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This publication was instrumental in awak- ening an active interest among the descendants, in making correc- tions, and in gathering further material for the compilation of par- tial records and more detail regarding members of each generation. At the outset the compiler was interested in his own ancestral line, but coming in contact with other persons and families, the work grew in breadth and fascination. Through the publication of the Register articles came the desire for a volume with the records of the family brought down to the latest born. The compiler found in Andrew' Steavenson, the emigrant, an interesting character. His early New England home was Cam- bridge, and the homestead of his son Andrew^ Stimson was at Charlestown. The names of many prominent men are to be found in the following pages, amongst whom are able statesmen, honored clergymen and enterprising merchants, who have occupied exalted positions, have served mankind nobly, and have left an impress upon the times in which they lived ; most of these traced their an- cestry to the old " Keeper of Bridewell at Cambridge. " Those bearing the family name were so few in number, that there have been added to the first four generations, many of the descend- ants of the female lines. In the compilation of this family the fact appears that for these first four generations, although the daughters were numerous, only one male member married and had children. From John* Stimson, born 1728, all the descendants, both male and female, with a very few exceptions, are given to the present time. The genealogical annotation is after the " Register " plan. When the name of the State in which a town is situated is not given, it is understood to be Massachusetts, except in the case where a town, in some other State, is mentioned more than once in a paragraph, and then the State is not repeated. Double dating, that is, old and new style of reckoning time during January, February and March, prior to 1752, is clearly noted and will be readily understood. The abbreviations are those in ordinary historical use. The compiler finds himself under many obligations to the various members and descendants of the Stimpson family and to others who have crenerously assisted him in his work. It would be mjustice on his part not to acknowledge the generous assistance rendered him by Miss M. B. Fairbanks of the New England Historic Genealo- trical Society, whose extensive knowledge of genealogy has been freely fmparted in the preparation of this book. The thanks of the family are due to the Suffolk Engraving and Electrotyping Company of Bos- ton, for the half-tones which are given. The high standard of their work has been maintained in the present case. The photographs of the John* Stimson tombstone and of Main Street, Charlestown, are the work of one of the descendants, Mr. George^ Thorndike* Barker. An extensive correspondence has been carried on, and material gathered from both public and private records, and un- familiar sources, while the research has been patient, persistent and thorough. The indifference sometimes manifested, is clearly shown by the*^ absence of records in certain families, and in the many ad- ditions and corrections made necessary by inattention and delay on the part of correspondents. The compiler hopes these pages may afford their readers a share of the pleasure and satisfaction he has had in their preparation; if this proves to be the case, then his labors of the past few years have not been in vain. Charles Collyer Whittier. Boston, Mass., April, 1907. THE STIMPSON FAMILY OF CHARLESTOWN, MASS. 1, Andrew Steavenson or Stevenson, the ancestor of the family, who resided at Cambridge and Charlestown, Mass., came from New Castle- upon-Tyne, England, after 1637,* and was made a freeman at Cambridge, May 10, 1643. Andrew and his wife Jane, whom he had married in England, both joined the Church at Cambridge in 1643 (Church History), and were still members at the church gathering which occurred, Jan., 1658 (Mitchel's list). His name, as given in the various records, was written Steavenson and Stevenson, but later generations have changed the spelling to Stimson and Stimpson.^ His occupation is given as that of a cobbler ( shoemaker, a trade he followed for some years after his arrival. IT , received a number of grants of land in Cambridge. In 1645 he was given three and one-half acres of land at Menotomye River; Aug. 15, 1646, he bought of William French four acres of land in the New West Field; Dec. 12, 1648, he purchased of Thomas Crosbye one dwelling house, within the towne, with half a rood of land; Nov. 29, 1689, he received eight acres, in the first division in Cambridge (Proprietors' Records of Cambridge). This lot of land his children sold to Ebenezer Swan, Mar. 19, 1694 (Middlesex Co. Deeds, V. 14, p. 125). In 1654, a committee was appointed by the Court " to provide a House of Correction, with a fit person to keep the same." Jan. 7, 1655, the com- mittee reported that " they had not only purchased Andrew Stevenson's house and lot, but selected him as a proper person to be Keeper of Bridewell." He served in the office as prison keeper from 1656 to 1672, when, for various * John Sill and his wife Joanna were of Cambridge in 1637; he died before 1653. She was made Attorney for Susan Blackiston of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, widow, Aug. 27, 1653, to recover several debts, one of which was from Andrew Steavenson, cobbler, debt. 1637, formerly of Newcastle and now of New England. t Bardsley, in his work on English Surnames, under Patronymic Surnames, writes the following concerning this family: "The proto-martyr Stephen has left many memorials in our nomenclature of the popularity which his stoi-y obtained among the English peasantry. The name proper is found in such entries as Esteven Walays or Jordan fil : Stephen, and their descendants now figure amongst us as Stephens, Stevens, and Stephenson. More curtailed forms are met with in Steenson and Stinson, and the more corrupted Stimson and Stimpson." reasons, he was dismissed, having served as keei^er sixteen years. The deed of this property from Stevenson to the County, and from the County back to Stevenson, cannot be found on record at the present time, although in his will he speaks of this house and land.* It was conveyed by his heirs to Jonathan Nutting, by deed dated Mar. 25, 1695 (Middlesex Co. Deeds, v. 13, p. 09), and was signed by Andrew Stimson, housewright, of Charles- town, and Abigail his wife, Mathew Abdy of Cambridge, glover, and Deborah his wife, Joseph Lowden of Charlestown, shipwright, James Bur- bean and Mary his wife, James Patterson of Billerica and Rebecca his wife, Thomas Richardson, Sen., and Thomas Richardson, Jr., of Billerica, and William Burgess of Ipswich and Hannah his wife. Andrew Stevenson's will, dated May 23, 1681, inventory filed June 28, 1683, mentions wife Jane, who was to have the entire estate during the term of her life, and after her death his eldest son Andrew was to have a double portion, while the rest was to be divided amongst the five daugh ters. That portion which belonged to his daughter Sarah was given to her two children Joseph and Mary Lowden. Children : Dkborah,^ b. about Aug., 1637; m. Robert Wilson. Sakah, b. about 16-10 ; m. John Lowden. Rebecca, b. Jan. 20, 1642 ; m. James Patterson. John, b. Dec. 29, 1644; d. at Cambridge, Mass., May 26, 1664. Mary, b. Jan. 17, 1647 ; m. Thomas Richardson. Lydia, b. Aug. 2, 1648 ; probably d. young. Andrew, b. Jan. 14 or 17, 1650. Hannau, ra. William Burgess. 2. Deborah^ Stimson (Andrew^), born in England, about Aug., 1637, married first, Robert Wilson of Sudbury. Nothing has been found as to his birth nor the date of his marriage. He died about 1685, and administration on his estate was granted Nov. 14, 17tO. She married second, previous to 1695, Mathew Abdy of Cam- bridge, son of Mathew and Tabitha (Reynolds) Abdy, who was born about 1654, and died at Cambridge about 1730. The date of her death is not known, but he had wife Ruth who died Dec. 10, 1762, aged 93 years. Deborah was admitted to full communion at Cambridge, March 5, 1665-6. Mathew Abdy was appointed " Sweeper and bedmaker " on probation at Harvard College, and was assigned to Stoughton House. He retained this position until * r;u<,'o, in liis History of Cambridge, in speaking of this jail, says : " This House of Correction stootl on the easterly side of Holyoke Street, almost two hundred feet nortlierly from the present location of Mount Auburn Street, After the erection of a j!iil, this estate was reconveyed to Stevenson, whose heirs sold it to Jonathan ISTutting, Mixv. 25, l()9.j." " Oct. 16«0, The County Court ordered, that the House of Correction, or Bride- well, should be used as a prison for the County, until further provision be made." 2. i. 3. ii. 4. iii. iv. 5. V. vi. C. vii. 7. viii his death, and then his widow succeeded him. They probably lived at the southwest corner of Mount Auburn and Holyoke streets in Cambridge. He left a ■\\dll, written in the most jocose manner, the author of which it is hard to determine. It has been printed and has had world wide reputation, being known as " Father Abdy's wilh" Children, born in Cambridge : i. Deborah'' Wilson, b. Sept. 25, bapt. Sept. 30, 1666; m. June 7, 1689, Elisha, sou of William and Bl3'tlie Bull of Cambridge, who was b. there June 21, 1657; d. Apr. 7, 1722. Children, boiu in Cambridge : 1. Elisha* Bull, b. Mar. 12, 1G89-90. 2. John Bull, b. 1693; d. Apr. 2, 1698. 3. John Bull, bapt. June 25, 1699; d. Jan. 14, 1720-1. 4. William Bull, b. Apr. 11, 1703; d. before 1755, unmarried. 5. Sanuiel Bull, b. Apr. 23, 1705 ; m. Mary, who d. Feb. 9, 1739-40, aged 29 yrs. ; d. in 1747. 6. Bobert Bull, b. July 3, 1707; m. Tabitha, who was admitted to the church at Menotomy, July 12, 1741, and d. Aug. 5, 1770, aged 64 yrs. ; no issue. 7. Deborah Bull, b. July 1, 1710; non compos mentis; d. at Me- notomy, Jan. 20, 1772, aged 60 yrs. ii. Saeah Wilson, b. Oct. 6, 1668; m. Thomas Creeson of Charlestown, who d. May, 1717; d. Nov. 2, 1716. 1. Child, d. at Charlestown, Mar. 14, 1708-9. iii. Andrew Wilson, b. Sept. 17, 1670; had wife Hannah; d. 1722. She m. (2) Phillips (Probate). Children, born in Cambridge : 1. Andrei'-* Wilson, b. May 12, 1696; m. June 7, 1722, Sarah, dau. of Edward and Sarah (Parkhurst) Sherman, who was b. in Watertown, May 29, 1701 (Bond) ; d. at Menotomy, June 20, 1757; she d. Nov. 27, 1772, aged 77 yrs. 2. Hannah Wilson, h. Aug. 10, 1698; m. Mar. 27, 1723, Benjamin, son of William Hopkins of Billerica, where he was b. May 23, 1701. 3. Deborah Wilson, b. Aug. 12, 1700; m. before Apr. 27, 1724, John Perry of Lexington ; she was admitted to the Church there, June 29, 1735 ; d. May 22, 1736. 4. John Wilson, b. Jan. 28, 1702-3 ; had wife Martha, who was admitted to the Church at Meuotomy, at the time it was or- ganized, Sept. 9, 1739; d. at Meuotomy, Feb. 11, 1773; she d. there, Nov. 26, 1797. 5. 3Iari/ Wilson, b. Mar. 11, 1706-7; living in 1722. 6. Damaris Wilson, b. Nov. 1, 1708; died young. 7. Damaris Wilsoii, b. Aug. 25, 1710; living in 1722. 3. Sarah^ Stimson (Andrew^), born about 1640, married first, at Cam- bridge, May 29, 1662, John, son of Sergt. Richard and Mary (Cole) Lowden of Charlestown, who was born May 10, and baptized May 8 15 1641, and died at Charlestown, April 4, 1678. She married second Oct. 23, 1679, James, son of Edward and Mary Kibbey of Dorchester, who was born June, 1642, baptized at th^Jirst Church in Boston, Nov. 20, 1645, and died subsequent to 1681. bhe diea June 29 1720, aged 80 years (gravestone at Charlestown). John Lowden' was admitted to the Church at Charlestown, Mar 22 1668 and his wife was admitted Mar. 29, 1668. He probably lived on the Country road leading out of Charlestown, near the Neck, and had a house valued, without the land, at £90. By trade he was a hatter. His father, just before his death, gave his grand- children land near Andrew Stimson's. James Kibbey had a previous wife, Hannah, but no record of the marriage has yet been found. He was on the tithe hst at Charles- town for 1680 and 1681 ; had his tax abated in 1687 and 1688; and had occupied John Lowden's house prior to 1692. Children by first husband, born in Charlestown : i. JOHN' L0WDEN,b. Mays, 1663, bapt. Mar. 29, 1668; m. Elizabeth Spencer, who owned the Covenant Apr. 3, 1687. Children, born in Charlestown : 1. Elizabeth* Loioden, b. Mar. 9, 1684-5; bapt. Apr. 3, 1687; m. about 1713, James Turner. 2. John Lowden, b. Oct. 28, bapt. Nov. 6, 1687. 3. Ekhard Lowden, bapt. Oct. 27, 1689. 4. Mary Lowden, bapt. Dec. 20, 1691; m. at Boston, Dec. 7, 1710, Joseph Price, ii. RiciiAKD Lowden, b. Oct. 4, 1665, bapt. Mar. 29, 1668; had wife Mary; resided at Boston ; will probated Apr. 20, 1709. Children, born in Boston : 1. Bichard* Lowden, b. Jan. 9, 1693; probably d. Apr. 7, 1703. 2. John Lowden, b. Apr. 16, 1696. 3. Benjamin Lowden, b. Oct. 30, 1704. iii Andrew Lowden, b. July 31, bapt. Aug. 2, 1668. jv. Mary Lowden, b. Jan. 21, bapt. Jan. 22, 1670; m. (1) Sept. 11, 1688, John, son of John George of Charlestown, who was bapt. Aug. 5, 1677, and d. Jan. 13, 1691; m. (2) James, sou of -John Burbean,* who' was b. May 15, 1668, and d. Sept. 4, 1729 ; d. at Woburn, Oct, 14, 1724. Widow Mary George buys of brother John Lowden, Sept. 3, 1692, right in house now occupied by mother Kibbey, situated at Charlestown. The estate of James Burbean, inventory taken Nov. 3, 1729, was divided amongst his children, and was valued at £2,038. 16. 5, consisting of land in six towns. He was a busi- ness man of much enterprise, and was engaged in shipping to a large extent. Children by second husband, born in Charlestown : 1. Manj* Burbean, b. Mar. 6, 1694; d. July 20, 1733. * See History of the Burbeen Family, by Joseph Burbeen Walker, 1892. 2. Sarah Burbean, b. Mar. G, cl. Mar. 17, 1694. 3. James Burbean, b. Aug. 21, 1696; m. at Woburn, Sept. 5, 1721, Mary, dau. of Pierson and Mary (Perring) Richardson, who was b. in Woburn, Nov. 17, 1698. He d. at Boston. 4. John Burbean, b. Mar. 12, 1699 ; killed by the Indians near Dunstable, Sept. 5, 1724. 6. Sarah Burbean, b. June 17, 1701; m. at Woburn, Nov. 12, 1730, Rev. Timothy, son of Dea. Sanauel and Judith (How- ard) Wallier, who was b. in Woburn, July 27, 1705, and d. at Concord, N. H., Sept. 1, 1782; d. there, Feb. 19, 1778. 6. Buth Burbean, b. Mar. 28, 1708 ; m. at Woburn, Feb. 4, 1735, Jonathan HayAvood, who was b. 1704, and d. at Woburn, Aug. 13, 1749 (gravestone) ; graduated at Harvard College 1726. 7. Joseph Burbean, b. Mar. 3, 1712 ; m. at Hampton, N. H., Oct. 8, 1736, Esther, dau. of Jonathan and Esther (Flagg) Pool, who was b. 1717; d. at Woburn, June 7, 1794; she d. there. Mar. 28, 1776 (town records of Woburn give date Mar. 30, 1776). He graduated at Harvard College 1731. V. Joseph Lowden, bapt. Feb. 27, 1675-6 ; had (1) wife Mary, who d. at Boston, July 6, 1706; m. (2) (pub. at Boston, Sept. 7, 1708), Han- nah, dau. of James and Hannah (George) Miller, who was b. July 16, and bapt. July 22, 1677. Andrew' Stevenson, in his will, mentioned Joseph and Mary Lowden as his grandchildren, they to receive their mother's share of his estate. In the deed of the homestead, given by Andrew Stevenson's heirs to Jonathan Nutting, Mar. 25, 1695, Joseph Low- den and James Burbean and his wife Mary signed the deed as heirs. Children by first wife, born in Boston : 1. AbigaW^ Lowden, b. Oct. 2, 1700; m. at Boston, Dec. 7, 1726, Ward Halloway. 2. Joseph Lowden, b. Sept. 14, 1702 ; d. Dec. 24, 1702. 3. Joseph Lowden, b. Jan. 7, 1703-4. 4. 3Iary Lowden, b. July 2, 1706 ; d. July 3, 1706. Children by second wife : 5. Richard Lowden, b. Feb. 10, 1709. 6. Hannah Lowden, b. Feb. 5, 1711. 7. Mary Lowden, b. Dec. 24, 1713. 8. James Lowden, b. Sept. 21, 1715. Child by second husband, born in Charlestown : vi. Elizabeth Kibbey, b. Aug. 13, bapt. Aug. 14, 1681; m. Nov. 8, 1697, her cousin Andrew, son of James and Rebecca (Stimson) Pat- terson. Rebecca^ Stimson {Andreio^), born in Cambridge, Jan. 20, 1642, married at Cambridge, May 29, 1662, James Patterson of Billerica, who was born in Scotland, about 1633, and died at Billerica, July 14, 1701. She was a member of the church at Cambridge, and was dismissed to the church at Billerica, Aug. 13, 1667. She died after 1701. 10 James Patterson was probably captured at Worcester, England, Sept. 3, 1651, and sent with other prisoners to America, sailing from London in the "John and Sarah," Nov. 6, 1651, He arrived at Charlestown, May, 1652; settled in Billerica, 1658; and was made Freeman, Apr. 18, 1690. His will, dated May 12, 1701, probated Aug. 13, 1701, mentions wife Rebecca and son Andrew ; and his brother-in-law Andrew Stimson who was one of the executors. Children, probably all born in Billerica : i. Mary^ Patterson, b. Aug. 22, 16G6; m. Jan. 30, 1689, Peter Proctor of Chelmsford. ii. J.UVIES Patterson, b. Feb. 28, 1G68-9 ; d. Oct. 3, 1G77. iii. Andrew Patterson, b. Apr. 4, 1672 ; m. Nov. 8, 1697, his cousin Eliz- abeth, dau. of James and Sarah (Stimson) Kibbey, who was b. Aug. 13, 1681. He went to sea, and was never heard from. iv. John Patterson, b. Apr. 8, 1675 ; m. Dec. 29, 1702, Joanna Hall of Concord. v. Joseph Patterson, b. Jan. 1, 1677-8 ; m. at Sudbury, Sept. 22, 1701, Mary, dau. of John and Mary (Axtell) Goodenow, b. in Sudbury, Nov. 1, 1680; m. (2) Mary ; m. (3) Nov. 19, 1724, Eebecca, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Trowbridge) Myricli of Newton, and widow of James Livermore. He d. about 1736 ; and she d. Sept. 1, 1760. vi Rebecca Patterson, b. July IS, 1680; probably d. young. vii. James Patterson, b. Apr. 13, 1683 ; had wife Mary ; removed to Dun- stable, and afterwards to Groton, where he d. about 1737. viii. Jonathan Patterson, b. Jan. 31, 1685-6; probably d. young. 5. Mary^ Stimson (Andrew^), born in Cambridge, Jan. 17, 1647, married at Cambridge, Jan. 5, 1669-70, Thomas,* son of Thomas and Mary Richardson of Woburn, who was born there Oct. 4, 1645. She died at Billerica, June 7, 1690 ; and he married second, at Billerica, Dec. 29, 1690, Mrs. Sarah (Ditsou) Patten of Reading, who was the widow of Hugh Ditson and of Thomas Pat- ten. He died at Billerica, Feb. 5, 1720-1 ; and she died Nov. 20, 1734. Mary Stimson was baptized in the Cambridge Church. Thomas Richardson was a prominent man of Billerica ; was a soldier in Capt. Gallup's Co. in the unfortunate expedition of 1690 ; and was Deputy to the General Court from that town in 1703 and 1704. His will, dated Apr. 10, 1719, was probated Mar. 24, 1720-1, and the estate valued at £692. Children, probably all born in Billerica : i. Mary' Richardson, b. Eeb. 8, 1670-1 ; d. same day. ii. Mary Richardson, b. Jan. 31, 1671-2; d. same day. * See Richardson Memorial, by John Adams Vinton, 1876. 11 iii. Mary Richardson, b. Feb. 17, 1672-3; m. Edward, son of Edward aud Mary Farmer, who was b. in Billerica, Mar. 22, 1G73-4, and d. Dec. 17, 1752; d. May 15, 1746. iv. Thomas Richardson, b. Dec. 30, 1675 ; had wife Abigail ; resided at Billerica, on a farm his father gave him; d. Mar. 18, 1717-8. She d. June 4, 175S. V. Andrew Richardson, b. June 16, 1678 ; m. (1) Dec. 9, 1707, Hannah, dau. of Henry and Mary (Baldwin) Jefl'ts of Billerica, who wash. Sept. 10, 1685, andd. Oct. 31, 1749; m. (2) about 1750, Judith ; d. Dec. 23, 1752 ; will dated Dec. 10, 1750, probated Jan. 15, 1753. vi. Nathaniel Richardson, b. Jan. 25, 1679-80; m. May 7, 1703, Mary Peacock, who d. Oct. 18, 1756; d. intestate, Apr. 4, 1753. His father gave him a farm in Billerica, next to that of his brother Andrew. vii. Jonathan Richardson, b. Feb. 14, 1682-3; m. about 1713, Hannah, dau. of John and Mary (Littlefleld) (Kittredge) French, who was b. Feb. 18, 1692-3. He d. suddenly, Aug. 13, 1720; aud she m. (2) Feb. 15, 1725-6, Benjamin (his second marriage), sou of James and Rebecca (Hamlet) Frost, who was b. Mar. 8, 1687-8, and d. Mar. 24, 1753; she d. Sept. 12, 1769. Jonathan Richardson, who lived at Billerica, and afterwards at Dunstable and Groton, was a soldier in July, 1706. Administra- tion on his estate was granted to his widow, Jan. 9, 1720-1. viii. Ruth Richardson, b. Dec. 4, 1685 ; m. Feb. 13, 1707-8, John, son of John and Mary (Kittredge) French, who was b. in Billerica, Alay 15, 1679, and was brother to Hannah French who m. Jonathan Richardson. is. Elnathan Richardson, b. Feb. 7, 1686-7; d. same day. Andrew^ Stimson {Andrew^), born in Cambridge, Jan. 14 or 17, 1650, and baptized at Cambridge, married at Charlestown, Mar. 9, 1678, Abigail, daughter of Benjamin and Abigail (Wigglesworth) Sweetser, the date of whose birth is unknown, but who was bap- tized and admitted to the church, Jan. 28, 1681-2 (First Church records). He died at Charlestown, Dec. 14, 1721, aged 72 j-ears (gravestone) ; and she died there Mar. 3, 1725- 6. He probably removed from Cambridge to Charlestown about the time of his marriage (1678), as this is the first record we find of him in Charles- town. In the deed which he gave of the homestead in Cambridge he is called " housewright," but in a bond given in the settling of his estate he is styled " shopkeeper." As a shop is mentioned in his inventory, he evidently engaged in business after moving to Charlestown. In 1665, while in Cambridge, he was bound out to Jonathan Remington for a term of yeais, but in 1668 he was desirous of buying his time, and did so on the payment of £12 (Middlesex Co. Court Files, 1668). He was admitted a member of the Church in Charlestown, Jan. 28, 1682-3. In 1704 he purchased land, house and other buildings in Charles- 12 town of William Frothiiigham (Middlesex Co. Deeds, v. 13, p. 631). In 1717 he sold to his son John Stimson land on which he had built a house, which adjoined his own. This property remained in the possession of the family for many years ; the last deed, wliich conve3^ed the interest of one of his descendants, was given in 1821. lie died intestate, and his widow gave bonds as administratrix, Apr. 17, 1722. Before his estate was settled, the widow died, leav- ino' a will dated Jan. 27, 1725, probated Apr. 4, 1726. Her sons John and Joseph Stimson were named as executors of their mother's estate, and were at the same time appointed administrators of their father's estate in her place. Andrew Stimson may have been the one credited with service in King Philip's War, Jan. 25, 1675-6. His father at that time would have been over sixty years of age and hardly able to endure the hardships of such a campaign. Children, born in Charlestown : Abigail,^ b. Oct. 6, 1679, bapt. Jan. 28, 1682-3; m. Caleb Croswell. Andrew (twin), b. Sept. 15, bapt. Sept. 18, 1681; d. Dec. 28, 1681 (gravestone). Bethiah (twin), b. Sept. 15, 1681; d. same day. Andrew, b. Feb. 17, bapt. Feb. 18, 1682-3 ; d. Sept. 5, 1683 (gravestone). Mai4Y, b. Oct. 21, bapt. Oct. 26, 1684; m. Thomas Frothingham. Andrew (twin), b. Jan. 9, 1686-7; d. same day (gravestone). John (twin), b. Jan. 9, bapt. Jan. 16, 1686-7. viii. Bethiah, b. Mar. 19, bapt. Mar. 23, 1689-90; m. Henry Fowle. Benjamin, bapt. Sept. 18, 1692. X. Joseph, b. Dec. 17, bapt. Dec. 22, 1695 ; d. Aug. 29, 1696. xi. Lydia, b. Aug. 13, bapt. Aug. 22, 1697; d. Apr. 12, 1703 (gravestone). 13. xii. Joseph, b. Feb, 7, bapt. Mar. 18, 1699-1700. li. xiii. Lydia, b. Oct. U, bapt. Oct. 17, 1703; m. Robert Galley, Hannah^ Stimson (Andrew^) married at Cambridge, May 20, 1684, William Burgess of' that town. They resided at Cambridge for a number of years, but removed to Ipswich previous to 1695, at which time they sold their interest in her father's estate to Jonathan Nut- ting. Children, born in Cambridge : William' Burgess, b. Mar. 2, 1685-6. i. John Burgess, b. Aug. 14, 1687. ii. Elizabeth Burgess, b. 1690; d. at Ipswich, Dec. 13, 1713, aged 23 yrs. ; buried at Cambridge (gravestone). Abigail* Stimson {Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Oct. 6, 1679, married at Charlestown, Oct. 14, 1700, Caleb, son of Thomas and Priscilla (Upham) Croswell, who was born in Charles- 8. 1. ii. iii. iv. 9. V. vi. 10. vii. 11. viii 12. ix. 13 town, Feb. 25, 1677-8, and bcaptized April 17, 1687. He died at Charlestown, Dec. 2, 1713 ; and she died there, about 1738, where her footstone is still to be seen on Burial Hill. She owned the Covenant, Oct. 17, 1703, and was admitted a member of the Church, Nov. 9, 1718, at which time she was a widow. They resided at Charlestown, where he owned quite an amount of real estate. He also owned fourteen acres of land at Wilbridge Hill, which at the present time is called Prospect Hill. The inventory of his estate was filed in 1713 ; and the widow Abigail was taxed in 1727 and 1728. In 1725, with other heirs, she sold her interest in the estate of her brother Benjamin Stimson to John Hancock — a house near Penny Ferry. Administration on her estate was granted to her son Thomas Croswell, Sept. 4, 1738. Children, born in Charlestown : i. Abigail* Croswell, b. Dec. 6, 1701; d. Nov. 5, 1702. ii. Thomas Croswell, b. Nov. 3, bapt. Nov. 7, 1703; d. Jan. 27, 1703-4. iii. Caleb Croswell, b. 1704 ; d. June 21, 1718, while at Harvard College. 15. iv. Thomas Croswell, b. Feb. 13, bapt. Feb. 16, 1706-7. 16. V. Andrew Croswell, b. Jan. 30, bapt. Feb. 6, 1708-9. vi. Benjajiin Croswell, b. Dec. 25, bapt. Dec. 31, 1710. 17. vii. Joseph Croswell, b. Nov. 10, bapt. Nov. 16, 1712. 9. Mary^ Stimson {Andrew,'^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Oct. 21, 1684, married, about 1712, as his second wife, Thomas, son of Na- thaniel and Mary (Hett) Frothingham, who was born in Charles- town, Dec. 2, and baptized Dec. 5, 1675. His first wife was Esther, daughter of John and Hannah (Kettell) Call, who was born in Charlestown, Jan. 30, and baptized Feb. 27, 1675-6, and died Aug. 25, 1708. He died at Charlestown, Aug. 30, 1724; and his second wife died previous to 1752. Mary Stimson was admitted a member of the Church at Charles- town, Mar. 8, 1712-3, about the time of her marriage. Thomas Frothingham was a shipwright, and resided at Charlestown. His will, dated June 8, 1724, probated Oct. 2, 1724, devised all his estate to his wife, except what came to him by his first wife. He owned land near Andrew Stimson. In 1752, Mary's heirs — Thomas, Joseph and Benjamin Frothingham — sold her share of her mother's thirds to Joseph Stimson. Children, born in Charlestown : i. Thomas* Frothingham, b. Apr. 17, bapt. Apr. 19, 1713 ; m. at Charles- town, Apr. 21, 1737, Abigail, dau. of James and Abigail (Frost) Miller, who was b. in Charlestown, Apr. 20, and bapt. Apr. 25, 1714; d. Dec. 25, 1775 (gravestone at Woburn gives the date of his death as Jan. 1, 1776) ; she d. Apr. 1, 1777, and was buried at Cambridge. 14 Children, boru in Charlestown : 1. Thomas^ Frothinrjham, bapt. Oct. 15, 1738 ; m. (1) at Cliarles- town, Dec. 2, 1702, Sarah, dau. of James and Sarah (Kettell) Bradish, who was born in Charlestown, Nov. 1, bapt. Nov. 12, 1738: she was admitted to the Church in Charlestown, Nov. 29, 1761, and d. there July 29, 1764 ; he m. (2) at Charles- town, Dec. 6, 1770, Eebecca, dau. of Samuel and Eebecca (Sweetser) Wait, who was b. in Charlestown, Apr. 5, 1749, and d. there, Sept. 5, 1797; m. (3) at Charlestown, Dec. 22, 1805, Elizabeth, dau. of Jesse and Elizabeth Russell of Wo- burn, where she was b. Feb. 13, 1768; d. Aug. 29, 1817; she d. at "Woburn, June 26, 1851. 2. Abigail Frothingham, bapt. Nov. 8, 1741; m. at Charlestown, Oct. 22, 1761, Thomas, son of 'William and Abigail (Johnson) Hoppin, who was b. in Charlestown, June 30, bapt. July 2, 1738; she d. at Charlestown, July 11, 1762; he m. (2) at Charlestown, Sept. 30, 1765, Hannah, dau. of Jacob and Han- nah (Kidder) Rhodes, who was b. in Charlestown, Apr. 12, bapt. Apr. 13, 1740, and d. at Charlestown, May 20, 1815; he d. previous to 1777. 3. James Frothing ha^n, bapt. Aug. 5, 1744; d. young. ii. Joseph Frothixgham, b. Mar. 8, 1714-5; m. at Charlestown, Dec. 18, 1739, Sarah Frost, who was b. about 1702. He d. atNewbuiy- port, Oct. 17, 1762 (gravestone) ; and she d. there July 26, 1762, aged 60 yrs. Children, first four born in Charlestown, others in Newburyport: 1. Sarah^ Frothingham, b. Aug. 29, bapt. Aug. 81, 1740; d. young. 2. Joseph Frothingham, b. Aug. 21, bapt. Aug. 23, 1741. 3. Tliomas Frothingham, b. Apr. 7, bapt. Apr. 10, 1743; m. at Charlestown, Apr. 24, 1766, Hannah, dau. of James and Sarah (Kettell) Bradish, who was b. in Charlestown, Nov. 1, bapt. Nov. 12, 1738; he d. Oct. 16, 1790; she d. Dec. 2, 1772, gravestone at Newburyport. 4. Andrew Frothingham, b. July 5, bapt. July 7, 1745. 5. Benjamin Frothingham. 6. Isaac Frothingham. 7. Sarah Frothingham. 8. Mary Frothingham. iii. Ben.t.uiin Frothingham, b. Apr. 30, 1717; m. Elizabeth, dau. of John and Abigail (Oilman) Lord, who was b. in Exeter, N. H. , Jan. 22, 1736-7. He d. at Newburyport, June 1, 1769 (grave- stone). She m. (2) " Lord " Timothy Dexter, son of Nathan and Esther (Brinthall) Dexter, who was b. in Maiden, Jan. 23, 1747, and d. at Newburyport, Oct. 22, 1806. She d. there, July 3, 1809. Children, born in Newburyport: 1. Benjamin^ Frothingham. 2. Gihnan Frothingham. 3. John Frothingham. 4. Betsey Frothingham. 15 iv. Mary Frothingham, b. Sept. 23, bapt. Sept. 25, 1720; m. at Charles- towu, Apr. 5, 1750, Joseph, son of Nathaniel and Susannah (Whit- temore) Frothingham, who was b. in Charlestown, Jan. 15, and bapt. Jan. 19, 1723-4. He m. (2) at Charlestown, Dec. 14, 1752, Deborah Rand, who was b. in Charlestown about 1730. He d. at Charlestown, Sept. 21, 1787; and she d. there, Nov. 4, 1802, aged 72 yrs. ; no issue. V. Andrew Frothingham, b. Apr. 20, bapt. Apr. 21, 1723. 10. JoHN^ Stimson (Ajidrew,^ Andrew'^), bora in Charlestown, Jan. 9, 1686-7, married first, at Charlestown, July 5, 1709, Eebecca, daughter of John and Rebecca (Eaton) Bunker of Cambridge. The date of her birth has not as yet been found. Slie died Oct. 7, 1712 ; and he married second, at Charlestown, June 2, 1715, Ruth, daughter of Robert and Ruth (Johnson) Wyer, who was born in Charlestown, Jan. 10, and baptized, Jan. 15, 1698-9. She died at Charlestown, July 2, 1731 (gravestone) ; and he married third, at Charlestown, Jan. 18, 1732-3, Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah (Rand) Frothingham, who was born in Charlestown, Jan. 20, 1696-7. He died at Charlestown about 1747; and she died there, Aug. 31, 1747. He resided at Charlestown, and followed the vocation of saddler, a trade which has been engaged in by several of his descendants, and is at the present time followed by a member of the family in a suburban city. He was admitted to the Church, Oct. 3, 1731. He inherited a part of the homestead, from his father's estate, in addition to what his father had given him some time previous (Mid- dlesex Co. Deeds, v. 18, p. 523). Ruth Wyer, the second wife, owned the Covenant, June 9, 1717, and was admitted to full communion with the Church, Aug. 3, 1729. With wife Ruth, he sold two lots of land in Cambridge, which were laid out to the right of his grandfather Andrew^ Stevenson, Oct. 26, 1724, and Nov. 21, 1732. His tax was a-bated in Charlestown in 1726 and 1727, at that time he being rated in Medford ; then fi-om 1727 to 1746 in Charles- town again, with the exception of 1738 and 1739, when for some reason he was not taxed. Sept. 12, 1743, he was appointed guar- dian over his tw^o children : Elizabeth, who was seventeen years of age, and John, aged fifteen years, both children by his wife Ruth. No record has yet been found of his death, but it must have oc- curred about 1747. He died intestate. Children, born in Charlestown : 18. i. Ruth,* bapt. July 21, 1717; m. William Kettell. 19. ii. Rebecca, b. June 17, 1719, bapt. June 21, 1721 ; m. Caleb Call, ill. John, b. Apr. 11, bapt. Apr. 15, 1721; d. Sept. 24, 1727. 16 iv. Abigail, b. May 8, bapt. May 10, 1724 ; d. July 25, 1730. 20. V. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 2fi, 172G, bapt. Jau. 1, 1726-7; m. Thomas New- ell. 21. vi. John, b. Jan. 18, bapt. Jan. 19, 1728-9. 11. Bethiah' Stimson {Andrew,'^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Mar. 19, 1689-90, married first, Sept. 8, 1715, Henry, son of Isaac and Beriah (Bright) Fowle, who was born in Watertown, April 3, 1686, and was lost at sea about 1724. She married second, as his second wife, May 10, 1732, Capt. Henry Davis, who had married first, June 20, 1706, Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Baxter) Wilson, who was born Dec. 1, 1686. He died before Feb. 20, 1737 ; and Bethiah died Aug. 20, 1744. She owned the Covenant, Dec. 25, 1720, and was admitted to membership in the Church, Feb. 16, 1728-9. Henry Fowle was a mariner. He bought 100 rods of land near the Training Field, which comprised all the real estate he left. His inventory was dated April 2, 1724, "having gone to sea, and not being heard of for above three years past." His estate was valued at £122. 2. 3. The widow Bethiah was taxed for the years 1727, 1729 and 1730. With the heirs of Benjamin Stimson, she sold her interest in her estate to John Hancock, in 1725. Capt. Henry Davis was also a seafaring man ; was in a sloop from Barbadoes to Boston, Sept. 1, 1714; had his tax abated in 1721, and was taxed in 1729 and 1738. Administration on his estate was granted to his widow, Feb. 20, 1737, inventory taken July 10, 1738, one of the items being a pew valued at £60. The widow Bethiah was taxed in 1744; and her heirs sold five-sixths of a pew to William Ford, in 1758. Child, born in Watertown : i. Bethiah* Fowle, b. Feb. 1, 1720-1, bapt. May 7, 1721; m. at Bos- ton, May 17, 1750, Zachariah, son of John and Mary (Barrell) Fowle, who was b. in Boston, May 13, 1724 ; she was admitted to the Church, Sept. 20, 1741. 12. Benjamin^ Stimson {Andrew,^ Andrew,^), born in Charlestown, and baptized Sept. 18, 1692, married at Charlestown, June 7, 1715, Elizabeth, daughter of James and Elizabeth (Hayward) Kettle of Gloucester, who was born in Charlestown, Jan. 19, 1693-4, and bap- tized Apr. 2, 1694. He died at Charlestown, Dec. 11, 1721 (grave- stone) ; and she died there, Jan. 17, 1721-2, without issue. He followed the family trade, of saddler, and lived but six years after his marriage, One record states that he died of a wound. His death occurred three days before that of his father ; and as his wife died about a month after his death, and before his father's estate was divided, no mention of him or his wife was made in the 17 settlement of that estate. His will was dated Sept. 30, 1721, and probated Dec. 30, 1721, and James Kettell was appointed admin- istrator with the will annexed, with John Stimson on the bond. The estate went to his brother and sisters, who sold it to John Hancock, in 1725. 13. Joseph^ Stimson {Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Feb. 7, 1699-1700, never married, and died at Charlestown, Mar. 28, 1752. He graduated from Harvard College in 1720, and was admitted to the Church, Nov. 21, 1722; from 1720 to 1724 he taught school in his native town ; and was ordained the first pastor of the Second Church in Maiden, Sept. 24, 1735, but had, however, preached some time in the town previous to his ordination. Unfortunately, a strife of many years' duration existed amongst the members of the First Church. The need of another Church, in another part of the town, was manifested by those who resided some distance away, but this was met with great opposition on the part of many who thought one Church was sufficient. However, an organization was finally formed, and Mr. Stimson was the first pastor. Continued strife during his pastorate was not conducive to the welfare of the Church, and he offered his resignation, which was accepted in 1745.* He continued to reside in Maiden for several years, though not in the capacity of pastor. He returned to Charles- town a few years before his death, and was taxed there in 1748. His will, dated Feb. 11, 1752, was probated Apr. 13, 1752. His gravestone is still to be seen in the old burying ground, off Main Street in Charlestown. 14. Lydia^ Stimson (Aiidreio,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Oct. 14, 1703, married first, at Charlestown, Apr. 30, 1724, Robert, son of Robert and Mary Calley of Charlestown; and married second, Jan. 8, 1754, as his second wife, Isaac, son of George and Dorcas (Graves) Abbott of Andover, who was born there Apr. 4, 1699. His first wife was Phebe Lovejoy, who died about 1751. He died at Andover, Aug. 9, 1784; and Lydia died there, Feb. 28, 1791. She was admitted to the Church, Dec. 8, 1721. Robert Calley was a seafaring man, and at one time was captain of the schooner " Content." He went to sea and was never heard from. Lydia Calley, as attorney for Robert Calley, leased the west part of her house to Joseph Stimson for ninety-nine years. As Lydia Abbott of Andover she made claim for loss by British invasion in 1775. * For a more extended account of Mi-. Stimson and his pastorate in Maiden, the reader is referred to the History of Maiden by D. P. Corey, 1899. 18 Child, born in Charlestown : i. Robert^ Galley, b. June 4, bapt. June 5, 1726; m. (1) Sept. 2, 1751, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Ruth (More) Hopkins, vrho was b. in Charlestown, Nov. 8, and bapt. Nov. 9, 1729. She d. at Charles- town, May 10, 1754, having been admitted to the Church, May 27, 1753. He m. (2) at Charlestown, Apr. 10, 1760, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Ruth (Webber) Symmes, who was bapt. Dec. 24, 1738, and joined the Church, Nov. 30, 1760. He was a school- master at Charlestown, and kept a diary of the events of the day, which book was referred to by Wyman, but at present its where- abouts is unknown. Children by first wife, born in Charlestown : 1. Joseph^ Galley, b. May 19, d. June 1, 1752. 2. Lydia Galley, b. July 2, bapt. July 22, 1753. Children by second wife : 3. Bohert GrMey, b. Feb. 12, bapt. Feb. 15, 1761 ; d. Feb. 23, 1763. 4. Thomas Galley, b. Dec. 7, bapt. Dec. 12, 1762 ; d. Feb. 28, 1763. 5. Elizabeth Galley, b. May 24, bapt. June 3, 1764; d. Apr. 12, 1765. 6. Bohert Galley, bapt. Apr. 6, 1766. 15. Thomas^ Croswell {Abigail,^ Andreiv,- Andrew'^), born in Charles- town, Feb, 13, 1706-7, married first, at Charlestown, Oct. 23, 1728, Mary, daughter of Benjamin and Hannah (Bowers) Pierce, and widow of William Pitts, who was born in Charlestown, Jime 6, 1706, and died Mar. 28, 1730-1. He married second, at Charles- town, Apr. 13, 1732, Hannah, daughter of John and Hannah (Welch) Login, who was born in Charlestown. He was a barber and peruke maker at Charlestown, but he undoubtedly left town for a while, for " he came from abroad to Charlestown in 1731, and was notified." After the death of his mother, in 1738, Thomas, as administrator of the estate, and with the other heirs, sold all the real estate which his father left. Thomas settled in Connecticut, and some of his descendants probably went to South Carolina. Children, born in Charlestown : i. Mary* Croswell, b. June 30, 1730; m. (1) at Charlestown, May 19, 1748, Hammond, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Ford) Gowen, who was b. in Charlestown, Jan. 9, 1727-8, and d. there, June 14, 1762 ; she m. (2) about 1763, as his second wife, Nathan, son of Nathan and Mary (Viall) Sargent, who was b. Aug. 4, 1735, and who had married first, in 1756, Elizabeth, dau. of John Jenks, who was b. Feb. 13, 1733-4, and d. Oct. 18, 1762; d. at Maiden, Feb. 25, 1771. He m. (3) at Maiden, Feb. 4, 1779, Ruth, dau. of Rev. Joseph Emerson, who was b. Jan. 19, 1741. He d. at Maiden, Dec. 1, 1798. Nathan Sargent was a prominent citizen of Maiden, and sei'ved as Captain in the Revolutionary War. Children, boini in Charlestown: 1. William'^ Goioen, b. Sept. 13, 1749; m. Apr. 29, 1772, Eleanor, 19 dau. of Ebenezer aud Eleanor Cutter, who was b. in Medford, Aug. 7, 1756, and d. June, 1826. 2. Joseph Gowen, b. Jan. 14, 1750-1. 3. Hammond Gowen, b. Feb. 26, 1754 ; physician, and d. about 1783. 4. Mary Gowen, b. May 21, 1755; m. about 1773, David Vinton, who d. Dec. 3, 1778, aged 32 yrs. ; d. Sept. 19, 1775, aged 20 yrs. (gravestone gives the date of her death as Sept. 29, 1775).* 5. Elizaheth Gowen, b. Dec. 27, 1756. 6. Abigail Gowen, b. Apr. 9, 1759. 7. John Gowen, b. July 31, 1760. Children by second husband, born in Maiden : 8. Sarah Sarrjent, b. June 10, 1764; d. Feb., 1793. 9. Tliomas Croswell Sargent, b. 1769; d. May 27, 1771. ii. Thomas Ceoswell, bapt. Apr. 22, 1732. iii. Caleb Croswell, bapt. Sept. 2, 1733; m. at West Hartford, Conn., Feb. 26, 1767, Hannah, dau. of Jacob and Mary (Sedgwick) Kel- logg, who was b. in West Hartford, and bapt. May 13, 1739; d. at Gibbon, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1806 ; she d. there, Apr. 9, 1829. Children : 1. Thomas O'Hara'^ Croswell, b. Nov. 6, 1767; m. Ruth Pierce ; d. at Catskill, N. Y., 1844. 2. Madcay Croswell, b. Apr. 14, 1769; m. Betsey Shethac; d. at Catskill, N. Y., July 7, 1847. 3. Jeanette Croswell, b. Sept. 5, 1770. 4. Sally Croswell, b. Apr. 6, 1772; d. at Hudson, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1779. 5. Abigail Crosioell, b. Jan. 20, 1774; m. Aug. 12, 1796, William, son of Ebenezer aud Anne (Webster) Goodwin, who was b. Oct. 15, 1776, and d. Apr. 20, 1849; d. June 16, 1852. 6. Caleb Croswell, b. Sept. 12, 1776; m. Tolly Phelps; d. Feb. 12, 1811. 7. Harry Croswell, b. at West Hartford, Conn., June 16, 1778; m. at Catskill, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1800, Susan, dau. of Adonijah aud Abigail (Muuser) Sherman, who was b. about 1779. He was rector of Christ's Church, Hudson, N. Y., in 1814, and of Trinity Church, New Haven, Conn., from 1815 till 1858, where he d. Mar. 13, 1858; she d. there, July 19, 1855. They were the parents of Rev. William Croswell, founder of the Church of the Advent, Boston, and who d. there, Nov. 9, 1851. A memoir of Rev. William Croswell was written by his father, and, with his poems aud letters, published in 1853. 8. Archibald Croswell, b. Nov. 9, 1781 ; m. at Gibbon, N. Y., 1822, Hannah, dau. of Rev. Winslow aud Clarissa (Keyes) Paige, who was b. Aug. 13, 1791; d. at Paiuesville, Ohio; she d. Apr. 3, 1852. iv. Hannah Croswell, bapt. Feb. 22, 1735-6. V. Abigail Croswell, bapt. June 11, 1738. * Gi'andparents of Rev. Alexander Hamilton Vinton of Boston. 20 16. Andrew^ Croswell (Abigail,^ Andrew^ Andrew'^), born in Charles- town, Jan. 30, 1708-9 ; married about 1736, Rebecca, daughter of Elisha and Susannah (Clark) Holmes, who was born in Plymouth, about 1720. He died at Boston, April 12, 1785 ; she died there previous to 1782.* He graduated at Harvard College, 1728; was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church at Groton, Conn., Oct., 1736 ; dismissed, Aug., 1746. Upon his return to Boston, he was installed over the School St. Congregational Church, Oct. 6, 1748. This Church was founded by persons from other Boston Churches, Oct. 6, 1738. Mr. Croswell continued its minister until his death in 1785, when the Society disbanded, and the building was sold. Mr. Croswell did not work in unison with the ministers of the other Boston churches. Serious theological questions had arisen, and he, from the views which he held, was looked upon with dis- favor by many. He was much in sympathy with Rev. George Whitefield, that marvellous preacher of the 18th century, whose third visit to America took place in 1744. He espoused his cause and the result may have given rise to the animosity towards Mr. Croswell. Sermons of a personal nature were preached, and letters written, both by Mr. Croswell and his opponents. Some of these were printed and are accessible at the present day. Mr. Croswell was an able preacher and a fluent writer ; fond of argument, he dealt unsparingly with those who differed from him. His will was dated Mar. 23, 1785, and probated Nov. 8 follow- ing ; it mentions his daughter Sarah, and sons : William, Nathaniel, Andrew and Joseph. Children : i. Andrew^ Croswell, b. 1737; m. at Plymouth, June 9, 1763, Mary Clark; m. second, 1775, Sarah, dau. of Rev. Samuel and Sarah (Allen) Palmer, who was b. in Falmouth, Nov. 7, 1752, where she d. about 1819; d. 1796; administration on his estate Avas gi-anted his widow, Nov. 1, 1796. Children, born in Plj'month: 1. Andreio^ Croswell, h. Apr. 9, 1778; m. at Farmiugton, Me., Feb. 22, 1807, Susanna, dau. of John and Susanna (Cony) Church, who was b. July 22, 1789 ; d. at Mercer, Me., June 4, 1858; she d. there, July 3, 1861. f * The compiler has an original copy of a memorial, entitled, " Tender Latin Verses to the Memory of Mrs. Rebecca Croswell, with An Hymn of Praise to the Redeemer. Translated into English by the Author, A. Croswell, in Boston. Printed and sold by E. Russell, at his Printing-Office, in Essex-Street, near Liberty-Stump. M,DCC,- LXXXII." t Their daughter Susan Cony Croswell, b. in Mercer, Me., Dec. 3, 1810, m. Dec. 26, 1831, Henry Knox, sou of Hon. Ebenezer and Lucy F. (Knox) Thacher, who was b. in Thomaston, Mc, May 26, 1806, and d. at Boston, Apr. 5, 1880; she d. there Jan. 29, 1888. He entered the U. S. Navy as Midshipman, Mar. 4, 1823, and after having served many years, with high honors, retired as Rear Admiral, May 26, 1868. REV. ANDREW CROSWELL. 1708-1785. 21 2. Samuel Croswell; m. Mary, dau. of Samuel and Temperance Palmer, "who was b. in Falmouth, Oct., 1790; and who d. at Charlestown, Dec. 25, 1851. 3. William Croswell; d. young. 4. Mary Croswell; m. Micah, son of Benjamin and Esther (Wes- ton) Sampson, who was b. in Plj'mouth, 1773 ; he d. May 19, 1839. 5. Sarah Croswell; m. first. Rev. J. Locke; m. second, Nathan Armsby. 6. Abigail Croswell; m. 1807, Zachariah, son of Jabez and Lucy (Morton) Soule, who was b. in Halifax, Nov. 10, 1780 ; he d. Sept., 1837; d. Oct. 25. 1871. 7. Thomas Croswell, b. Apr. 8, 1791; m. at Farmington, Me., Oct. 14, 1821, Mary, dau. of James and Susanna (Norton) Gower, who was b. in Farmington, Sept. 13, 1801, and d. there, Dec. 3, 1887 ; d. at Farmington, Jan. 6, 1879. 8. Elizabeth Croswell; m. Silas Bourne of Falmouth. 9. Nancy Crosxvell ; m. Dr. Allen Phillips. ii. Abigail Ceoswell, b. 1739 ; d. at Boston, Nov., 1773 ; never married. iii. Joseph Croswell; published at Boston, Oct. 29, 1772, to Lucy Allen. iv. Nathaniel Croswell; m. at Boston, Oct. 3, 1776, Mary, dau. of Fran- cis and Sarah (Paine) Whitman, who was b. in Boston, June 3, 1753; d. at Boston, previous to 1800; she d. there, Dec. 15, 1842, aged 91 yrs.* Children, born in Boston : 1. Bebecca^ Croswell, b. Sept. 19, 1777 ; m. at Boston, Mar. 4, 1799, Warren, son of Edmund and Lydia (Lambert) Bowlier, who was b. in Scituate, July 14, 1777 ; he d. at Boston, Aug. 19, 1855; d. there, Dec. 27, 1853. t 2. Mary Croswell, b. Apr. 6, 1779, and d. at Boston, May 10, 1813. 3. Nathaniel Croswell, b. Mar. 5, 1781; d. young. 4. Sarah Paine Croswell, b. Mar. 14, 1783; m. at Boston, Mar. 21, 1802, Ezekiel Goldthwait. son of James and Martha (Gold- thwait) Bridgham; he was b. 1778, and d. at Boston, May 28, 1808. She m. second, at Boston, Apr. 22, 1812, Alpheus Hebard; d. at a tavern on the road from Sturbridge to Boston, about 1825 ; at that time she was a widow. 5. Lucy Croswell, b. Mar. 15, 1785; d. at Boston, 1810. 6. Henry Croswell, b. Nov. 12, 1790; d. young. V. Sarah Croswell, b. 1750; m. at Boston, May 31, 1801, as his second wife, Jeremiah, son of Jeremiah and Sarah (Howard) Bumstead, who was b. in York, Me., May 3, 1734, and who had married first, at Boston, Apr. 20, 1756, Mary, dau. of Capt. Amos and Eliza- beth (Sunderland) Breed; she was b. in Boston, Sept. 20, 1733, * There is a record iu the possession of the Appletou family, which states that Mrs. Sarah Croswell married for her second husband, and as his second wife, Capt. George Washington, son of Nathaniel and Rachel (Henderson) Appleton, who was born in Boston, Oct. 27, 1775, and died at sea, on a voyage from Lima to Liverpool, ])rior to Sept. 14, 1808. Nothing has as yet been found in the public records, which would substantiate this. t Grandparents of the compiler. 22 and d. there, Oct. 8, 1796. He d. at Boston, Aug. 10, 1816; d. there, Sept. 24, 1834. vi. William Croswell, b. about 1760; graduated from Harvard College iu 1780. He was a schoolmaster in Boston for a number of years, and was especially interested in the study of Astronomy. He never married, and d. at Boston, July 7, 1834. 17. Joseph* Cboswell [Ahigail,^ Andrew,'^ Andreiv^), born in Charles- town, Nov. 10, 1712; married at Plymouth, Mar. 11, 1744, Jeru- sha, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Bartlett) Bartlett, who was born in Plymouth about 1721 ; he died at Bridgewater, May, 1799 ; she died June 28, 1785. He prepared for college when young, but for some reason unknown, changed his plans and entered business life. For several years he was successful, but later met with re- verses which caused his failure. His residence during his business career has not been ascertained, but iu 1742 he was at Groton, Conn., where his brother Andrew was located. Here he was con- verted, Mar. 26 of that year, and about 1753 began preaching.* It is not known what church he affiliated with, but for more than forty years he traveled through the New England States, holding religious sei'vices. No record of his children has as yet been found, but it is known that he had a son and daughter. 18. Ruth* Stimson (John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown in 1717, and baptized July 21, 1717, married in Charlestown, Mar. 24, 1737, William, son of William and Abigail (Rand) Kettell, who was born in Charlestown, Apr. 10, and baptized Apr. 17, 1715, and died there Dec. 17, 1767. She died at Concord, Mar. 7, 1797, aged 80 years. William Kettell was a baker, residing in Charlestown, and in later years he was called " Deacon." He was taxed in Charles- town from 1736 until the time of his death, with the exception of the years 1738, 1745 and 1748. In 1752 he sold John Stimson land on Main Street, which was bounded on the North " by a way over Bunker Hill." This was undoubtedly the same land which was set off to his wife Ruth as her portion of her father's estate. His will, dated Dec. 8, 1767, and probated Jan. 5, 1768, gave one- third of the estate to his wife, and the remaining two-thirds to the children. The widow was taxed in 1770 and 1773; and in 1781 she sold to William Stimpson one and one-half acres of land in Charlestown, on Main Street. Children, born in Charlestown : * These facts are gathered from a Biographical Sketch of Mr. Croswell, written " by a friend "in 1809. 23 i. KUTH* Kettell, b. Feb. 2, bapt. Feb. 5, 1737-8 ; m. at Charlestown, Sept. 17, 1761, John, son of Samuel and Mary (Hicks) Larkiu, who was b. in Charlestown, Apr. 3, and bapt. Apr. 6, 1735, was a prom- inent citizen of Charlestown, and one of the Deacons of the First Church. He d. Dec. 14, 1807; d. Nov. 26, 1816. Children, born in Charlestown : 1. Sarah^ Larkin, bapt. Oct. 18, 1761. 2. liitth Larkin, b. Mar. 9, bapt. Mar. 13, 1763; d. Feb. 1, 1765. 3. 3Iary Larkin, b. May 11, bapt. May 13, 1764; d. June 29, 1764. 4. John Larkin, b. July 4, bapt. July 7, 1765; d. July 27, 1765. 5. Ii^lth Larkin, bapt. June 15, 1766; m. at Charlestown, Apr. 2, 1793, Philip Payson, who was b. 1760, and d. June 7, 1809; d. at Charlestown, Mar. 25, 1860, aged 93 yrs. (gravestone). 6. 3Iary Larkin, b. Aug. 20, bapt. Aug. 26, 1770; d. Apr. 16, 1786 (gravestone). 7. Elizabeth Larkin, b. Oct. 6, bapt. Oct. 10, 1773 ; m. at Charles- town, Jan. 24, 1797, Samuel, son of John and Hannah (Ca- rey) Soley; who was b. in Charlestown, Aug. 13, bapt. Aug. 17, 1766, and d. in New York State, Jan., 1830. 8. Abigail Larkin, bapt. Boston (New North Church), May 25, 1777. ii. William Kettell, b. June 8, bapt. June 10, 1739; d. at Concord, July 21, 1799; never married. lii. Joseph Kettell, b. Nov. 27, bapt. Nov. 30, 1740; m. at Charlestown, Mar. 15, 1770, Rebecca, dau. of Rev. Thomas and Rebecca (Aus- tin) Prentice, who was b. in Charlestown, Mar. 2, and bapt. Mar, 6, 1748. He d. at Boston, Feb. 17, 1815; and she d. there, Feb. 2, 1825. His will, dated July 31, 1812, was probated Mar. 20, 1815. They are buried in the Kettell lot at Forest Hills Cemetery. Children : 1. Joseph^ Kettell, b. May 25, bapt. 2d church, Boston, May 28, 1771; d. Oct. 2, 1773; gravestone at Copp's Hill. 2. Rebecca Austin Kettell, b. Sept. 3, bapt. Sept. 6, 1772; d. Oct. 14, 1773. 3. Tliomas Prentice Kettell, b. Oct. 11, bapt. Oct. 16, 1774; m. at Boston, Apr. 11, 1808, Hannah Dawes, dau. of Joseph and Hannah (Dawes) Pierce, who was born at Boston, Jan. 3, 1783; she d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1855. 4. Joseph Kettell, b. Sept. 4, 1776; d. Aug. 30, 1777. 5. Eebecca Kettell, b. Aug. 25, bapt. Aug. 29, 1779; m. at Boston, Aug. 21, 1798, Amasa, son of John and Rachel (Paine) Stet- son, who was b. in Randolph, Mar. 26, 1769; he d. at Dor- chester, Aug. 2, 1844; d. there. May 5, 1856. No issue. 6. Joseph Kettell, b. Mar. 19, bapt. Mar. 25, 1781 ; d. July 12, 1783. 7. Mary Kettell, b. Sept. 16, bapt. Boston (New North Church) , Sept. 22, 1782; d. previous to 1827. 8. John Kettell, b. Sept. 29, bapt. Boston, Oct. 3, 1783 (Wyman) ; New North Church record gives date of his baptism as 1784; m. (1) at Boston, Oct. 12, 1813, Susan Nye, dau. of Nathaniel and Susannah (Nye) Freeman, who was b. about May, 1795, 24 and cl. at Boston, Feb. 17, 1842 (buried at St. Paul's) ; m. (2) at Boston, June 4, 1845, Emeline J., dau. of William and Anne Jaclison, who was b. in Roxhury, Aug. 27, 1798 : d. at Dorchester, June 22, 1855; she d. at Boston, Mar. 18, 1875. 9. Maria Kettell, b. Feb. 15, bapt. Feb. 17, 1788; Church record gives name of Mary, but the name of Maria is mentioned in the settlement of Mrs. Kettell's estate in 1827. 10. Daughter, b. and d. July 26, 1789. 11. Lucy Kettell, b. July 12 (Wyman), bapt. July 7, 1790 (Boston church record) ; d. Oct. 22, 1790. 12. Son, b. and d. May 20, 1793. 13. Charlotte Kettell, b. Sept. 11, bapt. Boston, Sept. 13, 1795; m. at Boston, May 1, 1817, Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Susannah (Nye) Freeman, who was b. in Boston, Jan. 29, 1793. iv. John Kettell, b. Dec. 8, bapt. Dec. 12, 1742; d. at Concord, May, 1823. V. Abigail Kettell, bapt. Aug. 19, 1744; d. at Concord, Dec, 1842, aged 98 yrs. vi. Esther Kettell, b. Oct. 6, bapt. Oct. 12, 1746; m. Nov. 11, 1778, John White of Concord, vii. Ebenezer Kettell, b. June 2, bapt. June 4, 1749; d. Apr. 13, 1760. viii. Andrew Kettell, b. Dec. 31, 1750, bapt. Jan. 6, 1750-1 ; m. Susannah, dau. of Joseph and Susannali (Frothinghara) Lamson, who was b. Dec. 27, and bapt. Dec. 30, 1753. He d. July 5, 1832 ; she d. July 22, 1825. Children, born in Charlestown : 1. Susannah^ Kettell, b. Sept. 12, 1780; d. Aug. 26, 1855; grave- stone gives date of Aug. 26. 2. Esther Kettell, b. Nov. 21, 1782; m. at Charlestown, Mar. 1, 1807, Enoch, son of Caleb and Mary (Thomes) Hunt, who was b. in Braintree, Sept. 27, 1778; and d. Sept. 11, 1864; d. Apr. 14, 1862. 3. Betsey Kettell, b. May 7, 1787; d. at Andover, July 20, 1871. ix. Hannah Kettell, b. July 15, bapt. July 19, 1751 ; m. at Weston, Dec. 1, 1776, Joseph, son of Benjamin and Grace (Esterbroolis) Hurd, who was b. Dec. 21, 1752, and d. at Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 14, 1842; d. Aug. 5, 1825. lie was a merchant, and resided for a number of years at Portsmouth. They were both dismissed from the First Church in Charlestown to the Second Church in the same town, and of the latter they were prominent members. Cliildren : 1. Joseph^ Hurd, b. July 27, and bapt. Aug. 10, 1778; graduated Harvard College in 1797 ; author of many scientific works ; d. Mar. 19, 1857; never married. 2. William Hurd, b. Nov. 17, and bapt. Concord, Nov, 28, 1779; died young. 3. William Hurd, b. Boston, Oct. 15, bapt. Oct. 29, 1780; m. July 21, 1820, Mary, dau. of Warham and Rebecca" (Gorham) Parks, who was b. Aug. 30, 1795; d. at Charlestown, Mar. 21, 1872; she d. Nov. 28, 1863. 25 i. Hannah Hurd, b. July 22, 1782; m. 1808, Henry, son of Col. Eliphalet and Abigail (Hill) Ladcl, who was b. in Exeter, N. H., May 1, 1780; he d. in 1842; d. May 27, 1873. 5. Buth Hurd, b. Apr. 18, 1781; m. (1) June 18, 1811, Abner Rog- ers of Hampstead, N. H. ; he graduated at Harvard College in 1800, and d. at Charlestowu, Feb. 23, 1814; she m. (2) at Charlestown, Jan. 22, 1824, as his third wife, Hon. Daniel Appleton, who was the son of John and Elizabeth (Haynes) White of Haverhill, where he was b. June 7, 1776, graduated at Harvard College in 1797. He d. Mar. 30, 1861. 6. Isaac Hurd, b. Dec. 7, 1785; graduated at Harvard College in 1806; d. Exeter, N. H., Oct. 4, 1856. 7. Thomas Hurd, b. Sept., 1787. 8. Mary Larkin Hurd, b. Apr. 1, 1789 ; m. Eliphalet, son of Col. Eliphalet and Abigail (Hill) Ladd, who was b. in Exeter, N. H., Apr. 25, 1791; he d. Apr. 24, 1821, no issue. 9. Charles Hurd, b. May 28, 1791 ; d. at Londonderry, N. H., May 21, 1873. 10. Eliza Hird, b. Jan. 1, 1793; m. (published Apr. 4, 1816), Wil- liam Johnson, son of Timothy and Abigail (Johnson) Walker, who was b. Mar. 15, 1790; graduated at Harvard College in 1810; he d. at Newport, R. I., Apr. 2, 1865; d. at Paris, France, Sept. 17, 1870. 11. George Hurd, b. Sept. 27, 1795; d. July 11 (or 15), 1796. X. Thomas Kettell, bapt. June 16, 1754; d. at Concord, Mar. 18, 1833. xi. Jonathan Kettell, bapt. Mar. 7, 1756; m. Hepzibah, dau. of Dea. James and Abigail (Bradish) Frothingham, who wash, in Charles- town, Nov. 27, and bapt. Dec. 1, 1765. He d. Oct. 13, 1813; and she d. Jan. 7, 1807. Children, born in Charlestown : 1. William^ Kettell, bapt. Aug. 9, 1789 ; d. Apr. 4, 1806. 2. Hepzibah Kettell, bapt. Sept. 19, 1790; m. Simeon Flint. 3. Child, d. Mar., 1799. 4. Sarah-Call Kettell, bapt. July, 1796. 5. Jonathan Kettell, b. Jan. 7, 1801; d. Sept. 26, 1802. 6. Mary Kettell ; m. Simeon Flint. xii. Mary Kettell, bapt. Aug. 27, 1758 ; d. at Concord, Oct. 4, 1849. xiii. Ebenezer Kettell, bapt. July 13, 1760; probably d. young ; not men- tioned in his father's will. xiv. Rebecca Kettell, bapt. Oct. 31, 1762; m. at Concord, June 6, 1797, as his second wife, John Thoreau of Boston, who was b. in the Island of Jersey, England, about 1754, and who had married first, at Boston, Aug. 19, 1781, Jenny Burns (Trinity Church). He d. at Concord, Mar. 7, 1801 ; and she d. there. May 22, 1814. His will, dated Feb. 20, 1801, was probated Apr. 15, 1801. Children by first wife, born in Boston : 1. Betsey Thoreau; d. at Concord, Nov. 15, 1839, never married. 2. Jane Thoreau: she was living in 1811. 8. Mary Thoreau, b. 1786; d. at Concord, July 24, 1811. 26 4. John Thoreau, b. 1788; in. at Concord, May 11, 1812, Cynthia, clau. of Asa and Mary (Jones) Dunbar, who was b. inKeene, N. H., May 22, 1787; d. at Concord, Feb. 3, 1859; and she d. there, Mar. 12, 1872. Children : 1. Helen L. Thoreau, b. 1814; d. at Concord, June 14, 1850. 2. John Thoreau, b. 1815 ; d. at Concord, Jan. 12, 1842. 3. Henry David Thoreau, b. July 12, 1817; d. at Concord, May 6, 1862. He graduated from Harvard College in 1837. Re- sided at Concord, and gave much of his time to the study of botany and nature. He was best known as the Poet- Naturalist of Concord. Sketches of his life have been written by Ralph "W. Em- erson and William E. Channing. 5. Nancy Thoreau, m. June 20, 1810, Caleb C. Billings ; d. pre- vious to 1829. 6. Sally Thoreau, b. 1791 ; d. at Concord, Aug. 21, 1829. Her will was dated Apr. 29, and probated Nov. 17, 1829. It mentions her brother John Thoreau, who was named executor; sister Cynthia Thoreau, wife of her brother John; Rebecca Jane and Mary Ann Thoreau Billings, nieces ; sisters Elizabeth, Jane and Maria Thoreau. Her real estate consisted of a house on Prince Street, Boston, and a house at Concord. 7. Maria Thoreau. 8. David Thoreau, probably d. Aug. 28, 1817, aged 21 yrs., as no mention is made of him in his sister's will in 1829. 19. Rebecca* Stimson (John,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^), born in Charles- town, June 17, 1719, married at Charlestown, May 7, 1741, Caleb, son of Caleb and Ann (Whaff) Call, who was baptized at Charles- town, Nov. 16, 1718. She died at Charlestown, Jan. 26, 1765. He married second, about 1775, Mrs. Lydia (Soley) (Stevens) Greenleaf, daughter of John and Dorcas (Coffin) Soley, widow of John Stevens (married Dec. 4, 1746) and Stephen Greenleaf (married Apr. 26, 1753). He died at Charlestown, Aug. 7, 1780. Rebecca Stimson was received into full communion, Dec. 18, 1737. Caleb Call was a baker by trade, and followed that vocation at Charlestown; he was styled "Esquire." With wife Rebecca, he sold to AVilliam Kettell the house and land she received from her father's estate, which house was occupied by J. Bolerson, a baker from Boston. When the widow's dower was set off, she was given certain chambers in the house, near the ovens. Children, born in Charlestown : i. Caleb* Call, b. Mar. 10, bapt. Mar. 14, 1741-2; d. June 6, 1742. ii. Caleb Call, b. Apr. IG, bapt. Apr. 17, 1743; d. June 22, 1743. 22. iii. Rebecca Call, b. May 14, bapt. May 20, 1744; m. Hon. Nathaniel Gorham. 23. X. 24. xi. 25. xii 27 iv. Caleb Call, b. Aug. 6, bapt. Aug. 10, 1746; d. Oct, 6, 1747. V. Martha Call, bapt. Mar. 29, 1747; cl. young. vi. Joseph Call, bapt. Nov. 12, 1749 ; m. Nov. 4, 1773, Margaret Babb. His will, dated Apr. 1, 1775, probated Dec. 28, 1779, mentioned only liis wife, and said tliat lie was about to go on a voyage. He probably went to sea, and never was heard from, vii. Benjamin Call, b. Nov. 29, bapt. Dec. 2, 1750; m. at Boston, Jan. 13, 1780, Sarah Jefford; d. at Charleston, S. C, Dec. 14, 1785; was a raeiuber of the New North Church, Boston, 1781. viii. Ruth Call, bapt. Feb. 9, 1752 ; d. young. ix. Caleb Call, b. Jan. 29, bapt. Feb. 3, 1754; d. July 21, 1754. Samuel Call, b. Apr. 18, 1756, bapt. same day. Anne Call, b. Dec. 24, bapt. Dec. 25, 1757 ; m. Peter Roe Daltou. Elizabeth Call, b. Nov. 27, bapt. Dec. 2, 1759 ; m. Hon. Josiah Bartlett. xiii. John Call, b. Aug. 20, bapt. Aug. 22, 1762 ; d. Sept, 18, 1808 ; never married. 26. xiv. Martha Call, b. May 31, bapt. June 3, 1764; m. John Atwater. 20. Elizabeth* Stimson . (Jo/in,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charles- town, Dec. 26, 1726, married at Charlestown, Sept. 26, 1748, Thomas, son of Joseph and Ann (Phillips) Newell, who was born in Charlestown, July 23, 1724, and died at Lunenburg, Mar. 5, 1793. She died at Boston, Sept. 1, 1773, gravestone in Granary Burying-ground. He was a hatter by trade and lived at Charles- town, afterwards removing to Boston. In a deed dated July 19, 1763, in which he is called "mariner," he and his wife sold to their brother John^ Stimpson, of Charlestown, " the southerly part of the Mansion house of our father, with land adjoining, lately im- proved by us, agreeably to the division of our said father's estate amongst his children, as ordered by the Court." Bounded and de- scribed as follows : " nine poles of the house plot, the part of the house, there measuring from the ground sill of said house on the front street measuring on a straight line back through the chimney to the middle of the rear of said house from top to bottom, and so to the rear of said House. The lot is bounded Southwest upon the Country Road, forty seven feet from the middle of the house; Southeast on the remaining part of the homestead, sixty six feet ; Northeast in the rear of said house thirty feet and upon land of John Stimson to the Country Road ; Northwest on our said brother's part of the House and house lot." (JVIiddlesex Co. Deeds, v. 62, p. 32.) An examination of the bounds of this estate shows that it was a portion of the same lot of land, which William Frothingham sold Andrew^ Stimson, Oct. 21, 1704, and which was the homestead of John* Stimson. 28 Children, the first four born in Charlestown, the others in Boston : 27. i. Thomas* Newell, b, Sept. 10, bapt. Sept. 17, 1749. ii. Elizabeth Newell, b. June 4, bapt. June 7, 1752; d. at Boston, Apr. 9, 1774, aged 22 yrs. (gravestone in Granary Burying-ground gives date as Apr. 12). iii. Ann Newell, b. Mar. 29, bapt. Apr. 3, 1757 ; d. at Boston, Oct. 19, 1766; gravestone in Granary Burying-ground. iv. Margaret Newell, bapt. Feb. 17, 1760; m. a Grant. Her uncle Timotliy Newell gave her, and her sister Mary, his house and land in Charlestown, and at that time (Feb. 5, 1799) she was called Margaret Grant; " at their death the estate to go to such of their children as are living." David Wood of Charlestown and Joseph Newall of Hingham, as attorneys for Margaret Grant and Mary Grifflths, sold Ebenezer Breed, "certain land in Charlestown, bounded by a street leading out of the Square to the long wharf 25 ft. ; West on land belonging to said Breed 56 feet ; East to land belonging to John Harris 56 feet ; North on land of Richard Trumbull, formerly belonging to the heirs of John Phillips." Dated Aug. 16, 1800. (Middlesex Co. Deeds, v. 137, p. 219.) She d. at Boston, Jan. 23, 1830, aged 70 yrs. 28. V. Mary Newell, bapt. Mar. 7 or 14, 1762; ra. James Davenport Griffiths. 29. vi. Joseph Newell, b. Nov. 22, bapt. Nov. 23, 1766. 21. John* Stimson (John,^ Andreio,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Jan. 18, 1728-9, married at Charlestown, Jan. 30, 1751-2, Su- sannah, daughter of William and Susannah (White) Fosdick, who was born in Charlestown, Oct. 8, 1733. He died at Charlestown, Mar. 13, 1776, and was buried at Medford, Mar. 17, 1776, where his gravestone is still to be seen in the Medford Cemetery. She mar- ried second, about 1778, Joseph Newell of Charlestown, who may- have been son of Joseph and Ann (Phillips) Newell, born in Charlestown, June 7, 1716. He died previous to 1798 ; and she died at Boston, Feb. 28, 1817, and was buried in the Bradshaw tomb, Boston Common. She was a lineal descendant of Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower.* * Elder William' Brewster was b. in Scrooby, Eng., about l.'iGG ; came in the May- ilower, 1620; had wife Mary ; bed. at Duxbury, Apr. 10, 1644; she d. at Plymouth, Apr. 17, 1627; their son, Jonathan* Brewster, b. in Scrooby, Aug. 12, 1593; m. Apr. 10, 1624, Lucretia Oldham of Darby; he d. at New London, Conn., Aug. 7, 1659; she d. Mar. 4, 1688-9 ; their daughter, Ruth^ Brewster, b. Jones River, Oct. 3, 1631 ; m. Mar. 14, 1651, John Pickett of New London; he d. Aug. 16, 1667; she d. at New London, May 1, 1677; their daughter, Mercy'' Pickett, b. Jan. 16, 1660-1; m. Samuel, son of John and Anna (Shapley) (Branson) Fosdick, who was b. Dec. 15, 1655, and d. at New London, Aug. 27, 1702; their son, Samuel^ Fosdick, b. New London, Sept. 18, 1684; m. at New London, July 13, 1706, Susannah, dau. of Ezekiel and Susannah (Keeny) Turner (another descendant of Elder Brewster) ; he d. Feb. 22, 1753; their son Williams Fosdick, b. New London, Feb. 4, 1712-13; m. int. pub. Dec. 20, 1732, Susannah, dau. of Charles and Susannah (Miller) White of Boston, who was b. in Charlestown, Dec. 18, bapt. Dec. 19, 1714; he d. previous to 1741. ■// J Here lies, Buried y, J*°theBody of I HSinsiBBmiiffiKifiei •'^•-■>^ l| icrfe of ChaHefiowri % A^ed 47 Years. \ ^' 29 He resided in Charlestown, and followed the family trade of taker. He inherited two-fifths of the homestead when his father's estate was divided, and purchased that portion set off to his sister Elizabeth Newell. His house was situated at what is now the corner of Main and Meade Streets, with the bake-house in the rear. The land extended from Main Street up the hill to the present Bunker Hill Street, or, as it was called in early times, " the road over Bunker Hill." There is a tradition in the family that he furnished supplies (probably bread) for the American army during the Revolution, and that his death was caused by camp fever. No records have as yet been found which would prove this. He made a claim for the destruction of his buildings at the burning of the town by the British in 1775, amounting to £334. 8. 0., and was taxed in Charlestown from 1756 to 1773, but why the tax was omitted for the remaining years is not known. His wife renewed the Covenant, Jan. 7, 1753, just previous to the baptism of her first child. He died intestate, and administration on his estate was granted to his widow, Sept. 20, 1776. Henry Sweetser was appointed guardian of all the children who were minors. The homestead was purchased by the son William, who paid the other heirs for their interest. Children, born in Charlestown : 30. i. JoHN,^ b. Aug. 8, 1752, bapt. Jan. 14, 1753. 31. ii. Susannah, b. Feb. 1, bapt. Feb. 3, 1754; m. Ezra Whitmarsh. 32. iii. William, b. Feb. 8, 1756, bapt. same day. 33. iv. Abigail, b. June 2, bapt. June 5, 1757; m. James Gibbs. 34. V. Andrew, b. June 25, bapt. July 1, 1759. 35. vi. Ruth, bapt. Mar. 15, 1761 ; m. Andrew Bradshaw. 36. vii. Rebecca, bapt. Apr. 10, 1763; m. Josiah Capen. 37. viii. Mary, b. May 2, 1763 (gravestone), bapt. May 5,, 1765; m. David Simmons. 38. ix. Elizabeth, bapt. Apr. 19, 1767; m. Jonas Dix. 39. X. Benjajiin, bapt. Aug. 7, 1768. 40. xi. Joseph, b. Apr. 22, 1770 ; bapt. same day. 41. xii. Na:s'cy, b. Oct. 14, bapt. Oct. 27, 1771; m. John Dicks. 42. xiii. Nathaniel, bapt. July 18, 1773. 22. Rebec CA^ Call {Rebecca,'^ John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, May 14, 1744, married at Charlestown, Sept. 6, 1763, Hon. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Mary (Soley) Gorham, who was born in Charlestown, May, 1738,* and baptized May 21, 1738. He died at Charlestown, June 11, 1796, and she died there, Nov. _ * Other records give the date of his birth as May 1, 1738, but the original record gives only the month and year. 30 18, 1812. He was an influential citizens of Charlestown, and a statesman. He was a member of the Provincial Congress of 1774 and 1775, and of the State Constitutional Convention of 1779. He was also a member of the Continental Congress from 1782 to 1787, and served as President of the same from June 6, 1786, to Feb. 2, 1787 ; he was a delegate to the Convention which framed the Con- stitution, and afterwards used his influence to induce Massachusetts to ratify the Constitution. In company with Oliver Phelps, he purchased a large tract of land in New York State, which was thrown open to settlement. His son Nathaniel Gorham, who lived on this tract, managed the estate for him until his death in 1826. Children, born in Charlestown : 43. i. Nathaniel*"' Gorham, b. Oct. 25, bapt. Oct. 30, 1763. 44. ii. Eebecca Gorham, b. Mar. 20, bapt. Mar. 24, 1765 ; m. "Warham Parks. 45. iii. Mary Gorham, b. Dec. 7, bapt, Dec. 13, 1767; m. Dr. George Bartlett. iv. Elizabeth Gorham, b. July 21, bapt. July 23, 1769. 46. v. Ann Gorham, bapt. Mar. 3, 1771 ; ra. Hon. Peter Chardon Brooks, vi. John Gorham, bapt. Nov. 22, 1772. 47. vii. Benjamin Gorham, b. Feb. 13, 1775. viii. Stephen Gorham, b. 1776; d. at Charlestown, June 22, 1849; never married. The Church record gives the date of his death as June 21, 1849. 48. ix. Lydl\^ Gorham, b. Dec, 1779; m. John Phillips. 23. Samuel* Call {Rehecca,* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), was born in Charlestown, Apr. 18, 1756, married, intention published, Sept. 28, 1776, Esther, daughter of Capt. Josiah and Elizabeth (Green) Green, who was born in Stoneham, Nov. 15, 1757. He died at Maiden, Oct. 4, 1828, and she died there. May 12, 1853, aged 96 years. At that time she was the oldest person in town. He was a Revolutionary soldier, enlisted from Stoneham, and served as a private in Capt. Ford's Co. In a letter dated Stoneham, Dec. 8, 1777, sent by Capt. Abraham Gould and addressed to Capt. Ford, it was stated that he had sent forward said Call and others to serve for the town of Stoneham, and he recommended Call's appointment as Ist Corporal. Child, born in Maiden : i. Esther® Call, b. Apr. 1, 1781; d. at Maiden, Aug. 7, 1851; never married. 24. Anne" Call {Rebecca,'^ John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), was born in Charlestown, Dec. 24, 1757, married at Boston, Nov. 22, 1778, as his second wife, Peter Roe, son of James and Abigail (Roe) 31 (Alden) Dalton, who was born in Boston, and baptized there (King's Chapel) Nov. 13, 1743. He married first, at Boston, June 3, 17 68, Susannah, daughter of Jacob, Jr., and Rachel (Flagg) Griggs, who was born in Boston, June 3, and baptized there (New South Church), June 10, 1750. He died at Boston, Sept. 8, 1811, and she died there. Mar. 4, 1835. A well known citizen of Boston. He was the first cashier of the United States Bank, and held that position at the time of his death. Administration on his father's estate was granted him July 9, 1787, and the estate was divided the following October. Children mentioned were : Peter Roe Dalton, Mary Ingersoll, Ann Tucker, Abigail Dalton and Sarah Homans. He purchased the family man- sion house,* which was situated on Water and Congress Streets, from the other heirs. His will was dated June 16, 1810, and probated Sept. 16, 1811 ; his son Peter Roe Dalton took the mansion house. Children, born in Boston, and baptized at King's Chapel : i. James« Dalton, b. Apr. 29, 1783; ra. at Boston, June 18, 1818, Elizabeth, dau. of Christopher and Elizabeth (Baker) Tilden, who was b. in Boston, Jan. 16, 1798, and d. there, Jan. 24, 1830; he m. (2) at Boston, July 12, 1832, Susan Ann Parker, who d. at Boston, Mar. 5, 1848, aged 44 yrs. ; he m. (3), at Boston, Sept. 18, 1845, Mrs. Susan (Phillips) Jones, dau. of Ephraira and Susan Phillips, who was b. in Concord, Nov. 9, 1791, and d. at Cambridge, Jan. 27, 1873; d. at Boston, Dec. 18, 1860. He was for many years cashier of the Tremont Bank of Boston ; resided on Mt. Vernon Street. His will, which was dated Mar. 10, 1855, and probated Jan. 7, 1861, mentions wife Snsan Phillips Dalton, and children : James, Susan Maria, Samuel Fales, Caro- line Mary, and Abigail. Children, born in Boston, and baptized at King's Chapel. 1. Elizabeth Tilderi' Dalton, bapt. June 23, 1820 ; d. Boston, May 18, 1849. 2. Peter Boe Dalton, bapt. Apr. 5, 1821 ; d. at Boston, Dec. 24, and buried from King's Chapel, Dec. 26, 1840, aged 19 yrs. 3. Christopher F. Dalton, b. 1822; d. at Boston, Dec. 13, 1824. 4. Ann Call Dalton, b. 1824 ; d. at Boston, July 4, 1849. 5. Abigail Dalton, b. 1826 ; d. at Boston, Feb. 10, 1856. 6. James Dalton. * The Dalton house stood on Dalton's row or lane, which extended from Water to Milk Street, and was called Dalton's lane from 1769 until 1788, when it was called Dalton Street, in honor of Mr. Dalton, a custom commonly followed in the early days of the town. The name was changed to Congress Street, Jan. 22, 1800. That portion of the street between Water and Milk Streets, with the Square in front of the Post Office, was named Post Office Square, Dec. 28, 1874; changed to McKinley Square in 32 7. Samuel Fales Ballon, b. 1835, m. at Boston, Oct. 16, 1862, Taero, dau. of John and Bapouri Hall, wlio was b. on the Island of Bola Bola, East Indies, 1843 ; d. at Boston, Oct. 25, 1871. 8. Susan 3Iaria Dalt >n. 9. Caroline Mary Dalton. 10. Francis Welch Dalton, b. 1839; d. May 22, 1841. ii. Ann Tucker Dalton, bapt. Oct. 6, 1788 ; m. at Boston, Nov. 25, 1818, Rufus Bacon, of Freetown, who d. at Boston, May 29, 1842, aged about 31 yrs. ; d. Nov. 7, 1870. Children : 1. J. H. Lyman'' Bacon. 2. JRiifus Henry Bacon. 3. Frank C. Bacon. 4. S. Brooks Bacon. 5. Ann Dalton Bacon. 6. Susan Hodges Bacon. iii. Peter Roe Dalton, bapt. Feb. 5, 1791 ; d. at Boston, Feb. 18, 1861 ; never married. iv. Caroline Dalton, b. Jan. 30, bapt. Feb. 6. 1791 ; it is possible that she was a twin to Peter Roe Dalton ; d. at Boston, Nov. 25, 1863 ; never married. V. Henry Dalton, b. Apr. 11, bapt. May 20j 1792 ; married ; d. at Bos- ton, Feb. 8, 1861. He was for many years Treasurer of the Boston and Providence Railroad Co. Children, born in N^w Bedford : 1. Joseph GrinneW Dalton; graduated from Harvard College in 1850. 2. Annie D. Dalton, b. 1829 ; m. at Boston, Dec. 27, 1855, William A., son of Samuel Jackson, who was b. in Penn., 1828. 3. Sarah B. Dalton. vi. Charles Dalton, b. Mar., bapt. Apr. 17, 1794; d. at Boston, Aug., 1794; buried from King's Chapel, Aug. 15, 1794. vii. John Call Dalton, b. May 30, 1795; bapt. Oct. 8, 1797; m. Feb, 21, 1822, Julia Ann, dau. of Noah and Anne (Parlier) Spalding, who was b. in Chelmsford, May 16, 1802, and d. at Lowell, Aug. 10, 1846; he m. (2) Oct. 15, 1850, Lydia, dau. of John and Lydia (Gorham) Phillips, who was b. in Charlestowu, Apr. 12, 1804, and d. Andover, Apr. 23, 1874; d. at Boston, Jan. 8, 1864. Graduated from Harvard College in 1814, and from the Medical School in 1818. For nearly 40 years he practised medicine in Chelmsford and Lowell. He removed to Boston about 1859. Children, by first wife : 1. John CaW Dalton, b. in Chelmsford, Feb. 2, 1825 ; d. at New York City, Feb. 12, 1889 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1844 ; served with distinction during the Civil War as surgeon in various Departments. Resided in New York, where he occupied a high position as a surgeon, and as a lecturer in Medical Colleges. 33 2. Charles Henry Dalton, b. in Chelmsford, abt. 1827; m. at Bos- ton, June 25, 1862, Mary, dau. of James and Mary Mason (Kent) McGregor, who was b. in Boston, 184:0. 3. Edward Barry Dalton, b. in Lowell, Sept. 21, 1834; m. at Cam- bridge, Feb. 7, 1863, Sarah Horton, dau. of Warren and Temperance C. Colburn, who was b. in Lowell, 1834, and d. 1869; d. at Santa Barbara, Cal., May 13, 1872; another record gives the date of his death as May 30 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1855 ; served as surgeon during the Civil War with diflereut Commands. In 1864 he was appointed Medical Inspector, Army of Potomac, and was with it until Apr. 24, 1865, when he resigned to resume practice in New York City. 4. Henry B. Dalton, b. 1839; m. at Boston, Mar. 16, 1865, Eliza- beth L. D., dau. of James D. and Ellen Russell, who was b. in Newton, 1843. 5. Julia A. Dalton, m. Charles E. K. Sherman of New York. 6. Anne Dalton. viii. Mary Dalton, bapt. Oct. 8, 1797; d. young. ix. Mary Dalton, b. Nov. 1805 ; d. at Boston, Aug. 25, 1859 ; never married. 25. Elizabeth^ Call {Rebecca,"^ John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Nov. 27, 1759, married at Boston (Christ Church), Apr. 6, 1783, Hon. Josiah, son of George and Ivatherine (V/hitte- more) Bartlett, who was born in Charlestown, Aug. 1, and baptized Aug. 12, 1759. He died at Charlestown, Mar. 5, 1820. He served as 2d Surgeon and Hospital Mate during the Revolu- tionary War. The records show that he was under pay from Jan. 1, 1777, to May, 1781. After the war he settled at Charlestown as a physician and enjoyed a lucrative practice. He was much in public affairs, and at various times was a member of the House, Senate and Executive Council. He was perhaps best known as a m-jmber of the Masonic fraternity, of which he was a prominent and influential brother. He probably took his degrees in Saint Andrew's Lodge in Boston, and when King Solomon's Lodge was instituted, Sept. 5, 1783, he was one of the charter members, and served as Master in 1783, '84, '87, '93 and 1809. He was Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge in 1786, '88, '91 and in 1792, and was elected Grand Master in 1797, '98 and 1809. A portrait of Dr. Bartlett graces the walls of the Masonic Temple in Boston. Children, born in Charlestown : i, Elizabeth^ Bartlett, b. Jan. 17, 1784. ii. Catherine Bartlett, b. May 2, 1785 : m. June 6, 1809, Elias, son of Benjamin and Susannah Phiuney of Thomaston, Me., who was b. in Nova Scotia, 1780, and d. at Lexington, July 24, 1849 ; State record gives date of his death as July 25 ; d. at Belmont, Aug. 2, 34 1864. He graduated from Harvard College in 1801 ; practised law at Charlestown; was dismissed from the First to the^Second Church at Charlestown, of which he was chosen Deacon, Apr. 1, 1819. For many years he served as clerk of the Courts in Middle- sex County. Children : 1. James Pain' Fhinney, bapt. Oct. 18, 1818. iii. JosiAH Whittemore Bartlett, b. Jan. 25, 1787; d. at Charles- town, Apr. 4, 1790. iv. Rebecca Call Bartlett, b. June 30, 1788. V. Child, b. and d. Sept. 20, 1789. vi. Josiah Whittemore Bartlett, b. Feb. 8, 1791 ; d. at Charlestown, Jan. 19, 1796. vii. John Call Bartlett, b. Jan. 4, 1792; d. Jan. 19, 1832. viii. George Bartlett, b. Feb. 3, 1793; graduated from Harvard Col- lege in 1827 ; d. 1864. ix. GoRHAM Bartlett, b. Mar. 31, 1794 ; graduated from Harvard Col- lege in 1813; d. June 6, 1818. X. Charlotte Bartlett, b. Aug. 12, 1795; d. at Charlestown, Aug. 28, 1795. xi. Josiah Bartlett, b. Nov. 20, 1796 ; graduated from Harvard Col- lege in 1816; d. at Concord, Jan. 5, 1878. xii. Caleb Call Bartlett, b. May 16, 1798. xiii. Charlotte Barltett, b. Oct. 13, 1799; d. at Charlestown, Sept. 26, 1801. xiv. Martha Bartlett, b. Nov. 24, 1801 ; m. Oct. 5, 1829, Francis E. Goddard of Kentucky. XV. Ann Barllett (twin), b. Dec. 27, 1802; m. int. pub. Aug. 6, 1844, Francis E. Goddard. xvi. Charlotte Bartlett (twin), b. Dec. 27, 1802; m. Francis E. Goddard. 26. Martha^ Call {Rebecca* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Charles- town, May 31, 1764, married at Charlestown, as his third wife, Jan, 30, 1793, John, son of John and Hannah (Thompson) Atwater, who was born in Westfield (or perhaps Cheshire), Sept. 5, 1751, who had married first, Dolly, daughter of Ezra and Margaret Clapp, and married second, Anne, daughter of John and Margaret (Moseley) Ingersoll, who was born in Westfield, Sept. 8, 1767. He died at Westfield, Sept. 8, 1823, and she died there about 1834. He re- sided at one time at New Haven, Conn., afterwards at Westfield. Children, by third wife, probably all born in Westfield : 1. Dolly Ann« Atwater, b. May 27, 1796 ; d. at Collinsville, 111., Jan. 6, 1853. ii^ Nancy Dalton Atwater, b. Sept. 3, 1798 ; d. at Edwardsville, 111., Apr. 18, 1839. iii. George Atwater, b. Sept. 2, 1800; m. in 1832, Eliza, dau. of Joel and Laura (Moseley) Hough, who was b. in Westfield, July 10, 1813, and d. there, Sept. 8, 1892; d. at Westfield, Dec. 12, 1878. 35 Children, born in Westfleld: 1. llartha Eliza'' Atioater, b. 1833; d. yonng. 2. William Henry Atioater, b. June 15, 1835. 3. John Call Atwater, b. Sept. 17, 1840. 4. Clarissa Frances Atioater, b. June, 1843 ; d. at Westfied, Oct. 15, 1844. 5. Edtoard West Atwater, b. Feb. 23, 1854. 27. Thomas^ Newell {Elizabeth,'^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Sept. 10, 1749, had wife Hannah, who died at Lunen- bui'g, Feb. 6, 1807 ; (another record gives the date of her death as Feb. 3). He died at Lunenburg, Nov. 13, 1827. His uncle, Timothy Newell, a merchant of Boston, whose will was dated Feb. 5, 1799, gave to Col. David Wood and others, " my farm in Lunen- burg in trust for my nephew Newell of Lunenburg, he to occupy and improve said farm ; at his death said farm to go to his chil- dren." Thomas had probably resided a number of years previous to this at Lunenburg ; but after his death, his children removed to Boston. Children, born in Lunenburg : 49. i. NajStcy^ Newell, b. abt. 1779; m. Capt. Wilkes Barber. ii. Hannah Newell, bapt. at Boston, Nov. 7, 1784 ; d. at Cambridge. 28. Mary^ Newell {Elizabeth* John,^ Andrew,^ Andreiv^), baptized in Boston, Mar. 7 or 14, 1762, married at Boston, Nov. 3, 1785 (Brattle Street Church records), Nov. 10, 1785 (Boston records), James Davenport, son of John and Abia (Davenport) Griffiths, who was born in 1764, and died at Boston, Sept. 1804, and she died there. Mar. 30, 1824. He was a newspaper man, and in 1785 was connected with the Continental Journal, published at Boston. Shortly after this he removed to Keene, N. H., where he estab- lished the New Hampshire Recorder, the first newspaper to be printed in that place. He was made a Mason in Rising Sun Lodge, A. F. and A. M., Nov. 22, 1787. The following is taken from the records of Rising Sim Lodge. " Dec. 19, 1787, the Lodge voted: That the members of the Rising Sun Lodge be summoned to attend at the hall on St. John's day by an advertisem't in Bro. Griffith's Newspaper." He removed to Boston Mar. 4, 1793. Children : i. Margaret Grant^ Griffiths, b. Keene, N. H., Jan. 25, 1788; d. at Boston, Nov. 8, 1859. Never married. ii. James Griffiths, probably b. in Keene, bapt. at Boston, (Brattle St. Church), Mar. 29, 1791. In 1828, he was living in Boston, when he was called a mariner, at which time he sold all his right, title and interest in the Timothy Newell estate to Mary E. N. 36 Fuller. Afterwards he enlisted in the U. S. Navy. In 1849 he was sent to the Naval Home in Philadelphia, and remained there about three years; he d. at Welch Tract, New Castle Co., Del., Nov. 12, 1855. 50. iii. Mary Elizabeth Newell Griffiths, b. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 13, 1796 ; m. Stephen Parker Fuller. 29. Joseph^ Newell {Elizabeth^ John^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Nov. 22, 1766, married at Boston, Mar. 2, 1789, Sarah Thornton Wier. He died at Boston, Oct. 31, 1856, aged 90 years ; the date of her death has not as yet been found, but she was living in 1811. He was a prominent merchant of Boston. From his uncle Timothy Newell's estate he inherited some valuable property, and was also made one of the executors and trustees. One of these was the mansion house, situated on Bowdoin Square, at the junction of Cambridge and Green Streets, which he occupied for a number of years, and in 1810 sohl it to Samuel Parkmau. He dealt largely in real estate, and with his partners, Ebenezer Niles and Abuer Gardner, purchased several tracts of land in Dorchester, near Commercial or Preston's Point, about 1805, with the intention of making that locality the centre of business. Many improve- ments were made, roads and dams were built, also two large houses, both of which are standing at the present time. Nov. 29, 1809 the Company sold Joseph W. Jenkins land on Bark Warwick Street, together with the public house, called the hotel. The war of 1812 coming on, they were unable to continue the business, and lost their entire estate. Mr. Newell continued business in Boston for a num- ber of years, but never recovered from the severe loss he had sus- tained. Children, born in Boston, baptized at Brattle Street Church : i. Polly® Neavell, bapt. July 17 1791. ii. Sarah Newell, bapt. Nov. 17, 1793. Iii. Sarah Wyer Newell, 'bapt. May 1, 1796. iv. TiiMOTHY Newell, bapt. Feb. 18, 1798 ; d. at Boston, Sept. 23, 1801. 30. JoHN^ Stimpson {John,^ John,^ Andrew^- Andrew^), born in Charles- town, Aug. 8, 1752, married first, at Watertown, Oct. 6, 1773, Mary, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Kemball) Harrington, who was born in Watertown, May 18, 1748 ; married second, at Keene, N.H., June 24, 1790, Rebecca, daughter of Josiah and Mary Willard, who was born in Keeue, N. H., May 24, 1772, and who was a half- sister to Hon. Lockart Willard who married his sister Rebecca Stimpson ; and married third, at Watertown, July 21, 1806, Sibel Goodrich of Lexington. He died at Watertown, Dec. 2, 1828. 37 He followed the family trade of saddler, and was tlie first of the family to reside in Watertown. He served in the Revolution as a member of Capt. Phineas Stearns's Co., for five days, which marched from Watertown, by order of General Washington, to reinforce the Army m taking possession of Dorchester Heights, Mar., 1776 (Mass Rev. Records, v. 23, p. 30), and appears to have signed a receipt for Bounty, paid him by Jonathan Brown, town treasurer, dated Watertown, July 17, 1776 (Mass. Rev. Records, v. 53, p. 187). Little is known concerning this John. He resided at Watertown for a number of years ; and probably lived at Keene, N. H., at the time of his second marriage. Dec. 29, 1784, with his mother, Su- sannah Newell, and his brothers and sisters, he sold his interest and title to two and one sixth acres of land situated in Charlestown, to his brother, William Stimpson, bounded and described as follows: "Westerly on the highway there measuring one chain and ninety eight links ; Northerly on land of Thomas Frothingham in part and partly on land of the heirs of Thomas Call (deceased) there measuring ten chains and eighty six links ; Easterly on the field-way measuring one chain and eighty five links ; Southerly on land of said Wilham Stimpson, there measuring eleven chains and ten links • Easterly on land of said Stimpson, measuring forty links, and Southerly on said Stimpson's land one chain." (Middlesex Co Deeds, V. 88, p. 310.) Oct. 14, 1798, with other heirs, he sold his interest in one acre of land laid out from his father's estate, to his mother, subject to her interest. (Middlesex Co. Deeds, v. 131, p. 4.) The land afterwards came into possession of Isaac Mead of Charlestown, who laid it out in lots which were sold as occasion re- quired. A street was laid out about 1824, which was called Mead Street in 1844.* The accompanying picture shows the locality at the present time. Children by first wife, born in Watertown : 51. i. John,*" b. Dec. 31, 1773. 62. ii. WiLLLVM, b. Dec. 25, 1776. ♦Isaac Mead sold Samuel Cutler a tract of land situated in Charlestown on the Northeasterly sue of Main Street, bounded as follows : •' Northwest on Zn Stre' Aug. 4.T824 ' "' '" " ''"'' "'^^""^ °P^"^*^ '^'^''^^ ^"--'^^ Bunker Hill.'' Isaac Mead of Charlestown, sold Eliphalet Pearson of Andover, 46 rods of land 10,7819 '"'' ^^^^^^^*°--' -^ ---^' back to Bunker Hill St.tet Zl] Isaac Mead of Charlestown, sold Eliphalet Pearson, 7-63 parts of one acre of land in Petst 'T: Tl *'? ''''''''' '°*' °° *^^ •^''"^*^^ -^'l - ^^^-- Street, adjoininrsa d Susannah rJ^r^^ T" "''' "' ''"^' '''''''' "^^ ''' ^^' ^^ -'^^ ^f Court, to Susannah Newell as her dower, zn the real estate of John Stimpson, of said Charles- town, her former husband. Nov. 28, 1823. '-laries 38 53. iii. Nancy, b. Nov. 24, 1778; m. Thomas Browne. 54. iv. Susan Fosdick, b. Dec. 13, bapt. Dec. 18, 1785. V. Elizabeth ; d. young.* Children bj second wife : 55. vi. Hannah, b. July, 1798; m. Rufus K. Foss. 66. vii. Rebecca Willard, b. about 1800; m. William B. Knight, viii. JosiAH ; d. young.* ix. Charles ; d. young.* 31, Susannah^ Stimpson {John,'- John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Feb. 1, 1754, married (published June 20, 1772) Ezra Whitmarsh, Jr. She owned the covenant, May 9, 1773 ; was living in Nassau Street, Boston, a widow, in 1816 ; was a fflove maker, a trade followed by some of her sisters ; and died about 1828. Nothing has as yet been found concerning his an- cestry. He was taxed in Charlestown in 1770, 1771, 1772 and 1773 ; and in 1798 he resided in Boston, where he was a leather dresser by trade. Oct. 14, 1798, with wife Susannah, he sold his interest in the estate of his father-in-law, John Stimpson. Children, born in Charlestown. 57. 1. WilliajmS Whitmarsh, bapt. May 9, 1773. 58. ii. Susan Whitmarsh; m. SamuelJackson. 59. iii. John Whitmarsh. 60. iv. Nancy Whitmarsh, b. 1781; m. Gurdeu Avery. V. Ezra Whitmarsh; d. previous to 1851. 61. vi. Maria Whitmarsh, b. Feb. 28, 1794; m. Cornelius Briggs Magoun. 62. vii. Catherine Whitmarsh ; m. Daniel HoUis. 32. William^ Stimpson {John,^ John,^ Andrew,'^ Andreio^), born in Charlestown, Feb. 8, 1756 (Town record), but the church record gives the date of his baptism as Feb. 1, 1755. He married at Charlestown, Nov. 24, 1782, Catharine, daughter of Tennis and Catharine (Stockholm) Rappalye or Rapalje, of Newtown, N. Y., where she was born Dec. 14, 1763. He died at Charlestown, about 1838 ; and she died there Oct. 3, 1811. He followed the trade of baker, and carried on the business in Charlestown, where he owned land near the old homestead on Main Street. Dec 29, 1784, he purchased from his mother, Susannah Newell, and his brothers and sisters, the entire estate left by his father, save a small portion set off to his mother as her thirds. (Middlesex Co. Deeds, v. 88, p. 310.) By deed of May 3, 1795, he sold the same estate to his mother-in-law, Catherine Rappalye, then of New York city (Middlesex Co. Deeds, v. 118, p. 8) ; and she in turn sold it to Joseph Newell of Boston, Dec. 2, 1800. (Middlesex Co. Deeds, v. 139, p. 426.) * Mrs. Dicks' statement. 39 About 1796, William purchased some 50 acres of land in the towns of Hartford and Sumner, formerly called Butterfield, Maine, which was settled by people from the vicinity of Boston ; but dis- posed of all his interest within a few years. In 1804 he sold laud in Charlestown to Phinehas Smith, and in the deed he is mentioned as residing in Boston. (Middlesex Co. Deeds, v. 155, p. 225.) Catharine Stimpsou joined the First Church in Charlestown, Oct. 13, 1793. After the death of his wife, WiUiam lived with his daughter, Catharine Childs, probably until his death. He was not mentioned by his sister, Ruth Bradshaw, in her will, which was made in 1842. Children, born in Charlestown :* i. Caty,« b. Dec. 29, 1783; d. at Charlestown, June 1, 1787 ii. John, b. Nov. 2, 1785; d. Oct. 27, 1810. 63. iii. William, b. Dec. 10, 1787. 64. iv. Catharine, b. May 1, 1793; m. Nathaniel Childs. 65. V. George Rappalye, b. July 22, bapt. Aug. 3, 1794, vi. Margaret, b. Nov. 11, 1796; d. Oct. 9, 1798 (family record), Oct 10 (town record) . vii. Edward, b. Feb. 25, bapt. July 29, 1798 ; d. Sept. 25, 1798 (family record), Sept. 26 (town record). 66. viii. Margaret, b. Nov. 4, 1799; bapt. Jan. 5, 1800; m. Elisha Trow- bridge. , Abigail^ Stimpson {John,'' John,^ Andretv;- Andrew'), born in Charlestown, June 2, 1757, married at Charlestown, Feb. 4, 1777, James Gibbs of Medford, who was born in Scotland about' 1752,' and died at Charlestown in 1824 (within three months of Mar. 24,' 1824). She died at Charlestown, Apr. 8, 1843 (family record)' Apr. 10, 1843 (town record and gravestone). They lived in Wap- ping Street. Wyman says: "James Gibbs was from Scotland, Mar. 1776; was in Census of 1789 ; was at Medford, afterwards at Charles- town." He enlisted in 1777, and served as Sergeant in Capt. Rich- ards's Co., Col. Vose's Regt. Mar. 31, 1818, he applied for a pen- sion,- and was allowed one for six years' service. Administration on his estate was granted his widow in 1825. She was admitted a member of the church at Charlestown, Sept. 11, 1814; and was allowed a pension for the services of he'r hus- band. Administration on her estate was granted to James R Tur- ner, May 16, 1843. * The faniily Bible M-hich bears the following heading, "Catharine Stimpson Her Book bonght m the year of our Lord, September 4th, 1793," is in the possession of her granddaughter, Mrs. Charles G. Pease, of Albany, N. Y. It not only gives the rec- ° m' V\l' nl' ^"^ V^''^ *^' ^^°^' ^'' '^^'°' b"* ^^^' the following statement : My Mother Catharine Eapelyea is 70 yrs old, April 21st, 1808 in the year of our Lord " 33. 40 Children, born in Charlestown : 67. i. James« Gibbs, b. July 22, 1784. 68. ii. John Gibbs, b. about 1788. 69 iii. RUTH Gibbs, b. July 16, 1789; m. Edward Damon. 70 iv Nancy Gibbs, b. about 1793 ; m. Isaac Johnson. 7l". V.' SUSAN rosDiCK GiBBS, b. about 1797 ; m. Warham Wheeler. 34 Andrew^ Sthipson {John,' John,' Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, June 25, 1759, married first, at Stoughton, July 7, 1782 Lucy, daughter of George and Amee (Dwelly) Blackman, who was born in Stoughton, Nov. 27, 1757, and died at Dedham, Jan. 15, 1799, aged 41 years ; married second, at Charlestown, Apr. 22 1800, Debor^ah Blackman, probably a sister of his first wife, who died and was buried at Hudson, N. H, ; and married third, Abigail, daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Walker) Bailey of Hud- son, who was born in Hollis, N. H., Oct. 14, 1799, and died Sept. 27, 1846 (Bailey Genealogy). He died at Charlestown, Dec. 28, 1849, aged 90 years. By trade he was a saddler, which trade he followed at Charles- town and Hudson. Dec. 29, 1784, with wife Lucy, he signed the family deed, and sold his interest in his father's estate. June 20, 1821, with wife Deborah, he sold his right to the one acre of land in Charlestown, also his brother Joseph's interest, which he had purchased, Jan. 18, 1821. May 9, 1816, with John Trumbull, mariner (probably his son-m- law), he sold a tract of land in Newton, containing seventy-three acres, the same having been purchased of Peter Thacher. Nov 3 1819, he purchased two lots of land at Nottingham West (now Hudson), N. H., of Moses Griffin of Charlestown, bounded by Moses Towne and Joseph Bailey. The lots contamed sixty-two acres and were situated partly in Hudson and partly m Londonderry. (Hillsboro' Co. Deeds, v. 125, p. 388.) He removed with his family to Hudson about the time of this purchase, and re- sided there for some thirty years. Apr. 1, 1820, he sold an undi- vided one quarter part of his purchase to his son Charles. He served in the Revolution as a private, in Capt. Walton's Co., from Sept. 4 to Sept. 11, 1778 (Mass. Rev. Records, v. 55, p. 3, his autograph appears in this roll), and in Capt. Foster's Co., Col. Howes' Regt., from July 31, to Nov 2, 1780 (Mass. Rev. Records, V. 2, p. 52). He received a pension from the U. S. Government. ' It is not known when he returned to Charlestown, but it was probably just before his death, as he was taxed in both towns as late as 1849. He died at the house of his son George Stimpson at Charlestown, His will, dated Nov. 6, 1840, which was made while living at Hudson, was probated at Cambridge in 1850. A copy is 72. i. 73. ii. 74. iii. iv. V. 75. vi. 76. vii 41 to be found in the appendix. As Andrew Stimpson died previous to the settling of Mrs. Bradshaw's estate, the legacy of $200 which was given to him was divided among his heirs, as follows : William F. Walker, Charles A. Walker, Susan A. Bowker, Loami Bailey Mary Kelly, Clarissa Coots, George Stimpson, Andrew Stimpson and Harriet Towns. Children, born in Charlestown : LucY,« bapt. at Watertown, Aug. 24, 1783; m. Joseph Russell. Susannah; m. Samuel Walker. Nancy ; m. Loami Bailey. Elizabeth; probably d. Sept. 21, 1789. Harriet, bapt. June 27, 1790 ; d. at Charlestown, Nov. 4, 1791 ; aged 16 mos. (according to auother record, Dec, 1791). George, b. May 21, 1793; bapt. Nov. 1, 1805. Andrew, b. July 24, 1800; bapt. Nov. 1, 1805. 77. viii. Charles, b. Sept. 17, 1803; bapt. Nov. 1, 1805. 78. ix. Harriet, b. 1805; bapt. Nov. 1, 1805; m. Moody Bridges Towne. 35. RuTH^ Stimpson {John* John,^ Andrew,'' Andrew^) , born in Charles- town, and baptized Mar. 15, 1761, married at Boston, Mar. 15, 1786, Andrew, son of Stephen and Mary Bradshaw, who was born in Medford, Feb. 26, 1753, and died at Boston in the early part of 1802. She died at Boston, May 23, 1852, aged 92 years. No issue. Aug. 12, 1788, Mr. Bradshaw purchased land with buildings, for £1,000 of John Sprague et ah. of Lancaster. One condition In the deed was " that he was to have the privilege of a drain to the mill pond across the street." (Suffolk Co. Deeds, v. 164, p. 162.) The house and distillery which adjoined, were situated on the southerly Bide of Distil-House Square,* near to Sudbury Street. This square was the southern boundary of the bay, which has since been filled in, and includes at the present time the Northern Union Station. The family occupied the house until the death of Mrs. Bradshaw. It was sold July 6, 1852, to settle her estate, in compliance with the terms of her will. Mr. Bradshaw lived but a few years after his marriage. No rec- ord of his death has as yet been found, but his will, which was dated Dec. 26, 1801, and probated Mar. 15, 1802, gives an ap- proximate date. By his will he gave all his estate to his wife, with the exception of a few legacies to some of his relatives. Mr. Bradshaw was buried in the Central Burying-ground, Boston Common. At that time his tomb was situated in the southerly part. * As early as 1743 this was known as Distil-House square; it extended from Sud- bury street northwest to the Mill-pond and Hawkins street; also called Distillers square; name changed to Adams street, Sept. 9, 1850, and to Bowker street in 1868, by which name it is known at the present time. 42 When Boylston Street was extended to Pleasant Street, about 1813, the tombs were torn down and the bodies removed. Mrs. Brad- shaw afterwards purchased tomb No. 134. Dec. 20, 1836, she sold one quarter part of this tomb to H. H. Jones of Boston. Mrs. Bradshaw was an invalid during the latter part of her life. Feeble and almost helpless, she was tenderly and faithfully cared for by her relatives, and testified to her love and regard for them by the disposition made of her estate. Her home, for many years, was a rendezvous for her brothers and sisters, and nephews and nieces. She was probably an attendant at Rev. Mr. Lathrop's Church on Brattle Street, until her infirmities prevented, and he was a weekly visitor at her home for many years. Mrs. Bradshaw's will was dated Oct. 6, 1842, with a codicil added Jan. 20, 1847. It was probated June 14, 1852. William Minot, Esq., was appointed executor. A copy is to be found in the ap- pendix. It is a will that would make glad the heart of the most thorough genealogist, as it abounds in family names. 36. Rebecca^ Stimpson (John," John,'' Andrew,'' Andrew^), born in Charlestown, and baptized Apr. 10, 1763, married fii'st, in Boston (Trinity Church), Jan. 11, 1785, Josiah, son of Josiah and Charity (Dwelly) Capen of Dorchester, who was born in Dorchester, June 7, 1748, and died inWatertown about 1796; married second, Levi Gooden'owe, who died at Keene, N. H., Dec. 5, 1798 ; married third, at Keene, N. H., Jan. 9, 1800, Col. Joseph Kimball of Plainfield, N. H. ; married fourth, at Keene, N. H., Sept. 24, 1806, as his second wife, Hon. Lockhart, son of Maj. Josiah and Thaukfull (Taylor) Willard, who was born in Keene, May 15, 1763, and died there. Mar. 22, 1818, who had married first, July 20, 1783, Salome, daughter of Gen. James and Abigail (Hinds) Reed of New Salem, Mass. ; and married fifth, and last, at Keene, Nov. 29, 1821, as his second wife, Michael, son of Ens. Michael and Anne Metcalf, who was born in Keene, about 1761, and who had married first, Dec. 31, 1789, Mehitable Hale. Michael Metcalf died in Keene, July 8, 1847, aged 86 years ; died there May 16, 1851. Josiah Capen was a tanner at Watertown, and for several years carried on an extensive business, but before his death he met with reverses and lost his property. Administration was granted on his estate, which was insolvent, Dec. 8, 1796. Levi Goodenowe was a resident of Keene as early as 1791, when he became a member of Rising Sun Lodge of Masons. Adminis- tration on his estate was granted his widow Apr. 4, 1799. 43 After diligent search amongst the famUy records, and corres- pondence with the compilers of the Kimball genealogy, we are unable to decide which one of the several members of the Kimball family bearing this name was her husband. Neither the date nor the place of his death has as yet been found. Lockhart Willard was a prominent man of his time in Keene. He followed well his father in taking an active part in shaping the affairs of the town. He was honored by his fellow citizens°with many positions of trust and responsibUity. He was sent from his native town as State Representative for the years 1800, 1803. 1805, and as Senator in 1806 and 1808. He left little or no estate to be administered upon. His widow filed a petition to be appointed administratrix, Apr. 17, 1818, which was allowed, but the estate proved to be insolvent. A tradition in the Stimpson family, that Michael Metcalf, the husband of Rebecca, was an Ensign in the Revolution, is not sub- stantiated by the record. As Michael was born about 1761, he would hardly have been old enough at that time, to have borne arms in the defense of his country. The records show that it was his father who was Ensign, and was killed in the battle near Bennington, Aug., 1777. The family residence in Keene was on Main Street, almost op- posite that of her brother-in-law, David Simmons. The inscription on her tombstone reads, "Rebecca, wife of JMichael Metcalf, and mother of 'Josiah and Rebecca Capen, died May 16, 1851." Children by first husband, born in Watertown : 79. i. Josiah'' Capen, b. Mar. 14, 1787. 80. ii. Rebecca Capen, b. about 1790; m. Thomas F. Ames. 37. Mart^ SxniPSON (John,' John,' Andrew;' Andreio% born in Charles- town, May 2, 1763 (gravestone), baptized May 5, 1765, married in Boston, Feb. 10, 1785, David, son of Reuben and Sarah (Lin- coln) Simmons, who was born in Hingham, Jan. 4, 1763, and died suddenly, at Roxbury, Oct. 1, 1845. She died there Dec. 31, 1845. He settled in Keene, N. H., about the time of his marriage, was a prominent man of the town, and a lawyer of considerable note who enjoyed a lucrative practice. Sept. 10, 1792, he became a member of Rising Sun Lodge of Masons, and continued as such until the Lodge surrendered its charter in 1805. Most of these years he had held an ofiice in the Lodge. It is not known when he left Keene, but his declining years were spent with his children, most of whom resided on High- land Street in Roxbury. 44 Children, born in Keene, N. H. : 81. i. Joseph Newell^ Simmons, b. Nov. 26, 1785. 82. ii. David Allan Simmons, b. Nov. 7, 1787. 83. iii. Marla. Williams Simmons, b. Sept. 7, 1789 ; m. Ephraim Harrington. 84. iv. Thomas Simmons, b. Oct. 8, 1791. 85. V. Lydia Fosdick Simmons, b. June 2, 1793 ; m. Messer Barker. 86. vi. Eebecca Capen Simmons, b. Feb. 23, 1796; m. Samuel Maverick Phillips. 87. vii. Eliza Dicks Simmons, b. Apr. 7, 1798 ; m. James S. Sumner. 88. viii. Clarissa Stimpson Simmons, b. July 17, 1800 ; m. David Barker. 89. ix. Nancy Stimpson Simmons, b. May 5, 1802; m. Warren Fislier. 90. X. Susan Fosdick Simmons, b. Dec. 23, 1804 ; m. John Henry Eastburn. 91. xi. George Arthur Simmons, b. May 17, 1808. 38. Elizabeth^ Stimpson {John* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown about 1766, and baptized Apr. 19, 1766 (Church records give date of baptism as 1767), married first, Apr. 6, 1790, Jonas, son of James and Sarah (Bond) Dix of Watertown, who was born there June 4, 1761, and died at Hamilton, N. Y., Sept., 1799 ; married second, Stephen Fosdick ; and married third, Lyman Beard. She died about 1852, without issue. Jonas Dix, at the time of his marriage, kept an apothecary store and practiced medicine in Keene, N. H. He became a member of Rising Sun Lodge of Masons, Aug. 18, 1784, and was its Secretary for several years. His health became impaired and he went to Hamilton, N. Y., with the hope that the change would be bene- ficial, but died shortly after reaching his destination. Dr. Bond, in his History of Watertown, erroneously states that he died at his sister's in Northampton, probably meaning Notting- ham West, N. H., where the widow resided at one time. At the time Dr. Dix left for Hamilton, his wife went to Milton to reside. It was from this fact that we are inclined to think that she must have lived there in her younger days. Nothing has been found concerning her second and third mar- riages. The second one must have taken j^lace after May 5, 1818, as on that date, with her sisters, Ruth Bradshaw and Nancy Dicks, she sold her interest in her mother's right of dower, and was at that time Elizabeth Dix of Nottingham West, N. H., and a widow. Mrs. Bradshaw gave her $300 in her will in 1842, when she is called Betsey Beard. This legacy was not revoked in the codicil of 1847, as in the case of Abigail Gibbs and Mary Simmons, both of whom had died, and as she is not mentioned in the settlement of the estate in 1853, her death must have occurred between these two dates. As far as known she left no heirs to whom the legacy would descend. 45 39. Benjamin^ Stimpson {John* John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, and baptized there, Aug. 7, 1768, married at Charles- town, Sept. 29, 1788, Rebecca, daughter of Samuel and Martha (Bennett) Hill, who was born in Cambridge, May 13, baptized May 19, 1771, and died at Taunton, Jan. 21, 1857, aged 91 years, 8 months and 8 days* (State record). He died at Framingham, Nov. 7, 1848. In 1798, he sold his interest in the homestead in Charlestown, at which time he was styled a " baker of Boston." Shortly after this he gave up the trade of his fathers, for in 1803, he kept a stable in Lendall's Lane in Boston. f As some of the children of John and Susannah Stimpson pos- sessed a roving disposition, it is possible that Benjamin was inclined in this direction. He was in Boston as late as 1825, but after that year all trace of him is lost, until his death. He may have spent the last few years of his life with his daughter, Mrs. Emily S. Gilmore, who resided at Framingham. He was given $200 by Mrs. Bradshaw, but as he died previous to the settlement of her estate in 1853, the legacy was divided amongst his heirs. An obituary of Mrs. Rebecca Stimpson was printed in the Bos- ton Journal of March 5, 1857. She retained her mental powers to a remarkable degree till near the close of her long and useful life. It was interesting to witness the vivacity with which she recalled the incidents of her youth. Her early days were passed at "West Cambridge, and the marching of the British troops past her father's door on their way to Lexington and Concord, and the exciting scenes which followed during that memorable struggle, were described by her in such a way as to leave no doubt of the * According to the death record she was born May 13, 1765, but her birth, as given above, is found in the printed records of Arlington (West Cambridge). Her father died April 15, 1782, and administration on his estate was granted to his widow Martha, May 2, 1782. The children, Rebecca, Abigail and Joseph Hill (under 14 years of age) were put under the guardianship of Benjamin Lock, June 4, 1783. May 3, 1797, Timo- thy Lindall Jennison was appointed guardian over Abigail Hill, over 14 years of age, daughter of Samuel Hill of Cambridge. " Boston, May 8, 1799. Received of Timothy Lindall Jennison, Twenty four Dollars and twenty six cents in full of all my claims on him as my late Guardian. And hereby acknowledge myself satisfied as above. Edward Read. Abigail Hill. Rebecca Stimpson. Middlesex ss. Cambridge in Probate Court, 8, May 1799." Middlesex Co. Probate Files, No. 8106. t Lendall's lane extended from Leverett's lane (now Congress street), opposite the Quaker Meeting House, to Oliver's dock (now Kilby street). In 1817 it was called Lindall street, and in 1873 the name was changed to Exchange place. 46 impression they made on her mind. After her marriage she set- tled in Charlestown, and joined the First Congregational Church. " In all the relations of life, as a child, a wife, a mother, and a member of the Christian Church, she acted well her part. It was meet that a life so well spent should have been followed as hers was, by a serene and tranquil old age and a triumphant death." The names of the children are not recorded, but have been ob- tained, in part, from Mrs. Bradshaw's will. Children, probably all born in Boston : 92. i. Eebecca^; m. Daniel Kea. ii. Child; d. Sept. 1789, aged 1 rao. 93. iii. Benjamin. iv. Eliza A. ; unmarried in 1853. V. Caroline, b. about 1795; d. at Taunton, Dec. 9, 1866; unmarried. 94. vi. Harriet, b. Jan. 22, 1796; m. Daniel Simpson. 95. vii. Abigail Barber, b. June, 1802; m. Ira Bosworth. 96. viii. Andrew Bradshaw. Children, by second wife : 97. is. Emily S. ; m. Geoi'ge W. Gilmore. X. Elizabeth. 98. xi. Joseph, b. May 1, 1809. 40. Joseph^ Stimpson [John* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Charles- town, Apr. 22, 1770, and baptized the same day, married, first, at Boston, Aug. 18, 1791, Abigail, daughter of Comfort and Grace (McFadden) Whiting (sometimes written Whiton or Why ton), who was born in Stoughton, Mar. 1, 1771, and died at Milton, Aug. 21, 1795; and married second, at Dorchester, May 15, 1796, Abigail Henshawe of Milton. He died at Belfast, Me., Jan. 2, 1860, aged 89 years. (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, v. 14, p. 188.) Very little has been found concerning the history of Joseph. He resided at Milton for a number of years. June 26, 1804, he sold his sister, Ruth Bradshaw, of Boston, 10 acres of land "on the road leading from the burying ground to the Meeting House, except two lots belonging to the heirs of Benjamin Henshawe (the same were given him (Benjamin) by his father Samuel Henshawe)." June 18, 1821, he sold his brother, Andrew Stimpson, all his right and title to one acre of land in Charlestown, — the right of dower of his mother, Susannah Newell, deceased. This deed, with the one given by Andrew a few days later, were the last to be given of the homestead in Charlestown by any member of the family. The property had been in the family since 1704, and by these deeds their interest and that of the family ceased. July 2, 1821, he purchased land in South Boston, " on the old 47 road leading to Fort Independence " (now Broadway). (Suffolk Co. Deeds, v. 272, p. 126.) This lot he sold, July 8, 1836, to Michael Keyes, at which time his wife Abigail signed with him, and the deed was witnessed by Mary Briggs. (Suffolk Co. Deeds, v. 487, p. 167.) Mar. 18, 1828, he purchased of John Hawes one quarter of an acre of land with the dwelling thereon in South Bos- ton, " on road leading to Fort Independence." (Suffolk Co. Deeds, V, 326, p. 152.) He left South Boston about this time, and is sup- posed to have gone to Maine, but it is known that he resided at Hudson, N. H., for a while. Mrs. Bradshaw gave him a legacy, which he received from the estate. Children : 99. i. Mary®; m. "William Briggs. ii. Clara. 41. Ann^ (or Nancy) Stimpson (Johti,* Johi,^ Andrew,^ Andrew'^), born in Charlestown, Oct. 14, and baptized Oct. 27, 1771, married at Portland, Me., Oct. 26, 1797, Capt. John, son of John and Margaret (Wier) Dicks of Torphican, Scotland, where he was born, May 15, 1766. He died Dec, 1830; she died at Boston, May 14, 1872, aged 100 years and 7 mouths. John Dicks came to America about 1790 and settled in Portland ; he had a great longing for the sea, and in 1793 became captain of a trading vessel, and on a voyage to Bordeaux was stopped by the embargo ; when this was raised, his vessel was found unseaworthy, and he shipped as mate with Capt. Preble of the Commerce, bound for Portland ; on his arrival he engaged with Messrs. Clapp & Cobb, and sailed, in their employ, to the West Indies for a number of years. He became the owner of a number of vessels and of much real estate in Portland, but the war of 1812 caused him heavy losses. In 1818, he commanded the Francis, one of his own vessels, on a voyage to New Orleans and Liverpool, when he visited his home in Scotland after an absence of thirty-seven years. On his return to Portland he settled down to look after his affairs, and built a large number of vessels. In 1829, he met with further reverses, owing to the failure of his London bankers and Portland houses. He once more went to sea, but wrote his son that he had decided upon his return not to sail again ; however, in Nov., 1830, he engaged to take the brig Angela (the captain being sick) to Havana. He sailed from Portland, Dec. 4, 1830, but within three days after leaving port, the vessel encountered a severe storm, which swept the New England coast, and was most severe in the vicinity of Nan- 100. i. 101. ii. 102. iii. iv. 103. V. lOi. vi. 48 tucket on the sixth and seventh of that month. A large number of sail were lost at that time, and as neither he nor his vessel were ever heard from, it was believed that the entire crew met their deaths at that time. Mrs. Dicks resided in Portland for some time after her husband's death, and then removed to Boston, and spent her remaining days with her son-in-law, Charles Brooks, on Worcester Street. About 1851, she dictated a genealogical statement of her father's family, which is still preserved, and has been a great assistance to the com- piler in his work. A copy of this will be found in the appendix. She lived to a great age, surpassing in that respect all her brothers and sisters.* She celebrated her one hundreth birthday, which was observed by her friends and relatives in a befitting manner. Children, born in Portland, Me. : Nancy® Dicks, b. Sept. 12, 1799 ; m. Charles Brooks. Margaret Dicks, b. Jan. 16, 1802; m. William Cutter. Susan Newell Dicks, b. Feb. 21, 1804 ; m. John Dean Gardner. Mary Elizabeth Dicks, b. Nov. 18, 1805; d. at Portland, Sept. 16, 1890 ; never married. John Wier Dicks, b. Mar. 20, 1809. Isabel Wilson Dicks, b. Jan. 28, 1810; m. Joseph Stockbridge Bailey. 42. Nathaniel^ Stimpson {John,'^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, and baptized there July 18, 1773, married at Andover, Nov. 17, 1793, Hephzibah, daughter of Benjamin and Phebe (Chandler) Ames, who was born in Andover, Jan. 20, 1777, and died at Montreal, Canada, Jan. 28, 1802. It is supposed that he married a Miss White for his second wife, and may possibly have * The following statistics of this family, taken from an old record, now in the pos- session of one of the family, and also from records recently found, may be of interest and not out of place at the present time. They show a wonderful longevity ; not only is this noticeable in the family of John (4), but in many of the descendants of the first ancestor, Andrew Steavenson. There were no less than thirty marriages in this family, counting those of both parents and children. The combined ages of parents and children aggregated 1225 years, as follows : John Stimson (4) - - - 48 yrs. Rebecca Metcalf - - - 86 yrs. Susannah Stimson - - 84 " Mary Simmons - - - 82 John Stimpson (5) - - 76 " Elizabeth Beard - - - 86 Susannah Whitmarsh - 74 " Benjamin Stimpson - - 82 William Stimpson - - 82 " Joseph Stimpson - - - 89 Abigail Gibbs - - - 86 " Nancy Dicks - - - 100 Andrew Stimpson - - 91 " Nathaniel Stimpson - - 67 RuthBradshaw - - 92 " Total - - - 1225 Average age of parents and children ...... 81.67 Average age of children - - -'- - - - - - 84.07 NANCY (STIMPSON) DICKS. 1771-1872. .^ ' t - 1 1 Lll^Mr 1 • 1 ^^^^K CAPT. JOHN DICKS. 1766-1830. 49 had a third wife. No records of such marriages have, however, been found. He was a baker by trade — which trade has been followed by some member of the Stimpson family for over two hundred years, and, until recently, by one of the family in Peabody. He engaged in business in Andover, but removed to Portland, Me., before 1798, when with his brothers and sisters, he sold his interest in the homestead at Charlestown. Afterwards he resided at Montreal. He possessed a roving disi^osition, and little is known of his last years. The date and place of his death have not as yet been learned. The record of ages of these families, mentioned else- where, would indicate that Nathaniel died about 1840, and as he is not mentioned in Mrs. Bradshaw's will, this date would seem to be correct. His children returned to Andover and died there. His father-in- law, Benjamin Ames, kept the Ames tavern at Andover (afterwards called the Elm House), situated in the center of the town. The old gentleman died somewhat involved in debt, and his son Benjamin Ames, Jr., of Bath, Me., took control of the property, and it may have been through his influence that Nathaniel's children returned from Portland to their native town. Children : 105. i. Elizabeth,® b. Andover, Jan. 12, 1794; m. Henry Hayward. 106. ii. Andrew Bradshaw, b. about 1798. Child by second wife : iii. Nancy Dicks, b, about 1815; d. at Andover, Nov. 6, 1879; never married. 43. Nathaniel^ Gorham {Rebecca^ Call, Rebecca,"^ John^ Andrew,^ An- drew^), born in Charlestown, Oct. 25, 1763; married Feb. 11, 1794, Ruth, daughter of Col. David and Margaret (Sprague) Wood, who was born in Charlestown July 5, and baptized July 6, 1766 ; they removed to Canandaigua, N. Y., where he died Oct. 22, 1826. Children : i. Margaret^ Gorham, b, Nov. 2, 1796. ii. Nathaniel Gorham, b. Aug. 14, 1798. iii. David Wood Gorham, b. Feb. 1, 1800; graduated from Harvard College in 1821 ; d. 1873. 44. Rebecca*' Gorham (Rebecca^ Gall, Rebecca,* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Mar. 20, 1765, married, as his second wife, at Charlestown, Dec. 20, 1791, Warham, son of Elisha and Mary (IngersoU) Parks of Westfield, who was born Mar. 13, 1752, and had married first, June 15, 1778, his cousin, Mary, daughter 50 of Thomas and Sarah (Dewey) Ingersoll, who was born Feb. 19, 1756, and died Aug. 29, 1790. He died Mar., 1801, and she died at Cambridge, Nov. 26, 1834. He is credited with having served in the Revolutionary War, first as Cajjtain, afterwards as Major. His time of service extended al- most the entire years of the War. Graduated from Harvard Col- lege in 1773. Children, born in Westfield : i. GoRHAM^ Parks, b. May, 1794; d. Nov. 22, 1877; graduated from Harvard College in 1813. ii. Mary Parks, b. Aug. 30, 1795; m. William,^ son of Joseph and Hannah^ (Kettell) Hurd. (See page 24.) ill. Rebecca Parks, b. 1797; d. at Cambridge, April, 1837. iv. Elizabeth Parks, b. May, 1798 (twin) ; d. youug. V. lluFUS Parks, b. May, 1798 (twin), vi. Elizabeth Parks, b. Dec. 19, 1800; d. Nov. 20, 1871. 45. Map.y® Gorham {Rebecca^ Call, Rebecca,^ John,^ Andrew,- Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Dec. 7, 1767 ; married Dr. George, son of George and Katherine (Whittemore) Bartlett, who was born Oct. 5, 1760, and died Mar., 1832. He was a physician and resided at Charlestown. He was a brother to Josiah Bartlett who married Elizabeth^ Call. In 1817 they were dismissed from the First to the Second Church in Charlestown. Children, born in Charlestown : i. Rebecca Gorham^ Bartlett, b. Sept. 11, 1795; m. int. pub. July 21, 181C, Elijah, son of Elijah and Ruth (Tufts) Vose, who was born in Milton, Jan. 1, 1790, and d. at Boston, Sept. 10, 1856; gravestone gives date as Sept. 12, 1856 ; d. at Boston, Aug. 6, 1878. Children : 1. Hem-y^ Vose, b. May 21, bapt. May 25, 1817; m. at Greenfield, Oct. 19, 1842, Martha, dau. of Franklin and Charlotte (Bar- rett) Ripley, who was b. in Greenfield, May 16, 1817, and d. at Andover, Apr. 14, 1870; d. at Boston, Jan. 17, 1869. He graduated from Harvard College in 1837, and was ad- mitted to the bar at Springfield, where he practised law for a number of years. He was a member of the Legislature in 1857 and 1858. In 1859 he was appointed Associate Justice of the Superior Court, and continued in that ofllce until his death. He was an able lawyer and achieved success at the bar and on the bench. He was public spirited, and interested in every- thing Avhich pertained to the history of his Country. In 1860, he succeeded his father as a member of the Society of the Cincinnati, and at his death was succeeded by his brother, Francis Vose of New York. 2. liebecca Gorham Vose, b. Mar. 1, 1819; m. at Dorcliester, Oct. 8, 1838, John Brooks, son of John and Susan (Freeman) Ket- 51 tell, who was born iu Boston, Mar. 24, 1816, and d. at Ando- ver, Mar. 5, 1883 ; d. at Cambridge, Sept. 12, 1856. Gravestone at Forest Hills gives the date of his birth as Mar. 29. 3. Francis Vose, b. Feb. S, 1821; d. at Boston, Sept. 29, 1880; was for a number of years engaged in business in New York City; never married. 4. Buth Tufts Vose, b. Jan. 23, 1826; at the present time is Rev. Mother Superior, Convent of the Holy Nativity (Episcopal), Fond du Lac, Wis. 5. Mary Bartlett Vose, b. Sept. 6, 1830; m. at Boston, Oct. 30, 1860, as his second wife, Isaac Davenport, sou of Joseph Henshaw and Mary May (Davenport) Hayward, who was b. in Milton, May 30, 1828, and who married first, at Dedham, Nov. 10, 1852, Mary Williams, dau. of Bishop Alexander Viets and Mrs. Amelia (Smith) Griswold, Avho was b. in Sa- lem, 1833, and d. at Boston, May 21, 1857. He d. at Milton, May 12, 1878 ; d. at Boston, Sept. 20, 1901. ii. Nathaniel Gorham Bartlett, b. Nov. 19, 1796. iii. Catharine Bartlett, b. Nov. 20, 1797; m. Dec. 21, 1829, James, son of John and Lucy (Johnson) Walker, who was b. in Woburn, Aug. 16, 1794, and d. at Cambridge. Dec. 23, 1874; d. there, June 13, 1868. He graduated from Harvard College in 1814; was or- dained pastor of the 2d Church in Charlestown (Unitarian) Apr. 15, 1818, where he preached until 1838; he was overseer of Har- vard College at various times; Alford professor from 1838 to 1853 and President from 1853 to 1860. No issue. iv. George Bartlett, b. Oct. 7, 1798; m. int. pub. July 31, 1814, Sal- ly Pierce. He d. at Charlestown, 1829. V. Mary Bartlett, b. Feb. 26, 1800 ; d. at Charlestown, 1801. vi. Henry Bartlett, b. Nov. 29, 1801 ; graduated from Harvard Col- lege in 1820 ; d. 1872. vii. Charles Bartlett, b. Jan. 16, 1803 ; d. 1803. viii. Charles Bartlett, b. Jan. 17, 1805. 4r6. Ann^ Gorham {Rebecca^ Call, Rebecca,^ John,^ Andrew,- Andrew^), born iu Charlestown, baptized thei-e, Mar. 3, 1771, married at Charlestown, Nov. 26, 1792, Hon, Peter Chardon, son of Edward and Abigail (Brown) Brooks, who was born in Medford, Jan. 6, 1767, and died at Boston, Jan. 1, 1849 ; she died Feb. 21, 1830. He was a resident of Medford and afterwards of Boston. He was enaaged in the Marine Insurance business and amassed a large fortune in comparatively a short time. He was President of several Insurance Companies, and was a member of Boston City Council ; also a member of the Massachusetts Legislature. His will is on file in Suffolk Co. Probate, and a sketch of his life appeared in vols. 8 and 9 of the N. E. Hist, and Gen, Register. His son-in-law, Rev. Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham, preached a sermon to his memory, which has also been printed. 52 Children, born in Boston : i. Edwakd' Brooks, b. Dec. 22, 1793 ; m. Eliza Koot; graduated from Harvard College in 1812; d. at Medford, Apr. 11, 1878. ii. GoRHAM Brooks, b. Feb. 10, 1795; m. at Watertown, Apr., 1829, Ellen, dau. of R. D. Sheppard ; graduated from Harvard College in 1814; d. at Medford, Sept. 10, 1855. iii. Peter Chakdon Brooks, b. July 4, 1796; d. at Boston, Feb. 11, 1798. iv. Ann Gorham Brooks, b. June 19, 1797; m, at Boston, Mar. 2, 1818, Rev. Nathaniel Laugdon, son of Ebenezer and Joanna (Langdon) Frothingham, who was b. in Boston, Sept. 23, 1793, and d. at Boston, Apr. 4, 1870; d. at Burlington, July 5, 1864. He graduated from Harvard College in 1811 at the age of 18: taught there several years, and in 1815 was ordained pastor of the First Church in Boston, from which he retired in 1850. He de- voted much time to literary pursuits and many of his hymns and sermons, which were considered finished productions, have been published. He resided at Boston, except a few years when abroad. Children, born in Boston : 1. TJiomas B7-ooks^ Frothingham, h.Yeh., 1820; m. at Boston, May 12, 1853, Anna Weld, dau. of Robert Davis Coolidge and Sarah Ann (Williams) Merry, who was b. in Boston, 1830; hem. (2) at Quincy, Sept. 28, 1855, Annie Pierson, dau. of Rev. William P. and Ellen Hobart (Hedge) Lunt, who was b. in New York City, Aug. 15, 1830, and d. at Boston, May 10, 1896; d. there Mar. 2, 1880. 2. Octavius Brooks Frothingham, b. Nov. 26, 1822; m. at Bos- ton, Mar. 23, 1847, Caroline E., dau. of Caleb and Caroline Martha (Agry) Curtis, who was b. in Hallowell, Me., Feb. 5, 1825, and d. at Boston, June 8, 1900 ; d. there, Nov. 27, 1895. He graduated from Harvard College in 1843. 3. Edward Frothingham, b. about 1825 ; m. int. pub. Boston, July 20, 1870, Eugenia, dau. of Charles and Mary (Crowninshield) Miflin, who was b. in Boston about 1842. 4. Ward Brooks Frothingham, b. 1827; m. at Burlington, July 31, 1853, Isannah Josephine, dau. of Caleb Sumner and Isan- nah (Page) Brown, who was b. in Billerica, Aug. 7, 1833, and d. at Burlington, Apr. 1, 1859; he m. (2), at Boston, July 7, 1870, Fannie W., dau. of Abraham and Lydia (Ward) Bray- nard, who was b. in New Hampton, N. H., 1835, and d. at Boston, Sept. 23, 1872; hem. (3), at Boston, June 16, 1874, Mary Ann, dau. of Oliver and Ann Barney, who was b. in Taunton, 1842; d. at Boston, Nov. 29, 1893. 5. Anne Brooks Frothingham, b. Aug. 25, 1832 ; m. at Boston, Apr. 23, 1863, Nathaniel D., son of Henry and Sally (Walker) Hub- bard, who was b. in Charlestown, N. H., Jan. 14, 1821, and d. at Boston, Oct. 7, 1865; d. there, Jan. 5, 1886. 6. mien Frothingham, b. Mar. 25, 1835; d. at Boston, Mar. 11, 1902 ; never married. V. Peter Chardon Brooks, b. Aug. 26, 1798 ; m. Nov. 9, 1825, Susan 53 Olivei*, clan, of John and Susan (Oliver) Heard, who was b. in Boston, Aug. 26, 1806 (gravestone), and d. at Boston, Feb. 4, 1884; d. there, June 3, 1880. vi. Sidney Brooks, b. Oct. 7, 1799 ; m. Dec. 27, 1827, Frances, dau. of William and Eliza (Bicker) Dehon, who was b. in Boston, Dec. 19, 1805, and d. at Newport, R. I., Nov. 30, 1871; d. at Bos- ton, Mar. 19, 1878. He graduated from Harvard College in 1819. vii. Charlotte Gray Brooks, b. Nov. 4, 1800 ; m. at Boston, May 8, 1822, Hon. Edward, son of Rev. Oliver and Lucy (Hill) Everett, who was b. in Dorchester, Apr. 11, 1794, and d. at Boston, Jan. 15, 1865; d. there, July 2, 1859. He was a resident of Boston, and a graduate of the Public Schools, being twice a Franklin Medal scholar; graduated from Harvard College in 1811 at the age of 17. Feb. 9, 1814, he was ordained Pastor of the Brattle Street (Unitarian) Church in Boston. In 1815 was Eliot pro- fessor of Greek literature at Harvard, and from 1825 to 1835 served as Member of Congress from the Middlesex district. In 1836 he was elected Governor of Massachusetts, an office he held four years. In 1841 he went to London as Minister Plenipoten- tiary of the United States. He returned home in 1845, and ac- cepted the presidency of Harvard University. After the death of Mr. "Webster, in 1852, he was called to assume the office of Secretary of State at "Washington. This lasted but a single year, when he was chosen by the Legislature of Massachusetts United States Senator. He will be best remembered as a statesman, orator, and man of letters. Children : 1. Anne Gorham^ Everett, b. in Boston, Mar. 3, 1823; d. at Lon- don, England, Oct. 18, 1843 (Mount Auburn Cemetery Rec- ords and Boston Advertiser). 2. Charlotte Brooks Everett, b. Aug. 13, 1825 ; m. at Cambridge, Aug. 20, 1850, Capt. Henry Augustus Wise of the United States Navy, who was b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 24, 1819, andd. at Naples, Italy, Apr. 2, 1869 ; d. at "Washington, D. C, Dec. 15, 1879. He entered the U. S. Navy as Midshipman, Feb. 8, 1834; was promoted Lieutenant, Feb. 25, 1847; Cap- tain, Dec. 29, 1866. In 1846 he sailed from Boston on a man-o'-war for South America, California and the East Indies. His experience during that voyage of 55,000 miles was published in 1849, under the title of Los Gringo, or an Inside "View of Mexico, California, Peru, Chili and Polynesia. In 1857, under the non-de-plume of Harry Gringo, he wrote a book, entitled Scampavias, in which he gave an account of a voyage through the Mediterranean Sea. For a number of years they resided at Washington, D. C. Her will, dated Aug. 4, 1870, was made while she was a resident of Paris, France. It was probated at Boston, May 31, 1880. 3. Grace Webster Everett, b. in Medford, Dec. 24, 1827: d. at Charlestown, Jan. 6, 1836 (gravestone) ; another record gives date as Jan. 8. 54 i. Edward Brooks Everett, h. in Medford, May 6, 1830; m. at Boston, Oct. 24, 1853 (Boston record), Helen Cordis, dau. of Benjamin Adams, wlio was b. in Boston, 1832 ; d. at Bos- ton, Nov. 5, 1861 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1850. 5. Daughter, b. Jan. 30, 1833 ; d. Feb. 9, 1833. 6. Henry Sidney Everett, b. Dec. 31, 1834 ; m. at Boston, June 26, 1866, Katherine Pickman, daughter of Richard Sullivan and Katherine Saunders (Pickman) Fay; d. at Bournemouth, Eug., Oct. 4, 1898 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1855. 7. William Everett, b. Oct. 10, 1839 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1859. viii. Ward Chipman Brooks, b. Apr. 21, 1804; d. Mar. 19, 1828; gradu- ated from Harvard College in 1822. ix. Abigail Browne Brooks, b. Jan. 23, 1806 ; d. at Boston, June 16, 1807. X. Henry Brooks, b. Feb. 9, 1807; d. at New York, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1833; Sept. 3 (Medford Town Records). xi. Abigail Browne Brooks, b. Apr. 25, 1808 ; m. at Medford, Sept. 5, 1829, Hon. Charles Francis, son of John Quincy and Louisa (Johnson) Adams, who was b. in Boston, Aug. 18, 1807, and d. there, Nov. 21, 1886; d. at Quincy, June 8, 1889. He graduated from Harvard College in 1825; studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1828. He was nominated by the Freesoilers in 1848, for Vice-President of the United States, but was defeated. He was one of the early members of the Republican party ; he was elected a Member of Congress in 1858 and 1860. After Mr. Lin- coln's election as President, Mr. Adams was appointed Minister to England, where he performed the arduous duties of his office with so much skill and ability as afterwards to be known as " America's Diplomatist." In 1871 he was one of the arbitrators on the Alabama claims. He resided at Boston. Children, born in Boston, save last one, who was born in Quiucy : 1. Louisa Catherine^ Adams, b. Aug. 13, 1831; m. at Boston, Apr. 13, 1854, Charles, son of Hartraann Kuhn, who was b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 1822; d. July 13, 1870; resided New York City. 2. John quincy Adams, b. Sept. 22, 1833 ; m. Apr. 29, 1861, Fanny Cadwaller Crowningshield of Boston; d. at Quiucy, Aug. 14, 1894. He graduated from Harvard College in 1853; was a member of Gov. Andrew's staff, and also a member of the State Legislature in 1866, 1869 and 1870. 3. Charles Francis Adams, b. May 25, 1835; m. Nov. 8, 1865, Mary, dau. of Edward and Caroline Howe (Callender) Ogden of New York, who was b. Feb. 23, 1843 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1856. 4. Henry Adams, b. Feb. 16, 1838 ; m. June 27, 1862, Miriam, dau. of Robert William aud Ellen (Sturgis) Hooper, who wash. Sept. 13, 1842, and d. Dec. 6, 1885; graduated from Harvard College in 1858. 5. Arthur Adams, b. July 23, 1841 ; d. Feb. 9, 1846. 6. Mary Adams, b. Feb. 19, 1846; m. June 20, 1877, Dr. Henry 47. 48, 55 Parker, son of Edmund and Lucilla P. (Parker) Quincy who was b. Oct. 27, 1838; d. at Boston, Mar. 11, 1899 i graduated from Harvard College in 18C2. 7. Brooks Adams, b. June 24, 1848; m. Evelyn, dau. of Rear- Admiral Charles Henry Davis; graduated from Harvard College in 1870. xii. Horatio Brooks, b. Sept. 20, 1809; d. at Bratlleboro, Vt., May 14, 1843. ^ xiii. OcTAVius Brooks, b. Oct. 27, 1813; d. Dec. 26, 1822. Benjamin^ Gorham {Rebecca' Call, Rebecca,* John,' Andrew,'^ An- drew\ born in Charlestown, Feb. 13, 1775 ; married, intention published at Boston, Mar. 8, 1807, Susannah, daughter of Hon. John and Susannah (Cabot) Lowell, who was born in Salem, Dec. 28, 1776, and died at Boston, Feb. 26, 1816. He died there Sept. 27, 1855. He graduated from Harvard College in 1795, and afterwards studied law. He resided in Charlestown, and had an office in Bos- ton. He represented Charlestown in the State Legislatiu-e for a number of years. He was elected a member of the 16th Congress in 1820, to fill an unexpired term, and served in several succeedino- terms. He was an earnest advocate of a free press, and gave his legal services to Boston newspapers annoyed by libel suits. His residence at the time of his death was on Tremont Street. Children, born in Boston : i. William Cabot^ Gorham, b. about 1813 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1831 ; d. at Boston, Apr. 18, 1843. ii. Anna Bromfield Gorham, b. Dec, 1814; d. at Boston, Nov. 30, 1816. iii. Anna Cabot Gorham: probably d. young; not mentioned in fath- er's will. iv. Benjamin Lowell Gorham, b. about 1816 ; d. at SomerviUe, June 2 1889 ; never married. ' Lydia" Gorhabi {Rebecca' Call, Rebecca,'^ John,' Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Dec, 1779; married Dec. 22, 1798, John,' son of Hon. Samuel and Phebe (Foxcroft) Phillips of Andover' who was born Oct. 18, 1776, and died Sept. 10, 1820; she died at No. Andover, June 3, 1856. He graduated from Harvard College in 1795, and was for some time an assistant in Phillips Academy ; read law with Hon. Samuel Dexter, but engaged in mercantile' business in Charlestown, and afterwards at Andover. He was ac- tive in town affairs, and was interested in everything which would benefit the public. With his mother, he was a large contributor to Andover Theological Seminary. He was a member of the State Legislature, and an aid on Gov. Strong's staff. 56 Children, born in Andover: i. Phebe'' Phillips, b. Dec. I, 1799; m. May 27, 1824, Rev. Jonathan Clement, who was b. in Danville, Vt., June 21, 1797, and d. at Norwich, Vt., Sept. 6, 1881 ; d. there, Dec. 3, 1874. He graduated at Middlebury, Vt., in 1818, and entered Andover Theological Seminary. For ten years he was a tutor in Phillips Academy at Exeter, and was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church at Chester, N. H., Oct. 30, 1830, where he remained for fifteen years. He was subsequently at Topsham, Me., and Woodstock, Vt. About 1867 he removed to Norwich, Vt., where his remain- ing days were spent. ii, Samuel Phillips, b. Mar. 8, 1801 ; m. at Boxford, Oct. 23, 1827, Sarah Allen, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Webb) Swett, who was b. in Andover about 1806, and d. at Newburyport, Nov. 7, 1837; d. at Boston, Jan. 21, 1877. He graduated from Harvard College in 1819. Children : 1. Samuel^ Phillips, b. in Andover, Sept. 30, 1828; m. at Salem, Jan. 15, 1851, Sarah White Sprague, dau. of Richard Sprague and Marianne Theresa (St. Agnan) Stearns, who was b. in Salem, Jan. 11, 1828, and d. at No. Andover, Apr. 3, 1883: d. at Lincoln, Apr. 29, 1897. Children : (1) Caroline Stearns^ Phillips, b. in Maiden, Aug. 17, 1852; d. at Barre, Sept. 26, 1892 ; unmarried. (2) Sarah Allen White Phillips, b. in Salem, Oct. 27, 1857; m. at Andover, Sept. 5, 1893, Rev. Edward Ernest, son of George Patten and Lydia (Rogers) Bradley, who was b. in Stockbridge, Feb. 8, 1862. Resides in Lincoln. Child, born in Lincoln : i. Phillips^" Bradley, b. Sept. 30, 1894. 2. Sarah Webb Fhillips, b. in Newburyport, Feb. 22, 1830; m. at Newburyport, Oct. 31, 1859, Henry A., son of Augustus and Caroline De France, who was b. in Pliiladelphia, Pa., Nov. 14, 1821, and d. there. Mar. 3, 1902; d. at Camden, N. J., June 17, 1869 (gravestone). No issue. 3. Anne Woodbury Phillips, b. in Newburyport, Dec. 25, 1832. 4. Helen Phillips, b. in Newburyport, June 5, 1834 ; m. at Bos- ton, Apr. 28, 1864, as his second wife, Hamilton, son of Benjamin and Eliza Sewall (May) Willis, who was b. in Portland, Me., Aug. 10, 1818. He married first, Louisa Win- ship. He d. at Boston, Nov. 16, 1878. He came to Boston about 1838, and engaged in the banking and brokerage busi- ness. He was made a Mason in St. Andrew's Lodge, Nov. 9, 1843, and served as Worshipful Master from 1847 to 1850; joined Boston Commandery, K. T., Mar. 27, 1844, and was a charter member of De Molay Commandery in 1848. His widow and daughter reside in England. 57 Children, born in Boston : (1) Alice Hamilton^* Willis, b. Feb. 19, 1865; d. at Chicago, 111., June 20, 1884. (2) Pauline Willis, b. Nov. 9, 1870. (3) Benjamin McKinstry Willis, b. July 6, 1873; name changed to Hamilton Willis, July 3, 1879; m. at Lon- don, England, July 28, 1898, Ethel Margaret Words- worth. He d. at Darnley House, Bridge of Allan, Co. Perth, Scotland, Oct. 4, 1900. His widow mar- ried second, Captain Ranold Martin of the English Army. Hamilton Willis was a Barrister-at-Law, Mid- dle Temple, London. Child, born in London, England : i. Vincent Hamilton Wordsworth^" Willis, b. July 26, 1899, and d. at Hyeres, France, Apr. 12, 1900. iii. Rebecca Gorham Phillips, b. Aug. 19, 1802 ; d. at No. Andover, Feb. 6, 1870. iv. Lydia Phillips (twin), b. Apr. 12, 1804; m. at Andover, Oct. 15, 1850, as his second wife, John Call® Daltou, son of Peter Roe and Anne* (Call) Dalton. (See page 32.) V. John Phillips (twin) , b. Apr. 12, 1804 ; m. Nov. 26, 1829, Sarah Ann Dorr of Roxbury, who d. at Andover, Sept. 22, 1842, aged 30 years ; he m. (2), at Newburyport, Mar. 22, 1851, Caroline, dau. of Jacob and Hannah (Sawyer) Little, who was b. Jan. 12, 1806, and d. at Newburyport, June 7, 1853; he m. (3), at Dorchester, Oct. 29, 1856, as her second husband, Anne Jane Gardner, dau. of John Day and Lucy (Clark) Howard, who was b. in Boston, 1803, and d. there, Nov. 4, 1876; d. at Dorchester, Oct. 22, 1863. Resided at Mobile, Ala. vi. Elizabeth Barnard Phillips, b. Dec. 17, 1805; m. at Andover, June 20, 1839, as his second wife, William, son of Jonathan and Susannah (Bragg) Stevens, who was b. in Andover, Jan. 21, 1799. He married first, at Belfast, Me., Dec. 14, 1825, Eliza Leach, dau. of George and Eliza (Leach) Watson, who was b. in Boston, Mar. 22, 1802, and d. at Andover, Feb. 4, 1837. He d. at Lawrence, Jan. 7, 1878; d. there, Nov. 29, 1887. He graduated from Harvard College in 1819; went to Nashville, Tenn., where he studied law and was admitted to the bar. About 1824, he re- moved to Belfast, Me., where he followed his profession for a number of years. He returned to his native town, and continued his law practice. In 1847 he was appointed Justice of the Muni- cipal Court of Lawrence, and held the office for nearly thirty years. Children, by second wife, born in Andover : 1. Lydia Phillips^ Stevens, b. May 5, 1840. 2. Gorham Phillips Stevens, b. Dec. 7, 1841 ; d. at No. Andover, Aug. 12, 1862 ; Lieut. U. S. Army. 3. Frances Jeannette Stevens, b. Mar. 11, 1843; d. at Lawrence, Oct. 20, 1880. 4. Edimrd Winslow Stevens, b. Sept. 23, 1844; m. at Lawrence, Feb. 2, 1872, Sarah Russel, dau. of George Dodge and 58 Harriet Story (Dodge) Cabot, who was b. in Milburn, N. J., Aug. 13, 1845; d. at East Orange, N. J., Oct. 3, 1890. Children, first one born in Lawrence, others in New Brighton, N. Y. : (1) Louisa Bancroft' Stevens, b. Nov. 8, 1872. (2) Cabot Stevens, b. Feb. 9, 1875. (3j Gorham Phillips Stevens, b. Aug. 14, 1876. (4) Edward Winslow Stevens, b. Oct. 4, 1877. (5) Lydia Cabot Stevens (twin) , b. June 18, 1880. (6) Tirzah Arnold Stevens (twin), b. June 18, 1880; d. at New Brighton, N. Y., May 19, 1881. (7) Elizabeth Perry Stevens, b. Jan. 22, 1883. 5. Bichard Hazeltine Stevens, h. Feb. 28, 1846; d. at Andover, Sept. 11, 1847. 6. Alice Baker Stevens, b. Aug. 28, 1847. vii. Sarah Whitwell Phillips, b. Feb. 18, 1807; d. at No. Andover, Apr. 9, 1883. viii. Mary ANxX Phillips, b. Mar. 17, 1808 ; m. at Andover, Sept. 9, 1833, William Gray, sou of Cotton Browu and Jane (Williams) Brooks, who was b. in Portland, Me., Oct. 12, 1805, and d. at North An- dover, Jan. 6, 1879; d. there, Feb. 2, 1880. He was a well known business man of Boston. In 1828, he formed a partner- ship with his brother, Charles Brooks, under the firm name of Charles Brooks & Co., and carried ou the hardware business in Dock Square for many years. He was a member of the Mass. Historical Society, and was much interested in its work. Children, born in Boston : 1. William Graif Brooks, b. July 2, 1834. 2. Phillips Brooks, b. Dec. 13, 1835 ; d. at Boston, Jan. 23, 1893 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1855, and became rector of the Church of the Advent in Philadelphia in 1859, and later rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity. In 1870 he took pastoral charge of Trinity Church, Boston, where he remained until elected Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, an office which he held at the time of his death. 3. George Brooks, b, Dec. 18, 1838; d. at Newbern, N. C, Feb. 10, 1863 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1861 ; enlisted as private in the 45th Mass. Regt., Aug. 12, 1862. i. Frederick Brooks, b. Aug. 5, 1842; d. at Boston, Sept. 15, 1874 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1863. 5. Arthur Brooks, b. June 11, 1845; m. Oct. 17, 1872, Elizabeth M. P. Willard of Williamsport, Pa. ; d. July 10, 1895 ; grad- uated from Harvard College in 1867. He was rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Williamsport, and St. James's Church, Chicago, 111. 6. John Cotton Brooks, b. Aug. 29, 1849; graduated from Har- vard College in 1872; resides in Springfield, Mass. ix. Susan Lowell Phillips, b. Mar. 5, 1809 ; d. at No. Andover, Mar. 24, 1883. 59 X. Caroline Phillips, b. Aug. 3, 1810 ; d. at No. Anclover, Mar. 22, 1883. xi. Julia Phillips (twin), b. Feb. 9, 1813; m. at No. Andover, July 26, 1842, Isaac, son of Isaac and Mary (Alden) Tompkins, wlio was b. in Haverliill, Oct. 29, 1801, and d. at Lawrence, Mar. 25, 1885 ; d. there, Mar. 6, 18G7. Children : 1. Nathaniel Sprague Spooner^ Tompkins, b. in Chester, N. H., Sept. 12, 1843; d. at Lawrence, Jan. 21, 1902. 2. Sarah Whitioell Tompkins, b. in Manchester, N.H., Mar. 12,1845. 3. Jttlia Phillips Tompkins, b. in Manchester, N. H., Nov. 16, 1847. 4. Amelia Phillips Tompkins, b. in Manchester, N. H., July 25, 1849. xii. Amelia Phillips (twin), b. Feb. 9, 1813; d. at Lawrence, Nov. 15, 1865. xiii. Nathaniel Gorham Phillips, b. June 24, 1816; d. at Griffin, Ga., Mar. 6, 1881. 49. Nancy® Newell ( Thomas^ Netcell, Elizabeth,'^ Johi,^ Andrew^ An- drew^'), born in Lunenburg about 1779 ; married at Boston, Nov. 18, 1800, Wilkes, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Maxwell) Bar- ber, who was born in Boston, Oct, 16, 1766, and died about Feb., 1805; she married second, Nov. 6, 1816, as his third wife, Darius Boardman, who was born about 1771, and died at Boston, Jan. 31, 1837. She may have died at Cambridge, June 14, 1849, aged 70 years. He married first, at Boston, Dec. 11, 1800, Fanny Loring ; he married second, June 5, 1803, Susannah, daughter of Peter Boylston and Mary (Crosby) Adams of Quiucy, who was born in Braintree, Apr. 11, 1777, and died at Boston, Apr. 19, 1816. Wilkes Barber was a sea captain and was lost at sea in February, 1805. He became a member of St. Andrew's Lodge of Masons, Oct. 12, 1797. Darius Boardman resided in Richmond Street, in Boston, and kejDt a shoe store on Hanover Street ; he was ap- pointed custom house officer, and held that position at the time of his death. His will was dated Apr. 14, 1834, and probated Apr. 17, 1837, by which he left his wife a life interest in his house in Richmond Street, and his pew in the First Baptist Meeting House ; he also gave a legacy to Ann Elizabeth Dwelly, George B. Dwelly and Henry Augustus Dwelly. By his second wife, he had three children : Peter Boylston Boardman, Susannah F. Boardman and Franklin Boardman. As guardian of Nancy Newell Barber, he sold all her right, title and interest in the estate of Nathaniel Barber, late of Boston, deceased, which land was situated in Wilkes Court.* Child, by first husband, born in Boston : i. Nancy Newell^ Barber, b. Aug. 6, bapt. Aug. 28, 1801 (Brattle Street Cliurch) ; m. at Boston, Mar. 17, 1822, Elisha Dwelly; d. at * "Wilkes Court, Boston, at an early date, extended from Beer Lane or Richmond Street (now Parmenter Street). 60 Cincinnati, Ohio. He became a member of St. Andrew's Lodge of Masons, Nov. 20, 1823; and was discharged, Nov. 18, 1830. Children : 1. Misha^ Dwelly, b. in Boston, Feb., 182i; d. at Boston, Aug. 19, 1824. 2. George B. Dwelly, b. in Boston, 1825; m. at Cambridge, Nov. 8, 1842, Elizabeth Richards. He d. at Charlestown, Mar. 3, 1873. Children, b. in Waltham : (1) George B.^ Dwelly, b. May, 1852; d. at Waltham, Feb. 6, 1880. (2) Henry Augustus Dwelly, b. Aug., 1858 : d. at Waltliam, Nov. 28, 1867. 3. Henry Augustus Dwelly. 4. Ann Elizabeth Dwelly, b. in Cincinnati, O., June 6, 1831 ; m. at Cambridge, Sept. 4, 1851, Thomas Beals, son of Benjamin and Mary B. ( ) Smith, who was born in Boston, Apr. 15, 1828, and died at Cambridge, May 21, 1854; m. (2) as his second wife, at Cambridge, June 4, 1857, Rufus, son of Ru- fus aud Nancy (Torrey) Foster, who was born in Mobile, Ala., Aug. 8, 1820, and died at Quincy, Oct. 15, 1896; d. there, Jan. 6, 1891 (State record), Jan. 1 (family record). Children, by second husband, born in Quincy : (1) Frank Boardman^ Foster, b. Mar. 18, 1858; m. at Boston, Jan. 27, 1880, Cornelia Strong, dau. of Joshua Dear- born and Susanna W. (Kimball) Howard, who was born in Detroit, Mich., Aug. 16, 1859, and died at Boston, May 10, 1896. Children : 1 Howard Kimball^" Foster, b. in Boston, Sept. 11, 1881. 2 Mary Foster, b. in Boston, Oct. 5, 1884. 3 Warren Page Foster, b. in Quincy, May 25, 1888 ; d. July 1, 1901. 4 Newell Lathrop Foster, b. in Boston, June 20, 1892. (2) Chai-les Turner Foster, b.Mar. 15, 1860; m. at Quincy, June 2, 1887, A. Maude, dau. of Amos and Agnes E. H. Smith, who was b. in Cambridge, 1864. (3) Susan Addie Foster, b, Nov. 25, 1862; m. Warren F. Page. (4) Mary Hopeton Drake Foster, b. June 8, 1865. (5) George Stickney Foster, b. Apr. 20, 1867. (6) Henry Chase Foster, b. Nov. 23, 1871 ; d. at Denver, Col., Mar. 26, 1905. (7) Curtis Rice Foster, b. Dec. 3, 1872 ; d, at Quincy, May 23, 1873. 50. Mary Elizabeth Newell® Griffiths {Mary^ Newell, Elizabeth,'^ John^ Andrew {■ Andrew^), born iu Philadeljjhia, Pa., Feb. 13, 61 1796 ; married at Boston, June 19, 1823, Stephen Palmer, son of Moses and Elizabeth (Newell) Fuller, who was born in Needham, Feb. 10, 1794, and died at Boston, Feb. 26, 1871 ; died there, aJ. 1, 1871. ^ He graduated at Framingham Academy and after teaching school for a short time, studied Civil Engineering with Col. Loami Bald- win of Boston. Mr. Fuller occupied an unportant position in his chosen field. He was a surveyor for the City of Boston during the building of the vast water system ; was engaged in the filling in of the South Cove, and served as Chairman of the Back Bay Basin Commission ; he was much interested in the filling in of the Back Bay, and it was largely through his efforts that the work was un- dertaken and carried to completion. He was considered an author- ity on real estate matters, and was consulted by many prominent men. He buUt a number of large buildings in the City, some of which are standing to-day. For many years he was a Deacon of the Brattle Street Church. He resided on Hancock Street. Children, born in Boston : i. Mary Griffiths^ Fuller, b. June 22, 1826 ; m. at Boston, Oct. 3, 1859, George Saul, who was born in Hesse-Cassel, Germany, 1813- d. at Newton, Sept. 19, 1881. Child : 1. Frank Fuller^ Saul, b. in Syracuse, N. Y., June 30, 1860 ; name changed to Frank Edward Fuller, July 3, 1872; graduated from Harvard College in 1882. ii. JosiAH FraxNklin Fuller, b. June 1, 1831; m. at Needham, Sept. 27, 1860, Caroline Anna, dau. of Timothy and Eliza (Stirapson) Stevens, who was b. in Needham, Nov. 27, 1836. Children, born in Newton ; 1. Josiah Franklin^ Fuller, b. Jan. 16, 1864; d. at Newton, Feb. 25, 1895. 2. Caroline Stevens Fuller, b. Sept. 8, 1866 ; m. at Newton, Sept. 28, 1893, Warren Silver, son of Samuel Smith and Pamelia (Pike) Kilburn, who was b. in Newton, Dee. 12, 1865. Children, born in Newton : (1) Margaret Fuller* Kilburn, b. Nov. 12, 1899. (2) Mary Elizabeth Kilburn, b. Aug. 8, 1905. 3. Mary Elizabeth Newell Fuller, b. Sept. 8, 1869 ; m. at Newton, June 8, 1892, Clinton Lucius, son of Caleb Francis and Georgianna (Winslow) Eddy, who was b. in Newton, May 9, 1868. No issue. iii. Stephen Palmer Fuller, b. Aug. 2, 1834; m. at Boston, Sept. 26, 1861, Maria Elizabeth, dau. of Francis and Elizabeth (Noble) Deming, who was b. in Boston, Jan. 21, 1842, and d. there, Jan. 14, 1888 ; d. at Boston, Sept. 26, 1897. Children, born in Charlestown; 1. Elizabeth Newell^ Fuller, b. Sept. 11, 1862 ; r. Brooklyn, N. Y. 62 2. Florence Palmer Fuller, b. July 30, 1867 ; m. John P. Seymour of New York ; d. at New York, Oct. 11, 1897. No issue. iv. George Edward Fuller, b. Nov. 13, 1836; d. at Boston, Jan. 27, 1837 (City record) ; Jan. 29 (family record). V. William Henry Fuller, b. Oct. 5, 1838; m. at Leominster, Oct. 24, 1862, as her second husband, Mary Jane Stephenson, dau. of George and Catherine Sraythe, who was b. in Belfast, Ireland, June, 10, 1838. Children, born in Leominster : 1. Hattie Louise^ Fuller, b. July 10, 1863; m. at Leominster, Sept. 29, 1886, Cecil Henry, son of Amos W. and Catharine Adeline (Streeter) Lawrence, who was b. in Leominster, Jan. 24, 1856. Children, born in Leominster: (1) Grace Irene* Lawrence, b. Jan. 19, 1891. (2) William Fuller Lawrence, b. Oct. 19, 1892. 2. Emma Deming Fuller, b. May 2, 1867; d. at Leominster, May 21, 1891 (State record) ; May 20 (family record). 3. Caroline Elizabeth Fuller, b. Sept. 12, 1870. 51. John® Stimpson (John,^ Johti,^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew"^), born in Watertown, Dec. 31, 1773, married at Watertown, Oct. 29, 1797, Fanny, daughter of Phineas and Susannah (Newton) Jeunison, who was baptized at Watertown, Sept. 30, 1781 (her gravestone would indicate that she was born about 1779), and died at Water- town, Feb. 14, 1814; he died there, Nov. 14, 1828 (gravestone). He resided at Watertown, and followed the trade of a saddler. His death occurred about two weeks previous to that of his father. June 2, 1829, his son, John Stimpson of Lynn, applied to be ap- pointed administrator of his father's estate. Inventory filed Oct. 10, 1829. Apr. 20, 1826, John Stimpson of Watertown, Mary Stimpson, single, .John Stimpson, 3d, of Lynn, and Thomas Stimp- son of Danvers, with numerous members of the Jennison family, sold Stephen W. Trowbridge 34 undivided thirty-sixth parts of a farm in Newton, formerly occupied by Phineas Jennison, deceased. (Middlesex Co. Deeds, v. 267, p. 142.) Children, born in Watertown : 107. i. John,' b. May 30, 1798. Thomas, b. Apr. 6, 1800. Mary, b. Jan. 12, 1803; m. James Whitmore. Susan Harrington, b. Dec. 22, 1807; d. at Watertown, Apr. 15, 1825 (gravestone). Sarah Green, b. July 10, 1809; m. William Moore May. William, b. Apr. 10, 1811. Harrison, b. Jan. 15, 1813; d. at Watertown, Sept. 8, 1813. 52. William® Stimpson (John,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Watertown, Dec. 25, 1776, married at Boston, Feb. 27, 1799, 108. ii. 109. iii. iv. 110. V. 111. vi. vii, 63 Sally Green of Portsmouth, N. H., where she was born May 15, 1780, and died at Roxbury, Jan. 17, 1860 (State record) ; Jan. 16 (family record). He died at Boston, Dec. 5, 1821. He was a sea captain, and followed the sea for a number of years, but about 1800, he settled in Boston and carried on the business of block and pump maker at Fort Hill Wharf. He resided at No. 91 Purchase Street. His will was dated Nov. 2, and probated Dec. 10, 1821. He left his entire estate to his wife and son. Mrs. Stimpson's will was dated Dec. 12, 1859, and probated Feb. 11, 1860. She mentions numerous relatives, amongst whom were : Sister-in-law, Ann Brown of Portland, Mrs. Catharine Bailey of Newton, Nicholas Berry of Camden, Me. To her brother-in-law, Thomas Stimpson, was given her set of china.* To Austin Bearse, a certain sum, in trust for Isabel and Martha, daughter of William and Lucina Parker of Medford. In the settlement of her estate the following heirs were mentioned : Samuel S. Green, Mary, wife of Wingate N. Ilsley, Josej^h Green, Nancy, wife of Charles Pickett, all of Ports- mouth, John Green of Charleston, Mary Butler of Augusta, Ga., and Sarah D., wife of Horace Chapin of Mobile, Ala. The parents of Mrs. Stimpson have not as yet been found. They both died when she was young, and she was brought up in the family of Mark Green of Portsmouth, who was probably her uncle. The family Bible, once owned by William Stimpson, and which contains his family records, was presented to the compiler by Mrs. Wingate N. Ilsley, who still resides at Portsmouth, and who, in her younger days, lived with Mrs. Stimjison. William Stimpson and his son Samuel were buried in the Bangs- Pea tomb in the Granary Buryiug-ground ; Mrs. Stimpson was buried at Mt. Hope Cemetery. Child, born in Boston : i. Samuel,' b. Feb. 17, 1800 ; d. at Boston, June 6, 1832 (gravestone). 53. Nancy® Stimpson [John,^ John,^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Watertown, Nov. 24, 1778, married at Boston, Sept. 7, 1802, Capt. Thomas, son of Rev. Thomas and Lydia ( Wadsworth) Browne, who was born in Falmouth (now Portland), Mar. 24, 1769. He died at Portland, Mar. 3, 1849 (City record); Mar. 1 (family record); she died there, June 29, I860.- . : - -. Children, born in Portland, Me'. : i, Mary Ann' Browne, b. July 1, 1803. •This set of china was purchased by 'WilHam Stimpson while abroad, probably before his marriage. It is over one hundred years of age, and is cherished as an heir- loom in the family of George Osborn^ Stimpson. / 64 ii. Thomas Browne, b. Dec. 14, 1804; m. at Charlestown, May 21, 1829, Marianna Calder, dau. of Timothy and Sarah (Calder) Thompson, who was b. in Charlestown, April 4, 1804. iii. John Cotton Browne, b. Sept. 27, 1806. iv. Meriel Cutting Browne, b. Nov. 7, 1808. V. Abigau. Browne, b. Mar. 13, 1810; d. at Portland, May 1, 1810. 54. Susan Fosdick^ Stimpson {John^ John,^ John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Watertown, Dec. 13, 1785, and died at Peabody, May 20, 1869, aged 84 years. (State record gives the date of her death as May 19). She resided with Mrs. Bradshaw for some sLx; years previous to that lady's death. She not only received a legacy, but a liberal amount was allowed her from the estate, for her services ; she never married. 55. Hannah® Stimpson {John,^ John,'^ John^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Watertown, July, 1798, and married at Waltham, Apr. 29, 1823, Rufus K. Fobs, who died in Rhode Island, May, 1836. She died at Waltham, Mar. 1, 1871. 56. Rebecca Willard<' Stimpson {John,^ John,^ Jolin,^ Andrew,'^ An- drew^), born in Watertown about 1800, man-ied at Waltham, Dec. 2, 1840, William B. Knights, who died there. Mar. 2, 1854, aged 54 years. She died at Waltham, Mar. 2, 1876, 57. William^ Whitmarsh ( Susannah,^ Johi,^ John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown about 1773, married at Boston, Oct. 29, 1797, Mary, daughter of Elijah and Abigail Mead of Lexington, who was born in Charlestown about 1778. He died at Charlestown, Mar. 18, 1806. She married second, at Maiden, Oct. 19, 1817, William, son of Benjamin and Mary Oliver, who was born in Chelsea about 1773, and died at Maiden, Apr. 8, 1864; she died there, Dec. 4, 1846, aged 68 years. William Whitmarsh was a mariner, and lived in Boston. William Oliver was appointed guardian of the children, Apr. 24, 1820. Children : i. William^ "Whitmarsh, b. in Boston, Nov. 12, 1801. ii. Mary A. Whitmarsh, b. in Boston, Nov. 29, 1803. iii. Benjamin Hastings Whitmarsh, b. in Charlestown, Mar. 10, bapt. May 18, 1806, his mother at that time being a widow. 58. Susan® Whitmarsh {Susannah,^ John,* John, ^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), married at Boston, Jan. 1, 1797, Samuel Jackson. She died pre- vious to 1851. 59. John® Whitmarsh {Susanna,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), had wife Susan. He was a mariner and lived in Boston. He died I 65 previous to June 26, 1820, when administration was granted to his widow. 60. Nancy^ Whitmarsh {^Susannah,^ John^^ Jolin^ Andrew^ Andrew^^, born 1781 ; married at Boston, Nov. 5, 1797, Gurden, son of Jabez and Lucy (Bushnell) Avery, who was born in Norwich, Conn,, Jan. 14, 1771, and died at Boston, May 26, 1818. She died at Boston, Nov. 4, 1817, aged 36 years (Boston Weekly Messenger). Children,* probably born in Boston : i. Charles Adams'' Avery. ii. Nancy Avery. iii. Adeline Avery. iv. "William Ingals Avery. 61. Maria® Whitmarsh {Susannah^ John,'^ John^ Andreio,"^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Feb. 28, 1794, married at Boston, Dec. 19, 1820, Cornelius Briggs, son of Abner and Ruth (Briggs) Magoun, who was born in Pembroke, July 12, 1783, and died there, June 16, 1860. She died at Pembroke, Nov. 21, 1871. He was a shipbuilder, and in his younger days was employed at the Navy Yard at Charlestown. Later on he returned to Pem- broke, and carried on the business on an extensive scale. Children, born in Pembroke : i. ISAAC^ Magoun, b. June 18, 1821. 112. ii. Cornelius Briggs Magoun, b. Oct. 11, 1823. iii. William Whitmarsh Magoun, b. Feb. 6, 1825. Resides at Pem- broke; unmarried. iv. Ann Maria Magoun, b. Mar. 20, 1827; d. at Pembroke, Mar. 10, 1828. 113. V. Catharine Maria Magoun, b. Apr. 8, 1829 ; m. Jolin Hedge. 114. vi. Ezra Edwin Magoun, b. Sept. 19, 1831. vii. Susan Ann Magoun, b. June 18, 1833; d. 1856. 62. Catharine® Whitmarsh (Susannah,^ John,'^ John,^ Andrew,^ An- drew^), married at Boston, Aug. 11, 1811, Daniel, son of Daniel and Esther (Owen) Hollis, who was born in Braintree, June 5, 1783, and died at Boston, Jan. 22, 1861. She died at Boston about 1848. Administration on her estate was granted Rufus P. Parrish, Jan. 1, 1849, and the estate was divided. Mar. 5, 1849, amongst the fol- lowing heirs : Sarah M. Gray, Frances A. Parrish, Maria E. Hol- lis, Margaret A. Hollis and Sarah E. Gray. Children : i. Sarah M.^ Hollis ; m. Gray. *Th6 names of these childi-en were obtained from the diary of Rev. David Avery — an uncle of Garden's who visited him in 1805. 66 ii. Frances Adeline Hollis; m. at Boston, Dec. 3, 1839, Rufus Parks Pan-ish. iii. Makia E. Hollis ; m. at Boston, Jan. 1, 1852, Giles P., son of Rufus Johnson, who was b. in Connecticut about 1828. iv. Margaret A. Hollis; m. at Boston, Nov. 21, 1850, Jeremiah, son Philip Hopkins, who was b. in Rhode Island about 1815. A Mar- garet Hopkins d. at Boston, Sept. 9, 1858, aged 1 m. 17 d. 63. William^ Stimpson {William,^ John,'' John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Dec. 10, 1787 ; supposed to have been mar- ried and had a son William, who is probably living at the present time. He died at Charlestown, Apr. 30, 1852, aged 65 years. (The State record gives him as being single.) 64. Catharine* Stimpson ( William,^ John,^ John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew'^), born in Charlestown, May 1, baptized June 9, 1793 (Trinity Church), married at Charlestown, Apr. 26, 1819 (Apr. 26, 1821, Childs Genealogy), Nathaniel, son of Joseph and Sarah (Gray) Childs, who was born in Boston, about 1795, and died at Charles- town, Sept. 1, 1821, aged 27 years. She died at Boston (Charles- town District), Jan. 15, 1880. The following obituary of Mrs. Childs is taken from a local paper : " The death of Catharine Stimpson Childs, which occurred in this district on Thursday evening, removes from our midst one whose gentle kindness and devoted life made her dearly loved, and will cause her departure to be sincerely mourned. She was born in Charlestown in 1793, and her life was a busy and active one, in every duty of which she was faithful and sincere. Her purity of thought and action, her sweetness of disposition endeared her to all who knew her, and no one can forget the tenderness of her sympa- thy for all who needed it. Hers was a life well spent through all its length, and the reward of good service on this earth was cer- tainly gained by her. She could trace directly her descent from George Bunker, for whom the noted battle site of the Revolution derives its name." * Children, born in Charlestown : 115. i. Francis^ Childs, b. July 28, 1820. ii. Margaret Jane Childs, b. June 12, 1821 ; d. at Charlestown, July 7, 1822. 65. GeorCxE Rappalye^ Stimpson {William,^ John* John^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, July 22, 1794, married at New Bedford, July 15, 1821, Nancy H., daughter of Ichabod aud Mary Sherman, who was born in New Bedford, Oct. 12, 1800, and died *The last statement cannot be substantiated, as will be seen by referring to John' Stimson, page 15. 67 there, May 31, 1880. He died at Charlestown, Apr. 8, 1864 (State record), Apr. 10 (family record). He was named for his great grandfather, George Rappalye, who died at Bedford, N. Y., in 1732. In his younger days he went whaling, but after his marriage he followed the trade of sailmaker. For a number of years he resided at New Bedford, afterwards at Charlestown. Nov., 1825, Ichabod Sherman of New Bedford and wife Mary, sell George R. Stimpson, sailmaker, one-half lot of land with buildings, situated in New Bed- ford. (Bristol Co. Deeds, v. 121, p. 549.) Will of Ichabod Sherman of New Bedford, dated Nov. 18, 1836, mentions daughter Nancy, wife of George R. Stimpson, to whom was given one-half of the house where they now live. Children, born in New Bedford : 116. i. Francis Childs,'' b. Apr. 12, 1822. 117. ii. William Henry, b. Apr. 22, 1825. 118. iii. Robert Wrightington, b. July 11, 1828. 66. Margaret^ Stimpson ( William,^ John,'' John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Nov. 4, 1799, married at Boston, June 13, 1822 (family record), Elisha, son of Edmund and Elizabeth (Wis- wall) Trowbridge of Portland, who was born in Newton, Aug. 3, 1797, and died at Portland, Feb. 16, 1882 (City record), 1880 (family record). She died there, Aug. 10, 1885. Children, born in Portland, Me. : Edward Robbixs'' Trowbridge, b. Mar. 12, 1823. Henry Elisha Trowbridge, b. Mar. 5, 1825. William Stimpson Trowbridge, b. June 3, 1827. George Newell Trowbridge, b. Mar. 24, 1831. Mary Elizabeth Trowbridge, b. May 16, 1833; resides at Port- land. 128. vi. Margaret Louisa Trowbridge, b. Aug. 17, 1835; m. John Quincy Adams Hanson. 124. vii. Charles Irving Trowbridge, b. May 21, 1837. 67. James® Gibbs {Abigail,^ John,^ John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, July 22, 1784, married at Boston, July 17, 1806, as her second husband, Mrs. Elizabeth Gammon, who was probably the daughter of Richard Watts ; she was born in Chelsea, Jan. 18, 1781, and married, first, at Boston, Aug. 7, 1804, John Cammon. She died at Wiscasset, Me., Oct. 2, 1822, He married, second, at Wiscasset, Mar. 7, 1824, Mrs. Mary Snell, who died there, Dec. 30, 1846. He married, third, at Wiscasset, Jan. 3, 1848, as her second husband, Mrs. Hannah Rhynall. She married, first, as Hannah Spear Sargent, at Wiscasset, Apr. 22, 1819, Henry Rhy- nail. James Gibbs died at Wiscasset, Jan. 13, 1852. 119. i. 120. ii. 121. iii. 122. iv. v. eg Children, born in Wiscasset, Me. : * 125. i. George Washington^ Gibbs, b. Mar. 20, 1807. 126. ii. James Gibbs, b. Dec. 8, 1808. iii. Richard Watts Gibbs, b. May 11, 1810; cl. at Wiscasset, June 6, 1810. 127. Iv. Watts Gibbs, b. June 2, 1811. 128. V. Abigail Gibbs, b. Apr. 24, 1813; m. William Hodgliins. 129. vi. Elizabeth Gibbs, b. Apr. 10, 1815; m. Michael Hittinger. 130. vii. John GmBS, b. Feb. 23, 1817. 131. viii. Nancy Brintnal Gibbs, b. Feb. 23, 1820 ; m. Silas Dean Washburn. 132. ix. Benjamin Franklin Gibbs, b. Sept. 25, 1822 (family record), 1824 (Lowell genealogy) . 68. JoHN^ Gibbs {Abigail,^ John,'^ John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown about 1788, married at Boston, Jan. 7, 1811, Eleanor, daughter of William and Tabitha (Glover) Bartol, who was bap- tized at Marblehead, June 7, 1789, and died at Charlestown, Mar. 3, 1867. He died there, Apr. 24, 1845. He was a cooper, and carried on this business at Charlestown. They resided on Warren Street. Children, born in Charlestown : 133. i. Ellen^ Gibbs, b. June 1, 1814; m. James Carlton Poor. 134. ii. Rebecca Turner Gibbs, b. Apr. 20, 1815 ; m. Henry Augustus Rice. 135. iii. John Gibbs. iv. George Gibbs, went to California, and was lost at sea about 1850. 69. Ruth® Gibbs (Abigail,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^) , horn in Charlestown, July 16, 1789 ; married at Chai-lestown, Dec. 3, 1806, Edward Damon of Scituate, who died at Charlestown, July 23, 1810. She married, second, as his second wife, at Charlestown, July 16, 1815, Laban, son of Micah and Mary (Pratt) Turner, who was born in Weymouth, Mar. 5, 1783 (Weymouth record), Dec. 16, 1785 (Charlestown record). He married, as his first wife, at Charlestown, Jan. 18, 1807, Rebecca Burditt, who died at Charlestown, Sept. 20, 1814. Laban Turner died at Charlestown, July 8, 1844; she died there, Aug. 7, 1851 (gravestone), Aug. 8 (town record). Laban Turner was a truckman, and carried on the business at Charlestown. Administration on his estate was granted James R. Turner, Aug. 20, 1844. They resided on Wapping Street. Children, by first husband, born in Charlestown : i. Edward^ Damon, b. June 11, 1807; d. at Charlestown, June 25, 1843 ; never married. 136. ii. Lucy Ann Damon, b. Apr. 22, 1810; m. James Russell Turner. * The family Bible, which formerly belonged to James^ Gibbs, is at present in the possession of Emery Ilodgkins^ Gibbs of Wiscasset, Me., who kindly furnished the compiler with a copy of the records. 69 Children, by secoud husband, born in Charlestown : 137. iii. Rebecca Burditt Turner, b. Apr. 30, 1817; ni. Ebenezer White. 138. iv. Susan Wheeler Turner, b. Oct. 9, 1818; m. Artemas Spofford Patten. 139. V. George Washington Turner, b. May 16, 1820. 140. vi. Lewis Lafayette Turner, b. Aug. 9, 1821. 141. vii. Harriet Emily Turner, b. Sept. 27, 1822 ; m. Lewis C. Riclier. 142. viii. Mariah Brown Turner, b. Oct. 2, 1826 ; m. Lewis C. Ricker, 143. ix. Charles Turner, b. Dec. 29, 1827. X. Ruth Matilda Turner, b. May 5, 1830; d. at Chelsea, Aug. 29 1894. 70. Nancy^ Gibbs {AbigaU,^ John," John,^ Andrew,'' Andrew^), born in Charlestown about 1793, married at Boston, Nov. 8, 1812, Isaac Johnson. She died at Boston, Feb. 3, 1875. He went west a number of years ago, and was never heard from. May 21, 1844, she was put under the guardianship of her brother, James Gibbs. Children : 144. i. Elizabeth Coolidge' Johnson, b. Portsmouth, N. H., Jan. 24, 1813; m. Frederick Leeds, ii. Caroline Johnson, m. Robert Ambrose. Tbey removed to New York State ; had a number of children. Nothing has been heard of the family for many years. 71. Susan Fosdick^ Gibbs {Abigail,^ JoJm,' John,^ Andrew,'' Andrew^), born in Charlestown, about 1797, married at Boston, Nov. 5, 1820, Warham Wheeler, who died at Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 17, 1834.' She died at Boston, Sept. 23, 1842, and was buried* in Central Burying-ground, Boston Common. No issue. He carried on the grocery business in Mill Pond Street (now Endicott Street), and resided at Distil House Square until 1833, when he went to Ohio. Administration on his estate was granted his widow, June 8, 1835. Her will was dated Aug. 17, and pro- bated, Nov. 21, 1842. She gave Ruth B., wife of Laban Turner, all her interest in the real estate in Wapping Street, Charlestown,' which was given her by her father, James Gibbs, and gave Susan W. Turner all her silver plate ; and whatever property might be be- queathed to her by her aunt, Ruth Bradshaw, was to be divided among her brothers, James Gibbs, John Gibbs, and sister Ruth B. Turner. 72. LuCT« Stimpson {Andrew,^ John,* John,^ Andreio,^ Andrew^), baptized at Watertown, Aug. 24, 1783, married Joseph, son of John and Susannah (Upham) Russell. She died previous to 1851. 70 All we have learned of this family is that they went to Louis- ville, Ky., when the children were young ; within two years time both the parents died, leaving the children in the care of the Free- masons of that place. The father was a member of Meridian Lodge - of Watertown,* and after his death, permission was asked of the relatives here, which was probably granted, that some of the chil- dren might be adopted by the Masons of LouisviUe. Children, born in Watertown : i. Jane Ann Kendall^ Russell, b. Aug. 1, 1805. 11. Lucy Stimpson Russell, b. Apr. 18, 1807 ; d. at Watertown, May 5, 1808. iii. GusTAVUS Vasa Russell, b. Feb. 24, 1809. iv. Eliza Crocker Russell, b. Mar. 20, 1811. V. Clement Russell, b. Apr. 1, 1813. vi. Augusta Emily Russell, b. Feb. 4, 1815. f 73. Susannah* Stimpson (Andrew^ John,'^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^)^ born in Charlestown, married at Charlestown, May 13, 1810, Samuel, son of Samuel and Mercy (Learned) Walker, who died at Watertown, Aug. 8, 1845. She died there, Sept. 11, 1825. Children, born in Watertown : 145. i. George Stimpson^ Walker, b. May 19, 1811. ii, Lucy Stimpson Walker, b. May 24, 1812 ; d. at Watertown, Oct. 17, 1812. iii. Charles Henry Walker, b, Sept. 11, 1813 ; d. at Watertown, Sept. 30, 1813. 146. iv. Susan Ann Walker, b. Nov. 8, 1814; m. Charles Bowker. 147. V. Charles Andrew Walker, b. Oct. 17, 1816. vi. Mary Jane Walker, b. Jan. 29, 1818; d. at Watertown, June 15, 1821. 148. vii. William Francis Walker, b. May 11, 1824. 74. Nancy® Stimpson (^Andrew ^ John,'^ Jolin^ Andrew^ Andrew^) ^ born in Charlestown, married (intention published, Jan. 22, 1809), Loami, son of Abraham and Ruth (Kendall) Bailey, who was born in Tewksbury, Jan. 19, 1784, and died at New Orleans, La., previous to 1816. She married second, John, son of Richard Trumbull of Charlestown. She was dead in 1840. Loami Bailey was a mariner and resided at Charlestown. He died at New Orlearns, La., previous to 1816. He left a will, which was probated at Middlesex Co., but which is missing from the * Meridian Lodge was chartered in 1797 by Paul Revere, and for a number of years was located at Watertown ; later on it was transferred to Natick, where in a serious fire on July 20, 1862, the building in which the Lodge met was destroyed, and all the records, save the treasurer's book, were lost. In the book which was saved, occurs the name of Joseph Russell, Jr., with a few others, under date of 1807. 71 files at the present time. Abraham Bailey declined to serve as executor of the will, Aug. 24, 1819. John Trumbull was also a mariner. It is understood that he was attached to the United States Navy Yard at Charlestown for a number of years. The date of his death, and that of his wife have not as yet been found. John Trumbull of Charlestown, mariner, for $70.00 sold Samuel Horn and Sullivan Ball, a certain lot of land, situated on Main Street in Charlestown, which was bounded on the South by a street leading to the Swing Bridge, being the same estate left to him by his father, Richard Trumbull, deceased. Witness, Deborah Stimpson. John and Nancy Trumbull. Dated, Feb. 22, 1816. Middlesex Co. Deeds, v. 21, p. 546. Child, by first husband, born in Maiden : 149. i. LoAMi^ Bailey, b. Dec, 1810. Children, by second husband, born in Charlestown : 150. ii. KiCHARD Trumbull ; mentioned in grandfather's will. 151. iii. Mary Trumbull, b. Feb. 11, 1818; m. Kelly. 152. iv. Clarissa Trumbull, b. June 13, 1819; m. Thomas Coots. 75. George^ Stimpson {Andrew,^ John* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, May 21, 1793, married at Charlestown, Jan. 24, 1819, Sarah, daughter of John U. and Betsey (Jennings) Hiers, who was born in Danvers, June 1793, and died at Charles- town, Jan. 6, 1853. He married second, as her second husbaud, at Charlestown, Oct. 30, 1853, Mrs. Mary Hitchings, daughter of Daniel and Polly Hannon, who was born in Salem, Oct. 26, 1805, and died at Boston, Jan. 24, 1883, who had married first, at Charlestown, July 21, 1839, William Hitchings. George Stimp- son died at Charlestown, Nov. 20, 1867. He was a die sinker by trade and carried on business in Boston ; resided on Eden Street in Charlestown. Children, born in Charlestown : 153. i. George,^ b. Dec. 19, 1819. ii. Washington, b. Sept. 9, 1821 ; d. at Charlestown, Jan. 26, 1843 (State record), Jan. 24 (family record). 164. iii. Lucy, b. May 17, 1823 ; m. George T. Barney. 155. iv. Sarah, b. Dec. 20, 1824; m. James R. Corner. 156. V. Jefferson, b. Feb. 8, 1827. vi. Edwin, b. Mar. 18, 1829; d. about 1867; never married, vii. Albert, b. Jan. 16, 1832 ; d. at Charlestown, Jan. 22, 1852 (State record), Jan. 19 (gravestone) ; aged 20 yrs., 3 days. 157. viii. Susan, b. Jan. 8, 1837; m. Elijah Briggs Edmester. 168. ix. Martha Washington, b. May 20, 1840; m. Gustavus Adolphus Norton. 72 76. Andreav" Stiivipson {Andrew,^ John,'' John^ Andrew^ Andrew")^ born in Charlestown, July 24, 1800, married at Charlestown, Sept. 22, 1825, Charlotte, daughter of John and Esther (Beacham) Car- ter, who was born in Charlestown, Mar., bapt. Nov. 18, 1799, and died at Sandwich, Aug. 11, 1832; married second, at Sandwich, Aug. 7, 1834, Lydia Ellis, daughter of Hatsuld and Mary (Hig- gins) Chi^jman, who was born in Sandwich, May 24, 1802, and died there, Sept. 26, 1859. He died at North Bridgewater, Dec. 15, 1870. About 1829, he removed to Sandwich, where he resided the remainder of his days. Children, first three born in Charlestown, others born in Sandwich : i. Charlotte Carter,^ b. 1826; d. at Charlestown, Apr. 14, 1833. il. Andrew Adams, b. Feb. 16, 1828 ; went to sea in the whaling brig Virginia of Provincetown in the spring of 1854, and was supposed to have been lost in a hurricane, which occurred Aug. 2 of that year, iii. Elisha Blackman, b. Apr. 14, 1830; d. at Sandwich, Dec. 22, 1854 (State record), Dec. 21 (family record), iv. John, b. 1832 ; d. same day. Children, by second wife : 159. v. Charlotte, b. Oct. 1, 1885; m. Zabud Burgess. vi. Harriet Abby, b. Oct. 29, 1837; d. at Sandwich, Sept. 1, 1858. 160. vii. Susan Brown, b. Mar. 24, 1840 ; m. Charles Mitchell Trask. 161. viii. Charles Hatsuld, b. Sept. 25, 1841. 162. ix. Clara Corey, b. June 6, 1844; m. Jarvis Eobinson Fisher. X. Benjamin Corey, b. Nov. 9, 1848; d. at Sandwich, Dec. 30, 1849 (State recordj, Dec. 31 (family record). 77. Charles® Stimpson (Andrew,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Sept. 17, 1803, married at Londonderry, N. H., Oct. 2, 1823, Hannah Dwinnell, daughter of Henry and Polly (Dwinnell) March, who was born in Londonderry, Feb. 1, 1806, and died at Lynn, June 10, 1879. He died at Jamestown, California, about 1870. He resided at Hudson, N. H., for a number of years, and then removed to Lowell, where he was connected with the Tremont Mills, as a machinist. "With wife Hannah, he conveyed to Robert March and William Anderson, all that part of the homestead of Henry March of Londonderry, as was sold to him, Aug. 11, 1828. He was a Mason and joined Pentucket Lodge of Lowell, Feb. 17, 1848, and continued his membership until his death. In 1849, he went to California, but not meeting with the success he wished for, he returned to Lowell. In a short time he made a second trip to the Pacific coast, where he remained until his death. 73 which occurred about 1870. A letter was received by one of the officers of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Massachusetts, from a Masonic Lodge in California, shortly after Mr. Stimpson's death, concerning him, but the contents are not known at the present time. Children : 163. i. Charles Hexry,^ b. in Lonclonderry, Feb. 24, 1825. ii. PIaxnah Maria, b. in Londonderry, Mar. 19, 1828 ; resides at Lynn, iii. Leonard ; drowned at Chelmsford, aged about 6 years. 164. iv. Washington, b. in Nashua, N. H., Nov. 30, 1832. 165. V. Leonard Francis, b. in Lowell, May 9, 1841. vi. John T., b. in Londonderry, Aug. 15, 1844; d. at Lowell, Aug. 10, 1845. 78. Harriet Maria® Stimpson (Andrew,^ John* John,^ Andrew,^ An- drew^), born in Charlestown, about 1805, married at Hudson, N. H., Apr. 14, 1829, Moody Bridges, son of Moses and Charlotte (Under- wood) Towne, who was born in Londonderry, N. H., Oct. 3, 1805, and died at Litchfield, N. H., Jan., 1888. She died Apr. 1, 1859. Children : 166. i. "William Leander^ Townt;, b. June 10, 1831. 167. ii. Lucy Ann Towne, b. Sept. 20, 1832 ; m. Benjamin Lear. 168. iii. ^LiRTHA Greeley Towne, b. Sept. 21, 1834 (Towne genealogy), Apr. 21 (family record) ; m. George Brown. 169. iv. Oscar Walker Towne, b. Feb. 20, 1836. 170. V. George Moody Towne, b. in Hudson, N. H., July 25, 1838. 171. vi. Mary Boyd Towne, b. in Hudson, Apr. 24, 1840 ; m. Joseph Sands, vii. Moses Albert Towxe, b. in Hudson, Apr. 1, 1846 ; d. in a Southern prison, 1863 ; was a member of the 5th N. H. Regt. 79. JosiAH® Capen {Rebecca^ John* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Watertown, Mar. 14, 1787, married at Boston, June 15, 1815, Marietta, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Woods) Gridley, who was born in Roxbury, Oct. 26, 1792, and died at Boston, Jan. 19, 1875. He died there, Nov. 8, 1865. As early as 1813 he was in business in Hawley street, Boston, as one of the firm of Capen and Blake, coach makers, where they carried on the business until about 1845, when he formed a partner- ship with his son Josiah Ames Capen, for the manufacture of curled hair, who continued the business after his father's death. He resided at Distil House square, until 1828, when he removed to Jackson place, oflf Winter street, and in 1851 to Jamaica Plain. Children, born in Boston : 172. i. Marietta' Capen, b. 1816; m. Stephen Macoraber. 173. ii. JosiAH Ames Capen, b. Mar. 16, 1820. 174. iii. William Willard Capen, b. Sept. 26, 1822. iv. Elizabeth E. C.^en ; d. at Boston, Oct. 17, 1822. 74 175. V. Charles Henry Capen, b. Sept. 10, 1825. 176. vi. Ann Rebecca Capen, b. Aug. 24, 1828 ; m. Leonard Preston Holden. vii. Franklin A. Capen, b. July, 1831 ; d. at Boston, Sept. 20, 1837. 177. viii.MARY Elizabeth Capen, b. Dec. 28, 1833; m. Benjamin French Cutter. ix. Caroline ; d. young. 80. Rebecca^ Capen (Rebecca,^ John,^ John^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), bom in Watertown about 1790, married at Keene, N. H., Mar. 24, 1807, Tliomas F, Ames, who was born in Easton about 1782, and died at Keene, Dec. 9, 1859 (town record), Dec. 8 (First Church record). She died at Chelsea, July 19, 1869 (town record), Jnly 10 (Keene record). He resided at Keene, N. H., where he carried on an extensive saddlery business, with that of building chaises. He was prominent in both town and military affairs. As early as 1819, he was a member of the State Militia, and held commissions at various times. He was generally styled Colonel. He was a member of the Che- shire County Agricultural Society, and for a number of years served in various ways on the Committee of Arrangements. It is not known when nor where he was made a Mason, but he was one of the charter members of Social Friends Lodge, No. 42, of Keene, when it was organized, May 7, 1825 ; he was one of the three original members to join when the Lodge was reorganized, June 14, 1856. Children, born in Keeme, N. H. : 178. i. Ann Rebecca' Ames, b. May 27, 1809 ; m. Abiel Sylvester Tilden. ii. Jane Fay Ames, b. Dec. 24, 1811 ; m. Ephraim Simmons Harring- ton (see No. 183). iii. Thojias Capen Ames, b. Jan. 4, 1814; d. at Syracuse, N. Y., when a young man. 179. iv. Silas Fay Ames, b. June 31,* 1816. 180. V. Marietta Gkidley Ames, b. Aug. 4, 1818; m. Jonas B. Shurtleff. 181. vi. Frances Maria Ames, b. Sept. 24, 1820; m. George Wellington Burbank. vii. Caroline Fowle Ames, b. July 12, 1822 ; d. at Waterville, Me. 182. viii. George Lafayette Ames, b. Sept. 5, 1824. ix. Horace Leavitt Ames, b. Sept. 6, 1833. 81. Joseph Newell' Simmons {Mary,^ John* Jolm^A ndrew,^ Andreio^) , born in Boston, Nov. 26, 1785, married at Boston, Dec. 13, 1808, Mary, daughter of Joseph and Nancy (True) Loring of Boston.f * An error in the original. t Edward Gray and his wife Margaret are both buried in the Simmons lot at Forest Hills Cemetery. He was b. Oct. 9, 1782, and m. at Boston, Nov. 25, 1804, Margaret, dau. of Joseph and Nancy (True) Loring, who was b. in Boston, Mar. 16, 1785, and d. there, Feb. 25, 1870; he d. at Boston, Mar. 15, 1854. She was a sister to Mary (Lor- ing) Siaamons, as on her tombstone she is called " Dear Aunt." 75 It is supposed that he went to Barbados. His death or that of his wife has not as yet been found. Children, probably born in Boston : i. Margaret Gray Simmons, b. Feb. 28, 1810; d. at Boston, Jan. 23, 1903 ; never married, ii. Joseph^ Simmons, b. about 1814; d. at Boston, Sept. 13, 1818. 82. David Allan® Simmons {3Iary,^ John,^ John,^ Andrexo^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Nov. 7, 1787 (gravestone at Forest Hills Ceme- tery gives date of his birth as Nov. 20), married at Roxbury, June 27, 1820, Martha Fairfield, daughter of Hon. Nathaniel and Sarah (Fellows) Buggies, who was born in Roxbury, June 10, 1801, and died there, Aug. 3, 1850 (State record), Aug. 15 (family record). He died at Roxbury, Nov. 20, 1859. No issue. When quite a young man he left his home in Keene and came to Roxbury, where he was first employed in a lawyer's office. He studied law with Thomas Williams of Roxbury, and was admitted to the Suffolk Bar, Mar. 28, 1816. He was associated, at various times, with George Gay, James M. Keith and Harvey Jewell. He was highly successful in his chosen field and enjoyed a lucrative prac- tice. He was a distinguished citizen of Roxbury, and resided on Highland Street, where he and his brothers purchased large tracts of land. He was a Representative from Roxbury in 1825, '26, '35, and 1836, member of the Governor's Council in 1839 and 1840, and Senator in 1848 and 1849. Dartmouth College conferred on him the honorary degree of A.M. in 1824. By his will, which was dated June 15, 1857, and probated Dec. 3, 1859, he gave the First Religious Society of Roxbury $1,000 for a new meeting house, which fund is intact at the present time, owing to the terms of the will. To Dartmouth College, he gave $1,000 for needy scholars, and to the Town of Keene, $1,000, the income of which was to be used for the relief of the aged and infirm poor. This fund was increased in 1886, by a bequest of $800 from Mrs. John Henry Eastburn. A portrait of Mr. Simmons, by a fellow townsman of Keene, Mr. George Henry Tilden, adorns the walls of the City Hall in Keene, and is considered an excellent likeness. 83. Maria Williams® Simmons (Mary,^ John* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Keene, N. H., Sept. 7, 1789, married at Boston, Sept. 11, 1808, Ephraim, son of Jonathan and Catharine (Wyinan) Harring- ton, who was born in Watertown, Sept. 24, 1786, and died at Ply- mouth, N. H., July 24, 1854. She died at Boston, Jan. 28, 1884. He was a mason by trade and carried on business in Boston. In 1820, he resided on Pleasant street, where he owned a large 183. i. 184. ii. 185. iii. 186. iv. 187. V. 76 amount of real estate. In 1828 purchased of Thomas Simmons, a lot of land at Roxbury, near Centre street, where he afterwards resided. He was very active in military affairs, and was 1st Lieut, in the 3d Mass. Regt., in 1815, '16 and 1817, and served as Cap- tain from 1818 to 1821. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company as early as 1815, and was 1st Ser- geant in 1819. In 1838 he was Representative to the General Court. He took his degrees in St. John's Lodge of Masons, Aug. 28, 1821, but it is not known that he ever became a member. In 1844, he was elected President of the State Mutual Insurance Co., and continued in this office until his death. By his will, which was dated Sept. 5, 1853, and probated Aug. 26, 1859, he left his entire estate to Thomas, and George A. Sim- mons, in trust for his heirs. At the time of his death he was on a visit to Plymouth, N. H., for his health. Children, born in Boston : Ephraevi Simmons' Harrington, b. June 15, 1809. Anna Maria Harrington, b. June 15, 1811 ; m. George Hill. LucRETiA Osgood Harrington, b. 1813; m. Eliphalet Baker. Joseph Lloyd Harrington, b. Sept. 8, 1815. George Alfred Harrington, b. 1817. 188. vi. Francis David Harrington, b. Feb. 20, 1820. vii. Martha Simmons Harrington, b. Mar. 15, 1823; d. at Boston, Mar. 5, 1899 ; never married, viii. Sarah Susan Harrington, b. Jan., 1825; d. at Boston, Dec. 20, 1867 ; never married, ix. Isabella Dix Harrington, b. Mar. 8, 1827 ; d. at Boston, Dec. 17, 1899 ; never married. 189. X. Rebecca Phillips Harrington, b. Nov., 1832; m. Albert Gordon Bowles. 84. Thomas® Simmons {Mary,^ John,^ John^ Andrew^ Andrev^), born in Keene, N. H., Oct. 8, 1791, married at Roxbury, Oct. 24, 1825, Sarah Homans, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Homans) Thwing, who was born in Boston, July 24, 1800, and died at Roxbury, Sept. 20, 1850. He died there. Mar. 21, 1866 (State record and grave- stone). Mar. 16, (Thwing genealogy). About 1836 he engaged in the ship chandlery business at No. 7 India street, Boston, first as a member of the firm of Simmons and Orrok, and afterwards alone. He was a successful merchant, and a prominent citizen of Roxbury, but it is not known that he ever held public office. About Oct. 15, 1825, in company with Benjamin r. Copeland, Supply C. Thwing, and Charles Hickling, he purchased of Aaron D. Weld, a large tract of land at Roxbury, called the Fort lot, on the old country road leading to Dedham, opposite the resi- dence of David Dudley ; the lot contained some 26 acres, and MARIA WILLIAMS (SIMMONS) HARRINGTON. 1789-1884. EPHRAIM HARRINGTON. 1786-185i. 191. iii. 192. iv. 193. V. vi. 77 Highland street was laid oat through the lot shortly after the pur- chase. It was here that the Simmons family resided for many years. By his will, which was dated Feb. 1, and probated Apr. 21, 1860, his entire estate was left to his heirs, his brother George A. Sim- mons beinsf named as executor and trustee. Children, born in Roxbury : 190. i. Sarah Mehitable'' Simmons, b. May 29, 1827; m. "William Rey- nolds Fullerton. ii. Thomas Simmons, b. Mar. 25, 1829; d. at Roxbury, Feb. 16, 1831 (gravestone). Elsie Thwing Simmons, b. May 9, 1831 ; m. Albert Adams. Mary Simmons, b. Mar. 31, 1833 ; m. Frank Huunewell. Martha Simmons, b. Aug. 12, 1836; m. Isaac Smith Homans, Jr. Thomas Romans Simmons, b. Dec. 3, 1841; d. at Roxbury, Apr. 8, 1850 (gravestone). 85. Lydia Fosdick® Simmons {Mary^ John* John^ Andrew^ Andreio^), born in Keene, N. H., June 2, 1793, married at Roxbury, Oct. 9, 1843, Messer Barker. Shortly after their marriage they removed to Plymouth, Ohio, where he died. She continued to reside in Plymouth until her death, Apr. 3, 1859. She was buried in the Simmons lot at Forest Hills Cemetery. No issue. 86. Rebecca Capen® Simmons {Mary,^ John* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Keene, N. H., Feb. 23, 1796, married at Boston, July 27, 1823, Samuel Maverick, son of Samuel and Mehitable (Lillie) Phillips, who was born in Boston, May 19, 1795 (gravestone), and died there, June 8, 1875. She died at Boston, July 22, 1878. In 1823 he started in business with Flavel Moseley, in the iron and steel trade. Their store was situated on Washington, corner of HoUis street. They afterwards removed to No. 66 Broad street, where they continued in bnsiness until 1856, when Mr. Phillips retired. He resided on Highland street, Roxbury. His will was dated Nov. 10, 1868, and probated June 28, 1875, and his estate was left to his heirs. Children, born in Boston : i. Joseph Richards' Phillips, b. Mar. 2, 1824 ; d. at Haverhill, Feb. 10, 1885 (State record), Apr. 8 (family record) ; never married. 194. ii. Samuel Simmons Phillips, b. Oct. 28, 1825. 195. iii. George Arthur Phillips, b. Apr. 20, 1827. 196. iv. Flavel Moseley Phillips, b. Aug. 2, 1828. 87. Eliza Dicks' Simmons {Mary^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrevj^), born in Keene, N. H., Apr. 7, 1798, married at Keene, Mar. 5, 1820, James S., son of Charles and Cynthia (Pettee) Sumner, who 78 was born about 1795. She died at Boston, Apr. 21, 1875, and was buried at Forest Hills Cemetery. No issue. It is not known whether he was born in Dedham or Keene. His parents removed from Dedham sometime between 1793 and 1800. Neither the date nor place of his death have as yet been found, but it must have occurred previous to 1857, as her brother David A. Simmons mentions her in his will, and she is called a widow. 88. Clarissa Stimpson^ Simmons {Mary^ John,* John,' Andrew* Andrew^), born in Keene, N. H., Jan. 17, 1800 (town record), Jan. 14 (family record), married at Keene, Feb. 15, 1820, David Barker, who was born Sept. 17, 1796, and died at Keene, Aug. 7, 1829. She married second, as his second wife, at Keene, Feb. 25, 1840, Benjamin, son of Samuel and Lucy (Thompson) Hills, who was born in Surry, N. H., Oct. 24, 1793, and died there, Oct. 29, 1850. He married first. May 30, 1816, Disea , who was born Sept. 7, 1793, and died at Surry, Sept. 14, 1839. She died at Roxbury, Feb. 15, 1860, and was buried at Forest Hills. Nothing has been found concerning the parentage of David Bar- ker, or his brother Messer, who married Lydia Fosdick' Simmons. They are supposed to have come from Auburn, N. Y. Children : i. David Simmons' Barker, b. in Auburn, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1821 ; went to sea, and d. at Havana, Cuba, June 24, 1842; never married. His mother erected a monument to his memory in the cemetery at Keene. 197. 11. Mary Eliza Barker, b. in Auburn, May 28, 1822 ; ra. Otis Frederic Eead Waite. 198. iii. Cornelia Josephine Barker, b. in Auburn, Nov. 22, 1823 ; m. Wil- liam Wetherbee. iv. Thomas Messer Barker, b. in Keene, Aug. 20, 1825 ; d. there, Nov. 18, 1827. 199. V. George Thorndike Barker, b. in Keeee, Oct. 9, 1827. vi. Sarah Thwing Barker, b. in Keene, Feb. 4, 1829 ; d. there, July 10, 1829. Child, by second husband, born in Surry, N. H. : vii. Susan Eastburn Hills, b. July 12, 1841 ; d. there, Dec. 18, 1899 ; never married. 89. Nancy Stimpson' Simmons {3fary,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Keene, N. H., May 5, 1802, married at Boston, Dec. 17, 1833, as his second wife, Warren, son of Aaron and Elizabeth (Esty) Fisher, who was born in Sharon, May 30, 1794. He mar- 79 ried first,* at Boston, Mar. 23, 1820, Lucretia, daughter of "William and Peggy Bucknam, who was born in Medford, Nov. 19, 1793, and died at Boston, Dec. 29, 1825. He died at Boston, Mar. 9, 1875, and she died at Roxbury, Feb. 20, 1852. He was in business in 1818, at No. 56 State street, as one of the firm of Hewins and Fisher, dealers in West India Goods. In 1838 the firm removed to No. 7 Central Wharf, and in 1848 he formed a partnership with his son Warren Fisher, Jr., the name of the firm being Warren Fisher and Co., oil dealers. He retired from active business in 1866, having amassed a fortune. He was interested in real estate, principally at Roxbury, where he purchased a large tract of land on Parker HUl, and did much to develop that part of the city. He was made a Mason in Columbian Lodge of Boston, Oct. 2, 1823, and became a member on Nov. 4 following. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Freemasons of Boston and vicinity, which was presented to the public, Dec. 31, 1831, and continued his membership in the Lodge until his death. By his will, which was dated Mar. 31, 1862, and probated Mar. 20, 1875, he left a portion of his estate to his children : Warren, Lucretia, Elizabeth, Daniel S. and Aaron Esty Fisher. Another portion was left to Joseph H. Bradley and James Mulligan in trust. Children, born in Boston : i. Daniel Simmons'' Fisher, b. 1834 ; d. at Boston, Sept. 3, 1865 ; graduated from Harvard College in 1856. ii. Aaron Esty Fisher, b. July 7, 1837; d. at Boston, Oct. 25, 1901; never married; graduated from Harvard College in 1857. He enlisted as a private in the 4oth Mass. Regiment, Oct. 8, 1862 : served as secretary to Capt. Hook during the first expedition against Charleston, S. C. "Volunteered on expedition to relieve Gen. Foster at Washington, N. C, Apr. 1863; was 1st Lieut, and aid-de-carap on staff of Gen. Leslie, May 13, 1863 ; served two and one half years. 90. Susan Fosdick* Simmons {Mary,^ John,'^ John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Keene, N. H., Dec. 23, 1804, married at Boston, Feb. 1833, John Henry, son of John and Christiana (Dolbeare) (Stan- • Children of Warren and Lucretia (Bucknam) Fisher, born in Boston : i. Lucretia Fisher, b. July 2, 1821 ; d. at Boston, May 7, 1890. ii. Elizabeth Fisher, b. Feb. 19, 1824; d. at Boston, Sept. 19, 1891. iii. Warren Fisher, b. Sept. 26, 1825; m. at Boston, Nov. 3, 1855, Maria R., dau. of Winslow and Emeline (Richards) Lewis, who was b. in Boston, Apr. 3, 1834, and d. there, Jan. 9, 1859; he m. (2) Virginia Ellingwood, dau. of George K. and Sarah V. (Cole) Sistare, who was b. in New York, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1839, and d. at Edgartown, Aug. 27, 1898; d. at Boston, Apr. 30, 1896. Children: 1. Marion Gardner Fisher; 2. Edith Sistare Fisher; 3. Frances Ball Fiaher; 4. Virginia Fisher. 80 ley) Eastburn, wlio was born in Boston, Apr. 1, 1805, and died ■there, July 1, 1873. She died at Boston, Feb. 12, 1886. At the asfe of fifteen he entered the office of the Columbian Centinel, where he learned the printing business. In 1827, under Mayor Josiah Quincy, he was elected City Printer, an office he held for twenty-seven years. In 1854 he received a vote of thanks from the City Council, for the fidelity with which he discharged the duties of his office. In 1832, he started the Boston Daily Atlas, a paper which wielded a wide influence, not only in Boston, but in all New England. For many years his business was carried on at No. 18 State street. It is said that he was a man of great energy and exactness, and very methodical in his business methods. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co., in 1832. He received the title of Major, by being appointed an aide to Brig. Gen. John S. Tyler. His will, dated Mar. 29, 1871, and probated, Dec. 28, 1872, which was printed in book form, mentions his wife Susan F. Eastburn, only daughter Maria Eastburn, Edmund P. Dolbeare, " my mother's brother," and Mary Stanley, a daughter of his mother by a previous husband. By his will he gave one half of his busi" ness to three of his former employees. To the Franklin Typo- graphical Society, he gave $5,000 for the benefit of their poor members. To the Massachusetts General Hospital, $2,000, to purchase a free bed for poor jorinters. He also gave numerous legacies to former employees, and relatives. Children : i. Maria Antoinette^ Eastburn, b. in Boston, Nov. 7, 1833 ; d. there Apr. 4, 1839 (gravestone at Mount Auburn Cemetery). ii. Mary M. Price (adopted) , b. in Roxbury, May 8, 1849 ; d. at Boston, Aug. 4, 1869. 91. George Arthur® Simmons {Mary,^ John,'^ John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Keene, N. H., May 17, 1808, married at Cornish, N. H., Sept. 4, 1832, Belinda, daughter of Thomas and Belinda (Lull) Wells, who was born in Boston, Sept. 13, 1818,* and died there, Dec. 9, 1891. He died at Boston, Feb. 26, 1884. He was an old time merchant of Boston. In 1829, he was engaged in the West India Goods business at No. 1 9 Long Wharf, the firm being Kidder and Simmons. He afterwards engaged in the oil business, and was one of the first to reduce the refining of whale and sperm oil to a science. He acted as agent for several * Belinrla Wells, wife of Thomas Wells, died at Boston, Sept., 1818, aged 24 yrs. Her daughter Belinda was adopted by Christopher and Penelope (Wentworth) Seaton of Cornish, N. H. Christopher Seaton was from Tobago, West Indies. Penelope Wentworth was the daughter of Gilman and Rebecca (Wentworth) Butler. 81 large oil houses of New Bedford. He was contemporary with such men as Josiah Bradlee, Downer Austin, Macomber, Sawin and others. He was the last of the old occupants of Long Wharf. "When whale oil ceased to be a factor in commerce, he turned his attention to real estate, in which he had large interests. For over fifty years he resided on Highland street, Roxbury. After hia death, his estate was sold, laid out in small lots, and at the present time, is covered with houses. Mr. Simmons was a man of strong convictions, imblemished mer- cantile integrity, and possessed of those social qualities which endeared him to many, both in business and private life. He was a member of the New England Hist. Gen. Society, elected Dec. 13, 1859. Children, born in Roxbury : i. George Arthur'' Simmoxs, b. May 28, 1833 ; d. at Boston, Oct. 25, 1874: (State record), Oct. 2-t (family record), ii. Belinda Lull Slaimons, b. July 26, 1835; m. Samuel Simmons^ Phillips. (See No. 194). 200. iii. Louisa Tucker Sdimons, b. Dec. 5, 1837 (town record), Oct. 5 (family record) ; m. Lorenzo Silas Cragin. 201. iv. Wektworth Setox Suimons, b. Sept. 11, 1810. 202. v. Samuel Adams Slmmons, b. Oct. 7, 1813. vi. Elizabeth Putnam Simmons, b. Nov. 8, 1815 ; resides New York City, vii. David Allan Sevimons (twin), b. Aug, 24, 1818; resides Modesto, Illinois, viii. Joseph Thomas Slmmons (twin), b. Aug. 24, 1848; d. at Roxbury, Mar. 25, 1851. 92. Rebecca® Stimpson {Benjamin,^ John, '^ John, ^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), married at Boston, Jan. 20, 1811, Daniel, son of Daniel and Sally (Bangs) Rea, who was born in Boston, about 1790, and died there, Feb. 17, 1828. She died, near Savannah, Ga., Aug. 22, 1844. He was a Pump and Block Maker and had his shop in Gibbs Lane (now Oliver Street). He resided in Friend Street ; he was called junior until 1824. After his death his widow resided on Purchase Street, removing to Summer Street in 1830, after which she went South with her children. Administration on his estate was granted to his widow, Apr. 28, 1828, Andrew B. Stimpson on the bond. Children, born in Boston : i. Daniel^ Rea, b. Dec. 19, 1811 ; d. Feb. 3, 1844. ii. William Henry Rea, b. Jan. 24, 1813. 203. iii. Sarah Pepper Rea, b. Oct. 4, 1815 ; m. Henry Tobey. iv. Rebecca Stimpson Rea, b. Mar. 2, 1818 ; d. at Boston, June 23, 1821. V. Benjamin Stimpson Rea, b. Feb. 15, 1820 ; d. at Boston, Jau. 1833. 204. vi. Anna Rebecca Rea, b. Feb. 6, 1824 ; m. J. Frederick Huntington, vii. Harrlet B. Rea, b. Feb. 15, 1825 ; d. at Boston, June, 1832. 82 93. Benjamin' Stimpson {Benjamin,^ John,^ Jdhn^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Boston, married (intention published, Aug. 28, 1817) Nancy Haywood. He died previous to June, 1851.* He carried on the hat and cap business on "Washington Street for several years. About 1826 he removed with his family to New York, where all trace of them was lost. Child, born in Boston : i. Nancy,^ b. abt. 1818; d. at Boston, Oct. 16, 1819, and was buried in the Bangs-Rea tomb in the Granary Burying-ground. 94. Harriet^ Stimpson [Benjamin* John,* John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Jan. 22, 1796, married at Boston, Sept. 29, 1816, Daniel, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Shattuck) Simpson, who was born in Winslow, Me., Sept. 29, 1790, and died at Boston, July 28, 1886. She died there, June 28, 1871. It is not known when he came to Boston, but in 1816, he was in business in Sea street (now Dorchester avenue). For a number of years he kept a livery stable on Washington street. He will probably be best remembered, by many, as " Dan " Simpson, the well known drummer of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany of Boston, which he joined in 1854; and for many years, in company with " Cy " Smith, was always to be found at the head of the column on Field Days. He drummed for the New England Guards for nearly fifty years. In 1820, he formed the Boston Brigade Band, and in 1827 was instrumental in forming the Boston Cadet Band. At one time he resided in Foster Court (now "Van Rensselaer place), and in 1847, purchased an estate in South Boston, near City Point, where he resided, with his children and grandchildren, until his death. His will was dated, Sept. 8, 1882, and probated, Aug. 16, 1886. After leaving legacies to his children, he willed that his son, "William H. Simpson, should have his clock, fowling piece and oil painting of himself and wife. To Daniel F. Lauten, his great grandson, he gave his silver service, which was presented to him by the New England Guards, and his steel drum, which he used for so many years. Children, born in Boston : Harriet Alvertine^ Simpson, b. July 4, 1817 ; m. Jeremiah Royce. Sarah Ann Simpson, b. Jan. 15, 1821 ; m. Samuel Allds Way. Daniel A. Simpson, b. Mar. 8, 1823; d. at Boston, Sept. 30, 1827 (City record), Sept. 29, 1830 (family record). Caroline M. Simpson, b. Feb. 21, 1825; m. Albert S. Cutting. Delia A. Simpson, b. Nov. 8, 1827; m. James A. Sheldon. * Mrs. Dicks' statement. 205. i. 206. ii. lii. 207. iv. 208. V. 83 209. vi. William H. Simpson, b. Dec. 4, 1829. vii. Daniel A. Simpson, b. Mar. 14, 1831 ; d. at Boston, Sept. 23, 1836. 210. viii. Andrew J. Simpson, b. July 20, 1834. 95. Abigail Barber" Stimpson {Benjamin,^ John,'^ John^ Andrew,* Andrew^), born in Boston, June 1802, married at Boston, Aug. 15, 1819, Ira, son of Isaac and Joanna (Cushman) Bosworth, who wag born in Plymouth, Oct. 13, 1795, and died at Taunton, June 13, 1873. She died at Boston, Feb. 15, 1871 (State record), Feb. 17 (family record). He was a resident of Ware for nearly twenty years, and then re- moved to Taunton, where he resided in the eastern part of the town. Like Tubal Cain of old, he was a worker in metals, and was em- ployed by the Old Colony Iron Works at East Taunton for many years. Mar. 22, 1847, he purchased from the heirs of Hannah, widow of Zephaniah Raymond, an estate of about nine acres, with buildings, situated at Taunton, where he resided. He was made a Mason in Mount Zion Lodge of Haxdwick, about 1820 (this Lodge at present is located at Barre). He took his demit and affiliated with King David Lodge of Taunton, Dec. 16, 1846, although it is recorded that he visited the Lodge at Taunton as early as 1838. He was also a Chapter Mason. At his death he was given a Masonic funeral. Children : 211. i. Susan Cushman' Bosworth, b. in Boston, June 24, 1820 ; m. Joseph Richardson Porter, ii. James Wingate Bosworth, b. in "Ware, Oct. 11, 1823: d. there May 14, 1826. ill. Caroline Rebecca Bosworth, b. in "Ware, Mar. 11, 1827; d. there June 10, 1830. 212. iv. Andrew Bradshaw Bosworth, b. in Ware, June 23, 1830. 213. V. James Henry Bosworth, b. in Ware, Jan. 8, 1833. 214. vi. Frederick Lincoln Bosworth, b. in Ware, Mar. 13, 1836. 215. vii. Benjamin Stimpson Bosworth, b. in Ware, July 31, 1838. 216. viii. Ira Bosworth, b. in Taunton, Mar. 20, 1841. Ix. Harriet Abbey Bosworth, b. in Taunton, Feb. 19, 1844; d. at Raynham, July 22, 1846. 96. Andrew Bradshaw* Stimpson (Benjamin,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, married at Boston, June 20, 1824, Har- riet Green, daughter of Thomas and Susannah (Stimpson) Blake, who was born in Boston, Aug. 26, 1801, and died there, Sept. 21, 1879. He died at Boston, Apr. 30, 1842. (Blake genealogy.) He was a bookbinder by trade, and resided at South Boston. Children, born in Boston : i. Andrew Bradshaw,' b. about 1825 ; d. at Boston, May 6, 1832, ii. Edward H., b. Dec, 1829 ; d. at Boston, May 28, 1832. 84 217. iii. Eliza Ann, b. Jan. 1, 1834 (family record) , 1831 (Blake genealogy), m. Benjamin Church. 97. Emily S.® Stimpsok (Benjamin,^ Jo/m,* Jolin^ Andrew^ Andrew^), married (iuteution published, Oct. 25, 1842) George W. Gilmore. They resided at South Framingham until about 1852, when they went to California, where they died. Children, born in South Framingham : i. Emma' Gilmore, b. Nov. 9, 1846. ii. Helen A. Gllmobje, b. Aug. 25, 1850. 98. Joseph® Stimpson {Benjamin,^ John^^ John,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^), born in Boston about 1808, married at Wiscasset, Me., Nov. 29, 1827, Margaret, daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Sheldon) Frith, who was born in Wiscasset, Me., May 1, 1809, and died at Boston, Apr. 13, 1897. He died at Wiscasset, Jan. 23, 1881. Children, born in Wiscasset, Me. : 218. i. Rachel,' b. Nov. 4, 1828 ; m. John Cunningham, ii. Abbie Octavia, b. July 3, 1834 ; d. Dec. 30, 1855. iii. Clara, b. July 20, 1843. 219. iv. Fannnie, b. June 9, 1845; m. James Munroe Patterson. 220. V. Joseph Willard, b. May 25, 1847. 221. vi. Hattie, b. May 29, 1849; m. Frank Sanders. vii. John Cunningham, b. Jan. 25, 1850 ; d. at Wiscasset, Oct. 22, 1855. 222. viii. Elwell Parks, b. Apr. 20, 1852. 99. Mary® Stimpson {Joseph,^ John,'^ John,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^), probably born in Mlton about 1794, married at Milton, Nov. 7, 1813, Wil- liam^ son of William Briggs. She died at Boston, Mar. 17, 1846. He was a mariner, and lived at South Boston. Child: i. Williaji Joseph^ Briggs, b. 1817; d. July 25, 1828. (Drowned at South Boston.) 100. Nancy® Dicks {Nancy,^ John,'^ Jolin^ Andrew^ Andrew^)^ born in Portland, Me., Sept. 12, 1799, married at Portland, Aug. 29, 1824, Charles, son of Cotton Brown and Jane (Williams) Brooks, who was born in Haverhill, Sept 5. 1794 (family record), Sept. ^(Bond's Watertown), and died at Boston, Jan. 19, 1861. She died there. May 3, 1872. He came to Boston about 1818 and entered the employ of George Odin, hardware dealer in Dock Square. In 1819, in company with a Mr. Alliue, he bought out his employer, and carried on the busi- ness, under the firm name of Brooks and Alline. About 1825, he took the store at No. 5 Dock Square, where he conducted busi- ness on his own account until 1828, when he took his brother, Wil- liam Gray Brooks, in partnership, the firm name being Charles 85 Brooks and Company. He retired in 1860, having done business at one place for 35 years. Children, born in Boston : i. Charles^ Bkooks, b. July 24, 1825; d. at Boston, Aug. 29, 1825. 223. li. Helex Elizabeth Brooks, b. Sept. 5, 1826 : m. Joseph Morrill, iii. Edward Cotton Brooks, b. July 16, 1829 ; d. at Boston, Jan. 20, 1894. In 1854, he entered the Granite Bank as bookkeeper, and served in various capacities. He never married, but resided -with the family on "Worcester Street. At the time of his death he was Cashier of the Second National Bank of Boston. 224. iv. Jane Wiixiams Brooks, b. Sept. 1, 1832 ; m. Charles Henry Appleton. v. Charles Henry Brooks, b. Apr. 3, 1836; d. at Brookline, Jan. 6, 1905. vi. Martha Head Brooks, b. Nov. 22, 1840. Never married. Resided on Worcester Street until within a short time, when the family removed to Brookline. 101. Margaret® Dicks [Nancy, ^ John,^ John^ Andrew,- Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Jan. 16, 1802, married at Portland, May 29, 1828, William, son of Levi and Lucretia (Mitchell) Cutter, who was born in North Yarmouth, Me., May 15, 1801, and died at Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 8, 1867. She died there, July 12, 1869. Mr. Cutter entered Andover Seminary, with the ministry in view, but left before the course was over to take up mercantile life. He was interested to a large extent in Sunday School work, and contributed to many of the periodicals devoted to the study of the Bible. In 1839 he removed to New York and later to Brooklyn, where the family at present reside ; although constantly engaoed in business, he found much time for literary work. Children, born in Portland, Me., except the last one, who was born in Brooklyn, N. Y. : 225. i. Julia Eliz^^jjeth^ Cutter, b. Sept. 14, 1829 ; m. Richard Baxter Hill. 226. ii. Margaret Ellen Cutter, b. Mar. 18, 1831 ; m. Rev. Gabriel Havens De Bevoise. iii. William Frederic Cutter, b. Jan. 28, 1833 ; d. at New York, Oct. 11, 1839. 227. iv. John Dicks Cutter, b. Oct. 13, 1834. 228. V. Edward Payson Cutter, b. Oct. 2, 1836. vi. Susan Gardner Cutter, b. Oct. 15, 1839 ; never married ; resides at Brooklyn, N. Y. 102. Susan Neavell*^ Dicks {Nancy, ^ John* John,^ Andreio", Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Feb. 21, 1804, married at Portland, Nov. 24, 1824, John Dean, son of John and Deborah (Dean) Gardner, who was born in Exeter, N. H., Dec. 22, 1799, and died at Brook- lyn, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1869. She died at Wellesley, Nov. 9, 1885. 8Q Children, born in Portland, Me. : i. SuSAN^ Gardner, d. young. 229. ii. George Arthur Gardner, b. Nov. 22, 1829. iii. WiLLiAii Gardner, d. young. iv. Isabel Gardner, d. young. V. Margaret Gardner, d. young. 103. John Wier^ Dicks {Nancy,^ John,'' Johi^ Andrew^ Andrevo^)^ born in Portland, Me., Mar. 20, 1809, married at Nortliwood, Isle of Wight, England, Dec. 9, 1832, Anne, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Pranker) Tomlin, who was born in West Cowes, Isle of Wight, Mar. 15, 1813, and died at Worcester, Mar. 5, 1887. He died there, May 25, 1881. Children, born in Portland, Me. : i. Isabel Gardiner^ Dicks, June 20, 1834; d. at Portland, Dec. 21, 1836. ii. John Wyer Dicks, b. Jan. 1, 1837; d. at Portland, Jan. 4, 1837. iii. John Dicks, b. Apr. 29, 1839 ; d. at Havana, Cuba, Oct. 12, 1860. 230. iv. Susan Gardiner Dicks, b. Dec. 12, 1841 ; m. Alfred Dwight Warren. 231. v. Marianne Dicks, b. Dec. 7, 1843; m. Frederic Calvin Hills. vi. Joseph Henry Dicks, b. May 27, 1846; d. at Portland, Apr. 4, 1849. vii. Clara Maria Hay Dicks, b. Aug. 7, 1852 ; d. young. 104. Isabel Wilson^ Dicks {Nancy, ^ John,* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Jan. 28, 1810, married at Portland, Feb. 2, 1832, Joseph Stockbridge, son of Lebbeus and Sarah Sylvester (Myrick) BaUey, who was born in North Yarmouth, Me., Apr. 6, 1804, and died at Portland, Mar. 9, 1888. She died there, Sept. 28, 1869. His education was received at North Yarmouth, and the Military School at Norwich, Vt. He was in Portland at an early date, and engaged in the book business, which he carried on successfully for many years. He was prominent in public affairs, and was inter- ested in everything which pertained to the welfare of the city. He was a man of genial disposition, quick and ready wit, and a good talker ; these qualities with the sturdy character which he inherited from his New England ancestors, endeared him to many. For years his store was a rendezvous for the literary people of Port- land. Children, born in Portland, Me. : John Dicks^ Bailey, b. Nov. 2, 1832. Edward Augustus Bailey, b. July 28, 1834. William Stockbridge Balley, b. Dec. 14, 1836; d. at Portland, May 22, 1838. Charles Brooks Bailey, b. Apr. 9, 1839. Joseph Henry Bailey, b. July 22, 1841; d. at Portland, Sept. 24, 1863. 232. i. 233. ii. iii 234. iv v. 87 235. vi. Isabel Marie Bailey, b. Feb. 6, 1844; m. Clarendon Harris. 236. vii. Helen Brooks Bailey, b. Jan. 11, 1847; m. Samuel Colmau Allen. 237. viii. Harriet Peters Bailey, b. Sept. 12, 1849; m. Charles Cook, ix. Anna Dicks Bailey, b. Jan. 2, 1853. 238. X. Herbert Clarendon Bailey, b. Mar. 6, 1856. 105. Elizabeth® Stimpson (Nathaniel,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrexo^), born in Andover, Jan. 12, 1794, married at Andover, Dec. 26, 1813, Henry, son of Jabez and Abigail (Graves) Hayward, who was born in Andover about 1792, aud died at North Reading, Oct. 12, 1870. She died there, June 17, 1879. Children : 239. i. Henry Edward' Hayward,* b. in Andover, Oct. 7, 1815. 240. ii. Eliza RoLSTON Hayward, b. in Reading, July 25, 1817; m. John Brooks Howard, iii. Andrew Bradshaw Hayward, b. in Reading, Mar. 1819 ; d. there, Aug. 20, 1852. iv. Hepsibah Jane Hayward, b. in Reading, June 14, 1821; d. there, Mar. 27, 1849. 106. Andrew Bradshaw® Stimpson {Nathaniel,^ John,'^ John^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born about 1798, married Mary A., daughter of John and Sarah Warren of Portland, Me., where she was born Oct. 1807. He died at Andover, Apr. 5, 1850. She married second, at Andover, July 7, 1853, John, son of John and Ruth (Upton) Flint, who was born Feb., 1792, and died at Andover, June 21, 1873 ; she died there, Apr. 2, 1888. No issue. He was in trade in Portland for a numbei* of years, but returned to Andover, where he engaged in business until his death. June 24, 1823, with Henry Hayward, he purchased land in Andover, at which time he was located in Boston. His will was dated Oct. 6, 1849, and probated Apr., 1850 ; it gives his entire estate to his wife. 107. John'' Stimpson (John,^ John,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Watertown, May 30, 1798, married at Medford, Oct. 31, 1820, Hannah, daughter of Samuel and Susan (Ober) Tufts, who was born in Medford, June 5, 1799, and died at Gloucester, Mar. 18, 1853. He died there, Apr. 18, 1855 (gravestone). He resided at Lynn, where he purchased land as early as 1825, and carried on the bakery business in company with Charles Mar- tin. He afterwards removed to Gloucester, where he engaged in the same business. He was made a Mason in Mount Carmel Lodge of Lynn, Jan. 3, 1825. It is not known when he took his demit, f but he was ad- mitted to membership in Tyrian Lodge of Gloucester, Jan. 2, 1844. * The Reading records give this name as Howard. t Owing to the virulence of the anti-Masonic movement in Lynn, Mount Carmel's charter was suspended, and no meetings were held from Dec. 16, 1834, until June 11, 1845. 88 He was appointed administrator of his father's estate, and was guardian of Sarah Stimpson of Boston, and William Stimpsou of Danvers, his own brother and sister, who were minors. By his will, which was dated Mar. 3, and probated June, 1855, he gave his son John, the use and improvement of his new dwelling house^ and after his death the same to go to his children. The residue of the estate was given to his sons, Charles Martin and William Bad- ger Stimpson. Children, born in Lynn : i. Susan Morrill,* b. Julj' 30, 1821 (town record), July 26 (family record) ; d. at Gloucester, July 11, 1837 (gravestone), ii. John, b. Sept. 18, 1822 ; m. at Gloucester, Dec. 25, 1844, Martha Ann, dau. of Charles and Anna (Herrick) Marston, who was b. in Gloucester, Nov. 15, 1823 (town record), Nov. 21 (family record), and d. there, June 17, 1886; d. at Gloucester, Oct. 9, 1886. He resided at Gloucester, and for many years was engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes, as well as farming. Children, born in Gloucester : 1. Johu,^ b. May 24, 1845 (town record), May 20 (family record) ; m. at Gloucester, May 10, 1868, Ellen, dau. of Alden and Eliza (Packard) TuUar, who was b. in Bethel, Vt., Jan. 26, 1848. Children, born in Gloucester : (1) John Alden," b. July 2, 1868; m. at Boston, Dec. 3, 1894, Catharine J., dau. of George and Mary Strachan, who was b. in Nova Scotia, 1868. (2) Carrie Alice, b. Aug. 18, 1870; m. at Gloucester, May 9, 1894, William Burton, son of Peter and Hannah (Webber) Lantz, who was b. in Gloucester, Dec. 27, 1858. Children, born in Gloucester: 1. Lucretia May" Lantz, b. Dec. 8, 1896. 2. Pauline Stimpson Lantz, b. June 5, 1898. 3. Marion Hobbs Lantz (twin), b. Dec. 10, 1902; d. at Gloucester, May 4, 1903. 4. Mabel Greenlaw Lantz (twin), b. Dec. 10, 1902 ; d. at Gloucester, Aug. 7, 1903. (3) Martha Eliza, b. Mar. 6, 1872 ; m. at Lawrence, Jan. 25, 1901, Thomas James, son of William and Anna May (Elward) Phelan, who was b. in Pawtucket, R. I., Jan. 5, 1865, and d. at Providence, R. I., May 29, 1906. Child, born in Lawrence : 1. Alice Frances" Phelan, b. Jan. SO, 1902. (4) Hattie Gilmore, b. Nov. 16, 1879. (5) Georgie May, b. Sept. 30, 1881. 2. Charles William, h.lHoy. 21, 1847; d. at Gloucester, July 20, 1849 (gravestone). 89 3. Charles Martin, h. July 4, 1850 (town record), July 2 (family record) ; d. at Gloucester, Aug. 4, 1854 (gravestone). 4. William Osborn, b. Apr. 7, 1853 (State record), Apr. 4 (town record), Apr. 8 (family record) ; d. at Gloucester, Dec. 10, . 1853 (town and family record), Dec. 1 (gravestone). 6. Margaret May, b. July 25, 1855 ; ra. at Gloucester, Mar. 29, 1876, Alfred Ernest, son of Michael and Ann Eliza (Langs- ford ) Walen, who was b. in Gloucester, Dec. 5, 1853. Children, born in Gloucester : (1) Bertha May " Walen, b. Sept. 15, 1876; m. at Glouces- ter, July 1, 1898, Ralph Dennison, son of Benjamin and Rosa A. (Young) Marshall, who was b. in Glou- cester, Oct. 30, 1873. Children, born in Gloucester : 1. Gertrude "Walen" Marshall, b. Jan 28, 1899. 2. Agnes Stetson Marshall, b. May 25, 1904. (2) Edith Stimpson Walen, b. Apr. 2, 1880. iii. Charles Martin, b. Aug. 17, 1824 ; m. at Gloucester, Nov. 27, 1850, Elizabeth Ann, dau. of James Pearson and Betsey (West) Collins, who was b. in Gloucester, Dec. 11, 1828, and d. at Somerville, Aug. 22, 1905; d. at Boston, Mar. 3, 1892. When he was a child, his father removed to Gloucester, where a portion of the family have since resided ; the son however came to Boston, where his education was completed. For more than twenty-five years he was engaged in business at the corner of Pleasant and Washington streets, and his store became a popular resort for residents of that portion of the city. Children, born in Boston : 1. Elizabeth Maria,^ b. Mar. 22, 1854; m. at Boston, June 6, 1895, Ezra Morse, son of John H. and Lydia Weed (Hawes) Ward, who was b. in Boston, July 28, 1849. No issue. 2. Charles Martin^ b. Nov. 6, 1858; m. at Boston, Apr. 26, 1893, Harriet Augusta, dau. of John and Ruth (Atwood) Kean, who was b. in Boston, Dec. 21, 1856, and d. there, Sept. 23, 1896. No issue. 3. Florence Tufts, b. Dec. 31, 1864; m. at Boston, July 2, 1888, Edward McVicar, son of Albert Montgomery and Letitia Hemeon, who was b. in Liverpool, N. S., Aug. 9, 18G6, and d. at New York, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1891; she m. (2) at Somer- ville, June 27, 1900, James Benjamin, son of Thomas and Rosena (Hedgelaud) Bell, who was b. in Halifax, N. S., Feb. 25, 1871. Child, by first husband, born in Boston : (1) Kathleen West'" Hemeon, b. Sept. 14, 1889. 4. Frank West, b. Sept. 20, 1867. 5. Arthur Herman, b. Aug. 1, 1871 ; d. at Boston, Feb. 8, 1874. iv. Hannah Maria, b. Feb. 20, 1826; m. at Gloucester, Nov. 28, 1850, Epes, son of Epes and Eunice (Burnham) Story, who was b. in Essex, Sept. 7, 1826; she d. at Essex, Jan. 20, 1852 (State record), Jan. 22 (family record); he m. (2), at Danvers, Aug. 2, 1859, 90 Lucy Maria, dau. of David and Lucy G. (Lufkin) Burnliam, who was b. in Essex, Jan. 29, 1840, and d. there, Dec. 14, 1875 ; he m. (3), at Ipswich, Nov. 19, 1878, as her second husband, Mrs. Alice Lucille Baker, daughter of David and Susan W. (Lakeman) Rus- sell, who was b. in Ipswich, June 27, 1840. She married first, at Ipswich, Oct. 20, 1868, George H., son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Richards) Baker, who was born in Ipswich, 1837. Epes Story d. at Essex, June 8, 1899. Child, born in Essex : 1. Ella Maria^ Story, b. Jan. 4, 1852; d. at Essex, Jan. 17, 1852. v. William Badger, b. Dec. 20, 1828 ; d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1868. 108. Thomas'' Stimpson (John,^ John,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew'^), born in Watertov/u, Apr. 6, 1800, married at Wilmington, Apr. 21, 1825 (town record), Apr. 22 (family record), Harriet, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah (Jaquith) Morrill, who was born in Wilming- ton, July 5, and baptized July 11, 1802,* and died at Peabody, Feb. 7, 1871 (State record), Feb. 9 (family record). He died there May 1, 1882. He was in Lynn with his brother, John'' Stimpson, for awhile, and in Dec, 1824, settled in Danvers, in that part of the town now called Peabody, where he continued to reside until his death. Elijah Upton of Danvers, sold Thomas Stimpson and Charles Martin of Danvers, bakers, a lot of land in Danvers, containing 32 poles, adjoining his other land, with buildings. Dated Aug. 25, lS2e.— Essex Co. Deeds, v. 242, p. 85. In 1828, they purchased the adjoining lot, and Sept. 19, 1834, Thomas Stimpson purchased the interest of Charles Martin de- ceased, in the above estates. He was by trade a baker, and carried on an extensive business in that line, until compelled by reason of old age to resign it to his son Samuel B. Stimpson, who became his successor. The bakery is still in existence, but carried on by outside parties. At one time he had a partner, by the name of Charles Martin, which will ac- count for the fact that several members of the Stimpson family, of later generations, bear this as their Christian name. Mr. Stimpson took a lively interest in the affairs of the town. A great lover of books, he was one of the originators of the Peabody Library, and for a number of years a member of the School Com- mittee of Peabody. He was also one of the trustees of the Ceme- tery. * The town records of Wilmington, as lately printed, incorrectly give the birth of Sophia Morrill, as July 5, 1802, and omit Harriet's name as one of the children of Nathaniel and Hannah (Jaquith) jSIorrill. The records of baptism in the Congrega- tional Church show that Sophia was baptized in 1799, and Harriet as given above. 91 He used his influence toward settling aright the temperance and anti-slavery movements, which were so widely agitated some fifty years ago. He was made a Mason in Jordan Lodge, A. F. and A. M. of Peabody, Oct. 31, 1827, and served as Junior Deacon in 1835, '36 and '37. He was made an Honorary Member of the liodge, Mar. 9, 1881. Children, born in Peabody : i. Thomas Morrill, ^ b. Jan. 21, 1827; m. at Peabody, May 31, 1883, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of James and Nancy Hawes (Carkin) Per- kins, who was b. In Peabody, Sept. 28, 1845; d. there, Sept. 30, 1898. He resided at Peabody, and prepared for college at Phillips Acad- emy, Audover; graduated at Amherst in 1850; studied law in the office of Nathaniel Lord of Salem, and at the time of his death was one of the oldest members of the Essex Bar. He was very active in town affairs and efficient in the several societies to which he belonged. He was vice-president and trustee of the Warren Five Cents Savings Bank; a member of the Library and Lyceum committee of the Peabody Institute for tweuty-six years ; vice-president of the Salem Oratorio Society, and member of the Peabody School Committee. The special work to which he gave much of his time and thought, was that of a conveyancer, and as such he was considered an authority. Concerning his profession, perhaps the language of Judge Richardson is the most fitting. A memorial was presented to the Superior Court, in session at Salem, shortly after Mr. Stimpson's death, by Hon. A. P. White, on behalf of the Essex Bar Association. Judge Richardson, in re- sponding, said : " The Court receives your tribute to the character and life of your late brother, Thomas M. Stimpson, with due appreciation of the feelings which have prompted it, and of your desire to ex- press and record them here. His professional work was, I think, confined chiefiy to this county, and during the last 25 years or more of his life he was not, as I am informed, much in Court. But it clearly appears that during this period, as before, he was actively employed in the work and practice of his profession, probably in as useful a way, contributing as much to the common welfare, and on the whole being as useful to his day and genera- tion as if he had occupied more public or conspicuous positions." Child, born in Peabody : 1. Percival MorrilP, b. May 7, 1884 : d. at Peabody, Mar. 5, 1886. ii. Harriet Ann, b. Apr. 22, 1828 ; d. at Danvers, Oct. 27, 1850. iii. Samuel Brown, b. Aug. 25, 1830; d. at Peabody, Dec. 26, 1904. He occupied the old homestead in Peabody, where he carried on the business established by his father some seventy-five years ago. He was never married. For a number of years he had been in- terested in the history of the family, and not only had carefully 92 preserved the many interesting and valuable papers and records left by his father, but also had made large additions to them. His generous and timely assistance in the compilation of these records can best be appreciated by the writer. His death before the publication of the book is much to be regretted, as he looked forward with much pleasure and interest to the completion of the work. iv. Sarah May, b. Sept. 9, 1832 ; d. at Peabody, Feb. 19, 1883. V. Chakles Martin, b. July 29, 1839 ; d. at Peabody, May 19, 1895 (State record), May 18 (family record). vi. Abbie Maria, b. Jan. 24, 1841. Resides at Peabody. 1 09. Mary' Stimpson {John,^ John,^ John,'^ Jolin^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Watertown, Jan. 12, 1803, married in Watertown, Oct. 13, 1822, James M. Whitmore of Claremont, N. H., who died Nov. 5, 1825, aged 26 years (gravestone at Charlestown). She married second, as his second wife, at Watertown, Nov. 11, 1830, Leonard Cleverl}', son of Jacob and Susannah (Cleverly) Fowle,* who was born in Quincy, May 8, 1799. He married first, at Brighton, Dec. 6, 1821, Susan, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Brown) Wil- son, who was born in Fitchbnrg, July 12, 1794, and died at Newton, May 3, 1830. He died at Watertown, June 21, 1836, and she died at Manchester, N. H., Oct. 13, 1845 (gravestone at Water- town). Child, by first husband, born in Boston : i. James 8 Whitmore, b. Mar. 10, 1823; m. at Clinton, Feb. 2, 1851, Chloe Elizabeth, dau. of Amos and Chloe (Cleveland) Stearns, who was b. in Medfleld, Jan. 1, 1831, and d. at Worcester, June 16, 1889 ; d. there, Dec. 5, 1880. Children, first one born in Clinton, others born in West Boylston : 1. Mary Stimpson^ Whitmore, b. May 3, 1851; d. at West Boyls- ton, June 2, 1854. 2. Willard Stearns Whitmore, b. Dec. 14, 1852; m. at Worcester, Oct. 19, 1880, Ida Eloua, dau. of John Cragin and Margera Ann (Thompson) Wilson, who was b. in East Douglass, Aug. 7, 1858. No issue. 3. Mary Elisabeth Whitmore, b. Mar. 23, 1856 ; m. at Worcester, Oct. 4, 1874, George Edwin, son of Edwin Stephen and Martha (Davis) Johnson, who was b. in West Boylston, Mar. 28, 1851, and d. there, Aug. 21, 1884. * There is a tradition in the family tliat Leonard Cleverly Fowls was the son of Jacob and (Vassall) Fowle, but the records do not substantiate this ; on the con- trary there is evidence of his being the son of Jacob and Susannah (Cleverly) Fowle as stated above. The following are taken from the Braintree and Quincy records: Benjamin and Ruth (Mills) Cleverly. Children, born in Braintree: 1. Leonard Cleverly, b. Aug. 20, 1758 ; d. Apr., 1828 ; 2. Ann Cleverly, b. Jan. 25, 1760 ; 3. Lucy Cleverly, b. July 19, 1761 ; 4, Susannah Cleverly, b. Apr. 15, 1764; m. at Quincy, June 12, 1796, Jacob Fowle; she d. at Quincy, May 24, 1807; 5. Ruth Cleverly, b. Jan. 26, 1768 ; d. at Quincy, May 28, 1828. 93 Children, first two born in Worcester, last one born in West Boylston : (1) Martha Louisa*" Johnson, b. May 9, 1875. (2) Harriet Elisabeth Johnson, b. Oct. 10, 1876; m. at Leominster, June 20, 1900, Forest Leon, son of Milan and Mary Jane (McRoy) Blanchard, who was b. in Leominster, July 24, 1879. Children, born in Leominster : 1. Vernon Earle" Blanchard, b. Sept. 9, 1901. 2. Reynold Norman Blanchard, b. Feb. 11, 1903. 3. Cecil Whitmore Blanchard, b. July 9, 1904. 4. Carlton McRoy Blanchard, b. Feb. 13, 1906. (3) Chloe Mildred Johnson, b. Oct. 24, 1878. 4. George Edward Whitmore, b. July 16, 1862; m. at Springfield, July 3, 1900, Margaret Amelia, dau. of Michael and Margaret (Delaney) Touliill, who was b. in Springfield, Aug. 16, 1872. No issue. 5. Sadie May Whitmore, b. Apr. 20, 186G; m. at. West Boylston, Aug. 25, 1886, William Blackwell (parentage unknown), who was b. in Lowell, Aug. 3, 1854. ' Children : (1) Frank Carlton'" Blackwell, b. in West Boylston, Apr. 13, 1887; d. there, June 17, 1887. (2) Frances Elizabeth Blackwell, b. in Worcester, Feb. 27, 1891. (3) Dorothy May Blackwell, b. in Worcester, Mar. 11, 1899. (4) George Willard Blackwell, b. in Holden, May 16, 1904. Children, by second husband, born in Brighton : ii. Mary Ann Fowle, b. Aug. 24, 1831 ; m. at Watertown, Jan. 1, 1851, Thomas Gardner, son of Thomas and Laura (Sweetser) Bryant, who was b. in South Reading, Feb. 25, 1830, and d. at Tewksbury, Jan. 12, 1901 ; d. at Worcester, July 13, 1876. Child, born in Boston : 1. William Gardner^ Bryant, b. Aug. 2, 1853 ; m. at Brookline, Oct. 8, 1874, Helen L., dau. of George and Mary Ann Stevens, who was b. in Montague, 1852. iii. Sarah Haynes Fowle, b. July 24, 1832; d. at Watertown, Jan. 5, 1875 (gravestone), iv. Leonard Fowle, b. Nov. 6, 1833 ; m. at West Boylston, Oct. 3, 1855, Harriet, dau. of Winsor and Sally (Glazier) Morse, who was b. in West Boylston, Apr. 9, 1837, and d. there, Nov. 17, 1893 ; d. at West Boylston, Sept. 23, 1893. Children, born in West Boylston : 1. Fannie Stimpson^ Fowle, b. Dec. 26, 1860 ; d. at West Boylston, Jan. 9, 1871. 2. Wallace Leonard Fowle (twin), b. Nov. 4, 1873; d. at West Boylston, Nov. 7, 1873. 3. Waldo Lincoln Fowle (twin), b. Nov. 4, 1873 ; m. at Worcester, Dec. 21, 1898, Annie Maria, dau. of James Alfred and Mar- 94 garet (Campbell) Copp, who was b. in Elver Philip, N. S., Feb. 27, 1875. Child, boi-n in West Boylston : (1) Fannie Mae^" Fowle, b- Oct. 9, 1899. V. Susan Stimpson Fowle, b. July 31, 1835. Resides at Boston. 110. Sarah Grren^ Stimtsos (John,^ John,^ John,Wohn,^ Andrew,^ An- dretv^), born in Watertown, July 10, 1809, married at Brighton, Dec. 8, 1834, William Moore, son of William and Abigail (Moore) May, who was born in Sudbury, Apr. 21, 1807, and died at Water- town, Mar., 1842. She died there, Dec. 11, 1884 (gravestone). No issue. He was a paper maker, and was associated with his father in the manufacture of paper at Watertown.* About 1837 he went to Pembroke, N. H., where he may have engaged in the same busi- ness. He was, however, residing at Watertown at the time of his death. Mrs. Sarah Green May spent her last years with her brother at Dan vers. Her will which was dated, Dec. 1, 1883, gave her entire estate to her brother William Stimpson (the only one of the children living), and the children of her brothers and sisters deceased. 111. William'' Stimpson {John,^ John,^ John,^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Watertown, Apr. 10, 1811, married at Danvers, Oct. 11, 1832, Margaret, daughter of James and Anna (Curtis) Osborn, who was born in Danvers, Jan. 30, 1809, and died there, Sept. 15, 1890. He died there, Aug. 27, 1889. About 1824, he went to Danvers, and learned the business of baker, with his brother Thomas Stimpson, and remained with him until 1852, when he established himself in the same business in Danvers, where he continued until he retired in 1880. Dec. 21, 1853, George Osborn, executor of the will of Margaret Osborn, deceased, sold William Stimpson, all her homestead situated on Central and Andover Streets, South Parish, Danvers. Mr. Stimpson was a prominent citizen of Danvers, and was a life- long adherent to the Universalist faith, and served as deacon of that Church in Danvers. Children, born in Danvers : i. William Elliot,* b. Feb. 3, 1833; m. at Danvers, May 9, 1861, Mary Dodge, dau. of Daniel and Catherine (Dodge) Richards, * William INIay , the father, was born in England, Feb. 13, 1780 ; he was the son of James and Martha May, and died at Watertown, Jan. 5, 1868. He resided first at Sudbury and afterwards removed to Watertown, where he established the manufacture of paper, which trade he liad learned in England. The business at the present time is carried on by the Hollingsworth & Whitney Co. In his will, wliich was dated Jan. 3, 1868, he mentions his daughter-in-law Sarah May, wife of the late William May. WILLIAM STIMPSON. 1811-1889. 95 ■who was b. in Danvers, Apr. 8, 1837, and d. there Aug. 25, 1892 ; d. at Danvers, Oct. 27, 1867. Child, born in Danvers : 1. George Oshorn,^ b. Oct. 23, 1861; m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., June 6, 1888, Cora Miranda, dau. of George Penny and Harriet Sophia (Young) Buckley, who was b. in Greenport, Long Island, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1860. No issue. ii. George Osborn, b. Aug. 10, 1834 ; d. at Danvers, May 9, 1857. iii. James Osborn, b. June 14, 1837; d. at Danvers, Aug. 14, 1837. iv. Susan Morrill, b. June 18, 1841; d. at Danvers, Apr. 30, 1857. V. Jambs Osborn, b. Dec. 3, 1843; d. at Danvers, Apr. 29, 1857. vi. Harriet Floyd, b. May 10, 1845. vii. Edward Augustus, b. Sept. 26, 1847; m. at Danvers, Dec. 11, 1873, Mary Etta, dau. of Henry and Mary (Twombly) Gilman, who was b. in Levant, Me., Aug. 19, 1849, and d. at Danvers, Dec. 14, 1895. No issue. 112. Cornelius Briggs' Magoun {Maria Wliitmarsh,^ Susannah,^ John,^ John,^ Andrew,'^ And?-eiv^), born in Pembroke, Oct. 11, 1823, mar- ried at Abington, Apr. 8, 1847, Velzora Turner, daughter of Daniel and Hannah (Grape) Faunce, who was born in Buckfield, Me., Mar. 1, 1827. He died at Pembroke, Feb. 9, 1895. She resides at West Paris, Me. Children, first two born in Rockland, others born in Pembroke : i. George "Washington^ Magoun, b. June 12, 1858; m. at Hanson, July 11, 1904, Abbie Etta, dau. of Otis and Huldah Delano (Bates) Standish, who was b. in Pembroke, Sept. 24, 1863. Child, born in Whitman : 1. James Everett Magoun, b. Apr. 28, 1901 (adopted). ii. Elmer Ellsworth Magoun, b. 1860; m. at Auburn, Me., May 6, 1893, Leona Lizzie, dau. of John Lowell and Jane Winship (Brailey) Pratt, who was b. in Carthage, Me., July 8, 1873. They reside at Berry Mills, Carthage, Me. Children, first one born in "Whitman, others born in Carthage, Me. : 1. Lester Harold^ Magoun, b. Aug. 10, 1894. 2. Chester Briggs Magoun^ b. Aug. 5, 1896. 3. Ester Lucile Magoun, b. Oct. 27, 1899. 4. John Pratt Magoun, b. May 1, 196'2. 5. Fanny Jane 3Iagoun, b. July 13, 1903. iii. "William Grant Magoun, b. Dec. 2, 1862; m. at South Paris, Me., June 3, 1886, Rose Nettie, dau. of Dennis and Hannah (Flint) Holt, who was b. in Norway, Me., Dec. 25, 1865. Children, first two born in Pembroke, last one born in Hanson : 1. Alice Ethiel* Magoun, b. Jan. 6, 1887. 2. Otis Wilher Magoun, b. July 18, 1888. 3. Lillie Marian Magoun, b. June 22, 1893. iv. Newton Faunce Magoun, b. Sept. 2, 1866 ; m. at Springfield, Mar. 22, 1902, Emma Belle, dau. of John Curtis and Amarilla Ellen (Ballon) Raymond, who was b. in Hinsdale, Nov. 14, 1868 (State record), 1869 (family record). No issue. 96 113.. Catharine Maria'' Magoun {3Iaria Whitmarsli^ Susannah,^ John,'^ Johi^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Pembroke, Apr. 8, 1829 (family record), 1830 (gravestone), married at Hanson, July 4, 1851, John, son of John and Clarissa (Crowell) Hedge, who was born in Yar- mouth, Mar. 31, 1815, and died at Pembroke, Jan. 7, 1892. She died there, Mar. 18, 1898. No issue. 114. Ezra Edwin'' Magoun (Maria Whitmarsh,^ Susannah,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andretv^), born in Pembroke, Sept. 19, 1831, married at East Bridgewater, Nov. 1, 1854, Adaline Williams, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth B. (Mann) Ramsdell, who was born in Hanson, Oct. 8, 1837. They reside at Hanson. Children, born in Hanson: i. Addie Frances^ Magoun, b. Feb. 9, 1855 ; m. at Hanover, Sept. 18, 1873, George Lewis, son of Edmund and Joanna (Richmond) Phillips, who was b. in Hanover, Jan. 28, 1848. Children, born in Hanover : 1. Lottie Lewis^ Phillips, b. Apr. 2, 1877; m. at Hanover, Apr. 3, 1897, Marcus Edwin, son of George Rufus and Lillian (Cham- berlain) Morse, who was b. in Hanover, Feb. 26, 1877. Child, born in Hanson : (1) Lewis Edwini" Morse, b. March 29, 1900. 2. Edna Forrest Phillips, b. May 21, 1881 ; m. at Hanover, Aug. 19, 1899, Frederick Wilbur, son of Frederick Hatch and Ella Elizabeth (Turner) Baker, who was b. in Pembroke, Aug. 16, 1879. Children, born in Hanover : (1) Ralph Wilbur^" Baker, b. Jan. 9, 1900. (2) Merton Stanley Baker, b. Dec. 13, 1902. (3) Alton Forrest Baker, b. May 25, 1904. 3. Lijndall Maij Phillips, b. Oct. 2, 1888. ii. Lizzie Maria Magoun, b. June 7, 1858; m. at Hanson, Nov. 26, 1879, George Henry, son of John and Mercy Sherman (Willis) Larkum, who was b. in Hanover, Oct. 26, 1858. Children, born in Hanover : 1. Lester^ Larkum, b. June 29, 1882; d. at Hanover, Sept. 2, 1882 (family record).* 2. Trade Alton Larkum, b. Mar. 9, 1887. 3. Clifford Henry Larkum, b. Apr. 22, 1890; d. at Hanover, June 11, 1891. iii. Edwin Everett Magoun, b. May 26, 1860. iv. Charles Robert Magoun, b. Apr. 8, 1863; d. at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 27, 1902. V. Chester Willlvms Magoun, b. Sept. 18, 1865; d. at Hanson, July 7, 1868. * The State records give this birth and death as occurring in 1883. 97 vi. Mary Barker Magoun, b. Feb. 13, 1868 ; m. at Marsliflelcl, Feb. 5, 1890, Willie Herbert, son of Israel H. and Eraeline (Ford) Car- ver, who was b. in Marshfield, Sept. 13, 1865. Children, born in Marshfield : 1. Hoioard Winsloio^ Carver, b. Aug. 5, 1890. 2. Olive Hatch Cai-ver, b. May 13, 1892. 3. Grace Emetine Carver, b. Mar. 17, 1896; d. at Marshfield, Jan. 19, 1898. 4. Lillian Francis Carver, b. July 23, 1903. vii. Arthur Gilbert Magoun, b. June 6, 1870 ; m. at Hanover, Nov. 17, 1901, Ethel Jane, dau. of Ai William and Jennie Eliza (Smart) Robinson, who was b. in Stratham, N. H., May 27, 1881. No issue. viii. Chester Churchill Magoun, b. Nov. 27, 1874; m. at Hanover, Feb. 12, 1898, Alice Frances, dau. of Virgil Delphine Paris and Margaret (Gillon) Foster, who was b. in Hanson, Dec. 7, 1879. No issue. Ix. Roger Williams Magoun, b. Mar. 12, 1879; m. at Hanover, Dec. 24, 1902, Una Williams, dau. of Fred and Annie (Eels) Stetson, who was b. in Hanover, Jan. 5, 1878. No issue. 115. Francis" Childs {Catharine,^ William,^ John,'^ John^ Andrew," An- drew^), born in Charlestown, July 28, 1820, married at Charles- town, Feb. 2, 1840, Juliet Will cut, daughter of Thomas and Louisa (Gilbert) Bearing, who was born in Boston, Mar. 9, 1824, and died there, June 13, 1884. He died at Boston, Apr. 6, 1887. He was one of the leading and influential citizens of Charles- town. He took an active part in its social, religious and political work, and was a man of fine judgment and great executive ability. He was engaged in business in Boston for over thirty years, at one time in the firm of George W. Chipman & Co., and later at the head of Childs, Crosby & Lane, carpet dealers. He was for many years in public office. He was Inspector of the State Prison, three years ; Alderman in 1861 and 1862 ; member of the Mystic Water Board from 1868 to 1876 ; Senator in 1864 and 1865 ; and Coun- cillor in 1877. He took his Master Mason degree in Henry Price Lodge, Apr. 13, 1864, and served as Worshipful Master, 1869, '70 and 1871, and as D. D. Grand Master in 1878, '79 and 1880. He became a mem- ber of Chapter of the Signet, Apr. 8, 1869, and was knighted in Coeur de Leon Commandery, K. T., Apr. 29, 1873. Children, born in Charlestown : 1. Julia Frances* Childs, b. June 5, 1841 ; m. at Charlestown, July 26, 1861, Charles Gilbert, son of Rev. Bartlett and Cliarlotte (Perry) Pease, who was b. in Hudson, N. H., Aug. 6, 1835. They reside at Albany, N. Y. 98 Children, born in Charlestown : 1. Alice Bartlett^ Pease, b. Dec. 5, 1864; d. at Charlestown, Jan. 7, 1871. 2. Francis Chilcls Pease, b. Jan. 23, 1866 ; d. at Charlestown, Feb. 5, 1867. 3. Charles Francis Pease, b. Sept. 29, 1868; d. at Toronto, Canada, Feb. 11, 1892. 4. Herbert Dodge Pease, b. Oct. 25, 1870; m. at Somerville, Sept. 22, 1896, Amy, dau. of Horace Franklin and Mary Florence (Murray) Bai-nes, who was b. in Lebanon, N. H., Sept. 3, 1871. Child, born in Albany, N. Y. : (1) Murrajio Pease, b. Sept. 20, 1903. 5. William Henry Pease, b. July 26, 1872. 6. Harold Childs Pease, b. Aug. 2, 1874. ii. George Theodore Childs, b. Sept. 7, 1842; m. at Charlestown Sept. 19, 18G6, Lucy Ella, dau. of William Moses and Elizabeth (Bailey) Byrnes, who was b. in Charlestown, Oct. 22, 1842. They reside at St. Albans, Vt. Children, first three born in Charlestown, others born in St. Albans, Vt. : 1. Arthur Francis^ Childs, b. Sept. 10, 1868 ; m. at St. Albans, May 17, 1894, Laura Mabel Clark, who was b. in New York, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1866. No issue. 2. Juliette Neilson Childs, b. Mar. 27, 1871 ; m. at Manila, Philippine Islands, Sept. 9, 1905, Percy Scott, son of Francis Peyton and Pauline Embra (Scott) Wood, who was b. in Washing- ton, Texas, Apr. 24, 1869. 3. 3Ial>el Brigham Childs, b. Dec. 16, 1872 ; d. at Charlestown, Oct. 3, 1873. 4. Annie Smith Childs, b. Aug. 12, 1875 ; m. at St. Albans, Apr. 9, 1902, John Burnham, son of John Syng Dorsey and Lucy Arabella (Burgess) Taylor, who was b. in St. Albans, Dec. 25, 1871. No issue. 5. Harold Childs, b. Apr. 21, 1879. iii. Maria Louise Childs, b. Nov. 27, 1843 ; d. young. iv. Nathaniel Childs, b. Feb. 8, 1847 ; d. at Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 27, 1898. V. EuBY Moore Childs, b. June 22, 1848; m. at Charlestown, June 3, 1868, Herbert Emory, son of Johnson Carter and Emeline(Brigham) Burrage, who was b. in Boston, Dec. 18, 1845 ; d. at Newton, Oct. 2, 1904. Children, first two born in Boston, others born in Newton : 1. Francis Johnson^ Burrage, b. Oct. 30, 1870; m. at St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 2, 1896, Eleuora, dau. of William Piukerton and Mary Elenora (Jeter) Mullen, who was b. in St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1871. Children, born in Newton : (1) Marion Eveleen*" Burrage, b. Sept. 7, 1897. (2) Charlotte Burrage, b. May 2, 1901. 99 2. Harry Lang Burrarje, b. May 25, 1872 ; m, at Newtou, I\Iar. 18, 1896, Marguerite, dau. of Augustus Van Horu aucl ]Mary E. (Low) Kimberly, who was b. in Barriugton, 111., Dec. 10, 1874. Children, born in Newton : (1) Dorothy Kimberly'" Burrage, b. Dec. 29, 1898. (2) Virginia Burrage, b. Sept. 20, 1904. 3. Alice Burrage, b. Nov. 29, 1874. 4. Eleanor Childs Burrage, h. Apr. 19, 1881; d. at Newton, Feb. 15, 1904. vi. Catharine Stimpson Childs, b. Apr. 22, 1851 ; m. at Boston, Mar. 3, 1876, Charles Moxcey, son of Edward Gray and Lydia Bacon (Chase) Buxton, who was b. in Yarmouth, Me., Jau. 9, 1852. Children, first two born in Charlestown, others bora in East- port, Me. : 1. Horace Childs^ Buxton, b. Jau. 16, 1877; m. at Fort Fairfield, Me., Nov. 22, 1904, Amy Louise, dau. of Amos and Sarah Johnston (Waite) Libby, who was b. in Fort Fairfield, Mar. 4, 1883. 2. Edward Gray Buxton, b. May 20, 1879. 3. Carrie Porter Buxton, b. Dec. 12, 1881; m. at Eastport, Me., Sept. 28, 1904, Albert, sou of Peter Frederick Theodore and Marie Catherine (Spoerer) Hansen, who was b. in Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 20, 1874. Child, born in South Branch, N. J. : (1) Katharine Buxton^° Hansen, b. Sept. 17, 1905. 4. Florence Hines Buo:ton, b. May 6, 1885. 5. Helen Buxton, b. Sept. 17, 1886; d. at Eastport, Oct. 14, 1886. vii. Mart Louisa Childs, b. Aug. 2Q^ 1853. viii. Carrie Childs, b. Aug. 6, 1855; m. at Charlestown, Dec. 7, 1876, Charles Woodbury, son of William and Caroline (Woodbury) Por- ter, who was b. in Beverly, Mar. 1, 1853. Children, first two born in Beverly, others born in Lynn : 1. William Francis^ Porter, b. Dec. 7, 1877; m. at Aberdeen, Scot- land, Dec. 19, 1903, Lucy Bonney, dau. of Peter and Mary Anna (Sherwood) Esslemont, who was b. in Aberdeen, Scot- land, Oct. 3, 1879. 2. Charles Irving Porter, b. May 12, 1879. 3. Marion Childs Porter, b. Aug. 13, 1882; m. at Lynn, June 2, 1904, Louis Morse, son of Horace Hale and Hannah Preston (Oliver) Atherton, who was b. in Saugus, Dec. 15, 1878. Child, born in Swampscott : (1) Charles Porter^'^ Atherton, b. Dec. 24, 1905. 4. Ealph Woodbury Porter, b. May 9, 1890. ix. Frank Childs, b. July 19, 1858; d. young. 116. Francis Childs'' Stimpson ( George Rappalye,^ William,^ John,'' John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in New Bedford, Apr. 12, 1822, married at Dartmouth, Jan. 22, 1852, Ann, daughter of Howard and Mary L OF C. 100 C. Davis, who was born in Westport, Dec. 25, 1824, and died at Charlestown, May 11, 1864. He married second, May 27, 1866, Harriet M. Bailey. He died at New Bedford, Oct. 20, 1890. Child, born in New Bedford : i. Mary,^ b. June 15, 1852; d. at New Bedford, Aug. 19, 1852. 117. William Henrt^ Stimpson {George Rappalye,^ William,^ John,'^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in New Bedford, Apr. 22, 1825, married at Boston, March 5, 1854, Elizabeth, daughter of David and Mary Sargent, who was born in Maiden, Oct. 21, 1818, and died at Boston, July 30, 1895. He died there, Jan. 1, 1888. Child : i. George Rappalye, b. Boston, Oct. 30, 1856, name chauged from Benjamin Perkins, and adopted June 13, 1865 ; m. at Mattapoisett, Dec. 25, 1879, Maria Williams, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah D. Jones, who was b. in Mattapoisett, June 16, 1859. 118. Robert Wrightington'' Stimpson {George Rappalye,^ William,^ John^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in New Bedford, July 11, 1828, married at Charlestown, Dec. 8, 1849, Julia Ann, daughter of David H. and Sarah Neal (Pratt) Hobart, who was born in Charles- town, July 25, 1830. He died at Somerville, June 19, 1865. Children, first four born in Charlestown, last one born in Somer- ville : i. Harriet Emma,® b. Sept., 1850; d. at Charlestown, Nov. 27, 1850. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Sept. 21, 1851; m. at Somerville, Jan. 3, 1883, Ammi Ruhama, son of Jacob and Sallie (Morse) Hahu, who was b. in Monmouth, Me., Oct. 19, 18il. They reside at Boston. Child, born in Boston : 1. Harold Hobart^ Hahn, b. July 8, 1885: d. at Boston, Nov. 24, 1885. iii. Robert Wrightington, b. June 10, 1853 ; m. at Somerville, Aug. 18, 1883, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of James and Vienna Morrill (Cur- rier) Marden, who was b. in Greenland, N. H., May 26, 1850. No issue. Resides at Somerville. iv. William Henry, b. Mar. 30, 1855; m. at Somerville, Sept 19, 1876, Wiunefred daughter of Peabody and Salome (Sprague) Simmons, who was b. in Damariscotta, Me., Oct. 9, 1858. He married second, at Boston, Aug. 21, 1889, Ida, dau. of Daniel and Han- nah (Stackpole) Burrows, who was b. in Middletown, N. H., June 12, 1864. Child, born in Denison City, Texas : 1. Harold William,^ b. Apr. 21, 1880. V. Jennie Hanscom, b. Oct. 18, 1863; m. at Somerville, June 6, 1883, Walter Thurston, son of Thurston and Mary Ann (Lee) Priest, who was b. in Watertown, June 28, 1859. 101 Children : 1. Frederick Stimpson^ Priest, b. in Newton, May 16, 1884. 2. Bohert Thurston Priest^ b. in Watertown, Apr. 1, 1888 ; cl. there, Apr. 4, 1888. 119. Edward Robbins'' Trowbridge [Margaret,^ William,^ John, ^ John, ^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^), boi'n in Portland, Me., Mar. 12, 1823, married at Limerick, Me., Sept. 4, 1853, Betsey Ellen, dau. of Capt. Ben- jamin and Nancy (Clough) lUsley, who was born in Portland, May 6, 1820, and died there, Jan. 5, 1897. He died at Portland, Dec. 29, 1870. No issue. 120. Henry Elisha^ Trowbridge {JSIargaret^ William,^ John,^ John^ Andrew^^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Mar. 5, 182.5, married at Portland, -June 3, 1846, Caroline Augusta, daughter of John and Betsey (Swain) Miller, who was born in Poi'tland, May 21, 1827, and died at Melrose, Oct. 2, 1891. He died there, Apr. 24, 1887, Children : i. Mary Elizabeth^ Trowbridge, b. in Portland, Mar. 28, 1847; d, at Melrose, Oct. 5, 1857. ii. Charles Henry Trowbridge, b. in Cambridge, July 31, 1851 ; m. at Melrose, May 23, 1877, Georgietta, dau. of Henry Cotton and Catharine (Simonds) Richardson, who was b. in Melrose, Dec. 1, 1852. Resides at Melrose, Mass. Child, born in Melrose : 1. Lena^ Trowbridge, b. Sept. 23, 1879. iii. George Warren Trowbridge, b. in Cambridge, May 11, 1853; m. at Newton, Jan. 13, 1881, Martha Ann, dau. of David Henry and Julia Ann (Thayer) Buttrick, who was b. in Boston, Apr. 19, 1863. Resides at North Attleborough, Mass. Children, born in Newton : 1. Alice Mmf Trowbridge, b. May 16, 1881; d. at Needham, Sept. 19, 1897. 2. Warren Trowbridge, b. Nov. 24, 1886. 3. Everett Trowbridge, b. Mar. 20, 1890. 4. Bohert Skidmore Trowbridge, b. Oct. 10, 1892. iv. John Miller Trowbridge, b. in Melrose, June 23, 1855; d. there, July 14, 1857. V. Amelia Frances Trowbridge, b. In Melrose, Mar. 27, 1858. vi. Clara Trowbridge, b. in Melrose, Apr. 9, 1860. vii. Herbert Ward Trowbredge, b. in Melrose, Sept. 3, 1864 ; d. there, Jan. 10, 1883. 121. WiLLiABi Stimpson'' Trowbridge (Margaret,^ William,^ Johti,^ John,'^ Andreto,^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., June 3, 1827, married at Portland, Nov. 15, 1855, Elizabeth Porter, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Chick) Tukey, who was born in Portland, Oct. 10, 1828. 102 Children, born in Portland, Me. : i. Edward Hknry^ Trowbridge, b. Oct. 1, 1856; m. atFramingham, Sept. 5, 1888, Carrie Louise, dau. of Charles Webster and Harriet (Philbrick) Parker, who was b. in Boston, Feb. 19, 1860. Received degree of A.B. from Dartmouth College iu 1881, aud degree of M.D. from Medical School of Maine, Bowdoin College, in 1884. House surgeon at Maine General Hospital, from Aug. 1, 1884, to Aug. 1, 1885. Surgeon. Resides at Worcester, Mass. Cliildren, first two born in Framiugham, others born in Wor- cester : 1. Parker Vincent^ Trowhridge,h. July 31, 1889; d. at Framing- ham, Aug. 6, 1889. 2. Parker Trowbridge, b. Oct. 31, 1890, 3. Gladys Isabelle Trowbridge, b. June 3, 1893. 4. Louise Trowbridge, b. Feb. 4, 1896. ii. WiLLLUM Stimpsox Trowbridge, b. July 18, 1864; d. at Portland, Sept. 1, 1866. 122. George Newell'^ Trowbridge {Margaret,^ William,^ John,^ John,^ Andrew,''' Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Mar. 24, 1831, married at Portland, July 11, 1855, Susannah Jane, daughter of William and Jane (Stilson) Pearson, who was born in Portland, Aug. 8, 1832. He died at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 10, 1864. Served in the 7th Conn. Regt. No issue. 123. Margaret Louisa'^ Trowbridge {Margaret,^ William,^ John* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Aug. 17, 1835, married at Dover, N. H., Feb. 19, 1867, John Quincy Adams, son of Joseph and Abigail ( Varney) Hanson, who was born in Dover, N. H., June 29, 1834, where she died, Sept. 26, 1876. He married second, at Dover, Apr. 3, 1879, Mary Olive, daughter of Josiah Bartlett and Olive Brown (Pierce) Folsom, who was born in Manchester, N. H., Jan. 4, 1848. Resides at East Boston. Child, by first wife, born iu Chelsea : i. John Quincy Adams^ Hanson, b. Oct. 22, 1875. Children, by second wife, born in Lowell : ii. May Folsom Hanson, b. Aug. 9, 1883. iii. Joseph Bartlett Hanson, b. Sept. 26, 1886. 124. Charles Irving'' Trowbridge {Margaret,^ William,^ John,'^ John,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., May 21, 1837, married at Portland, Sept. 4, 1858, Caroline Augusta, daughter of William and Sophia (Wiggin) Lane, who was born in Portland, Mar. 22, 1839, and died there, Aug. 13, 1874. He married second, Dec, 1882, as her second husband, Mrs. Fanny (Kimball) Morey, daugh- ter of Iddo K. aud Mary H. (Speare) Kimball, who was born in 103 Rockland, Me., about 1845; she married first, at Boston, Feb. 18, 1866, William Morey. He died at Topsfield, Oct. 2, 1906. Children, born in Portland, Me. : i. Belle Carrie^ Trowbridge, b. July 21, 1859 ; m. at Portland, Oct. 17, 1883, Samuel Ayer, son of John Hazen and Annie (Humphreys) Kimball, who was b. in Bath, Me., Aug. 28, 1857. Physician- re- sides at Newton Centre. ' Children : 1. John Hazen^ Kimball, b. in Melrose, May 6, 1886. 2. Joseph Stickney Kimball, b. in Boston, May 20, 1889. ii. Charles Irving Trowbridge, b. June 16, 1861 ; d. at Boston Dec 31, 1897. ' 125. George Washington^ Gibbs {James' Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,' John ' Andrew;' Andrew^), born in Wiscasset, Me., Mar. 20, 1807, married at Wiscasset, Jan. 25, 1847, Arabella, daughter of Jacob and Elinor (Seavey) Jones, who was born in Wiscasset, Aug. 1, 1826, and died there, Feb. 18, 1899 (State record), Feb. 21 (family record). He died at Wiscasset, Dec. 7, 1892. Children, born in Wiscasset, Me. : i. WiNFiELD ScoTT^ GiBBS, b. Nov. 11, 1847; m. and resides at Los Angeles, Cal. ii. George H. Gibbs, b. May 4, 1849; d. Dec. 22, 1861. iii. Elizabeth Helen Gibbs, b. July 10, 1850; m'. at Boston, May 27 1882, William H., son of William H. and Lucy Otis, who was b' m Roxbury, May, 1831, and d. at Boston, Mar. 18, 1889 • she m (2) at Boston, Sept. 1, 1889, Charles T., son of Benjamin F and Mary C. (Morrill) Hill, who was b. in Boston, Jan. 13, 1843. No issue. Resides at Boston. Edward Everett Gibbs, b. June 12, 1853 ; d. Nov. 24 1861 Benjamin Franklin Gibbs, b. Jan. 27, 1855; m. at Boston, Jan. 21 1880, Margaret, dan. of Michael and Catharine Fltzpatrick. who . was b. in England, 1859. Susan Flora Gibbs, b. May 24, 1857 ; d. Sept. 27, 1858. James Watts Gibbs, b. June 16, 1859; m. at Mauchester, N. H Sept. 28, 1892, Selma Lena, dau. of Trougod and Erailie (Friiech- stuck) Petzold, who was b. in Germany, Sept. 28, 1868. Children, born in Wiscasset, Me. : 1. 3Iabel Lena^ Ciibbs, b. Aug. 3, 1893. 2. George James Gibbs, b. Nov. 5, 1895. 3. Carl Watts Gibbs, b. May 24, 1902. viii. Emery Hodgkins Gibbs, b. Oct. 9, 1863. Resides at Wiscasset IX. Janie Albee Gibbs, b. Sept. 4, 1865; m. at Wiscasset, Feb. 27 1890, George Leslie, son of Lewis and Lauraetta (Meserve) Lowell' who was b. in Wiscasset, Aug. 26, 1859. ' Children, all born in Cando, North Dakota, save the last : 1. Laura EtheP Loicell, b. Nov. 30, 1890. 2. Winiebelle Lowell, b. Jan. 24, 1892. XV V. VI. vii. 104 3. mUhe Lowell, b. July 18, 1893. f. Marion Lowell, b. May 8, 1895. 5. Leona Hollis Loicell, b. Aug. 3, 1896. 6. Emery Winfield Loicell, b. Nov. 8, 1897. 7. Vera Gertrude Lowell, b. Sept. 15, 1899. 8. Lloyd Limoood Loioell, b. Oct. 24, 1900. 9. Agnes Altia Lowell^ b. Feb. 7, 1902. • 10. Alice Mildred Lowell, b. June 20, 1903. 11. Dorothy Christene Loioell, b. in West Alna, Me., Oct. 9, 1905. X. Ulysses Grant Gibbs, b. Aug. 13, 1867; m. at Dresden, Me., Nov. 5, 1895, Ida Frances, dau. of Henry Crawford and Emma Frances (Pushard) Hatch, who was b. in Dresden, Feb. 20, 1875. Children, born in Wiscasset, Me. : 1. Marion^ Gibbs, b. Feb. 25, 1897 (State record), Feb. 24 (family record) ; d. at Wiscasset, Feb. 28, 1897 (State record), Feb. 26 (family record). 2. Walter Elwell Gibbs, b. Apr. 18, 1898. 3. Willard Hatch Gibbs, b. Aug. 1, 1899. 126. James'' Gibbs {James^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,^ John,^ Andrew,^ An- drew^), born iu Wiscasset, Me., Dec. 8, 1808, married at Waldo- boro, Me., Oct. 30, 1845, Mary Jane, daughter of Paul and Nancy (Kinsell) Kaler, who was born in Waldoboro, Feb. 14, 1814, and died there. Mar. 23, 1860. He married second, at Waldoboro, Feb. 5, 1861, Adeline, daughter of Leonard and Sally (Speed) Davis, who was born in Washington, Me., Jan. 18, 1835. He died at Camden, Me., Feb. 15, 1877. She married second, at Waldo- boro, May 1, 1884, H. F. Geel. Children, born in Waldoboro, Me. : " i. Silas Washburn* Glbbs, b. Oct. 31, 1846; d. at Waldoboro, Aug. 12, 1896. ii. Abbie Jane Gibbs, b. Sept. 18, 1850; m. at Camden, Me., Oct. 30, 1875, William F. Hall, who was b. in South Orrington, Me., Nov. 1, 1849. Children, born in Camden, Me. : 1. Fred James^ Hall, b. Nov. 3, 1876 ; m. at Hartford, Conn., Apr. 18, 1904, Minnie Clara Berges, who was b. in St. Albans, Vt., Mar. 15, 1884. Child, born in South Hadley : (1) Carlton Lester^" Hall, b. Mar. 12, 1905. 2. Lulu Hattie Hall, b. Sept. 6, 1878 ; d. at Holyoke, Nov. 19, 1895. iii. William Franklin Gibbs, b. Sept. 15, 1853 ; m. at Woonsocket, R. I., Nov. 7, 1882, Mary Alpha, dau. of Baxter Smith and Maranda Bal- lon (Mowry) Arnold, who was b. in Smithfleld, R. I., Mar. 2, 1857, and d. at Providence, R. I., Dec. 22, 1898. 127. Watts'' Gibbs {James^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,^ John,^ Andrew,"^ An- drew^), born in AViscasset, Me., June 2, 1811, married at Wiscasset, WILLIAM HENRY HODGKINS. 1840-1905. 105 Oct. 26, 1837, Susan Boyd, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Foster) Lincoln, wlio was born in Wiscasset, Mar. 14, 1815, and died there. Mar. 9, 1898 (town record). Mar. 5 (family record). He died at Wiscasset, Feb. 26, 1894. Children : i. Lincoln Watts* Gibbs, b. in Wiscasset, Sept. 8, 1838; m. at Wis- casset, Nov. 28, 1867, Sarah Eliza, dau. of Daniel and Eliza (Robinson) Baker, who was b. in Wiscasset, Jan. 29, 1838, and d. there, Jan. 11, 1869; lie m. (2) at No. Readine;, June 1, 1876, Augusta Maria, dau. of Warren and Mary Ann (Buxton) Nichols, who was b. in No. Reading, June 6, 1840. Child, by first wife, born in Wiscasset, Me. : 1. Lincoln Bohinson^ Gibbs, b. Dec. 9, 1868 ; m. at Guthrie, Okla- homa, Aug. 17, 1905, Kate, dau. of William Amos and Josephine Elizabeth (Robbins) Peters, who was b. in Glen- roy, Ohio, Aug. 6, 1883. No issue. ii. Susan Elizabeth Gibbs, b. in Wiscasset, Mar. 27, 1841 ; m. at Wis- casset, May 28, 1867, Samuel J., son of Joseph and Eliza (Fontain) Robinson, who was b. in New York, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1834. Children : 1. Edmund Lincoln^ Bohinson, b. in Lempster, N. H., Sept. 9, 1870; d. Apr., 1871. 2. Grace Louise Bobinson, b. in North Salem, N. H., June 26, 1872. 3. Susie Gertrude Bobinson, b. in Canaan, N. H., Sept. 21, 1876. 4. Baymond Jay Bobinson, h. in IjanclaS, N. H., Jan. 5, 1884; d. Apr. 25, 1905. iii. Emma Frances Gibbs, b. in Waldoboro, Me., Sept. 21, 1848; d. Sept. 8, 1849. iv. Edmund Janes Gibbs, b. in Wiscasset, May 15, 1853 ; d. Dec. 22, 1881. 128. Abigail'' Gibbs (James^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ An- drew^), born in Wiscasset, Me., Apr. 24, 1813, married at Wiscasset, Nov., 1837, William, son of Nathaniel and Susan (Bishop) Hodg- kins, who was born in Kennebunkport, Me., June 15, 1809, and died at Somerville, Sept. 9, 1867. She died there, July 9, 1899. Children, born in Charlestown : i. William Henry* HoDGKiNS, b. Mar. 31, 1839; d. at Charlestown, Apr. 20, 1839. ii. William Henry Hodgkins, b. June 9, 1840; m. at Charlestown, Nov. 7, 1865, Susan Augusta, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah Eliza- beth (Lane) Hayward, who was b. in Boston, Oct. 31, 1840; d. at Kennebunk, Me., Sept. 24, 1905. Mr. Hodgkins, or Major Hodgkins as he was better known, re- sided in Somerville for many years, and was one of tlie influential citizens of the city. In July, 1862, he enlisted in Co. B, 36th Mass. Regiment. He served through several campaigns, and for honorable and courageous service was promoted Lieutenant and 106 Captain. June 8, 1865, he was granted an honorable discharge with the title of Brevet-Major. In 1873 and 1874 he was a member of the Common Council, and in 1892, '93, '94 and 1895 he was elected Mayor, and filled the office with honor to himself and pleasure to his' constituents. He was a State Senator in 1898 and 1899. For more than twenty-five years he served as clerk of the Department of Public Institutions of Boston, and afterwards acted as trustee of a large estate. Children : 1. Alice HaywarO? Hodgkins, b. in Charlestown, June 17, 1867; d. there, Sept. 5, 1868. 2. Willis Bradlee HodgJcins, b. iu Somerville, Oct. 15, 1874; m. at Kennebuuk Beach, Me., Aug. 15, 1901, Helen Osgood, dau. of Edward Rush and (Charlotte (Blaisdell) Ruggles, who was b. in Hanover, N. H., Jan. 28, 1877. Child, born in Andover : (1) Barbara^" Hodgkins, b. Apr. 12, 1905. 3. Helen Augusta Hodgkins, b. in Somerville, May 27, 1881; m. at Somerville, May 11, 1905, Warren Cleaveland, son of Hersey Eugene and Cora Lillian (Cleaveland) Kendall, who was b. in Pompanoosuc, Vt., May 22, 1877. iii. Charles Finney Hodgkins, b. Sept. 24, 1842; m. at Chelsea, Nov. 26, 1863, Julia T., dau. of Daniel and Julia Ann Pepper, who was b. in Chelsea, Mar. 26, 1844, and d. there, Apr. 30, 1884; he d. at Chelsea, May 31, 1883. iv. Franklin Washburn Hodgkins, b. Oct. 18, 1845 ; d. at Charles- town, July 26, 1846. v. Frank Emery Hodgkins, b. Mar. 3, 1849 ; m. at Somerville, June 18, 1874, Eveline Fay, dau. of Lemuel and Emeline Grey (Whiting) Gulliver, who was b. in Charlestown, Oct. 12, 1850. Children, born in Somerville : 1. Ethel Gulliver^ Hodgkins, b. Apr. 22, 1875 ; m. at Melrose, Dec. 11, 1901, Edward Smith, son of George and Annis (Huntley) Thompson, who was b. in Northfleld, Me., Jan. 4, 1875. Children, born in Brooklyn, N. Y. : (1) George Everard»« Thompson, b. Apr. 16, 1903. (2) Marjorie Eveline Thompson, b. Dec. 25, 1904. (3) Helen Gulliver Thompson, b. June 14, 1906. 2. Lemuel Gulliver Hodgkins, b. Apr. 2, 1877. 3. William Percy Hodgkins, b. July 31, 1878. 4. Emeline Abigail Hodgkins, b. Dec. 24, 1879 ; d. at Somerville, Jan. 11, 1880. 5. Dorothy Eveline Hodgkins, b. Mar. 3, 1889. vi. Frederick GooDxow Hodgkins, b. Mar. 12, 1851; m. at Chelsea, Dec. 22, 1881, Mary Georgina, dau. of Dr. John Cowperthwaite and Frances (Miller) Barrington, who was b. in Euniskerry, Ireland, Dec. 22, 1852. Children, born in Chelsea : 1. Frances Abigail^ Hodgkins, b. Oct. 25, 1882. 107 2. Frederick Barrinpton HodgJcins, b. Sept. 5, 1884. 3. William Henry Hodgkins, b. June 30, 1887. vii. Mary Emma HoDGKiNS, b. June 24, 1854; ra. at Somerville, June 12, 1873, Nathaniel Eaton, son of Eaton and Mercy Jane (Corliss) Hutchins, who was b. at Waterbury, Vt., Dec. Ifi, 1848. Children : 1. Maude Louise* Hutcliins, b. in Westborough, June 5, 1874 ; m. at Boston, Sept. 30, 1897, Thomas Edward, son of Thomas A. and Julia Redmond, who was b. in New York, N. Y., 1872 ; she m. (2) at Newton, Dec. 29, 1904, Perley L., son of Melville C. and Janette R. (Mason) Lewis, who was b. in Saginaw, Mich., 1877. No issue. 2. Howard Horatio Hutchins, b. in Marlborough, Feb. 23, 1880. 129. Elizabeth' Gibbs [James^ Glbhs, Abigail,^ John,'^ John,^ Andrew,''^ AndreLV^) was born in Wiscasset, Me., Apr. 10, 1815, married at Wiscasset, Oct., 1835, Michael, son of Jacob Joseph and Sarah (Anderson) Hittinger, who was born in Charlestown, Aug. 7, 1813, and died at Somerville, Apr. 6, 1889. She died at Brook- lyn, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1895. Resided at Charlestown ; for many years senior member of the firm of Hittinger, Cook & Company, machinists. He was also one of the old Charlestown Fire Department. Children, boi-n in Charlestown : 1. George Jacob^ Hittinger, b. July 6, 1836; m. at St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 8, 1862, Julia Elizabeth, dau. of Franklin and Zarina (Bar- ton) Field, who was b. in Canada, Dec. 27, 1845. Children : 1. Leonora Belle* Hittinger, b. in Woburn, Mar. 13, 1864. 2. Eleanor Hattie Hittinger, b. in Woburn, Nov. 9, 1866; m. at Wrentham, July 25, 1894, Ephraim Parker, son of Ephraim Abbot and Eliza Maria (Fessenden-) Hall, who was b. in Everett, Mar. 22, 1867. Children : (1) Parker Hittinger^" Hall, b. in Somerville, Apr. 29, 1895. (2) Marjorie Florence Hall, b. in Wrentham, Dec. 12, 1897. (3) Theodore Walter Hall, b. in Medford, Oct. 10, 1903. 3. George Field Hittinger, b. in Somerville, June 13, 1874; m. at Boston, Apr. 24, 1901, Frances Cora, dau. of Granville and Catherine Elizabeth (Shepardson) Morse, who was b. in Wrentham, Nov. 14, 1876. Children, born in Wrentham : (1) Carleton Morse'" Hittinger, b. Jan. 29, 1902. (2) Norman Field Hittinger, b. Mar. 29, 1903. ii. Harriet Walker Hittinger, b. Feb. 25, 1838; m. at Boston, Aug. 25, 1859, Hiram W., son of Luther and Deborah (Pratt) Hunt, who was b. in Athol, Sept. 27, 1830. 108 Children: 1. George Willis^ Hunt, b. ia Charlestowu, May 6, 1863 ; m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1888, Lillle Mills, dau. of Zadok H. and Amanda M. (Barmore) Jarman. 2. Florence Julia Hunt, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1872. iii. Leonora Bailey HiTTiNGER, b. Nov. 22, 1840; m. at Somerville, Nov. 21, 1866, Francis, son of Thomas and Eliza (Trench) HoUis, who was b. in Boston, Mar. 11, 1833, and d. there, Apr. 2, 1901. Children, b. in Medford : 1. Elimheth Hittinger^ HoUis, b. May 10, 1868. 2. Miza Trench HoUis, b. Feb. 13, 1870. 3. Leonora JV. HoUis, h. Mar. 15, 1872. 4. Ula HoUis, h. May 23, 1875; m. at Brookline, Apr. 24, 1901, Irving Lander, son of Dudley and Gertrude (Hunt) Tenney, who was b. in New York, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1876. iv. Elizabeth Hittinger, b. Feb. 4, 1844; d. at Charlestown, Feb. 17, 1853. V. James Franklin Hittinger, b. Oct. 9, 1853; m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1892, Anna Evelyn, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (York) Touney, who was b. in England, Dec. 19, 1869; d. at Brooklyn, July 26, 1900. Child, born in Brooklyn, N. Y. : 1. Paul Franklin^ Hittinger, b. Dec. 3, 1893. 130. John'' Gibbs (James^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,^ John,^ Andrew,^ An- drew^), born in Wiscasset, Me., Feb. 23, 1817, married at Wis- casset, Aug. 31, 1742, Elvira, daughter of John Greenough and Priscilla (Trott) Thwing, who was born iu Woolwich, Me., Aug. 27, 1813, and died June 11, 1846. He married second, Sept. 15, 1847, Eliza Thwing (sister to his first wife), who was born in Woolwich, Nov. 26, 1816, and died Sept. 20, 1850. He married third (intention published at Wiscasset, Sept. 6, 1851), Elizabeth H. Bragdou, who was born, 1796, and died at Wiscasset, May 11, 1875. He died at Bangor, Me., Feb. 9, 1900. Children, born in Wiscasset, Me. : i. Ella* Gibbs. ii. Lizzie Gibbs. iii. Sarah K. Gibbs, b. 185G ; d. at Bangor, Oct. 15, 1898; never mar- ried. 131. Nancy Brintnal'^ Gibbs {James^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ Jolin,^ John^ An- drew^ AndrewY, born in Wiscasset, Me., Feb. 23, 1820, married at Boston, Feb. 17, 1842, Silas Dean, son of Lysander and Martha Duncan (Dean) Washburn, who was born Apr., 1819. She died at Boston, Apr. 15, 1893. He sailed from Boston about 1858, and was never heard from. 109 Children, born in Boston : i Isabel' Washburn, b. Nov. 19, 1842 ; m. at Charlestown, Apr. 17, 1866, George Howard, son of Caleb Moody and Relief Gertrude (Stirason) Long, who was b. in Lynn, Aug. 15, 1842. Children : 1. George Edward? Long, b. in Charlestown, Feb. 25, 1867: d. there, Nov. 15, 1867. 2. Gertrude Washburn Long, b. in Somerville, Sept. 26, 1868; d. at Waverly, Sept. 28, 1875. 3. Blanch Hoimrd Long, b. in Charlestown, July 12, 1870; d. there, Feb. 27, 1874. 4. Henry Long (twin), b. in Charlestown, May 28, 1873 ; d. there, June 2, 1873. 5. Howard Stimpson Long (twin), b. in Charlestown, May 28, 1873; d. there, Aug. 5, 1873. 6. Maxwell Washburn Long, b. in Waverly, Oct. 16, 1878. ii. Silas Farnum Washburn, b. Feb. 24, 1847; m. Caroline Lincoln, who d. about 1870. iii. George HrrxiNGER Washburn, b. June 24, 1850 ; m. at Manchester, N. H., Mar. 10, 1874, Emmalwon, dau. of Henry C. and Charlotte (Parker) Sanderson, who was b. in Manchester, N. H., Oct. 6, 1849. Child, born in Charlestown : 1. Willis Hunt^ Washburn, b. Nov. 13, 1879. 132. Benjamin Franklin^ Gibbs {James' Gibbs, Abigail,' John,* John," Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Wiscasset, Me., Sept. 25, 1822, mai- ried, intention published at Wiscasset, Dec. 19, 1848, Clarissa Hatch, daughter of John and Melinda (Hatch) Lowell, who was born m Wis'casset, Nov. 30, 1828, and died at Somerville, Nov. 3, 1890. He died there, Dec. 24, 1893. Child, born in Wiscasset, Me. : i Caroline E.« Gibbs, b. Sept. 25, 1849; m. at Wiscasset, Oct. 19, 1871, Robert, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Rigley) Butterworth, who was b. in Rochdale, England, Feb. 2, 1846. Children : 1. Clara^ Butterioorth, b. in Wiscasset, Aug. 31, 1872 ; m. at Somer- ville, Apr. 24, 1901, Charles, son of Samuel and Maria Louisa (Brown) Knight, who was b. in Marblehead, Feb. 8, 1867. No issue. 2. Elwell Robert Butterworth, b. in Charlestown, Feb. 1, 1874 ; m. at Somerville, Oct. 11, 1900, Mary Baldwin, dau. of Nathan Henry and Clarissa Baldwin (Parker) Reed, who was b. in Somerville, June 7, 1877. Child, born in Nahant : (1) Robert Reed»° Butterworth, b. June 30, 1901. 3. Scott Lowell Butterworth, b. in Cambridge, Jan. 5, 1876; d. there, May 3, 1876. no 4. Ethel 3Iar ion BuUerworth,h. in Cambridge, Aug. 5, 1878; m. at Somerville, Oct. 21, 1903, William Henry, son of Henry W. and Orra A. (Samson) Burgess, who was b. in Somer- ville, Oct. 3, 1878. 5. Chester Warren Biitterioorth, b. in Somerville, Oct. 31, 1882 ; m, at Providence, R. I., Dec. 2, 1903, Florence Eloise, dau. of Silas L. and Mary C. (Chase) Cumraings, who was b. in Somerville, Nov. 14, 1883. 6. Irving Mills Butterworth, b. in Somerville, May 9, 1885. 133. Ellen'' Gibbs {John^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,* Jokn,^ Andrew,^ An- dretv^), born in Charlestown, June 1, 1814, married at Charlestown, Jan, 1, 1834, James Carlton, son of David and Mary (Carlton) Poor, who was born in Charlestown, Nov. 6, 1812, and died at Boston, May 22, 1875 (City record), May 23 (Poor genealogy) ; she died there, July 19, 1900. Children, born in Charlestown : i. Marie Louises Poor, b. May 28, 1834 ; m. at Charlestown, July 30, 1854, Thomas Frank, son of Thomas W. and Abigail (Tibbetts) Ramsey, who was b. in Charlestown, May 8, 1833, and d. there, Oct. 16, 1865. Child, born in Charlestown : 1. Ellen 3faria^ Bamsey, b. Oct. 30, 1855 ; d. at Charlestown, Dec. 8, 1855. ii. James Williams Poor, b. Mar. 13, 1841 ; m. at Charlestown, Oct. 13, 1863, Abbie Rich, dau. of Levi and Susannah (Simonds) Locke, who was b. in Milton, Aug. 17, 1843. Child, born in Charlestown : 1. Effle Louise^ Poor, b. Nov. 9, 1865. 134. Rebecca Turner^ Gibbs {John^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,* Johi,^ An- drew;^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Apr. 20, 1815, married (in- tention published at Charlestown, Oct. 22, 1843), Henry Augustus, son of Mathew and Sally (Barnicoat) Rice, who was born in Charles- town, July 27, 1813, and died there, Sept. 10, 1874. She died at Boston, Nov, 1, 1877. No issue. 135. John' Gibbs (John^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,^ Andreid^), born in Charlestown, Oct. 6, 181.7, married at Yorktown, N. Y., 1841, Mary Dunning, daughter of Louis Augustus and Amelia (Raymond) White, who was born in Yorktown, Feb. 28, 1814, and died at Somerville, June 11, 1894. Children : i. Helena Barto^ Gibbs, b. in Boston, May 26, 1845 ; m. at Brighton, Mar. 12, 1868, George Phelps, son of Samuel D. and Nancy (Shat- tuck) Knowlton, who was b. in Milford, N. H., Aug. 11, 1844, and d. at Boston, Apr. 28, 1906; d. at Somerville, Mar. 1, 1905. Ill Children, born in Cambridge: 1. Lillian Shatluck^ Knoiolton, b. May 24, 1869 ; d. at Cambridge, Oct. 14, 1869. 2. Samuel Dean Knoiolton, b. June 10, 1871 ; m. at Somerville, July 26, 1903, Harriet Louise, dau. of Thomas Marean and Julia (Blauchard) Everett, who was b. in Boston, Mar. 22, 1880, and d. at Boston, Mar. 14, 1906. Child, born in Boston : (1) Everettio Blanchard Knowlton, b. Aug. 13, 1904. 3. George Francis Knowlton^ b. Apr. 11, 1874. 11. Maky Ellen Gibbs, b. in Boston, Dec. 10, 1847; m. at Brighton, Dec. 12, 1867, James Franklin, son of William and Angelina (Shat- tuck') Upham, who was b. in Lowell, Oct. 26, 1841. Children : 1. Helena Lois^ Upham, b. in Brighton, Mar. 5, 1870; m. at Bos- ton, June 30, 1896, Stillman Roberts, son of Francis and Eliza Ann (Roberts) Dunham, who was b. in Chelsea, Feb. 5, 1866. Children : (1) Stillman Roberts" Dunham, b. in Boston, Apr. 9, 1898. (2) Francis Dunham, b. in Bethel, Me., July 10, 1900. 2. William Franklin Upham, b. in Brighton, Dec. 8, 1871. 3. Ida May Upham^ b. in Boston, Feb. 18, 1874 ; m. at Boston, June 23, 1897, Louis Leon La Beyney, son of Wallace Rand and Nellie Levina (Beal) Marie, who was b. in Cambridge, July 20, 1874. Children, born in Boston : (1) Louis James*" Marie, b. June 7, 1898. (2) Arthur Leroy Marie, b. Oct. 5, 1899. (3) Stanley Upham Marie, b. Oct. 8, 1901. iii. Ebenezer White Gibbs, b. in Cambridge, Mar. 17, 1850. iv. Katharine Louise Gibbs, b. in Brighton, June 28, 1854. V. Charles Barnes Gibbs, b. in Brighton, Jan. 14, 1857 ; m. Elizabeth Matheson. 136. Lucy Ann'' Damon {Ruth^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Apr. 22, 1810, married at Charles- town, .June, 1834, James Russell, son of Laban and Rebecca (Bur- ditt) Turner,* who died at Medford, Feb. 6, 1857. She died at Charlestown, July 11, 1860. * Laban Turner married as his first wife, at Charlestown, Jan. 18, 1807, Rebecca Burditt, who d. at Charlestown, Sept. 20, 1814. Children, born in Charlestown : i. James Russell Turner, b. Oct. 27, 1807; m. Lucy Ann'' Damon, ii. Laban Turner, b. Jan. 9, 1809; m. at Charlestown, July 30, 1830, Eliza, dau. of Lot and Abigail (Goodwin) Merriam, who was b. in Charlestown, July 11, 1808; d. there. May, 1838; she m. (2), as his second wife, at Charlestown, Apr. 17, 1861, Thomas Snell, son of David and Grace (Stoddard) Mellin, who was b. in North Brookfield, Dec. 4, 1807, and who had m. (1), at Char- 112 Children : i. James Harrison Russell^ Turner, b. Apr. 2, 1836 ; m. Mary, dau. of Dr. Henry Miller of Louisville, Ky. Children, born in Louisville, Ky. : 1. Harry^ Turner. 2. Ada 31. Turner. ii. Josephine Adelaide Turner, b. in Charlestovrn, Feb. 9, 1848; m. at Cliarlestown, Apr. 16, 1868, Henry Perry, son of Daniel and Louise (Sweet) Willcomb, who was b. in Ipswich, Apr. 7, 1844; d. at Ipswich, Sept. 3, 1879. Hem. (2), at Ipswich, Feb. 22, 1881, Mary E., dau. of Charles W. and Charlotte (Smith) Chapman, who was b. in Ipswich, Feb. 1, 1853, and d. there, Jan. 27, 1887. He m. (3) as her second hnsband, at Ipswich, Jan. 18, 1902, Grace A. Brocklebank, dau. of Fred and Olive (Docliam) Buxton, who was b. in Cleveland, Ohio, 1862. Children, born in Ipswich : 1. Herbert H.^ Willcomb, b. Oct. 18, 1870; m. Florence A., dau. of Alexander and Catliariue (Murphy) McDonald, who was b. in Gloucester, Aug. 16, 1869. Child, born in Lynn : (1) Adaline Cathariuei" Willcomb, b. July 2, 1892. 2. Helen L. Willcomb, b. Mar. 10, 1872; m. at Ipswich, Nov. 14, 1895, Alfred Richai'dson, son of Amos G. and Mary E. (Rust) Jewett, who was b. in Ipswich, Aug. 18, 1866. 3. Marion M. Willcomb, b. May 14, 1877; d. at Ipswich, Oct. 19, 1879. 137. Rebecca Burditt'^ Turner (Rulh^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,* JoJin,^ Andrew,'^ Andreiv^), born in Charlestown, Apr. 30, 1817, married at Charlestown, Nov. 30, 1835, Ebenezer, son of Obadiah and Eliza- beth (Hoppin) White, who was born in Charlestown, Oct. 12, 1806, and died at Longmont, Colorado, Dec. 19, 1879. She died at Charlestown, Apr. 12, 1855. Children, born in Charlestown : i. Georgiana^ White, b. Sept. 1, 1836; d. at Charlestown, Feb. 12, 1844. ii. Henrietta White, b. Feb. 3, 1838. iii. Evelina White, b. Apr. 20, 1840; d. at Colorado, Mar. 15, 1875. iv. Franklin White, b. Mar. 10, 1842 ; d. at Charlestown, Apr. 16, 1842. V. Eben White, b. Sept. 18, 1845; m. at Denver, Col., Apr. 4, 1887, Mary Estella, dau. of Alfred and Ann Amelia (Meserole) Merri- man, who was b. in Southington, Conn., Jan. 14, 1859. lestown, Aug. 31, 1830, Rebecca, dau. of Thaddeus and Rhoda Perry, who was b. in Danvers, Jan. 19, 1807, and d. at Charlestown, May 31, 1860. Thomas Snell Mellin d. at Charlestown, Mar. 19, 1864; she d. there, Sept. 10, 1873. iii. Rebecca B. Turner, b. Dec. 10, 1810; d. at Charlestown, Oct. 25, 1811. 113 Children, born in Longmont, Col. : 1. Buth Carr'^ White, b. Nov. 22, 1888. 2. Baymond Merriman White, b. July 24, 1890. vi. George White, b. Dec. IG, 1848; m. at Somerville, Dec. 25, 1870, Maria Abigail, dau. of Franklin and Zariua (Barton) Field, who was b. in Canada West, Oct. 29, 1850. Children : 1. George Walter^ White, b. In Cambridge, Feb. 6, 1874; m. at Cambridge, July 16, 1894, Mabel Lilla, dau. of Winfred and Ruth Elizabeth (Townsend) Trott, who was b. in Jolicure, Westmoreland Co., N. B., Mar. 5, 1878, and d. at Cambridge, Sept. 2, 1895; he m. (2) at Cambridge, Feb. 16, 1898, Lenna Maria, dau. of Stephen A. and Abbie Crose (Bibber) Merrill, who was b. in Cambi-idge, Feb. 6, 1880. Child, by first wife, born iu Cambridge : (1) Mabel Maria^" White, b. Feb. 9, 1895. Children, by second wife, born in Cambridge : (2) Beruice Lenna White, b. Nov. 3, 1900. (3) Dorothy Merrill White, b. Sept. 25, 1904. 2. Percy Elmer TF7«Ye, b. in Cambridge, Feb. 4, 1876; d. at Orlan- do, Fla., May 16, 1887. 3. Ernest Prescott White, b. in Cambridge, July 11, 1880; d. at Orlando, Fla., July 18, 1886. 4. Everetta Maria White, b. iu Cambridge, June 26, 1885; m. at Cambridge, Nov. 29, 1900, Francis Eugene, son of Isaac and Agnes 0. (Riggs) Harvey, who was b. iu Gloucester, Dec. 9, 1873. Child, born in Cambridge : (1) Gordon Whiter" Harvey, b. June 24, 1903. 5. Edward Kendall White, b. in Orlando, Fla., Jan. 23, 1888. 138. Susan Wheeler'^ Turner (RiUh^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,* Jolm^ An- drew^ Andrew^), born iu Charlestown, Oct. 9, 1818, married at Charlestown, Nov. 1, 1842, Artemas Spofford, son of Joel and Milly (Spofford) Patten, who was born in Temple, N. H., Mar. 12, 1816, and died at Chelsea, Sept. 25, 1906. She died there, Dec. 6, 1885. Children, first two born in Charlestown, others born in North Adams : i. Susan Amelia^ Patten, b. Feb. 2, 1844. ii. Emily Gertrude Patten, b. Jan. 26, 1846; m. at Chicago, 111., June 11, 1872, William, son of George Washington and Sarah Howard (Hanson) Gerrish, who was b. in Chelsea, June 24, 1842, and d. there, Apr. 12, 1903; d. at Chelsea, June 16, 1904. He attended school at Chelsea, and Chauncey Hall, Boston. May 23, 1861, he enlisted for three years in Co. H, 1st Mass. Regi- ment, but was discharged for disability. Feb. 24, 1864, he was commissioned 1st Lieutenant 20th U. S. Colored Infantry, and took an active part in the capture of Mobile. He was mustered 114 out 1865. After the war he went West, but returned to his native place, where he resided until his death. He was en-aged with his father in the real estate business in Chelsea, where they held large interests. In 1895, he became a member of the N, E. His- toric Genealogical Society. Children : 1. Susan Louise^ Gerrish, b. in Chicago, Apr. 12, 1873- m at Boston, Oct. 1, 1902, Edwin Theodore, son' of Fitzhu-h Smith and Augusta Lydia (Hanson) Rollins, who was b.ln Newton, Apr. 1, 1867. 2. William Patten Gerrish, b. in Chelsea, Sept. 10, 1874. 3. Charles Victor Gerrish, b. in Chelsea, May 15, 1876. 4. George Hoioard Gerrish, b. in Chelsea, Aug. 15, 1877- m at Winthrop, June 28, 1906, Hester Isabel, dau. of James Green and Caroline Martha (Harvey) Wallier, who was b. in Bos- ton, Jan. 18, 1887. iii. Helen Mahia Patten, b. Feb. 22, 1848 ; m. at Chicago, 111., Oct. 1 1873, James William Balver, son of James and Margaret Au-usta (McCormiclc) Fraser, who was b. in Niagara, Canada West,"june 11, 1842, and d. at Chicago, Sept. 18, 1895. Children : 1. . James Kenneth^ Fraser, b. in Chicago, 111., Oct. 5, 1874. 2. Malcolm Charles Fraser, b. in Highwood, 111., Au<'. 31 1877- m. at White Plains, N. Y., July 19, 1904, Laura^Bell'e, dau.' of Nathaniel Merritt and Belle Hamilton (Park) xMoger, who was b. in White Plains, July 24, 1882. Child, born in White Plains, N. Y. : (1) Beatrice Isabel^o Fraser, b. Feb. 14, 1906. 3. llargaret Isabel Fraser, b. in Chicago, III., Nov. 28, 1886. iv. Isabel Frances Patten, b. Sept. 14, 1849; d. at c'harlestown Apr. 21, 1861. 139. George Washington" Turner (Euth' Gibbs, Abigail,' John,' John,'' Andrew,'' Andrew^), bom in Charlestown, May 16, 1820, ma'rried a't Charlestown, Nov. 21, 1852, Sarah True, daughter of Ebenezer and Anna ( Dearborn) Dearborn, who was born in Pembroke, N. H., Apr. 10, 1822. He died at Boston, Sept. 27, 1884. Children, born in Charlestown : i. George Arthur^ Turner, b. Sept. 13, 1854. 11. Frank Artemas Turner, b. Nov. 18, 1856; d. at Charlestown, Nov. 20, 1857. 140. Lewis Lafayette^ Turner {Ruth' Gibbs, Abigail,' Johi,' John,' Andrew,'' Andrew'), born in Charlestown, Aug. 9, 1821, married at Salem, Jan. 14, 1857, Catharine, daughter of James and Catharine (Byrnes) Nolen, who was born in St. John, N. B., Mar. 7, 1820, and died at Charlestown, Aug. 5, 1893. He died at Cambridcre,' Jan. 1, 1902. * WILLIAM GERRISH. 1842-1903. 115 Child, born in Charlestown : i. James Lewls^ Turner, b. Nor. 15, 1857; m. at Charlestown, Dec. 28, 1884, Jeannie Louise, clau. of Iru Homer and Ellen A. (Speare) Collier, who was b. in Charlestown, Dec. 26, 1804. No issue. 141. Harriet Emily'' Turner (Ruth^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,* John^ An- drexo^ Andreio^), born in Charlestown, Sept. 27, 1822, married at Charlestown, Sept. 10, 1848, Lewis C, son of Thomas and Mary (Ricker) Ricker, who was born in Lebanon, Me., Nov. 14, 1820. She died at Charlestowo, Mar. 23, 1865 (State record). Mar. 29 (family record). He married second, at Charlestown, Nov. 1, 1866, Mariah Brown'' Turner (No. 142), sister to his first wife. She died at Charlestown, Apr. 17, 1889 (State record), Apr. 16 (family record and gravestone). He died at Lebanon, Ang. 28, 1898. Child, born in Charlestown : 1. Lewis Edgar* Ricker, b. July 20, 1849; married, and resides at Los Augeles, Cal. 143. Charles' Turner (Ruth' Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,* John,'^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Dec. 29, 1827, married at Nashua, N. H., Sept. 12, 1855, Elizabeth Helley, daughter of John and Mary Jane (Lund) Goodspeed, who was born in Wentworth, N. H., Mar. 24, 1833, and died there, May 9, 1877. He married second, at Wentworth, Apr. 21, 1882, Adelaide Eliza, daughter of Mathias H. and Mary Towner (Stevens) Webster, who was born in Orford, N. H., July 18, 1842. Children, born in Wentworth, N. H. : i. Charles Henry^ Turner, b. May 26, 1861 ; rn. Mar. 27, 1890, Win- nifreda Wallace, dau. of Rufus Smith and Eliza Bean (Hilton) Lewis, who was b. in Lowell, Feb. 3, 1858. No issue. ii. Harry Marden Turner, b. Aug. 2, 18G2. ill. Harriet Elizabeth Turner, b. Dec. 27, 1865 ; graduate of Medi- cal College of Indiana, 1896; physician, resides at Indianapolis, Ind. 144. Elizabeth Coolidge'' Johnson (Nancy^ Gibbs, Abigail,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Portsmouth, N. H., Jan. 24, 1813, married at Maiden, Sept. 4, 1833, Frederick, son of Samuel and Martha (Faxon) Leeds, who was born in Dorchester, Jan. 28, 1807 (family record), Feb. 27, 1807 (Faxon genealogy). She died at Melrose, June 24, 1854. He married second, as her second husband, at Melrose, Apr. 27, 1857, Mrs. Abigail Blodgett Rollins, daughter of Capt. Rowland and Lydia (Gates) Wheeler, who was born in Rutland, Aug. 30, 1816, and who had married first, at Charlestown, Dec. 6, 1836, William S., son of Jonathan and Clarissa (Langley) Rollins, who was born in Strafford, N. H., Apr. 1813, 116 and died at Charlestown, May 12, 1855. Frederick Leeds died at Melrose, Apr. 18, 1879, and she died at Havensville, Kansas, about 1903. Children, born in Maiden, except the last one : i. ISABELLE^ Leeds, b, Jan. 17, 1834 ; m. at Stoneham, June 4, 1850, ' Gray, son of Aaron and Ruth (Sprague) Vinton, who was b. in Maiden, Apr. 14, 1829, and d. at Melrose, Apr. 29, 1882. Child, born in Melrose : 1. Alice Gray^ Vinton, b. Mar. 30, 1852; m. at Melrose, Mar. 18, 1874, Chase Currier, son of James and Eliza Lowell (DearbornJ Worthen, who was b. in Paris, Tenn., Aug. 14, 1846. Children, b. in Melrose : (1) Francis Chase*" Worthen, b. Jan. 27, 1875; ra. at Lynn, Aug. 21, 1902, Flora R., dau. of Charles N. and Eliza (Reed) Lynch, who was b. in Peabody, Oct. 30, 1874. (2) Gray Vinton Worthen, b. Mar. 28, 1876; m. at Melrose, Mar. 30, 1898, Grace Nelson, dau. of Jacob and Ella Frances (Burchsted) Rosenthal, who was b. in Danvers, July 17, 1876. (3) Carrie Leeds Worthen, b. Aug. 27, 1878. (4) James Currier Worthen, b. June 1, 1880. (5) Carl Burpee Worthen, b. Dec. 9, 1881. (6) Alice Gale Worthen, b. Mar. 23, 1884. ii. Samuel Leeds, b. Jan. 31, 1837; ra. at Melrose, Apr. 16, 1857, Mary Ann, dau. of Tappan Payson aud Louisa (Brown) Rogers, who was b. in Haverhill, Dec. 27, 1841. Resides at Woburn ; served in the Civil War, as Color Sergt., Co. C, 16th Mass. Regt. ; also a member of Co. E, 11th Mass. Regt. ; served 3 yrs. 8 months. Children, born in Melrose : 1. Frederic BnvlfnnF Leeds, b. Oct. 16, 1858; m. at Maiden, Apr. 27, 1892, Sarah Rosalia, dau. of William Sullivan and Sarah Gordon (Silver) Sanborn, who was b. in Sangerville, Me., June 11, 1857. Children, born in Lowell : (1) Mildred Elizabethi" Leeds, b. July 8, 1895. (2) Dorothy Sanborn Leeds, b. Feb. 17, 1898. 2. Frank Coolidge Leeds, b. Aug. 26, 1860; d. at Melrose, June 10, 1863. iii. Martha Faxon Leeds, b. Nov. 8, 1844; m. at Melrose, Jan. 3, 1866, Frederick Herman, son of William Bant and Elizabeth (Bowman) Bronsdon, who was b. in Milton, June 23, 1838. Children, born in Dorchester : 1. William Coolidge^ Bronsdon, b. Oct. 24, 1866; d. at Dorchester, June 15, 1870. 2. Isabel Winfred Bronsdon, b. Sept. 2, 1871. 3. Helen Louise Bronsdon, b. Aug. 14, 1875. iv. Caroline Leeds, b. in Melrose, Oct. 15, 1848; m. at Melrose, July 117 31, 1867, George Robbins, son of George and Charlotte (Robbins) Tarbell, who was b. in Acton, Feb. 26, 1838. Children : 1. Annie Belle^ Tarbell, b. in Dorchester, Aug. 9, 1869 ; m. at Bos- ton, June 20, 1894:, Walter John T., sou of John and Elizabeth (Nurse) Maw, who was b. in Montreal, Canada, July 6, 1869. Child, b. in Boston : (1) Amy Belief" Maw, b. Sept. 30, 1895. 2. Alice Chase Tarbell, b. in Boston, July 12, 1881. 145. George Stimpson'^ Walker (Susannah,^ Andrew^ John,* John,* Andrew," Andrew^), born in Watertown, May 19, 1811 ; went to Bangor, Me., married and had three children. Children : i. Jane^ WalivEr; married and resides at Oakland, Cal. ii. Andrew Walker, went West a number of years ago. iii. 146. Susan Ann'' Walker {Susannah,^ Andrew,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,* Andrew^), born in Watertown, Nov. 8, 1814; married at Boston, Sept. 16, 1841, Charles Whitton, son of Charles and Martha (Whitton) Bowker, who was born in Boston, Aug. 30, 1817, and died June 17, 1863. She died at Boston, Jan. 19, 1863. He was a carpenter and resided at Boston. He enlisted Sept. 17, 1861, in Co. D, 1st Mass. Cavalry ; killed at the Battle of Aldie, June 17, 1863. He was buried in the National Cemetery, at Arlington, Va., with the " Unknown." Children, born in Boston, except one : 1. Charles Edward^ Bowker, b. May 5, 1844; m. at Dover, N. H., Aug. 22, 1870, Orissa Jane, dan. of Enoch Stevens and Paulina Webber (Staples) Davis, who was b. in EUot, Me., Aug., 1846. No issue. Resides at Boston. ii. Erancis Bowker, b. 1845; d. at Boston, Oct. 1, 1847. iii. George Bowker, b. July 29, 1848; d. at Boston, Aug. 12, 1848. iv. Louisa Bowker, b. July 7, 1849 ; m. at Boston, Oct. 7, 1874, Ben- jamin Gushing, son of Beujaraiu Gushing and Susan Frances (Clapp) Bowker, who was b. in Dorchester, June 23, 1844. Re- sides Minot Street, Dorchester District, Boston. He is treasurer of the Ames Plow Co. Children, born in Boston : 1. Frank Cushiny^ Bowker, b. Oct. 2, 1878. 2. Bosioell Gleason Bowker, b. Sept. 9, 1884. V. Frank Bowker, b. in Newton, June 26,1852; m. at Boston, May 15, 1879, Ella Jane, dan. of Alonzo Hamilton and Rhoda Sarah (Swain) Wood, who was b. in St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 8, 1856; d. at Boston, Jan. 1, 1898. Child, born in Boston : 1. Maud Deane^ Bowker, b. Feb. 16, 1882 ; m. at Boston, Oct. 10, 118 1906, Harrie Miller, son of Charles Everett and Abbie Chase (Haskins) Richmond, who was b. in Boston, June 19, 1883. vi. Herbert Bowker, b. June 4, 1856; died at Boston, Oct. 4, 1858. 147. Charles Andrew'' Walker (Susannah,^ Andrew,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born iu Watertown, Oct. 17, 1816; married at Boston, May 19, 1839, Eiizabetli Meriam, daughter of Samuel and Betsey Meriam (Ware) Davis, who was born in Boston, Dec, 1819, and died there, May 6, 1888. He died at Boston, Feb. 29, 1868. Children, born in New York, N. Y. : i. Marion Stimpson^ "Walker, b. Jan. 1, 1845. ii. George Stimpson Walker, b. Jan., 1852; d. at West Cambridge, Mar. 8, 1852. iii. Charles Edwin Walker, b. 1854 ; d. at Watertown, Mar. 3, 1894. 148. William Francis'' Walker (Susannah,^ Andrew,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Watertown, May 11, 1824, married at Watertown, Nov. 25, 1845, Susan Ann, daughter of William and Susan (Jennison) Adams, who was born in Boston, May 25, 1825, and died at Worcester, Feb. 19, 1892. He married second, as her second husband, at Springfield, Apr. 6, 1893, Mrs. Elizabeth Har- per Turner, daughter of Ebenezer and Rhene (Cooley) Morton, who was born in Deerfield, 1833; she had married first, Elias M., son of Elias and Hannah D. (Shearer) Turner, who was born in Palmer, Oct. 29, 1819, and died at Worcester, Oct. 18, 1886. No issue. 149. LoAMi'' Bailey {Nancy, ^ Andrew,^ John,* John,* Andrew,"^ Andrew'^), born in Maiden, Dec. 1810, married at Maiden, Sept. 6, 1832, Lucy Ann, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Kennison) Taylor, who was born in Maiden, May 4, 1812, and died at Newton, Mar. 28, 1900. He died at Boston, Nov. 18, 1860. Children : i. Lucy Ann* Bailey, b. Apr. 1833 ; d. at Charlestown, Jan. 14, 1852. ii. Mary M.\lvina Bailey, b. 1836; m. at Charlestown, Dec. 9, 1857, Isaac Eliher, son of Isaac and Sarah (Jackmau) Pearson, who was b. in Haverhill, Apr. 10, 1814. iii. Amanda Bailey, b. 1841. 150. Richard'' Trumbull {Nancy,^ Andrew,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ An- drew^), married at Charlestown, where his wife died about 1850. He afterwards went to California, where he married a second time. He died at Marysville, Cal., about 1900, and his wife died later. No issue. 151. Mary'' Trumbull {Nancy,^ Andrew,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,^ An- drew^), born in Charlestown, Feb. 11, 1818, married previous to 119 1852, Kelly, who died shortly afterwards. She married second, as his third wife, at Chelsea, June 15, 1854, Mathias, son of Joshua and Sally (Lewis) Ellis, who was born in Boston, Mar,, 1794, and who had married first, at Boston, Dec. 30, 1817, Mar- garet H., daughter of Peter and Mary (Pratt) Bicknell, who was born about 1797, and died at Boston, Sept. 8, 1831. He married second, at Boston, Feb. 26, 1832, Charlotte, daughter of Adam and Dolly (Farrar) French, who was born in Boston, Nov., 1805, and died there, July 29, 1852. He died at Chelsea, Dec. 7, 1857, and she died there, May 20, 1905. No issue. 152. Clakissa' Trumbull {Nancy,^ Andrew,^ John* John^ Andrew^ An- drew^), born in Charlestown, June 13, 1819, married Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Coots, who was born in Halifax, N. S., Feb., 1821, and died at Chelsea, Nov. 14, 1894 (State record), Nov. 11 (family record). She died at Boston, Dec. 29, 1884. Children : i. Chakles Augustus^ Coots, b. in Boston, 1845 ; m. at Boston, Oct. 8, 1895, Julia F., dau. of Gershom and Lydia W. Simmous, who was b. iu Rockland, Me., 1848. ii. George Washington Coots, b. in Stoughton, Mar. 19, 1847 ; m. at Boston, Nov. 18, 1867, Susan AVest, dau. of Ebenezer and Lucinda Thatcher, who was b. in Salem, 1846, and d. at Boston, July 16, 1885. He m. (2) at Chelsea, Jan. 24, 1894, Alice M., dau. of John and Hannah Jane (Marden) Gustine. iii. Marion Gertrude Coots, b. in Chelsea, Sept. 19, 1851 ; m. at Bos- ton, Apr. 20, 1874, Zeno D., son of Zeno and Lydia W. Baker, who was b. in Yarmouth, 1840. iv. Mary Eliz.^jbeth Coots ; d. 1853. V. Clara Trumbull Coots, b. in Chelsea, July 5, 1853 ; d. there, Aug. 21, 1853. vi. Clara Ida Coots, b. in Chelsea, Sept. 24, 1860; m. Gustavus Adol-. phus* Norton (see p. 122). 153. George'' Stimpson ( George,^ Andrew^ Jolm,'^ John,* Andrew^ An- drew^), born in Charlestown, Dec. 19, 1819, married at Charles- town, Oct. 27, 1844, Caroline Amelia, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Brittain) Belyea, who was born in Westfield, Kings Co., New Brunswick, Jan. 31, 1812, and died at Brooklyn, N. Y. He died there, Sept. 4, 1889. He was a resident of Charlestown, and about 1848, entered the employ of the Merchants Bank of Boston. He was also engaged in the manufacture of gold pens. In 1861, he removed to New York City, where he carried on the same business. He was a superior penman and was considered an authority on penmanship. In several important cases he gave expert testimony. 120 He was made a Mason in Columbian Lodge, A. F. and A. Masons, Feb. 3, 1848, and joined St. Paul's R. A. Chapter, Sept. 18, 1849, from which he resigned, December, 1864. In 1860, he joined the. Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. Children, born in Charlestown : i. George Augustus* (twin) , b. July 27, 1845 ; m. July 16, 1867, Emma Maria Rue. ii, GusTAVUS Adolphus (twin), b. July 27, 1845 ; m. Oct. 9, 1871, Jes- sie Selina, dau. of Joseph and Mary E. Crouch, who d. Mar. 20, 1880 ; m. (2) Apr. 30, 1880, Elizabeth M. Deadman. Children : 1. Henry Clay Schooley,^ b. in Hoboken, N. J., July 18, 1872; m. June 20, 1900, Grace Elizabeth, dau. of Rudolph S. and Mar- tha (Morrow) Orcutt. 2. Lily Ellawese, b. in New York, N. Y., 1879 ; d. young. 3. James Arthur ; d. young. iii. Joseph Frothingham, b. Oct. 8, 1848. iv. William Washington, b. Juue 25, 1850 ; d. at Charlestown, Dec. 29, 1856. 154. Lucy'' Stimpson ( George,^ Andrew,^ John,* John^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, May 17, 1823, married as his second wife, in- tention published July 20, 1845, George Troop, son of Isaac and Sally (Hood) Barney, who was born in Taunton, July, 1816. She died at Maiden, Jidy 31, 1846. He married first, at Maiden, Nov. 3, 1841, Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Sally (Adams) Baldwin, who was born in Charlestown, 1823, and died at Maiden, Jan. 2, 1843. He married third (intention published at Maiden, Jan. 15, 1848), Mary Eliza Baldwin, who was born in Charlestown, 1823, and died at Maiden, Aug. 26, 1849. He married fourth, at Maiden, May 2, 1852, Mrs. Mary Adams, daughter of James and Mary (Scott) Dorrity, who was born in Edgecomb, Me., Oct. 8, 1823, and died at Boston, July 19, 1893. He died at Fergus Falls, Minn., June 5, 1894. No issue. 155. Sarah"' Stimpson {George,^ Andrew,\Jo/m,* John,^ Andrew,^ An- drew^), born in Charlestown, Dec. 20, 1824, married at Charles- town, Mar. 14, 1849, James R., son of George and Abigail (Robin- son) Corner, who was born in Dunbarton, N. H., June 14, 1820, and died at Boston, Aug. 28, 1904. She died at Everett, Oct. 3, 1894. No issue. 156. Jefferson'' Stimpson (George,* Andrew,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, Feb. 8, 1827, married at Nashua, N. H., Mar. 19, 1849 (family record), Cornelia Henrietta, daugh- ter of Charles Wicklock and Charlotte (Tolman) Moore, who was born in Boston, Apr. 30, 1831. He died at Boston, Aug. 10, 1869. 121 Children, first one born in Boston, others born in Charlestown : i. George Washington,^ b. Jan. 2, 1851; m. at Portland, Me., Dec. 9, 1868, Mary J., dau. of Henry Wilson and Irene Smith (Hun- toon) Littleton, who was b. in Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 1, 1844. About 1870, he became a member of the Boston Fire Depart- ment, and was assigned as driver of Hose No. 7, which position he held for some 12 years. When the office of Veterinary Surgeon was created in the Department, in 1882, he was placed at its head, where he still i*emains. Probably no man in the Department is better known than Mr. Stimpson. His thorough knowledge of the duties of his office, combined with his genial manners, has won for him many friends. Children, born in Boston : 1. Frederic Henry,^ b. July 1, 1869; m. at Boston, July 16, 1892, Martha Ann, dau. of Norman and Mary Maria (Hooker) Cleveland, who was b. in Agawam, July 11, 1870- Child, born in Boston : (1) Alice Gertrude,!" b. May 25, 1893. 2. Maud Irene, b. July 17, 1871 ; m. Bertram L., son of Alvin and Eunice (Woodward) Blanchard, who was b. in Hingham, Nov. 20, 1868. Children, born in Hingham : (1) Grace Maud^" Blanchard, b. Jan. 30, 1893. (2) Helen Gertrude Blanchard, b. Mar. 20, 1895. (3) George Alvin Blanchard, b. Mar. 28, 1897. ii. Lucy Minnie, b. Nov. 2, 1853; m. at Boston, May 19, 1870, Nathan- iel Gardner, sou of Hawley and Annie (Copeland) Folsom, who was b. in Boston, Feb. 22, 1851, and d. there, Feb. 22, 1876; she m. (2) at Peak's Island, Me., Aug. 11, 1897, William Henry, son of Ebenezer and Julia Anna Sinclair, who was b. in Surry, Me., May 15, 1851. Children, born in Boston : 1. Edward Irving^ Folsom, b. Apr. 7, 1871 ; m. at Bradford, Dec. 21, 1893, Susie M., dau. of Noah and Sarah (Marron) Jewett, who was b. in Readfleld, Me., 1870. He d. at Auburn, Me., Sept. 10, 1897. 2. Caroline Frances Marian Folsom, b. Oct. 7, 1874 ; m. at Bos- ton, June 21, 1899, Henning Bernhard Nelson, son of Lars P. and Sophia B. (Klein) Grahnberg, who was b. in Sweden, Mar. 18, 1866. Child, born in Boston : (1) Frances Sophia^" Nelson, b. Apr. 30, 1900. iii. Frances Henrietta, b. Mar. 21, 1855 (City record), May 26 (family record) ; m. at Boston, Mar. 14, 1875, Walter Scott, son of James Lindall Pitts and Mary Ann Tower (Sweat) Orrok, who was b. in Boston, Jan. 24, 1837, and d. at Portland, Me., Feb. 7, 1905. Child, born in Boston : 1. Nellie Harris^ Orrok, b. Feb. 3, 1878; m. at Chelsea, Sept. 28, 122 1896, Archibald Stewart, son of Archibald Stewart and Lulu (Lee) Ogilvie, who was b. in Montreal, Canada, Nov. 6, 1870, and d. at Peak's Island, Me., Oct. 22, 1906. Child, born in Portland, Me. : (1) Florence Mildredi^ Ogilvie, b. May 18, 1901. iv. Charles Henry, b. Mar. 16, 1858 ; d. at Peaks' Island, Me., Aug. 4, 1884. 157. Susan'' Stimpson {George,^ Andrew,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,^ An- drew^), born in Charlestown, Jan. 8, 1837, married at Charlestown, Sept. 30, 1865 (family record), Elijali Briggs, son of James Clapp and Ann (Woodbury) Edmester, who was born in Maiden, Dec. 14, 1839. Children, born in Maiden : * i. Franklin Herbert^ Edmester, b. July 25, 1866; m. at Everett, June 26, 1895, Janet Freeman, dan. of Zachariah Corning and Eliza Ann (Haines) Doty, who was b. in Freeport, N. S., Jan. 24, 1866. Child, born in Everett : 1. Hilda Haines^ Edmester, b. Jan. 22, 1898. ii. Henry Martin Edmester, b. Oct. 3, 1868 ; d. at Maiden, June 22, 1869. iii. Alvtn Currier Edmester, b. May 29, 1870. iv. Daughter ; d. June 14, 1873. V. Alice Maud Edmester, b. Mar. 17, 1875; d. at Everett, July 18, 1875. vi. Mabel Evelyn Edmester, b. Apr. 17, 1876. 158. Martha Washington'' Stimpson {George,^ Andrew,^ John,* John^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Charlestown, May 20, 1840, married at Charlestown, Oct. 20, 1859, Gustavus Adolphus, son of Perkins and Jane (Berry) Norton, who was born in Salem, July 20, 1836. Children, all born in Charlestown, save the third one, born in Everett : i. Gustavus Adolphus* Norton, b. Aug. 27, 1860; m. at Boston, Mar. 18, 1885, Clara Ida,^ dau. of Thomas and Clarissa (Trum- bull) Coots, who was b. in Chelsea, Sept. 24, 1860 (see p. 119). No issue. ii. Daughter; d. at Charlestown, Apr. 17, 1861. iii. Frederick Perkins ITorton, b. Aug. 27, 1865; d. at Boston, Jan. 30, 1887. iv. Sarah Jane Norton, b. June 28, 1869. V. Martha Emma Norton, b. July 2, 1871 ; d. at Boston, June 22, 1889. vi. Nahum Chapin Norton, b. Sept. 14, 1873. vii. Mary Elizabeth Norton, b. Dec. 1, 1876; ra. at Everett, June 28, 1899, Fredterick Stanley, son of Willis and Sarah (Patten) Howard, who was b. in Boston, July 20, 1874. * Everett was set oflF from Maiden, Mar. 9, 1870. 123 viii. Frances Aldena Norton, b. Apr. 18, 1880; m. at Everett, Jan. 6, 1904, Archie Warren, sou of Horace W. and Mary S. (Burgess) Chick, who was b. in Somerville, Feb. 15, 1878. 159. Charlotte' Stuipson {Andrew,^ Andreio,^ John,^ John^ Andreio^ Andrew,^), born in Sandwich, Oct. 1, 1835, married at Sandwich, Feb. 22, 1857, Zabud, son of Ensign and Elizabeth (Kendrick) Burgess, who was born in Harwich, Sept. 28, 1820, and died Mar. 12, 1872. She married second, as his second wife, at Harwich, July 3, 1879, Barnabas Howes, son of Paul and Ruth (Howes) Sears, who was born in Dennis, June 27, 1815. He married first, at Dennis, Dec. 17, 1840, Elizabeth Allen, daughter of Ichabod and Sallie (Chapman) Seaburj^, who was born in Dennis, Dec. 19, 1820, and died there, June 23, 1878. He died at Dennis, May 7, 1898, and she died there, Sept. 18, 1891, Zabud Burgess ,was master of the schooner " Adelia Kelley," and was sailing from Baltimore to Falmouth, when his vessel was lost off " Three Lights," Cape Cod, in a gale, which occurred Mar. 12, 1872. The day previous he was reported as being ice bound at Hyannis. Children by first husband : i. Harriet A.^ Burgess, b. in Sandwich, Jan. 26, 1858; d. there, Sept. 22, 1859. ii. Lottie Burgess, b. in Wareham, Sept. 7, 1861; d. there, Sept. 24, 1863. 160. Susan Brown'' Stimpson {Andrew,^ Andrew,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Sandwich, Mar. 24, 1840, married, Sept. 15, 1883, Dr. Charles Mitchell, son of William and Sarah (Clark) Trask, who was born in Brookfield, Vt., Nov. 30, 1837, and died at White River Junction, Vt., June 28, 1891. No issue. 161. Chaeles Hatsuld' Stimpson {Andrew,^ Andrew,^ John,* John,* Andreio,^ Andrew^), born in Sandwich, Sept. 25, 1841, married at Boston, Dec. 23, 1866, Mary Ann, daughter of John William and Mary Ann (Corbett) Holt, who was born in Eastport, Me., Oct. 4, 1841. He died at Brockton, Jan. 25, 1904. Child, born in Sandwich : i. Charles "Winthrop,^ b. Mar. 31, 1868 ; d. at Brockton, Oct. 4, 1875. 162. Clara Corey'' Stimpson {Andrew,'^ Andrew^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Sandwich, June 6, 1844, married at Sandwich, Nov. 7, 1869, Jarvis Robinson, son of Allen and Jane (Jones) Fisher, who was born in Sandwich, Dec. 9, 1837. She died at Barnstable, Aug. 30, 1905. No issue. 124 163. Charles Henrt^ Stimpson {Charles,^ Andrew,^ John,^ John,^ An- drew,^ Andrew^), born in Hudson, N. H., Feb. 24, 1825, married at Lowell, Aug. 15, 1847, Dolly Elizabeth, daughter of Albon and Dorothy (Hoyt) Richardson, who was born in Lowell, Feb. 12, 1829, and died at West Springfield, Oct. 24, 1879. He died there, Sept. 29, 1903. Children, first two born in Lowell, others born in "West Spring- field: i. Hannah E.,* b. 1848; died same year. ii. Andrew Jackson, b. July 10, 1853; m. at Boston, Dec. 26, 1881, Stella, daughter of Dexter and Jane (Mariner) Whitmore, who was b. in Gardiner, Me., Sept. 1, 1857. Child, born in Gardiner, Me. : 1. Fred Dexter,^ b. Sept. 13, 1883. Hi. Charles Edward, b. Oct. 6, 1855 ; m. at South Hadley, Jan. 1, 1884, Emma Amelia, dau. of Horace Washburn and Amelia Bates (Trum- bull) Bliss, who was b. in South Hadley, Dec. 2, 18G4. Children, first one born in South Hadley, others born in Holyoke : 1. Edward Albion,^ b. Sept. 6, 1886. 2. Florence Ethel, b. June 13, 1889. 3. Ida Amelia, b. Jan. 20, 1892. 4. Charles Henry, b. Nov. 19, 1893. 5. Lula Elizabeth, b. Feb. 23, 1898. 6. Howard Summer, b. Feb. 11, 1901. iv. Ida Elizabeth, b. Jan. 17, 1857; d. at West Springfield, Apr. 9, 1888. T. Wllllim Albion, b. Jan. 19, 1861 ; m. at West Springfield, Aug. 20, 1890, Eliza, dau. of Louis George and Maria Catherine (Yung) Bronlund, who was b. in Boston, Aug. 15, 1871. Children, born in West Springfield : 1. William Henry,^ b. July 4, 1891 ; d. at West Springfield, Feb. 11, 1892. 2. Isabelle Dorris, b. June 1, 1894. 3. Louis Albion, b. Sept. 20, 1896. 4. Sadie Estella, b. Jau. 1, 1899. 5. William Andrew, b. Jan. 4, 1902. 6. Evelyn (twin), b. Aug. 11, 1905. 7. Ethel (twin), b. Aug. 11, 1905. vi. Etta Maria, b. Feb. 27, 1864; d. at West Springfield, Aug. 9, 1864. vii. Sarah Lucy, b. Dec. 6, 1865 ; attended the High School at West Springfield, and Bible School at Chicago, and taught school a short time before leaving for foreign fields. June 27, 1898, she sailed from New York as a missionary to Africa, under the auspices of the American Board, and arrived at Bailundu, Sept. 13, follow- ing. She immediately located at Kamundongo, one of the West Central African Missions. At the present time (1906) she is at home enjoying a well earned vacation. 125 164. Washington^ Stimpson {Charles,^ Andrew,^ John,* John,' Andrew,* Andrew^), born in Nashua, N. H., Nov. 30, 1832; m. at Salem, Oregon, where he died Oct. 1903. His wKe died there also. Nothing further is known of this family. No issue. 165. Leonard Francis' Stimpson ( Charles,^ Andrew,^ John,* John,^ An- drew,"^ Andreiv^), born in Lowell, May 9, 1841, married at Swamp- scott, Aug. 14, 1864, Laura Maria, daughter of John Peach and Sophia Elizabeth (Martin) Pierce, who was born in Lynn, Apr. 23, 1845. He died at Lynn, Dec. 5, 1903. Children, first one born in Swampscott, others born in Lynn : i. LrLLiE May,8 b. May 1, 1865; m. at Haverhill, Oct. 12, 1886, Edwin A., son of Abuer D. and Ruth Gage, who was b. in Salem, N. H., 1864. ii. Effie Lelia, b. Aug. 22, 1867. iii. Arthur Washington, b. Dec. 25, 1873; m. at Lynn, Dec. 4, 1893, Alice Annie, dau. of Reuben and Charlotte (Haines) Perkins, who was b. in Marblehead, June 25, 1874 (State record), June 26 (family record). Child, born in Lynn : 1. Effie May,* b. Jan. 25, 1894. iv. Alice Blanche, b. May 14, 1876; m. at Lynn, Nov. 14, 1900, Ed- ward B., son of James E. and Melinda (Hisco) Leopold, who was b. in Nova Scotia, 1878. V. Fred Horace, b. Aug. 22, 1880. 166. "William Leander'^ Towne {Harriet Maria,* Andrew,^ John,* John,* Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Londonderry, N. H., June 10, 1831, married at Littleton (or Meredith), N. H., Oct. 1, 1865, Eliza Hannah, daughter of Aaron and Sarah (Corliss) Smith, who was born in Sandwich, N. H., Mar. 24, 1842, and died at Littleton, Aug. 4, 1900. He died at Chelsea, Jan. 11, 1899. Child, born in Boston : i. William G.« Towne, b. Dec. 14, 1868 ; d. at Boston, Sept. 27, 1869 (State record), Sept. 23 (family record). 167. Lucy Ann'' Towne {Harriet Maria,^ Andrew^ John,* John,* An- drew,''' Andrew^), born in Hudson, N. H., Sept. 20, 1832, married at Hudson, Sept. 19, 1849 (town record), Sept. 18 (family record), Benjamin, son of Asabel and Betsey (Chandler) Lear, who was born in Goshen, N. H., Mar. 15, 1826. She married second, at Winnecome, Wis., Aug. 4, 1885, Cyrus B., son of Benjamin F. and Pamelia (Johnson) Barnes, who was born in Dickinson, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1832. Children, first one born in Sunapee, N. H., others born in Berlin, Wis. : i. Viola Valtine* Lear, b. July 15, 1852; m. at Berlin, Wis., Apr. 126 23, 1871, Robert, son of John and Amanda (Charters) Douglass, who was born near Cornwell, Canada, Sept. 6, 1844. Child, born in Fargo, N. D. : 1. Helen Lear^ Douglass, b. Nov. 21, 1882. ii. Effie Verona Lear, b. Jan. 18, 1856; ra. at Berlin, Wis., Aug. 27, 1876, Joseph Shellman, sou of Asa and Susannah (Shellman) Burdick, who was b. in Green Lake, Wis., Apr. 27, 1848. Children, first two born in Green Lake, Wis.; others born in Fargo, N. D. : 1. Willie Elmer* Burdick, b. July 26, 1878 ; d. at Green Lake, Mar. 1, 1880. 2. Frank Leonard Burdick, b. Apr. 16, 1881. 3. Bertie Lear Burdick, b. Mar. 20, 1889 ; d. at Fargo, Jan. 19, 1890. 4. Earl Scott Burdick, b. May 15, 1892. iii. Herbert Wilber Lear, b. July 31, 1859. It. Ellie May Lear, b. Sept. 25, 1865 ; married. V. George Flaris Lear, b. Jan. 11, 1870. vi. Frank Arthur Lear, b. Sept. 13, 1873. 168. Martha Greeley'' Towne {Harriet llaria,' Andrew,^ John* John^ Andrew^ Andreiv^), born Sept. 21, 1834, married at Nashua, N. H., George Brown. She died at Peak's Island, Me., May 3, 1895. He wag killed on a train at Jefferson, Mo., about 1875. No issue. 169. Oscar Walker^ Towne {Harriet Maria^ Andrew^ John,* John* Andrew,^ Andrew^), born Feb. 20, 1836, married at Nashua, N. H., Feb. 26, 1855, Nettie Maria, daughter of Cornelius and Kezia (Derricot) Perry, who was born in Londonderry, Vt., Dec. 19, 1837. He died at Nashua, Dec. 1, 1867. She married second, aa his second wife, at Lowell, Jan. 11, 1869, John Henry, son of John and Almira (Haynes) Saunders, who was born in Billerica, Nov. 9, 1844, and died at Lowell, June 6, 1889. She died at Chelsea, Mar. 19, 1904. Child, born in Nashua, N. H. : i. Emma Estelle^ Towne, b. Feb. 28, 1856; m. Warren N. Hall, about 1887. Resides in New Hampshire. 170. George Moody'' Tovtne {Harriet Maria^ Andrexo^ John* John,* Andrexo,^ Andrew^), born in Hudson, N. H., July 25, 1838, married at Chelsea, Sept. 28, 1883, Anna Wallace, daughter of James and Isabella (Farguer) Cruikshank, who was born in Little River, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia, Jan. 20, 1855. He resides at Chelsea, and carries on the saddlery business, a trade which has been followed by some member of the family for several generations.* _*He has in his possession the old family Bible, from which many of the records of this family have been copied. On the first page of the book is the following inscrip- tion : "Deborah Cox Her Bible, 1764. Deborah Blackman, her book given her by Aunt Cox. 1777. Presented to Harriet M. Stimpson by her mother. 1826. Printed 1744." 127 Child, born in Chelsea : 1. Geoege Williaji® Towne, b. Mar. 21, 1885. 171. Mart Botd'^ Towne {Harriet Maria,'^ Andrew,^ John,'^ John^ An- drew," Andreio^), born in Hudson, N. H., Apr. 24, 1840, married at Nashua, N. H., July 10, 1856, Joseph Robinson, son of Eben- ezer and Jane (Robinson) Sands, who was born in Norristown, Pa., 1835, and died about 1878. She died at Peak's Island, Me., Aug. 30, 1897. Children : i. William Leander* Sands, b. in Nashua, May 18, 1857; m. at Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 21, 1888. li. Frederick Fitz Sands, b. in Elmira, N. Y., May 15, 1861; d. at Philadelphia, May, 1870. iii. Martha Adelaide Sands, b. in Watkins, N. Y., Apr. 4, 1864; m. as his second wife, at Chelsea, May 30, 1885, William Otis, son of Warren Simeon and Sarah Maria (Graham) Ballou, who was b. in Clareraont, N. H., Dec. 7, 1847. No issue. iv. George Albert Sands, b. iu Philadelphia, Pa., Dec, 6, 1873; m. at Boston, Apr. 6, 1898, Rachel Etta, daughter of Hosea B. and Lucy A. (Barham) Johnsou, who was b. in Boston, May 30, 1878. Children, born in Revere : 1. George Albert^ Sands, b. Oct. 26, 1902. 2. Dorothy Sands, b. Oct. 19, 1904. 172. Marietta^ Capen (Josiah^ Capen, Rebecca,^ John,'^ John^ Andrew^ Andreiv^), born in Boston about 1816, married at Boston, Dec. 24, 1840, Stephen, son of Gideon and Huldah (Simmons) Macomber, who was born in Middkboro, Dec. 24, 1812, and died at Wareham, Sept. 27, 1854. She died at Canton (or Boston), Feb. 25, 1841. Child : i. Elmer* Macomber. 173. Josiah Ames'' Capen {Josialf Capen, Rebecca,^ John,^ John^ An- drew,^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Mar. 16, 1820, married in Boston, Oct. 26, 1845, Mary Jane, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Rhine- hart) Scott, who was born in Boston, Oct. 4, 1827, and died there, Dec. 31, 1895. He died at Boston, Nov. 28, 1901. Children, born in Roxbury : i. Mary Jane* Capen, b. Oct. 4, 1846. ii. JosiAH Albert Capen, b. Jau. 7, 1848 ; m. at Chicago, 111. ; d. at New York, N. Y., about 1895. iii. Alice Rhinehart Capen, b. in West Roxbury, Aug. 30, 1862.* 174. William Willard'' Capen [Josiah^ Capen, Rebecca,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Sept. 26, 1822, married at * A portion of Roxbury was set off as West Roxbury, May 24, 1851. 128 Boston, Mar. 2, 1848, Frances Ellen, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Abbott) Fishley, who was born in Portsmouth, N. H., Feb. 2, 1829, and died at Maiden, Jan. 18, 1900. He died at Boston, Dec. 10, 1860. 175. Charles Henrt'' Capen {Josiah^ Capen, Rebecca,^ John,^ John^ An- drew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Sept. 10, 1825, married at West Roxbury, Dec. 25, 1856, Eliza Dodge, daughter of Lemuel and Mary (Dodge) Stickney, who was born in Berlin, Vt., June 13, 1834, and died at West Roxbury, Mar. 22, 1867. He married second, at Portland, Me., May 22, 1874, Clara Eva Valis, daughter of Andrew and Margaret Hippler, who was born in Germany, May 26, 1847. Children, born in West Roxbury : i. Gertrude^ Capen, b. Jan. 5, 1859; m. at Newton, Feb. 20, 1879, George Abbot, son of John and Catharine J. (Abbot) Mead, who was b. in Newton, May 30, 1856. She m. second, at Los Angeles, Cal. Children, born in Newton : 1. AUbot Capen^ Mead, b. July 10, 1880. 2. Clifford Stickney Mead, b. July 28, 1886. ii. Nellie Stickney Capen, b. July 4, 1860; m. at Denver, Col., Feb. 22, 1887, William Howard, son of William Hart and Lucy Antoi- nette (Duncan) Taylor, who was b. in Chicago, 111., Oct. 12, 1848. Children : 1. Louise Gapen^ Taylor, b. in Fort Collins, Col., May 13, 1888. 2. Baymond Stickney Taylor, b. in Denver, Col., Aug. 5, 1890. 176. Ann Rebecca'' Capen (Josiah^ Capen, Rebecca,^ John,* John,* An- drew,^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Aug. 24, 1828, married at Bos- ton, Apr. 30, 1846, Leonard Preston, son of Joel and Lois (Pear- son) Holden, who was born in Barre, Vt., May 4, 1819, and died at Boston, Apr. 20, 1902. Child, born in Boston : i. Henry Cook^ Holden, b. Apr. 30, 1851; d. at West Eoxbury, May 16, 1860. 177. Mary Elizabeth'' Capen {Josiah^ Capen, Rebecca,^ John,^ John^ Andreiu^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Dec. 28, 1833, married at Bos- ton, Apr. 27, 1852, Benjamin French, son of Benjamin and Grata (Hunt) Cutter, who was born in Jaffrey, N. H., Mar. 17, 1827, and died there, Apr. 19, 1900. He was in Boston as early as 1848, and in 1851 became a mem- ber of the firm of Holden, Cutter & Co., fancy goods. In 1866 the firm of Cutter, Hyde & Co. was formed, with Mr. Cutter as the senior member. For several years the firm did an extensive busi- 129 ness in fancy goods and toys. He resided at Jamaica Plain, with a summer residence at Jaffrey, N. H., where some of his family re- side at the present time. Mr. Cutter represented the town of West Roxbury as a member of the House in 1863, and was a member of the Senate, from one of the Boston districts in 1883. Children, born in Boston : i. An>te Otis* Cutter, b. Jan. 23, 1855; m. at Boston, Oct. 13, 1874, Edward Langdon, son of Edward and Mary Spear (Edwards) Hearsey, who was b. in Charlestown, Mar. 19, 1858. Children, first one born in Hartford, Conn., others born in East Orange, N. J. : 1. Marion Edxoards^ Hearsey.^ b. June 6, 1876; d. at East Orange, Mar. 27, 1882. 2. Edith Cutter Hearsey, b. Dec. 26, 1879 ; d. at East Orange, Feb. 8, 1895. 3. Edioard Langdon Hearsey, b. June 24, 1883. 4. Winthrop Otis Hearsey, b. May 4, 1886. 5. Marguerite Hearsey, b. Aug. 8, 1892. 6. Mildred Elizabeth Hearsey, b. July 10, 1896. ii. Mario:^ Capex Cutter, b. Feb. 20, 1857; m. at Los Angeles, Cal., July 20, 1886, Walter Leslie, son of John Brooks and Sarah (God- dard) Witherbee, who was b. in West Roxbury, Apr. 7, 1853 ; d. at Boston, Mar. 22, 1888. He married (2) at Sacramento, Cal., Apr. 25, 1894, Leila Jane, dau. of Thomas Morton and Isabella Victoria (Arrington) Lindley, who was b. in Sacramento, Sept. 14, 1858, and d. there, June 11, 1905. He resides at Sacramento, iii. Harry HoLDEN Cutter, b. Aug. 21, 1860; m. at Newton, June 1, 1893, Nellie Frances, dau. of George V. and Addie M. (Nutting) Chick, who was b. in Newton, June 27, 1878. Children : 1. Eaymond Holden^ Cutter, b. in Newton, Feb. 19, 1894. 2. Benjamin Franklin Cutter,, b. in Foxborough, Feb. 24, 1898. 8. Balph Benton Cutter, b. in Foxborough, May 26, 1901. Iv. Mabel Elizabeth Cutter, b. Dec. 26, 1871. 178. Ann Rebecca'' Ames {Rebecca^ Capen, Rebecca,^ John* John,* An- drew,"^ Andrew^), bom in Keene, N. H., May 27, 1809, married at Keene, July 2, 1828, Abiel Sylvester, sou of Joseph and Salome (Sylvester) Tilden, who was born in Marshfield, Aug. 2, 1804, and died at Keene, Apr. 24, 1873. She died there, Nov. 16, 1854 (Church record), Oct, 16 (gravestone). At the time of his mar- riage he was a resident of Syracuse, N. Y. Children, first one born in Syracuse, N. Y., others born in Keene, N. H. : i. Ann Jane^ Tilden, b. Sept. 16, 1880; d. at Keene, Feb. 4, 1875. ii. Caroline Rebecca Telden, b. May 3, 1833; d. at Keene, May 26, 1875. 130 iii. Susan Maria Tilden, b. Mar. 1, 1837; m. June 26, 1856, Cheston Robert, sou of Robert Rutherford and Almira (Hiscock) Drum- moud, who was b. in Winslow, Me., Oct. 28, 1833, and d. there, Oct. 2, 1876. Children, born in Winslow, Me. : 1. Harry Tilden^ Drummond, b. Apr. 2, 1857 ; m. (2) at Boston, Dec. 28, 1894, Victoria, dau. of John T. and Jennie Young, who was b. in Presque Isle, Me., 1872. Child, born in Boston : (1) Helen Victoria" Drummond, b. Mar. 11, 1896. 2. Walter Fay Drummond, b. May 28, 1858; d. Dec. 19, 1876. 3. Ada Helen Drummond, b. Sept. 24, 1860; married. 4. Annie Isabel Drtimmond, b. Nov. 24, 1862 ; married. iv. Thomas Ames Tilden, b. Oct. 1, 1839; d. at Keene, June 17, 1841. V. Stephen Bradshaw Tilden, b. Apr. 3, 1842 ; d. at Waterville, Me. vi. Isabelle Irene Tilden, b. July 12, 1844; married. vii. Everett Ames Tilden, b. Nov. 1, 1849; d. at Winslow, Me. viii. Clarence Sylvester Tilden, b. Jan. 23, 1851. ix. Frances Getchell Tilden, b. Sept. 22, 1854. 179. Silas Fay'' Ames [Rebecca^ Oapen, Rebecca,^ John,* Jolin^ Andrew^ Andreiv^), born in Keene, N. H., June 31, 1816, married Julia A., daughter of Jacob and Margaret Waldron,* who was born in Ports- mouth, N. H., Feb. IG, 1819, and died at Cambridge, Dec. 1, 1867. He died at Boston, July 26, 1855. Children, born in New York, N, T. : i. Thomas Fay* Ames. ii. Julia Rebecca Ames, b. Mar. 17, 1841 ; m. at Boston, Nov. 28, 1862, Charles Oliver, son of Oliver and Ruth Hinckley (Grindell) Welch, who was b. in Boston, May, 1842; d. at Cambridge, June 3, 1896. He m. (2) at Cambridge, Jan. 27, 1897, Anoie M., dau. of William S. and Louisa (Lincoln) Tliompson, who was b. in Cambridge, June 28, 1857. No issue. iii. Benjamin Frank Ames, b. Jan. 19, 1860; d. at Cambridge, Jan. 26, 1871 (State record). His birth is given on his gravestone as 1847. 180. Marietta Gridley'' Ames (Rebecca'^ Capen, Rebecca,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andreiv^), born in Keene, N. H., Aug. 4, 1818, married at Keene, June 11, 1846 (town record), Jonas Ball, eon of Benoni and Nancy (Farrar) Shurtleff, who was born in Fitzwilliam, N. H., June 11, 1805, and died at Winslow, Me., Dec. 21, 1863. She died there, Sept. 8, 1903. At the time of his marriage Mr. Shurtleff was a resident of New York. * Margaret Waldron, Mary Roberts, George Munroe and Emeline his wife, all of Boston; Silas F. Ames and Julia his wife of New York; William AValdron, Joseph Waldron and Mehitable Waldron, all of Portland, Me., for $270.00, sell Francis E. Currier ei a/s., of Portsmouth, N. H., certain laud with buildings situated at Ports- mouth, being the homestead of Jacob Waldron, deceased. Dated, Feb. 13, 1844. Rocliingham Co. Deeds, v. 316, p. 14. 131 Children : i. Albekt Thomas* Shurtleff, b. in "Woodstock, Vt., Apr. 12, 1847; m. at Boston, Feb. 2], 1874, Violette Hacker, dau. of David and Charlotte (Moulton) Barnes, wiio was b. in Lee, Me., Apr. 26, 1842, and d. at Waterville, Me., Jan. 16, 1876; m. (2) at Water- ville, Mar. 6, 1897, Laura Pearl, dau. of Silas and Elizabeth (Havens) Prosser, who was b. iu Waterville, Carleton Co., N. B., Jan. 1, 1879. Children, born in Winslow, Me. : 1. Marietta Elizabeth^ Shurtleff, b. July 28, 1898. 2. Alberta Pearl Shurtleff, b. Nov. 16, 1901. ii. Warren Ames Shurtleff, b. in Waterville, Me., Aug. 2, 1849 ; m. (1) Mary Elizabeth, dau. of John and Susan (Getchell) Runnels, who was b. in Wiusiow, Me., Apr. 28, 1858 ; m. (2) at Waterville, Me., May 29, 1893, Abbie F., dau. of Frank B. and Rosa (Lessan) Roncoe, who was b. in Waterville, 1871. 181. Frances Maria' Ames (Rebecca^ Gapeii, Rebecca,^ John, '^ John, ^ An- drew,^ Andrew^), born in Keene, N. H., Sept. 24, 1820, married at Keene, George Wellington, son of Silas and Sarah. (Brown) Bur- hank, who was born in Salem, and died at Boston. She raari-ied second (intention published at WatervUle, Me., Nov. 25, 1850), Eldridge L., son of Nehemiah and Polena (Williams) Getchell, who was born in Waterville, 1814, and died there, Apr. 29, 1899. Child, born in Boston : i. Caroline Frances* BuRBAis^, b. June 22, 1845; m. at Waterville, Me., Dec. 24, 1864, Heury Homer, son of Joseph and Emeline (Gray) Percival, who was b. in Waterville, May 5, 1839. Children, born in Waterville, Me. : 1. Florence^ Percival, b. Mar. 11, 1866. 2. Blanche Percival, b. Oct. 15, 1872. 182. George Lafayette' Ames {Rebecca^ Capen, Rebecca,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^), born iu Keene, N. H., Sept. 5, 1824, married at Chelsea, Sept. 27, 1868, Maria, daughter of Reuben S. and Sophia A. Morrill, who was born in Falmouth, Me., Oct., 1834, and died at Chelsea, Jan. 16, 1875. He married second, at Portland, Me., Apr. 29, 1884, Ann Maria,^ daughter of George and Ann Maria (Harrington) Hill (see p. 132). He died at Franklin, Dec. 17, 1884. No issue. 183. Ephraim Simmons' Harrington {3Iaria Williams^ Simmons, Mary,^ John,* John,^ Andrew^ Andrexi^), born in Boston, June 15, 1809, married at Keene, N. H., Nov. 11, 1835 (family record), Jane Fay,' daughter of Thomas Fay and Rebecca (Capen) Ames (see p. 74), and died at Boston, Oct. 27, 1894. He died there, July 20, 1890. 132 Children, first three born in Boston, others born in Roxbury : i. LucRETiA Jane* Harrington, b. Aug. 31, 1836 : d. at Boston, Aug. 17, 1839. ii. Ann Maria Harrington, b. Feb. 9, 1838 ; m. John Pearl, son of Samuel S. and Rebecca (Pearl) Heath, who was b. in Bradford, Nov. 11, 1825, and d. in Chicago, 111., Apr. 6, 1896; d. at Boston, Dec. 15, 1884. Child, born in Boston : 1. Annie PearP Heath, b. July 27, 1857; m. at Boston, Peb. 17, 1881, William Holden, son of William F. and Mary E. (Jen- nison) Davis, who was b. in Newton, May 21, 1853, and d. at Belmont, Aug. 8, 1900. No issue. iii. Marietta Jane Harrington, b. Nov. 22, 1841. iv. Josephine Ella Harrington, b. Dec. 22, 1843; m, at Dedham, Apr. 26, 1869, Albert Lewis, son of Ebenezer and Mary Gould (Farrington) Dean, who was b. in Dedham, May 24, 1840; d. at Dedham, May 10, 1874. He m. (2) at Norwood, Feb. 8, 1883, Eunice Augusta, dau. of Elisha Freeman and Olive Smith (Fisher) Winslow, who was b. in Dedham, Oct. 17, 1855. No issue. V. Clara Rebecca Harrington, b. Dec. 9, 1845; d. at Norwood, Dec. 6, 1875; never married. vi. Ada Helen Harrington, b. June 25, 1851 ; d. at Boston, July 26, 1860. 184. Ann Maria'' Harrington {Maria Williams^ Simmons, Mary^ John,* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Boston, June 15, 1811, married at Roxbury, Sept. 11, 1832, George, son of Elisha and Phebe (Jen- kins) Hill, who was born in Portsmouth, N. H., about 1801. She died at Roxbury, Mar. 2, 1838. He married second, at Portland, Me., Dec. 15, 1841, Jane, daughter of Daniel and Dorcas (Barton) Radford, who was born in Portland, Me., Sept. 29, 1813, and died at Boston, Jan. 3, 1900. He died at Roxbury, Apr. 18, 1851. Children, born in Boston : i. Ann Maria« Hill, b. 1833; d. at Boston, Oct. 15, 1833. ii. Ann Maria Hill, b. Aug. 2, 1835 ; m. George Lafayette,^ son of Thomas Fay and Rebecca (Capen) Ames (see p. 131). iii. Isabella Frances Hill, b. about 1837 ; d. at Portsmouth, about 1840. 185. Lucretia Osgood'^ Harrington (Maria Williams^ Simmons, Mary,'' John,* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Boston, about 1813, mar- ried at Roxbury, Jan. 1, 1834, Eliphalet, son of John and Becca (Fisher) Baker, who was born in Dedham, Jan. 12, 1802, and died at Boston, Nov. 17, 1864. She died there, June 13, 1856. Children, born in Boston : i. Charles Henry* Baker, b. Dec. 9, 1834; m. at Cambridge, June 9, 1868, Isabella, dau. of Henry J. and Cornelia Williams, who was b. in England, Sept., 1848, and d. at Boston, Nov. 20, 1872. He m. (2) Lucy E. Currier. 133 They were married at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 2, 1873; she was the dau. of Andrew Jackson and Anna Rice (Fay) Currier, and was b. in Norwich, Conn., May 19, 1848. Children, by first wife : 1. Charles Edward^ Baker, b. in Boston, July 20, 1868 ; d. there, Mar. 7, 1898. 2. Isabelle Gertrude Baker, b. in HoUiston, Oct. 31, 1869. 3. Frederick Henry Baker, b. in Boston, Oct. 30, 1870 ; m. at Bos- ton, Aug. 30, 1900, Edith Vashti, dau. of John and Isabel (Terry) Carter, who was b. in Stockport, Cheshire Co., England, Sept. 25, 1875. Children : (1) Earl Carter" Baker, b. in Boston, Aug. 29, 1901. (2) Ralph Winfield Baker, b. in Winthrop, Dec. 20, 1902. 4. William Lane Baker, b. in Boston, Nov. 12, 1872 ; m. at Somer- ville, Sept. 11, 1899, Edith May, dau. of HoUis and Almira (Jones) Daggett, who was b. in Newport, Vt., Dec. 26, 1879. Children : (1) Ruth Irene^" Baker, b. in Manchester, N. H., Apr. 18. 1900. (2) Walter Stewart Baker, b. in Maiden, Oct. 15, 1902. Children, by second wife : 5. Mary Josephine Baker, h. in Boston, June 5, 1874; m. at Med- ford, June 19, 1894, Herbert Wilbur, son of Charles Rollins and Annette Woodman (Dorr) Drew, who was b. in Lynn, July 10, 18G9. Child, born in Medford : (1) Wilbur Lawrence^" Drew, b. May 24, 1895. 6. Harry Eliphalet Baker, b. in Springfield, Apr. 1, 1877. 7. Andrew Currier Baker, b. in Boston, May 10, 1880. ii. Edward Simmons Baker, b. Aug. 11, 1836; d. at Boston, Nov. 10, 1860. iii. LucRETiA Maria Baker, b. Oct. 30, 1838; m. at Boston, Jan. 1, 1858, Elisha, son of Dr. Edward Elisha and Phebe (Foxci-oft) Phelps, who was b. in Windsor, Vt., July 6, 1831 ; she m. (2) as his third wife, at Laconia, N. H., May 3, 1875, Lewis Flanders, son of Moses and Relief (Brann) Busiel, who was b. in Laconia, Sept. 1, 1833, and d. at Boston, Oct. 19, 1898; d. at Lexington, Jan. 17, 1905. Child, by first husband, born in Boston : 1. Jessie Lyon^ Phelps, b. Aug. 9, 1859; m. as his second wife, at Laconia, May 30, 1895, George Russell, son of Almon Curtis and Mary Freeman (Russell) Leavitt, who was b. in Laconia, Nov. 30, 1857; hem. (1) at Laconia, Ann, dau. of Lewis Flanders Busiel. Children : (1) Roger Phelps" Leavitt, b. in Boston, Dec. 30, 1897. (2) Jerome Rollins Leavitt, b. in Lexington, June 9, 1904. 134 Children, by secoud husband : 2. Alice Marie Busiel. 3. Lewis Flanders Busiel, 4. Marie Louise Busiel. iv. Emily Josephine Bakek, b. Feb. 25, 1843; m. at Boston, Feb. 8, 1865, Henry Martin, son of Charles Chauncey and Abigail (True) Burr, who was b. in Mercer, Me., Sept. 20, 1837 (see No. vii. below). Children, born in Boston : 1. Henry EdivarcP Burr, b. Dec, 21, 1866; ni. at New York, N. Y., June 22, 1903, Marie Constance, dan. of Frank Jeter and Modesta Ware (McCerren) Mott, who was b. in Columbus, Ga., Dec. 22, 1872. 2. Arthur Ellington Burr, b. July 23, 1870; m. at Hyde Park, Apr. 17, 1899, Emily Frances, dau. of Charles and Bethiah (Delano) Sturtevant, who was b. iu Hyde Park, Oct. 17, 1872. V. Mary Louise Baker (twin), b. Sept. 8, 1847 ; m. at Boston, Jan. 28, 1875, Augustus F., son of John and Martha B. (Gross) Leman, who was b. iu Boston, Dec. 18, 1840, and d. at Wollaston, Jan. 31, 1891 ; d. at Wellesley, Nov. 7, 1905. No issue. vi. Sarah Jaxe Baker (twin), b. Sept. 8, 1847; d. at Wellesley, Dec. 1, 1905. vii. Alice Theresa Baker, b. Jan. 16, 1854; m. as his second wife, at New York, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1888, Henry Martin Burr (see No. iv. above) ; he d. at Boston, Jan. 25, 1898. 186. Joseph Lloyd'' Harrington (Maria Williams'' Simmons, Mary^ John,^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Sejat. 8, 1815, married Isabel Whistler. He died at Roxbury, Sept. 8, 1852. No issue. 187. George Alfred'' Harrington (Maria Williams^ Simmons, Mary,^ John,^ John^ Andrew j^ Andrew^), born in Boston, about 1817, mar- ried at London, England, about 1847, Isabel, daughter of James and Anna Stewart, who was born in Boston, Sept., 1829. He died at Frankfort, Ky., Dec. 28, 1858, and was buried at Forest Hills Cemetery. She married second, as his second wife, Francis David'' Harrington. (See p. 135.) Child, born in Roxbury : i. Albert Lane^ Harrington, b. 1849; m. as her second husband, at Boston, Mar. 16, 1881, Mrs. Alice A. Smith, dau. of John and Julia Doty, who was b. iu Westville, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1853, and d. at Pittsfield, Mar. 13, 1891 ; he m. (2) at Pittsfleld, Jan. 2, 1892, Lillie A., dau. of William H. and Laura E. (Hatch) Murray, who was b. iu Pittsfleld, Aug. 31, 1865. 188. Francis David'' Harrington (Maria Williams^ Simmons, Mary,^ John,^ Jolin^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Feb. 20, 1820, married at Watertown, Feb. 20, 1844, Harriet Plenty, daughter of 135 James and Susan Gray (Thwing) Sharp, who was born in Boston, Apr. 2, 1825, and died at Roxbury, Jan. 26, 1863. He married second, as her second husband, at Roxbury, Apr. 26, 1864, Mrs. Isabel Harrington, widow of his brother, George Alfred'^ Harrington (see p. 134). He died at Boston, Jan. 18, 1884, and she died at Pittsfield, June 14, 1897. Children : i. Clement Francis^ Harrington, b. in Boston, Nov. 30, 1844; m. at Bufl'alo, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1878, Priscilla Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Samuel and Amelia Genevieve (Stone) Wharry, who was b. in Orange, N. J., Oct. 21, 1861. Children : 1. Ina Alberta^ Harrington, b. in Hartford, Conn., Dec. 24, 1879 ; d. Dec. 15, 1887. 2. Clement Francis Harrington, b. in Portland, Me., Apr. 18, 1881 ; d. Oct. 7, 1881. 3. Isabel Steioart Harrington, b. in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 15, 1882. 4. William Stanley Harrington, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1884. ii. James Edward Harrington, b. in Salem, Feb. 19, 1847; m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1872, Elmira Willett; d. at Williams- burg, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1875. Child, born in Brooklyn, N. Y. : 1. James Edioard^ Harrington, b. Jan. 15, 1873 ; m. Ethel Shaw of New York. ill. Eliot Coolidge Harrington, b. in Roxbury, Jan. 14, 1849 ; m. at Quiucy, May 11, 1884, Mary Josephine, dau. of John Vryling and Harriet Louise (Gibson) Macllroy, who was b. in Roxbury, Sept. 9, 1864, and d. at Boston; he m. (2) as her second husband, at Boston, Nov. 15, 1895, Elna N., dau. of Alexander and Sarah Bleakney, who was b. in Salisbury, N. B., 1845. Child, by first wife, born in Canton : 1. Harriet Louise^ Harrington, b. Feb. 4, 1888. iv. Frank Lloyd Harrington, b. in Roxbury, Dec. 10, 1851 ; m. Sept. 15, 1883, Laura Belle, dau. of James Smith and Helen Honora (Scott) MacCrone, who was b. Aug. 25, 1868. Children : 1. James Lloyd^ Harrington, h. in "Wilmington, Del., July 16, 1884. 2. Ephraim Eugene Harrington, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Apr. 2, 1887. 8. Edward Francis Harrington, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1889. V. Harriet Louise Harrington, b. in Roxbury, June 24, 1853. She received her education in the Boston Public Schools, and in 1881 graduated from the University of Michigan, receiving the degree of Ph.C. This was the nearest college, in location, which ad- mitted women, and she was the only one in her class. Two years later she took the degree of M.D. at the same University. Dr. Harringion was the first woman to register in Massachusetts as a Pharmacist, and was one of the first two women to pass the 136 State Medical examination. In 1884 she joined the Massachusetts Medical Society, this being the first year that women were ad- mitted to membership, and only those being eligible who were graduates from a college with men. She has been connected, professionally, with the New England Hospital and the Florence Crittenton Home. She is a member of Trinity Church, Boston, and also a member of the Mayflower Society. She resides at Dorchester. Her adopted child is Paul Harrington, born in Boston, Mar. 9, 1892. Ti. David Allan Simmons Harrington, b. in Dorchester, July 26, 1856; m. at Charleston, S. C, May 19, 1881, Harriet Smith, dau. of Charles and Harriet Smith (Poyas) Foster, who was b. in Charleston, Mar. 13, 1859. Children : 1. Lillian Foster^ Harrington, b. in Boston, Dec. 1, 1883. 2. Foster Sharp Harrington, b. in Braiutree, July 22, 1886. 3. Mary Elsie Harrington, b. in Boston, Jan. 6, 1891. Tii. Susan Thwing Harrington, b. in Belmont, Mar. 29, 1860; m. at Boston, June 15, 1880, Charles Borromeo, son of Edward and Elizabeth Bertha (Farrell) Rohan, who was b. in Boston, Apr. 12, 1843, and d. there, Dec. 12, 1894; she m. (2) at Boston, June 19, 1899, George Freeman, son of George Freeman and Lucretia H. (Titcomb) French, who was b. in Boston, Mar. 19, 1861. During his boyhood days Mr. Rohan resided with his parents at Brooliline, where he attended school. Jan. 30, 1864, he was mus- tered into service as Second Lieutenant, Co. A, 12th Regiment Corps d'Afrique, which was later designated as Co. A, 84th Regi- ment United States Colored Infantry Volunteers. He served on the staff of Gen. Geo. L. Andrews, and during the remaining days of the war saw much active service. He was honorably dis- charged Nov. 22, 1865. At the close of the war he was appointed mustering-out ofBcer at New Orleans. On his return to Boston, he engaged in the insurance business, and about 1888, he was selected as military editor of the Boston Globe, which position he held at the time of his death. In 1892, Dartmouth College conferred on him the honorai'y degree of A.M. Children, born in Boston : 1. Harriet Elizabeth^ Bohan, b. Dec. 13, 1881. 2. Susan Lombard Bohan, b. Feb. 6, 1883. 3. Edith Frances Bohan, b. Mar. 9, 1885. viii. Ephraim Harrington, b. in Belmont, Dec. 2, 1861 ; m. at Boston, Oct. 10, 1894, Lina Sophie, dau. of Joseph Richards and Maria Louise (Davis) Weld, who was b. in Dedham, Feb. 12, 1860. Cliildren, born in Boston : 1. Buth^ Harrington, b. Aug. 11, 1896. 2. Weld Harrington, b. Oct. 13, 1899. Child, by second wife, born in Watertown : ix. Sarah Stewart Harrington, b. Dec. 18, 1869; d. at "Watertown, Aug. 28, 1870. 137 189. Rebecca Phillips'^ Harrington {Maria Williams^ Simmons, Mary,^ John* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Nov., 1832, married, at Roxbury, Jan. 12, 1854, Albert Gordon, son of William and Frances Elizabeth (Burrows) Bowles, who was born in Roxbury about 1831. She died at Roxbury, May 14, 1857. He married second, at Boston, Mar. 30, 1869, Harriet Rose, daughter of Nathaniel and Harriet Hooper, who was born in Boston, June 11, 1846. 190. Sarah Mehitable'' Simmons ( Thomas^ Simmons, 3Iary,^ John,^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Roxbury, May 29, 1827, married, as his second wife, at Brighton, June 25, 1872, William Reynolds, son of James and Hannah (Watts) Fullerton, who was born in Boston, Jan. 10, 1822. He married first, Frances Cornelia Lyon, who died at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 10, 1870. He died at Spring- field, Apr. 19, 1889. No issue. 191. Elsie Thwing'' Simmons {Thomas^ Simmons, Mary,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Roxbury, May 9, 1831, married at Roxbury, Oct. 8, 1860, Albert, son of Charles and Mary C. (Samp- son) Adams, who was born in Kingston, Jan. 19, 1815, and died at Boston, Nov. 20, 1883. She died at Roxbury, July 11, 1861. Child, born in Roxbury : i. Elsie Simmons^ Adams, b. July 5, 1861 ; m. at Springfield, Mar. 3, 1886, Charles Louis, son of Edwin and Elizabeth Amelia (White) Seeger, who was b. in Springfield, Jan. 13, 1860. Children : 1. Charles Louis^ Seeger, b. in City of Mexico, Mexico, Dec. 8, 1886. 2. Alan Seeger, b. in New York, N. Y., June 22, 1888. 3. Msie Adams Seeger, b. in New York, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1889. 192. Mart'' Simmons {Thomas^ Simmons, Mary, ^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Roxbury, Mar. 31, 1833, married at Roxbury, Oct. 8, 1856, Frank, son of Joseph and Lydia (Truman) Hunnewell, who was born in Charlestown, May 16, 1829. Children, bom in Roxbury : i. Percy Homans* Hunnewell, b. Sept. 17, 1857; d. at Roxbury, Nov. 1, 1857. ii. Eleanor Moules Hunnewell, b. Aug. 28, 1858 ; m. at Brookline, Oct. 19, 1882, Frank Macomber, son of Francis Field and Elizabeth (Richardson) Morton, who was b. in Boston, Jan. 16, 1859. Children : 1. Percy Bichardsov? Morton, b. in Brookline, Aug. 4, 1883. 2. Eliot Hunnewell Morton, b. in Boston, Dec. 1, 1885. 3. Eleanor May Morton, b. in Boston, Aug. 14, 1887. 138 4. Theodore Romans Morton, b. in Boston, Sept. 6, 1889. 5. Margaret Simmons Morton, b. in Milton, Aug. 24, 1891. 6. Helen Prescott Morton, b. in Newton, June 5, 1895. iii. Frank Simmons Hunnewell, b. Nov. 25, 1860 ; m. at Brooliline, June 20, 1888, Louise Bartlett, dau. of Hillman Brinley and Louise Sampson (Bartlett) Barnes, wko was b. in Boston, Apr. 6, 1865. Children : 1. Stanley Prescott^ Hunnewell, b. in "Warren, Me., Sept. 19, 1889. 2. Hillman Barnes Hunnewell, b. in Warren, Me., Sept. 17, 1891. 3. Lois Brinley Hunneioell, b. in Whitman, Dec. 22, 1893; d. at Reading, Apr. 17, 1904. 4. Donald Phillips Hunnewell, b. in Whitman, Dec. 9, 1895. 5. Louise Hunnewell, b. in Reading, Aug. 20, 1902. iv. Amy Thwing Hunnewell, b. Aug. 21, 1862; m. at Brookline, Oct. 14, 1891, George Augustus, son of Charles Justin and Mary Ann Holden (Bird) Willis, who was b. in Dorchester, Aug. 21, 1861. Children, born in Boston : 1. Sanford Lawton^ Willis, b. Dec. 27, 1892. 2. Sumner Holden Willis, b. July 30, 1896. 3. Frances Brewer Willis, b. Dec. 9, 1901. V- Kate Homans Hunnewell, b. Nov. 10, 1866 ; m. at Boston, June 15, 1892, William Herbert, son of George Lincoln and Sarah Barker (Edes) Prescott, who was b. in Concord, Aug. 30, 1860. He graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1888. Children, born in Boston : 1. Helen^ Prescott, b. Feb. 20, 1897. 2. Katherine Prescott, b. Feb. 17, 1901. 3. Alice Prescott, b. Feb. 18, 1903. vi. May Sharp Hunnewell, b. in Brighton, Dec. 24, 1873 ; d. at Bos- ton, Nov. 23, 1875. 193. Maktha'^ Simmons {Thomas^ Simmons, Mary,^ John,^ John^ An- drew^ Andrew^), born in Roxbury, Aug. 12, 1836, married at Roxbury, Oct. 30, 1860, Isaac Smith, son of Isaac Smith and Sarah Ann (Shepard) Homans, who was born in Washington, D. C, Aug. 31, 1833, and died at Holyoke, Nov. 27, 1879. She died at Springfield, Sept, 11, 1881 (State record), Sept. 10 (family record). Children, born in Englewood, N. J. : i. Nannie* Homans, b. Aug. 14, 1861. ii. Bessie Homans, b. Jan. 9, 1863; m. at Springfield, Oct. 30, 1890, Sanford, son of Sanford and Harriet (Ford) Lawton, who was b. in Pittston, Pa., June 20, 1858, and d. at Springfield, July 22, 1892 ; she m. (2) at Springfield, Apr. 23, 1901, Harold, son of George Lee and Caroline Pepoon (Jenkins) Ward, who was b. in Cam- bridge, Aug. 25, 1862. No issue. iii. Sarah Homans, b. May 2, 1864; m. at Springfield, Oct. 30, 1888, Walter Stevens, son of Hon. George Davis and Hannah (Stevens) Robinson, who was b. in Chicopee, Mar. 22, 1861. 139 Children, born in Springfield : 1. George Davis^ Bobinson, b. Feb. 10, 1892. 2. Homans Bobinson, b. Nov. 1, 1894. 3. Walter Stevens Bobinson, b. Apr. 15, 1897. iv. Susan Homans, b. Aug. 7, 18G9 ; m. at New York, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1896, Henry, son of Abraham and Elisa (Rheinold) VoUmer, who was b. in Barmen, Germany, Apr. 30, 1867, and d. there, Feb. 9, 1899. No issue. V. Thomas Simmons Homans, b. Feb. 26, 1871. 194. Samuel Simmons'' Phillips (Rebecca Capen^ Simmons, Mary^ John* John^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Oct. 28, 1825, married at Roxbury, Aug. 3, 1854, Belinda Lull,'' daughter of George Arthur^ and Belinda (Wells) Simmons, who was born in Eoxbury, July 26, 1835. (See p. 80.) He died at San Francisco, Cal., June 4, 1862. She married second, at Boston, Sept. 21, 1868, Thomas C, son of Thomas and Caroline M. Lombard, who was born in Boston, 1838. She died at Boston, June 22, 1888, at which time she was a widow. Children, born in San Francisco, Cal. : i. Louisa* Phillips ; d. young. ii. Henry Gregory Phillips, b. Nov. 17, 1857; d. at Lynn, Nov. 3, 1863 (State record), Nov. 13 (Roxbury record and gravestone at Forest Hills Cemetery). iii. Walter R. Phillips, b. Feb. 16, 1856; m. at Boston, Oct. 23, 1876, Mary A., dau. of David and Catherine Kelley, who was b. in Lon- don, England, 1855; d. at Boston, Mar. 16, 1896. Children : 1. George Arthur Simmons^ Phillips, b. in Melrose, July 25, 1877. 2. LilUe Lull Phillips, b. in Boston, Apr. 3, 1880. 3. Bobert Weston Phillips, b. in Boston, Aug. 5, 1881. 195. Geoege ArthurThillips {Rebecca Capen^ Simmons, Mary, ^ John,* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Apr. 20, 1827, married at Dorchester, Oct. 1, 1850, Mary Wharton, daughter of .John G. and Mary Ann (Sicard) Nazro, who was born in Boston, Sept. 11, 1830, and died at Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 21, 1893. Children, born in Boston, except last one born in Milwaukee, Wis. : i. Henry Nazro* Phillips, b. June 30, 1851; m. at Sault Sainte Marie, Mich., Jan. 10, 1884, Mary Ann, dau. of Thomas and Jane (Darker) Parr, who was b. in Chippewa, Canada, Oct. 27, 1861. Child, born in Bay Mills, Mich. : 1. George Arthur^ Phillips, b. Nov. 15, 1894. ii. Mary Simmons Phillips, b. Jan. 25, 1853 ; m. at Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 14, 1877, William Watson, son of Edward Phelps and Mar- garet (Watson) Allis, who was b. in Milwaukee, Nov. 14, 1849. Child, born in Milwaukee, Wis. : 1. Elizabeth^ Allis, b. July 23, 1893. 140 iii. Lillian Maverick Phillips, b. May 6, 1854; m. at Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 6, 1884, Henry Nicliols, son of George Fairnom and Maria (Anderson) Austin, who was b. in Milwaukee, May 18, 1852, and d. Dec. 26, 1884. Child, born in Milwaukee, Wis. : 1. Mary Allis^ Austin, July 23, 1885. iv. Clara Blanchard Phillips, b. Apr. 20, 1857; m. at Milwaukee, Wis., Apr. 12, 1882, William, son of Thomas and Jennett Catherine (Gordon) Bigelow, who was b. in Hartford, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1851. Children, born in Milwaukee, Wis. : 1. John Phillip'^ Bigelow, b. Jan. 25, 1887. 2. Margaret Bigelow, b. Oct. 28, 1892. V. Rebecca G. Phillips, b. Oct. 15, 1862; m. at Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 8, 1881, Jesse Plummer, son of William Howard and Sarah Wells (Burgess) Reineck, who was b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 1863. Children : 1. Euth Geraldine^ Beineck, b. in Des Moines, la., July 9, 1882 ; d. Aug. 29, 1882. 2. Gardner Warren Beineck, b. in Omaha, Neb., Sept. 26, 1886. 3. Alice Phillips Beineck, b. in Chicago, 111., Apr. 2, 1890; d. Nov. 16, 1890. vi. Alice Norris Phillips, b. Mar. 29, 1873 ; m. at Milwaukee, Wis., June 6, 1900, Archie Rulif , son of William Edward and Matilda (Wambold) Coates, who was b. in Menomonee Falls, Wis., July 27, 1866. Child, born in Milwaukee, Wis. : 1. Mildred Alice^ Coates, b. Mar. 31, 1901. 196. Flavel Moseley"^ Phillips (Rebecca Oapen^ Simmons, Mary,^ John,^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Aug. 2, 1828, mar- ried at Boston, Nov. 12, 1868, Eliza Maria, daughter of Harry- Otis Palmer and Lydia (Burgess) Hancock, who was born in Palmer, Dec. 22, 1841. He died at Haverhill, Nov. 24, 1894. Children : i. Samuel Moseley^ Phillips, b. in Boston, Sept. 15, 1869; m. at Haverhill, Apr. 13, 1892, Eva H., dau. of Edwin and Mary Miner, who was b. in Hartford, Conn., 1879. Child, born in Haverhill : 1. Mary Eva^ Phillips, b. Sept. 4, 1901. ii. Harry Hancock Phillips, b. in Boston, July 14, 1872 ; d. there, Dec. 25, 1877. iii. George Arthur Phillips, b. in Boston, Sept. 29, 1873; d. there, Sept. 5, 1874. iv. Flavel Moseley Phillips, b. in Boston, Aug. 3, 1875 ; d. there, Jan. 1, 1878. v. Henry King Phillips, b. in Boston, Jan. 24, 1878. vi. John Lillie Phillips, b. in Haverhill, Mar. 2, 1881. 141 197. Mary Eliza'' Barker {Clarissa Stimpson^ Simmons, Mary,^ John* Jokn,^ Andreio,^ Andrew^), born in Auburn, N. Y., May 28, 1822, married at Keene, N. H., Sept. 10, 1843, Otis Frederic Read, son of Daniel and Cynthia (Read) Waite, who was born in Chester, Vt., Mar. 3, 1818, and died at Claremont, N. H., Oct. 12, 1895. Children, first five born in Keene, N. H., others born in Clare- mont, N. H. : i. Mary Augusta* Waite, b. Nov. 22, 1844 ; d. young. 11. David SnniONS Waite, b. Mar. 12, 1846; m. at Norwich, Conn., Mar. 31, 1870, Josephine Louise, dau. of John Turner and Asenath (Preston) Stanton, who was b. in Norwich, Feb. 14, 1848. Children, born in Lewiston, Me. : 1. Farker Read? Waite, b. May 30, 1875. 2. John Turner Waite, b. Aug. 12, 1876. iii. Clara Stimpson Waite, b. Mar. 16, 1848 ; m. at Claremont, N. H., Apr. 23, 1872, Luther Merritt, son of Russell Buckman and Lydia (Marble) Lovell, who b. In Woodstock, Vt., June 29, 1847. Children, first one born in MiUbury, others born In Worcester : 1. Hiram King^ Lovell, b. Apr. 5, 1873; m. at New York, N. Y., Jnne 3, 1897, Ina Augusta, dau. of Benjamin Franklin and Frances Augusta (Dickinson) Smith, who was b. in Spring- field, Mar. 5, 1873. Children, born in New York, N. Y. : (1) Clara Francesco Lovell, b. May 20, 1898. (2) Rosamond Lovell, b. June 27, 1899. 2. Mary Lydia Lovell, b, in Worcester, Aug. 7, 1874 ; m. at Worces- ter, Nov. 10, 1897, George William, son of James William and Georglanua Salina (Elliott) Fitch, who was b. in Boston, Oct. 9, 1866. Children, born in Winchester : (1) Phyllis^" Fitch, b. Aug. 29, 1898. (2) Mary Lovell Fitch (twin), b. Dec. 18, 1899. (3) Elizabeth Fitch (twin), b. Dec. 18, 1899. (4) James Luther Fitch, b. Aug. 22, 1902. 3. Anne Waite Lovell, b. Dec. 4, 1879. 4. Margaret Lovell, b. May 15, 1881. Iv. Mary Ellen Waite, b. Aug. 22, 1849; m. at Claremont, N. H., Nov. 25, 1875, Henry, son of ElishaL. and Elizabeth Swan (Dana) Sabine, who was b. in Woodstock, Vt., Jan. 3, 1841. No issue. v. Daniel Waite, b. July 19, 1852; m. at Claremont, N. H., Mar. 12, 1876, Sarah Adella, dau. of Standish Day and Tirzah (Kellogg) White, who was b. in Bridgewater, Vt., Nov. 20, 1847; he m. (2) at Williarastown, July 4, 1886, Laura Ann, dau. of Thomas James and Malvlna (Hurn) Drew, who was b. in Freedom, N. H., 1852. Child, by first wife, b. in Claremont, N. H. 1. David Standish^ Waite, b. June 10, 1876; m. at Rockland, Me., Sept. 10, 1901, Sarah Fish, dau. of William Henry and Ella Hazel (Fish) Perkins, who was b. in Waldoboro, Me.. Apr. 3, 1875. 142 Child, born in Rockland, Me. : (1) Tirzab Elizabeth*" Waite, b. Feb. 15, 1903. vi. Annie Eliza Waite, b. Dec. 22, 1855. vii. Caroline Long Waite, b. Mar. 5, 1858; d. young. 198. Cornelia Josephine'' Barker ( Clarissa Slimpson^ Simmons, 31ary,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Auburn, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1823, married at Roxbury, June 10, 1847, William, son of John and Sarah Eliza (Clapp) Wetherbee, who was born in Boston, July 1, 1821, and died at New York, N. Y. She married second, at West Roxbury, May 16, 1860, Horace Hardy, son of Theodore and Mary (Smith) Moses, who was born in Exeter, N. H., Feb. 17, 1831. She died at Boston, Feb. 13, 1889. Children, by first husband, born in Roxbury : i. William Clapp* Wetherbee, b. Feb. 20, 1848; d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., July, 1874. ii. David Allan Wetherbee, b. Nov. 6, 1849 ; d. at Roxbury, Feb. 5, 1859. iii. George Albert Wetherbee, b. Jan. 21, 1852; m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1894, Emma Stanley, dau. of John Folsom and Me- hitable Harriman (Caldwell) Johnson, who was b. in Maiden, Aug. 7, 1851. No issue. Children, by second husband, born in Roxbury : iv. Alice Hardy Moses, b. June 14, 1861; d. at Boston, Oct. 1, 1898. V. Clara Simmons Moses, b. Oct. 16, 1862. vi. Cornelia Josephine Moses, b. Feb. 18, 1865. vii. Mary Smith Moses, b. in Boston, Feb. 18, 1868.* 199. George Thorndike'' Barker {Clarissa Stimpson^ Simmo7is, Mary,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^'), born in Keene, N. H., Oct. 9, 1827, married at Keene, Jan. 15, 1852, Emily Sanger, daughter of Abijah and Rhoda Jackson (Sanger) Wilder, who was born in Keene, Jan. 15, 1829, and died at Boston, Sept. 5, 1876. He died at Waltham, Mar. 2, 1901. Children, born in Boston : i. George Thorndike^ Barker, b. Dec. 9, 1852. ii. Elizabeth Sanger Barker, b. Feb. 5, 1856; d. at Keene, N. H., Mar. 4, 1879. iii. John Henry Eastburn Barker, b. Jan. 24, 1858; d. at Boston, Aug. 23, 1876. iv. David Allan Simmons Baricer, b. Dec. 20, 1859 ; m. at Cambridge, Mar. 18, 1887, Sarah Ann. dau. of Henry and Mary (PrevellJ Scot- ton, who was b. in Newton, Mar. 4, 1859. Children : 1. Irene Frances^ Barker, b. in Watertown, Aug. 22, 1888. 2. Emily Esther Barker, b. in Watertown, Sept. 16, 1891. 3. Blanche Lillian Barker, b. in Waltham, Oct. 8, 1895. •Roxbury was annexed to Boston, Jan. 5, 1868. 143 V. Emily Wilder Barker, b. July 18, 1864; m. at Boston, June 8, 1887, "William Downes, son of William Downes and Catherine Downer (Austin) Austin, who was b. in Dorchester, May 15, 1856. Children, born in Boston, save the last : 1. Elizabeth Simmons^ Austin, b. Jan. 26, 1888. 2. William Doiones Austin, b. July 8, 1890. 3. Catherine Austin, b. Mar. 10, 1892; d. at Boston, July 7, 1892. 4. Marjorie Austin, b. Feb. 21, 1899. 5. George Cragin Austin, b. in Brookline, Nov. 20, 1901. vi. Frank Arthur Barker, b. Sept. 8, 1867; m. at Chicago, 111., Aug. 6, 1892, Agues Clara, dau. of William and Jane (Johnson) Chil- vers, who was b. Oct. 3, 1870. Child, b. in Chicago, 111. : 1. George Thorndike^ Barker, b. Aug. 27, 1894. 200. Louisa Tucker'' Simmons ( George Arthur^ Simmons, Mary,^ John,*^ John^ Andrew^ Aiidrew^), born in Roxbury, Dec. 5, 1837, married at Roxbury, Nov. 2, 1859, Lorenzo Silas, son of Lorenzo Silas and Susan (Tyler) Cragin, who was born in Boston, Feb. 6, 1828, and died there, Aug. 27, 1875. She died at Boston, Oct. 28, 1886. Children, born in Boston : i. Mary Louise* Cragin, b. Aug. 24, 1860. ii. George Arthur Cragin, b. Dec. 9, 1863; m. at Boston, Oct. 24, 1894, Louise Gray, dau. of Alexander Chisholm and Annie Gray (McQuarrie) Fraser. who was b. in Sherbrooke, N. S., Apr. 27, 1864. He graduated from Harvard College in 1885, and from the Medical School in 1890. From 1894 to 1903 he was an assistant in the Medical School, and at present is an instructor there. He is also a visiting physician to the Children's Hospital. Resides at Boston. iii. Henry Hale Cragin, b. 1867; name changed to Henry Adams Cragin; d. at City of Mexico, Mexico, Nov. 27, 1896. 201. "Wentworth Seton'^ Simmons (George Arthur^ Simmons, Mary^ John,^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^'), born in Roxbury, Sept. 14, 1840, married at Chester, Pa., Dec. 27, 1865, Annette, daughter of Young Singleton and Letitia (Warne) Walter, who was born in Chester, Apr. 14, 1849, and died at Moore, Pa., Dec. 4, 1891. He married second, at Newbern, N. C, June 3, 1896, Lavinia Cole, daughter of Frederick Cox and Lavinia Ellis (Cole) Roberts, who was born at Forest Hill Farm, Warren Co., N. C, Mar. 13, 1865. Children, first one born in Roxbury, others born in Chester, Pa. : i. Virginia Wentworth^ Simmons, b. Mar. 7, 1867. ii. Laura Walter Simjions, b. Sept. 24, 1868 ; m. at Ridley Park, Pa., June 19, 1894, Frederick Briggs, sou of Wilson Wallace and Fran- ces Olivia (Briggs) Quackenbush, who was b. in Penn Yan, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1867. 144 iii. George Arthur Simmons, b. Aug. 28, 1870 ; m. at Philadelphia, Pa., July 1, 1895, Cecelia Catherine, dau. of James and Cecelia (Shea) Heai'y, who was b. in Philadelphia, June 19, 1870. Children, first two born in Philadelphia, Pa., others born in Penn Yan, N. Y. : 1. George Arthur^ Simmons, b. Dec. 30, 1896. 2. Harry Edwards Simmons, b. Dec. 5, 1898. 3. Wentworth Seton Simmons, b. Oct. 30, 1900. 4. Samuel Adams Simmons, b. Nov. 30, 1902. 5. Annette Walter Simmons, b. Oct. 9, 1904. iv. Henry Edwards Simmons, b. Feb. 19, 1872. V. Samuel Adams Simmons, b. Mar. 1875; d. at Chester, Pa., Aug., 1875. 202. Samuel Adams'' Simmons ( George Arthur^ Simmons, Mary^ John*^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Roxbury, Oct. 7, 1843, married at Lonoke, Ark., Jan. 30, 1875, Margarett Emeline, daughter of Jacob WUey and Julia Ann (Kirby) Risenhoover, who was born in Big Bend, Polk Co., Ark., Nov. 11, 1856. He was a member of Co. G, 44th Massachusetts Regiment ; mustered in Sept. 12, 1862, and discharged June 18, 1863. Resides at Modesto, 111. Children, first two born in Carlinville, El., last one born in St. Louis, Mo. : 1. Lucy Wells^ Summons, b. Sept. 7, 1875; m. at Modesto, 111., Aug. 26, 1900, Andrew Frederick "William, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Bircher) Blaener, who was b. in Lieu, Canton of Argovia, Swit- zerland, May 9, 1856. Children : 1. Hylo^ Blaener, b. in Siloam Springs, Ark., Mar. 17, 1902. 2. Chance Blaener, b. in Girard, III., June 17, 1905. ii. Elizabeth Horton Simmons, b. Aug. 30, 1877. iii. Margaritte Louise Simmons, b. Nov. 12, 1889; d. at Modesto, 111., Apr. 29, 1899. 203. Sarah Pepper' Rea {Rebecca,^ Benjamin,^ John,^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Oct. 4, 1815 (family record), married at Boston, Oct. 20, 1831, Henry, son of Timothy and Patience (Fish) Tobey, who was born in Sandwich, Oct. 9, 1803, and died at Fal- mouth, Nov. 23, 1834. She married second, at Boston, June 15, 1836 (town record), 1835 (family record), Samuel, son of Silvanus and Rebecca (Parker) Nye, who was born in Sandwich, Dec. 17, 1789, and died there, May 23, 1867 (State record). May 26 (family record). She died at Sandwich. Nov. 12, 1893. Child, by first husband, born in Boston : i. Sarah Rebecca* Tobey, b. Jan. 30, 1832 (family record) ;* m. at • The Rea family Bible, from which the records of this family have been copied, is at present in the possession of Mrs. George Oliver Melzard of Newtonville, who kindly rendered the compiler valuable assistance in his work. 145 Sandwich, Dec. 24, 1856, Henry Churchill, son of Charles and Sarah (Bearse) Goodspeed, who was b. in Hyannis, July 28, 1835; d. at Sandwich, June 18, 1860; he m. (2) at Bath, Me., Nov. 1, 1866, Ellen Drummond, dau. of William Maxwell and Caroline (Drum- mond) Reed, who was b. in Bath, Me. He died at Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 20, 1895. Child, born in Atlanta, Ga. : 1. Charles^ Goodspeed, b. Oct. 3, 1858 ; d. at Abiugton, Dec. 4, 1888, He graduated from the Medical School, Dartmouth College, in 1881, and commenced practice in Brooklyn, N. Y. He was on a visit to his relatives in Massachusetts at the time of his death, which was very sudden. Children, by second husband, born in Sandwich : ii. Samuel Henry Nye, b. Mar. 18, 1837; m. at Dennis, Sept. 7, 1862, Ruth Ann, dau. of Dean and Rosannah (Sears) Sears, who was b. in Dennis, Sept. 6, 1838. Children, born in Sandwich : 1. Bosa Sears* Nye, b. June 1, 1864 ; m. at Sandwich, Oct. 22, 1889, Robert Frank, son of Robert and Dorcas (Hoxie) Armstrong, who was b. in Sandwich, Nov. 23, 1863. Children, born in Sandwich: (1) Anna Nye*" Armstrong, b. Aug. 3, 1893. (2) Lindsey Rea Armstrong, b. June 15, 1903. 2. Delia Crosby Nye, h. June 1, 1869. 3. Anna Richardson Nye, b. Jan. 23, 1872 ; d. at Sandwich, May 18, 1891. iii. Mary Elizabeth Nye, b. Jan. 21, 1839; m. at Walpole, Apr. 3, 1870, Nathaniel Capen, son of William and Nabby (Capen) Fisher, who was b. in Walpole, Dec. 4, 1821, and d. there. May 4, 1905. No issue. iv. Helen Freeman Nye, b. Feb. 21, 1841; m. at Sandwich, Nov. 27, 1863, Augustus, son of Alvah and Lydia (Freeman) Holway, who was b. in Sandwich, Mar. 18, 1840, and d. there, July 23, 1898. Children, first two born in Sandwich, last one born in Lynn : 1. Jerome Bichardson* Holway, b. Jan. 26, 1865 ; m. at Bourne, Sept. 30, 1886, Ella Frances, dau. of George Wanton Ellery and Sarah Priscilla (Story) Ellis, who was b. in Bourne, Oct. 19, 1861. Children, born in Sandwich: (1) George Augustus*" Holway, b. Sept. 12, 1888 ; d. at Sand- wich, Jan. 20, 1902. (2) Alvah Story Holway, b. Aug. 10, 1890. (3) William Rea Holway, b. Apr. 29, 1893. (4) Amy Richardson Holway, b. Nov. 12, 1894. 2. George Herbert Holway, b. Aug. 22, 1870; d. at Lynn, Dec. 13, 1873. 3. Helen Augusta Holway, b. Nov. 18, 1876 ; d. at Lynn, Feb. 18, 1877. 146 V. Lyma Crocker Nye, b. Nov. 5, 1843; d. at Sandwich, Sept. 28, 1903 ; never married. vi. Eliza Freeman Nye, b. Dec. 27, 1845; m. at Sandwicli, Oct. 10, 1872, George Oliver, son of Tliomas Millett and Ellen Elizabeth (Jones) Melzard, who was b. in Boston, Aug. 31, 1847. Children, born in Boston : 1. Sadie Bea^ Melzard, b. Sept. 13, 1873. 2. George Millett Melzard, b. Nov. 22, 1875. 3. May Capen Melzard, b. Jan. 25, 1878. vii. SiLVANUs George Nye (twin), b. Apr. 10, 1848; d. at Sandwich, Dec. 30, 1849. viii. Joseph Frederick Huntington Nye (twin), b. Apr. 10, 1848. 204. Anna Rebecca'^ Rea (Rebecca,'^ Benjamin,^ Jo/m,'^ John,^ Andrew,'" Andrew^), born in Boston, Feb. 6, 1824, married, as his second wife, at Savannah, Ga., Mar. 7, 1844, Frederick, son of Frederick and Lydia (Andrews) Huntington, who was born in Hudson, N.Y., Apr. 21, 1797, and died Oct., 1848. He married first, about 1819, Julia Maxwell, who died in 1842. She married second, at Boston, Oct. 6, 1851, Jerome Augustus, son of Jackson and Sarah (Dakin) Richardson, who was born in Mendon, Nov. 6, 1829, and died at Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1887. Mr. Huntington was a seafaring man, and about 1847 was harbor and shipping master at Savannah. Oct. 4, 1848, he sailed from Savannah for New Orleans, as captain of the Schooner Portia. When three days out of port, his vessel encountered a severe storm which swept the Atlantic coast, and as no tidings of the vessel or crew were ever reported, it is supposed that they were all lost. 205. Harriet Alvertine'^ Simpson (Harriet,^ Benjamin,^ John,^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, July 4, 1817, married at Boston, Oct. 23, 1834, Jeremiah Royce, who was born about 1806, and died at Boston, Jan. 27, 1843. She married second (intention published Sept. 30, 1845), Thomas, son of Marvin and Mary Hutchinson, who was born in England about 1813, and died at Boston, Mar. 31, 1891. She died there, June 18, 1858. At the time of his marriage, Mr. Hutchinson resided at Pittston, Me. Children, by first husband, born in Boston : i. Mary Ann* Royce, b. 1835; d. at Boston, Apr. 6, 1842. ii. William H. Royce, b. May, 1837 ; d. at Boston, Feb. IG, 1840. iii. Harriet Amanda Royce, b. Dec, 1841 ; m. (intention published June 3, 1867), Albert Francis, son of Carl and Dorothea (Guuther) Lauten, who was b. in Sarstedt, Prussia, 1841, and d. at Boston, Mar. 11, 1891; d. at Middleboro, Apr. 2, 1897. Children, born in Boston : 1. Carrie Albertine^ Lauten, h. Dec. 22, 1867; m, at Boston, Sept. 14, 1898, Rupert Homer, son of James William and Mary 147 Homer (Doane) Chceuey, who was b. in Boston, Dec. 4, 1871. No issue. 2. Daniel Francis Lauten, b. Aug. 12, 1869. 3. Grace Bernardine Lauten, b. Dec. 3, 1870; d. at Boston, Dec. 22, 1876. 4. Sarah Hatlie Lauten, b. Jan. 11, 1873; d. at Boston, Dec. 25, 1876. 5. Lillian Mabel Lauten, b. Apr. 8, 1874. 6. Albert Edward Lauten, b. Apr. 17, 1876 ; d. at Boston, Jan. 4, 1877. 7. Ernestine Alberta Lauten, b. Jan. 4, 1878 ; m. at Middleboro, Mar. 25, 1896, Frank Clinton, son of Clinton Francis and Elnora Murray (Leonard) Macomber, who was b. in Eayn- ham, Feb. 26, 1873. Children : (1) Herbert Lauten*" Macomber, b. in Middleboro, Sept. 14, 1896. (2) Glady Ernestine Macomber, b. in Lakeville, Oct. 17, 1898. 8. Beatrice Grace Lauten (twin), b. Feb. 7, 1881; m. at Boston, Nov. 23, 1904, Harry Kenyon, sou of Franklin Richard and Harriet Matilda (Kenyon) Pease, who was b. in Hartford, Conn., Mar. 28, 1871. Child, born in Boston : (1) Kenyon Lauten'" Pease, b. June 1, 1905. 9. Blanche Gertrude Lauten (twin), b. Feb. 7, 1881. 206. Sarah Ann'' Simpson {Harriet,^ ■ Benjamin ° John,* John^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Jan. 15, 1821, married at Boston, Aug. 11, 1836, Samuel Allds, son of Loren and Lattice (Allds) Way, who was born in Lempster, N. H., Dec. 17, 1816, and died at Boston, June 4, 1872. She married second, at London, England, June 6, 1873, John Eichardson, son of Richardson and Sybrilla (Hale) Hall, who was born in Norwich (now Huntington), Aug. 26, 1821. She died at Paris, France, Mar. 2, 1876 (gravestone at Forest Hills Cemetery). He married second, at Boston, May 22, 1887, Ellen, daughter of Henry A. and Eliza Wales (Bigelow) Page, who was born in Medford, Sept. 8, 1846. He died at Boston, Oct. 4, 1890. Mr. Way's younger days were spent on a farm in Lempster, N. H., which he carried on for several years. About 1830, having bought liis time of his father, he came to Boston, and shortly after- wards engaged in selling watches and jewelry, and later in the grocery business, meeting with great success until the year 1837, when the financial panic of that year impaired his resources. He again started in business and soon regained his former condition. Mr. Way was largely interested in real estate, and purchased a number of estates at the South End, where he built several large blocks of houses especially adapted for the working class. About 148 1850 he engaged in the banking business, but probably his greatest enterprise was the founding of the Bank of the Metropolis in 1858, and where he served as president until his death. He purchased of the directors and stockholders their entire interest, and made it a private bank. He issued letters of credit, which were available all over the world. He had as correspondents some of the largest banking institutions of Europe. Shortly after his death, his ex- ecutors sold his entire interest in the Maverick National Bank, of which he was a vice-president, and in which he held a controlling interest. He was instrumental in having the free banking bill passed, which was intended to render assistance to private banks. In all his business career, Mr. Way showed the same talent and energy which characterized his whole life, and he soon amassed a for- tune. Generous and benevolent, his charities were numerous, and while they may not have been known to the world at large, yet they were dispersed with a liberal hand, and many were the recipients of his generosity and thoughtfulness. For a number of years he resided in Boston, but about 1849 he removed to Eoxbury, where he lived until 1869, when he returned to the city and occupied the house he had built on Mt. Vernon Street, where he resided until his death. This was considered, at the time, one of the finest mansions in the city. Children, born in Boston : i. Francis Clarence* Way, b. Nov. 11, 1837; d. at Naples, Italy, Mar. 16, 1866. ii. Charles Granville Way, b. Jan. 13, 1841 ; m. at Paris, France, Nov. 29, 1866, Charlotte Elizabeth, dau. of Edwin and Charlotte Sophia (Farrington) Fobes, who was b. in Roxbury, Aug. 15, 1845. Children, first two born in Paris, France, last one born in Brookline : 1. Marie Eloise^ Way,\). Aug. 15, 1873; m. at Brookline, June 14, 1900, Charles Porter, sou of Charles Thomas and Jane Frances (Porter) Smith, who was b. in Colchester, Conn., Aug. 10, 1863. Child, born in Brookline : (1) Marie Way*" Smith, b. Feb. 3, 1901. 2. Charles Arthur Way, b. Aug. 10, 1874 ; m. at Gloucester, Dec. 24, 1903, Edyth Christine, dau. of Hans Peter and Louise Christine (Larsen) Hansen, who was b. in Aarhuus, Den- mark, Aug. 17, 1884. Children, born in Gloucester : (1) Charlotte Elizabeth'" Way, b. Jan. 27, 1905. (2) Charles Granville Way, b. July 17, 1906. 3. Helen Granville Way, b. Dec. 17, 1885. iii. Daniel Simpson Way, b. Oct. 22, 1844; d. at Boston, Aug. 6, 1847. SAMUEL ALLDS WAY, lsl(i-l,s72. 149 207. CAKOLmE M. Simpson {Harriet,^ BenjaminUohn,^ Jokn,^ Andre^v,^ AnM) \,orn m Boston, Feb. 21, 1825, married (intention pub- hshed at Boston, Oct. 3, 1842), Albert S, son of Jonas and Betsey (Ji^ames) Cutting, who was born in Newport, N. H. Oct 16 1818 and died at Roxbury, Sept. 8, 1855. She married second, at Bos- ton, Feb 5 1863, Walter Henry, son of Walter and Nancy Bean (Osgood) French, who was born in Lowell, Dec. 2, 1837, and died at Wiesbaden, Germany, Aug. 14, 1904. She died at Washington, D. C, June 23, 1900. ^ ' T ^^' ^^'^^^'^l ^^y' «f Mr. French were passed in Concord, N. H. In 185/, he was in Washington, D. C, where he was connected with ^e National Hotel, first as clerk and afterwards as manager. He resided at New York City for a number of years, and in 18/1 came to Boston, where he engaged in the business of a stock broker He was prominent in politics and held various offices. In 1887, he was nominated for fire commissioner of Boston, but failed to be confirmed. When the Democrats organized the National House of Representatives in 1891, Col. French was made file clerk a position he continued to hold through changing administrations to the day of his death. His work in the office to which he had been appointed, resulted in a great improvement in the manner of preserving the valuable papers that were placed under his care Mr. French was an antiquarian and a great lover of literature, l^or many years he had made a practice of collecting and preserving m scrap books, clippings from newspapers and magazines, covering important, mteresting and unique events of the dav, which filled many volumes. He joined the Ancient and Honoi-able Artillery Company in 1880. •' Children, by first husband, born in Newport, N. H. : '* ^or?Lt'' ^''™''^' ^- "^""^ ^'' '^^* ' ^'^'•^^^^ ' ^- ^t Boston, July ii. John Cutting, d. about 1850. Child, by second husband, born in Boston : iii. Walter French, b. Jan. 28, 1864; m. at New York, NY Oct 6 1897, Kate Lincoln, dau. of Charles Valentine and Katherine M.' (Allen) Henry, who was b. in Albany, N. Y., Dec, 14, 1868 Child, born in New York, N. Y. : 1. Constance^ French, b. July 30, 1898. 208. Delia A.^ Simpson {Harriet,^ Benjamin,' John,^ John,^ Andrew ^ An- drew'), born in Boston, Nov. 8, 1827, married at Boston, Feb 29 1844, James E., son of Daniel and Sally (Thurber) Sheldon, who was born in Providence, R. I, July 20, 1822, and died at Boston, Feb. 1, 1878. ' 150 Children, born in Providence, R. I. : i. Delle S.^ Sheldon, b. 1847; m. at Boston, Nov. 9, 1871, Asa Per- kins, son of Eobert Knight and Catherine Minerva (Burgoyne) Potter, who was b. in Boston, Sept. 9, 1838. Children : 1. Bobert Knight^ Potter, b. in Boston, Jan. 9, 1875. 2. Mabel Potter, b. ia Boston, May 22, 1876 ; m. Henry Thompson. 3. Maud Potter, b. in Cohasset, Sept. 16, 1877. 4. Asa Perkins Potter, b. in Cohasset, Juue 2, 1880. 5. Sheldon Potter, b. in Cohasset, Sept. 29, 1882. 6. Adelbert Mies Potter, b. in Boston, Jan. 1, 1886. ii. Sarah L. Sheldon, b. 1851 ; d. at Providence, Nov. 21, 1855. iii. John H. Sheldon, b. Mar. 14, 1857. iv. Hattie May Sheldon, b. 1861 ; m. at Boston, Jan. 20, 1881, Tor- rey Everett, son of George W. and Mary E. (Jones) Wardner, who was b. in Boston, Feb. 11, 1856. Childi'en, born in Boston : 1. Drew 31allon^ Wardner, b. Oct. 3, 1882. 2. Buth Wardner, b. Mar. 31, 1891. 209. William Henry'^ Simpson {Harriet,^ Benjamin,^ John,^ Jolin^ An- drew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Dec. 4, 1829, married at Dixmont, Me., Nov. 6, 1857, Harriet Allen, daughter of John Alexander and Harriet Miller (Flinn) Harris, who was born in Boston (probably Dorchester), June 6, 1836, and died at Dorchester, Nov. 1, 1859 (State record), Nov. 11 (family record). She is buried in the Old Dorchester Burying-ground at Upham's Corner. He married se- cond, at Cambridge, April 18, 1861, Mary, daughter of James Winthrop and Abigail (Flinn) Harris, who was born in Dixmont, 1840, and was a cousin to his first wife. He married third, at Chicago, 111., Oct. 14, 1871, Mrs. Mary Eliza Gillett, daughter of Clement Patchiu, who was born in Elmira, N.Y., 1841, and died at Boston, Feb. 2, 1875 (State record), Feb. 6 (family record). Child, born in Boston : i. Julia Coolidge Harris* Simpson, b. Aug. 14, 1858 ; d. at Boston, Aug. 18, 1858 (State record), Aug. 19 (family record and grave- stone). 210. Andrevt Jackson'' Simpson {Harriet,^ Benjamin,^ John* John* Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Boston, July 20, 1834; married at Wilmington, Ohio, Apr. 13, 1872, Zurell Jane, daughter of and Eliza Richardson, who was born in Wilmington, June 16, 1843. Aug. 15, 1861, he enlisted in Co. A, 1st California Infantry, and was discharged at Fort Union, New Mexico, Sept. 9, 1866. At the present time he is at the National Military Home, Dayton, Ohio. 151 211. Susan Cushman^ Bosworth {Abigail Barber,^ Benjamin,^ John* John,= Andrew;' Andrew^), born in Boston, June 24, 1820, married at Raynham, Nov. 2Q>, 1846, Joseph Richardson, son of WiUiam and Alice (Richardson) Porter, who was born in England, June 9 1820, and died at Barton's Bar, Yuba Co., California, Sept. 6, 1852.' She died at Taunton, Jan, 11, 1894. Children, born in Taunton : i. Abby Louise* Porter, b. Mar. 29, 1848 ; m. at Middleboro, Feb 3 1869, Henry Harrison, son of Harrison and Susan T. (Weaver) Littlejohn, who was b. in Bennington, Vt., July U, 1845. Child, born in Taunton: 1. Etta Louise^ Littlejohn, b. Sept. 16, 1874; m. at Berkeley, Oct 17, 1896, Barney Wilson, son of WiUard Nelson and Sarah Emma (Staples) Bounds, who was b. in Taunton, May 11 1873. ' Children, born in Taunton : (1) Etta Mayio Bounds, b. Dec. 2, 1897. (2) Emma Louise Bounds, b. Oct. 9, 1899. (3) Henry Nelson Bounds, b. Aug. 9, 1901. (4) Clarence Edward Bounds, b. Aug. 6, 1905. ii. Lucy Ann Porter, b. Jan. 15, 1851 ; m. at Taunton, Apr. 7 1870 Earl, son of Turner Earl and Fidelia (Gray) King, who was b. in Taunton, Apr. 3, 1842. No issue. 212. Andretv Brabshaw^ Bosworth {Abigcdl Barber,^ Benjamin,^ John, John,' Andrew,'^ Andreio^ born in Ware, June 23, 1830 married at Taunton, Jan. 27, 1849, Charlotte Maria, daughter of Eliakim and Rosina T. (Cushman) Leonard, who was "born in Middleboro, Sept. 4, 1830. He died at Whitman, Oct. 25, 1895. Children, born in Taunton, except the last one born in Middleboro : i. Charlotte Marie« Bosworth, b. Dec. 29. 1849; d. at Taunton Feb. 9, 1852. ' ii. Frederick Andrew Bosworth, b. July 25, 1851 ; m. at Middleboro June 24, 1874, Annie D., dau. of Joshua and Nancy (Edson) Whit' marsh, who was b. in East Bridgewater, June 9, 1855; he m C>\ at Bourne, Feb. 28, 1888, Maud Eliza, dau. of Amos A. and Susan D. (Blackwell) Baymoud, who was b. in Boston, Nov 9 1863 ni. Cora Bosworth, b. Feb. 22, 1853 ; d. at Taunton, Dec. 22 1855 IV. John CusmiAN Bosworth, b. June 21, 1855 ; d. at Taunton, Jan.' 6. V. Willie Leonard Bosworth, b. Feb. 12, 1859 ; d. at Taunton, Jan. 8 lo62. ' ^'' ^TYL^^^"^^ Bosworth, b. Feb. 22, i860; d. at Taunton, Jan. """■ ^^^o ^^"^"^^ Bosworth, b. Mar. 23, 1868; m. at Whitman, Apr 9 1893, Guy Parker, son of Charles Franklin and Elsie Matilda (Stemgardt; Allen, who was b. in South Abington (now Whit- man), Aug. 3, 1866 ; d. at Whitman, Mar. 6, 1903 152 Children, born in "Whitman : 1. Karl Bosworth^ Allen, b. Mar. 26, 1894 2. Hope Allen, b. Oct. 31, 1895. 3. JSiith Allen, b. Dec. 4, 1898. 213. James Henry'' Bos worth {Ahigail Barber,^ Benjamin,^ John,'^ John,^ Andrew,'^ Andreiv^), born in Ware, Jan. 8, 1833, married at Carver, Mar. 31, 1857, Susan Ann, daughter of Charles and Ann (Maxim) Ryder, who was born in Carver, June 7, 1835, and died at Taunton, May 2, 1906. He died there, July 5, 1892. Children, born in Carver : i. Ira Harris^ Bosworth, b. Mar. 21, 1858; m. as her second hus- band, at Taunton, Nov. 16, 1882, Mrs. Christina Jane McGraw, dau. of John and Ann (Kunnells) Murphy, who was b. in Pawtucket, R. I., Apr. 2 1855. Children, boi-n in Taunton : 1. Carlton Bijder^ Bosworth, b. Oct. 26, 1888. 2. Susan Anna Bosworth, b. Nov. 21, 1891. ii. Mary Anna Bosworth, b. Jan. 9, 1862; m. at Taunton, Jan. 28, 1882 (State record), Feb. 28 (family record), Edgar Willis, son of Dennis Cotelle and Mary Williams (Bearse) Sturgis, who was b. in Barnstable, Apr. 19, 1858. Children, born in Taunton : 1. Bessie May^ Sturgis, b. Sept. 9, 1886; d. at Taunton, Sept. 10, 1886. 2. Ethel May Sturgis, b. Sept. 16, 1888. 3. Henry Willis Sturgis, b. Aug. 26, 1895. 214. Frederick Lincoln'^ Bosworth (Abigail Barber,^ Benjamin,^ John,'^ John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Ware, Mar. 13, 1836, married at Taunton, Aug. 17, 1862, Harriet Louisa, daughter of Ebenezer and Silence (Padelford) Padelford, who was born in Taunton, Feb. 20, 1841, and died there. Mar. 3, 1901. Child, born in Taunton : i. Mary Fairbanks^ Bosworth, b. Jan. 30, 1867; m. at Taunton, Aug. 26, 1896, Franklin Atwood, sou of John Francis and Cath- arine Amelia (Parlow) Park, who was b. in Taunton, Jan. 22, 1868. Children, born in Helensburgh, Scotland : 1. Malcolm SeweW Park, b. Oct. 13, 1905. 2. Margary Lincoln Park, b. Oct. 14, 1906. 215. Benjamin Stimpson'^ Bosavorth {Abigail Barber,^ Benjamin,^ John,'^ John^, Andrew'^, Andrew^), born in Ware, July 31, 1838, married at Taunton, Jan. 2, 1868, Fidelia, daughter of Turner Earl and Fidelia (Gray) King, who was born in Taunton, Oct. 7, 1837. No issue. 153 216. Ira'^ Bosworth {Abigail Barber,^ Benjamin,^ John* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andreio^), born in Taunton, Mar. 20, 1841, married at New Bed- ford, Nov. 22, 1867 (State record), Nov. 23 (family record), Mary, daughter of Horatio and Jane E. (Rodgers) Tinkham, wlio was born in Freetown, Mar. 13, 1843. Children, born in Taunton : i. Harry Warken* Bosworth, b. Mar. 13, 1869; m. at Easton, Dec. 23, 1899, Eliza Jane, dau. of George Adam and Maria Louisa (Morash) Wolfe, who was b. in Nova Scotia, Aug. 4, 1880. ii. Roy Leonard Bosworth, b. Aug. 13, 1883. 217. Eliza Ann'' Stimpson {Andrew Bradshaiv,^ Beiijamin,^ John,'' John^ Andrew^, Andrew^), born in Boston, Jan. 1, 1834, married at Boston, Jan. 25, 1854, Benjamin Church of New York. Children : i. Lizzie A.^ Church, b. Aug. 6, 1855. ii. Harriet E. Church, b. Aug. 1, 1857; m. May 12, 1879, Arthur E. Hobson. Child, born in Wallingford, Conn. : 1. Bertha PearP Hobson, b. May 12, 1880. iii. Benjamin Church, b. Mar. 23, 1860; m. Ellen Carter. Children : 1. Edna JEllen^ Church, b. July 27, 1885. 2. Mildred Church, b. Apr. 2, 1887. iv. Florence May Church, b. Nov. 25, 1862 ; m. Samuel V. Hubbard of Cromwell, Conn. Children : 1. Samuel Church^ Hubbard. 2. Catharine Eliza Hubbard. 3. Horace Hubbard. V. William Church ; d. young. vi. Mary Emma Church ; d. young. 218. Rachel' Stimpson {Joseph,^ Benjamin,^ John* John,^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^), born in Wiscasset, Me., Nov. 4, 1828, married at Wis- casset, John Gove, son of Thomas and Betsey (Gove) Cunningham, who was born in Edgecomb, Me., 1827, and died at Bristol, Me., Apr. 21, 1894. She died at Edgecomb, Mar. 7, 1883. Children, born in Edgecomb, Me. : i. Henry Marden^ Cunningham, b. Dec. 29, 1851. ii. Annie Randall Cnnningham, b. Jan. 4, 1857; m. Dodge of North Edgecomb, Me. iil. Maggie Ella Cunningham, b, July 11, 1859. iv. Clinton John Cunningham, b. Feb. 15, 1865 ; m. at Rockland, Me., Mar. 17, 1889, Carrie Edna, dau. of Jacob Henry and Abbie (Pinkham) Winslow, who was b. in Rockland, Aug. 10, 1868. 154 Children, first one born in Newcastle, Me., others born in Pitts- ton, Me. : 1. Carrie Edna^ Cunningham, b. Dec. 27, 1890. 2. John Albert Cunningham., b. Mar. 17, 1893. 3. Walter Bradbury C^mningham, b. Dec. 11, 1894. 4. Frederick Edivard Cunningham, b. Nov. 30, 1896. 5. Bernice Pearl Cunningham, b. Apr. 24, 1899. 6. Bachel Stimpson Cunningham (twin), b. Apr. 16, 1902. 7. Abbie Constance Cunningham (twin), b. Apr. 16, 1902. 8. Eleanor Griffith Cunningham, b. Nov. 13, 1905. V. Emma Call Cunningham, b. Aug. 12, 1868; m. at Edgecomb, Me., 1885, Lincoln George, son of Benjamin and Marguerite (Dodge) Dodge, who was b. in Edgecomb, 1856. Children, born in Edgecomb, Me. : 1. Hattie Lincoln^ Dodge, b. Nov. 9, 1886. 2. Carrie Emma Dodge, b. Jan. 29, 1888. 3. Fern Lizzie Dodge, b. Feb. 20, 1893. 4. Beatrice Bewail Dodge, b. Sept. 20, 1900. 219. Fannie'' Stimpson [Joseph,^ Benjamin,^ JoJm,'^ John^ Andrew^ An- drew^'), born iu Wiscasset, Me., June 9, 1845, married at Wiscasset, Jan. 1, 1864, James Munroe, son of Elias and Agnes Patterson, who was born in Edgecomb, Me., 1837, and died at Auburn, Me., Apr. 25, 1867. She married second, Stokes. Children : i. Fannie Louise^ Patterson, b. iu Wiscasset, Me., Nov. 19, 1864; m. at Providence, R. I., June 27, 1894, Seth Elbert, son of Isaac Reed and Sarah W. (Ford) Pratt, who was b. in Abington, Dec. 23, 1862. ii. Florence Ella Patterson, b. in Auburn, Me., May 4, 1866; m. at Bath, Me., Nov. 2, 1887, Harry Ehner, son of Alfred Dow and Harriet Louise (Dodge) Stetson, who was b. in Brunswicli, Me., Feb. 24, 1864. Children, born in Bath, Me. : 1. Balph Goss^ Stetson, b. Aug. 16, 1888. 2. Doris Louise Stetson, b. Jan. 12, 1897. 220, Joseph Willard'^ Stimpson [Joseph,^ Benjamin,^ John,'^ John^ An- drew^ Andretv^), born in Wiscasset, Me., May 25, 1847, married Mary Eliza, daughter of Clifford Albee. He married second, as her second husband, at Boston, Nov. 25, 1891, Mary J. Goddard, daughter of John and Jane Graffam, who was born in Lewiston, Me., 1848. No issue. •5 221. Hattie'' Stimpson {Joseph,^ Benjamin,^ John,* John^ Andrew^ Ayi- dreiv^), born in Wiscasset, Me., May 29, 1849, married Frank, son of Richard Saunders. She died at Portland, Me., July 25, 1874. 155 222. William Elwell Parks'' Stimpson {Joseph,^ Benjamin,^ Jolin,^ Jolin^ Andrew^ Andi-ew^), born in Wiscasset, Me., Apr. 20, 1852, married at Portsmouth, N. H., Jan. 11, 1874, Etta Rachel, daugh- ter of Andrew and Sarah Young (Pinkham) Wall, who was born in Wiscasset, Oct. 7, 1856. He died at Wiscasset, Jan. 25, 1884. Child, born in Wiscasset, Me. : i. Elwell William,* b. Feb. 26, 1875 ; m. at "Wiscasset, June 16, 1904, Susan Rena, dau. of John Huntoou and Rose (Rines) Dow, who was b. in Wiscasset, Apr. 16, 1883. Child, born in Wiscasset, Me. : 1. Edith Chaney,^ b. Nov. 24, 1905. 223. Helen Elizabeth'' Brooks (Naticy^ Dicks, Nancy^ John,^ John^ Andrew^' Andrew'^), born in Boston, Sept, 5, 1826, married at Bos- ton, Jan. 3, 1850, Joseph, son of Joseph and Nancy (Whiting) Morrill, who was born in Dedham, Apr. 9, 1822, and died at Bos- ton, Nov. 28, 1893. She died there, July 4, 1885. Children, born in Roxbury : i. Helen* Morrill, b. July 13, 1852. ii. Isabel Morrill, b. Aug. 29, 1855. iii. Josephine Russell Morrill, b. Feb. 20, 1858. iv. Fanny Elizabeth Morrill, b. Sept. 2, 1860; d. at Boston, Apr. 16, 1882. V. Charles Brooks Morrill, b. June 2, 1864 ; m. at Boston, June 3, 1896, Ellen Augusta, dau. of George H. and Ellen (Davis) Wil- liams, who was b. in Roxbury, Feb. 25, 1861. 224. Jane Williams'' Brooks {Nancy^ Dicks, Nancy^ John,^ Jolin^ An- drew^ Andrew^), born in Boston, Sept. 1, 1832, married at Boston, Oct. 23, 1860 (City record), Nov. 22 (Appleton genealogy), Charles Henry, son of Dr. Benjamin Barnard and Catherine (Hooton) Ap- pleton, who was born in Boston, July 14, 1817, and died at Charles- town, N. H., June 13, 1866. She married second, as his second wife, at Boston, June 23, 1869, Benjamin Barnard Appleton, brother to her first husbaud, who was born in Boston, May 4, 1815. He married first, at Charlestown, May 23, 1844, Katherine Thomjjson, who died at Rome, Italy, Jan. 17, 1863. He died at Cambridge, July 17, 1878. She died there, Aug. 22, 1881. Children, born in Boston : i. Charles Brooks* Appleton, b. Oct. 1, 1862; m. at Boston, Oct. 12, 1886, Marion, dau. of George Henry and Marion (Winchester) Kingsbury, who was b. in Boston, Apr. 24, 1864. No issue. ii. Benjamin Ward Appleton, b. Apr. 29, 1864; m. at Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1896, Bessie Catherine, dau. of George Walbridge and Yuba Kate (Chester) Miller, who was b. in Troy, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1873. 156 Children, b. in Buffalo, N. Y. : 1. George Miller^ Appleton, b. Mar. 22, 1899. 2. Catherine Appleton, b. Oct. 17, 1900. 225. Julia Elizabeth'^ Cutter (Margaret^ Dicks, Nancy,^ John* John,^ Andrew,"^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Sept. 14, 1829, married as his second wife, at Brooldyn, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1881, Richard Baxter, son of Henry and Laura (Porter) Hill, who was born in Boston, Mar. 23, 1829. He married first, at Boston, Sept. 4, 1851, Harriet, daughter of Samuel Winter, and adopted daughter of Oliver and Jane (Cutter) Dorrance, and who died July 22, 1868. He died at Brooklyn, Apr. 4, 1892. No issue. 226. Margaret Ellen'' Cutter {Margaret^ Dicks, Nancy, ^ John, '^ John, ^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Mar. 18, 1831, married, as his second wife, at Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1878, Rev. Gabriel Havens, son of James and Anne (Vandervoort) De Bevoise, who was born in Brooklyn, Jan. 7, 1831. He married first, at Boston, Feb. 27, 1856, Martha Dalton, daughter of Rev. Asa and Sarah Dalton (Locke) Lamson, who was born in Chester, N. H., Apr. 5, 1833, and died at North Brookfiekl, July 21, 1874. She died at Westminster, Vt., Jan. 19, 1903. No issue. He is of Huguenot descent, his first ancestor in this country being Carl De Beauvois, who sailed Feb. 17, 1659, in the ship Otter from Leyden, with his wife Sophie (von Lodenstein) and four children. He settled at Brooklyn, where his descendants have since resided. He served as chorister in the First Dutch Church, and held various other offices in the town, of wliich he was a prominent member. Gabriel Havens De Bevoise of the seventh generation from Carl De Beauvois, entered the class of 1857 at Williams College, and in 1864 graduated from Andover Theological Seminary. The next year he was ordained to the Congregational ministry and has filled pastorates in Walpole, North Brookfiekl, Leominster, Keene, N. H., and Westminster, Vt. At the present time he is not actively en- gaged in preaching. 227. John Dicks'' Cutter {Margaret^ Dicks, Nancy,^ John,^ John,^ An- drew,'^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Oct. 13, 1834, married at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1875, Adelaide Cornelia, daughter of and Juliet (Lamed) Paulk, who was born in Bangor, Me., Nov. 25, 1846. Children : i. Margaret^ Cutter, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1876; m. at Brooklyn, June 7, 1905, Charles Augustus, sou of Charles Chauucy and Elizabeth (Ely) Goodrich, who was b. in Hartford, Conn., 157 Feb. 23, 1872. He graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University in 1896. Child, born in Hartford, Conn. : 1. Dorothi/ Goodrich, b. Mar. 21, 1906. ii. William Dicks Cutter, b. in Broolilyn, Sept. 14, 1878. iii. Levi Loring Cutter, b. in Orange, N. J., Sept. 21, 1880; d. there, Aug. 8, 1881. iv. Ruth Cutter, b. in Orange, Jan. 17, 1882; d. there, Jan. 19, 1882. V. Ruth Cutter, b. in Orange, Feb. 23, 1883. vi. John Dicks Cutter, b. in Orange, Oct. 31, 1885. vii. Marion Cutter, b. in Brooklyn, Apr. 2, 1888. 228. Edward Patson'' Cutter (Margaret^ Dicks, Nancy^ John* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Oct. 2, 1836, married at Chicago, 111., May 19, 1886, Annie Louise, daughter of Coeydon and Mary Anne (Smith) Beckwith, who was born in Chicago, June 13, 1854. He died at Augusta, Me., Mar. 11, 1900. No issue. 229. George Arthur'' Gardner* (Susan Newell^ Dicks, Nancy^ John,* John^ Andrew,^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Nov. 22, 1829, mar- ried at Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1850, Mary Caroline, daughter of Edmund Lewis and Lucy Oliver (Prescott) LeBreton, who was born in Newburyport, Feb. 27, 1831, and died at Brooklyn, Aug. 24, 1864. He married second, at Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 22, 1865, Sarah Maria Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary McKensie (Dill) Mount, who was born Feb. 22, 1840. He died at Brooklyn, Sept. 27, 1879. Children, by first wife : i. Edmund LeBreton^ Gardiner, b. in Brookline, Nov. 7, 1851; m. at New York, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1887, Henrietta Louise, dau. of John Hobart and Henrietta (Pratt) Sprague, who was b. in New York, Jan. 28, 1858. Children, born in New York, N. Y. : 1. Adelaide Barbour^ Gardiner, b. Sept. 21, 1888. 2. Prescott LeBreton Gardiner, b. May 5, 1893. ii. Susan Isabel Gardiner, b. in Brookline, May 16, 1853 ; m. at New York, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1888, Henry, son of John and Mary (Prescott) Belknap, who was b. in Boston, Sept. 7, 1826. Child, born in New York, N. Y. : 1. Hennf Belknap, b. Jan. 10, 1890. iii. George Arthur Gardiner, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1854; d. there, July 15, 1855. iv. James Albree Gardiner, b. in Brooklyn, Nov. 22, 1858 ; d. there, Jan. 16, 1860. *Mr. Gardner's children changed the spelling of the name from Gardner to Gar- diner, and it has since been retained by the several members of the family. 158 V. Henry Hidden Gardiner, b. in Brooklyn, Jnly 18, 1861; d. Sept. 16, 1877. vi. Walter Pkescott Gardiner, b. in Brooklyn, June 21, 1863; d. there, Feb. 20, 1864. Children, by second wife : vii. John Dick Gardiner, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 7, 1866; m. at Lynn, Oct. 5, 1892, Florence Louise, dau. of William Edward Par- ker and Agnes Ann (Halliday) Smythe, who was b. in New York, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1864. Children, born in Lynn : 1. Helen^ Gardiner, b. July 23, 1893. 2. John Dick Gardiner, b. June 29, 1894. viii. Mary Caroline Gardiner, b. in Brooklyn, July 14, 1868; m. as bis second wife, at Boston, Aug. 27, I902, Frank Hayward, son of Francis and Grace Araminta (Hayward) Ivers, who was born in Cambridge, Dec. 28, 1860 (State record), Dec. 21 (family record), and who had m. (1) at Nashua, N. H., Oct. 8, 1884, Leone Sid- ney, dau. of Alfred Morton and Leone (Foster) Norton, who was b. in Boston, Feb. 7, 1866, and died there, Aug. 1, 1898. ix. Arthxtr McKenzie Gardiner, b. in Newark, N. J., Apr. 5, 1871: m. at Lynn, Jan. 17, 1889 (State record), Jan. 20 (family record), Lena C, an adopted dau. of William H. and Annie (Amizine) Keays, who was b. in Haverhill, Jan. 30, 1871. Child, born in L3'nn : 1. Marie Louise^ Gardiner, b. July 28, 1889. X. Margaret Dick' Gardiner, b. in Newark, Jan. 20, 1873 ; m. at Lynn, Apr. 18, 1892, Martin Otis, son of Consider and Ann Jane (Stevens) Southworth, who was b. in Stoughton, Nov. 18, 1869. Child, born in Lynn : 1. Isabel^ Southxoorth, b. May 6, 1893. xi. Charlotte Ellen Prevost Gardiner, b. in Rahway, N. J., Sept. 16, 1875. 230. Susan Gardiner'' Dicks {John Wier^ Dicks, Nancy,^ John,* John* Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Dec. 12, 1841, married at Chelsea, Sept. 3, 1863, Alfred Dwight, son of George and Parme- lia Bradford (Washburn) "Warren, who was born in Portland, Oct. 3, 1838, and died at Worcester, Oct. 14, 1894. Children : i. John Dicks^ Warren, b. in Chelsea, June 19, 1864; m. at Wor- cester, Oct. 10, 1884, Anna Mabel, dau. of Timothy and Sophia (Newton) Sly, who was b. in Worcester, Sept. 22, 1865. Children, born in Worcester: 1. Beth Louise^ Warren, b. Oct. 24, 1885 ; d. at Worcester, Mar. 6, 1887. 2. Marian Anna Warren, b. Feb. 23, 1887. ii. Elizabeth Washburn Warren, b. in Woi'cester, Mai*. 7, 1868 ; m. at Worcester, Oct. 10, 1899, William Edson Coe Fairbanks, son of 159 John and Charlotte Maria (Harrington) Coe,* who was b. in Paw- tucket, R. I., Dec. 28, 1868. No issue. 231. Marianne'' Dicks {John Wier^ Dicks, Nancy, ^ Jolin,^ John^ An- drew,^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Dec. 7, 1843, married at Chelsea, Oct. 11, 1865, Frederic Calvin, son of Luther and Mercy Thatcher (Eldridge) Hills, who was born in Yarmouth, Oct. 11, 1839, and died there, Dec. 12, 1898. Children : i. Fkederic Albert^ Hills, b. in Worcester, Oct. 10, 18C6; m. at Brooldine, Oct. 28, 1890, Florence Perry, dau. of Albert "Ware and Julia Ann Sophia (Perry) Fisher, who was b. in Boston, Nov. 9, 1872. Children : 1. Katharine^ Hills, b. in Brookline, July 14, 1900. 2. Fisher Hills, b. in Melrose, Nov. 3, 1905. ii. Marianne Dicks Hills, b. in "Worcester, Apr. 22, 1868. iii. Annie Dicks Hills, b. in "Wrenthara, Apr. 2, 1869. iv. Edmund Eldredge Hills, b. in Maiden, Apr. 5, 1870; m. at Brook- line, June 11, 1902, Mabel Stuart, dau. of John and Eleanor Frances ("Williams) Dorr, who was b. in Brooklyn, N.Y., June 12, 1875. Children : 1. Buth^ Hills, b. in Boston, May 14, 1903. 2. Stitart Eldredge Hills, b. in Newton, Dec. 23, 1906. V. Susie Warren Hills, b. in Newton, Mar. 20, 1883. vi, Fenno Upton Hills, b. in Newton, Apr. 23, 1884; d. there, June 5, 1884 (State record), June 6 (family record). 232. John Dicks'' Bailey (Isabel Wilson^ Dicks, Nancy, ^ John*, John^ Andrew,'^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Nov. 2, 1832, married at Bucksport, Me., June 16, 1859, Kate, daughter of Meltiah and Susan (Richardson) Jordan, who was born in Bucksport, Aug. 9, 1842, and died there, Sept. 2, 1895. He died at Portland, Mar. 14, 1872. Children, born in Portland, Me. : i. IsABELLE DiCKS^ Bailey, b. ITov. 27, 1860; m. at Foxboro, Dec. 4, 1880, Frederick E., son of George H. and Mary A. (Royal) But- terworth, who was b. in Mansfield, Apr. 19, 1854, and d. at Fox- boro, Oct. 22, 1893; she ra. (2) at Hudson, Apr. 23, 1905, Edgar Francis, son of Lloyd W. and Martha Brown (Turtlotte) Wilder, who was b. in Dudley, June 20, 1860. Children, by first husband: 1. Georgia Evelyn^ Butterworth, b. in Bucksport, Me., Oct. 23, 1881 ; d. at Foxboro, July 23, 1889. 2. Elmer Percy Butterworth, b. in Foxboro, Aug. 5, 1882. ii. Kate Preston Bailey, b. Jan. 7, 1863. *Name legallj' changed from Coe to Fairbanks by reason of mother's marriage to George E. Fairbanks. 160 iii. Marion Bailey, b. Oct. 4, 1869; m. at Bucksport, Me., Nov. 30, 1893 (State record), Nov. 13 (family record), John, son of Duncan and Jane (McCarthy) McDonald, vrho was b. in Bucksport, 1865, and d. at Lowell; shem. (2) at Hudson, June 3, 1903, William Col- lins, son of James and Laura Amanda (Burr) Warren, who was b. in Brewer, Me., Aug. 22, 1862. 233. Edward Augustus'^ Bailey [Isabel Wilson^ Dicks, Nancy, ^ John,^ John,^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., July 28, 1834, married at Portland, Dec. 22, 1861, Caroline Robinson, daughter of Edmund Fanning and Susan Tucker (Corry) Peters, who was born in Portland, July 28, 1838. Children, born in Portland, Me. : 1. Walter Stockbridge^ Bailey, b. Jan. 20, 1862: ra. at Boston, Jan. 20, 1887, Clara Bertha, dau. of Henry and Emma Josephine (Varney) Lemau, who was b. in Portsmouth, N. XL, Nov. 16, 1866. Child, born in Portland, Me. : 1. George Thomas'^ Bailey, b. Feb. 19, 1888 ; d. at Portland, Feb. 24, 1888. ii. Ralph Edmund Bailey, b. Nov. 10, 1871; m. at Portland, Oct. 6, 1897, Mada Alice, dau. of Eben and Olive (Groves) Cleaves, who was b. in Portland, Aug. 6, 1876. Child, b. in Portland. Me. : 1. Ellen Peters'^ Bailey, b. July 20, 1900. 234. Charles Brooks'' Bailey {Isabel Wilson^ Dicks, Nancy,^ John,* John,^ Andrew,''' Andrew ^) , born in Portland, Me., Apr. 9, 1839, mar- ried at Portland, Apr. 21, 1868, Lois Anna, daughter of Sewall Cole and Mary Ann Homer (Trowbridge) Chase, who was born in Port- land, Feb. 16, 1844. Children, born in Washington, D. C: i. Helen Virginia* Bailey, b. Mar. 28, 1869 ; d. at Washington, Apr. 8, 1869. ii. Joseph Sewall Bailey, b. Feb. 27, 1871 ; d. at Washington, June 1, 1871. iii. Robert Bailey, b. Oct. 11, 1873; d. at Washington, June 6, 1874. iv. Eleanor Chase Bailey, b. July 12, 1876; d. at Washington, Nov. 13, 1884. 235. Isabel Mariel'' Bailey {Isabel Wilson^ Dicks, Nancy,^ John, '^ John, ^ Andrew,'^ Andrew'^), born in Portland, Me., Feb. 6, 1844, married at Portland, Oct. 18, 1865, Clarendon, son of Thaddeus William and Catherine (Holbrook) Harris, who was born in Cambridge, Mar. 24, 1836, and died at Boston, Apr. 24, 1892. She died at La Porte, Ind., June 27, 1866. No issue. 236. Helen Brooks'' Bailey {Isabel Wilson^ Dicks, Nancy, ^ John, '^ John, '^ Andrew,'^ Andrew'^), born in Portland, Me., Jan. 11, 1847, married 161 at Portland, Dec. 8, 1869, Samuel Colman, son of Samuel Martin and Nancy Smith (Kendall) Allen, who was born in Ashby, Nov. 17, 1844. Children, born in Portland, Me. : i. Frank Colmax® Allen, b. Nov. 1, 1870; m. at Portland, June 5, 1895, Harriet Lawi'ence, dau. of Addison and Marcia Phebe (Lawrence) Libby, who was b. in Portland, Nov. 28, 1870. Children, born in Portland, Me. : 1. Donald Libby^ Allen, b. Dec. 15, 1896. 2. Kenneth Colman Allen, b. Mar. 13, 1898. 3. Malcolm Bailey Allen, b. Mar. 25, 1903. ii. Joseph Bailey Allen, b. Apr. 28, 1876; d. at Portland, Oct. 2, 1876. iii. Bessie Helen Bailey, b. Sept. 17, 1879 ; m. at Portland, Nov. 29, 1899, George Miller, son of John Coyle and Margaret Smith (Miller) Whitwell, who was b. in Washington, D. C, Nov. 30, 1873. 237. Harriet Peters'' Bailey (Isabel Wilson'^ Dicks, Nancy,^ John* John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Sept. 12, 1849, married at Portland, Nov. 2, 1887, Charles, son of George Henry and Seliua Atwood (Aiken) Cook, who was born in Craftsbury, Vt., June 24, 1845. Children, born in Portland, Me. : i. Isabel Bailey^ Cook, b. Mar. 27, 1890. ii. Ruth Stockbridge Cook, b. Apr. 1, 1892. 238, Herbert Clarendon'' Bailey (Isabel Wilson^ Dicks, Nancy, ^ John'^, John^ Andrew^ Andrew^), born in Portland, Me., Mar. 6, 1856, married at Paterson, N. J., July 10, 1878, Anna Doremus, daughter of Cornelius C. and Mary Ellen (Doremus) Hopper, who was born in Paterson, Aug. 7, 1855. Children : i. Isabel Dicks^ Bailey, b. in Paterson, May 30, 1879. ii. Lena Hopper Bailey, b. in Paterson, Sept. 14, 1880; m. at Beth- lehem, Pa., Dec. 27, 1902, Joseph, son of Henry Ferdinand and Elizabeth (Wisner) Barrell, who was b. in New Providence, N. J., Dec. 15, 1869. Children, born in New Haven, Conn. : 1. Joseph? Barrell, b. Oct. 19, 1903. 2. Herbert Bailey Barrell, b. Mar. 9, 1905. iii. Anita Doremus Bailey, b. in Newark, N. J., Aug. 28, 1882. iv. Joseph Stockbridge Bailey, b. in Bethlehem, Pa., Oct. 18, 1890; d. there, Aug. 3, 1891. •■»• 239. Henry Edward'' Hayward (Elizabeth,^ Nathaniel,^ John,* John,* Andrew,^ Andreio^), born in Andover, Oct. 7, 1815, married at 162 Middleton, Dec. 15, 1836, Polly Swain, daughter of Israel and Phebe (Fuller) Curtis, who was born in Middleton, Oct. 10, 1810, and died at Andover, May 4, 1896. He died there, Dec. 27, 1875 (State record), Dec. 29 (family record). Children, born in ^ndover : i. Helen Elizabeth^ Hayward, b. Jan. 29, 1838 ; d. at Andover, May 21, 1857. ii. Harriet Eliza Hayward, b. Feb. 3, 1839. iii. Henry Albert Hayward, b. Jan. 6, 1841 ; m. at Andover, Nov. 19, 1868, Mary Jane, daughter of Luther aud Naucy Jane (Putnam) Jenkins, who was b. in Reading, Aug. 15, 1850; d. at Andover' Mar. 5, 1905. Children, born in Andover : 1. George Henry^ Hayward, b. Aug. 17, 1870 ; m. at Boston, Apr. 27, 1899, Clara E., dau. of Bernard and Lottie (Warman) Dietrich, who was b. in Easton, Pa., 1876. 2. Carrie Putnam Hayward, b. Aug. 16, 1872; m. at Andover, Mar. 25, 1896, Elmer Foster, son of James B. and Charlotte (Foster) Coukey, who was b. in Hardwick, July 23, 1874. Children : (1) Howard Nelson*" Coukey, b. in Hardwick, Nov. 25, 1896. (2) Roy Lincoln Coukey, b. in Ware, June 9, 1899 ; d. there, Dec. 4, 1899. (3) Louis Grey Conkey, b. iu "Ware, Aug. 10, 1900. (4) Helen Brewster Conkey, b. in Andover, Aug. 21, 1902. 3. Gertrude Amanda Hayward, b. Oct. 19, 1874 ; m. at Andover, Oct. 23, 1901, Benjamin Walter, son of John Martin aud Abbie Mayhew (Nightingale) Williams, who was b. in Hyde Park, Sept. 12, 1870. 4. Pollie Ann Hayward, b. Nov. 3, 1877; d. at Andover, Aug. 4, 1892. 5. Emma Louise Hayward, b. Oct. 23, 1879. 6. Harry Winthrop Hayward, b. Mar. 18, 1891. iv. George Edwards Hayward, b. Feb. 13, 1842 ; d. at Andover, July 24, 1865. V, Charles Warren Hayward, b. Sept. 17, 1843 ; ra. at Andover, Dec. 15, 1867, Eliza Rebecca, dau. of Samuel aud Rebecca Hil- dreth (Bailey) Downing, who was b. in Andover, Apr. 12, 1846. Children, born in Andover: 1. Frederick Downing^ Hayioard, b. Aug. 28, 1870; m. at East Hartford, Conn., Oct. 10, 1898, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Ira Munson and Caroline Amelia Curtis, who was b. in Cheshire, Sept. 13, 1875. 2. Helen Curtis Hayward, b. Sept. 18, 1873. 240. Eliza Rolston" Hayward {Elizabeth,^ Nathaniel,^ John,'^ John,* Andrew^- Andrew^), born in Reading, July 25, 1817, married at Reading, May 21, 1845, John Brooks, son of John and Luciada 163 (Sheldon) Howard, who was born in Reading, May 28, 1817, and died at Lawrence, Mar. 17, 1877. She died at North Reading, Apr. 28, 1854 (State record), Apr. 27 (family record). Childi-en, born in Lawrence : i. John Henry* Howard, b. June 17, 1849 ; m. Dec. 28, 1869, Luciuda Austin, dau. of Reuel and Mehitable (Render) Pray, who was b. in Salem, Nov. 22, 1847. Children, born in Chicago, 111. : 1. Hattie Eliza^ Howard, b. Feb. 19, 1871 ; d. at Chicago, Jan. 25, 1888. 2. Mildred Bolston Howard, b. Sept. 11, 1872; m. Nov. 9, 1899, Edward Cottrell Rayner, who d. Aug., 1905. 3. Henry Benton Howard, b. Sept. 11, 1875 ; m. at Chicago, Oct. 3, 1899, Jessie Melville. 4. Edioard Chester Howard, b. Apr. 17, 1882 ; d. at Chicago, Mar. 7, 1886. ii. Eliza Jane Howard, b. Sept. 8, 1853; d. Nov. 14, 1853. APPENDIX. KUTH BRADSHAW'S WILL. I, Ruth Bradshaw of Boston in the County of Suffolk widow, do make this instrument to be my last will and Testament, and I revoke all former wills by me made. 1. I give to Celia Patten wife of Stephen Patten, of Portland in Maine all my wearing apparel, furniture, plate and other articles (excepting money and securities) which may be in my house, at the time of my decease. 2. I give to each of my neices !N"ancy IBrovvn and Susan Stimpson, one hundred dollars, and to each of my neices Catherine HoUis and Maria Ma- goun, two hundred Dollars. 3. I give to each of my brothers and sisters viz. Andrew Stimpson, Ben- jamin Stimpson, Joseph Stimpson, Abigail Gibbs, Rebecca Willard and Mary Simmons, two hundred dollars. To Betsey Beard and Nancy Dix each of them, three hundred dollars. To ray neice Catherine Childs two hundred dollars. To my nephew Andrew Stimpson fifty dollars, and to my neice Ehza Howard fifty dollars. 4. I give to Ruth Backus two hundred dollars. 6. I give one hundred Dollars to each of the following named persons, viz. Stephen Bradshaw, Stephen Abrahams, Samuel Bradshaw, Anna Brad- shaw, Eliza Bradshaw and Abagail Jones. 6. I give to said Celia Patten three thousand Dollars. 7. I give to Daniel Lowell of Portland, two hundred Dollars, to Ruth B. Turner two hundred Dollars, to Rebecca Ames one hundred dollars, to Car- oline Stimpson two hundred Dollars, to my nephew Joseph Stimpson of Newcastle in Maine, one hundred dollars, to Elizabeth Dix one hundred Dollars, and to Celia Patten, daughter of Stephen Patten, one hundred dol- lars and to Susan Patten one hundred dollars. 8. I direct my Executor to remit and give up the interest on a debt due to me from my brother Andrew, during his natural life, and at his decease, I give the principal of said debt to his grandson, Richard Trumbull. 9. I direct my Executor to deliver the several books of deposit in the Provident Institution for Savings, which I shall leave at my decease, to the several persons for whose benefit said deposits were made, and such deposits are not to be deducted from the legacies which I have given in this will to any such persons. 10. All the residue and remainder of my estate real and personal, I give and devise to such of my five Sisters as shall be living at the time of my decease, & to said Celia Patten, wife of Stephen Patten, their heirs and as- signs forever. 11. I authorize and direct my Executor to sell and convey all my real Estate as soon after my decease as may be convenient. Such sale to be made by Auction or otherwise, and on such credit as my Executor shall think ex- pedient. And I direct that the foregoing legacies be paid as soon after my decease, as shall be convenient to my Executor, and that he pay them in such order as he may judge most convenient to the several legatees, having regard to their circumstances. 12. I appoint William Minot of said Boston Esquire to be Executor of this Will. 13. I give to Nancy Stimpson one hundred Dollars and to Emily Stimp- Bon one hundred Dollars. Also one hundred Dollars to the daughter of Thomas Bradshaw the wife of a Ship Carpenter in Medford. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of October, in the Year one thousand eight hundred & forty two. Ruth Bradshaw. [seal] 168 Signed, sealed published and declared by Euth Bradshaw, to be her last will and Testament in the presence of us, who at her request, in her presence, and in presence of each other, have subscribed our names as Witnesses. James Benjamin, Wm. Minot, Jr., Thos. Symmes. I, Euth Bradshaw of Boston in the County of Suffolk Widow do make this instrument to be a Codicil to my last will and Testament which was exe- cuted on the sixth day of October in the Year One thousand eight hundred and forty two. 1. I revoke the legacies given in my said Will to Abigail Gibbs, Mary Simmons, Euth Backus, Stephen Bradshaw and Eliza Bradshaw. 2. I also revoke the legacies in the Eighth clause of my said Will to my brother Andrew and to his grandson Eichard Trumbull. 3. I give to Euth B. Turner Two hundred Dollars and to her children One hundred Dollars. I also give to Caroline Stimpson three hundred Dollars which legacies to said Euth and Caroline are in addition to the legacies given to them in my said Will. 4. I give to Ehza Stimpson daughter of Andrew Stimpson, Fifty Dollars. In Witness Whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this twentieth day of January in the year One thousand eight hundred and forty seven. Euth Bradshaw. [seal] Signed sealed, published and declared by Euth Bradshaw to be a Codicil to her last Will in presence of us who in her presence and in presence of each other, at her request, have subscribed our names as Witnesses. James Ben- jamin, Wm. Minot, Jr., Eleazer S. Porter. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Suftblk, ss. At a Probate Court holden at Boston, within and for the County of Suffolk on the fourteenth day of June in the year 1852. By the Honorable Judge of Probate for said County. The annexed will and codicil being presented by William Minot the Execu- tor therein named, for Probate. And the said Executor having given pubUc notice pursuant to my order, which is on file in said Court to all persons in- terested therein to appear here this day and show cause if any they have either for or against the probate thereof, and no person appearing to object thereto. James Benjamin, & William Minot, Junior, appear and make oath that they saw the said Euth Bradshaw sign, seal, and heard her publish the instrument hereto annexed, dated the Sixth day of October 1842, as and for her last will and testament; and that she was then, to the best of their dis- cernment, of a sound disposing mind and memory, and that they with Thomas Symmes who has since deceased subscribed their names thereto, as witnesses, in the presence of said testatrix and of each other. James Benjamin, Wil- liam Minot, Jim; and Eleazer S. Porter appear and make oath, that they saw the said Euth Bradshaw sign, seal, and heard her publish the other instrument hereto annexed, dated the twentieth day of January 1847— as and for a codicil to her last will and testament; and that she was then, to the best of their discernment, of a soimd disposing mind and memory, and that they subscribed their names thereto, as witnesses, in the presence of said testatrix and of each other. And I do prove, approve, and allow the said instruments as the last will and testament of said testatrix, and order them to be recorded. Given undef my hand and seal of office, the day and year first above- written. Edw. G. Loring, Judge of Probate, Examined. Thomas Gill Eeg. The following names appear in the distribution of the estate, Jan. 3, 1853, that are not mentioned in the will: Lineal descendants of Andrew Stimpson : George Stimpson, Andrew Stimpson, Harriet Towne, W. F. Walker, Charles A. Walker, Susan A. Bowker, Loammi Bailey, Mary Kelly, Clarissa Coots. Lineal descendants of Benjamin Stimpson : Abigail B. Bos worth, Daniel Simpson, Sarah JSTye, J. A. Eichard- son, Eliza A. Stimpson, Caroline Stimpson. 169 AKimEW STIMPSON'S WILL. In the name of God Amen— Be it known that I Andrew Stimpson of Hud- son in the County of Hillsboro and State of New Hampshire being aged and weak in body but of a sound and perfect mind and memory and being sensi- ble of the frailty and uncertainty of human life do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following — hereby revoking all former wills by me made. First. I give and devise unto my wife Abigail Stimpson the sum of two hundred dollars, to be paid in cash and also all the household furniture and other articles which were her property before our marriage and which by virtue of said marriage became my property, the foregoing devise moreover being upon the express condition that she the said Abigail shall within one month after my decease remove from the dwelling house and farm where we reside and quit the premises, it being my intent and meaning that the fore- going devise is to be instead and in lieu of dower in my estate and instead and lieu of any and every claim which she might have or make other than the foregoing devise in to or upon my estate or property real or personal or any portion thereof. Second. I give and devise unto my grandson Loami Bailey, the sum of twenty-five dollars. Third. I give and devise unto my grandson Richard Trumbull, son of my deceased daughter ]S"ancy Trumbull, the sum of Fifty dollars. Fourth. I give and devise unto my son Andrew Stimpson Jr., the sum of fifty dollars. Fifth. I give and devise unto my son Charles Stimpson, the sum of five dollars. Sixth. I give and devise unto each of the children of my deceased daugh- ter Lucy Russell, the sum of five dollars. Seventh. I give and devise unto each of the children of my deceased daughter Susan Walker, five dollars. Eighth. I give and devise unto each of the children of my deceased daughter Nancy Trumbull, except the aforesaid Richard Trumbull, who is not intended or referred to in this devise — the sum of five dollars. Ninth. I order and direct that one fourth part of an acre of land adjoining land of the late Jacob Nichols, the said quarter of an acre to be in a square form and to include within its bounds the spot of ground where the bodies of my second wife, Deborah Stimpson and of several of my connections are buried on my farm in said Hudson, shall be reserved and set apart forever for a family burial ground and I order and direct my executor hereinafter named to inter my remains after my decease in said burial ground by the side of my deceased wife Deborah. Tenth. All the rest and residue of my estate real and personal of every description wherever situated and in whatsoever it may consist after the pay- ment of my just debts my funeral charges and the foregoing legacies, I give and bequeath unto my son (ieorge Stimpson and my daughter Harriet Townes to be equally divided between them to have and to hold to them and their assigns forever, and to them and their heirs forever. Eleventh. I do hereby nominate, and constitute and appoint my said son George Stimpson sole executor of this my last will and Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred aud forty. Signed sealed and published and declared by the above mentioned Andrew Stimpson as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. George Y. Sawyer, Franklin Fletcher, Edward A. Dana. Andrew STOirsoN. [seal] 170 NANCY DICKS' STATEMENT. The following account of the Stimpson family was given to Mr. Charles Brooks by Mrs. Nancy Dicks, the seventh and youngest daughter of John and Susan Stimpson, from memory in June, 1851, she being at that time about 75 years old. Those names marked D. were known or supposed to be dead, and those without any mark were known or supposed to be living at the time this account was given, viz : June, 1851. The same marked with an X have died since. John Stimpson (born 1728; d. 1776, aged 47) married Susan Fosdick, both of Charlestown, he was about 22 years old and she about 16 years when mar- ried (Jan. 30, 1752), they lived in Charlestown until their House was burnt during the burning of Charlestown by the British in 1775. They at that time removed to Medford where they lived until the end of the War, he died at Medford, and the family removed back to Charlestown, they had 19 child- ren, 6 died in infancy, and 1.3 lived to grow up to maturity, viz : 6 sons and 7 daughters — most of them lived to old age, after having this large family she was married a second time to Mr. Newell by whom she had children. He John was buried in the old grave yard at Medford and his gravestone may be now seen. She Susan died in Boston at her daughters House, Mrs. Bradshaw's aged about 80 years and was buried in Mrs. Bradshaw's tomb, which is in the grave yard at the foot of the Common on Boylston Street. Her daughter Mrs. Dicks says of her that she was a fine looking smart wo- man, particularly neat and nice in her personal appearance, and in house- keeping and managing set her children an example worthy of imitation. She retained her good looks to the last, scarcely a gray hair to be seen, and her teeth perfectly good at death. The names of the Children of John and Susannah Stimpson were John, Susan, William, Abigail, Andrew, Ruth, Rebecca, Mary, Eliza, Benjamm, Joseph, Nancy, Nathaniel, the names of their Husbands and wives are given as follows and of their children. John (D) married Miss Harrington (D)— their children were John (D), Mary (D), William (D), Thomas (D), Nancy (Mrs Browne), Susan (now with Mrs. Bradshaw), Elizabeth (D), and by a 2nd. wife, Hannah, Josiah (D), Charles (D), Rebecca. Susan (D) married Mr. Whitmarsh (D), their children were William (D), Susan (D) (Mrs. Jackson), John (D), Nancy (D) (Mrs. Avery), Ezra (D), Maria (Mrs. Magoun), Catherine (Dx) (Mrs. Hollis). William (D) married Miss Rappelle (D), their Children were Catherine (Mrs. Childs), Margaret (Mrs. Trowbridge), George. Abigail (D) married Mr. Gibbs (D), their Children were, James, John (D), iluthy (Dx) (Mrs Turner), Susan (D) (Mrs. Wheeler), Nancy (Mrs. Johnson). Andrew (D) married Miss Blackman (D), their children were Lucy (D) (Mrs. Russell), Susan (D), Nancy (D), Harriet (Mrs. Towne), George, Charles, Andrew. Ruth (Dx) married Mr. Bradshaw, no children. Rebecca (D) married Mr. Capen (D), their Children were Josiah (D), Rebecca (D), Josiah, Rebecca (Mrs. Ames). married 2nd. husband, Mr. Gooduow (D), no children. married 3rd. husband, Mr. Willard (D), no children. Mary (D) married Mr. Simmons (D), their children were Joseph (D), David A., Maria (Mrs. Harrington), Thomas A., Rebecca (Mrs. Phillips), Clara (Mrs. Hills), Eliza (Mrs. Sumner), Nancy D. (Dx) (Mrs. Fisher), Lydia (Mrs. Barker), Susan (Mrs. Eastburn), George A. Eliza (D) married Mr. Dix (D), no children. 171 married 2nd. husband Mr. Fosdick (D), no children. married 3rd. husband Mr. Beard (D), no children. Benjamin (D) married Miss Hill (D), their children were Kebecca (D), Harriet (Mrs. Simpson), Abigail (Mrs. Bosworth), Caroline at Mrs. Brad- shaw's, Benjamin (D), Andrew (D), by 2nd. wife (Wells), Emily (Mrs. Gil- more), Joseph. Joseph married Miss Whiting, their Children were Mary (Mrs. Briggs) Clara. married 2nd. wife. Miss Henshawe, no children. Nancy married John Dicks (D), their Children were Nancy (Mrs. Brooks), Margaret (Mrs. Cutter), Susan (Mrs. Gardner) Mary Elizabeth, John W., Isabella (Mrs. Bailey). Nathaniel (D) married Miss Ames (D) of Andover, their children were Eliza (Mrs. Howard), Andrew (D). married 2nd. wife , had child Nancy. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 18. viii. Andrew* Kettell (page 24). Mary (Thomes) should be Mary (Thomas). 20. iv. Margaret' Newell (page 28). Joseph Newall should be Joseph Newell. 25. ii. Catherine^ Bartlett (page 33). Add: Children: 1. Josiah Bartletf Phinney, b. in Charlestown, Aug. 1, 1810; m. at Charlestown, Apr. 27, 1838, Lucretia A., dau. of Thomas and Catharine (Williams) Beckford. 2. Susan Morse Phinney ^ b. in Charlestown, Sept. 30, 1812, bapt. Apr. 11, 1813 (Charlestown First Church records); m. at Lexington, Dec. 19, 1833, Isaac H., son of Isaac S. and So- phia Spring, who was born in Fryeburg, Me., 1810, and d. at Boston, Oct. 13, 1867; d. there, Apr. 7, 1864. 3. Catharine Bartlett Phinney, b. in Charlestown, Apr, 2, 1814, bapt. Apr. 11, 1813 (Charlestown First Church records) ; m. July, 1837, Thomas Goodall of Vicksburg, Miss.; d. at JFort Scott, Kan., May 31, 1894. 4. Elizabeth Bartlett Phinney, b. in Charlestown, Dec. 29, 1814, bapt. Jan. 29, 1815 (Charlestown First Church records) ; m. at Lexington, Sept. 30, 1841, Albert Hobart, son of John and Lucinda (Parkhurst) Nelson, who was b. in MilCord, Mar. 12, 1812, and d. at Somerville, June 27, 1858. He graduated from Harvard College in 1832, and received the degree of 1837. He studied law with Judge Samuel Hoar of Concord. About the year 1841, he removed to Woburn, where he resided and enjoyed an extensive and lucrative prac- tice. He served as District Attorney of Middlesex Co., and also held many offices of trust and importance. In 1848 and 1849, he was a member of the Massachusetts Senate, and in 1855, was one of the Governor's Council. Dui'ing the last named year he was appointed by Gov. Gardner, as Chief Jus- tice of the Superior Court for the County of Suffolk; an office he held until March, 1858, when he was obliged to resign on account of ill health. As a lawyer he was well read, and as a speaker and advocate he was graceful and eloquent; he pos- sessed those qualities which rendered him eminently social and endeared him to those with whom he came in contact. 5. Mary Pratt Phinney, b. in Charlestown, Feb. 2, 1818, bapt. Feb. 25, 1816 (Charlestown First Church records); m. at Bos- ton, May 1, 1858, Gustav A., son of Carl and Sophia von Olnhausen, who was b. in Germany, 1810, and d. at Boston, Sept. 13, 1860 ; d. there, Apr. 12, 1902. 6. Jane Paine Phinney,* b. in Charlestown, Oct. 3, 1818, bapt. Oct. 18, 1818; she is living at Lexington (1907). 7. Charlotte Bartlett Phinney, h. in Lexington, July 17, 1822; m. Apr. 1842, Rev. William Gray, son of Col. Samuel and Lucia (Gray) Swett, who was b. in Salem, July 15, 1808, and d. at •On page 34 this name given as James Pain Phinney, should be Jane Paine Phin- ney. 173 Charlestown, Feb. 17, 1843; she m. (2) at Boston, June 1 1853, Francis K., son of Ebenezer and Rachel (Nichols) Si- monds, who was b. in Lexington, Aug. 22, 1828. Rev. Mr. Swett graduated from Harvard Colleo-e in 1828 and from the Divinity School in 1831; was pastor°at Lexine- ton for a number of years. 8. George PUnney, b. in Lexington, Jan. 24, 1824; m. Catharine Coohdge, dau. of Wyman and Mary Carter Brewster (Cool- idge) (Baldwin) Richardson, who was b. in Woburn. Julv 6 1827; d. at Pesotum, 111., May, 1867. ^ ' 9. Alice Bridge PUnney, b. in Lexington, Nov. 9, 1826; m. at Lex- ington May 23, 1854, James Smith, son of Jonas and Abigail Look (Smith) Munroe, who was b. in Lexington, June 6 1824; d. at Rockport, Aug. 7, 1888. ' 10. Benjamin Frank PUnney, b. in Lexington, Jan. 28, 1829- d at Bahia, South America, May 15, 1855 (gravestone at Mount Auburn Cemetery). Oct. 21, 1854, he sailed from Boston in command of the barque Juniata, bonnd for Buenos Ayres where he arrived Jan. 4, following. Mar. 8, he sailed for Bahia, under orders to load for Europe, but was stricken with an illness which terminated fatally. The births of the children as given above, with one exception are copied from the History of Lexington. The dates of bap- tisms are from the Charlestown Church records, and are cor- rect, on the statement of one of the children, who is living at the present time. ° 26. Martha* Call (page 34). i. Dolly Ann« Atwater. Add. m at Westfield, 1816 Alfred, son of Asa and Elizabeth (Witt) Stearns, who was b. in Hardwick, Jan. 16, 1787, and d. at Edwardsville, 111. 1833 Chddren: I MartM 2 JoU^ S Alfred Edward, and perhaps Others." He graduated from Williams College in 1812; resided at Westfield for a number of years, and then removed to Edwardsville 111, iii. George« Atwater. Add m. at Westfield, Nov. 1, 1832. 1. Mm^ha Eliza-' Atwater (page 35). Add b. Aug. 16, 1833; d. at Westfield, Feb. 18, 1834. , • »«- 2. William Henry Atwater, h. June 14, 1835 (corrected); m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1866, Hannah Evelyn, dau. of Wil- liam and Hannah Drusilla (Bulkley) Dunbar, who was b m Bristol, Conn., Apr. 28, 1836. Children : (1) Augustus Wood* Atwater, b. in New York N Y Aiiydia, 146 Appleton, Benjamin Barnard, 155 Benjamin Ward, 155 Catherine, 155, 156 Charles Brooks, 155 Charles Henry, 85, 155 George Miller, 156 George Washington, 21 Nathaniel. 21 Rachel, 21 Armsby, Nathan, 21 Armstrong, Anna Nye, 145 Dorcas, 145 Lind.xey Rea, 145 Robert, 145 Robert Frank, 145 Arnold, Baxter Sniitli, 104 Maranda Ballou, 104 Mary Alpha, 104 Arringtou, Isaoella Victoria, 129 Atherton, Charles Porter, 99 Hannah Preston, 99 Horace Hale, 99 Louis Morse, 99 Atwater, Augustus Wood, 173 Clarissa Frances, 35, 173 Atwater, ) Dolly Ann, 34, 173 cont'd \ Edward West, 35, 173 George, 34, 173 Georgia, 173 Hannali, 34 John, 27, 34 John Call, 35 John Clinton, 173 Martha Eliza, 35, 173 Nancy Dalton, 34 Ruth, 173 William Henry, 36,173 Atwood, Ruth, 89 Austin, Catherine, 143 Catherine Downer, 143 Downer, 81 Elizabeth Simmons, 143 George Cragln, 143 George Fairnom, 140 Henry Nichols, 140 Maria, 140 Marjorie, 143 Mary Allis, 140 Rebecca , 23 William Downes, 143 Avery, mrs., 170 Adeline, 65 Charles Adams, 65 David, 65 Gurden, 38, 65 Jabez, (i5 Lucy, 65 Nancy, 65 William Ingals, 65 Axtell, Mary, 10 Babb, Margaret, 27 Backus, Ruth, 107, 168 Bacon, Ann Dalton, .32 Frank C, 32 J. H. Lvman, 32 Rufus, 32 Rufus Henrv, 32 S. Brooks, 32 Susan Hodges, 32 Bailey, mrs., 171 Abigail, 40 Abraham, 70, 71 Amanda, 118 Anita Ui)rcnius, 161 Anna Dicks, 87 Bessie Helen, 161 Catharine, (i:! Charles Brooks, 86, 160 Edward Augustus, 86, KiO Eleanor Chase, 160 Elizabeth, 98 Ellen refers, 160 George 'I'lionias, 160 Harriet M., 100 Harriet IVters, 87, 161 Helen Brooks, 87, 160 180 Bailey, ) Helen Virginia, 160 conVd ( Herbert Clarendon, 87, 161 Isabel Dicks, 161 Isabel Marie, 87, 175 Isabel Mariel, 160, 175 Isabelle Dicks, 159 John Dicks, 86, 159 Joseph, 40 Joseph Henry, 86 Joseph Sewall, 160 Joseph Stockbridge, 48, 86, 161 Kate Preston, 169 Lebbeus, 86 Lena Hopper, 161 Loami,41,61,70,71, 118, Loammi, 168, 169 Lucy Ann, 118 Marion, 160 Mary Malvina, 118 3alph Edmund, 160 Rebecca Hildreth, 162 Robert, 160 Ruth, 70 Sarah Sylvester, 86 Walter Stockbridge, 160 William Stockbridge, 8fl Baker, Alice Lucille, 90 Alice Theresa, 134 Alton Forrest, 96 Andrew Currier, 133 Becca, 132 Charles Edward, 133 Charles Henry, 132 Daniel, 105 Earl Carter, 133 Edward Simmons, 133 Eliphalet, 76, 132 Eliza, 105 ^y Elizabeth, 31, 90 — Ella Elizabeth, 96 Emily Josephine, 134 Frederick Hatoh, 96 Frederick Henry, 133 Frederick Wilbur, 06 George H., 90 Harry Eliphalet, 133 Isabelle Gertrude, 133 John, 132 Lucretia Maria, 13S Lydia W., 119 Mary Josephine, 133 Mary Louise, 134 Merton Stanley, 98 Ralph Wilbur, 96 Ralph Winfield, 133 Ruth Irene, 133 Sarah Eliza, 105 Sarah Jane, 134 Stephen, 90 Walter Stewart, 133 William Lane, 133 Zeno, 119 Zeno D, 119 Baldwin, Loami, 61 Mary, 11 Mary Carter Brews- ter, 173 Mary Eliza, 120 Sallv, 120 Samuel, 120 Sarah, 120 Ball, Sullivan, 71 Ballou, Amarilla Ellen, 95 Sarah Maria. 127 Warren Simeon, 127 William Otis, 127 Bangs, , 82 Sally, 81 Barber, Elizabeth, 59 Nancy Newell, 59 Nathaniel, 59 Wilkes, 35, 59 Bardsley, , 5 Barham, Lucy A., 127 Barker, mrs., 170 Blanche Lillian, 142 Cornelia Josephine, 78, 142 David, 44, 78 David Allan Simmons, 142 David Simmons, 78 Elizabeth Sanger, 14a Emily Esther, 142 Emily Wilder, 143 Frank Arthur, 143 George Thorndike, 78, 142, 143 Irene Frances, 142 John Henry Eastburn, 142 Mary Eliza, 78, 141 Messer, 44, 77, 78 Sarah Thwing, 78 Thomas Messer, 78 Barmore, Amanda M., 108 Barnes, Amy, 98 Benjamin F., 125 Charlotte, 131 Cyrus B., 125 David, 131 Hillman Brinley, 138 Horace Franklin, 08 Louise Bartlett, 138 Louise Sampson, 138 Mary Florence, 98 Pamelia, 125 Violette Hacker, 131 Barney, Ann, 52 George T„ 71 George Troop, 120 Isaac, 120 Mary Ann, 52 Oliver, 52 Sally, 120 Barnicoat, Sally, 110 Barren, Elizabeth, 161 Henry Ferdinand, Ifll Herbert Bailey, 161 Joseph, 161 Mary, 16 Barrett, Charlotte, 50 Barrington, Frances, 106 John Cowperth- waite, 106 Mary Georgina, 100 Bartlett, Ann, 34 Caleb Call, 34 Catliarine, 51 Catherine, 33, 173 Charles, 51 Charlotte, 34 Eliziibcth, 22, 33 George, 30, 33, 34, 60, 61 Gorham, 34 Henry, 51 Jerusha, 22 John Call, 34 Joseph, 22 Josiah, 27, 33, 34, 50 Josiah Whittemore, 34 Katherine, 33, 50 Louise Sampson, 138 Martha, 34 Mary, 51 Nathaniel Gorham, 51 Rebecca Call, 34 Rebecca Gorham, 50 Bartol, Eleanor, 68 Tabitha, 68 William, 68 Barton, Dorcas, 132 Zarina, 107, 113 Bates, Huklah Delano, 95 Baxter, Sarah, 16 Beacham, Esther, 72 Beal, Nellie Levina, 111 Beard, mr., 171 Betsey, 44, 167 Elizabeth, 48 Lyman, 44 Bearse, Austin, 63 Mary Williams, 152 Sarah, 145 Beckford, Catharine, 172 Lucretia A., 172 Thomas, 172 Beckwith, Annie Louise, 157 Coeydon, 167 Mary Anne, 157 Belknap, Henry, 157 John, 157 Mary, 157 Bell, James Benjamin, 89 Rosena, 89 Thomas, 89 Benjamin, James, 168 Belyea, Caroline Amelia, 119 Elizabeth, 119 William, 119 Bennett, Martha, 45 Berges, Minnie Clara, 104 Berry, Jane, 122 Nicholas, 63 Bibber, Abbie Crose, 113 Bicker, Eliza, 53 Bicknell, Margaret H., 119 Mary, 119 Peter, 119 Bigelow, Eliza Wales, 147 Jenuett Catherine, 140 John Phillip, 140 Margaret, 140 Thomas, 140 William, 140 BUlings, Caleb C, 26 Mary Ann Thoreau, 28 Rebecca Jane, 26 Bircher, Elizabeth, 144 Bird, Mary Ann Holden, 138 Bishop, Susan, 105 Blackiston, Susan, 5 Blackman, miss, 170 Amee, 40 Deborah, 40, 126 George, 40 Lucy, 40 Blackwell, Dorothy May, 93 Frances Elizabeth, 93 Frank Carleton, 93 George Willard, 9S Susan D., 161 William, 93 Blaener, Andrew Frederick William, 144 Chance, 144 Elizabeth, 144 Hylo, 144 Samuel, 144 Blaisdell, Charlotte, 106 Blake, , 73 Harriet Greene, 83 Susannah, 83 Thomas, 83 Blanchard, Alvin, 121 Bertram L., 121 Carlton McRoy, 91 Cecil Whitmore, 98 Eunice, 121 Forest Leon, 93 George Alvin, 121 Grace Maud, 121 Helen Gertrude, 121 Julia, 111 Mary Jane, 93 Milan, 93 Reynold Norman, 93 Vernon Earle, 93 Bleakney, Alexander, 135 181 Bleakney, ) Elna N., 135 cont'd \ Sarah, 135 Bliss, Amelia Bates, 124 Emma Amelia, 124 Horace Washburn, 124 Boardman, Abigail, 174 Darius, 59, 174 Frauklin, 59 Peter Boylston, 69 Samuel, 174 Susannah F., 59 Bolerson, J., 26 Bond, dr., 44 Sarah, 44 Bosworth, mrs., 171 Abbie Belle. 151 Abigail B., 168 Andrew Bradshaw, 83, 151 Benjamin Stimpson, 83, 152 Carleton Ryder, 152 Caroline Rebecca, 83 Charlotte Marie, 151 Cora, 151 Frederick Andrew, 151 Frederick Lincoln, 83, 152 Harriet Abbey, S3 Harriet Maria, 151 Harry Warren, 153 Ira, 46, S3, 153 Ira Harris, 152 Isaac, 83 James Henry, S3, 152 James Wingate, 83 Joanna, 83 John Cushman, 161 Mary Anna, 152 Mary Fairbanks, 162j Koy Leonard, 153 Susan Anna, 152 Susan Cushman. 83. 161 Willie Leonard, 161 Bourne, Silas, 21 Bowers Hannah, 18 Bowker, Benjamin Gushing, 117 Charles, 70, 117 Charles Edward; 117 Charles Whitton, 117 Edmund, 21 Francis, 117 Frank, 117 Frank Gushing, 117 George, 117 Herbert, 118 Louisa, 117 Lydia, 21 Martha, 117 Maud Deane, 117 Roswell Gleason, 117 Susan A., 41, 1G8 Susan Frances, 117 Warren, 21 Bowles, Albert Gordon, 76, 137 Frances Elizabeth, 137 William, 137 Bowman, Elizabeth, 116 Bradish, Abigail, 25 Hannah, 14 James, 14 Sarah, 14 Bradlee, Josiah, 81 Bradley, Edward Ernest, 66 George Patten, 56 Joseph H., 79 Lydia, 56 Bradshaw, mr., 41, 170 mrs., 41, 42, 45-47, 49, 64, 170, 171 Andrew, 29, 41 Bradshaw, ) Anna, 167 cont'd i Eliza, 167, 168 Mary, 41 Ruth, .39, 44, 46, 48, 69, 167, 168 Samuel, 167 Stephen, 41, 167, 168 Thomas, 167 Bragdon, Elizabeth H., 108 Bragg, Susannah, 57 Brailey, Jane Winship, 95 Brann, Relief, 133 Branson, Anna, 28 Braynard, Abraham, 52 Fannie W., 52 Lydia, 52 Breed Amos, 21 Ebenezer, 28 Elizabeth, 21 Mary, 21 Brewster, Jonathan, 28 Mary, 28 Ruth, 28 William, 28 Bndgham, Ezekiel Goldthwait, James, 21 Martha, 21 Bnggs, mrs., 171 Frances Olivia, 143 Mary, 47 Ruth, 65 William, 47, 84 William Joseph, 84 Brigham, Emeline, 98 Bright, Beriah, 16 Brinthall, Esther, 14 Brittain, Elizabeth, 119 Brockleband, Grace A., 112 Bronlund, Eliza, 124 Louis George, 124 Maria Catherine, 124 Bronsdon, Eliz.abeth, 116 Frederick Herman, 116 Helen Louise, 116 Isabel Winfred, 116 William Bant, 116 William Coolidge, 116 Brooks, , 84 mrs., 171 Abigail, 51 Abigail Browne, 54 Ann Gorham, 62 Arthur, 58 Charles, 48, 68, 84, 66, 170 Charles Henry, 85 Charlotte Gray, 53 Cotton Brown, 58, 84 Edward, 51, 52 Edward Cotton, 85 Frederick, 68 George, 58 Gorham, 52 Helen Elizabeth,86,155 Henry, 54 Horatio, 55 Jane, 58, 84 Jane Williams, 85, 155 John Cotton, 58, 174 Martha Head, 85 Octavius, 55 Peter Chardon, .30,51,52 Phillips, 58 Sidney, 53 Ward Chipman, 54 William Gray, 58, 84 Brown, ) Isannah, 62 cont'd i Isannah Josephine, Brown, ; mrs., 170 Browne, j Abigail, 61, 64 Ann, 63 Caleb Sumner, 62 Elizabeth, 92 George, 73, 126 52 John Cotton, 64 Jonathan, 37 Louisa, 116 Lydia, (i:i Maria Louisa, 109 Mary Ann, 63 Meriel Cutting, 64 Nancy, 167 Surah, lai 71 . , Thomas, 38, 63, 64 Bryant, Maud Helen, 175 Laura, 93 Laura May, 175 Thotnas, 93 Thomas Gardner, 93 William Gardner, 93, 175 William Thomas, 175 Buckley, Cora Miranda, 95 George Penny, 95 Harriet Sophia, 95 Bucknam, Lucretia, ~9 i'^ggy, 79 VV illiani, 79 g"}|<'py. Hannah Drusilla, 173 Bull, Blylhe, 7 Deborah, 7 Elisha, 7 John, 7 Mary, 7 Robert, 7 Samuel, 7 Tabitha, 7 William, 7 Bullard, Anna, 173 Bumstead, Jeremiah, 21 Sarah, 21 Bunker, George, 66 John, 15 Rebecca, 15 Burbank, Caroline Frances, 131 George W^ellington, 74, 131 Sarah, 131 Silas, 131 Burboan, James, 6, 8, 9 John, 8, 9 Joseph, 9 Mary, 6, 8, 9 Ruth, 9 Sarah, 9 Burchsted, Ella Frances, 116 Burdick, Asa, 126 Bertie Lear, 126 Earl Scott, 126 Frank Leonard, 126 Joseph Shellman, 126 Susannah, 126 Willie Elmer, 126 Burditt, Rebecca, 68, 111 Burgess, Elizabeth, 12, 123 Ensign, 123 Hannah, 6 Harriet A., 123 Henry W., 110 John, 12 Lottie, 123 Lucy Arabella, 98 Lydia, 140 Mary S., 123 Orra A., 110 Sarah Wells, 140 William, (i, 12 William Henry, 110 . Zabud, 72, 123 Burgoyne, Catherine Minerva, 150 Burnham, David, 90 Eunice, 89 Lucy G., 90 Lucy Maria, 90 182 Burns, Jenny, 25 Jiurr, Abigail, 134 Arthur Ellington, 134 <;harles (Jliauncey, 1:3-1 Henry Kdward, i;{4 litnry Martin, 134 Laura Amanda, 160 Barrage, Alice, 99 Cliarlotte, 98 Uorotliy Kimberly, 99 Eleanor Cliilds, 99 Enieline, 98 Francis Jotinson, 98 Harry Lang, 99 Herbert Emory, 98 Joltnson Carter. 98 Marion Eveleeu, 98 Virginia, 99 Burrows, Daniel, 100 Frances Elizabeth, 137 Hannah, 100 Ida, 100 Bushnell, Lucy, (i5 Busiel, Alice JIarie, 134 Ann, 1:!3 Lewis Flanders, 133,134 Marie Louise, 134 Moses, 133 Relief, 133 Butler, Oilman, 80 JMary, 63 Rebecca , 80 Butterworth, Benjamin, 109 Chester VV^arren, 110 Clara, 109 Elmer Percy, 150 Elwell Robert,109 Ethel Marion, 110 Frederick E., 159 George H., 159 Georgia Evelyn, 159 Irving Mills, 110 Mary A., 159 Robert, 109 Robert Reed, 109 Sarah, 1(j9 Scott Lowell, 109 Buttrick, David Henry, 101 Julia Ann, 101 Martha Ann, 101 Buxton, Carrie Porter, 99 (Charles Jloxcey, 99 Edward Gray, 99 Florence Hines, 99 Fred, 112 Helen, 99 Horace Childs, 99 Lydia Bacon, 99 Mary Ann, 105 Olive, 112 Byrnes, Catharine, 114 Elizabeth, 98 Lucv Elhi, 98 "William Moses, 98 Cabot, George Dodge, 58 Harriet Story, 58 Sarah Riissel, 58 Susannah, 55 Calder, Sarah, 64 Caldwell, Mehitable Ilarriman, 142 Call, Ann, 26 Anne, 27, 30, 57 Benjamin, 'li Caleb, 15, 26, 27 Elizabeth,27, 33, 50 Esther, 13, 30 Hannah, 13 John, 13, -11 Joseph, 27 Call, ( Martha, 27, 34, 173 ConVd \ Rebecca, 26, 29 Ruth, 27 Samuel, 27, 30 Thomas, 37 Callender, Caroline Howe, 54 CaUey, Elizabeth, 18 Joseph, 18 Lydia, 17, 18 Mary, 17 Robert, 12, 17, 18 Thomas, 18 Gammon, Elizabeth, 67 John, 67 Campbell, Margaret, 94 Capen, , 73 mr., 170 Alice Rhinehart, 127 Ann Rebecca, 74, 128 Caroline, 74, 174 Charity, 42 Charles Henry, 74, 128 Elizabeth E., 73 Franklin A., 74 Gertrude, 128 Josiah,29, 42, 43, 73, 170, 174 Josiah Albert, 127 Josiah Ames, 73, 127 Marietta, 73, 127 Mary Elizabeth, 74, 128 IMary Jane, 127 Nabby, 145 Kellie Stickney, 128 Rebecca, 43,74, 131, 132, 170, 174 William Willard, 73, 127 Carey, Hannah, 23 Carkin, Nancy Hawes, 91 Carlisle, Clara Isabel, 175 Carlton, Mary, 110 Carter, Charlotte, 72 Edith Vashti, 133 Ellen, 153 Esther, 72 Isabel, 133 John, 72, 133 Carver, Emeline, 97 Grace Emeline, 97 Howard V^inslow, 97 Israel H., 97 Lillian Frances, 97 Olive Hatch, 97 Willie Herbert, 97 Chamberlain, Lillian, 96 Chandler, Betsey, 125 Phebe, 48 Channing, William E., 26 Chapin, Horace, 63 Sarah D., 63 Chapman, Charles W., 112 Charlotte, 112 Mary E., 112 Sallie, 123 Charters, Amanda, 126 Chase, Lois Anna, 160 Lydia Bacon, 99 Mary Ann Homer, 160 Mary C, 110 Sewall Cole, 160 Cheeney, James VVilli:im, 147 Mary Homer, 147 Kupert Homer, 147 Chester, Yuba Kate, 155 Chick, Addie M., 129 Archie Warren, 123 George V., 129 Horace W., 123 Mary S., 123 Nellie Frances, 129 Sarah, 101 Childs, , 97 mrs._, 66, 170 Annie Smith, 98 Childs, ) Arthur Francis, 98 cont'd i Beulah, 174 Carrie, 99 Catharine, 39 Catharine Stimpson, 66, 99 Catherine, 167 Francis, 66, 97 Frank, 99 George Theodore, 98 Harold, 98 Joseph, 66 Julia Frances, 97 Juliette Neilsen, 98 Mabel Brigliam, 98 Margaret Jane, 66 Maria Louise, 98 Mary Louisa, 99 Nathaniel, 39, 66, 98 Ruby Moore, 98 Sarah, 66 Chilvers, Agnes Clara, 143 Jane, 143 William, 143 Chipman, George W., 97 Hatsuld, 72 Lydia Ellis, 72 Mary, 72 Church, Benjamin, 84, 153 Edna Ellen, 153 Florence May, 153 Harriet E.. 153 John, 20 Lizzie A., 153 Marv Emma, 153 Mildred, 153 Susanna, 20 William, 153 Cilley, Hannah, 175 Clapp, , 47 Dolly, 34 Ezra, 34 Margaret, 34 Sarah Eliza, 142 Susan Frances, 117 Clark, Laura Mabel, 98 Lucy, 57 Mary, 20 Sarah, 123 Susannah, 20 Cleaves, Eben, 160 Mada Alice, 160 Olive, 160 Clement, Jonathan, 56 Cleveland, j Chloe, 92 Cleavelaud, \ Cora Lillian, 106 Martha Ann, 121 Mary Maria, 121 Norman, 121 Cleverly, Ann, 92 Benjamin, 92 Leonard, 92 Lucy, 92 Ruth, 92 Susannah, 92 Clough, Nancy, 101 Coates, Archie Kulif, 140 Matilda, 140 Mildred Alice, 140 William Edward, 140 Cobb, , 47 Coe, , 159 Charlotte Maria, 159 John, 159 Coffin, Dorcas, 26 Colburn, Sarah Horton, 33 Temperance C, 33 Warren, 33 Cole, Lavina Ellis, 143 Mary, 7 Sarah V., 79 Collier, Ellen A., 115 Iru Homer, 115 Jeannie Louise, 115 183 Collins, Betsey, 89 Elizabeth Ann, 89 James Tearson, 89 Conkey, Charlotte, 1(52 Elmer Foster, 162 Helen Bi'ewster, 162 Howard Nelson, 1C2 James B., 162 Louis Grey, 162 Roy Lincoln, 1C2 Cony, Susanna, 20 Cook, , 107 Charles, S7, 161 George Henry, 161 Isabel Bailey, 161 Kuth Stockbridge, 161 Seliiia Atwood, 161 Cooley, Khene, 118 Coolidge, Maiy Carter Brew- ster, 173 Coots, Charles Augustus, 119 Clara Ida, 119, 122 Clara Truuibul), 119 Clarissa, 11, 122, 168 Elizabeth, 119 George Washington, 119 JIarion Gertrude, 119 Mary Elizabeth, 119 Thomas, 71, 119, 122 Copeland, Annie, 121 Benjamin F., 76 Copp, Annie Jlaria, 94 James Alfred, yi Margaret, 9i Corbett, lUary Ann, 123 Corey, L>. P., 17 Corliss, Mercy Jane, 107 Sarah, 125 Corner, Abigail, 120 George, 120 James K., 71, 120 Corry, Susan Tucker, 160 Cox, aunt, 126 Deborah, 126 Cragin, George Arthur, 143 Henry Adams, 143 Henry Hale, 143 Lorenzo Silas, 81, 143 Mary Louise, 143 Susan, 143 Creeson, Thomas, 7 Cr^volin, Cornelia Aline, 175 Crosby, , 97 Mary, 59 Crosbye, Thomas, 5 Crouch, Jessie Selina, 120 Joseph, 120 Mary 11., 120 Croswell, mr., 20, 22 A 20 Abigail, 13, 19,21 Andrew, 13, 20, 22 Archibald, 19 Benjamin, 13 Caleb, 12, 13, 19 Elizabeth, 21 Hannah, 19 Harry, 19 Henry, 21 Jeanette, 19 Joseph, 13,20-22 Lucy, 21 Mackay, 19 3Jary, 18,21 Nancy, 21 Nathaniel, 20, 21 Priscilla, 12 Kebecca, 20, 21 Sally, 19 Samuel, 21 Sarah, 21 Sarah Paine, 21 Susan Cony, 20 [21 Thomas, 12, 13, 18, 19, Croswell, ) Thomas O'Hara, 19 cont'd i William, 19-22 Crowcll, Clarissa, 96 Crowniogshield, Fanny Cadwal- ler, 54 Crowuinsliield, Mary, 52 Cruikshank, Anna Wallace, 126 Isabella, 126 James, 126 Cummings, Florence Eloise, 110 Mary C, 110 Silas L., 110 [154 Cunningham, Abbie Constance, Annie Randall, 153 Bernice Pearl,154 Betsey, 153 Carrie Edna, 154 Clinton John, 153 Eleanor Griffith, 154 Emma Call, 154 Frederick Ed- ward, 154 Henry Marden, 153 John, 84, 175 John Albert, 154 John Gove, 153, 175 Jlaggie Ella, 153 Rachel Stimpson, 164 Thomas, 153 Walter Bradbury, 154 Currier, Andrew Jackson, 133 Anna Kice, 133 Francis E., 130 Lucy E., 132 Vienna Morrill, 100 Curtis, Anna, 94 Caleb, 52 Caroline Amelia, 162 Caroline E., 52 Caroline Martha, 52 Ira Muuson, 162 Israel, 162 Mary Elizabeth, 162 Phebe, 162 Polly Swain, 162 Cushman, Joanna, 83 Rosina T., 151 Cutler, Samuel, 37 Cutter , 128 mr., 85, 128, 129 mrs., 171 Annie Otis, 129 Benjamin, 128 Benjamin Franklin, 129 Benjamin Frencli, 74, 128 Ebeuezer, 19 Edward Payson, 85, 157 Eleanor, 19 Grata, 128 Harry Holden, 129 Jane, 156 Jolin Dicks, 85, 156, 157 Julia Elizabeth, 85, 156 Levi, 85 Levi Loring, 157 Lucretia, 85 Mabel Elizabeth, 129 Margaret, 156 Margaret Ellen, 85, 156 Marion, 157 Marion Capen, 129 Ralph Benton, 129 Raymond Holden, 129 Ruth, 157 Susan Gardner, 85 William, 48, 85 William Dicks, 157 William Frederic, 85 Cutting, Albert A., 149 Albert S., 82, 149 Betsey, 149 John, 149 Jonas, 149 Daggett, Almira, 1.33 Edith May, 1.33 Hollis, 133 Dakin, Sarah, 146 Dalton, Abigail, 31 Ann Call, 31 Ann Tucker, .32 Anne, 33, 57 Annie D., 32 Caroline, 32 Caroline JIary, 31,32 Charles, 32 Charles Henry, 33 Christopher F., 31 Edward Barry, 33 Eiizabetli Tllden, 31 Francis Welch, 32 Henry, 32 Henry R., 33 James, 31 John Call, 32, 57 Joseph Grinnell, 32 Julia A., 33 Mary, 33 PeterRoe, 27, 31, 32,57 Samuel Fales, 31, 32 Sarah R., 32 Susan Maria, 31, 32 Susan Phillips, 31 Damon, Celia, 174 Edward, 40, 68, 174 Edward Eels, 174 Lucy Ann, 68, 111 Dana, Edward A., 169 Elizabeth Swan, 141 Darker, Jane, 139 Davenport, A bia, .35 Mary May, 51 Davis, Adeline, 104 Ann, 100 Betsey Meriani, 118 Charles Henry, 55 Elizabeth Meriam, 118 Ellen, 155 Euocli Stevens, 117 Evelyn, 55 Henry, 16 Howard, 100 Leonard, 104 Maria Louise, 136 Martha, 92 Mary C, 100 Mary E., 132 Orissa Jane, 117 Paulina Webber, 117 Sally, 104 Samuel, 118 William F., 132 William Holden, 132 Dawes, Hannah, 23 Deadman, Elizabeth M., 120. Dean, Albert Lewis, 132 Deborah, 85 Ebenezer. 1.32 Martiia Duncan, 108 Mary Gould, 132 Dearborn, Anna, 114 Ebenezer, 114 Eliza Lowell, 116 Sarah True, 114 Dearing, Juliet AVillcut, 97 Louisa, 97 Thomas, 97 DeBevoise, ( Anne, 156 DeBeauvois, ] Carl, 1.56 [85, 156 Gabriel Havens, James, 156 Sophie, 166 184 DeFrance, Augustus, 56 Caroline, 56 Henry A., 56 Dehon, Eliza, 63 Frances, 53 William, 53 Delaney, Margaret, 93 Delano, Bctliiali, 134 Deming, Klizabeth, 61 Francis, 61 Maria Eliziibeth, 61 Derricot, Kezia, 126 Dewey, Sarali, 50 DeWolf, Josephine Maria, 174 Dexter, Esther, 14 Nathan, 14 Samuel, 55 Timothy, 14 Dickinson, Frances Augusta,141 Dicks, mrs., 38, 48, 82, 170 Clara Maria Hay, 86 Isabel Gardiner, 86 Isabel Wilson, 48, 86, 175 Isabella, 171 John, 29, 47, 86, 171 John W., 171 John Wier, 48, 86 John Wyer, 86 Josepli Henry, 86 Margaret, 47, 48, 85, 171 Marianne, 86, 159 Mary Elizabeth, 48, 171 Nancy, 44, 48,84,170, 171 Susan, 171 Susan Gardiner, 86, 158 Susan Newell, 48, 85 , Dietrich, Bernard, 162 Clara E., 162 Lottie, 162 Dill, Mary McKensie, 157 Ditson. Hugh, 10 Sarah, 10 Dix, dr., 44 mr., 170 Elizabeth, 44, 167 James, 44 Jonas, 29, 44 Nancy, Iti? Sarah, 44 Doane, Mary Homer, 147 Dockam, Olive, 112 Dodge, , 153 Beatrice Sewall, 154 Benjamin, 154 Carrie Emma, 154 Catherine, 94 P>ru Lizzie, 154 Harriet Louise, 154 Harriet Story, 58 Hattie Lincoln, 154 Lincoln George, 154 Marguerite, 154 Mary, 128 Dolbeare, Christiana, 79 Edmund P., 80 Doremus, Mary Ellen, 161 Dorr, Annette Woodman, 133 Eleanor Frances, 159 John, 159 Mabel Stuart, 159 Sarah Ann, 57 Dorrauce, Harriet, 156 Jane, lo6 Oliver, 156 Dorrity, James, 120 Mary, 120 Doty, Eliza Ann, 122 Janet Freeman, 122 John, 134 Julia, 134 Zachariah Corning, 122 Douglass, Amanda, 126 Helen Lear, 126 John, 126 Douglass, conVdl Robert, 12fi Dow, John Huntoon, 155 Kose, 155 Susan Rena, 155 Downing, Eliza Rebecca, 162 Rebecca Hildreth, 162 Samuel, 162 Drew, Annette Woodman, 133 Charles Rollins, 133 Herbert Wilbur, 133 Laura Ann, 141 Malvina, 141 Thoma-i James, 141 Wilbur Lawrence, 133 Drummond, Ada Helen, 130 Almira, 130 Annie Isabel, 130 Caroline, 145 Cheston Robert, 130 Harry Tilden, 130 Helen Victoria, 130 Robert Rutherford, 130 Walter Fay, 130 Dudley, David, 76 Duubar, Asa, 26 Cynthia, 26 Hannah Drusilla, 173 Hannah Evelyn, 173 Mary, 26 William, 173 Duncan, Lucy Antoinette, 128 Dunham, Eliza Ann, 111 Francis, 111 Stillman Roberts, 111 Dwelly, Amee, 40 Ann Elizabeth, 59, 60 Charity, 42 Elisha, 59, 60 George B., 59, 60 Henry Augustus, 59, 60 Dwinnell, Folly, 72 Eames, Betsey, 149 Eastburu, mrs., 170 Christiana, 79 John, 79 John Henry, 44, 79 John Henrv, mrs., 75 Maria, 80 Maria Antoinette, 80 Susan F., 80 Eaton, Rebecca, 15 Eddy, Caleb Francis, 61 Clinton Lucius, 61 Georgianna, 61 Edes, Sarah Barker, 138 Edmester, Alice Maud, 122 Alvin Currier, 122 Ann, 122 Elijah Briggs, 71, 122 Franklin Herbert,122 Henry Martin, 122 Hilda Haines, 122 James Clapp, 122 Mabel Evelyn, 122 Edson, Nancy, 151 Edwards, Mary Spear, 129 Eels, Annie, 97 Eldridge, Mercy Thatcher, 159 Elliott, Georgianna Salina, 141 Ellis, Ella Frances, 145 George Wanton EIlery,145 Joshua, 119 Mathais, 119 Sally, 119 Sarah Friscilla, 145 Elward, Anna May, 88 Ely, Elizabeth, 156 Emerson, Joseph, 18 Ralph W., 26 Ruth, 18 Esslemont, Lucy Bonney, 99 Mary Anna, 99 Peter, 99 Esterbrooks, Grace, 24 Esty, Elizabeth, 78 Everett, Anne Gorham, 53 Charlotte Brooks, 53 Edward, 53 Edward Brooks, 54 Grace Webster, 53 Harriet Louise, 111 Henry Sidney, 54 Julia, 111 Lucy, 53 Oliver, 53 Thomas Marean, 111 William, 54 Fairbanks, ■ -, 159 George E., 159 William Edson Coe, 158 Farguer, Isabella, 126 Farmer, Edward, 11 Mary, 11 Farnsworth, Martha, 174 Farnum, Clara Isabel, 175 Gera Francis, 175 Farrar, Dolly, 119 Nancy, 130 Farrell, Elizaoeth Bertha, 136 Farrington, Anna, 174 Charlotte Sophia 148 Mary Gould, 132 Faunce, Daniel, 95 Hannah, 95 Velzora Turner, 95 Faxon, Martha, 115 Fay, Anna Rice, 133 Hannah, 174 Jane, 174 Katherine Pickman,54 Katherine Saunders, 54 Richard Sullivan, 54 Silas, 174 Fellows, Sarah, 75 Fessenden, Eliza Maria, 107 Field, Franklin, 107, 113 Julia Elizabeth, 107 Maria Abigail, 113 Zarina, 107, 113 Fish, Ella Hazel, 141 Patience, 144 Fisher, , 79 mrs., 170 Aaron, 78 Aaron Esty, 79, 174 Albert Ware, 159 Allen, 123 Becca, 132 Daniel S., 79 Daniel .Simmons, 79 Edith Sistare, 79 Elizabeth, 78. 79 Florence Perry, 159 Frances Ball, 79 Jane, 123 Jarvis Robinson, 72, 123 Julia Ann Sophia, 159 Lucretia, 79 Marion Gardner, 79 Nabby, 145 Nathaniel Capen, 145 Olive Smith, 132 Virginia, 79 Warren, 44, 78, 79 Warren, jr., 79 W^illiam, 146 Fishley, Benjamin, 128 Frances Ellen, 128 Mary, 128 Fitch, Elizabeth, 141 George William, 141 185 Fitch, ) Georgianna Salina, 141 cont'd \ James Luther, 1-11 James William, 141 Mary Lovell, 141 Pliyilis, 141 Fitzpatrick, Catharine, 103 JIargaret, 103 Michael, 103 Flagg, Esther, t) Rachel, 31 Fletcher, Franklin, 169 Flinn, Abigail, 150 Harriet Miller, 150 Flint, Hannah, 95 John, 87 Ruth, 87 Simeon, 25 Fobes, Charlotte Elizabeth, 148 Charlotte Sophia, 148 Edwin, 148 Folsom, Annie, 121 Caroline Frances Ma- rian, 121 Edward Irving, 121 Hawley, 121 Josiah Bartlett, 102 Mary Olive, 102 Nathaniel Gardner, 121 Olive Brown, 102 Fontain, Eliza, 105 Ford, capt., 30; Elizabeth, 18 Emeline, 97 Harriet, 138 Sarah VV., 154 William, 16 Fosdick, mr., 171 Anna, 28 John, 28 Samuel, 28 Stephen, 44 Susan, 170 Susannah, 28 William, 28 Foss, Kufus K.,3S, 64 Foster, capt., 40 gen., 79 Alice Frances, 97 Charles, 136 Charles Turner, 60 Charlotte, 162 Curtis Rice, 60 Frank Boardman, 60 George Stickney, 60 Harriet Smith, 136 Henry Chase, 00 Howard Kimball, 60 Leone, 158 Margaret, 97 Mary, 60, 105 Mai-y Hopeton Drake, 60 Kancy, 60 Kewell Lathrop, 60 Rufus, 60 Susan Addie, 60 Virgil Delphine Paris, 97 Warren Page, 60 Fowle, , 92 Beriah, 16 Bethiah, 16 Fannie Mae, 94 Fannie Stimpson, 93 Henry, 12, 16 Isaac, 16 Jacob, 92 John, 16 Leonard, 93 Leonard Cleverly, 92 Mary, 16 Mary Ann, 93, 175 Sarah Haynes, 93 Susan Stimpson, 94 Susannah, 92 Fowle, I Waldo Lincoln, 93 cont'd \ Wallace Leonard, 93 Zachariah, 16 Fowler, Grace, 173 Jeduthan Tarsus, 173 Marilla Fluvia, 173 Fox, Cornelia Aline, 175 Edwin Duan, 175 Marie Rathbun, 175 Foxcroft, Phebe. 55, 133 Eraser, Alexander Cliisholm, 143 Annie Gray, 143 Beatrice Isabel, 114 James, 114 James Kenneth, 114 James William Baker, 114 Louise Gray, 143 Blalcolm Cliarles, 114 Margaret Augusta, 114 Margaret Isabel, 114 Freeman, Lydia, 145 Nathaniel, 23,24 Susan, 50 Susan Nye, 23 Susannah, 23, 24 French, col., 149 mr., 149 Adam, 119 Charlotte, 119 Constance, 149 Dolly, 119 George Freeman, 136 Hannah, 11 John, 11 Lucretia H., 136 Mary, 11 Nancy Bean, 149 Walter, 149 Walter Henry, 149 William, 5 Frith, Joseph, 84 Margaret, 84 Frost, Abigail, 13 Benjamin, 11 James, 11 Rebecca, 11 Sarah, 14 Frothingham, Abigail, 14, 25 Andrew, 14, 15 Anne Brooks, 52 Benjamin, 13, 14 Betsy, 14 Ebenezer, 52 Edward, 52, 174 Elizabeth, 15 Ellen, 52 Gilman, 14 Hannah, 15 Hepzibah, 25 Isaac, 14 James, 14, 25 Joanna, 52 John, 14 Joseph, 13-15 Mary, 13-15 Nathaniel, 13, 15 Nathaniel Lang- don, 51, 52 Octavius Brooks, 52 Sarah, 14 Susannah, 15, 24 Thomas, 12-14, 37 Thomas Brooks, 52 Ward Brooks, 52 William, 12,27 FrOechstuck, Emilie, 103 Fuller, mr., 61 Caroline Elizabeth, 62 Caroline Stevens, 61 Elizabeth, 61 Fuller, ) Elizabeth Newell, 61 cont'd S Emma Deniing, 62 Florence Palmer, 62 Frank Edward, 61 George Edward, 62 Hattie Louise, 62 Josiah Franklin, 61 Mary E. N., 36 Mary Elizabeth Newell, 61 Mary Griffiths, 61 Moses, 61 Phebe, 162 Stephen Palmer, 61, 173 Stephen Parker, 36, 173 William Henry, 62 Fullerton, Hannah, 137 James, 137 William Reynolds, 77, 137 Gage, Abner D., 125 Edwin A., 125 Ruth, 125 Gallup, capt., 10 Gardner, I , 157 Gardiner, ( gov., 172 mr., 157 mrs., 171 Abner, 36 Adelaide Barbour, 157 Anne Jane, 57 Arthur McKenzie, 168 Charlotte Ellen Pre- vost, 158 Deborah, 85 Edmund LeBreton, 157 George Arthur, 86, 157 Helen, 158 Henry Hidden, 158 Isabel, sC ' James Albree, 157 John, s5 John Dean, 48, 85 John Dick, 158 Margaret, 86 Margaret Dick, 158 Marie Louise, 158 Mary Caroline, 158 Prescott LeBreton, 157 Susan, 80 Susan Isabel, 157 Walter Prescott, 158 William, 86 Gates, Lydia, 115 Gay, George, 75 Geel, H. F., 104 George, Hannah, 9 John, 8 Mary, 8 Gerrish, Cliarles Victor, 114 George Howard, 114 George Washington, 113 Sarah Howard, 113 Susan Louise, 114 William, 113 William Patten, 114 Getchell, Eldridge L., 131 Nehemiah, 131 Polcna, 131 Susan, 131 Gibbs, mr., 170 Abbie Jane, 104 Abigail, 44, 48, 68, 105, 167, 168 Benjamin Franklin, 68, 103, 109, 175 Carl Watts, 103 186 Gibbs, ( Caroline E., 109 cont'd \ Charles Barnes, 111 KbeneztT White, 111 Edmund Janes, 105 Edward Everett, 103 Elizabeth, 68, 107 Elizabeth Helen, 103 Ella, 108 Ellen, 08, 110 Emery Hodgkins, 08, 103 Emma Frances, 105 George, fiS George H., 103 George James, 103 George Washington, 68, Helena Barto, 110 James, '^'D, 39, 40, 67-69, 101, 170 James Watts, 103 Janie Albee, 103 John, iO, 68, 69, 108, 110, 170 Katharine Louise, 111 Lincoln Kobiuson, 105 Lincoln Watts, 105 Lizzie, 108 Mabel Lena, 103 Jlariou, Ui-i Mary Ellen, 111 Nancy, 40, 69, 170 Nancy Brintnal, 68, 108 Kebecca Turner, Os, 110 Richard Watts, 68 Kuth, 40, 68, 174 Ruthy, 170 Sarah K., 108 Silas Washburn, 104 Susan, 170 Susan Elizabeth, 105 Susan Flora, 103 Susan Fosdiciv, 40, 69 Ulyses Grant, 104 Walter Elw.ll, 104 Watts, i:8, 104 Willard Hatch, 104 Wiliiani Franklin, 104 Winfield Scott, 103 Gibson, Harriet Louise, 135 Gilbert, Louisa, 97 Gill, Thomas, K'S Gillett, Mary Eliza, 150 Gillon, Margaret, 97 (iilman, Abigail, 14 Henry, 95 Mary, 95 Mary Etta, 95 Gilmore, mrs", 171 Emily S., 45 Emma, 84 George W., 46, 84 Helen A., 84 Glazier, Sally, 93 Glover, Tabitlia, 68 Goddard, Francis E.,34 Marv J., 154 Sarah, 129 Goldthwait, Martha, 21 Goodall, Thomas, 172 Goodiiovv, 1 mrs., 170 Goodeuowe, [ John, 10 (ioodnowe, ) Levi, 42 Mary, 10 Goodrich, Charles Augustus, 156 Charles Chauucy, 156 Dorothy, 157 Elizabeth, 156 Sibel, 30 Goodspeed, Charles, 145 Elizabeth Helley, 115 Henry Churchill, 145 John, 115 Goodspoed, ) Mary Jane, 115 cont'd i Sarah, 145 Goodwin, Abigail, 111 Anne, 19 Ebent'zer, 19 William, 19 Gordon, Jennett Catherine, 140 Gorham, Ann, 30, 51 Anna Bromfield, 55 Anna Cabot, 55 Benjamin, 30, 55 Heujarain Lowell, 55 David Wood, 49 Elizabeth, 30 John, 30 Lydia, 30, 32, 55 Margaret, 49 Mary, 29, 30, 50 Nathaniel, 26, 29, 30, 49 Rebecca, 24, 30, 49 Stephen, 30 William Cabot, 55 Gould, Abraham, 30 Gove, Betsey, 153 Gowen, Abiijail, 19 Eliz'^ibeth, 18, 19 Hammond, 18, 19 John, 19 Joseph, 18,19 Mary, 19 William, 18 Gower, James, 21 Mary, 21 Susanna, 21 Graffam, Jane, 154 John, 154 Graham, Sarah Maria, 127 Grahuberg, Henning Bernfaard Nelson, 121 Lars P., 121 Sophia B., 121 Grant, , 28 Margaret, 28 Grape, Hannah, 95 Graves, Abigail, 87 Dorcas, 17 Gray, ,65 Edward, 74 Emeline, 131 Fidelia, 161, 152 Lucia. 172 Margaret, 74 Sarah, 66 Sarah E., 65 Sarah M., 65 Green, Elizabeth, 30 Esther, 30 John, 63 Joseph, 63 Josiah, 30 Mark, 63 Sally, 63 Samuel S., 63 - Greenleaf, Lydia, 26 Stephen, 26 Gridley, Elizabeth, 73 Marietta, 73 William, 73 Griffin, Moses, 40 Griffiths, Abia, So*"' James, 35 • James Davenport, 28, 35 John, 35 Margaret Grant, 35 Mary, 28 Mary Elizabeth New- ell, 36, 60, 173 Griggs, Jacob, 31 Rachel, 31 Susannah, 31 Grindell. Ruth Hinckley, 1.30 Griswold, Alexander Viets, 51 Griswold, ( Amelia, 51 cont'd i Mary "Williams, 51 Gross, Martha B., 1.34 Grover, Abigail. 174 Groves, Olive, 160 Gulliver, Emeline Grey, 106 Eveline Fay, 106 Lemuel, 106 Gunther, Dorothea, 146 Gustine, Alice AI., 119 Hannah Jane, 119 John, 119 Hahu, Ammi Ruhama, 100 Harold Hobart, 100 Jacob, 100 Sallie, 100 Haines, Charlotte, 125 Eliza Ann, 122 Hale Mehitable, 42 Sybrilla, 147 Hall, Bapouri, 32 Carlton Lester, 104 Eliza Maria, 107 p:phraim Abbot, 107 Ephraim Parker, 107 Fred James, 104 Joanna, 10 John, 32 John Richardson, 147 Lulu Hattie, 104 Majorie Florence, 107 Parker Hittinger, 107 Richardson, 147 Sybrilla, 147 Taero, 32 Theodore Walter, 107 Warren N., 126 William F., 104 Halliday, Agnes Ann, 158 Hallo way, Ward, 9 Hamlet, Rebecca, 11 Hancock, Eliza Maria, 140 [140 Harry Otis Palmer, John, 13, 16, 17, Lydia, 140 Hannon, Daniel, 71, 174 Mary, 174 Polly, 71 Hansen, Albert, 99 Edyth Christine, 148 Hans Peter, 148 Katharine Buxton, 99 Louise Ciiristine, 148 Marie Catherine, 99 Peter Frederick Theo- dore, 99 Hanson, Abigail, 102 Augusta Lydia, 114 John Quiucy Adams, 67, 102 Joseph, 102 Joseph Hartlett, 102 May Folsom, 102 Sarah Howard, 113 Harrington, dr., 135 miss, 170 mrs., 170 Ada Helen, 132 Albert Lane, 134 Ann Maria, 131,1.32 Anna, 173 Anna Maria, 76 Catharine, 75 Charlotte Maria, 159 Clara Rebecca, 132 Clement Francis, 135 David Allan Sim- mons, 136 Edward, 173, 174 Edward Francis, 135 187 Harrington, > Eliot Coolidge, 135 cant'd \ Epiiraini ,44,75,136 Epliraim Eugeue, 13d Ephraim Simmons, 74, 70, 131 Foster Sharp, 13(i Francis Duvid, 76, 134 Frank Lloyd, 135 George Alfred, 76, 1:-14, 135 Harriet Louise, 135 Ina Alberta, 135 Isabel, 135 Isabel Stewart, 135 Isabella Dix, 76 James Edward, 135 James l^loyd, 135 Jonathan, 75 Joseph Lloyd, 76, 134 Josephine Ella, 132 Lillian Foster, 136 Lucretia Jane, 132 Lucretia Osgood, 70, 132 Marietta Jane, 132 Martha Simmons, 76 Mary, 36, 173 Mary Elsie, 136 Nathaniel, 36 I'aul, 136 Rebecca Phillips, 76, 137 Ruth, 136 Sarah Stewart, 136 Sarah Susan, 70 William Stanley, 135 Susan Thwing, 136 Weld, 136 Harris, Abigail, 150 Catherine, 160 Clarendon, 87, 160 Harriet Allen, 150 Harriet Miller, 150 James Winthrop, 150 John, 28 John Alexander, 150 Blary, 150 Thaddeus William, 160 Harvey, Agnes O., 113 Caroline Martha, 114 Francis Eugene, 113 Gordon White, 113 Isaac, 113 Haskins, Abbie Chase, 118 Hatch, Emma Frances, 104 Henry Crawford, 104 Ida Frances, 104 Laura E-. 134 Melinda, 109 Havens, Elizabeth, 131 Hawes, John, 47 Lydia Weed, 89 Haynes, Almira, 126 Elizabeth, 25 Hayward, ) Abigail, 87 Haywood, j Andrew Bradshaw, 87 Carrie Putnam, 162 Cliarles Warren, 162 lEbenezer, 105 Eliza Rolston, 87, 162 Elizabeth, 16 Emma f^ouise, 162 Frederick Down- ing, 162 George Edwards, 162 Hayward, | George Henry, 162 cont'd I Gertrude Amanda, 162 Grace Araminta, 158 Harriet Eliza, 162 Harry Winthrop, 162 Helen Curtis, 162 Helen Elizabeth, 162 Henry, 49, 87 Henry Albert, 162 Henry Edward, 87, 161 Hepzibah Jane, 87 Isaac Davenport, 51 Jabcz, 87 Jonatlian, 9 Joseph Henshaw, 51 Mary May, 51 Nancy, 82 Pollie Ann, 162 Sarah Elizabeth, 105 Susan Augusta, 105 Heard, ) Benjamin, 24 Hurd, \ (;harles, 25 Eliza, 25 George, 25 , Grace, 24 Hannah, 25, 50 Isaac, 25 John, 53 Joseph, 24, 50 Mary Larkin, 25 Ruth, 25 Susan, 53 Susan Oliver, 53 Thomas, 25 William, 24, 50 Hearsey, Edith Cutter, 129 Edward, 129 Etward Langdon, 129 Marguerite, 129 Jlarion Kd wards, 129 Mary Spear, 129 Mildred Elizabeth, 129 Winthrop Otis, 129 Heary, Cecelia, 144 Cecelia Catherine, 144 James, 144 Heath, Annie Pearl, 132 John Pearl, 132 Rebecca, 132 Samuel S., 132 Hobard, Alplieus, 21 Hedge, Clarissa, 96 Ellen Hobart, 52 John, fi5, 96 Hedgeland, Rosena, 89 [89 Hemeon, Albert Jlontgomery, Edward McVicar, 89 Kathleen West, 89 Letitia, »9 Henderson, Rachel, 21 Henry, Charles Valentine, 149 Kate Lincoln, 149 Katherine M., 149 Henshawe, miss, 171 Abigail, 46 Henjamin, 46 Samuel, 46 Herrick, Anna, 8S Hett, Mary, 13 Hewins, , 79 Hickling, Charles, 76 Hicks, Mary, 23 Hiers, Betsey, 71 John U., 71 Mary, 174 Sarah, 71 Higgins, Mary, 72 Hill, mi>s, 171 Abigail, 25, 45 Ann Maria, 131, 132 Benjamin F., 103 Charles T., 103 Elisha, 132 George, 76, 131, 132 Henry, 156 Isabella Frances, 132 Joseph, 45 Laura, loO Lucy, 53 Martha, 45 Mary C, 103 Phebe, 132 Rebecca, 45 Richard Baxter, 85, 156 Samuel, 45 Hills, mrs., 170 Annie Dicks, 159 Benjamin, 78 Ednmud Eldredge, 159 Fenno Upton, 159 Fisher, 159 Frederic Albert, 159 Frederic Calvin, 80, 159 Katharine, 159 Lucy, 78 Luther, 159 Marianne Dicks, 159 Mercy Thatcher, 169 Ruth, 159 Samuel, 78 Stuart l<;idre(1ge, 159 Susan Eastburn, 78 Susie Warren, 159 Hilton, Eliza Bean, 115 Hinds, Abigail, 42 Hippler, Andrew, 128 Margaret, 128 Hisco, Melinda, l'^5 Hlscock, Almira, VaO Hitchings, Marv, 71, 174 William, 71 Hittinger, , 107 Carlton Jlorse, 107 Eleanor Hattie, 107 Elizabeth, 108 George Field, 107 Geor;,'e Jacob, 107 Harriet Walker, 107, 175 Jacob Joseph, 107 James Franklin, 108 Leonora Bailey, 108 Leonora Belle, 107 Michael, OS, 107 Norman Field, 107 Paul Franklin, 108 Sarah, 107 Hoar, Samuel, 172 Hobart, David H., 100 Julia Ann, li'O Sarah Neal, 100 Hobson, Artliur E., lo3 Bertha Pearl, 153 Hodgkins, mr., 105 major, 105 Alice Hayward, 106 Barbara, 106 Charles Finney, 106 Dorothy Eveline, 106 Emeline Abigail, 106 Ethel Gulliver, 106 Frances Abigail, 106 Frank Emery, 106 Franklin Washburn, 100 Frederick Barring, ton, 107 [106 Frederick Goodnow, Helen Augusta, 106 Lemuel Gulliver, 106 188 Hodgkins, ) Mary Emma, 107 cont'd i Nathaniel, 105 Susan, 105 William, fiS, 105 William Henry, 105, 107 William Percy, 106 Willis Biadlee, 106 Holbrook, Catlierine, 160 Holcomb, Marilhi Fluvia, 173 Holdeu, , l-'t< Henry Cook, 128 Joel, 128 Lieonard Preston, 74, 128 Lois, 128 Hollingsworth, , 94 Hollis, mrs., 170 Catlierine, 167 Daniel, 88, 65 Eliza, 1118 Kliza Trench, 108 Elizabeth Hittinger, 108 Esther, 65 Frances Adeline, 66 Francis, 108 Leonora N., 108 Margaret A., 65, 66 Maria E., 65, 66 Sarah il., 65 Thomas, 108 Ula, 108 Holmes, Eli^ha, 20 Kebecca, 20 Susannah, 20 Holt, Dennis, 95 Hannah, 95 John William, 123 Mary Ann, 123 Kose Nettie, 95 Holway, Alvah, 145 Alvah Story, 145 Amy Hichardson, 115 Augustus, 145 George Augustus, 146 George Herbert, 145 Helen Augusta, 145 Jerome Richardson, 145 Lvdia, 145 William Kea, 145 Homans, Bessie, 148 Issac Smith, 77, 138 Nannie, 138 Sarah, 31,76, 138 Sarah Ann, 1.'58 Susan, 139 Thomas Simmons, 139 Hood, Sally, 120 Hook, capt., 79 Hooker, Mary Maria, 121 Hooper, Ellen, 54 Harriet, 137 Harriet Rose, 137 Miriam, 54 Nathaniel, 137 Robert William, 54 Hooton, Catherine, 1.55 Hopkins, Benjamin, 7 Jeremiah, 66 Joseph, 18 .Margaret, 66 Philip, 66 Ruth, IS Sarah, IS William, 7 Hopper, Anna Doremus, 161 Cornelius C., 161 Mary Ellen, 161 Hoppin, Abigail, 14 Elizabeth, 112 Thomas, 14 William, 14 Horn, Samuel, 71 Hough, Eliza, 34 Joel, 34 Laura, 34 Howard, , 87 mrs., 171 Cornelia Strong, 60 Edward Chester, 163 Eliza, 167 Eliza Jane, 163 F"rederick Stanley, 122 Hattie Eliza, 163 Henry Beuton, 163 John, 163 John Brooks, 87, 163 John Day, 57 John Henry, 163 Joshua Dearborn, 60 Judith, 9 Lucinda, 163 Lucy, 57 Mildred Rolston, 163 Saraii, 21, 122 Susanna W., 60 Willis, 122 Howe, col., 40 Howes, Ruth, 123 Hoxie, Dorcas, 145 Hoyt, Dorothy, 124 Hubbard, Catharine Eliza, 153 Henry, 52 Horace, 153 Nathaniel D., 52 Sally, 52 Samuel Church, 153 Samuel V., 153 Humphreys, Annie, 103 Hunnewell, Amy Thwing, 138 Donald Phillips, 138 Eleanor Monies, 137 Frank, 77, 137 Frank Simmons, 138 Hillman Barnes, 138 Joseph, 137 Kate Homans, 138 Lois Brinley, 1.38 Louise, 138 Lydia, 137 May Sharp, 138 Percy Homans, 137 Stanley Prescott, 138 Hunt, Caleb, 24 Deborah, 107 Enoch, 24 Florence .Julia, 108 George Willis, 108 Gertrude, 108 Grata, 128 Hiram W., 107 Hiram Willis, 176 Luther, 107 Mary, 24 Huntington, mr., 146 Frederick, 146 J. Frederick, 81 Lydia, 146 Huntley, Annis, 106 Huntoon, Irene Smith, 121 Hum, Malvina, 141 Hutchins, Eaton, 107 Howard Horatio, 107 Maude Louise, 107 Mercy Jane, 107 Nathaniel Eaton, 107 Hutchinson, mr., 146 Marvin, 146 Mary, 146 Thomas, 146 Hyde, , 128 lUsley, \ Benjamin, 101 Ilsley, J Betsey Ellen, 101 Mary, 63 Nancy, 101 Wingate N., 63 Ingersoll, Anne, 34 John, .34 Margaret, 34 Mary, 31, 49, 50 Sarah, 50 Thomas, 60 Ivers, Francis, 158 Frank Hay ward, 158 Grace Araminta, 158 Jackman, Sarah, 118 Jackson, mrs., 170 Anne, 24 Emeline J.. 24 Samuel, .32, 38, 64 William, 24 William A., 32 Jaquith, Hannah, 90 Jarman, Amanda M., 108 Lillie Mills, 108 Zadok H., 108 Jefford, Sarah, 27 Jeffts, Hannah, 11 Henry, 11 Mary, 11 Jenkins, Caroline Pepoon, 138 Joseph W., 36 Luther, 162 Mary Jane, 162 Nancy Jane, 162 Phebe, 132 Jenks, Elizabeth, 18 John, 18 Jennings, Betsey, 71 Jennison, Fanny, 62 Marv, 174 Mary E., 132 Phineas, 62 Susan, 118 Susannah, 62 Timothy Lindall, 45 Jeter, Mary Elenora, 98 Jewell, Harvey, 75 Jewett, Alfred Richardson, 112 Amos G., 112 Mary E., 112 Noah, 121 Sarah, 121 Susie M., 121 Johnson, mrs., 170 Abigail, 14,25 Caroline, 69 Chloe Mildred, 93 Edwin Stephen, 92 Elizabeth Coolidge, 69, 115 Emma Stanley, 142 George Edwin, 92 Giles P., 66 Harriet Elisabeth, 93 Hosea B., 127 Isaac, 40, 69 Jane, 143 John Folsom, 142 Louisa. 54 Lucy, 51 Lucv A., 127 Martha, 92 Martha Louisa, 93 Mehitable Harriman, 142 Pamelia, 125 Rachel Etta, 127 Rufus, 06 Ruth, 15 Jones, Abagail, 167 Almira, 133 Arabella, 103 Ebenezer, 100 189 Jones, I Ellen Elizabeth, 146 cont'd \ Elinor, 103 H. H., 42 Jacob, 103 Jane, l'^3 Maria Williams, 100 Mary, 26 Mary E., 150 Sarah D., 100 Susan, 31 Jordan, Kate, 159 Meltiah, 159 Susan, 159 Kaler, Mary Jane, 104 Nancy, 104 Paul, 104 Eeau, Harriet Augusta, 89 John, 89 Kuth,S9 Keays, Annie, 158 Lena C, 158 William H., 158 Keeny, Susannah, 28 Keith, James M., 75 ' Kellogg, Hannah, 19 Jacob, 19 Mary, 19 Tirzah, 141 Kelly, \ 71, 119 Kelley, ) Catherine, 139 David, 139 Mary, 41, 168 Mary A., 139 Kendall, Cora Lillian, 106 Hersey Eugene, 103 Nancy Smith, 161 Ruth, 70 Warren Cleaveland, 106 Render, Mehitable, 163 Kendrick, Elizabeth, 123 Kennison, Mary, 118 Kent, Mary Mason, 33 Kenyon, Harriet Matilda, 147 Kettell, ; mrs., 24 Kettle, i Abigail, 22, 24 Andrew, 24, 172 Betsey, 24 Charlotte, 24 Ebenezer, 24, 26 Elizabeth, 16 Esther, 24 Hannah, 13, 24,50 Hepzibah, 25 James, 16, 17 John, 23, 24,50 John Brooks, 50 Jonathan, 25 Joseph, 23 Lucy, 24 Maria, 24 Mary, 23-25 Rebecca, 23, 25 Rebecca Austin, 23 Ruth, 22, 23 Sarah, 14 Sarah Call, 25 Susan, 50 Susannah, 24 Thomas, 25 Thomas Prentice, 23 William, 15. 22, 23, 25, 26 Keyes, Clarissa, 19 Michael, 47 Klbbey, Edward, 8 Elizabeth, 9, 10 Hannah, 8 James, 8, 10 Mary, 8 Sarah, 10 Kidder, , 80 Hannah, 14 Kilburn, Margaret Fuller, 61 Kilburn, ) Mary Elizabeth, 61 cont'd i Pamelia, 61 Samuel Smith, 61 Warren Silver, 61 Kimball, ) Annie, 103 Kemball, ( Fanny, 102 Iddo K., 102 John Hazen, 103 Joseph, 42 Joseph Stickney, 103 Mary, 36 Mary H., 102 Samuel Ayer, 103 Susanna W., 60 Kimberly, Augustus Van Horn, 99 Marguerite, 99 Mary E., 99 King, Earl, 151 Fidelia, 151, 152 Turner Earl, 151, 152 Kingsbury, George Henry, 156 Marion, 156 Kinsell, Nancy, 104 Kirby, Julia Ann, 144 Kittridge, Mary, 11 Klein, Sophia B., 121 Knight, Charles, 109 Maria Louisa, 109 Samuel, 109 William B., 38, 174 Knights, William B., 64, 174 Knowlton, Everett Blanchard, 111 George Francis, 111 George Phelps, 110 Lillian Shattuck, 111 Nancy, 110 Samuel D., 110 Samuel Dean, 111 Knox, Lucy F., 20 Kuhn, Charles, 54 Hartmann, 54 Ladd, Abigail, 25 Eliphalet, 25 Henry, 25 Lakeman, Susan W., 90 Lambert, Lydia, 21 Lamsou, Asa, 156 Joseph, 24 Martha Dalton, 155 Sarah Dalton, 156 Susannah, 24 Lane, , 97 Caroline Augusta, 102 Sarah Elizabeth, 105 Sophia, 102 William, 102 Langdon, Joanna, 52 Langley, Clarissa, 115 Langsford, Ann Eliza, 89 Lantz, Hannah, 88 Lucretia May, 88 Mabel Greenlaw, 88 Marion Hobbs, 88 Pauline Stimpson, 88 Peter, 88 William Burton, 88 Larkin, Abigail, 23 Elizabeth, 23 John, 23 Mary, 23 Ruth, 23 Samuel, 23 Sarah, 23 Larkum, ClilTord Henry, 96 George Henry, 96 John, 96 Lester, 96 Mercy Sherman, 96 Tracie Alton, 96 Earned, Juliet, 156 Larsen, Louise Christine, 148 Lathrop, rev. mr., 42 Lauten, Albert Edward, 147 Albert Francis, 146 Beatrice Grace, 147 Blanche Gertrude, 147 Carl, 146 Carrie Albertine, 146 Daniel F.,82 Daniel Francis, 147 Dorothea, 146 Ernestine Alberta, 147 Grace Bernardino, 147 Lillian Jlabel, 147 Sarah Hattie, 147 Lawrence, Amos W., 62 Catharine Adeline, 62 Cecil Henry, 62 Grace Irene, 62 Marcia Phebe, 161 William Fuller, 62 Lawton, Harriet, 138 Sanford, 138 Leach, Eliza, 57 Lear, Asabel, 125 Benjamin, 73, 125 Betsey, 125 Effle Verona, 120 EUie May, 126 Frank Arthur, 126 George Flaris, 126 Herbert Wilber, 126 Viola Valtine, 125 Learned, Mercy, 70 Leavitt, Almon Curtis, 133 George Russell, 133 Jerome Rollins, 133 Mary Freeman, 133 Roger Phelps, 133 LeBreton, Edmund Lewis, 167 Lucy Oliver, 157 Mary Caroline, 167 Ledley, James H., 174 Lee, Lulu, 122 Mary Ann, 100 Leeds, Caroline, 116 Dorothy Sanborn, 116 Frank Coolidge, 116 Frederick, 69, 115, 116 Frederic Bradford, 116 Isabelle, 116 Martha, 115 Martha Faxon, 116 Mildred Elizabeth, 116 Samuel, 115, 116 Lcman, Augustus F., 134 Clara Bertha, 160 Emma Josephine, 160 Henry, 160 John, 134 Martha B., 134 Leonard, Charlotte Slaria, 151 Eliakim, 151 Elnora Murray, 147 Rosina T., 151 Leopold, Edward B., 125 James E., 125 Melinda, 125 Leslie, gen., 79, 174 Lessan, Rosa, 131 Lewis, Eliza Bean, 115 Emeline, 79 Janette R., 107 Maria R., 79 Melville C, 107 Perley L., 107 Kufus Smith, 115 Sally, 119 Winnilreda Wallace, 115 Winslow, 79 Libby, Addison, 161 Amos, 99 Amy Louise, 99 Harriet Lawrence, 161 190 Libby, j Marcia Phebe, 161 conV'd \ Sarah Johnston, 99 Lillie, Mehitable, 77 Lincoln, mr., 54 Caroline, 109 Isaac, 105 Louisa, 130 Mary, 105 Sarah, 43 Susan Boyd, 105 Llndley, Isabella Victoria, 129 Leila Jane, 129 Thomas Morton, 129 Little, Caroline, 57 Hannah, 57 Jacob, 57 Littlefield, Mary, 11 Littlejohn, Etta Louise, 151 Harrison, 151 Henry Harrison, 151 Susan T., 151 Littleton, Henry Wilson, 121 Irene Smith, 121 Mary J., 121 Livermore, James, 10 Locic, Benjamin, 45 Locke, Abbie Rich, 110 J., 21 Levi, 110 Sarali Dalton, 156 Susannah, 110 Login, Hannah, 18 John, 18 Lombard, Caroline M., 139 Thomas, 139 Thomas C., 139 Long, Blanch Howard, 109 Caleb Moody, 109 George Edward, 109 George Howard, 109 Gertrude Washburn, 109 Henry, 109 Howard Stimpson, 109 Maxwell Washburn, 109 Relief Gertrude, 109 Lord, Abigail, 14 Elizabeth, 14 Jolin, 14 Nathaniel, 91 Lorlng, Benjamin, 174 Eunice, 174 Edw. G., 168 Fanny, 59, 174 Josepli, 74 Margaret, 74 Mary, 74 Nancy, 74 Louden, Helene, 173 Lovejoy, Phebe, 17 Lovell, Anne Waite, 141 Clara Frances, 141 Hiram King, 141 Luther Merritt, 141 Lydia, 141 Margaret, 141 Mary Lydia, 141 Rosamond, 141 Russell Buckraan, 141 Lovett, Charles Walley, 174 Harriet Hall, 174 Josephine Maria, 174 Low, Mary E., 99 Lowden, Abigail, 9 Andrew, 8 Benjamin, 8 Elizabeth, 8 Hannah, 9 James, 9 John, 6-8 Joseph, 6, 9 Mary, 6-9 Richard, 7-9 Lowell, Agues Altia, 104 Alice Mildred, 104 Lowell, ; Clarissa Hatch, 109 cont'd ) Daniel, 167 Dorothy Christene, 104 Edithe, 104 Emery Winfield, 104 George Leslie, 103 John, 55, 109 Laura Ethel, 103 Lauraetta, 103 Leona Hollis, 104 Lewis. 103 Lloyd Linwood, 104 Marion, 104 Melinda, 109 Susannah, 55 Vera Gertrude, 101 Winiebelle, 103 Lufkin, Lucy G., 90 Lull, Belinda, 80 Lund, Mary Jane, 115 Lunt, Annie Pierson, 52 Ellen Hobart, 52 William P., 52 Lynch, Charles N., 116 Eliza, 116 Flora R., 116 Lyon, Frances Cornelia, 137 MaeCrone, Helen Honora, 135 James Smith, 1.35 Laura Bello, 135 Macllroy, Harriet Louise, V'.5 John Vryling, 135 Mary Josephine, 1.35 Macomber, , 81 Clinton Francis, 147 Elmer, 127 Elnora Murray, 147 Frank Clinton, 147 Gideon, 127 Glady Ernestine, 147 Herbert Lauten, 147 Huldah, 127 Stephen, 73, 127 Magoun, mrs., 170 Abner, 65 Addie Frances, 96 Alice Ethiel, 95 Ann Maria, 65 Arthur Gilbert, 97 Catharine ]Maria,65, 96 Charles Robert, 96 Chester Briggs, 95 Chester Churchill, 97 Chester Williams, 96 Cornelius Briggs, 38, 65, 95 Edwin Everett, 96 Elmer Ellsworth, 95 Ester Lucille, 95 Ezra Edwin, 6.5, 96 Fanny Jane, 95 George Washington,95 Isaac, 65 James Everett, 95 John Pratt, 95 Lester Harold, 95 Lillie Marian, 95 Lizzie Maria, 96 Maria, 107 Mary Barker, 97 Newton Faunce, 95 Otis Wilber, 95 Roger Williams, 97 Ruth, 65 Susan Ann, 65 William Grant, 95 WilliamWhitmarsh.OS Mann, Elizabeth B., 98 Marble, Lydia, 141 March, Hannah Dwinnell, 72 Henry, 72 Polly, 72 Robert, 72 Marden, Hannah Jane, 119 James, 100 Mary Elizabeth, 100 Vienna Morrill, 100 Marie, Arthur Leroy, 111 Louis James, 111 Louis Leon La Beyney, 111 Nellie Levina, 111 Stanley Upham, 111 Wallace Rand, 111 Mariner, Jane, 124 Marron, Sarah, 121 Marshall, Agnes Stetson, 89 Benjamin, 89 Gertrude Walon, 89 Ralph Dennison, 89 Rosa A., 89 Marston, Anna, 88 Charles, 88 Martlui Ann, 88 Martin, Charles, 87, 90 Ranold, 57 Sophia Elizabeth, 125 Mason, Janette R., 107 Matheson, Elizabeth, 111 Maw, Amy Belle, 117 Elizabeth, 117 John, 117 Walter John T., 117 Maxim, Ann, 152 Maxwell, Elizabeth, 59 Julia, 146 May, Abigail, 94 Eliza Sewall, 56 James, 94 IMartha, 94 Sarah, 94 Sarnh Green, 94 William, 91 William Moore, 62, 94 McCarthy, Jane, 160 McCerren, Modesta Ware, 1.34 McCormick, Margaret Augusta, 114 McDonald, Alexander, 112 Catharine, 112 Duncan, 160 Florence A., 112 Jane, 1(.0 John, 160 McFadden, Grace, 46 McGraw, (.'hristina Jane, 152 McGregor, James, 33 Mary, 33 Mary Mason, 33 JIcQuarrie, Annie Gray, 143 Mclioy, Jlary Jane, 93 Mead, Abbot Capeu, 128 Abigail, 64 Catharine J., 128 Cliflbrd Stickney, 128 Elijah, 64 George Abbot, 128 Isaac, 37 John, 128 Marv, 64 Mellin, David, 111 Grace, 111 Thomas Snell, 111, 112 Melville, Jessie, 163 Melzard, Ellen Elizabeth, 146 George Millett, 146 George Oliver, 144, 146 May Capen, 146 Sadie Rea, 146 Thomas Millett, 146 Merriam, Abigail, lU Ehza, 111 Lot, 111 Merrill, Abbie Crose, 113 Lenna Maria, 113 Stephen A., 113 191 Merriman, Alfred, 112 Ann Amelia, 112 Mary Estella, 112 Jlerry, Anna "U'eld, 52 Robert Davis Coolidge, 52 Sarah Ann, 52 jVIeserole, Ann Amelia, 112 Meserve, Lauraetta, 103 lletcalf, Anne, 42 Michael, 42, 43 Rebecca, 43, 48 Miflin, Charles, 52 Eugenia, 52 Mary, 52 MUler, Abigail, 13 Bessie Catherine, 155 Betsey, 101 Caroline Augusta, 101 Frances, 106 George Walbridge, 155 Hannah, 9 Henry, 112 James, 9, 13 John, 101 Margaret Smith, 161 Mary, 112 Susannah, 28 Yuba Kate, 155 Mills, Ruth, 92 Miner, Edwin, 140 Eva H., 140 Mary, 140 Minot, William, 42, 167, 168 William, jr., 168 Mitchell, Lucretia, 85 Moger, Belle Hamilton, 114 Laura Belle, 114 Nathaniel Merritt, 114 Moore, I Abigail, 94 More, i Charles AVieklock, 120 Charlotte, 120 Cornelia Henrietta, 120 Ruth, IS Morash, Maria Louisa, 153 Morey, Fanny, 102 William, 103 Morrill, Charles Brooks, 155 Fannv Elizabeth, 155 Hann'ali, 90 Harriet, 90 Helen, 155 Isabel, 155 Joseph, 85, 155 Josephine Russell, 155 Maria, 131 Mary C, 103 Nancy, 155 Nathaniel, 90 Reuben S., 131 Sophia, 90 Sophia A., 131 Morrow, Martha, 120 Morse, Catherine Elizabeth, 107 Frances Cora, 107 George Rufus, 96 Granville, 107 Harrier, 93 Lewis Edwin, 96 Lillian, 96 Marcus Edwin, 96 Sallie, 100 Sally, 93 Winsor, 93 Morton, Ebenezer, 118 Eleanor May, 137 Eliot Hunuewell, 137 Elizabeth. 137 Francis Field, 137 Frank Macomber, 137 Helen Prescott, 138 Lucy, 21 Margaret Simmons, 138 Percy Richardson, 137 Morton, ) Rhene, 118 cont'd ( Theodore Homans, 138 Moseley, ) Flavel, 77 Mosley", ) Margaret, 34 Laura, 34 Moses, Alice Hardy, 142 Clara Simmons, 142 Cornelia Josephine, 142 Horace Hardy, 142 Mary, 142 Marv Smith, 142 Theodore, 142 Mott, Frank Jeter, 134 Marie Constance, 134 Modesta Ware, 134 Moulton, Charlotte, 131 Mount, Jolin, 157 Mary JMcKensie, 157 Sarah Maria Elizabeth, 157 ilowrv, Maranda Ballon, 104 Mullen, Elenora, 98 Mary Elenora, 98 William Pinkerton, 98 Mulligan, James, 79 Munroe, Abigail Cook, 173 Eraeline, 130 George, 130 James Smith, 173 Jonas, 173 Manser, Abigail, 19 "" iMurphy, Ann, 152 Catharine, 112 John, 152 Murray, Laura E., 134 Lillie A., 134 iVIarv Florence, 98 William H., 134 Myrick, Elizabeth, 10 John, 10 Rebecca, 10 Sarah Sylvester, 86 Nazro, John G., 139 Mary Ann, 139 Mary Wharton, 139 Nelson, Albert Hobart, 172 Frances Sophia, 121 John, 172 Lucinda, 172 Newall, Joseph, 28, 172 Newell, mr., 36, 170 Ann, 27, -^8 Elizabeth, 28, 29, 61 Hannah, 35 [172 Joseph, 27, 28, 36, 38, Margaret, 28, 172 Mary, 28, 35 Nancy, 35, 59, 174 Polly, 36 Sarah, 36 Sarah Wyer, 36 Susannah, 37, 38, 46 Thomas, 16, 27, 28, 35 Timothy, 28, 35, 36 Newton, Sophia, 158 Susannah, 62 Nichols, Augusta Maria, 105 Jacob, 169 Mary Ann, 106 Rachel, 173 Warren, 105 Nightingale, Abbie Mayhew,162 Niles, Ebenezer, 36 Noble, Elizabeth, 61 Nolen, Catharine, 114 James, 114 Norton, Alfred Morton, 158 Frances Aldena, 123 Frederick Perkins, 122 Gustavus Adolphus, 71, 119,122 Jane, 122 Norton, ) Leone, 158 cont'd i Leone Sidney, 158 Martha Emma, 122 Mary Elizabeth, 122 Nahum Chapin, 122 Perkins, 122 Sarah Jane, 122 Susanna, 21 Nurse, Elizabeth, 117 Nutting, Addle M., 129 Jonathan. 6, 9, 12 Nye, Anna Ricliardson, 145 Delia Crosby, 145 Eliza Freeman, 146 Helen Freeman, 145 Joseph Frederick Hunt- ington, 146 Lydia Crocker, 146 Mary Elizabeth, 145 Rebecca, 144 Rosa Sears, 145 Samuel, 144 Samuel Henry, 145, 175 Sarah, 168 Silvanus, 144 Silvanus George, 146 Susannah, 23, 24 Ober, Susan, 87 Odin, George, 84 Ogden, Caroline Howe, 54 Edward, 54 Mary, 64 Ogilvie, Archibald i^tcwart, 122 Florence Mildred, 122 Lulu, 122 Oldham, Lucretia, 28 Oliver, Benjamin, 64 Hannah Preston, 99 Mary, 64 Susan, 53 William. 64 Orcutt, Grace Elizabeth, 120 Martha, 120 Rudolph S., 120 Orrok, ,76 James Lindall Pitts, 121 Mary Ann Tower, 121 Nellie Harris, 121 Walter Scott, 121 Osborn, Anna. 94 George, 94 James, 94 Margaret, 94 Osgood, Nancy Bean, 149 Otis, Lucy, 103 William H., 103 Owen, Esther, 65 Packard, Eliza. 68 Padelford, Ebenezer, 152 Harriet Louisa, 152 Silence, 152 Page, ( , 6 Paige, j Clarissa, 19 Eliza Wales, 147 Ellen, 147 Hannah, 19 Henry A., 147 Isannah, 52 Warren F., 60 Winslow, 19 Paine, Rachel, 23 Sarali, 21 Palmer, Marv, 21 Samuel. 20, 21 Sarali, 20 Temperance, 21 Park, Belle Hamilton, 114 Catharine Amelia, 152 Franklin Atwood, 152 John Francis, 152 Malcolm Sewell, 152 Margary Lincoln, 152 192 Parker Anne, 32 Carrie Louise, 102 Charles Webater, 103 Charlotte, 109 Clarissa Baldwin, 109 Harriet, 102 Isabel, 63 LucillaP.,65 Lucina, 63 Martha, 63 Rebecca, Hi Susan Ann, 31 William, 63 Parkhurst, Lucinda, 173 Sarah, 7 Parkman, Samuel, 36 Parks, EUsha, 49 Klizabeth, 60 Gorham, 50 Mary, 24, 49, 60 Rebecca, 24, 50 Rufus, 50 Warham, 24, 30, 49 Parlow, Catharine Amelia, 162 Parr, Jane, 139 Mary Ann, 139 Thomas, 139 Parrlsh, Frances A., 65 Rufus P., 65 Rufus Parks, 66 Patchin, Clement, 150 Patten, Artemas Spofford, 69,11S Celia, 167 Emily Gertrude, 113 Helen Msiria, 114 Isabel Frances, 114 Joel, 113 Milly, 113 Sarah, 10, 122 Stephen, 167 Susan, 107 Susan Amelia, 113 Thomas, 10 Patterson, Agnes, 154 Andrew, 9, 10 Elias, 164 Fannie Louise, 154 Florence Ella, 154 James, 6, 9, 10 [154 James Munroe, 84, John, 10 Jonathan, 10 Joseph, 10 Mary, 10 Rebecca, 6, 9, 10 Paulk, , 156 Adelaide Cornelia, 156 Juliet, 156 Payson, Phillip, 23 Peacock, Mary, 11 Pearl, Rebecca, 132 Pearson, Eliphalet, 37 Isaac, 118 Isaac Eliher, 118 Jane, 102 Lois, 128 Sarah, 118 Susannah Jane, lOJ William, 102 Pease, Alice Bartiett, 98 Bartlett, 97 Charles Francis, 98 Charles G., 39 Charles Gilbert, 97 Charlotte, 97 Francis Cliilds, 98 Franklin Richard, 147 Harold Childs, 98 Harriet Matilda, 147 Harry Kenyon, 147 Herbert Dodge, 98 Kenyon Lauten, 147 Murray, 98 William Henry, 98 Pepper, Daniel, 106 Julia Ann, 106 JuuaT., 106 Perciyal, Blanche, 131 Emeline, 131 Florence, 131 Henry Homer, 131 Joseph, 131 Perkins, Alice Annie, 125 Benjamin, 100 Charlotte, 125 Ella Hazel, 141 Gladys Carey, 176 Hannah, 176 James, 91 Nancy Hawes, 91 Paul Adams, 175 Reuben, 125 Sarah Elizabeth, 01 Sarah Fish, 141 Stewart Stimpson, 175 William Henry, 141 Perring, Mary, 9 Perry, Charlotte, 97 Cornelius, 126 John, 7 Julia Ann Sophia, 169 Kezia, 126 Nettie Maria, 126 Rebecca, 112 Rhoda, 112 Thaddeus, 112 Peters, Caroline Robinson, 160 Edmund Fanning, 160 Josephine Elizabeth, 106 Kate, 105 Susan Tucker, 160 William Amos, 106 Pettee, Cvnthia, 77 Petzold, Emilie, 103 Selma Lena, 103 Trougod, 103 Phelan, Alice Frances, 88 Anna May, 88 Thomas James, 88 William, 88 Phelps, Edward Elisha, 133 Elisha, 133 Jessie Lyon, 133 Oliver, 30 Phebe, 133 Polly, 19 Philbrick, Harriet, lOi Phillips, , 7 mr., 77 mrs., 170 Alice Norris, 140 Allen, 21 Amelia, 59 Ann, 27, 28 Anne Woodbury, 66, 174 Caroline, 59 Caroline Stearns, 66 Clara Blanchard, 140 Edmund, 96 Edna Forrest, 96 Elizabeth Barnard, 67 Ephraira, 31 Flavel Moseley, 77, 140 George Arthur, 77, 139, 140 George Arthur Sim^ mous, 139 George Lewis, 96 Harry Hancock, 140 Helen, 56 Henry Gregory, 139 Henry King, 140 Henry Nazro, 139 Joanna, 96 John, 28, 30, 32, 66, 67 John Lillie, 140 Joseph Richards, 77 Julia, 69 Phillips, ) Lillian Maverick, 140 cont'd \ Lillie Lull, 139 Lottie Lewis, 96 Louisa, 139 Lydia, 32.57 Lyndall May, 96 Mary Ann, 58 Mary Eva, 140 Mary Simmons, 139 Mehitable, 77 Nathaniel Gorham, 59 Phebe, 55, 66 Rebecca G., 140 Rebecca Gorham, 57 Robert Weston, 139 Samuel, 55, 56, 77 Samuel Maverick, 44, 77 Samuel Moseley, 140 Samuel Simmons, 77,81, 139 Sarah Allen White, 56 Sarah Webb, 66 Sarah Whitwell, 58 Susan, 31 Susan Lowell, 68 Walter R., 139 Phinney, Alice Bridge, 173 Benjamin, 33 Benjamin Frank, 173 Catharine Bartlett,172| Charlotte Bartlett, 172 Elias, 33 Elizabeth Bartlett,172 George, 173 James Pain, 34, 172 Jane Paine, 172 Josiah Bartlett, 172 Mary Pratt, 172 Susan Morse, 172 Susannah, 33 Pickett, Charles, 63 John, 28 Mercy, 28 Nancy, 63 [54 Plckman, Katheriue Saunders, Pierce, Benjamin, 18 Hannah, 18, 23 Hannah Dawes, 23 John Peach, 125 Joseph, 23 Laura Maria, 125 Mary, 18 Mary M., 80 Olive Brown, 102 Ruth, 19 Sally, 51 Sophia Elizabeth, 125 Pike, Pamelia, 61 Pinkham, Abbie, 153 Sarah Young, 155 Pitts, William, 18 Pool, Esther, 9 Jonathan, 9 Poor, David, 110 Effle Louise, 110 James Carlton, 68, 110 James Williams, 110 Marie Louise, 110 Mary, 110 Porter, Abby Louise, 151 Alice, 151 Caroline, 99 Charles Irving, 99 Charles Woodbury, 99 Eleazer S., 168 Jane Frances, 148 Joseph Richardson, 83, 151 Laura, 156 Lucy Ann, 151 Marion Childs, 99 Ralph Woodbury, 99 William, 99, 151 William Francis, 99 193 Potter, Adalbert Niles, 150 Asa Perkins, 150 Barbara Cr^volin, 175 Catherine Minerva, 150 Mabel, 150, 175 Maud, 150 Robert Knight, 150, 175 Sheldon, 150 Poyas, Harriet Smith, 136 Franker, Mary, 86 Pratt, Deborah, 107 Henrietta, 157 Isaac Reed, 154 Jane Winship, 95 John Lowell, 05 Leona Lizzie, 95 Mary, 68, 119, 174 Sarah Neal, 100 Sarah VV., 154 Seth Elbert, 154 Pray, Lucinda Austin, 163 Mehitable, 163 Reuel, 163 Preble, capt., 47 Prentice, Rebecca, 23 Thomas 23 Prescott, Alice, 138 George Lincoln, 138 Helen, 13S Katherine, 138 Lucy Oliver, 157 Mary, 157 Sarah Barker, 138 William Herbert, 138 Preston, Asenath, 141 Prevell, Mary, 142 Price, Joseph, S Priest, Frederick Stimpson, 101 aiiiry Ann, 100 Robert Thurston, 101 Thurston, 100 Walter Thurston, 100 Proctor, Peter, 10 Prosser, Elizabeth, 131 Laura Pearl, 131 Silas, 131 Pushard, Kmma Frances, 104 Putnam, Nancy June, 162 Quackenbush, Frances Olivia, 143 Frederick Briggs, 143 Wilson Wallace, H3 Quincy, Edmund, 55 Henry Parker, 55 Josiah, 80 Lucilla P., 65 Radford, Daniel, 132 Dorcas, 132 June, 132 Ramsdell, Adaline Williams, 06 Elizabeth B., 90 Robert, 96 Ramsey, Abigail, 110 Ellen Maria, 110 Thomas Frank, 110 Thomas W., 110 Band, Abigail, 22 Deborah, 15 Hannah, 15 Kappalye, 1 miss, 170 Bappelle, I Catharine, 38, 39 Rapalje, (George, 67 Rapelyea.J Tenuis, 38 Raymond, Amarilla Ellen, 95 Amelia, 110 Amos A., 151 Emma belle, 95 Hannah, 83 John Curtis, 95 Maud Eliza, 151 Raymond, ) Susan D., 151 cont'd i Zephaniah, 83 Rayner, Edward Cottrell, 163 Rea, , 82, 144 Anna Rebecca, 81, 146 Benjamin Stimpson, 81 Clarence, 175 Daniel, 46, 81, 175 George, 175 Harriet B., 81,175 Harriet Blake, 175 Rebecca Stimpson, 81 Sally, 81 Sarah Pepper, 81, 144 William Henry, 81 Redmond, Julia, 107 Thomas A., 107 Thomas Edward, 107 Read, j Abigail, 42 Reed, j Caroline, 145 Clarissa Baldwin, 109 Cynthia, 141 Edward, 45 Eliza, 116 Ellen Drummond, 145 James, 42 Mary Baldwin, 109 Nathan Henry, 109 Salome, 42 William Maxwell, 145 Reineck, Alice Phillips, 140 Gardner Warren, 140 Jesse Plummer, 140 Ruth Geraldine, 140 Sarah Wells, 140 William Howard, 140 Remington, Jonathan, 11 Revere, Paul, 70 Reynolds, Tabitha, 6 Rheiuold, Elisa, 139 Rhinehart, Sarah, 127 Rhodes, Hannah, 14 Jacob, 14 Rhynall, Hannah, 67 Henry, 67 Rice, Henry Augustus, 68, 110 Mathew, 110 Sally, 110 Richards, capt., 39 Catherine, 94 Daniel, 94- Elizabeth, 60, 90 Emelino, 79 Mary Dodge, 94 Richardson, , 150 judge, 91 Abigail, 11 Albon, 124 Alice, 151 Andrew, 11 Catharine, 101 Catharine Cool- idge, 173 Dolly Elizabeth, 124 Dorothy, 124 Eliza, ioO Elizabeth, 137 Elnathan, 11 Georgietta, 101 Henry Cotton, 101 Jackson, 146 J. A., 168 Jerome Augustus, 146 Jonathan, 11 Judith, 11 Mary, 9-11 Mary Carter Brew- ster, 173 Nathaniel, 11 Pierson, 9 Ruth, 11 Sarah, 146 Susan, 159 Richardson, ) Thomas, 6, 10, 11 cont'd \ Wyman, 173 Zurell Jane, 160 Richmond, Abbie Chase, 118 Charles Everett, 118 Harrie Miller, 118 Joanna, 96 Ricker, Lewis C, 69, 115 Lewis Edgar, i;5 Mary, 115 Thomas, lift Riggg, Agnes, O., 113 Rigley, Sarah, 109 Rines, Rose, 155 Ripley, Charlotte, 50 Franklin, 50 Martha, 50 Risenhoover, Jacob Wiley, 144 Julia Ann, 144 Margarett Eme- line, 144 Robbins, Charlotte, 117 Josephine Elizabeth, 105 Roberts, Eliza Ann, 111 Frederick Cox, 143 • Lavinia Cole, 143 Lavinia Ellis, 143 Mary, 130 Robinson, Abigail, 120 Ai William, 97 Edmund Lincoln, 106 Eliza, 105 Ethel Jane, 97 George Davis, 138,139 Grace Louise, 105 Hannah, 138 Homans, 139 Jane, 127 Jennie Eliza, 97 Joseph, 105 Raymond Jay, 105 Samuel J., 105 Susie Gertrude, 105 Walter Stevens, 138, 139 Rodgers, Jane E., 153 Roe, Abigail, 30 Rogers, Abner, 25 Louisa, 113 Lydia, 50 Mary Ann, 116 Tappan Payson, 116 Rohan, nir., 136 Charles Borromeo, 136 Edith Frances, 136 Edward, 136 Elizabeth Bertha, 138 Harriet Elizabeth, 136 Susan Lombard, 136 Rollins, Abigail Blodgett, 115 Augusta Lydia, 114 Clarissa, 115 Edwin Theodore, 114 Fitzhugh Smith, 114 Jonathan, 115 Williams., 115 Roncoe, Abbie F., 131 - Frank B., 131 Rosa, 131 Root, Eliza, 52 Rosenthal, Ella Frances, 116 Grace Nelson, 118 Jacob, 116 Rounds, Barney Wilson, 151 Clarence Edward, 151 Emma Louise, 151 Etta May, 151 Henry Nelson, 151 Sarah Emiua, 151 Willard kelson, 161 Royal, 5Iary A., 159 Royce, Harriet Amanda, 148 Jeremiah, 82, 146 194 Royce, / Mary Ann, 14(3 cont'd i William H., 143 Kue, Emma Maria, 120 Ruggles, Charlotte, 106 Edward Rush, 106 Helen Osgood, 106 Martha Fairfield, 75 Natliuiiiel, 75 Sarah, 75 Runnells, Ann, 152 Joliu, 131 Mary Elizabeth, 131 Susan, 131 Russell, mrs., 170 Augusta Emily, 70 Clement, 70 David, yo E., 20 Eliza Crocker, 70 Elizabeth, 1-1 Elizabeth L. D., 33 Ellen, :i3 Gustavus Vasa, 70 James D., 33 Jane Ann Kendall, 70 Jesse, 14 John, C9 Joseph, 41, 69 Joseph, jr., 70 Lucy, 16y I.ucy Stirapson, 70 Mary Freeman, 133 Susan W.,y0 Susannah, 09 Rust, Mary E., 112 Ryder, Ann, 152 Charles, 152 Susan Ann, 152 Sabine, Elisha L., 141 Elizabeth Swan, 141 Henry, 141 Sampson, Benjuniin, 21 Esther, 21 Mary C. 137 Micah, 21 Samson, Orra A., 110 Sanborn, Sarah Gordon, 116 Sarah Rosalia, 110 William Sullivan, 116 Sanders, Frank, ^4 Sanderson, Cliarlotte, 109 Emma iwon, 109 Henry C, 109 Sands, Dorothy, 127 Ebenezer, 127 Frederick llls, 144 Lydia, 170 Lydia Fosdick, 44, 77, 78 Lydia W.. 119 Slargaret Gray,- 75 Margaritte Louise, 144 Maria, 170 Maria Williams, 44, 75 Martha, 77, 138 Mary, 44, 48, 74, 77, 137, 167, 108 Nancy D., 170 Nancy Stimpson, 44, 78 Peabody, 100 Rebecca, 170 Rebecca Capen, 44, 77 Reuben, 43 Salome, 100 Samuel Adams, 81, 144 Sarah, 43 [1.37 Sarah Mehitable, 77, Susan, 170 Susan Fosdick, 44, 79 Thomas, 44, 70, 77 Thomas A., 170 Thomas Homans, 77 Virginia Went- worth, 143 Wentworth Seton, 81, 143, 144 Winnelred, 100 Simonds, Catharine, 101 Ebenezer, 173 F'rancis K., 173 Rachel, 173 Susannah, 110 Simpson, mrs., 171 Andrew J., 83 Andrew Jackson, 150 Benjamin, 82 Caroline M., 82, 149 Dan., 82 Daniel, 46, 82, U8 Daniel A., 82, 83 Delia A., 82, 149 Harriet Al vertine, 82, 146 Julia Coolldge Har- ris, 150 Sarah, 82 Sarah Ann, 82, 147 William H ., 82, 83 William Henry, 150 195 Sinclair, Ebenezer, 121 Julia Anna, 121 AVilliara Henry, 121 Sistare, George K., 79 Sarali V., 79 Virginia Ellingwood, 79 Sly, Anna Mabel, 158 Sophia, 158 Timothy, 158 Smart, Jennie Eliza, 97 Smith, Aaron, 125 A. Maude, 60 Abigail Cook, 173 Alice A., 134 Amelia, 51 Agnes E. H., 60 Amos, 00 Benjamin, 60 Benjamin Franklin, 141 Charles Porter, 148 Charles Thomas, 148 Charlotte, 112 Cy., 82 Eliza Hannah, 125 Frances Augusta, 141 Ina Augusta, 141 Jane Frances, 148 Marie Way, 148 Mary, 142 Mary Anne, 157 Mary B., 60 Phineas. 39 Sarali, 125 Tlioraas beals, 60 Smythe, Agnes Ann, 158 Catherine, 62 Florence Louise, 158 George, 62 Mary Jane, 62 William Edward Parker, 168 Snell, Mary, 67 Soffe, Helen Augusta, 175 Soley, Dorcas, 2(5 Hannah, 23 John, 2:<, 26 I.ydia, 20 Mary, 29 Samuel, 23 Soper, Eunice, 174 Soule, Lucy, 21 Jabez, 21 Zachariah, 21 Southworth, Ann Jane, 158 Consider, 158 Isabel, 158 Martin Otis, 158 Spalding, Anne, 32 Julia Ann, 32 Noati, 32 Speare, Ellen A., 115 Mary H., 102 Speed, Sally, 104 Spencer, Elizabeth, 8 Spocrer, Marie Catherine, 99 Spoflbrd, aiilly, 113 Sprague, Henrietta, 157 Henrietta Louise, 157 John, 41 Jolm Hobart, 157 Margaret, 49 Euth, 116 Salome, 100 Spring, Isaac H., 172 Isaac S., 172 Sophia, 172 St. Agnan, Marianne Theresa, 56 Stackpole, Hannah, 100 Standish, Abbie Etta, 95 Huldah Delano, 95 Otis, 95 Stanley, Christiana, 79 Mary, 80 Stanton, Asennth, 141 John Turner, 141 Josephine Louise, 141 Staples, Paulina Webber, 117 Sarah Emma, 151 Stearns, Alfred, 173 Alfred Edward, 173 Amos, 92 Asa, 173 Chloe, 92 Chloe Elizabeth, 92 Elizabeth, 173 John, 173 Marianne Theresa, 66 Martha, 173 Mary Ann, 175 Phineas, 37 Richard Sprague, 56 Sarah White Sprague, 56 Steavenson, ) , 5, 6 Stevenson, J Andrew, 5, 6, 9, Steenson, ) 15, 48 Deborah, 6 Hannah, 6 Jane, 5, 6 John, 6 Lydia, 6 Mary, 6 Kebecca, 6 Sarah, 6 Steingardt, Elsie Matilda, 151 Stephen, , 5 Stephenson, Mary Jane, 62 Stetson, Alfred Dow, 154 Amasa, 23 Annie, 97 Doris Louise, 154 Fred, 97 Harriet Louise, 154 Harry Elmer, 154 John, 23 Rachel, 23 Ralph Goss, 154 Una Williams, 97 Stevens, Alice Baker, 58 Ann Jane, 158 Cabot, 58 Caroline Anna, 61 Edward Wiuslow, 57, 58 Eliza, 61 Elizabeth Perry, 58 Frances Jeannette, 57 George, 93, 175 Gorham Phillips, 57,58 Hannah, l.'!8 Helen L., 93 Helen Louisa, 175 John, 26 Jonathan, 57 Louisa Bancroft, 58 Lydia, 26 Lydia Cabot, 58 Lydia Phillips, 57 Mary Ann, 9.'J, 175 Mary Elizabeth, 175 Mary Towner, 115 Richard Hazeltiue, 58 Susannah, 57 Timothy, 61 Tirzah Arnold, 58 William, 57 Stewart, Anna, 134 Isabel, 134 James, 134 Stickney, Eliza Dodge, 128 Lemuel, 128 Mary, 128 Stilson, Jane, 102 Stimson, ; ,5 Stimpson, \ mr., 17, 73, 90, 91, W4, 121 See also Steavenson. Stimson, > mra., 63 cont'd ) Abbie Maria, 92 Abbie Octavia, 84 Abigail, 6, 12, 16, 29,39,47,169-171 Abigail Barber,46, 83 Albert, 71 Andrew, 5, 6, 8,10- 13, 27, 29,40,41, 46,48,72, 167-171 Andrew, jr., 169 Andrew Adams, 72, 174 Andrew B., 81 Andrew Brad- shaw, 46, 49, 83, *<7 Andrew Jackson, 124 Alice Blanche, 125 Alice Gertrude, 121 Ann, 47 ArthurHerman ,89 Arthur Washing. ton, 125 Benjamin, 12, 13, 10, 29, 45, 46, 48, 82, 167, 168, 170, 171 Benjamin Corey, Betiiiah, 12, 16 Caroline, 46, 167, lOS, 171 Carrie Alice, 88 Catharine, 39, 66 Catherine, 170 Caty, 39 Charles, 38,40,41, 72, 169, 170 Charles Edward, 124 Charles Hatsuld, 72, 123 Charles Henry, 73, 122, 124, 174 Charles Martin,88, 89, 92 Charles William, 88 Charles Winthrop, 123 Charlotte, 72, 123 Charlotte Carter, 72 Clara, 47, 84, 171 Clara Corey, 72, 123 Deborah, 6, 40, 71, 169 Ertitli Chaney, 155 Edward, 39 Edward Albion, 124 EdwardAugustus, 95 Edward H., 83 Edwin, 71 Effie Lelia, 125 Eifie May, 125 Elisha Blackman, 72 Eliza, 61, 168, 170, 171 Eliza A., 46, 168 Eliza Ann, 84, 153 Elizabeth, 15, 16, 27,29,38,41,44, 46,49,87, 170 Elizabeth Maria, 89 Elwell Parks, 84, 173 196 Stimson, cont'd I Elwell ■William, 155 Emily, 167, 171 Emily S., 46, 81 Ethel, 124 Etta Maria, 124 Evelyn, 124 Fannie, 84, 154 Florence Ethel, 124 Florence Tufts, 89 Frances Henriet- ta, 121 Francis Childs, 67, 99 Frank West, 89 Fred Dexter, 124 Fred Horace, 125 Frederic Henry, 121 George, 40,41,71, 119, 168-170, 174 George Augustus, 120 [95 George Osborn,63, George K., 67 George Kappalye, 39, 66, 100 George Washing- ton, 121 Georgie May, 88 Gustavus Adol- phus, 120 Hannah, 6, 12,38, 64, 72, 170 Hannah E., 124 Hannah Maria, 73, 89 Harold William, 100 Harriet, 41, 46, 82, 170, 171, 174 Harriet Abby, 72 Harriet Ann, 91 Harriet Emma, 100 Harriet Floyd, 95 Harriet M., 126 Harriet Maria, 73, 174 Harrrison, 62 Hattie, 84, 154 Hattie Gilmore,88 HenryClay .Schoo- ley, 120 Howard Sumner, 124 Ida Amelia, 124 Ida Elizabeth, 124 IsabelleDorris,124 James Arthur, 120 James Osborn,95 Jane, 5 Jefferson, 71, 120 Jennie Hanscom, 100 John, 6, 12, 15-17, 22, 27-29, 36-39, 45, 48, 62, 66, 72, 87, 88, 90, 170, 173 John Alden,88 John Cuniugham, 84 John T., 73 Joseph, 12, 13, 17, 29,40,46, 48,84, 1C7, 170,171,174 Joseph Frothing. ham, 120 Joseph Willard,84, 164 Josiah, 38, 170 Leonard, 73 Leonard Francis, 73, 125 Stimson, cont'd Lillie May, 125 Lily Ellawese, 120 Louis Albion, 124 Lucy,41, 69, 71,120, 170 Lucy Minnie, 121 LulaEIizabeth,124 Lydia, 6, 12, 17 Margaret,39,67,170 Margaret May, 89 Martha Eliza, 88 Martha Washing- ton, 71, 122 Mary, 6, 10, 12, 13, 29, 43, 47, 62, 84, 92, 100, 170, 171, 174 Maud;irene,U21 Nancy, 29, 38, 41, 47,63,67, 70,82, 167, 170, 171 Nancy Dicks, 49 Nathaniel, 29, 48, 49, 170, 171 Percival Morrill, 91 Rachel, 84, 153, 175 Rebecca, 6, 9, 15, 26, 29, 36, 42, 45, 46, 81, 170, 171 Rebecca Willard, 38, 64, 174 Relief Gertrude, 109 Robert Wright- Ington, 67, 100 Ruth, 15,22,29,41, 170 Sadie Estella, 124 Samuel, 63 Samuel B., 90 Samuel Brown, 91 Sarah, 6, 7, 10, 71, 88, 120 Sarah Elizabeth, 100 Sarah Green, 62,94 Sarah I.uoy, 124 Sarah May, 92 Susan, 71, 122,167 170 Susan Brown, 72, 123 Susan Fosdick, 38, 64 Susan Harring- ton, 62 [95 Susan Morrill, 88, Susannah, 29, 38, 41,45,48,70,83, 170 Thomas, 62, 63, 90, 94, 170 Thomas M., 91 Thomas Morrill, 91 Washington, 71, 73, 125 William, 22, 29,37- 39, 48, 62, 63, 66, 88, 94, 170, 174 William Albion, 124 [124 William Andrew, William Badger, 88, 90 William Elliot, 94 William Elwell Parks, 155, 175 William Henry, 67, 100, 124 William Osborn, 89 William Washing- ton, 120 Stockholm, Catharine, 38 Stoddard, Grace, 111 Stokes, , 154 Stone, Amelia Genevieve, 135 Story, Ella Maria, 90 Epes, 89, 90 Eunice, 89 Sarah Priscilla, 145 Strachan, Catharine J., 88 George, 88 Mary, 88 Streeter, Catharine Adeline, 62 Strong, gov., 55 Sturgis, Bessie Slay, 142 Dennis Cotelle, 152 Edgar Willis, 152 Ellen, 54 Ethel May, 152 Henry Willis, 152 Mary Williams, 152 Sturtevant, Bethiah, 134 Charles, 134 Emily Frances, 134 Sumner, mrs., 170 Charles, 77 Cynthia, 77 James S., 44, 77 Sunderland, Elizabeth, 21 Swain, Betsey, 101 Khoda Sarah, 117 Swan, Ebenezer, 5 Sweat, 31ary Ann Tower, 121 Sweet, Louise, 112 Sweetser, Abigail, 11 Benjamin, 11 Henry, 29 Laura, 93 Rebecca, 14 Swett, mr., 173 Benjamin, 56 Lucia, 172 Samuel, 172 Sarah, 56 Sarah Allen, 56 William Gray, 172 Sylvester, Celia, 174 Salome, 129 Symmes, Elizabeth, 18 Ruth, 18 Thos., 168 Thomas, 18 Tarbell, Alice Chase, 117 Annie Belle, 117 Charlotte, 117 George, 117 George Robbins, 117 Taylor, John Burnham, 98 John Syng Dorsey, 98 Louise Capen, 128 Lucy Ann, 118 Lucy Antoinette, 128 Lucy Arabella, 98 Mary, 118 Nathasiel, 118 Kaymond Stickney, 128 Thaiikfull, 42 William Hart, 128 William Howard, 128 Tenny, Dudley, 108 Gertrude, 108 Irving Lander, 108 Terry, Isabel, 133 Thacher, I Ebenezer, 20, 119 Thatcher, ] Henry Knox, 20 Luciiida, 119 Lucy F. , 20 Peter, 40 Susan West, 119 Thayer, Julia Ann, 101 Thomas, Mary, 172 Thomes, Mary, 24, 172 Thompson, Adele, 175 Annie M., 130 197 Thompson, ( Annis, 106 cont'd \ Dorothy, 175 Edward Smith, 106 George, 106 George Everard, 106 Hannah, 3i Helen Augusta, 175 Helen Gulliver, 106 Henry, 150 Henry Soffe, 175 Katherine, 165 Louisa, 130 Lucy, 78 Margera Ann, 92 Marianna Calder, 6-1 Marjorie Eveline,106 Richard Johnson, 175 Sarah, 64 Timothy, 64 William S., 130 Thoreau, Betsey, Zb Cynthia, 26 David, 26 Elizabeth, 26 Helen L., 26 Henry David, 26 Jane, 25, 26 John, 25, 26 Maria, 26 Mary, 25 Nancy, 26 Sally, 26 Thurber, Sally, 149 Thwing, Eliza, 108 Elvira, 108 John Greenough, 108 Priscilia, 108 Samuel, 76 Sarah, 76 Sarah Homans, 76 Supply C, 76 Susan Gray, 135 Tibbetts, Abigail, 110 Tilden, Abiel Sylvester, 74, 129 Ann Jane, 129 Caroline Kebecca, 129 Christopher, 31 Clarence Sylvester, 130 Elizabeth, 31 Everett Ames, 130 Frances Getchell, 130 George Henry, 75 Isabelle Irene, 130 Joseph, 129 Salome, 129 Stephen Bradshaw, 130 Susan Maria, 130 Thomas Ames, 130 Tinkham, Horatio, 153 Jane E., 153 Mary, 153 Titcomb, Lucretia H., 136 Tobey, Henry, 81, 144 Patience, 144 Sarah Rebecca, 144 Timothy, 144 Tolman, Charlotte, 120 Tomlin, Anne, 86 Joseph, 86 Mary, »6 Tompkins, Amelia Phillips, 59 Isaac, 59 Julia Phillips, 59 Mary, 69 Nathaniel Sprague Spooner, 59 Sarah Whitwell, 59 Torrey, Nancy, 60 Touhill, Margaret, 93 Margaret Amelia, 93 Michael, 93 Touney, Anna Evelyn, 108 Elizabeth, 108 Touney, cont'd Thomas, 108 Tovrne, ) mrs., 170 Townes, i Charlotte, 73 Emma Eestelle, 120 George Moody, 73, 126 George William, 127 Harriet, 41, 168, 169 Lucv Ann, 73, 125 Martha Greeley,73,126 Mary Boyd, 73, 127 Moody Bridges, 41, 73 Moses, 40, 73 Moses Albert, 73 Oscar Walker, 73, 126 William G., 125 William Leander, 73, 125 Tovirnsend, Ruth Elizabeth, 113 Trask, Charles Mitchell, 72, 123 Sarah, 123 William, 123 Trench, Eliza, 108 Trott, Mabel Lilla, 113 Pricilla, 108 Ruth Elizabeth, 113 Winfred, 113 Trovybridge, mrs., 170 Alice May, 101 Amelia Frances, 101 Belle Carrie, 103 Charles Henry, 101 Charles Irving, 67, 102 Clara, 101 Edmund, 67 Edward Henry, 102 Edward Robbing, 67, 101 Elisha, 39, 67 Elizabeth, 10, 67 Everett, 101 George Newell, 67, 102 George Warren, 101 Gladys Isabelle, 102 Henry Elisha, 67, 101 Herbert Ward, 101 John Miller, 101 Lena, 101 Louise, 102 Margaret Louisa, 67, 102 [160 Mary Ann Homer, Mary Elizabeth, 67, 101 Parker, 102 Parker Vincent, 102 Robert Skidmore, 101 Stephen W., 62 Warren, 101 William Stimpson, 67, 101, 102 True, Abigail, 134 Nancy, 74 Truman, Lydia, 137 Trumbull, Amelia Bates, 124 Clarissa, 71, 119, 122 John, 40, 70, 71 Mary, 71, 118 Nancy, 71, 169 Richard, 28, 70, 71,118, 167-169 Tucker, Ann, 31 Tufts, Hannah, 87 Ruth, 50 Samuel, 87 Susan, 87 Tukey, Benjamin, 101 Elizabeth Porter, 101 Sarah, 101 TuUar, Alden, 88 Eliza, 88 Ellen, 88 Turner, mrs., 170 Ada M., 112 Charles, 69, 115 Charles Henry, 115 Elias, 118 EliasM., 118 Elizabeth Harper, 118 EUa Elizabeth, 96 Ezekiel, 28 Frank Artemas, 114 George Arthur, 114 George Washington, 69, 114 Hannah D., 118 Harriet Elizabeth, 115 Harriet Emily, 69, 115 Harry, 112 Harry Marden, 115 James, 8 James Harrison Russell, 112 James Lewis, 115 James R., 39, 68 James Russell, 68, 111 Josephine Adelaide, 112 Laban, 68, 69, 111, 174 Lewis Lafayette, 69, 114 Lydia, 174 Mariah Brown, 69, 115 Mary, 68, 174 Micah, 68, 174 Rebecca, 111 Rebeeca B., 112 Rebecca Burditt, 69, 112 Ruth B., 6!), 167, 168 Ruth Matilda, 69 Susan W., 69 Susan Wheeler, 69, 113 Susannah, 28 Turtlotte, Martha Brown, 159 Twombly, Marv, 95 Tyler, John S., 80 Susan, 143 Underwood, Charlotte, 73 Upham, Angelina. Ill Helena Lois, 111 Ida May, 111 James Franklin, HI Priscilia, 12 Susannah, 69 William, 111 William Franklin, 111 Upton, Elijah, 90 Ruth, 87 Valis, Clara Eva, 128 Vandervoort, Anne, 156 Varney, Abigail, 102 Emma Josephine, 160 Vassall, , 92 Viall, Mary, 18 Vinton, Aaron, 116 Alexander Hamilton, 19 Alice Gray, 116 David, 19 Gray, 116 John Adams, 10 Ruth, 116 VoUmer, Abraham, 139 Elisa, 139 Henry, 139 Von Lodenstein, Sophie, 156 Von Olnhausen, Carl, 172 Gustav A., 172 Sophia, 172- Vose, col., 39 Elijah, 50 Francis, 50, 51 Henry, 50 198 Vose, I Mary Bartlett, 51 cont'd ) Kebecca Gorliam, 60 Rutli, 50 Euth Tufts, 51 Wadsworth, Lydia, 63 Wait, ( Annie Eliza, H2 Waite, i Caroline Long, 142 Clara Stimpson, HI Cynthia, 141 Daniel, 141 David Simmons, 141 David Standish, 141 John Turner, 141 Mary Augusta, 141 Mary Ellen, 141 Otis Frederic Head, 78, 141 Parker Read, 141 Rebecca, 14 Samuel, 14 Sarah Jolmston, 99 Tirzah Elizabeth, 142 Waldron, Jacob, 130 Joseph, 130 Julia A., 130 JIargaret, 130 Mehitable, 130 William, 130 Walen, Alfred Ernest, 89 Ann Eliza, 89 Bertha .May, 89 Edith Stimpson, 89 Michael, 89 Walker, gen., 175 Abigail, 25, 40 Andrew, 117 Caroline Martha, 114 Charles A., 41, 168 Charles Andrevy, 70, 118 Charles Bdwin, 118 Charles Henry, 70 George Stimpson, 70, 117, 118 Hester Isabel, 114 James, 51 James Gieen, 114 Jaue, 117 John, 51 Joseph Burbeen, 8 Judith, 9 Lucy, 51 Lucy Stimpson, 70 Marion Stimpson, 118 Mary Jane, 70 Mercy, 70 Sally, 52 Samuel, 9, 41, 70 Susan, Kiy Susan Ann, 70, 117 Timiithv, 9, 25 W. K., i()8 William F., 41 William Francis, 70,118 William Johnson, 25 Wall, Andrew, 155 Etta Rachel, 155 Sarah Young, 155 Walter, Annette, 143 Letitia, 143 Young Singleton, 143 Walton, capt, 40 Wambold, Matilda, 140 Ward, (Caroline Pepoon, 138 Ezra Morse, 89 George Lee, 138 Harold, 138 John H., 89 Lydia, 52 Lydia Weed, 89 Wardner, Drew Mallon, 160 George W., 150 George Waldo, 175 Mary E., 160 Wardner, j Mary Elizabeth, 175 cont'd \ Ruth, 150 Torrey Everett, 150 Ware, Betsey Meriam, 118 Warman, Lottie, 162 Warne, Letitia, 143 Warren, Alfred Dwight, 86, 158 Beth Louise, 158 [158 Elizabeth Washburn, George, 158 James, 160 John, 87 John Dicks, 158 Laura Amanda, 160 Marian Anna, 158 Mary A., 87 Parmelia Bradford, 158 Sarah, 87 William Collins, 160 Washburn, George Hittinger, 109 Isabel, 109 Lysander, 108 Martha Duncan, 108 Parmelia Bradford, 158 Silas Dean, 68, 108 Silas Farnum, 109 Willis Hunt, 109 Washington, general, 37 AVatson, Eliza, 57 Eliza Leach, 57 George, 57 Margaret, 139 Watts, Hannah, U7 Richard, 67 Way, mr., 147, 148 Charles Arthur, 148 Charles Granville, 148 Charlotte Elizabeth, 148 Daniel Simpson, 148 Francis Clarence, 148 Helen Granville, 148 Lettice, 147 Loren, 147 Marie Eloise, 148 Samuel Allds, 82, 147 Weaver, Susan T., 151 Webb, Sanih, 56 Webber, Hannah, 88 Ruth, 18 Webster, uir., 53 Adelaide Eliza, 115 Anne, 19 Mary Towner, 115 Mathais H., 115 Welch, Charles Oliver, 130 Hannah, 18 Oliver, 1.30 Ruth Hinckley, 130 Weld, Aaron D., 76 Joseph Richards, 1.36 Lina Sophie, 136 Maria Louise, 136 Wells, miss, 171 Belinda, 80, 139 Thomas, 80 Wentworth, Penelope, 80 Rebecca, SO West, Betsey, 89 Weston, Esther, 21 Wetherbee, * David Allan, 142 Witherbee, i George Albert, 142 John, 142 John Brooks, 129 Sarah, 129 Sarah Eliza, 142 Walter Leslie, 129 William, 78, 142 William Clapp, 142 Whaff, Ann, 26 Wharry, Amelia Genevieve, 1.35 Joseph Samuel, 1.35 Priscilla Elizabeth,135 Wheeler, mrs., 170 Lydia, 115 Rowland, 115 Warham, 40, 69 Whistler, Isabel, 134 White, miss, 48 A. P., 91 Amelia, 110 Bernice Lenna, 113 Charles, 28 Daniel Appleton, 25 Dorothy Merrill, 113 Eben, 112 Ebenezer, 69, 112 Edward Kendall, 113 Elizabeth, 25, 112 Elizabeth Amelia, 137 Ernest Prescott, 113 Evelina, 112 Everetta Maria, 113 Franklin, 112 George, 113 George Walter, 113 Georgiana, 112 Henrietta, 112 John, 24, 25 Louis Augustus, 110 Mabel 3Iaria, 113 Mary Dunning, 110 Obadiah, 112 Percy Elmer, 113 Raymond Merriman, 113 Ruth Carr, 113 Sarah Adella, 141 Standish Day, 141 Susannah, 28 Tirzah, 141 Whitefield, George, 20 Whiting, miss, 171 Abigail, 46 Comfort, 46 Emeline Grey, 106 Grace, 46 Nancy, 155 Whiten, ) ,46 Whyton, j , 46 Whitman, Francis, 21 Mary, 21 Sarah, 21 Whitmarsh, mr., 170 Annie D., 151 Benjamin Hast- ings, H4 Catharine, 65 Catlierine, 38, 170 Ezra, 29, 38, 170 John, .38, 64, 170 Joshua, 151 Maria, .38, 65, 170 Mary A., 64 Nancy, 38, 65, 151, 170 Susan, 38, 64, 170 Susannah, 38, 48 William, 38, 64, 170 Whitmore, Dexter, 124 George Edward, 93 James, 62, 92 James M., 92 Jane, 124 Jlary Elizabeth, 92 Mary Stimpson, 92 Sadie May, 93 Stella, 124 Willard Stearns, 92 Whitney, , 94 Whittemore, Katherine, 33, 50 Susannah, 15 Whitton, Martha, 117 Whitwell, George Miller, 161 John Coyle, 161 Margaret Smith, 161 Wier, Margaret, 47 Sarah Thornton, 36 199 Wiggin, Sophia, 102 TVigglesworth, Abigail, 11 Wilder, Abijali, H2 Edgar Francis, 159 Emily Sanger, 142 Lloyd AV., 159 Martha Brown, 159 Khoda Jackson, 142 Willard, mr., 170 Elizabeth M. P., 58 Josiah, 36, 42 Lockhart, 36, 42, 43 Mary, 36, 174 Rebecca, 36, 167 Thankful!, 42 Willcomb, Adaline Catharine, 112 Daniel, 112 Helen L., 112 Henry Perry, 112 Herbert H, 112 Louise, 112 Marion M., 112 Willett, Elmira, 135 Williams, Abbie Mayhew, 162 Benjamin Walter, 162 Catharine, 172 Cornelia, 132 Eleanor Frances, 159 Ellen, 155 Ellen Augusta, 155 Henry J., 132 George H., 155 Isabella, l:t2 Jane, 58, 84 John Martin, 162 Polena, 131 Sarah Ann, 52 Thomas, 75 Willis, Alice Hamilton, 57 Benjamin, 56 Benjamin McKinstry, 57 Willis, ) Charles Justin, 138 cont'd j Eliza Sewall, 56 Frances Brewer, 138 George Augustus, 138 Hamilton, 56, 57 Mary Ann Holden, 138 Mercy Sherman, 96 Pauline, 57 Sanford Lawton, 138 Sumner Holden, 138 VinceutHamiltonWords- worth, 57 Wilson, Andrew, 7 Benjamin, 92 Damaris, 7 Deborah, 7 Elizabeth, 92 Hannah, 7 Ida Elona, 92 John, 7 John Cragin, 92 Margera Ann, 92 Martha, 7 Mary, 7 Robert, 6 Samuel, 16 Sarah, 7, 16 Susan, 92 Winchester, Marion, 155 Winship, Louisa, 56 Winslow, Abbie, 153 Carrie Edna, 153 Elisha Freeman, 132 Eunice Augusta, 132 Georgianna, 61 Jacob Henry, 153 Olive Smith, 132 Winter, Harriet, 156 Samuel, 156 Wise, Henry Augustus, 53 Wisner, Elizabeth, 161 Wiswall, Elizabeth, 67 Witt, Elizabeth, 173 Wolfe, Eliza Jane, 153 George Adam, 153 Maria Louisa, 153 Wood, Alouzo Hamilton, 117 David, 28, 35, 49 Ella Jane, 117 Francis Peyton, 98 Margaret, 49 Pauline Embra, 98 Percy Scott, 98 Rhoda Sarah, 117 Ruth, 49 Woodbury Ann, 122 Caroline, 99 Woods, Elizabeth, 73 Woodward, Eunice, 121 Wordsworth, Ethel Margaret, 57 Worthen, Alice Gale, 116 Carl Burpee, 116 Carrie Leeds, 116 Chase Currier, 116 Eliza Lowell, 116 Francis Chase, 116 Gray Vinton, 116 James, 116 James Currier, 116 Wyer, Robert, 15 Ruth, 15 Wyman, , 23, 24, 39 Catharine, 75 York, Elizabeth, 108 Harriet Sophia, 95 Young, Jennie, 130 John T., 130 Rosa A., 89 Victoria, 130 Yung, Maria Catherine, 124 INDEX TO PLACES AND SUBJECTS. Aarhuus, Denmark, 148 Aberdeen, Scotland, 99 Abington, Mass., 95, 145, 154 Acton, Mass., 117 Africa, 124 Agawan, Mass., 121 Agricultural Society, Cheshire Co., N. H., 74 Albany, N. Y., 39, 97, 98, 149 America, 10, M, 47 American Army, 29 Missionary Board, 124 Ames Tavern, Audover, Mass., 49 Amherst College, Mass., 91 Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 76, so 8'* 1*'0 149 Andover, Mass.', r7,'24, .32, 37, 48-51, 55-58, 87, 106, 161, 162, 171 Theological Seminary, Mass., 55, 56, 85, 156 Street, Danvers, Mass., 94 Annapolis, Md., 102 Arlington, Mass., 45 Va., 117 Army of Potomac, 33 Ashby, Mass., 161 Athol, Mass., 107 Atlanta, Ga., 145 Auburn, Me., 95, 121, 154 N. Y., 78, 141, 142 Augusta, Ga., 63 Me., 157 Bahia, South America, 173 Bailundu, Africa, 124 Baltimore, Md., 123 Bangor, Me., 108, 117, 156 Barbadoes, 16, 75 Bark Warwick Street, Dorchester, Mass., 36 Barmen, Germany, 139 Barnstable, Mass., 123, 152 Barre, Mass., 56, 83 Vt., 128 Barrington, 111., 99 Barton's Bar, Yuba Co., Cal., 151 Bath, Me., 49, 103, 145, 154 Bay Mills, Mich., 139 Bedford, N. Y., 67 Belfast, Ireland, 62 Me., 46, 57 Belmont, Mass., 33, 132, 136 Bennington, Vt., 43, 151 Berkeley, Mass., 151 Berlin, Vt., 128 Wis., 125, 126 Berry Mills, Carthage, Me., 95 Bethel, Me., Ill Vt., 88 Bethlehem, Pa., 161 Beverly, Mass., 99 Bible School, Chicago, 111., 124 Big Bend, Polk Co., Ark., 144 Billerica, Mass., 6, 7, 9-11, 52, 126 Bola Bola, Kast Indies, 32 Bordeaux, France, 47 Boston, Mass., 8, 9, 16, 19-28, 30-33, .35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45-48, 50-69, 71, 73-85, 87-89, 92, 94,97-103, 105-111, 113, 114, 117-125, 127-144, 146-151, 153-160, 162, 167, 168, 170, 172- 175 Boston, Mass., Adams Street, 41 Advertiser, 53, 174 Ames Plow Co., 117 Back Bay Basin Commission, 61 Bank of the Metropolis, 148 Beer Lane, 59 Bowdoin Square, 36 Bowker Street, 41 Boylston Street, 42, 170 Brattle Street, 42 Brattle Street Church, 35, 36, 53, 59, 61 Brigade Band, 82 Broad Street, 77 Broadway, 47 Cadet Band, 82 Cambridge Street, 36 Central Burying-ground, 41, 69 Central Wharf, 79 Children's Hospital, 143 Christ Church, 33 Chronicle, 174 Church of the Advent, 19 Churches, 20 City, 61 City Council, 51, 80 City Point, 82 City Printer, 80 Common, 28, 170 Congress Street, 31, 45 Copp's Hill, 23 Daily Atlas, 80 Dalton's Lane, 31 Dalton's Row, 31 Dalton Street, 31 Department of Public Institutions, 106 Distil-House Square, 41, 69, 73 Distillers Square, 41 Dock Square, 58, 84 Dorchester Avenue, 82 Endicott Street, 69 Essex Street, 20 Exchange Place, 45 Fire Department, 121 First Baptist Meeting House, 59 First Church, 8, 52 Fort Hill Wharf, 63 Fort Independence, 47 Foster Court, 82 Friend Street, 81 Gibbs Lane, 81 Globe, 136 Granary Burying-ground, 27, 28, 63, 82 Granite Bank, 85 Green Street, .36 Hancock Street, 61 Hanover Street, 59 201 Boston, Hawkins Street, 41 Hawley Street, 73 Hollis Street, 77 India Street, 76 Jackson Place, 73 Journal, 45 Kilby Street, 45 King's Chapel, 31,32 Lendall's Lane, 45 Leverett's I^ane, 45 Liberty Stump, 20 Lindall Street, 45 Long Wharf, 80, 81 Maverick National Bank, 148 Mayor Josiah Quincy, 80 McKinley Square, 31 Merchants Bank, 119 Milk Street, 31 , Mill Pond, 41 Mill- Pond Street, 69 Minot Street, 117 Mt. Hope Cemetery, 63 Mt. Vernon Street, 31, 148 Nassau Street, 38 New North Church, 23, 27 New South Church, 31 Northern Uuiou Station, 41 Oliver's Dock, 45 Oliver Street, 81 Parmeiiter Street, 59 Pleasant Street, 42, 75, 89 Post Office, 31 Post Office Square, 31 Prince Street, 26 Providence R. R. Co., 32 Provident Institution for Savings, 167 Public Schools, 135 Purchase Street, 63, 81 Quaker Meeting House, 45 Kichmond Street, 59 School St. Cong. Church, 20 Sea Street, 82 Second Church, 23 Second National Bank, 85 South Cove, 61 South End, 147 State Street, 79, 80 St. Paul's Church, 24 Sudbury Street, 41 Summer Street, 81 Tremont Bank, 31 Tremont Street, 55 Trinity Church, 25, 42, 68, 66, 136 Upham's Corner, 150 Van Rensselaer Place, 82 Washington Street, 77, 82, 89 Water Street, 31 Weekly Messinger, 65 Wilkes Court, 59 Winter Street, 73 Worcester Street, 48, 85 Bourne, Mass., 145, 151 Bournemouth, England, 54 Bowdoin College, Maine, 102 Boxford, Mass., 56 Bradford, Mass., 121, 1.32 Braintree, Mass., 24, 59, 65 92, 136 Brattleboro, Vt., 55 Brewer, Me., 160 Bridge of Allan, Scotland, 57 Bridgewater, Mass., 22 Vt., 141 Brighton, Mass., 92-94, 110, 111, 137, 1-38 Bristol, Conn., 173 Me., 153 Co., Mass., 67 British invasion, 17 Brockton, Mass., 123 Brookfleld, Vt., 123 Brookline, Mass., 85, 93, 108, 136-138, 143, 148, 157 159 Brooklyn, N. Y., 23, 53, 61, 85, 90, 95, 106-108, 119, 135, 142, 145, 146, 156-159, 173 Brunswick, Me., 154 Buckfleld, Me., 95 Bucksport, Me., 159, 160 Buenos Ayres, South America, 173 Buffalo, N. Y., 135, 155, 156 Burlington, Mass., 52 Butterfield, Me., 39 California, 53, 68, 72, 73, 84, 118 Cambridge, Mass., 5-7, 9-13, 16, 31, .33, 35, 40, 45,50, 51,53,59,60, 101, 109- 111, 113, 114, 130, 132. 138, 142, 150, 155, 158, 160, 175 Bridewell, 5, 6 Church, 5, 9, 10 Holyoke Street, 6, 7 House of Correction, 5, 6 Meuotomye River, 5 Mount Auburn Street, 6, 7 Proprietor's Records, 5 Stoughton House, 6 Camden, Me., 63, 104 N. J., 56 Canaan, N. H., 105 Canada, 48, 49, 98, 107, 117, 122, 126, 1.39 West, 113, 114 Canandaigua, N. Y., 49 Cando, N. D., 103 Canton, Mass., 127, 1.35 Canton of Argovia, Switzerland, 144 Cape Cod, Mass., 123 Cape Vincent, N. Y., 175 Carleton Co., N. B., 131 Carlinville, 111., 144 Carthage, Me., 95 Carver, Mass., 152 Catskill, N. Y., 19 Central Street, Danvers, Mass., 94 Charleston Ground, 174 S. C, 27, 63, 79, 136 Charlestown, Mass., 5-18, 20-30, 32-51, 65, 60, 61, 64, 66-73, 92, 97-100, 105-116, 118-122, 129, 137, 155, 170, 172, 173 Alderman, 97 ' Bunker Hill, 22, 29, 37 Bunker Hill Street, 29 Burial Hill, 13 Church, 8, 13, 14 Church Records, 173 Country Road, 8, 28 Eden Street, 71 Fire Department, 107 First Church, 11, 23, 24, 34, 39, 50, 172 First Congregational Church, 46 Main Street, 17, 22, 29, 37, 38 71 Mead Street, 29,' 37 Mystic Water Board, 97 Navy Yard, 65 Penny Ferry, 13 Prospect Hill, 13 Second Church, 24, 34, 50, 51 Swing Bridge, 71 Training Field, 16 Wapping Street, .39, 68, 09 Warren Street, 68 Wilbridge Hill, 13 N. H., 62, 155 Chelmsford, Mass., 10, 32, 33, 73 Chelsea, Mass., 64, 67, 69, 102, 106, 111, 11.3, 114, 119, 121, 122, 125-127, 131, 158, 159 Cheshire, Mass., 34, 162 Co., England, 133 N. H.,74 Chester, N. H., 56, 59, 156 Pa., 143, 144 Vt., 141 Chicago, 111., 57, 58, 113, 114, 124, 127, 128, 132, 140, 143, 150, 157, 103 Chicopee, Mass., 138 202 Chili, 53 Cliippewa, Canada, 139 Christ's Church, Hudson, N. Y., 19 Church, Billerica, Mass., 9 Lexington, Mass., 7 Menotomy, Mass., 7 Church of the Advent, Philadelphia, Pa., 58 Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, Pa., 58 Cincinnati. Ohio, 60, 69, 96, 1.35, 137 City Hall, Keene, N. H., 75 Civil War, .32, 33 Claremont, N. H., 92, 127, 141 Cleveland, Oliio, 112 Clinton, Mass., 92 Cohassett, Mass., 160 Colchester, Conn., 148 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, N. Y., 157 Collinsville, 111., 34 Colorado, 112 Columbia University, N. Y., 157 Columbian Centinel, 80 Columbus, Ga., 134 Commercial Point, Dorchester, Mass., 36 Common Council, Somerville, Mass., 106 Concord, Mass., 10, 22-26, 31, 34, 45, 138, 172 N. H., 9, 149 Congregational Church, Chester, N. H., 56 Groton, Conn., 20 Wilmington, Mass., 90 Connecticut, 18, 66 Continental Congress. 30 Journal, 35 Convent of the Holy Nativity, Fond du Lac, ■yyjs 51 Cornish, N. H., 80 Cornwell, Canada, 126 Craftsbury, Vt., 161 Cromwell, Conn., 153 Croyden, N. H., 174 Cuba, 47, 78, 86 Damariscotta, Me., 100 Dauvers, Mass., 62, 71, 88-91, 94, 95, 112, 116 Danville, Vt., 56 Darby, England, 28 Darnley House, Bridge of Allan, Co. Perth, Scotland, 57 Dartmouth, Mass., 99 Dartmouth College, N. H., 75, 102, 136 Dayton, Ohio, 150 Dedham, Mass., 40, 51, 76, 78, 132, 1.36, 155 Deertield, Mass., 118 Denison City, Texas, 100 Denmark, 148 Dennis, Mass., 123, 145 Denver, Col., 60, 112, 128 Des Moines, la., 140 Detroit, Mich., 60 Dickinson, N. Y., 125 Dicks, Nancy, Statement, 170 Dixmont, Me., 150 Dorchester, Mass., 8, 23, 24, 36, 42, 46, 50, 53, 57, 115-117, 1.36, 138, 1.39, 143, 150 Burying-ground, 150 Heights, Mass., 37 Dover, N. H., 102, 117 Dresden, Me., 104 Dudley, Mass., 159 Dunbarton, N. H., 120 Dunstable, Mass., 9-11 Duxbury, Mass., 28 East Boston, Mass., 102 Bridgewater, Mass., 96, 151 Douglass, Mass., 92 Hartford, Conn., 162 Indies, 32, 53 Easton, Mass., 74, 153 Pa., 162 East Orange, N. J., 68, 129 Eastport, Me., 99, 123 East Taunton, Mass., 83 Edgartown, Mass., 79 Edgecomb, Me., 120, 153, 154 Edvvardsville, 111., 34, 173 Eliot, Me., 117 Elm House, Andover, Mass., 49 Elmira, N. Y., 127, 150 England, 5, 6, 10, 21, 25, 28, 47, 5.3, 54, 56, 57, 86, 94, 103, 108, 109, 132-134, 139, 146, 147, 151 English Surnames, 5 Euglewood, N. .1., 138 Enniskerry, Ireland, 106 Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, 58 Essex, Mass., 89-91 Essex Bar Association, 91 Co., Mass., 90 Europe, 148, 173 Everett, Mass., 107, 120, 122, 123 Exeter, N. H., 14, 25, 56, 85, 142 Falmouth, Mass., 20, 21, 123, 144 Me., 63, 131 Fargo, N. D., 126 Farmington, Me., 20, 21 Father Abdy's Will, 7 Fergus Falls, Minn., 120 First Church, Keene, N. H., 74 Maiden, 17 Dutch Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 156 Fitchburg, Mass., 92 Fitzwilliam, N. H., 1.30 Florence Crittenton Home, 1.36 Fond du Lac, Wis., 51 Forest Hill Farm, Warren Co., N. C, 143 Hills Cemetery, 23, 51, 74, 75, 77, 78, 134. 139, 147 Fort Collins, Col., 128 Fairfield, Me., 99 Scott, Kan., 172 Union, New Mexico, 150 Foxborough, Mass., 129, 159 Framingham, Mass., 45, 102 Academy, 61 France, 25, 47, 53, 57, 147, 148, 174 Frankfort, Ky., 1.34 Franklin, Mass., 131 Typographical Society, 80 Freedom, N. H., 141 Freeport, N. S., 122 Freetown, Mass., 32, 153 Fryeburg, Me., 172 Gardiner, Me., 124 Genealogies — Appleton, 155 Bailey, 40 Blake, 83, 84 Bond's Watertown, 7, 84 Burbeen, 8 Childs, 66 Faxon, 115 Kimball, 43 Lowell, 68 Poor, 110 Richardson, 10 Thwing, 76 Towne, 73 Wyman's Charlestown, 18, 23, 38 Germany, 61, 103, 128, 139, 149, 172 Gibbon, N. Y., 19 Gilsura, N. H., 174 Girard, 111., 144 Glenroy, Ohio, 105 Gloucester, Mass., 16, 87-89, 112, 11.3, 148 Goshen, N. H., 125 Greentield, Mass., 50 Green Lake, Wis., 126 Greenland, N. H., 100 Greenport, Long Island, N. Y., 95 Greenwich, Conn., 175 Griffin, Ga., 59 Groton, Conn., 20, 22 Mass., 10, 11 203 Guthrie, Oklahoma, 105 Halifax, Mass., 21 N. S., 89, 119 Co., N. S., 126 Hallowell, Me.. 52 Hamilton, N. Y., 44 Hampstead, N. H., 25 Hampton, N. H., 9 Hanover, Mass., 96, 97 N. H., 106 Hanson, Mass., 95-97 Hardwick, Mass., 83, 162, 173 Hartford, Conn., 104, 129, 135, 140, 147, 156, 157 Me., 39 N. Y., HO Harvard College, 6, 9, 13, 17, 20, 22, 24-26, 32- 34, 49-58, 61, 79, 143, 172, 173 Divinity School, 173 Medical School, 32, 138, 143 President, 51 University, 53 Harveich, Mass., 123 Havana, Cuba, 47, 78, 86 Havensville, Kan., 116 Haverhill, Mass., 25, 59, 77, 84, 116, 118, 125, 140, 158 Helensburgh, Scotland, 152 Hesse Cassel, Germany, 61 High School, West Springfield, Mass., 124 Highwood, 111., 114 Hillsboro Co., N. H., 40, 169 Hingham, Mass., 28, 43, 121 Hinsdale, Mass., 95 History of Cambridge, Mass., 6 Lexington, Mass., 173 Maiden, Mass., 17 Hoboken, N. J., 99, 120 Holden, Mass., 93 HoUis, N. H.,40 Holliston, Mass., 1.33 Holyoke, Mass., 104, 124, 138 Hudson, Mass., 159, 160 N. H.,40, 47, 72, 73, 97, 124-127, 169, 174 N. Y., 19, 146 Huntington, Mass., 147 Hyannis, Mass., 123, 145 Hyde Park, Mass., 134, 162 Hy^res, France, 57 Indiana, 115 Indianapolis, Ind., 115 Ipswich, Mass., 6, 12, 90, 112 Ireland, 62, 106 Island of Jersey, England, 25 Isle of Wight, England, 86 Italy, 53, 148, 155 Jaffrey, N. H., 128, 129 Jamaica Plain, Mass., 73, 129 Jamestown, Cal., 72 Jelferson, Mo., 126 Jolicure, Westmoreland Co., N. B., 113 Jones Biver, Mass., 28 Kamundongo, Africa, 124 Keene, N. H., 26, .35-37, 42-44, 74-80, 129-131, 141, H>, 156 Kennebunk, Me., 105 Beach, Me., 106 Kennebunkport, Me., 105 Kentucky, 34 King Philip's War, 12 Kings Co., N. B., 119 Kingston, Mass., 137 Laconia, N. H., 133 Lakeville, Mass., 147 Lancaster, Mass., 41 Landaff, N. H., 105 La Porte, Ind., 100 Lawrence, Mass., 57-59, 88, 163 Lebanon, Me., 115 N. H., 98 Lee, Me., 131 Lempster, N. H., 105, 147 Leomister, Mass., 62, 93, 156 Levant, Me., 95 Lewiston, Me., 141, 154 Lexington, Mass., 7, 33, 36, 45, 64, 133, 172, 173, 175 Leyden, 156 Lieu, Canton of Argovia, Switzerland, 144 Lima, 21 Limerick, Me., 101 Lincoln, Mass., 56 Litchfield, N. H., 73 Littleton, N. H., 125 Little River, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia, 126 Liverpool, England, 21, 47 Nova Scotia, 89 London, England, 10, 47, 53, 57, 134, 139, 147 Londonderry, N. H., 25, 40, 72, 73, 125, 126, 174 Long Island, N. Y.,95 Longmont, Col., 112, 113 Lonoke, Ark., 144 Los Angeles, Cal., 103, 115, 128, 129 Louisville, Ky., 70, 112 Lowell, Mass., 32, 33, 72, 73, 9.3, 102, 111, 115, 116, 124-126, 149, 160 Lunenburg, Mass., 27, 35, 59 Lynn, Mass., 62, 72, 73, 75, 87, 88, 90, 99, 109, 112, 116, 125, 133, 139, 145, 158, 174 Main Street, Keene, N. H., 43 Maine, 47 General Hospital, 102 Maiden, Mass., 14, 17-19, 30, 56, 64, 71, 100, 115, 116, 118, 120, 122, 128, 1.33, 142, 159 Manchester, N. H., 59, 92, 102, 103, 109, 133 Manila, Philippine Islands, 98 Mansfield, Mass., 159 Marblehead, Mass., 68, 109, 125 Marlborough, Mass., 107 Marshfleld, Mass., 97, 129 Marysville, Cal., 118 Masonic, Boston Commandery, K. T., Boston, Mass., 56 Chapter of the Signet, Charlestown, Mass., 97 Coeur de Lion Commandery, K. T., Charlestown, Mass., 97 Columbian Lodge, Boston, Mass., 79, 120 De Molay Commandery, K. T., Bos- ton, Mass., 56 Freemasons of Boston, Mass., 79 Louisville, Ky., 70 Grand Lodge of Masons, Mass., .33, 73 Henry Price Lodge, Charlestown, Mass., 97 Jordan Lodge, Peabody, Mass., 91 King David Lodge, Taunton, Mass., 83 King Solomon's Lodge, Charlestown. Mass., 33 Masonic Lodge, Cal., 73 Temple, Boston, Mass., 33 Meridian Lodge, Watertown, Mass., 70 Mount Carmel Lodge, Lynn, Mass., 87 Mount Zion Lodge, Hardwick, Mass., 83 Pentucket Lodge, Lowell, Mass., 72 Rising Sun Lodge, Keene, N. H., 35, 42-44 St. Andrew's Lodge, Boston, Blass., 33, 56, 59, 60 St. John's Lodge, Boston, Mass., 76 St. Paul's R. A. Chapter, Boston, Mass., 120 Social Friends Lodge, Keene, N. H., 74 Tyrian Lodge, Gloucester, Mass., 87 Massachusetts, 30, 135, 145 Commonwealth of, 168 204 Massachusetts, Constitutional State Conven- tion, 30 General Court, 10 General Hospital, 80 Governor of, 53 Governor's Council, 33, 75, 97, 172 Historical Society, 58 House of Representatives, 33, 76, 129 Legislature, 51, 53-55 Medical Society, 136 Kepresentative, 50, 75 Revolutionary Records, 37, 40 Senate, 172 Senator, 33, 75, 97, 106, 129 State Mutual Insurance Co., 76 State Pri.son, 97 Superior Court, 50, 91, 172 Mattapoisett, Mass., 100 Mayflower, 28 Society, 136 Medfield, Mass., 92 Medford, Mass., 15, 19, 28, 39, 41, 51-54, 63, 79, 87, 107, 108, 111, 133, 147, 167, 170 Cemetery, 28 Medical College, Indiana, 115 School, Dartmouth College, 145 Mediterranean Sea, 53 Melrose, Mass., 101, 103, 106, 115, 116, 139, 159 Mendon, Mass., 146 Menomonee Falls, Wis., 140 Menotomy, Mass., 7 Mercer, Me., 20, 134 Meredith, N. H., 125 Mexico, 53, 137, 143 City of, 137, 143 Middleboro, Mass., 127, 146, 147, 151 Middlebury, Vt., 56 Middlesex Co., Mass., 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 27, 28, 34, 37-39, 45, 62, 70, 71, 172, 174 Middle Temple, London, England, 57 Middleton, Mass., 162 Mlddletown, N. H., 100 Milburn, N. J., 58 Millbury, Mass., 141 Milford, Mass., 172 N. H., 110 Military School, Norwich, Vt., 86 Militia, 1st California Infantry, 150 7th Conn. Regt., 102 1st Mass. Cavalry, 117 1st Mass. Kegt., 113 3d Mass. Regt., 76 11th Mass. Regt., 116 16th Mass. Regt., 116 .36th Mass. Kegt., 105 44th Mass. Regt., 144 45th Mass. Regt., 58, 79 5th N. H. Regt., 73 12th Kegt. Corps d'Afrique, 136 20th Regt. U.S. Colored inf., 113 84th Regt. U. S. Col. Infantry, 136 Milton, Mass., 44, 46, 60, 51, 84, 110, 116, 138 Milwaukee, Wis., 139, 140 Minister Plenipotentiary to England, 53 Minister to England, 54 Mitchell's List, 5 Mobile, Ala., 57, 60, 63, 113 Modesto, 111., 81, 144 Monmouth, Me., 100 Montague, Mass., 93 Montpelier, Vt., 121 Montreal, Canada, 48, 49, 117, 122 Moore, Pa., 143 Mount Auburn Cemetery, 53, 80, 173 Municipal Court, Lawrence, 57 Nahant, 109 Nantucket, 48 Naples, Italy, 53, 148 Nashua, N. H., 73, 115, 120, 125-127, 158 Nashville, Tenn., 57 Natick, Mass., 70 National Cemetery, Arlington, Va., 117 National Hotel, Washington, D. C., 149 National House of Kepresentatives, 149 National Military Home, Dayton, Ohio, 150 Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa., 36 Navy Yard, Charlestown, Mass., 71 Needham, Mass., 61, 101 Newark, N. J., 158, 161 New Bedford, Mass., 66, 67, 81, 99, 100, 153 Newbern, N. C, 58, 143 New Brighton, N. Y., 68 New Brunswick, 113, 114, 119, 131, 135 Newbury, Mass., 175 Newburyport, Mass., 14, 58, 57, 157 Newcastle, England, 5 Me., 154, 167 New Castle Co., Del., 36 New Castle-upon-Tyne, Eng., 5 New England, 5, 'li, 47, 80, 86 Guards, 82 N. E., Hist, and Gen. Register, 46, 51 N. E., Hist, and Gen. Society, 81, 114 New England Hospital, 136 New Hampshire, 126 Recorder, 35 New Hampton, N. H., 52 New Haven, Conn., 19, 34, 161 New London, Conn., 28 New Orleans, La., 47, 70, 1.36, 146 Newport, N. H., 149 R. I., 25, 53 Vt., 133 New Providence, N. J., 161 New Salem, Mass., 42 Newton, Mass., 10, 33, 40, 61-63, 67, 92, 98, 99, 101, 107, 114, 117, 118, 128, 129, 132, 138, 142, 159 Centre, Mass., 103 Newtonville, Mass., 144 - Newtown, N. Y., 38 New York, 32, 33, 50, 54, 62, 82,85, 130, 135, 153 City, 32, 33, 38, 51, 52, 54, 81, 119, 149 N. Y., 32, 54, 79, 89, 98, 105, 107, 108, 118, 120, 124, 127, 130, 134. 137, 139, 141, 142, 149, 157, 158, 173, 175 State, 23, 30, 69 Niagara, Canada West, 114 Norristown, Pa., 127 North Adams, Mass., 113 Northampton, Mass., 44 North Andover, Mass., 55-59 Attleborough, Mass., 101 Bridgewater, Mass., 72 Brookfleld, Mass., Ill, 156 Edgecomb, !He., 153 Northfleld, Me., 106 North Reading, Mass., 87, 105, 163 Salem, N. H., 105 Northwood, Isle of Wight, England, 86 North Yarmouth, Me., 85, 86 Norway, Me., 95 Norwich, Conn., 65, 133, 141 Mass., 147 Vt., 56, 86 Norwood, Mass., 132 Nottingham West, N. H., 40, 44 Nova Scotia, 33, 88, 89, 94, 119, 122, 125, 126, 143, 153 Oakland, Cal., 117 Ohio, 69 Old Colony Iron Works, 83 Omaha, Neb., 140 Orange, N. J., 135, 157 Orford, N. H., 115 Orlando, Fla., 113 Orleans, Mass., 174 Pacific Coast, 72 Painesville, Ohio, 19 Palmer, Mass,, 118, 140 Paris, France, 25, 53, 147, 148, 174 205 Paris, Tenn., 116 Paterson, N. J., 161 Pawtucket, R. I., 88, 152, 159 Peabody, Mass., 49, C4, 90-92, 116 Institute, 91 Library, 90 Peak's Island, Me., 121, 122, 126, 127 Pembroke, Mass., 65, 95, 96 N. H., 94, 114 Pennsylvania, 32 Penn Yan, N. Y., 143, 144 Pertli Co., Scotland, 57 Peru, 53 Pesotum, 111., 173 Philadelphia, Pa., 36, 54, 56, 58, 60,98, 127, 135, 140, 144, 157, 158 Philippine Islands, 98 Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 55, 56, 91 Pittslield, Mass., 134, 135 Pittston, Me., 146, 154 Pa., 138 Plainfield, N. H., 42 Plymouth, Mass., 20-22, 28, 83 N. H., 75, 76 Ohio, 77 Polk Co., Ark, 144 Polynesia, 53 Pompanoosuc, Vt., 106 Port Chester, N. Y., 175 Portland, Me., 47-49, 56, 58, 63, 64, 67, 84-87,101- 103, 121, 122, 128, 130-132, 135, 154, 156-161, 167 Portsmouth, N. H., 24, 63, 69, 115, 128, 130, 132, 155, 160 Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 133 Presque Isle, Me., l.W Preston's Point, Dorchester, Mass., 36 Princeton, Mass., 174 Providence, R. I., 88, 104, 110, 149, 150, 154 Provincetown, Mass., 7i, 174 Provincial Congress, 30 Prussia, 146 Quincy, Mass., 52, 54, 59, 60, 92, 135 Rahway, N. J., 158 Randolph, Mass., 23 Raynham, Mass., 147, 151 Readfield, Me., 121 Reading, Mass., 10, 87, 138, 162, 163, 175 Republican Party, 54 Revere, Mass., 127 Revolution, 29, 30, 66 Revolutionary War, 18, 33, 37, 40, 43, 50 Rhode Island, 64, 66 Ridley Park, Pa., 143 River Philip, Nova Scotia, 94 Rochdale, Kiigland, 109 Rockingham Co., N. H., 130 Rockland, Mass., 95 Me., 103, 119, 141, 142, 153 Rockport, Mass., 173 Rome, Italy, 165 Roxbury, Mass., 24,43,57,63, 73,75-81, 103,127, n-^, 134, 1.35, 137-139, 142-144, 148, 149, 155 Centre Street, 76 Fort lot, 76 First Religious Society, 75 Highland Street, 43, 75, 77, 81 Parker Hill, 79 Rutland, Mass., 115 Sacramento, Cal., 129 Saginaw, Mich., 107 Salem, Mass., 51, 55, 56, 71, 91, 114, 119, 122, 131, 1;h5, 163, 172, 174 N. H., 125 Oratorio Society, 91 Oregon, 125 Salisbury, N. B., 135 Salt Lake City, Utah, 145 Sandwich, Mass., 72, 123, 144-146, 175 N. H., 125 San Francisco, Cal., 139 Sangerville, Me., 116 Santa Barbara, Cal., 33 Sarstedt, Prussia, 146 Saugus, Mass., 99 Sault Sainte Marie, Mich., 139 Savannah, Ga., 81, 146 School Committee, Peabody, Mass., 90, 91 Scituate, Mass., 21, 68, 174 Scotland, 9, 39, 47, 57, 99, 152 Scrooby, England, •^S Second Church, Maiden, Mass., 17 Sharon, Mass., 78 Sherbrooke, N. S., 143 Siloam Springs, Ark., 144 Smithfleid, R. I., 104 Society of the Cincinnati, 50 Somerville, Mass., 55, 89, 98, 100, 105-111, 113, 123, 133, 172 Mayor of, 106 South Abington, Mass., 151 America, 53, 173 Boston, Mass., 46, 47, 82-84 Branch, N. J., 99 Carolina, 18, 175 Framingham, Mass., 84 Hadley, 104, 124 Southington, Conn., 112 South Orrington, Me., 104 Paris, Me., 95 Parish, Danvers, Mass., 94 Reading, Mass., 93 Southern Prison, 73 Springfield, Mass., 50, 58, 93, 95, 118, 133, 137- 139, 141, 173, 175 St. Albans, Vt., 98, 104 St. James's Church, Chicago, 111., 58 St. John, N. B., 114 St. Louis, Mo., 98, 107, 117, 144 State Militia, N. H., 74 Representative, N. H., 43 Senator, K. H., 43 Stockbridge, Mass., 50 Stockport, Cheshire Co., England, 13.3 Stoneham, Mass., 30, 116 Stoughton, Mass., 40, 46, 119, 158 Straflford, N. H., 115 Stratham, N.H., 97 Sturbridge, Mass., 21 Sudbury, Mass., 6, 10, 94 Suffolk Co., Mass., 41, 47, 51, 167, 168, 172 Bar, 75 Sumner, Me., 39 Sunapee, N. H., 125 Surry, Me., 121 N. H., 78 Swampscott, Mass., 99, 125 Sweden, 121 Switzerland, 144 Syracuse, N. Y., 61, 74, 129 Taunton, Mass., 45, 46, 52, 83, 120, 151-153 Temple, N. H., 113 Tewksbury, Mass., 70, 93 Thomaston, Me., 20, .33 Three Lights, Cape Cod, Mass., 123 Tobago, West Indies, SO Topsfield, Mass., 103 Topsham, Me., 56 Toronto, Canada, 98 Torphican, Scotland, 47 Tremont Mills, Lowell, Mass., 72 Trinity Church, New Haven, Conn., 19 Episcopal Church, WiIliamsport,Pa.,58 Troy, N. Y., 155 United States, 53 Bank, 31 Government, 40 Member of Congress, 53-55 Navy, 20, 36, 53 Secretary of State, 53 Senator, 53 Vice-President, 54 206 Dniversalist Church, Danvers, Mass., 94 University of Michigan, 135 Vessels, Adelia Kelley, 123 Angela, 47 Commerce, 47 Content, 17 Francis, 47 John and Sarah, 10 Juniata, 173 Mayflower, 28 Otter, 156 Portia, 146 Virginia, 72 Virginian, 174 Vicksburg, Miss , Vi Virginia, 175 Waldoboro, Me., 104, 105, 141 Wallingford, Conn., 153 Walpole, Mass., 145, 156 Waltham, Mass., 60, 64, 142 Ware, Mass., 83, 151, 152, 162 Wareham, Mass., 123, 127 "Warren, Me., 138 Five Cents Savings Bank, Peabody, Mass., 91 Co. N. C. 143 Washington,' D. C.,'53, 138, 149, 160, 161 Me., 104 N.C., 79 Texas, 98 Waterbury, Vt., 107 Watertown, Mass., 7, 16, 36, 37, 42-44, 52, 62-64, 69, 70, 73-75, 87, 90, 92-94, 100, 101, 117, 118, 134, 136, 142, 173, 174 Waterville, Carleton Co., N. B., 131 Me., 74, 130, 131 Watkins, N. Y., 127 Waverly, Mass., 109 Welch Tract, New Castle Co., Del., 36 Wellesley, Mass., 85, 1.34 Wentworth, N. H., 115 West Alna, Me., 104 Westborough, 107 West Boylston, Mass., 92-94 Cambridge, 45, 118 Central African Missions, 124 West Cove, Isle of Wight, England, 86 Westfield, Kings Co., N. B., 119 Mass., 34, .35, 49, 50, 173 West Hartford, Conn., 19 Indies, 47, 80 Westminster, Vt., 156 Westmoreland Co., N. B., 113 Weston, Mass., 24 West Paris, Me., 96 Westport, Mass., 100 West Roxbury, Mass., 127-129, 142 Springfield, Mass., 124 Westville, N. Y., 134 Weymouth, Mass., 68, 174 White Plains, N. Y., 114 River Junction, Vt., 123 Whitman, Mass., 95, 138, 151, 152 Wiesbaden, Germany, 149 Williamsburg, N. Y., 135 Williams College, Mass., 156, 173 Williamsport, Pa., 58 Williamstown, Mass., 141 Wills, Bradshaw, Ruth, 167 Stimpson, Andrew, 169 Wilmington, Del., 135 Mass., 90 Ohio, 150 Winchester, Mass., 141 Windsor, Vt., 1.33 Winnecome, Wis., 125 Winslow, Me., 82, 130, 131 Winthrop, Mass., 133 Wiscasset, Me., 67, 68, 84, 103-105, 107-109, 153- 155 Woburn, Mass., 8-10, 1.3, 14, 51, 107, 116, 172, 173 Wollaston, Mass., 134 Woodstock, Vt., 56, 131, 141 Woolwich, Me., 108 Woonsocket, R. I., 104 Worcester, England, 10 Mass., 86, 92, 93, 102, 118, 141, 158, 159 Wrentham, 107, 159 Yarmouth, Mass., 96, 119, 159 Me., ^9 York, Me., 21 Yorktown, N. Y., 110 Yuba Co., Cal., 151 H 55 »-i*«| ^^. -^ j>^ ° " " -0 --1^ °e "o. -* ^^ ■^ *.*^ 'J' ^^-'^^ #.* ^^- M- ^\^:^^ ■ jj Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide "'vt* ( Treatment Date; <-«ftO APR ^^® EMEEEER PHESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES, LP. 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724)779-2111 '^ '% ') » ■«'. -^^^ / .v-m^-. 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