12R B8"Bl8 SSi PA€gS 8, 46 AUD 93. HOPKINS & HUMBURCH , REAL ESTATE BROKERS Room 2, Austin Building, BUFFALO, N.Y. NELSON K. H LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, WALTER G. H FRED C. HUM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. EPHONE 893. CHOIoc. ric.55iut.iNUt.5> A 5>rt.^lALTY. DEPEW, TONAWANDA AND NIAGARA FALLS ACREAGE. SEND FOR LIST. references: any banking house in buffalo, buffalo mer- chants' exchange, buffalo real estate exchange. D. F. CALLAHAN, THE ELECTRIC INiZESTOR INVESTORS wishing to purchase the choicest acreage IN or around BUFFALO will find it to their advantage to CALL AND SEE ME before buying elsewhere. Acreage north of the Park fronting Delaware and Elmwood Avenues a specialty LOANS NEGOTIATED. REFERENCES: The Queen City Bank of Buffalo and all Commercial Agencies- D. F. CALLAHAN, 404 Main St., BUFFALO, N. Y. THORNE & ANGELL, Real Estate No. IS NIAGARA ST, BUFFALO, N. Y. TELEPHONE 997. WE SELL INSIDE PROPERTY ONLY. BUFFALO 1893 A DESCRIPTIVE AND STATISTICAL SKETCH OF THE City of Buffalo and its Suburbs BY GEORGE M\ BAILEY, AUTHOR OF BUFFALO, The City of Destiny," "TEN YEARS IN BUFFALO," 16,000 COPIES. 500,000 COPIES. " ILLUSTRATED BUFFALO," -GREATER BUFFALO," 00,000 COPIES. 100,000 SOLD TO AUG. 1. SUPPLEMENTED BY R CLKSSIFIED LIST OF ITS Wholesale, Jobbing and Manufacturing Interests, with Names of Banks and Monetary Institutions, Rail- roads, Principal Hotels and Daily Newspapers. MEMBERS OF THE BUFFALO REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, rm s 1893 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1893, by Rowland & Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. 3 PREFACE^ We take pleasure in presentiiio' "Buffalo, 1893," to the public, feeling assured that the data it contains will prove valuable to any one desirinp; full information concernin<2; this city. Pains have been taken to make the classified lists com- mencino- on pat^e 41 show the extent and variety of Buffalo's interests, while the sketch from the pen of Geo. M. Bailey, Esq., cleaily states the marvelous jirog-ress made by the city durinj^ the past few years and outlines the rapid trj-owtli that is sure to follow in the next decade. We desire to call particular attention to the announcement of the Real Estate Exchang'e on pag;e 46, and to thank our patrons who have assisted by their contributions in the publi- cation of this work. Anyone desirincj; a copy of "Buffalo 1893" will receive same by applying to the Secretary of the Real Estate Exchange. Respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. BrFFALO, N. Y., .June 21, 1898. Index to Advertisements Page. ,\hitiart Chas opp Real Est Am Kx I>ank of Buffalo back cover Bain D 82 Baker H H ct Co T'J Bidwell Clinton ()(> Booth Geo M 58 Bork Wm H 74 Bradley C W 78 Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co 84 Buffalo Barrel Co 62 Buffalo Brick Mirs Assoc 50 Buffala Electrotype & Eng Co 48 Buffalo Fruit Auction Co 82 Buffalo & Medina Cut Stone Co 72 Butts & Adams 62 Callahan D F 3 Delahunt E & Son 80 Delaney Forge & Iron Co 80 Domedion A 82 Dufner B 84 Fox & Fox 70 Fox ct Holloway 60 Gentner V Jr opp inside back cover Green & Wicks opp 41 Hart H L 84 Hatch MP 80 Hein F X opp inside back cover Hill Bros back cover Hoi)kins &, Humburch 2 Howard Iron Works 56 Keasby R A 76 Kruse H W 88 Lang G 76 Lavery W 70 Lee James opj) Pumps Lincoln Geo I opp Real Est Little F P Elec Cons & Supply Co 66 McDonnell & Sons 64 McMichael G H inside back cover MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan Fdry 68 Marine Bank 42 Mersman F 76 Mey F H C 52 Morgernstern J 84 National Eng Co 78 Oakes F S 46 Oatman Le Roy S Produce Co 54 Onink C J & Co 88 Provoost's D Sons & Co 72 Purviance L K opp Real Est Queen City Bank 44 Queen City Eng Co opp Pumps Queen City Mfg Co 88 Reeb M A 74 Richman ct Taylor 60 Rieman Henry 74 Ross J H 64 Sanford Bros opp Wire Works Schack W G 68 Scheuueman A 82 Schwartz L & Co 56 Sikes F G *S; G R 58 Smith Premier Typo Writer opp 41 Starbird G B 88 Strauss & Rogers 74 Thorne & Angell 4 Tiff t Geo W Sons & Co.. .inside back cov Tilden J H 74 Williams H & Co 84 Yost Type-writing Machine Co 70 UFFSLO Resl Estste Exchsnge HENRY S. HILL, President. GEO. H. SICKELS, JR.. WALTER G. HOPKINS, Seer eta ry. Vice- Pre si den t . ELMER C. BARNES, Ass't Secretary. T. J. MA HONEY, Treasurer. r T^ ,K \ i I V-. tM( JR> ' •- •-if HENRY S. HILL. WALTER G. HOPKINS. GEO. H. SICKELS, JR., directors: T. y. MAHONEY. BYRON P. ANGELL. VAN HORN EL Y. FRANK L. DANFORTH. HARRISON D. FOLINSBEE. EDWARD C. BURKHARDT. 16 to 22 Krie Street, BUKKA.LO, N. Y. (for list of members see page 93.) SKETCH or BUFFALO, Bv Geo. M. Bailey. People who marvel at the wonderful growth and development of Buffalo might as well be astonished because the man who yesterday was a beardless youth to-day wears a heavy beard. The whiskers were there all the while, but it wasn't time for them to appear. It does no good now to shave them off. Nature is pushing the whiskers. When the proper time came, this hidden proof of manhood and power came forth. Buffalo "had no whiskers" until 1880. The city was in its callow youth, exhibiting all the traits of provincialism. Everyone knew everybody, and the few progressive citizens did not have hold of things. But Buffalo was budding into manhood. Nature had given the city the elements of a metropolis, and these elements were breaking through the skin. It will do no good now to shave off this growth. Nature is pushing the whiskers ! What these elements were that forced themselves into view, most of us know. There are many things which Buffalo has in common with many other American cities. But no city equally possesses so many of these potent ele- ments of greatness, so permanently established. This is not a general state- ment, but a particular one. Study any growing American city and you will find three or four superior advantages for trade and commerce operating to cause its growth. Study Buffalo and you will find these causes by the score. We can only touch upon the better known causes in a business man's book like this. The lesser known but potent causes we will study more at length. Everyone knows our natural advantages of climate, situation, soil, water supply, drainage and food-producing environs. These are superior posses- sions, but of common observation. Our commercial growth need not be shown by tiresome statistics. But a few figures will perhaps pin your atten- tion more closely to these pages and win you to a greater loyalty to Greater Buffalo. Thei-efore let us take up an entirely new study of Buffalo's growth, under the head of OUR INDUSTRIAL CAPITALIZATION. A corporation is simply a co-partnership wherein many persons join together to accomplish a purpose, requiring money or labor, and each part- ner's interest in the business is represented by shares. The receipt issued to each partner showing the amount of the business owned by him is called a certificate of stock, and is saleable the same as any other property. The popularity of this method of doing business is increasing. In Buffalo the corporation plan is well understood, especially in the purchase and sale of SKETCH OF BUFFALO. land and in manufacturing. Every year millions of dollars are invested in Buffalo, in shares of these business corporations, and the actual volume and extent of the business is a new index of the city's wonderful development. The writer has made a very careful examination of every document on file in the office of the County Clerk bearing upon this subject for the ten years from 1883 to 1898, including articles of incorporation or association, supplementary certificates and annual reports, and the result is very interest- ing. The I)i;Lam ^ Foiniii; and litoN Co.'s Works. Classifying these corporations into producers and non-producers, or civil and beneficiary organizations, he finds that the total number of corporations of all kinds formed in the decade was 1,195, with a total capital stock of $46,347,416.00. Of this number 1,033 were for business and 162 were social clubs, church societies and beneficiary organizations. But not all of this vast capital, represented by shares of stock, was paid for in money or property. Many of the corporations were formed to float visionary schemes, and did not live. Others died of mismanagement or neglect. It is safe to say that many of the companies have all of their shares paid in, but have neglected to file a certificate to that effect as requird by law. Judging only by the pub- lic records, the CAPITAL STOCK of the companies which did not survive is vast, and is a reflection upon our laws, which allow bodies of individuals to attempt to do business and incur debts upon a fictitious showing of capital. It also illustrates an American characteristic — love of big figures. Until all business corporations are sub- 10 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. jected by the State to the same scrutiny that bauks now receive, shares of in- dustrial corporations will not find a popular sale outside of those immediately enii)Ioyed by or in touch with the books and affairs of the (■ori)oration. lie- yond this circle satisfaction with an investment in an industrial corporation rests mostly upon confidence felt toward the personal integrity of the mana- gers. Few stockholders avail themselves of their statutory right to insjiect at any time the books of the companies whose shares they hold. Under the present general statute a new corporation must first file a cer- tificate stating that 10 per cent, of its proposed capital stock has in good faith been subscribed for, and 10 per cent, of that amount paid into its treas- ury. Before commencing any business it must certify that one-half of its capi- tal stock has been subscribed for, and 10 per cent, of that proportion paid in. At the end of one year one-half of the total capital stock must be paid in, and at the end of two years the whole amount must be paid in. Upon filing the first certificate a State tax of one-eighth of one per cent, of the whole (■ai)ital stock must be paid to the State Treasurer. If this has been complied with in the case of Buffalo corporations, this tribute paid by our city to the State has amounted to the large sum of $59,934.27 since 1883. The following table shows the number of corporations formed each year, with the amount of capital stock attempted to be sold, the amount of increase of capital stock found to be necessary by the growth of previously existing corporations, and the amount of capital actually fully paid in by all corpora- tions. In this last column belong those who have paid in full but have not certified to the fact : YEAR. CAPITAL STOCK SUB- SCRIBED. INCREASE BY OLDER COMPANIES. FULL PAYMENT OF CAPITAL STOCK. 1883 1 1,150,000 4,201,700 4.800,100 3,223,600 5,919.500 3,910,700 3,349,000 3,927,400 5,892,266 9,973,150 1 150,000 75,000 160,000 (563,000 939,500 351,000 594,000 2,081,000 2,484,000 1,032,642 $ 362,000 1884 505,000 1885 1,454,500 1886 1,415,000 L887 2,006,500 1888 998,700 1889 1,896,500 1890 3,036.200 1891 2,015,800 1892 6,252,500 146,347,416 8,531,142 $19,942,700 State tax, $57,934.27. 11 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. It is sate to say that one-half of all the subscribed capital stock of Buffalo corporations has been paid in. The above figures tell a very interesting story. The relative amount of paid up and of increased capital invested each year is flattering to Buffalo's future, and shows itself directly in increased population. It is estimated by federal census experts that for each thousand dollars actually invested in man- ufacturing, one workman is employed, and for each one so employed four others are dependant. It is, therefore, simply a matter of arithmetic to deter- mine the growth of Buffalo from its industrial capitalization. True, some of the corporations were non-employing laud companies, but their proportion could quickly be determined. They are fully offset by the immense amount of capital invested in Buffalo business enter- prises during the ten years by private individuals and firms, and by corpora- tions organized under the laws of other states and not of record here. Builders' Exchange. VOICES IN THE AIR. The development of our city not directly reflected by a study of its indus- trial capitalization can perhaps best be shown by quotmg from "Greater Buf- falo," by the writer of this sketch: "A new and golden era is certainly dawn- ing upon Buffalo. Today, through all of her arteries of trade and commerce new blood is flowing, indicating a larger \ife and a quickening strength. Her prominent lines of development are scrolls of prophecy that foretell of Greater Buffalo. These lines shall cease to ascend when Pennsylvania's miners cease to labor; when the forests of the upper lake regions are felled; when the iron and copper of the Lake Vermillion and Superior regions is all taken out ; when the vast wheat fields of the Northwest are barren, and when cattle shall no longer graze upon the boundless prairies— for all of these products of the labor of millions of men pay tribute to Buffalo. THE TRIBUTE OF SMOKELESS FUEL. "It seemed very strange, a few short years ago, to use natural gas, piped 90 miles to Buffalo. Little did we dream, then, of the inexhaustible supply of 12 SKETCH Ot BUFFALO. this dustless, smokeless fuel that lay at our doors. But we quickly accus- tomed ourselves to its use, and now the vast Canadian field, with its scores of gas wells of tremendous pressure and volume, is connected by pipe lines to Buffalo, with new wells drilling daily, and great stores of the fuel just discov- ered under our suburb of West Seneca. Competition will soon cheapen this now necessary article, especially when cheap electric power comes in, to chal- lenge gas and coal. Natural gas is helping Buffalo greatly, by adding to her attractiveness as a residence city, and the three present soui-ces of supply, with rival companies already in the field, promise, soon, fuel cheaper than coal for factories. THE TRIBUTE OF THE CATARACT. " There will be no more wonder, no more discussion, no more opposition to the introduction of electric power from Niagara, a few months hence, than there was when natural gas knocked at our doors for admission. The first thing we know this electricity will be here, lighting our homes and streets, driving countless factory wheels, running a hundred miles of street railroad, and performing a thousand labor-saving services. We little dream of the transformation that is to be wrought in Buffalo during the next decade, by the tunnel power. The whole Niagara frontier will be changed. " AVill there not be an exodus to Buffalo when the proclamation is made that Niagara power can be bought here for one-fourth the cost of steam-power elsewhere; for one-half the price of cheapest water-power elsewhere; when it is known that the source of the new energy is in the everlasting cataract, and its permanence is in the five great inland seas? Will not thousands of men who make manufactunng their pursuit flock to this new Eldorado? What was it that determined the location of the monster mills at Minneapolis, the million looms at Lowell and Paterson? What called the great paper mills to Hol- yoke, Lowell and Lawrence? It was cheap water-power — nothing else. And from each of these mills now comes the cry : " Our water is giving out. The dry season is growing longer every year, as the forests are being cut down at the headwaters of our streams, and we must soon look elsewhere for permanent power." Where will they look? Not all to Niagara Falls, though she will get many industries. Pulp mills, that need both clean water and power will go there. But hundreds of factories in which cost of power is a vital point in pro- duction, also depend as greatly upon superior transportation facilities, good banking accommodations, and nearness to kindred industries, and these will be glad to pay a trifle more for Niagara power delivered in Bnffalo, in the heart of all of these other great facilities, than to go to a smaller city. Buf- falo, then, will be not only the mistress of an inland empire, by reason of her lake commerce, but she will also be the Manchester of America, by reason of her cheap raw material, fuel and power. 13 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. HOW HESTERN GRAIN BUILDS BUFFALO. "A comparison of quantities with areas enables the mind to take in larger sums better than when the quantities are stated in abstract figures. Hence, when we read that Buffalo's grain imports for the year just closed (1892) were 184,000,000 bushels, we do not realize that this is a larger quantity of grain than the combined annual average grain crops of England, Ireland, "Wales, Canada, Egypt, Bavaria, Holland, Greece, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland; that this one year's grain receipts would fill a bin 10 feet wide, 5 feet deep and 7()i>!/3 miles loiig! '^m\ i'BMr.?- h' Buffalo Library Building. " 1'here are millions of acres of wheat lands in the Great West and North- west that never have felt the plough-share. What will be Buffalo's grain re- Kjeipts when these vast areas are added to the lands now producing grain? THE M ORLD COMES HERE FOE SHEEP. " Buffalo is the largest sheep market in the world. Some idea of what this fact has to do with the growth of this city, aside from the slaughtering of the •animals, is found in knowing that one establishment alone at East Buffalo tans 400,000 sheep skins a year and from the pelts takes more than 1,000,000 Jbs. of wool. 11 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. A PROCESSION OF POKKKIfS. " To show how tlie bristly porker assists in buildinf;- u]) Buffalo, we should be told that if the hogs received last year had started to walk here in single file, close together, the procession would have been more than 3,503 miles long. Most of this vast herd of swine was slaughtered and ])acked in Buffalo, giving employment to thousands of men, and putting hundreds of thousands of dollars into circulation. tup: coal miners' tuibute. " Buffalo's coal supply, and her shipments, come from the vast Pennsylva- nia fields. If you are familiar with coal mines you know that miners work in leads or tunnels, following the vein of coal. Down in the dark chambers of these mines a veritable army of brawny, begrimmed toilers are picking and blasting out this coal for Buffalo. And this army is just as surely building up Buffalo as are the masons and bricklayers on our new million-dollar bank building, because every ton they take out has to be handled here, and the land, machinery, coal chutes and pockets to handle this business represent an investment of nearly $10,000,000, and employ several thousand men. " Can you imagine how big a hole in the ground these miners must dig to get out last year's Buffalo coal ? Supposing the vein of coal was six and a half feet thick, and that the tunnel was four feet wide, it would have to be 504- miles long to contain the 2,306,895 tons of coal shiiiped from Buffalo lastyear by lake, not counting the city's own enormous consumption, nor the shipments out from Buffalo by rail and canal. These items would doubtless add a hun- dred miles to the tunnel, or make it reach from Buffalo to Hudson Bay, or nearly to St. Louis, in an air line. And last year was not much of a year for coal, either, for Buffalo. THE TR115UTE THE FORESTS PAY TO BUFFALO. "During the past 15 years the lumbermen have made Buffalo and her little suburban port of Tpnawanda the largest lumber market in the world. The combined lumber receipts of Buffalo and Tonawanda last year (1892), if cut into boards 12 inches wide and an inch thick, would i-each from the earth nearly to the moon. The bulk of Tonawanda's lumber interest is owned by Buffalo men. OUR WONDERFUL INCREASE IN WEALTH. " The assessors say that real property in Buffalo is now increasing in value at the rate of $7,000,000 a year, and upon this basis they fix the amount of the annual tax levy. All the banks in Buffalo, today, after many years of in- dustry and frugality, have together accumulated a capital and surplus aggre- gating $7,000,000. 15 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. " This fact about Buffalo's rapid increase in wealth, put in another way, for better comprehension, means that if the reader had borrowed this $7,000,- 000 at 6 per cent, interest, it would cost him $47.40 every hour for its use, counting 24 hours a day and 865 days a year. Is Buffalo prospering, if her annual increase in real property means a sum so vast as this? And the asses- Erie County Savings Bank. sors do not give the actual value of real estate by fully one-third, nor the per- sonal property by fully $100,000,000. "Something happened in 1877, as you will see by the diagram. A new law went into effect, calling for a new appraisement, and as a result the total value jumped from $39,968,105 to $111,995,955. Taxpayers madeloud complaints. The newspapers championed them. The Mayor, in his annual message, de- manded a reduction, and it was forced down to $88,876,545 in 1878. Since that time it has been climbing up rapidly, but steadily. Yet in spite of this 16 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. fact our avorago tax rate has \wn\ lower tlaii that of any other Ameri- can city of our size. The total value of real and jiersonal property in 1892, by the assessors' approximation, is $186,957,850. If a man had tills wealth in money invested at 6 per cent, his income would be $21.19 a minute. " This annual increase of $7,000,000 is not made by speculators. It is real value, and does not come without cause. Land without people has no value. If one man has land, is forced to sell, and there is but one buyer, the buyer makes the price. If there are two or more buyers the seller makes the price. Population makes land values. If Buffalo is adding to her population every year a city as large as Lockport, while her limits remain the same (about 22 square miles), it stands to reason that there must be more people who wish to buy land than of those who have land for sale. Hence the increase in value, wliich is jnade permanent by new fixtures upon the land, in the way of houses and other buildings that produce rent, as against vacant land that usually brings no income, but is a tax-eater. The amount of substantial build- ing in Buffalo during the past few years has been something tremendous, and it is to be regretted that there is no accurate method of getting at its value. " The increase in value of real and personal property in Buffalo, as assessed fu 1882 and 1892, shows an average gain of 9^ per cent, a year during that decade— a pretty safe investment for anybody's money. We are the second largest live-stock and probably the second largest horse market in the world. POPULATION CONFIRMS STORIES OF TRIBUTE. " The imperfect Federal census of 1890 showed that Buffalo had increased 66J per cent, in population during the previous decade, which was a growth three times more rapid than that made by New York City during the same period. The 100,530 people added to Buffalo from 1880 to 1890 would of themselves make a city as large as Denver or Indianapolis, or Allegheny, Pa., or of our own proud and prosperous capital of Albany! An analysis of thecity directory shows that during the first years after 1880 our annual increase averaged about 10,000, while the latter years showed it to be at the rate of 14,000. But the directories for 1890 and 1891, and sure indications for the present year (1893), show that our average annual increase now is more than 17,000, which is the same as to say that there is dropped down into our midst every 12 months a city as large as Lockport or Jamestown, N. Y., or Concord, N. H., or busy Hamilton, 0. In February, 1892, an official State census was taken, showing a growth of 30,000 inhabitants in the twenty months between the taking of the Federal and State enumerations. 17 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. \ii:u ui' Main Stukict. 18 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. INCREASE IN POrUI.ATION BV DECADES. 1800 to 1810 (first Federal census) l.^**^ ISIO tolS20 ^'^^ 1820 to 1S30 •'•■''^^ 1830 to 1840 ^-^^^ 1840 to 1850 24,048 1850 to 1860 Z^S^i 1860 to 1870 36,585 1870 to 1880 SlAXfi 1880 to 1890 100,330 " These facts should make owners of Buffalo real rstate feel very well satis- fied with their investments. It ought, also to bring to Buffalo the money money which has heretofore sought investment in Denver and other "phenom- enal" towns, through ignorance of opportunities existing right here in our midst for equally profitable and far safer investments. Buffalo is a "phenom- enal town" beyond comparison witli any wooly western upstart. Invest your money here, using ordinaryc ommon sense in placing it, and you will make money. Our city limits can stand more suburban stretching in some direc- tions, though at the eastern line, several years ago, population spilled Over into the country towns. Our northern and western boundaries will soon be lost among pretty streets and homes. OUR PROPHECIES OF GREATER BUFFALO. "The writer has carefully analyzed the annual reports of each department of our city gevernment, as far back as they are obtainable, and it proved that growth-charts could be made showing the rapidity with which our paved streets, sewers, water-mains, and other improvements have been put in, to keep pace with this wonderful advance in population and prosperity ; also showing that in the provision of schools and fire and police protection the growth has been equally marked. Churches have multiplied as cottage roofs increased in our suburbs. Our vital statistisc show a wonderful increase of births over deaths, and in other ways prove with certainty the uniform healthfulness of our situation. Our homes receive pure health-laden air and pure water from the lake, and our topography permits of perfect drainage, especially in the residence sections. " The voice of the pastoffice— that institution which, better than any other, feels the daily pulse of the city— cries out to Greater Buffalo the most pro- phetic greetings of all. She not only tells that there was an increase of 287 per cent, in the number of pieces of mail matter handled between 1880 and 19 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. View on North Division Street. 20 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. 1890, but that this phenomenal ratio has kept on increasing throughout 1890-91, and up to date. The total postoffice receipts of Buffalo for 1891 were $552,342.93, which was a gain of $60,513.69 over the previous year. There was also a great increase in our money-order business, the total volume of which was $2,256,840.35 last year— a sum that would take a man eleven years and ten months to count in silver dollars, picking up $1 every minute, and working ten hours a day. The city's mail was distributed by 36 carriers in 1880 ; to-day it keeps 116 carriers hustling. Seven new banks have been born in our midst during the past eighteen months, making our total possession nineteen. New factories are springing up almost daily in our suburbs, the most notable of these being the big copper smelting works of the Calumet & Heela Mining Co, owners of the richest copper mines in the world. This plant will cover fifteen acres of land on the Niagara river at Black Rock, and will cost several millions of dol- lars. The New York Central Railroad Company, the Gould Automatic Car Coupling Company, and several allied corporations, aggregating millions of capital, have large manufacturing plants employing about 6,000 men, costing more than $4,000,000, at a point in the environs of Buffalo, near Grimesville to make it a model industrial city, like Pullman, " The Clearing House reports show a wonderful gain in the volume of our annual banking business, and the last three years have seen our street rail- road service not only doubled in mileage, but improved a thousand fold in speed and efficiency. New railroads are knocking to come in, though we have twenty-six lines entering here now, besides our lake and transportation facili- ties. It is a remarkable fact that a fleet bringing to Buffalo 2,000,000 bushels of grain, all arriving in one day, can be unloaded and re-loaded with coal in- side of twenty-four hours. "Should not all of these prophecies of Greater Buffalo inspire us with more pride in our queenly city, and with more determination to tell of her beauties abroad? Should they not knit together in a more aggressive body all of the commercial and trade forces of the city ? Chicago is great because she is a unit. Buffalo might be greater than she is if her business men were more unitedly aggressive. There are men living who were born before Buffalo had any existence whatever, yet last year the famine-smitten Czar of Holy Russia received grain from Buffalo, a city with as many inhabitants as the Eternal City of Rome. Geo. M Bailey. 21 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. St. Paul's Church. 22 SKETCH OF BUFFALO. , i^ji n n tt ^ 1 1 1 1 ? Tl 1% ti; ini *^ ir>r 22 1 Real Estate Exchange Building. (Now in courBe of erection.) 23 'Improvement the Order of the Age!' ' T^HE great reputation achieved by ^ the SMITH PKEMIER TYPE- WRITER in the three yeai's that it has been on the market, can be ex- plained by the fact that it is a perfect writing machine and therefore has proved a boon to Typewriter users thoughout the world. Call and examine one before pur- chasing, or write for Catalogue and Price List. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER GO. HOME OFFICE AND FACTORY. 6i NlagaFE Strcct, BUFFALO, N. Y. SYRACUSE, N. Y., U. S. A. GREEN & WICKS, ARCHITECTS, no Franklin Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. -ARCHITECTS OK- BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING, BUFFALO REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE BUILDING, UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE BUILDING. 24-40 BUFFALO, 1893. FoUowiug- is a list of the Mamifaotuivrs, WliolesaU'i-s and Jobbers oi Buffalo, arranged accordinji' to their principal business, together with the names of banks, railroads, transportation companies, and members of the Real Estate Exchange. (Names starred * thus are inserted only when con- tracted for.) Acid Maiuifaotiirers. .Ulas Works, Elk c Bab('()ck *.U'iue Ceiiieiit IMiistci*. REEB M A, 590 Michigan (page 74) .liiriciilliiral Implements. Abell Bros. 401 Ellicott Loegler & I^add, 564 Washington Pitt Agricultural Works, 238 4th Sqnier Geo L Mfg Co, 424 Niagai'a Alcholeue Maiutfacturers. Buffalo Alcholene Co, 4th nr Pemi Ales aiul Porter. (See also Brewers.) .Moffat H C, 143 W Morgan • Alkali Mauufaeturers. Sterling Mfg Co, .ibbott rd nr Bridge Aiiimoiiia .MaiiiiijU'tiirers — Aijiia and Aiiliyuit and Produce Deal- ers' Auction Co, 164 Michigan Antomatio Sprinlilers. Manuf'rs Automatic Sprinkler Co, 54 Court Awning, Tent, Flag and Sail Makers. lUiffalo Awning and Tent Co. 10 N. Division Klliott James & Son, 388 Washington Ewing S F, 10 N Division Parish G H&Co, 11 Main PROVOOST'S D SONS & CO, 18 to 26 Terrace (see page 72) Rogers, Patrick, cor Swan and Wash- ington Stark Bros, 139 E Genesee Williams Bros, 30 E Genesee Axle Manufacturers. Buffalo Steam Forge, H B Stimson. across Ohio st bridge on Buffalo river DeLANEY FORGE AND IRON CO,, 306 Perry (see page 80) Gould Coupler Co, Austin, at Belt Line R R crossing Axle (irease Manufacturers. QUEEN CITY UTG 00 (Uncle Sam's Favorite), Hi Terrace (see page 86) Shining Light Mfg. Co, 90 Main *Bad!ies of All Kinds. GENTNER V JR, 141 Ellicott (see op]( inside back cover) Bag Holders. HAY MAN'S SELF-ADJUSTING BAG HOLDER, 156 158 Terrace Bakers' Machinery. Ruger J W & Co. Chicago cor Perry Baking- Powder Mainifacturers. Cole Alexander, 48 Morton place F'fivorite Mfg Co, 1069 Niagara Gi-anger (fe Co, Broadway cor. Ellicott Plimpton, Cowan & Co, 50 E Swan Queen City Chemical Co, 77 Main Banks and Bankers. (For Facts and Figures see Sketch ) (See also Investment Companies and Trust Companies.) AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK OF BUFFALO, 14-16 W Seneca (see back cover) Bank of Buffalo, 236 Main Bank of Commerce, 188 Main Buffalo Commercial Bank, 24 W Sen- eca Citizens Bank of Buffalo, 563 William City Bank The, 319 Main Columbia National Bank The, 103 Seneca Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Buf- falo, 198 Main (jerman-American Bank of Buffalo, 440 Main German Bank of Buffalo The, Main c Lafayette Hydraulic Bank of Buffalo, Seneca c Hydraulic Manufacturers & Traders Bank The, Main c W Seneca MARINE BANK OF BUFFALO THE, 220 Main (see page opp) Merchants' Bank of Buffalo, 208 Main .M"tropolitan Bank, 485 Afain Niagara Bank of Buffalo, 71 W Forest Peo])les' Bank of Buffalo, 257 Wash QUEEN CITY BANK, 347-351 Main (see page 44) Tliird National Bank of Buffalo, 273 Main Tucker Henry C & Co. 17 W Swan Union Bank, 496 Main SAVINGS. Buffalo Loan. Trust & Safe Deposit Co, 449 Main 43 QUEEN CITY BANK Capital S600,000. W. H. JOHNSON, President. D. CLARK RALPH, Cashier. F. C. M. LAUTZ, Vice-President WALTER H.JOHNSON, AsST Cashier DIRBCXORS: J. N. Ada.m, C. M. Fahrar, F. M. Inglehart, F. C M. Lautz, S. S. Spencer, J. I. Prentiss, Walter G. Robbins. W. H Johnson, Hiram Waltz, E. C. Warner. Nathan Wolff. INTERIOR VIEini Executors, Trustees of Estates, Religious and Benevolent Institutions, Individuals and Finns, will find with us a sale and convenient depository lor money, and liberal and courteous treatment in all business relations. Collections made and promptly remitted lor. Foreign dralts and letters of credit for use in all parts ol the world. Interest paid on special deposits. We invite correspondence or personal interviews. 44 Banks and Bankkus. Bicycle Tools. Buffalo Savings Bank, Washington c Lafayette Empire State Savings Bank, 308 Main Erie County Savings Bank, Main c Niagara Fidelity Trust & Guaranty Co, Erie County Savings Bank Building- Western Savings Bank, Main c Court Bank Associations. Hankers' Association of Buffalo, W (' Cornwell secretary, 236 Main liuffalo Clearing House, Hayen Build- ing. Main c W Seneca *Bar Fixtures. BERNHAED M J, 718 Jefferson Hertkdni A \- Son, 344 Oak HEIN r X, 38 Elm, factories 41 Elm and 35-45 Henry (see opp inside back cover Barbers' Su|)i>lies. DOMEDION ANDREW («mly exclus- ive house), lu4 Broadwav (see ])age S-J) Kayser Oscar, 463 Broadway Barrel Manufacturers. (See also Coopers.) BUrrALO BARREL MEG CO, 1390 West av (see page Q'l) Barrel Maoliiiiery. Holmes E & B. 59 Chicago *Barrel Elevators. MEY r H 0, 64-68 Columbia (page o2) Basket Manufacturers. Kirkholder & Rausch, 49 Seneca Kraebel Jacob, 35 Roeder Ket-liin Christian, 36 Durrenburger \)] Rlieinlrtender Nicholas, 108 Lemon Weber Jacob, 125 Rose Weber Peter, 94 Lemon Batting- Manufacturers. Buffalo Batting Mill, 214 Terrace Bedstead Manufacturers. Buffalo Brass and Iron Bedstead Co, 105 Barton McGrath & Bisgood, 88 Pearl *BtTr Cooler Manufacturers. Bernard M J, 718 Jefftrson Beer Punij) Manufacturers. Engel (leorge, 705 Michigan Holz Bernhard, 87 Maple Meyer August (agt), 303 Broadway Bellows Manufacturers. Churchyard's Joseph Sons, 650 Clinton Belting .Manufacturers and Dealers. Bickford & Francis Belting Co, 55 Exchange Buffalo Rubber Co, 90 Pearl Goodvear Rubber Co, 240 Main Hoffeld, R & Co, 336 Washington MEY r H 0, (chain) 64 Columbia (see page 52) Revere Rubber Co, 74 Pearl Bicycle & Tricycle Manufacturers. Athertou & Funnell, 640 Linwood av Buffalo Cycle Works, Kensington Buffalo Wheel Co, Jewett av and N Y C Belt Line Bowen E N, 879 Main CLINTON CYCLE WORKS, (Globe Safety), Pensevres & Haberer, Props, 114 Clinton East Side Cycle Co, 417 Madison Gibson & Prentiss Cycle Co 500 Wash Martin H C & Co, 5S8 Main M'NUTT RANDOLPH, 163 Swan Pierce G N & Co, 8 Hanover Pratt & Letch worth, 189 Tonawanda Queen City Cycle Co, 550 Main SCHACK W G, 875 Main And 20 dealers *Bicycle Tools. SHAMP GEO W, 78 Washington 45 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, COMMITTEE ON IMPROVEMENTS: Geo Nl. Bailev, Krank S. Oa.i^ E Huron *Brick Manufacturers. BUFFALO BRICK MFGRS' ASSO- CIATION, comprising BRUSH BROS, 2 Builders' Exchange and 927 Clinton BERRIOK CHARLES & SONS, 127 Swan and 1445 Clinton DIETSOHLER HENRY & SON, Weiss nr Clinton HAAKE FRED, 1472 Clinton KIRKOVER LOUIS, 1343 CHnton SCHMIDT GEORGE W, 295 Bailey av and SCHUSLER & CO, Weiss nr Clinton, Wm Brush, Agent, 2 Builders' Ex- change (see page 50) Buffalo Star Brick Co, Ltd, 13^ Swan Hall & Sons (fire), 69 Tonawanda Lancaster Brick Co (dealers), 95 Franklin 51 F. H. C. ]MEY Chain-Belting Engineering Works APPROVED APPLIANCES FOR Elevating, Conveying and Transmission of Power. Builder of Dryers for Grain, &c., and Manufacturer of ELEVATOR BUCKETS. Mey Detachable Chain Belt, Patented Feb. 7, 1888. Nos. 64 to 68 Columbia St., BUFFALO, N. Y. 52 Bkuk MANUFAI'TUIJKKS. Caijkiauk and Wagon Manufacturkus. ROSS J H (dealer), 141 Erie (see page 04) Shawimit it Co. 56 Coal & Iron Ex tie *Hrk'k— Fireproof. KEASBEY R A, ni) Franklin (see page 76) Bridge IJiiilders. Buffalo Bridge and Iron Works, Bail«.v av nr Seneca Clark Henrv, 176 Pearl KELLOGG IRON WORKS, 7 and s Builders' Exchange Cnion Bridge Co, 2:5 Haven Building Broom Mauiifactiirers. Braeunlieh Martin L, 969 (ienesee Blodgeit E C, c Puffer and Hum holt pkwv Carrofl Michael, 442 i;5th Cronk Wni, S Hampton English Patrick, 13 Troup Ernewein F M, Genesee opp Walnut Deigman Wm, 2>}8 Madison Kellogg & McDougall, 347 Main Kohn Adam, 1754 William Purcell John, 290 Clinton av Schultz Edward G, 554 Glenwood av Sexier Henry, 184 Spruce Broom Makers' Supplies. RIEMAN HENRY, 99-103 Grey (see page74) Brush Manufacturers. Buffalo Wire Brush Co, 45 Clinton Ellnian Frank, 428 Emslie Young B J & Bro, 39 Cherry Young Valentine ct Son, 323 BrVlway WURTZ & SON, 22 Lloyd Butchers" Tools and Supplies. Dopp Wni H & Son, 462 Ellicott Smith John E & Sons, 50 Broadway Weils' Butchers & Bakers' Supply Co, 385 Michigan Button Manufaoln rers. Casler Robert, 458 Main Shantz, J Y & Sons, 14 Wells Calcium Liaiiits. Buffalo Calcium Light Co, 70 Elm Canned (iJoods Packers. American Preserves Co, 95 Ohio Erie Preserving Co, 41-43 Exchange Race & Kinsley, 80 W Market Can Manufactnrers (Tin). Ball Bros Glass M'fg Co, 52 Terrace Erie Preserving Co, 41 Exchange Niagara Stamping and Tool |^ Co, Superior c Randall Shepard, Sidney & Co, 145 Seneca Stark Machine and Tool Co, Hudson c 7th *Canvas. BAKER, HOWARD H & 00, 18-26 Terrace (sec page 72) Car Builders. Buffalo Car M'fgCo, Clinton c Babcock Wagner Palace Car Co, 1770 Br'dway Car Couplinsjs. Gould Coupler Co, Austin and N Y 'CR R Car Seals and Presses. Buffalo Seal and Press Co, 7th and Hudson Car Wheels. Niagara Car Wheel Co, Coal and Iron Exchange New York Car Wheel Works, 12 Ger- man Insurance I'Idg Rood & Brown Car Wheel Works, Howard c Thomas "Carbonated Beverages. ' (See also Bottlers.) HOWELL'S SONS JOHN, 9-15 Centre ( arpels, Oil( lotiis and Linoleums. Adam, Meldrum & .Vuderson, 39(5 Main Barnes, Hengerer & Co, 256 Main Morgan D E, Son & Allen, 536 Main Carriage and Wagon Manufactnrers. Bosche Bros, 918 Main Braids Wm, 447 Ellicott Brunn Henry, 1140 Main Buffalo Carriage Co, 1226 Broadway 53 LE ROY S. OATMAN PRODDCE CO, 166 & 168 MICHIGAN STREET. (Incorporated under the Laws of the State of New York.) OKKICERS AND DIRECXOKS : LeROY S. OATMAN. President. BENJAMIN FEN'TON, Vice-President- GEORGE BALTZ. Treasurer. GEO. M. BAILEY, Secretary. BFUXAHD K OKVTSCH WHOLESALE PRODUCE AND COMMISSION. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. BUTTER, EOaS, CHEESE, POULTRY AND ALL FARM PRODUCE. NEW STORE. ALL MODERN IMPOVEMENTS. OVER 12,000 SQUARE FEET FLOOR CAPACITY. Shippers and buyers of produce are stockholders in the company, thus making It In a measure co-operative. A limited amount of stock for sale. Address as above. LE ROY S. OATMAN PRODUCE CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. 54 Oakkiagp: and Wagon Mfr's. Chili)rp:n's CAiueiACiE Mfr's. Chambers J W, 13 Strauss <^lark & Hill Mff? Co, 18 Bradley Dudiinann's Jacob Sons (wagons), 860 Seneca Empire State Wagon Co The, DeWitt c Bradley Fisher & Korn, 111 Clinton Grad A J (wagons), 718 Broadway Harvey John C (estate), 104 Terrace Hofheiiis Alexander, 291 Seneca Kirwen Philip, 2u7 EUicott Lalloz Adolph, 113 Carroll Lesswing Peter, 54 Broadway Merchant Wagon Works, 182 Elk Mever A & A F, 820 Broadway Miller J A, 317 Ellicott Perren A E Co, 124 Pearl Rieman D F Jr, 73 S Division Reiman F J (wagons), 95 Elm Strasser Wagon Works, 243 Abbott rd Stratton C H Carriage Co, 31» Court Sudrow Wm & Son, 633 Broadway Weller Alexander, 184 W Mohawk Wernei- George, 559 Main And 80 others Carriage Hardware. Fowler & Sons, 1 02 Carroll Pratt & Letch worth, 189 Tonawanda Taylor H D, 103 Oak Carriage Specialties. East Mfg Co, 24 Staats Carriage Springs and (wear. American Gear & Spring Co, Niagara Buffalo Spring & Gear Co, 1502 Niag- ara Empire State Wagon Co, DeWitt c Bradley King Spring Co, 1410 Niagara Carriage Tops and Trimmings. BUFFALO TOP CO, 80-84 Terrace McKinnon Dash & Hardware Co, 250 Amherst Niagara Top Co, DeWitt c Bradley 'Cement. (See Lime, Plaster and Cement.) EEEB U A, 599 Michigan (see page 74) BOSS J H, 121 Erie (see page 64) STANDAKD CEMENT CO, 200 Main UNION AKRON CEMENT CO, 121 Erie *Cenieterv Work. M'DONNELL & SONS, 858-860 Main (see page 64) *('liaiii Belting. Mey F H C, 64-68 Columbia (see page 52) Chain and Chain Link Maniifiioturers. Mann James & Sons, 621 Grant Mason & Bradney, 806 Seneca Cliair Manufacturers. Sikes Chair Co, 500 Clinton Cliaudeliers— Kelinishing. STEAUSS & EOGERS, 12 Perry (see page 74) Cliairs and Settees. QUEEN CITY WIRE WORKS, 193 Seneca (see opp wire works) Charc(>al. Bourgnon Peter J, 312 Walnut Clieese. (See also Wholesale Grocers and Commission Produce.) Hasselbeck Martin, 594 Jefferson Huber Bernard & Co, 242 Terrace MERSMAN F, (Swiss and Limburger), 556-560 Broadway (see page 76) Onetto & Terrile, 137 Broadway Strasser B, 821 Genessee Strasser George, 833 Michigan Chemical Manufacturers. Buffalo Chemical Works, Abbott road Crocker Fertilizer and Chemical Co, 56 Pearl Graves & Wing, 32 Board of Trade Bldg Kimmel Christian, 1020 Seneca Schoellkopf Aniline and Chemical Works, the Abbott road Children's Carriage Maiuifacturers. Haugh Thomas & Son, 223 Massa- chusetts ave 56 L. SCHWARTZ & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ARTISTIC WOOD MANTELS. SPECIAL DESIGNS FROM ARCHITECTS' DRAWINGS A SPECIALTY. TILES, FIRE PLACES, GRATES, MOSAICS. SOLE AGENTS FOR Boynton's Latest Improved Warm Air and Hot Water Furnaces. RICHMOND AND JEWETT RANGES AT FOUNDRY PRICES. salesrooms: factory: 89 AND 91 SENECA ST. 160, 162, 164 ELK ST. HOWaRD IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N. Y. -MANUFACTURERS OF- KLKVATORS FOR PASSENGERS and FREIGHT. 56 Carkiage and Wagon Mfu's. Coal Miners and Shiiters. Heinz & Munschauer, Superior c Randall Pfeffer Theo H, 578 Genessee Sweet Georo-e C, '209 Niagara Wolff Nathan, ()20 William Ciijar Miiuii facta rers. (EinpioyiiiK 20 Men and Over.) Earth John V, 170 Orang-e Bauer & Miller, 91 William Beyer & Ruppreeht, 19-21 Terrace Brautigam & Behringer, 235 Sycam'e Breitweiser Bros, 454 Main Ellicott John, 65 Main Flierl Conrad W, 406 William Fnchs Bros, 5()2-50() Main Fuchs Edwin (i, 06 Broadway Goldberg Paul, 145 Cedar Jankowski Joseph, 226 Townsend Kaderabeck Stanislaus, 30(5 Hickory Kiekebuseh Otto, 499 Main Klugherz Adolph, 319 Walnut Kretschner Ernst. 761 William Loesh E. C, 211 Krettner Palaicio J C, 259 Washington Sehiferle Stephen G, 232 Bradway Upper & Donovan, 76 Pearl And 135 others Civil Engineers. SIKES r G & G E, 122 Pearl c Erie (see page 58) Clothins? Mauufaeturers. (8ee also Overalls and Pants.) Altaian & Co, 68 Seneca Brock & Wiener, Columbia Bl'dgs Brown & Friend, 57 Seneca Cohen B. L Sc Co, Washington Cohn, Frank & Levy, 36 Pearl Desbecker, Weill cV: Co, 44 Pearl Geismer M & Son, 48 Pearl Marcus L & Son, 38 Pearl Nathan Abraham, 18 Exchange Warner Bros ic Co, 30-34 Pearl Wile Bros & Co, 37 Pearl Zingsheim M, 3S W Seneca And 65 retail houses Coal Miners, Shippers and AVholesale Dealers. Acme Mining Co, 16 Coal and Iron Exchange Andrews Bros & Co, 77 White Bldg Ball J H & W H, 11-12 White Bldg Bell, Lewis & Yates Coal Mining Co, IS-'JI Coal and L'on Excluuigo Brinker & Jones, 43 Coal and Iron Exchange Cant Bros & Co. 63 Coal and Iron Exchang<^ Chisholm Robert W, 31-32 Coal and Iron Exchange Dakin Charles S, 17 Niagara Delaware & Hudson Canal ("o (Josejih C. Batchelor, sales and shi])pingagt), otHces 11 Erie County Bank Bldg Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. Co (J- J- McWilliams, western sales agent), foot Erie Donnelly, Dunham & Co, 69 Erie County Bank Bldg Drill J M, 12 Erie ('ounty Bank Bl'dg Fairmount Coal and Coke Co, 40 Coal and Iron Exchange Falls Creek Coal Co, 67 Coal and Iron Exchange and 5 Hayen Bldg Hall Charles T, 7 White Bldg Hedstrom E L, 17-18 White Bldg Heylmun J W, 45 Coal and Iron Ex Howard G H & Co, 22 W Swan Linderman H W & Co, 57 Erie County Bank Bldg Meudsen Thomas H, 8 White Bldg Morris Coal Co, !(> Chaiiin Block Northwestern Coal and Iron Co, 40 Coal and Iron Exchange Oak Ridge Mining Co, 67 Coal and Iron Exchange Packard Mark, 120 Erie County Bank Bldg Penna Coal Co (Thomas Hodgson Superintendent), 26 Coal and Iron Exchange Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron <'o, 10-23 Swan Port Roval Coal and Coke Co (W T Clark 1,-30 White Bldg River View Goal and Mining Co, 22 WSwan Shipman C N (wholesale), 71 Coal and Iron Exchange Smith Henry E, 23 W Swan Springer Henry C Coal Co, 10-16 Coit Block 57 F, G. & G. R. SIXES, Qiuil ET)(^\r)eer\[)<^ ai>d Qoptra(;ti9($. Surveys made, Plans and Specifications prepared and bids submitted for all kinds of engineering projects, Steam and Electric Rail Roads, Bridges, Docks, Trestles, etc. Rough estimates made without charge. Correspondence Solicited. offices: SECOND Floor 122 Pearl Street, Corner Erie. BUFFALO, N. Y. QUEEN CITY CHURCH AND HOUSEHOLD ART STAINED GLASS. CLEAR LEADED GLASS. BEVEL PLATE. GEO. M. BOOTH, 67 Kranklin St., = Bukkalo N. V TELEPHONE 774. ESTIMATES GIVEN. 58 Coal Miners and Shippers. Commission— Grains and Forwarding. Tlip Shawinut (\)al Co, 5G Coal and Iron Excluuifi'*' Underhill it Stillnian, G-t Erio Countv Hank Bld^- Wick H C it Co (inc.) 65 Erie County Bank Bldg- Williams Frank & Co, 07 Coal and Ii-on Exchano-e Williams ct IVters (sales agents, N Y L E ct W R K), 2UcS Main Coftec Kxtract Maimfactiircrs. Bachert, Philip, 174 Genesee Mersman F, 5(50 Broadway Cojree Roasters. Bogner Louis, o6-'58 Washington Eckhardt Jacob, 314 Elm Jamison & Mayback, 45 Clinton Jamison & Wagner, Elm nr Broadway C«»ke. Bell, Lewis A Yates Coal Mining Co, 18 Coal and Iron Exchange Brinker & Jones, 42 Coal and Iron Exchange Cant Bros & Co, 63 Coal and Iron Ex- change Chisholm Robert W, 31 and 32 Coal and Iron Exchange Doniiplly, Dunham & Co, 69 Erie Countv Bank Building Drill J .\r, 12 Erie County Bank Bldg Elias G & Bro, 955 Elk Hall C T, 7 White Building Hedstrom E L, 17 White Building Heylmun, J Willard,45 Coal and Iron Exchange Linderaian H W & Co, 57 Erie Countv Bank Bldg Loom's Thomas &: Co, 71 Erie County Bank Bldg Oak Ridge Mining Co, 67 Coal and Iron Exchange Paif^n & iiurns, 275 Washington Smith Henry E, 23 West Swan Schwartz Bros, 12 Court Williams F & Co, 67 Coal and Iron Exchange Com mission— (iraius and Foim aiding-. Allen HenrycVCo,9 Board Trade Bldg Bartlett S C & Co, 30 Board Trade Bldg Baxter B & E, 16 W Seneca Beadh' Frank, 14 \V Seneca Brown Selden S,13 Board Trade Bldg Bruce Benjamin F, 50 Board Trad: z °d 1'?^ ^ " 6 Qommissio9 Dealers i^ )^orses ai^d (T\iJle5. BRAINARD HOUSE STABLES. ACCOMMODATION FOR 600 HORSES. ^'''''TfTJU PPOP. East Buffalo, N. Y, FiDX & HOLLOWAY, DEALERS IN SAND. YARDS ON FOURTH STREET, Between Wilkeson and Court Streets, in rear. of Lee, Holland & Co.'s Plaining Mill, and on At junction with Niagara Street, near Forest Avenue. Sand delivered to any part of the City, and by boat on any line of water communication. OFFICE: 252 Pearl St., Builders' Exchange. Yard Telkphone No. 380 A. Office 380 D. 60 Commission — Gsains and Forwarding. Coppersmiths. Ratcliffe S M & Son, 34 Board Trade Bldo- Richards C W, 23 Board Trade Bldg Ryan Thomas M, foot W Ferry Sandrock Georjie, 1 3 Board Trade Bldg Sawyer Frank J, IG Board Trade Bldg Simons & Co, 48 Board Trade Bldg Spann & Chandler, 28 Board Trade I?ldg Sjiaven T G, 46 Board Trade Bldg Sternberg Charles F, 56 Board Trade Bldg Truscott& Heathfield, 03 Board Trade Bldg Watnrs & Seymour, 54 Board Trade Bldg Whitney & Gibson, 15 Board Trade lildg VVilber Everett B, 14 Board Trade Bldg Cuiiiinissiou, Fruit aiid Produce. Batterson & Co, 167 Scott Brennisen F & Son, 158 Michigan Gail John H, 94 W Market Gleason & flacker, 159 Michigan Lennox & Co, 56 W Market Mackey & Williams, 62 W. Market Mvers, Woodward & Drake, 46 W Market OATMAN LE EOY S COMMISSION 00, 166-1G8 Michigan (see page 54) Potter & Williams, 144 Michigan EEA & POWELL, 142 Michigan Wattles G M & Co, 152 Michigan WHITE J J, 68 W Market Will ct Jones, 58 W Market And 65 others Commission— Live Stocli. I See Live Stock Coiumission.) *{'oudeusers— Steam. ALBEEGER J L (Worthingtou), Franklin c Terrace Coufectioners— AMioIesale and Maun- facturing^. Burt & Sindele, 79 Main Hood Bros & Gould, 296 Connecticut Lutted Candy Co, 25 Ellicott Menker Henry A, 565 Main Robinson M N, 110 Seneca Schabacker & Zittel, 85-87 Seneca Sibley & Holmwood, W4-96 Pearl "Coiitraolors. BUrrALO AND MEDINA OUT STONE 00 (stone), 18 Maryland, (see ])age 74) SIXES F & G E (engineering), 122 Pearl c Erie (see jiagi' 58) STEAUB WILLIAM P (mason), 10 Builders' Exchange TILDEN J H (building), 12-14 Henry (see adv) Contractors' Tools and Supplies. BAKEE HOWAED H & 00, lS-26 Terrace (see page 72) Contractors' Plant Mfg Co, 129 Erie McConnell Angus D, 73 W Eagle *Coiivejors. MEY F H 0, 64-68 Columbia (see page 52) Coopers. (See also Barrel Manufacturers.) Adolf George, 864 Broadway iieck John, 342 Watson BUFFALO BAEEEL 00, Babcocknr W N Y & P R R BUFFALO BAEEEL MFG 00, 1390 West av (see page (52) Debus, August, 59 Peekham F'reischlag Frederick W, 519 Clinton Freischlag Jacob, 388 William Glor & Gridley, 247 Amherst Hitschler Henry, 428 Genesee Kraus Joseph, 16 Peekham Pfeill Peter, 223 Madison Schmidt Adam, 342 Sycamore Seitz Bros, 345 East And 30 others Coopers' Stock ami Supplies. Clark S C, 202 Main Holmes E & B, 187 Michigan Tindel, Thomas & Co, 1318 Niagara Coppersmiths. Aldrich & Ray Mfg Co, 1489 Niagara Bean, Schermerhorn it Co, 69 Main Case W A & Son, Ohio c Washington 61 ImW. fw Si phi ElF'fffll 3ftiM TELEPHONE 1838. PROFESSIONAL AND AMATUER PHOTOGRAPHERS Can obtain all the latest and most desirable styles of S\JRF>I-ieS ••• ••• AT THE LOWEST PRICES • FROM • BUTTS & ADAMS, 457 6l 459 Washington Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. BUFFALO BARREL MANUFACTURING CO. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF SLACK WORK. C=3 o CO ex? OS CO CO > ^ r C2- -n •TJ > <=> (5 •-s H oo !I- < •«3 CE> B c=: CO c« All Orders will receive prompt attention. Prices reasonable. Apple Barrels constantly on hand. Address us for prices. 62 Coppersmiths. Electrical Instruments and Supplies. Kg-gart Chas, 836-838 Washington Kast Coi)ppr iS: SheetIroii(Jo,l)3 Main McBean, Ed<;-e & Co, 33 Main McCutcheon C H, 18 Ohio (iueen Citv Metal Co, 10 Elk Ruckel J H & Co, 81 Main BAKER HOWARD H & 00, 18-2C. Terrace (see page 72) Cork Mauiifactiii'ers. Lowell G H & Co, 549 Washington 'Cotton Duck. BAKER HOWARD & CO, 18-2G Ter- race (see page 72) Cracker Manufacturers. Mugridge George A & Son, 10 Elk Ovens R (Branch V S Baking Co), 159 Ellicott Crockery, China and (Glassware — AVholesale. Glenny W H Sons & Co, 251 Main Newman George E, 444 Main Saunders C E, 140 Seneca Winkler F M & Bro, 172 Genesee And 15 retail houses. *Cut Stone. (See also Stone.; BUFPALO & MEDINA CUT STONE CO, 10 Maryland (see page 74) ^Dealers' Paste. QUEEN CITY MF(^ 00 (ebony and jet black), 80-84 Terrace (page 82) Dental Instrument Manufacturers. Buffalo Dental Mfg Co, 587 Main *l)esi!:ins. Illustrations and Sketches. BRADLEY C W, Tucker Bldg (see NATIONAL ENGRAVING 00 (suc- cessors to Glasgow iS: Palmer) 534 Main (see page 78) Desk Manufacturers. Cutler A & Son, 400 Main IMe Sinkers. BRINK WORTH CHAS E (stationery), 331 Main Johnson J G & Co (soap and steel stamps), 29 Seneca Niagara Stamping and Tool Co (cut- ting), Superior c Randall Oliver Wm W (jewelers j, 430 Niagara Distillers. (See Also Wines iind Liquors.) Cook E N & Co, 86 Main *Drive Chain. MEY r H C, 04-08 Columbia (see page 52) Druggists— AVholesale. Hubbard F S & Co, 203 Washington Laverack G E, 230 Washington Plimpton, Cowan -fc Co, 50 E Swan Stoddard Bros, S4 Seneca And 125 retail houses Di'ugg'ists' Sundries. Briggs F W ct Co, 10 Exchange Buffalo Rubber Co, 90 Pearl Goodyear Rubber Co, 240 Main Dry Docks. Mills R & Co, ft Chicago Union Dry Dock Co, ft Chicago Dry (floods— AVholesale. Adam J N & Co, 387 Main Adam, Meidrum & Anderson, 390 Main Barnes, Hengerer & Co, 250 Main Bettinger's Sons S, 521 Main And 130 retail houses *Dynaniite. (High Explohives.) BID WELL CLINTON, 14 W Swan (see page (JO) Electrical Contractors. LITTLE r P ELECTRICAL CON- STRUCTION AND SUPPLY CO THE, 135 Seneca (see page 00) Electrical Instrnnieuts and Supplies. American Electrical Supply Co, 220 Pearl 63 TV^ODONNELL St SONS, GRANITE QUARRY OWNERS, — F=\RCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. H o 858 TO 860 Main Street, Works and Quarries at QUINCY, MASS. James H. Ross. Charles W. Adams. MANUFACTURERS OF ''BUFFALO" QUICK LIME i^t^ STATE LAND PLASTER. MANUFACTURERS' AGENT FOR Mroc Star Brand Cement and "Best" Ohio Sewer Pipe. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN IMPORTED PORTLAND CEMENTS, CALCINED PLASTER, OHIO WHITE LIME, PLASTERING HAIR, MARBLE DUST, FIRE- BRICK, FIRE-CLAY, SOAPSTONE FINISH, ETC. •f OF=I=ICe: 1-^1 ERIE STREET. • CEMENT WAREHOUSE, Foot Genesee St., Erie Basin Elev. R||rrA| H N V ♦ QUICK LIME WAREHOUSE 213 Perry St. • DUrrnLUi Mi I. 64 Electrical Instruments and Supplies. Elevators— Grain. Buffalo Eugineeriug Co, Erie County Bank IMdg Buffalo Electric Co, 225 Pearl Buffalo General Electric Co, 40 Court Darrin David H, Erie County Bank Hldg I'^lectric Mfg Co, 215 Main Electric Service Co, Erie County Bank Bldg Flach Theodore H & Son, 70 W Genesee Jaynes Electrical Co, 35 Eagle Jones F P ct Co, 255 Pearl LITTLE F P ELECTRICAL CON- STRUCTION AND SUPPLY CO THE, 135 Seneca (see page G6) McCreary James B, Main c Seneca Plumb Charles Electric Works, 89 Erie Singer Fire Alarm Co, 59 Chapin Blk Electrical Manufacturers. (Lanipa, Dynamos, Etc ) LITTLE F P ELECTRICAL CON- STRUCTION AND SUPPLY 00 THE, 135 Seneca (see page i3Main Favorite Mfg Co, lOGU Niagara Lowell G H & Co, 549 Washiogtoii Picl Genes* e Post John (' Sons, 52 S Division QUEEN CITY STAINED GLASS WORKS (Geo M Booth), (57 Frank- lin (see jtage 58) REID WILLIAM, 451-453 Washing- ton Simplex Glass Co, 100 White Bldg Viergiver J & Co, 16 Swan ri HOiA£HRD H. BMKeR 5^ OO. SHIP CHANDLERS ▼ ▼ ▼ NOS. i8. 20, 22, 24 & 26 TERRACE, BUFFALO, N, Y Our IVIammoth Store is located between Commercial and Pearl Sts. Fronting Terrace Square. Near Liberty Pole. Milton H. Provoost. W.m. T. Provoost. Howard H. Baker. D. PROVOOST'S SONS & CO., ESTABLISHED 184.9. SAIL NIAKERS -^^D r vlAMUKACTURERS of^ Sent^, ffiv/ninqd, Hor^e Govern. Canvas, 17 t o 84 Inches Wide, Wholesale and Retail. Manufacturers of FLAGS of all Descriptions. 18 to 26 Terrace, Cor. Pearl St., BUFFALO, N. Y. Ti]e Buffalo & Medina Ui Stone Go., Ltd. DEALERS IN MEDINA, PORTAGE AND OH/0 CUT SANDSTONE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES ..^Iso C TJL r To i n. g- , Oross-v^-alls a-nd. r'la-g-g-ing-. OFFICE AND YARD: No, 18 Maryland St., Cor. Erie Canal, BUFFALO, N. Y. Telephone No. 936. Estimates Furnished and Correspondence SoliciUu. 4 DIRECTORS »> Chas. E. Williams, Prest. Chas. A. Gorman, Vice-Prest. Frank L. Bapst Secy. P. B. McNauuhton, Treas. A. J Hoffmeyer, Managing Director. Glass — Plate and Window. HAuiJWAitio ANU Tool Manukactuuei{s. BEVELED. (iuecn City Mirror, Plate and Bevel- ing- Works, 6 Lock ST', INED. Buffalo Stained (iiass Works, 2U Pearl QUEEN CITY STAINED GLASS WORKS (tieo M IJootli), (JT Frank- lin (see ])ag'e 58) tilove aud Mitteu Mauiifactiirers. Baker L, 432 Niagara Nevin Thomas, 10 Exchange Niagara Glove Co, 12 Exchange Orr George. 12 Exchange Orr Wm, 12 Exchange Queen City Glove Co, 47 Exchange Schmidt & Ripple, 41 Exchange Glucose Manufoctiirers. American Glucose Co, Scott nr E Mkt Glue Mauufacturers. Buffalo Glue Works, 372 Hamburgh Couch B T & Co, White's Corners rd Evans Richard «fe Son, 389 Abbott rd Gold Cure Institutes. M'MIOHAEL INSTITUTE, Niagara Falls, N Y, (George H McMichael, M D, spt), Buffalo office 75 W Tup- per (see inside back cover) Gold iiud Silver Leaf Manufacturers. Kemp S T, 427 Seneca *(Told, Silver and Nickel Platers. EOYLE T M (successor to C Rush- bridgi',) 453-4. "')5 Washington STEAUS & ROGERS, 12 Perry (see page 82) *(iraiu Dryers. MEY F H 0, <54-G8 Columbia (see page 52) "Grates. SCHWARTZ L & CO, 89-Ul Seneca (see page 5(5) Griud Stoue and Kniery Wheel Man- ufacturers. • (See also Hardware.) Eureka Emery Wheel Co, 37 Builders' Exch dlrocers— Wholesale. Becker Philip & Co, 468 Main Cumpson E, 103 Scott Doelman L & Co. 503 Seneca Glauber & Hunkeinoeller, 544 Broad- way Granger & Co, Broadway c Eliicott Granger Wm H, 90 Seneca Heinold C J, 313 Broadway lUingwortii Wm E, 8 Wells Kreinlieider H J & Co, 458 Wash Langner J D & Bro, 7^1 Seneca Laverack George E, 230 Washington Mahaney D & Son, 73 E Market Miller Frank J, 74 W Market Miller, Greiner & Co, 341 Washington Plimpton, Cowan & Co, 50 E Swan Prentiss J I A Co, 98 W Market Race & Kingsley, 80 VV Market And over 1,100 retail houses *Gumuiers. POX & POX, 127 Erie (see page 70) Guns, Aniniunition aud Sporting- Goods. Barnum S & Son, 207 Main I'.lake A: Planz, 219 Main Buffalo .Vrms Co, 17 S Division Bnrnside tt Dorntge, G E Huron LeValley S (i, 189 Main *Half-Tones. BUFFALO ELECTROTYPE & EN- GRAVING CO, 12-24 VVell« (see page 48) NATIONAL ENGRAVING CO (suc- cessors to Glascow & Palmer), ^36 Morgan Bldg (see page 78) *Hair— Plastei'ers. REEB M A, 599 Michigan (see page 74) ROSS J H, 141 Erie (see page 64) Hardware— Wholesale. Beals & Co, 44 Terrace Shepard Sidney & Co, 147 Seneca Walbridge & Co, 317 Washington Weed & Co, 284 Main Hardware aud Tool Manufacturers. American Bit lirace Co, 122 Wash 73 E3:E]isr:Ee"^ leiiEiivdi^^D^, DEALER IN BROOTV^ CORN AND BROOM MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE: A^os. 99; lOl and 103 Grey St., - BUFFALO, N. Y Gold Silver and Sickel llatinq. ■-^'^ ^>9 /^Qtique piQisl^iQt^, Oxidizii?($ apd polisl^i i7($. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CLEANING AND REFINISHING CHANDELIERS AND BRASS WORK 12 FBRli^V STREET, BUEEAEO, A. V. :Lv^. ^^. lEeiEiBiB, MANUFACTURER OF Dealer in Calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, Portland and other Cement, Marble Dust, Mortar Color Etc. Also A^tnt for Acme Cement Plaster, 599 Michigan St , near bycamore, BUFFALO, N. Y. Telephone 326. P^ 74 J. H. TILDEN, office: 14- Henry St., Near Erie Canal. Residence, 198 Franklin St. Hai!D«are and Tool Manukactureks. Hotels. Aniidon Tool Corp, 1547 Ni!io:ara Buffalo Hauuncr Co, 1541 Niagara Buffalo Hardware Co, 557 Svvau Clark Mfy; Co, cross-cut junction Belt Line R R Francis Axe Co, 357 7th Mann James it Sons, 621 Grant Niagara Screw Co, Washington c Chippewa Saxton E R, 31 Llovd White L & I J J, 143 Perry Hardware Specialties — Maanfactur- ers. Buffalo Specialty Mfg Co, 24 Staats Clark Mfg Co, Cross Cut June Belt Line R R Deuther T F, 19G Chicago Frontier Mfg Co, 97 Washington Jetter Mfg Co, 801 Jefferson Harness— Wholesale and Manufactiir- iu^. Becker & Wickser, 9 Court Crandall ct Co, 965 William Melville John, 142 Niagara National Harness Co, l24 Seneca Shiffereus & Sons, 102 Krocidway Simmons Harness Co, 264 Fenton Stone Truman, 340 Washington And 40 retail houses •■Harness Oil. QUEEN CITY MFG CO, 80-84 Ter- race (see i)age S2) Hat 3Iaiinfa('tnrers and Wholesale. Billings W F (ladies). 11 E Mohawk Cohen Solomon (wholesale), 124 Sen- eca Comstock Geo W (wholesale), 249 Main Fox & Whiting (straw), 385 Wash Georger & Co ( wholt^sah-), 508 Main Reischel & Weimar (silk), 335 Wash Tweedy Wm S & Co (wholesale), 50 Exchaage Viekers John W (silk), 283 Main And 50 retail lu)uses Heating- -Steam ami Hot Water. Barnd \- Geiger, 11 E Mohawk Buffalo Forge Co, 480 Broadway Clark & Co, 54 Court Cook E H & Co, limited, 102 17th Cook Edward L, 199 Pearl Dan)\)rth J VV, 228 Peail Gay Louis W, 31 Main Hardwicke Heating Co, 44 N Division Harrington James, 494 West av Irlbacker & Davis, 5;)3 Main Irr George, 517 Washington Irr & Son, 19 Wadsworth Kelsey, Schutt & Co, 879 Main Pierce Steam Heating Co, Cross Cut •June Belt Line R li Smith John D, 51 Pearl Hides, Wool and Pelts. (See also Tauners.) Geissler Leopoed, 43 Carroll Hoeffeld R & Co, 65-67 Carroll Krauss A & Co, 17-23 Quav Wolff Nathan, 32-38 Lloyd *Hii>li Explosives. BID WELL CLINTON, 14 W Sw^ui (see y)age 66) *Hoisting' Machinery. HOWARD lEON W0RKS,"287 Chi- cagu (see page 56) *Hoi)s. BAIN D, 557 Main (see iiage 82) Horse Collar Jlannfactnrers. (See also Harness Manufacturers ) Bippert Frederick, 1391 Fillmore av Scharmack it Franks, cErieand Canal Dorries & Co, 102 Pearl Smith John H & Son, 57 Terrace Horse Sale Stables— Commission. Cmnd.-ill iV- Co, 965 William EIOHMAN & TAYLOE (Brainard House), William, East Buffalo (see page 60) *Hotels. Arlington, Exchange c Wells, $2 BEAINAED HOUSE (C F Richman pro]n-), William, I'^ast Buffalo (see page 60) Broezel, Seneca c Wells, ^3 Carlton, Exchange c Washington. $2 Continental, Exchange c Michigan, $2 Genesee, Main c Genesee, ^3 75 TWFM ,, fr}^^^" I20BEI5T' .j^. 3^E.A.SEE"Z". MAGNESIA SECTIONAL COVERINGS 119 Franklin St., - BUFFALO, N. Y. A. B. PENFIELD, Manager ALSO AGENTS FOR ^RE RARITAN HOLLOW & POROUS BRICK CO. DRINK- LANG'S CELEBRATED BOTTLED BEER. For Family, Hotel and Chtb use. Hotels. Ikon Wohks — Founders. Griiener (German), Washington c Huron, $2 Irocjuois Main c Eagle, $4 Mansion. Main r Exchange, $2.50 New Tifft, 4()7 Main, $-•{ Niagara, I'of ter av e 7th, f 3.50 Staffoi-d, Wcisliington and Carroll, $2.50 Tucker's, Exchange c Michigan, f2 And To others "■ House Tlieriiiostats. SEAMANS I M, 448 Niagara, res 377 Maryland *House Furnisliiug- (joods. SCHWARTZ L & CO. 89-91 Seneca Ice Cream— Wholesale. Hood Bros & Gould. 296 Connecticut Koch Frederick, 89 High Rich ter H, 142 Seneca Smith, Collins & Co, 376 Michigan Wheat's Ice Cream Co. 72 Elm lee Machines. Buffalo Reirigei-ating Machine Co, Washington c Ohio Iniju'oveineut Coinpanies. BUFFALO REAL ESTATE EX- CHANGE [Committee on Improve. inents], (see page 46) Ink Manufacturers. Ruftalo Printing Ink ('o, Brace c Erie Grampp Ludwig, 560 Oak *Iiisurance Ag:ents. HILL BROS, 122 Pead (see back LINCOLN GEORGE I, 120 Pearl (see oi)p real estate) Insurance Companies— (Home.) Buffalo German Ins Co. Main c Lafayette Erie County Mutual Ins Co, 440 Main Harmonia Mutual Fire Insurance Co, 57 Genesee Union Fii-e Insurance Co, 426 Main Iron— Builders. WURTZ & SON, 22 Lloyd Iron Build ing:s. Buffalo Portable Steel House Co, 322 Excliange KELLOGG IRON WORKS, 7-8 Build- ers' Exch Iron Fences and Railiuiiis. Buffalo Folding Iron Gate Co, 10 Coal and Iron Exchange Ernst Charles F. 311 Walnut FEINE AUGUST, 20 Lock Jones George H Sons. 314 Terrace STARBIRD GEORGE B,208 Terrace (see ]>age !SS) WURTZ & SON, -22 Lloyd I r<»n Manufacturers— rig'. Buffalo Furnace Co, ft of Hamburg Iron Works— (Founders.) Bell David. Norton c Evans Bingham c<:. Taylor, 234 W Genesee Broadway Foundry Co, 1192 B'dway Buffalo Cast Iron Pipe Co, J^ox av near Belt Line Buffalo City Iron Works, 174 Fulton Buffalo Forge Co. 480 Broadway Buffalo Hardware Co. 559 Swan Buffalo Malleable Iron Works, 189 Tonawanda Clark & Co, McPherson near Belt Line Railroad Delaney Forge aud Iron Co, 300 Perry Eagle Iron Works (R Dunbar & Son), Perry c Mississijjpi East Buffalo Iron Works, Belt Line Railroad near Broadway Farrar & Trefts, 54 Perry Fillmore Avenue Foundry, Fillmore av near Clinton Ginther's Jacob & Sons, Broadway c Pratt Harrower Horatio C, 35 Court Holmes E A: B, 56 Cliicago HOWARD IRON WORKS, 287 Chi- cago (see page 56) Howard Street Foundry, 575 Howard Jewett Sherman S & Co, Perry c Mississippi Jones' George H Sons, 314 Terrace 77 HALF-TONE. ZTNC & WOOD ENGRAVERS. THE NATIONAL ENG. CO , SUCCESSORS TO WOOD, WAX & HALF-TONE ENGRAVERS. .SBA'D FOR ESTIMATE. /f^f~^'- OFFICES; - 35 AND 36 MORGAN BUILDING, (>^'al'/(li/;.S Cor Huron bnd Main Streets. Iron Works — Founders. LicAD Manufacturers. QUEEN CITY ENGINEEEING CO, Perry c Wasliington (see page opp l)nin])S) llugvr J W & Co, 222 ChicaR-o Pratt ct Letcliworth (malleable) 139 Toiiowiuida TIFET GEORGE W & SONS, -'{S Wash- iii,!i,toii (see inside back cover) Trout HG& Co, 226 Ohio Iron Specialties— (Wroiisiht.) PEINE AUGUST, 20 Lock STARBIED GEORGE B, 208 Terrace (seepage.SSi Iron and Steel. Andrews Bros & Co, 77 White Bldg Beals & Co, 44-50 Terrace Carnegie Steel Co (Ltd) The, 9 German Insurance lildg DE LANEY EORGE AND IRON GO, not) Perry (see page 80) Ditzel Richard R (pig), 39 Coal and Iron Exchange Fowler & Sons, 1(»2 Carroll Hedstrom E L (pig iron) White Bldg Newman W H H & Co, 70 Main Park Bros & Co (Ltd , 355 Seneca Rogers, Brown & Co (pig iron), 70 Coal and Iron Exchange Smith T Guilford, 9 German Insur- ance Bldg Tonawanda. Iron and Steel Co, 70 Coal and Iron Exchange Isinglass Manufacturers. Pfeffer Louis & Sons, 380 Puffer Jewelers' Cases. Apel H (trays), 25 Desmond place Roop Edward M (paper) 42 Keil Springfels Mfg Co, 4(i-48 liroadway Weil J M ct Uros, 79-85 EUicott Jewelers — Manufacturing-. Unnn Charl.'S F, 345 Main GENTNER VALENTINE, JR, "141 Ellicott (see opp inside back cover) Heintz Bros, 04 S Division King & Eisele, Washington c S Division Schneider & Betz, 338 Washington Volk & Weiland, 327 Washington Weil I M & Bros (findings), 79-85 Ellicott Jewelers.' Tools— Manufacturers. Oliver W W, 1485 Main Stark Machine and Tool Co, Hudson c Seventh Jewelers— Wholesale. Ansteth & Reinsch, 214 Main Block Bros, Court c Pearl Em])ii-e .Jewelry Co, 50 Elmwood av Freedman Joseph, 202 Main Guggenheim & Alkan, c Court and Pearl Stradlinger John R, 333 Main Strauss C & Co, Pearl c Court Warner & Wai-ner, 802 Main Weill La.sare E, c Court and Pearl And 90 retail houses * Labels. FOX & rOX, 127 Erie (see page 70) *Label Cutters. rOX & POX, 127 Erie (see page 70) Lad pool Sables. MANUFACTURERS BEST SEASONED MATERIAL. PERFECT WORKMANSHIP. ' ^ THE MONARCH Salesroom, 587 and 589 Main St., LOWEST PRICES AND SATISFACTORY ' TERMS. ♦ ♦ BUFFALO, N. Y. H.Williams. C.B.Jameson. TELEPHONE 137. H. WILLIAMS & CO., SUCCESSORS TO D. Hodse and Orimnal Warren Roofing C ♦ ROOFERS, ♦ /lANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROOFING MATERIALS ROCK ASPHALT FLOORS. DRIVES, WALKS. Office, 250 Pearl St., Builders' Exchange. BUFFALO, N.Y. BERNHARD DUFNER, MANUFACTURER OF "^-^S OrcV^e^trion^^ FLUTE INSTRUMENTS FOR PRIVATE HOUSES. 108GOODELLST.. miFFM.n. N. Y. lacEnsri^-z- Xj. h-a-ist. MANUFACTURER OF Printers' rollers, PADDING GLUES AND STEAM PASTE. Our Rollers are used by all the leading houses here, including Matthews-Northrup Co., Gies & Co , Kittinger Printing Co., Daily ;Veirs, Ua,\]y Times and Daily Enquirer, which alone is a guarantee for our goods. Our Padding Glue-" are superior to anything in the itarket, and our Steam Paste, par excellence. After a trial you will use no other. 10 LOCK ST, BUFFALO, N. Y, 107 N. WATER ST, ROCHESTER, N. Y. 84 Machinists. Meats — Wholesale. Sutton Bros, 38 Le Conteulx Taber Beiijaniin F, 70 Tfi-race The S & L'Mff"- Co, 78 Washingtoii Stinsou H H, 187 Washington Tiirooj) rerforntinj? Co. 80-84 Terrnre TIFT GEORGE W SONS & 00, 35 Washington (see tuiv) Whitman & Co, 178 Ohio 3Iachiner J —Printing'. MAC KELLAE, SMITHS & JOED AN FOUNDRY (Buffalo Branch), H L Baker, Manager, 83-85 Ellieott (see page G8) Maltsters. (See also Brewers.) Braner John P, 992 Michigan Broadway Brewing and Malting Co, 797 Broadway Bullymore Richard (estate), 2212 Niagara Curtis Charles G. 41 Board of Trade Bidg Diehl Henry, 40G Niagara I'lsher Bros it Co, 285 W Genesee Gilbert E, GO Board of Trade Bldg Kani John Malting Co. 377 Genesee Kleinsehmidt Theo. 193 Pratt Kreiner & Lehr, 4G7 Spiing Manning J B & Sons, office 23 White Bldg Meyer John, 1061 Genesee Moffat Henry C, 143 W Mohawk New York and Brooklyn Malting Co, Seneca Polh-y James H, IG Lewis Block Schaefer & Bro. 178 Main Sf-heu Augustus F. Hudson c Fourth Sloan William W. G84-702 Carroll Voltz (" G it J S, 1721 Niagara Weigand John M, 1G2 Carlton Weppner Jacob, !t83 Jefferson Wheeler Joel & Co 283 Perry White & Crafts. Lakeview av c Jersey 3Iantels, Grates and Tiles. Cooper W T iV Bro, 885 W Delavanav Day Alvin W, 5G8 Main Elsesser John. 1183 Niagara Lautz & Co. 861 Main Morgan Eurniture Co, .58 Grange Nason <.'t Hay, 178 Vermont Recs it Grjiwitz 317 Northampton SCHWARTZ L & CO, 89-91 Seneca and lGO-170 Elk (see page .56) Thayer Eli & Co, 39 Henry Wolsey John A. GOG Main Map Mounters. FOX & FOX, 127 Erie (see page 70) Marble aiul Granite Works. Allenbrandt Edward, 9 Walden av Bechtold Daniel, 581 Swan Beuermann Henry .J, -"162 Genesee Cooper W T & Bro, 885 VV Delevan av Crawford John it Son, 1420 Dela- ware av Elsesser John, 1183 Niagara Fi'ank Peter, 373-375 Elm Hagen Michael. 93-95 Broadwav Hughes David L. 1G28 Main Johanus Frank P. 1195 Genesee Lautz it Co (onyx), 8G1 Main Lvtle Rol)ert W, 393 Michigan MVDonald Arthur, 328 Ohio M'DONNELL & SONS, 858-860 Main (see ])age G4) Mock it Co, 238 Lemon Wegenaar L it Son, 502 Washington Mattress Maiiufaotnrers. Chaney N P it Co, 818 Main Colie & Son, 5 Front av McGrath it Bisgood, 88 Pearl Meats— Wholesale. (See also Pork I 'ackers.) Becherer Ferdinand E, 751 Seneca Beck August, 186 Genesee Bishop it Son (mutton) 20 Elk Street Market Danahy Packing Co. Clinton c Metcalf Dold Jacob Packing Co, 745 William Holl Peter, 223 Adams Klinck Bros, 105 E Market Klinck Christian, 11-15 ElkStreetMkt Miller George, 235 Peckhani Milsom Alfred, 85 Elk Street Market New England Dressed Meat and Wool Co, Babcock c Howard Roland Joseph, 79 E Market Sahlen it Roland, Howard c Detroit Schafer ('onrad, 234 Watson 85 THE BEST GOODS are always the chea|)est, and when the best are sold at the same price as the inferior, is it not true business policy to select them, and then recommend the same to your customers? We make the best goods in our line produced, and if you will try them you must be convinced this is a fact. THIS IS OUR LINE: JET BLACK WATERPROOF PARISIAN AND IMPERIAL SHOE DRESSING, PARISIAN TAN PASTE, EBONY AND JET BLACK STOVE PASTE POLISH, JET BLACK ENAMEL AND AJAX LIQUID STOVE POLISH, UNCLE HAR PRE SHO SAM'S FAVORIT AXLE GREASE, NESS DRE=iSING, NCH AND AMERICAN E BLACKING. Send U8 trial order. \\ e fiuarauiee all our goods. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND TERMS. QUEEN CITY MANUFACTURING CO., 80, 82, 84 TeRRACE, BUFFALO, IM. Y. /\nyone de^irin^ o^ copy oy It BUFFALO, 1893, M Will receive same by applying- to the Secretary of the REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, BUFFALO, N. Y. 86 Meats— Wholesale. Optical Lnstkument Manupacturkrs. Schwarzott Adam, 3n4 Johnson Schwarzott Loreiiz, H'AH (iciiesee Summers & Schiutzius (boefj, 87 E Market Thompson Packing Co, 36 Lewis Wagner Jacob, 1472 Genesee "Weimert John (mutton), 18 Elk Street Market Weppner's A Sons, Sycamoi'e c Guil- ford Wertheimcr Isaac. 618 Howard Wertheimer Samuel, 114- Lewis Western Heef Co, 72 Kiv'er And 425 Meat Markets *Metals-01rt. HAYMAN MICHAEL & CO, 154-158 Terrace Mill Supplies. Bickford & Francis Inciting Co. 53-55 Exchange Buffalo Mill Supjily and Machim-ry Co. Childs Buffalo Rubber Co,G D i?arr,90 Pearl and 363 Main Ooodyear Rubber Co, 240 Main and U W Seneca Hoffeld R & Co. 322-336 Washiuglon Whittet Barrett & Co. 59 Main Millinery— Wholesale. Hamilton -lohn, Washington "Jlounments. M'DONNELL & SONS, 858-860 Main (see page (54) *Mortar Color. REEBM A, 599 Michigan (see page 74) Mounters. FOX & FOX, 127 Erie (see page 70) Music and Musical lustrunieuts. Denton. Cottier & Daniels, 269 Main And 20 retail houses Newspapers— Daily. Buffalo Commercial, Washington c N Division Buffalo Courier. 197 Main Buffalo Enquirer. 509 Main Jiuffalo Evening News, 218 Main I?uffalo Morning Express, 179 Wash- ington Buffalo Freie Presse. 500 Main Buffalo Times, 193 Main Buffalo Volks-Freund, 48 Broadway And 34 weeklies, 4 semi-weeklies and 35 monthlies Nickel Platers. STEAUSS & EOGERS, 12 Perry (s^e page 74) Thorne F S, 91 Main Ward C H & Co, 93 Main Office Fixtures. HEIN F X, 38 Elm (see opp in,Mde back cover) Oils. Brooks Oil Co, 52 Terrace Buffalo Refining Co. 55 Main Commercfal Oil Co, 71 Mam Dudley i'^ Co. Swan c Washington Enterprise Oil, Main c Ohio Genesee Oil Works. 159 Seneca Holmes AS ReHningCo,47 VVIiifeBMg Kellogg ct McDougall (linseed) 351 Main McUutcheou C H. 18 Ohio Mann it Bros (linseed) 340 Ohio Merchants' Rehniiig Cf). 107 Seneca I'ease F S Oil Co. 65 .Main Rice. Robinson ct Foggaii, 251 Senec.-i Slandaid Oil Co of New York (Star Oil Works), 17-19 Swan Oil Hefiuers. Atlas Works. Elk c r.abcock Buffalo Retinin^ Co, 55 .Main Commercial Oil Co, 17 .Main Genesee Oil Works, 159 S^'iieca Holmes A S ct Co The, 47 White BIdg Merchant's ReHning ('o, 107 Seneca Star Oil Works. 17-19 Swan *Opera House Chairs. M'NUTT RANDOLPH, 163 Swan Optical lustruuieut 3Iauufactureis. Fox Optical Co, 461 Main Spencer & Smith Optical Co, 3()5 Seventh 87 cmmmiMi mmmm ^ iSkS-ML 'CrMTl^' mmMtHTAl • WR^UGflT'lRSN- W9RK- m-^i^mBm'ZQ&imifmMMmH^' H. WM. KRUSE, STEAM MANUFACTURE Ror ^l]oW ©a^e^. A COMPLETE AND FULL ASSORTMENT OF SHOW CASES CONSTANTLY ON HAND, 104 A^D 106 OAK STREET, ^1 ^1 BUFFALO, N. Y. C. J.ONINK. W. J. ONINK j««!inii ni[i ----^ 18 Ellicott Street. M.LJf fALOjX. OUCHESTRION BuiLDER. Paving Contkactors. Orchestrion Builder. DUFNER BERNAED, 108 Goodell (see adv) Ordnaiu'o Miiuiifaotiirers. CIATLING ORDNANCE CO, 24 Erie (Works Galling-, N Y) Orsfau Builders. House Garrett (church) 122 Clinton Kent William J (i'eed)629 Prospectav Overalls and Pants Manufacturers. Abrams & Co, 104 Pearl American Overall and Shirt Mfg Co, 604 William Bean, La Due & Clawson, 74 Exchange Bej-er Bros, 106 Genesee and 76 Pearl Cohn & Co, 187 Washington Gerstman Louis, 1146 Broadway Haenleiu A & Co, 40 Pearl Jellinek E. 42 Pearl Kempner & Lewin, 52 Pearl Lyon W H, Main c Terrace Masten W I & Co, 187 Washington Seelbach, Levi & Lempert, 226-228 Washington *0xidi/in2;' and Polishing-. STRAUSS & ROGERS, 12 Perry (see page— 74) Paint 3Ianufacturers. Kellogg Oil, Paint and Varnish Co, 351 Main Warren Paint Co, 52 Terrace Paints, Oils and Glass— Wholesale. Baitz Louis. 6()5 Clinton BAKER HOWARD H & 00, 18-26 Terrace (see page 72) Becker Philip & Co, 468 Main Bergman S. 334 Elk Buffalo Paint and Color Co, 609 Main Coppins F T. 338 Niagara Josephs J & Son. 186 Main Kellogg Oil, Paint and Varnish Co, 347 Main Laverack George E. 230 Washington Lorenz John, 70 E Genesee Post Henry, 1247 Niagara Post's John C Sons, 52 S Division Viergiver & Co, 16 E Swan And 40 retail houses "Paper Cutters. HOWARD IRON WORKS, 287 Chi- cago (see page 56) Paper Hangins^s— Manufacturers. Birge M H & Sons, Niagara c Mai-j^- land *Paper Stock and Metals. HAYMAN MICHAEL & CO, 151-158 Terrace Paper— Wholesale. Adams & White, 209 Main Courier Co The. 197 Main DRESCHER J & SON, 106-110 Broadway Gebhard R H, 224 Washington Irish George, 84 Pearl Single John Paper Co (Ltd), 540 Washington Thompson R H, 225 Washington Wex Lawrence, 355 Washington Willis C L, 98 Pearl Paste— (Paperh.angers and Printers.) HART H L, 10 Lock (see page 84) Pattern and Model Makers. Bauman Otto. 186 Seneca Bell Francis, 97 Washington COLSON PREDERIOK A (tel 277) Howard Iron Works Bldg, 285 Chicago Gibson R A, 16 Perry Joseph Mfg Co, 80 Washington QUEEN CITY ENGINEERING CO, Perrv c Washington (seeopp})uni])e) SCHEUNEMAN A (wood and metal) 198 Terrace (see page 82) SHAMP GEORGE W, 78 Washington Paving Contractors. Barber Asphalt Paving Co, 17 Chajnn Block Brady & Maltby (stone), 21 Maryland Buffalo Ferrolithic Paving Co, 3 Builders' Evchg Buffalo Granolithic Paving Co, 73 W Eagle Paving Contractors. Pork Packers. Buffalo Medina Stone and Paving Co, 194 Main Buffalo Vulcanite Asphalt Co, 13 J^ Swan Cockburn Bros & Co, 37 Court German Eock Asphalt and Cement Co, 12 Kremlin Hall Kramer & Herman. 177 Clinton Queen City Paving Co, 73 W Eagle Williams Charles (stone). Pearl c Eagle Perforating— Metal. THEOOP PERrOEATING 00 THE, SO-82 Terrace Photographic Supplies. Buffalo Argentic Paper Co, 206 Chester BUTTS & ADAMS, 457-4.59 Wash- ington (see page 62) Tucker David, 37 Court Physicians' Supplies. JEPPEEY (St GOTSHALL, 311 Main and 11 S Division Piano Manufacturers. KUETZMANN & CO, Niagara c Pennsylvania And 15 retail warerooms Pickle, Sauce and Mustard Manu- facturers. Gentsch B F & Sons, 329 Broadway Heinz H J & Co, 77 Main Kimberly John L, 392 Fourth Klipfel Gustave, 137 E Tupper Klipfel W & G, 648 Michigan Picture Frame Manufacturers. Deuther Mfg Co, Court c Wilkeson Hoddick & Co, 620 Main Mutter Charles F, 672 Clinton Pfeffer Theodore H, 578 Genesee Pincus D & W, 252 Seneca Schuur & Co, 539 Main Sutor William A F, 17 Exchange Tiffany W C, 241 Seneca Tucker David, 37 Court Planing Mills and Sash, Doors and Blinds. Boiler & Reckteuwalt, Chicago c Car- roll Churchyard's Joseph Sons, 650 Clinton Clabeau Bros, 471 Clinton Fischer & Klaus, 920 Seneca Hager& Feist, 141 Elm HAMILTON OHAELES J, Erie c Terrace Henrich William & Son, 193 Spring Hoeftier Bros, Masten c Puffer Holmes E & B, 187 Michigan Jaeckle & Co, 915 Genesee Klaus Joseph, 330 Howard Kreinheder & Flierl, 1356 Genesee Kunz William, 364 Massachusetts Lee, Holland & Co, Court c Wilkeson Metz & Meyer, 292 Elm Parks" Sash & Door Works. 10 Build- ers' Exch Reulin G Henry, 769 Clinton Schreiner Bernard J, 115 Ash Schuele Jacob & Sons, 1500 Jefferson Smith & Miller, 407 Rhode Island Tonawanda Street Planing Mill Co, Ltd, 581 Tonawanda Ubelhoer Jacob & Sons, 200 Cherry Walkham, Dohn & Fischer, 1340 Ni- agara *Plaster. EOSS J H, 141 Erie (see page 64) EEEB M A, 599 Michigan (page 74) Plumbers' Supplies. Cook Edward L, 199-201 Pearl Dixon & Ballon, Wells c Carroll Gay Louis W, 31 Main Irlbacker & Davis, 529-533 Main Jewett John C Mfg Co (baths), 51 N Division Schafer E J G & Bros, 294 Wash Shepard Sidney & Co, 145 Seneca Smith John D, Estate, 51 Pearl Polish Manufacturers. Hebblewhite Mfg Co, 24 Staats Hosmer & Bertling. 90 Main QUEEN CITY MFG 00, 80-84 Ter- race (see page 86) Shining Light Mfg Co, '0 Main Stinson B F & Co, 50 Mechanic Pork Packers. Danahy Packing Co, Clinton c Met- calfe 90 Pork Packers. Publishers and Printers. Dold Jacob Packing Co, 745 William Klii.ck Bros, 105 E Market Kliiick Christian, 11 Elk st market WeppniM- A Frank, 5 Hanover Potash Mamifacturers. Rockelein Michael, 254 Lemon Potteries. Betz Henry & Bros, 824 Genesee Mittler Lorenz, 626 Genesee Powder. BIDWELL CLINTON, 14 W Swan (see page 60) Preserring Companies— Frnit. American Preservers Co, 95 Ohio Erie Preserving Co, 41-43 Exchange Printers. (See Publishers and Printers.) Printers' Finishers. rOX &!rOX, 127 Erie (see page 70) Printers' Materials. (Courier Co The, 197 Main Driscoll & Fletcher (machinery), 32 Ellicott Gebhard Adam F, 224 Washington HAET HENKY L, 10 Lock (see page 84) Hem pel & Dingens, 333 Main MAOKELLAR, SMITHS & JOEDAN rOUNDEY (Buffalo branch, H L Baker mgr, machinery and supplies), 83-85 Ellicott (see page 68) Nesbct Robert (rollers), W Swan c Ter- race Roclie R J (cases), 71 Lloyd Thompson R H, 225 Washington Printers' Rollers Mannfacturers. rOX & rOX, 127 Erie (see page 70) HAET HENEY L, 10 Lock (see page 84) Nisbet R, W Swan c Terrace Produce. (See Commission Produce") Publishers and Printers. Adams & White, 209 Main Baker, Joues & Co, 222 Washington Beach &. Walker, 335 Washington Buell & Wilgus(maps), 179 Wash'gtn Buffalo Catholic Publication Co, Franklin c Erie Buffalo Volksfreund, 46-48 Broadway Burdick E L Co, 10-14 Lock Callahan & Connealy, 404 Main Chamberlain R Rruce, 13>^ Swan City Press Printing House, 83 Ellicott Cossack & Co, 94-100 Lakeview av Cross & Dowdall, 18 Fornes' Block Courier Co The, 197 Main Enterprise Printing Co, 82 Terrace Fairbairu & Landes, 51 Swan Garretson, Cox C Co, 365 Seventh Grant, The Printer, 359 Main Haas & Klein, W Seneca c Terrace Hausauer & Plogsted, 483 Wash'ngn Hartman & De Coursey, Wex Rldg Hutchinson E H & Co, 71-73 W Eagle Hutchinson R & Co, 19 W Mohawk Johnson Willis L, 322 Rhode Island Kittinger Printing Co, 365 Seventh Kraft & Stern, Wex Bldg Landsittel A W, 473 William Laughlin John, 195 Main Lockwood & Ough (law blanks), 326 Washington Martin K I, 41 Franklin McFaul Thomas, 22 W Seneca McGerald S, 457 Washington Matthews-Northup Co, 179 Wash- ington Matthews George E & Co. 179 Wash- ington Moulton C W, 39 Court Otis H H & Sons, 288 Main Paul Peter & Bro, 420 Main Reinecke & Zesch, 500 Main Russell C B & Bro, 198 Terrace Sutton George & Co, 374 Seneca Times Printing House, 193 Main Tovey Alfred E, 1724 Niagara Volger Printing Co, AVex Bldg Wagonis V, 1019 Broadw^ay Warren's James D Sons, Washington e N Division Webster C H, 83 Ellicott 91 Queen City Engineering Co., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Steam ptimps, pamps apd I^eeeiuers, Oil pamps, ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. BRASS, IRON AND STEEL CASTINGS. GENERAL JOBBING AND REPAIRING. Agents for Atlas Engine Works. Plain and Automatic Engin«'S, Boilers, Etc. Corner Perry and Washington Streets. TELEPHONE 15 10. JAMES LEE, Boarding!!^ Livery Stables COACHES TO ORDER. 131 Erie St., 93 prapKliQ St., BUFFALO, N. Y. 92 Publishers and Pkinteks. Keal Estate. Wenborne-Sumner Co The, 135-137 Main Wieckmrni C, 131 Broadway Wright W H, 18 Ellicott and others. Pump Manufacturers and Dealers. ALBEEGEE J L (Worthington .strain). Terrace c Franklin Buffalo Steam Pump Co, 118 Church INIever A F (dealer), 393 Brodway QUEEN CITY ENGINEEEING CO (steam), Perry c Washington (see opp pumps RuckelJ H,81 Main Snow Steam Pump Works, Roesser c Snow av Taber B F (rotary), 70 Evans Pumps and Receivers. QUEEN CITY ENGINEEEING 00, Perry c Washington (see opp pumps) (Quarry Owners. M'DONNELL & SONS, 858-800 Main (see page 64) Radiator Manufacturers. Standard Radiator Co, 12 Porter *Railini?s — Rank and Office. QUEEN CITY WIEE WOEKS, 193 Seneca (see 0])p wire works) Railroads— With Depots. Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Ry, Exchange opp Wells Buffalo & Southwestern (branch Erie Ry), Michigan c Exchange Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, foot of Main Grand Trunk Ry, Michigan c Exch Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Ex- change opp Wells Lehigh Valley (Reading system), Mich- igan c Exchange Michigan Central, Exchange opp Wells N Y C & H R R R, Exchange opp Wells New York, Chicago & St. Louis (Nickel Plate), Michigan c Exchange N Y, L E & W (Erie Ry), Michigan c Exchange Northern Central (N Y C depot), Ex- change c Wells West Shore, Exchange opp Wells Western N Y & Penna (NYC depot), Exchange opp Wells Railroad Supplies. Benjamin Gus, 66 Exchange Carnegie Steel Co, limited, 9 German Insurance Co Bldg Curtiss W L (ties), 183 Franklin Ginsburg R L & Sou, Sycamore ur Belt Line Smith T G (rails, etc), 9 German In- surance Co Bldg Wheeler & Holden (ties and timber), 13 Swan *Ranges. (See also Stoves and Ranges.) SOHWAETZ L & CO, 88-91 Seneca (see page 56) Real Estate. (Members Buffalo Real Estate Exchange.) AHEHAET CHAELES, 14 E Eagle (see page 94) Allen Cyrus A, 31 W Eagle Allen Daniel W, 21 W Eagle Atwater William T, 47 White Bldg BAILEY GEOEGE M, 24 Erie Bell & Ely, 12 Eagle Boechat Frank P, 23 W Swan Box Henry W, 24 Erie Co Bank Brandel Charles P, 47 Seneca Brown Wilmer, Lockport, N Y Buell Franklin S, 84 Exchange Burkhardt Bros, 21 W Eagle Busch Frederick, 95 Franklin Buehl Louis H, 348 Main CALLAHAN D F, 404 Main (see opp inside front cover) Clement Lucius B, 73 W Eagle Close Charles J, 230 Pearl Close Emory P, 270 Main Cutter William B, 19-20 White Bldg Dalv J C W, 68 White Bldg Dauforth Frank L, 93 White Bldg Danforth Frederick W, 351 Main Dayton & Stevens, 1-2 Agency Bldg DeCeu & Little, 35-36 Agency Bldg 93 REAL ESTATE. LOANS. . . INSURANCE. George I. Lincoln, no. 120 pearl street, • • Buffalo, N. Y. • • HOUSES RENTED. . INTERESTS OF NON- RESIDENTS RENTS COLLECTED. . ATTENDED TO. L. K. PURVIANCE, BUSINESS AND o,....,. ACREAGE RESIDENCE gggl EStatfi k M\M^ *«» PROPERTY. ,,3unANCE, loans, MANMCTURING CITY LOTS. NOTARY PUBLIC. SITES. 162 Pearl street, BUFFALO, N.Y. LICENSED Auctioneer ♦ and ♦ Appraiser, REAL ESTATE. LOAN AND INSURANCE BROKER . I^ooms 5 apd 6, over 14 East Ea($l(? 5treet, BUpp/^CO, \4. Y. Telephone 995. 94 Real Estate. Real, Estate. DELAHUNT EDWAED, 18 W Swan (see page 80) Deunison Louis 0, 2.5 Builders' Exch Doyle Henrv B, 16 N Division Dorr Samuel G, M D, 8(»0 Jefferson Duncan Elmer L, 36 Niagara Embry Herbert H, 4 ChapiTj Block Eaton Henry, 78 Agency Bldg Folinsbee H D, 1 Brown's Bldg Gilmour CharleB B, 15 Niagara Grist F Stephen, 126 Franklin Hartwell Wesley G, 33 White Bldg HATCH MARION P, Laird Bldg (see page 80) Hazard Willett B, 18 Agency Bldg HILL OHAELES B, 122 Pearl HILL HENRY S, 122 Pearl (see back cover) Hodge Charles J, 56 Niagara Hodge William C, 60 Hodge av HOPKINS & HUMBUROH, 2 Austin Bldg (see inside front cover) Howard George E, 19 Erie County Bank Bldg Hubbard Frank S, 263 Washington Hughes & Hunt, 30 Agency Bldg Holmes James S, 26 Law Exch Hoff Francis L, 62 Erie County Bank Bldg Ingham Clark L, 155 Pearl Inglehart Fred M, 31 Erie County Bank Bldg Johnson Arthur A, 52 Erie County Bank Bldg JOHNSON WILLIAM H, 351 Main Kingsley S S, 39 Niagara Kittinger Joseph, 125 Erie County Bank Bldg Klas & Weyand, 36 Niagara Knight Erastus C, 121 Franklin Koons H «fe E L, 474 Main LEE GEORGE A, 7 Swan Lvon & Morgan, 160 Pearl LINCOLN GEORGE I, 120 Pearl (see opposite) Mahoney T J, 9 Niagara Mayer Joseph B, 42 Builders' Exchg Metcalfe George S, 34-35 Erie County Bank Bldg Millinowski Arthur, 70 Coal and Iron Exchg Miller Charles W, 377 Main Mitchell & McNally, 36 Niagara Montillon & Nicholson, 1 76 Pearl Moonev James, 20 Arcade Bldg MORGENSTERN JACOB, 366 Main (see page 84) McCann John A, 195 Main McNamara F R. 73 Erie County Bank Bldg Norris & Norris, 74 Erie County Bank Bldg Otto John & Sons, 24 W Seneca O'Brian John. 356 Main Pfohl & Smith, 46 Niagara Potter Russell H, 54 Niagara Preston Austin R, 16 Court PURVIANCE LOUIS K, 162 Pearl (see page o])p) RICH & OAKES, 9-10 Agency Bldg Ricker & Wing, 1 1 1 White Bldg Roberts Frank K, 378 Main Roberts James A, 404 Main Roehner A J, 356 Main Sickels Frank E, 9 Niagara SICKELS GEORGE H JR, 9 Niagara SIKES r G & G R, 122 Pearl (see page 58) Sirrett William B, 10 Coal and Iron Exchange Slater Charles A, 404 Main Sniggs Robert F, 15 Niagara Stanton Patrick E, 76-77 Erie County Bank Bldg Stevenson C P, 58 Erie County Bank Bldg Strasmer William F, 30 Hayden Bldg Sweet D B & D C, 7 Swan Teller George R, 66 White Bldg Tennant Willis H, 47 Erie County Bank Bldg Thomas & Walker, 30 Niagara THORNE & ANGELL, 15 Niagara (see opp title page) Voght Henry H, 10 West Eagle Wadsworth Henry C, 8 Lewis Block Warren M F, Bank of Commerce Watson Henry M, 178 Main Watson Henry W, 104 White Bldg Weill Henry, 96 Erie County Bank Bldg Weill Louis, 12 Builders' Exchange 95 Real Estate. School Furniture and Supplies. Wells A Judson, 78 Erie County Bank Bldg White George I, 56 Niagara White W W, 2 Masonic Temple Wiedrick John W, 162 Pearl Wightman George B, 19-20 White Bldg Williams Frank F, 158 Erie County Bank Bldg Willoughby John, 4 Kremlin Hall Wilson Clarence W, 53 White Bldg Zink & Hatch, 52 Niagara Refrigerator Manufacturers. Buffalo Refrigerating Machine Co, Ohio c Washington Case Refrigerating Machine Co, Ohio c Washington Heinz & Munhchauer, Superior c Ran- dall Jewett John C Mfg Co, 51 N Division Pierce G N & Co, 8 Hanover SCHWARTZ L & CO, 89-91 Seneca (see page 56) Vogt P A, 81 Broadway Register and Yentilator Manufactur- ers. Buffalo Register Works, 432 Niagara Washington Iron Works, 417 Bdwy *Rings and Diamonds. QENTNEE VALENTINE JR, 141 Ellicott (see opp inside back cover) Roilee page 8(5) *Shoe Manufacturers' Supplies. ERALIOK F G, 72 Exchange Show Case Manufacturer. KRUSE H W, 105-106 Oak (see page 88) *Silyer Platers. STRAUSS & ROGERS, 12 Perry (see page 74) Skylight Covers. QUEEN CITY WIRE WORKS, 193 Seneca (see opp wire works) Snuff Manufacturers. Bresling Frederick, 950 Michigan Ignatz Andrew, 545 Genesee Swartz Julius, 381 Walnut Soap Manufacturers. Bell R W Mfg Co, 77 Washington Dingman Soap Co, 2 Lock Edson & Dye, Cazenovia near Seneca Gowans & Stover, 215 Chicago Harris Jabesh Mfg Co. 371 Ellicott Hoefner Aneelm, 162 Van Rensselaer Kibbe Charles M (soft), 29 Rickert Larkin J D & Co, 659-667 Seneca Lautz Bros & Co, 24-44 Hanover McCorab John, 176 Strauss Roper William, 1391 Niagara Soda Fountain Manufacturers. Low's Art Tile Soda Fountain Co, 104 Pearl Spices and Spice Mills. (See also Grocers.) Bishop Charles F, 93 Seneca Bogner Louis, 36 Washington Eckhardt Jacob, 314 Elm Granger William H, 96 Seneca Ilhngworth W E, Carroll Jamieson & Co, c Elm and Broadway Jamieson & Maybach, 45 E Clinton Weil's Butchers" and Bakers' Supply Co, 385 Michigan 97 Sporting Goods. Store Fixtures. Sporting Goods. (See Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods.) Spring Bed 3Iauufiicturers. BUFFALO SPRING BED MFG 00, 10-12 Lock Chaney N P & Co, 818 Main McGrath & Bisgood, 88 Pearl Spring Gear Manufacturers. American Gear & Spring Co, 1445 Niagara Buffalo Spring & Gear Co, 1502 Niag- ara Empire State Wagon Co, Bradley c DeWitt King Spring Co, 1424 Niagara Stained Glass. (See also Glass Stained.) QUEEIf CITY STAINED GLASS WORKS (G W Booth propr), 67 Franklin (see page 58) Stamped Ware Manufacturers. Aldrich & Ray Mfg Co, 1489 Niagara Ball Bros Glass Mfg Co, 52 Terrace Buffalo Stamping Works, 191 Clinton Ehle F G O & Co, 124 Washington Niagara Stamping & Tool Co, Super- ior c Randall Shepard Sidney & Co, 145 Seneca Star Stamping Works, 316 Terrace Stardi Manufacturers. American Glucose Co, Graves Branch, 202 Perry National Starch Mfg Co, 50 Oneida Stayes «and Heading. Clarke Stephen C, 202 Main Holmes E «& B, 187 Michigan Tmdle Thomas & Co, 1318 Niagara Surveyors. SIKES F G & G E, 122 Pearl c Erie (see page 58) Rubber Stamps and Stencils. Buffalo Rubber Type Foundry, 14 Exchange Edmonds John B, 16 Seneca Gibson A C, 203 Main Johnson J G & Co, 29 Seneca Potter W W, 47 Seneca Shepard William C, 40 Niagara Stone Works and Dealers. (See also Marble and Granite Workers ) Names marked with a * are Cut Stone Works. Ambrose Elijah, 2135 Fillmore av Ambrose R, E Delaware c Fillmore av Armbrupter Joseph, 314 Broadwav *Brady & Maltby, 21 Maryland Buffalo Bldg Stone Co, Fillmore av 'BUFFALO & MEDINA OUT STONE 00, 18 Maryland (see page 72) Buffalo & Medina Stone Paving Co, 194 Main Buffalo Sawed Stone Co, foot Church Buffalo Stone Co, 1151 Main *Collingwood & Donaldson, foot Jer.-^ey Cutter & Bailev, 143 Washington *FOGELSONGEK D E & H, 215 Oak Friedman Xavier. 185 High GesI John & Co, 319 Leroy av *Hartke Henry, 412 Niagara Kabel Martin, 2543 Main *Kehr A P, E Huron c Oak *Reinheimer C E, 890 Washington ^Straub P G, 1161 Main Yamethal Stone Co, 117 Franklin Storage Warehouses. American Storage Warehouse, 308 Main Buffalo Bonded Warehouse Co, 632 Washington Buffalo Storage & Carting Co, 356 Seneca Buffalo Storage Co, 143 Washington Central Storage Warehouse, 492 Wash Doty C B, Glenwood av nr Main Merchants' Storage & Carting Co, 137 Washington Niagara Storage Co, 220 Niagara *Stove Paste. QUEEN CITY MFG 00, 80-84 Ter- race (see page 86) *St0Te Polish. QUEEN CITY MFG 00, 80-84 Ter- race (see page 86) Store Fixtures. HEIN F X, 38 Elm (see page 102) Store Fronts. Toy Manufacturers. Store Fronts. HEIN r X, 38 Elm (spe page 102) Stove and Range Manufacturers. Broadway Foundry Co, 1192 Broad'y Buffalo Co-Op(!ratiTe Stove Co, Am- herst c Tonawauda Jewett Sherman S & Co, Perry c Mis- sissippi McBean, Edge & Co. 33 Main Russell & Watson, 139 Main Surgical Instruments. Hermann Henrv, 605 Main Jeffrey & Gotshall (dealers), 311 Main Stoddard Bros, 84 Seneca *Tackle Blocks. BAKEK HOWAED H & CO, 18-26 Terrace (see page 72) Tailors' Trimmings. Cohen S & Co, 56 Pearl Cohn Bros & Rubenstein, 11 N Divis'n Fornes C V & Co, Court c Pearl Rubenstein S, 4-08 Clinton Tamiers and Curriers. Lamb George & Son (harness) 1051 Clinton Mason S L, 10 S Division Moffatt Bros, 69 Carroll Root & Keating (sole), 14 Wells Rurasev A & Co (sole), 78 Exchange Schoellkopf J F Sons, 39 Hudson Schoellkopf & Co (sheep skin) 103 Mississippi Steffan's M & Sons, 813 Main Strauss Mathias (sheep skin) 781 William Zeller G F & Son (harness), 272 Howard *Tar. BAKER HOWAED H & CO, 18-26 Terrace (s(m' page 72) Tax and Title Searcliing- Companies. Buffalo .\bstract Guaranty Co (Ltd) Erie County Bank Bldg Erie County Guaranty Search Co, 103 Franklin People's Guaranty Search Co, 18 E Mohawk Telegraph and Telephone Companies. Bell Telephone Co, 14 W Seneca Postal Telegraph Cable Co, 207 Main Western Union Telegraph Co, Main c Seneca Terra Cotta. Buffalo Star Brick Co, Lewis Block Hall it Sons, 69 Tonawanda ROSS J H, 131 Erie (see mge 64) Timiers' Japanners. rOX & POX, 127 Erie (see page 70) Tinners' Tools and Supplies. Newman W H H & Co, 70 Main Niagaia Stamping & Tool Co, Supe- rior e Randall Shepard Sidney & Co, 147 Seneca Stark Machine & Tool Co, 7th c Hudson Tobacco Leaf. Breitweiser Bros, 454 Main Hanna & Boasberg, 101 Broadway Moulter Charles, Ash nr Broadway Raw F W, 399 Genesee Tobacco and Cigars— Wholesale. Boyet Charles, 22 Seneca Breitweiser Bros, 454 Main Cochrane E C (cigars), 474 Main Montague A H (broker) 416 Howard av Riehl Frederick, 166 Seneca Upper & Donovan, 76 Pearl Wagner Matthew, 196 Pearl Winship E L, 11 Terrace Tool Manufacturers. American Bit Brace Co, 122 Wash Amidon Tool Co, 1459 Niagara Buffalo Hammer Co, 1541 Niagara Dopp W H & Son, 462 Ellicott Jetter Mfg Co, 861 Jefferson Krasselt Wm, 101 Ash Niagara Screw Co, 5(59 Washington OHver W W, 1485 Niagara Parr Frank, 96 Georgia Stark Machine & Tool Co, 7th c Hudson White L -t I J, 143 Perry Toy Manufacturers. Buffalo Toy Co, 230 Perry Pratt & Letchworth, 189 Tonawanda 99 THe- Bailey Land •?• Investment Co OF BUFFALO, N. Y. CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000. - - INCORPORATED 1892. BUYS Real Estate FOR CASH. BUYS Bonds, Morti2;ag;es and other securities FOR CASH. SELLS Real Estate for cash, or ou time to responsi- ble buyers. SELLS Real Estate on Commission for other owners; collects rents and manajjes estates. DEVELOPS Suburban Real Estate b^^ opening streets, putting in sewers, water mains and pave- ments, planting trees and building dwelling- houses and stores. DEVELOPS New Manufacturing Establishments by giving or securing land for factory sites, i)hicing stock, and organizing companies. INVESTMENTS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. No. 24 Erie Street, - BUFFALO, N. Y. 100 Transfoutation— Water. Watku Heatehs— Automatic. Transportation (Water. ) American Transit Co (canal), 58 Main Anchor Line (Atlantic Dock), Water Buffalo and Niiigara River Naviga- tion Co. (U) Main Canal and Lake Steamboat Co, Water foot Evans Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co, Ohio c Illinois Clover Leaf Line, 101 Ohio Crescent Transportation Co, 101 Ohio Crystal Beach Stean)boat and P'erry Co, Main c Perry Erie Boatmens' Transportation Co, 72 Pearl Hollister Transportation Co, 202 Main Inland Transportation Co (canal), 5G Main Lackawanna Transportation Co, foot Main Lake Erie Transportation Co, 58 Main Lehigh Valley Transportation Co, 56 Main Merchants' Western Line, 67 Coal and Iron Exchg Northern Steamship Co, 56 Main Red Star Line Steamers, 202 Main Union Steamboat Co, 5() Main Union Transit Co, 50 Main Western Transit Co, 47 Main Trunk and Yalise Mannfaoturers. EUNCIE S HENEY, 204 Terrace Truss Manufacturers. American Silver Truss Co, '200 Main Hermann Henry, 605 Main Klinger Herman, 22 W (lenesee Koehler & Randle, 684 Michigan Trust Companies. Buffalo Loan, Trust & Safe Deposit Co, 449 Main Fidelity Trust & Guaranty Co, Erie County Bank Uldg Type Foiinilers. MAOKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN FOUNDRY, Buffalo Branch, Her- bert L Baker Mgr, 83-85 Ellicott (see page 68) Type Writers and Supplies. OALIGRAPH TYPE WRITERS & SUPPLIES, W G Schack, 895 Main (see page 68) Hammond Type Writer, 59 Pearl Parks H J, (Munson) 16 E Eagle SOHAOK W G, Caligraph, 875 Main SMITH PREMIER TYPE WRITER 00, W H Slayton, Manager, 61 Niagara (see opp page 41) Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 58 Niagara YOST WRITING MACHINE 00, William Larery, 31 Niagara (see page 70) Undertaliers' Supplies. Buffalo Casket Co, 459 Washington Central Mfg Co, 50 Chicago Farwell Henry D, 51 Niagara Upholsterers' Supplies. Morgan D E Son & Allen, c Main, Huron it Pearl Utley C H, 82 Pearl Tarnishes. rOX & FOX, 127 Erie (see page 70) Varnish Manufacturers. Buffalo Mfg Co, 196 Chicago Kellogg, Oil, Paint and Varnish Co, 347 Main Mather Varnish Co, 262 Elk Vinegar Manufacturers. Gentsch B F & Sons, 329 Broadway Heinz H J & Co, 77 Main Kimberly John L, 392 Fourth Klipfel Gustave, 147 E Tupper Klii)fel W & G, 648 Michigan Niagara Cider and Vinegar Works, 197 Pearl Vise Mauufaeturers (Itench.) HOWARD IRON WORKS, 287 Chi- cago (see page oti) *Water Heaters— Autoniatic. SEAMANS I M, 448 Niagara, res 377 Maryland 101 QUEEN CITY WIRE WORKS h O u < o o (J) (ij ID h u < D < i»i2^ 193 Seneca Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. 102 Well Drillers. Yacht Supplies. Well Drillers. Rust Well ;Maciiiiie Co, 20 Lock Woodrins James, 2(55 Babcock Whip Manufacturers. Buffalo Glove & Whip Factory, 430 Niagara Niagara Whip Co, 12 Exchange (iueen City Glove & Whip Co, 47 Exch White Lead MauiifJieturers. National Lead Co, Oak c Clinton *Wiu(low trlass. QUEEN CITY STAINED GLASS WORKS (Geo M Booth), 07 Frank- lin (see page 58.) * Windsor Cenieut. EOSS J H, 141 Erie (see page 04) Wines and Liquors— Wholesale. ("R" Indicates Rectifier.) Adolff C A (R), 491 Washington Baetzhold August (R), 507 Michigan Becker Philip A Co, 408 Main Bernhardt Bros, 273 Washington Bon & Fluviat (R), 504 Main Callahan M & Co (R), 122 Seneca Carroll N A, 742 Seneca Cochrane E C, 474 Main Cook E N & Co (distillers), 80 Main Craig Wm (R), 48 Lloyd Crooker S 0, 548 Michigan Dingens M, 333 Main Eagan S F (R), 141 Seneca Faxon, Williams & Faxon, 391 Main Fisher C J, 181 Main Fornes M A (R), 533 Washington Fuchs Bros (R), 502 Main Glauber & Hunkemoeller,544 Bro'd'y Granger & Co, Broadway c EUicott Harvey F E S (R). 393 Washington Heinold C J, 209 Broadway Holzbom ct Fuchs, 445 Washington Hubbard F S & Co, 203 Washington Kamper's Charles Sons (R), 92 W Market Kempff Bros (R), 357 Genesee Kerr A T & Co, 99 Seneca Laveraiik G E, 230 Washington Malone J F, 148 Main Merritt J M (R), Washington c Perry Miller, Greiner & Co, 341 Washington Millett P C, 245 Main Moesch Adolph (R), 384 Broadway Moesch August & Sons, 935 Broadw'y Murray Hubert (R). 19 Terrace Omphalius A Phillips (Ri,307Ellicott Persons' (Jharlcs Sons (R), 390 Elm Plimpton, Cowan & Co. 50 E Swan Rothschild Bros (R), 40 Pearl Walsh Bros (R). 351 Elk Wall Paper and Window Shades— Wholesale. (See Paints, Oils and Glass.) Neupert A & Co, 485 Washington *Wire Cloth. QUEEN CITY WIEE WOEKS, 193 Seneca (see opp wire works) *Wire Rope. BAKEE HOWAED H & CO, 18-20 Terrace (see page 72) Wire Works. QUEEN CITY WIEE WOEKS, 193 Seneca (see opp wire works) Scheeler & Sons, 145 Main Wood - W orki iv^- M acliiuery . DAY JOHN W, 9 Quay Frank & Co, 170 Terrace Holmes E & B.. 59 Chicago Ross Josiah, 1459 Niagara Sniggs & Co, 39 Clinton Wood and Willow Ware. Cha.pin W (washboards), 228 Myrtle Kirkholder & Rausch,49 Seneca Wool. (See Hides, Pelts and Wool.) Woolens. Fornes C V & Co, Court c Pearl Spiegel Marcus, 319 Washington *W^OTeu Wire Mattresses. BUriALO SEEING BED MEG 00, 10-14 Lock *Yaclit Supplies. BAKEE HOWAED H & CO, 18-20 Terrace (see page 72) 103 VALENTINE CENTNER, JR, Manufacturing Jeweler DIAMONDS AND RINGS. ^m^Bd OORNEE ELLICOTT ^^ ^^y AND EAGLE \^^\%f^^ STEEETS, !,;XTjv.'' BUFFALO, N.Y. «,-r."3rr^-- 9 ? BADGES OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. /'■^i «~v #. OFFICE, 38 Elm St. FACTORY, 35 TO 45 WENRY St. 104 GEO. W. TIFFT, SONS & CO IRON WORKS, • • ♦ BUFFALO, N. Y. ♦ ♦ ♦ ENGINES .—.- Of all classes, plain to AUTOMATIC and CORLISS. 5 Hp. to 500 Hp. BOILERS w All sizes and styles. MACHINERY, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, ETC, Send for Catalogue. Mc MICHAEL INSTITUTE, NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. s.»^ s,ty U/e Y)3ve tt?e best I^ecord of ar^y /'N /i\ Cold (?ur(5 Ii7stitutoposit» &>' @p«cfflil Arrausgremests. -CALL ^nD SEE ys«-