which thev sailed, the time of the sun's rising and setting, are accurately given. While the Caliphate of Bagdad was still flourishing America was discovered, about the year 1001, by Lief, the son of Eric the Red, at the latitude of forty-one and a half degrees north." Nor did the explorations of these intrepid Icelanders cease with the ex2)edition of Erickson and his compan- ions, but in the following year — 1002 — Thorwald Erickson, brother to Lief, stimulated with a desire to see the new and beautiful country, made a voyage to the coast of Maine. He is said to have ended his days in the vicinity of the present town of Fall River, Massachusetts. In 1005 still another brother, Thoi'stein Erickson, with a baud of adventurers, made a similar voyage, and was followed in 1007 by Thor- finn Karlsefne, a celebrated mariner, who sailed southward along the coast as far as Virginia. The Norsemen must be regarded as a band of roving adventurers, who effected no settlements, and of whose discoveries but few imi^ortant records have been preserved. The enthusiasm which the first dis- coverers excited gradually subsided, and as there were no spoils in the wilderness which might fall prey to the Norse freebooters and pirates, further occupancy of the country was not attempted. The shadows which had been for a moment dispelled began to darken over the shores of the New World, and the curtain was not again lifted for nearly five hundred years. Then came the achievement of Columbus, in the year 1492. Born of a holy faith and an inflexible purpose, it was the greatest maritime enter25rise in the history of the world. He touched upon an island subsequently called San Salvador, and planting there the banner of Castile, formally claimed jjossession of the land in the name of Isabella, Queen of Spain. Marvelous were the results of discovery and explora- tion which followed. England and France vie with Spain and with each other for the mastery in the New World. The Spanish nation, led on by an insatiable thirst for gold, pushed forward her explorations in America with such energy and spirit that in less than fifty years from the time of the great discovery of (9) 10 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Columbus, she liad explored and laid claim to nearly one-half of tlie present territory of tlie United States. Her adventurers had visited the pi-osent States and Territories of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, the Indian Territory, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Ne- vada and California. France likewise made large acquisitions of Ameri- can soil, though of later date. Tlie discoveries and explorations of James Cartier, of tlio patriotic De Monts, of Samuel Chami)lain, of Marquette, of Joliet, and of the gallant La Salle, secured to France, before the close of the Sixteenth century, claims to North American territory greater than those of any other European power. At the time referred to, her sovereignty in America embraced Newfoundland, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Hudson's Bay, all the Cauadas, more than half of Maine, Vermont, and New York, the whole valley of the Mississippi — including its eastern tributaries — the great chain of lakes at the north and Texas at the south, as far as to the Rio Bravo del Norte. England's dominions in America lay along the Atlantic seaboard. The thirteen original colonies skirting the Atlantic from Florida to the verge of Nova Scotia were the planting of the English people, and constituted that nation's possessions up to tiie time of the Treaty of Utrecht, in 1713. By virtue of this treaty England obtained large concessions of territory from France. The entire possessions of the Bay of Hudson and its borders; of Newfoundland, subject to the rights of France in its fisheries; and all of Nova Scotia, or Acadia, according to its ancient boundaries, passed from the dominion of Fra^.ce to tliat of England. And now the strife in America for the possession of colonial monopolies and territorial sovereignty was confined to these two great powers. France still maintained lier claim to much the larger extent of territory, but her poi)ulation, scattered over tiiis immense area, numbered only eleven thousand two hundred and forty-nine persons in 1G88, while that of the English colonics in tiie same year exceeded two luindred thousand. A contest of fifty years' duration between these two great powers for territo- rial acquisition in America foHowed, resulting in the Treaty of Paris, in 17fi:?, by virtue Of which France lost and England gain(>d the whole foiintry between the Allegheny mountains and tiie Father of \A^aters, except a small tract lying at tlie montii of the gn^at river. The valley of the Ohio, foi- wliose special conquest a seven years' war li:iil Ixtm Ix^gnn, tJnis passed to the possession of Britain. Strangely enough, for the success of tiiis under- taking the English nation was mainly indel)ted to the very hero, who, a few years later, as Commander-in- Chief of the American armie's, was eiiffasfed in wresting it — in common witli tlie territory of the whole country — from British rule, in order to transfer it to the free jieople who should make for humanity a new existence in America. In less than a decade the dominions which England took from France were in turn taken from her, and the United States of America obtained a place among the nations of the world, and undertook the glorious work of tilling a territorial continent with commonwealths. CHAPTER II. * THE CONNECTICUT 'WESTERN RESERVE. The Western Reserve of Connecticut lies l)etwecn the panillels of 11'" and 12° 2' of north latitude, com- mencing with the western boundary line of Pennsyl- vania, and extending thence one hundred and twenty miles westward. The entire tract embraces an area of seven thousand four hundred and forty square miles, nearly one-third of which is water. If the whole were land, there would be four million seven hundred and sixty-one thousand six hundred acres. It is composed of the counties of Ashtabula, Trumbull, Portage, Geauga, Lake, Cu3'ahoga, Medina, Lorain, Huron, Erie, Summit (except the townships of Franklin and Green), the two northern tiers of townships in Ma- honing, the townships of Sullivan, Troy, and Ruggles, in Ashland, and several islands lying north of San- dusky, including Kelly's and Put-in-Bay. This is the land portion of the Reserve. The portion consisting of water lies between the southern shore of Lake Erie and the forty-second degree of north latitude, and is bounded on the east and west by the same parallels of longitude that form the east and west boundaries of the land ])ortion. There liave been numerous claimants to tlie soil of the Reserve. In addition to the red man's title. France, England, the United States, Virginia. Massa- chusetts, New York, and Conneccicnt have all, atone time or another, asserted ownership. The claim of France arose by reason of its being a portion of the territorv which she ])ossessed by right of discovery. England laid claim to all territory adjoining those dis- tricts lying along the Atlantic seaboard, whose soil she jiossessed by right of occupancy, asserting ownershiji from sea to sea. The greatest ignorance, however, prevailed in early times as to the inland extent of the y\merican continent. During the reign of James I.^ Sir Francis Drake reported that, from the top of the mountains on the Isthmus of Panama, he had seen both oceans. This led to the belief that the continent from east to west was of no considerable extent, ami (hat the South Sea, by which appellation the Pacilic then was known, did not lie very far removed from tlie Atlantic. As late as 1710, the Duke of Newcastle addressed his letters to the "Island of New England." This ignorance of the inland extent of America, gave rise, as we shall see, to conflicting claims of western * For the facts upon which this chapter ishased we are largely indebted to an address deUvered by Judge Boynton. at Elyria, July 4th, 1876. HISTORY OF LOEAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 11 territory. Eiialand's valid title to the great west was obtained through conquest, conipelliiig France, in 1713 and 1763, to surrender nearly the wiiole of her American possessions. The United States succeeded Great Britain in her riglits of ownorslii[) in American soil, and tiius came to have a claim to tlie lands of the Reserve. Tiie claims of Virginia, .Massaciiusetts, Xcw York and Couueeticut were obtained by virtue of charters granted to English subjects by English sovereigns. The tract of counti-y embraced in the London Company's charter, granted by James I. in 1009, whence arose Virginia's claim, commenced its l>onndaries at Old Point Comfort, on the Atlantic, and extended two hundred mdes south, and two hun- dred north from this jioint. From the southernmost l)oint, a line drawn dne west to the Pacific formed the southern boundary; from the nortliernmost point, a lino running diagonally northwesterly through Penn- sylvania and Western Xew York, across the eastern portion of Lake Erie, and terminating finally in the Arctic ocean, formed the nortliwcstern boundary; and the Pacific Ocean, or what was then called the South Sea, the western boundary. Tlie vast empire lying within these four lines included over one-half of tlie North American continent, and embraced all of what was afterwards known as the Northwestern Territory, including of course the lands of the Ke- servc. The claim of Massaciiusetts rested for its validity uiion the charter of 1630, granted by James I. to the ('ouncil of Plymouth, and embraced all tlie territory from (lie Atlantic to the Pacific lying between the fortieth and forty-eighth degrees of north latitude. This grant comprised an area of more than a million sipiare miles, and included all of the present inhabited lii'itisli possessions to the north of tiie United States, all of what is now New England, New York, one-half of New Jersey, very nearly all of Pennsylvania, more than the nortliern half of Ohio, and all the country to the west of tiiese States. In 1630, the Earl of War- wick olitained a grant to a part of the same territory, and in the following year assigned a portion of his grant to Lord Brooke and Viscounts Say and Seal. In 1061, Charles II. ceded to his brother, the Duke of York, and afterwards King James II. of England, the country from Delaware Bay to the River St. Croix, and afterward it was insisted that the granted territory extended westward to the Pacific. This constituted New York's claim to western territory, of which the lands of the Reserve were a jiortion. In 1662, the same monarch granted to nineteen patentees an ample charter, from which Connecticut derived her claim to a territory bounded by Massachusetts on tiie north, the sea on the south, Narragauset Bay on the east, and the Pacific on the west. This grant embraced a strip of land sixty-two miles wide, extending from Narra- gansett Bay on the east to the Pacific ocean on the west; and the northern and southern boundaries of this tract were the same as those which now form the boundaries at the north and south of the Reserve. Thus arose conflicting claims. The extent of terri- tory to which Virginia insisted tiiat she was rightful owner was the largest, and included all the other claims. That of Massachusetts was next in size, and included the whole region claimed for Connecticut, as did the territory embraced in New York's claim. The United States did not appear as a contestant until the time of the Revolutionary war, when she, with good reason, insisted that these disputed lands belonged of right to Great Britain's conqueror; that a vacant territory, wrested from a common enemy by the united arms, and at the joint expense and sacrifice of all the States, should be considered as the jiroperty of the conquering nation, to be held in trust for the common benefit of the people of all the States. To show how groundless were the claims of these contesting States, it was pointed out that the charters upon which their titles were founded had in some instances been abrogated by Judicial proceedings, and the companies to Avhom they had been given dissolved; that the charters were given at a time when much of the territory, to which ownership was claimed under them, was in the actual possession and occupancy of another power; that all the various grants were made in the grossest ignorance of the inland extent of the American continent; and that George III. had cither repudiated the charters of his royal jiredecessoi's, or denied to them the right of sovereignty over territory of so vast extent, by issuing a proclamation forbidding all persons from intruding upon lands in the valley of the Ohio. Popular feeling ran high. Contentions between conflicting claimants frequently resulted in bloodshed. The prospects of the American Union were darkened; the ratification of the Articles of Confederation was retarded; the difficulty and embarrassments in prose- cuting the war for independence were greatly aug- mented. Mainland would not become a member of the Union unless the States claiming western territory would relinquish to Congress their title. In the midst of these gloomy and foreboding events, in which disaster to the common cause was more to be feared at the hands of its friends than of its enemies. Con- gress made a strong appeal to the claiming States to avert the approaching danger by a cessation of con- tentious discord among themselves, and by making liberal cessions of western territory for the common benefit. New York was the first to resjiond, and in 1780 ceded to the United States the lands she claimed lying west of a line running south from the western bend of Lake Ontario, reserving an area of nineteen thousand square miles. Virginia, in 1781, relinquished in favor of Congress her title to lands lying northwest of the Ohio, reserving a district of land in Ohio lying between the Scioto and Little Miami, which came to be known as the Virginia Military District, which reservation was made in order to enable Virginia to fulfill pledges to her soldiers in the Revolutionai-y war of bounties payable in western lands. In 1785, Massachusetts ceded the western territory to which 13 niSTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. she had been a chiiniiint, reserviiiE; tlic same nineteen thousand square miles reserved by New York, which disputed territory was afterwards divided equally be- tween tiiese two States. Connecticut was the most reluctant and tardy of all the contesting States iu sacrificing State pretensions for the common benefit. Ilowever, on the 14th day of September, 1786, her authorized delegates in Congress relinquished all the right, title, interest, jurisdiction and claim that she possessed to land within her chartered limits lying west of a line one hundred and twenty miles west of and parallel with the western boundary line of the State of Pennsylvania. The tract of laud and water lying west of Pennsylvania for one hundred and twenty miles, and between latitudes 41° and 42° 2' north, was not conveyed, — hence reserved by Con- necticut, and hence was called the Western Reserve of Connecticut. As Connecticut's claim included nearly the whole of the northern half of the present State of Pennsyl- vania, it infringed upon the rights of the jseojile of the latter State or colony, who alleged ownership by virtue of the charter to William Penn. granted by James II. of England, in 1681. Both States strove for the occujiancy of the disputed soil, and Connec- ticut sold to certain individuals seventeen townships, situated on or near the Susquehanna river, organized the tract into a civil township, called it Westmore- land, and attached it to the probate district and county of Litchfield, in Connecticut. Westmoreland repre- sentatives occupied seats in the Connecticut legisla- ture. Pennsylvania protested, and, when the Revolu- tionary contest closed, sent an armed force to drive the intruders from the lands. The shedding of blood resulted. The controversy was finally submitted to a court of commissioners appointed by congress, upon the petition of^ Pennsylvania, as provided in the ninth article of the Confederation, which gave to congress the power to establish a court for the settlement of disputed boundaries. This court sat at Trenton, New Jersey, in 1787, when the case was tried, and decided against Connecticut. The title to lauds lying west of Pennsylvania was not involved in this adjudication, and Connecticut still insisted upon the validity of her claim to lands not ceded by her to the United States. At a session of the Connecticut legislature, held at New Haven, in 178G aiul in 1787, it was resolved to offer for sale that part of the Reserve lying east of the Cuyahoga, the Portage path, and the Tuscarawas branch of the Muskingum, and a committee of three persons was appointed to cause a survey to be made and to negotiate a sale. Nothing, however, was immediately done. On the 10th of Feln-uary, 1788, however, certain lands lying within the limits of the Reserve were sold to General Samuel H. Parsons, then of Middletown, Connecticut. This was afterwards known as the Salt Spring tract. No survey had been made, but in the description of the land conveyed the numbers of the ranges and townships were designated as if actually defined. General Parsons had explored the country, and had found the location of a salt spring near the Mahoning. He selected his tract so as it should include this spring, from which he expected to manufacture salt and to make his fortune. The entire number of acres thus sold and conveyed to Mr. Parsons, as afterwards determined by the survey made by the (!onnecticut Land Company, was twenty- five thousand four hundred and fifty. The descri))- tion in the deed is as follows: " Beginning at the northeast corner of the first township, in the third range of townships; thence rnnning northwardly on the west line of the second range of said lands to forty-one degrees and twelve minutes of north latitude; thence west three miles; thence southwardly parallel to the west line of Pennsylvania two miles and one-half; thence west three miles to the west line of said third range; thence southwardly parallel to the west line of Pennsylvania to the north hue of the first township, in the third range; thence east to the first bound." In 1795 Connecticut sold all the Reserve, except the "Sufferers' Lands" and the Salt Spring tract, to a number of men who came to be known as the Con- necticut Land Company, The "Sufferers' Lands'' comprise a tract of five hundred thousand acres, taken from the western end of the Reserve, and set apart by the legislature of the State on the 10th of May, 1792, and donated to the suffering inhabitants of the towns of Greenwich, Norwalk, Fairfield, Danbury, New and East Haven, New London, Richlield and Groton, who had sustained severe losses during the Revolution. Upwards of two thousand persons were rendered homeless from the incursions of the British, aided by Benedict Arnold, and their villages pillaged and burned. To compensate them for this great calamity this donation was made to them. The lands thus given are boundel on the north by Lake Erie, south by the base-line of the Reserve, west by its western line, and east by a line parallel with the western line, and at such a distance from it as to embrace one-half million of acres. The counties of Huron and Erie and the township of Ruggles, in Ashland, comprise these lands. An account of each sufferer's loss was taken in pounds, shillings and pence, and a price placed upon the lands, and each of the sufferers received lands proportioned to the amount of his loss. These lands finally took the name of '' Fire Lands," from the fact that the greater part of the losses resulted from fire. The resolution authorizing the sale of the remain- der of the Reserve, adopted at a session of the General Assembly, held at H;irtford, in May, 1795, is as follows: " Resolved, By this Assembly, that a committee be appointed to re- ceive any proposals that may be made, by any person or persons, whether inhabitants of the tTnited States or others, for the purchase of the lands belonging to this State lying west of the west line of Pennsyl- vania as claimed by that State, and the said committee are hereby fully authorized and empowered, in the name and behalf of this State, to nego- tiate with any such person or persons on the subject of any such pro- posal. And also to perform and complete any contract or contracts for the sale of said lands, and to make and execute, under their hands and seals, to the purchaser or purchasers, a deed or deeds duly authenti- cated, quitting, in l)ehalf of this State, all right, title, and interest, juridicial and territorial, in and to the said lands, to hira or them, and to his or their heirs, forever. That before the executing of said deed or deeds, the purchaser or purchasers shall give their note or bond, paya- ble to the treasurer of this State, for the purchase-money, carrying an HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 13 interest of six per centum, payable annually, to commence from the date thereof, or from such future period, not exceeding two years from the date, as circumstances, in the opinion of the committee may re- quire, and as may be agreed on between them and the said purchaser or purchasers, with good and sufficient sureties, inhai)itants of this State, or with a sufficient deposit of banlc or other stock of the United States, or of the particular States, which note or bond shall be taken payable at a period not mrre remote than five years from the date, or, if by annual installments, so that the last installment be [layable within ten years from the date, either in specie, or in six per cent., three per cent., or deferred stock of the United States, at the discretion of the committee. That if the committee shall find that it will be most bene- ficial to the State, or its citizens, to form several contracts for the .sale of said lands, they shall not consummate any of the said contracts apart by themselves while the others lie in a train of negotiation only, but all the contracts which taken together shall comprise the whole quantity of the said lands shall be consummated together, and the purchasers shall hold their respective parts or proportions as tenants in common of the whole tract or territory, and not in severalty. That said com- mittee, in whatever manner they shall find it best to sell the lanils, whether by an entire contract or by several contracts, shall in no case be at liberty to sell the whole quantity for a principal sum less than one million of dollars in specie, or if the day of payment be given, for a sum of less value than one million of dollars in specie, with interest at six per cent, per annum from the time of such sale." The following were appointed a committee to nego- tiate the sale: John Tread well, James Wadsworth, Marvin Wait, William Edmonds, Tliomas Grosvenor, Aaron Anstin, Elijah Hubbard, and Sylvester Gilbert. These eight persons were selected, one from each of the eight counties of the State. They effected a sale in separate contracts with forty-eight different indi- viduals, realizing for the State the sum of one million two hundred thousand dollars. Most of the pur- chasers made their bargains each separately from the others, although in some instances several associated together and took their deeds jointly. The contracts made were as follows: with Joseph Howland. I jg,, 45, Daniel L. Coit, ( ' Elias Morgan, I c, .^9 Daniel L. Coit. f "''^"^ Caleb Atwater 22.816 Daniel Holbrook S.T.jO Joseph AVilliams 15,2;il William Law 10..500 William Judd 16.250 Elisha Hyde. I =- ,nn UriaTraeey, f ^••*'" James Johnson 30,lM0 Samuel Mather. Jr 18,461 Ephraim Kirljy, I Elijah Boardman, y 60,000 Uriel Holmes, Jr., ) Oliver Phelps. I on nnn Gideon Granger, f *''"™ Solomon Griswold 10,000 William Hart 30,46J Henry Champion 2d 85,675 Ashur Miller .34,000 Robert. C. Johnson 60.000 Ephraim Post 42.000 Nehemiah Hubbard, Jr... 19.039 Solomon Cowles $10,005 Oliver Phelps 108.180 Ashael Hathaway 12.000 John Caldwell. I lemin Pel eg Sandtord, f ^^'"^ Timothy Burr 1.5,2:31 Luther Loomis, ( j. 0,0 Ehenezer King, Jr., ( «,oio William Lyman, ) John Stoddard, }■ 21,730 David King, ) Moses Cleaveland .32.600 Samuel P. Lord 14,092 Roger Neivljury, J Enoch Perkins, V 38,000 Jonathan Brace, \ Ephraim Starr 17,415 Sylvanus Griswold 1,683 ,labez Stocking, I ,, ,,,« Joshua Stow, f "•^'^* Titus Street 22,846 James Bull, ) Aaron Olmstead, V 30,000 John Wyles. j Pierpont Edwards 60,000 Amounting to 81,200,000 The State by its committee made deeds to the several purchasers in the foregoing amounts, each grantee becoming owner of such a proportion of the entire purchase as the amount of his contract bore to the total amount. For example: the last-named indi- vidual, Pierpont Edwards, having engaged to pay sixty thousand dollars towards the purchase, received a deed for sixty thousand twelve hundred thousandths of the entire Reserve, or one-twentieth part. These deeds were recorded in the office of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut, and afterwards copied into a book, commonly designated as the "Book of Drafts." The individuals above named formed themselves into a company called the Connecticut Land Company, a brief history of whose doings will be presented in the succeeding chapter. CHAPTER III. THE CONNECTICUT LAND COMPANIT. The members of this company etiected an organi- zation on the 5th day of September, 1795. This was done at Hartford, Connecticut. They adopted articles of association and agreement, fourteen in number. Their first article designated the name by which they chose to be known. Article number two provided for the appointment of a committee, consisting of three of their number, — John Caldwell, John Brace, and John Morgan, — to whom each purchaser was required to execute a deed in trust of his share in the purcliase, receiving in exchange a certificate from the.se trustees showing that the holder thereof was entitled to a certain share in the Connecticut Western Reserve, which certificate of share was transferable by proper assignment. The form of this certificate is given in Article IX. Article III. provides for the appointment of seven directors, and empowers them to procure an extinguishment of the Indian title to said Reserve; to cause a survey of the lands to be made into townships containing each sixteen thousand acres; to fix on a township in which the first settlement shall be made, to survey the township thus selected into lots, and to sell such lots to actual settlers only; to erect in said township a saw-mill and a grist mill at the expense of the company; and to lay out and sell five other town- ships to actual settlers only. Article IV. obliges the surveyors to keep a regular field-book, in which they shall accurately describe tiie situation, soil, waters, kinds of timber, and natural productions of each township; said book to be kept in the office of the clerk of said directors, and open at all times to the inspec- tion of each proprietor. Article V. provides for the appointment by the directors of a clerk, and names his duties. Article VI. makes it obligatory upon the trustees to give to each of the proprietors a certificate as named above. Article VII. imposes a tax of ten dollars upon each share to enable the directors to accomplish the duties assigned to them. Article VIII. divides the purcha.se into four hundred shares, and gives each shareholder one vote for every share up to forty shares, when he shall thereafter have but one vote for every five shares, except as to the (juestion of the time of making a partition of the territory, in determining which every share shall be entitled to one vote. Article X. fixes the dates of several future meetings to be held. Article XI. reads: '*And whereas, some of the proprietors may choose that their propor- tious of said Reserve should be divided tu them in one lot or location, it is agreed that in case one-third in value of the owners shall, after a survey of said Reserve in townships, signify to said directors or meeting a re- quest that such third part be set off in manner aforesaid, that said directors may appoint three commissioners, who shall have power to divide the whole of said purchase into three parts, equal in value, 14 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. according to quantity, quality, and situation; and when said commis- sioner's sliall have so ilivided said Reserve, and made a report in writing of their doings to saiil directors, describing precisely the boundaries of each part, tlie said directors shall call a meeting oE said proprietors, giving the notice required by these articles; anil at such meeting the said three parts shall be numbered, and the number of each part shall be written on a separate I)iece of paper, and shall, in the presence of such meeting, be by the chairman of said meeting put into a box, and a person, appointed l)y said meeting for lluit purpose, shall draw out ipf said box one of said numbers, and ihe part designated by such number shall be aparted to su h person or persons requesting such a severance. and the said trustees shall, ttpon receivmg a written direction from said directors for that purpose, execute a deed to such per-ion or per- sons accordingly; after which, such person or persons shall have no power to act in said conq)aii.y." Article XU. eniiiowt^Ts the company to raise money by a tax on tlie ]iroi)rietor.s, anil to disiio.se, iiiioii certain eoiulition.s, of so niiicli nf a |ii-o[irietor"s in- terest, in case of (leliiii(iHincy,, as shall be necessary to satisfy tlie as.sessment. Article XIII. provides for the apiiointiiu'iit liy tlie comiiaiiy of a successor to a trustee who may have caused a vacancy in the ofilce by deatli. Article .\i\'. places the directors in the transaction of any business of the company under the control of the latter "by a vote of at least three- fourths of the interest of stiid company." The following gtqitlemen were chosen to consti- tute the board of directors: Oliver Phelps, Henry Champion ("-Jnd), Moses Cloaveland, Samuel W. Johnson, KiihraJm Kirby, Saiimel Mather, Jr., and Roger Newbury. At a meeting liehl in April, 17!)U, Ephraim Root was made clerk, ;ind continued to in act this capacity until the dissolution of the company in 1809. A moderator was chosen at each meeting, and changes of directors were made from lime to time. Tin; XAIIES OF TIIK MEMIilCRS OI? THE CONNECTICUT ]..\N1) COMl'ANY. The following arc Ihe names i.if the persons who subscribed to the " .Vrticles of Associtilion and Agree- ment constituting the Connecticut Land Company:'' Ashur Miller, Uriel Holmes. Jr.. Ephraim Starr, Luther L->oniis. Roger Newbury for Justin Ely, Elisha Strong, Joshua Stow, Jabez Stocking, Solomon Oowles, J<:inathan Brace, Daniel L. Coit Enoch Perkins, Elijah Boardman, "Williaiu Hart, Samuel Mather,, Jr., Caleb Atwaler, Nehemiah Hubbard, Jr., Lemuel .Storrs, ,lose[)h Ihnvland, Pierponl Edwards, James Bull, Titus Street, William .ludd, Rol)ert C. .lohn.son, Samuel F. Lord, Ephraim Kelly, Oliver Phelps, (Jideon Granger, ,Jr. Tephaiiiih Swift, Moses Cleaveland, Joseph Williams, Peleg Saudford, William M. Bliss, John Stoddard, William B.attle, Benajab Kent, Timothy Burr, William I.,aw, James Johnson, Elisha Hyde, Uriah Tracey, William Lyman, Daniel Holbrook, Ejihraim Root, Solomon Griswold, Tliaddeus Levvett, Ebenezer King, Jr., Roger Newbury, Elijah White, Eliphalet Austin, Joseph C. Yates, and Samuel Mather, in be- half of themselves and their associates in All)any, State of New York. Before this organi/.ed body of men lay the impor- tant work of obtaining a perfect title to thciri)urchase; of causing a survey of the lands to be maile; of making partition of the same; and then of inducing colonies of men to undertake tlie settlement. To these tasks tlie purchasers addressed themselves in right good earnest. In order to make sound their title they must obtain from the United States a release of the government's claim, — a very just and formid- able one, — and to extinguish the title of tlie Indian, who.se right to the soil rested upon the substantial basis of actual occujiancy. Whatever interest \'irgiiiia, Massachusetts, and New York may have had in the Western Reserve had jiassed to the United States, and if none of the claiming States had title, the dominion ;ind ownership were transferred to the general govern- ment by the treaty made with Gretit Britain at the close of the Revolution. There was, therefore, a very reasonable solitutude ujion the [lart of the Connecticut Land ('omi)any, lest the claim of the United States Would, if issue were made, be proven to be of greater valiilily than that of Connecticut, the company's graiitor. Another difficulty made itself felt. AViien an attempt was made to settle the Reserve, it was discovered that it was so far removed from Connecticut as to make it impracticable for that State to extend her laws over the same, or to make new ones for the government of the inhabitants. Congress had pro- vided in the ordinance of 17S7 for the government of the Northwestern Territory; but to admit jurisdiction by the general government over this part of that terri- tory would be a virtual acknowledgment of the validity of the government's title, and therefore an indirect proof of the insufficiency of the company's title. The right to siu;h jurisdiction was therefore denied, and Connecticut was urged to obtain from the Unitetl States a release of the governmentid claim. The result- was that congress, on the :J8th day of Ajiril, ISOO, authorized the President to execute and deliver, on the part of the United States, letters i)atent to the governor of Connecticut, releasing all right and title to the soil of the Reserve, upon condition that Connec- ticut should, on her part, forever renounce and release to the United Sttites entire and complete civil juris- diction over the Reserve. Thus Connecticut obtaine(l from the United States her claim to the soil, and transmitted iind confirmed it to the Connecticut Laml ('onn),-iny and to those who had purchased from it, and jurisdiction for the purposes of government vested in the United States. THE EXTlNtHlSHMENT OF THE INDIAN TITLE. At the close of the Revolution the general govern- ment sought by peaceable means to acquire the red man's title to the soil northwest of the Ohio. On the 2 1st of January, 1785, a treaty was concluded at Fort Mcintosh with four of the Indian tribes, the Wijnn- ihts, Ddaiiidrcx, C/iijjpewa.s, and Ot fawns. By this treaty the Cuyahoga and the portage between it and the Tuscariiwtis were agreed upon as the boundtiry on the Reserve between the United States and the Indians. All east of the Cuyahoga was in fact ceded to the United States. The luditms soon became dissatisfied, and refused to comply with the terms of the treaty. On January 0, 1789, another treaty was concluded at Fort Harmar, at the mouth of the Muskingum, be- tween Arthur St. Clair, acting for the United States, and the Wyandots, Dclawares, Clivppeioas and Siac HISTORY OP LORAIlsr COUNTY, OHIO. 15 Nations, l)y which the terms of tlio former treaty were renewed and confirmed. Bnt only a short timeehipsed before the Indians viohited their pompact. Peaceful means failing, it became necessary to compel obedience bv the use of arms. Vigorous means for relief and protection for the white settler were called for and enforced. At first the Indians were successful; ])ut in 1794, General Wayue, at the head of three thou- sand five hundred me:), encountered the enemy on the 2()th (lay of August, on the Maumee, and gained a decisive victory. Nearly every chief was slain. The Treaty of (h-eenville was the result, (ioneral Wayne met in grand council twelve of tlie most powerful northwestern tribes, and the Indians again yielded their claims to the lauds east of the Cuyahoga, and made no further effort to regain them. We quote as follows from Judge Boynton's Histori- cal Address, to which we are chiefly indebted for the facts given in this and the preceding chapter: "The Cuyahoga river and the portage between it and the Tuscarawas, as between the United States and the Indians, constituted the western boundary of the United States, upon the Reserve, until .July 4th, ISO.j, On that day a treaty was made at Fort Industry with the chiefs and warriors of the iVyaiidot, Ottawa, Chippewa, Munsee, Delaware, Skawnee and Pottawatomie nations, by which the Indian title to all the lands of the Reserve lying west of the Cuyalioga was extinguished. By this treaty all the lands lying between the Cuyahoga and the Meridian. one hundred and twenty miles west of Pennsylvania, were ceded by the Indians for twenty thousand dollars in goods, and a perpetual annuity of nine thousand five hundred dollars payable in goods at first cost. And although this annuity remains unpaid, l)ecause there is no one to claim it, the title to the laud on the Reserve west of that river was forever set at rest." SURVEY OF THE WESTERN RESERVE. The title having been perfected, the comjiany made preparations to survey the portion of the Ileserve lying east of the Cuyahoga. In the early part of May, 17'JC, the company fitted out an expedition for this puri)ose, of which Moses Cleaveland was the leader of a company — all told of about fortv men — • live of tlieni surveyors, one a physician, and the rest cliaiumeu and axemen. By i)revious arrangement they met at Scheiiectadv, New York, at which point they commenced their journey, ascending the Mohawk in four flat-lioMomed boats, proceeding by the way of Oswego, Niagara and Queenstown to Buffalo, reaching the soil of tiie Reserve on the -Itli of July. The names of this surveying-jjarty, a company of fifty-two persons, all told, are as follows: Moses Cleaveland, the Land Company's agent; Joshua Stow, commissary; Augustus Porter, principal surveyor; Setli Pease, Mo.ses Warren, Amos Spafford, Milton Holley and Richard M. Stoddaid, surveyors; Theodore Shepard, ])hysician; Josepii Tinker, principal boat- man; Joseph Mclntyre, (feorge Proudfoot, Francis Gray, Samuel Forbes, Elijaii Uunn, wife and child, Amos Sawtel, Samuel Hungerford, Amos Barber, Stephen Benton, Amzi Atwater, Asa Mason, Michael Coffin, Samuel Davenport, Samuel Agnew, Shadrach Benham, William B. Hall, Elisha Ayers, George Gooding, Norman Wilcox, Thomas Harris, Timothy Dunham, Wareham Shepard, David Beard, John Briant, Titus V. Munson, Joseph Landon, Olney F. Rice, James Hamilton, John Lock, James Halket, Job V. Stiles and wife, Charles Parker, Ezekiel Morley, Nathaniel Doan, Luke Hanchet, Samuel Barnes, Daniel Shulay ami Stephen Burbank. It is a noteworthy coincidence that this advance- guard of the army of civilization that was soon to people the territorial limits of the Reserve, first touched her soil on the anniversary of America's independence. Thus, in this signal manner, did a new colony, destined to play so important a part in the future of the nation, l)cgin its existence on the same day of the same month in which the nation itself began to exist. Nor were these sons of Revolutionary fathers oblivious of the day which not only commemorates the birth of their country's freedom, bnt should henceforth be to them and their posterity the anniversary of the day on which their pilgrimage ended, and on which Ijegan their labors, toils and sufferings for the establishment, in the wilderness of Ohio, of homes for themselves and their children. Animated with emotions appropriate to the occasion, these Pilgrim Fathers of the Western Reserve celebrated the day with such rude demonstra- tions of patriotic devotion and joy as they were able to invent. They gathered together in groups on the eastern bank of the creek now known as the Conneaut; the}' pledged fidelity to their country in liquid dipped from the pure waters of the lake; they discharged from two or three fowling-pieces the nati(nial salute; they ate, drank, and were merry, blessing the land which many of them had assisted in delivering from British oppression; and they may have indulged in glowing predictions as to the future greatness and glory of the colonies they were about to plant. Could one of their number who shared their fancies, bnt who lived to see no part of them realized, behold to- day the changes wliich have proceeded in so wonder- ful a manner, we think that he would admit that the boldest anticipations of the little party of 179G were but a feeble conception of the reality. However diffi- cult it might be for him to understand the stages of the process by which so great a transformation has taken ijlace, the actual truth would still present itself for his contemplation, Wliat would astonish him most would be, not the conquest of forests, but that they have been succeeded by the numerous thriving cities and villages and the multitudinous homes of the prospering farmei', established on nearly every quarter-section of land in this county; that distance has been annihilated by the use of steam and the con- sequent acceleration of speed; that wealth and popu- lation have been so rapidly cumulative; that the com- munity is so opulent and enlightened; that education is fostered by so admirable a system of free schools; that intelligence is universally diffused by so many representatives of a free press; that moral oi^iuion has gained such ground; that religion is sustained by the IG HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. convictions of :in cnliglitcncd faith, and that the hap- piness of tlie people is universal and secure. They christened the place where occurred these demonstrations of patriotism and joy. Fort Inde- pendence, and the following are the toasts which they drank: 1st. The I'resiilent of the United State's. 2d. The State of Connecticut. 3d. The Connecticut Land Company. 4th. May the Port of Independence and the fifty sons and daughters wlio have entered it this day be successful and prosperous : 5tli. May tiiese sons and daughters multiply in sixteen years sixteen times fifty : 6th. May every person have his bowsprit trimmed and ready to enter every port that opens. The surveyors proceeded to tlie south line of the Reserve, and ascertained the point where the forty- first degree of north latitude intersects the western line of Penn.sylvauia, and from this line of latitude as a base, meridian lines five miles apart were run north to the lake. Lines of latitude were then run five miles apart, thus dividing the Reserve into town- ships five miles S([uare. As the lands lying west of the Cuyahoga remained in possession of the Indians until the Treaty of Fort Industiy, in 1805, the Reserve was not surveyed at this time farther west than to the Cuyahoga and the portage between it and the Tuscarawas, a distance west from the western line of Pennsylvania of fifty-six miles. Tlie remainder of the Reserve was surveyed in 1806. The Land Company made a contract with Abraham Tap})an and Anson Sessions, in 1805, for the survey of the lands of the Reserve between the Sufferers' lands and the Cuyahoga. The limited width of range nineteen, emliracing in Lorain county the townships of Brown- helm, Henrietta, Canxden, Brighton and Rochester, is proof of the fact that the Reserve is less than one hundred and twenty miles in length. Judge Boynton says: "This tier of townships is gore-shaped, and is much less than five miles wide, circumstances leading the company to divide all south of Brownhelm into tr.acts, and use them for purposes of equalization. The west line of range nineteen, from north to south, as originally run, bears to the west, and between it and range twenty, as indicated on the map, there is a stri]) of land, also gore-shaped, that was left in the first instance unsurveyed, the surveyors not knowing the exact whereabouts of the eastern line of the "half million acres '" belonging to the Suf- ferers. In 1801), .\mos Spafford, of Cleveland, and Alnion Ruggles, of Huron, were agreed on by the two companies to ascertain and locate the line between the Fire Lands and the lands of the Connecticut Com- pany. They first surveyed off the "half million acres " belonging to tlie SulTerers, and, not agreeing with Seth Pease, who had run out the base and west line, a dispute arose between the two companies, which was finally adjusted before the draft by establishing the eastern line of the Fire Lands where it now is. This left a strip of land east of the Fire Lands, called surplus lands, which was included in range nineteen, and is embraced in the western tier of townships of Lorain county." THE .\PPOIXTME.VT OF AN EQU.\LIZIXG COMMITTEE. .M'ler this survey was completed, the Land Com- ]iaiiy, in cn-iier tlutt the shareholders might share eipiitabiy as nearly as possible tlie lands of the Reserve, or to avoid the likelihond of a part of the .shareholders drawing the best and others the medium and others again the poorest of the lands, appointed an eijualizing committee, whose duties we will explain. The amount of the purchase-money, one million two hundred thousand dollars, was divided into four hundred shares, each share value being three thousand dollars. The holder of one share, therefore, had one four-hundredth undivided interest in the whole tract, and he who held four or five or twenty shares had four or five or twenty times as much interest undi- vided in the whole Reserve as he who held but one. As some townships would be more valuable than others, the company adopted, at a meeting of share- holders at Hartford, Connecticut, in April, 1796, a mode of making partition, and ajipointed a committee of equalization to divide the Reserve in accordance with the company's plan. The committee appointed were Daniel Holbrook, William Shepperd, Jr., Moses Warren, Jr., Seth Pease and Amos Spafford, and the committee who made up their report at Canandaigua, New York, December 13th, 1797, were William Shepperd, Jr., Moses Warren, Jr., Seth Pease and Amos Spafford. The directors of the company, in accordance with Article III. of the Articles of Association, selected six townships to be offered for sale to actual settlers alone, and in which the first improvements were designed to be made. The townships thus selected were numbers eleven, in the sixth range; ten, in the ninth range; nine, in the tenth range; eight, in the eleventh range; seven, in the twelfth range; and two, in the second range. These townships are now known as Madison, Mentor and Willoughby, in Lake county; Euclid and Newburgh, in Cuyahoga county; and Youngstown in Mahoning. Number three, in the third range, or Weathersfield, in Trumbull county, was omitted from the first draft made by the company owing to the uncertainty of the boundaries of Mr. Parsons' claim. This township has sometimes been called the Salt Spring township. The six town- ships above named were offered for sale before partition was made, and jiarts of them were sold. Excepting the Parsons claim and the seven town- ships above named, the remainder of the Reserve east of the Cuyahoga was divided among the members of the company in accordance with the following MODE OF PARTITION. The four best townships in the eastern jiart of the Reserve were selected and surveyed into lots, an average of one hundred lots to the township. As there were four hundred shares, the four townships would yield one lot for every share. When these lots were drawn, each holder or holders of one or more shares participated in the draft. The committee selected township eleven, in range seven, and town- ships five, six and seven, in range eleven, for the four best townshijis. These are Perry, in Lake county, Northfield, in Summit county, Bedford and Warren- ville, in Cuyahoga county. Then the committee proceeded to .select from the remaining townships certain other townships that should be next in value to the four already selected. HISTOKY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 17 which were to be used for equalizing purposes. The tracts thus selected being whole townships .and parts of townships, were in number twenty-four, as follows: sis, seven, eight, nine .and ten, in the eiglith range; six, seven, eight and nine, in the ninth range; and one, five, six, seven and eight, in the tenth range; and sundry irregular tracts, as follows: number four- teen, in the first range; number thirteen, in the third range; number thirteen, in" the fourth r.ange; number twelve, in tlie fifth range; number twelve, iu the sixth range; number eleven, in the eighth range; number ten, in the tenth range; number six, in the twelftli range; and numbers one and two, in the eleventh range. These tracts are now known as Auburn, Newbury, Muusou, Chardou, Bainbridge, Russell and Chester townships, in Geauga county; Concord and Kirtland, in Lake county; Springfield and Twinsburg, in Summit county; Solon, Orange, and Mayfield, in Cuyahoga county. The fractional townships are Conueaut gore, Ashtalnila gore. Say- brook gore, Geneva, Madison gore, Painesville, Wil- loughby gore, Independence, Coventry and Portage. After this selection had been made they selected the average townships, to the value of each of which each of the others should be brought by the equalizing process of annexation. The eight best of the remain- ing townships were taken, and were numbers one, five, eleven, twelve and thirteen, in the first range; twelve, in the fourth range; eleven, in the fifth range; and six, in the sixth range. They are now known a« Poland, in Mahoning county; Hartford, in Trumbull county ; Pierpout, Monroe, Conneaut, Saybrook, and Harpersfield, in A.sh tabula county; and Parkmau, in Geauga county. These were the slamlard townships, and all the other townships of inferior value to these eight, which would include all the others not mentioned above, were to be raised to the value of tlie average townships by annexations from the equalizing townships. These last named were cut up into parcels of various sizes and values, and annexed to the inferior townships in sueli a way as to make them all of equal value in tlie opinion of the committee. Wlien the committee had performed this task, it was found that, with the exception of tlie four townships first selected, the Parsons tract, and the townships that had been previously set aside to be sold, the whole tract would amount to an eipiivalent of ninety-three shares. There were, there- fore, ninety-three ecpialized townships or parcels to be di-awn for, east of the Cuyahoga. To entitle a shareholder to the ownership of an equalized township it was necessary for him to be the ])roprietor of twelve thousand nine hundred and three dollars and twenty-three cents of the original purchase of the company. This division by draft took place on the 29th of January, 1798. The committee appointed to make partition of the lands west of the Cuyahoga divided the entire tract into forty-six parts, for the purchase of one of which the sum of twenty-sis thousand six hundred and eighty-seven dollars was required. This draft took place April 4, 1807, and the mode of procedure was the same as in the first draft. The townships were num- bered from one to forty-six, and the numbers on slips of paper placed in a box. The names of shareholders were arranged in alphabetical order, and in those instances in which an original investment was insuf- ficient to entitle such investor to an equalized towusliip, he formed a combination with others in like situation, and the name of that person of this combination that took alphabetic precedence was used in the draft. If the small proprietors were, from disagreement among themselves, unable to unite, a committee was ap- pointed to select and classify them, and those selected were compelled to submit to this arrangement. If after they had drawn a township they could not agree in dividing it among them, this committee, or another one appointed for the purpose, divided it for them. That township which the first number drawn desig- nated belonged to the first man on the list, and the second drawn to the second man, and so on until all were drawn. Thus was the ownership in common severed, and each individual secured his interest in severalty. John Morgan, John Cadwell, and Jona- than Brace, the trustees, as rapidly as partition was effected, conve3'ed by deed to the several purchasers the lands they had drawn. " The lands of Lorain county, that were taken for the purpose of equalizing townships of inferior value, were those of Rochester Brighton, Camden, Black River, and that pai't of Henrietta that did not originally belong to Brownhelni. Tract eight in range nineteen, being partly in Brighton and partly in Camden, consisting of three thousand seven hundred acres, was annexed to LaGrange, to equalize it. Tract number three in LaFayette township, Medina county, consisting of four thousand eight hundred and ten and one-half acres was annexed to Penfield. Tract one, in gore four, in range eleven, consisting of two thousand two hundred and twenty-five acres, was annexed to Eaton. Tract two, in gore four, range eleven, consisting of two thousand six hundred and fifty acres, was annexed to Columbia; one thousand seven hundred acres, in tract four, in Rochester, were annexed to Huntington; two thousand seven hundred and sixty nine acres, in fraction number three in range eleven, in Summit county, were annexed to Ridgeville; tour thousand six hundred aci-es in tract nine, in Camden, were annexed to Grafton ; four thousand acres, tract seven, in Brighton, were annexed to Wellington; four thousand three hundred aeres, iu tract three, gore six, range twelve, were annexed to Russia; fifteen hundred acres iu tract fourteen, in Henrietta, were annexed to Shefflekl ; three thousand acres in tract eleven. In Camden, were annexed to Pittsfield ; tract three consisting of four thousand and fifty acres, in Rochester, was annexed to Elyria ; four thousand acres in tract two, in Black River, were annexed to Amherst; Bass Islands, numbers one and two, and Island number five, lying north of Erie county, consisting of two thousand and sixtj- three acres, were annexed to Avon; and Kelley's Island, consistmg of two thousand seven hundred and forty -seven acres, was annexed to Carlisle." THE VARIOUS DRAFTS. The first draft was made January 29, 1798, and was for that portion of the Reserve east of the Cuya- hoga. In this draft the lands drawn were divided into ninety-three parts, each representing twelve thousand nine hundred and three dollars and twenty- three cents. The second draft was made iu 1802, and was for such portions of the seven townships omitted in the first draft as remained at that time unsold. This draft was divided into ninety shares, representing thirteeen thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents of the purchase-money. 18 HISTOKY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. The fliivd ili'iift was maile in ISO?, and was for the hinds of the comjiany lying west of the Cnyalioga, and was divided into forty-six parts, each representing twenty-six tliousaiid .six luuKlrcd and eiglity-seven dolhirs. A fourth draft was made in 1809, at which time the snrphis hind, so called, was divided, including sundry notes and claims arising from sales that had heen effected of the seven townships omitted in the first drawinjr. (JUANTITT OF LAND IN THE CONNECTICUT WESTERN RESERVE, ACCORDING TO THE SURVEY THEREOF. Land east of the Cuyahoga, exclusive of the Parsons tract inacres 2,0()a,!)T0 Lanil west of the Cuyahofra, exclusive of surplus land, islands, and Sufferers' Lands 827.291 Surplus land, so called 6,280 iC!unninj?ham or Kelley 's 2749 Ba.ss, or B.ay, No. 1 1322 " " " I;;;::;;:;:::;::::;::;;::;: 709 " " '• 4 403 "5 32 .5,924 Parsons', or "Salt Spring Tract" 2.'), 4.50 Sufferers', or Fire Lands 5IK1,OI10 Total amount of acres in the Connecticut Western Reserve. 3,300 921 CHAPTER IV. PHYSICAL FEATURES. GEOGRAPHY. Lorain county is bounded on the north by Lake Erie, on the south by portions of Medina and Ashland counties, on the east by Cuyahoga and Medina, and on the west by Huron and Erie. Its capital town is Elyria, which is situated in longitude 83° C 49" west from Greenwich and in latitude 41° 22' 1". It is divided into twenty-one townships, most of which are five miles square, whose names ai'e as follows: Columbia, Avon, Ridgeville, Eaton, Grafton, Shef- field, Elyria, Carlisle, LaGninge, Penfield, Black River, Aiiiherst, Russia, Pittsfleld, Wellington, Hunt- ington, Brownhelm, Henrietta, Camden, Brighton and Rochester. The principal towns and villages named in the order of their population arc Elyria, Oborlin, Wellington, Amherst, Kipton, and Grafton. The population of the county in 1S70, by town.ships, was as follows: Amherst 2,482 , Henrietta. Huntington LaG range Pittsfleld Penfield Ridgeville Rochester Russia.exclusive of Oberlin Oberlin Sheftieki Wellington township Welhngton borough 8;M 1,.3(I<.1 980 749 1,477 091 1.319 a,8HK 973 fdO 1,281 Avon 1,924 Black River 8;18 Brighton 508 Brownhelm 1,401 Camilen S'tfi C'arlisle 1 ,219 Columhia 892 p:at(>n I,0ri2 Elyria, exclusive of city... 1,088 Elyria City 3,0;)8 Grafton 980 Total .30,308 * GEOLOGY. There is perhaps no subject at the present- time that excites a deeper interest among thinking and .scientific minds than the science of Geology. Several • By Jay Terrell. reasons may be given for this, one of which is that it is the newest among all the sciences; another is tliat it upsets all of our old preconceived notions as to the age of the world. Whereas we had been taught tliat it was almost horc-'y to believe that the world was more than six thousand years old, and that Moses' account of the creation in its six solar days of twenty-four hours each was literally correct, geology has proven beyond a doubt that it has been as many millions or even more years in existence, and that it was countless ages before it was jirepared for, or even was jiossible for man to have lived uj)on it. Hence at first many divines were found opposing this new science with its new theories. These controversies have been fraught with very much good. They have laid the fouiuhition for deeper thought and investigation, and now, instead of lift- ing up liands with holy horror at the teachings of this great geological book, we find onr most eminent divines quoting it as authority to substantiate just what at first they supposed it disproved. We have neither space nor time to go back over these old controverted grounds, whose errors, like cobwebs, are fast being brushed away by the hand of time as new light lireaks in upon the intelligent mind. Neither have we time to open out this grand old book of nature, and commence at the beginning, every page of which shines like letters in gold, telling of the great Creator's power and goodness; how that, stej) by stej), for millions of years, the earth was being fitted and prejiared for the al)odc and ha])piness of man. (We use the term "millions of years" not that geological time can be counted or expressed in years, but this term, perhaps, gives us the best idea of the lapse of ages.) But we must begin almost at the very ending and only study a portion of that chapter that relates to onr immediate surroundings. We do not propose, therefore, in this brief chajiter, to take the reader all over the world to teach geology, but shall confine ourself to Lorain county and that which jiertains to and a£Fe(;ts it. Nearly every farm in the county has material enough upon it to fill pages with interesting matter, and if the geology of Lorain county was fully written up it would more than fill every page of this beautiful history. I shall, tlierefore, merely give an niitline, and confine myself to what I have seen and what the rocks teach us. This will of necessity take us back into the far-away ages of the past when there was no human eye to behold the heauties in the morning dawn of creation (no less lieautiful then than now), nor human hand to record their history; and yet the everlasting rocks have left their record as plainly and distinctly marked as if "graven with an iron pen." The geologist reads these " footprints of the Creator " with clearness and just as much assurance as the astronomer marks the course of the stars, or the historian records the events of a nation. Geology being the newest of all the sciences, it is very probable that some of the theories now held by HISTOKY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 19 our leiuliiiij scientists will have to be abandoned as new liyli( breaks in with the lapse of time. It would indeed sliow but little progress and be very strange if this were not the case. It behooves us, therefore, to lie very careful about adopting new theories until we are well assured that they are based upon solid foun- dation, or rather solid rock. I hold it as a cardinal l)rinciple that theories can always afford to wait until fully tested and facts are brought to prove the validity of their claims. There ai-e, however, some theories in geology that must of necessity be founded on negative proof. For example: the great Ohio fossil fishes are said to have had no scales from the fact that none have ever yet been found with their remains. This, coupled with the fact that their structure was such that they seemed not to have needed scales, is deemed sufficient to establish the theory that they had none, although it is based upon negative testimony. In some respects the study of geology has been with me a life work, and for manyyears some portion of each year has been devoted to jiractical field work. In Canada, and on the islands of Lake Erie; in Ohio, and other States; in summer, under broiling suns; in rain and storms; in winter, amid snow and ice, — have I tried faithfully to work out these grand problems of nature; and yet how little do we know of the great Creator's power and 2)ur2JOses. Evidently the world has passed through a thousand changes, all seemingly for the benefit of the last crowning act of creation — man. We will now take up the geology of Lorain county in detail, beginning with the clay drift, the first formation or surface deposit, and so step by step, along down to the Huron shale, the lowest exposed deposit in the county. The mechanical force which distributed this wide- spread drift, we will sjieak of further on, under its proper head, "Glaciers." The soil which rests im- mediately upon this drift, or clay-bed, and which we plow and cultivate, is of vegetable origin and produced by the slow process of the decomposition of vegetable matter. It is usually only a few inches in thickness over the surface except where it has accumulated on the lower lands, either by the wash from the higher lands or water standing a sufficient length of time to collect leaves, mosses, etc., which eventually became swamps. This soil although rpiite thin, nevertheless bears the evidence of having been ages in its accumulation, ere it was able to sustain the first scanty growth of forest trees. .Just what tliat first growth of forest trees in Lorain county was, we are unable definitely to deter- mine; Init from drift-wood which is more or less found under all our ridges, and some other "foot-prints," we are led to conclude, that our first forest trees belonged to the pine or cedar family. For several years I have been led to believe tiiat one race of trees succeeded another in the cycles of time; that is, they came in the order in which the climate and soil are prepared for, and adapted to receive them. This we know to be true of animals ; one race becomes extinct and another follows in its course and takes its place. As changes are constantly going on in the world, new beings are created to meet these changes, and the old ones, that can no longer exist under the new order of things pass away. These climatic and other changes, humanly speaking, are very slow: so slow, that to us they are not percci^tible. To us there seems to be a profound rest; but these changes are just as sure and certain as summer and winter; sunrise and sunset. The evidence of the succession of tree-growth is very clearly shown on Point-au-Pelee, one of the islands of Lake Erie. All over the higher lands, the soil is literally filled with red cedar roots, showing conclusively that there once existed on this island a dense groAvth of this species of conifers. These roots, lying as they do, intermixed with the hard clay drift, are as nearly imperishable as almost any thing can be, except it be the "everlasting rocks." In all probability this was the first tree or shrub (it could only have been a shrub in its incipient stages) that took possession of the soil, and it must have held complete possession for a long period of time, until their slowly decaying leaves, with other scanty vege- tation ultimately produced a soil sufficient for the sustenance of other trees, and a more rank vegetation. Around the margin of the island, on the almost barren sandy beach, I found the red cedar still flourish- ing where scarcely anything else could grow. These cedars must have been "nionarchs of all they sur- veyed" for tens of thousands of years, until they slowly gave jilace to the growth of another class of trees, for which the accumulated soil of ages became especially adapted. The next growth in the succession we find were truly " nionarchs of the forest," great oaks. No such trees are now growing upon the island, nor indeed have been for many generations in the past, but their prostrate decaying bodies lie half buried beneath the soil of centuries, and are scattered here and thei'e over the surface, among the thickly wooded timber of the present forest. As I stepped upon some of these trees, they would sink beneath my feet, as nothing but their moss-covered bark holds them together. Probably within the present generation they will entirely disappear, leaving no trace behind them as evidence of their having once existed. No doubt there is many a missing link in the long chain of geological events, which, if we had them all connected together, we could read the sequences of time much plainer than we can now. Nevertheless there is still enough left to give us a tolerably correct idea of the progressive stages in the earth's history since the dawn of creation. A mixed growth of timber now covers the island, such as oak, hickory, ash, maple, etc. I give this as an illustration, to prove the succession of forest trees and the ages of time that must have elapsed, from the dejjositiou of these drift clay-beds, until they accumulated a suf- ficient soil to sustain such a mass of vegetation as that 20 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. whicli now everywhere meets our gaze. I am of the o]iinion that the earth is, and always has been occu- liicd at each successive period with the liighest type of life, both uiiiiual and vegetable, that the conditions will allow. The drift formation of Lorain county, is mostly the product of the Huron and Erie shales, intermixed with other material that has been transinorted long distances by the action of ice. These shales have been plowed, torn uj), crushed, and massed together, by the plow-share of the Almighty: an agency that the All-wise Father has used to tit and prepare this part of his heritage for the habitation of man — a power that has plowed and ])laned down mountains into valleys, and leveled the whole into vast plains. Such a power is, and only can be, immense fields of ice in the form of glaciers. That these glaciers existed on the North American continent at one period in the far-away-past, and that they were the direct cause of the distribution of our clay-beds there can now be no reasonable doubt. These clays are more or less filled with fragments of lime, granite, fjuartz, gneiss, green stone and other pebbles, all foreign material, brought down from the moun- tain-side, and transported hundreds of miles from their place of origin — mixed and intermixed with these shales which were so evenly distributed over the un- derlying rocks. The dairy-farmers of Lorain county owe to these shales, which were thus ground up and mixed to- gether, their peculiar clay soil, — hai-d, tenacious, unworkable when wet, but when well drained, and seeded, nothing can excel it for grazing and dairying purposes. Along the border of tiie lake, especially in Avon and Sheffield, this soil is jieculiarly adapted to grape culture; and here may be seen nuiny beautiful vineyards, from which hundreds of tons of grapes are annually gathered and shijjped to all parts of the country. There is perhaps no part of the county where the di'if t is so well shown as on the lake shore in Sheffield township. Here commences a long line of beach which extends almost to Vermillion. Tlie direct cause of this beach is that the glacier dipped deeper into the rock here than farther east, tearing up the hard shale to a considerable depth below the present surface of the lake, leaving the clay banks to come down to the water's edge. Farther east the shale being above the water, forms a bluff bank (we call it iron-bound shore) against which the waves almost constantly dash. At the eastern end of this beach the banks are about eighteen feet high. About half way from top to bottom the clay drift lies directly upon the Huron shale; the line of demarkation be- tween the two is as well defined as would be one board lying upon another. Farther on we find the shales torn from their bed and the upper portion thoroughly mixed and incorporated with the lower stratum, or base of the clay. The lower portion of the shale that was torn from the rock, was broken up, ground and shoved along, but still remained unmixed with the clay above, and unexposed to atmospheric changes; it therefore remains a stratum of broken shale between the clay and the solid rock l)elow. Still farther on we find where, in some way, the ice- field got a foot-hold in a seam in the rock and moved the whole mass bodily to the west several feet, making quite a large fissure; then, passing on over, filled this fissure to its very bottom with clay-mud and gi-avcl. This great ice-field was working westward, and all through Sheffield it was on a downward grade: that is, working deeper into the rock. Just before it reached the point wliere Lake Breeze is now situated, (it wasn't Lake Breeze then,) it plowed still deeper into the rock and soon dipped below the surface of the lake (it wasn't lake then either), and did not rise again above the present water level until it reached almost to Vermillion in Erie county. The glacial action in this drift formation is as readily traced along this lake shore beach as may be the course of a river, and its "foot-prints" are as plain and unmistakable as those of a man or a horse. No written record can be plainer or more easily studied, than can be the drift along tliis lake line. Wliilo so many scientific facts are left in sucli obscurity that it takes a long life of patient toil and research to comju-ehcnd only a few facts, here tlie drift which has been so little understood in the past is laid bare before us like a panoramic view, so that we may study it at our will. Tlu^re is no dei)artment in the science of geology that has tieen heretofore so little understood as the drift formation. Tliis is accounted for by the fact that it was produced by ditferent causes and at widely separated periods of time. We are now coming to the light, and as we learn to classify these periods and depositions of drift, instead of massing them together into one general deposit, we are better able to under- stand their formations. BOULDERS. The erratic rocks, wliich we call boulders or " hard heads," that are so profusely distributed over the clay soil of Lorain county, are from beds of different deposits. They are composed of granite, quartzite, diorite, crystalline lime-stone, gneiss, silician slate, etc. Although of different formations and deposits, they are all classed with and belong to the Eozoic age of the world. It was called Azoic (that is, " without life ") until within a few years. Although there have been no fossils found in tiie Eozoic rocks, it is now very generally believed among geologists and scientific men that even in this very remote period in the earth's history there did exist some of the lower forms of animal and vegetable life. This, we think, is clearly proven by the abundance of graphite, iron and lime- stone that is found in these rocks, each of which is the direct product of either animal or vegetable or- ganisms: graphite and iron are the products of the carbon of plants. When you pick up a piece of native HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 31 ii-oii ore to examine it, beiir in mind tliat it was not l)ro(lnco(l like lava, by passing tliroagli a melting pro- cess, bnt that it is of vegetable origin. Although it may have, as all our Lake Superior ore has, passed tiirougii this metamorphio process, yet heat has noth- ing to do with its origin as iron, but was merely an after result of internal disturbances. Limestone is almost wholly made up from the shells and minute skeletons of marine organisms that have the power of secreting the carbonate of lime which forms their shells. We have no reason to believe that iron or limestone were produced in the Eozoic age by any different process than it is now. We find these rocks stratified, an:l tint they were originally deposited in even horizontal bods, l)ut have since been metamorphosed by heat, and are now much displaced and broken up by upheavals and internal forces. They are divided into two groups — upper and lower — called Huronian and Laurentian: lluronian, from their fine exjiosure ou the north of Lake Huron; Laurentian, from the lower St. Lawrence region, where these rocks abound. They are the surface rock over a broad belt of country, extending from Labrador, on the east, to Lake Superior, and then stretching away northward to the Arctic Sea. The Adirondac Mountains, although outside of this belt, belong to the same epoch and formation, and were raised above the oceen at the same time. They are called the oldest rocks in the world, and deservedly so; for they are the oldest surface rocks now known, and never have been submerged since they were first raised above the old eozoic ocean. While most parts of our continent have been raised above the sea, only to be submerged again, (and this occurring many times, as each stratified formation plainly testifies.) yet these old eozoic rocks have proudly held their giant heads above the surrounding ocean almost from the time that the sun first penetrated the thick cloud of darkness that surrounded the eartli, wlien God said, " Let there be light; and there was light."' We call the eastern continent the Old World; but the Adirondac mountains of New York, the region around Lake Superior and the Ozarks, of Missouri, are ages older than any land on that continent. The igneous rocks which nnderly these metamorphic rocks are of course much older than they; but all that we know about them is by their being thrown to the surface by eruptions, as they are nowhere found exposed on the surface. They have jiassed through inconceivable heat, first in the gaseous and then in the molten state, and were the first rocks formed by the cooling of the earth's surface, and are therefore not stratified. They belong to that age of the world of which they are the only record. We find these fused rocks frequently among our erratics of the * iceberg drift. Sir William Logan, an eminent Canadian geologist, estimates the eozoic rocks in Canada to be about forty- seven thousand feet in thickness. When we consider that all this vast rock formation was the accumulation from the destruction and slow wearing away process of an older continent, and that older continent perhaps from the debris of one still older, we can form but a faint conception of the myriads of ages that have passed away since "in the lieginning, God created the heaven and the earth." The boulders were broken and torn from these old eozoic rocks by glaciers coming down from the moun- tainous region of the north. As they shoved them- selves out into this great inland sea of fresh water, which had been formed by the scooping out of the lake basin, they were lirokcn up and floated out to sea. No longer traveling by land and grasi)ing in their icy arms massive boulders and all other material that lay in their course; now they are icebergs, trav- ersing the sea and carrying their boulders, sand, gravel and ot\\Qv debris whithersoever the wind drives them. We therefore call the boulders a part of the iceberg drift, as they were deposited by icebergs and not by glaciers. The surface clay of Lorain county is glacial drift, and was deposited at the time the Lake Erie basin was formed. This was long before the period of which we are now speaking. At this time the clay had already been deposited, the glacier had passed on and left the basin which was now filled with water to the brim, from the summit on the south to the Cana- dian highlands on the north, and extending east and west from the Adirondacks to Lake Superior. We sjTOke of the mountainous region of the north from whence the glaciers which produced the icebergs came. Nothing now remains but the bases of these mountains to tell of their long agergs, is very clearly proven by their position as we now find them in our lields. Almost every farmer knows that these big boulders, or "hard-heads," are very dillicult to get out of the ground, for the simple reason that the largest end is always in the ground. This of itself is almost conclusive evidence, aside from any other, that they must have fallen S(jme distance through water, and in falling the larger end would naturally go down. We can account for this phe- nomenon by no other theory. We find no boulders in or upon the sand ridges, for the reason that the ridges were deposited at a later period, and conse((uently whatever boulders may have been on the surface are now buried beneath the sand. 'I'he reader will observe that we have spoken of three different and distinct drift de])osits, which occurred at different periods in the earth's history. We will therefore place them in the order in which they occur: 1st. Glacial drift — clay, sand, gravel, etc. 2d. Iceberg drift — boulders, sand and other deln'is. 3d. Water drift — Hood-wood and sand ridges. The great ditiiculty in studying the drift has been in not keeping the different periods and causes sepa- rate: this will enable us to do so. I am aware, however, that good authority dilfers with me on some of these ])oints: but after great care and research, I think the evidence will beai- me out in my drift theory. It may be askeil, how do we know that these boulders came from this northern region beyond the lake? In the first j)lace, we Jiave no evidence of glaciers push- ing themselves into this great body of water from any other direction than on the north; and then, too, we find that these boulders exactly correspond with the rocks found in place along this northern belt, so that now we may readily trace some of the erratic rocks found here back to their original beds of deposition. 1 have lying before me a jiieee of granite, that is filled witii graphite (black h^ad we call it, though there is no lead about it). Tiiis fragment I broke from a lioiildrron my father's farm, in Ridgeville, nearly forty years ago. We can now trace this graphite directly back to its home on the Georgian Bay, in Canada. Copper is not unfrenueutly found in the boulders of our county, plainly showing their Lake Superior origin. Tims, by iUc composition of these boulders, and the minerals they carry with them, we are able to tell where they came from; and l)y the position in which we find them, ami the grooves and markings on the surfiK-e rocks, we are enabled to tell how they came here. ANCIENT FOREST BEDS. Beneath the sand ridges there are nu)re or less of the remains of forest trees, called "flood- wood." It was drifted into its present resting place when the lake was from one to two hundred feet higlier than it now is, and covered beneath the sand when the ridges were formed. About forty years ago my father, in digging a well (on the ridge), one mile east of the center of Ridgeville, came upon trees altoutone foot in diameter, at a depth of fifteen feet below the surface. This wood, although changed, was not fossilized, but was soft and yielding, and could easily be cut with a sharp spade. I very well remember the men examining it very closely by whittling, tasting, smell- ing, etc., and after much deliberation pronounced it cedar wood. Their decision was probably correct, as all the timber, so far as I know, found beneath the ridges, is coniferous (cone-bearing trees). We have the record, however, in some localities, of hickory, sycamore, willow and some other kinds of wood being found beneath the drift. An old forest bed was very widely distributed over the northern half of our conti- nent. To give some idea of its nnignitude and extent, I (juote from different authorities the following: ■'Ross County, Ohio. — Wood apparently cedar, from a well thirty feet deep." — Col. Charles Whittlesey. "All through Southern Indiana.— Ancient soil, with peat, muck, rooted stumps, trunks, branches and leaves of trees, sixty to one hundred and twenty feet below the surface, called *Noah"s Cattle Yard.' Wells spoiled by them. "—JoAh Collvtt. " Iowa. — An old soil, with buried timber from forty to fifty feet be- neath the surface, struck in sinking wells in several counties."— 3/orris Miller. *' Wadsworth County', Wisconsin.— Timber resembling white cedar, from a well eighteen feet deep in the prairie region, and about two hundred and fifty feet above the surface of Lake Michigan."— J. A. Lapham. '• Grand Sable, South Shore of Lake Superior.— Layers of roots, and timber of trees, sometimes twelve or fourteen feet thick, resting on clay, inter-stratified with gravel, three hundred feet thick." — Sir Wm. Lf>tjan, in Geology of Canada. "Montgomery County, Ohio. —Beds of peat, from twelve to twenty feet in thickness, containing qu.antities of coniferous wood, with twigs, branches and berries of red cedar ; also containing bones of the elephant and mastodon, and teeth of the giant beaver; the whole covered with ninety feet of sand."— Pro/ Ortoti. "Toronto, Canada.— Trunks and branches of trees, embedded m yellow cla.y, at a depth of from ten to twenty feet from the surface." —Prof. Hind. We do not wish it understood that these remains of trees and animals were all buried beneath a drift deposit at one and the same time; but we do say that all over this wide extent of country there once existed a heavy growth of forest trees, with animals of huge dimensions roaming through tlieni. both of which have become extinct, and are now deeply buried be- neath a drift deposit. From all the light that we can gather from these and other facts, it is evident that our continent has been raised and again submerged beneath the ocean several times since the eozoie age, at least all of it except the few localities heretofore mentioned. MASTODONS AND ELEPHANTS. Not only forest trees, but the remains of large ani- mals have been found in many localities in Northern Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. These remains ai'e mostly found in deep marshes and peat bogs, which were, when these animals lived, small lakes. In some instances, the leg and other lower bones of the mas- HISTORY OF LORAIN COFNTY, OHIO. todon and elephant have been fi)uiid in a standing position, sliowing that in going to these places for water, they mnst have been mired, and their great weight and clnmsiness prevented their extricating themselves. These lakes have now become peat marshes by the continued accumulation of leaves, mosses and other vegetation which now cover their bones many feet deep. No remains of these animals have been fo>ind in this county, but it is ])ossible that there might be. upon proper search for them in and about the swam])s of Brighton and Camden; as, fi-om the location of these swamps, I have no doubt that those places were favorite resorts for these animals. A few yeai's since, some of the ribs, vertebrsp, a jiart of a tooth, the tusks and some other bones of a mas- todon were found in Montville, Medina county. The bones were more or less broken, and were supposed to belong to a young animal. The tusks were broken off at tJieir points, and were about four feet long, largest in the middle and tapered towards the point and base; the ribs, which were somewhat broken, were five inches wide. In Cleveland the remains of a large animal were found in excavating a cellar on Ontario street. The knights of the spade and pick, not knowing what they were, or not caring, carted tlie most of them off, and they were dumped away, broken and destroyed. How- ever, a few teeth and vertebra? were saved, and are now in the Western Reserve Historical Society rooms in that city. Dr. E. Sterling called my attention to these bones at the time. Upon examination they were found to be the remains of a very large elephant. (Elcphas Americanus.) These bones were not found as nsual in a low marshy place, but on high land, in sand and gravel. It is altogether probable that they were washed in and covered up when the lake stood at that level. These huge animals roamed over all of northern Ohio for a long time after the accnmn- lation of its ancient soil and great forests, up to a recent period, geologically sjieaking, that is up to aliout the time of the formation of the sand ridges. Whether they became extinct about this time, by some sudden climatic or otlier change, or gradually died out, we are unable to determine. The only record we have of them is their bones and the location in which they are fonnd. Their bones not being fossilized arc liable to decay on exposure to the atmosiihere, except the teetli and tusks, which being enameled are usually well preserved. There are, however, a few well l>reserved whole skeletons of these great American animals of our primeval forests. TERRACES. We now come to the last e}>och or ]ihase in the series of drift deposits: "Terraces and Sand-ridges." These belong to our present geological time, that is, there have been no great changes since their deposi- tion, or rather they are the result of the last change in the Lake Erie basin. Although we speak of them as of a recent formation, or the last, }'et we mnst i-emember that they were formed ages before man came into being. This was the last act in the geologi- cal drama that was performed to fit and prepare the earth for man's abode. At no time previous to this epoch could man have lived upon the earth for a single year, but now all is changed, the right conditions have been reached as to soil, climate, and the class of animals suited to his wants; all is prepared and ready for his advent; and in his own good time the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. Of the terraces I can only give a very meager description, having given them but a passing thought among my other researches in the county until about two years ago, when I became convinced that they held a very conspicuous place in the topogrophy of the county; I then commenced regular field work upon them and have traced out and located two of them quite satisfactorily. The last terrace now visible I found about one and a half miles from the present shore line, and at an altitude of forty feet above lake level. It follows nearly the present contour of the lake shore. It is very evident that the water receded to a broad river after these terraces were formed, and now by gradually wearing its way back inland, its shore follows nearly the same lines that it left in its recedonce. I have traced this terrace most of the way from the Vermillion to Black River, and all the way from Black River east fifteen miles into Dover, Cuya- hoga county. I have no doubt but that it can readily be traced the whole length of the lake shore. At Avon Point it does not make the sharp angle of the shore, but merely makes a gentle curve to the north. The soil is clay, with its surface somewhat mixed with gravel. The timber upon it is mostly hard maple, beech and hickory, and that upon either side of it, is black ash, soft maple, elm, &c. Its rise from the north is very perceptible, and upon the farms through which it passes it is usually selected as the building spot if at all convenient, as it is the dryest land. These terraces were formed by the natural wearing of the water against the shore, at which level the water stood for a considerable period of time, and then by a sudden recedence caused liy the breaking away of the Ijarrier at the outlet, the water dropped away from this line leaving it a natural terrace. Should Lake Erie, by the sudden breaking away of Niagai-a, be drained forty feet lower than it now is, its present shore line would form Just such a terrace as the one now under consid- eration was when it was left by the retreating waters. Its many years of weather-wear since, has given it its present appearance and sloping condition. There is a succession of these terraces, each one higher than the last, as we go south through the county, one south of Wellington has an altitude of three hundred and sixty feet above lake level. Please remember that I reckon all altitudes from lake level, — that when I speak of any height, it is so many feet above the level 24 niSTOEY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. of the lake. Lake Erie is five hundred and sixty five feet above the ocean level. These terraces no doubt continue on up to the summit, tjiat is, tlie hi<;h-lands or divide, between the waters of the Oliio river, and Lake Eric, which here have an altitude of seven hundivd and seventy-tliree feet. The liighest land in the State, whicli lies south- west from here in Logan county has an altitude of nine hundred and seventy-tive feet. Wellington stands at two liundred and eigiity-six feet; Oberlin, two hun- dred and lifty-three feet; Elyria one liundred and fifty- tive feet, and Amherst one hundred and twenty-two feet, gradually sloping away to the lake. These dif- ferent altitudes are caused, partly by the glaciers plow- ing dee]>er into the rocks in its center, and partly by the formation of these terraces by the retreating waters. The next terrace south of the one above described is the largest and most distinct of all of them. This was undoubtedly caused by the water standing at this level for a longer period of time than clsewdiere. It lies about four miles back from the lake, at an altitude of about one hundred and five feet. In Amherst, Sheffield, Avon and a i>art of Dover, the old sand- beach, called the North ridge, rests directly upon it, but in some places in Cuyahoga county, as in Dover, liockport and Euclid, east of Cleveland, it is separate and distinct from the ridge, and very marked in its character. I hardly deem it necessary to go back farther and trace out others of these shore line terraces, a dcscrip- tion (if these two being sufficient to give us all tlie knowledge we need as to their formation and char- acter. SAND RIDGES. Our beautiful ridges, running through the couiitv nearly parallel with the lake east, and west, are tlie last link in the geological chain. They are the last land- marks, or rather the last water-marks, that were left by the retreating waters. Upon these ridges the liioueer first built his log-cabin; along them ran the first wagon-roads. The first settlers all strove to build upon, and cultivate the ridges. Their light sandy soil, natural drainage, and easy cultivation, made them a very desiral)le location for the pioneer. There are several theories as to the cause of their formation: one is that tiiey are moral ns left by the retreating glaciers; (morains are the debris that is pushed out from under the glacier and left at its sides as it moves on over the suiface); another is that they are off-shore sand-liars; luit the one that is now most generally accepted is that they are old beach-lines left by the receeding waters in their successive stages of rest. There are three continuous lidges running through the county besides several local ones. The liulltrnut RUlye was the first formed. At this level the water remained for a long period of time, until all the accumulation of that old beach was washed and binwn uji by the combined agency of the water and the winds; then a sudden breaking away of the barrier at the outlet cansed the water to fall thirteen feet, and then another period of rest that formed Chestnut ridge. A breaking away of twenty- four feet more and we have Sugar ridge; of seven more and we have Center ridge. Here was a longer period of rest, which formed a continuous ridge the whole length of the lake. Aiiotherrecedence of fifty- two feet brought it to the line on wdiich the North, or last continuous ridge now rests. I have examined no less than ten of tliese sand ridges in our county and have taken their altitude in many places. The fact that both terraces and sand ridges were the result of old shore lines, naturally led to the question why do we not find sand-ridges as far south as we do terraces? This question, to my mind, is easily answered. The ridges were formed from the sand that was worn from the rocks by the action of water; hence these ridges are only found within the limits of the horizon of sand-rock exposure. It is evident that tliese rocks could be worn but very little, if at all, while submerged; but when the water receded and became low enough to expose them as cliffs and shore lines, then the ever-ceaseless waves of summer, of which no rock-bound shore can resist their slow but sure advance, and the frosts and grinding ice of winter commenced their destructive eroding process, which ground from these rocks large quantities of sand, which was taken up Ijy the under- tow and waves and piled high upon the near shore beach . We will now take uji the ridges in the order in which we find them, beginning at the lowest or last sand lieaeh formed, giving only their location, altitude and most interesting features: North Ridge. — This ridge at Avon, one mile east of the center and four from the lake, according to my measui-ement in 1806, has an altitude of one hundred and six feet. At the centre it is some sixteen feet higher, composed of finer sand, blown up by the winds into a broad knoll, upon which the early set- tlers buried their dead, and upon which now" rests the beautiful Avon cemetery. This ridge bears nearer the contour of the present lake shore line than any of the other ridges. It runs through Avon, Sheffield, southeast corner of Black River, Amherst and Brown- helm. I shall only give the townships in our county in which these ridges are located. Ceil/ re Ridfje. — In Ridgeville tliis has an altitude of one hundred and sixty-two feet. In the eastern jiart of Ridgeville, it takes the form of a double ridge, liuginning on the farm of Laurel Beebe and extending about a mile and a half to the farm of Ichabod Ter- rell, when it divides into two distinct ridges, and these continue on to the western part of the township, where, on the farm of John Cahoon, they unite again into one ridge. In this double ridge is remarkably well shown the part the winds played in the forma- tion of these ridges. The north, and very much the lower half, is coarse sand and gravel, while tlie south and larger part is comijosed of fine sand, which, being HISTOEY OF LORAIN" COUNTY, OHIO. 25 lighter, was separated and blown up from the coarser by the winds, day by day and year by year, as it accumulated upon the beach, until it was piled high above the other. I can give no other theory for this phenomenon. This ridge was used as the first wagon road in the county, and as long as stage coaches were run, it was the old stage road between Buffalo and Detroit. It lies through Ridgeville, Elyria, Amherst, extreme northwest corner of Russia and Henrietta. SoutJt, or Buttermd Ridge, in Ridgeville, has an altitude of two hundred and four feet. It runs through Ridgeville, northwest corner of Eaton and Carlisle. A description of either one of these three continuous ridges is a description of the other two, with the exception of its location and altitude. The balance of the ridges in the county are intermediate or local. Of these. Chestnut Ridge is the longest. It lies between the center and south ridges. It commences in Olmsted, Cuv'ahoga county, and runs through Ridgeville, north- west corner of Eaton, and ends in Carlisle. Its course is northeast and southwest, its altitude one huiulred and eighty-one feet. Siiijiir Ridge lies in Ridgeville, between the Chest- nut and Center ridges; commencing a mile southwest of the center of Ridgeville; it runs due southwest two miles, and has an altitude of one hundred and sixty- seven feet. Stonji Ridge is another of the Ridgeville ridges, and is rightly named, it is the stoniest ridge in the county, and the stoniest one I ever saw. It begins about a mile and a half northwest from the center, and runs west-northwest. From its peculiar location with ref- erence to the other ridges, and the topography of the surrounding country, and also its formation being water-worn sandstones, many of them quite large, I am inclined to believe that this ridge was formed as an off-shore sand bar in shallow water, and not as a sand beach. These water-worn sandstones are from the shelly cliffs of the Ohio sandstone, and are so thickly scattered over the surface that in many places cul- tivation is impracticable until they are picked up and thrown into heaps. They are thin, flat, rounded stones, from the size of gravel to fifteen or twenty jMunds weight. It seems to me impossible that this ridge could have been formed as a beach line. I therefore give it as my opinion that it is an off-shore, shallow-water sand bar. Murray Ridge is a short ridge two miles west of Elyria, in that township. Its course is ucfirly north and south; it branches off from the main or center ridge to the south; altitude, one hundred and ninety- eight feet. Middle Ridge commences in the extreme southwest corner of Sheffield, runs through the northwest corner of Elyria, and through Amherst in a southwesterly direction; altitude, one hundred and forty-eight feet. Wltittlesfij Ridge is about two miles from the lake, and has an altitude of from ninety to one hundred feet. It extends southwest from Beaver creek in Amherst to the Vermillion river in Brownhelm. It is the nearest of all the ridges to the lake that runs parallel with it. A ridge runs out from Elyria west of north through the township upon which is located the Black River road. Its altitude is about one hundred and fifty feet. It is a spur or offshoot from the Center ridge. Often while driving along this beautiful ridge, have I looked off across to the east and north over the well cultivated farms, and pictured to myself this arm of a great inland sea coming up to the very foot of this ridge and extending off to the east along the slope of the Center ridge, forming in this obtuse angle a beautiful bay. This was long before there was a human being upon the face of the earth to behold the beautiful things that God had created; and yet there were no less beautiful things then than now, with all the teeming millions of human eyes to behold with wondering admiration. The main ridges all run parallel with the lake, and as a consequence presented a barrier to the natural drainage of the land. The water coming down from the higher lauds on the south, settled in behind these ridges, forming ponds or small lakes, which, as vege- tation slowly accumulated, finally became swamj^s. Hence we find on the south side of all our ridges, these swamps. ROCK FORMATIONS. By the fossil remains of the fauna and flora, in the geological strata of past ages, the geologist is enabled to read with tolerable certainty the condition of the globe at any given period of its history. Fossils are the working capital of the geologist, for by these only can he tell equivalent rocks and their relative positions. No Silurian fossils are ever found above or below the Silurian age ; Devonian fossils are never found in the Silurian or carboniferous ages; but each distinctive age had its own peculiar animal and vegetable life for which it was then adajited; that is, the fauna and flora which belonged to that and no other age. This is also true of the different epochs and subdivisions of time. No fossils are found in the one that belong to the other. Hence, when the Silurian age closed, with it closed all the teeming millions of animal life that then existed; and so it is with each successive age. No bridging over from one age to the other; no connecting link between the two. But, on the contrary, the line of demarkation is very plainly drawn between each successive age of the world, by means of the fossils they contain. I do not wish to be understood that we do not find fossils in one age that may not represent in some way those of another, for we know that we find trilobites which are a crustacean in the very lower Silurian, and we find living crustacean to-day but no trilobites. The farmer knows that he gathers apples from ajiple trees, and hickory nuts from hickory trees. Just as sure does the geologist know when he finds a fossil 20 niSTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. to what class of rocks and age it belongs. " By their fossils ye shall know them." CUTAnOCJA SHALE. The highest or first surface rock in Lorain county is called the Cuyahoga sliale, from its fine ex]iosui'e on the banks of the Cuyahoga river. It underlies all the souMiern ])art of the county, and is the first rock above ilic sandstone, having its out-crop along the streams through the middle and sontlieru portion of the conniy. It is a fine, hard, impervious, argilla- ceous, gray shale, with occasionally thin l)ands of pearly sandstone running through it, but is of no economic value. In its decomposition it produces a cold, wet, tenacious soil, of little value for tillage; and it is well for the farmers that they get but little of it. It is one of the most uninteresting of all the series. It holds no minerals of value and but few fossils of interest. Much of its upper portion has been removed hj glacial attrition, leaviug its average thickness about one hundred and fifty feet. The Cuyahoga shale is tlie uppermost member of the Waverly group. The Waverly is of carboniferous age and is the lowest group of carbouifereous rocks. In Lorain county this group is subdivided into four members, namely: Cuyahoga shale, Oliio sandstone, Bedford shale, and Cleveland shale. SAND ROCK AND ITS ECONOMIC VALTTE. In the fall of 1877 I made a tour of tlie rocks and quarries of Elyria, Amherst and Brownhelm. For years I have occasionally visited some one or more of these magnificent quarries, but never before made a tour of the whole. I was hardly prepared to realize the vast magnitude of the work going (ui licre. The stone annually handled is simply enormous. In nearly all these quarries work was being vigorously pushed although it was late and in the closing season. It was cheery and pleasant to hear the click, click of the pick, chisel and drill, as I went from quarry to quarry. 1 found more or less fossilized wood, appa- rently coniferous (cedar family), but no shells or other animal fossils. Althougli at Berea, in the same formation, tliere has been found shark's teeth {rJn- (liitlus), and a species of shells {lingiihi srn/ii-n). In Clough's quarry I found a seam in tlie rock tliat deserves more tlian a passing notice. It was about two feet wide from top to bottom and nearly vertical, extending from the top to the depth they had quar- ried, fifty feet, and how much farther we cannot tell, but undou])ledly to the very bottom of the rock. There ai'e two causes combined which could have pro- duced tiiis singular break, although tliey may have been long ages apart: an internal disturbance which raised the rock and opened tlie seam. But had the rock remained in its raised position the crevice would not have been of uniform widtli, but would have been V shaped, or widest at the top; or, had the rock set- tled back to its original level, the seam would have been closed. This last is probably just what was done, as we find it of the same width all the way from base to summit, filled with bluish clay and frag- ments of stone, some of them showing erosion. Now it hardly seems possible that this massive rock of millions of tons in settling back to position could have moved at its base sufficient to have left such a seam as this, and certainly it would not have been filled with such a mass of luird clay and other nuite- rial that we now find in it. But in the ice period there was another agency at work: tlie great glaciers, whicli passed over these rocks (for their marks are on them) from east to west, tearing down mountains and filling up valleys in their course. This jjower, and this alone it seems to me, was adequate to have separated this rock (the break having already been made) and moved it to the west sufficient to leave this crevice which we now find filled up with clay-mud and otiier debris. I do not wish to be undei'stood tliat this is the only possible solution of this strange plienomenon. But after giving it careful study, this is the theory I have arrived at. I also found a similar break nearly in the center of the Worthington quarry. We found upon inquiry at tlie different quarries that the number of men employed dui'ing the season is aboiit six hundred. And here let me say that the gentlemanly jiroprietors and their foremen laid us under many obligations for valuable information. They were all, without a single exception, willing to stop and show us through their quarries and machin- erv, and also to give any information desired in regard to the quality of stone, shipments, etc. We found these foremen not only well informed, intelligent men, but some of them quite good geologists, who cduld talk about other rocks than Amherst sandstone. In nearly all these quarries the rock is very mas- sive but easily accessible; standing, as it does, in ledges, the stripping is comparatively light. None j of them have as yet gone to the bottom of the I'ock. At Worthington's they have gone down some eighty feet and not touched bottom yet. There are many small (juarries scattered here and there throughout this wliole sand-stone district, mainly used for home consumption and local trade. We will now try to give a description of this vast deposit, its distribution, composition, economic value, etc. It is the most valuable element in all our geo- logical series, and reaches its greatest maximum of excellence in quantity, quality and accessibility in the quarries at Amherst and Brownhelm. These rocks underlie the wliole eastern half of the State, and have ' their out-crop from Brownhelm U1 World, These specimens we owe to the enthusiasm and intelligence of Mr, Jay Terrell, who found them near his home in Sheffield, Lorain county. Here the upper portion of the Huron shale forms, along the Lake shore, cliffs which are being constantly worn away by the waves. These cliffs have been Mr, Terrell's favorite hunting-ground, and as the erosion of the surface reaches here and there the projecting point of a bone, each indication has been fol- lowed up with care, and the bone taken out, perhaps in many fragments, but yet complete in all its parts, Mr. Terrell has carefidly preserved and united these fragments, and thus has been able to contribute to science some of the most interesting and valuable Paheonfological material ever discovered," "Some months since, while scanning the cliff near his house, his attention was attracted to a bone of which only a small portion w.as visible, the remainder being concealed in the rock. On taking this out, others immediately associated with it were revealed, which were, hlaGes in Lorain county. We de- scribe one or two of them. Professor Newberry says: "The best preservf-tl fortifications in the county are on land owned by R. Burrell, Esq., in the angle formed by the union of French and Sugar creeks, in Sheffield township. The valleys of these two streams are quite deeply excavated, and inclose a narrow triangle of high land at their juncture, which is bounded by cliffs of shale forty-five feet in height and almost perpendicular. Across the base of this triangle, at the distances respectively of three hundred and fifty and two hundred and seventy-eight feet from the apex, are two deep, parallel trenches, each one hundred and thirty-five feet long, reaching from bluff to bluff. Mr. Burrell states that when the land was first cleared in 1816, these trenches were eight feet deep. They have been plowed over from year to year since, but are quite plainly discernible. The purpose of these trenches was evid<'ntly to defend from attack, a village or citadel situ- ated on the level surface of the height. The plateau was evidently in habited for many years, perhaps centuries, as the soil which covers it is a ' made soil,' abounding in bones of animals, stone implements and arrow-heads. Probably the efficifncy of the trenches was increased by palisades or some other defence of wood, all trace of which has dis- appeared by decaj". "An ancient fortification erected by the Mouad-Builders is discernible on land owned by Mr. Jacob Delker on a bench of the west bluff of the Vermillion river, where it makes a bend after entering the township from Henrietta, not far below the bridge. The descent upon this pro- jection of land is quite rapid. About midway of the descent a trench was dug and breastworks were thrown up. They now stand out dis- tinctively, but have been cut through in the middle to permit the pass- age of wagons. The trench has been mostly filled in by the washing down of the gravelly bluff above. A young peach orchard is in the old fortification. ** About seven acres are included in a large fort on Mr. Jacob Ennis's land, on the east bank of the Vermillion river, three miles above its mouth. The Mound-Builders must have considered this an important station, as shown by these extensive intrenchments, now sonipwhat ob- scured in outline on one side by reason of many years' plowing. The soil of this fort contains quantities of fragments of bone and potteiy and chippings of flint." CHAPTER VII. THE INDIANS. The aboriginal tribes that are known to have inhab- ited this region, together witli the entire conntry in Ohio lying to tlie south of Lake Erie, belonged to one (u- the other of two great families of Indians: the Algonkin, or Huron-Iroquois. The tribes whieh may l)e named as having been at one time or another dwellers upon the soil of what is known as the Western Reserve, are: Of the Huron-Troquois family: The Erics, followed by the Iroquois proper, or tlie six nations — the Mo- hawks, the CaijHfjas, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Senccas and the Tuscarawas — and the Hurons proper, or the Wyandots. Of the Algonkin family: The Delawares, the Shawnces, the Ottawns, the Mi- amis, the Chippewas, the Pottaiuattomies and the Kicka2)Oos. THE ERIES. The Eries arc the only red men, who as a complete tribe have inhabited the region bordering the southern shore of the lake that bears their name. They were known to the first French explorers and discoverers of the great west, and by them were called the FeJinns or the Cat nation. Why they received this name is not known, except it was that throngh the forests in which they dwelt there prowled great numbers of the animal known as wild cats. They have given to the lake near which they dwelt the name that desig- nated their tribe. More than this, we do not know aught of this strange people, except the interesting information which the traditions of other tribes furnish us in regard to their overthrow and complete destruction. These traditions come from their con- querors, the fierce and powerful Iroquois, and by them we are assured that the account is accurate and trustworthy. AVe give herewith the narrative as taken from the lips of Black Snake and other venerable chiefs of the Senecas and Tonawandas, and published in the Buffalo Commercial of July, 1845. That i^aper says: "Near the mission-house, on the reservation adjoining the city of Buffivlo, can be seen a small mound, evidently artificial, that is said to contain the remains of the unfortunate Eries, slain in their last great battle. The Indians hereabouts believe that a small remnant of the Eries still exist beyond the Mississippi, The small tribe known as the Qtoapaws, in that region, are also believed to be the remains of the Kankwas, the allies of the Er/cs/^ This sanguinary conflict is supposed to have taken place a few years prior to the year 1700. DESTRUCTION OF THE ERIES. The Uries were tlie most powerful and warlike of all the Indian tribes. They resided south of the great lake (Erie), at the foot of which stands the city of Buft'alo, the Indian name for which was Tu-slm-way. When the Eries heard of the confederation which was formed between the Mohairks, who resided in the valley of that name, the Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayti- gas, and Senecas, who lived, for the most part, upon the shoi-es and the outlets of the lakes bearing respec- tively their names (called by the French the Iroquois nation), they imagined it must be for some mischiev- ous purpose. Although confident of their superiority over any one of the tribes inhabiting the countries within the bounds of their knowledge, they dreaded the power of such combined forces. In order to satisfy themselves in regard to the character, disposition, and power of those they con- sidered their mutual enemies, the Eries resorted to the following means: They sent a friendly message to the Senecas, who wei'e their nearest neighbors, invit- ing them to select one hundred of their most active, athletic young men to play a game of ball against the 34 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. same iinnilicr to be selected by the Fries, for a wager wliich sliould be considered worth)' the occasion and the character of the great nation in whose belialf the ofPer was made. Tlie message was received and entertained in the most respectful manner. A conncil of the "Five Nations" was called, and the proposition fully dis- cussed, and a messenger in due time dispatched with tJie decision of the council, respectfully declining the challenge. This emboldened the Erics, and the next year the offer was renewed, and, after being again considered was agaiji formally declined. This was far fi'om satisfying the proud lords of the great lake, and the challenge was renewed the third time. The blood of the j'oung Iroquois C(mld no longer be restrained. They importuned the old men to allow them to accept the challenge. The wise counsels which had hitherto prevailed at last gave way, and the challenge was accepted. Nothing could exceed the enthusiasm with which each tribe sent forth its chosen champions for the contest. The only difiiculty seemed to be to make a selection where all seemed .so worthy. After much delay one hundred of the flower of all the tribes were finally designated, and rhe day of their departure was fixed. An experienced chief was chosen as the leader of the party, whose orders the young men were strictly enjoined to obey. A grand council was called, and in the presence of the assembled multitude the party was charged in the most solemn manner to observe a pacific course of conduct towards their competitors and the nation whose guests they were to become, and to allow no provocation, however great, to be resented by any act of aggression on their part, but in all respects to acquit themselves worthy the representatives of a and great powerful people, anxious to cultivate peace and friendship with all their neighbors. Under these solemn injunctions the party took up its line of march for Tii-slni-waij. When the chosen band had arrived in the vicinity of the point of their destiiiation, a mes- senger was sent forward to notify the Eries of their arrival, and the next day was set apart for their grand entree. The elegant and athletic forms; the tasteful, yet not cumbrous, dress; the dignified, noble bearing of the chief, and, more than all, the modest demeanor of the young warriors of the Iroquois party, won the admiration of all beholders. They brought no arms; each one bore a bat, used to throw or strike a ball, tastefully ornamented, being a hickory stick about five feet long, bent over at the end, anes, the Iroquois were invincible. Though staggered by the first desjierate rush of tiieir opponents they rallied at once, and stood their ground. And now the din of battle rises higher; the war-club, the tomahawk, the scaljiing-knife, wielded by herculean hands, do terrible deeds of death. Dur- ing the hottest of tlie battle, which was fierce and long, the corps of i-eserve, consisting of a thousand young men, were, by a skillful movement under their exjjcrieiiced ciiicf, placed in tiie rear of tiie Fries, on tiie opposite side of the stream in ambush. The Fries had been driven seven times across the stream, and had as often regained tiieir ground; but the eighth time, at a given signal from their chief, the corps of young warriors in ambush rushed upon the almost exhausted Fries with a tremendous yell, and at once decided the fortunes of the day. Hun- 36 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. dreds, disdaining to fly, were struck down by the war- clulis of the vigorous young warriors, whose thirst for the blood of tlie enemy knew no bounds. A few of tlie vanquished Eries escaped to carry the news of the terrible overthrow to their wives and children and old men that remained at home. But the victors did not allow them a moment's repose, but pursued them in their flight, killing all who fell into their hands. The pursuit was continued for many weeks, and it was five months before the victorious party of the Five jYrt/('o«s returned to their friends to join in cele- brating the victory over their last and most powerful enemy — the Eries. Tradition adds that many years after a i)owerful war-party of the descendants of the Eries came from beyond the Mississippi, ascended the Ohio, crossed the country, and attacked the Senecns, who had settled in the seat of their fathers at Tu-slm-wmj. A great battle was fought near the site of the Indian mission-house in which [\\q Erics were again defeated, and slain to a man. Their bones lie bleaching in the sun to the present day, — a monument at once of the indomitable courage of the terrible Eries and of their brave conquerors, the Seneras. THE IROQUOIS. After their conquest, the Fire Nations became the undisputed owners, if not the actual occupants, of the soil bordering the southern shore of Lake Erie. They carried their incursions into the far west, and became sovereigns of an almost boundless territory. For many years succeeding the subjugation of the Eries this region was known as the hunting-ground of the powerful Iroquois. The Senecas which were the westernmost tribe of the Fii'c Nations were oftener the occupants of the territory than any other tribe. The rivalry between the French and English for title to American soil involved the Indians in innumer- able wars, resulting in great decimation of their num- bers. This struggle for rivalry ceased in 1703 with the treaty of Paris, when England came into the possession of France's title to the gi-eat west. From this time to the close of the Revolutionary struggle the Iroquois retained possession of the forests of Northern Ohio. In 1780 the number of the Iroquois warriors inhabiting what now is the Reserve could not have exceeded two hundred. TUK liruoNS, OK WYANDOTS. The peninsula enclosed between lakes Huron, Erie and Ontario, had been the dwelling-place of the orig- inal llurons. After their defeat by the Five Nations they became widely scattered, some descending the St. Lawrence, where, in the region of Quebec, their descendants are yet to be seen; a part were adopted into the tribes of their conquerors; others fled beyond Lake Sujierior and hid themselves in the wilderness that divided the Chippewas from their western foes, while scattered bands took refuge iu the forests of Northern Ohio. They were probably more familiarly known to the pioneers of this region than any other tribe of Indians. REMNANTS OE ALGONKIN TRIBES. The Algonkins, two hundred years ago, were by far the most numerous family of American Indians, and their domain reaching from the Atlantic to the Jlissis- sippi river was the greatest in extent. The historian, Bancroft, fixes their number two centuries ago at ninety thousand, while the Iroquois family arc thought not to have exceeded seventeen thousand. A hundred years ago a numl)er of their tribes were quite numer- ously rej>resented on the soil of what is now Northern Ohio. The greatest numljer of these red men belonged to the Delaware, the Chippeioa, and the Ottawa tribes, although remnants of the Shawnees, the Pottawato- mies, the Miainis, and the Kiekapoos were likewise present. In the wars between the Indians and the pioneer settlers of Ohio, preceding the treaties of Fort Mcintosh (1785), of Fort liarmar (1789), of Fort Greenville (1705), and of Fort Industry, (1805), the red men were completely subdued, and thereafter this region, instead of being the permanent dwelling-place of one or more tribes of Indians, came to be tempo- rarily the common hunting-gi-ound of many tribes. Seeking permanent homes in the remoter west, they returned here during the hunting seasons to renew the sports of the chase and roam through the jjleasant forests where lay buried the dead of their forefathers. Such was the condition, for the most part, of the red men of this locality when first came hither the white settler. ABSTRACT OF TREATIES CONVEYING LANDS. DATE OP TREATY. WHERE MADE, AND BY WHOM. 1713 1 Utrecht. England, France and other European powers. 1726 Albany, New York. Iroquoin and the English. 1"W Lancaster, Pa. Same parties as above. SUHMABT OF THE GRANTS. France cedes to England Bay of Hudson and its borders. Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. All the claims of the Six Nations to hinds west of Lake Erie, including a strip sixty miles wide along the shores of Lakes Ontario and Ei-ie from Oswego river to the Cuyahoga. AH the lands of the Iroquois that are or hereafter may be within the colony of Virginia. Confirm the treaty of Lancaster, and consent to settlements south of the Ohio river. i'^~ I At Logstown, on the Ohio. Same parties as above and western Indians. Paris. England and Portugal on the one side, and France and Spain on the other. France cedes to England islands in the West Indies; the Floridas; the eastern half of the valley of the Mississippi; all Canada; Acadia; and Cape Breton and its independent islands. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 37 ABSTRACT OF TREATIES CONVEYING LANDS. — CONTINUED. DATE OF TREATY. WHERE UADE, AND BY WHOM. 1783 Paris. England and the United States. ITt^ ; Fort Stanwix, New York. The Iroquois and the United States. 1785 Fort Melntosb, at the mouth of Big Beaver. The United States and the Chippewas, Delawares, Ottawas, and Wyandoh. 1786 Fort Finney, near the mouth of the (Ireat Miami. The United States and the Hhawnees. SUMMARY OF THE GRANTS. 1789 At Fort Harinar. The /rocyuo/s and western tribes I and the United States. 1795 At Fort Greenville. United States with twelve tribes, — Wyandofti, Delanmres, Shtiwnees, Otta- was, Chippewas, Putfdwattomies, Miainis, Kick- apoos, Piankashau's, a,Qd Kaskctskias. 17% At Buffalo. The Senecas and the Connecticut Land Company. 1805 At Fort Industry, on the Maumee. The United States and Western Tribes. 1807. 1808. 1815. At Detroit. The Uniteewas, Shaimees, Munsees. and Potta- H'a/fom/e;; relinquish all lands west of the Cuyahoga as far west as the west line of the Western Reserve, and south of the line from Fort Laurens to Laramie's fort. The Ottatvas, Chippewas, Wyandots and Potfairattomies cede all tbat part of Ohio north of the Maumee river, with part of Michigan. The same parties and the Shtutmees grant a tr-act two miles wide, from the west line of the Reserve to the rapids of the Maumee, for the purpose of a road through the Black swamp. Thi Chijjpewas. Ottaivas, Potttiuattomies, Wyandots, Delaivares, Senecas, Shaw- nees, and Miamis, wlo had engaged on the British side in the War of 1813, confiim the treaties of Fort Mcintosh and Greenville. The Wyandots cede their lands west of the Uhe of 1H)I5, as far as Laramie's and the St. Mary's river and north of the Maumee. The Poitanattomies, Chippewas, and Oitanas cede territory west of the Detroit line of 1807 and north of the Maumeee. The Miamis surrender the remaining Indian territory in the north of the Gieeuville line, and west of the St. Mary's river. CHAPTER VI IT. THE MORAVIAN MISSIONS. The earliest actual settlement made withiu the present limits of Lorain county, though short-lived, was effected by that zealous but persecuted sect known as Moravians, at the mouth of Black river in 1787. We deem it but just that a short chapter be devoted to this interesting people, aud believe no one will deem the space we accord them as unwisely granted. The sect had its origin in Bohemia. Always in- significant as to numbers, and none of them remark- able for wealth, position or learning, no Christian people have shown more zeal or enthusiasm in ex- tending their Master's kingdom. Considering their meager numbers, it may be confidently asserted that no other denomination of Christians has done so much for the missionary cause. Without extraordi- nary skill or ability in elucidating abstruse or difficult problems of l)e!ief, they have sought not to make ]iroselytes among those already well-grounded in the cardinal doctrines of Christian faith, but to teach the elementary gospel religion to those peoples aud tribes who had not yet been converted to Christianity. To the prosecution of this work they have freely devoted their lives and fortunes, and no country has been too remote, no shore too forbidding or inhospitable to prevent their planting there tlie banner of the cross aud seeking to bring under its folds the most savage and degraded of mankind. In 1732, while their numl)ei-s were less than four hundred, they began tlieir missionary work, the first station estaljlished being at St. Thomas in the West Indies. In 17-40 they established a mission among the In- dians at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; but as the Indians were being gradually driven westward, a i)ermanent location was impossible. Tlie efforts of the missionaries to civilize the In- dians were not wholly successful. Their contact with the whites was always corrupting in its influence upon the red men. For the missionaries to have success it was necessary for them to keep in advance of the wave of emigration. In 1768 a new location was sought near Oil City, Pennsj'lvania, and in 1770 they removed to tlie Beaver river, where they remained a year or more, and tlien turned their steps westward to tlie valley of the Tus- carawas, near New Pliiladelphia. Ohio. Here, in this pleasant and fertile valley, they tliouglit themselves so far in the wilderness that they hoped they might for- ever remain undisturbed. They built cabins, cleared 38 HISTOllY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. away the forests, worshiped God in peace and happi- ness. Their numbers increased by conversions from the Indians until the seltlemont contained tiirec vil- lai^es named Schoeubruun, Salem and (Jnadenhutten. Though they exercised only the arts of peace and kept ah)of from war and strife, patiently suliniitting to wroiij,' without seeking to bestow punishnuMit, they could not escape persecution and marl yi'doni. They were distrusted by both the IJritish and the Ameri- cans. 'I'lie former took steps to break up their mis- sion and bring I he iidiabilants to Detroit as prisoners. It was a sad blow to the peaceful Christians to be forced to leave their homes and ungathered crops, and in a long journey through a pathless wilderness, sutfcring indignity, cruelty and untold hardships. The following s|)riug, 1782, a few of them by |)er- mission returned to harvest their corn; but no sooner were they arrived than a detachment of Americans came among them, and, seizing a favorable oppor- tunity, rushed ui)on the defenceless Christians and slaughtered them in cold blood. It was one of the most cruel, unprovoked and bloody deeds known to the annals of border warfare. Those that had remained at Detroit sought a home in Canada; but, after dwelling a few years among the C/ii/ipcwas, their hearts yearned for their old home in the Tuscarawas, and in 1780 they started thither. Reaching a point on the Cuyahoga in Independence township, known as Pilgrims' Rest, they received in- telligence that made them shrink from going further. They halted and remained here about one year and then journeyed westward until they reached the nu)uth of Bhick river (in 1787), and here they made a settle- ment. Their hope was to found here a permanent colony and to labor among the Indians, endeavoring to civilize and t'hristianize them. This cherished wish, however, could not be realized. But a few days had ela[)sed when the chief of the Delawares sent them a message commanding them to depart. This may be tei'uieil the lirst actual settlement eilected within the limits of Lorain county. Though these Moravians tarried but a few days, they had actually chosen a spot where they fully intended to perma- nently remain, and their withdrawal was obligatdry, not voluntary. l)i-i\cn from Black river, tliese valiant Christian soldiers next souglit for themselves an asylum on the banks of the Huron, about two miles north of the j)res- ent village of Milan, in Erie county. Here they dwelt for five or six years; but, after suffering many jierse- cutions, they were again driven away, and returne(l to Canada, settling on the river Thomas. In 1797, Congress, mindful of their ])ast wrongs, made grants to them of their old lands on the Tus- carawas, whither a portion of them returned and prosecuted their missionary labors. However, their success was retarded by the influence of the white settlers, which was ever demoralizing upon the In- dian, and some of them returned again to Canada, while others, among them Chai'les Frederich Dencke, came to the Huron river and established there a mis- sion. This was in ISO-i. Here they continued to dwell for five years, until the Fire Lauds; having been surveyed, the white settler began to claim the lands upon which their cabin homes were erected. Then the missionaries and their Indian adherents sought their brethren in (ianada. The mission village on the Huron was called Pe- quotting, or Paynothing. and consisted of a chap(d, mission house and a seoi'e or more of cabins, some of which were afterwards used Ijy the white settlers. Their labors consisted in teaching the Indians not only religion, but the rudiments of education, and were successful in inducing them to a certain extent- to procure their food by cultivating the soil, to live in cabins, and to leave off their paint and feathers and to clothe themselves in more civilized garbs. Among the most noted of these missionaries may be named Charles Frederich Dencke, who was born in Iceland, his father being a missionary to that conn, try. Tradition states that he had a library which filled a space of not less than ten feet in length by six in height, and occupied nearly the whole of one side of his log cabin at Pequotting. Surely the man who took the pains to transport these books from place to place under so many ditliculties, could not have been uncultivated and unlearned. These men were not the heroes of battles nor win- ners of renown in the noisy triumjih of civic strife. They cared not for the apjilause of man, but in a humble way, through years of hunger, toil, weariness and loneliness, sustained by an unwavering trust and faith, they sought out the rude savage of the forest and strove to elevate him to a higher, truer manhood. Is it not fitting that History spares, then, a page whereon to transfix their names and deeds? CHAPTER IX. PIONEER LIFE.* It Would seem that the good old state of Connecticut never attempted, perhaps never intended, to exercise empire over her possessions in the west. She con- tented herself with mere ownership; was not very loth to part with her property, which she made haste to dispose of without any expenditure to develop or enhance its nuirket value. The Connecticut Land Comjjany purchased only to sell again. For the imr- pose of division, it was obliged to survey its domain. This accomplished, the Company was immediately dissolved, and each with his allotment at once sought purchasers, and they, without concert, pushed off singly to their aeipusitions. Colonizing in America has been pursued on a somewhat different basis, under a different inspiration from that practiced in Europe. The state undertakes nothing. It is rare that there is organization or combination with us to effect this *By A. G. Riddle. HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 39 purpose. It comes to be known that some new un- peopled region is open or may be opened, and by a common impulse, hardy, enterprising men, with their wives and families, or without them, push off, un- deteiTed by difKculties, and unappalled by obstacles or dangers even, and the next that the world hears, a new and thriving community, pcrliaps a lusty young state, demands recognition. Perha]is no section of the country, of such an extent, had then been so rapidly peopled as the Con- necticut Reserve. Witli not a score of occupants in 1800, twenty years saw it well settled, and those years cover all there was of pioneer life pro})er, although for twenty years more, the region was souglit ]>y men in search of new homes. Planted mainly from Connecticut and Massachu- setts, with a little sprinkle from the rest of New England, New York and Western Pennsylvania, most of immigrants had to traverse over six hundred miles, two-thirds or three-fourths of which was through a wilderness and over the rougliest of roads. The wliole was generally by land carriage, and usually by ox teams. Not until the construction of the Erie canal, did Lake Erie and water carriage make any considerable figure in the transit. Some of the earlier pioneers ventured up the lake in small open boats, landing each night, while many found its wave-beaten beach a smooth and level highway. The crushing defeat of the western tribes of Indians by Wayne, in KTt-t, freed the Reserve from the fear of savage hostilities, and although numy small bands found homes and hunting grounds by her beautiful streams and splendid forests, they were not even a source of annoyance till the dark days of 1812. Save a few from western New York and Pennsylvania, most of the settlers were from older New England, where the hatreds and enmities against the Indians had died out, and where the memories of the Pequots of the Narragansetts, and of King Phillip, had become tradi- tions. Her children carried no border animosities into the Ohio woods, and very few of them had any skill as hunters, or much knowledge of woodcraft. No American of that time but had the memory at lea-t of a hunter's and soldier's life; and men in a single day revert to the ways of barbarism if not savagery. Each man and woman from the old organized states of civilization, as their journeys led them deeper and deeper into the western forests, by so much plunged in- to the heart of primitive life, bearing all their civilized needs and wants with them, which could alone be sup- plied by the skill of the hunter, and of men who could draw all the elements of subsistence, at first hand, from unchanged nature. The great wave of pioneer life, whicli slowly rolled from the east to the west, followed by the fixed foot-prints of ever equally advancing refinement and civilization, gave birth, as it went, to a mode of life, manners and customs of a ])ioneer type, consisting of a few well marked pecu- liarities, of plainness, almost coarseness, in a stimulat- ing atmosphere, in that fullness of unconventional freedom, which left individuals to develope, in a striking way, the diverse peculiarities and character- istics of their natures. On the Reserve, this phase of pioneer life, with its manners and customs, was of but a few years duration, and affected not more than two generations. There is scarcely a vestige of it now remaining. A cherished, a regretful memory: it is fast fading into a tradition, which genius, art, enthusiasm and the warmest imagination can never reproduce. In the peopling of the Lorain woods, no state, nor powerful corporation, no strong combination of indi- viduals had any hand. Few persons of wealth took any jiersoual part in it. No well constructed highway led from the old to the new, with convenient resting places. No common starting place, and no common point of arrival and settlement, where sujijdies wei-e gathered, and around and from which the new homes would be built. A hundred different points, remote from each other, were occupied at the same time, and the sufferings, privations and hardshijis of the first settler were repeated a thousand times, when by care and tact they might have been avoided. The silence of the Lorain forests remained unbroken a few years longer than some of her neighboring re- gions. The incidents of their first occupation will be detailed, under the names of the different townships; only a slight general reference can here be made to them. As a general rule, the pioneers were men of courage and enterprise. Few others would have the hardihood to run the risk, and take upon themselves the labor and privation incident to a removal into the woods. It is said that the Moraviatis were the first, of European blood, who attempted to make a permanent lodgment on the soil of Lorain, and that in 1787, they gathered a small baud of christian Indians at the mouth of Black river, where they intended to establish a mission for the conversion of the natives, but were compelled to depart by the maiulate of a chief, who claimed jurisdiction of that region. One of the first efforts of a settlement, if such it may be called, was in 1807, by Nathan Perry, who established a trading post at the mouth of the same river. Actual clearers of the woods, and cultivators of the soil, first planted themselves at that point in 1810. They were said to have been natives of Ver- mont. This position was on the lake coast region, and quite central in the present county. In the autumn of 1807, a strong and seemingly well cotisidered attem])t was made to colonize the present township of Columbia, the most eastern of Lorain, from Waterbury, Connecticut. The more prominent men were the three Hoadleys, Williams, Warner, and Bronson, most of whom had families; also, Mrs. Parker and five children. It is said tlie party were two mouths in reaching Buffalo, and undertook to navigate Lake Erie, which must have been extra hazardous at that season. They seem to have been wrecked near the present city of Erie, whence tliey 40 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. made their way on foot to Cleveland, — one of the most disastrous of tlie early attempts to reach the then west. Most of the party spent the residue of the winter in Cleveland. Other immigrants reached Cohunliia iliiring tlic winter, and the ensuing season. Ridgeville also received her first pioneers from Connecticut in ISld, and Amherst her first about the same time. Eaton was also first settled from Waterhury, Connecticut, in 1810. Three of these points of occupation formed a sort of triangle, not remote from each other, in the eastern central portions of the county, while Black River and Amherst were quite distant to the northwest. The five seem to have lieeu tlie only settlements in the county, until after the dark days of the war of 1813, although some of them seem to have made accessions during that gloomy jieriod. Siiellit^ld, adjoining IJlack River on the east, received her first settlers in 1S1.5, from Massachusetts. They came on strong-handed. Avon, still east of Sheffield, was settled in ISl-l. Hrownhelm, west of Black River, and Grafton, adjoining Eaton, on the south, were settled in 181G, as Avas Elyria. the future county seat, ;ind all three from Massachusetts. Elyria was most fortunate in being selected as the home of the Elys. Wellington and Huntington, in the southwesterly part, received tlieir first settlers in 1S18, and both from Massachusetts. Carlisle, south of Elyria and west of P^aton, was first occupied in 1819, from Connecticut, and Hrigjiton, adjoining Wellington on the west, in 1830. Russia's first settler came from New York in 1818. Penfield, adjoining Wellington mi the east, in 18I',>, while Hen- rietta was settletl in 1817. The other townships, many of them, were first occujiied in the j'cars soon following these older sisters. These pioneers were of one origin, language, re- ligion, witJi political and jiatriotic sentiments mainly identical witii a common history and the same tradi- tions. They were of the intelligent working class, having coniuiunity of puri)ose. wiiicli they pursued by the sanu' methods, and in the same lieli], with results not widely dissimilar. The journev, arrival, building, mode of life, fortune and career, of almost any one of these, resolute, vigorous, thrifty down- cast families, was the couuterj)art of the histories of all the others. The leading incidents of these will more properly be mentioned elsewhere. .This slight reference to the ]iei-iods of the first settlements of the older townships and the mention of their origin is merely to show that they were ijuite contemporaneous, and made by a jK'i'fectly limnogeneous ]>eople :ind under similar cnndit ions. The UKin of our ol, was annexed to, and declared to be a part of Portage. So that all of the present comity of Lorain, south of Eaton, Carlisle, Russia and Henrietta belonged to, and was a part of. Portage, and remained a part of it until January 'ii, 1811. On the lOth day of February, ]8()7, the county of Cuyahoga was carved out of Geauga, to be organized whenever its pop- ulation should be sufficient to require it. On the 16th of .lanuary, 1810. the population having become sufficient, the connt.y was declared organ- ized. On Febru.ary S, 18il!t, Htrron was erected into a county covering the Fire Lands, but to remain attached to Geauga and Poitage, for the time being, for purposes of government. "On .January 22, 1811, the bomidary line of Huron was extended east, on the line now dividing Camden and Henrietta, Pittsfleld and Russia, Carlisle ami I^aGrange, to the southwest corner of Eat(»n; atid from there, north on the line dividing Carlisle and Eaton, and Elyria and Ridgeville, to the northwest corner of Ridgeville; thence west to Black river, and down the same to the lake. On the day that these lines were so altered and extended, the legislature e.Ktended the south line of Cuy- ahoga county, from the southwest corner of Strongsville, west to the southwest corner of Eaton; thence north, between Eaton and Carlisle, to the northwest corner of Eaton ; and from that point, west between Elyria .and C'arlisle, to tiie east branch of Black river, and down the same to the lake. Here was a contlict in boundaries. The boundary of Huron county included all of El,vria. extending east to Ridgeville; and the boundary of Cu,vahoga included within its limits that part of Elyria lying east of the east branch of the river. The river was the dividing line between the two cotinties, in the one act; and the line between Elyiia and Ridgeville was the dividing line in the other. This conflict was removed at the next session of the legislature, by adopting the township line, instead of the river, ,as the boundarj" line between the two counties, at this point. This adjustntent of boundaries gave to Huron county the townships now kttowu as Elyria, Carlisle. Russia, Henrietta, Brownbelin. Amherst, and all of Black River, and Sheffield l.ying west of the river; and to Ou.yahoga couut.v, Eaton, Columbia, Ridgeville, Avon, and all of the townships of Black River and SbelTleld tying east of the river. At that date, 181 1. the territory now comprising the coimt.v of Lorain, belonged to the counties of Huron, C'uyahoga, ami Portage. "Thecotmty of Huron, altbongh established in 180!), and extended east of Black River in 1811, was annexed to Cuyahoga in 1810, for judicial and other purposes, and renuiined so annexed until January, 1815, when it was organized, and assumed control of its own affairs, "On tile IStli day of February, 1812, Medin.a was formed, and comjirised all of the territor.y between the eleventh range of townships and Huron county, and south of townships No. ^. It therefore included all of the present county of Lorain, soutli of Eaton, Carlisle, Russia and Henri- etta. On the 14tli y\&y of .Januar.y, 1818, that county was organized, and its local government put into operation, it remaining in the interim, from the date of its formation to the date of its organization, attached to the county of Portage, for countj' purposes. On the 2r)th of Decem- ber, 1822, Lorain county was established. It took from the county of Huron the territory embraced in the townships of Brownbelin, Henri- etta, Amherst, Russia, Elyria, and C'arlisle; and those parts of the townships of Black River .and .Sheffield dhat lie on the west of Black River, and from the county of Cu.vahciga the townships of Tro.v, (now Avon), Ridgeville, the west half of Olmsted, (then called Lenox), Eaton, Columbia, and those jiarts of Black River and Sheffield lying east of tin- river; and from the county of Medina, C)amden, Brigliton, Pittsfleld. LaGrange. and Wellington. The count.y. as originally formed, embraced seventeen and one-half townships, which, until the county was oi-gau- ized, were to rein.ain attached to the counties of Medina, Hui-ou, and Cuyahoga, as formerl.y. It was, however, organized imiependentl.v, and went into oper.atiou on the 21st day of January, 1821, In the organization of the couiitv, it waspr2,and was the granting of a license to the Reverend William O'Conner, a priest (»f the Catholic faith, authorizing him to solemnize marriage contracts. Judge Bliss was succeeded by William F. Loekwood, whose commission was signed by Governor William Medill, and bears date November 11. 1851. Judge Loekwood resigned, aui.1 Lionel A. Sheldon was appointed. His commission. which was signed by Governor Salmon P. Chase, bears date Novem- ber 20, 18.5(>. Judge Sheldon was succeeded by Charles H. Doolittle, who was commissioned October 26, 1857. His commission was also signed by Governor Chase. Judge Doolittle was followed by John W. Steele, who was commissioned December 12, 18ti7, his commission being signed by Jacob D. Cox, as governor. Judge Steele resigned, and the present incumbent, Laertes B. Smith, succeeded him. Judge Smith was commissioned by/Governor Rutherford B. Hayes, May 26, 1871, and assumed the duties of the office June first of that year. COUNTY CLERKS. As previously mentioned, Ebenezer L. Whiton was really the first gen- tleman who filled the position of clerk of the court of common pleas for Lorain county. He served until 18:w, when E. H. Leonard succeeded him, and continued to occupy the office until 18-14, when George H. Benham was elected to the position. Mr. Benham was succeeded in 1817 by Myron R. Keith, who, in 1852, was followed by Laudon Rood. In 1858 Roswell G. Horr assumed the duties of the office, and continuing until isiit, when WUliam A. Briggs was elected and the fact of his having held the office continuously until the fall of 1S7S is conclusive evidence of his fitness for the place. To him and also to his worthy companion who has ably assisted in the duties of the office, we wish to express our thanks for material aid in the preparation of the official roster. Henry J. Lewis is the clerk elect and will succeed Dr. Briggs. PROSECUTING ATTUKN'EY. We liave seeu that Woolsey Welles was appointed to this position in 182^1. He served two years and re-signed. Frederick Whittlesey succeeded him. In 18:J3, J. W. Willey was appointed. In IS^iJi, Frederick Whittlesey, came in; served two years; was followed in in 1835 by E. S. Hamlin; and he, in 1H36, by Elijah Parker, for one year. He was succeeded by Joel Tiffany; and his successors are as follows: IStO, E. H. Leonard; 1841, Joe! Tiffany; 1.^2, E. S. Hamlin; 1814, Horace A. Teuny; 18-15, Joel Tiffany; 1846, William F. Loekwood; 1850, John M. Vincent; 1854, Joseph H. Dickson; 1856, John M. Vincent; 1858, (ieorge Ohnsted, who resigned; and W. W. Boynton was appointed to fill vacancy. Mr. Boynton was elfictcd the fall of IS.50. He was succeeded by John C. Hale, in 185:J. Charles W. Johnston was elected in ISfl'.); and his successor, who was elected in IHTa, is George C. Metcalf, the present incum- bent, a man every way capable and worthy. AUDITORS. ContemiM»raneous with the birth of the county of Lorain, Sherman Minott assumed the dnl,ies and responsdiilities of auditor. He retained the position until Henry C. Minott was appointed, and afterward elected, lie was succeeded in I8"i5 by Edward Duraud. lu 18:i6, Luther D. Griswold was elected; and in 18'J8, Edward Durand again became the incumbent, ami served until 1842, when we find John Sherman occupying the office. The following were his sue cessors: In 1844, Lamlon Rood; in 1851, Geoi^e Clifton; in 1855, William H. Root; in 1861, Richard Day; in 1863, Mozart Gallup; in 186!», E. G. Johnson; and in 1877, Orville Root, who still retains the office. ' TREASURERS. Upon the permanent oi^anization of the county, E. West was appointed its treasurer, and held the office one year. Following are the names of the gentlemen who have occupied this jiosition, with date of elec- tion or appointment: 182.5, Heman Ely; 1827. F. W. Wliittlesey; 1830, Elihu Cooley; 18:J.5, Charles Chaney; 1840, Elijah DeWitt; IH-lt. Henry M. Warner; 184.5. Henry B. Kelsey; 184H, S. D. Hinman; 1K5;J. C. S. (roodwin (deceased in the spring of 1856 and N. B. Gates was ap- pointed to ffil vacancy until the fall election, when John H. Boynton was elected); IMiO. William E. Kellcgg; 1861, M. F. Hamlin; IHG8. John H. Boynton; 1872, Isaac M. Johnson, and, in 1876, the present incumbent, William A. Braman. RECORDERS. Ebenezer Whiton was first recorder of Lorain county, and his first offi- cial act was to record a deed from Benjamin Pritchard to Anna Merrills, conveying a parcel of land containing thirty and three- fourths acres, situated in township number six, range eighteen, in the county of Huron, and being part of lot number thii*ty-oue. This instrument was acknowledged on May 10, lS2-i. before Isaac Mdls, J. P.; was witnesseil by I. Mdls and Mary Mdls, and endorsed "Re- ceived April 13, 1S21, and recorded May 11, 1S2I, ai, Elah Park; 1843, Cyrus E. Bas- sett; 1849, John B. Northrop; 1852, Hem-y S. Rockwood; 1861, Henry B. West; 1H64, William H. Tucker, and, in 1S73, the present incum bent, John Bhuiehard, was elected. Mr. Blanchard was one of the noble army who went out to do battle for the fiag, and lost his right forearm in its support on the bloodv field of Stone river, pecember 26, 1862. CORONERS. • The first record we are able to proc re is in the year 1827. James J. Sexton then filled the office. The following is a complete list: 1830, Edwin Byington; 1S;W, William N. Race; 183-1, Justin Williams; 18:J6, Orson J. Humphrey; 18^58, Otis Briggs; l84:i, IJiinsoni Gibbs; 1844, Philip L. Goss; 1846, Hezekiah Brooks; 181J), John S. Stranahan; 1852, William S. Hopkins; 18.5:3, llerrick Parker; 1857, Clark Eldred; 1863. Nahum B. Gates; 1865, Otis Briggs; 1870, Jolm H. Faxou; 1872, Hiram Patterson, who is the present incunxbent. SURVEYORS. IS24, Edward Durand; 18;J5, J. E. Truman; ia*18, John Sherman; \f>i2, John H. Faxon; 1843, C. G. Cole; 1846, Joseph Swift, Jr.; 1848, Schuyler Putnam; 1855, John H. Faxon; 1856, Joseph Swift, Jr.; 1877, L. F. Ward, present incumbent. SHERIFFS. The name of Josiali Hai'ris, who was first sheritl", occurs the last time (►ctober 10, I8:i3. William N. Race, coroner, acted as shei-ifl' until November, 18:i4, when the name of E. Griffith ajipears as sheriff. Mr. Griffith was succeeded by Edwin Byingtou in 18;i6. Natum H. Gates was sheriff in 18'i8; E. Byington iu 1812; Jolm H. Faxou in 1844; AVilllam Patterson in 1848; John H. Boynton in 1S50; Ashbei Culver in 1854; S. W. Lincoln iu ISoti; H. E. Burr in 1H5'.): Mil.* Harris in 1863; resigned, and W. W. Dyer, coroner, filled the vacaucy imtil 1865, when Mark Hitchcock was elected. He was succeeded by X. Peck, in 1H61>; and he by R. E. Braman, in 1870; and he again by Charles Stone, in 1877, who is the present incumbent. H. E. Corning, sherilT elect, succeeds Mr. Stone January 1, 1870. COMMISSIONERS. The first meeting of the commissioners of Lorain county was held at Elyria, on the 24th day of May, 1824. Present: John S. Reid, Asha- bel (Jsboi'ue, and Benjamin Bacon. Their first official act was the appointment of. Edmund West as county treasurer, who gave bond in the sum of three thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of his duties. At the following June session, we find the record of the estalilishment of a road, as follows: "Beginning in the highway, a little easterly of the dwelling house of Walter Crocker, in Black River township, thence running in the !UOst convenient route near the dwellings of Fi-ederiek and Daniel Onstine, thence across Beaver creek, near the house of Mr. Rice, thence to intersect the North Ridge road, so called, a little eastwardly of the dwelling house of Mr. Ormsby." 1S27, Judson Wadsworth succeeded <.»sborne, as commissionei-. The entire succession of incumbents to this office is given in the following list: 18:iO, Bacon, Wadsworth, and Milton Garfield; 1831, Wadsworth , Garfield, and Samuel Crocker; "1832, Wadsworth, Crocker, and George Bacon, Jr. ; 18:54, Crocker, Bacon, and John Laborie; 18:S5, Bacon, Laborie and Jonathan Rawson; 1836, Laborie, Rawson and Conrad Reid ; 1837, Rawson, Reid and Leonard HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 45 H. Loveland; 1838, Reid, Loveland, and Ashley S. Root; 1830, Love- land, George Sililey, and Wdliani Day; IHIO, Sibley, Day, and Reliisa Close; 1^*41, Day, Close, and Sinioti Nichols; ISK, Close, Nichols, and James M. Clark; 1K44, Clark, C. Onnsliy, and Uriah Thompson; IfUS, Clark, Thompson, and Eliphalet Reilinjiton; ISIIl, Thiimpsnn, Redington, and .lohii Coiuint; ISIT. Ucdingtim, Conant, and Hany Ten-ell; IfMS, Conant.. Terrell, and Ueorge Bacon; IHW, Tei-rell, Bacon, anil Samuel Knapp; ls.")0, Baccin, Knapp and (t. J. Humphrey; 1S.)1, Kniipp, Humphrey, and ,Iohn B. Rohertson; IKfi, Humphrey, M. B. Beldeu, and Asa Hamilton; IMVi, Belden Hamilton and dtis Briggs; l>i5l, HamiltoD, Briggs, ami ,). H. Dudley; 183,5, Briggs, Dudley and C. O. Cole; l.'ffili, Briggs, Cole, and J. H. Dudley; IUST, Briggs. Cole, and Darwin D.ver; 18.")S, Briggs, Dyer, and A. Luniui; 18.5!), Dyer, Luruui, \Vi liam rattersou; IStiO, Dyer, Patterson, .and Charles S. Aiken; IHOl, Dyer, Patterson, and Tabor Wood; IMIi'-, Dyer, Wiiud, and Thomas CImrehward; 18li8, W.j.id. Churidinard, and Darwin Dyer; 18(il, Wood, Dyer, and (Jeorjre Clifton; IHi}."., Wootl, Clifton, and Reuben Eddy; 18li(i, same; IsiiT, Clifton, Eddy, and B. S. Corning; istis. Eddy, Corning, and William A. Braman; ISOO, Corn- ing, Laurel Beebe, and L. W. Bates; 1R"0, same; 1871, Corning, Bates, and Lucius Herrick; 1873. .same; 18;;^, Corning, Herrick, and James Lees; 1874, Corning, Herrick, and William H. Root; 187'5, Corning. Herrick, and Charles S. Mills; 1.87IJ, Herrick, Mills, and S. B. Dudley; 1877, Mills, Dudley .and A. D. Perkins. COIN'TV INIIUMAKV. Oil Miircli 17, ISiiti, Tabor Wotid, (ic'i)rj;e Clifton :iiul Reuben Kddy, county eoniiiii.ssioiiL'r.s, purchased of Jose[)h Swift, Jr., one hundred and sixty-one acres of land in (_!;irlisk'. township, for an iiilirniary farm, |i:iyiiig therefor ten thoiis;inil live liiindreil dollars. On .laiuniry 8, 1807, the contract for the erection of a suitable building for the use of the poor of Ijorain county, was awardeil to Joiin Childs, of Elyria. and Samuel C. Brooks, of Cleveliinil, for the sum of thirty- seven thou.saiid Ove iiundred dollars, and on Septein- I)er It), 1S6S, the building was completed and accepted liy the commissioners. The 'contractors, however, having done e.xtra work, were paid thirty eight thous- ;ind five Iiundred dollars. The main building is one hundred and twenty-three by forty-six feet, three stories in height. In the center and rear of the main building is a wing thirty-two by seventy-tive feet and two stories high, — the whole containing one hundred and twenty rooms. INFIRM A UY DIRECTORS. The commissioners appointed in 1808, Isaac S. Metcalf, Samuel Plumb, autl Lucius Herrick, directors; 18(il), Metcalf. Herrick, and Joseph Swift, Jr., were elected; 187(1, Metc;df, Swift, and J. H. Huiibert 1H71, same; l.S7ti, satne; 187^1, Swift resigned and John Cliamberlain was elected to fill the vacancy— the others were Metcalf and Joseph B. Clark; 1874, sam-; 187.'), Clark, S. D. Bacon and Isaac S. Straw. These geutlemeQ still occupy the position. SUPEIUNTENDENT OF INFIRMARY. September 11, 1808, Tabor Vincent was elected, and he confined as such until March, 187U, when he died, and was succeeded by the nresen superintendent, Hiram Patterson, CHAPTER XII. THE BAR OF 1.0KAIW COUNTY.* At the organization of the county, in 18:i-l, there was scarcely what could be called a bar. Tiie history of the bar of Lrirain county begins proi)erly with the organization of the county, in the year 1834. It is worthy of mention, however, that * By p. H. Boynton. there had resided in the county, prior to that time, a lawyer who suljse((uently rose to great eininence in the profession in Ohio. We refer to KiiENiozEii IjANE, wild came to Klyria nol long after tiie original settle- menl, in 1817, and while that pitrt of Ihe present Lorain clack river constituted ;i p;irt of Huron eounty. He was elected iiroseculing attorney of Huron eounty in the sj)ring of ISl'.t, but continued to reside in Elyria until October 10, of the same year, when he removed to Norwalk for the more convenient discharge of his oilicial duties. He rose rapidly in iiis profession; and in 1831 occupied a seat upon the supreme bench, which he continued U> hold until 1845. His decisions are reported in volumes five to thirteen, inclusive, of the Ohio reports. At the organization of the court of common jileas of Lorain county, May 24, 18-.J4, four gentlemen comiteted for the appointment of prosecuting attor- ney from the court. These were Woolsey Wells, Elijah Parker, Ebenezer An'dhews and Reuben MrssEY. Mr. Welles was the successful candidate. " Not," says Mr. Welles, in a recent letter, " because I was the best lawyer, but because I had more influ- ential friends to recommend me to the court."' ]\Ir. Andrews must have left the county about tliat time, as there is nothing in the records of the court to show that he was practising here at any subse(pieut time. His name a])pears in only a single case, and th;it in 183!l. The other three gentlemen above named, with Frederick Whittlesey, who came shortly afterwards, seem to have constituted the resident bar of this county until about ISol. Mr. Parker, the eldest of these, was born .lune 22, 177'.l. He came to Ohio from N'erinont at a very early day. The date of his arrival we have been unable to a: certain; but he was in Elyria as early as 1823. He remained in Elyria until his death, A[iril 3, 1859. His health in later years was poor, and he would seem, from the records, not to have practiced any after about 1854. He held the ollice of justice of the peace several times, and that of prosecuting attorney of the county during the years 1830 and 1837. Reuben Mussey, the father of Henry E. Musscy, who is still a resident of Elyria, was born in Hover, N. II., October 14, 1785. He was admitted to prac- tice as an attorney-at-law at Albany, N. Y., .January 17, 1818, and as a counsellor January 13, 1831. Prior to his removal to Ohio he resided at Sandy Hill, Washington county, N. Y., where he was a partner with Judge Skinner in the practice of the law. Dur- ing this period Silas Wright was a student in their otliee. Mr.' Mussey settled at Elyria in the spring of 1835, having previously located temporarily in Elyria, Norwalk and Cleveland, and continued to reside there (Elyria) until the fall of 1837, devoting himself dur- ing the time exclusively to the practice of his profes- sion, and to the duties of the office of justice of the peace, which ho held two or three terms within that 40 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OUIO. period. During his residence in Elyria, Mr. Mussey dill a iarur business, coniparativoly, tliongli, of course llie whole Inisiiiess was small compared with that of hiter years. I le was a well-ediu-ated, thorough lawyer, anil a gmial, kind-hearled man. On leaving Klyria, in llic aiituMHi of IS.'JT, he wt'ut to Logansjiort, In- diana, where he remained about a year and a half, when he removed to Kishwaukee, HI., where he was joined liy his family, which, up Id that time, had con- tinued to ri'side in Elyria. His death occurred at Kishwaukee, Oetolii'r 14, 1S43. WoohSEV \Vei>j.es, the first prosecuting attorney of Loi'ain counlv, was horn in Laneshoro, Berkshire eounly, !\[ass.. May 20, 18t)'>. He received an aca- demic education at Lewisville, Ijewis county, N. Y., and IJtica, Onciila county, N. V., and removed to Cleveland, Ohio, in Septemlier, 181'.). Ho immedi- ately connncnccd reading law in the othce of Kelly anil Cowles, in that city, and was ailmitted to the l)ar in 182;$. In the fall of the same year he removed to Elvria and entered u|H)n the practice of his profession. He remained in Elyria about two years (receiving, as he says, sixty dollars per year for prosecuting the j)leas of the State), when he reniovi'd to Akron, where he haout a year, when he returned to Elyria and re-entered the practice of the law in partnership with Heman Birch, Esi|. In the fall of 1837 he remoxed to Cleveland, where he spent three years in the practice, at the end of whiidi he returned to Elyria and again opened a law otlice. He remained at Klyria this time some eight- or ten years. During this time he took part as an anti-slavery man in the agitations of the (piestion of slavery; but his success at the practice of law was meager, partly, no doid)t, on account of the pivjudice excited against him by his anti-slavery sentiments. At the end of this time, through the agency of Dr. N. S. 'rownshend. whom the Ereesoilers had suc- ceeliss, .loel Tiffany, Benedict and Leonard, Hamlin and Lockwood, and W. F. Lockwood alone, were at different times, his nearest competitors, but Mr. Clark steadily maintained the leading position be had gained, until after he ceased to reside in Elyria.; for though he continued to practice there till 18C4. he i-emoved with his family to Cleve- land in 1S51. In 184."> Jlr. Clark took in as a i)ai'tuer Cyiais Olney, who came from Iowa, where he had been in practice. He stayed about a year and returned to Iowa, where he was soon after elected a judge. ''He was about twenty-eight," says Mr. I'lark, "and the best special pleader of his age I ever saw.'' In jMareh, 1849. Mr. Clark fornu'd a ]i;nt ucrsbip with .Stevenson Burke, who Imd been admitted to the bar the August previous, having been astudent in Mr. Clark's office. His partnership continued til! about June, 18.52. John M. Vincent and John A'. Coon were also students with Mi-. Clark during bis practice in Elyria. In 18.50 Mr. Clark was elected a member of the constitutional convention of Ohio, and served in that body, which completed its labors March 10, 18.51. This is the only otficiid position held l)y Mr. Clark. He was an excellent lawyci-, though not es]iccially an eloquent advocate. He abandoned (be practice of law in 180.5 and removed to IMoiilival, Canada, where he now resides. .loEL Tiffany, one of the the most remarkable men who ever lived in Elyi'ia, was a native of Barkham- stead, Connecticui. He removed to Elyria fi'om Medina, in 183.5. and remained in Elyria, as the court records indicate, until 184S. hi 1840, beseems to have been associated with Mr. Silliman, of Wooster. Mr. Silliman was an able lawyer, and ]iracliccd in Elyria for a number of years; though never a resident there. Mr. Tiffany .seems also to have been associated with L. G. Byington. for a short time, and with Mr. E. II. Leonard, for about two years. He was prose- cuting attorney in 1838 and 1839. Upon leaving Elyria, he went to Painesville, and subsequentl}- to New York Citv. From lSfi3 to lSfi9. he resided in 48 IIISTOllY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Alhiiny, where be was reporter of the court of ai)i)e;ils of New Yoi'k, and pnhlished vohiines f wenty-eiiiht to tliirty-iiiiH', inclusive, of (lie N'ew York rojiorls. From there lie removed to Chicairo, where lie .still resides. Mr. Tiffany a|i])roaclied lu^arer to lieint^^a "genius," as tliat word is oi'dinarily understciod, than any other jiractitiiincr of the Lorain bar. Wit h acute and accn- i'atring moved to that city, and engaged in editing a ncwsi)aper, the Daily Ga- zi'lle. during the political campaign of that year; after which he returned to Elyria, and engaged in the ])ractice of his profession until 1847. In 1840, he cut red info |)arliierslii[i wilh E. S. Hamlin, and the linn did a large business until sometime in 1845, when it was dissolved. Previous to 184."), Mr. Bliss had, for a short time, been in paiinership with his brother, I'hilemon Bliss. A deep interest in politics, however intemipftHl the continuity of Mr. liliss' application to the practice of his profession. He was three times elected to the legislature — in IS.'iO, 1840 and 1841, and was occu- j)ied at different times in tlie editing of poliUcal newspapers. In the winter of 1S4G-7, he was elected treasurer of state by the legislature, and held that oHice until .January, I8.5'i. He removed to Columbus in the sjiring of 1847, but sc^ems to have kept up, somewhat, his hiw ])ractice at Elyria, as a member of the firm of Bliss & Bagg, until 1840. He returned to Elyria late in 18.'S'-J, and remained until the spring of 18')o, when he removed to .Jackson, Michigan, and engaged in mercantile business until 1874, wlien, finding the business liceoming unprofita'de. he sold it out and re-engaged in the practice of the law. He still resides at Jackson, where he is, as he always has been wherever he has lived, a highly respected citizen. He isa n. ember ar.d the treasurer of the city school lioard, and one of the inspectors of the Michigan penitentiary, which is located at that place. .Ii'D.soN I). Benedict came to Elyria fi'om Medina in 18o8. and engaged in the practice of the law for about ten years from that time. In 1840 or there- abouts, he formed a partnership with E. H. Leonard, who had then recently finished a long term as clerk of the courts, and been admitted to the liar. This partnership continued some two years, the firm doing a large business during the time. xVfter the dissolu- tion of his connection with Bi'iiedict, Mr. Leonard soon formed a. iiartnershi]) with Mr. Tiffany, which lasted till al)out 184."), after which time his name does not appear upon the records of (his court. After the dissolution of the firm of Benedict and fjconard, Mr. Bene(lict associated with himself Robert .\rclvic broil, under the firm of lienediet & McEaciii'oii. which linn continued some three years, after which .Joshua Mvers was partner with AH-. Benedict for about two years more. About 1848, Mr. Benedict a.iiandoned the jiractice of law, and liecaine a preacher id" the denomination known as Disciples or ('ampliell- ites, and left Elyria. He removed to the vicMiiity of Buffalo. New York, where he resided most of the remainder of his life. He died in Canada tliree or four years ago. Mr. Benedict did a very consideralile business during all his residence at J<]lyria, but was no( considered a strong lawyer; as a pleader, he was especially weak. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 49 Philemon Bliss, a brother of A. A. Bliss, was admitted to the bar in Elyria in 1838. He com- menced practice at once in Elyria in partnership with his brother, A. A. Bliss, but soon after, by reason of ill-liealth, was forced to abandon business, and went west. Regaining his health, he re-commenced his practice in Cuyahoga Falls, Summit county, Ohio, in 1843, but returned to Elyria in the winter of 18-H5-7, and remained in practice there, except when inter- rupted by office holding, until tlic spring of 1861. During that period, he was elected probate judge, being the first prol)atc judge of Lorain couiit}^, also common pleas judge in the winter of 1848-9, and to Congress in 1854 and 1856. In 1801, he was appointed chief justice of Dakota territory, which office he held until the fall of 1864, when he removed to St. Joseph, Missouri, where he resided until 1873. During this period, he was elected probate judge, and, in 1868, supreme judge of Missouri, which office lie filled to the end of the term with credit to himself and benefit to the jurisprudence of that state. In 1873, he was elected resident pro- fessor of law at the university of Missouri, and dean of tlie law faculty, and removed to Columbia, where lie still resides. Mr. Bliss is a man of great mental ability. A more extended sketch of his life will be found in that part of this volume devoted to Elyria. He is the autJior of a work on jileading, which is just published. Wm. F. Lockwood, one of the latest lawyers to settle in Elyria during the period of which we arc now speaking, was born April 1, 1823, in Norwalk, Fairfield county, Connecticut, aud there received a common school education. In 1837, he went to New York, and became a clerk in a wholesale grocery store. In 1840, lie came to Ohio, and, in 1841, settled in Elyria, where he became a law student in the office of Hamlin & Bliss. In 1843, he was admitted to the l)ar at Medina. He was a candidate on the wliig ticket, the same year, for the office of lirosccuting attorney, but was defeated by H. A. Ten- ney, the democratic candidate. He was elected to that office, however, in 1844, and held it for four years, being re-elected in 1846. In 1853, he was a delegate from his congressional district to the wliig national convention, whicli met at Baltimore and nominated Winfield Seott as a candidate for the presidency. The same year he was the candidate of his party for con- gress, but was defeated, Harvey Johnson, of Ashland county, the democratic candidate, being elected. In 1854, he was elected probate judge of Lorain county, succeeding Philemon Bliss. In 1856, he was a candidate before the Republican convention for the nomination for common pleas judge, but Judge Car- penter, of Akron, was the nominee. By reason of impaired health, he resigned his office, and in the spring of 1857 removed with his family to Nebraska and settled at Omaha, wliere he resided some two years, when he removed to Dakota City, which continued to be his home till he returned to Ohio in 1867. He was one of the federal judges for the territory of Nebraska, from April, 1861, until the admission of Nebraska as a State in 1867, when he was nom- inated by President Johnson as United States district judge for the district of Nebraska, but was not con- firmed by tlie Senate. He then returned to Toledo, in this State, where he still resides. He was the democratic candidate for congress in tlie Toledo district, in 1870, but was unsuccessful, the district being republican. In 1878, he was recommended by the bar of Lucas county for the office of common pleas judge, which recommendation was ratified by both the republican and democratic conventions, and he was elected to that office. Mr. Lockwood had a large practice when at the bar in Elyria, and is a man of fine abilities, as the large number of important positions he has held with credit to himself well attests. Other lawyers who resided in Elyria during tlie period of which we arc now speaking were: Thomas Tyrrell, from 1834 to 1838. During a part or all of this time, he was a partner with E. S. Hamlin. He engaged also in the newspaper busi- ness. A. C. Penfield, from about 1833 to 1854. He did a moderate business for a number of years. He died in Elyria. C. Whittlesey, 1835. Heman Birch, 1835 to 1847. Le Grakd Byington, 1837 to 1839. A. H. Curtis, 1838. L. F. Hamlin, 1838 to 1855. He was considered a good equity lawyer, but his practice was limited. He was for a time a partner with Mr. Lockwood. He died in Elyria. Robert McEachron, 1842 to 1850. He came from Richland county, was a partner with Mr. Benedict from 1842 to 1845, and with Joshua Myers under the name of McEachron & Myers from 1847 to 1849, and did a very considerable business. His health failed while in Elyria, and be died soon after leaving there. Joshua Myers came to the bar about 1844, and remained in Elyria until his death, in 1877. He was first associated with Mr. Benedict, then with Mr. McEachron, as already stated. From about 1850 to 1854, he was associated with Judge Bissell, of Paines- ville, in the firm of Bissell & Myers, whicli did a considerable business. His practice when alone was never large. During his later years, he held the office of justice of the peace for a single term, securing his election partly by means of the anti-temperance excite- ment, which grew up in oiii^ositiou to the "crusade," in 1874. FORDTCE M. Key^th was admitted to the bar in 1839, and commenced practice in Elyria, but removed to Stark county in 1840, and subsequently to Jackson 50 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. county, Ohio. He served with distinction in tlie late war as major of infantry, and wajor and lieutenant- colonel of artillery, and in 18G5 removed to White Cloud, Kansas, where he now resides, engaged in the practice of law, and farming. Myron R. Keith was born in Wingfield, Herkimer county, N. Y., March 3, 1819; came to Elyria with his father, Colonel Ansel Keith in Octolier, 1832; and was admitted as an attorney in 1841. He commenced the jiracticc of law in Elyria in 1841, and in 181:2 removed to Cleveland and practiced with Harvey Rice, in the firm of Rice & Keith, until 184G. In January, 1840, he returned to Elyria and was appointed clerk of the courts for Lorain county, and officiated in that cajiacity until the spring of 1852. In August, 1852, he removed to Cleveland, and since that time he has been and still is engaged in the i)ractice of the law there. In June, 1807, he was appointed register in bankruptcy, and is still acting in that capacity. H. A. Tenney came to the bar in 1842, ami was elected prosecuting attorney that year. He remained in Elyria a few years engaged in the law pi-actice and newspaper work, and then removed to Wisconsin. John B. Green was admitted to the bar in Elyria in 1843, and, after remaining a year or two, removed to Newark, Ohio, where he died in 1845. Eleazer Wakely was admitted to tlie bar in Elyria in 1844, and remained there about two years, when he removed to Wisconsin, and, subse(iueutly, to Nebraska, where he held the office of federal terri- torial Judge, in which he was succeeded by Judge Wni. F. Lockwood in 1801. He still resides in Omaha eminent in his profession. During this period, 1831 to 1845, the law business of the county had increased, so that, in 1844, it was something more than half its i)resent amount as indi- cated ])y the jciurnal of the court of common pleas. Still, u}) to this time, very few, if any, of the lawyers had devoted themselves exclusively to the practice of the law, almost all engaging in newspaper publication and sonui in other enterprises. The relative amount of l)usiiiess done by foreign attorneys was much less than in the earliest period, but still a large number of attorneys from Cleveland and other points prac- ticed occasionally in Lorain. Prominent anuing these were W. Silliui;in, of Woost(U', and C. L. Lattimer, of Norwalk. Tlie jieriod from 1845 to 1800 witnessed an almost complete change in the personnel of the Lorain bar. About thirty new men came to the bar during tiuit period, and, at its close, Philemon Bliss remained tlie only resident attorney who had begun practice prior to 1845, although Mr. Clark, then residing in Cleve- land, still practiced at the Lorain bar. Of some seven or eight of those who came to the practice within this period it is proper to make somewhat extended men- tion. Sylvester Bagg, who has since served a number of years on the bench in a sister State, was born August 0, 1823, at Lanesborough, Berkshire county, Mass. He removed to Elyria in May, 1845, and, in 1840, entered the office of A. A. Bliss as a partner, and continued in the practice until December, 1850, when he removed from Elyria. During his residence in Elyria he was also associated with Mr. Edmund A. West, now of Chicago, in the firm of Bagg & West, and later with Mr. George Olmsted, now of Elyria, as Bagg & Olmsted. He also engaged at times in the drug and insurance business while in Elyria. After remaining a few mouths in Ciiicago, he removed to Iowa in March, 1857, and settled at Waterloo, where he now resides. He was commissioned in the army as A. Q. M. with the rank of captain, October 22, 1862, and served until November 20, 1805, being discharged with tlie bi'evet of major. He was elected circuit judge in 1808, and re-elected in 1S72 and 1876, and elected district judge in 1878, which office he now holds. Stevenson Burke was bom in St. Lawrence county. New York, November 20, 1826. He com- menced studying law in the office of Powell & Buck, at Delaware, Ohio, and afterwards went into the office of U. D. Clark at Elyria, where he continued till his admission to the bar, August 11, 1848. In the fol- lowing March he entered into partnership witli Mr. Clark, which partnership continued until May or June, 1852. He continued to reside at Elyria with a rapidly increasing practice until 1801, when he was elected judge of the court of common pleas for the counties of Lorain, Medina and Summit. Prior to his elevation to the liench he was associated for a short time with Mr. Lake and Mr. Sheldon, under the firm name of Burke, Lake & Sheldon. This firm, however, lasted but a short time. In 1857 he was associated with E. F. Poppleton, and, in 1800, with H. II. Poppleton. Mr. Burke was a sound and thorougli lawyer antl ;i. man of remarkable industry, being, no doubt, the hardest working lawyer who ever practiced at the Lorain bar. He was elected to the common pleas bench October, 1861, and took his seat the February following, and continued to hold the office until Feb- ruary, 1809, having been re-elected in 1860. He re- signed his office January 1, 1809, his resignation taking effect at the end of the judicial year the 9th of the following February. Immediately upon his resignation he became a member of the firm of Backus, Estep & Bnrke in Cleveland, Messrs. Backus and Estep having previously been partners in the practice in that city. Judge Bnrke also kept for a time an office in Elyria, where he still resided, in connection with Mr. II. H. Poppleton. This was soon discon- tinued, however. Not long after Mr. Burke went to Cleveland tlie partnership of which he was a member was broken up by the death of Mr. Backus. After a short time more Messrs. Estep & Burke dissolved their connection, since which Judge Burke has been practicing alone in Cleveland, and doing a large and higlilv lucrative business. He has become interested HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 51 in several railroad and other corporations, and is at )>resent a director and chairman of tlie finance com- mittee of the C, 0., C. & I. R'y Co., and general counsel of the company, and occupies the same posi- tion witli reference to the Cleveland and Mahoning \'alley R. R. Co., and holds prominent positions in a number of other railroad, mining and manufacturing corjiorations. JouN M. Vincent was bcjrn at Mount Washing- ton, Berkshire county, Mass., October 14, 1830. He came to Ohio in 1834. His collegiate course was begun at Oberliii, but concluded at Union College, Schenectady, Now York, where he graduated in 1846. Returning to Elyria, he entered the office of H. D. Clark as a law student^ and was admitted to the bar at the supreme court in Elyria August 11, 1848. En- tering at once npon the practice of his profession, he was elected in the fall of tlie following year to the office of prosecuting attorney of Lorain county, which he held two consecutive terms, being re-elected in 18.51. He was elected to the same office again in 1855 and served one more term. Mr. Vincent was a man of quick and accurate perceptions, a thorough lawyer, a ready and effective debater, and withal a genial, kind-hearted gentleman. With such qualifi- cations he could not but occupy, as he did, a promi- nent position at the bar as long as his health per- mitted him to continue in the practice. He was elected to the lower house of the State legislature in tlie autumn of 1859, and served in that body during tlie session of 18C0 and 1861. This legislative work was substantially the last of his life. Failing healtji forljade his continuing in the jiractice of his profes- sion, and, in the summer of 1863, he went to Minne- sota in hope of improving liis health by change of climate; but, finding himself growing rapidly worse, he started to return home, but was compelled to leave tiie cars at Milwaukee, where he died Sejitember 23. 1863, mourned by a large circle of friends and acijuain- tances. His wife and son still reside at Elyria. LioNKL A. Sheldon was born August 30, 1831, at Worcester, Otsego county, New York, and removed with his parents to LaGrange, Lorain county, in 1834. He studied law in the office of Clark & Burke, in- Elyria, and also attended law school at Poughkeepsie, New York, and was admitted to the bar at the supreme court at Elyria, in July, 1851. In September, 1853, he commenced practice in connection with Mr. Vincent, which partnership lasted some two years. He was subse(iuently asso- ciated, at different times, with George 15. Lake, L. B. Smith, and W. W. Boynton. He remained in Elyria, in the practice of his profession, until the breaking out of the war of the rebellion, in 1861. He held the office of probate judge, from November 35, 1856, to February 8, 1858, filling out the unexpired term of William F. Lockwood. In August, 1861, he entered the army as captain in the 3d Ohio cavalry, and was snbseipiently a major in the same regiment. At the organization of the 43d Ohio volunteer infantry, he was commissioned its lieutenant-colonel, and on the promotion of its col- onel, James A. Garfield, he became colonel of the regiment, and served with distinction throughout the war, receiving toward the close of the war, the rank of brevet brigadier general. After the close of the conflict, he settled in New Orleans, and resumed the practice of his profession, and also became interested in politics. Ho was elected to congress in 1868, 1870, and 1873, and served with credit in those three congresses. In 1876, he was one of the presidential electors of the state of Louisiana. He still resides in New Orleans; spending his summers, however, on liis large farm in LaGrange, Lorain county, the home of his boy- hood. George B. Lake was admitted to the bar at Elyria, July, 1851, and practiced in Elyria, with credit, until about 1857, when he removed to Omaha, where he still resides. He has attained tliere a marked eminence in his profession, and now occupies a seat ujion the bench of the sujjreme court of Nebraska. Houston H. Popplbton was born at Bellville, Richland county, Ohio, March 10, 1836. He removed with his father to Delaware, Ohio, in March, 1853, and entered the Ohio Wesleyan university, at that place, the same year, from which institution he grad- uated June 38, 1858. lie commenced studying law with Mr. Burke, in Elyria, September 9, 1858, and continued with him till he entered the Cincinnati law college, October 15, 1859, and was admitted to the bar at Cincinnati April 16, 1860. He commenced the jiractice of law at Elyria, May 3, 1860, having formed a jiartnership with Judge Burke; and continued in the general practice until December 1, 1873, when he was ap- pointed general attorney of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis Railway Conijiany, with headquarters at Cleveland, and at once took charge of the entire legal department of that comj^any, which position he still holds, and fills with marked ability. Washington W. Boynton was born iu Russia, Lorain county, January 37, 1833. He was educated in the common schools, studied law, and was ad- mitted to the bar by the district court of Lorain county, at its September term, 1856, and immediately commenced practice. In March, 1859, upon the resignation, by Mr, George Olmsted, of the office of prosecuting attorney, he was appointed by the court to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term, which ended the first Monday of the following January. In October, of the same year, (1859), he was elected to the same office, and continued to discharge its duties with credit to himself, and satisfaction to the public, until January, 1864, having been re-elected in the fall of 1861. Mr. Boynton continued in the practice of the law, at Elyria, with the exception of a short residence in Minnesota, whither he went on account of his health, until February, 1869, when he 52 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. was appointed by tlio governor to tlie office of com- mon jileas Judge, left vacant by tlie resignation of llou. Stevenson Burke. In October, of the same year, he was elected to that office, for the remainder of .Tudgc Burke's term, which expired February, 1873. In liie fall of 1S71, lie was re-ek'cted for a full term, which expired February, 1877, at wliich time he entered upon the discharge of the duties of a judge of the supremo court, having been elected to that office in October, 187G. He is still a member of the supreme court. A considerable number of lawyers commenced i)rae- tiee m Lorain county during this time, and remained for longer or shorter periods, including some who are still at the bar, who will be mentioned hereafter. These were George T. Smith, 1845 to 1854. Edmund A. West, 184G to 1853. He was tlie son of Edmund West, one of the original settlers of Elyria. On leaving Elyria he went to Chicago where he is still practicing law, making a .specialty of patent business. Elbuidge G. Boynton, admitted to the bar Sep- tember, 1845, died in Elyria in 1857. John Curtis, 1847 to 1851. John G. Irving, admitted August 20, 1847. Bird B. Chapman, admitted in Elyria in 1843, practiced there for a time, about 1849 to 1853. George G. Washburn practiced law from 1849 to 1853. He then al)andonod the law and devoted him- self to journalism, and still resides in Elyria, the editor and publisher of the Elyria Rejniblican. John Sherman, 1851. E. C. K. Garvey, 1851-3. Schuyler Putnam was admitted to the bar in 1852, at the first term of the district court under the consti- tution of 1851. He was a great-grandson of General Israel Putnam of revolutionary war fame. Says Mr. H. D. Clark in a recent letter, speaking of Mr. Put- nam: ''He came to the bar at an advanced age, ripe in judgment and experience. He had a good legal mind, and in a long number of years as a justice of the peace, never gave an opinion that was reversed by a higher court. He was a moral, conscientious, up- right man." C. G. Finney, Oberlin, 1854. He was a son of the celebrated divine. Reverend C. G. Finney, for many years president of Oberlin college. He returned to Oberlin a few years ago and entered into partnership with I. A. Webster, but his health permitted him to remain only a short time. John M. Langston, Oberlin, was admitted to the bar in Elyria in 1855, and practiced at Oberlin until ;ii)out 18G7. He now resides in Washington, D. C, wliere he is a law lecturer in Howard University. From 1857 to 1859 Samuel and Ralph Plumb practiced law in Oberlin under the name of Plumb and Plumb, and Ralph seems by the court record to have continued until 1861. Samuel Plumb organized a bank in Oberlin under the name of "S. Plumb's Bank," whicli, on the jiassage of the National liank- inu; act was converted into the " First National Bank of Oberlin," of which Mr. Plumb was president as long as he resided in Oberlin. Both gentlemen now reside at Streator, Illinois. Cyrus B. Baldwin resided at Oberlin and did a small law business between 1858 and 1805. Laertes B. Smith was admitted to the bar in Elyria, in September, 1858, and practiced in Elyria, holding the office of justice of the peace for several terms, until June 1, 1871, when he was appointed probate judge, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of John W. Steele. He was elected to that office tlie same year for the unexi)ired term and still holds the office, having been re-elected in 1873, 1875 and 1878. Edward D. Holbrook, son of Dexter Holbiuok who still resides in Elyria, was born in Elyria October 10, 1835, studied law with Johnson and Rex in Woos- ter, and was admitted at that place in May, 1857. He commenced practice in Elyria in 1858, and remained until the spring of 1861 when he removed to Califor- nia, where he remained studying the mining laws until May 17, 1863, when he removed to Idaho territory, where he rapidly rose to prominence and acquired an extensive practice. He represented that territory as delegate in the thirty-ninth and f.irtieth congresses. He continued to reside in Idaho, attending to his increasing professional duties until his death. He was murdered by Charles H. Douglas, at Idaho City, June 19, 1870. Theodore H. Robertson was admitted to the bar in Elyria in August, 1848, and remained in Elyria in the practice some five or six years. Washburn Safford practiced in Elyria for two or three years, beginning in 1855, in partnership with .Judge Pliilemon Bliss, under the name of Bliss and Safford. Daring a portion of this time R. H. Allen, who practiced in Oberlin, was also a member of the firm, the title at the Oberlin office being Bliss, Allen and Safford. Mr. Allen remained in Oberlin a year or so after the dissolution of this firm. H. C. Safford also practiced law a few years in Ob'^rlin, about the same time. Anson P. Dayton opened a law otllce in Oberlin in the summer of 1856, and remained there about two years. The period from 1800 to the present time can scarcely be called historical, and must be passed over rapidly. It has witnessed the advent of many more lawyers than any other period of e(pial length; but a majority of them are still young men, and the time has not yet arrived for them to have reached the eminence and distinction to which many of the older members of the Lorain bar have attained. The most conspicuous figure among the men who have come to the Lorain bar within this period is Hon. John C. Hale, one of the jiresent judges of the court of common pleas. He was born March 3, 1831, at Or- ford. New Hampshire, and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1857. He was admitted to the bar in Cleveland in the spring of 1861, and immediately HISTOEY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 53 rcmuveil lo Elyriu in coiiiiiany willi J. C. Hill, witli whiini 1k' liail foi-nit'd a jiartiienshii), uiidiT the iiaine oi' Hale & Hill, ami tlicy opened a law office in tlie room occupied by Jolin M. Viiieeiit. This ]iartiier- ship eoiitinued one year, wlieii Mr. Hale went iiif-o ])MrtiH'rship witli W. W. Boyiitoii. lie ro.se ra))idly ill his pi'ot'ession, and in 18fi:3 was elected to the otliee of prosecuting attorney, which he held six years coti- secutively, being re-elected in 18ii.j and 1807. lie represented Lorain county in the constitutional cou- vention of 1873-4, and in 187G was elected common pleas judge, succeeding Judge Boyntou. He is still on the common pleas bench. We shall now pass rapidly over the gentlemen who have been members of the Lorain bar since 1860 and who are not now in the practice there, and close this sketch with a mention of the attorneys now resi- dent in the county. 0ii4KLKs A. WiiKiHT commenced practice in Elyria- in 1800 and remained there a year or two. Lewis Breckeneidge was admitted to the bar in 18.39, commenced practice in Elyria in 1861 and I'c- mained until 1873 when he removed to Cleveland where he now resides and practices. J. C Hill came to Elyria as an attorney in 1801, as already mentioned, as a partner with J. C. Hale. He remained in the practice until 186-1, when he abandoned it and engaged in other business. He is now a resident of Elyria and cashier of the Savings l)eix>sit Bank. Andrew Morehouse apjjcars as an attorney on the records in 1863. James B. Huiii-nREY was admitted to the bar in Elyria in 1803, and practiced there until 1867 or 1868, when he removed to Allegan, Michigan, where he still resides. He is, or recently was, probate judge of Allegan county, and occupies a prominent position at the bar there. O.MAR Bailey, .Jr., practiced law in Oberlin from 1803 to 1807, when he removed to Norwalk, Huron county, where he still resides. KoswELL G. HoRR was admitted to the bar at the exjjiration of his term as clerk of the court in 1804, and entered into partnership with J. C. Hale. He continued in the practice about two years, when he removed to Missouri. He subse(juently removed to East vSaginaw, Michigan, where he still resides. He was elected to Congress from that district at the election in November, 1878. II. M. LiLLiE had a law ofHce in Elyria a few months in 1864, but did little or no business. A. R. HiLLYER opened a law office in Oberlin in 1805, and remained there a year or two, when he removed to Grinuell, Iowa. Herbert L. Terrell was admitted to the bar in Pllyria in September, 1804, aiul entered into partner- ship with W. W. Boynton, remaining about a year. He then removed to Tennessee, but subsequently returned to Ohio and settled in Cleveland, where he is now practicing. I). L. ]?RECKINRII)(IE was admitted to the bar in 1806, but continued to reside on his farm in (irafton till his death, in 1878, never devoting himself e.xclu- sively to the law. A. C. HouiiHTON went into partnershi]i with J. II. Dickson, at Wellington, in 1808, and ivmained in tiie l)ractice there until about 1873, when he removed to Toledo. M. W. I'oND, Jr., in partnership with C. H. ! too- little, practiced in Elyria in 1869. Ho removed to Pennsylvania., but subseril, 1859. He formed a partnership with Hon. P. Bliss, the next Septendjer, under the name of Bliss and Johnston, which continued until Judge Bliss removed to Dakota, in 1861. Mr. Johnston continued to devote himself exclusively to the practice, and still resides in Elyria, where he has an extensive business. He was elected prosecuting attorney in 1869 and 1871. Elizuk G. Johnson" was admitted to the bar in 1861, but continued to reside in LaGrange, where he held the office of justice of tlie peace until March, 1869, when he came to Elyria to assume the office of county auditor, to which he had been elected the previous October. He continued to hold that office until November, 1877. In the autumn of 1876, how- ever, he opened a law office in Elyria, and is still engaged in the practice. Norman L. Johnson came to Elyna from Massa- chusetts in 1863 and entered upon the practice of the law, to which he hiis devoted himself ever since, and at which he is now doing a very considerable business. Iral a. Webster was admitted to the bar at Elyria in September, 1867, and soon after opened an office in Oberlin, where he still resides. In 1877 he also opened an office in Elyria. Charles Downinu was admitted to the bar in 1867 in Elyria, where he still resides. He has de- voted his attention mainly, however, to the business of insurance. P. II. BoYNTON was admitted to the bar in 1869 and is still practicing in Elyria. George P. Metcalf was admitted in 1869. He was elected prosecuting attorney in 1873, 1875 and 1877, and still holds that office. J. M. HoRD removed to Elyria from Wood county in 1S7'2, and is still in practice. WiNSLOW L. Fay, admitted 1870, still in practice. E. II. HiNMAN opened an office in 1873 in North Amherst, where he is still practicing. Amos Coe, who formerly practised law in Cleve- land, settled on a farm near Elyria about 1870. He appears in court occasionally. David J. Ny'e was admitted to the bar in 1873 and removed to Kansas. He returned in 1873, and, in April, 1874, opened an office in Elyria, where he still resides. Walter F. Herrick commenced practicing law in Wellington in 187-1, and is still there. He served in the Ohio legislature in 1860 and 1861, and was a colonel in the army during the war of the rebellion. J. H. Lanc; has been practicing law in Oberlin since 1874. He engages also in other business. Lkster i\[(;LEAN was admitted to the bar at War- ren in the spring of 1875, and immediately removed to Elyria, where he is still engaged iu the practice, — now in partnership with E. G. Johnson. A. R. Webber came to Elyria from Medina in 1876, and is still engaged in practice as jiartner with C. W. Johnston. CiiAS. A. Metcalf was aest to send you new type. Should you find anything wanting, name it, and it shall lie sent. The press, boxing and cartage I have charged only at what I had to pay, which is $10 less than you could have got it at had you applied in person. I purchase largely of the man, and my custom is an object to him. It my bill is to be charged to you as a cash sale^ you will be entitled to a disct. of 714 per cent, on all but the press, b<)xes and cartage, viz: on $202.5.5, which disct. I shall have to credit you in account. " Yours Sincei-ely, E. White, "per John T. White." Mr. Ely remitted the cash, thus saving nearly tjie amount of freight in the discount. Mr. Park sold his pa]ier in Aslitahula, and removed to Elyria with his family, arriving June 18, 1829. The press, known as tlie "two-pull Ramage," con- structed almost entirely of wood, was put up in the small one-story building, two dooi-s cast of East avenue, on the south side of ]5road street, (now No. 22,) where the first number of the Lorain Gazette was issued July 24. 1829. The first stickful of type set iu this county was by Calvin Hall, then si.xteen years old, who accompanied Mr. Park from Ashtabula as an apprentice. It is made a part of this record, not only as a matter of general interest, but because it is doubtful if the same number of high-sounding words have since been compressed into a single stick- ful. It was as follows: [from the literary chronicle.] "THE RENEGADE." "The sack of the city had commenced. The fire darted from a hundred roofs; the crash of broken bars and bolts rang through the bloodstained streets of the long ])eaceful Mother of the Arts. Barbar- ians of gigantic stature, their hair flowing wildly on their shoulders, and wielding spears of prodigious length, with fierce gestures and dissonant cries, trampled the venerable halls of the Areoimgus, and violated the holy stillness of the Parthenon." The Gazette was a five column folio, sent by mail for two dollars, and delivered in the village for two dollars and fifty cents a year. In politics, it sup- ported the whig party. A copy of the first number, now in the Elyria library, contains the name of "A S. Park, printer, publisher, and proi^rietor. " Fred- erick Whittlesey was editor of the paper, for the first six months, after which its publisher assumed entire charge, and its columns were chiefly filletl with selected miscellany and news items. In the fall of 1830, Mr. Abraham Burrell, also a practical printer, became a partner in the paper, and its publication was continuetl by Park & 15urrcll, until the spring of 1832, when it passed into the hands of James F. Manter, who changed its name to The Elyria Times. Only an occasional copy of the Gazette is now extant. Archibald 8. Park served his apprenticeship iu the office of Ileacock & Bowen, publishers of the Ashta- bula liecorder. He was sul>seuru took charge of it as editor, Mr. Udall continuing to print it. Its original title was restored, and from this time forward the paper became self-sustaining; but on the 10th day of February, 1852, the office and all its contents were destroyed by fire, witliout insurance, in the first great conflagration that destroyed commercial block. After the lajtse of four- teen weeks a new outfit was ^lurchased by George G. Washburn and George T. Smith, and its publication was resumed, with these gentlemen as editors, and Mr. Udall printer, until January 35, 1854, when Mr. Washburn sold his interest to his partner, and soon after (he ('ouricr and Independent Democrat, then published by Philemon Bliss, were united, retaining the name of the latter. John H. Faxon, subsequently tilled various offices acceptably, both state and national, and for two terms rejn-esented the county in the lower branch of the legislature. He is still an honoi'ed resident of Elyria. Edmund A. West removed to Chicago soon after relinquisliiug journalism, where he is now engaged in the practice of law, making a specialty of cases relat- ing to patents. Jerome Cotton resumed his position as correspon- dent, after leaving the Courier, but his health began to decline, and in the summer of 1851 he returned to Elyria, where he died September 21, 1852, of con- sumption, aged twenty-eiglit years. He was a ready and spicy writer, giving promise of much ability in the profession of journalism. George T. Smith retained his connection with the Democrat until November, 1855, when he sold his intei-est to George G. Washburn, and soon after re- moved to Illinois. He now resides in Cleveland, engaged in the practice of law. THE LORAIN ARDUS. AVhen Edmund A. West purchased the Courier office he failed to make satisfactory arrangements with Abra- ham Burrell to print it for him, and employed J. W. Udall instead. Tliis threw Mr. Burrell out of employ- ment, but he soon foi-nied a partnership with Sylvester Matson, purchased a press and type, and on the 11th day of January, 1848, issued the first luunber of the Lorain Argus. It was a seven column folio; terms 11.50 in advance, $2.50 after one year. No responsi- ble editor was announced, and various j'ersons con- tributed its political matter for nearly two years. Among the number of those most prominent were H. D. Clark, .lohn M. Vincent and John H. Sherman. Mr. Matson did not retain his interest long after the first year, disposing of it to other parties, and the whole management devolved upon Mr. Burrell. On the first of January, 1851, Mr. Sherman was an- nounced as editor, but he withdrew on the 22d of July following. Fi-om that date until December, 1851, Mr. Vincent was its responsible editor. Geo. B, Lake then took the editorial chair, sub rosa, and con- tributed most of the editorial matter for sevenil months. On the night of August 10, 1852, the building in which the paper was printed, called Gar- vey's Exchange, took fire, and was mostly consumed. The press, most of the type, and nearly all of the furniture in the printing office were destroyed. With the insurance money, Mr. Burrell purchased the old press and type formerly used by the Sandusky Eeyis- ter, and being aided jiecuniarily by E. C. K. Garvey, resumed its publication, considerably enlarged by lengthening its columns. Mr. Garvey soon secured control of the entire estalilishment, and retaining Mr. Burrell as printer, conducted it until November 17, 1852, when he sold it to Bird B. Chapman & Co., and L. S. Everett, who had been nomiiuil editor during Mr. Garvey's ownership, became its responsible editor. The title of the paper was changed to The Lorain County Aryiis. Mr. Everett retired from the Aryvs, November 10. 1853, and at that date John H. Sherman purchased an interest in the office, and became its editor-in-chief. The exact time when he retired is not known, but he remained only a few mouths; and on his retirement, HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 61 the paper Avas published by Mr. Chapni;iii: aiulduriiiij his frequent terms of absence, various parties wrote for its columns, Mr. Burrell contributing his share. Having lost the county i>rinting, tlie paper began to be a burden to its proprietor, and on the 18th of April, 1855, Mr. Chapnuiu discontinued its publica- tion, packed the material and shipped it to Nebraska, wliere he established the Omaha Nebraskiun. Of the seven persons not previously mentioned, who were connected with the Aiijus, only one is now known to be living. Sylvester Matsou removed to t'levelaud, where he eidisted in the United States army, and served out his term. Ou the breaking out of the rebellion, he volunteered in the cause of tlie union, and was killed in one of the great conflicts of the war. John II. Sherman was a young man of considerable ability as a writer, but his connection with journalism here was brief, lie left Elyria, in connection with Mr. Chapman, in 1855, and went to Nebraska, where for sonu^ years he was connected editorially with the Omaha JSebrdnkian. He died in Council BlulTs, in 1865. E. C. K. Garvey was a man of great business activity, but with little business capacity. He removed to Kansas during the "border-ruflian '" troubles, where he espoused the "free State" cause with much ardor, and was on one occasion lynched by the rufiians, but was neither intimidated nor subdued. He was resid- ing in Kansas when last heard from, many years ago, but it is hardly probable that he is now living. Bird B. Chapman removed to Omaha and was elected the first delegate in congress from that territory, which was organized in 1854. He contested his opponent's seat for the second term, but was unsuccessful, securing however his pay and mileage. In 1859, he returned to Elyria, where he resided until 1802, when he re- moved to Put-in-Bay island, where lie died after a Imgering illness, Septemljer 12, 1871, aged fifty years. George B. Lake removed to Nebraska, and entered upon the ]iractice of the law with marked success. His character and al)ilitics were soon recognized l>y the jieople, who have for several terms elected him to the highest judicial jiosition in the State, and he still resides in Omaha, an honored member of the supreme court. L. S. Everett came to Elyria, a democrat in political oj)inions, during the Kansas-Nebraska troubles; and when the Iiidependent Democrat, which represented the free democracy, was started, he Ijecame its first editor. He was a man of much ability and large experience as a journalist, and his immediate return to the democratic fold, after waging a vigorous war- fare against that party in the columns of the Bcmocraf, showed that he had facility to change, as well as ability to assert his )>rinciples. After leaving the Argus, he removed from the county, and foi- a time wrote for the Plain Dealer, but returned in 1866, and commenced the publication of the Lorain. Constilu- tionalist, which he conducted about one j'ear, when he removed to Akron, where he died a few years since, considerably advanced in years. John M. Vincent was an honored mendjcr of the legal profession, and his connection with journalism w^as only incidental. He subsequently, in connection witii Philemon Bliss, established the Independenl Democrat, but immediately afterward devoted his entire attention to his clients. A sketch of his life will be found in tlie history of the bar. TUB INDEPENDENT DEMOCRAT. This journal was started at a very important epoch in the history of our country, and as its publication was continued for a quarter of a century, nearly all of the time under the proprietorship and management of one individual, it is due that a brief notice of its origin be here given. The passage of the fugitive slave act of 1850, and its attempted enforcement by lioth of the great national parties, aroused a sp;rit f)f hostility, both to the act and the system it sought to perjtetuate, on the part of many who still clung to their old party organizations, although opposed to slavery. In the campaign of 1852, both the whig and democratic parties virtually allowed the pro-slavery element to dictate their platforms, and from this period the tendency to break away from old associa- tions began to be developed. It was to aid in disinte- grating these old parties, and in forming a new one based upon tlie broad idatform of human rights, that the Independent Democrat was established. The funds necessary to purchase the outfit were contributed by various persons who had formerly been affiliated with the old parties. Prominent among tliose who fur- nished pecuniary aid were Norton S. Townshend, then a resident of this county, and Salmon P. Chase, then If^nited States senator from Ohio, and late chief justice of the supreme court. Far the greater portion of the necessary funds were contributed by Philemon Bliss. Philemon Bliss, formerly a whig, and Jolin M. Vincent, formerly a democrat, had charge of the enterprise, and on the 5th day of August, 1853, issued the first number, as editors and publishers. Jonathan I). Baker was employed as printer. It was a seven-column folio; terms, 11.50 per annum. It was ably conducted under their management until January 12, 1853, when Mr. Vincent retired, leaving Mr. Bliss in sole charge. On the 13th of April fol- lowing, Joseph H. Dickson was employed to edit the paper; and on the 10th of August, the same year, John H. Boynton and Mr. Dickson assumed the entire charge, and conducted it until the 28th of December, when it was again turned over to Air. Bliss, who pub- lished it until February 1st, 185-1. Meanwhile several persons printed the paper. Mr. Baker withdrew^ Oc- tober 12, 1853, and was succeeded by A. J. and G. McElleran, who remained tuily one w-eek, and were succeeded by Tower J. Burrell, who printed it until tlie 1st of February. 1854. At this date, the interests of the Courier •ati'X Dem- ocrat were united, with P. Bliss and Geo. T. Smith, 63 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. editors and proprietors, and J. W. Udiill, of the late Courier, printer. Under tliis management, tliepa])er was continned until November ^8, 1855, when Mr. Smith sold his interest to the writer of these annals, and during the suceeeding ycai' tlie Ormucrfft was published by Bliss & Washliurn. Tiie hdter was editor and business manager, and tiie formei', who had previously been eleeted to congress, was coi'res- j)onding editor. At the (dose of the year, 185(!, Mr. Washburn became, ))y purchase, possessor of the office, and fin- upwards of twenty-one years following, was its sole projjrietor, editor, and business manager. In 1859, the title was changed to Elyria IndependvMt Democrat. On the 24th of March, 1858, Mr. Udall was eonii)elled to relimpiish his i)ost as jirinter, on account of failing health, and Abraham Burrell, who was associated with his son in the publication of the Emjlv, withdrew from that jounuil, and took Mr. Udall's place, which he faithfully retained until his death, November 23, 18G8. At his death, his son, S. A. Burrell, who was a journeyman in the ottice, assumed the duties of printer, and retained the posi- tion until the paper was discontinued. On the 1st of February, 1877, the interests of the Democrat and Eti/riu Reputilicnu were united, retain- ing the name of the latter, as nioi-eajjjirojiriate to the l)rinciples which the Democrat had, for a (piarter of a century, ever steadfastly advoc-ited. Coming into being when the public mind was in a state of unrest concerning the designs of the slave jiowei', the Inde- penilent I'emocrat took an active i)art in unifying and crystaliziug tiiat sentinuMit in opposition to the further encroachments of slavery u[ion the jiublic donuiin. It lived to witness the rajjid growth, and final success, of the new party of freedom. It witnessed the inaug- uration of the great slaveholdei's' rebellion, and east- ing its lot with the loyal millions, rejoiced with them in witnessing its final overthrow, and the restoration of nil the States under the tlag of thelhiiou. During all these eventful years, tlie aim of its puldisher was to so conduct it as to merit the ai)jU'oval of loyal men, and not disai)j)oint the hojies and exjiectations of its founders. Of the persons jirominently connected with the Democrat, but a brief notice will be given: Messrs. P. Bliss and J. II. Dickson were more dis- tinguished as lawyers than as journalists, and will be noticed in the chaiiter on the bar. J. II. Boyntiiu has tilled various inipoi'tant jtositious in the gift of tiie jieople, with such entire acceptance, as to merit the puldic esteem that is universally be- stowed upon him. J. D. Baker removed to l':iulding county, Ohio, in October, 18.")o, and, for a time, edited and pub- lished the Paulding Democrat. His subseipient his- tory is not known. J. W. Udall entered the office of the Ohio Atlas as an errand boy, at the age of tiiirteeu years, making himself useful ill every part assigned liiiii. In lliose days, the mails were very irregular, and for a few of the first years of his apjirenticeship, in addition to his labors as "devil " and compositor, he performed the office of jiost-rider — taking a large sack of the (lapers each week, iiiioii a hor.sc, and distributing them in bundles, to each neighborhood, in the north part of. the county. This duty he performed with remarkable fidelity; and whether it rained in torrents, or the scorching sun sent his heated rays upon the earth, or stern winter its freezing blasts, the weekly advent of the post-boy was expected with as much certainty as the rising of the sun. When the mail facilities of the county rendered this branch of ser- vice no longer necessai'y, Mr. Udall devoted his time exclusively to his duties in the office, serving an ap- prenticeship of seven years before he asi)ired to the position of a "jour." He became an expert printer, and ever enjoyed the fullest confidence of his em- ployers, scarcely losing a day from his case after he became a journeyman. When he realiz.ed that his disease (consumption) was beyond remedy, he went to his sister's house, in Hudson, Ohio, where he was kindly cared for until his death, which occurred August 18, 1858, aged thirty-three years. THE LORAIN EACiLE. After the suspension of the Aryun, there was no Democratic jjaper printed in the county for nearly two years. In the spring of 1857, a sufficient sum was pledged, by subscription, to purchase the mate- rial, and on the seventh of March, of that year, A. and T. J. Burrell issued the first number of the Lorain Eafjle. It was a seven column folio, pub- lished in Elyria; price 13 a year, in advance. On the 2-lth of March, 1858, Abraham Burrell withdrew, and took the position of printer of the hidependent Dem- ocrat. Ilis son, T. J. Burrell, continued to publish the Eagle until after the rebellion broke out, when, in consecjuence of its equivocal position concerning the management of the war, it ceased to pay expenses, and was discontinued in August, 18')1. During the five years of its existence, no responsible editor was announced, and what editorial matter was not written by its publishers, was furnished by various persons during the i)olitical cam])aigns. THE LOKAIN CONSTITUTIONALIST. Oil the third day of October, 1860, Mr. L. S. Everett issued the first number of this journal, a democratic paper, which was a seven-column folio; terms, |i2.00 a year. Mr. Everett was not the owner of the estab- lishment, but announced that he published it "for the proprietors," whose names are not given. F. S. Moore was its printer. On the 8th day of July, 1867, a joint stock company was formed, consisting of A. A. Crosse, II. U. Poppleton, N. L. Johnson, P. W. Sampsel and others, with a capital stock of three thou- sand dollars, divided into shares of ten dollars each, which assumed the resjionsibility of the jiublication, Mr. Everett still officiating as editor, until near the close of the first volume, when he withdrew. It was HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 63 tlien "Published by the Lorain Printing Company," and N. L. Johnson, president of the company, C(m- tribntcd most of the editorial matter. Mr. Moore continued to serve as printer. This relation existed until June 9, 18C9, when Mr. Jumes K. Newcomer assumed the editorial and business control of the jiaper, the iiroprietary interest still remaining in the printing company. The word "Lorain "was drojiped from its title. On the night of January 22, 1870, a fire broke out in the oftice, and. before it was extinguished, a large portion of the tyj)e,was destroyed, the presses alone escaping injury. The damage was estimated at one thousand dollars. Mr. Moore, proprietor of the job department, lost a portion of jiis material. With tlie aid rendered by tlie proprietor of the Democrat, tlie Const tint iuinilisf ajjpeared on time the next week, and, after February 10, it apjieared regularly, with the word " I.oiain " again replaced in its title. Mr. Newcomer retained his position as editor until the close of tlie political campaign of 1870, when he with- drew and F. S. Moore became its publisher, N. L. Johnson furnishing the leading political articles. Mr. Moore continued to publish it until November 1, 1871, when Mr. J. V. Faitli took charge of the edi- torial and business dejiartment, under an agreement to publish it one year without charge to the proprie- tors, in consideration of which lie was to become its owner. On the loth of March, 1872, its size was increased to an eight-column folio, with its outside columns printed on the co-operative plan, in Chicago, and its title was changed to Tlie Lorain Constitution. On the 2Gt]i of Septcmlier, 1873, the co-operative plan was aliandoned, and, without change in size, it was all printed at home. On the lOtli of October, 1872, Mr. F. S. Reefy purchased the entire establish- ment, and has continued its publication to the present time. On the 13tli of February, 187.3, it appeared as a five-column quarto, and was continued in that form until the 5th of the following June, when it was clianged to a nine-column folio, on the co-operative ]iian. On the 30th of September, 1875, it was reduced to an eight-column folio, and, in consequence of the incorpoi-ation of the village of Lorain at the mouth of Black River, its title was changed to Tlte Etyria Con- stitution, which name and size it still retains. THE ELYRI.i REPUBLICAN. II. A. Fisher issued the first number of tliis jour- nal, October 24, 1874. It was printed on the forms of the late Black River Conmicrrial (nine-column folio) with this exception, that its four pages were all ]irinted in the office. He continued its publication until the 20th of February, 1875, when James W. Ciiapman became associated with him as equal part- ner. This relation continued until the 10th of the following July, when Mr. Chapman withdrew. On tlie 7th of August, 1875, it was changed to a six- column quarto (its present form), and on the 1st of the following November, Mr. A. H. Smith purchased an equal interest in the establishment, and for the following fifteen months the paper was jiublished by Fisher & Smith, E. G. Johnson lieing its political, and II. A. Fisher its local editor. On the 1st of Feb- ruary, 1877, Mr. Fisher purcliased the interest of Mr. Smith, and the Independent Ihmorrat and Eepuhli- can were consolidated. Under this arrangement the Democrat was discontinued and the Bejmtj.ican was pnblisiied by Wasliburn& Fislier, with Geo. (f. Wash- burn as editor-in-chief, 11. A. Fisher local editor, and A. H. Smitli i)rinfer. On the 1st of October, 1877, Mr. Wasliburn purcliased Mr. Fisher's interest and assumed entire control of the paper. On the retire- ment of Mr. Fislier, Mi-. Smith took the position of local editor and superintendent of the uunhauical de- partment, with Mr. Wni. T. Morris as job printer. Under this management the Ri'pvblican continues to make its weekly visits to its large list of readers. The foregoing concludes the record of the jircss in Flyria, with the exce])tion of a few pajieis of brief duration, to which reference is here made. During the political campaign of 1838, the whigs published a small sheet called The Peopte's Banner, edited by Albert A. Bliss, and the democrats a similar paper called Tlie Jeffersonian, edited l)y Joel Tiffany. Tliese papers were conducted with much spice and al>ility. In 1840 the whigs published for three months Otd Tip's Broom, edited by D. W. Lathrop and other prominent whigs of that day. It was ably conducted and contributed much towards securing the victory that followed the famous ''Log Cabin and Hard Cider" campaign. In 1864 II. M. Lillie published for a few weeks a small two-column (juarto devoted to the cause of temperance. Its jniblisher, who was a reformed inebriate, returned to his cups, and his paper was dis- continued. Its name cannot be recalled. About tbe year 1808 two or three numbers of a very creditable paper were issued, called 77ie Lorain Templars' Offer- ing. The name of its publisher is not remembered, but he was a stranger, and proved to be unworthy of confidence. THE ELYRIA VOLKSFREUNn. This was an eight-column folio, published in Ger- man, by F. S. Reefy, at the oftice of the Constitution. TJie first number was issued February I, 1873; terms, $2.00 a year. For the first two months its outside pages were printed in Philadeli)hia, after which it was all printed at the pulilication office. At the end of three years Mr. Reefy sold the paper to Henry Minnig, who published it about a year, when it was discon- tinued for want of sujtport. The types were then purchased by the Biene priuting company, of Cleve- land, and the new proprietors made an effort to estab- lish a German paper here, called The Weekhi Post, but it was not successful. There have also been }iiiblished in Elyria at various times and for various pei-iods, a number of very credit- able amateur sheets, a notice of which cannot be given in the space allotted to this history. 64 HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY. OTTTO. The lirst steam-power press lised in Elyria was in- troduced by Mr. Reefy, in tlie ofifioe of the ConstHii- fimi, in January, 1S73. It is called the Fairhavcn cylitider ])ress. This was fnllnwcil, in Juno of the same year, by Mr. Wasliburn, who int rodueed a large I'otter cylinder jiowcr press in the office of tlie Deino- (■>■/(/, running it, however, witliout steam. In Feb- ruary, 1875, another Potter press of the same size was introduced in the Rejnibllran office, with steam power. THE PRESS IN OBERLIN. TUE OBERLIN EVANGELIST. Soon after the organization of the collegiate insti- tute at Oberlin, on the plan of furnishing a liberal Christian education to botli sexes, regardless of color or caste, there began to be felt a necessity for some medium through which the eminent reformers who composed its faculty could reach the public ear. Nothing was done, however, toward supplying the want until November 1, 1838, five years after the institution was founded, when the first number of the Obvrlin Eranijelid was issued. It was a (piaito of eight pages, 9x12 inches, and was published every two weeks, at $1.00 a year. After live years, its size was increased to 10 x 14 inches. It was at first edited by an association of the college professors, and was published by R. E. Gillett. In 1844. Prof. Henry Cowles became its editor, and continued in charge until it was discontinued, December 17, 1862. At about the same time, James M. Fitch became its publisher, and remained such until December, 1858. He was succeeded by Shankland & Harmon, and in Ajn-il, 18G1, V. A. Shankland took sole charge as ]>ul)lisher, and continued until the end. The Erangelisl was always an able paper, candidly and earnestly discussing the reforms sought to be secured through the aid of Christian effort, and for many years each number contained a sermon by Professor, afterwards President, Finney, reported in short-hand by Prof. Cowles. Its twenty-four vol- umes form a jiortion of the college library, and in after years will become of great value. Prof. Cowles. in addition to Jiis duties as instructor in the college, has published several volumes on the ]iroi>hetical books of the Bible, besides other works of lesser ui?/'.< has always been repulilican in poli- tics, and its editors have generally taken an advanced ]iosition on all moral and educational movements. By the foregoing it will lie seen that tlie Xewtt has been owned, in part or in whole, by nineteen different persons since its establishment, a little less than nine- teen years ago, all of whom, with one exception, are still living, and several have acquired some prom- inence in their respective fields of labor. The limits of this history will only admit a brief notice of those most prominently connected witli the jiaper during tlie time. V. A. Shankland now resides in Benton Harbor, Michigan, where he is engaged in the culture of fruit. J. F. Harmon served as postmaster in Oberlin for nine years, and is now engaged in the drug business (Harmon & Beecher) in that village. A. B. Nettleton won a geiierafs commission in the army, subsequently edited the Sauduskv Register and the Chicago Advance, and now resides in Phila- delphia. .1. B. T. Marsh was subsequently one of the editors of the Chicago Adrance for eight years, and now resides in Oberlin, holding the position of treasurer of the college and mayor of the village. Prof. II. E. Peck was appointed minister to Ilayti, by President Johnson, and died on that island in 1807. William Kincaid has been for several years, and is now, the beloved pastor of the Second Congregational Church, in Oberlin. 66 HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. L. L. Rice was a veteran editor of forty-two years' experience when he edited tlie Neivx. had been private secretary of (Jovernor (Jhase, and was since for twelve years superintendent of i)ublic jirintino' in Cohindms. ][e now resides in Oberlin, veneral)le in years, and resj)ected by all who know him. Ell)ert-W. Clark resides in I'ainesviile, and is the ])ul)lislicr of the I'ainesviile Advertiser. Prof. (!. n. Clhurchill still occupies a chair in Olicr- lin College, where he is regarded as an able educator. E. P. ]5rown is now manager of the "Aiken News- paper Ilnioji," in Cincinnati. Richard Butler is jiublishcr of flic f'liuton (Illinois) Puhlic. Justus N. Brown is ])astor of the ('(uigregational Church in CHiarlotte, Michigan. J. H. Lang is an attorney at law, residing at Oberlin. Geo. B. Pratt for a time published the Huron County Chronicle, and is now jniblisher of the Cazette, in Menasha, Wisconsin. Most of the remaining proprietors of the News. reside in Oberlin, engaged in various pursuits. The News was first printed upon an Adams book- press, which was purchased by .J. M. Fitch, in 1848, and was used for printing the Evangelist and other papers, also, several books, including the fii'st edition of "President Finney's Theology." In 18(iH, a Campbell cylinder press, the first cylinder ])ress in the county, was purchased, and run by hand uj) to 1871, when a steam engine, also the first in the county used for printing purposes, was attached by J. N. Brown. In -lanuary, 1874, Pratt & Battle dit- posed of the Campbell press, and procured a large and expensive Potter press, which, in Fcl)ruary, 1878, was sold by Webster & Pearce, and a country Potter cylinder jjress procured, which is now in use in the News office. THE STANDARi:) OF THE CROSS. This was a small sized quarto, published weekly, the first number of which was issued in Oberlin, in August, 1868. Rev. W. C. French, U.D., was its editor and ])idjlisher. It was the successor of the Uanibier Obserrer, (afterwards called the Western Episcopalian,) which was estaldished in (iambier, Ohio, in 18.'?0, as the representative of the I'rotestant Episcopal church in ()liier vas enlarged to sixteen pages, and its subscription in- creased to $1.75 per year. For the jiast two years, it has been self-sustaining, having a circulation of nearly six hundred coj)ies. TUEOItEliMNT GAZETTE. The first, number of The Oherlin (lazellc was issued December 7. 1876, by A. P. Wildman and E. M. Brice. It was a seven column folio, all home j)rint, for the first seven months, and its terms wei'c $1 ]ier annum. On the I'.Uli of .July, 1876, Mr. Wildman ])urchascd Mr. Brieve's interest, j)rocured his jiaper with outside jjages ready jirinted, in Clevelaiul, and continued its publication until .June 6, 1878, wdicii he sidd it to W. W. WoodrufP, under whose direction it is still published on the co-o])erative plan. Both A. R. Wildham and E. M. Brice are j)ractieal jirinters, of much experiiMice, and an honor to Ihe craft. The latter is now editor and pi'o])rietor of the Blue Rapids (Kansas) Times. Mr. Woodruff is a novice in the art of printing. The (fazette is con- sidered independent in politics, though with strong republican i)ro(divities. During Ihe iani|iaign of 1878, its editor mainly supj)orted the jiioliibition ticket. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 67 THE PRESS IN WELLINGTON. T)IE WELLINGTON JOUKNAL. The first newsjiaper printed in Wellington was issued March 11, 185:i, and called The WclUnfiton .foitriinL (fcorge Brewster was its editor and L. S. (iriswiilil, associate editor. Its first proprietorship (Miiiiot l>e ascertained, but on the 35th of the same iiiiiiith Jonathan D. Baker purchased an interest in (he office and became its printer. April 23d of the liwma year Cieorge Brewster withdrew from the paper, tiikiiig the position of corresponding editor. On the •i'M\\ of April the title of the paper was changed to Jiiurnal and Free Democrat, but on the 23d of July its original title was restored. At this date J. S. Reed aud E. Boice became its proprietors and George BrL^vstor its editor. Mr. Brewster retained his con- ncctidu with tlic ii:t[ior for about one year, and for a time li. S. CJriswold edited it. Henry T. Culver, J. W. Hill, C. F. Brewster and T. Burus res[iectively succeeded each other as printer. The paper failed to sustain the cost of its publication, and was discon- tinued after about two years, but the precise date can- not be ascertained. THE WELLIXCJTON ENTERPRISE. In the summer of 1865, James A. (Juthrie of Dela- ware, Ohio, removed to Wellington and commenced tiie i)ublication of The, WelUiKjIon Uufcrprise. The first issue was dated Sei)teniber 25, 1865. It was a tiibo, printed on a sheet 25^x38 inches, and its terms were *3.00 a year. On March 1, 1860, Mr. Guthrie sold the paper to Jolin C. Artz, who reduced the size to seven columns, and the price to 11.50. On the IStii of September, 1867, the j)aper was enlarged, and its outside pages were furnished on the co-opei'ative ])liin. Mr. Artz remained its editor and proi)rietor until Octoljer 1, 1876, wiien he sold the office to Dr. J. W. Ilougiiton and D. A. Sniitli. Dr. Houghton and ]}is wife, Mary 11., Iiecanie its editors, and Mr. Smith, being a pi'actical jirinter, took chai'ge of the mechanical dejiartment. The size of the paper was inci'cascd to a. slieet 26x40 inches, with co-operative outside l)ages, bnt its price remains at 11.50. On the 15th of December, 1877, Mr. Houghton purchased his partner's interest, and is now its sole projirietor. Mr. and Mrs. Houghton were novices in newspaper Work when they assumed the cliai-ge of the Enterprise, but their industry and painstaking have placed it on a substantial basis. It has always supported the repub- lican party, and its column reflect the well-known characteristics of its editors — fairness in discussing dis]uited (|uestions, and })rogress in all the reforms of the day. THE P1!P]SS IN LORAIN. BLACK RIVER COMMERCIAL. Tlie first numl)er of this jjaper was issued May 8, 1873, by II. A. Fisher, at Black River, now Lorain. It was a five-column quarto; terms, #1.50 a year. On the 3d of July, 1873, its form was changed to an eight-column folio; and on the I8th of September, it was reduced in size to six columns. On the 8th of January, 1874, it was restored to an eight-column folio, with patent outside pages, and ou the 9th of the following May, its size was increased toliine col- umns, and thus remained until it was discontinued, September 12, 1874, for want of adequate sujjjjort. At that date, the material was removed to Elyria by Mr. Fisher, who commenced the publication of a new paper, called the Eljiria RepuMican. THE LORAIN MONITOR. A small flvc-colunm folio, called the Lorain Afoni- liir, has recently been issued in Lorain by Lawler & Brady, with j>atent outside pages. Its history is yet to be written. THE PRESS IN AMHERST. THE AMHERST FREE I'RESS. This paper was issued July 31, 1875, in North Amherst, by F. M. Lewis, editor and proprietor. It was a six-column folio, patent outside pages, iiule- pendent in politics, and its terms were $1.50 a year. After three weeks, Mr. J. K. Lewis became associated with his brother in its publication, and continued until July 22, 1876, when he withdrew, and C. II. Lewis took his place in the firm. On the 18tli of August, 1877, F. M. Lewis again took sole charge of the i)aper. On the 37th of November, following, its ])rice was reduced to $1.25 a year, and its size was increased to seven columns. It is chiefly devoted to local interests, and its publication is continued by Mr. Lewis as editor and ])roprietor. In concluding the history of the press in Lorain county, the writer acknowledges the obligations he is under to various persons who have aided him in ob- taining the desired information, and especially to President J. H. Fairchild. and AV. II. Pearce, editor of the Newx, who have kindly furnished most of the data'relating to the twelve different publications in Oberlin. SUMMARY. From the foregoing, it will be seen that there have been thirty-three different publications issued in this county during the past fifty years, viz: Sixteen in Elyria, twelve in Oberlin, two in Wellington, two in Lorain, and one in Amherst. At this time, there are seven weekly papers and one semi-monthly published in the county, viz: Two in Elyria, two weeklies and one semi-monthly in Oberlin, one in Wellington, and one in Lorain. 68 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. CHAPTER XIV. LOEAIN AGHICULTURAL SOCIETY.* The present " Loruiu County AgrieiiKiinil Society" was orgiuiized in (he year 184G. Previous to this time shows for stock, etc.. had l)cen hekl in Elyria and Oberlin. As early as 18i)3 a stociv show was iiehl east of tlie Heche House, on the site of Ely park. At this show sixty dollars was award(Ml as preniinni upon cat- tle, horses and articles of various kinds. How many of these exhibitions were held previous fo the organi- zation of the [iresent society, the writer cannot ascer- tain. Thei'c must have been several. In October, 1845, a show was held in Oberlin, and il appears by President Kinney's report, that there had been ])rc- vious meetings of a like nature. This organization seems to have been carried on Ijy the citizens of Ober- lin and its vicinity, and Mr. Kinney's rejjort refers to the assistance given by the presiilent and professors of Olierlin college. At this meeting a jilowing match was hekl, cattle and other stock competing for pre- miums. The chairman of committee on plowing was Prof. Cowles. The names of the other committees are before me, but no report of their awards. The report was to appear the following week — so says Tltc Peoples Pre.sx, October 1, 184.5. In the evening at half-past six o'clock a meeting was held in tlie chapel, and short speeches were delivered liy several gentle- men, among them Dr. Townshend, President Jlahan, Prof. Fairchild (now i)resident), and Prof. Cowles. Songs had been prepared by Tutor Hodge, and the music was pronounced excellent. Whatever had been done by Elyria or Oherlin j)re- vious to 1S4G, no doubt partially j)aved the way for the organization formed under the act of the legisla- ture for the encouragement of agriinilture, February ■i7, 184(i. Dr. N. 8. Townshend. then of Elyria, now professor of agriculture, etc., in "The Ohio State University," probably did more to get farmers and others togethei' and organize a meeting which eventu- ally resulted in the formation of the present society, than any other individual. The proceedings of the agricultural meeting held at Elyria, Lorain county, Ohio, on Wednesday, April 'M, 184(), aiv reported as follows: On motiim of Dr. E. W. Hubbard, the Hon. .1. Harris was called to the chair, aud N. S. Townshend appointed secretary. On motion of .V. H. Reersons wishing to become members of the society. * By R. Baker. The following geritlemen were chosen: Amherst — H. Brownell and J. C. Hrj-ant; Avon— Uriah Thompson, Elah Park; Black River— C. Read, Sanmel Stocking; Brighton—Hosea Dunbar, P. S. Goss; Brownhelm— C. L. Perry, Jolin Curtis; Camden — Hiram Allen, Gideon Waugh; Carli.sle-R. (Hbbs, C. Primlle; Columbia-S. Reed, B. B, Adams; Eaton — James Firlas. O. Sperry ; Elyi-ia— D. Nesbitt, Festus Cooley, Jr. ; Graf- ton — A. S. Root. Thos. Inglesoll; Henrietta— Hervey Leonard, Levi Vincent; Huntington— Henry Ti-acey, H. P. Sage; La Grange— N. P. Johnstiii, H. Hubbard; Penfield— Wni. .\ndrews, Lewis Starr; Pitisheld — P. McKoberts, E. Ulatchem; Ridgeville— t^tis Beggs, L. Beelie; Roches- ter—John Conant, M. L. Blair; Russia— H. C. Taylor, Dr. Dascotub; Sheffleld-VVm. Day, Win. H. Root; Wellinglon— Harvey Grant, J Wadswoi th. On motion, the above committees were instructed to make all possible exertion, immediately, and report in person or by letter at the tirst meeting of the board of directors. It was voted that the board of directors meet at the court house, in Elyria, on W^ednesday, the i;ith of May, at 11 o'clock a. m.. to determine the sulijectsand rates of premiums, ami transact such other business as may be necessary. Adjourned .-iint' die. JosiAH Harris, ChiHrman. N. S. Townshend, Secretari/. Proceedings of the meeting of ho;i]-d df diieclors of the Lorain county agricultural si>ciety. May lo, 184(): Rraolved, That this society have an exhibition and fair at Elyria, on Wednesday, September 30, lS4i;. Resolved, That preniiuns he awarrled upon the following articles; The several amounts to be determined at the ne.xt meeting of the board, when the amount of funds at the control of the society shall he ascer- tained. Committees appi>inted to examine farms .and crops: tit orge Sibley. P. McRoherts, Harry Terrell, E. Sanderson. Resolved, The ladies of this county be invited to manufacture useful articles, to be donated to this society, and that they hold a fair in the afternoon and evening of the day of the exhibition, and that all citizens be requested to bring choice specimens of fruit and flowers, manufac- tured articles, and he offered for sale at the ladies" fair, for tlie benefit of the society. Adjourned, to meet at E!yri;t, on .Moinbiy. August- ;S, 1840. F. Swift. J 'resident. A. H. Redington, Svcrclitrii. Owing to harvesting time of the year, there was not any meeting on August li. According to previous notice, meeting at Olierlin. on Tuesday, August 20, 184'i. At this meeting, a long list of committee men were a|i|niinted. It was also decided, to offer premium for hcnls of cattk', not less tluin tifteeii he;iers of society liold at Elyria, Felniiary 7. l!~i5f;. We have not S])ace to give it as revised. The eleveiitii auinial fair was held Octoljer 7th, !Sth and 9th, 1856. This was a full show, and nearly every i>reniiuni offered v/as competed for. Alonzo (iastoii took first on best cultivated farm; Pitt W. Hall, second; I). 1'.. Kinney, third. Prin- cipal exhil)itors in short-horns and Jlerefords, Louis & Wooltoii, Iloyle, Redington. jMills and Wadsworth. In Kevoiis, C. A. Ely, Matchem, Hamlin and Rhodes. Horses, DeWitt, Howe, Nichols, Webster, Vincent, Panybow, .Smith; C. A. Ely, matched horses. The twelfth annual fair was held October (5, 7, and 8, 1857. This fair was peculiar for the arrangement of the cattle classes. First class included Short- Ilorns. Devons, Ilerefords, Alderneys, and Ayrsliires, with three premiums to each age, from three years and upwards, down to a calf. In sweepstakes, there were also three premiums, as in the regular class, a thing unprecedented — -there being the second committee; and it was amusing, to see the same animals come m competition, and witness many of the previous awards reversed. T'here was a large amount of grumbling by some of the exhibitors. The show of cattle was poor, and there were a few well bred animals. The com- mittee ou sweepstakes was A. Bsebe, Sr., R. Baker, and C. Wheeler. The award oh bulls: A. Reding- ton's Gov. Morrow, 543, first; 0. A. Ely's Duke of Devon, second; S. C. Hoyle's, third, the Duke being third in class, and a Hereford second, Heding- ton's first. The cows 373 and over, were good. This classification was quite unsatisfactory to stock men, generally, and w.is never rejieated thereafter. The hidies' horsemanship resulted in Miss C. Wooster taking the first premium, Miss Mary Darling, the second, and Mrs. S. Morehouse, the third. At the annual meeting, October 8, 18.57, ofiiccrs elected : Edwin Byington, president; A. H. Redington, vice-president; Wm. H. Root, secretary and treasurer; H. E. Peck, corresponding secretary. The thirteenth annual fair was held October 5, 0, and 7, 1858. The premium list had been extended, and every department full; the attendance large, and receipts gooiL Grounds had become too small to accommodate so large agathering. This year an addi- tion was made to the short horn cattle, R. Baker having purchased the bull Gen. Havelock, 2900, and three females, all "herd book jieiligrees," and Dr. N. S. Townshend had, also, purchased several animals of the same bree. Gates a committee to fit up the grounds, and that a sunt not exceeding two hundred and seventy-five dollars he appropi-iated for that purpose. The eighteenth annual fair was held October (i to 9, 1803, The show was excellent; horses, calitle and .sheep very numerous; a large attendance of visitors. The last day was fixed for the extra trotting and all kinds of amusements, which had first been intro- duced in ISiil, by 1). A. Stocking. This arrangement was not luuinimously desireil, and was attended with considerable discussion; hut it was decided to sive the day to the j)nrposo of amusing a certain class — contrary, I think, to the objects for which county asjricultural societies were or,. P>;iker, the following resolution was atlopteil, to wit: Iie:it>lvi'tl, ^Tliat the Lorain county agricultural society hold a meeting on the second Monday in l)ecember of each year, to decide on premi- ums for tield crops, and to (romplete any uuninshed business relating to the previous fair. Also, on niolion of !!. Baker, the following resolu- tion /cds itildjilril : Hesoli-ed, That the Lorain I'ounty agricultural society publish an annual report, in pamphlet form, of tlie proceedings of said society. The nineteenth iiniuuil lair w;ts held October 4, .5, and 7. The regiihir :inntial niei'ting was held .l:tnn;i]-y 11, 1865, wluui the following otlicers were elected: D, A. stocking, president; T. S. Metcalf, vice president ; and Mozart Gallup, secretary and treasurer. On moti )f J{. l^iiker, it was Resolved, That the constitutioa be so amended as to fix the price of membership at one dollar and tifty cents for each member annual]}'. The annual fair Wius held October 3, 4 and o. The annual meeting for theelecti(Hi of officers, etc., was held January 27, 1800. This being a meeting at which action must be taken with regard to a regula- tion of the State board of agriculture, viz: "That county societies shall fix the time for holding the annoal meeling sometime in .January, and then keep to such time; and also shall decide on the number of persons they with to constitute a board of directors — the number not to be less than eight intlividuals, and as many more as the society may wish.*' This, with other iinport;int business, sh;ill he given as recorded. 'I'he election resulted as follows: President, D. A. Stocking; vice-president. Joseph Swift, .Jr ; secretary and treasurer, T. S. Metcalf. Oil moti(ui of Mr. Swift, it was Resulted, That the board of managers of the society shall consist of eight members, to conform to the rules of the State board, and that we proceed to elect thes.inie by i.allot; and those elected, cast lots for the longer or shorter term. The result was as follows, after casting lots, viz; Parks Foster, W'm. A. Braman, R. Baker and L. F. Parkes. one year; Joshua Worcester, Bradford Race, T. S. Metcalf and M. H. Cunningham, two years. A resolution passed instructing the president to appoint a committee of three, to proceed to Wellington and confer with the Union agricul- tural society, at their aimual meeting, to ascertain whether they have any desire to unite with the county society, and report to the board forthwith. The chair apiiointed on said committee, Messrs. Parks Foster, T. S. Metcalf and R. Baker. Mr. Baker offered a series of resolutions, which were unanimously adopted by the society, which were in writing, as follows: 1. Resolved, That the Lorain county agricultural society take steps to purchase land for fair grounds, and that as near the county seat as practicable. 2. Resolved, That so soon as the board of managers can select a proper site, the}* are authorized to puix^hase not less than fifteen acres of land, to be deeded to the society for the u.se of .said society. 3. Resolved, That the President appoint one or more members in each township of the count}', to solicit subscriptions in the several town- ships, and report on the first Saturday in .-Vpril, ISIJIi. 4. Resolved, That the president request the county conmussioners (to the full extent of the power vested in them) to appropriate of the county funds toward pm-cliasiug and fitting up proper grounds for the use of our county agricultural society, and that he report on the first Saturday in April, IStJtJ. Laiivl for fair grounds w;is finally jmrchased of Ilenuin Ely in ISOT, being lots one hiiiidreil and twelve and one hundred and thirteen west of river, being eighteen and tive-hundredths acres of land, at one hundred and fifty dollars per acre. A cash pay- ment of five hundreil dolhirs was m;iile. Election of officers resulted as follows: President, Win. A. Braman; vice-president, J. Swift, Jr. Voted, that the society employ an agent to solicit subscriptions. Mr. J. H. Boynton was appointed such agent. .\t this meeting it was again voted, that the coniniissioners be requested to api)ropriate funds to the equal ;inioiint raised by the soeiety. K. Baker i>ffered the following resolution, wliich u'(t)< dixrussed inifl adapted: " WHERE.4S, Many of the members of the Lorain county agricultural society are opposed to the admission of side shows, etc.: ^•Resolved, That we will not admit to the fair grouiuis any side shows, swings, auctions, or intoxi.-ating drinks, during the days of the annual exhibitions." Adjourned .linp die. T. S. Metcalf, Sccretanj. HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 73 January 20, 1S6T, the new board was organized, and elected T. S. Metcalf secretary and treasurer for the ensuing year. It was decided to remove the build- ings from the old fair grounds to the new grounds immediately. The buildings were taken down early in the week and a "Bee" called on Saturday, and the old buildings were moved across the river. At this meeting it was (Cor the first time) voted, that the secretary and treasurer be paid for his services the past year. Bids for furnishing lumber for the fair grounds were opened at a meeting of board held February IG, 18()7. The l)ids varied from eighteen dollars per thou- sand to twenty-three dollars per tliousand. The board decided to have oak posts and pine boards for fences. Hiram Woodward furnished a part of oak posts at eighteen dollars per thousand. The grounds were graded, and the " trotting ring " constructed, under the superintendence of D. A. Stocking. During the summer, wells were dug, the fence and suitable buildings, offices, and stalls for horses and cattle, pens for sheep and swine were all fixed up and put in good shape at a cost of 13,928. !)6. Wm. A. Braman, who was the president of the society, deserves the good wishes and gratifications of the society for his indefatigable labors during this sum- mer, in superintending the arrangement, and fitting up these new grounds, which were presented to the public, at the exhibition, in a shape not only satisfactory to the exhibitors and the society, but an ornament to Lorain county. All visitors pronounced this, the twenty-second, the best exhibition and the largest fair ever held by the society, up to this date. The public were well pleased, and expressed them- selves satisfied with the new grounds, and especially for their proximity to the village. The new bridge having been erected during the summer, made the transit from the city to the grounds all tiiat could be d sired. At annual meeting, held .January 35, 1868, Wm. A. Braman was elected president; J. Swift, Jr., vice-president; T. S. Metcalf, secretary and treasurer. During this year, additional ex])ense was incurred by rounding off corners of track, and in putting n\) a large dining hall, at a cost of $1,017.48. The twenty-third annual fair was held September 15, 10, 17 and 18, 1868. The exhibition was success- ful in every department. At the annual meeting, January .30, 1869, the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: President, Wm. A. Braman; vice-president, J. Swift, Jr.; secretary and treasurer, C. W. Jolinston. The twenty-fourth annual fair was held October 5, 0, 7 and 8. The first :ind second days were rainy and cold. The morning of the third was bright and clear, and the grounds were packed with visitors, and an immense crowd on the last day made the fair finan- cially a success. 10 At the annual meeting, January 29, 1870, the following officers were elected: President, Wm. A. Braman; vice-president, Chas. S. Mills; secre- tary and treasurer, C. W. Johnston. In August of this year, an excursion to Put-in-Bay Island was enjoyed by the society. A special train on the L. S. road conveyed passengers to Vermillion, where the party embarked on the steamer " Reindeer." A very pleasant time was had. The annual fair (twenty-fifth) was fixed for October, but the Northern Ohio fair association being organized, they fixed to hold their fair on our days. The Lorain county fair was changed to September 20 and follow- ing days. In August of this year, the society allowed their grounds to be used for a horse or trotting fair. Many attended this that were not disjiosed to turn out again at the September fair. This, with the novelty and excitement of attending the large fair to be held at Cleveland in October, greatly influenced the peoi)le against attending our county fair. Tlie show was never better, but visitors 7.ot so numerous as at the two previous fairs. At the annual meeting, held .Tanuary 28, 1871, the following officers, for the ensuing year, were elected: Chas. S. Mills, president; R. Baker, vice-president; George P. Metcalf, secretary; C. W. Johnston, treasurer. This year, a new "floral hall" was erected, at a cost of twelve hundred dollars. This was greatly needed, there not being room in the old hall; neither was it fitted up in proper shape for ladies to arrange and display their handiwork to the best advantage. This year an other excursion was made to the island, the boats "Fieris" and "Gen. Grant "being char- tered for the i)ur])ose. This was an enjoyable and profitable undertaking. All passed off in good order, and there were realized for the treasury, three hun- dred and twenty dollars. The twenty-sixth annual fair came off September 19, 30, 31, and 23. More entries than at any other fair heretofore. Attendance quite large. Premiums actually paid this year, fifteen hundred dollars. It cannot be maintained that, the Northern Ohio fair lessened the attendance at Lorain county fair. Never in the history of our society, did all pai-ties seem so harmonious and enthusiastic, as at this fair. The new hall, with the well arranged, and equally well manufactured articles, from domestic, ornamental, floral and fine arts, made a display that had never been equalled in the history of the Lorain county agricultural'society. The hall was crowded all the time. Expressions of delight wei-e continually heard, and the board of directors wei'e very grateful for the helping hand of the ladies of Elyria, and the county, who made their display so attractive, which gave a finish to the exhibition, which its predecessors never had. It had been a subject of considerable talk: "Why cannot the agricultural society do something more than hold its fair, and meet once a year, to elect 74 HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. officers?" a question always timely, and very import- ant. At a meeting, lield January 27, 1873, R. Baker (who had previously read an address) moved a resolu- tion, which was unanimously adopted: "Tliat, horeafter, the rule of the Lorain county agricultural society, at the annual meetiuss, shall be to meet at ten o'clock a. m. That, after the reading of the secretary and treasurer's reports, short papers and addresses, on matters pertaining to the society, shall be in order. That the ;eIection of officers shall take place at 1 o'clock p. m , after which, discussion shall be resumed , " The election of officers resulted as follows: Clias. S. Mills, president; R. Baker, vice-president. On motion of ex-president Gates, it was voted that the board call on the commissioners of the county, and again request them to make an appropriation I'rniu the county funds, to relieve the society of its indebtedness. In support of this resolution, Col. Gates made quite an e.\tended speech. On motion, his speech was ordered printed. The board met and aijjwinted Geo. P. Metcalf, secretary; and C. W. Johnston, treasurer. Mr. .lohn- ston refused to serve, and Jay Terrell was appointed treasiu'er for the ensuing year. March 4, 1873, the Itoard met, and a resolution was ailojited, asking the following persons to act as a com- mittee to solicit donations of money, to be applicil toward liquidating the present indebtedness of said society. The conditions upon which said subscribers are to pay their subscrijttions, are: that the committee secure, pledged for said purposes, the sum of 13000.00. The men selected for the several townships, com- menced the work, headed by J. 11. Boynton, Esf|., who himself subscribed seventy-five dollars, he being assigned Elyria and Oberlin. The amount, by the next annual meeting, was nearly all promised, but the fire in March, 18G3, destroyed the lists, with books, and other documents, of the society; after which, the persons who had subscribed, and promised to advance the ca.sh as soon as the two thousand dollars were all promised, could never be prevailed upon to come forward and pay the various sums. Had they done this, the debt would have been lifted in 18G3. The third annual picnic and excursion was held at the opening of the T. C. V. liailroad. Three steam- ers were chartered for the occasion, viz: the "Evening Star," "Ferris," and "Sarah Van Epps." All were ready to t;'.ke on jiasseugers at the mouth of Black river, before and on the arrival of the train from tiie south. Quite a number went from Elyria and vicin- ity, but the crowd by railroad was immense. The "I'erris" was ordered to touch at Vermillion, to take on one hundred and thirty ])a.ssengers, but she neglected to enter, and the "Star" having a full load could not. Consequently, the "Van Epps" l)eiug the last to set off, and I'l'esideiit Mills being aboard of her, it was decided I'lir her to call at V'enniJiion, for wliicli the captain deniMuded extra ])ay, she not l)eing chartered to enter llijt port. The two former boats made good heading and landed the pas.sengers in good time, but the "Van Epps," was away back many miles. After spending an enjoyable time on the island — though the pleasui-e of many was greatly marred by the non- arrival of the other boat, — the two boats left in due season. Being witli tlie comnumder of the "Even- ing Star" he called my attention to a boat just going into port on the nortli side of the island, which he claimed was the "Saridi Van Epps." They landed, and commenced the return. None of the passengers happened to die of old age, but they did not get to Black River till nearly two o'clock, a. m., of next day. This was hard on those who had to stay over at Black River. The train could not go without the Ijalance of her passengers. Tjiis made confusion, and spoiled the day's enjoyment. The "Van Epps" was a poor sailor, and worse yet, it was proved afterwards, that she was unseaworthy at the time. This was kept back from our excellent secretary, who chartered her at the eleventh hour. Notwithstanding, the society gained eight hundred and eighty-four dollars by tiie excursion. The twenty-seventh annual fair was held Septemlier 17, 18, 19, and 30. The entries were full, bnt the second and third days, rain was falling incessantly. The grounds were miserable. The board, on the tliird day, decided to hold open on the fifth day. The fourth day opened fine, and continued all through the two days. A large attendance each day, so that the society was saved from loss. The annual meeting was held January 35, 1873, at ten o'clock, a. in. After treasurer's report. President Mills made his annual address. Papers and discussion byR. Baker, N. B. Gates, L. M. Pounds, William A. Braman, D. A. Stocking, and W. W. Aldrit'h. Ad- journed to H, p. m., when a ])apcr was read by II. II. Pojipleton, and further discussiDii. The election resulted as follows: R. Baker, president; L. M. Pounds, vice president. The board imme- diately on adjonrnment of society, met and appointed T. S. Metcalf, secretary, and J. C. Hill, treasurer. At a subsequent meeting it was voted to Inive ;i 2)icnic on the fair grounds, on the fourth of July, horse trot, exhibition of new fire engine and a speech from Governor Noyes, or Prof. Monroe. Tiie latter gave the address at the appointed time, which -vvas listened to by a large number of j)ersons. All were greatly pleased, and expressed satisfaction. On August 30, the annual excursion on the lake and iiicnic at river came off. The fine steamer ' 'Nort ii- west" was chartered. The trip on the lake was en- joyed by all; but this large boat was too costly. ;ind the receipts did not meet expenses. The annual fair was held September in to 10. The early part of the season was very dry; grass sutferecl by grassho]ipers being so numerous: fruits mostly .-i failure, so that some departments of tlie exliiliition were not ei[ua! to some previous years. But the dis- play was fair. The receii)ts at this fiiir exceeded aii\ previous one. the total being two thousand four liuii- dred and ten dolhirs and twenty-six cents; about se\en hundretl dollars cleared from the fair proper. .ta HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 75 At the aimuiil meeting lielil Jiimiary 31, the presi- dent gave liis annual address, secretary and treasurer their rejiiirts; also other addresses and discussion fol- lowed. It was also voted, to hold the annual fairs for the future but three days instead of four days. Election of ofilcei-s, the rules being suspended, to elect by ballot. R. Baker was uuaniniously elected president for the ensuing year; also L. M. Pounds, vice-president, in like manner. The new board organized by appointing J. C. Hill, treasurer, and E. G. Johnson, secretary. An arrangement was made for an excursion to the coal fields, which came off August 21. The profits of tJiis excursion amounted to one hundred and ninety- nine dollars and sixtj'-three cents in cash, also a great amount of pleasure. The twenty-ninth annual fair was held September 30 to October 2. The fair was well attended, and the exJiibition hardly up to the average of the two or three previous years. The total receijits from fair was two thousand two hundred and eight3'-oue dollars. The annual meeting was held in the town hall, Elyria, .January 30th, 1875. Secretary and treasurer's ivi>i.irts; jiresideut's annual address; essays by T. S. Metealf, Win. A. Braman; address by Prof. N. S. Townshend, of the '' Ohio State University," and discussion by several others. D. A. Stocking con- demned the prartice of trotting Itorses for money, claiming that the money could be put to a better ad- vantage by offering larger premiums on cattle and horses for all purposes. This gratified and greatly amiLsed the convention, that the veteran horseman should give such good and sound advice, and, if acted ujion, would bring our society to a position which would better meet the reipiirements of the act pro- viding for the organization of county agricultural societies. The election resulted, as follows: Wm. A. Braman, president; and N. B. Gates, vice-president; J. C. Hill, treasurer; and E. G. Johnson, treasurer. This year an excursion to Niagara Falls was made August loth. This was gotten up at considerable expense. Arrangement was made to accommodate all by starting cars from Wellington, V^ermillion and Norwalk. When the train left Cleveland there was a respectable party. The train was conducted by one of the most experienced of the Lake Shore's able con- ductors, and wc arrived at the falls nearly on time. The party had nearly six hours to view the falls from the different points. President Braman had previously been to Niagara and procured tickets at the lowest prices, and made every arrangement as favorable for the excursionists as possible. Never was greater enthusiasm manifested by any party than by the Lorain visitors. The day was fine and all that could be wished. The clear profits were upwards of one thousand dollars. Though a large crowd took advantage of this triji, others were sorry they did not go; and a second trip was had, which proved very enjoyalile to those who went, though not many dol- lars were added to the treasury; but, as no loss was sustained, all passed oil pleasantly. The society being so deeply in debt, the excursion was very beneficial and created a determination to lift the debt as soon as possible. Consequently it was not to be wondered at that the zeal so manifest over the trip to Niagara should be continued to make the fair next year a great success. Every department was full and some over- flowing. A larger crowd visited the grounds than had in any previous year in the history of the society. Old and young of both sexes were thoroughly aroused to make such a display as should be a credit to old Lorain. Consequently the reccijits were ahead of any other fair, being two thousand four hundred and sixty-eight dollars and seventy-three cents. This was fifty-eight dollars more than in 1873. Taking this year all in all, so far as the finances are concerned, it was the greatest success the Lorain county agricultural society had ever witnessed. But before another year was to be entered ui)ou, our much respected and effi- cient president was to suffer a long and painful illness — brought even to death's door. All who knew him, as did the agricultural board, j)assed many anx- ious days, almost hojiing against hojje. But the good Providence saw fit to restore him, and, as we gathered at the annual meeting of 187(i, our society and his many friends had bright hopes of his sjieedy recovery. On that 39th day of January, 1876, W. A. Braman, though confined to his room and scarcely out of danger, was unanimously, for the sixth time, elected president for the ensuing year, and N. B. Gates vice-president. At this meeting Vice-Presi- dent Gates presided and made the annual address. Papers were read by R. Baker, D. A. Stocking, and discussed by several others. A resolution was also adopted, to i)resent President Braman with a suitable gold watch and chain, as a token of respect and appreciation of his services to the society, and for his indefatigable exertions during the past successful year, which was accordingly done. This being centennial year, it was decided to hold a celebration (ui the fair grounds on July the -Ith. The board decided to erect a "log cabin" on the grounds on that day — members of the society having been requested to send in a log each, and be on hand at an early hour, to erect the building. The logs were on hand, and the building commenced, but a regular deluge set in early in the day, and jare vented its completion. Every possible arrangement was made to .secure a day of jJeasure and profit for the multi- tude. A large procession was formed, and paraded the streets of Elyria. Almost every trade in the county was represented, and manufacturing going on, while the procession was marching, the rain coming down all the time, and greatly marring the proceedings. In the afternoon, Hon. W. W. Boynton read a care- fully prepared address, being the early history of Lorain coiintv. The .Judge delivered it in his easy and happy style; a large concourse of people were attentive listeners, all exjiressing themselves as highly gratified, and gave the Judge a i-ousing vote of thanks for his able production. Fortunately, the rain ceased previous to the address, but the inclement weather prevented the carrying out of the full programme. 76 HISTOKY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. The unfinished cabin was finished at an early day — a residence being greatly needed for tlic Iveeper of the grounds. Tliis cabin adds to the vaUie of the j)roperty, it being a substantial building, made very comfortable for a family. Mr. S. Rawson, a faithful overseer of the grounds, occupies the house. The fair of this centennial year was not expected to compare favorably with that of 1875, so many having given tlieir time in attending the exhiljitiou at Philadelj)hia, could not afford to give attention to the Lorain exhibition as they otherwise would have done. Several, who generally exhibited largely, were at the centennial during our fair. The receipts were upwards of two thousand dollars, though not quite sufficient to cover all the expenses of the year, includ- ing those of the fourth of July. Quite an amount was incurred in fitting up the cabin, viz: two hundred and twenty dollars. The value of the house was five hundred dollars at least. At the annual meeting, .January 21, 1877, President Braman gave the annual address; secretary and treas- urer's reports, followed. Papers were read by N. L. Cotton, N. B. Gates and K. Baker; discussed l>y others. C. S. Blills was elected president; B. Race, vice president; and E. G. Jolmson, secretaiy and treasurer. The society of this year gave another excursion to Niagara Falls, August 21, which passed off satisfacto- rily to all jjarties. Upwards of three hundred and fifty dollars were added to the treasury. These excur- sions have been a great help in reducing the society's indebtedness. Three years ago tiie amount of debts was three thousand tliree hundred dtdlars, which is now reduced to seven hundred and fifty dollars. The thirty-second annual fair was held September 19, 20 and 21. The show was scarcely up to those of a few years past, though ((uite creditable; the receipts were two thousand two InUidrt^d and twenty dollars. The iM'emiums paid amounted to one thousand one hundred and thirty-nine dollars, leaving a good bal- ance in the treasury. The annual meeting of 1878 was held January 2(J, President Mills in the chair. The secretary and treasurer gave his report. The president delivered the annual address. N. L. Cotton i-ead a paper on "winter care of stock;" N. B. Gates, on "what I know about farming;" and R. Baker, on " the best breed of cattle for Lorain county." Some discussion followed. A motion was made by R. Baker that a report of the transactions of the Lorain county agri- cultural society be ]iublished annually, in pamphlet form. After considerable discussion, the motion was laid on the table for one year. The election of officers resulted in re-electing (;. S. Mills, president; Bradford Race, vice-president; and E, G. Johnson, secretary and treasurer. August 20, an excursion to Niagara Falls, resulted in adding two hundred and two dollars to the treasury of the society. The thirty-third annual fair was held October 1, 2, and 3. Every dei)artment of stock, products, and mechanic arts was well filled. Vegetables and apples made a splendid show, being, not only very numer- ous, but of largo size and excellent quality. Tiie 1 idics' departments, in floral hall, were well filled uj) with useful and ornamental articles, fine arts, etc. Miss Wasldnirne, the assistant superintendent, showed her skill, in arranging the articles so tiistefully. The hall was crowded each day with the ladies, who were unwilling to leave the building until they had ex- amined every article. The decorations made liy the young ladies, jirevious to tJie exhibition, were highly appreciated by the visitors. The receipts at this fair amounted to two thousand, two hundred and thirty-six dollars. It was ((uite clear to the board of directors that, ere the annual meeting of 1879, the society would be free from this long and heavy bur- den of indebtedness. A plan was suggested, to ask all favorable to the association, to subscribe one dcillar. This was done, and more than was sufficient for the })urpose was raised, leaving, at the aniuuil meeting of the l)oard, December 28, 1878, a cash balance, in the hands of the treasurer, of fifty dollars and twenty- five cents. Some further receipts and payments since that date, leave the account, at this day, January 26, 1879, viz: twenty-four dollars and twenty-five cents in the treasury. At the thirty-fourih annual meeting, held .January 2G, 1879, the secretary and treasurer presented his report. President Mills read his annual address, which contains a list of jiayments, made on land con- tracts, frjm the purchase, in 1867, up to taking pos- session of the deed. The address of President Mills gave the greatest satisfaction. After the president's address, a discussion followed. The election of officers resulted in the choice of C. S. Mills, president; John W. Hart, vice president; directors for two years. Freeman Parmely, H. Moores. Ed. Hanoe, and William W. Pen- field ; for one year, (per J. W. Hart, vice president) H. M. Axttll, Those holding over, S. B. Dudley, R. Baker, and H. E. Corning. The present board appointed E. G. Jolmson, secretary and treasurer for the ensuing year. After the election, papers were read by R. Baker on "the necessity of a better system of husbandry;" William A. Braman (claimed by the writer to be) "a paper without a subject," and N. B. Gates presented a paper, in part, and finished with his accustomed off- hand remarks respecting farming in Connecticut, etc. To the society was sent, by a member of the legisla- ture, for distribution, some seventy copies of the "Ohio State Board of Agriculture Reports." The history of the society is here given from its or- ganization up to the thirty-fourth annual meeting, 1879. To have given all the details would have en- croached too much on the pages of this county history. Sufficient is included to give a correct idea of its pro- gress, the many difficulties the early officers had tcj contend with, and the determined zeal manifested by them. Much is missing on account of the loss of im- portant papers consumed by the fire of 1873. It is to be regretted that the names of persons, and the amounts subscribed by them, for the fitting up of the new HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 77 grounds iu 1867 cannot, be inserted, tlie list being also burnt up. But, to the credit of ni.xny let it be recorded, tluit individuals g:ive liberally, from twen- ty-five to fifty dollars, and also donated a part, and in many cases the whole of the prenaiums awarded to tliem in 1807 and 18(58, some waiting over a year for their premium money. It will be admitted by many readers of this history that many of the members subscribed all, or more, than they were able. Many of the enterprising farmers of the county appreciate tiie benefits derived through this organization. It must be conceded that through the influence of this society, the agriculture, etc., of the county has been improved to such a degree that the wealth of the county, by way of live stock and improved culture, is vastly greater than it otherwise would have been. It will be disputed by none that this society has been the means of vast improvement in the breeds of stock, and of great benefit to agriculture and the mechanic arts. The fanners raise better cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, while the number, variety, and quality of manufactured articles are far in advance of what tliey would have been but for this organization. It has imparted a healthy stimulus to every branch of in- dustry. The dairying interests of the county are being de- veloped. Dairymen, having excellent breeds of cattle "to select from, are endeavoring to use those tiiat will make the best return, by way of milk, cheese aud butter. The county is noted as producing tlie finest quality of cheese, and the richest and sweetest butter of any county in the State. In the opinion of the most thoughtful, it would have been better had the society conformed to the requirements of the act, passed in 1846, for the encouragement of agriculture, etc. For years, the society offered inducements for improved plowing. The last contest for best jjlow- ing was in 1800. Here was the first great mistake. Also, encouragement was given for the best cultivated farm. This was dropped in 1803. The offering made for the best crops of grain, etc., have been dis- continued since 1873. All these, I think, should have been continued, and should have formed a prominent part in the premiums oifered by the society. But, not- withstanding all these shortcomings, we find, by the reports of various county societies, of Ohio, sent in to the State board of agriculture, at the convention of 1879, that Lorain stands nearly at par with the best, and, iu some matters, takes the lead. Tlie society was fortunate iu selecting the present location; the grounds being beautifully situated, and, have become valuable, by increasing from two thous- and seven hundred and seven dollars and fifty cents, to upwards of twenty thousand dollars. In the year 1873 previous to the panic, it was claimed that the grounds could be sold for twenty-five thousand dollars. There may be larger county fair grounds in the State, but none better located, or grounds better adapted for holding a county exhibition. And now, the debt being removed, improved and more a^jprojiriate build- ings can shortly be erected, and the organization will be in such a position that every member will, not only appreciate, but be proud of it, and, in the next dec- ade, it will become more efficient, and, consequently, more useful and beneficial to the agriculturists, hor- ticulturists, mechanics aud stock raisers of Lorain county. CHAPTER XV. LORAIN IN THE REBE3LLION. All remember the early days of 1801. Sumter had fallen; the Southern Confederacy was formed; the South, with stolen munitions of war, and stolon money, had organized a formidable army; secession was unmistakably resolved upon. So appalling were tliese events, that the North stood awhile jiaralyzed and awe stricken. Then came our President's call , for seventy-five thousand men. Everywhere through- out the Northern States there was a hearty response — nowhere was it heartier than njion the Reserve of Northern Ohio. Lorain took a gallant part in this first outburst of northern jiatriotism; and during the entire period of the war, there was no time when she was found faithless to duty. Where\er danger lurked tliickest, there we find the Lorain boys. Manv, very many never returned; their lives went out as a sacri- fice. They died the noblest deaths for their country, and beneath the skies of the sunny South, where the groves of the magnolia and the orange shed an undying perfume — the spot, perhaps, unmarked and unknown — they "sleep the sleep that knows no wak- ing." "Rest on, embalmed and sainted dead. Dear as the blood ye gave; No traitor's footsteps e'er shall tread The iierbage o'er your grave; Nor shall your glory be forgot While Fame her record keeps, For Honor mourns the hallowed spot "Where loyal valor sleeps." " ' The real heroes of this war are the great, brave, jjatient, nameless people.' It is to their service through these varied scenes that we now gladly turn. The victory was not won through generalship — it is a libel on the word to say that generalship delayed for four years the success of twenty-five millions in con- flict with ten millions, or required a million men in the closing campaigns to defeat a hundred thousand; it was won by the sacrifices, the heroism, the suffer- ings and the death of the men in the ranks. Their story we now seek to tell. It will not be picturesque or attractive, but full of dry details of fruitless fight- ing, of tedious marches, of heroic endurance, of ])atience, and of weariness. Even such was the life they led for us; and its record, we are firmly per- suaded, will newer cease to be cherished by their grateful countrymen." But let us not forget to pay a tribute of gratitude and just praise to the noble aud heroic women of Lorain county, for their labors of affection and mercy 78 HISTORY OF LOEAIN COUNTY, OHIO. durinn; tliese weary, gloomy days. Their generous, loving hearts sent forth pitying tears and prayers for the safety of loved ones, and the preservation of the Union. Wiiile fair hands, many of them unused to labor, were oeeujiied in ])rej)ai'iiig comforts for the well, dainties for the siek, necessaries for the wounded, and cheer for all, noMe and seU'-sacrilicing women all over the North formed themselves into aid societies, the good results of which can hardly be over-esti- mated. Early and late these angels of mercy toiled and gathered, forw'arding bo.xes of everything needed by the soldier. Yet, could the senders have seen the tears of joy which often greeted its reception, they would have felt amply compensated. The historical sketches of the organizations follow- ing are from the very valuable work, "Ohio in the War," by Whitelaw Keid. We have spent consider- able time at the office of the adjutant-general, at Columbus, in procuring records. Many muster-rolls are incomplete, or missing altogether; those of the three-months' men especially are nearly all destroyed. In cases wliere less than full companies of men report for muster, tlie column on the muster roll, headed '•whei'e enrolled,"' will be lillcd with the place of rendezvous — for instance, the greater part of the s((ldiers from north-eastern Ohio rendezvoused at Camp Taylor, near Cleveland. They are so recorded at the office of the adjutant-general, and no reference whatever is made to the county in whicli they resided when enlistment oecurreil. We have, liy correspend- ence with ex-company officers, endeavored to obtain (lie name of every citizen of Lorain county who was a soldier of the rebellion, ami if omissions occur, tlie •'boys" will, we trust, be eharitalile, believing that we have done all that circumstances would allow. Tiie spelling of names is ver/mtim as given on mits- ter-in-rolls, and the writer cannot be held responsible for errors of that kind. SEVENTH UEGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTKEU IKFANTKV. The lirst rebel gun tired at l^'orl .Suinter was the signal for the assemblage of this regiment, and its echo had scarcely died out in the North ere this regiment was in eamj). It was made up entirely in Northern Ohio, went into camp near Cleveland, Ohio, and was mustered into the United States service on Ajiril lit), 1861. .John S. Casement, of Painesville, was its first major. He resigned after a time, and assisted in raising other organizations. He ascended the stei)S of promotion until, we believe, he was brigadier-general when he left the service. At the expiration of the term of service for which they were mustered, the regiment re-enlisted, almost to a man, for three years; and on .lune :iK, 1861, it started for the field to take part in the opening of the camijaign in Western Virginia,, and on the following day first set foot on rebel soil, near Beuwood. They marched along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to Clarksburg and went into camp. Here a beautiful stand of colors was presented to the regiment by Cai)tain Schulte, in behalf of the "Social Turnverein," of Cleveland, .June 29. The regiment made its lirst march fully e({uipj)ed. The day was oppressively hot, and before one mile had been laboriously overcome, many valuable and useful articles, su])posed to be ahsoliitdy indispensable, had become an intolerable burden; at three miles, when a halt was ordered, the men went deliberately to work reducing their baggage. Blankets, dress uniforms, books, under-clothing, and every article that could possibly be dispensed with, were emptied on the ground and left there. This march terminated at Weston. After doing consider- able marching, the regiment reached Cross Lanes on the IGth of August; and it was here, on the 25th of the same month, that they had their first fight, which proved a disastrous affair; the regiment being obliged to retreat, although they held their position for some time against overwhelming numbers. Their loss was one hundred and twenty in killed, wounded and pris- oners. The next battle was at Winchester, March 2.'5. At three o'clock p. m. the battle began in earnest and raged furiously until dark, resulting in success to the Union army. Again at Port Keimblie the "Seventh'' fought splendidly and cfiEectively. Here, with less than three thousand muskets, "Stonewall" -Jackson's force of fourteen thousand rebel troojis were held at liay for five hours. The Union forces were, however, obliged finally to retreat. On August 9, at Cedar Mountain, the regiment was again at the front and eiigage Stiniewall Jackson, who had arrived during the night. The battle was one of the most severe of the war. .Jackson, towards evening, attenijited to turn our right fiank, but was met by Tyler's brigade in front, when Colonel Kimball threw several regiments "11 his right flank, and, after a desperate fight, whicli in some instances was hand to hand, the enemy was routed and driven furiously fnnn the field. The regi- ment followed the enemy up the valley, skirmishing at Woodstock, Mount Jackson, Edinburgh and New Market; thence it joined McDowell at Fredericks- burg. Here it remained a few days and was ordered back to the valley again. In the meantime Banks had executed one of those retrograde movements for which he became eminently CDmjjicnous ere the close of the war. In August following the Eighth was united to the Second corps, then commanded by Sumner, and with his corps it continued to act dur- ing the remainder of its service. The Potomac was crossed at (Jhain Bridge, and the march through Maryland commenced, which ended in the battles of South Mountain and Antiefani. Near Reedyville the whole army was massed by the miirniug of Soptemlier 10, and a furious artillery duel commenced. One of the first of the enemy's shots killed W. W. Farmer, a color-sergeant of the Eighth. This cannonade lasted all day. The next day the battle of Antietam was fought. The second corps crossed the river and occujiied the center of the line. It did effective work that day. Ill the terriWe battle of Fredericksburg, on Decem- ber 13, the Eightli formed the right wing of the forlorn hope. At the battle of Chancellorsvilie, be- ginning April 2S, 18G3, the Eighth was almost con- stantly under fire for four days, and yet its loss was only two killed and eleven wounded. The brigade was at this time, and subsequently, commanded by General (Jarroll. No further active service was had until the Gettys- burg camiiaign. In that I>attle the regiment bore a conspicuous jiart, capturing three stands of colors. After the escape of Lee's army across the Potomac, the Eighth marched with the army to the Raindau; but we have not space to record all the fighting done by the regiment; suffice it to say, that, from this date until June 25, 1804, when its term of service expired, and the little scjuad, who numbered but seventy-two officers and men, fit for duty, were taken from the trenches before Petersburg and returned to Ohio for muster out, they were almost constantly ill active service of the severest character. The regiment was formally mustered out on July 13, 18G4, at Cleveland, Ohio, by Captain Douglass. TWENTY-TlirUD REGIMENT OHIO YOLUNTEER INFANTRY. At the commencement of the war it was organized and otlicercd as follows: Colonel, William S. Kose- crans; Lieutenant-colonel, Stanley Matthews; Jlajor, Rutherford B. Hayes. The jiosition of these ofllcers has lieeii (|uite different since those days — In fact, too well known to need repetition. Under command of Colonel E. P. Scam- moii, the Twenty-third went into active service in West A'irginia, meeting with the new and exciting events common to inexperienced soldiers, which were almost forgotten amid the sterner and sad realities of active warfare. The regiment participated in the battles of Carni- fex Ferry, Virginia, Septeinher lo. 1801 ; Giles Court- house, May 10, 18(!2; and had the honor of oi)ening the battle of South Mountain, Septeml)er 14, 18(i2, where it lost tliirty-three men killed and eiglity wounded, among the latter Rutherford B. Hayes, now President of the United States. As an incident of this battle, it is said that the Twelfth and Twenty- 80 niSTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. third Oliio iuid Twelfth ami Twenty-third North Carolina — Companies R on each side — were directly engaged with each other. The Twenty-third, nnder coniinand of Lieutenant-colonel Hayes, was in the advance on that day. It was ordered at an early hour to advance up the mountain and attack the enemy. From liehind stone walls the eneni}' poured a destructive tire into the Fcdci'al ranks at very shoi't range. The comnuind of the Twenty-third fell iijion Major Condy after Lieutenant-colonel TIayes was wounded, the latter again making his ajipi'arance on tiie lield, with his wound half dressed, and fought, against the remonstrances of the wiiole command, until carrie{ uioss. It seemed impossible to get through it, and the whole line was staggered for a moment. Just then Oohuiel Hayes pluno-ed in with his hor.se, and under a shower of bullets and shells he rode, waded, and dragged his way through — the first man over. The Twenty-third was ordered by the right flank over the slough. At the same place men were suffocated and drowned; still the regiment plunged through, re-formed, charged for- ward again, driving the enemy. The division com- mander was wounded, leaving Colonel Hayes in com- maiui. He was everywhere exposing himself as usual ; men were falling all around him, but he rode through it all as though he had a charmed life. No reinforce- ments, as jiromised; something must be done to stop the fire that is cutting the force so terribly. Select- ing some Saxony rifles in the Twenty-third, pieces of seventy-one calibre, with a range of twelve hundred yards. Lieutenant McBride was ordered forward with them to kill the enemy's artillery horses, in jilain sight. At the first shot a horse drops, immediately another is killed, and a panic seems to seize the artil- lerymen, and they commence limbering up. The infantry take the alarm, and a few commence running from the intrenehments, and the cavalry, which had been hovering upon the flanks, swept down upon the enemy, capturing them by regiments, and the battle was at an end. The Twenty-third fought at North Mountain, September 20, 1864, and at Cedar Creek, October 19 — a day that is a household word through- out the land. The Twenty-third was mustered out on the 'idth day of July, 18G5, at Cumberland, Mary- land, and was jiaid and disbanded at Camp Taylor, | Cleveland, Ohio. FORTY-FIRST REfilMENT OHIO YOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Immediately after the battle of Bull Run. a num- . ber of the citizens of Cleveland, Ohio, set about rais- ' ing a regiment, and the result of their labors was the Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, of which Cajitain William B. Ilazen, Eighth United States Infantry, was appointed colonel. The camp of rendezvous was established near Cleveland. ]5y the first of September, a large number of men were in camp, and the work of instruction had commenced. An officers' school was instituted, and the strictest disci- pline enforced, and, by the time tjie regiment was mustered as complete, on the 31st of October, 18G1, the officers and men understood their duties well, and were cjuite proficicut in drill. On November 6, the regiment moved, by rail, to ('amp Dennison, where it was supplied with arms. These consisted of the , Greenwood rifle, a weapon nearly useless, and soon discarded by the governineiit. After a week at Camp Dennison, the regiment proceeded to Gallipolis, tak- > ing steamer from Cincinnati. A few raiding excursions, from this jioint into Vir- ginia, was the only relief from daily drills, and in the latter part of the month, the regiment was ordered 1<> Louisville, and rejK/rted to General Buell, then organ- izing the army of Ohio. The Forty-first became a part of the Fifteenth brigade. Nelson's division, and, H iluring the winter, remained at Camp Wickliffe, Ken- tucky. Here, the Forty-first was made the nuclen- of a new brigade, (the Nineteenth), to which were assigned the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Indiana, HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 81 ami tlie Sixtli Keutucky, commanded by Colonel Hazen. On tlie 14tli of February, 1863, Nelson's division marched to West Point, which was reached after a severe march of three days. Here, the two Indiana regiments were sent to Grant. Nelson embarked on transports for the Tennessee river, and arrived at Nasliville on the 37th of Febrnary. 1863. About the middle of March, the regiment moved with the army to Savannah, on tlie Tennessee river, arriving within two miles of that point, the Saturday preceding the battle of Pittsljurg Landing. Heavy tiring was heard on the morning of the 6th of April, and, at one o'clock, p. m. , after being supplied with rations and ammunition, the regiment moved for Pittsburg Land- ing, one company, (G), being left to guard the camp and garrison equipage. At five o'clock, the troops arrived opposite the battle-field, and Hazen's brigade was the second to cross the river. Tlie regiment lay, that niglit, on the tield, in tlie driving rain, among tlie dead and wounded, and, at day-light, moved for- ward in its -first engagement. Tlie Forty-first was on the right of Nelson's division, and, wiien tlie rebels were discovered to be advanc- ing, Hazen's brigade was ordered to charge. The Forty-first was placed in the front line, and advanced steadily, through a dense thicket of undergrowth, and, emerging in the more open gi'ound, was saluted with a murderous fire. The line still advanced, checked the approaching rebels, drove them back beyond their fortifications, aud captured their guns. Three officers and tliree men, who, at different times, carried the colors in the charge, were shot down, either killed or wounded, aud, of the three hundred and seventy- three who entered the engagement, one hundred and forty-one were either killed or wounded, and this, too, in the space of half an hour. The night after the battle, Hazen's brigade, as an outlying force, occupied the Tan Bark road, upon the left of the army. The regiment occupied a miseralile camp on the field of battle, surrounded by the half buried bodies of men and horses, until the army moved on Corinth. Tlie regiment suffered very much from exposure, during the march, and in the ojiera- tions immediately following. The Forty-first was with Buell's army, on its march to Louisville, mov- ing, day after day, over dirty roads, with short rations and water scarce, until, nearly exhausted, ragged and dirty, it entered Louisville, on the West Point road, aud encamped, for a three days' rest. On the 3d of October, the regiment marched against Bragg. At the battle of Perryville, its duties were, princijially, ski rmisl ling. About October 30, the brigade commenced its re- turn to Nashville. I December 36, the Forty-first, with the army, moved 'on Murfreesboro. At midnight, on the 30th, the ■ iment took position in the first line, facing Cowan's House, and from this time, until the cessation of lios- tilities, was actively engaged. Of the four hundred 11 and ten officers and men of the Forty-first, the largest number it ever took iuto battle, one hundred and twelve were killed or wounded. January, 10, 1863, the regiment moved to Reedy- ville. where it remained, in comparative quiet, until the 34th of the following June, when the command moved to TuUahoma; but, that place being eviicuated before they reached it, the troojis returned to Man- chester, and went into camp. Tents were struck on the 15th of August, and the command moved toward Chattanooga. The morning of the 19th of September fouud the regiment again on the bank of the Chickamauga, near Gordon's Mills. About nine o'clock, a. m., the battle com- menced, and, at one o'clock, ]i. m., Palmer's division, (in which the Forty-first was), went into the fight, attacking in echelon by brigades, Hazen's brigade being the first echelon. The regiment advanced rapidly, over an open field, to a strip of woods. After holding the position two liours, and, during the time, losing a hundred men, the regiment was withdrawn. They were immediately moved to the assistance of General VanCleve. They were continuall)^ under fire, and, at last, the brigade was formed in cplumns, by regiments, and advancing, one after the other, de- livered its volley jiito the dense masses of tlie rebels, who reeled aud fell back. This was the last fighting on Chickamauga. The next day was spent on Mission Ridge, and, the following night, the regiment retired to Chattanooga. In the re-organization of the army, Hazen's brigade was composed of the First, Forty-first, and Ninety- third Ohio, Fifth Kentucky and Sixth Indiana, and was assigned to the fourth army corps, Major-general Gordon Granger, commanding. At three o'clock in the morning of October 37, fifty-two pontoons, bearing Hazen's brigade, pushed out silently from Chattanooga, and floated down the river. In half an liour's time, the leading pontoons were passing in front of the enemy's pickets on the bank, a hundred feet above. The conversation of the rebels could be distinctly heard, but their attention . wasnotouce directed to the twelve hundred silent enemies floating past, within pistol shot. Just as the first pontoon arrived opposite its landing, it was dis- covered; but the landing was effected, the pickets driven in, and the hill gained. When the morning haze cleared away, the rebels ou Lookout saw the hills beneatli them, commanding two roads to Bridgeport, covered with blue-coats, in a position from which they could not be driven, with a pontoon bridge to connect them with Chattanooga, almost completed. At noon, on the 33d of November, the brigade was ordered to fall in, for a reconuoissance. The brigade advanced briskly, driving the enemy's skirmishers into a dense undergrowth, ou a small ridge, between Chattanooga and Mission Ridge. The line followed, and received a heavy fire. Nothing could be seen; but it was too hot a fire to bear quietly. Colonel Wiley ordered the regiment to charge, and orders from 82 HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OUIO. H.azen, at the same time, dirocted the taking of th line on the hill. The Forty-first delivered a volley, trusting to fortune for its effect, then dashed forward through the thicket, through the balls, up to, and into the rebel works, capturing the colors of the Twenty -eighth Alabamba regiment. In this, its severest, cngagemement, tlie Forty-first was asso- ciated with the Ninety-third Ohio, which shared fully the danger and honor of the fight. The ^losition was held without (rouble, and was known as Orchard Knob. Soon after the fight. Generals (Jrant, Thomas and others passed along the new line, when Thomas, looking at- the ground within fifty paces of the rebel works, where the fight had been fiercest, and, where lay the horses of Colonel AVilley and Lieutenant-colo- nel Kimberley, called for the officers of the regiment, and said to Colonel Willey: "Colonel, I want you to exi)ress to your men my thanks for their splendid conduct this afternoon. It was a gallant thing. Colo- nel — a very (jallani thing." That, from General Thomas, was better than an hour's sjicecb from any other man. On the 25th, Ilazen's brigade moved across the val- ley from Orchard Knob to Mission Ridge, under a heavy artillery fire; and, at the foot of the ridge, a dash was made and the enemies' .works cairtiired. The troops were here exposed to canister and musketry, and to remain was impossible: so they advanced up the stecji hill, swejit by an enfilading fire of artillery; up they went, and when near the top, the fire of the Forty-first was directed to the batteries on the right. The rebels retired, and, with a cheer, the line occupied the works on the ridge. A S(|uad of the Forty-first seized a battery almost before the rebels were away from it, turned it to the right, and discharged it directly along the summit of the ridge, where tlic enemy in front of Newton's division still stubbornly held out; and, as the shells went skimming along in front of and among them, the rebels turned and fied. Eighteen captured pieces of artillery graced General Hazen's headquarters that night, of which the Forty- first and Ninty-third could fairly claim six as their trophies, while the former also captured a battle-flag. 1'he losses were severe. One hundred and fifteen of the Forty-first, most of them in the fight of the 23d had fallen. After resting scarcely long enough to luiry the dead, the regiment moved with its corps for Knoxville. Sniijilics bad been scarce, and, before the march was half aecmuplished, two-thirds of the men were walk- ing over the frozen ground bare-footed; but with their feet wrapped up in sheejj-skins and cow-hides thev journeyed on, and finally reached Clinch Mountain, twenty miles above Knoxville. Here the regiment re-enlisted, one hundred and eighty out of one hun- dred and eighty-eight becoming veterans, and on tlie 5th of January, 1864, started for Chattanooga, and reached Cleveland, Ohio, on the 2d of February. AVith nearly a hundred recruits, the regiment joined its division, in East Tennessee, on the 26th of March, and was placed in a battalion with the First Ohio, Lieutenant-colonel Kimberly commanding. At Rocky Face Ridge the battalion was complimented for its steadiness under a galling fire, and at Resaca it gained a crest within seventy-five yards of the enemies' main line, and effectually prevented the use of his artillery. At Dallas, on May 26, the Forty-first lost one hun- dred and eighty men out of two hundred and sixty. During sii1)sequent movements the regiment was en- gaged at Peach Tree creek, before Atlanta, in the movement against Hood, in December, where it did noble work; it ])articipated in the j)iirsuit of Hood, and finally rested at Iluntsville, Alabama. In June, 18C5, the corjis embarked at Na.shville for Texas. Near Cairo the steamer collided with a gun- boat, and sunk in a few minutes, with all the regi- mental and company pajiers and most of the personal property of the officers and men. Fortunately no lives were lost. In Texas the regiment was stationed near San Antonio until November, when it was ordered to be mustered out. It reached Columbus, Ohio, about the middle of the mont-li, and was discharged on the 26th of November, 1865, after four years and one mouth's service. FORTT-SEOOND REGIMENT OjnO INFANTRY. The Forty-Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry was organized at Camp Chase, near Coliimlnis. Ohio. Companies A, V>, C, and D, were mustered into tlie service September 25, 1861; company E, Oct.ol)er 30; company P, November 12; and companies (?, H, I, and K, Novendjcr 26, at which time tiie organization was completed. On the 14tb of Dec(!niber, orders were rec^eived to take the field, and on (he following day it moved liy railroad to Cincinnati, and thence by steamer up the Oiiiii river to C!atlettsburg, Kentucky, where it arrived the morning of December 17. Tlie regiment, to- gether with the Fourteenth Kentucky Infantry and McLaughlin's squadron of Oiiio (!av.-ilry, proceeded to Green Creek. Another advance was made December 31, and on the night of .Tanuary 7, 1S62, the whole command encamped within three miles of Paintville. The next morning five companies, under command of j Lieutenant-colonel Sheldon took possession of the village. On the evening of the same day Colonel j Garfield took the Forty-second aud two companies of the Fourteenth Kentucky, and advanced against Mar- shall's fortified position, about three miles south of Paintville village. Arriving at about nine o'clock, p. ni. they found the works evacuated, and everything valualile either carried away or destroyed; marching , all night, they reached Paintville a little after day- light." About noon on the 0th, Colonel Garfield, with eleven hundred infantry from the Forty-second Ohio, and | other regiments, and about six liundred cavalry started in pursuit of Marshall, and about nine o'clock in \ the evening the advance was fired ujion by Marshall's ; jiickeis, on the summit of Abbott's Hill. Garfield HISTOKY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 83 took possession of tlie hill, bivouacked for the night and I lie next morning continued the pursuit, overtaking the enemy at the forks of Middle Creek, three miles southwest of Prestonburg. Marshall's force consisted of about three thousand five hundred men, infantry and cavalry, with three pieces of artillery. Major I'ardee, with four hundred men, was sent aci'oss Mid- die Creek to attack Marsliall directly in front, and Lieutenant-colonel Monroe (Twenty -second Kentucky) was directed to attack on Marshall's right flank. Tlie tigiit at once opened with considerable spirit, and I'ardee and Monroe became liotly engaged with a force four times as large as their own. They held their ground with great obstinacy and bravery until re- inforcements reached tlie field, when the enemy comnienced to fall back. The National forces slept upon their arms, and at early dawn a reconuoissance disclosed the fact that Marshall had burned his stores and lleil, leaving a portion of his dead upon the field. From this date, for a considerable time, the regiment was engaged in several expeditions against guerrillas. Tlie arduous nature of llie campaign, the exceed- ingly disagreealde weather, and the want of sujiplies, were disastrous to the health of the troops, and some eighty-five of the Forty-second died of disease. On June 18, this regiment led the advance, and was the first to plant the starry ensign on the stronghold of Cumherla.nd (iap. When the regiment left the (Jap it numbered seven hundred and fifty men, and while on the march there were issued to it two hundred and seventy-five pounds of flour, four hundred pounds of liacon, and two rati(nis of fresh pork: the rest of the food consisted nf corn grated down on tin plates and cooketl upon them. The distance marched was two hundred and fifty miles. The weather was very dry and liie men suffered for water. They were without siloes, and their clothing was ragged and filthy. The Forty-second lost but one man from all causes, and it was the only regiment that brought through its knaj)- sacks and blankets. These proved of great service, as the men were com])elled to camp at Portland, Jackson county, Ohio, two weeks before clothing, camp and garrison e([uipage could be furnished them. While at Portland the regiment received one hundred and three recruits, and at Memphis, whither it arrived on November 28, sixty-five more. It had from time to time received a few, so that the whole number reached two hundred or more, and the regiment could turn out on jiarade nearly nine hundred men. Here the division was re-organized, and denominated the Ninth division. Thirteenth army corps. On the 30tli of Deceinljcr the Forty-second, with other troops, under General W. T. Sherman, em- barked at Memphis, and j)roceeding down the river, landed at Joiinston's plantation on the Yazoo. The I Forty-second led the advance against the defences of Vicksburg on the 27th of December, and skirmished with the enemy until dark. The next morning the regiment resumed the attack, and by a charge, which I was made with great spirit, succeeded in gaining pos- session of the woods, driving the Rebels into their works. About nine o'clock, a. m., on the 29th, a charge was made, tlie Forty-second being ou the extreme right of the assaulting column. The storm of shot and shell was terrific, but the regiment main- tained its organization and came off the field in good order. An important victory followed, in January, 180.3, being the assault uiion and capture of Fort Ilindman, Arkansas. In this the regiment led the advance. The spoils were seven thousand prisoners, all the guns and small arms, and a large ipiantity of stores. At Port Gilison the regiment had hot work, and sustained a heavier loss than any regiment in the corps. After the surrender of Vicksburg the regi- ment marched to Jackson and participated in the reduction of that place, and then returned to Vicks- burg, where it remained until ordered to the Depart- ment of the Gulf. Companies A, B, C, and D, were mustered out at Camp Chase, Ohio, September 30, 180-1. Tlie remaining six comjianics wei'c ordered to Duvall's Bliitr, Arkansas. Companies E and F were mustered out November 35, and the other four com- panies, Dccemlier 2, 18G4. One hundred and one men remained, whose term of service had not expired, and they were organized into a company and assigned to the Ninety-sixth. Ohio. FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT OHIO INFANTRY. This regiment was organized at Camji Andrews, Mount Vernon, Ohio, February 7, 1802, and left its rendezvous for the front on the 21st of the same month. On the 20th of February, it reported to Brigadier-General .lolin Pope, commanding the dis- trict of Mississippi, and was at once assigned to the Ohio brigade, composed of the Twenty-seventh, Thirty- ninth, Forty-third and Sixty-third regiments, first division, army of the Mississippi. It was but a few days before the regiment was introduced to active service, for in March, 1802, it was under fire at New Madrid, Missouri; and in all the operations against that jiost, it bore a prominent part, especially in its final bombardment and capture on the 13th and 14th of March. The loss of the regiment in killed and wounded was quite severe. In the movements against Island No. 10, and the crossing of the Mississippi river in the face of the enemy, the Forty-third bore a conspicuous part, as it did also in the sulisequent capture of the forces of General McCall, at Tiptonville, Tennessee. The next movement was against Fort Pillow. In all the opera- tions of that campaign, the Forty-third bore its part. The actions of the 8th, 9th and 20th of May, may be particularly mentioned. At Corinth, the Forty-third was posted imincdiately on the left of Battery Robi- nett, and the Sixty-third on the right of the battery; and it is said these two regiments did more to save the day than any other organization engaged. The grand assault of the rebels was made at daylight on the 4th of October. They opened ou Battery Robinett with artillery at about three hundred yards, and at 84 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 10 o'clock a. m., led by Colonel Rogers, of the Second Texas, moved forward to the assault. The Forty- third and Sixty-third Ohio stood firiidy at their posts, and succeeded in staggering the assaulting column, and in hurling it back, at a time when onr lines were broken and our troops were seen Hying from every otlier part of I lie field. The o))])osing forces were but a few feet aiiarl, and fought almost liand to hand, :uid liien went dut, in reality, independent squads of freebooters, had kept all this region in a constant state of excitement and alarm, and gave considerable annoyance to the national troops — capturing parties stationed at outposts, and destroying supply trains. A large force was gathered at Stanford, and, on the 35tli, an advance was ordered by (ienerai S. P. Carter, then commanding. The national forces moved forward to Somerset and Mill Springs, the enemy falling back all the time; but there were not wanting indications of an intention, (la the part of the rebels, to concentrate their scat- tt'red forces, for the purpose of making a stand, at some point favorable for defence. Our infantry had considerable ditKculty in crossing the Cumberland, on account of high water; but, once crossed, it pushed rapidly after the enemy, preceded by the cavalry, which had crossed a little below. On the 30th, the cavalry came up witii a body of rebels, when a smart skirmish took place. On the 5th of May, our forces were ordered back to the Cumberland. The One Hundred and Third took a position near Stigall's ferry, where they were soon visited by a body of rebels, who fired on them from the southern bank. Much powder was expended, by both juirties, but with little result. On the 5th of .July, the regiment, with other troops, marched toward Danville, where they remained a few days, and then fell back to Hicknuin bridge. Returning to Danville, shortly after, this regiment, was, with others, formed into the twenty-third army corjis, and placed under the command of Major-general llartsuif. The ninth army corps having been added to the force, at this point, the troops began to move on the 18th of August, under the command of General A. E. Bnrnside. No tongue can tell what that army suffered in its march from Danville, ria Stanford, Crab Orchard, the Cumberland, at Burnside's Point, Chitwood, Montgomery, Emery's Iron Works, and Lenoir to Concord, Tennessee. On the 19th of Sep- tember, the regiment joined in the general advance, which resulted in driving back the rebels to their main force, then assembled at Jonesboro. On the 4th of November, the regiment proceeded Ijy railroad to Knoxville, and was stationed with its brigade, on the south side of the river. Longstrcet 86 IIISTOKY OF LOKAIN COUNTY, OHIO. wa.« now advancing upon the city, with a hirge force. During tiie investment, our troops suffered the greatest liardships from insuflicient clothing, sliort rations, and otlier privations. About noon, on the 25th, six companies of the regiment were sent out to relieve a company on picket-duty, and, while so do- ing, a heavy cliarge was made by the rebels, with the intention of capturing the whole. The men, assisted by the ])ickets of the Twenty-fourth Kentucky, and the .Sixly-tirth Illinois, poured into the ranks of the rebels a well-directed fire; but tliis did not cheek them in the least, for, with yells, of the most liorrid description, they rushed ui)on the picket-line, and a desperate struggle ensued. The regiments of the respective pickets coming up, in full force, a liayonet cliarge was ordered, wliicli soon decided the contest, for the reljcls Ijroke and lied, leaving their dead and wounded upon the Held. The regiment lost, in this engagement, some thirty-five, in killed and wounded. This regiment linally lieeame a (lart of the grand army, with which Shernum marched lo the sea, and, on the 13th of May, arrived in front of Kesaea. The next day, the tweuty-thii'd eorps charged the enemy's works, and carried his two lines. The regiment lost, in this engagement, over one-third of its effective force. Among those who fell, were Captains W. W. Hutchinson and J. T. Philpot. The ]-egimeut finally reached Decatur on the 8th of September. It had lost heavily during this campaign. On May 1, its effective force numbered four hundred and fifty men; but, when it encamped at Decatur, it could oidy muster one hundred and ninety-five. At Spring Hill, the regiment, while supporting a l)attery, showed conclusively what they were made of. On tiie '.'4tli of February, l^'io, the regiment, with its corps, arrived at Wilmington, and, ou the 6th of March, it started forward, moving through Kingston to (ioldsboro, where it again met Sherman's army. The whole army .soon took up its march, and, on the 13th of April, reached lialeigh, where the regiment remained till the 10th of June, when it started foi' Cleveland, Ohio, to be mustered out. As the train, conveying the nu'u, was descending the western slope of the Alleghany mountains, a truck broke loose, throwing three of the ears down a steep embankment, causing the death of three men, and the mutilation of a much larger number. On the I'Jth, the regiment reached Cleveland, and, on the 'Z2d, it was paid off, and musterecl out. GNU IirNDIiKI) AND SEVENTH liElilJlENT OHIO VOL- UNTEER INEANTKV. This regiment, was composed almost wholly of (iermans. It was organized August 25, 1863, at Canij) Taylor, near Cleveland, Ohio. It lay in camp at this place until tlu^ latter i)art of September, when it moved under orders to Covington, Kentucky. This move was made with reference to au anticipated attack on Cincinnati l)y Kirl)y Smith's Grey-l)acks. The regiment went to Washington, D. C, after a short time and was engaged for nearly a month in construct- ing fortilications around that city. In Novenilier it was assigned to the Second Brigade, First Division, Flevenlh Army Cor])s, Major-general Sigel command- ing. On April 20, 1863, the regiment, with its bi'igadeand division, moved across the Eapjiahannttck to (Jhancellorsville, where, on the 2(1 and 3d of May, it took part in the battle of that name. In this disas- trous alfair the One Hundred and Seventh sufieicd leri-ibly, hjsing two hundred and twenty officers ami men, killed, wounded and prisoners. The surgeon of the legiment, Dr. Hartman, of C'leveland, Ohio, and several otfic'crs were killed. July 1, it reached tJettys- liurg and was at (uiee engaged with the enemy, taking ])osition on the right wing. The first day's fight the regiment and eleventh eor])s were comjielled to fall back through the town of Gettysliurg to Cemetery Hill, where a new line was formed and held during the remainder of the battle. In falling back to this place the regiment lost in killed, wounded and prison- ers, two hundred and fifty officers and men. In the second day's fight, in a charge n)ade about five o'clock in the afternoon, it again lost heavily. In this affair the regiment captured a Eebel tiag from the Eighth Louisiana Tigers. Aside from slight skirmishing it was not engaged in the third day's fight. Its total li>ss in the battle of Gettysburg — killed, wounded and prisoners — was over four hundred out of about five hundred and fifty, rank and file with which it entered. With one hundred and eleven guns, all that was left of the regiment, it joined in the pui'suit of the Eebel army, following it to Hagerstown, and thence into \'irginia. Its subse(|uent engagements were priuci- |ially light ones. The heaviest ])erhaps being at Sumterville, South C'aroliua, March 23, 1865, where it defeated the enemy, capturing three 2iieces of artil- lery, six horses, and fifteen prisoners. On A2)ril 16, 1865, news was received of the surrender of Lee's and •lohnston's armies. Three weeks thereafter it was taken by steamer to C'harleston, where it did jirovost duty until July 10, when it was mnstei'ed out of the service and sent home to Cleveland, where it was paid otf and discharged. ONE IIUNDUElJ AND TWENTY-ElGIITn KEGIMENT OHIO VOLl'NTEER INFANTKY. This regiment, although chiefly occujiied in guard duty within the borders of the State, was an organ- ization of three years' troojjs, enlisted and mustered into the United States' service, the same as other \olunteer ti'oops, and was liable to service wherever lequired. It attained minimum strength on the 25tli of Decendjer, 1863, and consisted of four companies before known as the "Hoffman Battalion" raised at different times in 1862. At and before the time of forming the regiment, the Hoffman Battalion was under the command of a Lieutenant-colonel and Ma- jor. Six new companies were mustered in at Camp Taylor, near Cleveland, between the 8th and 15th of January, 1864. The four old companies had been ou mSTORY OF LORAIN" COUNTY, OHIO. S7 duty at Johnson's Island, nearly all the time since tlu'ir muster in, but had frequently furnished detacli- monts for service elsewhere, including a short and very active caniiiaigu in ]>nrsuit of Rebel ti-oops, in Western Virginia in 18(12. Tlip One Hundred and Twenty-eighth was ehielly occujiied at the frontier posts of Johnson's Island and Sandusky. Fortune did not give the regiment an opportunity to earn laurels in battle, but it performed its duties always witli faitlifulness and efficiency. If left the Island on July 10, 1865, and was nmstered out at Camp Chase, Ohio, on the 17th. ONE iniNDIlEn AXn THIfiXr-FIFTH KEGniENTT OITIO NATIONAL GUARD. This regiment was composed of men from Licking and Hardin counties, and one eompanj' of the Thirty- seventh Battallion, Ohio National Guard, of Lorain county. It was mustered into the United States' service on the lltli of May, 18fi4, and was ordered immediately to Washington City. Proceeding by way of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, the regiment arrived at North Mountain, where information was received that the bridge at Harper's Ferry was impass- able; and the One Hundred and Thirty-eighth, with other "hundred days" regiments,"' was delayed await- ing the repair of the bridge. A picket was estab]ishef July, August and September, was almost constanlly on the marcii, and frecjuently engaged in skirmishes with the enemy. On December 20, the battery moved witii its brigade and division from Nashville towards Miii-freesboro, skirmishing heavily in and about La \'ergne. It was here that the present county re- corder lost his "good right arm."' In the battle of Stone river it was stationed on the left of General Negley's division. It was involved in the disaster on the right, but succeeded in withdrawing all its guns from the field. It bore its full ])art in the battle, and lost seventeen men, killed, wounded and missing, and twenty-one horses killed. June 24, 18G3, it joine. Burrows and First- lieutenant Edward Spear, Jr. This battery was mustered into the service on the 1st day of February, 1862, and was immediately ordered to Cincinnati, where it emljarked February 16, under orders for Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, but on reaching Pa,due;di, Kentucky, was disembarked by order of (ienei-al Siiermau. Horses were drawn here, and the battery embnrked under oi'ders to report to General tlrant, at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee. Wbile proceeding up the Tennessee, and, wjien near Whitehall Landing, the boat was tired into by guerrillas, from the shore. Tlie fire was returned with shell, luuler cover of which the men of the battery landed, drove the guerrillas from their cover, and captured some prisoners and horses. In this exjiedition, the battery lost one man wounded. It reported to General Grant on the 20th, and was assigned to the Fourth division, army of the Tennessee. The battery was on the first line during the seige of Vicksburg, having position on the Hall's Ferry road, southeast of the city, and within two hundred yards of the enemy's works, and enfilading sev(U'al hundred yards of their line. In this, as in all the engagements in which the battery figured, most excellent service was performed, eliciting, on every occasion, the commendations of the command- ing officers. It expended two thousand, three hun- dred and one rounds of ammunition during the seige. The Fifteenth was with General Sherman, princi2)ally, and participated in his famous "march to the sea." An incident is related that, at the battle of Chatta- hoochee River, a bird tlew upon the shoulder of Pri- vate Seth Bowers, who was acting No. 1 on one of the guns, where it remained during the engagement. At every discharge of the piece, the bird would thrust its head in the man's hair. After the recoil, it would again take its position on the man's shoulder, and watch the operations of loading. After the battle, the bird remained around the men's ijuarters, but, after a few days, disappeared. The Fifteenth battery was mustered out June 20, 18'i5, at Columbus, Ohio. SECOND REdlMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. This regiment was recruited and organized in the summer and autumn of 18fil, under the supervision of the late Hon. B. F. Wade and Hon. John Hntchins, who received special authority from the war office. The regiment rendezvoused at Camp Wade, near Cleveland, Ohio, and the last company was mustered in on the 10th of October, 1861. Being the first cavalry regiment raised iu the northern part of the State, it drew into its ranks a large proportion of wealth, intelligence, capacity and culture. Men and officers were almost wholly from the Western Reserve, and represented every trade and profession. The Second was uniformed, mounted and partly drilled at Cleveland, and. in the last of November, was ordered to Camp Dennison, where it received sabers, and con- tinued drilling during the month of December. Early in January, 1862, under orders from the war department, the Second proceeded, by rail, via. Cin- cinnati, St. Louis and St. Joseph, to Platte City, Misssouri. On the 18th of February, Donbleday's brigade, of which the Second was a part, was ordered to march through the border counties of Missouri to Fort Scott, Kansas. On the 22d of February, and during the march, a scouting ]3ai'ty of one hundred and twenty men of the Second Ohio cavalry was attacked in the streets of Independence, Missouri, by an equal force, under command of the subse<]uently infamous Quant- ril. As the result of the Second's "first fight," HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 89 Quantril was routed iu fifteen minutes, losing five killed, four wounded, and five captured, including one officer. The Second lost o;ie killed and three wounded. Arriving at its destination about March 1, it remained for several mouths, doing garrison and scouting duty. In the fall following, it ]iartioipate(l in the cam- jiaign ending in the victory of Prairie Grove, Ar- kansas, December 3, 1862. It also fought at Carthage and Newtonia, Missouri, and at Cow Hill, Wolf Creek, and White River, Arkansas. In November and December, the Second was trans- ferred to the Eastern army, moving by rail to Camp Chase, Oliio, to remount and refit for the field. This accomplished, the regiment left early in April for Somerset, Kentucky, and remained in camp there, witli the exception of an occasional reconnoissancc, until tlie 37th of June. In May and June, the Second fought twice at Steubenville, twice at Monticello, and once at Col- umbia, Kentucky. On the 1st of July, the Second Joined in the pur- suit of John Morgan, and followed the great raider twelve hundred miles, tlirough three States, marching twenty hours out of the twenty-four, living wholly upon the gifts of the people for tT\-enty-seven days, and finally sharing in tlie capture at Buffington Is- land. January 1, ISG-l, nearly tlie entire regiment reen- listed. But lack of sj)ace forbids us following the regiment through all its encounters and privations. It was mustered out at Camp Chase, Ohio, September 11, 1865. Tlie Second fought under twenty-three general officers. Its horses have drunk from, and its troopers have bathed in, the waters of the Arkansas, Kaw, Osage, Cygnes, Missouri, Mississippi, Oliio, Scioto, Miami, Cumlierhuul, Tennessee, Halston, Potomac, Shenandoah, Rappahannock, Rapidan, Bull Run, Mattapony, Pamunkey, Chickahominy, James, Appo- mattox, 151ack water, Nottoway, and Chesajieake. It campaigned through thirteen states and one territory. It traveled, as a regiment, on foot, horseback, by railroad and steamboat, on land, river, bay and ocean. 1 1 has marched an aggregate distance of twenty-seven tliousand miles; has fought in ninety-seven battles and engagements. It has served in five diiferent armies, forming a continuous line of armies from the head waters of the Arkansas to the mouth of the James; and its dead, sleeping where they fell, form a vidette-line iialf across the continent, a chain of pros- trate sentinels, two thousand miles long. Even in their graves, may not these jiatroit dead still guard the glory and tlie integrity of the Republic for wiiich they fell? TUIKD REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. This regiment was organized in September, 1861, at Monroeville, Huron county. It moved to Camp Deunison on the 14tli of January, 1862. In Feb- 12 ruary following it went to JefEersonville, Indiana. On March 3 it was ordered to Nashville, Tennessee, and arrived there March 18. On the 29th it left Nashville for Pittsburgli Landing. It reached that point on April 25, and encamped four miles from the river. It remained here some time, and made sev- eral successful raids. It next moved to luka and Tuscumbia. Here it remained until June 30, wlicn it went to Courtland; thence to Decatur, Alabama, and from this point to Mooresville. On the 3d of September the division marched to Nashville, arriv- ing there on the 6th, tlience to Mumfordsville, Ken- tucky, via Gallatin and Bowling Green. On Sep- tember 31, the first battalion of the Third Cavalry had a sharji engagement at Mumfordsville witli tliree times its own number, and drove them into their works iu three separate charges. It lost twelve wounded and two killed. The ''Jolmnies" lost thirty- eight killed and sixty wounded. The Third Cavalry, during its first year of service, was attached to Gen- eral T. J. Wood's division, and during the most of the time was under his immediate command. The second and third battalions, under Colonel Zahm, was stationed, during a portion of the summer of 1863, at Woodville, Alabama. On October 19, a detachment of the Tliird Cavalry, with a portion of the Fourth Cavalry, numbering some two hundred and fifty, was sent as an escort to Covington, Kentucky. It en- camped near the old plantation of Henry Clay, at Ashland, and the next day (30th) was captured by .John Morgan, wlio stripped them of their Iiorses and valuables, paroled them and sent'tliem into the na- tional lines. Tlie men were soon in the field again. The regiment re-enlisted in January, 1864, and were fuiioughed home. Returning to Nashville, it was re-equipped, armed and mounted, and from this time until it was mustered out, it was constantly in active service. It turned over its horses and arms at Macon and proceeded to Camp Chase, Ohio, whore it was paid off and discharged August 14, 1865, having served four years, lacking twenty days. TWELFTH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. This regiment was recruited during the months of September and October, 1863, from nearly every county in the State, rendezvousing at Camp Taylor, near Cleveland, where it was mustered into the ser- vice on the 34th day of November, 1863. One-half of the regiment was engaged in doing guard duty, during the winter of 1863-4, on Jolmson's Island, having been ordered there on the 10th of November. The regiment was mounted, armed and equipped at Camp Dennison, and moved to Louisville, and then to Lexington and Mount Sterling, Kentucky. Little of importance transpired until the 33d of May, when the regiment was a portion of General Burbridge's command on the first Saltville raid. On the arrival in the vicinity of Pound Gaii, after eight days' march- ing, it became evident that John Morgan had entered Kentucky, and the command immediately started iu 00 niSTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. I)ursnit. After severe marching, witli but. little time for eating or sleeping, the command arrived at Mount Sterling on the 91 Ii of Juno, ISfi-L The Twelfth was closely engaged with the rebels at this jioint, behav- ing with much gallantry, and was specially comi)li- montcd by General Hurbridge. The Twelfth again overtook ^torgan at Cyntliiana, and fought with him, scattering his forces in every direction. T'he regi- ment charged through the town, crossed the river, and pursued the retreating rebels for three days. During the second exjiedition to Saltville in Septem- ber, it be(!anie necessary to silence a battery i)osted upon a hill; the Twelfth, with its Ijrigade, charged up the hill and drove the enemy from his works. After this, the regiment encamped at Lexington, until ordered to Crab Orchard to join another Saltville exjiedition. The division left Crab Orchard on the 33d of No- vember, during a severe snow-storm, and moved to Bean's Station. On the night of their arrival the Twelfth made a successful rccouoissance to liogersville It did its full share of duty under General Stoneman, at Bristol, at Abingdon, at Marion, and thence as su])port to General Gillam in his ])ursuit of Vaughn, then back again to Marion, where General Stoneman engaged Breckenridge for forty hours, and finally defeated him. In this engagement all of tlie Twelfth bearing sabers, participated in a grand charge, driving back the enemy's cavalry. The regiment behaved gallantly throughout the fight, and received tlie praises of Generals Stoneman and Burbridge. On the 31st of December, Saltville was captured, and the forces returned to Richmond, Kentucky, where head- quarters were established. As the result of this raid four boats were captured, one hundred and fifty miles of railroad, thirteen trains and locomotives, lead mines, salt works, iron foundries, and an immense quantity of stores of all sorts, were completely de- stroyed. During the raid Company F acted as escort to General Burljridge. About the middle of Febru- ary the regiment was thoroughly armed, equipped and mounted. It then proceeded by way of Louisville and the river to Nashville, arriving March (1. From here it moved to Murfreesboro and Knoxville. At this point it again formed part of a raiding expe- dition under General Stoneman. The Twelfth finally rendezvoused at Nashville, and was mustered out on the 14th of November, 180.5; then proceeded to Co- lumbus, Ohio, where it was paid and discharged on the 32d and 33d of the same month, after two years of incessant service. THE SQUIRREI, HUNTERS. During the autumn of 1803, the Confederate Gen- eral Kirl)y Smith advanced upon Cincinnati with a largo army. Governor Tod issued a proclamation calling upon all who woiild furnish themselves with rations and arms to turn out, organize under their own otlicers, and rendezvous at Cincinnati, transpor- tation over the railroads to be ])rovided by the govern- ment. About three hundred and fifty citizens of Lorain county responded to the call of the governor. These men, of course, saw no fighting, but their work was cheerfully performed, because they thought their services were needed. Governor Tod caused lithograph discharges to be forwarded to those whose namcis could l)e obtained. These discharges may be found in many homes in the county, where they are pro)ierly ])rized. The sobliers of the early wars, with descriptions of forts and other defences, are given in the histories of tlioir respective townshi])s. CHAPTER XVI. ROSTER OP SOLDIERS. COMPANY A, FOURTH BATTALION OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Second Lieutenant Lucicn Abbott, enrolled Au^st 10, ISfil. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Serfjeant George C. Dennistou, enrolled August 10, 1861. Second Sergeant Ransom E. Braman, enrolled August 10, 1861. Sergeant Alonzo Ellsworth, enrolled August 10, IHGI. Sergeant Ferdinand Refeuning, enrolled August 10, IHGl, Sergeant Thomas B. Heylaud, enrolled August 10, 1861 ; prisoner of war. Corporal Joseph Jewett, enrolled August 10, 1861. Corporal William A. Thompson, enrolled August 10, 1861. Corporal Harrison Jewell, enrolled August 10, 1861. Corj^oral George I. Boment, enrolled August 10, 1861. PRIVATES. Jacob Cline, enrolled August 10, 1861. John Cummins, enrolled August 10, 1.861. Abrani J. Disbro, enrolled August 10_ 1861. Alonzo A Grant, enrolled August 10, 1.861 . Lorenzo W. Grant, enrolled August 10, 1861. Luman L. Griswold, enrolled August 10, 1861. Harrison Hance, enrolled August 10, 1S61. James R. Humphrey, enrolled August 10, 1861. Edgar H. Irish, enrolled August 10, 1861. Stephen R. Irish, enrolled August 10. 1861. Archibald Kelly, enrolled August 10, 1861. Albert Lilley, enrolled August 10, 1861. Henry F. Marsh, enrolled August 10, 1861. Rufus C. Marsh, enrolled August 10, 1861. Joel W. Newland, enrolled August 10, 1.861. William Wilcox, enrolled August 10, 1861. This squad was mustered into service August 17, 1.8G1, at Camp Chase, Ohio, by Major Wainby, for three years. We are iniable to find anything further of them. COMPANY C, SEVENTH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service, at Camp Dennison, Ohio, June 30, 1861. Mustered out of service, at Cleveland, Ohio, July 6, 18(U. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Giles W. Shirtliff, resigned March 18, 1863. First Lieutenant Judson N. Cross, promoted to Captain of Company K, November 35, 1861. Second Lieutenant Ephraim H. Baker, promoted to First Lieutenant November 3.5, 1.861; resigned March 1, 1863. Second Lieutenant Henry W. Lincoln, promoted from Sergeant to Second Lieutenant, August 9, 1.863; to First Lieutenant, November 6, 1863; resigned January 7, 186:1 Second Lieutenant Isaac C. Jones, enrolled March 1, 186.S; promoted from Sergeant to Second Lieutenant; died November ;W, 1863, of wounds received in the battle of Ringgold, Ga., November 27, 1863. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant Martin M. Andrews, appointed Fii-st Sergeant August U, 1862; wounded in left hand in battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1863. Sergeant Holland B. Fry, wounded in leg at battle of Port Republic, June 9, 1868; appointed Sergeant, November 1, 1863. HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 4. Corporal Stephen M. Cole, wounded at battle of Cross Lanes, Va., August 36, ISiil, and at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 18G3. (!on)oral Thouias J. Wallace, appointed Corporal, November 1, 18(33. PRIVATES. Nathaniel S. Badger, wounded in the leg at battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August 'J. ISia, John M. Biuns, wounded in battles of Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863, and DaUas, Ga., May 35, 18(H. Charles H. Buxton, wounded in shoulder and wrist, at battle of Cedar Mountain, Va.. August It. 1S63. Ezekiel F. Hayes, mustered out with Company. Irving A. Noble, taken prisoner at battle of Cross Lanes, Va., August 26, 1861. Hiram Parsons, mustered out with Company. Thomas Sprlggs, mustered out with Company. David A. Ward, nuistered out with Company. William Woodmanse, mustered out with Company. Oliver Wise, wounded in hand, at battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. KILLED IN BATTLE. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant Arthur C. Danforth, promoted to First Sergeant Novem- ber 30, 1861 ; killed in battle of Winchester, Va., March 23, 1863. Sergeant Charles P. Bowler, promoted to Sergeant, April 1, 1863; killed in battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August !1, 1862. Corporal .John J. Evers, promoted to Corporal, November 20, 1861; killed in bittle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August 5), 1863. Corporal Lewis R. Gates, promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1863; killed in battle of Port Republic, Va. June fl, 1862. Corporal George R. Matgary, promoted to Corporal April 1, 1862; killed in battle of Port Republic, Va., June 9, 1862. PRIVATES. Romain J. Kingsbury, killed in battle of Port Republic, Va., June 0, 1863. Charles F. King, killed in battle of Ringgold, Ga., November 37, 1863. James M. Rappleye, killed in battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August 0, 1862. Warren F. Richmond, killed in battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Edward P. Sheppard, killed in battle of Cedar Mountain, Va.. August :i, 1803. Charles E. Wall, killed in battle of Ringgold, Ga., November 37. 1803. Daniel P. Wood, killed in battle of Ringgold, Ga., November 27, 1863. DIED. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Sergeant William W. Parmenter, taken prisoner at battle of Cross Lanes, Va., August 26, 1801; died in Parish Prison, New Orleans, La., November IS, 1801. Sergeant John Gardner, appointed Sergeant May 1, 1803; died December 19, 186.5, of wounds received in battle of Ringgold, Ga., November 27, 1863. Sergeant Oliver C. Trembly, appointed Sergeant J,amiary 1. 1(64; drowned in the Ohio river, June 24, 1864. Corporal Edward W. Goodsel, died September 19, 1863, of wounds received in battle of Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. PRIVATES. William Biggs, 'taken prisoner at liattle of Cross Lanes, Va., August 26, 1861, and died in Parish Prison, New Orleans, La., October 17, 1861. Wallace Coburn, died March 29, 1862, of wouuds received in battle of Winchester, Va.. March 33, 1863. Joseph H. Collins, died August 27, 1861, of wounds received at battle of Cross Lanes. Va., August 30, 1861. Cyrus P Hamilton, wounded and captured at battle of Port Republic, Va., June 9, 1.S62; died in rebel hospital of wounds. Daniel S. Judson, wounded and captured at battle of Port Republic, June 9, 1862; died of wounds in rebel hospital. Burford Jenkins, wounded and captured at battle of Cross Lanes, Va., August 26, 1861; died of wouuds September 6, 1861. Harrison Lewis, died in Fairfax .Seminary Hospital, Va., Deceiuber 0, 1S62, of fever. Joseph McCanan, died July 23, 1H63, of wounds received at battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1.863. Levi Myers, died in hospital at Nashville, Tenn., December 20, 1863, of [ small pox. • Fred. M. Palmer, died April 7, 1863, of wounds received in battle of Win- chester, March 2;i. 1S63. Edward G. Sackett, died March 29, 1862, of wounds received in battle of Wiuchester, Va., March 23, 1802. Thomas Sweet, died November 30, 1863, of wounds received in battle of Ringgold, November 37, 1863. Orlando Worcester, died April 15, 1862, of wounds received in battle of Winchester, Va., March 23, 1863. DISCHAKGED. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Sergeant John C. Cooper, appointed Sergeant November 21, 1861; dis- chai-ged at Harper's Ferry, October 26, 1863; eiUisted in United States Engineers. Sergeant Edgar M. Condit, appointed Sergeant November 1, 1863; dis- charged at Alexandria, Va., February 11, 1863, tor wounds received at battle of Dumfries, Va., December 27, 1862. Sergeant Seldon A. Day, appointed Sergeant March 24, 1862; discharged at Frederick City, Md., January 35, 1863; enlisted as Hospital Stew- ard United States Army. Sergeant Isaac C. Jones, appointed Sergeant November 30, 1861; dis- charged at Dumfries, Va., March 1, 1863, to accept promotion as Second Lieutenant in Company C. Sergeant Henry W. Lincoln, appointed Sergeant November 20, 1861 ; dis- charged at Alexandria, Va., August 9, 1862, by reason of promotion to Second Lieutenant in Company C . Sergeant Ellas W. Morey, discharged at Wauhatchie, Tenn., November 10, 1863, by reason of promotion to First Lieutenant in Ninth Regi- ment United States Colored Troops. Corporal Theron E. W. Adams, discharged at Washington, D. C, June, 1863, by order of General Wadsworth . Corporal Harlan B. Cocliran, appointed Corporal November 30, 1861 ; dis- charged at Columbus, O., October 18, 1863. Coqjoral James M. Grim, appointed Corporal November 20, 1862; dis- chargeil at Washington, D. C, January 10, 1863. Corporal Elliott F. Grabill, appointed Corporal November 1, 1863; dis- charged at Wauhatchie, Tenn., November 10, 1863; appointed First Lieutenant in Fifth Regiment United States Colored Troops. e'orporal Jason S. Kellogg, appointed Corporal January 1, 1863; dis- charged at Camp Dennison, O., January 27, 1864. Corporal Isaac F. Mack, discharged at Columbus, O., October 16, 1862. PRFVATES. Edward Atwater. wounded in battle of Port Republic; discharged at Harper's Ferry, Va., October iil, 1863; enlisted in Third United States Artillery. Foster Bodle, discharged at Columbus, O.. October 2, 1863. Charles C. Bosworth, discharged at Washington, D. C, April 5, 1861; appointed Hospital Steward LTnited States Array. George Carrothers, discharged at David's Island, N. Y., May 13, 1863, of wounds received in battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. James W. Cheeney, discharged at Washington, D. C, October 15, 1801; appointed First Lieutenant Forty-nmth Illinois Volunteers. Buel Chipman, discharged at Harper's Ferry, Va., October 26, 1802; enlisted in United States Engineers. Edward F. Curtis, discharged at Columbus, O., July 7, 1862. Henry S. Clark, discharged at Cumberland, Md., September 4. 1802. Henry Claghorn, discharged at Rochester, N. Y., May 11, 1864, for wounds received in battle of Ringgold, Ga., November 27, 1863. Thomas P. Dickson, discharged at Washington, D. C, January 8, 1803, by reason of wounds received in battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1802. John W. Finch, discharged at Columbus, O., October 4, 1862. John Gillanders. discharged at Washington, D. C, January, 23, 1863. Ni.■h(^Ias Gttffett, dischargeil at Dumfries, Va., Februaiy 18, 1803. Phillip Grigsby, discharged at Washington, D. C, July 24, 1863, by reason of wounds received in battle of Dumfries, Va., December 27, 1862. Mathis N. Hamilton, discharged at Cumberland, Md., August 33, 1863. Henry G. Hixon, discharged at Romney, Va., December 24, 1861. Henry Howard, discharged .it Columbus, O., April 9, 1863. Albert Hubble, discharged at Columbus, O., July 7, 1862. Lewis J. Jones, discharged at Harper's Feny, Miirch 10, 1863, for wounds received at battle of Cross Lanes, Va., August 26, 1861 . Seldon B. Kingsbury, discharged at Columbus, O., August 2, 1862. Dan G. Kingsbury, discharged .at Hai-per's Ferry, Va., October 30, 1862; enlisted in United States Engineers. Edward E. Kelsey, discharged at Annapolis, Md., March 25, 1864; enUsted as Hospital Steward United States Army. Stephen Kellogg, discharged for wounds received in battle of Winches- ter, Va. James A. Massa, discharged at Columbus, O., June 23, 1861. Joseph Massey, discharged at Winchester, Va., M2; transferred to invalid corps. G ittleib Hurlebaus, re-enlisted a veteran volunteer November 30, 186.3. Ceorge H. Hubbard, discharged February 10. 1862, for disability. Horace Hill, re-enlisted veteran volunteer October 1, 1863. Frederick Isbelle, discharged October 20, 1861, for disabihty. James James, re-enlisted as veteran volunteer November 30. 1863. Charles A. Jewell, re-enlisted as veteran volunteer December 31, 1863. John Lent, discharged September 20. 1861, for disability. Henr>' O. Loomis re-enlisted veteran volunteer, December 31, 1863. Ira W. Mead. Ji'el P. Monger, re-enlisted as veteran volunteer October 1, 1863. Benjamin F. Marlet. John \V. Mo.sser, discharged September 20, 1861. for disability. George W. Mason, re-enhsted as veteran volunteer October 1, 1863. Charles Maturah. Joseph Mitchell, wounded in the battle of Antietam, Md., September 17 1862; discharged February 24. 1863. James O'Reiley. Timothy Powers, discharged June 28, 1861, for disability. Jonathan Ring, wounded in the battle of Antietam September 17, 18(i2; died September 21, 1862. George G. Root, appointed Corporal January 1, 1862. William Roach, killed at Camp Ewing, W. Va., November 15, 1861. Frank Stow, appointed Corporal September 20, 1862. Silas Southworth, discharged Februaiy 12, 18f>4. Peter Saxton. Fitzland Squires, wounded in the battle of South Mountain, Md., Sep- tember 14, 1862; died September 27, 18l»2. Albert E. Squires. Frank Sperry, re-enlisted as veteran volunteer October 1, 1863. Frederick Stark. John C. Springer, re enlisted as veteran volunteer October 1, 18G3. Wyatt B. Thorp, discharged September 2, 1863, for disability. William Treadwell, discharged May 4, 186:3, for disability. P'rai cis Taylor, discharged July 12, 1862, for disability, Willis R. Terrell, transferred to regular cavalrj-, October 26, 1862. John Tisdale. Robert Warmock, discharged September 2i). 1861. for disability. John C. Worcester, appointed Corporal January 1, 1863: re-enlisted as veteran volunteer October 1, 1863. George R.Whitman, appointed Corporal May 1,1862; appointed Sergeant September 20, 1862; re-enhsted as veteran volunteer October 1, 1863. See remarks at close of Co. D. roster. COMPANY H, FORTY- FIRST REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Alonzo Pease, resigned January 9, 1862. First Lieutenant John W. Steele, promoted to Captain, February 3, 1862; appointed Major and Aid-de-Camp by President. Second Lieutenant, Albert McRoberts, promoted to First Lieutenant, March 1, 1862; resigned May 24, 1802. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant Henry S. Dirlam, promoted to First Lieutenant, March S4, 1863; killed November 23. 1863. First Sergeant Nathan H. Whitney, died in 1862. Sergeant Harvey H. Green. Corporal George F. ^Miitney. Corporal WiUiam H. Prince. Corporal Thomas H. Somers. promoted to Captain, November 26, 1864. Corporal Robert L. Simmonds. Corporal Raymond Wilder. Musician Horace Wilcox. 94 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Ephraim T. B«ane. Maiiin M. Bigelow. Hynian A. lirown, died at Corinth, Miss., in 1862. EdwiTi Brice. James W. Blackwell, killed in battle, November iKJ. 18CJ, Chester I. Case. Matthews Chamberlain, killed at Shiluh, April T, IHt>2. Andrew Chaml)erlain. (leorge C. Clark, died in 18C:i. (leorpe Clark. Albert I. Clark, died at Corinth. Miss., 1802. Joseph (;^ross. promoted to Sergeant. John Cross. Veragane Derlam. Sidney S. Goodill. Edward P. Kaskall. Jacob Hoover. Hu^h H. Kellogg. Albert M. Kellogg, died ISfJiJ. Ebene/.er Kingsbnrj', killed in battle, November 23, 18(j3. Martin H. Keltogg- Daniel Lawrence, died in 18(i2. John C. Lenhart, killed at Stone River, December 31, 18fi2. Joseph H. Lincoln died in 1802. Anson Lymles. Harrison Moore. Charles F. Murray. George W. Miller. Leander L. Morton. William A. Mills, killed in battle, November 2-3, 1S63. John ({. Mills, killed in battle, May 27, 18)^1. , Adelbert Marcy. John Porter. Franklin Pomeroy. died in 1803. William H. Porter, killed at Shiloh, April 7, 1802. William RoIIinson. John C. N. Rjiser. George M. Rogers, promoted to Sergeant. Oliver M. Smith, died in 1802. Harvey Sanderson, died at Corinth, Miss., 1802. Josiah Staples, killeil in battle, May 27, 1864. George D. Simmonds. James Tooze. George G. Tifft. Benoni B. West, died in 181*4. Henry West, killed at Shiloh, April 7, 1863. Jobn E. Smith. COMPANY K, FOKTY-FIRST OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Corporal Edward Danforth. PRIVATES. Danford Barnes Saxton Taylor. This regiment became veterans. No muster-out rolls of first enlist- ment are preserved. REGIMENTAL BAND FORTY-SECOND OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service, November 27, 1861. date given. Mustered out of service— no Leader John W. Ford. Sergeant William H. Park. Sergeant Charles E. Mason. Sergeant Anson G. Hollister. Sergeant Wilson C. Hart. Corporal Daniel Chase. Corporal Enoch Elber. Corporal George Gucker. Cori>oral Philip Harper. Corporal Henry Morrison. Henry H. Bryant. Sylvester Conch. Thomas G. Gibson. Frank P. Hale. Johnson Hutcliins. Corporal Edward F. Smith. PRIVATES. William B. HoUister. Enos Kelly. Jacob L. Lewis. Lewis F. Niles. Milo R. Parsons. Marvin Wood. COMPANY E, FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT OHIO VOLUN- TEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service October 30, 1801. Mustered out of service Novem- ber 15, 1864. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Charles H. Howe, resigned May I. 1863. First Lieutenant Ge..)rge F. Brady, resigned March 27, 1803. Second Lieutenant Melville L. Benham, promoted to Captain, May 17. 1863. NOK-COMHISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant William R Moses. Sergeant Jackson Irish. Sergeant Samuel M. Wellmr-n. Sergeant Charles A. Hoynt^)n Sergeant John B. Underbill. Corporal Benjamin F. Morehouse. Corporal Julien W. Smith. (^'i)rp'>i-al \Villiam H. II. Bryant, promoted to First Sergeant, December 0, 1802. Corporal Edson A. Root. (Corporal Lyman Knapp. Corporal Asaiiel P. Foot. Corporal John T. Flinn, promoted to First Lieutenant, April 7, I8fr4. Corporal Bertrand C. Austin. Wagoner Ransom G. Hunt. PRIVATES. Roland G. Abby. Rienzi W. Austin. Franklin F. Allen. Harrison H. Bates. J.imes Beverage. Fi-ederick Brooks, died at St. Louis. Mo. —date not given. Reul)en Blanct, drowned in Big Sandy, Januaiy 38, 1862, Edmund E. Bunel. Melvin B. Cousins, died February 28, 1863. Truman L. Cooley. Orrin S. Campbell, promoted to Sergeant, May, 1863. .Tiihn Dunkhall Christopher Dimmock, wotmded in battle; died March, 1863. Orson Emmons, promoted Corporal; killed in battle. May 1, 1863. Ruel Fulton. Luke Flint, died February 8, I8«2. Nicholas Flood. Charles P. Goodwin, prometed to Adjutant; ilischarged October 5, 1S63. Edwin Gould. Charles Gould. John Grittln. Lewis Hanchett. Thomas Howes, promoted Corporal November 14, 1H63. Nathan Holmes. George S. Harris, promoted Sergeant February 8, 1863; killed in bailie May 1, 1863. Henry Hibner, died August 19, 1863. John Hudson. Lyman Hawley, wounded at Vicksburg; arm amputated; drowned March 12, 1H64. (Jiles Irish. Charles B. Jordan. William H. Jacques, promoted Corporal Api-il 30, 1862. Henry D. Johnson. Stephen Ketchum. Robert G. King. Leonard G. Loomis, promoted Sergeant February 28, 18(>i. Charles B. Lambkin. John Launsbrough, promoted Sergeant April, 30, 1862. (Jeoi'ge VV. Lee, died January 12. lS(i2 Martin Lilly, killed in battle December 29, 1863. Milo W. Morse, killed in battle May 25. 186:^ Frank W, Markert. Willard Morriss. William Morriss. (ieorge Moe. Henry McNelly. George Newman. Charles (.^"Brien, died May 18, 1862. Benjamin Phinney, promoted ('orporal July 1, 1863. Sanford Phinney, died; no date given. (Jeorge A. Raj'mond. EbenezerP. Sexton. George Sexton, died February 7, 1863. Ambrose Sawyer. Cornelius Springer, died of wounds in 186;i. William Stephens. William H. Stephens. Wiliam Swan. Mason Terry, died at Baton Rouge; date not given Charles R. Turner, promoted Corporal April 30, 1862. David H. Taylor. Stephen M. Taylor. Angel Tnttle. Joseph Willford. Thomas Williams, died in Memphis. William H. VVebsdale. Frederick Watson, killed in battle Jidy 12. 1863. Henry K. White, promoted Corporal February 20, 1863. William Zeman, promoted Corporal April 30, 1863, HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 05 RECRUITS. PRIVATES. John Curl, enlisted August 14. 1862; died June 30, 1803 George Goldsmith, enlisted August 13, 18ti2; died February 12, 18fi3. William H. Hubbard, enlisted August 12, 1862; died February, 1863. Alfred Lucas, enlisted August 12, 1862; died May 6, 1S()3. Friend McNeal, enlisted August 12, 18)i2; died March 25, 1S63. Corporal Luther A. Sweet, enlisted August 11, 1862; died March 29. 1803. Philo Van Dusen, enlisted August 11, 1802, died Februaiy, 1863. Horace J. Cahoon, enlisted August 14, 1802; discharged March 25, 1803. John Ross, enlistd August 11, 1862; discharged April 22, 1H03. John Brinker, enlisted August 11, 1862; transferred to Company G. George W. Biggs, enlisted Septenil)er 10, 1863; transferred to Company G Matthew Coone, enlisted August 11. 1862; transferred to t'ompany G. Charles Chester, enlisted August 12, 1802; transferred to (^ompany G. William F. Hathaway, enlisted August 12, 1862; appointed Hospital Steward. William G. Kent; enlisted September 1, 1802; transferred to Company G Horace Morehouse, enlisted November 14,1801 ; transfeiTed to CompanyH Corporal William H. Nickerson. enlisted Novendier 14, 1861; transferred to Company H. Theodore P. Sweet, enlisted August 11, 1802; transferred to Company G James M. Smith, enHsted August 27, 1H62; transferred to Company G. Howard Williams, enlisted October 30, 1861; transferred to veteran re- serve corps May 22, 1804. Oscar Wilcox, enlisted August 11, 1862, transferred to Company G. Joseph Wetter, enlisted August 11, 1802; transferred to Company G. Corporal Benjamin Mor-ehouse, enlisted October 30, 1801. Julien W. Smith, enlisted October 30, ISOI ; died January 29, 1862. Thomas F. Williams, enlisted August II, 1862; died of wound April 11, ism. Oel Durkee, enlisted November 12, 1861 ; transferred to Company H . COMPANY F, FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT OHIO VOLUN- TEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service in October, November and December, 1861. Mus ■ tered out of service July 13, 1865. Harlow W. Aldrich, veteran volunteers, mustered out with company. Benjamin Baldei-son, discharged at expiration of term of service. George Bennett, discharged. Alsaphin BasweU, veteran volunteer, mustered out with company. William Haber, promoted Co poral, mustered out with company. Andrew Hosford, veteran volunteer. Abraham Jaquaies, died January 26, 1804. Peter Mulberry. Henry Naracong. Orville Naracong. Eugene Ostrander. Michael Rudifortb. Thomas Rose . Lewis Schaffer, veteran volunteer, mustered out with company. Royal G. Slater. John I. Smith. Herbert Smith, veteran volunteer, mustered out with company. Conrad Trushiem. George Westinghousen, veteran volunteer, mustered out with company. COMPANY I; FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT OHIO VOLIN- TEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service in Nelson Allen. William O. Allen. Frederick April. Charles H. Bayless. Medad H. Bulkley. John Y. Burge. Charles Clark. Montgomery Close. Martin Denman. Martin Douglass. Gibson Douglass. Charles Donelson. William H. Dunham. Joel A. Gager. John Ginste. Levi Gillet. Russell Greeley. Cornelius Groat. Birney Grifliu. George W. Howard. JeflEerson Harrington. Willoughby Howe. Albert L. Howe. 1862. Mustered out July 13, 1865, Henry Hoyle. Stephen Hill. Russell T. HUl. Joseph L. Hanson. Gideon Lateman . Charles M. Miller. Jerome N. B. McCarty. John McCotter. Shubbill H. Marsh. Hugh Moshier. Marvin Moshier. Hiram Moshier. Benjamin F. Mills. Joseph Newton. Seth J. Porter. Daniel T. Russell. Franklin J. Russell. Azidi-ew S. Russell. Philip Ritzenthaler. Lewis L. Rowe. Daniel E. Rose . Frederick Schneider. Stephen Sweet. John W. Harley . Avery Hall. James Hales. Arteman Hinkley. COMPANY B, Thatcher Vincent. Thomas Whitney. Jefferson Wood. Oscar McNamee. FIFTY-FOURTH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUN- TEER INFANTRY, COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Caiitain Robert Williams, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel; discharged September 14, ISM. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant David A. Rees, promoted First Lieutenant and Adjutant. Sergeant Miles W. Elliot, discharged for disability (no date) Corporal Henry B. Neff, promoted Second Lieutenant, January 29, 1865. Corporal James H. Dillon, discharged December 19, 1864. Corporal Cyrus Pattinger, discharged December lil, lK(i4. Con>oral Adam C. Neff, veteran volunteer. Corporal John W. Kelley, promoted Sergeant, January 22, 1864. Wagoner Henry Sprong, discharged for disability, Jul3- 22, 18ti2. PRIVATES. Alexander W. Boyer, discharged at Cincinnati, O., (no date). Thomas Brown, Jr. Charles K. Bennett, promoted Sergeant, October 25th, 1864. Thomas Bennett. Jacob Campbell. Christopher H, Cook, veteran volunteer. Samuel Cook, discharged June 27, 1862. Andrew J. Clark, discharged (no record). Henry W. Carroll. John Frazier. Samuel Glunt, died Jidy 6, 1883. Jesse Glunl, died in hospital (no record). John GUnit, died in hospital (no record). Nathan H. Henderson. Francis V. Hale, killed in battle of Shiloh. Alonzo D. Kimball, died of wounds, April 6, 1862. Allen H. Lowe, killed in battle of Shiloh. Henry Marshland . William H. Moravy. John W. Neff, veteran volunteer, mustered out with company. Milton N. Neff, veteran volunteer, mustered out with company. Albert S. Robinson, veteran volunteer, mustered out with company. William H. Robinson, transferred to V. R. C. James H. Robinson, veteran volunteer, mustered out with company. William H. Runyon . Samuel Smiley, discharged at Covington, Ky. William F. Smiley, discharged June 22, 1805. John W. Thompson, discharged August 10. 1863. George W. Wilson, discharged December 19, 1804. John Wingler, discharged November 9, 1H64. James Wingler, discharged January 12, 1803. William C. Wilson, discharged December 19, 1804. Franklin W. Whiteside, discharged January 12, 1863. COMPANY E, SIXTIETH UEGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service April 16, 1804, at Camp Chase, Ohio. Mustered out of service July 28, 1865. PRIVATES . John A. Bean, killed in action, June 3, 18(i4. Hiram K. Bedortha, died October 22. 1861 Charles W. Conklin; killed in action June 3, 1804. .Tames H. Davis, mustered out with company. Jared Gridley, mustered out with company. Edward T. Lufkin, discharged July 1864. Charles T. Smith, promoted to Sergeant. COMPANY G, SEVENTY-SECOND REGIMENT OHIO VOL- UNTEER INFANTRY.* Mustered into service February 18, 1862. Mustered out September II, 1865. George Metcalf . Jacob Rath . William M. Walker. John Warner. Eri S. Warner. COMPANY H. Frederick Kimmick. John Amman. Joshua Geiger. Wesley A. Howard. William B. Halsey. John Maloney. Frederick Frank John Ritz. ♦This regiment re-enlisted. Muster out rolls of original enlistment not on file in Adjutant General's office. 96 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. COMPANY C, EirrllTY-SIXTn REGIMENT OHIO VOLUN- TEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service July 14, iSiW. for six months. Mustered out of service at expiration of enlistment. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Aaron K. Lindaley. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sers«'ant Charles E. Clark. Sergeant Iju-ius E. Finch. Sergeant Arehiliakl M. Willard. Corporal Charles M. Davidson Corporal Stanley K. Wileo.v. William J. Allison. Milan Avery. fMiarles Bowers. Henry Bennett. James J. Dixon. William Emmons. Dareau Finch. Lucius H. Hartwell. Linwell E. Hamilton. Charles O. Hanson. George W. Heif ner . Nelson T. Lee. Dayton Morgan. Corporal Frank W. Bennett. Corporal Josiah Buffett. Corporal Fi-ank B. Smith. Musician Horace M. Wilcox. PRIVATES. Charles Prestage, died October 1, lS»i3. John Serage. Lsaac Springer. David Stevicks. Frank btrong, died Octoher H, 1SG8. Henry Terry. William S. Wright. (Jarrison Marcy. Joshua Crandall, died November 2, I80:i. Eugene Merrill. COMPANY 1), EIGHTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT OHJO VOLCXTEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service June 10, 18ti:3. for three months. Mustered out at expiration of term of service. CONMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captiiin Sames F. Herrick. Second Lieutenant Wallace N. Pinning. NON-COMMISIONED OFFICERS. Corporal Thomas A. Riddle. Corporal Theodore A. Tenney. Corporal Edgar Conels. AlvahT. Kellogg. George H. Mathews. Marion J. Morse. Erwin McRoberts. Robei't Preston. Richard N. Phelps. Charles C. Prentiss. Benjamin F. Sems. Frank Swift. Charles Wright. First Sergeant John H. Siddale. Sergeant Nathan W. Foots. Sergeant Seth W. Maltby. Corporal James B. Johnson. p William J. Aliason. Isaac C. Ayers. Philip Ayers. Willis E. Baldwin. Charles E. Bristol. Frank L. Best wide. Henry C. Breckenridge. William E. Chidister. George W. Devlin. Lucius Fi. Finch. Harrison t^irnie. Charles M. Graves, discharged fi disabilitj-. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service at Cleveland, O.. September 8, 1H(;3. Mustered out of service at Cleveland, O., June 22, 1865. FIEI-D AND STAFF OFFICERS. Major Dewitt C. Howard, discharged February 15, 18ti-5. Surgeon Luther D. Griswold, resigned August 1, 1SG4. Quarter Master Sergeant Clark P. Quirk, promoted to Regimental Quarter-Master, July 21. 18ti3. Hospital Steward Cyrus Durand. promoted from Sergeant in Co. H. Fife-Major John Mountain, discharged May 15. 18iJ3. Sergeant-Major Gilbert S. Judd, promoted from Sergeant in Co. F., January 'J, IHti3. No *' Muster out Rolls " of this regiment are on file in the office of tlie Adjutant Genera!, at Columbus, O., rendering it impossible to show the status of the companies from Lorain county when discharged the service. COMPANY F. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Philip C. Hayes, promoted to Colonel of regiment, June <>. 18().\ Fii-st Lieutenant Simeon Windecker. promoted to Captain. June 04, isfi2. Second Lieutenant Charles E. Morgan, promoted to Captain, November 18, 1864. NON-COM MISSION ED OFFICERS. First Sergeant Miles E. Wattles, promoted Second Lieutenant, February !), 1863. Sergeant William H. Ayers. Sergeant Henry C. Bacon, promoted First Lieutenant, November 18, 1H64. Sergeant Orlando W. Bacon. Sergeant John S. W^ right. Ct)rporal Newton L. Cotton. Corporal William W. Watkius. Corporal Charles Johnson. Corporal Gilbert S. Judd. Corporal Charles Blair. Corporal George B. Fenn. Corporal Wesley P. Hier. Corporal Edward M. West. Fifer Richard N. Tiffany. Drummer Rhesa C. Houghton. Wagoner Edwin D. Shattuc. Luther Bemis, died at Danville, Ky., July 17, 1863. John H. Bovvers, died November 26, lH)i3, of wounds received in battle near Knoxville, Tenn., November 2.5, 1863. Charles Bradley. Justin A. Breckenridge, discharged in 1S63, dale not given. Theodore F. Brown . Alfred O. Briggs. Thomas Burnham. Thomas Butson. Francis Cook . Charles Cooper, disehargeil at Frankfort, Ky., date not given. George J. Cotton. James Covenhoren. George W. Covenhoren. John H. Crandall. Lewis Carver, died at Camp Nelson, Ky., October 3, 1863. William H. Eisenhower. Milton H. Franks. Albert B. Fitch. John G. Fitch. Lampson B. Franklin, died at Lexington, Ky., November 21, 1SG2. Dyer B. Gillett. Joseph D. Goodrich. George W. Hale Seldon Hall. Edward Hackett. Daniel W. Highland. James M. Harton. Sylvester F. Harton. John E. Howk. William Hutton. William O. Humphrey, discharged at Frankfort. Ky., date not given. Ezekiel Jones, discharged at Columbus, O., March 2."), 1H63. James M. Jones. William Jordon. Edward C. Kinney. James E. Kenyon. Silas Kingsley, died at Camp Denuison, O., July 13, 1S63. George H. Kingsbury. John Kiuekerfocher. Edward Linder. Jerome Lamphiei", discharged at Frankfort, Ky., (date not given). Joshua S. Mason. Stephen C. Mason. Edwin Mills. Emanuel Myers. Solomon Nason. Albert Northrup. Madison Northrup. John Northrupp. Frank Nolen. Frank L. Oberly. Joseph Oberly. George Peasly. Robert Penson. Thomas Penson. Merit W. Piatt James H. Redburn. Charles H. Rosa. David Robinson, died November 28, 1863, of wounds received in battle near Knoxville. Tenn.^ November 25, 1863. Joseph Robinson, killed at Frankfort, Ky., December 28, 1862. Robert Reynolds. Henry M. Salsbury, discharged at Cincinnati, O., July 24, 186:1. Daniel Salsbury. Sylvester F. R. Sage. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 97 Theodore A. Shafer. John I. Shafer. Frank B. Sherburne. Michael Truckenniiller. Wellin^on Varney. Henry Whitney. Richard Waterson. Edward 51. West, discharged February 5, 18G3. Edwin A. Wood. Oilman M. Young. COMPANY H. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain George F. Brady, resigned May 9, 1803. First Lieutenant John Booth, promoted to Captain, May 9, 1863. Re. signed April "24, KStvl. Second Lieutenant 1'. B. Parsons, resigned June 18, 18113. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant John Connally. captured January 18, 1864. Sergeant James Allen, promoted First Lieutenant November 18, 1864. Sergeant Francis M. Truman. Sergeant William T. Chapman, promoted Second Lieutenant, June 8 , 1863: resigned February 43, 1864. Sergeant William Knowles, captured January 18, 18G4. Corporal Welton Van Wagoner. Corporal Edward P. French, discharged at Lexington, Kentucky. (Date not given). Corporal Clark W. Quick, promoted to Captain August 19, 18M, from First Lieutenant Commission declined. Corporal James Lyons, promoted to Sergeant March 10, 18^3. Corporal Ira P. Griswold. Corporal JIarion Bruce, promoted to Sergeant March 10, 1803. Corporal Chapin M. Banister. C'jrporil Byron .McNeal, promoted to Sergeant, Julr^ 15, 1863. Musician John Mountain, discharged by reason of error in muster, May 15, 1863. Musician Andrew Parsons, promoted to Drum Major. (Date not given.) W^agoner Charlos C. Spaulding. PRIVATES. Job Alexander. Albort Adams. Charles Abbey. Solomon Alcott, promoted to Corporal March 10, 1863. Frederick Ambrose, died April 27, 1803. Washburn W. Bushnell, discharged February 20, 1864. Jeremiah Brannen. George Blair. JrliUs Blain, promoted to Corporal, May 19, 1863. Loren Bement. John W. Bacon. James Bailey. Joseph Biggs. Thomas Bunnell, died January 14, 1863. Benjamin Bunnell. Cephas Castle. Harlan P. Chapman. Emory N. Chapman. Sanford M. Carpenter. Luke Collins, promoted to Corporal, March 10, 1863. James Collins. Charles Chandler. Daniel Coughlin. Benjamin F. Crippen, died January 18, 1803. Elliott A. Colls. Paul Dumas. Robert Dickson, died October 1.5, 1863. Cyrus Durand, detached as Hospital Steward, September 8, 1862. Thomas O. Fretler. Edward Flood. Albert Fauver, died November 23, 1862. Patterson Fauver. discharged January 8. 1863. Henry W. Fretter. Austin Gandorn. Harrison Goding, died November 25, 1863, from effects of wound., re- ceived at battle of Armstrong Hill. Michael Graham, promoted tc Corporal, March 10, 1863. Byron A. Gilmore . Richard C. Hinckley. Thomas Harrison. Martin Hudson, died Novembers. 1863. William Howes, died December 0, 1863, of wounds received at battle of Armstrong Hill . George E. Hurd, captured Januaiy 18, 1864. Charles Iserman . John Jarrett, captured January 18, 1864. Charles R. Kibbey, discharged January 8, 1863. 13 Philip Lewis, transferred to I. C. November 2, 1863. Charles Lanaghan . Harrison McClay, promoted to Corporal, January 83, 1861. Arthur Moran . Joseph Mathews, died at Frankfort, Ky., March 26, 1863. Alanson D. Mynderse, discharged Jmie 4, 1863. Hannibal T. Osgood, died March 2:5, 1863. Morris O'Connell. George W. Phelon. David Phelon, discharged January 31, 1363. Matelon Pember, promoted to Coi-poral, January 2:3, 1864. Francis E. Pelton, transferred to I. C. Miiy 9, 1863. Grosvenor Pelton, died November 10, 1803. Ropha Rawson, captured January 18, 1864. Charles Roe. John Stangue. John Smith. Lewis Spaulding. Richard H. Shute. George Thompson. Augustus Towner. William G. Taylor. Hiram Van Guilder, captured January 27, 1854. John S. Warnock. James W^arnock. Oramel Whitaker. WUliam H. Weeden, promoted to Corporal July 20, 1803. Carey J. Winckler, died March 13, 1863. Joseph Wilson. COMPANY' E, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTH REGI- MENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service September 9, 1862, at Cleveland, Ohio. Mustered out of service July 10, 1865. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER. Corporal W^illiam Snell. PRIVATES. otto Boodicker. Willium Fees, died August 19, 1863. Gottlieb Wieland, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, 1861. COMPANY G, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTH REGI- MENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service September 9, 1862, at Cleveland, Ohio. Mustered out of service, July 10, 1865, at Charleston, S. C. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Anton Peterson, resigned November 7, 1862 . First Lieutenant John Pfaff, resigned November 33, 1803. Second Lieutenant Charles F. Marskey, promoted First Lieutenant No- vember 25, 1802; resigned January 12, 1863. NON-COMMISSIONKD OFFICERS. First Sergeant, Fernando C. Suhrer. Sergeant Joseph C. Peterson, discharged June 10, 1863. Sergeant Jolm Sharp. Sergeant John Zenz, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Corporal Martin Horleer. Corporal Anton Stewald, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Corporal William Gillett. Corporal John Welling. Corporal Peter Vallerius, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Corporill .A-dolph Ehrligh. Cori^oral Mathias Noon. Musician Thomas S. Binkard, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Musician Joseph Osterman. Wagoner John Haight. PRIVATES. John Baker, captured at Gettysburg, Pa. John Burkard. John Burr. Philip Beard. Nicholas Burr, died March 25, 1885. John Bauer. Nicholas Bowers. Casper Bohrer. Adam Berris. Simon P. Barber. Frederick Beese. Oren F..Browning, promoted Sergeant Major, September 12, 1862. John Conradi. John Crager. Joseph Cramer, died of wounds, January 22, 1803. Peter Eugels. George Fisher. Peter Fisher 98 HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Julius Geiple, discharged, May 89, 1805. Almon HoUey. Henry Gentcs. Henry Honeywell. Jaiues Haight, wounded at Chuucellorsville, May 2, 1863. Peter Howard. Nicholas Jacob. Isaiah Jewell - John Jungblutt. William II. Lindman, died July 3, 1802. Peter Juchoni. George Lenfer. Joseph Klinknor, severely vroundetl at Chaiicellorsvillle, Va. John M. Oliver. John Ketcliuni. Robert Park. Michael KUiishern, died prisoner, January 13, 186-1. .Selden M. PajTie. Nicholas Lopendall, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Henry W. Pomeroy. Oscar Loux. Martin Ross. Peter Laseher, promoted Corporal September 1. 1804. Orson Sears. John Meyer, captured at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Valtiu Seabert. John Nesbit, discharged June 4, 1863. Thomas M. Sherwood. Mathias Pfeifer, died January 25, 1803. Amasa Squires, died November 8, 1864. Henry Buedi. Eli Stedman. John Shultz. Joseph Welton. Jacob Sneider. Patrick Welch. John Schintzler. Benjamin C. Wood. Peter Simmer, died prisoner, January 7, 1861. Nicholas Wood. Mathias Schmitz. Oilman J. Wright, discharged at expiration of service Jacob Schmitz, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Judsou E. Willard. Jacob Seyler. John Shoemaker. Nicholas F. Traxler, discharged March 17, 1803. COMPANY C. Mustered into service June 6, 1862, at Johnson's Island. Mustered out Nicholas T. Traxler, discharged February 28. 1803. of service July 13, 1865, at Camp Chase, Ohio. Henry Tores. PRIVATES. John Voeiker, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Lacey T Disbro, discharged at expiration of term of service . Martin Walls. Willard 3IcConnelI, discharged March 7, 186:i. John Voeiker, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Eli Ward, woundetlat Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, 180:1. COMPANY n. Joseph Yeuz. Mustered into service September 16, 1862, at Johnson's Island. Mustered RECRUITS. out of service July 13, 1865, at Camp Chase Ohio. PRIVATES. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Nicholas Lopendall, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Sergeant Andrew Ryan, died March 29, 1803. Ferdinand C. Luhrer, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Corporal Hobart Corning, promoted to Quarter-master Sergeant, April John Weber, killed in battl-, Jidy 1. 1863. .3, 1865. Martin Walls, died prisoner, November 16, 1863. Corporal Adison Wells. Corporal Judah P. Perkins- COMPANY C, ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVENTH REGI- PKIVATES. MENT, OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Franklin Brown. Hai-vey J. Curtiss. Mustered into service September 5, 1862, at Camp Toledo, Ohio. Milo A. Cook, died January 27, 1863. Mustered out of service, June 27, 1868, at Salisbury. N. C. Robert Dunn. Francis N. Dunn. NON-COMMISSrONED OFFICER. Harlon Garrett. Sergeant Sylvester S. Hoadley, promoted First Lieutenant, March 1, John Herald. 1861. Died at Atlanta, Ga., October »3, 1861. Thomas C. Ingerson. PRIVATES. James Liner. Samuel Blair. F'rancis LaflSin. John P. Beck, died November 28, 1862. Abel S. Phipps. Briggs Gould. Owen Phipps. William Ketenug, promoted Corporal. George Phipps, ilied October 24, 1802. John H. Lee. Charles E. B. Rowell. Joseph Spitler. Henry C. Royce, died February 15, 1863. Jacob Traxler. George B. Schott. James C. Thomas, promoted Corporal, June, 1865. Jackson Wells. Deloma W. Wisener. Andrew P. Hamhn, died January 23, 1803. Orson Whaley. Enrolled among deaths— no date. COMPANY E. HOFFMAN'S BATTALION. Mustered into service January i), 1864, at Cleveland, out of service July 13, 1865. Ohio. Mustered COMPANY B, ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ErGHTH NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Corporal Charles B. Griggs. Mustered into service February 27, 1662, at Johnson's Island, Ohio. Mus- PRIVATES. tered out of service July 13, 1865, at Camp Chase, Ohio. Putnam Bi-iggs. Lym.an W. June. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER.S. John W. Mack, discharged April 25, 1864. Corporal Allen Sergeant, discharged to accept promotion in the United Tasso D. Phelan . States Colored Troops. DewittC. Rogers. Corporal David Wood. Porter Wheeler, discharged June 12, 1.S65 Corporal Leo Berlitz. George PufT, died January 2, 1805. Musician George Q. Adams, PRn'ATES. COMPANY F. Alonzo Blackman. Isaac H. Church. Mustered into service December 21, 1863, at Cleveland, Ohio. Mustereil Martin E. Church. out of service July 13, 1865. Lucian M. Clark. Carl EluUch. Thomas Fishbum. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Corporal Jefferson N. McCarty, promoted to Sergeant, April 15, ISChl. William Gornnan. Corporal Rufus E. Jump, promoted to Sergeant. John Harrington. PRIVATES. Miles Hart. Samuel Baker. Peter Hazel - Cameron B. Stone. James Hitsman. Charles H. Wright, discharged September 23, ISM. ■j HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 99 COMPANY I. Mustered into service Jaiuiarj' 5, isr4. at Cleveland, Oliio. Mustered out of service July 13, 1865. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Corporal Henry L. Napp. PRIVATES. Robert Dowling. John Napp. Silas Penneman. Williaui Robinson. Charles H. Wright. COMPANY K, ONE IILTNDRED AND THIRTY-FIFTH REGI- MENT OHIO NATIONAL GUARDS. Miiatered into service at Camp Chase, Ohio, on May 11, 1864, for one hundred days. In the absence of a Muster-out Roll, it is presumed the Company was mustered out of the service at the expiration of the term of service for which they were enlisted. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain George D. Williams. First Lieutenant David C. Baldwin. Second Lieutenant Marvin B. Keith. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant Edward P. French. Sergeant William E. Cahoon. Sergeant Frank C. Cromling. Sergeant Caleb W. Dill. Sergeant James F. Flowers. Corporal Edwin J. Abbott. Corporal George Cogswell. Corporal Edward Glover. Corporal Lewis Haserodt, Corporal Halsey J. Hawthorn. Cori)oral Saunders Hmes. Corporal John Lent. Corporal Alfred R. Philpott. Musician William B. HoUister. Musician Ernest Morehouse. Wagoner William Tite. PRIVATES. Frank Agate. John Bartlett. John Biggs. William S. Biggs. Martin J Braman. Elbert A. Brush. Eldt-n R. Brush. George Burnham. Oscar N. Bush. Joseph Buswell. Michael Coagliu. Joseph Clark. Emir J. Coon. George Crisp. WiUiaiu Dawley. Franklin W. Dunham. Oscar Durkee. Charles Eason. Newton Eldred. George Farmer. Henry Farmer. Theodore S. Faxon. Martin C. Fox . Edward E. Gaudeme. William Gooispeed. Edwin R. Goodwin. Luther B. Grigg. Volosco C, Hard. Lewis Hess. Albert Hyland. Luther Hoadley. Calvin Jackson. Andrew Johnson. Lyman R. Kemp. Amos V. Kent. Merit Meade. Andrew Moore. Loren J. Myers. Winthrop W. Phelps. Edgar A. Phillips. Thomas M. Proctor. Willis Reichard . Dwight W. Rockwell . Frederick Starkweather. Albert S. Taylor. Loren Taylor. James B. Warden. George H. Wolcott. Ervin Worthington. Charles Young. Agastus Zubor. REGI- COMPANY K, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH MENT OHIO NATIONAL GUARD. Mustered into service at Cleveland, O., May 5, 1864, for one hundred days. Mustered out of service at expiration of term of service. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Albert Allen SaflFord. First Lieutenant Henry L. Turner. Second Lieutenant George W. Phinney. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant James H. Laird. Sergeant Russell T. Hall. Sergeant George W. Facklin, Sergeant George W. Keyes. Sergeant Anson H. Robbins. Corporal Lucien C. Warner. Corporal William H. Ryder. Corporal James T. Hudson. Coi-poral R. Dwight Burrell. Corporal Theodore W. Otis. Corporal Edward A. Ellis. Corporal Elihu C. Barnard. Corporal W. Irving Squire. Edgar L. Beach. John A. Bedient. Eugene P. Boise. Franklin M. Burns. Henry S. Bennett. Frank J. CaU. PRIVATES. John Jeffers. Jay L. Judd. Cyrus >L Johnson. Amos A. Kellogg. Eugene P. Kingsley. Peter H. Kiser. James C. Cannon. William T. Clark. Edgar A Chapman. Buel Cliidester. Edward P. Church. Fiudley Cleveland. Ilenrj'' A, Cowles. Wilham E. Copeland. John C. Doughty. Albert Dwelle. Charles Dean. Joseph Eccles. Johu C. Fillmore. Thomas J. Frazier. William Fuller. Heury W. Gates. James Goss. Daniel E. Hathaway. Arthur E. Hawley. Edward K. Hawley. Chalmer Hammond. Edgar H. Hunman. Charles F. Hall. Richard Holland. Lucius C. Hotchkiss. Luman L. Hudson. Theodore Hulburt. Nicholas P. Hugus. Harlan P. Jackson. There is no "Muster out' General of Ohio; hence this company. Charles F. KrimeL WilUam E. Leach. Marcus M. Lincoln. George R. Morgan. Henry J. Marietta. William A. Miner. John Monroe. Frederick J. McWade . George K. Nash. Chaplin C. Neph. Thomas B. Orton. Joel M. Partridge. Edward L. Plymptou. Albert P. Reed. Josiah J. Scovill. Edwin Stickle. Henry H. Straight. Horace J. Street. John Strong. James E. Todd. Carter Van Antwerp. Levi Van Fossen. Henry L. Warren. Lanson B. Warren. Calvin M. Wells Alfred R. Wildman. Lewis E. Wilson. Albert A. Wright. Walter E. C. Wright. Roll on file in the office of the Adjutant we are compelled to omit further data of COMPANY C, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service September 13, 1864, for one year. Mustered out of service June 14, 1865. Captain Aaron K. Lindsley, mustered out with company. First Lieutenant Joseph A. Lovejoy. promoted Captain Aprils, 1865, and assigned to Company H; mustered out with company. Second Lieutenant Ramson Peabody, promoted to First Lieutenant April 8, 1865, assigned to Company C, mustered out with company. Louis B. Avery, discharged May 2:i, 1865. Almon G. Bruce, mustered out with company. Sergeant Henry Bennett, appointed Sergeant September 33, 186i. Wesley S. Battle, mustered out with company. Joseph H. Battle, mustered out with company. Corporal Robert N. Bleur, appointed Cori>oral September 33, 1864, J. W. Beaman. mustered out with company. Luther S. Brown, died December 16, 1864. John Croteer, mustered out with company. Walter Catifield, mustered out with company. Sergeant Luther W. Clark, appointed Sergeant, March 3, 1865. George F. Clark, mustered out with company. James R. Daley, mustered out with company. Wlliam G. Dudley, mustered out with company. James H, Daugherty, mustered out with company. Dewitt C. Everlee, mustered out with company. Washington Forbes, mustered out with company. Albert Forbes, died December 5, 1864. James Foote. died May S, 1865. Addison W. Gregg, mustered out ^vith company. Corporal Grantham Grundy, appointed Corporal September 33, ISW. Robert P. Gibbs, mustered out with company. Eli D. Gilson, nuistered out with company. Nathan Gray, died November 3, 1864. Joseph Gray, mustered out T.vith company. George AV. Griggs, mustered out with company. Lewis Gwyun, mustered out with company. Drummer Charles Hayes, mustered out with company. Hiram Harpster, mustered out with company. Sergeant Carolus Hickox, promoted Sergeant September 23, 1864. Linville E. Hamilton, mustered out with company. Ricliard S. Bines, mustered out with company. George C. Hanes, mustered out with company. First Sergeant Henry W. Houghton, died March 3, 1865. Orlow M. luman, mustered out with company. William Jickles, not accounted for on muster out roll. Corporal Edgar C. Jeffries, promoted Corporal January 1, 1865. Sergeant Ezekiel Jones, appointed Sergeant September 3^3, 1864. James Lewis, mustered out with company. William T. Little, mustered out ■ivith company. Benjamin F. Le\vis, mustered out with company. John W. Moon, mustered out with company. Edward Munsinger, mustered out with company. 100 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. George Munsinger, mustered out with company. David N. Maiideville, mustered out with company. Nelson L. 3Iain, mustered nut with company. Eugene R. JIai'cy, mustered out with company. Corporal Henry W. Mallory, promoted Corporal September 33, 1864. Drnnuner Adam .Miller, mustered out with company. Charles H. (^gden, nuistered out witli company. John Payne, mustered out with company. Heniy D. Palmer, mustered out with company. James Pember, mustered out with company. Alvah Peabody, nuistered out with company. Morris W. Plain, died April 14, 1S6.5. Kussell Peltou, mustered out with company. Sergeant Leonard G. Perry, appointed Sergeant September 33, 1H(>4. Nicholas Robins, mustered out with company, Albert S. Reynolds, died December 24, \XiA. Corporal Henry J. Rossiter. appointed Corporal September 23, 1854. Charles E. Starr, mustered out with company. Walter Soles, mustered out with company. Corporal George \V. Sutliff. appointed Corporal January 1, 1805. John G. Smith, mustered out with company. Sidney A. Smith, mustered out with company. Wilham N. Smith, mustered out with company. William R. Sackett discharged May 3*1, W>5. Charles Swain, mustered out with company. John Serage, mustered out with company. Lucius B. Sweet, nuustered out with company. George W. Upson, mustered out with company. Albei-t Voorhes, mustered out with company. First Sergeant Henry S. Viets, promoted First Sergeant March 3, 1SG6. Edgar A. Warner, mustered out with company. Roland C. AVoodbury, mustered out with company. Hazelton Ward, mustered out with company. COMPANY C, ONE HUKDRED AND NINETY-SEVENTH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Mustered into service, April 1, 1S65, for one year. Mustered out of ser- vice July 23, 1865. Jacob Gehring, mustered out with company. August Holder, mustered out with company. James Hastings, mustered out with company. Franklin J. Hosford. mustered out with company. Corporal George Jillich, mustered out with company. Sergeant William H. Richardson, mustered out with company. George F. Shenvood, mustered out with company. Charles Skader, mustered out with company. Moses Ruggles, mustered out with company. Joseph W. Pickle, m.ustered out with company. COMPANY F. Mustered into service, April 8, 1S65, for one year. Frank Book, mustered out with company July 31, lSt)5. FIFTH INDEPENDENT COMPANY SHARP SHOOTERS. Mustered into service, December 5. 1863. Mustered out of se^-vice, July 19, 1865. John Barker. Sergeant Homer Meacham. Barlow^ Bridge. Sergeant David Rose. Homer S. Franks. Sergeant JuHus P. Stark. John Hancock. Corporal John W. Vanfosseu. Ephraim D. Holester. Corporal Benjamin F. Watkins. COMPANY A, TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT UNITED STATES COLORED TROOPS. Mustered into service, January 16, 1864. Mustered out of service, Sep- tember 31, 1865. Isaac Brown. Thomas A. Hartwell. Tliomas Jenkins. Isaac Noble. Isaac Smith, died April 13, 1864. John Willes. Simpson Yaunger. Richard Evans. Enoch Freeman. COMPANY B. Mustered into service, Februai'y 8, 18G4. Charles W. Long. COMPANY G. Mustered into service in February, March and April, 1864. William Broadwell. Charles Moore. BATTERY B, FIRST OHIO LIGHT ARTILLERY. Mustered into service October 8, 1861. Re-enlisted January 4, I86^t. Mustered out of service July 22, 1865. NON-COUHISSIONED OFFICERS. Corporal Addison J. Blanchard, dischai'ged on account of disability July 15, 18(;3. Corporal Alunzo Starr, died of fever at Mt. Vernon, Ky., November 19, I8(;i. Corporal Harvey P. Fenn, died of fever at Lebanon, Ky., February 23, Corporal Merwin Blanchard, discharged by reason of severe injury caused by his horse leaping a fence whileeudeavoring to escape the enemy, by whom he was captured and paroled. Corporal Lewis R. Penlield, promoted to Sergeant October 3, 1"''63. Re- enlisted as Veteran Volunteer January 4, 18t>4. John Boon, transferred to Batter}' K, was captured near McMinnviUe, Tenn., August 6, 1863. Hugh Chambei-s, transferred to Battery K.. April 6, 1864. John G. Courser, discharged for disabiHty, March 34, 1862. Theodore Gott, re-enlisted as Veteran Volunteer, January 4, 1864. Ransom E. Gillett, transferred to Battery K., April 6, 1S64. Egbert Holcomb. promoted to Corporal January 15, 1863; re-enlisted as Veteran Volunteer, January 4, 1864. Percival Holcomb, discharged from service for disability.. Date not given. John Jackson, re-enhsted as Veteran Volimteer, Januaiy 4, 1864. George Mason, discharged for disability, March 23, 1863. Harlan P. Penfield, re-enlisted as Veteran Volunteer; promoted to Cor- poral January 5, 1864. John Ripperton, re-enlisted as Veteran Volunteer. John W. Renouard, re-enlisted as Veteran Volunteer, Stephen D. Renouard, re-enlisted as Veteran Volunteer. ^ Walter W. Starr, wounded at Stone River; re-enlisted as Veteran Vol- I Tinteer. William R. Stanfield, re-enlisted as Veteran Volunteer. James H. Sloan, re-enlist-ed as Veteran Volunteer. Theodore White, died at Lebanon, Ky., February 18, 1803. Alonzo White, discharged for disability, Ajiril 30, 1863. Arthur West, discharged for disability, July 19, 1863. David Burnham, joined the Battery, September 28, 1863; discharged for disabihty February 1. 1864. , John Blanchard, joined the Battery, September38, 1863; wounded in the 1 arm at battle of La Vergne; arm amputated, and discharged in con- setpience. Date not given. Walter Dalgleisb, joined the Battery, September 28, 1862; mustered out with Battery. Gilbert S. Goodyear, joined the Battery September 28, 1863; mustered out with Battery. Augustus B. Hayes, joined the Battery September 28, 1863; mustered out with Battery. Samuel F. Hoyt, joined the Battery September 38, 1863; discharged fur disability. Date not given. James S. Jennings, joined the Battery September 38, 1863; dischai^ed with Battery. Wilham R. Leonard, joined the Battery September 28, 1862; discharged with Battery. Cuyler Morris, joined the Battery September 28, 1863; discharged with Battery. Fletcher S. Penfield, joined the Battery September 28, 1863: discharged with Battery. Philo A. Penfield, joined the Battery September 28, 1863; discharged with Battery. Lester J. Richmond, joined the Battery September 38, 1862; discharged with Battery. Addison E. Sheldon, joined the Battery September 28, 1863; discharged with Battery. Leonard G. Starr, joined the Battery September 38, 1862; died of fever, November 37, 1862. Edwin A. Swift, joined the Batteiy September 38, 1861; discharged; date not given. FIFTEENTH INDEPENDENT BATTERY. Mustered into service January 1, 1862, at Camp Denison, O. Mustered out of sei-^'ice June 20, 1865, at Columbus, O. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain James Burdick, promoted from First Lieutenant. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant James Reed, promoted from Corporal December 20, 1864. Sergeant Frederick Dibble, promoted from Con^oral December 20, 1864. Sergeant Seth W. Rolhn, promoted from Corporal April 23, 1865. Sergeant Marshall Ferguson, promoted from Corporal March 1, 1865. HISTORY OF LOEAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 101 Corporal Lafaj-ette S. Lee, promoted from private December 20, 1W4. Coi-poral George Donaldson, promoted from private March 1, 1865. Corporal Joshua R. Potter, promoted from private March 1, 1865. Corporal Azor H. Osboru, promoted from private April iXi, 1865. Artificer Joseph Gates, promoted from private December 20, 1865. PRrVATES. Moses Beal. John W. Bougliton. Thomas Disbro. Eugene Faxon. William King. Gottleib Keller, captured February 30, 1865; returned to iluty May 20, '05 Lewis G. Lambert. William Nottham. Merrit Nichols. Rufus G. Reynolds. Warren RoUin. Ehjah Stearns. Freeman Stearns. Alanson H. Williams. Lewis S. Wright. Jerome B. Warner. William Berry, died at Vioksburg, Miss., August 7, 186-3 George W. Knoup, died at Memphis, Tenn., September3.3, 1863. John Maddox, wounded at Coldwater, Miss. ; discharged at Cleveland, O. January' 14, 1865. Chester Phillips, died at Collierville, Tenn., February 7, 1863. Lyman W. Smith, died at Memphis, Tenn., 1863. John H. Taylor, died at Memphis, Tenn., March 30, 1863. John H. Taft, died at LaGrange, Tenn., January 33, 1863. Curtis E. Thompson, died at Memphis, Tenn., September 13, 1863. Charles I. Spencer, died at home; date unknown. Ezra Dunton, discharged July 33, 1863, for disability. Otis R. Snell, discharged April 1, 1863, for disability. Bradley Fauver, transferred to InvaUd Corps. Orfield Stearns, transferred to Invalid Corjjs. SECOND REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. Sergeant Theodore H. Eobbins, Third Battallion, not accounted for on Muster Out Rolls. Stephen A. Mason, not accounted for on Muster Out Rolls. Frank Brooks, not accounted for on Muster (tut Rolls. This regiment was organized at Camp Wade, Cleveland, O., from August to October. 1861, for three years. A portion of the men became veterans; the remainder were mustered out on e.xpiration of their term of enlistment. COJIPANT H. Mustered into service October 8, 1861. Mustered out of service Septem- ber 11, 1865. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain Aaron K. Lindsley, discharged February 15, 1863. Second Lieutenant Franklin S. Case, promoted Captain. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant Theodore P. Hamlin, promoted First Lieutenant. Quarter-master Sergeant Edwui June, nmstered out with company. Sergeant Sumner L. Drake. Sergeant Newton D. Fisher, promoted First Lieutenant August !», 1865. Corporal Edward F. Webster. Corporal Francis Finch, Corporal Lucius D. Leach. Corporal Ezra L. Burge, promoted Sergeant July 1, 186,5. Corporal Albert C. Houghton, promoted Captam December 35, 1864. Corporal Walter P. Ledyard. Corporal Peter L. Mason. Bugler Newton E. Adams. Bugler Delos B. Haynes . Farrier Robert C . Pickworth. Farrier Henry Onneroid. Wagoner Roswell E. Thayer. Saddler Calvin Sage. PRIVATES. Martin H. Avery. Calvin C. Allen, discharged September 35, 1861. HamUne S. Bigelow, Veteran Volunteer, mustered out with company. William P. Bushnell, discharged September 25, 1864. James W. Bonney. Harvey Bonney. Henry W. Chester, promoted to First Sergeant. John Cushing. William Challacombe. Spooner C. Crapo. Ahueron Codding. Jabez B. Challacombe. John W. Devlin. William M. Davis. Charles G. Fairchild. Henry R. Fenton. Charles W. Fenton. Joel E. Field. Milton M. Geer. Daniel M. Hall. Franklin H. Howk. Alpheus Howk, discharged for wounds, March 5, 1865. William F. Johns. Henry Kingsbury. Thomas Knowles. Hiram A. Knapp. Edward T. Kii-by. John P. Larmdon. Charles E. Lanphear. William Lindsey. Anion Litchfield. Robert B. Lucas. Albert N. Litchfield. Enoch Leavitt, Veteran Volunteer, discharged May 35, 1865. Noah Long. Robert E. Mernfleld. Aurelian P. Matthews. Henry Maple. James C. Miller. Wilbert D. 5'anchester. William T. Noi-ton. James R. Ogden. Charles Patterson. Alonzo Perkins. Oliver Rulison. Homer H. Stark, discharged September 35, 1864, James W. Shaffer. Otis L. Sexton. PhiUp B. Stroup. Chauncey Smith. Luman H. Tenny. Charles Webster. George Whiton. Frank R. Whitney, discharged June 3, 1805. Henry M. Waters. Oliver Vader. COMPANY K, TENTH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. Mustered into service, .January 15, 1863, tor three years. Discharged at the close of the war. NON-COMMISSIOHED OFFICERS. First Sergeant John W. Williams. COMPANY F, THIRD REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. Mustered into service December 11, 1861. Mustered out of service August 4, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Sergeant Warden W. Welsher, mustered out November 4, 1864. Sergeant James Hart, promoted to Sergeant January 15, 1S05.J Corporal John Barnes. Corporal Henry S. Barker, promoted to Corporal June 17, 1805. PRIVATES. Josiah Coates, mustered out November 4, 1864. WUham Campbell. Peter Dagnon. John Hanley. A. Richards. Daniel LeClear. Georges. Mitchell, promoted to Corporal; mustered out November 4, 1864. Sidney G. Mitchell. Andrew J. Pierce. Henry Smith. Joseph B. Shepard, mustered out November 4, 1864. John B. Taylor. Henry Van Sickles, promoted to Corporal, June 17, 1865. William H. Blair— date of discharge not given. Lewis La Duke— date of discharge not given. John Robinson. Men not otherwise marked, mustered out with the Company. 102 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. COMPANY F. TWELFTH REGIME JfT OHIO VOLUx^TEER CAA'ALRY. Mustered into service, October 39, 1803. Mustered out of service, Novem ber 14, 1865. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Lieutenant Ueubeii H. Sardane, promoted to Captain and assigned to Company F. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First iSiT^eaut i\Iilo L. Blanchard, promoted to Sfcoud Lieutenant, Com- pany A; transferred to Company F. June 1, 18G5. Sergeant William W. Worcester, died October 19, IHfil. Sergeant Cliarles H. Sherburne, died from wounds December 13, 1801. Sergeant Janirs F. Davis, died October 6, 18G4. Sergeant Richard H. Sheldon, promoted First Sergeant Veteran. Corporal Howard H. Hall, promoted Sergeant. Corporal CJeorge C. Rising, died March 20, 18ti4. Corporal Oeorge H. Houghton, discharged June 8, 1865. Bugler Henry Moore, promoted Corporal September 1, 1865. Bugler Judsou Chamberlain, mustered out with company. Farrier Ephraini Kuapp, mustered out with company. Saddler Wyatt T. Judson, promoted Sergeant. PRIVATES. Wilson Ager, promoted Sergeant September 1, 1865. Erwiu E. Baldwin, discharged July 21, 1865. Tenny Blair, promoted Corporal September 1, 1865. Erastus W. Bailey, discharged September 30, 1864. Milo Barnes, mustered out with company. Wells A. Chamberlain, promoted Sergeant September 1, 1865. John Dagner, mustered out with company. Frank W. Ellsworth, discharged September 7, 1865. Charles M. Hal!, died from wounds June 16. 1864. Henry C. Hopwood, promoted Corporal. Daniel M. Hall, promoted Sergeant. John Jackson, mustered out with company. John Kirkpatrick, mustered out with company. Joseph King, mustered out with company. Charles M. Knapp, discharged August 27, 1865. Charles W, Kelley, nmstered out with company. Charles E. McLean, mustered out with company. George H. Mosher, discharged March 27, 1865. Albert B. Probert, discharged June S, 1865. Sylvanus Phelon, promoted to Corporal September 1, 1865. James Richard, discharged August 16, 1865. Edward Scoville, Jr., discharged July 11, 1865. Orson P. Smith, discharged May 15, 1865. Eli Smith, mustered out June 15, 1865. William Soules, mustered out with company. Ri"hard J. Staples, promoted Sergeani September 1, 1865. Emerson O. Stone, mustered out with company. William Turner, mustered out with company. John W, "Wilson, discharged February 35, 1864. Eugene A. Burrell, mustered out July 10, 1S65. Sergeant Carlos A. West, mustered out June 15, 1865. Benjamin A. Briggs, killed in action June 8, 1864. Corporal John McOee, committed suicide August 3, 1865. MUSTER ROLL OF THE **HART (iUARDS," COMPANY G, FIFTEENTH REGIMENT OHIO NATIONAL GUARD. CONMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain P. D. Reefy. First Lieutenant Fred N. Smith . Second Lieutenant S T. Sawyer. First Sergeant A. Rawson. Second Sergeant H. Schwartz. Third Sergeant S. C. Nickei-son Fourth Sergeant C. B. Faux. Fifth Sergeant Irving Taylor. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. First Corporal George Teasedale. Second Corporal G. W. Gilbert. Third Corporal G. R. Kelley. Fourth Corporal Charles Hackett. Fifth Corporal F. D. Wathen. PRIVATES . A. Dickinson. R. Storer. D. M. Hurst. G. T. Nichols A, Vogeley. Fi-ed Weigand. John Bishbaugh. J. L. Cunningham. H. Foreman. Thomas Fitzsimmons. Charles Flood. E. A. Gilbert. Musician Frank Goodspeed. Regim«ntal Drum-Major A. F. Regimental Hospital Steward A. Hause. E. Herney. Fred Lane. W. Maddock. F. W. Miller. A. Miller. James Melin. George Mclntyre. John Ingram. George L. Sears. L. W. Semple. John Wiler. Parsons. Frank Burgert. The "Ely Guards,'' since changed to "Hart Guards,'' were mustered into the service of the State July 2, 1877, to serve for a period of five years. The Company was soon after assigned to the Fifteenth Regiment as Company G., with head -quarters at Cleveland, Ohio. The whole number enlisted is seventy men. Those whose names do not appear above have been discharged for various reasons, princi- pally on account of removal from the county. HISTORY Towns and Villages of Lorain County, ELYRIA. This township was named for its iirincipal pro- jnietor, the late Hon. Heman Ely. It originally eniliraced the territory now contained in Carlisle, number five, and Elyria, number six in range number seventeen, of the Connecticut Western Reserve. It is situated on and between both branches of Black river, in north latitude forty-one degrees and forty- tive minutes It is twenty-four miles west of Cleveland, and eight miles above the mouth of the river. TOPOGRAPHY. Above the village it is generally level, the banks of the river being low. An excellent quality of sandstone crops out along the river banks, which forms good building material, and is used extensively for flagging the streets. There are over nine miles of stone side- walks within the limits of the village. Several quar- ries are extensively worked. The largest is owned by Mr. Henry E. Mussey, situated on the west side of the west branch of the river. He has built a spur branch of the C, T. V. & W. railroad to his quarry, and the work of turning grindstones, raising the stone from the quarry, loading cars, etc., is done by steam power. The stone are shipj)ed by railroad to many parts of the country.' Mr. John Weller has also a fine (juarry below the town, which is worked by steam power. Stone are extensively quarried on the east branch for building and flagging purposes. Below the village, the banks of the river are generally high and rugged, though there are several fine farms of alluvial bottom lands, which are easy to till and very productive. The sandstone termimxtes and tlie Huron shale crops out along the river bank aljout two miles below the village. On the east side of the river there are several small streams running at right angles with it, and discharging themselves into tlie main stream. These have worn deep ravines in the soil, and extend a mile or more back from the river, but the roads are graded and the streams bridged so that they are quite passable. Running parallel with the lake are two, and in some places three or more ridges, composed of sandy loam, and in some places gravel. The first is about four miles from Lake Erie and is called the North Ridge. The second passes through Elyria, and extends east through all the northern counties of the Western Reserve. They were formed by a subsidence of the lake at some remote period of the world's history ; but after the growth of timber, as large trees are found, in digging wells, twenty feet or more below the surface. These ridges make excellent roads, and the soil is warm and productive, well adapted to fruit growing and early gardens. COL. JAMES SMITH. Perhaps no more fitting preface to the history of the early settlement of the township of Elyria could be procured than a brief sketch of the above named person, who was doul)tleKs the first white man who ever lived for any considerable time in what now con- stitutes the above township. We are indebted for the facts to a book called "Our Western Border," written by Charles McKnight, and published during the centennial year, which was kindly loaned us by G. G. Washburn, Esq., and also to an article published in The Elyria Repuhlican, in 1876. We have not space to publish the entire narrative of Col. Smith, but shall, as far as possible, give it in his own quaint and terse language: " In May, 1755, the Province of Pennsylvania agreeil to send out three hundred men in order to cut a wagon road from Fort London to join Braddock's road near the Turkey Fork, or the three forks of the Yohoguina. My brother-in-law, William Smith, was commissioner, and though but eighteen years of age. I concluded to accompany the expedition. We went on the road without interruption until near the Alleghany mountains, when I was sent back in order to hurry up some provision wagons that were on the way after us. I proceeded down the road as far as the crossing of the Jimiata, where, finding that the wag- ons were coming on as fast as possible, I returned up the road toward the Alleghauj^ mountains in company with one Arnold Vigoras. About four or five miles above Bedford three Indians hail made a blind of bushes stuck in the ground as though they had grown naturallj', where they concealed themselves, about fifteen yards from the road. When we came opposite to them they fired upon us at this short distance and killed my fellow traveler; yet their bullets did not touch me, but my horse making a violent start threw me, and the Indians immediately ran up and took me prisoner. The one that laid bold on me was a Cunasa- taugee, the other two were Delawares.- One of them could speak English. Two of them stood by me while the other* scalped my comrade. We slept on the Alleghany moimtains that night without fire. The next morning they divided their remaining provisions and gave me an equal share, which consisted of two or three ounces of mouldy bi.scuit. They continued their journey to Fort Duquesne (now Pittsburgh) and when they reached the bank of the Mleghany the Indians gave the scalp halloo, which was answered by the firing of guns and the shouts of the French and Indians who were in and about the Fort." HE RUNS THE GAUNTLET. " I saw numbers of Indians running towards me stripped naked except breech-clouts, and painted in the most hideous manner. As they ap- proached they formed themselves in two long ranks about two or three rods apart. I was told by an Indian who could speak English that I (103) 104 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. must run between these ranks, and that they would flog me all the way as I ran, and if I ran quick it would be so much the better. ** There appeared to be general rejoicing around me, yet I could find notliing like joy in my breast; but I started to the race with all the reso- lution and vigor I was capable of exercising, and found it was as I had been told, for I was flogged all the way. "When I had got near the end of the race I was struck by something that appeared to me to be a stick, or the handle of a tomahawk, which caused me to fall to the gi-ound. "On my recovering my senses I endeavored to renew my race, but as I arose some one cast sand in my eyes which blinded me so that I could not see where to run. They contiiiued beating me most intolerably imtil I was at length insensible, but before I lost my senses I remembered wishing them to strike the fatal blow." He was conveyed to tlie Fort and the French doctor dressed his wounds and apj)lied remedies. "Soon after I was visited by a Delaware Indian who could speak broken English. I asked hiui if I had done anything that offended the Indians. He said no. it was only an old custom the Indians had, and was like ' how do you doV After that, he said, I would be well used.'' After tliis Smith was taken by his captors to an Indian town on the banks of the Muskingam river in Ohio. niS ADOPTION INTO THE TRIBE. Tliis ceremony being somewhat interesting we take tlie lil)erty of giving it at length in his own words: " The day after my arrival at the aforesaid town a number of Indians gathered about me, and one of them began to pull the hair out of my head. He had some ashes on a bark in which he frequently dipped his fingers in order to take a firmer hold, and so he went on as if he had been plucking a turkey, until he had all the hair clean out of my head, except a snuill spot, three or tour inches square, on the crown. This they cut oft with a pair of seissoi-s, excepting three locks, which they dressed up in theirown mode. Two of these they wrapped around with a narrow beaded garter, made by themselves for the purpose, and the other they plaited atfuU length and stuck it full of silver brooches. After this they bored my nose and ears, and fixed me off with nose and ear jewels. Then they ordered me to strip off my clothes and put on a breech-clout, which I did. They then painted my face, hands, and body in various colors. They put a large belt of wampum on my neck, and silver bands on my hands and right arm, and so an old chief led me out in the street and gave the alarm halloo several times repeated quick, "coo wigh .'" and on this all that were in the town came running and stood round the old chief who held me by the hand in the midst." "As at that time I knew nothing of their mode of adoption, and had seen them put to death all they had taken, I made no doubt but they were about putting me to death in some cruel manner. The old chief, holding me by the hand, made a long speech, very loud, and, when he had done, he handed me to three young squaws, who led me by the hand down the bank into the river, until tiie water was up to our middle. The squaws then made signs to me to plunge myself into the river, but I did not uruierstaud them. I thought the i-esult of the council was that I was to be drowned, and that these young ladies were to be the execution- ers. They all three laid violent hold of me, and I for some time resisted them with all my might, which occasioned loud laugliter by the multi- tude that were on the bank. At length one of the squaws said, no hurt you; on this I gave myself up to their ladyships, who were as good as their word, for, thougli they plunged me under the water, and rubbed me. I could not say they hurt me much. Tliey then led me up to the council house, where the tribe were ready with new clothes for me. They gave me a new ruffled shirt, which I put on; also a pair of leggins done off with riljbons and beads; also a pair of moccasins and a tinsel- laced cappo. They again painted my head and face with various colors. When I was seated the Imlians came in di-essed in their grandest man- ner. At length one of the chiefs made a speech as follows: 'My son, you are now flesh of our flesh, and bone of our bone. By the ceremony which wa< performed this day every drop of white blood is washed out of your veins.' After this ceremony I was introduced to my new kin and invited to attend a feast that night, which I did." We must omit many of tlie events tliat occurred at the cami) on the Muskingum. The name of one of tlie chiefs was Tecanyaterighto, alias Pluggy. Dur- ing the fall Pluggy headed a war party to the frontiers of Virginia. While they were absent, Smith and a jiarty of Indians went south on a hunt. On this liunt they encamped at Buffalo Lick, where they killed several buffaloes. This lick must have been in the Hocking valley, between the Muskingum and Scioto rivers. While here with their small kettles they made about a half-bushel of salt. It was here that our hero, while following buffalo, got lost in the woods, where he spent the night. The Indians found him in the morning. For this offense his gun was taken from him, and he was reduced to a bow and arrows for nearly two years. They were on this tour for about six weeks. When they returned, Pluggy and his party had got back, bringing with them a number of scalps and prisoners. They also brought with them an English Bible, which they gave to a Dutch woman who was a prisoner, but as she could not read English, she made a jiresent of it to Smith, which was very acceptable. "I remained in this town until some time in October, when my adopted brother, Toutileaugo,who had married a W^yandotte squaw, took me with him to Lake Ene. On this route we had no horses with us, and when I started from the town all the pack I carried was a poucii containing my books, a little dried venison and my blanket. I liad then no gun, but Tontileaugo, who was a first-rate hunter, carried a rifle gun, and every day killed deer, raccoons or bears. We left the meat, excepting a little for present use, and carried the skins with us until we camped, when we dried them by the fire." They struck the Canosadooharic (Black river) pro- bably near its source, and followed it down for some distance, when they must have left it as they reached the lakeshore some six miles west of its mouth. As the wind was very high the evening they reached the lake, our traveller was surprised " to hear the roaring of the water and see the high waves that dashed against the shore like the ocean." They camped on a run near the shore, and, as the wind fell that night, they pursued their journey in the morning towards the mouth of the river on the sand along the side of the water. They observed a number of large fish that had been left in the hollows by the receding waves, and numbers of gray and bald eagles were along the shore devouring them. Some time in the afternoon they came to a large cam]) of Wyaiidottes at the mouth of the Canesadoo- haric, where Tontileaugo's wife was. Here they were hospitably received and entertained for some time. Smith says: ''They gave us a kind of rough, brown potatoes, which grew spontaneously and were called by the Caughnewagas, ohenata. The.se potatoes, peeled and dipped in raccoon's fat, tasted like our sweet pota- toes." (Query: what were they?) They killed while here some deer and many raccoons which were remarkably large and fat. They kept moving up the river until they came to the great falls. These were, doubtless, the east falls of Black river, now within the corporate town of Elyria. They Iniried their canoe and erected a winter cabin. This was probably located on Ever- green Point, somewhere in the vicinity of the present residence of T. L. Nelson, Esq. The narrative pro- ceeds: "It was sometime in December when we finished oin- winter cabin but then another difficxdty arose, we had nothing to eat. While the hunters were all out exerting their utmost ability, the squaws and boys (in which class I was,) were scattered in the bottom, hunting red haws and hickory nuts. We did uot succeed in getting many haws, but had tolerable success in scratching up hickory nuts from under a light snow. The hunters returned with only two small turkeys, which were but little Residence of A.BEEBE.SR, 26 Broad St.Elyria 0. Residence of EDWIN HALL, East Ave, Ely Rl^, 0. Residence ofA,BEEBE,JR.,East Ridge St, Elyria.O. TAVERN OPENEai820.BY A. BEEBE SR.BROAD ST.ELYRIA.O. ^/^r-Ce^^ri/^ AETEMAS This day, March 17, 1879, brings to the memory of an aged man Marcli 17, 1817. Sixty-two years ago, this day, Mr. A. Beebe first visited the log house, only sign of the now pleasant town of Elyria. Only living member of the little band that first settled Elyria, in his eighty -sixth year, he alone is left to tell the birth and growth of said town. Of a family noted for longevity, his father was born at Waterbnry, Conn., and removed to West Spring- field, Mass., where he died at the advanced age of eighty-six, in the year 1852. His faithful wife died in 1851, seventy-nine years of age. Mr. Beebe, of whom we write, was born at Rus- sell, Hampden Co., Mass., Oct. 7, 1793. Scanty were his educational opportunities. A clerkship in his father's store, and the district school, however, gave to him much that in after-years he used so well. Like many young men of his day in New England, he had a strong desire to " go West." Ohio then was almost the end of western civilization. A fel- low-townsmen coming into possession of a large tract of land on the Western Reserve aiForded a chance to gratify his wish. On the 20th of February, 1817, a company of six left West Springfield, Mass., for Ohio, composed as follows: Heman Ely, founder; Ebenezer Lane (afterwards chief justice of Ohio) ; Mr. A. Beebe ; Luther Lane (so well known in after- years as the good deacon) ; Ann Snow, housekeeper ; and Ned, a colored boy. ]\Ir. Beebe received twenty dollars for expenses, and the privilege of riding as far as Buffalo, N. Y. From that ])lace through the forests, over unbridged streams, on foot, he arrived at the " log house" on the aforesaid date, late in the day. Using his own words: "On the morning of the 18th of March, 1817, I got up to see where the sun came from, and found it came up all right, and it has ever since." No time did he have to regret the comforts of a New England life. A new life was to commence; that life that did so much for over half of a century in making Elyria what it is. Carpenter and joiner his (Pjl^-.^ BEEBE, Sr. calling, his first work was the erection of the first frame building in Elyria, built on the corner of what is now Broad and Cedar Streets. In this building were born many others. Used for a shop for one year, it was filled in the ensuing year, with such goods as filled the limited wants of pioneers, by Edmund West & Co. In the latter part of the year 1817, Mr. Beebe and Mr. Douglas jointly purchased of Heman Ely the first city lot ever sold in Elyria. On this property, in 1818, they built the building so well known to this day as the " Old Beebe Tavern" (hotel being a term as yet unknown). For years was this place the home of all new-comers until their own fireside was established. Under its roof were held many social gatherings. There was held the first meetings of Elyria's original Masonic lodge. At the expiration of one year Mr. Beebe purchased of Mr. Douglas his share of said property, and in him has the title ever since remained. Constant work was Mr. Beebe's mission until February, 1819, when he, with a horse bought for the purpose, left Elyria for the old home, via Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and New York, to regain health injured by constant toil. A sliort visit, and the little " gray horse" and one-horse lumber-wagon landed him once more in Elyria. Now a few months are spent in various activities. The following February again witnessed his departure for New England. This trip was performed in great share on foot. Arriving at West Springfield, there and in its vicinity he remained until the following October. Of this visit came nuich to him, — much to Elyria. He gained the life-partner of his early hard- ships, of his later prosperity, and Elyria won one of its truest women. One of tiie first meetings of Mr. Beebe with his future wife was at West Springfield, where she was a member of the Contrrearational Church. She was also a member of the choir, of which Miss Celia Belden, afterwards first wife of Judge Heman Ely, was also a member. Short was the courtship, but long and pleasant the many years ARTEMAS BEEBE. tliat followed. Mr. Beebe was married to ]\Iiss Pamelia Morgan Oct. 4, 1820. This marriage was solemnized under peculiar circumstances, viz., by the Rev. Joseph Lathrop, wiio for two geuerations had performed the duties of a pastor in said town. To him was it left, after performing the marriage ceremony for the last time in his life (then in his eighty-ninth year, totally blind), to send out the young couple to the western wilds with all and every good wish and fond hopes for their future welfare. No Saratoga trunk or useless finery filled the wagon-box that left Mrs. Beebe's early home. The plain and substantial comprised its contents. The brass kettle, the warming-pan, the candlesticks, the andirons, etc., yet in the family tell their own tale. A long journey full of incident, now with wagon overturned, again vexatious delay from impassable roads, or rustic bridge swept away, ended Nov. 17, 1820. With earnest hearts, a wi'll to do, and hands trained to work, Mr. and ^Irs. Beebe commenced life in the " Old Beebe Tavern." Many years were there passed. To Mrs. Beebe much of the reputation this tavern gained in early days was due. She not only made it the place of entertainment for the weary traveler, but many a one homesick, and longing for the eastern home, from her got words of healthy cheer and kind sym- pathy. From this time onward, until the date of her death, June, 26, 1878, Mrs. Beebe's life was one of womanly work. Noted as the housewife; earnest and active in the church ; as neighbor kind, ever i-eady with helping hand to aid and comfort the sick, genial in social intercourse, she was eminently the good woman. One of the original ten who formed the First Presbyterian Church of Elyria, Nov. 24, 1824, she was always its ardent supporter, in word and deed living out her profession. Her energy and economy aided the husband in acquiring the competency that in declining years made their home so pleasant, and caused them both to forget the early privations attendant upon the " fii'st settler." She left at her death two sons and three daughters, all in the maturity of life. An obituary notice says of her: "She died rich in all those experiences she had garnered up with the growth of Elyria. To her was given the good fortune to watch, help, or nurture a little hamlet of one or two log houses become a town of churches, schools,*and a prosperous people." In 1826, Mr. Beebe, in partnership with Ezra Adams, purchased of Silas Wolverton the contract for carrying the mail between Cleveland and Lower Sandusky, now called Fremont. Mr. Beebe per- formed the duties of said ^contract between Elyria and Cleveland ; Mr. Adams and others between Elyria and Fremont. At the end of one year Mr. Beebe purchased the entire business. Increase of popula- tion demanded greater facilities than the single horse, with mail-bag, could perform. Soon Mr. Beebe, with letters from the Hon. Elisha Whittlesey and others, visited Washington, D. C, and from the Postmaster- General obtained a general contract for the transpor- tation of mails and passengers between the above- mentioned i)oints. The coach seating six, with its four horses, soon had to give way to the more com- modious coach, which gave ample room to nine. The coach, with its merry driver and noisy tin horn, excited as much attention, and drew as many to the " stage otKce" on its coming and departure, in propor- tion to the iJopulatiou, as the steam car, with more noisy steam horn, did twenty-five years after. Fraught with labor was this undertaking; poor roads, poorer bridges were ever opposing him; shipwrecked coaches and drowned horses were not uncommon. But Mr. Beebe's untiring energy overcame every obstacle of nature and all opposing lines started by others; and the year 1831 .saw a daily line of four-horse coaches running over his route. Success rewarded his efforts until 1842, when he sold this branch of his business to Neil Moore & Co., of Columbus, Ohio. From the years 1830 to 1833, Mr. Beebe was en- gaged in the business of general merchandise, with H. N. Gates as partner. Shortly after disposing of his mail contracts he purchased of Deacon L. Lane the Eagle Mills, on the east branch of Black River, which he successfully operated for twenty-three years, selling them then to the late I. W. Bullock. In 1846, remembering the "Old Beebe Tavern," and seeing Elyria in need of a first-class hotel, he built the Beebe House. A building an ornament to the town, an honor to the builder, long and favorably has it been known to the traveling public. Motives outside of mere pecuniary gain must have actuated Mr. Beebe in this enterprise. The needs of Elyria for a hotel far better than any existing, it seems, must have induced him, regardless of any ultimate dividend, to have erected so substantial, so complete a structure. Erected thirty-three years ago, it yet re- mains in many respects a pattern for more modern structures. At the time of its building, nothing like it for its jiurpose stood upon the Western Reserve in towns of similar size. A similar motive must have had much to do in influencinsr Mr. Beebe to build the beautiful Beebe House on Put-in-Bay Island, so many years and still kept by his eldest son, Henry Beebe. In this respect he may well be called a public bene- factor. In 1847, when the subject of a bank was agi- tated among Elyria's citizens, Mr. Beebe was one of the first to respond. An original stockholder and di- rector from its birth, in its change to a national bank he has ever held both positions until the present day. In 1849, becoming a stockholder in the Plank-Road running from Black River, Lorain Co., to Homer, Medina Co., he was largely instrumental in bring- ing the advantage of said road to his fellow-citizens, and in completing it, being appointed superintendent of its construction. The latter j-ears of Mr. Beebe's life, although not as full of actual labor, have been none of idleness. The duties of bank director, trusts confided him by his fellows, the care of a large property, and farming interests have constantly busied him. Such is a brief outline of the life of the remaining link between Elvria's beirinnint!: and its now onlv survivina; raem- ber of the little band of six who nearly seven decades ago laid Elyria's foundation ; he yet remains. As a man Mr. Beebe was ever noted for strict in- tegrity ; ever careful to aid the cause of morality and religion, always an attendant upon religious obser- vances, and ever contributing to the church. Upon May 6, 1866, making public profession of religion, he became a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Elyria. Now past the allotted age of man, hardly one remaining of his early associates he lives Elyria's oldest citizen. The children, ay, even the grandchildren, of those with whom his youth and middle age were spent with reverence and respect regard him, ever seeing the sterling integrity, clear business decision, and prompt action that he used so well in the building up of the town of Elyria. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 105 among eight hunters, and thii-teen squaws, boys and children. But they were divided equally. The next day, the hunters turned out again, and succeeded in killing one deer and three bears. One of the bears was remarkably large and fat. All hands turned out the nest morning to bring in the meat. *' During the whiter, a war party of four went out to the borders of Pennsylvania, to procure horses and scalps, lea\ing the same number in camp, to jjrovide meat for the women and children. They returned towards spring, with two scalps and four horses. After the departure of the warriors, we had hard times, and though not out of provisions, we were brought to short allowance. At length, Tontileaugo had fair success, and brought into camp sufficient to last ten tiays. Tontileaugo then took me with him in order to encamp some distance from the winter cabin. We steered south up the creek ten or twelve miles, and went into camp . " This was jirobably iu La Grange. They went to bed hungry the first night, but the ne.xt day, suc- ceeded in killing a bear, and the day after, a bear and three cubs. They remained here about two weeks, killing an abundance of game, and then returned to the winter cabin. On their arrival, there was great joy, as all were in a starving condition. About the first of Ajjril, they dug up their canoe, but were forced to make an additional one to carry all their riches — left their winter cabin at the falls, and proceeded to the lake — -Tontileaugo by water, and Smith on horseback. On reaching the mouth of the river, they proceeded west along the shore to Sun- yeu-deauk (Sandusky), where was another Wyandotte town. Late in the fall. Smith joined a hunting party, and i^roceeded to the Cuyahoga river. At the distance of about thirty miles from its mouth, they formed an encamjjment near a small lake, and spent the winter in catching beaver. In the spring of 1757 they returned to Sandusky, and soon proceeded by water to Detroit, where they disposed of their peltry to the French traders. In 1759, Smith accomiianied his Indian relatives to Montreal, where he was finally exchanged, and re- turned home in 17G0, to find his old sweetheart mar- ried, and all sup))osing him dead. He afterwards became a captain iu the regular British army, and was engaged, principally, in protecting the border settlers against Indian raids. During the revolu- tionary war, he joined the patriot army, rose to the rank of colonel, and did good service, both against the British and their Indian allies. In 1788, he migrated to Bourbon county, Kentucky, where he represented his district in the assembly down to the present century. After this long digression, we return to the history of Elyria in later times. ORIGHiTAL OWNERS. The township of Elyria was, in April, 1807, drawn by the following individuals of the Connecticut land company, vi/,: Justin Ely, Roger Newberry, Jona- than Bruce, Elijali White, Enoch Perkins, .John H. Buel, .Jonathan Dwiglit, and others, whose names are not mentioned. At the September term of the supreme court, in Portage county, iu 1816, the south part of the town- ship (about one-third of the whole,) was set off to Justin Ely; the central part to Elijah White. A tract 14 of two thousand, one hundred and ten acres, lying immediately north of this, was assigned to Jonathan Bruce, and the remaining portion of the township to Enoch Perkins and Roger Newberry. White conveyed his tract to Justin Ely, and he, in turn, to Heman Ely, his son, who purchased the Bruce tract, making him the owner of twelve thou- sand five hundred acres lying in a single body. The following history of the settlement of the township of Elyria is prepared from reminiscences of the venerable Artemas Beebe, the Hon. Heman Ely, the address of the Hon. W. W. Boynton, and from personal inter- views with N. B. (iates and such early settlers as are now remaining in the township. SETTLEMENT. In the spring of the year 181G, Heman Ely, of West Springfield, Massachusetts, came to Oliio to look after his estate. He came in a sulky, until he readied Buffalo, where, leaving his sulky, he com- pleted his journey on horseback. A NARROW ESCAPE. ' ' In following the trail which wound along the lake shore, through the unbroken forest, the ground gave way, his horse's hind feet were thrown over a high wash bank. The horse, however, clung with his fore feet; Mr. Ely clung to the bridle and mane, and a vigorous use of the whip probably saved the life of the founder of Elyria." He made his home, temporarily, with Moses Eldred, father of Clark Eldred now of Elyria, who then kept a tavern some two miles east of the river, in Ridge- ville township. Mr. Ely immediately set about the work of im- provement. First of all, he contracted with Jedediah Hubbell, and a man named Shepard, of Newburgh, Cuj'ahoga county, to build a dam, and erect a grist and saw mill. These were located on the east branch of Black river, near the foot of the present Broad street. There was also erected a large log house, which stood near where Mr. Beebe afterwards built his tavern stand. This was occoupied by John Bacon, late of Carlisle, who boarded the men who were en- gaged iu the construction of the mills. During his first visit, Mr. Ely, while examining his lands, in company with Clark Eldred, then a young man, came upon a spot, some two and a half miles west of the river, which jjleased young Eldred, and which he selected for his future home. Though as yet unsurveyed, he made a verbal contract for it, ■ and after its survey, secured a deed. Mr. Eldred occupied this farm for fifty-five years, and for many years kept a hotel. He now, after a long and useful life, resides in the village, retaining his full powers of mind and memory. Mr. Ely returned to Massachusetts, in the fall of 1816, and immediately commenced making prepara- tions for his I'emoval to liis wilderness possessions on Black river. About the first of January, 1817, Mr. Ely sent on three men, with axes in their hands, to commence clearing land. They made the entire distance on foot 106 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. (about six hundred miles), and before Mr. Ely ar- rived with his party, in March, they had made quite a hole in the woods. Their names were Roderick Ashley, Edwin Bush, and James Porter. On the 20th of February, 1817, Mr. Ely and his party commenced their weary journey, much of the way by a wood route, barely passable at any time, but especially difficult at that season of the year. AVe who live in this age of telegraiihs and railroads, and can to-day take our breakfast in Elyria, and to-mor- row morning, after a comfortable night's rest in a sleeping-car, take the same meal in New York City, have but a feeble conception of the trials and diffi- culties attending the same journey, from the cast, sixty-one years ago. The mode of conveyance of these pioneers was, by a stout pair of horses harnessed to an equally stout wagon. This vehicle was covered with homespun tow-cloth over the bows, in the prevail- ing emigrant style. The party, six in all, started from their New England homes in high spirits. It con- sisted of Heman Ely, the founder of the present township and village of Elyria, Ebenezer Lane, after- wards chief justice of the supreme court of Ohio, Miss Anna Snow, housekeeper, Luther Lane, who drove the team, Artemas Beebe, a house joiner and carpentei', who had been engaged to accompany the expedition; and a colored servant of Mr. Ely's, named "Ned." They proceeded as far as Seneca Falls when, the sleighing being good, they halted, and made a sled. Loading the wagon and goods on the sled, they pushed on to the vicinity of Buffalo, when the sleighing left them. From Buffalo to '('attarangus creek, they traveled on the ice. They arrived at Cleveland, without accident or material incident, on the IGtli of March, and a few days subsequent, at the Mecca of their pilgrimage, where they were duly in- stalled in the log house, before mentioned. I quote from the interesting reminiscences of Mr. Beebe: ** Mr. Bacon and family went to their home in Carlisle, and Mr. Luther Lane went with the team for straw to fill the beds. When the river fell so that the load could be brought over, two beds were made, and a de- scription of them will not be out of place. Mr. Ely had brought some bed-ticks from the east, ready-made, and the cover of the wagon was also converted into ticks. The bedsteads were made of poles, with bark stretched across them for bottoms, and pillows were scarce. Some coarae cloth was used for sheets.'' A family named Beach made a settlement, in 181 fi, in the western part of the township, near the site of the present Haag's mill. This was the first white family ■to settle in the township. On the 10th of September, 1817, Mrs. Beach gave birth to a son, the Jimt whUc child born in the township. lie was named Henrj', and was living, at a recent date, in Rockjwrt, Cuya- hoga county, and with him, his aged mother. Mr. Beach was taken sick soon after the birth of the child, and died on the 2'2d of the succeeding No- vember. Mrs. Beach took her family, and the dead body of her husband, to the log school house, opposite Captain Eld red's. He was buried in a sandy ridge, a little east of of the center of Ridgeville. Mr. A. Beebe made the coffin. This was, doubtless, the first death of a white person in the townshijj. Mr. Beebe says the first improvement in the way of chopi)ing, was made by Clark Eldred, who had about two acres chopped down when the improvements were commenced in the village. The first clearing in the village was made at the foot of Broad street, and progressed westward, as required. In this clear- ing, the houses of Mr. Ely and }t\r. A. Beelje were built. George Douglas and Gershom Danks, car- {)enter?, arrived from Westficld, Massachusetts, about tlie first of April, 1817, and so(m after the work of building was commenced. The ^rst/rajned build in;/ erected was to be occu])ied for a store. This was located on the southwest corner of the Ely home- stead lot, at the corner of Cedar " and Broad streets. It was about twenty by forty feet, one story high, and without a cellar. During the year 1817 it was used for a joiner shop, but the next year it was filled with goods by Edmund West & Co. This was the pioneer store in Elyria which has since been " noted for its trade in dry goods, and for the success which has attended the enterprise of some of its early mer- chants." The next building was the residence of Mr. Ely, and is the same now occujiicd by his son, Hon. Heman El}". This house was forty-five feet front by forty feet deep, with a kitchen and wood-house in the rear and a cellar under the main building. It has undergone various changes and iinjjrovemcnts both externally and internally, and its present fine archi- tectural appearance and Iteautiful surroundings are in striking contrast with the ])icture it presented in the dense forest sixty years ago. The siding of the lioit-c was all made from one whitewOod tree that stood at the turn of the street near where the large willow now stands. On the 39th day of Jlay, 1817, Captain Festus Coolcy, father of Festus Cooley late of Elyria but now of Kansas, arrived from Westfield, Mass., and took charge of liotli the saw and grist mills. He came tlie whole distance on foot. In the summer Enos Mann came to Elyria. He was from Becket, Mass. lii located on the farm east of the rivei', since owned by Deacon Lane. Mr. Mann was a turner of wooden bowls, and, it is said, followed this vocation for a number of years after his arrival in Elyria. During the fall following their arrival Mrs. Mann gave birth to a son, the second born in the township. Mrs. Mann died on the 9th of March, 1833, and her re- mains were the first interred in the Elyria cemetery. A plain sandstone slalis marks the spot, and upon it the following inscription: "In memory of Mrs. Clamaney Mann, consort of Mr. Enos Mann, who died JIarch 9, 183.", in the fortieth year of her age." A simple collection of words and figures, yet of what terrible significance to the bereaved ones, hundreds of miles from relatives, in a comparative wilderness. Friends were raised up for them, and kind, tiiougli strange hands, ministered to tlie wants of the mother- less ones. Neri Gulpin, from Litchfield county. Conn., settled in Elyria in November, 1833, on the farm now occu- HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 107 pied by Anson Pangburn. Seven cliildren came with liini. Of Uiese but one resides in Elyria: Marcus D., who married Amanda Ely, daugliter of Lewis Ely, who came to the IJesorve in isoO, louatiug in Deer- field, now Portage county, with his parents, Lewis and Anna (Granger) Ely. Lewis Ely, Jr., came to Elyria in ISTi, purchased two lots oh West Broad street, put up a small frame house, returned, and, with his family, removed to Elyria in the spring of 1834. Mr. Ely was killed by a runaway horse, in Juno, 1831. He was sheriff of Jjorain county at the time of his death. Mrs. Ely died in 1863. Francis Douglas,*brother of George Douglas, came from Westfield, Mass., to Elyria in 1830. He was a carpenter, and for several years a Methodist local preaclier. lie built several houses, one of which is the l)rick front west of the pul)lic square now occu- pied i)y Dr. Sherwood. In 1843, he removed to Wor- cester, Mass., where ho died in March, 1878, aged eighty j^ears. Calvin Smith removed witli his family from Nauga- tuck, Conn., to Elyria in 1819. He built a log house east of the river on the lot now occupied by Mr. L. F. Ward, where he resided several years. He removed from thence to Sheffield, where, after a long sickness, he died in 1836. He was a fine singer, and led the singing in the early religions meetings in the log school house east of the river. Heber G, Sekins, born in Stafford, Vt., came to Elyria in the fall of 1835. His family then consisted of a wife and two cliildren. Ira 15., the oldest, still resides in Elyria. He was for years connected with the military organizations. One of his daughters is the widow of the late Thomas Childs, and still resides in the village. Another daughter married Elizur Northrop. They are residents of Cleveland. We are unable to ol>tain the names and liistory of many of the fii-st settlers, but shall refer to some of them incidentally as we proceed. Immediately after the first settlement of the town- ship, Mr. Ely and others felt the importance of estab- lishing and maintaining religious institutions. They had built a log school house on the triangular piece of ground between the railroad and the highway, just across the east branch of the river. Here the pioneers assembled every Sunday and engaged in public wor- ship. Mr. Ely usually read a sermon; Luther Lane and William Smith were called upon to lead in prayer; Calvin Smith, assisted by Irene Allen and others, led the singing. We again quote from Mr. Beebe's remi- niscences: j "The first sermon preached in Elyria was hy the Rev. Alvin Hyde, on ! the 5th of February, ISIS. He was a son of the Rev. Dr. Hyde of Lee, Berlcsliire countv, Mass. His text was from Jonah 2: 9, ' Salvation is of I the Lord.' During part of the years 1817-18, he resided in Dover, where ■ he preached half i>f the time, and the other half in the adjacent town- I ships. " Our ordinary rations consisted of pork, flour and peas. Sometimes we got venison and fresh fish. The Indians furnished us with the first fish we had. They caught them below the falls. They shot the deer where they could find them, and would come riding in single file with 1 squaws and pappooses on their ponies. They came from Upper San- dusky to hunt and fish, and belonged to the Wyandotte and Seneca tribes. They used to camp on the ground now occupied by Mrs. Hoyle and Col; Gates, which was then covered by a small grovrth of hemlocks and pines. " Mr. Chester Wright had established a distilleiy on the east side of the cast brani'h, in the rear of the sand pits. The Indians, being great lovers of whisky, could obtain supplies at the distillery, whisky being considered one of the necessities of life." Mr. Beebe remarks that "distilleries were then as plenty as cheese factories are now. Some of the Indians' names were Goodhunt, Red Jacket, Betwixt-the-Logs, etc. They were civil and gave us no trouble." WILD ANIMALS. Bears were frequently killed by the early settlers, and were particularly destructive of the pigs that roamed in the woods in those days. In the winter of 1830, J. A. Harris, late of the Cleveland Herald, who then resided in Elyria, encountered four — an old bear and three well grown cubs — in the woods just east of E. A. Griswold's. The three cubs ascended a tree, while the old bear maintained her position on the around. He first lodged a ball in the old bear. In- stead of attacking. him, she fled, leaving her young unprotected. He fired deliberately at each of the three in the tree, bringing them all dovvn, and killing bat one. He had only a squirrel rifle. With a target gun, such as are used at this time, he would probably have bagged them all. A party of hunters followed them the next day, tracking them by their blood, but did not overtake them. lu the winter of 1831-3, the writer was teaching school in the yellow school house which stood west of the public square, on the ground now occupied by the town hall. One afternoon the school was thrown in great commotion by a bear pass- ing through the town just back of the school house, pursued by dogs and hunters. It crossed the river below the falls, and was killed about three miles down the river, on the farm belonging to the late Aaron R. Taylor. This was the last bear seen iii this vicinity. Wolves were quite numerous until about 1835. Their bowlings could be heard almost every night in the woods north of town. One evening during the fall of 1833, the writer was i^assing on foot along the road which skirted a swamp near the residence of Harlcjw Wells, in the northwest part of the township, a pack of wolves followed him, keeping along the boiirder of the swamp, so near that he could hear the pattering of their feet. Their bowlings were not musical, but very much diversified. Like the retreat- ing soldier, though not frightened he was somewhat demoralized. The last wolf was seen in Elyria during the year 1844. He was evidently lonely, as he sought the society of dogs; but the dogs did not fraternize with him, but avoided his society. Many times he came into the village during the evenings, and our largest bull-dogs, after a brief encounter, retreated to their kennels in disgust. He created much excite- ment among the citizens. Those who had brief glimpses of him greatly magnified his size, and im- agined him to be some huge wild animal, probably a panther of the largest class. At length during the ensuing winter a party of hunters got on his track which they followed for three days, killing him in New Haven, Huron county. While being pursued he 108 HISTORY OF LOEAIN COUNTY, OHIO. would stop occasionally to kill a sheep on which to refresh himself. Tiie party returned in triumph, bringing his skin, wlii(;li \v:is stuflod and preserved in the rooms of the Natural History Society until Feb- ruary 10, 1852, when the block containing the rooms was consumed by fire, and this, with all other speci- mens, perished. He was a gray wolf of the largest size, and evidently a veteran. Many anecdotes could be related of the encounters of our pioneer settlers with Avolves; some of them being followed by a pack in the evening were forced to take refuge in trees, where they remained till morning, when their pursuers retreated. Mr. George Sexton and wife, living a mile and a half east of the village, hearing a disturbance among their slieep in the barnyard, got up and went out en dishabille, and with an axe dispatched the disturber of their repose among their sheep. Deer were very numerous until about 1835. The writer once saw tliirty in a flock on the farni of Mr. Asahel Parmely. Tlioy liad entered the clearing probably to avoid the black flies wbicli were very nu- merous in tlie woods at tluit time. Venison and pork, with an occasional wild turkey, furnished meat for the early settlers. There were no butchers' meat-shops in those days. When a pioneer got out of meat he took down his trusty rifle, and usually soon brought in a deer. What he could not consume in liis own family he distributed to his neighbors. The last deerseen in tJie township was in the winter of 1841. A party of fifteen or twenty young clerks and mechanics went out one pleasant day in February, with hounds to hunt rabbits. On entering the woods west of Gates' saw-mill they discovered fresh deer tracks. The dogs were put upon the tracks and soon gave tongue. The boys were directed to form a line across the woods. Before the line was fully formed one of the deer broke through and was killed by the writer. A second one passed by the end of the line and escaped, pursued by one of the dogs. The third and last one, a noble buck, approached the line at its east end. He was but two or tliree rods in advance of the di)g, and instead of running at full speed he was making leaps three or four feet from the ground. He turned on seeing the boys and ran about ton rods in front of them the whole length of the line. Each one had his shot, but no one was guilty of shedding one drop of his blood. This skirmish line was about as harmless as some at a later day, in the army, where immense quantities of ammunition were wasted without loss on either side. The two deer which escaped were killed the same day by other hunters, one in Amherst and the other at the stave landing on Black river. Wild turkeys, which were very numerous at the first settlement of the country, have almost entirely disappeared. They were sold on the street at an early day for twenty-five cents each. The largest size weighed thirty pounds dressed. MR. ELY'S JOURNEY. In the fall of 1817, Mr. Ely started on horseback for his old home in Massachusetts, while Ebenezer Lane and Luther Lane started for the same destina- tion on foot. They walked as far as Albany where they took the stage for Springfield. During their absence Mr. George Douglas and Mr. Beebe remained and worked on the inside of Mr. Ely's house. Mr. Ely returned in the spring of 1818. In the fall of 1818, Mr. Ely took the steamboat " Walk-in-the- Water " for the east. The steamer first went to Detroit, as she could not stop at Cleveland on her way down, there being no har-bor. He left Cleve- land on the 17th of September, reaching Detroit on the 21st, and Buffalo on the 24th. The ' ' Walk-in- the- Water" was the first steamboat on Lake Erie, and seems to have been a slow walker. "Mr. Ely reached West Spriiigflekl on the first day cf October, and on the 10th of the same month was married to Miss Celia, daughter of Col. Ezekiel P. Belden, of Weather^ field, Conn. On the 18th, they started for Elyria, where they arrived October 30th, in company with Ebenezer Lane and his wife. Those who knew the first Mrs. Ely, speak of her in terms of warm enthusiasm. She was a beautiful and accomplished lady, kind and affectionate in her disposition, and generous to the poor and needy. She was especially loving to the little children of the pioneers- She always had a piece of cake and kind words for them when they called upon her, and her memory was cherished by all of them. One— a child at that lime— who was the life companion of the writer, often spoke of her in glowing terms of praise.'' The framed house not being comideted when Mr. Ely returned with bis bride, they commenced house- • keeping in the log house. An incident is related by Mr. Beebe. We quote in his own words: '*As soon as it was known in the settlements that Mr. Ely bad brought home w'ith him a blooming bride, the ladies felt it a duty as well as a pleasure to call on her. Accordingly, a short time after their arrival, Mrs. George Sexton, of Ridgeville, and a lad.v friend started on foot through the woods to call on the bride. On arriving, they were met at the door of his cabin, as it was called by Mr. Ely, who received them cordiall.y and introduced them to his wife, who entertained them very pleasantly d^u■ing the afternoon. They accepted an invitation to tea, and their companionship was so agreeable that the da.v was far spent before thej' started on their return home. Tl>ey had not gone far from the settlement before they lo.st their way, and wandered on until late in the night, when they came to the conclusion that they were really lost in the wilderness, and would be compelled to submit to the necessity of staying where they were till mornmg. They therefore crawled up on a fallen, leaning tree, and held on by other trees to keep from falling, and waited for morning to come, as it did at last with all the chills and frosts of a November night. They soon found their way home, and were quite well satisfied as they had visited the bride, and had a good time after all." » Mr. Beebe and George Douglas built a house for Ebenezer Lane (afterward Judge Lane), east of the river, on the farm afterward bought by Clement Northrop. Ebenezer Lane, on the 11th of October, 1818, married Frances Ann, daughter of Gov. Roger Griswold, of Lyme, Conn., and returned to Ohio in company with Mr. Ely and wife. His house being in readiness, he commenced* housekeeping at once. He remained on his farm less than a year. Having been ' appointed jjrosecuting attorney of Huron county, he } removed to Norwalk, October 10, 1819. The Jour ! ney from Elj'ria to Norwalk was made on horseback, f Mrs. Lane riding one horse and lier husband another, he carrying their infant child on a pillow in his arms and being two days on the road. He rose to distinc- tion in his profession, and was for many years a judge; >4 f Photo, by C. F. Leo, Elyrin, 0. /Si^i^ Nahum Ball Gates was born in St. Alban's, Vt., Sept. 28, 1812. His father, John Gates, and his mother, Abigail Ball, emigrated from Northborough, Mass., to St. Alban's in 1 800, and settled on a farm in that township. His father was of Puritan stock, and belonged to Revolutionary blood. The day he was sixteen years of age he enlisted in the army of the Revolution for three years, served until the close of the war, and was then discharged by Gen. Knox, in the vicinity of New York. His three eldest brothers, Samuel, Silas, and William, served in the same war during its con- tinuance. The subject of this sketch was the youngest of twelve children. His early education was the best afforded in those days in the district schools of his native town, with one term at the St. Alban's Academy, to fit him for a " country ped- agogue," teaching district school for three winters in his native State. The years of his minority were spent on his father's farm, attending and teaching school winters, and laboring on the farm the residue of the year. In this way he secured for himself an athletic frame and vigorous Vermont constitution. Being violently attacked on his father's farm, in the spring of 1834, with what was termed the " Western Fever," which prevailed at that time in Vermont to almost an alarming extent, he, on the 29th day of April, 1834, bade farewell to his native heath and started for Ohio, for the ostensible pur- pose of visiting his brother, Horatio N. Gates, who at that time was engaged in the mercantile business at Elyria, Ohio, under the firm-name of Gates & Greene. After remaining in Elyria a few weeks, he went to Cleveland to learn more of the West and find something to do. Whilst standing in front of the Western Reserve Hotel, then in Ohio City, on the west side of Cuyahoga River, a man by the name of Swain came along, and inquired of young Gates if he knew of any one who would on the fol- lowing day go into the woods and score timber for him, as he was about to erect a dwelling-house. Young Gates vol- unteered his services, and a bargain was soon struck. The next day saw a good, honest day's work done. His next venture was painting and glazing, in the employ of William Wheat. At this time the cholera broke out in its most malignant form in the cities of Cleveland and Ohio City. Young Gates did not flee to the country or shut him- self up in some secluded retreat, as so many did, but he made it his entire business for weeks to watch with the sick, to care for the dying, and to bury the dead. He spent day and night in performing these duties until the cholera sub- sided. At the urgent request of his brother, H. N. Gates, on the 1st day of September, 1834, he visited Elyria for rest and recreation, spending the winters of 1834 and 1835 in Elyria, clerking for Gates & Greene. On the 17th day of May, 1835, he went to Black River and opened a general assortment store for Gates & Greene, where he resided with varying success and experience until the fall of 1838. Here his Vermont constitution under- went a fearful struggle ; a nine months' siege of regular old-fashioned typhus fever and swamp ague could not conquer it ; but, in his own words, " there was nothing left of him but his boots and spurs." From the year 1836 until 1844 a copartnership existed between himself and brother, H. N. Gates, in the forward- ing and commission business, headquarters being at Black River. In the fall of 1838, Mr. Gates was elected sheriflF of Lorain County, removing to Elyria. It has since been his residence. During his residence in Black River he filled the various offices of constable, justice of the peace, and marshal of Charlestown village. On the 12th day of No- vember, 1838, he took the oath of ofBce as sheriff, and entered upon its duties. The court of Common Pleas was then in session. This was the time of great excitement among the bogus or counterfeiting fraternity, who at that time seemed to have a strong foothold in many of the town- ships of Lorain County. Times were hard. Nearly all the banks in the country had suspended specie payment ; the paper money then in circulation was of all grades and value. Many thought they would take a hand in currency tinkering, which was the order of the day. Therefore, many resorted NAHUM BALL GATES. to countcrfeitiiis; and tlie iiiakiiiir of bogus coin. Men who had been arrested and placed in jail, charged with this offense, broke out and fled for their country's good. Mr. Israel Cash, who had turned State's evidence, was shot through the body, but not killed, by the son of an implicated counterfeiter. Lorain County was all excitement. Such was the condition of affairs when Mr. Gates entered upon the duties of his office. Thus they remained for over a year. Strict justice will ever give to Sheriff Gates, a de- termined judge; and efficient ])rosecutor, the credit of break- ing up this nefarious gang, whose wicked ramifications even reached into families hitherto called honest and respect- able. His prompt action routed tlie whole gang, root and branch. Many, under the kind care of Sheriff Gates, visited Columbus, others fled their country, some reformed, and others died. In 1840 a zealous Whig was Mr. Gates; active was the part he took in that ever memorable campaign. Zeal and ardency actuated his every action. As marshal, on liis famous black horse Bucephalus, did he lead the pro- cession from Elyria and adjoining townships that visited that imposing and grand convention, held on the banks of the Maumee River, June 11, 1840. In 1840 he was re-elected sheriff of Lorain County. Serving to the end of his term, he completed his four years, the constitutional limit. On the 12th day of May, 1841, Mr. Gates married Miss Sarah S. Monteith, eldest daughter of the Rev. John Mon- teith, who formerly had filled the position of professor of ancient languages at Hamilton College, New York. Com- ing to Elyria he took charge of the first select school taught in Elyria of any note. This school, .so well known as the High School, is yet remembered with the fondest memory by many a one who can never forget the kindness and the many virtues of their teacher long years since. From this marriage numbers the issue, viz. : John Quincy, who died in early years ; Elizabetli Monteith, wife of Dr. Wheeler, of Cleveland ; Charlotte Augusta, wife of Rev. T. Y. Gardner, pastor of the Congregational Church, Hudson, Ohio ; Mary Ely, who died in early years ; Charles Alexander, graduate of Western Reserve College ; William Nahum, in business at Massillon, Ohio ; Nellie, at home ; and Frederick Hayes, the tjaby, but a good-sized one, now a student at Western Reserve College. In 1843, Mr. Gates purchased of Mr. Heman Ely a mill site on the west branch of Black River, and proceeded at once to build a saw-mill, sash, door, and blind factory, to which he gave liis personal supervision and much hard labor for twenty-three years, when, in 1866, he sold out. In 1848 lie built an ashery on the west branch of the Black River, and has kept the same in .successful operation up to the present time. Mr. Gates thinks he may be classed as the oldest, long-continued, and successful ashery-man in the State. This ashery is still smoking. On the first day of September, 1869, purchasing of Davis M. Clark the soap factory on the west side of Black River, he lias since been and now is engaged in the manufacture of his celebrated chemical erasive soap. The Lorain County Agricultural Society was organized in 1845, and lived along at a poor, dying rate until 1852, when Mr. Gates was elected president of the same. He immediately set to work to stimulate its activities and infuse new life by inclosing grounds, building stables and pens, erecting sheds, revising and enlarging the premium lists ; and since that time he has served ten years as its president, always taking the laboring oar, and perhaps to no one more than him is said society more indebted for its progress, growth, and present prosperity. Of its tliirty-three annual fairs he has been present at all of them, actively engaged in promoting its interests. In 1844 he engaged in the general merchandise business at No. 1 Cheapside, Elyria. Not liking the cares and per- plexities of the business, he made an advantageous sale of his wliole stock of goods in 1845 to Messrs. Castle & King, of Medina, Ohio, saying, as he closed out his goods, " that he should never engage in the mercantile business again unless he got hard up." Mr. Gates was among the founders and active workers in the Elyria Union School. He has been a member of the Board of Education the most of the time for the last quarter of a century. 1860 saw him coroner of Lorain County, which office he filled for two years. He was ever active and a hard worker in the various rail- road projects wliich have been connected with the history of Elyria for the last thirty years. In 1850 he was a di- rector in the Lorain Plank-Road Company, and for many years was superintendent of said road. The year 1860 found him an active worker for the Republican party, and an officer in the Wido-Awake Club. In 1862 he was appointed col- lector of internal revenue for the fourteenth district of Ohio, by Abraham Lincoln, where he remained until re- moved by Andrew Johnson, " my policy" being in the way. Elected as mayor of Elyria in 1843 for the first time, he has since that time filled that position for twelve years, and is now acting in that capacity. In 1856, Caleb S. Goodwin, treasurer of Lorain County, dying, Mr. Gates was appointed to fill the vacancy, and served acceptably for one year. Mr. Gates's life in Elyria has been one of constant ac- tion. For example: in the year 1856 he was treasurer of the county, mayor of Elyria, township trustee, member of the Board of Education of Elyria Union Schools, su- perintendent of the Lorain Plank-Road, foreman of ./Etna ( Elyria) Fire Company, discharging the .several duties apper- taining to each with acceptance, to say the least, besides attending to his own personal affairs, whicli were neither few nor small. He was mainly instrumental in the formation of Elyria Lodge, No. 103, of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, and was one of its charter members. This lodge was in- stituted March 1, 1848, and from that day to this it has been an honored and respected institution. Mr. Gates is the oldest member of said lodge, and the only one left of its charter members, or of those present at its inauguration. As a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Elyria, and society of said church, he may be termed a pronounced Presbyterian in all its meanings. During the Rebellion no one was more efficient tlian Mr. Gates. His quota of years required no personal enlist- ment to fill any quota demanded from Lorain County, yet it may be truly asserted that no one not subject to draft (and few, if any, that were) did more than Mr. Gates, by word, act, and money, for the republic. Of strong and pronounced opinions, his ear is ever open to reason's call. Commencing life with little or nothing, prosperity lias not elevated him above the cry of the poor and needy. Generous and self-sacrificing, his purse is ever open to true charity, and his hand is always found helping the downtrodden and oppressed. Of him may it truly be said no one in Elyria has spent more hours in watching with the sick, in burying the dead, in visiting the widow and orphan, than Mr. Gates. The writer knows of no citizen of Elyria wlio has spent more time for the public at large, with less pay, than Mr. Gates. No one can he recall who has, according to his means, so liberally contributed with voice, action, and money to Elyria's various improvements. Now at the ripe age of sixty-six years, with commanding presence, hale and liearty, as if yet he breathed the mountain air of his old Vermont home, surrounded with the comforts of life, with home graced by the dear wife ever young, cheered by the presence of manly and womanly children, and amused by the prattle of grandchildren. Colonel Gates lives honored and respected by all. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 109 and for a portion of the time chief justice of the supreme court of Ohio. He died in Sandusky on the 12th of June, 186G. He may with mucli propriety be ranked among the great men of Ohio. He graduated at Harvard College in 1811, and studied law with Judge Matthew Griswold, at Lyme, Conn. He did not confine himself to his profession alofte, but during his whole life he eagerly pursued the different branches of natural science, and became eminent as a naturalist. The first deed executed by Mr. Ely was made to Ebenezer Lane, dated June 1, 1818. It conveyed lot sixty-four, east of the river, containing sixty-four acres; the second to Edmund West; the third to Ar- tcmas Beebe. Mr. Beebe and George Douglas had contracted for the land in the fall of 1817. It con- sisted of the ground where his old tavern stood. The building still remains on the same spot, in good con- dition. Early in 1817, Mr. Ely had contracted with Joshua Henshaw to survey the township and village. He was assisted by Clark Eldred and others. Mr. Eldred says they were in the habit of starting out on Monday morning, with their week's provisions and blankets on their backs. They stopped wherever night overtook them. They cooked their own pro- visions, and the water they drank was sometimes filled with wrigglers. Part of the surveys were made in 1816, but the township was not allotted until 1817. The town plat was first surveyed in blocks in 1820. It was not divided into lots until 1823. FIRST CELEBRATION OF THE FOURTH OF JULY. This occurred at Elyria in 1819, with all the "pomp and circumstance" which became the sons of New England patriots. The settlers in all the adjacent townships turned out en viasse. Grafton especially was represented by nearly all its inhabitants. They came generally with ox-teams, and all entered into the sjjirit of the occasion. A blacksmith's anvil served in place of a cannon, and was kept warm during the day. The dinner was one of the interest- ing features, and was for those days quite sumptuous. The dessert consisted of several popular beverages, of which whisky formed the chief ingredient. Mr. El- bridgc Gerry, then residing in Ridgeville, delivered the oration, which was patriotic and of course loudly applauded. Mr. David Gibbs, of Carlisle, led the martial music. He was not only a good drummer, but proficient on the fife and clarionet. Mr. Beebe says: *' In order to approximate as near as possible the old-fashioned man- ner, an old fowUng-piece was strapped on the back of John Gould, who placed himself on ail-fours, serving as gun-carriage, whrn a toast would be read, and the gunner, with a grand flourish of his hot poker, would discharge the old fliat-lock amidst rounds of applause." The exercises were closed with a grand ball in the evening, in which all participated. The fiddler was John Shafer, of Ridgeville. Several remained until morning. It is said whisky was freely used, as was then the custom, but no one became intoxicated, A post office was established in Elyria on the 23d of May, 1818, and Heman Ely was appointed post master, which office he held until the 1st of April, 1833. The revenues accruing to the government during the first four years ranged from two dollars a;id forty-one cents to eight dollars and twenty-eight C3nts. Perhaps no more suitable place can be found to give a brief sketch of some of the lives of the first settlers of Elyria, The biography of some of them will be written by an abler pen. In reference to Mr. Heman Ely, it can be said that he was eminently just as a landed proprietor. He usually sold his lauds on four years' time, on a written contract or article of agreement, each party retaining a copy. He was very systematic and methodical in his busi- ness transactions, living up fully to his contracts, and he expected those with whom he dealt to fulfil their obligations; but he was never known to dispossess any of the early settlers of their lands who were industri- ous, temperate and frugal, and were doing the best they could to make themselves homes and to pay for their land. Those who were intemperate, lazy and shiftless, and others who took up land merely to strip it of its most valuable timber, without intending to ])ay for it, found no mercy at his hands. It used to be said of him that he could tell, by looking on his map, whenever a tree was cut on any jiart of his domain, and that he would at once mount liis horse and ride directly to the spot. He was much on horse-back, and early settlers will remember the old bay horse that stood hitched in front of his office, ready saddled and bridled, every day when he was at home. He never sought official position, though he served for six years as associate judge of the county; and he was on several occasions a member of the State board of equalization, which met at Columbus to equalize the lands of the State for taxation. In business transactions, he was a man of few words, but when free from the cares of business he was genial and sociable, and loved to hear and tell a good story. So much for Mr. Ely, the founder of the township. A sketch of the life of Artemas Beebe will be found elsewhere. Captain Festus Cooley' commanded a company of Massachusetts troojjs in the war of 1812. He marched his company to Boston, but as Massachu- setts troojis were not permitted by the governor to leave the State, it is not believed that the company of Capt. Cooley were guilty of shedding any British blood. He came to Elyria from Springfield on foot, i.rriviug on the 29th day of May, 1817, and imme- diately took charge of both the saw and grist mills, that were erected in 181G. He put them in good order, and all things seemed to prosper in the way of making improvements in the wilderness. Mr. Beebe says "every man worked with a will; there were no drones in those days." In the spring of 1819, Capt. Cooley went east, and returned with his family in August of the same year. He moved into the old tavern stand, built by Mr. Beebe and George Douglas, which he occupied for about a year, until Mr. Beebe 110 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. arrived with his bride. Capt. Cooley lived ia this town until the time of his death, August 9, 1872, at the advanced age of eiglity-six years. Mrs. Cooley survived hiui several years: she died August 4, 1876. He was a kind unci oliiiging nciglilior and friend, and died without an enemy, lie was tlie father of several daughters, who all died soon after reaciiing maturity. His only son Festus, late of Elyria, now of Blue Rapids, Kansas, is his only surviving child. LuTHEii L.VNE came to Elyria with the first jiarty of immigrants. Being hired for only eight months, he returned at the end of that time, in company with the late Judge Lane, to Massachusetts. They made the entire distance on foot. He returned to Elyria, in 1821, and, in a year or two, built the house where he resided until his death. <)u the 4th of July, 1836, he nuirried Miss Ann Cooley, in West S])ringfield, and brought her to his new western home. She lived to share his toils, joys and sorrows. She died only a few years before her husband, ripe in years, and lamented liy all, who loved her for her many christian virtues. Mr. Lane was oue of the original members of the Presbyterian church in Elyria, and was elected deacon at the time of its organization. He was, pre-eminently, a good man. No one spoke ill of him. lie was honest, industrious, temperate, and kind t(i all witli whom he associated. Children loved him, for he always had a kind word for them. He owned the farm on the east side of the river, op- posite the residence of Rev. L. F. Ward. Deacon and Mrs. Lane raised no children of their own, but they brought up a number of orphan children, who were treated with parental affection. Ho died on the 23d of November, 1868. James Porter was an industrious, hard working man, and accumulated considerable property. He owned the farm now belonging to I. J. Ra3inond, east of the river, and several houses and lots in town. Ho left one child, a daughter, who was six years old at the time of his death, and is now the wife of M. B. Purnly, of Dayton, Ohio. His widow married Dr. H. F. Hubbard, who died in Wisconsin. She is still living, and resides with her children in Colorado. George Douglas died young. He is remembered by the early settlers as an enterjirisiug, kind-hearted man. He died on the 5th day of November, 1820; aged thirty-five years. Roderick Ashley went east after a year or two, and engaged in boating on the Connecticut river, between Sjjringfield and Hartford. He accumulated a fortune, and died at an advanced age, in the spring of 1878, lamented by all who knew him. (Jershom Danes bought the farm now occupied by Sheldon Paddock, in Ridgeville, which he occupied for several years. He sold out many years ago, and moved west. His subsequent history is unknown. Edward Bush returned to the east, but afterwards removed to the State of Illinois, where all trace of him is lost. John Bacon, who kept the log boarding house for the pioneers, removed to his farm in Carlisle, where he resided many years. He died not long ago, at an advanced age. Uncle John, as he was familiarly called, was a generous and kind-hearted nuiu. (»f the first settlers in Elyria, Mr. A. Beebe is be- lievi'd to be the only survivor. ELYRIA VILLAGE as first incorporated, embraced only the territory lying between the branches of Black river. Its boundaries have been extended, so that it now embraces a good part of the township. Should its territory all be oc- cupied as a city, it would contain about two hundred thousand inhabitants. The cast and west branches of the river approach each other at the south line of the township, to within the distance of about one mile. The west branch runs in a northerly direction, until it reaches the west falls. The east branch runs parallel to it, until it passes sume distance north of Broad street, where it bends west, and for a short distance, south; turning again to the west, it reaches the east falls, a little below the bridge, which connects Washington avenue with Briiad street. These falls are forty feet per])endieu- lar, and when the i-iver is high, j)resent a grand ap- ])earance. The river there nuikes its way through a rocky gorge, about sixty rods, where it unites with the west lira.nch. The west fall is about the same heighth as the east. After leaping the fall, it runs through a similar rocky gorge, for about forty rods, where the two branches form a junction. SCENERY. The scenery on both l)ranches below the falls is grand and beautiful. Immense ledges of sandstone project over the valley, for part of the distance, while hirge boulders of the same material are found in the l)ed of the stream, which, in a measure, obstruct its ixissage. . The banks on either hand are covered with deciduous trees, with which are intermingled ever- green trees, consisting of j'iues and hemlocks. At the foot of the west fall, on the south side, there is a large, wide-mouthed cave, over-arched with sand rock. It is a famous resort for both young and old. Iliah Jo B uj) on the projecting rock, many names are inscribed, and among them, in large letters, is that of Q. A. (iilmore, 1844. At that date. General Gilmore was a bright lad, attending school in Elyria. At some period in the distant jiast, the west falls were located some twenty rods below where they are at present, and at the place where they poured over the precipice, the rocks are water-worn, giving abund- ant evidence of their former location. Many interest- ing relics have been found in the former bed of the stream. At the foot of the ancient junction, there is a basin or small lake, covering an acre or more of ground. Surrounding this basin, the scenery is indescribably grand; rocks are piled on I'ocks, in endless confusion. This is a famous resort for artists, many of whom HISTORY OP LORAIN COtJNTY, OHIO. Ill luive visited Elyria for the purpose of sketching its scenery. A little below the basin, there is an island of several acres, covered with majestic trees of nia]ile, beech, and sycamore, the property of Mrs. Charles Arthur Ely. This she has generously cleared of underl)rush, and provided with rustic seats. She has also liuilt a stairway, leading down from the high hank above, and thrown her beautiful grounds open to the public. Pic-nic jiartios come from a distance to enjoy this beautiful retreat. Strangei's visiting Elyria are not aware that within a stone's throw of Broad street, can be found the most beautiful scenery in the State. EELICS OF AN ANCIENT RACE. On the west bank of the river, on the northei'n border of the township, there is a lot known as the Fort Lot. On this lot there are extensive works, con- structed, probably, by a race of people who inhabited this country prior to the present Lidian race. About forty years ago, a party of gentlemen, of whom the writer was one, nnide a survey of these works. They consisted first, of a large central mound, near the river Ixink. and a smaller mound on each side of it. The bank of the river descended gradually for about twenty feet, where was a level j)lateau, some two rods in width. Out of this bank gushes a sjjring of pure water, of sufficient size to carry an overshot wheel, and falls into the river, the perpendicular bank of which is some seventy-tive feet in height. Extending around these mounds, some ten rods or more from them, was a ditch. It commenced at the river bank, some twenty rods north of the mounds, and termin- ated at a doeiJ ravine, about a quarter of a mile from its place of beginning. At the distance of about ten rods from each other, were pits or caches, evidently made for the purpose of storing provisions. Very ancient oaks grew from the bottom of the ditch, in places. We excavated the largest mound rather im- perfectly, and found nothing but ijieces of potteiy, and fragments of human bones. The mounds were undoubtedly used as places of sepulture, where, after some battle, perhai)s, large numbers of the slain were entombed. It is to be regretted that, the owners of the land, in a spirit of vandalism, have ploughed over the mounds, and they are nearly on a level with tlie surrounding surface. ORGANIZATION OF THE TOWNSHIP. On the twentietii of October, 1819, the township of Elyria, comjirising townsjiips number five and six,, in range seventeen, now Carlisle and Elyria, was, by the commissioners of Huron county, erected a separate township. It was named in honor of its jjioneer owner and settler, Heman Elj-, — Ely-ria. The first election occurred on the 3d of April, 1830, at which time there were twenty votes cast. The following I list gives the names of the electors at that time: Sherman Miuot, .Tohn M. Butler, John Bacon, James A. Sexton, Abel Farr, Dudley Starr, George Douglas, William Sexton, Enos Mann, Calvin Eice, Burton Waite, Chester Wright, J. L. Terrell, Elias Mann, Heman Ely, Roger Cooley, Festus Cooley, .James Ledoit, Henry Wolford and Edmund West. James Ledoit and Sherman Minot were judges of election, and Edmund West, clerk. Heman Ely, Sherman Minot and Jonathan A. Sexton, were elected trustees. Edmund West, clerk and treasurer. Heman Ely and Festus Cooley, overseers of the poor. Chester Wright and Enos Mann, fence viewers. John F. Butler and Festus Cooley, appraisers of property. George Doug- las, constable, and Heman Ely and William Sexton, supervisors of highways. Sherman Minot was the first justice of the peace; elected, doubtless, in 1820, though the only record we find is a copy of the notice for an election of justice of the })eace, "in place of Sherman Minot, whose term of office expired Decem- ber 33, 1822." From a list of taxable property, jircpared in May, 1820, by Roger Cooley and Phineas Johnson, we learn that there were in the township eleven hors(>s, ninety- eight cattle, and seven houses, five of which were val- ued at one hundred dollars each, one at fourteen hun- dred (Heman Ely's), and another (Artemas Beebe's) at nine hundred dollars. The number of horses returned by the assessor in the spring of 1878 was seven hundred and seventy-seven, valued at thirty- eight thousand four hundred and seventy-five dollars; cattle, one thousand one hundred and twenty-seven, valued at twenty-two thousand two hundred and ninety-four dollars; total value of real estate and buildings, township, three hundred and twelve thou- sand and thirty-five dollars; village, one million and eighty-one thousand dollars; total in townshij) and village, one million five hundred and ninety-three thousand and thirty-five dollars. The records of the townshiii cannot be found fur- ther back than 1842. At the spring election this year Herrick Parker, Ira Cunningham and Israel Everden were judges; Schuyler Putnam and Benjamin F. Robinson, clerks. The otHcers elected were Ebenezer (h'iffith, Daniel Nesbitt and William Gregg, ti-ustees; Schuyler Putnam, township clerk; Abraham Burrell, treasurer; William Doolittle and John II. Faxon, con- stables, and nine supervisors of highways. In 1843, Clark Eldred, Daniel Nesbitt and Artemas Beebe, trustees; Stephen B. Wolcott, township clerk; A. Burrell, treasurer; John H. Faxon, constable; Heman Burch and Edson A. Griswold, justices of the peace. The officers for 18T8 are Levi Morse, H. C. Tail and George F. Sears, trustees; W. II. Park, clerk; George D. Williams, treasurer; O. Dole, Charles Myers and S. A. Rawson, constaliles; Wm. H. Tucker, justice of the peace. ELYRIA CHOSEN AS THE COUNTY SEAT. j\Ir. Ely visited Columbus in the winter of 1821-2, for the purpose of securing an act for the organiza- tion of the county of Lorain. He traveled on horse- 112 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. back, and the first day out he became lost in the woods. He succeeded iii finding his way back to liis lionio at night, and the next day was more successful in finding his way, and finally reached tlie State capi- tal. The new county was not formed at that session of the (reueral Assembly, but on the 22d of Decem- ber, 1832, an act was passed for its formation. It was taken from the counties of Cuyahoga, Huron and Medina, and was named Lorain. It took its name from Lorraine in France, in whieli province Mr. Ely spent some time while in Europe, and with which he was greatly pleased. It will be observed that the name is somewhat anglicised. It originally embraced the townships of Homer and Spencer now in Medina, and Sullivan and Troy now in Ashland county. At the same session a board of three commissioners was appointed to locate the county seat. Black River and Sheffield were competitors with Elyria, and tlie com- missioners visited both of those townships; but, after a fair consideration of their claims, fixed upon Elyria as the seat of justice for the new county, and on the 14th of February, 1833, drove the stakes for the loca- tion of the new court house. It was located at the north east corner of Middle avenue and Broad street, and occupied the ground where J. A. Bean's grocery store now stands. Mr. Ely agreed to furnish build- ings for the court house and jail, and to pay two thousand dollars towards the erection of a new court house wlienever the county commissionei'S should see fit to build one. After the erection of the new court house, the original building was removed to a lot fronting Broad street, and was used for a time as a school house and afterwards as a Presbyterian church. It now stands in the rear of Snearer and Waldeck's cabinet shop. Tlie jail was erected on what is now the South public square, nearly opposite the i)resent residence of N. L. Johnson. It was a two-story frame building, the inside of one end lined with s(iuare-iiewn legs, which was used as a prison. The other end was used by tlie family of the jailor. It answered its purpose very well, few if any prisoners having escaped from it. It now stands on East Third street, and is owned and occupied as a dwelling by R. W. Pomeroy. ELYRIA IN 1835. Some of the townships in Lorain county were quite raj)idly settled after the first improvements. Sucli was not the case with Elyria. Its population is not remembered, but the following list shows the houses and their occupants at the above date. Commencing at the east end of Broad street the first house stood nearly opposite the old tannery, and was occupied by a Mr. Cuues. The second house was occupied by Mr. (iardner Howe, a tanner. Third, Heman Ely's resi- dence, now occupied by his son Heman. Fourth, the old tavern of Mr. Beebe, standing nearly opposite Mr. Ely's. Fifth, the residence of Mr. Edmund West, now owned and occupied by Albert Ely. Sixth, resi- dence of Deacon Luther Lane, now owned by Mr. Budd. Seventh, the residence of Mr. Kingsbury, now owned and occupied by Mr. Coburu. Eighth, George Gilbert, a blacksmith. Ninth, residence of Dr. John F. Butler, corner of Broad street and Mid- dle avenue. Tenth, residence of Hiram Emmons. Eleventh, residence of Thompson Miles. Twelfth, residence (name not remembered) on ground after- wards occupied by residence of Samuel Goodwin. Thirteenth, residence of Halstead Parker. Four- teenth, fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth, occupants not remembered. -Eighteenth, occupied by Roger Cooley. Nineteenth, resident not known. Twen- tieth, residence of Francis Douglas. Twenty-first, residence of Ebenezer Wliiton. Twenty-second, res- dence of James Porter. Twenty-third, now occupied by W. H. Park, built by Ransom Redington, at that time unfinished. There were but few farmers settled in the township outside the village. From the report of the appraiser of real estate for 1870 (the last made) we take the following: Village. Number ot houses 554; valued at $4IS,015 00 •as other buildings, valued at -lO.fias 00 In the township, 174 houses, valued at 67,005 DO 155 other buildings, valued at... 32,0(17 00 Total, village and township S.558,342 00 Real estate is appraised at less than half its true value. A number of persons whose names have not been mentioned settled in Elyria prior to 1825. Wil- liam Turner, Jr., whose father came to Grafton in 1816, was apprenticed to George Douglas, to learn the house joiner and carpenter's trade, in 1823. He mar- ried Miss Olive M. Lynde, in 183-4, and became a permanent resident. By a life of industry he has accumulated a competence, and is now living at the age of seventy-five, respected by the community. His wife, aged seventy-three, is also living. Hiram Em- mons came from Connecticut in 1831. He died in 1 865 aged seventy-two. He was an honest man and a good citizen. Stanton Sholes was one of the early merchants of Elyria. He sold out to Thompson Miles, who suc- ceeded him both as a merchant and resident in 1834, and removed to a pleasant home in Amherst. Cajjl. Sholes afterwards removed to the vicinity of Colum- bus, where he died recently, aged over ninet}' years. He commanded a company in the war of 1813, and did good service for his counti-y. Mr. Miles having secured a competence, retired from business in 1833. He died in September, 1845, aged fifty-five 3'ears, leaving a highly respectable family. Ezra S. Adams, from Canton, Conn., settled in Elyria in 1831, and established the first harness and saddlery shop in the county. He kept the hotel built by George Douglas for a time, and was a partner of Mr. A. Beebe, in establishing the first line of stage coaches between Cleveland and Sandusky, (now Fre- mont.) He afterwards carried on the business of harness making for many years. He died January 33, 1847, aged forty-six years. ii«i*" ,. ^ *& V^N V-V^vvv-,s -N5^ **^\\\\^?5SS$?^N:* ^■^'^> Photo, by Lee, Elyria, 0. G^^^^-e-^^6S^^--^ A young man who, with good hahits and energ_v, says, " This will I do," rarely fails. William H. Tucker is a living illustration of this fact. He was born in Windham, Portage Co., Ohio, March 21, 1826, the youngest son of Jacob and Chloe Tucker. Jacob first settled in Ohio, at Vermillion, in 1816. In 1818 he moved into Windham, as above, from which place he removed to Eaton, Lorain Co , Ohio, in 1832, pur- chasing a farm on Chestnut Ridge. Here with his wife he remained until their respective deaths ; Mr. Tucker dying in 1863, in his eighty-eighth year ; his wife having died two years previous. From the mother did W. H. Tucker get the notions which, worked out, have made the valuable citizen. Mrs. Chloe Tucker was a woman of uncommon energy ; the great motherly heart of a good woman, by precept and example, left an im- press on the character of her children that to this day recalls the memory of a mother who ever watched over them with self-sacrificing devotion, and aided them to become the true man or true woman. The father, of a difl'erent mental mould, ever kind, no mat- ter how gloomy the outlook, was ever cheerful ; always think- ing " Suflicient unto the day is tlie evil thereof." Mr. W. H. Tucker, well remembering the exodus from Portage to Lorain County, recalls the pa.ssage of Cuyahoga River, at Cleveland, Ohio, on a floating bridge, the all of his parents in a lumber wagon drawn by a yoke of oxen, those parents to work out of the then woods of Eaton a home for selves and little ones. Such a home, poor as it was, was even then made so pleasant that one and all of those children look back to it with fond memories. Early life in Lorain County gave limited opportunities for education. At the age of sixteen Mr. Tucker began to think for a better education than home schools provided. In his seventeenth year his father gave him all he could, viz., his time. With this and a fixed determination he commenced the business of education, chopping cord- wood for tuition, and doing chores for board. He was a pupil at a select school at Ridgeville, Ohio. The following winter found him teacher of the common school at Lagrange, Ohio. In the following July, to acquire further funds for schooling, he commenced work with a traveling threshing-machine. A week's work left him with only one leg, and even life in danger. Good early habits and a sound constitution pulled him through so far as the playsical was concerned ; but, as he looked to the future, "black care brooded o'er his mind." Fearing he should become a burden to his friends, he almost wished for death. However, will-power and kind attention offender friends drove such thoughts away, and left him with a fixed purpose. En- gaging in school teaching for the following twenty-two years, Mr. Tucker taught every winter, frequently fall and summer terms, in the common schools of Ohio; now and then a select school. All this time as teacher he was everywhere a learner. In the year 1864, Mr. Tucker removed to Elyria, Ohio, where he now lives. He was married in his twenty-third year to Miss Clarissa Andrews, who as kind wife, with joyous and sunny disposition, cheered his life until her death, which occurred at Elyria, Jan. 20, 1870. She left three sons, the youngest but eight days old, her only daughter having died before, aged two years. He was remarried, March 13, 1871, to Mrs. M. C. Hart, widow of Hermon Hart, of Grafton, Lorain Co., Ohio, who now with every womanly grace makes home pleasant to husband and their manj' friends. Mr. Tucker was elected recorder of Lorain Co., Ohio, in 1864, filling the position, by two re-elections, for nine years. Retiring from olfice with health somewhat impaired by close confinement and strict attention to official duties, for a short time he engaged in sundry business occupations. Having, dur- ing his recordership, reviewed his law studies under the in- struction of Judge John C. Hale (which studies were originally made under Judge W. W. Boynton), he was admitted to the bar, at a sitting of the District Court, at Cleveland, Ohio. In 1875, Mr. Tucker was a prominent mover in the organi- zation of a lodge of Knights of Honor at Elyria, and was chosen past dictator of said lodge. In 1876 he represented said lodge in grand council, and has ever since been a member of that body, now being grand trustee. In February, 1878, as charter member, he helped the forma- tion of a council of Royal Arcanums at Elyria, of which he was elected past regent. He now fills the office of grand sec- retary of the grand council of said order for the State of Ohio. Elected by his fellow-citizens as justice of the peace; a member of the law firm of Fary & Tucker ; with an oflicial reputation as recorder of Lorain Count}' unequaled either by successor or predecessor ; with the trusts of a grand officer in his hands ; his ever charitable hand; his undeviating life of integrity in all its meaning ; the universal respect of all with whom he comes in contact, Mr. Tucker can be well said to have grandly done his " This will I do." <9^uyf,UjcJ^^ William Webster was born in West Hartford, Conn., Oct. 20, 1778, and moved to Laporte, Lorain Co., Ohio, May 15, 1828, from the town of Spaiford, Onondaga Co., N. Y. His son William was born at Florence, Oneida Co., N. Y., Feb. 20, 1809. The occupation of both father and son was that of black- smithing. William, the father of the subject of this sketch, worked at his trade in Elyria, in company with George G. Gilbert, from 1831 to 1834. His wife was born July 3, 1813, and was the daughter of Henry J. Fhillips. They were married Oct. 27, 1831, in Eaton, Lorain Co., Ohio. Mrs. Webster died Nov. 13, 1868, leaving six children, viz. : Daniel, Edward, Cordelia, (wife of Dr. L. C. Kelsey, of Elyria, Ohio), Iral A., Fred, and Will. Iral A. Webster was born on Butternut llidge, Eaton township, Lorain Co., Ohio, Dec 22, 1840. In Iral's youth his parents moved to the State of Illinois, lleturniug from the West, for a short time Cleveland, Ohio, was their home; and in 1848, Carlisle, Lorain Co., Ohio, became his father's residence, where he still lives. Iral A. Webster's early days were spent on the home farm, in the blacksmith-shop, or in a quarry belonging to his father, except such time as was given to the district school, until 1861. During this year he attended a select school at Elyria, Ohio. In 1862 he commenced studies at Oberlin, Ohio, where some time was spent until the spring of 1866; the balance was pa.s.sed in teaching school at Lagrange and Amherst, Lorain Co., Ohio, and in reading law^with J. D. Horton, of Ravenna, Ohio. Continuing his reading, with C. W. Johnston, Esq., of Elyria, he was, in said place, admitted to the bar Aug. 29, 1867. In De- cember, 1867, he opened a law office at Oberlin, Ohio, where his family still resides, although Mr. Webster's time is mostly passed in Elyria, where he started a branch office, August, 1877. He formed a copartnership with Charles G. Finney, Jr., in February, 1872, which lasted but a few months, owing to the ill health of his partner. Jan. 1, 1877, saw his uncle, H. L. Webster, in the law business with him, which relation continued for one year, when Mr. Webster formed a partnership with his brother Fred, which still continues. In December, 1877, Mr. I. A. Webster purchased one- half of the Oberlin Weehly News, and continued one of its owners and publishers until Jan. 1, 1879, his efforts having aided in a great degree in placing it upon a sound foun- dation. On Nov. 25, 1868, Mr. Webster married Miss Lottie Robb, daughter of Jackson and Mary Robb. Of this marriage were born Albert M., Feb. 13, 1875; Angle L., April 8, 1877. Mr. Webster is yet young, a man of high moral stand- ing, and an ardent supporter of every movement looking towards the right. He is a prominent member of the Republican party. Sharing the confidence and good will of all, he enjoys that true respect of his fellows that only follows a life of strict integrity. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 113 Zenas Banuim built a forge on the west side of the river, wliere Gates' saw-mill was afterwards built in 1818, and carried on the business of manufacturing wrought iron until 1832. He then removed to Rock- port, where he died manj' years ago. Elias Mann came to Elyriain 1819. He married a daughter of Major David Beebe, of Ridgeville and removed to Amherst, where he lived to a good old age. John Gould and Ebenezer Perry settled on the east side of the river, on the ground now occupied by the cemetery. Both died many years ago. ELYRIA VILLAGE. INCORPORATED IN 18.33. Section first of an act to incorporate the town of Elyria, reads as follows: Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That all that part of the township of Elyria, in the county of Lorain, which is included within the branches of Black river, be and the same is hereby created a town corporate, and shall hereafter be known and dis- tinguished by the name of the Town of Elyria. The above was passed February 2.3, 18:!3. Signed, David T. Disney, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Samuel P. Miller, President of the Senate. We are unable to find the record of elections i)rior to April 6, 1843. At this date an election was held and the following gentlemen were chosen, viz: Orren Cowles, mayor; Benjamin F. Robinson, re- corder; Archibald S. Park, Thompson Miles, Israel Everden, Ansel Keith, and T. Crane, trustees; and Samuel Goodwin, treasurer. 1843: Nahum B. Gates, mayor; Austin C. Penfleld, recorder; Herrick Parker, T. Crane, I. Everden, Orville L. Mason and William Olcott, trustees; treasurer re-elected. 1844: Oliver R. Ryder, mayor; I. Everden, 0. L. Mason, C. S. Goodwin, and Norman Crandall, trustees; recorder re-elected; Horace C, Starr, treasurer. 1845: officers re-elected entire. 1846: Albert A. Bliss, mayor; 0. L. Mason, 0. Cowles, T. Crane, N. B. Gates and William Olcott, trustees; recorder and treasurer re- elected. 1847: Hemau Ely, Jr., mayor; M.R.Keith, recorder, B. F. Robinson, W. F. Lockwood, A. Woostor, A. Culver and Milo Bennett, trustees; H. C. Starr, treasurer. We pass to a recent date. 1876: John H. Boynton, mayor; John Childs, George H. Ely, E. G. Johnson and Charles Spitzenburg, trustees. 1877: N. B. Gates, mayor; council, John Childs, George 11. Ely, E. G. Johnson, Charles Spitzenburg, William Allen and George R. Starr. 1878: N. B. Gates, mayor; council same as before, adding John W. Hart and D. J. Nye. In making out the foregoing list of officers we have co])ied from the records as kept by the recorder, hence we are not responsible for the omission of first names. Soon after the commencement of the settlement, Mr. Ely saw the necessity of having bridges across both branches of the river, and contracted with Maj. Calvin Hoadley to build them. They were completed in the fall of 1818. Their location was substantially on the sites of the present stone and iron bridges. In the summer of 1819 Chester Wright erected a distillery, one of those, at that day, popular institu- 15 tions. This stood on the east side of the east branch of the river, near the spring in the rear of the sand pits. Enos Mann and others afterwards carried on this distillery. Long years since it went into decay and now not a vestige of it remains. At a very early date, a carding and fulling mill was in operation. It was located on the site of Messrs. Topliff and Ely's extensive manufactory. Gardner Howe at first carried it on, who was succeeded by John L. Butler, and he, in turn, by Herrick Parker. The spinning wheel and hand-loom having become things of the past, Mr. Parker converted it into a woolen manufactory, but does not seem to have been successful, as the work was abandoned some twenty years ago. The grist and saw mills, built by Mr. Ely at the time of the first settlement, near the east branch bridge, have been succeeded by others, with more modern improvements, which are still in oijeration. The old red mill at the east falls was built by Mr. Ely, as early as 1834. In February, 1832, there was a great freshet, caused by heavy rains, which caused the breaking up of the ice. It swept away every mill dam above Elyria, gathering force at each, and came down almost like a wall of waters, bearing along large trees, which had been torn up by the roots. Nearly half of the red mill standing over the water was swept away, and all of the running gear, including the mill stones, and made a complete wreck of the lower por- tion of the mill. That part of'the building next the water, settled a foot or more, and the whole structure came near falling into the stream. It was soon re- paired, and has, until recently, done a large business, both as a custom and merchants' mill. It is not now in operation. The Lorain Iron Company was established in 1832, on the west side of the river, near the west falls. Ileman Ely furnished the capital, aud built the necessary works. It was, at one time, an extensive affair, employing one hundred, or more, men. It was not a success, financially, and was eventually abandoned. Its failure was probably due to the fact that it used bog ore, which was not vei-y rich in iron. Had the iron mines of Lake Sui^erior been then known, it would doubtless have been in operation at the present time. Below the "old red mill," was a second one, which was burned down, aud between the two, a gentleman named Clark, put in operation an axe manufactory. Tills business was carried on for a number of years, and turned out a very good class of work. This has, long since, ceased to be. Mr. N. B. Gates, for many j^ears, run a saw-mill, and carried on a sash aud blind manufactory, on the west branch, above the falls. As timber became scarce, it was abandoned, not being profitable. ELTKIA NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Sometime during the year 1844, the above society was organized. It rented a large hall in the Ely 114 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. block, furni.slic'd eacli side of it with glass cases, for the reception of sjiecitnens — a platform and desk occupy- ing the front of the room. It was also supplied with seats, to accomodate about three hundred persons. The glass cases were generally filled with choice spec- imens, illustrating geology, mineralogy, eonchology, ornithology, and botany. Many Indian relies were also collected, together with a small library. In this room, weekly public free lectures were given for about four years, except during the month of August. The lecturers were mostly residents of Elyria, among whom were Di's. N. R. Townshend, Eber W. Hubbard, and L. I). Griswold; Joel Tiffany, A. A. Bliss, P. Bliss, and Woolsey Wells, attorneys; Rev. D. A. Grosvenor; and H. A. Tenney, editor, and others, not recollected. The lecturers were all volunteers, and performed their duties without compensation. During the existence of the association, several dis- tinguished scientists from abroad were eniploj-ed, who delivered coui'ses of lectures upon chemistry and geology. For nearly four years, the hall was filled, weekly, by the young and middle-aged citizens of Elyria, who were constant attendants upon the lectures. No one can projierly estimate the influence for good, especially upon the 3'oung peojde of our village, resulting from these lectures. Elyria has ever been celebrated for the literary and scientific culture of its inhabitants, and it is believed that, its reputation is, to a great extent, due to the influence of this society. After about four years of prosperity, several gen- tlemen, who had been prominent in conducting its afi'airs, removed from town, the regular lectures were discontinued, and it gradually fell into decay. In 1852, a fire consumed the block and what .specimens remained in the room. CHURCHES IN ELYRIA. THE PRESBYTERIAN rHUROn * Was organized in the log school house east of the river, on Thursday, the 2.5th of November, 1824. There were jiresent on the occasion. Rev. Alfred II. Betts, a minister of the Presliytery of Huron, and tlie Revs. Daniel W. Lathrop, Joseph Treat, and Caleb Pitkin, of tlie Missionary Society of Connecticut. The following jwrsons presented themselves for examination, viz: Luther Lane, Celia P]ly and Pamelia Beebe, from the First church in West Springfield, Massachusetts; Abbe W. Lathrop, from the First Presbyterian church in Brooklyn, Long Island; William Smith, from the church in Sheffield; Samuel Brooks, Hezekiah Brooks, Lydia Brooks, Sophia Brooks, Hannah Brooks, Hannah Johnson and Irene Johnson, of the Presbyterian church in Carlisle; and Harriet Hamlin, Julia West, Pearly Douglas, Ann Palmer and Pamelia Jlanter, who had never before made a public jirofession of religion. * Derived mostly from the church records, and from conTersation ivith the Hon. Hemau Ely. The building, occupied exclusively ns a clnrrch, stood on the northeast corner of of the public sipiare, and is the same now occupied by Snearer & Waldeck as a cabinet shop. In 18.34, a wooden church edifice was erected on lot No. 247 East Second street. This w-as completed, and on February 12, of the same year, was dedicated to the service of Almighty God. On the same day, the Rev. James II. Eells was oixlained jjastor of the church. This building is now owned by Mrs. Sarah W., widow of the Rev. I). A. Grosvenor, and is occupied as a dwelling. The massive and beautiful stone church on the corner of Second and Court streets was comjileted in the spring of 1848, and dedicated iSIay 17, of that year, at a total cost of twelve thousand five hundred and eighty-eight dollars and sixt3--five cents. The clock which occujiies the tower of this church was put up some years later, and cost three hundred dollars; the bell, six hundred dollars, and the fine organ, fourteen hundred dollars. A neat stone chapel was erected just south of the church in 1853. The following list shows the pastors who have ministered to the church, witJi the date they were severally installed: June 29, 1835, Rev. Daniel W. Lathrop; Februaiy 2. ISil, Rev. John J. ShipluTd; Febriiai-y 11, 18:B, Rev. James H. Eells; September 2t), ISiT, Rev. Lewis H. Loss; February !t, 1813, Rev. David A. Grosvenor; Novem- ber 4, ia5a. Rev. F. M. Hopkins; April 4, 18.5.1, Rev. Francis A. Wilber; July 2, 1867, Rev. Fergus L. Kenyon; March 1, 1872, Rev. C. H. Wlieeler; August 21, 1872, Rev. E. E. Williams; present pastor was employed and installed December 9, 187:3. The ]ir('seiit officers of the church, many of whom have grown grey in its service, are as follows: Deacon,".— Elijah DeWitt (Emeritus), Joseph .Swift, Jr., Edward W. West, Isaac S. Metcalf. Standing Committee — Thomas L. Nelson. Hemau Ely, Edward W. West, Elijah DeWitt, Joseph Swift, Jr., and Reuben M. Carter. Clerk— Isaac S. Metcalf. Ladies' Committee — Mrs. Heman Ely, Mrs. J. J. Monroe, Miss Eliza J. Hall. Chorister—John W. HuJburt. Organist — Miss Ann M. C'randall. Superintendent of Sahbath School — Hemau Ely. Assistant Snpenntendent — H. M. Parker. Sccretttrl/ and Treasurer— Mrs. T. L. Nelson. Committee on Missionarji, Snnday School and Bible Society Collections —Elijah DeWitt, Heman Ely, E. W. West, Joseph Swift, Jr., and I. S. Metcalf. Officers of the Society— Nahum B. Gates, president; I. S. Metcalf, seen' tary and treasurer. Trustees — Hemau Ely, Artemas Beebe, Thomas L. Nelson, John W. Hulburt and Joseph Swift, Jr. In the Sabbath school, the total enrollment is six hundred and twenty-five; average attendance, three hundred and seventy-five. There are also sustained by the church six mission schools, with an attendance of from thirty to sixty each. The present membership of the church is two hundred and ninety. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The following brief sketch of this religious society is prepared from data furnished by Clark Eldred and Mrs. W. 0. Cahoou. Occasional services were held in Elyria, at the houses of the settlers, by preachers of this faith, soon after the settlement, prior to 1820. SI ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ELYRfA , OHIO ARTHUR f/I BACKUS, RECTOR HISTORY OF LOEAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 115 From 1830 to 1833, Elyria was included in Huron circuit and was suiiplied ))y tlic following ministers: In ISao and IS2t, Dennis Cimidard; 18ft.', Philip Green; 1823, N. and John Warner. From 1824 to 18;!1, Elyria was included in Black river circuit, and supplied by the following ministers: 18*1, Zarah Coston; 1825, James Taylor; 183(!, E. H. Field; 1827, Harry O. ISheldon; 1S2S. Shadracic Riiark; 18211, John C. Havens; 18.30, E. S. Carpenter and H. Colelazer; WJl, E. S. Carpenter and E. C. Gavitt. From 1833 to 1843, it was known as Elyria circuit: is:j2, William Rnnnels and George Elliot; 18:5;3, William Runnels and J. Kiimear; 1834, A. Billings and A. A. Brewster; 18:S5, A. Billings and J. Wilkinson; 18:30, J, Wheeler and T. BarkduU; 18:37, S. M. Allen and J. Hudson; 1838, John M. Goshom; 18:39, James Brewster; 1840, Joseph Jones and John Brakefield; 1841, Cyrus Sawyer and S. B. Guyberson; 1842, E. C. Gavitt and Peter Sharp. From 1843 to tlie present time, Elyria lias been an independent station, and sujiiilied as follows: 18i;3and 1814, William Runnels; 184.5 and 1846, Lorenzo Warner; 1847 and 1848, William B. Disbro; 1819, ISoO and 18->1, Wm. C. Pierce; 1851 to 1853, Samuel L. Yourtee; 1853 to 1835, James M. Morrow; l&JS to 1S56, Uri Richards; 183G to 18.58, M. K. Hard; 18.58 to 185'j, Thomas BarkduU; 1859 to 18(iO, J. A Kellum; 18110 to 1802, C. H. Owens; 1862 to 1863, Wm. B. Disbro; 1803 to 1805, E. H. Bush; 1805 to 1867, Gajlord H. Hartupee; 1807 to 18(i8, J. S. Broadwell; 1868 to 1871, John A. Mudge; 1871 to 187:3, J. W. Mendenhall; 1873 to 1876, A. J. Lyon; 1876 to the present time, J. H. McConnell. In Jlay, 1834, a class was formed, comjiosed of the following persons: Hiram Emmons (who was first class leader) and wife, C^lark Eldred and wife, George H. Gilbert and wife, Heber G. Sekins and wife, Sally Gilbert, and some others whose names cannot be ascertained. Soon after the year 1834, a church edifice was erected by this class and outside friends. It was a comfortable wooden structure, and stood near the site of the present Methodist Ejiiscopal church. The i)resent brick church was erected in 1850, at a cost of five thousand dollars. The society is now taking measures to build a new and more commo- dious church edifice. The old church building was converted into a dwelling house, and is occupied by Clayton Johnson. It has been so modernized and imj)roved m its archi- tecture that no person would recognize it. A lot for a parsonage was purchased in 1831, and soon after a house was put up for the use of the pastor. The parsonage trustees, at that time, were: Lewis Ely, George G. Gilbert, Hiram Emmons, Wil- liam Peters, Henry B. Tenis, Jonah Bradley, Clark Eldred, Charles Abljcy and Jabez Hamlin. The first 1 parsonage has since been sold, and a new and better ' one erected. ! The present parsonage trustees are: Levi Morse, jJohn C. Houghton, Jerome Manvillo, Waterman ; Morse, T. L. Taylor, C. M. Eldred, I. J. Carpenter iand Joseph Biggs. i Trustees of the Church— Seymour W. Baldwin, William Snearer, Levi I Morse, William Bennington and A. C. Phipps. Stewards— O. Bowen, Levi Morse, E. C. Griswold and Hiram Patterson. I Recording Steward— S. B. Sprague. I'i^trict Steward— nivalin Patterson. There is a large and flourishing Sunday school in I connection with the church, of which S. B. Sprague .s superintendent. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH. The Protestant Epi.scopal Church in Elyria was or- ganized in 1837 under the superintendence of the Kev. Anson Clark, missionary, with the aid of tlie missionary committee of the diocese of Ohio. The following are the names of those who first signed tlie articles of association: Orrin Cowles, Jane C. Cowles, M. Augustus Cowles, E. H. Leonard, Sarah W. Leonard, Drake Andrews, Lucy Andrews, Cbaiincey Prindle, Nancy Prindle, Aaron Andrews, Eunice W. Andrews, Maria Prindle,.Julia Vaudeberg, Caroline Leonard, L. D. Griswold, Jerusha H. Gris- wold, Caroline Byington, Ruth Minot, Perley Blakes- ley, Mary Blakesley, William Babbitt, and Mary Babljitt. The first meeting of the parish was held at the house of Orrin Cowles, Rev. Anson Clark, presiding, and Eliiihalet H. Leonard, seci-etary. At this meet- ing the name, style and title of St. Andrew's Church was adojitcd, and the following jiersons elected ward- ens and vestrymen: Drake Andrews, senior warden; Orrin Cowles. junior warden; vestrymen, Chauncey Prindle, E. li. Leonard, and L. D. Griswold. In the summer of 1839, Rev. Mr. Clark resigned the charge, and during the next year the first church edifice was erected at a cost of one thousand five hun- dred dollars. In 1841, Rev. Hugh Kelley was called to the charge of the parish, and resigning in 1843, was followed by the Rev. George S. Davis who remained until 1845. From this time for a series of years the church was without a settled rector. In conserpience of this and the death and removal of several leading members the church gradually declined. In May, 1851, the first rector, Rev. Anson Clark, was recalled, and found but little remaining except tlie churcli edifice, but a congregati(m was soon col- lected, and among these were fifteen communicants. In October, 1853, Mr. Clark resigned, leaving twenty-six communicants who worked faithfully and earnestly in the church for its jiermanent growth. After a short interval the Rev. Francis Granger be- came rector, and continued as such until Easter, 1857. In May following, the Rev. B. T. Noakes assumed charge and remained until May 1, 1860, when he resigned on account of failing health. During the time he was rector the church edifice was greatly en- larged; a parsonage built; sixty-four per.sons added to the church, and forty confirmed. In June, 1860, the Rev. Richard L. Chittenden assumed charge of the parish, remaining until December, 18G3, when he left to accept a commission as chajilain of the forty-third regiment Ohio Tolunteer infantry, then in Tennessee. In February, 1864, he resigned his rectorship. Dur- ing the interval of his absence the Rev. William C. French, of Oberlin, held afternoon services for a period of some ten mouths, and visiting clergymen occasion- ally supplied the pulpit until July, 1865. In August, 1865, Rev. Mr. Chittenden resumed charge, but in 116 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. consequence of failing health, resigned in June, 1868. In July, of that year, Rev. S. A. Brousou, i)rofessor ill the Diocesan Tlicologieal Seminary took charge, temporarily, of the parish, and continued until Easter, 1869, wlien the Rev. R. L. Chittenden assumed charge and remained until Easter, 1870. He was succeeded in June following hy the Rev. B. T. Noakes, who remained until February, 1876. During his rectorate the present beautiful cliurch edifice was erected and informally dedicated on the nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, 1873. It was afterwards consecrated by Bishop Gillespie of the Diocese of Western Michigan, in the absence from the country of the Bisliop of the Diocese, in July, 1875. It cost thirteen thousand dollars. The organ was made by Hook & Hastings, of Boston, Mass., and cost one thousand six liuudred dollars. After the resignation of Rev. B. T. Noakes the Rev. John Coleman officiated during the months of March and April, 1876. The Rev. William Hyde became rector May 1, 1876, and resigned June 1, 1877. The present rector, Rev. Arthur M. Backus, entered upon his duties July 1, 1877. The present oiHcers are L. D. (.iris wold, senior warden; William Jewett, junior warden; J. D. Faxon, R. H. Hill, J. C. McDonald, H. C. Starr, and G. S. Davis, vestrymen. Present number of commiiui. cants, one iiundred. Total enrollment of Sunday school scholars one hundred and forty. We are indebted to the Rev. A. M. Backus for the foregoing data. BAPTIST CHURCH. [Compiled principally from the memorial sermon delivered by the Rev. L. Andress, November 16, 1876.] In the latter part of June, 183G, tlie Rev. Daniel C. Waite, who had but recently graduated at Hamil- ton, N. Y., came west in search of a field for gospel labor. Arriving at Cleveland, Ohio, he was, on con- sultation with the Rev. Levi Tucker, directed to Elyria, where he held the first meeting in July following. This was in the court house, and after a few meetings held there, they were transferred to the old yellow school house, then standing on the west side of the public square. On the 26th of November ensuing, the following persons united in constituting the First Baptist Church in Elyria: Daniel 0. Waite, pastor; Luther Hartson, sen., Lutlier Hartson, jr., Mrs. Mercy Brooks, Miss Margaret Wright, Lucius and Sally Andress — seven in all. Mr. Waite contin- ued as pastor until January, 1837. Prom that time until the following September there was no settled pastor, but occasional preaching. Rev. Mr. Hillis, the next pastor, assumed the pastorate in September. The first sabbath in January, 1838, was tlie com- mencement of a series of meetings which resulted in a general awakening and an addition of twenty-six to the church. At the close of these meetings measures were put in operation for the building of a church edifice, which was completed perhaps one and a half years later. Rev. Mr. Hillis resigned from physical infirmities in June, 1838, and the Rev. Silas Tucker succeeded him. He remained until November, 1840, when he resigned. Rev. Josepli Elliot, of Pontiac, Mich., followed him. He commenced his labors the February following, and continued for three years. These were the most prosperous of any equal period in the history of the church as far as increase of mem- bership is concerned. In Noveml)er, 1842, the Rev. Elijah Weaver, an evangelist, of Wall Lake, Mich., assisted in a series of meetings wliieh continued four weeks. From June, 1842, to June, 1843, one hundred and ten members were added to tlie church. Tlie entire list of pastors after Mr. Elliot, who served three years, is as follows: H. Silliman, D. Bernard, D. Eldridge, N. S. Burton, L. Ramstead, A. Heath, Rev. Mr. Hayhurst, George E. Leonard, H. H. Baw- den, M. L. Bickford and Rev. W. A. Depew, who has recently resigned his pastorate. He assumed charge in JMarch, 1877. The present mcmljcrshiii is one hundred and fifty; enrollment in Sabbath school, one hundred and twenty-five. Miss L. S. Carter is suiierinteiident of the Sabbath school. Tlie officers of the churcli are Henry E. Mussey, T. W. Laundon, Cyrus Wheeler, Thomas Biggs and J. W. Rockwell, trustees; Thomas Biggs, and ,T. W. Rockwell, deacons; Amos Maxted, clerk. The entire property of the church, including tlie church edifice, parsonage, organ, etc., is valued at thirteen tliousand five hundred dollars. GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. CHURCH. -ST. ,10HN S The first members were Daniel Haag, Louis Hase- rodt, Edward Beesc, .Jolin Duclitler, .J. G. Boehm, Henry Rembacli, and Ernest Schmittgen. Mitii.'iters of the Chuvrh. — H. Jiiengel, A. Ileit- mueller, H. W. Lothinann, C. C. Schmidt, and J. A. Schmidt, present pastor. The church building was dedicated on the 16th of March, 1868. It cost four thousand, five hundred dollars. The congregation was organized 1 efore the cliurch was built, under the ministry of the Rev. H. W. Lothmann, and services were held in the Presbyterian chapel, court house, and other places. Present mem- bership, eighty to ninety families. Connected with the church is a parochial school, numbering eighty pupils. Tliis is taught by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Schmidt. UNITED EVANGELICAL. — ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. (GERMAN.) The trustees of this church, consisting of Henry Fowle, president; Paul Krause, secretary; and Got- lieb Mobeus, treasurer, on the 16th day of October, 1871, purchased of the vestry of St. Andrew's Church the building and lot then occupied by the latter named body, paying therefor the sum of two thou- sand, two hundred and fifty dollars. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 117 Rev. Mr. Deering was the minister of this pai'ish from Octoljcr, 1871 to July, 1873; Rev. Mr. Walt- berger from July, 1872, to January 1873; Rev. Mr. Deering from January, 1873, to May 26, 1873; Rev. Mr. Rein from May 26, 1873, to November, 1873; Rev. Mr. Sehelloha from November, 1873, to Octo- ber, 1875; Rev. Mr. Seybold from October, 1875, to September, 1877; Rev. Mr. Schattle from September, 1877, to September, 1878. Rev. Mr. Sputhnlf took charge September, 1878, and is the present minister of the parish. The following constitute the board of trustees: Paul Krause, president; George Dachtler, secretary; and Fred Dachtler, treasurer. At the organization of the church there were tweuty-flve families, and the j)reseut membership embraces thirty-five families. DISCIl'LE CHURCH. This church was formed in 1833. Among the early preachers of the denomination were Sidney Rigdon, Rev. Mr. Clapp, William Hayden, and Rev's Messrs. Green, Moody, and Jones. It, at one time, embraced forty members, among whom were Dr. John F. Butler, H. Redington, Asahel Parmely, Herrick Parker, and others. Many of the members removed to other localities, some died, and the church, many years ago, ceased its labors. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. We are unable to obtain any authentic history of this church. It was established in 1852. Its first priest was Father Haley. It iiurchased a lot on which is erected a large wooden church building, which has a seating capacity of five hundred. It is always filled when there are services. It has also, on the same lot, on Middle avenue, a fine i)arsonage. It also purchased a large lot on the east side of the avenue, on which is a school house, and a fine site for a new church, which will soon be erected. The school numbers one hundred pupils. Father Louis L. Melon is the present firiest. He discourses both in the English and German languages. We are indebted to Prof. H. M. Parker, superin- tendent of the union schools of Elyria, for the fol- lowing HISTORY OP ELYRIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The early settlers of Elyria, Mr. Heman Ely and his associates, were from the State of Massachusetts, and brought with them to this western wilderness, the idea, which was then, and ever has been held, throughout New England, that a good common school education is necessary to prepare boys and girls for citizenship in a republic. Their descendants, and others who have selected this beautiful place for a residence, have maintained the same opinion, and the present eificient system of graded schools, may be considered as the outgrowth of the sentiment of the early settlers. First, let us spend a little time in looking up the buildings in which the schools have been taught. Mr. Ely, and a few others, came here in 1817. As soon as tliere were pupils enough to organize a school, Mr. Ely built a log house on the east side of the east branch of the river, on the corner of East Bridge street and the street leading to the cemetery. This l)uilding was erected in the fall of 1819. Miss Irene Allen, afterwards wife of Roger Cooley, taught the first school in the log house. The summer of 1820, Miss Julia Johnson taught in the same place. Some others who taught there were Dr. Howe, Mrs. Clark Eldred, Mr. Bronson, and perhaps a few others. Miss Pamelia Manter, afterwards Mrs. Ransom Red- ington, taught an unfinished term in the log house, in the summer of 1824. Among Miss Manter's pupils was a young man nineteen years old. The first day he was in school he committed several lawless acts, for which he was reproved by his teacher. Towards the close of the day, when standing in spelling class, he put his foot out to prevent a small pupil from go- ing above him, on a word ho had misspelled. When told that he must not do so, he said: "What will you do with me? Will you whip me? " Miss Manter immediately I'eplied that she would report him to the trustees of the school, and he would be dismissed. lie gave no farther trouble. No school was taught in the log house after the winter of 1824-35. The summer of 1825, Miss Manter taught a school in a house in Mr. Miles' garden. The house is still standing in the same place, and is used as a residence. It is the house back of Mr. Monroe's business block, and is near the corner of East avenue and the street at the rear of the railroad depot. She had about fifty l>upils, ranging in age from five to twenty. One l)ui)il 2'ursued the study of history. Other studies taught were such as pupils ordinarily pursue in un- graded schools. What was known as the " session room " was erected by Mr. Ely in 1823. It stood where the building now stands which Mr. Beau occupies as a grocery, on the corner of Broad and East Court streets. The "session room'' is now occupied by Mr. Snearer as a store room for furniture. After the trustees ceased to use Mr. Miles' house for school purposes, school was taught in the "session room" till the completion of the "yellow school house," which stood where the town hall now is, on the west side of the public square. This building was erected for school pxxr- j)oses in the year 1827, and was used for such for a numljer of years. It now stands on the east side of Middle avenue, between Third and Fourth streets, and is occupied by the Catholic parochial school. Mr. Ely donated the land upon which the building was erected, and contributed one hundred and thirty- five dollars towards its erection, and built the second story at his own expense, with the privilege of using the same in any way which would not injure the school. The remaining expense of the house was met by a tax on the proj^erty of district number one of 118 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Elyria township, except that Mr. Ely's property was exempt on account of his liberal donation toward the enterprise. Tliis was the first school lioiise erected in the district, »ny part of wliose exi)ense was defrayed by a tax upon the property of the district. From 1837 on till 1850 several private schools were successfully carried on in Elyria. Among these, the one known as the "Elyria High School" should be mentioned in this connection. It was under the man- agement of a board of trustees known as the "Trus- tees of the Elyria High School." Mr. Ely erected a building on laud at the rear of the Methodist church, between Broad and Second streets, in the year 1831, and leased the building and land to the trustees for a term of years. Rev. John Monteith was called to take charge of the first school taught in tlie new building. He was assisted by his wife and Miss Mary Eells. The pupils were taught advanced studies as well as the common branches. J. H. Fairchiid, now president of 01)erliu College, and his brotlier, E. H. Fairciiild, now presi- dent of Berea College, Kentucky, were wholly, or in part, prepared to enter college at tliis school. Mr. and Mrs. Branch, Dr. A. B. Bnjwn and wife, Rev. John P. Cowles, afterward professor in Oberlin College, Rev. Mr. Mills and Luther M. Oviatt, suc- cessively had the management of the Elyria high school. After retiring from this school, Mr. Monteith estab- lished a school at his own liouse, where Mayor N. B. Gates now lives, where he and his wife taught for several years. Rev. Mr. Grosvenor established a girls' school in what had been the Presbyterian church. The build- ing now stands on East Third street, and is occupied as a dwelling. In the spring of 1846 a meeting of the voters of school district number one was called to vote a tax of one thousand dollars, to be used iu building a school house for the use of the common schools of the dis- trict. The vote was unfavoraljle. Many of the citi- zens feeling dissatisfied with the result of the vote, drew up a bill providing for the division of district number one into numbers one and niue. This bill became a law soon after. In the winter of 18-10-47, meetings were held in districts number one and niue, and each district voted a tax of one thousand dollars for the erection of a school house within its own territory. The following season the stoue school house on the corner of East avenue and Third streets was erected in district num- ber one, and a brick building in the west part of the village in number nine. Public schools are still taught in both these houses. During these years the sentiment was growing among educators that the public schools of the cities and villages should be greatly improved. Much work was done by a few men to arouse the citizens to the importance of improving their schools. The result of their labors is the law which was enacted February 21, 1849, entitled "an act to provide for the better regulation of public schools in cities and towns, etc." On the 13th of May, 1850, but a little more than a year after the ]KissHge of the above act, a notice was posted in Elyria calling upon the citizens to assemble at the court house on the 24th of Ma}', to decide by vote whether they would reorganize their schools under the law of 1849. The vote was favorable to reorganization. An election was held on the 8th day of June, 1850, at which the following persons were chosen members of the board of education: For three years, E. DeWitt and 0. Cowles; for two years, M. W. Pond and Tabor Wood; for one year, C. S. Goodwin and P. C. Dolley. i In October, 1850, Mr. Jason Canfield was called to take charge of the Elyria union schools, which con- sisted, at that time, of the two primary schools in tlie stone and brick houses which were erected in 1847, in the east and west parts of the village, an interme- tliate or secondary school and a high school, both of , which were taught in the "Elyria High School" build- ing before «ientioned in this article. In Ajiril, 1851, Mr. Canfield was succeeded by Mr. M. J. Oatman, who remained in the schools for more tlian thi'ee years. The scholarshi]^ and exjierience of Mr. Oatman were such as to render him a valuable man in perfecting the organization upon which the ' schools had been started. In 1853, another department was organized, mak- ing three below the high school. This school was taught in the old "session room," which had pre- viously been occupied for church, for a court room, and for schools. The present high school building, between Middle Mild West avenues, was erected in jiursuauce of a vote of the electors of the union school district, at a meet- ing held January 2G, 1856, and adjourned to February 9, 1856. The buihliug was commenced in 185G, and was completed in 1857, and first occuj^ied by the high, grammar, and secondary departments, in the winter term of 1858. The old "high school" house and the "session room" were now abandoned to other ixses. What are now known as the east and west side primary schools of the Elyria union schools, were formerly sub-districts number two and number six of Elyria township. These were assumed by the Elyria school board iu April, 1864. Seeing the need of more room for the increasing number of pupils, iu 1868 the board erected a two- story wing on the south side of the high school build- ing. In this wing are two rooms. The lower room was first occupied in September, 1868; the upper room was first used in September, 1870. In 1875, the board erected a school building west of that occupied by the high school, fronting on Sixth street. This house contains four rooms, two of which were occupied in January, 1876, one in October, 1877, and one is still unoccupied. When first organized there were but four schools in the "union school district;" there ai'e now fourteen 'wm-, Photo, by Lee, Elyria, 0. ^^^^^^^5^^z/ The truth of the law " that like produces like" is forcibly illustrated in the life of Elizur G. Johnson, the seventh child of Hon. Nathan P. Johnson. He was born at Lagrange, Lorain Co., Nov. 24, 1836. In those days a boy's life devoid of labor was a remark- able exception. E. G. Johnson's life was not the exception. His work for twenty-one years was on the homestead, except such time as was devoted to school and school teaching. The district school, Oberlin, for a time during the winter months, and an intelligent father were his sources of edu- cation. Arriving at maturity, farm labor, the teaching of school, and other employments occupied him for a time. Then com- mencing the reading of the law under Mr. L. A. Sheldon, he was admitted to the bar at Columbus, Ohio, making Lagrange his residence. He there remained for several years, practicing his profession ; years more of hard work, study, and mental gain than pecuniary profit. Here, as his father had been before him, was he honored by his fellow-citizens with local offices. Elected as auditor of Lorain County in 1868, Elyria be- came his residence. So strict was his attention to duty, and so courteous his treatment of all with whom business brought him into contact, that he was successively re-elected in 1870-1872, and again in 1874. Leaving the auditor's office with a perfect record, Mr. Johnson again engaged in the practice of law at Elyria, in which and where he still remains, with a large and ever- increasing practice. During the years 1875 and 1876, with great ability he conducted the Elyria Republican as its editor. His pen was always found on the side of justice, temperance, and morality, and proved an efficient and ever active aid to the Republican party, of which he has been a member since its origin. Holding at the present time, as he has for many years, the office of secretary of the Lorain County Agricultural Society, none have surpassed, and but few equaled him in endeavor, by word and act, to make said society the worthy organization it is. As a citizen of Elyria he has been and is now a member of its council, and noted for his constant efforts for the im- provement of Elyria. On Jan. 1, 1859, Miss Lydia D. Gott, of Lagrange (daughter of Peter Gott, an original settler in said town- ship, yet living, over eighty years of age), became Mr. John- son's wife. To him in early days of toil and hardship she was a true companion. And now with comforts on every side, a de- voted member of the Methodist Church, with a fond mother's eye she watches the growth and education of seven children, ever holding in the mother's heart the memory of the two little ones that death took from her in childhood. Mr. E. G. Johnson, yet in the vigor of manhood, warm in his friendships, generous to a fault, with private and public character untarnished, now reaps a glorious harvest. True it is, the seed was sown under every difficulty, but he was never discouraged ; and now, with a reputation fitting him for any office that his neighbors and fellow-citizens may call him to, he has well and honestly earned the high rank he takes among Lorain County's best men. t JUDGE JOHN C. HALE. John C. Hale was born at Oxford, New Hampshire, March 3, 1831. His parents were Aaron and Mary Hale. His mother's maiden name was Kent ; she was a daughter of Thomas Kent. John C. was born and brought up upon his father's farm, where he remained until he was nineteen years of age. During this period he availed himself of such advantages of educa- tion as the common schools of that State then provided. Feel- ing the necessity of something beyond this, he began fitting himself for college. Entering Dartmouth College soon after, he graduated in the class of 1857. At the end of his college- life he found himself nearly a thousand dollars in debt, all of which he has since paid with interest. Immediately remov- ing to Cleveland, Ohio, he employed himself in teaching in the public schools of that city. In this employment he re- mained three years, in the mean time studying law with Judge Prentiss. On the 27th day of December, 1859, he married Miss Carrie A. Sanborn, of Cleveland, Ohio. In July, 1801, he was ad- mitted to the bar, and in October of the same year he removed to Elyria, Ohio, and commenced the practice of the law. Here he soon won a commanding position as a lawyer, and a high place in the confidence of the people. This is evidenced by the fact that in 1863, but two years after he came to Elyria, an entire stranger to the people of Lorain County, he was elected to the ofiBce of prosecuting attorney, which position, by two successive re-elections, he held for six years. During this time he also held the office of register of bank- ruptcy, the duties of which he acceptably discharged until the consolidation of districts abolished the office. In 1873 he was elected to the constitutional convention, and took an active and influential part in the deliberations of that body. In 1876 he was elected judge of the court of Common Pleas, which position he now holds, and tills with distinguished ability. Judge Hale has always taken an active part in the pro- motion of every enterprise calculated to advance the public good. As a member of the village council and the board of education of Elyria, he rendered valuable services in behalf of education and economical municipal government. As a lawyer he had no superior at the Lorain bar, a fact that is attested by his successful and lucrative practice. His clear perception, his candor and strict integrity, gave him earl\' in his practice a strong hold upon the people, and a ccmimanding position in his profes.sion. As a judge he brings to his assistance a large common sense, tempered by a thorough legal and scholastic education. Just in the vigor of manhood, with mental and physical powers undiminished, deserving and possessing the full confidence of the people, and guided by a strict integrity, his career of use- fulness has but just commenced, and he will long hold the liigh position he has fairly won among the foremost men of Lorain ('ountv and the State of Ohio. JUDGE WASHINGTON W. BOYNTON. Among the other New England States that sent their hardy sons to mould the early liistory of Lorain County, Maine sent her representative in the Boynton family. Lewis D. Boynton, father of Judge Boynton, was born in the State of Maine, in August, 1802. Emi- grating to Ohio in 1826, he purchased a farm in Russia township, Lorain Co., where and in Elyria he resided until his death, which occurred in Sep- tember, A.D. 1875. Washington W. Boynton was born in Russia town- ship, Jan. 27, 1833, and spent his early years upon his father's farm. His father being of limited means, and charged with the support of a large family, did not think it practicable to send young Boynton to college, and he was forced to content himself with such advantages as the common school of his district provided. Adding to this, constant study and close application, maturity found him eminent in scholarship, although no college had added a title to his name. From that time until the present he has been a hard student. For several winters he taught school, in the mean time pursu- ing the study of the law, which he early chose as his profession. He was for a number of years a member of the Board of School Examiners of Lorain County. He was admitted to the bar in 1856, and he soon became prominent in his profession, a position which he held until chosen Common Pleas judge. In 1859 he was appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of prosecuting attorney, which office he held for two successive re-elections until the fall of 1863, when, on account of ill health, he resigned. A trip to Minnesota, where he remained during the winter of 1863-64, gave him necessary rest, which, together with the change of climate, greatly improved his health. Returning to Elyria, he again opened a law- office, and soon found himself in the midst of an extensive and lucrative practice. In 1865, Judge Boynton was elected to represent Lorain County in the Legislature for the terra of two years. In 1867 he was the unanimous choice of his party for re-election, but he declined it and continued in the practice of law. While a member of the Legislature, Mr. Boynton had the honor and pluck to introduce a resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of Ohio to strike the word " white" from the clause relating to the election franchise. After a stormy debate in a House largely Republican, the resolution was de- feated, lacking a few votes of the necessary two-thirds majority required to submit it to a vote of the people. This debate aroused such a sentiment throughout the State that, in a few weeks after, a similar resolution was introduced into the Senate by Hon. Abner Kel- logg, of Ashtabula, and having passed that body, was sent to the House, and after a heated debate finally adopted and the question submitted to the people. The proposition was lost, but it was soon followed by the amendment of the Federal constitution which forever put the question to rest. In February, 1869, Mr. Boynton was appointed by Governor Hayes a Common Pleas judge of Lorain, Medina, and Summit Counties, on the resignation of Judge Burke. At the ensuing fall election he was elected to fill the vacancy, and two years thereafter was re-elected for the full term. As judge of the Common Pleas Court, Mr. Boynton won a fame as wide as the State, and at once stepped into the front rank of the legal profession of Ohio. In 1876 he was elected judge of the Supreme Court of the State, which position he still holds. Mr. Boynton was married Dec. 20, 1859, to Miss Betty A. Terrell, daughter of Ichabod Terrell, of Ridgeville, Lorain Co., Ohio. Mr. Boynton is a man whom his friends and fellow- citizens hold in the highest esteem. His record both in public and private life is free from blemish. He has been honored by the people with offices of trust and high responsibility, and in every capacity has proved himself a competent and fearless officer, and an upright and honest man. As a lawyer, legislator, and jurist he has achieved a success that reflects great credit upon himself and honor upon Lorain County, whose representative he is- HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 119 different schools, with fifteen teachers . besides the superintendent, and special teachers of German, mu- sic and penmanship. At a meetino; of the board of education held Novem- ber 17, 1859, a course'of study for all the departments Avas adopted. In the grades below the high school, provision was made for instruction in reading, spell- ing, writing, drawing, vocal music, arithmetic, geog- raphy, grammar, composition, declamation, physi- ology. United States history, and morals. For the high school a three j'ears' course of study was laid down, and provision was made for a fourth year, which was to be optional. The board tlien declared that pupils completing the full course of four years in the high school should receive a diploma from the jiresi- dent of the board, signed by its members, and also by the superintendent and examining committee. The first class which graduated from the high school course was that of 1863, consisting of Lydia A. Ball, Beza N. Boynton and Henrietta C. Schaibly. A class had graduated in the year 1861, having com- pleted some of the studies contained in the course before its adoption by the board. This class consisted of Cyrus Y. Durand, Thankful D. Boynton, Frances W. Sanford and Louise Terrell. At a meeting of the board, held September .3, 1867, the course of study was revised. At the same meet- ing, a set of rules regulating the board meetings, and specifying the duty of members of board, of superin- tendent, teachers and pupils, was adopted. After stating the duties of members of the board, the minutes of the meeting above mentioued read as follows: " Public schools are expensive. Tliey cost the young people a great deal of valuable time. They cost teachers and other friends of educa- tion a great deal of labor and care. They cost tax-payers a good deal of money. But schools are worth all they cost. No communitj' can afford to do without them. It is cheaper to support schools and churches than penitentiaries and infirmaries. Free public schools are the palladium of liberty. Universal edutration is the surety for the permanency of free institutions. Every good citizen feels a direct interest in the prosperity and efficiency of schools, and should also feel a personal responsibility therefor. Good schools are not only worth what they cost; they are worth understanding and caring for. Tlie best way to know them is to go and see them. Any one may learn more about schools by visiting them a few hours, than by much fault-finding with the teachers and board of education." The above quotation is made to indicate the senti- ment which has pervaded the board of education of the Elyria union schools from their organization to the present time. They have spared neither time nor money necessary to carry on their schools in an efficient manner. The course of studj- was again revised Ajjril 1"^, 1870, that for the first eight years being the same as in the Cleveland schools. In 1871, the board pub- lished a "manual of the course of study, rules and regulations of the Elyria union schools." Since that time, the course of study has undergone some changes to adapt it more fully to the wants of the times. More attention has been paid to the use of language. I Also much more time has been devoted to the acijui- sition of a knowledge of the best thoughts of the best authors. It has been the aim of the board to have the chil- dren of Elyria enjoy educational advantages equal to those enjoyed by the children of any other place in Ohio. They have endeavored to secure competent teachers, and to retain them as long as possible. After the resignation of Mr. Oatman, in 1854, Mr. N.W. Demnnn acted as superintendent tillJune, 1856; Mr. Frank Robbing, from September, 1856, to June, 1857; Mr. J. U. Barnum, from September, 1857, to June, 1859; Mr. W. C. Catlin, from September, 1859, to June,1862; Mr. H. M. Parker, from September, 1863, to June, 1864; Mr. J. S. McKee, from Sep- tember, 1864, to June, 1865; Mr. Geo. L. Mills, from September, 1865, to June, 1867; Mr. Peter H. Kaiser, from September, 1867, to June, 1868; Mr. Geo. N. Carruthers, from September, 1868, to June, 1873; Mr. H. M. Parker, from September, 1873, to the present time. During the twenty-eight years of the Elyria high school, forty-one different ladies have been connected with it as teachers. Of these, Mrs. W. C. Catlin and Miss L. F. Ingram remained three years. A few of the others remained two years, but most of them for a shorter time. Miss Beza N. Boynton, now Mrs. Peter II. Kaiser, was teacher in the high school four and two- thirds years in the aggregate, but her teach- ing was at three different times. What has been true of the high school, has been true of the lower grades. The want of permanency in the ])rofessiou of teaching is an injury to the cause. Miss L. E. Smith has been for many years a teacher in some one of the different departments of the .schools of Elyria. Her work de- serves honorable mention. No adequate mention can be made of the good she has done in this community. Since 1863, a class has graduated from a four years' course of study in the high school each year, except 1866 and 1871. The whole number of pupils who have graduated is eighty-eight, with a class of fifteen to graduate in 1879, making one hundred and three. The advantages flowing from an eflficieut system of schools, in a place like Eryria, are not to be estimated by the number of graduates from the high school. Many young people have taken a portion of the course of study to prepare themselves for admission to higher institutions of learning. Many more have left school after completing half of tiie high school course of study to enter various callings. These have become much more.successful in business and useful as citi- zens on account of the training received in the last two years of their course. Many pupils have left the lower grades of school to enter upon lives of idleness and crime. But when pupils have spent two years in the high school, they have formed habits of indus- try and application to their work which they carry with them into their life-work. Graduates from the Elyria high school are filling positions of responsibility and trust in large manu- facturing and business establishments, are practicing successfully the various professions, and are the light and life of many home circles. 120 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. We have already shown the Elyria of "hmg syno." We will now take a turn among its present manufac- tories. Just below the depot of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway, and connected with this railway by a spur track, stand the extensive brick buildings owned and occui^ied by the Messrs. Topliff & Ely, in the manufacture of special carriage hard- ware. Tiiese gentlemen, in the year 1805, erected a wooden building near the site of their jyresent manu- factory, and investing fifteen thousand dollars, began the making of hubs, spokes, etc. This braiK'h of the business was abandoned in 1874. In the year 1874, they began the manufacture of tubular bow sockets for carriage bows, in a small room on Broad street. The rapidly-increasing business rendered additional room necessary, and in 1873 they completed the first of the brick buildings they now occupy. This was 24x6-4 feet in dimension, and two stories high. In 1874, another small building was added, but these were soon found wholly inadequate to accommodate the business, and in 1877 extensive enlargements were begun, which are Just completed — showing a frontage of three hundred and forty feet, by an average depth of sixty-five feet. They have now invested in the business one hundred thousand dollars. They employ on an average forty workmen, with a monthly pay- roll of eighteen hundred dollars. The yearly sales aggregate one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The steel tubular bow socket is the principal article manufactured. It was patented in 1870 by I. N. Topliff, a brother of the senior partner of the present firm. This is the only manufactory of these goods in the world, and they find a market not only in the United States, where they have an immense sale, but in England, France, South America, Aus- tralia, etc. These buildmgs have their foundation ui)on the solid rock, which at this point crops out and forms the bank of Black river. The propelling power is derived from the waters of that stream, and from steam as a i-eserve. Their elegant engine is from the manufactory of 0. 11. Brown & Co., at Fitchburg, Mass., and is of one hundred horse power. One hundred and fifty sets of these sockets are made each day, or a complete set for a buggy every foui- minutes. THE CLEVELAND SCREW AND TAP FACTORY. This company was organized and commenced busi- ness in Cleveland in October, 1873. On the 23d of October, 1874, the works were shut down, and, as soon as practicable, the machinery was transferred to the commodious brick building, which had been erected in Elyria, this point offering superior facilities in many respects. Tlie citizens of this town con- tributed liherally towards the erection of the building and to aid the company in other respects. This build- ing is fifty by one hundred and fifty feet in size and four stories high. It is located near the crossing of the L. S. & M. S. and the C, T. V. & W. railroads. The cost of the building was thirty-one thousand dol- lars; machinery, tools, etc., forty-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight dollars. New articles of in- corporation were issued on the 20th of November, 1874. The following officers were elected under the new charter: S. II. Matthews, president; F. B. Iline, vice-president; C. H. Morgan, superintendent; W. F. Hulburt, secretary and treasurer. The above officers, with E. W. Phelps and R. C. DeWitt, constituted the board of directors. The present officers are F. B. Hine, president and treasurer; R. C. DeWitt, vice- president; M. H. Levagood, secretary and sujierin- tendent. The average number of hands employed is thirty-three; average monthly pay-roll, twelve hun- dred dollars; average yearly sales, twenty-eight thou- sand dollars. The engine which drives the numerous ingenious machines of this establishment, is of on) hundred and fifty horse power. In addition to the manufactures imi)lied by that name, are set and cup screws, hand and machine taps, cylinder studs, finished and case- hardened nuts, etc. Since the foregoing was written, we regret to add that, owing to losses resulting from many of its cus- tomers having gone into bankruptcy, the general depression of the iron interests of the country, and bad management, the company has been compelled to make an assignment. M. H. Levagood, the assig- nee, still carries on the business. The stockholders will, doubtless, lose their entire stock, and the pro- j)erty will pass into the hands of the bond holders, who, it is hoped, will reorganize and carry on the business successfully. THE ELYRIA SHEAR COMPANY which occupies a portion of the screw and tap com- pany's building, was incorjmrated on the 7th day of March, 1878, with an authorized capital of ten thou- sand dollars, which was paid in soon after the articles of incorporation were received. The first and present officers are: T. L. Nelson, president; W. P. Hatch, vice-president; M. A. Mihills, secretary; and John Clause, treasurer. This industry alone furnishes em- ployment for thirty-four workmen, who receive an aggregate of one thousand dollars, at the end of each mouth's labor. The monthly sales average thirty-five hundred dollars, and are steadily increasing. They manufacture shears and scissors of every description, and of a superior quality. The company are general agents for the union knife company's cutlery, and intend soon commencing the manufacture of this class of goods. PLANING MILLS. Dickinson, Williams & Faxon. — In 1853, Alex- ander Smith came from the east, formed a partner- ship with John W. Bullock, bought a lot north of the L. S. & M. S. Ry. depot, and erected thereon a building, which was fitted up witli the machinery HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 121 requisite for the manufacture of agricultural imple- ments. In the year 1854, Mr. Bullock retired from the firm. Henry Thurston purchased his interest, and put in a planer and matcher, surface plauer and machinery for making sash, doors, and blinds. In September, 1856, the building and contents were de- stroyed by fire. Messrs. Franklin and Levi A. Dickin- son joined with Mr. Thurston, purchased the site, and erected a large, two-story building, and in the spring of 1857, began the manufacture of sash, doors, blinds, etc., in connection with general planing mill work. Th'V also engaged extensively in general jobbing and building. Clayton Johnson having become a mem- ber of the firm, tlio business was continued under the firm name of Dickinson, Johnson & Co., until Feb- ruary, 1865, when Franklin Dickinson, (in conse- quence of failing health.) sold his interest to the two remaining partners. The business had grown to such magnitude that, from twelve to fifteen workmen were kept in constant employment. In 1871, exten- sive additions were made to the buildings, and im- proved machinery added. In 1875, Mr. Johnson sold his interest to George D. Williams and Theodore Faxon, and the business has been continued under the firm name of Dickinson, Williams and Faxon until the present time. The entire capital invested is fifteen thousand dollars. Average number of work- men employed, fifteen. Average monthly pay roll, seven hundred dollars. Engine, forty horse power. They also manufacture specialties in furniture. The planing mill owned by JoJiu W. Hart is situ- ated on Broad street. It was erected several years since, but of its early history we are unable to obtain details. Mr. Hart purchased the property in 1873, and has thoroughly refitted it with machinery of the latest and most approved pattern. The engine is of forty horse power. There is a force of eighteen workmen employed, who receive on the average eigbt hundred dollars pay monthly. Mr. Hart has invested ill the business the snug sum of fifty thousand dollars. He does a general planing mill work, including sash, doors, blinds, etc. He is also extensively engaged in the stone trade. C. Parscli's j)laning mill is located on Mill street, near the L. S. & M. S. railway. He has five thousand dollars invested, and employs nine workmen. Hi.s engine is of twenty-five horse power. He also deals in shingles, lath, etc. James Hollis' Foundry & Machine Shop. — Mr. Hollis has been engaged in this line of business in Elyria for about thirty years. He began work in his present building, on Maple street, in 1871, with a capital of five thousand five hundred dollars. He manufactures engines, horse powers, and does gene- ral repairs, foundry and machine work. E. F. Bronsou manufactures (also on Majile street) the centennial lap board, and also specialties in fine furniture. The business, which was established in November, 1877, already represents a capital of six thousand dollars, and may bo claimed among the 16 growing industries of Elyria. Employment is fur- nished for six workmen. Average monthly sales, six hundred dollars. ELYRIA VARIETY WORKS. This business was established in the year 1867, by its present proprietor, Mr. James A. Tite. The manufactures are of a general nature — -lawn mowers, feed cutters, etc. The specialty is of making light- ning rod tips. Engine is of fourteen horse power. The avei'age number of workmen employed is nine. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. That of Crisp & Hensen is the only exclusive manufactory of fine carriages in Elyria. These gentlemen commenced business in April, 1873, in- vesting three thousand dollars. Tiiey employ an average of ten workmen. This establishment turns out a fine line of carriages, wagons, sleighs, etc. FLOUEINR MILLS. We have already given the pioneer grist and saw mills, which were situated on or near the site of the l^resent mills. Undoubtedly, the oldest flouring mill now in opera- tion in Elyria is the one at the foot of Broad street, on the east branch of Black river, near the bridge. The present proprietor is Mr. Garret Reublin, who has recently purchased the property, investing ten thousand five hundred dollars. This mill has four run of stones, and is in fine condition. It does both custom and merchant milling. The principal pro- pelling power is water, though there is a forty horse power engine, which is used in seasons when the water is low. The saw-mill adjoining, owned by the same gentleman, is of more recent construction. The flouring mill owned by I. S. Metcalf is located on Broad street, between West and Middle avenues, and was erected by Messrs. Chapman & Gibson. Mr. Metcalf purchased the property in 1874, paying therefor ten thousand dollars. It is driven by a forty horse power steam engine. There are two run of stones, and both custom and merchant milling are done. ASHERY AND SOAP MANUFACTORY'. The former was put in operation in the fall of 1843, by N. B. Gates, and is still owned and operated by him. At the time it was established, large quan- tities of ashes could be procured from the settlers, wlio were clearing lands and burning log heaps. Black salts were also brouglit in in large quantities, which Mr. Gates converted into pearlash. Now tlie ashes are collected from the citizens, made from wood consumed in their dwellings. The location is on the west branch of the river near the railroad bridge. The making of pot and pearl ashes is still continued. The soap works were built in 1862, by Messrs. Clark & Cathcart. Mr. Gates purchased them in Septem- ber, 18G9, and manufactured cliemical erasive soap, 122 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. turning out ton tons per year, and an equal quantity of ])ot and pearl aslics. He lias four tliou-^aml two liunilrecl dollars invested, and employs four workmen. EI.YRIA IJKKAUY. This enduring monument to the memory of its generous founder was first opened on the KHli hers. John Mountain and W. Walker, Merchant Tailors. Miss A. Bay less, Mrs. L E. Snell, H. L. Underwood, Mrs. C. M. Dake, and J. M. Cook & Co., Dressmakers. Snearer & Waldeck and P. A. Anderson, Undertakers. Andrus and J. Burdick, Livery. Cigars and Tobacco. — Mussey &. Howk, J. W. Massey & Sou, J. Micheloon, A. E. Lord. Hotels.— Beebe House, C. C. Briggs, proprietor; National House, J. P. Perkins; American House, Z. Bliss; East Avenue House, H. Etzel; Metropolitan, Charles Myers. Trades and Specialties.— A. F. Parsons and Paul Krause, Carriage Painters. Allen & Holcorab, C. W. Goodspeed, R. W. Todd, Marvin Todd, and Paul Dumas, Sign and House Painters. C. W. Hunt, Carriage Trimmer. Abel Goodspeed and D. E. Dengate, Wagon Makers. Ward A Maple, F. Gilbert, L. Wait, Hafner & DachUer, and N. Wagoner* Sons, Blacksmiths. FIRE DEPARTMENT. To guard against the ravages of the fii-ey element, lias been the aim of every community. Elyria village lias been taught this lesson by dire experience. Two extensive fires have prevailed, destroying, in ))oth instances, the business part of the town. AVe are unable to give the losses, but they were very great. In the year 1839, a small hand fire engine was purchased, and a company of thirty men organized, under the name of the "^Etna Fire Company No. 1." S. W. Baldwin was foreman, and Samuel C. Goodwin, secre- tary and treasurer. This constituted the entire de- partment until 1850, when another hand engine was purchased, and "PhrenixFire Conii)any No. 2," con- sisting also of thirty members, was organized. About this time, the hook and ladder company, of thirty members, was also formed. The force was now con- sidered an efficient one, until the memorable fifteenth of March, 1873, when it was demonstrated that it was wholly insufficient to cope with the coullagration. Immediately after this event, the common council l)rocured a number two steam fire engine from the manufactory of the Messrs. Silsby, at Seneca Falls, New York, which, with two hose carts and one thou- sand feet of two and a half inch rubber hose cost six thousand, seven hundred and fifty dollars. The officers of this company are: John T. Houghton, chief engineer; John Hufner, assistant engineer; Charles S. Bird, engineer; John M. Tite fireman. "^Etna Hose Comp.any" has thirty-five men; George Kline, foi'cman; Frank Stark, assistant. "^Etna Fire Company" still maintains its organization; Fred Duchtler, foreman; Henry Fairman, assistant. The 12G HISTOEY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. water snpj)ly is ample, and consists of twenty reser- voirs and two tanks. There is also a fancy hook and ladder company, which has a fine record. As at jiresent organized, the fire department of Elyria is far above the average in ctHciency. ■rows HALL. This fine structure was erected jointly by the town- ship and village of Elyria, in the year 18C7, and cost, when coni2)leted, twenty-nine thousand dollars. An extensive addition was made to it in 1878, at an in- vestment of seven thousand dollars. The upper floor is wholly occupied by an audience hall, stage, dress- ing and property rooms. The seating capacity is nearly one thousand. The first floor is occupied by the fire department, mayor's office, lockup, etc. SOCIETIES. Free axd Accepted Masons. — King Solomon's Lodge No. 50, of this order, Avas granted a dispensa- tion on Monday, the 13tli day of December, A. D. 1819, with Henian Ely as W. .M., Jabez Burrell, S. W., and John Reading, J. W. The charter was granted Deccm' er 11, 1821, and the growth of this lodge was, from that time, very satisfactory, until the outbreak growing out of the Morgan excitement ren- dered it advisable to cease labor. . Tliis took place in 182S, ami for twenty years there was no lodge in Elyria. On the 36th of September, LS18, a new charter was issued, bearing on its face the names of Eber W. Hubbard, W. M., Ozias Long, S. W., and Ansel Keith, J. W., and from that time until the present, the order has been steadily gaining strength, until it has now a membership of one hundred and twelve. Their path has not, however, been always strewn with roses. Ill tlie extensive conflagration which prevailed in Elyria in 1853, the lodge room was consumed, and with it everytliing it contained. The records were at the house of the secretary, and were saved, but on the occasion of the second fire, in 1873, they were not so fortunate. Everything was, we believe, this time consumed. Truly they have been "tried by fire," but, like tlic Plio>nix, they have risen from the ashes, and Ijy the aid of strong and willing hands, have now the finest lodge room in the county. Officers for 1878 are: D. J. Nye, W. M.; W. F. Rurget, S. W.; John Holcomb, J. W. ; J. W. Hul- liurt, Treas. ; L. C. Kelsey, Sec; Charles A. Schade, S. I).; D. F. Ward, J. D.; Otto Martin and H. R. Whiteman, Stewards, and Judd C. Potter, Tyler. The stated communications are lield at Masonic hall, in Commercial block, on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month, from October 1 to May 1, and on the second Monday, only, the re- mainder (jf the 3'ear. Marshall Chapter No. 47, was granted a dispen- sation on the .3d day of October, 1851, upon the peti- tion of companions A. Clark, E. AV. Hubbard, Ozias Long, M. Chapman, E. L. Warner, Wm. Hoyle, John Sherman, F. Hubbard, and Elijah Parker. A. Clark was, by this instrument, made High Priest; E. W. Hubbard, King; and Ozias Long, Scribe. We are unable to give any thing further of tiie early work. The officers for 1878 are: J. W. Hulburt, II. P.; W. E. Brooks, K. ; James Allen, Scribe; G. H. Mapes, C. H.; D. J. Nye, P. S.; G. M. Moshier, R. & C. ; D. F. Ward, M. :5rd V. ; E. A. Brush, M. 3nd V. ; John Holcomb, M. 1st V.; M. W. Pond, Treas.; George Cogswell, Sec; and J. C. Potter, Guard. Tliere is at present a membership of ninetj^-six. The stated convocations are held in Masonic hall, on the evening of the first Thursday of each month. This body has also passed through the fiery furnace, losing everything. Indepexdest Order of Odd Fellows. — Elyria Lodge No. 103, of this order, was instituted on March I, 1848, by E. W. Fitch, Deputy Grand Master, with the following charter members: N. B. Gates, P. Bliss, Russell J. Smith, Edwin A. Covvles, and E. I). Moxley. The officers on organization were: N. B. Gates, N. G.; E. A. Cowles, V. G.: E. D. Moxley,; P. and R Sec; Russell J. Smith, Treas. On the night of its institution, the following gen- tlemen were admitted: J. F. Manter, L. D. Griswold, L. C. Leonard, G. D. Hayward, 0. N. Owens, B. F. Tillotson, B. F. Robinson and George E. Nichols; and on the anniversary, held thirty years subsequent, these persons were all living, and nearly all in good standing in the fraternity. The officers for 1878 are: S. C. Cox, N. G.; James Lewis, V. G. ; Charles Cox, P. S. ; Samuel A. Raw'son, R. S. ; Henry J. Eady, Treas. Present membership, one hundred and eight. Regular meeting, Tuesday evening of each week, in Odd Fellows Hall. This lodge is in a prosjierous condition, with twenty-five hundred dollars on interest. Excampmest. — Lorain Encampment, No. 81, was instituted on the 7th day of May, 1856, with tiie following gentlemen as charter members: N. B. Gates, II. M. Holcoml), Mozart Gallup, M. A. Elder, 0. G. , King, J. L. Hutchinson and N. H. Underbill. The j)resent officers are: N. B. Gates, C. P.; 0. Boweu, H. ' P.; Thomas Baker, S. W.; S. C. Cox, J. W.; George L). Williams, S.; and William W. Laundon, Treas. Present membership, twenty-three. The stated meet- ings are held at Odd Fellows Hall, on the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month. Kniciits of Pythias. — Star Lodge, No. 81, was instituted on the 37th day of January, 1875, with the following gentlemen as charter members: John Gor- man, Geo. D. Williams, William H. Laundon, J. ('. Potter, Otto Martin, John E. Keuyon, Samuel C. Cox, Nelson B. Jennings, W. S. Lyons and C. B. Spring. The first officers were: John Gorman, P. C. ; Geo. D. Williams, C. C; William W. Laundon, V. C. ; J. C. Potter, P.; Samuel C. Cox, M. of E.; John E. Kenyou, M. of F. ; Otto Martin, K. of R. and S. ; Nel- j, son B. Jennings, M. at A.; W. S. Lyon, I. G. ; and C. B. Spring, 0. G. HISTORY or LORAIN COITNTY, OHIO. 127 This society meets on Friday evening of each week, !it Odd Fellows Hall. The present mcml)ership is twenty-one. The officers for 1878 were: Robert C. Gamble, P. C. ; J. C. Potter, C. C. ; Richard T. Gam- ble, V. C. : .Tames Lewis, P.; Wm. M. Liumdon, M. of E.; George D. Williams, M. of F. ; Otto Martin, K. of R. and S. ; J. E. Lozier, M. at A. ; 0. K Spring, L G.; S. G. Gox. 0. G. IxEPENDENT Order OF GooD Templars. — Elyria Lodge, No. 93, Independent Order of Good Temj^lars, was authorized to assemble for organization, by a char- ter bearing date March 1, 1877, which was issued to the following persons: A. 0. Griswold, F. W. Kirchner, C. H. Williams, .J. E. Cryer, J. C. Biggs, William Davis, James L. Edwards, Conrad Fischer, W. L. Roe, Dr. L. C. Kelsey, Charles Faux, A. J. Hough- ton, George W. Rich, Mrs. H. McElwin, Mrs. H. Brush, Mrs. Frances Crouk, Miss S. K. Nichols, Miss Anna Hackett and Miss Lydia Forbes. The first officers were: A. 0. Griswold, W. C. T. ; Mrs. H. McElwin, W. V. T.; Miss S. K. Nichols, W. R. S.; .Airs. H. Brush, W. T.; and W. L. Roe, W. M. The membership of this society has increased with such rapidity that there are now one hundred and- five in good standing. The meetings are held in Mussey's Block, on Wednesday evening of each week. Officers for 1878 are: Charles A. Metcalf, W. C. T.; Mrs. H. Brush, W. V. T.; C. W. Dickinson, W. R. S. : E. L. (iriswold, W. F. S. ; Miss May Morse, W. T. ; .James Wallace, W. M. ; Miss Lizzie Upton, W. S. G. ; E. D. Afshley, W. 0. G. ; Mrs. Bacon, W. C. ; Mrs. M. 11. Boyuton, R. H. S. ; and Miss Eliza Robinson, R. H. S. Ancient Order of Good Fellows. — On Septem- ber 2-i, 1860, Elyria Lodge, No. 17, A. 0. of G. P., was instituted. The charter members were: M. Erne, C. Frome, V. Seabert, F. Schmidt, A. Eand, F. Beeze, G. Mabius, J. Schultz, S. Fehr, H. Hammer, F. Mar- tin, F. Muse, J. Steifel, M. Morlak, H. Reimbach, C. Baase, W. Scmidt, J. Geii)el and E. Greeshamer. The officers on organization were: G. Seibert, N. G. ; W. Scmidt, V. G.; M. Erne, C; W. Morlach, Sec; H. Reimljach, R. S. ; E. Greeshamer, Treas. Meetings on Thursday evening of each week. The roll of initiates numbers seventy, but hard times and an inability to keep up the dues has reduced the membershij) to eighteen persons. The officers for 1878 were: C. Scmidt, N. G.; M. Bucher, V. G.; J. Stiefel, C. ; P. Strauss, Sec; J. Stark R. S. ; and John Hufner, Treas. KxiGnTS OF Honor. — Anchor Lodge, No. 119, Knights of Honor, was instituted June 3, 1875, with twenty-two charter members, who were as follows: W. H. Tucker, W. L. Fay, G. H. Tyrrell, P. S. Reefy, B. McNoal, R. I. Jones, John E. Kenyon, John Blanchard, Zenas Bliss, R. E. Braman, Xenophon Peck, Thomas Tuunington, H.J. Eady, A.H. Bullock, A. F. Parsons, James E. Bronson, F. M. Whiteman, J. W. Ropp, William Crisp, W. W. Richardson, J. A. Tite and Thomas H. Liunell. The first officers were: Past Dictator, William H. Tucker; Dictator, Geo. H. Tyrrel; Vice Dictator, F. M. Reefy; Assistant Dictator, R. E. Braman; Guide, John Kenyon; Reporter, W. L. Fay; Financial Reporter, H. J. Eady; and Treasurer, John Blanchard. Regular meetings, Thursday even- ings of each week, at Odd Fellows Hall. The total memliersljip is sixty-two. The officers for 1878 were: A. H. Bullock, P. D.; W. E. Hubbell, D.; M. H. Levagood, V. D.; John Blanchard, A. D. ; R. H. Hill, Cihaplain; J. W. Ropp, Guide; John H. Faxon, Ji-., Rep.; F. M. Whiteman, F. R. ; William H. Park, Treas.; P. S. Hatter, (!uard:an(l George Butts, Sen- tinel. Royal ARfANUM. — Elyria Council, No. 57, of this brotherhood, was organized February 27, 1878. The charter members were: W. L. Fay. W. H. Tucker, L. McLean, R. E. Braman, 0. Dole, Wm. II. Park, II. C. Woodruff, E. C. Perry, George G. Washburn, 0. Root, H. M. Parker, J. E. Bronson, T. S. Faxon, J. H. Faxon, Jr., W. E. Brooks, John Lersch, J. L. Cole, D. J. Peck, Ed. H. Fisher, E. A. Brush, J. I). Faxon, J. W. Ropp, Geo. C. Williams, L. B. Smith, W. S. Wilson, E. G. Johnson, D. W. Fuller, J. A. Tite, M. A. Levagood, G. H. Mapes and C. B. Clark. The first officers were: W. H. Tucker, Past Regent; yV. L. Fay, Regent; W. H. Park, Vice Regent; L. McLean, Orator; W. E. Brooks, Secretary; George G. Washburn, Collector; .1. H. Faxon, .Jr., Treasurer; W. II. Levagood, Chaplain; .1. W. Ropp, Guide; 0. Dole, Warden; and E. A. Brush, Sentinel. The offi- cers are elected semi-annually, but as the present officers arc substantially the same as those first elected, it is unnecessary to give them. The membership is thirty-eight. The regular meetings are on Monday evenings of each week, at Odd Fellows Hall. sketches of some OF THE EARLY SETTLERS. Syltanus Parmelt came to Elyria as early as 1833, and was engaged for several seasons in brick- making. He excavated a hole in the rock at the east fall, some twenty feet in depth, into which a portion of the stream was turned. The water wheel was at the bottom of the excavation, which furnished the motive power for running the old red mill. Mr.' Parmely built a two-story brick dwelling house on the corner where the Beebe House now stands, the corner room of which was used as a store. He removed to Sullivan, now in Ashland county, in 1833, where he owned a large farm. He spent much time and money in efforts to secure the formation of a new county of which Sullivan should be the county seat, but failed to obtain success. He was at one time a representa- tive to the State legislature for Lorain county. He was a man of unbounded energy and perseverance. He raised a highly respectable family, and died some ten years ago at an advanced age. AsAHEL Parmely, from Somerset, Vt., came to Ohio, arriving in Sullivan townshiji August 7, 1817. He came with an ox team conveying his father, mother and two brothers, his wife and two children. These were Amandrin M. and Hannah, the latter of 128 HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. whom died on tlie road. The former in due time married Emily Thomas, of Massachusetts, and now resides on tliirty-four acres of land, lot thirty-five, Elyria towiisliip, it being the old family homestead. Mr. Parmcly, senior, came through without material incident (driving tlri family cow), until he arrived at Harrisville, now Medina county, from which point to Sullivan township there was an unbroken forest, through which he was obliged to cut a road some ten miles in length. Arriving at his destination, he made a selection of some four hundred acres of land in different sections. He located on one hundred and fifty iicres, in lot forty-seven. With the assistance of his family he prepared a cabin of puncheons, placed on stakes driven in the ground. In this the family lived for three months, when a log house was erected and the family moved in. lie remained in Sullivan until IHi'J. On the 17th of April of this year he removed to Elyria, locating on the land now occupied by his son Amandrin M. Here, after a long and peaceful life, he died .January -t, 18.59. Mrs. Parmoly died October 18, 1875. The children born in Ohio were Ashley, who lives on the old homestead in Sullivan; LoviUa H. and Rexaville E., both deceased; Freeman and Stanley M. The last two and their elder brother, Amandrin M., have pleasant homes within a stone's throw of each other. All are prosperous and valuable citizens. William 0. Cahoon came, with his father .Joel Galloon, to Dover, Cuyahoga county, in 1810, when four years of age. He grew to manhood on his fath- er's farm. He first came to Elyria in 1826, and worked at chopping, but did not settle in town with his family until 1831. His wife was a daughter of Judge Moses Eldred. He was a stone nuison by trade, and followed that business until his death. He owned a stone ipiarry on the east branch of the river, and a very large portion of our excellent side- walks were put down by him. He was a model of industry, and worked until the day of his death, which occurred on the 20th of July. 1878. He was seventy-two years of age. Mr. Cahoon was for many years a leading memlier of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Harlow Wells came from Connecticut with his brother-in-law, Hezekiah Kelsey, to Elyria in 1827, and settled on the farm where he now i-esides. It was then an unbroken forest, but he cleared up the land and made himself a pleasant home. He has lived a life of (juiet industry, and now, at an advanced age, is enjoying the fruits of his labor. Jonathan T. Parsons came also from Connecticut to Elyria in 1828. He settled on the farm on Lake avenue which ho afterwards sold to Arad Smith. He died October 31, 1838, leaving a wife and two sous, one a babe and the other five years of age. Edson A. Griswold was born in Wintonbury, Con- necticut, in the year 1805. He removed to Elyria in 1832, and bought the farm on Lake avenue on which he now resides. It was at that time a wilderness. He has served two terms as a magistrate, and been a prosperous farmer. He has retired from active labor, and has transferred his farm to his son Arthur E. He still lives, at the age of seventy-throe, in the en- joyment of good health of body and mind. Arad Smith, of Amherst, Mass., married Miss Salome Elmer, of Virginius, Vt., in 1799. He re- moved to St. Lawrence county, N. Y., where he remained till 1833, when he came to Elyria and purchased the farm of Jonathan T. Parsons, lots thirty-seven and thirty-three, west of the river, sixty- six acres now occupied by his son Stephen Smith. He died in 1859, his wife having died in 1827. He was the father of thirteen children, five of whom are living. Stephen Smith has added to the old home- stead, and now has one hundred and fifty-five acres. Col. William Gregg, from Londonderry, N. IL, married Hannah Jewett, of Stratham, N. II. They came to Elyria in 1834, and settled on the ridge road south of Arad Smith. Col. Gregg died August 31, 1874, at an advanced ago. He was a valuable citizen. The children were William B., who married Mary Ann Bailey; they reside on the old homestead; Henry B. died in 1839; John died in California. Mrs. Gregg, relict of Col. G-regg, is still living, at the age of seventy-five. Ebenezee Whiton came to Elyria from Lee, Mass. We are unable to give the time of his arrival. He was appointed clerk of the court of common pleas at its first session, which commenced August 12, 1824, and held the office until the time of his death, which occurred August 31, 1834. He purchased lots sixty- two and sixty-three, and built the house nest west of Mrs. Haines, which is still occupied. Mrs. Whiton removed with her children to Wis- consin many years ago, and died in December, 1878, aged eighty j'eai's. Ebenezek Griffith came from Allegany county, N. Y., to Elyria, in 1827, and in company with his | brother, Luther N. Griffith, purchased the hotel built by George Douglas, then standing on the site of the present Union Block. After a few years the brothers dissolved, and Reuben Nichols (who came with his family from Vermont) became the partner of Mr. Griffith. They soon erected a new brick hotel on the same ground, called the Mansion House. This was considered a fine building for that day. It was two stories in height, with a veranda occupy- ing the entire front, supported by massive columns. This hotel was kept by the parties for many years, and was the best in town until the erection of the Becbe House. Mr. Griffith filled the office of sheriff for one or two terms, and other positions of honor and resi)Ousibility. He raised a family of eight children, five of whom are living. Of these, two only reside in Elyria, viz: Lomida M., wife of S. Bod well, and Arvilla L., wife of Ira B. Sekins. Mr. Griffith died in December, 1866. Clark Eldred. — This venerable relic of pioneer times has been noticed in preceding pages of this HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 139 history. Ue was) the son of Moses Eldred, who settled two miles east of tiie village in 1813, and for many years kept a hotel. The subject of this sketch, t hough a boy of sixteen, was for a short time a soldier ill the warof 1813. After Hall's surrender of Detroit, tiiore was great alarm among the pioneer settlers along the south shore of Lake Erie. They were but few in number, and their dwellings were isolated and scattered. The British had induced all or nearly all of the Indian tribes of the west to become their allies. The savage murder of defenceless families was a com- mon occurrence. The ])eople of Ridgeville, with their wives and little ones, fled through the forest, driving their live stock, and took refuge in a log fort that had been built in Columbia. Young Eld red's father had been severely wounded in a skirmish with the Indians on the Penin- sula, and was borne from the field to the late Joshua R. (liddings. It was under these circumstances that the boy Eldred went to the front and commenced the life of a soldier. The capture of the British fleet by Commodore Perry, on Ltike Erie, soou after relieved the pioneer settlers of all their fears, and those who had joined the army returned to their homes. . The first brick manufactured in Elyria were made by Mr. Eldred. The fii'st land sold in the townshiji was purchased by him; the first clearing was made by him; the first frame building raised without the aid of whisky was his. He was one of the first mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal church in this place, and has continued a faithful member to the present time. Ransom Redington was the son of Eliphalet Red- iugtou, who removed from Massachusetts and settled in South Amherst, in this county, at an early day. He came to this township as early as 1819, then a young man. He was for several years a clerk in the store of Thompson Miles, and afterward a partner. He was also in partnership with Raymond Starr, after Mr. Miles retired from business. In 1833 or '33, he opened a dry goods store in the Ely Block, and con- tinued in trade for eight or ten years, when he sold out. In 184:3, he, in company with Charles Parsons, iiliened a book store — the first in Elyria. In 1844, they sold out to E. C. Oriswold, who continued the business until 1877. Mr. Redington, for the rest of his life, was engaged principally in the law book trade through Northern Ohio. At the same time, he purchased of miscellaneous books for himself and friends every book that was rare, ancient or valuable, and many choice pictures and works of art. There is scarcely a pleasant home in this part of the State that is not adorned with pictures of his selection. He possessed remarkable taste in making such selec- tions. He was also au amateur in the cultivation of choice flowers, and supplied himself and friends with the choicest bulbs and flower seeds. The influence of such a life for good in any community can hardly be over-estimated. He was a profound thinker, and speculated much on theological subjects. He was 17 married in 1836, to Miss Pamelia Manter, sister of Dr. Manter, who is still living at the age of seventy- eight, in full possession of her faculties of mind and memory. She is a highly cultured Christian lady, and, with Mr. A. Bcebe, is the only remaining pioneer of this township. Mr. Redington died May 9, 1870, aged seventy years. MEDICAL HISTORY. Dr. John P. Butler must have come to Elyria as early as 1819, as he was a voter at the first election in the township in 1830. We are unable to state the place of his nativity, and only know that he was a graduate of the Fairfield Medical College, in Herki- mer county, N. Y. He was a man of fair attainments, and a faithful, attentive physician, thoroughly devoted to his calling. Families who employed him had great confidence in his skill, and cherish his memory. He removed to his farm in Ridgeville, where he continued in the practice of his profession for many years. He died in 1858. Dr. Augustus Wolcott came to Elj'ria, also, in 1819, and practiced his profession for several years. He too graduated at the Fairfield Medical School. He retired from practice and settled on his farm in Sheffield in 1839. He was a man of close observation and sound judgment, and his prognosis in a case of disease, in the opinion of his patrons, settled the question of life or death. He died of cancer of the face May 17, 1841, aged sixty-one years. Dr. Nathan Manter was born at Ashfield, Mass., August 23, 1793. His father, Di-. Francis Manter, died eai'ly, leaving him to the care of a devoted mother, who carefully trained him for a life of useful- ness. The love and care of this faithful mother were met by the filial affection of the son, which was strikingly manifested during the whole course of her life. Dr. Manter was educated at the Fairfield Academy, in Herkimer county, N. Y. He pursued ills medical studies with his uncle. Dr. Nathan Har- wood, of that State. When he had completed the usual course of study, he came to Ohio, then almost a wilderness, and settled in Euclid, Cuyahoga county, in 1815. Here he secured a successful practice, and remained until 1834, when he removed to Elyria. In 1833, he married Miss Susan Miles, mother of his four children, who died November 39, 1836. She was a devoted wife, a tender and careful mother, and a faithful Christian. He afterward married Mrs. Pamelia Clapp, who died July 39, 1848. Dr. Manter was fortunate in both of his marriages; he was happy in his domestic relations. Pure refinement and affec- tion characterized his home life. He had an extensive practice, and for many years was recognized as the leading physican in this section of the country. He was a skillful surgeon, and did most of the business in that branch of his profession until younger men relieved him, by his own request, in the more difficult and delicate operations. We quote 130 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. from an obituary notice written by a professional friciul,* published after his death: "After continuing in what is called regular practice for more than thirty years, Dr. Manter gradually changed to the system of Hanneman. Tliis change, while it deprived liim of the professional sympathy of his former medical associates, did not deprive him of the personal friend- ship or esteem of any one of them; whatever reasons or motives others may be supposed to have for a similar change, no one doubted the con- scientiousness of Dr. Manter. Two years before his death he was striclcen with paralysis. This attack was doubtless ijrought on by the death of his son. Col. Franl; H. Planter, in the army. During his two years of suf- fering he e-vliiliited a remarkable degree of patience ami resignation. He was tenderly cared for by his children, who witli devoted affection ministered to every want. He died February 10, ISiJfJ, aged 73. Dr. Manter was a close student during his whole professional life, and was thoroughly conversant with the medical literature of his day. He was a man of close observation, and faithful in his attention to his patients. His mind was not distracted by political ambition or disturlied by outside intluences. He was notouly " the good physician " to most of tlie early inliabitants of the village, but their confidential friend. He was genial and courteous in his manner, polite and dignified in liis social intercourse with all. In short he was an accomplished christian gentleman of the old school. For more than thirty years he was an influential member of the Presbyterian church, and by his life he ailorned his profession.'' Dr. Samuel Strong was educated at the Fairfield Medical School in the State of New York, and removed to Brownhelm in this county, about the year 1S;JS. After two years of successful practice he changed liis residence to Amherst, where he remained about two years. In 18.33 he removed to Elyria and formed a co-partnership with Dr. N. II. Manter. This connec- tion continued six or eight years, wiion it was dis- solved. He continued in jiractice in Elyri;i until his decease. He died March 20, 1850, aged forty-four years. Dr. Strong was in many respects a remarkaljle man. He was an enthusiast in his profession and obtained a reputation for carrying tlirougli safely apparently hopeless cases of disease. He iiursiied tlie heroic plan of treatment, and would sit l)y the bedside of impor- tant and dangerous cases for wliole days and nigiits watching the course of disease and the effect of reme- dies, and in this way would generally carry them througii in safety. He was a decided optimist, always looking on the bright side. This led him into some unfortunate speculations, but he enjoyed the respect of the community and tlie love of his friends while he lived. He was warm-hearted and generous, and seemed to enjoy more jileasure in performing acts of kindness for others than in promoting his own inter- ests. He lefta widow and two children. Mrs. Strong afterwards became the wife of Mr. Otis Briggs, and is still living. His daughter, Carrie, married Mr. Edwin Mns.sey, who was for a long time a merchant in Amherst. His son, Samuel, has for many years been at the head of the great wholesale drug house in Cleveland of the firm of Strong, Cobb & Co. Dii. Asa B. Brown, a native of Vermont, and a graduate of Berkshire Medical Ci)llege, settled in Elyria, in IX'-Vl, ;inil soon Imilt up a respectable prac- tice. In the fall of 183-1. having lost his young and beautiful wife and feeling gre;itly depressed, he retired from practice, and soon after took charge of the Elyria High School. He conducted this school for * Dr. Norton S. Townshend. several }'ears, when he removed to the State of Michi- gan, where he soon died. Dr. Brown was a man of more than ordinary ability. Had he adhered to his profession he would doubtless have ri.sen to eminence. Dr. Kiciiard L. Howard was the successor of Dr. Brown in the practice of his profession in Elyria. lie was born in Andover, Vt., in the year 1809. At the age of seventeen his father died, and he was left with the care of a widowed mother. With that indomitable energy which characterized his whole life, he discharged the new responsibilities with \iv\\- dence and entire success. He began the study of medicine when ([uite young, and graduated with honor at the Berkshire Medical College at the age of twenty- two years. He moved to Windham, Portage county, and commenced the practice of his profession, and on the retirement of Dr. Brown from jiractice in 1834, he came to Elyria and took his place. He soon gained ;i large practice both as a physician and surgeon, and remained in Elyria until 1844, when he removed to Columbus, Ohio, where he soon secured a leading practice. He was mainly instrumental in establishing the Starling Medical College in that city, of which he became Professor of Surgery. The late Lyne Starling, a wealthy citizen, donated the munificent sum of thirty thousand dollars, which, with an additional amount, mainly furnished by Dr. Howard, was e.Kpended in the erection of that beautiful college building which now adorns the Capital City. During the time he occupied the chair of surgery, he visited France, and spent some time in the famous hospitals of Paris. He returned, richly laden with the hitest improvements in modern surgery. He died in the iirime of life, at Coluniljus, .January 16, 1854. He was, for several years, considered the leading sur- geon in Central Ohio, and was an excellent teacher. Until his health f:iiled, he edited the Ohio Medical and Surf/ii-al Journal. Dr. Howard w;is. in many respects, a remarkable man. Not naturally Itrilliant, he made it up by his indomitable energy and perse- verance, lie was ambitious, but his ambition run only in the line of his chosen ju'ofession. He placed his standard high, and turned neither to the right nor left until he had reached the object sought. He had ac- cumulated a hiindsome ]iroperty, which he left to his widow and children. A sketch of the life of Dr. Luther D. Griswold is given elsewhere in this volume. Dr. Eber W. Hubbard was a graduate of the Fairfield Medical College. He located in La Grange, near the time of its first settlement, and had a large practice in that and adjacent townships. He re- moved to Elyria, in 1838, and from that time until 1853, when not in public life, practiced in his ])rofi's- sion. He was one of the associate judges of this county, for six years, before he settled in Elyria. He was three times elected to the lower branch of the gen- eral assembly, and was an able and influential member. He served for three years as bank commissioner, ami the same length of time as fund commissioner. While >^"^:^^?§*^?f^ "^ Photo, by Lee, Elyria, 0. O^^^-zH^^t^ %^ >ZXs advanced to take the battery, and the Cajitain with his face to the enemy, retreated backwards. A hundred guns were raised to shoot him, but the rebel officer, admir- ing his bravery, ordered them not to fire, and the two officers, giving each other the military salute, Capt. Parsons walked deliberately away. The next morn- ing he re-took part of his battery. For distinguished bravery in this battle he was breveted major. His next battle was that of Stone River. Gen. Palmer (since (iovernor of Illinois) says of him: "During the whole day I regarded the battery under command of Capt. Parsons as my right arm. My orders to Parsons were simple: 'Fight where you can do the most good !' Never were orders better obeyed.'' For this battle he was breveted lieutenant-colonel of the regular army. Soon after this battle he went to New York to submit to a surgical operation and soon after was detailed as an instructor at the West Point Mili- tary Academy, where he remained until the close of the war, at which time he was ordered to Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas, where he served for two years, part of the time on the plains, when he was again ordered to to West Point as a teacher. While there he became acquainted with Bishop Quintard of the diocese of Tennessee, under whose guidance he began the study of theology. He resigned his position in the army and repaired to Memphis, Avhere he took holy orders in 1870. He was for a time I'ector of St. Mary's in 134 HISTOllY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OUIO. Memphis, but was soon called to St. Mary's in the lliglilaiuls, at Cold Sprinij, opposite to West Point, lie served the ehurcli faithfully and acceptably for about two years, when he was called to the Churcli of the Holy Innocents, at Hoboken, N. J. He served here for three years, when the death of his l)eioved wife niakinn; a residence at that i>laee i>ainrul to him, lie returned to Memphis, and became canon of SI. Mary's cathedral. Here he labored witli the zeal and earnestness, which had characterized his whole life, mil ill hat fatal scoMr^-e (yellow fever) which made iMem|)liis a eharnel house, took possession of that doomed city. At the commencement of the disease, and before it became epidemic, he sent his wife and two children (lie had re-married in Memphis) to friends in the country, hut he remained faithful at the [)ost of duty, laboriutj night and day in comfort- ing the sick and administering tiie consolations of religion to the dying. We quote from an article pub- lished in the Chicago Trlbiiue, written by a former comrade: " A man of polished intellect, of beautiful soul, the possessor of every f^race, Parsons seemed to have been created for the sweet olltiees of charity and friendship. From the outbreak of the plague until he be- came one of its victims he had been constantly l^usied, {as he wrote me a few days aj?<>} " in earing for the dead, the dying and forsaken," He has been winning the useful victoi-ies of peace; he has stood by his gnus, hni alas, the invisible enemy, less generous than the visilile, has not held his tire." Another writer, in the Matlisou (Wis.) Dniiocnit, says : " He looked death calmly in the face, and when his turn came, died as a true soldier of Christ, at his post of duty. Let no one sorrow over such a death. It rounds out in full perfection the record of a hero's courage and a martyr's steadfastness." The Mempiiis Avalanche says of him: " He died to save those against whom he fought." lie died iSe|itember f), liSTM, leaving a disconsolate widow, and a son and daughter, the eldest but four years of age. Col. Fr.vniv II. Manter was the son of the late Dr. Nathan H. Manter, and was born in Elyria, December 31, 1^34. lie spent his boyhood here, and, at a suitable age, entered the Western Reserve Col- lege, at Hudson, where he remained two years. He then, at the age of twenty, took charge of an academy at or near Natchez, Miss., for about two years, when he removed to St. Louis, Mo. He soon obtained the position of clerk of one of the courts, and, while dis- charging the duties of that office, studied law and was admitted to the btir. On retiring from otliee, he opened a law office and soon obtained a leading prac- tice. He was for a time president of the city council, in which i)osition "he diligently and intelligently served his constituents." AVe (piote from the proceed- ings of a meeting of the "St. Louis bar" convened immediately after his death: "Wlien the clouds which have since burst in storm over our land, began to gather and give sign of the approaching tempest, he was prompt among the foremost to promote the organization of those bodies to which the successful resistance of St. Louis to the efforts of secession in the spring of 1S6J. was mainly due." We cannot better detail the subsequent career of Col. Manter than by quoting the general order of Major General Steele, issued at the time of his death: hsadtjuarters department of arkansas, Little Rock, Junk 13, 1864. General ih-clfrs No. '19. With feelings of sorrow and regret the general commanding an- nounces to the troops of this department the untimely death of Col. F. H. M inter, chief of staff. He died at two o'clock this morning from an injury received try the falling of his horse. He survived the fatal acci- dent but a few hours, and breathed bis last suri-oimded by his military friends and comi>anions. Col. Manter's military career, which com- menced at the commencement of this rebellir)n, reflects great credit upon his character as an officer. He was energetic in raising troops to st-ay the rebellion in Missouri lmme. In 185G he was appointed by Governor riiodi b> Loi', Klyn.i, (» ^" ^ffC^^o/^ IIISTOKY OF LOKAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 139 Salmon P. Cliaso, a trustee of the Northern Oliio Lu- natic Asyhun. In 1800 he was re-appointed to the same office by Governor Deunison. He lield that position for the period of ten years, and became deeply interested in that as well as the other benevolent institutions of the State. He was one of tlie active agents in the organization of the Elyria Natural His- tory Society, as well as one of the volunteer lecturers before that institution. In reference to his military services, the doctor, while his regiment was stationed at Frankfort, took possession of a comfortable dwelling house and con- verted it into a regimental hospital, which wascompli- menled by tlie medical inspector as a model institu- tion. Wliile here an event occurred which may be worth relating. It was during theeraof slavery, and the troops were ordered to drive all negroes from their camps, which order was not very rigidly enforced. A poor fellow named Ben, who had joined the regi- ment some forty miles in the rear, was brought to the lios))ilal by the chaplain, with the request that he should be taken care of. So the doctor set him at work. Some two weeks afterwards Ben came trem- bling into the office saying his master was after him. The surgeon placed a revolver in his breast pocket, with the handle projecting, so as to bo i)repared for any emergency. Soon the owner came in, accom- ])anied by two city marshals and a Catholic priest, and said very blandly: " You have my boy here, and I have come after him.'' " Your boy," said the doctor ; "you may be some of the negro thieves that are following the army, and arresting colored men in order to get the reward offered. I don't know you, sir. You must do two things before you can have him. First, you must jirove your loyalty; and second, you must prove be- fore the court your title to him, and if you, or either of you, lay a hand on him before you comply with these terms, I will shoot you." After conferring together for a few minutes, the owner, the priest and one of the marshals retired, and in about two hours returned with two writs, one commanding the doctor to appear before the court, Rnd, on the owner's giving bond in the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, to appear before the court at its next term, and prove his title to Ben, he was to be given up. The other writ was for the doctor to appear at the same term, and prove his title to the slave. By this time, a mob of about one thousand people had gath- ered in front of the hospital, and a company with the regimental band had paraded, also, in front, for the l)urpose of escorting the doctor to the court house. He sent them back to camp, mounted his horse, with Bon at his side, surrounded by a howling mob, and reported in court. The officials were exceedingly polite, and presented a liond for his approval, which probably rejiresented half a million of dollars, and Ben was handed over to his master. Had not the doctor been backed by a ren;iment of bayonets, he would, doubtless, have been torn to pieces by the mob. The doctor placed his own law suit in the hands of John M. Harlan — a brother of .Justice Harlan, of the supreme court — who took him liefore a notary, and he subscribed an oath that he was in the military service of the United States, which put the case off till the close of the war. In about a month, the doctor re- ceived a letter from Ben's master, proposing that, if he would pay the costs, he would withdraw the suit. The surgeon replied that, if the court at Cleveland decided, after the war, that he should pay the costs, he would do so. In about a year, while in East Tenn- essee, he received a letter from Mr. Harlan, stating that the case had been dismissed at the plaintifE's cost.' So ended his Kentucky law suit. In August, 1803, the regiment, (with the twenty- third army corjis,) crossed the Cumberland moun- tains into East Tennessee, the rebel army retiring befoi'e them. Early in November, the Union army was all con- centrated at Knoxville, indulging the vain hope that they were going into winter quarters. Before the cabins for quarters were completed. General Long- street a])peared before the city, with ten thousand troops, and the seige of Knoxville commenced. The skirmishers, on both sides, were under fire, day and night, for twenty-two days. Several battles occurred during the time. The battle of Armstrong's Hill was fought on the the 37th of November, in which the one hundred and third bore a consjjicuous part. The rebel assault was repulsed, with great loss to them. The one hundred and third lost, in that engagement, two killed and thirty-two wounded, many of whom died of their wounds.. Surgeon Griswold made temporary dress- ings of their wounds, as they were brought in, treat- ing union and rebel soldiers alike, and sent them in ambulances to a new hospital in the city. He visited the hospital the next day, and found the wounded lying on the floor, in their bloody clothing, without even blankets to cover them. He proposed at once to take charge of his own men, and soon after was ap- })ointed surgeon in charge of the hospital. He soon procured, through the (piartermaster, a supply of wooden bunks, and the union ladies of Knoxville, (of whom Mrs. Smoyer — a daughter of Parson Browulow and now the wife of Dr. Boynton, late of this place — was a leading spirit,) a quantity of bod-ticks. He also secured a load of straw and blankets, and the poor wounded soldiers soon had comfortable beds. He was also appointed surgeon in charge of hospital No. 4, which contained five hundred patients, and, for a time, had charge of two hospitals, containing, in the aggregate, eight hundred sick and wounded soldiers. The men suffered greatly for want of ])roj)er nour- ishment, during the siege, but after the seige was raised, and railroad communication opened, by aid of the government and the christian and sanitary com- 140 HISTOKY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. missions, they were supplied with eveiything neces- sary for tlieir comfort. Ou the first of May, the twenty-third army corps started on tiie Atlanta campaign. The one hundred and third regiment foiiglit its first groat battle on the 13tli of May, at llesaca, Georgia. It went into the fight tliree hundred strong, and came out witli a loss of twelve killed and eighty-two wounded. Surgeon Griswold was ordered to the rear, at the beginning of the fight, to establisli a field hosj)ital for the third division. As fast as hospital tents could be put up, they were filled with wounded, and in about three hours the hospital contaiiu'd throe hundred and sixty-two wounded men. The hospital of the second division, near by, contained about the same number. The doctor being at the time chief operator for the division, was engaged for thirty-si.\ hours, with a corps of assistants, in performing the necessary ope- rations and in dressing the wounds. He jierfoi-med a number of capital operations, including three am- putations of the thigh and two of the shoulder. As soon as possible, the field hospital was broken uj), and the patients sent to Chattanooga, as the army had moved on in jmrsuit of Joe Johnson, the rebel general. He was then placed in charge of the corps hospital, wliich in about two weeks was also broken up, and the patients sent to the rear. He soon joined the main army, which was about forty miles in ad- vance. As a line of skirmishers was kept constantly in advance, who were day and night exchanging shots with the rebel skirmishers, wounded men were brought to the rear for treatment evei-y day, and the surgeons were not idle. During this campaign, Dr. Griswold slept on the muddy ground, under a dog kennel tent, almost every night. It rained twenty-two days in succession, and his blanket and clothing were never dry during that time. At length, after crossing the Chattahoochee river, having arrived within eight miles of Atlanta, the objective point of the campaign, Dr. Griswold found himself so reduced in strength by the diseases and fatigues of the camp and field, that he very reluc- tantly resigned his position in the army and returned home. After regaining his health, he again entered upon the practice of his profession. In 1865, he was elected to the Ohio senate, and was re-elected in 1807. During his four years' service as .senator, he was faithful in the discharge of his duties, being always in his seat, and gave general satisfaction to his constituents. He was princijially instrumental in securing the passage of a law for the establishment of the Reform and Industrial School for Girls. He had felt for years that the interests of the people of the State demanded a home for incorrigible and vicious young girls, where they could be reformed, educated and fitted for lives of usefulness. In order to carry these views into effect, during the session of 1868, he offered a resolution for the creation of such an institution, and for the apjiointment of a com- mittee to fix upon a location, and to report at the adjourned session. The resolution was agreed to, and the doctor was appointed a member of the com- mittee. The work of the committee was thrown principally upon him, and during the summer recess lie corresponded extensively with the authorities of kindred institutions in this country and England. Soon after the general assembly re-assembled, he presented a report which attracted considerable atten- tian, and a large number of extra copies were ordered to be printed. The bill accompanying the report became a law, and thus was established one of the most beneficent institutions of the State. After the close of the war of the rebellion, Dr. Gris- wold, with many other members of the grand army of the republic, felt a deep interest in the welfare of the orphans of our dead soldiers, many of whom were homeless and inmates of county infirmaries. At a meeting of the grand army at Sandusky, in the spring of 1869, measures were instituted for the establish- ment of a home for soldiers' orjjhans, where they could be provided for and educated. The Rev. Geo. W. Collier was appointed a general agent of the society, who traveled extensively thi-ough the State, addressed public meetings, and collected considerable money for the establishment of such a home. In December following, the home was opened in the city of Xenia, and sustained for several months by contri- butions of the grand army of the republic. In the spring of 1870, it was adopted by the general assem- bly as a State institution, and Dr. Griswold was appointed its first superintendent. The people of Xenia and the county of Greene has donated to the grand army one hundred acres of excellent land, located within half a mile of the city, composed of clear land for cultivation, and an ojien forest, and commanding a fine view of the city. They had also agreed to })ut up l)uildings for the accommodation of two hundred and fifty children. The grand army had erected two brick cottages, and got out timber for a large liarn. Xenia put up the frame, and in a very rough manner converted it into school rooms and a home for the children. This was the condition of things when the doctor took charge of the home. The grand army had previously turned the entire property over to the State. The grounds required to be cleared up; tree tops, brush, chips and stumps were gathered and piled in large heaps by the chil- dren. The burning of these piles at night afforded tliem great delight. The doctor remained in charge of the home a little more than four years, when he was superceded from political considerations only. During his .administration, the number of children increased from one liundred and fifty to six hundred. A large central building was erected, with an exten- sion to the rear of one hundred and thirty feet. The basement of this contained a kitchen and bakery; the second story a dining room, one hundred and thirty feet in length. The third story was used for a store- room, sewing rooms and sleeping rooms for the employes. Twenty brick cottages were erected, each In 1822, from Geuesee Co., N. Y., came to Avou, Lorain Co., Ohio, the parents of Anson Braman, who was born in said county in 1811. In the year 1832, A. Braman re- moved from Avon to Carlisle, where he followed the voca- tion of farmer and nurseryman. In 1855 he removed to Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he started the nurseries now owned by J. C. Hill. Remaining in Elyria until 1872, he went to Northport, Mich., where he now resides with the faithful wife who shared the struggles of his early Carlisle life. She — of maiden name Miss Eraeline Vincent — was born at Mount Washington, Berkshire Co., Mass.j Oct. 10, 1818 ; com- mencing the duties of a wife at Carlisle in 1835. Their oldest child, William A., was born at Carlisle, Oct. 4, 1836. Twenty-one years were spent on the home farm. When desirous of better education, he worked by the month on other farms. Teaching school during the winter gave to him the necessary funds with which to gratify his desires. Thus passed seven years. In 1 864 he commenced the business of live-stock dealing. This he followed until 1870, J. E. Boynton and J. C. Hill being partners. The following three years found him in partnership with J. E. Boynton, engaged in the purchase and sale of cheese. During the spring of 1874 the firm of Braman, Horr & Warner was founded, for the manufacture and general deal- ing in cheese and butter, with which firm he still remains connected. This firm has become one of the largest in Northern Ohio, its business averaging during the last four years two hundred thousand dollars per year. Whilst buying to a certain extent of others, the great bulk of the butter and cheese handled by them has been and is of their own man- ufacture through their control of the many factories of Northern Lorain County and adjacent territory, control- ling the past year the products of over four hundred dairy- men, and four thousand cows. Mr. Braman was married, April 18, 1865, to Miss Sophia E. Patterson, daughter of Hiram Patterson, then of Eaton, Lorain Co., Ohio. Two sons and one daughter make cheer- ful his pleasant home at Elyria, to which place he came, as a permanent resident, from Carlisle in 18G9. Mr. Braman is distinguished for his untiring energy and clear perceptions. These ([ualifications have made him a leading business man of Lorain County, and one eminently fitted for official position. Various are the places of trust II. E. BRAMAN. he has filled : township trustee for four years ; president of the Lorain County Agricultural Society six years, a full record of which is given in the history of said society in this history ; commissioner of Lorain County. Ail were filled with such fidelity that the reputation thus formed makes him one of the present members of the Union School Board, a place held by him since 1873. He was one of the directors of the Savings Deposit Bank of Elyria from its foundation. This faithfulness to trusts imposed also gave to him the treasurership of Lorain Co., Ohio, in 1876, and again in 1878 by acclamation, no competitor even appearing in the conventions that honored him so highly. Mr. Braman, in the prime of life, with every surrounding pleasant, both private and public, may well take pride for the high rank he takes among Lorain County's " leading men." R. E. Braman was born at Carlisle, Lorain Co., Ohio, Oct. 20, 1838. Until the age of twenty-three his life was spent on the father's farm. Hard work filled up his time, with the exception of the educational advantages of the common school. A brief notice of the parents of Ranson E. Braman is given in the biography of bis brother, William A. Aug. 9, 1861, he enlisted as private in Company I, 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry ; served the first year in West Virginia, and afterwards in the Army of the Potomac. Ad- vanced to the position of sergeant, he was, at the consoli- dation of the 4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry into the 4th Battalion, made a first lieu- tenant. He was wounded at the battle of North Anna River, May 24, 1864. A return to the comrades of three years' noble work for the Republic gave him honorable dis- charge after full term of enlistment. Returning to Elyria, August, 1864, he soon engaged in whatever his hand might find. For eight years he was elected to various offices in the township of Elyria, for four years being deputy marshal of the Northern District of Ohio. Mr. Braman was elected sherifl" in 1872, and again in 1874. He was married, Sept. 5, 1865, to Miss Helen M. Nick- erson, who gave to him five children, three now living and two dead. Now in active business as coal merchant, even with a limb partially paralyzed by a " rebel bullet ;" in easy circumstances, he forgets the early toil and struggles of a " pioneer's" son. T^^. E. D. HOLBROOK. -^yC 'W^^^^<^^ Photos, liy Lee, Elyria, 0. J/ -^ HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 141 two stories liigli, and a capacity for tliirty children, also a commodious and well-arranged hos])itiil, a chapel, a lanndry, and a building for steam boilers, which furnished {)ower for the laundry, and warmed all the buildings of the institution, except the chapel, which was heated by a furnace. A water tower was also erected, eighty feet in height, which contained tanks in the top, with a capacity for one thousand l)arrels of water. From this tower water was conveyed to all the cottages and the hospital, as well as to the steam boilers. The water was forced to the top of this tower from a clear spring stream at the base of the hill, some sixty rods distant, by a steam force- pump. The gas works were also located at the base of the hill. The lawn in front of the main building and cottages was ornamented with trees, shrubbery and flowering plants from tiie green-house. The children at the home were bright and happy; many of them were beautiful, and attracted the attention of friends and visitors. They made rapid advances in their education. They looked upon the superin- tendent as their second father, and will remember him with gratitude and love long after he has passed away. This was the crowning work of his life. He has retired from business, and now resides in Elyria, his home for many years, and the only place which seems to him like home. DR. L. C. KELSEY is the fifth child in a family of eight children, of David and Betsey (Merriam) Kelsey, the former of whom was born in Newport, New Hampshire, No- vember 11, 1700, the latter at Brandon, Vermont. L. C. Kelsey was born at Whiting, Vermont, July IS, 1834-. At the age of three years, he removed with his parents to Brandon, Vermont, where he attended the common schools, during the winter months, and in the summer season, worked ujion his father's farm. He subsequently entered the Brandon seminary, re- maining there until he reached his seventeenth year, when he removed to Ohio, and entered the pi'cpara- tory department of Oberlin collegiate institute; teach- ing school during the winter vacations. He left college in the sophomore year, and went to Geneva, Illinois, and there taught a select school, with nuxrked success. He subsequently returned to Ohio, and located at Mt. Vernon, where, for two years, he studied den- tistry with his brother. Dr. C. M. Kelsey. After completing his studies in dentistry, he located and practiced his profession at Gallon, Ohio, where he remained about two years. Not feeling entirely satisfied with that profession, and wishing for a wider field of activity, in a more public way, he entered the Unitarian theological school, at Meadville, Pennsylvania, from which insti- tution he was honorably graduated, in 1854, after which he moved to Dixon, Illinois, and formed a Unitarian society, raised funds for tiie erection of a fine church edifice, and remained its pastor for almost three years. On account of failing health, he left Dixon, and returned to Ohio, and located temporarily at Newark, where, after recuperating his impaired health, he re- sumed the practice of dentistry. From Newark, he moved to Malta, Illinois; and while there, the war of the rebellion broke out, and in August, 1803, Dr. Kelsey entered the union service as a private m the one hundred and twenty-fourth Illinois volunteer in- fantry, and remained in the army until after the close of the war. He partici])ated in several engagements, notably those of Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, and the seige of Vicksburg. After the fall of Vicksburg, he was detailed as chief clerk at the headquarters of Gen. Maltby. On his discharge, he settled permanently in Elyria, where he has since been a successful practitioner of dentistry. He is a man of more than oi'dinary liter- ary attainments, and is thoroughly educated in his profession. Two diplomas have been granted him; one from the Unitarian theological school, at Mead- ville, Pennsylvania, aud one from the Ohio State board of examiners, for the practice of dentistry. Dr. Kelsey has been twice married; first, in 1849, to Miss l^lizabeth M. Avery, of Wellington, 0., who died at Dixon, 111., in 1857. By this union were born two children, Harriet J. and Frances Estella, the lat- ter of whom died' in infancy. For his second (and present) wife, he married Cordelia Webster, of Car- lisle, 0., by whom he has six children, Kate Isadore, Elizabeth M., Charles S., Grace M., Ada May and Florence W. In politics Dr. Kelsey is a steadfast and consistent republican. Since 1871 he has held the office of cor- poration clerk of Elyria, which office he has filled with satisfaction to the people at large, and to his per- sonal credit. The doctor is an able exponent of the Unitarian faith, and an exemplary member of that religious sect. His general reputation is so wcM known to the people of Lorain county, that anything of a laudatory nature we could say of him would be entirely superfluous. His business probity and tl.e general rectitude of his life are proverbial, while his activity in the various enterprises calculated to pro- mote the best interests of the community of which he is an honored member, is a well established fact. WILLIAM W. ALDRICH. William W. Aldrich was born in Dover, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, October 17, 1817, — son of Aaron and Elizabeth Aldrich, who were natives of Rhode Island. A. Aldrich was horn April 37, 1793, and Elizabeth was born December 23, 1795, by maiden name, AVin- sor. Married September 11, 1814. In 1816 they 143 HISTOEY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. removed to Dover, Ohio. Tlie journey there con- siinied six weeks of toilsome travel. Passing through Cleveland, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, only three dwell- ings greeted the eyes of Mr. A. and his companion, in the place of the so many fine mansions, that make il now soheautiful. In the history of Mr. A. Aldrich, occurs one of the rare and signal inter]iositions of divine j)rovidenco, which it is jjleasurable to record. Soon after his arrival amongst the woods of Dover, he became disabled from excessive labor. Having been reared in factory life, the labor of felling the forest was too much for him? What should he do? Disqualified as a woodsman; a growing family upon his hands, and in a country uncultivated, unex])ected as the "manna" descended for the relief of the chil- dren of Israel, came a letter from a si ranger, author- ized by a company of strangers. This proposed a removal to Otsego county, N, Y., where he might take charge of a cotton factory, with a salary of eight hundred dollars per year, with house rent and tire- wood free. This proposal was accepted as a godsend. For several years he remaineolonging to Mr. Pond, which he immediately rebuilt, and in January, 1859, he engaged in his old business, which he continued until 1870, when he engaged in the manufacture of a harness pad, for which he had obtained a patent. In 1802, he invented the first successful tug buckle, to the sale and introduction of which he gave much attention until 1870. On the tenth of December, 18-35, the subject of our sketch married Miss Eliza J. Sayles, who was born at Mayville, Cliatau([ua county, N. Y. They have been blessed with a family of five sons and one daughter. One of the sous died in childhood, another, Horace, from disease caused by exposure and arduous duties in the Union army during the late rebellion. Three sons are living and filling responsible positions in business. I'he daugiiter is married and i« a good wife and mother. Mr. Pond has filled many positions of honor and trust conferred on him by his fellow citizens. An ardent Mason, he has filled many offices in the differ- ent branches of that order. lie has beeu treasurer of Marshall Chapter, No. 47, for fifteen consecutive years. In 1841, he assisted in forming at Elyria a lodge of the " Mechanic's Mutual Protection," an order founded for the benefit of practical mechanics. It held weekly meetings, at most of which lectures were delivered, and the association was supplied with books and other means of improvement. Perhaps no insti- tution has exerted so permanent an inlluence for good upoi\ the citizens of Elyria as the lodge above referred to. The organization of our present excellent system of union schools, was to a great extent effected through its influence. On the passage of a bill by the general assembly for the founding of union schools, this institution, through a committee,, ejjrresponded with the friends of education in other ci^ie84n regard to the merits of such schools in their midst. The Protection then appointed a committee consisting of Mr. Pond and Thomas Quark to obtain the signa- tures of six freeholders to a call for a public meeting none of them to be members of the Protection. After three days of hard labor they obtained the following signatures: Robbins Biirrell, Roswell Snow, N. H. Manter, Ilurriek Parker, Tabor Wood, and William Olcott, none of them members of the Protection but Herrick Parker, and he was accepted because the committee could not obtain the requisite -number out- side the order. The meeting was held at the court house in Elyria, on the 24th of May, 1850; a favora- ble vote was secured, and thus, by the untiring and persistent work of tlie protection our union schools were established. To this protection is Elyria also indebted in a great degree for her present fine side-walks, and the intro- duction of fire cisterns. Such is a brief record of the life of Mr. Pond. With a competency won by honest labor, and enjoy- ing the respect of his fellow citizens, he may be classed among the representative men of Elyi-ia. HON. STEVENSON BURKE. The subject of this sketch was born in St. Law- rence county, N. Y., November 20, 1820. In March, 1834, his father I'emoved from New York to Ohio, and settled in North Ridgeville, Lorain county, where he resided uj) to the time of his decease, in August, 1875. The subject of this sketch had in early life such facilities as the common schools of the time afforded, which consisted of about ninety days of very indifferent instruction in tiie winter, and none during the rest of the year. At about the age of sixteen, he iuid the benefit of instruction in a very good select school at Ridgeville Center; and afterwards he studied several terms in a private school, conducted by T. M. Oviatt, at Elyria. Later still, he studied a year or so at Delaware University, where, in 1846, he commenced the study of law with Messrs. Powell & Buck. In the spring of 1848, he returned to Elyria and completed his studies, preparatory to admission to the bar, under the instruction of Hon. II. D. Clark, and was admitted to practice by the supreme court August 11, 1848, and at once commenced the practice at Elyria. In April, 1840, Mr. Clark, who was then one of the most prominent and successful lawyers at the bar in Lorain county, admitted him into a copartnership, whicii continued up to May, 1852. We have thus in a few lines sketched the career, uj) to the time he commenced the practice of the law alone, of one who, for more than twenty-five years, iuis occupied a very prominent jiositiou at the bar in Northern Ohio. From 1852 to February, 1802, Mr. Burke devoted himself to the practice of his profession with such zeal and devotion to the interests of his clients, a^ to merit and command success. There were few cases tried in the court of common pleas, or district court of Lorain county, or in the supreme court taken from Lorain county, in which he was not engaged. His industry and attention to business were rare and almost exceptional. He spent no time in idleness, and his patrons were always sure to find him in his office in business hours, unless engaged in business elsewhere. His close attention to business I ^^^^..-^.^^ HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 145 iuul sodeiitiiry habits affected seriously his health, aud in 1801 he found his health so seriously impaired as to render a change of business necessary; and his friends having secured his election as one of the judges of the court of common pleas of the fourth judicial district of Oiiio, he gave up his practice and entered upon the discharge of his duties as judge. After serving a term of live years to the satisfaction of the bar and tlie ])eople, he was re-elected in 1806 for a second term, lie served, however, but two years of his second term, when, having regained his health, he resigned his position as judge, .January 1, 1809, and at once commenced the practice of law in Cleve- land, in partnership with Hon. F. T. Backus and E. .J. Este]), Esq. Tlic copartnership was dissolved by the death of xMr. Backus, in May, 1870, but was continued with Mr. Estep until the winter or spring of 1875, since which time he has practiced alone. His practice in Cleveland has been a very successful one. lie has been constantly engaged in the courts and in his office, and during the last ten years has probably tried as many cases of importance, involving large amounts of money or property, as any lawyer in Northern Ohio. He has during that period argued many cases in the supreme court of the State of Ohio, several in the United States supreme court, and in the supreme courts of adjoining States. The history of the profession in Northern Ohio furnishes few examples of a more sncoessful practice. In addition to his professional business. Judge Burke has devoted much attention to other business; he is now, and has been for several years past, a director and chairman of the finance and executive committee of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Railway Company, and its general connsel. He has held for several years and still holds the position of director, general counsel and chairman of the finance and executive committee of the Cleve- land and Mahoning Valley Railway Company, and he is also the representative in this country of all the stock of the hist-named corajjany, it being owned in Europe. He is also the representative of the owners of tlie stock of the Shenango and Allegheny Railroad Company, and also of the Mercer Mining and Manu- facturing Company, and a director in both of the last- named comi)a-uies. He has been for some time a director of the Cincinnati, Springfield and Indian- apolis and St. Louis railroad companies. He has also for several years been a director of the Lake Shore Foundry and director and president of the Cleveland and Snow Fork Coal Company, both large private corporations. Tiie foregoing is a very brief outline of a very active professional and business life. It is too early yet to compare the subject of this brief sketch with others, or go into detail in regard to his professional, judicial and business career; he is still in the prime of Ufe; time has dealt gently with him, and his ap- liearance indicates that he has many years of active life still before him. 19 ELWOOD P. HAINES. A mother dying at Bordentown, N. J., left an only child, Elwood P. Haines, three months of age, who was born March 4, 18.34. Soon after her death, Mr. Haines, with his mother and little son, came to Ohio, where they settled, in Deerfield, Portage county. Engaging in farming, this young life had every ad- vantage of nature's kindly teachings; and the aspira- tions which grew with his years, had their beginning here. He early turned his attention toward a pro- fessional life; and to this end he availed himself of the excellent advantages afforded by an academy in a neighboring town, where he studied for years pre- paring for Western Reserve College. These prepara- tions were finished under the instructions of Rev. Elias C. Sharp, a man of blessed memory in Atwater. He went through his college course and received his diploma at its close with honor to himself — ever a joy and delight to his friends. Having concluded to study medicine, he went into the office of Dr. Dudley Allen, now of Oberlin, where he remained some time, after which he took a course at Michigan University, where he graduated, receiving also the degree of M.D. from the Cleveland Medical College. Then came the war of the rebellion. He waited not for high position, but at once enlisted as hosjjital steward. The duties of this office were so well per- formed, that on March 2, 1803, he was appointed assistant surgeon of the Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. A letter from the surgeon-general of Oliio, dated August 2d, 1804, says as follows: *' Enclosed, please find your commission as major surgeon of the Twenty -ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, a promotion conferred for long and meritorious services." His merit was recognized by Order No. 4, Jane 1805: "Surgeon E. P. Haines, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteers, is hereby an- nounced as surgeon-in-chief of brigade. General Wm, Hawley, com- manding." With such record did Dr. Haines leave the service of his country, June 36, 1865. His life in the army was characterized, as in all other circumstances, by purity and integrity in every particular. At the close of the war he settled with his wife, whom he had married while on furlough, at Orwell ^ Ashtabula county. Here he entered at once into the hard work of the practice of medicine in the country. He was so(m called to the bitter trial of losing his wife, who left him a little daughter, still living, although those who loved her so fondly then, have gone the way of all the earth. Broken up in his domestic matters, he bethought him of an old schoolmate who had long been a teacher in Kentucky; finding her, he soon realized "a sweet dream of his boyhood," for she became his wife in March, 1870. Soon after they came to Elyria, where Dr. Haines was the successor of Dr. Jamin Strong, whose residence and office he purcliased. By this . marriage there were two children, both daughters. One led the way and waited for "papa" in the better land, and one still cheers her mother's widowed heart. 146 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Dr. Haiiios dicfl Oct.oI)cr 34, 1877, at. the age of forty-three and a half years. His work was done, and he rests from his labors. One who trusted his life with Dr. Haines may not be an impartial judge, yet it is his duty, aye, pleasure, to say that, as a man, he performed every dnty with true manhood; as a member of the Presbyterian chureh, l)ig()try was no element in his religious thought; as a (ntizen, he was true to the best interests of his coutitry and to all the relations of life; as a pension surgeon and surgeon of the Lake Shore and Michigan Souliiern Kailmad, he was faithful and elH(tient; as a physician, he was ever welcome, with genial face and kind attention. Let the kind relations ever existing between him and his brothers in the practice of medicine — let the many to whose ills he ministered, who, with weeping eyes, paid their respect to a good and true man, when all joined in the sad rites that gave him rest — testify to the goodness and beauty of his cliaracter. Beloved by all, Elyria mourns the loss of Dr. Haines. EDWIN DORR HOLBROOK. It is but a labor of love to trace from the earliest boyhood days the development of tiiose principles which made prominent the brief but eventful life of Edwin Dorr Holbrook. He was born in Elyria, Lo- rain county, Ohio, October 10, 1S3.5, is a son of Dex- ter and Jeruslia Holbrook, grandson of Captain Hol- brook and Tyler, Avho entered Fort Ticouderoga with Ethan Allen; also great-grandson of Cfeneral Seth Pomeroy, of Bunker Hill fame. Before scarcely attaining to the dignity of boys' apparel, while surrounded by his pets upon his father's farm, the proceeds of his first sale was, " to buy a new dress for my mother." This was the key- note of an unselfish life — " not for myself, but tor my mother, to whom I owe so much." Here he received his rudimentary education, and became familiar with nature in its various forms; studying the habits of Ijirds, bees and animals; loving flowers; training the woodbine and wild rose around the farm-house; skilled in huuting, skating, l)oating and swimming, a knowledge which enabled him to rescue many from watery graves, — once returning hatless and coatless, after saving King Barton and a companion. Again, hearing that Mr. Snow's son was drowning in the presence of a crowd of anxious friends, he leaped into the swollen tide. For a time, they believed him lost. Soon his voice was heard: "Is this the rUjht dircrtion ? " Again he disap])eared; again they believed him drowned, being caught l)y the death struggles of the boy, and drawn under; but by almost superhuman exertions, he bore the lifeless form to the shore. This unflinching bravery, daring to face any danger for the accomplishment of good, characterized the boy as well as the man. Fun and frolic entered largely into his compositiou, and he was the acknowl- edged leader in boyish tricks. He was one of a class of boys who seemed moulded for future action by that ripe .scholar, C. D. B. Jlills. He ever cherished his memory, and, in after years, expressed the wish that he might travel with him as his companion. Studied law with his brother-in-law. Judge T. S. Johnson, and with Judge Rex, of Wooster; was admitted I\Iay 7, 1857; opened an office in Elyria, and continued his studies, including German. In early life he was a constant reader; history, poetry and the writings of our early statesmen were carefully studied, as his well worn books evince. His room at his father's house was filled with books, pa])ers and speeches, which were very familiar to him. Burn ami In-ed in the democratic faith, he struggled, even during his minority, for the success of that party. June .'3, 1801, he bade adieu to home and friends, and sailed for California, where he remained one year with his brother, practicing law, when, with thous- ands, who in conse((uence of the overflow of the Sacramento river and the almost fabulous tales of the richness of the Salmon river mines, he emigrated northward a distance of eight hundred miles. May 16th, 18G3, he wrote : " I start to-morrow astride a mule which carries myself, bed and provender, off into a wilderness, over mountains and dangerous moun tain streams, through a country where the red man lies in ambush to bear my scalp to the maid be loves But I am young, have a life be- fore me, and desire making my fortune as quickly as possible, and to see something of this country. I only care for life that I ma^' make you all bappy and independent. If I succeed all isjyuurs— if I fail I want no mourners." During the next three years, before the perfect system of mail communication was established, occasional letters and rumors reached his home-friends, of jieril- ous adventure ; his narrow escape from a snow-slide by leaping from his horse, which was bnried under a pitiless .sheet of snow and ice ; his traveling over nar- row, precipitous mountain trails to fulfil professional engagements. In December, ISC'), he took his seat as the youngest memlier of the thirty-ninth congress. As a member of congress he labored zealously for the development of his beloved mountain home — Idaho ; for appropriations for the perfection of mail routes and roads, for the building of the assay office and penitentiary ; also was ever laboring for the construc- tion of the Northern Pacific Railroad, in the inter- est of which he addressed the caj)italists of Boston. After having faithfully labored for the development of his territory for two successive terms in congress, bidding adieu for the last time to his home friends. May 2Gth, 1809, he crossed for the eightli time the plains to his mountain home where a demonstration awaited him. He at once opened a law office at Boise and Idaho City, and engaged actively in his practice. Laboring as before for everything pertaining to the advancement of Idaho, which he hojied would soon attain to the dignity of a State, in the midst of ;i successful professional career, with light hopes of the future, at the close of the summer day, June 18th, 1870, while resting with his feet upon the railing in I ^ V»/,^^ j;,^,/rf -W'"' BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. ELYRIA. HOUSTON H. POPPLETON. Houston H. Poppleton w;is born near Bellville, Eicliland county, Ohio, March 19, 1830, and is the 3'Oungest son of Rev. Samuel and Julia A. Poppleton. Rev. Samuel Poppleton was born in the State of A'ermont. July '2, 1793, but while quite young moved with Ins father to Genesee county. New York, where he lived until 1820, when he moved to Ohio. He lived in Richland county, Ohio, from 1822, until March, 1853, when he moved to Delaware, Ohio, where he continued to reside most of the time until his death, wliich occurred at Delaware, September 14, 1804. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and served with honor and distinction. Shortly after its close he entered the ministry of the Methodist Epis- copal church, and continued to preach, as his health would permit, for nearly fifty years. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Parthenia Stein- back, of Genesee county. New York, and his second, Miss Julia A. Smith, of Richland county, Ohio. By the first marriage, four children were born, to wit: Rowena L., intermarried with F. W. Strong, of Mans- field, Ohio: Samuel D., killed in 18G4, at the battle of Atlanta, Georgia; Mary Ellen, intermarried with Daniel Fisher, of Bellville, and Andrew J., who died at West Unity, Ohio, September 25, 1850. By the second marriage, six children were born, to wit: Emory E., Parthenia P., Damaris A. , Earley F., Houston H., and Zada C. Emory E. has been engaged in business in Detroit and Chicago, and is now the seei'etary of the Cleve- land and Mahoning Valley Railroad, residing at Cleveland. Parthenia P. married Hon. S. Burke, long promi- nently identified with the Lorain bar, and after resid- ing in Elyria for over twenty-two years,' moved to Cleveland. She died at Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan- uary 7, 1878, and is buried in Lake View Cemeter}-, Cleveland. Damaris A. was married to Hon. George B. Lake, formerly a member of the Lorain bar, and now chief justice of the State of Nebraska. She died in April, 1854, and is buried in the cemetery at Elyria. ♦ Earley F. read law, and was admitted to the bar at Elyria, and after practicing there several years, moved to Delaware, Ohio, where he has ever since been ac- tively and successfully engaged in law and politics. He was elected State senator from the counties of Licking and Delaware, and after serving one term was elected on the democratic ticket to the forty- fourth congress, from the ninth Ohio congressional district. Although one of the youngest members of that body, he was active and industrious, and served ' with ability, and with credit to himself and to his party. Zada C. was married to Thomas H. Linnell, of Elyria, and resided there during the whole of her married life. She died March 29, 1875, and is buried in the cemetery at Elyria. Houston H. Poppleton received his early education in the common schools at Bellville, but entered the Ohio Weslej-an University at Delaware, Ohio, in the spring of 1853, and, although his attendance was not continuous, he graduated from that institution in June, 1858. He taught school several winters in the counties of Delaware and Richland, while pursuing his studies at the university, and also had general charge of his father's mercantile house at Richwood, from April, 1855, to February, 1857. In September, 1858, he entered the law office of Hon. S. Burke, at Elyria, and prosecuted his studies there until October, 1859, when he entered the Cincinnati Law College. Completing the prescribed course there, he graduated from it April 10, 1800, and was admitted to the bar at Cincinnati the same day. Returning to Elyria, he formed a law partnership with Judge Burke, and commenced practice May 3, 1800. After Judge Burke's election to the bench, he formed a law part- nership with Hon. H. D. Clark, which continued about two years. On the 10th of February, 1804, at Cincinnati, he was married to Miss Lucina H. Cross, of that city. He resided on the northwest corner of Broad and Chestnut streets, in Elyria, until Septem- ber 24, 1875, when he moved with his family to Cleveland. From the latter part of 1804 he continued in act- ive general practice at Elyria, without a jiartner, until November, 1873, when he was a]ii)ointed gen- eral attorney of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis railway company, with headquarters at Cleveland, which position he still holds. He was prominent, active and successful in his practice, as the records of the courts of Lorain and adjoining counties abundantly show, and in his removal the bar of Lorain county sustained a serious loss. By accept- ing the position of general attorney of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis railway he became the head of the legal department of that cor- poration, and has had entire charge of its legal busi- ness along the whole line, as well as elsewhere. Giv- ing his personal attention to the details of all the litigation of the company — trying only causes that should be tried, and settling those that should be set- tled — he has, by his fair, honorable and judicious course, made many friends for himself, and secured for his company a reputation and good will that any railroad in the country might well envy. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. CARLISLE. DAVID BENNETT was born iu Westmoreland, Cheshire county. New Hampshire, May 2G, 1788. He was tlie second sou of David and Abigail Bennett, and third in a family of fifteen children. When about fifteen years old, he was apprenticed to a man named Duttou, living in Dummerstou, Windham county. Vermont. Becom- ing dissatisfied with the treatment he received, he ran away soon after he was sixteen, and went to Homer, Cortland county. New York. On the Gth of December, 1810, he married Miss Polly Wheeler, and lived in Londonderry, Vermont, on a farm on the east slope of the Green mountains. He came west, to look for a farm, in 1827, and moved from Londonderry, April 21, 1828, with his family, consisting of himself and wife, his wife's step-father, and his neice, Miss Malvina F. Bennett. They came by wagon to Troy, New York, in two days, thence by canal boat to Buffalo, by schooner to Cleveland, which took three days, then by wagon to Carlisle, — in all, a journey of three weeks. On the 33rd day of August, 1828, he purchased of Joseph and Mary Perkins the south one-half of the southwest quarter of section twelve, town five, range "seventeen, where he spent the remainder of his life. His wife died August 10, 1829, without children. He married, the second time, February C, 1830, Miss Jane Galpin, of Elyria, daughter of Neri and Betsey Galpin. They had six children, four of whom are living. He held various township offices from 1830 to 1860, being three times elected justice of the peace. He was a man of strict integrity, and his word was as good as his bond. He died July 16, 1SC3, of par- alysis. Jane Galpin was born in Woodbury, Litchfield county, Connecticut, August 11, 18lo. She was the daughter of Neri and Betsey Galpin, and the eldest in a familv of nine children. Her parents moved to New Milford, Susquehanna county. Pennsylvania, when she was about nine mouths old. In May. 1818 they moved to Center township, Indiana county, Pennsylvania. In November, 1822, they left Center for Carlisle, Ohio, then called Murraysville, Hurou county. They moved in a covered wagon drawn by a yoke of steers and a span of old horses. They were three weeks on the road and had but two pleasant days in the whole time. In some places the wagon hub would roll on the mud. They moved iu with Abner Murray's family until Mr. Galpin built his house, which stood just over the line in Elvria township. February 6, 1830, she married David" Bennett and moved on to the farm in Carlisle, where she still lives. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 147 front of his ofiBce, which he had surrounded by for- est trees, dreamiug his happy dreams of the future, Charles H. Douglas lurked behind him and fired a fatal shot. The wounded man struggled to his feet, attempted to raise his arm, but aimed too low. He was borne into his office, where in intense pain he calmly awaited death, saying, "I am not afraid to die, but want to see my brother before I go. Am glad I did not hit Douglas when I fired, on account of his wife and little ones." Asking again if Theo- dore had come, for whom a messenger had been dis- patched, he fell into a calm sleep, and as the Sabbath day dawned his spirit took its flight. Marks of respect and tenderness were shown by the warm-hearted peoj)le, and with aching hearts lov- ing hands consigned him to his resting place. And while the breezes of his mountain home chant the requiem above his grave, loving hearts will entwine and bedew with their tears an imperishable garland to the memory of Edwin Dorr Holbrook. COLUMBIA.* PHYSICAL FEATURES. In the western jiart of the townshii> the surface is level. In the central and eastern portions it is undu- lating, but nowhere rough and broken. The soil is generally a clay loam, varied in some places by gravel. It is one of the Ijcst watered town- sliips in the county. Rocky river flows northward tlirough the township, gathering up in its course many tributaries. Plum creek flows in a nearly par- allel direction through tiie western part of the town. The timber native to its soil was beech, maple, hick- ory, black and white oak, black and white ash, bass- wood, elm, sycamore, buckeye, walnut and butternut. PURCHASE. Prior to tlie a]iportioumont by draft of that part of the Reserve lying west of the Cuyahoga river, Levi Bronson, i\.zor Bronson, Harmon Bronson, Calvin Iloadley, Jared Pritchard, and some fifteen otiiers, formed au association called the '" Waterbury Laud Company." This company, togetlier with William Law, Benjamin Doolittle, Jr,, and Samuel Doolittle, drew at the fourth draft, April -1, 1807, this township as number five, range fifteen, with two thousand six hundred and fifty acres in the townshijis of Boston and Richfield, in Summit county, annexed to equalize it. The draft was in the following proportions: to the Waterbury Land Company, twenty one tliousaud six hundred dollars; William Law, two thousand eight hundred and fifteen dollars; Benjamin Doolittle, Jr., one thousand five hundred and ninety-two dol- lars; Samuel Doolittle, eigiity dollars. The deed was executed on the 28th day of May, 181)7, by John Cald- well, John Morgan, and Jonathan Brace, for the Connecticut Land Company, to Levi Bronson, Calvin Uoadley, Jared Pritchard, Azor Bronson and Harmon Bronson, in trust for the Waterbury Land Comijany. *Our thanks are due Ransom Bronson, for information furnished in i the preparation of tiiis history. He has kept a record of early events, for the past twenty years, access to which has been of much service to us. Pending the negotiation for the extinguishment of the Indian claim to the lauds west of the Cuyahoga, the conij)any bouglit of William Edwards a thousand acres of land in tract two, town eight, range eleven, Euclid, (now East Cleveland), and a number settled there the summer previous to the draft. SURVEY. In the summer of 1807 the townsliip was surveyed. A surveyor by the name of Lacey was first employed, but his cliain was found to be of an incorrect length and he was discharged. In August of the same year Robert Worden, a surveyor from Columbiana county, was engaged, who, with Levi Bronson, Daniel Bron- son, Benoni Adams, and Elias Frost of Euclid, as ax and chain men, set out from Cleveland taking a south- west eoui'se until the northeast corner of the town was I'eachcd. From this point they proceeded west two and a half miles, thence south a like distance to the center of the township. The party made their encampment here, on tlie west bank of Rocky river. A daughter of Levi Bronson, afterwards Mrs. Oliver Terrell, accompanied the party to do their cooking, to whom must be accorded the lionor of being the first white woman tiiat ever set foot on the soil of Columljia. SETTLEMENT. In September, 1807, a company numbering thirty- tiiree persons, left Waterbury, Connecticut, for this townsliip. They wei-e, Bela Bronson, his wife and one child; Calvin Hoadley, wife and five children; John Williams, wife and five children; Lemuel Iloadley, wife aud three children, his father and his wife's mother; Lithrop Seymour and wife; Mrs. Parker and four children; Silas Hoadley and Chaun- cey Warner. Two months afterwards the company reached Buffalo, west of which place there was then no road, and they were compelled to choose between the dangers, at that time of year, of lake navigation and those attending a journey along the beach. The company divided, four families embarking on the 148 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. lake, while the remainder preferred the laud route. The little Jtarty set sail under a bright sky and with a favoring breeze, butuot long afterward encountered one of those sudden gales common at that time of year, which carried them back a distance of several miles, where the vessel went ashore. A week was spent before another start could be made. Arriving in siglit of I'resque Isle the vessel was again struck by a contrary wind and driven back to a point on the Canada shore under which tiu^ voyagers took shelter. They remained here two weeks for a favorable wind, when tlie journey was resumed. They proceeded without further reverses until within sight of Cleveland, tiien a i)retentious place of three log cabins, when a violent wind s(ruck their craft. and they were forced to retreat until near the site of the present city of Erie, where they went ashore. They were now thoroughly discouraged with their ex- perience by lake. The season was growing late, and whether to make another attempt by water or undei'- take the long journey l)y land on foot was not a pleas- ant alternative. Calvin Hoadley determined to make another trial, and, with his family, arrived at Cleve- land after encountering many experiences similar to those we have mentioned. The most of them, how- ever, determined ujion the land route. Beta Bronson, wife and child, were of this party; Mrs. Bronson carrying the child in her arms fur a distance of fifty miles west of Brie, where they were met by teams with which friends had gone back from Clcvelanuriiose of settlement. He was a carjienter and joiner, and on iiis arrival at Cleveland, engaged at work for a Mr. Murray, for whon lie Imiil a log house near the mouth of the Cuyahoga, on the east side of the river, and about where the govern- ment piers are now. His family, then consisting of a wife and three daughters, and his mother, (his father, Seba Bronson, Sr., having come to Columbia three years previous), came on soon afterward on a little vessel called the "Ranger," Captain Hathaway, landing at the mouth of the river March 15th. Other members of the coin|>any, aud their families, came at the same time. Mr. Bronson made a settlement in Columbia, erecting a house on sub-lot four. At the breaking out of the war of 1812, when it was generally feared tiiat this ]iart of tlie State would be overrun by Indians, Mrs. Harmon Bronson, with her three girls, — the oldest about tliirteen, — and an infant son less than a year old, started from (Cleveland in September, 1813, with a horse, saddle and bridle, and took her little family back to Waterbury, the heroic mother walking the entire distance. It re- quired four weeks to make the journey. She remained in Waterbury until late in the fall of 1815, and then set out in a lumber wagon for Oiiio. At Bloomfield, in the State of New Y'ork, her funds run out, and she hired out her two eldest daughters at fifty cents a week each, while she worked for her board and that of her two younger children. Abmit- the 1st of March, 181(3, the journey was resumed, and the family reached Columbia in the latter part of that month. Mr. Bronson kept a store in Columhia from I81(i to 1820. He removed to East Cleveland in Decem- ber, 1821, aud lived there until July. 1821, when he moved into Boston township, tiien Portage, udw Summit county. He died December 18th, 1853. He was the seventh of the fourteen children of Seba Bi-onson, Sr. , all of whom lived to mature age and were married. Azor and Rela died in Columbia, in 1811, October 5th and 13th, respectively. Harmon was tJR' last survivor of the family. His bii'th, mar- riage and death occurred in the same montii and on the same day of the montli — Decemlier 18tli. He was seventy-nine years old at his death. His wife survived him four years and two months, and was something over eighty. Two of his family are now living — his second daughter, now seventy-eight years old, and the youngest child, a son, now sixty-seven — both residing in Peninsula, Summit county. From the latter, Mr. H. V. Bronson, we have obtained liie facts here given. David Eddy, btn-n in New Jersey, came to Ohio while yet a single man, in the year 1804 or 1805. He made a location in Euclid, Cuyahoga county, and erected a cabin there. The followmg year his father and mother, wilii a son named Timothy, came on and took up tiieir abode in tiie jirimitive hal)itation already prejiared by David. Caleb Eddy, the fathei', spent the remainder of his days here, but David soon pushed on further west, ami joined the infant colony in Columbia. He " stuck his stakes "' on lot forty, and built liis log house on the l)ank of Rocky river. In the early winter of 1811 he married Elizabeth Shirdine, of Washington county, Penn., and about two yeai's subse({uently began pioneer life in the little cabin previously mentioned. Eddy was a member of the militia, and was an occupant of the block house. His life was one of many hardships and of arduous toil. He died, on the farm on which he lirst located, October 31, 1853, and his widow about a year after- ward, Octobei' 6th, 1854. Their children were four in numbei', two boys and two girls, viz : Jesse, Enos, Susannah and Eunice. Jesse married Caroline Cham- berlain, daughter of John Chandjerlain, of Roches- ter, Lorain county. He, Jesse, is now living there. His wife died February 5th, 1855. leaving two chil- dren, Mary E. (Mrs Myers,) and llattie E. (Mrs. Mann). Enos nuirried Cynthia ]5radford, now de- ceased. Susannah married Myron Bradford, and lioth are dead. Eunice married, lirst, Hiram Brad- ford, and afterwards Samuel Ilanley, with whom she is now living in the township of Rochester. In 1810 Levi Bronson moved in from Euclid and took up his residence on sub-lot three, the first loca- tion of John AVilliams. Of him Rev. Dr. Bronson bears the following testimony: " My father became interested in the laads of Colutiiiiia by jiurchase of his brother Azor, but botli died before deeds were given or paymeut fully made, and matters were left in an unsettled state, and after a while became entangled with other land matters. These have since been a prolific source of strife, and a rich field for lawyers. * * * * I deem it my duty to bear witness to the unyielding integ- rity, public spirit and self-.sacrifice of Levi Bronson. When all the land in Columbia would not have sold for more than enough to pay the ta.ve.s, he borrowed money, worked on the road, turned and twisted evei-y way to save the property of his father and his deceased brotlier for their heirs." In regard to other arrivals this year we mention the following: Asahel Osborn and Marshall Culver, his son-in-law, the former on the south part and the latter on the north part of lot thirty-seven. They came frt)m Salem, Connecticut. Osborn married Mary Hoadley, daughter of Lemuel Hoadley, Sr. lie was a man of good natural al)ility, and of local intluenee. Timothy Eddy cleared a piece of land on lot seven- teen, sowed it to wheat, and then returned to Euclid to live; James and Walter Strong chopped off a piece on lot fifteen; Samuel Hitchcock settled on lot forty, purchasing of Calvin Hoadley. Asa Rol.)ertson made a beginning on the west part of lot one, then removed to Liverpool, Medina county, whei-e he made a permanent location. Samuel Hea- cock also arrived in 1810, and located on lot thirty- si.^, but returneil to Connecticut the following j'ear. John Adams, father of Benoni, with his wife, five sons and a daughter, left Waterbury, Connecticut, for Columbia, in the fall of 1811, and moved in with HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 151 Benoni, on lot fifty. Adiims having sold his farm for twenty-five luindred dollars, and taken his pay in clocks at five dollars a piece, nmst turn his property into cattle and the cattle into money, whicli took nji tlie time nntil Octoher. lie brought his wife and boys, with some of the household goods, with a team and wagon, a young man by the name of Marshall Bronson accompanying tlic family with a team and wagon of his own, with wliich he brought a part of their goods. The daugh- ter, who was a child of it former wife of Mr. Adams, and a cousin of Bronson, rode with the young man. In consequence of a violent snow storm they remained several days at a tavern a few miles west of Buffalo. Tiie next house on their ronte was Mack's tavern, eighteen miles distant, the ro;id to which was along the beach nntil within four miles of the tavern, when it lead away from the lake through a dense forest. This is the road the collector of historical facts so frequently hears spoken of by early settlers as the "four mile woods."' It was December, too late to travel along the beach with safety, as there were many rocky cliffs which extended out into the lake; and to get by them, the emigrants usually drove into the water. In attempt- ing to pass one of tiiese points, Adams' team became frightened at the dashing of the waves, and refused to go, and he was obliged to cut them loose from the wagon in order to save his wife and children. After much ditRculty, they succeeded in reaching the shore, and proceeded in the direction of the tavern, Adams evidently thinking that Bronson, who was ahead, had got through in safety. Not so, however: he had be- come involved in a situation more perilous than that from which Adams and his family had escaped. The wlieel of his wagon caught fast in the seam of a rock, and the horses, in their struggle, became entangled in the harness and were tiirown down; and Bronson, almost paralyzed with cold and fear, could not release them. Ilis situation would have appalled the stout- est heart. The roar of the angry waves, the horses struggling beneath them, and the cries of his com- panion, coupled with his utter powcrlessncss to aid her, tilled him with frantic terror. He determined to go for help. Reaching the shore with great diffi- culty, he liurried to the tavern and gave the alarm. Several men started for the scene of distress, meeting Mr. Adams and family on the way. The mother and children were conducted back to the house by one of the party, while the father returned with the rest to tlio relief of liis daugliter. But it was too late — her lifeless body was found in the water, carried to f he tavern, and buried in Mack's garden. Some time after, a passing missionary, on recpiest of the family, preached a funeral discourse. The team of Bronson was drowned, and his wagon a complete wreck. Another was constructed out of the parts as they floated ashore, and then turned into cash. The other wagon, which was without serious damage, was also sold, and a sled purchased. A few articles were gathered up as they floated ashore, and the surviving family resumed their journey. Arriving in Euclid, friends induced them to rcnnain there till the following spring, when they moved into (!ohnnbia. A son of Mr. Adams is yet living in Olmsted, nearly eighty years of age, and jn-eserves a clear recollection of the painful disaster. Another prominent arrival in 1811, was the family of Azor Bronson. They left Waterbury, Conn., in June of that year. They experienced a tedious time getting through Cattaraugus swamp. Night over- took them in the "four mile woods,'' while yet a long distance from Mack's tavern, at Cattaraugus creek, to which they were making, and they were unable to [n-oceed. Leaving the mother and ciiildren in the wagon, whicli was Ijuried to the axletree in mud, Mr. I?ronson went to tiie tavern for help. The ever-accom- modating Dr. Mack, with a lantern and accomjianied by a couple of friendly Indians, returned with Mr. Bronson for his family and assisted them to the tav- ern. In Middleburg, Cuyahoga county, their wagon broke down, and wife and children were thence car- ried to Columbia on the horses. They arrived at the center of town July 4, 1811. Mr. Bronson died the next year after his arrival. Ransom and Albert Bron- son, residing in Olmsted, Cuyahoga county, aged seventy-three and seventy-six respectively, are the only surviving memljers of the family. Samuel Pardee also moved in, in 1811, settling on the south part of lot thirty-sis, and kept a tavern, the sign of which was a pair of deer's horns. Jonathan Vanghan became an inhabitant of the township during this same year. The following year, he, with his l)rother Richard and E. Hickox, entered the service of the government and aided in cutting a road from Sandusky to Maumee. This was in war time, and the men, some three hundred in number, cut the road under the protection of a military guard. Vanghan was afterwards stationed for a time in Fort Stephenson. He subsequently married a daughter of Calvin Iloadley and settled in Middleburg, (Ju3-ahoga county, residing there until 1834, when he purchased an interest in the Iloadley Mills, and returned to Columbia. About this time also, Noah Terrell and Thomas Osborn came into town. Terrell was a valuable acqui- sition to the settlement, being skillful in the manu- facture of every kind of wooden dishes, such as milk- bowls, trenchers, cups and saucers, salt-cellars, pepper boxes, and little kegs which took the place of pails. BeiTig a Terrell, he was of course a hunter, and sup- }>orted his family to a great extent by his gun. He subsequently removed to Ridgeville, where his daugh- ter Harriet was soon after bor;,. She was the first child born in that township. Osborn settled on the farm first occupied by Bela Bronson. He was a blacksmith, and carried on his trade in that early day under difficulties whicli would be thought insurmountable in this. This pioneer blacksmith went on foot through an unbroken wilder- 152 HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. ncss to New Lisbon, Columbiana county, a distance of about one liuntlrcd miles, to obtain liis material, wliicji, haviufr paid for in labor, lie then lugged home on his back. His untiring industry was eventually rewarded by a handsome competency. B. Priteliard came into the town in 1S13. Reuben Lewis moved in from New York State in 1814. He established in tliat year the first tannery wortliy of the name in the county. It stood on lot tiiirty-four, on wiiich also the first mill in the county, the grist mill of Captain Hoadley, was built. Adna Warner bought out Benoni Adams, on lot fifty, and became a settler in 1814. Epliraim Bigelow became an inhaliitaut of Colum- bia in 1816, settling on lot twenty -eight, and Amos Richmond, the same year, on lot twenty-nine. Julius and Albert Bronson settled on lot twenty- three, on the north and south parts respectively, in 1817, and Thomas G. Bronson on lot eighteen the same year. Cideon Richmond located in 1818, and Sylvanus, tlie following year, on lot fifty. Simeon Nichols arrived with his family in about the j'car 1830. He was also a Waterbury man. He started in the winter, and, when he got into the State of New York, the snow was so deep as to make travel- ing with a wagon difficult. He therefore bougiit a sled, placed his wagon on the top of it, and thus resumed tlie journey. All wa^iit well until he arrived at wiiat was tlien called the "Holland purchase," in that State. This was a newly cleared ])iece of land, and he C(jnld not j)ass among the thick stumps with his wagon; he therefore cut off the axles. He traveled without further impediment until he arrived in the eastern ])art of Ohio, when tlie snow left and he was obliged to provide iiiniself witii now axles. He arrived in Coliinil)ia in early spring and settled on lot forty- seven. Niciiols was an industrious and respected citizen. He held the office of justice of the peace for a number of years, and was a leading memlier of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Merritt Warner came in the same year, and located on the same lot. We can but but briefly mention subsequent settlers. Heman Terrell on lot twenty-eight; Miles Seymour rented the farm of Timothy Doan, in 1831; William Adams on lot four hundred and ninety-one; Abner Martin (and his distillery) on lot forty-seven. Solo- mon Hancock on lot twenty-seven, in 1833; Manly Hitchcock nn lot forty-four; Hiram Richmond on lot twenty-six; Asa Jewett on lot sixty-four, in 1833; Sterling Goddard on lot seventy-six; James Mattison on the same lot; William Brown on lot seventy-four, in 183it; Amos Curtis on lot seventy-seven; Samuel Hoadley on lot twenty-one; Elihu Morgan on lot forty-seven; Ransom Bronson on lot thirty-nine, in 1835; Anson A. Goddard on lot sixty-three, in 1830; John Cole on lot eighty-eight; Simon and John Crockers on lot ninety, in 1838; S. H. Friiik on lot twenty-two, in 1831; David Chamberlain on lot seventy-nine; Joliu McCreery on lot forty; Wakeman Beers on lot sixty; John Chamberlain on lot sixty; Seth and Bina Wood on lot sixty-one; Stei)hen Sabin on lot forty; Ezekiel Olcott on lot fifty-nine, in 1833; Samuel Gaylord in 1835. Among the later settlers are: Abel Goodwin, from New London county, Connecticut, who arrived in 1838, and located on lot eighty-eight. He died in June, 1841. Elishaand Richard Harrington, origin- ally from Vermont, came to Ohio in 1815, settling in Cuyahoga Falls. They came to Columbia, Elisha in 1834, and located on lot eighty-six, and the latter in 1837, on lot fifty-seven. Elisha now lives on lot seventy-five, and Richard on his original purchase. Norman T. Beers, from the State of New York, located in 1833, where the widow of Marcus Nichols now resides. He died April, 1878, and his widow now lives on lot fifty-nine. Joseph Osborn became a settler in 1837, on lot fifty-seven. He now resides with his son Andrew, on the old homestead, and is eighty-four years of age — the oldest m:iii in the town- ship. William Brown located on Plum creek, iu 1837. f'HlJRCnES. In regard to pioneer Christianity in Columbia. Rev. Dr. Bronson says: "The Bronsons were Episeopaliaas, and when thej came to Ohio, they brought their prayer booivs with thetn. When they reached here they used those books, tiiough they had no minister. My father gath- ered around him, as soon as he had neighbors, as many as he could and read the service and a sermon. When the grave closed over him, my grandfather took it up. When he passed away, Levi Ifronson con- inued it; and after his death, it, for a while, devolved on me." The first organized church society w'as of the Epis- copal faith, some time in the year 180'J, Bishop Chase ofilciating in its organization. The following named were the constituent members: Seba Bronson and wife, Bela Bronson, Levi Bronson and wife, and. John Williams and wife. A meeting house was liuilt on the east side of the river, on sub-lot three, as late as 1835 or '3G. METHODISM. The first Methodist services held iu town were at the house of the widow of Joseph Burke, in about the year 1818. They were conducted by Rev's Messrs. Goddard and Booth. The following year a society was formed, by Rev. Mr. Goddard, of the following members: Calvin Hoadley, Julius Bronson and wife, Mrs. .Joseph Burke and her two sons, Allen and Urrin, and Mrs. McConkey. .Julius Bronson was ap- pointed leader of the class. The church building at 1 the Center was erected in 1830, and was the first house of worship iu Columbia. This society is at present under the charge of Rev. J. W. Thomp^im. It has a nienibership of sixty. The Sabbath school has a membership of some seventy scholars. Frank Suell is superintendent. There i~ also a Methodist Episcopal society at West View, the church having been erected in 1844. Ser- vices are held every alternate Sabbath by Rev. J. W. Thompson. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 153 The Wesleyan Methodist Church of West View. — This clmrch was formed April 1, IS-tS, with sixteen members, as follows: Rausom Bronsou and wife, Moses 0. Baker and wife, Jane Baker, Clark Iloadloy and wife, Cornelius Smith and wife, Calvin Iloadley, Calvin R. Hoadloy and Edwin Hedgins (all of whom seceded from the- Methodist Episcopal cluirch of West View because of its alleged indiffer- ence with regard to the question of human slavery) and Jesse Eddy and wife, Clarissa and Jane Bronson. Of this number only Ransom Bnmson remains. The ohurcli building was erected in 1845, costing abont one thousand dollars. The dedicatory sermon was preached by James Laugdon. .Jahial Porter and John McCloud were the first regular preachers. The exist- ing membership is fifty-tive. William B. Moody is jiastor. The two chnrciies unite in a sabbath school, wiiich has a membership of forty-five, with J. M. Geer as su]>erintendent. CONGREGATION.^ LISTS. A Congregational society was organized aliout the year 1820 liy Rev. Mr. Shaber of Richfield and was composed of the following members: Boltis Ruple, Marshall Culver and wife, Mrs. Mary Osborn, Mrs. Roxana Nichols, Sterling Coddard and wife. Wdliam Brown and wife. Sterling Goddanl and Boltis Ruple were appointed deacons. This society never ei'ected a house of worsl'.ip. BAPTISTS. The First Baptist Chnreh of Columbia, located ac the Center was organized May 13, 1832, with nineteen mcmbei's, as follows: John Stranahan, .John Cole, Robert Fuller, Abel Goodwin, from the Bap- tist church in Liverpool, Medina county; Simeon Crocker, .Jeremiah Chamberlain, who had letters from a, ciiurch in the east; Mary Goodwin, Amelia Crocker, Clarissa Crocker, Nancy Bigelow, Margaret Chamber- lain, Prudence Stranahan, Olive Goodwin, Betsey Cole, Mary Cole, Constant G. Cole, William Cole, Robert N. Fuller, and .lohn Cole, Jr. Elder James Ilovey otliciated as moderator; Abel (Joodwin was iliosen clerk. Of the constituent members, two only. William Cole and John Cole, remain. The erection of the building was commenced in 1841, but was not (•(iinpleted until 1848. The church has at present a membership of one hundred and four. Rev. L. Yar- mdl is pastoi', N. N. Cole, clerk, and .John Cole and ( 'yrus Ives, deacons. A Sabbath school was organized in 184T. The officers and teachers at present number eleven; scholars, eighty-three; superintendent, N. N. ' Cole. schools. The first school was opened by Mrs. Sally Bronson, in iier own house, in the summer of 1808. The number of her scholars was ten. The following win- ter her husband, Bela Bronson, taught a school in Lemuel Hoadley's blacksmith shop. Rev. Dr. Bron- 20 son, son of these pioneer educators, speaks as follows in i-egard to the opportunities afforded for acquiring an education more than rudimentary: " My own experience will illustrate the difficulty of obtaining anything beyond what the district school afforded. In 1H:M I set out to obtain an education. An old Latin graniniai' was found and studied nnllars and with this sum I mounted a horse and rode more than a hundred miles in a fruitless search for a Latin dictionary. This led to my going to Talimadge and studying with Elizur Wright, Esq., where I could have the use of a dictionary. Thei'e I remained three months, working two days in the week for Francis Wright for my board, and two days in the montli for hisfatlaer to pay m3' tuition. After this I found the required book and a teaclier nearer home." A private school was taught at the house of T. G. Bronson by Rev. V. P. Bronson, in 183.5. The first school house in town was erected in 1817, on lot thirty-six. From the report of the clerk of the board of education for the year ending August 31, 1878, we present the following statistics: Number of school houses, 7 Valued at $4,500 Amount jiaid teachers $1,388 Number of scholars ^7 EARLY EVENTS. The first white child born in Columbia was Sally Hoadley, daughter of Lemuel Hoadley, Jr. This in- teresting event occurred September 36, 1808, She became thi wife of Albert Terrel, who now lives in Ridgeviile. On the 17th of October following Calvin Geer, son of James Geer, was born, and his was the second birth in town. Mr. Geer is yet living, and resides in Olmsted. In the spring of 1809, Marcus Terrell married Dillie Doan, — Esquire Nathaniel Doan, the bride's father, performing the ceremony. This was the first marriage. The next was that of Horace Gunn to Anna Pritchard, in .Tune of the same year. The first death was that of a child of Lathrop Seymour, in 1809. It was buried on Nathaniel Doan's farm, east of the center. The first adult death was that of Mrs. Ciiloe Tyler, mother of Mrs. Lemuel Hoadley, in August, 1810. She was buried in Benoni Adams' orchard. The old burying ground was laid out in 1811. The first interment was that of Azor Bronson; the next that of Bela Bronson. The first post office in town was established about the year 1817. The first post master was Thomas G. Bronson, who kept the office in his house. The name selected was the Indian name for Rocky river, •'Copokah." In the papers sent from Washington the word was mis-written Copojm, and the error was never corrected. The postal route extended from Cleveland to Liverpool, a man by tiie name of Mal- lett being the first mail carrier. He received fifty dollars per year, making the trip on foot once a week. Harmon Bronson, in the fall of 1816, built the first frame house in Columbia, on sub-lot four. The first frame barn was built by Tin othy Doan, in 1836. The first brick house was that of Simeon Nichols, on lot forty-seven. Harmon Bronson brought the first mercantile goods into town in 1816. He kept his "store" in his house on the hill, half a mile 154 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. east of the center. He also, the year following, brought the first cast iron plow ever seen in these parts. In 1819 the first bridge tliat ever sjianncd Rocky river, was built half a mile south of tlio cen- ter. The first doctor was Zophaniah Potter, wlio be- gan to dispense jalap and calomel in 1809. In 1813 Potter was town clerk, and while his wife was out in the woods with her servant one day, gathering grapes, his house burned to the ground and the town records were destroyed. The deed was supposed to have been committed by Indians, out of revenge. Dr. Potter iuxving assisted Dr. Long, of Cleveland, in dissect- ing the body of the Indian Oniik, who was hung there for the murder of two men in Huron county a short time before. The present doctor is Asahel Culver. The first shoemaker was Mrs. James Geer. Slie was the widow Parker, mentioned as one of the orginal party from Waterbury, Conn. She remained in Cleveland the first winter, and while there married James Geer. Her former husband was a shoenuiker, and Mrs. Parker, in emigrating to this country, brought his outfit of tools with her. She made slioes for the women, but the work of making boots, wliich were entirely sewed in those days, was too irksome for her, and after tcaeliing lier husband tlie trade she resigned the work to liim. Lemuel Hoadloy con- structed the pioneer fanning-mill of Culuinbia. The first orchard was set out by John Williams a short distance north of Copopo. J. Warner erected in the fall of 1813 the first cider-mill, near tlie block house. The first tavern was kept by Samuel Pardee, in 1813, in a log house on lot thirty-six. Rev. Mr. Hyde, a Presbyterian, was the first resident minister. The first blacksmith was Lemuel Hoadley, Sr. His shop was built in 1808, on lot forty-seven. THE MILITIA. In the year 1810, a com})any of militia, composed of men from tlie townsliips of Columbia, Ridgeviile, Eaton, and also Middleburg in Cuyahoga county, was organized. Tlie following are the names of tlie mem- bers : Calvin Hoadley, Lemuel Hoadley, Jr., Elias Frost, Daniel Bronson, Bela Bronson, Jared Pritchard, Levi Bronscin, I.atlirop Seymour, Sam- uel Potter, Eli Hiekox, Warren Fassett, Marcus Terrell, Asa Robertson, Joseph Burke, llai-shall Culver, Zephaniah Potter, Eri Hiekox, Clark Hoadley, Jared Hiekox, Noah Warner, Roswell Scovil. Ebenezer Wilmot, Ira B.Morgan, Oliver Terrell, Philander Terrell, Tillotson Terrell, Leverett Terrell, Wyllis Terrell, David Beebe, Lonian Beebe, Lyman Root, Truman Walker, Amos Wilmot, Whittlesey Hill, Sylvester Morgan, Asa Morgan, Richard Vaughan, Ephraim V'aughan, Jonathan Vaughan, Ephraim Fowls, John Fowls, Abram Fowls, Benoni Adams, Samuel Hitchcock, Timothy lloan, Allen Burke, Silas Burke, Chauncey Warner, Horace Gunn, James (ieer, Thomas Osborn, Baird Pritchard, Samuel Pardee, David Bunnell. David Eddy, Lyman Frost, Samuel Beebe, Sheldon Wooster, Jno. Hanley. Sanmel Hiekox, Adna Warner, Aaron Warner. In the election of officers, Calvin Hoadley was cho- sen captain; Lemuel Hoadley, lieutenant; Lathrop Seymour, ensign; Elias Frost, first sergeant; Samuel Potter, second sergeant; Daniel Bronson, third ser- geant; Bela Bronson, fourth sergeant; Capt. Levi Bronson, first corporal; Capt. Samuel Hiekox, second corporal: and Jared Pritch:ird, third corporal. After the selection of these "old soldiers" as cor- j)orals, young Eli Hiekox stepped up and said: "I'll be the fourth to carry the jug for the old men," and was thereujion elected fourth corporal. Joseph Burke was drummer; Marshall Culver and Zephaniah Potter, fifers. Captain Hoadley's cdmmission, a copy of which lies before us, bears date October 35, 1810, and is signed by Samuel Huntington, governor. The intelligence of Hull's surrender produced a feeling of the gravest apprehension among the inhab- itants; and when, shortly afterward, the information was circulated that a large party of men, ragged ami dirty, and some with blankets around them, and handkerchiefs on their heads, were seen landing at Huron, the wildest excitement jirevai led. They were believed to be British and Indians overrunning the country, and the people of Columbia, and those of Ridgeviile and Eaton also, sought safety in flight. Every wagon, cart and sled was loaded, and a, general exodus made for Hudson — an older settled town, then under the protection of the forces of Gen. Wadswortli. who was stationed at "Old Portage." Men, women and children, cattle, slice]) and hogs, inarched along in iiromiscnons confu.sion. Roswell Scovill, having no other means of convey- ance, tied a feather-bed on to an unbroken pet colt, placed his wife and babe, then three weeks old, upon it, and thus took them in safety to Hudson, a distance of thirty miles. Tlie first night, some of them en- canijied on the ridge between Brunswick and Strongs- ville; some to the east of that ridge; while others took up their cpiarters in the old log house of Silas Burke. Uncle Oliver Terrell could not be induced to enter the house, but preferred the exposure of a lodgment on the ground to the more dangerous one, as he believed, in the house. Sentinels were placed to ob- serve the approach of danger, and every preparation made to prevent surprise. That same night, however, Levi Bronson, who, to obtain more definite informa- tion in regard to the report, had gone to Cleveland, arrived with the cheering information that the party supposed to be British and Indians, were Hull's jta- roled iM'isoiiers, and the ])eople thereupon returned to tiieir homes. On their flight, believing their homes would be pillaged and burned, they concealed many of their household goods in the woods, hiding them in hollow logs, in the thick brush, and in other places where they believed tliem safe from the suppo.sed invaders. When they returned, many valued articles, which they suppo.sed were effectually concealed, lay on the ground in plain sight, while others of but little worth (U' use were so securelv hid tliat it was impossible again to find them. After the return of the fugitives, Capt. Hoadley, to re-assure the people, called out the militia, and immediately afterward received orders from Gen. Wadswortli to proceed with his comjjany to the defence of Cleveland. This the doughty captain ])erein]itorily HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 155 refused to do, and thus leave the people without protection in time of danger, lie was therefore not court-mart i.iledf or di.sobcdieuce of orders, but directed to establish "frontier military lieadipuirtcrs " in Co- liunbia, and tiie erection of TUE BLOCK HOUSE, SO long a historical landmark of this exciting period, was accordingly begun, under the direction of David Beebe, of Ridgeville. Its location was a short dis- tance south of Copopo, on the east side of the river. The building was some thirty-five feet square, two stories, the upper projecting over the lower story two feet on the sides, with a row of port-holes in each story. While in course of erection the militia occu- pied the house of Mrs. Azor Bronson near by. The fort was garrisoned for about three months. The com- pany was furnished, by the United States government, with new rifles, which were brought by Sylvester Morgan, and two others on horseback, from Cleve- land. About one-half of the company afterwards be- came substitutes for drafted men, and served Under Gen. Harrison. Until Perry's victory on Lake Erie, in September, 1813, the red coat and the scaljiing knife haunted the settlers in visions )jy day and in dreams by night; and a rumor, however improbable, would cause immediate flight to the fort. In the spring of 1813, Benoni Adams, while in search of some cattle, spied Joseph Burke as he was getting over a brush fence some distance from him, and it occurred to Adams to have a little sport. Evi- dences of Indians in the immediate vicinity had recently been seen, and, when Adams gave a shout in imitation of the Indian's warwhoop, Burke darted off like a deer for his house. Adams, seeing his fright, and fearing the cousequeuces of his Joke, called after him to stop, but that only frightened Burke the more. Arriving at his house, he ap[)rised his family of their danger, and, with their youngest child in his arms, Mrs. Burke following with the rest, set out for the fort, Burke yelling "Indians!" all the way. The alarm spread rapidly, and many ludicrous scenes were enacted. Mrs. Azor Bronson, then a widow, lived a short distance from the fort, and the family of Noah War- ner lived with her. Mrs. Bronson, on hearing the alarm, collected together a few tilings, and, seizing an old musket that had neither lock nor stock, with which to defend herself, started for the fort; while Jlrs. Warner took a kettle of beans from over the fire and followed, in her terror forgetting her babe in the cradle. After the close of the war small bands of Indians oc- 1 :isionally returned to the Columbia hunting grounds. The last of them was a small party that encamped one winter on the bank of the river opjjosite the block house, in which, that same winter, Samuel Potter I aught school. In the spring they went south, and only an occasional Indian was afterwards seen. During the first years of the settlement there were seasons of great scarcity of food. Such a season oc- curred in 1809. Whole families lived for many weeks at a time without bread and other necessaries of life. This season the peoi;)le were reduced to such extremi- ties that provisions had to be imported. James Geer and Seba Bronson, Jr., dug out a canoe and in it went down Rocky river, thence to Cleveland, where they engaged a man named Johnson, with his boat, to go with them to the river Raising, now Monroe, Mich., after provisions. A terrific storm overtook them and they came near being lost. Their progress was slow, the journey so prolonged, and the jieople re- duced to such a degiee of want for food, that on the return of the party with provisions, a day of thanks- giving to Almighty (fod was observed. The year 181 1 was also a dismal one for the pioneers. A fever jjrevailed extensively, resulting in the death of nine mendiers of the little community. Azor Bron- st)n was the first and Bela Bronson the next; soon after followed Mrs. Pardee, three cliildren of Ash;iel Osborn, and three of John Williams. Whole families were sick at the same time, and there were not enough left in health to attend the sick. The dead were in- terred in cofhus made by Captain Hoadley, out of planed whitewood slabs, and blackened with a mix- ture of basswood charcoal and milk. CIVIL ORGAN rZATlON. At the time of its organization, this township was a part of Geauga county. At the election of officers, held at tlie house of Calvin Hoadley, Nathaniel Hoad- ley was called to the chair, and Bela Bronson appointed secretary. Township officers were chosen viva voce, as follows: Bela Bronson, clerk; Calvin Hoadley, John Williams and Jared Pritchard, trustees; Lathrop Sey- mour, constable. In May following, Nathaniel Doane was elected justice of the peace. "All of Geauga county lying west of Columbia was annexed to that township for judicial and other jnir- poses. The jurisdiction of that judicial functionary covered, in territorial extent, nearly an empire. The plaintiff in the first action brought before him, lived on (irand river, and the defendant on the Vermillion. It was the case of Skinner vs. Hulburt. The idaintifiE had judgment, which was paid, not in legal tender, but in lalior."* The labor was performed by the defendant for Calvin Hoadley and Nathaniel Doane, which paid the judgment. Mrs. Sally Brown, in honor of being the first white woman that settled in town, was accorded the jOTvi- lege of naming it. She selected that of her native townshiji, "Columbia." At the time of the organi- zation, there were twenty voters in the township, as follows: Lemuel Hoadley, Sr., Lemuel Hoadley, Jr., Calvin Hoadley, Jared Pritchard, Horace Gunn, Na- thaniel Doane, Timothy Doane, Job Doane, Lathroi) Seymour, Isaac Frost, Elias Frost, Lyman Frost, * Judge Boyntou. 156 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. James Geer, John Williams, Bela Bronson, Seba Hroiison, Sr., Seba Bronson, Jr., Daniel Bronson, James Strong and Walter Strong. The officers of the township, in 1878, were as fol- lows: B. H. Adams, clerk; R. J. Bastard, Jr., and C. E. Perlvins, justice of the peace. GRIST MILL. The fir.st manufacturing establishment ever built in tiic county was the rude log grist mill of Calvin Iloadley, built in the summer of 18011. Its location was on tlie cast hank of Rocky river, on lot thirty- four. The captain built a dam across the creek on that lot, about where the present road intersects the creek, and carried the water to his mill by a ditch some fifty rods in length. Tlie mill-stones of this pioneer establishment were made out of a couple of "hard-heads,"' by Lemuel Iloadley. The mill was crowded with business, but it soon came to an inglo- rious end. The great drawliai'k was its failure to run in dry weather, and the tirst freshet carried away the dam. The enterprise was abandonetl, and a location was selected on the same river, on the north line of the township, on lot twenty-one. Here he erected, in April, 1811, another log mill, and the same year a saw mill. These mills, in that early time, constituted a center of as much importance as a great city does to-day. " Iloadley "s Mills '' were known far and wide. In 1816, the log grist mill gave way to a frame. This old mill, built over sixty years ago, is still in opera- tion, and has undergone but little change, although the familiar, smiling face of the miller has long since disappeared. Fi»r sixty years tht* railt lia-< stuod, For sixty years llie dasUing Hoi.d Has turned tlie wlieel with roai-iiig sound Through foaming waters, round and round. Sixty years, and overhead Tlie same broad root of blue is sjlread; But in the meadows bright and green. The stranger's children now are seen. SAW MILL. A saw mill was built by Reuben Lewis in about the year 1814, a half-mile south of the center. A man by the name of Olmsted made the running gear and set it in operation. When the water was let on, the wlieel turned the wrong way, and before the slight defect could be remedied, a freshet washed a channel ai'uunil the mill and swejit it away. Tliere are at the present time one grist mill — the old mill of ('a|it. Iloadley — now owned by O. \'aii Ilise, and two saw mills, those of 0. Van Ilise and Brown & Brother. TOE coll'mhi.v ciikese factory, the only one in the township, waslniill in l>S(;;. It is located at the center, and is owned by W. B. FoUansbee. The number of cows supplying the factory is about three hundred. Average daily consumjition of milk during the season of 1878 was from. six to seven thou- sand ])ounds, making twelve cheese per day, of forty pounds each, and seventy pounds of butter. B. B. Adams, of the center, is at piv-^enl conducting the eiiter[irise. The only store in Columbia is that of R. .J. Ba.s- tard & Son, who carry a general stock of. merchandise. The post office is in their store — R. Bastard, P. M. AtiRICl'LTURAL STATISTICS POR 1878. 7,487 bushels. ai.lSG :ir.,09S 9,123 2,025 2,155 tons. Butter 50,575 pounds. Cheese las.lOO Vote fob President in 187ti. Hayes 174 | Tllden 54 Wheat, 517 acres. Oats, SiSS ■' .. Corn, 1,014 " Potatoes, 'M " .. Orchards. 173 " . Meadow, 2081 '* . . At the timeof tlie .Jackson canijiaion. ihrrc was lint one Jackson man in the township, and he did not vote. RANSOM BRONSON. Mr. Bronson is a worthy descendant of an old and honored family. He wa.« born in Waterlniry, Conn., Sept. 11, 1805. He traces iiis lineage back to John Bronson, who emigrated from England to the United States in the year 1636. He settled in Hartford, Conn., but afterwards removed to Farmington, where he died in the year 1680. His son Isaac was one of the earliest settlers in Waterbury, Conn., whence came the first settlers of the township of Columbia. The successive descendants, in the line of ancestry, were as follows: John Bronson, Joseph Bronson, Seba Bronson, and Azor Bronson, the father of the subject of this sketch. He was one of a family of fourteen children, nearly all of whom emigrated to the West, as did also their parents. He was one of the five trustees of tlie Waterbury Land Company, and was therefore one of the original owners of the soil of Columbia. He emigrated to the township with his family, consisting of his wife and four children, in the summer of 1811, ar- riving at the place of destination on the 4th day of July. He located on sub-lot 11, but before the com- pletion of his house lie was stricken down by a malignant disease, which was so fatally prevalent in the infant settlement at that time. The family was left at his death in peculiarly unfortunate circumstances. The mother had four voung boys — the oldest only thirteen — to care for in the uncleared forest, with uo available means to clear the land of the debt resting against it, or even to put tlie uncompleted house in a condition for occupancy. She moved into a house belonging to Nathaniel Doane, which she occupied until her marriage to Reuben Lewis, some three years after the death of her first husband. Instead of ameliorating her condition by this mar- riage, as she evidently expected to do, it was rendered infinitely worse by the unkindness of her husband, both to herself and children. After an unharmonious union of four years a separation ensued, Mr. Lewis removing from the township. During this time the boys worked out at whatever they could find to do, and thus supported themselves, and for a time were kept together with theii* mother. Ransom, at the age of eleven, took up his abode, under contract, with Marshall Culver. One day he thoughtlessly cut down some of the trees in his em- ployer's growing sugar-bush. Culver \vas greatly offended, and refused to keep the boy longer. The lad regarded this as a great misfortune, but it really proved a blessing in disguise, for he was immediately after placed under the care of Samuel Hitchcock, to whose teaching and influence he attributes much of his subsequent success in life. He was trained by him in habits of industry and economy. Dec. 4, 1833, Mr. Bronson was united in marriage to Mrs. S. H. Frink. His mother subsequently made her home with them, and died at their residence in Columbia, in the year 1851, aged seventy-seven. Photo, by Lee, Elyria, 0. MRS. RANSOM BRONSON. Mr. Branson's occupation has been that of a farmer, and by good management, untiring industry, and fru- gal habits he has accumulated a fine property. He has held various township offices, such as trus- tee, justice of the peace, etc. He was elected to the former office when twenty-two years of age. He was formerly a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but at the organization of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of West View, which was the result of a division of the former church on the question of slavery, became one of the charter members. His first wife died in 1877, and Dec. 25 of the same year he married the widow of Aaron J. Cha- pin, with whom he is now living at West View, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Mrs. Bronson is the daughter of Moses and Almira (Smith) Adams, who were born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., in the year 1805 ; the father, Aug. 7, and the mother, April 26. About the year 1849, Mr. Adams removed with his family to Riceville, Pa., where he has continued to reside up to the present time. They had a family of six children, — two boys and four girls. The oldest daughter died in Joliet, 111., in 1878, and a son, John Q,. A. M., died when young. Mary L. (Mrs. Bronson) was born in Stockton, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Aug. 6, 1832. July 6, 1853, she was married to Aaron J. Chapin, of Riceville, Pa., and became the mother of four children, as follows : Ida E., born April 20, 1854 ; John Q. A. M., born July 6, 1856 ; Olive M., born Sept. 9, 1857 ; Elmer D., born April 15, 1861. Ida married, in the year 1870, Lindsey Anderson, and is now residing at Harvard, 111. The two sons, unmarried, also reside there. Olive died March 19, 1859. Mr. and Mrs. Chapin first settled in Canada, where they remained about a year, thence removing to Iowa. After a residence there of three years they moved to Minnesota, and two years subsequently, back to their former home in Riceville, Pa. He was a cabinet-maker, and was a skillful work- man. Mr. Chapin served four years in the war of the Rebellion, being a member of Company D, Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry. He died in Canada, in the year 1871. During her widowhood, Mrs. Bronson resided mostly at Titusville, Pa., but retained her home in Riceville. Though encountering many difficulties, by industry and frugality she maintained herself and children, whom she gave also a good education. She looks back to that period as one of great use- fulness. A^-^^rC^ t?c>L^_ Jesse Eddy was born in Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 15, 1814. He was the son of David and Elizabeth Eddy, and lived at the home of his parents until he became of age. David Eddy came from Pennsylvania about 1806, and erected a log cabin for his father, Caleb Eddy, in Euclid township, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. He spent a part of his time in Columbia township, Lorain Co., until his marriage with Elizabeth Sherdine, of Pennsylvania, March 4, 1814. The following year (1815) he brought his wife and settled in Columbia township, remaining there until his death, which occurred Oct. 21, 1853. His wife survived him about one year, she dying Oct. 6, 1854. They liad four children, as follows, namely : Jesse, born Dec. 15, 1814; married Caroline Chamber- lain, Jan. 30, 1837 ; had issue — Mary E., who married Cephas Myers ; Susan Josephine, who died in early child- hood ; Hattie E., who married James M. Mann ; both now reside in Rochester township. Enos Eddy, born Dec. 1, 1816; married Cynthia Brad- ford; died May 11, 1847. Susannah Eddy, born March 24, 1820 ; married Myron Bradford; died Aug. 21, 1851. Eunice Eddy, born Feb. 22, 1822 ; married — 1st, Hiram N. Bradford ; 2d, Samuel Huntley. Iter children were Eddy, Sylva E., Viola S., Henry 0., of whom A'iola died Oct. 1, 1862; Sylva married Dr. M. H. Miller; and Henry married Miss Ella Storrow. Caleb Eddy was born in the year 1754, in Morristown, Morris Co., N. J. He married a Miss Brown. Their children were Timothy, born March 4, 1781 ; David, born Feb. 1, 1783; Elizabeth, born Dec. 9, 1784, still living in New Jer.sey in her ninety-third year. Caleb Eddy married for his second wife a Widow Jones, and had by her four sons and two daughters, — Esther, born Aug. 9, 1789 ; Caleb, Jr., born Sept. 25, 1791 ; Sarah, born Sept. 4, 1793 ; Phebe, born Dec. 12, 1797 ; Samuel, born Nov. 24, 1799, still living in Bristol townshii), Kenosha Co., Wis. ; Isabel, born Sept. 2(1, 1804. About the year 1790, Caleb Eddy moved into Washington Co., Pa., where his last five children were born. He went from Pennsylvania to P]uclid, Ohio, about the year 1807, and was among the pioneers of Cuyahoga County. He died there about the year 1819. His widow afterwards married a Mr. Blinn, and died at Euclid. Caleb Eddy followed his trade, that of a black.smith, most of his liie, giving little attention to forming. J&s.^e Eddy, as before stated, remained at home until he was twenty-one. He was occupied as a farm laborer, rent- ing lands for a year or two after his marriage, when his father gave him twenty acres. He subse(|uently purchased ten acres more, making a total of thirty acres. These he exchanged for sixty acres of woodland, and on this he built a log cabin, and commenced life in real earnest by carving for himself a home. He succeeded in clearing up and cultivating these sixty acres, upon which he lived until 1870, when he removed to Rochester township. His wife died in the old home, Feb. 5, 1855. She never had a strong constitution, but was full of energy and am- bition. Her death was deeply uuiurned by her husband and friends. Mr. Eddy has had various offices of trust bestowed upon him by his fellow-citizens. He was postmaster at Rochester Depot for four and a half years, and bears the reputation of having been its most efficient officer. During his term he registered nine hundred letters ; the smallest amount having been fifty cents, the largest, seven thousand dol- lars, in bonds, which went to Fort Collins, Col. He has also held other trusts, all of which he filled faithfully and well. He became a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in the year 1843, and is still in communion with that de- nomination. In politics he is a staunch Republican, having affiliated with that ])aity in its organization, prior to which he was an (ild-liiie Wlii"-. WS^**-': xv> CONQREQATIONAL CHURCH, F^idqeville , LofjAiN Co.O. RIDGEVILLE/^- This township, known ;is niinilier six, in the six- teenth ninge, was drawn l)y Ephraini Uoiit-, of flart- fonl, Conn. Tlie surface; rises fron) the north in successive ridges, parallel to the hike shore, the i)rincii)al of wliich are ('enter ridge, Chestnut ridge and Butter- nut ridge. The soil is varied and fertile, producing abundantly whatever the liand of the husbandman entrusts to it. The township is one of the most highly improved in (he county, })rescnting to one who rides through it an almost constant succession of cultivated lields and tasty homes. Along tiie ridges originally prevailed the chestnut, butternut, white- wood, white oak, beech and maple — the chestnut being especially abundant. On the lower laud, the elm, bassvvood, black ash and hickory were the leading varieties. The streams are few and unimportant, tlie jirincipal being East creek. Center creek and West creek, so called from their position in the township. The first two tlow into Avon, where they unite and form French creek, a tributary of Black river. West creek flows into the township of Elyria and is also an , affluent of Black river. I There are two stone (juarries in the northeastern part of the township, owned and worked by Luvel and Syd- ney L. Beebe. The stone underlies a considerable tract of land and is sandstone of the newer formation. Some of the finest building stone in the country are obtained at these (piarries. It is finished up by the owners, at the present time, chiefly for monumental use. There is a similar quarry on the farm of Wyllis Terrell, though not extensively worked. FIRST AKKIVALS. In the fall of 1809, Oliver Terrell, Ichabod Terrell • and David Beebe, Sr., of Waterbury, Conn., exchanged their New England farms, witli Mr. Root for some- thing over one-fourth of the township. Having the privilege of selecting their land, they chose the north- east quarter, with some additional territory on Butter- nut ridge. In April of the next year, a company of men, some twelve or thirteen in number, on foot and with their knapsacks on their backs, set out from Waterbury for the western purchase. Their names were David Beebe and two sons, David and Loman, Joel Terrell, Oliver Terrell, Philander Terrell, Elihu Terrell, Lyman * Wyllis Terrell, Ichabod Terrell autl Laurel Beebe will please accept tliauks for infurmation furuisLeil the writer in the preparation of the history of this township. Root, Sheldon Wooster, Mansfield Webb, Amos and Orrin Ilotchkiss and Ira B. Morgan. At Bntlalo they bought an Outfit consisting of axes, saws, planes, chains, and some other articles for their use in the Ridgeville woods. A man with a small sail boat was engaged to carry the tools to ('levelaud, one of the men, Lyman Root, accoinjianying to take charge of the valuable cargo on its arrrival at Cleve- land. The rest of the comjiany resumed the journey the next morning and reached Cleveland only a. resent location, ill I lie rear of his house. In this building-, which he now uses for a barn, Mr. Mooers prosecuted his business for about .six months, using a horse power, wlieii he conimeiiced tlie erection of the first of tlie three large buildings now comjirising his works. In addition to liis factory jiroper, Jlr. Mooers has a saw mill twenty-eight by sixty feet, two stories high, the motive-power of which is a forty-horse power engine. The goods nuide by these works consist of every variety of wood chairs, all kinds of double cane-seated chairs, settees and the round-cornered cottage bedstead. Mr. Mooers finds a market for his goods iiiOlcvcland. In 1873 he employed nearly seventy-five hands. At the present time he has forty employees, five of whom are women. These works furnished for the Sajngerfest building in Cleveland, in June, 1870, six thousand chairs in nine days, all carried to the city in wagons. The cap- ital invested in business at the present time is u})wards of thirty thousand dollars. Since this enterprise was started by Mr. Mooers, nineteen similar establishments, within a radius of twenty miles, have had an existence and failed of success. He attributes a great part of his success to his strict temperance jirinciples, to which he has ad- hered from childhood, never having tasted a drop of malt or spirituous liquor. Just south of the saw mill is a building used by Mr. Mooers, exclusively for the manufacture of an implement called the " Gritfin Land Leveler," of which Mr. Seth Griffin of Elyria, is the patentee. It is a combined roller, harrow and scraper, and is used for leveling roads and tracks, and for the preparation of land for seeding. It was first patented in 1874, and its manufacture begun in 1877. About thirty machines are turned out yearly, and there is an in- creasing demand for it. • Recognizing the necessity of means for the greater security of the dead from the nefarious business of grave robbers, Mr. Mooers ajiplied his mechanical genius in this direction, and patented in the sjiring of 1878, a ••Metallic Coffin Shield" which he is now manufacturing. It is made of wrought sheet iron, and is used in the place of the ordinary box in wiiich the coffin is enclosed. Efforts in this direction are most commendable. SAW MILLS. The first saw mill in this township was built by Major Wyllis Terrell, on Center creek, near his grist mill, in 1811). It continued in operation until 1830, when Major Beebe and Joseph Humphrey, out of sanitary considerations, bought the [jroperty and tore it away. It overflowed their lands with water murii of tiie time, causing a great deal of sickness. Capt. Bush erected a saw mill on West creek at an early day, but it never went into operation. A fresiiet carried away the dam, and tlie enterpri.se was aban- doned. TiiK Herrick Mill, at the Center, was built by Jiiel Terrell, son of Major Terrell, in the year 1850. He established at the same place a button factory, which he oj)erated in the day time, and the saw mill at night. It ceased to exist some five or six years since. Successive owners of the saw mill were men by the name of Viets, George Burrell and Dr. Ilerrick, of Cleveland, the present owner. The Roiunson Mill, located on lot fourteen, was built in 1850, by Messrs. Peck and Hesten. The former subse((uently bought the hitter's interest, and ran the mill until 186G, when the present proprietor, J. Robinson, came into possession of the property. It is a steam mill, and has facilities for sawing from two thousand five hundred to three thousand feet of lumber per day, but has been idle much of the time of late years. The Mooeus Mill. — This is by far the most im- portant mill of the kind in the township, and, indeed, in this section of the country. It was built and is used mainly as an adjunct to his chair works, but the mill also does a great deal of custom work. It was built in 1873. It is a two-story frame, thirty liy sixty feet, with a substantial brick boiler and engine- room with an iron roof, making it as nearly fireproof as possible. The engine is a forty-horse power. Tlie capacity of the mill is five thousand feet of lumber per day. The upper story is used by Mr. Mooers for liis turning works, and is replete with all the varied machinery necessary to thi'.t branch of his chair factory. CIDER illLL. The only cider mill in the township is ownied and operated by W. II. Eldred, who, with his father, built it in 1856. The entire machinery, with the exception of the engine, is of Mr. Eldred's own manufacture. It possesses facilities for the manufacture of eighty barrels of cider per day. With a small force of hands HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 167 the average is about thirty-five barrels per day. Mr. Eldred does a general custom business, and also ships largely to Cleveland. In 1874, he added a feed mill with one run of stone, and run by steam, the engine being a twelve-horse power. Its capacity is about twenty-five bushels per hour. CHEESE FACTORIES. The ExcEr,siOR Factory. — The original factory on this location, lot twenty-four, was built in 1S09 by Jackson & Roe. It was destroyed by fire in 1871, when the jaresent factory was erected by Adams & Eldred. In 1873, Jackson & Eldred, the present proprietors took charge, and have continued its opera- tion up to the present time. This factory makes a specialty of the manufacture of what the proj)rietors call "Cheshire cheese," the entire product being shipi)cd direct to England. It consumed the milk of about four hundred and fifty cows the last season. The Fuller Factory was established in 1870, by a stock company. W. D. Fuller, the present owner, has operated it about three years. It formerly con- sumed the milk of about two hundred cows. It was supplied the last season by about one hundred and fifty. The Briogs Cheese Factory, situated a short distance south of Briags' CJorners, was built in the spring of 1871 by a stock company. Tbe present manager of the factory is C. I. Mead. The directors are Homer Terrell, John McNelley and Edward Hill. The production for the season of 1878 was aboul sixty thousand pounds of cheese, consuming the milk of about two hundred cows. Agricultural Statistics. Wheat, 925 acres 17,495 bushels Oats, 1,431 " 3S,4a] Cora, 1,251 " 40,783 Potatoes, 192 " 25,338 Oiehaids, SI'iT " 3,449 Meadow, 1,9(14 " a.a'B tons. Butter 42,760 pounds. Cheese 164,000 Hayes . Vote for President, 1676. 194 1 Tildeu Biographical Sketches, C. LESTER SEXTON. Soon after the marriage of George Sexton and Miss Mary Cahoon, at Vergennes, Vt., in the year 1810, they moved into Ohio, stopping at Judge Kingsbury's, Newburgh, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, where they re- mained until March 1'^, 1812; tiien, with family, Mr. G. Sexton moved into the west part of Ridgeville, Lo- rain county, Ohio, where he resided until his decease, November 7, 1829, aged forty-two years, leaving a widow and seven children, five of whom are since dead. Mrs. Mary Cahoon died September 17, 1849. The two children living are Amos C. Sexton, who is a farmer in Orange, Cuyahoga county, Ohio; the other, C. Lester Sexton, of whom this sketch is writ- ten, following the same calling as his brother, resides in Ridgeville, Lorain county, Ohio. He was born at Newburgh, as above, on April 20, 1810. The parents of Mrs. Lester Sexton, viz: Ebenezer Porter and Miss Eunice Yale, were married at Lee, Berkshire county, Mass., in 1800. They left Lee, in 1822, with a family of eight cliildren, for Ohio. Spending the winter in Dover, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, in the early spring th y removed to Ridgeville, where they built the first "log house" on Sugar Ridge. As a farmer, there he lived until death, which occurred on July G, 18G7, he having reached the advanced age of ninety-one years; his more aged father having died at his son's residence, in 1839. ninety-four years of age. Mrs. Eunice Sexton died November 19, 1847. Mr. C. Lester Sexton and Frances C. Porter were married at Ridgeville, December 5, 1833. Soon after they removed to Ashland, Ashland county, Ohio. Re- turning to Ridgeville on the 9th of March, 1838, they commenced in the unbroken woods to make for them- selves and children a home. How pleasant that iionie and its surroundings have become, the artist shows in the view accompanying. In Ridgeville they have since lived, with the excep- tion of three years in Elyria, where Mr. Sexton engaged in brick making. Mr. Sexton was father of five chihli-en. Lydia Louisa, their eldest child, was born in Ashland county, Ohio, November 2(j, 1834. Becoming the wife of Ilarlo C. Emmons, of Elyria, she was left a widow in March, 18G9. In San Francisco, California, she was re-mar- ried to John Dunbar, and has since resided in Pefa- luma, California. George P. Sexton and E. Porter Sexton were both born in Ridgeville; the one Novem- ber 5, 1838, the other April 15, 1841. At the com- mencement of the rebellion, both brothers enlisted in Con)i)any E, Forty-second Ohio Volunteer In- fantry. George died in hospital at Paiutville, Ken- tucky, February 7, 1862; aged twenty-three. E. Porter serving his full enlistment, was honorably discharged, since which time he has generally been in Ridgeville. Frances M. was born August 21, 1847, and became the wife, February 9, 1809, of W. H. Bastard, of Columbia, Lorain county, Ohio, where they now live with their sons, Robert Lester and George Harry. The remaining child, Elizabeth, was born in Ridge- ville April 21, 1850, and is still living with her parents. Mr. Sexton has filled, and now holds the otfice of township trustee. Still vigorous, at a ripe age, loved and respected by his neighbors, he remains one of the makers of Ridgeville. To him belongs the credit of being one of the first, if not the first, of using tile drains, to any great extent, in Lorain county, — he at an early day, laying over two miles on his farm. Many are the incidents he can relate of early life. lOS HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Soon after tlie arrival at Elyria, of Judge Ely's first wife. Mr. Sexton's mother, and another lady, started on foot througli the woods, to make a friendly call on the new-fomer. Tlie visit heing made, the ladies commenced (heir journey home. Losing their way, and night coining on, they were forced to spend the niglit under a ])artially fallen tree. The next morn- ing brought them kind neigliliors, who had passed the night in vain search for them. Such was "call- ing" in Lorain county pioneer life. RICHARD BLAIN. Wilson Blain was born April 34, 1789, and married to Hannah Van Natton, in May. 1810. They moved to Ridgeville, this county, in Septemljer, 18J8, where he bought a farm on tlie Butternut ridge, and lived there until his death. lie had four children. Rich- ard, the eldest son of Wilson, and subject of this sketch, was born October 13, 1813, ami married Faiiuv M. Fuller, November 20, 183G, who was born October 18, 1820; she was the daughter of Warren and Vesta Fuller. Warren Fuller was born May 8, 1700, and died July 1, 1870. Vesta Fuller was born January 7, 1795, and died July 11, 1870. To Richard Blain and his wife have been born four children: Warren W., born November 6, 18.37; James M., born December 30, 1839; \"esta II., born Febru- ary 11, 1841; and Harlan I., born March 14, 1843, and died April 5, 185G. Warren W. married Elizabeth Watson, February 17, 1801. They have seven children: Martin W., born December 15, 1865; Arreain F., born March 38, 1867; Elfa E., born November 30, 1809; Harlan W., born January 14, 1871; Jane L., born May 33, 1873; Fanny B., born .June 35,1875; and Marcia C, born March 35, 1877. . James M. married Lydia Percival, December 39, 1801; she died January 1, 1800, and he married, second, Emma Peets, December 35, 1866. who was born June 39, 1850. To them have been born: Gracie M., born May 17, 1868; Lucicn A., July 36, 1870; William W. ,b()rn August 8, 1871; Jessie M.. born October 8, 1873, and died July 37, 1873; Richard, January 30, 1875; and Baby, born July 13, and died Fel»ruary 18, 1876. Vesta H. married Noali H. Peck, February 19. 1860. They have Edith F., born January 11, 186i; EUaC, born .January 13, 1864; Lydia C, born April 39, 1866; Eddie R., born December 16, 1868; and Lora C, born November 18, 1870. Ricliard Blain united with the Methodist Episcojial Church in 1839, when he was seventeen years old, and remained a faithful, devoted member until the close of his life. In all these years, after he became of age, he was either class leader or steward, and usually both. He was always at his post, and tilled his place with honor to himself, and great benefit and credit to the church. He was a man of decided and iinlilemished character, one who lived to do his neighbors good; and was truly devoted to his wife, his children and the church of liis adoption. il y € "-$. ':-t '■■'.i ^ RUSSIA, OBERLIN. PREFATORY NOTE. The following sketch of Oberlin history is mainly a compilation, but it may be regarded as reliable, anil is as complete as the scope of this work ^vill admit. The facts and documents pertaining to the early history, I have taken chiefly from the " History of Oberlin," in manu- script, by President Fairchild ; of which, availing myself of the generous offer of the author, I have made free use. Other facts and statistics have been taken from the college catalogues, from articles in the Oberlin Evcmtjelisi and in the Oberlin Revieir, and from other sources, for my indebtedness to which, this general acknowledgment must suffice. For the estimates of Oberlin, and of a few of its leading men, the writer is alone responsible. H. M. Library Oberlin College, December 30, 1878. INTRODUCTION. The history of Oberlin m;iy be said to be the history of an idea, first, as conceived in the minds of indi- viduals and matured into a plan, which may be called its origin; then as converted by them into fact, and made an outward reality, which constitutes its begiti- ning; next, as receiving a sudden increase of mental and moral force, which gave it enlargement, and was its second beginning, from which it should proceed as from a new point of departure; and finally, as its natural and gradual development, in which is found, amid strivings and conflicts, its growth to maturity. In this fact, that Oberlin is built on and represents a progressive idea, or a fundamental principle, is found its distinctive and representative character; and this is the true explanation of the enthusiasm it awakened, the oi)position it excited, the success it has achieved, and the work it has wrought. The explanation and source of the idea must be sought in the character of the period. It was a period of revivals, and of the beginning of great and radical reforms. Before Oberlin had an existence, so much as in thought, extensive revivals had prevailed in various parts of the land, by whicli whole commu- nities and towns were regenerated, and thou.sands had their conscience quickened, and their life renewed. Following, or accompanying, these revivals were cer- tain special reforms, which were a practical use of christian principles for the overthrow of great, indi- vidual, social, and national evils, as intemperance, slavery, and war. Of these, the anti-slavery reform, from the ardor with wliich it was espoused and advo- cated by its friends, and the violence with which it was resisted by its enemies, gained especial promi- nence. Now, Oberlin was, from its beginning and in its very idea, the embodiment of this spirit of revival and reform — of revival as first, and of reform as pro- ceeding from it. It was this spirit of revival and reform that created it, that possessed and ruled it, and that gives life to its history. 22 The origin and character of the men who first com- posed Oberlin, likewise show its character. These were all, either immediately or mediately, from New England. They were genuine New England men, with the New England mind and heart. Moreover, they were of the best type of the puritan character. They were serious, earnest, self-contained, independ- ent in thought and spirit. God-fearing and sincerely pious, with purity of intention and singleness of aim, consecrated to the work of doing good, courageous and persevering, and overflowing with an enthusiasm generated and sustained by an ardent devotion to a lofty purpose. Oberlin is a true child of New Eng- land, a certain reproduction — not an imitation — of New England ideas, culture and life. It was New England transferred, for a specific purpose, to the woods of Ohio. In form, also. Oberlin is peculiar. This name, Oberlin, stands neither for the town nor for the col- lege, separately and singly; it signifies both in their unity. Town and college are units of a composite idea. Both sprang into existence together, the town for the college, and the college for the world; and, therefore, both as one for the world. Oberlin was not founded in selfishness, but in benevolence; not for its own sake, but for the sake of humanity. It was not meant that the end of the college should be the education it should impart, but the good it might promote through that education; neither was it meant that the end of the town should be its own mere ex- istence and welfare, but also the good it should aid the college in promoting. I have in these words briefly sketched the ideal Oberlin, as it was first conceived, and as it has been actually, though imperfectly, realized in its history. In this general and comprehensive characterization, it has been my aim to throw light on the history which follows. I. — ORKilN. The origin of Oberlin is due to two men, John Jay Shipherd and Philo Penfield Stewart, the inventor of the well-known Stewart stove. Mr. Shipherd was a native of New York, and Mr. Stewart of Connecticut. In 1830, Mr. Shipherd, holding a commission from the American Home Missionary Society, found his way to Elyria, where he preached to the Presbyterian Church as their pastor for two years. Mr. Stewart, who was laboring as a missionary among the Choctaws, being compelled, on account of the ill health of his wife, to return north, corres- ponded with Mr. Shipherd, who was an old friend, (169) 170 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. respecting a field of labor, and finally accepted an ir.- vitation to make a liome for a time at his house. Mr. Stewart thus became one of Mr. Shi])!ierd's family in the spring of 1833. These men, thus thrown together. were alike earnest reformers. They had an intense conviction that the church needed to be raised to a higher plane of christian life and activity, and that a great work must be done in the Mississippi valley. In temj)erament they were opposites. Mr. Ship- herd was ardent and sanguine, while Mr. Stewart was cautious and slow; but even this difference proved a real advantage, for, when the time came for action, they complemented each other. In the summer of 1832 they talked and jirayed over the themes which absorbed both their minds — some scheme by which they could realize their desire and hope of doing good. Mr. Shipherd"s mind dwelt especially upon the thought of a christian community of an unworldly and elevated type, and which, im- bued with an earnest missionary spirit, should be a centre of beneficent iniJuence. Mr. Stewart's thought dwelt upon the plau of a christian college, which should embrace the co-education of the sexes, and provide manual labor that might at once promote the health of the students and defray their expenses. Mrs. Shiiihcrd has given a brief account of how these diverse views became united in one plan : ** In their deliberations they would exchange views ; one would pre- sent one point of interest and the other a different one. Mr. Stewarl proposed a college, of which Mr. Shipherd could not see the necessity, as Hudson college was in its infancy and poorly sustained ; but Mr. Stewart suggested the manual labor system, which Mr. Shipherd fully approved. Thus they labored and prayed, and while on their knee.^ asking guidance the whole plan developed itself to Mr. Shipherd's mind, and before rising to his feet he said, 'Come, let us arise and build.' He then told Mr. Stewart what had come into his mind, — to procure a tract of land and collect a colony of christian families, who should pledge themselves to sustain the school and identify themselves with all its interests. They came down from the study, and Mr. Shipherd with a glowing face said, ' Well, my dear, the chdd is born, and what shall its name be ?' He then related what had passed through his mind." Mr. Shipherd was accustomed, in after years, to refer to the plan as thus presented to his miud, a,^ "the pattern showed him in the mount." The name selected for the contemplated colonv and school was Oberlin, after John Frederic Oberlin, a pastor in eastern France, an interesting account of whose self-denying and successful labors in elevating the people of his parish they had just road. The next thing was the selection of a location. Judge Fly, of Elyria, oifered to give that part of the village known as " the Point;" and a tract embracing two or three farms on the north ridge road in Brown helm, was also proposed ; but neither of these was thought to be large enough for the full execution of the pro- ject. The level tract, with a hard clay soil, forming the southern part of Russia township, remained as yet undisturbed by settlers, who were disposed to choose more desirable locations. The day following the season of prayer in which their plan had taken definite and fixed shape in their minds, Mr. Shipherd and Mr. Stewart mounted their horses and rode to this unoccupied tract. Along what is now Main street, the line of a road had been marked years before by a party of surveyors, who had cut down the trees for a width of about four rods, but this cleared sjiace was at this time overgrown by underbrush. Having arrived at this place they dis- mounted and secured their horses, and kneeling under a tree asked divine guidance. The elm stand- ing in the south east corner of the college square is pointed out as the one under which this first ])rayer was offered. They at that time fixed npon this un- occupied tract as the site for the future Oberlin. The next thing was to secure its possession, and the next to obtain settlers ; and for the attainment of these objects, as well as to raise funds for the promo- tion of the enterprise, and to engage teachers and students for the school, Mr. Shipherd resolved to visit New England. The owners of the tract. Street and Hughes, with whom it seemed desirable to treat immediately, resided in New Haven ; and such men as were needed for colonists, and would be willing to enter upon the arduous undertaking, must be found in New England. After a two weeks' journey Mr. Shipherd arrived in New Haven, and calling upon the i)roprietors asked of them a gift of five hundred acres of land for a manual labor school, with the understanding that, a colony being collected, for the remaining five thou- sand acres they should receive from the settlers, as fast as sold, at the rate of a dollar and a half an acre ; and this proposition he enforced with the plea that their acceptance of it would be a mutual benefit, by aiding the school and by bringing their lands into market. After calling upon them day after day without suc- cess, as he came down from his room one morning he remarked to the lady of the house where he was stay- ing, "I shall succeed to-day." And he did; for on calling one of the firm told him that they had con- cluded to accept his pro])osition. It was planned to sell the five thousand acres to the settlers at an advance of one dollar, thus securing a fund of five thousand dollars with which to hi}- the foundations of the college, enough of this fund being appropriated to build a saw mill and grist mill, to be owned by the college. The next thing necessary was the securing of such settlers as would make a distinctively christian col- ony. To secure such as were desired, a covenant was drawn up, which all who jtrojiosed to become mem- bers of the colony were asked to sign. This is a historic document, and we give it entire : THE OBERLIN COVENANT. "Lamenting the degeneracy of the church, and the deplorable con- dition of our ijerishiug world, and ardently desirous of bringing bolh under the entire influence of the blessed gospel of peace; and viewing with peculiar interest the influence which the valley of the Mississii)pi must exert over our nation and the nati<>ns of the earth ; and having, as we trust, in answer to devout supplications, been guided by the counKel of the Lord: the undersigned covenant together, under the name of the Oberlin Colony, subject to the following regulations, which may be amended by a concurrence of two-thirds of the colonists: " 1. Providence permitting, we engage as soon as practicable to remove lo the Oberlin Colony, iu Russia, Lorain county, Ohio, and HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 171 there to fix our residence, for the express purpose of glorifying God in doing good to men to the extent of our ability. "2. We will hold and manage our estates personally, but pledge as perfect a community of interest as though we held a community of property. "3. We will hold in possession no more property than we believe we fan profitably manage for God as His faithful stewards. "4. We will, by industry, economy and Christian self-denial, obtain as much as we can, above our necessary personal expenses or family expenses, and faithfully appropriate the same for the spread of the gosjiel. "5. That we may have time and health for the Lord's service, we will eat only plain and wholesome food, renouncing all bad habits, and especially the smoking and chewing of tobacco, unless it is necessarj- as a medicine, and deny ourselves all strong and unnecessary drinks, even tea and coffee, as far as practicable, and everything expensive, that is simply calculated to gratify the palate. "G. That we may add to our time, health and money for the service of the Lord, we will renounce all the world's expensive and unwhole- some fashions of dress, particularly tight dressing and ornamental attire. "7. And yet more to increase our means of serving Him who bought us with His blood, we will observe plainness and durability in the con- struction of our houses, furniture, carriages, and all that appertains to us. "S. We will strive continually to show that we. as the body of Christ, are members one of another; and will, while living, provide for the widows, orphans and families of the sick and needy as for ourselves. *' 9. We will take especial pains to educate all our cliildreu thoroughly and to train them up in body, intellect and heart for the service of the Lord. " 10. We will feel that the interests of the Oberhn Institute are iden- tified with ours, and do what we can to extend its influence to our fallen race. "II. We will make sp.^cial efforts to sustain the institutions of the gospel at home and among our neighbors. "12. We will strive to maintain deep-toned and elevated personal piety, to ' provoke each other to love and good works,' to live together in all things as brethren, and to glorify God in our bodies and spirits, which are His. " In testimony of our fixed purpose thus to do, in reliance on Divine grace, we hereunto affix our names." This covenant for the colony expressed the purpose aiul s})irit which its founders meant should charac- terize it. In its strict and particular application it gave rise, for a time, to some differences; but after a year or two it was found necessary to leave tlie deter- mination of personal duty in practical affairs to the individual conscience and judgment. Mr. Shipherd endeavored to raise funds by the sale of scholarships. These scholarships were to be per- })etual, and weie put at one liundredand fifty dollars. Each scholarship entitled its owner to keej) one per- son in school; but it gave him only the privileges of the school, and paid none of his expenses. II. -THE BEGIXXING. The first settler of Oberlin was Peter Pindar Pease of Brownhelm, who cut down the first tree March 15, 1833. On April 3d he came on with two men, and these three cut an ox-wagon road through the dense forest. April 19th, he removed his family into a log house which they had erected. These house stood on tlie southeast corner of what is now the college square, a little back of the elm under which Mr. Shipherd and Mr. Stewart had first knelt in prayer. Upon the front door of this first dwelling was written in large characters, *' I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, tliat ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service;" and this remained through the season. Tlie first Sabbath they held their first Sabbath wor- ship under the trees on the spot where the First Church now stands. They prayed, and sang and read a sermon, and also began a Sabbath school, which has been held uninterruptedly every Sabbath since. A large force of laborers was employed to fell the forest. To these no liquor was furnished, as was the custom at that time; yet there was no difficulty in obtaining sufficient help. The only opening which they found in the forest was a little clover patch about twenty feet srpiare, nearly opposite the place where the Second Church now stands, which had been for many years an Indian encampment. On this spot the trustees of the school held their first session on the soil. The names of these trustees, the same persons afterward named in the charter, were Rev. J. J. Shipherd, P. P. Stewart, and P. P. Pease, Addison Tracy of Elyria, Judge Henry Brown of Brownhelm, Captain E. Rediugton of Am- herst, Rev. Joel Talcott of Wellington, J. L. Burrell of Sheffield, and Rev. John Keys of Dover. These were among the substantial men of the sur- rounding I'egion, and having imbibed the sjnrit of Mr. Shipherd were not daunted by the difficulties they encountered and the greatness of the undertaking. A letter from the colonists already on the ground to Mr. Shipherd, while at the east, dated June 11, 1833, shows that they had also shared the common enthu- siasm. Til is letter was signed by all the men then on the ground, as follows: Peter P. Pease, Brewster Pel- ton, Samuel Daniels, Philip James, Pringle Hamilton, William Ilosford, Asahel Munger, Harvey Gibbs, Jacob J. Safford' Daniel Morgan. But three or four women were here as }'et, several of the men having come first to prepare places for their families. We give a few extracts from this letter, to show their spirit, and what they were doing: "We have had meetings every Sabbath since the commencement. Had a visit from Brother Betts. of Brownhelm. He will preach for us every fourth Sabbath till you return. Brother Leavenworth, also of Brown- helm, preached to us the first Sabbath after the brethren arrived from Vermont— and a blessed day it was. for the Lord was here. The people came in from the east, the west, and the south. The number from abroad was between twenty and thirty. We trust that you cease not to pray for us, that we may be guided in every path of duty and useful- ness, and above all, that we may love one another with pure hearts fervently. ********* " We have commenced our clearing, beginning at the center, and run- ning soutiiwest. We have about twenty acres now chopped, and four cleared off. Are planting two of it to corn, and more than one we sow to oats and grass, for a little pasture. The remainder is occupied by two log houses, and a site for the boarding house and school room. The school [college] will be in the upper loft. We have the timber all hewed, but one day's work. "The brethren have mostly selected and procured their land, and are now chopping their village lots, which wiU make a pleasant opening on the south side of the road. We have about fifty cords of wood cut for the engine. We can say, ' thus far the Lord hath helped us.' May we ever acknowledge him. Dear brother, pray for the peace of the colony. We have a special prayer meeting every Saturday evening, in which we remember j'ou, and hope to be remembered by you." The writers also speak of four Sabbath schools in neighboring settlements, which they had either estab- lished, or were about to open. Mr. Shipherd returned in September, and moved to Oberlin, taking up his quarters with his family and another family, in the basement of the first col- 1' HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. lege building, afterward called Oberlin Hall. During his absence, he had secured a number of families as colonists, had enlisted students to come at the open- ing of the school, had engaged teachers, and had raised nearly fifteen thousand dollars iu contributions and subscriptions. The teachers expected from the east could not come at the beginning of the school, and a student from Hudson college, Mr. John F. Scoville, was engaged to take temporary charge, and the school was opened the 3d day of December, 1833. This Ijeing an occasion of much interest, on the even- ing preceding a meeting was hold to ask God's bless- ing upon the enterprise. During its progress, Mr. Scoville reached the place, and going into the meet- ing, after listening to the prayers and remarks, he rose to speak, and his first woi'ds were, " Put off thy shoes from thy feet, for the place wheie thou standest is holy ground."" The school, this first term, was composed of forty- four i)ui)ils, twenty-nine young men and fifteen young women; half of whom were from the east, the re- mainder from neighboring towns. A primary school was also organized in connection with the instution, composed of the children of the colonists, numbering about twenty, and taught by Miss Eliza Branch, now Mrs. George Clarke, of Oberlin. After the first winter, this primary department was discontinued, and the elementary education of the children was left to the public schools. The colony was composed, at this time, of eleven families, sevei'al of the men who had spent the sum- mer on the grounds having gone back east, with the ex- pectation of returning in the si>ring with their families. The college building was thirty-five by forty feet in its dimensions, with two i-egular stories, and a third story, running up from the central part, called an attic. In the rear was an appendage embracing tlie kitchen and apartments for the steward, in which -Mr. and Mrs. Stewart presided. Mr. Shipherd, with his family, occupied the basement. Ilis otlice, as corres- ponding secretary and general agent, was in the room above, which was also oceu])ied by the priiu'ipal, for Ilis study. Across the hall was the din inn-room, and above, the school-room, chapel and church all in one, which was about eighteen feet wide and thirty-five long. The young ladies occupied the second story over against the chapel, while the young men were sent into the attic, where each pair found a room eight feet square, with a window of six small lights on the side, above the student as he sat. This mom was furnished with a stove, table, two chairs, and a turn- up bedstead, these filling the I'oom when the bed- stead was let down, but leaving a little room when it was turned up during the day. The following letter from Mr. Shi))herd to his parents, dated December 13, 1833, shows his feelings at this time : "The Lord is to be praised that we were enabled to open our institu- tion at the appointed time, December 3rd, We have now thirty-four boarding scholars, and expect forty for the winter. Applicants are without number, from Lake Erie to the Gulf of Mexico, and from Mich- igan to the Atlantic. The scholars study and work well. Five minutes after the manual labor bell strikes, the hammers, saws, etc., of the mechanical students make a noise all around us, and the axe men iu the woods breaking ' the ribs of Nature,' make all crack. Nearly all our visitors— and the.y are not few— express suri>rise that so good a ■ work has been wrought here in so short a time. God be praised! I feel as I said in my sleep the other night, 'Oberlin will win, and the devil cannot hinder it.' This, my sweet assurance, I hope rests on God, without whom we can do nothing." In February, 1834, a charter was obtained for the college from the State legislature, with university privileges, under the modest name of "The Oberlin Collegiate Institute." This name was retained till 1850, when it was clianged to "Oberlin College." A circular was issued March 8, which, so far as is known, was the first, — in which the objects of the institution are thus stated: " The grand objects of the Oberlin Institute are, to give the most use- ful edvxcation at the least exi>ense of health, time and money : and to extend the benefits of such education to both sexes and all classes of the community as far as its means will allow. Its sj'stem embraces thorough instruction in every department, from the infant school ui» through a collegiate and theological course. While care will be taken not to lower the standard of intellectual culture, no pains will be spared to combine with it the best physical and moral education. Prominent objects of this seminary are, the thorough qualification of christian teachers, both for the pulpit and for schools ; and the elevation of female character, by bringing within the reach of the misjudged and neglected sex all the instructive privileges which hitherto have unrea- sonably distinguished the leading sex from theirs."' A little farther on it is added : " To some this novel institution in the woods may appear vi.sionary, but theoretic demonstration of its practicability might here be given, with some experimental proof, did the limits of this paper permit. However, leaving the discussion of the gi'and principles upon which this seminary rests till another time, we here say, with gratitude to God, that our most sanguine expectations have been hitherto more than reahzed." In May the expected teachers from the east arrived, and the summer term opened May 7. These teachers were Rev. Seth II. Waldo, a graduate of Amherst Col- lege and Andover Seminary, and who, in comiiliance with an invitation from the trustees, had engaged to tissume the superintendence of the institute till its president should take it iu charge, ;ind then w;is ex- pected to fill the professorship of langutiges; James Dascomb, M. D., from Dartmouth Medical College, who had been apjiointed professor of cliemistry, bot- any and physiology; and Mr. Daniel Branch, also a graduate of Amherst College, who was made princi- pal of the preparatory department. Mrs. Dascomb, who had been a pupil of Miss' Grant, of Ipswich, was soon made principal of the ladies' department; and Mrs. Branch became the teacher of Latin, French, and of other branches, as occasion required. Thus the new school was fairly begun. Its organi- zation was effected, an efficient corjis of teachers jirovided, and its prospects were encouraging. The number of students during this first summer term was one hundred and one — sixty-three young men and thirty-eight young women; and for these the accom- modations were barely sufficient. This beginning was almost literally in the woods. A considerable space, it is true, was cleared of trees, but their stumps were numerous, and the roads were at times almost impassable. Indeed, away from the HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 173 town they were but tracks through the woods, and even young ladies coming to the school often walked tlic last two or three miles. A few items, taken mostly from "Camp's Directory of Oberlin,'" comjiilcd and iniblished a few years since, will show the beginning of some branches of business, etc., about this time and a little later. In 1833, Brewster Pelton put up a log house, which served as a hotel, a few rods cast of the elm which has been mentioned. In 1834, he built in front of it a comfortable frame building, which was burned in 18GG and the Park House erected in its place. The first blacksmith shop in Oberlin was owned by Bela Ilall, and stood on the site of E. M. Leonard's present dwelling house. At that time the creek ran just south of his shop, though it has since changed its course after crossing Main street. In December, 1834, Anson Pcnfield started a black- smith shop and edge-tool factory near the college mill on South Main street. His grindstone was placed in the basement of the mill, which furnished the power. In 1838, he was killed, while alone, using the grind- stone, by being caught by the belt and carried around the wheel. His brother, Isaac Penfield, carried on his shoj) after his death, afterward associating witii himself James McWade. At the same time Hiram Pease had a wagon shop on the corner now occupied by I. Penfield and son. He afterwards sold to Pen- field and Avery. The first store in Oberlin was opened in 1834, by Theodore S. Ingersoll. This store continued but a short time — perhaps two years. The first steam mill was built by Oberlin College, in the fall of 1833, south of Plum creek, on South Main street, near where the residence of James McWade now stands. It was at first only a saw mill. The engine was constructed in Cleveland, and was brought on in October, 1833, and the saw mill was soon in operation. The next year a small flouring mill was erected, to be driven by the same engine; also machines for cutting lath and shingles. These machines furnished labor for several students, and the whole establishment was owned by the col- lege. This seemed at first necessary, but was found on the whole inexpedient, and it was afterward sold and became the property of individuals. Another college building was found necessary, and the building afterward known as the "boarding hall," or the "ladies' hall,"' was begun in the summer of 1834, and completed in the summer of 1835. It was a three-story frame building, thirty-eight by eighty, with two wings projecting backward, of two stories each. It stood west of Oberlin Hall, in the sj)ace between the Second Church and the east side of college place, close upon the side of the street, and fronting the college square. It served its purpose for thirty years. After the completion of the present ladies' hall, it was divided into five different por- tions, now occupied as dwelling houses in different parts of the town, the most conspicuous of which is No. 34 West College street. A considerable of the work of this building was done by students. When it was raised, the students turned out in a body, and all study was suspended for three days. Sometimes the students were called upon to assist a temperance nuni to raise a liuilding without the bottle, and they would cheerfully sacrifice a day's study in the good cause. Neither tea nor coffee was furnished at the college hall, and they were quite generally discarded in pri- vate families. Indeed, in a meeting of the colonists, the question was raised whether it was in accoi dance with the principles of the Oberlin covenant that tea and coffee should be furnished the guests at the hotel, but it was decided that not to do it would be imprac- ticable. Board at the hall was plain, substantial and cheap. The charge for board in the hall was seventy- five cents a week for a strictly vegetable diet, and a dollar for the addition of meat twice a day. The first annual report, published in November, 1834, esti- mated the entire expense of the student for all his requirements excejit clothing, during the forty weeks of term time, as ranging from fifty-eight to eighty- nine dollars. This amount was in most cases readily earned by the required labor, four hours per day, at from four to twelve cents an hour. A long winter vacation of twelve weeks for the regular classes gave advanced students an o])portunity to teach. The first college class was organized in October, 1834, consisting of four young men, who passed an examination for the freshman class, and who were well fitted to enter any college at that time. Two of these were brothers, one of whom is now president of the college, and the other president of Berea College, Kentucky. The first commencement or anniversary was held on the 29th of October. As there were none to graduate, the four who were entering college, and others of the more advanced students, had exercises. Among the exercises were Latin and Greek orations, and a collo([ny favoring a classical education. The little chapel was crowded. The trustees and several visitors from neighboring towns were present. Public worship was observed in Oberlin about a year and a half before the organization of a church. August 19, 1834, at a meeting called for the purpose, it was ''Resolved, That a church be formed as soon as may be, and that it be called the ' First Congregational Church of Christ in Oberlin.' " September 3d, a confession of faith having been drawn up and adopted, sixty-two persons were exam- ined; and on September 13th, at another meeting, it was "Resolved, That those who have been examined and accepted do now consider themselves as members, and that the church is now legally and completely organized." Mr. Shipherd was to "preside as chairman of their social and religious meetings for the time being." " Of the original sixty-two members," says Rev. James Brand, in his pamphlet history of the first Church of Oberlin, "I have been able to find only some eighteen or twenty who have not crossed the river." 17^ HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Mr. Shipherd officiated as pastor, and in his absence Mr. Waldo usually jireached. Several new houses were erected during this year, on Main street and around tiie scpiare. At a colonial meeting the question was raised what color the houses should be painted; and it was finallv voted, some strongly jirotesting, that as red was the cheai)est and most durable color, the houses ought to he painted this color. But with the exception of the Oberlin shop, and two or three houses, one of them Mr. Ship- herd's, this vote was not carried out, and with these only for a few years. At the end of the second year after Mr. Shipherd had begun to put his jdan into execution, there was a community of thirty-five families, a church of more than eighty members, a college numbering over a hundred students, with land and buildings and other property valued at seventeen thousand dollars, and such a movement toward the school that large num- bers of applicants had to be turned away. III. — ENLARGEMENT. Oberlin as an idea had already become transformed into Oberlin as a fact or reality. What its founders had thought and planned was now actual, a part of the living outward world. But now an event was to take place which was to bring it a sudden and great enlargement, which was to produce a development not only outwardly, but of its vital principles. Not that these principles were to be superseded, they must still be fundamental; but they were to be develojted, and to receive a larger application. But the founders are themselves to be superseded. The work which they so wisely planned and so well began, shall be carried on by others, under the inspiration, indeed, of their ideas, but made more emphatic by new devel- opments. Mr. Shipherd iiaviiigbeeu instructed by the trustees to make another tour through tiie east to collect more funds and to find a president, and having, in a season of fasting and prayer as his usual preparation for a new movement, received a strong and growing ini- jjressioM that he siioiild go by Cincinnati, set out for that city. Having arrived there, and calling on Rev. Asa Mahan, jjastor of the Sixth street Presbyterian church, he learned from him an event which cleared up the enigma of his inijiressiou that ho must go by Cincinnati. It must L)e remembered that the anti-slavery re- form, begun a few years previously, was now greatly agitating the country. January 1, 1831, William Lloyd Garrison began, in Boston, the publication of a paper, which he called the Liberulur, in which he strongly urged the immediate and unconditional abolition of slavery. January 1st, 1832, the New England (afterward the Massachusetts) anti-slavery society was formed, and during the same year the American anti-slavery society, both for the agitation and propagation of the same principle. General and violent opposition was at once aroused. The excite- ment throughout the country was intense, and the holding of anti-slavery meetings not unfrecjuently provoked mobs. Lane Theological Seminary was founded at Walnut Hills, near Cincinnati, in IK'^9, and l)ecame prosperous, having more than a hundred students. These, how- ever, were not all theological students. Many of them formed a literary department, in j)reparation for theology, under the charge of Professor John Morgan. The theological professors were Dr. Lyman Beecher, Calvin E. Stowc, and Thomas Biggs. The anti-slavery agitation reached the students of this seminary, some of whom were from the south, and several of whimi were young men of uncommon ability. An anti-slavery scK'iety was formed soon after the formation of the American anti-slavery society, and auxiliary to it; and at the anniversary of the parent society in New York, in the spring of 1834, two of the students, Henry B. Stanton and James A. Thome, of Kentucky, made speeches which excited much interest. The subject was afterward debated eighteen successive evenings, and as a result, nearly all in the seminary were won over to the anti- slavery view. They established Sabbath and day schools for the col- ored children in the city, and communications were sent to the papers, which elicited discussion. Several of the trustees were business nien, and did not approve this course of the students. During the summer vacation, while Professors Beecher, Stowe, and Mor- gan were absent at the east, the students also being away, the trustees held a meeting, and passed a code of laws, prohibiting the discussion of the subject of slavery by the students, and empowering the pruden- tial committee to dismiss the students at their pleas- ure. Professor Morgan being supposed to sympathise with the students in their views and course, was notified that he need not return. When the students on their return, learned of the action of the trustees, all but twelve of them left the seminary, and for five months pursued their studies together in a building provided for them by James Ludlow. Mr. Mahan as a member of the board of trustees, protested in vain against their action, and resigned his place when he saw the obnoxious code would be passed. Such were the facts which Mr. Shipherd learned for the first time from Mr. Mahan. It must be remem- bered that tliat was before the days of railroads and telegraphs, and the transmission of news was slow. Mr. Mahan and Mr. Shipherd then devised the jdan j of adding a theological department to the institution j at Oberlin, of which the seceding students of Lane Seminary should constitute the first classes. December 12, 1834, ]\[r. Shipherd writes to the trustees at Oberlin, urging the appointment of Rev. Asa Mahan, as president, and Rev. John Morgan, professor of mathematics. To this recommendation he adds: HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 1% " I desire you, at tne first meeting of the trustees, to secure the pas- sage of the following resolution, to wit: ■' Resolved, That students shall be receired into this institution irre- spective of color. " This should be passed because it is a right principle, and God will bless us in doing right. Also, because, thus doing right we gain the con- fidence of benevolent and able men, who probably will furnish us some thousands. Moreover, brothers Mahan and Morgan will not accept our invitation unless this principle rule. Indeed, if our board would violate right so as to reject youth of talent and piety because they were bUick. I should have no heiirt to labor for the upbuilding of our Seminary, be lieving that the curse of God would come upon us, as it has upon Lane Seminary, for its unchristian abuse of the poor slave." A proposition so new :ind unlieard of, not only the trustees, but even the teachers, students, and the ])eo- ple of Oberliii were not yet prepared to accept. Tliere was much excitement; and the trustees, iioping to find a calmer atmosphere, lield a meeting, on January 1, 1835, at the Temperance House in Elyria. A petition was presented to them, signed by the principal colonists and by several of the students who remained during the vacation, requesting that the board meet at Oberlin. The petition expresses a feeling of uncer- tainty respecting the question to be decided, but also a desire to be led in the path of duty. The action was conservative and non-commital. The result of their deliberations is expressed in the following preamble and resolution: " Whereas, information has been received from Rev. J. J. Shipherd, expressing a wish that students may be received into this institution irrespective of color; therefore " Resolved, That this board do not feel prepared, until they have mor^- definite information on the subject, to give a pledge respecting the course they will pursue in regard to the education of the people of color, wishing that this institution should be on the same ground in re spect to the admission of students with other similar institutions of our land." The trustees, however, in accordance with Mr. Ship- herd's request, appointed Mr. Mahan president and Mr. Morgan professor. Mr. Shipherd heard of the action of the trustees in New York, whither he had gone, accompanied by Mr. Mahan, to consult with Lewis and Arthur Tappau and other anti-slavery men, in reference to the plan of adding a theological dcj)artnient to Oberlin, placing tlie students who had left Lane Seminary in it, and putting the institution on a distinctively anti-slavery basis. He wrote again to the trustees, and he also sent a pastoral epistle to tlie peoji^e of Oberlin, in which he reviews at length the question of greatest present interest. The following extract shows his feeling with respect to this: " My fears are excited by your recent expressions of unwillingness to have youth of color educated in our instituie. Those expressions were a grief to me, such as I have rarely suffered. Although I knew that with some of you the doctrine of expediency was against the immediate abolition of slavery because the slaves were not qualified for freedom, I supposed you thought it expedient and duty to elevate and educate them as fast as possible; that therefoj-e you would concur in receiving those of promising talents and piety into our institution. So confident was X that this would be the prevailing sentiment of Oberlin, in the colony and institution, Ihat about a year ago 1 informed eastern inquirers that we received students according to character, irrespective of color. Aud, beloved, whatever the expediency or prejudice of some may say, does not duty require this?" To this he replies, "most certainly," and goes on to give twenty reasons for this view. Under the twen- tieth head he saj's: "Such is my conviction of dutv in the case, that I cannot labor for the enlargement of the Oberlin C'ollegiate Institute, if our brethren In Jesus Christ must be rejected because they differ from us in color." "As I have you," he says, "as a. people in my heart, to live and die with you, you know, beloved, that it would be heart-breaking to leave you for another field of labor; but I have pondered the subject well, with prayer, and believe that if the injured brethren of color, and consequently brothers Finney, Mahan and ^Morgan, with eight pro- j fessorships and ten thousand dollars, must he rejected, I must join [ them; because by so doing I can labor more effectually for a lost world and the glory of God; and believe me, dear brethren and sisters, for this reason only,^^ The people of Oberlin were opposed to slavery, but ■were not at this time abolitionists. In the Oberlin Lyceum, which included colonists as well as students, the question of slavery had been discussed the summer previous: and it then ajqieared that, with the excep- tion of Mr. Shiplierd and two or three students, the entire community were colonizationists, holding that the free people of color and the slaves as fast as they were made free, should be sent to Africa and settled there. In accordance witli the request of Mr. Shipherd, the trustees held another meeting at Oberlin, February 9th, at Mr. Shipherd's house, which had been erected the summer previous on the north side of the college square. Many had by this time become favorable to the movement, and the result was anticipated with very deep interest. The meeting was at nine in the morn- ing, nine members being present. Rev. John Keep, pastor of a church in Ohio City (Cleveland, west side), was chairman, having been appointed in the place of Judge Brown, who had resigned. The discussion was warm, and the result seemed doubtful. Mrs. Ship- herd in her anxiety passing by the door, which stood ajar, Mr. Keep stepped out and informed her how matters stood; whereupon she gathered her praying sisters in the neighborhood, and spent the time in prayer till the decision was made known. When the question came to a vote, there was a tie, aud Mr. Keep, as chairman, gave the casting vote in favor of the resolution. The resolution, as passed, is as fol- lows: "Whereas, There does exist in our country an excitement in respect to our colored population, and fears are entertained that, on the one hand, they will be left unprovided for as to the means of a proper education, and, on the other, that they will, in unsuitable numbers, be introduced into our schools, and thus iu effect forced into the society of the whites; and the state of public sentiment is sucu as to require from the board some definite expression on the subject; tnerefore "Kesoiuerf, That the education of the people of color is a matter of great interest, and should be encouraged and sustained in this insti- tution." In terms this resolution is not clear, bold and posi- tive, yet the practical ctfect of its adoption was most decisive. As a matter of fact, . this action of the trustees committed the institution, unreservedly and forever, to an open and practical rejection of, and protest against the system of castt; in respe. t to colored jieople. It made the institution ami the town hence- forth disiinctively anti-slavery. Nor did they go back from this, but forward. Of all the odium and honor which have been successively heaped upon them, this was one of the principal causes. This has brought upon Oberlin, from the jiroud, contempt and scorn; from the good, who knew and understood her, respect. 176 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. admiration, and tlie highest praise. Tlie anti-slavery idea was the christian and American idea of the nat- ural and inalienable rights of man as man. Snch, likewise, was the Oberlin idea, in its applica- tion, esi)ccially to education. And the one first and most possessed of the Oherlin idea in its full compre- hension, who gave it birth and made it a fact, was quick to perceive this, its new application. Not to have accepted and acted upon this new and imperative demand of the idea, would have been to despise its authority and to lose its inspiring influence. Oberlin would have ceased to be Oberlin had she not become anti-slavery. Moreover, upon this decision de]icnded her enlarge- ment, not only inwardly but outwardly. Not tlutt this enlargement was to come immediately, or ever, from any large accession of colored students. There were none at the time seeking admittance, and but one resident in the county. A single one after awliile came with the students from Lane. The proportion of colored students has always been small. But they have been welcomed and treated as men — treated just like the other students. The outward enlargement nf which this decision was the condition, was the accession to the faculty of men of eminent ability and high character, to the number of its students, the young men who had left Lane, and the addition of a theological department. At this very meeting the trustees, to the appointnieni of Mr. Mahan as president and Mr. Morgan as pro- fessoj-, added that of Rev. Charles G. Finney as pro- fessor of theology. Concerning the conditions of this appointment, Mr. Finney, in his autobiography, him- self says: " I had undei stood tliat the trustees of Lane Seminary had acted 'over the heads' of the faculty; aud, in tlie absence of several of them, had passed the obnoxious resolution that had caused the students to leave. [ said, therefore, to Mr. Shipherd, that I would not go at any rate, unless two points were conceded by the trustees. One was that they should never interfere with the internal ref^ulation of the school, but should leave that entirely to the discretion of the faculty. The other was that we should be allowtd to receive colored people on the same conditions that we did white people— that there should be no discrimlnatious made on account of color." Mr. P'inney was at this time jiastor of a Congrega- tional church whicli had l)een formed in New Y'ork. Arthur and Lewis Tappan, and others promiuent in tlie anti-slavery reform, were members of his church, and, becoming interested in the anti-slavery move- ment in Lane Seminary, they wore ready to enter into the proposal of .Mr. Shipherd and Mr. Mahan, that the excluded students sliould be provided for at Ober- lin by the aiipoinlment of Mr. Finney as lu'ofe.ssor of theology. Artliur Tajijiaii pledged ten thousand dol- lars for tlie construction of a building to be used chiefly for the theological department, and engaged to secure the loan of ten thousand more for other buildings and necessary purposes. Lideed. Mr. Fin- ney tells that jirivately to him he pledged his whole income, amounting at that time to one hundred thousand dollars, excepting enough to provide for his family, till the enterprise should prove a success. The Oberlin professorship association was also formed, composed of the Tappans and several others, by which the interest on eighty thousand dollars was pledged to be paid quarterly, for the support of eight professors, at an annual salary of si.x hundred dollars. It was understood that the principal was ultimately to be paid, and that this sum would constitute an en- dowment for the college. Relying on this pecuniary provision, as also on the decision of the trustees resi)acting the anti-slavery character of the college, Mr. Mahan, Mr. Finney and Mr. Morgan accepted their appointments; Professor Morgan's professorshi]) being changed to the New Testament Literature and Exegesis. President Mahan was born in western New York, jiursued study at Hamilton Ccjllege through the junior year, and took his theological course at Aulniru Sem- inary. He was a man of strongly metaphysical bent of mind, and had much influence in promoting philo- sophic study and thought at Oberlin. lie was pos- sessed of positive convictions, a strong will, and was deeply imbued with religion. Professor Morgan was brought to this country from Ireland, at the age of eleven, was brought uj) in Phila- del])hia and New York, prepared for college at Stock- bridge, Massachusetts, and graduated at Williams Col- lege. His theological studies he pursued privately in New York. He was a man of varied culture, studious in his habits, and scholarly in his tastes; disposed to take profound and comprehensive views, and when aroused would exhibit much energy and enthusiasm in enforcing them. He has through his life thoroughly identified himself with Oberlin, has borne his full share of its work, and as an expounder of the New Testa- ment scripture in respect to its teachings and doc- trines, has won the admiration and respect of his many successive classes. As a preacher also he was long an efficient aid to Jlr. Finney as assistant pastor of the First Church. Mr. Finney was born in Connecticut. In'ought u|i in central New Yoi'k, wliere he studied law. was con- verted and studied theology under his pastor, entered the ministry and carried on a sei'ies of revivals, chiefly in central and western New Yoi'k, hut also in many of the large cities of the north, in which large num- bers were converted under liis pungent and powerful preaching. He was a man of keen and strong intellect, of a susceptible and ardent temperament, of original genius, of popular talents as a speaker, of fervid spirituality of mind, and of intense and unwearied devotion to his work. His great work was unques- tionably that of preaching. Such he felt it to be; in this he was most himself, aud to this he subordin;ited all else. Ilis eonneetion with the college at Oberlin did not prevent him from still abounding in labors to promote revivals in other places, and his work at Oberlin was not less that of jn-eaching than of teach- ing. At Oberlin, as elsewhere, his aim was the con- version of sinners and the sanctitication of christians; aud he had a great influence in imbuiuK the minds of HISTORY OF LORAIN" COUNTY, OHIO. 177 botli the inliabitants and students witli this spirit of earnest evangelism. In theology he was, from his conversion, strongly new school. His mind revolted from the old school theology as nnseriptural and irrational, and as hav- ing a hurtful jiractical inilnonce. Ilis theology he preached, and that with great earnestness and power, and this made it practical and effective. In his teaching he exhibited the same depth and intensity y contributions from the students. In 1850, President Mahan resigned his ))ositi(in as president of Oberlin College, and took charge of a new university established at Cleveland, in which it was designed that the classics should be less promi- nent in the course of study; and the following year Professor Finney was appointed his successor. Since it was near the lake, and a noted anti-slavery place, Oberlin Ijccame, at an early day, an im])ortant station of "the under-ground railroad." Many fugi- tives were helped to escape, being sent to some port on the lake, to Cleveland, Charleston (now Lorain), Huron or Sandusky, wherever there happened to be a vessel whose captain would take them to Canada. It is the boast of Oberlin that no fugitive was ever taken back from her soil to slavery; nor has the pre- vention of such a result ever been accompanied with violence or bloodshed. It is said that in one year as many as three hundred and sixty fugitives from slavery passed through Oberlin. In 1840, at a house on Lorain street, about a mile east of the First Church, then in the forest, two men from Kentucky seized a colored man and wonum and hurried away with them. Word soon reached the people of Oberlin, who were assembled in the chapel at some meeting, and they immediately pursued the slave-catchers, overtaking them two or three miles from the village. These men went the next day to Elyria to substantiate their claim, but, failing to pro- duce sutticient evidence, their victims were imprisoned to await a further trial. The slave-catchers were themselves arrested on the charges of house-breaking and threatening of life, but were released on bail. Before the trial one of them died, and the other returned to the double trial to find that the slaves had escaped — by following a fel- low prisoner, and by no aid from without — and was himself released. At a much later date occurred the celebrated Ober- lin- Wellington rescue case. Among the compromise measures passed by Con- gress in 1850, was the fugitive slave bill, which, signed by the President, became. a law, and went into operation. Accepted and approved by northern con- servatives, but denounced and renounced by anti- slavery men, who proclaimed in its stead "the higher law," bemg more stringent and efficient than the old law, tlie business of slave-catching was prosecuted with renewed vigor and with varying success. On the 1-ith of Septemljer, 18.")8, the people of Ober- lin were startled from their usual ijuiet by the report that a colored man, by the name of John Price, had been taken from their midst and carried toward the south. A considerable company of citizens and stu- dents followed in pursuit as far as Wellington, where they found the Wadsworth House, in the garret of which the captors with their captive had taken refuge, surrounded by a crowd. The crowd, pressing up the stairs and against the door of the room whither the 182 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. kidnappers with their victim had retreated, the door at last gave way, and tlie captive walked out and was borne in triumph away. A grand jury was summoned by tlie United States District Court, for Nortliern Oiiin, whicli found bills agjiinst thirty-seven citizens of Obcrlin and Wellington. Among tiiese, Professor Henry E. Peck, James M. Fitch, suiH'rintendent of the Obcrlin Sunday School, and Ralph Plumb, a lawyer, the most prominent of the Oberlin men, were indicted for aiding and abetting. Thirty only were arrested. These appeared at Cleve- land on the day set, and were released on their own re- cognizance till the day of trial. Hon. R. P. Spalding, Hon. A. G. Riddle, and S. 0. Griswold, Esq., volun- teered their services for the defence, free of charge. April 5, 1859, the trials commenced by the arraignment of Seth M. Bushnell, who was charged with driving the buggy which conveyed the captive away from his captors; who, upon his trial, was found guilty by the jury, and was sentenced to sixty days imprisonment, and to jiay a fine of six hundred dollars and the costs of prosecution, estimated at two thousand dollars. Charles Laugston, being next tried, was also found guilty, and sentenced to twenty days imprisonment, and to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and cf>sts. An application was made to the supreme court of Ohio for a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of Bushnell and Langston, on the ground of the unconstitutionality of the fugitive slave law; l)ut it was denied to them, the vote of the judges standing three to two. Mean- time the rest were confined in ])rison awaiting their trial. On two different Saliljaths, Professor Peck preached to an assemblage, surrounding the jail, esti- mated at from three to four thousand. July 2, a few days before the liberation of the prisoners, the Ober- lin Sunday School went to Cleveland in a body, and paid their sn])erintendenta visit in jail. This was an occasion of much interest. In May the faculty and resident trustees made a public statement in the Oberlin Evaiif/clixf. in which, among other things, they say: " We do not believe that there was. in this case, a design on the part of the rescuers to violate even the fugitive slave act, because it was ap- parently believed that tlie man was kidnapped, and that the paper by which his captors held him was illegal. But we wish it also understood that we do not regard that enactment as of any binding force whatever. WV think it right and proper to escape its penalty when we can consis- tently with duty; but its precept we cannot regard witJiout renouncing Christianity and offending God." After the conviction of Langston further trials were arrested. The captors had been indicted in the Lorain county court for kidnapping; and these finally ]>r()posed an arrangement by which nol/es should be entered against the cases on both sides, and they be to, and the prisoners dismissed. This was agreed were accordingly released on three months' inij)risoninent. and before leaving the jail, resolutions, of whic^h we ijuote the following one: *' Resolrefl, That after all the pains and penalties inflicted on us by government officials in the attempt toenforce the fugitive slave act, we feel it to be our dnt.y to say that our hatred and opposition to that un- just and unconstitutional law are more intense than ever before. No fine the iith of July, after After tlieir discharge, they passed a series of or imprisonment, however enforced, by whatever court, can induce us to yield it obedience. We will hereafter, as we have heretofore, help the panting fugitive to escape from those who would enslave him, whatever may be the authority under which they may act." On their arrival at Oberlin, they were received with unbounded enthusiasm. In the evening, the church was crowded, speeches were made by the rescuers and others, and the meeting did not close till midnight. Near the close of the meeting, a resolution was jiassed that the town council be requested to enter a minute of this whole affair upon the records of the village of of Oberlin. The following is the conclusion of this minute: "And finally, in view of all the consequences attendant upon this prosecution, and all the light shed upon the subject, we unanimously express our greatly increased abhorrence of the fugitive slave act, and avow our determination that no fugitive slave shall be taken from Oberlin, either with or without a warrant, if we have power to prevent it. Passed unanimously July 6, 18.59." On the nth, Bushnell having served out the sixty days for which he was sentenced, returned to Oberlin, and another enthusiastic meeting was held. In less than two years from this manifestation of the enthusiastic determination of the people to main- tain their principles, they were, by the breaking out of the war of the rebellion, put to a far severer test. In the grand ujirising of the North, one of the most sublime and inspiring events of history, Oberlin had her share. Ai)ril 13, 18(51, Fort Sumter fell; and on the 14th, President Lincoln issued his jiroclamation calling for seventy-five thousand volunteers. At Oberlin, as everywhere throughout the North, the excitement was deep, intense and absorbing. A meeting of the students was held at the college chapel on the evening of the 19th, and was addressed by enthusiastic speakers from each of the regular classes, and a committee of five was appointed to obtain volunteers. A meeting of citizens was also held. On the next evening, Professor Monroe, who was then a member of the State legislature, having arrived from Columbus, a meeting was held in the church, and was addressed by him and Colonel Shel- don, of Elyria. At the close of this meeting, the roll was opened for enlistments, and forty-nine at once gave their names, and ten thousand dollars were pledged to assist in sustaining those who should go. By Monday morning, one hundred and thirty names were enrolled; and this being in excess of the number required, and others being ready to enlist, a second company was formed. Nor was this eagerness to enlist from mere excitement; it was, on the contrary, in most cases, from sturdy principle. The first company formed is known as company C of the Seventh regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, of which Professor C W. Shurtleff, then a tutor in the college, was captain. The first enlistment was for three months ; but a month later most of the com- pany re-enlisted for three years. At Cross Lanes they were overjiowered by a superior force, two of their number were killed, and twenty-nine, including Captain Shurtleff, were made prisoners. Notwith- HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 183 staiidiug this serious blow, tliis coii:pauy aftei'ward took an active part in niauy battles, in which its members wore tlistingnished for their bravery. They were also distinguished for their moral and religious character. Out of the one hundred and fifty stu- dents who were at different times members of this company, but throe died of disease ; and of those, two died of infection caught in the filthy dungeons of New Orleans. Twenty-eight fell in battle, fifteen were discharged on account of wounds, and many others were wounded slightly. Fifteen were promoted as commissioned officers in other regiments. Its cap- tain, after a year spent in southern prisons, was made insjR'ctor general on the staff of General Wilcox ; then was appointed lieutenant-colonel, and afterwards colonel of the Fifth United States colored troops, and just at the close of the war was made brevet brigadier general. The second year of the war another company, com- ]tosed of citizens and students, was sent out and Joined the one hundred and third regiment. The same year, when Cincinnati was threatened, almost all the college students capable of bearing arms, with many of the preparatory students and citizens, started on a few honrs' notice and spent several weeks there till the danger was past. Toward the close of the war a second company. K, was sent out, which joined with Cleveland to form the one hundred and fiftieth regiment, and helped Grant fight his way to Richmond. "Taking the catalogue of 1861, the first year of the war." says Profes- sor Ellis, from whose address entitled "Oberliu in the War," we take most of these facts and statistics, " we find that of one hundred and sixty-six gentlemen in the four college classes, one hundred, or sixty per cent., have been in the army as soldiers. We doubt if any college catalogue can show a better record than this. Of alumni and the under-graduates in the college classes, we count one hundred and ninety-seven who have served in the array. Among these, two major generals, one brigadier general, ten colonels, and officers of lower grades in larger proportion. Of those who have been connected with the preparatory department, our estimate can only approximate the exact tigures. Supposing that those of whom we do not know pos- itively have gone in the same proportion as those of whom we do know, we have not less than five hundred and fifty from this department, giving a total of eight hundred and fifty of the representatives of Oberliu in the army. The great majority of the.je enlisted without a selfish consideration. Even those who were far advanced in their course, and many of whom had been leading men as teachers or preachers, entered the ranks side by side with the ignorant and uncul- tivated song of toil. If the list of officers should be found dispropor- tionately small, as I do not think it is, it would be accounted for by this fact." Of those who went into the army Professor Ellis estimated that not less than ten per cent., or from seventy-five to one hundred men, were among the slain. The number of students was of course much reduced during the war, especially the young men. The year that the war broke out the number given in the catalogue is one thousand, three hundred and eleven; the next year it was reduced to one thou.saiid and seventy-one, and the next to eight hundred and fifty-nine; the next year it is nine hundred and seventeen, and the next, nine hundred and one — an average decrease of about one-third. At the commencement in ISGO, an effort was made to raise funds to build a new ladies' hall, of which there was felt to be a pressing need. The first pledge was two dollars for a corner stone; and after that, pledges were given for from one dollar to two hun- dred, till the whole sum amounted to three thousand, one hundred and thirty-six dollars. Its foundations were laid the next spring, at the breaking out of the war, on ground whicii had long been reserved for it. Further work was suspended on it for two years. The walls were erected and the roof put on in 1803, and it was not completed till 1805. The cost of building and furnishing was about forty thousand dollars. In 1865, President Finney, seeking relief in his declining years, from the cares and resjionsibilities of the presidency of the institution, resigned his posi- tion, and Professor James II. Fairchild whs appointed his successor, and delivered his inaugural address at the commencement, August 23, 1866. President Fairchild was one of the four who formed the first college class, and participated in the exercises of the first commencement. After the completion of his seven years' course in college and in theology, he was appointed, in 1841, professor of languages. This position he occufiied till 1847, when he was trans- ferred to the professorship of mathematics and na- tural philosophy; which he filled till 1859, when he became associate professor of theology and moral philosophy. He had thus, as student and professor, leen fully identified with Oberliu from its licginning; had im- bibed its idea, breathed its spirit, and entered into its life. A clear and independent thinker, wise in coun- ,sel, sagacious and prudent in the management of affairs, conscientiously careful and faithful in the performance of duty, unostentatious and unobtrusive in manner, with high aim and steadfast purpose, a man of culture and refinement, of gentleness and of force, of benevolence and dignity, — and inspiring universal respect, confidence, and love, — the college, under his management and guidance, with an efficient corps of professors, of like mind, as counsellors and helpers, was to have a steady and symmetrical growth in the perfecting of its various departments, and was to receive a warmer and more general acknowledg- ment of its character and work. During the first few years after its establishment the theological d(^partment was large and flourishing. In its first year, 1835, it numbered thirty-five; the next year it had increased to thirty-eight. In 1838 it numbered forty-four, and the next year it had in- crea.sed to sixty-four. This was the maximum of attendance, and after this it gradually declined, until, in 1840, it numbered but twenty-five. In 1859, the number had increased to thirty-six, and the next year it was thirty-five. But during the war the number was diminished, until, in 1864 and '65, the number was but thirteen, the next year but fifteen, and the next but eleven. This was the minimum; and at this time the question was seriously raised whether this department could be maintained. But it was concluded that it 184 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. was a necessity, nut only fur Olierlin, bnt especially for the furnishing of ministers to Congregational churches in Ohio and Michigan, and even in States farther west; and it was resolved to make a deter- mined effort to revive it, and to put it in every respect on a more substantial basis. In 18G9, Rev. Hiram Mead, a graduate of Andover, was appointed profes- sor of sacred rhetoric, and proved a valuable accession, not less by his devotion to the several interests of the department, than by that to the duties of his own professorship. A new building was needed, and this need it was resolved to proceed at once to supply. In November, 1871, the first general council of the C!ongregational churches of the United States met at Oberliu, and during their session gave their voluntary and hearty endorsement to the seminary; and the cor- ner stone of the new building, which was properly called "Council Hall," was at that tinu' laid. A large meeting was held at the First Church, at which sev- eral addresses were made. In conclusion. Rev. Dr. Buddiiigtou, chairman of the council, made a few remarks, in the course of which he said: '* I rejoice to stand, tliis day, upon the grave of buried prejudice. It is true that Oberlin has been a battle-cry in our ranks for a generation. It is so no longer, but a name of peace, of inspiration, and hope." Money was given by friends of the college in New- England, and by the churches in Ohio, by which the building was carried forward to completion; and at the coramencement, August 1, 1874, it was formally dedicated. The influeuce of these efforts in reviving the seminary is apparent in the increase of numbers. In 1871, the number had increased to thirty-six, the next year to thirty-eight, the next to forty-three, and in 1876 to fifty-one. No history of Oberlin would be complete without some notice of its music; to which, especially sacred music, much attention has been given from the first, and which has grown with its growth. In 18:J5, Rev. Elisha P. Ingersoll was appointed professor of sacred music in the college. He resigned and left town the next year, and, in 18.38, George N. Allen was ap- pointed to the same position, which, with the excep- tion of two years, he held till 18G4. Professor Allen was also chorister of the church choir from 1836 till 18.50, with the exception of two years. He entered with enthusiasm into the work of training the choir, and organized an orchestral accompaniment. The first concert of note was given at the commence- ment in 18.53, at which the "Oratorio of Absalom" was performed. In 18.56, the first organ was procured, the expense of which the choir helped much towards de- fraying with money earned by their concerts. In this way they also paid for tiie gas fixtures in the First Church, and furnished the bell of the chapel. On the division of the church in I860, and the formation of the Second Church, a new association was formed, called "The Musical Union," composed of members from both choirs. The musical union paid most of the cost of the cabinet organ used for a time by the Second Church; has given toward the large organ now in the Second Church nearly a thou- sand dollars, and four hundred dollars toward the new organ in the F'irst Church. In 1867, the "Oberlin Conservatory of Music" was brought into connection with the college, and George W. Steele was appointed professor of music, but was granted leave of absence to pursue his studies in Ger- many, whence he returned at the close of the fall term of the next year. In 1871, Fenelon B. Rice, a graduate of the Leipsic Conservatory of Music, was appointed professor of music, and was made director of the con- servatory of music, under whose efficient management this department of the college has attained high rank among the musical schools of the country. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The following facts respecting the public schools of Oberlin, are gleaned from a historical sketch pre- })ared for a centennial book in 1876 : A ])rimary department was at first organized in connection with the college, but was kept up only one year. The first public school was taught in one room of a house belonging to Deacon T. P. Turner, by Miss Anna Moore ; afterward it was taught in a shojj on the corner of Main and East College streets. The first school house was built in 1838, on the corner of Main and Lorain streets, not far from where the first church now stands. It was a small frame building, containing but one room, and this furnished at first with only rough boards for seats. Afterward rough tables were ])laced around next to the wall, with chairs before them. This was the only .school house till 1851, and as the number of scholars doubled and trebled during that time, it was necessary to seek rooms wherever they could be found. Many good private schools were in operation during this period. In 1851-52 a new brick building was erected on Professor street, opposite the college square, now owned by the college and known as " Cabinet hall.'' It was two stories high and contained three school rooms and one recitation room. The building was, however, not j'et ample enough to accommodate all the pupils, and afterward two wings were added, so that the whole building then contained seven school rooms. On entering the new building the schools were for the first time graded. In 1854 the schools were re-organized, and Joseph H. Barnum was elected superintendent. Mr. Bar- num was an active and efficient teacher, and remained in the school tiiree years, when he left to take charge of the Elyria schools. The last two terms of the year following Mr. Barnum's departure. Deacon W. W. Wright had the general superintendence of the schools, and after this, for two years, they were without a superintendent. In 1860, the Union school was first organized, under the law of 1849. The school board appointed Samuel Sedgwick, a graduate of Oberlin college, superintendent, at a salary of six hundred dollars, Sylvester ffAF?T Homestead of fWRS. R.B.HARr, Russia, loj^ain county. Ohio. MRS. RELIEF B. HART. MISS E. C. HART. SYLVESTEK HART. Among the early settlers and good, practical farmers of Carlisle township who have passed away, none left a fairer record for personal integrity and high moral worth than he whose life and character forms the basis of these lines. Reared amid the Green Mountains of Vermont, and at an early period of his existence being inculcated with the importance of in- dustry and self-reliance, he was admirably qualified for the life of a pioneer in the western country where forty-five years ago he eifected a permanent settlement. Sylvester Hart was born at Weston, Vt., on the 27th of March, 1806. His father, George Hart, was a native of Massachusetts ; his mother, Polly Lawrence, a Vermonter. In the days of his youth, educational advantages were quite limited, and what little of scholastic learning he obtained was in the common schools of the place of his birth. By subse- quent self-study, and the application of knowledge gained by experience, he became a well-read man, and posses.sed an in- telligence above the average farmer. It was in the year 1834, when, imbued with a spirit of adventure, coupled with the desire to make a home for himself and family, he came to Lorain Co., Ohio, and settled in Carlisle township, upon the farm now occupied by his son, Henry H. Some years prior to his removal from Vermont, however, he had become pretty thoroughly acquainted witli and habituated in agricultural jiursuits. At the age of seventeen years he bought his " time'' of his father, and subsequently purchased a small farm, which he sold preparatory to his departure to Ohio. All went well with him in his western home until 1840, when his residence and barn were totally destroyed by fire, a calamity under which a man of less indomitable energy and perseverance would have succumbed. Nothing daunted by this untoward event, he rebuilt on another part of his farm the house in which Henry H. Hart now resides. In December, 18.56, Mr. Hart removed to the village of Oberlin, intending to retire from the active, incessant labor of the farm. Here he resided a respected and honorable citizen until his death, which occurred Sept. 26, 1874. On the 25th of January, 1829, Mr. Hart was united in mar- riage with Relief Baldwin, who was born at Pawlet, Vt., Aug. 31, 1806. She survives him. They had issue as follows, namely : Relief M., born June 19, 1830; di,$d in infancy. Eunice D., born July 8, 1831 ; died in infancy. Jeremiah B., born Aug. 13, 1832; married Sarah A. Lyon, Jan. 25, 1854. Married, second time, Julia A. Preston, April 21, 1875. Children by first wife,— Carlton V., born May 26, 1855; Alice Relief, born Dec. 22, 1857; and Cora C, born April 11, 18.59. Child by second wife, — Helen A., born March 19, 1876. Elizabeth C, born May 19, 1834; Cornelia M., born Sept. 21, 1836; married John H. Eckler, of Carlisle, Dec. 25, 1862. Children,— Henry S., born Oct. 11, 1863; George H., born July 20, 1865; died Oct. 9, 1873 : Bertha M., born Oct. 14, 1868 ; Catharine M., born May 14, 1872 ; Frank R., born Feb. 21, 1875. Henry H., born Aug. 12, 1840; married Bertha B. Buehring, April 26, 1861. Children,— Alice L., born Jan. 6, 1862 ; Cora R., born March 26, 1863; William H., born July 18, 1864; Edith M., born Nov. 25, 1866 ; Julia C, born March 7, 1869 : Bertha B., born Feb. 24, 1872; George M., born March 5, 1874; Edwin R., born May 14, 1876; Flavius A., born Dec. 2, 1849; married Olive A., daughter of Simeon Crane, of Oberlin, Nov. 7, 1877; has one child. Burton S., born Aug. 30, 1878. In politics Mr. Hart was formerly a Whig, and after the organization of the Republican party affiliated with the latter. He was township trustee of Carlisle many years, and was elected to various other offices in that township. He was not a professor of religion, but the honesty of his life compared favorably with many of the most ardent church members. After a careful investigation of spiritualism, he became convinced of its genuineness, and espoused its teach- ings with a faith that lasted until his death. He became one of the largest landholders in the county, and was also extensively engaged in dairying. Those of his acquaintances and friends by whom he was best known, generally bear testimony to his uncompromising, personal integrity, his business rectitude, and the placidity of his domestic life. It was in the home circle where the serenity of his disposition was so highly ap- preciated. His benevolence was proverbial. Taken all in all, the career of Mr. Hart offers many excellent traits which afford alike a good example for future generations to follow, and an imperishable legacy to his estimable family. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 185 wliicli, (luring the last two years of his term of ser- vice, was increased to a thousand dollars. A high school was organized, and all the lower schools were improved. The high school increased to forty, and tlie whole number enrolled in all the schools, was as liigh as four hundred and fifty. In the fall of 1809, Mr. Sedgwick resigned, and Mr. E. F. Moulton, a graduate of Oberlin college, was appointed his successor, — at a salary of fifteen liundred dollars, wliich was afterward raised to seven- teen hnndred. Several additions were made to the course of study in the high school; and the number of pupils attending the high school, during Mr. Moulton's term of service, was more tlum doubled. Since the inauguration of the new system in 1860, tlie nuniljer enrolled in all the schools was also doubled. In 1873, the corner stone of a new edifice was laid, and it was completed and dedicated in 1874. It is situated on South Main street, in a central location, and contains eleven school rooms, a superintendent's room, two smaller recitation rooms, and a library room. Its cost was about forty tliousand dollars, and it is one of the handsomest buildings of tlie town. In 1870, Mr. Moulton resigned, and accepted a position as superintendent of the Union school, in Warren, Ohio. Mr. Chittenden was appointed in his place, and has proved an efficient superintendent, but lias recently been compelled to resign, ou account of ill healtli, and Mr. H. F. Clark has been chosen his successor. THE CHURCHES. A brief notice of the organization of the First Church, and of tlie erection of the church edifice, has been already given, and we have space here for little more. Mr. Finney was called to take charge of the church in May, 1837, and continued its pastor till May, 1873, a period of thirty-five years. The greater part of this time. Professor Morgan was also associated with him, and preached during Mr. Fin- ney's absence. Other members of the faculty also supplied the pulpit at different times. November 13, 1873, Rev. James Brand, a graduate of Yale College and of Andover Seminary, was installed as pastor of the church, and has since labored with much accept- ance and with gratifying results. Of the growth of the church, Mr. Brand, al)out a year since, said: ''Beginning with sixty-two commu nieants in the solitude of the forest, it has had, in the space of forty-two years, about four thousand six hundred and sixty — an average addition of a little more than one liundred and ten a year during its entire history."' It should, however, be remembered that from the changing character of the population, and from the fact that many of the students became lonnected with the church, the dismissions were as rontinual, if not so large, as tlie additions. For many years the First Church was the only church in the place, and it came to be the general and cherished desire that there should be no other. 24 This feeling arose, not from any exclusiveness, but from a desire of concentration and unity, rather than division of christian effort. The confession of faith embraced only those vital points which are accepted by all evangelical christians; and it was common for members of other denominations to join the church without change of views. But in the growth of the place, it was inevitable that other churches should be formed. The second cliurch organized was the Protestant Episcopal. Missionary services were begun by Rev. Anson Clark, in the year 1853, and were held regu- larly thereafter once a month, or once in two weeks, in Mr. Safford's house. The organization of the parish was effected April 18, 1855, by Rev. Francis Granger, with seven communicants. Very soon after, the work of building the church was commenced, the lot being given by Mrs. Saflford. Rev. William C. French came in November, 1858. The church was then but partially completed, and Mr. French did much to secure its completion. The church was consecrated in May, 1859, by Bishop Mcllvaine, with- out any debt, and has remained so to this day. In 1868, a recess chancel was added, and also a vestibule. The whole cost of the church was about five thousand dollars. On the same lot with the church, which comprises nearly an acre, beautifully ornamented with shrubs, a fine rectory — the only parsonage in the place — has been erected. This was begun in 1860, and completed in 1805. The church embraces now about sixty com- municants, and like the other churches of the place, its membership is more or less fluctuating. The fra- ternal spirit of the First Church toward this first sister church, was manifested by its invitation, ex- tended to Bishop Mcllvaine, on a certain occasion before they had a church edifice, to hold service in their church, which he did, to the gratification and edification of all present. The Second Congregational church of Oberlin was organized by a council composed of the representa- tives of several sister churches. May 3, 1860, one hundred persons, dismissed from the First Church for the purpose, uniting in the enterprise. This step seemed necessary from the fact that the congrega- tion had become too large to be accommodated. The October following, the church became connected with the Cleveland conference, and in April, 1805, it was duly incorporated under the laws of the State. The following, fall steps were taken to secure a site for a church edifice, work upon which w"as begun in 1807 and completed in 1870. The whole cost of the build- ing was about thirty thousand dollars. The dedica- tory exercises took jslace on the 30th of October, and on the following Sabbath the church transferred its meeting from the college chapel, which it had hith- erto occupied, to the new building. The next fall an organ costing five thousand dollars, was purchased. Much of the time since its organization the church has been supplied by members of the faculty acting 186 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. as pastors. It h;is liad, however, two installed pas- tors—Rev. M. W. Fairfield from October, 1801, to December, 18G4, and its present pastor, Rev. W. Kincaid, who began his labors in February, 1870, and was installed tlie following April. The number of members given in the manual of the cliurch, pub- lished this year, is six hundred and forty-four, < f whom ninety-eight are absent. The number of dil- ferent j^ersous who have united witli tiie church, is one thousand two hundred and forty. In the summer of 1800 several Baptist brcthrei and sisters, having held for some time a series ol prayer meetings, resolved to form a church ; and foi this purpose tliey called a council of neighboring churches on the 30th of July, which recognized tlu' brethren and sisters calling the council, as a Baptist church. At a subsequent church meeting forty-fix e brethren and sisters handed in their letters of recon.- mendation, which were read by tlie Rev. J. II. Lan- gille, and tliey were organized into a cliurch, the corporate name of which it was voted should be "the First Regular Baptist Church of Oberlin." From this time the church held meetings in a hall in Exchange block, in Watson's hall, and in Carpenter's hall successively, and had regular preaching. The corner-stone of a new house of worship was laid, with appropriate ceremonies, on a site procured on East Lorain street, September 34, 1807, and in Septembei-. 1871, the building liaving been completed, was form- ally dedicated. It is a neat and commodious brick building, and cost about fourteen thousand dollars. The present number of members is about one hun- dred and sixty. In 1808, funds were collected, and a lot purchased on South Main street, by Rev. Ira Hitchcock, then on Amherst circuit, for a Methodist Episcopal churcli, and the next year Rev. G. A. Reeder was sent to the charge, and labored faithfully to carry out the project of building a church. But he being removed from the work at the end of the year, and there being other adverse causes, the enterprise was finally aban- doned. A few years later, the society was disliandcd. and nothing remained but a lot and a note of one hundred dollars from the sale of materials. In the fall of 1808, a society was again organized by Rev. L. M. Pounds, then in charge of PittsfieUl circuit. The next year, Rev. J. Evans being on the charge, the society decided to make an other effort to erect a house of worship. About twelve hundred dollins were subscribed in and around OI)erlin, and tlie work was begun. In 1870, Rev. A Holbrook was appointed to tlie charge, and the work was carried forward, as fast as tlie means on hand would allow. Contributions were received from neigliboring places, and also from mem- bers of the college faculty, and from many of the members of the Congregational churches of Oberliii. In 1873, Rev. J. R. Jewett was appointed to the charge, and the building having been completed, was dedicated December 14th, but not until subscriptions had been taken more than enough to cover the debt. The building is a frame enclosed with brick. Its dimensions are seventy-two by forty-five feet; and its estimated value is about eight thousand dollars. Rev. J. F. Brant is the present ])astor. The number of members is one hundred and sixty-two, and there is in connection with ihe cliurch, a flourishing Sabbath school. About 1808, Rev. Mathew Goosland, who had been a slave, and had bought his own freedom, began to liold meetings for the colored people in Peck's hall, and members of the college faculty preached occasion- ally to them. Subsequent to the formation of tlie First Methodist Episcopal church, a Second Methodist Episcopal church (colored,) was organized. The members of this church, with persevering effort, have erected a chapel edifice on Soutli Water street, and furnished it with a bell. Tlieir building cost them three or four thousand dollars. The number of their members is about forty. A division occurred in this church, and in August, 1870, the seceding members organized an African Methodist Episcopal church. This is of about the same size as the otlier. They hold their meetings in a house, which they have purchased and fitted up. on East Lorain street. The first cemetery was on Morgan street between Main and Professor streets. The first burials were made next to the street, but afterwards, when greater retirement was found desiralile, the first graves were removed back. When the town became larger it was thought desirable to have a larger cemetery, outside of the village. A public meeting of the citizens was therefore called .July 9, 1801, to take stejis to form a cemetery association. A committee was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws; which being reported at a subsequent meeting, were adojited, and the offi- cers, consisting of six trustees and a clerk, w'cre elected. During the next year twenty-seven and a half acres were purchased of Rev. Henry Safford, in the southwest part of the village, and this lot was converted into a cemetery and called " Westwood." The grounds have since been much improved, and it has become a favorite resort. The remains of be- tween two and three hundred have been removed from the old to the new cemetery. Tlie whole number of interments, not including removals, from 1803 to January 1, 1878, was six hundred and forty, an an- nual average of about forty-two. The principal settlements in Oberlin were first made on the east side of Main street opposite the college square, and south on the same street. Mr. Shipherd's house was north of the square, the back part of the house now owned by Mr. Hulburd; and he afterjvard built the house now occupied by Mr. Jewell. Mr. Pringle Hamilton's house, a mile south of the village, was built in 1834, and was then far in the woods. East College and East Lorain streets began to be HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 187 settled next in order. There were bxiildings there in 1834. In 1835 there were two houses built on Pro- fessor street, Professor Finney's and President Mahan's, and that street was not opened north of Lorain and south of College street. The house of Chauncey T. Canier, the college farmer, the one now owned by President Fairchild, was built in 1838 or '39, but was then in the lot. North Professor was not opened till sometime later, and West College was simjily a pocket, having uo outlet. Then West street was laid out, giving a passage across to Lorain, and it was called West street because it was supposed it was the last j street that would be needed toward the west. Pleasant street, between Lorain and College, was opened very early, liut its extension north and south has been quite recent. West Lorain was opened at the beginning, but was not built up much till one got into the country. It was the only road opened to the west out of town, and made its connections with Hen- rietta, Brownhelm, etc. Thus, all there was of the town for a great many years, was found on four streets. The town did not extend much south of the creek, the tendency to build in that direction coming with the advent of the railroad. The first steam mill, owned by Oberlin College, was sold to Isaac Chamberlain. Mr. Chamberlain sold the mill to Henry Wilcox, who ran it for some time. It was owned by Beebe and Horton when it was burned in 1810 or '47. In 1841, a saw mill was built on the east side of Water street by Ellis, Wilder and Reed. It was run a short time before it was given uj). L. M. Hall built a flouring mill a short distance north of it, using the old boiler to furnish steam for the engine. Be- fore there was any mill, I\[r. Hall ran a team to bring flour from Ashland. About the year 1846, Lewis Holtslauder built a grist mill on the west side of Water street, and south of Hall's mill, P. P. Stewart putting in the engine. This was only run a year or two, and is now owned by Hervey Leonard. In 1863-3, Mr. Jenkins built a saw mill on the south side of Mill street, which Samuel Plumb bought in 1863, and sold it in the fall of the same year to Reuben Haynes and H. 0. Swift. After the death of yir. Haynes, Reuben Stone bought his interest. The building on South Main street now occupied by L. S. Colburn as a planing mill, was built in 1838 by three students, James A. Preston and William H. Evarts, who became missionaries to Jamaica, and Cephas Foster, who settled in Cxalena. President J. II. Fairchild, then a senior in college, took the job of making the window frames for fifty cents apiece, and made them, twenty in number, in five days. The building was erected to aid students depending on manual labor for support. Seth B. Ellis, who owned the shop alone, or with others, for twenty-five years, purchased the first planer and matching machine for it, and the first shingle machine. About the year 1848, a carding and cloth-dressing machine was put in, and for many years there was quite an extensive business in this line. In 1834, before there was any post-office in town, Harvey (iibbs used to carry the mail between Oberlin and South Amherst, in a leather bag which would hold about half a peck. He was the first post-master, the post-office then being in the first building north of the site of the town hall. In 1841 T. Dwight Eells was appointed post-master. Mr. Eells was suc- ceeded by Mr. Munson, who kept the office until 1840, and filled it again from 1853 until 1861, when G. F. H. Stevens was appointed. J. F. Harmon was appointed in 1865, and was succeeded by the present post-master. Will. Allen, in 1874. The First National Bank of Oberlin opened for business at No. 13, West College street, in September, 1863. Samuel Plumb was its president until Novem- ber, 1869, then I. M. Johnson for two months, after that A. H. Johnson until January, 1873, when I. M. Johnson was chosen, and was succeeded in Jan- uary, 1874, by Hiram Hulburd, the present pres- ident. The bank was removed to its i^resent location in Viets's block, on East College street, in 1870. Professor Dascomb practiced somewhat as a physi- cian for a short time. In 1835 or 1836, Dr. Alexander Steele was invited and came to Oberlin, and had all the practice. Dr. Otis Boise was afterward associated with Dr. Steele for a few years. In 1846, Dr. Homer Johnson came from Birmingham, where he had been practicing medicine for about ten years, to Oberlin, where he was associated with Dr. Steele, till 1859. They had a large practice, as well in the surrounding country as iu the village. Dr. Steele died in April, 1872. The colored people, who now form about one-sixth of the whole jiopulation of the place, did not come in much at au early day. Some of the first families were those of Mr. Farris, Mrs. Crabbe, and Mr. Smith. Sabram Cox came from the west, in 1839, as a stu- dent, and finally married and settled down, and has ever since been one of the most substantial colored citizens. Campton, Copelaud and the Pattersons came from North Carolina. Anson Jones also came from North Carolina, and was one of the characters of Oberlin. When a slave, he hired his time, and by working at his trade as a blacksmith, bought himself and family at a cost of eight thousand dollars, and then came to Oberlin and put his four sons through college. He worked away at his anvil till he was over eighty 3'ears old. He took a good deal of interest in politics, and took the A^ational Intelligencer and the Charleston Mercurij. On East College street, a mile from the center, Horace Crosby settled at a very early day, and one of the attractions of his place was a flower garden iu the door yard, kept by Mrs. Crosby. The students often took walks in that direction to get a sight of the flowers. An act to incorporate the town of Oberlin was passed by the general assembly of the State of Ohio, 188 HISTOKY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. February 17, 1846. The first mayor elected was Lewis Holtslander. By an ordinance ])assed by the town council, in 1853, the name of the town, the limits of which were defined, was to be the "Incorporated Village of Oberlin." In 1861, the limits of the corpo- ration were enlarged, and again in 1870 and 1871. The running of the railroad through Oberlin was an important event in the history of the town. The trains began to run in the fall of 1853, and the road was then called " The Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland Railroad,'* and ran through Grafton instead of Elyria. Before this, students had gone on tlie railroad to Wellington, and had come from there by stage. Be- fore the road was built, students from the east com- monly waited for the lake to o])eii in the spring. This coming of the railroad to Oberlin gave both the town and the school a new start. It was soon after the inauguration of the scliolarship endowment, by which the school had been so largely increased, and furnished augmented facilities to the crowds of stu dents in reaching it. In the fall of 1858, Mr. W. Stephenson undertook to provide the town with gas, and many of the citzens took stock in the enterprise. After laying some of the jiipes, he failed; and the next year Samuel Phimb assumed the undertaking, the citizens who had sub- scribed stock throwing it np to secure its success. At the spring election of 1868, a large majority of the qualified electors of Russia township voted for the building of a town hall, and soon after the State leg- islature passed a special act constituting the townshi]i trustees and the town council a joint board to build such town hall. Acting in accordance with this, the board made an assessment, and afterward issued bonds, and contracted for the construction of the proposed building, which was completed in 1870, at a cost of eighteen or twenty thousand dollars. FIKE DEPARTMENT. The first fire engine in Oberlin was a small hand engine, which was procured about 1844. In 1853, two hand engines were bought in Rochester, New York, called the "Niagara" and "Cataract;"' the latter costing five hundred dollars, and the former two hundred dollars. These machines were used till 1865; and one of them has been fitted up, and is now used by a colored company. The otlier is used in the brickyard formerly owned by L. B. Kinney. In November, 1865, a steamer, — -a third class Silsby engine, — was purchased, costing four thousand dol- lars. About 1873, a new hose cart was bought. About 1860, a hook and ladder company was formed. In 1863, at a tournament held in Cleveland, this company won a silver trumpet, valued at one hundred dollars; and the next year, another at San- dusky, of the same value; the latter being afterward presented to M. T. Gaston, as a token of gratitude for his services. This company has won the prize in six tournaments; the prizes being four trumpets, once money, and the last a buck-horn. The following are the names of the chief engineers, in the order in which they have served: H. C. Tay- lor, Homer Johnson, David Brokaw, Mr. Peake, M. T. Gaston, H. M. Piatt, M. T. Gaston, again, and now, Levi Whitney. THE EARLY SETTLEMENT OF RUSSIA TOWNSHIP. Many of the more imjiortant of the following facts I have copied from the Town records, as they were collected and recorded by John L. Hunter, in 1855; other interesting facts I have obtained from early settlers, or from the descendants of early settlers. The township of Russia was owned by Street and Hughes of New Haven, Connecticut, having been bought by them of the State of Connecticut. The first settlements in the township were made in the northwest part, contiguous to the settlements in Am- herst. This may have been because of the nearness to settlements already made, and also because of the better quality of the land. The first settlements seem to have been made in 1818. In that year Daniel Rath- burn, Israel Cash, Thomas Waite, Jonathan Buck, John Callum and Israel CJamp settled on lots iiumlier one and eleven. In 1823, Walter Buck, Samuel T. Whiteman and Esquire (rreen settled in the same neighborhood, but perhaps not on the same lots. In 1S3:5, John McC'alley settled on lot twelve, and in 1834, Daniel Axtell bought him out. In 1825, Rich- ard Rice settled on lot forty-two; Israel Smith, Slan Butlangh and Abrani Wellman on lot twelve; Stephen Baker on lot three, and Stillman on lot four. With these inhabitants, who constituted the voters, the township was organized. Early m 1825, a peti- tion was presented to the commissioners of the county for the powers and i)rivilegesof an incorporated town- ship. The petition was granted, and Josiah Harris, Es(]uire, of Amherst was appointed to preside and call the meeting to order for the first election, which was held at the house of Daniel Axtell, on lot twelve. There were sixteen voters in the township, all told, and all were present. Walter Buck, Israel Cash and Stephen Baker were judges of the first election, and Richard Rice one of the clerks, the name of the other being unknown. In 1836, Lewis Boynton bought on lots tweutj'-two and thirty-two and settled; Rufus Jloore on lot eighty, on the road from Elyria to Wellington; and Thomas Errin, Elias Peabody and George Disbro on lot one. Between 1S26 and 1829, John, James, Hezekiah and Ray Tift, four brothers, with their mother, set- tled on the north and south center road, in the north part of the township. This was called "the Tift settlement." This settlement was soon afterward in- creased by the arrival of Robei't Meeker, George ' Wilcox, and Silas, Mayuai'd and Orson Allen. A little south were George Carley and Clark Warner, and east were Abram Van Houton and his sons, and Jeremiah Bidwell. Mr. Nathan Basset bought out Silas Allen in 1834. He came from New York, but was originally from HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 189 Bridgewater, Massachusetts. His son, tlien a hoy and now a respected citizen, lives on the old place. Mr. Orrin Gibson came the same year. He was twenty-six years old, unmarried, and rode all the way on horseback from Tompkins county, New York. Ho afterward married Miss Elizabeth Freeman, whose father settled in the north part of the township in 1829. Both are still living in the same house with their son. About the same time Mr. Lot Parsons bought the Tift i:)lace and settled. This settlement was about a mile in length. There was no wagon in the neighborhood, and no wagon track in the road — only a path in the middle. When they went to mill they hitched two yoke of oxen on a sled. On the same road, farther south, Alanson A. Piatt, settled in the spring of 1836, on the place now owned by Gillett, Jarvis and Bassett. He came originally from Milford, Connecticut, but had lived three years in Genesee county. New York. He had a family of thirteen children, though all did not come with him. Henry M. Piatt, who has for many, years carried on a photograph gallery in Oberlin, is his youngest son, and was born the fall after his father had removed to Russia. Silas Gibson moved from Tompkins county. New York, to Henrietta, in May, 1831, and in the follow- ing February removed into Russia township, and settled about a mile and a quarter west of the Tift settlement, where he still lives. He bought his jilace of the Thurston brothers, who were bachelors, and with his wife and three children lived the first year in a shanty twelve by seventeen. He has raised a family of twelve children, eight boys and four girls. His next neighbor on the south, who came in soon after he did, was Mr. Messerole, from New Jersey, whose son lives on the old place. Deer were plenty, and they could have as much venison to eat as they wanted. There were also large flocks of wild tur- keys; one day he shot five and shared them with his neighbors. The first school kejit in town was in the winter of 183.5-'26, in a log school house on lot eleven. The teacher was Albert Adams, a man from Wellington, and his wages were twelve dollars per month. This west part of the town constituted district number one. Afterward another district was established east of this, and a log school house was built in the Tift settlement. Previous to 1839, elections were held, and the town- ship business generally was done in the west school house. In 1829, and thereafter till the jilace of elec- tion was changed to the village of Oberlin, elections were held at the school house on the center road. Daniel Axtell was the first Justice of the peace, being commissioned April 22, 1826. The first religious meeting in the township was held in 1826 by a missionary from Connecticut, who preached in a log school house on lot thirty-one. Alexander Gaston was born in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, and went to Tompkins county, New York, when he was twenty-two, and was there mar- ried and raised a family of ten chihli-en. He first came to Russia in 1833, and bought the whole of lot seventy-two, of Street and Hughes, whirii was then a dense forest. The next year, he removed his family, and purchased of Walter Burk a farm partially im- proved, on lots thirty-one and thirty-two, where he resided till his death, June 23, 1865, at the age of eighty-two, and where his son, Alonzo Gaston, now lives. He was a strictly temperate man, and was the first man in the part of the town where he resided to put up a building, at the raising of which intoxi- cating liquoi'S were not used as a treat to the hands; and as a consequence, he was obliged to make two efforts before the raising was completed. He may be said to have been the most prominent member of the Congregational church at South Amherst, of which he was one of the deacons from its organization, in about the year 183-4:, until his death. In 1834 or 1835, he was elected a justice of the ])eace by a strictly party vote on the temperance question, the election being held at the school house near his residence, and the people of Oberlin going out to vote. He served several years in that capacity to the satisfaction ot his fellow citizens. Samuel Rossiter came to Russia from Richmond, Massachusetts, in the fall of 1834, and bought of Street and Hughes lot eighty-two. The following February, he was married to Maria Gaston, daughter of Deacon A. Gaston, and in May they moved into a log cabin he had erected on his place, thirteen by six- teen feet within walls, with single roof, and without chamber. In the summer ho built a frame barn, thirty by forty feet; and, not finding sufficient help among his neighbors to raise it, without whisky, was assisted by students and others from Oberlin. A pig-pen that he afterward liuilt between liis luiuse and the road, and larger than his house, was often mis- taken for his house, persons first knocking at the door of the pig-pen. His only vehicle for several years, for use on his farm, or for riding for business or pktisvre, was a twn-wheeled cart, ])ropelled by oxen. In this, he and his family attended cliurch at Oberlin, riding over roads made in the following manner: A track about ten feet wide was made through the dense forest two miles, from his jilace to town, by cutting the trees even with the ground Rails were then split, ten feet long, and a continuous bridge made of them on the above surface, then a ditch was dug at the sides, and the clay thrown upon the rails. Over such roads, when the clay settled through the rails, or some of the rails decayed, as they soon did, riding in an ox-cart was anything but delightful. Mr. Rossiter has had a family of eleven children, of whom ten are living. He himself now resides in Tabor, Iowa. The settlement two miles northeast of Oberlin, know as "New Oberlin," was begun by J. B. Hall, father of Rev. H. B. Hall, now a resident of Oberlin. In the fall of 18^4, he bought laud, and began to 190 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. clear. He built, a barn in 1836, and a house in 1839. lie was !ui earnest cliristian man, and carried on nieelings in the neighborliood for years. Omar Bailey built a house in 1837, in which he now lives. Francis Spces, Israel Mattison, Stejilieii Cole, and Talcott Kinney were among the early set- tlers in tiiat neigliborliood. Biographical Sketches, (iHAULESG. FINNEY was born in Warren, Litchfield county, Connecticut, August 2'.), 1793. When about two years old his father removed to Oneida county, New York, where, the country being new, the subject of our sketch grew up with scant religious i)rivileges, seldom hear- ing a sermon. Here he obtained a common school education, and afterward, returning to Now England, attended a high school. He gained some knowledge of Latin, Greek and Hebrew, and thought of going to Yale college, but did not. In 1818 he began the study of law in Adams, Jef- ferson county. New York, where, for the first time in his life, he enjoyed the (ijiportunity of hearing reg- ularly the preaching of an educated minister. At this time also he for the first time owned a Bible, which he read with interest ; and he frequently attended tjie weekly prayer meeting of the church. Coming tinally, tiirough the working of gospel truth on his active mind, under deep conviction, in the fall of 1831 he experienced a remarkal)le change of char- acter and of life, whieli led him immediately to give up the law willi the view of becoming a jireacher of Ihe gospel. His conversion was the beginning of a revival in Adams, and he entered at once upon christian work with all the zeal of his ardent nature. In his prep- ai'ation for the ministry, jnirsuing Ihe study of the- ology under the instruction of his pastor. Rev. George W. Gale, his mind revolted from the old school Cal- vmistic doctrines, which brought him into frequent discussion with his teacher. In March, 18"24, he was licensed liy the iiresbytery to preach, and soon after began his labors as a home missionary, in Jefferson county. New York. •' Having had no regular training for the ministry,"' he says, " I did not expect or desire to labor in large towns or cities, or to minister to cultivated congrega- tions. I intended to go into new settlements and ))reacii in school houses, and tiariis, and groves, as best ] could." From the llrst he engaged in his work with an intense yet intelligent zeal ; and iis untiring laJjors })roduced, with (iod's blessing, powerful revivals. He was indeed possessed of uncommon natural abil- ities ; but the real secret of his success, from the beginning to the end of his ministry, is found in the fact that he was a man full of faith and the Holy Ghost, and of much prayer. It soon a])peared that his great work was to be, not that of a pastor of a single church, but that of an evangelist, going from place to place and laboring for the awakening of the churches and the conversion of sinners. To this work the first ten years of his ministry were wholly given, during which he preached in the large towns and cities of New York, in Phil- adelphia, and in the principal cities of New England ; and powerful revivals occurred, resulting in the con- version of large numbers. In the sjiring of 1832 he went to New York City and became pastor of a new Presbyterian chun'h. Here he delivered a series of lectures on revivals, which were at the time reported and published in tiie New York EiunujeUsf, and being afterward collected in a book, have had a very hirge circulation, not only in this country, liut in England and other countries of Europe. In the spring of 183.5 he went to Oberlin, and entered upon the work of his remaining life as a pro- fessor of theology. To the formation of the charac- acter of this new enterprise, in its predominant religious and reformatory aspect, lie was to contrib- ute a large share. But he could not be content to be a mere teacher. The gosjiel message was as a fire shut up within, which would continually burst forth. Neither could it be confined to one place. Till the infirmities of age made it physically im])0s- sible, he preached at intervals in many j)laces, with the same fervor and success which had characterized his earlier efforts. Twice he visited England ; the first time in 1819, the second time in 1858 ; and both times extensive revivals, in various jilaces, resulted from his labors. From 1830 to 1873, he was pastor of the First Con- riresently losing his father, his early career was a peculiarly difficult one. At his father's death, a large share of the supjioi-t of his widowed mother fell Uiion him; and though but a lad in his teens, he acce])ted the duty with a fortitude worthy of riper years, and with a commendable de- termination, fulfilled the same faithfully and well. Such conduct, and the early developement of similar good qualities, laid the foundation to his subsequent success in life, as will be set forth in the subjoined brief narrative of the most salient features of his life and character. Lott Parsons was born in Wilkshire, England, on the 9th of January, 1821. He is the son of John and Ann (Yetman) Parsons, who were also natives of the same shire. In Mai-ch, 1833, the family embarked at Bristol for New York, arriving at the latter i)lace in the following May. They proceeded thence to Men- tor, Lake county, Ohio, where they remained during the ensuing summer. In the following fall, John 198 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Parsons ciinie on to Russia townsliip, and in conjunc- tion witli a cousin, purchased, by contract, a quarter of section of land, but the hind agent afterward ignored the stipulated agreement, and the bargain fell througli. During tlio next year (1833), Jlr. Parsons and his family settled permanently in Russia township, upon a part of the farm now occupied by Lott Parsons, his son. .John Parsons died the same fall, his untimely death casting a gloom over his family, wliicii it took many subsequent years to efface. But his widow and her children possessed the sterling (jualities that have nuide thcii' native land famous in the ages of the ])ast, — fortitude and a hardihood that defy reverses. They brought the requisite amount of industry and stern practical economy to bear upon their unfortu- nate situation, and succeeded in establishing a com- fortable home, where the head of the family had cast their lot. On the 18th of October, 184-1, Mrs. Parsons died, but not before she had seen the fruits of her own and her children's battle with adversity, with the appar- ent assurance of victory. On the a5th of December, l.s.51, Lott Parsons and Catharine E. Kendeigh were united in marriage. She was born in Amherst, .Tanuary 5, 183(!. They have had six chiidi-en, nanu'ly: Fi'ank S., born November 1, is.j^j, married Coi'nelia .Sherman, of Henrietta, now resides in North Amherst: Mary A., born .)uly 1. 1851, (deceaseil); Willie E., l)oi-n .Janu- ary l'.». 1858; Viola E.. born May 1, 1860; .John (!., born January 1, 1863; Henry C, born April 17, 1870. It can be truly said of Mr. Parsons, that he has done as much toward the nuiterial devolopmetit of Russia townshii) as any num now residing therein. He has cleared as much of its wild land as any, and in the way of scientific investigation and utilization of its resources, stands pre-eminently ahead of all. About ten years ago, he put to practical uses the gas that exists in large quantities on his farm, particu- larly showing itself iu a well that he sunk years ago. He now has gas all over his house, and in the sum- mer, his good wil'e uses it for cooking and other household pur])oses. His sitting room is heated by it, through the medium of an ingeniously contrived ^ stove, of his own invention. A remarkable feature about Mr. Parsons, when we consider the fact that he never received even the rudi- ments of au education, is his general and varied knowledge, especially of the science of geology. In this particular i)raaeh of learning, he excels almost any man, not of classical and scientific education. While a youth, toiliugfor his daily bread, and for the maintenance of his widowed mother, at ten dollars per month, he would borrow books, and in the quiet of the night, while others slumbered, ho would study. His farm buildings, — of which an illustration, to- gether with portraits of himself and wife, appears on another jiage of this volume, — show how, little by little, he has added thereto. He now owns, in all, one hundred and fifty acres of laud, and is considered one of the substantial practical farmers of his township. His i)erseverance and industry, coupled with an nn- iliuching personal honesty, are chief characteristics, and the main factors to his success. LUTHER FREEMAN. The Freeman family, father and son, very fairly represents the pioneer element of Russia township, and, indeed, of other parts of the State as well. At an early day in the history of Wayne county, Ohio, we find Luther Freeman, the subject of this sketch, one of its earliest settlers. He was born in Connec- ticut, on the 3d of June, 1703. AVhen three years of age, his parents moved to Massachusetts, and, four years later, to Vermont. In 1817, they removed to Ohio and settled in Wayne county. From there they removed to Strongsville, Cuyahoga county, in 1829, and, one year afterwards, in January, 1830, to Russia township, and located on the farm at present occu- pied by his son, Calvin. Luther Freeman married Anna Baird, who was born at Granville, New York, January 11, 1795. They had seven children, as fol- lows: Anna E., Phanclia, Clarissa, Calvin L., Walter, Lucy 0., and Adeline, all of whom survive exceirt Phanelia, who died in April, 1875. Soon after arriving in Russia township, Mr. Free- man erected a log house, doing most of the work himself. An illustration of this old home appears in the sky margin of the view of the present residence, on another page of this work. Mr. Freeman was a man who enjoyed an excellent character for industry and probity. He was a hero of the war of 1812, and, after having been once honorably discharged, he vol- unteered again, and participated iu the battle of Plattsburg, New York. He died January 30, 1863, and his good wife followed him to the grave on the 13th of July, 1867. This worthy couple were married in 1815, and lived together forty-eight years. Calvin L. Freeman was born in Mohecan township, Wayne county, Ohio, December 3, 1825. He was brought up on the farm, and has followed agricultural pursuits all his life. On the 19th of June, 1850, he was married to Eliza A., daughter of James and Sarah (deceased) Probert, of Grosmont, Monmouthshire, England. They emigrated to America in 1833, and first temporarily settled at Cleveland, Ohio. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman resulted in two sons, Franklin C, born October 2, 1858, and Marston S., born July 13, 1861. They both reside at home, and attend Oberlin College. The present residence of Mr. Freeman was erected in 1845, and he has occupied it ever since. He did most of the work upon it, his father being unwell at the time of its erection. Himself and his excellent wife are, in every sense, a worthy couple, enjoying very generally the esteem and respect of a large circle of acquaintances and friends, and of the community in which they reside. RESIDENCE.OF LEMUEL ABBEY. EATON Tn. LORAIN C0..0- EATON This is town five, range sixteen. The original pro- prietors were Daniel Holbrook, Caleb Atwater, Tur- lumd Kirtland and ten others. To equalize it with the selected townsliips there was annexed tract one, gore fonr, in range eleven. Until December 3, 1823, the date of its organization, it was called " Holbrook," after one of its principal owners, Daniel ITolbrook. TOPOGRAPHY. The surface is generally monot(jnously level, with a prevailing clay soil, modified by sand and gravel along Butternut and Chestnut ridges, which cross the northwest corner of the township, about half a mile distant from, and nearly i)arallel with each other. North, and for some distance south of these ridges, the soil is a clay combined with a black loam, strong and fertile. Besides the east branch of Black river, which crosses merely the southwest corner of Eaton, two other unnamed tributaries of that stream com- prise the only water courses of the township worthy of mention. One of these I'ises in Grafton and drain- the southern ludf of the town. The other rising east of the center, with a northern branch with which it unites on lot eighty-eight, and flows thence south- westerly into Black river west of lot ninety-four. There were formerly several swamps in Katon, the largest of which was the llance swamp, in the south- east part, and one embracing within its extent some seventy-five acres, in the northern part. With culti- vation and drainage these formerly unsightly marshes have become the most fertile portions of the town- ship — the soil a deep, black muck, rich, mellow and enduring. Eaton was originally covered with a mag- nificent growth of timber, differing in variety not materially from that of adjoining towns. On Butter- nut and Chestnut ridges those kinds of timber were respectively found in abundance, from wliich circum- stance the ridges derived their names. Whitewood, walnut, beech and hard maple were also native to this portion of the township. In the less elevated portions, beech, hard and soft maple, hickory, black- ash, basswood and elm were among the leading vari- eties. THE FIRST LOCATION was made in the fall of 1810, by Silas Wilmot, Asa Morgan and Ira B. Morgan. Tiiey were from Water- bury, Connecticut, and all unmarried at the time of their arrival in the township. They erected a cabin on Butternut ridge — lot eighty-nine — which for a time they jointly occupied. The next summer Wil- mot married Chloe Hubbard, of Ashtabula county, and began married life in the log cabin on the ridge, which by consent had become his property, and he has the honor of being the first settler in the township. This pioneer cou])le had, as all pioneers ought to have, a large family of children. Tlie num- ber was fourteen, and all lived to mature age. Eight are now (fall of 1878) living, and four are residents of the county, as follows : Mrs. J. L. Tucker in Eaton, Artemas iu Carlisle, Jeannette — unmarried — and Norris in LaGrauge. A son — Don Carlos — now resid- ing in the west, was the first white child born in the town. Wilmot lived on his original location until his death, in 1855. In the spring of 1813, Ira B. Morgan married Louisa Bronson, daughter of Levi Bronson of Colum- bia, and took up his abode on Butternut ridge, lot seventy-two. The land is now owned by Barney Jackson. He was the second son of Asahel Morgan, who settled in Ridgeville in the fall of 1813. He came to Columbia iu the spring of 1810, with a party of some twelve or thirteen men, most of whom settled in Ridgeville. He was a surveyor, and surveyed much of the territory through this section. Asa, an older brother, came into tlie country with Tillotson Terrell and family, who were the first set- tlers in Ridgeville. He afterwards married a daughter of David Beebe of Ridgeville, and located just west of Wilmot. Sylvester Morgan, another brother, married a daugh- ter of Borden Beebe of Ridgeville, and settled, in 1817, on the same lot on which Ira B. had settled. He afterwards sold his place and moved into Ridge- ville, settling on Chestnut ridge, and later on Center ridge. He finally sold and removed to Portage county, where he died. Thurot F. Chapman, also from Connecticut, re- moved to Chenango county. New York, in 1808. In 1811, he married Lydia Andress, and, in 1817, emi- grated to Ohio. At Ashtabula his money was entirely gone, and he was compelled to remain there two weeks. He located first in Ridgeville, where he arrived July 3d of the above year. In the fall of the same year he moved into Eaton. He erected his house where Mr. Varsey's now stands; but, on discovering subsequently that he was on the wrong lot, he vacated, moving into a house then owned by Levi Mills. In March, 1831, while the family were absent, the house burned to the ground with its contents, leaving the family very destitute. They received some assistance (199) 200 HISTORY OV LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. from friends, and were enabled to commeuce house- keeping again, but, for a long time afterward, were without many articles of household necessity. The first }'ear they liad neither a table nor a chair in the house, and two cups and saucers, two knives and forks each, and two plates, comprised their entire stock of crockery. Mr. Chapman worked at chopping and clearing by the job for a number of years after settlement. He cleared and fenced for others over two hundred acres, besides about seventy-five acres for himself. He was in tiie war of 1813, and was made a prisoner at Queenstown. He died, at the age of seventy-one, December 16, 1800. Three children are living, Alonzo A. in Henry county, Emily in Oberlin, and Harlan in La Porte. INDIAN INCIDENT. For a few years succeeding the war of 1813, the forests of Eaton were a favorite resort of a band of Indians, who came every winter from Sandusky, and remained until spring. One winter, they had an en- campment of fifteen families on Butternut ridge, near the swamp. The names of some of them were Good Flint, Tobago, Silver Heels, Yellow Jacket, Bill Har- ris, Seneca John, Joe Seneca and Little Billy. Of their suljsequcnt history, nothing is known with the exception of Seneca John and Bill Harris, the former of whom was executed for alleged witchcraft. Chap- man on one occasion saved the life of the latter, and the Indian always afterward manifested the warmest gratitude toward his deliverer. When the report of the destruction by fire of Cliaimian's house reached Harris, he hastened to Elyria, and incjuired of Levi Mills, who was then carrying on a distillery there, if it was true that his "good friend's house was burned." Mills answered in the affirmative, and jokingly added that Chapman suspected liiin of setting it on fire, and that he had better keep out of the way or Chapman would shoot him. The Indian believed the cruel joke and disappeared. Chapman, in endeavoring to ascer- tain his whereabouts that he might undeceive him. learned that he went to Sandusky, crossed over into Canada, and there died a few months after.* During the next few years, the following named persons became settlers of Eaton: Sylvester Morgan, A. M. Dowd, Levi Mills, Seneca Audress, Merrit Os- born, Dennis Palmer, Erastus Case, Borden Handley, James Field, Archibald Harper and others. Of the most of these there are at present no descendants in the township, and we are unable to give particulars as to their settlement. Mills took up his residence near the west lino of the township, on lot ninety-two. The farm is now owned by J. O. Humphrey. He subsequently removed to Illinois. Samuel Finch located on lot seventy, on land now owned by W. H. Phillips. Fields settled on lot eighty-eight. His son Gilbert now occupies the place. Jeremiah Finch arrived a few years after his brother Samuel, and • A. A, Chapman, in Eljrria Democrat. settled east of him. Jeremiah Hance, a shoemaker by trade, was the first settler in the town south of Butternut ridge. With his son Hiram, then a lad some fourteen years of age, he left Cranberry, Niagara county. New York, for the woods of Eaton, February 1, 1824, having previously exchanged his farm there for one hundred and fifteen acres, on lot twenty-two here. Tiie journey was made with a single horse and a sled, with which some bedding and provisions were brought. lie drove on the ice for two days after leaving Buffalo, and with other emigrants, who sub- sequently joined him, experienced many dangers — the ice in many places breaking, at one time when the party were several miles from shore. Afterwards, the snow disappearing, the sled was abandoned, the bed- ding placed upon the horse, and father and son footed it. They arrived at their journey's end about the 1st of March, having been about a month on the way. A mere pole shanty was provided for their imme- diate necessities. This was then the only habitation between the center of Columbia and La Porte. The settlers on Butternut ridge were five or six miles away; there were no roads, and several swamjis to traverse in order to reach them: consequently but little intercourse was iiad with them. Mr. Hance found his nearest neighbors in Grafton, one and a half miles distant. The father and son kept bachelors' hall through the summer, working Samuel Curtis' sugar bush on shares. They next underbrushed and cleai-ed out a road from North street to their land, after which preparations were made for the erection of a log house, in which their Grafton neighbors assisted. Indians from Sandusky frequently visited this region at that time, the same, / probably, as previously mentioned, having camjied on Butternut ridge. After clearing a piece of land ready for logging, Mr. Hance went to Cleveland and worked at his trade until the arrival of his family, wlio had been jareviously sent for. They reached 1 Eaton late in the fall. Many events in the life of this hardy jjioneer could be given, illustrative of the hardships endured by early settler.s, but want of space forbids. Mr. Hance died a few years ago at the advanced age of ninety-seven, and a few years after his widow followed, aged ninety-four. The son Hiram oc(;upies the old homestead, himself quite advanced in life. In 182C, Henry J. Phillips joined the settlement, locating on lot fifty-one. He came from Tompkins ' county. New York. Phillips made the first wheeled vehicle in town. His son, W. H. Phillips, is a well known resident of Eaton. On the township records we find the followiiiL; persons, not previously mentioned, elected as town- ship officers between the years 1833 and 1830, who must have settled prior to the latter date: Tyler, Day, Beebe, Burr, Pond. Edson, Whitconib, Bough- ton, Blain, Nichols. John A. Ferguson arrived in 1831, and made his location on Chestnut ridge, lot seventy-one, where I HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 201 J. L. Tucker now resides. He subsequently cliauged his location to the center of town, and resided there until his death in 1874. In IS'.Vi, Alva Brooks and Richard Crowell moved in, coming from Tompkins counter, New York. The former was originally from Vermont, and the latter from New Jersey. Brooks, who was a widower, was accompanied by a little daughter, two years old. Crowell's family consisted of his wife and four chil- dren. They both settled at the center, the former ou the farm which he still occupies with his son James, and the latter on that, a part of which is occupied by his son Aaron. He built his house immediately after his arrival, which was the first habitation in this portion of the townshii). Mr. Brooks chopped off twenty acres of his purchase and built his cabin the first year after his arrival. There was at that time no road in this part of the town, except the center road to Columbia, and that was merely cut out. In 1S41, he assisted in cutting out the southern half of the north and south center road. In 1853, he erected the large frame house which he now occupies. Mr. Crowell died in the fall of 1875. His widow and one son reside in Grafton: two sons and a daughter are residents of Eaton. Edmund Holden, from Waterbury, Connecticut, arrived iii about the year 1833, and settled on lot forty-six. His house was the first frame erection at the centre. He was a man of much public spirit, and did much for the advancement of public interests. He removed to Michigan many years ago, and now resides there. A daughter is the wife of James Brooks. Benjamin S. Brush, Robert Moon, and Jacob Tay- lor moved in about the year 1834. Oel Durkee, one of the earliest settlers in the southwest quarter of the town, and who continues to reside there in the seventy-second year of his age, moved in from New York in the spring of 1834. He located temporarily on Butternut ridge, remaining there until August following. He then removed to his purchase of one hundred and eleven aci'es on lot eighty-three. A log cabin liad been previously erected on this farm, and was then occui>ied by a tenant, Forrester Ijangdon and family, consisting of wife and six children. Mr. Durkee moved, with his family of wife and three children, into the house with Langdon, which was about twenty-four feet by eighteen in size, and without a chimnej' or window. There was only one room for the thirteen occupants; but they continued to live thus until the following November, when Langdon moved out. Among the early settlers of this portion of the town, some of whom arrived previous to Durkee, were the following: Voman Felt, William Burchard, James Johnson, John Shadford, Thomas Moran, Oliver Terrell, William Wallace, Job and William Clark, William Dobsou, John Sayre, John Gamble, William Lawson, William Wilson, Peleg M. Terry, 26 j\Iiehael Montague and others. Harvey Coy came to Eaton in 1834, remaining until 1850, when he removed to Columbia. J. I). Swift and Thomas Sutton were among the earliest settlers on Chestnut ridge. The former now resides in Williams county, Ohio. Ransom Tyler located on the west part of lot thirty- five, in 1834. He afterward moved to lot fifty-five, and resided there at the time of his death. His widow now resides in Elyria. Jacob Tucker, a native of New Hampshire, removed to Vermont when twenty years of age, was married there and aftei-wards became a resident of Buffalo. There he remained until the spring of 1817, when, with his family, which at that time consisted of his wife and five children, he removed to Ohio, by boat, settling in Erie county on land now occupied by the village of Vermillion. In the spring of 1819 he moved to Windham, Portage county. With an ojjen row boat the family jjroceeded by way of the lake to Cleveland, and then up the Cuyahoga about two miles. Here Mr. Tucker left his family while he pro- ceeded on foot to Windham and obtained an ox team with which he returned for wife and children. They resided in Windham until the year 1832 or 1833, when they came to Eaton, ])urchasing of John A. Ferguson the farm on which his son, J. L. Tucker, now resides. He occupied this farm until his death, whicii occurred in 1803. His wife died two years previous. Four of the family are residents of this county and three of this township, as follows : R. F. Tucker, J. L. Tucker, and Hannah, unmarried. The first is a jus- tice of the peace in Eaton. Wm. H. resides in Ely- ria, where he is engaged in insurance and real estate. Nicholas Taylor, formerly from Pennsylvania, moved into Eaton from Carlisle, in 1832, and settled east of the center. He now resides in Iowa. Chilion Sperry, now residing in Mansfield, arrived in 1834, and settled a mile and a half east of the center. Walter Giles came in 1833, and located north of the center, where he now resides. Royal Eaton was an early settler in the south part of the town, and Alexander Cotter in the southeast part. Thomas Bennington was a native of England. He emigrated to the United States in 1839, landing at Quebec. From there he went to Grafton, and a few months subsequently to Eaton and purchased a farm of fifty acres in the southern part of the towushij). This farm i^ now owned by James Johnson. After erecting his log house he sold his farm and then returned to England, and while there married. The spring following he returned to this country with his bride, remained in Elyria through the summer, and then bought the farm on lot seventy-six, on which his widow now resides at the age of seventy-two. Mr. Bennington died in Sejjtember, 1874. Ebenezer Abbey, when thirteen years of age, re- moved from Windham county, Connecticut, to New York, where he resided until the year 1830. ki December of that year he removed with his family, 202 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. consisting of wife iind eleven children, und a grand- child, to tJiis township, making a tcm})orary location of about two months on Butternut ridge. lie then moved to Carlisle, settlingon theeast line of that town, lie built an ashery the first or second year of his set- tlement, on the little stream near his house, and for many years was engaged in the manufacture of pot- ash, pcarlash, and saleratus. He became a settler in Eaton in 1833, erecting, a short distance north of the present residence of his son, Lemuel Aliltey, a house which he used jointly as a residence tiud coo]ier-shop. Five years subsequently he built the frame house now occupied by his son Lemuel. In December, 1830, Mrs. Susanna Wiglit- t.ook up her residence on lot thirty-five, purchasing a i)ortion of that lot, and now resides there with lier sou Har- rison, who is uunuirried, and a mathematical genius, hy tlie way. Mrs. Wight was born in Saratoga, New York, April 4, 1793, and was married to Reuben Wight, July 17, 1814. They removed in August, 1834, with their ten children, from Fowler, St. Lawrence county. New York, to llockport, Cuya- hoga county, Ohio. Mr. Wight died of cholera, the twentieth of that month, and was l)uried at midniglit in the Alger settlement burying ground, a box of rough whitewood boards containing the remains. Mrs. Wight is now in the eighty-sixth year of her age, and reads without the aid of spectacles. Samuel Alexander emigrated to the United States from England in 1835, and located in St. Lawrence county. New York, reuiained five years, and then removed to Elyria. The purchaser of his farm in New York was unable to pay him uutil long after the date stipulated, and lie, and liis wife also, were com- pelled in consequence, to work at wiiatever they could find to do, after their arrival in Ohio, in order to obtain the necessaries of life. Mrs. Alexander was a daughter of Joliu Elbro, an English nobleman, and because of her marriage with Mr. Alexander, was dis- inherited by her father. After a residence of a few years in Elyria, he re- moved to Grafton, locating two miles southeast of that village. He erected a log house, which he occu- pied before it was "chinked," and while yet without a floor or cliininey. He subsequently moved to this town. His first erection liere was a log house, which, in more pros]icrous days, gave way to a frame, wiiicli is yet standing, though unoccupied. In 1837, Timothy Cooley located on lot thirty-four. He was formerly from Ham}ishire county, Massachu- setts. At the early age of twelve, circumstances com- pelled him to work out for a living. Witli his last employer he remained seven years, according to con- tract, by which lie was to receive, at the end of his term of service, one hundred dollars in money. When the day of settlement came, his employer asked !iim if he was ready to receive his money. The thought of possesing such an immense sum in cash, appalled the young man. Having determined to emigrate to Ohio, visions of robbery and murder haunted him. He therefore determined to make his late employer his banker, until he should find use for his funds; and then, with his bundle of clothes on his shoulder, he started forth on foot, determined to go where he could obtain some land of his own. This was in the fall of 1817. Arriving in Geauga county, he pro- cured work on a farm near Wclshfield, and jiurchased forty acres of land in the township of Newlniry, in tliat county. He went, soon after, to Portage county, and purchased a farm of one hundred and twenty acres. About two years after his arrival, he sent for his money, which his employer promptly sent him. Soon after his settlement in Portage county, lie married Sally Lewis, whose brother, Oliver H. Lewis, has long been a resident of Ridgeville. After a residence of some fifteen years in Portage, he removed to Ridgeville, and located on Center ridge. Five years afterward, he came to Eaton, arriving in the year above stated. He ])urchased a farm of one hundred and fifty-one acres, and erected his shanty a short distance west of his present residence. This farm Mr. Cooley still occupies. In November, 1838, a little daughter of Mr. Cooley wandered away from home, and became lost in the dense woods. A few days afterward, a hunting party found the child just across the Columbia line, about three miles from home. She had nearly perished from hunger and cold. Mr. Cooley is eighty-two years of age, and resides on his original jiurchase, with his son, Truman Cooley. His wife died in the fall of 187G. Chester Cooley was also an early settler of this town. CIVIL ORGANIZATION. At the time of the organization of Ridgeville, in 1813, that township embraced Eaton, then called IIol- brook, and the union was continued until December 3, 1823, when number five, range sixteen, was detached by order of the commissioners of Cuyahoga county, on jietition of the inhabitants, and organized as an independent township under the name of Eaton. The first election of township officers was held in the spring of 1833, when the following were chosen: Ira B. Morgan, clerk; Merritt Osboru, Archibald Har- per, Asa Morgan, trustees; Silas Wilmot, David M. Tyler, overseers of the jioor; Eleazer Day, appraiser; William Beebe, Dennis Palmer, fence viewers; Levi Mills, lister; Sylvester Morgan, treasurer; Freeman Burr, constable; A chibald Harper, Jr., supervisor of highways. We find no record of a justice of the peace being chosen at this time. Township officers for 1878 are as follows: R. F. Tucker, clerk; Job Alexander, Gilbert Fields, Ed. Ilance, trustees; Wm. II. Giles, treasurer; Wm. H. Phillips, assessor; Wm. H. Phillips and R. F. Tucker, justices of the })eace. RELIGIOUS. The earliest meetings of this character were held at private houses, and were attended by the inhabit- UISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 203 ants generally, heing iinsectarian in character. At these meetings some missionary or Methodist circuit preacher wonld usually officiate. We have been una- ble to ascertain when the first class or society was formed. Probably the first church edifice erected in town was by the Roman Catholics. It was a small frame building situated on the west line of the town- ship. The Methodists erected a frame building on lot forty-five, in 1846, by voluntary contributions in work, and was used until the erection by the Congre- gationalists of the present frame structure at the Center in 1857, which the two societies have since used in common. Stephenson Burke was an early Methodist preacher ill Eaton. On one occasion, while preaching at the house of Almond Loomis, he abruptly finished his discourse, informed his hearers that they were incapa- ble of appreciating talent, closed his Bible, and, in disgust, <|uit the ministry and the town. He tried the law with success, and afterwards served as judge of common pleas for Lorain, Medina and Summit counties. He is now a prominent member of the Cleveland bar. THE CONGKEGATtONAL CHURCH was organized not far from 1839, but with what mem- bershi]) we are unable to state. The society, in mem- bershij), is at present very weak, there being at this time about a dozen members. Timothy Cooley is deacon. Rev. Mr. Hyde of Grafton, preaches every alternate Sabbath. The present church edifice was built in 1857, at a cost of about eight hundred dollars. A union Sabbath school of this and the Methodists exists, numbering some fifty or sixty scholars. Tru- man Cooley is superintendent. THE DISCIl'LES CHURCH. In regard to the earlier history of this church we get the following facts fromllayden's "History of the Disciples on the Western Reserve." It was first established in North Eaton. Mrs. Chloe Tucker, who came to Eaton from Windham, in 1833, while visiting her native place in 1840, entreated a young preacher of the church, by the name of M. J. Streator, to come to Eaton and conduct a series of meetings. He came in October of that year. Meet- ings were held at the brick school house and resulted in the conversion of two sons of Mrs. Tucker. Meetings were again held by Mr. Streator in March following, and also in October, 1843, when an organ- ization was effected, with a membership of twenty- five. J. D. Swift was api>ointed overseer, and J. A. Fei'guson, deacon. In the fall of 1843 the location of the church was changed to the center, on which occa- sion Jared Patchen was chosen overseer, and Chester Cooley, deacon. In 1845 the church building was erected. J. D. Benedict, formerly a Baptist minister, then a lawyer filling the position of prosecuting attor- ney for Lorain county, officiated at the opening of this church. The congregation increased until a larger house was reipiired and in the fall of 18G3 a new edi- fice was erected at the center. Brother J. H. Jones, chaplain of the Forty-second regiment Ohio volunteers, under Colonel (iarlield, condiictud the dedicatory service. The church continues to he pros})erous, hav- ing at ]ireseiita membership of one hundred and fifty- five. Brother W. H. Scott is the resident preacher. S. M. Streator, A. Rollin, and R. Hinkley are over- seers, and A. Dawloy and R. Haven, deacons. It also has a Sabbath school of about one hundred and fifty scholars, of which James Robinson is superintendent. MORMONIS.M IN EATON. Eaton was for a very brief period afflicted with this religious fanaticism. In 1843-'43, Lyman Wight ])reached the doctrine at La Porte, while his son, Orange, held forth in Eaton, in that portion of the town then known as the "Island." Several other Mormons also i)reached there. Nearly all of the in- habitants of the "Island" were converted to Mormon- ism and ba])tised by immersion. Their last assem- blage was at the house of Almond Loomis, at the center, February 14, 1843, when a doctrinal discus- sion arose between their leaders and a Campbellite preacher who was present. Soon after this they dis- solved, some of the recent converts joining the Disci- ple church, more went back to the world, while a few went to Nauvoo, and subsequently to Salt Lake. And thus ended Mormoiii.sm in Eaton. SCHOOLS. The first school was taught on Butternut ridge by Julia Johnson, daughter of Phineas Johnson, of Car- lisle, in the summer of 1819. A son taught the suc- ceeding winter, and another daughter the second summer. Maria Terrell, a inaii by the name of Cad- well, D. C. Wilmot, and Deborah Phillips, who sub- ,se([uently became Wilmot's wife, were also among the early school teachers in town. The first frame school building burned down in February, 1833. The pres- ent brick building was erected in the summer of 1859. The school district at the center was organized Jan- uary 10, 1834. At a meeting convened for that pur- pose, Joseph Fauver, Horace J. Terrell and Richard Crowell were chosen directors, N. H. Crowell clerk, and Nicholas Taylor treasurer. It was voted that a tax be levied for the purpose of building a school house on lot forty-six. This primitive house was a log, twenty feet square, and was located about twelve rods north of the center, on land belonging to Ed- mund Holden, and was used as a town house also, until 1843, when it gave way to a frame costing about two hundred and fifty dollars. The present brick structure at the center, was erected in 1808, at a cost of three thousand eight hundred dollars. It is a two story building, thirty l)y forty feet in size, the upper story being used for a town hall, and the lower for school i)urposes. The report of the board of educa- 204 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. tioH for 1878, contains the following information in regard to the schools of this township : Number of houses, . . . Value, Amount paid teachers,. Number of scholars, — CHEESE FACTORIES. S4,400 $1,298 This industry is extensively carried on in this township. During the last season, there have been four, and a part of the time five, factories in operation. THE EATON FACTORY, located a short distance south of the center, is the oldest. It was established by Nichols, Haven and othei's, in the fall and winter of 1868, at a cost of about four thousand dollars. In the winter of 187.3, a feed mill was added, which was destroyed l)y fire in the Jtlarch following, but was immediately rebuilt. It was again burned in November, 1876, together with the factory, and three hundred and fifty dollars worth of cheese, besides the engine and boiler, cost- ing eleven hundred dollars, were ruined. New build- ings were erected the following winter, by the enter- prising proprietors, at a cost of two thousand, eight luiudred dollars. The following is the report of the factory for the season of 1877, as made liy its efficient secretary, Harrison Wight: Report of Eaton Cheese Factory for 1877. MONTHS. MILK, POUNDS. CHEESE POUNDS RA- TIO. TOTAL CASH REC'D. PAID PATRONS. PAID FAC- TORY. DIVI- DEND INCI- DENTAL EXPEN- SES. April May June July August September October... November. 116,920 202,940 242,7(¥) 216,73i; 1.50,.5O0 140,4IK) 112,490 52,350 10.407 19,276 23,1.57 20.390 13.980 13,987 11,982 5,792 11.23 10.53 10.48 10.63 10.77 10 04 9..39 9.04 $1,213 67 1.779 48 1 .545 72 1,736 68 1,W3 05 1,678 47 1,318 or 593 69 $1.0Si.'.8 1,53.8 53 1,291! .59 1,4R1 81 1,468.30 1,503 63 1,168 30 576 29 $1.30 09 .9268 240 95 .7581 &18 03! ..5.^42 2.54 871 .6837 174 75 .97.56 174 84 1.071 149 771.0386 71 40j .986 ■■"I'io "soo Season 1,235,038 118,971 10.38811,508 83 $10,057 03$1,445 70 .814 6 10 WHITE CLOVER FACTORY, located on the west line of the township, was estalj- lished in 1869, by Thomas Bennington and Lemuel Abbey. The building was erected at a cost of about one thousand dollars. Capital now employed in the business, about one thousand four hundred dollars. During the past season the consumption of milk averaged about six thousand pounds daily, making fourteen cheese of forty pouuds each. THE STREATOK FACTORY. This is located between the Center and North Eaton station, and is owned and operated by S. M. Streator, by whom it was established in the spring of 1870, witli a capital of about two thousand dollars. It is much less now, owing to depreciation of property. The building was erected in 1871. The past season the business averaged about four thousand pounds of milk daily, manufacturing eight cheese of fifty pounds each i^er day. ORCHARD FACTORY is situated on Butternut ridge, and was established by Oel Durkee, Jr., in the spring of 1873. Two j^ears subsequently it was purchased by Charles Jack- son, who, with S. Stephens, now owns it. It has worked about two thousand pounds of milk during the season of 1878. The factory has done a very lim- ited business during the last few years, and will prob- ably soon be discontinued, there being too many cheese factories in this section to render the business profitable. SAW MILLS. The first saw mill in town was built by Rico and Smith of Litchfield, Medina county, in the fall of 1851, and was located on lot forty-three. This mill is now owned and run by Philo Bannister. There are two other saw mills in the township, that of Angelo Rawson, in the southwest jiart of town, and one near North Eaton station, owned by John Page. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS FOR 1878. Wheat, 1,000 acres 18,.^39 bushels. Corn, 1,389 " .39,160 Oats, 809 " 41,766 Potatoes, 160 " 20,470 Orchards, 384 " 3,308 Meadow, 2,492 " 2,421 tons. Butter 40,900 pounds. Cheese 278,1.5:3 " Hayes. Vote for President, 1876. 205 I Tilden Biographical Sketches, LEMUEL ABBEY. The life of the pioneer, with its manifold struggles and privations, offers an interesting study, and one replete with instructive lessons. It admirably illus- trates the old aphorism '•' Industry is the parent of plenty;" for we rarely find oue who toiled to reclaim the wilderness, and cultivate the soil in the primitive days of the settlement, but that accumulated a com- petence, who, if blessed with a ri])e old age, which is generally tiie case, enjoy the fruits of his labors and frugality. The subject proper of this l)rief narrative came of a j)ioneer race. His parents, Ebea- ezer and Mary (Blauehard) Abbey were of New England origin, and possessed the requisite quali- fications of early settlers. The former was born in Tolland county, Connecticut, June 9, 1781, and died March 19, 18G3; the latter in Rutland, Ver- mont, December 19, 1787, she preceding her husband to the grave by but ten days. They lived together nearly fifty-seven years, having been united in mar- riage April 6, 1805. They had a family of fourteen children, of whom ten grew to maturity. ^^::f V,. :-3^- ^; ;^( PHOTOS BY Lee, Eltria. 0. Del Durkee. f\/lRS Oel Durkee: (Residence or OEL durkee. Eaton Tp. lorain Co, Ohio. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 205 1 Polly A. bora March 10, ISOD. 8 Nelson, bora October 18, 1816. 2 Ebeaezer, " July 17, 18l)r. i) Volton, " March 311, 1818. 3 Smyth, " July 12, ISfts. 10 Marimla, " .September 8, 181!). 4 Orsemus, " February 21, 1810. 11 Lemuel, " January 2.3, 1821. 5 Lucy M. " April 22, 1812. 12 Alinina, " May 2ii, 1822 6 Alonzo, " .\ugust 39, 1813. 13 William, " February 15, 1827. 7 Lyman, " June 19, 181.5. 14 Emma A. " August 20. 1884. Si-x of the sons were teachers in common schools, two heoame phj'sicians, one a hiwj'cr, and four farmers. Mrs. E. A. Abbey Brush is well known as one of Elyria's most devoted women in the cause of tem- perance. Ebenezer Abbey was a man of somewhat remark- able business ability. In 17ii4, he accompanied his parents to Otsego county, New York, where they became respected and influential citizens. December 15, 1830, he commenced tlie then laborious journey of removing to Ohio. January 15, 1831, found him on Butternut ridge, North Eaton, Ohio, — his large family and worldly effects on two wagons, drawn by one span of horses, and one pair of oxen, — with but seventy-five cents in bi.s pocket, which he paid out for a bushel of wheat. Then commenced the trial in earnest with the wilderness. He selected a place for his future home, where his son Lemuel now resides. It was not, however, until April 6, 1831, that he jier- inancntly located tliereon. His purchase consisted of one hundred and thirteen acres, of which seventy- live were located in Carlisle township, and tliirty- eight in Eaton, lie is accredited with having hauled the first load of wheat from Wayne county, Ohio, which he distributed among the settlers. While in New York State he had been exteusivelv engaged in the manufacture of pot and pearl ashes, and had also learned the cooper's trade, both of which industries he carried on after settling in his new western home, llis father had once been in comfort- able circumstances, but he sold his property in the east, taking in payment four thousand dollars of con- tinental money, just jirior to the congressional act of repudiation. He lost everything, and, on return- ing to Otsego county, then an old man, he never recovered either his health or his fortune. Hence, it fell upon Ebenezer to make his own way in the world, which he did, meeting with many reverses, among others, losing a large number of barrels of ashes by the embargo placed on American products, during the war of 1813. With a perseverance commendable of his race, he moved to the then " far west," as above stated, and there resumed his old time avocations, utilizing the surplus timber, and bringing into the then infant settlement considerable money for his ashes. Noveinlier 9, 1840, he commenced building a saw mill on Black creek, sawing the first log therein on the day of General Harrison's inauguration as presi- dent of the United States, March i, 1841. Mr. Abbey was a man of but little school education, but of native shrewdness and natural ability. After accumulating enough to make his family comfortable, he apjjlied his surplus to paying some old debts from his old home in New York, of more than two hundred dollars, thus freeing himself from all old obligations, and allowing him to enjoy a clear con- science for the remainder of his days. His wife was of the same family of Blanchards as that from which sprung Mrs. President Hayes, and in her humble sphere did equal honor to her respectable ancestry. Lemuel Abbey, son of the above, was born in Otsego county, N. Y., January 23, 1821. He was early tauglit sound practical lessons of industry and self-reliance, which have since been of great benefit to him. On the 25th of March, 1859, he married Sarah, daughter of William Lawson, of J^aton, formerly of Yorkshire, England. She was born August 29, 1826. They have had no children. In early years, Mr. Abbey was taught to "follow the ]tlow," and has most of his life been engaged in agricultural pursuits. He is a man of sound judgment, and of an intelligent and inquiring nature. In political faith, he is a staunch and unswerving republican, and in religious belief, a liiieral thinker, and not a memliur of any particular denomination. His sterling integrity and tiio even rectitude of his life require no orthodox afliliations to bring him within the pale of consistent Christianity, nor do any who as closely live up to the Golden Rule as does he. OEL DURKEE. The Durkee family in America traces its ancestry to three brothers who left Scotland at an early day and settled in New England. Prior to the com- mencement of the present century, we find Joseph Durkee, grandfather of our subject, settled in Con- necticut, where Alba Durkee, son of the latter and father of Oel, was born. They were a hardy and industrious race, and also ])ossessed the quality of economy, that has become a well-known characteristic of their race. The mother of Oel Durkee was Thank- ful Whitcomb, and she died at Pottsdam, St. Law- rence county. New York, in 1811, when he was but four years of age. On the death of his wife. Alba Durkee returned to Pittsfield, Rutland county, Ver- mont, where he had resided previous to his removal to New York State. Two of his daughters rode horseback, and Mr. Durkee carried on a pillow an infant of only four months old. Oel Durkee was born in Pittsfield, Vermont, Octo- ber 28, 1807. His early boyhood was passed in Stock- bridge, Windsor county, in the same State, where he lived until he was about seventeen years of age. On his parents' removal to York State, he was an infant, and, on his father's return to Vermont, he rode be- liind him on the same horse. He then went to live with an uncle, Norman Weber, and resided with him until he was about fifteen. His sisters made their home with Ebbe Durkee, an uncle. The father mar- ried again and i-eturned to Pottsdam, New York, 206 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. where lie remained a few years, returning temporarily to Pittsfield, and subsequently removing to Bethany, Genesee county, New York, where lie died. His second wife's maiden name was Sarah Newton. By her he had six children ; by his first wife, seven, namely: Elizabeth, Joseph, Cynthia, Thomas, Lucy, Oel and Nancy, of whom the first, thinl, sixth and seventh named survive. At the age of seventeen, Oel went to Nashua, New Hampshire, and worked on the canal five years. He met with many reverses. He made his home, winters, at Stock bridge, Vermont. He afterward removed to Allegany, now Wyoming county. New Y'^ork, where he engaged as a farm laborer. He there married Betsey Terrey, in 1830. Four years later, he came to Ohio, and settled on the farm where he still resides, in Eaton township. Their children num- bered eleven, of whom six are living. They were Mason A., born November 12, ls;jl; Nancy, born July l(i, lSI5:i; (two dying in infancy unnained); Fi- delia, liorn June 20, 1838, died July 17, 1871; Hiram, born January 2, 1840, killed at South Mountain, JIaryland, Septeml)er 14, 18G"2; Persis, born March 12, 1841, died February 20, 184S; Oel, .Jr., born De- cendier 2, 1843; Betsey Eveline, born February 18, 184.5; Horace A,, born June 29, 1848; and Oscar A., born August 1, 184'.). Those deceased are Fidelia, Persis and Hiram. Tlu)sc living are all married, and are resjiectable members of society. Mr. and Mrs. Durkee have three great-grand children and twenty- two grand-children, with fair prospects of having these numbers largely augmented. Mrs. Durkee was born in the town of Pike, Allegany C'ounty, New Y^ork, June 12, 1810. Her father was Peleg Mason Terry; her mother, Betsey Swift. They were married on Thanksgiving day, 1808. They had three children: Lorinda and Betsey, the other dying in infancy. The Terrys moved into Ohio in 1836, settled in Eaton township, and lived and died there — Mrs. Terrv dying in 1838, and her husband January 28, 1875. He married the widow of a Mr. Nye, and she survives. Mr. Durkee can recall the time when there had not besn a tree cut from a half mile south of 15utternut ridge and Rawsonville, the whole territory being cov- ered with a dense forest. On arriving in Eaton, he moved into a log shanty, with eight others, all livino- in one room, and continued to live in this way for almost three months. The shanty served as a habita- \tion for almost two years, when he built a small frame \ house, which was succeeded in 1849, by his present residence — an illustration of which appears on another page of this volume. Mt. Durkee and his excellent wife are in every sense a worthy couple. They have lived together nigh unto half a century, and we trust they will both live and enjoy g((od health and prosperity for many years after celebrating their golden wedding. Mr. Durkee is in politics a staunch republican; in religion, a free thinker. WILLIAM II. PHILLIPS, ESQ. Among the few surviving pioneers of Eat(m town- ship, none ante-date the arrival of 'Si|uire Phillips. It is nearly fifty-three years since he settled in Eaton, ami with the exception of a few yeai's' absence, has continued to reside where he now lives during that jieriod. William II. Phillips was born in Greene county. New York, September, 17, 180!i. IR. is the son of Henry and Abigail (Finch) Phillips, the for- mer of whom was born in Connecticut, on the !)th of June, 1780, the latter in the same State, October 12, 1784. The family is of Anglo-German descent, and combines the sturdiness of the former with the fru- gality of the latter, in their character. On the 26th of October, 1826, William H. Phillips removed to Ohio and settled in Eaton township, Lorain county, ui)ou the place he now lives and has almost ever since occupied. He married Jlaria Slater, Novem- ber 10, 1839. She died January 16, 1868. They had six children, namely : William A., Letitia (deceased), Edgar A., who was shot July 9, 1864, near Martins, burg, N'irginia, while serving his country as a soldier, Corda C, and Lena M. Phillips. Mr. Phillips is a republican, and has been honored with nearly every townshij) olHce, notably those of assessor, which he held over twenty years, and justice of the peace for fifteen years at the completion of his present term. He honestly performs the duties of his office, and gives general satisfaction in the same. JOHN ROACH, was born in Market Arborough, Leicestershire, Eng- land, April 20, 1811. He embarked at Liverpool, in March, 1857, and landed at Castle Garden, New York, in the following May. The ship he came over on had quite a tempestuous passage, but arrived at its desti- nation safely. While waiting to move west, the wharf on which was stowed the baggage of the emigrants \ HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 207 gave way, and nearly all the personal effects weie pre- cipitated into the ocean, and most of the same were lost. After a brief stay in New York, Mr. Roach ]iroceeded up tlie Hudson river to Albany, and took tiie cars there for Amherst, where ho remained nntil tlio following fall. In the meanwhile he lostJiis wife, Elizabetli Eames Roach, of tHijisorn, England, to wiioni he was married in ISil. They had seven chil- dren, three sons and four daughters, namely: Mary, who married Samuel Maddock of Henry county, Ohio; Ann, who married Henry Townsend of Carlisle township; Joseph, who married Eliza Bonner, now living in Nel»raska; William, who was killed in the army, by tlie accidental wright, and became a cajjtain of a vessel on the Atlantic. He came to Black River in company with a brother of his wife, Enoch Murdock, in the spring of 1818. He immediately commenced work for Captain James Day, who was then build- ing the General Huntinyion — Murdock returning to Connecticut. In the fall of the same year, the family of Captain Jones, wife and five children, followed. They wei-e brought by Elisha Murdock, another brother of Mrs. Jones, to Buffalo, where they took passage for Cleveland on the boat Friendship — jMurdock, with his horse and wagon, continuing the land journey alone. Captain Jones met his family at Cleveland, and brought them to Black River. He and Murdock, who was a single man, made a joint pur- chase on lot twenty-one. Captain Jones soon after sold his interest to Murdock, and purchased on lot one, where he made a permanent location and cleared up a fai'm. He afterwards engaged almost exclusively in vessel building, and the Jones family have acquired ■M\ extensive reputation in this line. Perhaps no other one family in the nation have built so many vessels as Captain Jones and his five sons. He died in 1843 — Mrs. Jones previously. Their children, of whom there were seven — five sons and two daughters — are all living but one. William, seventy-two years of age, younger in appearance by many years, — resides in Lorain, retired from active business, except to look after his vessel interests, which are by no means small. George VV. lives in Cleveland, and is a captain on the lake. Frederick, in Buffalo, and J. M., in Detroit, are both engaged in ship building. Buel B., deceased, lived in Milwaukee. Maria lives in Kansas, and Antoinette in Cleveland. Captain James Day, of whom mention has been made, was also a Connecticut man, and came to Black River in the fall of 1817. Samuel Gilbert, E. Craw- ford, Jesse Cutler, John Morrill, John Pollard and Amos Perry also came about this time. The first three located in the southeast part of the town, and several years after removed from the State. The others located on the lake shore. Daniel T. Baldwin of Berkshire county, Massachu- setts, came to Ohio at an early date. He subse((uently married a daughter (Sophia) of John S. Reid, and settled in Black River, west of the river, on the farm known as the Brownell farm. Baldwin was a man of superior ability and of some prominence. He was elected to the State legislature in the fall of 18-34, being chosen by a majority of thirty-four votes over his democratic opponent, E. W. Hubbard of La Grange. He was also associate judge for this county. He died in 1847. Thomas "H. Cobli and other unmarried men whose names cannot be i-emembered, joined the settlement at an early date. Captain Judah W. Ransom came in the year 1819. He was a sailor-farmer, spending his summers on the lake and his winters on the farm, east of the river, 210 HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. known iis tlic E. firep'g f;irni. lie ni;i(lo (>\t(>nsivo iniin-civciuents on Miis iil;ice, building a l)arn whicli, Mr. Ivooi says, "took iiU the men within the circuit of ten miles to raise," the force even tlien being un- rtble to complete the work in one day. This barn is yet standing, though not on its original site. After a residence of a few years in Wack River, Ransom removed with his family to Sandusky. His death occurred in 1840, wlicn he and all llie rest of the crew of the "Helen Man" were drowniMl. Two Irishmen by the name of Ray settled on Bea- ver creek at an early date. Thomas Brown, who has been a resident of fiorain county nearly half a century, came to the month of Black river from Detroit in 1829, anrinoipal business men of Black River: William .Jones, merchant; Cafes & Green, general merchandise; Delos Phelon and 0. Root, forwarding and commission merchants; Daniel T, Baldwin, farmer; Barna Meeker, proprietor of the old Reid House; A. T, Jones, blacksmith; E. Miller, shoemaker; Thomas Brown, tailor; W. E, Fitch, stave dealer; Quartus CiUmore, farmer and justice of the peace; Conrad Reid, postmaster. In 183G the village was honored by the legislature with a corporation charter by the name of Charleston, and in the spring of 1837 the first and only charter election under that name was held. We are unable to give the names of the officers cho.sen, who, for some unknown reason, never entered upon their offi- cial duties. The Ohio railroad scheme resulted in an ignomin- ious failure. The funds of the company, never bur- densome, gave out,, an appeal to the legislature for aid was denied, and the city of Charleston had to keep along with its old wagon trade, the importance of which had almost been lost sight of in the excite- ment over the projected great enterprise of j)i'evious mention. Its monopoly of the grain business for this section of the State continued, and Charleston kept on grow- ing until it i-cached a population of several hundred, with stores, grain warehouses, hotels, etc, and prop- erty was still held at a high figure. In 18.51 its grain trade was seriously curtailed by the building of the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati railroad. Then for the first time the village realized what it had lost in the failure of the Ohio railroad scheme. In 18.53 the Cleveland and Toledo road was begun. Unable to offer pecuniary inducements for a lake shore route, Charleston saw in her a.dversity, only eight miles dis- tant, Elyria with a railroad assured, wealth and many natural advantages, starting oft' in a- manner indicative of a prosperous future. Its fall is thus referred to by Major Hammond, in the Black River Cummvcial: " It died without a struggle. Its hotels were practically closed; its merchants departed; its warehouses were almost given away to farm- ers for barns and fences, and even its corp irate oi-ganizati.in was aban- doned ; its name blotted out by common c jnseiit, and its memory placed in the catagory of western paper-city failures." Some of the owners of ])ro])erty were unwilling to thus ingloriously and ruinously end the struggle, be- gun under circumstances so favorable, and strenuous efforts were made to revive the place; notably by II. R. Penfield, who, at almost his own expense, had a survey made from Rocky river to Vermillion, through Black River (as the place again came to be called) for the proposed Cleveland, Port Clinton and Toledo railroad, but capitalists could not be induced to foster the scheme. S. 0. Edison, also a large owner of land, established a charcoal furnace and built a saw mill on 214 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. the river nearly a mile from its mouth. The furnace was afterwiirils burnt down. It was not, however, until the commencement of the Lake Shore and Tus- carawas Valley railroad tliat the place began to show signs of returning life. When the point was reached that the early completion of the road was no longer a matter of speculation, a remarkable revival of activity immediately began, and since that time thegrowtli of the place has been steady and constant, until it now has, according to a recent school census, a population numbering fifteen hundred and forty-five. At the regular meeting of the county commission- ers, in the latter ]iart or January, 1874, that body unanimously granted to Black River a ciiartcr of incorporation, under the name of Charleston, but the autiiorities at Wasiiington refused to give tiie town a post-office with that name, as there was one or more of a similar name in the State; and on request of the citizens, "Lorain "was substituted. The first elec- tion of the re-incorporated village was held the 0th of April, ISH, when tlio following named persons were chosen for the respective offices, viz: Conrad Reid, mayor; E. Gregg, treasurer; II. A. Fisher, clerk; E. C. Kinney, civil engineer; Quartus Gillmore, mar- shal; R. J. Cowley, street commissioner; E. Gillmore, Thomas Gawn, E. T. Peck, John Stang, James Por- ter and F. \V. Edison, councilmen; R. 0. Rockwood, M. D., A. Beatty, M. D., James Connelly, E. Swart- wood, \Vm. Cunningham and Beaver Brown, board of health. The village officers, elected in the spring of 1878, are as follows: T. W. Fancher, mayoi ; Otto Braun, clerk; John Staug, W. A. Jones, F. Hogan, Chas. B. Chapman. Adolph Braiui and C. S. Vorwerk, councilmen; Alanson Bridge, marshal; and Beaver Brown, street commissioner. Bi'si>- man, wagon shop; Harry Jones, bakery; two barber shops; G. Hogan, real estat«; L D. Lawler, ■' Loraui Monitor; Physicians, Dre. Harris, Bowman, Smith and Reamer. STOVE JI AN UFA (.'TORY. This enterprise was iii:uigiirated in the summer of 1875. A stock conii)aMy was formed by some of the leading citizens of Loi';tin and two manufacturers of stoves in Troy, New York. The association w;is called the "Lorain Stove Company." June 3d, of that year, a bo;ird of directors was chosen, composed of the following stockholders: J, C, Ileuderson and Jacob Shaver of Troy, New York, S. 0. Edison, Francis Warriner and G, Hogan, of Lorain, Officers were chosen by the board of directors as follows: J. C. Henderson, president; S. 0. Edison, vice presi- dent; G. Hogan, secretary; T, S, Nelson, treasurer. Buildings were erected, which, with the ground and machinery, cost some fifteen thousand dollars. The enterprise did not prove a success, for the reason, chiefly, th,at the Troy parties, to whom, on account of their experience in the business, the management of the enterprise was resigned by the company, con- ducted the business for the especial benefit of their New York factory, A change of officers was made, the New York parties being ousted; but the enter- prise had begun badly, and could not recover the ground thus lost. An assignment was subsequently made, and the property sold. The f.ietory is now owned by j)rivate ptirties, and is being operated under a long term lease by the Co-operative Stove Company of Cleveland. This is an important enterprise for Lorain. The company employ at present forty-five men, the money paid to whom is largely disbursed in the village. C. H. Baldwin is resident manager. PLANING MILLS. The planing mill of Brown Bros. & Co. was built in 1873, It is a large two-story building, and is re ]ilete with the necessary machinery, propelled by a fifty-horse power engine, for the manufacture of sash, doors, blinds, molding, and for scroll sawing. The firm have, in connection with the mill, an extensive lumber yard, and also do a large business as con- tractors anil builders. The planing mill of E. Slaight & Sons was also established in 1873, The building is a one story with iron roof. The machinery is run by a fifty-horse l)owcr engine. Doors, sash, blinds, etc., are manu- factured. In 187f), a grist mill with two run of stone was added. Orrin Dole is erecting an ice hou.se, near the site of the old blast furnace, one hundred by fifty feet in size. THE HARBOR. The natural :iil\:intages of the harbor of Black river are not excelled, if indeed, they are equaled, by those of any other on the shore of Lake Erie. For three or four miles up the riv(>r the stream is over two hundred feet wide, witii an average depth of about fifteen feet, and is therefore ntivigable for the largest craft that sails on tiie lake. The following figures taken from the books of the Deputy Collector of the port, M. Z. Lam[)mon, who h;is served in that capacity since 18.5(i, shows a re- in:irkable increase in the business of the port since the completion of the Lake Shore and Tusctirawas Valley railroad, in 1873. For the mouths of July, August and September, 1873, the total receipts were thirty-four dollars and forty cents. For the same period in 1878, they were four hundred and forty-seven dollars and five cents. SHIP BinLDING, This has always been an importtint industry of this port. It commenced with the building of the sloop HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 215 "rienoriil Iluntiiigton," in tlie ye;ir 1S19, and contin- ued with great activity until 1873. In common with other hranclies of Industry this interest has been greatly depressed by the liard times inaugurated by the panic of that year, and it will be seen in the api)ended list of vessels built here that but relatively few have been built since that date. The building of the steanaboats Bunker Hill, and Onnslellalioii, in IS.'JO-'S? gave birth to an associa- tion of tlie business men of Black River, the following winter, called the •'Black River Steamboat Associa- tion." Those boats were called Black River boats, although the controlling interest in them was owned by parties in Buffalo and Cleveland, and the business men of Black River, believing that their interests would be better promoted by the building of a vessel which should be owned aud controlled exclusively by Iheniselves, organized the above association for the jnirjuise indicated. The steamboat Lexington, was built l>y this company. The ofticers of this association were as follows: Daniel T. Baldwin, president; Barna Meeker, vice president; N. B. Gates secretary and treasurer. The following is a complete list of the vessels built at the port of Black River, with the year in which they were built and the name of the builder. BmLDER, ...F. Church. ...F. Church. ...F. Church. ...William Wilson. General Huntington 1819 , Schooner Ann — 1821. Young Amaranth 1825 . Necleus ISST. Sloop William Tell 1828 Captain A. Jones. Schooner President No. 1 1S29 Captain A. Jones. Steamer General Gratiot. 1831 Captain A. Jones. Schooner White Pigeon 1832 W. & B. B. Jones. Schooner Globe 1832 Captain A. Jones. Brig John Henzie 183:3 W. & B. B. Jones. Schooner Nancy Dousman 18.3:J Captain A. Jones. Brig ludiana 1834 W. Joues. A. Gillmore. Schooner Floriila 1S31 William & B. B. Jones. Schooner Juliette 1834 William & B. B. Jones. Sloop Lorain 18.34 Ed. Gillmore, Jr. Schooner St. Joseph IS'tt F. N. Noyes. Schooner Texas 183() J. Hamblin. Schooner Erie 1830 F. N. Jones. Brig Ramsey Crooks lS3i G. W. Jones. Brig North' Carolina 1S34 J. Hamblin. Steamer Bunker Hill 1837 P. N Jones. Steamer Constellation 1837 A. Gillmore. Steamer Lexington 18-38 F. N. Jones. Sloop Rodolph 1837 Captain A. Joues. Schooner Algonquin 1839 G. W.Jones. Schooner Tom Corwin ...1840 G. W. Jones. Schooner Marion 1841 Captai.n Thomas Cobb. Schooner President No. 2 1841 F. N. Jones. Schooner George Watson 1841 G.W.Jones. Brig Rosa 1841 F. N. Jones. Brig Hoosier 1842 F.N.Jones. Brig Alert 1842 F.N.Jones. Schooner Equator 1842 F. N. Jones. Schooner Acorn 1842 Captain Thomas Cobb. Schooner Trenton 184:j W. S. Lyons. Schooner Endora 1843 T.Cobb. Srhooner Andover 1844 William Jones. S. -liooner Farmer (rebuilt) 1844 D. Rogers. Schooner Magnolia 1&45 W. S. Lynns. Scho<)ner John Erwin 1845 Cobb & Burnell . Schooner Tuomas G. Colt 1816 William Jones. Schooner W. A. .\dair 1845 T. H. Cobb, Steamer H. Hudson 1846 Jones & Co. Brig Emerald 1844 Joseph Keating. Brig Concord.. 1846 W. S.Lyons. Schooner Palestine 1847 J. Keating.- Schooner T. L. Hamer 1847 W. S. Lyons. S 'Ii I >rv'r Ram'iler T^ir B "ni'l'nin Flin*:. Schonner Sauuel Stron;,; 1847 Captain T- Cobb. Propeller Delaware 1847 Cobb, Burnell & Co. Propeller Ohio ISIS S. P. Burnell. Schooner Vincennes 1846 W. S. Lyons. Brig E\ireka 1847 S. D. Burnell. Schooner -Vsia 1848 Cvptlin T. Cobb. Brig A. R.Cobb 1814 Captain r. Cobb. Brig Mahoning 1818 William Jones- Schooner Florence 1848 W. S. Lyons. Propeller Henry Clay (rebuilt) 18.51 William .Tones. Schooner T. P- Handy 1849 William Jones. Schooner Meridian IS IS William Jones. Schooner Abigail 1840 Lyons & Fox. Bark Buckeye State 18.52 Mr. Hubbard. Schooner J. Reid 18.52 W. S. Lyons. Schooner Winfield Scott 1H52 Williaiu .lones. Schooner Main 18.52 W, S- Lyons. Schooner Hamlet 1.S.52 William Jones. Schooner H. C. Win-;low 18,53 William Jones. Schooner W. F. .Vllen 1853 Joues & Co. Schooner City 18,53 D. Rogers. Schooner Cascade 18.5:1 William Jones. Schooner H. E. Mussey 1853 Benjamin Flint. Schooner Wings of the Morning.. 18.54 Jones & Co. Schooner Peoria 1854 A- Gillmore. Propeller Dick Pinto 1854 G. W, Jonos. Schooner G. L, Newman 18,55 B, Flint. Schooner Dnike 18,55 Joues & Co. Bark Lemuel Crawford 18,55 Jones. Schooner Kyle Spangler 18,56 William Jones. Schooner Leader 18.56 Lyons & Gillmore. Schooner W. H. Willard 1858 Charles Hinraan. Schooner John Webber 1856 Charles Hinman. Schooner Grace Murray 18.5*» William Jones. Schooner Resolute 1856 Schooner L. .1. Farwell 1856 William Jones. Bark David Morris 1857 William Jones. Schooner Return 1855 D. Fox. Schooner Herald 1857 Wilham Jones. Schooner Freeman 1855 William Jones. Schooner Ogden 18,57 William Jones. Bark Levi Rawson 1861 Wilham Jones. Bark William Jones 1862. Jones & Co. Schooner Alice Curtis 18.58 Edwards. Propeller Queen of the Lakes 18.55 William Jones. Brig .\udubon 1854 William Jones. Schooner John Fretter 185:J,._ Charles Hinman. Schooner E. F. Allen 1863 A. GUlmore. Bark Franz Siegel 1862 G. W. Jones. Bark Orphan Boy 1862 William Jones. Conr.ad Keid 1862 H. D, Root. H. D. Root 1863 H. D. Root. Minerva 1863 William Jones. William H. Chapman... 1865 H. D. Root. Schooner Fostoria 1865 W. S. Lyons. Pride 1866 H. D. Root. W. S. Lyons 1866 W. S. Lyons. Bark Summer Cloud 1864 Lester Smith. Schooner LiUie Fox 1866 D. Fox. Kate Lj-ons 1866 Wilham Jones. Bark P. S. Marsh 1867 G. W. Jones. Schooner H. C. Post (rebuilt) 1866 Thomas Wilson. Gen. Q. A. Gillmore 1867 Thomas Wilson. H. G. Cleveland 1-867 William Jones. Clough 1867 D. Fox. Vernie Blake 1867 H. D. Root. Thomas Wilson 1868 Thos. Wilson. Brig E. Cohen 1867 H. D. Root. Thomas Gawn 1872 John Squires. Barge Sarah E. Sheldon 1872 Quelos & Feck. MaryGroh 1873 H. D. Root. Steamer Charles Hickox 1873 H. D. Root. Steam Barge Egyptian 1873 Quelos & Peck. Steamer C, Hickox 1873 H. D. Root. Schooner Our Son 1875 H. Kelley. .Schooner Sumatra 1873 Quelos & Peck. Schooner Three Brothers 1873 H. D. Root. Schooner Theodore Voges 1876 H. D. Root. Tug Myrtle 1876 Scows. NAME. TEAR. Amherst 1847.. Diana 1848.. Sea Witch 1850 . BUILDER. D. Dayton. D. Dayton. S. F. Drake. 216 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. NAME. YEAR. DVII.DER. Elinii-a 185' . T. More. Kocky Mu(intaiU8. . 1852 . .Wm. Jones. John P. Hale 1852 ..H. Sheldon. C'cinsiu Mary la'w ..H. D. RootA Bio. Fm-est Maitl 18fi3 ..Sheldon. Rush ... m>'i .L. Smith. Home lavf .L. Smith. flladiator 1854 .H. Adams. E. Mastor 18.54 .S. W. Buck. Blac-k Swan ... 1854 .S. W. Buck. A. Fredericks 1854 .Edwards. Blaek Rover 1855 Planet 1855 . L. Smith. Rnena 1856... H. S. Smith. Belle 1856 .C. Johnson. Free Mason issr .D. Fields. Ninirod 18.57 .William Curtis. Juno 18.5.3 .L. W. Buck. E. S. Taylor 18.57 .H. D. Root. E. K Kane ' IKBl .H. t). Root. Supplj' 1861 .S. Fields. John F. Prince 1864 .A. GUlmore. I Almira 1849 .William Curtiss. Nellie 1866 Aunt Ruth 1803 .A. Gillmore. .S. Fields. Elyria 1867 .D. Fox. F. L, Jones ; 1867 .H. D, Root. Penguin 1868 Lester Smith. J. W Porter........ 1868 .W. S. Lyons. Ada J. Root 1868 H. D. Root. Frank T. Church .. 1808 .A. Bullock Growler 1868... . .S. Root. German 1868 .H. D. Root. Ferret (rebuilt) 1868 M Tuttle 1870 A. Pelo. AciRICDLTURAL STATISTICS. Oats, 50.5 " . .. ... .. .' 17 310 Com, 468 " . 35.410 Patatoes .58 4 370 " Orehanis, 142 " . ... ..... .. 2,248 Butter Vote for President in 1876. Hayes a^ 1 Tilden. 105 Biographical Sketches. EBENEZER GREGG was the youngest son of Kljeiie/.er and Betsey Gregg, of Dorchester, New llainiisliire, and wiis born April 5, l.so;5. He was of Scotch jiarentage, liis ancestors liaving l)ehiiigeil to the noted Prcsljyterian colony wlu) settled Lonchniderry, New Ilampsliire. His grandfather liore a distinguisiied |iart in the revolu- tionary war. Jle was colonel under General Stark, at the nieinorahle battle of Bennington, and was jires- ent when the general, in rallying his troops, addressed to him the words so aplly given by the poet: " We'll beat the British ere set of sun. Or Molly Stark is a widow— it was done." Mr. Gregg has inhciited in a marked degree tlie peculiarities of his Scotch ancestors, having a vigorous constitution, great physical endnrance, perseverance and energy of cliai-acter. He was married September 24, ls30, to Mary W. Daufortli, of Derry, New Hampshire. They emigrated to Ohio in 1835, in com- pany with his brother, the late Colonel William Gregg, and settled on a farm two miles north of the village of Elyria. In 1842, he purchased a farm in the then townshiji of Shellii'ld, and resided there for several years; but for the juirjiose of educating his children, he removed to Elyria in 1857. Here he and his wife united with the Methodist church, and here, in Au- gust 11, 1871, after a residence of fourteen years, his wife closed her earthly labors. They had eight children, three of whom died in infancy. His second son, Arthur Livermoi-e, died in )ShefBeld, February 28, 1873, aged thirty-one years. There are now living, two sons and two daughters, all of wiiom are married. His three sons, Simeon, Arthur, and Luther, served as brave and faithful soldiers in the war of the rebellion, were honorably discharged, and safely returned home at the close of the war. December 30, 1872, Mr. Gregg was married to Adaline W. Danforth, of Adrian, Michigan. At this time he sold his i)roj)erty in Elyria, and removed to his farm for a permanent residence. Although he is now seventy-six years old, he has wonderful health and vigor, and still leads an active, useful life. He is a member of the Methodist church in Lorain and is warmly identified with the interests of the growing town around him, cheerfully contributing his share to its growth and jirosperity. He is strictly temper- ate in his habits, and is an enemy alike to liquor and tobacco, seldom neglecting to "show his colors'" when occasion offers. CAPTAIN SAMUEL L. FLINT was born at Plattsburg, New York, February 18, 1830, being the sixth child of John and Amy (Ham- mond) Flint of that place; all of Scotch descent. When eight years of age he accompanied his parents to Buffalo, New York, remaining there about two years, when they removed to Toledo, Ohio, where his parents spent the remainder of tlieir days. When nineteen years old Captain Flint commenced to work for John P. Freeman, of Toledo, at the car- penter and joiner trade. After attaining his majority he removed to Black River, this county, where he be- came engaged as a ship carpenter, which he followed winters for nearly twenty years, sailing on the lakes until the close of na\igation every year, which latter occupation he still follows. At an early period in his business career, Caiitain Flint became interested in farming, and is now considered a good, ])ractical farmer, as well as an excellent lunigator. Eight years ago he jiurcliased the comfortable farm and residence, an illustration of which ajijiears elsewhere in this volume. On the 20tli of July, 1850, he married Helen M., daughter of Adam Miller, of Black River. They had five ciiildreii, of whom Alice L., Helen A. and Sam- I'll , |||i|i||||l||j| III: Id i|j|ii> HISTOEY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 217 uel L. survive. Mrs. Flint dep;irled this life May 3, 18G4. After mourning the loss of his first wife just one year, the Captain married again, the subject of his choice this time being his present excellent wife, who at the time of their marriage was Jane D. Tracy, widow of E. F. Tracy, of Elyria, and daughter of Captain Luther Dcnnison and Agnes Martin, the former born in Vermont, the latter at Dykehead, Scotland. Mrs. Flint has two daughters by her first husband, Louisa S., now the wife of John Maxfield, of Lamont, Mich- igan, and Elizabeth R., wife of Cajjtain H. W. Stone, of Cleveland. Among other experiences of a nautical career, ex- tending over twenty-eight years, the following befel Captain Flint. On the 26th of August, 1874, the propeller Persian, then the largest vessel on Lake Erie, and commanded by Captain Flint, took fire, from the ignition of gas in the coal bunkers. After burning almost three hours, she sunk, and all hands, — nineteen in number, including Captain Flint, — took refuge on the hatches, upon which they floated for two hours and a half, when they were ])ickcd up by the propeller Badger, and thus saved from a watery grave. BROWNHELM PREFATORY NOTE. Fallowing thH settlement, is subjoined the greater part of the address of President J. H. Faircliild, on the "Early Settlement and History of Brownhelni," delivered at Brownhelm, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its settlement. We make use of this instead of writing a new sketch, because (I) as a history of the townsliip it is quite full and remarkabl.y accurate, as we have verified by personal interviews with the older residents of the place; and (2) because of its admirable treat- ment of some phases of pioneer life of which they only, who have ex- perienced them, can give an adequate portrayal. President Fairchild was himself a pioneer of Bro^mhelm, and describes the characteristics of life in the new country from the standpoint of experience. The early settlement we have written up more fully but regret that in regard to some of the early settlers, but little information could be obtained . Some additional matter in regard to the cnurches, township organization, etc., is likewise incorporated. Town number six, in range nineteen, of the Con- necticut Western Reserve was drawn in the draft by Asher jNIiller and Nathan Shalor. It originally ex- tended south to tract fourteen and fifteen, in the nineteenth range, and included nearly a third of the territory now embraced in the township of Henrietta. PHYSICAL FEATURES. The western part of the township is traversed by the crooked Verniillion, whose broad valley, and high, steep banks give a pleasing diversity to the generally level surface. There are several other small streams not designated by name on the county map. The soil is more or less clay, modified along the ridgis by gravel and sand, and, in small areas in the northern part of the town, by a deep, black muck of great fertility. NAME.* " The privilege of naming the place was yielded by llie citizens, at a meeting called for the purpose, at Mr. Barnum's, to Colonel Brown. He gafre it the name of Brownhelm, a name which, in the early * President Fairchild. days, was a source of some disiileasure, as implying that Colonel Brown was to steer the ship, a thought which was probably not in his mind in connection with the name. He doubtless sought only for an agreeable termination of the name, and found it in the old Saxon word ham or liem, softened for euphony to helm, and signifying 'home,' or dwelling place, and thus the name means ' Brown's home." To some of the early inhabitants, it sounded like Brown at the helm, and a petition was at one time circulated to have the name changed to Freedom. We may bo thankful that the jjopular disgust never reached such a consummation. The good old name is original, euphonious, and hapi)y in its signification. There is no better name in the land." EAKLY SETTLEMENT. In 181C, Col. Henry Brown of Stoekbridge, Massa- chusetts, visited this portion of the Western Reserve, with the pur])oso in view of selecting for purchase a large tract of land, and on his return to Massachu- setts he entered into contract for this township, then known only as number six, in range nineteen. In the fall of the same year, accompanied by several young men, he came on the ground, erected a log house on the lake shore, and then returned to Massa- chusetts, leaving his men to make further preparations for the reception of the families the next season. Early in the following year, Levi Shepard and Syl- vester Baruum and their families, and two daughters of Stephen James, who came with Mr. Shepard, left Stoekbridge for this township, where they arrived, after a protracted and tedious journey, in the after- noon of July 4, 1817. Mr. James with his two sons (his wife having died previously) started from Stock- bridge about the same time as Deacon Shepard and 2S 218 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. his associates, but taking the boat at liuifalo for Black River, reached tlic jihice abont a week in ad- vance of them. Mr She]iard and family are the conceded first settlers. "Mr. She]iard and liis wife, without indicating their purpose to their fellow trav- elers, were careful to lead the way as they approached the selected territory, so as to l)e first on the ground. They crossed the line between Black River and Brown- helm some rods in advance of their associates, and thus they properly have the honor of being the first settlers."' Some of the young men who came with Colonel Brown liad I'eturned east, but four of them remained and were on the ground when the three families arrived. These were Peter P. Pease, William Alver- son, Charles Whittlesey and William Lincoln. They wei'c then single, but they subsequently married and settled in the town. The first occurrence worthy of note after the arri- val of Deacon Shepard and his party is thus described ))y President Fairchild: "The first work of the as- sembled group was to prepare an independence din- ner in honor of the occasion. This is believed to have been the first meal ever spread in the township by white women. Some of the young men, looking on while the women prepared the meal, were moved to tears. It was the first sight of any thing like home that had mot their eyes for many montlis. The ma- terial for the dinner was not over-abundant or varied, embracing the bread and pork which the young men contributed, and the relics of the provisions with which the travelers had been furnished for the jour- ney. But the seasoning of appetite, novelty and hope made it a dinner long to be remembered, such as one enjoys but once in a life time." Of that party of sixteen persons that shared in the meal, two are yet living, — Levi Sliepard and Mrs. Parkhust, then Cordelia James, — the former having reached the advanced age of ninety-four. Shepard, Barnum, and James took up theii- abode on the lake shore, jointly occupying, for a time, the log house of Colonel Brown. Barnum, in a few days, vacated, his family living in a lumber wagon, on his purchase, for a short time, until the completion of his house. lie remained but a few years in the township. Most of his family died of a malignant disease called "milk sickness," or " sick stomach," which prevailed so fatally in the town in an early day, and he returned to Massachusetts, where he subseipuMitly died. Shepard and James continued their occujiMiicy of the Brown house, until the erection, l)y the former, of a cabin, on his purchase on lot six, when the two families took up their abode there, — Mr. James and family occupying a part of the house for about a year, when he erected a cabin on his farm, west of Colonel Brown. It is rarely that wo find, in the prosecution of our work, the first settler of a township still living. Deacon Shepard now lives in Brownhelm, well along in his ninety-fifth year. He was born near Sturbridge, Worcester county, Massachusetts, December 9, 1T84. and when a boy, removed with his parents to Stock- bridge, where he resided until his emigration to Ohio. He was a blacksmith, and prosecuted his trade in con- nection with his farm work, for several years in Briiwrdielni, his patrons paying him in work at clear- ing and logging on his farm. Mr. Shepard was blessed with a remarkably strong constitution. At the age of cighty-thice, ho could work all day with almost as little conse(pieiit fatigue as in the days of his young manhood: and tlici summer immediately preceding his eighty-fourth birthday, he was engaged in chopinng wood, and splitting rails, almost the entire season. In December, 187G, he sustained a jjartial stroke of pai'alysis in his lower limbs, and since that time, he has moved about with ditticulty. His hearing and eyesight are also much impaired. But, notwithstanding his bodily infirmities, his mind still remains comparatively vigorous, and his memory of early events is remarkably good. He is small in stature, and his form is now much bent, — bowed down by the weight of years. He enjoys, extremely, a chat about pioneer times, and relates with glee how he secured for himself and family the honor of being the first settlers. Deacon Shei)ard has no descendants now livinging the town. His third wife died some years ago, and of his four children, — two sons and two daughtei's, — only th(> former are living, — ^some- where in the west. Stephen James was born in Middlesex, Connecti- cut, August 8, 1707, but removed to Stockbridge, Massachusetts, when young. He was prominently identified with the church for many years in Brown- helm, and also in Stockbridge, where he was first elected to the office of deacon under Rev. Dr. West. This office he filled witii cipial credit to himself, and satisfaction to the church. He instituted the first known religions services held in this township, hold- ing a meeting at Judge Brown's house the Sunday immediately preceding the arrival of Deacon Sliepard and his associates. Before the advent of the minis- ter, he led the meetings of the little band in the woods of Brownhelm, regularly sustaining a reading service on the Sabbath, in connection with his breth- ren, until they were blessed with the stated ministry of the word. He frequently officiated on funeral and other occasions, and assisted in the organization of religious services in neighboring settlements. He wa.^ well (jnalilied for such work, possessing, it is said, among other (|nalifieations, considerable fiuency of speech. In all I lie walks of life. Deacon James was distinguished for Ijenevolence, moral rectitude, and earnest, active piety. He married, at the age of twenty-seven, Hannah Schofleld, of Stanford, Con- necticut, who died in 1811, leaving five children, three sons and two daughters. One of the sons being an ajiprentice in Massachusetts, never emigrated to the west. In the fall of 1828, he married Miss Rhoda Buck, of Connecticut, who was visiting friends in C3-EOi?>a-E a-. nycoiE^ySE. Among tlie prominent citizens of the town in which he resides, the subject of tiiis sketch occupies a foremost position. He is one of the pioneers of the county, and also one of its best practical farmers. He is the fifth child of Abishua and Anna Morse, and was born in the town of Great Barriugton, Mass., Feb. 15, 1819. Two years prior to the time when he first saw the light, his grandfather, Setli Morse, himself a native of Massachusetts, made a visit to Ohio for the purpose of selecting lands. His choice fell upon the place where his son (Abishua) settled in the fall of 1821. It was not, however, until about the year 1826 or 1827 that Seth Morse came to reside on the land he had purchased. After his second coming, he re- mained until his death. Abishua erected a primi- tive log house near where George G. now resides. To do this he had to fell some trees in order to effect a clearing. He continued to improve his farm, and a short time subsequent to the erec- tion of his log house, he built a frame barn, and a few years preceding his demise he erected the present residence of his son, of whom we write more particularly. At the time of his death, which occurred Dec. 11, 1835, he possessed from two hundred to two hundred and fifty acres of land, and had he lived to an old age he would doubtless have been a very wealthy man, as he was a very good one. He enjoyed the esteem and respect of all who knew him. George G. Morse began life as a farm laborer, work- ■S#\ v^ ANNA RAY MORSE. ing for his brother and others for some eight or ten years. His first start for himself was the purchase of forty acres of land, about the year 1845. From that time to the present he has been eminently success- ful, and now occupies the position of a good citizen anil first-class agriculturist, and an honest man. This is the natural result of untiring energy and ceaseless industry. Mr. Morse has been twice married. His first wife was Mary A., daughter of Purley Moulton, of Browuhelm, with whom he united his fortunes May 15, 1851. She died August 15, 1861. His second and present wife was Eliza J., daughter of Jesse Bal 1, Jr., of Ver- milion township. They have had five children born to them, namely: Henry G., Herbert J., Jennie E., George B., who died at the age of four years, and Freddie Ray. Mrs. Morse is an exemplary member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Morse is a liberal contributor to religious and educational enterprises, having as- sisted in building nearly every church in his vicinity. He is the owner of a fine farm of two hundred and fifty acres, upon which are good frame buildings, an illustration of which appears in another page of this work. Owing to general regular habits, he preserves the hale and hearty appearance of a man in the prime of life, and in his personal appearance resembles very closely Prof. Morse, of telegraph fame, to whom he is related. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 219 Brovvnlielm at the time. No children were born of this marriage. Deacon James died in 1841, his wife surviving him several years. His daughter, Mrs. Park- liurst, is still living in the township, aged seventy- tlii-ee. Before the close of the year in whioh the families previously mentioned arrived, those of Solomon Whit- tlesey, Alva Curtis, Ehenezer Scott and Benjamin Bacon moved in. Mr. Whittlesey located on the farm now occui)ied by his son Cyrus, his original habitation being situated a short distance east of the son's pres- ent frame house. Mr. Whittlesey was a great hunter in his pioneer days. His death occurred in 1871, aged eighty-five. Deacon Curtis settled near the Vermillion, on the spot now occupied by Fred. Bacon. He opened here, in his house, the first hotel in the town. He has no descendants living in Brownhelm, and we have but little information concerning him. lie died in 181G, his wife suljsccjuently. Mr. Bacon made his location where his son William now resides. He was the first justice of the peace in the place. Mr. Bacon was (pialified by nature to be a leader, and was probably a man of as much influence and extended acquaintance as any other in the settle- ment. This weight of character was used on the side of order, education and sound morality. The next year the settlement was increased by the arrival of a dozen families. One of the first was that of Anson Cooper, who moved in from Euclid, Cuya- hoga county, where he had resided about a year. He took up his residence on the place now occupied by his widow in her eighty-third year. Mr. Cooper died in 184*1. He was the first town clerk in Brownhelm. The families of Colonel Brown, Grandison Fair- child, Alfred Avery, Enos Cooley, Elisha Peck, George Bacon, John Graham, Orrin Sage, Chestei' Seymour, Thomas Ely and Dr. P>rown moved in soon after. ' Colonel Brown took uji his abode in the house on the lake shore already prejiaiT'd for him. A brief biogra- [ihy of Mr. Brown may be found at the close of the history of this township. Grandison F'airchild was born in Sheffield, Berkshire (■(lunty. Massachusetts, April 20, 1793. Novemlier 35, 1813, he married Nancy Harris, daughter of William Harris, who was an early settler in Brownhelm. She was born October 30, 1795. Mi-. Fairchild, with his family, then consisting of wife and three children, re- moved from Stockbridge, Massachusetts, to Brown- helm in September, 1818, coming from Buffalo to Cleveland on the pioneer steamer, Walk-in-the- Water. Four days were spent on the water, the vessel lying for two days on a bar at Erie. From Cleveland the journey was made with team and wagon. Mr. Fair- child's location was on North ridge, between the present residence of his son Charles and the church. He is yet a resident of the town, now living a short distance east of his original location, in his eighty- seventh year, erect and seemingly as vigorous as ever. Mrs. Fairchild died in August, 1875. There were ten children, seven of whom are yet living, two in the town. Orrin Sage, originally from Hartford, Connecticut, married Lucy C!ooper, of Stockbridge, Massachusetts, in June, 1818, and, immediately afterwards, with George Bacon and his wife, who was a sister of Mrs. Sage, set out for the distant west. The party had a wagon and two ox-teams, and a single horse and wagon with which they made the journey, and were five weeks coming through. At Buffalo they shipped their goods by the lake to Black I'iver. Sage located on the farm adjoining on the north — ^that on which Mrs. Bacon now lives. He died in October, 1833, and his widow soon after exchanged farms with Jona- than Uosford, and returned with her little son to Stockbridge. Bacon located on the farm, now occu- pied by his widow, formerly Mrs. Sage. His first wife died in 182G, and he returned to Stockbridge and a year subsequently married Mrs. Sage, when they removed to Brownhelm. Mrs. Bacon died in January, 1875. Mr. Bacon is now in her eighty- sixth year. She says the first barrel of meat the family used in Brownhelm, cost thirty dollars, and was of the "shank"' variety. Enos Cooley began life in the wilderness on a cash capital of six cents. He located near the lake shore, erecting his cabin on the spot now occupied by the residence of the widow of Lewis Braun. He subse- quently removed to a permanent location on the North ridge, where he resided until his death, in 1847. Two of his children are now living in this townshi]). They are Moses and Chester A. The latter owns and operates at Bacon's Corners the only cheese factory in the town. Elisha Peck, with wife and ten children, arrived in Brownhelm, in November of the year previously men- tioned. The family stopjied with Colonel Brown the night after their arrival, and then moved into the house of Alfred Avery, where they remained some three weeks. They then took up their abode on lot fifty-four, a log house having been rolled together. It was indeed a primitive house when the family moved into it, for it was without a floor of any kind, and the first night, the children made tlieir bed on mother earth. The father and mother were provided with a bedstead constructed of poles, and elm bark was made to answer in place of a cord. Mr. I'eek was a shoemaker, and worked at his trade for over sixty years. He also had a rude tannery in Bi-own- helm at an early day. He was born in Berlin, Con- necticut, March 7, 1773, and died in Brownhelm Jan- uary 7, 1858, aged eighty-four years and ten months. His wife was Millicent Byington, of Bristol, Connec- ticut. Four children are now living. Deacon George Wells, now residing in Brownhelm, in the eighty-second year of his age, arrived in 1818. He was :it the time unmarried. He bought a piece of land on the lake shore, felled a tree, and with a few poles and bark made himself a rude shelter, in which he lived the first summer. A short time after- 230 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. ward this was substituted by a log house, in which liis widowed mother and the remainder of her family took up their abode in the summer of 1820. Mr. Wells returned to Hartford in 18'25, and married, immediati'ly after which he set out with his bride for the far west. At Buffalo he engaged i)assage on a vessel, the captain of which agreed to land him on the shore opposite his residence in Browiilielm. He disregarded his promise, however, and carried Mr. AVells and wife to Johnson's Island, thence to San- dusky, and finally landed them, with some twenty other ])assengcrs, at Oedar I'oint. Mr. Wells and wife started for their Brownhelm cabin on foot, but after traveling some ten miles, were overtaken by Captain Day, who was returning to Black River from Sandusky, on horseback. He kindly offered his place on the horse to the young wife, which was accei)ted, Mr. Wells and the captain traveling on foot. The end of the Journey was duly reached, wlien two men with a skiff were sent after Mrs. Wells' baggage, which was hardly equal either in value or quantity to the outfit of the modern bride. John Graham married a sister of Deacon Wells, and removed to Brownhelm soon after he arrived. He located on the same lot — lot four — and lived there the remainder of his life. Abishai Morse came from Great Barrington, Massa- chusetts, to Bi-ownhelni in September, 1820, with his family, consisting of his wife and five children. Eight were born subse([uently. A horse team and wagon brought the family and their effects, and they were six weeks on the journey. They lived with Alva Curtis until tlieir log house was completed. This stood a short distance east of the present resi- dence of his son, Geo. G. Morse, west of the Vermil- lion. The log house was occupied until 183.3, when the j)leasant frame house previously mentioned was erected. He and George Hinckley had a saw mill on the Vermillion in an early day, where Ileyman's grist and saw mill now stand; and they afterwards bought the old grist mill of Judge Brown, which had been removed to the same place from its original location near the Swift place. Mr. Morse died in December, 1835. Five of his children are living and four in Lorain county. Ira AVood came into the township in 1831. His first location was west of the river, where John Stevenson now lives. Stephen Goodrich came in at the same time, and tiioy together established a tan- nery. Mr. Wood subse({uently sold liis interest to Goodrich, and moved to the east side of the river, where he now resides. President Fairehild, in his history of this township, written in 1867, locates generally the early settlers as follows: There were originally five lines of settlement in town, the lake shore and the four ridges parallel to it. * * * On the lake shore there were Brown, Sey- mour, James, Shepard, Weed, Dr. Brown, Goodrich, llart, Sly, Wells, Graham and Sheldon Johnson; and at a later day, Hawley Lathrop and Leach. Between the shore and the first ridge, Cooley, Barnum, Scott; and later, Perley Moulton and Rankin. Along the first ridge, Whittlesey, Alversou, Peter P. Pease, Cooper, Orrin Sage, Moulton, Joseph Scott and Ketchum; and later. Baker, Ewing, Lyon, Culver, ITirani Pease, Hamilton Perry, Parkhurst, Hastings, Bartlett, IIos- ford, Dimmock, Graves, Blodgett, Uemmingway, James Newbury and Job Smith. On the principal ridge, known as the North ridge, Andrews, Avery, Baldwin, Lincoln, Fairehild, Betts, Daniel Perry, and afterward his sons; the Bacons, three families, Curtis at the mill, Hinkley and Waters Betts; and beyond the river, Abishai Morse, Bradley, Hewett, Booth, Davis and his distillery, and Saunders. At a later day, along the same ridge, we have Belden, Samuel Curtis, Rodney Andrews, Henry Sage, Samuel Bacon, Leavenworth, Dr. Willard, Bailey, Kent Hawley, Edward Morse, Stephen Goodrich, Stephen Brown, John Newbury, Fancher, and manj' others still later. Along the middle ridge or near it, on one side or the other. Peck, George James, Seth Morse, Wallace, Jones; and at a later day, Harris, Locke, Van Dusen, Ira Rngg, Cable, Frisbie, Chapiu, Bushrod Perry, S. G. Morse, Parsons and Ii'a Wood;* and still further south, Joseph Swift. On the south ridge road, the earliest families were Powers, Leonard, Durand, An- drews, Hancock, Deiiison, Holcomb, Abbott and Fuller. This road was soon set off to Henrietta. * * * Almost all of those families came from the east, most from Berkshire county, Massachusetts, some from Connecticut, and a few from other parts. A very few, discouraged l)y sickness and by the hardships of the new country, returned east." * * * '-It was not a rare thing for young men to walk the entire distance from Massachusetts to Ohio, carrying a few indispen- sable articles upon their backs, in a white canvas knapsack. One or more of these kna])sacks might be found in almost every neighborhood during the early years, cherished as mementoes of such pedestrian feats. One young nuin brought in his 'pack,' from Massachusetts to this county, a pair of iron wedges, implements more valual)le to him than a wedge of gold. For myself, I have moving reason for recalling the knapsack; for I remember that in the old school house, my seat mate, I)elia Peck, and I shared to- gether a fiagellation for smiling over the quaint won] knapsack, which we found in Webster's old spelling book, held between us. Some of my juvenile hearers will be impressed with the Puritan sternness of our early school discipline, when told that the smile was not audible, and that no whisper accomjianied it. Our rebellious hearts even then would (juestion the propriety of the chastisement. As successive families came on, they found shel- ter for a few weeks with those who had preceded them, until they could roll up a log house, roof it with " shakes " and cut an opening for a door. Then *Also Colonel Nathaniel and Norman Crandall. *•^~-*'»S$S■-!^~-^^>^ - COLONEL ELISHA FRANKLIN PECK. Col. Elisha Frankliu Peck, the fifth child of Elisha Peck and Miliccut Bjiiigton, was born at Old Stockbridge, Mass., May 25, 1806. Elisha Peck, a descendant of Deacon Paul Peck, of Hartford, Conn., was born at Berlin, Conn., March 7, 1773. In the year 1817, Elisha Peck came to this country and made a selection of lands, and erected a log cabin in the town of Brownhelni, Lorain Co., Ohio, which at that time was an unbroken wilderness, after which he returned for his family, consisting of a wife and ten children ; and the year following made a permanent settlement, arriving Nov. 12, 1818. No furniture was in possession of the family, and a bedstead was improvised for the older members of the family the first night of their stay in the then far West, the children sleeping on the floor. Mr. Peek's purchase amounted to four hundred and fifty acres. Col. E. F. Peck remained with his fttlier until he was twenty-one years of age, and in the month of August fol- lowing started out in life for himself, with forty acres of land as a gift from his father ; and the same year started for Old Stockbridge, Mass., the old home, to attend school, but was taken sick at Buffalo, N. Y., while working on the harbor. He went to an uncle's in Orleans Co., N. Y., and remained four months. He then returned to Brownhelm, having abandoned the idea of attending school in Massa- chusetts, and purchased the interests of several members of the family in the estate of his father, and has since added materially to his possessions. He was married, July 3, 1833, to Sally Ann, daughter of Abishua Morse. This union resulted in the birth of four children, whose names are as follows : Ann Milicent, Lydia Marianne, Henry Franklin, and William Elisha, all of whom are living except Henry F., who died Feb. 4, 1864, at his father's house. Col. Peck, now seventy-three years of age, is still vigor- ous and active, and only last fall (1878) plowed and pre- pared the soil for ten acres of wheat. He has cleared over two hundred acres of heavy timbered land. His physique even now proves the advantage of a life of sobriety, industry, and uprightness. His only education was obtained by giv- ing one day of labor for one day of instruction in the elementary branches. Its practical benefits to himself and family are evinced by his success in life, financially and morally. In politics. Col. Peck has always been a Democrat, with which party he is prominently identified, and a working member. He is earnest, even zealous in the advocacy of his convictions, and no matter what others may think as to the facts at issue, HE is sincere. From 1857 until 1861 he was postmaster at Brownhelm, the proceeds of the ofiBce going to his poor neighbors. Prior to the late civil war, and during the old militia days, Mr. Peck joined an Ohio regiment, in which he be- came popular, both as a genial comrade and an able military commander, and passed through the several grades, from private in the ranks to that of colonel, being regimental commander when mustered out of service. Ann M. Peck, eldest daughter of Col. E. F. Peck, married H. 0. Allen, Jan. 1, 1865. He died Nov. 17, 1869. Lydia iSL, second daughter, married Geo. P. Deyo, Sept. 13, 1871. William E. married Lena S. Smith, Dec. 28, 1871. .^(^^ Elisha Peck (Deceased.) FjESIDEMCE OF E. F. PECK , BFJOWNHELM TR, LOf?AIN CO.,0. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 221 they would iiiove into tliuir new lioiiie and finish it :it leisure. This finishing consisted in laying a floor of planks split from logs, jmucheons as tliey were called, putting up a chimney in one end of the house, ordinarily of sticks plastered with clay, sonu^times of stone, with a large open flre-place, generally made with a hearth and hack, without jainl)s or nuintel, adding at length a door, when there was leisure to go to Shupe's mill on Beaver creek, for a board, and a window of glass if it could l)e had ; if not, oiled pa])er. A later stage in the operation consisted in "chinking" the cracks between the logs with pieces of wood"on the inside, and plastering them without with clay mortar. As leisure and prosperity followed, loose hoai'ds were laid above for a chamber floor, and in cases of unusual nicety and taste, the man dev.oted several evenings to hewing the logs on the sides Avithin, and peeling the bark from the round joists overhead. Families unusually favored had rough stairs to the loft above, otherwise a ladder. An exca- vation below, entered through a trap in the floor, served as a cellar. In rare cases, a family attained to the dignity of a sleeping room, separated fi'om the common living apartment by a board partition ; oftener chint/. curtains, or sheets, or quilts, secured the privacy of the bed. These often disajipeared as the wants of the fainily pressed, and the bed was left shelterless. The furniture of this primitive home was as simple as the domicile itself. The bedstead was made of round poles, shaved or peeled, the posts at the head rising above the bed and joined by a bar in place of a headboard. Elm bark often served in place of a cord. The trundle-bed was the same thing on a smaller scale. A table was extemporized from the cover of a bo.x; in which the family goods w,ere brought from the east, while the box itself, with a shelf introduced, served as a cupboard for provisions. A shelf on the side of the room sup[)orted the crock- ery and tin ware, while a few stools, with now and then a back added, according to the mechanical skill or enterprise of the proprietor, served the place of chairs. This simple house, with its simjiler furniture, furnished a home by no means uncomfortable where health, and hope, and kindly feeling were the light of it. The skeleton frame house of the pioneer of mod- ern days, without paint, or ceiling, or plaster, or tree to shelter it, will by no means compare with the snug, well chinked, substantial log house of the early settlers. According to my recollection, the first frame house in town was built by Benjamin Bacon, and the next by Dr. Betts. I am quite sure that Mr. Bacon's was the first painted one that my eyes ever rested on. The first brick house in town, and indeed in the county, was built by m^' father, in 1824. To this day it is, I believe, the only brick house in the town. It was built with twenty thousand brick, at an aggregate cost of three hundred dollars. It has received some additions and improvements, but does not appear to lie as large as when it was first built. The first stylish house in town was .Judge Brown's, built in 182G, a grand affair in its day, and still a stately farm house. The great drawback of the country, and at the same time its chief advantage, was the grand old forest with which the entire surface was covered, fur- nishing everj' variety of tindier that could be needed in a new country, in (|uautities that seemed absolutely inexhaustible. Along tiie ridges the chestnut pre- vailed, tlie trunk from two to four feet in diameter, and a hundred feet in height, furnishing the best fencing material that any new country was ever blessed with. The ouly discount on the chestnut Avas in the fact that the stump would remain full thirty years, an offense to the farmer, unless some strenuous means were used to eradicate it. The surest way was to un- dermine it, and bury it ou the spot where it grew. The tree next in value for timber was the whitewood or tulip tree, of regal majesty, and second only to the white pine for finishing lumber, and for some uses superior to it. The oak and the hickory, in every variety and of magnificent proportions, were found everywhere; and, on the lowlands and river bottoms, the black walnut, probably tbe most stately tree of Northern Ohio forests, inferior in magnificence only to the famous red wood of California. A single speci- men was standing on the Vermillion I'iver bottom at a recent date, which was said to measure fifteen feet in diameter above the swell of the roots. In the early years, this valuable fancy timber only ranked next to the chestnut, and there are barns and cowsheds in town roofed with clean black walnut boards, two feet and more in width. With the first settlers, these magnificent forests were not held in high apprecia- tion. They were esteemed usurpers of the soil, and the great endeavor was to exterminate them. The coming generation will not be able to comprehend the labor involved in this enterprise, or the pluck that could accomplish it. "A man was famous according as he lifted up axes upon the thick trees." No iron- sinewed engina.was at hand to take the brunt of the work. The pioneer himself, eipiipped only with his axe, a yoke of oxen and a log chain, must attack, lay low and reduce to ashes the forests that overhung his farm. The men that accomplished this were sturdy in liml) and strong in heart. A feeble race would have retired from the encounter. 'J'he ])ioneerof tlie present day, who has only to turn over the pi'airie sod, and wait for the harvest, can know little of the labor involved in settling a heavy-timbered country. Yet, if this had been a prairie country, its settle- ment must have been deferred full twenty years. The forests were a vast store house of material for building and fencing, and for fuel. The house in- volved no outlay of capital. Stern labor could accom- plish everything. But for these forests each family would have required a capital of a thousand or two of dollars, and facditiesfor the transportation of lumber and other material would have been required, and a market where the products of the soil could bo ex- 222 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. changed for tliese materials. The pioneer found his best friend in the forest, but the friendship was one of stern conditions, yielding its advantages only lo tlio brave hearted. It is a little sad to look back to the uncounted thousands of splendid trees of white wood, and oak. and ash, and hickory, and black wal- nut, and cliestuul. wliich by dint of vast lalior were reduced to ashes, and recall the fact that each one of these trunks, if now standing where it grew, ,vonld sell for ten to Hfty dollars. Indeed, it is probable that if the original forests could bo replaced, the standing t iniber would i)ring more at sale than the. farms of the townshi]i, with all their improvements, are now worth. But our case is not peculiar; at some such sacj-ilicc every new country is settled. The farms of New England would to-day scarce sell for enough to construct theston(^ walls that separate their fields. The grain that has rotted on the prairie farms of Illinois for want of barns and granaries, sold in the market to-day, would buy all the farms of that I'ich State. To regret such a circumstance is only less absurd than to mourn over the fact that Adam did not put out a few dollars at compound interest, which by endless reduplications would have furnished every child of Adam with a fortune. There is amusement in such figures, but no instruction. The divine wis- dom that planned the continent, jdaced the prairies west of the forests, and the gold still farther on in the direction of the "march of empire." Any othei- arrangement would have obstructed or greatly retarded the occupation of the country. The habit contracted in the clearing of the lands, the passion for destroying trees, has sometimes sur- vived the necessity, and even to this day needs a little guarding. The men who rejoiced over the fall of every tree, are not likely to cherish with sufficient care the I'emuants of the grand old forests, or to re- jilaiit on the grounds, cleared with so much labor, the trees necessary for shade, and ornament, and utility. I have seen a splendid elm, the delight of a whole village, ruthlessly cut down by some border ruttian whose only thought of trees is to cut them down, liut such was our early training. The glad- dest sound of our childhood was the crash of falling trees, and mother and children together rushed out of the cabin as each giant fell, to see how the area of vision was extended. Thus, slowly and with huge labor, the cleared circle expanded around each home. When ground was rei(uired for cultivation more rap- idly than it could be thoroughly cleared the plan of "girdling" or deadening" was adopted, which killed the larger trees and left them standing. The advan- tage was a doubtful one. The falling limbs of the girdled trees destroyed the crops and sometimes the cattle, and often crushed the fences, and now and then the cabin itself; and a fire in a girdling on a windy autumn night was full of terror to a whole neighborhood. The loss of many a hay-stack, and barn, and house, wa-; the price of the seeming advan- tage. Then, too, the final clearing away of the branchless timber, ease hardened in the sun, was a more discouraging work than the original thorough clearing would have been. But these facts were only learned by experience, and so every settlement had its "girdling." It was a stern work, the clearing u|i and subduing of these beautiful farms, snatching meanwhile from among the countless stumps, by hasty culture, the support of the family, and in many cases the means of jiaying for the farm, or at least the interest on the purchase jjrice, until a brighter day should bring the princii)al. He was a fortunate man who brought from the east the jn-ice of his land. It many cases it made the difference between success and failure. It was very discouraging, after a straggle of years with'hard work and sickness, to find the original debt increasing instead of diminishing; and it is not strange that here and there one sold his " improve- ments" fertile means of conveying his family back to the e:istern home, and retired from the conflict. The great majority stood bravely to the work, and achieved a. satisfactory success. It is ditlicult for the young people of this day to appreciate the conditions of living in the new settle- ment. We need to recall the fact that northern Ohio, fifty years ago, was farther from the ai)j)liances of civ- ilization than any portion of North America reckoned halii table, is to-day. The canal through the State of New York was not in existence, had scarcely been dreaiiied of. Western New York itself was mostly a howling wilderness. The articles needed in the now country could not be brought from the far east except at ruinous cost, and for the produce of the new country the only market was that made by the wants of the occasional new families that joined the settlement. These generally brought a little money, which was soon divided amonti; their neighbors. The families in general came well furnished with clothing, after the New England fashion ; but a year or two of wear and tear in the woods, sadly reduced the store. The children did not slop growing in the woods, nor in those days did they cease to multiply and replenish the earth. The outgrown garments of the older children might serve for the younger, but where were the new garments for these older children to grow into r' Flax could be raised, and summer linen of tow, and bleached linen, and copperas stripe, could be manufactured, when hands and health could be found to do it. Every woman was a spinner, but only here and there was a weaver, and each family had to come in for its turn. The old garments often grew shabby before the piece which was to furnish the summer wear of the family could be put through the loom. In autumn the difficulty was increased. The mate- rial for winter clothing could not be extemporized in the new country. Sheep came in slowly. At first they were not safe from wolves, and afterwards the new lands proved unwholesome to them, and they died, often suddenly, without visible cause. But when wool could not be obtained, the process of man- ^ — ^1 '■' ^^®5?- 'f!f§^^ FjEsiOENCE OF CYRUS L.WHITTLESEY, Si^OWNHELM rp.,Loi?AiNCo..O. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 223 ufacture was slow ami the time unuertuiii. The spin- ning was a matter that could be managed ; tlie weaving involved uncertainty, anil then the web must be sent to tlie ch)th-dress(u- and bide its time. It might come home long after tlianksgiving, long after winter school began. Thus an unreasonable demand was made upon the summer clothing, a demand which it conld bnt poorly answer. It was not rare to see a boy at school with his summer pants drawn over the remnants of his last winter's wear, a combination which ])rovided both for warmth and decency. Some families dispensed altogether with the clothier's ser- vices, and by the aid of a butternut dye gave their cloth a home dressing, avoiding the loss of time and the loss of surface by shrinkage — both important elements in the solution of the problem of clotiiing tlie boys. The undressed cloth was indeed rather light for winter, especially when the extravagance of underelotliing, or of overcoats for the l)oys was never dreamed of; but it was very much better than none. Tiie various devices for making clothing serve its |)urpose as long as jKissible, were in use, and some ingei i(jus ones, unknown at the ])resent day. Pant- aloons were given a longer lease of life by facing the exposed portions with home-dressed deerskin. This served an admirable purpose, as long as there was enough of the original g.irnunt left to sui^ily a skel- eton; bnt at length tlis wiiole fabric would break down together, like the "wonderful one horse shay." (iarmcnts made wholly of buckskin were sometimes attempted, but after a single wetting and drying, they were as uncomfortable as if made of siieet iron. Leather was scarce, and shoes as a conseipience. Here and there was a tannery, after a year or two; hut where were the hides? Cattle were scarce, and too valuable to be sacriliced for such small comforts as shoes and, tallow candles, and fresh beef. If some disease had not ap- peared among them, now and then, the case would have b(*n still worse. But in those simple times, a hide could not be tanned in a day. After l(.)ng months the leather came, but shoemakers, proverb- ially slow, were indeliuitely slower, when their out door work absorbed their energies, and they resorted ti) the bench only for spare evenings and rainy days. The boy must go for his shoes a half score of times, and return with a jiromise for next week. The snow often came before the shoes, and then the shoes them- selves would he a curiosity. — made as they were indis- criminately from the skins of the hog, the d(jg, the deer, and the wolf. I remember to have worn all these myself. Sometimes when the household store of clothing seemed nearly exliausted, and every garment had served its generation in a half dozen diiferent forms, a box would come from the east, brought by some family moving into the new country, well charged with half worn garments and new cloth, and a stray string of dried ajiples to till out a corner, enough to make glad the hearts of the recipients for a year. ■"Mother says we are rich now.*' saiil three little boys to a neighbor's children, whum they met in the road, after the arrival of a box from Stockliridge. " Well," was the reply, " we are not rich, we are poor, and poor folks go to heaven, and rich folks don't." This was a new view of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, and the linys went home ipiite crest-fallen. It relieved this experience of povei-ty that all shared in it. Many of our wants are merely relative. We need good things liecaiise our neighbors have them. But in those days, there were few contrasts to disturb even the poorest. Still, without any reference to others, there is some slight discomfort to a boy in calling at a neighbor's house in such a plight that he cannot safely turn his back to the people as he leaves the house; or in crossing the meadow on a frosty morning with bare feet, stopping now and then to warm them on a stone not so cold as the grass. In the matter of necessary food, the new country was more generous. The soil yielded abundantly when once brought under cultivation, furnishing the substantial of life. The material of bread was abund- ant, but in a dry season, the wheat could not be ground. Brown's mill, on the Vermillion, was the first to fail; then Shui)e's, on Beaver creek, or Starrs, at Birmingham, and last, Ely's, at Elyria. The grists were ground in the order of their rece])tion, and some- times a family was obliged to wait weeks for its turn, as the water was sufficient only for an hour's work in a day; and sometimes the mill rested for days in succession. Then it was no small enterprise to go to Elyria to mill. There was a, time within my own recollection, when there wei'e not a half dozen horses in town. Mr. Peck had a sjian. Mr. Bacon one, and Judge Brown a span. These horses were freely lent, but they could not meet the requirements of the entire settlement, when the mill was a dozen miles away, and still be of any use to their owners. When one went to mill with a team, he was expected to carry the grists of his neighbors, or bring them home, if he found them ground. When the mills were at rest, it was allowable to Itoi row as long as there was any flour in the neighboi'hood, and when it failed, we enjoyed a week's variety of '■jointed corn," or pounded wheat. There was a little pt-ril to young hands in this work of "jointing" corn, and many a thuml), fifty jears old or less, bears marks as mysterious to the children of this day, as the fossil bird tracks of the Connecticut sand stone. Pork was the staple arti( le in flesh diet, an ox or a cow being too valuable to slaugliter. For flesh meat we had venison and other wild game, — so plenty at times as to become a drug. In the view of those who lived here in the early days, such meats are likely to be regarded as fancy adornments of a bill of fare, not satisfactory as an every day reliance. A\'hen an orig- inal Brown heliner goes to the city, he is not likely to call for venison, unless to recall the early exjierienee, as the people of Israel used unleavened bread and 224 niSTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. bitter Imrlis at tin; passover. lie lui.s douc his diUj in that, line of eating. Roasted I'accoon and baked opos- sum were never popular. Those may enjoy wiio have never tasted. Our sup|)ly of fruits was not abundant. Tiirce years sufiiced to liring tlie i)eacli into bearing from the stone; hence, this was the earliest cultivated fruit. And we had peaches in those times. Tiie diseases and insects that ruin the peach tree were then un- known. A wagon load of the finest peaclics could be liad for the gathering. Peach cider was attem|)ted in various parts of the town, before the advent of teeto- talisni, but the cause of temperunce never suffered from it. Apples and pears came on very slowly. The plan of grafting was not much in use, and the virgin soil which stimulated the growth of wood, was not favorable to early fruitage. I remember that I was called from bed one morning to see an apple tree in lilossom, the first I ever saw. In the thought of tlie children of that time, the forbidden fruit of Eden was an ap[ile. Nothing else could be such a tempta- tion. Now and then a stray apple reached us from the orchard of Horatio Perry, or of Judge Ruggles in Vermillion. And what a Havor there was in that slice from a pippin, i)rought by Mi'. Alverson. all the way from Stockbridge, in his knapsack! We have no apples now-a-days! The first pear tliat the boy tasted lie w;is not allowed to see. He was told to shut his eyes and opan liis miuth. and a bit of the delicious mystery was placed iqion his tongue. Sugar could be obtained from the Uiaple then, as now, but the maple tree was not abundant in the township. Many farms were entirely destitute of it, and few families made sugar enough for the year's suii[>ly. It was not a rare tiling for a family to be without sugar for months in succession. Honey and pumpkin molasses were used as substitutes for sweet- ening tea and nniking gingerbread, — noc quite equal to refined sugar; but they served to keep alive the idea of sweetness. Genuine tea, — old or young hyson, — was regarded as a necessary of life, and no well conditioned family could be found without it; but it would astonish a modern housekeeper to hear how small a (piantity would meet the necessity. Children never needed it; it was not good for them; and a pound would supply a family for a year. Tea must have been a different tiling in those times. A single teasjioon- ful, well steepi'd, would furnisli socialiility to a half dozen ladies of an afteriKx.in: and the same pot, refilled with water, would charm away the weariness of the men folks, when they returnad from their work. A cargo of such tea, in these days, would make the fortune of the importer. Store coffee was essentially unknown, and therefore not needed. The table furniture was simple, and the frugal habits of New England on this point, favored the condition of the peojile. The food was placed in a common dish in the middle of the table, the potato mashed and seasoned to the taste, and the meat cut in niouthfuls ready for appropriation. A knife and fork at each place sufficed, or even one of them would do for the children. A drinking-cup or tumbler at each end of the table was ample. If bread and milk was the bill of fare, a single bowl and spoon could do duty for the entire family, going down from the oldest to the youngest. This may seem like imagination — it is simple fact. Commonly a tin basin or pewter porringer went around among the younger children ; but as they grew older they preferred to wait, for the sake of using the crockery ware. In those dark-walled log cabins, a single tallow candle would not seem so afford superfluous light of a winter evening ; but only favored families could indulge the luxury. The candle was lighted when visitors came. At other times the bright wood fire was the chief reliance, and for sewing or reading a nicked tea saucer filled with hog's fat, and a wick of twisted rag projecting over the edge. This was the classic lamji of the log cabin, open to accident indeed, but a dash of grease on the puncheon floor was an immaterial circumstance. Two dipped can- dles furnished the light for an evening meeting, the hour for which was very properly designated as "early candle lighting." The out door life of the early settlers iiresented some peculiar features. The chief item of farm work was clearing land. The first, and in some respects the most valuable products of this labor, was derived from the ashes of the burnt forests. I'lack salts, or potash, concentrated much value in a small bulk ; and hence would bear trans- portation to a distant market. For years it was the only article of farm produce which would bring money. Some trader at the mouth of Black river, or at Elyria, would )>ay one-third cash for this article, and the balance in goods. Thus the farmer could raise the money to pay his taxes, and a little more for tea and cotton cloth, which were always cash articles. Wheat and corn would not sell for cash, except occa- sionally a little to an immigrant, until about the time of the completion of the Erie canal. It was the height of jirosperity when at length white flint corn came to sell at eighteen cents a bushel, and white army beans at thirty to fifty cents. From tliat day we were "out of the woods." The apjiliances for farm culture were not the most efficient. Horses and wagons came slowly. Oxen and carts, however, furnished a very good substitute, indeed, were best suited to the work in the midst of logs and stumps. They were not so convenient for trips to mill, or to market, or to meeting ; but they were made to answer all these ]iurposes. Indeed, a single ox, fitlv harnessed, was sometimes made to do duty as a horse in plowing corn. The plow of these times was such as each faryier possessing a little mechanical gumption, could make for himself. The share, as it was called by coui-tesy, was brought from the east, made of wrought iron and pointed with steel. The mould-board was split from an oak log and hewed into a slightly sjiiral form, and the whole WILLIAM SAYLES. Photos, by Lee, Elyria, 0. MRS. WILLIAM SAYLES. MES. SARAH C. SAYLES. HISTOEY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 225 WHS bound together by'a bolt which uxleinlL'd from ;t block at the base up tlirough the beam. The clear, shiuing furrow of the modern plowman could not follow such an implement. I remember well the sen- sation produced by the first cast-iron plow brought into the country. Peojile came miles to see it. The only dniwback was that when the point failed, it could be replaced only by sending to Massachusetts, except that the i)roprietor chanced to be enough of a Yankee to whittle out a mould for himself, and thus obtained a perpetual supply from a furnace at Blyria. Mechanics and artisans appeared slowly. All the energies of the people were concentrated ujion clear- ing the land, and they had no surplus means to support mechanics who should supply them with the refinements of life. Shoemakers were first called for, and some men found themselves shoemakers who had never been suspected, either by their friends or them- selves, of any acquaintance w'ith the art. Among the first who wore recognized as accomplished artists in this line, were Mr. Peck and his sons, Mr. Scott near the stone quarry, Mr. Wells on the lake, and after- ward Mr. Hosford and his sons. Mr. Peck estab- lished a tannery, and could thus perform the whole labor of transforming into shoes the few hides which the murrain furnished to a reluctant community. The shoemaker often went from house to house, making shoes for the entire family, an operation that was called "whipi)ing the cat." The first blacksmith in town, and the only one for many years, was Deacon Shepard. A farmer like the rest, he spent his mornings and evenings and rainy days at his anvil. Such double service would seem too much for ordinary endurance; but the deacon still walks among the people whom he thus served, able, in his eighty-third year, to do a good day's work. Seth JMorse made rakes, scythe snaths and farm cra- dles. Mr. Blodgett manufactured our brooms, and Solomon Whittlesey converted the farmer's black salts into pearlash. Alfred Avery was a wheelwright, and of course a carpenter, more strictly devoted to his trade than most of the first mechanics. Thomas Sly, on the lake shore, was a carpenter, and his son James after him; on the south ridge, Durand and Hancock. Many of the farmers had sufficient skill in the work- ing of wood to construct their plows, sleds, ox-yokes and ordinary farming implements, and to jjut an axle into a cart or wagon. Ezekiel Goodrich, on the lake shore, was the first cabinet maker. There was no brick or stone mason in the early settlement. The only work in that line was the building of stick chim- neys, and now and then one of stone and brick, and pointing the crevices of the log cabins every winter with clay — even the boys learned to do this. Such extempore mason-work was not always reliable. The stone chimney in the house built for Dr. Betts buried Mr. Pease in its ruins one day, when he was engaged laying the hearth. He was bruised, not killed. The first flouring-mill was built by Judge Brown, in 18'.il, on the Vermillion, near the present Swift 29 place. After two or three years, it was removed down the river and placed by the side of a saw mill, owned by Hinckley and Morse, and is the same mill now owned by Benjamin Bacon — the same perhaps in the sense that the boy's knife was the same after having a new blade and a new handle. Its original infirmity was want of motive power in a dry time, a weakness from which it has never fully recovered — the failure of the dam in a wet time, and the freezing up of the wheel in winter. There is now — fall of 1878 — one grist mill in the township. This is the mill of John H. Heyman, called the " Brownlielm Mills," situated in West Brownhelm, on the Vermillion. The mill was erected by the present owner, in the fall of 1877, at a cost of some fifteen thousand dollars. There are three run of stones, beside a middlings stone. The mill is usually run by water power, but an engine has been added for use in dry seasons. The new process, called the "steaming process," is adopted in the manufac- ture of flour, which consists simply of steaming the wheat about six hours before grinding. About three hundred barrels of fiour are now shii^ped per week, the principal market for which is Cleveland. It is one of the best establishments of the kind in this section of country. Mr. Heyman also has, in con- nection with his grist mill, a saw mill, run by the same motive power. The first carding and cloth-dressing establishment was built by Uriah Hawley and Charles Whittlesey, on the Vermillion, but a little southwest of Brown- helm territory. The first hotel in town was kept by Alva Curtis, first in his log house, afterwards in a more stately structure. It was always a pleasant home for a traveler. The sign itself gave notice that Sunday calls were not desired. Travelers were also entertained, for a consideration, at any house at which they felt inclined to stop. Mr. Curtis brought the first stock of goods into the town, and opened a store. His assortment was not extensive, but I remember buying there, one day, a clay tobacco pipe — a present for Aunt Patty Andrews, whose favor was very valuable to all boys who loved kindly words and doughnuts — and an illustrated edi- tion of "Cock Robin" for myself. Stores were after- wards opened at Black River, Elyria, South Amherst, North Amherst, and, in 1830, one by Ezekiel Good- rich, on the lake shore in Brownhelm, afterwards I'emoved to the ridge road, near Mr. Curtis'. The stores in town at the present time are the fol- lowing: F. M. McGregor, Sunshine and Stevenson in West Brownhelm; W. H. Cooley, at Bacon's Cor- ners; Gilison Brothers, .J. Clark, at the station, and Chauncey Peck on Middle ridge. EDUCATIONAL. The first school in town was opened by Mrs. Alver- son, in her own house, in the summer of 1819. In the autumn of the same year, the first school house was built, of logs of course, on the brow of the hill 326 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. just west of Dr. Perry's. The old biittoruut tree, which still survives, stood ne:ir the door. The site was romantic, but it was ajjparently selected to give the teachers the opportuuity of forbidding sliding down hill and wading in the brook. The house was of modest dimensions, eighteen by twenty-two, but was still thought by some to indicate too ambitious a disposition on the part of the people who lived on this road. Hence the street was nicknamed "Street street" by a man who would have the house twelve feet square — a title it bore for many years. This school house was finished with a stick chim- ney, and a broad fireplace without jambs. A board around the house, resting on pins projecting from the walls, served for desks; and whitewood slabs, sup- jiorted by pins, made the seats. Loose boards lying on joists made a loft above, and an excavation beneatli the floor, reached Ijy raising a board, served as a dun- geon for the punishment of offenders. In our childish simplicity, we suj>posed the excavation was made for the purpose, with malice prepense, but I have since ascertained that it was an accidental result of making mortar to build the chimney. My father taught the school the first two winters, and children from every part of the town attended. There was no public school fund in those times, and the teacher received his compensation in work in his "chopping" the next spring, day for day, the work being distributed among the families according to the number of children attending the school. For years afterwards the teacher received his pay in farm pro- duce. Among the earlier teachers in that house were Abby Harris, Amelia Peek and Pamelia Curtis. Miss Pamelia herself was but a child, thirteen years of age; and, although she sustained her responsibilities with remarkable dignity, it is not difficult to recall, in a retrospect, some childish arrangements. One sum- mer day she placed her chair on the table, removed a board from the floor aliove, lifted the children up one by one, and kept school up stairs — the excuse being that Colonel Brown's bull had been seen loose around the street that day, and he might be wild — an ample reason in the imagination of both teacher and chil- dren. Many pleasant memories gather about the old school house, in spite of the strijied lizards that bur- roughed in its crevices to frighten nervous girls, and the yawning chasm below, in which heedless boys were often engulfed. In 1834 the "yellow school house" was built,a few feet west of the log one, and the boys had the exquisite pleasure of rolling the old house down the hill. This yellow school house was an elegant one in its day, painted throughout and plastered. It was no ordi- nary school house, but a genuine academy, furnished with unusual apparatus, globes, and wall maps, and pantograph, and tables for map-drawing and painting, all under the charge of accomplished teachers. This was the first attempt in the county, and indeed in a much wider region, at a school of anything more than a local character. The enterprise originated with. and was carried forward almo^ wholly by iJr. Belts. It prospered for two or three years, attracting young ladies in the summer from all the older settlements, within a distance of twenty miles; from Milan, Nor- walk, Florence, Elyria, Sheffield, etc. Mary Harris of Florence, afterward Mi-s. IIo])kins of Milan, taught the school the first two summers; after her, Mary Green, now Mrs. Miles of Elyria. The first winter Mortimer Strong, and the second and third Mr. Park- hurst, were the teachers. The first summer the house was without fire. In cool, wet weather the boys kept u)i an out-door fire; and between the damp plastering within, and the rain without, some of the children took the ague and shook the summer through. In the fall a stove was bought, probably the first that was ever brought into town, a diminutive box stove, eighteen inches in length, but a wonder to the chil- rivate use, was universal; and the young were forming a taste for it. In 1827, some account reached us of the growing interest at the east on the subject, and on Thanks- giving day, Dr. Betts preached on temperance. The same evening, I think it was, several boys from the neighborhood were spending the evening at our house, the older people having gathered at a neighbor's house. The boys, after some conference on the sub- ject, drew up a i)ledge, one or two of them having learned to write, and all signed it, — a pledge to ab- stain from the use of all distilled sjiirits. This was the first temperance organization in the township, — , the first, in fact, in the county. This pledge was I circulated, and led to the formation of a vigorous ' temperance society. From that time the use of spirits \ declined, until it was no longer furnished on public ' or social occasion, or kejit for private use. Davis' dis- tillery went to ruin, and young men were saved who had been exposed to great danger. Until about this time, a few Indians had lingered about the region, some times jiassing by in considera- ble jiartiesfrom the neighlxirhodd uf Upper Sandusky. They were harmless after tlie war, and the only annoy- ance from them was their persistent begging for whiskey. They would stand an hour at the door, begging for "one little dram." One day a party stopi)cd at our house, and passed the bottle among themselves, the bottle being carried by a white man, who belonged to the party. One young man, I i-emember, more gentle and amiable than the rest, said, when the bottle was offered to him, "No, whiskey wrestle we down once, — never will again." Poor Jim! the only Indian with whom, when a child, I dared to be familiar, — whiskey wrestled him down once more, and his cabin burned down upon him. TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION. From February, 1817, until October, 1818, the town was a part of Black River. At the latter date, on petition of the inhabitants to the commissioners of Huron county, number six, the nineteenth range, Photu. by Lee, Elyria, O. LEONARD BRADLEY. Leonard Bradley was born in the town of El- lington, Tolland Co., Conn., Nov. 4, 1792. He immigrated to Brownhelm, Ohio, in the year 1817, located lands, and remained two years, after which he returned to Connecticut and mai'ried Eoxanna, daughter of William Thrall, of Tolland County, and immediately returned to Ohio, where he was identified as a pioneer farmer. By this union were born four children, viz. : Captain Alva Bradley, now a resident of Cleveland, and a large vessel owner ; William Bradley, a resident of Brownhelm ; Betsey (deceased) ; and Julia. Mrs. Leonard Bradley died Feb. 25, 1858. Mr. Bradley married for his second wife Emily, widow of William Nye, of Onondaga Co., N. Y., and daughter of John Thompson, who was of Scotch birth and ancestry. Our subject was an ardent ad- vocate of Republicanism during his latter days, being formerly a member of the old Whig party ; served his township as trustee and other oflSces from time to time. When a young man he carried a lady (who wished to visit friends, not having seen any white ladies in several months) over the Vermillion River on an ox, he riding one and the lady the other ox, the oxen having to swim on account of the depth of the stream. Mr. Bradley remained on the old homestead until the date of his death, which occurred May 3, 1875. His wife survives him, still remaining on the old homestead, surrounded by many friends and ten- derly cared for in her declining years by her chil- dren. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 229 togeUior widi the siir])lns lands adjoining west, and all lands lying west of Beaver fi'ock in numljcr seven, in the eighteenth range, — Ulaek iliver, — was oi'gan- i/,ed into a separate township, liy the name of Hrown- lieliii, a name selected l)y Colonel lirown, as jn'c- viously fully ex})lained. The first election for township officers was held at the house of George Bacon, in tlio spring of 1819. The vote was hy ballot which resulted as follows: Anson Cooper, clerk; William Alverson, treasurer; Levi Shepard, Calvin Leonard, and Alvah Curtiss, trustees; Levi Shepard and Benjamin Bacon, justices of the peace. That i)art of the present town of Black Kiver lying west of Beaver creek was, iu June, 1820, by order of the commissioners, detached from Brownhelm, and re-annexed to Black River. The townshij) officers elected in 1878 are as follows: Henry B. Lindsley, clerk; J. M. Joslin, .John H. Heyuian, Gnstavus Schroeder, trustees; Wm. H. Cooley, treasurer; Ed- win Bacon and William Sales, justices of the peace. The first justices of the peace in the township were Levi Shepard and Benjamin Bacon. The cases re- ferred to their adjudication were few and simple. Sometimes it was found more convenient and econom- ical to let an unusual rogue escape from the couutiy, than to take him to the jail at Norwalk. It is related that a case of horse stealing once came before 'Sipiire Wells, of Vermillion. The culprit was a wandering preacher, but the evidence was strong against him. 'Squire Wells invited "Squire Bacon to sit with him on the trial, to add weight to the court. The consta- bles took the liberty of advising the ])risoner to seek safety by flight, if during the progress of the trial a fair opportunity should appear. He seized the oppor- tunity with great alacrity, and was followed with a shout, but not overtaken. The next day, 'Squire Bacon started for Cleveland, and sjjcnt the night at Dover. A preacher had come into town, and the people were gathering to hear him. Mr. Bacon went with the rest, and was surprised to see at the desk his horse-stealing acquaintance of the day before. He gave as his text " Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." . After the sermon, op- portunity was given to any who wished to ofEera word of exhortation. Mr. Bacon improved the opportunity by relating the occurrence of the previous day. The poor preacher started suddenly on his travels again, and at last ; C--ounts had not stopped. The first physician in town was Dr. AV^eed, who died in the earliest j'ears. Then Dr. Betts, as having some knowledge of medicine, visited tlie sick when no other physician could be had. Next, Dr. Forbes took up his residence here for a short time, occupy- ing the place now belonging to Samuel Bacon's family. When we had no resident physician, Dr. Baker, of Florence, now of Norwalk, was chiefly relied on, and sometimes Dr. Wolcott, of Elyria. Dr. Samuel Strong commenced his practice here, and continued a few years. Drs. Willard, Wigton, Page, and Chap- man have since practiced here. In general, the early faniilicvs brought their medi- cine bags into the new country, and administered to afflicted children glauber salts, calomel and jalap, rhubarb and senna, with entire confidence, not to speak of wormwood, thoroughwort, and other more odious herbs and compounds. Thus the children were taken through chicken-pox, measles, and whoop- ing cough, in comparative safety. The ague was sometimes "broken" with Peruvian bark, but the more popular treatment was to wear it out. The disease most dreaded in the new country was the milk sickness, or, as it was generally called, the sick stomach, commonly supjK)sed to originate in some poisonous herb eaten by the cattle, and to be communicated by the use of the milk. The disease was exceedingly distressing and malignant, and as I rememl.)er now, of toner fatal than otherwise. No part of the town was entin'ly exempt, but the disease was develojied especially in certain localities. The Barnnm place, near the old meeting house, was re- markably afflicted with it; and three stones, side by side in the ])urying ground, mark the graves of three Mrs. Barnnms, all of whom, if I recollect right, died of the disease. One autumn, four members of their families died within a week. The place was at length deserted, and the precise locality has never since been occupied by a family. Those sickly seasons were sad pia'iods in the early history of the place. Tiie little community was sometimes gathered to a double fu- neral, as once at Judge Brown's, when Sidney Brown and Oliver Cooley died, and afterwards at Mr. Bar- nuni's. The latest calamity of the kind was in 1838, when the entire Campbell family, of five persons, died in the space of a month. But in spite of this scourge, the early settlers probably sutfered less from sickness than is common in a new country, and the boon of health was gratefully included in the enuinei'ation of blessings on thanksgiving day. The first liurial in town was that of a daughter of Alva Curtis, Calista, who died at Mr. Onstine's, in Black River, before the family reached the Brownhelm line. She was buried first on Solomon Whittlesey's place, afterwards in the burying ground near Mr. Bacon's. The small brown stone that marks the grave was the only one in the ground for many years. The weeping willow has long since disappeared. The first birth was in the Ilolcoml) family, on the south ridge — a sou, Henry Brown Ilolcomb. Next, Lucy Cooper, and a month later, Enos Peek. George Cooper was born in Euclid fifty years ago to-day, and may very projierly be considered the oldest Brown- helm boy. The first wedding was probably that of Joseph Swift and Eliza Root, who were married on the South ridge, August 22, 1818. Soon after my father's arri- val, in 1818, one of the Onstiue young men came to borrow five dollars, and satinet enough for a pair of 230 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. pants, giving as a reason tliat lie was going to have a little frolic over in Vermillion. His fi'olic was his wedding. Among the earliest marriages was that of Ezekiel Goodrich and Charlotte Brown, on the lake shore. .Some of the young men had arrangements east that tiiey returned to consummate after they had "stuck their stakes." These were the earliest visits to the east. At a later day, the married ])eoiile singly. not in pairs, went back to visit their old home, going by steamer to Buffalo, and by canal to Albany, aston- ished to traverse in ten d/iys the road that it had taken seven weeks to pass over in coming into the wilderness. This going back to Stockbridge was a great event — the hope of the older, and the dream of the children. The young man, putting on his free- dom suit, must go to Stockbridge to give it an airing! and to attain the consequence essential to sustain his manhood. When he returned, his young companions gathered around him as a distinguished traveler, to hear all he could tell of the W(nulerful land. In this respect, the experience of children bronght up in the simplicity of the new country can scarcely be rejieated at the present day. The advantages of cultivated society, talked of by parents, but never seen by the children, made a i)o\verful impression. The steepled church, back in the eastern home, wrought upon the imagination of the child, as it could not if an object of daily sight. The thought of the college, to one who had only seen the log school house, was material for castle Ijnilding by day, and for di'eams liy night. From mountain summit, and towering monument, and capital dome, in later years, my eyes have rested on many a goodly scene of nature and of art, but the thrill of surprise and satisfaction which I experi- enced upon my first view of the village of Elyria, from my father's wagon, has never been equaled. The village at that time consisted of perhaps twenty buildings, gathered about the Ely and Beebe man- sions, at the east end of Main street. No such snr- prise awaits the children of the present day. One of the features of early life here was familiar- ity with the wild animals that had possession of the country. The howl of the wolf at night, was as familiar as the wliip-poor-will's song — not the small prairie wolf so well known at the west, but the pow- erful wolf of the forest, the black and the gray. They passed in droves by onr dwellings at night, sometimes when the new comers had only a blanket sns|ieiided in the ojiening for the door ; sometimes they crowded upon the footsteps of a belated settler, passing from one part of the settlement to another. The boy crossing the pasture on a winter morning Would often sec the lilind track of a wolf that had loped across the night before. If he had forgotten to bring in his sheej) at evening, he might find them scattered and torn in the morning. A dog that ven- tured from the house at night, scmietimes came in with wounds more honorable than comfortable. The wolf was a shy animal, seldom showing itself by day- light. Probably not one in a dozen of the early I inhabitants ever saw a wolf in the forest; yet these animals roamed the woods around us for years. Mr. Solomon Whittlesey once snatched his calf from the jaws of a wolf, at night, with many pairs of hungry eyes gleaming upon him through the darkness. In 1S37, the county commissioners offered a bounty for wolf scalps — three dollars for a full-grown wolf, and half the sum for a whelp of three months. Whether any drafts were ever made upon the treasniy does not appear. As late as 1832, my brother and myself, returning on foot to the high school at Elyria, after a visit home, were stopjied on the way at even- ing by the howling of wolves in the road before us, and constrained to wait until morning. Now and then a wolf was taken in a trap or shot by a hunter. Probably less than a half-dozen were ever killed in the township. About the winter of 1827-'28, wolf hunts were organized in the region on a grand scale, con- ducted by surrounding a tract of country several miles in extent, with a line of men within sight of each other at the start, and approaching each other as they moved toward the center. The first of these hunts centered in Henrietta, and resulted in bagging large quantities of game, but never a wolf. A single wolf made his ajipea ranee at the center, and was sna]iped at and shot at by many a rifle, but my recollection is that he got off with a whole skin. The sport involved danger from the cross-shooting as the line drew near the center, and Park Harris, of Amherst, mounted on a horse, received a shot in the ankle. To avoid this danger, the next hunt centered on the river hol- low, about the mill in Brownhelni, but the scale on whicli it was arranged was too grand to be carried out. The lines were too extended and liroke in many places, resulting in gathering upon the flat a small herd of deer and a solitary fox, barely furnishing an occasion for the hundreds of huntsmen above to dis- charge their pieces, as the friglitened animals escaped into the woods ujj the river. It was an utterly fruit- less chase. A more exciting chase was the slave-hunt of a later day, in which the people bewildered and foiled the kidnappers. Bears were less numerous than v.olves, but they were perhaps more often seen. One was shot by Sol- omon Whittlesey, from the ridge, a little east of the burying ground. One of the trials of my childish courage, was to pass the tree against which tradition said that he rested his rifle in the shot. Another dangerous tree was the large basswood that leaned over the brook, a little to the south-east of Harvey Perry's orchard. My mother going over the ridge to bring a pail of water from the siiring. once drove a large black animal before her, which she thought a dog, until he scrambled up that tree, when she re- tui-ned home without the water. The tree stood close by tlic track that led to Mr. Peck's, and it was a test of pluck for a child to jiass that tree, as I was often obliged to, just as the evening began to darken. One day, one of the half dozen sheep that I was expected to drive into pen at night, was missing. They were HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 231 jiiistured in the tiekl where the oichurd now is. lu looking for the lost animal, I found a place where it seemed to have been dragged over tlie fence, and fol- lowing the trail a few rods, I came upon a spot, not many feet from where we are now gathered, where a hear had made his feast, leaving the wool scattered about, and a few large hones. The tracks were still fresh in the mud. Such occurrences gave a smack of adventure to child life in the new country, and it was a matter of every day consultation among the hoys, what were tlie habits of tiie various animals supposed to be dangerous, such as the wolf, the bear, the wild- cat, and the panther, and by what tactics it was safest to meet them. Similar discussions were had in refer- ence to the Indians, who had i'ei|uiied a bad reputa- tion during tlie war, then recent, with England. The prevailing opinion was, that any fear exhibited towards an Indian, or a wild beast, put one at a great disadvantage. Deer were far moi"e plenty than cattle, and the sight of them was an everyday occurrence. A good marks- man would sometimes shoot one from his door. The same was true of wild turkeys. Raccoons worked mischief in the unripe corn, and a favorite sport of the boys was "coon hunting" at night, the time when the creature visited the corn. A dog traversed the cornfield to start the game, and the boys ran at the first bark of the dog, to be in at the death. When the animal took to a tree, it was cut down, or a fire was built and a guard set to keep him until morning, when he was brought down by a shot. The motive for the hunt was three-fold, — the sport, the protection of the corn, and tlio value of the skin, the raccoon being a furred animal. The greatest speculation in this line of which the town can boast, was made by Job Smith, whom many will remember, and who is mentioned in the county records, in the description of a road, as " a man of some note." He is said to have bought a quantity of goods of a New York dealei', promising to pay "five hundred coon skins taken as they run," naturally meaning an average lot. The dealer, after waiting a reasonable time for his fur, came oti to investigate, and inquired of his debtor when the skins would be delivered. "Why," said Mr. Smith, "you were to take them as they run; the woods are full of them; take them when you please." The moral of the story would not be complete with- out stating that the same Job Smith was afterwards arrested as a manufacturer of counterfeit coin. Thrifty men pursued the b.isiness of hunting as a pastime. The only man in town, perhaps, to wliom it afforded profitable business, in any sense, was Solo- mon Whittlesey. Other professional hunters were shiftless meu, to whom hunting was a mere passion, having something of the attractions of gambling. Mr. Whittlesey did not neglect his farm, but he knew every haunt and path of the deer and the turkey, and ■wus often on their track by day and by night. He is with US to-day, and reports the killing of one bear, two wolves, twenty wild cats, about one hundred and fifty deer, and smaller game too numerous to si)ecify. One branch of his business was bee hunting, a pursuit which rerjuired a keen eye, good judgnuiut and prac- tice. The method of the hunt was to raise an odor in the forest, by placing honey comb on a hot stone, and in the vicinity another piece of comb charged with honey. The bees wei'C attracted liy the smell, and having gorged themselves with the iioney, they took ii bct'-li lie for their tree. Tliis line the hunter observed and marked iiy two or more trees in range. He then took another station, not on this line, and went through the same operation. Those two lines, if fortunately selected, would converge u])on the bee tree, and could be followed out by a pocket compass. The tree, when found, was marked by tiie hunter with his initials, and could be cut down at tlu! proper time. Another form of the sjiort of hunting was even more classic, the hunting of the wild boar. For many years there was an unliroken forest, two miles in breidt.h, running through the township, between the North ridge and the lake shore farms. This forest became the haunt of fugitive hogs, that fed on the abundant mast, or, in Yankee phrase, "shack," whieh the forest yielded. These animals were bred in the for- est, and in the third generation liecame as fierce as the wild boar of the Euro])ean forest. The animal in this condition was about as worthless, for domestic pur- poses, as a wolf, as gaunt and as savage. Still it was customary, in the fall and early winter, to organize hunts for reclaiming some valuable animal that had become thus degenerate. The hunt was exciting and dangerous. The genuine wild boar, exasperated by dogs, was the most terrible creature in our forest. His onset was too sudden and headlong to be avoided or turned aside, and the snaj) of his tusks, as he sharpened them in his fury, was somewhat terrible. Two at least of our young men, Walter C'rocker and Truman Tryon, were thrown down and badly rent in such encounters, and others had narrow escapes. The principal fishing ground of the early years was the "flood wood" of the Vermillion. The lake fishing is a nuidern discovery. It was not known that the lake contained fish that wei'e accessible. Other sports and recreations were few and simple, most of them presenting the utilitarian element. There were log- ging bees to hel]) a, man who had been sick or un- fortunate, raisings to put up a log cabin or barn, and militia trainings, which were entered into earnestly by men who had smelt ]>owder in the recent war. Then there was an occasional patriot among us of the Revolution days who tired the youthful heart by tales of the times that tried men's souls. Chief among these was George Bacon, Sr. , rejjorted to have been one of the Boston tea party, who brought honor- able wounds from the battle field and drew his pen- sion from the government. Then there was Stephen James, with a b;ir sinister in his escutcheon, because he chanced to be of tory stock, still a true patriot, and a bi'ave and stately man. It is not strange that 233 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. the Browulielm Rifle Compauy should muku a figure in tlio "oneral musters of those times. The Fourth of .July was observed with such humble appointments as were at hand. An old musket that liad been throusih the wars was the loudest piece that eonlil be found, and this was brought into rerpiisition. One Independence day, .John Curtis, an ambitious youth, l)rought out a cannon, whi(;h lie had manu- factured by boring a cylinder of oak and strapj)ing it with iron bauds from a wagon hub. Tiie piece was well ehai'ged and placed on the bank of the river, near his father's, in the midst of a crowd of boys, and fired witii a slow match. The report was satisfactory, but the splinters flew in all directions and the iron bauds were a total loss — tliey were never found. What was more important, no one was iiurt. As the com- munity gained new ideas and advanced in civilization, these Fourtli of .July celebrations took on a jihilan- Ihrojiic charMcter, and re]ireseuted the interests of the iSabbatli school and the temperance cause. For such a gathering, held thirty-five years ago to-day, the work on the first fraiue church was hastened forward to furnish a place for the meeting. One feature of tlie exercises brought out the Sabbath sciiool. Each scholar and each teacher was provided with a passage of scripture, selected for tlie occasion, to be recited in order. It was in the days of President Jackson, who was es|)ecially olmoxious to true New Englanders. When Alva Curtis was called on, he startled us with the petition, ''Let his days be few, and let another take his olfiee." Probably the whole congregation could say amen, for, as I remember, only three Jack- son votes were cast in the township. If any one should infer tliat early life here was more unsatisfactory or less desirable than life at the present time, it would be a misapproliensiou. There were difficulties to be encountered, but they had their com- pensations. Tiiere was poverty to endure, but it was ecpially disti'ilnited, and was cheered with the iiopo of a good time coming, a poverty that stimulated to ac- tivity, and brougiit no degradation. There was want of many advantages which tend to the elevation and refinement of character; but such advantages had been enjoyed by tlie early settlers in tlieir New Eng- land h(.inies, and tlie results would not be wholly lost before they gathered about themselves those desirable tilings. T'hei'e was iiard work to do, but it was well done; and such woi'k with encouragement to do it, is the best opportunity. Few of those who bore the burden and he;it of the day, ever regretted their call- ing; and most of them have lived to reap a good harvest. Yew cf tlie original families have reached this anniversary (July 4r, 1867,) without sad breaches in their circle. This is incidental to our mortal life. Anotiior fifty years and not one will remain of all that gathered among these forests. Some of the fam- ilies, prominent in the early times, have now no living representative in the population of the place. Among these are the families of Judge Brown, Alva Curtis, William Aherson and the Peases. Most of the others have still a pt>sterity and a name among us. The town has sent out many worthy children to help build up other communities, some to repeat, in a degree, the achievments of their parents, as pioneers at the west. The life encouraged here has been of a quiet, unambitious ty]ic, and tiio results in general corres- ])on(l. We liave no pulilic men to speak of; no poli- tician seems to have sjiruug up amongus; few to look for public position or office. But these are not the characters the world most needs. We can gather a few ministers of tlie gospel, a few teachers, and many worthy and useful people, and this is well. There is a little shadow upon our prosjiect as we look forward to fifty years to come. It is pleasant to believe that the places that are sacred to us with all pleasant memories, will be held by our children to an indefinite future. That another people shall come in to whom these farms, and streets, and dwellings are sini]>ly so much territmy to be appropriated, the life that has passed here ail unknown to them, is not an inviting prospect. Yet such is the jirospect that ojiens to us to-day. Stranger eyes have looked upon tiiese pleasant farms and will claim them for them- selves, in all honesty and honor, with such a claim as an American citizen can never dispute, paying a fair pi'ice, and occupying them with a thrifty and success- ful culture. It is thirty years or more since the first German family obtained a footing here. Now the splendid (dd farms along the lake and all the northern part of the town, are in their jiossession. A similar change is taking place in the south, and the movement is towards the center. An entire change in the popu- lation of the town seems probable, and almost inevita- ble; a result whieli we object to, not in our reason, but in our feeling. Humanity loses nothing, norcven the country ;it large; but the sentiment of local inter- est which gathers us to-day, is less satisfied with the outlook. Fifty years hence, the faces, and the voices, and the names of strangers will be seen and heard at holiday gatherings and along these streets. The familiar names that seem to us identified with tlie very face of nature, will be heard here no more forever. God grant that these names be written in His "book of ren.embrance," securing a title to "Mn inheritauco inciu'ruptible and undeflled, and that fadeth not away, eternal in the heavens." Agricultural Statistics for 1878. ...aa.Oll bushels ...2I,2<)1 ...T.i,057 ... 9,325 ...1I),US6 . .. I,71.T tons. Wheat, 1,380 acres Oats, 54-3 " Corn, 1,128 " Potatoes, 92 •' Oivhai-ils, 3,S7 " Meadow, 1,370 " Butter 45,488 poilllds Cheese ti7,.^(i7 Majile Sugar 309 Vote for Preside.nt in 187G. Hayes Ifi5 | Tihlen I v.: [The greater part of this history being that of President FairchiM. delivered in an address July 4, 1867. the reader will understand th*' meaning of certain phrases and sentences, if this fact is borne in triind.J /Kotv-LO-^ i3 ITcJA. HTSTOKY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 333 Biographical Sketches, DEACON GEORGE WELLS was boni ill the City of Hartford, Connecticnt, Sep- tember 18, 1797, and is tlie second son of Ashbel Wells and Mary Hopkins, the former a son of Ashbel Wells, the latter a daughter of Thomas Hopkins, a prominent sea captain of his day; all of English ancestry. Thefatiicrof Deacon George Wells was a clerk in the commissary department of General Washington's army, during the Revolutionary war, and subsequently a well known and extensive mer- cliant at liartford. He died September 4, 1819, aged sixty-one years. He was very generally respected, and his death looked upon as a public calamity, in the community in which he had been long engaged in business. When seventeen years of age, George Wells left his native city, and came as far west as Albany, New York, obtaining employment there, at Little Falls, and at Utica, and finally located at Canandaigua, working at his trade, which was that of a shoemaker. He remained there about one and a half years, and subsequently, on Jun 18, 1818, arrived at Brown- helm, Ohio, coming by way of the hike from Buffalo. He took up s(nne fifty acres of land, on the lake shore, which he afterward increased to one hundred acres. His time was occupied partly at farming, and partly at his trade. He built a log cabin, in which he lived nineteen years. In 1837, he sold out, intending to move farther west, but finally purchased the place upon which he now resides, containing one hundred and twenty-five acres. He cleared and improved both farms. Mr. Wells was married to Maria, daughter of Jouatiian Butler, of Hartford, March 22, 1825. They had seven children, — four sons and three daughters. All the sons have departed this life. The youngest was killed at the battle of South Mountain, during the war of the rebellion. They all attained to man- hood. On the 28th of June, 1866, Mrs. Wells died, aged sixty-three years. The daughters all survive. Elizabeth G. married Joseph Sisson, of Hartford, who lost his life by a mowing machine accident; Mary M. married Benjamin F. Nye, who was killed at the bat- tle 'of the Wilderness; Abigail S. married Frederick II. Bacon, and resides a short distance from her father's old home. Mr. Wells married again, Decem- ber 33, 1866, Mrs. Catherine M. Gardner. She has one daughter, Marie Antoinette, wife of Lyman Yerkes, of Detroit, Michigan. For more than half a century. Deacon Wells has been a memlier of the Congreg.itional church, of Brownhelm. His wife is also a member of the same church. In politics he is a republican, and has been j for nuiny years. Though now in his eighty-second '■■ year, his health, up to within the past three months, 30 has been remarkably good. He was always an active man, and last October, (1878,) he rode twice to Elyria and back, a distance of thirty miles. He is one of the very oldest pioneers of this township, as well as one of its most woi-thy citizens. (See illustration on another page). SOLOMON WHITTLESEY. One of the earliest and most prominent settlers of Brownhelm, was Solomon Whittlesey. We find him frequently mentioned in J. H. Fairchild's "History of Brownhelm." The exact date of his arrival is not given, but his name appears in connection with early religious matters in the year 1819. It is stated in the work above referred to that " The church was organized June 10, 1819, at the house of Solomon Whittlesey, and consisted of sixteen members, seven . men and nine women." Again referring to Mr. Whittlesey, President Fairchild says : "Thrifty men pursued the business of hunting as a pastime. The only man in town, perhaps, to whom it afforded prof- itable business in any sense, was Solomon Whittlesey. Other professional hunters were shiftless men, to whom hunting was a mere passion, having something of the attraction of gambling. Mr. Whittlesey did not neglect his farm, but he knew every haunt and path of the deer and the turkey, and was often in their track by day and by night. He is with us to-day, (1867) and reports the killing of one bear, two wolves, twenty wild cats, almost one hundred and fifty deer, and smaller game too numerous to specify. One branch of his business was bee hunting, a pursuit which required a keen eye, good judgment and practice. The method of the hunt was to raise an odor in the forest, by placing honey comb on a hot stone, and in the vicinity another piece of comb charged with honey. The liees were attracted by the smell, and having gorged themselves with the honey, they took a hec line for their tree. This line the hun- ter observed and marked by two or more trees in range. He then took another station, not on this line, and went through tiie same operation. These two lines, if fortunately selected, would conyerge upon the bee tree, and could be followed out by a pocket compass. The tree, when found, was marked by the hunter with his initials, and could be cut down by him, at the proper time." Mr. Whittlesey is also accredited with having been among the first in Brown- helm township to manufacture pearl-ash, which he did quite extensively. He seems to have been one of the most industrious and energetic of the pioneers, and a worthy man in every respect. He died Febru- ary 22, 1871, aged eighty-four years, nine months and twenty-two days ; his excellent widow survived him about two years, she departing this life on the 26th of April, 1873, aged seventy-one years, one month and three days. 334 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. WILLIAM SAYLES was Ijoi'ii at Milan, Erie county, Oliio, June 5, 1821, and was tlie sixth child in a family of eight children of Lemuel Sayles, who was born March 8, 1783, and Laura Adams, who was born February 4, 1789, she being a native of Utica, New York. Tlie subject of this sketch started out in life at the age of fourteen, sustaining the loss of his excellent mother at a tender a™. Duriuir the winter months he attended school, and by being industrious and intlefatigalde in the pursuit of knowledge, he became ([uite prot:cient in the English branches, and followed school teaching as an avocation, commencing in the winter of 183'J-"40, at New London Center, Huron county, Ohio, and continued for nineteen consecutive winters, all but the first one, in the vicinity of his present home. He made his first purchase of land, consisting of fifty acres, in the year 1845, in Vermillion township. He bought his present farm of one hundred acres in the spring of 1851, and has since added some adjoining land to it. Mr. Sayles was united in marriage with Sarah C, daughter of Perry and Elizabeth Darley, July 3, 1843. She was from Frederickstowu, Maryland. She died May G, 1870, regretted by her friends, and deeply mourned by her relatives. . She joined the Congrega- tional Church of Vermillion, in 1845, and her con- nection with that body ceased only with her life. Ilcr husljand became a member of the church at the same time, and still retains his connection with it. For his second wife, Mr. Sayles married Lovina E., daughter of John and Elizabeth Gordon, of Paulding county, Ohio, in Seiitomber, 1877, who is still living. Mr. Sayles is a self-made man in the broadest sense of that term. He secured his education by personal efforts, and the same energy and determination to succeed that characterized his endeavors in that direc- tion, has attended him in his subsecpient business career. From .January 18, 18G4, until 1875, he occu- pied the position of superintendent of the Antwerp Iron Works, located in Paulding county, Ohio, and retains an interest in the same at present. In early life he was an old line whig; and in the formation of the republican party espoused its princi- ples as being best calculated to perpetuate popular government and our American institutions. He was elected a justice of the peace in 187(!, and still holds that office. He has also been township treasurer, assessor, etc., at ditfcrent, times. A fine illustration, surmounted with the family jiortraits, api)ears else- where in this volume, which forms an approjjriate page in the history of Brownlielm. JOHN H. HEYMANN was born in Nassau, Germany, August 13, 1828. lie was the third son in a family of eight children of (ieorge Ileymann. The whole fannly emigrated t.o America in 1848, and settled in Lyme township, Huron county, Ohio, where they purchased a farm of two hundred acres, upon which John II. worked three years. In 1851, he went to California by way of the Isthmus, where he worked at blacksinithing, mining and teaming. He remained thei'c until 1855, when ho returned to Lyme township and purchased a farm, upon which he remained until 18G8, when he bought a flouring mill, a saw mill and other buildings adjoining, situated in Brownhelm Hollow, on Ver- million river, an illustration of which mills, etc., is given elsewhere in this volume. In 1875, he obtained a half interest in the Amherst flouring mill, and three years later purchased the other half and became sole proprietor of it. The mill in Brownhelm Hollow was destroyed by fire in October, 1876; it was rebuilt the following year, and is one of the finest mills in the county. It contains all the modern improvements, and is capable of turning out as good grist as any mill within a radius of fifty miles. In August, 1855, Mr. Hcymann and Miss Katheriiie Schied were united in marriage. She was born in Nassau, Germany, January 12, 1832. Her parents were natives of the same place. She had three broth- ers and two sisters, all of whom came to this country ill 1854, and settled in Peru, Huron county, Ohio, where Mr. Schied bought a farm of one hundred and sev(uity-five acres. They all now live in Huron and Erie counties, except the father, who is dead. Mr. and Mrs. Heymann have had ten children, seven daughters and three sons, all of whom are living. The oldest son is married, as is also the old- est daughter. Mr. Heymann is one of the substantial and res- pected men of his towiishi]), and enjoys a good general reputation for industry, honesty and economy. HENRY BROWN. Judge Brown was born in Stockbridge. Massachu- setts, .June 3, 1773. In his youth he commenced a course of liberal education and entered Harvard col- lege, l)ut l:)y reason of the failure of his health when in his sophomore year he was compelled to discontinue his studies. After partially restoring his health by travel, he engaged in merchandise in his native town and continued in the business until his western inter- ests required its abandonment. In the fall of 181G, he visited the tract of country, then simply known as iiuml)er six in the nineteenth range (now Brownhelm) and on his return east he entered into contract with the Connecticut Land Company for the purchase of three- fourths of the township, and with the Messrs. Rock- wells, of Colebrook, Connecticut, for the rest. Under his lead many of his old neighbors in Stockbridge removed to his western purchase and settled. Col. 'Brown, as he was formerly called, selected for himself a t ract of about a mile s(piare, in the northeast corner John H.Heymann plRS,CATHAfilNEf{EYM/\NN Thl /AMHEJ?Sr JVIILL 'Khw§^Ji:,i;jj?';;~o 1^:.* V **.-^:|^ J: .r:fe .^,1 — '^■jjr-^ ,-„.-- '!'-_.:: BRQWNHEL^f HQILOW. LOPAIN CQUNTT. OhIQ. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 235 of the town, and sent out, in the winter of 1816-17, several young men to ei'ect him a house and to com- mence the improvement of his land. lie removed with his family in the summer of 1818, and took up his abode on the lake shore in tlie house previously built. Upon the organization of the county of Lorain, Col. Brown was ajijiointed one of the three associate judges of the county, a position which, both by reason of his business cx]icriencc and the natural bent of liis mind, he was well (|ualitied to fill. Not unfrequeutly, in the absence of the presiding judge, he was obliged to proceed with the business, even to charging tlie jury. He was always C((ual to these emergencies. Judge Brown's record on tlio bench was an exceedingly creditable one. He was a man of cntoi'prise and public spirit, lib- erally supporting with his means and time every object tending to the improvement of society. Long before his conversion, which occurred at a compara- tively late period in his life, no one was more earnest in the support of the gospel, and few members of the churcli more regular in their attendance upon its appointed services. When the people in Brownhelm began to think of inviting a minister to settle among them, he proposed to pay one-eighth of the expense. After a few years he united with the church, his wife and some of the children having previously joined. ^ His lialiit of i)unctuality in everytJiing, especially in his attendance at every meeting, directly or indirectly iitfecting tlie church, was reniarkalile. It is said by one who knew liini well '"that during a whole winter, ; two evenings in a week, when nearly seventy years of age, he came through mud and rain, snow and frost, (o attend a singing school; and u}) to his last attend- ance on jiublic worship he was always to be found in his place in the choir." He was frequently a delegate from the presbytery to tlie general assembly of the Presbyterian church, and in one year spent not less than five months, in- cluding his attendance at a churcli trial in Pbiladel- j)hia, and the convention at Auburn. Judge Brown also took an active part in the estab- lishment of a college in the Western Reserve, attend- ing the meeting at Hudson, called for the purpose. '"Indeed," says a writer on this subject, "but for him and another friend of the college, no such charter would have been obtained as the friends of the insti- tution would have accepted. There was deadly hos- tility to it in the Legislature; and the charter which tliey asked was so altered in its provisions as to jtrevent the possibility of securing religious instruc- tion, and as such was passed through the house. Intelligence of this was comnuuiicated to the friends of the institution. Judge Brown and the other (Rev. Caleb Titkin) went with haste to Columbus, and arrived just as the bill was about to be read for tlie third time. They succeeded, by the aid of a friend, in arresting this; and after days and evenings of patient waiting upon the opponents of the contem- plated institution, they succeeded in obtaining the charter as they had asked, with the exception of two trustees, against whom there was such personal hos- tility as no arguments could overcome." Judge Brown Avas afterwards a member of the board of trustees of this college, and continued in the ollicc until the infirmities of age compelled him to relinipiisli it. He was a man of many social <[ualities, and of much intelligence. His hospitality was unljininded. His log house on the hdvc shore was the general ren- dezvous of the early emigrants and in many other ways tliey were the recipients of his practical benev- olence. He died December 10, 1843, in the seventy-first year of his age, and the family is now extinct in the township. REV. ALFRED II. BETTS. Rev. Alfred H. Betts took up his residence in Brownhelm in January, 1821. He was born in Nor- walk, Connecticut, September 2, 1786. November 2, 1809, he was united in marriage to Sally Harris, daughter of Captain Luther Harris, of Bridgeport, Connecticut. In early life, he adopted the profession of medicine, and ijracticed for ten years in Daubury. In the fall of 1816, he and his father-in-law came to Ohio, and selected a place for settlement in Florence, Erie county. After the erection of a cabin. Captain Harris returned cast for their families, with whom he arrived the next season. Dr. Betts sjjent the first two or three Sabbaths with Deacon Beardslee and family, who, a short time before, settled in Vermil- lion. They had a few religious" exercises, such as singing, prayer, and a sermon, read by Dr. Betts. He was soon invited by others in their neighborliood to come to their dwellings, and hold similar meetings, at which a few families would be invited to attend. And thus began his "i-eading meetings." In a short time. Dr. Betts had regular appoint- ments at Birmingham, Florence, Vermillion, and other places. In consequence of the detention of his freight at Buffalo, until the next spring after his arrival. Dr. Betts had but one suit of clothes, which, having to wear in the woods through the week, was hardly suitable for the pulpit on the Sabbath. Long before the arrival of his goods, his old coat needed repairing, and Deacon Beardslee's wife would mend it as best she could, with the means she had. Some rents were drawn up, and some covered with patclies of such cloth as she had, which was not always of the same color. In the spring his boots were gone, and a neighbor made him a pair of moccasins. The condi- tion of his apparel greatly disturbed him, and he began to question whether he had better continue in his old clothes, or suspend the meetings until the arrival of his goods. He consulted a few of his friends in regard to the matter, who told him that, as he had 236 IIISTOKY OF LOKAIN COUNTY, OHIO. gone on so long, it was hardly woi'th while at this stage to he proud. After his stock of printed sermons was exhausted ho prepared discourses of his own; yet he did not call them sermons, and he was always careful to assure his auditors that he was not actually a minister. A mis- sionary hearing of Dr. Betts' labors called upon him for the purj)ose of satisfying himself as to the denom- ination to which he belonged. "I came to Vermil- lion," he said, 'and asked a young man if they had any preaching:" He said 'uo.' 'Have you any meet- ings?' 'Yes, a num comes from tlie Uidge and holds meetings on the Sabbath.' 'What is he?' 'Don't know; guess a Methodist?' Of another I made the same inquiries wlio guessed you whs a Baptist. An- other still, thought you was a Univorsalist. "And now," said he, "I want to ireviously made a journey from Litchfield, Con- necticut, to Kingsville, in Ashtabula county, for the purpose of visiting an uncle, and while there met Miss Abbott, whom he afterwards married in Henri- etta. He took up fifty acres on lot one hundred and one. a short distance south of the Hill, on the north and south center road, and he still occupies his orig- inal jiurchr.se, which has lieen increased by subsequent additions. His primitive log cabin stood a little south of his present neat frame house. Although Mr. Stedman settled here ten years after the first set- tlement was made, there was not even then a stick cut south of him to Brighton. Mrs. Stedman is a woman of much intelligence, possesses a tenacious memory as to early events, and has given the writer many facts in the history of this township. Mr. and Mrs. Stedman, now well advanced in life, raised a family of thirteen children, all of whom lived to adult life. Justin Abbott, the oldest of Squire Abbott's family, died in Minnesota. Anna was the wife of Amos Morse, one of the early settlers in Kingsville, Ashtabula county, and is now living in widowhood, in Nebraska. Susan became the wife of Ferris Webster, spent her married life in Jefferson, Ashtabula county, and died there. Orlan is living in Kansas. Thirza married Orlando Holconib, both HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 239 now living iu Iowa. Mary (Mrs. Williuiu Ilawkius,) lives in Camden, and Eli in Iowa. Prominent among sul)seqnent arrivals was that of Moses Fnller, in 1831, from Mount Morris, Living- ston county, New York, with his wife and one child. He located on the farm now occupied by Horace San- ders. He l)uilt on Cliancc creek, a sawmill, the first mill in the township; and an embankment, the remains of his dam, can yet be seen. He ingeniously attached a .spinning-wheel, whicli was propelled by the same motive ])()wer, and his industrious wife s])ent many an hour with it, liehind the roaring dam. He died in Wauseon, Fulton county, Oliio, in August, ],s?7, luiving removed thei'e some seven or eight years previous. He was a worthy member of the Baptist churcli in Henrietta for forty years, and left at his deatli many friends, who revered him for his many admirable traits of character. His widow still sur- vives him in Wauseon. He was the father of nine children, two of whom i-eside in this townsliip. Mrs. S. 0. Well man, whose hnsband died in Decemberj 1875, and a son, Byron. William Hales moved into the township at about this time, and located on the farm now owned by Adam Ilensner, on lot eighty-eight. He subsequently changed his location to the hill, purchasing the farm now owned by his son Ansel. He resided here until 1S7"2, wlieu he removed to North Amherst, where he now lives in his seventy-sixth year, lie is the fatiier of eleven children, all of whom are living, four in this township, three in Amlierst, and one in Brownlielm. William Ferguson, Clinton Dunham and Nathan Bristol were also early settlers in this part of town. Simeon Shepard, with his family, consisting of his wife and five children, came to Henrietta from Madi- son county. New York, in about the year 1830. He settled on the State road, about a mile and a half east of Birmingham, on lot ninety-eight. He cleared up a farm of one hundred acres, and lived upon it until his death, in 18G8. His widow survived him three years. Three of the five children are living, viz: Jacob, in Henrietta on a farm of sixty-six acres, one- half mile south of the center, and Oliver and Sarah, in Iowa. Simeon, .Jr., died in Texas, September 17, 1878, and Lucy (Mrs. Sizer), many years ago, in Henrietta. Silas Wood, a native of New York, removed from Pennsylvania, to Ohio with his jiarents in 1834. The family settled in Greenfield, Huron county. He married, in 1827, Hannah Eunes, whose parents came to Birmingham in 182.1. He afterwards became a member of the firm of Hawley & Whittlesey, pro- prietors of a woolen factory and carding machine near Birmingham, Erie county. Several years after- ward he purchased a farm in Berlin, in that county, and took up his residence there for a year or two, and then moved into this town, buying one hundred acres of Calvin Leonard. He eventually removed to Birmingham, and built a stone grist mill, and also engaged in merchandise, ftlr. Wood's life was one of great activity. He possessed excellent business qualifications, and amassed a fine property. He died of heart disease in 1860, and his wife died subse- (piently. Four of his five children are now living, viz: Mrs. Althida Arnold and George S., in Birming- ham, and Mrs. Hannah A. Kline and Mr.s. Sarah A. Strauss, in Oberlin. A family by the name of Pike settled in the gore at an early date. A son, James, was a military officer, and fought at Lundy's Lane. He was afterwards much engaged in forming and drilling ritle compa- nies. He was a man of local iirouiinence, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was killed in 1831 while at work in the woods, a tree which he cut down falling on him. The first permanent settler in the south part of the township was John Hunter, who removed from Cayuga county. New York, in about the year 1830. He bought one hundred acres in the north part of lot ten, in tract twelve, and afterwards added the north part of lot nine, erecting his cabin on tlie former lot. He eventually removed to Florence, Erie county. John R. Hawkins came in in 1834, and made his purchase in lots ten and eleven. He rolled togethei- his log house and cut out a door, and with his family, consisting of his wife and five children, "moved in." He added a roof and floor afterwards. Without means, not even a team, and with a large family to supijort, Hawkins found life in Henrietta woods an uphill struggle, and after several years of hard toil, which was only moderately rewarded, removed to the ])rairies of Illinois, where a farm could be brought under cultivation with less difficulty. He died there a few years after, and his widow eventually became insane. Sometime in 1834, might have been seen an aged cou])lo traveling on foot along the angling road that led from Birmingham to Camden. They were Wil- liam Bates and his wife, from New York State, on their way to Camden, to visit some of their children who had settled there, and to examine the country, reports of the excellence of which had been sent back by the children. After returning, Mr. Bates being pleased with the western country, disposed of his projierty in New York, and with the residue of his family, except William Bates, Jr., who remained in New York, emigrated to Henrietta, arriving in 1830. The family located on lots thirteen and fourteen in tract twelve, purchasing of Robert Johnson and .James Peak, who had made a beginning there. The Bates' eventually (jwned the whole of those lots, and except a small portion they are still in their pos.ses- ion or that of tlieir descendants. The pioneer Bates was twice married iind became the father of fifteen children, ten boys and five girls. The family was not only remarkable for its size numerically, but also for the stature of its members, their great physical strength, and their longevity. The ten sons aggre- gated a hight of nearly sixty-two feet. These char- acteristics were doubtless inherited from the father, I 240 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. who, it is said, was a powerful man, weighing over tlircc hundred pounds. He died in tlie fall of 1848, in the eighty-flftli year of his age, and was buried on tlie bank of the Vermillion. His remains, however, were siibse(juently removed to the SduMi Henrietta burying ground. Two sons and three daughters are yet living, all of whom are well advanced in life. Two of tlie daughters arc aged respectively eighty-eiglit and eighty-four. Bennett Bates and Thaxter Bates reside in Henrietta. Henry Rosa, with Ins family of wife and four chil- dren, moved into Hciii-ietta in is:5."), from Birming- ham, Erie county, whither he had come two years jtri'viously from Cayuga county, New York. He took up his residence on fifty acres of lot ten, tract twelve, which had been ])urchased by his oldest son, James H. Rosa. A log house had been built on the place some two years jireviously, by Alexander Knnes, of New York, who, on selling, removed to Birmingham where he now resides. This farm is still owned and occupied by Mr. Rosa, Sr., who is now eighty-five years of age. He married Mary Hawkins, who died about twenty years ago. Mr. Rosa served in tlu' war of 1813. His sou, James H. Rosa, resides on one hundred and foui'teen acres in lot nine. He is the present justice of the peace for the south part of the township. Moses R. Mapes, a native of Pennsylvania, moved in in the spring of 1838, from Florence townshi|i, Erie cjunty, taking up his residence on lot twelve, track fourteen. Hi married Elizaljetli Hawkins, of Newburg, Orange county. New Yoi-k, and raised a family of ten childi'en, six sons and four daughters. She died in the spring of 1843, and Mr. Mapes sub- sequently married a Mrs. Tisdel, of Vermillion, where he resided for several years previous to his death, wliich took jdace in Mai-ch, 18(U. Three of the children now live in the township. Harvey, who lives on tlie farm to which he removed over thirty years ago; Samuel, who lives (Ui the farm first occu- pied by John Hunter; and Rosella, now Mrs. Barhyte, who resides on the farm cleared up by John Hawkins. Her husband, Uichanl Barliyte, was killed by a kick from his horse, December 2o, 1874. Robert JolinsoQ was th3 first settler on lot thirteen. Hj died S0()n aftei' settlemsnt, and his widow sub- setpiently married Jacob Ennes, of Birmingham. She finally became insuu, and hung herself to a limb of tree on the bank of the river. Further east we find as early settlers, John Balys, Medad Buckley, Aldridge and Roswell Allen, Ben- jamin Griffin, Levi Vincent, John Jewel, Tiiomas McCreedy, Richard Call, John Hemlerson, and two families by tlie names of Lewis and Billings. Balys and Buckley were the first permanent settlers on lots sixteen and seventeen, in tract twelve. Balys pre- ceded bis family, who arrived in 1834. After a resi- dence of many years in Henrietta, he removed to Berlin, Erie county, but subsequently returned to this township, and bought out John Hunter. He afterward sold to Samuel G. Mapes, his son-in-law. and moved to Elyria, and died there. He was the first justice of the peace in South Henrietta. The Aliens located on lot fifteen. Roswell built a saw mill on the east branch of the Vermillion, in an early day, which, however, proved an unprofitable venture, — the dam continually breaking away. He, some ten years since, removed to Iowa, where he now lives. Aldridge died in 1875, aged eighty. Levi Vincent settled in 1834, purchasing fifty acres each in lots four and five, of Judge Ely. He was originally from Canada East, but emigrated to Lake county, Ohio, where he remained in the township eighteen months, and then came to Henrietta. He and his aged wife are still living on the original purchase. Thomas McCreedy was an early settler in Brown- helm, whence he removed to Henrietta. He is a native of Plattsburgh, New York, and removed to Cleveland in 1834. He remained there three or four years, engaged ]iriucipally in chopping wood, cutting in eighteen months seven hundred cords. His next move was to Brownhelni, where he lived some thir- teen years, and then moved to Henrietta, and ]iur- chased forty-nine acres on lot thirteen, tract thirteen. To this he has since added, and now owns something over seventy-one acres. His first wife died in 1845, while residing in Brownhelm, and he married, three years subsequently, the widow of Caleb Dunham. Mr. and Mrs. McCreedy are still living, aged respec- tively seventy-five and seventy-seven. Jonathan Toof, and a man by the name of Mills, were also early settlers on this road. Still further east. Captain Elias Mann and Andrew Peabody. Mann was perhaps the earliest settler in ; this ]iart of the township. All we know of him is that he owned a small patch of ground on which he had a log cabin. Peal:)ody settled where he still resides, on lot one hundred and four. He came to Henrietta with his family, in 1835, his native State being New Hamp- shire. His first wife died many years ago. He re- nuirried, and his second wife is also dead. She lived only a few months after her marriage. Mr. Peabody is in his eighty-third year. Richard Kelly and John Petty were also early set- tlers in this section of the town. Petty emigrated to America from Yorkshire, England, when a young man, worked in a coal mine in Pennsylvania, for a time, and then came to the townshii> of Russia, pur- chased fifty acres of land, married and raised a fam- ily. After a residence there of many years, he came to Henrietta. He is still living on the windfall road, with his younger children, aged seventy-six. The most of lot seven, tract twelve, was originally settled by Newell, Jesse and Chapman M. Cook, brothers. The former two came to Henrietta in 1837, and the latter in 1838. They were from New York, and all very poor when they came to Henrietta; but they were industrious, and cheerfully eiulured the hardships of those early times. The first work of HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 241 clearing that Newell and Jesse did for others, in order lluit no time might be wasted in going back and forth for their meals, they carried a store of provisions with them to the woods, and kept bachelors' hall in a large hollow log. Newell was not long to enjoy the fruit of his toil; he died in 1843. Jesse moved to Camden in 1857; he served the Bai)tist Church in Henrietta for upward of thirty consecutive years. Chapman still lives on the old homestead, on lot seven. riONEKR HARDSHIPS, DANGERS AND AMUSEMENTS. The pioneers of Henrietta, while exempt from some of the hardships by which those of other townships, which were settled before the close of the war of 1813, were surrounded, were nevertheless subject to many privations and hardships of which it is difficult for those who have not actually experienced them, to form an adequate conception. The first settlers here lived in almost complete isolation. There were other settlers in Brownhelm, but they lived on the lake shore between which and the southern part of that township lay an unbroken forest of some five miles in extent, and there was, therefore, but little intercourse between the two sections. Provisions were sometimes scarce and difficult to obtain. The nearest grist mill was not far away — Col. Brown's, on the Vermillion — but it was not in opei'ation mucli of the time and long journeys would have to be made to get the grain ground into flour. The earlier settlers in Henrietta frequently carried their grain to a mill at Cold creek, near Sandusky, to get their grinding done. Simeon Durand once carried on his back a bushel of wheat to Rocky river to get it ground. Murrain attacked the cattle with terribly fatal results, and a disease among the sheep, of which they died in large numbers, while many were killed by the predatory wolf. The woods abounded in wild animals of which the wolf was the most annoying to the in- habitants, not only because of his frequent incursions into the farmer's sheepfold, but' also on account of his nightly howls around the lonelj' cabin. He was a rav- enous animal, and even deer would frequently become the victim of his rapacity. They showed a great deal of ingenuity in capturing the deer, an animal too fleet to be overtaken by pursuit. Christopher Shaffer, an old hunter through this region, now living in Flor- f ence, relates that on a certain occasion, as he was I going to his traps in Henrietta, he came upon the I path, in the snow, of a pack of wolves, and he fol- . lowed it up. For some distance the path showed that they had traveled along in single file, when suddenly it disajipeared from the hunter's sight. On looking around liini, however, he found numerous tracks on liiith sides of the path, indicating that from some cause they had suddenly dispersed. On further ex- amination the skeleton of a large buck was found. The wolves, on discerning the deer had instantly broken ranks, surrounded him, and thus secured their prey. 31 Occasionally the farmers in several adjoining town- ships would organize a grand hunting party. The object was two-fold — to enjoy the fine sport which such a hunt furnished, and to rid the country of the wolf, which, however, was not frequently caught. The first of these hunts was organized in January, 1828, under the lead of Captain Tracy, of Amherst, and centered in this township. Men from Henrietta, Brownhelmn, Amherst, Russia, Brighton, and Flor- ence, Erie county, participated. The method of the sport was to surround a large tract of country, the line thus formed moving gradually toward the center. The sport was not without danger from cross-firing as the hunters approached each other, and instances of fatal accident are not wanting. On this occasion a man by the name of Harris, of Amherst, who was on horseback, was shot in the ankle. A lai-ge quan- tity of game was killed, including a bear. Calvin Leonard, John Denison and Almeron Stedman, of Henrietta, were members of this hunting party. Wild hogs were numerous, and the male often dangerous. A man by the name of Manville, living in Wakeman, was once attacked, and being without means of defence, the boar struck him in the leg, terribly hu crating the flesh. He ran to the nearest stump, climbed upon it, and remained there until the hog disajjpeared. Shaffer himself was thus once attacked, but having his rifle with him, he proved more than a match for his adversary. One night while he and his father lay in their hut, at the sugar bush, in the south part of Henrietta, — -which' they established long previous to the advent of the white settler there, — they were arroused by a commotion outside, in which their dog apparently had a jiart. On going out to see, it was found that the dog had seized a cub bear. The old gentleman ran into the cabin for his gun, the old bear, in the meantime, intent on seeing fair play, coming to the assistance of her cub. She rushed at Shaffer, Sr., furiously, but he quietly brought the rifle to his shoulder and fired, killing the brute on the spot. The cub escaped in the woods, the dog only too glad to jiart company with his embracing antagonist. Indians annually visited Henrietta foi- many years after the settlement. They would come in the fall, and remain to hunt through the winter. They had a little camp, soon after the close of the war, in the southern part of the township, on the east branch of the Ver- million, and one, of twelve or fifteen families, long subsequent on Chace creek, just east of Mr. Sted- man's. They wei'c peaceably disposed, and the inhab- itants experienced no annoyance from them. EARLY EVENTS. The first wedding was that of Joseph Swift and Elizabeth Root. This interesting event took place August 22, 1818. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Alvin Coe. Among the earliest marriages was that of Festus Powers and Sally Andress, which occurred sometime in 1819. L 242 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. The first death was that of Betsey Holcoinl). She died August 24, 181S, at the age of eighteen years. Tlie male inhabitants mot, and selected a site for a burying ground, on land lielonging to Edward Duraud. Smith Hancock and Almon Andross l)rnslied off apiece of ground, and there dug tlie grave. Henry Brown Ilolconib was tiu^ first ciiild born. It is said that Colonel Brown had promised to give the parents of the first child born in what was then Browulielm, the sura of fifty dollars, and that that amount was endorsed on the land contract of Squire Holcomh, who had made his purchase of Colonel Brown. The births of Jeannctte Leonard and Char- lotte Andress were among the earliest. Dr. Forbes was the first physician. He came into the township in about the year 1831; his family sub- sequently. Joseph Powers' was the first house opened for the accommodation of travelers. Subsecfuently the large frame house on the hill, owned by Anson Hales, was built by James Uurand, and kept by him as a hotel. The stage road was a great thoroughfare in those days, and Durand's large hotel was almost constantly filled. General Winfield Scott, accompanied by his staff, has been a guest at this house. A post office was established on the hill, soon after the organization of the town, and Squire Abbott was appointed the first post master. The office was sub- sequently held successively by Edward Durand, Moses Fuller, Harvey Page, Stephen Jones, and Ansel Hales, the last-named being the present incumbent. Edward Durand kept the first store in the town, in the house built by him, and now occupied by Harvey Page. Thumau Bodfish, at the present time, has a store on the hill, which is the only one in towu. ORGAN'IZATION.* Henrietta was organized in 1837. In November, 1836, the inhabitants in the south part of Brownhelm petitioned the commissioners to take off the three south tiers of lots and to attach them to unsettled lands lying south, and incorporate the same into a township. The j)etitioners look occasion to say that it was seven miles from the lake shore to the south line of the township; that there had been but little communication between the north and south settle- ments; and that it was extremely inconvenient for some of the people to attend on the public business of the town. The prayer of the petition was rejected; but at the same session of the commissioners it was ordered that tracts nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen, in range nineteen, with surplus lots lying west of said tracts, be erected into a town- ship by the name of Henrietta, and be attached to Brighton for judicial purposes. This township, as thus formed, included a large part of the present township of Camden and a little more than two-thirds * Boynton. of the present township of Henrietta. As organized, it was not satisfactory to the inhabitants in the south part of Brownhelm, and in Februarv, 1837, upon their petition, two tiers of lots, being over a mile in widtii, wore detached from the south part of Brown- holm and annexed to Henrietta; and tract number nine was detached from Henrietta and annexed to Brighton. An election was ordered for township officers, which took jdaee in Ajiril, 1837. Calvin Leonard, Simeon Durand and Smith Hancock, were elected trustees; Justin Abbott, clerk; Joseph Pow- ers, treasurer; Olied Holcomh, overseer of the poor; John E. Page, fence viewer; Josejdi Weston, consta- ble; Orlando llolcomb, supervisor; Edward Durand, justice of the peace. In March, 1830, lots eighty-six, eighty-seven and eighty-eight were detached from Brownhelm and annexed to Henrietta; and in March, 1835, lots eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty- four and eighty-five, the remainder of the tier, were added. The lu'csent township officers are as follows: C. L. Ferguson, clerk; W. A. Thomas, Washington Covenhoven, Sylvester Petty, trustees; L. A. Hisrgins, treasurer; Marseiui Peabody, assessor; Henry Whit- ney and Eugene Walker, constables; G. L. Ferguson and James H. Rosa, justices of the peace. SCHOOLS. The earliest schools were held at ])rivate houses. The first teacher was Marinda Morrison, who taught in the summer of 1819. Soon afterward a rude log school house, with stick chimney, Dutch back fire- place, and whitewood slabs for seats, was erected on the farm of Simeon Durand. Dr. Forbes taught the first school in this structure in the winter of 1831-3. He was a medical practitioner, and was the first doctor in town. The log school house served its purj)0se for a few j'ears. and then a frame was built. It was the first frame school house in this section of the country. It was years afterwards sold to Carlo Andress, and is now used on his old place as a barn. Sarah Ann lug- ham, James Durand, Lucinda Johnson, and Wealthy Abbott were among the earliest teachers. Durand taught in the winter of 1835, and Miss Abbott the following summer. Her wages were seven shillings per week which were paid in merchandise. The pat- rons of the school paid in proportion to the number of children they sent. Henrietta occupies a front rank among the townships of Lorain county with respect to the character of her school houses. They are exceeded in their aggregate value by only two other of the townshiiis in the county in which there is not an incorporated village, and in the average value takes the lead. The rejMrt of the clerk of the board of education, ending August 31, 1878, gives the following statistics : Number f houses C Aggregate value $8,000 Amount pai I teachers $1.M4 Number of scholars 247 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 243 RELIGIOUS. The pioneers of Henrietta wore not behind their neiglibors in providing for their religious wants. The earliest religious meetings were held at the house of Josejjh Powers. This was before the advent of the ])reacher, and these services were very simple, and, of course, undenominational in character. The first preacher was Rev. Alva C'oe, from Boston, a mission- ary among the Indians. He preached the first sermon in Henrietta, at the house of Calvin Leonard. BAPTIST CHUKCH. The Baptists were the first to move in the matter of a church organization. A society was formed Oc- tol>er 10, 1818, by Elder Goodell, of Painesville, of some fourteen or fifteen members, of whom we have only the following names : Joseph Powers and wife, Mrs. Simeon Durand, Betsey Duraud, Jedodiah Hol- comb and wife. Joseph Powers was appointed dea- con. The church had occasional pi'eaching by Elder Joseph Phillips, of Berlin, Erie county, and by others, but it was not until 1825 that stated preaching was had. In tliat year Elder Squire Abbott moved into town from Kingsville, Ashtabula county, and became the pastor of the church. The society gradually increased in membership for two years following, when dissensions of a radical nature arose in the church, which continued for some time, "and were not healed until another doctrine was embraced by the juistor and a large proportion of the members," who withdrew from the church. "In this state of things trying scenes were experienced by those who main- tained their allegiance to the church," yet the church kept up its organization, reported to the Huron Asso- ciation, of which it was a member, and had occa- sional preaching. The records of the church were taken away by the seceding members, and were not restored until February, 18.'i3. At that time there were ten memliers. During this and the fol- lowing year, Peter Lattinier })reached occasionally. After this, stated preaching was had. The salary of these early preachers was very small, and not always promptly paid. Until 1837, the meetings of the [church were held in the school house, west of the Hill, and for a year or tw^o subsequently, in the school house on the Hill. In July, 1837, by resolution of the church, the following members were constituted a branch of the church in Birmingham : James and Catharine Daly, Henry and Mary Howe, John and Ann Blair, Richard and Catharine Laugh- ton, and Hannah Brown, and the church took the name of the Henrietta and Birmingham Church. In May, 1840, the Birmingham branch organized inde- pendently. In 1838, Edwaixl Durand, Es<(., erected the house on the hill, in which Harvey Page now resides. The upjier part was fitted up for an audience room for the use of the church. It was completed in August of that year, and the Huron Association held their an- nual session with the church in its new place of worship on the 29tli and 30th of that month. An act of incorporation, on petition of the church, was granted by the legislature of the State, February 28, 1842, under the name of the "First Regular Baptist Church and Society of Henrietta." Chauncey Rem- ington, Philemon Shepard, Daniel Axtell, Moses Fuller and Simeon D. Powers were constituted trus- tees by said act. In 1850, the church edifice on the hill was erected and dedicated to the worshiiJ of God on the 18th of November of that year, the Rev. Mr. Berton, of Elyria, officiating on the occasion, assisted by the pastor. Elder Fuller. Elder Julius Beemau of Lagrange, L. Wilder of Berlin, Erie county, and G. W. Allen of Amherst were present and took part in the exercises. The house cost about one thousand six hundred. The present pastor is Rev. Malcom Wood. William A. Thomas is clerk. Pi-esent mem- i)ership, fifty. The salary of the pastor is five hundred and sixteen dollars. A Sabbath school was organized on the first Sabbath in July, 1832, of about thirty scholars; Philemon Shcjiard was appointed superin- tendent. The first teachers were Philemon Shepard, Dennis Powers, Patience Shepard, Venera Shepard and Jane Ellis. There are now eighty-three scholars enrolled, with an average attendance of fifty; William A. Thomas, superintendent. THE UNION CHURCH. Sometime prior to 1852 a Methodist Episcoj^al class and a Free Will Baptist society were formed. The constituent members of the Baptist society were the following: Jesse Cook and wife, George Couover, Mrs. Austin and James H. Rosa and wife. We are not informed as to the original members of the Methodist Episcopal class. They held their meetings in the school house in the former school district num- ber three. In the above year they combined in the erection of a church building. The organization was effected under the name of the " Free Church Asso- ciation,"' and immediate steps taken to erect a house of worship. Article four of the constitution specifies that the house is to be free to all denominations of Christians, and to all j^ublic sjieakers who have in view moral, religious or political reform, or the advocacy of any benevolent enterprise. A house was accordingly built on lot six, tract twelve, costing about eight hundred dollars, and was dedicated by Elder Whijjple of Oberlin. The Methodists afterward withdrew and formed a class in Kipton, but were subsequently divided into two sections by the slavery agitation, and the more radical wing in regard to the ([uestion returned to worship with the Baptists as formerly. The church has now a membership of thirty-two. J. B. Cook is clerk, Jesse Cook is deacon, and E. G. Wightmau, officiating deacon. Rev. G. H. Damon of Medina, and Rev. Hushour of Pittsficld, preach every alternate Sabbath. The church has accom- jilished much good. It has a flourishing Sabbath school of some sixty scholars, of which Charles Buckley is the superintendent. Ui niSTOllY OF LORzVIN COUNTY, OHIO. UNITED BRETHREN. Tliere were originally tlirco classes of this rleiiomi- iiatioii — one at the center, oue on the first road oast of tlie center, and another on the second road east of the center, called the " Windfall" class. The class at the center was formed in 18.55, by Kev. Alva Pres- cott, an itinerant revivalist preacher, engaged in the organization of classes of this denomination. The other classes were formed a short time previously. They united in their meetings, which were held in an old log school house on the I'oad next east of the center. Kev. Mr. Prescott was their first minister. He remained a year and a half with them. Tlie center and middle classes subsequently united at the center, and erected a house of worsiiij), wliich is still used by them. It was erected in 1864, and dedicated by Bishop Glossbenner. The present membership is fourteen or fifteen. It had, in more prosperous days, a membership of f(jrty. Uobert Wliite is the leader of this class, and Charles McCreedy, steward. After the union of the two classes at the center, the "Windfall" class held their services in jirivate houses in the immediate vicinity, until the erection of a school house, when they occupied that. Marsena Peabody is the present loader, and Thomas Jolmson, steward. Kev.- Peter Ish, of Oberlin, preaclies for both classes. THE GERMAN METUODIST ClIUKCII was organized in tlie year 1868, with twenty-five or thirty members, by the Rev. George Berg. Meetings were held in the school house in disti'ict number one, until the erection, in 1875, of the present neat and commodious house on the State road. It cost some twenty seven hundred dollars, including tlie furni- ture, and was dedicated by Rev. Paoles, of Berea. The church is in a flourishing condition, having some fifty members, and has also a prosperous Sabbath school, of which Henry Haneisen is superintendent. Rev. Adam Weber, of Vermillion, preaches once every Salfbath. THE GERMAN PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH, situated in the western part of the township, a mile South of Birmingham, was organized in 1872, and a building erected, costing eight hundred and fifty dol- lars. The first preacher of this church was Rev. Kuhler, of Vermillion. Rev. Mr. Brown is the present pastor. The original membership was some twelvi' in number, and is now twenty. The church has a prosi)erous Sabbath school, Adam AlmroHi being the superintendent. ROADS. The first road in Henrietta was the old State road, now usually called the telegraph road, which runs a diagonal course through the three northern tiers of lots, passing through lot eighty-eight on the east line, and lot ninety-seven on the west. It was origin- ally half a mile south of its present location. There are now two other east and west roads in the town- ship, and five running north and south, besides the county line road; all of which extend through the town e"xcept the second one east of the county line, known as "log lane;" presumably so named from the numlier of logs scattered along the street by the s(juattors who made their locations there. This road is not opened north of the telegraj)h road. rnonucTivE industries. Saw Mills. — As previously stated, the first saw mill was built by Moses Fuller, on Chance creek. Abnor Hancock also had a mill on this creek, and Roswell Allen oue at an earlier date in the south part of the town, on the east branch of the Vermillion. There are now two mills of this kind in the townshiji, that of L). S. Davis at the iiill, and the Currier mill at the center. The Davis mill was built by Durand in about the year 1847. It was destroyed by fire in 1850, and rebuilt since then — machinery for the man- ufacture of shingles, a blacksmith shop and a wagon shop have been added. The Carrier mill was built originally by one Ousterhout. It was burned down after the Currier brothers came into possession, and by them rebuilt. The Maple Grove Cheese Factory — Lees and McDowell, proprietors — was by them established in the spring of 1870. It is in a flourishing condition, many improvements having been added during the past year. There is also a cheese factory in the southwest part of the town. One of the most flourishing enterprises ever carried on in the township, was the ashery of Edward Du- rand, and although long since dead, deserves mention. It was established as early as 1835, and perhaps at an earlier date. It was originally located just west of the saw mill. Mr. Durand made potash only, but he subsequently removed to the opposite side of the street, and engaged in the manufacture of that article. James Lees, who was foi'merly in Duraud's employ, bought the factory in 1853 or 1854, and carried on the business more extensively than ever before, mak- ing saleratus in addition to pearlash. He continued in the business until 1872, when, becoming unprofit- able, it was discontinued. A large pile of ashes now marks the location of this early industry. Tliore were at one time also, in the northwest ]>art of the town- ship, near the first settlement, the asheries of Abner Hancock and .Tames Ilosford. AORICOLTURAI. STATISTICS. Wheat, 803 acres 12,C2S bushels. Oats, UOO " 22,127 Cora, 860 " 30,942 Potatoes, 47 ** 2,.542 *' Orchards, 398 " 10,806 Meadow, I,!)85 " 2,451 tons. Butter 28,675 pounds. Cheese 229.520 Maple Sugar 3,575 " Hayes . Vote for President in 187i ISllTilden 66 DAVID BENNETT. .lANE BENNETT. Residence of the neirs or david beinnett, Carlisle Tr. loi^ain co.. Ohio. CARLISLE. This township is bounded on the north by Elyria, on tlie south by LaGrange, on tlie east by Eaton, and on the west by Russia. It luis but two streams of water, and these are the east and west branches of the Bhick river, the former of which flows from the southeast across tlie townsliip; the otlier from the southwest, and both cross the north line of the township near the northeast corner, forming a junc- tion at Elyria. The surface of the township is generally level; the soil is largely clay, .and for the most part well adapted to agriculture, the bottom lands being extremely fertile. The township is described and known on the records as number live in the seventeenth range, and was drawn by Joseph Perkins, John Richmond, Tracy, Uoyt, William Eldridge, John McClunnan, Daniel Tildeu and Jabez Adams — (Island number six, then Cunningham's, now Kelly's, consisting of two thousand seven hundred aiul forty-seven acres, was annexed to number five for the pur})ose of ciiualization.) KAME. Before the township was organized, the western portion had acquired the name Mui-rayvillo from settlers of that name in that locality. This was not satisfactory to the residents of the eastern portion, Phinehas Johnson wishing to name it Berlin after his native town in Connecticut. Unable to agree on either name, a compromise was effected by calling it Carlisle. SETTLEMENT. The first settler of Carlisle township was John Bacon, of Windham county, Vermont, who made the journey from that ])oint with a team of horses and wagon, arriving in Ridgevillein the month of October, 1815. He remained there until the early months of 181G, when he came to Carlisle and made a permanent settlement on what is now known as Murray Ridge. lie brought with him from the east a few necessary household goods, and his family consisting of a wife and the following children: Clarissa, Hiram and Susan. The first and last are deceased. Iliram married Louisa Halford and yet resides on the old homestead, hale and hearty, though at the advanced age of seventy-eight years. .John Bacon died in 1864; his wife in 1857. A few months after Mr. Bacon made a commence- ment, a brother-in-law, Abel Farr, came on from Vermont and located on the north line and near the center east and west. His family that came with him was a wife and four children. Others who were married remained in Vermont; two came on after- wards and settled near the father. None of them now live in the township, and the only descendants are the widow and children of a son, Lowell, who was one of the children who came with the family. There was no further settlement made in the town- ship until the spring of 1819, when Samuel Brooks and family arrived in Carlisle. They were of sturdy Connecticut stock, and made the journey to Ohio by the substantial method of that day, i. c, with an ox team and a stout wagon. In these later years of harnessed lightning iind rapid transit the idea of traveling six hundred miles with an ox team seems prosy enough; yet this slow method had its advan- tages. There were no collisions nor trains trying to " ]iass each other on the same track." The date of the arrival of Mr. Brooks in Carlisle was April, 1810. His log house was constructed near the eastern town- ship line, and was the first in that part of the township. Samuel Brooks was born February 27, 1780, and died in Elyria, December 20, 1874; his wife, who was Sophia (Johnson) Brooks, was born June 22, 1791. The children who accompanied the parents to Ohio were: Lydia K., who died August 10, 1851; Henry J., who resides in Cleveland; Julia L. (Bishop) who resides at Cuyahoga Falls, and Ira K., who died September 22, 1869. On November 5, 1819, Hezekiah Brooks, and fam- ily, consisting of his wife and three children; Martin L. (now Dr. Brooks, of Cleveland); Ann H., after- wards missionary to Jamaica, who died in Memphis, Mississippi; and Hannah M. (Vincent), now living in Elyria, James Brooks, (father of Samuel and Heze- kiah,) his wife and two sons, Calvin and Ileman, to- gether with Phinehas .Joimson and faniily, came to Carlisle, and with Elisha Brooks and Riley Smith and wife, — who arrived two weeks earlier, — took up their abode with Samuel Brooks, making a total of thirty persons in the little log house. However, other dwellings were soon constructed, and ere long, ipiite a settlement had sprung uj) in the wilderness. This locality is now designated as La Porte. There was, at one period, a flourishing little hamlet here, with numerous manufacturers and minor industries; but of late years, the town has lost its former presitgc. The rest of Mr. Brooks' children are, Samuel C, of Cleveland; Stephen S., of California; Edward W., of Red Wing, Minnesota; Sophia, now Mrs. Dr. Briggs, of Elyria, (to whom our gratitude is due for assistance in the preparation of this history, as well (345) 246 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. as for favors sliowii us in our labors at the court liouse); Emeline L., now Mrs. Foote of Tal)or, Iowa; Mary L., who died young; and William M., who is now president of Tabor college, Iowa. The children of Hozekiah and Ilannah Brooks, not before given, are, James, a physician, residing in New York; Hezekiah, Jr., of California; Sophronia (Hall), of Oberlin; George, who i.s the only descendant resid- ing in the township of Carlisle; Harriet, of Ncwburgh, Cuyahoga county, Ohio; Emily (West), living in Wellington, this county; and Fllen (Ruggles), who resides at Newburgh, Ohio. The children of Phinehas Johnson, a gentleman well and favorably known, in the earlier years of the settlement of Lorain county, are, Sophia, wife of Samuel Brooks; Hannah, wife of Hezekiah Brooks; Cornelia, wife of D. Griswold, now living in Wash- ington Territory; Samuel C, who died before the family came to Ohio; Julia, who married Edmund West (deceased); Irene, who was twice married, and is now deceased; William II., who married Alma Otis (deceased); Lucretia, who died at the age of nineteen years; Phienhas M., who married Orra Ann Collins (deceased); Delia M., who married H. N. Gates, and lives in Cleveland; and Isaac M., the youngest, who married Cornelia Mussey. She died, and he married Mary Hale, his present wife. He resides at Oakland, California. This gentleman is the father of tiie |)resent deputy county treasurer. The Brooks' and Johnsons' were of I'uritan ances- try, and in the journey to Ohio, which was of nearly seven weeks" duration, tliey religiously observed the Sabbath day, by encanijiing promptly each Saturday night, and not resuming the journey until Monday morning. William Webster, in liis '"reminiscences," published in the Elyria Rcpiiblkaa, April 7, 1876, says that ''Asahel KeKsey came from Connecticut at the same time," referring to the Brooks' and Johnsons', '"and settled on the south side of the east branch of the Biack rivir." Philo Murray and his family, a wife and five chil- dren, from Connecticut, made settlement in the township in 1820 or '21. His location was in the western part of the township, on the ridge bearing his name. As none of the family are now residents of Carlisle we are unable to obtain further data con- cerning them. Salmon Sutliff, of Erie county, Now York, came to Lorain county in August, 1820. He made a tem- porary location in Avon township, coming to Carlisle the f(jllowing January. The journey from the east ■ivas made with a horse team, and three cows and a few sheep were driven along. The family consisted of a wife and four boys: Silas B., William H. H., Asa G., (who afterward became the pioneer settler in Waseca county, Minnesota) and Oliver H. P. Another child, a girl, Lovisa, was born and died previous to emigrating to Ohio. Two months after they reached Avon a son was born, Charles B. The place of their location was on one hundred acres of land in section ten, now occnjiied by S. M. Mason. Upon this farm they remained until 1831, and during this interval the following children were born: Ralph 0., Lucetta, Warren C, Lucinda, and Jesse S. In May, 1831, Mr. Sutliff removed to section one, locating on the farm now owned by the son, Oliver H. P., where the father and mother remained until their decease. The former died in November, 1857; the latter May 18, 3870. Of this large family of children ten are now living, seven of them in Ohio. Warren C, (to whom we are indebted for the data of this sketch) married Jane A. Bennett, and resides on three hundred acres of land in section twelve, Carlisle township. Channcey Prindle, of Waterbury, Connecticut, was the first settler at the center of Carlisle township. In the spring of 1823 he came through with his family, a wife and two children. He came overland with a team of horses. Mr. Prindle stopped at Capt. James Brooks' until he could cut a road to his farm, on section number thirteen, distant one and one-fourth miles, and erect a log cabin thereon. He then moved into the woods and began in earnest to make a farm. The children above mentioned were Maria, who mar- ried Aaron Bacon, and resides in Oberlin, and Henry II., who married Christiana E. Spafford, and resides on the old homestead. One child was born toChaun- cey Prindle and wife, subse(juent to their removal to Ohio. This was Mary J., who became the wife of .T C. Slaughter, and is now deceased. Channcey Prindle died in May, 1872. Mrs. Prindle died on the 23d day of the previous September. Obed Gibbs, also from Waterbury, Connecticut, settled in Carlisle in 1822, on the farm now occupied by his son Ransom. With him came his wife and two children. Ransom, the eldest child, had a wife and one daughter, Jane, who eventually married George Boughton, and removed after a few years, to Ne- braska, where she died. Sally the second child of Obed Gibbs married Merrett Clark. They did not renniin long in the wilderness, ere they became home- sick, when they returned to their native New England. Obed Gibbs died in Carlisle in 1840, and his wife a few years later. The children of Ransom Gibbs, born subsequent to his removal to Ohio, were: Har- riet, who married Alson Wooster, and resides in Elyria; Lewis, who married Martha Jackson, and lives in Nebraska City; and David, who married Jane Slaugh- ter, and occupies the old homestead. We find the name of Akin Sexton among the early settlers on Murray ridge, but are unable to learn any thing further of hiin. Daniel Bennett, from Londonderry, Windham county, Vermont, came to Ohio in 1827, and pur- chased one hundred and twelve acres of land in sec- tion twelve, Carlisle township (now occupied by his daughter, Mrs. W. S. Sutliff).- Mr. Bennett then returned east, and, the following spring, came to per- manently settle on his farm. His family consisted of a wife and niece. In May, 1828, they arrived in ffESIDENCE OF LORENZO CLARK , CARLISLE Tp, LORAIN Co ,0 HISTORY OP LORAIN COTTNTY, OHIO. 247 Carlisle. For a short time the}- lived ill a sliuill log house standing near where is now the Hart Cheese Factory. There was at tliis time but one family in this vicinity, that of Lewis Shumway, who had a wife and two cliildren. He was from the east, but only remained a year or two, going still farther west. Mr. Bennett erected, on section twelve, tiie first frame house in this part of the township. Here he lived, reared a family of six children, brought the land to a jirofitable state of cultivation, and died July Ifi, 18G3. His first wife died August 10, 1829, and February 6, 1830, he married Jane Galpin, of Elyria, who survives her husband and lives on the old homestead. From this marriage the following children were born: Polly, who died at the age of fifteen years; Jane, who mar- ried Warren C. Sutliff and occupies the old farm; Emerett, who married Curtis Webster and lives in Elyria; Celestia, who died in infancy; Melvin R. and Cassimar D., who live with their mother. Daniel Bennett was a justice of the peace for many years, and a very worthy citizen. William Webster, of West Hartford, Connecticut, married Abigail Johnson, of Berlin, same State, .Jan- uary 4, 1800, and removed to Onondaga county. New York, in 1818, and to Carlisle in 1838; arriving there on May loth of that year, he settled and cleared up the farm cue mile north of Laporte, now owned by William Brush. In 1832, Mr. Webster removed to the southeast corner of the township, where he died October 27, 1844. Mrs. Webster died August 16, 1862. The children were as follows: Harriet, who married Joseph Weston; Amanda, who married Cal- vin Brooks; William, Jr., who married Catharine Phillips (a daug'.iter of this couple is now the wife of Dr. Kelsey, of Elyria); Abigail, who married Levi Lee; Bethuel, who married Roxa Andrews; Louisa, who married Abram V. D. Bergh; Nancy, who mar- ried Harris R. Shelden; and Henry, who married Sarah Johnson. The first settlers in this corner of the township were John B. Andrus, Paul Taylor, John Randall, Thomas Girard, Cornelius V. D. Bergh, Elias Morgan. William Cook, James V. Baker, Enoch Forbinder, Stephen Wiiichell, and a family named Shepard. Of these, but two arc now residents of the township, Stephen Winchell and William Webster, Jr. Joseph Patterson moved into Carlisle from Berk- shire county. New York, in 1834, locating on section six. His family were a wife and nine children. Of these but two now live in Carlisle: Hiram, at present the superintendent of the County Infirmary, and William, who married in the east and came to Carlisle in the spring of 1837, locating on section eighteen. This he cleared. He was elected sheriff of Lorain county by the free soil party. While occupying the position he bought the farm of one hundred and sixty-four acres, on which he now resides, in section fourteen. Daniel Tenney and family settled in Carlisle (at Laporte) in the fall of 1835, and remained there until his death, February 1, 187 J. His wife was Miss Sylvia Kent, of Dorset, Vermont. Mr. Tenney was a native of Temple, New Hampshire. Mrs. Tenney is living with a daughter at Thayer, Kansas. The children of this couple are Benjamin, Jewctt, Emily, George, Myron and Ellen who are dead, and Horace, Henry W., Maria E., Electa and Daniel K., now living, the greater part of them at least, in Kansas. B. F. Marlett, the "Village Blacksmith," came from Steuben county. New York, to Carlisle in 1844. He was then 17 years of ago. Two years later he began his present vocation. He was for three years a soldier in Company K, Twenty-third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In 1840 he married Cecelia Breckenridge, of (Jrafton township, this county. FIUST EVENTS. The first birth in the township was that of a son to William and Clarissa Bacon Saxton, which event oc- curred immediately after a settlement was made on Murray Ridge. The child was named James, eventu- ally married a Miss Flint, and removed to Iowa where he died. The pioneer birth in the eastern part of the township was that of Samuel C. to Samuel and Sophia Brooks. Cleveland is now the home of this, at that early date, important addition to the colony. The first marriage was that of Miss Cornelia, daughter of Phinehas .lolinson, to Mr. Dudley Gris- wold. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's father by Sherman Minott, Esq., of Elyria townshijj. This happened in the fall of 1820. The couple now reside in Washington Territory. In the cemetery at Laporte we find a small sand- stone slab erected to the memory of Lucretia M., daughter of Phinehas and Hannah Johnson, who died August 23, 1823; aged eighteen years. This is presumably the first death of a white person in the township. In the western portion of Carlisle, lands were donated for the cemetery in section two by Philo Murray, and the first interment therein was the body of Emeline, daughter of J. D. Murray, who died- December 27, 1825. The first post-otfice in the township, was established in about the year 1825. Phinehas Johnson was duly commissioned post-master, and the mails were received and distributed from his residonce. M. V. B. Pitkin is the jireseiit jiost-master at this jioint. Another office was established a few years later, in the western portion of the township, at Murray's Mills. This office was named " Murray ville." Charles Drake'ly was commissioned first jiost-master, or at least he was among the first. This office was afterwards removed to the dwelling of Ransom Gibbs, who was appointed post-master, and remained as such until the office was discontinued, in the spring of 1853. Phinehas Johnson kept a house of entertainment as early as the spring of 1820, but it was not until about 1830 that he formally opened a hotel. This was at LaPorte. During the period of stage coaches, two 348 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. large hotels were iu operation at this place. There is at })reseiit none. Anotlier hotel was erected Ijy Obed (libbs, in the west part of the townsliip (section twelve). Abiram Drakely also liail a iiotel on section nine. These existed at an early date. Botli were long since closed as hotels. Tlie Hrst store was opei ed in about is;}'). Alonzo rha])nian was its pro])i-ietor and sole manager. The building occupied by liini, stood on or near tlie site of M. V. B. Pitkin's present mercantile establishment. Mr. Chapman followed mercliandising some years. There are now at Lal'orte, in addition to tlie store given above, C. L. Hnrlbut, general merchandise, and a tin store by II. Lake. PHYSICIANS. The first to locate in Carlisle, was Milton Chapman, whose residence was on the ridge. Dr. Chapman was a gentleman of excellent jirofessional attainments, and practiced there many years. Deacon Turner, tlie builder of the mills bearing his name in the western portion of the township, was also a physician, but did not, wo understand, practice his profession to any considerable extent. Dr. J. F. Butler, afterwards a j)r()niinent memlier of the medical staff of Elyria, prai'tiecd at LaPorte for a time. Dr. Hiram Thomp- son, now of Grafton townshi]), also practiced at La- Porte some years before removing to his present loca- tion. After he left, the physicians of Elyria were employed to compound atid administer the divers nau- seous drugs by aid of which dame nature is kept in proper working order over in Carlisle. At present H. E. Ilaring is the only physician iu the township. INDUSTRIES. The first mills in the township were built by Phin- ehas Johnson and Asahel Kelsey, in 1820. The one built by the former was a saw mill. It stood on the north side of the east branch of the Black river; and that of the latter was a grist mill, on the ojjjMjsite side of the river. Of this mill, William Webster says: "The stones were home-made, and manufactured by a citizen out of hard-head stones found in the neigh- borhood. It required a strong and well-braced build- ing to stand the motion of the stone when grinding, as they were not very round or true, but did the work well foi- those days. In the spring of 1838, the water made an ojiening between the mill and the bank, in consequence of wliicii it became necessary to renidve the mill to another loeation. This was done, and for some years the old mill was in operation. Dr. Turner built a second saw mill, in about 1834, at Murray- ville. This is, we believe, still in operation, and is at present owned by Henry Morehouse. Dr. Turner also erected a grist mill soon after the saw mill was put iu operation, near the same place. The first clieese factory was constructed near the center of tiie township, in the spring of 1869, by a stock company, composed of some twelve or fifteen persons. The patronage the first season was two hundred cows. This factory was burned in the fall of 1873. The present factory was erected the follow- ing spring, by H. H. Prindle, Clark and Eckley. This factory was operated during the season of '78, by A. Wilmot, who utilized the milk of two hundred cows. Walnut Grove factory is located on sectiun eleven, and was started by H. H. Hart in tlie spring of 1872, and had four hundred cows the fii'st season. It was conducted by Mr. Hart until the spring of 1877, when Messrs. Braman, Ilorr and Warner became the own- ers. This enterprising firm established the "Cedar Grove Creamery," in connection with the factory. In the season of 1878, four hundred and fifty cows were in contribution. John T. Vincent is the maker. In about 1840, Anson Braman planted the first stock in the Carlisle Nursery. This was the first nursery in Lorain county, Mr. Braman was its proprietor for a number of years. In the year 1849, a stone quarry was opened, on section twenty-five, Carlisle township, by Messrs. Lockhart and J. W. Hart. The last named became sole owner, and iu 1870 began the manufacture of grindstones, and this has grown to be the major j)art of the business. In 1873, the Black River Stone Company was or- ganized, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. The following well known capitalists were the incorpoi'ators: Selah Chamberlain, Dr. S. S. Steeter, William II. Grout, George E. Dascomb, John Dayton, and J. W. Hart. Mr. Hart retains one hun- dred and twelve thousand dollars of the stock. The officers of the comptmy are, George E. Dascom, pres- ident; Dr. S. S. Streeter, vice-president; J. C. Hills, secretary and treasurer; and J. W. Hart, superin- tendent. In 1849 and '50, a spur track was laid to the quarry by the C. C. C. & I. R. R., and a large quantity of the stone used in the construction of the bridges and culverts of the above road, was quarried here. The stone from which the Forest City and Arlington blocks, and the First Presbj^terian church, of Cleveland, were constructed, came from this quarry. Forty workmen are regularly employed, with a jiay- roll averaging fourteen hundred dollars monthly. The company are now making heavy shipments of building stone to Toronto, Canada. Just above the quarry named, is another extensive one, owned and operated by the Grafton Stone Com- l)any, W. E. Miller, superintendent. They employ an average of thirty-five men. Their products are princijtally railroad and building stone. Both the above quarries are situated on the C. C. C. & I. and C. T. V. & W. railroads. The Elyria Chair Company is located in Carlisle township, on the east branch of Black river, and wa> established March 15, 1878, by John Kelley, Jamo Measley, and P. M. Peabody. It employs seven workmen. The investment is one thousand dollars. Wood-seat chairs are exclusively manufactured. There is also a saw mill at the same point, owned by Clayton Johnson. Photu. by Lee, El^ria, 0. ^^/'^^nf^.zz^^^^i^^^^^^ William Patterson comes of ancestors noted f\)r longevity. Ciiarles Patterson, his grandfather, was born at Danbury, Conn., where lie married Miss Martha Hall, born at the same place. Moving into Berkshire Co., Mass., Charles died there, ninety- two years of age. Joseph, his son, being born at Mount Washington, Berkshire Co., Mass., Oct. 17, 1780, took for his life partner Miss Elizabeth Kane, in 1808. He took up his residence in Carlisle, Lorain Co., Ohio, in 1834, and engaged in farming, moving to Minnesota in 1869. He there died in 1871, in his ninety-first year. His aged wife yet lives in Minnesota to mourn his loss. William, son of Joseph, commenced this life at Mount Washington, as above, Feb. 27, 1811. To use his own words, " I lived on ray father's farm for years, amongst the rocks that afforded no advantage for either man or beast." Leaving such opportunities and going to Green River, N. Y., he there married Miss Phoebe Vincent, March 4, 1833. Following his father, he settled in Carlisle, in May, 1837, where he still resides. There, with little or nothing, a home has he wrought out by hard labor as a farmer. In the relation of father, by his first wife one son and two daughters look back to his efforts for their welfare, more especially in the matter of education : Dr. Patterson, of Baltimore; Mrs. Camp, of Jackson, Mich., whom so many parents and pupils of the Union School of Elyria remember as the kind and efficient teacher ; and Mrs. Harriet A. Herdman, of Zanesville, Ohio. Mr. Patten-son's first wife died in 1856, July 14. He was again married, in 1857, to Miss Caroline A. Blanchard, daughter of Dr. Jas. C. Blanchard, of Penfield, Lorain Co., Ohio, the happy mother now of an only son. Mr. Patterson was elected sheriff of Lorain County in 1848, filling the office with great credit. Again his fellow-citizens, knowing his fitness, made him commissioner of said county, and his own townshi]) have expressed their respect for him by electing him to every local office. Proud of his children, with a competency, all who have to do with Mr. Patterson, love and respect, and regard him as a finished example of a self-made man. f 'f, nv' I'liotii. by L«., Klyiiii, 0, CHAUNCBY PRINDLE. Chauncey Prindle was born in Connecticut, in the year 1794, and resided with his father until the death of the latter, which occurred in 1812. Soon after this sad event he married a daughter of Johnson Mercy, a happy union, which resulted in a ianiily of three children,— one son and two daughters. The son, H. H. Prindle, who lives on the old homestead, has this sketch of his father, with the accompanying- portrait, inserted in this work as a token of filial regard. Maria P., a married daughter (wife of A. W. Bacon), now resides at Oberlin. The other daughter, Mary J., married J. C. Stanton, and re- sided on an adjoining farm until her death. Chauncey Prindle removed to Ohio in the fall of 1822, and first settled on fifty acres of land located in Carlisle township, Lorain Co., which he had received in payment of a debt. He started from his native place in Connecticut with fifteen dollars in money and about the same amount invested in tinware. The journey occupied six weeks, and he Ijartercd most of his tinware with tavern-keepers on the road West, and was glad to find that he could do so, and thus save what little cash he had on hand. The appearance of his land was anything but flattering when he arrived here, as it was covered with several inches of water, and presented anything but a bril- liant prospect for the anxious pioneer. By dint of hard work, and assisted by his excellent wife, he soon had his land cleared, and added to it from time to time until he had one hundred and thirty acres well improved, and upon which he erected comfortable buildings. One of the peculiar hardships he had to encounter was the construction of about a mile of road through the woods, in order to get to his land. He also ex- perienced great difiiculty in getting his wagon ihrouoh the mud and mire. Mr. Prindle continued a farmer until his death, which occurred May 8, 1872, his good wife having preceded him to the grave about a year, Sept. 23, 1871. They were in every sense a worthy couple, and enjoyed the esteem and respect of all with whom they came in contact, either in business or social communion. Mr. Prindle held several offices in his township, all of which he filled with the same honesty of purpose and faithfulness to duty that characterized the management of his personal affairs. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 249 OKOAKIZ-ITION. Carlisle and Elyria townships, then of Huron county, were organized as one township, for civil purposes, under the name of Elyria, on the 20th day of October, 1819. Tliis connection was continued until June 4, lS-3v', when the present townsliip of Carlisle was organized. The first record of an elec- tion we are able to procure, bears date April 4, 1825, when tlie following persons were elected: Lyman J. Frost, Obed Gibbs, and Samuel Brooks, trustees; I. A. Sexton, clerk; Samuel Brooks, treasurer; and Ransom Gibbs, Barton Waite, and Ilezekiah Brooks, supervisors of highways. Pliinehas .lohnsou's bond as justice of the peace, — and he was without doubt the first person to fill that office, — bears date February 19, 1823. The officers for 1878 are, William Patterson, Julius Beuhring, and James McMullin, trustees; M. R. Bennett, clerk; John Booth, treasui'er; William H. Sutliff, assessor; William L. Taylor and John Einig, constables. There are twenty-six supervisors. Justice of the peace, Phinehas Johnson, was suc- ceeded in 1833 by Hezekiah Brooks, and following are the names, with date of election, of each person who has filled the office until the present time: April G, 1835, David Bennett; August 22, 1836, Joseph Patterson; February 25, 1837, Henry M. Warner; April 2, 1838, Solimus Wakcley; April 3, 1843, Dan- iel Tenney; October 23, 1843, David Bennett; 1840, both re-elected; 1849, Nelson Groat and J. P. Noble; 1851, Joshua C. Bassett, who resigned March 7, 1853; Adna Groat, October 14, 1852; Daniel Tenney from 1853 to 1850, Lyman Rawson, 185G; 1859, Tenney and Rawson re-elected; 1862, Nelson Groat and James Carroll; 1805, I. S. Straw and Daniel Tenney; 1808, William Patterson and Warren S. Sutliff; 1874, Pat- terson and Sutliff re-elected; 1877, Sutliff and Elbert Haring. CHURCHES. On the 29th of October, 1822, agreeable to previous aj)poiutments, the jjcople convened to consider the propriety of organizing a church in Carlisle township. The Revs. Joseph Treat and Alfred Belts, mission- aries from the missionary society of Connecticut, and members of the Presbytery of Portage, were present, and the following persons were duly constituted the " Congressional Church in Carlisle," viz: Hannah (wife of Phinehas Johnson), Samuel Brooks and Sophia his wife, Hezekiah Brooks and Hannah his wife, Lydia, wife of James Brooks, Samuel Eldred aud Irene Johnson. Samuel Brooks was chosen clerk. This church was removed to Elyria and con- solidated with the Presbyterian church at that point, upon its organization, November 25, 1824. It remained thus until August 2, 1833, when at the request of Deacon Samuel Brooks, the members residing in Carlisle were granted permission to form ! themselves into a church in that townshi^J. For a 32 time the cliui'ch fiourislied. A substantial meeting- house was erected in about 1830, and a Sabbath school was organized. Gradually, however, tlie ranks were decimated until preaching was abandoned and the church ceased to be. The following sketch of the Methodist church is prepared from data furnished us by A. A. Chapman, a former member: Rev. H. 0. Sheldon, it is believed, was the first minister of this denomination to hold services in Carlisle township. This was in 1824 or 1825. A class was not formed, however, until 1830 or 1831, which consisted of the following persons: A. A. Chapman, Cornelius Vandebergh, Nancy, Jane and Catherine Vandebergh, J. B. Andrews and wife, (Andrews was local preacher,) Henry Spicer and wife, Stephen Winchell and wife, Enoch Foss- fiuder, Paul Taylor, Harriet Taylor and James V. Baker and wife. Cornelius Vandebergh was first leader of this class, and it was formed in the western portion of the township. A second class was organized in the eastern part of the township, now called Laporte, in about 1833. Among its members were 0. J. Humphrey, leader, wife and two daughters, and Mrs. Abigail Webster and a daughter. The church edifice at this point was erected some thirty years since aud cost one thousand dollars. Thei'e is a present membership of sixty. The pastor is Chester L. Foote; class leader, William Brush; stewards, Thomas Pound aud Gilbert Fields; superintendent of Sabbath school, Gilbert Fields. The attendance is sixty. The following are some of the early ministers: Elnathan C. Gavit, George Elliott, William Runnells. He that is now Bishop Harris was on this circuit in 1835 and 1830. Thomas Barkdull, D. M. Conant, M. L. Starr, W. M. Safford, Wm. C. Pierce, Spafford C. Thomas, H. L. Parrish, T. J. Pope, James, Sawyer, Guiberson and others. Both the Baptists and Universalists have bad an organiza- tion in Carlisle. None now exists. SCHOOLS. In the summer of 1821, Miss Julia Johnson taught the first term of school in the east part of the town- ship. This was held in a little log school house erected the previous spring, on the hill east of the river. In the west part a school house was built on section ten, now the farm of D. C. Pember. This was erected about the same date as the one mentioned above, and the first term taught therein was by Miss Minerva Murray, — cannot give the exact year. May 29, 1826, the township of Carlisle was divided into two school districts. The western half was number one, and contained the families of Abner, J. D. and Philo Murray, William and loua A. Sexton, Abiram Drakeley, Dr. Milton Chapman, Noah H. Hurd, Obed and Ransom Gibbs, Henry and Charles Smith, Barton Waite, John Bacon, Salmon Sutliff', Asahel Powers, Anson Seward, Chauncey Prindle, Lyman J. Frost and Moses C. Baker. The residents 250 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. iu district number two, then comprising the entire eastern hiilf of the townsliip, were, Samuel, Hezekiah andJames Brooks, I'hinohas Johnson, Asaliel Kelsey, Thouret F. Chapman and Dudley Griswold. Carlisle township had in 1878 eight school houses, whose valuation, including grounds, was seven tlious- and dollars. The total amount paid teachers for tlie same year was one thousand four hundred and seven- teen dollars, and there were of the requisite schooj age two hundred and eighty-five children. AoaicnLTURAL Statistics fob 18T8. Wheat, 700 acres 11,082 bushels. Potatoes, 105 " ii,:M5 Oats, riti " 30.G-J3 Orchards, 337 " 5,0H0 Com, 1,05:) " 01,014 Meadow,2,05I " 2,821 tons. Butter 52,7.50 pounds. Cheese aM.WK) Maple Sugar 4.'i0 " Population in 1870 1,219 Hayes Vote for President in 1876. .^3 I Tilden 180 SHEFFIELD. This township, known as number seven in range seventeen, is bounded on the north by Lake Erie, south by the shire township of the county, Elyria, east by Avon, and west by the township of I'dack River. The soil through the greater part of the township is clay. The ridge passing southwesterly across the extreme southern portion of the township, presents a sandy soil, and along the streams are flats or bottom lands, fertile, and of great productiveness. It is an agricultural township. Along the shore of the lake largo quantities of barley are grown, and of a very superior grade. Red clover seed is also another impoi'tant article of production in this region. The streams are Black river, French and Sugar creeks. Black river, the most im])ortant water course in the township, crosses the southern boundary line on lot seventy-five. It flows a general northerly course to near the center of the townsliip, where it makes an abrupt bend westward and flows from the townsliip on lot flfty-two, its waters emptying into Lake Erie a short distance west, in Black River town- ship. French creek enters the townsliip on its eastern line, lot seven, and flowing a southwest course, forms a Junction with P>lack river on lot sixty-four. Sugar creek rises in Ridgcville township, flows across the southwest corner of Avon, and enters Sheffield near the sonthe.ist corner, on lot two. It empties into French creek, on lot sixty-four. ORIGINAL OWNERS. Town miniber seven, in range seventeen, in the original partition by draft, was drawn by William Hart, of Saybrook, Conn. Tract f(nirteen in Hen- rietta township was annexed to Sheffield to equalize it. In January, 1815, Mr. Hart sold the entire town- ship to Capt. Jabez Burrell and Capt. John Day, of Sheffield, Berkshire county, Mass. After the pur- chase Obadiah Deland, of Sheffield, Capt. Joshua Smith, Col. Joseph Fitch and Solomon Fitch, of New M.arlborough, Berkshire county, Isaac Burrell, of Salisbury, Herkimer county. State of New York, and Henry Austin, of Owasco, Cayuga county, .same State, became partners, SETTLEMENT. Previous to Hart's disposition of the lands now comprised within the boundary lines of Sheffield township, and in about 1813, he agreed with Timothy Wallace to give him his choice in lots, if sold by lot, if he would settle and occupy the same. Wallace acee|)tod. He selected lot sixty-five, now owned by Edward 1'. Burrell, improved a few acres, and finally abandoned it. This was the first attemjit at settle- ment in Sheffield townshiii. "The two Burrells, Day, and Sinitii, explored the township in June, 1815, and selected lots for them- selves and friends. About the first of October follow- ing. Captain Smith, and his oldest son Douglas, then a lad seven teen years of age, left Massachusetts with a yoke of oxen and one horse, and the necessary tools for clearing and cultivating a new farm." The boy made the greater part of the tedious journey alone. His father left him soon after starting, to visit friends at Saekett's Harbor, New York, and did not rejoin him until he had nearly reached the "Mecca" of their toilsome pilgrimage, Ohio. On the lltli day of No- vember, they arrived at the hospitable dwelling of Wilber Cahoon, in Avon township. This being Sat- urday, they remained here over the Sabbath, and on Monday morning, November thirteenth, 1815, they followed down French creek, without a trail, and commenced on lot sixty-four, the first permanent set- tlement in the township. This farm is now owned by Frederic Krelile. C'aptain Smith's nearest neighbors were John S. Reid and Daniel Perry, at the mouth of Black river, some four miles distant, Wilber Cahoon, of Avon township, five miles away, and Cajitaiu Mo- ses Eldred, seven miles distant, at Ridgeville. " In a HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 251 few days sifter the arrival of Captain Smith and son, they were joined by two young men from New Marl- liorough, Samuel B. Fitch and Ashar Cliapman. These four men soon built a rude cabin, where they spent tlie winter of 1815-lG, shut out from the outer workl, and dependcut upon their own resources for amusement and enjoyment. Captain Smith was a humorous, jovial man ; enjoyed a joke and was fond of a good story. He was well calculated to amuse him- self and companions in (heir seclusion." Ill Febriuxry, 181G, Freeman Riclimond arrived in the township, and settled on lot two, now owned by Jose[)h Townsheud. Mrs. Richmond was the first white female who became a permanent settler in Shef- liehl townsliip. This family afterwai'ds removed from (he townsliip, and we believe, reside at present in Amherst, this county. Ileiiry and Mary (Day) Root, and family were the next settlers. They left -their native town, Sheflield, Berkshire county, Massachnsetts, on the 15th day of February, 181 G, and came, at least a greater j)art of the way by teams, both oxen and horses, arriving at the mouth of Black river on the 1st day of the sub- sequent April. For perhaps three weeks they re- mained in the Smith cabin; in the interval preparing a habitation upon lot seventeen where they perma- nently located. Tliis was near where now stands the Catholic cliurch, in the eastern part of the township. Of tills family, a son, William II. Root, Esii-, says: ''This proved to be an unfortunate location, so far as lauds about it were concerned; and, for long years, was one of tlie most isolated spots in all that part of the county, no neighbor nearer than three-fourths of a mile, for eighteen years." Following are the children of this coujile: Aaron, who was a sailor, and gener- ally known as Capt. Root. He married Esther Buck, and had nine children. He died a few years since. William Henry, the next child, married Eliza Case, ami liy her had three children, daughters, two of whom are now living, Maria at home, and Mrs. II. Garfield, now living in Sheffield. Mrs. Root died April 29, 1833, and on April 15, 1834, he contracted a second marriage, taking for a companion Miss Fanny Day. The fruit of this union was three boys. Orville, the eldest, is now the obliging auditor of Lorain county, whose many courtesies the writer takes pleasure in acknowledging, and Walter and William, twins, who are living near the paternal mansion. The next child of lleury and Mary Root was Julia Ann, who married Norman Day, now deceased. Jane, who married llarvy Austin, now lives at Monroe, Michi- gan. Francis died unmarried. Mary, the youugest child, married A. R. Fitzgerald, and is now deceased. Henry Day died April 9, 1829. Mrs. Day died Feb- ruary 6, 1857. Soon after the arrival of Mr. Root and family, Ol- iver Moon, from Avon, State of New York, located on lot eleven; Milton Garfield and John B. Garfield, I of Tyringham, Massachusetts, on lots seventy-three i and seventy-four; A. R. Dimmick on lots seventy-five and seventy six; William Richmond on lot two, with his brother Freeman, and Willis Potter, on lot one. On the 3Gtli of July, Capt. Day and family .arrived. The children were as follows: William, generally known ;is "Judge Day." He married Augusta Bur- rell. They have a family of seven children, all of whom are now living. -The judge resides on tiie old homestead, lot sixty-six. His son is postmaster at Sheliield post office. John, Jr., the next child, mar- ried Cornelia Ann Sackett, of Avon. They reside on lot eighty. Their children number eight, four of whom are living: Norman, married Julia Ann Root, and resides on lot forty-two. They were blessed with seven children, all now living. To this gentleman we desire to express our obligations. From his "anniversary address," on the settlement of Sheffield, we have gleaned much valuable data. F'aniiy, the next child, became the wife of William H. Root, Esq., and is now deceased; James, married Ann Eliza Austin, and resides on lot sixty-four. Of their seven children, live are now living.. Lydia, mar- ried Kendrick K. Keruey, Es(p They have but one child, a son, who resides with them on lot seventy- one. Kellogg, married Mary L. Ingalls, of Napoli; New York. He was a teacher among the Cherokee Indians for a term of years. He is now engaged in merchandising at Denmark, Iowa. His family are three daughters, all living. Frederick, married Mary S. Sackett. He died August 11, 1810, leaving two children, a son and daughter, who are now living in Michigan. Edmond, the next child, was born subse([ueiit to the settlement in Sheffield. He mar- ried Camilla Austin. He was a physician for many years, but is not now practicing. He resides in Cleve- land. Of their four children, three are now living. Eleanor, the youngest child, married James Austin, and resides on lot seventy-four; they have but one child, a son. On the 11th of August, Captain Burrell and family of eight children, and Solomon Weeks, a young man who had been an apprentice to Captain Burrell, arrived by way of the lake, on the schooner Black Snake, and came up the river on Reid's ferry scow. The names of the children were: Julia (Mrs. Humphrey), resides near Rochester, New York; Sarah M. (Mrs. Knapp), now of Knappton, Oregon; Robbins, died in Shef- field, August 34, 1877; Lyman J. lives in California; Jabez L. lives in Oberlin; and Eliza (Mrs Whittlesey) lives in Cleveland. Mary Ann (Mrs. Robert E. Gil- lett) died July 31, 1837. Solomon Weeks lives in Allen county, Indiana. Ariel Moore died February 10, 1834; Mrs. Moore removed to Fredonia, New York; she is now dead. Lonieda (Mrs. Norman Be- dortha), and her sister Lovina, live at Saratoga, N. Y. Abigail (Mrs. Burgess) went on a mission to India, and died there. Nathan Stevens and wife died in Michigan. Henry Austin and wife returned to their native town in 1830. Davis Heacock and Erastus Heacock left their river farms, and located in the southwest part of the town. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Davis died October 18, 1858. Erastus tnarried Eunice Burrell, and is now dead. James Burrell died Sep- tember 29, 1855. Mrs. James Burrell died July 6, \SC)2. Harriet nun riod John B. Garfield, and is the only survivor of the family. Cyla died March 20, 181 . Almoran died December 28, 1841; and Alva J. (lied June 20, 18:5.3. Arnold Burrell and wife live in Elyria. Isaac Burrell died March 12, 1800. Mrs. Burrell, the last of the pioneers who came into the township with a family, died December 17, 1864. " Messrs. Burrell and Day shipped their heavy household goods and farming utensils at Schnectady, on a small, half-decked schooner of about fifteen tons burthen, called the " Fire Fly," built iliere by Anon Harmon of New Marlborough, Massachusetts. He sailed up the Mohawk, locked by the Little Falls, and thence by the Rome canal into Wood creek, down Wood creek into Oneida lake, then down the outlet and Oswego river to Lake Ontario. At (^)ueenston he unloaded and drew her out, loaded her on cart wheels, drew her by Niagara Falls to Chippewa and launched; then drew her cargo and reloaded; then proceeded through the lake and up Black river to the mouth of French creek, and landed her cargo of salt and goods on the ' Big Bottom. ' " In the fall of 181G, Captain Smith went to Massa- chusetts for his family, and returned in March, 1817. In his family were eight children: Douglass, Isaac, Rachel, Elazar, Harvey, Warren, Caleb and Reuel. Ariel Moore came from New Marlborough with Captain Smith. His family were a wife and three children: Lorinda, Lovina and Abigail. He settled on lot fifty-six. In February of this year Henry Austin and wife, from Owasco, State of New York, settled on lot eighty-one, and Nathan Stejihens and wife from New ]\Iarlborough, on lot eighty-four. In June, Davis and Erastus Hecock selected lots eighty- five and eighty-six, and commenced improving thenj, keeping bachelor's hall. About the same time Samuel Munsou commenced on lot seventy-two. On the 5th of July, Jamea Burrell, from Bloom- field, New York, arrived and settled on lot sixty-nine. Isaac Burrell, one of the proprietors, from Salisbury, New York, arrived on the 28th of February. In his family were six children: Eunice, Hiram, Jane, Augusta, Mary and Charlotte. In the spring of this year, Daniel Perry, Esq., who came from Vei-mont to the mouth of Black river in 1810, sold his farm there, and moved into Sheffield. He had a family, consisting of a wife and nine chil- dren, — I'olly, Harvey, So|ihia, Alexander Hamilton, Royal, .lulius, Lester, Bushrod and William. He located on lot twenty-two, where he lived several years, finally removing to Brownhelm. Himself and wife both died several years since. Jonathan C. Bennett came to Ohio in 18.32. He died in Sheffield on the farm now occupied by his sons John W. and Daniel, on the 24th day of April, 1872, at the remarkable age of one hundred and four years. Samuel B. Fitch, before mentioned, married Miss Dolly .J. Smith, of Geneva, Ashtabula county, this State, September 18, 1818. She was a native of Rutland, Vermont. From this marriage the follow- ing children were born: Joseph Wellington, who married Harriet Lewis, lives in Sheffield, (he is post- master of the postoffice called "Lake Breeze"); Mary, died in infancy; Martha, married Burt Brett, and lives in Geneva, Ashtabula county, Ohio; Mary Eliza- beth, married Jesse H. Lang, lives in Oberlin; Phebe, married Auren Kna])i), Jr., lives at Kwappa, Oregon; Henry Martyn, married Lydia A. Day, resides at Sheridan, Montana. Mrs. Dolly J. Fitch died May G, 1845. The second wife of Mr. Eitch was Nancy Willard, of Paulet, Vermont. She died November 4. ISCO. Mr. Fitch died September 10, 1801. FIRST EVENTS. The first white child born in the township of Shef- field was Mary Ann Austin. The date was August 20, 1817. She died in Skaneateles, Onondaga county. New York, November 15, 1831. The first marriage was consumated between Samuel Munson and MissPhila Taylor, liy Ebenezer Whiton, Esq., on the 17tli of December, 1818. Mr. Munson died August 6, 1820. Mrs. Munson nuirried Mr. Rooks, and died at Niles, Cayuga county. New York, July 3, 18G2. Captain Smith, I he first settler, was the first to die. The date was Septemljcr 20, 1817. The infant set- tlement was shocked as the sad news spread from house to house, "Captain Smith is dead." Deacon James, of Brownhelm, officiated at the funeral. The pieces sung on the occasion were, " Hark from the tombs," tune New Durham, and the nineteenth j)salm "Lord, what a Feeble Piece," tune Florida. It was a solemn day, ami the death of Captain Smith was deeply lamented. A burying ground was selected on the bluff near French creek bridge, where he was buried. This burial place was afterward abandoned, and the bodies removed to the ridge cemetery. The widow of Captain Smith married General Isaac Hull, of Pompey, — now Li Fayette, — Onondaga county, New York, at which place she died, October 18, 1859. The first post office was established at the center of the township, in about 1818. Jabez Burrell, Es(i., was the pioneer jjost master, and remained as such for many years. William A. Day is at present the post master of the Center. Near the Catholic charcli, in the eastern part of the township, there is another post office called Cran- dall. We failed to get the date it was established. Nicholas Kclling is the present post nmster. On the Lake Shore road is the third post office. Edward Swan was the first post master, and the office was first o[)euod in about 1840. It has had a variety of names and locations. It was given its present name, " Lake Breeze," a short time since. J. W. Fitcli is now post master, the office being kept at his house, on lot forty-one. HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 253 The mercantile interest has never been represented to any great extent in Shetliekl township. William Day was the pioneer niercliant. He erected a small building on lot sixty-seven, and in 1827, opened his first stock of goods. Ho only reniainoi! in the busi- ness a few years, and was succeeded by Alonzo Park. His stay was also of short duration. Isaac L. Case sold goods a short time on the Lake Shore road. In the German settlement, a grocery store was in o])cra- tiou for a short time. A distillery was put in operation in about 1823, by Cliester Wrigiit. It was situated on the ridge, in the south part of tlie township, and continued for some years to convert grain into that "simmering coni- jjound of liquid devils," the use of which so soon causes man to forget "his God, his family and him- self." A second distillery was erected in 1824 or 1835, on lot sixty-one. S. B. Fitch was its proprietor. It was abandoned after some five years of feeble exist- ence. Tiie pioneer sawmill was built by Messrs Day and Burrcll, in 1817. It was located on French creek, about three-fourths of a mile from the center of the township. The first gristmill was built by Charles Ciianey, in 1834. It was on Black river, occupying the site where now stands the mills of W. and S. B. Day. The largest steam sawmill in Sheffield, was that known as tlie GlobeviUe mills, on Black river. This was undoubtedly the largest mill in Lorain county. Shipping plank was the principal lumber sawed. SCHOOLS. The first school taught in Shefiield township was by Dr. Preston Pond, of Keene, New Hampshire, in the winter of 1817-18. This was in the little log building, before referred to as standing near the site of the j)reseut church. The following winter a term was taught by the Hon. Daniel T. Baldwin, a Berk- shire county man, who settled at Black River and be- came one of the prominent men of Lorain county. He was a " worthy man," and one of superior talent. August cl, 1878, there were eight school houses in the township, valued at seven thousand dollars. The amount paid teachers for the preceding year, was fourteen hundred and forty-seven dolhus, and the total number of children in the township, of school age, was two hundred and eighty-six. ORGANIZATION.* "From the organization of the county of Huron until the organization of Lorain, Sheffield owed a divided allegiance. Originally Dover embraced Avon, and all of Sheffield and Black River east of the river. At a later day, Avon, and the same parts of Sheffield and Black River that formerly belonged to Dover, constituted the township of Troy, and they were then in Cuyahoga county. From 1815 to 1834, all of * Boynton. Sheffield, west of Black river, was attached to the township of Black River, as it existed befm-e its terri- tory was reduced to Its present limits. This part of Sheffield was thru in Huron county. The township was then known as number seven, in range seventeen. On the first Monday of June, 1824, touche ShefHehl in 184:3, and meetings have since that date been held in the school house in district number three. It lielongs to the Avon charge. The membershij) is now (tnly small; Rev. N. J. Chase present pastor. A Ba])tist church was formed in Sheffield in 1833, also in the school house in district number three. It was not in operation but a few years, disbanding, and the members, a portion of them uniting with the Metho- dist Episcopal church, the remainder joining the Baptist church in Avon. ST. THURBSA CHURCH (CATHOLKr), organized in 184."), by Rev. Peter Griesh, with the following mendjership: John Miller and his wife (Jatharinc, Christian March and his wife, John For- ster, Peter Loux and his wife Elizabeth, Henry Swartz and his wife Magdalene, Peter Schneider and his wife, Mathias Shuler and his wife Mary Catherine, George Lusbauerand his wife Catharine, Peter Urich, John Diedrich and his wife Gertrude, Peter Rothgery and his wife Magdalene, Andrew Guberna, Peter Young, Leopold Miller, John Conklin and his wife Anna, John Marks, George Glensherin and his wife Theresa, Antone Deitsh and his wife Kunneyunda, John Kelling and his wife Catharine. At the organ- ization of the chnrch, each member jiaid one dollar, with which they bought one acre of land upon which they l)uilt a log church twenty-four by thirty feet, which was occupied nntil the new church was built in 1847. The new church was forty by sixty feet, and cost fifteen hundred dollars. One acre of land was bought of Aaron Root, with the understanding that if he sold his farm he would give them another acre, which he did; so they have two acres in the church lot. At the organization, John Miller, Chris- tian Maich, Peter Loux and Peter Schneider were appointed chui'ch trustees. At present the church is represented by fifty-five families. The church prop- erty is valued at four thousand dollars. INCIDENT. The following we ijuote from Mr. Day's address. It is familiar to every student of McGuffey's series of readers: In the summer of 18:il, Peter Miller, a lad of seventeen, had been laboring near the center of Sheffield. Saturday afternoon he started to go home to his father's on the lake shore, in Avon. It was five miles through the wilderness, and much of the way his path was near a large swamp infested with bears. When about one-third of the way through, he saw a bear and two cubs. He shouted to scare them away, but bruin, feai'ing her cubs would be disturbed, showed fight, and came towards him. In early pioneer times it was said that a bear could not climb a snniU tree; and in au instant young Jliller had selected a small, smooth elm, and began to clind), but to his surprise and consternation he saw the bear following him u\) the tree. He climbed as far as he thought prudent to go, and when she got near enough, he began to kick her on the head. She gra])pled his foot, then let go her hold on the tree, and fell to the ground, lacerating his foot terribly with her teeth. She immediately started up the tree again. Miller could only watch her progress, vainly endeavoring to frighten her back. When she arrived within his reach, he used the other foot, and met with the same success. The bear, determined not to lose her i)rey, ascended the third time. The boy, frightened and exhaustcid, lost his hold, and both tumbled to the ground together. The bear, evidently alarmed at being so closely j)ursued from the tree, jumped a few paces, and turned to look at her in- tended victim. The boy ran for his life, casting anx- ious glances over his shoulder at his pursuer. She, however, gave uj> the chase. Y'^oung Miller arrived at the settlement in a sorry plight, bareheaded; his shoes gone, and his feet mangled in a shocking man- ner. The neighbors rallied and searched for the bear, but without success. The only hotel in Sheffield township is the summer resort known as "Lake Breeze." This was opened in the year 1873, by its jiresent proprietor, Mr. .Jay Terrell, formerly of Ridgeville township, this county. h '/-^^c^'i^ J^<^ -/-t^-^^-^^^i^ yo^^^i^c-^ Ooi/nyr/Z^'e^ ,^:^Z^^roducts. The streams are (piito numerous, the largest of them being the west branch of the Black river, flowing along the western line, a portion of the way in this, and the remainder in LaGrange township. The other streams ;ire tributary, and are Center creek, flowing as tiie name implies, through the cen- tral part of the township ; Sibley creek, in the south- ern, and Swamp creek in the northern portion. These are those that are worthy of mention, tiiough there are numerous small creeks and spring stre .ms in the township. SETTLEMENT. In September, 1810, Major William lugersoll and family, left Lee, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, to commence the first settlement in township number seven, sixteeuth range. New Connecticut Western Re- serve. A brief account of the moving train will be given, showing the gre.it improveiueuts in ways and means of traveling, which have evidently kept pace with other advancements. Taverns in tlio.se days usu- ally provided movers with room to prepare food, or spread beds when needed. A daily enquiry is plainly remembered, as follows: " Can we have accommoda- tions for the night for thirteen persons, one span of horses, four j'oke of oxen and three cows ? " Fruit and vegetables were al)undant, so with what chests, baskets and bags afforded, a good meal was not expen- sive, though it often cost the mother tears, who was reluctantly taking her children from homes of com- fort, and privileges most dear, the loss of which is still felt liy sensitive hearts. But "westward" is the motto, and while weather is fine and roads good we press forward. The North river, at Albany, was crossed in a ferry boat, the first craft of the kind over seen, (except a canoe). Near the middle of the State of New York we find friends that had lived "westward" a number of years. This was a happy meeting on account of the great distance that had separated ns a few years only. This year the State prison at Auburn was be- ing liuilt. A mother's earnest admonition is remem- bered, showing the iinjiortauce of right doing to avoid incarceration within such massive walls. The village of Syracuse was scarcely seen. Buffalo is just rising from its bed of ashe.-!, made in 1814. The first sight of Lake Erie is calm and still; not a .sail to be seen; no steamboat's keel had parted its waters; no whistle as signal, to break the awful stillness. We next come to Ashtabula, the first county in Ohio, which was an oasis to weary, home-sick trav- elers. Here friends from Berkshire welcomed us, and the joy was mutual; theirs increased by hearing from friends left in native land. Again, in Mentor we find friends who are just beginning, from Ohio soil, to supply themselves with food. And here let me say that sweeter turnips have never been on exhi- bition at the "Northern Ohio Fair," than those grown in Mentor in 1816. Another day's journey and we iigain stop with friends, in Newburgh, where we rest a day or two. Our friends then come to help us through the "woods"' as far as Cleveland, and see us on board the "ferry boat," then in u.se, to cross the Cuyahoga river. 250 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. Excuse me while I make some truthful contrasts. The little village of Cleveland, with its less than one hundred inhabitants, was situated upon that terrible hill wo bad just descended with so much difficulty. Lake Krie on the north, scarcely visited by any craft; no, Walk-i)i-the-Waler iuul tbcn been built; no ap- propriation had been made to render the harbor safe or accessible; on the east and south, oak trees, with faded foliage, seemed like a sable curtain drawn around to meet the unbroken forest on the western banks of till! Cuyahoga river. Now, upon and around that "terrible hill" is the beautiful "Forest City," with its vast po]iulation, its great and grand improve- ments, with nearly two hundred thousand inhabitants, surrounding a monument, commemorating an event which made these western wilds inviting, and the pioneers' dwelling safe and peaceful. This, indeed seems like a fanciful flight of imagination, rather than truthful history. Are the voices all hushed that made the woods ring in honor of brave Perry? After this we make our way as best we can, over a new road, made among trees and logs, fording Rocky river with our three covered wagons; then all that can, are })icking their way on foot to lessen the bur- dens of horses and cattle, until we come to a log house in (Columbia, Cuyahoga county. It was nearly dark, but light enough for the first siglit inside that log cabin to be remembered. There stood a good moth- erly-looking woman, with short gray hair, making hasty pudding in agoo 1 sized brass kettle which niade a little pioneer girl laugh. Another day, and we come to Liverpool; only five miles more of unbroken forest, and we arrive at the place where our lioine was to be. In Liverpoi>l we stop a few days, while our strong force, consisting of father and brothers, go forward and })rcpare a road. Tiiis was done through the un- derbrush, over logs, and around trees, whose roots in some places serve as a pavement for one side of a muddy swale, wagon wheels sinking in mud, and water on the other, the inmates calling forth, " Oh! oh! don't tip us out in this terrible place!" " Drive slowly, there's no danger," is the answer; and sure euougb, we near the township line in safety, and make our way as fast as possible, until we reach our shanty shelter, to spend our first November night in the woods. "Backward,, turn liackward, oh time, in your flight, Make me a child again, just for to-uight. " The shanty just mentioned was built and occupied during tbe summer by John Sibley and Daniel Nes- bett, while making small clearings each side the line, between tiieir lots of wild land. They had returned to West Stockbridge, expecting to come again in the spring, wiiicli tiiey did. Here, in this only shelter in town, fifteen persons are huddled. Two experi- enced log house builders bad been hii'i'd to oversee tbe building of the first log house in number four, sixteenth range, thus increasing our family. Not a sign of civilization was found in the twelve by twelve foot shanty, except an excuse for a bedstead made in one corner, by boring holes in the logs, putting in strong poles for head and foot, two posts supporting the front side, while bark for cord completed this only piece of furniture. Next morning, every person in town is here before breakfast, and how is my mother going to prepare it, in this awful looking place, this first morning in the woods? In due time, nine men and boys, with broad and narrow axes, driving the patient oxen, with heavy chains bound around their yoke, the two builders tak- ing the lead, start for the spot never to be forgotten, though the foundation marks have long since passed away. Selections of land had been made the previous sum- mer, by men from different towns in Berkshire county. Number seven was owned by some of the original members of the Connecticut Land Company, and through their agents, many farms in Berkshire were exchanged for wild land, and for many years, every family in the settlement was from Berkshire county. The dear "old hills " have not faded from memory. My father received in exchange for his farm one thousand and forty acres of land, and a tiiousand dollars in money. The lots were in differ- ent parts of the township, but the one nearest Liver- pool is decided upon, and the house must be built before the snows of winter fall upon our homeless family. This first house was built on lot number twenty-six, where Daniel King.sley now resides. Locating a stranger on this once familiar spot, must not prevent me from noticing an unpleasant affair that occurred during the building of this first hou.se. My brother Joseph, then nineteen years of age, full of iiope and courage, who had been working with the rest during tlie day, started for the shanty, a little in advance, in order to drive home the cows, whose bells were heard in the distance, though not in tbe direction of the shanty. He started from the north side of the blind path, and crossed it unper- ceived. Still traveling, and expecting soon to find the way, he made rapid ste])s in the wrong direction. Before thinking himself lost, he espied a young boar in a small tree, and with his shot-gun, was about to bring it down, but thinking quickly if the old bear would let him alone be would not disturb her cub, he renewed his steps, — still in the wrong direction. Darkness convinces him that he is lost, and must spend a night of suffering in the lonely forest, with- out fire or extra clothing. With his shot-gun he could not kindle a fire, and only by constant exertion did he keep from perishing with cold, — sometimes clasping trees, and running swiftly around them. In this manner the coldest night, so far, in that Novem- ber month was passed. Rocky river was frozen over from shore to shore. He afterwards said he felt of his teeth to see if they were not all loose. His course had taken him through a wind-fall, two miles south, and nearly impassable under other circumstances. Brambles formed a net work from tree to tree, upon the ^:sj=^ '(^4:4iyd ^fy-T-^ GRINDALL RAWSON. '4?^^Ar Residence qf mENRt B. RawSOn. urafton. lorain Co.,Ohio. HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 257 youag uiiJerbriish, tlie sizo i)f luitid-spikcs and broom- sticks. The marks upon liis face were evidence of suffering. All this could hardly exceed the agony of the family during that sleepless night. My mother thought surely that wild beasts would devour her Jo- seph. Only a few days liad we been in the woods, and did not know how numerous or ferocious the wild beasts of the forest might be. The howling wolf had been heard in tlie distance, the niml)Ie deer had not yet l)oen seen. The important tin horn had been over- looked in the outfit for pioneer life. Guns were fired, hallowing of strong voices made a solemn echo through the unbroken stillness. Torches made of hickory bark were lighted and carried quite a distance from the shanty, while voices and guns made the starting point evident. At early dawn a brother was sent to Liverpool for a tin horn and men to search for the lost one. But the lost one began to find him- self as soon as it was light aiul safe to leave the place where he had kept himself from freezing during the night. He soon found a ''hub" or corner and was tracing the marked trees, when a hunter who had gone in pursuit espied him, though each claimed to see tlic other first; no matter, the lost was found, and on reaching the shanty, hungry and weary, with torn garments and Ijleeding face and hands, truly there was rejoicing before unknown in that rude shelter. A pleasant incident occurred next day, which I think was the laying of foundation logs, at right angles, by "Joshua Henshaw," who was passing through on a surveying tour, assuring us we were not out of humanity's reach. The size of this house being budt was eighteen by twenty-four feet. A window with nine lights of seven by nine glass in the north side, stick chimney in the east, door in the south aud another small window in the west end. The chimney proves (piite a sky-light, sun aud moon aslant can be seen, snow, hail and rain sometimes entering in quantities to nearly extinguish fires built upon the ground instead of hearth. The puncheon floor made of split and hewn logs is next laid. Webster does not name, or place, puncheon for floors, but custom did, and pioneers continue to do so in their reminiscences. The door was made from boards of the largest wagon box, called the "Ark" when making our journey. This door, with its wooden trimmings, had a latch-string outside and was never pulled in, even when Goodhurt or Red Jacket wished to enter, and more than once did they find the ample fire-place more comfortable than their solitary wigwam, covered only with bark', and no squaw or pappoose to prepare his food or keep him company. One, after sleeping by our fire, and while eating breakfast by himself, discovered he was not provided with a cup of tea, which called forth this amusing request, " Can"t Indian have a /^/rt/e of tea?" This request was granted, and with seeming relish enjoyed. Our house was made more comfortable than the 33 * sluuity in two weeks" time, when eight of us take possession and call it home. We are now iu the best built and furnished house in town, with more cause for gratitude than complaint. Allow a little nine }'oar old girl to place the furni- ture made by unskilled hands, and some brought from the best room six hundred miles away. We will furnish the first floor by placing two bedsteads, one in each corner, at the west end of the ample room, with a trundle bed under one. These were made by hands unused to work with such tools and timber, sometimes requiring force to make them stand steady long enough to be secured with ropes. These Ijecome places of repose for tired nature; "balmy sleep " visited the occupants, and dreams of better days were just as reliable as under other cir- cumstances. The nice looking bureau placed between the bedsteads, with table and stand near by, (relics of better days,) without the aid of Nast made an impressive picture. Chairs were easily counted; two chests made to fit the wagon in which the family rode, covered like settees, now stand on either side of the broad fireplace. Long wooden i)ins firmly placed in the logs on which shelves, made from the remain- der of wagon box, serve as cupboard for crockery, besides bright pewter plates and platters of various sizes, pewter basins also, childrens' individual prop- erty, oft filled to overflowing by the same gentle cows from hillside pasture, now cropping browse and herbage in the unbroken forest. Stoutly wrought andirons, slice and tongs, long crane and hooks, take their places and prove as useful as in a New England kitchen. The old-fashioned clock, made fast to the logs, has resumed its forward march, .and with extended hands faithfully nuxrks the passing time, yet moi'C than anything else, constantly reminding of time, and opportunities past, never to return. Only quite re- cently has its time or speed, its marks of comely face, or perfect form, been questioned; when silently its place of usefulness is yielded, aud in its stead a more beautiful face and form, with gilded hands and nimbler step, is measuring the flight of time. This same old clock, the first ever heard to tick in native land, the first pendulum swung in Grafton town- ship, can now be heard and seen in Elyria this first day of January, 1879. Unlike young America is its slow and even step; its clear yet modest tick sometimes stopping entirely, as if asking "how much longer?" receiving in answer, "be patient, old settler, stand at your post to the last. Truth breaks through your faded face, while your worn and battered hands still point in the right direction." Log house number second is built where I will settle my eldest brother, Seth C. Ingersoll, with his wife and three little pioneer boys, Ardin, Reuben and Ralph. This was on the lot directly north of my father's, and now owned by Hobart Corning. Seven children were added to their family after coming to Grafton. The first white child born in number four 258 HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. was Niincy, eldest danghtor of 8ot.li C!. Ingersdil, .M;iy 18, 1817. My brother contiuueil to reside upon his farm until his death, which occurred February 15, 1859, aged seventy-two years. Ilis wife died Ajiril ;?0, 1X52, in the sixty-fifth year of her age. I am expected to be brief, but just here I must linger, while remembering these solitary houses, built in Novembei', 1816. One only road leads to our nearest neighbor, five miles distant. We hear of families being seven miles north, twenty miles south, and forty directly west. Our one road must be trav- eled constantly to bring food for thirteen ]>crsons. J5arrels of flour were brought from Canton, Stark connty, and other eatables that could be found at (lolunil)ia and Liverpool, were obtained at a dear rate. The indispensable bake kettle or oven was licfore the iiie, without a hearth unl il rcnigh and uneven stone were dug from a creek near by, which improved our condition for cooking. No wonder my mother drooped like a willow, knowing her children must obtain food to keep the wolf from entering the door, from this frost-bound soil and the leafless forest trees. Not this alone causes sorrow, but the doors of church and school seem forever closed against us. The Sabbath was known by the solemn stillness. The ring of axes and the crash of falling trees were hushed, telling the Sabbath had come, and that in our dear native land, friends were enjoying privileges of which we were deprived. The fsided, falling leaves had left sure promise of return in coming spring-time. But distant indeed seems the time when advantages of civilization will be enjoyed in this desolate place. Cheering hope, with great courage and fortitude, overcomes formidable difficulties. In the month of February, 1817, William B. Crit- tenden and family, from Pittsfiekl, Massachusetts, come among us, being the first pleasant company, out of town during the winter. Mr. Crittenden be- comes the first settler at the center of the town, own- ing the southeast corner lot. I want to write the names in full of every person coming to our settlement in 1817. William B. Crittenden, his wife Lydia, eldest daughter Marietta, four years of age; the little boy Henry, now a resident of Grafton. Some inci- dent might be given in connection with every name I shall write. Again are we rejoiced to see covered wagons bringing settlers to join us. This time, the family of Mr. Eliphalet Jones, from Tyringliam, Berkshire county, is remembered; Eliphalet, and Polly, his wife, familiai'ly called Uncle LifE and Aunt Polly; their eldest son, Linas, nearly nineteen; Sa- nuintha, sixteen; Emeline, twelve (afterward Mrs. JosiaJi Taylor); John R., always called Riley, aged nine, now living at Rawsonville; Erastus, seven, re- mained on the spot where log house number four was l)uilt until his death in 1877; Harriet, then three years of age, now Mrs. Ashley Root. Mr. and Mrs. Root m this union four children were born, namely, Dwight, born Sept. 23, 1837; Hobart E., born April 19, 1839; Howard, born Aug. 1, 1843; and Angelina G., born March 1, 1847. In 1866, Mr. Corning was elected to the office of county commissioner, and was twice re-elected to the same office, serving in all nine years. He gave very general satisfaction in this important office, as he had always done in minor jiositions tu which the peo]ile called him. In politics he is a Re- publican, having joined them in the organization of that party in 1854. Both lie and his worthy wife are members of the Protestant Episcopal Church of (rrafton, to which they are liberal contributors. The portrait of Mr. Corning appears above this brief sketch, and that of his wife, his companion for more than forty-three years, on the opposite page, both worthy- occupants of the places assigned them in the history of the county in which the}' have lived and labored for nigh half a centur}'. May they live many years to enjoy the esteem of those who know them as at present, and dying at a ripe old age, leave behind them '* Footprints on the Bands of time." MRS. B. S. CORNING. HISTORY OF LOEAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 259 It is now Novembei-, and two families have settled near the center. I will mention first Mr. Aaron Root's family, already in their log liouse, built by their oldest son, Pomeroy, during the summer, one- lialf mile west of the center. Mr. Eoot was from Pittstield, Berkshire county. Mr. Root, while a wiilower in Pittsfiold, witli five children, was married to Mrs. Anna West with five children; tiiree became members of Mr. Root's family. They were called Uncle Aaron and Aunt Anna during their life time. Their ciiildrcn's names were Pomeroy, Samuel, Ashley and Mary Root, Caroline, Albert and Clarinda West. Tiie two youngest born to this couple were Frederick and Oliver. Pomeroy joined the family of Shakers in Newburgh more than fifty years ago, and to-day is an honored member of that (U'der; nearly eigiity years old. Samuel, the next oldest, was drowned in 1825, living at that time in Penfield. Caroline West, oldest daughter of Mrs. Root, long since passed from scenes of earth, still lives in heart and memory of surviving friends. She was married to Mr. Lathrop Penfield, and resided in Penfield township at the time of her death. Ashley, third son of Mr. Eoot, is still a resident of Grafton, hale and hearty with mind well stored with historic lore. Albert West, son of Mrs. Eoot, settled in Grafton, and died there more than thii-ty years ago. His son, Albert West, Jr., is in a soldier grave made on the southern battle field. Mary, youngest daugiiter of Mr. Eoot, married Wm. Kin- ney, of Grafton, fifty-two years ago. After his de- cease in 18-19, she became the wife of Mr. Joseph Tliomj)sun, of Grafton, and died quite receutly. For a number of years Mr. and Mrs. Thompson lived upon the spot where her father's log house stood, so ])lainly r.inembered by all survivors. Mr. Thomjtson died in 1878. Clarinda West, youngest daughter of Mrs. ' Eoot, was married to George E. Starr, of Penfield. Mr. Starr has been a resident of Eiyria more than forty years, and prominently connected with the mercantile interest of that place. Mrs. Starr died in [ 1876, sincerely lamented. Mr. George Starr resides in Eiyria, in the house built by his father on Broad street. Mr. Bildad Belden and family, from Hancock, Berkshire county, came in company with Mr. Root, and settled south of the center one half-mile. His father and mother resided with him, making only one family. Mr. and Mrs. Belden had four children. Minerva, the oldest, tiien ten years old, is now Mrs. David Merwin, residing in Oberlin. Daniel Belden, late of Grafton, was their only son. Betsey, their si'cond daughter, afterwards Mrs. Clement Stebbins, will be mentioned in anotlier place. Sarah is j'emem- bered as Mrs. Ciiauneey Baldwin. Mr. Belden Ijrought two colored boys (after giving bonds then required), who proved to be honest, industrious men. Tlieir names were Gabriel and Titus Gnnn. One more log house to be built this mouth for Jesse Taylor, from Pittsfield, Berkshire county. He brings a family of five children — oldest sou, Franklin, twelve years old, oldest daughter, Sarah Ann, ten, James and Jesse, younger sons, with the baby, Caro- line. Nearly three miles from any house then built, his lot was located; and, after a lonely stay of eighteen months in that place, wo find them settled three- quarters of a mile south of the center. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor both died in 1835; Mr. Taylor at the age of forty-one, Mrs. Taylor, thirty-nine. Eeuben Ingersoll, a cousin from Lee, joining our settlement in 1817, returned to his native town, and, in early spring of 1818, came again with his wife, and settled more than half a mile west of the center. Wm. Bishop, with small family, joined our settle- ment in early spring. He was fi-om West Stock- bridge, Berkshire county. . Left Grafton in 1835. The last log house, built in 1817, was for Ladowick .Jones, from Tyringliam, brother of Eliplialet .Jones, before mentioned. The family of Mr. Jones num- bered seven. His aged father and mother are counted with this family. Lorenzo, Alouzo and Adaline are the names of their children. Lorenzo for many years resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, known as "Doctor," "Prof." and "Old Doc" Jones. Drs. Sampsel and Eeefy, physicians in Eiyria, were students in his office in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. David Ashley, of Pittsfield, reached our settle- ment early in March, 1818, coming the whole distance in sleighs. His invalid wife and four daughters made the journey witli him. The names of the daughters were Maria (afterwards Mrs. Grindell Rawson), Polly, Eliza and Sally, tlie youngest then thirteen years of age. The three last named rode in a two-horse sleigh, driven by I)avid Stevens, brother of Mrs. Ashley, who afterwards settled at the center. His first house was built on the nortlieast corner lot, opjiosite Wm. B. Crittenden. Mrs. Curtis, a widow from West Stockbridge, Berk- shire county, Massachusetts, came to our settlement in 1818, bringing three sons and two daughters, names, Samuel, Harvey and Landress, the sons; Harriet and Mary, eldest and youngest, daughters. Three of these children married and settled in Grafton. Their first settlement was made nearly a nule east of log house number one. Wm. T. Welling was an early settler of Grafton. Sir. Welling was among the very first that penetrated the woods of number three, eighteen range, and may for a time be counted with the pioneers of Wellington. He was-a resident of Grafton twenty-five years, and in that time was married to Harriet Curtis. They removed to Medina, where they lived twenty years, afterwards to Black Earth, Wisconsin, where the}' were residents some twenty years, and where he recently died, aged eighty-three years. Franklin Wells, from Massachusetts, proved a great accession to our settlement. He was fitted for college in his native land, which placed him in advance of any wlio had ventured among us. He taught school in a log school house called the "Union School House," built in the woods, between the north street 260 HISTOKY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. and tlie center of the town; so that every scholar in town of suitahle age might receive instruction. His liouso was l)urned before the close of the first term, which terminated the school days of many of Ins scholars. Contrasts and comparisons of to-day only seci.i to tell our loss. Mr. Wells was our second elected justice of the peace, afterwards associate judge in Lorain county. He was married to Mary Sibiey in lS->:i. Mr. Lyman Peabody was an early settler. His wife was the eldest daughter of Mr. Aaron lioot. Their eldest daughter is Mrs. George Pomeroy, now residing near the centre of (Irafton. Mr. Orriu Hurlbut and his brother William, from Pittsfield, Massachusetts, were early settlers. Both afterwards married and settled in Grafton, and resided thei'e tlie renuiinder of their lives. Orrin Hurlbut married Mrs. \Vm. 1?. Crittenden. Their sou, .James Hurlbut, is justice of the peace at the center of Grafton at this wi'iting; very recently he has become a resident of Elyria. In writiug this brief account of the first settlement of Grafton, it is often found to be painful to pass so lightly over families and friends, when even the writ- ing of a name brings the history of joys and sorrows of their life before us. A stranger can step rapidly among the graves of households in Grafton to-day witliout a pang; but not so with one who lived there when the first graves were made, their loss then settling like a pall upon our young settlement. Seldom does a sister record the settling of seven brothers on uncultivated farms in one township. My second brotlior, Wm. IngersoU, Jr., came with his little family in May, 1817, and settled one and a half miles south of the center. The eldest daughter, Maria, three years of age, and John, only a few months, in his mother's arms, make the third family of lugersolls. Ten children were added to these parents, making six sons and six daughters, most of whom re- ceived paternal care beyond the wants of childhood. Much labor and courage were needed to pi-ovide for a family among these thickly standing trees. Theso jiarents lived to see their wild surroundings become fiMiitful fields of waving grain, and remained u2)on the spot near wliere their first house was built until their deaths, wliich occurred under trying circumstances, ily brother died April 29, 1859, aged seventy-one years; and on May 1, two days afterwards, his wife, uuconscious that her companion had gone before, died also, aged sixty-six years: both died of congestive fever. Jolin, the babe before spoken of, with wife and daughter, are living near, and were tlie only family of Ingersolls in Grafton in January, 1879. Thomas, third son of Major IngersoU, commenced clearing hig wilderness in 1819. He had learned to manufacture common splint bottom chairs before coming to (Jrafton, and by exchanging these for days" work in chopping, had cpiite a clearing and a log house built before his marriage, which was in 1820. His lot was one-half mile east of log house number one. When Elyria began to offer advantages, he bought a house and lot on the corner of Second street and East avenue, where he resided a few years, still owning his farm in Grafton. He returned to his farm again, and continued to make improvements until 1801, wlien, finding years of toil and hardship, with increasing age, were unfitting him for farm life, his home in Grafton was sold, and the one in Elyria taken possession of. His wife, who had faith- fully shared privations during these years of toil, died in October, 1870, my brother in September, 1871. Their golden wedding was celebrated in February, 1870. Rev. F. L. Kenyon was present, and made appro])riate remarks to a large company of friends assembled. My fourth brother, .J(isei)li, began clearing his new farm at the south part of town. His outfit was a yoke of oxen and a year's board, being too far to board at home. Board could be obtained at the nearest neighbor's, one-half mile or more, for one bushel of wlieat a week, or one dollar. After clear- ing some dozen or more acres in this lonely place, he became discouraged, and returned to his native town in Berkshire. In 1827 he came again to Grafton with his wife and little daughter, and did not then see sufficient induce- ment to become a farmer, and plough and hoe among the clay lands of Grafton. He made his home in Elyria in 1828, where he resided until his death, in 1861, aged sixty-four years. The first English fami- lies coming to Grafton in 182.5, were Mr. Crispen Men- nell, Mr. Jesse Welborne, and John Langdale. Mr. Mennell remained a citizen until his death, in 1857, aged seventy-one. Mr. Welborne died in 1853, aged fifty-six. Mr. Langdale was a resident of Elyria at the time of his death, which occurred in 1870, aged seventy-nine. A Mr. Hance and family came to Grafton, in 1820, I think, and afterwards settled in Eaton. The names of the children are remembered, while other items are forgotten: Riley, Ira, Hiram and Charles, may still be residents of Eaton. The name is often seen, and some of the descendants of these early settlers are residents of Elyria. James, my fifth brother, began clearing his wild land in 1822, and continued to do so under discour- aging circumstances. His lot was just a half-mile cast of the center, where one of the best oil wells in Graf- ton was found some two years ago. His boarding place for some time was at Mr. Beldeu's, the price for board being a bushel of wheat a week. Here I should like to speak of the worthy, indus- trious ])ioneer women of Grafton. After building a log house, it was at once occupied by a family, with whom he boarded. In 1826 he was married and commenced housekeeping and imjiroving his farm, until in 18:i2, he began to build quite a large public house for those days, at the center, upon a lot bought of Mr. David Ashley, where it is seen to-day, the sight of which brings sad memories, while in the cemetery near by so many of this once large BlF^TH -PLACE OF DUKEl ^lNN ELU->i HIS [vIOThER Eu^AStTH |\i£NNELL FIMBEF^, YOF^KSHIf?E ENGLAND J .■>L„,„..-,i.E or DUKE fvlENNELL, GRArxoN.TP, LOf^AlN Co.,U ^■^^.^r.tj^ O^ ^^^^*.^,^^ CKISPIN MENNELL. Crispin Mennell was born in Norton, Eng- land, in the year 1786. At the age of thirteen he commenced working on a farm, and continued in that occupation uninterruptedly until his marriage, in 1809. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Wil- liam Wellborn. By this union were born to them one son and one daughter, the latter of whom died in 1876; the son is still living. Mr. Mennell emigrated to America in 1817, and first settled in what is now the city of Albany, where he resided three years. He then removed to Pittsfielcl, Mass., and lived there six years. In 1826 he moved to Oiiio and settled in Grafton township, Lorain Co., where he continued to reside until liis death. May 22, 1857. He was a good, i)ractical farmer, and a man of sound common sense. He had no education excejit what he obtained the few years he was able to attend the national schools of the old country. He held several offices of trust in the township of Grafton, all of which he filled with fidelity, and to the satisfaction of the people whom he served. He was among the early settlers of the township, and his loss was generally consid- ered a public calamity. Duke Mennell, only son of Crispin Mennell, was born in Fimboro', England, in the year 1810. He lived with his father until the latter emio-rated o to this country, when he went to reside with his grandfather, William Wellborn, who would not con- sent to his accompanying his father to the United States. In 1823, however, Duke accompanied his uncle Jesse, Wm. Wellborn, and Wm. Mateham to the New World, joining his father in Massa- chusetts. On the 23d of June, 1835, he married Rachel, daughter of Theodore Curtis. Eight chil- dren have been born to them, four sons and four daughters, all of whom, save one, are living. Their names are Elizabeth (died April 29, 1854), Andrew J., Tlieodore C, Mary G., Anna H., Charles B., Flora A., and Elmer C. Mr. Mennell's first wife died Sept. 29, 1858; and for his second wife he married Mary A, widow of Charles Johnson, and daughter of John Hardy, in 1861. They had four children, — three sons and one daughter, — namely : Perry D., J. D., A. E., and Elizabeth M., all living. Until the breaking out of the war of the Rebel- lion, Mr. Mennell was a Democrat ; but contemporary with the firing of the first gun on Fort Sumter his political sentiments changed, and he h;is since been a consistent Republican. He has held the office of township trustee, performing the duties thereof faith- fully and well. He is an industrious citizen, a kind and affectionate husband and father, ami a worthy representative of his respectiil)le parentage generally. s HISTORY OP LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 301 family rest. My brother died iu 1803, in the sixty- fifth year of his age, and in Decemher, 1805, the wife of his youth, wlio luid Ijeen a faitliful sliarer in all the changing scones of life, also died, in the sixty- seventh year of her age. These records conld not be made without many regrets unless a hope was cher- ished that ere long, without restraint in words, or limited space, these early recollections will be care- fully revised, and the name of every descendant of my parents known to be living, be placed in proper form. Only a few families, for a time, settled in (irafton, except those who from time to time married among us. The families of Thomi)son and Turner, coming from New York state in 1833 or 1833 are re- membered. Some of Mr. Thompson's family have ever since resided iu Grafton. Dr. Hiram Thompson has for a number of years practiced medicine in Raw- sonville, and (piite recently died at the age of seventy- two. In September, 1835, my brother, Marshall, was married to my early ])ioneer friend, Sarah Ann Taylor. Soon after, they settled in their log house, two miles west of the center, where oil wells and derricks now cover the ground, where big and lesser trees stood thickly fifty-two years ago. Their residence was in Elyria for some twelve years before my brother's death, which was in September, 1874, aged seventy- two. His widow is still a resident of Elyria. During the winter of 1837, my youngest (and only brother living) was nuirried and settled in a log house near the homestead. This was eleven years after the first log house iu Grafton was built, in which time my seven brothers have begun to earn their bread on uncul- tivated soil, by hand labor. There were uo tramps or drones in those days in Grafton. Only a few years lon- ger did this bi'other remain on his farm, but purchased the place in Elyria now occupied and owned by S. B. Wolcott, where he resided a number of years. His home is now with his son, C. 0. Ingersoll, on the pleasant street east of the east branch bridge, within tlie corporation of Elyria. Mr. .Jason Royce and wife, coming from Berkshire in 18.'33, obtained the farm just left by my brother in Grafton, which the family own to-day. Their only son died during the war, of disease contracted while a soldier at Kelley's Island. Their only daughter, Mrs. Ilobart Corning, is living on the farm where my Itrother Seth C. located in 1810. Mr. Royce died some eight years ago, at their home, where his widow now resides. Mr. Hobart Corning is now sheriff of Lorain county, which brings more descendants of early settlers to become residents of Elyria. Harriet, the eleventh and youngest child of the first settler in Grafton, was married to Daniel Nesbett, March 39, 1830 — marriage license obtained in Medina, by the mail carrier, and ceremony jierformed by Frank- lin Wells, Esq. Mr. Nesbett was one of the first set- tlers of number four, and among the first that ex- changed their place of residence in Grafton for one in Elyria. This was done in 1839. The lots twenty- four and twenty-five, on the east line of Elyria, on the ridge road, were deeded to Daniel Nesbett by Ileman Ely and Harriet M. Ely, August 10, 1839. After remaining upon this farm some twenty years, a homo was purchased in the village, where Mr. Nesbett and family resided at the time of his death, which occurred, March 16, 1803, of apojilcxy, aged sixty-six years. Mrs. Nesbett is still a resident of Elyria. In the early spring of 1839, the death of Stephen Sibley is distinctly remembered. He was seen to leave his work in the yard, and slowly enter the house only a short time before his death was announced. This was the first sudden death to be mentioned among the first settlers in Grafton, the cause not defi- nitely known, then as now. There was no i)hysician in town to examine the case. Mr. Sibley had shared the ti'ials of jiioncer life twelve years, and at the time of his death was seventy years of age. Before the time of Mr. Sibley's death, his son-in-law, Franklin Wells, had assumed the cares of the homestead, and built a fine residence for early days. This was sold to Mr. Isaac VanDeusen, from Berkshire, father of George VanDeusen, who was a resident of Grafton until within a few years ])ast. His home is now in Lowell, Massachusetts. After Mr. Isaac VanDeusen was set- tled in this desirable place, his house and many val- uable articles, were destroyed by fire. This was the first frame building burned in Grafton. This farm was afterwards sold to Justin Breckenridge, who built the ample brick house seen upon his premises to-day. Carlos Fisher and family, from Delaware county. New York, settled in Grafton in 1838. They located one mile east of the center, when first coming, but afterwards at the center, where they resided at the time of Mr. Fisher's death, in 1855, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. Mrs. Fisher died in 1870, in the seventy-first year of her age. One son, Mr. Isaac L. Fisher, is the only one of nine children remaining in Grafton. Their second daughter, Nancy, is Mrs, Artemas Beebe, Jr., of Elyi'ia. Mrs. C. W. Johnston, of Elyria., is another member of that family. A son is settled in Wellington, in this county. It is readily seen that quite a number of the first settlers in Graf- ton, became residents of Elyria, and many of their descendants are found there to-day, and still they are coming. Clement Stebbins, from Granville, Massachusetts, came to Grafton in April, 1833. Chauncey Baldwin accompanied him, and soon after their arrival they opened a store at the center, where Mr. Stebbins has more or less been connected with the mercantile inter- ests at the center of Grafton, until a recent date. He was justice of the peace some thirty years ; has seen the rise and fall of many business firms, until not one is left that can with him retrace the years and events of 1833. Mr. Stebbins married Betsey, daughter of Bildad and Polly Belden, October 16, 1835. Mrs. Stebbins died August 19, 1874. Their only child liv. ing, is Mrs. George D. Williams, of Elyria, where Mr, Stebbins now resides. 263 niSTOKY OF LOIJAIN COUNTY, OHIO. The families of Jadwin and Newton settled south of the center ; the exact dates cannot he given. Some of the descendants of Mr. Newton are living in Graf- ton, something over a mile south of the center. Mr. Jadwin and wife were residents of Elyria a number of years before his death, which occurred (juite recently. His widow's home is still in Klyria. Some grandchil- dren of Mr. Jadwin are residents of Grafton, in this, the beginning of the year 1S70. In 1834, Joseph Hurllnit and wife, from i>ee, Berkshire county, settled ni)on a new forest farm. This was situated two miles soutli and one east of the center road, north and south. .Scarcely has any one farm in Grafton been so largely cultivated, commenc- ing under su(!li disadvantages. Willi small outfit, except industrious hands, they lived for over two years outside the sight of smoke, from other than their own oliimney. Felling trees, burning brush and logs, were bravely kept up, together with other inces- sant toil connected with farm life, until some five years since, his nearly three hundred acres of culti- vated fields were sold, and he is now a resident of Elyria. Much might be said of pioneer women, who were iiuleed heli)-meets for their husbands. Worn and faded garments were kejit tidy as long as ])ossible. Trowsers faced frontand back with deerskins, required more skill in fitting than pantaloons of to-day. Daniel Belden, Sr., understood the art of dressing deer skins, nearly if not quite equal to chamois of to-day. As soon as flax could be raised, every garment, and every article of household need, from straw bed-tick, flour bag, and hand towel, to the finest sheet and pillow case, then in nse, were manufactured by jiioneer women. A few sheep only as yet had been kept in Grafton. High pens, built of heavy rails, were needed to protect them at night from the prowling wolf, which made it difiiciilt, for a niinil)er of years, to raise a flock of siieep. \Vitliout market or money, pioneers passed year after year, througli what could ti'iitiifiiliy be called hard times. Thankfuhn'ss for money and cloth- ing, untii we could raise our bi-eail from among the stumps, did not [irevent garments from growing tiiin, or feet going bare. In 1838, the family of Thomas Johnston settled at the west pai'tof the town. Five sons and fivedaugh- tei's belonged to this family when first coming to Grafton. One only is living in town at this time, which is Mrs. Sanford Thorp. (!. VV. Johnston, E.sq., of Klyria, was fourth son of this family. Dr. L. 1). Griswold resided at the center some over a year, or until he was called to fill the ofiiceof County Auditor. Much thrift is seen at tiie center these days. The common is graded and improved. Churches and jilaees of business, besides tidy residences, are seen in every direction. Those then living in Grafton shguld l)e better i)repared witli dates ami personal experience than the writer, who has not been a resident of Graf- ton since ISi'J. At that time seven families of Inger- solls were living in town. No loss by death, except an infant, had then been recorded. My father died No- vember 10, 1837, aged seventy-six years, just twenty- one years since the comforts of a New England home had been exchanged for privations, known only to those who first began to make the dense forest of Lo- rain county what it is found to be to-day. My mother's death occurred July 17, 1843, in the eightieth year of her age. An obituary notice by Rev. D. W. Lathrop, then of Elyria, was printed in the "Ohio Atlas," which might be given if space were allowed. Taking leave of Grafton to-day is indeed sad, not only of the center, but the whole township. Only a few persons left to represent the fourteen families that made their homes in number nine, range sixteen, in 1810 and 1817, at which time not one of the twenty-one town- ships then settled in Lorain county, or afterwards, could show such improvements made in the same sjiaee of time. A visit made at the center of Grafton, during the winter of 1839 and 1840, might be mentioned. A marriage ceremony was performed in the Episcopal church, then an ornament to the ]ilace. The persons married were Mr. Erastus VanDeusen and Miss Sarah Fitch. The church was nicely decorated and well filled. After the services, quite a number of persons were seen at the hotel, which was noted for its well spread tables. Among the number were S. B. Wolcott and Miss Harriet Cheever, D. B. Andrews and Miss Susan Burch, all from Elyria. Miss Cheever soon after became ih-s. Wolcott, and Miss Burch about the same time was married to D. B. Andrews, both couple settling in Elyria. This is mentioned to show that Grafton was not then behind neighboring towns as a place for pleasant entertainments of differ- ent kinds. To-day, contrasts too sad to relate may be seen. The Episcopal church just mentioned, has long since been leveled to the last foundation stone. The sightly residence built by Judge Wells, and occupied for many years by Stephen Brown, Esc]., has passed into stranger hands. The hotel, without improve- ment in outside ai)i>earance, luis from time to time been occu])ied by strangers. Not a store or shelf iVu- goods of importance, is found at (irafton center to-day. The iron rail is laid diagonally across the once tidy "common," wliere freight cars stand on either side of the main traveled street, marring the remains of beauty, though from some points hiding the ai)()earance of rough saloons, which show increas- ing business in that ti'affic, following the "oil spec- ulation" that gathers at the center of Grafton. i The improvements made in Grafton since 1840, will be given by the gentlemanly historian who has lately visited the township, and is prepared with dates and names of important organizations formed in Grafton and Kawsonvillc since that date. Only eight or nine persons are found in Grafton to-day who were among the families that became settlers in 1810-17. Mr. Ashley Eoot and Mrs. Orville Lyndes are the oldest remaining in Grafton. Henry Crittenden and HISTORY OF LORAIN COUNTY, OHIO. 2fi3 John Iiigcrsoll wore only months in :igo wlion tlicir parents came to Grafton in 1817, where they still remain. Oliver Root, a babe of weeks only then, is the youngest pioneer that came to Grafton, riiul has remained a. resident since November, 1817. Wiiile attempting to give an account of the first settlement of Grafton townshiy), the writer has found difficulties nearly insurmountable. The thought that young and highly educated gentlemen from distant cities, with eminent writers in Lorain county, were writing history that would be perpetuated, well nigh prevents consent for publication of wliat is so imper- fectly prepared. Memory is called the staff of age. By ai