-1DCI PROLOGUE, A PAMPHLET, Consisting of Contributions /ro7?2 GRADUATES of Several UNIVERSITIES: PROSE AND Some VERSE. ' 'Buy, reade, and judge, The price doe not grudge : It will doe thee more pleafure Than twice fo much trea/ure.'' Privately printed and to be had of The DoRMAN Lithographing Company, NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. CONTENTS. I. "Amici Usque," - - Henry Seidel Canby II. Out of Mercy — Peace Lee Wilson Dodd III. Ashes: A Play, - Jack Randall Crawford IV. Marguerite, - - John Pierrepont Rice V. Stonehenge, - - John Pierrepont Rice VI. A Conceit, - - . John Pierrepont Rice VII. Maeterlinck and the Stage, Chauncey Brewster Tinker TRANSLATIONS— From Verlaine. VIII. Moonlight, - - - Lee Wilson Dodd IX. A Monotone, - - - Vincent V, M. Beede TRANSLATION— From Gautier. X. Smoke, ----- Vincent Beede XI. Turkey Gobbler, - Jack Randall Crawford TRANSLATION— From Ibsen. XII. Agnes, - - - John Pierrepont Rice T H F PROLOGUE, ^\ A PAMPHLET, Consisting of Contributions yrom GRADUATES 0/ Several UNIVERSITIES PROSE AND Some VERSE. ^*Buy, reade, and judge, The p7'-ice doe not griidge : It will doe thee more pie a Jure Than twice fo much 4rca/ii.rey ; ; , Privately printed and to be had of Th e Dor MAN Lithographing Company, NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. Cyi'YKiGHiED May 23, 1902, by H. S. Canbv. p-WF LIBRARY OF 'CONGRESS, -. CC'PIEH ReCCJVED JllN 24 1902 r,npVtllQHT ENTRY - jiss