f^ v^' , IbeireDb- lOvorybotly who can read Is fiitniliar with I the ciiiioaities of nnwspapersat ihe probeut i day. It may be aiuusing to copy some of llie eccentricities aud peculiarities of the , newspapers fifty years ago and over. Item ! first is a notice of newspaper corrections— always awkward, even when most carefully written. A newspaper in an editorial note, apropos to a marrla!»e published under the proper head, felicitated the bridegroom on 'his union with "a lady of great beauty aud fortune, and of every acoomplishmeut ne- ^cessary to render the marriage state happy," Ac.,&c. On the next day the editor apolo- gised, stating that h!s felicitations were "premature." But whether the prema- turity arose from tlie olrcumstauce that the wedding had not occurred, or because the bride had no " beauty," or no "fortune," or no " accomplishments," was ^eft to the Ima- gination of the reader. This word " pre- mature" seems to be a prime favorite with the editor referred to. On another occasion, having announced that a lady had fallen out of a window, with a child In her arms, and that both the lady and child had been killed, he the next day retracted the state- ment as "premature," leaving his readers to Infer that although the fatal accident had not actually occurred when the statement was published, that it might nevertheless be expected at any moment. If there were some stupid paragraphlsts tlicn as there are now, there were also witty advertisers. A lady wishing to employ a governess for her children, desires one "whose patience is inexhaustible, whose temper is tireless, whose vigilance Is un- winking, whose power of pleasing Is bound- less, Whose industry is matchless, whose neatness is unparalleled, and whose accom- plishments are universal. None others need apply. Compensation, a good home." Per contra, a Governess advertises: "Music— To Schools and Families. An accomplislied theorist, empiiatic pianist, aud elegantly chaste artlculative vocalist, whose intelli- gible system In a short time suggests to the student an agreeable mode of performing." 1 The blacking men who publish engravings i of gentlemen shaving by the reflection of I their faces in their polished boots, use no new device. The sarue "pulT reflective" was In vogueover fifty years ago. So of rhyming advertisements. The wife of the proprietor of a famous blacking, when asked how these metrical advertisements were ob- [ talned, answered, "Bless your innocence: Vt'e keeps a poet." A vinter In Boston advertises, June 15, 1787, that he has opened a wine cellar "under the Old South Meeting House." In his list of wines we And "Oaoavllla" and "Fyall." The last is probably another spelling of Fayal. But Cacavilla may puzzle our wine dealers. In the same paper, "The Massachusetts Centlnel," is ah advertisement of silver ar- ticles stolen by burglars, among which are enumerated a quart can, a pint can, and a pint " porringer.' This latter article of housekeeping was a shallow saucepan, very convenient, and Is highly prized In old fa- milies now, in which the "porringer" Is an heirloom. Touching porringers, It Is re- lated that when porringers were still in use, and "lozenges" as a form of giving medicine were just coming in, an unfortu- nate apothecary found his advertisement of "Worm Destroying Lozenges," twisted by the printer into " Storm Destroying Por- ringers." Sugar refiners called themselves "Sugar Bakers" In 1787, and spelt molasses molosses. >/elasses Is probably nearer right. The chief item of interest In reference to Pennsylvania in the copy of the Centlnel which lies before us is, that men were taken from the Jails (spelled "gaols,") and put to work on the roads. "Six of the wheelbar- row men" taken from "Chester county gaol," mastered their keeper, took away his pistol, made blm promise silence, under peril of his life, and made their escape. Those were primitive times. The Idea of working a gang of convicts on the high road, with no other guard than one keeper, though armed with a pistol, could only have been conceived at a time when the law bad some moral terror for evil doers. Among other curiosities In old advertise- ments, are found "elastic heads," as part of the stock of a hair-dresser. In the Lon- don papers of 1804 was advertised, " The walk of a deceased blind beggar 'in a chari- table neighborhood), with his dog and stair." A collector of " eccentricities" In 1822 says : "Rag merchants, paper makers, stationers, paragraph mongers, translators, reporters, printers, hawkers, have all to bless the pub- lic propensity for these anonynn, anonymo- rum, the newspapers. Certainly, newspa- pers ought to be reckoned among staple commodities. In 1760 a newspaper was the ' mere abstract and brief chronicler of the time;' now (1820) it Is a salmagundi of every- thing, and we m.-xy burn our books. It is the diurnal cyclopedia, which must be filled by the poUtlcasters, poetasters, declalmers, profauers, extractors, detractors, jeerers, sneerers, nlbblers, qulbblers, libellers and lampooners of the day.' Probably the man who wrote this, in 1820, is no longer living, to carp and criticise. His style indicates one whose unhappy temper had not improved with age. Though the satire convoyed above Is true In some degree,and of some publica- tions, the improvement in Journalism has made newspapers better worthy to take the place of the books which, to a certain ex- tent, they may have supplanted. Yet it may well be contended that a well conduct- ed periodical literature makes new readers. Instead of diverting old ones from more I formal literature. ^3 .^JLmi j^/t ' / ^ 3 $ OV.ofPI.l-MOUTH COLONY. CHRONICLES THE PILGRIM FATHERS THE COLONY OF PLYMOUTH, FROM 1602 TO 1625. NOW FIRST COLLECTED FROM ORIGINAL RECORDS AND CONTEMPORANEOUS PRINTED DOCUMENTS, AND ILLUSTRATED WITH NOTES. By ALEXANDER YOUNG. rt ' Gentis cunabula nostrse. ' The mother of us all.' SECOND EDITION. BOSTON: CHARLES C. LITTLE AND JAMES BROWN, MDCCCiSLIV. ■^a Entered according to Act of Congress, in tlie year 1841, By Alexander Young, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Unv FEP - ''■"'■ ^S^-j2U boston: Printed by freejian and eolles, washington street. / oCp THE HONORABLE WILLIAM PRESCOTT, LL.D IN TOKEN OF HIGH ESTEEM AND SINCERE REGARD, THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY HIS OBLIGED FRIEND AND PASTOR. PREFACE This volume will be found to contain an authentic History of the Pilgrim Fathers who planted the Colony of Plymouth, from their origin in John Robinson's con- gregation in 1602, to his death in 1625, written by themselves. Some account of the nature of these Chronicles, and of the circumstances which led to their compilation in this form, may not be unacceptable to the reader. It is well known to those who are familiar with the early history of New England, that William Bradford, the second governor of Plymouth, wrote a History of that People and Colony from 1602 to 1647, in 270 folio pages ; which was used by Morton in compiling his Memorial, by Hutchinson in writing his History of Massachusetts, and by Prince in digesting his Annals of New England. The manuscript of this valuable work, being deposited with Prince's library in the tower of the Old South Church in this city, disap- peared in the War of the Revolution, when that church VI PREFACE. was occupied by the British troops, and has long since been given up by our historians as lost. The most important part of this lost History I have had the good fortune to recover. On a visit at Plymouth, a few years since, I found in the records of the First Church a narrative, in the hand-writing of Secretary Morton, which, on comparing it with the large extracts in Hutchinson^ and Prince,^ I recognized as the identical History of Governor Bradford ; a fact put beyond all doubt by a marginal note of Morton at the beginning of it, in which he says, " This was originally penned by Mr. William Bradford, governor of New Plymouth." This fact of the real authorship of the document seems to have escaped the observation of all who had pre- ceded me in examining the records, such as Judge Davis, Mr. Bancroft, and even of Hazard, who attri- butes it expressly to Nathaniel Morton.^ Hazard copied and printed the larger part of it, as a work of Morton's, in his valuable collection of State Papers, though in a very incomplete and inaccurate form, not being able always to decipher the cramped and abbre- viated characters in which it is written, and being frequently obliged to leave blank spaces in his page. ' By comparing the second chapter in this volume with the first article in Hutchinson's Appendix, ii. 449-451, which he quotes from Bradford's MS., it will be found that they agree nearly word for word. ^ The extracts in Prince are too numerous to be referred to ; the prin- cipal are on pages 114, 120, 128, 130, 140-145, 147, 155, 160, of the oc- tavo edition, printed in 1826. ' Hazard's State Papers, i. 340. PREFACE. Vll By the favor of the Plymouth Church I was permitted to make a new transcript of this very important paper, the entire accuracy of which has been secured by its careful collation with another copy made by the Rev. WiUiam P. Lunt, of Quincy, who kindly favored me with the loan of it. The value of this document de- pends upon its authorship, and cannot be over-esti- mated. It takes precedence of every thing else relat- ing to the Pilgrims, in time, authority, and interest. It will be found to contain a detailed history of their rise in the north of England, their persecutions there, their difficult and perilous escape into Holland, their residence in that hospitable land for twelve years, the causes which led to their emigration, and the means which they adopted to transport themselves to Ame- rica. The next document is Bradford's and Winslow's Journal of the first settlement of the Colony, containing a minute diary of events from the arrival of the May- flower at Cape Cod, November 9, 1620, to the return of the Fortune, December 11, 1621. This document joins on to the former, making a continuous narrative. It was printed in London in 1622, with a Preface signed by G. MouRT, and has since been usually cited as Mourt's Relation. It will be seen from the notes on pages 113 and 115 of this volume, that Mourt was probably George Morton, the father of Nathaniel, the Secretary, then resident in England, that he had no vm PREFACE. hand in writing the Journal, but that it was actually written by Bradford and Winslow, a circumstance which gives to it new value and interest, and confers on it the highest authority. In 1625, this Relation was abridged by Purchas, and printed in the fourth volume of his Pilgrims. This abridgment, comprising only about half of the original, and abounding with errors, was reprinted in 1802 in the eighth volume of the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Soci- ety. In 1822, after an interval of twenty years, the portions omitted by Purchas were reprinted in the nineteenth volume of the same Collections, from a manuscript copy of the original edition, made at Phil- adelphia. The transcriber, however, omitted some important passages, and committed many errors in copying. The parts of the work being thus disjointed, and printed in separate volumes, rendered the reading of it extremely difficult and repulsive. The present is the only correct and legible reprint that has been made since the appearance of the original in 1622. The third paper is Robert Cushman's Discourse, delivered at Plymouth in November, 1621, reprinted from an old copy in the library of the American An- tiquarian Society. The fourth document is Edward Winslow 's Relation, entitled " Good News from New England," which takes up the narrative where it was left off by the for- mer Journal, and brings it down to September 10,1623, PREFACE. iX This book was printed in London in 1624, was abridged by Purchas in the same way as the former Relation, was reprinted in the same fragmentary manner by the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1802, and the omissions in a separate volume in 1 822. It is now reprinted for the first time entire, and in a legible form, from the original London edition, for which, as well as for the original of Bradford's and Winslow's Journal, I am indebted to the rich hbrary of Harvard College. Next in order is Edward Winslow's " Brief Narra- tion of the true grounds or cause of the first planting of New England," which was printed at London in 1646, at the end of his Answer to Gorton. No copy of this rare book is known to exist in this country. The manuscript from which I print was kindly copied for me by the Rev. George E. Ellis, of Charlestown, from the printed volume in the British Museum. In this paper we have the original of Robinson's cele- brated farewell address to the Pilgrims at Leyden, and several facts relating to them not recorded elsewhere. The sixth paper is a Dialogue, written by Governor Bradford, which has never before appeared in print. A fragment of it, written with his own hand, I found among the manuscripts in the cabinet of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society ; but the entire work I ob- tained from the records of the First Church in Ply- mouth, into which it was copied by Secretary Morton. b X PREFACE. The next document is a Memoir of Elder Brewster, written by Governor Bradford as part of his History, and also copied by Morton into the Church records. The volume closes with some letters of John Robin- son, and of the Pilgrims at Leyden and Plymouth, procured from the records of the Plymouth Church and from Governor Bradford's Letter Book. The value of these contemporaneous documents cannot be overstated. They are the earhest chronicles of New England. We have here the first book of our history, written by the actors themselves. We should esteem it a fortunate circumstance, a peculiar privi- lege, that we thus have the whole story of the origin of this earliest of our northern colonies in the very words of the first planters.^ In authority and import- ance nothing can exceed them ; and I feel that I have been engaged in a useful as well as interesting labor in collecting together and illustrating these scattered memorials of the Fathers. The notes will be found to be copious and various, touching upon all points, and in all cases referring to authorities from which the statements may be verified, and fuller information be obtained. Considering myself as engaged in erecting another monument to the memory of the Pilgrims, I have spared neither labor nor expense in endeavouring to render the work accurate and complete. If the ' " Quis est autem, quem non raoveat clarissimis monuraentis testata consignataque antiquitas?" Cicero de Divinatione, lib. i. 40. PREFACE. Xi reader shall derive from its perusal the same satisfac- tion which I have found in its compilation, I shall feel myself abundantly remunerated for this labor of love. Regarding these documents as the only authentic chronicles of those times, I have considered all devia- tions from them in subsequent writers as errors, and when they have fallen under my notice, I have not scrupled to point them out. In this I have no other object in view than historical accuracy ; and accord- ingly for whatever errors I may have fallen into, I shall hold myself equally obnoxious to criticism. The portrait of Governor Winslow at the begin- ning of the volume, so beautifully engraved by House, is an accurate copy of the original picture painted in London in 1651, in his 57th year. This picture, the only portrait that we have of any of the Pilgrims, has been handed down in the family ever since it was painted, one hundred and ninety years ago, and was kept till within a few years at the seat of the Wins- lows, in Marshfield. It is now the property of Mr. Isaac Winslow, of Boston, the only surviving male descendant of the Governor, bearing his name, by whose kindness I have been permitted to have it en- graved, and who has deposited it, with other portraits of his ancestors, in the Hall of the Massachusetts Historical Society. The coat of arms was probably painted at the same time with the picture, and has always been an heirloom in the family. The fac- Xll PREFACE. simile of Winslow's signature was copied from a letter written by him to Governor Winthrop, from his seat at " Careswell, this 17th of the last month, 1639." The original is in the archives of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and it was printed by Hutchinson in his Collection of Original Papers, page 110. The map of Plymouth, on page 160, is copied by permission, on an enlarged scale, from the accurate map of the State, now in preparation under the direc- tion of Simeon Borden, Esq., and the map of Cape Cod, on page 116, is partly reduced from Major Gra- ham's beautiful chart, and partly composed from recent surveys made for the State map. The en- graving of the Mayflower on page 108 is copied from one of Sir Walter Raleigh's ships in De Bry, and is a correct representation of the vessels of that day. The chairs of Winslow, Carver, and Brewster, are faithfully drawn from the originals, the first of which is preserved in the Hall of the Massachusetts Histor- ical Society, and the last two in the Pilgrim Hall, at Plymouth. The seal of the Colony is taken from the title-page of the Book of the General Laws of New Plymouth, printed in 1685. Judge Davis says, " it originated probably in Mr. Cushman's advice to Gov- ernor Bradford in a letter from England, Dec. 18, 1624 : ' Make your corporation as formal as you can, under the name of the Society in Plymouth in New England.' Of this seal the Colony was deprived in PREFACE. Xlll the rapacious days of Andros. On a return to the old paths, the Governor was requested to procure its restoration. If this appHcation were successful, the seal has since been lost." In regard to the minuteness of some of the particu- lars recorded in the ensuing pages, no better apology can be offered than that of the Roman annalist : " Pleraque eorum quae referam parva forsitan et levia memoratu videri, non nescius sum. Non tamen sine usu fuerit introspicere ilia, primo adspectu levia, ex quis magnarum ssepe rerum motus oriuntur."^ — " If any tax me for wasting paper with recording these small matters, such may consider that small common- wealths bring forth matters of small moment ; the reading whereof yet is not to be despised by the judicious, because small things in the beginning of natural or politic bodies are as remarkable as greater in bodies full grown." ^ Boston, June 1, 1841. ' Tacitus, Ann. lib, iv. 32. ^ Dudley's Letter to the Countess of Lincoln. LIST OF THE ENGRAVINGS Page. 1. Portrait of Governor Winslow . . . , i 2. The Mayflower 108 3. Map of Cape Cod 116 4. Map of Plymouth Bay ..... 160 5. Governor Winslovt's Chair ..... 238 6. Governor Carver's Chair ..... 458 7. Elder Brewster's Chair ..... 470 8. Seal of Plymouth Colony . . . Back Title. CONTENTS. Chap. Page. Gov. Bradford's History of Plymouth Colony . 1 I. The first beginnings of this church and people . . 19 II. Their departure into Holland, and their troubles there- about, with some of the many difficulties they found and met withal ..... 25 III. Their settling in Holland, and their manner of living and entertainment there . . . . .33 IV. The reasons and causes of their removal from Holland 44 V. The means they used for preparation to this weighty voyage . . . . . .52 VI. The conditions of their agreement with several merchant adventurers towards the voyage ... 80 VII, Their departure from Leyden, and embarkation from Delft-Haven . . . . . .86 VIII. The troubles that befell them on the coast of England, and in their voyage in coming over into New England, and their arrival at Cape Cod ... 97 Bradford's and Winslow's Journal . . . 109 IX. The first planters' combination by entering into a body politic together ; with their proceedings in discovery of a place for their settlement and habitation . 117 X. Their landing and settling at New Plymouth . . 163 XI. A Journey to Pokanoket, the habitation of the great king Massasoit ; the message, and the answer and entertain- ment they received from him . . . 202 XIT. A Voyage to the kingdom of Nauset, to seek a boy that had lost himself in the woods ; and the accidents that befell them in that voyage . . . .214 XIII. A Journey to the kingdom of Namaschet, in defence of the great king Massasoit against the Narragansetts, and to revenge the supposed death of Tisquantum . 219 Xvi CONTENTS. Chap. Paoe. XIV. A Relation of their voyage to the Massachusetts, and what happened there ..... 224 XV. A Letter from Edward Winslow to a friend in England, setting forth a brief and true declaration of the worth of the Plantation at Plymouth ; as also certain useful directions for such as intend a voyage into New Eng- land 230 XVI, Robert Cushraan's reasons and considerations touching the lawfulness of removing out of England into the parts of America ..... 239 Cushman's Discourse ..... 253 XVII. The state of the Colony, and the need of public spirit in the Colonists ..... 255 WiNSLOw's Relation ..... 269 XVIII. The first planters menaced by the Narragansetts, and their second voyage to the Massachusetts . . 280 XIX. The planting of Weston's colony at Weymouth, and sundry excursions after corn . . . 296 XX. Winslow's second journey to Pokanoket, to visit Massa- soit in his sickness . . . . .313 XXI. Standish's expedition against the Indians of Weymouth, and the breaking up of Weston's Colony at that place 327 XXII. The first allotment of lands, and the distressed state of the Colony ...... 346 XXIII. The manners, customs, religious opinions and ceremonies of the Indians ...... 354 XXIV. The situation, climate, soil, and productions of New Eng- land ...... 368 Winslow's Brief Narration .... 377 XXV. The true grounds or cause of the first planting of New England ...... 379 Gov. Bradford's Dialogue .... 409 XXVI. A Dialogue, or the Sum of a Conference between some Young Men born in New England, and sundry Ancient Men that came out of Holland and Old England . 414 Gov. Bradford's Memoir of Elder Brewster , 459 XXVII. Memoir of Elder William Brewster . . .461 XXVIII. Letters . . . . . .471 GOV. BRADFORD'S HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH COLONY. MORTON'S PREFACE. Christian Reader, I HAVE looked at it as a duty incumbent on me to commit to writing the first beginnings and after pro- gress of the Church of Christ at Plymouth in New England ; forasmuch as I cannot understand that there is any thing particularly extant concerning it, and al- most all the members of the said church, both elders and others, being deceased, by whom intelligence of matters in that behalf might be procured.^ I dare not charge the reverend elders of that church who are gone to their rest, with any neglect on that behalf; for when they were in Holland, they were necessitated to defend the cause of Christ by writing against opposites of several sorts ; so as such like employs, together with the constant and faithful discharge of the duties of their offices, probably took up the greatest part of their time ; and since the church parted, and a consid- erable part thereof came unto this going down of the sun, it might be neglected partly on the account that divers writings, some whereof being put forth in print, ' In 1679, the year previous to came over in the Mayflower. See the date of this Preface, tw^elve only Hutchinson's History of Massachu- were living of the hundred who setts, ii. 456. MORTON'S PREFACE. did point at and in a great measure discriminate the af- fairs of the church ; forasmuch as then the small com- monwealth, in our first beginning at New Plymouth, consisted mostly of such as were members of the church which was first begun and afterwards carried on in Leyden, in Holland, for about the space of twelve years, and continued and carried on at Ply- mouth, in New England, a small part whereof remain- eth until this day. If any thing was done on this kind by those worthy leaders, I suppose the blame is rather to be laid on those which had the first view of their studies, and had their books and writings in custody after their decease ; for I am persuaded that such was their faithfulness and prudence, as that they did not wholly neglect this matter.^ Some years since it pleased God to put an impulse upon my spirit to do something in a historical way con- cerning New England, more especially with respect to the Colony of New Plymouth ; wiiich was entitled New England''s Memorial;^ in which I occasionally ^ The records of John Robinson's of Plymouth Ch. and Mass. Hist, church at Leyden contained, no Coll. iv. 107. doubt, some account of its origin ^ This work was printed at Cam- and its memorable vicissitudes in bridge in 1669, in a small quarto England and Holland. These re- volume, of 193 pages, and the ex- cords, however, were probably lost pense was defrayed by a contribu- when the remnants of that church tion in the several towns in the were scattered after his death in Colony. The greatest part of Mor- 1625. The church at Plymouth had ton's information was " borrowed," no settled pastor till 1629, and af- as he informs us, " from his much terwards, for long intervals, was honored uncle, Mr, William Brad- destitute of a regular ministry until ford, and such manuscripts as he 1669, when John Cotton, son of the left in his study." Prince, the New famous John Cotton of Boston, England annalist, whose copy of was ordained. No records were the first edition of the Memorial is kept by either of his three prede- now before me, enriched with his cessors, Ralph Smith, Roger "Wil- marginal notes and emendations, liams, and John Reyner. The re- says that " Morton's History, from cords of the church, previous to his the beginning of the Plymouth peo- settlement, are in the handwriting pie to the end of 1646, is chiefly of Secretary Morton. MS. Records Gov. Bradford's manuscript, abbre- MORTON'S PREFACE. took notice of God's great and gracious work in erect- ing so many churches of Christ in this wilderness. But it was judged by some that were judicious that I was too sparing and short in that behalf; the consider- ation whereof put me on thought of recollecting some- thing more particularly relating to the church of Ply- mouth. But it pleased the Lord so to dispose, that having accomplished my desires, some time after the finishing of this work I was solicited to lend it to a reverend friend at Boston, where it was burned in the first fire that was so destructive at Boston, in the year 1667.^ Yet, notwithstanding, I have, through the goodness of God, crowded through many difficulties to achieve it the second time ; and, for that end, did once again repair to the study of my much honored uncle, Wilham Bradford, Esquire, deceased,- for whose care and faithfulness in such like respects we stand bound ; as firstly and mostly to the Lord, so seconda- viated." In fact, Morton's chief tion after the publication of the merit is that of a diligent, but not Memorial in 1G69 ; and the date of always accurate copyist of his un- "the first fire that was so destruc- cle"s documents. He would have tive at Boston" was Nov. 27, 1676. done a much greater service by The reverend friend to whom the causing Gov. Bradford's History to manuscript had been lent, was In- be printed entire. It is the loss of crease Mather, whose church was that work that now gives so much destroyed by this fire, as well as his value to his extracts and compila- dwelling-house, and a part of his tions. The fifth edition of the Me- library. Increase Mather had mar- raorial, greatly enlarged by the ried a daughter of John Cotton, valuable notes of the learned ed- of Boston ; and her brother be- itor, Judge Davis, was printed at ing at this lime the minister of Boston in 1826, in an octavo vol- Plymouth, this circumstance pro- ume of 480 pages. See Plymouth bably led to an acquaintance be- Colony Laws, p. 153, Morton's tween Mather and Secretary Mor- New England's Memorial, p. 10, ton. See Hubbard's Indian Wars, Thacher's Hist, of Plymouth, p. p. 194, Hutchinson's Hist, of Mas- 126, (second edition,) and Prince's sachusetts, i. 349, Snow's History of Annals of New England, p. xx. Boston, p. 164, Mass. Hist. Coll. iv. (8vo ed. 1826.) 269, xvi. 648, and Cotton Mather's ^ This is unquestionably an er- Memoirs of his Father, p. 79. ror; it should be 1676. For the - Gov. Bradford died May 9, writer says he began this compila- 1657, in his 69ih year. MORTON'S PREFACE. rily to him and his, whose labors in such respect might fitly have been pubhshed to the world, had they not been involved in and amongst particulars of other nature. Gentle reader, I humbly crave thy patience, and ac- ceptance of this small treatise, so as to read it over considerately ; wherein so doing thou wilt discern much of the goodness, mercy, and power of God ; who as at the first brought this fabric of the world out of the womb of nothing, hath brought so many famous churches of Christ out of so small beginnings ; with many other useful considerations that thou mayest meet with in the serious perusal thereof. So leav- ing thee and this small work to the blessing of the only wise God, I remain thine in Christ Jesus, Nathaniel Morton.^ Plymouth, in Neio England, January ISth, 1680. ^ Nathaniel Morton was the son Court, and continued in this office of George Morton, who had mar- till his death, June 28, 1685, in ried in England a sister of Gov. his 73d year. His residence in Bradford, and came over to Plym- Plymouth was by the side of Wel- Guth with his family in July, 1623, lingsly Brook, half a mile south of in the ship Anne. His father died the village. See Judge Davis's in June, 1624, when Nathaniel was Preface to Morton's Memorial, pp. twelve years old. In 1645 he was iv. and 101, and Mass. Hist. Coll. chosen Secretary of the Colony xiii. 178. INTRODUCTION. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST AT PLYMOUTH, IN NEW ENGLAND, AS FOLLOWETH.i It is well known to the godly and judicious, how intr. that ever since the first breaking out of the light of the Gospel in our honorable nation of England, — which was the first of nations whom the Lord adorned there- with, after that gross darkness of Popery, which had covered and overspread the Christian world, — what wars and oppositions ever since Satan hath raised, maintained, and continued against the saints from time to time, in one sort or other ; sometimes by bloody death and cruel torments, otherwhiles imprisonments, banishments, and other hard usages ; as being loth his kingdom should go down, the truth prevail, and the churches of God revert to their ancient purity, and recover their primitive order, liberty, and beauty. But when he could not prevail by these means against the main truths of the Gospel, but that they began to take footing in many places, being watered with the blood of the martyrs and blessed from heaven with a gracious * This was originally penned by Mr. William Bradford, Governor of New Plymouth. — Morton's Note. 8 INTRODUCTION. INTR. increase ; he then began to take him to his ancient stratagems, used of old against the first Christians ; that when by the bloody and barbarousness ^ of the heathen emperor he could not stop and subvert the course of the Gospel, but that it speedily overspread with a wonderful celerity to the then best known parts of the world, he then began to sow errors, heresies, and wonderful desertions amongst the professors them- selves, working upon their pride and ambition, with other corrupt passions incident to all mortal men, yea to the saints themselves in some measure ; by which woful effects followed, as not only bitter contentions and heart-burnings, schisms, with other horrible confu- sions, but Satan took occasion and advantage thereby to foist in a number of vile ceremonies, with many unprofitable canons and decrees, which have since been as snares to many peaceable poor souls even to this day ; so, as in the ancient times the persecution by the heathen and their emperors was not greater than of the Christians, one against another, the Arians' and other their accomplices' against the orthodox and true Christians (as witnesseth Socrates in his second book, saith he) " was no less than that of old practised towards the Christians when they were compelled and drawn to sacrifice to idols ; for many endured sundry kinds of torments, others racking, and dismembering of their joints, confiscating of their goods, some be- reaved of their native soil, others departed this life under the hands of the tormentor, and some died in banishment, and never saw their country again." ^ The like method Satan hath seemed to hold in these '-' So in llie MS. * Eccles. Hist. lib. ii. cap. 27, INTRODUCTION. 9 latter times, since the truth began to spring and spread intr. after the great defection made by Antichrist, the Man of Sin. For to let pass the many examples in sundry nations, in several places of the world, and instances of our own, whenas the old serpent could not prevail by those fiery flames, and other his cruel tragedies, which he by his instruments put in ure every where in the days of Queen Mary and before, he then began another 1553. kind of war, and went more closely to work, not only 1558. to oppugn, but even to ruinate and destroy the kingdom of Christ by more secret and subtle means, by kind- ling the flames of contention and sowing the seeds of discord and bitter enmity amongst the professors and seeming reformed themselves. For when he could not prevail by the former means against the principal doc- trines of faith, he bent his force against the holy disci- pline and outward regiment of the kingdom of Christ, by which those holy doctrines should be confirmed, and true piety maintained amongst the saints and people of God. Mr. Fox recordeth how that, besides those worthy martyrs and confessors which were burned in Queen Mary's days and otherwise tormented, many, both stu- dents and others, fled out of the land, to the number 1554. of eight hundred, and became several congregations at Wesel, Frankfort, Basle, Emden, Marburg, Strasburg, and Geneva, &c.^ Amongst whom, especially those at Frankfort, began a bitter war of contention and per- 1555. secution about the ceremonies and service book, and other popish and antichristian stuflf, the plague of Eng- land to this day, which are like the high places in ^ Fox, Acts and Monuments, iii. iii. 146, and Fuller's Ch. Hist, of 40. See also Strype's Memorials, Britain, ii. 405, (ed. 1837.) 2 10 INTRODUCTION. INTR. Israel which the prophets cried out against, and were their ruin ; which the better part sought, according to the purity of the Gospel, to root out and utterly de- stroy, and the other part, under veiled pretences, for their own ends and advancement, sought as stiffly to continue, maintain, and defend ; as appeareth by the Discourse thereof pubhshed in print anno 1575, a book that deserves better to be known and considered than it is.^ The one side labored to have the right worship of God and discipline of Christ established in the church according to the simplicity of the Gospel, with- out the mixture of men's inventions, and to have and to be ruled by the laws of God's word, dispensed in those offices and by those officers of pastors and teach- ers and elders, according to the Scriptures. The other party, though under many colors and pretences, endeavoured to have the episcopal dignity, after the popish manner, with their large power and jurisdiction, still retained, with all those courts, canons and cere- monies, together with all such livings, revenues, and subordinate officers, with other such means as formerly upheld their antichristian greatness, and enabled them with lordly and tyrannous power to persecute the poor servants of God. * This work is entitled, " A Brief the view and consideration of the Discourse of the Troubles begun at most Honorable and High Court of Frankfort, in Germany, anno Domi- Parliament, and the reverend di- ni 1554, about the Book of Common vines of the intended ensuing As- Prayer and Ceremonies, and contin- sembly," Hallam says, in his Con- ued by the Englishmen there to the stitutional History of England, end of Queen Mary's reign; in the i. 233, that "this tract is fairly which Discourse the gentle reader and temperately written, though shall see the very original and be- with an avowed bias towards the ginning of all the contention that Puritan party. Whatever we read hath been, and what was the cause in any historian on the subject, is of the same. 1575." The place derived from this authority." Both where it was printed is not men- editions of this rare book are in the tioned. It was reprinted at London Library of the Massachusetts His- in 1642, and " humbly presented to torical Society. INTRODUCTION. 11 This contention was so great, as neither the honor intr. of God, the common persecution, nor the mediation of Mr. Calvin and other worthies of the Lord in those places, could prevail with those thus episcopally mind- ed ; but they proceeded by all means to disturb the peace of this poor persecuted church, so far as to charge very unjustly and ungodlily (yet prelate like) some of their chief opposers with rebellion and high treason against the Emperor, and other such crimes.^ And this contention died not with Queen Mary, nor was 1558. left beyond the seas. But at her death, these people 7 J' returning into England, under gracious Queen Ehza- beth, many of them preserved aspired to bishoprics and other promotions,^ according to their aims and desires ; ' Calvin, in his letter of Jan. 20, 1555, addressed to John Knox and William Whittingham, at Frank- fort, says, " In the liturgy of Eng- land I see that there were many tolerable foolish things ; by these words I mean that there was not the jmriiy which was to be desired. These vices, though they could not at the first day be amended, yet, seeing there was no manifest im- piety, they were for a season to be tolerated. Therefore it was lawful to begin of such rudiments or abece- daries ; but so that it behooved the learned, grave, and godly ministers of Christ to enterprise farther, and to set forth something more filed from rust, and purer. If godly reli- gion had flourished till this day in England, there ought to have been a thing better corrected, and many things clean taken away. I cannot tell what they mean which so greatly delight in the leavings of popish dregs." Knox was soon after ac- cused of treason before the magis- trates of Frankfort by some of the opposite party, on the ground of certain passages in a book of his, entitled An Admonition to Christ- ians, in which he called the empe- ror of Germany " no less an enemy to Christ than was Nero ; " in con- sequence of which he was obliged to leave the city. See Discourse of the Troubles of Frankfort, pp. 35 and 44, ed. of 1575, and Fuller's Ch. Hist. ii. 411. * See in Prince's Annals, p. 288, a list of those who were thus pro- moted. It is a just remark of Hal- lam, Const. History of England, i. 238, that the objections to the church ceremonies and the clerical vestments " were by no means con- fined, as is perpetually insinuated, to a few discontented persons. The most eminent churchmen, such as Jewel, Grindal, Sandys, Novvell, were in favor of leaving ofi" the sur- plice and what were called the popish ceremonies. The current opinion that these scruples were imbibed during the banishment of the reformers, must be received with great allowance. The dislike to some parts of the Anglican ritual had begun at home, it had broken out at Frankfort, it is displayed in all the early documents of Eliza- beth's reign by the English divine?, 12 INTRODUCTION. INTR. SO that inveterate hatred against the holy disciphne of Christ in his church hath continued to this day ; inso- much that, for fear it should prevail, all plots and devices have been used to keep it out, incensing the Queen and State against it as dangerous to her commonwealth ; and that it was most needful for the fundamental points of religion should be preached in those ignorant and superstitious times, and to win the weak and ignorant, they might retain divers harmless ceremonies ; and though it were to be wished that divers things were reformed, yet this was not a season for it ; and many the like, to stop the mouths of the more godly, to bring them on to yield to one ceremony after another and one corruption after another ; by these ways beguiling some and corrupting others, until at length they began to persecute all the zealous professors in the land, (although they knew little what this discipline meant), both by word and deed, if they would not submit to their ceremonies and become slaves to them and their popish trash, which have no ground in the word of God, but are relics of the Man of Sin. And the more the light of the Gospel grew, the more they urged their subscriptions to these corruptions, so as notwithstanding all their former pretences and fair colors, they whose eyes God had not justly blinded might easily see whereto these things tended. And to cast contempt the more upon the sincere servants of God, they oppro- briously and most injuriously gave unto and imposed 1564. upon them that name of Puritans,^ which it is said the far more warmly than by their Swiss concise and accurate account of the correspondents. The queen alone origin and growth of Puritanism in was the cause of retaining those England, will be found in Prince's observances, to which the great Annals, p. 282 — 307. separation from the Anglican estab- * The era of the English Puri- lishment is ascribed." The most tans properly begins in 1550, when INTRODUCTION. 13 "^Novatians, out of pride, did assume and take unto intr. themselves.^ And lamentable it is to see the effects which have followed. Religion hath been disgraced, the godly grieved, afflicted, persecuted, and many exiled ; sundry have lost their lives in prisons and other ways. On the other hand, sin hath been countenanced, igno- rance, profaneness and atheism increased, the Papists encouraged to hope again for a day. This made that hcdy man Mr. Perkins cry out in his Exhortation unto Repentance, on Zephaniah ii, " Re- ligion," saith he, " hath been amongst us this thirty- Hooper refused, for a time, to be consecrated in the ecclesiastical habits. But in the year 1564, " the English bishops, "says Fuller, ''con- ceiving themselves empowered by their canons, began to show their authority in urging the clergy of their respective dioceses to subscribe to the liturgy, ceremonies, and dis- cipline of the Church ; and such as refused the same were branded with the odious name of Puritmin. We need not speak of the ancient Ca- thari, or primitive Puritans, suffi- ciently known by their heretical opinions. ' Puritan ' here was taken for the opposers of the hierarchy and church-service, as resenting of superstition. But profane mouths quickly improved this nickname, therewith on every occasion to abuse pious people ; some of them so far from opposing the liturgy, that they endeavoured (according to the instructions thereof in the preparative to the Confession) ' to accompany the minister with a pure heart,' and labored (as it is in the Absolution) ' for a life pure and holy.' " An old writer of the Church of England, quoted by Prince, says, " they are called Pu- ritans who would have the Church thoroughly reformed; that is, purged from all tho.se inventions which have been brought into it since the age of the Apostles, and reduced entirely to the Scripture 'purity.''' See Fuller's Ch. Hist. ii. 331, 474 ; Strype's Annals, i. 459-463 ; Cam- den's Elizabeth, p. 107 ; Prince, pp. 100, 283 ; Neal's Puritans, i. 46, 72, 91. (4to ed.) ' " Novatus, a presbyter of the church of Rome, being puffed up with pride against those who in the times of persecution had lapsed through infirmity of mind, as if there were no further hope of salva- tion for them, although they per- formed all things appertaining to an unfeigned conversion and a sincere confession, constituted himself the ringleader of a peculiar sect, of those who by reason of their haughty minds styled themselves Cathari, that is, the Pure.^' Eusebius, Ec- cles. Hist. lib. vi. cap. 43. His excessive rigor towards the lapsed appears to have been the only heresy of Novatus ; and it is quite as likely that the name of Puritan was fas- tened upon his followers in derision and reproach as that they assumed it of themselves ; as we know was the case with the modern Quakers and Methodists. For an account of Novatus and his opinions, see Lardner's Credibility, part ii. ch. 47; Mosheim, de Rebus Christiano- rum ante Const. Magn. Comment. 512-527 ; Jackson's Novatian, Praef. 14 INTRODUCTION. iNTR. five years. But the more it is published, the more it is contemned and reproached of many, &c. Thus not profaneness nor wickedness, but rehgion itself is a by-word, a mocking-stock, and matter of reproach; so that in England at this day, the man or woman that be- gins to profess religion and to serve God, must resolve with himself to sustain mocks and injuries, even as though he lived amongst the enemies of religion ; and this common experience hath been too apparent." ^ But before I pass on, I cannot omit an observation worthy to be noted, which was observed by the author, viz. Mr. WilHam Bradford, as followeth. Saith he : Full little did I think that the downfall of the bishops, with their courts, canons, and ceremo- nies, had been so near when I first began this writing, which was about the year 1630, and so pieced at leisure times afterwards, or that I should have lived to have seen or heard of the same.^ But it is the Lord's doing. Matt, and ought to be marvellous in our eyes. " Every plant which mine heavenly father hath not planted," saith our Saviour, " shall be rooted up."^ " I have snared * Works, vol. iii. p. 42I,ed. 1613. his older age he altered his voice, William Perkins lived in the reign and remitted much of his former of Elizabeth, was a fellow of Christ's rigidness, often professing that to College, Cambridge, and a Puritan preach mercy was the proper oiEce Nonconformist. He was a strict of the ministers of the gospel." Calvinist, and had a controversy ^ Charles I. was beheaded and with Arminius. His writings were the church establishment over- held in high esteem by the fathers thrown in 1G49. of New England. Fuller says, in ^ The version of the Bible here his Life of him in the Holy State, quoted, and subsequently, is the that " he would pronounce the word one which was made by the Eng- damn with such an emphasis as left lish exiles at Geneva, in the reign a doleful echo in his auditors' ears of Queen Mary. It was first printed a good while after. And when in 1560, and was so highly esteemed, catechist of Christ's College, in ex- particularly on account of its notes, pounding the commandments, ap- that it passed through thirty edi- plied them so home, able almost to tions. King James appears to have make his hearers' hearts fall down, had a special dislike of it ; for in and hairs to stand upright. But in the Conference at Hampton Court INTRODUCTION. 15 thee, and thou art taken, O Babel, (bishops) and thou intr. Avast not aware : thou art found and also caught, j^_. , because thou hast striven against the Lord." But will ^^" they needs strive against the truth, against the servants of the Lord, what ! and against the Lord himself? Do they provoke the Lord to anger ? Are they stronger ^ cor- x. than he ? No, no, they have met with their match. Behold, I come against thee, O proud men, saith the ^%[}- Lord God of hosts ; for thy day is coming, even the time that I will visit thee. May not the people of God now say, and these poor people among the rest. The Lord had brought forth our righteousness : come, let ^"{q]'- us declare in Zion the work of the Lord our God. Let all flesh be still before the Lord, for he is raised ^^13; "• up out of his holy place. ^ This poor people may say among the thousands of Israel, When the Lord brought again the captivity of cxxvli. Zion, we were like them that dream. The Lord hath vs. 3 done great things for us, whereof we rejoice. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. They went weep- vss. 5,6. ing and carried precious seed ; but they shall return with joy, and bring their sheaves. Do ye not now see the fruits of your labors, O all ye servants of the Lord that have suffered for his truth, "he professed that he could never Annals, i. 229 ; Troubles at Frank- yet see a Bible well translated in fort, p. 192; Barlow's Sum and Eno-lish ; but the worst of all his Substance of the Conference at Majesty thought the Geneva to be." Hampton Court, p. 46; Strype's This opinion of the royal pedant Life of Abp. Parker, 205 ; Fuller's would not lower it in the estimation Ch. Hist. iii. 182, 247. of our fathers, who used it in Eng- • This elevation of spirit was a land and Holland, and brought it considerable time after the first pen- with them to this country. King ning of these writings, but here en- James's version, which was first tered because of the suitableness of printed in 1611, had hardly got into the matter going before it. — Mor- common use in England when they ion's Note. came over in 1620. See Strype's IQ INTRODUCTION. INTR. and have been faithful witnesses of the same ? And ye httle handful amongst the rest, the least amongst the thousands of Israel ? You have not had a seed- time, but many of you have seen a joyful harvest. O Should ye not then rejoice, yea, again rejoice, and xix.7;2. ^^7' Hallelujah ! salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, be to the Lord our God ; for true and righteous are his judgments. But thou wilt ask. What is the matter ? What is done ? — Why, art thou a stranger in Israel, that thou shouldst not know what is done ? Are not those 2 Sam. Jebusites overcome, that have vexed the people of V. 6. ^ . Israel so long, even holding Jerusalem even until Da- vid's days, and been as thorns in their sides for many ages, and now began to scorn that not any David should meddle with them ; they began to fortify their tower, as that of the old Babylonians. But these proud Anakims are now thrown down, and their glory laid in the dust. The tyrannous bishops are ejected, their courts dissolved, their canons forceless, their service- books cashiered, their ceremonies useless and despised, their plots for Popery prevented, and all their super- stitions discarded, and returned to Rome, from whence they came ; and the monuments of idolatry rooted out of the land, and the proud and profane supporters and cruel defenders of these, as bloody papists, wicked atheists, and their malignant consorts, marvellously overthrown. And are not these great things ? Who can deny it ? But who hath done it ? Even he that sitteth on the Rer. white horse, who is called Faithful and True, and xii. 11. judgeth and fighteth righteously, whose garments are vs. 13. dipped in blood, and his name was called The Word INTRODUCTION. 17 of God ; for he shall rule them with a rod of iron ; for intr. it is he that treadeth the wine-press of the fierceness ^^ ^5 and wrath of Almighty God ; and he hath upon his garment and upon his thigh a name written, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Hallelujah ! See how this holy man's spirit was elevated and his heart raised up in praising of the Lord in consideration of the downfall of the proud prelacy ; as he and many more of the saints had good reason, who felt the smart of their bitter and cruel tyranny ; who are, indeed, a limb of Antichrist. And if the generality of the saints had been thus sensible of this great and marvellous work of God, possibly that proud hierarchy had not got up so soon again as they have done, soon after this good man's departure out of this world.* Nevertheless, we doubt not but that God will bring them down in his good time. For undoubtedly all those that will not that the Lord Jesus should reign over them, but instead thereof exercise an usurped lordly power over the poor saints of God, shall be brought and slain before him, and (without repentance) shall, together with the beast and false prophet, be thrown into the ^f^^^'ao. lake burning with fire and brimstone. When Babylon cometh into remembrance before God, then shall the saints with the angel say. Thou art just and holy, ^v^-^^ because thou hast judged these things ; for they, (viz. the whore of Rome and the prelates, their adherents,) have shed the blood of the saints. Give them blood vs. e. to drink ; for they are worthy. * Gov. Bradford died May 9, 1657. Charles II. was restored and Episcopacy reestablished in 1660. 3 13 INTRODUCTION. INTR. The exordium being concluded, I shall come more ^ nearer my intended purpose, viz. in reference unto the Church of Christ at Plymouth in New England, first begun in Old England, and carried on in Holland and at Plymouth aforesaid. CHAPTER I. OF THE FIRST BEGINNINGS OF THIS CHURCH AND PEOPLE. When, by the travail and diligence of some godly chap and zealous preachers, and God's blessing on their _^__ labors, as in other places of the land, so in the north impru parts, many became enlightened by the word of God, and had their ignorance and sins discovered by the word of God's grace, and began, by his grace, to re- form their lives and make conscience of their ways, the work of God was no sooner manifest in them, but presently they were both scoffed and scorned by the profane multitude, and the ministers urged with the yoke of subscription,^ or else must be silenced ; and the poor people were so urged with apparitors and pursuivants and the Commission Courts,^ as truly their ' Subscription to the book of com- persons, twelve of whom were mon prayer, the rites and ceremo- bishops, many more privy counsel- nies, and all the thiity-nine articles, lors, and the rest clergymen or civi- See Fuller, iii. 68 ; Prince, p. 99. Hans. Its spirit and mode of pro- ^ This was the celebrated Court ceeding seem to have been derived of High Commission, so called be- from the Spanish Inquisition. The cause it claimed a larger jurisdic- commissioners were empowered and lion and higher powers than the directed to inquire of all heret- ordinary courts of the bishops ; its ical opinions, to punish all persons jurisdiction extended over the whole absent from church, to visit and kingdom. It was provided for by reform all errors, heresies, and the Act of Supremacy, passed in schisms, to deprive all persons of 1559, but did not go into full opera- ecclesiastical livings who main- tion till 1584. It was an ecclesias- tained any doctrine contrary to the tical court, consisting of forty-four thirty-nine articles, to examine all 20 ORIGIN OF THE PILGRIMS. CHAP, affliction was not small. Which, notwithstanding, -^ — -^ they bare sundry years with much patience, until they were occasioned, by the continuance and increase of these troubles, and other means which the Lord raised up in those days, to see further into these ^ things by the light of the word of God ; how that ^ not only those base beggarly ceremonies were unlawful, but also that the lordly, tyrannous power of the prelates ought not to be submitted to, which those contrary to the freedom of the Gospel would load and burthen men's consciences with, and by their compulsive power make a profane mixture of persons and things in the worship of God ; and that their offices and callings, courts and canons, &c. were unlawful and antichrist- ian, being such as have no warrant in the word of God, but the same that were used in Popery, and still retained ; of which a famous author thus writeth in his Dutch commentaries : — 16 3. a ^t the coming; of Kinor James out of Scotland into April. England,^ the new king," saith he, " found there estab- suspected persons on their oaths, Neal's Puritans, i. 84, 274, 285 ; and to punish the refractory by ex- Hallara, i. 271. communication, fine, or imprison- ' I have inserted the words these ment, according to their discretion, and that from Prince, who quotes They had full authority to com- this passage from Bradford's MS. mand all sheriffs, justices, and other See his Annals, p. 100. officers to apprehend and bring be- ^ At the famous Conference at fore them all persons that they Hampton Court, held Jan. 14, 1604, should see fit. Pursuivants or mes- James declared, "I will none of sengers were sent to the houses of that liberty as to ceremonies ; I will suspected persons with a citation have one doctrine and one disci- for them to appear before the com- pline, one religion in substance and missioners, when they were re- ceremony. — I shall make them quired to answer upon oath to a [the Puritans] conform themselves, series of interrogatories, which as or I will harry them out of the land, Lord Burleigh said, were " so curi- or else do worse. — If any would not ously penned, so full of branches be quiet, and show his obedience, and circumstances, as he thought he were worthy to be hanged." — the inquisitors of Spain used not so In his speech at the opening of his many questions to trap their preys." first parliament, March 19, 1604, See Strype's Annals, iii. 180; he " professed that the sect of Puri- THEY FORM A SEPARATE CHURCH. 21 lished the reformed religion, according to the reformed chap. rehgion of King Edward the Sixth, retaining or keep ing still the spiritual state of the bishops, &c. after the old manner, much varying and differing from the Re- formed Churches of Scotland, France, and the Nether- lands, Emden, Geneva, &c., whose Reformation is cut or shapen much nearer the first churches, as it was used in the Apostles' times." ^ So many therefore of these professors as saw the evil of these things, in these parts, and whose hearts the Lord had touched with heavenly zeal for his truth, they shook off this yoke of antichristian bondage, and, as the Lord's free people, joined themselves, (by a 1602. covenant of the Lord,) into a church estate, in the fel- lowship of the Gospel, to walk in all his ways, made known, or to be made known unto them, according to their best endeavours, whatsoever it should cost them.^ tans or Novelists was not to be suf- fered in any well governed common- wealth." In a private letter writ- ten about the same lime, he said, " I had rather live like a hermit in the forest, than be king over such a people as the pack of Puritans that overrules the lower house." He had previously written to his son in the Basilicon Doron, " Take heed, my son, to such Puritans, very pests in the church and commonwealth. I protest before the great God, that ye shall never find with any High- land or Border thieves greater in- gratitude and more lies and vile perjuries than with these fanatic spirits." Barlow's Sum and Sub- stance, pp. 71, 83, U2 ; Calderwood, Hist. Ch. Scotland, p. 478 ; Hallam, i. 419. In conformity with these views, on the 5th of March, 1004, he issued a proclamation, that the same reli- gion, with common prayer, and episcopal jurisdiction, shall fully and only be publicly exercised, in all respects, as in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, without hope of tolera- tion of any other; and on the 6th of July he issued another proclamation in which he ordered the Puritan ministers either to conform before the last of November, or dispose of themselves and families some other way ; as being men unfit, for their obstinacy and contempt, to occupy such places. The consequence of this was, that before November of the next year more than three hundred ministers were ejected, silenced, or suspended, some of whom were imprisoned, and others driven into exile. Prince, pp. 107, 108, 110 ; Neal's Puritans, i. 433. ' The Reformed Churches shapen much nearer the primitive pattern than England ; fur they cashiered the bishops, with their courts, can- ons and ceremonies at the first, and left them amongst the Popish trash, to which they appertain. — Morton's Note. ' Prince says, " Governor Brad- Z^Z, JOHN ROBINSON'S CHURCH. CHAP. And that it cost them much pains, trouble, sorrow, affliction, and persecution, and expense of their estates, &c. this ensuing history will declare.^ 16 6. These people became two distinct bodies or churches, in regard of distance of place, and did congregate sever- ally, for they were of several towns and villages, some in Nottinghamshire, some in Lincolnshire,^ and some of Yorkshire, where they bordered nearest together. In the one of these churches, besides others of note, was Mr. John Smith,^ a man of able gifts, and a good preacher, who afterwards was chosen their pastor. But these afterwards falling into some errors in the Low Countries, there for the most part buried them- selves and their names. But in this other church, which must be the subject of our discourse, besides other worthy men, was Mr. Richard Clifton, a grave and reverend preacher, who by his pains and dihgence had done much good, and ford's History takes no notice of the correct reading, as Lincolnshire the year of this federal incorpora- borders both on Nottinghamshire tion ; but Mr. Secretary Morton, in and Yorkshire, whilst Lancashire his Memorial, places it in 1602. does not. Besides, Prince was re- And I suppose he had the account markable for his accuracy, and is either from some other writings of less likely to have made a mistake Gov. Bradford, the Journals of Gov. in deciphering and copying a word Winslow, or from oral conference than Morton. He tells us, " In the with them, or other of the first passages relating to the Plymouth planters ; with some of whom planters, I chiefly use Gov. Brad- he was contemporary, and from ford's manuscript History of that whence, he tells us, he received Church and Colony, in folio ; who his intelligence." Annals, p. 100. was with them from their beginning ^ " These seem to be some of the to the end of his Narrative, which first in England that were brave is now before me, and was never enough to improve the liberty published." Annals, p. 99. wherewith the divine author of our ° Some account of Smith, Clifton, religion has made us free, and and Robinson, is contained in Gov. observe his institutions as their only Bradford's Dialogue, in a subse- rule in church order, discipline, and quent part of this volume; where worship." Prince, p. 100. will also be found a more extended * I have substituted Lincolnshire memoir of Elder Brewster, also for Lancashire, on the authority of written by Gov. Bradford. Prince. This is most likely to be THE PILGRIMS PERSECUTED. 23 under God had been a means of the conversion of chap. many ; and also that famous and worthy man, Mr. — ^~ John Robinson, who afterwards was their pastor for I6O6. many years, until the Lord took him away by death ; and also Mr. William Brewster, a reverend man, who afterwards was chosen an elder of the church, and lived with them until old age and death. But, after these things, they could not long continue in any peaceable manner, but were hunted and perse- cuted on every side, so as their former afflictions were but as molehills to mountains in comparison to these which now came upon them. For some were taken and clapped up in prisons, others had their houses beset and watched night and day, and hardly escaped their hands ; and the most were fain to fly and leave their houses and habitations, and the means of their liveli- hood. Yet these, and many other sharper things which afterward befell them, were no other than they looked for, and therefore were the better prepared to bear them by the assistance of God's grace and spirit. Yet seeing themselves thus molested, and that there was no hope of their continuance there, by a joint consent they resolved to go into the Low Countries, where they heard was freedom of religion for all men,^ as also how * After the introduction of the Amsterdam as " a common harbour Reformed religion into the Low of all opinions, of all heresies." Countries in 1573, the utmost reli- Baylie, in his Dissuasive, p. 8, calls gious freedom was allowed, all sects Holland "a cage for unclean birds." were tolerated, and an asylum was Owen Felltham, in his amusing opened for fugitives from persecu- description of the Low Countries, tion from every land. See Grotius, says that "all strange religions Annals, p. 41 ; Brandt, i. 308 ; Stra- flock thither." Johnson, in his da, i. 457. This honorable pecu- Wonderworking Providence, ch. 15, liarity has often been made an exclaims, "Ye Dutch, come out occasion of reproach against the of your hodge-podge : the great country. Thus Bishop Hall, in his mingle mangle of religion among letter to Smith and Robinson, you hath caused the churches of Decade iii. Epist. 1, speaks of Christ to increase so little with you. 24 THEY RESOLVE TO FLY INTO HOLLAND. CHAP, sundry from London and other parts of the land, that -^J^ had been exiled and persecuted for the same cause, were gone thither, and lived at Amsterdam,^ and in other places of the land. 16 7. So after they had continued together about a year, and kept their meetings every Sabbath in one place or another, exercising the worship of God amongst them- selves,- notwithstanding all the diligence and malice of their adversaries, they seeing they could no longer continue in that condition, they resolved to get over into Holland, as they could, which was in the year 1607 and 1608 ; of which more in that which fol- low eth. standing at a stay like com among weeds." Beaumont and Fletcher, in their play, The Fair Maid of the Inn, introduce one of their charac- ters as saying, " I am a schoolmaster, Sir, and would fain Confer vvitli you about erecting fuur New sects of religion at Amsterdam." And Andrew Marvell, in his" Char- acter of Holland," writes. " Sure when religion did itself embark. And from the east would westward steer its ark, It struck ; and splitting on this unknown ground. Each one tlience pillnged the first piece he found. Hence Amsterdam, Turk, Christian, Pa- gan, Jew, Staple ol sects, and mint of schism, grew ; That bank of conscience, where not one so strange Opinion, but finds credit and exchange. In vain for catholics ourselves we bear; The universal church is only there." ^ The English church at Am- sterdam was that of which Francis Johnson was pastor and Henry Ainsworth teacher, and which had been originally set up at London, in 1592, and soon afterwards re- moved to Holland. It came very near being torn in pieces at first by intestine divisions, but afterwards flourished under a succession of pastors for more than a century. In 1596 they published a " Confes- sion of Faith of certain English people living in exile in the Low Countries," which was reprinted in 1604, in " An Apology or Defence of such true Christians as are com- monly, but unjustly, called Brown- ists." This work has sometimes been confounded with John Robin- son's " Just and Necessary Apology of cerlaia Christians not less con- tumeliously than commonly called Brownsits or Barrowists," which was first published in 1619. Some account of Johnson and Ainsworth is contained in Bradford's Dialogue, in a subsequent part of this volume. See Brandt's History of the Refor- mation in the Low Countries, i. 479; Neal'sPuiitans,i. 363, 386; Prince, p. 303. Baylie's Dissuasive, p. 15. ^ In Gov. Bradford's Memoir of Elder Brewster, it is stated that " they ordinarily met at his (Brew- ster's) house on the Lord's Day, which was within a manor of the bishop's ; and with great love he entertained them when they came, making provision for them to his great charge, and continued to do so while they could stay in England." II. CHAPTER II. OF THEIR DEPARTURE INTO HOLLAND, AND THEIR TROUBLES THEREABOUT, WITH SOME OF THE MANY DIFFICULTIES THEY POUND AND MET WITHAL. Being thus constrained to leave their native country, chap. their lands and livings, and all their friends and familiar acquaintance, it was much, and thought marvellous by many. But to go into a country they knew not, but by hearsay, where they must learn a new language, and get their livings they knew not how, it being a dear place, and subject to the miseries of war,^ it was by many thought an adventure almost desperate, a case intolerable, and a misery worse than death ; especially seeing they were not acquainted with trades nor traffic, (by which the country doth subsist,) but had only been * The Netherlands have, in every ence. The best account of this age, from the earliest times down war will be found in the contem- to the last great conflict at Water- porary historians, Bentivoglio, Delia loo, been the battle-ground of Eu- Guerra di Fiandra, parte iii. lib. rope. Bishop Hall says in one of viii. Strada, de Bello Belgico, and his epistles, " It were pity that your Grotius, Annales et Historias de Holland should be still the amphi- Rebus Belgicis. See also Brandt's theatre of the world, on whose History of the Reformation in the scaffolds all other nations should Low Countries, Sir William Tem- sit, and see variety of bloody shows, pie's Observations upon the United not without pity and horror." At Provinces of the Netherlands, Wat- this lime Spain was waging that son's History of the Reign of Philip dreadful war with her revolted H. and HI. and Grattau's History snbjects of the United Provinces, of the Netherlands, in Lardner's which terminated in their independ- Cyclopedia. 4 26 THE FIRST ATTEMPT PREVENTED. CHAP, used to a plain country life and the innocent trade of ^ -— . husbandry. But these things did not dismay them, (although they did sometimes trouble them,) for their desires were set on the ways of God, and to enjoy his ordinances. But they rested on his providence, and knew whom they had believed. Yet this was not all. For although they could not stay, yet were they not suffered to go ; but the ports and havens were shut against them, so as they were fain to seek secret means of conveyance, and to fee the mariners, and give extra- ordinary rates for their passages. And yet were they oftentimes betrayed, many of them, and both they and their goods intercepted and surprised, and thereby put to great trouble and charge ; of which I will give an instance or two, and omit the rest. 16 7. There was a great company of them purposed to get passage at Boston, in Lincolnshire ; and for that end had hired a ship wholly to themselves, and made agree- ment with the master to be ready at a certain day, and. take them and their goods in at a convenient place, where they accordingly would all attend in readiness. So after long waiting and large expenses, though he kept not the day with them, yet he came at length, and took them in, in the night. And when he had them and their goods aboard, he betrayed them, having beforehand complotted with the searchers and other officers so to do ; who took them and put them into open boats, and there rifled and ransacked them, searching them to their shirts for money, yea, even the women, further than became modesty ; and then carried them back into the town, and made them a spectacle and wonderment to the multitude, which came flocking on all sides to behold them. Being thus by the catchpole THE PILGRIMS IMPRISONED. 27 officers rifled and stripped of their money, books, and chap. much other goods, they were presented to the magis trates, and messengers sent to inform the Lords of the Council of them ; and so they were committed to ward. Indeed, the magistrates used them courteously, and showed them what favor they could ; but could not deliver them until order came from the Council table. But the issue was, that after a month's im- prisonment the greatest part were dimissed, and sent to the places from whence they came ; but seven ' of the principal men^ were still kept in prison, and bound over to the assizes.^ The next spring after, there was another attempt leos. made, by some of these and others, to get over at another place ; and it so fell out that they lighted of a Dutchman at Hull, having a ship of his own belonging ' The word in the MS. is some; but I have no doubt that seven was the original reading. Hutchinson, who quotes this passage at length from Bradford's History, reads it seven ; and it will be seen by the next note that Morton himself, co- pying another manuscript of Gov. Bradford alluding to this same af- fair, mentions " the seven." The word /nen I have also restored from Hutchinson. See his History, ii. 450. ' Gov. Bradford says, in the me- moir already referred toon page 24, that Elder Brewster " was the chief of those that were taken at Boston, in Lincolnshire, and suffered the greatest loss, and one of tlie seven that were kept longest in prison, and after bound over to the assizes." The books that were in the boats probably belonged to him, as we know that he had a considerable library, which he broright over with him to Plymouth. A catalogue of them is contained in his inventory, in the Records of the Old Colony. The whole number of volumes was 275, of which 64 were in the learned languages. They were valued at jC43. See Morton's Memorial, p. 221, and Mass. Hist. Coll. iv. 117. Cotton Mather, in his Life of Gov. Bradford in the Magnalia, i. 102, states that he was one of those that were taken and imprisoned at Boston. He adds that " Mr. Brad- ford being a young man of about eighteen, was dismissed sooner than the rest, so that within a while he had opportunity with some others to get over to Zealand, through perils both by land and sea not inconsiderable ; where he was not long ashore ere a viper seized on his hand, that is, an officer, who carried him unto the magistrates, unto whom an envious passenger had accused him as having fled out of England. When the magistrates understood the true cause of his coming thither, they were well satisfied with him ; and so he re- paired joyfully unto his brethren at Amsterdam." 28 THE SECOND EMBARKATION. CHAP, to Zealand. They made agreement with him, and ._^J^ acquainted him with their condition, hoping to find 16 OS. more faithfulness in him than in the former, of their own nation. He bade them not fear ; for he would do well enough. He was by appointment to take them in between Grimsby ^ and Hull, where was a large com- mon, a good way distant from any town. Now against the prefixed time, the women and children, with the goods, were sent to the place in a small bark, which they had hired for that end, and the men were to meet them by land. But it so fell out that they were there a day before the ship came ; and the sea being rough, and the women very sick, prevailed with the seamen to put into a creek hard by, where they lay on ground at low water. The next morning the ship came ; but they were fast, and could not stir until about noon. In the mean time, the shipmaster, perceiving how the matter was, sent his boat to be getting the men aboard, whom he saw walkincr about the shore. But after the first boat-full was got aboard, and she was ready to go for more, the master espied a great company, both horse and foot, witli bills and guns and other weapons ; for the country was raised to take them. The Dutchman seeing that, swore his country's oath, (" sacrament ") and having tlie wind fair, weighed his anchor, hoisted sails, and away. But the poor men which were got on board were in great distress for their wives and children, which they saw thus to be taken, and were left destitute of their helps, and themselves also not having a cloth to shift ' Grimsby is a sea-port town in foreign trade. See Camden's Bri- Lincolnshire, near the mouth of the tannia, p. 471, and Britton's Topo- Humber. Itwas once rich and pop- graphical Description of the County ulcus, and carried on a considerable of Lincoln, p. 689. A STORM AT SEA. 29 them with, more than they had on their backs, and chap. some scarce a penny about them, all they had being ___. on board the bark. It drew tears from their eyes, and 1 6 o 8. any thing they had they would have given to have been on shore again. But all in vain ; there was no remedy ; they must thus sadly part ; and afterwards endured a fearful storm at sea, being fourteen days or more before they arrived at their port ; in seven whereof they neither saw sun, moon, nor stars, and were driven to the coast of Norway ; the mariners themselves often despairing of life, and once with shrieks and cries gave over all, as if the ship had been foundered in the sea, and they sinking without recovery. But when man's hope and help wholly failed, the Lord's power and mercy appeared for their recovery ; for the ship rose again, and gave the mariners courage again to manage her ; and if modesty' would suffer me, I might declare with what fervent prayers they cried unto the Lord in this great distress, especially some of them, even with- out any great distraction. When the water ran into their very ears and mouths, and the mariners cried out, " We sink, we sink," they cried, if not with miracu- lous, yet with a great height of divine faith, " Yet, Lord, thou canst save ; yet, Lord, thou canst save : " with such other expressions as T will forbear. Upon which the ship did not only recover, but shortly after the violence of the storm began to abate, and the Lord filled their afflicted minds with such comforts as every one cannot understand, and in the end brought them to their desired haven ; where the people came flock- * From this expression, as well ford himself was in the vessel, as from the whole passage, there The description is that of an eye- can hardly be a doubt that Brad- witness. 30 ARRIVAL IN HOLLAND. 160 8. ing, admiring their deliverance, the storm having been so long and sore, in which much hurt had been done, as the master's friends had related unto him in their congratulations.^ But to return to the others where we left. The rest of the men that were in the greatest danger made shift to escape away before the troop could surprise them, those only staying that best might, to be assistant to the women. But pitiful it was to see the heavy case of these poor women in this distress ; what weeping and crying on every side ; some for their husbands that ' Cotton Mather, in the Magna- lia, i. 10 1, 103, records this and the previous attempt to escape from England ; but he perversely trans- poses their chronological order ; the effect of which is to make it appear that Bradford was imprisoned in Boston after he had escaped to Holland. He did not derive his in- formation from Bradford's original manuscript but from this copy of it in the records of Plymouth church, which he cursorily exam- ined when on his visits to his uncle, John Cotton, the minister of that church. Mather did not know how to use his valuable materials, and took no pains to ascertain his facts or verify his statements. One instance of his utter disregard of accuracy, even when it could be easily attained, will suffice. In his Life of his father. Increase Mather, he states, p. 24, that he married the only daughter of John Cotton ; whilst in the Magnalia, i. 260, he asserts that Cotton had three daughters, two of whom were married. One would have thought that he might have taken the trouble to find the exact truth about such a simple fact as tbis, relating to bis own motber. And yet Cotton Mather is univer- sally cited by Europeans, as well as bv our own countrymen, who undertake to write our history, not only as an authority, but as the highest authority. This has been the case from Neal and Robertson downwards. De Tocqueville, whose selection of authorities is in all other respects singularly judicious, puts the Magnalia at the head, calling it "the most valuable and important document on the history of New England ; " and Grahame, whose excellent History of the United States evinces great dis- crimination, calls it " the most con- siderable of the early historical works, and the most interesting performance that the literature of New England has ever produced. The biographical portions, in par- ticular," he adds, " possess the highest excellence, and are supe- rior in dignity and interest to the compositions of Plutarch." It is quite time that it was generally understood that Cotton Mather is not to be relied upon as an authority for any fact, unsupported by other evidence. Mr. Savage, the learned editor of Winthrop's Journal, states the simple truth when he says, that " Cotton Mather has published more errors of carelessness than any other writer on the history of New Eng- land." De Tocqueville, Democracy in America, p. 424 , Grahame, i. 415 ; Savage's Winthrop, ii. 24. THE WOMEN LEFT BEHIND. 31 were carried away in the ship, as it was before related ; chap. others not knowing what should become of them and their little ones ; others melted in tears, seeing their 16O8. poor little ones hanging about them, crying for fear and quaking with cold. Being thus apprehended, they were hurried from one place to another, and from one justice to another, until, in the end, they knew not what to do with them. For to imprison so many wo- men and innocent children for no other cause, many of them, but that they would ^ go with their husbands, seemed to be unreasonable, and all would cry out of them ; and to send them home again was as difficult, for they alleged (as the truth was) they had no homes to go to, for they had sold or otherwise disposed of their houses and livings. To be short, after they had been thus turmoiled a good while,' and conveyed from one constable to another, they were glad to be rid of them in the end upon any terms, for all were wearied and tired with them ; though, in the mean time, the poor souls endured misery enough ; and thus in the end necessity forced a way for them. But that I be not tedious in these things, I will omit the rest, although I might relate other notable passages and troubles which they endured and underwent in these their wanderings and travels, both at land and sea.^ But I haste to other things. Yet I may not omit the fruit that came hereby. For by these so ^ I have here substituted ivould, fit to preserve the particulars of which Hutchinson gives as the read- these perils and sufferings of his ing of Bradford's MS. for must, brethren. Could he have foreseen which is in Morton's copy. There the deep interest which, two hun- can be no doubt as to which is the dred years afterwards, would be true reading. felt in every thing relating to these * It is much to be regretted that poor exiles, he would not have failed the worthy Governor did not see to record the minutest occurrences 32 RESULT OF THE PERSECUTION. CHAP, public troubles in so many eminent places ^ their cause — became famous, and occasioned many to look into the 16 8. same ; and their godly carriage and christian behaviour was such as left a deep impression in the minds of many. And though some few shrunk at those first conflicts and sharp beginnings, (as it was no marvel,) yet many more came on with fresh courage, and greatly animated others ; and in the end, notwith- standing all these storms of opposition, they all got over at length, some at one time and some at another, and met together again, according to their desires, with no small rejoicing. in their history. But these humble cutions. They were not aware and modest men did not suppose that they were to be the germs of a that posterity would be solicitous to great empire, know about their trials and perse- ' Boston, Hull, and Grimsby. CHAPTER III. OF THEIR SETTLING IN HOLLAND, AND THEIR MANNER OF LIVING AND ENTERTAINMENT THERE. Being now come into the Low Countries, they saw chap. many goodly and fortified cities, strongly walled, and ^J^ guarded with troops of armed men. Also they heard leos. a strange and uncouth language, and beheld the differ- ent manners and customs of the people, with their strange fashions and attires ; all so far differing from that of their plain country villages, wherein they were bred and born and had so long lived, as it seemed they were come into a new world. But those were not the things they much looked on, or long took up their thoughts ; for they had other work in hand, and another kind of war to wage and maintain. For though they saw fair and beautiful cities, flowing with abundance of all sorts of wealth and riches, yet it was not long before they saw the grim and griseled ^ face of poverty coming on them like an armed man, with whom they must buckle and encounter, and from whom they could not fly. But they were armed with faith and patience against him and all his encounters ; * Griseled, for grisly —frightful, hideous. 5 34 THE PILGRIMS IN AMSTERDAM. CHAP, and though they were sometimes foiled, yet by God's ^^ — -w- assistance they prevailed and got the victory. 16 08. jNj'ow when Mr. Robinson, Mr. Brewster, and other principal members were come over, (for they were of the last, and stayed to help the weakest over before them,) such things were thought on as were necessary for their settling and best ordering of the church affairs. And when they had lived at Amsterdam about a year, Mr. Robinson, their pastor, and some others of best discerning, seeing how Mr. John Smith and his com- pany was already fallen into contention with the church that was there before them, and no means they could use would do any good to cure the same ; and also that the flames of contention were like to break out in that ancient church itself, (as afterwards lamentably came to pass) ; which things they prudently foreseeing, thought it was best to remove before they were any way engaged with the same ; ^ though they well knew it would be much to the prejudice of their outward ^ Neal, Hist, of New England, i. from page 22, only a short time 76, falls into an error when he before Robinson. The contention speaks of " the flames of contention was not among the members of having broken out in Mr. Smith's Smith's congregation, but between church." Belknap, Amer. Biog. his church and "the church that ii. 157, follows it when he says, was there before them," " that an- " these people (Smith and his con- dent church," namely Johnson's, gregation) fell into controversy, and mentioned in the note on page 24. were soon scattered ; " and Francis Baylie, in his Dissuasive, p. 16, Baylies, Memoir of Plymouth, i. 11, Hornius, Hist. Eccles. p. 232, and repeats it when he says, " some dis- Neal, Hist. Puritans, i. 437, err in sensions happening amongst them, saying that Smith set up his church (Smith's people) the church was at Leyden ; whereas it was to avoid dissolved." This error arises from him and his company that Robinson their not being aware of, or not removed to that city. Cotton, in attending to, the fact of the exist- his Way of Cong. Churches, p. 7, ence of another congregation of says, " I understand by such as Separatists at Amsterdam, which lived in those parts at that time, had been established many years Smith lived at Amsterdam, and before Smith settled there ; who there died, and at Leyden in Hol- went over to Holland, as appears land he never came." REMOVAL TO LEYDEN. 35 estate, both at present and, in likelihood, in the fu- chap. tare ; as indeed it proved to be. L For these and some other reasons they removed to igo9. Leyden,^ a fair and beautiful city, and of a sweet situ- ation, but made more famous by the university where- with it is adorned, in which of late it had been by so many learned men ; ^ but wanting that traffic by sea which Amsterdam enjoyed, it was not so beneficial for their outward means of living and estates. But being now here pitched, they fell to such trades and employ- ments ^ as they best could, valuing peace and their spiritual comfort above any other riches whatsoever ; and at length they came to raise a competent and com- fortable living, and with hard and continual labor. Being thus settled, after many difficulties, they con- tinued many years in a comfortable condition, enjoying much sweet and delightful society and spiritual comfort together, in the ways of God, under the able ministry * " By several passages in Gov, Bradford's manuscript it seems as if they began to remove to Leyden at the end of 1608. Prince, p. 120. The distance from Amsterdam to Leyden is about 22 miles. ^ The university of Leyden wss established in 1575, llie year after the memorable siege of that place. The Prince of Orange, wishing to reward the citizens for their con- stancy and valor, gave them the choice of two privileges — either an exemption from taxes, or a uni- versity ; they chose the latter. It has been at times one of the most celebrated in Europe ; and from its reputation the city itself was called the Athens of the West, and the North Star of Holland. Among its distinguished professors and scholars were Arminius, Episco- pius, Grotius, Lipsius, Junius, Vos- sius, Descartes, Scaliger, Salma- sius, and Booerhave. See Grotius, Annals, p. 200 ; Brandt, i. 312. ' Cotton Mather, in his Life of Gov. Bradford, in the Magnalia, i. 102, speaks of^ " the difficulties to which Bradford, when in Holland, stooped in learning and serving of a Frenchman at the working of silks; " and Belknap in his Amer. Biog. ii. 218, says that Bradford, " being under age, put himself as an apprentice to a French Protest- ant, who taught him the art of silk- dying." Neither of them, how- ever, refers to any authority for their statements. Brewster be- came a printer, as will be seen hereafter in Bradford's memoir of him. Many of the first colonists at Plymouth were weavers, from Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire, and brought over their looms with them. See Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. 171. 36 INCREASE OF THE CHURCH. CHAP, and prudent government of Mr. John Robinson and . -^ Mr. William Brewster, who was an assistant unto him 1 6 9 in the place of an elder, unto which he was now called 16 17. and chosen by the church ; so as they grew in know- ledge and other gifts and graces of the spirit of God ; and lived together in peace, and love, and holiness. And many came unto them from divers parts of Eng- land, so as they grew a great congregation.^ And if at any time any differences did arise or offences broke out, (as it cannot be but that sometimes there will, even amongst the best of men), they were ever so met with and nipped in the head betimes, or otherwise so well composed, as still love, peace, and communion was continued, or else the church purged of those that were incurable and incorrigible, when, after much patience used, no other means would serve ; which seldom comes to pass. Yea, such was the mutual love and reciprocal respect that this worthy man had to his flock, and his flock to him, that it might be said of them, as it was once said^ of that famous emperor, Marcus Aurelius, and the peo- ple of Rome, that it was hard to judge whether he de- hghted more in having such a people, or they in having ' It is impossible to ascertain the 100 arrived at Plymouth in the May- exact number of Robinson's congre- flower in 1620 ; 36 came in the For- gation ; yet we may approximate to tune, in 1621 ; 60 in tiie Anne, in it. Gov. Bradford tells us, in his 1623; 35, with their families, in the Dialogue, that in Johnson's church, Mayflower, in 1629; and 60 in 1630 " at Amsterdam, there were about in the Handmaid; — making in all three hundred communicants; and more than 300, including the " fami- for the church of Leyden, they were lies." We have the names of those sometimes not much fewer in num- who came in the first three ships ; her." Edward Winslow says, in and also a list of the persons in the his Brief Narration, that " the dif- Colony in May, 1627. See Prince, ference of number was not great " pp. 261 and 343 ; Morton's Memo- between those who remained at rial, p. 381 ; Winthrop's Journal, i. Leyden and those who embarked for 37, 378. America. Now we know that 120 ^ Golden Book, &c. — Morton'' s set sail from England in the May- Note. flower and Speedwell. Of these JOHN ROBINSON'S CHARACTER. 37 such a pastor. His love was great towards them, and chap. his care was always bent for their best good, both for soul and body. For, besides his singular abihties in divine things, wherein he excelled, he was able also to give direction in civil affairs,^ and to foresee dangers and inconveniences ; by which means he was very helpful to their outward estates ; and so was every way as a common father unto them. And none did more offend him than those that were close and cleav- ing to themselves, and retired from the common good ; as also such as would be stiff and rigid in matters of outward order, and inveigh against the evils of others, and yet be remiss in themselves, and not so careful to express a virtuous conversation. They, in like manner, had ever a reverent regard unto him, and had him in precious estimation, as his worth and wisdom did de- serve ; and although they esteemed him highly whilst he lived and labored amongst them, yet much more after his death,^ when they came to feel the want of his help, and saw by woful experience what a treasure they had lost, to the grief of their hearts and wounding of their souls ; yea, such a loss as they saw could not ^ It has been the practice of of Mayhew, Chauncy, and Cooper, the Independent or Congregational before and during the Revohition, clergy, both in Old and New Eng- will never be forgotten. The Con- land, from the earliest times, to gregational clergy were found, at take an interest and part in public that time, almost to a man, on the affairs. The prominent and efficient side of their country's independ- agency which they exercised in the ence ; and they have ever been the infancy of our colonial settlements earnest and consistent advocates of is well known ; Cotton, Hooker, and " liberty with order." See Hutch- Davenport shared at least an equal inson's Mass. i. 34, 419; Trum- power with Winthrop, Haynes, and bull's Connecticut, i. 91, 99; Bacon's Eaton in moulding the civil polity and Kingsley's Hist. Discourses at of Massachusetts and Connecticut. New Haven ; Tudor's Life of Otis, The services of Increase Mather in pp. 140-15.5. obtaining the second charter of ^ Mr. Robinson died at Leyden, Massachusetts are recorded in her March 1st, 1625. He was about history ; and the patriotic exertions 50 years old. Prince, p. 237. 38 THE PILGRIMS LIVE IN PEACE. CHAP, be repaired ; for it was hard for them to find such .^ .-L another leader and feeder in all respects, as the Tabo- 16 09 rites to find another Ziska.^ And although they did 1 6*1 7. not call themselves orphans, as the other did, after his death, yet they had cause as much to lament, in an- other regard, their present condition and after usage. But to return. I know not but it may be spoken to the honor of God, and without prejudice to any, that such was the humble zeal and fervent love of this people (whilst they thus lived together) towards God and his ways, and the single-heartedness and sincere affection one towards another, that they came as near the primitive pattern of the first churches as any other church of these latter times have done, according to their rank and quality. But seeing it is not my pur- pose to treat of the several passages that befell this people whilst they thus lived in the Loav Countries, (which might worthily require a large treatise of itself,) but to manifest something of their beginning and after progress in New England, which I principally scope and aim at ; yet, because some of their adversaries did, upon the rumor of their removal, cast out slanders against them, as if that State had been weary of them, and had rather driven them out, (as the heathen histo- ' The burning of John Huss and sion to the Mount of Transfijjura- Jerome of Prague by order of the tion, on which the Apostle Peter Council of Constance, in 1415 and wished to build tabernacles. Here 1416, caused great indignation and they founded a city, to which also excitement in IBohemia, their native they gave the name of Tabor, and country, which led to an open in- from it were themselves called surrection. The insurgents took Taborites. After the death of Ziska up arms, and under the command in 1424, his followers were incon- of John Ziska, retired to a moun- solable, and considering themselves tain ten miles from Prague, to deprived of a parent and protector, which they gave the name of called themselves Orphans. See Mount Tabor, from the tent which Gieseler's Eccles. Hist. iii. 359, and they erected there for the celebra- Encyc. Amer. articles Ziska and tion of the communion, and in allu- Huss. THEIR CREDIT WITH THE DUTCH. 39 ries did feisn of Moses and the Israelites when they chap . . III. went out of Egypt,) ^ than it was their own free choice and motion, I will therefore mention a par- ticular or two to show the contrary, and that good acceptation they had in the place. And first, although it was low with many of them, yet their word would be taken amongst the Dutch when they wanted money, because they had found by experience how careful they were to keep their word,^ and saw them so painful and dihgent in their callings, that they strove to get their custom, and to employ them above others in their work, for their honesty and diligence. Again ; the magistrates of the city, about the time of their coming away, or a little before, in the public 1 6 1 9. place of justice, gave this commendable testimony of them, in reproof of the Walloons,^ who were of the French church in the city. " These English," said they, " have lived amongst us now this twelve years, and yet we never had any suit or accusation come ' It was a viiltjar slander against deep despair, Moses, one of their the Jews, that they were expelled number," &c. Josephus vindicates from Egypt on account of their his countrymen from the same having the leprosy. Tacitus says charge, as alleged by Manetho, " A pestilential disease, disfiguring Chaeremon, and Lysimachus. See the race of men, and making the Tacitus, Hist. lib. v. 3, with the body an object of loathsome de- comments of Brotier and Oberlin, formity, spread all over Egypt, and Josephus against Apion, lib. 1. Bocchoris, at that time the reigning 26-35. monarch, consulted the oracle of ^ A great honor to the Gospel. — Jupiter Hammon, and received for Morton^s Note. answer that the kingdom must be ^ The Walloons are the inhabit- purified, by exterminating the in- ants of the southern part of Bei- fected multitude, as a race of men gium, bordering on France. Their detested by the gods. After dili- language is a dialect differing from gent search, the wretched sufferers the French and (ierman, as well were collected together, and in a as the Flemish, and is said to re- wild and barren desert abandoned semble the old French of the thir- to their misery. In that distress, teentii century. See G rattan's Hist, while the vulgar herd was sunk in of the Netherlands, p. 1 . 40 THK ARMINIAN CONTROVERSY. CHAP, against any of ^ them. are continual," &c. But your strifes and quarrels 16 12 In these times, also, were the great troubles raised by the Arminians ; ^ who, as they greatly molested the whole State, so this city in particular, in which was the chief university ; so as there were daily and hot disputes in the schools thereabouts. And as the students and other learned were divided in their opinions herein, so were the two professors or divinity readers them- selves, the one daily teaching for it, and the other against it ; which grew to that pass, that few of the disciples of the one would hear the other teach. But Mr. Robinson, although he taught thrice a week him- self and wrote sundry books,^ besides, his manifold pains otherwise, yet he went constantly to hear their ' The words any of are inserted from Hutchinson, ii. 454. Morton himself has it so in the Memorial, p. 21. ^ The fullest and best account of Arniinianism, which Cotton Ma- ther, (Magnalia, i. 46,) spitefully calls " that grand choke- weed of true Christianity," is contained in Brandt's History of the Reformation in the Low Countries. James Armi- iiius, (Hermann), born atOudewater in South Holland, in 1560, after hav- ing: been fifteen years a minister at Amsterdam, was chosen professor ot divinity at Leyden in 1603, and died Oct. 9, 1609, in his 49th year. The best Life of him is by Brandt. See also his Life by Nichols; Brandt's Hist. Ref. ii. 25-63 ; and Bayle, Diet. Hist, et Crit. ^ The following are the titles of the books which Robinson pub- lished after his arrival in Holland, and before the embarkation of the Pilgrims for America. 1. A Jus- tification of Separation from the Church of England ; against Mr. Richard Bernard his invective, in- tituled the Separatists' Scheme. By John Robinson. 1610. 2. Of Religious Communion, private and public. With the silencing of the clamors raised by Mr. Thomas Helwisse against our retaining the baptism received in England, and administering of baptism unto in- fants. As also a survey of the confession of faith published in certain Conclusions by the remain- ders of Mr. Smith's company. By John Robinson. 1614. 3. Apolo- gia Justa et Necessaria quorundam Christianorum, aequo contumeliose ac communiter dictorum Brownis- tarum sive Barrowistarum. Per Johannem Robinsonum, Anglo- Leidensem, suo et ecclesiae nomine, cui prsefigitur. 1619. This work was translated into English, and printed in 1644. The place where these books were printed is not mentioned on the title-page of either of them. It probably was Leyden, and Elder Brewster may have been the printer. ROBINSON DISPUTES WITH EPISCOPIUS. 41 readings, and heard as well one as the other. By chap. which means he was so well grounded in the contro- L. versy, and saw the force of all their arguments, and knew the shifts of the adversary ; and being himself very able, none was fitter to buckle with them than himself, as appeared by sundry disputes ; so as he l^egan to be terrible to the Arminians ; which made Episcopius,^ the Arminian professor, to put forth his best strength, and set out sundry theses, which by leis. public dispute he would defend against all men. Now Polyander,^ the other professor, and the chief preach- ers of the city, desired Mr. Robinson to dispute against him. But he was loth, being a stranger. Yet the other did importune him, and told him that such was the ability and nimbleness of wit of the adversary, that the truth would suffer if he did not help them ; so as he condescended, and prepared himself against the time. And when the time came, the Lord did so help him to defend the truth and foil his adversary, as he put him to an apparent nonplus in this great and public audience. And the like he did two or three times upon such like occasions ; the which, as it caused many to praise God that the truth had so famous a victory, so it procured him much honor and respect from those learned men and others which loved the truth.^ ' Simon Episcopius (Bisschop) tion, says, " Our pastor, Mr. Robin- and John Polyander were chosen son, in the time when Arminianism professors of divinity in the univer- prevailed so much, at the request of sity at Leyden in 1612. See Brandt, the most orthodox divines, as Poly- ii. Ill ; Limborch's Historia Vitaj ander, Festus Hommius, &c. dis- Simonis Episcopii, p. 41 ; Calder's puted daily against Episcopius (in Memoirs of Episcopius, p. 128, and the Academy at Leyden) and others, Bayle, Diet. Hist, et Crit. the grand champions of that error, '^ Winslow, in his Brief Narra- and had as good respect amongst 42 THE DUTCH ESTEEM THE PILGRIMS. CHAP. Yea, so far were they from being weary of him and .^-.-i^ his people, or desiring their absence, as that it was 1608 said by some, of no mean note, that were it not for 16 20. giving offence to the State of England,^ they would have preferred him otherwise, if he would, and allow- ed them some public favor. Yea, when there was speech of their removal into these parts, sundry of note and eminency of that nation would have had them come under them ; and for that end made them large offers.^ Now although I might allege many particulars and examples of the like kind to show the untruth and unlikelihood of this slander, yet these shall suffice, them as any of their own divines." I find, however, no acconnt of this disputation in Brandt or in any of the biographers of Episcopius. Yet John Hoornbeek, a professor at Leyden, says in his Summa Contro- versiarum Religionis, p. 741, (pub- lislied in 1658,) " Vir ille (Johannes Robinsonus) gratus nostris, dam vixit, fuit, et theologis Leidensibus familiaris ac honoratus. Scripsit preeterea varia contra Arminianos : frequens quippe et acer erat Epis- copii in Academia adversarius et opponens." Belknap judiciously remarks concerning this disputa- tion, "It is usual, on such occa- sions, for the partisans on both sides to claim the victory for their respective champions. Whether it were so at this time cannot be de- termined, as we have no account of the controversy from the Ar- minian party." Amer. Biog. ii, 160. ' King James at this time exer- cised an unwarrantable influence in the Low Countries, both in civil and ecclesiastical affairs. He drove Vorstius from his professorship at Leyden for his heresies, and labored to procure his banishment ; and prevented Ames from being elected to the same office. He seems to have kept an ambassador at the Hague chiefly to inform him of the progress of the theological disputes in that country. See Winwood's Memorials, iii. 293-6, 304, 310, 357. Sir Dudley Carleton's Letters, pp. 352, 373, 388, 435 ; Brandt, ii. 85, 97. ^ Henry Hudson, in the employ- ment of the Dutch East India Com- pany, discovered the river called by his name, in 1609. On this ground the Dutch claimed the adjoining territory ; a few huts were erected at New York and Albany in 1613 and 1615 ; but no colony was set- tled in the New Netherlands till 1623. The Dutch West India Com- pany was incorporated in 1621 for this object ; but individuals had for some years before been meditating colonization on the Hudson ; and the offers to the Pilgrims probably came from them. See Hazard's State Papers, i. 121. THE PILGRIMS IN HOLLAND. 43 seeing it was believed of few, being only raised by chap the malice of some who labored their disgrace.^ L ' The Entjlish separatists in Hol- land attracted the notice of Cardinal Bentivoglio, who was the papal nuncio in that country from 1G07 to 1616, though he misunderstood the cause of their leaving England, supposing it to be commerce, and not religion. He says, " I Puritani ancora vi son tolerati, che sono i pill purl e pi\l rigidi Calvinisti, i quali non vogliono riconoscere au- torita alcuna ne' magistrati politici sopra il governo de' loro ministri heretic! ; e sono quasi tutti de' 16 08 Puritani d' Inghilterra, che per occasion di commercio frequentan 1 " '^ "• rOlIanda, e le altre Provincie Unite. — I Puritani Inglesi sono in Am- sterdam quasi tutti per Tistesso rispetto ; e se ne trattengono alcuni medesimamente per occasione di mercantia nella citta di Midelburgo in Zelanda. Per ogni parte dunque, e da tutti gli angoli, si puo dire, delle Provincie Unite, s'odono i latrati, e gli urli di tanti infetti loro settarii." Relazione di Fiandra, parte ii. cap. ii. CHAPTER IV. SHOWING THE REASONS AND CAUSES OP THEIR REMOVAL. CHAP. After they had Hved in this city about eleven or -__ twelve years, (which is the more observable, being the 16 9 whole time of that famous truce between that State 1620. and the Spaniards,)^ and sundry of them were taken away by death, and many others began to be well stricken in years, the grave mistress experience having taught them many things, these prudent governors, with sundry of the sagest members, began both deeply 16 17. to apprehend their present dangers and wisely to fore- see the future, and think of timely remedy. In the agitation of their thoughts and much discourse of par- ticulars hereabout, they began to incline to this con- clusion of removal to some other place ; not out of any newfangledness, or other such like giddy humor, by which men are many times transported, to their great hurt and danger, but for sundry weighty and solid ' After the war had been raging See Bentivoglio, Delia Guerra di for more than thirty years between Fiandra, parte iii. lib. viii., Opere Spain and the United Provinces, Storiche, iv. 564 ; Grotius, p. 542, by the mediation of Henry IV. of 569 ; Brandt, ii. 54 ; Watson's France and James I. of England, Philip III. p. 275 ; Grattan's Neth- a truce of twelve years was con- erlands, p. 226. eluded on the 9th of April, 1609. THE PILGRIMS PROPOSE TO LEAVE HOLLAND. 45 reasons, the chief of which I will here recite and chap. IV. briefly touch. 1 . And first, they found and saw by experience 1 6 1 7. the hardness of the place and country to be such, as few in comparison would come to them, and fewer that would bide it out and continue with them. For many that came to them, and many more that desired to be with them, could not endure the great labor and hard fare, with other inconveniences, which they underwent and were contented with. But though they loved their persons, and approved their cause, and honored their sufferings, yet they left them as it were weeping, as Orpah did her mother-in-law Naomi, or ^"h: as those Romans did Cato in Utica, who desired to be excused and borne with, though they could not all be Catos.^ For many, though they desired to enjoy the ordinances of God in their purity, and the liberty of the Gospel with them, yet, alas, they admitted of bondage, with danger of conscience, rather than to endure these hardships ; yea, some preferred and chose prisons in England rather than this liberty in Holland, with these afflictions. But it was thought, that if a better and easier place of living could be had, it would draw many and take away these discour- agements ; yea, their pastor would often say, that many of those that both writ and preached now against them, if they were in a place where they might have liberty, and live comfortably, they would then practise as they did. ' Plutarch says, in his Life of him to trust them and make use of Cato the Younger, that the three their services ; but as they were no hundred Roman citizens who were Catos, and had not Cato's dignity with him in Utica, intending to of mind, they hoped he would pity send messengers to Ca;sar to in- their weakness." tercede in their behalf, " implored 46 THE REASONS FOR REMOVAL. CHAP. 2. They saw, that although the people generally V-.-— L bore all their difficulties very cheerfully and with a 16 17. resolute courage, being in the best of their strength, yet old age began to come on some of them ; ^ and their great and continual labors, with other crosses and sorrows, hastened it before the time ; so as it was not only probably thought, but apparently seen, that within a few years more they were in danger to scat- ter by necessity pressing them, or sink under their burdens, or both ; and therefore, according to the P[°^g divine proverb, that " a wise man seeth the plague when it cometh, and hideth himself," so they, hke skilful and beaten soldiers, were fearful either to be entrapped or surrounded by their enemies, so as they should neither be able to fight nor fly ; and therefore thought it better to dislodge betimes to some place of better advantage and less danger, if any could be found. 3. As necessity was a taskmaster over them, so they were forced to be such not only to their servants, but in a sort to their dearest children ; the which, as it did a little wound tlie tender hearts of many a loving father and mother, so it produced also many sad and sorrow- ful effects. For many of their children, that were of best dispositions and gracious inclinations, having learned to bear the yoke in their youth, and willing to bear part of their parents' burden, were oftentimes so oppressed with their heavy labors, that although their minds were free and wilhng, yet their bodies bowed under the weight of the same, and became decrepit in their early youth ; the vigor of nature be- * We know the age of but few of Brewster was 56 years old, Robin- the Pilgrims. Carver was probably son 45, Bradford 32, Edward Wins- one of the oldest. In 1620 Elder low 26, and John Rowland 28. THE REASONS FOR REMOVAL. 47 ing consumed in the very bud, as it were. But that chap. which was more lamentable, and of all sorrows most — L^ heavy to be borne, was that many of their children, by 1 6 1 7. these occasions, and the great licentiousness of youth in the country, and the manifold temptations of the place, were drawn away by evil examples unto extra- vagant and dangerous courses, getting the reins on their necks, and departing from their parents. Some became soldiers, others took them upon far voyages by sea, and other some worse courses tending to disso- luteness and the danger of their souls, to the great grief of their parents and dishonor of God ; so that they saw their posterity would be in danger to degen- erate and be corrupted. 4. Lastly, (and which was not the least,) a great hope and inward zeal they had of laying some good foundation, or at least to make some way thereunto, for the propagating and advancing the Gospel of the kingdom of Christ in these remote parts of the world ; yea, though they should be but as stepping-stones unto others for performing of so great a work. These, and some other like reasons,^ moved them ' Edward Winslow, in his Brief days from their sports or tlieir or- Narration, mentions three other dinary work ; and the English di- reasons ; first, their desire to live vines took notice of the great scan- under the protection of England dal which the neglect of the Lord's and to retain the language and the Day at Dort gave them, exhorting name of Englishmen ; second, the Synod to interfere with the their inability to give their child- magistrates for preventing the open- ren such an education as they had ing of shops and the exercise themselves received ; and third, of trade on Sundays. Sir Dudley their grief at the profanation of Carleton, too, waiting from the the sabbath in Holland. This vi- Hague July 22, 1619, says, " It olation of the sabbath attracted the falls out in these towns of Holland, attention of the Synod of Dort, that Sunday, which is elsewhere which assembled in 1618. The the day of rest, proves the day of Dutch ministers acknowledged the labor, for they never knew yet great difficulty they met with in how fo observe the sabbath." See withdrawing the people on Sun- Brandt, iii. 28, 290 ; Hales's Letters 48 THEY TURN THEIR EYES TO AMERICA. CHAP, to undertake this resolution of their removal, the which IV ^-^-L. they afterward prosecuted with so great difficulties ; 16 17. as by the sequel will appear. The place they had thoughts on were some of those unpeopled countries of America, which are fruitful and fit for habitation, being devoid of all civil inhabitants, where there are only salvage and brutish people, which range up and down little otherwise than the wild beasts. This proposition being made pubhc, and com- ing to the scanning of all, it raised many variable opinions amongst men, and caused many fears and doubts amongst themselves. Some, from their reasons and hopes conceived, labored to stir up and encourage the rest to undertake and prosecute the same ; others, again, out of their fears, objected against it, and from the Synod of Dort, p. 8. (Glasgow, 1765) ; Carleton's Let- ters, p. 380. These reasons for their removal, as stated by Bradford and Wins- low, are sufficient, and are to be received as the true and sole rea- sons. Yet Douglass, in his Sum- mary, i. 369, says, " Being of un- steady temper, they resolved to re- move to some remote country in some wilderness, — as recluses." Chalmers, in his Political Annals, p. 85, says, " After twelve years' unmolested residence they became mihappy in their situation, because they foresaw the destruction of their society in the toleration they en- joyed ; and determined to seek new adventures in America. — Contin- uing unhappy in a country where they were obscure and unpersecut- ed," &c. Robertson, in his History of America, book x. says, "They re- sided at Leyden for several years un- molested and obscure. But as their church received no increase, either by recruits from England or by proselytes gained in the country, they began to be afraid that all their high attainments in spiritual knowledge would be lost, if they remained longer in a strange land." And Burke, in his account of the European Settlements in America, says that " though in a country of the greatest religious freedom in the world, they did not find them- selves better satisfied than they had been in England. They were tolerated indeed, but watched ; their zeal began to have dangerous languors for want of opposition ; and being without power or conse- quence, they grew tired of the in- dolent security of their sanctuary." These sneers are as contemptible as they are unjust. It is to be re- gretted that any respectable writer in this country should have incau- tiously given currency to such misrepresentations. Chief Justice Marshall perceived and corrected the error into which he had been led by following such unworthy authorities. Compare his Life of Washington, i. 90, (first ed.) with his History of the American Colo- nies, p. 78. REASONS AGAINST REMOVAL. 49 sought to divert from it, alleging many things, and chap. those neither unreasonable nor unprobable ; as that it -— .-^ was a great design, and subject to many inconceivable 16 1 7. perils and dangers ; as, besides the casualties of the seas, (which none can be freed from,) the length of the voyage was such as the weak bodies of men and wo- men and such other persons, worn out with age and travail, (as many of them were,) could never be able to endure ; and yet if they should, the miseries of the land which they should be exposed unto would be too hard to be borne, and likely, some or all of them, to consume and utterly to ruinate them.^ For there they should be liable to famine, and nakedness, and the want, in a manner, of all things. The changing of the air, fiiet, and drinking of water would infect their bodies with sore sicknesses ; and all those which should escape or overcome these difficulties should yet be in continual danger of the salvage people, who are cruel, barbarous, and treacherous, being most furious in their rage and merciless where they overcome, not being content only to kill and take away life, but de- light to torment men in most bloody manner that may be, flaying men alive with the shells of fishes, cutting off the joints and members of others by piecemeals, and broiling them on the coals, and causing men to eat the collops of their flesh in their sight whilst they live ; with other cruelties horrible to be related. And surely it could not be thought but the hearing of these things could not but move the bowels of men to grate ' " Immensus ultra, utque sic Italia relictti, Germaniam peteret, dixerim, adversus oceanus raris ab iiifonuem terris, asperain ccelo, tris- orbe nostro navibus aditur? Quis tcm cultu aspectuque, nisi si patria porro, praeter periculum horridi et sit?-" Tacitus, Germania, ii. ignoti maris, Asia, aut Africa aut 7 50 THE OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. CHAP, within them, and make the weak to quake and trem- ^— .-L. ble. It was further objected, that it would require 16 17. greater sums of money to furnish such a voyage and to fit them with necessaries, than their estates would amount to. And yet they must all as well look to be seconded with supplies, as presently to be transported. Also, the like precedents of ill success and lamentable miseries befallen others in the like designs,^ were easy to be found, and not forgotten to be alleged ; besides their own experience in their former troubles and hard- ships in their removal into Holland, and how hard a thing it was for them to live in that strange place, although it was a neighbour country, and a civil and rich commonwealth. It was answered, that all great and honorable ac- tions were accompanied with great difficulties, and must be both enterprised and overcome with answera- ble courages. It was granted the dangers were great, but not desperate, and the difficulties were many, but not invincible ; for although there were many of them likely, yet they were not certain. It might be that some of the things feared might never befall them ; others, by providence, care, and the use of good means, might in a great measure be prevented ; and all of them through the help of God, by fortitude and pa- tience, might either be borne or overcome. True it was that such attempts were not to be made and undertaken but upon good ground and reason, not rashly or lightly, as many have done for curiosity or ^ The entire failure of the plan- serve to discourage them from emi- tation at Sagadahoc, near the grating to America. See Gorges's mouth of the Kennebec, in 1607, Brief Narrative, in Mass. Hist, which was abandoned in less than Coll. xxvi. 54 — 56, and William- a year, and the slow progress of the son's History of Maine, i. 197 — Virginia settlements, might well 203. THE PILGRIMS RESOLVE TO EMIGRATE. 51 hope of gain, &c. But their condition was not ordi- chap. nary. Their ends were good and honorable, their calling lawful and urgent, and therefore they might I6i7. expect a blessing of God in their proceeding ; yea, although they should lose their lives in this action, yet they might have comfort in the same ; and their en- deavours would be honorable. They lived here but as men in exile and in a poor condition ; and as great miseries might possibly befall them in this place ; for the twelve years of truce were now out,^ and there was nothing but beating of drums and preparing for war, the events whereof are always uncertain. The Spaniard might prove as cruel as the salvages of America, and the famine and pestilence are sore here as there, and liberty less to look out for remedy. After many other particular things answered and alleged on both sides, it was fully concluded by the major part to put this design in execution, and to prosecute it by the best means they could. ^ The twelve years' truce, con- 1621, v.'hen the war was renewed, eluded April 9, 1609, expired in See Note on page 44. CHAPTER V. SHOWING WHAT MEANS THEY USED FOR PREPARATION TO THIS WEIGHTY VOYAGE. 1617, And first, after their humble prayers unto God for his direction and assistance, and a general conference held thereabouts, they consulted what particular place to pitch upon and prepare for. Some, and none of the meanest, had thoughts and were earnest for Guia- na,^ or some of those fertile places in those hot cli- ' Sir Walter Raleigh published in 1596 his " Discovery of Guiana," which he calls a mighty, rich and beautiful empire, directly east from Peru, towards the sea, lying under the equinoctial line. Its capital was "that great and golden city which the Spaniards call El Dorado, and the natives Manoa, and for great- ness, riches, and excellent seat it far exceedeth any of the world." Hav- ing, in 1.595, sailed up the Orinoco 400 miles in quest of it, he says, "On both sides of this river we passed the most beautiful country that ever mine eyes beheld ; plains of twenty miles in length, the grass short and green, and in divers parts groves of trees by themselves, as if they had been by all the art and labor of the world so made of pur- pose ; and still as we rowed, the deer came down feeding by the water's side, as if they had been used to a keeper's call. — I never saw a more beautiful country, nor more lively prospects, hills so rais- ed here and there over the val- leys, the river winding into di- vers branches, the plains adjoining without bush or stubble, all fair green grass, the deer crossing in every path, the birds towards the evening singing on every tree with a thousand several tunes, the air fresh, with a gentle easterly wind ; and every stone that we stopped to take up promised either gold or silver by his complexion. — For health, good air, pleasure, and riches, I am resolved it cannot be equalled by any region either in the east or west." See Raleigh's Works, viii. 381, 398, 427, 442, 462. (Oxford ed.) Chapman, too, the translator of THEY TURN THEIR THOUGHTS TO GUIANA. 53 mates. Others were for some parts of Virginia,^ where chap. the EngUsh had ah*eady made entrance and beginning. ^^.-^ Those for Guiana alleged that the country was rich, 1 6 1 7. fruitful, and blessed with a perpetual spring and a flourishing greenness ; where vigorous nature brought forth all things in abundance and plenty, without any great labor or art of man ; so as it must needs make the inhabitants rich, seeing less provision of clothing and other things would secure them than in more colder and less fruitful countries must be had. As also that the Spaniards, having much more than they could possess, had not yet planted there, nor any where very near the same.- But to this it was answered, that out of question the country was both fruitful and pleasant, and might yield riches and maintenance to the possessors more easily than to others ; yet, other things considered, it would not be so fit. And first, that such hot countries are subject to grievous diseases, and many noisome impediments, which other more temperate places are free from, and would not so w^ell agree with our Eng- Homer, in a poem on Guiana, writ- History of the United States, i. ten in 1595, thus celebrates the 39. country : ' Although England and Spain were now at peace, and had been „ . ^ ■ , - . , ,j since 1604, and so continued till the " G\iiana, whose rich feet are mines of gold, . ' „„, ^ ,, t-,i Whose forehead knocks against the roof of rupture in 1624, yet the I'llgrims, >=tars, from their long residence in Hol- Ptaiuls on her tiptoe at fair England looking, i i , . imhihpfl thp mtinml rP Kissing her liand, bowing her niishtv breast, ^^"^» "^°^ imDlDeC Uie national re- And every Sinn of all submission making, pUgnanCC of the Dutch to their To be the sister and the daughter both Spanish oppressors, a feeling which Of our most sacred maid." ' , . • j t i .^ was long retamed. In a letter writ- ten by the Plymouth colonists to See Tytler's Life of Raleigh, p. the Dutch on Hudson's river in 164 ; and Oldys's Life in Raleigh's 1627, they speak of resisting "the Works, i. 215. pride of that confimon enemy, the ' The successful colonization of Spaniards, from whose cruelty the Virginia commenced in 1607, at Lord keep us both, and our native Jamestown. See Stith's History countries." See Mass. Hist. Coll. of "Mrginia, p. 46 ; Grahame's iii. 51, 52. 54 THEY CONCLUDE FOR VIRGINIA. CHAP, lisli bodies. Again, if they should there hve and do — .-L. well, the jealous Spaniard would never suffer them 16 17. long, but would displant and overthrow them, as he 15 65. did the French in Florida,^ who were settled further ^2^*' ft'oni his richest countries ; and the sooner, because they should have none to protect them, and their own strength would be too small to resist so potent an enemy and so near a neighbour. On the other hand, for Virginia it was objected, that if they lived amongst the English which were there planted, or so near them as to be under their government, they should be in as great danger to be troubled and persecuted for their cause of religion ~ as if they lived in England, and it might be worse ; and if they lived too far off, they should neither have succour or defence from them. And at length the conclusion was, to live in a dis- tinct body by themselves, under the general govern- ment of Virginia ; ^ and by their friends to sue to His ^ Seethe account of the massacre land, of 100 miles wide, along the of the Huguenots in Florida by the Atlantic coast of Ts'orth America, Spaniards, in Holmes's Annals, i. extending from the 34th to the 45th 86. degree of north latitude — a terri- ^ Virginia had been colonized by tory which then went under the persons belonging to the Church of common name of Virginia — be- England, and attached to its ceremo- tween two Companies, who were nies and institutions. In the orders to colonize it. The First or South- and instructions for the govern- ern Colony was granted to certain ment of the colony, issued by King knights, gentlemen, merchants, and James under his sign manual and the adventurers of London, who were privy seal of England, it was spe- to colonize between the 34th and cially enjoined that " the word and the 4Ist degrees. The Second, or service of God should be preached Northern Colony, was granted to and used according to the rites and persons of like description in Bris- doctrines of the Church of Eng- tol, Exeter, and Plymouth, who land." See Stith's Virginia, p. 37, were to plant between the 38th and and Chalmers's Annals, p. 15, the 45th degrees. Each Company ' The Virginia Company was was to be under the government of established in 1606. On the 10th a council of thirteen, and neither of of April of that year, King James, them was to plant a colony within by letters patent, divided a strip of a hundred miles of a previous settle- AGENTS ARE SENT TO ENGLAND. 55 Majesty that he would be pleased to grant them free lib- chap. erty, and freedom of religion. And that this may be ob- — .— - tained they were put in good hope by some great persons 1 6 1 7. of good rank and quahty that were made their friends.^ Whereupon two~ were chosen and sent into England, at the charge of the rest, to solicit this matter ; who found the Virginia Company very desirous to have them go thither,^ and willing to grant them a patent, with as ample privileges as they had or could grant to any, and to give them the best furtherance they could ; and some of the chief of the Company doubted not to ob- tain their suit of the king for liberty in religion, and to have it confirmed under the king's broad seal, according to their desires. But it proved a harder piece of work than they took it for. For although many means were used to bring it about, yet it could not be effected ; for there were divers of good worth labored with the king ment made by the other. The Se- Carver will be found in Belknap, ii. cond or Plymouth Company made 179, 267. the unsuccessful attempt in 1607 to ^ Sir Ferdinand© Gorges, one of establish a colony near the mouth the leaders of the Second or Ply- of the Kennebec. The First or mouth Company, says " Before the London Company was the one to unhappy controversy happened be- which the agents of the Pilgrims tween those of Virginia and myself, applied, and which seems at this they were forced, through the great time to have appropriated to itself charge they had been at, to hearken exclusively the title of the Virginia to any propositions that nright give Company. Douglass, i. 370, 395, ease and furtherance to so hopeful a Moulton, History of New York, business. To that purpose, it was p. 356, and Grahame, i. 188, err in referred to their considerations how saying that they obtained a grant of necessary it was that means might land or a promise of a patent, from be used to draw into those entei- the Plymouth Company. See the prises some of those families that Charter in Stith, App. p. 1, and in had retired themselves into Holland Hazard's State Papers, i. 50. for scruple of conscience, giving ^ Among others, no doubt, Sir them such freedom and liberty as Edwin Sandys, Sir Robert Naun- might stand with their likings. This ton, and Sir John Wolstenholme, advice being hearkened unto, there as will hereafter be seen. were that undertook the putting it * Robert Cushrnan and John Car- in practice, and accordingly brought ver, as appears by the letter of Sir it to effect so far forth," &c. See Edwin Sandys on page 58. The Gorges, in Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvi. little that is known of Cushrnan and 73. 56 THE AGENTS RETURN UNSUCCESSFUL. CHAP, to obtain it, amongst whom was one ^ of his chief Secretaries ; and some other wrought with the Arch- 1 G 1 8. bishop ^ to give way thereunto. But it proved all in vain. Yet thus far they prevailed in sounding His Majesty's mind, that he would connive at them, and not molest them, provided they carried themselves peacea- bly. But to allow or tolerate them by his public author- ity under his seal, they found it would not be granted.^ And this was all that the chief of the Virginia Company, or any other of their best friends, could do in the case. Yet they persuaded them to go on, for they presumed they should not be troubled.^ And with this answer the messengers returned, and signified what diligence had been used, and to what issue things were come. But this made a damp in the business, and caused some distraction. For many were afraid that if they should unsettle themselves, put off their estates, and go upon these hopes, it might prove dangerous, and but ^ Winslow, in his Brief Narration, sworn a member of the Privy Coun- says that the agents " got Sir Ed- cil. See an account of him, not a win Sandys, a religious gentleman very favorable one, in Clarendon's then living, to stir in it, who pro- History of the Rebellion, book i. cured Sir Robert Naunton, then under the year 1633, in which he principal Secretary of State to King died. He was too mild and tolerant James, to move his Majesty." Sir for Clarendon. See also Wood's Robert Naunton was sworn the Athenee Oxon. i. 561, (ed. Bliss,) king's secretary. Jan. 8, 1618. He and Neal's Puritans, i. 564. was the author of " i^TOij'vnen^a Re- * The word granted I have re- galia ; Observations on the late stored from Prince, p. 148. Queen Elizabeth, her Times and Douglass, Summary, i. 369, and Favorites," "the fruit," as Fuller the authors of the Modern Universal says, " of his younger years." Bel- History err in saying that the Pil- knap, Am. Biog. ii. 170, and Bay- grims '' obtained an instrument from lies. Memoir of Plymouth Colony, James I. for the full exercise of their i. 16, err in calling him Norton, religion in any part of America." See Fuller's Worthies of England, * At the very time this negotiation ii. 336, (4to ed.) ; Birch's Memoirs was pending, King James issued a of Queen Elizabeth, i. 369. declaration, (May 24, 1618) in which ^ The See of Canterbury was at he required the bishop of Lancashire this time filled by Dr. George Ab- to constrain all the Puritans within hot. He had been promoted to it his diocess to conform, or to leave from the bishopric of London, April the country. Prince, p. 147. 9, 1611, and on the 23d of June was OTHER AGENTS ARE SENT. 67 a sandy foundation. Yea, it was thought they might chap, better have presumed hereupon, without making any . i^ suit at all, than, having made it, to be thus rejected. I6I8. But some of the chiefest thought otherwise, and that they might well proceed hereupon, and that the King's Majesty was willing enough to suffer them without molestation, though for other reasons he would not confirm it by any public act ; and furthermore, if there was no security in this promise intimated, there would be no greater certainty in a further confirmation of the same. For if afterward there should be a pur- pose or desire to wrong them, though they had a seal as broad as the house -floor, it would not serve the turn, for there would be means enough found to re- call or reverse it. And seeing, therefore, the course is probable, they must rest herein on God's provi- dence, as they had done in other things. Upon this resolution, other messengers ^ were de- 1 6 1 9. spatched to end with the Virginia Company, as well as they could, and to procure a patent with as good and ample conditions as they might by any good means attain; as also to treat and conclude with such mer- chants and other friends as had manifested their for- wardness to provoke to and adventure in this voyage. For which end they had instructions given them upon what conditions they should proceed with them ; or else to conclude nothing without further advice. And here it will be requisite to insert a letter or two, that may give hght to these proceedings. 'By Mr. Cushinan's letter from pajre 151. Judtre Davis follows London, of May 8, 1619, inserted on Prince in this error, in his valuable a following page, it appears that edition of Morton's Memorial, p. these messengers were Mr. Cash- 22. They were not despatched, it man himself and Mr. Brewster ; will be seen, till more than a year not Mr. Bradford, as Prince says, after the first agents were sent. 8 58 CORRESPONDENCE OP THE PILGRIMS A Copy of a Letter from Sir Edwin Sandys,^ directed to M\ John Robinson and Mr. William Brewster.^ After my hearty salutations, — The agents of your congregation, Robert Cushman and John Carver,^ have been in communication with divers select gentlemen of his Majesty's Council for Virginia ; and by the wri- ting of seven articles, subscribed '' with your names, have given them that good degree of satisfaction which hath carried them on with a resolution to set forward your desire in the best sort that may be for your own and the public good ; divers particulars whereof we leave to their faithful report, having carried themselves here with that good discretion as is both to their own and their credit from whom^ they came. And whereas, being to treat for a multitude of people, they have re- quested further time to confer with them that are to be interested in this action about the several particulars which in the prosecution thereof will fall out consider- able, it hath been very willingly assented unto ; and so they do now return unto you.*^ If therefore it may ^ This name is spelt Sands in the length, which agree almost word MS., which Slilh says is " cer- for word with Bradford's History, tainly wrong." See the Appendix Compare Hubbard, pp. 44 — 50. to his History, p. 10, Note. ^ These were the agents that *This letter is contained in Hub- were first sent. See page 55. bard's History of New England, in •* The word subscribed is inserted, Mass. Hist. Coll. xv. 46, but very from Prince, p. 142, and Hubbard, incorrectly transcribed. Prince says, p. 46. inhis Annals,pp. xxi. 232,that Hub- ^I substitute whom for tvJience, bard " had never seen Gov. Brad- on the authority of Prince, p. 142. ford's History." But this I think a ® From the expression, " they do mistake, since Hubbard relates the no%v return unto you," it is evident whole history of this negotiation that the agents must have returned with the Virginia Company, which to Leyden soon after this letter was is not contained in Morton's Memo- written, of which they were un- rial, and which he could have got doubtedly the bearers, that is be- only from Bradford's original MS., tween Nov. 12, the date of the let- or from Morton's copy of it in the ter, and Dec. 15, the date of Rob- records of the Plymouth Church, inson and Brewster's answer to it. He gives passages of considerable Of course Prince, p. 148, and Davis 15. WITH THE VIRGINIA COMPANY. 59 please God so to direct your desires as that on your chap. parts there fall out no just impediments, I trust by the ^^J^ same direction it shall likewise appear that on our 1 6 1 7. ^ ^ Nov. parts all forwardness to set you forward shall be found 12. in the best sort which with reason may be expected. And so I betake you with this design, (which 1 hope verily is the work of God,) to the gracious protection and blessinor of the Highest. Your very loving friend, Edwin Sandys.^ London, November 12, 1617. Their Answer was as followeth. Right Worshipful, Our humble duties remembered, in our own, our Dec messengers' and our church's name, with all thankful acknowledgment of your singular love, expressing it- self, as otherwise, so more especially in your great care and earnest endeavour of our good in this weighty business about Virginia, which the less able we are to on Morton, p. 22, cannot be correct was in 1621 committed by James in stating tliat they returned in to the Tower for his free speech. May, 1618. It appears from Rob- Anthony Wood says he was " a inson and Brewster's letter that C'ar- person of great judgment and of a ver was sent a second time to the commanding pen, a solid states- Council of Virginia, in Dec. 1017, man, ingenio et gravitate morum attended by "a gentleman of the insignis." He was the author of company." T/jese agents may have ^^ Europre. Speculum; or a View or returned to Leyden in May, 1618. Survey of the state of Religion in Cushman and IJrewster were after- the western part of the World," wards sent in Feb. 1619, and re- and of a metrical version of the turned late in the same year. Book of Job, the Psalms of David, ' Sir Edwin Sandys was one of and other poetical parts of Holy the principal members of the Vir- Writ. He died in 1629, See ginia Company. He was the son Wood's Athena; Oxonienses, ii. of Archbishop Sandys, and a favo- 472, (ed. Bliss) ; Walton's Lives, rite pupil of the judicious Hooker, pp. 174, 178, 180, (Major's ed.) ; In Parliament, he was " a member Hume's England, vi. 39, 97, (Pick- of great authority," according to ering's ed.) ; Hallam's Const. Hist. Hume, and taking the popular side of England, i. 495 — 499. 60 CORRESPONDENCE OF THE PILGRIMS CHAP, requite, we shall think ourselves the more bound to .--J^ commend in our prayers unto God for recompense ; 16 17. whom as for the present you rightly behold in our 15.' endeavours, so shall we not be wanting on our parts, (the same God assisting us,) to return all answerable fruit and respect unto the labor of your love bestowed upon us. We have, with the best speed and consid- eration withal that we could, set down our requests in writing, subscribed, as you willed, with the hands of ^ the greatest part of our congregation, and have sent the same unto the Council ^ by our agent, a deacon of our church, John Carver, unto whom we have also requested a gentleman of our company to adjoin him- self; to the care and discretion of which two we do refer the prosecuting of the business. Now we per- suade ourselves, right worshipful, that we need not to provoke your godly and loving mind to any further or more tender care of us, since you have pleased so far to interest us in yourself, that, under God, above all persons and things in the world we rely upon you, expecting the care of your love, the counsel of your wisdom, and the help and countenance of your author- ity. Notwithstanding, for your encouragement in the work so far as probabilities may lead, we will not for- bear to mention these instances of inducement. 1. We verily believe and trust the Lord is with us, unto whom and whose service we have given our- selves in many trials, and that he will graciously prosper our endeavours according to the simpHcity of our hearts therein. 2. We are well weaned from the deHcate milk of * The words the hands of I restore " The Council of the Virginia from Prince, p. 142. Company. WITH THE VIRGINIA COMPANY. 61 our mother country, and inured to the difficulties of chap. a strange and hard land, which yet, in great part, we ^^J^ have by patience overcome. 1 6 1 7. Dec 3. The people are, for the body of them, industrious 15. and frugal, we think we may safely say, as any com- pany of people in the world. 4. We are knit together as a body in a more strict and sacred bond and covenant of the Lord, of the violation whereof we make great ^ conscience ; and by virtue whereof we do hold ourselves straitly tied to all care of each other's good, and of the whole by every, and so mutual. 5. And lastly, it is not with us as with other men, whom small things can discourage, or small discon- tentments cause to wish themselves at home again. We know our entertainment in England and Holland. We shall much prejudice both our arts and means by removal ; where, if we should be driven to return, we should not hope to recover our present helps and comforts, neither indeed look ever to attain the like in any other place during our lives, which are now drawing towards their periods. These motives we have been bold to tender unto you, which you in your wisdom may also impart to any other our worshipful friends of the Council with you, of all whose godly dispositions and loving towards our despised persons we are most glad, and shall not fail by all good means to continue and increase the same. We shall not be further troublesome, but do, with the renewed remembrance of our humble duties to your worship, and (so far as in modesty we may be bold) to any other of our well-willers of the Council with ' The word great is restored from Prince, p. 1-13. 62 CORRESPONDENCE OF THE PILGRIMS CHAP, you, we take our leaves, committing your persons and — ^— counsels to the guidance and protection of the Al- 16 17. mighty. Dec. ^ ^ 15. Yours, much bounden in all duty, John Robinson, William Brewster. Leyden, the 15th of Decemher, 1617. I found annexed unto the foregoing letters these following hues, written by Mr. Bradford with special reference unto the fourth particular on the other side written.^ O sacred bond ! Whilst inviolably preserved, how sweet and precious were the fruits that flowed from the same. But when this fidelity decayed, then their ruin approached. Oh that these ancient members had not died or been dissipated, (if it had been the will of God,) or else that this holy care and constant faith- fulness had still lived and remained with those that survived, that were in times afterwards added unto them. But, alas ! that subtile serpent hath slily wound in himself, under fair pretences of necessity and the like, to untwist these sacred bonds and ties, and as it were insensibly, by degrees, to dissolve or in a great measure to weaken the same. I have been happy, in my first times, to see and with much comfort to enjoy the blessed fruits of this sweet communion. But it is now a part of my misery in old age to find and feel the decay and want thereof, in a great measure, and with grief and sorrow of heart to lament and bewail the same ; and for others' warning and admonition, and my own humiliation, do I here note the same. * On page 61. 27. WITH THE VIRGINIA COMPANY. 63 Thus much by way of digression. For further hght chap. in these proceedings forenamed, see some other let ters and notes, as followeth. 1 6 1 8. The Copy of a Letter sent to Sir John Wolstenholme} Right Worshipful, With due acknowledgment of our thankfulness for jan. your singular care and pains in the business of Vir- ginia, for our and (we hope) the common good, we do remember our humble duties unto you, and have sent, as is desired, a further explanation of our judgments in the three points specified by some of His Majesty's honorable Privy Council. And although it be grievous unto us that such unjust insinuations are made against us, yet we are most glad of the occasion of making our just purgation unto the so honorable personages. The Declarations we have sent enclosed ; the one more brief and general, which we think the fitter to be presented ; the other something more large, and in which we express some small accidental differences, which, if it seem good unto you and other of your worship's friends, you may send instead of the former. Our prayer unto God is, that your worship may see the fruit of your worthy endeavours, which on our part we shall not fail to further by all good means. ' It is Worsingham in the MS. ; Rawson, Secretary to the New but this is an error. Prince, p. 144. England Plantations, by Sir John and Hubbard, p. 47, write it Wors- Wolstenholme, son of the indi- tenholme. Sir John Wolstenholme vidual in question, dated London, was a wealthy merchant and a Feb. 1, 1663, in which he says, farmer of the customs, one of the " I am a great well-wisher and principal members of the Virginia good friend to your plantation, and Company, and one of the Council so was my father before me, who established by the second charter, died 24 years since." See Stith's He died in 1639. In Hutchinson's Virginia, pp. 163, 167, 186, and Collection of papers, p. 383, there App. p. i6. is a letter written to Mr. Edward 64 CORRESPONDENCE OP THE PILGRIMS CHAP. And SO praying that you would, with all conveniency , JL_ that may be, give us knowledge of the success of the 16 18. business with His Majesty's Privy Council, and ac- 27"* cordingly what your further pleasure is, either for our direction or furtherance in the same, so we rest Your worship's, in all duty, John Robinson, William Brewster. Leyden, January 27, 1617, old style} The first brief Note ivas this. Touching the ecclesiastical ministry, namely, of pastors for teaching, elders for ruling, and deacons for distributing the church's contribution, as also for the two sacraments, baptism and the Lord's supper, we do wholly and in all points agree with the French Reformed Churches, according to their public Con- fession of Faith ; though some small differences. The oath of Supremacy we shall willingly take, if it be required of us, if that convenient satisfaction be not given by our taking the oath of Allegiance.^ John Robinson, William Brewster. * That is, Jan. 1618, new style. Allegiance was drawn up and ap- By the old style the year began pointed to be taken by all the king's March 25. subjects. This was an oath of '■^ In 1531, in the reign of Henry "submission and obedience to the VIII. the king was declared " the king as a tennporal sovereign, inde- supreme head of the Church of pendent of any other power upon England," and all his majesty's earth." By the third charter of the subjects were required on oath to Virginia Company, their Treas- acknowledge his supremacy. In urer, or any two of the Council, 1558, at the accession of Elizabeth, were empowered to administer the the Act of Supremacy, which had oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance been repealed under Queen Mary, to all persons going to their Colony, was restored, and all persons in See Burnet's History of the Re- office, civil or ecclesiastical, were formation, ii. 387 (folio) ; Neal's required to take the oath. In 1605, Puritans, i. 8, 11, 84, 117, 440; in the reign of James, the oath of Stith's App. p. 28 ; Hazard, i. 78. 27. WITH THE VIRGINIA COMPANY. 65 The second was this. chap. V. Touching the ecclesiastical ministry, [as in the former, &c.] we agree, in all things, with the French Jan. Reformed Churches, according to their public Con- fession of Faith ; though some small differences be to be found in our practices, not at all in the substance of the things, but only in some accidental circum- stances : as 1 . Their ministers do pray with their heads cover- ed ; we uncovered. 2. We choose none for governing elders but such as are able to teach ; which ability they do not require. 3. Their elders and deacons are annual, or at the most for two or three years ; ours perpetual. 4. Our elders do administer their office in admoni- tions and excommunications, for pubhc scandals, publicly and before the congregation ; theirs more privately and in their consistories. 5. We do administer baptism only to such infants as whereof the one parent, at the least, is of some church, which some of their churches do not observe ; although in it our practice accords with their public Confession and the judgment of the most learned amongst them. Other differences, worthy mentioning, we know none. (Subscribed,) John Robinson, William Brewster. QQ CORRESPONDENCE OF THK PILGRIMS Part of another Letter from him that delivered these, London, Fed. 14, 1617.' Your letter to Sir John Wolstenholme I delivered, almost as soon as I had it, to his own hands, and stayed with him the opening and reading thereof. There were two papers enclosed. He read them to himself, as also the letter ; and in the reading he spake to me and said, " Who shall make them ? " viz. the ministers. I answered his worship that the power of making was in the Church,- to be ordained by the im- position of hands by the fittest instruments they have. It must either be in the Church, or from the Pope ; and the Pope is Antichrist. " Ho ! " said Sir John, " what the Pope holds good, (as in the Trinity,) that we do well to assent to. But," said he, " we will not enter into dispute now ; " and as for your letters, he would not show them at any hand, lest he should spoil all. He expected you should have been of the Arch- bishop's mind for the calling of ministers ; but it seems you differed. I could have wished to have known the contents of your two enclosed, at which he stuck so much, especially the larger. I asked his worship what good news he had for me to write to-morrow. He * That is, 1618, new style. imposition of hands may be per- * That is, the congregation, each formed by some of the brethren, separate body of believers. This orderly chosen by the church there- was Brownism ; and it is Indepen- unto. For if the people may elect dency, or Congregationalism. The officers, which is the greater, and Cambridge Platform says, chaps, wherein the substance of the office 8 and 9, " Calling unto office is by doth consist, they may much more the church. — Officers are to be (occasion and need so requiring) called by such churches whereunto impose hands in ordination, which they are to minister. — The choice is less, and but the accomplishment of church officers belongeth not to of the other." It was practised the civil magistrates, as such, or upon at the first ordination in Ameri- diocesan bishops, or patrons. — In ca, at Salem, in 1629. See Morton's churhes where there are no elders, Memorial, p. 146. WITH THEIR AGENTS IN ENGLAND. 67 told me, " Very ^ good news ; for both the King's chap. Majesty and the bishops have consented." He said .^J^ he would ffo to Mr. Chancellor, Sir Fulke Greville,^ 1 6 1 8. Feb. as this day, and next week I should know more. I u. met with Sir Edwin Sandys on Wednesday night. He wished me to be at the Virginia Court ^ the next Wednesday, where I purpose to be. Thus loth to be troublesome at present, 1 hope to have something next week of certainty concerning you. I commit you to the Lord. Yours, S. B. These things being long in agitation, and messen- gers passing to and again about them, after all their hopes they were long delayed by many obstacles that fell in the way. For at the return of these messen- gers into England, they found things far otherwise than they expected. For the Virginia Council was now so disturbed with factions and quarrels amongst ^ The word very is restored from Prince, p. 145. * Sir Fulke Greville was ap- pointed chancellor of the exche- quer, and sworn of the Privy Coun- cil Oct. 1, 1614. On the 9th of Jan. 1G21, he was raised to the peerage by the title of Lord Brooke, of Beauchamp's Court. He wrote a Life of Sir Philip Sidney, and *' The First Five Years of King James," which is contained in the Harleian Miscellany, vii. 407, (Park's ed.) On his tomb-stone in War- wick Church, he had inscribed this brief but noble epitaph : " Fulke Greville, servant to Queen Eliza- beth, counsellor to King James, and friend to Sir Philip Sidney." See Wood's Athenae Oxon. ii. 430 ; Fuller's Worthies, ii. 415 ; Birch's Queen Elizabeth, i. 178 ; Naun- ton's Fragmenta Regalia, p. 112, (ed. 1824) ; Walpole, Royal and Noble Authors, ii. 220. * By the third charter of A^irginia it was provided that " the Company shall and may once every week, or oftener, at their pleasure, hold and keep a court and assembly for des- patching all casual matters of less consequence and weight concerning the plantation ; and for all aifairs of government trade, and disposal of lands, there shall be held every year four great and general courts," at which all officers were to be chosen, and all laws and ordinances enacted. See Slith, App. 2G, and Hazard, i. 76. 68 CORRESPONDENCE OF THE PILGRIMS CHAP, themselves, as no business could well go forward ; the V. . which may the better appear in one of the messen- 16 19. gers' letters, as followeth. To his Loving Friends. May I had thought long since to have writ unto you ; but could not effect that which I aimed at, neither can yet set things as I wished. Yet, notwithstanding, I doubt not but Mr. Brewster hath written to Mr. Robinson ; but I think myself bound also to do some- thing, lest I be thought to neglect you. The main hindrance of our proceedings in the Vir- ginia business is the dissensions and factions, as they term it, amongst the Council and Company of Vir- ginia, which are such as that ever since we came up no business could by them be despatched. The occasion of this trouble amongst them is, that a while since Sir Thomas Smith, ^ repining at his many offices and troubles, wished the Company of Virginia to ease him of his office in being treasurer and governor of the April Virginia Company. Whereupon the Company took occasion to dismiss him, and chose Sir Edwin Sandys^ ' Sir Thomas Smith was the first the assignees of Sir Walter Ra- treasurer and governor of the Vir- ieigh's patent, and thus became in- ginia Company, and continued in terested in the colony of Virginia, office till superseded by Sir Edwin See Belknap, ii. 9 — 19; Stith, Sandys. He had the chief man- pp. 42, 158, agement of their affairs, and pre- '■' Sir Edwin Sandys was elected sided in all the meetings of the April 28, 1619. Stith says that Council and Company. He was a "he was a person of excellent un- London merchant, of great wealth derstanding and judgment, of great and influence, governor of the East industry, vigor and resolution, and India and Muscovy Companies, and indefatigable in his application to of the company associated for the the business of the company and discovery of the north-west passage, colony."' His election was brought In 1604 he was sent ambassador about by the Eail of Warwick's from King James to the Emperor (Lord Rich) hostility to Sir Tho- of Russia. He was also one of mas Smith. Sandys was very ob- WITH THEIR AGENTS IN ENGLAND. 69 treasurer and governor of the Company, he having chap. sixty voices, Sir John Wolstenholme sixteen voices, and Alderman Johnson^ twenty-four. But Sir Thomas ^ 9,^ ^ • Smith, when he saw some part of his honor lost, was 8. very angry, and raised a faction to cavil and contend about the election, and sought to tax Sir Edwin with many things that might both disgrace him and also put him bv his office of governor. In which contentions they yet sticky and are not fit nor ready to intermeddle in any business ; and what issue things will come to, I know not, nor are we yet certain. It is most like Sir Edwin will carry it away ; and if he do, things will go well in Virginia ; if otherwise, they will go ill enough always. We hope in two or three Court days things will settle. Mean space I think to go down into Kent, and come up again about fourteen days or three weeks hence ; except either by these aforesaid con- tentions,^ or by the ill tidings from Virginia, we be wholly discouraged ; of which tidings as followeth. Capt. ArgalP is come home this week. He, upon noxious to King James, on account Stith had in his possession copies of his political principles. The of the records of the Company, from ting said, " he knew him to be a April 28, 1619, to June 7, 1624. man of exorbitant ambition." Ac- See also a declaration made by the cordingly, when the year for which Council of Virginia, in 16133, enti- he was chosen, had expired, James tied " TheCompany's Cliief Root of objected to his re-election, and in a the Differences and Discontents," furious passion exclaimed, " Choose in the Appendix to Burk's History the devil, if you will, but not Sir of Virginia, i. 316 ; and "A Short Edwin Sandys." To get out of Collection of the most remarkal)le the difliculty, the Company chose passages from the original to the the Earl of Southampton treasurer, dissolution of the Virginia Com- and Sandys deputy. See Stith, pany. London, 1651." (4to. pp. 159, 178, 181 ; Burk, i. 322 ; Short 20.) Collection, pp. 6,8, 19. ^ Sir Samuel Argall was a kins- ' Alderman Johnson was at this man of Sir Thomas Smith, and a time the deputy treasurer of the favorite of the Earl of Warwick, Company. See Stith, p. 150. who procured his election as deputy '' For an account of the conten- governor of the Virginia Colony in tions in the Virginia Company, see the beginning of 1617. He arrived Stith's Virginia, pp, v. 158, 180. in Virginia in May ; but his admin- 70 CORRESPONDENCE OF THE PILGRIMS CHAP, notice of the intent of the Council, came away before >^J^ Sir George Yeardley^ came there, and so there is no 16 19. small dissension. But his tidings is ill, althoue^h his May ^ ^ . 8. person be welcome. He saith Mr. BlackwelPs ship came not there until March ; but going towards winter they had still northwest winds, which carried them to the southward beyond their course ; and the master of the ship and some six of the mariners dying, it seemed they could not find the Bay, till after long seeking and beating about. Mr. Blackwell is dead,- and Mr. Maggner, the captain. Yea, there are dead, he saith, a hundred and thirty persons, one and another, in the ship. It is said there was in all a hundred and eighty persons in the ship, so as they were packed to- gether like herrings. They had amongst them a flux and also want of fresh water; so as it is here rather wondered that so many are alive, than that so many are dead. The merchants here say it was Mr. Black- well's fixult to pack so many in the ship ; yea, and there was great murmuring and repining amongst them, and upbraiding of Mr. Blackwell for his dealing and disposing of them, when they saw how he had dispos- ed of them, and how he insulted over them. Yea, the streets of Gravesend rang of their extreme quarrelling, crying out one of another, "Thou hast brought me to this. I may thank thee for this." Heavy news it is, istration was so tyrannical and in 1619, and was empowered to in- oppressive, that he was displaced vestigate the charges ap;ainstArg-all the next year, and sailed for Eng- on the spot. But the Earl of War- land in April, 1619. See his Life wick having sent over a small bark, in Belknap, ii. 51 — 63; Stith, to inform him of what was prepar- pp. 145, 149; Burk, i. 317 — 322; ing against him, and to bring him Smith's General History of Vir- away, Yeardley did not arrive in ginia, ii. 33. (8vo ed. Richmond, Virginia till ten or twelve days after 1819.) Argall's escape. See Belknap, ii. • Sir George Yeardley was 61 — 72; Stith, p. 157; Burk, p. chosen governor of the colony early 322 ; Smith, ii. 37. WITH THEIR AGENTS IN ENGLAND. 71 and I would be glad to hear how far it will discourage, chap. I see none here discouraged much, but rather desire to learn to beware by other men's harms, and to I6i9. amend that wherein they have failed ; as we desire to s! serve one another in love, so take heed of being en- thralled by other imperious persons, especially if they be discerned to have an eye to themselves. It doth often trouble me to think that in this business we are to learn, and none to teach. But better so than to depend upon such teachers as Mr. Blackwell was. Such a stratagem he made for Mr. Johnson and his people at Emden ; much was their subversion. But though he then cleanlily yet unhonestly plucked his neck out of the collar, yet at last his foot is caught. Here are no letters come. The ship Captain Argall came in is yet in the west parts. All that we hear is but his report. It seemeth he came away secretly. The ship that Mr. Blackwell went in will be here shortly. It is as Mr. Robinson once said ; he thought we should hear no good of them. Mr. Brewster is not well at this time. Whether he will go back to you or go into the north, I yet know not. For myself, I hope to see an end of this business ere I come, though I am sorry to be thus from you. If things had gone roundly forward, I should have been with you within this fourteen days. I pray God direct us, and give us that spirit which is fitting for such a business. Thus having summarily pointed at things which Mr. Brewster, I think, hath more largely writ of to Mr. Robinson, I leave you to the Lord's protection. Yours, in all readiness, Sec. Robert CushiMan. London, May the 8th, 1619. 72 CORRESPONDENCE OF THE PILGRIMS CHAP. A word or two, by way of digression, touching this — -- Mr. Blackwell. He was an elder of the church of 16 19. Amsterdam, a man well known of most of them. He declined from the truth with Mr. Johnson and the rest, and went with him when they departed asunder in that woful manner which brought so great disho- nor to God, scandal to the truth, and outward ruin to themselves, in this world. But I hope, notwithstand- ing, through the mercies of the Lord, their souls are now at rest with God, in the heavens, and that they are arrived in the haven of happiness, though some of their bodies were thus buried in the terrible seas, and others sunk under the burden of bitter afflictions. He, with some others, had prepared for to go to Virginia ; and he with sundry godly citizens being at a private meeting (I take it, at a Fast,) in London, being discovered, many of them were apprehended, whereof Mr. Blackwell was one. But he so glossed with the bishops, and either dissembled or flatly denied the truth which formerly he had maintained; and not only so, but unworthily betrayed and accused another godly man who had escaped, that so he might slip his own neck out of the collar, and to obtain his own freedom brought others into bonds. Whereupon he so won the bishops' favor, (but lost the Lord's,) as he was not only dismissed, but in open court the Arch- bishop gave him great applause and his solemn bless- ing to proceed in his voyage. But if such events follow the bishops' blessing, happy are they that miss the same. It is much better to keep a good con- science and have the Lord's blessing, whether in life or death. But see how that man, apprehended by Mr. Blackwell's means, writes to a friend of his. WITH THEIR AGENTS IN ENGLAND. 73 Right dear friend and christian brother, Mr. Car- chap. ver, I salute you and yours in the Lord. .^J^ Sir, as for my own present condition, I doubt not 1 6 1 8. but you well understand it by our brother Mastcrson,' 4. who should have tasted of the same cup, had his place of residence and his person been as well known as myself. Somewhat I have written to Mr. Cushman how the matter still continues. I have petitioned twice to Mr. sheriff, and once to my Lord Cook,~ and have used such reasons to move them to pity, that if they were not overruled by some others, I suppose I should have soon gained my liberty ; — as that I was a man living by my credit, in debt to divers in our city, living in more than ordinary charges in a close and tedious prison ; besides great rents abroad, all my business lying still, my own servant lying lame in the country, my wife being also great with child : and yet no answer until the Lords of His Majesty's Council gave consent. Howbeit, Mr. Blackwell, a man as deep in this action as I, was delivered at a cheaper rate with a great deal less ado, yea, with an addition of the Arch- bishop's blessing. I am sorry for Mr. Blackwell's weakness. I wish it may prove no worse ; but yet he and some others of them were not sorry, but thought it was for the best that I was nominated ; not because the Lord sanctifies evil to good, but that the action * Richard Masterson was one of officious with part of his estate for Robinson's church, and his name public good, and a man of ability, is subscribed, with others, to a letter as a second Stephen, to defend the written from Leyden to Bradford truth by sound argument, grounded and Brewster, Nov. 30, 1625, nine on the Scriptures of truth." See months after their pastor's death. Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 44. On his coming over to Plymouth, * This was the eminent lawyer, he was chosen a deacon of the whose name is commonly spelt church. In the church records he Coke. See an account of him in is described as " a holy man and Fuller's Worthies, ii. 128, and in an experienced saint, having been Lardner's Cab. Cyc. vi. 1 — 43. 10 74 THE PILGRIMS OBTAIN A PATENT CHAP, was good, yea, for the best. One reason I well remember he used was, because this trouble would 16 18. increase the Virginia plantation; that now people 4^ * began more generally to incline to go ; and if he had not nominated some such as I, he had not been free, being it was known that many citizens, besides them- selves, were there. I expect an answer shortly what they intend concerning me. I purpose to write to some other of you, by whom you shall know the certainty. Thus not having further at present to acquaint you withal, commending myself to your prayers I cease, and commit you and us all to the Lord. Your friend and brother, in bonds, Sabin Starsmore.^ From my Clwjnler in Wood-street Counter^ Sept. 4th, 1618. But thus much by the way which may be of good use. I have been the larger in these things, that the rising generation may seriously take notice of the many difficulties their poor leaders underwent in the first enterprises towards coming into New England. 16 19. But at last, after all these things, and their long attendance, they had a patent granted them, and con- firmed under the Company's seal.^ But these divisions ' There was a Mr. Staismore prison-houses pertaining to the sher- among the associates of Plenry ifl's of London. Stow's Survey of Jacob, who, after having conferred London, p. 394, (folio.) with Mr. Robinson, in Leyden, ^ Morton says, in his Memorial, laid the foundation of an Inde- p. 22, that they "obtained letters pendent or Congregational Church patent for the northern parts of in England in the year 1616. See A^irginia, of King James, of famous Neal's Puritans, i. 476. Some fur- memory." He confounds the king ther account of Jacob will be given with the Virginia Company. Dud- hereafter in a Note to Bradford's ley makes the same mistake in his Dialogue. Letter to the Countess of Lincoln, * The Compter in Wood Street, in Mass. Hist. Coll. viii, 37. Old- erected in 1555, was one of the mixon, i. 29, errs in saying that FROM THE VIRGINIA COMPANY. 75 and distractions had shaken off many of their pre- chap. tended friends, and disappointed them of many of their - — hoped for and proffered means. By the advice of some 1 6 1 9. friends this patent was not taken in the name of any of their own company/ but in the name of Mr. John Wincob,^ a rehgious gentleman, then belonging to the Countess of Lincoln,^ who intended to go with them. But God so disposed as he never went, nor they never " Mr. Brewster made an agreement with the Company for a large tract of land in the southwest paits of New England," an error into which he was led by Cotton Mather, i. 47. The Virginia Company could grant no patent for lands north of the 40th degree. The authors of the Modern Universal History, xxxix. 272, err in stating that " their in- tention was to have made a settle- ment under the sanction of Gosnold's patent." Gosnoid had no patent. Dunlap, Hist, of New York, i. 43, and Hugh IMurray, Hist, of Dis- coveries in North America, i. 245, err in asserting that the agents of the Pilgrims negotiated with the Plymouth Company. See p. 55, note. * The word company I restore from Hubbard, p. 47. ^ Nothing is known of John Win- cob. Baylies, in his Memoir of Plymouth, i. 17, errs in calling his Christian name Jacob. It was pro- bably to avoid notoriety and es- cape suspicion, that the patent was taken out in the name of an obscure individual, rather than in the name of the Earl of Lincoln, whose grand- father, Henry, had been one of the Council of the Virginia Company, established by its second charter in 1609. I suppose that in conse- quence of the Leydcn people beina: out of the realm, the patent would not be granted in any of their names. See Stith, App. p. 16 ; Collins's Peerage, ii. 162. ^ The Countess of Lincoln here mentioned was Elizabeth, the daugh- ter of Sir Henry Knevet, and the dowager of Tiiomas, the third earl of that noble house, who died Jan. 15, 1619. Arthur Collins calls her " a lady of great piety and virtue," and Cotton Mather speaks of the family as " religious," and " the best family of any nobleman then in England." She was the mother of eighteen children, and wrote a book, printed at Oxford in 1621, entitled, " The Countess of Lin- coln's Nursery," on the duty of mothers nursing their own children. This family had a more intimate connexion with the New England settlements, and must have felt a deeper interest in their success, than any other noble house in England. Two of the first magistrates, or assistants, of the Massachusetts Co- lony had lived many years in the family as stewards, a capacity which Wincob also may have sustained. Frances, a daughter of the Countess, married John, son and heir to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, who took so active a part in the attempts to colonize New England. Two other daughters, Susan and Arbella, mar- ried two other of the principal colo- nists of Massachusetts, John Hum- frey and Isaac Johnson, and came over with their husbands to Amer- ica. The lady Arbella died at the end of August, 1630, about six weeks after her arrival. " She came from a paradise of plenty and pleasure, in the family of a noble earldom, into a wilderness of wants, and took New England in her way to heaven." Like the Spanish lady 76 THE PATENT IS SENT OVER TO LEYDEN. 16 19. CHAP, made use of this patent, which had cost them so much ' labor and charge ; as by the sequel will appear.^ This patent being sent over for them to view and consider,^ as also the passages about the propositions between them and such merchants and friends as should either go or adventure with them, and espe- cially with them on whom they did chiefly depend for shipping and means, whose proffers had been large, they were requested to fit and prepare themselves with all speed. A right emblem it may be of the uncertain things of this world, that when men have toiled themselves, they vanish into smoke. mentioned by Peter Martyr, " per- ceiving her husband now furnish- ing himself to depart to the un- known coasts of the new world, and those large tracts of land and sea, she spake these words unto him : Whithersoever your fatal des- tiny shall drive you, either by the furious waves of the great ocean, or by the manifold and horrible dangers of the land, I will surely bear you company. There can no peril chance to me so terrible, nor anv kind of death so cruel, that shall not be much easier for me to abide, than to live so far separate from you." Her husband survived her only a month : " Fie tried To live without her, liked it not, ai.d died." The "right honorable and ap- proved virtuous lady, Bridget, Coun- tess of Lincoln," to whom Dudley addressed his letter of March 12, 1631, was the wife of Theophilus, the son of the Countess mentioned in the text, and the daughter of Vis- count Saye^nd Sele. See Collins's Peerage, ii. 163 ; Burke's Peerage, Clinton and Newcasti^e ; Wal- pole's Royal and Noble Authors, ii. 272 ; Savage's Winthrop, i. 34 ; Hutchinson's Mass. i. 15, 17 ; Ma- ther's Magnalia, i. 71, 126 ; Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 36, 40 ; Eden's translation of Peter Martyr's De- cades, p. 84, (ed. 1577.) ' The whole of this paragraph is contained, almost word for word, in Hubbard's History, p. 47, which is conclusive proof that he had seen Bradford's History. See Note ^ on page 58. — Hubbard says, p. 50, " that a patent, as is afore said, was obtained, is published in print, and affirmed by such as yet survive of the first planters ; but where it is, or how it came to be lost, is not known to any that belong to the said colony." Hubbard wrote his His- tory before 1682. See Mass. Hist. Coll. XV. p. iii. — Grahame, i. 410, errs in asserting that Hubbard's History has never been published ; and also in stating that Gov. Brad- ford's History of Plymouth Colony has been published. * Prince, p. 155, quoting from Gov. Bradford's MS. history, in- serts after consider, " with several proposals for their transmigration, made by Mr. Thomas Weston, of London, merchant, and other friends and merchants as should either," &c. THE PILGRIMS KEEP A FAST. 77 Upon a receipt of these things by one of their mes- chap. sengers, they had a solemn meeting and a day of hu- ._--J^ mihation, to seek the Lord for his direction. And 1620. their pastor took this text. " And David's men said ^^l^^- unto him, See, we be afraid here in Judah. How much more, if we come to Keilah, against the host of the Phihstines. Then David asked counsel of the Lord again." From which text he taught many things very aptly, and befitting their present occasion and condition, to strengthen them against their fears and perplexities, and encouraging them in their reso- lutions : [and then conclude how many and who should prepare to go first ; ^ for all that were willing could not get ready quickly. The greater number being to stay, require their pastor to tarry with them ; their elder, Mr. Brewster, to go with the other ; those who go first to be an absolute church ^ of themselves, as well as those that stay ; with this proviso, that as any go over or return, they shall be reputed as mem- bers, without further dismission or testimonial ; and those who tarry, to follow the rest as soon as they can. ' Winslow, in his Brief Narration had not been ^^ an absolute church says, " the youncrest and strongest of themselves," yet before the for- part to go ; and they that went mation of Higginson's church at should freely offer themselves." Salem, a majority of the Leyden * The Church at Plymouth thus congregation had actually arrived became the First Independent or at Plymouth, as appears from the Congregational Church in Ameri- note on page 36. Nor is there any ca. Of course the statement of ground for Palfrey's intimation, in Holmes in his accurate Annals of his Centennial Discourse at Barn- America, i. 160, that "the adven- stable, p. 9, that " the first church turers and their brethren remaining in Barnstable is the representative in Holland were to continue to be of the first Congregational Church one church," is incorrect; and the established in England," since it position of Upham, in his eloquent appears from p. 21-24, of this vol- Cenlury Lecture, at Salem in 1829, ume, that the exception, on the pre- that the first church in Salem is sumed absence of which he builds " the First American Congrega- this opinion, was an actual fact, tional Church," cannot be main- namely, that " Robinson's church tained. Even if the first colonists now surviving in that of Plymouth, 78 THE PILGRIMS PREPARE TO LEAVE HOLLAND. CHAP. Mr. Weston ' coming to Leyden, the people agree with him on articles both for shipping and money to 16 20. assist in their transportation; then send Mr. Carver and Cushman to England to receive the money and provide for the voyage ; Mr. Cushman at London, Mr. Carver at Southampton. Those who are to go first prepare with speed, sell their estates, put their money into the common stock to be disposed by their mana- gers for making general provisions. There was also one Mr. Martin^ chosen in England to join with Mr. Carver and Cushman. He came from Billerica, in Essex ; from which county came several others, as also from London and other places, to go with them. ]^ In the foregoing five Chapters the reader may take a view of some of the many difiiculties our blessed pre- decessors went throuo-h in their first achievement of this weighty enterprise of removal of our Church into these American parts. The immediate following re- lations in Mr Bradford's book, out of which divers of these matters are recollected, do more especially con- was organized on Congregational cessful attempt to establish a rival principles before he left the mother colony at Wessagussett, now Wey- country for Holland." With the mouth, will be related hereafter. History of Gov. Bradford to support He visited Plymouth twice in 1623, her claims, the First Church at and again in 1624, and then sailed Plymouth cannot recognise the pre- for A'^irginia. He died at Bristol, tensions of any other American (Eng.) in the time of the civil war. church to priority of existence. See Prince, pp. 216, 222, 224 ; ' Thomas Weston was one of Morton's Memorial, p. 105. the most active of the merchant ^ This was undoubtedly Mr. adventurers, and Hubbard says, p. Christopher Martin, who, with his 72, that he had disbursed £500 to wife and two children, came over advance the interest of Plymouth in the Mayflower. His name colony. Edward Winslow says, stands the ninth in the subscrip- in 1622, "he formerly deserved tion to the Compact signed at Cape well of us," and Bradford, in 1623, Cod, Nov. 11, 1620, and he died that he " becomes our enemy on all Jan. 8, 1621. occasions." He employed several ^ The passage included in brack- vessels in trade and fishing on the ets is taken from Prince, p. 156, coast of New England. His unsuc- who copied it from Bradford's MS. CONDITIONS AND LETTERS. 79 cern the conditions of their agreement with several chap. merchant adventurers towards the voyage, &c. as also . — '. — several letters sent to and fro from friend to friend 1 6 2 o. relating to the premises, which are not so pertinent to the nature of this small History. Wherefore I shall here omit to insert them,^ judging them not so suitable to my present purpose ; and here also cease to follow the foregoing method by way of Chapters.^ ^ It is much to be regretted that Morton did not see fit to copy these letters. It will be seen, a few pages further on, that he again testifies that "their transactings with the merchant adventurers were penned at large in Mr. Brad- ford's book." Though omitted in this copy, " the Conditions " were fortunately preserved from oblivion by Hubbard, and we are thus ena- bled to present them in the next Chapter. They are undoubtedly the most valuable portion of Hub- bard's History, and their existence in it puts it beyond a doubt that he had both seen and used Bradford's MS. notwithstanding Prince's as- sertion to the contrary. See Note * on page 58. * For the sake of uniformity I have taken the liberty still " to fol- low the foregoing method by way of chapters," and the rather as I find that Morton has preserved in his Memorial, pp. 30, 37, and 67, the original titles of three of Gov. Bradford's chapters. CHAPTER VI. THE CONDITIONS OF THEIR AGREEMENT WITH SEVERAL MERCHANT ADVENTURERS TOWARDS THE VOYAGE. [About tliis time they were informed by Mr. Wes- ton and others, that sundry honorable lords and worthy 162 0. gentlemen had obtained a large patent from the King for the more northerly part of America, distinct from the Virginia patent, and wholly excluded from their government, and to be called by another name, viz. New England.^ Unto which Mr. Weston and the chiefest of them began to incline, thinking it was best for them to go thither ; as for other reasons, so chiefly 1 On the 23d of July, 1620, King James gave a warrant to his soli- citor. Sir Thomas Coventry, to prepare a new patent for the incor- poration of the adventurers to the northern colony of Virginia, be- tween 40 and 48 dagrees north, which patent the king signed on Nov. 3, styling them " The Council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruling, ordering, and governing of New England, in America," which is the great civil basis of all the future patents and plantations, that divide this country. Prince, p. 160. See the patent in Hazard, i. 104 ; and the warrant in Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvi. 64. The name of New England was first given, in 1614, by the famous Capt. John Smith, to North Vir- ginia, lying between the degrees of 41 and 45. In that year he ranged along the coast, from the Penobscot to Cape Cod, in a small boat, with eight men. "I took the descrip- tion " he says " of the coast as well by map as writing, and called it New England. At my humble suit, Charles, Prince of Vi^ ales, was pleased to confirm it by that title." Smith, in Mass. Hist. Coll. xxiii. 20. This map was published with his "Description of New England," in 1616. They are both reprinted in Mass. Hist Coll. xxiii. 1, and xxvi. 95 — 140. THE PILGRIMS MEET WITH DISCOURAGEMENTS. 81 for the hope of present profit, to be made by fishing ^ chap. on that coast. But in all business the active part is . J^ most difficult, especially when there are many agents 16 20. that may be concerned. So it was found in them ; for some of them who should have gone in England, fell off, and would not go. Other merchants and friends, that proffered to adventure their money, with- drew and pretended many excuses ; some disliking they went not to Guiana ; others would do nothing unless they went to Virginia ; and many who were most rehed on refused to adventure if they went thither. In the midst of these difficulties, they of Ley- den were driven to great straits ; but at the length, the generality was swayed to the better opinion. How- beit, the patent for the northern part of the country not being fully settled at that time, they resolved to ad- venture with that patent they had, intending for some place more southward than that they fell upon in their voyage, at Cape Cod, as may appear afterwards. The CONDITIONS, on which those of Leyden en- gaged with the merchants, the adventurers,- were hard ' Edward Winslow says, in his of their bringfing their wives and Brief Narration, that on King children with them is conclusive James asking the agents of the evidence that they came to estab- Pilgrims " what profits might arise lish a permanent colony, in which in the part they intended, it was the several occupations of farming, answered, Fishing." fishing, and trading, would each I know not what authority Hutch- have its proper place, inson had for asserting, ii. 472, * Little is known of these mer- that " their views when they left chant adventurers. Capt. John England were rather to establish a Smith, a good authority in such factory than a colony. They had matters, writing in 1624, says that no notion of cultivating any more "the adventurers which raised the ground than would afford their own stock to begin and supply this plan- necessary provisions, but proposed talion, were about seventy, some that their chief secular employment gentlemen, some merchants, some should be commerce with the na- handicraftsmen, some adventuring lives." This seems inconsistent great sums, some small, as their with the views with which they estates and affection served. These left Holland ; and the simple fact dwell most about London. They 11 82 THE CONDITIONS OF THE PARTNERSHIP CHAP, enough at the first for the poor people, that were to ^^J^ adventure their persons as well as their estates. Yet 16 2 0. were their agents forced to change one or two of them, to satisfy the merchants, who were not willing to be concerned with them ; although the altering them with- out their knowledge or consent was very distasteful to them, and became the occasion of some contention amongst them afterwards. They are these that follow. 1. The adventurers and planters do agree, that every person that goeth, being sixteen years old and upward, be rated at ten pounds, and that ten pounds be accounted a single share. 2. That he that goeth in person, and furnisheth himself out with ten pounds, either in money or other provisions, be accounted as having twenty pounds in stock, and in the division shall receive a double share. 3. The persons transported and the adventurers shall continue their joint stock and partnership the space of seven years, except some unexpected im- pediments do cause the whole Company to agree otherwise ; during which time all profits and benefits that are gotten by trade, traffic, trucking, working, fishing, or any other means, of any other person or persons, shall remain still in the common stock until the division. 4. That at their coming there they shall choose out such a number of fit persons as may furnish their ships are not a corporation, but knit to- served by Gov. Bradford, were very gether by a voluntary combination friendly to the Colony, and a few in a society without constraint or came over and settled in it. Others penalty, aiming to do good and to were unreasonable, clamorous, and plant religion." Smith's Gen. Hist, hostile. Their names in 1(326 are of Virginia, ii. 251. Some of these preserved. See Mass. Hist. Coll. merchants, as appears from the iii. 27 — 34,48. Correspondence with them pre- WITH THE MERCHANT ADVENTURERS. 83 and boats for fishing upon the sea ; employing the chap. rest in their several faculties upon the land, as build- .^ -^ ing houses, tilling and planting the ground, and mak- 16 20. ing such commodities as shall be most useful for the Colony. 5. That at the end of the seven years, the capital and the profits, viz. the houses, lands, goods, and chat- tels, be equally divided among the adventurers. If any debt or detriment concerning this adventure ^ 6. Whosoever cometh to the Colony hereafter, or putteth any thing into the stock, shall at the end of the seven years be allowed proportionally to the time of his so doing. 7. He that shall carry his wife, or children, or ser- vants, shall be allowed for every person, now aged sixteen years and upward, a single share in the divi- sion ; or if he provide them necessaries, a double share ; or if they be between ten years old and six- teen, then two of them to be reckoned for a person, both in transportation and division. 8. That such children that now go and are under the age of ten years, have no other share in the divi- sion than fifty acres of unmanured land. 9. That such persons as die before the seven years be expired, their executors to have their parts or share at the division, proportionably to the time of their life in the Colony. 10. That all such persons as are of the Colony are to have meat, drink, and apparel, and all provisions, out of the common stock and goods of the said Colony. ^ Here something seems to be might, possibly, be filled up from ■wanting, of the nature of a new the MS. copy of Hubbard in Eng- article or condition, which cannot land. See Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. now be supplied. This hiatus 286 — 290. 84 THE PILGRIMS ACCEPT THE HARD CONDITIONS. The difference between the conditions thus ex- pressed and the former, before their alteration, stood 16 2 0. in these two points ; first, that the houses and lands improved, especially gardens and home-fields, should remain undivided, wholly to the planters, at the seven years' end ; secondly, that the planters should have two days in the week for their own private employ- ment, for the comfort of themselves and their families, especially such as had them to take care for.^ The altering of those two conditions was very afflic- tive to the minds of such as were concerned in the voyage. But Mr. Cushman, their principal agent, answered the complaints peremptorily, that unless they had so ordered the conditions, the whole design would have fallen to the ground ; and necessity, they said, ' Robertson says, in his History of America, book x., "Under the influence of this wild notion — that the Scriptures contain a complete system not only of spiritual instruc- tion, but of civil wisdom and polity — the colonists of New Plymouth, in imitation of the primitive Chris- tians, threw all their property into a common stock." This misrepre- sentation, which he professes to derive from Chalmers, p. 90, and Doue^lass, p. 370, (though there is nothing in either of them to sanc- tion the statement,) is repeated sub- stantially by Grahame, i. 194, and verbally by Murray, Hist, of North America, i. 246. It is to be regret- ted that credit and countenance should have been given to such an imputation on the good sense of the Pilgrims, by so respectable an American writer as Chief Justice Marshall, in his Life of Washing- ton, i. 93, (first ed.) and in his His- tory of the American Colonies, p. 81. There is no foundation for this charge. The Plymouth people were not " misguided by their religious theories," nor influenced by an "imitation of the primitive Chris- tians," in forming their joint stock company. They entered into this hard and disadvantageous engage- ment with the merchant adven- turers not voluntarily, but of neces- sity, in order to obtain shipping for transporting themselves to Amer- ica ; and they put their own little property into a common fund in order to purchase provisions for the voyage. It was a partnership that was instituted, not a community of goods, as that phrase is commonly understood. They dissolved this partnership, and set up for them- selves, as soon as they were able ; as will be seen hereafter. The charge is destitute of foun- dation even in regard to the primi- tive Christians. "Nothing like a community of goods," says Mil- man, "ever appears to have pre- vailed in the Christian community. Mosheim appears to me to have proved this point conclusively." See Milman's History of Christian- ity, i. 389, and Mosheim's Disser- tation " De vera natuva commu- nionis bonorum in ecclesia Hiero- solymitana." Diss. ii. 1—53. A VESSEL AND PILOT ARE PROVIDED. 85 having no law, they were constrained to be silent, chap. The poor planters met with much difficulty both -_J«_ before and after the expiring of the seven years, and 1 6 2 o. found much trouble in making up accounts with the adventurers about the division ; at which time, though those that adventured their money were no great gainers, yet those that adventured their lives in carrying on the business of the Plantation were by much the greatest sufferers.] ^ [Mr. Robinson writes to Mr. Carver, and com- June plains of Mr. Weston's neglect in getting shipping in England ; for want of which they are in a piteous case at Leyden. And S. F., E. W., W. B., and J. A.^ write from Leyden to Mr. Carver and Cushman, that 10. the coming of Mr. Nash ^ and their pilot is a great encouragement to them. Mr. Cushman, in a letter from London to Mr. Car- 10. ver at Southampton, says that Mr. Crabe, a minister, had promised to go, but is much opposed, and like to fail ; and in a letter to the people at Leyden, that he had hired another pilot, one Mr. Clark,"* who went last year to Virginia ; that he is getting a ship, hopes he shall make all ready at London in fourteen days, and would have Mr. Reynolds tarry in Holland, and bring the ship ^ there to Southampton.] ° ' The passage within brackets is ' The name of Thomas Nash is taken from Hubbard's History. It subscribed, with others, to a letter is impossible to say where he ob- written at Leyden Nov. 30, 1625, tained ift, except from Bradford's addressed to Bradford and Brewster. ]\IS. It is to be found nowhere See Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 44. else, and is essential to the com- ■• Clark, as will be seen hereafter, pleteness of the History. I have was master's mate on board the taken care to collate Hubbard's Mayflower. MS. which is in the aichives of the ° The small ship, called the Massachusetts Historical Society. Speedwell, of which Reynolds was ^ These doubtless are the initials captain. of Samuel Fuller, Edward Wins- ^ These last two parajiraphs are low, William Bradford, and Isaac taken from Prince, p. 158, who AUerton. copied them from Bradford's MS. CHAPTER Vn. OF THEIR DEPARTURE FROM LEYDEN, AND EMBARKATION FROM DELFT-HAVEN. CHAP. vn. 162 0. After such travail and turmoils ^ and debates which they went through, things were gotten ready for their departure from Leyden. A small ship was provided in Holland, of about sixty tons, which was intended, as to serve to transport some of them over the seas, so to stay in the country and to tend upon fishing and such other affairs as might be for the good and benefit of the whole, when they should come to the place intended.^ Another was hired at London, of burden about nine- score, and all other things got in a readiness. ' " Much of their troubles re- specting this matter is not express- ed in this book." — Morton^s Note. ^ This vessel was less than the average size of the fishing-smacks that go to the Grand Bank. This seems a frail bark in which to cross a stormy ocean of three thousand miles in extent. Yet it should be remembered, that two of the ships of Columbus on his first daring and perilous voyage of discovery were light vessels, without decks, little superior to the small craft that ply on our rivers and along our coasts. Peter Martyr d'Anghiera, the con- temporary of Columbus, and the first writer who mentions the dis- covery of America, says " Ex regie fisco destinata sunt tria navigia ; unum onerariura cavatum, alia duo levia mercatoria, sine caveis quae ab Hispanis caravelae vocantur." De Orbe Novo, dec. i. cap. i. (p. 2, ed. 1587.) " At the length three ships were appointed him at the king's charges ; of the which one was a great carrack with decks, and the other two light merchant ships without decks, which the Spaniards call caravels." (Eden's trans, p. 8, ed. 1577.) Frobisher's fleet consisted of two barks of twenty-five tons each, and a pin- nace of ten tons, when he sailed in 1576, to discover a north-west pas- sage to the Indies. Sir Francis Drake, too, embarked on his voyage for circumnavigating the globe, in 1577, with five vessels, of which the largest was of one hundred, and the smallest of fifteen tons. 21. THE PILGRIMS LEAVE LEYDEN. 87 So being ready to depart, they had a day of solemn chap. humihation, their pastor taking his text from Ezra the viiith, 21. " And there, at the river, by Ahava, I pro- ^62 0. claimed a fast, that we might humble ourselves before our God, and seek of him a right way for us, and for our children, and for all our substance." Upon which he spent a good part of the day very profitably, and suitably to their present occasion.^ The rest of the time was spent in pouring out prayers to the Lord with great fervency, mixed with abundance of tears. And the time being come that they must depart, they were accompanied with the most of their brethren out ju]y of the city unto a town sundry miles off, called Delft- Haven,^ where the ship lay ready to receive them. So they left that goodly and pleasant city, which had been their resting-place near twelve years. But they knew they were Pilgrims,^ and looked not much on those things, but lifted up their eyes to heaven, their dearest country, and quieted their spirits. The bark in which Sir Humphrey Robinson's farewell discourse. It Gilbert perished was of ten tons will be found in his Brief Narra- only. The Little James, which the tion, in a subsequent part of this Company sent over to Plymouth in volume ; but it ought to be read in July 1623, was a pinnace of only this connexion, forty-four tons. See Navarrete, * Delft-Haven is a commodious Coleccion de A^iages, ii. p. 11, Doc. porton ihe north side of the Meuse, Diplom. 7 ; Irving's Life of Colum- two miles south-west from Rotter- bus, i. 113, iii. 303 — 306 ; Kippis's dam, eight miles from Delft, and Biog. Britann. V. 345 ; Aikin"s Gen. about fourteen miles south of Ley- Biog. iii. 449, iv. 249; Prince, p. den. 220. — Mather, i. 47, is inaccurate ^ "I think I may with singular in stating that the Speedwell was propriety call their lives a filgrim- hired, in which error he is followed age. Most of them left England by the authors of the Mod. Univ. about the year 1609, after the truce Hist, xxxix. 272. — In a vessel of with the Spaniards, young men be- the same name, of fifty tons, Mar- tween twenty and thirty years of tin Pring had in 1603 coasted along age. They spent near twelve years, the shores of New England. See strangers among the Dutch, first at Prince, p. 102; Belknap, ii. 124. Amsterdam, afterwards at Leyden. * Edward Winslow, who was After having arrived to the meridi- present, has preserved a portion of an of life, the declining part was to Heb. xi. 13. 88 THE SAD PARTING AT DELFT-HAVEN. When they came to the place, they found the ship and all things ready; and such of their friends as 16 2 0. could not come with them, followed after them ; and sundry also came from Amsterdam ^ to see them ship- ped, and to take their leave of them. That night was spent with little sleep by the most, but with friendly entertainment^ and Christian discourse, and other July real expressions of true Christian love. The next day, ^^' the wind being fair, they went on board, and their friends with them ; when truly doleful was the sight of that sad and mournful parting ; to see what sighs and sobs and prayers did sound amongst them ; what tears did gush from every eye, and pithy speeches pierced each other's heart ; that sundry of the Dutch strangers, that stood on the quay as spectators, could not refrain from tears. Yet comfortable and sweet it was to see such lively and true expressions of dear and unfeigned love. But the tide, which stays for no man, calling them away, that were thus loth to depart, their reverend pastor, falling down on his knees, and they all with him, with watery cheeks commended them, with most fervent prayers, to the Lord and his blessing ; and then, with mutual embraces and many tears, they took their leaves of one another, which proved to be their last leave to many of them.^ Thus hoisting sail, with a prosperous wind,'^ they be spent in another world, among ^Prince, p. 159, reads erj/ertoinm^. savages, of whom every European ^ This scene is the subject of one must have received a most unfavor- of the great national pictures in the able, if not formidable idea. ' Tan- rotunda of the capitol at Washing- tum religio potuit suadere.' " — ton. It was painted by Robert Hutchinson, Hist. Mass. ii. 452. W. Weir, Esq. The term Pilgrims belongs ex- '' Edward Winslow says, in his clusively to the Plymouth colonists. Brief Narration, " We gave them a ' The distance from Amsterdam volley of small shot and three pieces to Delft-Haven is about 36 miles. of ordnance." THE PILGRIMS ARRIVE AT SOUTHAMPTON. 89 came in a short time to Southampton/ where they chap. found the bigger ship come from London,^ lying ready -. ^^ with all the rest of their company. After a joyful wel- 1 620. come and mutual congratulation, with other friendly entertainments, they fell to parley about their proceed- ings. [Seven hundred pounds sterling are laid out at Southampton, and they carry about seventeen hun- dred pounds venture with them ; and Mr. Weston comes thither from London to see them despatched.] ' A brief Letter written by Mr. John Robinson to Mr. John Carver, at their parting aforesaid, in which the tender love and godly care of a true pastor appears. My Dear Brother, I received enclosed your last letter and note of in- formation, which I shall carefully keep and make use of, as there shall be occasion. I have a true feeling of your perplexity of mind and toil of body ; but I hope that you, having always been able so plentifully to administer comfort unto others in their trials, are so well furnished for yourself, as that far greater difficul- ties than you have yet undergone (though I conceive them to be great enough) cannot oppress you, though they press you, as the Apostle speaketh. " The spirit Ji^\^. of a man (sustained by the Spirit of God) will sustain ' Southampton is a seaport in ^ After London, Prince, p. 160, Hampshire, situated at the head of inserts from Gov. Bradford's MS., an estuary, running- up from the " Mr. Jones master, with the rest isle of Wight, called the Southamp- of the company, who had been ton Water. It was the rendezvous waiting there with Mr. Cushman of seven of Winthrop's fleet in seven days." March, 1630, when he was prepar- ^ The sentence in brackets is ing to transport his colony to Massa- from Prince, p. 160, who quotes chusetts Bay. See Savage's Win- Bradford's MS. throp, i. 2, 366. 12 90 ROBINSON'S LETTER TO CARVER. CHAP, his infirmity." I doubt not so will yours ; and the ^ — ^-i^ better much, when you shall enjoy the presence and 16 20. help of so many godly and wise brethren, for the bear- ing of part of your burden ; who also will not admit into their hearts the least thought of suspicion of any the least negligence, at least presumption, to have been in you, whatsoever they think in others.^ Now what shall I say or write unto you and your good wife, my loving sister ? Even only this ; I desire, and always shall, mercy and blessing unto you from the Lord, as unto my own soul ; and assure yourself that my heart is with you, and that I will not foreslow ^ my bodily coming at the first opportunity. I have written a large letter to the whole, and am sorry I shall not rather speak than write to them ; and the more, consid- ering the want of a preacher,^ which I shall also make some spur to my hastening towards you. I do ever commend my best affection unto you ; which if I thought you made any doubt of, I would express in more, and the same more ample and full words. And the Lord, in whom you trust, and whom you serve ever in this business and journey, guide you with his hand, protect you with his wing, and show you and us his salvation in the end, and bring us, in the mean * This sentence indicates the great the burden of government was ex- confidence reposed in Carver by the pected to rest on him, as it after- Church. His being sent as their wards turned out. See Hutchinson, first and principal agent to England, ii. 456. shows that he was a leading and ''Foreslow, — delay, trusted man among the Pilgrims, a 'It appears from page 85, that fact which is confirmed by the cir- " Mr. Crabe, a minister, had prom- cumstance of his being selected by ised to go." They suffered much Robinson as the individual to whom afterward for want of a regular to address this parting letter. Some pastor, passages in it seem to betoken that ROBINSON'S LETTEPx, TO HIS FLOCK. 91 while, tocrether in the place desired (if such be his chap. . . . ^ VII. good will) for his Christ's sake. Amen. Yours, 16 2 0. John Robinson. Juhj 27th, 1620. This was the last letter that Mr. Carver lived to see from him.^ At their parting, Mr. Robinson^ writ a letter to the whole company, which, although it hath already been printed, yet I thought good here likewise to insert it.^ Loving Christian Friends, I do heartily and in the Lord salute you, as being those with whom I am present in my best affections, and most earnest longings after you, though I be con- strained for a while to be bodily absent from you. I say constrained, God knowing how willingly, and much rather than otherwise, I would have borne my part with you in this first brunt, were I not by strong necessity held back for the present. Make account of me, in the mean while, as of a man divided in myself with great pain, and as (natural bonds set aside) hav- ing my better part with you. And though I doubt not but in your godly wisdom you both foresee and resolve upon that which concerneth your present state and con- dition, both severally and jointly, yet have T thought it but my duty to add some further spur of provoca- ^ Carver died in April, 1621. the Plymouth colonists in Dec. ^ Oldmixon, i. 29, errs in saying 1621, and in 1669, in Morton's New that " Mr. Robinson did not live to England's Memorial. There are go in person " with the first colo- some variations in the text of these iiists. He lived till 1625. several copies. It is not in Neal's ^ It was printed in 1622, in the New England, as stated by Prince, Relation, or Journal, sent over by p. 160. 92 ROBINSON'S LETTER OF ADVICE CHAP, tion to them, that run well already: if not because VII. . . ^ you need it, yet because I owe it in love and duty. 16 2 0. And first, as we are daily to renew our repentance with our God, especially for our sins known, and gen- erally for our unknown sins and trespasses, so doth the Lord call us in a singular manner, upon occasions of such difficulty and danger as lieth upon you, to a both more narrow search and careful reformation of our ways in his sight ; lest he calhng to remembrance our sins forgotten by us or unrepented of, take advan- tage against us, and in judgment leave us for the same to be swallowed up in one danger or other. Whereas, on the contrary, sin being taken away by earnest repentance, and the pardon thereof from the Lord sealed up unto a man's conscience by his Spirit, great shall be his security and peace in all dangers, sweet his comforts in all distresses, with happy deliverance from all evil, whether in life or in death. Now next after this heavenly peace with God and our own consciences, we are carefully to provide for peace with all men, what in us lieth, especially with our associates ; and for that end, watchfulness must be had, that we neither at all in ourselves do give, no, nor easily take offence, being given by others. Wo be unto the world for offences ; for although it be neces- sary (considering the malice of Satan and man's cor- ruption) that offences come, yet wo unto that man, or woman either, by whom the offence cometh, saith l^fj- Christ. And if offences in the unseasonable use of things in themselves indifferent be more to be feared than death itself, as the Apostle teacheth, how much more in things simply evil, in which neither honor of God nor love of man is thought worthy to be regarded. Matt, xviii. 7. ix. 15. vii 1-5. TO THE WHOLE COMPANY. 93 Neither yet is it sufficient that we keep ourselves, by chap. the grace of God, from giving offence, except withal we be armed against the taking of them, when they i6 2o. be given by others. For how unperfect and lame is the work of grace in that person who wants charity to cover a multitude of offences,^ as the Scripture speaks. Neither are you to be exhorted to this grace only upon the common grounds of Christianity, which are, that persons ready to take offence, either want charity to cover offences,^ or wisdom duly to weigh human frail- ties, or, lastly, are gross though close hypocrites, as Christ our Lord teacheth ; as indeed, in my own ex- J^'^f perience, few or none have been found which sooner give offence, than such as easily take it ; neither have they ever proved sound and profitable members in societies, which have nourished this touchy humor. But, besides these, there are divers motives provoking you, above others, to great care and conscience this way. As first, you are many of you strangers, as to the persons, so to the infirmities one of another, and so stand in need of more watchfulness this way ; lest, when such things fall out in men and women as you suspected not, you be inordinately affected with them ; which doth require at your hands much wisdom and charity, for the covering and preventing of incident offences that way. And lastly, your intended course of civil community will minister continual occasion of ' The passao-e between ^ and ' — the recurrence of the word of- is omitted in Morton's copy, in the fences — the eye of the transcriber Church Records, but is restored glancing over the intervening words, from his Memorial, p. 26. It is This is what the critics call an also contained in the Relation or 6f/oioiilEviov. See Le Clerc"s Ars Journal mentioned in the Note on Critica, ii. 49. Michaelis, Introd. page 91. The cause of this acci- N. T. i. 271, (Marsh's ed.) ; Wet- dental omission is evident enough stein, N. T. ii. 863. 94 ROBINSON'S LETTER OF ADVICE CHAP. ofTence, and will be as fuel for that fire, except you VII . ,^ diligently quench it with brotherly forbearance. And i«2o. if taking of offence causelessly or easily at men's " ^* doings be so carefully to be avoided, how much more heed is to be taken that we take not offence at God himself ; which yet we certainly do, so oft as we do murmur at his providence in our crosses, or bear impatiently such afflictions as wherewith he pleaseth to visit us. Store we up therefore patience against the evil day ; without which we take offence at the Lord himself in his holy and just works. A fourth thing there is carefully to be provided for, to wit, that with your common employments you join common affections, truly bent upon the general good ; avoiding, as a deadly plague of your both common and special comfort, all retiredness of mind for proper advantage, and all singularly affected any manner of way. Let every man repress in himself, and the whole body in each person, as so many rebels against the common good, all private respects of men's selves, not sorting with the general conveniency. And as men are careful not to have a new house shaken with any violence before it be well settled, and the parts firmly knit, so be you, I beseech you, brethren, much more careful that the house of God, which you are, and are to be, be not shaken with unnecessary novel- ties, or other oppositions, at the first settling thereof^ ^ " Plutarch," says Jeremy Tay- of shape by many slight acci- lor, " compares a new marriage to dents; but when the materials come a vessel before the hoops are on." once to be settled and hardened by " Therefore " Plutarch adds, " it be- time, nor fire nor sword will hardly hooves those people who are newly prejudice the solid substance." See married to avoid the first occasions Plutarch's Morals, iii. 17, (ed. of discord and dissension ; consid- 1694) ; Taylor's Works, v. 260, ering that vessels newly formed are (Heber's ed.) subject to be bruised and put out TO THE WHOLE COMPANY. 95 Lastly, whereas you are to become a body politic, chap. using amongst yourselves civil government, and are L. not furnished with any persons of special eminency 1 6 2 o. above the rest to be chosen by you into office of gov- ernment, let your wisdom and godliness appear not only in choosing such persons as do entirely love and will diligently promote the common good, but also in yielding unto them all due honor and obedience in their lawful administrations, not beholding in them the ordinariness of their persons, but God's ordinance for your good ; nor being like the foolish multitude, who more honor the gay coat than either the virtuous mind of the man, or glorious ordinance of the Lord. But you know better things, and that the image of the Lord's power and authority, which the magistrate beareth, is honorable, in how mean persons soever. And this duty you both may the more willingly and ought the more conscionably to perform, because you are, at least for the present, to have only them for your ordinary governors which yourselves shall make choice of for that work. Sundry other things of importance I could put you in mind of, and of those before mentioned in more words. But I will not so far wrong your godly minds as to think you heedless of these things ; there being also divers among you so well able to admonish both themselves and others of what concerneth them. These few things, therefore, and the same in few words, I do earnestly commend unto your care and conscience, joining therewith my daily, incessant prayers unto the Lord, that He who hath made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all rivers of waters, and whose providence is over all his works, 96 ROBINSON'S LETTER OF ADVICE. CHAP, especially over all his dear children, for good, v.— -^ would so guide and guard you in your ways, as 16 2 0. inwardly by his Spirit, so outwardly by the hand of his power, as that both you, and we also, for and with you, may have after matter of praising his name all the days of your and our lives. Fare you well in Him in whom you trust, and in whom I rest An unfeigned well-wisher of your Happy success is this hopeful voyage, John Robinson. This letter, though large, being so fruitful in itself and suitable to their occasions, I thought meet to in- sert in this place. ^ * There is no date to this letter; in that letter Robinson says, "I but it was writen about the same have written a large letter to the time as the one to Carver, since whole." CHAPTER VIII. OF THE TROUBLES THAT BEFELL THE FIRST PLANTERS UPON THE COAST OF ENGLAND, AND IN THEIR VOYAGE IN COMING OVER INTO NEW ENGLAND, AND THEIR ARRI- VAL AT CAPE COD, ALIAS CAPE JAMES. All things being got ready, and every business chap despatched, the company was called together, and ___!. this letter read amongst them; which had good 1 620. acception with all, and after fruit with many. Then they ordered and distributed their company for either ship, as they conceived for the best, and chose a governor and two or three assistants for each ship, to order the people by the way, and to see to the disposing of their provisions, and such like affairs ; all which was not only with the liking of the masters of the ships, but according to their desires. Which being done, they set saiF from thence about the fifth of August.^ [But, alas, the best enterprises 5? ' Smith, in his New England's appear in the book entitled New Trials, printed in 1622, and Pur- England's Memorial, page 31 ; and chas, in his Pilgrims, iv. 1840, likewise of the voyage, and how printed in 1625, say they sailed they passed the sea, and of their " with about 120 persons." safe arrival at Cape Cod, see New ^ " But wliat befell them further England's Memorial, page 33." upon the coast of England, will Morton^s Note. 13 98 THEY ARE COMPELLED TO PUT BACK TWICE. CHAP, meet oftentimes with many discouragements. For V— -.^ they had not sailed far, before Mr. Reynolds, the 1620. master of the lesser ship, complained that he found his ship so leaky, as he durst not put further to sea. Aug. On which they were forced to put in at Dartmouth, Mr. Jones, the master of the biggest ship, likewise putting in there with him ; and the said lesser ship was searched, and mended, and judged sufficient for the voyage by the workmen that mended her. On Aug. which both the said ships put to sea the second time. But they had not sailed above a hundred leagues, ere the said Reynolds again complained of his ship being so leaky as that he feared he should founder in the sea if he held on ; and then both ships bore up again, and went in at Plymouth.^ But being there searched again, no great matter appeared, but it was judged to be the general weakness of the ship. But the true reason of the retarding and delaying of matters was not as yet discerned. The one of them respecting the ship, (as afterwards was found,) was that she was overmasted ; which when she came to her trim in that respect, she did well, and made divers profitable and successful voyages. But second- ly, and more especially by the deceit of the master and his company, who were hired to stay a whole As this account of the voyage it from what is contained in the is substantially Bradford's, as ap- Church records, pears from comparing it with the * Grahame, i. 190, errs in saying extracts from his MS. in Prince, that " the emigrants were at first and as Morton refers to his Memo- driven back by a storm, which de- rial merely to save the labor of stroyed one of their vessels ; " and copying, and would undoubtedly Gorges is wrong in stating that have inserted it had he caused his they sailed in //*ree ships, " whereof uncle's History to be printed, I two proved unserviceable, and so have deemed it proper to make it a were left behind." See Mass. part of the narrative ; enclosing it, Hist. Coll. xxvi. 73. however, in brackets to distinguish THEY DISMISS ONE OP THEIR VESSELS. 99 year in the country ; but now fancying dislike, and chap. fearing want of victuals, they plotted this stratagem 1 to free themselves, as afterwards was known, and by i62o. Aug. some of them confessed. For they apprehended that the greater ship being of force, and in whom most of the provisions were bestowed, that she should retain enough for herself, whatsoever became of them and the passengers. But so strong was self-love and de- ceit in this man, as he forgot all duty and former kindness, and dealt thus falsely with them. These things thus falhng out, it was resolved by the whole to dismiss the lesser ship and part of the company with her, and that the other part of the company should proceed in the bigger ship.^ Which when they had ordered matters in reference there- unto, they made another sad parting, the one ship, viz. the lesser, going back for London, and the other, viz. the Mayflower,^ Mr. Jones being master, pro- ceeding on in the intended voyage. * Neal, in his History of New them." Tn the text, too, which is England, i. 86, says, " Mr. Cush- virtually Bradford's, we are told, man and his family, with some " it was resolved by the ivhole to others, that were more fearful, dismiss the lesser ship and part of went ashore, and did not proceed the company with her." It was on the voyage." Baylies, too, in the captain and crew of the Speed- his Memoir of Plymouth, i. 25. well that were unwilling to go, not says, " about twenty of the passen- his passengers ; and the error seems gers were discouraged, and would to have arisen from considering the not reimbark. There is no ground word company, in the passage " by for such an imputation on the cour- the deceit of the master and his age or perseverance of any of the company," as meaning the emi- emigrants. The dismissal of apart grants instead of the sailors; in was a matter of necessity, as the which latter sense it is constantly Mayflower could not carry the used at the present day by mer- whole. Bradford, as quoted by chants and seamen. — Smith and Prince, p. 161, says, " they agree Purchas say they discharge twenty to dismiss her, (the Speedwell,) and of their passengers, those who are willing, to return '^ The Mayflower is a ship of re- to London, though this was very nown in the history of the coloni- grievous and discouraging ; Mr. zalion of New England. She was Cushman and family returning with one of the five vessels which in 100 THEIR LONG AND BOISTEROUS VOYAGE. CHAP. These troubles beinor blown over, and now all be- VIII . ;. ing compact together in one ship, they put to sea 16 20. again with a prosperous wind.^ But after they had 6^ " enjoyed fair winds for a season, they met with many contrary winds and fierce storms, with which their ship was shrewdly shaken, and her upper works made very leaky ; and one of the main beams of the mid- ships was bowed and cracked,^ which put them to some fear that she would not be able to perform the voyage ; on which the principal of the seamen and passengers had serious consultation what to do, whether to return or hold on. But the ship proving strong under water, by a screw ^ the said beam was brought into his place again ; which being done, and well secured by the carpenter, they resolved to hold their voyage. "^ And so, after many boisterous storms, in which they could bear no sail, but were forced to lie at hull many days together,^ after long beating at 1629 conveyed Higginson's com- '^Prince, p. 161, reads this word company to Salem, and also one of wracked in Bradford's MS. the fleet which in 1630 brought ^ Prince, p. IGl, quotes Brad- over Winthrop and his Colony to ford's MS. as saying, " a passen- Massachusetts Bay. See Savage's ger having brought a great iron Winthrop, i. 2 ; Hutchinson's Col- screw from Holland." lection of Papers, p. 33 ; Hazard, * " Nov, 6, dies at sea William i. 278. Butten, a youth, and servant to ' With 100 persons, besides the Samuel Fuller, being the only pas- crew of the vessel, according to senger who dies on the voyage." Smith and Purchas — which cor- Bradford, in Prince, p. 161. One responds exactly to the number child was born, and called Oceanus, that arrived at Cape Cod, according the son of Stephen Hopkins. Brad- to Gov. Bradford's list, preserved ford, in Prince, p. 172. by Prince, p. 172. — Neal, Hist. * On Nov. 3, about a week be- N. E. i. 87, Douglass, i. 370, fore their arrival at Cape Cod, King Robertson, History of America, James had signed the patent for the book X., and Marshall, Life of incorporation of the adventurers to Washington, i. 91, and again Hist, the Northern Colony of Virginia, Amer. Col. p. 30, err in crowding or New England. The Pilgrims, the whole 120 into the ship. Old- however, did not hear of this till the mixon, i. 30, who generally out- arrival of the next ship, the For- does all others in his blunders, tune, in Nov. 1621. See Note on magnifies the number to 150. page 80, and Prince, p. 180. THEV FALL IN WITH CAPE COD. 101 sea, they fell in with the land called Cape Cod :^ the chap. . . . . VIII. which being made, and certainly known to be it, they were not a little joyful. After some little deliberation had amongst them- selves with the master of the ship, they tacked about to stand to the southward to find some place about Hudson's river (according to their first intentions) for their habitations.^ But they had not sailed that course ^ Cape Cod, the most remarka- ble feature in the confitruration of the New England coast, and the first spot in it ever pressed by the footsteps of Englishmen, was dis- covered May 15, 1002, by Bartholo- mew Gosnold, who gave it the name on account of the abundance of cod which he caugiit in its neighbour- hood. John Brereton, who was one of ihe companions of Gosnold, and wrote a Journal of the voyage, says, they first made land May 14, in lat. 43°, and " about three of the clock the same day in the afternoon we weighed, and standing southerly off into the sea the rest of that day and the night following, with a fresh gale of wind, in the morning we found ourselves embayed with a mighty headland. — At length we perceived this headland to be parcel of the main. — In five or six hours we pestered our ship so with cod- fish, that we threw numbers of them overboard again. — We sailed round about this headland almost all the points of the compass, the shore very bold, the land somewhat low, full of goodly woods, but in some places plain." Henry Hudson, Aug. 3, 1609, saw land in 41° 43', and sailing north, anchored at the north end of this headland. Five of his men went on shore and " found goodly grapes and rose trees, and brought them aboard with them." Supposing it to be an island, and that he was its first discoverer, he called it New Holland. In a Dutch map, printed at Amsterdam in 1659, by Nicholas John Vischer, the whole Cape is called Nieuw Hollant, and the northern extremity is called Staaten Hoeck, State Point, or Witte Hoeck, White Point, proba- bly from the white sand hills. The French called it, for the same rea- son, Cap Blanc. Capt. John Smith, who surveyed the coast in 1614, says, "Cape Cod is a headland of high hills of sand, overgrown with shrubby pines, hursts, and such trash, but an excellent harbour for all weathers. This Cape is made by the main sea, on the one side, and a great bay on the other, in form of a sickle. On it doth inhabit the people of Pawmet." Charles, Prince of Wales, altered its name to Cape James, in honor of his father. But the original name could not be so easily supplanted ; " a name," says Cotton Mather, " which I suppose it will never lose till shoals of codfish be seen swimming on its highest hills." See Pur- chas's Pilgrims, iv. 1647 ; iii. 587 ; De Laet, Indiee Occidentalis De- scriptio, p. 70; Moulton's N. Y. p. 206 ; N. Y. Hist. Coll. i. 121 ; Mass. Hist. Coll. xxVu 119; Ma- ther's Magnalia, i. 43. Brereton's Journal is printed entire in the Mass. Hist. Coll. xxviii. 83. ■^ There can be no doubt that the Pilgrims intended to settle in the neighbourhood of Hudson's river. This is evident from the early nar- ratives written by Bradford and Wiuslow. As their patent from the A irginia Company did not authorize them to plant themselves north of the 40lh degree, they probably de- 102 THEY STAND SOUTH FOR HUDSON'S RIVER. CHAP, above half a day before they fell amongst perilous vni. shoals and breakers,^ and they were so far entangled '2 0. therewith as they conceived thenriselves in great dan- !0V. . . 9. ger ; and the wind shrinking upon them withal, they signed to settle south of the Hud- son, somewhere in New Jersey. But head winds, the shoals and breakers of Cape Cod, and the late- ness of the season, conspired to prevent their original purpose. As Belknap says, ii. 188, " having been so long at sea, the sight of any land was welcome to women and children ; the new danger was formidable ; and the eagerness of the passengers to be set on shore was irresistible." Morton, in his Memorial, gives another account of the matter. He says, p. 34, •' Their putting into this place, (Cape Cod harbour,) was partly by reason of a storm, by which they were forced in, but more especially by the fraudulency and contrivance of Mr. Jones, the mas- ter of the ship ; for their inten- tion, as is before noted, and his en- gagement, was to Hudson's river. But some of the Dutch having no- tice of their intentions, and having thoughts about the same time of erecting a jdantation there like- wise, they fraudulently hired the said Jones, by delays while they were in England, and now under pretence of the danger of the shoals, &c. to disappoint them in their go- ing thither." He adds, in a note, " Of this plot betwixt the Dutch and Mr. Jones I have had late and certain intelligence." But the con- temporary narratives, written by Bradford and VVinslow, say not a word about this treachery of the captain ; nor does Bradford's His- tory, as quoted by Prince, p. 162, who is therefore obliged to derive this statement from Morton. Mor- ton is the first to mention it, and he does it in a book printed in 1669, half a century after the event is said to have occurred. He says, it is true, that he " had late and cer- tain intelligence of this plot." If it had been early intelligence, it would have been more certain. But Morton was only eleven years old when he came over with his lather to Plymouth in 1623 ; and in 1669, when he published his book, most of the first comers were dead, who could have furnished credible infor- mation on this point. They had died, and "given no sign" — not even lisped a syllable of complaint against the master of the Mayflower. It was too late then to get certain intelligence of a fact that had slum- bered for fifty years, and which, if well founded, would from the first landing have been notorious, and had a place in every account that was written of the Colony. The silence of Bradford and W^inslow seems conclusive on the point. — Yet this story has been repeated from Morton in an endless series by Hubbard, Mather, Prince, Neal, Hutchinson, Belknap, Holmes, Bay- lies, and Grahame, down to the present time. Moulton, in his un- finished but valuable History of New York, p. 355, was the first to question it. — I know not why Old- mixon, i. 29, and Grahame, i. 190, call Jones a Dutchman. ' The Mayflower probably made the Cape towards its northern ex- tremity. The perilous shoals and breakers, among which she became entangled after sailing above half a day south, (or south-south-west, as the contemporary account states, in Bradford's Journal,) were undoubt- edly those which lie off the south- eastern extremity of the Cape, near Monamoy Point. The Pollock Rip, the most considerable of these, cor- responds to the " roaring " shoals mentioned by Bradford, in Prince, THEY PUT BACK TO CAPE COD HARBOUR. 103 resolved to bear up aijain for the Cape aforesaid, chap. . . VIII. The next day, by God's providence, they got into the Cape harbour.] ^ Being now passed the vast ocean and a sea of trou- bles, before their preparation unto further proceed- ings, as to seek out a place for habitation, &c. they fell down upon their knees and blessed the Lord, the 16 20. Nov. 11. p. 162. She may also have en- countered the Great and Little Round Shoals. It is not lilcely that she sailed far enough south to fall in with the Bass Rip or the Gieat Rip. Before she could reach these, the current and the flood tide pro- bably drove her in between Mona- moy Point and Nantucket. Had the wind permitted her to pursue a southern course, she might, in a few hours, have found an opening, and passed safely to the westward. Gabriel Archer, in liis Relation of Gosnold's voyage, in Purchas, iv. 1648, says, " We trended the coast southerly ; twelve leagues from Cape Cod (Provincetown) we descried a point, with some breach (breaker) a good distance oft", and keeping our luff to double it, we came on the sudden into shoal water ; yet well quitted ourselves thereof. This breach we called Tucker's Terror, upon his expressed fear. The point we named Point Care." Tucker's Terror is no doubt the Pollock Rip, and Point Care is Monamoy Point. Robert Juet, Hudson's mate, in his account of their voyage, after stating that they first made the land at the south-eastern point of the Cape, says, " We found a flood come from the south-east, and an ebb from the nortli-west, with a very strong stream, and a great hurling and noises." This too was the Pollock Rip. Smith says, " Towards the south and south-west of this Cape is found a long and dangerous shoal of sands and rocks ; but so far as I encircled it, I found thirty fathom water aboard the shore, which makes me think there is a channel about tiiis shoal.'' This also must have been the Pollock Rip. See Purchas, iii. 587 ; N. Y. Hist. Coll. i. 121 ; Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvi, 119, xxviii. 74. ' " Let us go up in imagination to yonder hill, and look out upon the November scene. That single dark speck, just discernible through the perspective glass, on the waste of waters, is the fated vessel. The storm moans through her tattered canvass, as she creeps, almost sink- ing, to her anchorage in Province- town harbour ; and there she lies with all her treasures, not of silver and gold, (for of these she has none,) but of courage, of patience, of zeal, of high spiritual daring. So often as I dwell in imagination on this scene ; when I consider the condition of the Mayflower, utterly incapable as she was of living through another gale ; when I sur- vey the terrible front presented by our coast to the navigator, who, unacquainted with its channels and roadsteads, should approach it in the stormy season, I dare not call it a mere piece of good fortune, that the general north and south wall of the shore of New England should be broken by this extraordi- nary projection of the Cape, run- ning out into the ocean a hundred miles, as if on purpose to receive and encircle the precious A'essel. As I now see her, freighted with the destinies of a continent, barely 104 THE PILGRIMS AT CAPE COD. CHAP. God of heaven, who had brought them over the vast VIII. . * and furious ocean, and dehvered them from all perils 16 2 0. and miseries thereof, ao-ain to set their feet on the Nov. ' ° firm and stable earth, their proper element. And no marvel if they were thus joyful, seeing wise Seneca was so aflected with sailing a few miles on the coast of his own Italy, as he affirms he had rather remain twenty years in his way by land, than pass by sea to any place in a short time ; so tedious and dreadful was the same to him.^ But here I cannot but stay and make a pause, and stand half amazed at these poor people's condition ; and so I think will the reader too, when he well con- siders the same. For having passed through many troubles, both before and upon the voyage, as afore- said, they had now no friends to welcome them, nor inns to entertain and refresh them, no houses, much less towns, to repair unto to seek for succour.^ It is escaped from the perils of the deep, Celebration at Barnstable, Sept. 3, approaching the shore precisely 1839, p. 45. where the broad sweep of this most ^ Seneca says, in his 53d Epistle, remarkable headland presents al- that he set out to sail only from most tlie only point at which for Parthenope (Naples) to Puteoli, hundreds of miles she could with (Pozzuoli,) and to get thither the any ease have made a harbour, and sooner, launched out into the deep this perhaps the very best on the in a direct course to Nesis, (Nisida,) seaboard, I feel my spirit raised without coasting along the shore, above the sphere of mere natural This beautiful letter, which is well agencies. I see the mountains of worth reading, may be found in New England rising from their Thomas MorrelFs translation of the rocky thrones. They rush forward Epistles, i. 184, (London, 1786, 2 into the ocean, settling down as vols. 4to.) they advance ; and there they range ^ "The nearest plantation to themselves a mighty bulwark around them is a French one at Port Roy- the heaven-directed vessel. Yes, al, who have another at Canada ; the everlasting God himself stretches and the only English ones are at out the arm of his mercy and his Virginia, 13ermudas, and New- power in substantial manifestation, foundland ; the nearest of these and gathers the meek company of about five hundred miles off. and his worshippers as in the hollow every one incapable of helping of his hand." Edward Everett's them." Prince, p. 180. Address at the Cape Cod Centennial Acta zxviii. 3. THE PILGRIMS AT CAPE COD. 105 recorded in Scripture as a mercy to the Apostle and chap. his shipwrecked company, that " the barbarians show- ^ — -^ ed them no small kindness " in refreshinor them. But ^J'^o. ^ . Nov. these salvage barbarians, when they met with them, (as after will appear,) were readier to fill their sides full of arrows, than otherwise. And for the season, it was winter ; ^ and they that know the winters of that country, know them to be sharp and violent, and subject to violent storms, dangerous to travel to known places, much more to search out unknown coasts. Besides, what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts and wild men ? and what multitudes there might be of them they knew not. Neither could they, as it were, go up to the top of Pisgah, to view from this wilderness a more goodly country ^ to feed their hopes. For which way soever they turned their eyes (save up- ward to the heavens) they could have little solace or content in respect of any outward objects. For sum- mer being done, all things stand for them to look ' Grahame says, i. 191, that winter was more severe than they "the intense severity of their first had been accustomed to, but it was winter in America painfully con- unusually mild for this country and vinced the settlers that a more unfa- climate. Dudley says, in his Let- vorable season of the year could not ter to the Countess of Lincoln, have been selected for the planta- written in 1631, that the Plymouth tion of their colony." But it was colonists "were favored with a not the season which they selected, calm winter, such as was never They sailed from England at avcry seen here since." See Mass. Hist, proper and favorable time, in the Coll. viii. 37. Wood, too, who beginnintT of August, and might was here in 1633, and published reasonably expect to arrive on the his New England's Prospect in American coast by the middle of 1634, says, p. 5, (ed. 1764.) that September, in ample season to " the year of New Plymouth men's build their houses and provide for arrival was no winter in com- the winter. But being obliged to parison." put back twice, and then meeting ^ In the MS. the word is com- with head winds, and having a party, manifestly an error of the boisterous passage of sisly-four pen. Morton, copying the same days, they lost two months, and ar- passage into his Memorial, p. 33, rived just as the winter set in. The reads it country, as in the text. 14 106 THE PILGRIMS AT CAPE COD. CHAP, upon with a weather-beaten face : and the whole VIII. country being full of woods and thickets, represented 1620. a wild and salvage hue. If they looked behind them, Nov. ? \ , there was the mighty ocean which they had passed, and was now as a main bar and gulf to separate them from all the civil parts of the world. If it be said they had a ship to succour them, it is true ; but what heard they daily from the master and company but that with speed they should look out a place with their shallop, where they would be at some near dis- tance ; for the season was such as he would not stir from thence until a safe harbour was discovered by them, where they would be and he might go without danger ; and that victuals consumed apace, but he must and would keep sufficient for himself and com- pany for their return. Yea, it was muttered by some, that if they got not a place in time, they would turn them and their goods on shore, and leave them. Let it be also considered what weak hopes of supply and succour they left behind them, that might bear up their minds in this sad condition and trials they were under, and they could not but be very small. It is true, in- deed, the affections and love of their brethren at Ley- den were cordial and entire ; but they had little power to help them, or themselves ; and how the case stood between them and the merchants at their coming away, hath already been declared. What could now sustain them but the spirit of God and his grace ? ^ ' " Divers attempts had been panied the designs of both tliese made to settle this rough and north- nations, that they seem to give it em country ; first by the French, over as not worth the planting : who would fain account it a part of till a pious people of England, not Canada; and then by theEnoJish; allowed to woiship their Maker and both from mere secular views, according to his institutions only, But such a train of crosses accom- without the mixture of human cere- THE PILGRIMS AT CAPE COD. 107 May not and ought not the children of these fathers rightly say, " Our fathers were Enghshmen, which came over this great ocean, and were ready to perish in this wilderness. But they cried unto the Lord, and he heard their voice, and looked on their adver- sity." And let them therefore praise the Lord because he is good, and his mercies endure forever. Yea, let them which have been thus redeemed of the Lord show how he hath delivered them from the hand of the oppressor. When they wandered in the desert wilderness, out of the way, and found no city to dwell in, both hungry and thirsty, their soul was overwhelmed in them. Let them confess before the Lord his loving kindness and his wonderful works before the children of men.^ Of the troubles that befell them after their arrival, 1620. Nov. Deut xxvi. 5,7. Psalm cvii. 1,2, 4, 5, 8. monies, are spirited to attempt the settlement, that they might enjoy a worship purely scriptural, and leave the same to their posterity." Prince, p. 98. " Whether Britain would have had any colonies in America, if religion had not been the ^rand in- ducement, is doubtful. One hun- dred and twenty years had passed, from the discovery of the northern continent by the Cabots, without any successful attempt. After repeated attempts had failed, it seems less probable that any should undertake in such an affair, than it would have been if no attempt had been made." Hutchinson's Mass. i. 3. ' Milton, in his treatise on Refor- mation in England, written in I64I, thus alludes to the persecution and exile of our New England fathers. " What numbers of faithful and freeborn Englishmen and good Christians, have been constrained to forsake their dearest home, their friends and kindred, whom nothing but the wide ocean, and the savage deserts of America, could hide and shelter from the fury of the bishops. O if we could but see the shape of our dear mother England, as poets are wont to give a personal form to what they please, how would she appear, think ye, but in a mourning weed, with ashes upon her head, and tears abundantly flowing from her eyes, to behold so many of her children exposed at once, and thrust from things of dearest necessity, because their conscience could not assent to things which the bishops thought indilferent ? Let the astrol- oger be dismayed at the portentous blaze of comets, and impressions in the air, as foretelling troubles and changes to states ; I shall be- lieve there cannot be a more ill- boding sign to a nation, (God turn the omen from us !) then when the inhabitants, to avoid insufferable grievances at home, are enforced by heaps to forsake their native country." Prose Works, i. 37, (Symmons's ed.) 108 THE MAYFLOWER AT CAPE COD. CHAP, with sundry other particulars concernino^ their trans- viii. . . > ^^ actings with the merchants adventurers, and many 16 20. other passages not so pertinent to this present dis- course, I shall refer the reader to Neiu Englan(Ps Memorial, and unto Mr. Bradford's book, where they are at large penned to his plentiful satisfaction.^ ' Here we take leave of Morton's copy of Gov. Bradford's History. As the rest of it is lost, except the iew scattered passages preserved by Prince and Hutchinson, and as "we have a Journal of " the troubles that befell them after their arrival," written at the time, and chiefly, as I conceive, by Gov. Bradford, and much more copious and minute than the account in Morton's Me- morial, the narrative will proceed in the words of that Journal. BRADFORD'S AND WINSLOW'S JOURNAL. " Relation or lournall of the beginning and proceedings of the English Plantation setled at Plimoth in New-England, by certaine English Adventurers both Merchants and others. With their difficult passage, their safe arriuall, their ioyfuU build- ing of, and comfortable planting themselves in the now well defended Towne of New Plimoth. As also a Relation of foure seuerall discoueries since made by some of the same English Planters there resident. I. In a iourney to PackanoMck, the habitation of the Indians greatest King Massasoyt ; as also their message, the answer and entertainment they had of him. II. In a voyage made by ten of them to the Kingdome of Nawset, to seeke a boy that had lost himselfe in the woods : with such accidents as befell them in that voyage. III. In their iourney to the Kingdome of Namaschct, in defence of their greatest King Massasoyt , against the NarroMggonsets, and to reuenge the supposed death of their Interpreter Tisquantmn. nil. Their voyage to the Massachuscts, and their entertainment there. With an answer to all such objections as are any way made against the lawfulnesse of English plantations in those parts. London. Printed for lohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at his shop at the two Greyhounds in Cornhill neere the Royall Ex- change. 1622." sm. 4to. TO THE READER. Courteous Reader, Be entreated to make a favorable construction of my forwardness in publishing these ensuing discourses. The desire of carrying the Gospel of Christ into those foreign parts, amongst those people that as yet have had no knowledge nor taste of God, as also to procure unto themselves and others a quiet and comfortable habitation, were, amongst other things, the induce- ments unto these undertakers of the then hopeful, and now experimentally known good enterprise for planta- tion in New England, to set afoot and prosecute the same. And though it fared with them, as it is common to the most actions of this nature, that the first attempts prove difficult, as the sequel more at large expresseth, yet it hath pleased God, even beyond our expectation in so short a time, to give hope of letting some of them see (though some he hath taken out of this vale of tears) ^ some grounds of hope of the accomplish- ment of both those ends by them at first propounded. ' The writer studiously suppres- than ^oT/" of the first Colonists had ses the discouraging fact that more already perished. 112 GEORGE MORTON'S PREFACE. And as myself then much desired, and shortly hope to effect, if the Lord will, the putting to of my shoul- der in this hopeful business, and in the mean time these Relations coming to my hand from my both known and faithful friends, on whose writings I do much rely, I thought it not amiss to make them more general, hoping of a cheerful proceeding both of adventurers and planters ; entreating that the ex- ample of the honorable Virginia and Bermudas ^ Companies, encountering with so many disasters, and that for divers years together with an unwearied resolution, the good effects whereof are now eminent, may prevail as a spur of preparation also touching this no less hopeful ^ country, though yet an infant, the extent and commodities whereof are as yet not fully known : after time will unfold more. Such as desire to take knowledge of things, may inform themselves by this ensuing treatise, and, if they please also by such as have been there a first and second time.^ My hearty prayer to God is that the event of his and all other honorable and honest under- takings, may be for the furtherance of the kingdom of Christ, the enlarging of the bounds of our sovereign lord King James, and the good and profit of those ^ By the third patent of the Vir- Virginia or New England had been ginia Company, granted in 1612, branded as " a cold, barren, moun- the Bermudas, and all islands with- tainous, rocky desert," and had in three hundred leagues of the been abandoned as "uninhabitable coast, were included within the by Englishmen." See Gorges in limits of their jurisdiction. These Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvi. 56; and islands they sold to 120 of their Capt. John Smith in his Gen. Hist, own members, who became a dis- ii. 174. tinct corporation, under the name ^ Cushman had just returned of the Somer Islands Company, from Plymouth, and Clark and See Stiih's Virginia, p. 127, App. Coppin, the mates or pilots of the 24. Mayflower, had been on the coast " After the failure of Popham's twice. colony at Sagadahoc in 1608, North GEORGE MORTON'S PREFACE. 113 who, either by purse or person or both, are agents in the same. So I take leave, and rest Thy friend, G. MOURT.^ ' Who was G. Mourt? From his Preface it is evident that he was a person in England interested in the success of the Plymouth Colony, identifying himself with it, as ap- pears from the expression, " even beyond our expectation," having " much desired " to embark with the first colonists, and intending soon to go over and join them. It is also evident that he had familiar and friendly relations with some of them, (" these Relations coming to my hand from my both known and faithful friends,") and that he was one in whom they reposed such entire confidence as to send to him their first despatches of letters and journals. The only individual answering to this description that I can ascer- tain, is George Morton, who had married a sister of Gov. Bradford, and came over to Plymouth in July, 1623, in the first ship that sailed for the Colony after this Journal was printed. He is represented in the Memorial, p. 101, as " very faithful in whatsoever public employment he was betrusted withal, and an unfeigned well-wilier and promoter of the common good and growth of the plantation of New Plymouth." Mourt may have been written de- signedly for Morton, from a disin- clination on his part to have his name appear publicly in print, or it may have been a mistake of the printer, the final letters, from some flourish of the pen or otherwise, not being distinctly legible. Sev- eral other typographical errors, more important and palpable than this, occur in the Journal. It will be seen hereafter that Carver's name was printed Leaver, and Williams, by a flourish of the pen, was con- verted into Williamson. Prince, p. 132, errs in saying that this Journal was published by Mourt ; and his editor, p. 439, (ed. 1826,) errs in stating that Prince had only Purchases abridgment of it. He had the entire work, on the title-page of which it is stated that it was " printed for John Bellamy," who continued for at least twenty- five years from that time (1622,) to be the principal publisher of books relating to New England. 15 TO HIS MUCH RESPECTED FRIEND, MR. I. P.* Good Friend, As we cannot but account it an extraordinary bless- ing of God in directing our course for these parts, after we came out of our native country, — for tliat we had the happiness to be possessed of the comforts we receive by the benefit of one of the most pleasant, most healthful, and most fruitful parts of the world, — so must we acknowledge the same blessinaj to be mul- tiplied upon our whole company, for that we obtained the honor to receive allowance and approbation of our free possession and enjoying thereof, under the author- ity of those thrice honored persons, The President and Council for the Aftairs of New England ; ^ by whose bounty and grace, in that behalf, all of us are tied to dedicate our best service unto them, as those, under his Majesty, that we owe it unto ; whose noble endea- ' These are probably the initials their behalf, to the President and of John Pierce, in whose name Council of New England, for a their second patent was taken. See grant of the territory on which ihey Prince, p. 204. had unintentionally settled. This, ^ The Pilgrims, by coming so it seems, was readily accorded. — far north, had got beyond the The President and Council put limits of the Virginia Company, forth in 1622, " A Brief Relation and accordingly their patent was of the Discovery and Plantation of no value. On the return of of New England," which is re- the Mayflower in May, 1021, the printed in the Mass. Hist. Coll. xix. merchant adventurers applied, in 1 — 25. ROBERT CUSHMAN'S LETTER. 115 vours in these their actions the God of heaven and earth multiply to his glory and their own eternal comforts. As for this poor Relation, I pray you to accept it as being writ by the several actors themselves,^ after their plain and rude manner. Therefore doubt no- thing of the truth thereof. If it be defective in any thing, it is their ignorance, that are better acquainted with planting than writing. If it satisfy those that are well affected to the business, it is all I care for. Sure I am the place we are in, and the hopes that are apparent, cannot but suffice any that will not de- sire more than enough. Neither is there want of ^ This constitutes its great value, and confers on it the highest au- thority. George Morton, in his Preface, alludes to the same fact. Edward Winslow, in a postscript to his " Good News from New Eng- land," printed in 1G24, states that this Relation was " gathered by the inhabitants of this present planta- tion at Plymouth, in New Eng- land," and in the body of his work alludes to " former letters written by myself and others, which came to the press against my will and knowledge." The Journal, too, directly and by implication, repeat- edly testifies to the same point. Under Dec. 6, in mentioning their third excursion, it says, " the nar- rative of which discovery follows, penned by one of the company." I do not hesitate to ascribe this Journal to Bradford and Winslow, chiefly to the former. They were among the most active and effi- cient leaders of the Pilgrims ; and one or the other of them went on almost every expedition here re- corded, and were therefore cogni- zant of the facts as e3'e-witnesses. They were also the only practised writers among them. We are not aware that any of the other colo- nists were accustomed to writing ; at least none of their writings have come down to us. Standish, though '■ the best linguist among them," in the Indian dialects, was more expert with the sword than the pen ; and Elder Brewster, then fifty- six years old, was prevented by his office, if not by his age, from going on any of the excursions, and was therefore not competent to write the journal of them. Carver had the weight of government on his shoulders, which would leave little time for writing ; he died too in April, five months after their arri- val at the Cape. Allerton, Fuller, and Hopkins, are the only other persons likely to have had any hand in writing the Journal ; and the part they contributed to it, if any, would probably be confined to furnishing the rough sketches of TV- such expeditions as those to Nau- set, Namaschet, and Massachusetts, in which Bradford and Winslow may not have been personally en- gaged. The style, too, seems to correspond, in its plainness and directness, with that of Bradford, in his History. 116 ROBERT CUSHMAN'S LETTER, aught among us but company to enjoy the blessings so plentifully bestowed upon the inhabitants that are here. While I was a writing this, I had almost forgot that 1 had but the recommendation of the Relation itself to your further consideration, and therefore I will end without saying more, save that I shall always rest Yours, in the way of friendship, R. G.^ From Plymouth, in New England. * Who was R. G. '^ At the time this Journal was sent over from Plymouth, in Dec. 1621, the only- person there whose initials were R. G. was Richard Gardiner. He was one of the signers of the Com- pact on board the Mayflower, as will be seen hereafter. In that list it is apparent that the 41 names are, for the most part, subscribed in the order of the reputed rank of the signers. The two last, Dotey and Leister, were servants ; the two next preceding, Allertoii and English, were seamen ; then comes Richard Gardiner. Now it is very unlikely that such an obscure per- son as this, No. 37, of whom no- thing is known, whose name does not appear in the assignment of the lands in 1G23, nor in the division of the cattle in 1627, and occurs no where subsequently in the records of the Colony, should be selected and deputed by the leading men in it to endorse " the recommen- dation " of their Journal. Such a person, even had he been chosen for this purpose, would not have presumed to speak of his superiors as having written their narrative " after their plain and rude man- ner, " and apologize for " their ig- norance," by saying they were " better acquainted with planting than writing. " Such language would be used only by one of their compeers. Nor could R. G. have been Richard Greene, as is suggested in Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvii. 298, 300 ; since Greene did not arrive at Ply- mouth till July, 1622, and this Re- lation was sent to England in Dec. 1621. See note ' on page 236, and pages 296 and 299. R. G. (or R. C. as I think it should be,) was Robert Cushman, their active and efficient agent, who being prevented from coming over in the Mayflower, came in Nov. 1621, in the Fortune, and returned in her the next month. Cushman brought the intelligence that a charter had been procured for them by the merchant adventurers from the President and Council of New England, "better than their for- mer, and with less limitation." It was very natural, under these cir- cumstances, that the leading colo- nists should request him to write a letter in their behalf, enclosing a copy of their Journal, to Pierce, in whose name the charter had been taken ; and it was no less natural, that in writing it, he should render a deserved tribute of acknowledgment to the Company, for their " bounty and grace " in allowing them the free possession and enjoyment of the land on which they had invo- luntarily settled. See Prince, p. 198. This letter of Cushman is follow- ed in the original by Robinson's patting Letter of Advice, which has already been printed on page 91. CHAPTER IX. OP THE FIRST PLANTERS' COMBINATION BY ENTERING INTO A BODY POLITIC TOGETHER; WITH THEIR PRO- CEEDINGS IN DISCOVERY OF A PLACE FOR THEIR SET- TLEMENT AND HABITATION, Wednesday, the 6th of September, the wind com- chap. TV ing east-north-east, a fine small gale, we loosed from ._^ Plymouth, having been kindly entertained and cour- 1620. teously used by divers friends there dwelling; and ^^P** after many difficulties in boisterous storms, at length, by God's providence, upon the 9th of November fol- Nov. lowing, by break of the day, we espied land, which we deemed to be Cape Cod, and so afterward it proved. And the appearance of it much comforted us, especially seeing so goodly a land, and wooded to the brink of the sea. It caused us to rejoice together, and praise God that had given us once again to see land. And thus we made our course south-south- west, purposing to go to a river ten leagues to the south of the Cape.^ But at night the wind being contrary, we put round again for the bay of Cape Cod ; and upon the 1 1th of November we came to an anchor 11. * This river was the Hudson, coast. Ten may possibly be an Little was known at that time error of the press, about distances on this unsurveyed 118 CAPE COD WELL WOODED. CHAP, in the bay,^ which is a good harbour and pleasant bay, ^-.-L circled round, except in the entrance, which is about 16 20. four miles over from land to land,^ compassed about to i\]' the very sea with oaks, pines, juniper, sassafras, and other sweet wood.^ It is a harbour wherein a thousand sail of ships may safely ride.^ There we relieved our- ^ That is, in Cape Cod or Pro- vincetown harbour. ^ This is just the distance from Long Point to the nearest land in Truro. ^ Few trees are now left round Cape Cod harbour. That they were once common, appears from the name Wood End, given to a part of the coast, and from the stumps that are still found along the sliore, particularly at ihe west end of the harbour, below the pres- ent high water mark, just above what is called " the rising." There is quite a grove of pines, called Mayo's Wood, near Snow's hill, at the eastern end of the village. There are dwarf oaks, too, grow- ing on High Hill. The young trees would thrive if they were en- closed and protected from the cows, who now get part of their living by browsing on them. There are a few sassafras bushes, but no juni- per. The juniper was probably the red cedar. Josselyn, in his New England's Rarities, published in 1672, says, page 49, " Cardan says juniper is cedar in hot countries, and juniper in cold countries ; it is here very dwarfish and shrubby, growing for the most part by the sea-side." And Wood, in his New England's Prospect, printed in 1634, says, p. 19, "the cedar tree is a tree of no great growth, not bearing above a foot and a half at the most, neither is it very high. This wood is of color red and white, like yew, smelling as sweet as juniper." In 1740 there was a number of oaks in the woods northwest of East Harbour. * Cape Cod harbour is formed by the spiral bending of the land, from Pamet river to Long Point, nearly round every point of the compass; it is completely land-locked. " It is one of the finest harbours for ships of war on the whole of our Atlantic coast. The width, and freedom from obstructions of every kind, at its entrance, and the extent of sea- room upon the bay side, make it accessible to vessels of the largest class in almost all winds. This advantage, its capacity, depth of water, excellent anchorage, and the complete shelter it affords from all winds, render it one of the most valuable ship harbours upon our coast, whether considered in a com- mercial or military point of view." See Major J. D. Graham's Report, pp. 2 and 13, No. 121 of Executive Documents of the 25th Congress, 2d Sess. 1837-8, vol. 5. — Major Graham was employed by the go- vernment of the United States, dur- ing portions of the years 1833, 1834, and 1835, assisted by seven engineers, to survey the extremity of Cape Cod, including the town- ships of Provincetown and Truro, with their sea-coast, and the harbour of Cape Cod. This survey was executed with the greatest accuracy and precision, and a large and beau- tiful map, on a scale of six inches to a mile, was projected from it and published by order of Congress in 1838. It was republished in 1841, on a reduced scale of three inches to a mile, by I. W. P. Lewis, civil engineer. It is very desirable that the whole Cape should be surveyed in the same manner. ABUNDANCE OF WHALES. 119 selves with wood and water, and refreshed our peo- chap. IX. pie, while our shallop was fitted to coast the bay, to search for a habitation. There was the greatest 1620 &' Nov. Store of fowl ^ that ever we saw. 11 And every day we saw whales^ playing hard by us ; of which in that place, if we had instruments and means to take them, we might have made a very rich return ; which, to our great grief, we wanted. Our master and his mate, and others experienced in fish- ing, professed we might have made three or four thou- sand pounds' worth of oil. They preferred it before Greenland whale-fishing, and purpose the next winter to fish for whale here. For cod we assayed, but found none ; there is good store, no doubt, in their season.^ Neither got we any fish all the time we lay there, but some few little ones on the shore. We found great muscles,"^ and very fat and full of sea-pear] ; but we could not eat them, for they made us all sick that did ^ Sea fowls come in late in the Cod, where it was carried on en- autumn and remain during the tirely in boats, which put oif when- winter. They were formerly plen- ever a signal was given by persons tiful on the shores ; but they have on the look out from an elevated been so frequently molested, that station, that a whale was seen to their numbers are much reduced. blow. In 1690 " one Ichabod Pad- ^ Whales are frequently seen in dock" went from the Cape to Nan- Barnstable Bay and on the outside tucket to teach the iiihal)itants of of the Cape, and are killed by boats that isle the art and mystery of from Provincetown. Occasionally, catching whales. See Mass. Hist, though more rarely of late, they Coll. iii. 157. come into the harbour ; at the begin- ^ This is a little remarkable ; for ningofthe present century, two or cod are caught at the Cape as three whales, producing about a early as November. They probably hundred barrels of oil, were annu- fished only in the harbour. The ally caught ; the last that was best season is in February and killed in the harbour was in Dec. March, when they are caught in 1840, a hump-back, that made fifty great plenty between Race Point barrels of oil. The appearance of and Wood End. It was May when a whale in the harbour is the sig- Gosnold found them in such abun- nal for a general stir among the dance. hundred graceful five-hand boats * Though muscles are found in that line the circlinj shore of this Cape Cod harbour, yet the sea clam beautiful bay. The American seems to be meant, as it frequently whale fishery commenced at Cape produces on the stomach the effects 11. 120 CAPE COD HARBOUR. CHAP, eat, as well sailors as passengers. They caused to . -L, cast and scour ; but they were soon well again. 162 0. The bay is so round and circhng, that before we could come to anchor,^ we went round all the points of the compass. We could not come near the shore by three quarters of an Enghsh mile, because of shallow water ; ^ which was a great prejudice to us ; for our people, going on shore, were forced to wade a bowshot or two in going a land, which caused many to get colds and coughs ; for it was many times freez- ing cold weather. Nov. This day, before we came to harbour, observing some not well affected to unity and concord, but gave some appearance of faction, it was thought good there should be an association and agreement, that we should combine together in one body,^ and to submit to such government and governors as we should by here described. F. — The notes to They also lie all alonp- the shore in which this letter is annexed were front of the town, but do not extend written by the Rev. James Free- so far from the land. At low wa- man, D.D., of Boston. His father ter it is very shallow, and it is still being a native of Truro, Dr. Free- necessary to wade a considerable man frequently visited the Cape, distance, to get into a boat, as the and became strongly attached to it. writer knows by experience. He wrote a very minute and accu- ^ Here, for the first time in the rate topographical account of it, world's history, the philosophical which may be found in the Mass. fiction of a social compact was Hist. Coll. vol. viii. His papers realized in practice. And yet it are signed r. s. denoting his office seems to me that a great deal more of Recording Secretary of the Mass. has been discerned in this docu- Hist. Society ; a Society which, in ment than the signers contemplated, its 28 volumes, has accomplished It is evident, from page 95, that more than any other literary or when they left Holland, they ex- scientific association in America. pected " to become a body politic, ' The Mayflower anchored " with- using amongst themselves civil in less than a furlong" of the end government, and lo choose their of Long Point, two miles from the own rulers from among them- present village of Provincetown. selves." Tlieir purpose in drawing The shore is here very bold, and up and signing this compact was the water deep. See p. 150. simply, as they state, to restrain '^ At the head of the harbour, certain of their number, who had towards Wood End, and at East manifested an unruly and factious Harbour, the flats extend three disposition. This was the whole quarters of a mile from the shore, philosophy of the instrument, TtlE COMPACT. 121 common consent am-ee to make and choose, and set chap. IX. our hands to this that follows, word for word. . --^ In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are 1 620. . . . Nov. underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign 11. lord. King James, by the grace of God, of Great Bri- tain, France, and Ireland king, defender of the faith, &c., having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do, by these presents? solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation, and furtherance of the ends aforesaid ; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the col- ony ; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names, at Cape Cod, the 11th of Novem- ber, in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord. King James, of England, France and Ireland the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, anno Domini 1620. [Mr. John Carver t 8 John Alden 1 William Bradford t 2 Mr. Samuel Fuller 2 Mr. Edward Winslow 15* Mir. Christopher Martin t 4 Mr. William Brewster t 6 * Mr. William Mullins t 5 Mr. Isaac Allerton t G * Mr. William White t 5 Capt. Miles Stan dish f 2 Mr Richard Warren 1 whatever may since have been dis- " seems to have been of a mere covered and deduced from it by moral nature, that they might re- astute civilians, philosophical his- move all scruples of inflictinf^ neces- torians, and imaginative orators, sary punishments, even capital ones, " One great reason of this cove- seeing all had voluntarily subjected nant," as Hutchinson says, ii. 458, themselves to them." 16 122 THE LANDING AT CAPE COD. CHAP. John Rowland IX. Mr. Stephen Hopkins t ■- * Edward Tilly t 16 20. * John Tilly t Nov. Francis Cook 11. * Thomas Rogers * Thomas Tinker t * John Ridgdale t * Edward Fuller t * John Turner Francis Eaton t * James Chilton t * John Crackston John Billington t * Moses Fletcher * John Goodman 1 8 * Degory Priest 1 4 * Thomas Williams 1 3 Gilbert Winslow 1 2 * Edmund Margeson 1 2 Peter Brown 1 3 * Richard Britterige 1 2 George Soule 3 * Richard Clarke 1 3 Richard Gardiner 1 3 * John Allerton 1 3 * Thomas English 1 2 Edward Dotey 4 Edward Leister 1 101] 1 The same day, so soon as we could, we set ashore fifteen or sixteen men, well armed, with some to fetch wood, for we had none left ; as also to see what the land was, and what inhabitants they could meet with. ' I have inserted this list from Prince, who found it at the end of Gov. Bradford's MS. From mod- esty, Bradford omits the title of Mr. to his own name. The figures denote the numl)er in each family. Those with an asterisk (*) prefixed to their names, 21 in numher, died be- fore the end of March. Those with an obelisk (f) affixed, 18, brought their wives with them. Three, Samuel Fuller, Richard Warren, and Francis Cook, left their wives for the present either in Holland or England. They came in the Anne. Some left behind them part, and others all their children, who after- wards came over. John Howland was of Carver's flimily, George Soule of Edward Winslow's, and Dotey and Leister of Hopkins's family. Martin, Warren, Hopkins, Billington, Dotey, Leister, and pro- bably some others, joined them in England. John Allerton and Eng- lish were seamen. The list includes the child that was born at sea, and the servant who died ; the latter ought not to have been counted. The number living at the signing of the compact was therefore only 100. See Prince, p. 172. " So there were just 101, (no, 100,) who sailed from Plymouth in England, and just as many arrived in Cape Cod harbour. And this is the solitary number, who, for an undefiled conscience and the love of pure Christianity, first left their native and pleasant land, and en- countered all the toils and hazards of the tumultuous ocean, in search of some uncultivated region in North Virginia, where they might quietly enjoy their religious liberties and transmit them to posterity." Prince, p. 17.3. " These were tlie founders of the Colony of New Plymouth. The settlement of this colony occasioned the settlement of Massachusetts Bay, which was the source of all the other colonies of New England. Virginia was in a dying state, and seemed to revive and flourish from the example of New England. I am not preserving from oblivion the names of heroes whose chief merit is the overthrow of cities, provinces, and empires, but the names of the founders of a flourishing town and colony, if not of the whole British empire in America." Hutchinson, ii. 4C2. THE SOIL OF CAPE COD. 123 They found it to be a small neck of land ; ^ on this chap. side where we lay, is the bay,^ and the further side > — ^— the sea:^ the ground or earth sand hills, much hke 16 20. ' *= Nov. the downs * in Holland, but much better ; the crust of ii. the earth, a spit's depth,^ excellent black earth ; all The same day " they choose Mr. John Carver, a pious and well ap- proved gentleman, their povernor for the first year." Bradford, in Prince, p. 102. ' The men appear to have heen landed on Long Point, which tra- dition says has been diminished in its length, breadth, and height. F. ^ By the bay is intended the har- bour. Plymouth harbour is after- wards called a bay ; and the same name is given to the harbour of Cummaquid, or Barnstable. F. ^ That is, Barnstable bay. F. ^ Gosnold, on landing at Cape Cod, in 1602, found "the sand by the shore somewhat deep."' Smith, too, calls it " a headland of high hills of sand." The downs, or dunes, along the coast of Holland, are formed by the wind blowing up the sands of the sea-shore. To check the dispersion of the sand, the dunes are sowed regularly every year with a species of reed grass [arundo arenaria.) In a short time the roots spread and combine so as to hold the sand fast together. Lin- naeus, in his journey to the islands of OeJand and Gothland, in the Baltic, pointed out to the natives the advantage of planting the sea- reed grass to arrest the sand and form soil on the shores, to which it is extremely well adapted by the length of its roots. A similar practice has within a few years been adopted at Cape Cod, under the direction and at the expense of the general government. Large tracts of white sand at Province- town have been planted with the beach grass {■psanima arenaria.) The grass, during the spring and summer, grows about two ieet and a half. If surrounded by naked beach, the storms of autumn and winter heap up the sand on all sides, and cause it to rise nearly to the top of the plant. In the ensu- ing spring the grass sprouts anew ; is again covered with sand in the winter ; and thus a hill or ridge continues to ascend as long as there is a suificient base to support it, or till the surrounding sand, being also covered with beach grass, will no longer yield to the force of the wind. See Purchas, iv. 1048 ; Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvi. 119, viii. 110; Bigelow's Plants of Boston and its Vicinity, p. 40 ; Pulteney's General A^iew of the Writings of Linnaeus, p. 35. * The depth of a spade. F. "A spade's depth thrown out in dig- ging is still called a spit.'' Rich- ardson's Diet. art. Spade. Some persons may smile at read- ing of " a spade's depth of excellent black earth" at the extremity of Cape Cod. And yet, even now, after the woods are cut down, and free scope is given to the winds to scatter the sands over the vegetable mould of centuries, there is, at High head, in Truro, within four miles of Long Point, where the Mayflower was anchored, an " ex- cellent black earth" more than a foot in deptli, which for years, without manure, has produced 50 to CO bushels of corn to the acre. It is based on an old Indian clam- bed, in which I observed the shells of the oyster, the scallop, the quahaug, the sea clam, and the common clam. This rich soil is on the property of James Small, whose hospitable dwelling is near the Highland Light. 124 THE TREES OF CAPE COD. CHAP, wooded ^ with oaks, pines, sassafras, jumper, birch, — l^ holly, vines, some ash, walnut ; ^ the wood for the most 16 2 0. part open and without underwood,^ fit either to go or ride in. At night our people returned, but found not any person, nor habitation ; and laded their boat with juniper,'^ which smelled very sweet and strong, and of which we burnt the most part of the time we lay there. Nov. 11. ' See note^ on page 118. * There are three kinds of oak on the Cape, the red oak, [qucrcus rubra,) the black oak, ((/uercus tinc- toria,) and the white oak, ((/uercus alba.) The frames of the oldest buildings there are made of white oak, which is one of the most du- rable kinds of timber. The pine is the pitch pine, (pinus rigida) ; the birch is the white birch, [betula populifolia) ; the holly is the Amer- ican holly, an evergreen, {ilex opa- ca) ; the ash is the white ash, [fraxinus Americana,) and the wal- nut is the white walnut, (juglans tomentosa.) ^ " The salvages arc accustomed to set fire to the country in all places where they come, and to burn it twice a year, viz. at the spring, and the fall of the leaf. The reason that moves them to do so is because it would otherwise be so overgrown with underweeds, that it would be all a coppice wond, and the people would not be able in any wise to pass through the country out of a beaten path. This custom of firing the country is the means to make it passable, and by that means ihe trees grow here and there, as in our parks, and makes the country very beautiful and com- modious." Morton's New English Canaan, ch. 18, (printed in 1632. Morton was here in 1622 and 1625.) " Whereas it is generally conceived that the woods grow so thick that there is no more clear ground tiian is hewed out by labor of men, it is nothing so ; in many places, divers acres being clear, so that one may ride a hunting in most places of the land. There is no underwood, saving in swamps and low grounds ; for it being the custom of the In- dians to burn the woods in No- vember, when the grass is wither- ed, and leaves dried, it consumes all the underwood and rubbish, which otherwise would overgrow the country, making it impassable, and spoil their much affected hunt- ing. So that by this means, in these places where the Indians in- habit, there is scarce a bush or bramble, or any cumbersome un- derwood to be seen in the more champaign ground." Wood's New England's Prospect, ch. 5. (Wood was here in 1633.) The woods in some parts of Wellfleet and East- ham are now entirely free from underwood, as in the time of the Pilgrims. ■* The juniper was no doubt the red cedar, or savin, { juniferus Vir- giniana,) an evergreen which is still common on the Cape. It resembles very much the juniperus sahina, or common savin of Europe, which bears the juniper berries. The taste of the leaves in the two spe- cies is nearly the same. The wood of the red cedar is odorous, and the leaves, when bruised, emit a resi- nous, aromatic odor. It burns freely on account of its resinous qualities. Morton says, " Of cedar there is abundance; and this wood was such as Solomon used for the building of that glorious temple of Hierusalem. This wood cuts red." THE FIRST EXCURSION UP THE CAPE. 125 Monday,^ the 13th of November, we unshipped our chap. shallop, and drew her on land, to mend and repair her, having been forced to cut her down in bestow- ing her betwixt the decks, and she was much opened with the people's lying in her ; which kept us long there, for it was sixteen or seventeen days before the carpenter had finished her. Our people went on shore to refresh themselves, and our women to wash, as they had great need. But whilst we lay thus still, hoping our shallop would be ready in five or six days, at the furthest, (but our carpenter made slow work of it, so that) some of our people, impatient of delay, desired for our better furtherance to travel by land into the country, (which was not without appearance of danger, not having the shallop with them, nor means to carry provision but on their backs,) to see whether it might be fit for us to seat in or no ; and the rather, because, as we sailed into the harbour, there seemed to be a river ~ opening itself into the main land. The willingness of the persons was liked, but the thing itself, in regard to the danger, was rather permitted than approved ; and so with cautions, directions, and instructions, sixteen men were set out, with every man his musket,^ sword, and corslet, under the con- duct of Captain Miles Standish ; * unto whom was See Michaux's Sj'lva Americana, iii. or six inches of match biirnina," 2*21, and Bigelovv's Medical Botany, Nov. 10, and from their " lighting- iii. 49. all their matches," Nov. 30. P^ven ' It would seem that the day be- as late as 1687, match-locks were fore, being Sunday, they remained used instead of flint-locks in tlic quietly on board. regiments of the Duke of Bruns- ^ Pamet river. Winslovv spells wick. See Beckmann"s History of it Paomet, and Capt. Smith Paw- Inventions, iii. 440. met. It is pronounced as if spelt '' Miles Standish appears now Parmit. in these Chronicles for the first ^ Their guns were matchloclvS, time, as the military leader of the as appears from their liaving " five Pilgrims. Ilis name has not been 126 CAPTAIN MILES STANDISH. CHAP- IX. 16 20. Nov. adjoined, for counsel and advice, William Bradford,^ Stephen Hopkins,^ and Edward Tilley. mentioned in Gov. Bradford's His- tory. He took no part in the nego- tiations with the Virginia Com- pany or with the merchant adven- turers. He was not one of Robin- son's church before it left England ; but serving in the Low Countries, in the forces sent over by Queen Elizabeth to aid the Dutch against the Spaniards, he fell in, as Wins- low did, with Robinson and his congregation, liked them and their principles, and though not a mem- ber of their church, either volunta- rily, or at their request, embarked with them for America. Morton, p. 202, says tliat he was " a gentle- man, born in Lancashire, and was heir apparent unto a great estate of lands and livings, surreptitiously detained from him, his great grand- father being a second or younger brother from the house of Standish." This is not improbable. There are at this time in England two an- cient families of the name, one of Standish Hall, and ttse other of Duxbury Park, both in Lancashire, who trace their descent from a common ancestor, Ralph de Stand- ish, living in 1221. There seems always to have been a iniHtary spirit in the family. Froissart, relating in his Chronicles the me- morable meeting between Richard H. and Wat Tyler, says that after the rebel was struck from his horse by William Walworth, " then a squyer of the kynges alyted, called John Standysshe, and he drewe out his sworde, and put into Wat Tyler's belye, and so he dyed." For this act Standisli was knighted. In 1415, another Sir John Stand- ish fought at the battle of Agin- court. From his giving the name of Duxbury to the town where he settled, near Plymouth, and call- ing his eldest son Alexander, (a common name in the Standish fam- ily,) I have no doubt that Miles was a scion from tliis ancient and warlike stock, which he did not dishonor. Whilst writing this note, I observe in the journals of the day, the death (Dec. 7, 1840, at Cadiz,) of "Frank Hall Standish, Esq. of Duxbury Hall, Lancas- hire." — The Plymouth soldier was a man of small stature, but of such an active and daring spirit that he spread terror through all the Lidian tribes from Massachusetts Bay to Martha's Vineyard, and from Cape Cod harbour to Narraganset. In the autumn of 1625 he went to England, as an agent of the colony, and returned in the spring of 1626. In 1630 he removed to Duxbury, which was undoubtedly so called after the family seat of his ances- tors. He had six children, and four sons, Alexander, Miles, Josiah, and Charles, survived him, whose nu- merous descendants are to be found in several towns in Plymouth county, in Connecticut, and in the State of New York. He lived and died at the foot of Captain's Hill, in Dux- bury, so called after him, a monu- mental landmark that will hand his name down to the latest times. He was an assistant in 1633, and was repeatedly reelected to this office. He died in 1656, but his age is unknown. — Smith, in his Hist, of N. Jersey, p. 18, commits a singular error in saying that "about the year 1620 the Plymouth Com- pany sent a fresh recruit from Eng- land under the command of Capt. Standish." See Belknap, Am. Biog. ii. 310 ; Mass. Hist. Coll. xviii. 121, XX. 58 — 61; Hutchinson's Mass. ii. 461 ; MitchelTs Hist, of Bridgewater, p. 307 ; Burke's Hist, of the Commoners of Great Britain, ii. 64, and iv. 642. ^ Winslow not being one of the party, I consider Bradford the sole author of this part of the Journal. '■^ Stephen Hopkins, whose name stands the 14th in order among the signers of the Compact, with the FIRST SIGHT OF THE INDIANS. 127 Wednesday, the 15th of November, they were set chap. ashore ; ^ and when they had ordered themselves in ^ — J^ the order of a single file, and marched about the 1^20. . Nov. space of a mile by the sea, they espied five or six 15. people, with a dog, coming towards them, who were savages ; who, when they saw them, ran into the wood,^ and whistled the dog after them, &:c. First they supposed them to be Master Jones, the master, and some of his men, for they were ashore and knew of their coming ; but after they knew them to be In- dians, they marched after them into the woods, lest other of the Indians should lie in ambush. But when the Indians saw our men following them, they ran away with might and main ; and our men turned out of the wood after them, for it was the way they in- tended to go, but they could not come near them. They followed them that night about ten miles ^ by honorable prefix of Mr., seems to have been a person of some consid- eration among the Pilgrims. From the same list it appears that he brought two servants or laborers with him, Dotey and Leister. It has already been mentioned, p. 100, that he had a son born on the voy- age, named Oceanus. His wife's name was Elizabeth, and his three other children were Giles, Caleb, and Deborah. We are told further on in this Journal, under Dec. 6, that he joined the emigrants in Eng- land, not having been one of Robin- son's congregation at Leydcn. He went on two at least of the three excursions from Cape Cod harbour, and on the present occasion in the capacity of a counsellor. He was generally deputed to accompany Standish, and from this it may be inferred that he was somewhat of a military man, at least more so than the others ; or it may be, his cool- ness was deemed important to tem- per the ardor of the captain. Thus he was adjoined to Standish Feb. 17, 1621, to meet the two Indians who siiowed themselves on Wat- son's hill ; and March 16, Samoset was lodged for safe keeping at his house. He was also Winslow's companion on his visit to Massas- soit at Pokanoket in July. He was an assistant to the governor of Plymouth from 1633 to 1636, and seems to have been much employed in public affairs. Nothing more is known about him, except that he was alive in 1643. See Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. 184. ' The men were probably set ashore at Long Point. 2 Probably at Wood End. ^ After keeping along the shore for a mile, they turned in to the left after the Indians, and probably pursued them circuitously among the hills back of the village. As they were travelling on foot in the sands, the distance is probably overrated. 128 THE PILGRIMS AT EAST HARBOUR. CHAP, the trace of their footings, and saw how they had come the same way they went, and at a turning perceived 16 20. how they ran up a hilV to see whether they followed them. At length night came upon them, and they were constrained to take up their lodging.^ So they set forth three sentinels ; and the rest, some kindled a fire, and others fetched wood, and there held our ^ rendezvous that night. Nov. In the mornino; so soon as we could see the trace, 16. *' . ' we proceeded on our journey, and had the track until we had compassed the head of a long creek ; ^ and there they took into another wood, and we after them, supposing to find some of their dwellings. But we marched through boughs and bushes, and under hills and valleys,"^ which tore our very armor in pieces, and yet could meet with none of them, nor their houses, nor find any fresh water, which we greatly desired and stood in need of; for we brought neither beer nor water with us, and our victuals was only biscuit and Holland cheese, and a little bottle of aqua- vitae, so as we were sore athirst. About ten o'clock ' Perhaps Snow's hill ; or, it may ^ The writer of course was one be, Mt. Gilboa or Mt. Ararat. of the party — undoubtedly Brad- ^ Probably near Stout's Creek, ford, opposite Beach Point. Stout's * East Harbour Creek, a distance Creek is a small branch of East of about three miles and a half. F. Harbour Creek. Many years ago The entrance into East Harbour is there was a body of salt marsh on at the extremity of Beach Point, it, and it then deserved the name It is very shoal, both at its entrance of a creek. But the marsh was and within it, having only one to long since destroyed ; and the creek three feet at ordinary low water, scarcely exists, appearing only like No other use is made of it as a a small depression in the sand, and harbour than to moor or lay up the being entirely dry at half tide, small craft belonging to this place, One of the lifeboats provided by in the winter season, to protect the Humane Society of Massachu- them from the ice. See Major setts, at the expense of the Stale, Graham's Report, p. 13. is stationed on the outer shore of ' Excepting the trees and bush- the Cape, opposite Stout's Creek, es, which have disappeared, this Graham puts the creek down on his is an exact description of that chart, but omits the name. See part of Truro, called East Har- Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 198; viii. HI. hour. F. NEW ENGLAND WATER. 129 we came into a deep valley,' full of brush, wood- chap. gaile,^ and long grass, through which we found little ^-^_ paths or tracks ; and there we saw a deer, and found i^ ^ ^ • springs of fresh water,^ of which we were heartily le. glad, and sat us down and drunk our first New Eng- land water, with as much delight as ever we drunk drink in all our lives.^ When we had refreshed ourselves, we directed our course full south,^ that we might come to the shore, which within a short while after we did, and there ' In this valley is the small vil- lage of East Harbour. It is going to decay, and probably will not long exist. F. — There are now four or five houses remaining. An old gentleman, resident in the valley, told me on the spot in Aug. 1840, that he recollected when there were seventeen houses there. ^ The wood-gaile was probably what is called the sweet gale, or Dutch myrtle, (niT/rica gale.) See Bigelow's Plants of Boston and its vicinity, p. 393, (3d ed.) ^ In the midst of the valley above mentioned is a swamp called Dyer's Swamp. Around it was formerly a number of springs of fresh water ; and a few still remain, though probably before another century is closed, they will be choked with sand, as many of them already have been. F. — There is now in the valley a hollow over- grown with bushes ; but in Aug. 1840, I could find no springs round it, and the oldest inhabitant recol- lected none. ■* The water and air of New England have always been justly famous. Brereton, who accom- panied Gosnold in 1602, speaks of the " many springs of excellent sweet water" which he found on the Elizabeth islands. Capt. John Smith, in his Description of New England says, " The waters are most pure, proceeding from the entrails of rocky mountains." Hig- 17 ginson, in his New England's Plantation, remarks that " the country is full of dainty springs," and that " a sup of New England's air is better than a whole draught of Old England's ale." Morton, in his New English Canaan, ch. 8, says " and for the water, therein it excelleth Canaan by much ; for the land is so apt for fountains, a man cannot dig amiss. Therefore if the Abrahams and Lots of our times come thither, there needs be no contention for wells. In the deli- cacy of waters, and the conveniency of them, Canaan came not near this country." Wood, in his New Eng- land's Prospect, ch. 5, says " The country is as well watered as any land under the sun ; every family or every two families having a spring of sweet water betwixt them. It is thought there can be no better water in the world. These sprhigs be not only within land, but likewise bordering on the sea-coast, so that souietimesthe tides overflow some of them." It is well known that the first settlement of Boston was determined by its abundance of " sweet and pleasant springs." See Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvi. 120, i. 120, 121, xii. 88, XX. 173, 175; Snow's History of Boston, p. 31. — The water of Truro is still excel- lent, whilst that of Provincetown is poor. ^ The course from Dyer's Swamp to the Pond is south. F. I 130 THE POND, TN TRURO. CHAP, made a fire, that they in the ship might see where we were, as we had direction ; and so marched on towards 102 0. this supposed river. And as we went, in another val- JNov. * * 16. ley we found a fine clear pond of fresh water, being about a musket shot broad, and twice as long.^ There grew also many small vines, and fowl and deer^ haunt- ed there. There grew much sassafras.^ From thence we went on, and found much plain ground,'' about fifty acres, fit for the plough, and some signs where the ' Pond Village, which was for- merly the principal village in Truro, but of late years exceeded by Pamet, takes its name from this pond. It is situated about a mile south of the village of East Harbour. The high and steep banks on the bay are here intersected by a valley which runs directly from the shore, and soon divides itself into two branches. In this valley the houses stand, and are defended from the winds, whilst the entrance of it affords a conve- nient landing place. The pond begins near the western shore, and extends east. About a mile east of it, on the Clay Pounds, stands the Highland or Cape Cod light-house. The pond is not now more than half-a-musket shot broad, though it is quite as long as it is here repre- sented. In Aug. 1840, I found the upper or eastern part of it over- grown with flags and bushes. It was no doubt formerly much larger, and has been gradually filling up. Many of our swamps were origin- ally ponds of water. " Deer were seen near this pond by persons living at the beginning of the present century. F. ^ This is the third time the sas- safras has been mentioned. On the first discovery of America, great medicinal virtues were ascribed to the bark and roots of this tree, and ship-loads of it were exported to Europe. Monardes, a Spanish phy- sician of Seville, who published in 1574, his second part of his " His- toria medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occiden- tales que sirven en medicina," after mentioning its great efficacy in dropsies, agues, liver-complaints, &c. ends with exclaiming, fol. 62, " Bendito nuestro Seilor, que nos dio este tan excelentissimo arbol, llamado sassafras, que tan grandes virtudes y tan maravillosos efectos, como avemos dicho, tiene, y mas los que el tiempo nos ensefiara, que es descubridor de todas las cosas." The roots were sold in England at three shillings a pound in Gosnold's time, (1602,) who partly loaded his vessel with it from one of the Elizabeth islands. Brereton, the journalist of that voyage, speaks of " sassafras trees, great plenty, all the island over, a tree of high price and profit ; " and Archer, another of the voyagers, says that " the powder of sassafras in twelve hours cured one of our company that had taken a great surfeit by eating the bellies of dog-fish, a very delicious meat." See Purchas, iv. 1646, 1649, 1653 ; Mass. Hist. Coll. xxiii. 257 ; Michaux's Sylva Americana, ii. 144 ; Bigelow's Medical Botany, ii. 142, and Plants of Boston and its Vicinity, p. 170. For the use of Monardes, and of " Frampton's loyfuU Newes out of the New-found Worlde," which is nothing but a translation of it, printed at London in 1596, I am indebted to the rich library of Har- vard College. — Sassafras is still found on Cape Cod, but in a dwarf- ish form. * The land on the south side of the Pond is an elevated plain. F. INDIAN CORN FOUND. 131 Indians had formerly planted their corn.^ After this, some thought it best, for nearness of the river, to go down and travel on the sea sands, by which means 16 20. . Nov. some of our men were tired, and lagged behind. So le. we stayed and gathered them up, and struck into the land again ; ^ where we found a little path to certain heaps of sand, one whereof was covered with old * " The Indian corn (zea mays) called by the Mexicans tladlli by the Haytiaiis maize, and by the Massachusetts Indians eachimmi- ncash, is found everywhere on the continent from Patagonia to Cana- da, and next to rice and wheat, is the most valuable of grains. There can hardly be a doubt that it is a native of America, unknown before the discovery of Columbus. The adventurers who first penetrated into Mexico and Peru found it everywhere cultivated, and in com- mon use as an article of food among the aliorigines. Its culture did not attract notice in Europe till after the voyage of Columbus, nor is it described in any work prior to the end of the 15th century. It was unknown to the ancient Greek and Roman writers, the passages in their works which have been sup- posed to refer to it being more ap- plicable to other grains, such as the holcus sorghum. It is not men- tioned by the earlier travellers who visited China, India, and other parts of Asia and Africa, and who were very minute in describing the pro- ductions of the countries which they visited. Acosta, in his Natural and Moral History of the Indies, (published in 159G,) says, lib. iv. eh. 16. " In our discourse on plants we will begin with those which are proper and peculiar to the Indies. As wheat is the most common grain for the use of man in the re- gions of the old world, so in the new found world the most common grain is mays, the which is found almost in all the kingdoms of the West Indies. I do not think that this mays is any thing inferior to our wheat, in strength nor sub- stance. To conclude, God hath imparted to every region what is needful. To this continent he hath given wheat, which is the chief nourishment of man ; and to the Indians he hath given mays, which hath the second place to wheat, for the nourishment of men and beasts." The maize is correctly figured in Oviedo's General and Natural His- tory of the Indies, in Ramusio, Delle Navigationi et Viaggi, iii. fol. 131. See Hernandez, Historia Plantarum Novae Ilispaniaj, lib. vi. cap. 44; Lamarck's Botany, in the Encyclopedie Methodique, xxxvi. 680, Planches, 749 ; and Winthrop"s Description of Maize in the London Phil. Trans, xi. 1065. — The principal argument against the American origin of maize is that it has never been found grow- ing wild in any part of this con- tinent. This statement, however, is disputed. Cobbett, in his Essay on Corn, ch. 2, maintains that " the cultivation of Indian corn is as old as the w'orld itself,"' and draws his chief arguments from the following passages of Scripture — Matt. xii. 1 ; 2 Kings, iv. 2 ; Job xxiv. 24 ; Lev. ii. 14 ; xxiii. 14 ; Deut. xxiii. 24, 25 ; Gen. >li. 5, which he thinks are applicable to maize, but not to wheat. * Probably at the Great Hollow. F. A mile south of the Pond vil- lage, the bank on the bay is inter- sected by aiuither valley called the Great Hollow. This valley and another near it, towards the north- east, called the Great Swamp, con- tain several houses. The Great Hollow is separated fiom the Pond 132 WALNUTS, STRAWBERRIES, AND VINES. CHAP, mats, and had a wooden thing, hke a mortar, whelm- .^--1. ed on the top of it, and an earthen pot laid in a httle 162 0. hole at the end thereof. We, musing what it might Nov. . 'tote 16. be, digged and found a bow, and, as we thought, arrows, but they were rotten. We supposed there were many other things ; but because we deemed them graves, we put in the bow again, and made it up as it was, and left the rest untouched, because we thought it would be odious unto them to ransack their sepulchres. We went on further and found new stubble, of which they had gotten corn this year, and many walnut trees ^ full of nuts, and great store of strawberries,^ and some vines.^ Passing thus a field or two, which were not village by a high hill, which com- mands an extensive prospect of the ocean, Cape Cod harbour, and ihe opposite shore, as far as the broad bluff of Manomet, in Plymouth, and the high lands of Marshfield. 1 T. Morton says, ch. 2, "Of walnut trees there is infinite store, and there are four sorts ; it is an excellent wood, for many uses ap- proved." Wood says,ch. 5. "The walnut tree is something different from the English walnut, and bears a very good nut, something smaller, but nothing inferior in sweetness and goodness to the English nut, having no bitter peel." And Jos- selyn says, p. 50, " The nuts of the walnut differ much from ours in Europe, they being smooth, much like a nutmeg in shape, and not much bigger; some three-cornered, all of them but thinly replenished with kernels." ^ "There is strawberries," says Wood, "in abundance, very large ones, some being two inches about ; one may gather half a bushel in a forenoon." Roger Williams, in his Key into the Language of America, ch. 16, says " This berry is the wonder of all the fruits, growing naturally in those parts. In some places where the natives have planted, I have many times seen as many as would fill a good ship whhin a few miles' compass." See Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 221. "The common wild strawberry, {fragaria Virffiniana,)''^ says Bigelow, Plants of Boston, p. 215, " is a very deli- cious fruit, and when cultivated is inferior to few imported species. The berries ripen early, are of a light scarlet color, exquisitely fla- vored, but more soft and perishable than the other kinds." * " Vines there are that bear grapes of three colors, while, black, and red. The country is so apt for vines that, but for the fire at the spring of the year, the vines would so overspread the land, that one should not be able to pass for them. The fruit is as big, of some, as a musket ball, and is excel- lent in taste." T. Morton, ch. 2. " The vines afford great store of grapes, which are very big, both for the grape and cluster, sweet and good. These be of two sorts, red and white. There is likewise a smaller kind of grape, which groweth in the islands, which is sooner ripe, and more delectable." Wood, ch. 5, INDIAN BARNS. 133 great, we came to another,^ which had also been new chap. IX. gotten, and there we found where a house had been, _.-^ and four or five old planks laid too;ether.^ Also we 16 20. . . Nov. found a great kettle, which had been some ship's ket- le. tie, and brought out of Europe. There was also a heap of sand,^ made like the former, — but it was newly done, we might see how they had paddled it with their hands, — which we digged up, and in it we found a little old basket, full of fair Indian corn ; and difffjed further, and found a fine great new basket, full of very fair corn of this year, with some six and thirty goodly ears of corn, some yellow, and some red, and others mixed with blue,'' which was a very goodly sight. The basket was round, and narrow at the top. It held about three or four bushels, which was as much as two of us could lift up from the ground, and was very handsomely and cunningly made.^ But whilst ' From the Great Hollow the in this manner it is preserved from sixteen adventurers travelled south destruction or putrefaction, to be to the hill which terminates in used in case of necessity, and not Hopkins's Cliff (or Uncle Sam's else." T. Morton, ch. 13. " Their hill, as it is now vulgarly called.) corn being ripe, they gather it, and This they called Cornhiil. The dry it hard in the sun, convey it to Indians formerly dwelt in great their barns, which be great holes numbers on this hill; and the digged in the ground, in form of a shells, deposited by them on it, are brass pot, ceiled with rinds of trees, still ploughed up in abundance, wherein they put their corn." Hopkins's Cliff is between the Great Wood, ch. 20. Hollow and Hopkins's Creek, or * This corn of mixed colors on Pamet little river, as it is now the same cob, yellow, red, and blue, called. is still common at Truro. ^ This was probably the remains ° " In summer, they gather flags, of a hut built by some shipwrecked of which they make mats for sailors. houses, and hemp and rushes, with ^ " Their barns are holes made in dying stuff, of which they make the earth, that will hold a hogs- curious baskets, with intermixed head of corn apiece. In these, colors, and portraitures of antique when their corn is out of the husk, imagery. These baskets be of all and well dried, they lay their store sizes, from a quart to a quarter, in in great baskets, with mats under, which they carry their luggage." about the sides, and on the top; Wood, ch. 30. " Instead of shelves, and putting it into the place made they have several baskets, wherein for it, they cover it with earth, and they put all their household stuff. 134 OLD TOM'S HILL, IN TRURO. CHAP, we were busy about these things, we set our men sen- L. tinel in a round ring, all but two or three, which dig- 16 2 0. ged up the corn. We were in suspense what to do 16. ' with it and the kettle ; and at length, after much con- sultation, we concluded to take the kettle, and as much of the corn as we could carry away with us ; and Avhen our shallop came, if we could find any of the people, and come to parley with them, we would give them the kettle again, and satisfy them for their corn.^ So we took all the ears, and put a good deal of the loose corn in the kettle, for two men to bring away on a staff. Besides, they that could put any into their pockets, filled the same. The rest we buried again ; for we were so laden with armor ^ that we could carry no more. Not far from this place we found the remainder of an old fort or palisado, which, as we conceived, had been made by some Christians.^ This was also hard by that place which we thought had been a river ; unto which we went, and found it so to be, dividing itself into two arms by a high bank,"* standing right They have some great bags or ish's grandsons is said to have been sacks, made of hemp, which will in possession of his coat of mail, hold five or six bushels." Roger His sword and that of Carver and Williams, in Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. Brewster, are in the cabinet of the 212. Massachusetts Historical Society. ' It will be seen that within eight Some doubt however is thrown on months they scrupulously fulfilled this point from the circumstance this their honest intention, and that the Pilgrim Society of Ply- gave the owners of the corn " full mouth have also in their posses- content." The censure of Baylies, sion "the identical sword-blade i. 54, on their conduct as " inexcu- used by Miles Standish." See sable," and as " compromising their Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. 216, 336 ; consciences," might as well have Thacher's History of Plymouth, p. been spared. See p. 204. 258, second edition. ^ It is worthy of notice that the ' Perhaps by the same persons Pilgrims were cased in armor. See who owned the kettle and built the pages 125 and 128. One of their hut. See p. 133. corslets would be a far more pre- * Bradford, in his History, as cious relic than a cuirass from the quoted by Prince, p. 163, says " a field of Waterloo. One of Stand- high cliff of sand at the entrance." PAMET RIVER. 135 by the cut or mouth, which came from the sea. That chap. IX. which was next unto us was the less.^ The other arm^ was more than twice as bier, and not unhke to i^^^- ^' . Nov. be a harbour for ships ; but whether it be a fresh 16. river, or only an indraught of the sea, we had no time to discover ; for we had commandment to be out but two days. Here also we saw two canoes ; ^ the one b This is an accurate description of the entrance of Pamet liver. The high bank of sand, is called Old Tom's hill, after an Indian chief, who in former times had its seat on its summit, and who received this name from the first English settlers. It is the termination of a neck of land situated between the two creeks, called Indian Neck, it having been reserved to the In- dians on the first settlement of Truro, about the year 1700. Prince, p. 163, has fallen into a great mis- take in supposing that Barnstable harbour was the place here de- scribed. The description does not suit the harbour of Barnstable, or any other creek or inlet in the bay, except Pamet harbour ; and, as Belknap rightly observes, (Am. Biog. ii. 19G,) neither the time nor distance can agree with Prince's conjecture. Barnstable is fifty miles from Cape Cod harbour by land ; a distance which could not have been travelled, and back again, in three short days of No- vember. F. ' The smallest creek, which was next to the travellers, is called Hopkins's Creek, or Pamet little river. There is on it a body of salt marsh, which runs half way across the township of Truro. The depth of water in this creek, when the tide is in, is five feet. F. ^ Pamet river, which is a creek forced into the land from the bay, and extends almost across the town- ship, being separated from the ocean by nothing but a narrow beach and embankment, which the water has been known to break over. The creek runs through a body of salt marsh. The mouth of it lies nearly south-east from Cape Cod harbour, nine miles distant. It is about a mile south of the Great Hollow, and is a little to the north of what is called the shoal ground, without Billingsgate Point. The part of Truro, south of Pamet river, on the bay, is called Hog's Back. See Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 196. ' " Of the birch bark the salvages of the northern parts make them delicate canoes, so light that two men will transport one of them over land whither they list, and one of them will transport ten or twelve salvages by water at a time." T. Morton, ch. 2. " Their canoes are made either of pine trees, which, before they were acquainted with English tools, they burned hollow, scraping them smooth with clam shells and oyster shells, cutting their outsides with stone hatchets ; these boats be not above a foot and a half or two foot wide, and twenty foot long. Their other canoes be made of thin birch rinds, close ribbed on the inside with broad thin hoops, like the hoops of a tub ; these are made very light ; a man may carry one of them a mile ; being made purposely to carry from river to river, and bay to bay, to shorten land passages. In tliese cockling fly-boats, wherein an Eng- lishman can scarce sit without a fearful tottering, they will venture to sea, when an English shallop dare not bare a knot of sail, scud- ding over the overgrown waves as fast as a wind-driven ship, being driven by their paddles ; being much 136 CANOE AND DEER-TRAP. CHAP, on the one side, the other on the other side.' We IX. V — .-w- could not beUeve it was a canoe, till we came near it. 1620. So we returned, leaving the further discovery hereof 16." to our shallop, and came that night back again to the fresh water pond ; and there we made our rendezvous that night, making a great fire, and a barricado to windward of us, and kept good watch with three sen- tinels all night, every one standing when his turn came, while five or six inches of match ^ was burning. It proved a very rainy night. ^^0^- In the morning, we took our kettle and sunk it in 17. T the pond, and trimmed our muskets, for few of them would go ofl^ because of the wet ; and so coasted the wood ^ again to come home, in which we were shrewdly puzzled, and lost our way. As we wandered we came to a tree, where a young sprit '' was bowed down over a bow, and some acorns strewed underneath. Stephen Hopkins said, it had been to catch some deer. So as we were looking at it, William Bradford being in the rear, when he came looked also upon it, and as he went about, it gave a sudden jerk up, and he was immediately caught by the leg.^ It was a very pretty like battledoors ; if a cross wave trees and smooth wrought cords ; (which is seldom) turn her keel so strong as it will toss a hnrse if upside down, they by swimming he be caught in it. An English free her, and scramble into her mare, being strayed from her owner, again." Wood, ch. 17. and grown wild by her long so- ' That is, of the bank, in the two journing in the woods, ranging arms of the creek. up and down with the wild crew, ' This proves that their guns were stumbled into one of these traps, matchlocks. See p. 125. which stopped her speed, hanging ^ The wood was terminated by her, like Mahomet's coffin, betwixt the Pond, by the side of which they earth and heaven. In these traps travelled, and then through a valley, deer, moose, bears, wolves, cats and which is continued from it, east, foxes are often caught." " The toward the ocean. F. salvages" says T, Morton, ch. 5, * A sapling, a young tree. " take the deer in traps made of * Wood says, ch. 15, "their deer- their natural hemp, which they traps are springs made of young place in the earth, where they fell THE EXPLORING PARTY RETURN. 137 device, made with a rope of their own making, and chap. having a noose as artificially made as any roper ^ in England can make, and as like ours as can be : which i 6 2o. . p Nov. we brought away with us. In the end we got out of 17. the wood, and were fallen about a mile too high above the creek ; ^ where we saw three bucks,^ but we had rather have had one of them. We also did spring three couple of partridges ; ^ and as we came along by the creek, we saw great flocks of wild geese and ducks,^ but they were very fearful of us. So we marched some while in the woods, some while on the sands, and other while in the water up to the knees ; till at length we came near the ship ; '^ and then we shot off our pieces, and the long boat came to fetch us. Master Jones and Master Carver being on the shore, with many of our people, came to meet us. And thus we came both weary and welcome home ; ' and delivered in our corn into the store to be kept for seed, for we knew not how to come by any, and therefore were very glad, purposing, so soon as we could meet with any of the inhabitants of that place, to make them laro;e satisfaction. This was our first discovery, whilst our shallop was in repairing. Our people did make things as fitting as they could, a tree for browse ; and when he ^ Probably the Canada g:oose, rounds the tree for the browse, if {anser Canadensis,) and the dusky he tread on the trap, he is horsed duck, {anas obscvra). up by the leg, by means of a pole ^ After going about a mile east, that starts up and catcheth him.'' they compassed the head of East * Ropemaker. Harbour Creek, and went down on * This brought them out about a the north side of it. They then mile east of High Head, and about waded through Stout's Creek, and two miles north-west of tlie High- also througli Mill Creek, near Gull land Light. Hill, and passed on to the end of ^ See page 130. Long Point, near which the ship * The partridge, {perdrix Virgini- lay. See note ' on page 120. ana,) or quail, as it is called in New '' They had been absent three England, is still found in Tiuro. days. 18 138 THE SECOND EXPEDITION. CHAP, and time would, in seeking out wood, and helving of ^^—1-. tools, and sawing of timber, to build a new shallop. 16 2 0. But the discommodiousness of the harbour did much hinder us ; for we could neither go to nor come from the shore but at high water, which was much to our hindrance and hurt ; for oftentimes they waded to the middle of the thigh, and oft to the knees, to go and come from land.' Some did it necessarily, and some for their own pleasure ; but it brought to the most, if not to all, coughs and colds, (the weather proving suddenly cold and stormy,) which afterwards turned to the scurvy, whereof many died. When our shallop was fit, (indeed before she was fully fitted, for there was two days' work after bestowed on her,) there was appointed some four and twenty men of our own, and armed, then to go and make a more full discovery of the rivers before mentioned. Master Jones was desirous to go with us, and we took such of his sailors as he thought useful for us ; so as we were in all about four and thirty mcn.~ We made Master Jones our leader ; for we thought it best herein to gratify his kindness and forwardness.^ When we Nov, were set forth, ^ it proved rough weather and cross ' winds; so as we were constrained, some in the shallop, and others in the long boat, to row to the nearest shore the wind would suffer them to go unto, and then to wade out above the knees. The wind was so strong as the shallop could not keep the water, but was forced to harbour there ^ that night. But we marched ' See note^ on page 120. wronged them. See note * on page * Of course they had ten of 102. Jones's crew. ■• This was ten days after their ^ This shows that they could return from their first excursion. have harboured no suspicion * In East Harbour. The men that Jones had betrayed and who marched several miles, and THE PILGRIMS EXPLORE PAMET RIVER. 139 six or seven miles further, and appointed the shallop chap. to come to us as soon as they could. It blowed and did snow all that day and night, and froze withal. i6 2o. Some of our people that are dead took the original of their death here.^ The next day, about eleven o'clock, our shallop Nov. came to us, and we shipped ourselves ; and the wind being good, we sailed to the river we formerly dis- covered, which we named Cold Harbour ; to which when we came, we found it not navigable for ships ; yet we thought it might be a good harbour for boats, for it flows there twelve foot at high water.^ We landed our men between the two creeks,^ and marched some four or five miles'* by the greater of them, and the shallop followed us. At length night grew on, and our men were tired with marching up and down the steep hills and deep valleys,^ which lay half a foot thick with snow. Master Jones, wearied with march- ing, was desirous we should take up our lodging, though some of us would have marched further. So we made there our rendezvous for that night under a few pine trees ; and as it fell out, we got three fat geese, ^ what they supposed to be six or straight line. The tradition is, that seven miles farther, were landed on Pamet river was formerly deeper Beach Point, which forms tliis har- than it is at present, and therefore hour. F. the shallop might easily follow ' See pages 120 and 138. them. F. ' The mouth of Pamet river is ^ This is an exact description of twelve feet deep at high water, the land on Pamet river. F. Truro Thence the water gradually de- is composed of hills and narrow creases to five feet, which is the circular valleys. There are also depth at the lower bridge. This is some long valleys, running at right to be understood of the lowest tides, angles with the shore. The tops during the sumntier. F. of some of the hills spread out into 'The men were landed at the a plain. foot of Old Tom"s hill. F. ^ " There are three kinds of •* From Old Tom's hill to the goose, the gray goose, the white head of Pamet river the distance is goose, and the brant." Josselyn, about three miles and a half, as p. 9. " There are geese of three the hills run, or three miles in a sorts, viz. brant geese, which are 140 THEY RETURN TO HOPKINS'S CLIFF. CHAP, and six ducks ^ to our supper, which we eat with sol- - — — diers' stomachs, for we had eaten httle all that day. 1620. Our resolution was, next morning to go up to the head of this river, for we. supposed it would prove fresh water. Nov. But in the morninsj our resolution held not, because 29. . . . many liked not the hilliness of the soil and badness of the harbour. So we turned towards the other creek, that we might go over and look for the rest of the corn that we left behind when we were here before. When we came to the creek, we saw the canoe lie on the dry ground, and a flock of geese in the river, at which one made a shot and killed a couple of them ; and we launched the canoe and fetched them, and when we had done, she carried us over by seven or eight at once. This done, we marched to the place where we had the corn formerly, which place w^e called Cornhill ; and digged and found the rest, of which pied, and wliite geese which are a black and white head, strong of bigger, and gray geese which are flight, and these be a great deal as big and bigger than the tame bigger than the ordinary geese of geese of England, with black legs, England ; most of these geese re- black bills, heads and necks black ; main with us from Michaelmas to the flesh far more excellent than April. They feed on the sea, upon the geese of England, wild or tame, the grass in bays at low water, and There is of them great abundance ; gravel, and in the woods of acorns, I have had often a thousand before having, as other fowl have, their the mouth of my gun." T. Mor- pass and repass to the northward ton, ch. 4. " The geese of the and southward." Wood, ch. 8. country be of three sorts; first a ' "Ducks there are of three kinds, brant goose, which is a goose al- pied ducks, gray ducks, and black most like the wild goose of England, ducks, in great abundance ; they are The second kind is a white goose, bigger bodied than the tame ducks almost as big as an English tame of England. T. Morton, ch. 4. goose; these come in great flocks " The ducks of the country be very about Michaelmas ; sometimes there large ones, and in great abundance, will be two or three thousand in a So there is of teal likewise. If I flock ; those continue six weeks and should tell you how some have so fly to the southward, returning killed a hundred geese in a week, in March, and staying six weeks fifty ducks at a shot, forty teal at more, returning to the northward, another, it may be counted almost The third kind of goose is a great impossible, though nothing more gray goose, with a black neck and certain." Wood, ch. 8. MORE INDIAN CORN FOUND. 141 we were very glad. We also digged in a place a chap. little further off, and found a bottle of oil. We went - — — to another place, which we had seen before, and dig- i6 20. ged and found more corn, viz. two or three baskets full of Indian wheat, and a bag of beans, with a good many of fair wheat ^ ears. Whilst some of us were dig- ging up this, some others found another heap of corn, which they digged up also ; so as we had in all about ten bushels, which will serve us sufficiently for seed. And sure it was God's good providence that we found this corn, for else we know not how we should have done ; for we knew not how we should find or meet with any of the Indians, except it be to do us a mis- chief. Also, we had never in all likehhood seen a grain of it, if we had not made our first journey ; for the ground was now covered with snow, and so hard frozen that we were fain with our curtlaxes^ and short swords to hew and carve the ground a foot deep, and then wrest it up with levers, for we had forgot to bring other tools. Whilst we were in this employment, foul weather being towards. Master Jones was earnest to go aboard ; but sundry of us desired to make fur- ther discovery, and to find out the Indians' habitations. So we sent home with him our weakest people, and some that were sick, and all the corn ; and eighteen of us stayed still and lodged there that night, and desired that the shallop might return to us next day, and bring us some mattocks and spades with them. The next morning, we followed certain beaten paths Nov and tracks of the Indians into the woods, supposing they would have led us into some town or houses. After we had gone a while, we light upon a very * Indian corn is still meant. F. * Cutlasses. 30. 142 INDIAN GRAVES. CHAP, broad beaten path, well nigh two foot broad. Then V — -^ we lighted all our matches/ and prepared ourselves, 16 20. concluding that we were near their dwellings. But, Nov. . ^ fe ' 30. in the end, we found it to be only a path- made to drive deer in, when the Indians hunt, as we supposed. When we had marched five or six miles into the woods, and could find no signs of any people, we re- turned again another way ; and as we came into the plain ground, we found a place like a grave, but it was much bigger and longer than any we had yet seen. It was also covered with boards, so as we mused what it should be, and resolved to dig it up ; where we found first a mat, and under that a fair bow, and then ^ an- other mat, and under that a board about three quar- ters^ long, finely carved and painted ; with three tines or broaches ^ on the top, like a crown. Also between the mats we found bowls, trays, dishes, and such like trinkets. At length we came to a fair new mat, and under that two bundles, the one bigger, the other less. We opened the greater, and found in it a great quan- tity of fine and perfect red powder, and in it the bones and skull of a man. The skull had fine yellow hair still on it, and some of the flesh unconsumed. There was bound up with it a knife, a packneedle, and two or three old iron things. It was bound up in a sailor's ' See note ^ on page 125. g-ut of this hedge, they set deer ^ "The Indians," says Wood, traps." See the description of ch. 15, " have other devices to kill tiiem on page 136. their game, as sometimes hedges a ^ In tlie original there — undoubt mile or two miles long, being a ediy a typographical error. mile wide at one end, and made '' Of a yard. narrower and narrower by degrees, ^ Tines, prongs ; broaches, spits. leaving only a gap of six foot long. Tines is a word still in common over against wiiich, in the day use in the interior of New Eng- time, they lie lurking to shoot the land; e. g. the tines of a pitchfork. deer which come through that See Ray's North Country Words, narrow gut ; in the night, at the p. 20. AN EMBALMED BODY. 143 canvass cassock and a pair of cloth breeches.^ The chap. red powder was a kind of embalment, and yielded a strong, but no offensive smell; it w^as as fine as any 16 20. flour. We opened the less bundle likewise, and found 30. * of the same powder in it, and the bones and head of a little child. About the legs and other parts of it was bound strings and bracelets of fine white beads.^ There was also by it a little bow, about three quarters long, and some other odd knacks.^ We brought sun- dry of the prettiest things away with us, and covered the corpse up again. After this we digged in sundry like places, but found no more corn, nor any thing else but graves. There was variety of opinions amongst us about the embalmed oerson. Some thouMit it was an In- 1 o dian lord and king. Others said, the Indians have all black hair, and never any was seen with brown or yellow hair. Some thought it was a Christian of some special note, which had died amongst them, and they thus buried him to honor him. Others thought they had killed him, and did it in triumph over him. Whilst we were thus ranging and searching, two of the sailors which were newly come on the shore,'' by chance espied two houses, which had been lately dwelt in, but the people were gone. They having their ^ See pages 133 and 134. plank upon the top, in the form of ^ Wampom, made of the peri- a chest, before they cover the ])lace winkle. F. with earth." And Roger Williams ' "It is their custom," says says, ch. 32, "After the dead is Wood, ch. 19, " to bury with their laid in the grave, sometimes, in deceased friends their bows and some parts, some goods are ciist in arrows, and good store of their with them ; and upon tlie grave is wam[)ompeag." Morton says, ch. spread the mat tliat the party died 17, liiat " in the grave of the more on, and tlic dish he ate in.'' noble they put a plank in tlie hot- ■* Having come from the ship torn for the corpse to be laid upon, in the shallop when she returned and on each side a plank, and a after carrying Jones on board. 144 INDIAN HOUSES. CHAP, pieces, and hearing nobody, entered the houses, and took out some things, and durst not stay, but came 16 2 0. again and told us. So some seven or eight of us went 30. * with them, and found how we had gone within a flight shot of them before. The houses ^ were made with long young sapling trees bended, and both ends stuck into the ground. They were made round, like unto an arbour, and covered down to the ground with thick and well wrought mats ; and the door was not over a yard high, made of a mat to open. The chimney was a wide open hole in the top ; for which they had a mat to cover it close when they pleased. One might stand and go upright in them. In the midst of them were four little trunches^ knocked into the ground, and small sticks laid over, on which they hung their pots, and what they had to seethe. Round about the fire they lay on mats, which are their beds. The houses were double mattted ; for as they were matted with- out, so were they within, with newer and fairer mats. In the houses we found wooden bowls, trays, and dishes, earthen pots,^ hand-baskets made of crab- shells wrought together ; also an English pail or buck- et ;'' it wanted a bail, but it had two iron ears. There was also baskets of sundry sorts, bigger and some lesser, finer and some coarser. Some were curiously ^ For the description of the Indian little and mean. The pots they wiofwams, see Roger Williams's seethe their food in are made of clay Key, eh. 6 ; Wood's New Eng- or earth, almost in the form of an land's Prospect, ch. 20; Morton's effg, the top taken off. Their New English (Janaan, ch. 4, and dishes and spoons and ladles are Gookin's Historical Collections of made of wood, very smooth and the Indians in New England, ch. 3, artificial, and of a sort of wood not sec. 4, in Mass. Hist. Coll. i. 149. subject to split." Gookin, ch. 3, ^ Truncheons, sticks. sec. 6. ^ "They have dainty wooden * This probably belonged to the bowls of maple, of high price persons who built the hut and amongst them." T. Morton, ch. owned the kettle, mentioned on 12. " Their household stuff is but page 133. THE SECOND EXPLORING PARTY RETURN. 145 wrought with black and white in pretty works, and chap. sundry other of their household stuff. ^ We found also -^— two or three deer's heads, one whereof had been I620. JSov. newly killed, for it was still fresh. There was also a so. company of deer's feet stuck up in the houses, harts' horns, and eagles' claws, and sundry such hke things there was ; also two or three baskets full of parched acorns,^ pieces of fish, and a piece of a broiled herring. We found also a little silk grass, and a little tobacco seed, with some other seeds which we knew not. Without was sundry bundles of flags, and sedge, bul- rushes, and other stuff to make mats.^ There was thrust into a hollow tree two or three pieces of veni- son ; but we thought it fitter for the dogs than for us. Some of the best things we took away with us, and left the houses standing still as they were. So it growing towards night, and the tide almost spent, we hasted with our things down to the shallop, and got aboard that night, intending to have brought some beads and other things to have left in the houses, in sign of peace, and that we meant to truck with them ; but it was not done by means of our hasty coming away from Cape Cod. But so soon as we ' " Some of their baskets are for a novelty." Williams's Key, made of rushes, some of bents, ch. 16. " They mix with their others of maize husks, others of a pottage, several sorts of nuts or kind of silk grass, others of a kind masts, as oak acorns, chestnuts, of wild hemp, and some of barks walnuts; these husked, and dried, of trees ; many of them very neat and powdered, they thicken their and artificial, with the portraitures pottage therewith." Gookin, ch. 3, of birds, beasts, fishes and flowers sec. 5. upon them in colors." Gookin, ch. ^ " They make mats of several 3, sec. 6. sorts, for coverino; their houses and * " They also dry acorns ; and doors, and to sleep and sit upon. in case of want of corn, by much The meaner sort of wigwams are boiling they make a good dish of covered with mats made of a kind them; yea, sometimes in plenty of bulrush." Gookin, ch. 3, sec. 4 of corn, do they eat these acorns and 6. 19 146 REASONS FOR SETTLING AT PAMET RIVER. CHAP, can meet conveniently with them, we will give them IX. . — '^ full satisfaction.^ Thus much of our second discovery. 162 0. Having thus discovered this place, it was contro- versal ^ , amongst us what to do touching our abode and settling there. ^ Some thought it best, for many reasons, to abide there. As first, that there was a convenient harbour for boats, though not for ships. Secondly, good corn- ground ready to our hands, as we saw by experience in the goodly corn it yielded, which would again agree with the ground and be natural seed for the same. Thirdly, Cape Cod was like to be a place of good fishing ; for we saw daily great whales, of the best kind for oil and bone, come close aboard our ship, and, in fair weather, swim and play about us.^ There was once one, when the sun shone warm, came and lay above water, as if she had been dead, for a good while together, within half a musket shot of the ship ; at which two were prepared to shoot, to see whether she would stir or no. He tliat gave fire first, his musket flew in pieces, both stock and barrel ; yet, thanks be to God, neither he nor any man else was hurt with it, though many were there about. But when the whale saw her time, she gave a snuflT, and away. Fourthly, the place was likely to be healthful, secure, and defensible. But the last and especial reason was, that now the heart of winter and unseasonable weather was come upon us, so that we could not go upon coasting and discovery without danger of losing men and boat, upon * See page 137 and note ' on page ' That is, at Pamet river. 134. * See note ^ on page 119. ^ Controveited, says Morton, in his Memorial, page 42. REASONS AGAINST IT. 147 which would follow the overthrow of all, especially chap. considering what variable winds and sudden storms do -- — 1- there arise. Also, cold and wet lodmnf^ had so tainted 1 620. Dec. our people, (for scarce any of us were free from vehe- ment coughs,) as if they should continue long in that estate, it would endanger the lives of many, and breed diseases and infection amongst us. Again, we had yet some beer, butter, flesh, and other such victuals left, which would quickly be all gone ; and then we should have nothing to comfort us in the great labor and toil we were likely to undergo at the first. It was also conceived, whilst we had competent victuals, that the ship would stay with us ; but when that grew low, they would be gone, and let us shift as we could. Others, again, urged greatly the going to Anguum, or Angoum,^ a place twenty leagues off to the north- wards, which they had heard to be an excellent harbour for ships, better ground, and better fishing. Secondly, for any thing we knew, there might be hard by us a far better seat ; and it should be a great hindrance to seat where ~ we should remove again. Thirdly, the Avater was but in ponds ; and it was thought there would be none in summer, or very little. Fourthly, the water there must be fetched up a steep hill.^ But to omit many reasons and replies used here- abouts, it was in the end concluded to make some ' Agawam, Ipswich ; Smith calls building- their town, for protection it Augoam. Little was known at against the Indians, on the high this time of Massachusetts Bay, or bank, called Old Turn's hill, near the distances from one place to the entrance of Pamet river. This another ; that little was derived hill is still very steep. There is a from Smith's map and Description well now in front of it on the shore, of New England. Sae Mass. Hist, where vessels water. The Pilgrims Coll. xxiii. 1, andxxvi. 118. seemed to have relied on running ^ Perhaps an error for whence. streams, and never thought of sink- * I suppose they contemplated ing wells. 148 THE FIRST CHILD BORN. CHAP, discovery within the bay ; but in no case so far as 1. Angoum. Besides, Robert Coppin, our pilot/ made 162 0. relation of a great navigable river and good harbour in the other head-land of the bay,^ almost right over against Cape Cod, being, in ^ a right line, not much above eight leagues distant, in which he had been once ; and because that one of the wild men with whom they had some trucking stole a harping iron ^ from them, they called it Thievish Harbour. And be- yond that place they were enjoined not to go. Where- upon a company was chosen to go out upon a third discovery. Whilst some were employed in this dis- covery, it pleased God that Mistress White was brought a bed of a son, which was called Peregrine.^ Dec. Xhe 5th day we, through God's mercy, escaped a great danger by the foolishness of a boy, one of Fran- ' Coppin was second mate of the Mayflower. ^ The other headland of the bay was Manomet Point, and tlie river was probably the North river, in Scituate. ^ The word in I insert from Mor- ton, p. 43. * A harpoon. * In the Boston News Letter, of July 31, 1704, the 15th No. of the first newspaper printed in New England, is the following article of intelligence. " Marshfield, July 22, Captain Peregrine White, of this town, aged 83 years and eight months, died here the 20th inst. He was vigorous and of a comely aspect to the last ; was the son of "William White and Susanna his wife, born on board the Mayflower, Capt Jones commander, in Cape Cod harbour, Nov. 1620, the first Englishman born in New Eng- land." In the records of Plymouth Colony is the following entry under Oct. 16G5, when Thomas Prince was governor. " In reference unto ' -" Tpouest of the King's commis- sioners in behalf of Lieut. Pere- grine White, desiring that the Court would accommodate him with a portion of land, in respect that he was the first of the English that was born in these parts ; and in answer unto his own petition preferred to this Court respecting the premises, the Court have granted unto hina 200 acres of land, lying and being at the path that goes from Bridgewater to the Bay, adjoining to the Bay line." A list of his descendants, some of whom are still living, may be seen in Thacher's Plymouth, p. 23. "Dec. 4, dies Edward Thom- son, servant of Mr. White, the first that dies since their arrival. Dec. 6, dies Jasper, a boy of Mr. Car- ver's. Dec. 7, Dorothy, wife to Mr. William Bradford, (drowned.) Dec. 8, James Chilton." Gov. Brad- ford, in Prince, p. 165. Prince had Bradford's pocket-book, which con- tained a register of deaths, births, and marriages, from Nov. 6, 1620, to the end of March, 1621. THE THIRD EXPEDITION. 149 cis Billinston's sons,^ who, in his father's absence, had chap. got gunpowder, and had shot off a piece or two, and .^ — -L. made squibs ; and there being a fowhng-piece charged 1 6 2 o. in his father's cabin, shot her off in the cabin ; there being a httle barrel of powder haff full, scattered in and about the cabin, the fire being within four foot of the bed between the decks, and many flints and iron things about the cabin, and many people about the fire ; and yet, by God's mercy, no harm done. Wednesday, the 6th of December, it was resolved Dec. our discoverers should set forth, for the day before was too foul weather, — and so they did, though it was well o'er the day ere all things could be ready. So ten of our men were appointed who were of them- selves wilhng to undertake it, to wit. Captain Stand- ish, Master Carver, William Bradford, Edward Wins- loe, John Tilley, Edward Tilley, John Houland," and r ' Billington was not one of the He came from London, and T know /Leyden church, but slipped in not by what friends shuffled into among the Pilgrims in England, our company." John, his eldest His accession was of no benefit to son, who probably fired the powder, the colony. He was a mischievous was a young scape-grace, who the and troublesome fellow. The first next summer wandered ofl!"down the offence in the settlement was com-^ Cape as far as Eastham, causing I mitted by him. In March, 1621, "^ great anxiety to the infant colony, C he was " convented before the and putting them to the trouble of whole company for contempt of the sending an expedition after him. Captain's (Standish) lawful com- Francis, the other son, was the dis- mauds, with opprobrious speeches, coverer of Billington sea, which for whicb he was adjudged to have will immortalize the name. The his neck and heels tied together. '^ mother's name was Helen. See /Gov. Bradford, in a letter to Cush-| Prince, pp. 189, 192, and 319. ^ man, written June 9, 1625, says, Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 37; Hutchin- " Billington siill rails against you, son's Mass. ii. 461 ; Hubbard's and threatens to arrest you, I know New England, p. 101. not wherefore. He is a knave, and ^ John Howland, the 13th signer so will live and die." The pro- of the Compact, is counted as be- phecy was fulfilled, for he was hung longing to Carver's family, whose in Oct. 1630, for waylaying and daughter Elizabeth he married, shooting a young man, named John The Plymouth Colony records say Nevvcomen. Gov. Bradford says, that " he was an ancient professor in his History, " The said Billington of the ways of CJhrist ; one of the was one of the profanest among us. first comers, and proved a useful 150 NAMES OP THE PARTY. CHAP, three of London,^ Richard Warren,^ Steeven Hopkins, « — -1-- and Edward Dotte, and two of our^ seamen, John 162 0. Alderton and Thomas Enghsh. Of the ship's com- pany there went two of the master's mates, Master Clarke and Master Coppin, the master gunner, and three sailors."* The narration of which discovery follows, penned by one^ of the company. Wednesday, the 6th of December, we set out, being very cold and hard weather. We were a long while, after we launched from the ship, before we could get clear of a sandy point,^ which lay within less than a fur- long of the same. In which time two were very sick, Dec. 6. instrument of good, and was the last of the male survivors of those who came over in the Mayflower in 1620, and whose place of abode was Plymouth." John Alden, of Duxhury, outlived him 15 years. The last survivor of the Mayflower was Mary Cushman, daughter of Isaac Allerton, who was alive in 1698. Rowland died in 1672 at Rocky Nook, in Kingston, aged 80. He had four sons and six daughters, some of whose descend- ants are still living in the Old Colony and in Rhode Island. A genealogy of the family, written by one of them, the venerable John Howland, President of the R. I. Historical Society, is inserted in Thacher's Plymouth, p. 129. See Farmer's Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England, App. art. Howland ; Mitchell's Bridgewater, p. 379; Hutchinson's Mass. ii. 456, 462. ' They were therefore not mem- bers of Robinson's congregation at Leyden. See p. 78. and note ' on p. 122 of this volume. ^ Richard Warren, the 12th signer of the Compact, with the honorable prefix of Mr. is mentioned by Bradford as a most useful man, during the short time he lived, bearing a deep share in the diffi- culties and troubles of the planta- tion. He died in 1628. His widow, Elizabeth, survived him about 45 years, dying in 1673, at the age of 90. They had two sons and five daughters. His descend- ants perpetuate the name in Ply- mouth, New Bedford, Lowell, Boston, New York, and elsewhere. At the partition of the lands in 1623, Richard Warren's lot was assigned him near Eel river. The farm has continued in the pos- session of his posterity till within a iew years. See Hutchinson's Mass. ii. 462 ; Morton's Memorial, p. 135 ; Thacher's Plymouth, p. 71. ^ They were not a part of the Mayflower's crew, but were in- tended to remain in the country and to manage the Speedwell, had she come over. Their occupation at present, I suppose, was to take charge of the shallop, until another small vessel should be sent over ; which took place in Aug. 1623, when a pinnace of 41 tons, called the Little James, arrived. '' There were 18 in all ; among whom were 12 out of the 41 sign- ers of the Compact. ^ I take it to be Bradford. See note ' on page 115. « The end of Long Point. F. BILLINGSGATE POINT. 151 and Edward Tilley had like to have sounded^ with chap- cold. The gunner also was sick unto death (but hope of trucking made him to go,) and so remained is 20. all that day and the next night. At length we got 6. clear of the sandy point, and got up our sails, and within an hour or two we got under the weather shore,'^ and then had smoother water and better sailing. But it was very cold ; for the water froze on our clothes, and made them many times like coats of iron. We sailed six or seven leagues by the shore, but saw neither river nor creek. At length we met with a tongue of land, being flat off from the shore, with a sandy point.^ We bore up to gain the point, and found there a fair income or road of a bay, being a league over at the narrowest, and some two or three in length ; but we made right over to the land before us, and left the discovery of this income till the next day. As we drew near to the shore,"* we espied some ten or twelve Indians very busy about a black thing, — what it was we could not tell, — till afterwards they saw us, and ran to and fro, as if they had been carry- ing something away. We landed a league or two from them,^ and had much ado to put ashore any where, it ' Swooned. Nothing further is ' Billingsgate Point. This point known of Edward Tilley than that then joined the land north of it ; he brought his wife with him, and but it is now an island, having had two other individuals in his been cut off by a ditch many years family, probably his children, and since ; and being constantly washed died before the end of March. John by the tide, there is now a passage Tilley, who was also one of this for small light vessels to pass at exploring party, was probably a full sea. Wellfleet bay is, as here brother of Edward. He also brought described, a league over at the nar- his wife and one other person, rowest and two or three in length, most likely a child, and died before The distance from Long Point to the end of March. The name does Billingsgate Point is seven leagues, not appear in the division of the See Mass. Hist. Coll. iv. 41. lands in 1623, nor of the cattle * In Eastham, north of Great in 1627. pond. * The shore of Truro. * South. 152 THE PILGRIMS IN WELLFLEET. Dec. 7. CHAP, lay so full of flat sands.^ When we came to shore, ^— .-!> we made us a barricado, and got firewood, and set 16 2 0. out sentinels, and betook us to our lodging, such as it was. We saw the smoke of the fire which the sav- ages made that night about four or five miles from us. In the morning we divided our company, some eight in the shallop, and the rest on the shore went to dis- cover this place. But we found it only to be a bay,^ without either river or creek coming into it. Yet we deemed it to be as good a harbour as Cape Cod ; for they that sounded it found a ship might ride in five fathom water. We on the land found it to be a level ^ soil, though none of the fruitfullest. We saw two becks '' of fresh water, which were the first running streams that we saw in the country ; but one might stride over them. We found also a great fish, called a grampus,^ dead on the sands. They in the shallop ' A sandy flat, a mile wide, ex- tends along the western shore of Eastham, from Dennis to the bounds of Wellfleet. It is left dry about three hours, and may easily he crossed by horses and carriages. See Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 155. * Wellfleet harbour, which is large, indented within with creeks, where vessels of 70 or 80 tons may lie. Large ships may lie safe in what is called the Deep Hole, near the town. There are five and a half fathom of water in the har- bour. See Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 117. ^ The land in Eastham is a level plain. * Becks — rivulets, small brooks. See Ray's North Country Words, pp. 17 and 99. One of these no doubt was Indian brook, which forms the boundary between East- ham and Wellfleet, and runs into the harbour of Silver Springs. The spring from which it issues has a white sand at the bottom, re- sembling that metal. The other was probably Cook's brook, in Eastham, three quarters of a mile south of Indian brook, or possibly Snow's brook a mile further south. See Mass Hist. Coll. iv. 41, and viii. 155. * The grampus, {grond-poisson, Fr., grapois, Norm., delphinus orca,) is the largest and most re- markable species of the genus Phoceena, of the cetaceous order of Mammalia. It is a large animal, half the size of the Greenland full- grown whale, being often seen from 25 to 30 feet in length and 10 or 12 in circumference. The color is black above, suddenly giving place to white on the sides, which is con- tinued over the abdomen. Indi- viduals of this species are some- times thrown ashore on the Cape, 20 feet long, and having four inches of blubber. See Jardine's Natu- ralist's Library, Mammalia, vi. 228 — 232; Shaw's Zoology, Mam- malia, vol. ii. part ii. p. 513 ; Jos- selyn, p. 26. THE PILGRIMS IN EASTHAM. 153 found two of them also in the bottom of the bay, dead chap IX ' in Uke sort. They were cast up at high water, and — .-^ could not s^et off for the frost and ice. They were i62o. some live or six paces long, and about two inches 7. thick of fat, and fleshed like a swine. They would have yielded a great deal of oil, if there had been time and means to have taken it. So we finding nothing for our turn, both we and our shallop returned. We then directed our course along the sea sands to the place where we first saw the Indians.^ When we were there, we saw it was also a grampus which they were cutting up. They cut it into long rands ^ or pieces, about an ell long and two handfull broad. We found here and there a piece scattered by the way, as it seemed for haste. This place the most were minded we should call the Grampus Bay,^ because we found so many of them there. We followed the track of the Indians' bare feet a good way on the sands. At length we saw where they struck into the woods by the side of a pond.^ As we went to view the place, one said he thought he saw an Indian house among the trees ; so went up to see. And here we and the shallop lost sight one of another till night, it being now about nine or ten o'clock. So we light on a path, but saw no house, and followed a great way into the woods. At length we found where corn had been set, but not that year. Anon, we found a great burying place, one part whereof was encompassed with a large palisado, like a ' They went back, north, to- forty feet wide, separates it from wards Wellfleet harbour. Long pond ; the distance of which ^ Rands — strips. from Mill pond, connected with the ^ Wellfleet harbour. northern arm of Nauset harbour, is * Great pond, in Eastham, north not more than a furlong. A canal of which they landed. F. This might thus be easily cut, connect- pond is a quarter of a mile from ing the bay with the ocean. See the shore. A narrow neck, about Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 156. 20 y, 154 AN INDIAN BURYING-GROUND. CHAP, church-yard, with young spires,^ four or five yards long, . — set as close one by another as they could, two or three 162 0. foot in the ground. Within it was full of graves, some 7. bigger and some less. Some were also paled about; and others had like an Indian house ^ made over them, but not matted. Those graves were more sumptuous than those at Cornhill ; yet we digged none of them up, but only viewed them and went our way. With- out the palisado were graves also, but not so costly. From this place we went and found more corn-ground, but not of this year. As we ranged, we light on four or five Indian houses, which had been lately dwelt in ; but they were uncovered, and had no mats about them ; else they were like those we found at Cornhill,^ but had not been so lately dwelt in. There was nothing left but two or three pieces of old mats, and a little sedge. Also, a little further, we found two baskets full of parched acorns^ hid in the ground, which we supposed had been corn when we began to dig the same ; we cast earth thereon again, and went our way. All this while we saw no people. We went ranging up and down till the sun began to draw low, and then we hasted out of the woods, that we might come to our shallop ; which, when we were out of the woods, we espied a great way off, and called them to come unto us ; the which they did as soon as they could, for it was not yet high water. They were exceeding glad to see us, for they feared ' Spires — twisted or wreathed 1621, saw the grave of Nanepashe- boughs. met, the deceased king, surrounded ^ "Over the grave of the more by a palisado, and over it "the noble they erect something in form frame of a house, wherein, being of a hearse-cloth." T. Morton, ch. dead, he lay buried." See page 142. 17. The Pilgrims, on their first * See page 144. visit to Massachusetts Bay, in Sept. *■ See note* on page 145. A MIDNIGHT ALARM. 155 because they had not seen us in so long a time, think- chap. ing we would have kept by the shore side. So being — .-^ both weary and faint, — for we had eaten nothing all 1 6 20. that day, — we fell to make our rendezvous and get 7. firewood, which always costs us a great deal of labor. By that time we had done, and our shallop come to us,' it was within night ; and we fed upon such vict- uals as we had, and betook us to our rest, after we had set out our watch. About midnight we heard a great and hideous cry ; and our sentinels called, " Arm ! Arm .'" So we bestirred ourselves, and shot off a couple of muskets, and the noise ceased. We concluded that it was a company of wolves or foxes ; for one ^ told us he had heard such a noise in New- foundland.** ^ It appears from Gov. Bradford's MS. History, quoted by Prince, p. 165, that the shallop coasted along the shore, south, and that towards night, the people on land met it at a creek. This Morton, in his Me- morial, p. 44, conjectures to be Namskeket, which is the dividing line between Orleans and Brewster. But it may with more probability be concluded that it w-as Great Mea- dow creek, in Eastham. If the travellers had gone as far as Nam- skeket, they must have crossed Great Meadow creek, then, half a mile south, Boat Meadow creek, then, half a mile further south. Rock Harbour creek, and then, a mile southwest. Little Namskeket creek ; or they must have passed round their heads, which, at a time when the country was covered with a forest very difficult to be pene- trated, w'ould have been no easy task. Namskeket creek was best known to the first settleis of Ply- mouth ; and this appears to have been the cause of Morton's supposi- tion. F. See Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 155, 188. ^ Probably either Clark or Cop- pin, the mates of the Mayflower, who had been on the coast before. See pp. 85 and 148. ^ Newfoundland was not disco- vered in 1497 by Sebastian Cabot. See Biddle's Life of Cabot, book i. ch. 6. Captain Richard Whit- bourne, who wrote a book, printed in London in 1622, entitled " A Discourse and Discovery of New- foundland," says that he was first there in 1582, and again in 1586, " at which time Sir Humfrey Gil- bert, a Devonshire knight, came thither with two good ships and a pinnace, and brought with him a large patent from the late most renowned Queen Elizabeth, and in her name took possession of that country, in the harbour of St. John's, whereof I was an eye-witness." Whitbourne was at Newfoundland again in 1588, 1611, 1614, 1615, and 1618. Clark or Coppin may have gone in one of his ships. Whitbourne says, p. 8, " In divers parts of the country there are many foxes, wolves, and bears. In 1615, three several times the wolves and 156 AN ATTACK FROM THE INDIANS. CHAP. About five o'clock in the mornincr we beffan to be IX & & . -L, stirring ; and two or three, which doubted whether 16 20. their pieces would go off or no, made trial of them 8. and shot them off, but thought nothing at all. After prayer ^ we prepared ourselves for breakfast, and for a journey ; and it being now the twilight in the morning, it was thought meet to carry the things down to the shallop. Some said it was not best to carry the armor ^ down. Others said, they would be readier. Two or three said, they would not carry theirs till they went themselves, but mistrusting nothing at all. As it fell out, the water not being high enough, they laid the things down upon the shore, and came up to breakfast. Anon, all upon a sudden, we heard a great and strange cry, which we knew to be the same voices, though they varied their notes. One of our company, being abroad, came running in, and cried, " They are men ! Indians ! Indians ! " and withal their arrows came fly- ing amongst us. Our men ran out with all speed to recover their arms ; as by the good providence of God they did. In the mean time. Captain Miles Standish, having a snaphance ^ ready, made a shot ; and after beasts of the country came down were permitted to interfere with to the sea-side, near to 48 persons their stated devotions. of my company, who were laboring ^ See note * on page 134. about their fish, howling and mak- ' A snaphance is a musket with ing a noise." Whitbourne's book a flint-lock. In 1643 the house- was published by royal authority, holders at Plymouth were " ordered and distributed throughout the se- to be furnished with approved arms, veral parishes of the kingdom. A viz. muskets with snaphance, or contribution too was ordered by the matchlocks with match calivers. Privy Council to be taken in the and carbines, which are allowed, parish churches to defray the ex- and also fowling-pieces," At the pense of the printing, and as time of Philip's war, in 1674, snap- " some reward to him for his great hances were rare, yet a few of them charge, travails, and divers losses were used. See Mass. Hist. Coll. at sea." xiii. 183, and Haven's Centennial ' This incidental remark shows Address at Dedham, p. 61. the religious character of the Pil- Meyrick, in his Critical Inquiry grims. No dangers or hardships into Ancient Armour, iii. 88, points FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH THE INDIANS. 157 him another. After they two had shot, other two of chap. us were ready ; but he wished us not to shoot till we - — — could take aim, for we knew not what need we should i^so. Dec. have ; and there were four only of us which had their 8. arms there ready, and stood before the open side of our barricado, which was first assaulted. They thought it best to defend it, lest the enemy should take it and our stuff; and so have the more vantage against us. Our care was no less for the shallop ; but we hoped all the rest would defend it. We called unto them to know how it was with them ; and they answered "Well! Well!" every one, and "Be of good courage ! " We heard three of their pieces go off, and the rest called for a firebrand to light their matches.^ One took a log out of the fire on his shoulder and went and carried it unto them ; which was thought did not a little discourage our enemies. The cry of our enemies^ was dreadful, especially when our men ran out to recover their arms. Their note was after this manner, " Woach, ivoach, ha ha hack ivoach.''^ Our men were no sooner come to their arms, but the enemy was ready to assault them. There was a lusty man, and no whit less valiant, who was thought to be their captain, stood behind a tree within half a musket shot of us, and there let his arrows fly at us. He was seen to shoot three arrows, which were all avoided ; for he at whom the first arrow was aimed, saw it, and stooped down, and it out a difference between the fire- rate from its cover ; whilst in the lock and the snaphance, and quotes firelock the hammer is affixed to a document which " prefers the the pan, supplying the place of ils firelock," but " if they cannot be cover, and opening at the percus- procured, snaphances will do." The sion of the cock, difference seems to be that in the * See note ^ on page 125. snaphance a movable hammer was ^ These were the Nauset Indians, placed beyond the pan, and sepa- as will appear hereafter. 158 THE INDIANS REPULSED. CHAP, flew over him. The rest were avoided also. He IX. > — ^ stood three shots of a musket. At length, one took, 16 20. as he said, full aim at him ; after which he gave an 8. extraordinary cry, and away they went all.^ We fol- lowed them about a quarter of a mile ; but we left six to keep our shallop, for we were very careful of our business. Then we shouted all together two several times, and shot off a couple of muskets, and so returned. This we did that they might see we were not afraid of them, nor discouraged. Thus it pleased God to vanquish our enemies and give us deliverance. By their noise we could not guess that they were less than thirty or forty, though some thought that they were many more. Yet, in the dark of the morning, we could not so well discern them among the trees, as they could see us by our fire-side. We took up eighteen of their arrows, which we have sent to England by Master Jones ; ^ some whereof were headed with brass, others with harts' horn, and others with eagles' claws. Many more no doubt were shot, for these we found were almost covered with leaves; yet, by the especial providence of God, none of them either hit or hurt us, though many came close by us and on every side of us, and some coats which hung up in our barricado were shot through and through. * Johnson, in his Wonder-work- statement. In the same chapter ing Providence, ch. 8, says that he says, " Of Plymouth plantation " one Captain Miles Standish, hav- the author purposes not to speak ing his fowling-piece in readiness, particularly, being prevented by the presented full at them. His shot, honored Mr. Winslow, who was an being directed by the provident eye-witness of the work." Edward hand of the most high God, struck Johnson lived at Woburn, in Mas- the stoutest sachem among them sachusetts, and his book was print- on the right arm, it being bent over ed in London in 1654. See Mass. his shoulder to reach an arrow forth Hist. Coll. xii. 49, 67. his quiver." We know not what ^ On the return of the Mayflower authority Johnson had for this in April, 1621. THE SHALLOP DISABLED. 159 So after we had mven God thanks for our deUver- chap. ^ . IX. ance, we took our shallop and went on our journey, and called this place The First Encounter. From 1620. hence we intended to have sailed to the aforesaid 8. Thievish Harbour^ if we found no convenient harbour by the way.^ Having the wind good, we sailed all that day along the coast about fifteen leagues f but saw neither river nor creek^ to put into. After we had sailed an hour or two, it began to snow and rain, and to be bad weather. About the midst of the afternoon the wind increased, and the seas began to be very rough ; and the hinges of the rudder broke, so that we could steer no longer with it, but two men, with much ado, were fain to serve with a couple of oars. The seas were grown so great that we were much troubled and in great danger ; and night grew on. Anon, Master Coppin bade us be of good cheer ; he saw the harbour. As we drew near, the gale be- ing stiff, and we bearing great sail to get in, split our mast in three pieces, and were like to have cast away our shallop.^ Yet, by God's mercy, recovering our- ' Gov. Bradford, in his History, ble that they would have entered as quoted by Prince, p. 166, says, and made their settlement there. " They hasten on to a port which * Bradford says, in his History, Mr. Coppin, their pilot, assures " The pilot, being deceived, cries ihem is a good one, which he had out, ' Lord be merciful ! my eyes been in, and they might reach be- never saw this place before! ' And fore night." Coppin might have he and the mate would have run been on the coast before, either her ashore in a cove full of break- with Smith or Hunt, in 1614. ers, before the wind ; but a steers.- * The distance along the coast man calling to the rowers, ' About from Eastham to the high bluff of with her, or we are cast away,' Manomet, in Plymouth, is about they get her about immediately, 45 miles or 15 leagues. and Providence showing a fair ^ The snow-storm, which began sound before them, they get under "after they had sailed an hour or the lee of a small rise of land ; but two," prevented their seeing San- are divided about going ashore, dy Neck, and led them to over- lest they fall into the midst of shoot Barnstable harbour. Had it savages. Some, therefore, keep the not been for this, it is highly proba- boat, but others being so wet, 160 THE PILGRIMS LAND ON CLARK'S ISLAND. CHAP, selves, we had the flood with us, and struck into the IX. L- harbour. 162 0. Dec. Now he that thought that had been the place, was deceived, it being a place where not any of us had been before ; and coming into the harbour, he that was our pilot did bear up northward, which if we had con- tinued, we had been cast away.^ Yet still the Lord kept us, and we bare up for an island^ before us ; and recovering of that island, being compassed about with many rocks, and dark night growing upon us, it pleas- ed the Divine Providence that we fell upon a place of sandy ground, where our shallop did ride safe and se- cure all that night ; and coming upon a strange island, kept our watch all night in the rain upon that island.^ cold, and feeble, cannot bear it, but venture ashore, and with great dif- ficulty kindle a fire ; and after mid- night, the wind shifting to the northwest, and freezing hard, the rest are glad to get to them, and here stay the night." See Prince, p. 160. ' The cove where they were in danger lies between the Gurnet Head and Saquish Point, at the en- trance of Plymouth harbour. * Clark's island just within the entrance of Plymouth harbour, and so called after the mate of the Mayflower, who is said to have been tlie first to step ashore on it. It is sheltered from the ocean by Salt-house beach, contains about eighty acres of fertile land, and is called by Gov. Hutchinson, i. 360, " one of the best islands in New England." It was neither sold nor allotted in any of the early di- visions of the lands, but was re- served for the benefit of the poor of the town, to furnish them with wood, and with pasture for their cattle. Previous to 1638 the " Court granted that Clark's island, the Eel river beach, Saquish, and the Gurnet's Nose, shall be and remain unto the town of Plymouth, with the woods, thereupon." In 1690, Clark's island was sold to Sam- uel Lucas, Elkanah Watson, and George Morton. The Watson family have been in possession of this island for half a century, and one of them, Edward Watson, now resides on it. See Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. 162, 181; Thacher's Plymouth, pp. 82, 153, 158, 330. One of the oldest grave-stones on the burial hill in Plymouth, is that of a Thomas Clark, who died March 24, 1097, aged 98. He came in the Anne, in 1623. Some have thought that this was the mate of the Mayflower. But it is not known that his name was Thomas, nor is there any evidence that he ever returned to this coun- try. See Thacher's Plymouth, 168. ^ Bradford adds, in his History, " In the morning they find the place to be a small island, secure from Indians. And this being the last day of the week, they here dry their stuff", fix their pieces, rest themselves, return God thanks for their many deliverances ; and here the next day keep their Christian Sabbath." Prince, p. 167. 162 THE SHALLOP RETURNS TO CAPE COD. CHAP, and found divers cornfields, and little running brooks, IX. s — -L. a place very good for situation. So we returned to 1620. our ship^ again with good news to the rest of our 13. people, which did much comfort their hearts. " This rock has become an object of veneration in the United States. I have seen bits of it carefully pre- served in several towns of the Union. Does not this sufficiently show that all human power and greatness is in the soul of man 1 Here is a stone which the feet of a few outcasts pressed for an instant ; and this stone becomes famous ; it is treasured by a great nation ; its very dust is shared as a relic. And what has become of the gateways of a thousand palaces? Who cares for them? " — Reeves's Trans. ' They left the Mayflower in Cape Cod harbour, December 6, and were three days in getting to Plymouth. They probably started on their return to the ship on the 12th, and striking across the bay, a distance of 25 miles, reached her on the 13th. They found that the day after their leaving the vessel, December 7, Dorothy, the wife of William Bradford, who was one of the party in the shallop, fell overboard, and was drowned. See Prince, p. 165. I CHAPTER X. OF THEIR LANDING AND SETTLING AT NEW PLYMOUTH. On the 15th day we weighed anchor to go to the chap. place we had discovered ; and coming within two 1^ leagues of the land, we could not fetch the harbour, but 1 6 2 o. . Dec. were fain to put round ^ again towards Cape Cod, our 15. course lying west, and the wind was at northwest. But it pleased God that the next day, being Saturday the 16th day, the wind came fair, and we put to sea 16. again, and came safely into a safe harbour ; and within half an hour the wind changed, so as if we had been letted but a little, we had gone back to Cape Cod. This harbour is a bay greater than Cape Cod, com- passed with a goodly land ; and in the bay two fine islands,^ uninhabited, wherein are nothing but woods, ' In the original, roome ; mani- 1G35, two shallops going, laden festly an error of the press. with goods, to Conneciicut, were ^ Clark's island is now the only taken with an easterly storm, and island in Plymouth harbour. It cast away upon Brown's island, has sometimes been supposed that near the Gurnet's Nose, and the a shoal, called Brown's island, men all drowned." Dr. Freeman, which lies near the entrance of the in his note on this place, considers harbour, about half a mile east by this passage as confirming the sup- north of Beach point, was above position. But Morton, in record- water at the time the Pilgrims ar- ing the same event in his Memo- rived. Gov. Winthrop, in his His- rial, p. 182, says, the night being tory of New England, i. 169, has dark and stormy, they ran upon the following record : October G, a skirt of a Jlat that lieth near 164 PLYMOUTH HARBOUR. CHAP, oaks, pines, walnuts, beech, sassafras, vines, and other V— v^ trees ^ which we know not. This bay is a most hope- 16 20. ful place ; innumerable store of fowl,^ and excellent good ; and cannot but be of fish in their seasons ; skate, cod, turbot,^ and herring, we have tasted of; abundance of muscles, the greatest and best that ever we saw ; crabs and lobsters,^ in their time, infinite. It is in fashion like a sickle, or fish-hook.^ 18^' Monday, the loth day, we went a land,'^ manned the mouth of the harbour." This seems conclusive of the point that Brown's island was then under water. The other island I suppose was Saquish, which, although a peninsula, very much resembles an island, and may very naturally have been mistaken for one ; or at that time the water may have flowed across the narrow neck which now unites it with the Garnet, and com- pletely isolated it. Oldmixon, i. 30, commits an egregious blunder when he states, that " the har- bour (Plymouth) was a bay larger than Cape Cod, and two fine is- lands, Rhode Island and Elizabeth Island, in it ! " * The only forest trees now on Clark's island are three red cedars, which appear to be very old, and are decaying. This wood was the original growth of the island, a tree which loves the vicinity of rocks, which abound here. A few years since, the present proprietor of the island, whilst digging out some large roots on its margin, found a number of acorns four feet beneath the surface. Blackberry vines are still found there. On Saquish there is one solitary tree, which has weathered the storms of ages. In 1815 there were two. In earlier times the town forbade felling trees at Saquish within 40 feet of the bank. See Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. 182. * Wild fowl are yet abundant in Plymoulh harbour. ^ Skate and cod are still caught here. The European turbot, it is well known, is not found in our waters. The first settlers probably gave this name to the flounder or small halibut. See Storer's Re- port on the Fishes of Massachusetts, pp. 140, 145, 146. Higginson, in his New England's Plantation, enu- merates the turbot among other fish. T. Morton, in his New Eng- lish Canaan, ch. vii. says, " there is a large-sized fish, called halibut, or turbot ; some are taken so big that two men have much ado to haul them into the boat." Wood, ch. ix. says, "the halibut is not much unlike a plaice or turbot, some being two yards long, and one wide, and a foot thick." And Josselyn, p. 26, says, " some will have the halibut and turbot all one ; others dis- tinguish them ; there is no question to be made of it but that they are distinct kinds of fish." The turbot and plaice are very much alike in appearance. See the figures of them in Yarrell's British Fishes, i. 209, 233, '' There are muscles in Plymouth, but generally small, and clams ; the Journal probably refers to the latter. Crabs and lobsters are very abund- ant in the summer season. * The form of Plymouth Bay, which includes Kingston and Dux- bury harbours, is accurately de- scribed. ® The words " in the long-boat " seem to be omitted. THE TREES AND PLANTS OF PLYMOUTH. 165 with the master of the ship and three or four of the chap. sailors. We marched along the coast in the woods — ^ some seven or eio;ht miles, ^ but saw not an Indian nor i^^^- = ' Dec. an Indian house ; only we found where formerly had is. been some inhabitants, and where they had planted their corn. We found not any navigable river, but four or five small running brooks ~ of very sweet fresh water, that all run into the sea. The land for the crust of the earth is, a spit's depth,^ excellent black mould, and fat in some places ;^ two or three great oaks, but not very thick, pines, walnuts, beech, ash, birch, hazel, holly, asp, sassafras in abundance, and vines^ every where, cherry trees, plum trees, and many others which we know not.*^ Many kinds of herbs we found here in winter, as strawberry leaves innumera- ble, sorrel, yarrow, carvel, brookhme, liverwort, water- ^ Whichever way the travellers went, they could not have walked seven miles ; because northwest, at the distance of four miles, they would have come to Jones's river in Kingston, and southeast, at the distance of three miles, to Eel river. These riveis, though not large, cannot be denominated brooks. F. * North of the village, towards Kingston, there are five brooks, which were named by the original planters First Brook, Second Brook, &c. in order, beginning from the town. Half a mile south of the village is Wellingsly Brook, by the side of which dwelt Secretary Morton. Double Brook, or Shingle Brook of the first settlers, runs northerly by the post road to Sand- wich, and unites with Eel river. Beaver Dam Brook is in the village of Manomet Ponds. Indian Brook is still further south on the shore. See Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. 178, and Thacher's Plymouth, p. 322. ' See note * on page 123. * This is an exact description of a strip of land, between the hills and the sea-shore, where the gar- dens now are. The soil too is good on Clark's Island, Saquish, and the Gurnet. ^ The wild grape, both white and red, the blackberry and the rasp- berry, are found here now. ^All the trees here enumerated are now found in Plymouth. The asp, or aspen, was probably our native poplar. The beach, about three miles long, which lies in front of the village, extending from Eel river, N. N. West, and pro- tecting the harbour, was originally well wooded. Towards the north- ern part, till 1770, it was quite thickly covered with trees. The inner side of the beach was cover- ed with plum and wild-cherry trees, and the swamp with large pitch pine and beech wood. Beech plums, wild gooseberries, and white grapes were found here in great quantities in their proper season. See a list of the trees, in Mass. Hist. Coll. 166 JONES'S RIVER, IN KINGSTON. CHAP, cresses, great store of leeks and onions,^ and an ex- — '^^ cellent strong kind of flax and hemp.- Here is sand, 16 2 0. gravel, and excellent clay, no better in the world, ex- cellent for pots, and will wash like soap, and great store of stone,^ though somewhat soft, and the best water^ that ever we drunk ; and the brooks now begin to be full of fish.^ That night, many being weary with marching, we went aboard again. Dec. The next morning, being Tuesday, the 19th of De- cember, we went again to discover further ; some went on land, and some in the shallop. The land we found as the former day we did ; and we found a creek, and went up three English miles, a very pleasant river*' at full sea. A bark of thirty tons may go up ; but at low water scarce our shallop could pass. This place we had a great liking to plant in, but that it was so far from our fishing, our principal profit, and so encom- passed with woods, that we should be in much danger of the salvages ; and our number being so httle, and so much ground to clear ; so as we thought good to xiii. 165, 172, 206 ; Thacher's * Plymouth is abundantly suppli- Plymouth, p. 328. ed with springs and brooks of ex- ' These were probably the allium cellent water. F. See p. 129. Canadcnse. * Some years since, before the ^ The Indian hemp [afocynum Town Brook was obstructed, tom- cannabinum.) Wood says, ch. 5, cods were abundant in December ; " This land likewise affords hemp eels and smelts enter the brooks in and flax naturally;" and Captain autumn. John Smith mentions " a kind or ^ This was Jones's river, in two of flax, wherewith they make Kingston, so called, it is supposed, nets, lines and ropes, both small by the Pilgrims, in compliment to and great, very strong for their the Captain of the Mayflower; quantities." T. Morton too, says, which they would not have done ch. 2, " there is hemp, that naturally had they entertained any doubt of groweth, finer than our hemp of his fidelity. Jones's river parish England." See Mass. Hist. Coll. was set off from Plymouth in 1717, xxvi. 120. and incorporated in 1726, as the ^ The sand, gravel and clay are town of Kingston. See note * on aptly described. There is not p. 138, and Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. much stone at Plymouth, except a 208 and 217. iew bowlders of sienite. THEY CONCLUDE TO BUILD ON THE BANK. 167 quit and ^ clear that place till we were of more strength, chap. Some of us, having a good mind, for safety, to plant • — -- in the greater isle, we crossed the bay, which is there 162 0. five or six miles over, and found the isle about a mile and a half or two miles abqut,^ all wooded, and no fresh water but two or three pits, that we doubted of fresh water in summer, and so full of wood as we could hardly clear so much as to serve us for corn. Besides, we judged it cold for our corn, and some part very rocky ; yet divers thought of it as a place defensible, and of great security. That night we returned again a shipboard, with resolution the next morning to settle on some of those places. So in the morninor after we had called on God for ^„^<'- . . 20. direction, we came to this resolution, to go presently ashore again, and to take a better view of two places which we thought most fitting for us ; for we could not now take time for further search or consideration, our victuals being much spent, especially our beer, and it being now the 19th of December. After our land- ing and viewing of the places, so well as we could, we came to a conclusion, by most voices, to set on the main land, on the first place, on a high ground,^ where there is a great deal of land cleared, and hath been planted with corn three or four years ago ; and there is a very sweet brook ^ runs under the hill side, and many delicate springs of as good water as can be drunk, and where we may harbour our shallops and boats exceeding well ; and in this brook much good ^ I think the word 7iot is here * Now called Town brook. It accidentally omitted. issues from a pond called Billing- ^ See note ' on page 160. ton Sea. F. ^ On the bank, facing the har- bour. 168 RAINY AND TEMPESTUOUS WEATHER. CHAP, fish in their seasons ; on the further side of the river V— 1-L^ also much corn-iiround cleared.' In one field is a 162 0. oroat hill,' on which we point to make a platform, and plant our ordnance, which will connnand all round ahout. From thence we may see into the bay, and far into the sea; and we may see thence Cape Cod.^ Our greatest labor will be fetching of our wood, which is half a quarter of an English mile ; but there is enough so far oil'. What people inhabit here we yet know not, for as yet we have seen none. So there we made our rendezvous, and a place for some of our people, about twenty, resolving in the morning to come all ashore and to build houses. ^^^- But the next mornino- being- Thursday, the 21st of December, it was stormy and wet, that we could not go ashore ; and those that remained there all night could do nothing, but were wet, not liaving daylight enough to make them a sutlicient court of guard, to keep them dry. All that night it blew and rained extremely. It was so tempestuous that the shallop could not go on land so soon as was meet, for they had no victuals on land. About eleven o'clock the shallop went otf Avith nmch ado with provision, but could not return, h blew so strong; and was such foul weather tliat we were forced to let foil our an- chor, and ride with three anchors aliead.^ Dec 30.' Friday, tlie 2'2d, the storm still continued, that we * On the spot now called the Puxbury, and the shores of the bay Ttaiuincr Green. for miles around, is unrivalled by * The Burial Hill, rising 165 feet any sea-view in the country, above the level of the sea, and eo- * In a clear day the white sand vering about eight acres. The hills of Provincetown may be dis- \iew from this eminence, embrac- tiuctly seen from this hill. ing the harbour, the beach, the * " Dec. 01, dies Richard Britte- Gurnet, Manomet Point, Clark's rige, the first who dies in this har- island, Saquish, Captain's Hill in hour." Bradtbrd.in Prince, p. 16S. k THEY CUT TIMBERJFOR BUILDING. 169 could not get a land, nor they" come to us aboard, chap. This morning goodwife Alderton^^ was delivered of a son, but dead born. 1620. Saturday, the 23d, so many of us as could went Dec. on shore, felled and carried timber, to provide them- selves stuff for building. Sunday, the 24th, our people on shore heard a cry 24. of some savages, as they thought, which caused an alarm and to stand on their guard, expecting an assault ; but all was quiet,^ Monday, the 25th day, we went on shore, some to 25. fell timber, some to saw, some to rive, and some to carry ;" so no man rested all that day. But, towards night, some, as they were at work, heard a noise of some Indians, which caused us all to go to our mus- kets ; but we heard no further. So we came aboard again, and left some twenty to keep the court of guard. That night we had a sore storm of wind and rain. Monday, the 25th, being Christmas day, we began to drink water aboard. But at night the master caused us to have some beer ; and so on board we had divers times now and then some beer, but on shore none at all. Tuesday, the 26th, it was foul weather, that we 26. could not go ashore. Wednesday, the 27th, w^e went to work again. 27. Thursday, the 28th of December, so many as could 28. went to work on the hill, where we purposed to build ' This was the second child born, been a son of Christopher Martin. Its father was Isaac Allerton. The ' Bradford adds in his History, mother, named Mary, died Feb. 25. "They begin to erect the first ^ " Dec. 24, this day dies Solo- house about twenty foot square, mon Martin, the sixth and last who for their common use, to receive dies this month." Bradford, in them and their goods." See Prince, Prince,' p. 168. He must have p. 168. 22 170 HOUSE LOTS LAID OUT. CHAP, our platform for our ordnance,^ and which doth com- — '—- mand all the plain and the bay, and from whence we 16 2 0. may see far into the sea,^ and might be easier impaled, having two rows of houses and a fair street. So in the afternoon we went to measure out the grounds, and first we took notice how many families there were, willing all single men that had no wives to join with some family, as they thought fit, that so we might build fewer houses ; which was done, and we reduced them to nineteen families. To greater fami- lies we allotted larger plots ; ^ to every person half a pole in breadth, and three in length ; and so lots were cast where every man should lie ; which was done, and staked out. We thought this proportion was large enough at the first, for houses and gardens to impale them round, considering the weakness of our people, many of them growing ill with colds ; for our former discoveries in frost and storms, and the wading at Cape Cod had brought much weakness amongst us, which increased so every day more and more, and after was the cause of many of their deaths. Dec. Friday and Saturday we fitted ourselves for our la- 30. bor ; but our people on shore were much troubled and discouraged with rain and wet that day, being very stormy and cold. We saw great smokes of fire made by the Indians, about six or seven miles from us, as we conjectured.^ ' Vestiges of this fortification ^ The single lots were 8 1-4 feet are still visible on the Burial hill, front by 49 1-2 in depth. See Holmes's Annals, i. 163. * "Here," says Prince, p. 169, * I think there is something " Governor Bradford ends his First omitted here. The house-lots were Book, containing ten Chapters, in not laid out on the hill, but in front fifty-three pages folio." I conceive of it, on Leyden-street, which runs that much of this Relation is in from the Town Square to Water- substance, and often in language, street. Gov. Bradford's History. STANDISH GOES IN SEARCH OF THE INDIANS. 171 Monday, the 1st of January, we went betimes to chap. work. We were much hindered in lying so far off — ^ from the land, and fain to go as the tide served, that i62 1. we lost much time ; for our ship drew so much water i. that she lay a mile and almost a half off,^ though a ship of seventy or eighty tons at high water may come to the shore. Wednesday, the 3d of January, some of our people 3. being abroad to get and gather thatch, they saw great fires of the Indians ; and were at their corn-fields, yet saw none of the savages, nor had seen any of them since we came to this bay. Thursday, the 4th of January, Captain Miles Stand- 4. ish, with four or five more, went to see if they could meet with any of the savages in that place where the fires were made. They went to some of their houses, but not lately inhabited ; yet could they not meet with any. As they came home, they shot at an eagle and killed her, which was excellent meat ; it was hardly to be discerned from mutton. Friday, the 5th of January, one of the sailors found 5. alive upon the shore a herring, which the master had to his supper ; which put us in hope of fish, but as yet we had got but one cod ; we wanted small hooks.^ Saturday, the 6th of January, Master Marten was 6. very sick, and, to our judgment, no hope of life. So Master Carver was sent for to come aboard to speak ^ Being- a vessel of 180 Ions, of Degory Priest." Bradford, in she probably anchored in the Cow Prince, p. 182. Yard, an anchorage near Clark's '^ This was a singular oversight, island, which lakes its name from If they had had fish-hooks, they a cow whale which once came into could hardly have suflercd so much it, and was there killed. See for want of food. Winslow, in his Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. 182, and Good News from New England, Thacher's Plymouth, p. 331. says they wanted "fit and strong " The year begins with the death seines and other netting." 172 DISCOVERY OP BILLINGTON SEA. 1621 Jan. CHAP. With him about his accounts : who came the next X. . ' ^ — . morning. Monday, the 8th of January, was a very fair day, and we went betimes to work. Master Jones sent the shallop, as he had formerly done, to see where fish could be got. They had a great storm at sea, and were in some danger. At night they returned with three great seals,^ and an excellent good cod, which did assure us that we should have plenty of fish shortly. This day Francis Billington, having the week before seen from the top of a tree on a high hill a great sea,^ as he thought, went with one of the master's mates to see it. They went three miles and then came to a great water, divided into two great lakes ; the bigger of them five or six miles in circuit, and in it an isle of a cable length square ; the other three miles in com- pass, in their estimation. They are fine fresh water, full of fish and fowl. A brook ^ issues from it ; it will be an excellent place for us in time. They found seven or eight Indian houses, but not lately inhabited. ' Seals still haunt the harbour of Plymouth and the Bay of Cape Cod. " The beautiful pond, so accu- rately described in the text, bears the appropriate name of BilHngton Sea. In the first century it was called Fresh Lake. It is about two miles southwest from the town, proving that the distances in this Relation are overstated ; and in it are two small islands. It is now, as at first, embosomed in a wilder- ness of woods. The eagle still sails over it, and builds in the branches of the surrounding forest. Here the loon cries, and leaves her eggs on the shore of the smaller island. Here too the beautiful wood-duck finds a sequestered re- treat ; and the fallow deer, mindful of their ancient haunts, still resort to it to drink and to browse on its margin. See page 149, and Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. 181, and Thacher's Plymouth, p. 320. ^ Town Brook. It passes through the town, and empties into tlie harbour a little south of Forefathers' rock. It has proved an " excellent place " indeed, its stream supplying an unfailing water power for nu- merous manufactories. In 1636, it was " concluded upon by the Court, that Mr. John Jenney shall have liberty to erect a mill for grinding and beating of corn upon the brook of Plymouth." Before the brook was so much impeded by dams, vast quantities of alewives passed up through it annually to Billington Sea. In a single season 800 bar- rels have been taken. See Thach- er's Plymouth, p. 321, 332; Ply- mouth Colony Laws, p. 56. THEY BEGIN TO BUILD HOUSES. 173 When they saw the houses, they were in some fear ; chap. for they were but two persons, and one piece.^ — ~ Tuesday, the 9th of January, was a reasonable fair i62i. day ; and we went to labor that day in the building 9. of our town, in two rows of houses, for more safety.- We divided by lot the plot of ground whereon to build our town, after the proportion formerly allotted. We agreed that every man should build his own house, thinking by that course men would make more haste than working in common.^ The common house, "^ in which for the first we made our rendezvous, being near finished, wanted only covering, it being about twenty foot square. Some should make mortar, and some gather thatch ; so that in four days half of it was thatched. Frost and foul weather hindered us much.^ ' " Jan. 8, this day dies Mr. Christopher Martin." Bradford, in Prince, p. 182. He was the ninth signer of the Compact, and one of the few distinguished with the title of Mr. He was not one of the Leyden church, but came from Bil- lerica, in Essex, and was associated with Cushman and Carver to pro- vide means for the voyage. He brought his wife and two children, with him, one of whom, Solomon, died Dec. 24. See pages 73 and 169. ^ The houses were built on each side of Leyden street, which ex- tends from the First Church to the harbour. The first entry in the records of Plymouth Colony is an incomplete list of" The Meersteads and Garden-plotes of those which came first, layed out, 1620." Ed- ward Winslow, in his Letter at the end of this Relation, says, " We have built seven dwelling-houses, and four for the use of the planta- tion." The highway led to the Town Brook. The JVorth Side. The South Side. Peter Brown. John Goodman. Mr. Brewster. Highway. Fohn Billington. Mr. Isaac Allerton. Francis Cooke. Edward Winslow. See Hazard's State Papers, i. 100. ^ See note ^ on page 84. * On the spot where it is sup- posed the common house stood, in digging a cellar, in 1801, there were discovered sundry tools and a plate of iron, seven feet below the surface of the ground. F. ° Providentially it was a very mild winter. See page 105. The ice often remains in the harbour from Christmas to March ; but at this time it appears not to have been frozen. In Dec. of 1831 and 1834 the harbour and shores were an expanse of ice and snow, and the thermometer several degrees 174 FOUR MEN SENT TO CUT THATCH. CHAP. This time of the year seldom could we work half the v-v-^ week. 162 1. Thursday, the 11th, William Bradford being at 11. work, (for it was a fair day,) was vehemently taken with a grief and pain, and so shot to his huckle-bone,^ it was doubted that he would have instantly died. He got cold in the former discoveries, especially the last ; and felt some pain in his ankles by times ; but he grew a little better towards night, and in time, through God's mercy in the use of means, recovered. 12. Friday the 12th we went to work ; but about noon it began to rain, that it forced us to give over work. This day two of our people put us in great sorrow and care. There was four sent to gather and cut thatch in the morning ; and two of them, John Good- man and Peter Browne,^ having cut thatch all the forenoon, went to a furtlier place, and willed the other two to bind up that which was cut, and to follow them. So they did, being about a mile and a half from our plantation. But when the two came after, they could not find them, nor hear any thing of them at all, though they hallooed and shouted as loud as they could. So they returned to the company, and told them of it. Whereupon Master Carver,^ and three or four more below zero. Had it been so when cattle in 1G27, with Martha and the Pilgrims landed, they must Mary Brown, the former of whom have perished from cold. See was probably his wife, and the lat- Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. 196, and ter his daughter. Thacher's Plymouth, p, 27. ' In the original, Leaver ; un- ' Hip-bone. questionably a typographical error. * Goodman and Brown both had There is no sucii name as Leaver lots assigned them in Leyden-street, among the signers of the Compact, in 1620. Nothing more is known and it is not at all probable that of Goodman, except that he died one of the ship's crew would be before the end of March. Brown distinguished by the title of Mr. had also an acre assigned him in or be sent on such an errand, the division of the lands in 1623, This error escaped the acute obser- and a share in the division of the vation of Prince, who copies the TWO OF THEM LOST IN THE WOODS. |75 went to seek them ; but could hear nothing of them. chap. So they returning, sent more ; but that night they ^J^ could hear nothing at all of them. The next day 1 621. they armed ten or twelve men out, verily thinking 12. the Indians had surprised them. They went seeking seven or eight miles ; but could neither see nor hear any thing at all. So they returned, with much dis- comfort to us all. These two that were missed at dinner time, took their meat in their hands, and would go walk and re- fresh themselves. So going a little off, they find a lake of water,^ and having a great mastiff bitch with them and a spaniel, by the water side they found a great deer.^ The dogs chased him ; and they followed so far as they lost themselves, and they could not find the way back. They wandered all that afternoon, being wet ; and at night it did freeze and snow. They were slenderly apparelled, and had no weapons but each one his sickle, nor any victuals. They ranged up and down and could find none of the salvages' hab- itations. When it drew to night, they were much per- passage, p. 183. Edward Wins- > Probably Murdock's Pond, about low, at the end of his Preface to the half a mile from the village, in the Reader in his Good News from rear of Burial hill. It is a deep, New England, says, "some faults round pond. A brook, called Little have escaped because I could not Brook, issues from it, and crossing attend on the press." This pro- the west road, unites with Town bably was also the case with this brook. See Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. Relation. It was sent over to 181, and Thacher's Plymouth, George Morton, who not being in p. 320. London, where it was printed, did ^ The fallow deer still run in the not correct the proof sheets. He extensive woods of Plymouth, a probably put it into the hands of district of country nearly twenty one of the merchant adventurers, miles square. In Jan. 1831, 160 who got it printed. It is not sur- were killed and 40 taken alive. In prising that some mistakes should Feb. 1839, a deer chased by the have been made by the printer in dogs, came into the streets of the deciphering the MS. See note on village, and was caught in the front page 113. This will account for yard of the Hon. N. M. Davis's Morton's name, as well as Carver's, house. See Thacher's Plymouth, and Williams's being misspelt. p. 314. 176 ROARING OF LIONS. CHAP, plexed ; for they could find neither harbour nor meat ; but, in frost and snow, were forced to make the earth 16 21. their bed and the element their covering. And another thing did very much terrify them ; they heard, as they thought, two lions ' roaring exceedingly for a long time together, and a third that they thought was very near them. So not knowing what to do, they resolved to climb up into a tree, as their safest refuge, though that would prove an intolerable cold lodging. So they stood at the tree's root, that when the lions came , they might take their opportunity of climbing up. The bitch they were fain to hold by the neck, for she would have been gone to the lion. But it pleased God so to dispose, that the wild beasts came not. So they walked up and down under the tree all night. It was an extreme cold night. So soon as it was light, they travelled again, passing by many lakes ^ and brooks Jan. 13. ' Several of the first settlers of New England supposed that the lion existed here. liigginson, in his New-England's Plantation says, " For beasts, there are some bears, and they say some lions also ; for they have been seen at Cape Ann." Wood, in his New-England's Pros- pect, ch.GjSays, " Concerning lions I will not say that I ever saw any myself; but some afRrm that they have seen a lion at Cape Ann. Some likewise being lost in the woods, have heard such terrible roarings, as have made them much aghast ; which must be either de- vils or lions ; there being no other creatures which use to roar, saving bears, which have not such a terri- ble kind of roaring." Josselyn, in his New-England's Rarities, p. 21, says, " The Jackal is a creature that hunts the lion's prey, a shrewd sign that there are lions upon the conti- nent. There are those that are yet living in the country that do constantly affirm, that about 36 or 37 years since, an Indian shot a young lion, sleeping upon the body of an oak blown up by the roots, with an arrow, not far from Cape Ann, and sold the skin to the Eng- lish." Lechford, too, in his Plain Dealing, p. 47, and Johnson, in his Wonderworking Providence, b. ii. ch. 21, mention the lion among the beasts of New England. Vander- donck also enumerates lions among the wild animals of New Nether- lands. But Morton, in his New English Canaan, ch. 5, remarks, " Lions there are none in New Eng- land ; it is contrary to the nature of the beast to frequent places accus- tomed to snow." Dr. Freeman ob- serves, that Goodman and Brown, coming from England, where both the lion and the wolf are unknown, might easily, under the impression of fear, mistake the howling of the one for the roaring of the other. "Plymouth abounds with ponds, that would be called lakes in Eng- land. It is supposed that within THE COMMON HOUSE BURNT. 177 and woods, and in one place where the salvages had chap. burnt the space of j&ve miles in length, which is a fine — -i^ champaign country, and even.^ In the afternoon, it lesi. pleased God from a high hill they discovered the two^ isles in the bay, and so that night got to the plantation, being ready to faint with travail and want of victuals, and almost famished with cold. John Goodman was fain to have his shoes cut off his feet, they were so swelled with cold ; and it was a long while after ere he was able to go. Those on the shore were much comforted at their return ; but they on shipboard were grieved at deeming them lost. But the next day, being the 14th of January, in the Jan. morning about six of the clock, the wind being very great, they on shipboard spied their great new rendez- vous on fire ; which was to them a new discomfort, fearing, because of the supposed loss of the men, that the salvages had fired them. Neither could they pre- sently go to them for want of water. But after three quarters of an hour they went, as they had purposed the day before to keep the Sabbath on shore,^ because now there was the greater number of people. At their landing they heard good tidings of the return of the two men, and that the house was fired occasionally by a spark that flew into the thatch, which instantly burnt it all up ; but the roof stood, and little hurt. The most loss was Master Carver's and William Bradford's,^ who the bounds of the town there are bath which they kept on shore. more than two hundred. See Prince, p. 169, adduces no authority Mass. Hist. Coil. xiii. 180, and for his assertion, that "the 31st of Thacher's Plymouth, p. 320. Dec. seems to be the first day that * A plain commences two miles any keep the sabbath in the place from the town, and extends six of their building." miles southwest. F. * The omission of Mr. before ^ See note^ on page 163. Bradford's name in this place, and ' This seems to be the first sab- on pages 126, 136, 149, and else- 23 178 A SHED BUILT FOR THE PROVISIONS. CHAP, then lay sick in bed, and if they had not risen with ^-U^ good speed, had been blown up with powder ; but, 162 1. through God's mercy, they had no harm. The house was as full of beds as they could lie one by another, and their muskets charged ; but, blessed be God, there was no harm done. Jan. Monday, the 15th day, it rained much all day, that they on shipboard could not go on shore, nor they on shore do any labor, but were all wet. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, were very fair, sunshiny days, as if it had been in April ; and our people, so many as were in health, wrought cheerfully. 19. The 19th day we resolved to make a shed to put our common provision in, of which some were already set on shore ; but at noon it rained, that we could not work. This day, in the evening, John Goodman went abroad to use his lame feet, that were pitifully ill with the cold he had got, having a little spaniel with him. A little way from the plantation two great wolves ran after the dog ; the dog ran to him and betwixt his legs for succour. He had nothing in his hand, but took up a stick and threw at one of them and hit him, and they presently ran both away, but came again. He got a pale-board in his hand ; and they sat both on their tails grinning at him a good while ; and went their way and left him. 20. Saturday, 20th, we made up our shed for our common goods. 21. Sunday, the 21st, we kept our meeting on land. 22. Monday, the 22d, was a fair day. We wrought on where, whilst it is prefixed to the this Relation was written by Brad- names of persons unquestionably his ford. If any other person had been inferiors, as Mr. Christopher Martin, the author, he would have prefixed p. 171, is a strong presumption that Mr. to Bradford's name. COLD, FROSTY WEATHER. 179 our houses ; and in the afternoon carried up our hogs- chap. heads of meal to our common storehouse. The rest . — ^~^ of the week we followed our business likewise. i62i. Monday, the 29th, in the morning, cold, frost, and Jan. sleet ; but after reasonable fair. Both the long-boat and the shallop brought our common goods on shore.^ Tuesday and Wednesday, 30th and 31st of January, so, 3i. cold, frosty weather and sleet, that we could not work. In the morning, the master and others saw two sava- ges, that had been on the island near our ship. What they came for we could not tell. They were going ^ so far back again before they were descried, that we could not speak with them. Sunday, the 4th of February, was very wet and Feb. rainy, with the greatest gusts of wind that ever we had since we came forth ; that though we rid in a very good harbour, yet we were in danger, because our ship was light, the goods taken out, and she un- ballasted ; and it caused much daubing ^ of our houses to fall down. Friday, the 9th, still the cold weather continued, 9. that we could do little work. That afternoon, our little house for our sick people was set on fire by a spark that kindled in the roof; but no great harm was done. That evening, the master going ashore, killed five geese, which he friendly distributed among the sick people. He found also a good deer killed. The savages had cut off the horns, and a wolf was eating of him. How he came there we could not conceive. * "Jan. 29, dies Rose, the wife 'Their houses were probably of Captain Standish. N. B. This log-huts, thatched, and the inter- month eight of our number die." slices filled with clay. Bradford, in Prince, p. 184. ^ Probably a typographical error for ffonc. 180 TWO INDIANS MAKE THEIR APPEARANCE. CHAP. Friday, the 16th, was a fair day; but the northerly __.!_ wind continued, which continued the frost. This day, 162 1. after noon, one of our people being a fowling, and Feb, 16.' having taken a stand by a creek side in the reeds, about a mile and a half from our plantation, there came by him twelve Indians, marching towards our plantation, and in the woods he heard the noise of many more. He lay close till they were passed, and then with what speed he could he went home and gave the alarm. So the people abroad in the woods returned and arm- ed themselves, but saw none of them ; only, toward the evening, they made a great fire about the place where they were first discovered. Captain Miles Standish and Francis Cooke being at work in the woods, coming home left their tools behind them ; but before they returned, their tools were taken away by the savasjes. This coming of the savasjes orave us occasion to keep more strict watch, and to make our pieces and furniture ready, which by the moisture and rain were out of temper. 17. Saturday, the 17th day, in the morning, we called a meeting for the establishing of military orders among ourselves ; and we chose Miles Standish our captain, and gave him authority of command in affairs. And as we were in consultation hereabouts, two savages presented themselves upon the top of a hilV over against our plantation, about a quarter of a mile and less, and made signs unto us to come unto them ; we likewise made signs unto them to come to us. Where- upon we armed ourselves and stood ready, and sent ^Watson's Hill, called by the levelled in 1814, Indian relics of first settlers Strawberry Hill. The various kinds were found. See Indian name was Cantaugcanteest. Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 177. When the summit of the hill was THE ARTILLERY PLANTED ON THE HILL. 181 two over the brook ^ towards them, to wit, Captain chap. Standish and Steven Hopkins,^ who went towards 1^ them. Only one of them had a musket, which they i62i. laid down on the ground in their sight, in sign of peace, and to parley with them. But the savages would not tarry their coming. A noise of a great many more was heard behind the hill ; but no more came in sight. This caused us to plant our great ordnances in places most convenient. Wednesday, the 21st of February,^ the master came Feb. on shore, with many of his sailors, and brought with him one of the great pieces, called a minion,^ and helped us to draw it up the hill, with another piece that lay on shore, and mounted them, and a sailer, and two bases. He brought witli him a very fat goose to eat with us, and we had a fat crane and a mallard, and a dried neat's tongue ; and so we were kindly and friendly together. Saturday, the 3d of March, the wind was south, the Mar. morning misty, but towards noon warm and fair ^' weather. The birds sang in the woods most plea- santly. At one of the clock it thundered, which was ' The Town Brook. See note* Morton, in his Memorial, p. 50, as on page 172. " a man pious and well deserving, ' See note ^ on page 126. endowed also with a considerable * " February 21. Die Mr. Wil- outward estate; and had it been liam White, INIr. William Mullins, the will of God that he had sur- with two more ; and the 25th dies vived, might have proved a useful Mary, the wife of Mr. Isaac Allerton. instrument in his place." N. B. This month seventeen of our * The minion was a piece of number die." Bradford, in Prince, ordnance, the bore of which was p. 184. Mullins and White were 3 1-4 inches diameter. The saher the 10th and 11th signers of the (for which sailer is probably a Compact ; each of them brought misprint,) was a larger gun, the his wife over, and each had three diameter of which at the bore was others, probably children, in his from 3 1-2 to 4 inches; and the family. White was the father of base was the smallest sort of artil- the first child born in New Eng- lery, the diameter of whose bore land, as mentioned on page 148. was only 1 1-4 inch. See Crabb's William Mullins is described by Univ. Tech. Diet. 182 WELCOME, SAMOSET ! CHAP, the first we heard in that country. It was strong and great claps, but short ; but after an hour it rained 162 1. very sadly till midnight. Mar. Wednesday, the 7th of March, the wind was full • east, cold, but fair. That day Master Carver, with five others, went to the great ponds,^ which seem to be excellent fishing places. All the way they went they found it exceedingly beaten, and haunted with deer ; but they saw none. Amongst other fowl they saw one, a milk-white fowl, with a very black head. This day some garden seeds were sown. 16. Friday, the 16th, a fair warm day towards.^ This morning we determined to conclude of the military orders, which we had begun to consider of before, but were interrupted by the savages, as we mentioned formerly. And whilst we were busied hereabout, we were interrupted again ; for there presented himself a savage, which caused an alarm. He very boldly came all alone, and along the houses, straight to the rendez- vous ; where we intercepted him, not suffering him to go in,^ as undoubtedly he would out of his boldness. He saluted us in English, and bade us " Welcome /^^ for he had learned some broken English among the Eng- lishmen that came to fish at Monhiggon,^ and knew by name the most of the captains, commanders, and masters, that usually come.^ He was a man free in ^ Billington Sea. ■• Monhegan, an island on the * Perhaps the word noon M'as coast of Maine, between the Ken- here accidentally omitted. nebec and the Penobscot, and about * They were unwilling he should 12 miles distant from the shore. It see how few and weak they were, was an early and favorite place of They had already lost nearly half resort for the English fishermen. of their number, and had the In- See Williamson's Maine, i. 61. dians attacked them in their sickly ^ Seeing the Mayflower in the and enfeebled state, they would harbour, he no doubt took her for a have fallen an easy prey. fishing-vessel. This explains his DESCRIPTION OP SAMOSET. 183 speech, so far as he could express his mind, and of a chap. seemly carriage. We questioned him of many things ; .JJ^ he was the first savage we could meet withal. He 1621. . Mar. said he was not of these parts, but of Morattiggon,^ 16. and one of the sagamores or lords thereof; and had been eight months in these parts, it lying hence a day's sail with a great wind, and five days by land. He discoursed ^ of the whole country, and of every prov- ince, and of their sagamores, and their number of men and strength. The wind beginning to rise a little, we cast a horseman's coat about him ; for he was stark naked, only a leather about his waist, with a fringe about a span long or little more. He had a bow and two arrows, the one headed, and the other unheaded. He was a tall, straight man, the hair of his head black, long behind, only short before, none on his face at all. He asked some beer, but we gave him strong water, and biscuit, and butter, and cheese, and pudding, and a piece of mallard ; all which he liked well, and had been acquainted with such amongst the English. He told us the place where we now live is called Patuxet, and that about four years ago all the inhabit- ants died of an extraordinary plague,^ and there is boldness in coming directly to more intercourse with the natives, them. says, " As for the language, it is ' Morattiggon. I know not what very copious, large, and difficult. part of the country this was meant As yet we cannot attain to any to designate. Perhaps it is an error great measure thereof, but can un- for Monhiggon. Samoset evidently derstand them, and explain our- was desirous of magnifying his own selves to their understanding by importance, in giving the Pilgrims the help of those that daily con- to understand that he was a saga- verse with us." more. ^ All the early writers on New ^ It is difficult to conceive how England agree, that for three or they could converse together so as four years previous to the arrival to be mutually understood. Ed- of the Pilgrims, a deadly pestilence ward Winslovv, in his Good News had raged all along the seaboard, from New England, written two from the Penobscot to Narraganset years afterwards, when they had had Bay. The two tribes dwelling at 184 THE INDIAN PLAGUE. nor child remaining, as indeed CHAP, neitlier man, woman, X ._-L. we have found none ; so as there is none to hinder our 1621, Mar. 16. possession, or to lay claim unto it. All the afternoon we spent in communication with him. We would gladly have been rid of him at night, but he was not willing to go this night. Then we thought to carry these extremes, as well as the Nau- set Indians, on Cape Cod, escaped, whilst the intermediate inhabitants were almost entirely swept off. Some tribes were nearly extinct ; the Massachusetts, in particular, are said to have been reduced from 30,000 to 300 fighting men. Capt. Dermer, who was here in 1619, says, " I passed along the coast where I found some ancient plan- tations, not long since populous, now utterly void. In other places a remnant remains, but not free of sickness; their disease the plague, for we might perceive the sores of some that had escaped, who de- scribed the spots of such as usually die." Higginson, in his New Eng- land's Plantation, printed in 1630, says, " Their subjects above twelve years since, were swept away by a great and grievous plague that was amongst them, so that there are very few left to inhabit the coun- try." Morton, in his New English Canaan, b. i. ch. 3, says, " Some few years before the English came to inhabit at New Plymouth, the hand of God fell heavily upon the natives, with such a mortal stroke, that they died on heaps. In a place where many inhabited, there hath been but one left alive to tell what became of the rest ; and the bones and skulls upon the several places of their habitations made such a spectacle after my coming into these parts, that as I travelled in that forest, near the Massachusetts, it seemed to me a new-found Gol- gotha. This mortality was not ended when the Brownists of New Plymouth were settled at Patuxet, and by all likelihood the sickness that these Indians died of was the plague, as by conference with them since my arrival and habitation in these parts I have learned." John- son, in his Wonderworking Provi- dence, b. i. ch. 8, says, " About the year 1618, a little before the remo- val of that church of Christ from Holland to Plymouth in New Eng- land, as the ancient Indians report, there befell a great mortality among them, chiefly desolating those places where the English afterwards plant- ed ; their disease being a sore con- sumption, sweeping away whole families, but chiefly young men and children, the very seeds of increase." " What this disease was," says Gookin, who wrote in 1674, " that so generally and mor- tally swept away the Indians, I cannot well learn. Doubtless it was some pestilential disease. I have discoursed with some old In- dians, that were then youths, who say that the bodies all over were exceeding yellow, describing it by a yellow garment they showed me, both before they died, and after- wards." " There are some old planters," says Increase Mather, Avriting in 1677, " surviving to this day, who helped to bury the dead Indians, even whole families of them all dead at once." See Pur- chas, iv. 1778 ; Mass. Hist. Coll. i. 122, 148, xii.66 ; Hutchinson, i. 34. In the Great Patent of New Eng- land, granted Nov. 3, 1620, the des- olating effects of this pestilence are assigned by King James as a reason for granting it. " We have been further given certainly to know, that within these late years there hath, by God's visitation, THE NAUSITES. 185 Mar. 17. him on shipboard, wherewith he was well content, chap. and went into the shallop ; but the wind was high . — l^ and the water scant, that it could not return back. i6 2i. We lodged him that night at Steven Hopkins's house,^ and watched him. The next day he went away back to the Masasoits, from whence he said he came, who are our next bor- dering neighbours. They are sixty strong, as he saith. The Nausites are as near, southeast of them, and are a hundred strong ; and those were they of whom our people were encountered, as we before re- lated. They are much incensed and provoked against the English ; and about eight months ago slew three Englishmen, and two more hardly escaped by flight to Monhiggon. They were Sir Ferdinando Gorge's ^ reigned a wonderful plague amongst the savages there heretofore inha- biting, in a manner to the utter destruction, devastation, and de- population of that whole territory, so as there is not left, for many leagues together, in a manner, any that do claim or challenge any kind of interest therein ; whereby we, in our judgment, are persuaded and satisfied that the appointed time is come in which Almighty God, in his great goodness and bounty to- wards us and our people, hath thought fit and determined, that these large and goodly territories, deserted as it were by their natural inhabitants, should be possessed and enjoyed by such of our subjects and people as shall by his mercy and favor, and by his powerful arm, be directed and conducted thither." Plymouth Colony Laws, p. 3. Plutchinson, in his Hist, of Mass. i. 35, remarks, " Our ancestors sup- posed an immediate interposition of Providence in the great mortality among the Indians, to make room for the settlement of the English. 24 I am not inclined to credulity, but should not we go into the contrary extreme if we were to take no notice of the extinction of this peo- ple in all parts of the continent ? In some the English have made use of means the most likely to have prevented it ; but all to no purpose. Notwithstanding their frequent ruptures with the English, very few comparatively have pe- rished by wars. They waste, they moulder away, and, as Charlevoix says of the Indians of Canada, they disappear." ' See note ^ on page 126. ^ The English, not understanding Samoset perfectly, supposed that by Massasoit he meant an Indian tribe ; but this was the name of the great sagamore, as appears after- wards. F. * See the Life of Sir Ferdinando Gorges in Belknap's Am. Biog. i. 346 — 393, and his Brief Narration, in Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvi. 45 — 93. In this work, p. 63, he mentions an attack that was made in July, 1020, by the Indians of Martha's Vine- yard on Capt. Dermer and his com. 186 HUNT, THE KIDNAPPER. CHAP, men, as this savage told us ; as he did hkewise of the - J-^ huggery, that is, fight, that our discoverers had with 162 1. the Nausites, and of our tools that were taken out of the woods, which we willed him should be brought again ; otherwise we would right ourselves. These people are ill affected towards the English by reason of one Hunt,^ a master of a ship, who deceived the people and got them, under color of trucking with them, twenty out of this very place where we inhabit, and seven men from the Nausites, and carried them away, and sold them for slaves, like a wretched man (for twenty pound a man,) that cares not what mis- chief he doth for his profit. Mar. Saturday, in the morninof, we dismissed the sal- 17 . . ^ vage, and gave him a knife, a bracelet, and a ring. He promised within a night or two to come again and to bring with him some of the Massasoyts, our neighbours, with such beavers' skins as they had to truck with us. 18. Saturday and Sunday reasonable fair days. On this day came again the savage, and brought with him five other tall, proper men. They had every man a deer's pany, whom he had sent over to ence in the accounts of the number New England. Dermer lost all of the natives which he thus seized his men but one, and received four- and carried off. The President teen wounds in this encounter ; and Council of New England, in which took place just eight months their Brief Relation of its Disco- before ; and there can hardly be a very and Plantation, state the num- doubt that these were the " Sir ber as 2-1 ; Gorges mentions 30 ; Ferdinando Gorge's men," men- whilst Capt. John Smith says 27, tioned in the text. Dermer had agreeing with the number men- previously been at Nautican, or tioned in the text. Hunt carried Nauset. See Prince's Annals, pp. these Indians to Spain, where they 157, 186. were humanely rescued and set at ^ The name of this Captain Hunt liberty by the monks of Malaga. has come down to us loaded with Several of them got over to Eng- deserved infamy, as the first kid- land, and proved of essential ser- napper and slave-dealer on the coast vice to Gorges. See Mass. Hist, of North America. There is a differ- Coll. xix. 6, xxvi. 58, 61, 132, DESCRIPTION OF THE INDIANS. 187 skin on him, and the principal of them had a wild cat's chap. skin, or such like, on the one arm. They had most of them long hosen^ up to their oroins, close made, and i62i. .... Mar. above their groins to their waist another leather ; they i8. were altogether like the Irish trousers.^ They are of complexion like our English gipseys ; no hair or very little on their faces ; on their heads long hair to their shoulders, only cut before ; some trussed up before with a feather, broad-wise, like a fan ; another a fox tail, hanging out. These left (according to our charge given him before) their bows and arrows a quarter of a mile from our town. We gave them entertainment as we thought was fitting them. They did eat liberally of our English victuals. They made semblance unto us of friendship and amity. They sang and danced after their manner, like antics. They brought with them in a thing hke a bow-case, (which the principal of them had about his waist,) a little of their corn pounded to powder, which, put to a little water, they eat.'' He ' Leggins. days with no other food but this ''Morton, in his New English meal, which he eateth as he needs, Canaan, b. i. ch. 6, says, " Of such and after it drinketh water. And deer's skins as they dress bare, they for this end, when they travel a make stocking-s, that come within journey, or go a hunting, they carry their shoes, like a stirrup stocking, this nokake in a basket or bag, for and is fastened above at their belt, their use." Gookin, in Mass. Hist, which is about their middle. When Coll. i. 150. — '■'■ Nokehich, parched they have their apparel on, they meal, which is a ready, very whole- look like Irish, in their trousers, some food, which they eat with a the stockings join so to their little water, hot or cold. I have breeches." Wood, in his New travelled with near two hundred England's Prospect, part ii. ch. 5, of them at once, near a hundred says, " In the winter time the more miles through the woods, every aged of them wear leather drawers, man carrying a little basket of this in form like Irish trousers, fast- at his back, and sometimes in a ened under their girdles with but- hollow leather girdle about his tons." middle, sufficient for a man three ^ " The Indians make a certain or four days. With this ready pro- sort of meal of parched maize, vision, and their bows and arrows. This meal they call nokahe. It is are they ready for war and travel so sweet, toothsome, and hearty, at an hour's warning. With a that an Indian will travel many spoonful of this meal, and a spoon- 188 THE INDIANS' USE OP TOBACCO. CHAP, had a little tobacco in a bag ; but none of them . — — ' drank ^ but when he hked. Some of them had their 1^21. faces painted black, from the forehead to the chin, four Mar. ^ 18. or five fingers broad ; others after other fashions, as they liked. They brought three or four skins ; but we ful of water from the brook, have I made many a good dinner and sup- per." Roger Wilhams's Key, in Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 208.— "If their imperious occasions cause them to travel, the best of their victuals for their journey is nocake, (as they call it,) which is nothing but Indian corn parched in the hot ashes. The ashes being sifted from it, it is afterwards beat to powder, and put into a long leathern bag, trussed at their backs like a knap- sack, out of which they take thrice three spoonfuls a day, dividing it into three meals. If it be in win- ter, and snow be on the ground, they can eat when they please, stopping snow after their dusty victuals. In summer they must stay till they meet with a spring or brook, when they may have water to prevent the imminent danger of choking. With this strange via- ticum, they will travel four or five days together, with loads fitter for elephants than men." Wood's New England's Prospect, part ii. ch. 6. ' That is, smoked. This was formerly a common expression. Thus Brereton, in his Journal of Gosnold's Voyage, says, " they gave us also of their tobacco, which ihey drink green, but dried into powder, very strong and pleasant." Rosier, in his account of Weymouth's Voyage to New England, in 1605, reprinted in Mass. Hist. Coll. xxviii. 142, says, " We drank of their excellent tobacco, as much as we would, with them ; but we saw not any great quantity to truck for, and it seemed they had not much left of old, for they spend a great quantity yearly by their continual drinking." Johnson, in his Wonderworking Providence, b. i. ch. 41, mentions a lusty man, (doubtless Underbill,) who held forth to his pastor before the whole congregation, that the spirit of revelation came to him as he was drinking a pipe of tobacco." In the Records of Plymouth Colo- ny, under the year 1646, is the fol- lowing entry. " Anthony Thacher and George Pole were chosen a committee to draw up an order concerning disorderly drinking to- bacco." — This use of language was probably descriptive of the manner in which the weed was formerly inhaled, and which still prevails in the East. Lane, in his account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern p]gyptians, i. 187, says, " In smoking, the people of Egypt, and of other countries of the East, draw in their breath freely, so that much of the smoke descends into the lungs ; and the terms which they use to express ' smoking to- bacco ' signify ' drinking smoke,' or ' drinking tobacco.' " Winslow, in his Good News from New England, says, " The men take much tobacco." Roger Williams, in his Key, chs. ii. and XX. says, " They generally all take tobacco, and it is the only plant which men labor in, the women managing all the rest. They say they take tobacco for two causes ; first, against the rheum, which causeth the toothache, which they are impatient of; secondly, to re- vive and refipsh them, they drink- ing nothing but water. Their to- bacco bag hangs at their neck, or sticks at their girdle, and is to them instead of an English pocket." INTERCOURSE WITH THE NATIVES. 189 would not truck with them at all that day,^ but chap. wished them to bring more, and we would truck for . — ^^ all ; which they promised within a night or two, and i6 2i. would leave these behind them, though we were not jg. willing they should ; and they brought us all our tools again, which were taken in the woods, in our men's absence. So, because of the day, we dismissed them so soon as we could. But Samoset, our first acquaint- ance, either was sick or feigned himself so, and would not go with them, and stayed with us till Wednesday morning. Then we sent him to them, to know the reason they came not according to their words ; and we gave him a hat, a pair of stockings and shoes, a shirt, and a piece of cloth to tie about his waist. The Sabbath day, when we sent them from us, we gave every one of them some trifles, especially the principal of them. We carried them, along with our arms, to the place where they left their bows and ar- rows ; whereat they were amazed, and two of them began to slink away, but that the other called them. When they took their arrows we bade them farewell, and they were glad ; and so, with many thanks given us, they departed, with promise they would come again. Monday and Tuesday proved fair days. We dig- 19, 20. ged our grounds and sowed our garden seeds. Wednesday a fine warm day. We sent away Sa- 21. moset. That day we had again a meeting to conclude of laws and orders for ourselves, and to confirm those military orders that were formerly propounded, and twice broken off" by the savages' coining. But so we were again the third time ; for after we had been an ' It was Sunday. 190 SaUANTO. CHAP, hour together, on the top of the hilP over against us .^ .1^ two or three savages presented themselves, that made 162 1. semblance of daring us, as we thought. So Captain Standish with another, with their muskets, went over to them, with two of the master's mates that follows them without arms,^ having two muskets with them. They whetted and rubbed their arrows and strings, and made show of defiance ; but when our men drew near them, they ran away. Thus were we again interrupted by them. This day, with much ado, we got our carpenter, that had been long sick of the scurvy, to fit our shallop to fetch all from aboard. Thursday, the 22d of March, was a very fair, warm day. About noon we met again about our public bu- siness. But we had scarce been an hour together, but Samoset came again, and Squanto,^ the only native Mar. 22. ' Tlie same hill on which the two Indians appeared, Feb. 17. See note on page 180. ^ By arms must be here meant side aims, swords, &c., as it is stated they had mir.ikets. ^ Also called Squantum, or Tis- quanlum. There is some discre- pancy in the early accounts of Squanto's captivity. Gorges, in his Brief Narration, ch. 2, says that "there happened to come into the harbour of Plymouth, where I then commanded, one Captain Wey- mouth, who happened into a river on the coast of America, called Pemmaquid, (the Penobscot,) from whence he brought five of the na- tives, three of whose names were Manida, Sketwarroes, and Tas- quantura, whom I seized upon. They were all of one nation, but of several parts and several families." This was in 1605. But the Gov- ernor and Council for New Eng- land, in their Relation, printed in 1622, say, " It pleased God to send into our hands Tasquantum, one of those savages that formerly had been betrayed by this unworthy Hunt before named. But this sav- age being at that time in New- foundland, Master Dermer, who was there also, found the means to give us intelligence of him, and his opinion of the good use that might be made of his employment." Der- mer took Tisquantum with him to England, and on his return to New England in the spring of 1619, brought him back to his native country. In a letter dated Dec. 27, of that year, he says, " When I ar- rived at my savage's native coun- try, finding all dead, I travelled almost a day's journey westward to a place called Nummastaquyt, (Namasket,) where finding inhabit- ants, I despatched a messenger a day's journey further west to Po- conaokit, which bordercth on the sea ; whence came to see me two kings, attended with a guard of fifty armed men, who being well satisfied with that my savage and I discoursed unto them, being de- MASSASOIT. 191 of Patuxet, where we now inhabit, who was one of chap. A.. the twenty captives that by Hunt were carried away, and had been in England, and dwelt in Cornhill with ^^\^^- ® ' Mar. Master John Slanie,^ a merchant, and could speak a 22. little English, with three others ; and they brought with them some few skins to truck, and some red her- rings, newly taken and dried, but not salted ; and sig- nified unto us, that their great sagamore, Masasoyt,'^ was hard by, with Quadequina, his brother, and all their men. They could not express well in English what they would f but after an hour the king came to the top of a hill '^ over against us, and had in his train sixty men, that we could well behold them, and they us. We were not willing to send our governor to them, and they were ^ unwilling to come to us. So sirous of novelty, gave me content in whatsoever I demanded." These two kings were imdoubtedly Mas- sasoit and Quadequina. On going to Virginia, in June, Dermer left Tisquantum at Sawahquatooke, now Saco, whence he probably re- turned to Patuxet and Namasket. In another letter, dated June 30, 1620, Dermer says, " Squanto can- not deny but that the Pocanokets would have killed me when I was at Namassaket, had he not entreat- ed hard for me." See Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvi. 50, 62, xix. 7, 10, 13 ; Purchas, iv. 1778 ; Morton's Me- morial, pp. 55 — 59. The beautiful promontory in Quin- cy, near Thompson's island, will perpetuate the name of this early friend of the Pilgrims. They prob- ably called it after him in their first expedition to the Massachusetts in 1621, when he accompanied them as interpreter. This is probably the same place which is called Squanto's Chapel, by Morton, in his New English Canaan, b. ii. chs. 6 and 8. " ' The worshipful John Slany, of London, merchant," was one of the undertakers of the Newfound- land plantation, and treasurer of the Company. He probably sent Squanto to Newfoundland. See Whitebourne's Newfoundland, p. V. and Purchas, iv. 1876, 1888. ^ Prince says, in his Annals, p. 187, " The printed accounts gene- rally spell him Massasoit ; Gov. Bradford writes him Massasoyt and Massasoyet ; but I find the ancient people, from their fathers in Ply- mouth Colony, pronounce his name Ma-sas-so-it." It will be seen hereafter that Winslow writes it Massassowat. The sachem, in con- formity with a prevailing cus- tom among the Indians, afterwards changed his name, and took that of Owsamequin or Woosamequen. See his Life in B. B. Thatcher's Indian Biography, i. 117 — 140, and in S. G. Drake's Book of the Indi- ans, b. ii. 17 — 29. ^ See note - on page 183. 4 Watson's hill, mentioned twice before on pages 180 and 190. * The word ivcr'e was accident- ally omitted in the original. 192 WINSLOW'S PARLEY WITH MASSASOIT. CHAP. Squanto went again unto him, who brought word that we should send one to parley with him, which we 162 1. (Ji(^[^ which was Edward Wins! oe, to know his mind, Mar. and signify the mind and will of our governor, which was to have trading and peace with him. We sent to the king a pair of knives, and a copper chain with a jewel at it. To Quadequina we sent likewise a knife, and a jewel to hang in his ear, and withal a pot of strong water, a good quantity of biscuit, and some butter ; which were all wilhngly accepted. Our messenger made a speech unto him, that King James saluted him with words of love and peace, and did accept of him as his friend and ally ; and that our governor desired to see him and to truck with him, and to confirm a peace with him, as his next neigh- bour. He liked well of the speech, and heard it atten- tively, though the interpreters did not well express it. After he had eaten and drunk himself, and given the rest to his company, he looked upon our messenger's sword and armor, which he had on, with intimation of his desire to buy it ; but, on the other side, our mes- senger showed his unwillingness to part with it. In the end, he left him in the custody of Quadequina, his brother, and came over the brook, and some twenty men following him, leaving all their bows and arrows behind them. We kept six or seven as hostages for our messenger. Captain Standish and Master Wil- liamson^ met the king at the brook, with half a dozen musketeers. They saluted him, and he them ; so one ' There was a Thomas Wil- Standish in this duty. Perhaps it liams, but no person of the name of should read Master Allerton, as we Williamson, among- the signers of find that he went with Standish the the Compact. It is probably an next day. See p. 195. See also error of the press. It is very un- note on page 113, and note ^ on likely that any one of the ship's page 174. Williams was dead be- company would be associated with fore the end of March. TREATY OP PEACE WITH MASSASOIT. 193 soiiiff over, the one on the one side, and the other on chap. is X. the other, conducted him to a house then in building, where we placed a orreen rus; and three or four cush- 1621. Mar ions. Then instantly came our governor, with drum 22. and trumpet after him, and some few musketeers. After salutations, our governor kissing his hand, the king kissed him ; and so they sat down. The governor called for some strong water, and drunk to him ; and he drunk a great draught, that made him sweat all the while after. He called for a little fresh meat, which the king did eat willingly, and did give his followers. Then they treated of peace, which was : 1. That neither he nor any of his should injure or do hurt to any of our people. 2. And if any of his did hurt to any of ours, he should send the offender, that we might punish him. 3. That if any of our tools were taken away, when our people were at work, he should cause them to be restored ; and if ours did any harm to any of his, we would do the like to them. 4. If any did unjustly war against him, we would aid him ; if any did war against us, he should aid us. 5. He should send to his neighbour confederates to certify them of this, that they might not wrong us, but might be likewise comprised in the conditions of peace. 6. That when their men came to us, they should leave their bows and arrows behind them, as we should do our pieces when we came to them. Lastly, that doing thus, King James would esteem of him as his friend and ally.^ * " This treaty," sa5fs Belknap, estly intended on both sides, was " the work of one day, bein^ hon- kept with fidelity as long as Mas- 25 194 QUADEGIUINA. CHAP. All which the king seemed to like well, and it was ^--J^ applauded of his followers. All the while he sat by 1621. the governor, he trembled for fear. In his person he 22. is a very lusty man, in his best years, an able body, grave of countenance, and spare of speech ; in his attire little or nothins; differinff from the rest of his followers, only in a great chain of white bone beads about his neck ; and at it, behind his neck, hangs a little bag of tobacco, which he drank, ^ and gave us to drink. His face was painted with a sad red, like mur- rey, and oiled both head and face, that he looked greasily. All his followers likewise were in their faces, in part or in whole, painted, some black, some red, some yellow, and some white, some with crosses, and other antic works ; ^ some had skins on them, and some naked ; all strong, tall men in appearance. So after all was done, the governor conducted him to the brook, and there they embraced each other, and he departed ; we diligently keeping our hostages. We expected our messenger's coming ; but anon word was brought us that Quadequina was coming, and our mes- senger was stayed till his return ; who presently came, and a troop with him. So likewise we entertained him, and conveyed him to the place prepared. He was very fearful of our pieces, and made signs of dis- like, that they should be carried away; whereupon sasoit lived, but was afterwards, remain inviolable. It was accord- in 1675, broken by Pliilip, his sue- ingly ratified and confirmed by cessor." Am Biog. ii. 214. In the government. See Morton's Sept. 1639, Massasoit and his Memorial, p. 210. eldest son, Mooanam, afterwards ' See note ' on page 188. called Wamsutta, and in 1662 by ^ This description corresponds to the English named Alexander, the appearance of Black Hawk and came into the Court at Plymouth Keokuk, and the braves of the and desired that this ancient league Sacs and Foxes, on their visit to and confederacy might stand and Boston in 1837. ISAAC ALLERTON. 195 commandment was given they should be laid away. chap. He was a very proper, tall young man, of a very mod- — -- est and seemly countenance, and he did kindly like of 1 621. our entertainment. So we conveyed him likewise, as we did the king ; but divers of their people stayed still. When he was returned, then they dismissed our messenger. Two of his people would have stayed all night ; but we would not sutler it. One thing I for- got ; the king had in his bosom, hanging in a string, a great long knife. He marvelled much at our trumpet, and some of his men would sound it as well as they could. Samoset and Squanto, they stayed all night with us ; and the king and all his men lay all night in the woods, not above half an Enghsh mile from us, and all their wives and women with them. They said that within eight or nine days they would come and set corn on the other side of the brook, and dwell there all summer ; which is hard by us. That night we kept good watch ; but there was no appearance of danger. The next morning, divers of their people came over Mar. to us, hoping to get some victuals, as we imagined. Some of them told us the king would have some of us come see him. Captain Standish and Isaac Alderton ^ ' Generally spelt Allerton. He trade, and at lenpth left them and was the fifth signer of the Compact settled there. His male posterity on board the Mayflower. After the settled in Maryland. If they be death of his wife Mary, Feb. 25, extinct, Point Alderton, at the cn- 1621, he married, in 1626, Fear, a trance of Boston harbour, which daughter of Elder Brewster. She took, his name, will probably pre- died in 1633, and he then married a serve it many ages." Judge Davis thiid wife, named Johanna. His adds, in his edition of Morton's son Isaac graduated at Harvard New England's Memorial, p. 394, College in 1650. Hutchinson, in ." Like the promontory of Palinurus, his History of Massachusetts, ii. it is respectfully regarded as the 461, says "Isaac Allerton or Al- iiipmorial of an ancient worthy ; derton, tlie first assistant, was em- and the appellation, perpetuating ployed several times to negotiate the memory of a man of the great- matters in England relative to their est commercial enterprise in those 196 THE FIRST LAWS ENACTED. CHAP, went venturously, who were welcomed of him after ^^ — — their manner. He gave them three or four ground- 16 2 1. nuts and some tobacco. We cannot yet conceive but Mar. ... . 23. that he is willing to have peace with us ; for they have seen our people sometimes alone two or three in the woods at work and fowling, whenas they offered them no harm, as they might easily have done ; and espe- cially because he hath a potent adversary, the Narow- higansets, that are at war with him, against whom he thinks we may be some strength to him ; for our pieces are terrible unto them. This morning they stayed till ten or eleven of the clock ; and our governor bid them send the king's kettle, and filled it full of pease, which pleased them well ; and so they w^ent their way. Friday was a very fair day. Samoset and Squanto still remained with us. Squanto went at noon to fish for eels. At night he came home with as many as he could well lift in one hand ; which our people were glad of; they were fat and sweet. He trod them out ^ with his feet, and so caught them with his hands, without any other instrument. This day we proceeded on with our common busi- ness, from which we had been so often hindered by the salvages' coming ; and concluded both of military early times, is most fitly applied, daughter Mary, who married Tho- ' Gaudet cognomine terra.'' ^'' — The mas Cushman, son of Robert, was accurate Hutchinson is for once in alive in 1698, the last survivor of an error. Allerton removed to the passengers in the Mayflower. New Haven in Connecticut, pre- See Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvii. 213 vious to the last of March, 1647, and 301, Professor Kingsley's His- and died there in 1659. We are torical Discourse, p. 92, and Mitch- indebted to the Rev. Leonard Ba- elTs Bridgevvater, p. 356. con, of New Haven, for the disco- * Of the mod ; probably at Eel very of this fact. His conjecture, river, so called from the abundance however, is unfounded that Alleiton of eels which are taken there, left no daughter. It appears from About 150 barrels are annually Hutchinson, ii. 456, compared with caught. See Thacher's Plymouth, Morton's Memorialj p. 381, that his p. 322. CARVER RE-ELECTED GOVERNOR. 197 orders and of some laws ^ and orders as we thought chap. X behooveful for our present estate and condition ; and did hkewise choose ^ our governor for this year, 1 6 2 1. which was Master John Carver, a man well approved amongst us.^ [March 24. Dies Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Ed- Mar. ward Winslow. N. B. This month thirteen of our number die. And in three months past, dies half our company ; the greatest part in the depth of winter, ' In 1636 a code of laws was made, with a preamble containing an account of the settlement of the Colony. This Code was revised in 1658, and again in 1671, and print- ed with this title, " The Book of the General Laws of the Inhabit- ants of the Jurisdiction of New Plymouth." In 1685, a new digest of them was published. In 1836 these several codes were collected and digested into one volume by William Brigham, Esq. Counsellor at Law, agreeably to a Resolve of the Legislatuie of Massachusetts. It serves to illustrate the condition of the Colony at different periods, the manners, wants, and senti- ments of our forefathers, the diffi- culties with which they struggled, and the remedies provided for their relief .See Mass. Hist. Coll. xxii. 265, 270. Gov. Hutchinson, with unac- countable carelessness, has assert- ed, ii. 163, that "they never estab- lished any distinct code or body of laws ; " grounding his assertion on a passage in Hubbard's Hist, of N. England, which implies no such thing. The quotation, imperfectly given by Hutchinson, is correctly as follows: "The laws they in- tended to be governed by were the laws of Enoland, the which they were willing to be subject unto, though in a foreign land ; and have since that time continued in that mind for the general, adding only some particular municipal laws of their own, suitable to their consti- tution, in such cases where the coinmon laws and statutes of Eng- land could not well reach, or afford them help in emergent difficulties of the place ; possibly on the same ground that Pacuvius sometimes advised his neighbours of Capua not to cashier their old magistrates till they could agree upon better to place in their room. So did these choose to abide by the laws of Eng- land, till they could be provided of better." Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. 242 ; Mass Hist. Coll. xv. 62. ^ " Or rather confirm." Bradford in Prince, p. 188. It will be recol- lected that Carver had been chosen governor on the 11th of November, the same day on which the Com- pact was signed. It was now the 23d of March, and the new year beginning on the 25lh, according to the calendar then in use. Carver was reelected for the ensuing year. The question has sometimes been asked. Why was not Brewster cho- sen ? The answer is given by Hutchinson, ii. 460. " He was their ruling elder, which seems to have been the bar to his being their governor, civil and ecclesiastical office in the same person being then deemed incompatible." ' Here the daily journal breaks off, and an interval of three months 198 MORTALITY AMONG THE COLONISTS. CHAP, wanting houses and other comforts, being infected with the scurvy and other diseases, which their long 162 1. voyage and unaccommodate condition brought upon Mar. •' ^ . . tor them ; so as there die sometimes two or three a day. Of a hundred persons scarce fifty remain ; the hving scarce able to bury the dead ; the well not sufficient to tend the sick, there being, in their time of greatest dis- tress, but six or seven, who spare no pains to help them. Two of the seven were Mr. Brewster, their reverend elder, and Mr. Standish, their captain. The like dis- ease fell also among the sailors, so as almost half their company also die before they sail.^ But the occurs before the account of the expedition to Pokanoket, during which nothing is recorded. To fill up this chasm in some measure, I insert the following particulars, which Prince extracts from Gov. Bradford's History, and from his Register, in which he records some of the first deaths, marriages, and punishments at Plymouth. ' The exact bill of mortality, as collected by Prince, is as follows. In December In January In February In March 6 8 17 13 Total 44 Of these were subscribers to the Compact, The wives of Bradford, Stand- ish, Allerton, and Winslow, Also, Edward Thomson, a ser- vant of Mr. White, Jasper Carver, a son of the go- vernor, and Solomon Mar- tin, son of Christopher, Other women, children and servants, whose names are not known. 21 4 16 44 Before the arrival of the Fortune in Nov. six more died, including Carver and his wife, making the whole number of deaths 50, and leaving the tctal number of the sur- vivors 50. Of those not named among the survivors, being young men, women, children, and ser- vants, there were 31 ; amongst whom, as appears from the list of names in the division of the lands in 1623, were Joseph Rogers, probably a son of Thomas, Mary Chilton, probably a daughter of James, Henry Samson, and Humil- ity Cooper. See Baylies' Plymouth, i. 70 ; Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. 207 ; Morton's Memorial, p. 376. Wood, in his New England's Prospect, ch. 2, says, " Whereas many died at the beginning of the plantations, it was not because the country was unhealthful, but be- cause their bodies were corrupted with sea-diet, which was naught, the beef and pork being tainted, their butter and cheese corrupted, their fish rotten, and the voyage long by reason of cross winds, so that winter approaching before they could get warm houses, and the searching sharpness of that purer climate creeping in at the crannies of their crazed bodies, caused death THE MAYFLOWER SAILS FOR ENGLAND. 199 spring advancing, it pleases God the mortality begins chap to cease, and the sick and lame recover ; which puts .^ — ^-^ new hfe into the people, though they had borne their igsl sad affliction with as much patience as any could do. /" The first offence since our arrival is of John Bil-\^ (lington, who came on board at London, and is this month convented before the whole company for his contempt of the Captain's lawful command with opprobrious speeches, for which he is adjudged to have his neck and heels tied together ; but upon humbling himself and craving pardon, and it being the first offence, he is forgiven.^ April 5. We despatch the ship with Captain Jones, who this day sails from New Plymouth, and May 6 arrives in England.- April 5. and sickness." Dudley, too, in his letter to the Countess of Lincoln, in Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 43, re- marks, " Touching the sickness and mortality which every first year hath seized upon us and those of Plymouth, (of which mortality it may be said of us almost as of the Egyptians, that there is not a house where there is not one dead, and in some houses many,) the natural causes seem to be, the want of warm lodging and good diet, to which Englishmen are habituated at home. Those of Plymouth, who landed in winter, died of scurvy, as did our poorer sort, whose housing and bedding kept them not suffi- ciently warm." Holmes, in his Annals, i. 1G8, says, " Tradition gives an affecting picture of the infant colony during this critical and distressing period. The dead were buried on the bank, at a little distance from the rock where the fathers landed ; and, lest the Indians should take advantage of the weak and wretched state of the English, the graves were lev- elled, and sown for the purpose of concealment. This information I received at Plymouth from the late Ephraim Spooner, a respectable inhabitant of that town, and deacon of the church, who accompanied me to the spot where those first inter- ments were made. Human bones have been washed out of the bank, within the memory of the present generation. Deacon Spooner, then upwards of 70 years of age, had his information from Mr. Thomas Faunce, who was a ruling elder in the first church in Plymouth, and was well acquainted with several of the first settlers. Elder Faunce knew the rock on wliich they first landed ; and hearing that it was covered in the erection of a wh".rf, was so affected, that he wept. His tears perhaps saved it from oblivion. He died Feb. 21, 1746, aged 99." See note ' on page 161. ' See note ' on page 149. ^ It is a circumstance worthy of notice, that notwithstanding the hardships, privations, and mortality among the Pilgrims, not one of 200 DEATH OF GOVERNOR CARVER. While we are busy about our seed, our governor, Mr. Carver, comes out of the field very sick, com- 1^2 1. plains greatly of his head. Within a few hours his April n J senses fail, so as he speaks no more, and in a few days after dies, to our great lamentation and heavi- ness. His care and pains were so great for the com- mon good, as therewith, it is thought, he oppressed himself and shortened his days ; of whose loss we cannot sufficiently complain ; and his wife deceases about five or six weeks after. ^ them was induced to abandon the enterprise and return home in the Mayflower. The ship had been detained so long " by reason of the necessity and danger that lay on them, because so many died both of themselves and the ship's company likewise ; by which they became so few, as the master durst not put to sea until those that lived recovered of their sickness, and the winter over." Morton's Memorial, p. 67. ^ " Before I pass on, I may not omit to take notice of the sad loss the church and this infant common- wealth sustained by the death of Mr. John Carver, who was one of the deacons of the church in Ley- den, but now had been and was their first governor. This worthy gentleman was one of singular piety, and rare for humility, which appeared, as otherwise, so by his great condescendency, whenas this miserable people were in great sickness. He shunned not to do very mean services for them, yea, the meanest of them. He bare a share likewise of their labor in his own person, according as their great necessity required. Who being one also of a considerable estate, spent the main part of it in this enterprise, and from first to last approved him- self not only as their agent in the first transacting of things, but also all along to the period of his life, to be a pious, faithful, and very bene- ficial instrument. He deceased in the month of April in the year 1G21, and is now reaping the fruit of his labor with the Lord." MS. Re- cords of Plym. Ch. vol. i. p. 27. See also Morton's Memorial, p. 68. It is supposed that Carver's death was occasioned by a stroke of the sun ; and yet, as Baylies observes, "it is not a little remarkable that such an effect should have been produced in this climate in the month of April." Morton says, " he was buried in the best man- ner they could, with as much so- lemnity as they were in a capacity to perform, with the discharge of some volleys of shot of all that bare arms." Nothing is known of Carver pre- vious to his appointment in 1617 as one of the agents of the Church at Leyden. Nor is any thing known of his immediate descend- ants. It will be seen by the Com- pact, p. 121, that there were 8 per- sons in his family. He lost a son Dec. 6, and his daughter Elizabeth married John Howland. See note ^ on page 149. The name of Car- ver does not appear in the assign- ment of the lands in 1623, nor in the division of the cattle in 1627 ; nor does it occur at any subsequent time in the annals of the Colony. " His children attained no civil THE FIRST MARRIAGE AND DUEL. 201 Soon after we choose Mr. William Bradford our chap. X. governor and Mr. Isaac Allerton his assistant, who ^-^J^ are by renewed elections continued together sundry 1621. years. May 12. The first marriage in this place is of Mr. May Edward Winslow to Mrs. Susanna White, widow of ^^" Mr. William White.' June 18. The second ofTence is the first duel June 18 fought in New England, upon a challenge at single combat with sword and dagger, between Edward Doty and Edward Leister, servants of Mr. Hopkins. Both being wounded, the one in the hand, the other in the thigh, they are adjudged by the whole com- pany to have their head and feet tied together, and so to lie for twenty-four hours, without meat or drink ; which is begun to be inflicted, but within an hour, because of their great pains, at their own and their master's humble request, upon promise of better car- riage, they are released by the governor.] honors ; they rose to no distinction ; house at the same time. Many of but less fortunate than the children the name are still living in various of the other governors, they re- parts of the Old Colony. The mained in obscurity, and were un- town of Carver, in Plymouth Coun- noticed by the people." William, ty, will help to perpetuate it. Com- the grandson (or nephew) of the pare Hutchinson's Mass. ii. 4.56, governor, died at Marshfield, Oct. with Mitchell's Hist, of Bridge- 2, 1760, at the age of 102. Not water, pp, 129 and 362 ; and see long before his death, this grand- Baylies' Plymouth, i. 71, and Bel- son, with his son, his grandson, knap's Am. Biog. ii. 179 — 216. and great grandson, were all at ' Wm. White died Feb. 21, and work together without doors, and Edward Winslow's first wife, the great great grandson was in the March 24. 26 CHAPTER XI A JOURNEY TO PACKANOKICK, THE HABITATION OF THE GREAT KING MASSASOYT; AS ALSO OUR MESSAGE, THE ANSWER AND ENTERTAINMENT WE HAD OF HIM.i CHAP. It seemed good to the company, for many consider- > J^ ations, to send some amongst them to Massasoyt, the 1621. greatest commander amongst the savages bordering upon us ; partly to know where to find them, if occasion served, as also to see their strength, discover the coun- try, prevent abuses in their disorderly coming unto us, make satisfaction for some conceived injuries to be done on our parts, and to continue the league of peace and friendship between them and us. For these and the like ends it pleased the governor to make choice of Steven Hopkins and Edward Winsloe to go unto him ; and having a fit opportunity, by reason of a savage called Tisquantum, that could speak English, coming ' There can hardly be a doubt. The pecuHar mode in which cer- that the narrative of this expedition tain words are spelt corresponds was written by Winslow. He and with the manner in which they are Hopkins were the only persons en- spelt in Winslow's Good News gaged in it, and of course one of from New England. Thus the them must have written it. That name of their Indian interpreter is the author was Winslow, and not in both papers invariably called Hopkins, is rendered highly proba- Tisquantum, whilst Bradford writes ble by the circumstance that Hop- it Squanto. In both narratives too kins's name is mentioned first, we read Paomet instead of Pamet. EMBASSY TO MASSASOIT. 203 unto US, with all expedition provided a horseman's chap. coat of red cotton, and laced with a slight lace, for a - -^ present, that both they and their message might be i62i. the more acceptable amongst them. The message was as follows : That forasmuch as his subjects came often and without fear upon all occa- sions amongst us, so we were now come unto him ; and in witness of the love and sfood-will the English bear unto him, the governor hath sent him a coat, desiring that the peace and amity that was between them and us might be continued ; not that we feared them, but because we intended not to injure any, desiring to live peaceably, and as with all men, so especially with them, our nearest neighbours. But whereas his people came very often, and very many together unto us, bringing for the most part their wives and children with them, they were welcome ; yet we being but strangers as yet at Patuxet, alias New Plymouth,' and not knowing how our corn might prosper, we could no longer give them such entertainment as we had done, and as we desired still to do. Yet if he would be pleased to come himself, or any special friend of his desired to see us, coming from him they should be welcome. And to the end we might knoAv them from others, our governor had sent him a copper chain ; de- siring if any messenger should come from him to us, we might know him by bringing it with him, and hearken ' Capt. John Smith, in his map left in their native country ; and of New England, published ia for that they received many kind- 1616, had given the name of Ply- ncsses from some Christians there." mouth to this place. Morton says Smith says its Indian name was in his Memorial, p. 56, " The Accomaclc, and calls it " an ex- name of Plymouth was so called, cellenl good harbour." The na- not only for the reason here named, tives also called it Apaum. See but also because Plymouth, in Old Mass. Hist. Coll. xxiii. 1, and England, was the last town they xxvi. 97, 119. 204 THE DESIGN OF THE EMBASSY. CHAP, and give credit to his message accordingly ; also re- . — L- questing him that such as have skins should bring them 1621. to us, and that he would hinder the multitude from oppressing us with them. And whereas, at our first arrival at Paomet,' called by us Cape Cod, we found there corn buried in the ground, and finding no inha- bitants, but some graves of dead new buried, took the corn, resolving, if ever we could hear of any that had right thereunto, to make satisfaction to the full for it ; yet since we understand the owners thereof were fled for fear of us, our desire was either to pay them with the like quantity of corn, English meal, or any other commodities we had, to pleasure them withal ; requesting him that some one of his men might signify so much unto them, and we would content him for his pains. ^ And last of all, our governor requested one favor of him, which was that he would exchange some of their corn for seed with us, that we might make trial which best agreed with the soil where we live. With these presents and message we set forward the June 10th June,^ about nine o'clock in the morning, our July guide resolving that night to rest at Namaschet,^ a town ■ under Massasoyt, and conceived by us to be very near, because the inhabitants flocked so thick upon every slight occasion amongst us ; but we found it to be some ' See note ^ on page 125, and with the rest of the Journal, I eon- note ' on page 202. elude that on Monday, July 2d, * See note ' on page 134. they ajjreed to send, but set not out ^ " June 10th being Lord's Day, till the next morning." Prince, it is very unlikely that they set out Ann. 191. Morton, in his Memo- then, and is also inconsistent with rial, p. 69, says it was July 2. the rest of the Journal ; whereas ^ Namaschet, or Namasket ; that July 2d is Monday, when Governor part of Middleborough, which the Bradford says, ' We sent Mr. Ed- English first began to settle. See ward Winslow and Mr. Steven Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 148. Capt. Hopkins to see our new friend Dermer was at this place in 1619. Massasoit ; ' though, to comport See note ' on page 190. THE MESSENGERS REACH MIDDLEBOROUGH. 205 fifteen English miles. On the way we found some chap. ten or twelve men, women, and children, which had . J^ pestered us till we were weary of them, perceiving i6 2i. tiiat (as the manner of them all is) where victual is 3. easilest to be got, there they live, especially in the summer ; by reason whereof, our bay affording many lobsters, they resort every spring-tide thither ; and now returned with us to Namaschet. Thither we came about three o'clock after noon, the inhabitants entertaining us with joy, in the best manner they could, giving us a kind of bread called by them mai- zium,^ and the spawn of shads, which then they got in abundance, insomuch as they gave us spoons to eat them. With these they boiled musty acorns ; but of the shads we eat heartily. After this they desired one of our men to shoot at a crow, complaining what damage they sustained in their corn by them ; who shooting some fourscore ^ oflf and killing, they much admired at it, as other shots on other occasions. After this, Tisquantum told us we should hardly in one day reach Packanokick, moving us to go some eight miles further, where we should find more store and better victuals than there. Beino- willing; to has- ten our journey, we went and came thither at sunset- ting, where we found many of the Namascheucks (they so calling the men of Namaschet) fishing upon a wear ^ which they had made on a river which be- longed to them, where they caught abundance of bass. These welcomed us also, gave us of their fish, and we * Made of maize, or Indian corn, adjoining Bridgwater, is a noted See note ^ on page 131. place, which was formerly called ^ Paces or yards, understood. the Old Indian Wear. Though ^ At or near a village now called other wears have been erected on Titicut, on Taunton river, in the Taunton river, yet this is probably northwest part of Middleborough, the place intended. F. 206 THEY FORD TAUNTON RIVER. CHAP them of our victuals, not doubting but we should have XI. . enough where'er we came. There we lodg-ed in the 16 2 1. open fields, for houses they had none, though they spent the most of the summer there. The head of this river is reported to be not far from the place of our abode. ^ Upon it are and have been many towns, it being a good length. The ground is very good on both sides, it being for the most part cleared. Thousands of men have lived there, which died in a great plague ^ not long since ; and pity it was and is to see so many goodly fields, and so well seated, without men to dress and manure the same. Upon this river dwelleth Mas- sasoyt. It cometh into the sea at the Narrohigganset bay, where the Frenchmen so much use. . A ship may go many miles up it, as the salvages report, and a shallop to the head of it ; but so far as we saw, we are sure a shallop may.^ But to return to our journey. Jtiiy The next morning we brake our fast, took our leave, and departed ; being then accompanied with some six salvages. Having gone about six miles by the river side, at a known shoal place, ^ it being low water, they spake to us to put off our breeches, for we must wade through. Here let me not forget the valor and courage of some of the salvages on the opposite side of the river ; for there were remaining alive only two men, both aged, especially the one, being above threescore. These two, espying a company of men entering the river, ran very swiftly, and low in the grass, to meet ' The Winnatuokset, one of the * About six miles below Old In- tributaries of Taunton river, has its dian Wear is a noted wading place, source in Carver, seven miles from The opposite shore of Taunton river Plymouth. is in Raynham. F. — Baylies, says, ^ See note ^ on page 183. i. 75, it is " near the new forge on ^ The river is navigable for sloops Taunton river, about three miles as far as Taunton. from the Green. DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY. 207 US at the bank ; where, with shrill voices and great chap. courage, standing charged upon us with their bows, ^^-.^ they demanded what we were, supposing us to be i62i. enemies, and thinking to take advantage on us in the 4. water. But seeing we were friends, they welcomed us with such food as they had, and we bestowed a small bracelet of beads on them. Thus far we are sure the tide ebbs and flows. Having here again refreshed ourselves, we pro- ceeded in our journey, the weather being very hot for travel ; yet the country so well watered, that a man could scarce be dry, but he should have a spring at hand to cool his thirst, beside small rivers in abun- dance. But .the salvages will not wilhngly drink but at a spring-head. When we came to any small brook, where no bridge was, two of them desired to carry us through of their own accords ; also, fearing we were or would be weary, offered to carry our pieces ; also, if we would lay off" any of our clothes, we should have them carried ; and as the one of them had found more special kindness from one of the messengers, and the other salvage from the other, so they showed their thankfulness accordingly in affording us all help and furtherance in the journey. As we passed along, we observed that there were few places by the river but had been inhabited ; by reason whereof much ground was clear, save of weeds, which grew higher than our heads. There is much good timber, both oak, walnut tree, fir, beech, and exceeding great chestnut trees. The country, in re- spect of the lying of it, is both champaign and hilly, like many places in England. In some places it is very rocky, both above ground and in it ; and though 208 THEY ARRIVE AT BARRINGTON, R. I. CHAP, the country be wild and overgrown with woods, yet -—v^ the trees stand not thick, but a man may well ride a 1621. horse amongst them.^ July , ^ 4. Passing on at length, one of the company, an In- dian, espied a man, and told the rest of it. We asked them if they feared any. They told us that if they were Narrohigganset men, they would not trust them. Whereat we called for our pieces, and bid them not to fear ; for though they were twenty, we two alone would not care for them. But they hailing him, he proved a friend, and had only two women with him. Their baskets were empty ; but they fetched water in their bottles, so that we drank with them and departed. After we met another man, with other two women, which had been at rendezvous by the salt water ; and their baskets were full of roasted crab fishes and other dried shell fish, of which they gave us ; and we eat and drank with them, and gave each of the women a string of beads, and departed. After we came to a town of Massasoyt's, where we eat oysters and other fish. From thence we went to Packanokick ; ^ but Massasoyt was not at home. ' See note ' on page 124. course on Rhode Island, says, that ^ " This was a general name for " Sowams is the neck since called the northern shore of Narraganset Phebe's Neck, in Barringion ; " but Bay, between Providence and Taun- intimates in a note that " perhaps ton rivers, and comprehending the Sowams is properly the name of the present townships of Bristol, War- river, where the two Swanzey rivers ren, and Barrington, in the State of meet and run together for near a Rhode Island, and Swanzey, in mile, when they empty themselves Massachusetts. Its northern ex- in the Narraganset Bay, or of a tent is unknown. The principal small island, where these two rivers seats of Massasoit were at Sowams meet, at the bottom of New Mea- and Kikemuit. The former is a dow Neck, so called." See Rhode neck of land formed by the conflu- Island Hist. Coll. iv. 84. ence of Barrington and Palmer's Morton says, p. 69, that " they rivers ; the latter is Mount Hope." found his (Massasoit's) place to be Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. 221. about forty miles from New Ply- Callender, in his Historical Dis- mouth." CONFERENCE WITH MASSASOIT. 209 There we stayed, he being sent for. When news was chap. brought of his coming, our guide Tisquantum re '-^ quested that at our meeting we would discharge our ^f ^^* pieces. But one of us going about to charge his 4. piece, the women and children, through fear to see him take up his piece, ran away, and could not be pacified till he laid it down again ; who afterward were better informed by our interpreter. Massasoyt being come, we discharged our pieces and saluted him ; who, after their manner, kindly welcomed us, and took us into his house, and set us down by him ; where, having delivered our foresaid message and presents, and having put the coat on his back and the chain about his neck, he was not a little proud to behold himself, and his men also to see their king so bravely attired. For answer to our message, he told us we were wel- come, and he would gladly continue that peace and friendship which was between him and us ; and, for his men, they should no more pester us as they had done ; also, that he would send to Paomet, and would help us with corn for seed, according to our request. This being done, his men gathered near to him, to whom he turned himself and made a great speech ; they sometimes interposing, and, as it were, confirm- ing and applauding him in that he said. The meaning whereof was, as far as we could learn, thus : Was not he, Massasoyt, commander of the country about them ? Was not such a town his, and the people of it ? And should they not bring their skins unto us ? To which they answered, they were his, and would be at peace with us, and bring their skins to us. After this man- ner he named at least thirty places, and their answer 27 210 A NIGHT AT POKANOKET. CHAP- was as aforesaid to every one ; so that as it was .^^..-L. delightful, it was tedious unto us. 16 21. This being ended, he hghted tobacco for us, and fell to discoursing of England and of the King's Majesty, marvelHng that he would live without a wife.^ Also he talked of the Frenchmen, bidding us not to suffer them to come to Narrohigganset, for it was King James's country, and he also was King James's man. Late it grew, but victuals he offered none ; for indeed he had not any, being he came so newly home. So we desired to go to rest. He laid us on the bed with himself and his wife, they at the one end and we at the other, it being only planks laid a foot from the ground and a thin mat upon them.^ Two more of his chief men, for want of room, pressed by and upon us ; so that we were worse weary of our lodging than of our journey. July The next day, being Thursday, many of their sachims, or petty governors, came to see us, and many of their men also. There they went to their manner of games for skins and knives. There we challenged them to shoot with them for skins, but they durst not ; only they desired to see one of us shoot at a mark, who ' Anne of Denmark, the wife of says, " Their lodging is made in James I. of England, died on the three places of the house about the 3d of March, 1619, aged 45. See fire. They lie upon planks, com- Hume's Hist, of England, ch. xlix. monly about a foot or eighteen ' "In their wigwams," says inches above the ground, raised Gookin, "they make a kind of upon rails that are borne up upon couch or mattress, firm and strong, forks. They lay mats under them, raised about a foot high from the and coats of deer's skins, otters', earth ; first covered with boards beavers', racoons', and of bears' that they split out of trees, and up- hides, all which they have dressed on the boards they spread mats gen- and converted into good leather, erally, and sometimes bear skins with the hair on, for their coverings; and deer skins. These are large and in this manner they lie as enough for three or four persons to warm as they desire." See Mass. lodge upon ; for their mattresses Hist. Coll. i. 150, and New Eng- are 6 or 8 feet broad." Morton lish Canaan, b. i. ch. 4. 5. WANT OP FOOD. 211 shooting with hail-shot, they wondered to see the chap. mark so full of holes. .— -L. About one o'clock Massasoyt brought two fishes i62i. that he had shot ; they were like bream, but three times so big, and better meat.^ These being boiled, there were at least forty looked for share in them ; the most eat of them. This meal only we had in two nights and a day ; and had not one of us bought a partridge, we had taken our journey fasting. Very importunate he was to have us stay with them longer. But we desired to keep the Sabbath at home ; and feared we should either be light-headed for want of sleep, for what with bad lodging, the savages' barba- rous singing, (for they use to sing themselves asleep,) lice and fleas within doors, and mosquitoes without, we could hardly sleep all the time of our being there ; we much fearing that if we should stay any longer, we should not be able to recover home for want of strength. So that on the Friday morning, before July sunrising, we took our leave and departed, Massasoyt being both grieved and ashamed that he could no better entertain us ; and retaining Tisquantum to send from place to place to procure truck for us, and appointing another, called Tokamahamon, in his place, whom we had found faithful before and after upon all occasions. At this town of Massasoyt's, where we before eat, we were again refreshed with a little fish, and bought about a handful of meal of their parched corn,^ which was very precious at that time of the year, and a small string of dried shell-fish, as big as oysters.^ The ^ Probably the fish called tataug. ^ See note ^ on page 187. Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. 288. ^ These were probably clams. 212 A NIGHT AT TITICUT. CHAP, latter we gave to the six savages that accompanied us, keeping the meal for ourselves. When we drank, 1 6 2 1. ^e eat each a spoonful of it with a pipe of tobacco, instead of other victuals ; and of this also we could not but give them so long as it lasted. Five miles they led us to a house out of the way in hope of vict- uals ; but we found nobody there, and so were but worse able to return home. That night we reached to the wear ^ where we lay before ; but the Namas- cheucks were returned, so that we had no hope of any thing there. One of the savages had shot a shad in the water, and a small squirrel, as big as a rat, called a neuxis ; the one half of either he gave us, and after went to the wear to fish. From hence we wrote to Plymouth, and sent Tokamahamon before to Namasket, willing him from thence to send another, that he might meet us with Namasket. Two men now only remained with us ; and it pleased God to give them good store of fish, so that we were well refreshed. After supper we went to rest, and they to fishing again. More they gat, and fell to eating afresh, and retained sufficient ready roast for all our breakfasts. July About two o'clock in the morning, arose a great storm of wind, rain, lightning, and thunder, in such violent manner that we could not keep in our fire ; and had the savages not roasted fish when we were asleep, we had set forward fasting ; for the rain still continued with great violence, even the whole day through, till we came within two miles of home. Being wet and weary, at length we came to Namaschet. There we ' See note ' on page 205. THE MESSENGERS REACH HOME. 213 refreshed ourselves, giving gifts to all such as had chap. showed us any kindness. Amongst others, one of the . — — six that came with us from Packanokick, having before ^ ^ ? i- ^ July this on the way unkindly forsaken us, marvelled we 7. gave him nothing, and told us what he had done for us. We also told him of some discourtesies he offered us, whereby he deserved nothing. Yet we gave him a small trifle ; whereupon he offered us tobacco. But the house being full of people, we told them he stole some by the way, and if it were of that, we would not take it; for we would not receive that which was stolen, upon any terms ; if we did, our God would be angry with us, and destroy us. This abashed him, and gave the rest great content. But, at our depart- ure, he would needs carry him ^ on his back through a river whom he had formerly in some sort abused. Fain they would have had us to lodge there all night, and wondered we would set forth again in such weather. But, God be praised, we came safe home that night, though wet, weary, and surbated.^ 1 Undoubtedly the writer himself, and reached Pokanoket on Wed- Winslow. nesday, spent Thursday there, left ^ Surbated, with galled feet. Friday morning before sunrise, and They had been absent five days, arrived at Plymouth Saturday eve- They started Tuesday morning, ning. CHAPTER XII. A VOYAGE MADE BY TEN OF OUR MEN TO THE KINGDOM OP NAUSET, TO SEEK A BOY' THAT HAD LOST HIMSELF IN THE WOODS; WITH SUCH ACCIDENTS AS BEFELL US IN THAT VOYAGE. CHAP. XII. The 11th of June ^ we set forth, the weather being very fair. But ere we had been long at sea, there arose a storm of wind and rain, with much hghtning and thun- der, insomuch that a spout arose not far from us. But, God be praised, it dured not long, and we put in that night for harbour at a place called Cummaquid,^ where we had some hope to find the boy. Two savages were in the boat with us. The one was Tisquantum, our interpreter ; the other Tokamahamon, a special ^ The name of this boy was John Billington, according to Bradford, in Prince, p. 192. He was the brother of Francis, who discovered Billington Sea, and the son of John, the first culprit. See note * on page 149, and note ^ on page 172. Mas- sasoit had sent word he was at Nauset. See Prince, p. 192. * " This date being inconsistent with several hints in the foregoing and following stories, I keep to Governor Bradford's original man- uscript, and place it between the end of July and the 13th of Au- gust." Prince, p. 192. ^ Barnstable harbour ; which is formed by a neck of land, about half a mile wide, called Sandy Neck, which projects from Sand- wich on the north shore, and runs east almost the length of the town. The harbour is about a mile wide, and four miles long. The tide rises in it from ten to fourteen feet. It has a bar running off northeast from the neck several miles, which prevents the entrance of large ships. Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 12. See note ^ on page 159. BARNSTABLE HARBOUR. 215 friend. It being night before we came in, we anchored chap. in the midst of the bay, where we were dry at a low water. In the morning we espied savages seeking 1621. lobsters, and sent our two interpreters to speak with ^ay. them, the channel being between them ; where they told them what we were, and for what we were come, willing them not at all to fear us, for we would not hurt them. Their answer was, that the boy was well, but he was at Nauset ; yet since we were there, they desired us to come ashore, and eat with them ; which, as soon as our boat floated, we did, and went six ashore, having four pledges for them in the boat. They brought us to their sachim, or governor, whom they call lyanough,^ a man not exceeding twenty-six years of age, but very personable, gentle, courteous, and fair conditioned, indeed not hke a savage, save for his attire. His entertainment was answerable to his parts, and his cheer plentiful and various. One thing was very grievous unto us at this place. There was an old woman, whom we judged to be no less than a hundred years old, which came to see us, because she never saw Enghsh ; yet could not behold us without breaking forth into great passion, weeping and crying excessively. We demanding the reason of it, they tol^us she had three sons, who, when Master Hunt ^ was in these parts, went aboard his ship to trade with him, and he carried them captives into Spain, (for Tisquantum at that time was carried away also,) by which means she was deprived of the comfort of her children in her old asfe. We told them we ' Sometimes called lyanough of ble and Yarmouth harbours. See Cummaquid, and sometimes lya- Prince, p. 193 ; Mass. Hist. Coll. nough of Mattakiest, which seems i. 197, and iii. 15. F. to be the country between Barnsta- * See pages 186 and 190. 216 THE EXPEDITION REACH EASTHAM. CHAP, were sorry that any Englishman should give them that offence, that Hunt was a bad man, and that all the 162 1. English that heard of it condemned him for the same; but for us, we would not offer them any such injury, though it would gain us all the skins in the country. So we gave her some small triffes, which somewhat appeased her. 2d After dinner we took boat for Nauset, lyanough *^' and two of his men accompanying us. Ere we came to Nauset,^ the day and tide were almost spent, inso- much as we could not go in with our shallop ; ^ but the sachim or governor of Cummaquid went ashore, and his men with him. We also sent Tisquantum to tell As- pinet,^ the sachim of Nauset, wherefore we came. The savages here came very thick amongst us, and were earnest with us to bring in our boat. But we neither well could, nor yet desired to do it, because we had less cause to trust them, being they only had formerly made an assault upon us in the same place, ^ in time of ' The territory to which the Eng- subjection to Massasoit. There lish in 1651 gave the name of East- seem to have been two cantons or ham, and the northern part of which sachemdoms of the Cape Indians, still retains the Indian name. The One extended from Eel river in three light-houses, recently erected Plymouth, to the south shore of the in that town are called the Nauset Cape, and comprehended what are Lights. The principal seats of the now called the Mashpee Indians, Nauset Indians were at Namskeket, and then extended -upon the Cape within the limits of Orleans, and to the eastern part of Barnstable, about the cove, which divides this and as far westward as Wood's township from Orleans. Captain Hole ; and divers petty sachems or John Smith mentions twice " the sagamores were comprehended in isle Nawset," or " Nausit." See this division, of which Mashpee Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. IfiO, xxvi. was one. The eastern part of the 108, 119, and Plym. Col. Laws, Cape, from Nobscusset, or Yar- p. 94. mouth, made another sachemdom, ^ The water is very shoal at the capital of which was Nauset, Nauset, or Eastham. See note * or Eastham. Of these petty tribes on page 152. the Nauset Indians appear to have ' " The Indians upon Cape Cod, been the most important." Hutch- although not considered a part of inson's Mass. i. 459, and Mass. Hist, the Wamponoags, yet were sup- Coll. viii. 159. posed to be under some kind of * See page 156. THE BOY RECOVERED. 217 our winter discovery for habitation. And indeed it chap. XII. was no marvel they did so ; for howsoever, through - — -^ snow or otherwise, we saw no houses, yet we were in i62i. the midst of them. When our boat was aground, they came very thick ; but we stood therein upon our guard, not suffering any to enter except two, the one being of Manamoick,^ and one of those whose corn we had formerly found. We promised him restitution, and desired him either to come to Patuxet for satisfaction, or else we would bring them so much corn again. He promised to come. We used him very kindly for the present. Some few skins we gat there, but not many. After sunset, Aspinet came with a great train, and brought the boy with him, one bearing him through the water.^ He had not less than a hundred with him ; the half whereof came to the shallop side unarmed with him ; the other stood aloof with their bows and arrows. There he delivered us the boy, behung with beads, and made peace with us ; ^ we bestowing a knife on him, and likewise on another that first enter- tained the boy and brought him thither. So they departed from us. Here we understood that the Narrohiggansets had spoiled some of Massasoyt's men, and taken him. This struck some fear in us, because the colony was so weakly guarded, the strength thereof being abroad."* ' Chatham, the southern extre- ' Bradford adds, " We give them mity of Cape Cod. full satisfaction for the corn we ''"He had wandered five days, had formerly found in their coun- lived on berries, then light of an In- try." Prince, p. 193. See note' dian plantation, twenty miles south on page 134. of us, called Manomet, (Sandwich,) * There were ten men in this and they conveyed him to the peo- expedition. At the same time, ac- ple who first assaulted us." Brad- cording to the dates of this and the ford, in Prince, p. 192. previous paper, Winslow and Hop- 28 218 RETURN TO BARNSTABLE AND HOME. CHAP. But we set forth with resolution to make the best XII. haste home we could ; yet the wind being contrary, 16 2 1. having scarce any fresh water left, and at least six- teen leagues ^ home, we put in again for the shore. There we met again with lyanough, the sachim of Cummaquid, and the most of his town, both men, women and children with him. He, being still will- ing to gratify us, took a runlet,^ and led our men in the dark a great way for water, but could find none good ; yet brought such as there was on his neck with them. In the mean time the women joined hand in hand, singing and dancing before the shallop, the men also showing all the kindness they could, lyanough himself taking a bracelet from about his neck and hanging it upon one of us. Again we set out, but to small purpose ; for we gat but little homeward. Our water also was very ,^^ brackish, and not to be drunk. The next morning day. ' , . ^ lyanough espied us again, and ran after us. We, being resolved to go to Cummaquid again to water, took him into the shallop, whose entertainment was not inferior unto the former. The soil at Nauset and here is alike, even and sandy, not so good for corn as where we are. Ships may safely ride in either harbour. In tne summer they abound with fish. Being now watered, we put forth again, and by God's providence came safely home that night. kins were absent on their expedition ' The distance from Eastham to to Pokanoket, leaving only seven Plymouth is not more than twelve men at the Plantation, the whole leagues. F, number surviving at this time being * A small barrel, nineteen. CHAPTER XIII. A JOURNEY TO THE KINGDOM OP NAMASCHET, IN DEFENCE OF THE GREAT KING MASSASOYT AGAINST THE NARRO- HIGGANSETS, AND TO REVENGE THE SUPPOSED DEATH OF OUR INTERPRETER, TISaUANTUM. At our return from Nauset we found it true that chap. XIII Massasoyt was put from his country by the Narrohig- L gansets.^ Word also was brought unto us that Cou- i62 i. batant,- a petty sachim or governor under Massasoyt, "^" whom they ever feared to be too conversant with the Narrohiggansets, was at Namaschet ; who sought to draw the hearts of Massasoyt's subjects from him ; speaking also disdainfully of us, storming at the peace between Nauset, Cummaquid and us, and at Tisquan- tum, the worker of it ; also at Tokamahamon and one Hobbamock, two Indians, our allies,^ one of which he w^ould treacherously have murdered a little before, be- ing a special and trusty man of Massasoyt's. Toka- mahamon went to him, but the other two would not ; ' Gov. Bradford says nothing of ^ In the original "or Lemes," to this, noi of Massasoit's being either which no meaning can be attached, seized or invaded by the Narragan- It is manifestly an error of the press, setts. Prince, p. 193. and I have given what I consider '^ Gov. Bradford plainly writes the true reading. See note ^ on him Corbitant. Prince, p. 194. page 174. 220 THE EXPEDITION REACH NAMASKET. CHAP, yet put their lives in their hands, privately went to see ^ if they could hear of their king, and lodging at Nam- 16 21. aschet were discovered to Coubatant, who set a guard to beset the house, and took Tisquantum ; for he had said if he were dead, the English had lost their tongue. Hobbamock, seeing that Tisquantum was taken, and Coubatant held a knife at his breast, being a strong and stout man, brake from them and came to New Plymouth, full of fear and sorrow for Tisquantum, whom he thought to be slain. Aug. Upon this news the company assembled together, and resolved on the morrow to send ten men armed to Namaschet, and Hobbamock for their guide, to revenge the supposed death of Tisquantum on Couba- tant, our bitter enemy, and to retain Nepeof,^ another sachim or governor, who was of this confederacy, till we heard what was become of our friend Massasoyt. 14. On the morrow we set out ten ^ men, armed, who took their journey as aforesaid ; but the day proved very wet. When we supposed we were within three or four miles of Namaschet, we went out of the way, and stayed there till night ; because we would not be discovered. There we consulted what to do ; and thinking best to beset the house at midnight, each was appointed his task by the Captain,^ all men en- couraging one another to the utmost of their power. By night our guide lost his way, which much dis- couraged our men, being we were wet, and weary of our arms. But one^ of our men, having been before at Namaschet, brought us into the way again. ' This is tlie only time the name ish with 14 men." Prince, p. 194. of this chief occurs in the annals ^ Standish. of the Colony. * Either Winslow or Hopkins, * Bradford says, " Captain Stand- who stopped at Namasket in going THEY BESET THE HOUSE AT MIDNIGHT. 221 Before we came to the town, we sat down and ate chap. XIII. such as our knapsacks afforded. That being done, we threw them aside, and all such things as midit hinder ipsi. » o _ Aug. US, and so went on and beset the house, according to i4^ our last resolution. Those that entered demanded if Coubatant were not there ; but fear had bereft the savages of speech. We charged them not to stir ; for if Coubatant were not there, we would not meddle with them. If he were, we came principally for him, to be avenged on him for the supposed death of Tis- quantum, and other matters ; but, howsoever, we would not at all hurt their women or children. Not- withstanding, some of them pressed out at a private door and escaped, but with some wounds. At length, perceiving our principal ends, they told us Coubatant was returned with all his train, and that Tisquantum was yet living and in the town ; offering some tobacco, other such as they had to eat. In this hurly-burly we discharged two pieces at random, which much terrified all the inhabitants, except Tisquantum and Tokama- hamon ; who, though they knew not our end in com- ing, yet assured them of our honesty, that we would not hurt them. Those boys that were in the house, seeing our care of women, often cried Neen sqiiaes ! ^ that is to say, I am a woman ; ^ the women also hang- ing upon Hobbamock, calling him toiuam, that is, and returning from Pokanoket, in liams's Key to the native language July. If it was Winslow, he may of New England, ch. 5 ; Wood's reasonably be considered the writer Nomenclatur, at the end of his New of this narrative. England's Prospect ; and Gallatin's ' This is correct Indian in the Indian Vocabularies, in Coll. Am. Massachusetts and Narragansett Antiq. Soc. ii. 308, 352. dialects. See Eliot's Indian Gram- * Rather, I am a girl ; squaes be- mar, in INIass. Hist. Coll. xix. 253 ; ing a diminutive, formed by adding Cotton's Vocabulary of the IMassa- es to sqva. See the Apostle Eliot's chusetts language, in Mass. Ilist. Indian Grammar, in Mass. Plist. Coll. xxii. 156, 178 : Roger Wil- Coll. xix. 258. 15. 222 COUBATANT AND HIS PARTY ESCAPE. CHAP, friend.^ But, to be short, we kept them we had, and made them make a fire, that we might see to search 162 1. ti^e house. In the mean time, Hobbamock gat on the top of the house, and called Tisquantum and Tokama- hamon, which came unto us accompanied with others, some armed, and others naked. Those that had bows and arrows, we took them away, promising them again when it was day. The house we took, for our better safeguard, but released those we had taken, manifest- ing whom we came for and wherefore. A-ug. On the next morning, we marched into the midst of the town, and went to the house of Tisquantum to breakfast. Thither came all whose hearts were up- right towards us ; but all Coubatant's faction were fled away. There, in the midst of them, we manifested again our intendment, assuring them, that although Coubatant had now escaped us, yet there was no place should secure him and his from us, if he continued his threatening us, and provoking others against us, who had kindly entertained him, and never intended evil towards him till he now so justly deserved it. More- over, if Massasoyt did not return in safety from Nar- rohigganset, or if hereafter he should make any insur- rection against him, or ofi'er violence to Tisquantum, Hobbamock, or any of Massasoyt's subjects, we would revenge it upon him, to the overthrow of him and his. As for those [who] were wounded, we were sorry for it, though themselves procured it in not staying in the house, at our command ; yet if they would return home with us, our surgeon ^ should heal them. ' The most common word for tor ; Roger Williams's Key, ch. 1 , friend, in the Massachusetts and and Gallatin, in Coll. Am. Aiitiq. Narragansett dialects M'as netop or Soc. ii.321. netomp. See Cotton, in Mass. Hist. ^ Their surgeon and physician was Coll. xxii. 165 ; Wood's Nomencl a- Mr. Samuel Fuller, the eighth THE EXPEDITION RETURN TO PLYMOUTH. At this offer, one man and a woman that were chap. wounded went home with us ; Tisquantum and many other known friends accompanying us, and offering i ^ 2 1. all help that might be by carriage of any thing we 15, had, to ease us. So that by God's good providence we safely returned home the morrow night after we set forth. signer of the Compact. In 1628, ■when the scurvy and a malignant distemper broke out among the first settlers at Salem, "Mr. Endicot, understanding that there was one at Plymouth that had skill in such diseases, sent thither for him ; at whose request he was sent unto them." He was there again for the same purpose in May, 1629, after the arrival of Higginson's company. We find him also at Dorchester, in June 1630, at the request of Mr. Warham, " to let twenty of these people blood ; " again at Salem, in July, and at Charlestovvn, in August of the same year, after the arrival of Winthrop's colony, whence he writes, " The sad news here is that many are sick, and many are dead. I here but lose time, and long to be at home. I can do them no good, for I want drugs, and things fitting to work with." He died in 1633, of an infectious fever. In the MS. Records of Ply- mouth Church, vol. i. p. 42, it is stated that " when the church came away out of Holland, they brought with them one deacon, Mr. Samuel Fuller, who officiated amongst them until his death. He was a good man, and full of the holy spirit." Morton says, that " he did much good in his place, being not only useful in his faculty, but otherwise, as he was a godly man, and served Christ in the office of a deacon in the church for many years, and forward to do good in his place, and was much missed after God removed him out of this world." His widow, Bridget, who came in the Anne, in 1623, and his son Samuel gave to the Plymouth chuich the lot of ground on which the parsonage now stands. See Morton's Memorial, pp. 143 and 173 ; Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 66, 74— 76, xiii. 186 ; and Prince's Annals, pp. 253 and 259. CHAPTER XIV. A RELATION OF OUR VOYAGE TO THE MASSACHUSETTS,! AND WHAT HAPPENED THERE. CHAP XIV. It seemed good to the company in general, that though the Massachusets had often threatened us, (as 162 1. we were mformed,) yet we should go amongst them, partly to see the country, partly to make peace with them, and partly to procure their truck. For these ends the governors chose ten men, fit for the purpose, and sent Tisquantum and two other salvages to hring us to speech with the people and interpret for us. We set out about midnight, the tide then serving for us. We supposing it to be nearer than it is, thought to be there the next morning betimes ; but it proved well near twenty leagues ^ from New Plymouth. We Sept 18. * The territory and tribe probably took their name from the Bhie Hills in Milton, which were orisrin- ally called Massachusetts Mount. Smith speaks of them as " the high mountain of Massachusit." Cot- ton, in his Vocat)ulary of the Mas- sachusetts language, gives the fol- lowing definition : " Massa-chusett — a hill in the form of an arrow's head." Roger Williams says, " I had learnt that the Massachusetts was called so from the Blue Hills, a little island thereabout (in Nar- ragansett Bay) ; and Connonicus's father and ancestors living in those southern parts, transferred and brought their authority and name into those northern parts." See Mass. Hist. Coll. vii. 75, xix. 1 ; xxvi. 120 ; R. I. Hist. Coll. iv. 208 ; and Hutchinson's Mass. i. 460. " The distance from Plymouth to Boston by water is about 40 miles. t il THE FIRST LANDING IN BOSTON. 225 came into the bottom of the bay: ^ but beings late, we chap. XIV anchored and lay in the shallop, not having seen any L of the people. The next morning we put in for the 1621. shore. There we found many lobsters, that had been 'gol^* gathered together by the salvages, wliich we made ready under a cliff.^ The Captain ^ set two sentinels behind the cliff, to the landward, to secure the shal- lop, and taking a guide with him and four of our com- pany, went to seek the inhabitants ; where they met a woman coming for her lobsters. They told her of them, and contented her for them. She told them where the people were. Tisquantum went to them ; the rest returned, having direction which way to bring the shallop to them. The sachim or governor of this place is called Obba- tinewat ; and though he lives in the bottom of the Massachuset Bay,"* yet he is under Massasoyt. He used us very kindly. He ^told us he durst not then remain in any settled place for fear of the Tarentines.^ Also the squa sachim,* or Massachusets queen, was an enemy to him. ' By the bay is meant Boston ton. Thus Gov. Winthrop speaks harbour. It extends from Nantas- of going from Salem to Massachu- ket to Boston, and spreads from setls. See Savage'sWintfirop, i. 27. Chelsea to IIinij;ham, containing * The Tarrateens or Tarrciiteens about 75 square miles. See Snow's resided on the Kennebec and the History of Boston, p. 113. other rivers in Maine, and the * Supposed to be Copp's hill, at country east of it. There wa.s great the north end of Boston. At the enmity between them and tiie In- first settlement of the town, in dians of Massachusetts Bay, who, 1630, this hill, rising to the height although they had (brmerly been of about fifty feet above the sea, a great people, yet were now so presented on its northwest brow an reduced that, upon alarms, they abrupt decliviiy, long after known would fly to the Kiifflish houses as as Copp's bill steeps. See Snow"s to asylums, where the Tarreuteens History of Boston, p. 105. durst not pursue them, llutchin- ' Standish. son's Mass. i. 28, 1.50. * By Massachusetts Bay was ° I suppose the widow of Nane- formerly understood only the inner pashemet, mentioned on the next bay, from Nahant to Point Alder- page. 29 226 THE PILGRIMS IN QUINCY. CHAP. We told him of divers sachims that had acknowledo-ed XIV. ^. ■ . ■ — — themselves to be King James's men,^ and if he also 162 1. would submit himself, we would be his safeguard from his enemies ; which he did, and went along with us to bring us to the squa sachim. Again we crossed the bay, which is very large, and hath at least fifty islands in it ; ^ but the certain number is not known to the inhabitants. Night it was before we came to that side of the bay where this people were. On shore the salvages went, but found nobody. That night also we rid at anchor aboard the shallop. Sept. Oi^ the morrow we went ashore,^ all but two men, ^^' and marched in arms up in the country. Having gone three miles we came to a place where corn had been newly gathered, a house pulled down, and the people gone. A mile from hence, Nanepashemet, their king, in his life-time had lived. His house was not like others, but a scaffold was largely built, with poles and planks, some six foot from [the] ground, and the house upon that, being situated on the top of a hill.'* ' Of course he could not be, as many isles, all planted with corn, Prince supposes, the Obbatinnua groves, mulberries, and salvage who, with eight other sachems, on gardens." See Mass. Hist. Coll. the I3th of the same month, seven iii. 295, and xxvi. 118, days before, had signed a paper, ^ They probably landed at Squan- professing their submission to King tum, in Quincy, which may have James ; unless his name was affix- been so called by them at this time ed subsequently to that date. See after their inter|)reter Tisquantum, Morton's Memorial, p. 67, and who was one of the party. See Prince's Annals, p. 196. note on page 191, and Mass. Hist. ^ The number of islands in Bos- Coll. ix. 164. ton liarbour is not overstated, al- ■* Perhaps Milton Hill, or some though several of them, such as one of the Blue Hills. " At Mas- Bird Island and Nick's Mate, have sachusett:;, near the mouth of been washed away since this Jour- Charles river, there used to be a nal was written. A list of them is general rendezvous of Indians, contained in Snow's Boston, p. 114. That circle, wiiich now inakes the Smith, in his Description of New harbours of Boston and Charles- England, says, " The country of town, round by Maiden, Chelsea, the Massachusets is the paradise Nantasket, Hingham, Weymouth, of all those parts ; for here are Braintrce, and Dorchester, was the THE PILGRIMS IN MILTON. 227 Not far from hence, in a bottom, we came to a fort, chap. XIV. built by their deceased king ; the manner thus. There « -^ were poles, some thirty or forty feet long, stuck in the i62i. ground, as thick as they could be set one by another ; 21.' and with these they enclosed a ring some forty or fifty foot over ; ^ a trench, breast high, was digged on each side ; one way there was to go into it with a bridge. In the midst of this palisado stood the frame of a house, wherein, being dead, he lay buried.^ About a mile from hence, we came to such another, but seated on the top of a hill. Here Nanepashemet was killed,^ none dwelling in it since the time of his death. At this place we stayed, and sent two salvages to look [for] the inhabitants, and to inform them of our ends in coming, that they might not be fearful of us. Within a mile of this place they found the women of the place together, with their corn on heaps, whither we supposed them to be fled for fear of us ; and the more, because in divers places they had newly pulled down their houses, and for haste in one place had left some of their corn covered with a mat, and nobody with it. With much fear they entertained us at first ; but see- ing our gentle carriage towards them, they took heart and entertained us in the best manner they could, capital of a great sachem, much See also Gookin, in Mass. Hist. reverenced by all the plantations of Coll. i. 148. Indians round about, and to him ' This corresponds exactly with belonged Naponset, (Milton,) Pun- the engraving of the Pequot Fort kapog, (Stoughton,) Wessagusset, in Underbill's Newes from Ameri- (VVey mouth,) and several places on ca, printed in London in 1638, and Charles river, where the natives reprinted in Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvi. were seated. The tradition is, 23. that this sachem had his principal ^ See page 154. seat upon a small hill or rising ^ Nanepashemet is supposed to upland, in the midst of a body of have been killed in 1619, and his salt marsh in the township of Dor- widow, the squa sachim, continued Chester, near to a place called Squan- in the government. See Lewis's turn." Hutchinson's Mass. i. 460. Hist, of Lynn, p. 16. 228 THEY DISCOVER MYSTIC RIVER. CHAP, boilino- cod and such other things as they had for us. XIV. . . V— ^ At length, with much sending for, came one of their 162 1. men, shaking and trembhng for fear. But when he 21. saw we intended them no hurt, but came to truck, he promised us his skins also. Of him we inquired for their queen ; but it seemed she was far from thence ; ^ at least we could not see her. Here Tisquantum would have had us rifle the sal- vage women, and taken their skins and all such things as might be serviceable for us ; for, said he, they are a bad people, and have oft threatened you. But our answer was. Were they never so bad, we would not wrong them, or give them any just occasion against us. For their words, we little weighed them ; but if they once attempted any thing against us, then we would deal far worse than he desired. Having well spent the day, we returned to the shal- lop, almost all the women accompanying us to truck, who sold their coats from their backs, and tied boughs about them, but with great shamefacedness, for in- deed they are more modest than some of our English women are. We promised them to come again to them, and they us to keep their skins. Within this bay the salvages say there are two riv- ers ; ^ the one whereof we saw, having a fair entrance, but we had no time to discover it. Better harbours for shipping cannot be than here are. At the entrance of the bay are many rocks ; ^ and in all likelihood good * The residence of the squa sa- Shatfuck's Hist, of Concord, p. 2, chim of Massachusetts is variously and Drake's Book of the Indians, b. conjectured to have been at Con- ii. p. 40. cord, and in the neighbourhood of " The Mystic and the Charles, the Wachusett mountain. There the former of which they saw. seems, however, no sufficient rea- ^ The Graves and the Brewsters son for placing it so remote. See are the principal rocks at the en- THEY RETURN TO PLYMOUTH. 229 fishing-ground.^ Many, yea most of the islands have chap. been inhabited, some being cleared from end to end. . — ^ But the people are all dead,^ or removed. i62i. Our victual growing scarce, the wind coming fair, and having a light moon, we set out at evening, and through the goodness of God came safely home before Sept. noon the day following.^ trance of Boston bay. It is sup- posed that in this or some subse- quent voyage the three Brevvsters were named in honor of their ven- erable elder, and Point Alderton, the head-land of Nantasket, after Isaac AUerton. See note on page 195. ^ The neighbourhood of these rocks is excellent fishing-ground. * They had been swept off by the pestilence mentioned on page 184. " Governor Bradford adds, " with a considerable quantity of beaver, and a good report of the place, wishing we had been seated there." Prince, p. 198. They were absent on this expe- dition four days. Winslow was probably one of the party, and wrote this account. " All the summer no want. While some were trading, others were fishing cod, bass, &c. We now gather in our harvest ; and as cold weather advances, come in store of water fowl, wherewith this place abounds, though afterwards they by degrees decrease ; as also abundance of wild turkeys, with venison, &c. Fit our houses against winter, are in health, and have all things in plenty." Bradford, in Prince, p. 198. CHAPTER XV. A LETTER SENT FROM NEW ENGLAND TO A FRIEND IN THESE PARTS, SETTING FORTH A BRIEF AND TRUE DECLARATION OF THE WORTH OF THAT PLANTATION; AS ALSO CERTAIN USEFUL DIRECTIONS FOR SUCH AS INTEND A VOYAGE INTO THOSE PARTS. CHAP. Loving and Old Friend/ XV. Although I received no letter from you by this ship,^ yet forasmuch as 1 know you expect the per- formance of my promise, which was, to write unto you truly and faithfully of all things, I have therefore at this time sent unto you accordingly, referring you for further satisfaction to our more large Relations.' You shall understand that in this little time that a few of us have been here, we have built seven dwell- ing-houses ^ and four for the use of the plantation, and have made preparation for divers others. We set the last spring some twenty acres of Indian corn,^ and * This letter I think was addressed help, showing us how to set, fish, to George Morton. See note on dress, and tend it." Bradford, in page 113. Prince, p. 190. The Indians' sea- ^ The Fortune, in which this let- son for planting the maize was ter and the preceding Journal were " when the leaves of the white oak sent to England. are as big as the ear of a mouse." ^ The preceding narrative. See Belknap's Hist, of New Hamp- ■* See note ^ on page 173. shire, iii. 70. * " Wherein Squanto is a great THE FIRST THANKSGIVING. 231 sowed some six acres of barley and pease ; and ac- chap. cording to the manner of the Indians, we manured our ground with herrings, or rather shads,' which we have in great abundance, and take with great ease at our doors. Our corn did prove well ; and, God be praised, we had a good increase of Indian corn, and our barley indifferent good, but our pease not worth the gathering, for we feared they were too late sown. They came up very well, and blossomed ; but the sun parched them in the blossom. Our harvest being gotten in, our governor^ sent four men on fowling, that so we might, after a special manner, rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors.^ They four in one day killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served the company almost a week. At which time, amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest king, Massasoyt, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted ; and they went out and killed five deer,^ which they brought to the plantation, and bestowed on our gov- ernor, and upon the captain and others. And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God we are so ' Or rather aleivives. Morton, in and an acre thus dressed will pro- his New English Canaan, b, ii. ch. duce and yield so much corn as 7, says, "There is a fish, by some three acres without fish." The called shads, by some allizes, that Indians used to put two or three at the spring of the year pass up fishes into every corn-hill, the rivers to spawn in the ponds ; * Bradford. and are taken in such multitudes in ^ This was the first Thanksgiv- every river that hath a pond at the ing, the harvest festival of New end, that the inhabitants dung their England. On this occasion they ground with them. You may see no doubt feasted on the wild turkey in one township a hundred acres as well as venison. See note ^ on together set with these fish, every page 229. acre taking a thousand of them ; * See note * on page 175. THE INDIANS WELL-DISPOSED. CHAP, far from want, that we often wish you partakers ot our plenty.^ We have found the Indians very faithful in their covenant of peace with us, very loving, and ready to pleasure us. We often go to them, and they come to us. Some of us have been fifty miles ^ by land in the country with them, the occasions and relations whereof you shall understand by our general and more full dec- laration of such things as are worth the noting. Yea, it hath pleased God so to possess the Indians with a fear of us and love unto us, that not only the greatest king amongst them, called Massasoyt, but also all the princes and peoples round about us, have either made suit unto us, or been glad of any occasion to make peace with us ; so that seven of them at once have sent their messengers to us to .that end.^ Yea, an isle at sea,"* which we never saw, hath also, together with the former, yielded willingly to be under the protection and subject to our sovereign lord King James. So that there is now great peace amongst the Indians ' Tliis representation was rather Ohqvamelmd , Chiklcatahah , too encouraging, as will be seen Cawnacome, Quadaqurna, hereafter. Olibatinnua, Hultmoiden, ^ Winslow himself had been to Nattawahtmt, Apannoiv.^^ Pokanoket, a distance of forty Caunbatant, miles. See page 208. ^ Morton has preserved in his Cawnacome was the sachem of Memorial, p. 67, the following do- Manomet, or Sandwich, Caunba- cument. tant of Mattapuyst, or Swanzey, and Chikkatabak, of Neponset. " September 13, anno Dom. 1621. Quadequina was the brother of "Know all men by these presents, Massasoit, and Apannow was pro- that we, whose names are under- bably Aspinet, the sachem of Nau- written, do acknowledge ourselves set. Obbatinua is supposed to have to be the loyal subjects of King been the same as Obbatinewat, the James, king of Great Britain, sachem of Sliavvmut, or Boston. France, and Ireland, Defender of But see note on page 225. the Faith, &c. In witness where- '' Capawack, or Nope, Martha's of, and as a testimonial of the Vineyard. See Bradford, in Prince, same, we have subscribed our p. 195, and Mass. Hist. Coll. xiii. names or marks, as followeth : 89. THE CLIMATE OF NEW ENGLAND. 233 themselves, which was not formerly, neither would chap. have been but for us ; and we, for our parts, walk as peaceably and safely in the wood as in the highways ^^^^• in England. We entertain them familiarly in our ii. houses, and they as friendly bestowing their venison on us. They are a people without any religion or knowledge of any God,^ yet very trusty, quick of ap- prehension, ripe-witted, just. The men and women go naked, only a skin about their middles. For the temper of the air here, it agreeth well with that in England ; and if there be any difference at all, this is somevvhat hotter in summer. Some think it to be colder in winter ; but I cannot out of experience so say. The air is very clear, and not foggy, as hath been reported. I never in my life remember a more season- able year than we have here enjoyed ; and if we have once but kine,- horses, and sheep, I make no question but men might live as contented here as in any part of the world. For fish and fowl, we have great abundance. Fresh cod in the summer is but coarse meat with us. Our bay is full of lobsters^ all the summer, and affordeth variety of other fish. In September we can take a hogs- head of eels in a night, with small labor, and can dig them out of their beds all the winter.'' We have mus- cles and othus ^ at our doors. Oysters we have none ' The. writer of this letter, Ed- * The writer himself was the ward Winslow, afterwards correct- first to briii£j over cattle to the plan- ed this statement in his Good News tation, in lfi24 — a bull and three from New Enjiland. " Whereas," heifers. See Prince, p. 225. he says, " myself and others in for- ^ See note ^ on page 164, and mer letters, (which came to the press also page 205. against my will and knowledge,) * See note ' on page 196. wrote that the Indians abont us are * This I think a typographical a people without any religion, or error for othrr — the word shell- knowiedge of any (lod, therein I JUh being accidentally omitted ; or erred, though we could then gather perhaps the word in the MS. was no better." clams. 30 234 THE PRODUCTIONS OF THE COUNTRY. CHAP, near, but we can have them brought bvthe Indians when XV. . . . ■— . 1- we win. All the spring-time the earth sendeth forth na- 1621. turallv verv ^ood sallet herbs. Here are crrapes,' white Dec. - . o Q r ' 11. and red, and very sweet and strong also ; strawberries, gooseberries, raspas,- &c.; plums^ of three sorts, white,^ black, and red, being almost as good as a damson ; abundance of roses, white, red and damask ; single, but very sweet indeed. The country wanteth only indus- trious men to employ ; for it would grieve your hearts if, as I, you had seen so many miles together by goodly rivers uninhabited ; ^ and withal, to consider those parts of the world wherein you live to be even greatly bur- thened with abundance of people. These things I thought good to let you understand, being the truth of things as near as I could experimentally take know- ledge of, and that you might on our behalf give God thanks, who hath dealt so favorably with us. Our supply of men from you came the 9th of No- vember, 1621, putting in at Cape Cod, some eight or ten leamies from us.*^ The Indians that dwell there- ' See note ' on page 165. month ere she sails for Enjjland." - Raspas, raspberries. Bradford and Sniith,inPrince, p. 198. ^ See note *on page 16.5, Tlie Fortune brousrht a letter for * In the original with — an error Mr. Carver from Mr. Weston, dated of the press. London, July 6, wherein he writes, * Winslow had observed this de- '• We (the adventurers) have pro- solation on the banks of Taunton cured you a charter, the best we river. See page 206. could, better than your former, and * The Fortune, a small vessel of with less limitation." Judge Da- 55 tons, brought over Robert Gush- vis, in a note on Morton's Memo- man and 35 persons, a part of rial, p. 73, says, " This intimation whom no doubt were the 20 that refers to a patent from the Presi- put back in the Speedwell. See dent and Council of New England note ' on page 99. The Fortune to John Pierce and his associates, sailed from London the beginning which was in trust for the compa- of July, but could not clear the ny. It was probably brought in channel till the end of August, this ship, and was a few years She found all the colonists whom since found among the old papers the Mayflower had left in April, in the Land Office at Boston, by " lusty and in good health, except WilIiamSmith,Esq.oneof the Land six who had died ; and she stays a Committee. It bears the seals and ARRIVAL OF THE SECOND SHIP. 235 about were they who were owners of the corn which chap. XV. we found in caves, for which we have given them full content,^ and are in great league with them. They sent us word there was a ship near unto them, but thought it to be a Frenchman ; and indeed for our- selves we expected not a friend so soon. But when we perceived that she made for our bay, the governor commanded a great piece to be shot off, to call home such as were abroad at work. Whereupon every man, yea boy, that could handle a gun, were ready, with full resolution that, if she were an enemy, we would stand in our just defence, not fearing them. But God provided better for us than we supposed. These came all in health, not any being sick by the way, otherwise than by sea-sickness, and so continue at this time, by the blessing of God.^ The good-wife signatures of the Duke of Lenox, the Marquis of Hamilton, the Earl of Warwick, and of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. There is another signa- ture so obscurely written, as to be illegible. It does not appear what use was made of this patent by the Plymouth planters ; it was, not long afterwards, superseded by the second patent, surreptitiously ob- tained by Pierce, for his own bene- fit, and which, after his misfortunes, was assigned to the adventurers." Judge Davis gives an abstract of this patent in his Appendix, p. 362. I have sought for the original in vain in the archives of the State. It was never printed ; and it is to be feared is now lost. The original of the third patent, granted in IG29 to William ISradford and his asso- ciates, is preserved in the oifice of the Register of Deeds at Plymouth. It is on parchment, signed by the Earl of Warwick, and the seal of the Plymouth Company, four inches in diameter, is appended to it. It « is prefixed to the printed Laws of Plymouth Colony, p. 21 — 26. See Memorial, p. 95 — 97, and Prince, pp. 204, 217. ' See page 217. - The following is an alphabeti- cal list of the persons who came over in the Fortune. John A'lams, William Bassilc, William Beale, Edward Bompasse, .lonalhan Brewster, Clement Brigges, John Cannon, William Conor, lloljert Cushman, Tliomas Cushman, Stephen Dean, Philip De La Xove, Thomas Flavell ' and son, Widow Foord, Robert Hickes, William Hilton, Bennet Morgan, Thomas Morton, Austin Nicolas, William Palmer, William Pitt, Thomas Prence, Moses Simonson, Hugh Slaiie, James Steward, William Tench, John Winslow, William Wright. Jonathan Brewster was a son of Elder Brewster; Thomas Cushman was a son of Robert ; John Wins- low was a brother of Edward. Thomas Prence (or Prince) was afterwards governor of the colony. 236 THE FORTUNE'S RETURN CARGO. CHAP. Ford was delivered of a son the first night she landed, and both of them are very well. When it pleaseth God we are settled and fitted for the fishing business and other trading, I doubt not but by the blessing of God the gain will give content to all. In the mean time, that we have gotten we have sent by this ship ; ^ and though it be not much, yet it will witness for us that we have not been idle, considering; the smallness of our number all this sum- mer. We hope the merchants will accept of it, and be encouraged to furnish us with things needful for further employment, which will also encourage us to put forth ourselves to the uttermost. Now because I expect your coming unto us,^ with other of our friends, whose company we much desire, I thought good to advertise you of a few things need- ful. Be careful to have a very good bread-room to put your biscuits in. Let your cask for beer and water be iron-bound, for the first tire, if not more. Let not your De La Noye (or Delano) was, ac- Frencli, carried into France, kept cordinfj to Winslow, in his Brief there fifteen days, and robbed of all Narration, " born of French pa- she had worth takings ; then the rents," and Simonson (or Sim- people and ship are released, and mons) was a " ciiild of one that get to London Feb. 17." Bradford, was in communion with the Dutch in Prince, p. 199. Smith, in his church at Leyden." The widow New England's Trials, printed in Foord brought three children, Wil- 1622, says she was laden with three liam, Martha, and John. For a hogsheads of beaver skins, clap- further account of some of these, board, wainscot, walnut, and some and the other early settlers, see sassafras. Farmer's Genealogical Register, " Upon her departure, the gov- Mitchell's Family Register, ap- ernor and his assistant dispose the pended to his Hist, of Bridgewater, late comers into several families, and Deane's Family Sketches, in find their provisions will now scarce his Hist, of Scituate. hold out six months at half allow- ' " The Fortune sails Dec. 13, ance, and therefore put them to it, laden with two hogsheads of beaver which they bear patiently." Brad- and other skins, and good clap- ford, in Prince, p. 199. boards as full as she can hold; the * George Morton, to whom I freight estimated near £500. But suppose this letter was written, in her voyage, as she draws near came out in the next ship, the the English coast, is seized by the Anne. THINGS NEEDFUL FOR THE COLONY. 237 meat be dry-salted : none can better do it than the chap. . XV. sailors. Let your meal be so hard trod in your cask L that you shall need an adz or hatchet to work it out i62i. with. Trust not too much on us for corn at this time, ij^* for by reason of this last company that came, depend- ing wholly upon us, we shall have little enough till harvest. Be careful to come by some of your meal to spend by the way ; it will much refresh you. Build your cabins as open as you can, and bring good store of clothes and bedding with you. Bring every man a musket or fowling-piece. Let your piece be long in the barrel, and fear not the weight of it, for most of our shooting is from stands. Bring juice of lemons, and take it fasting ; it is of good use. For hot waters, aniseed water is the best; but use it sparingly. If you bring any thing for comfort in the country, butter or sallet oil, or both, is very good. Our Indian corn, even the coarsest, maketh as pleasant meat as rice ; therefore spare that, unless to spend by the way. Bring paper and linseed oil for your windows,^ with ^ Oiled paper to keep out the Even in the time of Henry VIII. snow-storms of a New England they were considered a luxury, and winter ! This serves to give us yeomen and farmers were perfectly some idea of the exposures and contented with windows ot' lattice, hardships of the first colonists. It In the days of Queen Elizabeth is an indication of progress in do- they were unknown except in a mestic comfort when we find Hig- few lordly mansions, and in them ginson in 1629 writing from Salem they were regarded as movable to his friends in England, " Be furniture. When the dukes of sure to furnish yourselves with Northumberland left Alnwick cas- glass for windows." See Hutchin- tie to come to London for the win- son's Collection of Papers, p. 50, ter, the few glass windows, which Glass windows were first intro- formed one of the luxuries of the duced into England in 1180. They castle, were carefully taken out were so rare in the reign of Edward and laid away, perhaps carried to III. that Chaucer, in describing London to adorn the city residence, his chamber, mentions particularly See Anderson's Hist, of Commerce, that i. 90, ed. 17G1 ; Ellis's Specimens of the early English Poets, i. 221, " with glass ^'^^ ' Hallam's Middle Ages, iii. «" Were all the windows well y-giazed." 426, (ed. 1837); Northumberland 238 POWDER AND SHOT. CHAP, cotton yarn for your lamps. Let your shot be most V— .--1 for big fowls, and bring store of powder and shot. I 16 2 1. forbear further to write for the present, hoping to see i^' you by the next return. So I take my leave, com- mending you to the Lord for a safe conduct unto us, resting in him, Your loving friend, E. W.^ Plymouth, in New England, this \lth of December, 1621. Household Book, Preface, p. 16 ; ^ Edward Winslow, of whom E. Everett's Address before the some account will be given here- Mere. Lib. Assoc, p. 19. after. THE WINSLOW CHAIR. CHAPTER XVI. REASONS AND CONSIDERATIONS TOUCHING THE LAWFUL- NESS OF REMOVING OUT OF ENGLAND IJNTO THE PARTS OF AMERICA. Forasmuch as many exceptions are daily made chap. against the going into and inhabiting of foreign desert ^^-..^ places, to the hindrances of plantations abroad, and 162 1. the increase of distractions at home ; it is not amiss ^amb^e!' that some which have been ear-witnesses of the ex- ceptions made, and are cither agents or abettors of such removals and plantations, do seek to give content to the world, in all things that possibly they can. And although the most of the opposites are such as either dream of raising their fortunes here to that than which there is nothing more unlike, or such as affect- ing their home-born country so vehemently, as that they had rather with all their friends, beg, yea, starve in it, than undergo a little difficulty in seeking abroad ; yet are there some who, out of doubt in tenderness of conscience, and fear to offend God by running before they are called, are straitened and do straiten others from going to foreign plantations. For whose cause especially I have been drawn, out gf my good affection to them, to publish some reasons I 240 THE LAWFULNESS OF REMOVING CHAP. that might give them content and satisfaction, and XVI. & te _ ' also stay and stop the wilful and witty caviller ; and 1 G 2 L herein I trust I shall not be blamed of any godly wise, though through my slender judgment I should miss the mark, and not strike the nail on the head, con- sidering it is the first attempt that hath been made (that I know of) to defend those enterprises. Reason would, therefore, that if any man of deeper reach and better judgment see further or otherwise, that he rather instruct me than deride me. cau- And being studious for brevity, we must first con- tious. ~ •' ' Gen.xii. sider, that whereas God of old did call and summon XXXV. ]. our fathers by predictions, dreams, visions, and certain ii.'igl' illuminations, to go from their countries, places and habitations, to reside and dwell here or there, and to Psalm wander up and down from city to city, and land to cv. ]3. ^ . . . •' •' land, according to his will and pleasure ; now there is no such calling to be expected for any matter whatso- ever, neither must any so much as imagine that there i."^'i>. will now be any such thing. God did once so train up his people, but now he doth not, but speaks in another manner, and so we must apply ourselves to God's present dealing, and not to his wonted dealing ; Josh, and as the miracle of giving manna ceased, when the V. 12. _ too •> ^ fruits of the land became plenty, so God having such a plentiful storehouse of directions in his holy word, there must not now any extraordinary revelations be expected. But now the ordinary examples and pre- cepts of the Scriptures, reasonably and rightly under- stood and applied, must be the voice and word, that must call us, press us, and direct us in every action. ^^?i"g Neither is there any land or possession now, lilvo unto the possession which the Jews had in Canaan, FROM ENGLAND TO AMERICA. 241 being legally holy and appropriated unto a holy people, chap. the seed of Abraham, in which they dwelt securely, ^ and had their days prolonged, it being by an imme- ig2 1. diate voice said, that he (the Lord) gave it them as a land of rest after their \veary travels, and a type of eternal rest in heaven. But now there is no land of that sanctimony, no land so appropriated, none typical ; much less any that can be said to be given of God to any nation, as was Canaan, which they and their seed must dwell in, till God sendeth upon them sword or captivity. But now we are all, in all places, strangers and pilgrims, travellers and sojourners, most properly, having no dwelling but in this earthern tabernacle ; 'fX's-' our dwelling is but a wandering, and our abiding but as a fleeting, and in a word our home is nowhere but in tlie heavens,^ in that house not made with hands, whose maker and builder is God, and to which all ascend that love the coming of our Lord Jesus. Though then there may be reasons to persuade a man to live in this or that land, yet there cannot be the same reasons which the Jews had ; but now, as natural, civil and religious bands tie men, so they must be bound, and as good reasons for things terrene and heavenly appear, so they must be led. And so here falleth in our question, how a man o''J^"='- that is here born and bred, and hath lived some years, may remove himself into another country. I answer, a man must not respect only to live, and Ans. i. do good to himself, but he should see where he can ^'''=»' live to do most good to others ; for, as one saith, " He S whose living is but for himself, it is time he were dead." ' So were the Jews, but yet their were more large than ours. — Au- temporal blessings and inheritances ihor's Note. 31 persons y 242 REASONS FOR EMIGRATING CHAP. Some men there are who of necessity must here live, ^— v^ as being tied to duties either to church, common- 162 1. wealth, household, kindred, &:c. ; but others, and that many, who do no good in none of those, nor can do none, as being not able, or not in favor, or as want- ing opportunity, and live as outcasts — nobodies, eye- sores, eating but for themselves, teaching but them- selves, and doing good to none, either in soul or body, and so pass over days, years and months, yea, so live and so die. Now such should lift up their eyes and see whether there be not some other place and coun- s^^why try to which they may go to do good, and have use remove, towards others of that knowledge, wisdom, humanity, reason, strength, skill, faculty, Sec. which God hath given them for the service of others and his own glory. But not to pass the bounds of modesty so far as to name any, though I confess I know many, who sit Luke here still with their talent in a napkin, havini^ notable xis. 20. r ' => endowments both of body and mind, and might do great good if they were in some places, which here do none, nor can do none, and yet through fleshly fear, niceness, straitness of heart, &:c. sit still and look on, and will not hazard a drachm of health, nor a day of pleasure, nor an hour of rest to further the knowledge Reas. 1. and salvation of the sons of Adam in that new world, where a drop of the knowledge of Christ is most pre- cious, which is here not set by. Now what shall we say to such a profession of Christ, to which is joined no more denial of a man's self .^ Object. But some will say, What right have I to go live in the heathens' country ? Answ. Letting pass the ancient discoveries, contracts and agreements which our Englishmen have long since FROM ENGLAND TO AMERICA. 243 made in those parts, together with the acknowledg- chap . . ^ . . ° XVI. ment of the histories and chronicles of other nations, — who profess the land of America from the Cape de 1621. Florida unto the Bay of Canada ^ (which is south and north three hundred leagues and upwards, and east and west further than yet hath been discovered) is proper to the king of England, yet letting that pass, lest I be thought to meddle further than it concerns me, or further than I have discerning, I will mention such things as are within my reach, knowledge, sight and practice, since I have travailed in these affairs. And first, seeing we daily pray for the conversion Reas. 2. of the heathens, we must consider whether there be not some ordinary means and course for us to take to convert them, or whether prayer for them be only referred to God's extraordinary work from heaven. Now it seemeth unto me that we ought also to en- deavour and use the means to convert them ; and the means cannot be used unless we go to them, or they come to us. To us they cannot come, our land is full ; to them we may go, their land is empty. This then is sufficient reason to prove our going Reas. 3. thither to live, lawful. Their land is spacious and void, and there are few, and do but run over the grass, as do also the foxes and wild beasts. They are not industrious, neither have art, science, skill or faculty to use either the land or the commodities of it ; but all spoils, rots, and is marred for want of manuring, gathering, ordering, &:c. As the ancient patriarchs, therefore, removed from straiter places into more ' Jacques Cartier, of St. Malo, Montreal. Florida was discovered in France, discovered the great by Juan Ponce de Leon, a Span- river of Canada in August, 1534, iard, in 1512. See Holmes's An- and in 1535 sailed up as far as nals of America, i. 31 and 65, 244 REASONS FOR EMIGRATING CHAP, roomy, where the land lay idle and waste, and none '- used it, though there dwelt inhabitants by them, as 162 1. Gen. xiii. 6, 11, 12, and xxxiv. 21, and xh. 20, so is it lawful now to take a land which none useth, and make use of it. Keas. 4. ^j^^j c^g j|- jg g^ commou land, or unused and undress- ed country, so we have it by common consent, compo- sition and agreement ; ^ which agreement is double. First, the imperial governor, Massasoit, whose circuits, in likehhood, are larger than England and Scotland, hath acknowledged the King's Majesty of England to be his master and commander, and that once in my hearing, yea, and in writing, under his hand, to Cap- tain Standish, both he and many other kings which are under him, as Pamet, Nauset, Cummaquid, Nar- rowhiggonset, Namaschet, &c., with divers others that dwell about the bays of Patuxet and Massachu- set.^ Neither hath this been accomplished by threats and blows, or shaking of sword and sound of trumpet ; for as our faculty that way is small, and our strength less, so our warring with them is after another man- ner, namely, by friendly usage, love, peace, honest and just carriages, good counsel, &lc., that so we and they may not only live in peace in that land, and ^f\^A' ^^^ yield subjection to an earthly prince, but that as xivui. 3. voluntaries they may be persuaded at length to em- brace the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus, and rest in peace with him forever. Secondly, this composition is also more particular and applicatory, as touching ourselves there inhabiting. * This is to be considered as '^ See pages 193 and 232. respecting New England, and the territories about the plantation. — Auihor^s Note. FROM ENGLAND TO AMERICA. 245 The emperor, by a joint consent, hath promised and chap. appointed us to Uve at peace where we will in all his .^--,.^ dominions, taking what place we will, and as much 1621. land as we wilV and bringing as many people as we will ; and that for these two causes. First, because we are the servants of James, king of England, whose the land (as he confesseth) is. Secondly, because he hath found us just, honest, kind and peaceable, and so loves our company. Yea, and that in these things there is no dissimulation on his part, nor fear of breach (except our security engender in them some unthought of treachery, or our uncivility provoke them to anger) is most plain in other Relations,"* which show that the things they did were more out of love than out of fear. It being then, first, a vast and empty chaos ; secondly, acknowledged the right of our sovereign king ; thirdly, by a peaceable composition in part possessed of divers of his loving subjects, I see not who can doubt or call in question the lawfulnesss of inhabiting or dwelling there ; but that it may be as lawful for such as are not tied upon some special occasion here, to five there as well as here. Yea, and as the enterprise is weighty and difficult, so the honor is more worthy, to plant a rude wilderness, to enlarge the honor and fame of our ' In the "Warrantable Grounds English New Plymouth. All which and Proceedings of the first Asso- lands being void of inhabitants, ciates of New Plymouth, in their we, the said John Carver, William laying the first foundation of this Bradford, Edward Winslow, Wil- Government, in their making of liam Brewster, Isaac Allerton, and laws, and disposing of the lands the rest of our associates, entering within the same," prefixed to the into a league of peace with Massa- Code of Laws printed in 1G85, it is soit, since called Woosamequin, stated that " by the favor of the prince or sachem of those parts. Almighty they began the colony in he, the said Massasoit, freely gave New England (there being then them all the lands adjacent, to them no other within the said continent) and their heirs for ever." at a place called by the natives * lie refers to the preceding Apaum, alias Patuxct, but by the Journal. 246 REASONS FOR EMIGRATING CHAP, dread sovereign, but chiefly to display the efficacy L. and power of the Gospel, both in zealous preaching, 1621. professing, and wise walking under it, before the faces of these poor blind infidels. As for such as object the tediousness of the voyage thither, the danger of pirates' robbery, of the savages' xx^i!"i"3. treachery, &c., these are but lions in the way ; and it were well for such men if they were in heaven. For who can show them a place in this world where in- xfix'ls. iquity shall not compass them at the heels, and where ^%/'- they shall have a day without grief, or a lease of life for a moment ? And who can tell, but God, what dangers may lie at our doors, even in our native coun- try, or what plots may be abroad, or when God will vi'TI. cause our sun to go down at noon-day, and, in the midst of our peace and security, lay upon us some lasting scourge for our so long neglect and contempt of his most glorious Gospel ? Object. But we have here great peace, plenty of the Gos- pel, and many sweet delights and variety of comforts. Answ. True, indeed ; and far be it from us to deny and 2 c^'v"- diminish the least of these mercies. But have we ren- xxxu. ^^' dered unto God thankful obedience for this long peace, whilst other peoples have been at wars ? Have we not rather murmured, repined, and fallen at jars amongst ourselves, whilst our peace hath lasted with foreign power ? Was there ever more suits in law, more envy, ^*j'.^"g contempt and reproach than nowadays ? Abraham and Lot departed asunder when there fell a breach betwixt them, which was occasioned by the straitness of the land ; and surely I am persuaded, that howso- ever the frailties of men are principal in all conten- tions, yet the straitness of the place is such, as each 10. FROM ENGLAND TO AMERICA. 247 man is fain to pluck his means, as it were, out of his chap. neighbour's throat, there is such pressing and oppress ing in town and country, about farms, trades, traffick, 1621. &c. ; so as a man can hardly any where set up a trade, but he shall pull down two of his neighbours. The towns abound with young tradesmen, and the hospitals are full of the ancient ; the country is replen- ished with new farmers, and the almshouses are filled with old laborers. Many there are who get their living with bearing burdens ; but more are fain to burden the land with their whole bodies. Multitudes get their means of life by prating, and so do numbers more by begging. Neither come these straits upon men always through intemperance, ill husbandry, in- discretion, &:c., as some think ; but even the most wise, sober, and discreet men go often to the wall, when they have done their best ; wherein, as God's providence swayeth all, so it is easy to see that the straitness of the place, having in it so many strait hearts, cannot but produce such effects more and more ; so as every indifferent minded man should be ready to say with father Abraham, " Take thou the right hand, and I will take the left : " let us not thus oppress, straiten, and afflict one another ; but seeing there is a spacious land, the way to which is through the sea, we will end this difference in a day. That I speak nothing about the bitter contention that hath been about religion, by writing, disputing, and inveighing earnestly one against another, the heat of which zeal, if it were turned against the rude bar- barism of the heathens, it might do more good in a day, than it hath done here in many years. Neither of the little love to the Gospel, and profit which is 248 REASONS FOR EMIGRATING CHAP, made by the preachers in most places, which might -^ .-i. easily drive the zealous to the heathens ; who, no 162 1. doubt, if they had but a drop of that knowledge which here flieth about the streets, would be filled with ex- ceeding great joy and gladness, as that they would even pluck the kingdom of heaven by violence, and take it, as it were, by force. The^iast 'Y\\Q greatest let that is yet behind is the sweet fel- lowship of friends, and the satiety of bodily delights. But can there be two nearer friends almost than Abraham and Lot, or than Paul and Barnabas ? And yet, upon as little occasions as we have here, they departed asunder, two of them being patriarchs of the church of old, the other the apostles of the church which is new ; and their covenants were such as it seemeth might bind as much as any covenant between men at this day ; and yet to avoid greater inconve- niences, they departed asunder. Neither must men take so much thought for the flesh, as not to be pleased except they can pamper their bodies with variety of dainties. Nature is con- tent with little, and health is much endangered by mixtures upon the stomach. The delights of the palate Sf ^^ often inflame the vital parts ; as the tongue setteth a-fire the whole body. Secondly, varieties here are not common to all, but many good men are glad to snap at a crust. The rent-taker lives on sweet mor- sels, but the rent-payer eats a dry crust often with watery eyes ; and it is nothing to say what some one of a hundred hath, but what the bulk, body and com- monalty hath ; which I warrant you is short enough. And they also which now live so sweetly, hardly will their children attain to that privilege ; but some FROM ENGLAND TO AMERICA. 249 circumventor or other will outstrip them, and make chap. . XVI them sit in the dust, to which men are brought in one , .^ age, but cannot get out of it again in seven genera- i6 2i. tions. To conclude, without all partiality, the present con- sumption which groweth upon us here, whilst the land groaneth under so many close-fisted and unmerciful men, being compared with the easiness, plainness and plentifulness in living in those remote places, may quickly persuade any man to a liking of this course, and to practise a removal ; which being done by hon- est, godly and industrious men, they shall there be right heartily welcome ; but for other of dissolute and profane life, their rooms are better than their compa- nies. For if here, where the Gospel hath been so long and plentifully taught, they are yet frequent in such vices as the heathen would shame to speak of, what will they be when there is less restraint in word and deed ? My only suit to all men is, that whether they live there or here, they would learn to use this world as they used it not, keeping faith and a good conscience, both with God and men, that when the day of account shall come, they may come forth as good and fruitful servants, and freely be received, and enter into the joy of their Master. R. C.^ > Robert Cushman. It will be Mayflower." In a letter to Gover- recollected that he was twice sent nor Bradford, dated Decennber 2*2, from Leyden to England as the 1624, he writes, " I hope the next agent of the Pilgrims, and embark- ships to come to you;" but he eti in the Speedwell, in IG20, but was prevented by death Governor was obliged to put back. He came Bradford speaks of liim as "our over in the Fortune, and returned ancient friend, Mr. Cushman, who in her, as the adventurers had ap- was our right hand with the ad- poinled, to give them information of venturers, and for divers years the state of^the colony. In 1(>23, a managed all our business with lot of land was assigned him with them." He brought his sou Thomas those " which came first over in the with him in the Fortune, whom he 32 250 CONDITION AND PRODUCTS OF THE COLONY. CHAP. M Letter from New Plymouth. XVI. 162 1. Loving Cousin, Nov. At our arrival at New Plymouth, in New England, we found all our friends and planters in good health, though they were left sick and weak, with very small means ; the Indians round about us peaceable and friendly ; the country very pleasant and temperate, yielding naturally, of itself, great store of fruits, as vines of divers sorts, in great abundance. There is likewise walnuts, chestnuts, small nuts and plums, with much variety of flowers, roots and herbs, no less pleasant than wholesome and profitable. No place hath more gooseberries and strawberries, nor better. Timber of all sorts you have in England doth cover the land, that affords beasts of divers sorts, and great flocks of turkeys, quails, pigeons and partridges ; many great lakes abounding with fish, fowls, beavers, and ot- ters. The sea affords us great plenty of all excellent sorts of sea-fish, as the rivers and isles doth variety of wild fowl of most useful sorts. Mines we find, to our thinking ; but neither the goodness nor quality we know. Better grain cannot be than the Indian corn, if we will plant it upon as good ground as a man need desire. We are all freeholders; the rent-day doth not entrusted to the care of Governor lived to the age of 83. Descend- Bradford, and who, after the death ants of this honorable name are of Brewster, was chosen, in 1649, numerous in the Old Colony. See rulingelder of the Plymouth church, Morton's Memorial, pp. 128, 376; in which office he continued till he Prince, p. 238 ; Mass. Hist, Coll. died in 1691, aged 84. He married iii, 35 ; Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. Mary, daughter of Isaac Allerton, 267; Mitchell's History of Bridge- and his son Isaac, born in 1649, was water, p. 372. the first minister of Plympton, and CHARACTER OF THE COLONISTS. 251 trouble us : and all those good blessings we have, of chap. ... . XVI. which and what we list in their seasons for taking. Our company are, for most part, very religious, hon- est people ; the word of God sincerely taught us every Sabbath ; so that 1 know not any thing a contented mind can here want. I desire your friendly care to send my wife and children ^ to me, where I wish all the friends 1 have in England ; and so I rest Your loving kinsman, William Hilton.^] ' His wife and two children came of 1623, at Dover, the settlement of in the next ship, the Anne, which New Hampshire. Farmer says, arrived at Plymouth in the summer " He was at Newbury about 1648, of 1623. See Prince, p. 220, and and at Charlestown, Mass. in 16G5 ; Morton, p. 379. and here I suppose he died in 1675, ' 1 insert this letter, because it as there is the inventory of William was written by one of the passen- Hilton taken that year in the Pro- gers in the Fortune. Tt was first bate Records." See Belknap's printed in 1622, in Smith's New New Hampshire, p. 4, (Farmer's England's Trials. The writer and ed.) ; Prince, p. 215 ; Savage's his brother Edward, fishmongers of Winthrop, i. 97 ; Holmes's An- London, commenced, in the spring nals, i. 183. II CUSHMAN'S DISCOURSE. CHAPTER XVII. OF THE STATE OF THE COLONY, AND THE NEED OF PUBLIC SPIRIT IN THE COLONISTS.! New England, so called not only fto avoid novel- chap. . ... XVII. ties) because Captain Smith hath so entitled it in his '. Description, but because of the resemblance that is in 1 6 2 1. . . . . . Dec. it of England, the native soil of Englishmen ; it being muchwhat the same for heat and cold in summer and winter, it being champaign ground, but not high moun- tains ; somewhat like the soil in Kent and Essex, full of dales and meadow ground, full of rivers and sweet springs, as England is. But principally, so far as we 1 In the course of Robert Cush- man's short residence of a month at Plymouth he delivered a discourse to the colonists on the Sin and Danger of Self-Love, from 1 Cor. X. 2-1, " Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth ; " which was printed at London in 1622, but without his name. In a tract printed at London in 1644, entitled "A Brief Narration of some Church Courses in New Eng- land," I find the following allusion to this discourse ; " There is a book printed, called A Sermon preached at Plymouth, in New England, which, as I am certified, was made there by a comber of wool." Dr. Belknap remarks, that "this discourse may be considered as a specimen of the prophesyings of the brethren. The occasion was sin- gular ; the exhortations and re- proofs are not less so, but were adapted to the existing state of the colony." Judge Davis says that " the late Isaac Lothrop, of Ply- mouth, often mentioned an intima- tion, received from an aged relative, as to the spot where this sermon was delivered. It was at the com- mon house of the Plantation, which is understood to have been erected on the southerly side of the bank, where the town brook meets the harbour. Mr. Lothrop died in 1808, aged seventy-three. Not many 256 DESCRIPTION OF NEW ENGLAND. CHAP, can yet find, it is an island/ and near about the quantity '^ of England, being cut out from the main land in Ameri- 1621. ca, as England is from the main of Europe, by a great arm of the sea,^ which entereth in forty degrees, and runneth up northwest and by west, and goeth out either into the South Sea, or else into the Bay of Canada. The certainty whereof, and secrets of which, we have not yet so found as that, as eye-witnesses, we can make narration thereof ; but if God give time and means, we shall ere long discover both the extent of that river, together with the secrets thereof; and also try what territories, habitations, or commodities may be found, either in it, or about it. It pertaineth not to my purpose to speak any thing either in praise or dispraise of the country. So it is, by God's providence, that a few of us are there planted to our content and have with great charge and difficulty attained quiet and competent dwellings there. And thus much I will say for the satisfaction of such as have any thought of going thither to inhabit ; that for men which have a large heart, and look after great riches, ease, pleasures, dainties, and jollity in this world, (except they will live by other men's sweat, or have great riches,) I would not advise them to come there, for as yet the country will affiDrd no such mat- years before his death he had the England, together with all well- satisfaction of being called to view willers and well-wishers thereunto, sundry tools and implements which grace and peace, &c." The Epistle were dug up at that spot, and which is here printed entire, and all that he carefully preserved." See note* is of any general or historical inter- on page 173 ; Belknap's Am. Biog. est in the discourse, ii. 274 ; and Morton's Memorial, ' It will be seen hereafter that p. 74. Winslow too, on the authority of Prefixed to the discourse is an the natives, calls it an island. " Epistle Dedicatory, to his loving * Hudson's river, friends, the adventurers for New EMIGRATION SPREADS CHRISTIANITY. 257 ters. But if there be any who are content to lay out chap. XVII their estates, spend their time, labors and endeavours, '- for the benefit of them that shall come after, and in i62i. Dec. desire to further the Gospel among those poor hea- thens, quietly contenting themselves with such hard- ship and difficulties, as by God's providence shall fall upon them, being yet young, and in their strength, such men I would advise and encourage to go, for their ends cannot fail them. And if it should please God to punish his people in the Christian countries of Europe, for their coldness, carnality, wanton abuse of the Gospel, contention, &;c., either by Turkish slavery, or by popish tyranny, (which God forbid,) yet if the time be come, or shall come (as who knoweth .^) when Satan shall be let loose to cast out his floods against them, here is a way Yf'il"' opened for such as have wings to fly into this wilder- ness ; and as by the dispersion of the Jewish church through persecution, the Lord brought in the fulness ao'^h" of the Gentiles, so who knoweth, whether now by tyranny and affliction, which he suflereth to come upon them, he will not by little and little chase them even amongst the heathens, that so a light may rise up in i-uke the dark, and the kingdom of heaven be taken from them which now have it, and given to a people that xi'j'"43. shall brinsf forth the fruit of it .^ This I leave to the judgment of the godly wise, being neither prophet nor aihos son of a prophet. But considering God's dealing of 2 Kin old, and seeing the name of Christian to be very great, but the true nature thereof almost quite lost in all degrees and sects, I cannot think but that there is some judgment not far off", and that God will shortly, ^\^^^'^- even of stones, raise up children unto Abraham. 33 xvii. 23. 258 THE INDIANS FRIENDLY. CHAP. And whoso riffhtlv considereth what manner of en- trance, abiding, and proceedings we have had among 162 1. these poor heathens since we came hither, will easily Dec. . ^ think that God hath some great work to do towards them. They were wont to be the most cruel and treach- erous people in all these parts, even like lions ; but to us they have been like lambs, so kind, so submissive, and trusty, as a man may truly say, many Christians are not so kind nor sincere. They were very much wasted of late, by reason of a great mortality ^ that fell amongst them three years since ; which, together with their own civil dissensions and bloody wars, hath so wasted them, as I think the twentieth person is scarce left alive ; and those that are left, have their courage much abated, and their countenance is dejected, and they seem as a people affriorhted. And though when we first came into the country, we were few, and many of us were sick, and many died by reason of the cold and wet, it being the depth of winter, and we having no houses nor shelter, yet when there was not six able persons among us, and that they came daily to us by hundreds, with their sachems or kings, and might in one hour have made a dispatch of us, yet such a fear was upon them, as that they never offered us the least injury in word or deed. And by reason of one Tisquanto,^ that lives amongst us, that can speak English, we have daily commerce with their kings, and can know what is done or intended towards us among the savages ; also we can^ acquaint them with our courses and purposes, both human and religious. And the greatest commander of * See note ^ on page 183. * See note ^ on page 190. THE INDIANS WELL TREATED. 259 the country, called Massasoit,^ cometh often to visit chap. us, though he lives fifty miles from us, often sends us _^-^ presents, he having with many other of their governors i62i. promised, yea, subscribed obedience to our Sovereign Lord King James, and for his cause to spend both strength and life.^ And we, for our parts, through God's grace, have with that equity, justice, and com- passion carried ourselves towards them, as that they have received much favor, help, and aid from us, but never the least injury or wrong by us.^ We found the place where we live empty, the people being all dead and gone away,^ and none living near by eight or ten miles ; and though in the time of some hard- ship, we found, travelling abroad, some eight bushels of corn hid up in a cave, and knew no owners of it, yet afterwards hearing of the owners of it, we gave them (in their estimation) double the value of it.^ Our care also hath been to maintain peace amongst them, and have always set ourselves against such of them as used any rebellion or treachery against their governors ; and not only threatened such, but in some sort paid them their due deserts. And when any of ' See page 191. avoid the least scruple of intrusion. ^ See pages 193 and 232. Particularly publish that no wrong ^ They offer us to dwell where or injury he offered to the natives." we will. — Cushman's Note. And in 1676, it was as truly as The first planters of Plymouth proudly said by Governor Josiah and Massachusetts invariably pur- Winslow, of Plymouth, " I think I chased of the natives the lands on can clearly say, that before these which they settled, for considera- present troubles broke out, tbe lions which were deemed at the English did not possess one foot of time fully equivalent. They fol- land in this Colony but what was lowed literally the iiistruclions giv- fairly obtained by honest purchase en by the governor of the New p]ng- of the Indian proprietors." See land Company to Gov. Endicott, in Hutchinson's Mass. ii. 266 ; Haz- 1629: " If any of the salvages pre- ard's State Papers, i. 263; Hub- tend right of inheritance to all or bard's Indian Wars, p. 13, (ed. any part of the lands granted in our 1677.) patent, we pray you endeavour to * See pages 184 and 206. purchase their title, that we may * See page 217. 260 THE PILGRIMS TRUE TO THEIR PRINCIPLES. CHAP, them are in want, as often they are in the winter, \ when their corn is done, we supply them to our 1621. power, and have them in our houses eating and drink- Dgc ing, and warming themselves ; which thing, though it be something a trouble to us, yet because they should see and take knowledge of our labors, orders and diligence, both for this life and a better, we are content to bear it; and we find in many of them, especially of the younger sort, such a tractable dispo- sition, both to religion and humanity, as that if we had means to apparel them, and wholly to retain them with us, (as their desire is,) they would doubtless in time prove serviceable to God and man ; and if ever God send us means, we will bring up hundreds of their children both to labor and learning. But leaving to speak of them till a further occasion be offered, if any shall marvel at the publishing of this treatise in England, seeing there is no want of good books, but rather want of men to use good books, let them know, that the especial end is, that we may keep those motives in memory for ourselves and those that shall come after, to be a remedy against self-love, the bane of all societies ; and that we also might testify to our Christian countrymen, who judge diversely of us, that though we be in a heathen country, yet the grace of Christ is not quenched in us, but we still hold and teach the same points of faith, mortification, and sanc- tification, which we have heard and learned, in a most ample and large manner, in our own country. If any shall think it too rude and unlearned for this curious age, let them know, that to paint out the Gospel in plain and flat English, amongst a company of plain Englishmen, (as we are,) is the best and most profita- THE DESIGN OF THE PLANTATION. 261 ble teaching ; and we will study plainness, not cu- chap. riosity, neither in things human nor heavenly. If any 1 error or unsoundness be in it, (as who knoweth .^) I62i. .... . . Dec. impute it to that frail man which indited it, which professeth to know nothing as he ought to know it. I have not set down my name, partly because I seek no name, and principally because I would have nothing esteemed by names ; for I see a number of evils to arise through names, when the persons are either fa- mous or infamous, and God and man is often injured. If any good or profit arise to thee in the receiving of it, give God the praise and esteem me as a son of Adam, subject to all such frailties as other men are. And you, my loving friends, the adventurers to this Plantation, as your care has been, first to settle religion^ here, before either profit or popularity, so I pray you, go on to do it much more, and be careful to send godly men, though they want some of that worldly policy which this world hath in her own generation ; and so, though you lose, the Lord shall gain. I rejoice greatly in your free and ready minds to your powers, yea, and beyond your powers to further this work, that you thus honor God with your riches ; and I trust you shall be repay ed again double and treble in this world, yea, and the memory of this action shall never die. But ' " The great and known end of his Majesty's dominions, might, the first comers, in the year of owr with the liherly of a good con- Lord 1630, leaving their dear na- science, enjoy the pure sciiptural tive country and all that was dear worship of God, without the mix- to them there, transporting them- ture of human inventions and im- selves over the vast ocean into this positions; and that their cliildren remote waste wilderness, and there- after them might walk in the holy in willingly conflicting with dan- ways of the Lord." See General gers, losses, hardships and distress- Fundamentals, prefixed to the Laws es, sore and not a few, was, that of IS'ew Plymouth, published in without olTcnce, they, under the 1672, and reprinted in Brigham's protection of their native prince, edition, p. 242. together with the enlargement of 262 ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE ADVENTURERS. CHAP, above all, adding unto this, as 1 trust you do, like free- ness in all other God's services, both at home and 162 1. abroad, you shall find reward with God, ten thousand- fold surpassing all that you do or think. Be not, there- fore, discouraged, for no labor is lost nor money spent, which is bestowed for God. Your ends were good, your success is good, and your profit is coming, even in this life, and in the life to come much more. And what shall I say now ? A word to men of understand- ing sufficeth. Pardon, I pray you, my boldness, read over the ensuing treatise, and judge wisely of the poor weakling ; and the Lord, the God of sea and land, stretch out his arm of protection to you and us, and over all our lawful and good enterprises, either this, or any other way. Plymouth^ in New England^ Decemher 12, 1621. There is a generation, which think to have more in this world, than Adam's felicity in innocency, being born, as they think, to take their pleasures and their ease. Let the roof of the house drop through, they stir not ; let the field be overgrown with weeds, they care not ; they must not foul their hand, nor wet their foot. It's enough for them to say. Go you, not. Let us go, though never so much need. Such idle drones are intolerable in a settled commonwealth, much more in a commonwealth which is but as it were in the bud. Of what earth, I pray thee, art thou made ? Of any better than the other of the sons of Adam ? And canst thou see other of thy brethren toil their hearts out, and thou sit idle at home, or takest thy pleasure abroad ? THE SIN AND DANGER OP SELF-LOVE. 263 It is reported that there are many men gone to that chap. other plantation in Virginia, which, whilst they lived in England, seemed very religious, zealous, and con- ^^^^' scionable ; and have now lost even the sap of grace, and edge to all goodness ; and are become mere worldings. This testimony I believe to be partly true, and amongst many causes of it, this self-love is not the least. It is indeed a matter of some commenda- tions for a man to remove himself out of a thronged place into a wide wilderness ; to take in hand so long and dangerous a journey, to be an instrument to carry the Gospel and humanity among the brutish heathen ; but there may be many goodly shows and glosses, and yet a pad in the straw. Men may make a great appearance of respect unto God, and yet but dissem- ble with him, having their own lusts carrying them ; and, out of doubt, men that have taken in hand hither to come, out of discontentment, in regard to their estates in England, and aiming at great matters here, affecting it to be gentlemen, landed men, or hoping for office, place, dignity, or fleshly liberty. Let the show be what it will, the substance is naught ; and that bird of self-love which was hatched at home, if it be not looked to, will eat out the life of all grace and goodness ; and though men have escaped the danger of the sea, and that cruel mortality, which swept away so many of our loving friends and brethren, yet except they purge out this self-love, a worse mischief is pre- pared for them. And who knowcth whether God in mercy have delivered those just men which here de- parted, from the evils to come, and from unreasonable men, in whom there neither was, nor is, any comfort, but grief, sorrow, affliction, and misery, till they cast out this spawn of self-love ? 264 THE DUTY OP SELF-SACRIFICE. CHAP. Now, brethren, I pray you, remember yourselves, and know that you are not in a retired, monastical 1621. course, but have given your names and promises one to another, and covenanted here to cleave together in the service of God and the Kino-. What then must you do ? May you live as retired hermits, and look after nobody ? Nay, you must seek still the wealth of one another, and inquire, as David, How liveth such a man ? How is he clad ? How is he fed ? He is my brother, my associate ; we ventured our lives together here, and had a hard brunt of it ; and we are in league together. Is his labor harder than mine ? Surely I will ease him. Hath he no bed to lie on ? Why, I have two ; I'll lend him one. Hath he no apparel ? Why, I have two suits ; I'll give him one of them. Eats he coarse fare, bread and water, and I have bet- ter ? Why, surely we will part stakes. He is as good a man as I, and we are bound each to other ; so that his wants must be my wants, his sorrows my sorrows, his sickness my sickness, and his welfare my welfare ; for I am as he is. And such a sweet sympathy were excellent, comfortable, yea, heavenly, and is the only maker and conserver of churches and commonwealths ; and where this is wanting, ruin comes on quickly. It wonderfully encourageth men in their duties, when they see the burthen equally borne ; but when some withdraw themselves, and retire to their own particular ease, pleasure, or profit, what heart can men have to go on in their business ? When men are come together to lift some weighty piece of timber, or vessel, if one stand still and do not lift, shall not the rest be weakened and disheartened ? Will not a few idle drones spoil the whole stock of laborious bees ? So THE IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC SPIRIT. 265 one idle belly, one murmurer, one complainer, one chap. self-lover, will weaken and dishearten a whole colony. 1. Great matters have been brought to pass, where men 1 6 2 1. have cheerfully, as with one heart, hand and shoulder, gone about it, both in wars, buildings and plantations ; but where every man seeks himself, all cometh to nothing. The country is yet raw ; the land untilled ; the cities not builded ; the cattle not settled. We are compassed about with a helpless and idle people, the natives of the country, which cannot, in any comely or comfort- able manner, help themselves, much less us. We also have been very chargeable to many of our loving friends, which helped us hither, and now again supplied us ; so that before w^e think of gathering riches, we must even in conscience think of requiting their charge, love, and labor ; and cursed be that profit and gain which ainieth not at this. Besides, how many of our dear friends did here die at our first entrance ; many of them, no doubt, for want of good lodging, shelter, and comfortable things ; and many more may go after them quickly, if care be not taken. Is this then a time for men to begin to seek themselves ? Paul saith, that men in the last days shall be lovers of them- 2 Tim. ' _ ^ iii. 2. selves ; but it is here yet but the first days, and, as it were, the dawning of this new world. It is now therefore no time for men to look to get riches, brave clothes, dainty fare ; but to look to present necessities. It is now no time to pamper the flesh, live at ease, snatch, catch, scrape, and pill, and hoard up ; but rather to open the doors, the chests, and vessels, and say, Brother, neighbour, friend, what want ye ? any thing that I have? Make bold with it; it is yours to 34 266 THE GENERAL GOOD TO BE REGARDED. CHAP, command, to do you ffood, to comfort and cherish XVII ', you ; and glad I am that 1 have it for you. 16 21. Let there be no prodigal person to come forth and say, Give me the portion of lands and goods that appertam- *^- ^~' eth to me, and let me shift for myself^ It is yet too soon to put men to their shifts. Israel was seven years in Canaan before the land was divided unto tribes, much longer before it was divided unto families ; and why wouldest thou have thy particular portion, but be- cause thou thinkest to live better than thy neighbour, and scornest to live so meanly as he ? But who, I pray thee, brought this particularizing first into the world ? Did not Satan, who was not content to keep that equal state with his fellows, but would set his throne above the stars ? Did not he also entice man to despise his general felicity and happiness, and go try particular knowledge of good and evil ? And nothing in this world doth more resemble heavenly happiness, than for men to live as one, being of one heart and one soul ; neither any thing more resembles hellish horror, than for every man to shift for himself ; for if it be a good mind and practice, thus to affect particulars, mine and tliine^ then it should be best also for God to provide one heaven for thee, and another for thy neighbour. Objection. But some will say. If all men will do their endeavours, as I do, I could be content with this * Throughout this paragraph merit, and were clamorous for a there is a manifest reference to the partition of the lands, and the in- copartnership into which they had stitution of separate property. It been obliged to enter with the was the design of Mr. Cushman to merchant adventurers, by which exhort them to be faithful to their all the property and profits of the engagement, to cherish a public spi- Plantatioii for seven years were to rit, and to seek the general and be held as a joint stock, not to be ultimate good of the Colony, rather divided till the expiration of that than their personal and immediate time. The colonists had already interest. See the conditions on become impatient of this arrange- page 81, and note ' on page 84. THE NEED OF MUTUAL HELP. 267 generality ; but many are idle and slothful, and eat cpiap. up others' labors, and therefore it is best to part, and '. then every man may do his pleasure. 1 6 2 l If others be idle and thou diligent, thy fellowship, provocation, and example may well help to cure that malady in them, being together ; but being asunder, shall they not be more idle, and shall not gentry and beggary be quickly the glorious ensigns of your com- monwealth ? Be not too hasty to say men are idle and slothful. All men have not strength, skill, faculty, spirit, and courage to work alike. It is thy glory and credit, that canst do so well, and his shame and reproach, that can do no better ; and are not these sufficient rewards to you both ? If any be idle apparently, you have a law and gov- ernors to execute the same, and to follow that rule of the Apostle, to keep back their bread, and let them not eat. Go not therefore whispering to charge men with idleness ; but go to the governor and prove them idle, and thou shalt see them have their deserts. And as you are a body together, so hang not toge- ther by skins and gymocks, but labor to be jointed together and knit by flesh and sinews. Away with envy at the good of others, and rejoice in his good, and sorrow for his evil. Let his joy be thy joy, and his sorrow thy sorrow. Let his sickness be thy sick- ness, his hunger thy hunger, his poverty thy poverty ; and if you profess friendship, be friends in adversity, for then a friend is known and tried, and not before. Lay away all thought of former things and forget them, and think upon the things that are. Look not gapingly one upon other, pleading your goodness, your birth, your life you hved, your means you had and 268 EXHORTATION TO PEACE AND UNION. CHAP, might have had. Here you are by God's providence >^ -1 under difficulties ; be thankful to God it is no worse, 1621. and take it in good part that which is, and hft not up yourselves because of former privileges. Consider therefore what you are now, and where you are. Say not, I could have lived thus and thus ; but say. Thus and thus I must live ; for God and natural necessity requireth, if your difficulties be great, you had need to cleave the faster together, and comfort and cheer up one another, laboring to make each other's burden hghter. There is no grief so tedious as a churlish compan- ion ; and nothing makes sorrows easy more than cheerful associates. Bear ye therefore one another's burthen, and be not a burthen one to another. Avoid all factions, frowardness, singularity, and withdrawings, and cleave fast to the Lord and one to another contin- ually ; so shall you be a notable precedent to these poor heathens, whose eyes are upon you, and who very brutishly and cruelly do daily eat and consume one an- other, through their emulations, wars and contentions. Be you, therefore, ashamed of it, and win them to peace, both with yourselves and one another, by your peaceable examples, which will preach louder to them than if you could cry in their barbarous language. So also shall you be an encouragement to many of your Christian friends in your native country, to come to you, when they hear of your peace, love and kind- ness that is amongst you. But, above all, it shall go well with your souls, when that God of peace and unity shall come to visit you with death, as he hath done many of your associates ; you being found of him, not in murmurings, discontent, and jars, but in brotherly love and peace, may be translated from this wander- ing wilderness unto that joyful and heavenly Canaan. WINSLOW'S RELATION. " Good Newes frobi New England : or a true Relation of things very remarkable at the Plantation of Plimoth in New- England. Shewing the wondrous providence and goodness of God, in their preservation and continuance, being delivered from many appa- rent deaths and dangers. Together with a Relation of such religious and civill Lawes and Customes, as are in practise amongst the Indians, adjoyning to them at this day. As also what Commodities are there to be raysed for the maintenance of that and other Plantations in the said Country. Written by E. W. who hath borne a part in the fore-named trou- bles, and there lived since their first Arrival!. Whereunto is added by him a briefe Relation of a credible intel- ligence of the present Estate of Virginia. London. Printed by /. D. for William Bladen and lolin Bella- mie, and are to be sold at their Shops, at the Bible in Paul's Church-yard, and at the three Golden Lyons in Corn-hill, neere the Royall Exchange. 1624." pp. 66, sm. 4to. To all ivell-ivillers and furtherers of Plantations in New England, especially to such as ever have or desire to assist the people of Plymouth in their just proceedings, grace and peace be midtiplied. Right Honorable and Worshipful Gentlemen, or whatsoever, Since it hath pleased God to stir you up to be instruments of his glory in so honorable an enterprise as the enlarging of his Majesty's dominions by planting his loyal subjects in so healthful and hopeful a country as New-England is, where the church of God being seated in sincerity, there is no less hope of convincing the heathen of their evil ways, and converting them to the true knowledge and worship of the living God, and so consequently the salvation of their souls by the me- rits of Jesus Christ, than elsewhere, though it be much talked on and lightly or lamely prosecuted, — I there- fore think it but my duty to offer the view of our pro- ceedings to your worthy considerations, having to that end composed them together thus briefly, as you see ; wherein, to your great encouragement, you may behold the good providence of God working with you in our preservation from so many dangerous plots and treach- eries as have been intended against us, as also in giving 272 THE EPISTLE DEDlGATORf. his blessing so powerfully upon the weak means we had, enabling us with health and ability beyond expec- tation in our greatest scarcities, and possessing the hearts of the salvages with astonishment and fear of us ; whereas if God had let them loose, they might easily have swallowed us up, scarce being a handful in comparison of those forces they might have gathered together against us ; which now, by God's blessing, will be more hard and difficult, in regard our number of men is increased, our town better fortified, and our store better victualled. Blessed therefore be his name, that hath done so great things for us and hath wrought so great a change amongst us. Accept, I pray you, my weak endeavours, pardon my unskilfulness, and bear with my plainness in the things I have handled. Be not discouraged by our former necessities, but rather encouraged with us, hop- ing that as God hath wrought with us in our beginning of this worthy work, undertaken in his name and fear, so he will by us accomplish the same to his glory and our comfort, if we neglect not the means. I confess it hath not been much less chargeable to some of you ' than hard and difficult to us, that have endured the brunt of the battle, and yet small profits returned. Only, by God's mercy, we are safely seated, housed, and fortified, by which means a great step is made unto gain, and a more direct course taken for the same, than if at first we had rashly and covetously fallen upon it. Indeed three things are the overthrow and bane, as I may term it, of plantations. ' The merchant adventurers. See pages 67 and 78. THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. 273 1. The vain expectation of present profit, which too commonly taketh a principal seat in the heart and aflection, though God's glory, &c. is preferred before it in the mouth with protestation. 2. Ambition in their governors and commanders, seeking only to make themselves great, and slaves of all that are under them, to maintain a transitory base honor in themselves, which God oft punisheth with contempt. 3. The carelessness of those that send over supplies of men unto them, not caring how they be qualified ; so that ofttimes they are rather the image of men en- dued with bestial, yea, diabolical affections, than the image of God, endued with reason, understanding, and holiness. I praise God I speak not these things expe- rimentally, by way of complaint of our own condition, but having great cause on the contrary part to be thank- ful to God for his mercies towards us ; but rather, if there be any too desirous of gain, to entreat them to moderate their affections, and consider that no man expecteth fruit before the tree be grown ; advising all men, that as they tender their own welfare, so to make choice of such to manage and govern their aflfairs, as are approved not to be seekers of themselves, but the common good of all for whom they are employed ; and beseeching such as have the care of transporting men for the supply and furnishing of plantations, to be truly careful in sending such as may further and not hinder so good an action. There is no godly, honest man but will be helpful in his kind, and adorn his pro- fession with an upright life and conversation ; which doctrine of manners ^ ought first to be preached by ' This sentiment shows how little ticism, which has often been allet^ed obnoxious the first settlers of New against them by persons alike igno- England were to the charge of fana- rant of their spirit and their history, 35 274 THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. giving good example to the poor savage heathens amongst whom they hve. On the contrary part, what great offence hath been given by many profane men, who being but seeming Christians, have made Christ and Christianity stink in the nostrils of the poor infidels, and so laid a stumbling-block before them. But woe be to them by whom such offences come. These things I offer to your Christian considera- tions, beseeching you to make a good construction of my simple meaning, and take in good part this ensu- ing Relation, dedicating myself and it evermore unto your service ; beseeching God to crown our Christian and faithful endeavours with his blessings temporal and eternal. Yours in this service, Ever to be commanded, E. W.» * Edward Winslow was, ac- cording? to Hutchinson, " of a very reputable family and of a very ac- tive genius" — "a gentleman of the best family of any of the Ply- mouth planters, his father, Edward Winslow, Esq., being a person of some figure at Droitwich, in Wor- cestershire," a town seven miles from Worcester, celebrated for its salt springs. Edward was the eldest of eight children, and was born at Droitwich Oct. 19, 1595, as appears from the following extract from the records of St. Peter's church in that place : " 1595, Oct. 20, baptized Edward, son of Ed- ward Winslow, born the previous Friday," which was the 19th. His mother's name was Magdalen ; her surname is unknown ; she was married Nov, 3, 1594. He was not one of the original band of Pil- grims who escaped to Holland in 1608, but being on his travels, fell in with them at Leyden, in 1617, as we learn from his Brief Narra- tion, where he speaks of " living three years under Mr. Robinson's ministry before we began the work of plantation in New England." His name stands the third among the signers of the Compact on board the Mayflower ; and his family consisted at that time of his wife, Elizabeth, George Soule, and two others, perhaps his children, Ed- ward and John, who died young. As has already been seen, and will hereafter appear, he was one of the most energetic and trusted men in the Colony. He went to England in 1623, 1624, 1635 and 1646, as agent of the Plymouth or Massa- chusetts colonies ; and in 1633 he was chosen governor, to which office he was reelected in 1636 and 1644. He did not return to New England after 1646. In 1655 he was sent by Cromwell as one of three commissioners to superintend the expedition against the Spanish EDWARD WINSLOW. 275 possessions in the West Indies, and died at sea, near Hispaniola, on the 8th of May of that year, in his 60th year. An interesting letter, writ- ten by him at Barbadoes, March 16, and addressed to Secretary Thnrloe, is preserved in Thurloe's State Papers, iii. 250. Three letters of his to Gov. Winthrop; one to the Commissioners of the United Colo- nies, and another to Thurloe from Barbadoes, March 30, are contained in Hutchinson's Collection of Pa- pers, pp. 60, 110, 153, 228, 268. In 1637 he obtained a grant of a valuable tract of land at Green's harbour, now Marshfield, to which he {.'ave the name of Careswell. This estate conlinued in the family till a few years since, when it came into possession of Daniel Webster, the late Secretary of State. Edward Winslow's son, (2) Josiah, born at Plyinouth in 1628, was gov- ernor of the Colony, from 1673 to his death in 1680, and commanded the New-England forces in Philip's war. (3) Isaac, his only surviving son, sustained the (^hief civil and military offices in the county of Ply- mouth after its incorporation with Massachusetts, and was President of the Provincial Council. He died in 1738, aged 68. (4) John, his son, was a captain in the expedition against Cuba in 1740, a colonel at Louisburgh in 1744, and afterwards a major-general in the British ser- vice. He died in 1774, aged 71. His son, (5) Isaac, was a physician in Marshfield, and died in 1819, aged SO. His only son, (6) John, was an attorney, and died in 1822, aged 48. His only surviving son, (7) Isaac, and the last surviving male descendant of Gov. Edward, of the name of Winslow, born in 1813, resides in Boston, and pos- sesses original portraits of these his illustrious ancestors. See Mass. Hist. Coll. xxvii. 286. Edward Winslow had four bro- thers, all of whom came over to New England. Their names were, John, born in April, 1597; Kenelm, born, April 29, 1599 ; Gilbert, born in Oct. 1600 ; and Josiah, born in Feb. 1605. — John came in the Fortune in 1621, married Mary Chilton, who came in the May- flower, and removed to Boston, in 1655, where he died in 1674, aged 77. He left a numerous pos- terity, one of whom is Isaac Wins- low, Esq., of Roxbury, formerly a merchant in Boston. — Gilbert came in the Mayflower, and soon left the Colony, and it is thought went to Portsmouth, N. II. and died before 1660. — Kenelm and Josiah arrived at Plymouth before 1632, and both settled at Marshfield. The former died whilst on a visit at Salem in l'i72, aged 73, and the latter in 1674, aged 69. — Edward Wins- low's sisters were Eleanor, born in April, 1598, Elizabeth, horn in March, 1601, and Magdalen, born Dec. 26, 1604. Elizabeth died in Jan. 1604, and neither of the other two ever came to New England. For the copy of the record of St. Peter's Church, Droitwich, contain- ing the births and ba[)tisms of Ed- ward Winslow and his sisters and brothers, e\ceptin XVIII. them with their shot, and so departed. .-^~ Fearing, also, lest the enemy at any time should 1622. take any advantage by firing our houses. Captain Standish appointed a certain company, that whenso- ever they saw or heard fire to be cried in the town, should only betake themselves to their arms, and should enclose the house or place so endangered, and stand aloof on their guard, with their backs towards the fire, to prevent treachery, if any were in that kind intended. If the fire were in any of the houses of this guard, they were then freed from it ; but not otherwise, without special command. Long before this time we promised the people of Mar. Massachusets, in the beginning of March to come unto them, and trade for their furs ; which being then come, we began to make preparation for that voyage. In the mean time, an Indian, called Hobbamock, who still hved in the town, told us that he feared the IMassachusets or Massachuseucks (for so they called the people of that place,) w^ere joined in confederacy with the Nanohigganeucks, or people of Nanohig- ganset, and that they therefore would take this oppor- tunity to cut off Captain Standish and his company abroad ; but, howsoever, in the mean time, it was to be feared that the Nanohigganeucks would assault the town at home ; giving many reasons for his jealousy, as also that Tisquantum was in the confederacy, who, we should find, would use many persuasions to draw us from our shallops to the Indians' houses, for their better advantage. To confirm this his jealousy, he told us of many secret passages that passed between him and others, having their meetings ordinarily L 286 A COUNCIL HELD. CHAP, abroad, in the woods : but if at home, howsoever, he xviir. was exchided from their secrecy ; saying it was the 162 2. manner of the Indians, when they meant plainly, to deal openly ; but in this his practice there was no show of honesty. Hereupon the Governor, together with his Assist- ant and Captain Standish, called together such as by them were thought most meet for advice in so weighty a business ; who, after consideration hereof, came to this resolution ; that as hitherto, upon all occasions between them and us, we had ever manifested un- daunted courage and resolution, so it would not now stand with our safety to mew up ourselves in our new- enclosed town ; partly because our store was almost empty, and therefore must seek out for our daily food, without which we could not long subsist ; but espe- cially for that thereby they would see us dismayed, and be encouraged to prosecute their malicious pur- poses with more eagerness than ever they intended. Whereas, on the contrary, by the blessing of God, our fearless carriage might be a means to discourage and weaken their proceedings. And therefore thought best to proceed in our trading voyage, making this use of that we heard, to go the better provided, and use tiie more carefulness both at home and abroad, leaving the event to the disposing of the Almighty ; whose providence, as it had hitherto been over us for good, so we had now no cause (save our sins) to despair of his mercy in our preservation and continu- ance, where we desired rather to be instruments of good to the heathens about us than to give them the least measure of just offence. All things being now in readiness, the forenamed A DISCIIARGK OF CANNON. 287 Captain, with ten men, accompanied with Tisquantum chap. and Hobbamock, set forwards for the Massachusets. -' But we ' had no sooner turned the point of the harbour, 1 6 22. called the Gurnet's Nose,^ (where, being becalmed, we let fall our grapnel to set things to right and prepare to row,) but there came an Indian of Tisquantum's family running to certain of our people that were from home with all eagerness, having his face wounded, and the blood still fresh on the same, calling to them to repair home, oft looking behind him, as if some others had him in chase ; saying that at Namaschet^ (a town some fifteen miles from us,) there were many of the Nanohiggansets, Massassowat^ our supposed friend, and Conbatant,^ our feared enemy, with many others, with a resolution to take advantage on the present opportunity to assault the town in the Captain's ab- sence ; affirming that he received the wound in his face for speaking in our behalf, and by sleight escaped ; looking oft backward, as if he suspected them to be at hand. This he affirmed again to the Governor ; where- ' This indicates that the writer several places on the coast of Eng^- himseir, Winslow, was one of the land ; in the Channel we believe parly. there are at least two." Connected * So early was the name of Gur- with the Gurnet by a narrow neck, net given to this remarkable fea- and contiguous to Clark's island, is ture of Plymouth harbour. It is a another headland, called Saquish, peninsula or promontory, connect- containing ten or fourteen acres, ed witli Marshfield by a beach See note " on page 1G4, Mass. Hist, about six miles long, called Salt- Coll. xiii. 182, 204, and Thacher"s house beach. It contains about Plymoutli, p. 330. twenty-seven acres of excellent ^ See note * on page 204. soil. On its southern extremity, ^ The sachem of the Wampa- or nose, are two light-houses. It noags. See note* on page 191. probably received its name from It will be observed that Winslow some headland known to the Pil- spells many of the Indian words grims in the mother country. The differently from Bradford in the pre- late Samuel Davis, of Plymouth, ceding Journal, the accurate topographer, and faith- * The same as Coubatant or Cor- ful chronicler of the Old Colony, bitant. See note ' on page 219. says, " Gurnet is the name of 288 THE TOWN ALARMED. CHAP, upon he ffave command that three pieces of ordnance XVill. A C5 1 V— — should be made ready and discharged, to the end that 1622. if we were not out of hearing, we might return there- at ; which we no sooner heard, but we repaired home- ward with all convenient speed, arming ourselves, and makinsf all in readiness to fight. When we entered the harbour, we saw the town likewise on their guard, whither we hasted with all convenient speed. The news being made known unto us, Hobbamock said flatly that it was false, assuring us of Massassowat's faithfulness. Howsoever, he presumed he would never have undertaken any such act without his privity, him- self being a pinse,^ that is, one of his chiefest cham- pions or men of valor ; it being the manner amongst them not to undertake such enterprises without the advice and furtherance of men of that rank. To this the Governor answered, he should be sorry that any just and necessary occasions of war should arise be- tween him and any [of] the savages, but especially Massassowat ; not that he feared him more than the rest, but because his love more exceeded towards him than any. Whereunto Hobbamock replied, there was no cause wherefore he should distrust him, and therefore should do well to continue his affections. But to the end things might be made more manifest, the Governor caused Hobbamock to send his wife with all privacy to Puckanokick, the chief place of Massas- sowat's residence, (pretending other occasions,) there to inform herself, and so us, of the right state of things. When she came thither, and saw all things quiet, and that no such matter was or had been intended, [she] told Massassowat what had happened at Plymouth, (by ' What is now called a brave. TISdUANTUM'S DOUBLE-DEALING. 289 them called Patuxet : ^) which, when he understood, chap. xvin. he was much offended at the carriage of Tisquantum, returning many thanks to the Governor for his good ^.^^.^• thoughts of him, and assuring him that, according to their first Articles of Peace,^ he would send word and give warning when any such business was towards. Thus by degrees we began to discover Tisquantum, whose ends were only to make himself great in the eyes of his countrymen, by means of his nearness and favor with us ; not caring who fell, so he stood. In the general, his course was to persuade them he could lead us to peace or war at his pleasure, and would oft threaten the Indians, sending them word in a private manner we were intended shortly to kill them, that thereby he might get gifts to himself, to work their peace ; insomuch as they had him in greater esteem than many of their sachims ; yea, they themselves sought to him, who promised them peace in respect of us, yea, and protection also, so as they would resort to him ; so that whereas divers were wont to rely on Massassowat for protection, and resort to his abode, now they began to leave him and seek after Tisquan- tum. Now, though he could not make good these his large promises, especially because of the continued peace between Massassowat and us, he therefore raised this false alarm ; hoping, whilst things were hot in the heat of blood, to provoke us to march into his country against him, whereby he hoped to kindle such a flame as would not easily be quenched ; and hoping if that block were once removed, there were no other be- tween him and honor, which he loved as his life, and * See page 183, and note on page * See the Articles on page 193. 245. 37 290 SECOND VISIT TO BOSTON HARBOUR. CHAP, preferred before his peace. For these and the hke xviii. ^ abuses the Governor sharply reproved him ; yet was 1^2.^- he so necessary and profitable an instrument, as at that time we could not miss him. But when we understood his dealings, we certified all the Indians of our ignorance and innocency therein ; assuring them, till they begun with us, they should have no cause to fear ; and if any hereafter should raise any such re- ports, they should punish them as liars and seekers of their and our disturbance ; which gave the Indians good satisfaction on all sides. After this we proceeded in our voyage to the Mas- sachusets ; where we had good store of trade, ^ and (blessed be God) returned in safety, though driven from before our town in great danger and extremity of weather. At our return we found Massassowat at the Planta- tion ; who made his seeming just apology for all former matters of accusation, being much offended and en- raged against Tisquantum ; whom the Governor paci- fied as much as he could for the present. But not long after his departure, he sent a messenger to the Gov- ernor, entreating him to give way to the death of Tis- quantum, who had so much abused him. But the Governor answered, although he had deserved to die, both in respect of him and us, yet for our sakes he desired he would spare him ; and the rather, because without him he knew not well how to understand him- self or any other the Indians.^ With this answer the messenger returned, but came again not long after, accompanied with divers others, demanding him from ^ ' We should like to have known ^ See note ^ on page 183. more about this second voyage to ^ On the part of. Boston harbour. See page 224. MASSASOIT DEMANDS TISQUANTUM. 291 Massassowat, their master, as being one of his subjects, chap. whom, by our first Articles of Peace, we could not ^^^~^~^ retain. Yet because he would not willingly do it with- 1622. May. out the Governor's approbation, offered him many bea- vers' skins for his consent thereto, saying that, according to their manner, their sachim had sent his own knife, and them therewith, to cut off his head and hands, and bring them to him. To which the Governor answered, It was not the manner of the English to sell men's lives at a price, but when they had deserved justly to die, to give them their reward ; and therefore refused their beavers as a gift ; but sent for Tisquantum, who, though he knew their intent, yet offered not to fly, but came and accused Hobbamock as the author and work- er of his overthrow, yielding himself to the Governor to be sent or not according as he thought meet. But at the instant when our Governor was ready to deliver him into the hands of his executioners, a boat was seen at sea to cross before our town, and fall behind a headland^ not far off. Whereupon, having heard many rumors of the French, and not knowing whether there were any combination between the savages and them, the Governor told the Indians he would first know what boat that was ere he would dehver them into their custody. But being mad with rage, and impatient at delay, they departed in great heat. Here let me not omit one notable, though wicked practice of this Tisquantum ; who, to the end he might possess his countrymen with the greater fear of us, and so consequently of himself, told them we had ' This headland is Hither Man- mark in Barnstable bay, being visi- omet Point, forming the southern ble fiom all points of its circling boundary of Plymouth bay. Man- shore, from Sandwich to Province- omet is the most prominent land- town. See note * on page 148. 292 SCARCITY OF PROVISIONS. CHAP, the plague buried in our store-house : which, at our pleasure, we could send forth to what place or people 16 22. vve would, and destroy them therewith, though we stirred not from home. Being, upon the forenamed brabbles,^ sent for by the Governor to this place, where Hobbamock was and some other of us, the ground being broke in the midst of the house, where- under certain barrels of powder were buried, though unknown to him, Hobbamock asked him what it meant. To whom he readily answered. That was the place wherein the plague was buried, whereof he formerly told him and others. After this Hobba- mock asked one of our people, whether such a thing were, and whether we had such command of it ; who answered. No ; but the God of the English had it in store, and could send it at his pleasure to the destruc- tion of his and our enemies. This was, as I take it, about the end of May, ] 622 ; at which time our store of victuals was wholly spent, having lived long before with a bare and short allow- ance. The reason was, that supply of men, before mentioned,^ which came so unprovided, not landing so much as a barrel of bread or meal for their whole company, but contrariwise received from us for their ship's store homeward. Neither were the setters forth thereof altogether to be blamed therein, but rather certain amongst ourselves, who were too prodigal in their writing and reporting of that plenty we enjoyed.^ But that I may return. This boat proved to be a shallop, that belonged to a ' Brabbles, clamors. ^ Winslow himself had sent ^ The passengers in the Fortune, home too flattering an account of See page 234. their condition. See page 232. WINSLOW GOES TO MONHEGAN. 293 fishing ship, called the Sparrow, set forth by Master chap. Thomas Weston, late merchant and citizen of London, .^^-..^ which brought six or seven passengers at his charge, 1622. that should before have been landed at our Plantation ;^ ^^' who also brought no more provision for the present than served the boat's gang for their return to the ship ; which made her voyage at a place called Damarin's Cove,^ near Munhiggen, some forty leagues from us northeastward ; about which place there fished about thirty sail of ships, and whither myself was employed by our Governor, with orders to take up such victuals as the ships could spare ; where I found kind enter- tainment and good respect, with a willingness to sup- ply our wants. But being not able to spare that quantity I required, by reason of the necessity of some amongst themselves, whom they supplied before my coming, would not take any bills for the same, but did what they could freely, wishing their store had been such as they might in greater measure have expressed their own love, and supplied our necessities, for which they sorrowed, provoking one another to the utmost of ' " She brings a letter to Mr. he can, but writes to others to do Carver from Mr. Weston, of Jan. the like ; by which means he gets 17. By his letter we find he has as much bread as amounts to a quite deserted us, and is going to quarter of a pound a persoa per settle a plantation of his own. The day till harvest; the Governor boat brings us a kind letter from causing their portion to be daily Mr. John Huddleston, a captain of given them, or some had starved, a ship fishing at the eastward, And by this voyage we not only whose name we never heard be- got a present supply, but also learn fore, to inform us of a massacre of the way to those parts for our fu- 400 English by the Indians in Vir- ture benefit." Bradford, in Piince, ginia, whence he came. By this p. 202. Huddleston's letter, (or boat the Governor returns a grate- Hudston's, as Morton calls him,) ful answer, and with them sends may be found in New England's Mr. Winslow in a boat of ours to Memorial, p. 80. See note ' on get provisions of the fishing ships ; page 278. whom Captain Huddleston receives * See note * on page 278. kindly, and not only spares what 294 THE COLONY IN A FAMISHING CONDITION. CHAP, their abilities: which, although it were not much XVJII. ' ' b • amongst so many people as were at the Plantation, 16 2 2. yet through the provident and discreet care of the governors, recovered and preserved strength till our own crop on the ground was ready. Having dispatched there, I returned home with all speed convenient, where I found the state of the Col- ony much weaker than when I left it ; for till now we were never without some bread, the want whereof much abated the strength and flesh of some, and swelled others. But here it may be said, if the coun- try abound with fish and fowl in such measure as is reported, how could men undergo such measure of hardness, except through their own negligence.^ I answer, every thing must be expected in its proper season. No man, as one saith, will go into an orchard in the winter to gather cherries ; so he that looks for fowl there in the summer, will be deceived in his ex- pectation. The time they continue in plenty with us, is from the beginning of October to the end of March ; but these extremities befell us in May and June. I con- fess, that as the fowl decrease, so fish increase. And indeed their exceeding abundance was a great cause of increasing our wants. For though our bay and creeks were full of bass and other fish, yet for want of fit and strong seines and other netting, they for the most part brake through, and carried all away before them.^ And though the sea were full of cod, yet we had neither tackling nor hawsers for our shallops. And indeed had we not been in a place, where divers sort of shell-fish are, that may be taken with the hand, we must have ' See note ^ on page 171. A FORT BUILT ON BURIAL HILL. 295 perished, unless God had raised some unknown or chap. extraordinary means for our preservation. .' In the time of these straits, indeed before my going I622. to Munhiggen, the Indians began again to cast forth many insulting speeches, glorying in our weakness, and giving out how easy it would be ere long to cut us off. Now also Massassowat seemed to frown on us, and neither came or sent to us as formerly. These things occasioned further thoughts of fortification. And whereas we have a hill called the Mount,^ enclosed within our pale, under which our town is seated, we resolved to erect a fort thereon ; from whence a few might easily secure the town from any assault the Indians can make, whilst the rest might be employed as occasion served. This work was begun with great eagerness, an^ with the approbation of all men, hoping that this being once finished, and a con- tinual guard there kept, it would utterly discourage the savages from having any hopes or thoughts of rising against us. And though it took the greatest part of our strength from dressing our corn, yet, life being continued, we hoped God would raise some means in stead thereof for our further preservation. * The burying-hill. See page in Plymouth. After the fort was 168. The intelligence of the mas- used as a place of worship, it is sacre in Virginia reached Plymouth probable they began to bury their in May, and was the immediate dead around it. Before that time incitement to the erection of this the burial-place was on the bank, fort. See page 279. above the rock on which the land- " Some traces of the fort are still ing was made." Judge Davis's visible on the eminence called the note in Morton's Memorial, p. 82. burying-hill, directly above the See note * on page 168, and page meeting-house of the first church 169 previous. CHAPTER XIX. OF TFIE PLANTING OF MASTER WESTON'S COLONY AT WES- SAGUSSET, AND OF SUMDRY EXCURSIONS AFTER CORN. CHAP. In the end of June, or beginning of July, came into XIX. our harbour two ships of Master Weston's aforesaid ; Y f ^' the one called the Charity,^ the other the Swan ; hav- ing in them some fifty or sixty men, sent over at his own charge to plant for him.^ These we received into our town, affording them whatsoever courtesy our mean condition could afford. There the Charity, being the bigger ship, left them, having many passen- gers which she was to land in Virginia. In the mean time the body of them refreshed themselves at Ply- mouth, whilst some most fit sought out a place for ' By Mr. Weston's ship comes a letter from Mr. John Pierce, in whose name the Plymouth patent is taken, signifying that whom the governor admits into the associa- tion, he will approve." Bradford, in Prince, p. 204. * They came upon no religious design, as did the planters of Ply- mouth ; so they were far from be- ing Puritans. Mr. Weston in a letter owns that many of them are rude and profane fellows. Mr. Cushman in another writes, " They are no men for us, and I fear they will hardly deal so well with the savages as they should. I pray you therefore signify to Squanto that they are a distinct body from us, and we have nothing to do with them, nor must be blamed for their faults, much less can warrant their fidelity." And Mr. John Pierce in another writes, " As for Mr. Wes- ton's company they are so base in condition for the most part, as in all appearance not fit for an honest man's company. I wish they prove otherwise." Bradford, in Prince, p. 203. WESTON'S COLOxNY SETTLE AT WEYMOUTH. 297 them. That little store of corn we had was exceeding- chap. XIX. \y wasted by the unjust and dishonest walking of these strangers; who, though they would sometimes seem 1622. to help us in our labor about our corn, yet spared not day and night to steal the same, it being then eatable and pleasant to taste, though green and unprofitable ; and though they received much kindness, set light both by it and us, not sparing to requite the love we showed them, with secret backbitings, revihngs, &c., the chief of them being forestalled and made against us before they came, as after appeared. Nevertheless, for their master's sake, who formerly had deserved well from us,^ we continued to do them vi^hatsoever good or furtherance we could, attributing these things to the want of conscience and discretion, expecting each day when God in his providence would disbur- den us of them, sorrowing that their overseers were not of more ability and fitness for their places, and much fearing what would be the issue of such raw and unconscionable beginnings. At length their coasters returned, having found in their judgment a place fit for plantation, within the bay of the Massachusets - at a place called by the Indi- ans Wichaguscusset.^ To which place the body of them went with all convenient speed, leaving still with us such as were sick and lame, by the Governor's permission, though on their parts undeserved ; whom our surgeon, '^ by the help of God, recovered gratis for them, and they fetched home, as occasion served. They had not been long from us, ere the Indians ' See note ' on page 78. ^ Or Wessagusset, now called ' Boston harbour. See notes ' Weymouth, and * on page 225. ■• Dr. Fuller. See note 'on p. 222 38 298 THE PILGRIMS FEEBLE AND DESTITUTE. CHAP, filled our ears with clamors against them, for stealinor XIX . v^-..^ their corn, and other abuses conceived by them. At 16 22. vvhich we grieved the more, because the same men,^ in mine own hearing, had been earnest in persuading Captain Standish, before their coming, to sohcit our Governor to send some of his men to plant by them, alleging many reasons how it might be commodious for us. But we knew no means to redress those abuses, save reproof, and advising them to better walking, as occasion served. Aug. In the end of August, came other two ships into our harbour. The one, as I take it, was called the Disco- very, Captain Jones ~ having the command thereof ; the other was that ship of Mr. Weston's, called the Sparrow, which had now made her voyage of fish, and was consorted with the other, being both bound for Virginia.^ Of Captain Jones we furnished ourselves of such provisions as we most needed, and he could best spare ; who, as he used us kindly, so made us pay largely for the things we had. And had not the Al- mighty, in his all-ordering providence, directed him to us, it would have gone worse with us than ever it had been, or after was ; for as we had now but small store of corn for the year following, so, for want of supply, we were worn out of all manner of trucking-stuff, not having any means left to help ourselves by trade ; but, through God's good mercy towards us, he had where- ' That is, the same Indians. bound for Virginia ; " and Brad- ^ This is supposed to be the same ford states that "she was on her Jones who was captain of the May- way from Virginia homeward, be- flower. See note ' on page 102, ing sent out by some merchants to and note ^ on page 166. discover the shoals about Cape Cod, ^ Prince says, p. 205, that " Mr. and harbours between this and Winslovv seems to mistake in Virginia." thinking Captain Jones was now PROPOSED EXCURSION AFTER CORN. 299 with, and did supply our wants on that kind compe- chap. tently.^ L In the end of September, or beginning of Octo- 1622. ber, Mr. Weston's biggest ship, called the Charity, re- turned for England, and left their colony sufficiently victualled, as some of most credit amongst them re- ported. The lesser, called the Swan, remained with his colony, for their further help. At which time they desired to join in partnership with us, to trade for corn ; to which our Governor and his Assistant'^ agreed, upon such equal conditions, as were drawn and confirmed between them and us. The chief places aimed at were to the southward of Cape Cod ; and the more, because Tisquantum, whose peace before this time was wrought with Massassowat, un- dertook to discover unto us that supposed, and still hoped, passage within the shoals. Both colonies being thus agreed, and their compa- nies fitted and joined together, we resolved to set forward, but were oft crossed in our purposes. As first Master Richard Greene, brother-in-law to Master Weston, who from him had a charge in the oversight and government of his colony, died suddenly at our Plantation, to whom we gave burial befitting his place, in the best manner we could. Afterward, having fur- ther order to proceed by letter from their other Gover- nor at the Massachusets, twice Captain Standish set forth with them, but were driven in again by cross and violent winds ; himself the second time being sick ' " Of her we buj' knives and we are fitted to trade both for corn beads, which is now good trade, and beaver." Bradford, in Prince, though at cent, per cent, or more, p. 205, and in Morton's Memorial, and yet pay away coat beaver at p. 83. 3s. a pound, (which a few years ^ Isaac Allerton. after yields 205.) ; by which means 300 BRADFORD EXTERS CHATHAM HARBOUR, CHAP, of a violent fever. By reason whereof four own wants XIX. .^ — being like to be now greater than formerly, partly be- 16 22. cause we were enforced to neglect our corn and spend much time in fortification, but especially because such havock was made of that little we had, through the un- just and dishonest carriage of those people, before men- tioned, at our first entertainment of them,) our Gover- nor in his own person supplied the Captain's place ; Nov. and, in the month of November, again set forth, having Tisquantum for his interpreter and pilot ; who affirmed he had twice passed within the shoals of Cape Cod, both with English and French. Nevertheless they went so far with him, as the master of the ship saw no hope of passage ; but being, as he thought, in danger, bare up, and according to Tisquantum's direc- tions, made for a harbour not far from them, at a place called Manamoycke ; ^ which they found, and sound- ing it with their shallop, found the channel, though but narrow and crooked ; where at length they har- boured the ship. Here they perceived that the tide set in and out with more violence at some other place more southerly,^ which they had not seen nor could discover, by reason of the violence of the season all the time of their abode there. Some judged the en- trance thereof might be beyond the shoals ; but there is no certainty thereof as yet known. That night the Governor, accompanied with others, having Tisquantum for his interpreter, went ashore. At first, the inhabitants played least in sight, because none of our people had ever been there before ; but understanding the ends of their coming, at length came to them, welcoming our Governor according to their * Chatham- ' See note ' on page 103. I DEATH OF TISQUANTUM. 301 savage manner : refreshinaj them very well with store chap. of venison and other victuals, which they brought them in great abundance; promising to trade with them, ^^^^• with a seeming gladness of the occasion. Yet their joy was mixed with much jealousy, as appeared by their after practices ; for at first they were loth their dwellings should be known ; but when they saw our Governor's resolution to stay on the shore all night, they brought him to their houses, having first conveyed all their stuff to a remote place, not far from the same ; which one of our men, walking forth occasionally, espied. Whereupon, on the sudden, neither it nor they could be found ; and so many times after, upon conceived occasions, they would be all gone, bag and baggage. But being afterwards, by Tisquantum's means better persuaded, they left their jealousy, and traded with them ; where they got eight hogsheads of corn and beans, though the people were but few. This gave our Governor and the company good en- couragement ; Tisquantum being still confident in the passage, and the inhabitants affirming they had seen ships of good burthen pass within the shoals aforesaid. But here, though they had determined to make a second essay, yet God had otherways disposed ; who struck Tisquantum with sickness, insomuch as he there died ; ^ which crossed their southward trading, and the * His disorder was a fever, ac- Prince, p. 206, and in Morton, companied with " a bleeding at the p. 85. Judge Davis adds in his nose, which the Indians reckon a note, that " Governor Bradford's fatal symptom." Before his death pen was worthily employed in the " he desired the Governor (Brad- tender notice taken of the death of ford) to pray that he might go to this child of nature. With some the Englishman's God in heaven, aberrations, his conduct was gen- bequeathing divers of his things to erally irreproachable, and his useful sundry of his English friends, as services to the infant settlement remembrances of his love ; of whom entitle him to grateful remem- we had great loss." Bradford, in brance." 302 CORN PROCURED AT EASTHAM AND YARMOUTH. CHAP, more, because the master's sufficiency was much XIX doubted, and the season very tempestuous, and not fit 16 22. to go upon discovery, having no guide to direct them. From thence they departed ; and the wind being fair for the Massachusets, went thither, and the rather, because the savages, upon our motion, had planted much corn for us, which they promised not long be- fore that time. When they came thither, they found a great sickness to be amongst the Indians, not unlike the plague, if not the same. They renewed their complaints to our Governor, against that other planta- tion seated by them, for their injurious walking. But indeed the trade both for furs and corn was over- thrown in that place, they giving as much for a quart of corn as we used to do for a beaver's skin ; so that little good could be there done. From thence they returned into the bottom of the bay of Cape Cod, to a place called Nauset ; where the sachim ^ used the Governor very kindly, and where they bought eight or ten hogsheads of corn and beans ; also at a place called Mattachiest,^ where they had like kind entertainment and corn also. During the time of their trade in these places, there were so great and violent storms, as the ship was much endangered, and our shallop cast away ; so that they had now no means to carry the corn aboard that they had bought, the ship riding by their report well near two leagues from the same, her own boat being small, and so leaky, (having no carpenter with them,) as they durst scarce fetch wood or water in her. Hereupon the Governor caused the corn to be made in a round stack, and bought mats, ' Aspinet. See page 216. ble and Yarmouth harbours. See ^ The country between Barnsta- note ' on page 215. BRADFORD RETURNS HOME BY LAND. 303 and cut sedge, to cover it ; and gave charge to the In- chap. dians not to meddle with it, promising him that dwelt . — -1. next to it a reward, if he would keep vermin also from i ^ 2 2. , . . , Nov. it ; which he undertook, and the sachim promised to make good. In the mean time, according to the Governor's request, the sachim sent men to seek the shallop ; which they found buried almost in sand at a high water mark, having many things remaining in her, but unserviceable for the present; whereof the Governor gave the sachim special charge, that it should not be further broken, promising ere long to fetch both it and the corn ; assuring them, if neither were diminished, he would take it as a sign of their honest and true friendship, which they so much made show of ; but if they were, they should certainly smart for their unjust and dishonest dealing, and further make good whatsoever they had so taken. So he did likewise at Mattachiest, and took leave of them, being resolved to leave the ship and take his journey home by land with our own company, sending word to the ship that they should take their first opportunity to go for Plymouth, where he determined, by the permission of God, to meet them. And having procured a guide, it being no less than fifty miles to our Plantation,^ set forward, receiving all respect that could be from the Indians in his journey ; and came safely home, though weary and surbated ; ^ whither some three days after the ship ^ also came. The corn being divided, which they had got. Master Weston's company went to their own plantation ; it ' The distance from Eastham ^ With galled feet, to Piymoutli by land is about fifty ^ The Swan. See page 299. miles. 304 STANDISH GOES TO EASTHAM. CHAP, being further agreed, that they should return with all XIX. . . -_J^ convenient speed, and bring their carpenter, that they 1623. might fetch the rest of the corn, and save the shallop. At their return, Captain Standish, being recovered and in health, took another shallop, and went with them to the corn, which they found in safety as they left it. Also they mended the other shallop, and got all their corn aboard the ship. This was in January, as I take it, it being very cold and stormy ; insomuch as, (the harbour being none of the best,) they were constrained to cut both the shallops from the ship's stern ; and so lost them both a second time. But the storm being over, and seeking out, they found them both, not having received any great hurt. Whilst they were at Nauset, having occasion to lie on the shore, laying their shallop in a creek ^ not far from them, an Indian came into the same, and stole certain beads, scissors, and other trifles, out of the same ; which, when the Captain missed, he took cer- tain of his company with him, and went to the sachim, telling him what had happened, and requiring the same again, or the party that stole them, (who was known to certain of the Indians,) or else he would revenge it on them before his departure ; and so took leave for that night, being late, refusing whatsoever kindness they offered. On the morrow the sachim came to their rendezvous, accompanied with many men, in a stately manner, who saluted ^ the Captain in this wise. He thrust out his tongue, that one might see the root thereof, and therewith licked his hand ' Nauset, or Easthara, abounds * In the original sa/w^m^,- prob- with creeks. See note * on page ably a typographical error. 156, and Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 155, 188. k BRADFORD AT MIDDLEBOROUGH AND SANDWICH. 305 from the wrist to the finorer's end, withal bowing the chap. . . , . . XIX. knee, striving to imitate the Enghsh gesture, being _-,^ instructed therein formerly by Tisquantum. His men 1 6 2 3. did the like, but in so rude and savage a manner, as our men could scarce forbear to break out in open laughter. After salutation, he dehvered the beads and other things to the Captain, saying he had much beaten the party for doing it ; causing the women to make bread, and bring them, according to their desire ; seeming to be very sorry for the fact, but glad to be reconciled. So they departed and came home in safety ; where the corn was equally divided, as before. After this the Governor went to two other inland towns, with another company, and bought corn like- wise of them. The one is called Namasket,' the other Manomet.^ That from Namasket was brought home partly by Indian women f but a great sickness arising amongst them, our own men were enforced to fetch home the rest. That at Manomet the Governor left in the sachim's custody. This town lieth from us south, well near twenty miles, and stands upon a fresh river, which runneth into the bay of Nanohigganset,'* and cannot be less than sixty miles from thence. It will bear a boat of ' See note * on page 204. miles with a hundred weight of * The part of Sandwich, which lobsters at their backs ; in winter lies on Rlanoinet river. F. they are their husbands' porters to ^ " It is almost incredible," says lug home their veniion." See Roger Williams, " what burthens Mass. Hist. Coll. i. 149, iii. 212, the poor women carry of corn, of and Wood's New England's Pros- fish, of beans, of mats, and a child pect, partii. ch.20. besides." Gookin says, " In their ^ This is called Manomet or removals from place to place, for Buzzard's bay, though Winslow their fishing and hunting, the wo- seems to mistake it for Narragan- men carry the greatest burthen." sett bay, which is near twenty And Wood says, " In tlie summer leagues to the westward. Prince, they trudge home two or three p. 308. 39 306 BUZZARD'S BAY. 1623. Jan. CHAP, eight or ten tons to this place. Hither the Dutch or XIX. ^^^^ French, or both, use to come. It is from hence to the bay of Cape Cod, about eight miles ;.^ out of which bay it floweth into a creek some six miles, almost direct towards the town. The heads of the river and this creek are not far distant. This river yieldeth, thus high, oysters,^ muscles, clams,^ and other shell- fish ; one in shape like a bean,^ another like a clam ; both good meat, and great abundance at all times ; besides it aboundeth with divers sorts of fresh fish in their seasons.^ ' " This creek runs out easterly into Cape Cod bay at Scussett har- bour ; and this river runs out west- erly into Manomet bay. The dis- tance overland from bay to bay is but six miles. The creek and river nearly meet in a low ground ; and this is the place, through which there has been a talk of making- a canal, this forty years , which would be a vast advantage to all these countries, by saving the long and dangerous navigation round the Cape, and through the shoals adjoining." Prince, p. 208, (A. D. 1736.) Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 122. "^ Oysters are still found in great excellence and plenty in Sandwich, on the shores of Buzzard's bay. See Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 122. ^ The common clam, (mya are- naria,) or perhaps the quahaug, {venus mcrcenaria.) The English call the former the sand-gaper, the word clam not being in use among them, and not to be found in their dictionaries. And yet it is men- tioned by Captain Smith, in his Description of New England, print- ed in 1616. Johnson, whose Won- derworking Providence was pub- lished in 1654, speaks of " dam- banks, a fish as big as horse-mus- cles." Morton too, in his New English Canaan, (1637) mentions them, and Josselyn, (1672) in his Rarities, p. 96, speaks of "clam, or clamp, a kind of shell-fish, a white muscle." Wood says, ch. ix. " clams or clamps is a shell- fish not much unlike a cockle ; it lieth under the sand. These fishes be in great plenty. In some places of the country there be clams as big as a penny white-loaf." See Mass. Hist. Col. iii. 224, viii. 193, xiii. 125, xxvi. 121, and Dr. Gould's Re- port on the Mollusca of Mass. pp. 40—42, and 85, 86. ■* The razor-shell, {solen,) which very much resembles a bean pod, or the haft of a razor, both in size and shape. See Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 192. Josselyn calls them " sheath fish, which are very plen- tiful, a delicate fish, as good as a prawn, covered with a thin shell like the sheath of a knife, and of the color of a muscle." And Mor- ton says, " razor fishes there are." " The animal is cylindrical, and is often used as an article of food under the name of long-clam, razor- fish, knife-handle, &c." See Dr. Gould's Report on the Mollusca of Massachusetts, p. 29. ° In Manomet river, as well as in Buzzard's and Buttermilk bays, are found fish of various kinds, such as bass, sheep's head, tautaug, scuppaug, &c. See Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 122. CANACUM. 307 The governor, or sachim, of this place was called chap. Canacum ; ^ who had formerly, as well as many others, L yea all with whom as yet we had to do, acknowledged 1 6 2 3. themselves the subjects of our sovereign lord, the King. This sachim used the Governor very kindly ; and it seemed was of good respect and authority amongst the Indians. For whilst the Governor was there, within night, in bitter weather, came two men from Manamoick, before spoken of; and having set aside their bows and quivers, according to their manner, sat down by the fire, and took a pipe of tobacco, not using any words in that time, nor any other to them, but all remained silent, expecting when they would speak. At length they looked toward Canacum ; and one of them made a short speech, and delivered a present to him from his sachim, which was a basket of tobacco and many beads, which the other received thankfully. After which he made a long speech to him ; the con- tents hereof was related to us by Hobbamock (who then accompanied the Governor for his guide,) to be as followeth. It happened that two of their men fell out, as they were in game, (for they use gaming as much as any where, and will play away all, even their skin from their backs,^ yea their wives' skins also, though it may be they are many miles distant from them, as myself have seen,) and growing to great heat, the one killed ' He was the same as Cawna- have." And Wood adds, " They come, mentioned in note ^ on page are so bewitched with these two 232. games, that they will lose some- * " In their gamings," says Roger times all they have, beaver, moose Williams, "they will sometimes skins, kettles, wampompeage, mow- stake and lose their money, clothes, hackies, hatchets, knives, all is con- house, corn, and themselves, if sin- fiscate by these two games." See gle persons." Gookin says, "They Mass. Hist. Coll. i. 153, iii. 234, are addicted to gaming, and will, and Wood's New England's Pros- in that vein, play away all they pect, part ii. ch. 14. 308 STANDISH AT YARMOUTH. CHAP, the Other. The actor of this fact was a powah,^ one ^ — -w. of special note amongst them, and such an one as they 1623. could not well miss ; yet another people greater than themselves threatened them with war, if they would not put him to death. The party offending was in hold ; neither would their sachim do one way or other till their return, resting upon him for advice and fur- therance in so weighty a matter. After this there was silence a short time. At length, men gave their judg- ment what they thought best. Amongst others, he asked Hobbamock what he thought ; who answered, He was but a stranger to them ; but thought it was better that one should die than many, since he had deserved it, and the rest were innocent. Whereupon he passed the sentence of death upon him. Feb. Not long after, having no great quantity of corn left. Captain Standish went again with a shallop to Mattachiest, meeting also with the like extremity of weather, both of wind, snow, and frost ; insomuch as they were frozen in the harbour, the first night they entered the same. Here they pretended their wonted love, and spared them a good quantity of corn to con- firm the same. Strangers also came to this place, pre- tending only to see him and his company, whom they never saw before that time, but intending to join with the rest to kill them, as after appeared. But being forced through extremity to lodge in their houses, which they much pressed, God possessed the heart of the Captain with just jealousy, giving strait command, that as one part of his company slept, the rest should wake, declaring some things to them which he under- stood, whereof he could make no good construction. * Powow, a priest and medicine man. STANDISH AT SCUSSETT. 309 Some of the Indians, spying a fit opportunity, stole chap. some beads also from him ; which he no sooner per- '^ ceived, havinaj not above six men with him, drew them 162 3. . Feb. all from the boat, and set them on their guard about the sachim's house, where the most of the people were ; threatening to fall upon them without further dela}', if they would not forthwith restore them ; sig- nifying to the sachim especially, and so to them all, that as he would not offer the least injury, so he would not receive any at their hands, which should escape without punishment or due satisfaction. Hereupon the sachim bestirred him to find out the party; which, when he had done, caused him to return them again to the shallop, and came to the Captain, desiring him to search whether they were not about the boat; who, suspecting their knavery, sent one, who found them lying openly upon the boat's cuddy. Yet to appease his anger, they brought corn afresh to trade ; insomuch as he laded his shallop, and so departed. This acci- dent so daunted their courage, as they durst not attempt any thing against him. So that, through the good mercy and providence of God, they returned in safety. At this place the Indians get abundance of bass both summer and winter ; for it being now Feb- ruary, they abounded with them. In the beginning of March, having refreshed him- Mar. self, he took a shallop, and went to Manomet, to fetch home that which the Governor had formerly bought,^ hoping also to get more from them ; but was deceived in his expectation, not finding that entertainment he found elsewhere, and the Governor had there received. ' It seems as if the Captain went up westward towards Manomet. into Scussett harbour, which goes Prince, p. 210. 310 WITUWAMAT. CHAP. The reason wlioreof, and of the treachery intended in XIX. . . the place before spoken of, was not tlien known unto 16 2 3. hj;^ i)iit atterwards ; wherein may be observed the Mar. abundant mercies of God, working with his provi- dence for our good. Captain Standish being now iar from the boat, and not above two or three of our men with liim, and as many with the shallop, was not long at Canacum, the sachim's house, but in came two of the. Massachuset men. The chief of them was called Wituwamat, a notable insulting villain, one who had tormerly imbrued his hands in the blood of English and French, and had oft boasted of his own valour, and derided their weakness, especially because, as he said, they died crying, making sour faces, more like children than men. This villain took a dagger from about his neck, which he had gotten of IVlaster AVeston's people, and presented it to the sachim ; and after made a long speech in an audacious manner, framing it in such sort, as the Captain, tliough he be the best linguist amongst us,^ could not gather any thing from it. The end of it was atterwards discovered to be as followeth. The Mas- sacheuseuks had formerly concluded to ruinate JMas- ter Weston's colony ; and thought themselves, being about thirty or forty men, strong enough to execute the same. Yet they durst not attempt it, till such time as they had gathered more strength to themselves, to make their party good against us at Plymouth ; con- cluding, that if we remained, though they had no other arguments to use against us, yet we would never leave the death of our countrymen unrevenged ; and there- ' To the Indian dialects. A CONSPIRACY AMONG THE INDIANS. 311 fore their safety could not be without the overthrow of chap. XIX. both plantations. To this end they had formerly soli- 1. cited this sachim, as also the other, called lanough,^ 1623. Mar. at Mattachiest, and many others, to assist them, and now again came to prosecute the same ; and since there was so fair an opportunity offered by the Cap- tain's presence, they thought best to make sure [of] him and his company. After this his message was delivered, his entertain- ment much exceeded the Captain's ; insomuch as he scorned at their behaviour, and told them of it. After which they would have persuaded him, because the weather was cold, to have sent to the boat for the rest of his company ; but he would not, desiring, according to promise, that the corn might be carried down, and he would content the women ^ for their labor ; which they did. At the same time there was a lusty Indian of Paomet,^ or Cape Cod, then present, who had ever demeaned himself well toward us, being in his general carriage very affable, courteous, and loving, especially towards the Captain. This savage was now entered into confederacy with the rest ; yet, to avoid suspicion, made many signs of his continued affections, and would needs bestow a kettle of some six or seven gallons on him, and would not accept of any thing in lieu thereof, saying he was rich and could afford to bestow such favors on his friends whom he loved. Also he would freely help to carry some of the corn, affirming he had never done the like in his life be- fore ; and the wind being bad, would needs lodge with ' Or lyanough. See note 'on ^ Or Pamet, now called Truro. pa?e 215. See pages 135 and 139. * See note ^ on page 305. k 312 STANDISH RETURNS TO PLYMOUTH. CHAP, him at their rendezvous, having indeed undertaken to XIX. . — 1 kill him before they parted ; which done, they in- 16 2 3. tended to fall upon the rest. Mar. The night proved exceeding cold ; insomuch as the Captain could not take any rest, but either walked, or turned himself to and fro at the fire. This the other observed, and asked wherefore he did not sleep as at other times ; who answered, He knew not well, but had no desire at all to rest. So that he then missed his opportunity. The wind serving on the next day, they returned home, accompanied with the other Indian ; who used many arguments to persuade them to go to Paomet, where himself had much corn, and many other, the most whereof he would procure for us, seeming to sorrow for our wants. Once the Captain put forth with him, and was forced back by contrary wind ; which wind serving for the Massachuset, was fitted to go thither. But on a sudden it altered again. CHAPTER XX. WINSLOW'S SECOND JOURNEY TO PACKANOKICK, TO VISIT MASSASOIT IN HIS SICKNESS. During the time that the Captain was at Manomet, chap XX news came to Plymouth that Massassowat was hke to .-->-!-. die, and that at the same time there was a Dutch shin i62 3. Mar. driven so high on the shore by stress of weather, right before his dwelhng, that till the tides increased, she could not be got off. Now it being a commendable manner of the Indians, when any, especially of note, are dangerously sick, for all that profess friendship to them to visit them in their extremity,^ either in their persons, or else to send some acceptable persons to them ; therefore it was thought meet, being a good and warrantable action, that as we had ever professed friendship, so we should now maintain the same, by observing this their laudable custom ; and the rather, because we desired to have some conference with the Dutch, not knowing when we should have so fit an opportunity. To that end, myself having formerly * " All their refreshing- in their very solemn, unless it be in infec- sickness is the visit of friends and tious diseases, and then all forsake neighbours, a poor empty visit and them and fly." Roger Williams, presence ; and yet indeed this is in Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 236. 40 k 314 JOHN HAMPDEN NEVER IN AMERICA. CHAP. XX. 162 3, Mar. 1st day. 2d day. been there, and understanding in some measure the Dutch tongue, the Governor again laid this service upon myseh', and fitted me with some cordials to ad- minister to him ; having one Master John Hamden,^ a gentleman of London, who then wintered with us, and desired much to see the country, for my consort, and Hobbamock for our guide. So we set forward, and lodged the first night at Namasket, where we had friendly entertainment. The next day, about one of the clock, we came to ' It was conjectured by Belknap, Am. Biog. ii. 229, and has since been repeatedly asserted as a fact by other writers, that this person was the celebrated Entjlish patriot of the same name. But this is highly improbable. Hampden, who was born in 1594, and married in 1619, was a member of the parlia- ment which assembled in January, 1621, and was dissolved by James in 1622, under circumstances and in a juncture of affairs which ren- dered it certain that a new parlia- ment must soon be called. It is not at all likely that a person in Hampden's circumstances, a man of family, wealth and considera- tion, would, merely for the sake of gratifying his curiosity, have left England at this critical period, on a long voyage to another hemi- sphere, and run the risk of not being at home at the issuing of the writs for a new parliament. For the passage to America was at that time precarious ; the ves.sels were few, and the voyage a long one ; so that a person who undertook it could not reasonably calculate upon getting back in mach less than a year. Winslow"s companion, who- ever he was, must have come in the Charity, which brought Wes- ton's colony, unless we adopt the improbable supposition that this " gentleman of London " embarked in one of the fishing vessels that visited the Grand Bank, and took his chance of getting to Plymouth as he could. Now the Charity left London the last of April, 1622, and arrived at Plymouth the last of June. The visit to Massasoit took place in March, 1623, and after this no vessel sailed for England till the Anne, September 10, in which Winslow went home. Of course this " gentleman of London," must have been absent at least eighteen months, which it is altogether im- probable that Hampden would have done, running the risk of not being at home to stand for the next par- liament, to which he undoubtedly expected to be returned, as we know he actually was. Besides, had this companion of Winslow been the great English patriot, the silence of the early Plymouth writers on the point is unaccountable. On publishing his " Good News from New England " immediately on his arrival iu Lon- don, in 1624, one object of which was to recommend the new colony, how gladly would Winslow have appealed for the correctness of his statements to this member of par- liament who had passed more than a year in their Plantation. How natural too would it have been for him to have mentioned the fact in his " Brief Narration," published in 1646, only three years after the death of the illustrious patriot. Bradford, REPORTED DEATH OF MASSASOIT. 315 a ferry ' in Conbatant's country, where, upon discharge chap of my piece, divers Indians came to us from a house ^ ~- not far off. There they told us that Massassowat 16 33. Mar. was dead, and that day buried ; and that the Dutch would be gone before we could get thither, having hove off their ship already. This news struck us blank, but especially Hobbamock, who desired we might return with all speed. I told him I would first think of it. Considering now, that he being dead, Conbatant^ was the most like to succeed him, and that we were not above three miles from Mattapuyst,^ his dwelling-place, although he were but a hollow- also, whose sympathies were all with the popular party in England, in writing an elaborate history of the Colony, would not have failed to record the long residence among them of one who, at the time he wrote, had become so distinguished as the leader of that party in the House of Commons. That his lost history contained no such passage we may be certain ; for had it been there, it must have been quoted either by Prince or Morton, who make so free use of it, both of whom too mention this visit to Mas- sasoit, and who would not have omitted a circumstance so honora- ble to the Colony. Again. Winslow"s companion was " a gentleman of London.''^ Now althouj.'h John Hampden hap- pened to be born in London, when his father was in parliament in 1591, he was properly of Bucking- hamshire. Winslow, who was him- self of Worcestershire, if he knew who Hampden was, would not have called him " a gentleman of Lon- do?i;'' and we cannot suppose that this English gentleman would have spent so many months in the Colony without milking himself known to its two leading men, Winslow and Bradford. Equally unfounded is the state- ment that has gained so wide a currency and become incorporated with the history of those times, and is repeated in Lord Nugent's Life of Hampden, that John Hamp- den, in company with Cromwell, Pym, and Hazelrig, had actually em- barked for America on board a fleet in the Thames, in 1638, but were detained by an order from the Privy Council. Miss Aikin, in her Me- moirs of Charles L, ch. xiii., was the first to detect and expose this error of the historians. — For some of the views in this note I am in- debted to the MS. suggestions of the learned editor of Governor Win- throp's History of New England. ' Probably the same which is now called Slade's Ferry, in Swanzey. Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. 292. * Conbatantor Corbitant, was the sachem of Pocasset, and was sub- ject to Massasoit. See Baylies' Plymouth, ii. 2D2. ^ A neck of land in the town- ship of Swanzey, commonly pro- nounced Mattapoiset, now Gard- ner's neck, situated between the Shawomet and Toweset necks. See Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. 292, and Baylies' Plymouth, ii. 232, 234. 316 HOBBAMOCK'S CHARACTER OF MASSASOIT. CHAP, hearted friend toward us, I tboufi-lit no time so fit as XX. . -1-- this to enter into more friendly terms with him, and i^'2 3. the rest of the sachims thereabout ; hoping, through the blessing of God, it would be a means, in that unsettled state, to settle their affections towards us ; and though it were somewhat dangerous, in respect of our personal safety, because myself and Hobbamock had been employed upon a service against him,^ which he might now fitly revenge ; yet esteeming it the best means, leaving the event to God in his mercy, I re- solved to put it in practice, if Master Hamden and Hobbamock durst attempt it with me ; whom I found wilhng to that or any other course might tend to the general good. So we went towards Mattapuyst. In the way, Hobbamock, manifesting a troubled spirit, brake forth into these speeches : Neen womasu sagimus, neen womasu sagimus, &c. " My loving sachim, my loving sachim ! Many have I known, but never any like thee." And turning him to me, said, whilst I lived, I should never see his like amongst the Indians ; saying, he was no bar, he was not bloody and cruel, like other Indians ; in anger and passion he was soon reclaimed ; easy to be reconciled towards such as had offended him ; ruled by reason in such measure as he would not scorn the advice of mean men ; and that he governed his men better with few strokes, than others did with many ; truly loving where he loved ; yea, he feared we had not a faithful friend left among the Indians ; showing, how he ofttimes restrained their malice, &c., continuing a long speech, with such signs of lamentation and unfeigned sorrow, as it would have made the hardest heart relent. ' Sec pag-e 220. WINSLOW AT GARDNER'S NECK, IN SWANZEY. 317 At length we came to Mattapiiyst, and went to the chap. sachimo comaco,^ for so they call the sachim's place, thouj^i they call an ordinary house witeo;^ but Con- 1623. ^ "^ . -^ Mar. batant, the sachim, was not at home, but at Puckano- kick, which was some five or six miles off. The squa- sachim, for so they call the sachim's wife, gave us friend- ly entertainment. Here we inquired again concerning Massassowat ; they thought him dead, but knew no certainty. Whereupon I hired one to go with all ex- pedition to Puckanokick, that we might know the certainty thereof, and withal to acquaint Conbatant with our there being. About half an hour before sun- setting the messenger returned, and told us that he was not yet dead, though there was no hope we should find him living. Upon this we were much revived, and set forward with all speed, though it was late within night ere we got thither. About two of the clock that afternoon, the Dutchmen departed ; so that in that respect our journey was frustrate. When we came thither, we found the house so full of men, as we could scarce get in, though they used their best diligence to make way for us. There were they in the midst of their charms for him, making such a hellish noise, as it distempered us that were well, and therefore unhke to ease him that was sick.^ About ' " Sachimmaacommock, a T^nnce^s ards and witches, holding familiari- hoiise, which, according to their ty with Satan, that evil one ; and condition, is far different from the partly are physicians, and make other house, both in capacity or use, at least in show, of herbs and receipt, and also the fineness and roots for curing the sick and dis- qiiality of their mats." Roger Wil- eased. These are sent for by the liams's Key, ch. xxii. sick and wounded ; and by their ' Wetu, or loigwam. See Galla- diabolical spells, mutterings, ex- lin's Indian Vocabnlaries, in Am. orcisms, they seem to do wonders. Antiq. Soc. Coll. ii. 3-22. They use extraordinary stranye mo- ^ " There are among tliem cer- tions of their bodies, insoninch that tain men and women, whom they they will sweat until they foam; call powows. These are partly wiz- and thus continue for some hours 318 WINSLOW'S RECEPTION BY MASSASOIT. 1623. Mar. CHAP, him were six or eight women, who chafed his arms, '^ legs, and thighs, to keep heat in him. When they had made an end of their charming, one told him that his friends, the English, were come to see him. Hav- ing understanding left, but his sight was wholly gone, he asked, Who was come ? They told him Winsnow, for they cannot pronounce the letter /, but ordinarily n in the place thereof.^ He desired to speak with me. When I came to him, and they told him of it, he put forth his hand to me, which I took. Then he said twice, though very inwardly. Keen Winsnow ? which is to say, " Art thou Winslow ? " I answered, Ahhe, that is. Yes. Then he doubled these words ; 3IaUa neen wonckanet namen, Winsnoio ! that is to say, " O Winslow, I shall never see thee again." Then I called Hobbamock, and desired him to tell Massassowat, that the Governor, hearing of his sick- together, stroking and hovering over the sick." Gookin, in Mass, Hist. Coll. i. 154. " Powaivs, priests. These do be- gin and order their service and in- vocation of their gods, and all the people follow, and join interchange- ably in a laborious bodily service, unto sweating, especially of the priest, who spends himself in strange antic gestures and actions, even unto fainting. In sickness the priest comes close to the sick person, and performs many strange actions about him, and threatens and conjures out the sickness. The poor people commonly die under their hands ; for, alas, they admin- ister nothing, but howl and roar and hollow over them, and begin the song to the rest of the people, who all join like a choir in prayer to their gods for them." Roger Williams, in Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 227, 237. " The manner of their action in their conjuration is thus. The par- ties that are sick are brought before them ; the pov/ow sitting down, the rest of the Indians give atten- tive audience to his imprecations and invocations, and after the violent expression of many a hideous bel- lowing and groaning, he makes a stop, and then all the auditors with one voice utter a short canto. Which done, the powow still pro- ceeds in his invocations, some- times roaring like a bear, other times groaning like a dying horse, foaming at the mouth like a chafed boar, smiting on his naked breast and thighs with such violence as if he were mad. Thus will he con- tinue sometimes half a day." Wood's New England's Prospect, part ii. ch. 12. See also Hutchin- son's Mass. i. 474. ' Wood says, ch. 18, " They pro- nounce / and r in our Enfjiish tongue, with much difficulty, call- in"' a lobster a nobstan." Yet WINSLOW TENDS MASSASOIT. 319 ness, was sorry for the same ; and though, by reason chap. of many businesses, he could not come himself, yet he - — — - sent me with such thinsfs for him as he thouo-ht most i6 23. . . . . Mar. likely to do him good in this his extremity ; ' and whereof if he pleased to take, I would presently give him ; which he desired ; and having a confection of many comfortable conserves, &c., on the point of my knife I gave him some, which I could scarce get through his teeth. When it was dissolved in his mouth, he swallowed the juice of it ; whereat those that were about him much rejoiced, saying he had not swallowed any thing in two days before. Then 1 desired to see his mouth, which was exceedingly furred, and his tongue swelled in such a manner, as it was not possible for him to eat such meat as they had, his passage being stopped up. Then I washed his mouth, and scraped his tongue, and got abundance of corruption out of the same. After which I gave him more of the confection, which he swallowed with more readiness. Then he desiring to drink, I dissolved some of it in water, and gave him thereof Within half an hour this wrought a great alteration in him, in Roger Williams states, that " al- ' " When they are sick, their though some pronounce not I nor r, misery appears, that they have yet it is the most proper dialect of not, but what sometimes they get other places, contrary to many re- from the English, a raisin or cur- ports ; " and Eliot, in his Indian rant, or any physic, fruit, or spice. Grammar, says, " These conso- or any comfort more than their nants, /, n, r, have such a natural corn and water, &c. In which coincidence, that it is an eminent bleeding case, wanting all means variation of their dialects. We of recovery or present refreshing, Massachusetts pronounce the n; I have been constrained, to and ba- the Nipmuk Indians pronounce / ; yond my power, to refresh them, and and the Northern Indians pronounce to save many of them from death, r. As instance : who I am confident perish many We say Anum ) millions of them, in that mighty Nipmuck, Alum > A Dog." continent, for want of means." Ro- Northern, Arnm ) ger Williams, in Mass. Hist. Coll. See Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 223, xix. iii. 23G. 248. 320 WINSLOVV SENDS TO PLYMOUTH FOR MEDICINE. CHAP, the eyes of all that beheld him. Presently after his ^ sight began to come to him, which gave him and us ^M^^" good encouragement. In the mean time I inquired how he slept, and when he went to stool. They said he slept not in two days before, and had not had a stool in five. Then I gave him more, and told him of a mishap we had by the way, in breaking a bottle of drink, which the Governor also sent him, saying if he would send any of his men to Patuxet, I would send for more of the same ; also for chickens to make him broth, and for other things, which I knew were good for him ; and would stay the return of his messenger, if he desired. This he took marvellous kindly, and appointed some, who were ready to go by two of the clock in the morning ; against which time I made ready a letter, declaring therein our good success, the state of his body, &c., desiring to send me such things as I sent for, and such physic as the surgeon durst adniinister to him. He requested me, that the day following, I would take my piece, and kill him some fowl, and make him some English pottage, such as he had eaten at Ply- mouth ; which I promised. After, his stomach coming to him, 1 must needs make him some without fowl, before 1 went abroad, which somewhat troubled me, being unaccustomed and unacquainted in such busi- nesses, especially having nothing to make it comforta- ble, my consort being as ignorant as myself; but being we must do somewhat, I caused a woman to bruise some corn, and take the flour from it, and set over the grit, or broken corn, in a pipkin, for they have earthen pots ^^ of all sizes. ^ When the day broke, we went out, it day, * See note ^ on page 144. WINSLOW MAKES BROTH FOR THE SICK SACHEM. 321 beinor now March, to seek herbs, but could not find chap XX. any but strawberry leaves, of which I gathered a hand- ful, and put into the same ; and because I had nothing 16 23. Mar to relish it, I went forth again, and pulled up a sassa- fras root, and sliced a piece thereof, and boiled it, till it had a good relish, and then took it out again. The broth being boiled, I strained it through my handker- chief, and gave him at least a pint, which he drank, and liked it very well. After this his sight mended more and more ; also he had three moderate stools, and took some rest ; insomuch as we with admiration blessed God for giving his blessing to such raw and ignorant means, making no doubt of his recovery, himself and all of them acknowledging us the instru- ments of his preservation. That morning he caused me to spend in going from one to another amongst those that were sick in the town, requesting me to wash their mouths also, and give to each of them some of the same I gave him, saying they were good folk. This pains I took with willingness, though it were much offensive to me, not being accustomed with such poisonous savours. After dinner he desired me to get him a goose or duck, and make him some pottage therewith, with as much speed as I could. So I took a man with me, and made a shot at a couple of ducks, some six score paces off, and killed one, at which he wondered. So we returned forthwith and dressed it, making more broth there- with, which he much desired. Never did I see a man so low brought, recover in that measure in so short a time. The fowl being extraordinary fat, I told Hob- bamock I must take off the top thereof, saying it would make him very sick again if he did eat it. This he 41 MASSASOIT GRADUALLY RECOVERS. CHAP, acquainted Massassovvat therewith, who would not be v^v^ persuaded to it, though I pressed it very much, show- 16 2 3. ing the strength thereof, and the weakness of his sto- Mar. o o ' mach, which could not possibly bear it. Notwith- standing, he made a gross meal of it, and ate as much as would well have satisfied a man in health. About an hour after he began to be very sick, and straining very much, cast up the broth again ; and in overstrain- ing himself, began to bleed at the nose, and so con- tinued the space of four hours. Then they all wished he had been ruled, concluding now he would die, which we much feared also. They asked me what 1 thought of him. I answered, his case was desperate, yet it might be it would save his hfe ; for if it ceased in time, he would forthwith sleep and take rest, which was the principal thing he wanted. Not long after his blood stayed, and he slept at least six or eight hours. When he awaked, I washed his face, and bathed and suppled his beard and nose vi'ith a linen cloth. But on a sud- den he chopped his nose in the w^ater, and drew up some therein, and sent it forth again with such vio- lence, as he began to bleed afresh. Then they thought there was no hope ; but we perceived it was but the tenderness of his nostril, and therefore told them I thought it would stay presently, as indeed it did. The messengers were now returned ; but finding his stomach come to him, he would not have the chickens killed, but kept them for breed. Neither durst we give him any physic, which was then sent, because his body was so much altered since our instructions ; neither saw we any need, not doubting now of his re- covery, if he were careful. Many, whilst we were there, came to see him ; some, by their report, from a MASSASOIT REVEALS AN INDIAN PLOT. 323 place not less than an hundred miles. To all that chap. \x came one of his chief men related the manner of his J— 1- sickness, how near he was spent, how amongst others 1623. . , , Mar. his friends the English came to see him, and how sud- denly they recovered him to this strength they saw, he being now able to sit upright of himself. The day before our coming, another sachim being there, told him that now he might see how hollow- hearted the English were, saying if we had been such friends in deed, as we were in show, we would have visited him in this his sickness, using many arguments to withdraw his affections, and to persuade him to give way to some things against us, which were motioned to him not long before. But upon this his recovery, he brake forth into these speeches : Now I see the English are my friends and love me ; and whilst I live, I will never forget this kindness they have showed me. Whilst we were there, our entertainment exceeded all other strangers'. Divers other things were worthy the noting ; but I fear I have been too tedious. At our coming away, he called Hobbamock to him, 4th and privately (none hearing, save two or three other of his pnieses,^ who are of his council) revealed the plot of the Massacheuseucks, before spoken of, against Master Weston's colony, and so against us ; saying that the people of Nauset, Paomet, Succonet,^ Mattachiest, Manomet, Agowaywam,^ and the isle of Capawack,^ were joined with them ; himself also in his sickness was earnestly solicited, but he would neither join therein, nor give way to any of his. Therefore, as we ^ The same as pinsc. See page ' Or Agav.'am, part of Ware- 288. ham. * Sokones, or Succonusset, now ■* Martha's Vineyard, called Falmouth. 324 WINSLOW LODGES WITH CORBITANT. CHAP, respected the lives of our countrymen, and our own after safety, he advised us to kill the men of Massa- 1 62 3. chuset, who were the authors of this intended mischief. Mar. ' And whereas we were wont to say, we would not strike a stroke till they first began ; if, said he, upon this intelligence, they make that answer, tell them, when their countrymen at Wichaguscusset are killed, they being not able to defend themselves, that then it will be too late to recover their lives ; nay, through the multitude of adversaries, they shall with great diffi- culty preserve their own ; and therefore he counselled without delay to take away the principals, and then the plot would cease. With this he charged him thoroughly to acquaint me by the way, that I might inform the Governor thereof, at my first coming home. Being fitted for our return, we took our leave of him ; who returned many thanks to our Governor, and also to ourselves for our labor and love ; the like did all that were about him. So we departed. That night, through the earnest request of Conba- tant, who till now remained at Sawaams,^ or Puckano- kick, we lodged with him at Mattapuyst. By the way I had much conference with him, so likewise at his house, he being a notable politician, yet full of merry jests and squibs, and never better pleased than when the like are returned again upon him. Amongst other things he asked me, if in case he were thus danger- ously sick, as Massassowat had been, and should send word thereof to Patuxet for maskiet,^ that is, physic, whether then Mr. Governor would send it ; and if he would, whether I would come therewith to him. To * See note '^ on page 208. sic." Roger Williams's Key, in * " Maskit, give me some phy- R. I. Hist. Coll. i. 159. HIS CONVERSATION WITH THE SACHEM. 325 both which I answered, Yea ; whereat he gave me chap. many joyful thanks. After that, being at his house, -^ — he demanded further, how we durst, being but two, 16 2 3. come so far into the country. T answered, where was true love, there was no fear ; and my heart was so upright towards them, that for mine own part I was fearless to come amongst them. But, said he, if your love be such, and it bring forth such fruits, how Cometh it to pass, that when we come to Patuxet, you stand upon your guard, with the mouths of your pieces presented towards us ? Whereupon I answered, it was the most honorable and respective entertain- ment we could give them ; it being an order amongst us so to receive our best respected friends ; and as it was used on the land, so the ships observed it also at sea, which Hobbamock knew and had seen observed. But shaking the head, he answered, that he liked not such salutations. Further, observing us to crave a blessing on our meat before we did eat, and after to give thanks for the same, he asked us, what was the meaning of that ordinary custom. Hereupon I took occasion to tell them of God's works of creation and preservation, of his laws and ordinances, especially of the ten com- mandments ; all which they hearkened unto with great attention, and liked well of; only the seventh com- mandment they excepted against, thinking there were many inconveniences in it, that a man should be tied to one woman; about which we reasoned a good time. Also I told them, that whatsoever good things we had, we received from God, as the author and giver thereof; and therefore craved his blessing upon that we had, and were about to eat, that it might nourish and 326 WINSLOW RETURNS TO PLYMOUTH. CHAP, strengthen our bodies ; and having eaten sufficient, ^ — ^^ being satisfied therewith, we again returned thanks to 16 23. the same our God, for that our refreshino^, &c. This Mar. all of them concluded to be very well ; and said, they believed almost all the same things, and that the same power that we called God, they called Kiehtan.^ Much profitable conference was occasioned hereby, which would be too tedious to relate, yet was no less delightful to them, than comfortable to us. Here we remained only that night, but never had better enter- tainment amongst any of them. 5th The day following, in our journey, Hobbamock told me of the private conference he had with Massasso- wat, and how he charged him perfectly to acquaint me therewith, as I showed before ; which having done, he used many arguments himself to move us there- unto. That night we lodged at Namasket ; and the 6th day following, about the mid-way between it and ^^' home, we met two Indians, who told us, that Captain Standish was that day gone to the Massachusets. But contrary winds again drove him back ; so that we found him at home ; where the Indian of Paomet still was, being very importunate that the Captain should take the first opportunity of a fair wind to go with him. But their secret and villanous purposes being, through God's mercy, now made known, the Governor caused Captain Standish to send him away, without any distaste or manifestation of anger, that we might the better eflfect and bring to pass that which should be thought most necessary. ' ^' Kt'tan is their good God, to cate for fair weather, for rain in whom they sacrifice after their time of drought, and for the reco- gainers be full with a good crop, very of their sick."' Wood's New Upon this God likewise they invo- England's Prospect, part ii. ch. 12. CHAPTER XXI. OF STANDISH'S EXPEDITION AGAINST THE INDIANS OF WESSA- GUSSET, AND THE BREAKING UP OF WESTON'S COLONY AT THAT PLACE. Before this journey we heard many complaints, chap. both by the Indians, and some others of best desert v— —^ amongst Master Weston's colony, how exceedingly 1023. their company abased themselves by undirect means, to get victuals from the Indians, who dwelt not far from them, fetching them wood and water, &c. and all for a meal's meat ; whereas, in the mean time, they might with diligence have gotten enough to have served them three or four times. Other by night brake the earth, and robbed the Indians' store ; for which they had been publicly stocked and whipped, and yet was there small amendment. This was about the end of February ; at which time they had spent all Feb. their bread and corn, not leaving any for seed, neither would the Indians lend or sell them any more upon any terms. Hereupon they had thoughts to take it by violence ; and to that spiked up every entrance into their town, being well impaled, save one, with a full resolution to proceed. But some more honestly minded advised John Sanders, their overseer, first to k 328 A MESSENGER FROM WESTON'S COLONY. CHAP, write to Plymouth : and if the Governor advised him XXI . ^^ thereunto, he might the better do it. This course was 16 2 3. well hked, and an Indian was sent with all speed with a letter to our Governor, the contents whereof were to this effect ; that being in great want, and their people daily falling down, he intended to go to Mun- higgen, where was a plantation of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, to buy bread from the ships that came thither a fishing, with the first opportunity of wind ; but knew not how the colony would be preserved till his return. He had used all means both to buy and borrow of Indians, whom he knew to be stored, and he thought maliciously withheld it, and therefore was resolved to take it by violence, and only waited the return of the messenger, which he desired should be hastened, craving his advice therein, promising also to make restitution afterward. The Governor, upon the re- ceipt hereof, asked the messenger what store of corn they had, as if he had intended to buy of them ; who answered, very little more than that they reserved for seed, having already spared all they could. Forthwith the Governor and his Assistant sent for many of us to advise with them herein ; who, after seri- ous consideration, no way approving of this intended course, the Governor answered his letter, and caused many of us to set our hands thereto ; the contents whereof were to this purpose. We altogether disliked their intendment, as being against the law of God and nature, showing how it would cross the worthy ends and proceedings of the King's Majesty, and his honor- able Council for this place, both in respect of the peace- able enlarging of his Majesty's dominions, and also of the propagation of the knowledge and law of God, and THE PILGRIMS' ADVICE TO WESTON'S COLONY. 329 the glad tidings of salvation, which we and they were chap. bound to seek, and were not to use such means as would breed a distaste in the salvages against our per- i ^ 2 3. *=" .^ ^ Mar. sons and professions, assuring them their master would incur much blame hereby, neither could they answer the same. For our own parts, our case was almost the same with theirs, having but a small quantity of corn left, and were enforced to live on ground-nuts, clams, muscles, and such other things as naturally the country afforded, and which did and would maintain strength, and were easy to be gotten ; all which things they had in great abundance, yea, oysters^ also, which we wanted ; and therefore necessity could not be said to constrain them thereunto. Moreover, that they should consider, if they proceeded therein, all they could so get would maintain them but a small time, and then tliey must perforce seek their food abroad ; which, having made the Indians their enemies, would be very difficult for them, and therefore much better to begin a little the sooner, and so continue their peace ; upon which course they might with good conscience desire and expect the blessing of God ; whereas on the con- trary they could not. Also that they should consider their own weakness, being most swelled, and diseased in their bodies, and therefore the more unlikely to make their party good against them, and that they should not expect help from us in that or any the like unlawful actions. Lastly, that howsoever some of them might escape, yet the ^ Morton says, in his New Eng- seen an oyster bank a mile in lish Canaan, ch. vii. " There are length. Muscles there are infinite great store of oysters in the en- store. I have often gone to Wes- tranee of all rivers. They are not saguscns, where were excellent round, as those of England, but ex- muscles to eat, (for variety,) the cellent fat and all good. I have fish is so fat and large." 42 330 WESTON'S AGENT COMES TO PLYMOUTH. CHAP, principal agents should expect no better than the gal- lows, whensoever any special officer should be sent 1623. over by his Majesty, or his Council for New England, which we expected, and who would undoubtedly call them to account for the same. These were the con- tents of our answer, which was directed to their whole colony. Another particular letter our Governor sent to John Sanders, showing how dangerous it would be for him above all others, being he was their leader and commander; and therefore in friendly manner advised him to desist. With these letters we dispatched the messenger; upon the receipt whereof they altered their determina- tion, resolving to shift as they could, till the return of John Sanders from Munhiggen ; who first coming to Plymouth, notwithstanding our own necessities, the Governor spared him some corn, to carry them to Munhiggen. But not having sufficient for the ship's store, he took a shallop, and leaving others with in- structions to oversee things till his return, set forward Feb. about the end of February ; so that he knew not of this conspiracy of the Indians before his going. Neither was it known to any of us till our return from Sawaams, or Puckanokick ; at which time also another sachim, called Wassapinewat, brother to Obtakiest, the sachim of the Massachusets, who had formerly smarted for par- taking with Conbatant, and fearing the like again, to purge himself, revealed the same thing. Mar. The three and twentieth of March being now come, ^^' which is a yearly court day, the Governor, having a double testimony, and many circumstances agreeing with the truth thereof, not being ^ to undertake war ' The word inclined or disposed seems to have been accidentally omitted. A GENERAL COURT HELD. 331 without the consent of the body of the company, made chap. known the same in pubhc court, offering it to the con- .^ — ,~i. sideration of the company, it being high time to come ^Jl^^* to resolution, how sudden soever it seemed to them, 23. fearing it would be put in execution before we could give any intelligence thereof. This business was no less troublesome than grievous, and the more, because it is so ordinary in these times for men to measure things by the events thereof; but especially for that we knew no means to deliver our countrymen and pre- serve ourselves, than by returning their malicious and cruel purposes upon their own heads, and causing them to fall into the same pit they had digged for others ; though it much grieved us to shed the blood of those whose good we ever intended and aimed at, as a prin- cipal in all our proceedings. But in the end we came to this public conclusion, that because it was a matter of such weight as every man was not of sufficiency to judge, nor fitness to know, because of many other In- dians, which daily, as occasion serveth, converse with us ; therefore the Governor, his Assistant, and the Cap- tain, should take such to themselves as they thought most meet, and conclude thereof. Which done, we came to this conclusion, that Captain Standish should take so many men, as he thought sufficient to make his party good against all the Indians in the Massachu- set bay ; and because, (as all men know that have to do with them in that kind,) it is impossible to deal with them upon open defiance, but to take them in such traps as they lay for others, therefore he should pre- tend trade, as at other times ; but first go to the Eng- hsh, and acquaint them with the plot, and the end of his own coming ; that comparing it with their carriages 332 STANDISH'S ARMV. CHAP, towards them, he might the better judge of the certain- axi. , ty of it, and more fitly take opportunity to revenge the 162 3. same ; but should forbear, if it were possible, till such time as he could make sure [of] Wituwamat, that bloody and bold villain before spoken of; whose head he had order to bring with him, that he might be a warning and terror to all of that disposition. Upon this Captain Standish made choice of eight men, and would not take more, because he would pre- vent jealousy, knowing their guilty consciences would Mar. soon be provoked thereunto. But on the next day, before he could go, came one ^ of Mr. Weston's com- pany by land unto us, with his pack at his back, who made a pitiful narration of their lamentable and weak estate, and of the Indians' carriages, whose boldness increased abundantly ; insomuch as the victuals they got, they would take it out of their pots, and eat before their faces ; yea, if in any thing they gainsaid them, they were ready to hold a knife at their breasts ; that to give them content, since John Sanders went to Munhiggen, they had hanged ^ one of them that stole ' Morton says, " this man's not hindering' a plantation." At name was Phinehas Prat, who the Court held May 3, 1665, it was has penned the particulars of his ordered that land be laid out for perilous journey, and some other Prat, " in the wilderness on the things relating to this tragedy." east of the Merrimack river, near Hubbard states that he was living the upper end of JVacook [Penna- in 1677, at the time he was writ- cook?] brook, on the southeast of ing his History of New England, it." Prat married in 1630, at Ply- In 1662 the General Court of Mas- mouth, a daughter of Cuthbert sachuselts, in answer to a petition Cuthbertson. His heirs had grants of Phinehas Prat, then of Charles- of land in Abington subsequent to town, which v/as accompanied 1672. Drake says that after long " with a narrative of the straits search he has not been able to dis- and hardships that the first plant- cover Prat's narrative. It was ers of this Colony underwent in probably never printed. See Mor- their endeavours to plant them- ton's Memorial, p. 90 ; Drake's selves at Plymouth, and since, Bookof the Indians, b.ii. 35; Mass. whereof he was one, the Court Hist. Coll. xv. 78, xvii. 122. judgeth it meet to grant him 300 ^ The notorious Thomas Morton, acres of land, wheieit is to be had, of Merry Mount, in his New Eng- WRETCHED STATE OP WESTON'S COLONY. 333 their corn, and yet they regarded it not ; that another chap. of their company was turned salvage ; that their people - -^ had most forsaken the town, and made their rendezvous 1 6 2 3. where they got their victuals, because they would not take pains to bring it home ; that they had sold their clothes for corn, and were ready to starve both with cold and hunger also, because they could not endure to get victuals by reason of their nakedness ; and that they were dispersed into three companies, scarce hav- ing any powder and shot left. What would be the lish Canaan, b. iii. ch. 4, which was published in 1637, is the first writer who mentions a ludicrous fable connected with this execution, which has been made the occasion of some reproach on the first plant- ers of New England. After relat- ing the settlement of Weston's col- ony at Weymouth, he mentions that one of them stole the corn of an Indian, and upon his complaint was brought before " a parliament of all the people " to consult what punishment should be inflicted on him. It was decided that this offence, which might have been settled by the gift of a knife or a string of beads, " was felony, and by the laws of England, punished with death ; and this must be put in execution, for an example, and likewise to appease the salvage. When straightways one arose, moved as it were with some com- passion, and said he could not well gainsay the former sentence, yet he had conceived within the com- pass of his brain an embryon, that was of special consequence to be delivered and cherished. He said that it would most aptly serve to pacify the salvage's complaint, and save the life of one that might, if need should be, stand them in good stead, being young and strong, fit for resistance against an enemy, which might come unexpected, for any thing they knew. The oration made was liked of every one, and he entreated to proceed to show the means how this may be performed. Says he, ' You all agree that one must die ; and one shall die. This young man's clothes we will take off, and put upon one that is old and impotent, a sickly person that cannot escape death ; such is the disease on him confirmed, that die he must. Put the young man's clothes on this man, and let the sick person be hanged in the other's stead.' 'Amen,' says one, and so say many more. And this had liked to have proved their final sentence ; but that one, with a ra- venous voice, begun to croak and bellow for revenge, and put by that conclusive motion, alleging such deceits might be a means hereafter to exasperate the minds of the com- plaining salvages, and that by his death the salvages should see their zeal to justice ; and therefore he should die. This was concluded ; " and they " hanged him up hard by." This story of the unscrupulous Morton furnished Butler with the materials out of which he construct- ed ihe following fable in his Hudi- bras, part. ii. canto ii. line 409. " Our brethren of New England use Choice malefactors lo excuse, And li.nig the i?uilt!ess in their stead, Of whom the churches have less need ; As lately happened. In a town, There lived a cobbler and but one. 334 STANDISH PROCEEDS TO WEYMOUTH. CHAP, event of these things he said he much feared ; and XXI. . ^^ therefore not daring to stay any longer among them, 1623. though he knew not the way, yet adventured to come to us ; partly to make known their weak and danger- ous estate, as he conceived, and partly to desire he might there remain till things were better settled at the other plantation. As this relation was grievous to us, so it gave us good encouragement to proceed in our intendments, for which Captain Standish was now fitted ; and the wind coming fair, the next day set forth for the Massachusets. The Indians at the Massachusets missed this man ; Mar. 25. That out of doctrine could cut use, And menil men's" lives as well as shoes, l^his precious brother hiving slain, In times of peace, an Indian, (Not nut of malice, but mere zeal, Because he was an infidel,) The mij^hty Tottipntymoy Sent to our elders an envoy, Cumplaiuing sorely of the breach Of league, held forth, by brother Patch, Against Ihe articles in force Between both churches, his and ours ; For which he craved the saints to render Into his hands, or hang the offender. But they, maturely havnig weighed, They had no more hut him of the trade, A man that served them in a double Capacity, to teach and cobble, Kesolved to spare him ; yet to do The liulian Hoghgan Moghgan, too, Impartial justice, in his stead did Hang an old weaver, that was bed rid." It will be observed that Morton mentions this substitution merely as the suggestion of an individual, which was rejected by the compa- ny. Even had it been adopted by them, and carried into execution, it would not have implicated the Plymouth people at all, nor cast the least slur on their characters or principles. For Weston's colony was entirely distinct from theirs, and composed of a very different set of men. Their character, as portrayed by Weston himself, and by Cushman and Pierce, before they came over, may be seen in note * on page 296, to which the reader is particularly requested to refer. Morton himself calls " many of them lazy persons, that would use no endeavour to take the benefit of the country." As Belknap says, " they were a set of needy adven- turers, intent only on gaining a subsistence." They did not come over from any religious scruples, or with any religious purpose. There is no evidence that they had any church at all ; they certainly were not Puritans. Neal says, in his Hist, of New England, i. 102, that Weston obtained a patent under pretence of propagating the disci- pline of the Church of England in America. Grahame, i. 198, falls into an er- ror in attributing this execution to Gorges's colony, which settled at the same place in the autumn of the same year ; and Drake, b. ii. 34, errs in saying that Morton was one of Weston's company. Morton did not come over till March, 1625, in company with Wollaston, and set- tled with him not at Weymouth, but in Quincy. See Prince, pp. 221, 231. The accurate Hutchin- son, i. 6, should not have made a fact out of the careless Hubbard's supposition, which the latter men- tions as barely " possible." See Mass. Hist. Coll. xv. 77. AN INDIAN SPY ARRESTED. 335 and suspecting his coming to us, as we conceive, sent chap. one after him, and gave out there that he would never come to Patuxet, but that some wolves or bears would ^^,^^- ' . Mar. eat him. But we know, both by our own exf>erience, and the reports of others, that though they find a man sleeping, yet so soon as there is life discerned, they fear and shun him. This Indian missed him but very little ; and missing him, passed by the town and went to Manomet ; whom we hoped to take at his return, as afterward we did. Now was our fort made fit for ser- vice, and some ordnance mounted ; and though it may seem long work, it being ten months since it begun, yet we must note, that where so great a work is begun with such small means, a little time cannot bring [it] to perfection. Beside, those works which tend to the preservation of man, the enemy of mankind will hinder, what in him lieth, sometimes blinding the judgment, and causing reasonable men to reason against their own safety ; as amongst us divers seeing the work prove tedious, would have dissuaded from proceeding, flat- tering themselves with peace and security, and account- ing it rather a work of superfluity and vainglory, than simple necessity. But God, whose providence hath waked, and, as I may say, watched for us whilst we slept, having determined to preserve us from these intended treacheries, undoubtedly ordained this as a special means to advantage us and discourage our adversaries, and therefore so stirred up the hearts of the governors and other forward instruments, as the work was just made serviceable against this needful and dangerous time, though we ignorant of the same. But that I may proceed, the Indian last mentioned, in his return from Manomet, came through the town. 336 STANDISH ARRIVES AT WEYMOUTH. CHAP, pretending still friendship and in love to see us ; but '^ as formerly others, so his end was to see whether we 16 23. continued still in health and strength, or fell into weakne^, like their neighbours ; which they hoped and looked for, (though God in mercy provided better for us,) and he knew would be glad tidings to his countrymen. But here the Governor stayed him ; and sending for him to the fort, there gave the guard charge of him as their prisoner ; where he told him he must be contented to remain till the return of Captain Standish from the Massachusets. So he was locked in a chain to a staple in the court of guard, and there kept. Thus was our fort hanselled,^ this being the first day, as I take it, that ever any watch was there kept. The Captain, being now come to the Massachusets, went first to the ship ; but found neither man, or so much as a dog therein. Upon the discharge of a musket, the master and some others of the plantation showed themselves, who were on the shore gathering ground-nuts, and getting other food. After salutation, Captain Standish asked them how they durst so leave the ship, and live in such security ; who answered, like men senseless of their own misery, they feared not the Indians, but lived and suffered them to lodge with them, not having sword or gun, or needing the same. To which the Captain answered, if there were no cause, he was the gladder. But, upon further in- quiry, understanding that those in whom John Sanders had reposed most special confidence, and left in his stead to govern the rest, were at the plantation, thither he went ; and, to be brief, made known the Indians' pur- pose, and the end of his own coming, as also, (which ' Hansel, to use for the first time. PECKSUOT. 337 formerly I omitted,) that if afterward they durst not chap. there stay, it was the intendment of the governors and — -^ people of Plymouth there to receive them, till they ^^^^' could be better provided ; but if they conceiffed of any other course, that might be more likely for their good, that himself should further them therein to the utter- most of his power. These men, comparing other cir- cumstances with that they now heard, answered, they could expect no better ; and it was God's mercy that they were not killed before his coming ; desiring there- fore that he would neglect no opportunity to proceed. Hereupon he advised them to secrecy, yet withal to send special command to one third of their company, that were farthest off, to come home, and there enjoin them on pain of death to keep the town, himself allow- ing them a pint of Indian corn to a man for a day, though that store he had was spared out of our seed. The weather proving very wet and stormy, it was the longer before he could do any thing. In the mean time an Indian came to him, and brought some furs, but rather to gather what he could from the Captain, than coming then for trade ; and though the Captain carried things as smoothly as pos- sibly he could, yet at his return he reported he saw by his eyes that he was angry in his heart ; and therefore began to suspect themselves discovered. This caused one Pecksuot, who was a pniese,^ being a man of a notable spirit, to come to Hobbamock, who was then with them, and told him, he understood that the Cap- tain was come to kill himself and the rest of the sal- vages there. " Tell him," said he, " we know it, but fear him not, neither will we shun him ; but let him ' The same as pinse, on page 288. 43 338 INSOLENCE OF PECKSUOT AND WITUWAMAT. CHAP, begin when he dare, he shall not take us at unawares." XXI ^ Many times after, divers of them severally, or few 16 2 3. together, came to the plantation to him ; where they would wMfet and sharpen the points of their knives be- fore his face, and use many other insulting gestures and speeches. Amongst the rest Wituwamat bragged of the excellency of his knife. On the end of the handle there was pictured a woman's face ; " but," said he, " I have another at home, wherewith I have killed both French and English, and that hath a man's face on it ; and by and by these two must marry." Further he said of that knife he there had, Hinnaim namen, hinnaim michen, matta cuts ; that is to say, By and by it should see, and by and by it should eat, but not speak. Also Pecksuot, being a man of greater stature than the Captain,^ told him, though he were a great captain, yet he was but a little man ; and, said he, though I be no sachim, yet I am a man of great strength and courage. These things the Captain observed, yet bare with patience for the present. On the next day, seeing he could not get many of them together at once, and this Pecksuot and Witu- wamat both together, with another man, and a youth of some eighteen years of age, which was brother to Wituwamat, and, villain-like, trod in his steps, daily putting many tricks upon the weaker sort of men, and having about as many of his own company in a room with them, gave the word to his men, and the door being fast shut, began himself with Pecksuot, and snatching his own knife from his neck, though with much struggling, killed him therewith, the point where- ' Standish is said to have been a page 126, and Mass. Hist. Coll. xv. man of short stature. See note on 111, and xviii. 121. SEVEN INDIANS SLAIN. 339 of he had made as sharp as a needle, and ground the chap. back also to an edge. Wituwamat and the other man .— -^ the rest killed, and took the youth, whom the Captain 1623. caused to be hanged. But it is incredible #ow many wounds these two pineses received before they died, not making any fearful noise, but catching at their weapons and striving to the last. Hobbamock stood by all this time as a spectator, and meddled not, ob- serving how our men demeaned themselves in this action. All being here ended, smihng, he brake forth into these speeches to the Captain : " Yesterday Peck- suot, bragging of his own strength and stature, said, though you were a great captain, yet you were but a little man ; but to-day I see you are big enough to lay him on the ground." But to proceed ; there being some women at the same time. Captain Standish left them in the custody of Mr. Weston's people at the town, and sent word to another company, that had intelhgence of things, to kill those Indian men that were amongst them. These killed two more. Him- self also with some of his own men went to another place, where they killed another ; and through the negligence of one man, an Indian escaped, who dis- covered and crossed their proceedings.^ ' Wlien the news of the first Tn- eludes with saying, " O how happy dians being killed by Standish at a thing had it been that you had Weymouth reached Mr. Robinson, convened some before you killed their pastor, at Leyden, he wrote any!" Prince adds, "It is to be to the church at Plymouth, Decern- hoped that Squanto was converted." ber 19, 1623, "to consider the dis- It seems Standish was not of their position of their Captain, who was church at first, and Hubbard says of a warm temper. He hoped the he had more of his education in the Lord had sent him among them school of Mars than in the school for good, if they used him right; of Christ. Judge Davis remarks, but he doubted where there was " Tliese sentiments are honorable not wanting that tenderness of the to Mr. Robinson ; they indicate a life of man, made after God's image, generous philanthropy, which must which was meet;" and he con- always gain our affection, and 340 TWO OF WESTON'S MEN KILLED. CHAP. Not lonoj before this execution, three of Mr. Wes- XXI v-,1.^ ton's men, which more regarded their belhes than any 1 ^1 2 3. command or commander, having formerly fared well with the flidians for making them canoes, went again to the sachim to offer their service, and had entertain- ment. The first night they came thither, within night, late came a messenger with all speed, and de- livered a sad and short message. Whereupon all the men gathered together, put on their boots and breeches, trussed up themselves, and took their bows and arrows and went forth, telling them they went a hunting, and that at their return they should have venison enough. Being now gone, one being more ancient and wise than the rest, calling former things to mind, especially the Captain's presence, and the strait charge that on pain of death none should go a musket shot from the plantation, and comparing this sudden departure of theirs therewith, began to dislike and wish himself at home again, which was further off than divers other dwelt. Hereupon he moved his fellows to return, but could not persuade them. So there being none but women left, and the other that was turned salvage, about midnight came away, for- saking the paths, lest he should be pursued ; and by this means saved his life. should ever be cherished. Still little doubt. It is certain that they the transactions to which the stiic- were fully persuaded of its exist- tures relate, are defensible. As ence, and with the terrible exam- to Standish, Belknap places his pie of the Virginia massacre in defence on the rules of duty im- fresh remembrance, they had sol- posed by his character, as the mili- emn duties to discharge. The ex- tary servant of the Colony. The istence of the whole settlement government, it is presumed, will be was at hazard." See Prince, p. considered as acting under severe 220 ; Hutchinson's Mass. ii. 461 ; necessity, and will require no apol- Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. 330 ; Mor- ogy if the reality of the conspiracy ton's Memorial, p. 91. be admitted, of which there can be SKIRMISH WITH THE INDIANS. 341 Captain Standish took the one half of his men, and chap. XXI. one or two of Mr. Weston's, and Hobbamock, still ^ seeking to make spoil of them and theirs. At length i6 23. ° . ^ . . ^ Mar. they espied a file of Indians, which made to\#rds them amain ; and there being a small advantage in the ground, by reason of a hill near them, both companies strove for it. Captain Standish got it; whereupon they retreated, and took each man his tree, letting fly their arrows amain, especially at himself and Hobba- mock. Whereupon Hobbamock cast off" his coat, and being a known pinese, (theirs being now killed,) chased them so fast, as our people were not able to hold way with him ; insomuch as our men could have but one certain mark, and then but the arm and half face of a notable villain, as he drew^ at Captain Standish ; who together with another both discharged at once at him, and brake his arm ; whereupon they fled into a swamp. When they were in the thicket, they parleyed, but to small purpose, getting nothing but foul language. So our Captain dared the sachim to come out and fight like a man, showing how base and woman-like he was in tonguing it as he did ; but he refused, and fled. So the Captain returned to the plantation ; where he released the women, and would not take their beaver coats from them, nor suffer the least discourtesy to be offered them. Now were Mr. Weston's people resolved to leave their plantation, and go for Munhiggen, hoping to get passage and return^ with the fishing ships. The Cap- tain told them, that for his own part he durst there live with fewer men than they were ; yet since they w^ere otherways minded, according to his order from ' His bow. ** To England. 342 WESTON'S PLANTATION BROKEN UP. CHAP, the governors and people of Plymouth, he would help '^ them with corn competent for their provision by the 16 23. way; which he did, scarce leaving himself more than brought fhem home. Some of them disliked the choice of the body to go to Munhiggen, and therefore desiring to go with him to Plymouth, he took them into the shallop ; and seeing them set sail, and clear of the Massachuset bay,^ he took leave and returned to Plymouth ; whither he came in safety, blessed be God ! and brought the head of Wituwamat with him. Among the rest, there was an Indian youth, that was ever of a courteous and loving disposition towards us. He, notwithstanding the death of his country- men, came to the Captain without fear, saying, his good conscience and love towards us imboldened him so to do. This youth confessed, that the Indians in- tended to kill Mr. Weston's people, and not to delay any longer than till they had two more canoes or boats, ' " Thus this plantation is broken in the bottom of the bay between up in a year ; and this is the end of Pascataquak and Merriniak river, those who being all able men, had and hardly escapes with his life, boasted of their strength and what Afterwards he falls into the hands they would bring to pass, in com- of the Indians, who pillage him of parison of the people at Plymouth, all he saved from the sea, and strip who had many women, children, him of all his clothes to his shirt, and weak ones with them ; and At length he gets to Pascataquak, said at their first arrival, when borrows a suit of clothes, finds they saw the wants at Plymouth, means to come to Plymouth, and that they w'ould take another course, desires to borrow soine beaver of and not fall into such a condition us. Notwithstanding our straits, as this simple people were come to." yet in consideration of his neces- Bradford, in Prince, p. 214, and in sity, we let him have one hundred Morion, p. 92. and seventy odd pounds of beaver, " Shortly after Mr. Weston "speo- with which he goes to the east- pie went to the eastward, he comes ward, stays his small ship and there himself with some of the fish- some of his men, buys provisions ermen, under another name and and fits himself, wiiich is the foun- disguise of a blacksmith ; where dation of his future courses ; and he hears the ruin of his plantation ; yet never repaid us any thing save and getting a shallop with a man reproaches, and becomes our ene- or two comes on to see how things my on all occasions." Bradford, in are; but in a slorra is cast away Prince, p. 216. See note ' on p. 78. THE INDIAN PLOT CONFESSED. 343 which Mr. Weston's men would have finished by this chap. XXI time, having made them three already, had not the Captain prevented them; and the end of stay for ^^^^* those boats was to take their ship therewith.* Now was the Captain returned and received with joy, the head being brought to the fort, and there set up.^ The governors and captains with divers others went up the same further, to examine the prisoner, who looked piteously on the head. Being asked whether he knew it, he answered. Yea. Then he confessed the plot, and that all the people provoked Obtakiest, their sachim, thereunto, being drawn to it by their importunity. Five there were, he said, that prosecuted it with more eagerness than the rest. The two principal were killed, being Pecksuot and Witu- wamat, whose head was there ; the other three were powalis, being yet living, and known unto us, though one of them was wounded, as aforesaid. For himself, he would not acknowledge that he had any hand therein, begging earnestly for his Hfe, saying he was not a Massachuset man, but as a stranger lived with them. Hobbamock also gave a good report of him, and besought for him ; but was bribed so to do. Nev- ertheless, that we might show mercy as well as ex- tremity, the Governor released him, and the rather, because we desired he might carry a message to Ob- takiest, his master. No sooner were the irons from his legs, but he would have been gone ; but the Gover- * " This may excite in some year 1747, the heads of the lords minds an objection to the humanity who were concerned in the Scots of our forefathers. The reason as- rebellion were set up over Temple signed for it was that it might Bar, the most frequented passage prove a terror to others. In mat- between London and Westmin- ters of war and public justice, they ster." Belknap's Am. Biog. ii. observed the customs and laws of 326. the English nation. As late as the 344 A MESSAGE TO OBTAKIEST. CHAP, nor bid him stay, and fear not, for he should receive ^I-— no hurt ; and by Hobbamock commanded him to de- 1623. liver this message to his master : That for our parts it never entfered into our hearts to take such a course with them, till their own treachery enforced us there- unto, and therefore they might thank themselves for their own overthrow ; yet since he had begun, if again by any the like courses he did provoke him, his coun- try should not hold him ; for he would never suffer him or his to rest in peace, till he had utterly con- sumed them ; and therefore should take this as a warning ; further, that he should send to Patuxet the three Englishmen he had, and not kill them ; also that he should not spoil the pale and houses at Wicha- guscusset ; and that this messenger should either bring the English, or an answer, or both ; promising his safe return. This message was dehvered, and the party would have returned with [an] answer, but was at first dis- suaded by them, whom afterwards they would, but could not persuade to come to us. At length, though long, a woman came and told us, that Obtakiest was sorry that the English were killed, before he heard from the Governor ; otherwise he would have sent them. Also she said, he would fain make his peace again with us, but none of his men durst come to treat about it, having forsaken his dwelhng, and daily removed from place to place, expecting when we would take further vengeance on him. Concerning those other people, that intended to join with the Massacheuseuks against us, though we never went against any of them ; yet this sudden and unexpected execution, together with the just judgment THE EFFECTS OF STANDISH'S EXPEDITION. 345 of God upon their guilty consciences, hath so terri- chap. fied and amazed them, as in hke manner they forsook their houses, runninoj to and fro Hke men distracted, K^,^^- ... Mar. Hving in swamps and other desert places, and so brought manifold diseases amongst themselves, where- of very many are dead ; as Canacum, the sachim of Manomet, Aspinet, the sachim of Nauset, and la- nough, sachim of Mattachiest. This sachim in his life, in the midst of these distractions, said the God of the English was offended with them, and would de- stroy them in his anger ; and certainly it is strange to hear how many of late have, and still daily die amongst them. Neither is there any likelihood it will easily cease ; because through fear they set little or no corn, which is the staff of life, and without which they can- not long preserve health and strength. From one of these places a boat was sent with presents to the Governor, hoping thereby to work their peace ; but the boat was cast away, and three of the persons drowned, not far from our Plantation. Only one escaped, who durst not come to us, but returned ; so as none of them dare come amongst us. I fear I have been too tedious both in this and other things. Yet when I considered how necessary a thing it is that the truth and grounds of this action especially should be made known, and the several dispositions of that dissolved colony, whose reports undoubtedly will be as various, I could not but enlarge myself where I thought to be most brief. Neither durst I be too brief, lest I should eclipse and rob God of that honor, glory, and praise, which belongeth to him for preserving us from falling when we were at the pit's brim, and yet feared nor knew not that we were in danger. 44 CHAPTER XXII. OF THE FIRST ALLOTMENT OF LANDS, AND THE DISTRESSED STATE OF THE COLONY. CHAP. The month of April beinsf now come, on all hands XXIL ^ we began to prepare for corn. And because there was 162 3. no corn left before this time, save that was preserved for seed, being also hopeless of relief by supply, we thought best to leave off all other works, and pro- secute that as most necessary. And because there was no ^ small hope of doing good, in that common course of labor that formerly we were in ; ^ for that the governors, that followed men to their labors, had no- thing to give men for their necessities, and therefore could not so well exercise that command over them therein, as formerly they had done ; especially con- sidering that self-love wherewith every man, in a measure more or less, loveth and preferreth his own good before his neighbour's, and also the base disposi- tion of some drones, that, as at other times, so now especially would be most burdenous to the rest ; it was therefore thought best that every man should use the ' The word no appears to be an ^ See note ' on page 84. error of the press. F. THE FIRST ALLOTMENT OP LAND. 347 best diligence he could for his own preservation, both chap. in respect of the time present, and to prepare his own corn for the year following ; and bring in a competent ^.^^.,^' portion for the maintenance of public officers, fisher- men, &c., which could not be freed from their calling without greater inconveniences. This course was to continue till harvest, and then the governors to gather in the appointed portion, for the maintenance of them- selves and such others as necessity constrained to exempt from this condition. Only if occasion served, upon any special service they might employ such as they thought most fit to execute the same, during this appointed time, and at the end thereof all men to be employed by them in such service as they thought most necessary for the general good. And because there is great diflference in the ground, that therefore a set quantity should be set down for a person, and each man to have his fall by lot,^ as being most just and equal, and against which no man could except. At a general meeting of the company, many courses were propounded, but this approved and followed, as being the most hkely for the present and future good of the company ; and therefore before this month began to prepare our ground against seed-time. In the midst of April we began to set, the weather being then seasonable, which much encouraged us, giving us good hopes of after plenty. The setting season is good till the latter end of May. But it pleased God, for our further chastisement, to send a great drouoht ; insomuch as in six weeks after the ' This allotment was only for as before, he gives every person an one year. In the spring of the next acre of land." Bradford, in Prince, year, 1624, " the people requesting pp. 215 and 226. See iliis latter the Governor to have some land for allotment in Hazard, i. 100, and in continuance, and not by yearly lot, Morton, p. 376. 348 DROUGHT AND FAMINE. CHAP, latter setting there scarce fell any rain ; so that the . .-i. stalk of that was first set began to send forth the ear, 1623. before it came to half growth, and that which was later not like to yield any at all, both blade and stalk hanging the head, and changing the color in such manner, as we judged it utterly dead. Our beans also ran not up according to their wonted manner, but stood at a stay, many being parched away, as though they had been scorched before the fire. Now were our hopes overthrown, and we discouraged, our joy beino; turned into mournin _1 Also the wife of Francis Cooke/ being a Walloon, holds communion with the church at Plymouth, as she came from the French, to this day, by virtue of communion of churches. There is also one Philip Delanoy,^ born of French parents, came to us from Leyden to New Plymouth, who coming to age of discerning, demanded also communion with us ; and proving himself to be come of such parents as were in full communion with the French churches, was hereupon admitted by the church of Plymouth ; and after, upon his removal of habitation to Duxburrow,^ where Mr. Ralph Partridge ^ is pastor of the church, and upon letters of recommen- ' Francis Cooke came in the Mayflower, and his wife Hester and children in the Anne. See note ^ on page 39. ^ De la Noye came in the For- tune. This name has become cor- rupted into Delano. ^ The church in Duxlmry was formed in 1633. " Those that lived on their lots on the other side of the bay, (called Duxburrow,) couid no longer bring their wives and child- ren to the public worship and church meetings here (at Ply- month,) but with such burthen, as growing to some competent num- ber, they sued to be dismissed and become a body of themselves ; and so they were dismissed about this time, (though very unwillingly,) and some time after being united into one entire body, they procured Reverend Mr. Ralph Partrich to be their pastor." MS. Records Plym. Ch. p. 36. " So that Uuxbury seems to be the second town and church in Plymouth Colony, and the next town settled after New- ton, that is, Cambridge, in New England." Prince, p. 411. Sec note on page 126. * Ralph Partridge, " a gracious man of great abilities," arrived at Boston in 1636. He had been a clergyman of the church of Eng- land, but " being hunted, by the ecclesiastical setters, like a par- tridge on the mountains, he had no defence, neither of beak nor claw, but a flight over the ocean." Pie was a member of the Cambridge Synod, in 1647, and was associated with John Cotton and Increase Mather, in drawing up the Plat- form of church government and discipline. He continued in the ministry at Duxbury till his death in 1658. Cotton Mather, after playing upon his name through a whole page, concludes his Life of him thus; "Mr. Partridge was, notwithstanding the paucity and poverty of his congregation, so afraid of being any thing that look- ed like a bird wandering from his nest, that he remained with his poor people, till he took wing to become a bird of paradise, along with the winged seraphim of hea- ven. Epitafhium — Avolavit ! " See Morton's Memorial, p. 276; Mather's Magnalia, i. ."^fiS ; Mit- chell's Bridge water, p. 383. COMMUNION WITH THE SCOTCH. 393 dation from the church at Plymouth, he was also ad- chap. XX V mitted into fellowship with the church at Duxburrow, ^ being six miles distant from Plymouth ; and so, 1 dare say, if his occasions lead him, may from church to church throughout New England. For the truth is, the Dutch and French churches, either of them being a people distinct from the world, and gathered into a holy communion, and not national churches, — nay so far from it as I verily believe the sixth person is not of the church, — the difference is so small (if moderately pondered between them and us) as we dare not for the world deny communion with them. And for the Church of Scotland, however we have had least occasion offered to hold communion with them, yet thus much 1 can and do afnrm, that a godly divine coming over to Leyden in Plolland, where a book was printed anno 1619, as I take it, showing the nullity of Perth Assembly,^ whom we judged to be the author of it, and hidden in Holland for a season to avoid the rage of those evil times, (whose name I have forgotten,) this man being very conversant with our pastor, Mr. Robinson, and using to come to hear him on the sabbath, after sermon ended, the church being 1619 to partake in the Ford's Supper, this minister stood up and desired he might, without offence, stay and see the manner of his administration and our participation in that ordinance. To whom our pastor answered in these very words, or to this effect, " Reverend Sir, you * Sir Dudley Carleton, in a letter of the church. It is without name to Secretary Naunton, dated at the either of autlior or printer; but I Plague, July 17, 1619, writes,"! am informed it is printed by a cer- havc seen, within these two dnys, tain English Brownist of Leyden, a certain Scottish book, called Pe7-i. Reynold's and Queen Elizabeth's conversation respecting, 432. Grimsl)y, in Lincolnshire, 28. Grindal', Archbishop, suspended by Elizabeth, 420. Successor of, 432. Ground-nuts, 329. Guiana, 52. Guns of the Pilgrims, 125, 136, 142, 156. Gurnet, 160, 163, 164, 287. H. Hall, Bishop, on Holland, 25. OntbeBrown- isls, 451. On Robinson, 453. Hallam, Henry, cited, 10, 11, 428. Hampden, John, never in America, 314. Hampton Court, Conference at, 20, 432. Halherly, Timothy, 352, 353. Higginson, Francis, Rev., cited, 129, 184, 237, 398. Ordained at Salem, 398. High Head, Truro, soil at, 123. Highland Light, Cape Cod, 123, 130. 137. Hilton, William, 235. Letter from New Ply- mouth by, 250. Settles at Dover, N. H., 251. His wife and children, 251, 352. Hingham, first minisler of 402. Hither Manomet Point, in Plymouth, 291. Hobart, Peter, Rev., of Hingham, 402, 487. Hobbamock, 219. Flight of, to Plymouth, 220. Expresses fears, 285. Asserts Mas- sasoit's faithfulness, 288. A pinse, 288, 341. Sends his wife to Pokanokel, 288. Guide to Buzzard's Bay, 307. Guide in the visit to Massasoit in his sickness, 314, 315. Lamentations by, for Massasoit, 316. Massasoit reveals a plot to, 323. Interview of Pecksuot with, at Wessagusset, 337. On the death of Pecksuot, 339. Chases Indians, 341. His services, and character, 350. Hobbamock, and Hobbamoqui, the Indian devil, 356, 357. Holland. See Low Countries. Holmes, Abiel, in error, 77. Cited, 199, 478, 479. Hoornbeek, John, on John Robinson and the Arminians, 42, 453. Hopkins, Occanus, born, 100, 122, 127. Hopkins, Stephen, a Pilgrim, 100, 122. Ac- count of, 126, 127. Goes to meet Indians, 181. Samoset lodges with, 185. In the embassy to Pokanoket, 202, 204. Hopkins's cliff", in Truro, 133. Hopkins's creek, in Truro, 133, 135. House lots, laid out at Plymouth, 170, 173. Houses, building of, commenced at Plymouth, 173. Their probable character, 179. Howland, John, a Pilgrim, 122, 149. Notice of and of his family, 150. Hubbard, William, his history, 58, 79. Oa the laws of the Pilgrims, 197. On Stand- ish, 339. Hudson, Henry, at Cape Cod, 101, 103. Ex- plored Hudson's river, 308, 369. Hudson's river, settlements on, 42. Pilgrims sail for, 101, 117, 385. Hunt, Captain, the kidnapper, 186, 190, 215. Hutchinson, Thomas, Gov., cited, 107, 120, 122, 185, 195, 197, 274, 380, 477. 494 INDEX. I. Independents and Independency, 422, 442. Indian Brook, in VVellfleet, 152, 165. burying grounds and graves, 142, 154, 227, 363. in Eastham, 153. challenge, 281, 283. corn, found, 131, 141. A native of America, 131. Indian mode of storing, 133. Taken and afterwards paid for, 134, 140, 204, 235,259. Parched, 187,211. Exchanged for seed, 204, 209. Twenty acres of, 230. Aid in planting, from Squanto, 230. In- dians' season for planting, 230. Excursion after, 299. Procured, 301, 302, 305, 308, 309. Divided with Weston's company, 303. Want of, at Weston's colony, 328. Al- lowance of, to Weston's company, 337. Given to the sachems, 362. Account of, 310. hemp, 133, 166. Neck, in Truro, 135. priests. See Powoics. Indians, burning of underwood by the, 124. First sight of, by the Pilgrims, 127. Their barns, 133. Their baskets, 133, 145. Their mats, 133, 144, 145, 363. Their canoes, 135. Hedges of, to take game, 142. Bu- rials by, 143, 362, 363. Household stuff of the, 144. Seen around a grampus, 151, 153. Their arrows, 158. Fires of, seen at Plymouth, 170, 171. Standish goes in search of, 171. Seen on Clark's island, 179. On Watson's hill, 180, 190, 191. Language of the, 183. Destroyed by pes- tilence, 183, 206, 229, 234, 258, 259. Treat- ment of, by Hunt, 136, 190,215. Apparel of, 187, 365. Lfse of tobacco by the, 188, 363. Carried away by Weymouth, 190. At Namaschet, 205. Incident of their courage, 206. Submission of, to king James, 210, 226, 232, 244, 259, 307. Their beds, 210. Gamble, 210, 307. General rendezvous of, at Massachusetts, 226. I'heir forts, 227. Peace produced among the, 232. Their religion, 233, 355. On the right to their soil, 242. Conversion of the, 243, 257, 271. Habits of, 243. Treat- ment of, 244, 259. Friendly, 258, 272. Lands of, always purchased, 259. Massa- cre by, in Virginia, 278, 293, 294. Threat- en the Pilgrims, 295. Reception of Brad- ford by, at Chatham, 300. Mode of salu- tation by, 304. Conspiracy among them, 310. Customs of, in sickness, 313, 317, 362. Effect of Standish's expedition to Wes- sagusset on the, 345. Decline of the, 345. Notice the fast and the rain, 350. Man- ners, customs, religious opinions, and cere- monies of the, 354. Their God, 355 ; devil, 356 ; powows, 357 ; sacrifices, 353 ; pniese, 359; sachems and sachems' families, 360 ; funerals and mourning, 362. Names among the, 363. Wedlock among the, 364. Crimes and puuishmonts nmong them, 364. Their apparel, 305; lan?iiarre, 366; memorials, 367. Sec Cape Cod, Missasoit, Piyraoxdh, Samoact. Squanto, and Squaws. Indians, Mashpee, 216. Massachusetts, swept off, by pesti- lence, 184, 229. Voyage to the, 224. Or- igin of their name, 224. Squaw sachem of the, 225, 228. Preparations for visiting again, 285. Apprehensions from them. 285. Alarm on the voyage to the, 287. Com- plaints by the, respecting Weston's com- pany, 298, 302, 327. Bradford's excursion to the, 302. Conspiracy among the, 310, 323, 330, 343. Standish's expedition against the, at Wessagusset, 327, 331. Boldness of, at Wessagusset, 332. Seven, killed in a struggle, 339. Skirmish with, 341. Chased by Hobbamock, 341. Plot of the, confessed, 343. Seat of the sachem of the, 227 ; of the squaw sachem, 228. Sec Ob- hatinewat, and Oblakiest. Namascheueks, 205, 212. Narraganset, suspected of a conspiracy with the Massachusetts, 235. Their devo- tions, 358. Nauset, encounter with, 150, 185. Steal, 180, 1S6, 304. Escape the pestilence, 184. Their number, 185. Hostility of the, 185. Treatment of, by Hunt, 186. Their principal seat, 216. Conspiracy by the, 323. See Aspinet, and Naiinet. Penobscot, escape the pestilence, 184. Pequot, 280. Tarrateens, 225. Wampauoags, sachem of the, 287. Infanticide, Indian, 358. Ipswich, on settling at, 147. Isles of Shoals, 351. lyanough, sachem, 215, 216, 213,311. of, 345. See Barnstable. Fate Jacob, Henrj', 74. Account of, 439. James I., his dislike of the Geneva Bible, 14. Hostility of, to the Puritans, 20, 56. In- fluence and acts of, in the Low Countries, 42, 436. Letters patent by, to the Virginia Company, 54. Does not grant an applica- tion for freedom in religion, 55, 56, 382. Oath of Allegiance required by, 64. Hates Sir Edwin Sandys, 69. Did not grant let- ters patent to the Pilgrims, 74. New pa- tent from, 80, 100. On fishing in New Eng- land, 81, 383. Reason by, for granting the patent, 184. Wife of, 210. Indian alle- giance to, 210, 226, 232, 244, 259, 307. Rep- resentation to, in favor of Davison, 463. Death of, 479. Jenny, John, has leave to build a mill, 172, 352. A passenger in the Anne, 352, 392. Communed with the Dutch, 392. Johnson, the Lady Arbella, 75. Johnson, Edward, cited, 23, 158, 184, 183. Johnson, Francis, Rev., church of at Amster- dam, 24, 34, 36. Blafkwell and, 71, 72. Preacher at Middleburg, 424. Conversion of, 425, 447. Bradford's account of, 445. Excommunications by, 446. His wife, 446. Persecution and flight of, 447. INDEX. 495 Johnson, George, 446, 449. Johnson, Isaac, 75. Death of, 76. Jones, Captain of the Mayflower, 98, 99. Plot wrongly ascribed to, 102, 138. Mentioned, 137, 138, 139,141,131. River, in Kingston, named from, 1 GO. Captain of the Discov- ery, arrives at Plymouth, 278. Furnishes supplies, 298. Jones's river, in Kingston, 165. Explored, 166. Josselyn, John, cited, 118, 132, 139, 176, 306. Juniper trees, 118, 124. K. Kautantowwit, Indian god, 356. Kennebec, Popham's attempt to settle at Sag- adahoc, near the, 50, 55, 112,427. Kiehtan, the Indian god, 326. Meaning of, 355. Kikemuit, seat of Massasoit, 208. Kingston, incorporated, 166. Residence of Wm. Bradford, jr., 4S7. Lands, first allotment of, 346 ; the second, 347. Language, Indian, 366. Leister, Edward, a Pilgrim, 122. Punishment of, 201. Leyden, removal of the Pilgrims to, 35, 380. University of, 35. The congregation in peace at, 36, 380. Arminian controversy there, 40, 392. Influence ot James I., at the University of 42. Pilgrims leave, 87, 384. Baylie and Cotton on the Pilgrims at, 379, 456. Respect there for Robinson, 392, 393. Bradford's account of the church at, 456. Fate of the church there, after Robinson's death, 479, 482. Epistle from the people there to Bradford and Brewster, 480. Leyden-street, at Plymouth, house-lots laid out on, 170, 173, 174. Lincoln, Elizabeth, Countess of, 75 ; Bridget, 76. Lincoln family, connexion of the, with the New England settlements, 75. Lions, in JNew England, 176. Little James, size of the, 87, 353. Arrival of the, at Plymouth, 87, 150, 351, 352. Little Namskeket creek, in Orleans, 155. Liturgy, John Calvin on the, 11. Robin- son's dislike of the, 390. See Church, of England. Lobsters, at Plymouth, 164, 205, 233. At Boston, 225. London Company, 55. See Virginia Com- pany. Long Point, Provincetown, 118,120. Land- ing at, 123. Diminished, 123. Soil there, 123. Shallop aground on, 150. Long pond, in Eastham, 153. Low Countries, religious toleration in the, 23. Influence of James I. there, 42, 436. Rea- sons and causes of the Pilgrims' removal from the, 44, 381. Sunday there, 47, 381. Two churches of Separatists in the, 418, 453, 455. Suflerings of the Separatists there, 439, 441. Elizabeth's league with the, 463. See United Provinces. Luther, Martin, Robinson's remark on, 423. His zeal, 429. Erasmus on, 435. Lutherans, Robinson on the, 397. Lyford, John, 476. M. Maize, 131. Meal of parched, 187. See In- dian corn. Malaga, monks of, liberate Indians, 186. Manamoick, Chatham, 217. Bradford at, 300. Manomet, Point, 148. Blufi'of, 159. Manomet, Sandwich, boy at, 217. Sachem of, 232, 307. Corn procured at, 305. No- tice of, 305. See Cairnacome. Manure, fish used for, 231, 370. Marriages, 94. First, in Plymouth, 201. In- dian, 364. Preaching at,'402. Marshall, John, in error, 84, 100. Marshfield, grant to Winslow at, 275. Martha's Vineyard, or Capawack, submission of the Indians of, 232. Conspiracy with the Indians on, 323. Martin, Christo])her, a Pilgrim, 78, 121. Sick, 171. Death and notice of, 172. Martyr, Peter, cited, 75. On the ships of Co- lumbus, 86. Martyrs, Puritan, 412, 427. Not Brownisls, 428. Mary, Queen, persecutions and flight of Re- formers in the time of, 9, 413. Act of Su- premacy of repealed under, 64. Separatists in her time, 442. Massachusetts Bay, occasion of the settle- ment of 122. Pilgrims' first visit to, 154. 225. Meaning of, 225. General rendez- vous of Indians at, 226. Described, 228. Mission from, to Canonicus, 281. Harmo- ny between the settlers ol', and of Plymouth, 398. Law in, against Anabaptists, 404. Massachusetts Mount, 224. Massasoit, 127. Samosel's return to, 185, 186. Forces of, 185. Description and entertain- ment of subjects of, at Plymouth, 186 ; their return home, 189. Ditferent modes of spel- ling the word, 191. Visits Plymouth, 191, 259. Winslow's interview with, 192. Re- ception of, 192, 231. Treaty with, 193, 244,245. Description of, 194. Treaty with, confirmed in 1062, 194. Withdraws, 194. Reception of Standish and Allerton by, 195. Goes home, 196. Embassy to, 202, 232. Presents to, 203, 209. Message to, and his reply, 203, 209. His territory and principal seats, 208, 225, 244, 288. Sent for and sa- luted, 209. Speech of, and conference with, 209. Entertainment by, 211. Cape Cod Indians and, 216. Success of the Narra- gansetts against, 217. Expedition in de- fence of, 219. Reported hostility of, 287. 496 INDEX. Hobbamock's wife sent to, 288. Enraged with Tisquantum, 289, 290. Visits Ply- mouth, 290. Demands Tisquantum, 291. Seems lukewarm, 295. Sick, 313. Wins- low's journey to, 313. Reported death of, 315. Hobbamock's lamentations for, 316. Reception of VVinslow by, 318. Tended by Winslow, 319. Convalescent, 320. Re- veals a plot, 323. Refuses to join in the conspiracy, 323. See Pokanoket. Masterson, Richard, 73, 488. Matchlocks, used by the Pilgrims, 125, 136, 142, 156. Mather, Cotton, on Governor Bradford, 27, 487. Not to be depended on for facts, 30. On Cape Cod, 101. On Ralph Partridge, 394. Mather, Increase, 5, 30. Charter of Massa- clmsetts obtained by, 37. On the pestilence among the Indians, 184. Assists in mak- ing the Cambridge Platform, 394. Matlakiest, Barnstable, 215. Mattapoiset, Mattapuyst, or Gardner's Neck, Corbitant at, 232, 315. Visit to, by Wins- low, 316. See Corbitant. Maurice, Prince of Orange, 479. May, Mr., father of Dorothy, wife of Governor Bradford, 485. Mayflower, 85. Renowned, 99. Birth on board the, at sea, 100, 122, 127. The plot- ting of the Captain of the, considered, 102. Place of her making Cape Cod, 102. Place of her anchorage, 120, 123. Peregrine White born on board the, 143. Last sur- viving passenger of the, 150, 196. Tonnage of the, and anchorage, at Plymouth 171. Seen by Samoset, 182. Returns to Eng- land, 199. No Pilgrim returns in her, 199. Passengers in the, called old comers, or forefathers, 352. Meal, of parched maize, 187. See Indian Corn. Medicine men. See Poicows. Merchant adventurers, agreement with the, 81. Smith on the, 81. Application by the, for the Plymouth colonists, 114. Cush- man's allusions to the, 266. Letters re- ceived from the, 348. Robinson on the, 476. Prevent Pilgrims from gomg to New England, 476, 478. Merrimack river, settlements on the, 403. Meyrick, on firelocks and snaphances, 156. Middleborough. See Namasket. Middleburg, Johnson, preacher at, 424. Mill, on Town Brook, at Plymouth, 172, 352. Milman, H. H., Rev., on community of goods, 84. Milton, Pilgrims in, 227. See Blue Hills. Milton, John, cited, 107. Mohegan river, the Hudson, 368, 369. Monardes, on sassafras, 130. Monhegan, fishing at, 182, 278, 293. Wins- low goes to, 293. Voyage to, from Weston's colony, for provisions, 330. Part of Wes- ton's company go to, 341, 342. Mooanam, son of Massasoit, 194. Morattigon, 183. Mortality of the Pilgrims, 100, 111, 148, 163, 169,181. Table of the, 192. Remarks on the, 197, 265, 474. Robinson on the, 473. See Indians. Morton, George, 113. Bradford's relation sent to, 175. Letter probably sent to, 230. Comes out in the Anne, 236, 352, 353. Morton, Nathaniel, Secretary, Preface by, 3. His New England's Memorial, 4. Notice of, 6. On the plot to avoid Hudson's river, 102. On Miles Standish, 126. On Nani- skeket creek, 155. On a shipwreck in Ply- mouth harbour, 163. Dwelt at Wellingsly Brook, 165. On William Mullins, 181. On the name of Plymouth, 203. On Sam- uel Fuller, the physician, 223. On Phine- has Prat, 332. Preface by, to Bradford's Dialogue, 411 ; transcribed it, 413. Takes part in public worship, 419. On Brewster, and Bradford's Memorial of him, 461. On the plotting against Robinson, 477. Morton, Thomas, on burning underwood, 124. On walnut trees, 132. On grapes, 132. On storing Indian corn, 133. On Indian ca- noes, 135. On deer traps, 136. On wild geese, 140. On ducks, 140. On planks in Indian graves, 143. On Indian bowls, 144. On Indian hearse cloths, 154. On halibut or turbot, 164. On hemp, 166. On lions in New England, 176. On the pestilence among the Indians, 184. On Indian ap- parel, 187. On Indian beds, 210. On ale- wives, 231. On an execution at Weymouth, 332. On Weston's company, 334. Not one of them, 334. Morton, Thomas, jr., 352. Mount Hope, residence of Massasoit, 208. Mourt, G., who he was, 113. Mullins, William, a Pilgrim, 121. Death of, 181. Murdock's Pond, in Plymouth, adventure at, 175. Muscles, at Cape Cod, 119. At Plymouth, 164,233,329. At Weymouth, 329. Mystic river, discovered by the Pilgrims, 228. JM. Nacook brook, grant on, 332. Namasket, Middleborough, Dermer at, 190, 204. Under Massasoit, 204. Winslow and Hopkins at, 204, 205, 212. Expedition to, 219. Alarm from, 287. Corn procured at, 305. Namskeket creek, in Orleans, 155. Seat of the Nauset Indians, 216. Nanepashemet, grave of, 154, 227. Widow of, 225. House of, 226. Time of his death, 227. Nash, Thomas, 85, 488. Naunton, .Sir Robert, friendly to the Pilgrims, 55, 56, 382, 383. Carletonis letters to, re- specting Brewster, cited, 467. Nauset, 153. Voyage to, in search of a boy, 214. Sachem of, 216, 244, 302. Expedi- tion to, for corn, 302. See Easlham, and Indians. INDEX. 497 Meal, Daniel, in error, 99, 100. On John Smith, 451. On Brewster, 461. Nepeof, a sachem, 220. Neponset, Milton, subject to the Massachu- setts sachem, 227. Sachem of, 232. Netherlands, the battle-ground of Europe, 25. See Loic Countries. Nets, want of fishing, 171, 294. Newbury, church at, 402. New England, patent for, 80, 100, 184. Visit- ed and named, 80, 25.5. Attempts to settle, 107. 112. Abandoned as unmhabitable, 112. Grant to the Plymouth Colonists by the President and Council of, 114, 116, 234. Water and air of, 129, 233, 369. First Eng- lishman born in, 148. Pestilence among the Indians in, 183. 206, 229, 2.^4, 258, 259. Supposed to be an island, 256, 368. Cush- man on emigration to, 256. Situation, cli- mate, soil, and productions of, 368. Unrea- sonable expectations respecting, 374. Wins- low's Narration of the Grounds of the first Planting of, 377, 379. Measures to estaliHsh episcopacy in, 478. See America, Kenne- beck, and Plymouth. New England's Memorial, Morton's, 4. Newfoundland, on the discoveryof, 155. Sep- aratists banished to, 441. New Netherlands, 42. New York, early settlement in, 42. Nobscusset, Yarmouth, boundary of a sachem- dom, 216 Nokake, or nokehich, 187. See Indian com. Nonconformists, harmony of the Separatists and, 398. See Puritans. North river, in Scituate, 148. North Star, known to the Indians, 366. Nowell, Increase, 419. Noyes, James, Rev., of Newbury, 402. O. Oaks, on Cape Cod, 118, 124. Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, 64. Obbatinewat, a sachem in Massachusetts Bay, 225. Submission of, 226, 232. Probably Obbatinua. 232. Obtakiest, 343. 344. Oiled paper, windows made of, 237. Old comers, first Pilgrims called, 353. Old Indian Wear, on Taunton river, 205. Old Tom's hill, in Truro, 135, 139, 147. Oldmixon, John, errors of, 91, 164. Opcchancanough, a Virginia sachem, 279. Ordination, remarks on, 66. Orleans, seat of Nauset Indians, 216. See Namskcket. P. Painter, Thomas, an Anabaptist, whipped, 404, 405. Palfrev, John Gorham, cited, 77. Pamel little river. 133, 135. Pamet river, in Truro, 118, 125. Notices of, 135. Explored, 139. On settling at, 146. 63 Paomet, Cape Cod so called, 204. Paragon, fate of the, 348, 349. Parker, Robert, Rev., 436, 439. Parker, Thomas, Rev., of Newbury, 402. Partridge, Ralph, Rev., of Duxbury, 394. Partridges, 137. Passaconaway, magical power of, 366. Patents, 80. See James /,, New England, and Pilgrims. Patuxet, Plymouth, 183, 203. Squanto, the only surviving native of, 190. Pecksuot, conierence of, with Hobbamock, 337. His insolence, 338. Killed, 338. Pemberton, John, Rev., 476. Penry, John, persecuted, 412. Executed, 427. Unjust charges against, 428. Tracts by, 423. Perkins, William, Rev., 14. Persecutions. See Mary, and Pilgrims. Perth Assembly, 395, 467. Pestilence among the Indians, 183, 206, 229, 234, 258, 259. Narragansets escape the, 280. Philip, the sachem, treaty broken by, 194. Phillips, George, Rev., of Watertown, 399. Pierce, John, letter to, 114. Charter taken in the name of, 116, 234, 296, 348. Patent surreptitiously obtained by, 234, 349. On Weston's company, 296. His attempt to come to Plymouth, 348. Resigns his pa- tent, 349. Pilgrims, used the Geneva Bible, 14. Origin of the, 19. Form a separate church, 21. Their covenant, 21, 397. Two churches of the, 22. Persecuted, 23. Resolve to fly to the Low Countries, 24 . Their first attempt prevented, 26. Imprisoned, 27. Their sec- ond embarkation, 28. Arrive in the Low Countries, 30. Fate of their wives and children left behind, 31 . Result of the per- secution of the, 32. In Amsterdam, 34, 455. In Leyden, 35, 380, 456. Trades and employments of the, 35. The number of, 36, 97, 99, 100, 122, 455. Live in peace, 38, 380, 456. Their credit with the Dutch, 39, 393. Offers to the, to settle in Ame- rica or Zealand, 42, 385. Attract the notice of Cardinal Benlivoglio, 43. Rea- sons and causes for their removal from Hol- land, 44, 111, 381. Turn their eyes to America, 43, 381 ; to Guiana, 52. Feel- ings of the, towards the Spaniards, 53. Conclude for Virginia, 54, 383. Send agents to England, 55,^57, 58, 59, 382. Applica- tion by, for freedom in religion, 55, 382. Their correspondence with the Virginia Company, ancl with their agents in England, 58, 66. Religious ])riuii])les of the, 64, 65, 387, 388, 395. Obtain a ])atent from the Virginia Company, 74, 383. Keep a flist, 77,383. Arrangements of the, for leaving Holland, 78, 383. Meet witJi discourage- ments, 81. Their purpose and views ia going to America, 81, 261. Their agree- ment with the merchant adventurers, 81. Did not have all things in common, 84. Vessel and pilot provided for the, 85, 86. Keep a fast, 87. Accompanied to Delft- 498 INDEX. Haven, 87, 334. The name belongs exclu- sively to the Plymouth colonists, 88. Their departure, 88, 384. At Southampton, 89. Parting letters to Carver and the, 89, 91, 116. Sail, 97. Put back twice, 93. Plotted against, 99. Dismiss the Speedwell, 99. Imputations on the, 99. Sail again, 100, 117. Voyage, 100. Descry Cape Cod, 101,117,384. Stand for Hudson's River, 102, 117, 38.3. Put back to Cape Cod har- bour, 102, 103, 117, 335. Charge against their Captain considered, 102, 138. Near- est plantations to the, 105. Mildness of their first winter, 105, 173. Grant to, by the President and Council of JNew England, 114, 116, 234. Their compact, and the signing of it, IIG, 120. Examinations by the, 122. choose John Carver, governor, 123. First excursion of the, under Miles Standish, 125. Their first sight of Indians, 127. At East Harbour, in Truro, 128. At the Ponrl, 130, 136. Find Indian corn, 131, 133; a kettle, 133. At Old Tom's hill, in Truro, 134. At Pamet river, 135. Find canoes, 135 ; a deer trap, 136. Return, 137. Second expedition of the, 138. Explore Pamet river, 139. Return to Hopkins's clifli', 140. Find more corn, 141 ; Indian graves, 142; an embalmed body, 142; wigwams, 143. Return, 145. Propose settling at Pa- met river, 146. Third expedition of the, under Captain Standish, 149. At Billings- gate Point, 151. In Wellfleet, 152. _ In Eastham, 153. Find an Indian burying- ground, 153; wigwams, 154. Alarmed by wolves, 155. First encounter of, with In- dians, 156. Sail along the coast, 159. On Clark's island, 160. Go on shore, 161. Return to Provincetown harbour, 162. Sail in the Mayflower, and arrive in Pjj'mouth harbour, 163. (Jonclude to build on the bank at Plymouth, 167. Fortify Burial Hill, 168, 169,131,295,335. Cut timber, 169. Lay out house-lots, 170,173. In want offish- hooks and nets, 171, 294. Build, 173, 230. Two of the, lost in the woods, 174. Re- ceive Samoset, 182; with other Indians, 187; Squanto, 191; Massasoit, 191, 231. Mortality among the, 197, 265. Burial place of the, 199. Not one of the, return in the Mayflower, 199. Embassy of the, to Massasoit, at Pokanoket, 202. Acces- sions to the, liy the Fortune, 235, 280. Put on short allowance, 236. Their treatment of the Indians, 250. True to their princi- ples, 260. Unjustly charged with fanati- cism, 273. Menaced by the Narragansets, 230. Famishing, 294. Supplied by Cap- tain Jones, 293. Advice by the, to Wes- ton's colony, 328. Their wants and means of subsistence, 329. Offer to receive Wes- ton's colony, 337, 342. Aid Weston, 342. Accessions to the, by the Anne and the Little James, 352. Old comers or forefa- thers among ihe, 352. Contributions by the first, to bring over and support the oth- ers, 385, 482. Not Separatists, 387. Not schismatics, 391. Not exclusionists, 392, 399. Works in vindication of the, 419. See America, New England, Plymouth, and Robinson. Pines, on Cape Cod, 118, 124. At Plymouth, 161. Pinses, braves, 288. Sachems' council, 323, 359. Killed at Weymouth, 339. Account of, 359. Procure corn for the sachems, 362. Piscataqua, settlement at, commenced, 351. Plague, Squanto on the, 291. See Pestilence. Plums, at Plymouth, 231. Plymouth, New England, mildness of the first winter at, 105, 173. Effects of the set- tlement at, 122. First offence in, 149, 199. Day of the landing at, 161. Rock and place of the landing, 161, 199. Trees and plants of, 164, 165. Soil of, 165. Conclu- sion to settle there, 167 ; to fortify Burial Hill, 163, ie9. Common house there, 169, 173, 177. House lots laid out in, 170, 173. Mill at, 172, 352. First entry in the records of, 173. Two men lost from, 174. Ponds in, 176. Shed built at, for common goods, 178. Two Indians at, 180. Artillery planted on the hill at, 181. Samoset at, 182. Indian names of, 183,203,245. Visit to, by Indians from Masssoit, 186. Garden seeds sown, 189. Savagesappear at, 190. Squanto there, 190. Massasoit visits, 191, 259. Treaty at, with Massasoit, 193, 244, 245. Brig- ham's Digest of the Laws of, 197. Re- election of Carver as governor of, 197. Mor- tality and burying-place at, 197, 199,473. Mayflower sads from 199. Death of the governor of, 200. First marriage and duel in, 201. Origin of the name, 203. Embas- sy from, to Massasoit at Pokanoket, 202. Voyage from, in search of a lost boy, 214. Seven men only at, 218. Expedition from, against the Narragansets, 219. The sur- geon and physician at, 222. Voyage from, to the Massachusetts, 224. Arrival of the Fortune at, 235. Things wanted at, 237. Hilton's Letter on, 250. Ship's company arrive at, from Damariscove islands, 278. Impaled, 235. Measures for protecting, 285. Apprehensions there, from the Narra- gansets, 235, 287. Council held at, 286. Alarmed, 287. Visited by Massasoit, 290. Second voyage from, to Massachusetts, 290. Scarcity of provisions there, 290. Arrival of the Sparrow, 293. Voyage from, to Monhegan, for provisions, 293. Arrival of the Charity and the Swan at, 296. Arrival of the Discovery and Sparrow at, 298. Expe- ditions from, for corn and to discover a pas- sage round Cape Cod, 300. Winslow's sec- ond journey from, to Pokanoket, 313. Ex- pedition from, against the Indians at Wey- mouth, 327. General Court held at, 331. Indian spy arrested at, 335. Reception of part of VVeston's company at, 342. Head set up at, 343. Allotment of lands, 346. Drought and famine at, 348, 354. The first fast at, 349. Tlianksgiving, 231, 351. Ar- rival of the Anne and Little James at, with a list of the passengers, 351, 352. Food for passengers on arriving at, 353. Climate INDEX. 499 of, 369. Consultation of, hy succeeding colonies, 3S6. White ou the trovcrnment at, 483. See Burial Hid, and PUi(rims. Plymouth Church, early records of the, 4. The First Independent or Congregational, in America, 77. Givers of the parsonage ground to the, 223. Plymouth Company, not applied to by the Pilgrims, ,'j5, 75. Plymouth harbour, explored, IGl. Pilgrims arrive in, 161, 103. Islands in, 161, 163. Fish and fowl in, 164. Includes Kingston and Duxbury harbours, 164. First death in, 163 Plymouth rock, IGl, 199. Pokanoket, expedition to Massasoit at, 197, 202, 232. Arrival at. 208. Extent of the countrj', 208. A night at, 210,211. See Massasoit. Pollock Rip, 102. Polyander, John, 43. Pond and Pond village, in Truro, 130, 136. Great Hollowr near, 131. Popham, John, Lord, Colony of, at Sagada- hoc, 50,55, 112,427. Condemnation of Pu- ritans by, 427. Portsmouth, seitlemcnt at Little Harl)our in, 351. Powows, priests, one sentenced to death, 308. Practices of, among, the sick, 317. With Massasoit, 317. Account of, 357, 366. Prat, Phinchas, 332, 352. Prayers, habits of the Pilgrims as to, 156, 167. Brewster on, 469. Presbyterians, tolerated in JNew England, 402. See Communion. Priests. See Powoics. Prince, Thomas, in error, 57, 58. On attempts to settle New England, 107. Error of, as to Barnstable harbour, 135. On a grant to Peregrine White, 148. Had Bradford's register, 148. On the re.«pect for Robinson at Leyden, 393. On Robinson's Farewell Discourse, 399. On Isaac Robinson, 453. On the difference in elders, 455. Prince, Thomas, Gov., arrives in the Fortune, 235. Marriage of, 470. Prophesying, the practice of, 419. Ancient, 420. Liberty of 421. Provincetown harbour, Pilgrims at, 102, 117, 385. Survey and Map of by Major J. D Graham, 118. Whales andfish there, 119. Wotice of, 120. Landing at, 123. Beach grass planted at, 123. Mayflower sails from, 163. Fortune puts into, 234. See Cape Cod. Provisions. See Indian Corn, Pilgrims, and Plymouth. Punishments, Indian, 365. Punkapog, Stoughton, 227. Puritans, tlie name, 12, 417, 443. Hos- tility of James 1. to the, 20. See Pil- g-rims. Q Quadequina, Massasoit's brother, 191, 232. Presents to, 192. Hostage with, 192. Re- ception of, 194. Described, 195. Qnads, on Cape Cod, 137. Quincy, Pilgrims at, 226. Supposed resi- dence of the Massachusetts sachems, 227. See Squaniuvi. R. Race Point, Cape Cod, 119. Raleigh, Sir Walter, on Guiana, 52. On the law for banishing Separatists, 436. Rattlesnake's skin, sent with arrows, 281. Returned with powder and shot, 283. Razor shell, 306. Reynolds, Captain of the Speedwell, 85. Puts back twice, 98. Reynolds, John, Rev., 432. Rhode Island, 281. Robertson, William, on the removal from Hol- land, 48. In error, 84, 100. Roliinson, Isaac, 453. Robinson, John, Rev., 23. Goes over to Hol- land, 34. Removes from Amsterdam to Leyden, 34. His ministry and character, 36,452. Time of his death, 393,479. Books written by, 40, 400, 454. His Apology, 40, 388, 391. Disputes with Episcopius, 41, 392. Age of, in 1620,46. Correspondence of with Edwin Sandys, 58 ; with Sir John Wolstenholme, 63. Preaches a Fast Ser- mon, 77. Tarries at Leyden, 77, 384. The reason of his not accompanying the Pil- grims, 77, 383, 453. Farewell Fast Ser- mon by, 87, 396. His parting letter to John Carver, 89 ; to the whole company, 91, 116. Dies without going to Pvew England, 91,443. On Standish, 339. His doctrine of communion, 388. His views of and re- gard for the Church of England, 389, 415, 442. His dislike of Episcopacy and the Liturgv, 390. Respect and funeral honors for, at Lc3den, 392,393,453. Not a rigid Separatist, 400. His Treatise on the Church of England cited, 400. On Church Synods, 419. On prophesying, 422. His answer to Bernard, 423. His church a model, 426. On Robert Browne, 442. Brad- ford's account of, 451. Facts respecting, 452. Bp. Hall's insinuation respecting, 453. His intention and desire to settle at Plymouth, 453, 475, 476, 477, 479, 482. Let- ters from, to the church at Plymouth, 473; to Elder Brewster, 475. Lyford and, 476. Plotting against, 476, 477. On elders, 477. Last days'and death of, 393, 478, 481. Rock harbour creek, in Orleans, 155. Roses, at Plymouth, 234. Rowland. Thomas, persecuted, 443. Ruling elders, diflcrence lietween teaching and, 455, 477. Still continued in Salem, 455. See Elders. Sabbath. See Sunday. 500 INDEX. Sachems, account of, and of their families, 3G0. Executioners of the laws, 365. Sacrifices, Indian, 358. Sagadahoc. !»ee Kennebec. St. Lawrence river, discovered, 243. Salem, error respecting the church in, 77- Mission from, to Plymouth, for a physician, 223, 330. Dutch admitted to comnnuiion at, 393. Ruling elders in, 455. See Endl- cott, and Hiffginson. Samoset, description, and reception of, at Ply- mouth, 182. Lodges with Hopkins, 185. Goes to Massasoit, 185, ISti. Returns with others, 186. Remains, 189. Comes again, with Squanto, 190. Tarries, 195, 196. Sanders, .John, overseer of Weston's colony, writes to Plymouth, 327. Bradford re- plies to, 330. Voyage by, to Monhegan, 330, 332. Sandwich, Manomet, boy lost at, 217. Sa- chem at, 232. See Ccnrnacoinc. Sandy Neck, at Barnstable, 159, 212. Sandys, Sir Kdwin, 55, 56, 332. Correspond- ence of, with Robinson and Brewster, 58. Notice of, 59. Treasurer and governor of the Virginia Company, 68. Obnoxious to James I., 68. Saquisii, in Plymouth harbour, 160, 164, 287. Sassafras, on Cape Cod, 118. Medicinal vir- tues ascribed to, 130. At Plymouth, 164,165. Savage, James, on Cotton Mather, 30. On Hampden's visit to New England, 315. On ruling elders, 455. Savins, on Cape Cod, 124. Scituate, North river in, 148. Chauncy, min- ister of, 405. Scussett harbour, in Sandwich, 306. Sea fowls, at Cape Cod, 119. At Plymouth, 164, 229. Time of the, 294. Seals, at Plymouth, 172. Se-baptist, John Smith the, 451. Self-love, Cushman's discourse on the sin and danger of, 262. Separatists, 388. Harmony of the Noncon- formists and, 398. Views of, respecting the Church of England, 414. Principles of the, 416, 417. No synods among the, 418. On prophesying among the, 419. Law ban- ishing the, 436. Persecution of the, 437. Treatment of in prisons, 437. Excom- municated, 438. Dej)rived of their live- lihood, 439. Banished, 439, 441. Treat- ment of, by the prelates, 440. Before i'.ob- ert Brown, 442. See Pilgrims. Shawmut, sachem of, 232. See Boston. Sheath fish, 306. Shellfish, at Plymouth, 294. At Buzzard's Bay, 306. Shingle Brook, in Plymouth, 165. Ships, size and character of, 86. Sickness, Indian customs in, 317. Simmons, formerly Symonson, 394. Simonson, Moses, a Pilgrim, 235, 236, 394. Skate at Plymouth, 164. Slade's Ferry, in Swanzey, 315. Slanv, John," 191. Smallpox. See Pestilence. Smith, John, Rev., and his church at Amster- dam, 22, 34, 429. Persecuted, 443. On Johnson and Ainsworth, 445. Bradford's account of, 450. Facts respecting him, 4.^>1. Smith, John, Captain, surveys and numes New England, 80, 101, 255. On the mer- chant adventurers, 81. On Cape Cod, 101. On New England water, 129. On Indian flax, 166. Names Plymouth, 203. Men- tions Nauset, 216. On the country of the Massachusetts, 226. Isles named by, 351. -Smith, bir Thomas, account of, 68. Smith's isles, 251. Snaphances, 156, 157. Snow's brook, in Easthain, 152. Soil, English and Indian right to the, 243. Somer Islands Company, 112. Southampton, 85. Arrival of the Pilgrims at, 89. Situation of, 89. Southworth, Thomas, 419. Sowams, seat of Massasoit, 208. Spain. See United Provinces. Sparrow, arrival of the, at Plymouth, 291, 293,298. Speedwell, 85. Size of the, 86. Unscawor- thy, 93. Dismissed, 99. Spooner, Ephraim, Dea., of Plymouth, 199. Squa sachem, of the Massachusetts Indians, 225, 229. Of Mattapuyst, 317. Squanto, or Tisquantum, History of, 190. Place in Quincy, named from, 191. At Plymouth, 195, 196. In an embassy to Massasoit, 202. At Pokanoket, 211. On a voyage in search ofaboy, 212. Sent to Aspinet, 216. Ex- pedition against the Narragansetts to re- venge the supposed murder of, 219. Cap- Uwd by Corbitant, 220. Returns to Ply- mouth. 223. In a voyage to the Massachu- setts, 224. Would plunder the Massachu- setts, 228. Aid from, af)out planting In- dian corn, 230. Su.spicions as to, 285. Double-dealing of, 289. Valuable services of, 290. Demanded by Massa.soit, 291. Pilots an expedition for corn, and to discov- er a passage round Cape Cod, 299, 300. Sickness and death of, 301. Instructs In- dians in English salutations, 305. Squantum, a promontory in Quincy, 191, 226. Taken possession of, by Thompson, 351. Squaws, modesty of the, 228, 364. IJurdens borne by, 305, 311. Treatment of, at Wey- mouth, 339, 341. Their travail, 358. Ser- vitude of 303. Particulars respecting, 364. Standish family, 126. Standish, Miles, Captain, 115. Leader in an excursion up the Cape, 125. Account of, 125, 338. His coat of mail and sword, 134. In' the third expedition, 149. Encoun- ters Nauset Indians, 156, 158. Goes in search of Indians at Plymouth, 171. Death of his wife, 179. (Jhosen Captain, 180. Sent to meet Indians, 131. Meets Ma?^ sasoit, 192. Massasoit's reception of, 194. Marches against the Narragan- sets ill defence of Massasoit, 220. In an expedition to the Massachusetts, 225. Secures a messenger from Canonicus, 281. Military preparations of 284. Sets for- ward for Massachusetts, 287. Driven back INDEX. 501 from an expedition for com, 299. Goes to Eastham, 304. Salutation of, by Aspinet, 304. Conduct of, at Yarmouth, 308. At Scussett, 309. Treachery against, 311. Returns, 312. Expedition of, against the Indians at Weymouth, 326.327,331. Ar- rives at Weymouth, 336. Trade of, with an Indian spy, 337. Kills Pecksuot in a struggle, 33S. Remarks on, by Robinson, Hubbard, and Davis, 339. Skirmishes with Indians, 341. Takes the head of Wituwa- mat, and returns to Plymouth, 342, 343. Efiect of his Expedition, 345. Procures provisions, 350. Second wife of, 352. Standysshe, John, killed Wat Tyler, 126. Starsmore, Sabin, 74. Store house, at Plymouth, 169, 173, 177. Stout's creek, in Truro, 128. Strawberry Hill, Watson's hill called, 180. Sunday, in Holland, 47, 381. On Clark's island, 160. Kept on shore at Plymouth, 177. Refusal of the Pilgrims to traffic on, 189. Supremacy, oath of, 64. Swamps, formerly ponds, 130. Swan, arrival of the, 290. Remains, 298. Swanzey, 208. See Corbitant, Gardner's Neck, Mattapoiset, and Slade's Ferry. Synods, at Dort, 47, 424. At Cambridge, 394, 402. At Embden, 422. Kone among the Separatists, 408. Tabor, and Taborites, 33. Tarhcs, John, 396. Taunton river, 205. Pestilence on, 206, 234. Notice of, 206. Country on, 207. Thacker, Elias, persecuted, 412. Executed, 427. Thanksgiving, the first, 231. After a fast, 351. Theft, Indian punishment of, 364. Thievish Harbour, 148, 159. Thompson, David, 350. Thompson's island, in Boston harbour, 351. Tilly, Edward, a Pilgrim, 122, 126, 149. No- tice of, 151. Tilly, John, a Pilgrim, 149, 151. Tisquantum. See Squanto. Titicut, 205, 212. Tobacco, 188, 194, 363. Tokamahamon, an Indian guide, 211, 214. Corbitanl's hostility to, 219. With a mes- senger from Canonicus. 281. Toleration, want of under James I., 21. Hol- land reproached for, 23. Application for, by agents from Holland, 55, 382. Of the Pilgrims towards the Dutch and French, 388, 392, 393 ; towards the Scotch, 394 ; towards the Presbyterians, 402, 407. Not shown to evil-doers, 407. See Commun- ion, Pilgrims, Robinson, and Separatists. Town brook, in Plymouth, Pilgrims settle near, 167. Notice of, 172. Mill on, 172, 352. Crossed to meet Indians, 181. Re- ception of Rlassasoit at the, 192. Training Green in Plymouth, 168. Trees, on Cape Cod, 118, 124, 132. At Ply- mouth, 164. In Pokanoket, 207. Trial, an Indian, 307. Truro, soil in, 123. Excursions to, 128. Pond in, 130. Second excursion to, 139. See East harbour. Turbot, 164. Tyburn, persons executed at, 437. Tyler, Wat, killed, 126. U. Uncle Sam's Hill, in Truro, 133. United Provinces, war between Spain and the, 25; truce between them, 44. Expiration of the truce, 51. See Loic Countries. Upham, Charles W., Rev., 77. Vessels, size and character of, 86. Virginia, colonization of, 53, 54. Pilgrims con- clude ior, 54, 383. Settled by Episcopalians, 54. Territorial extent of, 54. Application for religious toleration in, 55. Oaths for emigrants to, 64. Governors of, 69, 70. Blackwell's voyage to, 70. New patent for the northern part of, 80, 100. Effect of the Plymouth settlement on, 122. Winslow on the state of, 278. Indian massacre in, 278, 293, 295. Vessels for, at Plymouth, 298. Proclamation as to the government of, 485. See New England. Virginia Company, 54. Application of the Pilgrims to the 55, 57 ; their correspond- ence, 58. Courts held by the, 67. Gov- ernors and Treasurers of the, 68. Conten- tions in the, 69. Patent obtained from the, 74. W. Wachusett mountain, 223. Walloons, 39, 352, 393. Walnut trees, 132, 164, 165. Wampom, 143. Wamsutta, son of Massasoit, 104. Wareham, conspiracy with the Indians at, 323. Warren, in the Pokanoket country, 208. Warren, Richard, a Pilgrim, 121, 150. His widow and descendants, 150. Wassapinewat, 330. Water of New England, 129 ; of Plymouth, 105, 106, 167, 255. Watcrtown, minister of 398. Watson, Edward, owner of Clark's island, 160. Watson's hill, two Indians appear on, 180. Names of ISO. Indians again appear there, 190. Massasoit there, 190. Weavers among the Plymouth settlers, 35. WfUflcetbay, visited, 151, 152. 153. Wellinfjslv Rrook, in Plymouth, 165. Wessagus'sett, 78. Subject to the Massachu- setts sachem, 227. See Weijmoulh. 502 INDEX. West, Francis, admiral of New England, 278. Weston, Thomas, agreement with, 78. No- tice of, 78. Inclines to New England, 80. Neglects to provide shipping, 85. On a charter, 23t. His people at Weymouth, 276, 296. The Sparrow sent out by, 293. Writes to Mr. Carver, 293. Expedition of his people for corn, 299 ; their return to Weymouth, 303. His visit and misfortunes, 342. See Wcytnoidh. Weymouth, Captain, carries Indians from Pe- nobscot, 190. Weymouth, or Wessagusset, 78. Character of Weston's colony at, 276, 296, 334. Ac- count of the planting of, 296. Conduct of the colonists of, at Plymouth, 297, 300. Indians' complaints respecting, 293, 302, 327. Indian conspiracy against, 310, 323. Expedition against the Indians of, 327, 331. Want of provisions at, 323. Too feeble and sick for defence, 329. Wretched state of, 332. Execution at, 332. .Standish's ar- rival there, 336. Carelessness at, 336. Of- fer to, from the Pilgrims, 337. Seven In- dians killed at, 339. Broken up, 341. See Weston. Whales, whaling and, 119, 146. Whitbourne, Richard, Captain, 155. White, Roger, letters by, to Bradford, 478, 483. White, Peregrine, the first born, 148. White, William, a Pilgrim, 121, 148. Death of 181, 201. Whitgift, Archbishop, 432. Wigwams, discovered, 143. Described, 144. In Eastham, 154. Near Plymouth, 172. Of Nanepashemet, 226. Wildfowl, at Cape Cod, 119, 137,139,140. At Plymouth, 164, 179, 229. Time of the, 294. Williams, Roger, 132, 133, 142, 187, 280. 305, 317, 318, 319, 356, 365, 366, 367. Prophe- sying by, at Plymouth, 420. Williams, Thomas, a Pilgrim, 122. Meets Massasoit, 192. Wincob, John, patent taken in the name of, 75. Windows, account of, 237. Winnatuckset brook, source of, 206. Winslow chair, cut of the, 238. Winslow Edward, on John Robinson and Ar- minianism, 41. Age of, in 1620, 46. Rea- sons by, for removing from Holland, 47. On Thomas Weston, 78. On the profit from fishing, 81, 383. In the third exploring party, 139. On errors, 175, 277. On the Indian language, 183. On the Indians' use of tobacco, 189. Interview of, with Mas- sasoit, 192. A hostage, 192. Death of his wife, 197, 201. Married again, 201. Pro- bably wrote the narrative of the journey to Pokanoket, 202. In the embassy to Mas- sasoit, 202, 204, 213. Letter from, 230. Cattle brought to Plymouth by, 233. His Relation, 269. Notice of and of his family and descendants, 274. His return to Eng- land, 277, 477. On the state of Virginia, 278. In the second Massachusetts expedi- tion, 287. Goes to Monhegan, 293. Sec- ond journey of, to Pokanoket, to visit Mas- sasoit in his sickness, 313. Indian plot re- vealed to, 324, 320. Lodges with Corbi- tant, 324. Returns, 326. His brief Narra- tion of the true Grounds for the first Plant- ing of New England, 377, 379, 408. Sent to England in 1640 to defend the colony of Massachusetts against Gorton, 379. Pre- serves Robinson's Farewell Discourse, 399. Works by, 408. On prophesying by, 419. Winslow, Gilbert, 275. Winslow, Isaac, 275. Winslow, John, 235, 275. Winslow, Josiah, on the purchase of the In- dians' lands, 259. Notice of, 275. Winslow, Kenelm, 275. Winter, the first, at Plymouth, 105, 173. Winthrop, John, Gov., fleet of, rendezvous at Southampton, 89. On a shipwreck on Brown's island, 163. On the Church of England, 398. On the synod at Cambridge, 402. On Rev. Peter Hobart, 402. Takes part in religious services at Plymouth, 419. Wituwamat, 310, 338. Killed, 339. Head of, taken, 342 ; stuck up, at Plymouth, 343. Wives of sachems, 361. See Squa, and Squaws. Wolstenholme, Sir John, 55, 63, 66. Wolves, alarms from, 155. Encountered, 178. Wood, Anthony, cited, 59, 432, 439. Wood, William, 118, 124, 129, 132, 133, 135, 136, 140, 142, 143, 164, 166, 170, 187, 188, 198, 305, 306, 307, 318, 366. Wood End, on Cape Cod, 118, 119. Wood-gaile, 129. Woosamequin, or Massasoit, 245. Y. Yarmouth, Mattachicst, 216. Corn procured at, 302, 308. Valor of Standish at, 309. Yeardley, Sir George, Governor of Virginia, 70, 279. Ziska, John, 33. THE END. ^/. v^ <>. v^ ■-^v ,<0' 0^ -^.L t/- v^ .,^:^ -^> h