The Word Copyright, 1917 By GEORGE D. DOBLE {All Rights Reserved) SAWTELLE, CALIFORNIA -t n The writer is a soldier Avith ten years' service in the United States army including' three years war- sei'vice in the I'liilippine Islands. 1' •CI.A4G1112 APR 10 1917 "^Dedication With malice toward none, with charity for all. — Abraham Lincoln. We dare not be. we wonld not be, sectarian or national in onr ministry, if we have received of the word of Life. Broad as the plains, bonndless as the oceans, illimitable as space, is the benevolence of the Sreat I am, the Father of us all. Who are the bless- ing's of God for? We were taught by the Spirit after this manner : AVe were passing, in vision, an house of God when there came forth down the steps to the side- walk, two priests. Such a picture of antiquity, we think, was never conceived by man. Their faces were brown as old parchment, and their robes ancient as the "Ancient of Days." The much elder, larger, and more intelligent. Priest immediately threw the end of his robe over the shoulder of the boy with the vision and both priests followed him. The meaning, as shown us thru God's infinite love, places the vision on the hinges of eternity. The elder, wiser, and greater priest was Malchisedec "without beginning of years or end of days;" to whom Abra- ham, of the promises, "returning from the slaughter of the kings," gave tithes. Thus acknowledging him, as St. Paul avers, greater than himself. But Abraham tho perceiving, thru the vision of the angel, that the race of Adam was a one-sided and inferior creation, made oath that he avouIcI reproduce that type of Being on the earth. Hence Jesus Christ an "High- Priest forever after the order of ^lalehisedec." Whose mother, also, had so far realized perfection in herself as to need no aid from man. The younger and less intelligent priest symbolized the comparatively poor temple, or priest of God, that 2 DEDICATION was pi-oduced when the molecide of Life was divided into male and female, instead of one perfect bein.u-. That the older idea threw his mantle over the yonn^ man and followed him shows that the orit;nial idea of (lod is innnediately ai)plieahle to onr present con- dition. That the yonnyei- [)fiest can serve is evident by his following'. The first chapter of Genesis tells al)out the creation of man, male and female, in the inuii^e and likeness of God, with dominion over all the earth. It states that creation was completed and blessed of God. Not until later and in another chapter are Adam and Eve in- troduced, with all the sad story of sin and death. The proof of the pudding is the eating. ' ' Try the method. After dedicating your life to God, in Christ, then recognize yourself as two perfect beings in one. And feel the new powders awaken in you spiritually, mentally, and physically from head to foot. Then, unless experiences differ, you will exclaim: Eureka, I have found my sweetheart that is true to me as the everlasting sun. This development does not make you self-centered and selfish, but you feel love aiul charity for even those whom before you despised. Therefore our dedication is to the everlasting prin- ciples and laws of Life; and to every nation, tribe, kindred, tongue and people. "3ntro6uctorY Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. — ]Martin Lnther. In 1898, the anthor, a lad back in Maine, was one Sunday on his way from a Y. M. C. A. meeting when he burst forth as by inspiration : Oh God, I want to go to the Philippine Islands and suffer, not for my own sins, but for Christ's sake. June 22nd, '99, he was on his way there, not in the garb and with the comparative ease of a missionary, but as a soldier, to serve his country. Nov. 14th he was shot in the abdomen and thigh, while scouting in the rugged mountains of tropical Panay. He was saved in that predicament thru the self-sacrifice and heroism of First Sergeant Robert Donaldson with three men of the command, Co. 19, U. S. Inf 'ry, and the rear guard of eight men under Corp'l Dan'l Leary — an invincible dozen, under God, between him and annihilation. Tho the mountains rose perpen- dicular in front of the little band, and savages swarmed around them behind, the will of God was operative to save. Thus in the fires of hell, comrades, Christ wrote "on his thigh" with hot lead the "name" of his spiritual General to be. In February, 1900, while in the Brigade Hospital, he had a vision which showed him the goal of his life and involved things of universal import. It taught him that perfect harmony and immortality were to be experienced here on earth. He saw him- self back with the regiment, and under fire again, instead of being sent home as was supposed. He told one of his comrades that he was to come back to the Islands again sometime and then something wonder- ful was going to happen. To him it was to be the end of mortality and the loosing and coming forth of the spiritual man. 4 INTRODUCTORY After three years' service he returned to the Unit- ed States. Durino' that time he also had two other master-visions, which have been the guidance, inspir- ation, and back-bone of his life ever since. Among" other things, he was shown that when the Christ-man came he would begin to write. He saw the writings grow and grow, in the hands of the spiritual-man, till they became a mighty balloon that supported him perfectly on the waters and carried him above earth. In February, 1914, he was again en route for ^lan- ila. Without premeditation on his part he was ab- solutely forced to go. Still, he went intelligently, knowing by the visions of fourteen years before that it was to be the unveiling of the Messiah. During the few months he was there the star of Bethlehem came in conjunction with the moon. Another party and he viewed the beautiful, and to him, portentious phe- nomena together. The star in conjunction with the upper apex of the crescent moon. Then the Spirit taught him things of which he had never received a hint on earth. They had been included in the three visions but the meaning had been sealed till then. The Spirit told him as soon as he had "finished eating" he "would be ready to go back to the TTnited States." So complete was his faith that he was deal- ing with the Almighty and knew His voice that when the Spirit told him in symbolic language to bind his arms and his legs, in a manner that to his sense and belief was death, and jump in the ocean, off the steep ledge of the island, he did so. After so binding him- self and thanking God for His wonderful providence and loving care, in the darkness of evening, without any fear he entrusted his body and soul to the bosom of the ocean and the arms of God. Only to find the saving power supreme there as on Ihe battlefield. On arriving in San Francisco he was informed that Venus had, also, made conjunction, with the lower part of the moon. So comi'ades, his message is that (\ our open revolt, The death and the sorrow, is all our own fault ; The Spirit dies not, and the worm liveth yet, The scorchinti' continues because we forget. We look then to Spirit for Spirit remains. We look then to nature whose forces He trains. He gave man dominion o'er all that He made, His heaven within us no mortal can raid ; For God,, saith the scripture is All and in all. No planet too great, not a detail too small, To miss the sure measure of accurate Plan ; Love swells Her full bosom. Her sweet-heart is man. Oh, that the blurred senses of poor fallen man, Might see the great promise. Her sweet cherished Plan; Our house She's provisioned foi- aeons to come. Each child has bhic-l)l()(»(l. with the Spirit's "well- done ; ' ' The Pharos of old, or great women as yet. Are children compared to the sons She '11 beget ; The Stars of the Christ are the opening plan This earth to renew, the (Ireat City to span. All I'oatls led to Rome, in that sword-ridden time, Jerusalem new now is City sublime ; Love, joy, peace and bliss, golden sun Angel kissed, The Site and the City no detail was missed When God made the world; and the oceans to meet, The time; and the place for Jehovah's great seat; All things to the tick in Llis "thousand years" clock; Ah friends! learn the tongue of His symbolic talk. ALPHA 17 Oh, great are the signs and the title is clear, God starts the Christ-kingdom, this wonderful year; "Everlasting gospel" on earth shall he read, Clean Venus gets blessings from Bethlehem's Head The Oceans to meet. And the World to he here. Bears witness to sages their Lord doth appear ; Pacific, Atlantic now meet in the main. And God makes a highway to earth once again. On ocean supreme by His word fish brought gold, On land His dominion as ]\Ioses foretold; "The lilies of-field," quoth the Saviour, how grand, "The birds lay not up," but are fed by God's hand ; And sepulchre's doom is not sealed to Christ-power, But now there's no death to the true of this hour; Sweet-hearts keep up courage tho tempests may rage, The Glory of God is assured to this age. 18 THE GREAT SPIRIT,' HE SAID. " (Paiiv :U 19 SAGAMORE Oh, cheerless the day, no warmth on the hearth. No warmth in the heart, cold gloom o'er the earth; Oh, why do we pine a rayless long- night. Her son's gone to war, John Bull in the fight. In light of good reason, strength's sapped in vain, Her daughters are sad, her flower is slain ; The ploughs beat to swords, her blood spent in tears, The fences are broke the saving of years. In vain is man's grasp to rule by his will, He rolls a stone up, it rolls down the hill ; The nations laid plans, an Empire of strength. No one more mighty thought each one at length; But fickle the strength salt-peter doth give, A hell on the earth where no man may live ; Love hides her warm face and virtue turns baciv, Heaven takes mourning and earth turneth black. No ONE may be blamed for havoc of life ; That France leaves the field to take up the strife, That Hungary's daughters weep for the slain, And Poland in ashes mourneth again ; The Czar and the Emperors rule dead homes, The buzzard and jackall knawing their bones. My God ! put an end to errors mad rule. Thy angels descend and trouble the pool. Oh. who may fathom the depth of despair: The insects of earth, the fowls of the air. The hoot-owl's long watch, thru cold gloomy night, Their tales of sadness, the pain of the fight ; The waste and the loss, God said, should not be, The Saviour of men they nailed to a tree ; The word of the I^ord, say pigmies of sight, Not so, saith the sage, 'tis darkness not light. 20 THE WORD 'Tis true tliiit Wisdom can read to the dip The awful results, of Prodigal's slip ; The Father drove not the son from his door, With love beyond Avords He welcomes him more ; "The best robe" doth wait as well as the "ring-,' And God sa.ys "my son" the son of the King. The son now has ate "the husks" with the hog, His heart yearns for home, no more of the dog. "With harlots" I've "wasted — substance" and brain ; My Lord and my (iod I come home again; His pantry was full, I lacked not for bread ; A crown, will the Father, place on thy head. With servants galore, in Mind's sacred realm. The earth to renew, with Love at the helm, "A great distance oflt'" the Spirit beholds The son coming home, to Jesus' pure folds. For "when he'd spent all — a — famine" did rage. The famine to come "the end of the Age;" His senses did wake as bowels did ((uake. And eyes saw clearly the earth (Jod doth make; Yes, Adam rouse from hypnotic dream. And row foi- the shore, not Hoat down the stream In Abraham's l)reast the "beggar" finds rest, "Five l)i"ot]iei's at home" don't awo for the test. And what shall we say of sickness and death? And why doth give out the immortal breath? "The work of a foe," the sting of a sin, That shall be wiped out, as home we begin; 'Tis law, says the wise, all rots in the grave. From leaf to planet no help for to save ; 'Tis foolish with God "the wisdom of man," The law to renew doth lay in His hand. SAGAMORE 21 The patriarchs old did live to great age, With no special gift but innocent's wage; When Spirit, through knowledge, quickens the pulse, The flesh profits not, ' ' God gives the results ; The earth shall be heaven, Father with Son, When Love rules the world, the work's just begun ; Angels of children, great mountains of faith. With hearts all attuned to hear what He saith. Spirit of Abram hath immortal seed; Our fathers ate manna made from, the weed; Waters, said Jesus, that I freely give Doth quench the thirsty, forever they live : "The last foe to yield," yes "death" has its blow, The Spirit of Christ incarnate below ; "Oh death where-thy sting" and graves victory. From bonds of the dead Lord Christ setteth free. 22 THE WORD AN ATTIC WARD IN SOLDIERS HOME This word was written in the attic of a barracks at the Soldiers Home. There are forty-seven beds in the ward. The patience, cheerfulness, kindness and manhood, of the veterans of the Civil-War is a source of constant wonder and admiration to the writer. They were the bulwarks of a mighty and grand generation. 23 SACCHARIN "Many are called but few — ^chosen," A nation raked for the Dozen, The mean, the false, the selfish crew, For Master 's work will never do ; Most men are shadows stony soil, For them no use the Master's toil; But Christ, the chaff will surely burn : The wheat will grow and fill the urn. The leper cleansed who knew his fault; The sinners close their selfish vault ; The meek of earth He don't despise. The word of God will ope' their eyes; He grants the fullness of his grace For those who long to see Truth 's face ; That good may be where evil lays, And virtue have a chance to praise. The sheep are called who know His voice, And follow ' ' Me' ' they have no choice ; Their will is God's and no other. Their souls reach out. Love is ^lother ; In vain I've searched to find that set, God's grace sustain me longer yet. For twenty years I've sought a friend. But faith doth grow unto the end. 'Tis true and living love we hail, Altho its pace be but a snail : All else as rubbish He will burn, The righteous thoughts shall have their turn ; That soul "a pillar" He will place, With all the riches of his grace. In Jesus' court to reign with him. Through all the ages ne 'er to dim. 24 THE AVORU Now is the time to harvest home ; The golden sheaves together come : God's wings are stretched to hover them, Who come to build Jerusalem : "The Word" the invitation sends; Bright message go to Planet's ends, And call His sons from every land ; To build their lives in one strong band. Of jewels bright and spotless gold, Christ's body is the precious mould; One great White Light the Son define, In myriad hues his children shine ; One wall of strength surround them all, No rich, or poor, or great, or small ; In "resurrection from the dead," There is one Body and one Head. The twelve Apostles of the Lamb The Organs rule, of risen ^lan ; Not all alike twelve Races be, With each a Gate in the City ; Each Judge is chosen of the Lord, i And truth of God the ruling sword. The Shining One of Israel; New Word iind Date this year shall spell. Beyond the known of mortal man. The Spirit's voice thru St. John I'an ; The Site and City he did know, From Golden Gate to INIexico. On "west three gates." One thousand more Then add two hundred, length of shore ; And scpiare the Citv like a die. The Plan of God, Most High! ]Most High! * *For description of the city read Revelation xxi. SACCHARIN 25 "The length and-breadth and-height" agree, The concept spells Eternity ; The leader a "white horse" doth ride,* "His eyes — — a flame of fire" beside, On "thigh" is wrote and "vesture" too, The "King of Kings" 'tis all come true, His "vesture" has been "dipped in blood," "Faithful and True" not plastic mud. "A sharp sword" goeth from "his mouth" "Armies" of "heaven" clean and couth Will follow him, "The Word of God;" In righteousness pure purpose shod : Omnipotence of good proclaim ! Eternal Life thru Jesus name ! The animal returned to clod ! And they shall live who image God ! *Revelation xix. 26 (]'' -(— 1) J2 qj o a- 7. 1^ r o* ^ t. Oi X qn CO OJ -t-j ;h !-; ---K ^.^' 01 cc •v T. A il, t: ■Jl ' ' ■^ c ■r .^^ 1' a. IX, ^ +^ cc c X O "^ "r' -T Cb j; n E~ O M C CC ^ c ±; 0^ tj -^ "- -Q ^ -t^ THE WORD "v^^JF^ ~Y MAINE AND CALIFORNIA, AND EVERYBODY ELSE 28 E PLURIBUS UNUM On mountain sides, and mountain tops, The shrines and towers rise, To holy (lod omnipotent; Who reis'ns in earth and skies : A city with foundations true, As Abram sighed to see, 'Tis ours to build, by God's rij^rht hand; Of ages fruition be. Oh sacred theme and holy trust, The waves of sin brought low. The clouds of sense all cleared away, And God is loved below ; Flashes of Glory ! blinding John, Two thousand years away ; Messiah come to dwell with men, The Spirit sings the lay. The children taught in Wisdom schools, Where Love is crowned the King ; They roam and play and grow all day; True joy to earth they bring; Foundation of eternal life, No other thought is known ; No sepulchre for Spirit-born, Let INIoses, smite the stone. The maidens with their tambourines With Grace all hearts inspire ; The young men dance around the fair. Soul 's rythm doth aspire ; The joy's so great and God's so good They have no time to sleep ; In visions thus the old grow young. With strength the aged leap. THE WORD 29 In Nature's school of vale and stream, And woods and hill and monnt, The lessons learned are infinite ; The years they do not count ; On Father's knee, and Mother's breast, The sons of God will rest ; The all is one and One is all. The reason to be blessed. And Jesns heart is free to all. Where St. John lay his head; A thousand 3^ears has slipped away, Before we've gone to bed. Let angel-chorus now draAV nigh. And strong their million harps; Radiance of Celestial day 13oth dawn, and 11 11 all hearts. Still sex will play her sacred part. In fount and stream and bay; In the abode of chastened love, New stars are born to stay ; We do not mother Nature smite, And say her ways are mad ; On sex forever we are based, In sex the heart is glad. The Spirit now knows all that's true, And all that can be learnt; In league with Him all learnings dim ; Let ignorance be burnt. Great Edison has shown the path, Where all is light and day ; But greater things are yet to be. The Word contains the ray. 30 E PLURIBUS ITNUIM Light ! Light ! hand-maid of Jesus Christ, As toys are lights in glass. Illumined minds and sonls redeemed, Empyreal sky electrons mass. John saw the day of glass, and more, In God, the Ages lore ; And Satan's kingdom fade as night, From Christ, the open door. Behold it shineth Light of God ! Plis throne no dark annoys; The cover lifts, the chaldron hoils Pure gold, and no alloys. And telegraph doth rnsty lay. One Mind is infinite, The Body all connected np, A flash and all is lit. The children born of mated life. Electric bodies pure ; "New heavens and new earth," it reads, As Jesns told the Cure; The Revelator saw the Cause, Effects must truly flow : And none may stand the dazzling Liuht. Lest cleansed bv Ilim, we know. From Evil's puny grasp, the rule Doth slip, with magic bound ; What Esau lost he did not own, His birthright was not found ; The peoples choice uneramped by fear. Or dAvarfed by teachings stale. One l^niversal Brothei'hood ; The truth of Life prevail. THE WORD 31 Of One the blood of all is made, We see the open scroll ; And holy love, in Jesns Christ, Doth constitute the sonl ; The Organs, of onr world-wide IMan, Are dit¥erent 'tis plain ; God's Ideas all their place to fill. Without which all is vain. Again the scroll of God we take, And scan the blue-prints close ; We've seen the diff'rent Organs rule. Developed we suppose ; Till now in Universal Man, The Solar Plexus well defined, Jerusalem, in Love shall rule ; The Christ of God the Mind. The wise-men now their camels hend The throne of Christ to raise -. The pains of birth are over uoav. In cradle Wisdom lays; It is all written in God's book, 'Twere vain to stem the tide ; "Glory of — earth" "Good will to men," When Saviour Christ doth ride. GEO. doblp: 32 THE WOKl) as a. J2 <^ ^ « C 1^ . CO CO O o a; 35 o >, CO '*^ ^ S g s 3 - ^ 7 t« OC -T-j 33 EUREKA God's wrath on ancient Xinevah Is thru the centuries ; The cleansing of His foot-stool is, Till with the Truth agrees; Great Babylon to ashes went : Less morals had than gold : Jerusalem was swept away, When Christ for silver sold. While Egypt, Rome and Athens, too, Were wanting, found, when weighed ; Their scepter broke and prestige razed : The Kingdom's not in raid: Some mighty lads in Europe grew. Each dominating Race, In selfish lust, all scruples lost ; To fall at mad'ning pace. On west the circling power ran. To place the proper reins ; Where man his INIaker worships right, Atonement well contains. There's no respect of race, or blood, God seeks a willing mind ; The rod's to him who wields it best, To righteousness aligned. But rule of Race, or Church, or creed, No more to earth is known ; God draws a nation Spirit-made, Who to His will has grown. The current led the Pilgrims true. Across the trackless deep The thoughts deep hidden in God's heart, In loyal man doth leap. U THE WORD Thru forests, sands, and trailless wastes, The Angel led the way; A "cloud by day" and "tii-e by night;" The Ark in safety lay : The angel there put down the stakes, The journey ended then; ■He'd staked the Holy City out, Of gold to be. Amen. "When Christ shall come; he whispered low, ' ' To take his proper place. The nations then will know God's will; Full bloom to every Race ; Said he, "be brave my gallant men, There's many stones to hew; And wait for him, the Architect, Your spirits to imbue.' "Creation ever was misused. Till Jesus Christ the Son ; No city ever measured up. But now God buildeth one ; And all the good and great in Christ, Who've ever ever been ; Immaculate His great design ; Forever here again. "And even now they're coming ba^'k. The spirits seen as men ; 'The resurrection of the dead,' Incarnate souls again ; Some day, when eyes are cleared by Liglit, Your loved ones you'll behold; And all the great Apostles, too. Build this citv of gold.' EITREKA 35 Pacific lay the ocean waves, To ang-el as a pup ; And tranquil purred each babbling stream. Of heaven they would sup ; Old Baldy donned his collar white, Respect was in its head ; The Indian brave his bosom smote, "The Great Spirit," he said. The angel noted many a fact, His soul was in his word ; His eyes proclaimed the victory. The soldier of our Lord. Said he: Old Satan's strong on earth, And none but Christ can win ; The lives he lived and deaths he died, And Glory entered in.' "As Abraham and further back. He gained the summit steep ; It was God's providence of coarse, This man in whale should sleep; It was thru awful sacrifice. As Calvary did see. That God's omnipotence did learn; In death on land and sea.' "The Christ alone has conquered death. In cell and bone and brain ; The Lord of the terrestrial. Now shows his love again ; In evolutions upward climb He took the lead and won ; Field Marshal now of all Forces, With title of God's Son.' 36 THE WORD "Youi" Saviour in the Spirit dwells. Our Advocate on high. A Counsel in the heavens rare. Naught nu^rtal may draw nigh; His word made tlesh thru some great saint, You may but guess his name ; Christ's victory is handed down, As tho his person came." "There will be many changes, true, In planet's action wrought; And all that's disagreeable. Be remedied, by thought ; The elements control, Christ will. And bring her 'spic an' span;' The planet is designed to be Immortal, with its Man.' "In all reforms and changes yet, That for the all is good, The Spirit of the Universe, By each brave heart has stood ; St. Paul beheld creations groan, The Spirit intercede ; My friends, don't think that God don't care, The Mother heart don't bleed. "It all concerns Ilei' children's good, AVho war and curse and fight, When if they'd be obedient, All wrongs could be made right ; To work in harmony with God, Is all that needs to be; Well praise the Lord the time has come. Glorious tr\ith to see.' EUREKA i i r The planet is a living thing, With vital organs cast ; And circulating currents flow, Thru heart and head and breast ; The eqnilibrinm is kept By constant throbbing life ; And waters to their fountains flow As milk, to the young wife.' "In God's great plan, the places meet, Are used in his design ; The All-Wise does no bungling work. But line on line to line ; And correspondence here is found, To seat of soul in man; It is the prophets native soil. The cradle of the Lamb.' "As Palestine is Womb of earth, Christ-kingdom held the rod ; Creative power truly known Is nearest unto God ; Jensalem and Palestine, In harmony that's pure. Bring forth the chosen race of God: Forever to endure.' "This is the Generating Age, Of Science, Truth and Love : No more of straw the brick are made. For temple from above ; The holy land, by heathen trod. Will take her proper place; Among the nations she will rise. As second in the race.' THE WORD "Command to g'o and multiply, Concerns not mortal mirth ; 'Ye must be born again,' was Truth, If 'to be saved' on earth; 'Of water and of Spirit' born. Upon another shore. The mind of men not then could grasp, 'Second' Period lore.' "This land includes the Back-bone, too, Alaska to Cape Horn ; The All-Wise placed the granite there, To build the City on ; Forlorn the task to tell it all. The Plans in Heaven drew, By architects beyond our ken. I bid you friends. Adieu." ME WORD CIRCUS ANIMALS The wolf Miul llic Iniiil) sliall feed toiietlu'i-. .-ind the lion shall eat straw like the ox: and dnst shall he the serpent's meat. They shall not hiu't nor destroy ill all my holy monntain. saith the Lord. Isaiah 65:25. And a little child shall lead them. Isaiah 11 :(). May God haste the day when divine Love in man shall liberate the poor martyred dnmb-animals. 41 ZEPHYR Now do you hear my music? Have you heard me dears? Eternal Life is built in Jacob, Never ending years; Then listen and be merry. Quiet all your fears. The road was long and weary, Christ hath touched the biers. We never will be laden. All the coming strife, The path is strew^n with flowers, Not again the knife ; Our friends are now beside us, Golden to our life ; The Temple is our shelter, Christ is with his Wife. No more our temples shattered. Pilgrims journey ends, The Lord has been our shelter. Heaven its Light lends ; The way is filled with greatness, Strength to us tie sends, And all there is is gladness, Christ the darkness rends. We've climbed up Jacob's ladder, Many ages past; We've found the place of comfort, Love the shelter cast ; And up the Blount of Olives ; Lebanon at last, With cedars for the Temple : Christ before the mast. 42 ZEPHYR Behold the Great Armada ! Swinging to the breeze, The Pilot has the tiller, See the canvas squeeze ; There's naught can stand before her Satan's on his knees. She plows the mighty ocean, All with Christ agrees. The pines are from the svimmit. Masts from them can't break; The Admiral aint sea-sick, Ships of war he'll take. On land, as on the ocean. River, stream and lake. He issues supreme orders. Order Christ will make. Behold His love triumphant ! Filling every heart. He scourges out the gamblers. Cleaning out the mart; No place for thieves and robbers. Killing with the dart. For life to Christ is precious. Yes, in doe and hart. With all the loot Christ captures Makes each child a bed ; There'll be no silly parents Making blisters red ; For He does love the children : Blessings on their head: And when its always Christmas Sees each one are fed. THE WORD 43 "I HAVE SEEN THE SKIES OBEY HIM" In this picture the artist has not quite conveyed the idea desired. In one of our visions, in 1!)()]. two trees held the cardinal place. J^ater, in the early eveninii', as we were wonderin^;' on the vision sud- denly we looked up and there behind two trees were two jjjreat pyramids of snow-white clouds. They were side by side, one exactly behind each tree, and reach- ed from the earth to a tremendous height in the heavens. They were perfect triangles and there were no other clouds in the sky. The meaning', iu (Jod's lanouaoe of symbols, as later taught us by the Spirit is this : The two trees stood for the two great principles, male and female, without which there is no life manifest on the earth. The two great white pyramids were Moses and St. John, the two great types of the Bible. One was Law, the other Love. The occurrence was absolutely literal for anyone to see. This is one of many kin- dredj phenomena by the great Spirit, that we have seen, hence we truthfully say: I have seen the skies obey Him. (Page 44; 44 CHRIST I have seen the skies obey Ilim, When his word to me was known, And have seen the winds snrrender, By a power all his own. Then I've cried: Oh Master help me. For such power who does tame ; Then the earth obeyed His whisper ; What the Spirit is Thy name"? Then I feared and feared most p-reatly, Was it Lord or Demon, dart. If it is from heaven g-iven Then my wounds it will not smart ; But if demon has the power Then, my God, no use to try, We'll all perish in confusion, Break my neck and let me die. I bad always wallced most buml)le, If the Devil I had met, How about the million careless. They were surely in the net ; Then I saw the Spirit tender. To the lambs his heart went out; Then I knew it was the Shepherd ! Back to earth, without a doubt. Of these thino-s I've kept all secret, Till more fully I should know. What might be the plan of Battle, Who His friends, and what his foe ; Then he opened further knowledge. Such teachings I'd never heai'd, Sopuded almost like blasphemy. But it proves to be the word. THE WORD 45 Many things I thought unholy, To His piercing eye was gold; Universe I thought combusted Was God's work, to me he told ; Not a thing in Nature perished. But the faults and ignorance ; He would have the people holy, In the waltz and in the dance. Not a thing He came to rob of, But to add in every way; And to give the Life immortal ; Born of Spirit and of clay. Then the mystic teaching perished, Slowly, from my mind at last. That this world was all a bubble, That would soon be over-past. But the joys of His true Kingdom, Set 'ling on the earth so fair, Outshines all my hope of pleasure, "Coming in the clouds" of air. I, Love, see the Holy City, Decked in jewels dazzling bright God's right-hand upon the hour, Turns the darkness into Light. See the hearts that turn toward Him, As the plants unto the light ; And the magnet draws them truly. From the dross that spurns his sight: And the symbols, awful, mighty. Carnal eyes do not behold. Nor the dazzling coming City, Built in Love that is pure gold. 46 CHRIST She has "bride adorned tor — husband" Coming- down from (iod above: But the Christ, of all things fairest, He alone the turtle dove. When the veil is sudden lifted See Him, King of all the earth. First the Judgement and the fire, Do not wonder at the dearth. "Widow's mite" in kindness given. Ne'er His glance does miss the sight; Nor the blind bartimaeus begging. For the Lord to bring him light : Not His promises forgotten. Gleaning wheat : to burn the tares, Even him who helps disciple, King of heaven even cares. We see darlings in his kingdom, Tho their eyes may not behold ; "I have kept them, Thou hast given' Speaks the Christ today — of old. Hypocrites are worse than any. Traitors they to Jesus' breast : But the gentle loving spirits. Theirs is peace and theirs is rest. Cast them, into "outer darkness''! Burn their idols and their lair! Leave no trace of their dam'd pillage! Blighting earth which God made fair; Their the "weeping" and the "gnashing" 1 As their doom is read on high, Reckoned are they with the cursed : Hypocrites, prepare to die. THE WORD 47 Greater joy no heart can dream of, Than to see His king'dom shine, In the hearts and lives of people ; In the symbols of the time. Like the gentle snow-flakes set 'ling, White and pnre, from ether bine; Earth and heaven linked together Kingdom comes. Thv kingdom true. E'en their wardrobes, and their dresses, And the boquet, and their hair ; Love's own symbols: are caressing: Artists' pencils trace so fair. And we wonder if they know it. Tracing out designs so true, ^lodels that spell truths of heaven — In the color and the hue. That will be the joy of future, "Holiness unto the Lord" Then "Will be upon the sleigh-bells' Saith Isaiah, man of God. Reproducing truths of heaven, And its love and glory too, Work'd in the minutest detail, Even to the stvle of shoe. Hoping this may do at present. As the message from the King, Open out your eyes a little To the cheer, that it should bring. Xo man ever caught the music ! So the sacred scriptures say. Of the Glory that is waiting In God's "love, for them that pay. .U'l-usaleiii of