■ fair cUnruJ^lC** i ***. J?*?** J/A^Ay t^O<~/. lr *** >V>X) J^LUZ^JS' -^tn^ ^^^fer ^*^^- * / (SL - LEGENDS OF LANCASHIRE./ Round the fire such Legends go." Sir W. Scott. LONDON : WHITTAKER, AND CO., AVE MARIA LANE,, AND R. COCKER, MARKET-PLACE, WIG AN. MDCCCXLI. ' , Lx 5&3% V3& > TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY STANLEY, WITH . HER LADYSHIP'S KIND PERMISSION, RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. CONTENTS PAGE. The Battle of Wigan Lane , 6 The Witches of Furness 71 The Devil's Wall 91 The Prophetess and the Rebel 155 The Spectre Coach 229 The Cross and Lady Mabel 243 Lancaster Castle , , 307 # PREFACE A Preface before an Introduction seems sufficiently impudent. It is like popping our face in at the door for a short reconnoitre, before we introduce ourselves. Be it so ! The Chronicler of the "Legends of Lancashire " has no apology to offer, except to his palsied hands, for taking up the pen. He is not a Paul Pry, appearing before the public, with his perpetual non- intrusion plea. He imagines that his motives for writing the Legends are distinctly enough stated in the following Prospectus. " Lancashire, of all Counties in England, is the most interesting to the antiquarian. Its rivers once flowed with blood ; — its houses were towers, castles, or abbeys ; — its men were heroes ; — its ladies were witches ! But now, what a change ! The county is commercial. Where the trumpet of war called Arthur to his victories, the noisy engine is roaring. The fortresses have become factories; the abbeys — workhouses; — the heroes — clerks, merchants, and bankers. The ladies, indeed, profess to be what they were in former ages, and still call themselves ' Lancashire Witches.' It may not be safe for the 'Chronicler,' aged as he is, to speak lightly of the power of their viii PREFACE. spells ; they may yet be of a deadly nature to him — for witches love revenge. Report says, however, that they cannot use the broomstick on which their ancestresses were accustomed to perform their nightly wanderings in the air ; but the Chronicler is not so ungallant as to conclude, that it is because they have broken it over their husbands' shoulders. The witches of a former age were accustomed, with awful incantations, to mix their drugs : — pooh ! — those of this age in- fuse a cup of comfortable tea — but surely not to chatter scandal over it. "Alas ! the age of chivalry and romance is gone from Lancashire. Its bones are in the tomb of history ; — 'but some are too gay for such grave meditations. Legends alone can bring it to view, amidst all the light of poetry ; and their wand of enchantment may call into existence a creation, beautiful yet real. "The Chronicler of the forthcoming ' Legends' undertakes to pre- sent his readers with a series upon individuals, events, and places, all connected with a former age. Charles, with cavaliers of every shade : — roundheads, from Cromwell down to his groom : — the old tower, wherein were gallant soldiers and fair ladies : — the field of battle fiercely contested ; — all shall appear, described, he flatters himself, with accuracy and faithfulness. He shall never sacrifice historical facts, or characters, to fiction. History, accurately sketched, he be- lieves to be the truest and most beautiful romance, and there is «nough of that in Lancashire to dispense with false colour and glitter. Places, dates, and names, as well as characters, shall be accurate. " He begs leave to say one word of himself. He is an old man, and this he conceives to be an advantage. The torch of tradition is most becoming in a trembling hand ; and its light falls with a strange PREFACE. ix harmony over the white locks of the Chronicler, while he totters on through the regions of the past, long forgotten ; and of which he himself seems to be the genius." He candidly confesses that he has not yet fulfilled his promise. That could not be done in the first volume. But the next shall be a continuous series of Legends connected with the civil wars, and illus- trative of the characters of the opposing leaders. And in these he shall avoid all discussions about the merits of Roundhead and Cava- lier. Vandyke might have given immortality to the features of Cromwell, as well as those of Charles, without deciding on the questions — ought Charles to have been beheaded, and was Cromwell an usurper. So the Chronicler undertakes, even in his portraits of leading characters, and in his sketches of events, to steer clear of party spirit. Still the pledge does not prohibit him from weighing the military and other talents of their respective leaders. Should he say that Cromwell, beyond all comparison as a man of genius and a soldier, was above Charles, it must not be inferred that he is a Roundhead. Or should he paint Charles as a more handsome and attractive man than Noll with the wart, he must not be called a Cavalier. The Chronicler had no such design as has been attributed to him, of " mercilessly blackening the character of Cromwell." The critic, evidently, had been gazing long upon some very sunny portrait of the Protector, and, therefore, when he came to a more sober one, his eyes being still dazzled, naturally thought it dark and "black/' Besides, really the man of the newspaper must not get deadly angry at the hint that his eyes are none of the best. x PREFACE. That the Chronicler is free from any such design may be seen by the high character which Cromwell sustains in the Legend of " Lancaster Castle." If it be thought that there is any contradic- tion between that and the " Battle of Wigan Lane," it is sufficient to reply, that the Cromwell of 1644> and the Cromwell of 3651 are very different personages indeed. When first he came into notice, none of his enemies could suspect the sincerity of his profession of republican principles, but before the above-mentioned battle, even some of his friends had abandoned their confidence in his honesty. There now only remains to say a few words regarding the contents of this volume. The Legends are all founded on authenticated traditions, and at the end of the work the documents shall be given. It is singular that the most improbable of them — the " Devil's Wall," although a most perfect tradition in all its parts, has never been known beyond the immediate vicinity of Ormskirk. The Legend founded upon it follows the tradition without one deviation except in the name and occupation of Gideon Chiselwig. The wall may still be seen. The " Witches of Furness," are the only two ladies whom the Chronicler knows, that are unlike to the real Lancashire Witches, and yet, the Legend is true. The neighbourhood of Furness, it may be supposed, could produce a more noble kind of Witchcraft, than the far-famed Pendle-hill. The latter abounds with nothing but witches, the down upon whose lips might have formed the brooms on which they careered through the air, when they had failed to throw their bridle over some sleepy wretch, and transform him into a horse. But a Legend of this kind of witchcraft shall afterwards be given. The "Cross and Lady Mabel," although founded on the INTRODUCTION. The Chronicler of the forthcoming " Legends " is, perhaps, more of an Antiquary, in disposition and habits, than many whose names are well known in Societies, which have been formed for objects of in- teresting research. He inhabits an old castellated building, which was both a fortress and a mansion, in some former age. Time has passed roughly over its proportions : he has even broken the dial, which marked out his own flight. Still, many relics of the past are left : and limbs of warlike images, and rude inscriptions, partly effaced, may yet be seen. The chisel, or even the plaster of modern art, have never approached its walls. No flower has sought shelter amidst its mantling ivy: — shelter, it should never find, — it would instantly be rooted up. Within, no partitions have been erected, to silence the sacred echoes of the spacious hall. The spirits of sound, which tenant the dwelling, would take flight upon the slightest change. No carpet of richest manufac- ture, has dared to cover the silent footsteps of the fair and the brave, who once to the minstrel's harp, and the sigh of love, trod many a gallant measure in the B £ INTRODUCTION. dance. The windows on the terrace, when opened, receive no sound from the distance, save the old echo of the lover's lute, greeting the maiden as she listen- ed in her chamber, with fluttering heart, to the fond tale. When seen from without, her handkerchief seems to float — the signal of peace and hope. To the Chronicler, there is no silence in these deserted scenes. From him, the sixteenth century has never departed. The echoes are still of merriment and war. Xnights and squires, successful in wooing or fighting, move before him. He mingles, with the delight of reality, in the banquet and the dance — and then rushes to the siege and the battle. Could the reader obtain admission to his apartment he would, as by a flash of lightning., be favoured with a glance — it might be transient to his eye, but it could never be darken- ed in his mind — of olden times. He would converse with one, who has never lived for modern change, and in whose white locks, and obsolete dress, he should behold a living specimen of a former century, as if it had literally descended from that time. The Chronicler must be excused for speaking of himself. Who could forbid any of the followers of Cromwell, qt Charles, to arise- — the one to recite with solemn countenance and lengthened drawl; and the other with a dissipated air of pleasant vice — their respect- ive achievements, whilst their manner, and costume are thoroughly scanned ? What cavalier would ban INTRODUCTION. 6 the Protector, even Nol with. his nose and ominous wart, from again appearing, to reveal to us those stern and inflexible features, and to discourse to us, in one of those intricate speeches, which none could under- stand, — for, like his own dark and wily spirit, they baffled all knowledge ? Or what republican could say " nay," as the king's court was brought into view, with the handsome, though melancholy martyr, at its head, surrounded as he was, unfortunately, by gilded butterflies ?• In like manner, the Chronicler hopes, that no one can be inclined to prevent a specimen of these times from intruding himself, for a little on the attention of his readers. He is now seated, writing from an inkhorn said to have been the property of General Fairfax ; and leaning on a table, once heavily laden with a feast, of which royalists and republicans alike partook, on a day of truce. Other relics of that time are around hirn ; but there is one dearer than all besides — a lovely daughter — a descendant, by the mother's side, of an ancient family of distinction, from whom Charles II., during his wanderings, received shelter, and subsequently, assistance to mount the throne. She sings to him the ballads of other days, and they revive again in the echo of her music. For her, as well as for her father, this is but the sixteenth cen- tury ; and though only in her seventeenth summer, she rejects all the amusements of more modern times. 4 INTRODUCTION He has resolved, out of fondness for the days that are gone, as well as affection for his daughter, that no lover fresh from the approbation of his tailor, and the flattery of his mirror, practised in bows and compli- ments acquired at the theatre — shall ever find ad- mission to his beloved Jane. He would sooner give her to an ourang-outang than a fop. The favoured suitor must, indeed, be handsome, learned, and brave ; he must breathe a song of love in the good old style, beneath her lattice, when the moon and stars are shedding their light over the old mansion. Nor must he be an Antiquary, in the modern sense of the word. He may enter with the long essay, which he read to the British Association, in his pocket, peeping out instead of the handkerchief of the dandy ; he may drag behind his name, all the letters of the alphabet, as honorary titles; the Chronicler shall lead him to the door by a way, to detail the curiosities of which, must obtain for him additional laurels. He shall, to a certainty, likewise qualify him for describing the strength of an oak cudgel. Nor must he be a silly Poet, a thing distilled of sighs, flames, water, and earth, who should have lived in the moon to address sonnets to her, and not on earth, since the envious clouds pre- vent her from seeing and reading them, as well as the brown paper of a garret window. Should any such find his way here, the Chronicler promises to INTRODUCTION. 5 compliment his head with a salutation froni a good round of. old England's beef. No, no, the favoured suitor must be of a different genus ; and his lute, moreover, must have no resemblance to the sighing guitar of Venice, or the rude -whistle of England. And the Chronicler has sometimes been of opinion, that his daughter has made the same resolution. Of late, he has caught the sound of a manly serenade, and he has observed her blush, and occasionally leave the room. Nay, he has met her rambling through the adjoining thickets, with the son of an old friend, whose romance is in the past, and he has blessed them both. Yes, handsome and talented is . He had -written the name, when Jane, looking over his shoulder hi womanly curiosity, be- held it. Shrieking, she immediately snatched the pen from his hand, and scratched through it the above stroke, and gave her fond old father a playful blow : yet now she seems thoughtful and sorry for having violated that dear name, by blotting it, and is half inclined to rewrite it herself. Fear not ! Eate will draw no such ominous mark over it, and all that binds it to you is love and happiness. To confide a secret to the reader, since the last sentence was written, the Chronicler has received a hint that the proof sheets of the following " Legends " may be read by his son-in-law ! Nay, this very night, the lovers shall be formally betrothed, over a b2 THE BATTLE OF Bible, which has been stained by the blood of its former possessor — a holy^martyr — and the sword of an old English patriot shall be placed in the young man's hand ; therewith to defend religion — a wife — and a country. The ceremony is performed, and both press the old man to read the nra$ Legend. He gives his as- sent, and, at the same time, orders chairs to be set for his dear friends, the Public ; whom he has re- spectfully invited, and whose attention he now humbly craves to THE LEGEND OF THE BATTLE OF WIGAN LANE. Few battlements now remain, of one of the best for- tified castles that ever defended Lancashire, and the King. But two centuries ago, and Houghton Tower, situated at the distance of four miles and a half to the west of Blackburn, stood proudly, and seemed in itself, without the assistance of garrison or artillery, to be capable of maintaining a successful struggle with the power of any enemy. All around were peaceful vales, where primitive simplicity dwelt ; and often has the traveller, at eve,, laid himself down on the green knolls, WIGAN LANE. 7 beside the gently flowing stream of the classic Darwen, in order to become as happy, as every object near him; to enjoy the gambols of the lambs frisking about; and to view the milkmaid, as, with a light step, and a merry heart, she tripped across the glen. He has then fancied himself, not only retired for ever from the theatre of war, but likewise from the mart of com- merce; and happy has he been that there was an Eden sacred to his imaginatifti, at the very time when the face as well as the heart of his country was blight- ed by civil strife, and stained by the blood of its own sons, shed by the murdering hand of their brothers. But suddenly — to jar upon all the rural sounds by which he was greeted — the shrill trumpet was heard loud and near, startling the silent echoes of the green woods on the banks of the river, and on emerging from the vale, the fortresses of Houghton Tower were seen, dark and sullen, against the fading light of the sky. The challenge of the warder, and the fastening of the draw-bridge, were of war, and en- tirely dispelled the previous calm. Who could have imagined that in the bosom of such beautiful vales there could be a mass of frowning rock, so huge as that on which the castle was built ? or, that amongst a class of venerable patriarchs, distinguished for sim- plicity of manners and life, there could be the restless spirits of war to fortify and maintain it ? And yet it seemed to be a castle of nature's building, and not of 8 THE BATTLE OF . art's ; for tall trees over-shadowed its turrets, and around its base the Darwen flowed over its deepest channel. It had been erected by Sir Thomas Houghton, to- wards the beginning of Elizabeth's reign, and the gal- lant knight had always supported a garrison in it, evidently for no other purpose than to fire a salute, at every anniversary of his birth day. But he died, and so did his queen : and upon the accession of the learned James to the throne, folios became the only battlements. His descendant, Sir Gilbert, was ho- noured with a visit from that monarch, in his celebra- ted " Progress " through Lancashire ; and from the tower of Houghton, the modern Solomon fired his wit from an old Latin mortar. " Our opinion " said the grave fool and the merry sage, "whilkhath been kept for some time, as our jester Horace (the oyster eater should have lived in our court) recommends, in our desk," — and here he pointed to his brow, with his usual self-complacency — "our opinion is," he con- tinued, " that Houghton Tower is just like a Scotch pudding -^- ha ! — ha !-— Sir Gilbert ; — your castle is a pudding, and you are chief butler, and all your men are cooks ! We say so." But another reign brought different scenes. Upon the disputes of Charles and the Parliament, a strong garrison was again supported in the tower, and , the costly velvet which had decked the " Progress " of WIGAN LANE. 9 James, through the ponderous gateway, was removed from the trampling hoof of 4he war steed. The Par- liamentary army besieged it, but it made a bold de- fence, until, by accident, the magazine of powder in the strongest battlement, was ignited; and as the assailants were making a vigorous effort, all at once three of the buttresses were blown up, and Cromwell's troops were masters of Houghton Tower, having taken all the garrison as prisoners. Their governor, Sir Gilbert, had fallen in the assault. His son Richard was heir, and the rightful lord of the tower, but he was confined in a dungeon, along with his youngest daughter, Anne — for all her sisters were married. But the wily Cromwell, when he was compelled to lead his troops to Ireland, secretly advised his officers in the garrison to give out that they were willing to conspire against the Parliament, and to return to their allegiance, in order that he might be privy to every intended movement of the Royalists. The plot was successful. As soon as Cromwell had departed from England, (he never had resided in the tower,) this resolution was made known, and to prove its sincerity, Sir Richard Houghton was restored to his claims as governor of Houghton Tower, which was once more considered as a strong-hold of the Royalists ; while virtually it was hi the power of spies, who secretly conveyed all intelligence of any loyal movement which was, or had been concerting, — to the General. 10 THE BATTLE OF The scene of our Legend opens in the year 1651, on a beautiful evening towards the end of August, when the setting rays of the autumn sun fell, with a luxurious light, on the grey fortresses, and the float- ing banner. The fair Anne was walking alone, on the eastern battlement which overlooked the valley. She was of slight proportions, and her age could not have exceeded sixteen, though she was possessed of a mind nobly accomplished, in which genius and passion were now beginning to develope themselves, in beauty and power. Her features were eminently noble, and beautiful; yet changing to. every expression, as if they themselves thought and felt. In one mood, she might have sat to the painter, for a true image of the laughing and innocent Hebe ; one who would have danced away an immortality in smiles, with no other wreathes than her own beautiful hah*, and no other company than her own thoughts and love : more gay and gladsome than a child of earth, — the genius of witchery. In another, for that of Melancholy, her long dark locks hanging over a face so pale, with the colour and the life of hope dashed from it, as was hope it- self, from her mind. Her form was moulded in the most perfect symmetry of beauty, — not luxurious, but spiritual. The weeds of mourning for her mother, who had died a few months before, had been thrown aside ; WIGAN LANE. 11 but tlie paleness of her cheeks, and the tremor of her lips, spoke the sorrow of her heart. Her locks waved to the breeze. Her eye kindled with enthu- siasm, as, quickly placing her small hand upon her marble brow, she exclaimed, " how tranquil and how beautiful is earth now. Yonder cottages, with their ivy porches, around which children are sporting, appear as if they were the habitations of young spirits. England is blessed in her cottages — but ah! — in her palaces! — no crown for the sun's rays to fall upon ! Once the sun gleamed upon the crown placed carelessly amidst the state ornaments, in the palace : — without, upon the gory head of the king, which had once been invested by it ; and last of all, upon his headless trunk. Oh! that his son — now returned, might be blessed with conquest." At this moment, her eye was arrested by a reflection of light in the distance. It was the gleam of arms, from a small body of soldiers; over whom the banner of Charles was waving. In her joy, Anne Houghton clasped her hands, and fervently said, " Thank God ! all are not trai- tors." She turned round, and met the searching glance of Colonel Seaton, one of Cromwell's spies. " Fair lady — yonder troop is a loyal body. But — " and his countenance darkened with thought as he spoke, — " they have now encamped, and three horsemen leave the line, and are galloping in the 12 THE BATTLE OF direction of the tower. Well — for their reception !" There seemed to be a concealed meaning in his tones, and in haste he strode away. Three men were now seen approaching the avenue which led to the gateway. The foremost seemed to have no ar- mour, but a sword. He wore no helmet, but a low cap, with a white plume. He was clad in a mourn- ing garb, and over his left arm his cloak was flung, as for a shield. Keen was his eye, though he had evi- dently passed the meridian of life, and the fair lady of the tower almost believed that she only stood at a short distance from him — so quick was its flash. Be- hind him was a handsome youth, equipped in light panoply, who seemed fitted either for contesting the battlefield — or for sighing, not unpitied, in a ladyV bower. Light was the rein which he passed over his charger, and yet, as it plunged furiously, the rider sat with indifference. The third horseman, who seemed altogether absorbed with papers on which he was glancing, was the most stalwart. His coat of mail was clasped over a breast, full and prominent, and his horse startled whenever his mailed hand was placed upon its mane, to urge it forward. His eye never sought the fortress of the tower, until they had arrived at the drawbridge — when the warder's horn sounded the challenge, and Sir Gilbert appeared on the walls. The first horseman called out, " The Earl of Derby, with two friends, in the service of Charles." WIG AX LANE. 27 " Fear not/' the Colonel again said ; " they are safe. They have been men of blood, and it is but befitting them, that they should undergo a cleansing. The ruffian Tyldesley pointed out to me some stains of blood upon his armour — aye, the blood of our companions : the well shall wash them out. Your excellency shall triumph over all your ene- mies." "Again," interrupted his companion, "I charge it upon you. I am not wont to come unattended, but, at present, I have run every hazard, encountered every danger, to learn how our cause prospers. The enemy is in our power. Seaton shall defeat Derby at Houghton Tower, and his general shall defear Charles at Worcester." The stranger here spoke in a soothing and flat- tering tone. He added a few more words, but they were inaudible. The speakers then trod to and fro, upon the battlements, conversing with each other in whispers. Sometimes the stamp of the stranger was heard enforcing his words. The fair Anne, concealed with her attendant, behind the engine, had listened in terror to the pre- ceding conversation. She saw that they were sur- rounded by the most artful plots, managed by power- ful and experienced agents ; that the cause for which she had so long implored the assistance of 28 THE BATTLE OF heaven, was in the greatest danger ; that her father, and yo-nng Tyldesley, whom she did not now blush to think of as a very dear friend, with his uncle, and Derby, must perish ; and that she herself was at the mercy of stern and unflinching ruffians. But how could she inform them of treachery, when the traitors were walking near the place of her concealment? Every moment seemed an hour; and, perhaps, it was then being determined that every royalist in the tower, should be dragged by the garrison, to a disgraceful end ! She was almost frantic with impatience, and she knew, likewise, that one slight movement of her posture, as well as a whisper, might betray her. Again the two republicans stood opposite to the place where the females were concealed, and their conversation could be heard. " All is safe," said the stranger. " A few hours will bear me to my men, assured that no enemy can annoy me in the rear ; and before me is the hungry skeleton of a wandering king. Pity that the royal fool will not become my groom. He should be fed and clad, and I might, eventually, raise him to hold my stirrup." There was intense mockery in his tones. He continued, — " aye, and when his time allowed him to sport, I might procure him a gilded staff for his sceptre, and he might crown him- W1GAX LANE. ZV self, with, straw from the manger — the Lord's anointed ! " Not a smile passed over the face of the speaker, and Seaton, was silent. The words were too earnest to be taken as humourous sallies. The stranger resumed, — " He returns again to England, Poor fool ! Nature seems to have beheaded him at his birth! and all that the Lord's people can do, is to bury him." The speaker's scorn here seemed to in- crease, until he became silent. Colonel Seaton ven- tured to inquire — " Your excellency departs early ?" " In a few minutes hence," was the reply. " I may be suspected; — as I entered the hall, Derby seemed to recall my features. The dead, methinks, have a better cause to bear me in memory, than the living. Yet Derby should recollect me ; I once crossed swords with him, disguised in habit, but not in countenance ; and to a singular incident he owed his safety. He fought bravely, and I should have dispatched him gallantly, had — but this avails not now. He seems to know me." u Nay," replied Seaton, " he spoke kindly to you after I explained the purport of your visit. Let us return to the hall for a little." "Why?" asked the stranger proudly; — "to be discovered? and then the stay of England's army c % 30 THE BATTLE OF and England's freedom would be broken! No, I mount horse instantly. " " Your hasty departure may excite suspicion, and frustrate our schemes." " ' Tis well. I go to bid them adieu, a long adieu ; 'tis probable that I may never see them more. I am not in the habit of searching wells, there to renew old acquaintanceship." They passed on. Anne started up from her con- cealment. Not a moment was to be lost, after the re- publican disappeared in the distance. But alas ! she could gain admittance to the hall by no other way than that which they had taken. She reached the hall door, — she heard her father, in a loud and merry tone of voice, pledge the health and safety of the strange. For a moment she stood irresolute, when Seaton and his companion appeared. " Fair maid," said the stranger, " receive my wishes and prayers, as I bid you adieu." In a moment he was gone, and she rushed into the hall. " Speak not ! ask no questions, noble warriors ! " she exclaimed. " We are betrayed ! Yes, father, that stranger you have harboured as a guest, is a re- publican, and Seaton has been acting as his spy. The garrison are likewise traitors, and from us all escape is cut off — " I knew that it was Cromwell," replied Derby, WIG AN LANE. 31 as lie started from his seat, " but heaven grant that he is not yet beyond our reach ; I ' 11 die in capturing him ! My friends, let us pursue ! " He drew his sword, and every sign of feebleness left his frame. Attended by his two companions, and the governor, he rushed forth, exclaiming " treason ! treason ! " Fiery and impatient were their spirits, and as hasty their steps. They came within sight of the drawbridge. It was up : and as they rushed forward, a horseman spurred his steed across it, and it again fell, and all communication was prevented. Cromwell had escaped ! and in the bitterness of disappointment Derby and the governor stood bewildered, and thought not of securing the traitor Seaton. They returned to the hall without perceiving that Sir Thomas Tyldesley had left them, until the inquiries of Anne rendered them aware of his absence. When they were alternately expressing their disappoint- ment at Cromwell's escape, and their surprise as to what had befallen the knight, a shriek was heard, as coming from the nearest turret. Anne exclaimed, " the garrison are traitors, and they are now slaying Sir Thomas." " Nay, lady," said the earl, " Tyldesley must first become coward, ere a shriek escape him, though tor- tured beyond endurance. He would express triumph 32 , THE BATTLE OF even in death. But let us hasten. Fair lady, you may be safer under our protection than in the hall. Lean on Harry's arm, it is the arm of a soldier — come ■;" and they hastened to the place whence the noise proceeded. The moon shone full on their faces, and gave them, to the gaze of each other, a strange mystery. A step was heard in the distance, and soon Sir Thomas Tyldesley stood before them, with his naked sword in his hand. He bade them follow. He halted at the distance of a hundred yards, and raising up an object which lay motionless, revealed the lifeless body of Seaton. He tossed it down ; and there it lay, with ghastly features, all marked with blood, turned upon the spectators. A sword was beside the body : the knight grasped it, and said, — ."" .": ont to front ! ' ' exclaimed Sir Thomas Tyl . si ; " 5 —;•-■;. :: sw woi! Let as meet the::: ** Poor youth," said B : i h j , a 3 Lis eye : e s : : 3 oil the pale lace of the | a ge; " d: a ba s : neither a s : 1 di : : s form nor heart, thou shouldst have remained to amuse mistress. And ye:" he as if entirely absorbed in his own remembrances, *~ f my com : required such a compani; :: h : " :: ; Less b : 1 ^ruard her. should Z never see her mc: 42 THE BATTLE OF "Nor, does my mistress, noble earl," replied the page, quickly, while his dark and beautiful eye glowed keenly : " and I too, whatever my form and look may bespeak, am ready to lose a life for my so- vereign. I shudder to draw a sword, but I will not shudder to receive it, — aye, in my bosom ! " Never did the most herculean form appear more warlike, than did the youthful speaker. His firmly chiselled mouth was pressed together with a deadly expression of resolve, and the soft eyelash was arched, as if it could slay. " Bravo," exclaimed the elder Tyldesley, " a true knight ; and yet fair sir, a maiden speaks of bosom, — a hero speaks of heart ! " Unconsciously, at this moment, the page had spurred his steed, which plunged furiously. Like lightning, a slender arm reached over the proud mane — grasped the bridle — and in a moment, he was quiet as before. The strength of a giant horseman, could not have so tamed him. In the suddenness of the motion, the plumed beaver of the rider had fallen, and like some young and beautiful spirit of power, with dark ring- lets, curling over a brow of glistening thought and love, and as if quelling the furious tempest, the page leaned forward, on his steed. " Nay, nay," said the earl, " spur on, and let us not delay to meet the foe." WIGAN LANE. 43 The gallant army marched on rapidly, and in a few minutes, as the sun streamed from the eastern clouds, the rays fell upon Wigan, seen in the distance. Only one sound was borne to the ear, and it was the tramp- ling of horses. " They come," was the general cry. " On, on," exclaimed their leader, " let Charles's ban- ner be unfurled, and soon we shall plant it, to wave over the church tower ! " A few minutes more brought them to the entrance of the town. A strong hedge skirted both sides of the road. The windings were many and abrupt, and the sharp angular view, was over the rocky heights on the banks of the Douglas, and almost suggested the appearance of traitors, so unexpectedly were many of the scenes brought before them. The scenery of the country around, was wild, and marked that here, war would not be out of keeping. Young Tyldesley took his uncle's hand, to bid him farewell, for now the impression rested on every mind, that from the unusual stillness, the stern sounds of combat might soon be heard. Silence seemed to be the soft whispers of a traitor ! secret, but sure. A tear stole down the hardy cheek of the veteran, as he blessed his companion. " This parting," he added, " seems ominous. ' Twas thus your gallant father bade me adieu, for the last time. Yet, Harry, another grasp of your hand. Farewell, my brave boy." 44 THE BATTLE OF They rode on without exchanging another word, when the young soldier felt himself gently touched, and, on turning round, beheld the page, who, with averted face, said — " Excuse me, but farewell, Harry Tyldesley, should I seo you no more." " We part not thus, for your mistres's sake. Ride by my side, and you may command this arm to strike for your safety." At this moment the small army heard some half- concealed movement made, behind the hedges, and instantly a close fire of musketry; — only a few were wounded. " The foe are in ambush ! " exclaimed Sir Thomas. "Nay," replied the earl, "the greater part are before us," pointing to a large army which now appeared. " Let us advance. Sir Thomas, take the half of the band, and I shall lead the others. Let a halt be sounded. We can do nothing against those who fire from the hedges. Let us cut through the main body. — A halt ! " Ere the signal had been given, many a brave fellow, had indeed, halted, never more to advance, as a second volley, directed with a steadier aim, was poured in upon them. Derby, in a moment, was at the head of his de- tachment. " Soldiers of Charles ! " he said, with energetic eloquence, "there are his enemies and WIGAN LANE. 45 yours; and where are your swords? Be mangled — be slain — but yield not. Hear your leader's vow. Upon this good sword, I swear, that as long as steel can cut, flesh shall wield. — Charge ! Upon them ! The king ! the king ! " and they dashed on to meet the enemy. Colonel Lilbourne, who commanded the enemy, instantly arrayed his men, to bear up against the attack, and a dense square was formed from hedge to hedge, of the regular troops, while the militia of Lancashire and Cheshire were formed into a wing, to close in upon the royalists, when they engaged with the main body. Derby, with his three hundred men, spurred on with incredible fury, until they found themselves hand to hand with the regular troops. They were instantly surrounded, for the militia wing had wheeled, and now assailed them in the rear. A shout from the Parliamentary army was raised, as the three hundred seemed to be bound in their power, when Sir Thomas Tyldesley, with his men, advanced ; and so furious was the onset, that the enemy were literally trodden under foot, and Derby and the knight were riding abreast, at the head of their respective bodies, fighting to cut a passage through the dragoons. Heedless of danger, the royalists followed every direction of their leaders, who, them- 46 THE BATTLE OF selves, fought, as well as commanded. They had now almost reached the extremity of Lilbourne's forces, and bloody was the passage which they had made. " One effort more," said the earl to his men, " and all is gained! — On!" The battle raged more furiously — Derby's sword, at every thrust and plunge, was stained with fresh gore ; but, all of a sudden, he stood pale and surprised — for there was Sir Richard Houghton advancing to meet him, from Lilbourne's guard, with drawn sword. Could he have turned traitor ? The earl's weapon was as ready for a blow, as his heart was for a curse upon a false knight, and instantly they would have crossed swords, had not Derby's steed been shot from under him, while that of the recreant knight carried his rider beyond him, safe and unharmed. On foot the earl fought with as much execution as when mounted ; but his voice could not be heard, as he addressed his men, from amidst the hoofs of the enemy's horse. An officer of the enemy approached. In a moment he was dragged from the saddle,, pierced as he lay on the ground, and as his dying eyes were raised, he beheld Derby mounting his horse. Many blows were then showered upon the gallant nobleman, and some deadly thrusts were made in the direction of his breast, but he seemed to escape unhurt. The next moment placed Derby at the extremity WIGAX LANE. 47 of the opposing lines. " King Charles and England's royalty ! " was the shout that burst from his lips, and, although it was heard by the enemy, for a few moments they fell back from the single arm of the loyal nobleman. There seemed something super- natural in his bearing, so calm, and yet so furious. Taking advantage of their inactivity, he dashed through the rear. A gleam of simshine flashed on his armour, and hope entered his soul, as he found himself at the top of the steep and sweeping descent which leads to the town. It was then rocky and precipitous, but his horse never stumbled. For a moment he wheeled round, and no followers were near, except young Tyldesley, and the j>age. Stern was the expression on the countenance of the former ; but the latter, though pale, displayed a heroism still wilder. And yet his sword had not, throughout the battle, been unsheathed, and he had forced a passage without giving a wound. " Brave page ! " exclaimed the earl. " Still, thou oughtest to have used thy sword ; thine arm might have sent the blow with power sufficient to wound — aye, to kill ! " At this moment two of the enemy, who had pur- sued the leader of the royalists, rushed on him. His horse plunged furiously, and turned himself altogether on one of the assailants — thus exposing his rider. Instantly that assailant sprung forward 48 THE BATTLE OF with a loud shout of joy; but that shout was ended in a dying shriek, as the sword of the page passed through his body. The other fell by the earl's own hand. For a brief space the page looked with something of satisfaction on the blood-stained sword. But as a drop fell upon that small hand, a shudder passed over his frame, and his eye was fixed, with unnatural light, on the spot. " It is of a foul colour ! " he exclaimed. " Good God ! and have these fair hands been stained with human blood? What will Anne Houghton," he added in a low tone, " think of me now ? " " Nay, nay," hastily replied the earl, " repent not the deed at the sight of blood. I thank thee, brave youth. But now, what movement is to be made? Shall we rush upon Wigan without our followers ? " " I '11 defend the church," said the page, "as the brave countess defended her home." But before Derby had decided — for all that we have related took place in a few moments — a cry arose from his men in the rear, who, overpowered by numbers, could neither fight nor advance. The dragoons, headed by Sir Richard Houghton, had so surrounded them, that they must either surrender, or die to a man. That knight conducted him- self most valorously, for, in every enemy who approached, he expected to recognize those whose perfidy (such he thought it) he burned to revenge. WIGAN LANE. 49 At every attempt of the small band of royalists to rally, by shouting " Derby and Tyldesley," he dealt his blows more fiercely. Still, the royalists did not call for quarter ; and soon, in this awful emergency, they heard the voice of Derby cheering them on, as he came to their succour. So sudden was the assault, and so much impetus was given to it, that the enemy, in the terror of the moment, crowded to the hedges, over which many of them leapt their horses. But Sir Richard Houghton kept his station, at the head of a few followers, who remained firm ; when his eye, falling upon young Tyldesley, he spurred his horse forward, aiming a blow at his enemy. A shriek, at that moment arising from the page, arrested his arm. " No ! no ! " exclaimed Sir Richard, " it cannot be ; and yet, so like in sound ! " Ere he had uttered these words, his [arms were gently grasped by the page ; but a follower of the knight soon freed him from the encumbrance, and the wounded youth fell into the arms of Harry Tyldesley, who bore him forth, himself fatally wounded. Bloody was the harvest which the royalists now began to reap, as they charged the fugitives, with impetuous fury. The earl, and his brave fellow-leader, Sir Thomas Tyldesley, met, having literally cut down, and cut through the inter- vening troops of the enemy. Several officers had been slain, and Sir Richard Houghton had been 50 THE BATTLE OF carried from the field by his men, faint from wounds. " Again ! " was the exclamation of the loyal leaders, as they separated to lead their followers once more to the work of death. Success attended every blow, and many were the bodies which they rolled over mounds, and charged into the river, entirely routing their array. But soon they were vigorously repulsed by Lil- bourne's guard, who closely engaged them. After a long struggle, the gallant royalists made their way to the farthest line of the enemy. " Again ! " was now not only the exclamation of the leaders, but likewise the war-cry of their men, and they wheeled and dashed through the centre of the dragoons. Here the scene of battle widened, the enemy had been driven from their ranks, and the royalists had left theirs to follow them ; and now the fate of the battle seemed altogether changed. The combat was almost single, and then six were opposed to one. Derby was unhorsed a second time, and his brave and faith- ful servant, who had, in his youth, followed him from France, fell in warding oif some blows from his master. Lord Widdrington was pursued by a whole rank of dragoons, and slain on the banks of the Douglas. In vain did the royalists attempt to rally. Their leaders saw that the battle 'was lost. The earl had, himself, received many wounds, and was faint WIGAN LANE. 51 from the loss of blood. His sword was heavy for his arm, and he could attack with difficulty, since he was on foot. He stood, for a moment, bewildered, when he heard Sir Thomas Tyldesley, at the head of about twenty men, exclaim, " through, or die ! " Instantly the brave knight was in the thickest of the engage- ment. His plume waved long, and his arm plunged furiously. At length he fell, pierced by many weapons, but his head lay proudly in death, upon a heap of those whom his own hands had slain, forming a monument more lasting than that which the grati- tude of a follower has erected, on the same spot, to the hero's memory. Derby now stood alone : — after great exertions he could only rally a few men. These persuaded him that he could only die, did he choose to remain. He perceived then that his death should be in vain, that it could not change the fate of that day's battle. They mounted him on a horse, and scouring over the hedges together, were hotly pursued to Wigan. Let us re-visit the field of battle towards sunset of the same day. All was then still. The departing rays showed the ghastly countenances of the dead, crowded together promiscuously, without the distinc- tion of roundhead or cavalier. They lay in such perfect repose, that Nature seemed to have brought them there, ' without the help of man, herself 52 THE BATTLE OF bury them, with her own funeral rites. The breeze sighed over them, and occasionally moved some of the locks, which had escaped from the helmet, and these were thin and silvery with age, or dark and clustering with youth. Here and there a venerable head lay naked on the ground. Here and there young lips were pressed to the cold and bloody sod, in the kisses of death. Such a scene, at such an hour, when every thought is of quiet peace, and love, with such a beautiful sun, shedding a mellow light around, might have given rise to a notion entertained by the Persians of a former age, that in some se- questered spot, near to the gentle flowing of a river, the most highly -favoured of our race shall undergo a transformation, and for- days lie on the grass, ap- parently dead, even with symptoms of bloody violence, until the last touch shall have been given to the passive clay ; and, amidst the light and music of heaven resting there alone, with those of earth, hover- ing like dreams about them, they shall rise up pure' and lovely spirits, above misery and mortality. Leaning upon the arm of a servant, who supported with much care, his halting steps, one of the Parlia- mentary leaders was now groping his way through the slain, and occasionally stooping to examine the features. It was Sir Eichard Houghton. His countenance ha, WIGAN LANE. DO was pale, bearing traces of anguish within, more than of bodily fatigue. The excitement which had sus- tained him in the engagement, seemed to be gone. Years of sorrow, since then, might have passed over him, without producing so great a change. His spirit seemed to have been more deeply wounded than his body. Long was his search amidst the slain. As he stooped, a shade of the deepest anxiety was over his face, but the g)pw of his eyes showed that he looked for an enemy, and not for a friend ; and as he rose disappointed, his lips quivered with deadly emotion. " Nay, nay, 'tis in vain. They have both escaped — uncle and nephew. And I have left my couch, wounded and sickly, to come and gloat on my own dis- appointment. But they must be found, dead or alive ! " " But surety, Sir Richard," interrupted his ser- vant, " not to night ; the air is chill." " Not for me," muttered the knight, " revenge will warm it. I feel not the blast. Is the tempest loud ? Why, the night is calm, and still as the d< and though it raged as if every sound was the um shriek of a thousand demons in pain or joy, I could not hear it. No, no, my soul is on fire ; cold ! — cold ! — mock me not. If my revenge is not satisfied, I shall lie down here, stripped, naked, and shelterless, in order that I may be cool." f 2 54 THE BATTLE OF " But consider your wounds." " Aye !" fiercely answered Sir Richard, — " con- sider my wounds ; a daughter lost, deceived, polluted ; — my hospitality returned by the foulest treachery. Consider these wounds ! aye, and revenge them too ! " " But still," returned his follower, " the shades of night are fast descending. We cannot remain here long." No answer was given?, and he perceived his leader kneeling over a heap of bodies. The light was streaming upon that point. An awful silence ensued, when in a tone which seemed the very voice of satisfied revenge, Sir Richard exclaimed, " Here is the elder villain ! " He held his face close to the lifeless body of Sir Thomas Tyldesley. No sound escaped him ; but there he gazed, like a mad spirit, exulting, yet miserable, that the object of his revenge could not open his eyes, and know his fate. His face was pressed close to that of the dead, as if the unholy embrace was sweet to the very senses, and thrilling even through the frame of the aged. Hate did not prompt him to trample, with profane -foot, upon the unresisting body, or to mar the calm- ness reposing on the stiff features, but he even kissed the cold lips in ecstacy, and drew the head into his bosom. At length he suffered himself to be led away. " The young man," after a short silence, he added, WIGAN LANE. 55 " . the young man must be here likewise, and I go not before I have seen him." They sought in vain, until reaching the banks of the Douglas, they stumbled on two bodies, lying at the foot of a tree. They were those of young Tyldesley and the page. What a shriek of madness was uttered by the knight, as he recognized in the page, his own beloved Anne! Her breast was naked, and on it lay the head of her dead lover, while his arms were encircled around her, as if their 'love could never die. Sweet and beautiful was the expression of her countenance in death. Her dark ringlets were moved by the breeze from the river, and richly they waved, under the ! radiant moon, gleaming through the foliage. Calm they lay, as in the sleep of love, which a single murmur may disturb, and affection seemed awaking on their coun- tenances, to assure them of each other's safety, and then go to rest. Sir Richard's grief, was gradually subsiding and ebbing, but only to feel the barren, dry waste, over which it had rolled, and the wreck which its waves had borne along. Without a word, he quietly prepared to sit down on the little mound where the head of Anne was reposing. The father once more blessed Iris child. Attempting to raise her lover's head, and make them divided in death, a shudder passed over him, and he again restored it to its place, and put the cold, stiff arms, even more 56 THE BATTLE OF closely around Anne, with as much fondness, as if, like a heavenly priest, he wished to bind them in eternal wedlock. But over such a scene of sadness we draw the curtain. Long after, that tree marked out the spot where the young lovers died, in each other's embrace. It has now, however, entirely disappeared ; but if the Chronicler has drawn forth from his . readers one tear for their fate, they still have a proud monument. But softened as was the heart of Sir Richard Houghton, by the fate of his daughter, the desire of revenge on the Earl of Derby, whom he regarded as her destroyer, was now inspired above every feeling, and he formed a resolution of immediately returning to Wigan, and -searching out the earl, who was reported to have found shelter there, after his flight from the battle. An hour before midnight, the portly landlord of the Dog Inn, Wigan, was roused from a comfortable sleep, beside the fire, not by the cravings * of thirst for the contents of a jug, which he held in his hand, as firmly as if it contained the charm of forgetfulness, and was the urn from which pleasant dreams vapoured out — but by a loud knocking at the door. In those days, the inhabitants of the good town here mentioned, were not so careful, as they are at present, of the digits of their visitors, and had not , , WIGAN LANE, 57 substituted brass or iron knockers. Fair ladies, how- ever gentle in disposition, were obliged to raise their hand in a threatening position, and, horror on horrors ! — strike the hard oak. Still the blow was generally given with a strength, of which their senti- mental successors must feel ashamed, and wonder how they could venture upon such a masculine course of conduct, degrading the softer sex. What! they will exclaim, did the lily hand, which ought for - ever to have slept amidst perfumes, unless, when it was raised to the lips of a lover, in his vows, profane itself by becoming a battering ram ! The Dog Inn, at that time, presented a somewhat different appearance than it does at present. The part of the building in front, next to the street, was low, and seemed to be appended, as a wing or covert, both to the interior and exterior of the other parts, and was parallel to a line of small shops. Behind, another story had been added, and there, on a 'trans- verse beam, was placed the dog, which the landlord had, a few days before, baptized as Jolly, in a good can of ale. The Inn was the resort of two classes ; the one consisting of those who were regularly thirsty of an evening, in reference to wit and news ; and the other, of those who could only ask for a draught of ale, and then amuse themselves by rubbing the bottom of the jug round and round a small cir- 58 THE BATTLE OE cumference, in full view of themselves, after quaffing the contents. Their merry host could satisfy the ap- petites of both. But he displayed a decided prefer- ence for the former class ; and for such, the door of admission was the one at the end of the building, directly leading to the large fire, which generally burned bright and long, in the hall, and it had been known to be open long after midnight, to the visitors ; while the others had only the honour of the low one in front, and that not after nine o'clock. The knocking now made, was at the last-mentioned door. The landlord awoke, and rubbed his eyes till they opened and expanded to their proper focus ; but they fell first upon the foaming ale in the tankard, which tempted him to a draught. In the act, however, the knock was repeated. Still, though his eyes gazed in the direction of the door, it was also evident that his mouth was not altogether idle in paying due atten- tion to the liquor. " Ho ! knave ! " exclaimed he, as soon as he had obtained liberty of speech — " a warrior and a round- head, doubtless ! So thou hast not got a belly-ful of fighting in the lane, but must come to my door ! Why dost not thee speak, Jolly ? Last week John Harrison painted thee alive, and made thee as young as thy mother's whelp, put thee upon a beam over the door, to bark at those who might come at WIG AN LANE. 59 unseemly hours, or for improper purposes, and hung a chain round thy neck, lest thou might be too out- rageous. Not one word, Jolly, for thy dear master ? But," he added in a whisper, as he went to the door, "all's safe!— yes." The door opened, and Sir Richard Houghton and his servant entered. The latter announced the name of his master. " So," said the landlord, addressing the knight, as he led him to a quiet corner, near the fire, " you are the warrior who so nimbly changed parties to day ? Perhaps you are desirous of changing occupations likewise, and would be glad to throw off your titles and dress, for those of an innkeeper. I 'faith, your lean face, and what call you these ? " as he pointed to the legs of the knight, "would thank you for the wisdom of your choice. If so, I am ready for the barter. There is my apron. Ho — ho — you'll get a complete suit out of it, and a winding sheet into the bargain! Be patient, oh! wise knight — who must be knight no more — for I shall be Sir John." In truth he would have been a worthy successor to the knighthood of the famous Falstaff, if any super- abundance of wit and fat could ever embody Shakes- peare's prototype. " Where," exclaimed Sir Richard, in a high passion, "where is the Earl of Derby? — surrender him." \ 60 THE BATTLE OF " So, so," was the reply, (i you are again disposed to return to your allegiance, and be one of the earl's party ! " " Surrender him into my hands," interrupted the knight, in a soothing tone, " and a large reward shall be yours. You will then be able to exhibit a golden dog on your escutcheon. Refuse, and a strict search shall instantly be made, and woe to the wretch, who has harboured the traitor ! " " Search, brave Dick," rejoined the merry host, "and I'll assist you. Here's a bottle ; can the trai- tor be within? search, — storm the castle !" and here he broke it, while the contents were thrown into the knight's face. Is he there, Sir Richard, is he there ? " " To ensure our safety and dignity," said the en- raged knight to his servant, " give the signal, instant- ly." A shrill whistle was made, and a number of armed men entered. " Search every corner," exclaimed Sir Richard " and let the host beware, lest a sword should search his person." " Search my person ! " rejoined the landlord, while he swelled himself out to his fullest dimensions, " Sir Richard, could you walk round me in less than twenty four hours, and without long rests ? you might as well think of searching the continent of America ! Come to me, before service on Sunday, when I have donned WIG AN LANE. 61 my great coat, and then search me, or even walk around me. 'Twould be, as Cromwell's servants- might say, ' a sabbath day's journey.' My good wife was just my fellow, and her daily exercise, for some years before she died, was to walk round me, and brush my coat, and then she went to rest, satisfied with a day's hard labour. She was, truly, a help meet for me, and we became fatter with looking on each other. When indisposed after travelling to the ale cellar too frequently, she got me conducted to the chair opposite to her own, and she smiled so lustily upon me, that I soon recovered. But Sir Rich- ard," he added in a solemn tone, "how many gallons of oil, shall I bring from the cellar, to light you in your search ? ha ! a lucky thought now strikes me. Would'st be the better of a quick scented hound ? " u Aye," exclaimed some voices, u where is he ? " " standing over the door ;" was the reply, " shall I bring Jolly ? te if so, it is on the express condition, that you nail him up, in time for to-morrow. A ladder, friends ; bring me a ladder. But I must keep my hands from off his hide — not that he will bite — but since he is fresh from the painter, and may be pleased, in good humour, to mark me with his wit. A ladder!" — and Richard the Third, even assisted by the lungs of a modern actor, did not shout forth more lustily for " a horse ! a horse ! " 6£ THE BATTLE OF "Begard not the laughing ox," interrupted the knight, as he motioned to his men, who stood be- wildered at the conduct of the landlord. The soldiers commenced their assigned duty, but, Sir Richard expecting that, every moment, Derby should be apprehended in his presence, kept his seat, thinking over the orders to be given, in the event of such a discovery. Perhaps feelings of awe, which would be awakened by a view of the loyal nobleman, like wise, threw their shadows, amidst other emotions of a sterner nature. True it is, that he became paler ; and the only expression on his features seemed to be the most abject despair, and misery. Like an exqui- sitely moulded image, when the light has expired which gave the animation of life and thought to its coldness, no longer shows what, but a moment before, seemed its only natural appearance ; so the events through which the knight had passed, and which served to give a new character of feeling and action, left not a shade by which it might be known, that he had been an avenger, a few hours ago, and a mourner over his last hope. Meantime the host of the Inn, continued to annoy the men with his wit. In the most serious voice he would exclaim "He is here;" when all instantly rushed to the place where he pointed. " Tarry but a moment till I bring a light — my nose does not shine WIGAN LANE. 63 as a torch to-night." He then procured a light, and, as he hurried amongst them, was sure to bring it into a disagreeable proximity with some faces, and all that the light could fall upon, was a broken pot, into which the host peered most anxiously. " Can he be there ? I fancy that I should not remain in it long." After many similar tricks, he went to a black cup- board, at the farther end of a small room adjoining, and asked them to inspect it also. " Can the rebel," he said, " lurk in the butter?" From experience, this they thought to be a suffi- cient reason why they should not search there. " Unwieldy bull of Bashan ! " exclaimed one of the soldiers ; " keep within thine own enclosures — a prisoner of hope ! The avenger may be nigh ! " " Ha ! ha ! " retorted the landlord, '' where is he ? Thankee, friend, for pointing him out. He will, in- deed, avenge my thirst ! " and he seized upon a bottle of ale, which stood solitary upon a shelf. " The rogue's a bachelor, friends ; — he stood alone ; and he is so cross, that he may well be called c cut-throat ! ' " After an hour's search, towards the end of which the landlord had contrived, first to lull his tongue asleep, and then himself, the knight commanded the soldiers to desist. They awoke the host, who, start- ing to his feet, after a difficult balancing of hirr looked eagerly around. " 64 THE BATTLE OF " Where is the earl ? " — and as he spoke, he ap- proached one of the men, and bringing a light to bear rather closely upon the grave countenance of the roundhead,—" is this his lordship ? take the rebel from my house, and he gave a hearty kick, so far as his heart could reach, down to his foot. It was in vain to resent the blow, for the humour of mine host had altogether disarmed them. But we choose to pass over the details of their un- success, not being desirous that the mournful remem- brance connected with the young and the ill-fated characters of the Legend should be obliterated from the mind of the reader. The tyro in Lancashire history knows well, that in that very cupboard to which the landlord pointed, the earl was concealed ; and that early in the morn- ing he left the Dog Inn, leaving behind him, as a small token of gratitude for the shelter he had re- ceived, a part of his armour. " I cannot wear it," said the jolly landlord, when it was presented to him, " though you are a warrior, yet, noble early, ou are not a giant. But it shall be preserved as none of the least of the treats for a traveller at the Dog Inn." The earl , shook his humble friend cordially by the hand. moiif\L.even then, wit and light repartee had not for- ^ost. — " Wont shake a paw with Jolly I " WIGAN LANE. 65 Over the earl's countenance, a melancholy smile passed, which was unseen by mine host, who was not long in resuming, as he stepped over the threshold and gazed up at the dog — "Well, well, Jolly will excuse you, and wont even bark; he's a sensible dog, and knows, or ought to know, how long your lordship has been confined in the cupboard. So, you are bound for Worcester ? Well, for my sake, if you meet Crom- well, scratch the ugly wart on his face. But stay, earl, for a moment ; there your horse comes, and you must take the stirrup cup, from my hands. My wife would have been proud to have wiped her mouth for a salute, but it is not the fashion of men, towards each other," and he ran in, and in a minute returned with a glass of wine, which the earl took, and quaffed the contents to the luck of the Dog Inn, Wigan. There was a serious expression on the landlord's counte- nance, not as if it were caused by the present farewell, but by some remembrance. "It was at this hour, some years ago, that my wife died, and closed her eyes upon ale, and a husband. I had broken up the best barrel in the cellar, and was raising a jug of it to her lips, and I was obliged to drink it myself. — But excuse me, farewell Derby." We pass over the account of the earl's escape to Worcester, and of the literal overthrow of all the hopes G 66 THE BATTLE OF of the royalists, by that disastrous battle ; of the earl's capture, and subsequent execution; all of which, like the rapids of the last act of a tragedy, passed with heightened and speedy horror to the bloody end. One thing merely we shall notice, that amongst the names of those who recommended his lordship to be beheaded, was that of Sir Richard Houghton. All historians 'and biographers have agreed in speaking of that knight as " the rebel son of a very loyal and worthy father," — but they have not thrown light over the circumstances and events which dethroned Charles and all royalists from his affections. Tradition gleams upon them with steadi- ness and fearful distinctness, and the Chronicler has accurately detailed them. WIGAN LAXE. 67 For the sake, of the Antiquarian, who may be desirous of reading the Inscription on the monument which stands in Wigan Lane, the Chronicler appends it. In his more youthful days, when passing through Wigan, by the assistance of a ladder, and his grandmother's glasses, he obtained a transcript of it, which he vouches to be accurate. S^ An high Act of Gratitude, which conveys the Memory of SIR THOMAS TYLDESLEY To posterity, Who saved Kino Charles the First as Lieutenant-Colonel at Edge-hill Battle, After raising Regiments of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons ; • And for The desperate storming of Burton-upon-Trent, over abridge of 36 arches, Received the Honour of Knighthood. He afterwards served in all the wars, in great command, Was Governor of Lichfield, And followed the fortune of the Crown through the Three Kingdoms, And never compounded with the Rebels, though" strongly invested ; And on the 25th August, A.D. 1651, was here slain, Commanding as Major-General under the Earl of Derby, To whom the grateful Erector, Alexander Rigbv, Esq., was Cornet And when he was High Sheriff of this County, (A.D. 1679,) Placed this high obligation on the whole Family of the Tyldksleys. THE WITCHES OF FDKNESS. In a small recess, still deeper in shade than the neighbouring valley where the ruins of Furness Abbey lie, there once arose a well-proportioned mansion, of which, not a. vestige is left. And yet, the wand of no magician had summoned it to appear, as a tenant of the retreat, without any materials, and then to depart without a wreck, — for much toil, and many precious coins had been spent in building and adorning it, by the first owners ; and on its decay, as much sighing, and as many lamentations, had been wasted by their successors. Tradition says, that it was erected in the reign of Henry the Eighth, by an Enghshman of rank, whose name was Morden. Against his earnest entreaties, Ms daughter had secluded herself from the world, and taken the veil as a nun in Furness Abbey ; but when that religious house was broken tip, by royal 70 THE WITCHES act, so much attached was she to the spot of her vows, that to gratify her, a family mansion was erected in the vicinity. To this, a considerable extent of ground was added, as territorial possession. The owner be- came enamoured of the pleasant solitude of such an abode, and so did all his successors, whose feelings were in harmony with the simplicity of the district, and the quiet beauties of its scenery. Time destroys not the works of God, and the brook which trickled beside the porch, still murmured dreams of happiness amidst the nightshade which grew on its banks, or the lillies, which, in its channel, courted its stream, in all their meekness and purity. Bat time destroys the works of man, and the noble building, towards the end of the sixteenth century, was but a decayed wreck of its former self. The inmates exhibited a striking contrast to the ruined abode. The echoes did not awake to the slow step of the aged, but to the bounding tread of the young. The wind might rave around in fury, but, at intervals, sweet voices were heard, joining in the music of the heart. Sombre was the light which entered the apartments, but there was no snowy head on which it could fall ; shining was every brow, and clustering the ringlets waving thereon. On the rudely- framed seat, by the porch, no old man sat, like a dial, to point out time's flight, but a beautiful pair, with a little boy sporting before them. OF FURNBSS. 71 William Morden, and Emily Clifton, were the >nly survivors of two noble families. The time of our Legend is six years after their marriage, when their love had been pledged and crowned by the birth of a boy. Sweet was their domestic bliss, but dark- ness and death are prepared to enter upon the scene. The curse of witchcraft is about to fall upon the holy beings, in all its horrors and pollutions. The Chron- icler shudders, as tradition leads him to their tragic fate, and as it gleams upon the hellish causes. The fair creatures have, in many a dream, for many a long night, been cradled by his side, in beauty and love. Their voices have whispered to him, their faces have smiled upon him, in the mysteries of sleep. And yet he must now awake them to feel the breath of unearthly enmity and power, withering their souls, while ser- pents are even twined around their shroud ! On a calm evening, towards the beginning of summer, Emily was seated in the old hall, expecting the arrival of her husband, who had rode out early that day, to hunt, when he entered, with marks of agitation on his countenance. u William ! " she exclaimed, as she arose to em- brace him, " thou art sad. It cannot be for want of success in the chase; you would not dare" — and she gave him a playful blow on the cheek with her little hand — "to appear before your wife so sorrowful, 72 THE WITCHES and with no better excuse. But, love, you smile not. William, are you wounded ? Have you been thrown from your horse ? " " No, Emily," was the reply, "lam safe, but my horse, in passing the cave of which you are so much afraid, sunk down, as if exhausted, though a moment before, he seemed capable of the greatest exertion. Thus is it," ^e continued, as he yielded to his wife, who forced him down to a seat, whilst she leaned over him, " our cattle have died, though green is the meadow on which they grazed. And now, my favourite steed — aye, the very one, Emily, whose neck arched so proudly beneath your gentle touch, after he had borne me to your abode, where I wooed and won you as my bride, is now, I fear, stiffening in death. My servant shook his head, as I left Eanger to his care." " Poor Ranger," interrupted the lady, " he was a proud animal, and spurned acquaintance with others of his kind. Yet, William, dost thou recollect how closely and fondly he trotted by the side of my white pony, on the evening you brought me to your home, and how the kind animals allowed me to be locked in your embrace, although their bridles hung loose ? Nay, more, did they not choose a lonely path, with the moon shining all sweetly upon it, through the hushed forest, as if there ought to be nothing known OF FURNESS. 73 to us, save each other ; and that, orphans as we were, with the voices of gone friends, as silent to us as the night, still, there was hope shedding its rays over our common lot ? Now both of them may be lost. Still you could have visited me without your steed, and I should, perhaps, have been less coy after your fatigues, and," she added, as her fair hands played among the curls which shaded her husliand's brow, "I could have come hither without my palfrey, leaning on your arm, William." The sorrowful man could not reject the consolation of his beautiful wife. Though unforeseen calamities had gathered thickly upon him, as if there was some direct cause, separate from the general course of Pro- vidence, yet every ch?in of human affection was un- broken ; and though his fold was now almost for- saken, on his hearth still moved the beings whom he loved, and not a household god had been thrown down. His little Edward had entered, and was climb- ing his knee, and hugging his neck, — and could he refuse to be happy ? He had regained a portion of his usual gaiety, when his servant entered. " Master, Ranger is dead ! I took the bridle from off his head, and he could no more shew that he was at liberty. There was a strange shriek after he fell down. He licked my hands, and his tongue was black and swollen." 74 THE WITCHES " Shriek, dost thou say ? " returned his master, " I have heard that horses groan when in pain, but that they shriek, I cannot believe." " It could not be the horse," was the reply, "no — no — nor was it a human voice." They gazed upon the servant. His tones were low, as if from secret terror, and his countenance was deadly pale. He continued, " I have heard the shriek before, master, when old Margery, who nursed you when a boy — died. She raised her hands, drew herself up on the pillow — as if escaping from some invisible spirit — and sunk down lifeless. The neighbours said, that at that moment the witch of the cave passed the window, with hurried steps." Emily Morden looked upon her husband, and took their little boy, and folded him closely in her bosom. Not a word was spoken, but many, many thoughts were theirs. Their fears seemed to recognize in the sweet blue eyes, the calm brow, and the golden locks, signs of a dark fate. The little fellow, however, was unconscious of their feelings, and darted forth to the lawn to pursue the shadows, which were now fast settling, and to gambol with his favourite pet lamb. Soon fatigued with his sports, he leaned upon the tame animal, like a beautiful picture with a pure back ground. At that moment an old woman stood before him. He saw not her dark and hideous OF FUKNESS. 75 features, more frightful because she attempted to smile : he only saw the tempting fruit which she held. He heard not the unearthly tones of her voice, he only distinguished the words, u Shall I give you it ? " He felt not the touch of her withered, bony hands, as he received it. He cared not, though these hands were placed upon his brow, as he devoured the fruit. He clapped his hands, and shouted, "Good, — good mamma! give little Edwy more, — more!" Oh! it was horrible to see the beautiful boy playing with a foul hag, hand in hand, cheek to cheek, and to hear him address her, as " kind mamma." The lamb had fled far over the glen, at her approach — but the boy had even kissed her black and shrivelled lips ! He was throwing his arms around her neck, amidst the long locks of white hair, which hung like serpents over it, when he was dragged away by his mother, who had rushed forth with her husband, upon be- holding the woman's familiarities. The hand of William Morden was raised, in fury, to strike the hellish crone, whom he knew to be the witch of the cave, when she disappeared to a short distance, where her form dilated against the faint light of the sky, and then she glared with her blood-red eyes, full upon him. She tossed her hands in the air, then ap- proached a little nearer, and pointed to Emily, while she sung in awful notes — \ 76 THE WITCHES Has early summer fruit for man F — No, but for spirits : — yet the boy Has tasted ! and the mother ran Too late ! — too late, to shield her joy- Embrace him ! so have I 1 Ere the sun sinks, from him you'll fly, Nor press a couch where he may die ! His mouth is sweet ; beware his fangs ! Kiss him, he bites in maddest pangs ! The still calm all around, allowed every word and tone to be distinctly heard. When she had ended, she gave a shriek of delight, and slowly proceeded in the direction of the cave ; at intervals turning round, and raising her arms. All objects around her could not be perceived, still those small malicious eyes sparkled in the gathering twilight, and her voice could be heard muttering. " Nay, William, follow her not ! " exclaimed Emily, as her husband prepared to pursue the witch. But he was now maddened by rage and despair, and he started forward, fully resolved to enter the cave, and brave its unseen and unknown terrors. She anxiously gazed after him, until his form was altogether lost in the distance. The many tales to which she had listened, of the witch's power and re- venge, were unfolded again, and they seemed scrolls of the future, written with the fate of herself, and all OF FTTRNESS. 77 that were dear. She led Edward into the hall, and soon perceived a marvellous change in the boy. At first he was silent, and did not acknowledge the attentions of his mother. He then shrieked in terror, and laughed in joy, alternately. His features were, -at times, absolutely hideous, grinning, as if with malice, and then they became more beautiful than; a mother's eye ever beheld. " Mamma ! mamma ! " he would exclaim, — and he looked from his mother upon vacancy — "give Edwy more — oh ! it is sweet, sweet. Heed not the man, wicked man, who drives you away; — come back to Edwy ! " At length she succeeded in hushing him to rest^ and her thoughts were of her husband. Darkness was now over the earth, and she imagined that the hag's face was gazing in upon her at the casement, but she dared not rise to close it, lest she might dis- turb the sleeper. Sometimes, too, another form, seen by the moonlight, was there, and the witch dared to embrace the husband, in sight of his trembling wife ! Hour after hour passed, and the next would be midnight, and William had not returned. In vain did his faithful servant, whom she had summoned to bear her company, suggest that his master might have refused to leave the cave, until the woman had read the destiny of the family more distinctly. 78 THE WITCHES " Nay, Roger/' she said, " something has befallen your master. Oh ! if he should return no more ! " and her agony was too deep for tears. " My lady, fear not. It is said that all those who are bewitched in the cave, have first listened to the love confessions of the old woman's daughter, and drunk the cup of unearthly beauty. But I will in- stantly go to the cave." Emily was about to urge him to make all possible haste, when he shrieked out, and pointed to her breast ; and there her boy was gradually raising up his head, like a serpent, to her face, whilst his eyes gleamed with the most fiendish expression, and his mouth was grinning and distended. For a moment she was silent as the dead, and gazed in horror ; but she could not trace a touch of kindness on the young features. All love and beauty, in a moment, had been dashed from them. The boy's eye never moved from hers, or changed its emotion; — it was slowly meeting hers, in malice. His breath was now close to her cheek ! " Kiss me, kiss me," were the first words he uttered ; but the tones were unknown, and seemed those of a young fiend. "With a loud shriek he pre- pared to dart upon her face. She started from her seat, and threw him on the floor, and there the little monster rolled — gnashing his teeth, and tearing with OF FURNESS. 79 his hands, in frantic fury. His eyes were of a glassy brightness, and coldness ; and foam was on his little black lips. His struggles soon became fainter, and he lay motionless, and apparently lifeless. He then re- gained his own beauty, but was pale and trembling, as if from an infant dream of evil. His eyes were raised to his mother, and again they were affectionate, as of old. " Mamma ! mamma ! " he cried, " take me to your arms, cover me up in your bosom ; you wont kill me, mamma ? Oh ! leave me not here to die ! " There was a mournful upbraiding in the boy's* accents, and his mother burst into tears, and rushed forward to raise him, when, all at once, he sprang from the ground. Again he was changed ; his hair stood erect, his mouth was stretched to an unnatural width, and he ran to her, howling like a dog. In a moment the servant struck him down. Bitterly did the mother weep to see her child bleeding on the floor, and yet, she dared not touch him. " He is possessed ! " she exclaimed, " aye, that is the fate) which the witch foretold ! " " My lady," said Roger, " pardon me for what I ant about to mention. He has been bewitched into a disease which must be fatal to himself, and to all whom he bites. Your security, and that of my master, lies only in his destruction." 80 THE WITCHES " Never ! " was the indignant, but sorrowful reply. The boy once more regained his own appearance, and called piteovsly for his mother. He put his little hands to his mouth, and when he gazed upon them, they were all suffused with blood ! He burst into tears. " Mamma, kiss the blood away from my lips. Wipe this love ringlet, or papa wont play with it. Oh ! cool my lips. Take the fire out of them. Mamma, mamma ! must I die ? Who took me out of your bosom, to lie here ? " Every word fell, like a child's curse, upon the ear of Emily. " Oh Roger ! good Roger," implored the lady, — " what can be done ? " The boy attempted to rise, but his strength seemed gone, and his head dashed itself violently upon the floor. His mother fell down senseless. Roger rushed from the room, to bring water to sprinkle upon her face. In a moment he returned, — and there a scene was presented to his eyes, which nothing in after-life could curtain from his mind. Both lay lifeless. The countenance of the mother was mangled and bloody,, and her boy's teeth were in her cheek. As soon as she had fallen, the boy had crept to her, under the same infernal influence as before, and, fortunately, she never awoke from insensibility. OF FURNESS. 81 Meanwhile let us leave the dead, and follow the living. The reader is not asked to dry Ms tears after the mournful spectacle, and put off his sackcloth, and don singing rohes and smiles, for soon the curtain may be raised from the same scene, to exhibit on the same stage, another victim. "William Morden, when out of the sight of his wife, came in view of the object of his pursuit. Unlike the aged, the hag avoided not the many elevations of sharp rock, on her path. After passing them, for a moment she would linger, and looking back, and howling, motion him, with a wild plunge of her arm, to follow. The scenery became more bleak and desolate, as if nothing in animal or vegetable life could flourish near her abode. Not a sound was heard ; her steps were hurried, but silent. They were approaching the cave, which was formed in the old channel of the brook, and which was supposed to be the outlet of a subterraneous passage leading from the abbey into a deep wood, which skirted and con- cealed the bank. Amidst the trees strange lights seemed to move, and the witch, by their flash, was enabled to expose her malignant and hellish counte- nance to the gaze of Morden. She stood still and he advanced. From the folds of the cloak in which she was wrapped, she drew her hand, and pointed to a deep ravine, at a short distance from the cave. She ii 82 THE WITCHES muttered some incantations, raised her eyes, as if to invisible agents in the air, and exclaimed, " Slaves ! ye know my power ! Shew him — shew him what a word, escaping from my lips, has done. Now, fool ! " and she grasped his hands for a moment, " gaze there — and tremble." Morden started, as lurid lights gleamed in a mass, over him. He stumbled down the declivity, and fell, his head striking against his lifeless steed! Un- earthly shrieks of laughter saluted him, and as he sprung to his feet, the witch, surrounded by flames, was waving her arms in fiendish joy. He once more found himself on the path close beside her. All again was darkness, and now he heard the witch enter the cave. He prepared to follow her. The entrance was small, and could only admit him by crawling through. His face came in contact with the jutting rocks, and he imagined that around his neck the hag had placed her hands, to strangle him. He crept in, but saw nothing. No object could be distinguished, until, on a floor far below him, he be- held a few embers burning on the hearth, and a form walking around, and by its shadow intercepting the light. The ground was damp beneath his hands, and the very worms were crawling over them, and thus early claiming connexion, by twining around them the marriage ring of the grave. He knew not OF FURNESS. 83 how to let himself down into the interior. The light from the embers, meanwhile, was gradually increas- ing ; and at length he recognized the witch rubbing her bands over them. Her head was uncovered, and her long grey locks were flung back from a brow black and wrinkled. He could not remove his eyes from her, and every moment he expected that she would arise, and curse him with her arts. She lighted a taper, and placed it upon a small coffin, and sung a death dirge ; at every interval, when she paused for breath, making the most unnatural mirth. The lid of the coffin slowly arose, as she removed the taper, and a beautiful boy raised his face, so pale and deadly, over which golden locks curled, like young spirits. His sweet blue eyes met those of Morden ; •his little hands were pressed together, and his lisping voice said, mournfully, — " Father ! " Morden sprang down, when, with a wild shriek, the witch turned upon him, and attempted to mimic the tones in which the fond word " father " had been breathed. He prepared to rush upon her, when every limb was powerless. He could not move, and yet all his senses were intensely active and awake. He beheld the coffin again closed, and glad now would he have been, could he have returned to his home, to assure himself of his child's safety. The witch began some awful and unholy rites, as 84 THE WITCHES she lowered the coffin into a hole dug beside the embers, and then over the spot, after her incanta- tions had been muttered, sprung up a mossy tomb- stone, with this inscription, — AGED FIVE YEARS. 1643. She kindled another taper, when a larger coffin seemed to be placed before her by invisible hands. The lid was raised ; and there Morden beheld his Emily, as beautiful now, amidst all the horrors of witchery and death, as when that face was revealed in the moonlight, on their nuptial night, slumbering so happily, to gaze upon which he had kept himself awake. But soon the features became clouded and black; aye, and blood — blood was seen upon them, and horrible gashes. " Embrace her ! " exclaimed the witch, u embrace her. How beautiful ! What a sweet crimson ! Fool ! thy wife blushes ! fly to her ! " He started forward, and fell upon the coffin, but OF FURNESS. 85 the lid was closed. A long fit of insensibility was over him. Dreams still more revolting than the realities he had now beheld, kept him bound. He awoke — but far different was the scene. A sigh which had been nursed in the dream, now found expression, and instantly a movement was heard, in a distant part of the cave ; and a female bent over him, and perfumed his burning brow. Wild was the beauty beaming from her eyes ; but soft and earthly was the hand which took his. He gazed silently upon her. She seemed scarcely to have entered upon girlhood, and yet Morden thought that she never could have been younger, and never, for the future, could be older. She spoke not ; but her lips uttered strange sounds of the most thrilling music. She gently raised and led him to a couch, as soft as dreams. The air around breathed fragrance, and vibrated song. Invisible roses seemed to fall upon his brow and hands. So brilliant, and yet shadowy, was the light, that he could not gaze far around. Light seemed to be a boundary to itself, and no walls intercepted the vision. (i "Who -art thou ?" was the exclamation of Morden, " and where am I ? How have I been brought here ? This is not the cave to which I came ; — and where is the foul witch who so tormented me with her dark spells ? " 86 THE WITCHES " There cometh light after darkness/' replied his beautiful companion, " and joy after sorrow. What makes the love of one being so pleasant ? Because it is nursed amidst the storms of hate. Love cares not for a palace; to sit, travel, and sleep, amidst gold and diamonds. The tomb is the home where it is most beautiful ; and were two mortals, who cling to each other, to dwell there, it would be love's paradise. As they sat beneath the shade of the cypress, how rapturous would their thoughts and words be ; and oh ! how true ! At eve, as they walked together over graves, how confiding would they be ! And at the midnight hour, when the wind howled, and ghosts flitted around them, how sweet the sleep of the two lovers, with a tomb-stone for their pillow ! " Each word thrilled through the soul of Morden. " Mysterious angel ! " he cried, " tell me thy name and abode ! " The young being dismissed the melancholy which, whilst she spoke, had rested on her countenance, and smiled. Her deep blue eyes gazed upon him, and, in the intoxication of the moment, he recollected not his own inquiry. But soon, thoughts of home and Emily, came into his mind, and checked others which were rising. He turned away from her, when she asked, — OF FURNESS. 87 " Would'st thou see the past ? " "Yes/' eagerly returned Morden. "Oh! could I once more behold her whom an untimely fate bore from me ! " She took from the table a golden cup, encircled with flowers, and throwing a liquid drop, which she had poured out on her hand, away in the dis- tance ; instantly, amidst music, with the bass of a profound calm, there arose before his eyes a strange scene. There were the haunts of his boyhood, the bower in the garden, and even the ivy-covered seat, on which was the plumed cap his mother's hands had made ; the gentle stream, with his book and fishing- rod lying on the bank ; and last of all was himself, smiling, the actor in each. A pure mist arose before rum, as in the bower he was placing the cap over his shining curls ; bright eyes gleamed in it, and as it vanished, there stood his only sister ! She appeared to be the gentler type of himself, and sweet was her beauty, though it was the beauty of Genius and Power. The mist descended, and hovered over them, as they were singing the lays of then- own happiness, and shrouded both. It once more rolled away. There was seen a mourner, near a rose-scattered grave ! The mourner was known to Morden long before he raised his features from the earth: — it was himself, at the grave of his sister ! 88 THE WITCHES He started up from the couch, and fell at the feet of his mysterious companion, exclaiming, — n Perpetuate the scene ! Give me boyhood again ; give me the lost and the beloved, and I'll adore you, — aye, love you ! " He arose calmly, after her lips had been pressed to his. n Drink," was the reply. " Drink from this cup, Morden, and death shall not separate the brother from the sister. Beautiful she was a month before her sudden end, and that month "shall never be en- rolled in your existence. Drink, — and the past is written over with every drop of this liquid, on the tablet of your mind, and on the objects of your external senses. Could inanimate things feel its in- fluence — and shall not the mind ? Drink ! " and the scene again arose, in more thrilling beauty and truth. Sweet and long was the draught, and he returned the cup, empty. Strange sensations shot tlnough his frame, and as strange feelings passed in his mind. Emily, in a moment, was forgotten, and his arms were around his companion, when a shriek was heard, and in place of the fading form of his sister, stood the withered Wend of the Cave ! Her daughter, (for such the beautiful witch was,) now coldly repulsed him, and shrunk from his embrace. As soon as he could move his eyes from the hag, he OF FURNESS. 89 tinned round to chide his companion, when he found that she had disappeared. A loud laugh was raised by the old witch, and he pursued her. Darkness fell over the scene, and once more he was near to the dying embers. "Go home!" exclaimed the hag, — "go home, and die there along with your dead wife and child ! It is long past midnight. It is, therefore, meet time that you should go to sleep with them. Home — fool!'' Her words droye Morden almost to madness. He climbed up to the entrance, and as he left the cave, he heard the laugh of the two witches. He rushed along the path. He saw not the lurid lights that flashed around him, from the dark abode which he had left. Terror, shame, and despair, were driving their victim to what he considered as a sanctuary from evil. He was heedless of his steps, and as he stumbled, it but increased his fury ; when he felt himself suddenly grasped, and on looking up, recog- nized his servant Roger. "Is all well, — is all well, Roger, with your mistress ? Speak, man, — speak ! " The servant hesitated, and then replied, " Yes, master ! " " Kind, dear Emily ! " exclaimed Morden, " she has sent you to search for me. Nay, Eoger, I will 90 THE WITCHES o utstrip you ; and I can delay no longer. — How anxious she will be ! Death ! no — no — it was but a horrible dream ! Yet, Boger, — am I agitated ? would my looks frighten Emily 1 Frighten — oh ! no. Not a moment is to be lost/' and he darted forward, and soon,, all breathless, reached his abode. He trode up the lawn with as heavy a pace as possible, in order that suspense might be ended, and that she might know of his return, before he appeared. A dim light was in the hall when he entered. The faithful servant, when he arrived, heard no noise, and although he felt keenly for the woes of his master, did not venture into the hall before morn- ing, — and there was his master lying, with his arms around his wife. He spoke to him; — but he spoke to the dead ! A distant relation laid claim to the dwelling, with the land attached to it ; but from the awful scenes in the former, which we have related, it became unin- habited, and was soon an entire ruin; finally even without a wreck. I THE DEVIL'S WALL. " Jeremiah, read those directions and intimations once more ; they contain no less than a challenge to my valour. Trnly his Black Majesty seems to think that he can toss abont the ball of earth for his amuse- ment; and that there is not a tailor who would venture to ( measure him.' Ah ! Nick, give me a trial." Thus spoke Gideon Chiselwig, tailor, in Ormskirk. Unlike the most of his brethren belonging to that honourable profession, he could boast of six feet of perpendicular matter ; but conceiving that even that height was too low a tabernacle for his giant soul, he fixed to the one extremity a long red night- cap, whilst he made the other move on tiptoe, much to the mirth of the quizzing old maids, for which that town is noted. He was never seen with that upper garment, commonly called a coat ; unless to display 92 the devil's wall. one of fashionable cut, which he had just finished ; and the absence of this did not take from Gideon's stature. Some conjectured that he knew this ; others had seen Mrs. Gideon, at home, arrayed in what, evidently, had once been a coat ; and they jocosely remarked, that she had altogether monopolized the use of her husband's apparel, for now they had seen her with the coat, and Gideon himself had confessed that she wore the breeches. — He had a vest, but the pockets were only visited by his hands ; silver and gold they had never weighed ; so that to all intents and purposes — the wife wore the vest also. Nature, however, had denied him her average allowance of breadth and thickness, so much so, that in a tour to remarkable places, during the honey-moon, having entered a museum in the metro- polis, the blushing bride was asked by the keeper, what was the price she fixed upon the piece of anatomy which she brought. Gideon, did, indeed, convince the questioner of his mistake, by a powerful and conclusive argument directed against his head : still people will suspect, even in the face of ample evidence ; and the report had been afloat, that there was something altogether strange about him. This only served to give a more singular character to the tailor, and nothing short of the marvellous in adven- ture could win his attention and occupy his thoughts. the devil's wall. 93 Others hinted, that were Mrs. Gideon not to awake him so early ; not to rap his knuckles, when at table he was stretching forth his hand to help himself; nor yet to allow the poker to fall upon his toes and corns, when they ventured within a few yards of the fire ; not to compel him to perform the necessary ablutions on a cold morning, a mile from the house, and then allow the sun, the wind, or the frost, to dry him ; not to confine him, for bedclothes, to a sheet in whiter, and his shirt in summer ; nor yet, occasionally, to exercise her hands, and a stick, upon his body ; Gideon would soon improve in appearance, and, at length, be a rival to the oily priest. But the old maids (for Mrs. Gideon had formerly been one of the numerous sisterhood residing there) considered such hints as morsels of scandal ; — and who can, with more propriety, condemn scandal, than old maids ? — and if, in the multitude of councillors there be safety, their view of the matter, certainly, had every assurance of being the correct one — that he was killed by too much fondling and love. Ah ! ah ! poor Gideon knew better. He had a scar on his face that he was proud to shew, for he had received it in honourable combat with a barber ; — but he had others, below the night-cap, and many all over his person, which he was glad ta- conceal ; for these he received from his wife ! At first he resisted her 94 THE devil's wall. encroachment upon the rights of man ; but soon his noble spirit disdained to contend with a woman. He had not lost a dram of courage, and he burned for some supernatural achievement. His brother Jeremiah was made exactly in the antipodean style. He was short and round ; yet, as he himself pathetically said, when the doctor, dreading apoplexy, had inquired about his diet, " tears were his daily food, and misfortunes were the vinegar and salt." His eyes, in fact, seemed to have invisible onions always around them. It was so when he was a babe, and his mother was in the habit of remarking, that Jeremiah would not be troubled with water in the head, because it would never stay there. When he entered upon the profession of a tailor, Gideon had serious doubts that he would but bring disgrace on it, himself, and all his relations ; for, as he very wisely reasoned, "How could he use the goose? — however hot it was, in a moment his tears would cool it. And as for his needles — a hundred would become rusty in- a day." However, Jeremiah passed his apprentice- ship with distinction, and became a partner in his brother's shop ; where we introduce them, squatted on a large table, to our - readers, at the moment that Gideon had finished the sentence which opens the Legend. Jeremiah had in his hand, an old and tattered the devil's wall. 95 book, which seemed to have been read by the feet, and not the eyes. He raised his eyes from it, as his brother spoke, and poured forth a fresh flood of tears. " Ah ! brother," he said, " you'll still be after what leads to your destruction. I warned you against marriage. On the night previous, did I not strike you sharply on the ankle, and then upon the head, and ask you how you could endure to have it re- peated a hundred times, in the whole multiplication table of your life. And now," here tears impeded his words, " can I not read about Satan's tricks with- out your wishing — " " Resolving you mean ; nay, Jeremiah, call it re- solving to ficrJit him. I'm sure that he's in Ormskirk. Yesterday morning, when I came from washing my- self, I traced in the snow a strange hoof to this very door. There never was such a nunnery of old maids, in which he was not found wooing them. J3ut — but I'll make a goose of him — I will ! " con- cluded the magnanimous tailor. " A goose ! a goose ! " exclaimed the simple Jere- miah, in horror, "he'll burn our hands, and the cloth. I cannot use him for a goose. Oh ! brother, only say that you will not make him either a needle or a goose, and I'll read the words over again." " Well, well," returned Gideon, a little pacified, as well as elated, by the thought that there was one 96 the devil's wall. who really did think that lie was able to turn the devil into a goose, " sweep away your tears. You'll find the table cloth near you. Use the dirty corner twice, and Nelly wont need to wash it." Jeremiah followed his brother's directions, care- fully passed the cloth over his face, and once more fixed his eyes upon the book. Gideon laid aside a pair of gaiters, which he was making for the comfort of his wife. The winter was severe — -and the doctor, it seems, had said at the house of some wealthy person that there would be a great mortality that season, should females not keep their feet properly warm, and the report had spread through all the town, and had been pretty well circulated, both by the tailors and shoemakers. In fact, shoes and gaiters had been ex- hibited under the imposing titles of life-preservers. Towards evening the sexton had been known to look suspiciously upon them, and even openly to condemn the traffic ; but the articles were still in great demand. Mrs. Gideon's gaiters being, as we have said, thrown aside, the tailor settled himself into the posture which was most becoming the spirit of the reply, which he intended to make to the proposition now to be propounded, and Jeremiah commenced reading — i( About midnight, let him go out into a wood, wherein there be divers kinds of trees ; let him stand behind a yew, and clapping his hands together, cry out, the devil's wall. 97 come here, James, (such being the endearing name by which he is known to his friends,) come here. He shall then perceive a whisper from the top of the tree. Let him instantly draw around him a magic circle, with the forefinger of his right hand, lest his devilship, being angry, pettish, or mischievous, may enter unawares, and suffocate him with his breath. He must next name the conditions, upon the fulfilment of which, he surrenders himself as a slave, then and for ever. He may ask any thing, and his master is bound to perform it, or break the league, and allow his hoof to be scratched with six pins or needles." " I have it ! " exclaimed Gideon, " the agreement shall be made this very night," and he looked terrible things to a portrait of Apollyon, which he had torn out of " Pilgrim's Progress," and plastered over the mantel-piece. But not contented with this manner of defiance, he sprung upon his toes, hastily drew a needle from his waistcoat, and pinked the enemy through and through the breast, in spite of scales and hellish armour. Jeremiah, upon this, could not refrain from weeping, and cried out, "poor dragon! poor dragon ! " " Poor dragon ! Poor, indeed ! " returned the doughty conqueror. " But see, how fierce he looks ! i 98 the devil's wall. The longer I strike, his eyes become larger, and expand with rage." When this announcement was made, Jeremiah quickly drew a circle around him. This caution was unnecessary ; for Gideon, seizing the picture, threw it to the door, which Mrs. Chiselwig, at that moment opening, received it full in her face. With a loud shout, the enraged wife flew at her husband — we cannot say like a dove to its mate. Xelly had a sin- gular fancy and propensity for squinting ; and her visual organs seemed always, as if chiding nature for the place which she had given them to occupy, and were just upon the eve of taking their departure to some back settlements on the head, as sentinels to guard a large neck-covering, which she wore with some degree of pride. Jeremiah, who had a mix- ture of shrewdness with all his simplicity, had long been of opinion, after careful observation, comparison, and induction of facts, that squinting was the property of old maids, and very philosophically, as well as categorically, gave the following reasons. First — since they always look back upon age, and, in their own calculations, never become older, but sometimes younger ; why should not their eyes be in the pos- terior of their head? Secondlv — female eves ousrht always to be in front, when their lips are in danger of being saluted ; but as old maids are not exposed to THE DEVIL'S WALL. 99 this danger, such a situation is not necessary. But be this as it may. there could be no doubt of the fact, that Mrs. Gideon Chiselwig iid squint, and viewed every thing at right angles. Perhaps she wished to avoid the labour of her eyes travelling over a large nose. Still, squinting as she did, she took a tolerably correct aim at the shoulders of her spouse. In vain did he look pale, in vain did he attempt to kiss her, and excuse the deed, by affirming that it was purely accidental : all these circumstances did not stay the uplifted hand, or take a^ay a grain from its weight. She had frequently complained of being very delicate, and when the doctor had been called in to feel her pulse with his finger, poor Gideon wished that he could only feel her fist with his head, as he must then have come to a very different conclusion. She could faint, go vulgarly into hysterics, look as pale as a drooping lily, and speak of consumption : — ah ! Gideon knew that she could likewise strike hard. It was not the mere **' esro," tripping on his tongue, "_::_ said 5 : : every rib, every bone, every member told the same tale. On this occasion, Xeily did n - abate any of her strength. "Angel of my life I n Gideon cried out, "desist] oh! Nelly desist! 43 '• Y:v. treat me as an angel, eh. ? Doff your night- cap then, in an angel's presence, and make your lowest bow of reverence." LrfC. 100 THE DEVIL'S WALL. Gideon silently obeyed, and very soon had Ms head scratched to his wife's content. We omitted to mention that Nelly's figure rather came nnder the definition of dumpy ; so that had Gideon only been able to read the classics, and to know that the face of man was made to look towards the sides, or , the ceilings she could not, without the labour of mount- ing a high stool, have reached him, so as to inflict capital punishment. Meanwhile, Jeremiah's eyes were moist enough. We have our suspicion that a wave of Mrs. Chiselwig's hand deposited a few tears there. Still, as this phe- nomenon was by no means unusual, the Chronicler leaves the point without any further investigation. After "wholesome severities" had been admin- istered to Gideon by his wife, she dragged him to a seat beside the fire, where she also seated herself, and began to examine the evidence of an exculpatory nature, which the offender had to produce ; and to the furtherance of the ends of justice, called his brother to be jury in the case. Jeremiah, in his own mind, had some doubts as to the equity of this course of proceeding : but he was too wise to allow any private opinion of his to contradict the wish of the judge. He thought, too, that his brother's heroism was much too pure and exalted, since it led him to be passively submissive to the treatment of his wife, lest THE DEVIL'S WALE. 101 he might use his weapons ingloriously, when their edge was to be turned against Satan ; and as he rose from, the table to occupy the jury-box, he was almost tempted to tell both parties that he would be their mutual second, in a fair combat, and then strength would be both jury and judge, and fists would pro- nounce guilty or not guilty, and register the doom or acquittal accordingly. But Jeremiah shewed his prudence by being silent. Mrs. Chiselwig motioned him to his seat, when her eyes fell upon the gaiters, lying unfinished on the floor. "So," she began, "you thought I should not re- quire gaiters after you had killed me, and had resolved to be thrifty, that you might tempt some other person to be your wife ? " Gideon, in reply, raised his eyes. We have some doubt as to whether this movement was expressive of his calling Heaven to witness that he was innocent of any such design ; or of his chiding Heaven, for not having brought accidents to such a desirable issue. Mrs. Gideon's head began to incline a little to h%r left hand, which was opened to support it; her breast was heaving against her right hand ; her eyes were rolling in an interesting lack-lustre ; and her face, with the exception of the nose, was pale. These were symptoms of hysterics. She seemed about to fall from her seat, and Gideon once thought of helping 102 her to her wish, by removing the chair from under her, but when he thought over the matter twice, the idea was abandoned, for Nelly had been known to recover in a wondrously short time, from her fainting fits. On this occasion she contented her- self with bursting into tears. " Oh ! cruel brute, to be yoked to such a delicate little heart! Why did I leave the holy state of single life. I might now have been seated, eating gingerbread as I was when the wretch came with his proposals ! " Gideon gave a sigh, and thought that even Ormskirk gingerbread should not tempt him, were he free, to bear her company. Mrs. Chiselwig continued, — " Was not my shop the most frequented of any in the town ? Those who could not pay to eat the gingerbread, stood gazing upon it at the win- dow, and feasted their eyes; those who were my friends, were allowed to smell it; and those who ate it, thought that they would never die. Where was the true lover that did not regularly, when about to visit his sweetheart, buy a little of Nelly's cake, in order that he might have an agreeable and pleasant breath?" " And did not your own true love," interrupted Gideon in an appeal overflowing with tenderness, THE DEVIL'S WALL. 103 " pay your shop many of such periodical visits, and did he not, in the slyness of the feeling, pretend that he was about to visit such and such a damsel, and then, after swallowing a cake or two, delicately and timidly ask pardon for the liberty he was about to take, in wishing you to decide, by allowing him a salute on your own sweet lips, whether his breath was made agreeable enough ? Oh ! Nelly, have you altogether forgot those days ? " At this moment, when he was pursuing his re- miniscences, he came upon one which he passed over in silence. In " those days " to which he referred, he had his suspicions that Nelly's decision was not quite disinterested, for after one salute, and frequently two salutes, she was of opinion that Gideon's breath was not sufficiently flavoured to make it pleasant, and, of course, he was under the necessity of purchasing a few more cakes of gingerbread. Then, however, these suspicions were counterbalanced by others, which whispered, that instead of wishing him to spend his money, she was only anxious that he should spend his kisses. Woman is said to be fickle and change- able: but some hold that man, after marriage, changes his opinion much more than woman, ad- ducing as a proof, the existence of angels on earth in female form, to which every unmarried man swears a hundred times, but which no married man believes. 104 THE DEVIL'S WALL. Gideon, accordingly, was not exactly of the same opinion, in reference to Nelly's motive for the course of conduct described, and he recollected many a squint in the direction of his pocket, confirmatory of the change. This one reminiscence, we have said, Gideon omitted to suggest to Mrs. Chiselwig, and was about to wander over others which might tend to warm her towards him, when Jeremiah waved him to silence, and began, — " And, madam, you surely have not yet forgot how many times I entered the shop, and made some purchases ? " "No," sharply returned Mrs. Chiselwig, "twelve times, and out of these, five times you left the shop without leaving your money. One of my reasons for marrying the fool, your brother, was, that I might not •lose your account. But, Jeremiah, finish my gaiters, and you shall be quit for the interest due to me. So, Mr. Chiselwig, you thought that I would never use them, but I shall outlive you, and obtain another husband." Jeremiah moved uncomfortably on his seat, but re- solved in his own mind, that he would never be that husband. " Another husband ! " continued Nelly, after think- ing over her last words, " no, no. Why did I leave the virgin state ? — oh ! why — why ? " Gideon listened eagerly, expecting to hear her THE DEVIL'S WALL. 105 assign a reason, the "why," and the "wherefore," for when he asked himself the same question, he could invent no answer. " I was a fool — a fool," she concluded. Her spouse thought that the same answer would do for him likewise, and that marriage had coupled them in folly. Mrs. Chiselwig then left the room to retreat to bed, warning Gideon against making his appearance there before morning. The two brothers drew closer to each other, and, in a short time, our hero was " himself again," and spoke of undertaking an adventure with Satan that very night. And the first question to be settled was, what should Gideon's apparel be? Some phi- losophers, perhaps, will say, that in strict logical arrangement, this ought not to have been the first question, and that the time and place had prior claims upon their notice. But, let it be remembered, that the hero was a tailor. — Jeremiah was decidedly of opinion that Gideon should not take a coat. " The book," he argued, " gives directions that a circle be drawn round your person. Now, should the slightest movement on your part be made, the skirts of the coat might fly over the circle, and the enemy might seize them, and thus draw you from your strong hold of safety, and carry you away." 106 THE DEVIL'S WALL. It was, therefore agreed upon. nan. con. that Gideon should not take a coat. '• And as for the night cap/' resumed the same subtle reasoner, " since it is of a red colour, it may remind him of the hot place which he has left, and then setting him to shiver and tremble, mav ?ive vou, his opponent, some advantage." This, likewise, was carried unanimously. The next series of questions was concerning the place. The book had mentioned a wood, and luckily it occurred to the remembrance of Gideon, that there was a dark wood, at a short distance from Ormskirk. But then, all the trees were of fir, and it was dis- tinctly stated, that the challenger should stand behind a yew. Here seemed to be an insuperable objection. By agreement they divided themselves into two committees, to deliberate upon the matter ; and they placed themselves at opposite sides of the fire, and hid their faces in their hands, lest the other might know of their opinion. Once, indeed, they had started from their posture, as they imagined that they heard Nellv's foot on the staircase, but as she did not make her appearance, it was resumed : and certainly the expression of their countenance at that moment would not have discovered any opinion about the question in consideration. At length Gideon started from his seat. -..ii 102 "I have it ! 5? he exclaimed, rabbin: iis brow and scratching Ms head, * c y e s :_ inn Low aids die :iniisi:i :: ii iis: :v_ i in rzir, :iii -.is in: :n yew was a tyj - : n iii. He said that it was black, ni :: — : « inii: i: ni~ in in in :'„-~:l i. ni s: iii ini Tin ii m:ii — " x: : i. : : : i niciii] :n .- . : n n ni i. ni — "ir: :i:ii:i:isr. I f-f-11 isiiip :-ver in: in: •• Tim If snii." ::nii:ii iisn. •• in: if in vf is in miisn :: :n inii :: ii mi. s: the ivttiss. :m: i in rm_s: i n. 11:11 ~n mi: r.i~ :i msmm is 11 in:. in ;: 1:1 :: 7: in nin i^ :~ _ :n 1 ni: n:_ . irmm. ni in :~:is is. :ls::i:n. in 111 1:1 ni , In is nm 1 mriss in ■ in 1:11 : * "" "X:. 1." ~ .is in ?ns— ir. • :11m inn ::r irii. ni i "ni imi ni Sim m im 1: ::- iii.i, nils ii ii 1 ini, :; :n niii: n:i- n: r: ::s." Sni Giini iii n: iii in i: isi. ni sm: 11- comfortable thoughts were evidently clondiiig his brow, at least that part of it which the nightcap left uncovered. • v l: vii -Niiy ::m i:~n. ni iii in: i m :n she would leave me to cool aU night, on die wrong side of die door. But covered with glory, from iniin un:nnn:i ::ni si: ::sis: n: * — ni 108 THE DEVIL'S WALL. elated with tlie idea, lie looked a few inches taller, and braver by as many; strode with a martial air twice across the room, and then strode out. Jeremiah was not fond of adventures : and the truth was, that he had not asked where his brother was going for the cypress, lest he should have been answered by another question, " would he not accompany him ? " He himself confessed that he was rather of a sedentary disposition, and must, therefore, have declined to leave his chair. Meanwhile Gideon was threading his way to the churchyard, which was at a little distance. The priest, it seems, had said, that should any of his hearers have the curiosity to see a cypress, he would, when the service was over, shew them one. A few had remained behind : of whom, some not being Very excellent herbists, had expected to find winter apples there ; because, as they reasoned, the tree was an emblem of death, and the eating of an apple had brought death into the world. Gideon was not of this class. He was forced to remain behind, because Mrs. Chiselwig had strictly enjoined him never to be nearer her on then* way home, than a hundred yards ; so that he received the benefit of the priest's illustration, and knew exactly the situa- tion of the cypress. He entered the churchyard, found the spot, and then ascertained that he had THE DEVIL'S WALL. 109 forgot a digging spade. It was dim twilight, but the snow on the ground made objects, otherwise invisible, to be seen, and the tailor recognized a form approach- ing. He at once concluded that it was the enemy, and took his station, as directed, behind the cypress. He heard a deep groan, and then a shriek. Nothing terrified, Gideon called out, in a ferocious tone, " Come, James, come," when he received an answer, " Oh ! heaven, save my wits, and my body. Shall I come .? No, no ; and yet I cannot run. Some- thing holds me fast." Gideon was astonishe d. The enemy had, in his hear- ing, breathed a prayer; — not a pater-noster, indeed, but still a prayer. Soon, however, his astonishment gave way to his rage, that he would not come. " Fiend ! coward ! " Gideon cried out, when he in- stantly heard retreating steps. He pursued in the direction of the sounds, and came up to a form crouch- ing behind a tombstone ! The tailor was collared in a moment, and struck to the ground. " You are the fiend or ghost who terrified me. I took thee for. the spirit of the strange gentleman, over whose grave the cypress is planted. Ha ! take that, and that," and as he spoke he made a few presents to Gideon, which seemed very like blows. " Where are your confounded life-preservers now ? Are they upon you ? " and he struck the tailor's shins, who., 110 THE DEVIL'S WALL. looking up, beheld James Dennis, the sexton of Orms- kirk. We have hinted already that the members of these two useful professions, during the winter, were not very amicably disposed towards each other. After Gideon had got upon his legs, the sexton resumed, — " You have tried to rob me of my trade, and I have half a mind to make you atone for it, by putting you into a grave which I have just dug." u Not to night," interrupted Gideon. " I have a work before me, to be performed, and I shall not be buried happily till it be accomplished. Not to night, good sir, for I fight the devil ! " A fit of shivering came over his companion, who was very superstitious; and it is no comfortable word, that same devil, to be heard with an atmosphere of darkness, and in a churchyard. " Oh ! oh ! " groaned the sexton, " mention it not. The snow falls heavily, and I often fancy that such is the garb of light, which we are told he sometimes assumes." " Hast thou, friend," inquired Gideon, " seen the track of his steps here lately? Snow shews them rarely. Here they are — " " For goodness sake, do not mention the subject," interrupted the sexton, as he trembled anew. The tailor, however, explained all his warlike intentions to him : stated for what he had come to the church- vard : { THE DEVIL'S WALL. Ill yard : and finally, received the assistance of the grave spade, to uproot the sickly cypress. He left the spot, bearing it on his shoulders, and the hero of the Ene'id did not stalk with a prouder air, as he raised the heavenly shield which his goddess-mother had induced Vulcan to forge for him, than did Gideon Chiselwig, tailor, in Ormskirk. The snow continued to fall heavily, and the wind drifted it about in fury, when, a little before midnight, the two tailors (for Jeremiah, from fear of Mrs. Chiselwig's wrath, had thought it best to accompany his brother) were moving in the direction of the RoughWood, situated at a short distance from the town. The priest, it will be recollected, had termed the cypress black; but it had now changed colours, and was white enough. Gideon's nightcap was still red, for, at his request, Jeremiah took it from the head repeatedly, and dashed the snow from it, lest it should lose any of its power, to call up some rather unpleasant sensations in the mind of Satan. Many were the misfortunes which befel them on the way ; now wandering from their course, and now stumbling into a deep wreath of snow. " Gideon's courage, however, was not to dissolve thereby, and wearied as he was, by carrying the cypress, and dragging Jeremiah, he still persevered, and at length reached the entrance of the wood. 112 THE DEVIL'S WALL. They passed on to a convenient station, Jeremiah starting when large flakes of snow fell upon his face, from the trees. "No more, no more," said Gideon, making a halt near to some overgrown firs, and his voice sounded so hollow, even to himself, that he almost began to be frightened. " Here is the scene of the horrible en- chantment ; Jeremiah, brush my nightcap, whilst I elevate the cypress on that huge branch." " Aye, aye, brother, raise it high. The book said that he would appear at the top ; do not allow him to come too near, for I never relished sulphur much." When all things were in readiness, the nightcap adjusted, and the cypress fixed, the brave knight of the needle, in a firm voice, cried out, — e< Come, James, come ! " A flash of lightning gleamed over their heads, and a voice, by no means musical, though merrily attuned, amidst hollow laughter, said, — "Here, Gideon, here." As soon as a circle of safe diameter had been described by their fingers, they looked up. There Jeremiah was fated to behold eyes of a much deeper red than his own, peering down ; moreover with a less mournful expression. He fell, but had the good sense to fall within the magic circle, and there he groaned. Gideon was thus left alone to THE DEVIL'S WALL. 113 brave the infernal terrors ; and whatsoever some may say respecting Beelzebub, certainly on this occasion, he did not appear the handsome and well-favoured gentleman, equipped in boots, shining so beautifully, that everything is reflected, except his hoofs, — and perfumed with spices and ointments, to suppress the strong effluvial sulphur of his person. Nor was he the noble fiend of Milton, shorn of his glory, as the sun in a partial eclipse : for we presume that his devilship has the right of proving the simile false at the hour of midnight. Accordingly, horrible sights were Gideon's, and they were ever varying. Now the enemy assumed some strange mixture of forms, — rolling heads, con- torted legs, and swinging tail : but before a concep- tion could be formed in the tailor's mind of what they were, he was altogether changed. Light, darkness, and smoke, were around him. The cypress leaves rustled to the movement of his hoofs. Saucer eyes, in the edo-es of which there lurked such a malicious o wink and twinkle ; a mouth, occasionally, when it could be seen, as wide and black as the pit whence he came, in which hung a tongue, bright and lurid with a serpent's poison, breathing out thence visibly a blue air ; naked limbs, around which a green light flickered, shewing neither skin, muscle, nor bone, but an indescribable substance : large black hoofs, hanging from small ancles; all these parts changed, K 114 THE DEVIL'S WALX. and poor Gideon stared, perfectly bewildered at the proportions of his opponent. He soon, however, re- gained his wonted composure, and broke the silence, — •*" Nay, enemy of man, think not thus to confound me, with your childish tricks. Be a man, Nicholas, and not a fool." In a moment around the circle which had been made, a blue name flashed. The devil danced on the outside, with the cypress for his stilts. His face was concealed, and he now wore the garb of a scrivener, with paper and pens stuck in his belt. He leapt to the ground, and there he stood, of small stature, but twisting and pliable. '* Gideon Cliiselwicr " said the learned clerk, " vou brave earth-clod. I am an antiquarian in my small way, and should be glad of your autograph on this parchment. In my desk at home, I have the names of great warriors, statesmen, and poets, but am yet denied the honour of that of a tailor. Mine is a rare and a valuable museum. Friend, be so kind as to write me ' Gideon Chiselwig ' here, in this corner. Now," — and he unfolded a long roll, and held it out to Gideon. " Nay, nay, your hands are stiff and cold, with the blowing of this storm ; i>. r me a shake, and I'll warm them. Tush ! Gideon a coward ? Then write me your initial-." " I came not here." solemnly returned the tailor, " to sport, but to fight with you. Prepare for combat, ■or write on the parchment, a coward/' 115 * What ! fight without a challenge ? Here are the articles ; write your name, and then I must gird my- self for battle. Come, the night is cold — cold — and I shiver." *'•' That will be a change, friend, I guess," inter- rupted Jeremiah, who now venturing to raise his head, saw nothing formidable in the enemy, li I warrant thee, that some of your associates are not shivering at present. I suppose that during summer, there is not much rain in your country, and during winter not much frost or snow." Xo reply was made to the polite address of Jere- miah, but the clerk had already placed the pen in the hand of Gideon. " Where is the ink ? " " In your veins ; prick them with a needle, or be a coward. Blood is the challenge to deadly combat." w Do all other inks freeze in your country?" again inquired Jeremiah, and again he received no answer. Gideon did as he was directed, and wrote his name on the parchment. He observed that the blood dried as soon as it fell from the pen, and became indelible. " Pool ! fool ! " exclaimed the fiend, with a loud shriek of joy^ u thou art for ever lost. This is a con- tract that you will be my servant in hell. Two con- ditions are granted to you ; or, rather, two deeds to 116 THE DEVIL'S WALL. which you may command me. Next night we meet again, and when morning comes, you are mine. Live a pleasant day to morrow. Ask two things, and here I have pledged to grant them, or you are free. The parchment may not be wiped, and cannot be torn ! " This was spoken in a tone so fiendish and exulting, that Gideon's heart failed him. He now knew that he was altogether in the power of the enemy, with only one day to live ; and then a horrible departure from this world ; and in the next world such a re- volting service in which he was to be employed. He bent down on his knees, and clasping his hands in extreme agony and terror, looked imploringly upon the fiend, and cried out — " Oh ! spare me ! I can be of no use to you." " More," was the reply, " than you are to any one on earth. Ah! Gideon, you'll make a good member of society there." " Nay, nay," returned Gideon, " I may lie in a hot and black corner of the pit, like an old woman by the fire, who cannot move about. I shall do nothing but retch, and cry for water. I could not go on any errand of yours — could not whisper mischief in any person's ear. You might torment me, but I should be utterly unable to serve you. Oh ! spare me ! " Spare him," began Jeremiah with averted face. THE DEVIL'S WALL. 117 " Had he been a ruffian, he would have been of essential service in any vacant situation. But, sir, and I speak with great respect, Gideon would be the laziest footman in your employ. He could not travel from your place to Ormskirk in less than a life-time. And then he would have forgot your messages, and lost your letters, unless they were put in his nightcap, and that, you know well, could not hold as many as you require. Gideon Chiselwig an imp of darkness ! why a little infant could cheat him of an apple ! Perhaps he would then be fonder of a snow ball. Ah ! he is too simple to be a man, and how could he be a devil I " The fiend laughed, and pointing to the name on the parchment, written with blood, bade Gideon recollect that he was his property, by contract and consent. " Oh ! " once more ejaculated Gideon, " spare me ! What ! must I leave — " " Xelly, you mean 1 Fear not. I shall bring her to you in good time. The separation cannot be long." " Oh ! " resumed the tailor, " must I die, — have my brains dashed out against the wall, as your victims generally are treated ? " " No, no, Gideon, they shall even then be covered with your nightcap — " " To leave my profession, to — " "No, no," was the reply, "you shall then make 118 THE my pantaloons of many colours. My "wages are but I dare not quote from that Book. — You under- stand me, Gideon. You need not shriek : spate your lungs, as they will have exercise enough, and yet they will not require sewing and mending. They must last as long as your service, and that is for ever. I shall never dismiss you for bad conduct, Gideon. Eternity is the term of the engagement between us. Oh! eternity!" — and here all the farce and panto- mime vanished, as his form changed into one of lofty power, and his voice thrilled with eloquence from the remembrance, and the still more intense anticipation of endless woe. " Oh ! Eternity, how vast thou art. No shore, a boundless sea ! No bank, nor yet a little island, on which the lost can alight, and, for a moment, quit the gulf, and shake off their pain. The scroll of fate is placed in the hand, written with woe : long and long may it unfold itself, but the last roll never comes. Oh ! Eternity ! thou hast no resting place for the bright foot of Hope: — yes," and here Satan assumed the same appearance as before, " Gideon, our engagement expires only with eternity : you shall board with me, and have enough of food — not much ale or water, however, but a great supply of fuel, and that gratis. But before I depart, name two requests which you may wish me to fulfil. Would you enjoy power or beauty ? They shall be THE DEVIL'S WALL. 119 granted, and the poor tailor may sit on a throne, or at the side of a beautiful empress. Amidst all, think of the coming night, when your appetite is about to pall, and how will it be whetted ! — Name two requests." Jeremiah started up, so sudden was the advent of the idea in his mind, and no longer miserable, think- ing that Gideon would now successfully puzzle Satan, He whispered into his brother's ear, ' i Ask for the re- formation of Nelly ! " " Well then," said the tailor addressing the enemy, " the first condition is, that you thoroughly reform niy wife : make her to love me ; to give me due allow- ance of food, fuel, sleep, and all necessaries, and not to beat me. She may comb my head, but must not scratch it. She may kiss, but not bite me. The vinegar must be taken from her temper, and honey put in. The poker must only be used for the coals : in short, you have undertaken an impossibility. You may have made her what she is— but you cannot unmake her." " Ah ! master Nicholas," chuckled Jeremiah, who was vain of having suggested the above condition, " give it up, and confess that you are an easy simple- ton for once. A devil make an angel of a woman ! Ridiculous, quite ridiculous, Nick. You may pare her nails, but you cannot keep her from scratching. Say no more, give it up and depart, and carry a globe 120 THE DEVIL'S WALL. of snow on your shoulders, to your abode, to cool some of 3^0 ur friends." Lightning flashed over Jeremiah's head as he finished speaking, and effectually withered up his wit, as well as his courage. A long silence ensued, broken by the fiend at last, as he said — " The condition shall be fulfilled. Your person shall be sacred to your wife, no more to come in con- tact with poker or fist, nails or teeth. She shall supply your grinders with every thing but her own fingers. As for sleep, you have not much time for that, before I come to claim you as my slave. And as for fuel, Nelly will seat you close by the grate, and you may take warm coals in your hand like boiled potatoes : and do not feel the least anxiety about fuel hereafter, you shall have great abundance then. Nay, nay, Gideon, your wife's temper shall likewise be reformed. Oh ! you are a man of dis- crimination, and have perceived that it is no easy task which you have assigned me. — Now name your other condition." Gideon then trembled, lest the first condition should be fulfilled, and thought over some impossibility which he should ask the devil to perform, as the ful- filment of the second condition. u Then build me a wall, with stone and mortar, an hour before daybreak to morrow." « THE DEVIL'S WALL. 121 " Provided there be a thaw." "No provisions/' boldly replied Gideon, — "no provisions. And lest there should be a thaw occa- sioned by crowds passing, it must not be built in a thoroughfare, but in a field at some distance from Ormskirk. It must be four hundred yards in length, and five feet in height, and all finished in an hour." " Why, Nick," interrupted Jeremiah, whose cou- rage flowed as well as ebbed, " you will take an hour to bring the sand from the sand-hills. Besides, no honest man will lend you his horse and cart." No answer was returned, and the enemy walked around the circle once or twice, and then stood full in front of Gideon, while the parchment, with his name, burned brighter, and more bright. But the flame did not conceal the blood by which it had been written, and the form of a heart, weltering amidst the flame, turning in agony, and guarded by the name. " The conditions," Satan exclaimed, ■ shall be per-* formed, and as soon as the wall is built, I shall escort you to your future home. Let this parchment float, till then, before you, in your waking moments and in your dreams. Accustom your mind to the thought of thunder, lightning, sounds of an earthquake, the hissing of fiends, the rolling of a deep unfathomable gulf, and the clutch of this little, little loving hand," and he switched out a horrible paw, scorched, but 122 the devil's wall. • not burned; for every joint and muscle moved with inconceivable ease and speed. " Do not think, poor wretch, that you shall see me then as merry as I have been at present, nor will you be merry when limb from limb is torn and mangled ? Dream of it, — it must come to pass. A few hours, Gideon, and I meet you : till then, adieu," and the fiend vanished. A long track of blue light, and dark forms hovering near it, marked the course of his flight over the wood. As we have been long enough in the cold and bitter storm, and as all fire and brimstone have dis- appeared, we do not choose to walk side by side with the two tailors, on their way back, amidst the drifting of the snow, which, by this time, had fallen so heavily, that the way was completely blocked up. We prefer to enter the residence of the parson, and, seated opposite to his rosy countenance, note a few observations as to what was passing there. In a parenthesis, we have already described the worthy man as fat and oily. Indeed, he was singularly con- sistent, for whilst he preached good living to others, he did not neglect to practice it himself, though, perhaps, he had a private interpretation of the word, and Understood it in a different sense. He told his hearers that they would, in the end, feel the advan- tages resulting from it: and certainly, after fifty years practice, he looked very comfortable himself. THE devil's wall. 123 This regimen had endowed him with size and colour, flesh and paint. He had been called a light of the church ; only, we presume, because his face, in shape, resembled the moon, though scarcely so pale. Yet, withall, Dr. Mauncel was mild and benevolent, and one of his best properties was, that he had a beautiful daughter, who had just reached her nineteenth winter. Many a sigh had been unconsciously breathed as Mary leant upon her father's arm, on their way to church : and as she knelt in prayer, many a look had been directed towards her, and lovers envied the vicar for the many caresses he must receive from such a fair being, and thought what a sanctuary her pre- sence would make of the very humblest home. The little arch creature knew this, and flung back her ringlets, that her face might be seen, and then con- trived to make it so demure and grave, that one might have imagined that a ray of happy, but feverish love, had never brightened over it. When she smiled, it was always so friendly, that a deeper senti- ment, it was thought, could not lurk beneath it ; and she would extend her hand so frankly, that no one could venture upon retaining and kissing it, — it felt so sisterly. And yet, the sweet rogue was in love with her cousin William, then residing at the Vicarage ; and when the good doctor was paying his addresses either to his meals or his sermon, the young pair were 124 THE DEVIL'S WALL. toying with each, other's hands, and his reverence had once been startled from his reveries, by a very loud kiss. We have, strangely enough, omitted to mention that it was Christmas night on which ail the transac- tions we have recorded of the tailors, took place ; so that lights were still seen in the vicarage, and a goose, with others of the same genus, was standing on the table very peaceably, if we except the smoke of their anger, which was ascending, and, as the vicar facetiously remarked, much more comfortable where they were, than without, in the fury of the storm. " Is all in readiness ? Now, nephew, you can fence and carve, bisect and dissect ; but when you reach my age, you will only be able to devour, decant, or digest. Stay; Mary, bring Eehoboam and Jeroboam, with all their tribes. Rehoboam was the son of Solomon, and there is no reason why a wise man should not be fond of him. Come, haste, Mary, else I shall send William to bring you." " Nay, nay, uncle," said the youth, " to avoid delay, I will go at once, and chide her so, that she must despatch. Now, — dear Mary," and the happy couple ran out of the room together. " Sly rogues," chuckled the old man, who saw how matters stood. Mary, it seems, had been refractory, for it was not the devil's Wall. 125 until a considerable length of time had elapsed, that she appeared, carrying a few glasses, whilst her cousin bore two large bottles, Rehoboam and Jeroboam. " Ah ! ah ! " cried the vicar. " Fie, fie, whence come these blushes, Mary ? Let both of you ap- proach; now kneel; and God bless you, my dear children ! Nephew William, take her hand as a Christmas present from her father ; you have already obtained her heart from herself." " Dear, dear uncle," exclaimed the delighted youth, as he clasped his relative's knees with his hands. " Nay, nay," the parson interrupted, " put your arms around that blushing neck. I have long watched you. When you read for the old man, William, she sat beside you, gazing upon the same book, and when your locks and cheeks were together, your voice be- came agitated, and then she looked innocently into your face. You always preferred a large folio, and she slipped her little hand in one side, beneath it, and then you put yours through, to meet hers ; and for hours, the happy father has been delighted with your loves. Ah! one other remembrance comes upon me. In our evening walk I was strolling be- hind you, when a beautiful child left his sister's hand, and ran to you, Mary, and climbing up, kissed you once and again. I was near enough to hear William say, i now, cousin, give me one likewise.' 126 Ah. ! rogues, rogues/ 5 and lie took them both in his arms, and hu^ed them together, when a knocking was heard at the gate. The vicar started, but the lorers were so happy in each other, that they had not even heard the noise. *■' Some poor traveller seeking shelter from the storm. How the storm blows without. Hark to that awful howl," and the good man arose from the table. He heard the servant open the door, and instantly a form bounced into the room, all drifted and covered with snow. A single shake served to discover Mrs. Gideon Chiseiwig. (i Oh ! doctor,"' she exclaimed, in a tone altogether foreign to her usual voice, (i what a dream I have been visited with. The devil has appeared to me, and shewed my dear husband's name, affixed to a contract, that he shall be a slave in hell, from to-morrow night, henceforth, and for ever. M He is then to come and take him from me. Oh ! I have shamefully treated Gideon, and now I love him so much, that I could die for him. ' Twas but this evening, that I struck him with these heavy hands. Oh ! doctor, what can I do ? Is there no hope I " Dr. Mauncel was altogether astonished and con- founded. The woman now before him had the repute of a termagent ; and yet she spoke so affectionately, and bitterly upbraided herself, for her former cruel the devil's wall, 127 treatment of her husband. Nor did she appear at all under the influence of strong drink. (i Good woman/' he at length inquired, " where is your husband I ™ ••' He hat gone and sold himself to the devil, for my conduct towards him. I have made earth miserable, and he would rather live in hell, than dwell with me any longer. Oh ! how I could now love him ! My heart is changed, but it is too late ! Yes, yes, it is too late ! " and she wrung her hands in wild agony, tore hair, and shed more tears than Jeremiah could have done. ■• Mrs. Chkelwig," returned the vicar, " you have, indeed, been anything but a dutiful and affectionate wife to your spouse, but now begin a thorough refor- mation. It is only a dream of evil with which you have been visited, and Gideon shall, doubtless, be spared to you for many a long year yet/*' "It cannot be! Although the storm rages, he is not in the house ; he has gone and sold himself for my shameful conduct. In the afternoon I forbade him to go to bed, until I should have arisen ; nay, more, I planted these nails in Li; face and head, as a tender good night for a dear husband. Ah ! wretch that I am, and yet, he patiently submitted, took the hand which had struck him, so affectionately, and was making gaiters for the feet which had kicked him." 128 u Ah ! Mrs. Chiselwig, you were a sad wife," chimed in the parson. " "What tempted you/' asked Mary Manncel, " to be cruel to Gideon ? He was always so kind and at- tentive to you." Her cousin William approached, and whispered something which was inaudible to all others, save Mary herself. She smiled so prettily, and with such an affectation of malice, as she tossed her head, and said, u Try me, you are free at present, but have given me the chain. I ' 11 rule you, and beat you into the sober obedience of a husband. You have told me frequently that you were my slave : I shall shortly prove it." " Dear Mary, go on, go on, and tell me what a good little wife you will make." Nelly once more appealed to the vicar, with great earnestness. " Oh ! sir, have you not a charm to be obtained from all those books, from all your sermons, from all your robes, by which you can break the con- tract with the devil. Laugh not ; he appeared to me, in such a form, and uttering such words, that to my dying day I dare not rehearse them. To-morrow night he comes to claim Gideon ! Your profession is to tame and conquer the enemy. Oh ! now exert that power ! " THE devil's wall. 129. " To-morrow night ; well then, go home, and I will come at noon, and see what is to be done. Good woman, you have (innocently I grant) spoiled my supper, for who can eat with the smell of brim- stone. I declare that that goose now appears to me to have hoofs, instead of claws. Mary, give Mrs. Chiselwig a compliment from Rehoboam, to cheer her on her way home, through the storm. You' 11 find Gideon, I hope, there before you, and prove that all your fears have been the baby thoughts of a horrid dream. May you long live for each other, — and, Nelly, you will shew, by your future course of conduct, I trust, that you are willing to atone for all the domestic misery which you confess to have brought upon honest Gideon. Nay, drink it oif, Mrs. Chiselwig; it is warmer than snow, eh?" Nelly, after many thanks to the vicar, emptied the glass, and once more braved the storm. The walls of the houses were now completely drifted, and not a footstep had left its trace on the snow-covered streets. What a lonely feeling is over the soul, when nothing is heard but the deep gust of the wind, driving the storm before, around, and against us, and when all objects are being wrapped in winter's white raiment. For us, in youth, there never was a greater luxury, than to wander over the dreary mountain and vale, with the snow pelting on L 130 our face, as it was turned upwards, when not a glimpse of the sky could meet it ; and then, after having become thoroughly exhausted, to enter some natural cave, or sheepfold, on the waste, and there seated, gaze around upon bush, bank, and hill, cottages, and woods, all thatched with white : and even yet, by night, has the old man taken his staff, and tottered to the hall door, to stand without the threshold, devoutly uncovering his head, white as winter's after December has smoothed it, and looked up, while the snow fell, sweet and grateful as the kisses of his only child, upon his dim eyes, and feverish forehead, — and as he entered the room, has forbidden Jane to wipe away the flakes, for he wished them gently to weep themselves to death, on his face, in all their virgin sorrow. Rain, we love thee not, even in thy spring showers, and must canopy our head to protect it from thy salutations : but Snow, we uncover it for thy kisses, so pure and soothing. How beautiful art thou, when the mes- senger of death ; and a holier and a whiter bed dost thou afford the poor traveller, than could be smoothed and softened by the hand of his young and beloved wife, in his own happy abode, where, true as her love in difficulty and trial, burns the signal of her expecta- tions, through the small lattice, during the long night, and often trimmed in vain ! How gently is he hushed THE DEVIL'S WALL. 131 to sleep, amidst the wreathes of thy purity, unconsci- ous of the blast. Not a limb aches, and heaven, like- wise, bids thee be thy lover's shroud and tomb ! Had Mrs. Chiselwig, however, been disposed to apostrophize the snow, it would have been in very different language ; and, perhaps, the good woman had reason, as she arrived, almost blinded and sense- less, at the door, where stood two figures, whom she instantly recognized as Gideon and Jeremiah. " Dear, dear husband ! " she exclaimed in raptures, and flung her arms fondly around his neck, for the first time since marriage, and then she sobbed. Gideon had started back instinctively, when he be- held the arms' raised, but now he was convinced of Nelly's affection, and joined her sobbing. It may be superfluous to add, that Jeremiah's sympathetic sluices were not closed on this occasion, and that they threatened to deluge his person. " Oh ! Gideon, you shudder in my embrace." " Aye, aye, I am a lost man, yet now, I feel so happy in your love, dear Nelly. But I am very, very cold." The door was opened, and after entering the house, Nelly was informed of the exploit in the Rough Wood. She upbraided not, she only kissed her husband, wept, and looked heart-broken. Gideon conjured her not to be changed in temper for one day at least, and still to treat him harshly. IS2 THE DEVIL'S WALL. " I could not/' was the affecting reply, " though, such conduct were to save your life. Oh ! I feel ashamed of myself. You must, if you wish me to be happy hereafter, give me as many scratches, kicks, and angry words, as I have ever given you. Promise me, Gideon." Gideon did promise, and as the first-fruits of the vow, kissed her. They retired not to rest, for, as the husband piteously remarked — " Dear wife, I cannot, and I should not sleep. I must gaze upon you as long as I am permitted. I must speak with you as long as my language is of earth. I must embrace you as long as I am not called upon to embrace clods, dust, and worms. Ha ! " he cried in a frantic voice, " not that ! not that ! I am denied burial, and must go, body and soul, to the dark pit ! I shall be mangled, and Jeremiah will not be allowed to sew me together, into a decent corpse. Oh ! oh ! " At length, punctual to his appointment, the vicar came, attended by his nephew. What was the aston- ishment of the worthy man, when he learned that Gideon had fulfilled verbatim his wife's dream, and actually sold himself, for better, for worse, to the devil ! He gravely shook his head, and the motion was also communicated to his paunch, as he remarked — " I am afraid that the present is a case far beyond any poor skilL I once, indeed, had the honour of THE devil's wall. 133 casting out a devil, but he was a blue devil, and I put his victim into a room by himself, for a month, and removed a large bottle, after which the man was never tormented with him again. But this — " " And you a doctor of the church," interrupted Jeremiah — " humph! — with a black coat, professing that you are able and inclined to fight the devil in his own colours. Now, if you could fight a blue devil, in a black coat, would you not have a greater chance of success in fighting a black devil ? Had I as many prayers, homihes, and sermons, Dr. Mauncel, I would instantly take and pull him by the nose, very much to the lengthening of his proboscis. Oh ! doctor, accompany us to the place of the awful meeting, and I will carry the Book as your weapon ! " "Yes, yes," added Mrs. Cliiselwig with great earnestness and simplicity, "and I will carry — what was the name, sir? — Yes, E-ehoboam. I'll carry Rehoboam for you." " He is a dear child, and I could scarcely trust him out of my own hands." But we cannot detail the conversation, many epi- sodes of which were long prayers, and spiritual maxims, calculated to do anything or everything, save to overturn and reverse the horrid destiny of Gideon — the doomed of Satan. None gave consola- tion, until the parson's nephew suggested that it was 134 THE devil's wall. quite possible, indeed extremely probable, that the devil would find the building of the wall a task, by no means easy ; and that, for his part, he would be most willing to take his uncle's post, and accompany pow? Gideon to the place of rendezvous, and see the wall to be, in mason's terms, sufficient and proper, before the Devil could claim a hair of the tailor's head. Still, this was not altogether satisfactory, for the first condition, and that which appeared the most difficult, had been strictly fulfilled. As the clock struck every hour, Gideon seemed to hear the fiend exclaim, " prepare." His heart vi- brated so much, that had it been skilfully placed in the mechanism, it would have regularly and accu- rately moved the pendulum. He counted every shade darkening on the sky, until night came on; and melancholy, if not poetical, was his farewell to the glorious sun. He was not altogether ignorant of figure and trope, to eke out his pathos, as will be seen. " There thou art, about to disappear for ever from these delighted eyes, with thy beautiful chariot ! That dark cloud is thy coachman, with a pink-coloured vest. He is now mounting, and in a moment will be ready to drive thee into the ocean, and wet thy gar- ments, making them truly uncomfortable for thy tailor, whoever he be, to repair. He has lighted his THE devil's wall. 135 pipe of tobacco, [and puffs out the smoke to keep away the sea sickness. His drab great coat is now over him, and he is exclaiming, ( 'all's right, all's right.' 'Tis false, charioteer, all's wrong, wrong. Farewell, thou orb of day. I go, where time is not measured by day — the tailor; and clad by night — his journeyman. Yet just one other peep ; yes, here is thy ray upon my hand. Oh! Nelly, hast thou a, glove to put over my hand, and thus confine the light for ever to be my hope. Farewell ! To-morrow thou again appearest, but not for me. Perchance, as thou arisest over the finished wall, thou mayest ob- serve my head as the cope stone. At morn, how anxiously have I removed the nightcap from my eye to behold thy charms, O sun ! How beautifully dost thou gleam into the soup, and kindly reveal all the peas and beans which slily he at the bottom of the dish. How fondly hast thou loved my needle, and even danced, with thy hundred feet, upon the point ! Farewell ! " and he closed the window and wept. The speech may contain a little of the ludicrous ; not so the feelings. In vain did Nelly, who had been a little consoled by the remarks of the parson's nephew, and who had, therefore, been able to attend to cookery, set before him food the most savoury, to tempt his appetite, with what one of the signs ele- gantly terms " the real-original-genuine-best Ormskirk 136 THE devil's wall. gingerbread." As her hands spread them on the table, Gideon's sorrow was renewed, for the thought struck him, that they would move before him no more. It was no easy matter for the good man to be resigned to the loss of his wife, just when she had become so agreeable and affectionate. Soon Mary Mauncel entered, leaning on the arm of her cousin. She had tried all her arts to dissaude him from the expedition, and had even threatened never to speak to him again. And yet, out of pure love and care for him, and of her own accord, she had come along with him to Gideon's house. And never had she spoken so much and so tenderly, as she did now, cautioning William, for her sake, not to be rash. Jeremiah shewed them to seats, and because there was a scarcity of chairs, mounted the table himself. Gideon had watched the motion. " Ah ! Jeremiah, I have sat there for the last time. Orders shall be sent, good broad cloth shall be spread out, but no Gideon shall be there to cut, sew, and mend." " Reverse the picture," added his brother, " and change the scene. A horrible pit, at the bottom of which — " " Nay, Jeremiah ; do not make me to anticipate, it. Young gentleman, how are your nerves braced for the work ? Give me your hand." the devil's wall. 137 At that moment, however, the lover felt his hand touched, and detained gently by Mary, so he held out the sinister one to the tailor. " Ready, quite ready, Gideon. I shall return with you safe again. Fear not ; you shall not lose Mrs. Chiselwig, nor," he added in a whisper to his beau- tiful companion, " shall I lose Mary Mauncel." " Is the night calm ? " meekly inquired Nelly, who had some thoughts of accompanying her husband. " Beautiful and clear," was the reply. " The snow is glistening in the moon's rays, and not a breath of wind awakes it." " Beautiful it is," added Mary, in a low voice to William, " but for ghosts, devils, and your folly. How much happier should we have been together, in the garden." Jeremiah's very acute ear had distinguished these words. "Ah! my young lady, the open field, where we are to meet the enemy, is much more ro- mantic than a garden ; and you must be happier there, as the shelter is better. The devil had fled without a place of meeting being definitely assigned, but I had courage enough to recall him, and then we agreed upon a spot of ground to the right of Aughton Moss, and in the direction of Cleives Hills. Garden ? No, no, for were I concealed behind a bush, even in the presence of your father, the enemy might ask him 138 the devil's wall. to bestow the little bird that was in such a bush, and his reverence, not knowing, might comply, and I should then be caged. All must be open and ex- posed." " No more," exclaimed Gideon in agony, after he had returned from the door, where, for the last minute he had been gazing upon the moon, "no more must I see thy light, after a few short hours. Ha ! and the candle too. But let me try how I can do without it," and he immediately extinguished it. " Horrible darkness ; and then I must for ever put on and take off my clothes, and shave and wash my- self with liquid fire, and eat without a light; yes, eat brimstone and tempest, without having a candle to shew the mouth. Hush, hush, I hear some fiend eating. His lips smack." Gideon was not wrong in one part of his conjec- tures, for Mary's lover, taking advantage of the light being extinguished, was attempting to console and pacify her by whispers and kisses. The clock now struck the hour of eleven, and Nelly lighted the candle, to prepare the last supper for her husband. Not a word was spoken. Every countenance was fixed upon the miserable pair. Every little noise startled them, and then again they were immovable, as gloomy pictures. The candle flame turned blue. The chimney looked darker and darker. Shadows THE DEVIL'S "WALL. 139 flitted upon the wall, in formidable guise. At length the parson's nephew proposed that Miss Mauncel, rather than return to her father, should keep poor Nelly company in their absence. " Come, Gideon, come ; it is the hour." "What terror these words inspired in all, save the speaker, who laughed at superstition, and even at the devil ! The tailor's limbs trembled, — he looked up, and then hid his face in his hands. Jeremiah brought a long cloak, to wrap his brother from the cold. All things were adjusted, as for a criminal on the drop. He was at the door. Nelly gave a shriek ; — her husband heard it not. She embraced and hugged him, — he was passive in her arms. " Oh! — he is dead already ! " she exclaimed, "he is, — yes ! " But they observed, by the rolling of his eyes, that although his reason might have fled, his spirit was still in its tabernacle. Jeremiah shook him, but Gideon responded not. He was dragged forth, as the hour had already passed, and yet, no farewell was uttered by him. Nelly's farewell was a loud, a long, a piercing shriek, as he was moved over the threshold, and then a longer fainting fit. The snow crisped beneath their feet, a slight breeze passed over their heads, and these were the only sounds heard. The hour of twelve was striking in the town, as they reached the spot assigned. 140 THE DEVIL'S WALL. Gideon now seemed to awake from his insensibility. He attempted to speak, but words and utterance altogether failed him. The magic circle was drawn around, and he looked up to summon the enemy of mankind to fulfil his engagements, when a violent fit of shuddering seized his limbs, and something not less gentle passed over his soul. The stars above were fiery, and gleaming with malignant aspect and influence over a mortal's fate, and around them was a dull haze, which was interpreted into a shroud, Not that the tailor Was an astrologer, in faith or practice : but there are moments and circumstances when the orbs of heaven appear as the types of earth's history, — as the eyes of fate turned upon in- dividuals, likewise, with their revelations. He then gazed around. Not a tree or fence stood near, for a covert ; but a desert heath, still more desolate in its appearance from its snowy covering. The ground, with its winter's carpet, was prevented from echoing to footsteps : and the air seemed, too, as if it were bound up from the vibrations of sound, — for over all was a dead silence. William Mauncel was the first who spoke. ' ( Gideon, thou tremblest ; I will take thy duty. Give me the charm by which thou renderest the devil obedient to thy call. Eh ? does he stand upon ceremony ? My good uncle assures us that he frequently pays us a THE DEVIL'S WALL. 141 visit when he is not invited, and that he makes him- self such a pleasant fellow, that we are loth to give him a hint that it is not agreeable for the time to have his company, much less to shew him to the door. Ah ! ah ! Gideon, you were too polite, you gave him your card, with name and residence, last night. That will make him troublesome. He is a punctual -keeper of his appointments. Now, pray, give me the signal. Nay, then," as Gideon's voice could not be heard, " Jeremiah will oblige me." The substance of the directions was repeated from -the old book, where they had, at first, stimulated the tailor's courage, to make him more than a mortal hero. William laughed at the affectionate terms in which he was to invite the enemy ; and began, in as low and gentle a tone, to say, u Come, James, come," as he had ever employed when he had tapped at the window of his uncle's study, where his beautiful cousin was, whispering, " come, Mary, come," in order that she should trip out and enjoy a moonlight scene, seated along with him in the arbour. Still the devil was not pleased most graciously to appear, and William laughed and shouted in full merriment. He, indeed, believed in the devil's journeyings to and fro, over the earth, and in his exertions and plans to ob- tain victims by false and almost involuntary contracts ; but then he was not frightened, for as he firmly 142 THE DEVIL'S WALL. believed that human skill, stratagem, and valour might baffle him. "Where was the necessity, he reasoned, of mistaking his black majesty for a gentle- man in black ; of using blood instead of ink ; of re- ceiving elate stones instead of golden coins ? He also held as a part of his superstitious creed, the ex- istence of certain old ladies, on whose chins the Lan- cashire rains have fallen with such a fructifying in- fluence, as to beard them " like the pard ;" with hands dark and sickly, from the deadly drugs which they mix over the light of the cauldron, in their cave, and with decrepid and corrupted forms, as if they were spirits of another world, and had come to the charnel house, and there clothed themselves in a body which had begun to be the prey of worms ; and with souls, whose every idea was familiar with the dark fates in store for earth, and rejoiced in those which were to blast the happy, and destroy the beautiful. But then, he as firmly held that their spells might be made to fall impotent upon man. He laughed at them, and was prepared to scratch them, in their only vulnerable part, — above the breath. In travelling, he cared not though he should have the company of a ghost, provided it only spoke, and recounted some horrible deed, as the avenger of which it walked the earth, — for he hated silence. At home, he would have shook the devil very frankly and the devil's wall. 143 cordially by the hand, had he ever paid him a visit, and he would have smoked a pipe, or drunk a cup of tea (had tea then been known) with any witch, in her own abode. Thus William Mauncel was exceedingly merry in prospect of beholding the devil, whom he imagined that he could so easily thwart. In a loud voice, he again exclaimed, <( come, James, come," and instantly a little man, with the tools of a mason-builder, stood opposite to Gideon. " Gideon Chiselwig, give me the dimensions of the wall which I have contracted to build. You know that it is now an hour from my day break, and I must finish it, and then claim you. You know me ? — or shall I disclose my features ? and assume some of my former tones, and thus convince you that I am — the devil ? " Gideon trembled still more, and feebly ejaculated, " No, no. I believe in very deed [that thou art my enemy, and, I beseech thee, give me no further proof." " Until," was the return, " your very existence and employment, as well as habitation, shall prove it." " And that shall never be," interrupted the vicar's nephew. " Shew thyself to us, belch fire and smoke, if you do not wish to pass for an unskilful conjuror." " That would do him good," remarked Jeremiah." a good and powerful vomit would be of essential service. Whenever I have compelled my food to 144 THE devil's wall. march too quickly down into my stomach, I am not well until it has made a hasty retreat back again to head quarters. It is exactly the same when too much goes at once. Now, I suppose that you have rather more of fire and smoke than you could wish. In fact, your throat is said to be worse than a chimney. "Would it not, therefore, be prudent to vomit a little?" " To be sure it would," answered young Mauncel, trying to restrain his laughter, "yet, Jeremiah, he has enough of brimstone to physic him." The earth instantly shook; beneath and around them, they heard the elements as if contending in the bowels of the earth ; fire blazing, rivers dash- ing and rolling, and thunder reverberating. Jere- miah fell down, but very quietly, and lay with his face close to the ground, if we except his hands, which, somehow or other, intervened be- tween the snow and his watery countenance. Gideon groaned and shrieked alternately; and their companion, now, was startled into silence and paleness, so awful were the signs of the devil's presence and power. A low, but deep voice, now came from the mason, as he approached to the circle. "Give me your directions, Gideon, as to the place where I shall commence to raise the wall, the devil's wall. 145 and they shall be obeyed. For a time I am your servant, and am content to be so, for through eternity I shall be your master : men value every thing by time — devils value every thing by eternity. And who would not be a servant for such hire ? — an hour's labour, — and as a compensation for it, a soul to tor^- ment through all eternity! Come, haste, give me the dimensions of the wall. Eh? have I not re- formed Nelly ? " Gideon tremulously answered, that he had given the dimensions last night. "True, true," was the reply, "you did. Gaze, and soon you shall behold the wall arising, and as the last stone is placed, be ready to meet your fate ; yet," he soliloquized, as he moved round the circle, " what have I, in which to carry the sand for the mortar ! I can tear up stones, but I cannot dig for sand, and what can I procure to convey it from the sand hills ! Oh ! I see it." Jeremiah's apron had been more valorous than its master, and boldly, though very unwisely, had ven- tured to lie down without the circle, and, in a moment, was seized upon by Satan, who disappeared with his spoil to a little distance. Then commenced the tear- ing up of the stones; and so speedily was this part of the engagement finished, that Jeremiah remarked, with much warmth in his approbation, " that the M 146 the devil's wall. devil would make an excellent quarryman, and that he must have been employed in digging and building his own pit." All the fiends of hell seemed to be let loose, so loud was the noise, and so wide and deep the shaking. "Whenever the stones were heaved up too large, lightning leapt upon them, and they were broken into smaller sizes. But what was still more surprising, a deep smoke arose, and every object, for a short space, was imperceptible, until it was rolled away by a vivid flash of fire, furious as a tempest. The ground was no more covered with snow, and Jeremiah found himself squatted on the mud. The enemy could not be seen, but all the stones were placed ready for the builder. " He is gone over the moss," exclaimed Gideon, " to the sand hills. Ha ! dost thou not, Jeremiah, perceive those wings of fire fluttering in the distance, away towards the sea ? And soon he will return to finish his undertaking. I have no hopes." " Would that his hoofs sunk in the moss," ejaculated his brother, " for many a better fellow than he, has met with his fate there. Oh, brother, sustain your spirits, and your body likewise." There was great propriety in the latter admonition of Jeremiah, for Gideon's body seemed a little off the perpendicular ; and accordingly he was assisted in removing himself to a tree, which the sudden thawing THE DEVIL'S WALL. 147 of the snow had revealed, and there he was sta- tioned, leaning against its trunk, while the same pre- cautions for their safety were adopted as before. Minute after minute passed on, and still the enemy came not. The stones lay exactly in the same posi- tion. The doomed tailor could now listen, with a slight portion of faith and hope, to the conso- lation which young Mauncel gave ; when a slight rustling was heard in the branches of the tree, and something of a red colour was perceived. All strained their eyes, but nothing more of shape, colour, size, or essence, could be learned. " Ah ! " Jeremiah began, " he is fond of trees. How he coiled himself, as Dr. Mauncel observed, in the tree of knowledge of good and evil, pointing to the apples, and smacking his own lips ! But let him stay there at present, and hatch a blackbird's nest, if he be so inclined. Gideon, you are now safe." Scarcely had he finished these words, when a fiery cloud was seen coming from the direction of the sand hills, and soon Satan stood before his heap of sand, with a large trowel in his hand, ready to build the wall. But first he looked around, and descrying the altered station of the party, walked up to the circle, while his mouth belched forth fire and smoke. " Think not," he exclaimed in a horrible tone, " think not that you shall escape, although, by your 148 THE devil's wall. wiles, I have been detained ; and heavier shall be your punishment, for the trouble you have given me." " Do you sweat much ? " kindly inquired William Manned; " then stand a little to cool yourself. You have time enough to finish the wall. "Why have you returned so soon ? Pray, let us have a friendly chat." " Gideon Chiselwig," continued the fiend, without noticing the words by which he had been interrupted, " I tell thee that thy doom shall be much more severe. Rejoice at my momentary disappointment, as I detail it to you, and then think how much more I shall re- joice over the torments which it shall cause you, as my subject, for ever. I placed the first load of sand in your brother's apron, and flew away with it — (Gideon, you shall have wings too, in a little,) — but when passing the moss, the cursed string broke, — " " Honesty is the best policy, friend," cooly re- marked Jeremiah. " You are well served for a rogue. You stole away my apron, and you have re- ceived a just recompense. Learn, Nick, to be more honest for the future, at least on earth. You may escape the clutch of a magistrate, as you and his wor- ship seem to be on very intimate terms, but believe ine, that sooner or later, vice will be punished. You know the proverb, I presume, ' that those who begin the devil's wall. 149 with a pin, may end with an ox,' and I cannot ex- actly say, but that this apron stealing might have brought you into very serious danger. Let it be an example, Nicholas." " Rejoice at present," was the reply. " Mock me, Gideon, as well as your brother does, and listen. The strings of the apron broke, — " "Bad thread, bad thread, Gideon," again inter- rupted Jeremiah, " I told you so when it came. It must not be used for the collar of a coat." " The strings of the apron broke," patiently re- sumed the enemy, " and all the sand fell into the moss, and there it lies, a large heap and mountain. But, Gideon, beneath as heavy a mountain of my wrath you shall he, for ever and ever : " and he in- stantly departed to commence his work. Soon the wall arose a foot or two from the ground, and Gideon's fears once more attacked him. A loud laugh was raised, at intervals, by the infernal builder, and it seemed echoed by millions and millions of the lost spirits. He skipped upon the wall, and, revealing his awful proportions, gazed upon Gideon, with eyes of such fiendish malice and revenge, that even the reckless Mauncel shuddered, and covered his face to banish the sight. And now the wall was nearly finished, the earth was shaking all around, the hissing 150 THE DEVIL'S WALL. of serpents was heard, and strange forms were seen moving beside the enemy. ." Claim him ! claim him ! " shrieked forth innumer- able voices. The air seemed on fire, and dark masses were hastening through it, to the hellish scene. Deep gulfs were sounding and lashing their fury be- neath the ground ; and thunder seemed to bow the very poles of heaven, and make them totter. A long and wide circle of fiends was now made, danc- ing, and all pointing to Gideon with their black paws. "Hell claims him. Which part shall we seize? Yours, noble leader, is the head. Give me the hand, — how fondly I shall shake it. Give me the breast, —how fondly I shall lie upon it. Give me the arm, — how confidently he shall lean upon mine. Let me kiss him, — how he shall love my sweet lips. Let me wash his feet, — how gently shall the fire dry them. Let me perfume his body. Ha — ha — ha ! " Their leader now raised two stones in his hands, and thundered forth, with an awful voice — "Friends, these are the two last — and the wall is finished ! Wretch, who art called Gideon Chiselwig — dost thou behold them? the two last! the two last ! " and the whole infernal host raised a laugh of exultation, and poor Gideon fell to the ground. "Stay one little moment, Gideon," the THE DEVIL'S WALL. 151 enemy exclaimed, " and you shall be supported in these loving arms. Stay — " At that very moment a deep silence pervaded the place, and a loud crowing was raised by a cock, as it announced the devil's day break, who must, there- fore, depart, without being allowed to finish the wall. He^stamped in fury, and all his infernal agents, dis- appointed of their prey, shrieked, and fled away. Jeremiah and young Mauncel comprehended the cause, and they shouted in joy, and taunted the fiend, until they beheld him approaching. In his hands he bore a large stone: — but his eyes glared not upon them, nor yet on the prostrate Gideon. They were fixed upon some object, which the branches of the tree seemed to conceal. Jeremiah, as he regained courage, addressed him, — "So, Nicholas — dost thou see an apple which courts that hungry eye ? " There was no answer made, but a motion of the devil's arm heaved up the stone, and instantly a cock fell down dead at Jeremiah's feet, who, raising it, thus apostrophized it , — " And thou hast saved my brother's life, by losing thine own ! But, unless thou has contracted thyself to the enemy, he shall not get thee, provided he does not invite himself along with us to dinner some day soon. No, Nick, begone. A fortnight ago, that. 152 the devil's wall. church-yard clod, the sexton, told me that I was a brawny stripling, for I could mount my grandmother's cat with a stepping stone. Oh ! the fiend is gone ! "Well, poor bird, thou art a martyr, yet I shall com- mit thy sacred remains to my stomach, begging your young reverence's pardon, in hopes of a safe and cer- tain resurrection." They succeeded in raising Gideon from the ground, and when he was sufficiently recovered to listen to his escape, and the death of his preserver, the sad- ness of the latter news did not much take away from the joy of the former ; and he was altogether cured of his mania for supernatural achievements. And here, as the devil left his work unfinished, we leave ours ; with the exception of satisfying a few longings, which the antiquary, the lover, and the un- fortunate husband of a termagant wife, may feel. The first may yet see the heap of sand which the breaking of the devil's apron strings deposited in the moss. It is now called "Shirley Hill;" and thus observation confirms tradition, for how could a moun- tain of sand be native to a moss ? He indeed cannot be gratified with a sight of the apron ; for Jeremiah on the following day, escorted it home, and subse- quently, exhibited it so often to the good folks of Ormskirk, that the strings again broke, one dark night as he was making his way through a lane ; 153 and he had his suspicions that the hands of some old maid, and not the thread were culpable. The Devil's Wall still stands, but the acute Jere- miah had observed that the infernal builder, could not, with any portion of justice, have claimed Gideon, because the conditions of the contract, were not ful- filled, as the wall had only been built with sand. The large stone, some thirty years ago, could be seen firmly clasped between the boughs of the tree, where the cock fell — a martyr to his love of truth. And now, fair reader, what is the question which you wish to ask the old man ? Ah ! concerning William and Mary Mauncel ! A few weeks after the adventure, the worthy Doctor joined their hands, and as much happiness as thy own beautiful and romantic fancy can imagine in future for thyself, fell to their lot. On the occasion, Rehoboam and Jeroboam, with all their tribes, did not fail to appear : — and for their loyalty towards the fortunes of the family, they received marked attentions from the Reverend head ; whose lips, in an appropriate manner, confessed an at- tachment, by no means slight. Jeremiah, in the course of the nuptial evening, stepped in, to cry over the happiness of the young wedded pair, and, with his accustomed propriety, wished that the bands of love might never be broken, like his apron strings ; however fortunate the last circumstance had, most 154 THE devil's wall. undoubtedly been. Years passed on, and sweet laugh- ing voices came upon the ear of the old vicar, as he sat in his study ; and rushing in, a band of beautiful grand-children began, in innocent mischief, to sport at his knees. The unhappy husband is informed, that Gideon and Nelly Chiselwig, were happy in each other : and that their only weapons of attack and defence were sweet words, and fond caresses. Some represent the devil as having horns : if so, he must have taken them from the head of Gideon Chiselwig. THE PROPHETESS AND THE REBEL. u Nay, Katharine, let us not return from all this quiet, to the noise of the town, until, like a young widow who veils her face from the past, and the relations of her dead husband, to go forth to other scenes, there once more to unveil it, — twilight wraps up the beauties of this vale, and then gives gentle and holy echoes to the streets. The town is pleasant then ; but now — a little further on, and we shall seat us by the Hermit's "Well. On its calm surface the first and brightest star of night will glimmer beneath our feet. Heed not my laughing sister." " My brother," gaily answered the companion of the lady, whom the speaker addressed, and whose arm was within his, " is pleased to be poetical. But cannot you prevent that same widow of yours, Mrs. Twilight, from leaving this vale, and entering the town in search o£ a husband, by wedding her yourself? Perhaps you are engaged already? — Is he Katharine ? " 156 THE PROPHETESS " Keally, Alice, do you suppose that your brother would make me his confidant ? " " Would that Mrs. Twilight/' was the exclamation of the mischievions girl, " were here, to hide the blush on somebody's face ! Oh, look angry, hate James and his sister. He has scarcely succeeded in making you as sly a hypocrite as himself. My father sent him to Cambridge, to devote himself to Mother Alma, but he soon found another saint, who cared not for books and themes. The diligent student, whose letters home spoke of nothing but long vigils, and faint tapers burning through the night, was in love ! He had met with a beautiful lady of gentle blood, and high birth, whom I have seen, Katharine," and she looked archly up at her companion. " He thought of nothing but love, and of no one but her, and yet he counterfeited so well, that when he re- turned to us, he was pale in appearance, and retired in habits." " Alice," replied her brother, laughing, "you are a rare vixen, and will never be reformed, until love has caught you. You, indeed, pay but a poor com- pliment to the imagination and heart of a student, to suppose that he cannot be a lover. Ponderous tomes will crush every feeling but love. Mathematics will measure and bound, with their cold laws, every feel- ing but love. Amidst all his researches, the image AND THE REBEL. 157 of one appears before him, bright and beautiful, even by the faint light of his lamp. She is of earth, but holy ; and the more that learning and genius throw their rays upon his mind, — that being the mirror in which she is reflected, — the "purer and softer does she become. But, Alice, you frequently cautioned me not to be a hard student." " And," added Katharine, " did not your brother gain many of the highest prizes ? " " He has gained one, Katharine, has he not ? " and the mischievous girl smiled significantly to her companion, who blushed with a deeper tinge than before, and seemed still more embarassed. " You mean the beautiful gold medal, Alice ? " in- quired her brother, anxious to smooth over the hint. ce Ah ! do I ? " returned his sister with a playful sneer. " But I have a tale to unfold concerning it, I often observed you walking in the garden, looking anxiously upon something suspended from your neck, and when I came up, you quickly placed it again next to your breast. Katharine, are you listening ? Well, one day I surprized you ; you affirmed that it was the gold medal — I denied that it was. It was a miniature likeness of one of my friends," and she fondly placed her arm around her companion, who drew the necklace closer to her bosom, lest, per- chance, some miniature misrht be discovered there also. 158 THE PROPHETESS They wandered on, and they beheld the beauties of the setting sun, only on each other's counte- nances. They became more thoughtful, but not less happy. The two lovers, — for such was the rela- tionship between James Dawson, and Katharine Norton, — frequently exchanged kind looks, which the playful Alice did not fail to remark. James and Alice were the only children of a wealthy physician in Manchester. Their mother had died early, and this circumstance made them cling closer to each other. Dr. Dawson was harsh to them : he had been disap- pointed in the marriage-portion of his wife ; and he bade a very cold adieu to his son, as he left for Cambridge, and chided Alice for crying and teazing herself many days after. Yet, at times, affection arose in his breast towards them, for they were the exact image of her, who had once been enshrined in his love, until avarice hoarded up other treasures. Be- sides, he knew that he could not, with justice, con- demn his son as a mere bookworm, for James ex- celled in every athletic and graceful accomplishment : and he could not, on the other hand, taunt him as only a gamester and a fencer, for he had carried off the highest literary and scholastic honours. His en- dowments, both physical and mental, had frequently drawn forth the admiration of his father, but it soon subsided into indifference and neglect. Alice, occa- AND THE REBEL. 159 sionally, as she sung the lays which her mother had taught her, and romped about his chair, in all her beauty and innocence, could warm her father's heart, so that he pronounced a blessing upon her destiny. But often, all her smiles and fond arts to please him were disregarded : she could not relax, by all her at- tentions, the sternness of his countenance. A tear would then start into her deep blue eye, and she would retire to call up the remembrance of her sainted mother. Katharine Norton was an orphan, and her parents had been of illustrious rank. She had travelled with a maiden aunt, and, as they were residing for a few weeks in the vicinity of Cambridge, she had met with young Dawson, and thus commenced an ardent attachment between them. And well might her ap- pearance have inspired even a stoic with the most thrilling love. Smooth, and fair as light was hei finely-formed brow, — changing its expression as i dark ringlet fell upon it, — or was thrown back. He] eyes seemed to be souls in themselves, endued with the faculty of thinking and feeling ; their brilliancy their colour, and their form, were as if they had beer. given by the emotion which then ruled her mind. The features were stamped with a wild and noble beauty. Nor was her form inferior to her counte- nance : majestic, yet playful ; like a vision with all the movements of music. She was now spending the 160 THE PROPHETESS summer in Manchester, where Dawson had introduced to her his sister, and they were seldom out of each other's presence. They walked together, and James frequently joined them. The shadows of twilight were now mixing with the fading light of the western sky, and the hush of early eve was whispering silence in the vale where they were wandering. At length they reached the angle ; on rounding which, at a short distance, was the Hermit's Well, not famed for any medicinal properties, but for the pure water, which was said to have re- freshed an old man (who, in olden times, haunted the adjacent hills,) every morning, as soon as he had left his hard couch to journey along with the sun. On a stone beside it, there sat a young female, dressed in the rustic simplicity of a foreign country. Her age seemed only that of a child. Yet there was a feverish rolling of the eye, a changing tremor of the lips, and a gentle throbbing of the breast, which speak the mystery of a hidden sorrow, or of a superior na- ture. Not a blush of colour tinged the pure pallor of her face — like a statue dedicated to thought, in the midst of fragrance and light. Her hands were play- ing with flowers, carelessly, — for her thoughts, it was evident, were on a less tranquil subject, — and although they were, at intervals, raised to her face, yet it as- sumed a still sadder expression. AND THE REBEL. 161 She was singing to herself in a low and melancholy strain, almost modulated to the still hush of the vale : and the notes seemed not so much to be proceeding from her voice, as her soul. Once or twice she started up, held her hands towards the west, and then placed them on her brow. Then she dipped them in the well, and with the pure water bathed her eyes. As soon, however, as young Dawson and his fair com- panions had approached within a few yards, her eyes quickly moved in the direction of the spot where they stood, and she became silent in her song. " Ah, brother," cried the laughing Alice, evidently not conscious of the merry tone in which she spoke, for her heart had quickly sympathized with the youthful sadness, of which she had now, unexpectedly, been a Avitness ; — "is this your young and interesting Mrs. Twilight ? What a beautiful creature ! She seems to enjoy all the luxury of grief, and her heart refuses to lose a tear of its sorrow. That brow might have been kissed by the last breath of many a brother, sister, and playmate : — so pale, calm and holy." " She is not of our country," added Katharine Norton. " Her dress, as well as her air, is foreign. How simply are those raven tresses braided ! " " Katharine," said her lover, " dost thou believe in young spirits, who are said to haunt solitary places ? Here, you might almost imagine, that we have jsr 162 THE PftOFHETESS intruded upon one of them. How beautiful and thought- ful that girlish face is ! Now she looks towards us. Let us draw near, and entreat her to sing to us, while the stars are taking their places in the sky." The object of their curiosity and admiration arose meekly, as they stood before her, and allowed the hand of Katharine to be laid on her head. " A blessing on you, fair strangers ! It is night, — and do you wander abroad ? It is night, for the dew is .upon me. Ah ! that hand now laid on my head is gentle and soothing, as that which so often presses it in my sleepless dreams, throughout the long night ; Ah ! it speaks not to me : No face appears with smile, Its light I could not see, And trace the gentle wile, But bathed in perfume from the far-off land, Upon my head comes, — lies, a holy hand," and she raised her face to the sky so earnestly. " But, my pretty child," inquired Katharine, " why do you gaze upwards ? Does that hand, which visits you so oft, in dreams, appear then, at this hour, from out one of those changing clouds ? " (i Do I ! " the child exclaimed in intense emotion, indicated by her livelier tones and brightened face, — f.\ do I, indeed, gaze upon the wide, the beautiful sky ? Yes, it breathes upon my forehead ! Feel it ! " AND THE REBEL. 1^3 They were bewildered at the strangeness of her words and movements. She took Katharine's hand, and held it to her brow, and then resumed, — " Now take it away. You would not deprive me of that sweet, sweet influence. Oh ! they tell me how glorious the sky is. I cannot see, I cannot think of it, I cannot even dream of it. I know all the flowers of earth by their touch and fragrance. I know, fair ladies, that you are beautiful, but the sky is far, far above me. I hear its sounds, but its face is veiled from me. "Will the time never come, when mine eyes shall open to a star, a bright-tinged cloud, a fair* expanse of love, to canopy and bound our dream ? Must the mean reptile be permitted to see them, although it prefers to crawl amidst dust ancj clods, — and shall not I ? " " God pities the blind, fair child," kindly returned Dawson. <( Have you seen God ? " (i No ; he cannot be seen by us, now." " Then I am happy," she replied. " Oh ! what a curse it would have been on me, when all others could see the perfection of love, wisdom, and power, — (for the flowers of earth, the sounds of heaven, tell me that God must be that perfect being,) — I, I alone was bhnd. Yes, I shall see yet. The little infant, for days awakes not its eyelids to behold the mother, in 164 THE PROPHETESS whose bosom it is so fondly nursed, and the rich stream by which its pouting lips are fed ; but soon they are opened to meet hers, beaming love upon every movement. I never knew that infant's joy. Oh ! how I longed, in the midst of soft whispers, to become acquainted with her who called me child. But I am nature's child, and when this short life is ended, these eyes will be opened, and nature, my mother, shall be seen by me. These sightless orbs ! Oh ! I know not what it is to see, even in dreams. Dreams only hush me with sound, fragrance, and touch of love, in a dark cradle, but never remove the covering, that I might gaze upon the universe around. My little brother, far away in other lands, was my in- separable companion, until he went to the tomb. He led me to the river, and pointed my hand to the flickering light on its ripple, and then bade me look in that direction. He made me touch the sunbeam, resting and sporting alternately upon the bank, and then asked if I did not see it. He placed me beneath the moon, and bade me feel if I could not perceive its rays. He rowed me over the still, placid lake, and then he would rest on his oars, and point my finger to the stars, which, he said, were embosomed there ; and oh ! what secret sounds thrilled through my silent soul. But I never saw one object ! He bathed his beautiful face, and flung back his soft AND THE REBEL. 165 silken hair j and bade me gaze on a brother ; — and I could not ! " Overpowered with the strength of her feelings, she sat down. Still, she covered not her face with her hands, but looked earnestly up, as if it were a sin to gaze away from the sky, which she longed so much to greet. Katharine and her companion kissed the young child, while Dawson kindly asked, — " From what land do you come ? You speak our language, but your appearance and feelings betoken you a native of a more genial sun. Why do you wander here ? " " Wander ! Is not life altogether a wandering ? I have no friends but flowers, and our home is the wide earth. I ever find them the same, wherever I am, and, therefore, I think that I am the same ; neither changed in place nor time. My brother left me alone. Oh ! was it not cruel to commit the beautiful boy to the tomb ? And yet, they told me that his name and age were marked in white, innocent letters upon his coffin ! Oh ! could the worms dare to crawl upon, or even touch with their pollution i Henrico Fortice, aged twelve years.' Was it not kind to mention his name and age ? " The two ladies took her hands in theirs, and kindly pressed them. They gazed upon her large bright eyes, and almost, for the moment, doubted that no 166 THE PROPHETESS light had ever entered them, until tears had come trickling down her cheeks. They took a seat beside her, on the mossy stone. She spoke not, and her hand returned not their touch. They knew not how to console her. To their questions concerning her past life, her friends, and native country, she had given no definite answer : not because she seemed unwilling to detail all the facts, but because she seemed never to have known them herself; a creature of mere feelings, and thoughts, with no faculty for earth. Her existence had, evidently, been but a dream, beautiful, though troubled : and she had, hitherto, passed through it, like a bird, through every land, feeling the sunshine of the laughing sky, breathing the fragrance of wood and vale, at morn and eve, and echoing a part in the universal chorus, but knowing no more ; careless of all things but flight and happiness. She raised the hands of the two young ladies to her lips, and turning paler and paler, at length dropped them, and shrunk back with a low and half suppressed shriek of horror. " Disappointment, a broken heart, and death ! Yes, such a lot will be yours ; and so beautiful ! Ask me not, but I know: — these hands, they tear from my soul the sybil leaves of awful prophecy, which fate has given me, and my voice must scatter them forth to you. Would that I knew not the dark characters ! *# AND THE REBEL. 167 — that my mind was as blind to your future destiny as these shrouded orbs ! " " Hold ! " exclaimed young Dawson, as he seized Katharine's hand, which the blind prophetess had, once more, taken. "Hold! — speak not another word of thy frightful thoughts. Nay, touch not her hand. Katharine, could you feel disappointment should nothing be spared to us but love ? Can your heart be broken when love encircles it? Death,— name it not ! " " Here, here is the cause. You ruin each other. Love and death are linked together. But, sir, be peaceable and loyal in the midst of rebellion, and happiness may yet be yours." A faint smile passed over Dawson's face, which had before been clouded; and with an attempt at gaiety, he returned, — " And am I not in the garb of peace ? My cap has not the nodding plume of war, but the quiet and simple flower of the valley. What two beautiful shields I have secured for myself in danger/ my own Katharine, and sister Alice." "Beware," repeated the prophetess, "of war. Change not the flower for the cockade ; and let none be your shields but those whom you now protect." No longer did she seem the soft and mournful I 168 THE PROPHETESS child, who had longed so earnestly for the power of vision. She was altogether changed. " Follow me not. Detain me not. I shall weep for you all. Farewell, until we meet again/ 5 and she instantly withdrew, and darkness hid her steps. Two months have elapsed since the above interview and conversation took place, and the scene is now laid in Manchester. No more is the soft peace in- spired by evening walks, in lonely and secluded vales, to be breathed over the characters of our Legend. A rebellion, fostered by no dark intrigues, but by ro- mantic daring, had arisen, and the youthful heir of the unfortunate house of Stuart had returned from exile, and appeared to claim his own, in the country which dethroned his ancestors for their imbecility, wickedness, and tyranny. Prince Charles Edward had been educated at the court of France ; but unlike her, whom, in person, he was said so much to re- semble — Mary of Scotland, — his manners were un- tainted with the loose and dissolute habits prevalent there. Although surrounded with pleasure, revelry, and giddy pomp, his thoughts were of England and its crown ; and these tended to preserve him from the en- ervating influence of French dissipation. G allantry was only the occasional amusement, and not the sole pur- suit of his life. Nature had given him an exterior AND THE REBEL. 169 on which no lady could frown, or be disposed to deny her favours ; but he frequently withdrew from the attractive company, where many of the proudest and fairest daughters of the land were fluttering around him, with attentions for the prince alone ; and in private, sighed over the ruin of the name he bore, and of the royal family, of which he was the sole representative. But buoyed up with the false accounts which he had received from those in this country, with whom he communicated, assuring him that so numerous and de- voted would be his followers, should he again appear at the head of them, to plead his cause by arms, he was induced to leave France, and towards the end of summer 1745, landed in the Hebrides; in a few days raised his standard in Invernesshire ; assembled a number of followers at Fort William, and pro- ceeded to Edinburgh, which opened to his claims. In the beginning of November he marched to Carlisle, where the ceremony of proclaiming his father king, and himself regent, was foolishly performed, and where the delay thus occasioned, seemed to paralyze the courage of his highland troops, and by carousing, to divide them into factions. Towards the end of the same month his troops, now amounting to six thousand men, entered Lan- cashire, and passing by way of Preston and Wigan, took up their quarters in Manchester, where they 170 THE PROPHETESS hoped to secure provisions and ammunition, by free levies from the inhabitants, as well as to recruit their numbers by English soldiers. The twenty-ninth day of November was bright, and a slight breeze had not only prevented the heavy fog peculiar to the season, but had likewise cleared away the smoke which lay dense and dull upon the town; when, early in the afternoon, towards the suburbs, masses of people were drawn together, ex- pecting the arrival of the Pretender and his army. There were the mob, prepared to espouse the cause of any who should tickle their hands with a coin, or by sweet words, gain their sweet voices. But amongst them were many of noble rank, who had sympathized with the hardships of the present aspirant to the throne of his fathers ; and whom his romantic expedition had fired with visions of military glory and renown, and high titles and long lists. They impatiently spurred their horses to a short distance from the crowd, to obtain a better view, and then re- turned disappointed. Fair ladies were leaning on the arms of their lovers, forbidding them to share in the dangers of the enterprize, and in the crime of treason, but resolving, themselves, to get a sight of the handsome Chevalier, and praise his person. A silent hush was over all ; nothing was heard, save low and gentle whispers from the fair, who began to AND THE REBEL. 171 doubt whether he would really appear, when the notes of distant music were borne on their ears, and the steady tramp of troops was, soon after, distinguish- able. The crowd rushed up to an eminence on the skirts of the highway, and beheld the banner floating over the rebel soldiery, and the gleam of broadswords flashing in the sun. A sergeant rode forth from the ranks, and furiously spurred his steed to the town, when loud shouts, arising from the people and the inhabitants, assuring him of the ready reception which his master should find, induced him, after waving his plumed bonnet in return, to halt, until the troops came up, which they speedily did, and, in haste, ad- vanced. At their head, surrounded by a band of hardy mountaineers with their left hand upon the dirk, rode the prince, with no traces of fatigue on his countenance ; and looking as well, after his short sojourn in the Highlands, as ever he did when he was the pride of the French court, where he was fed by its luxuries. He was in conversation with the Duke of Athol, who was beside him. There was an interesting melancholy upon the otherwise gay expression of his countenance, which suited well with the fallen fortunes of his family. He was of slight and graceful form, and, but for the noble enthusiasm beaming in his full blue eye, and the firmness and decision compressing his thin lips, he 172 THE PROPHETESS might have been mistaken for one who was better qualified to do honour to the gaieties of a court, in the song and the dance, than the bloody field of strife. His dress served to display, to advantage, the beautiful proportions of his frame. His locks, of a light auburn hue, fell in ringlets beneath the blue bonnet, mounted with a white rose in front ; and the snowy whiteness of his almost feminine neck was but partially concealed by a plaid passing loosely over his breastplate, and held fast by a blue-coloured sash. His finely-polished limbs moving in all the elastic play and nerve of youth, and in perfect ease, were attired in the Highland kilt ; and so small and beauti- fully formed was his foot, that no lady would have re- fused her fair hand as a stirrup to the young Cheva- lier. His dress was indeed plain for one who was now to strive for the crown of Great Britain, but none could gaze upon the kingly form which it enveloped, without almost wishing that soon he might be in- vested with the purple robe of rule and empire. His companion, the Duke of Athol, with whom he seemed frequently to converse as a familiar friend, was tall and muscular. Broad and commanding was -his forehead, seen occasionally as he raised his bonnet, when the prince mildly gave forth his orders. Long dark whiskers added to the sternness and fierceness of his countenance, and large over-hanging eyebrows AND THE REBEL. 173 only seemed to arch in the fiery keenness of his rest- less glance, and concentrate it still more deadly. " Athol," said the prince, as he beheld the crowd becoming pale and horror-struck at the broadswords of his Highland troops, " sheath your weapons." " Where ? " asked the fiery duke. " Where, my prince ? In their cowardly carcasses, and thus let out their base and craven souls ? The English say that those of our nation are cold and heartless. They should know that the mountain breezes carry on their wings, fire to the soul. Well, if we are cold, we are keen ; aye, as these our good and true weapons, which they have, at times, tried, if I mistake not." " They belie you, and that they know full well. My Scottish troops — gaze upon them — are furious: a word will fire them, and a thousand will fail to ex- tinguish the flame. Nay," he added gently but firmly, "sheath your swords in their scabbards, — in their scabbards. The inhabitants are loyal." The last words, accompanied as they were by the sudden sinking of the swords into their scabbards, called forth a long and loud shout from the gazing multitude, though they perceived that at the sound of the bagpipe, the soldiers often placed their, hands upon the hilt of their swords, as if they could, with difficulty, refrain from drawing them. The streets were all lined with spectators, the most of whom 174 / THE PROPHETESS seemed to have forgotten their loyalty to the reigning sovereign. The Chevalier dismounted from his steed, and marched on foot. Many a fair dame threw pity- ing looks upon his form, and, struck with admiration, silently implored a blessing, and full success upon his romantic endeavours ; and as the hand played merrily, " the King shall have his own again," they chorused and encored it, with fond eyes, and waving handker- chiefs. He gallantly bowed to them as he passed on ; and thus sent many a beautiful creature home, to dream of him, and when she awoke, in the intervals, to wet her pillow with tears, and pray for his safety. Roses were thrown upon him, from some of the terraces ; he stooped to pick them up, but they were faded, for they were summer flowers, and had been gathered under the setting sun, many months before, and he sighed as he thought of his own fortunes. But this did not prevent him from kissing his hand in return, to those who had showered them down, and they, of course, thought that they were much sweeter roses themselves ; and perhaps they were. The crowd enthusiastically cheered him all the way. " Athol, will they be as ready to give me assistance by money, as they are to proffer their cheers ?" asked the prince. " We give our blood/'^feplied the duke. " We place our heads as your stepping stones to the throne, AND THE REBEL. 175 which is your rightful seat ; and shall not Englishmen give their money ? Appoint a few of the brave men under my command, as beggars, and trust me, that swords and dirks in their hands, will levy something considerable. Steel can find its way through coffers, and, without much ceremony, enter pockets. Can it not ? " and the chieftain smiled darkly. " A freebooter still, Athol, although you have left your native glen and castle. When shall I be able to make thee a courtier ? " " When I shall assist to make thee a king. Nay, noble prince, frown not upon thy humble and trusty subject. I am a little chafed. Nevertheless, is it not my duty to assist in making thee a king ? " " Thou hast, indeed, a true heart," answered the Chevalier, " though thy manners are not exactly so faultless, and may, with much advantage, be reformed and amended. Nay, frown not in turn. Montrose, are we yet within sight of our palace ? " The marquess, thus addressed, stepped forward, and having paid his marks of reverence, replied, — " Yes, noble prince. The hundred of our troops, who arrived yesterday in Manchester are now sur- rounding it, waiting for your presence." It was exactly as he said. In Market-street they stood around the house *. N V THE PROPHETESS ^ $ dead ! Alice could not utter a tone of lamentation; v^ ^& She longed to weep, that her heart might be eased of ^ v £ her sorrow, but she could not. How still were the V Njofty features of her father ! In his fall, not a single JJ ^ white hair had been disarranged, and his golden- S jOl headed cane was firmly grasped in his hand. What 4 \^a melancholy sight. A dead old man, and yet a cane ^ > to support his steps, as if he could expect that he •j x should once more rise, and need its assistance ! V ^ Alice gently disengaged it from his grasp, and put ? her own hand in its place, and thus, for hours, sat \j\^ beside her dead father. * ^ Katharine Norton, like a sister attempted to com- J ' N fort her, but her terms of consolation frequently as- v ? v* sumed something of her own heart's sorrow, as she p^\£ thought of James. Yet she was too high-minded "V > and heroic to condemn, even in her grief, the step \^ £ which he had taken. A ^ Meanwhile the Pretender's army was again march- £ ^ ing through the streets, and in front of it, was the 329 again. It has been seconded and carried by a major- ity of affirmatives in parliament with this amendment, of being burnt by the hands of the common hangman, instead of being vomited forth' by the cannon," " See," whispered the knight to the miller. " Par- liament does its duty nobly, by purging itself from that mass of pollution. I attempted to do my duty when the king wrote it, and it nearly cost me my head. The crowned fool fumed like the smoke of that tobacco against which he blew " A Royal Blast." The church was crowded, and many were obliged to stand, for lack of better accommodation. A few soldiers from the castle took their place in the aisles, and during the reading of prayers, at every Amen pronounced by the clerk, and responded to by the-, congregation, they clashed their sheathed swords on the echoing pavement, and then laughed to each other. The parson arose to commence his discourse. His face had got a rueful longitude, which assisted him to read his text with becoming effect. " And there shall be rumours of wars." His divisions, theologically speaking, were striking and impressive. He mentioned, in regular succession, all the rumours which had been afloat ! " First, my brethren, when I was in the neigh- bourhood of Manchester, the skies had darkened, and 330 LANCASTER CASTLE. all was still around, when I heard a warlike drum. But greater woes were to succeed, — and I fled." He had proceeded through the divisions, and had come to the last. " Lastly, my brethren," — He was interrupted by a loud report of a cannon fired from the castle. All sprung to their feet. The soldiers rushed to the gate. " Lastly, my brethren, — there is the cannon bring*- ing rumours of wars." His voice was drowned by another and another awful peal rumbling over the church. " The enemy ! the enemy ! " was the general cry. Hans was borne irresistibly along with the crowd to the castle ; and from its ramparts they beheld a strong body of troops encamping at the distance of a few miles. The governor of the castle stood with his glass,, After gazing long and anxiously, he exclaimed, " Soldiers, haste, prepare for a siege. The enemy will be strait upon us. They are Oliver Cromwell's troops." " The cry was raised by the multitude, " Oliver Cromwell!" What terror seized even the bravest royalist at that plain name ! LANCASTER CASTLE. 331 The military cleared the court of the _ frightened citizens, and all the gates and avenues were strongly barricaded. The royal banner was unfurled amid the shouts of the inhabitants, who now resolved to xally. " We are safe for one day," exclaimed some. " Cromwell was never known to be such a ruffian as to commence an attack, much less a siege, on the Lord's day." The miller, along with the knight, as speedily as possible retreated to the extremity of the town, and proceeded homeward. Sir Robert Bradley's mansion was near the ro- mantic vale of Lonsdale. He was not a native of the county, but had retired there after a life spent at the court of James, when he observed that that sovereign's successor, although young and inexperienced, could not brook anything but honied words, and pleasant flattery, from his councillors ; and that to be faithful was to make him their enemy. Nursed by two lovely and affectionate daughters, he enjoyed a peaceful happiness he had never known amidst all the bustle, intrigue, and rivalry of his younger days. A few weeks ago, his nephew, who had joined the Parliamentary troops, without his consent, and against his expressed wish, had been captured in the field of battle, and the fate decreed by the king, was death. 6<>Z LANCASTER CASTLE. The old knight had cursed the youthful roundhead, but now, even more than his ancient fondness had returned for his brother's son, whom he had educated from a boy ; and an uncle's blessing was given to the memory of the dead, whilst he imprecated vengeance on the king. But there was one of the family to whom the tidings came a darker message, and a more bitter loss. Not only were the hopes, but the very existence of that one — dependant. Sweet Madeline Bradley, the knight's younger daughter, had been betrothed to her cousin from childhood. They had tripped the same path in the vale many a morn ; and as many an eve they had bent to unbuckle the old man's shoes, their loving hands touching each other, and their luxurious tresses falling together. And when Madeline grew up into beautiful womanhood, when love mingles with awe and worship, bashfulness and timidity only served to explain their intimacy better. When she heard of his death, she started not. Amidst the tears of her sister Sarah, and the grief of her father for him who had been the family's favourite, she wept not for him who had been her lover. She raved not. Sir Bobert thought that she bore it lightly, till one evening at sunset, about a week after the mournful news had been told her, he was seated in the arbour. He heard a light step ap- proaching, and then a low sweet voice, as if afraid to LANCASTER CASTLE. 333 be heard, making such a request, breathed its silvery accents. " Cousin, the night is so beautiful. Come, let us to the vale, if you would rather not be alone, Cousin." And when her father stepped forth, the truth came to her remembrance. Still she fainted not ; but she be- came deadly pale, and leaned for support against the young trees at the entrance. Alas ! her's was a broken heart, although unknown ; and the knight as he blessed her in fondness at every return of the hour of rest, might have read something in her deep blue eyes, raised so earnestly, that would have told him that she was not certain whether she could awake for him any more. With what regret she then parted from him ! She followed him to the door of his sleeping apart- ment, that a latest farewell might be allowed. But the good knight saw not the awful progress that death was making. The miller and the knight, on their way home, conversed about the arrival of the enemy. " My good friend," said Sir Robert, " trust me, that if the troops be headed by Cromwell, the Governor of Lancaster Castle may yield at discretion. What a deep, a burning enthusiasm, there is in that wonder- ful man, although he be turned on the wrong side of forty ! I cannot but believe that it is the fire of hea- ven." 384 LANCASTER CASTLE. " Verily," replied Hans Skippon, " it will soon destroy the temples of Baal. But here is the foot- path leading to my quiet cottage. God grant that the soldiers be not near it." They parted. The miller, on entering into the wide glen, started as he beheld the roundhead soldiers there encamped. They were engaged in religious services. A solemn hush, disturbed alone by the shrill notes of the curlew and the plover, as they arose from the long tufted grass, was over the band as they listened to the exhortations of one of their preachers, who stood on a mass of grey rock. Hans was inclined to join them in their sabbath employ- ments, but he dreaded lest he should be retained by them, and pressed into their lists, although he might have been free from all fears upon the latter point, as he would have been no acquisition to the disci- plined veterans of Cromwell. He, accordingly, avoided them by a circuitous rout, on the back of a neigh- bouring hill, and without hindrance or obstruction, at length reached his cottage. He paused at the door. He heard a stranger's voice. It was low and husky; — but, unaccountably, by its very tones, he was spell-bound, and compelled to listen. e< Maiden," were the words, " thy sorrows and thy history, are those of our mother country. I know that thou wert formed by God for happiness, and was LANCASTER CASTLE. 335 not England ? Now she is bowed in the dust, — but there is an outstretched rod for the oppressor, and an outstretched arm of deliverance for the oppressed. Both gleam from the clouds of her adversity, and soon, soon they reach those for whom they are des- tined ! Liberty cannot die while man has one heart- string. My maiden, cheer is for thee. Thy father lost his head, sayest thou ? Others may lose theirs also." Hans, after these words were uttered, turned the latch, and walked in. At the little window a soldier, not in the uniform of an ofhcer, but well accoutred, was sitting. He was gazing upon the vale without, and his dark grey eye glowed, as it moved restlessly on all the objects. The features were not finely formed : indeed, they might be called coarse, though not plain, for a wild power was expressed. From his broad and prominent forehead, the light red locks were put back. His countenance, one moment, was so calm and sanctified, that he might have been set down as a preacher of the gospel : but the next, it was so troubled and fiery, that he appeared a fierce and ambitious warrior. Although his eye seemed upon the full stretch of resolution and thought, his hand was placed softly upon the bending head of Mary Evelyn, whom he had, evidently, been attempting to console. Old Rachel was seated at a short distance from him, with /* A 336 LANCASTER CASTLE. a bible in her hand, but many a look was stolen from its pages to the countenance of the stranger. Her ears caught the sounds of her husband's footsteps. " Hans/' she exclaimed, " is all well, that you have left the church so soon ? You have only been gather- ing crumbs beneath the table, like a graceless dog. Woe, woe unto short sermons, and impatient hearers ! You have come home before the pudding is ready. What's the matter, Hans ? " But the miller neglected to answer the queries of his dame, being employed in obsequiously bowing to the stranger. " Friend, kneel not to me ; I am only thy fellow- servant. See that thou do it not. I am but Oliver Cromwell ! " As he pronounced the word but, there was a proud smile passed over his features, and he arose from his seat for a moment, in that air of command which was natural unto him. His proud bearing attested that though he refused to receive homage, he considered himself entitled to it. Hans Skippon, on hearing the name of the stranger, bent down on his knees. u Nay, I kneel not to thee, but to the Most High, who hath raised thee up for a horn unto his people." " I am, indeed, but an instrument in the Divine hands; and an atom, created for working out the LANCASTER CASTLE. 337 Divine counsels. I am but a small stone, cut out of the mountains, to break down the image of the beast. Good miller, arise from thy knees." " A very sensible advice," muttered Rachel, who was not altogether pleased with the lowly posture of her husband. " Didst thou pass my troops ? " inquired Cromwell, " and how were they employed ? " "They were listening to the exhortations of a preacher, and the very horses even seemed attentive, for they stood silent. " How different," exclaimed the dame, " from all other soldiers, who make the sabbath a day of wan- ton sport. They curse and swear like the king him- self. They stay at the wine-cup till their eyes are red, and their great toes cannot balance the bulk above them. Put a cap sideways on a monkey, teach him to say ' damn,' to look and be wicked ; take him to the king, and get him knighted, and he is a good cavalier. Knight him with a sword ! Bring him to me, and I should do it to better purpose with a rough stick ! " Cromwell smiled at this ebullition of feeling. Throughout all his life he was never known to laugh. " You speak warmly, dame," said he. u But since a sword is the only weapon of knighthood, they shall have one. Here," and he pointed to his 338 LANCASTER CASTLE. own, lying sheathed on the casement, " is the sword of Gideon. That sword has been blessed as often as the food which I partake of. But, miller, thou wert at church to-day. ' Tis well ; yet I have a few things to say against thee ; I would thou wert either cold or hot." Rachel was looking in at the large pot on the fire, in which the pudding was boiling, as she thought, too slowly. Her temper was provoked, and she muttered, as she raised the pudding on the end of a stick; " I would thou wert either cold or hot." (l I have a few things to say against thee, my trusty -miller," repeated Cromwell. " A few things to say against Hans," exclaimed Rachel with much warmth, while she left the pot, and faced round to Cromwell. " Take care what thou sayest against Hans ! " " Pooh ! " was the contemptuous answer. " Thou fumest ; but I know how to cork every bottle of ale, brisk though it be. I carry stoppers, even for a woman — but beware.'" " A few things to say against Hans ! " continued Rachel, but in a lower voice, — "why, he's a good husband, a good christian, and — " " Too good a subject to King Charles," added Cromwell with a frown. " Woe unto you that still .dwell in the tents of Ham. God shall enlarge us and LANCASTER CASTLE* our borders ; but woe be to you. And yet, you have kindly given refuge to this lovely maiden, whose history I have heard, and whose wrongs, God be my witness, I shall revenge. Because Rahab kept the spies, she was allowed to enter the promised land, and because you have kept this persecuted daughter of a brave man, God will reward you ! " He paused, and then continued,, — " And wherefore should I induce you to leave this peaceful retreat, and your rural occupations ? A Sunday spent in the country would almost suffice to put an end to war, and to make brethren of all man- kind ! " He turned his head, seemingly absorbed in his own reflections. His eyes could not be seen. They were altogether buried beneath his eye-brows and his massive forehead. " In church," replied Hans to the repeated in- quiries of his dame, " we were disturbed by the noise of the cannon firing from the castle. Ah ! it is no longer true that we can sit under our vine and fig- tree, — none daring tamake us afraid." " Fig-tree ! " exclaimed Rachel, whose memory had not retained the passage, and whose reason applied it in a literal sense, " why we cannot even sit under the cherry-tree in the garden without somebody troubling us. Miss Evelyn and I — draw nearer, Hans, and I 340 LANCASTER CASTLE. shall whisper it — were seated there, when this noble officer, attended by five or six troopers, came to the gate. And yet, he has not disturbed us much. I feel proud that he has come to our dwelling. As he entered, his sword was clashing on the threshold, but he said, f Peace be unto this house.' But go on; you mentioned a disturbance in the church." " Yes, cannons were fired from the castle. They drowned the piping of the parson. We all rushed out, and made for the castle. The governor stood on the battlements, as motionless as a sack of flour. But his eyes were fixed upon some distant object, and he exclaimed " Cromwell, Cromwell." These words were repeated by the miller in a loud voice. Cromwell started up. Hans turned his back and busied himself with an examination of the pudding in the pot. " Who called me by name. Who called me ? " No one answered. " Yes, it was an angel's voice ! Stay," and Crom- well took his boots from off his feet. " Now speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth." His eyes were wildly raised. Not one of his enemies could have laughed at his grotesque appearance, for the face was expressive of an unearthly communion. It was pale ; the very breath of the angel whom he imagined to be there, might have passed over it. LANCASTER CASTLE. 34 1 " Nay, thou wilt not stay ! It is well. I could not execute a commission of vengeance on the Sabbath." It is singular that this great man was often deluded by visions, and communications from the other world. His sudden conversion from extreme dissipation had invested him, in his own eyes, with something of a wonder and a miracle. It was the same with Moham- med. But although this was a weakness, it was the source of his energies, and inflexible resolution. He could not believe that these fancies were the dreams of youth ; for he had already passed the meridian of life. He knew that his bodily senses were becoming blunted, and he therefore was willing to think that his spiritual senses were more acute and could distin- guish sounds and sights, which were strange to all but his gifted self. But let not his enemies mock him. He might assert and believe that he heard sounds urging him to go to the field of battle, to dare more than any other warrior, and usurper; but did he ever hear any urging him to fly, to leave undone what he had resolved to do ? Nay, had he actually heard such, he would have rejected them. Eeligion, — the tones of every angel above, — nay, the very voice of God himself, could not have made Cromwell a coward ! At length they sat down to dinner. A large sub- stantial pudding was placed before them. In those days, the guests of the poor had not each a knife and 342 LANCASTER CASTLE. fork; nay, they had not each a plate. All things were in common. The miller clasped his hands to- gether and looked up for a blessing. And here, let not our readers expect something long and very pious- ly expressed. The spirit of the times was too much debased by blasphemous allusions, which are only redeemed from condemnation by their quaintness. " Hans/' whispered Rachel, " give us your best blessing. Let it be the one in rhyme." A pause was made. Cromwell's eyes were shut, and Hans solemnly began, — " Lord bless us ! Devil miss us ! Rachel — bring the spoons to us ! " The good dame was hastening to comply with the re- quest, when Cromwell cried, " Nay, miller, thou hast but asked a blessing on us. Let us ask a blessing on the provisions. Your's is but a vulture's blessing," and he himself poured forth thanksgivings to God, for all his mercies. After the repast, Cromwell spoke but little, except to Mary Evelyn, to whose lot he promised better days. But the miller was a little curious to know his intended movements, as it was not every day which brought him such opportunities for looking into the future. " They expect you at Lancaster, General," said he turning to Cromwell. LANCASTER CASTLE. 343 " And yet/' was the answer, " I shall prove that although they expect me, they are not quite prepared for my reception. The walls of Jericho must fall down. And saidst thou, pretty innocent," as he looked upon Miss Evelyn with a kind eye, " that the Governor of Lancaster Castle, gave evidence against thy father, even to the death ? " " He did, noble warrior. My father was an old friend of Charles. But he could not support him in his tyrannic measures with the Parliament. Whisper- ings went abroad that my father had agreed to assas- sinate him. The Governor of Lancaster Castle was reported to have heard him say, that if the king went further, the nation must purchase a block, and that no nobleman who loved his country, would refuse to be the executioner ; and such evidence was given ; it was false. Oh ! my poor father." Her eye rolled wildly around, as when in her mo- ments of madness. The miller and his dame perceived it, and went kindly to console her. But the voice of Cromwell, though neither sweet nor full toned, seemed to exercise a charm over her grief, as if he had been some superior being ; and instead of raving, she only fell into a fit of insensibility. " Leave her to me, good people. Now my pretty one, put your hands in mine." He looked up solemnly, whilst he whispered, 344 LANCASTER CASTLE. " God above, heal her mind, and heal our mother country. Affection may yet smile upon her, and kindness may cherish her, but she is a wreck. The delapidated temple may have the earth around, as green as ever, and the sky above, as holy and beauti- ful, but it is still a ruin. Ho ! my good friends, here, she breathes not. Her heart has stopped its pulse against my breast. Throw the spring water upon her face. Now she recovers. Look up, then, innocent one." In a few minutes she was able to thank him for his attentions. " It is a painful subject, but although I hear it not mentioned, it is ever present to my mind. Oh ! it is wicked in me to cherish revenge towards that man. I almost hate him. I almost wish him dead." " Blame not the wish. I have myself wished, nay prayed fervently for hours at the still approach of midnight, that the man, Charles Stuart, should die by our hands. He has braved the Parliament, and why should the judges spare him ? " And yet this was the man who, in after years, dis- solved the Parliament by force, and took the keys home in his pocket. Charles might not order his attendants in as eloquent and strong language, to seize the offenders, as Cromwell used, when he told his servants to take down, "that bauble," — the mace; LANCASTER CASTLE. 345 but the king was guilty of a less constitutional crime than was the protector. He continued, in tones of scorn, while malice darkened over his face, — " If Charles be bad, why, he deserves death ; he is unfit to live. If he be good, it is but meet that he should leave this vain and wicked world for another more congenial to his piety, where he may inherit a heavenly crown. Let him bid adieu, and there is no honest man who could object to a monarchy in heaven ! Often has Charles called the crown, a crown of thorns. We shall ease him of it. Pity that his tender and royal flesh should be scratched ! Often has he called the throne of England a cross. We shall take him down from the cross, and bury him. Pity that he should, any longer, be a spectacle to angels and to men ! We shall free him of both his crown and his throne ! " " But surely not of his life ? " inquired Miss Evelyn, and the question was repeated by Hans and Rachel Skippon. It was unanswered : — and Cromwell relapsed into one of those silent moods which came frequently over him, even at the commencement of his public career, as well as afterwards, when he became Lord Protector. In all his conversation, Mary Evelyn had observed that there was something of an innocent hypocrisy 346 LANCASTER CASTLE. about him. He counterfeited tender feelings, when it was evident, from his face, that he had none ; and at other times he restrained tender feelings, and ap- peared what he was not — cold and indifferent. But in his expressed hatred of the king, there could not be a doubt of his sincerity. The awful sarcasm was in deadly earnest, and the very words hissed, and hissed, as if they were coming from a full furnace of burning wrath. Neither was his love for England at that time insincere. Had his life been of as much value to it as his sword, instead of taking up the one, he was willing to have resigned the other. A knocking was now made at the gate, and when Rachel went to it, a soldier of the common rank in- quired, — • " Tarrieth my lord in the house ? Verily he hath chosen a peaceful spot. The lines have fallen unto him in pleasant places. Lead me the way." " Dost thou preach in the army ? " inquired the dame. " No madam ; verily, verily I say unto you, that many shall be called unto that work, but few chosen. But thou wonderest at the fluency of my speech. Ah! — out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. I only edify and exhort in private." The good dame could, with difficulty, refrain from laughing at the uncouth soldier. He was tall and LANCASTER CASTLE. 347 thin, and she afterwards remarked, — had Goliath been still alive, the soldier would have been an excellent sword for his huge hand. But he opened his lips so oracularly, and strode so gravely, that these circum- stances being taken into consideration, along with his leanness, he was termed by Cromwell himself, with no little blasphemy, when in an unusual fit of jocularity and good humour, " the holy ghost! " When they had gained the house, he made a low reverence to Cromwell, repeating the words, " honour to whom honour is due, fear to whom fear." " Well, my good soldier, what wouldst thou ? " " Will it please you, my lord, to walk forth in the cool of the day, and commune with thy servants, our captains and officers ? " " Yes, in a few moments I shall be with them." The soldier retreated to the door slowly, whilst he said, {i Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace." Cromwell, in a little, walked forth alone. The -miller looked at his form. It was muscular, but not strong, and well built, but not handsome ; but all its movements were expressive of power." " He will save the nation," exclaimed Miss Evelyn, " and for all his greatness, he is yet so pious and devout." " I could trust that man," replied Rachel, " but I •could not feel anv attachment or affection to him. 348 LANCASTER CASTLE. He might perish to morrow, and yet, but for our country, I would not mourn at his loss." The good dame here expressed what was the uni- versal feeling of all Cromwell's supporters towards him. He had their confidence, but not their affec- tion. His own daughters, at one time, were proud of him, but they were never fond. And in the glowing panegyric of Milton, we can but trace a high admira- tion of Cromwell. " Arthur Montressor," said Mary to herself, " must not belong to Cromwell's troops, else he would surely have come to see me. He is not false or faithless. Oh ! when shall civil war be at an end, and we know a home ? " Cromwell returned an hour before sunset. His step was slow. He was in a quiet contemplative mood, evidently not thinking of war. His head was uncovered, and he allowed the air to breathe its fra- grance upon it. He paused at the threshold, as if it were painful to enter a dwelling after having wan- dered about the vale. The night was beautiful and still. It was early in the month of May, and the sunshine had all its young summer innocence. In mirth it seemed now to rest upon the little green knolls, and then to retreat to the mountain. The shadows were passing over the LANCASTER CASTLE. 349 white cottage, as if chiding the bright rays which shone within. " My good friends," said Cromwell e ' it is now time for our evening devotions. Let them not be performed in a house made with hands, but in the open air. And yet I would rather worship in your dwelling, than in all the gorgeous temples, which speak too much of man, to say any thing of God. But, let us to the garden." His eye beamed with a love for nature. He is said often to have dwelt with rapture on the beauty of external objects, and to have wished that his lot, however humble, had been cast in a pastoral retire- ment, far from bustle and care. Nature had first given him thoughts of liberty. It was not the light- ning and the storm, which inspired them. He cared not for the cold mountains, with their terrific heads mantled in the tempest. He looked around upon lovely nature. He called himself her son. It was not because she was free, but because she was beau- tiful, that he swore never to be a slave. A beautiful mother, and a son with a craven soul : it must not be ! They went forth to the garden. A pleasant arbour at the extremity, topping the eminence, and shaded with trees, was their temple. The balmy fragrance of eve rested on the bushes, and the glow of coming twilight floated in the sky. Cromwell for a moment 350 LANCASTER CASTLE. listened in silence, as if the song of spirits, keeping their sabbath, was borne on the gentle west wind. " What a temple is this," he said, " to worship God! I cannot endure to enter churches, and there to gaze upon the gay gilded fluttering sons of pride, clothed in purple and fine linen. But here, I can gaze upon objects still more gaily adorned, and I dare not call them vain." " Oh ! " exclaimed Miss Evelyn, catching fire and animation from the republican. " Churches teach so much the lesson of our mortality. Many graves are around us. But this temple teaches us of immor- tality." (i Thou speakest well, beauteous maiden. Mortality is a great lesson, but immortality is one greater and more useful. Mortality teaches us to trace our con- nections and relatives in the worm. But immortality in God and angels ! Sin brought the first to light, but Christ the other." They all joined in singing a psalm. Mary Evelyn's sweet voice, with its low and tremulous sounds, occa- sionally induced Cromwell to be silent and listen, while he kindly placed his hand upon hers. He next read a portion of Scripture, — one of the Psalms — which he afterwards commented upon, in his address to Parliament, as Lord Protector of the Common- wealth. He then knelt down on the grass and prayed, LANCASTER CASTLE. 351 " Father above, we come to thee ! We now bow at thy feet : soon we shall lie in thine arms ! Far above us, still thou hidest not thy face. Excuse us in this act of adoration, for opening our eyes to see the heavens, and for sinking our hands on the ground to feel thy footstool. The moon and the stars may not arise, but the clouds which conceal them, tell their tale. The flowers of the earth may have withered, but the clods of the valley, beneath which their fair young forms are buried, take their place, and speak to us of thee ! " Here he paused, as if overcome by the greatness of the Being whom he addressed. But soon it was the strong republican who prayed, and he raved about Israel ; Israel's God, and himself the deliverer of both, as he presumed. When he had concluded, he abruptly arose and left them. They followed him into the house, after a few minutes, but he had gone to his apartment for the night. As long however as they themselves were awake, they heard him walking up and down. On the following morning, the sun was not earlier in arising upon the turrets of Lancaster Castle, than were the soldiers of the garrison. They were in ar- mour, and the cannons were all charged and manned. The Governor was walking about to every post and I 352 LANCASTER CASTLE. every circle, encouraging them to do their duty to the king and country. His eyes were occasionally turned to the vale where Cromwell's troops were encamped. ■" Do they yet move," said a noble youth who now approached. " Father, shall we able to hold out a siege against such a famed general ? " " Is my son a traitor," bitterly asked the governor. " If he be, then my first duty of vengeance is against him. No ! a king has blessed thee, and wouldst thou fight against him who once took thee, an infant, in his royal arms, and swore that thou wert like thy beautiful mother? Thy mother! Ha, the subject and the name are unfit for me. Let me not think of them." " Father," proudly replied the youth, " thou doest me wrong. Not only my sword, but my very life is pledged for the king's interest. But to war with Cromwell is to war with destiny. He can pray and he can fight." " Let his troops come," was the scornful answer, " and we shall quickly send them upon their knees, to attend to their devotions. See, there is spare room for a few thousands to pray upon the ground out be- fore us. They shall find room to stretch out their full length carcass, and they may breathe out groans which cannot be uttered, because they are dead ! " LANCASTER CASTLE. 353 " They pray before they come to the battle. During it, you will not find them once on their knees." " Ha ! doubtest thou ? " exclaimed the governor. " If they refuse to kneel in. loyalty to Charles while living, why, we shall allow them, in death, to kneel to their mother earth, which they love so fondly, f dust to dust,' as they themselves would say." " Not before their garments are rolled in blood ! " " Art thou a canting hypocrite too ? Hast thou been baptized with the said holy fire. It is the fire of rebellion. Satan was the first roundhead. He spoke of liberty. He mentioned it in the high court of parliament, but royalty conquered, and the good cavalier angels pushed him and all his troops over the battlements. Let Cromwell scale these turrets, we shall explain to him a precipitous descent. Let him come." " Thou hast thy wish," was the reply. " His troops are advancing. Now for the action." " My brave boy," said the governor, as he placed his hand upon the head of his son, " forgive me for my harsh words. Thou art my only child, my sole hope. Heaven bless thee and shield thee ! But haste my men, is all in readiness ? " In half-an-hour Cromwell's troops were posted 354 LANCASTER CASTLE. upon a neighbouring hill, opposite the castle. A flag of truce was fixed. A herald from the Roundheads now advanced ; and being admitted into the town, proceeded to the cas- tle. The persons usually thus employed were half preachers, and half warriors, who threatened with the sword of the Lord, and of Gideon. The present mes- senger of peace, belonged to this class. Obadiah Cook was his name, and as he announced it to the governor, who appeared at the drawbridge, all the soldiers gave a loud laugh. " Friend," said the governor, " is thy name Obadiah Cook?" " It is, Sir Governor," was the reply, " I am like that famous prophet, who sheltered God's servants from the wicked Ahaz. Oh ! for a place in the wil- derness, that there my soul might fly away and be at rest ! " " What prevents it from flying ? Surely not thy body, for it is so weak. Indeed, Obadiah, thou seem- est too like thy namesake of old, and art too fond of cooking for the hundred prophets. Man, consider your own wants. — But your errand, Obadiah?" " He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Are ye so deaf? The very loop holes of that idolatrous cas- tle, of that high-place of iniquity, condemned by the Psalmist, take in my words. My master, Cromwell, LANCASTER CASTLE. 355 in the name of the Parliament of England, demands you to surrender the castle, else it shall be razed to the ground, and there shall not be one stone left upon another, which shall not be thrown down. Last night, when I had retired to sleep, in the midst of my medi- tations, I heard an angel flying through the sky, and crying with aloud voice ' Babylon is fallen, Lancaster Castle is no more.' " At this moment a ball whizzed over the head of Obadiah. " Is that the angel which flew through the sky ? " inquired the sentinel, who had discharged it, and who, with curses regretted that it had not gone a little nearer in order that the herald might have known more ac- curately. "Darest thou?" exclaimed the governor, as he turned to the sentinel. " Another time, thou rcceivest thy punishment." The herald continued, — ff You are cut off from all provisions, you shall soon be compelled to eat your wives, your little ones, and yourselves. Then surrender in time." " Not so," replied the governor, with a laugh, "we have better dainties than that. We have as good ale, as ever Oliver himself brewed at Huntingdon. Nay, I should like to have a chat with him, over some of it. Sentinel, throw Obadiah a loaf." 356 LANCASTER CASTLE. The herald, who did not seem by any means over- fed, caught the descending bread, and stowed it about his person. " Now, fool, return and tell Oliver that we despise his vengeance, and laugh at his mercy." " Then," exclaimed the angry and indignant mes- senger, " a voice against Lancaster, a voice against the Castle, a voice against — " " Yourself. A voice against yourself," and a well aimed ball, from the governor's pistol, brought him to the ground, from off his steed. The report could not have been heard from the hill, where Cromwell's troops were posted, but the herald's fall must have been noticed, as instantly ac- tive preparations for the attack seemed to be making, and soon several pieces of cannon opened their fire upon the castle in close volley. From the upper batteries it was returned, and from the loop holes over the strong arched gateway, muskets were fired upon those of the Roundhead soldiers, who had broken down the gates of the town, and were advancing fu- riously. "Prevent them," cried the governor, "from re- covering the dead body of their comrade. Let him at least be useful in his death, and be a meal to the crows and the vultures." But although the musketry wrought havock among LANCASTER CASTLE. 357 the Roundheads who approached, they bore off Oba- diah, whilst they put to the sword all the inhabitants whom they met scouring the streets in their fear. They returned reinforced, in spite of the cannon, which was now also turned against them, and they en- tered the church, and from the broken windows took aim at the besieged with their muskets. Cromwell remained with the soldiers on the hill, and was seen whenever the dense smoke was occa- sionally rolled away by sharp breezes which arose, walking from cannon to cannon, encouraging and giving directions. Many a ball was aimed at him, but he seemed to escape unhurt. " Old Nollj is invincible," said one of the soldiers, " for, now, I loaded my musket with a silver coin, and took such a correct aim, that I could have wagered that the very wart on his nose would receive the charge, and yet, there he is moving about, and rais- ing his prospective glass. He is the son of a witch!" Throughout the whole summer's day the cannons thundered. They had taken effect upon the highest battlements, as well as on the gateway, for these were sadly shattered. Many of the Eoyalists had fallen as they sallied forth upon the Roundheads, in the church ; and a few had been wounded, as they manned the castle walls and served the cannon. But the 358 LANCASTER CASTLE. governor, a brave old man, refused to surrender, as long as one stone of the fortress was left. " See, my soldiers, the flag of Charles, still waves true to him, although it be in rags. Let us be as faithful." At sunset, a signal of truce was displayed, on the hill, and the cannons ceased ; but the party who had occupied the church still kept up the fire, and the governor directed his men not to cannonade the church but to retire to the turrets, where the roundhead mus- ketry would be harmless. As night came on, the inmates of the church, however, found that there was little good cheer to be had in Zion, The vestry had been ransacked, the communion cups examined, but no wine could be found, and there was not bread enough to supper a church mouse. " Well," exclaimed one, " it is of no use firing, let us barricade the doors, and compose ourselves to rest. I choose the pulpit for my bed. Soft cushions to dose on!" The same spirit of sleep had descended upon the soldiers of the castle, and even some of the sentries were stretched out on the battlements. The gover- nor and his son, did not awake them, as they walked together. Their eyes were fixed upon the enemy's camp, when suddenly a wide flash was seen, and a cannon shot struck against the turrets. The firing LANCASTER CASTLE. 359 continued, and soon, it was as regularly returned, when loud shouts arose within the lower courts. The next moment a party of roundheads were among the governor's men, headed by Cromwell and Captain Birch, who had just arrived to act in concert with the general. The governor was seized and bound, and, along with his son, placed under a strong guard, while his men were put to the sword, overcome by the unexpected attack. The Royal flag was lowered, and in a short time the castle was in the possession of the roundhead troops ! " Captain," said Cromwell, " our stratagem has suc- ceeded. By playing the cannon, we diverted their attention to the hill where we were posted, and thus we advanced unseen. But where is the gallant offi- cer of your department, who led the way, and clam- bered up the gateway ? " " Here he is, general, and true stuff he is made of. He was captured by the royalists a few months ago : but last week he effected his escape. Montressor, stand forward, and receive the thanks of General Cromwell, for your bravery." It was Arthur Montressor. Cromwell warmly ex- tolled his services, even whilst he reminded him, " that not unto us, but unto God's name be the glory." " General," said Montressor, as he humbly bowed, " might I ask a favour, which can be of no interest in 360 LANCASTER CASTLE. you to deny. Will you grant me leave of absence from the troops, for this night ? " (( Absence ! " returned the general, in a harsh voice, " and for what would you take absence ? For some nocturnal appointment with a fair one? — young man you are silent : it must be as I have guessed. Then take my unqualified denial. No such license here," and he turned away abruptly. " Montressor," said Birch, as he was about to ac- company Cromwell, " you remain in the castle all night. Should you disobey, our sentries have the same liberty to treat you as they would the captive governor. Good night ! " Montressor stood for a moment motionless. " The governor ! — thank God that I have not left the castle ! " Early on the following morning Cromwell, attended by his officers, entered the apartment where the go- vernor was confined. They found him asleep. Crom- well put his finger to his lips, and motioned them to the window, where they stood in silence. It. com- manded a wide view of the lawn in front, where the hill was almost a flat plain. Sheep and kine were browsing on the grass, and suggested images of rural peace and retirement, as if it had not been the seat of war a few hours previous. From their own thoughts they were aroused by the door of the apart- LANCASTER CASTLE. 361 nient being cautiously opened. As they themselves stood in a recess, not directly opposite the door, they could watch without being observed. Nothing but a hand groping the way, and two bright eyes gleam- ing in the shade of the staircase, could be seen. The next moment a tall form, shrouded in a horseman's cloak, moved silently in. He looked at the sleeper. His hand trembled as it was raised to the brow. He started, as if moved with some sudden resolution, drew forth a pistol, and fired it in the direction of the governor. He threw back his cloak, and per- ceiving that the ball had not been true to its mark, drew his sword, and rushed forward ; — but Cromwell and his officers stood before him. " Montressor ! Beware ! " thundered forth Crom- well, as he seized the youth's arm. The report had startled the governor. <( Ha ! traitors ! cowardly traitors ! Do I see aright ? Is it Cromwell who has played the ruffian I Cromwell, — after pledging my life to myself in the most solemn oath ? And that whilst I was asleep ! Base, — cowardly, was the act. And why shouldst thou have made the young man your tool ? Could not your own withered hands have been stained with my blood, and not the white hands of innocent youth? Base, cowardly ! " " Thou doest me wrong," replied the general, as 862 LANCASTER CASTLE. calmly as if he had been rebutting a slight and unim- portant accusation, " as these my officers, and as the assassin himself can testify. I had entered to pro- pose to you my terms of a negociation with you. You were asleep, and, old man, I had no desire to prevent you enjoying a transient solace. This assas- sin, — villain I will call him, though he belongs to my troops, entered and fired. Wretch," and he turned upon Montressor, whilst he stamped in fury, and the sweat broke out on his massive forehead for very anger, " why hast thou dared to inilict death, when I, your general, gave my oath that he should be in safety ? " He became more calm, but his eye relaxed not its awful sternness, although his voice was low as he added, " Young man, allow me to unbuckle thy sword, — nay, no scruples] — and prepare to die ! " All started. Cromwell turned round upon them with a look that forbade remonstrance. " I refuse not," proudly answered Montressor, " to die. But listen to my motives for attempting the life of that man. I loved. Oh ! she was fair, gentle, and happy, as a spirit of heaven ! General, smile not in scorn. Does a dying man rave in a foolish and ro- mantic strain ? She was more than an angel to me. She would have been my wife ! But her father was LANCASTER CASTLE. 363 murdered, and she was an orphan, deprived of her home ; herself, — almost a maniac. Yes, she was mad when her condemned father placed her hand in mine, and betrothed us together, for ever and ever. And who was the murderer ? Sir governor, — tell me who caused the death of Sir John Evelyn ? " The governor covered his face with his hands. Cromwell started up from the chair which he had taken. " Sir John Evelyn ! Where is his daughter ? Young man, be brief, and answer me. Is she in the care of a miller and his wife, at a short distance from Lancaster ? " " There I left her. But I have been, ever since, a captive, and when I asked permission to leave the castle last night, in order that I might obtain infor- mation concerning her fate, you denied me. She may be dead. It would be well ! " " She is alive,' 5 muttered Cromwell, as he again seated himself. " Young man," said the governor in a kind tone, " you would forgive me if you knew all. I have, since the death of Sir John, learned with inexpressible regret, that the evidence which I gave against him had been artfully arranged, so that I might be de- ceived. I have often declared his innocence. And, General Cromwell, if you will listen to the prayers 364 LANCASTER CASTLE. of a Royalist, and one whose life he has attempted — for which offence you have condemned him; oh! grant him a pardon, and his life ! It was but natural, nay, it was praiseworthy to seek my life ! " Cromwell shook his head. " It cannot be. Discipline must be enforced. I saw the maiden of this youth's affection and troth. She is a very Rebecca, beautiful and discreet. I promised to avenge her father's death. Yet my oath of safety to you has been pledged; — and woe be to him who attempts to make a word of mine of non- effect ! Captain Birch, order five of the musketeers to load ; and bring out the troops in the front of the castle. I give you half an hour." The captain, as he went out, frequently turned round to see whether Cromwell might not relent, and forbid such a stern order from being carried into effect — but no ! — " Not for my own sake," pled Montressor, " but for that of the orphan, do I ask my life. For my own services in a just cause, I esteem them as nothing ; but to die such a death, seems a poor recompense even for a faithful dog. General, grant me life for Mary Evelyn's sake ! " He knelt, — and along with him the governor and all his officers. "It cannot be," was the decisive reply. "But, / LANCASTER CASTLE. 365 young man, you shall have writing materials, if you have anything to charge to the living. Let them be brought." Montressor, with a trembling hand, wrote a letter to Mary Evelyn, and as he finished it, the drum was heard without. " To whom can I assign my last duty ? " " To me," replied the governor. " Trust me, that if I can make any reparation for the past, I shall." " It is well," remarked Cromwell, in cold-hearted cruelty, — " If any man wrong another, let him re- turn good, fourfold." Montressor, after this, was firm and collected. But for the slight quiver on his lips, it could not have been known that he was going to his death. " Sir Governor," he once more asked, c< wilt thou be kind to her ? Hast thou a daughter, to love her as a sister ? " "No — I have but a son, and he — " " Cannot, cannot comfort her," interrupted Mon- tressor with some bitterness. " Yet I know a knight," returned the governor, " whose daughters are well known for kindness and charity. Sarah and Madeline Bradley, on knowing her history, will find her a home with them." " A home ! Poor Mary, her best home will be the grave! There is my letter. Were it not that the 366 LANCASTER CASTLE. sight would be horrible, I should die with this letter in my hand, and you would send to her, that she might receive it from myself ! Farewell ! I entered this room, a few minutes ago, with the intention of taking your life, and now I leave it to lose mine own l » Cromwell opened the door. " There is your way. Young man, I trust to your honour, therefore you remain unshackled to die." Already the soldiers were drawn out before the castle. The five musketeers who were commissioned to carry the sentence into execution stood in advance, their muskets in hand. Montr essor took his place. " Kneel," said Cromwell. " Yes, to heaven," was the reply. " Stay," exclaimed the general, as he rushed forth in a burst of tenderness. The condemned youth started joyfully up. Hope was kindled. " Young man, I love thee as a son. Take my em- brace," and he threw his arms around Montressor. " Look — for no other but you, a dying man, must see 'Cromwell weep ! — Look at these tears. Now, my son. Yes, my very son, farewell ! " Montressor sunk upon his knees in despair. He waved his hand to the musketeers, and soon their duty was performed. LANCASTER CASTLE. 367 Cromwell himself raised the lifeless body, and sternly said to the soldiers, " Let all, let each beware ! Justice and duty are unrelenting, even to the brave and the beloved ! " Well did the governor perform his pledge. The fatal news were communicated to Mary Evelyn by Madeline Bradley, who, heart-broken herself, knew how to feel for a sister sufferer. Sir Robert's man- sion was the orphan's home. She and Madeline took short walks together, sat together in the same easy chair, and slept together. Hand in hand they were bound for the tomb, and the foot of the one seemed not to be before that of the other. The governor, every day, (for he had no longer the charge of the castle,) came, and conversed with her, whose father he had been the innocent cause of be- traying to death. His son attached himself to the company of Sarah Bradley. The heart-broken suffer- ers, saw their mutual affection, and kindly fostered it. Often too, did the worthy miller and his wife make their appearance, and they were always welcome. It was near midnight, and Madeline and Mary were alone in their apartment. They lay in each other's arms, gazing, at times, involuntarily upon the white counterpane, on which the moonshine fell. They spoke not, but the gentle and low breathing assured LANCASTER CASTLE. them, that they had pined away together, and were now almost spent, and ready to go. " Madeline, sweet Madeline," said Mary, " Sarah will be a bride, in a month — we shall both be brides in a few hours, nay, in a few minutes. Let us be calm, for soon we meet our lovers." " Yes, my Mary, kiss me ! We need not call for my father and Sarah. "We are very happy alone. Another sigh, and all will be over. Kiss me again." " Yes, Madeline," and a gentle breeze came in at the casement, and a sweet ray of the moon' came to these gentler and sweeter faces — but the maidens were no more ! We may mention, that, in a few days after the siege, Cromwell left Lancaster Castle in the charge of a part of his troops. Soon, however, it was recaptured by the exertions of the gallant Earl of Derby. R. Cocker, Printer, Market-place, Wigan* The Publisher, when the foregoing preface was in type, and when, in the midst of active preparations to commence another volume, received a communi- cation from the Author to the effect, that his pen was of no more service. How it has been taken away from him it can do the public no good to explain : — suffice it for the Publisher to assert that circumstances have been forced on, which are infinitely more painful than a want of ability, or material in the author ; a want of encouragement from a kind and numerous public ; or a want of determination on his own part to continue and extend the work. The Author had intended, as will be seen in the preface, to write a series of historical scenes, — scenes of surpassing interest: — the Subscribers, numerous at the very first, were continually increasing, es- pecially among the higher classes : — the Publisher was opening new agencies, receiving new congratulations, and employing new resources, when an event occured totally unexpected, which compels him, most reluc- tantly, to withdraw the pledge so often given, that other Legends were to issue from his press. Wigan, May 22, 1841. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: April 2009 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION 111 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 1 6066 (724)779-2111 I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 525 656 2 * V/ ■