IT) .3 .A3 ) $ 5-C> I (Oi H- :^^- ^, ..-r. BULLETIN OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF lOWA UcW SERIES No. 91 NOVEMBER, 1904 THE ALUMNI REGISTER OF THE State University of low^a IOWA CITY, IOWA 1856 - 1904 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY IOWA CITY IOWA 1904- THE UNIVERSITY BULLETINS PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY ARE ISSUED EVERY SIX WEEKS. DURING THE ACADEMiC YEAR, AT LEAST SIX NUMBERS EVERY CALENDAR YEAR. ENTERED AT THE POST OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER Monograph The State University of Iowa ALUMNI REGISTER ARRANGED AI,PHABETlCAI,IvY BY COLIvEGES 1856-1904 "^ W o r o o O r o c TABLE OF CONTENTS TiTLK Page 1 FrONTISPiKCK THK FiRST HOME 2 Tabi^e of Contents 3 Preface 5 Board oe Regents 6 Standing Committees oe the Board 7 Present FacuIvTy of ai^Iv Coi.i.eges 8 A1.UMNI x'VlvPHABETlCAI.IvY BY CoivLEGES The Normai. Graduates 23 CoivivEGE OF Liberal Arts 34 CoivLEGE OF Law . 115 C01.1.EGE OF Medicine 199 C01.1.EGE OF Homeopathic Medicine . . . 234 C01.1.EGE OF Dentistry 245 Coi^iyEGE OF Pharmacy . . . , 266 Higher Degrees 271 Honorary Degrees 282 OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Cari. F. Kue:hni.k, President Anna Z. Ross, First Vice-President W. O. FiNKBiNK, Second Vice-President A. 't. HuKiL, Third Vice-President S. K. vStevenson, Secretary C. S. Magowan, Treasurer W. H. Bremnkr, 1 ,,,,,. „ ^ -, ^• „, ,^ ^ Y Athletic Representatives W. M. Davis, | ^ BUREAU OF INFORMATION J. J. McCoNNKi.iv, Chairman Cari. F. Kuehni^k J. G. BerryhiIvIv B. F. vShambaugh W. O. FiNKBINE PREFACE. The Statistics Committee of the Alumni Association spent considerable time during the years 1902 and 1903 gathering information concerning the location and work of the Alumni. At the meeting of the Association last June, the Board of Regents was requested to give permanent form to this material, by publishing a Register of the Alumni of the Uni- versity. The request was granted and this pamphlet is the result. No one can be so fully conscious as those who have labored longest at this work, that it is but the beginning both in matter and form of a Register which may be prepared in the future and ought to be in the, hands of every Alumnus. It will be found that a rather large percentage of the Alumni are unlocated and it is the desire of the Association to remedy this defect as far as possible. All Alumni who change their addresses or their occupations" are urged to notify the secretary of the Bureau of Information at low^a City. It is also urged that the present addresses of those marked with a star (*) or those having no addresses may be sent the secretary. It has been thought best to give the last known addresses to those not answering their cards unless such addresses were known to be wrong, biit to star(*)all such. This star (* ) will mean to you, — information uncertain. The omission of the names of the Faculty workers of the past years has been necessary because no list has been fully worked out from the records, and the time is now wanting for the completion of such a task. The Colleges or Departments have been arranged alpha- betically rather than by classes because it is thought that such an arrangement wall be more useful if but one arrange- ment is used. The especial thanks of the Alumni and University are due to Miss Alice B. Chase of the University and to Miss Kate B. Rogers, Chairman of the Statistics Committee, both of whom have worked long and untiringly at this task. - The blame for omissions and other faults must lie wdth the hands that have prepared their material for the press. THE BOARD OF REGENTS MEMBERS EX-OFFICIIS His Excellency, ALBERT B. CUMMINS, Governor of Iowa JOHN F. RIGGS, Superintendent of Public Instruction TERMS EXPIRE 1906 Sixth District — WIIvIvIAM D. TlSDAIvE, Ottumwa First District — W. I. BABB, l\It. Pleasant Second District — JOE R. IvANE, Davenport Seventh District — CARROLIy WRIGHT, Des Moines TERMS EXPIRE 1908 Fourth District — ALONZO AB ERNE THY, Osage EivEVENTH District — PARKER K. HOIyBROOK, Onawa Tenth District — JOSEPH H. AIvLEN, Pocahontas Third District — CHARLES E. PICKETT, Waterloo TERMS EXPIRE 1910 Fifth District — THOMAS B. HANLEY, Tipton Eighth District — JOHN W. LAUDER, Afton Ninth District — VERNON L. TREYNOR, Council Bluffs OFFICERS OF THE BOARD LOVELL SWISHER, Iowa City Treasurer WILLIAM J. McCHESNEY, Iowa City . . Secretary PARKER K. HOLBROOK ^ ALONZO ABERNETHY ^ Executive Committee W. I. BABB J JOE R. LANE DeIvEgate to the Senate STANDING COMMITTKBS Standing Committees of the Board of Regents, appointed at the meeting of June 13th to 16th, 1904. Auditing — Tisdale, Hanley and I^auder. Buildings and Grounds — Babb, Holbrook, Abernethy and Wright Coi^ivEGK OF lyiBKRAi. ARTS — Pickett, Allen, Holbrook, I^ane and Riggs. CoivivKGK ov IvAW — Wright, Hanley, Tisdale, lyane, Pickett and Allen. CoivIvEGKS OF MFDICINK AND HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE Hanley, Lane, Riggs, Lauder and Treynor C01.1.EGE OF Dentistry — Allen, Lauder and Wright. Coi^ivEGE OF Pharmacy — Lane, Treynor and Allen. Executive Committee — Holbrook, Babb, and Abernethy. Finance Committee — Abernethy, Holbrook, Pickett, Hanley and Lane. Graduate C01.1.EGE — Tisdale, Babb and Abernethy. Honorary Degrees — Holbrook, Wright and Riggs. Hospitals — Lauder, Treynor and Allen. Legislation — Pickett, Allen, Abernethy, Babb, Holbrook, Lane, Tisdale, Wright, Lauder, Hanley and Treynor. Library and Apparatus — Holbrook, Riggs and Allen. Natural History Collections — Treynor, Pickett and Abernethy. Salaries — Pickett, Wright, Hanley, Allen, Lane and Tis- dale. THE MEMBERS OF THE FACULTIES AND OTHER OFFICERS Gkorgk Bdwin MacIvEan, B.A. , 1871; M.A., 1874, Wil- liams; B.D., 1877, Yale; Ph.D., 1883, Leipzig; LIv. D. , 1895, Williams. President, 1899. Amos Noyes Currier, B.A. , 1856; M.A. , 1859, Dartmouth; IvIv.D., 1893, Des Moines. Professor and Head of the Department of Ivatin lyanguage and Litera- ture, and Dean of the College of L,iberal Arts, 1867. Phie^o Judsox Farnsworth, B.A. , 1854; M.A. , 1857; M.D., 1858, Vermont; M.D. , 1860, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Professor Emeritus of Materia Medica and Diseases of Children, in the - College of Medicine, 1868. John CIvINTon Shrader, M.D. , 1865, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk ; M. D. , Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; M. A. , 1877; LL.D., 1894, Western College. Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, in the College of Medicine, 1S69. SamueIv CaIvVIN, M.A., 1874, Cornell College; F.G.S.A. ; Ph.D., 1888, Lenox. Professor and Head of the Department of Geology, 1874. Thomas Huston Macbride, B.A. , 1869; M.A. , 1873, Mon- mouth; Ph.D., 1895, Lenox. Professor and Head of the Department of Botany, 1878. James Grant Gii^christ, M.D., 1863; M.A. , 1890, Penn- sylvania. Professor of Surgery and Surgical Gynecology, College of Homeopathic Medicine, .882 BmiIv Louis Boerner, Ph. G. , 1876, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; Phar. D. , 1896, Iowa, Professor Emeritus of Practical Pharmacy, 1885. FACULTIES AND OTHER OFFICERS Herbert CogsweWv, M.D. , 1866, Hahnemann Col- lege, Chicago. Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, in the College of Homeopathic Medicine, 18S5. George Thomas White Patrick, B.A. , 1878, Iowa; B.D., 1885, Yale; Ph.D., 1888, John Hopkins. ' Professor and Head of the Department of Philosophy, 1SS7. Bundy W11.SON, B.A., 1884; M.A. , 1886, Cornell University. » Professor and Head of the Department of German L,anguage and L,it- erature, 1S8S. Andrew Anderson Vebi^en, B.A. , 1877; M.A. , 1880, Carleton College. Professor of Experimental Physics, and Secretary of the Faculty of the College of Iviberal Arts, 1S83. Laenas "Gifeord WeIvD, B.S. , 1883; M.A., 1885, Iowa. Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics, Dean of the Graduate College, and Dii-ector of the vSchool of Applied Science, i8S6. Ci.evei.and Nutting, B.A. , 1880; M.A. , 1882, Blackburn University. Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology, and Curator of the Museum of Natural History, 1886 . James Renwick Guthrie, B. S. , 1878; M.x\., 1881, Lenox; M.D. , 1884, Iowa. Professor of Obstetrics and GynecMogj-, and Dean of the College of Medicine, 18S9. Isaac Ai.Thaus Loos, B.A. , 1876; M.A. , 1879, Otterbein; B.D., 1881, Yale; D.C.L. , 1898, Penn College. Professor of Political Economj- and Sociology and Director of the School of Political and Social Science, 1889. Samuei. Hayes, b'.S.,1869; M.S., 1876, Michigan; LL.B., 1891, Iowa. Profes.sor of, 1891. EI.BERT W11.1.IAM RoCKWOOD, B. S. , 1884; M.A., 1901, Am- herst; M.D., 1895, Iowa. Professor of Chemistry and Toxicolog}', 1888. George Royai., M. D. , 1882, N. Y. Homeopathic College. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Dean of the College of Homeopathic Medicine, 1892. 10 AIvUMNI RKGISTKR JAMKS Wii^LiAM DAI.BY, B. S. , 1885; M.D., 1888, Illinois College. Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology in the College of Medicine, 18S9 Sumner Chase, B.A. , 1871, Cedar Valley Semi- nary; B.S., 1874, I. S. C, Ames; M. D., 1882; Rush Medical College ; M.A. , 1895, Iowa. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the College of Medi- cine, 1892. Wai^ter Lawrence Bierring, M. D. , 1892, Iowa. Professor of Theory and Practice and Clinical Medicine in the College of Medicine, 1S93. W11.1.IAM Craig Wilcox, B.A., 1888; M.A., 1891, Univer- sity of Rochester. Head of the Department of History, and Professor of American His- tory, 1S94. Frank Thomas Breene, D.D.S., 1883; M.D., 1893, Iowa. Professor of Operative and Clinical Dentistry, and Therapeutics, iSSS. W11.1.1AM Suits Hosford, B.A., 1883; D.D.S., 1892, Iowa. Professor of Dental Prosthesis, and Dean of the College of Dentistry 1893- Frederick C. L. van SteenderEn, M.A. , 1893. Penn Col- lege. Professor and Head of the Department of PYench Language and I^itera- ture, 1S93. G11.BERT Logan Houser, B.S.,1891; M.S., 1892; Ph.D., 1901, Johns Hopkins. Professor and Head of the Department of lAnimal Morphology and Physiolog3% 1S92. BENJAMIN FrankIvIN Shambaugh, B. Ph. , 1892; M.A., 1893, Iowa; Ph.D., 1895, Pennsylvania. Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science, 1895. W11.1.1AM Robert Whiteis, B.vS., 1892; M.D., 1895; M.S., 1895, Iowa. Professor of Histology and Embryology, and Director of the University Hospital, 1898. LKE WAI.I.ACE DEAN, B.S., 1894, M.S., 1896; M.D., 1896, Iowa. Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology in the College of Medicine, 1898. FACUIyTlES AND OTHER OFFICERS 11 BI.MER AI.MY W11.COX, B.A. , 1891, Brown. Professor of Law, Secretary of the University Senate, and Secretary of the Law Faculty, 1S99. Clark Fishkr AnslKy, B.A. , 1890, Nebraska. Professor and Head of the Department of E^nglish, 1899. IvKONA ANGiiLiNK Call, B. A. , 1880; M. A., 1883, Iowa. Professor of Greek Language and Literature, 1885. Hknry Evarts Gordon, B.A. , 1879; M.A., 1901, Amherst. Professor of Public Speaking, 1900. Arthur Fairbanks, B.A. , 1886, Dartmouth; Ph.D., 1890, Freiburg, i. B. Professor of Greek Literature and Archaeology, and Head of the De- partment of Greek; Secretary of the Graduate Facultj^ 1900. Frederick Elmkr Bolton, B.vS., 1893; M.S., 1896, Wis- consin; Ph.D., 1898, Clark. Professor and Head of the Department of Education; Director of the Summer Session, 1900. William J. Brady, D.D.S., 1886, Iowa. Professor of Orthodontia and Dental Technic, 1S99. Colonel George Ritter Burnett, Graduate U. S. Mili- tary Academy, West Point, 1880; of U. S. School of Application, Ft. Ivcavenworth, 1885 ; First Lieuten- ant U. S. Army: B.S., I^Iv. B. , 1904, Iowa. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, and Commandant of the Cadet Battalion, iqoi. Charles Noble Gregory, B.A., 1871; IvL.B., 1872; M.A., 1876; LIv.D., 1901, Wisconsin. Professor of Law, and Dean of the College of Law, 1901. Ernest Albert Rogers, D. D.S. , 1892, Iowa. Professor of Dental Anatomy and Regional Anatomy and Clinical Demonstrator in the College of Dentistry, 1893. BoHUMiL Shimek, C.E., 1883; M.S., 1902, Iowa. Professor of Physiological Botany, Professor of Botany in the College of Pharmacy, and Curator of the Herbarium, 1890. Franklin Hazen Potter, B.A., 1892; M.A., 1895, Colgate. Professor of Latin, 1895. 12 ALUMNI RBGISTBR Cari. Emii, Skashork, B.A, , 1891, Gustavus Adolphus ; Ph.D., 1895, Yale. Professor of Psychologj-, 1S97. Wir^BER John Tketers, B.S., 1893; M.S., 1898, Mt. Union College; Ph. C. , 1895, Michigan. Professor of Pharmacognosy, and Director of the Pharmaceutical Lab- oratory, and Acting Dean of the College of Pharmacy, 1895. Harry Grant Plum, B.Ph., 1894; M.A., 1896, Iowa. Professor of European History, 1900. John Franklin Brown, B.Ph. ,1889; M.A. , 1895, Earlham; Ph.D., 1896, Cornell. Professor in Edara'don, and Inspector of High Schools, 1901. William JEP33N, M.D.; 1886, Iowa; B.S., 1893, University of the Northwest; M.D., 1891, Jefferson Medical Col- lege; M.D. , 1891, Pennsylvania; L.R.C.S. and L. R. C. P. , Edinburgh, and L. R. C. P. and S. , Glasgow, 1897. Professor of vSurger}- in the College of Medicine, 1902. Henry Frederick Wickham, M.vS., 1894, Iowa. Professor of Entomology, and Assistant Curator of the IMuseumof Nat- ural History, 1S94. IvAWRence Marshall Byers, B.A. , 1890, Penn College; M. A., 1891, Haverford; LIv.B., 1893, Yale. Professor of Law, 1903. Frank Alonzo Wilder, B.A., 1892, Oberlin; Ph.D., 1902, Chicago. ■Professor of Petrology, Economic Geology and Miuing, 1903. William LeClaire Bywater, M.D. , 1897, Iowa; O. et A. Chir., 1900, New York Ophthalmic. Professor of Ophthalmology and Otologv in the College of Homeopathic Medicine, Director of tlie Homeopathic Hospital, and Secretary of the Faculty of the College of Homeopathic Medicine, 1900. Benjamin Richard Johnston, M.D. , 1893, Hering College, Chicago. Professor of Theorj- and Practice, College of Homeopathic Medicine, 19C0. FACUIvTiKS AND OTHKR OFFICERS 13 Frederick Jacob Becker, M.D. , 1886, Iowa; M.D. 1887, Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Homeopathic Medi- cine, 1902. GKoRGE Van InGEn Brown, D.D.S. , 1881, Penn. College of of Dental Surgery; M.D. , 1895, Milwaukee Medical College; CM., 1886, Milwaukee Medical College; B.A., 1899, Northern Illinois College. Professor of Dental Pathology and Oral Surgery in the College of Den- tistry, 1902. Chari^es ScoTr Magowan, C.B., 1884; M.A., 1887, Iowa. Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, 1886. Arthur G. Smith, B.Ph. , 1891; M.A., 1895, Iowa. Professor of Physics and Mechanics, 1893. John George Chai^mers, B.A,, 1901, Lafayette. Professor and Director of Phj^sical Training and Athletics, 1903. John Thomas McCi^intock, B.A. , 1894, Parsons; M.D., 1898, Iowa. Professor of Physiology, 1S97. Barry Gii^bert, B.A., 1899, IvIv.B. , 1901, Northwestern. Professor of Law, 1903. W11.1.IAM R01.1.A Patterson, B.Di., 1888; B.S., 1889, Iowa State Normal; B.Ph., 1895, Iowa; Ph.D., 1898, Penn- sylvania. Professor of Commetce and Statistics, 1898. Henry AI.BERT, B.S., 1900; M.D., 1902; M.S., 1902, Iowa. Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology, 190:. Henry James Prentiss, M. B. , 1889 ; Stevens Inst. Tech. ; M. D. , 1898, Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Professor of Anatomy. 19 ?4. W11.1.IAM Gai,t Raymond, C.K.; 1884, Washington Univer- sity. Professor of Civil Engineering, and Head of the Engineering Depart- ments, 1904. 14 AIvUMNI REGISTER Shearman M. Woodward, M.S., 1893; Washington Uni- versity, St. Ivouis; M.A., 1896, Harvard. Professor of Steam Engineering, 1904. GEORGE T. F1.0M, B.Iv., 1893, Wisconsin; M.A., 1894, Van- derbilt; Ph.D., 1899, Columbia. Acting Professor in charge of Scandinavian I^anguages and I^iteratures, 1900. Frederick Bernard Sturm, B.A. , 1892, Michigan. Assistant Professor of German, 1892. C1.ARENCE Wii.i,is Eastman, B.S., 1894, Worcester Poly- technic; M.A., Ph.D., 1898, I^eipzig. Assistant Professor of German, 1898. Stephen Hayes Bush, B.A., 1901; M.A., 1902, Harvard. Assistant Professor of French, 1901. Ai^BERTus Joseph Burge, M.D. , 1900, Iowa. Assistant Professor of linical Medicine, College of Medicine, igoi. Roy Titus WeIvI^s, B.S., 1898; M.S., 1898, Tufts College; Ph.D., 1903, Clark University. Assistant Professor in charge of Electrical and Mechanical Engineer- ing, 1903. Herbert CwFEORD Dorcas, B.Ph. , 1895, Iowa; M.A., 1903, Columbia. Assistant Professor of Education, University Examiner, and Regi strar 1895- Joseph Jasper McConnelIv, B. A. , 1876 ; B. Di. , 1878 ; M. A. ; 1880, Iowa ; I^ecturer on Education, 1891. John Bi^air Kessi^er, M. D. , 1887, Iowa. Lecturer on Dermatology in the College of Medicine, 1899. George Edward Decker, B. S. , 1895; M.D. , 1S97, Iowa. Lecturer on Peediatrics in the College of Medicine, 1900. IvUTHER Albertus Brewer, B.A. , 1883; M.A. , J 886, Penn- sylvania College. Lecturer on Journalism, 1900, FACUIvTiBS AND OTHER OFFICERS 15 Jennings Price Crawford. M.D., 1893, Iowa. I^ecturer on Surgical Technic, 1900 Theodore IvINCOI. Hazard, M. D. , 1883, Michigan. lyccturer and Assistant in the Department of Obstetrics, College of Homeopathic Medicine, 1892. Hon. H. M. Towner. lyectureron Constitutional I,aw. RoscoE Henry Voi.i.and, B.Di., 1898; M.Di., 1899, I.S. N.S. ; D.D.S., 1902, Iowa. I^ecturer and Demonstrator in Operative Dentistry, 1902. CarIv IvEOpoi^d von Ende, B.S., 1893; M.S., 1894, Iowa; Ph,D., 1899, Goettingen. Instructor in Chemistry, 1899. John Van Etten Westfai.1., B.S., 1895, Cornell; Ph.D., 1898, Iveipzig. Instructor in Mathematics, 1899. SivERT N. Hagen, B.A., 1896, I^uther College ; Ph.D., 1900, Johns Hopkins. Instructor in English, 1900. F. LorEnz, B.S., 1897; M.S., 1898, Iowa. Instructor in Physics, 1900. John J. IvAmbert, B.Di., 1896; M.Di., 1897, Iowa State Normal; B.Ph., 1899; M.S., 1901, Iowa. Instructor in Animal Morphology' and physiology, 1898. John P. Mui^ein, M.D. 1893, Iowa. Demonstrator of Anatomy, 190 . Sam Berkley Sdoan, B.A., 1899, Nebraska. Instructor in English, 1899. HENRY Morrow, Jr., D.D.S. , 1897, Iowa. Demonstrator of Prosthetic Dentistry, 1931. Frank Edward Horack, B.Ph., 1897; M.A., 1899, Iowa; Ph.D., 1902, Pennsylvania. Instructor in Political Science, 1902. 16 AIvUMNI REGISTER Margaret A. Schaffner, B.A. , 1895, Emporia; M.A., 1899; Ph.D., 1902, Wisconsin. Instructor in Political Economy and Sociology, 1902. Ai,DEN RoBBiNS Hoover, B.S. , 1902, Iowa. Instructor in Histology and Enibryology, 1901. PERCivai. Hunt, B.A., 1900; M.A., 1904, Iowa. Instructor in English, 1900. Byron James Lambert, B.Di., 1896; M.Di. , 1897, Iowa State Normal; B. Ph. , 1900; B.S. in C.E., 1901, Iowa. Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1902. Zada Mary Cooper, Ph. G. , 1897, Iowa. Instructor in the College of Pharmacy, 1897. Chari^es Thayer Lincoi^n, B.S., 1901, Mass. Institute of Technology. Instructor in Chemistry, 1904. W11.1.IAM Jay KarsIvAke, B.S., 1891; M.S., 1894, Lafayette; Ph.D., 1895, Johns Hopkins. Instructor in themistr}-, 1904. TOWARD Lewis Dodd, B.A., 1897; M.A., 1901, Western Reserve; M.A., 1902; Ph.D., 1904, Yale. Instructor in Mathematics, 19 4. Anfin Egdahi,, B.S., 1900, Wisconsin; M.D., 1904, Johns Hopkins. Instructor in Pathology and Bacteriology, 1904. James Burt Miner, B.S., 1897; LL.B., 1899; M.S., 1901, Minnesota; Ph.D., 1903, Columbia. Instructor in Philosophy, 1904. Chari^es L. Bryden, E.M. , 1902; B.S. in Chemistry, 1904, Lafayette College. Instructor in Chemistry and Metallurgy, 1904. CivARENCE Van Epps, B.S. , 1894, Iowa State College, Ames; M.D., 1897, Iowa; M.D., 1898, Pennsylvania. Instructor in Theory and Practice, 1904. Ei/MER Anthony Schrader, D.D. S. , 1901, Iowa. Clinical Demonstrator of Prosthetic Dentistry, 1904. FACULTIES AND OTHBR OFFICERS 17 Wii^LiAM Everett Spenck, D.D.S. , 1902, Iowa. Demonstrator of Prosthetic Dentistry, 1904. Frederic P. Lord, B.A., 1898; M.D., 1903, Dartmouth. Demonstrator of Anatomy, i9?4. MAI.COI.M GivENN Wyer, B.A. , 1899; M.L. , 1901, Minnesota; B.Iv.S., 1903, N. Y. State Library School. Acting Ivibrarian in charge of General I,ibrary, 1904. DeIvIA Saneord, B.L.S., 1900, Illinois. Cataloguer, 1904. Louise Howeli., B.A. in L- S. , 1904, Illinois. Assistant Cataloguer, 19 4. Lavinia Steele, B. L. S. , 1902, Illinois. Reference Assistant, 1904. Joanna Gi.eed Strange. Assistant in the Library, T901. NylE William Jones. Assistant in the Library, igo2. MerTon Leroy Ferson, B.Ph., 1900; LL.B., 1901, Iowa. La'w Librarian, 1902. Fletcher Felix Wycoef. Assistant in Law Library, 1904. Harold Mills Algyer. Assistant in Law Library, 1904. Walter Lawson Sims. Assistant in Law Library, 1904. Fred Collins Drake, B.Ph., 1901; LL.B., 1903, Iowa. Secretary to the President, 1903. Clara Louise Abernethy, B.A. , 1902, Iowa. Assistant Registrar, 1902. EuLA De Voll. Assistant in Registrar's Oflfice, 1904. 18 AIvUMNI REGISTER W11.1.1AM E. Beck, B.S., 1900; M.S., 1902, Iowa. Assistant Instructor in Mathematics, 1900. Frederick Wii.i.iam Baii^ey, . B. S. , 1901; M.S., 1904, Iowa. Assistant Instructor in Ophthalmology and Otology, College of Medi- cine, 1901. Vai^borg Kastman, B.A. , 1904, Iowa. Assistant Instructor in Phj'sical Training, 1902. Mary S1.EIGHT Everts. Assistant Instructor in Public Speaking, and Acting Dean of Women, 1901. Mary Grove Chawner, B.A., 1896; M.A., 1902, Penn Col- lege; M.A., 1904, Iowa. Assistant Instructor in English, 1902. Hertha Louise Voss, B.Ph., 1904, Iowa. Assistant Instructor in French, 1904. Edwin E. Hobby, B.S., 1898, Iowa; M.D., 1904, N. Y. University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1904. Rudolph Ernst Ki^einsorge, B.S., 1904, Iowa. Assistant Instructor in Physiology, 19c 3. Harvey Hayes Lochridge, B.S. , 1901, Beloit. storekeeper in Lhemistry, 1901. IvEORA Johnson, M.D. , 1890, Iowa. Ansesthetizer, College of Homeopathic Medicine. Edward Ei^IvSworth Bi^ythe, B.Ph., 1900, Iowa. Assistant in Histolog3^ 1901. John G. MueIvLER, M.D., 1895, Iowa. Clinical Assistant in Gynecology in the College of Medicine, 1901. James MooRHEAD, M.D., 1893, Iowa. Assistant to the Chair of Theory and Practice, College of Homeopathic Medicine, 1903. AdeIvBERT W. Starbuck, D.D.S. , 1898, Iowa. Assistant in Histology. College of Medicine, 1900. FACUI.TIES AND OTHER OFFlCEPvS 19 FrKD J. Skavkr, B.S., 1902, Morningside College; M. S., 1904, Iowa. Assistant in Botany, 1902. IvUCY M. Cavanagh, B.S., 1896, Iowa. Assistant in Botany, 1902. Sarah Ruth Quigi^ky, B.Ph., 1902; M.A., 1903, Iowa. Assistant in Knglish, 1902. Edmund Christian NeIvSon, M.Di. , 1897, I.S.N.S., B.Ph., 1904, Iowa. Assistant in History, 1904. John W. W11.SON, M. D. , 1894, Iowa. Assistant to the chair of Surgery, College of Homeopathic Medicine, 1904 WiLiyiAM Hknry W01.TMAN, M.D. , 1903, Iowa. Assistant to the Lhair of Materia Medica, College of Homeopathic Medicine, 1904. W11.1.IAM BoNAR BeIvI., M.Di., 1899, Iowa vState Normal, B. A., 1902; M.S., 1903, Iowa. Fellow in Zoology, 1902. C1.ARENCE WYCI.IFFK Wassam, B.Di. ,1899; M.Di., 1900, Iowa State Normal ; B. Ph. , 1903, Iowa Fellow in Political Economy and Sociology, 1903. RAI.PH Leonidas Byrnes, B.S. , 1902, Iowa. Fellow in Pathology and Bacteriolog}^ 1904. Cari. V01.NEY KENT, B.S., 1904; M.S., 1904, Iowa. Fellow in Phj^sics, 1903 Daniei. Starch, B.A., 1903, Charles City College; M.A., 1904. Iowa. Fellow in Philosophy, 19:^3. May Shuck, B.Ph., 1900, Iowa. Fellow in English, 1903. Sarah EIvIzabeth Cronin, B. S. , 1903, Iowa. Fellow in Mathematics, .904. Henry Vai^entine Farr, B.S., 1903, Penn College. Fellow in Chemistry, 1904. 20 ALUMNI REGISTER Harry Hoi^IvAnd Fitch, B. A. , 1902, Iowa. Fellow in L,atin, 1904. Joseph Wiehr, B.Ph. , 1904, Iowa. Fellow in German, 1903. Fredkrike Barbara Haan, B. A. , 1904, Wisconsin. Fellow in German, 19 4. EivizABETH IvEwis Sherwood, B.A. , 1891; M.A., 1903, Iowa. Scholar in FInglish, 1903. Fred AI.BERT, Jr. , B. Ph. , 1903, Iowa. Scholar in Internal Medicine, 1903. Christian Emii. Bai,e, B.A. , 1904, Luther College. Scholar in English, 1904. A1.ICER1GBY, B.Ph., 1932, Cornell College. Scholar in English, 1904. Bess Peebi^es, B.Ph., 1904, Upper Iowa University. Scholar in English, J904. C1.ARENCE Henry Hanson, B. S. , 1903, low^a. Scholar in Physiolog}^ 1904. Seburn WAI.DD HoCKETT, B. S. , 1904, Iowa. Scholar in Geolog}^ 1904. Edwin Ai^exander Jenner, B.S. , 1903, Simpson. Scholar in Psychology, 1904. Joseph Oliver Johnsox, B.Ph., 1904, Iowa. Scholar in Political Science, 1904. Judson Fiske Lee, B.A. , 1904, Des Moines College. Scholar in Public Speaking, 1904 Lawrence AI.BERT QuAiFE, B.Ph., 1903, Iowa. Scholar in Pathology aud Bacteriology, 1904. ^ Ethei. Lexore Smith, B.A. , 1904, Penn College. Scholar in German, 1904. FACUIvTiES AND OTHER OFFICERS 21 Ethe)i.ind Swirk, B.Ph. , 1934, Iowa. Scholar in French, 1904. Fkrn Mariax W11.1.IAMS, B.A. , 1903, Tabor College Scholar in Greek. EvAHAX RusSKi^Tv Wai^kkr, B. S. , 1930, Iowa State College, Ames. Assistant in Physiolog}^ 19:4. DiKDRiCH jANSSKx Mkknts, B. S. , Steiiimann College. Assistant in Pathology and Bacteriolog3^, 1904. Chari^ks Pi,um3 Schexck, B.S. , 1904, Iowa. L,aboratory Assistant in Pathology and Bacteriology-, 1904. ' I Harry Morgan Ivins, B. S. , 1934, Iowa. I^aboratory Assistant in Animal Morphology and Phj-siology, 1904. Ray Edwin Hai^i.. Laborator}- Assistant in Materia Medica, 1904. Garre^tx Bos. L,aboratory Assistant in Ph5-sics and Mechanics, 1904. WiivLiAM Curtis Tntor in Medical I,atiu, 1903. Rudolph Martin Anderson, B.Ph., 1903, Iowa. Taxidermist, 1900. S. Edwin Shaff. Assistant in Shop Practice, Department of Civil Engineering, 1902. John Carvii^tk. Attendant in Geology, 1892. Joseph Anderson. Attendant in Pathology and Bacteriologj:. Frank Roi^and Motsberry. Band Master, 1903. HARI.OW MuNSON Pratt, B. S. , 1903, Iowa. Armorer, 1904. 22 ALUMNI re:giste:r WaIvTKR Hknry Fox. Senior Assistant Demonstrator in Anatomy, 1903. Arthur Danie;Iv Woods. Junior Assistant Demonstrator in Anatomy, 1904. Joseph MaxwkI/I. CadwaIvI^ader. Prosector in Anatomy, 1904. ROBKRT IvINCOI,N G1.ASK. Prosector in Anatomy, 1904. Bi^vA Marion Dunham, Graduate Nurse, 1900, Iowa. Superintendent of the Nurses' Training School of the Homeopathic Hospital 1903. BkrTha W11.KINSON, Graduate Nurse, St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, 1898. Principal of the Nurses' Training School, University Hospital, 1904. CHARI.KS ScHUTz Krause, B. S. , 1 902 ; M. S. , 1904 ; M. D. , 1904. Iowa. Resident. Physician, University Hospital. Thomas Augustink Mahkr. Interne, University Hospital, 1904. Pb;rry Grant IngkrsoIvI.. House Surgeon Homeopathic Hospital. 1904. Cari. George; CivArk. Interne, Homeopathic Hospital, 1904. THE AIvPHABBTlCAIv LIST OF THE GRADUATES OF THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT Abbott, Abijah J, , '64 Garden City, Iowa Ainsworth, Mrs. J. D. (Alice M. Lamb) '64 Castana, Iowa Proprietor Hotel Castana Allin, Richard H. , '62 6037 Jefferson Avenue, Chicago, 111. Manager School Map and Globe Department Rand McNally & Company Almind, Mrs. Kildorf, (Fannie I, Carroll) '68 Berkeley, Calif. Amy, Mrs. (Harriet M. Botsford) '67, M.D. '75 Women's Medical College Decorah, Iowa Anderson, Nannie E. , '69, deceased Andrews, Mrs. William, (Charlotte Norse) '73 Morse, Iowa Austin, Mrs. (Lydia P. Barclay) '62 Shell, Wyo. Austin, Mrs. Neal, (Marietta S. Bent) '59 Mendon, 111. Ayl worth, Cellina H. , (Mrs. Stevens) '58 Victor, Iowa Aylworth, Levi Parker, '58, deceased Bacon, Mrs. C. P., (S. Oakella Shockley) '60 Washington, D. C. Bailey, Helen M. , (Mrs. Catlln) '68 West Meriden, Conn. Bailey, Turner Smith, '69, B.A. '69, M.A. '85, D.D. '90 Coe College Cedar Rapids, Iowa President Synod Missionary Baker, Benjamin S. , '71, L. '74 Albuquerque, N. M. Judge Supreme Court Baldwin, Mrs. (Sylvia M. Thompson) '58, deceased Barber, Mrs. D. S. , (S. Louise Brainerd) '59, deceased Barclay, Lydia P., (Mrs. Austin) '62 Shell, Wyo. Bastow, Mrs. (Emma J. Button) '61 Peterborough, Ont. Bates, Mrs. (Alice L. Cool) '72 Cool, Kans. 24 AI.UMNI REGISTER Battey, Lydia H. , (Mrs. Daniel Bowerman) '67, Salem, Oreg. Bent, Alice O. , (Mrs. S. E. Thomas) '64 Columbus City, Iowa Bent, Frances A., (Mrs. J, S. McFarland) '60, deceased Bent, Marietta S. , (Mrs. Neal Austin) '59 Mendon, 111. Berger, Lydia A., '65 Des Moines, Iowa Teacher Berger, Rachel, (Mrs. S. A. Calvert) '60 Olympia, Wash. Bettesworth, Eleanor, '71, deceased Bettesworth, Jennie, (Mrs. John J. Dietz)'70, Daytona, Fla. Bivins, Mrs. B. F. , (Emma A. Chalfant) '62 284 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bloor, Samantha C. , (Mrs. Ebenezer Herring) '70 406 Olive St. , Kansas City, Mo. Borland, Ada H. (Mrs. DeWitt C. Holmes) '59, Essex, Iowa Borland, Charles E. , '59, B. A. '63. M.A. '66, deceased Borland, Martha J., (Mrs, Everett F. Irwin) '59, deceased Borland, William D. , '59, deceased Botsford, Harriet iV., (INIrs. Amy) '67, M.D. '75 Decorah, Iowa Bowen, Hortense E. , (Mrs. B. Pendleton) '67, Evanston, 111. Bowen, Jesse M. , (Mrs. J. W. Sterling) '61 Iowa City, lovra Bowen, Kate, ('Mn. E^ra E. , Owen) '60 Iowa City, Iowa Bowerman, Mrs. (Lydia H. Battey) '67 Salein, Oreg. Bowers, Mrs, (Sarah J. Hinman) '71, deceased Bowman, Martha J. , ^Mrs. Fred Fuhrmeister) '61, deceased Bradley, Mrs. (Eliz. vS. Humphre}) '58 Cedarvale, Kans. Brainard, Fanny M. , (Mrs. D. H. G'Linn) '65 Lawyer Chadron, Neb. Brainerd, Kate B. , (Mrs, C. P. Rogers) '62 Iowa City, Iowa Brainerd, S. Louise, (Mrs. D. S. Barber) '59, deceased Branch, Mrs. J. H. , (Susan R. Rowley) '65 Marengo, Iowa Brown, Edith E. , (Mrs. Harmon H. Hiatt) '71, Sargent, Neb. ' Brown, Ella A., '(Mrs. Todd) '68, deceased Brown, William L. , '67 Nugent, Iowa Farmer Buck, Mrs. (Anna B. Ward) '72 Nanito, Iowa Buckland, Mrs. Mattie j. , (Mrs. Twiss), '66 Java, N. Y. Burke, EUen, (Mrs. Robert Eason) '64, deceased NORMAJv DEPARTMENT * 25 Batterfield, Mrs., (Madge C. Mudgett) '66, deceased Button, Emma J. , (Mrs. Bastow) '61, Peterborough, Out. Callvert, Mrs. S. A., (Rachel Berger) '60, Olympia, Wash. Camp, Kate L. , (Mrs. Stewart) '72, Davenport, Iowa Carroll, Fannie I. , '68, (Mrs. Almind) Berklej^ Cal. Carse, John Henry, '70, Council Bluffs, Iowa Merchant *Catlin, Mrs., (Helen M. Bailey) '68, West Meriden, Conn. Chalfant, Emma A. , (Mrs. B. F. Bivins) '62, 284 Willoughby Ave. , Brooklyn, N. Y. Chambers, Eunice, (Mrs. Nathan W. Macy) '70, Harlan, Iowa Clearman, Mrs. L. N. , (Isabella H. Lloyd) '70, 811 Kirkwood Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa Colburn, Ernest A. , '71, h. '72, Denver, Colo. Attorney-County Judge Colburn, Mary E. , '69, deceased Conard, Mrs. Willis, (Kate F. Shepard) '70, deceased Cone, Mrs. Wm. D. , (Kate Lord) '68, Conesville, Iowa Connelly, Mary A., (Mrs. T. Z. Co6k) '62, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cook, Mrs. T. Z., (Mary A. Connelly) '62, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cool, Alice L., (Mrs. Bates) '72, Cool, Kan. Crozier, Mrs., (Mary W. Parker) '70, deceased Dana, Mrs. Annis M. , '71, Washington, Iowa Davenport, Mrs., (Lottie A. Rugg) '67, Kansas City, Mo. Davis, Mrs. Geo. W. , (Julia A. Thompson) '67, Trenton, Mo. Davis, Levi, '63, , Butte Mont. Title Insurance Deering, Mary E. , (Mrs. J. E. Todd) '72, deceased Dennis, Josephine, (Mrs. Milton Remley) '67 Iowa City, Iowa Dennis, Mary O., (Mrs. Chas. M. Howe) '66, Pasadena, Cal. Dick, Antoinette M. , '71 Dickson, Mary C. , (Mrs. Taylor) '67, Independence, Iowa Dietz, Mrs. John J., (Jennie Bettesworth) '70, Daytona, Fla. Domer, William S. , '71, Rockland, Pa. Dow, Mrs. Charles, (Lucy E. North) '64, Rushmore, Minn. Dugan, Mrs., (x\manda J. Wood) '67, Iowa City, Iowa 26 • ALUMNI REGISTER Eason, Mrs. Robert, (Ellen Burke) '64, deceased Eaton, Ivida, (Mrs. Robt. E. Fitch) '72, B.A. 72, 306 4th St., Laramie, Wyo. Eberly, Levi B. , '65, M. D. , '73, M.A. and M. S. Physician Mt. Union, Coll. , Smithville, Ohio Elliott, Rachel, (Mrs. Albert Keith) '62, deceased Eltinge, Mrs., (Ada Summerville) '62, Mediapolis, Iowa Emery, Mrs. Rush, (Nettie M. Hart) '60, B.A. '63, M.A. 65, R. F. D., Iowa City, Iowa Fairbrother, Joseph Albert, '70, B. A. '71, deceased Farber, Abbie J. , (Mrs. McGaughe30 '66, deceased Fitch, Mrs. Robert E. , (Lida Eaton) '72, B.A. '72, ' 306 4th St. , Laramie, Wyo. Fuhrmeister, Mrs. Fred, (Martha J. Bowman) '61, deceased Gillespie, John A., '71, M.A. '85, Omaha, Neb. Insurance Gillespie, Mrs. John A., (Helen R. Zimmerman) '67, deceased Glass, Mrs. John D. , (Alice Remley) '68, B. S. '68, f Mason City, Iowa Gordon, Perry Newl:on, '71, B.A. '72, deceased Graff, Mrs. W. H. , (Sophronia M. Muzzey) '73, Muscatine, Iowa Graves, Sarah Virginia, '69, B.A. '70, M.A. '74, Oklahoma City, Okla. Principal Girls' Boarding School Griffith, Elijah, '61, deceased Griffith, Elizabeth A., (Mrs. Albert Loughridge) '68, B.Ph. '71, M. A. '77, Mount Pleasant, Iowa Former Missionary to India Griswold, George, '63, L. '74, deceased Griswold, Mrs. George, (Mary L. Morgan) '64, Ottumwa, Iowa Haddock, George B. , '70, L. '77, Bedford, Iowa Attorney Haddock, William J. , '61, Iowa City, Iowa Retired Haddock, Mrs. Wm. J., (Mary E. Humphrey) '65, L- '75, Iowa City, Iowa Hamilton, Mary J. , (Mrs. D. W. Lewis) '64, Pasadena, Calif. NORMAIv DEPARTMENT 27 Hamilton, Sada, '68, Washington, Iowa Teacher Hammer, Mrs., (Phebe H. Minthorne) '73, Spring Brook, Oreg. Handy, George W, , '62, deceased Handy, Nellie D. , (-Mrs.' John vS. McCrory) '68, Lawrence, Kans. Hanson, Lawrence, '71, Walla Walla, Wash. Attorney Hardy, Mrs. Galen M. , (E. J. Williams) '66, Iowa City, Iowa Hart, Nettie M. , (Mrs. Rush Emery) '60, B.A. '63, M.A. '65, Iowa City, Iowa Hartsock, Fanny, (Mrs. Kidder) '69, deceased Haskins, Hattie, '67, deceased Hedges, Mary K. , '71, Fairfax, Iowa Heist, Mrs., (Amanda Putnam) '62, Kansas City, Mo. Helm, Joseph C. , '70, L. '74, LL. D. '91, Denver, Colo. Ex-vSupreme Judge, Colo. j Hempstead, Mrs., (EHz. D. Maynard) '61, Lawrence, Kansas Hemsted, Adaline, (Mrs. A. J. Hershire) '66, Iowa City, Iowa Hemsted, Lucy, '68, R. F. D. , Iowa City, Iowa Herring, Mrs. Eben, (Samantha C. Bloor) '70, Kansas City, Mo. Hershire, Mrs. A. J., (Ada Hemsted) '66, Iowa City, Iowa HessT Elizabeth, '68, M. D, '74, deceased Hiatt, Mrs. Amos, (Elma A. Sanders) '70, deceased Hiatt, Mrs. Harmon H. , (Edith E. Brown) '71, Sargent, Neb. Hibbard, S. Elvira, '65, Lockport, N. Y. Teacher Hinman, Sarah J., (Mrs. Bowers) '71, deceased Hogan, Mary J., '62, E. Oakland, Calif. Holmes, Mrs. D. C. , (Ada H. Borland) '59, Essex, Iowa Holmes, Mrs. K. O. . (Etta Raymond) '65, Kearne}^ Neb. Bookkeeper and Stationer. Howe, Mrs. Chas. M. , (Mary O. Dennis) '66, Pasadena, Calif. 28 ALUMNI REGISTER Humphrey, Elizabeth S. , (Mrs. Bradley) '58, Cedarvale, Kans. Humphrey, Laura E. , (Mrs. Geo. W. Randall) '67, deceased Humphrey, Mary E. , (Mrs. W. J. Haddock) '65, 'L. '75, Iowa City, Iowa Hutchinson, Nellie V. , (Mrs. W. A. Shepfer) '68, St. Paul, Minn. Hutchinson, Mrs., (Sallie L. Taylor) '66, deceased Irwin, Mrs. E. F. , (Martha J. Borland) '59, deceased Irwin, Mrs., (Mattie A. Wicks) '72, Lenox, Iowa Johnson, Mary A. , (Mrs. Mark Taylor) '69, deceased Judson, William H. H. , '62, L. '65, Union Coll. of Law, Publisher Bessemer, Ala. Kauffman, Louisa S. , (Mrs. Wm. C. Preston) '70, B. A. '73, M. A. '76, Greeley, Colo. Keith, Mrs., (Rachel Elliott) '62, deceased Kennedy, John A. , '72, Jacksonville, 111. Teacher Kelly, Mrs., (Alice Odell) '72, Flagler, Colo. Kidder, Mrs., (Fanny Hartsock) '69, deceased King, Marvin R. , '71, 2312 Tracy Ave. , Kansas City, Mo. Attorney Kinney, Amanda D. , (Mrs. Legrand Powders) '72, 3007 15th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Lacy, Rhoda, (Mrs. Sprague) '66, 911 5th Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa Laub, Alice M. , (Mrs. J. D. Ainsworth) '68, Castana, Iowa Lee, Mrs., (Georgia S. McCrory) '70, Des Moines, Iowa Lee, Mrs. J. Walter, (May Parvinj '64,'B.A. '64, Austin, 111. Lemmon, Allen B. , '69, M.A. '85, Santa Barbara, Calif. Editor Lewis, Mrs. D. W. , (Mary J. Hamilton) '64, Pasadena, Calif. Lloyd, Isabella H., (Mrs. L. N. Clearman) '70, Iowa City, Iowa Lodge, Mrs. Geo. M. , (Mary L. Thompson) '67, Iowa City, Iowa Lord, Kate, (Mrs. Wm. D. Cone) '68, Conesville, Iowa Loughridge, Mrs. A., (Lizzie A. Griffiths) '68, B.Ph. '71, M.A. '77, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Former Missionary to India NORMAL DKPARTMKNT 29 Ivovelace, Mary, (Mrs. Palmer) '64, Lake Charles, La. Luse, Sarah A., '71, Glenwood, Mo. Lytle, William, '72, B.A. '72, L. '76, deceased McClellan, George F. , '72, B.Ph. '72, L. '76, deceased McClellan, P. W. , '73, Monona, Iowa Merchant McCowan, Mary T. , '72, Chicago, 111. vSupervising Principal of Schools for the Deaf McCrory, Georgia S., (Mrs. Lee) '70, Des Moines, Iowa McCrory, John S. , '68, Law^rence, Kans. McCrory, Mrs. John S. , (Nellie D. Handy) '68, Lawrence, Kans. McFarland, Mrs. J. S. , (Frances A. Bent) '60, deceased McGaughey, Mrs., (Abbie J. Farber) '66, deceased Macy, Nathan W. , '73, B.A. '73, L. 75, Harlan, Iowa Judge of District Court Macy, Mrs. Nathan \V. , (Eunice Chambers) '70, Harlan, Iowa Madden, Mrs. (Clara J. Satterthwaite) '70, Brooklyn, N. Y. Martin, Samuel B. , '67, Onawa, Iowa Attorney Matthews, Joseph C. , '70, B.A. '70, M.A. '73, L. '73, deceased Mattison, Thomas, '73, B.A. '73, B.A. '75, M.A. '76, L. '78, Tacoma, Wash Mattison, Mrs. Thomas, (Ursula M. Rogers) '73, B.Ph. '73, B.D. '75, Tacoma, Wash. Maynard, Elizabeth D. , (Mrs. Hempstead) '61, Lawrence, Kans. Meacham, Lucretia E. , (Mrs. Robinson) '70, Clay, Iowa Minthorn, Phebe H. , (Mrs. Hammer) '73, Teacher Spring Brook, Oreg. Moore, Sallie E. , '64, Cincinnati, O. Morgan, Mary L. , (Mrs. Geo. Griswold) '64, Ottumwa, Iowa Morse, Charlotte, (Mrs. Wm. Andrews) '73, Morse, Iowa Mudgett, Madge C. , (Mrs. Butterfield) '66, deceased Musselman, Clara B. , '72 Muzzey, Sophronia M. , (Mrs. W. H. Graff) '73, Muscatine, Iowa 30 ALUMNI REGISTER Myers, Mary E. , (Mrs. Gilbert L. Pinkham) '64, B.A. '70, Wichita, Kans. North, Lucy E. , (Mrs. Chas. Dow) '64, Rushmore, Minn. Odell, Alice, (Mrs. Kelly) '72, Flagler, Colorado Odel, Benjamin F. , '70, Flagler, Colo. Ranchman Ogg, Mary, '73, deceased O'lvinn, Mrs. D. H. , (Fanny M. Brainard) '65. Lawyer Chadron, Neb. Owen, Mrs. Ezra E. , (Kate Bowen) '60, Iowa City, Iowa Paige, Anna E. , '71, deceased Palmer, Mrs., (Mary Lovelace) '64, Lake Charles, La. Parker, Mary Webb, (Mrs. Crozier) '70, deceased Parvin, May, (Mrs. J. W. Lee) '64, B.A. '64, Austin, 111. Patterson, Lillie B., (Mrs. W. J. Welch) '72, Iowa City, Iowa Pearson, Louise J. , '73 Pendleton, Mrs. B. , (Hortense E. Bowen) '67, Evanston, 111. Persing, Georgia, '72, deceased Phillips, Mrs. J. H. , (Mary A. Williams) '65, 721 6th Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa Pike, Mrs., (Eva M. Whiting) '72, Whiting, Iowa Pinkham, Mrs. Gilbert L. , (Mary E. Myers) '64, B.A. '79, Wichita, Kans. Pinney, Annis A. , '58, deceased. Powers, Mrs. Legrand, (Amanda D. Kinney) '72, 3007 Fifteenth street, N. W. , Washington, D. C. Pressley, James N. , '67, Grimes, Iowa Merchant Preston, Mrs. William C, , (Lou S. Kauffman) '70, B.A. '73, M.A. '76, Greeley, Colo. Putnam, Amanda M. , (Mrs. Heist) '62 Kansas, City, Mo. Randall, Mrs. Geo.W. , (Laura E. Humphrey) '67, deceased Rankin, Ada A. , '69, deceased Raymond, Etta, (Mrs Kirza Holmes) '65, Kearney, Neb. Remley, Alice, (Mrs. Jno. D. Glass) '68, B. S. '68, Mason City, lowa Remley, Mrs. H. M. , (Mary E. Underwood) '73, B.A. '73, M.A. '79, Anamosa, Iowa Remley, Mrs. Milton, (Josephine Dennis) '67, Iowa City, Iowa NORMAIv DBPARTMBNT 3J Rhodes, Eugene J., '69, Excelsior Springs, Ark. Farmer Ritter, Israel M. , '61, deceased Robinson, Mrs., (Lucretia E. Meacliam) '70, Clay, Iowa Rodgers, Amanda E. , 'Tl, Oskaloosa, Iowa Teacher Rogers, Amos R. , '62, Elberon, low^a Ivumberman Rogers, C. Perry, '69, B. A. '69, M.A. '72, deceased Rogers, Mrs. C. P., (Kate E. Brainerd) '62, Iowa City, Iowa Romaine, Amelia C. , (Mrs. Traer) '61, deceased Romans, Hanna, '72, DeWitt, Iowa Teacher Rowley, Susan R. , (Mrs. J. M. Branch) '65, Marengo, Iowa Rudd, Mattie E. , '71, Atlantic, Iowa Rugg, IvOttie A. , (Mrs. Davenport) '67, Kansas City, Mo. Ryan, Mary, '71, deceased Sanders, Elma A., (Mrs. Amos Hiatt) '70, deceased Sanford, Chilson C. , '62, deceased Satterthwaite, Clara J., (Mrs. Madden) '70, Brooklyn, N. Y. Scales, Miriam E., (Mrs. D. S. Wilson) '67, deceased Seerley, Homer H. , '73, B. Ph. '73, B.D. '75, M.A. '76, President Iowa State Normal Cedar Falls, Iowa Sheldon, Albert M. , '73, B.A. '73, M.A. Marble and Granite Dealer Arkansas City, Kan. Shepfer, Mrs. W. A., (Nellie V. Hutchinson) '68, St. Paul, Minn. Shepherd, Lavinia, (Mrs. I. P. Wilson) '70 Burlington, Iowa vShockey, S. Oakella, (Mrs. C. P. Bacon) '60, Washington, D. C. Smith, Carey R., '60, . Santa Ana, Calif. Capitalist and Banker Sperry, Lizzie, (Mrs. StrockJ '71, . Bottineau, N. D. Sprague, Mrs., (Rhoda Lacey) '66, Council Bluffs, Iowa Stephens, Mrs. E. G. , (Cellina H. Ayl worth) '58, Victor, Iowa Sterling, Mrs. J. W. , (Jessie M. Bowen) '61, Iowa Citv, Iowa 32 AIvUMMI REGISTER Stewart, Joanna D. , '68, Iowa City, Iowa Stewart, Mrs., (Kate L. Camp) '72, Davenport, Iowa Strock, Mrs. W. A., (Lizzie Sperry) '71, Bottineau, N. D. Summerville, Ada, (Mrs. Eltinge) '62, Mediapolis, Iowa Taylor, Mrs. Mark, (Mary A. Johnson) '69, deceased Taylor, Mrs., (Mary C. Dickson) '67, Independence, Iowa Taylor, Sallie L. , (Mrs. Hutchinson) '66, deceased Thomas, Elizabeth, '73, Carthage, Mo. Teacher Thomas, Mrs. S. E. , (Alice O. Bent) '64, Columbus City, Iowa Thompson, Julia A., (Mrs. Geo. W. Davis) '67, Trenton, Mo. Thompson, Mary L. , (Mrs. Lodge) '67, Iowa City, Iowa Thompson, Sylvia M. , (Mrs. Baldwin) '58, deceased Todd, Mrs., (Ella A. Brown) '68, deceased Todd, Mrs. J. E. , (Mary E. Deering) '72, deceased Traer, Mrs., (Amelia C. Romaine) '61, deceased Turton, Henry A. , '66, . Olathe, Kans. Superintendent State Institution Deaf and Dumb Twiss, Mrs., (Mattie J. Buckland) '66, Java, N. Y. Underwood, Mary E. , (Mrs. H. M. Remley) '73, B.A. '73, M. A. '79, Anamosa, Iowa Vierth, Joseph H. , '73, Correctionville, Iowa Superintendent City Schools Ward, Anna B. , (Mrs. Buck) '72, Nanito, Iowa Watters, Dennis A. , '71, Muscatine, Iowa Methodist Minister Welch, Mary Stone, '70, Iowa City, Iowa Welch, Mrs. Willard J. , (Lillie B. Patterson) '72, Iowa City, Iowa White, Charles E., '73, B.A '73, M.A. '76, L. '78, !"^t!!r^ 'iri_ Lawyer Madison, Wis. Whiting, EvaM. , (Mrs. Pike) '72, Whiting, Iowa Wicks, Mattie A. , (Mrs. Irwin) '72, Lenox, Iowa Wilcox, Ella M. , '71, Iowa City, Iowa Williams, E- Jennie, (Mrs. Galen M. Hardy) '66, Iowa City, Iowa Williams, James Madison, '67, B.D. '69, Des Moines, Iowa Christian Minister NORMAL DEPARTMENT 33 William, Mrs. J. Mad., (S. Augusta Zimmerman) '64, ■ 1212 28tli St., Des Moines, Iowa Williams, Mary A. , (Mrs. J. H. Phillips) 712 6th Ave., Des Moines, Iowa Wilson, Mrs. D. S. , (Miriam E. Scales) '67, deceased Wilson, Mrs. I. P., (Lavinia Shepherd) 'iO, Burlington, Iowa Witter, FinleyM., '61, B.S. '69, M.A. '75,' Muscatine, Iowa County Superintendent of Schools Wolf, John W. , '67, Farmington, Iowa Teacher Wood, Alfred, '72, B.Ph. '74, D.D.S. '84, M.A. '85, Dentist St. Louis, Mo. Wood, Amanda J., (Mrs. Dugan) '67, Iowa City, Iowa Wylie, James Renwick, '67, B.Ph. '71. M.A. '79, Teacher Denver, Colo. Zimmerman, Helen R, , (Mrs. Jno. A. Gillespie) '67, deceased Zimmerman, S. Augusta, (Mrs. J. Mad. Williams) '64, 1212 28th St., Des Moines, Iowa Zimmerman, Samuel B. , '68, M. D. , deceased AIvPHABETlCAIv LIST OF THE GRADUATES OF THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Additional primary degrees are noted as follows: I —Law, M- Medicine, H M — Homeopathic Medicine, D— Dentistry, P — Pharmacj'. The star \*j means information wanted. Abernethy, Clara Louise, '02, Iowa City, Iowa Assistant Registrar State University of Iowa Abbott, Frederick Hiram, '02, Dixon, 111. Abrams, Henry H. , '82, M.A. '85, Iowa City, Iowa Christian Minister Aby, Frank Stanton, '89, M.S. '90, Two Rivers, Wis. Physician and Surgeon x\chenbach, Naomi, '02, Marshalltown, Iowa Teacher Adams, Georgia, (Mrs. A. J. Burge) '99, deceased Adams, Ealdo Johnson, '04, Eugene, Oreg. * Adams, Wilber H. , '00, Iowa City, Iowa Albert, Fred., '03, Iowa City, Iowa Scholar in Internal Medicine Albert, Henry, '00, M.S. '02, M. '02, Iowa City, Iowa Prof, of Pathology and State Bacteriologist S. U. I. Alden, Harry Francis, '01, Davenport, Iowa Aldrich, Charles vSwitzer, '95, L. '96, Nome City, Alaska Judge of Circuit Court Alexander, Bertha Evelyn, '04, Burlington, loAva Teacher Alford, Mary Emily, (Mrs. L. E. Johnson) '95, vSteelton, Pa. Allen, Henrietta Frances, '02, D. '02, Berthoud, Colo. Dentist Allen, Joseph Holmes, '93, L. '95, Pocahontas, Iowa Lawyer and Regent, State University of low^a COIvIvEGK OF IvIBBRAIv ARTvS 35 * Allen, Joseph B., '89, Paysoii, 111. Allen, Ray Wallace, '02, Waterloo, Iowa Allin, Norra, (Mrs. C. S. Dakin) '97, Mason City, Iowa Allin, George R. , '02, West Point, N. Y. Cadet U. S. Military Academy Amlie, Thomas R. , '94, Spencer, Iowa Ivawyer Anderson, David M. , '73, Sioux City, Iowa Stenographer Anderson, John B. , '72, M.A. '76, L. '76, Ivawyer and Bditor Forest City, Iowa Anderson, Joseph T. , '86, M.A. '90, Covina, Calif. Principal of Schools Anderson, Laura, '97, Atlantic, Iowa Teacher Anderson, Oscar Cornelius, '95, L. '96, West Point, Neb. Anderson, Robinson Gregg, '98, L. '99, Postville, Iowa Superintendent of Schools Anderson, Rudolph Martin, '03, Iowa City, Iowa Taxidermist S. U. I. Anderson, Theodore, '98, Iv. '98, M.A. '99, Bverett, Wash. Ivawyer Anderson, Walter L. , '89, Lincoln, Neb. Lawyer Anderson, William B. , '72, L. '73, deceased Andrews, Belle R. , (Mrs. Allen R. Dows) '84, M.A. '87, Geneva, 111. Angus, Haney Adelbert, '00, M. '03, Garrison, Iowa Physician Ankene}^ Nellie W. , (Mrs. I. Bdwin Munger) '92, deceased Ankeny, Rose B. , (Mrs. Bdgar Lewds) '87, M. A. '90, Bldred, Fla. Anthony, Chas. Henry, '02, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Anthony, O. W. '89, M.S. '90, 475 W. 159th St., Principal High School New York, N. Y. Apple, Beaumont, '94, Panora, Iowa Bank Cashier Arey, Rodney Melvin, '96, Muscatine, Iowa Principal of High School 36 ALUMNI REGISTER '81, M.A. '84. Iv. '84, Manchester, Iowa Davis City, Tipton, Tipton, Pueblo, Iowa Iowa Iowa Colo. Arnold, Henry F. Lawyer Arnold, Henry Stephen, '01, Aurner, Clarence Ray, '03, Superintendent of Schools Aurner, Mrs. Nellie Slayton, '03, Backensto, Kinzer E. , '79, Railway Service Bacon, John E. , '8C), 184 Dearborn St., Editor Bailey, Arthur, '97, Bank Clerk Bailey, Mrs. Arthur, (Cora Dorcas) '97, Bailey, Bert Stanley, '95, L. '95, Lawyer Bailey, Charles H. , '95, B.S. '03, Columbia, Decatur, 111. Instructor Physical Training, Milliken University Chicago, 111. Charles City, Iowa Charles City, Iowa Evanston, Wyo. Ohio Iowa Iowa Iowa Bailey, Frank Sidney, '01, Akron, Bailey, Fred ^William, '02, M.S. '04, Iowa City, Medical Student ' Bailey, John T. , '90, Charles City, Bailey, Katherine Ethel, '02, Iowa City, Teacher Bailey, Mantie E. , '75, M. '82, deceased Bailey, Marsh Will, '93, Law5^er Bailey, Turner Smith, '69, B.D. 69, M.A. 85, 1417 1st Ave. , Cedar Rapids Presbyterian Minister Baker, Frank Hamilton, '00, Baker, Irving Wesley, '97, L. '98, Lawyer Baker, Willis N. , '83, M.A. '86, Baldwin, William Wright, '66, L. Law3-er, Attorney for the Ball, George W., '01, L. '03, Iowa City, Iowa Lawyer, with Baker & Ball Ballard, George Henry, '03, M.Di. '00,1. S. N. , Orchard, Iowa Balle, Julius E., '99, L. '99, Denison, Iowa Merchant Balle, Minnie Marie, '00, Denison, Iowa Washington, Iowa Iowa Hutchison, N. D. 1119-20 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. Hutchinson, Kans. '67, Burlington, Iowa C. , B. & Q. Ry. Iowa Citv, COLLKGE OF IvIBERAI. ARTS 37 U. of P. '94, Ottumwa, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Bannister, Murdoch, '91, M. D. Physician Bannister, Robt. Jas. , '01, h. 'Oc Law3^er Barber, Katherine Brainerd, (Mrs. M. T. Eudaly) '92, Grand Falls, Tex. Barber, Mary B. , (Mrs. Hanson E. Fly) '90, 26th Infantry, Washington, D. C. Barber, Myrtle, '02, Denison, Iowa Assistant Principal of High School Barber, Nathan Brainerd, '99, Colorado Springs, Colo. P. R. R. Gladbrook, low^a Cresco, Iowa Cresco, Iowa deceased Tucson, Ariz. Grinnell, Iowa Civil Engineer with C. , R. I. & Barclay, Wade Craw^ford, '99, Minister M. E. Church Barker, Arthur J. , '97, L. '01, I^awyer Barker, William Uoyd, '98, L. '99, Lawyer Earner, Fred I., L. '99, deceased Barnes, Mrs., (Florence R. Kinney) Barnes, Mrs., (Eva Salisbury) '86, Barr, William Milton, '02, Instructor in Chemistry, Iowa College Barrett, Albert Moore, '93, M. '95, Danvers, Mass. Physician Barrett, Anna Moore, '02, Seattle, Wash. Teacher Barrett, Jacob Edward, '03, 1260 Amsterdam Ave. , New York Columbia Law student Barrett, Mary Emily, '96, Teacher Iowa City Academy Bartholovv, Claude Alpheus, '04, Civil Engineer Barton, David Henry, '96, Teacher * Barton, Harry Raymond, '01, Bartsch, Paul, '96, M.S. '99, Naturalist, with Smithsonian Institute Baughman, Ruby, '00, M.A. '02, Marshalltown Teacher H. S. Iowa Cit}^ Iowa Hay ward, Wis. Winfield, Iowa Estherville, Iowa Washington, D. C. Iowa 38 ALUMNI REGISTER Beach, Carl Hoff. '00, Ithaca, N. Y. Mechanical Engineer Beard, William Finis, '00, Mt. Union, Iowa Beardsley, George, '93, Clarks, Neb. Beardsley, John, '98, 901 Oak Park Ave., Des Moines, Iowa General Secretary Associated Charities Beaulieu, Leo Victor, '04, vSheldon, Iowa *Bechley, Edward, '01, M. Di. '98, I. S. N. , Wapello, Iowa Beck, William Edmund, '00, M.S. '02, Iowa City, Iowa Instructor in Math. , State University of Iowa Beck, Mrs. William E. , (Lillian Jones) '99, Iowa City, Iowa Beckman, F. W. , '97, Des Moines, Iowa Newspaper Work. With Register & Leader Bedford, Lyman Dan'l, '04, Hudson, Iowa Bell, William B., '92, M.S. '03, Iowa City, Iowa Fellow in Zoology Belz, Jacob Otto, '00, Washington, D. C. Clerk in Bureau of Soils Bemis, Frances Perl, '02, Maxwell, Iowa Teacher * Bender, Isaac W. , '89, Corning, Iowa Bender, Wilbur H. , '95, • Cedar Falls, Iowa Supervisor Higher Grade Training School, I. S. N. S. Benson, Ernest Allen, '03, B.A. '00 Western College, Toledo, Iowa Bentley, Lizzie, (Mrs. Garstang) '81, Davenport, Iowa Berryhill, Charles J. , '75, A. B. '77, Harvard, St. Paul, Minn. Berryhill, Jas. G. , '73, L. '76, Lawyer 1101 Pleasant St., Des Moines, Iowa Berryhill, Mrs. J. G. , (Virginia J. Slagle) '77, M.A. '80, 1101 Pleasant St., Des Moines, Iowa Berryhill, Jas. Guest, '03, Des Moines, Iowa Law Student, Harvard Berryhill, Robt. , '86, Phoenix, Ariz. Merchant Bettenga, Everett P. , '97 Pulaski, S. Dak. Biggs, Mrs. Edward C. , (Nell M. Startsman) '87, M.A. '90, Iowa City, Iowa COIvIvEGK OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 39 Billingsley, Ray, '77, Iv. '79. Santa Anna, Calif. Lawyer and Proprietor Fruit Ranch Bixby, lyucy, '81, deceased Black, William H. , '76, deceased Blackniar, Harry E. , '03, Iowa Falls, Iowa Superintendent of Schools Blackmore, Auzman H. , '00, Aplington, Iowa Blackmore, Ralph Davis, '99, M. '01, deceased Blaine, Lela Rebecca, '04, 1126 Ave. D. , Council Bluffs, Iowa Blanchard, Rose, (Mrs. B. O. Jerrell) '94, Oskaloosa, Iowa *Blanding, Lowrie C. , '85, Rock Island, 111. Blashfield, Dewitt C. , '85, St. Paul, Minn. With West Pub. Co. Blazier, Fanny E. , (Mrs. Ralph H. Howes) '82, M.A. '85, deceased Blazier, Herbert A. , '82, Williamsburg, Iowa Jeweler Blood, Henry S., '90, L. '93, Greene, Iowa Lawyer Bloom, Chas. , '97, 1702 Michigan Ave. , Chicago, 111. * Bloom, Mant. , '94, Bridgewater, Iowa Teacher Bloom, Myra, (Mrs. Jake L. Sheuerman) '00, Des Moines, Iowa Bluhm, Mrs. Conrad, (Mae V. Henry) '96, Boulder, Colo. Blum, Bertha M. , '99, Sioux City, Iowa German Teacher Blum, Daisy P. , '04, Rossville, Iowa Teacher Blume, Fred H. , '98, ' Audubon, Iowa Lawyer Blunt, Harry, '94, B.D. '99, Oberlin, Indianapolis, Ind. Congregational Minister Blythe, Edward E. , '99, M. '04, Iowa City, Iowa Physician, Assistant in Histology, S. U. I. Blythin, Jos. W. , '80, M.A. '85, M. '85, deceased Boal, Theodore D.. '89, Boalsburg, Pa. Architect Boals, Abby, (Mrs. Robert Williams) '97, Clear Lake, Iowa 40 ALUMNI REGISTER Boardman, Benjamin, '01, M.Di. '99, I. S. N. , Principal of Schools Shelby, Iowa Boddy, Marshall V., '02, ' Seattle, Wash. Boehm, Walter M. , '02, Salt Lake City, Utah, Instructor in Physics Boesche, Louise A., (Mrs. Chas. W. Sears) '97, South Omaha, Neb. Boler, John, '01, Bisbee, Ariz. Correspondent C. Q. C. M. Co. Bollinger, James W. , '88, L. '89, M.A. '93, Lawyer. Judge District Court. Davenport, Iowa Bonar, Jesse L. , '93, L. '94, Algona, Iowa Lawyer Bond, Charles A., '74, 2203 Pierce St. , Sioux City, Iowa Banker Bond, Ethel May, '01, Sioux City, Iowa Bond, Frank, '80, M.A. '84, Washington, D. C. Chief of Drafting Div. Gen. Land Office Bond, Fred, '80, deceased Bond, Perry A. , '01, Sioux City, Iowa Teacher of Science, H. S. Boots, Mrs. Frederic W. , (Maggie M. He ath) '00, Lone Tree, Iowa Borland, Charles E. , '63, B.D. '59, M.A. '66, deceased Bowersox, Eugene C. , '96, Chelan, Wash. Teacher Bowman, Charles H. , '95, M.S. '99, Butte, Mont. Prof, of Physics, School of Mines Bowman, Ernest Charles, '99, 802 Equitable Bldg. , Civil Engineer Des Moines, Iowa Bowman, John G. , '03, New York City, N. Y. Care Columbia University Student in Columbia University Boyd, Robert A., '72, Stafford, Kans. Presbyterian Minister Boyd, William R., '89, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Editor Cedar Rapids Republican Bozarth, Maud, '03, M.Di. I. S. N. S. '99, Charles City, Iowa Brackett, Merritt, '02, Cambridge, Mass. Law Student in Harvard COIvLBGE) OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 41 Bracket!, Otto Thomas, '01, Crookston, Minn. Salesman Brackney, Herbert W. , '04, Washta, Iowa Bradley, Charles Clark, '99, Iv. '01, I^eMars, Iowa Lawyer Brainerd, Helen L. , '04, 3407 Main vSt. , Kansas City, Mo. Brainerd, Ossian H. , '76, B. D. '78, Iowa City, Iowa Financial Secretary Bquitable Mfg. Co. Branson, Laura H. , (Laura House) '01, M. '85, M.S. 04, Physician Iowa City, Iowa Brasted, Fred, '93, Ida Grove, Iowa Lawyer Bremner, George H. , '83, 209 Adams St., Chicago, 111. Engineer of Illinois Lines, C. B. & Q. R. R. Bremner, William H. , '91, L, '95, Des Moines, Iowa City Attorney Bricker, Charles W. , '82, M.A. '90, Ladora, Iowa Farmer Briggs, Fletcher, '01, M.A. '02, Carson, Iowa Fellow in German, Harvard Briggs, George N. , '97, Carson, Iowa Teacher in Phil. Isl. , (Temporary) Brink, Frank N. , '99, M.S. '01, Student, Harvard, 2 Carver St. , Cambridge, Mass. Brock, Frank Victor, '96, M.A. '97, Tonkawa, Okla. Principal Commercial School Brockway, Alice R. , '00, Ainsworth, Iowa Brockway, Barl B. , '95, L. '97 Minneapolis, Minn. Law Editor Brockway, Emma J. (Mrs. Wagner) '97, Omaha, Neb. Brockway, James Madison, '01, Ainsworth, Iowa Farmer * Brown, Alden A., '91, Brown, Charles Harry, '82, deceased Brown, Charles R. , '83, M.A. '86, Oakland, Calif. Pastor First Congregational Church Brown, E. Frank, '87, Vinton, Iowa Lawyer Brown, Elwyn N. , '83 , Silvan Springs, Ark. Civil Engineer 42 AIvUMNI REGISTER Brown, Florence B. , (Mrs. John B. Physician M.A Brown, Leon, '90, 1105 7th St., Newspaper Correspondent Brown, Maud A., '03, Teacher of Biology H. S. Brown, Norris E. , '83, M.A. '86, Ivawyer Brown, Pierre S. , '80, 1214 Main St., President Commercial College * Brown, Ralph O. , '97, Brown, Samuel Joe, '98, Iv. '01, M.A. '02, Law^yer 507 Mulberry St. , Des Moines Brown, Mrs. Walter A., (Stella H. Price) '94, Sherbon) '92, M. '04 '94, Colfax, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. lyincoln. Neb. Kansas City, Mo. Albia, low^a Iowa Brown, Springfield, Mass. Onawa, Iowa St. '81 William D. , '78, Lawyer Brown, William E. , '70, deceased Brush, Frank E. , '74, M.A. '84, Minister M. E. Church Brush, William B. , '99, Railway Postal Clerk Brusie, Ida M. , '98, Teacher * Bryant, Walter, '86, 78 W. First N. *Buckman, Oliver C, '76, Budlong, Mrs., (Minnie F. Clarke) Budrow, Lester R. , '97, Mining Engineer Buerckle, FrankP. , Jr. , '80, deceased Buffum, Hugh S. , '01, M.A. '02, In Graduate College S. U. I. Burdick, Mrs. (Anna Lalor) '89, Principal H. S. Burge, Albertus J., '97, M.S. '99, M. '00, Iowa City, Iowa Physician. Assistant Surgeon S. U. I. Burge, Mrs. Alburtus J., (Georgia Adams) '99, deceased Burge, Mrs. A. J., (Adelaide Lasheck) '00, Iowa City, Iowa Burgum, Harry Pitkin, '04, Oelwein, Iowa Civil Engineer Los Angeles, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Iowa City, Iowa Salt Lake City, Utah Napa City, Calif. Bismarck, N. D. Charcos, Mexico Iowa City, Iowa Iowa Falls, Iowa COI^IvBGE OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 43 Burling, Charles Glenn, '96, Clarksville, Iowa Ivawyer Burmeister, August Otto, '03, Iowa City, Iowa Law Student Burnett, George R. , '04, L. '04, '80 U. S. Military Academy, West Point, Iowa City, Iowa Commandant S. U. I. Battalion Burrier, Bmmett F. , '01, B. S. in C. K. '02, deceased Burrows, Allen S. , '86, Denison, Tex. Banker . Burrows, Mrs. Allin S. , (Katherine M. lycwis) '86, Denison, Tex. Barrows, Charles B. , '79, M.A. '82, Tishomingo, Ind. Ten Banker Burrus, James H. , '01, L. '04, Iowa City, Iowa Lawyer *Bursma, Jacob, '97, '98, M. College of Phys. Surg., Physician Grand Rapids, Mich. Burt, Alfred James, '99, L. '00, E^mmetsburg, Iowa Lawyer Burton, Charles H., '89, St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer Burton, Harry B. , '01, M. S. '03, Springdale, Iowa Teacher Burton, William C. , '82, deceased Bush, Mrs. Stephen H. , (Rachael B. Mather) '02, Iowa City, Iowa Butler, Bdgar B. , '78, M. A. '81, ' Algona, Iowa Lawyer Butler, Helen M. , '91, deceased Butler, Lindley Moses, '02, Chicago, 111. Salesman American Radiator Co. Butler, Maud B. , '96, Iowa City, Iowa Butler, Rush C. , '93, 184 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Lawyer, Cassady & Butler Byington, Otto A., '80, L. '81, M. A. '89, Iowa City, Iowa District Judge Byington, Robert W. , '76, L. '77, M.A. '79, deceased Byram, Albert B. , '74, M.A. '84 Presbyterian Minister Byrnes, Ralph L. , '02, Iowa City, Iowa Fellow in Pathology and Bacteriology 44 AIvUMNI REGISTER Call, Leona A., '80, M.A. '83, lewa City, Iowa Professor of Greek, S. U. I. Call, MyraE., '85, M.A. '89, Cedar Falls, Iowa Professor of Latin, I. S. N. S. Call, Roy G. . '03, Newark, N. J. Electrical Engineer Calvin, Alice B. , (Mrs. Willis A. Lomas) '88, Iowa City, Iowa * Cameron, Eliza A. , '83, Topeka, Kans. Cameron, Jno. E. , '95, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Teacher Campbell, Jno., '77, T. '79, M.A. '82, Denver, Colo. Justice Supreme Court Campbell, Mrs. Jno., (Hattie Parker) '79, M.A. '82, 1401 Gilpin St. , Denver, Colo. Campbell, Norman M. , '86, Colorado Springs, Colo. Lawyer Cannon, Robt M. , '92, 816 Cache La Poudre St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Cannon, Mrs. W. D. , (Salome Dugan) '90, Iowa City, Iowa Carder, Helen L. , '02, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Carlson, Ernest E. , '03, Battle Creek, Iowa Civil Engineer Carr, Elnathan R. , '75, M.A. '78, Muscatine, Iowa Stock Farmer Carroll, Elizabeth F. , '01, West Branch, Iowa Assistant Principal H. S. Carroll, Nancy G. , '98, 1524 Center St., Monticello, Iowa Teacher Carson, Mabel E. , '01, New Sharon, Iowa Carter, Edward A. , '03, Buxton, Iowa Medical Student, S. U. L Carter, George H. , '98, Council Bluffs, Iowa Newspaper work Cartwright, Samuel Gray, '92, Santa Fe, New Mexico Merchant Cary, Mrs., (Emma McKenzie) '77, B. D. '77, deceased Casady, Thomas, '02, 708 Fifth St., Des Moines, Iowa Student General Theological Seminary N. Y. City coIvLKGe; of IvIbe:raIv arts 45 Cassidy, Luther L. , '78, Des Moines, Iowa Investment Securities Cavana, Alvin J., '94, Iowa Falls, Iowa President Ellsworth College Cavanagh, Julia, (Mrs. W. C. McF:iroy) '82, M.A. '90, Newton, Iowa Cavanagh, Lucy, '96, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Chalfant, Arthur E. , '75, M.A. '90, deceased Chamberlain, Park, '99, Anamosa, Iowa Chamberlain, William M. , '00, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Lawyer Chamberlin, Fred H. , '90, deceased Chambers, Hamlin J. , '76, L. '78, Lawyer Chantland, William T. , '92, L. '94, Lawyer Chantry, Lillian, '01, Teacher Charhon, Ethel, '96, Charlton, Max R. , '03, Medical Student, S. U. I. Chase, Daniel C. , '79, Lawyer Chase, Will B. , '99, M. '02, Physician, Chesley, Frank E. , '04, Civil Engineer *Childs, Hal A., '00, Childs, Oliver W. , '89, 2301 S. 7th St. Civil Engineer Choate, Rufus C. , '03, Engineer Chrischilles, Julius T. , '84, Merchant Church, Frances, '94, Teacher High School Churchill, Alfred D. , '77, M.A. '80, Prof. School of Mines, Columbia University Churchill, D, B. , '97, Dvsart, Iowa Council Bluffs, Iowa Ft. Dodge, Iowa Cedar Falls, Iowa Clear Lake, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Webster City, Iowa Prairie City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Lenox, Iowa St. Louis, Mo. Anderson, S. C. Algona, Iowa Cheyenne, Wyo. New York, N. Y. 46 AIvUMNI REGISTER Clapp, Albert Carpenter, '03, Harlan, Iowa Bank Cashier Clapp, Flora J., (Mrs. Julius Ransom) '84, Dannemora, N. Y. Clapp, Helen Lula, (Mrs. John Tanner) '99, Davenport, Iowa Clapp, Ivewis W., '77, L. '78, Wichita, Kans. Lawyer. Financier. Clapp, Mrs. Lewis W. , (Carrie W. Hutchinson) '82, M.A. '85, Wichita, Kans. Clapp, Mortimer E., '01, Shelby, Iowa Banker Clark, BenW., '63, St. Louis, Mo. Wholesale Grocer Clark, Charles C. , '81, M.A. '84, L. '86, Burlington, Iowa Lawyer Clark, Charles H. , Jr., '84, Des Moines, Iowa Adv. Mgr. Homestead Co. Clark, Florence E., (Mrs. L S. Gillilland) '79, M. A. '83, deceased Clark, Harry W., '85. L. '88, Aspen, Colo. Lawyer Clark, Ida B. , (Mrs. Newton C. Young) '87, M.A. '90 Fargo, N. D. Clark, Mrs. J. S. , (Laura C. Hutchinson) '67, deceased Clark, Lizzie L. , (Mrs. Jno. J. Seerley) '76, B.D. '76, M.A. '79, Burlington, Iowa Clark, Whit H. , '97, Sioux City, Iowa Principal of Schools Clark, Mrs. Whit H. , (Maud Gray) '97, Sioux City, Iowa Clark, Mrs. Charles, (Cora Ross) '89, Langdon, N. D. Clarke, Jas. F. , '86, M.A. '89, M. '89, U. of P., Physician Fairfield, Iowa Clarke, Laura (Mrs. E. W. Rockwood) '92, M.A. '96, Iowa City, Iowa Clarke, Minnie F. , (Mrs. Budlong) '81, Bismark, N. D. Clayton, Joseph E. , '98, Hamburg, Iowa Superintendent of Schools Clearman, Hattie M. , '00, M.A. '04, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Clearman, Rollen I., '02, Iowa City, Iowa COLIvEGB OF LIBERAIv ARTS 47 Clements, Melville F., '04, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Asst. Civil Engineer C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , N. Div. elites, Margaret C. , '75, M.A. '78, deceased Close, Katherine S. , '02, Iowa City, Iowa Close, Mrs. S. LeRoy, CBlena MacFarland) '97, Iowa City, Iowa Closz, Jacob, '88, St. Ansgar, Iowa Clyde, Jefferson F. , '77, M.A. '81, h. '82, Osage, Iowa Judge District Court Coad, Harry K., '99, Chicago, 111. Clerk National Biscuit Co. Coast, Mrs. Preston C, (Grace E. McGee) '91, Iowa City, Iowa *Cobb, Arthur '88, Stanwood, Iowa Cobb, Clyde Beryl, (Mrs. Ed. S. Whit^e) '98, Harlan, Iowa Cobb, William H. , '83, B.D. '85, Iv. '86, San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer Cochran, Hattie (Mrs. Chas. H. Dayton) '84, Iowa City, Iowa Cochran, Thalia, '86, Washington, D. C. Clerk Court of Spanish Claims Codner, Frances T. , '99, New London, Iowa Teacher Coe, Mrs. William T. , (Annabel Collins) '94, St. Paul, Minn. Coe, Clara E. , (Mrs. Jas. Enlow) '80, M.A. '83, deceased Coe, Victor G. , '85, L. '93, Clinton, Iowa Lawyer Coffman, Mrs. (Linnie Hunter) '84, Lemonville, Mo. Cogswell, Charles H. Jr., '01, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Physician Cogswell, Jno. W. , '94, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Coldren, May Belle, '98, Iowa City, Iowa Cole, Arthur Casburn, '00, Waterloo, Iowa Railway Mail Clerk Collins, Annabel, (Mrs. Wm. T. Coe) '94, St. Paul, Minn. Collins, Edward R. , '02, M.A. '03, Iowa City, Iowa Principal High School Collins, Frank Butler, '01, Grundy Center, Iowa Teacher Colliver, Pearl, '95 48 ALUMNI REGISTER Collson, MaryE. , '96, Et. Dodge, Iowa Conard, Mrs. Willis, (Kate F. Shephard) '70, B.D. '69 deceased Congdon, James B. , '82, deceased Conley, John W. , '77, M.A. '80, Omaha, Neb. Baptist Minister * Connelly, Bernard D. , '87, Rock Island, 111. Conner, Jacob Elon, '91, Ph.D. '03, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructor of Economics, University of Penn. Consigny, Eugene F. , '00, Avoca, Iowa Manager Flour Mills Converse, Charles C. , '01, Cando, N. D. Lawyer Converse, Willard L. , '95, Cresco, Iowa Lawyer Converse, Mrs. Willard L. , (Eva Kleckner) '94, Cresco, Iowa Cook, Alice B., (Mrs. S. D. Cook) '76, deceased Cook, George Cram, '92, 128 W. 6th St., Davenport, Iowa Author and Teacher Cook, Justin E. , '70, Independence, Iowa Lawyer Cook, Roy A. , '01, L. '04, Independence, Iowa Lawyer Coon, Daniel, I., '89, Waverly, Iowa Baptist Minister Coon, George S. , '91, M. '91, Louisville, Ky. Professor Louisville Medical College Coon, Julia E., '86, M.A. '89, Osage, Iowa Cooper, Mrs. Clyde B. , (Daisy E. Hatch) '98, M.A. '01, West LaFayette, Ind. Cooper, Elizabeth J., '01, Winterset, Iowa Cooper, Esther L. , '03, Iowa Falls, Iowa Teacher Cooper, Mrs. Paul F. , (Margaret W. Williams) '93, low^a City, Iowa Copeland, Edwin G. , '98, Kenwood Park, Iowa Methodist Minister Copeland, Helen L. , '88, Iowa City, Iowa Corlett, Jessie M., '98, Iowa City, Iowa COIvIvBGB OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 49 Omaha, Neb. Humboldt, Iowa Vermillion, S. D. Cornish, Bdward J., '81, M.A. '82, Lawyer Cory, Charles Seldon, '02, Superintendent of Schools Cotton, Alonzo A., '84, M. '86, Physician Cottrell, Warren H. , '79, 1475 FuUon St. , Chicago, -111. Commercial Agent - ■ Coughlan, Henry I., '88, deceased Countryman, Georgia M. , (Mrs. Wm. Osmond) '79 deceased Cousins, Edward B., '72, M.A. '75, Audubon, Iowa Deputy Clerk of District Court Cowgill, B. Branson, '69, M.A. '85, Topeka, Kans. Editor Kansas Farmer Cowgill, Frank B. , '79, M.A. '82, Mankato, Minn. Methodist Minister Cox, Arthur J., '91, Iv. '95, Iowa City, Iowa Civil Engineer Cox, Clifford v., '01, L. '03, Newton, Iowa Ivawyer Cox, Helen M. , (Mrs. D. S. Fairchild) '87, deceased Coyle, Mrs. D. F. , (Sallie C. Ham) '81, Humboldt Craig, W. Bayard, '72, M.A. '90, Christian Minister Craig, Mrs. W. Bayard, (Priscilla Milliken) Crane, Ernest B. , '04, Crane, Ezra E. , '97, Merchant Crane, John W. , '74, deceased Crane, William E. , '82, M.A. '85 Civil Engineer Pueblo, Iowa Colo. '72, deceased Dexter, Iowa Danbury, Iowa Crary, E. Avery, '95, h. '97, Lawyer Craven, Arthur J. , '82, Lawyer Alfred M. , '88, Lawyer Edwin W. , '75, Lawyer Craven, Hermon W. , '85, Lawyer. 77 Van Siclen Ave. , New York, N. Y. Grundy Center, Iowa Craven, Craven, _ Bellingham, Wash. Spokane, Wash. M.A. '78, 135 6th Ave. N., L. '90, M.A. '90, 901 21st Ave. Seattle, Wash. Seattle, Wash 50 ALUMNI RBGISTKR Craven, R. Carey, '88, Omaha, Neb. With Omaha Bee Craven, Mrs. R. Carey, (Elizabeth Evans) '87, Omaha, Neb. Crawford, J. Lynn, '94, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Physician Crawford, Julia M. , (Mrs. Quincy K. Underwood) '93, Religious Editor, Globe-Democrat , St. Louis, Mo. Crellin, Edward W. , '90, 849 16th St., Des Moines, Iowa Civil Engineer Crone, Reuben B. , '97, Washington, Iowa Superintendent of Schools Crone, Mrs. R. B. , (Elizabeth J. Hulsebus) '98, Washington, Iowa Cronin, Sarah E. , '03, Iowa City, Iowa Fellow in Mathematics, S. U. I. Cross, Cash R. , '04, Iowa City, Iowa Crossley, Jas. J., '91, M.A. '97, Winterset, Iowa Law^yer, State Senator Crowley, Walter T. , '80, deceased Crum, John VanFleet, '94, L. '95, deceased Cunningham, Edmund P., '95, deceased Cunningham, Matt C, '96, L. '96, Highmore, S. D. Lawyer Cuplin, Millicent M. , '92, Prescott, Arizona Principal High School Currier, Albert M. , '02, B. S. in C. E. , '03, Galesburg, 111. Civil Engineer with C. B. & Q. R.R. Currier, Helen Noyes, '96, M.A. '97, Iowa City, Iowa Curtis, Alice B., '03, Galesburg, 111. Teacher Curtis, Cora Gertrude, '04, M.Di. '98, L S. N. S. Allison, Iowa Curtis, Maurice L., '99, Knoxville, Iowa Editor and Publisher Knoxville Journal Cushing, Raymond G. , '04, Exira, Iowa Custer, Nellie G., (Mrs. Stephen A. Swisher) '84, Iowa City, Iowa Dakin, Amy Dorothy, '03, Mason City, Iowa Dakin, Channing E. , '96, M. '99, Bennett College Eclectic Med. & Surg. , Mason City, Iowa Physician & Surgeon college: of liberal arts 51 Dakin, Mrs. Channing E. , (Norra Alii n) '97, Mason City, Iowa *Dalbey, Irvin J. , '99, Olin, Iowa. Dalton, UlaE. , '03, Jessup, Iowa Teacher Daly, William Joseph, '97, Seattle, Wash. Lawyer Darling, William A. , '87, Rock Island, HI. Civil Engineer Dart, William H, '88, Rock Island, 111. Wholesale Grocer Daum, SelmaA., '00, B.D. '02, Albert Lea, Minn. Teacher Davidson, Freeman C, '91, Emmetsburg, Iowa Lawyer Davies, Marion, '96, deceased Davis, Florence M., '02, Emmetsburg, Iowa Teacher Davis, Frances L. , (Mrs. Harry L. Keefe) '95, Bancroft, Neb. Davis, Walter M. , '95, L. '98, Iowa City, Iowa Lawyer Dawley, Gertrude W. , '88, Oak Park, 111. Teacher Township High School *Day, Curtis L. . '81, L. '83, Peuder, Neb. Dayton, Charles H. , '82, M.A. '85, Iowa City, Iowa Real Estate Dayton, Mrs. Charles H. , (Hattie Cochran) '84, Iowa City, Iowa Dayton, Leona M. , '02, Dexter, Iowa Dean, Lee Wallace, '94, M. '96, M.S. '96, Iowa City, Iowa Professor Opthalmology and Otology S. U. I. Dean, Ray H. , '99, M. '02, M.S. '02, Muscatine, Iowa Physician Dean, Wm. F. , '89, M. '91, University of Michigan, Physician LaGrange, 111. *Dearing, Mrs. John, (Sarah L. Gorton) '85, , Colorado DeBord, W. A., '89, Omaha, Neb. Lawyer Decker, Edwin George, '95, M. '97, Davenport, Iowa Physician, Lecturer State University of Iowa 52 ALUMNI REGISTER Deems, Oren Manfred, '00, Burlington, Iowa Student in University of Pennsylvania. Dejong, Conrad, Jr., '95, M. '97, Edgerton, Minn. Physician Delavan, George Edwin, Jr., '02, Los Angeles, Cal. Denkmann, Frederick C. , '78, L. '80, Rock Island, 111. Lumberman Dennis, Hattie J., (Mrs. Heberling) '80, M.A. '83, Lamont, Okla. Denny, Alden R. , '98, Galesburg, 111. Physician Dewel, William Cornelius, '95, Algona, Iowa Clerk District Court Dey, Anna Hull, '99, Iowa City, Iowa Dey, Curtis T. , '94, Iowa City, Iowa Implement Business Dey, Marvin H. , '87, 145 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111 Civil Engineer Dey, MyraT., (Mrs. Craig T. Wright) '93, Des Moines, Iowa Deyoe, Albert M. , '87, M.A. '90, Garner, Iowa County Superintendent of Schools Dickey, James H. , '86, 516 N. Main, St. Louis, Mo. Manager Sattley Manufacturing Co. Dickinson, Wilmot D. , '81, M. '84, Des Moines, Iowa Physician Ditzen, Henry E. C. , '95, L. '97, Davenport, Iowa Lawyer Dobson, William J., '83, M.A. '86, deceased Dodds, Calvin S. , '01, M.Di., '97, L S. N. , Monona, Iowa Dodge, J. Ervin, '81, deceased Dodson, DeCosta, H. , '80, M.A., '83, Austin, Tex. Presbyterian Minister *Doe, Edward M. , '70, L. '71 Lawyer Doepke, Mrs. Charles, (Junia R. Henderson j) '95, Ackley, Iowa Donohoe, Anthony Patrick, '97, M.S. '01, M. '02, Physician Davenport, Iowa Donovan, Louis P., '04, Eagle Grove, Iowa Dorcas, Cora, (Mrs. Arthur Bailey) '97, Charles City, Iowa COIvIvEGB OF LIBERAL ARTS 53 Dorcas, Harr}^ F, , '95, Burr Oak, Iowa Minister Dorcas, Herbert C. , '95, M. A. '03, Columbia University, Asst. Prof, of Education S. U. I. and Registrar Iowa City, Iowa Dorcas, W. A., '95, 737 W. 59th Englewood, Chicago, 111. Dorr, Carrie D. , (Carrie Dorr Elliott) '90, Colorado Springs, Colo. Dorweiler, Paul, '04, Sioux City, Iowa Teacher Dougherty, Jas. G. , '79, Salt Lake City, Utah Telephone Superintendent Douglass, Mrs. Edwin E. , (Hattie J. Stimmel) '90, Pueblo, Colo. Downing Ralph V. , '01, Washington, Iowa Bank Clerk Dows, Mrs. A. R. , (Belle R. Andrews) '84, 'M.A. '87, Geneva, 111. Drake, Fred C. , '01, L. '03, Iowa City, Iowa Secretary to the President S. U. I. Draper, Allan D. , '76, M.A. '85, Syracuse, N. Y. Presbyterian Minister Drew, Gilman A., '90, Ph.D. '98, J.H.U., Orono, Maine Professor of Biology, University of Maine Drew, William L. , '89, L. '92, Urbana, 111. Professor of Law, University of Illinois Drewry, Ray Forest, '03, LeMars, Iowa Teacher Dubois, Walter Lynn, '02, Rockwell City, Iowa Duffield, Wm., '91, Phoenix, Ariz. Physician and Surgeon Dugan, Salome, (Mrs. W. D. Cannon) '90, Iowa City, Iowa * Dunham, Martha A., '98, Mason City, Iowa Dunton, George W. , '75, Sycamore, 111. Lawyer Dupuis, Newton J., '87, J 81 Illinois vSt., Chicago, 111. Manager W. W. Welch & Co. , Mfg. Stationery *Durfee, Earl, '95, Hillsdale, Iowa Durley, Mrs. P. B. , (Ella A. Hamilton) '78, M.A. '82, 1825 7th St., Des Moines, Iowa With Des Moines News 54 AIvUMNI REGISTER Dye, Charles Wesley, '01, deceased Dye, Harvey I^., '04, Macedonia, Iowa D5^kstra, Clarence A., '03, Teacher Care H. C.Armstrong, Pensacola, Fla. Dykstra, Sylvester H. , '02, Iowa City, Iowa Ivaw Student Eaker, Jay F. , '03, Hudson, Iowa Baptist Minister Earharty George, '69, Schaller, Iowa Presbyterian Minister Eaton, Ernest T. , '99, Deer Lodge, Mont. Superintendent of Schools Eaton, Lida, (Mrs. Robt. E. Fitch) '72, B.D. '72, Laramie, Wyo. Eaton, Melville J., '82, Faribault, Minn. Lumberman Eaton, William Hammond, '00, M. '02, West Union, Iowa Physician Eberhart, Frank V. , '02, D. '04, Newton, Iowa Dentist Eby, Moray L., '99, West Liberty, Iowa Postal Clerk Eddy, Helen M. , '00, M.A. '03, Marengo, Iowa Fellow Bryn Mawr College, '04 Eddy, Mary Louise, '03, Marengo, Iowa Teacher Ede, Ernest D. , '02 Centerville, S. D Superintendent City Schools Edmundson, Charles H., '03, M.S. '04, Iowa City, Iowa Edgar, EmmaK. , '90, Fordyce, Ark. Edson, Mrs. Willis C. , (Gail Sweney) '00, deceased Egan, Geo. W., '00, L. '01, M.A. '04, Logan, Iowa Lawyer Eggert, CarlE., '86, 'M.A. '89. ■ 934 Greenwood Ave. , Ann Arbor, Mich. Instructor in German, U. of M. Ehret, Anna L. , (Mrs. J. J. Sharpe) '99, Shell Rock, Iowa Eller, Chester J., '02, Pekin, Iowa Elliott, Mrs. Carrie D. , (Carrie Dorr) '90, Colorado Springs, Colo. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS 55 Elliott, Ethel Anna, '03, Northampton, Mass, Instructor in Voice Culture, Smith College. Ellis, Abbie S. , '82, Teacher H. S. Ellis, Daniel B. , '77, Lawyer Ells, Mrs. J. W. , (Esther M. Smalley) Vinton, Iowa Denver, Colo. '85, M.A. '89, Muscatine, Iowa Ely, Mrs. H. E. , (Mary E. Barber) '90, Care 26th Infantry, Washington, D. C. • Ely, Minnie E., (Mrs. Farr) '87, M.A. '90, Sioux City, Iowa Emery, Rush, '63, M.A. '64, Ph.D. '68, Gottingen, deceased Emery, Mrs. Rush, (Nettie M. Hart) '63, M.A. '65, Iowa City, Iowa Emry,' Frederic G. , '02, Brighton, Iowa Merchant Emry, Martha E. , '98, Fairfield, Iowa Teacher Emry, Roy L. , '96, Brighton, Iowa Commission Merchant Ende, August, '97, Burlington, Iowa Merchant Ende, Carl L. , '93, M.S. '94, Ph.D. '99, Gottingen, Instructor in Chemistry, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Enlow, James S. , '81, L. '83, deceased Enlow, Mrs. Jas. S. , (Clara E. Coe) '80, M.A. '83, deceased Ensign, Forest C. , '97, M.A. '00, Council Bluffs, Iowa Principal High School Ensign, Laura S., '76, B.D. '78, M.A. '79, Baltimore Teacher of History, Woman's College Erwin, Mrs., (Hulda Hanson) '79, M.A. '82. Eshleman, Mrs. George W. , (Clara A. Slotterbec) '94, M. A. '96, Cherokee, Espeset, James H. , '02, ' Estherville, Estes, Reuben M., '02, Sidney, Superintendent of Schools Eudaly, Milton T. , '92, Grand Falls, Tex. Manager Irrigation Co. Eudaly, Mrs. Milton T. , (Katherine B Md. Iowa Iowa Iowa Eustis, Carl, Barber) '92, Grand Falls, Tex. Stuart, Iowa 56 ALUMNI REGISTER Eustis, Carrie L. , '99, deceased. Bvans, David W. , Lawyer , '86, L. '91, M.A. '89, Hampton, Iowa Evans, Elizabeth, (Mrs. R. Carey Craven) '87, Omaha, Neb. Evans, Lucy D. , 76, Moline, 111. Teacher Evans, Morris, '90, L. '93, Pipestone, Minn. Lawyer Evans, Mrs. Morris, (Kate Legler) '90, Pipestone, Minn. • Evans, William D. , '78, L. '79, M.A. '90, Hampton, Iowa Lawyer- District Judge Evans, Mrs. William D. , (Julia Stark) '93, Hampton, Iowa Evans, William Thomas, '96, ^ Parkersburg, Iowa Lawyer Ewers, Albert F. , '02, 810 W. 15th St., Davenport, Iowa Teacher Fair, Adam B. , '93, M. '95, Lawton, Okla. Physician and Surgeon Fair, Mrs. Adam B. , '(Clara R. Harvat) '96, Lawlon, Okla. Fairall, Henrietta, '00, West Superior, Wis. Fairall, Herbert S. , '74, M.A. '89, West Superior, Wis. Editor Fairall, Herbert S. , Jr., '02, M. '03, West Superior, Wis. Physician Fairall, Mary E. , '72, M.A. '76, Iowa City, Iowa Musician Fairbrother, Joseph A. , '71, B.D. '70, deceased Fairchild, Mrs. David S. , Jr., (Nell M. Cox) '87, deceased. Fannon, William H. , '75, L. '76, deceased Farr, Mrs., (Minnie E. Ely) '87, 1605 Douglass St. , vSioux City, low^a Farrell, Thomas, '02, M.A. '03, Fonda, Iowa Fatherson, Thomas W. , '00, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Assistant Civil Engineer, C. R. I. & P. R. R. Fee, Louis W. , '99, Monmouth, Iowa Lawyer Fehleisen, George W. , '81, Madrid, Iowa Lumber Dealer Fellingham, John H. , '00, Marshalltown, Iowa General Secretary Y. M. C. A. COIvIvBGE OF IvIBKRAIv ARTvS 57 Fellows, Albion N. , '78, M.A. '81, vSuffern, N. Y. With Thompson-Pellit Co. , 463 Greenwich St., New York City Fellows, Olin S. , '80, M.A. '83, Middletown, N. Y. Inventor and Manuf. of Can Soldering Machine Fenton, '03, Ferren, I. Jennie I. TeacJier William A., '92, Ferson, Merton L. , '00, L. '01, Law lyibrarian, S. U. Fesenbeck, Ida, '00, Teacher, I. S. N. Fesenbeck, John A., '01, Fickes, Clark R. , '93, Filer, Paul S. , '02, Principal of Schools Finch, Grace E., (Mrs. Wagner) Findley, Thomas P. , '90, Professor in Rush Medical College Finkbine, Charles A. , '75, 2929 Grand Ave. , Bldora, Iowa Clearfield, Iowa City, Iowa Iowa '97, Cedar Falls, Iowa Danbury, Iowa Burlington, Iowa Parkersburg, Iowa Hampton, Iowa Chicago, 111. Wisconsin Lumber Cd. Finkbine, William O. , '78, Iv. '80, Lumberman 2931 Grand Ave. Fish, James W. , '03, Fitch, Elmer E. , '74, Editor and Publisher Fitch, Eva L. , '02, Harry H. , '02, Fellow in Latin, S. U. I. Robert E. , '72, M.A. '77, Insurance and Real Estate. Mrs. Robert E. , (Lida Eaton) Fitch, Fitch, Des Moines, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Birmingham, Iowa Galva 111. Sac City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Fitch, Laramie, Wyo. Member Legislature '72, B.D. '72, Laramie, Wyo. Fitzpatrick, Thomas J., '93, M.S. '95, L. '96, Editor & Publisher Estherville, Iowa Fitzpatrick, Mrs. T. J., (Mary F. Linder) '86, Estherville, Iowa Flemming, Ruth, '04, 2308 Cap. Ave., Omaha, Nebr. Fletcher, George H. , '00, L. '01. Elkader, Iowa Lawyer 58 ALUMNI RKGISTBR Council Bluffs, Iowa Council Bluffs, Iowa Topeka, Kan. '03, Flickinger, Albert T. , '75, L. '76, Lawyer 824 4tli Ave. Flickinger, Isaac N. , '75, L. '76, Lawyer Flynn, Charles J., '92, L. '92, deceased Forbes, Wilson M., '73, L. '74, M.A. '76^ Real Estate and Insurance Ford, D. Fae, '02, Manchester, Iowa Forney, Calvin H., '82, Chehalis, Wash. Lawyer Fort, William H. , Retired Foster, Blanche F. Teacher Foster, Charles C. , '04, Civil Engineer Foster, Charles Scott, '97, Hardware and Implements Foster, Mrs. (Ella D. Graves) '90, Foster, Mabel M., '99, Teacher H. S. Fracker, George C. , '94, M.A. '00, Professor of Philosophy Frailey, Joseph R. , '98, L. '00, Claim Agent, A. T. & S. : Francis, 15ruce, '96, Superintendent of Schools Frazee, John S. , '78, M.A. '81, Principal Dakota State Normal Frazee, Mrs. John S. , (Emma M. Rankin) 69, Ph.B., '77, M.A. '84, R. D. No. 1, Des Moines, Iowa Mapleton, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Larimor, Iowa Pocahontas, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Cedar Rapids, Iowa Coe College Wellington, Kans. F. R. R. Williamsburg, Iowa Springfield, S. D. Teacher Dakota S. Normal Freeman, Mae A. , '97, M.A. '98, Teacher Freligh, Clarence N., '99, Physician French, James B. , '82, Clerk Federal Courts Friend, Frank V. , '90, deceased Fulz, Francis M. , '86, M.A. '89, Superintendent of Schools *Funk, Frank W. , '80, '77, Springfield, S. D. Iowa City, Iowa- Plum City, Wis. West Superior, Wis. Burlington, Iowa Keota, Iowa COIvIvE)GE) OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 59 Funson, Harry S. , '02, Minneapolis, Minn. Furbish, Frederic, '93, Degree Sch. Technology, Architect Boston, Mass. Gabelman, Fred, '96, Kansas City, Mo. Civil Engineer Gabriel, Jennie M. , '98, 1701 Penn Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa Teacher Gale, Absalom H. , '84, Banker, State Senator Galer, Roger S. , '85, M.A. '88, Lawyer Gardiner, Henry C. , '88, h. '91, Lawyer Gardner, Archibald K. , '92, L. '92, Gardner, Frances Maud, '03, Teacher Gardner, Herbert H. , '96, D. '99, Dentist Gardner, John D., '80, Gardner, John R. , '94, Teacher * Garrett, Charles R., '99, Teacher Garstang, Mrs., (Lizzie Bentley) '81, Gates, Ernest H., '04, Gates, John H. , '88, Lawyer Gay, Anna May, '03, Gaymon, Leah May, '92, M.A. '95,;| * Geneva, Mrs., (Ella C. Shepfer) '83, * German, Scott, '89, Geyer, Ellen, '02, Teacher Gibbens, William A. , '77, M.A. '80, Methodist Minister Gibbs, George S. Jr., '97, M.S. '01, Captain Signal Corps, U. S. Army Gibson, Rollie C.', '88, Maxwell, Iowa Giese, Charles O. , '02, Columbia, Mo. Instructor in Medicine, '^M. S. U. *Giessler, Henry F., '78, L. '80, ^ , Kansas Mason City, Iowa Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Sioux City, Iowa Rapid City, S. D. Avoca, Iowa Williamsburg, Iowa Sioux Falls, S. D. 24 E. 99th St. , New York, N. Y. Troy, Iowa Davenport, Iowa Sheldon, Iowa Sioux Falls, S. D. Conesville, Iowa Minneapolis, Minn. What Cheer, Iowa Jersey City, N. J. Tipton, Iowa Luana, Iowa Washington, D. C. 60 AIvUMMI REGISTER Gilbert, Mrs. Allen J., (Florence A. Zerwekh) '97, Portland, Oregon Gilbert, Harold B. , '04, State Center, Iowa Gilbert, James I. , '83, L. '84, deceased Gilbert, Mrs. J. I., (Lydia H. I^ewis) '83, Burlington, Iowa Gilbert, Samuel P. , '84, Burlington, Iowa Ivumber Dealer Gilbert, Mrs. Sam P. , (Winifred Lewis) '90, Burlington, Iowa Gilchrist, Helen C. , '99, Iowa City, Iowa Gilchrist, Janet M. , (Mrs. J. V. Westfall) '01, Iowa City, low^a Gilchrist, Redelia, (Mrs. Herbert Stone) '95, New York, N. Y. Gilcrest, Belle M. , '80, M.A. '83, 8th & Center Sts. , Des Moines, Iowa Gilfillan, Dora, '89, River Falls, Wis. Latin Teacher, Wisconsin State Normal Gillespie, S. Scott, '78, B.D. '80, L. '82, M.A.. '82, Lawyer Portland, Oregon Gillespie, Mrs. S. Scott, (S. Emma Wilson) '82, Gillespie School of Expression Portland, Oregon Gillilland, Isom Shirley, '79, L. '84, Glenwood, Iowa Lawyer and Senator Gillilland, Mrs. L Shirley, (Florence E. Clark) '79, M.A. '83, deceased Gillis, Anna M. , (Mrs. Geo. B. Thompson) '91, Lead, S. D. Gillis, Constant L., '84, Lead, S. D. Mining Broker Girtler, Sadie, '82, M.A. '85, deceased Glass, Eva J., (Mrs. F. W. Lovell) '96, Cleveland, Ohio Glass, Mrs. Jno. D. , (Alice Remley) '68, B.D. '68, Mason City, Iowa Glass, Robert C, '73, M.A. '76, 3010 King St., Seattle, Wash. Methodist Minister Gleason, Fred. B. , '01, L. '01, Davenport, Iowa Telephone Business Gleason, Margaret, '93, Davenport, Iowa Goettsch, Henry M., '99, M.S. '00, *^ Chicago, 111. At Chicago University COIvIvEGE OF IvIBERAL ARTS 61 Golden, Ethel R. , '98, Vinton, Iowa Teacher High School Gonwick, Clara, '98, Excelsior, Minn. Teacher *Goodrell, Stewart, Jr., '80, Des Moines, Iowa Gordon, Perry N. , '72, B. D. '71, deceased * Gorton, Sarah L. , (Mrs. Jno. Bearing) '85, — -, Col. Goshorn, Arthur E. , '80, . Winterset, Iowa Editor Goshorn, Robert M. '77, Kalispell, Mont. Editor and Publisher Gow, Annie ly, , (Mrs. Levin S. Peek) '01, Fontanelle, Iowa Gow, James E. , '01, 2141 Penn Ave., N. W. , Washington, D. C. Assistant Forest Expert U. S. Bureau of Forestry Graff, Lulu A., (Mrs. Leroy D. Weld) '99, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Graham, Joseph W. , '02, Adel, Iowa Superintendent City Schools Graves, Ella D. , (Mrs. Foster) '90, Pocahontas, Iowa Graves, Laura M. , '88, Ackley, Iowa Graves, Sarah V. , '70, B.D. '69, Oklahoma, Okla. Principal Young Ladies Boarding School Graves, William A., '96, Enid, Okla. Gray, Maud, (Mrs. Whit H. Clark) '97, Sioux City, Iowa Graydon, Thomas W. , '75, M. A. '78, deceased Greeley, Lennie M. , (Mrs. Jacobs) '99, Pioneer, Mont. Green, Mrs. Cornelius F. , (Kathryn W. Way) '00, Sioux City, Iowa Green, Ellen C. , '99, Albany, N. Y. Teacher, Convent Sacred Heart Green, Esther M. , '89, 628 So. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. * Green, Fred R., '86, Monmouth, Iowa * Green, Edwin, '69, Clarksville, Ark. Greene, Galen E. , '03, Greene, Iowa * Greene, Robt. A., '85, East Peru, Iowa Griffith, Elizabeth A., (Mrs. Albert Loughridge) '71, B.D. '68, M.A. '77, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Former Missionary to India Griffith, Harry M. , '01, St. Louis, Mo. Medical Student 62 ALUMNI REGISTER Griffith, John G. , '01, Moscow, Idaho Physical Instructor University of Idaho Griffiths, John Iv. , '74, Iv. '75, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer Grillet, Ida L. , (Mrs. Slemmons) '02, Iowa City, Iowa * Grimes, Frank P. , '97, Parnell, Iowa Grimm, John M., '89, L. '90, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Lawyer Grimm, Philip H. , '83, M.A. '86, deceased Groendycke, Clara L. , '00, M.S. '04, Iowa City, Iowa Gruwell, George W., '93, Dnnwell, Minn. Bank Cashier Guthrie, Alfred A., '75, M.A. '81, Albany, N. Y. Lawyer Guthrie, Mrs, A. A., (Ella W. Osmond) '77, deceased Guthrie, George W., '73, Lawton, Okla. Farmer Guthrie, W. B. , '95, Ph.D., Columbia University, Hopkinton, Iowa Hagemann, Frederick P. , '95, L. '96, Waverly, Iowa Lawyer Hagler, E. M. , '03, vSt. Louis, Mo. Hall, Charles S. , '80, 137 Pine Ave., Chicago, 111. Civil Engineer, C. & N. W. Ry. Hall, Frederick, '84, M.A. '87, deceased Hall, Willis L., '90, Burlington, Iowa Haller, Charles W. , '83, L. '84, Lawyer 2812 Poppleton Ave. , Omaha, Neb. Haller, Frank L. , '83, 224 N. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. Secretary Lininger & Metcalf Co. Ham, Ella M. , '84, Sioux City, Iowa Teacher H. S. Ham, JohnW. , '99, Schenectady, N. Y. With West Electrical Co. Ham, Mrs. JohnW., (Edna E. Page) '00, Schenectady, N. Y. Ham, vSallie C. , (Mrs. D. F. Coyle, '81,) Humboldt, Iowa Hamann, Albert W. , '97, L. '98, Davenport, Iowa Lawyer Hamilton, Arthur S. , '94, M. , U. of P. Physician Independence, Iowa COIvLBGK OF LIBERAL ARTS 63 Hamilton, Blla A., (Mrs. P. B. Durley) '78, M.A. '82, With Des Moines News Des Moines, Iowa Hamilton, John J., '77, M.A. '80, 1908 9th St., Des Moines, Iowa With the Homestead Hammond, Fanny M. , (Mrs, Stephen B. Howard) '86, New York, N. Y. Hanford, Jennie, (Mrs. Horace Wood) '84, deceased Hanks, John, '97, Methodist Minister Hanley, Charles S. , '75, M.A. '78, Shenandoah, Iowa Minister Hanna, Henry W., '72, M.A. '76, Lawton, Okla. Lawyer Hanna, Levi S. , '73, deceased Hanson, Clarence H. , '03, Iowa City, Iowa Scholar in Geology Hanson, Frank F., '01, Monmouth, Iowa Hanson, Harry W., '97, L. '98, Ivos Angeles, Calif. Lawyer Hanson, Mrs Harry W., (Mary C. Kelley) '98, Los Angeles, Calif. Hanson, HuldaJ., (Mrs. Erwin) '79, M.A. '82, Scranton, Iowa Hardman, James E. , '97, 823 3rd St., Davenport, Iowa Managing Bditor Daily Times Hardman, Roy C. , '04, Tipton, Iowa Harkness, Gordon F. , '00, M. '02, M.S. '02, Davenport, Iowa Physician Harney, Helen M. , '90, M.A. '97, Moline, 111. Teacher Harrington, Benjamin F., '69, L. '73, Lawyer 725 Kittredge Bldg. , Denver, Colo. Harrington, Clinton O. , '70, Vinton, Iowa Banker Harrington, J. C. F. , '87, L. '91, M.A. '90, Wholesale Jeweler, 956 N. College St. , Decatur, 111. * Harris, Fred E. , '03, Larimore, N. D. Harris, Henry C. , '83, Highmore, S. D. Druggist Hart, Emma M., (Mrs. J. C. Rutan) '64, Wichita, Kansas 64 AIvUMNI REGISTER Hart, Nettie M., (Mrs. Rush Emery) '63, B.D. '60, M.A. '65, Iowa City, Iowa Hartman, Russell T., '96, M.S. '98, Civil Engineer, 1056 Enos Ave. ,Des Moines, Iowa Harvat, Clara R. , (Mrs. A. B. Fair) '96, Lawton, Okla. Hastings, Frank A. , '91, Pittsburg, Pa. Civil Engineer Hastings, Jessie Pearl, '98, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher at Missouri Valley, low^a Hatch, Agnes Iv., (Mrs. J. S. St. John) '84, Muscatine, Iowa Hatch, Daisy E. , (Mrs, Clyde B. Cooper) '98, M.A. '01, West IvaFayette, Ind. Hawk, Ira T., '99, New^ Haven, Conn. Student Yale Theological Seminary Hayes, Elnora B. , '03, Mapleton, Iowa Teacher Hayler, George R. , '02, Marion, Iowa Rodman, C. M. & St. P. Ry. Heald, Albert P. , '91, B.D. '93, Knoxville, Iowa Teacher Hearst, Mamie F. , '99, M.A. '04, Cedar Falls, Iowa Teacher I. S. N. S. Hearst, W. Iv. , '95, M. U. of P., Cedar Falls, Iowa Physician Heath, Maggie May, (Mrs. F. W. Boots) '00, Lone Tree, Iowa Hebard, Grace R. , '82, M.A. '85, Laramie, Wyo. Secretary and Trustee University of Wyoming Heberling, Mrs., (Hattie J. Dennis) '80, M.A. '83. Lamont, Okla. *Heck, Ernest W., '97, Nauvoo, 111. Helfritz, Metha, (Mrs. Jonas) '86, M.A. '89, deceased Hellberg, Will F. , '04, Anamosa, Iowa Helmick, Charles W. , '82, Helena, Mont. Civil Engineer Helmick, John M. , '80, L. '81, M.A. '84, Davenport, Iowa Lawyer Heminger, Amos L. , '03, L. '03, Keosauqua, Iowa County Superintendent COLLKGB OF LIBKRAIy ARTS 65 Henderson, Junia R. , (Mrs. Charles Doepke) '95, Ackley, Iowa Hendricks, Burtilla N. , '94, L. '95, Riceville, Iowa Lawyer Henry, Carl J., '02, Butler, Mo. Henry, Mae V., (Mrs. Conrad Bluhm) '96, Boulder, Colo. Henry, Ward C. , '02, Law Student, Harvard Fensel, Blanche A., '93, B.D. '95, Teacher, Minneapolis Hensen, Louis, '00, Wool Grower Henyan, Isaac B. , '81, L. '82, Lawyer Hermann, Cornelia J. , '03, Teacher Hershire, Mildred, '01, Teacher H. S. Ida Grove Hess, Adam K. , '03, Hess, Florence M. , (Mrs. Geo. N. Seidlitz) '82, St. Louis, Mo. Hess, Mrs. John W. , (Annie B. Jewett) '90, Des Moines, Iowa Hetzel, Roy B. , '97, Hewitt, Charles E., '97, Civil Engineer Hiatt, Amos, '70, M.A. '76, Hiatt, Harmon H. , '75, M.A. '78, Editor Hickenlooper, Thomas W. , '01, Higbee, Obadiah F. , '86, M.A. '8' Physician Hill, George E. , '03, Hilpert, Meier G. , (Meier Chas. G. ) '98. Pittsburg, Pa. Asst. Mgr. American Br. Co. Hilsinger, Margaret L. , '98, Sabula, Iowa *Hine, Lucy F. , '80, Chicago, 111. Hinman, Annie E. , '91, Grand Forks, N. D. Asst. Principal High School Hirons, Walter G. , '95, Pierce, Neb. County Clerk Des Moines, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Chinook, Mont. San Antonio, Tex. Decorah, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Council Bluffs, Iowa Avoca, Iowa Spokane, Wash. Modesta, California Sargent, Neb. M. '90. Albia, Iowa Mediapolis, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 66 AIvUMNI RKGISTOR Hitchcock, Thomas D., '82, M.S. Georgetown Univ. '91, Lawyer Tacoma, Wash. Hobart, Alvah C. , '85, Cherokee, Iowa Hobbs, Samuel W., '97, M. '01, Aiirelia, Iowa Physician Hobby, B. K., '98, M.D. '04, N. Y. Univ. and Bellevue H., Physician Iowa City, Iowa Hodge, LidaJ. , '04, Indianola, Iowa Teacher Hoffman, Mabel V., '04, Iowa City, Iowa Hon. Scholar in Greek Hoffman, Paul McConnell, '01, Muscatine, Iowa Hoffman, William, '70, L. '72, Muscatine, Iowa Lawyer Hoffman, William L. , '00, Charles City, Iowa Holbrook, Merritt L. , '87, 1166 Thurman St. , Portland, Ore. Furniture Manufacturer Holbrook, Mrs. M.L., (Mary C. Williams) '87, Portland, Ore. Holbrook, Mrs. N. B., (Ida K. Osmond) '79, M.A. '82, Marengo, Iowa Hollenbeck, Henry S., '02, Sheldon, Iowa Hollingsworth, Frank, '98, L. '99, Boone, Iowa Lawyer Hollingsworth, Horace S. , '92, 702 Maple vSt. , Bank Teller Des Moines, Iowa Hollister, Horace A. , '88, M. A. '96, Sterling, 111. High School Visitor University of Illinois *Holman, B. Henry H. , '92, Sergeant Bluffs, Iowa Minister Holmes, Ella V. , '78, deceased Holmes, Mary Roberta, (Mrs. C. B. Seashore) '91, M.A. '93, Iowa City, Iowa Holmquist, Arthur J. , '94, M.D. '97, Denver Univ. Physician Helper, Utah Holson, Alliene, '86, Grinnell, Iowa Dentist Holson, Lulu Claire, '96, Grinnell, Iowa Teacher Holsteen, Frederick S., '98, L. '00, Burlington, Iowa Lawyer COLIvKGB OF IvIBKRAIv ARTS 67 Holt, Harriette G. , '03, Milwaukee, Wis. Instructor in Downer College Holt, John Wesley, '99, L. '01, deceased Holt, Mary C. , (Mrs. H. S. Richards) '95, Madison, Wis. Hoover, Alden R. , '02, Iowa City, Iowa Asst. Inst, in Medical Dept. S. U. I. Hopkins, Karl P., '94, Iv. '94, L.Iv.M. '96, U. of M. Horack, Frank K. , '97. M.A. '99, Ph.D. '02, U. of Penn. Iowa City, Iowa Instructor in Political Science, S. U. I. Horack, H. Claude, '99, I,. '00, L.Iv.B. '04, Harvard, Instructor in Law, U. of Wis. Madison, Wis. Horine, Ora H., (Mrs. U R. White) '98, Sioux Rapids, Iowa Hornby, John A., '94, 12 Arlington St., Davenport, Iowa Principal Grammar School Hornibrook, Mary, (Mrs. W. B. Thomason) '98, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Horstmann, Mrs. Frank, (Carolyn Iv. Kimball) '91, Baraboo, Wis. Hosford, William S. , '83, D. '92, Iowa City, Iowa Dean of College of Dentistry, S. U. I. Hoskins, John B. , '00, H.M. '00, " Sioux Falls, Iowa Physician Hossfeld, Eleanor, '03, Waterloo, Iowa Teacher Hostetler, Bruno O. , '85, L. '87, M.A. '88, Kearney, Neb. Judge 10th Judicial District Hostetler, Harvey, '81, Covmcil Bluffs, Iowa Presbyterian Minister Hough, Bmerson, 'SO, 140 Dearborn St. , Chicago, 111. Author, Newspaper man Houser, Kva, (Mrs. J. C. Walker) '95, M.A. '96, 3535 N. 19th St. , Philadelphia, Pa. Houser, Gilbert Iv. , '91, M.S. '92, Iowa City, Iowa Professor of Animal Morphology, S. U. I. Houser, Mrs. Gilberts., (Hattie Riggs) '99, Iowa City, Iowa Howard, Alice H. , '01, Marshalltown, Iowa Howard, Libbie C. , '99, Jefferson, Iowa Teacher *Howard, John R. , '00, L. '00, Indianola, Iowa 6S AIvUMNI REGISTe:R Howard, Stephen B. , '83, New York, N. Y. Howard, Mrs. Stephen B., (Fannie M. Hammond) '86, New York, N. Y. Howe, Charles M. , '67, M.A. '72, deceased Presbyterian Minister Howe, Joseph H. , '90, 43 Equitable Bldg. , Memphis, Tenn. Howe, Minnie A., (Mrs. Dr. Pugh) '91, H.M. '00, 537 Ivocust St. , Des Moines, Iowa Howell, Gertrude, '95, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Howell, Lloyd, '00, 6336 Monroe Ave. , Chicago, 111. Bngineer Howell, S. Sylvester, '64, M.A. '67, deceased Howes, Mrs. R. H. , (Fannie E. Blazier) '82, M.A. '85, deceased Hoyt, Brooks F. , '77, deceased Hruska, Victoria, '01, M.A. '02, Waterville, Wash. Teacher Hubbard, Frank R., '96, 2235 Harrison St., Chicago, 111. Civil Bngineer Hubbell, Rena, '00, Anamosa, Iowa Hudson, Adelbert ly. , '93, L. '76, Buffalo, N. Y. Unitarian Minister Hudson, Kate h. , (Mrs. FVank B. Robinson) '88, vSioux City, Iowa Hudson, Mrs. Thomas, (Mary G. Johnson) '00, Salt Lake City, Utah Huebner, Charles F. , Jr., '97, Iowa City, Iowa Bank Clerk Huggett, J. Percival, '03, M.Di., I. S.N. '92, 822 3d Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Minister Congregational Church Hughes, Bmma, '76, deceased Hughes, Louise B., '78, M.A. '81, B.A. '99, Iowa City, Iowa Superintendent of Schools, Riverside Hughes, Samuel M. , '74, L. '74, Muscatine, Iowa Lawyer Hukill, Anson T. , '87, M.A. '90, Waterloo, Iowa Superintendent of Schools Hull, Abijah H. , '75, M.A. '78, Carthage, Mo. C0IvLe:ge of liberal arts 69 Hull, Elmer Clapp, '99, L. '03, Travelling Salesman Hull, Hemy C. , '94, Physician and Surgeon Hull, John Adley, '95, L. '96, ■Judge Advocate, U. S. A. Hull, John Kress, '97, L. '98, Law3'er Hull, Pearl, '02, Hulsebus, PUizabeth J. , (Mrs. R. B. '99, San Francisco, Cal. Washington, Iowa Washington, D. C. Aberdeen S. D. Iowa City, Iowa Crone) '98, Washington, Iowa Elmira, N. Y; Shell Rock, Iowa Oklahoma City, Okla, Humphrey, Charles William Lawyer Humphrey, -Maud, (Mrs. A. Palmer) '98, Waterloo,. Iowa Humphreys, Minna P., (Mrs. Martin) '91, Chicago, 111. Hunt, Charles N. , '80, L. '82, M.A. '90, Minneapolis, Minn. Baptist Evangelist Hunt, Heman D. Jr. , '04, Hunt, Mrs. John, (Bessie Parker) '93, Hunt, Percival, '00, M.A. '04, M.Di. Instructor in English, S. U Hunter, Etta M. , '85, Principal High School Hunter, Lemuel A. , '00, deceased Hunter, Linnie (Mrs. Coffman) '84 Huntington, Harry G. , '02, Huntington, W. Spencer, '95, '97, L S. N. Iowa City, Iowa White Hall, 111. Lemonville, Mo. Onawa, low^a Minneapolis, Minn. With Gillette, Herzog Mfg. Co. Hurst, John F, '01, Leon, Iowa Hurst, Margaret L., '00, Leon, low^a Hussey, Lena A. , '03, B.Di., '93, I. S. N. Teacher Minneapolis, Minn. Huston, Frank L. , '75, M.A. '78, 3557 Caroline St. , St. Louis, Mo. Hutchinson, Ada P\ , '91, Iowa City, Iowa Hutchinson, Carrie W. , (Mrs. L. W. Clapp) '82, M.A. '85, Wichita, Kans. Hutchinson, Sarah Delia, '83, M.A. '89, Iowa City, Iowa Hutchinson, George G. , '03, Lake City, Iowa Hutchinson, Laura C. , (Mrs. J. S. Clark) '67, deceased 70 ALUMNI REGISTER Hutchinson, Sophy W., (Mrs. John I^. Teeters) '80, M.A. '89, Lincoln, Neb. Hutchinson, Zel. H. , '95, . Cloquet, Minn. Lumber Business Hutchison, J. Fred, '95, Lake City, Iowa Hyatt, Norman P., '86, Webster City, Iowa Lawyer Hysham, Thomas J., '84, Red Oak, low^a Lawyer Ingham, Harvey, '80, L. '81, Des Moines, Iowa Editor Register and Leader Ingham, Nell V., (Mrs. C. W. Russell) '86, M.A. '89, 615 W. 41st St., Omaha, Neb. Iverson, Iver, Jr., '97, Northwood, Iowa County Auditor Ivins, Harry M. , '04, low^a City, Iowa Laboratory Assistant in Animal Morphology Jack, Charles B. , '75, L. '78, M.A. '78, Lawyer Salt Lake City, Utah Jackson, Edwin R. , '04, Avoca, Iowa Principal H. S. , Oakland, Iowa Jackson, Harriet, '76, deceased Jackson, Lester T. , '96, Emmetsburg, Iowa Real Estate and Banking Jacobs, MarciaA. , (Mrs. S. K. Stevenson) '98, Iowa City, Iowa Jarvis, Calvin W., '99, Rochester, N. Y. With Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Jarvis, Carolyn B. , '03, low^a City, Iowa Fellow in German, S. U. I. Jarrell, Mrs. B. Owen (Rose Blanchard) '94, Oskaloosa, Iowa Jenks, Arthur P., '70, Osceola, Iowa Farmer Jensen, Frank T., '01, Dysart, Iowa Banker Jewett, Annie B. , (Mrs. John Hess) '90, Des Moines, Iowa Johnson, D. Powell, Jr., '88, B.S. '01, 399 Ashland Bldg. , Chicago, 111. Johnson, Eliza L- , '03, Iowa City, Iowa Library Assistant, S. U. I. COIvIvEGB OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 71 Johnson, Elza C. , '93 Maquoketa, Iowa Lawyer Johnson, George M., '97, Maquoketa, Iowa Physician and Surgeon Johnson, Henry Charles, '03, Decorah, Iowa Principal of High School Johnson, Mrs. Homer S. , (Bessie Wickham) '86, B.D. '89, M.A. '89, Iowa City, Iowa Johnson, Jessie F. , '01, Ida Grove. Iowa Johnson, Joel E. , '04, M.Di., '04, '00, I. S. N. , Sanborn, Iowa Johnson, Joseph O. , '04, M.Di. '97, I. S. N., Scholar in Political Science Iowa City, Iowa Johnson, Kittie May, '01, Pembina, N. D. Teacher Johnson, Lewis C. , '76, L. '77, M.A, '79, Fargo, N. D. Johnson, Mrs. Lewis B. , (Mary A. Alford) '95, Steelton, Pa. Johnson, Lillian, (Mrs. Frank L. Rogers) '90, Perry, Iowa Johnson, Maro, '98, 5422 Washington Ave., Chicago, 111. Assistant Engineer Bridge and Building Depart- ment C. B. & Q. Ry. Johnson, Martin N. , '73, L. '76, M.A. '76, Petersburg, N. D. Farmer. Representative Johnson, Mrs. Martin N. , (Stella White) '79, Petersburg, N. D. Johnson, Mary G., (Mrs. Thos. Hudson) '00, Salt Lake City, Utah Johnson, Mary H. , (Mrs. P. P. Wilcox) '79, M.A. '82, deceased Johnson, Pleasant Lee, '83, M.A. '87, Hastings, Neb. Bank Clerk Johnston, D. Frank, '84, L. '94, Sioux Rapids, Iowa Lawyer Johnston, Edward R. , '04, Cambridge, Mass, Law Student, Harvard Johnston, Jessie R. , '94, East Des Moines, Iowa Teacher H. S. * Johnston, Saville, '81, Port Byron, 111. Jonas, Mrs. (Metha Helfritz) '86, M.A. '89, deceased Jones, Clyde R. , '00, L. '96, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Mgr. Inter-State Stenographic Institute 72 ALUMNI REGISTER Jones, Elizabeth D. , '94, Iowa Cit3^ Iowa Jones, Ella Jane, (Mrs. Frank Tomasek) '96, Williamsburg, Iowa Jones, Mrs. Elmer B. , (Mora A. M3^ers) '85, Provo Cit}^ Utah Jones, Jessamine Iv. , '93. Algona, Iowa Author Jones, John, Jr., '80, B.D. '83, M.A. '83, Vermillion, S. D. Superintendent of Schools Jones, Lillian, (Mrs. W. W. Beck) '99, Iowa City, Iowa Jordan, W. Scott, '81, Aitken, Minn. Real Estate Jorgenson, James E. , '01, Greeley, Colorado Joy, Chauncey L. , '86, Sioux City, Iowa Lawyer Joy, Florence L., '02, Waterloo, Iowa Teacher, High School Joynt, Martin J., '03, Iowa City, Iowa Judd, Allen D. , '78, 410 E. 12th St., Des Moines. Iowa Minister Episcopal Church Justice, Mrs. james F, , (Minerva M. Lowman) '98, Cedar Falls, Iowa Kahlke, Charles E. , '91, 3034 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Lawyer Kahlke, Edward L. , '92, Rock Island, 111. Kallenberg, Henry F\ , '96, Chicago, 111. Physical Director, Y. M. C. A. Kampmeier, August, '03, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher and Author Kastman, Valborg, '04, Iowa City, Iowa Instructor in Physical Culture, S. U. I. Kauffman, Lou S. , (Mrs. Wm. C. Preston) '73, B.D. '70, M.A. '76, Greeley, Colo. Kaye, Percy L, '95, M.A. '96, Baltimore, Md. Professor of History, Baltimore City College Kaye, William W. , '93, San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer Kearville, Elizabeth, (Mrs. George A. Moore) '98, New York, N. Y. Keck, Walter L. , '03, Maquoketa, Iowa COIvIyE:GE OF LIBKRAIv ARTS 73 Keefe, Harry Iv. , '95, L. '96, Bancroft, Neb. Lawyer Keefe, Mrs. Harry I^. , (Frances I^. Davis) '95, Bancroft, Neb. Keeler, Wilfred C. , '97, Des Moines, Iowa Kelley, Edmund Iv. , Jr., '03, Lamoni, Iowa Teacher Kelley, Richard C. , '03, Ivamoni, Iowa Teacher Graceland College Kelly, Alfred C, '80, M.A. '87, Baptist Minister 621 W. 8th St. , Chicago, 111. Kelly, Clara J., '82, Wellington, Kan. Kelly Harry E. , '92, M.A. '97, 411 and 414 Ernest & Cranmer Bldg. , Denver, Colo. Lawyer Kelley, James M, , '76, Macedonia, Iowa Banker Kelly, Mary C. , (Mrs. Harry W. Hanson) '98, Ivos Angeles, Calif. Kelley, Rita A. , '01, Long Lake, Minn. Kelso, Inez F. , '94, Corydon, Iowa Teacher High School * Kelso, Walter C. , '84, Bellevue, Iowa Kemmerer, Charles T. , Jr., '03, Ann Arbor, Mich. Law Student Kemmerer, Leila, '03, Ackley, Iowa Teacher Kemmerer, Sarah Dorcas, '03, Avoca, Iowa Teacher Kemmerer, Thomas W. , '00, M. '01, M.S. '02, Physician & Surgeon Davenport, Iowa Kennedy, Fred L. , '91, Newton, Iowa Lawyer Kennedy, Mrs'., (Myrtle O. Lloyd) '88, L. '90, Sioux City, Iowa Kennington, Lawrence S. , '84, L. '80, M.A. '90, Lawyer 604 Main St., Newton, Iowa Kent, Grace Helen, '02, M.A. '04, Dunlap, Iowa Kephart, Milton L. , '01, Boulder, Colo. Keplinger, Thomas B., '85, M.A. '88, M. 95, College Springs, Iowa 74 ALUMNI REGISTER Kern, Frank D., '04, Washington, Iowa Teacher H. S. Kerr, James A. , '81, Seattle, Wash. Kerr, Joseph C. , '77, deceased Kessler, Alois, '86, M.A. '89, Carroll, Iowa Physician and Surgeon Ketner, William B., '73, M. '76, M.A. '76, deceased Keyes, Charles R. , '87, M.A. .'90, Socorro, New Mexico President School of Mines Kierulff, Anna B. , '02, Fort Dodge, low^a Teacher Kimball, Carolyn L. , (Mrs. Frank Horstman) '91, Baraboo, Wis. (Mrs. Fred O B.D. '83, M.A. Kimball, Minnie F, '00, '90, '01, Iv. '01, Kindall, Joseph W Lawyer *King, Frank T. , '88, King, M. C, '87, M.A, Kingland, Thomas A. , Lawyer Kingsbury, Maud C. , '02, Kinmonth, Jesse L. , '95, Editor and Publisher Kinney, Florence R. , '76, deceased Kirby, James F. , '02, L. '04, Kiser, Joseph D. , '97, With West Pub. Co. Kleckner, Bva M. , (Mrs. W. L. Converse) Kleinsorge, Rudolph B. , '04, Graduate Student, S. U. Klincker, Peter J., '00, L. '01, Lawyer Knapp, Leo, '00, Knight, J. Ada (Mrs. Terrell) '81 Knupp, Sam. C. . '04, M.Di. '02, Koch, Gustavus H. , '83 Koogler, John H. , '69, Physician Newcomb) '79, '83, Shell Rock, Onawa, Iowa Iowa Rudd, Iowa Spokane, Wash, Forest City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Asbury Park, N. J. Iowa City, Iowa Minneapolis, Minn. '94, Cresco, LeMars, Iowa Iowa I. B.D. Denison, Iowa Lenox, , Stanley, Garrison, Iowa Kan. Iowa 9 Masonic Temple, Davenport, Iowa Kansas City, Mo. Koogler, Washington G. , Insurance 74. Las Vegas, N. M. COIvIvBGE OF LIBBRAI. ARTS 75 Kost, John J., '87, B.A. '91, M.A. '90, J,. '95, Lawyer Iowa "City, Iowa Kostomlatsky, Zulema, '95, Teacher H. S. 1524 Center St. , Des Moines, Iowa Koza, Frank J. , '96, Chicago, 111. Krause, Charles S. , '02, M. '04, M.S. '04, Iowa City, Iowa House Surgeon S. U. I. Hospital Krebs, Robert D. , '03, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Kriebel, Addison S. , '86, M.A. '90, Napaville, 111. Kriechbaum, Bertha E. , '04, Lanioni, Iowa Teacher Graceland College Kriechbaum, Ida K. , (Mrs. Fred A. Soleman) '98, Tama, Iowa Kuck, Orlando A., '01, L. '03, Lawton, Okla. Lawyer Kuehnle, Carl F. , '81, L. '82, M.A. '84, Denison, Iowa Lawyer and Banker Kunz, John F. , '04, Wesley, Iowa Laartz, Christian H. , '01, Denison, lowa Merchant Ladd, Alberto A., '82, LaForce, Frank B., '97, M. '00, Rush Medical College, Oculist and Aurist Burlington, Iowa LaForce, William Brooks, '90, M.D. '01, N. W. Medical Physician College, ottumwa, Iowa LaForce, Mrs. D. B. , (Anna C. Mast) '95, Ottumwa, Iowa Lake, Rush C. , '84, Kansas City, Mo. Chief Deputy Collector Internal Revenue Lalor, Anna, (Mrs. Frank A. Burdick) '89, Iowa Falls, Iowa Principal H. S. Lamb, Jacob W. , '75, L. '76, M.A. '78, Toledo, Iowa Lawyer Lamb, William L. , '78, L. '79, Fairmont, Minn. Lawyer Lambert, Byron J., '0.0, B.S. inCB. , '01, Iowa City, Iowa Instructor in Civil Engineering S. U. I. Lambert, Charles L, '01, M. '03, M.A. '03, M. Di., '97, L S. N., New York, N. Y. Assistant Pathologist N. Y. Pathological Institute Lambert, Emma F. , '04, Cedar Falls, Iowa Teacher I. S. N. 76 AI^UMNI RBGISTKR Ivambert, John J. , '99, M.S. '01, Iowa City, Iowa Instructor in Animal Morphology, S. U. I. Lamson, Herbert G. , '84, M.A. '90, Masbate, P. I. Superintendent of Schools Lancaster, Henry H. , '99, LaCrosse, Wis. Private Tutor Landers, Lou C. , '04, 715 Boone St., Webster City, Iowa Teacher Langenhorst, Felix J., '93, M. '95, Ashton, Iowa Physician and Surgeon Larrabee, Mrs. Charles, (Winston C. Osborn) '00, Armstrong, Iowa Larrabee, Frederic, '97, L. '98, Ft. Dodge, Iowa Lawyer Larrabee, Helen, (Mrs. Chas. B. Robbins) '99, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Larrabee, William Jr. , '93, L- '96, Clermont, Iowa Farmer Lasheck, Adelaide B. , (Mrs. A. J. Burge) '00, Iowa City, Iowa Lathrop, Minnie, (Mrs. Lathrop) '85, Sioux Falls, S. D. Latta, Frank K., '99, Washington, Iowa Traveling Salesman Lauer, Arnold William, '04, Winfield, Iowa Lawrence, Graham W. , '95, L. '96, Marshalltown, Iowa Lawyer Leach, Robert B. , '89, L. '94, B.A. Harvard College, Lawyer Independence, Iowa Lee, Mrs. J. Walter, (May Parvin) '64, B.D. '64, Austin, 111. Lee, Leslie Parvin. '99, L. '01, Austin, 111. Lawyer Lee, Ray Parvin, '94, 329 Cary Ave. , Chicago, 111. Blectrical Bngineer Legler, Kate, (Mrs. Morris Bvans) '90, Pipestone, Minn. Lenocker, Francis B. , '98, deceased Leonard, Charles R., '81, L. '83, M.A. '84, Butte, Mont. Lawyer Leonard, Frank M., ''83, M.A. '86, Libby, Mont. Leonard, Minnie B., '78, M.A. '81, Teacher H. S. 406 W. Broadway, Butte, Mont. college: of liberal arts ii Leslie, George L. , '82, M.A. '85, Los Angeles, Calif. Teacher Lewis, Charles L., '99, Kanawha, Iowa Bank Cashier Lewis, Edward R., '90, Morreesburg, Cape Colony, S. Africa Lewis, Elizabeth, (Mrs. John Sherwood) '81, M.A. '03, Iowa City, Iowa Lewis, Mrs. Edgar T. , (Rose B. Ankeny) '87, M.A, '90, Ancona, Fla. Lewis, Katherine M. , (Mrs. Allen S. Burrows) '86, Denison, Tex. Lewis, Laura I. , '04, ' Macedonia, Iowa Lewis, Lillian, '86, Minneapolis, Minn. Teacher, Stanley Hall Lewis, Lydia H. , (Mrs. Luke Palmer) '83, Burlington, Iowa Lewis, Winifred, (Mrs. Sam P. Gilbert) '90, Burlington, Iowa Lichty, Calvin A., '90, Fond du Lac, Wis. Supt. Bridges and Buildings, C. & N. W. Ry. Lichty, William H., '87, Kansas City, Mo. Civil Engineer Liggett, John H., '86, 601i K St., Sacramento, Calif. Lawyer Lilly, Fanny P., '04, Malcolm, Iowa Teacher Lindeman, Frank, '98, Griswold, Iowa Superintendent of Schools Linder, Mary F. , (Mrs. T. J. Fitzpatrick) '86, Estherville, Iowa Lischer, Julius, '88, L. '90, deceased Littig, Victor L, , '95, 29 McManus Bldg., Davenport, Iowa Lawyer and Florist Lloyd, Adelaide C. , '82, Iowa City, Iowa City Librarian Lloyd, Edith A., '86, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Lloyd, Jas. H. , '89, L- '92, Charles City, Iowa Lawyer Lloyd, Myrtle O. , (Mrs. Kennedy) '88, L. '90, Charles City, Iowa 78 AIvUMNI REGISTER Lodwick, Deca, '01, Feces Heights, I/OS Angeles, Calif. Teacher Lodwick, Ivibbie, '98, M.A. '00, Teacher Feces Heights, Los Angeles, Cal. Lohr, Frederick W., '88, L. '90, Lawyer 1000 Fierce St. , Sioux City, Iowa Lohr, W. F., '88, L. '88, 1000 Fierce St., Sioux City, Iowa Lawyer Loizeaux, Jennie O. , '03, 1400 Grand Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa Author, Graduate Student, S. U. I. Lomas, Willis A., '94, M. '96, Rush Med. Coll., Fhysician Villisca, Iowa Lomas, Mrs. Willis A., (Alice B. Calvin) '88, Villisca, Iowa Long, Daniel A., '87, M.A., '90, Waverly, Iowa. Lawyer Longstreth, Oscar D. , '04, M.Di., '98, I. S.N. Iowa Falls, Iowa Instructor in Natural Science, Ellsworth, College Loomis, William W. , '99, Boone, Iowa Editor and Fublisher Lorenz, Charles F. , '97, M.S. '98, Iowa City, Iowa Instructor in Fhysics, S.U.I. Lorenz, Charlotte M. , '02, M.A. '04, Cherokee, Iowa Teacher Lorenz, Max Otto, '99, Madison, Wis. Assistant in Economics U. of Wis. Loring, Mary L. , '80, M.A. '83, deceased Loring, Sarah M. , '85, 670 18th St., Des Moines, Iowa Teacher High School Loughridge, Albert, '71, M.A. '77 Vinukonda, India Baptist Missionary to India Loughridge, Mrs. Albert, (EHz. A. Griffiths) '77, B.D. '68, Former Missionary to India Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Louis, Edmund J. , '00, Atlantic, Iowa Louis, John J., '99, M.A. '03, Marshalltown, Iowa Principal High School Louis, Mrs. John J., (Erza L. Owen) '99, M.A. '00, Marshalltown, Iowa Love, Don L. , '86, 1803 E. St., Lincoln, Neb. Lawyer COIvIvBGK OF IvIBKRAL ARTS 79 Ivovelace, Chauncey A., '75, Iv. '78, 1028 S. 14th St., Denver Colo. Real Estate and Insurance I^ovell, Frederick W. , '94, Cleveland, Ohio Civil Engineer Ivovell, Mrs. Frederick W., (Eva J. Glass) '96, Cleveland, Ohio Ivovell, GuyeE.,'01, Iv. '01, Ritzville, Wash. Ivawyer *IvOvell, Verner R. , '86, Fargo, N. D. Ivovell, Walter D. , '91, 1504 W. 11th St., Des Moines, Iowa Engineer and Architect Lovell, Mrs. Walter D., (Jessie A. Remley) '95, 1504 W. nth St., Des Moines, Iowa Lowden Frank O. , '85, 1912 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. Lawyer Ivowman, Minerva, (Mrs. Jas. F. Justice) '98, Cedar Falls, Iowa Ivowman, Stella E. G. , '02, Tipton, Iowa Teacher Ivuhman, Frederick H. , '02, Postville, Iowa Merchant *Dumbar, M. E. , '94, Humboldt, Iowa Lynch, Alice M. , '04, LeMars, Iowa Teacher Lynch, Charles J., '97, Mechanicsville, Iowa Lawyer Lyon, Frank T. , '77, deceased Lyon, Milford H., '92, Wheaton, 111. Minister — Evangelist Lytle, Mary, '98, Sioux City, Iowa Teacher H. S. L3^tle, William, '72, B.D. '72, L. '76, deceased McAlvin, James Gregg, '96, M.D. '98, U. of P., Physician Cedar Falls, Iowa McAuley, Thomas B. , '83, L. '84, M.A. '86, Lawyer N. Y. Life Building, Kansas City, Mo. McCarren, James, '96, Manchester, Iowa Lawyer *McCausland, Andrew W., '88, Bancroft, Iowa 80 AI.UMNI REGISTER cClain, Douald, '01, L. '03, Des Moines, Iowa Lav^^er McClain, Bmlin, '71, B.A. '72, L. '73, M.A. '82, LIv.D. '91, Justice Supreme Court Iowa City, Iowa McClain, Henry G. , '03, New York, N. Y. Student Columbia University McClellan, George F. , '72, M.A. '75, Iv. '76, B.D. '72, deceased *McCloud, Lincoln, '85, L. '88, Bedford, Iowa McConneil, Joseph J. , '76, B.D. '78, M.A, '80, 1724 B Ave. , Cedar Rapids, Iowa Superintendent Schools- McCord, Chas. J., '01, Minister McCord, Robt. h. Jr., '97, L. '99, I awyer Baraboo, Wis. Sac City, Iowa Sioux City, Iowa Oskaloosa, Iowa McCormick, John B. , '99, Lawyer McCoy, John N. , '96, Lawyer McCrory, Carrie P., '82, McCrory, Samuel H., '04, Civil Engineer McCulla, Walter P., '01, L. '03, Lawyer McCurdy, Lena A. , '98, McCurdy, Ralph B. , '99, Traveling Salesman McCutchen, Lydia M. , '02, Physician McDermott, Thomas G. , '91, L. '96 Lawyer McElhinny, Mrs. C. S. , (Carrie E. Spielman) '87, Fairfield, Iowa McElroy, Mrs. W. O. , (Julia CavanaughJ '82, M.A. '90, Newton, Iowa *McElin, James, '84, Sabula, Iowa McGee, Alice F. , '01, M.A. '04, Iowa City, Iowa McGee, Grace E. , (Mrs. Preston C. Coast) '91, Iowa City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Box 303, Sioux City, Iowa Cherokee, Iowa Oskaloosa, Iowa Oskaloosa, Iowa Rock Rapids, Iowa Mason City, Iowa COIvIvBGE: of IvIBKRAIv arts 81 McGuire, Mary M. , '95, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Mcllree, Alexander, '74, Roswell, N. M. F'armer Mclntyre, Kdwin J. , '77, Iv. '79, Colorado Springs, Colo. Lawyer McKenzie, Bnima V. , (Mrs. Cary) '77, B.D. '77, deceased McKenzie, John A. , '01, L. '03, Living Springs, Iowa McKenzie, M. Louise, (Mrs. Ozias) '76, Minneapolis, Minn. McKinley, Archibald A. , '95, Chicago, 111. Lawyer McLane, Arthur C. , '04, McLennan, Flora A., (Mrs. W. Deep River, N. D. Si nith; '90, St. Paul, Minn. Mason City, Iowa Lyons, Iowa Grinnell, Iowa McLaughlin, Eleanor, '03, McMillan, D. A. Wallace, '93, Presbyterian Minister McMillen, Peter A. , '93, B.D. '95, Co. Supt. of Schools McMillen, Mrs. Peter A. , (Elizabeth Moore) '93, Grinnell, Iowa * McNeill, Grace, '80, Garden Grove, Iowa *McPherson, Landon E. , '87, Chicago, 111. McVay, Albert D. , '02, B. S. in CE. '03, Iowa City, Iowa *McVey, Perry, '92, Letts, Iowa Macbride, Jean, '03, Iowa City, Iowa MacFarland, Beulah, (Mrs. H. P. Williams) '97, Laoag, Luzon, Ph. Isl. MacFarland, Elena, (Mrs. S. L. Close) '97, Iowa City, Iowa MacFarland, Winifred, '99, Sioux City, Iowa Teacher MacKellar, Jennie E. , '03, M.Di., '00, L S. N. , Teacher Estherville, Iowa Macomber, Edith K. , '00, Carroll, Iowa Macy, Clarence S. , '02, Adel, Iowa Macy, Mrs. C. S. , (lowa Madge Young) '04, Adel, Iowa Macy, Nathan W. , '73, L. '75, B.D. '73, Harlan, Iowa Judge District Court Magow^an, Charles S. , '84, M.A. '87, Iowa City, Iowa Professor of Civil Engineering, S.U.I. Maguire, Marie E. , (Mrs. Wilson) '96, Aurelia, low^a 82 AIvUMNI REGISTER Maine, Ernest K. , '96, 1825 Oakland Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa L^awyer Manhard, Edward, '02, 278 Main St., Pittsburg, Iowa Mantz, Frank J., '01, Bayard, Iowa Principal of Schools Mark, John H. , '02, Osage, Iowa Marling, John P., '68, Iv. '80, M.A. '80, Iowa City, Iowa Commercial Salesman Marquardt, C. Grant, '85, 1809 Asbury Ave. . Evanston, 111. Wholesale Merchandise Marsh, Richard D. , '02, Des Moines, Iowa C. E. with W. D. Ivovell * Martin, Herman, '81, B.D. '85, Marshall, 111. Martin, John W. , '02, Blairstown, Iowa Principal of Schools * Martin, Mrs. (Minnie Humphreys) '91, Chicago, 111. Martin, Wellington H. , '83, Davenport, Iowa Martin, William M. , '78, M.A. '81, Solon, Iowa Editor and Publisher Martin, Worley G. , '00, Dysart, Iowa Superintendent of Schools Marvin, JohnT., '77, B.D. '80, M.A. '80, Grinnell, Iowa Hardware Merchant Mason, Mrs. H. P., (Florence Norton) '01, Wilton, Iowa Mason, Oscar H. L. , '93, M.A. '95, Boone, Iowa Minister Congregational Church Mason, Webster L. , '95, 220 14th St., Davenport, Iowa Manager Carriage Mfg. Mast, Anna C. , (Mrs. D. B. I^aForce) '95, Ottumwa, Iowa Mather, Rachel E. , (Mrs. S. H. Bush) '02, Iowa City, Iowa Matson, Clarence B. , '86, Rollins, Mo. Matson, John A. , '03, Kossuth, Iowa Matthews, Joseph C. , '70, B.D. '70, L. '73, M.A. '73, deceased Matthews, Ivillian R. , '03, Sioux City, Iowa Teacher Mattison, Byron, '80, Rockwell City, Iowa Editor and Publisher Mattison, Chas. , '86, Butte, Mont. Mattison, Thomas, '73, B.D. '75, M.A. '76, L. '78, Lawyer Tacoma, Wash. COLI.BGE OF IvIBERAI. ARTS 83 Mattison, Mrs. Thomas, (Ursula M. Rogers) '73, B. D. '75, Tacoma, Wash. Maudlin, Mina M. , '02, Oakland, Neb. Teacher Maughlin, William J, , '85, Isnohomish, Wash. Manufacturer of Lumber and Shingles Mauthe, Katherine, '00, Muscatine, Iowa Teacher Maxson, Charles H. , '91, B.D. '98, Iloilo, Panay Isl. , P. I. Teacher May, SamT. , '03, Hawarden, Iowa Superintendent of Schools Mead, Ray C. , '02, Spokane, Wash. Real Estate Meakim, Roger J., '04, West Burlington, Iowa Medes, AVilliam J. , '72, M.A. '75, Insurance 430 Prospect Ave. , Kansas City, Mo. Meek, Edward Roscoe, '87, L. '89, Ft. Worth, Tex. U. S. District Judge Meggers, Frank H. , Jr., '00, Dysart, Iowa Mehaffy, John M. , '02, Marion, Iowa Science Teacher, H. S. Meier, Charles G. , (Hilpert Meier G. ,) '98, Pittsburg, Pa. Meissner, John, '97, Crystal, N. D. Superintendent of Schools Mekota, Joseph, '92, L. '93, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Lawyer Melzner, Arthur B. , '04, Osage, Iowa Merriam, C. Edward, '95, L. '00, Ph.D., Columbia University, Chicago, 111. Lecturer in Political Science, Chicago University Merrian, Fred. S. , '01, Waterloo, Iowa Merritt, Edith W., '03 ■ Iowa City, Iowa Meyer, Jacob W. , '04, Orange City, Iowa Meyerholz, Charles, '03, M.A. '03, M.Di. '98, L S. N. , Student Harvard University Wapello, Iowa Meyers, Frederick Wm. , '92, Denison, Iowa Editor Middlekauff, John A. , '95, Polo, 111. Banker 84 ALUMNI REGISTER Miles, Lulu, '04, Lineville, Iowa Miller, Carlyle B., '86, 607 7th St., '86, Clinton, Iowa Aecetylene Town Lighting Plants C. Nourse) '83, Des Moines, Iowa Red Oak, Iowa Manchester, Iowa Miller, Eva B. , (Mrs. C. Miller, Frank G. , '00, Miller, George W. , '78, Real Estate Miller, Herman A. , '99, Winterset, Iowa County Auditor *Miller, James A. , '83,, , Calif. Miller, James F. , '99, Lyle, Wash. Chief Engineer, C. R. & N. Ry. Miller, John William, Jr., '01, Manning, low^a Miller, Mrs., (Nellie E. Rawson) '85, Portland, Ore. Miller, Robert P. , '94, Oskaloosa, Iowa Physician and Surgeon Milliken, PriscillaE., (Mrs. W. B. Craig) '72, deceased Mills, Frances L. , '95, Teacher H. S. Mingus, Edna M., '02, Teacher Minkel, Lewis H. , '02, Superintendent of Schools Mitchell, Ernest R. , '00, Lawyer Mitchell, Georgian., '88, Teacher Mock, Jas. K. , '90, Patent Attorney Moffatt, Burnam A., '04, With W. D. Lovell & Co. Moffitt, Chester Earl, '04, Ottumwa, Iowa Estherville, Iowa LaPorte, Iowa Ottumwa, Iowa Pasadena, Calif. Washington, D. C. Minneapolis, Minn. Fonda, Iowa Moor, Mrs. S. A., (Lillian M. Selby) '84, Hiawatha, Kan. Iowa City, Iowa Moler, Margaret Imo, '02, Teacher, Iowa Falls, Iowa *Monlux. Hal. H. , '85, B.D. '88, M.A. Monlux, JohnB., '73, M.A. '81, 434 Adams St. , Principal of Schools Monnet, Julien C. , '92, L. '93, Lawyer, retired '88, Monroe, Iowa Los Angeles, Calif. Iowa City, Iowa coIvIvEGe: of IvIbe:raIv arts 85 Monnet, Mrs. J. C. , (Helen D, Orton) '90, Iowa City, Iowa Montague, Richard W. , '83, Iv. '84, Portland, Ore. Moon, Edwin G. , '97, Ottumwa, Iowa I^awyer, Police Judge Moon, James A.. '80,1,. '82, ' Miller, S. D. Lawyer Moore, Elizabeth, (Mrs. Peter A. McMillen, '93,) Grinnell, Iowa Moore, Ella E. , '03, Ft. Dodge, Iowa Moore, Ellen A., (Mrs. J. W. Rich) '64, B.A. '65, M.A. '68, Iowa City, Iowa Moore, Mrs. George A., (Elizabeth Kearville) '98, New York, N. Y. Moore, Isa A. , (Mrs. Fred Terry) '87, 6138 Woodlawn Ave. , Chicago, 111. Moore, Lina H., '01, Ft. Dodge, Iowa Moore, Sophia, (Mrs. M. L. Eby) '92, West Liberty, Iowa Moore, William F. , '01, L. '01, Guthrie Center, Iowa Lawyer Moravec, Agnes E. , '03, Letts, Iowa Teacher Mordoff, Carrie E. , '84, M.A. '87, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Morehouse, Harry L-, '95, Minneapolis Minn. With Gillette Herzog Mfg. Co. * Morgan, Chas. D. , '83, Butte, Mont. *Moriarty, Maurice, '81, Northville, S. D. Morison, James R. , '95, M. '99, deceased Morris, Mary Makepeace, '04, Atlantic, Iowa Teacher, Hawarden, Iowa Morris, William R. , '99 Morrison, Cora B. , '89, Iowa City, Iowa Morrison, Robert G. , '82, L. '83, M.A. '90, Law^yer Minneapolis, Minn. Morse, M. Rowena, '91, Ph.D. '04 Germany Morton, Helen L. , '03, Iowa Falls, Iowa Teacher Morton, Mary G. , '98, Iowa Falls, Iowa Teacher Moser, Silas L., '77, B.D. '85, M.A. '80, Prin. of School 3025 Locust St. , St. Louis, Mo. 86 ALUMNI REGISTER Belle Plaine, Iowa Faribault, Minn. Nevada, Iowa Storm Lake, Iowa Panora, Iowa Mosnat, 11. Roy, '99, Editor Mott, Alice J., '93, M.A. '94, Teacher Moulton, Lulu, '04, Teacher Moulton, Mark M. , '00, Lawyer Mount, James R. , '83, Lawyer * Mount, William E. , '87, Mozier, Harry P. , '84, M.A. '89, Architect Mozier, William F., '86, M.A. '89, Teacher Mueller, Eugene F. , '02, Teacher Mueller, Mary T. , '02, Teacher, Missouri Valley Mueller, Otto H. , '03, Grocer *Munger, L Edwin, '92, Former Missionary to India Munger, Mrs. I. E. , (Nellie W. Ankeny) '92, Missionary in India Murphy, Dennis, '74, M.A. '77, Ph.D. L W. U Methodist Minister Murphy, Genevieve B. , '03, Iowa City, Iowa Murphy, Lavanda G. , (Mrs. Dennis Murphy) '74, M.A. '77, Secretary Missions Board Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Musser, Cliff R. , '90, Lumberman Musser, R. Drew, '88, Lumberman Musson, Florence A., '91, Mutchler, Edwin F. , '94, Myers, David A. , '73, L. '74, Lawyer Myers, Harl, '93, L. '94, deceased Myers, Joseph W. , '75, Farmer Lordsburg, Calif. Dallas, Tex. Ottawa, 111. Denison, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa , Kan. deceased deceased Muscatine, Iowa Little Falls, Minn. Iowa City, Iowa Center Point, Iowa Indianapolis, Ind. Brighton, Iowa COIvIvBGB OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 87 Myers, Mary K- , (Mrs. Gilbert I^. Pinkham) '70, B. D. '64, Wichita, Kan. Ravenwood, Chicago, 111, Myers, Milfred, '99, Musician Myers, Nora A. , (Mrs. Klmer B. Jones) '85 Myers, Oliver P., '80, I^awyer Myers, Perry C. , '99, Science Teacher Myrick, Arthur K. , '92, Physician Neal, Fred W., '93, Lawyer Neally, Edward M. , '03, Iv. '90, P'ruit Grower Neander, Victor T, , '04, Ivaw, Student Neill, ChaunceyJ. , '81, Insurance Neiman, John N. , '74, Iv. '75, M.A. '77, Insurance 1161 19th St. Nelson, Bdmond C. , '04, M.Di. , I. S. N Scholar in. History, S. U. I. Nelson, Frank, '92, Lecturer Nelson, John S. , '99, Madrid, Iowa Newbold, Belle K. , '00, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Teacher in Howe's Academy Newcomb, Fred O. , '82, Shell Rock, Iowa General Merchandise Newcomb, Mrs. Fred O. , (Minnie F. Kimball) '79, B.D. '83, M. A. '83, Shell Rock, Iowa Newell, George W., '96, 1511 Capitol Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa Civil Engineer Newman, Clarence A., '04, Iowa City, Iowa Editor Citizen Newman, Thomas G. , '83, L. '84, New Whatcom, Wash, Newton, George W. , '87, M.A. '90, Cedar Falls, Iowa Professor Natural Science, I. S. N. Nichols, Elmer C, '88, L. '90, West Liberty, Iowa Lawyer Provo City, Utah Newton, Iowa Winona, Minn. Muscatine, Iowa Davenport, Iowa Santa Ana, Calif. Iowa City, Iowa Girard, Iowa- Des Moines, Iowa , Iowa City, Iowa Lindsburg, Kan. 88 AIvUMNI RKGISTBR Nichols, Ernest R., '87, M.A. '90, Manhattan, Kan President Kansas State Agricultural College Nipher, Frank B. , '70, M.A. '75, 1220 Hamilton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Professor of Physics, Washington University- Noble, Alvin B. , '87, Ames, Iowa Professor of English, Iowa State College Noble, Glenn S. , '94, 4345 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. Patent Attorney and Consulting Engineer Noble, Ralph E., '94, 1638 Shields Ave. , Chicago, 111. Chief Engineer Morgan Gardner Electric Co. Nollen, John S. , '88, Bloomington, Ind. Professor in University of Indiana North, Howard M., '92, CE. '95, Freeport, 111. Engineer Northey, Delia F., '98, 65 Winona Ave. , Dubuque, Iowa Teacher and H, S. Ivibrarian Norton, Florence, (Mrs. H. P. Mason) '01, Wilton, Iowa Nourse, Mrs. Clinton, (Eva B. Miller) '83, 1810 Arlington Ave., Des Moines, Iowa Noyes, Mary C, '81, M.A. '84, Painesville, Ohio Professor of Physics, I^ake Erie College Nugent, Francis, '03, B.S. in CE. '04, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Civil Engineer Nutting, Mrs. C. C, (Eloise Willis) '96, Iowa City, Iowa Nye, Fred A., '87, Iv. '88, Kearney, Neb. Lawyer Ogden, JohnF. , '99, Drink Water, Canada Principal of Schools Ogden, Raymond D., '00, L. '01, Seattle, Wash. Lawyer Ogg, Eli C, '87, M.A. '90, Newton, Iowa Lawyer Ogle, Fred, '83, deceased Oleson, Ole N. , '98, Elliott, N. D. Minister Orelup, Fred G. , '87, L. '90, M.A. '90, Lawyer 211 Woodland Ave. , Ottumwa, Iowa Orton, Helen D., (Mrs. J. C. Monnet) '90, Iowa City, Iowa Orton, IraD., '90, L. '92, Nome, Alaska COLIvE:GE: of I^IBBRAIv arts S9 Osborn, Winston C. , (Mrs. Chas. Larrabee) '00, Armstrong, Iowa Osmond, Ella W. , (Mrs. A. A. Guthrie) '77, deceased Osmond, Ida K. , (Mrs. N. B. Holbrook) '79, M.A. '82, Marengo, Iowa Osmond, William, '73, Iv. '79, Great Bend, Kan. Lawyer Osmond, Mrs. William, (Georgia Countryman) '79, deceased Otto, Agnes B. , '92, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Otto, Clementine C. , '96, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Otto, IvUciaC. , '02, Williamsburg, Iowa Teacher Otto, Joseph M. , '98, Iowa City, Iowa Bank Clerk Otto, Mary L. , '97, Iowa City, Iowa Clerk in Book Store Otto, Ralph, '98, Iowa City, Iowa Official Court Reporter Owen, Brza Lois, (Mrs. J. J. Louis) '99, M.A. '00, Marshalltown, Iowa Ozias, Mrs. (M. Louise McKenzie) '76, 1822 10th Ave. S. , Minneapolis, Minn. Paarmann, Juergen, H, '02, M. S. , '02, Davenport, Iowa Curator Davenport Academy of Science. Padmore, Julia R. , '03, Marshalltown, Iowa Teacher, High School Page, Carl D. , ' Aylesburg, Bng. Manager Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. *Page, Charles P., '03, . Iowa Citj^ Iowa Page, Clarence v., '01, M.-, '02, Onawa, Iowa Physician Page, Edna E. , (Mrs. Jno. W. Ham) '00, Schenectady, N.Y. Paine, Katherine, '89, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Paisley, Albert A. , '97, L. '99, Burlington, Iowa Mail Clerk Palmer, Mrs. Aaron, (Maud Humphrey) '98, Waterloo, Iowa Palmer, Mrs. Luke, (Lydia H. L. Gilbert) '83, Burlington, Iowa 90 ALUMNI REGISTKR Palmeter, Roy A. , ' 96, Clear Lake, Iowa Park, Elmer R., '00, Keokuk, Iowa Secretary Associated Charities *Park, Frank, '89, Viola, 111. Congregational Minister Park, William L., '85, deceased Parker, Bessie Grace, (Mrs. John Hunt) '93, Oklahoma, City, Okla. Parker, Hattie J. , (Mrs. J. Campbell) '79, M.A. , '82, Denver, Colo. Parrish, Robert L. , '75, M.A. , '88, Leon, Iowa Judge 3rd Judicial District Parsons, Ella Beckley, (Mrs. C. Van Epps) ,02, Iowa City, Iowa Parsons, Louis Alexander, '95, M.A. '99, J.H.U., Instructor University of Calif. Berkeley Calif. Parsons, Mrs. P. A., (Annette Slotterbec) '88, Des Plaines, I 1. Partridge, Grace Otis, (Mrs. A. G. Smith) '91, Iowa City, Iowa Parvin, May, (Mrs. J. W. Lee) '64, B.D. '64, Austin, 111. Parvin, Theo. W. , '75, L= '76, San Luis Potosi, Mexico Civil Engineer Paschal, Mrs. F. W. , (Elizabeth Rees) '93, Kansas City, Mo. Patrick, George T. W. , '78, Ph.D., '88, J.H.U. Prof, of Philosophy, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Pattie, Martha, '04, Storm Lake, Iowa Patterson, Charles E. , '79, L. '80, M.A. '82, Seattle, Wash. Lawyer Patterson, James G. , '99, Oskaloosa, Iowa Patterson, John E. , '89, 145 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Patterson, W. R.,'95, Ph.,D., '98, U. of P. , Iowa City, Iowa Professor of Statistics, S. U. I. Patton, Fannie D. , '92, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Paxson, Ruthana, '98, 1312 Champlain Bldg. , Chicago, 111. National Student Secretary Y. W. C. A. Paxson, vSusanM. , '91, M.A. , '03, 2016 Lake St. Omaha, Neb. Teacher, High School COLIvEGE OF IvIBERAIv ARTvS 91 Payne, William O. , '82, h. '83, M.A., '85, Nevada, Iowa Kditor Nevada Republican Pearson, Abby B. , '01, Manilla, Ph. Is. Teacher Peek, Mrs, Levin S. , (Annie L. Gow) '01, Fontanelle, Iowa Peery, Bessie B. , '90, M. '83, San Diego, Cal. Physician, Retired Peery, Herbert, '90, Los Angeles, Cal Lawyer and Real Estate Peery, Nellie, (Mrs. Valmah T. Price) '90, L. '93, Elkader, Iowa Peet, Delbert C. , '99, Anamosa, Iowa Farmer Peet, Theresa B. , (Mrs. Frank Russell) '95, Chloride, Ariz. Perkins, Daniel R. , '01, Iowa City, Iowa Law Student Petersberger, Isaac, '97, Lawyer 43-44 Whitaker Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Peterson, Nina M. , '02, Bvanston, Wyo. Philbrick, Inez C. , '86, M.A. '89, M.D. Womans Medical Physician Coll. Pa. Lincoln, Neb. Phillips, AlbinB., '00, M. '02, N. W. Medical College, Physician Clear Lake, Iowa Pickett, Charles B., '88, L. '90, 627 W. 4th St. , Waterloo, Iowa Lawyer and Regent S. U. I. Pickler, John A. , '70, Faulkton, S. D. Lawyer Pierce, Frank G. , '92, Marshalltown, Iowa President Loyal Legion of Plymouth Pierce, Juliette, '03, Storm Lake, Iowa Principal Normal Department Buena Vista College Pile, MittieM. , '97, Council Bluffs, Iowa Teacher Pinkham, Gilbert L. , '69, M.A. '72, Wichita, Kan. Insurance Pinkham, Mrs. Gilbert L. , (Mary B. Myers) '70, B.D. '64, Wichita, Kan. Pinkham, Leda, '00, Wichita, Kan. Plock, Henrietta D., '01, M.A. '04, Cedar Falls, Iowa Assistant in German, I. S. N. 92 ALUMNI REGISTER Plum, Harry G. , '94, M.A. '96, Iowa City, low Professor of European History, S. U. I. Polk, Mamie, '00, M.A. '03, Wayne, Neb. Teacher Pollard, JosephusJ. , '78, L. '76, deceased Policy, John F. , '76, Helena, Mont. Civil Engineer Pomeroy, Carl H., '85, San Francisco, Cal. Pomeroy, Fred E. , '85, L. '87, Red Oak, Iowa Lawyer Popham, R. G. , '97, L. '98, Marengo, Iowa Lawyer Porter, Charles M. , '86, Oskaloosa, Iowa Lumber Business Porter, Mary M. , '04, Albia, Iowa Potter, Franklin, '75, Casselton, N. D. Editor Powell, Charles L. , '85, M.A. '88, L. '89, Lawyer Ridge Road, Des Moines, Iowa Powell, Mrs. Thos. B. , (Mary A. Wilson) '02, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Powell, William P., '95, ' Cedar Rapids, Iowa Powell & Powell, Attorneys Powers, Legrand B. , '72, L. '01 Tufts College, Chief Statistician, U. S. Census Washington, D. C. *Powers, Milton L Jr., '91, Flagstaff, Ariz. Prall, John C. , '98, Ames, Iowa General Secretary College Y. M. C. A. Pratt, Harlow M. , '03, Iowa City, Iowa Law Student S. U. I. Pratt, Harry O. , '95, deceased Pratt, Mrs. Margaret A., (Allie Tobin)'03, M.Di. '00 I. S.N. Iowa City, Iowa Preston, Charles H. , '69, M.D. '73, M.A. '87, Physician 1322 Fulton Ave. , Davenport, Iowa Preston, Charles W. , '82, Thedford, Neb. Congregational Minister Preston, Clara C. , '04, Elkader, Iowa Preston, Gertrude E. , '98, Greeley, Colo. Teacher Preston, Hartwell L., '86, M.A. '89, Baxter, Iowa COIvLKGB OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 93 Preston, Minnie L. , '87, 686 18th St., Des Moines, Iowa Teacher Preston, William Cullen, '69, M.A. '75, deceased Preston, Mrs. William C. , (Lou S. Kauffman) '73, B.D. '70, M.A., '76, Greeley, Colo. Price, George M,, '97, Iv. '98, I^angdon, N. D. Lawyer Price, Stella Helen, (Mrs. Walter A. Brown) '94, Springfield, Mass/ Price, Valmah Tupello, '89, L. '91, Blkader, Iowa Lawyer Price, Mrs. V. T. , (Nellie Peery) '90, L. '93,Elkader, Iowa Pritchard, Robert B. , '90, L. '82, Omaha, Neb. Loans Prouty, Edith M., '90, L. '91, Humboldt, Iowa Lawyer Prouty, Herbert M. , '86, M.A. '89, deceased Prouty, Winfield Scott, '91, L. '94, Charles City, Iowa Lawyer Quigley, Marjorie, '03, Anamosa, Iowa Teacher Quigley, Sarah Ruth, '02, M.A. '03, Iowa City, low^a Assistant in English S. U. I. Quinton, Eugene S. , '82, L. '83, Topeka, Kans. Lawyer Radasck, Henry Erdm an, '95, M.S. '97, Philadelphia, Pa. Assistant Instructor Coll. Phys. & Surg. Ragan, Mrs. Alice R. , (Tanner) '84, M.A. '87 Raguet, Marguerite, '04, 744 E. Fifteenth St. Assistant in Public Library Davenport, Iowa Rail, Carolyn Louisa, '03, Washington, Iowa Teacher Rail, Charles R. , '86 204 Amber St. Pittsburg, Pa. With Best Manufacturing Company Rail, Edward Everett, '00, Red Oak, Iowa Rail, Harrison Frank, '91, M.A. '92, Baltimore, Md. Methodist Minister Ramsdell, Charles M., '75, M.A. '78, Cove, Oreg. Episcopal Minister 94 ALUMNI REGISTER Randall, Frank Hall, '02, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Rankin, Emma M. , (Mrs . John S. Frazee,) '77, Springfield, S. D. Rankin, Evangeline iB., ' 88, Elgin, 111. Teacher Rankin, Luella C. , Teacher '77, Iowa City, Iowa Ransom, Mrs. J. B. , (Flora L. Clapp) '84, Dannemora, N.Y. Ransom, Alonzo J. , '86, Iv. '88, Nome, Alaska Rawson, Nellie E. , (Mrs. Miller) '85, Portland, Ore. Ray, Fred George, ' '92, 2732 Pine St. , St. LouiS; , Mo. Rea, George Morris , '98, Grundy Center, Iowa Banker Rea, Ralph Randolph, '99, Grundy Center, Iowa- Student J. H. U. , Baltimore, Md. Reamer, Mrs., (M. G. Wheaton) '83, deceased Reed, Kate B. , '85, M.A. '88, Reed, Ivy Leslie, '03, Superintendent of Schools Reed, William Henry, '00. Reeder, George K. , '81, Ranchman Rees, Elizabeth, (Mrs F. W. Paschal) '93, *Reever, William Henry, '97, Reid, Frank Beatty, '01, Reid, Wilson T. , '81, deceased Reinking, George F. , '88, Baptist Minister Remley, Alfred G. , '02, Remley, Alice (Mrs. John D. Glass) '68, Remley, Arthur L. , '01, Asst. Manager Ash Stave Mill Remley, Bertha B. , '00, Remley, Clara, '76, M.A. '79, Book and Stationery Dealer Remley, Fred A., '80, M.A. '88, B.D. '90; Baptist Minister Remley, George Edwin, '01, Newspaper Work Spokane, Wash. Northwood, Iowa Craig, Mont. Kansas City, Mo. Greenfield, Iowa Oskaloosa, Iowa Shell Rock, Iowa Anamosa, Iowa B.D. '68, Mason City, Iowa Braggadocio, Mo. Anamosa, Iowa Mason City, Iowa Patton, Calif. Iowa City, Iowa COLLKGE OF LIBERAL ARTS 95 Remley, Howard Marshall, '69, L. '72, M.A. '73, Lawyer Anamosa, Iowa Remley, Mrs. H. M., (Mary E. Underwood) '73, B.D. '73, M.A. '79, Anamosa, Iowa Remley, Hubert, '90, 1417 7th St. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Civil Engineer Remley, Mrs. Hubert P., (Ellen M. Warren) '94, Minneapolis, Minn. Remley, James Edward, '00, Anamosa, Iowa Lawyer Remley, Jessie A. , (Mrs. W. D. Lovell) '95, Des Moines, Iowa Remley, Milton, '67, M.A. '72, Iowa City, Iowa Lawyer. Ex- Attorney General of Iowa Reppert, Emma LeMaitre, '02, 527 Alby St., Alton, 111. Teacher Resser, Burt C. , '97, L. '98 Resser, Jesse, '03, M.A. '04, Student 200 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Reynolds, John, '97, Boone, Iowa President and Manager Boone Electric Co. Reynolds, Judspn Walker, '94, B.D. '04, N.W. University, Minister Oskaloosa, Iowa Rhynsburger, Henry John, '02, Pella, Iowa Business Rice, Elton, '91, Massillon, Ohio Manager Massilon Bridge Co. Rice, Frank S. , '80, L. '81, deceased Rice, Jennie B., '91, Council Bluffs, Iowa Teacher Rice, Stephen Edward, '01, Massillon, Ohio Civil Engineer Rich, David W. , '02, Iowa City, Iowa Law Student Rich, Mrs. J. W. , (Ellen A. Moore) '64, B.A. '65, M.A. '68, Iowa City, Iowa Richards, Harry Sanger, '92, L. L. B. Harvard University Dean of St. Univ. Law School Madison, Wis. Richards, Mrs. H. S. , (Mary C. Holt) '95, Madison, Wis. Richards, Julian W. , '76, Waterloo, Iowa Newspaper Correspondent 96 AI.UMMI REGISTER Richman, Irving B., '83, M. A. '86, D. Litt. Brown, '04 Author and lyaw'r, 506 W. 2nd St. Muscatine, Iowa Rider, Etta Jane, ,01, Talequah, Ind. Ter. Principal Girls Boarding School *Riggs, George Burton, '96, B. D. '99, Lamoni, Iowa Teacher Riggs, Hattie, (Mrs. G. L. Houser) '99, Iowa City, Iowa Ring, Herbert Clarence, '93, L. '94, Center Point, Iowa Lawyer Roach, Lena, '03, Rock Rapids, Iowa Roach, Lorin J. , '00, Muskogee, Indian Ter. Robb, Edwin A., '93, L. '94, Carroll, Iowa Lawyer Robbins, Mrs. Charles B. , (Helen Larrabee) '99, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Roberts, Anna E. , '99, Iowa City, Iowa Roberts, Carl Eckley, '02, Fremont, Iowa Farmer and Stockman Robertson, Chas. M. , '85, M.D. '88, M.A. '88, Physician • 100 State St. , Chicago, 111. Robertson, Walter H. , '75. Hurley, Dakota Robinson, Alta Aileen, '00, Iowa City, Iowa Robinson, A. Dean, '80, Rialto, Calif. Robinson, Frank B. , '85, L. '88, M.A. '88, Sioiix City, Iowa Lawyer Robinson, Mrs. F. B. , (Kate L. Hudson) '88, Sioux City, Iowa Robinson, Jessie, '99, 618 16th St., Des Moines, Iowa Teacher Robinson, L. Anna, (Mrs. Duncan Rule) '95, Huron, vS. D. Robinson, Leonard Browning, '94, L. '95, Lawyer 1115 Pierce vSt. , Sioux City, Iowa Robish, Albert Arrand, '00, Sumner, Iowa Civil Engineer, W. C. G. & W. Ry. Rockwood, Mrs. E. W. (Laura Clarke) '92, M.A. '96, Iowa City, Iowa Rodgers, William F., '74, 636 Andrus Bldg. Insurance Minneapolis, Minn. Rogers, C. Perry, '69, B. D. '69, M.A. '72, deceased » * Rogers, Earl Bertram, '00, Osage, Iowa Rogers, Frances Louise, '93, M.A. '01, Wellesley, English Teacher H. S. Burlington, Iowa COLIvKGK OF LIBERAIv ARTS 97 Rogers, Mrs. Francis Iv. , (Lillian Johnson) '90, Perry, Iowa Rogers, Julia K. , '92, Care Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Lecturer in Nature Study, Author Rogers, Ursula M. , (Mrs. Thos. Mattison) '73, B.D. '75, Tacoma, Wash. *Rohde, William T., '88, Port Townsend, Wash. Rohde, Mrs. Sara Phelps, '03, 454 E. 60th St., Chicago, 111. Ross, AnnaZ., '85, , Council Bluffs, Iowa Instructor in Natural Science, H. S. Ross, Cora, (Mrs. Chas. Clarke) '89, Langdon, N. D. Rosser, Bert Paul, '02, 915 Fremont St., Des Moines, Iowa Clerk to Auditor of State Rowell, Ivouis James, '95, L. '96, Tipton, Iowa Lawyer Royal, Malcolm Allen, '04, Des Moines, Iowa Rue, Lars O. , '01, L. '01, Ridgeway, Iowa Lawyer Rule, Mrs. Duncan, (L. Anna Robinson) '95, Huron, S. D. Rule, Edward A., '04, 506 Lyon St., Des Moines, Iowa Physical Director, Y. M. C. A. Russell, Charles W., '84, Omaha, Neb. Russell, Mrs. Chas. W., (Nell V. Ingham) '86, M.A. '89, Omaha, Neb. Russell, Earl Willard, '01, Adel, Iowa Russell, Frank B. '92, M.S. '95, Ph.D., Harvard, deceased Russell, Mrs. Frank, (Theresa E. Peet) '95, Chloride, Ariz. Rutan, Mrs. J. C, , (Emma Hart) '64, Wichita, Kans. Rutledge, Albert T, , '94, New Hampton, Iowa Superintendent Public Schools Rutledge, Herbert Alvin Ingram, '04, • Tiffin, Iowa Rynearson, Cora, (Mrs. C. M. Wirwick) '84, Chicago, 111. Instructor Boys High School for Manual Training Sabin, Elbridge H. , '86, Manhattan Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Educational Work Sabin, Edwnn LeGrand, '00, Avithor 1300 W. 7th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Sabin, Gerald Norton, '93, Sioux City, Iowa Principal School Safford, Abbie M. , (Mrs. H. M. Wieseche) '99, Coshocton, Ohio 98 AIvUMNI RKGISTER Safley, Agnes Isabel, '99, M. '04, Waterloo, Iowa Physician Safely, Margaret James, '00, Washington, Iowa Teacher St. John, Mrs. J. (Agnes Iv. Hatch) '84, Muscatine, Iowa Salisbury, Eva, (Mrs. Barnes) '86, Tucson, Ariz. Sanders, Euclid, '74, h. '76, Iowa City, Iowa Lawyer and, Banker Sanders, Mrs. Euclid (Mary A. Terrill) '74, M.A. '77, I/. '77, Iowa City, Iowa Sanford, Allan Tilgham, '93, Lawyer 553 E. 3rd St. , Salt Lake City, Utah Sargent, Perry L. , '92, Ft. Shaw, Mont. Instructor Indian School Saunders, Herbert C. , '00, Sioux City, Iowa Lawyer Saunderson, Robert, '72, M.A. '75, deceased Savage, Harry Harler, 01, Denison, Iowa Superintendent of Schools Savage, John Elton, '04, Hebron, Iowa Savage, Thomas Edmund, '97, M.S '98, Toledo, Iowa Professor of Science, Western College Sayers, Samuel Jefferson, '97, M.A. '01, Jefferson, Iowa Lawyer Saylor, Earl Clarence, '98, Colorado Springs, Colo. Scales, M. Ellen, '71, deceased Scales, Richard Elmo, '01, New York, N. Y. Scallon, Herbert William, '03, M.Di. '01, L S. N. , Ackley, Iowa Schaefers, Rose Theresa, '04, Clermont, Iowa Schaeffer, George Schuyler, '97 Schell, James P., '70, M.A. '90, Park River, N. D. Presbyterian Minister Schenck, Charles Plume, '04, 801 Starr St. , Burlington, Iowa Medical Student, Iowa State University Schenck, Casper, '03, 167 Howland St. , Cambridge, Mass. Student Harvard Law School Schenck, Erwin, '99,, 2001 Forest Ave., Des Moines, Iowa Physician and Surgeon Schlatter, George M. , '85, Bellevue, Iowa Grain Dealer COLIvE^GB OF I^IBERAIv ARTS 99 Schneider, Daniel D. , '04, M.Di. '02, I. S.N. Hinton, Iowa Schoonover, George L. , '00, Anamosa, Iowa Bank Clerk Schultz, Dorothy Ward, '00, Burlington, Iowa Teacher Schricker, August L. , '81, deceased Schulze, J. Otto, '97, Fort Worth, Texas Civil Engineer with C. R. L & P. Ry. Scott, John T. , '75, deceased Scott, Orion C, '78, B.D. '80, M.A. '81, Berwyn, 111. Superintendent of Schools Seaman, Halleck W. , '82, Clinton, Iowa Lawyer and Pres. Ozark & Cherokee Cent. Ry. Co. Seaman, James Wilson, '95, L. '96, Lawyer 33 McManus Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Sears, Charles Wilber, '97, L. '00, Univ. of Nebraska Lawyer South Omaha, Neb. Sears, Mrs. C. W. , (Louisa A. Boesche) '97, Omaha, Neb. Sears, Joseph H. , '96, Milan, 111. Sears, Melvin L. , '91, Sioux City, Iowa Lawyer Seashore, Mrs. Carl Emil, (Mary Roberta Holmes) '91, M.A. '93, Iowa City, Iowa Seerley, Clem Clifford, '04, M.Di. '02, LS.N., Cedar Falls, Iowa Seerley, Florence, '02, Burlington, Iowa Seerley Frank N. , '96, 180 Westford Ave, Springfield, Mass. Physician Seerley, Homer H. , '73, B.D. '75, M.A. '76, LL.D. '01, President Iowa State Normal Cedar Falls, Iowa Seerley, John J. , '75, L. '78, Burlington, Iowa Lawyer Seerley, Mrs. J. J., (Lizzie L. Clark) '76, B.D. '78, M.A. '79, Burlington, Iowa Seevers, Mrs., (Zoe Williams) '91, Teacher 1212 28th St., Des Moines, Iowa Seidlitz, George H. Jr., '82, M.A. '97, Physician 3333 Lucas Ave. , St. Louis, Mo. Seidlitz, Mrs. G. H. , (Florence M. Hess) '82, St. Louis, Mo. Selby, Lillian M. , (Mrs. S. A. Moor) '84, Hiawatha, Kan. 100 AIvUMNI REGISTBR Selby, Mina Belle, '83, M.A. '87, Oxford, Ohio Teacher in German, Western College Selleck, William H. B. , '82, Juneau, Alaska Superintendent Methodist Missions Sencebaugh, Isadore E. , '83, Iowa City, Iowa Sever, Preston h. , '83, M.A. '86, Stuart, Iowa Seymour, Edith Marie, '99, Iowa City, Iowa Student in Pharmacy Seymour, Ivibbie, '97, M.A. '00, M.D. '04, Iowa City, Iowa Physician Shaffer, Nina R., '99, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin, '92, M.A. '9.5, Ph.D. '95 U. of Pa., Iowa City, Iowa Professor of Political Science, S. U. I. Shambaugh, George Elmer, '92, M.D. '95, U. of Pa., 100 State St. , Chicago, 111. Instructor in Anatomy Chicago University Shannahan, Edwin Joseph, '04, Iv. '04, Iowa City, Iowa Sharpe, James Joseph, '98, Shell Rock, , Iowa Superintendent of Schools Sharpe, Mrs. J. J., (Anna L. Ehret) '99, Shell Rock, Iowa Shaw, James Daniel, '01, Charles City, Iowa Sheldahl, Lars, '94, Waverly, Iowa Teacher Sheldon, Albert M. , '73, B.D. '73, Arkansas City, Kans. Marble and Granite Dealer Shell enberger, Mrs. G. H. (Emma F. White) '00, 945 Bayless Ave. , St. Paul, Minn. Shepard, Hugh H. , '97, L. '00, Mason City, Iowa Lawyer and Manager of Shepard Abstract Co. Shepard, Kate F. , (Mrs. Conard) '70, deceased Shepfer, EUaC, (Mrs. Geneva) '83, What Cheer, Iowa Shepfer, William A. , '82, 640 W. Central Ave. , St. Paul, Minn. Shepherd, Anna E. , (Mrs. L. J. Hotchkiss) '88, M.A. '90, B.D. '94, 5513 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111. Shepherd, William T. , '83, Harlan, Iowa Lumberman Sherbon, Mrs. John Bayard, (Florence E. Brown) '92, Physician M.D. '04, Colfax, Iowa Sherman, Frank A., '78, deceased Iowa City, Iowa 00, Des Moines, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa COIvIvEGE OF IvIBERAI. ARTS 101 Sherwood, Mrs. John, (Elizabeth Lewis) '81, M.A. '03, Scholar in English Shuerman, Mrs. Jake L. , (Myra Bloom) 934, 19th St.; Shimek, Bohumil, '83, M.S. '02, Professor of Botany S. U. I. Shrader, Charles C, '80 Druggist Shuck, May, '00, Iowa City, Iowa Scholar in English . Sieg, Lee Paul, '00, M.S. '01, Northfield, Minn. Instructor in Physics, Carleton, Coll. Silvius, Reuben Andrew, '02, 41 Sacramento St., Student Harvard Law School Cambridge, Mass. Simmons, Edmund, '97, Loveland, Colo. Simon, Ludwig S. , '91, M.D. '94, Physician 4254 Vincennes Ave. , Chicago, 111. Simonton, Thomas Milton, '00, L. '01, M.A. '03, Lawyer Oskaloosa, Iowa Sinnett, John H. , '87, M.A. '90, Physician 325 23rd St. , New York, N. Y. Skiff, R. F. Jr., '85, M.A. '88, Iowa Falls, Iowa Teacher Skiles, Hugh Porter, '76, M.A. '82, Physician 936 Monroe St. , Chicago, 111. Skinner, W. F. , '81, Gouverneur, N. Y. Presbyterian Pastor Slagle, Virginia J., (Mrs. Jas. G. Berryhill) '77, M.A. '80, Des Moines, Iowa * Slaughter, James F. , '79, M.A. '82, Pendleton, Greg. Slavata, Jennie Elizabeth, '01, Monticello, Iowa Teacher Slemmons, Mrs., (Ida Louise Grillet) '02, Iowa City, Iowa *Slocum, Albert D., '91, Minburn, Iowa Slotterbec, Annette, (Mrs. Philip A. Parsons) '88, Des Plaines, 111. Slotterbec, Clara Agatha, (Mrs. George W. Eshleman) '94, M.A. '96, Cherokee, Iowa Smalley, Esther M. , (Mrs. J. W. EHes) '85, Muscatine, Iowa Smith, Arthur G. , '91, M.A. '95, Iowa City, Iowa Professor of Physics and Mechanics, S. U. I. 102 ALUMNI REGISTER vSmith, Mrs. A. G. , (Grace O. Partridge) '91, Iowa City, Iowa Smith, Carston C. , '98, M. '03, Decorah, Iowa Physician Smith, Charles Horton, '01, Minneapolis, Minn. With Minnesota Tank Co. Smith, Charles, L. , '91, M.D. '04, Burlington, Iowa Physician and Surgeon Smith, Charles Samuel, '97, Washington, D. C. NewswTiter and Correspondent Smith, Clarence W. H. , '93, Grand Rapids, Mich. U. S. Engineer's Office Smith, Dexter Edson, '58, Santa Ana, Calif. First Graduate in Liberal Arts, S. U. I. Smith, FredE., '90, Chicago, 111. Manager Export Department Aermotor Co. Smith, Granger W., '68, M.A. '72, Deer Creek, 111. Baptist Minister Smith, Mabel Clara, '02, M.A./ 03, Lisbon, N. D. Teacher . Smith, Maude Louise, '04, West Liberty, Iowa Smith, Ralph J., '98, L, '99, Montezuma, Iowa Lawyer Smith, Richmond A., '86, M.A. '89, Monroe, Iowa Baptist Minister * Smith, Samuel Craig, '96, Winterset, Iowa Smith, Tillman, '99, Churdan, Iowa Principal of Schools Smith, Wallace P., '90, Missoula, Mont. Lawyer Smith, William Avery, '98, L. '98, Toledo, Iowa Lawyer Smith, Mrs. W. C. , (Flora McLennan) '90, 2010 Terrace Park Ave. , St. Paul, Minn. Smith, W. Vinson, '80, M.A. '83, Loans 1985 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. * Smyth, Martha A., '79, Mt. Vernon, Iowa Snyder, Simon H. , '80, L. '81, Wahpeton, N. D. Attorney Soesbe, Clarence William, '01, L. '01, Greene, Iowa Bank Cashier college: of liberal arts 103 Sogard, John, '99, Vinton, Iowa Superintendent of Schools Soleman, Fred Armstrong, '98, Tama, Iowa Pharmacist Soleman, Mrs. F. A., (Ida B. Kriechbaum) '98, Tama, Iowa Sollenbarger, David Thos. , '92, Corydon, Iowa Real Estate, Loans and Abstracts Spangler, Harrison Earl, '03, Iowa City, Iowa Law Student, S. U. I. * Sparks, Mrs., (Alice V. Wilkinson) '82, M.A. '85, 439 Ogden Ave. , Chicago, 111. Spaulding, Henry L. , '87, L. '88, M.A. '90, Elma, Iowa Lawyer Speers, Albert Percy, '00, Speidel, Homer Vincent, '02, Iowa City, Iowa Speidel, Ida Theresa, '03, M.S. '04, Boulder, Colo. Fellow in University of Colorado Speidel, Mae Elizabeth Agnes, '04, Iowa City, Iowa Spencer, John C. , '91, Pittsburg, Pa. With Carnegie Steel Co. , Bureau of Engineers. Spielman, Carrie E. , (Mrs. C. S. McElhinny) '87, Fairfield, Iowa Sporleder, Mary Louise, '04, Iowa City, Iowa Sprague, Edna Mabel, '00, Council Bluffs, Iowa Teacher Springer, Frank, '67, LasVegas, New Mexico Attorney * Springer, William James, '00, Decatur City, Iowa Spurgeon, Floris J. , (Mrs. J. B. Keaster) '00, M.A. '01, Creston, Iowa St. John, Maud, '98, 27th St. and Grand Ave., Teacher Des Moines, Iowa Stark, Julia, (Mrs. W. D. Evans) '93,. Hampton, Iowa Startsman", Charles Wentworth, '99, Ampere, N. J. Engineer with Crocker Wheeler Co. Startsman, Nellie M. , (Mrs. Edward C. Biggs) '87, M.A. '90, Iowa City, Iowa Stebbins, Lida B. , '90, M.A. '92, Iowa City, Iowa Stefansson, Velhjalmr, '03, 16 Howland St. , Student Harvard College Cambridge, Mass. Stein, Lottie Alvine, '02, Burlington, Iowa 104 ALUMNI REGISTKR *Stempel, Carl Hugo, '96, Ft. Madison, Iowa Stempel, Giiido H, , '89, Bloomington, Ind. Asst. Prof, of English, State University- Sterling, Edith Hortense, '01, deceased Stevenson, Samuel Kirkwood, '93, Iowa City, Iowa Superintendent City Schools Stevenson, Mrs. S. K. (Marcia Jacobs) '98, Iowa City, Iowa Stevenson, Thomas J., '87, Sioux City, Iowa Lawyer Stewart, Helen White, '96, 938 19th St., Des Moines, Iowa Teacher Stewart, Rolland Maclaren, '04, Toledo, Iowa Stiles, George W., '92, Lawyer 510 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn. Stimmel, Hattie J. , (Mrs. E. E. Douglas) '90, Pueblo, Colo. Stober, Antonie J., '99, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Stone, Mrs. Herbert L. , (Redelia Gilchrist) '95, 841 West End Ave. , New York, N. Y. Stockwell, Steven S,, '00, Laramie, Wyo. Prof, of Pedagogy University of Wyoming Storck, Arthur Herman, '01, Des Moines, Iowa Newspaper work Storey, Leslie, '02, L- '04, . Iowa City, Iowa *Stotts, James U. , '89, Clinton, Mo. Stover, Bessie Esther, '01, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Stover, Charles Carroll, '93, B.D. '95, M Lawyer and Real Estate Stover, Mrs. Chas. C. , (M. Amy Zimmer Stover, George Elmer, '99, L. '01, Lawyer Stover, Roy Walter, '96, deceased Stover, Samuel Kirkwood, '03, Stowe, Frederick A., '92, With Chicago Chronicle Stromsten, Frank Albert, '00, M.S. '02, Fellow at Princeton University Stuart, Clara, '02, :.A. '96, Estherville, Iowa rman) '96, Estherville, Iowa Estherville, Iowa Newark, N. J. Chicago, 111. Princeton, N. J. West Branch, Iowa COIvIvBGE OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 105 Stull, Wilfred N., '98, M.A. '99, Cambridge, Mass. Assistant Instructor Harvard College Sturges, Merton F. , '86, deceased Stutsman, Carl, '90, Burlington, Iowa Physician Stutsman, Carl Allen, '91, I^. '92, Burlington, Iowa Ivawyer Stutsman, Will H. , '87, L. '89, M.A. '90, Mandan, N. D. Ivawyer Sueppel, Joseph Wolfgang, '92, Neola, Iowa Catholic Minister Sunier, Fanny Annette, '02, M.A. '03, Topeka, Kan. Teacher, Wasburn College Sutton, Lyle F., '80, Iv. '84, Clinton, Iowa Attorney Swaggart, I^uman Birch, '03, M.Di. '98, I. S. N, , New Providence, Iowa *Swan, Virginia May, '94, Waterloo, Iowa Teacher *Swanson, Fred Kdwin, '93, Memphis, Tenn. Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Sweney, Gail, (Mrs. Willis C. Fdson) '00, deceased Sweney, Marshall Chas. , '03, Ripley, Tenn. Masonry Inspector Swindler, Daniel, '87, M.A. '90, Larimor, Iowa Agriculture Swire, Bthelind, '04, Iowa City, Iowa Scholar in French Swisher, Abram E. , '72, U '74, Iowa City, Iowa Lawyer Swisher, Benjamin Franklin, '99, L. '00, Waterloo, Iowa Lawyer Swisher, Esther McDowell, '01, Iowa City, Iowa Swisher, John P., '76, L. '76, deceased Swisher, Leonard Alonzo, '98, Iowa City, Iowa Methodist Minister Swisher, Mrs. S. A. (Nellie G. Custer) '84, Iowa City, Iowa Switzer, Frank, '72, deceased Switzer, Grace Ellen E. , '02, Iowa City, Iowa Student Library School 106 AlyUMNI REGISTER Switzer, Katherine May, '03, Cherokee, Iowa Teacher Tanner, Alice R. , (Mrs. Alice R. Regan) '84, M.A. '87, B.D. '87 Tanner, Mrs. J., (Helen Leila Clapp) '99, Davenport, Iowa Tantlinger, Walter W. , '95, Lone Tree, low^a Taylor, Herbert Edward, '98, L. '00, Lansing, Iowa Lawyer Taylor, Katheryn May, '97, Clinton, low-a Teacher Taylor, Maud Estelfa, '04, Iowa City, Iowa Medical Student S. U. I. Taylor, William R. , '85, M.A. '88, Austin, Tex. Deaf and Dumb Institute Tebbetts, C. E. '77, M.A. '80, B.A. '75, Haverford Coll. Pa. Pres. Whittier Coll. and Pastor Whittier, Cal. Techentin, Henry W. , '90, L. '91, Lawyer Main and 3rd Sts. . Davenport, Iowa Teeters, John L. , '86, 1812 D. St., Lincoln, Neb. Wholesale Jeweler and Regent Univ. of Neb. Teeters, Mrs. John L. , (Sophy W. Hutchinson) '80, M.A. '89 Lincoln, Neb. Terrell, Mary A , (Mrs. Euclid Sanders) '74, M.A. '77L. '77, Iowa City, Iowa Terry, Fred, '86, 6138 Woodlawn Ave. , Chicago, 111. Stock Commission Merchant Terry, Mrs. Fred, (isa A. Moore) '87, 6138 Woodlawm Ave. , Chicago, 111. Thayer, Charles E. , '84, M.A. '87, deceased Thomas, Abram Owen, '04, Wellman, Iowa Teacher Thomas, Anna S. , (Mrs. Wyckoffj '87, Milford, Neb. Thomas, Benjamin Franklin, '97, L. '00, Traer, Iowa Lawyer Thomas, James Bailey, '81, M.D. '83, Carthage, Mo. Thomas, Seth, '04, Washington, Iowa Principal of Schools Thomason, Mrs. W. B. , (Mary Hornibrook) '98, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Thompson, Fannie C. , (Mrs. H. F. Wickhamj '90, M.S. '95, Iowa Citf , Iowa COI.I.KGE OF LIBERAL ARTS 107 Thompson, George B. , '89, L. '92, Lead, S. D. Lawyer Thompson, Mrs. Geo. B. , (Anna M. Gillis) '91, Lead, S. D. Thompson, Geo. Franklin, '94, M.S. '98, Berkeley, Calif. Instructor U. of C. Thompson, John Morrow, '00, L. '00, Bedford, Iowa Merchant Thompson, Marie D. , '92, Independence, Iowa Thorburn, Andrew Logan, '99, Webster, Iowa Farmer Thorpe, Krvin Llewellyn, B.A. '85, L. '79, Ph.D. '85, Syracuse University, D.D. '87, Yale University, D.C.L. '89, Yale University, Minister 219 B. 27th, New York, N. Y. Tisdale, William D. , '75, M.A. '78, Ottumwa, Iowa Lawyer, Regent S. U. I. Tomasek, Mrs. Frank, (FHa Jane Jones) '96, Williamsburg, Iowa Tompkins, Karl Duncan, '96 - Clarion, Iowa Tourtellot, Park W. , '95, L. '96, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Lawyer Townsend, Bgbert Raymond, '99, Iowa City, Iowa Newspaper Reporter Tracy, F. B. , '88, Boston, Mass. Literary Editor Boston Transcript Treimer, Carl, '96, deceased Tripp, Clara E., '88, Santa Ana, Calif. Teacher Troth, Mira E. , '83, Iowa City, Iowa Agent N. Y. Life Insurance Co. Trowbridge, Granville S. , '80, M.A. '83 Troy, Henry Michael, '93, L. '96, Lawyer 500 Guaranty Bldg. , Minneapolis, Minn. Truesdell, Harry C. , '80, L. '82, deceased Truman, Emma Victoria, '02, San Francisco, Calif. *Tuck, John A., '83, B.D. '87, 550 E. 55th St. , Chicago, 111. Tulloss, Carolyn M. , '02, Iowa City, Iowa Tuttle, Stella, '00, Webster City, Iowa Teacher Twinting, Ida May, '86, M.A. '89, 208 Washington St. , Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 108 AIvUMNI REGISTER Umberger, Thomas Daniel Terrill, '01, Burlington, Iowa Underwood, Mary E-, (Mrs. Howard M. Remley) '73, B.D. '73, M.A. '79, Anamosa, Iowa Underwood, Mrs. Q. K., (Julia Crawford) '93, 2819 Dickson St. , St. I^ouis, Mo. Religious Editor Globe-Democrat *Vanarsdol, CassiusC. , '76, Hoquiam, Wash. Vanderpoel, Florance A. , '80, M.A. '83, L. '83, Attorney and Postmaster Park Rapids, Minn. *Vandyke, John A. , '87, B.D. '89, M.A. '90, Wabasha, Minn. Van Epps, Mrs. C. , (Ella B. Parsons) '02, Iowa City, Iowa Van Fossen, Frank K. , '82 Van Law, C. H. , '96, M.A. '97, Marshalltown, Iowa City Attorney Van Meter, Margaret, '97, Waterloo, Iowa Teacher Van Oosterhout, Peter Dirk, '93, D. '94, Orange City, Iowa Lawyer Veblen, Oswald, '98, Chicago, 111. Asst. in Physics, Chicago Univ. Ver Veer, Sam., '92, 12 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Civil Engineer * Vincent, Edward F. , '84, Casper, Wyoming: Civil Engineer Virtue, Jesse Clyde '95, Vogler, Frank, '95, L. ' 95, Le Claire, Iowa Lawyer Voss, Hertha Louise, '04, Iowa City, Iowa Asst. Inst, in French S. U. I. Wadleigh, Frank A., '79, Salt Lake City, Utah Gen. Pass. Agent * Wagner, Mrs., (Emma J. Brockway) '87, Omaha, Neb. Wagner, Mrs., (Grace E. Finch) '97, Hampton, Iowa Waite, Lillian Ethel, '00, Iowa City, Iowa Walker, Mrs. J. C. , (Eva Houser) '95, M.A. '96, 3535 N. 19th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Walker, Walter M. , '83, M.A. '86, Baptist Minister 952 8th St. , Des Moines, Iowa W^alker, Will F. , '84, Algona, Iowa Commercial Traveler Walker, William H. , '92 COIvLBGE OF LIBERAIv ARTS 109 , '95, U. I. *Wallberg, Kmil A., '91, Waller, Mary Ethel, '01, Teacher Walrod, Claude Delestine Law Student S. Walsh, John Graney, '03, Student S. U. I. Ward, Martha Viola, '02, Principal H. S. Warnock, James C. , '77, L. '79, Presbyterian Minister Warren, BUen M Bell Tel. Bldg. , Montreal, Canada Charles City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Montour, Iowa M. A. '82, College Corner, Ohio (Mrs. Hubert Remley) '94, 1417 7th St. S. E. , Minneapolis, Minn. Glenwood, Iowa Warren, Madison Clyde, '01, Farmer Wassam, Clarence Wycliffe, '03, M.A. '04, M.Di. '00, I.S.N. Fellow in Economics, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Watkins, Samuel Roberts, '91, L. '98, Chicago, 111. City Hall Editor, Press Bureau Watson, Harry Chibnail, '03, Winnipeg, Can. Real Estate Way, Kathryn Wealtha, (Mrs. C. F. Green) '00, Sioux City, Iowa Harry Otis, '91, L. '92, Wapello, Lawyer, Revenue Collector Charles Albert, '00, Iowa City, Warner & Webber, Job Printers Weaver, Webber, Iowa Iowa '02, Weber, Frederick Henry Weber, Harry, '04, Weed, Frederick Casson, '98, L. '99, Congregational Minister Weeks, Garlord, D. , '01, Civil Engineer Wehrle, Edward Francis, '91, L. '97, U. Lawyer 336-31 Stimson Bldg, Weidner, Carleton W. , '95, deceased Weinrich, Herman P., '98, Salesman Weiss, Albert Frank, '92, Railway Mail Service Welch, David Sewell, '04, Law Student, S. U. I. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Ft. Dodge, Iowa Springfield, Mo. of M. , , Los Angeles, Cal. Burlington, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Glenwood, Iowa no AIvUMNI REGISTER Welch, Hershey Samuel, '03, B. S. in C.E. '04, Iowa City, Iowa Welch, WillardJ. , '75, Iowa City, Iowa Crockery Merchant Welch, William M., '80, L. '80, M.A. '87, Publisher 179 Illinois St. , Chicago, 111. Weld, Leroy Dougherty, '99, M.S. '02, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Coe College, Professor of Mathematics Weld, Mrs. I^eroy D. , (lyulu A. Graff) '99, Cedar Rapids.. Iowa Weld, Laenas Gifford, '83, M.A. '86, Iowa City, Iowa Professor of Mathematics, Dean of the Graduate College, S. U. I. Weldy, Morton E., '99, Cambridge, Mass. Student Harvard L,aw School Wells, Frank, '00, Sabula, Iowa Bank Cashier Welty, Ira Carlton, '98, Nevada, Iowa County Superintendent Werthmueller, Ferdinand R., '98, Honolulu, Hawaii Assistant Chemist, Sugar Planters' Association Werts, Charles Martel, '00 M.S. '02, Des Moines, Iowa Physician West, Clifford Bateman, '03, Oskaloosa, Iowa Westfall, Mrs. J. V., (Janet M. Gilchrist) '01, Iowa City, Iowa Wheaton, Mary Gertrude (Mrs. Reamer) '83, deceased Wheeler, Orville D. , '84, L. '88, Council Bluffs, Iowa Judge District Court Whipple, ErvaL., '82, M.A. '85, B.D. '86 Whipple, William P., '77, L. '79, Vinton, Iowa Senator 4th District of Iowa Whitacre, Grace, '98, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher Whitaker, Ellis John, '00, M.D. '03, Davenport, Iowa Physician White, Charles E., '73, B.D. '73, M.A. '76, ly. '79, Lawyer Madison, Wis. White, Edward Speer, '94, h. U. of M. , Harlan, Iowa Lawyer White, Mrs. Ed. S., (Clyde B. Cobb) '98, Harlan, Iowa COIvIvEGE OF IvIBKRAIv ARTS 111 White, BinmaF. , (Mrs. G. H. Shellenberger) '00, 945 Bayless Ave., St. Paul, Minn. White, Bva May, '99, Maynard, Iowa Teacher White, Frank G. , '99, Salt Ivake City, Utah Asst. City Engineer White, Ivewis Rush, '99, Sioux Rapids, Iowa Ivawyer White, Mrs. Lewis Rush, (Ora H. Horine) '98, Sioux Rapids, Iowa White, Stella (Mrs. M. N. Johnson) '79, Petersburg, N. Dak. White, Warren Henry, '04, Iowa City, Iowa Whiteis, William Robert, '92, M.D. '95, Iowa City, Iowa Prof, of Histology and Kmbryology, S. U. I. Whiting, '96, I.. '04, Iowa City, Iowa Samuel Danforth Lawyer Whitley, Gladys Call, 03, Teacher Whitmore, Clara B. , Whitney, Belle M. , Wick, Barthinius L Lawyer Wickersham, Dorothy I Teacher Wickham, Bessie, (Mrs. H. S. Johnson) '86, B.D. '89, M.A. '89, Iowa City, Iowa Wickham, Charles K , '84, 43 Main St., Binghampton, N. Y. Div. Kng. of Del. Lackawana & Western Ry. Wickham, Mrs. H. F. , (Fannie C. Thompson) '90, '00, M. '03, 77, deceased , '91, L. '93, M.A. '99, ■ Webster City, Iowa Sioux City, Iowa '93, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Grafton, N. D. M.S. '95, Wickham, Kate, '91, Teacher Wicks, JudsonL., '81, L. '82, M.A. '84 Lawyer Wiehr, Josef, '04, Fellow in German, S. U. I. Wieneke, Laura Anna, '00, Clerk in Bookstore Wiesecke, Mrs. H. M. , (Abbie M Iowa City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 1911 Pillsbury Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. Iowa City, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Safford) '00, Coshocton, Ohio , Denver, Colo. • Ottumwa, Iowa '85, Chicago, 111. Tama, Iowa Tama, Iowa Ottumwa, Iowa 112 ALUMNI REGISTER Wilcox, Charles W., '85, Tacoma, Wash. Assistant State Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Wilcox, Delano, '94, M. '99, Rush Medical College, Physician and Surgeon Malcolm, Iowa Wilcox, Mrs. (Mary H. Johnson) '79, M.A. '82, deceased Wilcox, Richard B. , '81, B.A. '84, Harvard, Lawyer Kansas City, Mo. Wiley, James Renwick, '71, B D. '67, M.A. '79, 545 S. Pearl St. Wilkin, Fpnk Stephenson, '97, With C. M. & St. P. Ry. Wilkinson, Alice V. , (Mrs. Sparks) '82, M,A. Willett, James Horace, '01, L. '04, *Willett, William S.,'99, Williams, A. Oscar, '73, M.D. '75, Physician and Surgeon Williams, Bertha A., '88, Flint, Mich. Teacher Williams, Charles Allyn, '99, M.A. '01, Iowa City, Iowa Traveling Fellow in German, Cornell Coll., N. Y. Williams, Fred Almor, '99, L. '00, Des Moines, Iowa Lawyer Williams, Fred Paul, '98, deceased * Williams, Henry S. , '87, • New York, N, Y. Physician Williams, Hermon P., '95, I aoag, Luzon, Ph. Isl, Missionary Christian Church W^illiams, Mrs. H. P. (Beulah MacFarland) '97, Laoag, Luzon, Ph. Isl. Williams, Josephine V., '76, 670 18th St., Des Moines, Iowa Teacher Williams, Mabel Clara, '99, Ph.D. '03, Iowa City, Iowa Williams, Margaret E. , (Mrs. Paul F. Cooper) '93, Iowa City, Iowa Williams, Mark Wayne, '98, London, Eng. Pastor Christian Church Williams, May C. , (Mrs. M. L. Holbrook) '87, 1166 Thurman St., Portland, Ore. Williams, Mrs. Robert, (Abby Boals) '97, Clear Lake, Iowa Williams, Samuel Clyde, '01, D. '03, Marshalltown, Iowa Dentist COIvIvBGB OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 113 Williams, Thomas J., '74 Williams, Zoe A., (Mrs. Seevers) '91, Des Moines, Iowa Teacher Williamson, Ralph Clinton, '02, L. '04, Davenport, Iowa Lawyer Willis, Bernard Darwin; '97, E.B. '01, Elec. Engineer, 3031 Michigan Ave. , Chicago, 111. Willis, Bertha Belle, '01, Ida Grove, Iowa Teacher Willis, Eloise, (Mrs. C. C. Nutting) '96, Iowa City, Iowa Willis, Faith Gertrude, '02, Iowa City, Iowa Teacher I. C. Academy Willis, Harry Douglas, '04, Iowa City, Iowa Wilson, Bertha M. , '92, M.A. '93, Steinway Hall, Teacher of Voice Culture New York, N. Y. Wilson, Daniel S. , '72, M.A. '75, deceased Wilson, Edwin Brown, '96, L. '97, Iowa City, Iowa Lawyer Wilson, Mrs. (Marie E. Maguire) '96, Colorado Springs, Col. Wilson, Mary A., (Mrs. Thos. B. Powell) '02, Shenandoah, Iowa Wilson, Rollin J., '75, Fairfield, Iowa Lawyer Wilson, Mrs. Emma, (Mrs. S. Scott Gillespie) '82, Proprietor School of Expression Portland, Ore. Wilson, Willis Walter, '94, Chicago, 111. Wirick, Cassius M. , '84. M.A. '87, B.D. '90, Teacher 1327 Wabansia Ave. , Chicago, 111. Wirick, Mrs. Cassius M, , (Cora Rynearson) '84, 1327 Wabansia Ave. , Chicago, 111. Wise, George Chester, '00, M.A. '02, Corning, Iowa Teacher Witmer, Joel W. Jr., '85, 585 Park Lane, Des Moines, Iowa Wolfe, John D., '86, B.S. '88, M. '89, M.A. '89, Phvsician Mt. Vernon, Iowa Wood, Alfred, '74, B.D. '72, D. '84, M.A. '85, St. Louis, Mo. Dentist ^ . Wood, Clarence Elisha, '95, Cripple Cree^, -Colo. Editor and Proprietor Evening Star Wood, Mrs. Horace, (Jennie Hanford) '84, deceased Woodward, Gideon W., '86, deceased 114 AIvUMNI REGISTKR Woodward, Will M. , '86, Merchant Woolston, Frank, '94, Farmer Wright, Carroll, '75, Lawyer and Regent S. U. I. Wright, Chas. Oliver, '03, Engineer Wright, Craig L. , '67, h. '68, Lawyer Wright, Mrs. Craig T. (Myra T. Dey) '93, 21st and Forest Drive, D '90, '89, Independence, Iowa Denison, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa L^niontown, Pa. Sioux City, Iowa s Moines, low^a Moline, 111. Council Bluffs, Iowa Young- Young Young Council Bluffs, Iowa St. Louis, Mo. 87 '67, M. A. '79, Bozeman, Montana Mackay, Idaho Center Point, Iowa Memphis, Mo. Wright, Eluvia E Wright, Frank P. Lawyer Wright, Geo. S. , '89, Lawyer Wyatt,' Grant, '83, M.A. '86, Wyckoff, Mrs. (Anna S. Thomas) Wylie, James Renwick, '71, B. D. Teacher 545 Pearl St Yates, Edward Gilbert, '00, L. '03, Lawyer Yost, Charles Carroll G. , '97, • Young, Arthur S., '80, Farmer Iowa Madge (Mrs. C. A. Macy) '04, Adel, Iowa Newton C, '86, L. '87, M.A. '90, Fargo, N. D. Chief Justice Supreme Court of Dakota Mrs. Newton C. , (Ida B. Clark; '87, M.A. '90, 812 Ave. So. , Fargo, N. D. Yoiing, Oscar R. , '86, deceased Young, William' J., '74, M.A. '84, B.D. '77, McCormick Theological Seminary, Balliston, Va. Presbyterian Minister Cyrus L. D. , '82, M.A. '95, Congregational Minister Lulu, '80, deceased Yule, Edgar Harrison, '01, Lieutenant Regular Army Younkin, Younkin, Boston, Mass. Philippine Islands COIvIvBGE OF IvIBERAIv ARTS 115 Zerwekh, Florence A., (Mrs. Allen A. Gilbert) '97, Portland, Oreg. Ziegler, Charles C. , '78, M.A. '87, St. Ivouis, Mo. Zimmerman, C. R. , '88, Wayland, Iowa Minister Zimmerman, M. Amy, (Mrs. Chas. C. Stover) '96, Kstherville, Iowa THE AIvPHABETlCAIv LIST OF THE GRADUATES OF THE COLLEGE OF LAW The star (*) indicates a lack of information. Where no occupation is given the information at hand has not sup- plied it. Abernethy, Herbert Alonzo. '01, U. of C. B. A,, lawyer 52 West 3rd St. , St. Paul, Minn. Able, Harry J. , '92, lawyer Frenchtown, N. J. Acers, John T, , '70, ranchman Henrietta, Texas * Adams, Asa A., '99, Mason City, Iowa Adams, Geo. W. , '91, lawyer Ivos Angeles, Calif. Adams, Ilo W. , '84, lawyer 723 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. Adams, John O. , '93, lawyer Flandreau, S. D. Adams, John Quincy, '95, county attorney, P'ort Dodge, Iowa Adams, Jordan C. , '73, Ritzville, Wash. Addenbrooke, Joseph J. J., '95, Manila, P. I. * Admire, Benjamin F. , '79, Oakdale, Neb. Agnew, Frank A., '82, lawyer So. Omaha, Neb. Agnew, Henry C, '77, lawyer So. Omaha, Neb. 116 ALUMNI REGISTBR Ahern, Timothy Joseph, '03, Calmar, Iowa *Ainsworth, Alburn Stevens, '00, Ft. Dodge, Iowa Ainsworth, Fanny Louise, '99, West Union, Iowa Ainsworth, Willard Joe, '93, Upper Iowa Univ. B. S. , lawyer West Union, Iowa *Aikens, William H., '82, Cowden, 111. Alder, Lewis K. , '75, lawyer Ainsworth, Iowa Alderman, Ulysses Sherman, '97, lawyer Nevada, Iowa Aldrich, Charles Switzer, '96, B.Ph., '95, Aldrich & Lawrence, Attorneys Nome, Alaska Aldridge, Wesley, '87, clerk district court Britt, Iowa Alexander, David R. , '94, Cornell Coll. B.S. , lawyer Estherville, Iowa Allbee, Gustavus, Jr., '03, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Allen, Charles Herbert, '99, lawyer Clear Lake, Iowa Allen, Everett Munson, '97, lawyer, Northern Ind. Nor. B.S. Colfax, Iowa Allen, Frank J. , '04, lawyer Scranton, Iowa Allen, George Kirkland, '98, Marling & Allen, Attorneys Estherville, Iowa Allen, Harry D., '92, deceased Allen, Joseph Holmes, '95, B.Ph. '95, Attorney and regent University of Iowa Pocahontas, Iowa Allen, Robert Emmet, '01, telephone exchange Independence, Iowa Allen, Robert T. , '75, city attorney 32nd St., Billings, Montana Allen, William B. , '82, farmer Merrill, Iowa Allen, William S. , '77, lawyer and member of legislature Birmingham, Iowa Allison, Alvah. '84, Allison, George C, '82, banker Peterson, Iowa Allison, William Boyd, Jr., '94, Yale Univ. B.A. , lawyer 606 Bailey Bldg. , Seattle, Wash. Alsup, Charles R. , '68, deceased Alverson, Emmet E. , '76, lawyer Marengo, Iowa Amerland, John, '79, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Ames, Granville G. , '79, lawyer 732 Marquam Bldg. , Portland, Ore. Anderson, Charles S. , '84, lawyer 501-2 Tabor Opera House Block, Denver, Col. COIvIvEGE: of I, aw 117 * Anderson, Edgar A. , '82, Austin, Texas Anderson, Fannie Parker, '99, B. S. Upper Iowa University Oelwein, Iowa Anderson, James, '80, B.S., College Springs, deceased Anderson, JohnE., '76, B.Ph. , '72, Editor, Forest City, Iowa Anderson, Joseph Robert, '99, 463 Arcade Bldg. , lawyer Seattle, Wash. Anderson, Oscar Cornelius, '96, B.Ph. '95, Anderson & Keefe, attorneys, West Point, Neb. * Anderson, Oscar Elwood, '00, lawyer Decatur, Neb. Anderson, Robinson Gregg, '99, B. S. , '98, lawyer Postville, Iowa * Anderson, Theodore, '98, B.Ph., '98, lawyer, Everett, Wash. Anderson, Walter Lincoln, '91, B.Ph. '89, 404 Richards Block, Lincoln, Neb. Anderson, Will, '81, Treasurer, Morton Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. Clarinda, Iowa Anderson, William B. , '73, B. A. '72, deceased Andrews, Lorenzo F. , '66, Journalist and Asst. Sec. State Board of Health 834 5th St. , Des Moines, Iowa * Andrews, Walter Gates, ' 96, lawyer 119 Burl. St., Burlington, Iowa Andrews, William H. , '80, deceased *Anson, William James, '75, Helena, Mont. Anundsen, Arthur Fernando, '99, lawyer Oklahoma City, Okla. *Appelgate, Anthony M. , '78, Hot Springs, S. D. *Appelgate, Charles Robert, '79, Colridge, Neb. Armentrout, Dallas, '77, Pascal & Armentrout, Attorneys Dewitt, Iowa * Arnold, Edwin H., '90, South Engelwood, 111. Arnold, Henry F. , '84, B.A. '81, M.A. '84, lawyer Manchester, Iowa * Arnold, Isaac W. , '84, Minneapolis, Minn. Arp, Henry August, '96, Arp & North, Attorneys 2nd St. , Davenport, Iowa Artherholt, Luther Garfield, '03, lawyer Ruthven, Iowa Artherholt, Wade W. , '92, lawyer Primghar, Iowa Arthur, John G., '87, lawyer, 407 Paxton Blk. , Omaha, Neb. Arthur, Thomas, '81, lawyer Logan, Iowa Artz, Henry H. , '81, 118 ALUMNI REGISTER Ascherman, Henry H. , '75, la\^yer Davenport, Iowa Ashcraft, Adolphus Mosseau, '97, lawyer Sigourney, Iowa Ashcraft, Ida Jessup, '97, Sigourney, Iowa Ashe, Thomas Gregory, '98, Port Arthur, Texas Askwith, Abner William, '81, With Wright & Baldwin Council Bluffs, Iowa Aslakson, Peter S. , '78, lawyer, city attorney Cannon Falls, Minn. Aten, Aaron Kimball, Jr., '94, Chariton, Iowa * Atkinson, William A. , '93, Hampton, Iowa Austin, Michael, '74, B.A. '71, Iowa College, West Pullman, Chicago, 111. Ayer, Richard L- , '80, B. vS. , '79, Lebanon, Lebanon, Ohio Babb, Henry W., '74, deceased Badgerow, Egbert M. , '95, Assistant General Attorney, Cudahy Packing Co. Omaha, Neb. Baer, Bernice Worth, '00, B. D. Southern Iowa Normal, Lawyer W^oonsocket, S. D. Bagley, Charles, '81, lavvyer Audubon, Iowa Bailey, Bert Stanley, '95, B. S. '95, lawyer Marion, Iowa * Bailey, Charles F. , '81, Redlands, Calif. * Bailey, David, '74, B.A. '71, Lebanon College Ashland, Ohio Bailey, John Francis, '96, Bailey, Milner B. , '77, lawyer Dunlap, Iowa Bailey, Ralph Foster, '96, ranchman Evanston, Wyoming Bailey, William Henry, '75, B.Ph. , '73, Univ. of Wis. Law^-er, 402 Youngerman Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Bailey, William H. , '81, lawyer, Bailey & Murphy Iowa City, Iowa Bailey, Zenas F. , '66, deceased Bain, James H. , '73, lawyer Glenns Falls, N. Y. *Baird, Henry T. , '92, Malvern, Iowa Baker, Benjamin S. , '74, B. D. '71, Judge Supreme Court Albuquerque, N. M. * Baker, David Grant, '92, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Baker, Ernest F. , '91, lawyer Boone, Iowa Baker, E. Warren, '70, Portland, Ore. Baker, George B., '99 Baker, Henry C. , '92, Care of Inter-Ocean, Chicago, 111. Baker, Horace William, '00, la\\yer Wapello, Iowa COIvIvEGB OF IvAW 119 Baker, Irving Wesley, '98, B.Ph. '97, lawyer 1119-20 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. Baker, James A. , '92, B.S. , Iowa Agricultural College, lawyer 220 Walnut St. , Des Moines, Iowa * Baker, Jesse Clark, Jr., '98, Lucas, Iowa * Baker, Sethis, '70, Bellevue, Iowa * Baker, Virgil G. , '80, Chariton, Iowa *Bakewell, Samuel H. , '79, Plankinton, S. D. Baldwin, Charles R. , '72, lawyer 229 12th vSt. , Salt Ivake City, Utah * Baldwin, Fred B. , '84, Spokane, Wash. Baldwin, John N. , '77, lawyer Law Dept. U. P. R. R. , Omaha, Neb. Baldwin, Robert R. , '84, lawyer, 92 Dearborn St. , Chicago, 111. Baldwin, William W. , '67, B.A. '66, Attorney for C. B. & Q. R. R., 501 N. 6th vSt. , Burlington, Iowa Bale, William George, '92, B.A. Iowa Coll., deceased Ball, Geo. W. , '70, Baker & Ball, attorneys 429 Clinton St. , Iowa City, Iowa Ball, George Washington, Jr., '03, B.Ph., '01, With Baker & Ball Iowa City, Iowa Ball, William C. , '69, lawyer Fairfield, Iowa Balle, Julius Edgar, '99, B.Ph. '99, merchant, Denison, Iowa Ballon, Benning Edward, '01, clerk of district court Cherokee, Iowa Balluff, Walter Martin, '01, lawyer 416 W. 16th St. , Davenport, Iowa Bannister, Robert James, '03, B.Ph., '01, Ivawyer, Crockett, Gillespie & Bannister Des Moines, Iowa- Barclay, James T. , '71, lawyer Des Moines, Iowa Barker, Arthur James, '01, B.Ph. '97, lawyer Cresco, Iowa Barker, William Lloyd, '99, Ph.B. '98, lawyer, Cresco, Iowa *Barner, Fred Irwin, "99, B. D. , Iowa State Normal, deceased * Barnes, George B. , '87, Rushville, 111. Barnes, William H. , '82, lawyer Northwood, Iowa Barnhart, H. Franklin, '84, county attorney Pierce, Neb. Barrett, John W. , '96, * Barrett, Michael Lewis, '94, B.D. Highland Park Nor., Dunlap, Iowa 120 ALUMNI REGISTER * Barrett, Will Louis, '98, Barry, Simon W. , '93, lawyer *Barthell, George, '79, Barthell, Howard Frank F. , '93, lawyer Bartlett, Ansyl L. , '90, lawyer *Bartlett, Edward W. , '88, Bartlett, Herbert Gallup, '01, lawyer *Bassett, Thomas W. , '80, Bates, Franklin Freeman, '97, Iv.L.M. , Bates, William Earl, '96, lawyer 311 Sykes Blk., Bander, Alpheus Germaine, '00, B. S. Herrick & Bander, attorneys Bawden, George W. , '80, lawyer Bawden, Stephen Phelps, '98, lawyer 220 Maine St. Waterloo, Iowa Klondyke, Alaska St. Paul, Minn. Decorah, Iowa Story City, Iowa Le Grande, Ore. Osage, Iowa Aledo, 111. U. of M. 97 Minneapolis, Minn. Northern Ind. Nor. , Monticello, Iowa Davenport, Iowa Davenport, Iowa Baxter, Chauncy L. , '85, lawyer Baxter, Delos Wirick, '81, lawyer Fergus Falls, Minn. Rochelle, 111. Bayless, William H. , '77, B.A. '74, La Fayette Coll., lawyer Baltimore, Md. '67, capitalist Chicago, 111. '97, lawyer Carroll, Iowa lawyer, 537 Main St. , Evanston, Wyo. 98, state manager Phoenix Life Ins. Co. Mt. Ayr, Iowa Becker, Waldo, '91, lawyer, 111 Maine St., Davenport, Iowa Beckman, Stephen Joseph, '01, lawyer Burlington, Iowa Baylies, Ripley N. , Beach, Arthur Earle, Beard, Cyrus S. , '74, Beard, Henry Clay, ' *Beeler, Abraham L. , '90, Beels, George N. , '75, 436 S. 5th St. author Beem, John C. , '82, lawyer Beem, Joseph T. , '75, lawyer *Behrens, Fred Ernst, '93, *Beisigel, George, '78, Bell, James H. , '80, deceased *Bell, Ralph D. , '82, Belsheim, GuUik Henry, '99, lawyer *Bemis, Arthur R. , '86, *Bemis, Frederick W., '81, Bender, David Wilson, '01, Bender John O. , '94 Minnneapolis, Minn, metaphysician and Norfolk, Neb. What Cheer, Iowa Marengo, Iowa Preston, Iowa Dickinson, N. D. Gertrude, Texas Forest City, Iowa Independence, Iowa Hayes City, Kan. Oakland, Iowa COIvLKGE) OF IvAW 121 Benedict, Bdmond H. , '82, lawyer O'Neill, Neb. Bennett, Fred. A., '87, banker Sioux City, Iowa Benton, Frederick B. , '73, lawyer Chicago, 111. Bereman, Harold Armstrong, '84, Editor Colman's Rural World 214 Chemical Building, vSt. lyouis, Mo. Berger, Charles A. , '73, deceased *Bergland, Engbret, '93 Delano, Iowa * Berlin, Allen P., '80, CE. '76 I^aFayette College, Berry, Christopher A., '79, Berry & Berry, attorneys Casey, Iowa * Berry, EdmundC. , '01 Ivivermore, Iowa Berry, Brnest James, '99 Titonka, Iowa Berry, James G. , '80, deceased * Berry, John A., '93, Carroll, Neb. Berryhill, James G. , '76, B.Ph. '73 Berryhill & Henry, attorneys Pleasant St. , Des Moines, Iowa Bevan, Sargent, '96, ranchman Highmore, S. D. Bevington, Thomas F. , '86, B.S. , Iowa Agri. Coll., lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Bicksler, W. Scott, '83, Bicksler, Mclyean & Bennett, Attys. Equitable Bldg. , Denver, Colo. Biernatzki, Albert C. , '84, lawyer Salem, S. D. Biggs, Edward C. , '88, deceased Bigler, Wellington W. , '80 Billingsley, Lorenzo W. , '69 Lamb, Billingsley & Lamberson, Attorneys Lincoln, Neb. Billingsley, Ray, '79, B. Ph. '77 Santa Anna, Calif. Bingham, Charles W. , '83, B.A. Penn Coll., lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa Birdsall, Maurice Frederick, '00, lawyer Clarion, Iowa Birdsall, Raymond W. , '88, banker Dows, Iowa Birdsall, Willis Nathaniel, '95, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Birdseye, L. J., '87, lawyer, 917 Ind. Ave., Spokane Wash. Birss, George Alexander, '03, lawyer Fayette, Iowb Slatington, Penn. * Bishop, George S. , '72 Indianola, Neb. Bittle, Thomas Washington, '00, B.A. , Cornell Col., lawyer Manilla, Iowa Bixby, John W. , '75, lawyer Corning, Iowa 122 ALUMNI REGISTER Blackburn, Newman Arthur, '01, lawyer Cresco, Iowa Blackwell, Warren S. , '86, real estate 3618 Farnum, Omah^, Neb. * Blair, PVed Bloomer, '93 Manchester, Iowa Blake, Eugene L. , '86, lawyer, 822 25th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Blake, Fred J., '88, lawyer and real estate. Ft. Dodge, Iowa Blake, Melville E. , '76, deceased Blake, William E. , '69, B.A. '68, Monmouth Col., law^yer Burlington, Iowa *Blakely, Ira Thomas, '00 Hope, N. D. Blanchard, Emir E. , '01, B.Pb., Farmington Col., lawyer Montezuma, Iowa Blim, John, '92 *Bliven, George Horace, '98 Sioux City, Iowa Bloch, Joseph C. , '79, lawyer and former member of legisla- ture 53 Spangler Ave. , Cleveland, Ohio Block, Ivouis, '93, law^yer, 213 Main St. Davenport, Iowa Blood, Henry Silvius, '93, C.E. '90, lavi^er Greene, Iowa * Bloom, Robert J. W. , '85 , Texas Boardman, Homer Norman, '00, lawyer O'Keene, Okla. Bock, Wm. James, '03, law^yer Lake Park, low^a Boies, Herbert B. , '91, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Boies, William D. , '80, district judge Sheldon, Iowa Bollinger, James W. , '89, B.A. '88, M.A. '93, district judge Davenport, Iowa Bolton, Ralph P,, '92 Des Moines, Iowa Boltz, Thomas J., '75, lawyer Prescott, Ariz. Bonar, Jesse Lee, '94, B.A. '93, lawyer Algona, Iowa Bond, F. Hamilton, '95, lawyer Fonda, Iowa *Bonfield, Thomas E. , '80 Huron, S. D. Bonham, Elisha C. , '80, B.S. Abingdon Coll. 111., deceased Bonson, Robert, '90, lawyer Dubuque, Iowa Bopp, Jacob W. , '83, real estate and law. West Union, Iowa Bordner, Richard L. , '03, lawyer, Jesup, Iowa Borman, August Henry, '00, lawyer Guttenberg, Iowa Borton, Eugene H. , '80, lawyer Neosho, Mo. Bossert, Burt Ellis, '01, lawyer Jefferson, Iowa Boudinot, Howard S. , '89, lawyer 214^ Brady St., Davenport, Iowa *Bouma, Milton Samuel, '97 Killduf, Iowa COLIvEGK OF LAW 123 Bourne, Edgar A. ,'83, law, real estate, Bowen, Charles Edgar, '01, lawyer Bowen, Edward E. , '92,. lawyer, Bowie, Archie G. , '00 *Boyer, Howard James, '94 Boylen, John F, , '82, deceased Boynton, PVederick L. , '83, lawyer Bradley, Charles Clark, '01, B.A. '99, Brady, Thomas Edmund, '97, lawyer * Brady, William E. , '87 *Branjord, Berent Marlins, '00 Branson, J. A., '80, deceased Brant, Melbon, Roscoe, '00 Brayton, Emma Iv. , '83, B.A. Lenox Col and Red Polled cattle Comanche, Okla. Cedar Falls, Iowa Portland, Oregon Red Oak, Iowa Kingfisher, Okla. lawyer Council Bluffs, Iowa Dunlap, Iowa Rowley, Iowa Randall, Iowa * Breeze, Lemuel L. , '78 Bremner, William Hepburn, City solicitor Brewster, George Farquar, " Briggs, Iowa Utah lawyer, Delhi Salt Lake City 95, B.S. in CE. '91, 906 3rd St. , Des Moines, Iowa I, lawyer Sheldon, Iowa member of 23rd and 24th Carson, Iowa Riley W. , '79, lawyer general assemblies *Britton, George Crawford, '81 408-9 Berlin Bldg. , Tacoma, Wash. Britton, James, '73 Paw Paw, 111. Broadstreet, Calvin, '78, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Brockway, Earl Bailey, '97, B.A. '96, legal editor. West Publishing Co. *Bronner, George Alois, '98 * Brooks, John W.,'82, Brous, Albert H. , '91, lawyer Brown, Alva F. , '82, lawyer Brown, Arnold Elmer, '01; lawyer Brown, Cassius M. , '71, lawyer Brown, Charles David, '96, law and Brown, Charles M. , '77, B.S. '75, Brown, Clarence Joseph, '96 Brown, Edwin Keech, '04, lawyer St. Paul, Minn. Corning, Iowa Ellsworth, Kans. Prairie City, Iowa Newton, Iowa Osage, Iowa Sigourney, Iowa insurance, Atlantic, Iowa Cornell Coll. , lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 124 AIvUMNI REGISTER Brown, Homer Arnold, '90, lawyer Forest City, Iowa Brow^n, James, '84, lawyer Chamberlain, S. D. * Brown, John J. , '97 Hanoverton, Ohio * Brown, John W. , '68 Warrensburg, Mo. Brown, Joseph A., '84, B.A. Butler University, lawyer Pontiac, 111. Brown, Joseph Franklin, '81, deceased Brown, Lafayette, '74, lawyer Missouri Valley, Iowa Brown, Leighton E. , '84, bank cashier Marengo, Iowa Brown, Lewis C. , '77 Brown, Marcy Kent, '80, L. '82, U. of M., lawyer 25th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. Brown, Richard, '95, B. S. Lombard University, lawyer Creston, Iowa Brown, Roy Chase, '01 Muscatine, Iowa Brown, Samuel Joe, '01, B.A. '98, M.A. '02 Woodson & Brown Des Moines, Iowa * Brown, Zachary T. , '75 Lafayette, 111. Browne, Jefferson B., '80, lawyer, Ch. State R. R. Com. Key West, Florida Bruce, James, '98, lawyer Rolfe, Iowa Bruce, James E. , '81, lawyer Anita, Iowa Bruce, Robert, '97, lawyer Rolfe. Iowa *Bruchart, Daniel W. , '72 St. Cloud, Minn. Bruff, James B. , '81, B.A. '76, Mt. Union Coll., lawyer Atlantic, Iowa Brunn, Charles Analthus, '95, lawyer 201 E. 31st St. , Kansas City, Mo. Brunn, William Henry, '96, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa. Buchanan, Robert W. , '74, deceased Buckles, R. F. '80, lawyer, county attorney and mayor Hiawatha, Kan. *Bullard, George A., '79 LaCrosse, Wis, Bulman, Walter Washington, '99, lawyer Waukon, Wis. Burgess, Albert Walter, '96, lawyer Onawa, Iowa Burk, William D. , '78, Carskaden & Burk, Attorneys Muscatine, Iowa Burke, John R. , '86, lawyer, judge county court and senator Devils Lake, N. D. * Burleigh, Andrew F., '77 Seattle, Wash. COIvLEGK OF hA.W 125 Burling, Charles Glenn, '97, B.Ph. '96, lawyer Clarksville, Iowa Burling, Frederick S. , '72, lawyer Postville, Iowa Burnet, William B. , '79, lawyer and ex-U. S. Attorney, S. Dist. Ohio 170 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Burnett, George Ritter, '04, B. S. '04, West Point 1880 Colonel U. S. Cavalry, retired low^a City, Iowa *Burnham, Walter R. , '92 Marysville, Mont. Burns, John F. , '87, deceased Burnstedt, John Edward, (Johnson, John Edward) '00 Burr, Porter W., '73, B. S. '72, Griswold Coll., lawyer Charles City, Iowa *Burrell, Walter C. , '97 Oskaloosa, Iowa Burrus, James Harvey, '04, B.A. '01, lawyer Iowa City, Iowa Burt, Alfred James, '00, B.Ph. '99, lawyer Emmetsburg, Iowa *Burt, Leroy Joshua, '93 Elizabethtown, New Mexico * Burton, Albert Johnson, '01 Atlantic, Iowa Burton, Asa H. , '85, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Burton, Charles Herbert, '95, CE. '89 St. Louis, Mo. * Busby, Homer Ernest, '96 Fort Dodge, Iowa Bush, Arthur Gladstone, '95, lawyer 18 Masonic Temple, Davenport, Iowa *Bushyager, Henry B. , '98 Sheffield, Iowa Bussey, Plumer F. , '81 Blunt, S. D. * Butler, Frank S. , '86, deceased Butler, Ivindley S. , '69, lawyer Forest City, Iowa Butterfield, Mark John, '96, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Butterfield, Marshall, '83 Tipton, Inwa Butterfield, William Henry, '96, lawyer Washington, Iowa Byers, Frank Crockett, '04, lawyer Alden, Iowa Byington, Otto A., '81, B.Ph. '80, M.A. '89, district judge Iowa City, Iowa Byington, Robert W. , '77, B.Ph. '76, deceased Byington, Walter W. , '82, B.Ph. '80, Cedar Valley Sem. Byrnes, James, '00, lawyer Waukon, Iowa Caesar, Porter T. , '83, lawyer Guthrie, Okla. Caldwell, John R. , '84, lawyer Toledo, Iowa Calhoun, Julian Cassius, '93, lawyer Keosauqua, Iowa Calkins, Clarence B. , '91, lawyer Stevensville, Mont. 126 ALUMNI REGISTER Calkins, Guy Smith, '03, lawyer Iowa City, Iowa Call, Joseph Harry, '79 Sioux City, Iowa Callender, Darius F. , '71, lawyer Des Moines, Iowa Callender, Lewis B. , '82, lawyer Good Block, Des Moines, Iowa Cameron, J. Grant, '90, deceased *Camp, Curtis Byron, '97 Keokuk, Iowa * Campbell, Alvah Ellsworth, '72 Chicago, 111. Campbell, Charles E. , '84, secretary Merchants & Bankers Fire Ins. Co. , 610 Crocker Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa * Campbell, Clinton, '80 Lake Chelan, Wash. * Campbell, Elmore P., '79, B.S. '76, Iowa Wes. University Sioux City, Iowa * Campbell, George B. , '88 Denver, Colo. * Campbell, James B. , '74 Good Hope, 111. Campbell, John, '79, B.A. '77, M.A. '82, justice of supreme court of Colorado Denver, Colo. Campbell, Joseph, '97, lawyer Charles City, Iowa Campbell, Oscar L. , '92 St. Louis, Mo. Campbell, William H. , '96, 211 Maine St., Davenport, Iowa Cardell, Walter W. , '82, lawyer and county attorney Perry, Iowa Carlos, Michael, '77 Champaign, 111. Carithers, Charles F. H., '83, lawyer Fairburg, 111. * Carlson, Albert Barnt, '99, B.S. Northern Ind. Nor. Canton, S. D. * Carlton, William A., '83 Wagon Mound,^ New Mexico Carney, James L. , '73, B.S. '71, Iowa Coll., lawyer Marshalltown, Iowa Carpenter, Charles x\. , '84, lawyer, Columbus Junction, Iowa Carpenter, James Eltnore, '92, deceased Carpenter, Roy Dowse, '96, lawyer Rock Rapids, Iowa Carr, Edward M. , '72, proprietor Manchester Press Manchester, Iowa Carr, Eugene Emory, '81, lawyer 4225 N. Mullin St. , Tacomah, Wash. Carr, George H. , '77, lawyer Youngerman Building, Des Moines, Iowa Carr, Spencer Howard, '94, lawyer Ireton, Iowa Carroll, Alexander Ernest, '93, lawyer Davenport, Iowa COLIvEGE OF I.AW 127 Carroll, Edward John, '97, lawyer 4 and 5 Whitaker Building, Davenport, Iowa * Carroll, Warren, '88 Port Townsend, Wash- Carroll, William Henry, '94, lawyer Clinton, Iowa Carruthers, J. H. , '79, lawyer Fairbnrg, 111. Carson, John D. , '84 Geneva, Neb. Carter, Albert J. , '88, lawyer Springfield, Vermont Cartwright, Joseph, '81, editor and publisher Garden City, Mc. Case, Oliver C. , '76, McNerney & Case, attorneys Red Cloud, Neb. Cash, James M. , '93, Cash & Coldren, attorneys Iowa City, Iowa Caswell, Charles Clyde, '00, lawyer Marshalltown, Iowa Chamberlain, William M. , '86, lawyer 8 and 10 Dittoe Building, Davenport, Iowa Chambers, David, '82, lawyer Bushnell, 111. Chambers, Hamline J. , '78, B. A. '76, lawyer Council Bluffs, Iowa Chambers, John M. , '83, B. S. Lebanon Coll., lawyer Montague, Tex. Chambers, h. Dyo, '73, deceased Chandler, Joseph R. , '74, deceased Chantland, William T. , '94, B.Ph. '92, lawyer Ft. Dodge, Iowa * Chantry, Alfred, '92 Bedford, Iowa * Chapman, Benjamin H. , '75, B. S. McKendree Coll. Kansas City, Mo. * Chapman, Joseph B. , '78 Fort Scott, Kan. Charles, Frank A., '76 Coon Rapids, Iowa Chatfield, Edward C. , '77, B. S. and C.E. '74, U. of Minn. Lawyer Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn. Chesbro, William Charles, '94 604 Equitable Building, Des Moines, Iowa * Chester, Will Fred. , '92 Des Moines, Iowa Chrisman, Charles Edward, '90, lawyer Ortonville, Minn. Chrisman, William H. , '89, lawyer Mapleton, Iowa * Christy, Edson B., '69 Cohoka, Mo. Clair, William J., '88 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha, Neb. * Claire, Harry, '82 North Bend, Kan. 128 ALUMNI REGISTER Clapp, Lewis W. , '78, B. Ph. '77, lawyer and loans Wichita, Kans. Clark, Alanson, '74, B.A. Dartmouth College, deceased Clark, Alexander, '84, deceased * Clark, Alexander Burtch, '94 Clarinda, Iowa * Clark, Burr Oscar, '92 Scranton, Iowa Clark, Charles C. , '86, B.A. '81. M.A. '84, lawyer Burlington, Iowa Clark, Charles Francis, '94, B.A. Coe Coll., lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa Clark, Charles Warner, '98, B.Ph., Iowa College, lawyer , Montezuma, Iowa Clark, Clarence D. , '74, lawyer U. S. Senator, Evanston, Wyo. Clark, Edward D. , '84, lawyer Valentine, Neb. Clark, Frank W., '90 Everett, W^ash. Clark, G. Alexander, '79 Clark, Harold W., '88, B.Ph. '85, lawyer Aspen, Colo. Clark, Henry G. , '77 Clark, Horace G. , '90, deceased Clark, Isaac M. , '93, deceased Clark, James S. , '69, B.A. '68, M. A. '71, O. Wes. Univ., Pres. Anchor Fire Ins. Co. Des Moines, Iowa Clark, Jesse Wilbur, '00, M.S. Iowa Wes. Univ., attorney with Am. Colortype Co. Montclair, N. J. Clark, Joseph, '72, lawyer Mason City, Iowa Clark, Roy Perry, '00, B. S. Des Moines Coll., lawyer 1520 10th St., Des Moines, Iowa Clarke, George W. , '78, B.A. , Oskaloosa Coll. White & Clark, attorneys Adel, Iowa Claussen, Alfred, '87, deceased Clawson, Leslie E. , '84, lawyer 29 Tompkins St., Battle Creek, Mich. Clayworth, Piercon, '82 Clearman, Lewis Charles Wade, '00 Iowa City, Iowa *Cleaveland, Theodore, '83 Montague, Texas Clegg, Samuel Harvey, '03, deceased Clemans, Hugh H. , '87, B. Ph. and M.A. Cornell Col. lawyer Manchester, Iowa Clemens, William O. , '88, lawyer 1612 B. Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Clements, David W. , '74, lawyer West Union, Iowa COLLEGE OF LAW 129 Clements, Frank H. , '98, B.Ph. Iowa College, lawyer Newton, Iowa Clements. Willard Bartlett, '93, B.Ph. Upper Iowa University County attorney West Union, Iowa Clingman, Stephen, '72, B.S. '70, Cornell Coll. McClond & Clingman, attorneys, David City, Neb. Clinite, Franklin Elmer, '00, lawyer 104 Washington Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa Cloud, Geo. R., '78 Clyde, Jefferson F. , '82, B.Ph., M.A. '81 Judge 12th judicial district *Coad, James Coit, '98 Cobb, Dennis Justus, '98, Cobb, William H. , '86, B.A. '83, B.D. 37 Hill St. , Cochran, Fred. J., '92, lawyer Cochrane, Sanford H. , '74, lawyer Coe, Victor G. , '93, B.Ph. '85, lawyer Cogswell, Frank J., '81 Cohen, Moses Harry, '96, lawyer Cohoon, Cassius, '74, lawyer Colburn, Ernest A., '72, B.D. '70, lawj-er 901-7 Equitable Building, Denver, Colo. * Colburn, Henry Broadley, '97 Dexter, Iowa Coldren, Clymer Abraham, '96, lawyer 201-4 Cooper Bldg. , Denver, Colo. Coldren, Stevens A., '96, Cash & Coldren, Iowa City, Iowa Cole, Eli, Jr., '83, lawyer Bellevue, Iowa Cole, Franklin James, '04, lawyer Mason City, Iowa Cole, Hugh Addison, '82, mfg. of stoves Hinsdale, 111. Cole, Hugh Wallace, '83, lawyer Geneseo, 111. Cole, William W. , '74 Coleman, Samuel H. , '92, deceased Collin, Edwin W. , '69, lawyer Northwood, Iowa Collins, William John, '95, lawyer Clare, Iowa Condon, Maurice Francis, '99, lawyer New Hampton, Iowa Cone, James W. , '73, lawyer Sioux Falls, S. D. * Conine, James W. , '79 Logansport, Ind. Conklin, William F. , '73, corporal Co. F., 18th Inf. U. S. Army Care of Co. F, 18th Inf. Tacoban, Ph. Is. Conn, John T. , '89, lawyer Hartley, Iowa Osage, Iowa Mt. Pleasant, Iowa '85, lawyer San Francisco, Calif. Iowa City, Iowa Logan, Iowa Clinton, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Emmetsburg, Iowa 130 AIvUMMI REGISTER Connell, Daniel, '80 deceased Conner, J. Perr}-, '73, lawyer and member of Congress Denison, Iowa Conniff, Thomas H. , Jr., '80, lawyer Pierre, S. D. * Conner, John C. , '80 Albany, N. Y. Connelly, William A., '82, lawyer 2, 4, 6 Clapp Block, Des Moines, Iowa Converse, Charles H. , '84, lawyer 444 17th Ave. North, Seattle, Wash. Cook, Amos Edward, '81, lawyer Malvern, Iowa *Cook, Edward N., '80 Geneseo, 111. Cook, Eli U. , '76, deceased Cook, Jay, '91, lawyer Oelwein, Iowa Cook, Reuel Bridge, '90, B. A. Griswold College, lawyer Davenport, Iowa Cook, Roy Arthur, '04, B.A. '01, lawyer. Independence, Iowa * Cooper, A. G. , '77 Beardstown, 111. Cooper, Charles Thomas, '94, lawyer Dittoe Building Davenport, Iowa Cooper, Paul Fenimore, '97 Corbett, Edward Maloney, '96, lawyer 711 14th St., Sioux City, Iowa Corlette, James, '80, lawyer Elkader, Iowa Cornell, George W. , '80, lawyer, county attorney South Auburn, Neb. Corning, Charles A. , '75, deceased Cornish, Albert Judson, '79, district judge Lincoln, Neb. Cornish, Edward J. , '82, B.A. '81, lawyer, assistant city attorney 1404 S. 10th St. , Omaha, Neb. Corrigan, John Louis, '97, lawyer LaConner, Wash. Corry, Edgar Clay, '95, B. S. Iowa Agricultural Coll. ,. lawyer Des Moines, Iowa Cory, Phil. S. ,'92, lawyer, Equitable Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Coskery, John S. , '82, lawyer 508 I. L. and T. Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Coskery, Robert, '82, lawyer, 1307 Center vSt. Des Moines, Iowa Cosson, George W., '98, lawyer Audubon, Iowa Coster, John C. , '94, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Cotant, Charles Thomas, '01, lawyer Algona, Iowa Cotterell, William H. , '82 COIvIvEGK OF I.AW 131 Newton, Fort Dodge, Belle Plaine, Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Coutts, William H. , '79, deceased * Cowley, Fred R. , '82 I,ong Beach, Calif. *Cox, Argus, '82 Mountain Grove, Mo. Cox, Arthur John, '95, B.vS. in B.B. '91, civil engineer and Secretary and treasurer Iowa Eng. Co. , Clinton, Iowa Iowa City Cox, Clifford Vernard, '03, lawyer *Cox, Edwin H. , '72 Cox, lycroy Eldridge, '94, lawyer Coyle, Daniel F. , '81, lawyer Crandall, S. Ashbell, '78, lawyer 161 Main St lawyer 01, lawyer 1707 Grand Ave. , Davenport, Iowa Crary, Archie West, '04, B.S., '97, Cornell Coll., lawyer Boone, Iowa '00 Lafayette, '97, B.Ph. '95, lawyer Gr Crary, Frederick Willis, '00 '99, lawyer '90, B.A. '85, M.A, Crane, Theodore F. , '73; Crans, Norman Wallace, * Crary, Charles Judson, Crary, Elisha Avery, Jr. Crary, Samuel Delos, Craven, Hermon W. , Humboldt, Iowa Norwich, Conn. Grinnell, Iowa Ind. * Crawford, Charles, ' Crawford, Charles S. , Crawford, Coe I.. '82^ Crawford, John Croft Crawford, Nelson, A. Critchfield, Wilbur F. '82, 3-rundy Center, Iowa Read, Iowa Ute, Iowa L. '90, lawyer Seattle, Wash. Dubuque, Iowa Abilene, Kan. Pierce, S. D. Council Bluffs, Iowa Fullerton, Neb. lawyer lawyer '89' '83, lawyer '83, lawyer Crockett, Frank Walford, '03 Lawyer, Crockett, Gillespie & Bannister State Bank Building, Des Moines 83, clerk supreme court State Capitol, Des Moines James H.^ '91, lawyer Cedar Rapids W. O., '70, pension bureau, legal examiner 621 Seventh St. N. W. , Washington, Crose, James A., '90, B. S. Iowa Coll., lawyer Rock Rapids, Iowa Cross, John Eli, '04, lawyer Ira, Iowa Crockett, John C; Crosby, Crosby, , Iowa , Iowa , Iowa D. C. 132 AIvUMNI REGISTER Crossley, James Judson, '00, B.A. '91, M.A. '97, Ph.D. Yale State senator Wiiiterset, Iowa Crow, Henry Harrison, '82, lawyer Norwalk, Iowa Croy, John T. V., '72 Crum, William E. , '69, lawyer Bedford, Iowa Crum, John Van Fleet, '95, B.Ph. , '94, deceased Crum, William Edward, Jr., '03, lawyer Bedford, Iowa Cuba, Frank, '91, lawyer Schuyler, Neb. *Culligan, John, '92 Maurice, Iowa Cunningham, Matthew Charles, '96, B.A. '93, lawyer Highmore, S. D. Curry, Edgar W. , '69, deceased Curry, J. M. , '82, lawyer Pender, Neb. Curtis, Charles H. , '82, cashier Osage City, Kan. Curtiss, Frederick Morgan, '96, lawyer Algona, Iowa Cutler, John A., '80, manufacturer Osage, Iowa Cutler, John A., '83, B.S., '81, Cedar Valley Sem. , lawyer Osage, Iowa Cutting, Elmer Walter, '96, lawyer Decorah, Iowa Daggett, Isaac W. , '75, retired 209 Perry St., Sioux City, Iowa Dahms, Edward John, '01, lawyer Davenport, Iowa Dale, Robert F. , '78, lawyer Boone, Iowa *Dalrymple, Charles R. , '80 Cambridge, 111. *Dana, Frank, '76, Cheyenne, Wyoming Dane, Harry H. , '84, B.S. , '78, Cedar Valley Seminary Clerk U. S. Dept. of Commerce and I^abor Washington, D. C. Danforth, Frederick C. , '75, banker Parker, vS. D. Daniger, Henry Mathew, '97 Danskin, James H. , '84, B.A. '83 and M.A. '84 Parsons College, lawyer Jacksonville, 111. Darling, Douglass J. , '79 Dauni, Philip Hugh, '01, lawyer Davenport, Iowa Davenport, James W. , '86, B.S. Iowa Wesleyan College Davidson, Hamilton, '74, lawyer Estherville, Iowa Davies, Edward Patrick, '01, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Davies, John A., '85, B.S. Cornell College, lawyer First National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. Davis, Frank T., '01, lawyer Mt. Vernon, Iowa Davis, Guiletti Gervaise, '92, farmer Riceville, Iowa coIvIvKge: of IvAw 133 * Davis, Isaac Morgan, '76 Crawfordsville, Ind. Davis, Josiah W. , '69, deceased Davis, Thomas, '86, lawyer Central City, Iowa Davis, Walter Morton, '98, B.Ph. '95 Dutcher & Davis, attorneys Iowa City, Iowa Dawson, Carl B- , '93, lawyer Grinnell, Iowa Dawson, George W. , '87, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Day, Charles Iv. , '79, B. A. '77, Dartmouth Coll., deceased Day, Curtis L. , '83, B. A. '81, lawyer Omaha, Neb. Day, George A., '83, B.A. '82, Tabor Coll., district judge Omaha, Neb. Dayton, Charles Houghton, '01, B.S. '82, M.A. '85 Real estate Iowa City, Iowa Dean, Ezra Carter, '79, Dean & Palmer, attorneys 145 Woodlawn Ave., Fairmount, Minn. Dean, James T. , '77, farmer R.D. No. 2, Ottosen, Iowa Decker, Samuel, '78, lawyer Chandler, Okla. Deemer, Horace B. , '79, justice state supreme court Red Oak, Iowa Delahoyde, John, '72 Delavan, George Bdwin, '03, la\vyer Los Angeles, Col. De Land, James, '87, lawyer Storm Lake, Iowa Denkman, Fred, '80, B.A.,'78, lumberman, Rock Island, 111. Denman, Ashel Holmes, '85, B.Ph. Northwestern University Lawyer Tacomah, Wash. Dennis, Arthur U. , '01, lawyer Tacoma, Wash. Dennis, Leander C. , '81 Dennis, William, '01, lawyer Onawa, Iowa * Denny, Hiram F. , '80 Augusta, 111. De Sellem, George, '77, secretary The Best Oil Co. Joplin, Mo. Devitt, James Arthur, '97, lawyer Oskaloosa, Iowa Devitt, John F. , '91, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa DeVore, George W. , '80, B.A., Lebanon Coll., deceased Deweese, Joel W. , '68 Marquette & Deweese, Attorneys Lincoln, Neb. Dewell, James S. , '83, B. S. , '81, Iowa Agri. Coll., lawyer Missouri Valley, Iowa Dewey, Charles Almon, '01, lawyer Washington, Iowa Dewey, Walter Hamilton, '95, editor and publisher Chariton, Iowa 134 AI.UMNI REGISTER De Wolfe, Sherman Williams, '95, lawyer and mayor Reinbeck, Iowa Diamond, Tobias Ellsworth, '04, lawyer Orange City, Iowa Dickinson, George W. , '88, lawyer Jesup, Iowa Dickinson, Lester Jesse, '99, B. S. , Cornell Coll., lawyer Algona, Iowa Dickinson, Alfred Dustin, '94 *Dilatush, Walter S. , '79, B, A. '77, Lebanon College Lebanon, Ohio Dilley, Wesley Young, '99, B.Ph., Cornell College Bank cashier Oklemah, Okla. *Dillin, Charles R. , '78 Marengo, Iowa Dillon, Hiram Price, '75 Williams & Dillon, Attorneys 919 Harrison St. , Topeka, Kan. *Dillon, Wesley K., '90 Aurora, 111. Ditzen, Henry Edward Carl, '97, B.Ph., '95, lawyer 401 W. 2nd St., Davenport, Iowa Dobson, George L. , '78, lawyer 1716 9th St., Des Moines, Iowa Dodge, Charles J,, '75, B. A. '74, Notre Dame, deceased Dodge, Frank L. , '77, lawyer Davenport, Iowa Dodge, William Wallace, '76, B.S!, '74, Notre Dame County Attorney Burlington, Iowa *Doe, Edward Madison, '71, B.S., '70, lawyer Fort Worth, Texas Dolan, Charles, '95, M.A. , Colgate University, lawyer Charles City, Iowa Donahoe, Francis J., '91, hotel keeper Sioux City, Iowa Donegan, Maurice Francis, '01, M.A., Creighton University, Ph.D., Georgetown Universit}^ lawyer Davenport, Iowa Donnan, James B. , '68, Donnan Bros., attorneys Independence, Iowa * Donahoe, Thomas A. , '94 Sigourney, Iowa Donovan, Michael W. , '80 Iowa City, Iowa Dorn, Clinton R. , '93, 75-79 Clapp's Blk. , lawyer Des Moines, Iowa Doran, James H. , '87, lawyer and banker Eden Valley, Minn. *Dorland, Chester P., '79 Los Angeles, Calif. COLIvEGB OF IvAW 135 Borland, Henry Howard, '97, lawyer Lake Mills, Iowa Doty, Charles W. , '78, lawyer Atalissa, Iowa Dougherty, Thomas McGarvey, '92 Iowa City, Iowa Douglass, Isaac W. , '90 Dower, James M. , '93, B. vS. , N. Ind. Nor. School, lawyer Williamsburg, Iowa Downing, Harold Bliss, '01, lawyer 4449 Evans Ave. , Chicago, 111. Downing, William Henry, '00, lawyer Primghar, Iowa * Doyle, Terrence F. , '78 Muscatine, Iowa Doze,. John C. , '71 Drahos, Vincel, '84, lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa Drake, BH W. , '83, lawyer Wakefield, Iowa Drake, Fred Collins, '03, B. Ph. '01, secretary to the president State University Iowa City, Iowa Draper, Charles E. V., '81, furniture dealer, Mandan, N. D. * Draper, Phineas H. , '91, lawyer Springfield, Colo. Draper, William Horace, '98, lawyer Conrad, Iowa * Dressier, Henry, '82 Pelican Rapids, 'Minn. Drew, William D. , '92, B. S. '89, professor of law, Illinois State University Urbana, 111. *Duffey, Samuel S. , '74 Catasaqua, Penn. Duffield, Frank A., '78 Bloomfield, Iowa * Duncan, James Francis, '79 Capay, Calif. Dunham, George W., '79, Sanborn & Dunham, attorneys Manchester, Iowa Dunham, Ralph Abner, '04, lawyer Manchester, Iowa Dunlap, Ralph Luther, '98, lumberman Iowa City, Iowa *Dunnan, John H. , '92 Clinton, Iowa *Du Pont, J. P. Augustus, '77 Du Pont, Georgia^ *Durbin, Fred, '98 Wayne, Neb. Durham, George A. , '74, deceased Dutcher, Charles Mackay, '94, Dutcher & Davis, attorneys Iowa City, Iowa *Dworack, Franklin N. , '83 West Point, Neb. Dye, Charles Henry, '89, M.A. Oberlin College, lawyer Oregon City, Oregon Dyke, Harry Northup, '96, lawyer Imperial, Calif. Dykins, Charles W. , '98, lawyer West Union, Iowa *Barhart, William L, '82, lawyer 584 Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111. 136 AiyUMNi re:giste:r * Early, John B. , '80 Phoenix, Ariz. Kasterday, Charles Milton, '79, lawyer Tacomah, Wash. *BatDn, Clinton D., '78 Wilton, Iowa Baton, Willard L. , '72, lawyer Osage low^a Eaton, William, '74, lawyer Sidney, Iowa Eby, Moray Iv. , '01, B. S, '99, mail clerk, West Liberty, Iowa Edelstein, John Francis, '97, lawyer LeMars, Iowa Edgar, Edmund B., '84, B.S. '82, Tabor College Edmonds, Emmet E. , '87, lawyer Denver, Col. Edmonds, Milton LeRoy, '81, lawyer Spencer, Iowa Edmundson, David G. , '75, B.A. '73, Iowa College, lawyer 1314 Pleasant, Des Moines, Iowa Edson, John Truman, '99, banker vShaller, low^a Edson, Willis Charles, '01, B.S. Iowa State College Edson & Moulton, attorneys Storm Lake, Iowa Edwards, Ayers M. , '84, M.A. '80, Bowdoin College Edwards, Charles Albert, '80, B.S. '77, N. H. Agri. Coll. deceased Edwards, Joe A. , '73, deceased Edwards, John N. , '73, deceased Edwards, Millard F. , '84, B.E. , '82, Central Normal, Penn Lawyer Parkersburg, Iowa * Edwin, Moung, '79, M.A. '78, Columbian University Washington, D. C. , Bassein, Bur. Egan George William, '01, B.A. '00, M.A. '04 Cochran & Egan, attorneys Logan, Iowa *Egeberg, Hildus, '93, B.S. South Dakota Agricultural Coll. Brookings, S. D. Eggert, Carl A., '89, M.A. Princeton, Ph. D. Heidelberg Chicago, 111. Eggert, Robert, '77, lawyer Charles City, Iowa Ehret, Edward Elmer, '96, postal clerk Tama, low^a Eicke, Nathaniel M. '83, druggist Scranton, Penn. Elgin, Charles Henry, '00, lawyer Centerville, Iowa * Elliott, Alvin, '75 Danville, Iowa Elliott, Charles B. , '81 2734 Portland Ave. , Minneapolis, Minn. Judge district court, professor of law U. of M. Elliott, Clarence D. , '90, state deputy, head council M.W. A. 403 New York Building, Seattle, Wash. Elliott, Jay Edward, '01, lawyer Rock Island, 111. COLLEGK OF LAW 137 Elliott, Lloyd Leroy, '94, Manager Merchants Trust Co. Los Angeles, Calif. * Ellis, John Thomas, '77 Vevay, Ind. Ellis, Smith Morgan, '75, Ellis and Herron San Antonio, Tex. Ellis, William R. , '74, circuit judge, ex-member of congress 315 Lewis St., Pendleton, Oregon Ellison, Benjamin B. , '74, lawyer Atwood, Kan. Elmer, Walter D. , '83, B.S, '82 Griswold College Elwell, Joseph C. , '72, district judge Pueblo, Col. El wood, Milton S. , '73, lawyer Sac City, Iowa Ely, Nathaniel Dana, '95, Ely & Bush 18 Masonic Temple, Davenport, Iowa Emery, Daniel A. , '82, B.A. '81, Highland University Attorney and secretary Bldg. Assoc. Ottumwa, Iowa Emmons, Orrin William, '04, lawyer Iowa City, Iowa Engelke, Charles Rufus, '03, lawyer Huron, S. D. Engle, Bert Jacob, '01, lawyer Newton, Iowa Engleman, John C. , '75, lawyer Manning, Iowa Enlow, James Sullivan, '83, B. Ph. '81, deceased Ensign, Edgar T., '66, lawyer Colorado Springs, Colo. Ercanbrack, Thomas R. , '67, B.A. '58, Wesleyan University deceased Erickson, Christian, '99 Inwood, Iowa Erskine, Harlo L. , '84, note broker, Washington, D. C. Ervin, William A., '73, B.A., Wooster University Kingston, Tenn. *Erwin, Edwin G. , '83 Boone, Iowa Estes, Joel Stollings, '04, B.A. '94, Lincoln Normal College, Lawyer Ethridge, Samuel S. , '66, lawyer 506 Manhattan Bldg. Eustis, Carl, '99, Ph.B. '98, lawyer Evans, Arthur J., '73, Myers & Evans, Evans, David W., '91, B.A. '86, M.A. Evans, Frank F. , '83, lawyer * Evans, George William, '95 Evans, Hiram K. , '86, lawyer Evans, Morris, '93, B.A. '90, lawyer Thurman, Iowa ^. , Des Moines, Iowa Stuart, Iowa Attorneys David City, Neb. '89, lawyer Hampton, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Los Angeles, Calif. Corydon, Iowa Pipestone, '. Minn. 138 AIvUMNI REGISTER Evans, Thaddeus D. , '92, lawyer Marshalltown, Iowa Evans, Thomas J., '88, principal of school Davenport, Iowa Evans, William D. , '79, B.A. , '78, M.A. '90, district judge Hampton, Iowa Evans, William Thomas, '97, B.Ph. '96, Parkersbiirg, Iowa Everett, Charles Ivcviticus, '94, B. S. , N. Iowa Normal deceased Everett, Fred De Muth, '97, lawyer Albia, Iowa Everett, John A., '73, B. S. , '72, Simpson College, lawyer Denver, Colo. Eversmeyer, Frederick William, '98, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Eversmeyer, Louise, '98, lawyer, insurance and loans Muscatine, Iowa Ewing, George Edwards, '91, deceased Ewing, Peter Ballantyne, '97 *Fagan, Augustine M. , '94 Case}^ Iowa Fairchild, Clement W. , '84, lawyer Kingman, Kan. Fairchild, Timothy Marsh, '96, lawyer, county attorney Iowa City, Iowa Fallon, Eloyd William, '95, lawyer, county attorney Eogan, Iowa Faltinson, Kasper, '91, lawyer Armstrong, Iowa Fancher, Charles H. , '85 Fannon, William H. , '76, B.A. , '75, deceased Farber, Edwin N. , '99, lawyer Ivisbon, Iowa *Farlow, Edgar J. , '92 Denver, Colo. Farquar, S. Walter, '03, lawyer Eos Angeles, Calif. Farr, Charles W. , '84, B, S. , Western Normal, lawyer and stockraiser Maquoketa, Iowa Farr, Edgar P., '87, B. S. , Northern Indiana Normal, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Farrell, Patrick, '85, lawyer Le Mars, Iowa * Farrow, Lauren J., '79 Kansas City, Kan. Farwell, Frank Elmer, '96, Hageman & Farwell^ attorneys Waverly, Iowa Farwell, Marcus Z. , '88, B.S., Iowa Agricultural College La Junta, Colo. Fasset, Julius F. , '82, Nowlin & Fassett, Attornej^s Montgomery St., San Francisco, Calif. COIvIvKGB OF IvAW 139 Faville, Fred F. , '91, lawyer Storm I,ake, Iowa *Fay, Gilbert M. , '79, B.S., '77, Cedar Valley Seminary Chadron, Neb. Fee, Thomas Grant, '99, lawyer Centerville, Iowa Feely, Guy Anthony, '01, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Feenan, Fred Kidd, '96, lawyer Marengo, Iowa F'egan, Walter Scott, '75, deceased Fehr, Klmer lyincoln, '99 Fellows, Homer Harrison, '94, B. A. , Iowa Wesleyan, Bonar & Fellows, attorneys, Algona and Bancroft Bancroft, Iowa Fellows, Hubbard F. , '74, lawyer Plankinton, S. D. Felton, Royal Bradley, '01, lawyer Neola, Iowa Ferguson, Arthur N. , '70, judge city courts and state senator 2230 N. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. Ferguson, Harry Jay, '01, B. S. , Cornell College, lawyer Tama, Iowa Ferguson, J. Lee, '81 Ferguson, William K. , '74, deceased Ferson, Merton Iveroy, '01, B. Ph. '00 law librarian, Iowa State University Iowa City, Iowa Ficke, Robert C. , '92, lawyer, 301 W. 3rd St. , Davenport, Iowa Filkins, Douglas C, '80, bank clerk Care of Clark National Bank, Minneapolis, Minn. Fillmore, Charles Wesley, '76, lawyer Winnipeg, Canada Finch, Kdward D. , '88 Finger, Samuel Amandus, '95, lawyer, police magistrate Davenport, Iowa Finkbine, Charles A. ; '77, B. Ph. '75, Wisconsin Lumber Co. 2929 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa Pinkbine, William O. , '80, B. Ph. '78, 2931 Grand Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa Vice President Green Bay Lumber Co. Finn, George L. , '72, lawyer Bedford, Iowa Pinseth, Knut A., '89, B.A. Luther College, lawyer St. Paul, Minn. Fisher, Elmer E. , '82, lawyer Dysart, Iowa Fisher, Herbert S. , '74, lawyer Randolph, Neb. "^Fisher, Jerome H. , '81 Chanute, Kan. 140 AIvUMNI REGISTER Fisher, Lewis W. , '73, B.A. '72, Wisconsin State University Lawyer Davenport, Iowa Fisher, Simon, '92, lawyer, county attorney Rock Rapids, Iowa Fitch, Arthur E. , '83, clerk district court Palmer, Mass Fitzgerald, Harry J. , '85, lawyer Charles City, Iowa Fitzpatrick, Daniel Helen, '04, lawyer Fort Dodge, Iowa Fitzpatrick, Thomas Joseph, '96, B.S. '93, M. S. '95, Iowa City, Iowa Fitzpatrick, Miles Joseph, '03, lawyer Ft. Dodge, Iowa Fletcher, Francis A., '84, United States internal revenue officer 793 Pierre St., San Francisco, Calif. Fletcher, George Howard, '01, B. Ph. '00, lawyer Elkader, Iowa Flickinger, Albert T. , '76, B.Ph. '75, Flickinger Brothers Attorneys Council Bluffs, Iowa Flickinger, Isaac N. , '76, B.Ph. '75, Flickinger Brothers Attorneys Council Bluffs, Iowa Floete, Charles E. , '79, banker and lumber merchant Armour, S. D. Fluent, Amos M. , '77, Kellogg & Fluent, Attorneys Grand Forks, S. D. Flynn, Charles John, '92, B.A. '92, deceased Flynn, James Edward '01 Minburn, Iowa Flynn, Leo James, '99, L. '00, Yale, lawyer 1596 Iowa St. , Dubuque, Iowa Flynn, Sylvester, '95, lawyer Eagle Grove, Iowa Forbes, Pomeroy H., '82, lawyer 625 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kan. Forbes, Wilson M. , '74, B.A, '73, M.A. '76 Real estate and loans Topeka, Kan. Forney, James F. , '79, deceased * Forrest, William T., '82 Olympia, Wash. Fortner, Frank Ellis, '04, lawyer Waverly, Iowa Foster, John W. , '79, Appelgate & Foster, Attorneys Guthrie Center, Iowa Fowler, John Charles, '00, lawyer Keokuk, Iowa * Fowler, John F. , '83 Bird Island, Minn. Fowler, Joseph Byron, '83 St. Paul, Minn. Clerk, regular division, St. Paul post office COIvIvEGE OF LAW 141 Frailey, Joseph Robinson, '00, B.Ph. '99 In employ of A. T. & S. F. Ry. , Wellington, Kan. France, James Clayton, '96, lawyer Tipton, Iowa Frame, John Whitfield, '89, publisher of Record Miner Juneau, Alaska Francis, Leslie Everett, '93, lawyer Spirit Lake, Iowa Frank, Walter Clyde, '01, lawyer Galesburg, 111. Freels, Jesse M. , '74, B.A. '71, Amherst College, lawyer Fast St. Louis,. 111. French, George E. , '82, register United States land office North Platte, Neb. French, Remington Fred., '99, Holman & French, attorneys Independence, Iowa * Friend, Fred. H. , '84, B.C.F. Iowa Agricultural College Albion, Neb. Frizzell. John C. , '77, United States mail service 409 W. 2nd street, Duluth, Minn. Fruit, Henry Dyer, '81, lawyer Lakota, N. D. Fry, Charles S. , '82 *Fry, Joseph Henry, '98 Iowa City, Iowa Fugard, Judson H. , '74, Fugard & Brown, attorneys Newton, Iowa Fullen, Charles Douglas, '80, lawyer Fairfield, Iowa Fuller, Benjamin G. , '94, B.Ph. Des Moines College,' lawyer 1910 7th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Fuller, Frank F. , '82, lawyer Mt. Ayr, Iowa * Fuller, Homer Austin, '98 Mt. Ayr, Iowa Fuller, Levi Harper, '92, B.S. , Upper Iowa University 115 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Fuller, William B. , '70, lawyer, assistant United States attorney general West Union, Iowa * Fulton, Edgar R., '77 Marysville, Kansas Funk, William D., '86 Funson, Hugh M. , '77, Funson & Gifford, attorneys Minneapolis, Minn. Furst, Charles P., '75 Gaash, Matthew, '92, lawyer Minneapolis, Minn. Gable, Lewis Martin, '95, lawyer Wagner, S. D. Gaines, Richard Judson, '96 Gallagher, Charles J., '86 142 AIvUMNI REGISTER Gallagher, William Sherman, '96, C. B. , Cornell College Lawyer Tama, Iowa Gallagher, J. Albert, '84, lawyer Jefferson, Iowa Galligan, Matt. J., '81, lawyer, judge of county court Pueblo, Colo. * Gardiner, Henry C. , '91, B.Ph. '88 Sioux City, Iowa Gardner, Archibald K. , '93, B.A., '92, lawyer Rapid City, S. D. * Gardner, Joseph G. , '86, B.A. , '83, Dartmouth College, Lawyer Burlington, Iowa Garfield, George Selwyn, '80, lawyer Humboldt, Iowa Garrett, Wilber F. , '83 Moulton, Iowa Garretson, Albert H. , '79, lawyer Tacoma, Wash. Garretson, John G. , '74, Garretson & Garretson, attorneys Portland, Oregon Garrison, Edgar Solomon, '95, lawyer Logan, Iowa Gates, Alvin C. , '77, lawyer Newton, Iowa Gay, Frank D. , '78, deceased Gaynor, Francis R. , '77, district judge Le Mars, Iowa Geeseka, Hugh A., '80, farmer Mt. Pleasant, Iowa *Geiger, Jacob Luther, '95 Tipton, Iowa Geiser, Mathias Edgar, '96, lawyer New Hampton, Iowa Genung, Clyde Thompson, '01, lawyer Hastings, Iowa Genung; Norman Setli, '04, lawyer Glen wood, Iowa Gesford, Henry Clay, '81 Getty, George, '79, lawyer and county attorne)'- Syracuse, Kan. Gibbens, Edward E, , '77, lawyer and real estate Perry, Okla. Gibbs, Samuel F. , '78, deceased * Gibson, William R. , '82 Arlington, Colo. Giessler, Henry F. , '80, B.A. , '78, lawyer, Muscatine, Iowa *Giffen, William W. M. , '76 Pawnee City, Neb. Giffen, William D. , '82, B.S., '80, National Normal Univer- sity, lawyer Gothenburg, Neb. Gifford, Elmer Worrall, '79, lawyer Des Moines, Iowa * Gilbert, Hans Andrew, '92, .Huron, S. D. Gilbert, James L, '84, B.A., '83, deceased Gilchrist, Fred C. , '93, B.D. , Iowa State Normal, lawyer Laurens, Iowa Gill, Frank E. , '89, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa COIvIvEGE OF LAW 143 Gillespie, John Leonard, '03, B. vS. in C. E). '99 Crockett, Gillespie & Bannister, attorneys Des Moines, Iowa Gillespie, S. Scott, '82, B.Ph. '78, B.D. '80, M.A. '82 Lawyer Portland, Oregon * Gillette, Charles Austin, '93 Sheridan, Neb. Gilliland, John M. , '73, lawyer Green Bay, Wis, Gillilland, L Shirley, '84, B.Ph., '79, lawyer, Senator, ex-regent S. U. I. Glenwood, low^a Gilmore, Jesse Melford, '01, lawyer Osage, Iowa Gilmore, Merrill Charles, '96, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa *Gilruth, Thomas W. , '69 Kansas City, Mo. Gird, William, '80, deceased *Gjellum, Erik S. , '82,. B.A., '79, Norwegian Lutheran Col- lege Albert Lea, Minn. Glaspell, S. Luther, '74, lawyer Jamestown, N. D. Glass, David H. , '78, Montgomery & Glass, attorneys Rushville, low^a Glass, John D. , '70, Glass & McConlogue, attorneys 318 E. 9th St., Mason City, Iowa Glass, William S. , '79, Glass & Polock, attorneys Marysville, Kan. Gleason, Fred Brockway, '01, with Bell Telephone Co. Davenport, Iowa Glenn, Jacob Frank, '01, lawyer Denison, Iowa * Glenn, William, '88 Ridgeway, Iowa Goddard, Thomas M. , '74, stockraiser Shiloh, S. D. Godfrey, George L. , '66, United States collector for Port of Des Moines 1138 9th St., Des Moines, Iowa Goeldner, Hugo Friedrich, '97, lawyer Sigourney, Iowa Goetz, J. M., '82, lawyer Perham, Minn. *Goff, Edward M. , '81 Kentland, Ind. Good, Benjamin F. , '85, judge district court Wahoo, Neb. Good, Edwin E., '85, lawyer Wahoo, Neb. Goodson, J. Marion, '90, lawyer Dexter, Iowa Goodspeed, Bert Alvin, '96, lawyer Atlantic, Iowa *Gortner, Henry D. , '77 Sigourney, Iowa Graham, Robert Smith, '79, B. S. '76, Westminster College deceased * Graham, TuUey Emerson, '97 Union Mills, Iowa Graham, William Alexander, '97, lawyer, Des Moines, Iowa 144 ALUMNI REGISTER Granger, Rollo Still well, '96 Grant, Franklin Ferdinand, * Grant, John, '96 Grant, Whittaker M. , '73, lawyer lawyer Knoxville, Iowa 01, lawyer Frederick, S. D. Omaha, Neb. Oklahoma City, Okla. Grattan, Paul Hersey, '98, Travelling man Gray, Frank, '83, deceased B.S. Dakota Agricultural College Elkton, S. D. *Gray, Harry Blanchard, '00 Tipton, Iowa *Gray, Henry Mason, '92 Bagley, Iowa Gray, Ross Calhoun, '04, lawyer Rockwell City, Iowa Gray, William Herbert, '76 \ S. D. * Green, Edwin M. , '88 Vancouver, Wash. * Green, George Alfred, '98 Cherokee, Iowa Green, Clement M. , '77, deceased Green, Sturgis H. , '71, lawyer Portland, Oregon Green, Wesley, '75, B.S. '73, Iowa Agricultural College Capitol Building, Des Moines, Iowa Secretary Iowa State Horticultural Society Greer, William A. , '73, la\^'yer 5 Argyle Building, St. Paul, Minn. Gregory, Clayton E. , '79 Griffin, Jacob H. , '80, contractor Salt Eake City, Utah * Griffith, Fred. D. , '84 Keokuk, Iowa Griffith, Scott, '82 Griffiths, Henry H. , '91, lawyer 1322 nth St., , Des Moines, Iowa Griffiths, John Iv. , '75, B.A. '74, lawyer. Indianapolis, Ind. * Grimes, Hanson M. , '77, B.A. '75, Asb ury College, Ind. * Grimm, Clarence E. , '81 Grimm, John M. , '90, B.S. '89 Grimm, Trewin & Moffit, Grimm, Joseph H. , '95, lawyer Grindeland, Andrew, '82, lawyer Griswold, George, '74, B. D. '63, deceased Grosenbaugh,, Carrie, '03, B. Di. and Iv. L. B Highland Park College, lawyer * Groves, George F. , '93 Groves, Mack John, '97, lawyer Grubb, George H. , '84, lawyer Grundy, Alfred, '84, lawyer North Platte, Neb. Newark, N. D. Cedar Rapids, Iowa attorneys Wilbur, Neb. Warren, Minn. '02, Des Moines, Iowa Cherokee, Iowa Estherville, Iowa Kalispell, Mont. Cedar Falls, Iowa COIvIvEGK OF LAW 145 Grulich, Paul, '77, lawyer Burlington, Iowa Gurley, Zenas Robinson, '03, lawyer Armour, S. D. Habegger, J. Arnold, '93, B.D. Pennsylvania State Normal United States quartermaster department Ft. Robinson, Neb. Hackler, Charles Wesley, '99, B.A. Iowa College Lawyer, county attorney Fort Dodge, Iowa Haddock, Mrs. Bmma, '75, B.D. '65 Iowa City, Iowa Haddock, George B., '77, B.D. '70, lawyer. Haddock & Sons Bedford, Iowa Haddock, Paul Stewart, '99, lawyer Bedford, Iowa Haddock, Ross Boyd, '04, lawyer Bedford, Iowa Haddock, William Rush, '95, lawyer, Hager & Haddock Greenfield, Iowa Haden, Charles F. , '86, lawyer Panora, Iowa Hadley, Harry C. , '78, deceased Hadley, Herbert Kdwin, '03, lawyer Nevada, Iowa *Hagander, Oscar William, '00 Keokuk, Iowa *Hagemann, Kdward, Jr., '90 520 Rookery Building, Chicago, 111. Hageman, Frederick Peter, '96, B.Ph. '95 Hageman & Farwell, attorneys Waverly, Iowa * Hager, Alphonso W. , '73 Seattle, Wash. Hager, Alva L. , '75, Hager & Haddock Greenfield, Iowa Hager, Clarence E. , '75, minister Madison, S. D. Haggard, Robert A. , '81, lawyer Waynesborough, Tenn. *Haggerty, Michael G. , '78, B.A. University of Paris Mendota, Minn. Haines, Robert M. , '74, B.A. '65, Iowa College, deceased Haines, Robert Miller, Jr., '96, B.A. '95, Iowa College Lawyer Grinnell, Iowa Plale, William W. , '73, physician 14 Trosky Building, Des Moines, Iowa Hales, John Ross, '88, lawyer Rich Hill, Mo. Hall, Howard Morgan, '01, lawyer Seattle, Wash. Hall, James Clark, '98, lawyer 226^ W. 3rd St. , Davenport, Iowa Hall, James Frank, '99 Albia, Iowa *Hall, James Sinton, '76 Solomon City, Kan. Hall, John A.,- '79, deceased *Hall, Oscar O., '77 Bstherville, Iowa 146 ALUMNI REGISTER Haller, Charles W. , '84, B.A. '83, lawyer Omaha, Neb. Halliday, Charles Burton, '95, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Hallinan, Martin J., '94, lawyer, referee in bankruptcy Bayard, Iowa Halpenny, William Herbert, '96, lawyer Corydon, Iowa Halvorson, Gay, '97, lawyer Hawley, Minn. Ham, William Jasper, '79, B.A. '77, Western College Phillips & Ham, attorneys Toledo, Iowa Hamann, Albert W^illiam, '98, B.A. '97, lawyer Masonic Temple, Davenport, Iowa Hambrecht, Conrad Frederick, '94, B.S. Cedar Valley Seminary, lawyer, county judge IvcRoy, Minn. Hamiel, I. J., '95, lawyer Tipton, Iowa Hamilton, Albert Eugene, '81, lawyer El Dorado, Kan. Hamilton, Alpheus L. , '71, El Dorado, Kan. Lawyer and banker, judge 26th district Hamilton, Charles C, '83, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Hamilton, l')aniel W. , '84, lawyer Sigourney, Iowa Hamilton, James M. , '74, lawyer Salt Lake City, Utah Hamilton, Margaret Irving, '01 Chicago, 111. Hamlin, Clarence Clark, '90, mining insurance Colorado Springs, Colo. Hammel, Melvin A,, '82, B.A. '80, Central University Hammil], John, '97, lawyer Britt, Iowa *Hammon, Victor Orin, '93 Ottawa, 111. Hammond, Frank JSarl, '00, lawyer Hamburg, Iowa Hampson, Frank Christopher, '00, lawyer Osage, Iowa Hamstreet, Oscar D. , '82 Hanchett, Francis G. , '83, B.A. , '82, University of Chicago, assistant United States attorney Aurora, 111. Hand, George W. , '72, deceased Hand, John Pryor, '75, justice of state supreme court Cambridge, 111. Haney, Dick, '74, justice state supreme court, Pierre, S. D. *Hanley, Charles Parmer, '00 Muscatine, Iowa Hanley, James A. , '88, lawyer 16 Whitaker Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Hanley, Joseph Rhodes, '99, minister Sweetland, Iowa * Hanley, Peter Joseph, '98 Nira, lovv'a COIvIvKGK OF IvAW 147 Hanley, Thomas B. , '80, lawyer and regent Iowa State Uni- versity Tipton, Iowa Hanley, William H. , '92, lawyer Corner 7th and Main strees, Dubuque, Iowa *Hanna, Newton, '70 Red Oak, Iowa Hansen, Mrs. Cora H. , '94 Hansell, James W. , '94 Hanson, Harry Webster, '98, B. Ph. '97, lawyer Ivos Angeles, Calif. Hanson, Hubert, '82, probate judge and lawyer St. Cloud, Minn. Hanson, William Patrick, '03, lawyer, Idaho Falls, Idaho *Hanzal, Wencelaus T. , '93, New Prague, Minn. Harbaugh, Isaac N. , '83, lawyer Chadron, Neb. Harding, Benjamin Philip, '01, lawyer Belle Plaine, Iowa Harding, Dick F. , '81, lawyer Atlantic, Iowa *Harkin, John, '80 Des Moines, Iowa Harkness, Newton L. , '87 Mabel, Minn. Harned, Luther Martin, '03, lawyer Lone Tree, Iowa Harpole, Enoch, '73, lawyer 1005 Ashland Blk. , Chicago, 111. Harrah, Adams M. , '78, lawyer Newton, Iowa Harriman, Fred Albion, '97, lawyer Hampton, Iowa Harrington, Benjamin F., '73, B. S. '69, lawyer 725 Kittridge Bldg. , Denver, Colo. Harrington, Francis M. , '92, presiding elder M. B. church 286 Patricio Synsh, Irique, Chile Harrington, J. C. Fremont, '91, B.Ph. '87, M.A. '90 956 N. College St. , Decatur, 111. Harrington, Timothy P., '99 Dickinson & Harrington and county attorney Algona, Iowa * Harris, Fred J. , '83 Hays City, Kan. * Harris, Luther C. , '82 La Moure, N. D. Harris, Paul Percy, '91, lawyer 91 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Harrison, Albert Dixon, '98 Muskogee, Ind. Ter. Hart, James, '91, lawyer Muskogee, Ind. Ter. Hart, Uriel S. , '73, deceased *Hart, William, '80, Aurora, Neb. Hartman, Harry Hale, '00, lawyer Fort Collins, Colo. 148 AIvUMNI REGISTER Hartshorn, Charles Q. , '82, lawyer Hartshorn, F. C. , '79, lawyer * Harvey, Frederick H. , '84, B.S., ' Harvey, James Francis, '01, lawyer * Harvey, John W., '68 Harvey, Harry Lyman, '94, lawyer ; '3, lawver Hasner, Emerson E. , *Hass, Fred, Jr., '84 *Hastings, Edson M. , '75 Hastings, Henry L. , '90, deceased Hatfield, Edward T. , '94, lawyer Hatlestad, David E. , '80, deceased Havner, Horace Moore, '99, Popham Clarion, Iowa Clarion, Iowa 82, Iowa College Douglas, Wyoming Leon, Iowa Leon, Iowa and county recorder Logan, Iowa Independence, Iowa Minneapolis, Minn. Pocahontas Center, Iowa Houston, Texas Sc *Hawe, John, '92 Hawkins, J. C. , '92, lawyer * Hawkins, Richard H. , '83 *Hawley, Edwin C. , '78 Hawley, George Franklin, '93, Havner, attorneys Marengo, Iowa Farley, Iowa Newton, Iowa Marysville, Kan. Rochester, N. Y. wholesale lumber 108 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Hayes, Gordon, '96, lawj^er Red Oak, Iowa Hays, Charles Rolvin, '01, cashier American Beet Sugar Co. 1837 Humbolt St., Denver, Colo. *Hays, Stephen Arnold, '90 Winterset, Iowa Hayzlett, Paris Lincoln, '81, lawyer LaPorte, Iowa Hayward, Roy Stanton, '01, B. Ph. Cornell College, la\\^er Bumerton, Wash. Hayward, William, '79, land and loans Spirit Lake, Iowa Hayward, William F. , '84, B. S. '82, Lenox College, lawyer Mullen, Neb. Hazlett, William, '92, lawyer Pocahontas, Iowa Head, Roscoe Conkling, '98, lawyer Jefferson, Iowa *Headlee. John C. , '80 Salem, S. D. Heald, Francis Alfred, '03, B. Ph. '00, Cornell College Secretary to superintendent of Damascus Steel Co. New Brighton, Pa. Healy, Patrick Henry '0,1 Metz, Iowa Heard, Wilmot, '78 Hebard, Fredericks., '82, Hibernian Bank, lawyer Chicago, 111. COIvIvEGE OF LAW 149 Hebel, David Andrew, '00, lawyer Aledo, 111. Heberling, Henry B. , '89, lawyer Lament, Okla. * Hedges, George T. , '78 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Heimbeck, Adolph James, '01, lawyer Burlington, Iowa Heine, Franklin, '71, lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa *IIeizer, Edward P., '78 Sioux City, Iowa Hellings, William P., '76 *Hellyer, Nathaniel T. , '76 Guthrie Center, Iowa Helm, Joseph C. , '74, B.D. '70, L.L.D. '90, lawyer Denver, Col. Helmer, Charles C. , '01, lawyer Carroll, lova Helmick, John Miller, '81, B.A. '80, M. A. '84 Helmick & Boudinot, attorneys, Davenport, Iowa Heminger, Amos Lincoln, '03, Ph,B. '03 Lawyer, county superintendent Keosauqua, Iowa Hemingway, John M. , '75, B. Ph. '73, Michigan University Lawyer Hampton, Iowa Hendershot, Charles Lawrence, '96, lawyer Pueblo, Col. Hendershott, LeRoyJ. , '77, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa Hendershott, Lewis C. , '73, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa Henderson, Frank Perrin, '01, B.Ph. Simpson College, lawyer Indianola, Iowa Henderson, James A. , '90, lawyer Jefferson, Iowa Henderson, Lewis Wilford, '01, lawyer Pipestone, Minn. Hendrick, Burt, '00, lawyer Waukon, Iowa Hendricks, Burtilla Nelson, '95, B.S. '94, lawyer Riceville, Iowa *Hendrickson, Eugene A., '78, B.S. and C. E. '76 University of Michigan, St. Paul, Minn. Heninger, Charles Clay burn, '00, lawyer Sigourney, Iowa Henley, Hadley M. , '77, lawyer and loan broker 311 Kirkwood Block, Davenport, Iowa Henry, George F. , '76, B.A. '73 and L-L.D. '96 Griswold College, 828 W. 7th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Berryhill & Henry, attorneys Henry, Loren S. , '90, lawyer Gallup, New Mexico Henry, Robert C. , '69, Henry & Spence, attorneys Mt. Ayr, Iowa Henyan, Isaac B. , '82, B.Ph. '81, lawyer San Antonio, Tex. Hering, James Clinton, '98, Shorett & Hering, attorneys Room 520 N. Y. blk. Seattle, Wash. 150 ALUMNI REGISTER Herrick, William Carl, '04, B.A. '00, Univ. of Wisconsin Lawyer Cherokee, Iowa Herrig, Carl Moltka,'95, lawyer Wall Lake, low^a Herring, Ebenezer, '70, deceased *Hess, Edward G. '90 Norman, Ind. Ten Hess, John Jacob, '95, lawyer 39 Pearl vSt. , Council Bluffs, Iowa Hewitt, Reuben, '72 Beardstown, low^a Hewitt, William E., '82, lawyer 501 Wright Block, Minneapolis, Minn.' *Hickey, Mary B. , (Mrs. Wilkinson) '73 Pomona, Calif. Hickman, James Harlan, '01, law^yer Chariton, Iowa Hickman, Stephen C. , '95, lawyer Cedar Rapids, low^a * Hicks, Ernest H., '88 Monticello, Iowa Higgins, Charles H. , '85, deceased Higgs, Austin, '84 *Hightow^er, Allen Reese, '81, Centerville, Georgia Hildebrand, John Henry, '01, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa *Hill, Charles, '^'1 Sidney, Iowa Hilliard, Benjamin Clark^^, '91, lawyer Ernst-Cramer Bldg. , Denver, Colo. *Hillyard, Joseph William, '95, B.A. , Beloit College PauUina, Iowa Hilsinger, George Earl, '98, M.A. , '98, Ph. Iowa College Lawyer Sabula, Iowa Hinchon, William David, '01, lawyer Algona, low'a Hindman, William F. , '78, deceased Hine, Charles D. , '78, B.A. , '71, Yale Coll., secretary of state board of education Hartford, Conn. Hinkley, Henry D. , '87, lawyer Stirling, Colo. Hinkson, Fred O. , '83, B.S. , '81, Simpson College, law^yer Stuart, Iowa Hirsch, Edward Louis, '00, lawyer 6058 Central Ave. , Burlington, Iowa Hirschl, Andrew Jackson, '75, B.A. , '73, Amherst College Lawyer 6054 Kimball Ave. , Chicago, 111. Hitchcock, Abner Edward, '80, B. S. , Iowa Agricultural Col- lege, lawyer Mitchell, S. D. *Hixson, Claude S. , '86 Marshalltow^n, Iowa Hoag, Lindley Murray, '99, law^yer and real estate Thief River Falls, Minn. COLIvBG^ OF I.AW 151 -X Hobart, Clarence C. , '79, manufacturer 117 W. Franklin St., Troy, Ohio Hobson, Ivinneaus D. , '84, lawyer Denver, Colo. Hodgson, Charles W. , '89, B.A. , Iowa College, judge of state supreme court Hoquiam, Wash. *Hoeppner, Christian, '86 Hastings, Neb. Hoeppner, Ernest, '86, lawyer 613 W. Second St. , Hastings, Neb. Hoersch, William, '82, lawyer 118^ W. 3rd St., Davenport, Iowa Hoffman. Arthur, '98, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Hoffman, William, '72, B.Ph. , '70 Brannan, Jayne & Hoffman, attorneys Muscatine, low^a Hogan, Thomas, '94 Holbert, Anna H., '99, (Mrs. Geo. B. Holbert) Holbert & Holbert, attorneys Iowa City, low^a Holbert, George B. , '90, Holbert & Holbert, attorneys Iowa City, Iowa Holbrook, Carleton William, '97, B. A., Upper Iowa Uni- versity, secretary chamber of commerce Chattanooga, Tenn. Holcombe, John W. , '78, B.A. , Harvard College, bureau of education Washington, D. C. Hollingsworth, Abraham, '90 Keokuk, low^a HoUingsworth, Frank, '99, B.A. , '98, lawyer, Boone, Iowa *Hollingsw^orth, Mahlon Francis, '94 Clear Dake, Iowa Holly, William Richard, '99, lawyer Salem, S. D. Holman, James Royal, '01, lawyer Mason City, Iowa Holmes Samuel, '68, Holmes «& French, attorneys Hamburg, Iowa * Holmes, William Harrison, '91 Ellsworth, Maine Holsman, Harry B. , '78, lawyer Guthrie Center, Iowa Holsteen, Frederick Sophus, '00, B.Ph. '98, lawyer and major in I. N. G. Burlington, low^a Holt, John Wesley, '01, B.A. , '00, deceased * Honeywell, Henry Jesse, '01, B. S. , Upper Iowa University Clear Lake, Iowa Honnold, Charles Wesley, '75, B. S. , '73, Simpson College Merchant Indianola, Iowa 152 ALUMNI REGISTER Hannold, Zachary T. , '74, Honnold & Honnold, Monroe, Iowa Hoopes, Warner E., '95, lawyer Carrington, N. D. Hoover, George Clyde, '94, lawyer West Branch, Iowa * Hopkins, Austin F. , '82 Winfield, Kan. Hopkins, Earl Palmer, '94 Hopkins, Fred Mead, '95, lawyer Toledo, Iowa Hopkins, Murat Warder, '81, lawyer Fletcher Bank Building, Indianapolis, Ind. *Hbpkin3, Seldon G. , '84 South Loup City, Neb. Hopwood, Monroe, '82, Ph.M. '80, Mt. Union College, lawyer Uniontown, Penn. Horack, Hugo Claude, '00, B.Ph., '99, L. Harvard, 1904 Instructor in Wisconsin Law School Madison, Wis. Horack, Frank J., '79, justice of the peace, Iowa City, Iowa Horan, Lawrence John, '91, (M. A.N.N. S. A. ,) lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Horner, Robert M. , '81, B.A. '80, Monmouth College Instructor of science, Waitsburg Academy Waitsburg, Wash. Hornibrook, Edward John, '00, lawyer Cherokee, Iowa Horton, Frank Jordon, '98, lawyer Davis City, Iowa *Horton, Virgil Emmett, '90 Audubon, Iowa *Hoskinson, Robert E. , '86 Moro, Oregon Hoskyn, Robert Philip, '81- Hospers, John W. , '01, lawyer Orange City, Iowa Hostetler. Bruno O. , '87, B.Ph. '85, M.A. '88 Judge 12th judicial district Kearney, Neb. Houghtaling, J. H. , '79 *Hourihan, James, '00 Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Howard, John Raymond, '00, B.A, '00 lawyer, Indianola, Iowa Howard, Henry, Jr., '94, lawyer 305 Continental Building, Denver, Col. Howard, Oliver G. , '74, lav^yer Red Oak, Iowa *Howe, Horatio S. , '72, B.A. '70, Iowa Wesleyan University Muscatine, Iowa * Howell, Charles M. , '78 Bessemer, Mich. Howell, Edward B. , '82, B.S. '79, Iowa College, lawyer Butte, Mont. Howell, George Key, '03, lawyer v Davis City, Iowa COIvIvKGK OF IvAW 153 Howell, Ralph Preston, '93, Howell & Wilson, attorneys Iowa City, Iowa Rowland, Burt J., '92 Hoxie, James, '72, deceased *Hoxie, Wirt Pierce, '97 Waterloo, Iowa Hoyt, John Cyrus, '94, county clerk Greenfield, Iowa Hubbard, Alice Klizabeth, '00, cashier Citizens Savings Bank Spencer, Iowa Hubbard, James E., '73, lawyer Boulder, Colo. * Hudson, Adelbert L. , '76, B.A. '93 Salt Ivake City, Utah Hudson, Edwin P., '93, B.S. Iowa Agricultural College * Huffman, George W. , '82 Sherman, Texas * Hughes, Charles H., '74 West Superior, Wis. Hughes, Clinton Boardman, '00, lawyer Arlington, Iowa * Hughes, Frederick H., '80 Superior, Wis. Hughes, Samuel Judson, '99, merchant Denver, Colo. Hughes, Samuel M. , '74, B.A. '74, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Hughes, William Henry, '96, lawyer Garner, Iowa Hull, Andrew J., '73, Ham & Hull, attorneys, Napa, Calif. Hull, John A., '94, lawyer Boone, Iowa Hull, Elmer Clapp, '03, B. Ph. '99, traveling salesman San Francisco, Cal. Hull, John Adley, '96, B. Ph. '95, judge advocate general U. S. army Omaha, Neb. Hull, John Kress, '98, B.Ph. '97, lawyer, Aberdeen, N. D. Humbert, Galen F. , '88, lawyer and county attorney Osage, Iowa Humphrey, Benton Wade, '04, B.Ph., '99, Cornell College Lawyer Walford, Iowa Humphrey, Charles William, '01, B.Ph., '00, lawyer Elmira, N. Y. Humphrey, Richard Vincent, '94, deceased Humphreys, Gus R., '82, B.S. '81, Iowa State Normal Lawyer Broken Bow, Neb. Hunn, Charles Elmer, '91, B.Ph., Des Moines College Lawyer Des Moines, Iowa Hunt, Charles N., '82, B.Ph. '80, lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Hunt, John W. , '90, lawyer Oklahoma City, Okla. Hunter, Charles Randall, '03, lawyer Exira, Iowa Hunter, Francis M. , '82, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa 154 ALUMNI REGISTER Hunter, John McCraty Greggs, '03, la\^'yer Exira, Iowa Hunter, Robert W. , '81, B. S. , '79, Lenox College, lawyer Metropolitan Block, Sioux City, low^a Hurd, Elijah H. , '86, lawyer Newton, Iowa Hurley, Walter Henry, '96, lawyer Wapello, Iowa Huston, Joseph Knight, '94, editor Daily Citizen 508 N. Maine St. , Centerville, Iowa Hutchins, William C, '80, real estate Sioux City, Iowa Hutchinson, Marion E. , '93, lawyer Lake City, Iowa Huttenlocher, Forest, '03, lawyer Des Moines, Iowa Hutton, James A., '76, deceased *Hyde, Arthur Mastik, '00, B.A. , University of Michigan Princeton, Mo. Hyde, Homer R. , '79, salesman Winterset, Iowa *Hyndman, John Alexander, '98 Chicago, 111. *Ickis, Warren H., '94, B.S. , Tabor College, Creston, Iowa lies, George L. , '78, insurance 317 W. nth St., Sioux Falls, S. D. *Ingalls, Joseph McDowell, '76 St. Joseph, Mo. *Ingersoll, Walter B. , '78 Huron, S. D. Ingham, Clarence W. , '92, B. S. , Western College, lawyer Primghar, Iowa Ingham, Edward Pentzer, '96, la\^yer, Wilton Junction, Iowa Ingham, Harvey, '81, B. A. , '80, editor Des Moines Register and Leader Des Moines, Iowa Ingham, Thomas Edward, '71, deceased Ingraham, Charles Modiset, '76, B. A. , '74, Kenyon College Lawyer Kansas City, Mo. Irey, James Harrison, '79 Irving, Samuel Crozier, '96, M.A. Parsons College, lawyer 100 Washington St. , Chicago, 111. Isbell, Nelson G. , '73, deceased Ishikawa, Kizo, '90, deceased *Ives, Eben C. , '79 St. Paul, Minn. Jack, Charles B. , '78, B.A. '75, lawyer, Salt Lake City, Utah Jackson, Douglas Viele, '81. B. Lit., '79, N.W. University, Illinois, judge 7th judicial district, Muscatine, Iowa Jackson, Frank D. , '74, President Royal Mutual Life Insurance Co. Ex-Governor of Iowa Des Moines, Iowa * Jackson, John H. , '88 Sioux City, Iowa coIvLe:ge of I.AW 155 Jackson, Joseph P., '79, B.A. '77, Oskaloosa College M.A. '00, Columbia University, lawyer 422 Colorado Avenue, Colorado City, Col. Jackson, Nelson D. , '79, B.S. '77, Cedar Valley Seminary, Ivawyer Neligh, Neb. Jackson, Thomas Sunter, '03, lawyer Sheffield, Iowa Jackson, William M. , '91, lawyer Bedford, Iowa Jackson, William Oscar, '80, lawyer Butler, Mo. James, Frederick C. , '75 * James J. Wesley, '88 Benkelman, Neb. James, Thomas F. C. , '76, M. D. '56, St. Louis University Minister *Jebens, Henry Hans, '00 Davenport, Iowa Jeffreys, George L. , '80 Jeffries, William J., '73, deceased Jennings, William H. , '92, lawyer, 136 Bridge Ave., Davenport, Iowa Jenswold, John Jr. , '80, lawyer Duluth, Minn. Jepson, Christian Neil, '94 Sioux City, Iowa Lawyer, member 29th general assembly, Iowa Jepson, George, '87, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Jewell, James E. , '77, lawyer and stockman, Ft. Morgan, Col. Joerns, William .G. , '80, lawyer Duluth, Minn. Johnson, Alex W. , '78 Johnson, Charles S. , '77, lawyer Nome, Alaska Johnson, Daniel Graham, '04, lawyer Curlew, Iowa Johnson, David Nichols, '01, lawyer Columbus Junction, Iowa Johnson, Bdward M. , '77, lawyer 925 4th St. S. B. , Minneapolis, Minn. Johnson, Blmer Augustus, '99, lawyer Lisbon, Iowa Johnson, Eric P., '74, lawyer Decorah, Iowa Johnson, Eugene Gustave, '02, lawyer Decorah, Iowa Johnson, Guy, '75, B.S. '69, Michigan Agricultural College Retired Iowa City, Iowa Johnson, James K., '81, lawyer, 328 Montgomery St. , San Francisco, Cal. Johnson, John B. , '73, insurance lawyer 1812 7th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Johnson, John Edward, (Burnstedt, J. E.) ''^0 156 ALUMNI RBGISTKR Johnson, Julius Hougen, '01, lawyer Clinton, Iowa Johnson, Karl Johan, '00, lawyer Osage, Iowa Johnson, Lewis C. , '77, B.A. '76, M.A. '79, lawyer Fargo, N. D. Johnson, Martin N. , '76, B.A. '75, lawyer, Petersburg, N. D. Johnson, Perry Spencer, '02, lawyer Decorah, Iowa Johnson, William K. , '90, B.S. Wilton Academy, lawyer Ida Grove, Iowa Johnston, Albert Cleland, '04, lawyer Ida Grove, Iowa Johnston, David Franklin, '94, B.Ph. '84, lawyer Sioux Rapids, Iowa Jones, Charles William Andrew, '95, lawyer S. W. 3rd and Main, Davenport, Iowa Jones, Clyde Ray, '96, B.S, '00, lawyer. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Jones, Blmer B., '83, lawyer Salt Lake City, Utah Jones, Peter Henry '03, lawyer Manning, Iowa Jones, Thomas J. , '79, lawyer Rolla, Mo. Jones, William G., '84, B.Ph. and M.A. Oskaloosa College Lawyer Oskaloosa, Iowa * Joyce, Albert, '83 Syracuse, Neb. Judge, Harold Eugene, '94, lawyer 209-211 Minnehaha Building, Sioux Falls, S. D. Judge, Patrick H. , '84, lawyer DeWitt, Iowa Junkin, Joseph M. , '79, lawyer Red Oak, Iowa Kahler, Waldo Emerson, '04, lawyer Denison, Iowa * Kaiser, Julius Herman, '01 National, Iowa Kaiser, William M., '72 Kammerer, John, *00, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Kamrar, Harris S. , '88, deceased Kasson, Le Baron James, '80, B. S. '79, Iowa College, Real estate Des Moines, Iowa Kauffman, Benjamin F. , '66, deceased Kavanagh, Marcus, '78, judge. Reaper Blk., Chicago, 111. Keefe, Harry L. , '96, B.Ph., '95 Anderson & Keefe, attorneys Bancroft, Neb. Keefe, William John, '94, lawyer Clinton, Iowa Keeler, Burr Curtis, '97, lawyer Mason City, Iowa Keeler, Henry F. , '75, lawyer Denver, Colo. * Keeler, Silas A., '84 Belmond, Iowa *Kehoe, John Joseph, '97 Hopkinton, Iowa Norfolk, Neb. Norfolk, Neb. Hillsdale, Iowa 98 Waterloo, Iowa lawyer Alexandria, S. D. Grinnell, Iowa 04, lawyer lyisbon, Iowa COIvIvKGB OF LAW 157 Kelleher, Denis M., '93, Healy Bros. & Kelleher, attorneys 215 So. Tth St., Ft. Dodge, Iowa Kelley, Edmund h. , '73, publisher and minister Ivamoni, Iowa Kelley, Horace A,, '72, B.A. '70, and M.A. '73 Iowa Wes- leyan University, lawyer Chicago, 111. * Kelley, Parley P., '75 Glenwood, Iowa Kelley, Winfred Bishop, '01, B.A., Graceland College Lawyer Lamoni, Iowa Kellogg, Charles Francis, '98, bank cashier. New Salem, N.D. * Kelly, George T. , '76 * Kelly, Hugh D. , '80 * Kelly, James Q. , '84 * Kelly, William Francis, ' Kelso, Charles David, '03, *Kemmerer, Louis D. , '92 Kenderdine, Glen Albert, ' Kennedy, Benjamin, '79, deceased Kennedy, Cornelius B. , '78, lawyer Canton, S. D. Kennedy, Fred Lunger, '93, B. S. , '91, lawyer Ne^\i:on, Iowa * Kennedy, George Washington, '99 Montrose, Iowa Kennedy, Mrs. James L- , (Myrtle O. Lloyd) '90, B.Ph. , '88 Sioux City, Iowa Kennedy, John L. , '82, M.A. , '98, Knox College, lawyer 2002 Douglas St. , Omaha, Neb. Kennedy, John P., '92, lawyer Montrose, Iowa Kennedy, William, '82 Kennington, Lawrence S. , '80, lawyer Newton, Iowa Kenworthy, Louis B. , '91, B. A. , Penn College, lawyer 502-3 Kethredge Bid. , Denver, Colo. Kenyon, Walton S. , '81 Kenyon, William S. , '90, lawyer Ft. Dodge, Iowa Kenyon, Barl Dudley, '03, lawyer Onawa, Iowa Kepler, Malvern Hill, '96, B.A. , Western College, lawyer Northwood, Iowa Kepler, Richard Proudfoot, '96, B. S. Western College, lawyer Toledo, Iowa Kern, Chester David, '95, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Kerr, S. Herbert, '89, lawyer Rolfe, Iowa Kersey, William B. , '84, lawyer Stuart, Iowa 158 AIvUMNI REGISTER Kessler, William F. , '86, deceased Keytoa, Elijah F. , '79, lawyer Joplin, Mo. Kimball, Franklin Burton, '04, lawyer Iowa City, Iowa *Kime, John F. , '77, B.A. '76, Pennsylvania College Arendtsville, Pa. Kindall, Joseph William, '01, B.A. '00, lawyer, Onawa, Iowa Kindred, Evarestus Grant, '93, lawyer 1624-38 Blake St. , Denver, Colo. Kingland, Thomas Andreas, '01, lawyer Forest City, Iowa * Kingsbury, Charles Stone, '97 Yankton, S. D. Kingsley, Willis S. , '86, deceased Kinkead, Will Clyde, '94, lawyer Knoxville, Iowa Kintzinger, John Webster, '97, lawyer Dubuque, Iowa Kipp, George C. , '81, lawyer Monroe, Iowa Kirby, James Francis, '04, B. Ph. '02, lawyer, Marengo, Iowa Kirk, Clyde, '95, lawyer Des Moines, Iowa *Kirk, Ralph H. , '70 Sturgis, S. D. Kirkland, Ivouis J. , '97, lawyer Vinton, Iowa Kirkpatrick, Harry M. , '68, Kansas City, Mo. Kirkpatrick & Christopher, attorneys Kissick, Robert, '72, lawyer and author Oskaloosa, Iowa Kitchen, Truman, '90, deceased Klahn, Charles, '01, lawyer Armour, S. D. Klinker, Peter John, '01, B. Ph. '00, lawyer, county attorney Denison, Iowa Klingenberg, Theodore William, '98, lawyer 180 Cass St. , Chicago, 111. Klise, Harrold Edward, '04, ranchman. Ft. Pierre, S. D. Knight, Aaron, '79, mail service, 2330 Williams St. , Denver, Col. Knittle, George Byron, '96, lawyer Maquoketa, Iowa *Knowles, George F. , '82 Canastata, S. D. Knox, Carl Parker, '95, lawyer Care of Granger & Odell, Des Moines, Iowa *Komarek, Edward Wenceslaus, '98 New Prague, Minn. Kopp, William Frederick, '94, B.S. Iowa Wesleyan University Lawyer Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Korab, Paul A., '93, bank cashier Iowa City, Iowa Korf, Henry Christopher, '99, lawyer Newton, Iowa Korte, George W., '91, lawyer Carroll, Iowa Koser, George Doner, '04, lawyer , Iowa City, Iowa COLLEGE OF LAW 159 Kost, John J., '95, B.S. '87, M.A. '90, Kratz, Lemuel M. , '92, lawyer, Iowa City, Iowa lawyer, 217 Park St. , *Krause, Bernard Conrad, '96 *Krause, Oscar, '98 Kridelbaugh, Joe Wilford, '01, lawyer Krime, William, '83, lawyer Kuck, Orlando Adolph, '03, lawyer Kuehnle, Carl F., '82, B.Ph. '81, B.A. Shaw & Kuehnle, attorneys Denison, Iowa Kughler, Arthur Alexander, '01, lawyer Osage, Iowa Kuhlemeier, Harry Floyd, '04, lawyer Burlington, Iowa Kyle, William Joseph, '95, M.E. , Penn State Normal Lawyer Waynesburg, Pa. Lacey, Harry, '73, deceased Ladd, Oliver M. , '70, deceased Ladd, Scott M., '81, B.S. '79 and L-L.D. '88, Carthage College, judge supreme court of Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Ladd, William Alfred, '80, law^^er *Laffey, John P., '88 ■*Lake, James R. , '74 Lamb, EUis W. , '68, deceased Jacob W., '76, B.Ph. '75, M.A. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Woodward, Okla. Woodward, Okla. Chariton, Iowa Clinton, Iowa Lawiion, Okla. '84 Estherville, Iowa Deadwood, S. D. New York, N. Y. Lamb, '78 Lamb Lamb lawyer Toledo, William Edward, '95, lawyer Cedar Rapids, William L. , '79, B.Ph. '78, lawyer, Toledo, Lambert, Frank A., '82, merchant What Cheer, Lane, Dick Richardson, '04, lawyer Davenport, Lane, Joseph R., '80, B.A. Knox College, Lawyer and regent Iowa State University 220 Maine St. , Davenport, Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Lane, Leland B. , '84, B.A. '81, Bowdoin College Fairmouth, Mass. Wilmot, Dakota Chicago, 111. B.A. '75 Cornell College, lawyer Auburn, Calif. Larrabee, Frederick, '98, B.Ph. '97, lawyer Fort Dodge, Iowa *Lane, Theron, '81 *Lanning, Joe E., '83 Lardner, William B. , '77 160 ALUMNI REGISTER Larrabee, William, Jr., '96, B.Ph. '93, farmer Clermont, Iowa Lary, Albert James William, '95, deceased Lathrope, Franklin F. , '90 Lattner, Samuel Benjamin, '97, lawyer, Worthington, Iowa *Laucamp, Bernard John, '94 Munn, Iowa Lauder, H. J., '73, B.A. , Simpson College, deceased Launder, Charles T. , '94, lawyer Fontanelle, Iowa La Vake, William Otis, '95, deceased Law, William Robert, '04, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Lawrence, Albert Lynn, '96, B.Ph., Iowa College, Patent lawyer, 1410 Williamson Bldg. , Cleveland, O. Lawrence, George Curtis, '96, lawyer Anamosa, Iowa Lawrence, Graham Woodbridge, '96, B.Ph., '95, lawyer Marshalltown, Iowa *Laws, Newton C. Salina, Colo. *Lawson, Hugh, '92 Hedrick, Iowa Leach, Robert Ephriam, '94, B.A. '89 Harvard University Cook & Leach, attorneys Independence, Iowa Leachey, Aaron A. , '75, Wright and Leachey, attorneys Vail, Iowa Lee, Corwin M. , '74, deceased Lee, Leslie Parvin, '01, B.Ph. '99, lawyer Austin, 111. Lee, R. Walter, '75, deceased *Lee, Thomas Francis, '98, A. B. Creighton University New York Life Insurance Building, Omaha, Neb. *Lee, Timothy W. P., '73 Ashton, S. D. Leeper, Arthur A., '75, B. S. '74, Eureka College Leeper & Thacker, attorneys Virginia, 111. *Lehr, Andrew G. , '99, B. L. , University of South Dakota Tyndall, S. D. Leighton, Kalita Elton, '96, lawyer Minot, N. D. Leonard, Charles R. , '83, B.Ph. '81, M.A. '84, lawyer Butte, Mont. Leonard, John F. , '83, lawyer Winterset, Iowa Leonard, William C. , '84, lawyer Rock Valley, Iowa LeRoy, Millard F. , '70, B.S. '69, Moore's Hill, Ind. Brow^n & LeRoy, attorneys Manchester, Iowa Letts, F. Dickinson, '99, B.S. Parsons College, lawyer 431 E. 13th St., Davenport, Iowa COIvIvEGK OF LAW 161 Lewis, A. Eugene, '84, B.S. Central Normal, lawyer 304 Kenilworth, Toledo, Ohio Sioux City, Iowa Sioux City, Iowa Oklahoma City, Okla. Stevensville, Mont. * Lewis, Burton Kellog, '98 Lewis, Charles H. , '69, lawyer Lewis, DeWitt C. , '81, lawyer Lewis, Kdward Otis, '97, banker Lewis, Edgar W. , '81 Lewis, John E. , '89, receiver United States land office Kalispell, Mont. Lewis, Thereon Leslie, '79, district attorney, San Diego, Cal. Lewis, William C. , '78 Lewis, Winfield S. , '74, Lewis & Young Liffring, John Dominick, '98, lawyer Liggett, Howard C. , '86, law^yer Like, John, '80, lawyer *Limbocker, Jerry M., '69 . Lindburg, John A., '71, banker Lindeman, Walter L. , '83, B.S. '79, Lawyer Lindsay, David P. , '77, county attorney Linkhart, Joseph W. , '8J, real estate Linville, Guy Pittman, '04, lawyer attorneys Malvern, Iowa Waterloo, Iowa ' Hampton, Iowa Davenport, Iowa Ft. Scott, Kan. Dayton, Iowa Cedar Valley Seminary Emmetsburg, Iowa McPherson, Kan. Coleridge, Neb. Carson, Iowa Lischer, Julius, '90, B.Ph. 'i Lister, George W. , '81 Livick, Ernest, '98, lawyer Livingstone, Lloyd Lee, '96, Livingstone, William J. '77, * Lloyd, Edward S Lloyd, James H. , deceased lawyer deceased , '83, deceased 92, B.S., '89, lawyer. Sibley, Iowa Stiles, Idaho Cory don, Iowa Charles City, Iowa Lloyd, Myrtle O. , (Kennedy, Mrs. James L. ) '90, B.S., '88 Sioux City, Iowa Creston, Iowa , lawyer Sioux City, Iowa lawyer, Sioux City, Iowa St. Paul, Minn. Tripp, S. D. Locke, James M. , '77, lawyer Lohr, Frederick W. , '90, B. A Lohr, William F. , '88, B.Ph. '88, *Lomen, Gudbrand J. , '75 Long, Alva D. , '81, county judge Long, Elmer E. , '85, deceased Long, Frank Kelso, '98, B. D., Western College, lawyer Union, Iowa 162 ALUMNI REGISTER *Long, James G., '80 Kansas City, Mo. Long, Max Jennings, '94 *Longhouse, Wilbur J. , '84 Buffalo, N. Y. Longueville, Oliver, '04, lawyer 971 Iowa St. , Dubuque, Iowa *Love, Edward M. , '80 Valentine, Neb. *Love, George J., '80 Chicago, 111. *Love, William T. , '76 Knoxville, Tenn. Lovejpy, Alva Bush, '94, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Love joy, Owen, '87, lawyer and county attorney Jefferson, Iowa Lovelace, Chauncy A., '78, B. Ph. '75 real estate and loans 1028 So. 14th St., Denver, Colo. Lovell, Guye E. , '01, B.Ph. '01, lawyer Ritzville, Wash. Lovrien, Fred Clinton, '97, lawyer Humboldt, Iowa Lowry, Robert A., '81 Lucas, A. B. , '79, editor and publisher Santa Cruz, Calif. Lucas, Edward K. , '77, deceased Lucas, Robert, '76 Iowa City, Iowa Lucas, William Oliver, '89, lawyer Winterset, Iowa *Ludolph, William Lawrence, '93 Rock Island. 111. Lufkin, Arthur K. , '92, laviyer Newton, Iowa Lufkin, Charles W., '80, deceased Lumm, Alfred W. , '97, lawyer Hobart, Okla. *Lusch, Edward Francis, '96 Dubuque, Iowa *Lutton, George W., '84 Bozeman, Mont. Lutz, Thomas B. , '82, lawyer Mapleton, Iowa Lutz, Walter Blackburn, '00, B. A. Penn College, lawyer Albia, Iowa * Lyman, Frank D. , '77 Topeka, Kan. Lyman, Jacob P., '71, B. A. '67, Iowa College, lawyer and state senator Grinnell, Iowa Lyman, Joseph, '66, deceased Lynch, Theron Y. , '72, B. A. '69 Iowa Wesleyan University Lawyer Fairfield, Iowa Lynch, Thomas Finn, '99, lawyer Pocahontas, Iowa * Lynch, William A., '71, B.A. '69, Iowa Wesleyan Uni- versity Huron, S. D. Lyon, Charles E. , '85, deceased Lyon, George Tajdor, '95, 275 W. 11th St., lawyer Dubuque, Iowa lawyer Burlington, Iowa 2, B.D., '72, deceased Trenton, Mo. Columbus, Neb. COLLEGE OF LAW 163 * Lyons, James Patrick, '96, Lytle, William, '76, B.A., '" *McAchran, Charles B. , '83 * McAllister, Stephen S. , '72 McAndrew, Peter D. , '72, lawyer and probate judge Ainsworth, Neb. *Mc Arthur, Archibald, '81 Cobb, Wis. McAuley, Thomas B. , '84, B.Ph. , '83, M.A., '86, lawyer and police judge Kansas City, Mo. McBeth, Robert Raymond, '99, lawyer Keosaqua, Iowa McBurney, James Wayland, '01, Seattle, Wash. McBurney & Halverstadt, attorneys McCaffrey, Henry S. , '94, lawyer 2 Dittoe Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa McCall, Edward Montgomery, '96, lawyer Nevada, Iowa McCall, John A. ,'72, lawyer, Clapp Blk. , Des Moines, Iowa McCallum, James K. P., '74 McCarthey, John J. , '83, lawyer Dubuque, Iowa McCarty, Charles T. , '83, lawyer Eldred, Florida McCay, Arnold, '85, deceased McClain, Donald, '03, B.A., '01, lawyer Youngerman Bid. , Des Moines, Iowa McClain, Emlin, '73, B.Ph. '71, B.A. '72, M.A. '82, L. L. D. '91, justice of Iowa state supreme court, ex-chancellor of the law college, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa McCleary, Francis, '96 McClellan, George F., '76, B.Ph. '72, B.D. '72, M.A. '75, deceased McClelland, Frank W. , '80, deceased *McCloud, I. Lincoln, '88, B.Ph. '85 Omaha, Neb. McClure, Milton, '82, B.S. '79, Blackburn University Lawyer Beardstown, 111. McClure, William Reed, '94, lawyer Sumner, Iowa McClusky, Henry, '93, lawyer Marshalltown, Iowa * McCollister, William W. , '84 Akron, Colo. *McConkey, Jay C. , '75 Leola, S. D. McConologue, James H. , '82, lawyer ' Mason City, Iowa McConnell, Arthur Harris, '03, lawyer St. Anthony, Idaho McCord, Ray Afton, '04, lawyer Defiance, Iowa 164 AIvUMNI REGISTER McCord, Robert Leigh, '99, A. B. , '98, lawyer Sac City, Iowa McCormack, Harford Tolland, '96, lawyer Knoxville, Iowa McCormick, James Leroy, '01, lawyer 406 Shearer Bros. Bldg. , Bay City, Mich. McCormick, John Bernard, '00, B.A. , '99, lawyer Sionx City, Iowa McCormick, William A., '00, 2109 Pierce St., lawyer Sioux City, Iowa McCoy, Edward Hugh, '04, lawyer Dumont, Iowa McCoy, John Nicholson, '97, B.A. '96, lawyer Oskaloosa, Iowa *McCracken, Enos H. , '80, B.S. Whittier College Kossuth, Kan. McCrary, Clarence B. , '92, lawyer Bonaparte, Iowa McCrary, Edwin Stanton, '94, lawyer 1305 Wabash Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. McCrary, Willis P. , '76, lawyer Hastings, Neb. McCulla, Thomas, '79, lawyer and editor Cherokee, Iowa McCulla, Walter Philo, '03, B.Ph. '01, lawyer Cherokee, Iowa McDannold, John J., '74, lawyer 1212 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. McDermott, Thomas Grogan, '96, B.Ph. '91, lawyer Mason City, Iowa McDonald, William Joseph, '01, city attorney, Iowa City, Iowa McElroy, E. E. , '73, B.S. Cornell College, New York, lawyer Ottawa, Iowa McElroy, Isaac Edwin, '03, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa McElroy, Walter Hamilton, '00, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa McEnroe, Thomas Howard, '94, lawyer Eargo, N. D. McFadden, Bernard, '75, lawyer Oakland, Cal. McFall, Gideon B. , '84, lawyer Kansas City, Mo. *MacFarland, William, '80, B.A. '73, Iowa Wesleyan University, Des Moines, Iowa McFarlane, George Alexander, '95 Oklahoma City, Okla. Branch Manager North Western Thrasher Co. * McFarlane, John B. , '80 Philadelphia, Pa. McGarvey, William Albert, '97, lawyer Davenport, Iowa COIvLEGE OF LAW 165 McGavren, John Samuel, '83, B.S. '81, Iowa Agricultural College, bank cashier Missouri Valley, Iowa McGee, John William Bolton, '00, Letts & McGee, attorneys Davenport, Iowa McGillivray, Daniel, '94 McGinn, Frank P., '93, lawyer Chicago, 111. McGovern, John F. , '80, lawyer Wabasha, Minn. McGrath, John W. , '87, lawyer Kagle Grove, Iowa McGrath, William, '79 McGuire, Augustine Joseph, '98, deceased McHatton, John J. , '83, lawyer Butte, Mont. McHenry, Benj. F, , '69, deceased *McHugh, Patrick F. , '93, B.A. St. Mary's College Minneapolis, Minn. Mclntire, George A., '76, lawyer, county attorney Shell Rock, Iowa Mclntire, Isaac N. , '90, B. Ph. Oskaloosa College, lawyer Sheldon, Iowa * Mcintosh, John E. , '92 Atalissa, Iowa Mclntire, James Edwin, '79, B.A. '77, lawyer Colorado Springs, Colo. McKee, John William, '99, lawyer Davenport, Iowa McKenzie, John Augustus, '03, B.A. '01, lawyer Silver City, Iowa McKinley, Michael Abraham Iv. , '95 Lawyer, member 43d general assembly of Illinois 1214 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. McMahon, Andrew Patrick, '95, B. Di., Iowa State Normal College, lawyer Davenport, Iowa McManus, Vincent Patrick, '00, lawyer Nanson, Iowa McMaster, Fred Alden, '94, B.S. , Cornell College, lawyer Ponca, Neb. *McMorrow, John C. , '92 Klkport, Iowa McNeel, Albert William, '86, minister 310 Bromley St., Marshalltown, Iowa McNeil, Harry Hallam, '98, A.B., Simpson College, lawyer McNerny, James C.^ '82, B.S., '80 Amity College, lawyer Lincoln, Neb. *McPherson, Orlando M. , '77 Washington, D. C. 166 ALUMNI REGISTER McPhersoii, Smith, '70, U. S. district judge, Red Oak, Iowa *McPherson, William A., '77 Mt. Sterling, 111. McVay, James Taylor, '96 McVay & Robinson, attorneys, Sioux City, Iowa *MacDonald, Hilda, '00 Ashland, Wis. Mack, Guy Edward, '03, lawyer Newell, Iowa Mack, Mansfield Edward, '97 Macomber, Charles Combs, '99, Ph. B. U. of C. Secretary and treasurer Harness Co. 3 E. 22nd St. , Chicago, 111. Macomber, Frank J. , '78, B. S. , '75, Iowa Agricultural Col- lege, lawyer Lewis, Iowa Macomber, Frank L. , '86, lawyer Lewis, Iowa Macy, John Coggeshall, '72, B.A. '70, deceased Macy, Nathan W. , '75, B.A. , '73, judge of 15th judicial district Harlan, Iowa * Madden, Henry C, '69 Huntington, Pa. Magowan, Samuel Nelson, '95, lawyer Ft. Dodge, Iowa Maguire, Thomas F. , '92, deceased Maguire, Daniel Eugene, '03, lawyer East Dubuque, 111. Mahoney, Stephen^ '80, B.A. , University of Minnesota Lawyer Minneapolis, Minn. Mahoney, Timothy J. , '85, lawyer 539 Paxton Blk. , Omaha, Neb. Maine, Amasa E. , '83, lawyer low^a City, Iowa Maine, Ernest King, '97, B.A. , '96 Mallory, Benjamin H. , '93, lawyer and mayor Hampton, low^a Malloy, Francis Edward, '95, deceased Maloney, Daniel Austin, '96, lawyer Iowa City, low^a Malvin, Joseph Wesley, '94, lawyer Dyersville, Iowa Manatt, Clement V., '86 Manatt, Guy Sterling, '01, lawyer Enid, Okla. Manning, Calvin, '72, 619 E. 2nd St., bank president Ottumwa, low^a Marble, Francis B. , '91, deceased Marean, Kitt W. , '93, lawyer Glidden, Iowa Maris, Charles H. , '81, lawyer Brownesville, Texas Markley, James E. E. , '78, lawyer Mason City, Iowa COIvIvEGK OF IvAW 167 Marks, I^ouis Morton, '92, treasurer Morton L. Marks Co., wholesale grocers, 1012 Perry St. , Davenport, Iowa Marling, John P., '80, B.A. '68, M.A. '80, salesman Iowa City, Iowa Marmon, Charles L. , '86, lawyer Bloomfield, Iowa Marner, Jonathan Gladstone, '95, Iowa City, Iowa Marshall, 1^1 oyd Barl, '01, lawyer 105 W. 2nd St. , Davenport, Iowa * Marshall, William L. , '86 Portland, Oregon Martin, Frederick Alonzo, '04, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Martin, George Edgar, '94, lawyer Aurora, Iowa Martin, J. Francis, '77, Martin & Sellers, attorneys Nevada, Iowa Martin, James Leo, '94, lawyer Chicago, 111. Martin, William J. , '82, B.A. Knox College Maryatt, David Pendleton, Jr., '79, deceased *Maryatt, Eugene K. , '80 Morgan Park, 111. * Mason, Ralph Taylor, '01 Albia, Iowa Mather, Charles E. , '98, lawyer Springdale, Iowa Mather, Carl Henry, '03, lawyer, deputy clerk federal court Clarence, Iowa Mathews, George Arthur,, '78, B. S. Upper Iowa University Lawyer Brookings, S. D. * Mathews, George W, , '80 Kansas City, Mo. Mathews, Royal, '81 * Mathews, Joseph C. , '73, B.A. '70, M.A. '73, B.D. '70 deceased Mathews, John R. , '99, deceased Mattison, George Eaton, '99, lawyer Waverly, Iowa *Mattison, Thomas, '78, B.A. '73, B.D. '75 Panora, Iowa Maurer, Charles F. , '84, lawyer Douglas, Wyoming * Maxwell, Ezra Austin, '98, B. S. Upper Iowa University Waterloo, Iowa Mayer, Stephen Geo., '97, B.A. Iowa Wesleyan University Lawyer Manhattan Building, Des Moines, Iowa Mayne, George H. , '89, lawyer Council Bluffs, Iowa Mayne, Samuel, '82, real estate - Algona, Iowa Meacham, Curtis Lee, '94, ranchman Ontario, Cal, Meacham, Mrs. (Eleanor Kraiger), '94, B.Di. and B. S. , LS.N. Ontario, Cal. 168 ALUMNI REGISTER Mead, Anson G. , '79, lawyer and stockman 212 N. Campbell Avenue, Beloit, Kan. * Meade, Arthur H. , '80 Cincinnatis, N. Y. Medin, John Theodore, '03, Christopher & Medin, attorneys Dill Rapids, S. D. *Meehan, Peter J., '74 Washington, D. C. Meek, Edward Roscoe, '89, B.A. '87, United States district judge Ft. Worth, Tex. Meese, William A,, '77, Meese & Holland, attorneys Meetz, Theodore, '82 Moline, 111. Meister, Melvin George, '98, lawyer Dysart, Iowa Mekota, Joseph, '93, B. Ph. '92, lawyer, county attorney Cedar Rapids, Iowa Melchert, Milton Maxwell, '96, lawyer Charles City, Iowa * Melvin, Joel H., '71 Walnut, 111. *Mendenhall, Culver H., '87 Perkins, Okla. Menton, Dennis, '87, deceased Mercer, Andrew Wilbert, '97, Mercer-Ingham Abstract Co. Seymour, Ind. Mercer, Harry Hunsicker, '80, lawyer, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Mercer, Herbert Miller, '04, lawyer 92 N. 8th St. , Burlington, Iowa Mercer, John M. , '80, lawyer, city solicitor and clerk 316 Jefferson St. , Burlington, Iowa * Merchant, Charles H., '81 Meredith, Camden A., '87, lawyer Atlantic, Iowa * Meredith, John C. , '77 Linville, Iowa Merritt, Edward S. , '82, lawyer Des Moines, Iowa Mershon, James Edward, '91, lawyer I. L. & T. Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Metcalf, John A., '84 Metcalf, Orin J., '00, lawyer Vinton, Iowa Mewhirter, George, '83 Bristol, 111. Meyer, Rudolph, '83, civil engineer, Monterey Steel Works Apartado No. 55, Monterey, Mexico Meyerhoff, Dennis Homer, '93, lawyer Corning, Iowa * Meyers, Joseph Henry, '98 Carroll, Iowa Michel, Henry, '80, lawyer 408 Security Bldg, , Dubuque, Iowa Miles, Mathew James, '03, lawyer 305 1st Ave. , Cedar Rapids, Iowa COIvIvKGK OF LAW 169 Millar, Frank Robert, '90, lawyer Duluth, Minn. *Millen, Kmmor Henry, '99 Earlville, Iowa *Millen, William, '80 Huron, S. D. * Miller, Benjamin S., '73 Oklahoma City, Okla. Miller, Clarence Julius, '96, B.S. Northwestern University Lawyer Rock Rapids, Iowa Miller, Daniel F. , '72, Miller & vSon, attorneys Keokuk, Iowa Miller, George Byron, '94, manufacturer Waterloo, Iowa Miller, Jesse A., '91, lawyer and county attorney 1243 9th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Miller, Justus A., '97, B.S. Western Nebraska Normal Lawyer Cherokee, Iowa * Miller, Nelson, '01 Remsen, Iowa Miller, Reverdy J., '84, lawyer Des Moines, Iowa Miller, Richard C. , '83, lawyer and county attorney Clay Center, Kan. * Miller, Warren F. , '94, B.S. Lenox College, editor Spencer, Kan. Miller, William E. , '91, lawyer and county attorney Bedford, Iowa * Miller, William Henry, '77 Blairstown, Iowa Milligan, William D. , '91, lav/yer and county attorney Guthrie Center, Iowa Mills, Milton A., '70, lawyer Osceola, Iowa Miskimins, Sidney Irwin, '99, deceased Mitchell, Charles H. , '77, lawyer 79 Dearborn St. , Chicago, 111. Mitchell, John, Jr., '86, lawyer Chicago, 111- * Mitchell, Michael J., '90 Ft. Dodge, Iowa Mitchell, Oliver Holmes, '99, lawyer, county attorney, Waverly, Iowa Mize, Thomas J., '72 Moats, James C, '80, lawyer Marathon, Iowa Moats, Lyman, '82, lawyer Eagle Grove, Iowa Mockler, Thomas, '91, lawyer Bismark, N. D. Mohland, Charles H. , '77, Harned & Mohland, attorneys Sigourney, Iowa Molsberry, Fred M. , '92, lawyer, state senator Davenport, Iowa Molyneaux, Arthur R., '81, lawyer Cherokee, Iowa 170 AIvUMNI REGISTER Monier, James, '74 ■Monnett, Julien Charles, '93, B. Ph. '92, retired Iowa City, Iowa Montague, Richard W. , '84, B.Ph. '83, lawyer 728 Chamber Commerce, Portland, Oregon "Montgomery, George M. , '78 Albion, Neb. Montgomery, Wallace S. , '75, lawyer Long Beach, Cal. Moon, Charles Hovey, '00, lawyer Rolfe, Iowa *Moon, James A., '82, B.Ph. '80 Springfield, Mo. Moore, Charles S. , '93, lawyer Rockford, Iowa Moore, William Franklin, '01, B.A. '01, Guthrie Center, Iowa Lawyer, Milligan & Moore, attorneys Moore, William J. , '83, lawyer Columbus, Kan. *Moorehouse, Robert Johnson, '00. B.A. Wooster University New Cumberland, W. Va. Moothart, John Solomon, '99, lawyer Cando, N. D. Morgan, Alpha, '87, lawyer Broken Bow, Neb. Morgan, John S. , '68, deceased Morgan, William C. , '8-3 Mormon, Charles L. , '86, lawyer Bloomfield, Iowa Morris, Calvin B, , '72 Morris, Edward T. , '71, lawyer, 411 Walnut St., Des Moines, Iowa * Morris, Jasper Wellington, '94 - Panora, Iowa Morris, Jay Elias, '96 * Morrison, George R. , '76 Plattsmouth, Neb. Morrison, James E. , '76, lawyer and editor Gandy, Neb. Morrison, Robert G. , '83, lawyer 656 Temple St. , Minneapolis, Minn. Morse, Alvarado, K. , '83 Morse, James Warren, '01, lawyer Emmettsburg, Iowa * Morse, Robert C. , '95, B.A. Knox College, Phoenix, Arizona Morsman, Herman A., '74 St. Louis Club, St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturing electric railroad cars Morton, Joe, '96, lawyer, county attorney Sheldon, Iowa Mosnat, Jacob J. , '75, deceased Mossholder, William J., '81, B.Ph. '80, Neb. Wes. Univ., Lawyer, county judge. San Diego, Calif. Moulton, Mark Willis, '01, B.A. '00, Edson & Moulton. Storm Lake, Iowa Mount, Edwin R. , '83. COIvIvEGK OF LAW 171 Mount, James O. , '75, deceased Mowry, Ross Rutledge, '03, lawyer Moyer, Morris J. , '84. Muekel, Frank Lewis, '99, with W. Baxter, Iowa F. Main Company. Iowa City, Iowa Mueller, Alfred Christian, '97, Davenport Iowa Secretary Mueller Lumber Company. Muflay, Clarence M. , '78 Mugan, Thomas Aquinas, '97, lawyer Jefferson, Iowa ^Mullally, John F., '84 *Mullin, Frank, ''8i Mullin, Joseph Henry, '76, lawyer, Laredo, Texas Bozeman, Mont, county judge Grand Island, Neb. Mullin, Will C. , '92 Munger, Robert How^e, '99, lawyer, municipal judge Sioux City, Iowa Munroe, Charles, '79 Murphy, Charles William, '98 Murphy, Cornelius H. , '89, lawyer, S. Putman Bldg, Davenport, Iowa Murphy, D. D. , '87, lawyer, Blkader, Iowa Murphy, Edward Andrew, '01, Assi.stant editor Vinton Eagle Vinton, Iowa Murphy, Jeremiah Bartholemew, 'GO, lawyer, Marengo, Iowa Murphy, William F. , '80, Bailey & Murphy, attorneys Iowa City, Iowa Murray, George Herman, '02, lawyer Butte, Montana Murray, John C. , '77. decased Murray, John C. , '84, lawyer Murtagh, James Cyrus, '01, lawyer Maquoketa, Iowa Waterloo, Iowa lawyer Hawarden Des Moines, Iowa Iowa Muxen, Christopher Durward, '94, Myerly, John G. , '80, lawyer Myerly, Joseph I., '78, lawyer, 32 Clapp Block, Des Moines, Iowa Myers, David A. , '74, B.A. '73, lawyer Indianapolis, Ind. Myers, Harl, '94, B.Ph. , '93, deceased Myers, William R. , '88, B.S. Iowa Agricultural College, Grocer Los Angeles, Calif. Naftzger, Levi C. , '76, banker and lawyer 105 Lawrence Ave. , Wichita, Kansas * Names, Charles E. , '72 Chicago, 111. 172 AIvUMNI RBGISTER Names, DeWitt F., '75, deceased Names, Loring W., '72, lawyer Monnett, Mo. Nash, Stephen C, '78, deceased Neally, Edward M., '90, B.A. '03, lawyer Santa Ana, Calif Needham, Oscar M., '84, B.A. , Beloit College, lawyer Albion, Neb. Needham, William H. , Jr., '79, deceased Negus, Henry, '03, lawyer Iowa City, Iowa Neilan, Martin, '80, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Neiman, John N. , '75, B.A. '75, insurance 702 Observatory Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa * Nelson, John Silford, '01, B.Ph. '99 Madrid, Iowa * Nettles, Charles Henry, '84 Topeka, Kan. Nevin, James M., '81, B. S. '79, Monmouth College, lawyer Pittsburg, Penn. Newberry, Byron W. , '76, M.A. '75, Upper Iowa University Lawyer Strawberry Point, Iowa Newberry, Charles W. , '87, lawyer Strawberry Point, Iowa Newbold, Willis Boyd, '98, lawyer Farmington, Iowa Newman, James Barber, '97, lawyer Cedar Falls, Iowa Newman, Thomas G. , '84, B.A. , '83, lawyer 1027 16th St. , Bellingham, Wash. Niccols, George Howard, '01 Nichols, Edward E. , '83, lawyer and judge fifth judicial district Perry, Iowa Nichols, Elmer C. , '90, B.Ph., '88, lawyer West Liberty, Iowa Nickerson, Roy A., '01, with R. G. Peters Salt and Lum- ber Co. Manistee, Mich. *Nicodemu3, Anderson, '84 Stockton, Kan. Nies, Frank Knapp, '01, lawyer and postmaster Marble Rock, Iowa Niles, John H. , '82, B.A., '80, Dartmouth College, lawyer Anoka, Minn. Nimocks, George W. , '71, lawyer Great Bend, Kan. Noble, Alanson Clark, '95, lawyer Chicago, 111. Noble, Frank Henry, '94, B.A., Drake University, Ph. D. Columbia University, county attorney and lawyer Eldora, Iowa *Noel, Fred William, '99 Iowa City, Iowa *Noftsger, Marcus L. , '69 Chehalis, Wash. COLI.BGE OF LAW 173 Noland, Harry Boardman, '01, lawyer 401 I. L. & T. Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Noll, Thomas J., '75, lawyer Grundy Center, Iowa Noon, Bernard, '94, lawyer, 925 Quartz St., Butte, Montana Norris, Homer F. , '84, lawyer, 3a3 S. G. St. ,Tacoma, Wash. *Norris, Thomas G. , '83 Flagstaff, Ariz. Norris, William H. , '82, lawyer Manchester, Iowa Norwood, Paul E. , '90, M.D. Omaha Medical College Physician and Surgeon Ansonia, Conn. Noth, Albert John, '96, lawyer 210 Harrison St. , Davenport, Iowa Nourse, Clinton Iv. , '.80, lawyer 1810 Arlington Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa Novak, Charles Wensel, '94, lawyer 120-36 Lowe Ave., Chicago, 111. Novak, Frank H. , '89, lawyer 1952 Stewart Ave. , Chicago, 111. * Novak, Joseph, '95 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Nowlin, John W. , '75, deceased Nugent, Patrick, '93, 118 North St., lawyer Fort Dodge, Iowa Nye, Fred A., '88, B.Ph. '87, lavvyer Kearney, Neb. O'Brien, Frank Joseph, '96, deceased O' Bryan, Edward, '84, insurance Chicago, 111. O' Council, Daniel J., '96, lawyer Towner, N. D. O'Connor, Arthur H. , '78 O'Connor, Francis, '82 O'Connor, Frank Aloysius, '98, lawyer, county attorney New Hampton, Iowa O'Connor, John, '95 O'Connor, Maurice, '98, B. Di. Western Normal College Kenyon& O'Connor, attorneys Ft. Dodge, Iowa O'Day, Thomas, '77, lawyer Portland, Oregon O'Dea, Thomas B. S. , '84, B.Ph. N. Ind. Normal School Lawyer Sioux City, Iowa O'Donnell, Hubert J. , '74, lawyer Dubuque, Iowa O'Hair, Thomas F. , '77, lawyer Wheaton, Minn O'Hare, Joseph, '79, lawyer Winfield, Kansas O'Mara, Patrick, '75, deceased O'Reilley, William, '77, minister O' Sullivan, John J. , '77, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa 174 ALUMNI RKGISTKR O'Sullivan, J. W. , (j. W. vSullivan) '87, lawyer Algona, Iowa O'Sullivan, Michael, '83 Oakes, William Thomas, '03, lawyer Clinton, Iowa Ofsthum, Thomas T. , '80, lawyer Glenwood, Minn. Ogden, Raymond Davis, '01, B. Ph. , '00, lawyer Seattle, Wash. Ogilvie, George B. , '73, deceased Ogle, JohnB. , '86, lawyer Mankato, Minn. Okey, Frank Clifford, '00, B.A. , Princeton University Lawyer Corning, Iowa Olerich, Anton Thomas, '95, lawyer Fulton, Ohio Oliver, George A., '79, lawyer Onawa, Iowa Oliver, John Franklin, '79, lawyer Onawa, Iowa Olshausen, Theodore, '7(5 Opp, Shuyler, '84, hardware and lumber Weiser, Idaho Orebaugh, Walter W. , '87, lawyer and real estate Girard, Kansas Orelup, Fred G. , '90, B.A., '87, M.A., '90, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa Oren, Samuel A., '78, M. '77, College of Physicians and Surgeons Organ, John P., '80, lawyer Council Bluffs, Iowa Orr, William, '79, lawyer Clarinda, Iowa Orton, Eldon Chase, '96, lawyer Princeton, Mo. Orton, Ira D. , '92, B.A. '90, lawyer ' Nome, Alaska Orvis, Elmer Victor, '02, lawyer Muskegan, 111. Osborn, George W. , Jr., '82, mining secretary 62 Nevada Blk. , San Francisco, Calif. Osmond, William, '79, lawyer Great Bend, Kansas Otis, Edmund Rufus, '01, lawyer Monona, Iowa *Otman, Arthur Melville, '00, Peoria, 111. Otto, Ralph, '00, B.A. '98, auditor's assistant Iowa City, Iowa *Outcelt, George Allen, '81 Guthrie, Okla. Owen, Lenton Warren, '02, lawyer Spirit Lake, Iowa * Owens, Madison T. , '79 Los Angeles, Calif Packard, Albert M. , '84, lawyer Mandan, N. D. Paisley, Albert Alexander, '99, B.A. '98, railway postal clerk Burlington, Iowa * Palmer, Ellis M. , '86 Holdridge, Neb. COIvIvEGE OF LAW 175 Palmer, Edmund R. , '82, B.A., '80, Rutgers College Palmer, Walter Spence, '79, deceased Palmeter, Roy Armstrong, '97, B.Ph. '96, lawyer Clear Lake, Iowa Pangburn, George W. , '83, B.Ph, '82, Upper Iowa University, lawyer Algona, Iowa Park, William Herbert, '92, deceased Parker, Alonzo C. , '76, Carr, Hewett, Parker & Wright, attorneys Youngerman Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Parrish, Ezra B. , '82, deceased Parrish, George Randall, '79, journalist Chicago, 111. Parrott, Elmer H. , '90 Parry, Alexander Clem, '00, lawyer Albia, Iowa Parslow, Henry Edmond, '79, lawyer Clarinda, Iowa Parvin, Theodore W. , '76, B. A. '75, civil engineer San Louis Potosi, Mexico Pascal, AyletteL. , '78, law^yer DeWitt, Iowa Paschal, Frank Wright, '90, insurance, Kansas City, Kansas Patterson, Calvin A., '71 * Patterson, Charles E. , '80, B.Ph., '79, M.A., '82, Seattle, Wash. * Patterson, Charles S. , '82 Griswold, Iowa Patterson, George Elmer, '99, lawyer Estherville, low^a Patterson, James Grant, '01, B.Ph., '99, lawyer Oskaloosa, low^a Patty, Charles N. , '78, insurance Pontiac, 111. Paul, Thomas K. , '75 Payne, William O. , '83, B. A. '82, M.A. '85, Editor Nevada Republican Nevada, Iowa * Peart, William Lowry, '76 Oscar, Penn. Peasley, Willis Wilber, '75, banker Kellerton, Iowa Peck, John L. E. , '74, lawyer Indianola, Iowa Peery, Nelly, (Mrs. Valmah T. Price) '93, B.S., '90 Elkader, Iowa Peet, George J., '66, L. '68, Columbia University lawyer 43 Cedar St. New York, N. Y. *Pence, Kingsley Adolphus, '80 Blakeman, Kansas Pence, Omar Marion, '80, lawyejr Arroyo Grande, Calif. Pendelton, Edmund, '97, B.L. University of Wisconsin lawyer 511-513 Iowa Bldg. , Sioux City Iowa 176 ALUMNI RKGISTER Peregrine, James Hanna, '00, B.A. Parsons College, lawyer 723 8th St. , Des Moines, Iowa * Perfect, Truman W. , '81, B.A. '78, Lebanon College Honey Grove, Texas Perkins, KH Cushman, '79, lawyer Delhi, Iowa Peterman, Thomas D. , '82, lawyer " Fayette, low^a * Peters, Bdmund, '89 Seattle, Wash. Peters, Neri F. , '81, clergyman Slatington, Penn. Petersberger, Isaac, '97, B. Ph. , '97, lawyer Davenport, Iowa Petersen, Walter Herman, '01, lawyer 1607 South St., Davenport, Iowa Peterson, Charles F. , '78, law3^er and county attorney Clarion, Iowa Peterson, Gus T. , '74, lawyer Estherville, Iowa Petrovitsky, Charles George, '02, lawyer Seattle, Wash. *Phelan, Daniel Edward, '01 Bristol, Iowa Phelps, Matthew, '67, B.A. '67, Iowa College, deceased Phillips, Hermon W. , '82, lawyer 717 Geranium St., St. Paul, Minn. Phillips, Leon Paul, '99, lawyer and city clerk West Union, Iowa Pickering, William E. , '79, lawyer 95 W. 6th St. , Superior, Wis. Pickett, Charles E. , '90, B.Ph., '88, lawyer, banker. Regent vState University Waterloo, Iowa Pidgeon, Albert K. , '80 Piersol, George Judson, '99, B.Ph. Iowa College, banker Hockler & Piersol, attorneys Ft. Dodge, Iowa *P.ierson, Theron B. , '83 San Bernardino, Calif. Ping, John Rcy, '93, lawyer Sperry, Iowa Plum, Jerrie Louis, 'Q7, managing salesman, W.D.Cannon, Jr. , & Co. Iowa City, Iowa *Plum, Oran F. , '88 Petersburg, Neb. Plum, William Milton, '98, lawyer and real estate Anadarka, Okla. Pollans, F. E. , '87 Pollard, Josephus James, '75, B.Ph. '78, deceased Pollock, Charles A., '81, B.A. '78 and M.A. Cornell College judge district court Fargo, N. D. *Pomeroy, Fred E. , '84 Mankato, Minn. COIvIvEGE: of I.AW 177 Pomeroy, Fred B., '87, B.A., '85, lawyer Red Oak, Iowa Pomeroy, William Henry, '03, lawyer Shelby, Iowa Popejoy, James H. , '82, farmer Burdette, Iowa Popham, R. G. , '98, B.A. '97, lawyer Marengo, Iowa Poston, Rufus C. , '82, lawyer Corydon, Iowa Pound, Will H., '82 Powell, Charles ly. , '89, B.A. '85, M.A. '88, lawyer Citizen's Bk. Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Powell, Brundrige, '01, B.A. Denison University, lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa * Powers, Charles J., '79 Chicago, 111. Powers, James N., '79, lawyer Salt Lake City, Utah Powers, Loren M. , '82, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa Pratt, Bphriam D. , Jr., '91, lawyer Omaha, Neb, * Prentice, William H. , '78, B. S. Grand River Institute Toledo, Ohio Prest, John R. , '83, lawyer College Springs, Iowa Preston, Fred Alexis, '01, lawyer Oskaloosa, Iowa * Preston, George Cuyler, '78 Denver, Colo. Price, George Milnes, '98, B.Ph. '97, lawyer Langdon, N. D Price, Richard F. , '89 Price, Valmah Tupello, '91, B. S. '89, lawyer, Elkader, Iowa Price, Mrs. Valmah T. , (Nelly Peery) '93, B.S., '90 Blkader, Iowa Prichard, Jacob A., '89, B.A. Cornell College, lawyer Onawa, Iowa Prichard, Irving M. , '94, deceased Prichard, Robert, '82, B.A. , '80, lawyer Red Oak, Iowa Prichett, Bdward, '99, lawyer Oskaloosa, Iowa Probasco, Bmery Melville, '97, lawyer Centerville, Iowa Pronty, Bdith M. , '91, B.S. '90, lawyer Humboldt, Iowa Prouty, Winfield Scott, '94, B.Ph. '91, lawyer,, city attorney and mayor Charles City, Iowa Pruyn, Bdward, '67, B.A. Iowa College Pugh, Robert Wood, '86, lawyer, county attorney, mayor Williamsburg, Iowa Putnam, H. St. Claire, '82, deceased Putnam, W. Clement, '83, lawyer 213 Main St., Davenport, Iowa 178 AIvUMNI REGISTER Quarton, William B. , '82, judge of the 14th judicial district Algona, Iowa Quinn, Daniel T. , '81, deceased *Ouinn, James Lewis, '97 Springfield, vS. D. Ouinton, Eugene S. , '83, B. A. '82, lawyer Topeka, Kansas Raffensperger, John W. , '76, lawyer Keister, Minn. Rahret, John H. , '79, banker Oxford, Iowa Ranck, Cyrus S. , '71, Ranck & Bradley, attorney Iowa City, Iowa Randall, John Henry, '88, deceased Randall, McKercher John, '01, lawyer Belle Plaine, Iowa Randolph, Frank F. , '81, lawyer Seattle, Wash. Rank, Fred William, '96, lawyer Moline, 111. Rankin, Wiley Strange, '01, lawyer Mason City, Iowa Rankin, William Walter, '88, B. S. Normal and Science Institute, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa Ranney, William W., '76, lawyer 219 Main St., Austin, Minn. Ratcliff, William Conner, '04, lawyer Rolfe, Iowa Rawson, Alonzo, Jr., '88, B. S. '86, deceased Raymond, Fred W. , '83 Raymond, John M. , '84, lawyer 177 Downer Place, Aurora, 111. Raymond, Nathaniel B, , '81 *Rea, Edwin C. , '88, B;A. Lenox College, Ida Grove, Iowa Read, John M. , '85, Read & Read, attorneys Youngerman Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Read, William L. , '75, Read & Read, attorneys Youngerman Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa * Redden, Will Lester, 01 Danbury, Iowa Redman, W^illiam H. , '70, deceased Reed, Benjamin F. , '73, editor Algona Advance Algona, Iowa Reed, Rudolphus B. , '82, deceased Reed, Samuel B. , '84, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Reeve, Herman D. , '82, lawyer, secretary Com. Military Affairs Washington, D. C. Reeves, Charles P., '82, B.S. '78, Cedar Valley Seminary Lawyer, state's attorney Glenwood, Minn. Regan, John Peter, '01, lawyer Great Falls, Mont. Regenwitter, Henry, '79, lawyer Davenport, Iowa COIvIvEGE OF IvAW 179 Reiley, Robert LeRoy, '00, B.A., Knox College, editor and publisher, Wapello Tribune "Wapello, Iowa Remley, Howard M. , '72, B.A. '67, M.A. '73, lawyer Anamosa, Iowa Remley, James Edward, '01, B. Ph. '00, lawyer Anamosa, Iowa Reque, I^ars S. , '74, B.A. , '69, Norwegian Luth. College, Lawyer Decorah, Iowa Resser, Burt C. , '98, B.A. 97, lawyer Marshalltown, Iowa Reynard, Frank K. , '92 * Reynard, Joseph S. , '90 Maloy, Iowa Reynolds, Charles E. , '90, lawyer Carroll, Iowa Reynolds, Daniel M. , '81, lawyer 505 W. 6th St. , Atlantic, Iowa Reynolds, Hal Reede, '00, lawyer Bedford, Iowa * Reynolds, Robert R., '93 517 Home Insurance Bldg. , Chicago, 111. Rhoads, Edward C. , '82, lawyer East St. Louis, 111. *Rice, Emory C. , '78 St. Louis, Mo. Rice, Franks., '81, B.A., '80, deceased Rice, James A., '77, lawyer 1518 Grande Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa *Rice, Lory A., '84 Rockford, Iowa *Rice, KanuteO. , '83 Madison, Minn. * Richard, Henry M. , '80 Savanna, Ind. Ten Richards. Edward A., '77, lawyer Manson, Iowa Richardson, Ira C. , '84, lawyer Thief River Falls, Minn. * Ricks, Walter A., '80 Richmond, Va. Ridenour, Jacob C. , '85, B. S. , Ada Normal, lawyer Lima, Ohio Ridgeway, William Bailey, '04, lawyer Winfield, Iowa * Riley, Carl, '94 Iowa City, Iowa Rinard, Leonard Cook, '96, lawyer Mason City, Iowa Ring, Hebert Clarence, '94, B.Ph. , '93, lawyer Center Point, Iowa Riordan, Patrick H. , '75, deceased Risk, Loren, '03, lawyer Oelwein, Iowa Ritz, Philip Embury, '80, farming and fruit raising Sargent's Bluffs, Iowa Rivers, John D. , '67 Roach, Edwin Clay, '75, lawyer Rock Rapids, Iowa 180 ALUMNI REGISTER Robb, Edwin A., '94, B.Ph., '93, lawyer Carroll, Iowa *Robb, Matthew B. , '84, Garden City, Kansas Robbins, Caleb A., '90, lawyer, county attorney Winterset, Iowa * Roberts, Charles Stowe, '79, Rochester, N. Y. * Roberts, Hardin W. , '74 Ennis, Texas * Roberts, Luis Melville, '96 Davenport, low^a Robertson, Orrin, '82, H. M. '95, physician San Antonio, Texas Robinson, Bertram Lafayette, '96, law^-er Reinbeck, Iowa Robinson, Ewing, '90, lawyer Equitable Bldg. , Denver, Colo. Robinson, Frank B. , '88, B.A. '85, M.A. '88, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Robinson, Leonard Browning, '95, B.Ph. '94 Milchrist & Robinson, attorneys, Sioux City, Iowa Robish, Willis Herbert, '01, B.S. Upper Iowa University Lawyer Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Rodman, George G. , '72, editor, Washington Democrat Washington, Iowa Roedell, Robert Percy, '01, lawyer Dubuque, Iowa Rogde, Peter J., '87, lawyer Sioux Falls, S. D. Rogers, Charles A., '81, lawyer Eldora, Iowa * Rogers, Derick L. , '85 Vicksburg, Miss. Rogers, Douglass, '91, lawyer Manning, Iowa * Rogers, William J. , '94 Oxford, Junction, Iowa Rohde, Carl Adolph, '00, lawyer Davenport, Iowa Rollins, Richard Russell, '98, B.S. Amherst College Manager Rollins Vinegar & Pickle Co. 1072 30th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Roman, John, '77 Rominger, Ellsworth, '92, Carrithers & Rominger, attorneys Bloomfield, Iowa Rose, Louis Narcisse, '95 Rose, Perry D.,'82, lawyer 123 Boston Bldg. , Denver, Colo. Rosebcrry, Frank M. . '83, B.A. '81, Princeton, lawyer Le Mars, Iowa Ross, Elmer Edgar, '93. lawyer, county attorney, Central City, Neb. *Ross, Henry D. , '83 Wagon Mound, New Mexico Ross, Homer Lachlin, '97, lawyer Hilo, Hawaii COIvIvEGE OF I.AW 181 Ross, Joseph Henry, '99, lawyer Audubon, Iowa Rothrock, James tt. , '90, judge supreme court Cedar Rapids, Iowa Rowe, Harrison D. , '78, real estate dealer and county supervisor Oakland, Calif. Rowell, Ivouis James, '96, B.Ph. '95, lawyer Tipton, Iowa Rudolph, Charles James, '96, lawyer Atlantic, Iowa * Rudolph, Martin IB., '81,B.S. '75, Iowa Agriculture College Canton, S. D. Rudolph, Samuel Harry, '97, lawyer Atlantic, Iowa *Rue, Ivars O.,'01, B.S. '00 Ridgeway, Iowa Rule, Arthur I^ynwood, '00, Blythe, Markley & Rule attorneys Mason City, Iowa Runkle, Jesse Abner, '93, B.A. Western College, lawyer 211 S. 2nd St., Cedar Rapids, Iowa * Runner, Frank h., '94 Edington, 111. Rushton, Thomas J. , '80, lawyer Elgin, 111. Russell, George P., '73, deceased Russell, Henry C. , '73, deceased Russell, Herman, '78, lawyer, 1 Nassau St. , New York, N.Y. Russell, James J., '78 New York, N. Y. Rutan, Wesley R. , '81 *Ruyman, Adolf, '00 325^ W. 2nd St., Davenport, Iowa Ryan, David, '67, lawyer 1301 10th St., Des Moines, Iowa Ryan, John Bloomfield, '96, lawyer 5-8 Philips Blk, , Des Moines, Iowa Ryan, Robert, '67, Brown & Ryan Bros., attorneys I/incoln, Neb. Ryan, Thomas, '68, Brown & Ryan Bros., attorneys Lincoln, Neb. Ryan, William Lewis, '96, B. S. , Iowa Agri. College, lawyer 5-8 Philips Block, Des Moines, Iowa. Sager, Edward, '94, lawyer Waverly, Iowa St. Clair, Hugh Edmund, '89, lawyer Spirit Lake, Iowa Sailor, George Durell, '00, B.S. Cornell College, lawyer Cascade, Iowa Sallman, Karl Elof, '97, lawyer Corydon, Iowa Sammon, John Martin, '89 Sanders, Euclid, '76, B.Ph. '74, banker Iowa City, Iowa 182 AI.UMNI REGISTER Sanders, Mrs. Euclid, (Mary A. Terrell), '77,B.Ph. '74 Iowa City, Iowa Sargent, Amor Harley, '99 B. Ph. Iowa College, Crisman & Sargent, attorneys, Savings Bank Building Cedar Rapids, Iowa * Sargent, Edward B. , '87 Vincennes, Iowa Sargent, Edwin W. , '74, lawyer 133 N. Broadway, Eos Angeles, Calif. Akron, S. D. E. D, Drake Univer- * Sargent, Frederick Wesley, '01 vSaunders, Charles G. , '88, B.A. and E. sity. lawyer, state senator 1015 5th Avenue, Saunders, Herbert Clifford, '01, B. Ph. , Council Bluffs, Iowa '00, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Savery, Mrs. Anne N. , '75, deceased Sawyer, Samuel F. , '91, deceased *Sayre, Franklin, '75 Wichita, Kansas Scarborough, Ben F. , '89, deceased *Schaeffer, J. Eewis, '88 Box Elder, Utah Schiefelbein, Emil August, '04, M.A., '04, B.S., '96, Upper Iowa University, lawyer Hudson, Iowa Schmidt, William O. , '77, deceased Scholz, Charles Emil, '02, lawyer Guttenberg, Iowa Schricker, William E. , '84, E. '85 Columbia University Banker LaConner, Wash. Schular, Robert Andrew, '95, B.S. Parsons College Bremner & Schular Des Moines, *Schulte, Apthony G. , '84 Sigourney, Schultz, Henry F. , '88, county attorney Storm Lake, Schultze, Frederick C. , '78, deceased vScordield, Charles S. , '72 Scott, James M. , '78 Scott, John E. , '76, lawyer Scott, John Kimberland, '95, lawyer Scott, Joseph W. , '73, lawyer Scrimgeour, William C. , '91, lawyer * Scully, George William, '00 Seaman, Allen B. , '84, deceased Seaman, Ernest Wright, '97, lawyer 33 McManus Building, Davenport, Iowa Seaman, James Wilson, '96, B. Ph. '95, Seaman & Seaman, attorneys, 33 McManus Bldg. Davenport, Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Mt. Ayr, Iowa Rock Island, 111. Sac Cit)^ Iowa Belle Plaine Ottumwa Iowa Iowa COIvIvEGK OF LAW 183 Searle, Charles James, '89, lawyer 904 17th St. , Rock Island, 111. Searle, Sherman William, '89, newspaper work Davenport, Iowa Sears, Reuben Bdward, '71, B.A. '70 and M.A. '73 Iowa College, lawyer 102 N. Second, Marshalltown, Iowa Sears, William G. , '80, lawyer, 1426 Douglass vSt. , Sioux City, Iowa Seaton, Elvin Roberts, '94, lawyer Hubbard, Iowa Sechrist, Alonzo G. , '82, lawyer, 604 D. Ave., Lawton, Okla. Seeds, Kdward P., '77, deputy auditor war depart. 17th & F. Sts. N.W., Washington, D. C. Seeley, William B. , '86, banker and breeder of fine stock Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Seerley, John J., '77, B.A. '75, Seerley & Clark, attorneys Burlington, Iowa *Sell, W. Martin, '80 Slatington, Pa, Shaffer, Michael, '92, retired Iowa City, Iowa Shannahan, IJdwin Joseph, '04, B. Ph. '04, Iowa City, Iowa Sharman, W. J., '66, deceased * Sharp, Edward Floyd, '98 Dexter, Iowa Sharp, William F. , '84, lawyer Dexter, Iowa Shea, John J., '82, oil merchant Independence, Kan. *Shedenhelm, Robert, '94 Isadora, Iowa * Shellenberger, George H. , '81 Humboldt, Iowa Shepherd, Hugh Hurst, '00, B.Ph. '98, lawyer. Manager Shepherd Abstract Co. Mason City, Iowa * Shepherd, James J. , '87, lawyer Calmar, Iowa Sheridan, Thomas J., '88, B.A. Notre Dame University Lawyer, member assembly, '01 324 Pine St., San Francisco, Calif. Sherman, Fred, '03, lawyer Rolf, Iowa Sherwood, Andrew J., '83, lawyer and banker Coquille, Oregon Shorey, Joe, '92, lawyer 20 Masonic Temple, Davenport, Iowa Short, Emerson J., '83, B.S. '81, West Farmington College Ogallala, Neb. Shortley, John, '74, Cardell & Shortley, attorneys Perry, Iowa 184 ALUMNI REGISTER Shunk, Wilson h. , '81, lawyer Pierre, S. D. *Sliure, William Henry, '98 Page, N. D. Shutts, Harvey James, '96, B.A. Central University, lawyer Vinton, Iowa Sibley, Stephen H. , '84, lawyer Des Moines, Iowa Sime, Thomas E. , '89, lawyer, real estate Merriam Park, Minn. *Simenson, Rasmus J., '71 Flandreau, S. D. Simonds, George S. , '78, real estate and manufacturing 3936 Warwick B'vd. , Kansas City, Mo. Simonton, Thomas Milton, '01, B.Ph. '00, lawyer Oskaloosa, Iowa Simkins, J. D., '82, B.S. '80, Nat. Normal University Superintendent public schools 216 Perry St., St. Mary's, Ohio Simpson, Charles T. , '81, lawyer, probate judge Orleans, Neb. Simpson, Joseph A. , 82 *Sindlinger, John Harry, '92 Waterloo, Iowa Skewis, Edward John, '98, grain and commission merchant 1013 Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn. Slaymaker, Ora Melvin, '97, lawyer Osceola, Iowa Smalley, Henry D. , '72, lawyer Chicago, 111. Smith, Allen A., '87, lawyer Eureka, Utah Smith, Arthur A., '82, lawyer Galesburg, 111. * Smith, Arthur L. , '71 Grand Rapids, Mich. Smith, Clifford P., '91, judge of district court Mason City, Iowa Smith, Daniel W. , '75, lawyer 414 6th Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa Smith, Ed. P., '85, lawyer, deputy attorney general 2206 Emmet St. , Omaha, Neb. Smith, Edgar Russell, '95, B.S. Parsons College, lawyer Fairfield, Iowa Smith, Edward A., '99, lawyer 521 Pacific Block, Seattle, Wash. Smith, Ellison G. , '74, judge of the first circuit court 505 Linn St. , Yankton, S. D. Smith, ErastusW. , '74, lawyer 15th and Arapahoe Sts. , Denver, Colo. * Smith, Ftank Charles, '01 New Hampton, Iowa Smith, Frank E. , '94, lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa COIvIvKGE) OF I,AW 185 Smith, Frederick, '82 Smith, George A., '74, commercial traveler and collector Denison, Iowa * Smith, George A., '78 Salem, Oregon Smith, George F. , '82, merchant Taintor, Iowa Smith, James H. , '83, lawyer Mt. Vernon, Wash. Smith, James J., '79, lawyer Ottiimwa, Iowa Smith, James Wesley, '79 and '93 Iowa City, Iowa * Smith, John C, '83 Hartington, Neb. Smith, John R. , '88, lawyer New York, N. Y. * Smith, Joseph J., '82 San Francisco, Calif, Smith, Ivawrence P., '83, lawyer San Francisco, Calif. Smith, Lewis Allen, '95 Smith, Napoleon B. , '80, lawyer White Snlphur Springs, Montana Smith, Ralph J. , '99, B. Ph. '98, lawyer, and abstract of titles Montezuma, Iowa Smith, Robert H. , '82, lawyer Holstein, Iowa Smith, Samuel Craig, '97, B. Ph. '96, lawyer Winterset, Iowa Smith, Thomas Corwin, '03, lawyer Harlan, Iowa * Smith, W. Albert, '78 Denver, Colo. Smith, William Avery, '98, B.Ph. '98, B.S. Western College lawyer New Hampton, Iowa Smith, William H. , '84, lawyer Mechanicsville, Iowa Smyth, Samuel J., '88, M,A. Cornell College, lawyer Tacoma, Wash. Snediker, R. Truman, '73, stock hotel 415 Everett Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas Snider, John, lawyer . Hastings, Neb. * Snider, William Philip, '00 Granger, Iowa Snow, Eugene K. , '7.1, Snow Bros., attorneys, retired Wilmington, Delaware Snyder, Charles William Edward, '97, B.A. and M.A. '97 Cornell College, lawyer Belle Plaine, Iowa Snyder, Simon Hanson, '81, B.A. '80, lawyer Snyder, Theodore B. , '71, B.A. '69, Iowa Wes. University Lawyer Ft. Madison, Iowa Soesbe, Clarence William, '01, B.A^ '01, banker Greene, Iowa Soper, Krastus Burrows, Jr., '99, B.A, Columbia University Lawyer Woonsocket, S. D. 186 AIvUMNI REGISTER Southard, William H. ,'84, M.E. Central State Nor., Pa. Deceased Southwick, Albert F. ,'93, real estate 6245 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, 111. *Southworth, Owen, '74 Marysville, Kansas Sowers, George T. , '88, lawyer Bloomfield, Iowa Spargur, Rynard E- W. , '76, lawyer, county judge Nichollet Avenue and 4th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Sparks, Charles Isaac, '96, lawyer Boone, Iowa Sparks, Walter E. , '82 Spaulding, Henry L. , '88, B.Ph. '87, M.A. '90, lawyer, member general assembly Elma, Iowa Spence, Robert H. , '75, Henry & Spence, attorneys Mt. Ayr, Iowa Spensley, Harker Brentnal, '96, lawyer 151 Fifth St., Dubuque, Iowa * Spensley, Robert Waller, '98 Dubuque, Iowa Springer, Arthur, '77, lawyer Wapello, Iowa * Springer, William James, '01 Decatur City, Iowa Spurgeon, Theodore, '04 . Iowa City, Iowa Staats, Joseph Lewis, '75, lawyer Bozeman, Mont. Staffelbach, William H. , '78, lawyer Wellington, Kansas Stafford, W. Walter, '84 Stahl, Henry K., '76, lawyer Chicago, 111. *Stahl, William Sherman, '97, B.Ph. Simpson College Indianola, Iowa * Stanton, Lemuel J., '84 Washington, D. C. *Stanwood, Lewis A., '82, M.A. '77 Bowdoin College Van Buren, Arkansas Stapleton, Martin William, '97, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Stapleton, Thomas, '78, lawyer Marengo, Iowa Stein, Hulbert M. , '72 * Stephens, Frederick C. , '84, B.A. '81, Bowdoin College St. Paul, Minn. Stephenson, Chester F. , '90, secretary Swift & Co. 6401 Kimbark Ave. , Chicago, 111. Stevens, Delos D. , '86, M. D. , Western Reserve, lawyer Marion, Iowa Stevens, Frederick Le Roy, '00, lawyer Iowa City, Iowa Stevens, Truman S. , '90, lawyer Hamburg, Iowa COIvIvEGB OF IvAW 187 Stevenson, John Ogilvie, Jr., '02, lawyer Steilacoom, Wash. Stewart, Archibald K. , '79, lawyer 500 E. Locust St., Des Moines, Iowa Stewart, John Douglas, '92, lawyer Rock Rapids, Iowa Stewart, John J., '80, lawyer Council Bluffs, Iowa Stidger, Nathan H. , '70, lawyer Ness City, Kan. *Stiefvater, Albert De Witt, '90 ChicagO; 111. Stillwell, Charles Minor, '96, lawyer Tyndall, S. D. *Stires, J. Dayton, '82 Quakertown, N. J. Stoke, John Milton, '94, principal of schools Oskaloosa, Iowa Stoltenberg, Peter, '79 Stone, Elmer, '81, R. F. D. No. 1, farmer Hillsdale, Iowa Stone, Frank E. , '73 Stookey, Marion F. , '77, lawyer Leon, Iowa Storey, Leslie, '04, B.Ph. '02 Iowa City, Iowa * Stout, Traverse E. , '83 Huntington, West Virginia * Stover, Edward Lee, '89 Watertown, S. D. Stover, George Elmer, '01, B.Ph. '99, lawyer Estherville, Iowa Stover, Samuel A. , '77, deceased Stratford, Arthur Avon, '01, B.Ph. Coe College, lawyer Enid, Okla. Strauss, Oscar, '99, B.Ph. University of Michigan, lawyer 206 Good Blk. , Des Moines, Iowa Strong, Alfred Chapin, '80, lawyer Sioux City, Iowa Struble, Guy Treat, '01, lawyer, county attorney Le Mars, Iowa * Stuart, Charles Edward, '04 " Chadwick, 111. * Stuart, Richard A., '91 Marion, Iowa Stump, George Ellsworth, '93, editor and proprietor Chenoa Clipper Chenoa, 111. Stutsman, Carl Allen, '92, B.A. '91, lawyer, Burlington, Iowa Stutsman, William H., '89, B. Ph. '87, M.A. '90, lawyer Mandan, N. D. *Sucksdorf, Henry F. , '70 Spangle, Wash. *Suhr, John Christian, '01 West Side, Iowa Sullivan, Daniel C. , '99, deceased Sullivan, Eugene John, '03, lawj-er Victor, Iowa 188 ALUMNI REGISTER * Sullivan, John B. , '94, B.L. Notre Dame University Creston, Iowa Sullivan, John J., '78, lawyer, judge of the supreme court Columbus, Neb., * Sullivan, John Lawrence, '00 Clermont, Iowa * Sullivan, John T. , '87 Waterloo, Iowa Sullivan, J. W. , (O' Sullivan, J. W.) '87, lawyer Algona, Iowa * Sullivan, W. H., '80 Kansas City, Mo. Summers, George F. , '80 Marshalltown, Iowa Sutherland, Charles Ross, '04, M.Di. '99, I. S. N. , lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sutherland, Donald G. W. , '86, lawyer Clarinda, Iowa Sutton, Lyle F. , '84, B.Ph. '80, lawyer Clinton, Iowa Swaine, James R. , '86, lawyer Greeley Center, Neb. Swale, Frank F., '87, B.S. Upper Iowa University, lawyer New Hampton, Iowa Sweeley, Marling J. , '78, lawyer 412 12th St., Sioux City, Iowa Sweet, Burton Erwin, '95, B.Ph. Cornell College, Lawyer, member of house Waverly, Iowa Sweet, Earl Chapin, '01, B.A. Cornell College, law^yer, county attorney Minneapolis, Minn. Sweney, J. Henry, '81, lawyer Osage, Iowa Swett, Arthur Wyman, '90 Swett, Fred Clayton, '92, deceased Swift, John Loras, 03, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Swift, Rodney B. , '82, lawyer 4937 Madison Avenue, Chicago, 111. Swift, Worthington, '90, lawyer , Okla. Swisher, John P. , '76, B.A. '76, deceased Swisher, Abram E., '74, B.A. '42, lawyer. President State Bar Association Iowa City, Iowa Swisher, Benjamin Franklin, '00, B.Ph. '99, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Swords, George William, '98, lawyer Iowa City, Iowa Taft, William J., '81, B.A. '79, Humbolt College, lawyer Iowa City, Iowa Talbott, Mina Grant, '99, lawyer Carroll, Iowa Tallman, Jesse Milton, '99, B.S. Cornell College, lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa COIvIvBGE^ OF IvAW 189 Tamisiea, Frank, '92, lawyer Missouri Valley, Iowa *Tamisiea, Robert Shannon Franklin, '01 Waverly, Iowa Tanquary, Nathan Q. , '82, lawyer Continental Bldg. , Denver, Colo. Taylor, Charles D. , '82, B. S. '80 Iowa Agricultural College Taylor, Henrj^ C. , '83, lawyer Bloomfield, Iowa Taylor, Herbert Edward, '00, B. Ph. '98, lawyer Lansing, Iowa * Taylor, James Arthur, '99, B, S. Southern Iowa Normal Bloomfield, Iowa Techentin, Henry W. , '91, B.S. '90, lawyer Main and 3rd Sts. , Davenport, Iowa Tedford, William H., '69, retired Corydon, Iowa Telford, George B,, '92, lawyer and ranchman Mount Ida, Kan. Temple, Frank O. , '87, deceased Terrell, Mary A., (Mrs. Euclid Sanders), '77, B.Ph. '74 Iowa City, Iowa Terry, Menzo W. , '82 Teter, Lorenzo Dow, '00, lawyer Member of General Assembly Knoxville, Iowa Thomas, Benjamin Franklin, '00, B.Ph, '97, lawyer Traer, Iowa Thomas, Charles Mortimer, '97, lawyer Maquoketa, Iowa Thomas, David Peter, '96, lavr7er Oklahoma City, Okla. Thomas, Zadoc W., '84, lawyer Ft. Dodge, Iowa Thomason, Andrew Elmer, '91, lawyer Tekamah, Neb. Thompson, Charles C. , '91, lawyer Bancroft, Iowa Thompson, Charles E. , '78, deceased Thompson, Ezra E. , '81 Spring Coullee, N. W. T. * Thompson, Fritz Warren, '92, B.A. Shurtleff College Lakeport, Calif. Thompson, Frank Evans, '96, lawyer Burlington, Iowa Thompson, George B. , '92, B.Ph. '99, lawyer Lead, S. D. Thompson, Herbert Garfield, '03, lawyer Muscatine, Iowa Thompson, James G. , '82, lawyer Alma, Neb. Thompson, John F. , '75, lawyer Forest City, Iowa Thompson, John McCandless, '00, B.S. Coe College, lawyer Marion, Iowa Thompson, John R. , '77, judge district court 811 W. 2nd St., Grand Island, Neb. 190 ALUMNI RKGISTER Thompson, Ralph Ulysses, '93, lawyer ' Muscatine, Iowa Thompson, William H. , '77, Thompson Bros., attorneys Grand Island, Neb. Thorn, Clifford J., '99, M.A. '99, B.A. Boston University Lawyer Washington, Iowa Thorpe, Brwin Llewellyn, '79, B.A. Baker University, M.E. Northwestern University, minister New Haven, Conn. *Threlkeld, Delman, '99 Chariton, Iowa Thurman, Horace G. , '77 Thurston, Lloyd Leonard, '02, lawyer Osceola, Iowa Tidball, Samuel H. , '85, lawyer Indianola, Iowa Till, Herbert Jennings, '88, 5 South St. , Dorchester, Eng. Tillson, William Henry, '94, bank cashier Cresco, Iowa Tirrill, Rodney Warren, '94, lawyer Manchester, Iowa Tisdale, William D. , '78, B.A. '75, lawyer and regent Iowa State University Ottumwa, Iowa *Tjernagel, Lewis J. (Larson, Lewis J.) '84 Story City, Iowa Todd, Albert Nelson, '76 *Todd, Henry D., '80 Sigourney, Iowa *Tollefson, Adolph, '83 Sioux City, Iowa Tompkin, George W. , '89 Torgeson, L. Walter, '92, lawyer Minot, N. D. Torrison, Oscar M. , '82, B.A. '81, Norwegian Lutheran College, L. Col. University, lawyer 56 Alice Place, Chicago, 111. Tourge, John Birney, '03, lawyer Armour, S. D. Tourtellot, Park William, *96, B. Ph. '95, lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa Town, Ira Allen, '75, lawyer, probate judge, member of legislature 503—504 Bernice Bid. , Tacoma, Wash. *Townley, L. Byron, '79, B.Di. '72, State Normal College Harlan, Iowa * Tracy, Charles Alexander, '94 Des Moines, Iowa Tracy, George Stone, '83, lawyer Burlington, Iowa Travis, William F. , '87, lawyer Washington, D. C. Traxler, Charles J., '82, lawyer and author 538 Lumber Exchange Bid., Minneapolis, Minn. Treichler, William Newton, '79, lawyer Tipton, Iowa COIvIvKGE OF IvAW 191 Trimble, Palmer, '76, lawyer and attorney for C. B. & Q. R. R. Keokuk, Iowa Triplett, Frank, '80, lawyer Gowrie, Iowa Troup, Alexander C. , '79, lawyer, member of house and president board of insanity 829 S. 21st St. , Omaha, Neb. Troy, Henry Michael, '96, B.Ph. '93, lawyer Minneapolis, Minn. True, George Clifford, '00, Oskaloosa, Iowa Lawyer, clerk to general solicitor I. C. R. R. Truesdale, Hiram C, '82, B.A. '80, deceased Tucker, Ezra B. , '76, lawyer, county attorney Columbus Junction, Iowa Tunnell, William H. , '82, B. S. Blackburn University, '80 deceased Turck, Frank D. , '80, lawyer Hill City, Kan. Turkinton, George K. , Jr., '90, lawyer 605 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Turner. Earl James, '99, B. Di. Iowa State Normal, Tuthill, John S. , '91, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa Tyer, Henry Wilbert, '98, B.S. Iowa College, lawyer * Tyrrell, Will C. , '94 * Underwood, Mount Vernon, '99 Upton, Clark C. , '89, lawyer Ure, Samuel Ralph, '93, lawyer * Valentine, John Alpha, '80 Van Allen, Alfred Maurice, '94, lawyer, Mt. *Vanatta, Joseph A., '78 VanAuken, U. S. Grant, '89, lawyer 600 Youngerman Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa VanCamp, Andrew N. , '71, lawyer and real estate Highmore, S. D. Vance, Charles Louis, '96, lawyer Marengo, Iowa Vanderploeg, William Garfield, '03, lawyer Pella, Iowa Vanderpoel, Florance A. , '93, B.A. '80, M.A. '83 Lawyer and postmaster Park Rapids, Minn. *Van Horn, Charles Albert, '80 Copp, Dak. *Van Horn, Howard L. , '84 Ashland, Neb. *Van Horn, Joel R. , '79, B.S. '76, Blackburn University Argonia, Kan. Ogden, Utah Belmond, Iowa Alva, Okla. Cresco, Iowa Riceville, Iowa Lincoln, Neb. Pleasant, Iowa Lincoln, Neb. 192 AIvUMNI REGISTER Van Hosen, Cornelius N. ,'82, editor Daily Republican Springfield, Mo. * Van Metre, Ezra, '83 Colby, Kan. Van Ness, Edwin Jones, '03, lawyer Whittemore, Iowa Van Nice, Isaac Webster, '97, lawyer Belle Plaine, Iowa Van Oosterhout, Peter Dirk, ' 94, B. Ph. '03, Orange City, Iowa Ivawyer, county attorney and mayor Van Slyke, Ivcster Thurston, '95, lawyer Red Field, S. D. *Van Vliet, William J. , '94 Pella, Iowa VanWagenen, Anthony, '76, lawyer, 1903 Rebecca St. , Sioux City, Iowa Van Winkle, William T. , '71, deceased * Van Winter, Ray, '79 Chadron, Neb. Varga, Stephen, '81, lawyer, abstracts and loans, Leon, Iowa Varnum, Charles William, '88, secretary of the Y. M. C.A. San Antonio, Texas Varnum, George Martin, '91, lawyer Ernest- Cranmer Building, Denver, Col. Vaughn, Philip Timothy, '01, lawyer Ft. Dodge, Iowa Vestal, William D. , '81, lawyer Custer, S. D. *Vogler, Frank, '95 £015 Holmes St., Kansas City, Mo. Vollmer, Frederick, '96, lawyer 5 Putnam Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Vollmer, Henry Jr. , '87, 25-27 Schmidt Bid., Davenport, Iowa Voogd, Dick, '03, lawyer Aplington, Iowa *Vorhes, Fred Charles, '95 Brandon, Miss Vorse, Charles Searle, '75, deceased Votaw, Henry L. , '79, real estate and insurance 646 S. Steele St. , Tacoma, Wash. Wade, Martin J., '86, U.S. Representative 2nd district low^a City, Iowa * Wagner, Henry Franklin, '98 Sigourney, Iowa Wagoner, John C. , '90, B.A. Notre Dame University Wakefield, Albert Orin, '97, B.A. Lombard University Pendleton & Wakefield, attorneys 411 and 413 Iowa Bldg., Sioux City, Iowa Wakefield, Edwin Ray,- '93 Walker Gerald Griffin, '99 Walker, James Henr}^ '03, lawyer Denison, Iowa Walker, Martin S. , '93, deceased * Wallace, Arthur E. , '87 Rapids City, S. D. COI.IvEX>E) OF IvAW 193 Wallace, George Edwards, '96, lawyer, assistant state's attorney and city attorney Wahpeton, N. D. * Wallace, W. S., '87 Grand Junction, Golo. Walling, Herman Bernard, '97, lawyer Anthon, Iowa Walsh, Alfred Edward, '96, Walsh Bros., attorneys Chicago, 111. Walsh, Edmund C. , '81, lawyer Clinton, Iowa * Walsh, Eugene John, '00 Clinton, Iowa Walsh, James W., '89, secretary Davenport Gas and Eelectric Co. Davenport, Iowa * Walsh, Mark A., '89 Clinton, Iowa * Walsh, Thomas Ed., '92 Van Horn, Iowa Walsmith, Arthur John, '94, lawyer Sheldon, Iowa *Ward, James A., '79 Sioux Falls, S. D. Ward, William, '83 Warden, Henry Clay, '80, lawyer Pueblo, Colo. Ware, John D. , '88, B. Ph. Iowa College, lawyer 940 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha, Neb. Warner, Clyde V. , '88, deceased Warner, Joseph Sylvester, '01, lawyer Leon, Iowa Warner, Loren Ashley, '01, Ripley & Warner, attorneys Garner, Iowa Warner, Thomas Farnsworth, '98, B. Ph. Upper Iowa Univer- sity, lawyer Osage, Iowa Warnock, James C. , '79, B.A. '77, M.A. '82, minister Cedarville, Ohio Washburn, Charles Henry, '97, lawyer , Arkansas Waterman, Luther Amos, '92, deceased Waterman, Willian Thomas, '03, lawyer 616 Kirkwood Boulevard, Davenport, Iowa Watkins, Charles Grant, '97, M.S. Iowa Wesleyan University Lawyer Savings Bank Bldg. , Cedar Rapids, Iowa * Watkins, O. W., '80 Eureka Springs, Ark. Watkins, Samuel R. , '98, B.Ph. '91 City hall editor Press Bureau Chicago, 111. Watson, Joseph J., '90, B. S. Kirkville, Mo., lawyer Ft. Madison, Iowa Watson, Joseph Otis, '97, M.A. Simpson College, lawyer Indianola, Iowa Watt, WaUer Gilmore, '98, M.A. '98, B.A. Coe College Lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa 194 ALUMNI REGISTER Walters, George W. , '72, deceased Weaver, Abram Cuthbert, '99, lawyer and real estate Colfax, Iowa Weaver, James B. , Jr., '82, lawyer 2-4-6 Clapp Block, Des Moines, Iowa Weaver, Harry Otis, '92, B.A. '91, lawyer Wapello, Iowa Weaver, Walter Leroy, '01, lawyer Iowa Falls, Iowa *Webb, Milton P. '75 Slater, Iowa Webber, John Francis, '99, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa Webster, Sylvanus, '82 Weed, Fredmund Casson^ '99, B.A. '98, lawyer Ft. Dodge, Iowa Weed, Howard Tobey, '98, lawyer West Union, Iowa Weeks, Blbert W. , '73, lawyer, member 29th General Assembly, Iowa Guthrie Center, Iowa Weighton, John, '84 Audubon, Iowa Weld, Homer B., '85 * Wells, Daniel T., '81 Cassville, Mo. Wells, Frank, '01, B.Ph. '00, bank cashier Sabula, Iowa * Wells, Leonard Alva, '01 Reasnor, Iowa Welty, Bert B. , '98, lawyer Nevada, Iowa Wenner, Edward Jackson, '93, student Yale Law School New Haven, Conn. *Wertz, Frank L. , '84, B.A. '82, Carthage College Forreston, 111. *Wesche, Willmer Edgar, '96 Clarion, Iowa *Wessels, Alden Van Epps, '00 Clinton, Iowa *Wessels, Arthur Lewis, '00, B.S. Cornell University Clinton, Iowa West, Peter, '89, lawyer Pendleton, Oregon West, Samuel M., '78, Heaton & West Huron, S. D. Westfall, Levi Stoddard, '94, county auditor and county judge two terms Pierre, S. D. Westover, Myron F. , '82 Westrope, Norman Scott, '99, lawyer Harlan, Iowa Wetzel, John H. , '86, B.A. College of Northern Illinois Lawyer Bellefonte, Pa. * Wheeler, Albee E. , '80 Eugene, Ore. Wheeler, Orr W. , '88, lawyer Denison, Iowa Wheeler, Orville D. , '88, B.Ph. '84, lawyer and district judge Council Bluffs, Iowa COIvIvEGK OF I.AW 195 *Wheelock, Theodore Morris, '00 Moline, 111. Whipple, William P., '78, B.Ph. '77, lawyer and state senator Vinton, Iowa *Whitconib, C. B. , '85, lawyer Brooklyn, N. Y. White, Alfred M. , '84, lawyer Elwood, Neb. White, Arthur Wellesley, '99, B.S. Northern Ind. Normal Ivawyer Vinton, Iowa White, Charles E. , '78, B.A. '73, lawyer Madison, Wis. White, George W. , '73, lawyer Coquille, Ore. White, Henry C. , '84, B.Ph. Cornell College, lawyer Kingman, Kan. White, John A., '82 White, J. De Witt, '77 Chicago, 111. White, Warren, '83, deceased White, William Allen, '97, lawyer Washington, Iowa White, Wilmer Melrose, '04, lawyer Panora, Iowa Whitfield, Daniel R., '84, B.S. '82, Western Normal, lawyer Malvern, Iowa Whiting, Samuel Danforth, '04, B.A. '96, lawyer Iowa City, Iowa * Whitley, Thomas C. , '74 Guthrie, Okla. *Whitmer, Albert Roy, '00 Wilton Junction, Iowa *Whitmire, Clarence Iv. , '82 Waverly, Iowa Whitmore, Howard J. , '83, lawyer I^incoln, Neb. Whitney, Cassius H. , '91, lawyer Hartington, Neb. Whitney, Jesse B. , '87, lawyer Harlan, Iowa Whitney, William B. , '84, lawyer Beaver City, Neb. Whittemore, Hugh Aaron, '96, B.A. Cornell College, lawyer St. Paul, Minn. * Whittemore, Walter McKenzie, '94 2036 Wabash Ave. , Chicago, 111. Wick, Barthinius L., '93, B.Ph. '91, M.A. '93, lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa Wicks, Judson h. , '82, B.Ph. '81, M.A. '84, lawyer 1911 Pillsbury Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Wieben, Edward Eniil, '04, lawyer Dysart, Iowa Wiedeman, Martin F., '76, lawyer Burlington, Iowa Wilcox, Fred M., '93, lawyer Appleton, Wis. Wilcox, John Clinton, '00, lawyer Appleton, Wis. Wilcox, Wesley T, , '82, lawyer, member of house, North Platte, Neb. 196 ALUMNI REGISTKR Wilcox, William Henry, '03, lawyer Rolfe, Iowa Wilds, James J., '77, deceased * Wilkin, Rufus Floyd, '96 Albia, Iowa Wilkinson, Mrs. (Mary A. Hickey), '73 Assinoboia, N. W. T. Wilkinson, William Josiah, '96, merchant Hanley, Assinoboia, N. W. T. Will, Charles Lewis, '04, lawyer Vinton, Iowa Willard, K. M. , '87, lawyer Atlantic, Iowa Willett, James Horace, '04, B.A. '01, lawyer Tama, Iowa Willett, William, '93, attorney , Montana Willett, William S. , '01, Willett & Willett, attorneys Tama, Iowa Willging, Edgar Henry, '04, lawyer Dubuque, Iowa Williams, Augustus Burnside, '99, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa Williams, Fred Almor, '00, B.Ph. '99, lawyer Des Moines, Iowa Williams, J. Douglas, '84 Willliams, Joe, '98, lawyer Port Arthur, Texas Williams, John B. , '89, lawyer, county attorney and city attorney Waterloo, Iowa Williams, John Howard, '80, lawyer Elgin, 111. Williams, Keota Winona, '99, lawyer Ottumwa, Iowa Williams, La Mont Abner, '01, Marling & Williams, attorneys Hastings, Okla. Willianson, James Henry, '80, deceased Williamson, Ralph Clinton, '04, B.Ph. '02, lawyer Davenport, Iowa Willis, Frank R. , '81, lawyer, district attorney eight years Los Angeles, Calif Willner, Charles, '77, lawyer Burlington, Iowa Willoughby, Hugh A., '99, lawyer Grundy Center, Iowa Wills, Will T., '90, lawyer Butte, Neb. Wilmarth, Myron Everett, '96, lawyer, county attorney Corning, Iowa Wilson, Carlton Charles, '03, lawyer Washington, Iowa Wilson, Charles J., '75, Wilson & Kellog, attorneys W^ashington, Iowa Wilson, Edwin Brown, '97, B.Ph. '96, Howell & Wilson, attorneys Iowa City, Iowa COIvLKGE OF IvAW 197 Wilson, Ellis Klmer, '95, B. Di., Drake University, lawyer Waterloo, Iowa * Wilson, Eugene H. , '87 Denver, Colo. Wilson, George Herbert, '93 Wilson, James J., '88, lawyer Marshalltown, Iowa Wilson, James M. , '96, lawyer 503 West State St. , Centerville, Iowa Wilson, Mrs. Jennie h. , '91 Sup't. Womens Dept. National Life and Trust Co. 509 Madison Apartments, Detroit, Mich. Wilson, John, '72 Wilson, Theodore B. , '67, Wilson & Stratton, Ashland, Neb. *W"ilson, William Bruce, '00 Moulton, Iowa Winterer, Herman, '82, lawyer Valley City, N. D. Wintermute, James A. , '82, lawyer Tacoma, Wash. Winters, James, '79, deceased * Winters, Samuel Louis, '97, M.A. Iowa Wesleyan University Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Wishard, Edward S. , '75, lawyer 508 Good Block, Des Moines, Iowa Wissler, Edwin Arthur, '01, lawyer Carroll, Iowa Wiswall, Elmer A., '90, B.A. Cornell College, deceased Withrow, Winfield S. , '80, district judge, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa *Witt, Fred Henry, '00 Ottawa, 111. Wolcott, Ethan C, '80, lawyer Omaha, Neb. * Wolfe, Edmund M. , '88, B.Ph. Northern Illinois College Mountain Home, Idaho Wolfe, Patrick B. , '70, lawyer Clinton, Iowa Wolfe, Richard B. , '90, lawyer DeWitt, Iowa Wolff, Willis F., '82, lawyer, 1532 Curtis St., Denver, Colo. Wood, Abram G. , '86, lawyer , Okla. Wood, Benjamin Upham, '97, lawyer Atlantic, Iowa Wood, Buel R., '77, lawyer Custer City, S. D. Wood, Chauncey Lynch, '75, Nolan & Wood, attorneys Rapids City, S. D. Wood, Clarence Daniel, '03, lawyer Jefferson, Iowa Wood, Horace Lee, '81, deceased Wood, Nathan H., '72, deceased Wood, Oliver H., '72, lawyer Brighton, Iowa *Woodard, Marion, '82 I^eon, Iowa Woodbridge, Chandler, '01, lawyer Cedar Rapids, Iowa 198 AIvUMNI REGISTi^R Woodford, Jasper, '66, deceased * Woodward, Alpheus, '75 Cloquet, Minn. *W"oodward, Flinn H. , '79 Sykeston, N, D. Wormley, John Marion, '89, lawyer, mayor, Kingsley, Iowa Wright, Carlton C, '84, B.A. Tabor College and Colorado College, la\^^er 4016 Cunning St., Omaha, Neb. Wright, Craig L. , '68, B.Ph. '67, Wright & Call, attorneys Sioux City, Iowa Wright, Craig Tuttle, '95, CK. Pa. Mil. College, lawyer 28th and Forest Drive, Des Moines, Iowa Wright, Herbert Richard, '01, lawyer I. L. & T. Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa Wright, Melville C. , '66, deceased * Wright, Samuel D. , '71, B.A. '69, Iowa Wesleyan University Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Wright, Thomas S. , '66, deceased Wullweber, H. G. , '72, deceased Wyckoff, Clarence Stanton, '98, B. S. Amity College, lawyer Cincinnati, Iowa Wyckoff, Fred, '96, lawyer Vinton, Iowa Yaley, Horace J. , '01, deceased Yarnell, James H. , '74, deceased Yates, Edward Gilbert, '03, B.Ph. '00, lawyer, Mackey, Idaho Yearous, Aaron, '78, lawyer Eagle Grove, Iowa Youker, De Witt Talmage, '98, lawyer Ft. Dodge, Iowa Young, Augustus I., '79, deceased Young, Fletcher W., '75 Young, Howell W. , '82, B.S. '80, Dartmouth College, lawyer Minneapolis, Minn. Young, Ivafayette, Jr., '01, newspaper work Des Moines, Iowa Young, Newton C, '87, B.A. '86, M.A. '90, judge of the supreme court Fargo, N. D. *Younkin, William M. , '77 San Diego, Calif. Zink, Townsend M. , '83, lawyer Le Mars, Iowa Zmunt, Vincent, '94, B.S. Iowa Agricultural College, lawyer Iowa City, Iowa Zollinger, Morris A. , '94, lawyer Vinton, Iowa. AIvPHABETlCAIv LIST OF THE) GRADUATES OF THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE The star (*) indicates a lack of information. Where address is uncertain or business unknown, no occupation is noted. Graduates of '04, are given home addresses except where new addresses are supplied. Abegg, Henry Harvey, '98, physician Dougherty, Iowa Abegg, William, '85, physician Kirkville, Iowa Achilles, Fred William, '74, physician Kvansville, Ind. Adair, William S. , '91, physician Kellogg, Iowa Adams, Charles Blackstone, '97, D. V. M. physician 1,0s Angeles, Calif. Adams, Fred Iv. , '98, physician Curlew, Iowa Ady, Emmett, '82, physician West I^iberty, Iowa Aikin, James Melancthon, '87, physician, professor of chemical neurology and mental disorders, Univer- sity of Nebraska 207 J 6th St., Omaha, Neb. Ainsworth, Adelaide Ivorena, '03, deceased Albert, Henry, '02, B.S. '00, M.S. '02, professor of patho- logy and bacteriology and director of bacteriology laboratory for the state board of health Iowa City, Iowa Aldrich, Linus I., '88, physician Clear Lake, Iowa Allen, Alexander R. , '74, deceased Allen, Arthur Burtis, '86, physician 413 E. Utica, Buffalo, N. Y. Allen, Benjamine F. , '83, retired Kalona, Iowa Allen, Frank Harvey, '98, physician Shelby, Iowa Allen, Lowell Edward, '97, physician Tama, Iowa Allen, Roy William, '04, physician Marshalltown, Iowa * Allen, Thomas G., '86 439 Elk St., Buffalo, N. Y. Allen, William C. , '81, physician 1221 Arch St., Allegheny, Pa. 200 ALUMNI REGISTER Allen, William L. , '81 physician 114U W. 3rd St. Amsberry, Albert Lincoln, '93, physician Anderson, Albert M. , '90, physician Anderson, Albert P., '86, deceased * Anderson, Charles Alfred, '97 Stromsberg, Anderson, Frederick Eugene, '98, physician 21 4J Brady St. , Davenport Anderson, Harry Nathaniel, '02, physician Scranton Andrews, Albert H. , '89, physician 100 State St. , Chicago, 111. Andrews, Charles H. , '73, physician Manilla, P. I. Angus, Haney Adelbert, '03, B. S. '00, physician Garrison Appel, Fred Lyon, '03, physician Archer, William H. , '74, physician Arenschild, Edwin M. , '83, physician Arent, Asaph, '98, physician Armentrout, John C, '83, deceased Armstrong, James T. , '79 Arnett, Lillie Amanda, '04, physician Arnold, Robt. R. , '77, physician Arthur, Mrs. Mattie L. Neb. Davenport, Iowa Hartford, S. D. Estherville, Iowa Neb. Iowa Iowa Iowa Muscatine, Iowa Adair, Iowa Ottumwa, Iowa Humboldt, Iowa Erie, 111. Humeston, Iowa '86, physician and surgeon 407 Paxton Blk. , Omaha, Artz, Charles V, , '82, physician Hastings, Neb. Atkinson, Clara E. , '76, physician Fairhope, Ala. *Atwood, Charles, '81 Moravia, N. Y. Augustine, Grant, '00, physician Minden, Iowa Augustine, Jasper L. , '93, physician Ladora, Iowa Ayres, Edward C. , '94, physician Larimor, Iowa Bachman, Edsil W. , '87, physician Estherville, Iowa Bachman, Morris Piper, '00, physician Denver, Iowa Baer, Thomas Horatio, '02, physician Defiance, Iowa Bain, Fred Ralph. '95, physician Rockwell, Iowa Baker, Albert T. , '77 Baldridge, Samuel T '87, M. A. , physician and surgeon 3628 Halstead St. , Chicago, 111. physician West Branch, Iowa '84, oculist, professor of opthalmol- ogy College of Physicians and Surgeons 3509 Franklin Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Baldwin, Clare C. , '04, Ball, James Moores, Jr cohhnon OF mkdicine 201 Ball, John J., '83, physician 1414 W. Temple St., I^os Angeles, Calif. Ballard, Jeremiah, '75, physician Kelso, Wash. Barber, George M. , '80, physician Manning, Iowa Barewald, Charles Lawrence, '91, physician, county physician Scott county, Iowa Davenport, Iowa Barfoot, Albert Fremont, '86, physician and surgeon 407 W. Broadway St., Decorah, Iowa Barker, James Archie, '00, physician Greely, Iowa Barker, Mrs. James A., (Maud Alice Daly) *01, physician Greely, Iowa Barlow, Edward, '93 Barnes, Henry E. W. , '73, physician and surgeon Creston, Iowa Barnes, Samuel M. , '72, physician Fairbury, 111. Barnes, Thomas H. , '72, physician El wood, Va. Barr, David D. , '85 Grand Rapids, Ohio Barr, Elmer E. , '87, physician and druggist, Whitman, Neb. Barrett, Albert Moore, '95, B.A. '93, physician in Massa- chusetts hospital for the insane, Hawthorne, Mass. Barry, Patrick J. , '91, physician ' Auburn, Iowa Barth, George E. , '75, M. '69, Kentucky Medical School Physician 3700 Cork Ave. , St. Louis, Mo. Barthell, John F. , '91, physician Winfred, S. D. Bartlett, Lewis Leroy, '95, physician West Union, Iowa Barton, Louis E. , '86, physician Deer Creek, 111.^ Bates, Mrs. Lillie Hanley, (Lillie Dale Hanley) '85 Shenandoah, Iowa Bauer, William John, '00, physician and surgeon 3152 22nd St., San Francisco, Calif. Bawden, Henry L. , '73, physician 4 Franklin Block, Davenport, Iowa Beach, Lena Alice, '01, physician Cherokee, Iowa Beach, Melville Augustus, '01, physician Stratford, Iowa Beam, Watson W. , '86, physician Rolfe, Iowa Bean, Oley G. , '98, physician Kensett, Iowa Bean, William O. , '73 Beane, Albert A. , '91, deceased Beavis, Rev. Arthur, '90, deceased Beck, Carl A. , '88, deceased 202 AI.UMMI REGISTER Beck, James W., '81, phj^sician 3624 3rd St. , Des Moines, Iowa Beede, Simon Cooley, '91, physician and surgeon David City, Neb. Bell, Charles M., '79 Bell, Samuel C. , '82 Bell, Walter Scott, '97, B.A., physician Chapin, Mich. Bellin, Julius Joseph, '96, physician and surgeon Wrightstown, Wis. Belsheim, Andrew Gilbert, '01, physician Aitkin, Minn. Belsheim, Gilbert G. , '95 Northwood, Iowa Belt, Andrew Lincoln, '90, physician Gilmore City, Iowa Benham, Frank, '73 Bergeson, John B. , '88, physician 419 Bozlston, Boston, Mass. Bernays, Albin A., '93 Berry, Alexander K. , '84, physician Burlington, Kan. Berryman, Asa W. , '84, M.S. '81, Cornell College, adjuster for Life Insurance Co. Mt. Vernon, Iowa Besore, Walter McKay, '98, physician Macedona, Iowa Bice, David C. , '75, physician 2428 University Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa Bice, Gerald Roy, '03 Plainville, Kan. Bierring, Walter L. , '92, professor of theory and practice and clinical medicine, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Bigler, Jennie May, (Mrs. Tracy) '85 Shellsburg, Iowa Bills, Willis Clifford, '85, pTiysician Durant, Iowa Binford, William Sherwood, '00, physician Dixon, Iowa Birkofer, William Joseph, '97, physician and surgeon Gothenburg, Neb. Bittinger, William M. , '82, physician Grady, Ark. Blackburn, Matthew H. , '89, physician Princeton, 111. Blackmore, Ralph Davis, '01, B.S. '99, deceased Blair, Samuel Ellsworth, '94, physician Alvord, Iowa Blake, Charles Wesley, '98, physician Jefferson, Iowa Blekre, Faltin O., '81 Blocklinger, Albert Herman, '94, physician Dubuque, Iowa Blythe, Edward Ellsworth, '04, B. Ph. '00, assistant in histology, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Blythin, Joseph W. , '85, B.Ph. '80, M,A. '85, deceased Bones, John Malin, '90 COIvIvKGE: of medicine 203 Booth, William H., '77, physician Ivebanon, Oreg. Boots, Frederic Warner, '04, physician Ivone Tree, Iowa Bossingham, Ottmer Nathaniel, '98, D.V.M. , physician and surgeon Ringsted, Iowa Bowen, Jesse William, '98, physician Monango, N. Dak. Bowen, William, '95 Ft. Dodge, Iowa Bower, Giltner T. , '74, deceased Bowman, Edward Sinnet, '93, physician Davenport, Iowa Bowman, Howard Edgar, '04, physician Hills, Iowa Bowman, Ivuther W. , '86, physician Alliance, Neb. Boyd, Frank Elmer, '93, physician Little Sioux, Iowa Bracelin, Patrick M. , '75, physician of diseases of lungs 4th and Brady Sts. , Davenport, Iowa Braden, Austin Lynn, '03, physician Wellman, Iowa Bradley, Charles Chittenden, '90 Bradway, Willard F, , '78, physician 1901 Cottage Grove Ave., Des Moines, Iowa Brady, James Ray, '93, physician Sioux City, Iowa Branch, George Harvey, '96, physician. Grand Isle, Vt. Branson, Mrs. L. L. , (Laura B. House) '85, B.S. '01, M. S. '04, physician Iowa City, Iowa Brasch, Gottfried, '85, deceased Braunwarth, Enima L. , '81, physician Muscatine, Iowa Braunwarth, Sarah Jane, '76, physician Muscatine, Iowa Breed, Frederick L. , '85, deceased Breen, Mary A., '90, physician Le Mars, Iowa Breene, Frank Thomas, '93, D.D. S., professor of operative dentistry and therapeutics, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Brenneman, Joseph P., '79 Brewer, Lewis Stanhope, '96, physician Quimby, Iowa Bridenstine, Sylvester J. , '75, physician Ballard, Wash. Briggs, Stewart Daniel, '04, B.A. '92, M.A. '93, Leland Stanford University Puyullup, Wash. Briggs, Walter Homer, '98, B.A. , physician and U. S. pen- sion examiner Ewing, Neb. Britt, William Henry, '84, physician Creighton, Neb. Brockman, David Crawford, '78, B.A. and M. A. Cornell College, physician, president Iowa State Medical Society Baker Block, Ottumwa, Iowa Brooks, Ezra, '86, physician and surgeon Bodie, Calif. 204 ALUMNI REGISTER Brown, Eric N. , '88, physician Marengo, Iowa Brown, Florence Emily, (Mrs. Jno. B. Sherbon,)'04,B.Ph. 92 M. A. '04 Colfax, Iowa Brown, J. Alvin, '76, physician Zearing, Iowa Browning, Eli, '94, physician West Branch, Iowa Brownson, John J., '86, surgeon, surgeon in St. Joseph's College 937 Locust St. , Dubuque, Iowa Bullock, William Elmer, '01, physician Lake Park, Iowa Burbank, Frank Elbert, '92, physician and surgeon Oxford, Iowa Burge, Albertus Joseph, '00, B.S. '97, M.vS. '98, assistant surgeon and instructor in surgery S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Burgess, Jonathan Arthur Willard, '95, physician Iowa Falls, Iowa Burnett, Luther H., '78, physician Valley Falls, Kans. Burns, Thomas John, '03, physician Manchester, Iowa Burrows, Frank A. , '87, physician Kiron, Iowa Burwell, Edward E. , '85, physician Freeport, 111. Bushnell, William Francis, '03, physician Freeport, 111. Butler, Frank Post, '87, physician Whitten, Iowa Butler, Lawrence L. , '76, deceased Butterbaugh, Walter Scott, '97, deceased Byerly, Andrew J. , '87, physician Coggon, Iowa Byrne, Patrick J. , '84, medical examiner. Bureau of Pensions 234 N. St. , Washington, D. C. Byrnes, Thomas, '93, physician Bridge Avenue, Davenport, Iowa Byrnes, Victor Warren, '97, physician and druggist Durant, Iowa Calkins, Charles D. , '83, D. '87, Chicago College Dental Surgery, dentist Waterloo, Iowa Camp, Marshall, '81, physician Kellerton, Iowa Campbell, Charles Harvey, '98, physician Clarks, Neb. Campbell, Samuel A. , '75, physician Malvern, Iowa Campbell, William D. , '85 Cantwell, John Dalzell, '01, physician Spokane, Wash. Carl, Frank F. , '86, physician Nichols, Iowa Carle, Frank Clifford, '04, physician Garrison, Iowa Carmichael, Benjamine, F. , '73, physician, Davenport, Iowa Carper, Philip D. , '88, deceased COIvIvKGK OF MKDICINK 205 Carroll, Frank, '94, physician Cedar Rapids, Iowa Carroll, Joseph M. , '79, physician Ivaurens, Iowa Carson, William T. , '89, physician, surgeon and pharmacist Holstein, Nebr. Case, Blias P., '75, physician and surgeon, Corning, Calif. Case, S. C, '79, deceased Chaffin, Wellman Franklin, '90, physician Raymore, Mo. Chamberlain, Ben H., '03, physician Wyoming, Iowa Chandler, Joseph K. , '82 Chapman, Horace Ray, '01, physician Bennett, Iowa Charlton, Josephus B. , '72, physician and surgeon Clear Lake, Iowa Chase, William Brock, '02, B.S. '90, physician Prairie City, Iowa Chatterton, Allen S. , '82, physician and surgeon Peterson, Iowa Cherry, Allen Bernard, '90, physician and surgeon Winside, Neb. Chilson, Benjamine, '82, physician Sharon, Wis. Christensen, Christen Jensen, '02, physician Jewell Junction, Iowa Christie, Orvil Burl, '91, physician Defiance, Iowa Cilley, Charles Sidney, '97, physician What Cheer, Iowa Clark, Alice May, '02, physician McGregor, Iowa Clark, Charles Bryant, '93, physician Ogden, Iowa Clark, Delbert, A., '84 Clark, George P., '83 Clark, Ivola, (Mrs. Norman E. Mighell) '94, phj^sician Iowa City, Iowa Clark, Mrs. Mary B. , '85, physician Lincoln, Neb. Clark, Samuel W. '86, physician and surgeon Clauser, George Alvin, '97, B.S. physician Bridgewater, S. D. Cleaves, M. Abbie, '73, physician 79 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Clifford, Frank F., '85, physician West Concord, Minn. Close, Charles Frederick, '96, deceased Cocklin, John S. , '83, physician Livingston, Wis. Cogswell, Frederick Alonzo, '89, physician and surgeon Swaledale, Iowa Cole, James Fay, '87, physician Oelwein, Iowa 206 AIvUMNI REGISTER Cone, JaredE. , '82, physician Youngstown, Ohio Conley, Alonzo T. , '74, physician Cannon Falls, Minn. Conley, Hiram Eldridge, '84, physician and surgeon Cannon Falls, Minn. Conn, Carlton Edwin, '95, physician and surgeon Battle Creek, Iowa Conn, James Emmett, '92, physician and surgeon lOO Burns St. . Ida Grove, Iowa Conniff, Harriet A., '80 Conniff, Robert E. , '84, physician, member Iowa State Board of Health Sioux City, Iowa Conard, Belle H. , '94, physician Webster City, Iowa Conroy, Edward Morris, '90, physician Ogden, Utah Cook, DeWitt C. , '73, deceased Cook, Edwin W. , '84, physician and surgeon 610 Main St. , Plattsmouth, Nebr. Cooney, Charles Joseph, '95, physician Westgate, Iowa Cooper, Jay Clark, '02, physician Villisca, Iowa Cooper, John M. F, , '84, physician Waterville, Wash. Copeland, John Albert, '00, physician Coleridge, Neb. Corbus, John C. Jr., '84, physician Mendota, 111. Corsant, James Colvan, '00, physician Dike, Iowa Costello, William Edward, '94, ph5^sician Zwingle, Iowa Coulson, Commodore?., '89, physician Chelsea, Iowa Coulthard, George Harry, '04, physician Missouri Valley, Iowa Coveny, Mamie A., '92, physician 319 4th Ave., Clinton, Iowa Cox, Julius W. , '86, deceased Coxe, John R. , '80, physician North English, Iowa Cozine, James R. , '81, physician 721 E. 57th St. , Chicago, 111. Craig, William David, '94, physician Henderson, Iowa Crane, Edward Harrison, '04, physician, Correctionville, Iowa Crane, Eudell Thomas, '04, physician Odebolt, Iowa Crane, George Henry, '96, physician Holstein, Iowa Crawford, Jennings Price, '83, physician, lecturer on surgical technique, S. U. I. Davenport, Iowa Creswell, William L. , '03, physician Danbury, Iowa Cretzmeyer, Charles H. , '01, physician Algona, Iowa Cross, Frank Wallace, '04, physician Council Bluffs, Iowa COIvIvEGB OF MKDICINE 207 Culmsee, Ludwig Alfred, '95, physician St. Ansgar, Iowa Cummings, Louis F. , '84, physician Hopkinton, Iowa Cummings, William Cyrus, '03, physician Delhi, Iowa Cunningham, John Wesley, '97, physician, Clarksville, Iowa Dale, Harry Meredith, '94, physician Los Angeles, Calif. Daly, Maud Alice, (Mrs. Jas. A. Barker) '01 care Kansas National Military Home Damm, Ludwig F. , '82 Daubney, Francis W. , '83, physician Decorah, Iowa Davis, James C. , '80, physician Emmetsburg, Iowa Davis, Joseph W., '72, physician Ft. Madison, Iowa Day, Archie Loraine, '04, physician 16 and Milwaukee St. , Denver, Col. Day, George Lewis, '95, physician Lone Tree, Iowa Day, Henry E. , '97, physician Dumont, Iowa Day, William Elton, '02, physician Clarksville, Iowa Dean, Lee Wallace, '96, B.S. '94, M.S. '96, professor of ophthalmology, otology, rhinology and laryngology S. U. I. Iowa City, Ibwa Dean, Ray Herbert, '02, B.S. '99, M.S. '02, physician 605 W. 3rd St. , Muscatine, Iowa Dearing, William H. , '82, physician and surgeon Lushton, Neb. Decker, George Edward, '97, B.S. '95, physician and lec- turer on diseases of children, S. U. I. 14 Whittaker Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa De Jong, Conrad, Jr., '97, B.A. '95, physician Orange City, Iowa De Lano, Albert H. , '87, physician Lone Tree, Iowa DeLespinasse, Adolph Frederick Henry, '01, Ph. G. '96 Physician Orange City, Iowa DeMotte, Charles W. , '81, retired 261 N. Euclid Ave. , Pasadena, Calif. Denison, Joseph Pence, '97, deceased Dennis, Elmer Grant, '90, physician and surgeon Charles City, Iowa Dennison, John C. , '89, physician Bellevue, Iowa Detchon, Hugh Smith, '98, physician Victor, Iowa Deters, W^illiam August, '00, physician Mazeppa, Minn. Detwiler, Douglas W. , '89, physician (eye, ear, nose and throat) Oskaloosa, Iowa 208 AIvUMNI REGISTER Devine, Winfield S. , '87, physician and surgeon Marshalltown, Iowa Dewey, William H. , '84, physician and surgeon Moville, Iowa Dickson, John P., '88, physician Franklin, Iowa Diehl, Charles Ellsworth, '93, manager Iowa Mexican Plantation Co. Valley Junction, Iowa Dillon, John F. , '81, physician 396 4th St., San Francisco, Calif. Dimond, Stacy B., '89, physician and druggist, Albany, 111. Dingman, Marshall Edwin, '02, physician Vinton, Iowa Dodd, Frank B. , '89, physician Waucoma, Iowa Dodds, Robert J. C. , '80, physician Blanchard, Iowa Dodge, S. Wilson, '82, physician Fairbury, Neb. *Dolan, Charles P., '80 Waterville, Minn. Donohoe, Anthony Patrick, '02, B. S. '97, physician Davenport, Iowa Doolittle, Emmett Warren, '75, physician Garden Grove, Iowa Dorr, Edward EHsha, '89, physician and surgeon, Editor Iowa Medical Journal Citizens' Bank Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Dotson, Eli E. , '01, physician Zearing, Iowa Doty, Elmer A., '85, physician Oxford, Iowa Dower, Thomas, '96, physician Fonda, Iowa Downing, Leroy Morgan, '03, physician Wellman, Iowa Downs, Edward W. , '84, physician Coon Rapids, Iowa Downs, Joshua A., '97, physician Glidden, Iowa Doyles, Edward M. , '88, physician Yankton, S. D. Drew, John Walter, '85, deceased Dulin, John Albert, '03, physician Webster, Iowa Dulin, Mrs. John Albert, (Tarana J. Grithaus) '03 Webster, Iowa Dnnkelberg, Bert C. , '89, physician and surgeon Tripoli, Iowa Dunkelberg, Elmer E. , '86, physician Waterloo, Iowa Dunn, John Edward, '04, physician East Orange, N. J. East, John H. , '83, physician Denver, Colo. Eastburn, Wm. W., '97, physician Los Angeles, Cal. Eaton, William Hammond, '02, B. S. '00, physician Calamus, Iowa COIvIvKGB OF medicine: 209 Bberly, Ivcvi B. , '65, physician and surgeon, Smithville, O. Ebnother, Charles I.eo, '83, physician Downs, Kans. Eckles, Iveander P., '73, deceased Kckley, William T. , '84, physician, professor of anatomy' College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago 979 Jackson Blvd. , Chicago, 111. Bckmann, William C, '87, deceased Edgerton, Wallace E., '80, physician Salem S. D. Edgington, AvingtonA. , '97, physician Omaha, Neb. Edmonds, William Frank, '04, physician Iceland, Iowa Edwards, Adelbert, '85, M.D. '89, Rush Medical College Eldridge, Reuben F. , '82, physician Dawson, Iowa Ellis, Truman B. , '81, physician Bethany, Mo. Ely, Francis Argyle, '98, physician, professor of physiology Drake University 448 Good Block, Des Moines, Iowa Embree, Edward, '89, physician Winterset, Iowa Emerson, Frank G. , '85, physician Wellington, Kan. Emmett, John, '82, physician Story City, low^a . Engle, Harry Perry, '98, physician, professor of physiology, Normal College 200 Olive St., Newton, Iowa *Ennor, Thomas B. , '88 Potosi, Wis. Ericson, Carl F. , '81, deceased Esbjorn, Paul Oscar, '97, B.A. , physician Stanton, Iowa Etzel, Adolph, '84, deceased Evans, John Grant, '93, physician New Hartford, Iowa Evans, Warren B. , '73, physician Arion, Iowa Everall, George Loan, '96, physician Clinton, Iowa Everett, Charles E., '88 Everhart, Robert E. , '82, physician 716 So. 4th St., Clinton, Iowa Fair, Adam Bert, '95, B.Ph. '93, physician and surgeon Lawton, Okla. Fairall, Herbert Snowden, Jr., '03, B.S. '02, physician P. O. ^Box 71, Northome, Minn. Fairgrieve, George W. , '82, deceased Farnsworth, David W. , '85, physician Galva, Iowa Farr, Herman S. , '81, physician Madrid, Iowa Farrell, Albert Martin, '98, physician and surgeon Two Rivers, Wis. 210 AIvUMNI REGISTER Farrell, J. Seth., '77, physician Barnes, Iowa Farrington, Fitz Henry, '93, ph^^sician Boulder, Colo. Fatland, Oley, '92, deceased Felton, Harlan Phillips, '94 Fisher, Oliver, '83, physician Sloan, Iowa Fisher, William Clark, '93, physician and surgeon Rapid City, S. D. Fitch, Edwin L. , '85, physician 210 Charles Bldg. , Denver, Colo. Fitz, George G. , '98," physician Spirit Lake, Iowa Fitz, Joseph Hamilton, '04, physician Garfield, Iowa Fitzgerald, William, '76, physician Cedar Falls, Iowa Fitzpatrick, Dennis PVancis, '01, physician, Iowa City, Iowa Fobes, Henry Lawrence, '97, physician Auburn, Iowa Folsom, Arte, '91, physician Beatrice, Neb. Foulk, Frank Erastus, '04, B.S. Des Moines College Physician Tessup, Iowa Fountain, Charles B. , '91, physician. Valley Junction, Iowa Frank, Carl Schurz, '01, physician Epworth, Iowa Frank, George W. , '98, physician Walsenburg, Colo.. Freer, Edwin D. , '82, physician, professor of dermatology and hygiene, Sioux City Medical College Sloan, Iowa *Free, Samuel Pratt, '02 Yale, Kan. Freund, Albert M. , '88, B.S. , physician Appleton, Wis. Fritschel, Godfrey Constantine, '02,. physician Hawkey e, Iowa From, Frederick Julius, '87, physician Halbur, Iowa Fuchs, Adele M. , '98, physician and teacher 670 18th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Fagard, Abraham L. , '87, physician Pueblo. Colo. Fuller, Zachary, '76, physician Sac City, Iowa Fullerton. Oscar J. Waterloo, Iowa Fulton, Chester N. , '88, physician 410-411 Exchange Bank Bldg., Springfield, Mo. Furst, Oliver J. , 83, physician Peabody, Kans. * Gallagher, Patrick, '78 326 So. Broad St. , Trenton, N. J. Gardner, Jairus B. , '82, physician Manilla, Iowa Gardner, John Ralph, '99, physician Lisbon, Iowa Gardner, Paul Erastus, '96, physician New Hampton, Iowa Gardner, William P. , '86, physician Wellman, Iowa COLIvEGB OF MEDICINE 211 Garretson, Walter Raymond, '96, physician Des Moines, Iowa Garver, John Edward, '89, physician 403 W. 7th St. , Sioux City, Iowa Garver, Mrs. John E. , (Bessie James), '90, Sioux City, Iowa Gibbs, Wellington, S. , '79, physician, professor principles and practice and clinical medicine University of Nebraska Gifford, Andrew James, *Gilkes, William, '98 '4 Glasgow, John M. Glaspel, Frank, '85 Glaspel, George W. '88, physician Glaze, John T. , '81, physician Glenny, William M. , '73 Goodman, Sanford T, , '75 Gordon, William Null, '04, physician Gorrell, Andrew G. , '75, physician 202 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. '01, physician Alexandria, S. D. Chicago, 111. Graham, Charles Clinton, Graham, Dell Ewing, '02 Grant, Charles Schaeffer, Gray, Ambrey G. , '85 Gray, Cornelius, '76 Gray, Howard Devir, '00, '84 '97, physician Grafton, N. D. Houston, Texas Newton, Iowa Ossian, Ind. Baxter, Iowa Broadgate, Iowa Riverside, Iowa physician 1301 State St., Des Moines, Iowa Gray, John Franklin, '02, physician Albia, Iowa *Gray, Oscar Sylvester, '04, physician West Union, Iowa Gray, Samuel Thomas, '89, physician Albia, Iowa Greear, Clabe Baker, '02 Green, Henry Iv. , '78 Green, John E. , '83 Greenland, Hamilcar, '89, physician, deceased Greenleaf, William Slater, '95, physician and surgeon Massena, low-a Griffin, Clark Claude, Jr., '95, physician Vinton, Iowa Grimes, Eli", '97, physician, professor of medicine, Drake University 226 K. P. Block, Des Moines, Iowa Grimmell, A. Josef a, '93, physician Jefferson, Iowa *Grivelly, Hans James, '87 Young America, Miss. Grothaus, Tarana Johanna, (Mrs. John A. Dulin) '93 Webster, Iowa 212 ALUMNI REGISTER Croves, Arthur Isaac, '89 Gruwell, Mrs. Mary W. , '84, physician. South Bend, Wash. Gruwell, Wilson, '85, physician South Bend, Wash. Guldner, Ludwig Frederick, '02, physician Davenport, Iowa Guthrie, James Renwick, '84, dean of the medical college and professor of obstetrics and gynecology, S. U. I. Dubuque, Iowa Habenicht, Robt. H. , '98, missionary, physician and teacher Buenos Ayres, Argentina, S. A. Hageboeck, Alphons L. , '89, physician and surgeon ^3 Schmidt Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Hall, Shelley Baron, '92, physician Rock Island, 111. Halverson, L. Vina, '85 Hamilton, John W. , '83, physician • Bushnell, 111. Hanaphy, Frank P. , '88, physician Augusta, Iowa Handel, Daniel, '75, deceased Hanley, Lilly Dale, (Mrs. Lillie H. Bates) '85 Shenandoah, Iowa Hanna, John W. , '73, physician Winfield, Iowa Hanna, Rebecca, '74, physician Red Oak, Iowa Haradon, Edward W. , physician, '86 Jesup, Iowa Harding, Louis William, '90, physician Solon, Iowa Harkness, Gordon Follette, '02, B.S. '00, M.S. '02, physician Davenport, Iowa Harlan, Charles Davis, '01, physician Davenport, Iowa Harold, Arthur William, '01, physician Holland, Iowa Harp, John F. , '84, physician Prairie City, Iowa Harriman, John W. , '91, deceased Harrington, Burton, '97, physician North English, Iowa Harrison, Joseph Wiley, '96, physician and surgeon Guthrie Center, Iowa Hart, Raymond Lochary, '97, physician Amhurst, Neb. Hart, RoUa J., '76, physician Charter Oak, Iowa Hartman, Charles O. , '87 *Haskin, Henry H. , '77 Canton, Minn. Hasty, J. Fields, '89, ph3-sician Murray, Iowa Hatfield, Isaac N. , '84, physician 220 W. Cherry St. , Bluffton, Ind. Hatfield, William M. , '86, physician Mulhall, Okla. Haughey, Isaiah W. , '89, physician Aurura, Neb. COIvIvKGE OF MEDICINE 213 Havighorst, Henry S. , '78, physician 103^ Superior St. , Toledo, Ohio Hawkins, Thomas R., '88, physician Cameron, Wis. Hawley, Harrie Clement, '90 Hay, George Wendling, '94, physician Washington, Iowa Hays, Rilla, '73 Hearst, George Edward, '04, physician Cedar Falls, Iowa Hearst, Will h. , '97, B.Ph. '95, physician, Cedar Falls, Iowa Heflen, Henry E. , '83, deceased Heinen, William Clark, '02, physician Whittemore, Iowa Hemsted, John W. , '73, physcian Carson, Iowa Hender, Alfred Baker, '01, physician and surgeon 30 Whitaker Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Henderson, Edgar Brenton, '97, physician and surgeon Marengo, Iowa Henning, Louis, '02, physician and surgeon Blue Earth, Minn. * Henry Charles, '96 ~ Herrman, Christian H. , '81, physician Hess, Elizabeth, '74, B.D. '68, deceased Hetzel, Clarence Charles, '03, physician Hewett, Mrs. Etta E. , '97, physician Hewett, Henry F. , '97, physician Hibbs, Fred Valentine, '02, physician Higbee, Obadiah F. , '90, B.A. '86, M.A. Hill, Allen T. , '83, physician Hill, Richard Winter, '83, deceased Hilton. William M., '73, physician Thermalito, Calif. Hinchman, John Joseph, '93, physician Kesley, Iowa Hobbs, Samuel Warren, '01, B.Ph. '97, physician Aurelia, Iowa Hobson, Abraham J., '84, M. '92, Pennsylvania University Pnysician and surgeon Hampton, Iowa Hobson, Thomas A., '89, physician Parkersburg, Iowa Hoering, George P., '88, deceased Hoffman, Coleman Love joy, '03, physician Rockton, 111. Hoffman, Nicholas William, '96 * Hoffman, Phillip August, '87 Campbellsport, Wis. Hohenschuh, Frank Adam, '00, physician Clinton, Iowa Hollenbeck, Hubert Lewis, '00, physician Osceola, Iowa Corning, Iowa Amana, Iowa Avoca, Iowa Hawarden, Iowa Hawarden, Iowa Lohrville, Iowa 89, physician Mediapolis, Iowa Lyons, Neb. 214 ALUMNI REGISTER Holman, William J. , '76 Holmes, Jesse, '72, deceased Holtzclaw, ZacharyT. , '81, physician Larchwood, Iowa Hooker, Ira Sidney, '03, physician Waverly, Iowa Horton, Calvin Dix, '94, physician Fort Atkinson, Kans. House,Laura B., (Mrs. Leon Iv. Branson) '85, B.S. '01, M.A. '04 Iowa City, Iowa Urbana, Iowa 1 Hillsboro, Iowa Menominee, Wis. Hampton, Iowa Pope joy, Iowa Rampart, Alaska Leavenworth, Kans. Physician Houser, Cass Thomas, '04, physician Howe, James McPherson, '97, physici Howison, Norman L., '82, physician Hoxie, Will E., '98, physician Hoyt, Arthur L. , '96, physician Hudgin, John H. , '75, druggist Hull, Albert Gregory, '90, physician Hull, James William, '86 Hull, John Franklin, '98, physician Hull, William W. , '88 HuUinger, John D. , '93, physician 1101 Camanche Avenue, Clinton, Hummell, Wilfred Cumbermede, '95, physician 1005 S. 12th St., Burlington, Hunt, Nathan D. , '72 Hunt, Truman K. , '87 Hunter, William W. , Yetter, Iowa Iowa Iowa physician and surgeon Monticello, Iowa Hurd, Charles A. , '88, physician North wood, Iowa Hurlbut, Delos, '83, M. '79, Bellevue Hospital Medical College N. Y. physician Ionia, Iowa Herbert Marc, '92, physician Ruthven, Iowa Irvin Everett, '88, physician, (eye, ear, nose and throat) Danville, 111. Samuel Wesley, '03, physician Perry, Iowa Nelson J., '81 Scandia, Kans. , physician and druggist Curtis, Okla. Irish, Harry R. , '83, physician Irwin, Perle Clifton, '04, physician Jackson, C. P., '87, physician Jackson, John Calvin, '86, physician James, Bessie, (Mrs. John E. Garver) '90 Huston, Huston, Huston, * Hyatt, Ingraham, Mason, Jr. Forest City, Iowa Nasseau, Iowa Muscatine, Iowa Marti nstown, Mo. Sioux City, Iowa COIvIvEGE OF MKDICINE 215 Jappe, Christian Fred, '95, Ph. G. '84, N. Y. College of Pharmacy, physician 34 Schmidt Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Jarrett, Steward Sterling, '93, physician Pattonsburg, Mo. Jarvis, Fred Jackson, '01, physician Delta, Iowa Jayne, Robert A. , '91, physician Springfield, Oregon Jetiison, Andrew Jay, '95, physician Harvard, Neb. Jennings, John M. . '72, physician Wamego, Pott. Co. ,Iow^a Jennis, Allen C. , '80 Port Arthur, Tex. Jepson, Wilhelm, '86, surgeon, professor of surgery and clinical surgery S. U. I. 2000 Jackson St. , Sioux City, Iowa Jessup, Arthur Ernest, '95, physician Sharpsburg, Iowa Jewell, Theodore, '92, physician Urbana, Iowa Johnson, Elton Mayrant, '97, physician Afton, low^a Johnson, Frank S. , '80, physician Odebolt, Iowa Johnston, Edwin Nathan, '95, physician Fredericksburg, Iowa * Johnston, George P., '74 Lexington, Okla. Johnston, I^indsey M. , '78, deceased *Jones, Daniel W., '85, 3118 O'Donnell St., Baltimore, Md. Jones, George McClelland, '86, physician Wayland, Iowa Jones, Henry Durst, '03, physician Battle Creek, Iowa Jones, Harry Jacob, '04, physician North English, Iowa Jones, Ivcwis Hiram, '94, physician Wall Lake, Iowa Jones, N. Jasper, '83, physician and surgeon Shelby, Iowa Jones, Walter William, '03, physician Kalona, Iowa Joor, Peter, '81, physician Maxwell, Iowa Jordan, Arthur, '95, physician Manilla, P. I. Jorgensen, Palle Peder Marcus, '98, physician 314 Main St., Kenosha, Wis. Kearney, Charles Atwell, '98, physician Farley, low^a Keehl, Fred Wilburt, '97, deceased Kegel, Ernest Theodore, '96, physician and surgeon Walcott, Iowa *Keho, James, '84 1010 S. L. St., Tacoma, Wash. Kelleher, Thomas F. , '78, physician 6th and Walnut St., Des Moines, Iowa Keller, George M. Jr., '74 San Jose, Calif. Keller, Walter Scott, '74 216 " ALUMNI REGISTER Kemmerer, Charles T. , '78, physician and surgeon Eldridge, Iowa Kemmerer, Theodore Wilbert, '01, B.S. '00, M.S. '01, Physician Brady St. , Davenport, Iowa *Kenney, John W. '94, physician Mora, N. Mex. Kenney, William LeRoy. '97, occulist and aurist, professor otology and medicine Physicians' Central Medical College St. Joe, Mo. Keplinger, Thomas Benton, '95, B.A. '85, M.A. '88 Physician Conway, Iowa Kern, Lester Cornelius, '95, physician Waverly, Iowa Kerns, Edward L. , '89, physician Moline, 111. Kerns, George M. Jr., '74 Kessing, John Joseph, ' 95 Kessler, John B. , '77, M. '83, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y. , physician, lecturer on dermatology S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Ketner, William B. , '76, B.A. '73, deceased Kierulff, Harry Newton, '92, physician Berkeley, Calif. Kimball, Channing B. , '74 physician and surgeon West Liberty, Iowa Kime, John W. '83, M. '89, Bellevue Medical College, Physician 26-28 N. 7th St. , Ft. Dodge, Iowa Kime, Mrs. John W. , (Sara A. Pangburn) '82 Ft. Dodge, Iowa King, Azuba D. , '76, phy;sician 916 Walnut St. , Des Moines, Iowa King, John Ezra, '97, D.V. S., physician Anamosa, Iowa Kinney, George J., '88, physician Burlington, Iowa Kirby, James Arthur, '87 Kirby, John Clay, '92, physician Cedarvale, Kan. Kirkendall, Edward Everett, '86, physician West Burlington, Iowa Kisor, Frank Hays, '95, physician Kalona, Iowa Klein, John Leonard, '97, physician Muscatine, Iowa Knapp, David Murton, '96, physician Mendon, 111. Knittle, Edward Henry, '97, physician Onslow, Iowa Knowles, Myrtle M. , '96 Grand Junction, Colo. Knudson, Becker Christian, '98, physician Tyler, Minn. *Koehn, John W. , '85 61 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Koogler, William H. , '73, deceased COIvIvEGB OF MBDICINK ' 217 Krause, Charles Schutz, '04, B. S. '02, resident physician in University Hospital, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Krebbs, Jacob, '86, physician Polo, 111. Krejso, Oldrich, '01, physician Cedar Rapids, Iowa Kueny, Charles F. , '87, physician Ive Mars, Iowa Kuhn, Robert B. , '74 Kulp, JohnH., '72, physician Davenport, Iowa Kulp, Oliver Will, '96, physician 48 Schmidt Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Kulp, Ray Ranney, '04, resident physician Mercy Hospital Davenport, Iowa Lambert, Charles Irwin, '03, B. S. '01, M.S. '03, M.Di. '97, I. S. N. , pathologist New York state laboratory for hospitals for insane Iowa City, Iowa *Lambert, Fred Ernest, '98, M. '01, Rush Medical College Physician Seatonsville, 111. Ivandon, Owen M. , '82, physician and surgeon New Hampton, Iowa Langenhorst, Felix John, '95, B. S. '93, physician and surgeon Ashton, Iowa Lanning, Henry T. , '77, deceased Lauder, John W. , '74, physician and member board of regents S. U. I. Afton, Iowa Leader, Pauline Marie, '94, B. Di. and B. S. , physician Clarinda, Iowa Lease, Nimrod James, '92, physician Crawfordsville, Iowa Ledbrook, Francis John, '94, physician Moscow, Idaho Lee, Charles K. , '73 Lee, Daniel Robert; '90, physician Arcadia, Neb. Lee, James Allison, '73, physician and druggist Lisbon, Iowa Leech, Louis Josiah, '81, physician and surgeon and mem- ber General Assembly of Iowa, West Branch, Iowa Leith, Alexander R. , '82, physician Wilton Junction, Iowa Leithead, Charles Ellsworth, '95, physician and surgeon 1398 O'Farrell St., San Francisco, Calif. Lessenger, William Sherman, '90, physician and surgeon 103 Jefferson St. , Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Lester, Harry Sumner, '98, physician and surgeon Union Grove, Wis. 218 • ALUMNI REGISTER Lewis, Charles Ball, '99, physician 1161 21st St., Des Moines, Iowa Lewis, David W., '92, physician Inwood, Iowa Lewis, John C. , '89, physician Ridgeway, Iowa Lewis, John M. , '79, physician Canton, S. Dak. Lewis, Minerva, '79, physician Oklahoma City, Okla. * Lewis, William R. , '78 Alliance, Neb. Lilly, Melvin W. , '72, sanitary inspector health department 5713 Drexel Avenue, Chicago, 111. Littig, Lawrence W., '83, M. '84, University of Pennsylvania 1884, M.R. C. S. Eng, , '87, physician and surgeon Iowa City, Iowa Little, Frederick H. , '79, physician and surgeon : -- 108 W. 5th St., Muscatine, Iowa Lloyd, Josiah C. , '82, physician Chandler, S. D. Lodge, Edwin Brewster, '96, deceased Logan, Fred Wallace, '01, physician Fenton, Iowa Logan, Jay Augustus, '01, physician Bartonville, lU. Long, Francis A., '82, physician and surgeon Madison, Neb. Lorance, Ben F. , '87, physician and surgeon Brock, Neb. Lott, George W. , '89, physician W^estboro, Mo. Lougher, Timothy D. , '75, physician Adair, Iowa Louthan, Bruce S. , '73, physician Sutherland, Iowa Louthan, John H. , '81 Lowry, James David, '01, physician Ft. Dodge, Iowa Ludwig, William Henrys '90, physician 1022 4th Avenue, Rock Island, 111. Lundvick, Arthur Wesley, '02, physician and surgeon Gowrie, Iowa Lyon, William Edwin, '97, physician Garden Grove, Iowa Lytle, Samuel S. , '78, physician and surgeon Iowa City, Iowa McAllaster, Benjamine Rush, '94, physician iu state hospital Cherokee, Iowa McAllister, Fred J., '02, physician McAlvin, James Gregg, '97, B.Ph. '96, surgeon McCall, Harry Ernest, '03, physician McCarty, Charles S. , '88, physician McClees, Charles H. , '81, physician Hawarden, Iowa physician and Cedar Falls, Iowa Diagonal, Iowa Hawarden, Iowa Marne, Iowa COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 219 McClintock, John Thomas, S. U. L McCkire, Ernest Covey, '03, physician McCorkle, Clarence A,, '85, physician McCowan, Jennie, '76, physician 12 Franklin Bldg. McCrary, Delbert Warren, '93, physician McDermott, Peter John, '04, physician McGlone, Francis Edward, '95, physician McGovern, Charles James, '86 B.A. professor of physiology Iowa City, Iowa Bussey, Iowa Toddsville, Iowa Davenport, Iowa Lake City, Iowa Muscatine, Iowa Rockwell, Iowa physician and surgeon San Luis Obispo, Calif. McGovern, Francis P. , '87, physician Kelseyville, Calif. McGrew, Abner G. ,'76, physician and surgeon, Geneva, Neb. McGuin, George B. , '84, M.A. physician Grinnell, Iowa Mcintosh, J. Drusie, (Mrs. Chas. E. Wright) '98 Lamoni, Iowa McKellar, Orville William, '87, physician and surgeon 332 E. 63rd St. , Chicago, 111. McKey, Thomas F. , '82, physician Albert Lea, Minn. McKone, John William, '96, physician Lawler, Iowa McLaughlin, Charles William, '96, physician Washington, Iowa McLaughlin, Hugh T. , '81 McLaughlin, William Henry, '87, physician, Webster McLeod, Edward S. , '77 719 Vine St., Cincinnati McLeod, Horace B. , '96, retired McNerney, Stewart A. , '84, deceased McNutt, James, '74 Maguire, John Edwin, '93, deceased Malin, Edgar Cook, '90, physician Manker, Charles W. , '76, physician Mann, Martin Ettienne, '96, deceased Mann, Shuah Milton, '96, physician Maresh, George, '02, physician Marner, Gidean P., '83, physician Marner, William A. , '85, physician Marsh, William E., '91, deceased Martin, Edward John, '92, deceased Clarence, Iowa Ohio Iowa Livermore, Iowa Elliott, Iowa Grafton, Iowa Riverside, Iowa Marion, Kan. Miles, Iowa 220 AIvUMMI REGISTER Martin, Jeffery, '76, physician 3423 Mission, San Francisco, Calif. Martindale, William Harvey, '04, physician, Marengo, Iowa Martyn, John L. , '74, deceased Mason, Rufus Dodd, '87, physician and surgeon 500 Brown Blk. , Omaha, Neb. Mason, Thomas J. , '83, physician Julesburg, Colo. Masterson, John B. , '84, physician and druggist Albion, Iowa Matson, William Franklin, '96, physician Monticello, 111. Matthews, IvcRoy M. , '88 Maxwell, Samuel A., '95, physician, surgeon U. S. army Trinidad, Colo. May, Charles Clifford, '86, physician Adrian, Minn. May, George William, '97, physician Cascade, Iowa Maytum, Wellington J. , '91, physician Alexandria, S. D. Mead, Frank Nathan, '93, physician Cedar Falls, Iowa Mecum, John Warren, '98, physician Bagley, Wis. Meddaugh, Ivofton A., '94, physician Meigs, Benjamine Lyle, '02, physician Cumberland, Iowa Meis, Edward William, '00, physician Carroll, Iowa Merchant, Milton F. , '79, physician EHendale, N. D. Mereness, Herbert Dayton, '98, physician Merrill, Nelson S- , '93, physician Marshalltown, Iowa Metcalf, Mrs. A., (Mrs. A. M. Portman) '87 722 18th St. N. W. , Washington, D. C. Mettlen, James Harvey, '97, D. V. S. physician Bloomfield, Neb. Meyer, George, '95, physician Gladbrook, Iowa Meyers, Jacob Franklin, '03, physician Lisbon, Iowa Michener, Ava, '88, physician Geneva, 111. Middleton, Edward Duncan, '04, physician, Davenport, Iowa Middleton, George McClelland, '01, physician and surgeon 3rd & Brady Sts. , Davenport, Iowa Mighell, Mrs. Norman E. , (ivola Clark) '94, physician Iowa Cit37^, Iowa Milbourne, Joseph K. , '81, physician " Clinton, Iowa Miller, A. I/incoln, '88, B, S. , physician Dixon, 111. Miller, Charles W. , '87, physician Preston, Iowa Miller, McGregor, '84, physician Newlon, Kan. COIvLEGK OF MBDICINK 221 Milligan, William Wright, '97, physician 310 Washington St. , Burlington, Iowa Mills, Daniel Guy, '96, physician McCallsburg, Iowa Mingus, Forest MaC; '90 Minthorn, Henry J. , '74, M. '77, Jefferson Medical College, physician New Port, Oreg. Moershel, William, '88, physician Homestead, Iowa *Molgaard, Jens, '95 Salinas, Calif. Molison, Robt. Crichton, '97, D.V. S. , physician and surgeon Fnimetsburg, Iowa Moon, Arnold C. Jr., '84, physician Williamsburg, Iowa Moon, Manly B. , '74, physician and surgeon Iowa City, Iowa Moon, Roy, '93, physician, assistant physician hospital for insane Clarinda, Iowa * Moore, Alfred K. , '87 Wayland, Iowa Moorhead, Giles C. , '79, physician Ida Grove, Iowa Moorman, Allen, '96, physician Redfield, Iowa Morgan, Charles Henry, '01, physician Morgans, Samuel Lewis, '98, physician Hpbart, Okla. *Morgridge, George O. , '75, M. '70, College Physician Surgeon Keokuk Muscatine, Iowa Morris, Olive, '80, physician Waynesville, Ohio Morrison, David A., '82, physician and surgeon 509 Virginia, Buffalo, N. Y. Morrison, Wesley Jones, '93, physician Cedar Rapids, Iowa Morse, Charles H. , '81, physician Eagle Grove, Iowa Morsman, Albert, '76, D. '83 Morton, Lewis Burroes, '01, physician Iowa Falls, Iowa Moulton, Milo Willis, '98, physician Bellevue, Iowa Mountain, Noble W. , '73, physician Placerville, Calif. Mueller, John Alexins Joseph, '92, physician New Vienna, Iowa Mueller, John George, '95, physician Iowa City, Iowa Mullarky, Hugh, Jr., '89, physician and surgeon Manson, Iowa Mullarky, William G. , '87, physician Cedar Falls, Iowa MuUin, John P., '93, physician, demonstrator of anatomy, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Munger, Elbert Erwin, '94, physician Spencer, Iowa 222 ALUMNI REGISTER Munn, Lewis Holland, '80, M. '82, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y. physician and surgeon 513 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kans. Murchinson, Kenneth, '03, physician Griswold, Iowa Murphy, George W. , '88, physician Danbury, Iowa Murphy, James, '88, deceased Murphy, Michael J, , '85, physician Cumberland, Iowa Murphy, Thomas William, '03, physician Sheldon, Iowa Naftzger, Jesse Blaine, '04, physician St, Joseph hospital, Sioux City, Iowa Nash, Roscoe Arthur, '94, physician Tipton, Iowa *Nass, Hildus A. O. , '98 McKinley, Minn. Naumann, Philip C. , '87, physician Burlington, Iowa Neal, George P., '74, physician Ft. Madison, Iowa Neely, John Gilmore, '93, physician New Market, Iowa Neff, Mary Lawson, '00, physician 606 1st. Avenue East, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Nerael, Paul O. , '97, physician Mcintosh, Minn. Nervig, Isaac Eugene, '02, physician 927 4th St. , Sioux City, Iowa Nestor, Robert Joint, '90, physician Waterloo, Iowa Newell, John Frank, '89, physician Agency, Iowa Newman, Millard M. , physician and surgeon Edgewood, Iowa Nichol, James, '77 * Nichols, Charles E. , '80, physician Girard, Iowa Nichols, William H., '72 Nigg, Henry A., '88, physician Merrill, Iowa Noe, Charles Fred, '98, physician Amana, Iowa Novak, Edward Everett, '95, physician and surgeon New Prague, Minn. O'Connor, John Bernard, '96, physician Oelwein, Iowa O'Hair, Patrick, '80, physician Waverly, Minn. O'Keefe, John E. , '96, physician Waterloo, Iowa Oliver, Leonard Briggs, '87, physician Sigourney, Iowa Ormiston, John Stewart, '76, physician, druggist and postmaster Hartwick, Iowa Osborn, Moses C. , '82 ' Overfield, Elmer E. , '88, physician and surgeon, Elma, Iowa Overholt, John L. , '87, physician, Columbus Junction, Iowa COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 223 Packard, Chester Walter, '97, physician Titonka, Iowa Padgham, John T. , '83 Page, Homer R. , '71, deceased Pangburn, Sarah A., (Mrs. J. E. Kime) '82 26-28 N. 7th St., Ft. Dodge, Iowa Paquin, Cyril O. , '72 Parker, James M. , '85, deceased Parker, Ralph H. , '98, M.S. Highland Park College Physician and surgeon Storm Lake, * Parker, William Oilman, '98 Kettle Falls, Parker, William H. , '83 Parks, William S., '85, physician Parrish, Henry, '80 Patterson, Albert King, '86, Pattison, Dilly Nelson, '97. physician Paul, Charles S. , physician, '82 Payne, Ira D. , '80, M. '86, Bellevue Hospital Medical Iowa Wis. Brisrhton, Iowa Oelwein, Iowa College, N. Y. , physician Pease, Herbert, "04, physician Peck, Robert Irish, '92, deceased Pegg, William Robert, '94 Pence, Lawrence Waldo, '98, B. D. . physician Penfield, Charles H. , '81 Peo, Evalina, '93, physician *Peterman, Albert M. , '77 Peters, Alfred C. , '87, deceased Peters, Harry, '96, deceased Peterson, August John, '01, physician Pettingill, Simers P., '79, physician Linden, Iowa Slater, Iowa Laurel, Iowa Boone, Iowa Parker, S. D. Ft. Ransom, N. D. Ft. Calhoun, Neb. Peyton, L. Douglas, Pheasant, Leon Ray, ' Phillips, Norman W. , Phillips, William J., Philpott, Charles H. , Pierce, Jessie B. , '88 Piercy, Arthur T. , '86 78 '02, physician '87 Pierce, Neb. physician and surgeon Hanlontown, Iowa physician Beaumont, Kans. physician and surgeon 1111 Washington St., Oakland, Calif. Pinlerton, James A. , '86, physician Traer, Iowa Pinney, James A., '85, physician Wilson, Kans. Plitt, George Henry, '95, physician Lewisport, Ky. 224 ALUMNI REGISTER Porter, George Henry, '94, deceased Porter, James N. , '81, physician Prairie City, Iowa Porter, Minerva, '93, (Mrs. John D. Wertz) Spencer, Iowa Porter, Roy Samuel, '03, physician Law Moor, Iowa Portman, Mrs. Adelaide M. , (Mrs. A. Metcalf) '87 722 18th St., Washington, D. C. Potter, Isaac L. '71, M. '77, Chicago Medical College Physician and surgeon Ackley, Iowa Potter, Jay Albert, '90, physician 609 Locust St. , Des Moines, Iowa Powers, Frederick Willard, '89, physician and surgeon Member Iowa State Board of Health Waterloo, Iowa Powers, Henry A., '82, physician Bmmetsburg, Iowa Pra}^, Gilbert Leroy, '97, B. D. physician Lake City, Iowa Prentice, George M. , '81, physician and surgeon Fairfield, Neb. Presnell, J. Will, '92, physician Pressnell, James Frederick, '89, surgeon Preston, Jane A., '73, deceased Price, Carrie Delphin, '94 Price, Edwin Forest, '89, phj-sician Pride, John M. , '78, deceased Pringle, Jesse Alva, '01, physician Puffett, George P\, '89, physician Puleston, Fred, '01 Purcell, Bert E. , '98, physician Rabe, Frederick Louis, '92, physician Randolph, Albert F. , '91, physician Rankin, H. Johnson, '82, physician Ray, Newton D. , '89, physician Records, Thomas E. , '82, physician Scranton, Iowa Chicago, 111. Alcester, S. D. Bagle}^ Iowa Larrabee, Iowa Monticello, Iowa Iowa Falls, Iowa Hubbard, Iowa Koszta, Iowa Kirksville, Mo. Woden, Iowa Beloit, Kans. Regnier, Frank Elmo, '94, physician and surgeon Atalissa, Iowa Reiter, Alfred Ephraim, '01, physician 310 N. 4th St". Reiterman, Charles, '73, physician 5614 S. Remsburg, Joseph L. , '78, physician Renshaw, Leslie L. , '80, physician , Burlington, Iowa Blvd., Austin, 111. Lamville, 111. Monona, Iowa COLIvEGE OF MEDICINE 225 Replogle, Jerry, A., '98, D.V. S. , physician Centerville, Iowa Reppert, Lyell, '02, physician Muscatine, Iowa Resner, Andrew Karl, '95, physician Manning, Iowa Reticker, John Kimel, '95, physician Quincy, 111. Reynolds, Benjamine H. , '72, deceased Reynolds, Lawrence, '84, physician Horton, Kans. Rhodes, Ivcslie G. , '81, physician and surgeon 352 Center St. , South Haven, Mich. Rice, Charles, '78, physician Smithland, Iowa Rice, Earl, '91, physician Roland, Iowa Rice, Spencer M. , '79, surgeon .20 S. 7th St. , Terre Haute, Ind. Riggs, Charles Edward, '92, surgeon U. S. Navy Iowa City, Iowa Riley, Bruce, '87 Riley, John, '80, physician and surgeon Exira, Iowa Riley, Lincoln, '88, physician Wisner, Neb. Riorden, Michael F. , '74, druggist Melrose, Iowa Ristine, James Oscar, '96, physician Maquoketa, Iowa Robb, Elmer Hill, '90, phj^sician Newton, Iowa Robb, George S. , '89 Robb, Robert Worth, '04, physician Blanchard, Iowa Roberts, Stephen W.', '78 Robertson, Charles M. , '88, B. S. '85, M.A. '88, professor of rhinology and laryngology Chicago Polyclinic Chicago, 111. Robertson, James C. , '73, M. '83, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y. Robinson, James William, '97, physician. Grand River, Iowa Robinson, John Wesley, '84, physician Guide Rock, Neb. Robinson, Reuben Artman, '03, physician, West Union, Iowa Robinson, Robert Edwin, '94, medical student Philadelphia, Pa. Robinson, William Farland, '93, physician and surgeon Oelwein, Iowa Rodgers, Lewis A. , '89, physician Oskaloosa, Iowa Rogers, Arthur C. , '83, superintendent and physician of Minnesota School for Feeble Minded Faribault, Minn. Rogers, Arthur Maurice, '95, physician Wapello, Iowa 226 ALUMNI REGISTER Rogers, Claude Bernard, '98, physician and surgeon Earlville, Iowa Rogers, Francis Llewellyn, '91, physician Perry, Iowa Rogers, Lycurgus, '93, physician Mill Rock, Ohio Rohlf, William Amos, '91, physician and surgeon Waverly, Iowa Rood, Ole William, '95, physician' Brookings, S. D. Root, Jamas K. , '85 Rosenbladt, Fritz, '04, physician Audubon, Iowa Russ, John Frederick, '93, physician Buffalo Center, Iowa Russell, Edmond David, '96, physician Clare, Iowa Ruth, Charles E. , '83, physician and surgeon, professor of anatomy Keokuk Medical College 323 Blondeau St., Keokuk, Iowa Ryan, Patrick F. , '77, deceased Sackett, Claude Conwell, '98, physician and surgeon Laurel, Neb. Safley, Agnes Isabel, '04, B. S. '99, physician, Waterloo, Iowa Sailor, Edwin Allen, '01, physician and surgeon, deceased Sams, Joseph Henry, '92, physician, member Iowa State Board of Health Clarion, Iowa Sauerbry, Frank Carl, '04, physician Greeley, Iowa Saunders, Charles J. , '85, physician Ft. Dodge, Iowa Saunders, William J. , '80 * Sawyer, Prince Edwin, '95, physician Sioux City, Iowa Scarborough, Bert Vergil, '02, physician Grand Junction, Iowa S;hoofs, John Jacob, '93, physician Johnsburg, Wis. School e}^ Alfred Heaton, '02, physician and surgeon Terrill, Iowa Schroeder, Peter Herman, '04, physician and surgeon Traer, Iowa Schumacher, Henry, '82, physician Walcott, Iowa Schwartz, Joseph, '93, physician Hartford, S. D. Scofield, Albert E. , '89 Scofield, Charles L. , '86, physician Benson, Minn. Scott, Flisha C. , '88, physician Maxwell, Iowa Scott, James, '73, physician Grant, Iowa Scott, William A. , '89, .physician Maquoketa, Iowa Scripture, James Levi, '97, physician Cresco, Iowa Sebern, Richard Clyde, '04, physician Odebolt, Iowa COIvIvKGE OF MEDICINE 227 Seelye, Walter Karl, '92, physician, specialist in eye, ear, nose and throat 421 Bank & Insurance Bldg. , Dubuque, Iowa Seymour, Frank E. , '79, physician Ft. Dodge, Iowa Seymour, Sarah Libbie, '04, B.A. '97, M.A. '00, physician Iowa City, Iowa Shafer, Almon S. , '98, physician Eraser, Iowa Shaff, Charles W. , '81, physician I^ewnston, Idaho Shaffer, Carl John, '03, M.Di. '97, I.S.N., physician Carson, Iowa Shaffer, Ezra H. , '74, physician Grangeville, Idaho Shahan, Richard Franklin, '04 Eddyville, Iowa Shaw, L. Matt, '89, physician Osceola, Neb. Sheaf e, Edward Augustus, '94, B. S., physician Ottumwa, Iowa Sheaf e, Joseph, '92, physician Medford, Okla. Shearer, John Charles, '96 Shepard, Anna A., '72 * Shepherd, John Iv. , '78 Lawler, low^a Shepherd, John S. , '75, deceased Sherbon, John Bayard, '94, proprietor of Victoria Sanitarium Colfax, Iowa Sherbon, Mrs. John B., (Florence Emily Brown) '04, B.Ph. '92, M.A. '04, proprietor of Victoria Sanitarium Colfax, Iowa Sherer, Joseph Whitman, '94, M. '95, Pa. physician 410 Altman Bldg. , Kansas City, Mo. Shiley, George Francis, '03, physician Missouri Valley, Iowa Shine, Ivucas Michael, '87, physician Winthrop, Iowa Shuell, Thomas J., '80, physician Parnell, Iowa Shultz, Charles S. , '91, physician Lake Park, Iowa Siberts, Frank Iveslie, '04, physician Geneva, Iowa Sibley, Samuel Edward, '93, physician 400 Security Block, Sioux City, Iowa Sill, Harry N., '73 Silsby, Newton, '82, deceased Sinning, August, '95, physician Bennett, Iowa Sloan, Arthur Neely, '00, physician Leeds, Iowa Smeltzer, Cora Hulda, '04, physician Elizabeth, 111. * Smiley, Frank H. , '85 315 E. 35th St., Chicago, 111. 228 AIvUMNI REGISTER Smith, Calvin W. , '78, physician Muscatine, Iowa Smith, Charles lyconard, '04, B.A. '91 Burlington, Iowa Smith, Elizabeth, '01, physician Oelwein, Iowa Smith, Elmer E. , '87, deceased Smith, Ferdinand J., '87, B. S. , physician, Des Moines, Iowa * Smith, Frank H. , '82 Goodland, Kans. Smith, Frank Winthrop, '94, physician Red Oak, Iowa Smith, George A. , '81, physician and surgeon, Clinton, Iowa Smith, George Scott, '87 Smith, Herman Cecil, '96, physician and surgeon Clarksville, Iowa Smith, Isaac Newton, '92, physician Toluca, 111. Smith, James Calvin, '89, physician Urbana, Iowa Smith, Joseph Claybaugh, '89, physician Adams, Ore. Smith, Samuel J. , '85, physician Wellman, low^a Smith, S. Iv., '82, physician Binghampton, N. Y. Smittle, Jacob Michael, '97 Waucoma, Iowa Snyder, John Franklin, '98, physician Weldon, Iowa Sones, Calvin O. , '86, C.E. , physician Waterloo, Iowa Souders, John Cloyd, '04, physician Germania, Iowa Spaulding, George A., '88, physician and surgeon Avoca, Iowa Speers, Will Fred, '02, physician Davenport, Iowa Spencer, Harry D. , '97, physician Oakland, Iowa vStanley, Clarence J. , '02, physician Bancroft, Wis. Stansburj^ George W. , '83, physician Western, Iowa Starbuck, Thomas Davidson, '02, physician Whitaker Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Starr, Orris Ferry, '97, physician Tulsa, Ind. Ter. Steele, Joseph T. , '83, M. '84, Rush Medical College, physician Hastings, Neb. Steelsmith, Daniel Clarence, '02, physician Melvin, Iowa Steen, Henry E. , '84, physician 384 Good Block, Des Moines, Iowa Stewart, Malcom, '84, physician Tecumseh, Neb. Stiles, Frank N. , '93, physician Denver, Colo. Stoddard, Charles N. , '91, deceased Stover, Emery Ellsworth, '98, physician Bigelow, Minn. Straub, Paul S. , '85, M.S. Berlin, physician and surgeon U. S. army Mt. Pleasant, Iowa COIvIvEGK OF MEDICINE 229 Strchbehn, Edward F. , '91, physician Hageboeck Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Stuart, Percy Ernest, '00, physician and surgeon Nashau, Iowa Suiter, Friend C. , '85, physician 800 Rose St. , ha Crosse, Wis. Sullivan, I^awrence Francis, '04, physician, Marengo, Iowa Summer, Guilford Herman, '96, B.S. '98, N. Ind. Normal College, physician and surgeon 303i W. 4th St. , Waterloo, Iowa * Sutherland, Henry Harrison, '85 Herington, Kans. Sutton, Noah Ellsworth, '93, physician and surgeon Trenton, Mo. Swenson, John Gustaf, '97, physician Marshfield, Ore. Swift, Charles Henry, '04, physician Battle Creek, Iowa Syp, William Ward, '95, physician Knowlton, Iowa Taft, Orlando D., '73, physician and surgeon, Garber, Okla. Talboy, James H., '84, physician Mapleton, Iowa Talcott, Don Leroy, '04, physician Crafton, Neb. Talcott, James Martin, '96, physician Crafton, Neb. Tamisiea, James Hugh, '02, physician, Missouri Valley, Iowa Tamisiea, John Lewis, '96, physician, Missouri Valley, Iowa Tapper, George Washington, '96, physician Rowley, Iowa Taylor, John Zealand, '02, physician Monroe, Iowa Teats, Charles L. , '75 Terrill, Aaron B. , '81, physician Manchester, Iowa Teufel, John Carl; '04, physician and surgeon Davenport, Iowa Thielen, Michael H., '98, physician, M.Di. , I.S.N.S. Grundy Center, Iowa Thomas, Fred. H. , '93 * Thomas, James Bailey, '83, B.A. '81 Carthage, Mo. Thompson, David Gilmore, '84, physician Trinidad, Colo. Thompson, Frank, '82, physician Cambridge, Iowa Thompson, Oscar P., '76, physician Shell Rock, Iowa Thornton, Albert Herrick, '98, physician, Pocahontas, Iowa Tiffany, Elmer N., '88, physician Coalings, Calif. Tilden, William Clark, '02, B.S. '97, Iowa Agricultural College, physician Stanwood, Iowa Todd, Charles E., '83, physician Santa Barbara, Calif. Townsend, William Harold, '97, physician Sac City, Iowa 2.30 AIvUMNI REGISTER Townsend, William S. , '75 Tracy, Mrs. (Jennie M. Bigler) '85 Shellsburg, Iowa Treynor, Vernon Lawrence, '91, physician and regentS. U. I. Baldwin Block, Council Bluffs, Iowa Truax, Herbert E. , '86, M. '99, Hahnemann Medical College, physician Atlanta, Ga. Trueblood, B. F. , '85, physician and surgeon, O'Neill, Neb. Trumbull, Ira F. , '82 Tullis, Richard H. , '88, M. '90, Chicago Medical College physician Iva^vton, Okla. Tullos, Nathan H. , '71, deceased Tuthill, John A., '81, physician lycroy, 111. Tyler, Edward K.*, '82, 219 W. 2nd St., physician Muscatine, Iowa Tyler, John, '82, physician Anaheim, Calif. Underwood, Ruth, '93, deceased Valenta, Joseph Arthur, '96, physician to city board of health Iowa City, Iowa Van Camp, Albert E. , '84 Van Dyke, James A., '86, physician Corwith, Iowa Van Epps, Clarence, '97, B.S. , M. University of Pennsylvania, instructor in internal medicine, S.U.I. Iowa City, Iowa VanGorden, Jesse Leland, '01, physician, Emmetsburg, Iowa Vest, Frederick E., '85, physician Montezuma, Iowa Viersen, Heerke H. , '73, physician Pella, Iowa Vogt, William J., '81 Vollmer, Charles, '92, physician, specialty eye, ear, nose and throat 38-9 Schmidt Bldg. , Davenport, Iowa Vorwerk, Anthony H. , '97, physician Burlington, Iowa Wait, James H. , '74, deceased Waldron, Charles F. , '74 Walker, Frederick Earl, '98, physician and surgeon Worthington, Minn. Walker, James C. , '98, physician Boone, Iowa Walsh, Charles Chase, '89, physician National Bank Bid. , Merrill, Wis. Walsh, Ford Cooper, '94, physician Cedar Rapids, Iowa W^alter, Augustus F., '82, physician Gladbrook, Iowa W^ard, Arista J., '87, physician Waubeck, Iowa Ward, Fred M. , '76, deceased COLIvEGK OF MEDICINE 231 Ward, Thomas R. , '73, M. '82, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y. , physician and surgeon 417 N. Y. Ivife Bldg. , Omaha, Neb. Warnock, Frank B. , '82, physician Sioux City, Iowa Washburn, Frank Augustus, '03, B.A. '96, Battle Creek, Mich. , physician, 1313 Spruce St. , Boulder, Colo. Waterhouse, George S. , '95, D.V. M. , physician and surgeon Charter Oak, Iowa Waters, Eli H., '86 Waters, Peter K., '79 Watson, Barkley S. , '78, physician Oskaloosa, Iowa Waynick, Joseph B., '82, physician New Carlisle, Ind. Webber, Clarence I^. , '72, deceased Weeks, Frederick W. , '84, physician Welcome, Minn. Weir, Edward C. , '00, physician Vail, Iowa Wells, James Harlan, '02, physician Chaseburg, Wis. Werts, Charles Martel, '02, physician, specialty eye, ear, nose and throat 605 Citizen's Nat. Bank Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Wertz, John Brooks, '92, physician Spencer, Iowa Wertz, Mrs. J. B. , (Minerva Porter) '93 Spencer, Iowa Wescott, LeRoy Anderson, '01, B.Di. '92, I. S. N. '94, M. Di. I. S. N. , physician Cherokee, Iowa Wheeler, Hial A., '81, physician, professor practice of medicine Sioux City Medical College Sioux City, Iowa Wheeler, Lucy Ann, '94, physician 627 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Whitacre,^ John Charles, '97, physician Persimmon, Okla, Whittaker, Ellis John, '03, B.A. '00, physician and surgeon Davenport, Iowa White, James A., '73, physician 394 Morrison St. , Portland, Iowa White, Milton W. , '82, M.D. '88, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N.Y. , physician, Sioux City, Iowa Whitehead, Ellis Herbert, '04 Washta, Iowa Whitehead, Herman Joseph, '97, physician Albion, Iowa Whitefield, Mrs. Isabella G. , '72 Whiteis, William Robert, 95, B.S. '92, professor of histology and embryology and assistant professor of gynecology S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa 2o2 ALUMNI REGISTER Whitmore, Clara B. , '0^, B.A. '00, St. Joseph's Hospital Sioux City, Iowa Wickham, Emmett T. , '88, physician Washington, Iowa Wiedow, Henry, '02, physician Round Eake, Minn, Wilcox, Vinton S. , '74, ph3^sician Malcolm, Iowa Wilkinson, John Clinton, '96, physician Red Lake Falls, Minn. Will, Frederick James, '83, physician and surgeon, chief . medical expert Bankers Life Association 615 Equitable Building, Des Moines, Iowa Williams, A. Oscar, '75, B.A. '73, physician 120 Court St., Ottumwa, Iowa Williams, Dell E. , '97, physician Allerton, Iowa * Williams, Edward H. , '92 New York City Williams, Fannie E. , '76, deceased Williams, George Edgar, '97, physician Havelock, Neb. Williams, Hadwen, '82 Williams, John Calvin, '88, physician What Cheer, Iowa Williams, John J. , '80, physician and surgeon, Wayne, Neb. Williams, William Warren, '84, physician 1250 Maine St., Quincy, 111. * Williams, William K. , '80, 1604 Cass Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Willsey, Frank Brown, '98, physician West Branch, Iowa Wilson, EdmondW. , '96, physician Rolfe, Iowa Wilson, Ellsworth, '97, D.V. M., physician and surgeon Alva, Okla. Wilson, Fred C. , '95, physician Colesburg, Iowa Wilson, George W. , '77 Wilson, James Samuel, '96, phj^sician Johnson, Neb. Wilson, Maurice Edward, '97, D.V. M. , physician Estherville, Iowa * Wilson, Oscar DeWitt, '87 Ireton, Iowa Wilson, Sidney Stewart, '93, physician and surgeon Nebraska City, Neb. Wing, Francis B. H., '72 Witte, Max E- , '81, superintendent Clarinda State Hospital Clarinda, Iowa Wolfe, John D. , '89, C.E. '86, B.S. '88, M.A. '89, physician Mt. Vernon, Iowa Woodruff, L. Foster, '90, physician Cedar Rapids, Iowa COLIvEGB OF MEDICINE 233 Wright, Charles Edward, '98, physician Lamoni, Iowa Wright, Mrs. C. E. (jane Mcintosh) '98, physician I^amoni, Iowa Wright, Clark Harmon, '96, physician Carlsbad, N. M. Wright, Isaac W. , '82 Wright, John C. , '80, physician and surgeon Clear Lake, Iowa Wright, Walter Nelson, '97, physician Rose Hill, Iowa Wyckoff, George I,ewis, '97, physician Vinton, Iowa Wyland, Asa O. , '89, physician Underwood, Iowa Wyland, Jonathan Milton, '86, physician Moline, 111. Wymore, Noah, '89 Xanten, Frank A. , '76, physician 275 Ivowery Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. York, Nathan Albert, '00, physician Ivisbon, Iowa Young, James Myron, '03, physician Center Junction, Iowa Young, Samuel A., '96, physician Lenox, S. D. Young, Willard, '75, M. '60, University of Michigan Young, William Rutherford. '93, physician Ansley, Neb. Younkin, George W. , '76 Elim, Wilhelmina Joana, '03, nurse's certificate Waterloo, Iowa Fullmer, Mrs. Jessie Noggle, '02, nurse's certificate Marshalltown, Iowa Hill, Florence Ethel, '01, nurse's certificate Columbus Junction, Iowa Martin, Bernice Fidelia, '04, nurse's certificate West Union, Iowa Moore, Letta, '03, nurse's certificate, Des Moines, Iowa Sailor, Margaret Eloise, '01, nurse's certificate, Lisbon, Iowa S?-hley, Freda Claire, '04, nurse's certificate Cedar Rapids, Iowa Somes, Candace Amelia, '04, nurse's certificate Stanwood, Iowa Turk, Helen, '04, nurses certificate Little Rock, Iowa White, Edith Emerson, '03, nurse's certificate, Marion, Iowa White, Rena E. , '03, nurse's certificate Marion, Iowa THE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE GRADUATES OF THE HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. The star (*) indicates a lack of information. Where no business is noted our information has not supplied it. Graduates of '04 are given home addresses except where new addresses are supplied. Abbott, Edward C. , '99, student in College Physicians and Surgeons New York, N. Y. Adrian, Frank, '04, ph5'Sician Sigourney, Iowa Alden, George H. , '02, physician Indianola, Iowa Anderson, George William, '01, physician Nemaha, Iowa Anderson, Horace W. , '81, physician 128 W. 67th, Chicago, 111. Aplin, Clarence A., '93, physician Ames, Iowa Aplin, William H., '83 Hamilton, Mo. Arp, Augustus H. , '82, physician Corner 5th Avenue and 15th, Moline, 111. Aschenbrenner, Carl F. , '94, physician Dysart, Iowa Babcock, Elmer, 01, physician Greenfield, Iowa Bailey, Ida Holson, '98, physician Washington, Iowa Bailey, Samantha Kvaline, '83, deceased Baker, Albra W. , '87, physician Emporium, Pa. Baker, Louis G. , '83, physician 75 Bluff Avenue, Parker's Landing, Pa. Baker, Richard C. , '90, physician Oelwein, Iowa Barker, Alfred H. , '93, physician ^ Brooklyn, Iowa Barlow, Mrs. W. E., (Bernice G. Whiting) '95 Blackburg, Va. Barr, George W. , '84, deceased *Barrette, John E. , '86 Lavoca, Neb. Barth, John L. J., '86, physician St. Louis, Mo. Basten, C. Van Dyke, '83, physician Kearney, Neb. Battin, James F. , '97, physician and surgeon, Onawa, Iowa Bayless, William F. , '83, physician Roswell, N. M. Bean, Mrs. (Belle M. Thomson) '96 Vinton, Iowa Beaver, Caroline S. , '94, physician Milw^aukee, Iowa Beck, Joseph E. , '87, physician Pasco, Wash. COIvIvEGB OF HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE 235 Beck, Peter S., '87, physician Genessee, Idaho Becker, Fred J. , '86, professor of obstetrics and gynecology, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa *Bell, SamiielT., '83, M. '86, Trinity Medical-Canada Alpena, Mich. Bennett, Sophie E. , (Mrs. John Peattie) '90, 605 Hancock, Peoria, 111. Bennett, Theodocia, (Mrs. Jas. W. Parker) '88 519 N. Monroe St., Peoria, 111. Blackman, George E. , '86, deceased Blackstone, Bigelow P. , '99, physician Dickens, Iowa Blakeslee, Miriam E. , (Mrs. Swift) '91 837 Kansas Ave. , Topeka, Kan. Bohstedt, Minnie J., (Mrs. M. T. Eudaly) '95, deceased Bond, David Kline, '04, B.S. '81, I.S.N. , physician Borts, Harvey D. , '96, physician Bourne, Joseph W. , '89, physician Box, Frank A , '90, deceased Boynton, Frank H. , '88, physician Bray, Nicholas, '85, M.E. , i^ational Physician *Bray, William, '86 Brown, Charles A., '91, physician Bruce. Mrs. (Mary A. Raff) '97 Brumback, Newton N. , '83, B. A. , physician, Beatrice, Neb. Bumgardner, Edward, '93, D.D. '91, M.A. '94, Campbell .University, dentist Lawrence, Kan. Burnett, Elliott H. , '93, physician Rockford, Iowa By water, Edward Napoleon, '03, physician, Iowa Falls, Iowa Bywater, William Iv. , '97, professor of opthalmology and otology, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Caldwell, J. Edd. , '81, physician Healdburg, Calif. Calkins, Fred E. , '99, physician Fremont, Neb. Calkins, Mrs. Guy S., (Ella Genevieve Wool verton) '95, D. '01 Iowa City, Iowa Calkins, Royal W. , '93, physician Custer, S. D. Carmichael, Eugene, '00, physician Ft. Dodge, Iowa Cams, Harry, '88, physician Montrose, Iowa Carver, Harry E. , '99, physician Rose Hill, Iowa Clapp, Archie Burwell, '02, physician Muscatine, Iowa Waterloo, Iowa Downey, Iowa Verden, Neb. Chariton, Iowa College Electro-Ther. , Dubuque, Iowa Dubuque, Iowa Damoni, Iowa West Branch, Iowa 236 ALUMNI REGISTER Clark, Charles W., '85, phj^sician Dillon, Mont. Cline, Alice B, , '91, physician 1818 Montgall Ave. , Kansas City, Mo. * Cochran, Alfred T. , '96, physician Belinda, Iowa Coddington, James K. , '00, physician Humboldt, Iowa Cogswell, Charles Herbert, Jr., '02, physician Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cole, Sarah A., '89, M. '98, Hahnemann Medical Physician Lincoln, Kans. Coleman, Jennie, '98, physician 2nd, Corner Euclid Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa Conner, Warren H. , '93, physician Fairfield, Iowa Coon, George S. , 91, physician, professor surgery in Southwestern Homeopathic Medical College, Louisville, Kentucky Louisville, Ky. Cornwell, Adelaide E. , (Mrs. Jay M. Kilbourne) '94 Deceased Cotton, AlonzoA. , '86, B.S. '84, physician Vermillion, S. D. Cotton, Mary A. , '85, deceased Coulter, Eva M. , '87, deceased Crawford, Mrs., (j. A. Disbro) '80 3016 Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Crew, Arthur Elwood, '02, physician Marion, Iowa Cross, Ansel M. , '82 Dailey, Mrs. Ada, '85, physician Sheffield, Iowa Davis, Metta E. , '99, physician Fremont, Neb. Davis, Sheldon F. , '79, physician Pomona, Calif. Dean, Mrs. F. W, , (Luella Shaw) '95 Shenandoah, Iowa Delap, Silas C. , '80, physician 1214 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. DeMarsh, Clark C. , '91, physician Fairfield, Iowa *Derx, Jacob, '87 Farmington, Iowa Dickinson, D. W. , '84, physician 414 Citizen's Bank Bldg. , Des Moines, Iowa Disbro, Jo Anna, (Mrs. Crawford), '80, B.S. 3916 Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. *Dunn, Rhadamanthus, '82, physician Pueblo, Colo. Dun Van, Edgar K. ,'97, physician Chatsworth, Iowa Ebersole, Howard C. , '96, physician Woodward, Iowa COLIvEGK OF HOMKOPATHIC MKDICINB 237 Ebersole, Sarah F. , (Mrs. Myrtle S. Freeberger) '97 Manson, Iowa Alberta, Iowa Dawson, Iowa Seattle, Wash. Eilers, Paul G. , '00 Eldridge, Mrs. (ivizzie B. Joy) '81 Emonds, William G. , '80 physician Erwin, William, '82, deceased Eudaly, Mrs. Milton T. , (Minnie J. Everett, Edward J. , '94, physician Farnum, Earl P., '98, physician Fees, Arthur W. , '87, physician Fleming, Amos C. , 81, physician Fletcher, David A. , '95, physician Freeburger, Mrs. Myrtle S.,(S. F\ Ebersol) '97, Manson Fry, Mrs. Arminda C. , '97 Marshalltown Bohstedt)'95, deceased Stuart, lovN-a Fredericksburg, Iowa Ivcnox, Iowa Augusta, Mont. Hartley, Iowa Iowa Iowa Fullmer, Burt Emerson, '02 Garton, William M. , '96, Gethman, Cbarles C Glasier, Johnson J. , Gleason, Flora S. , '82, physician Gleason, J. C. , '83, physician Golden, Hannah C. , '82, physician Goldsworthy, Lelia O. , (Mrs. R. S. physician and minister Berrien Springs, Mich, assistant surgeon, U. S. A. Washington, D. C. Eldora, Iowa Sprinfield, S. D. Corona, Calif. Corona, Calif. Vinton, Iowa Walker) '91 Keokuk, Iowa '93, physician 88 Goldsworthy, William, 91, deceased Goodrich, Alice A. , '89, physician 904 E. Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa Graening, Charles Henry, '93, physician and surgeon Waverly, Iowa Graening, Mrs. Charles H. , (Adele P. Kimball) '94 Waverly, Graves, Rex Vale, '03, physician Gray, Nettie E. , '96, physician Gray, Richard H. , '95, physician Gray, William R. , '90, physician Green, A. C. , '80, physician Green, Edward P. , '88, physician * Green, Lynne Birdsall, '04 Griffin, Mrs. (Sarah F. Ebersole), '97 Iowa Ivamont, Iowa Anamosa, Iowa Anamos^, Iowa Bellingham, Wash. Middletown, O. Arvada, Colo. Reinbeck, Iowa Manson, Iowa 238 ALUMNI REGISTER Hackett, James F. , '89, physician Kellogg, Iowa Hamilton, William A. , '00, physician Paullina, Iowa *Hand, George, '04 Hay Springs, Neb. Hansen, Andreas S. , '93, stuying in Vienna '03 Cedar Falls, Iowa Hansen, Jorgen \V, , '97, phj'sician Racine, Wis. Hansen, Otto A. , '96, physician Forest City, Iowa Hardesty, George W. , '91, physician May wood. Neb. Hartmarui, Ossian, '84, physician Austin, Texas Hatch, Mrs. John B. , (Alice M. Humphrey), '95 5th and Walnut Sts. , Des Moines, Iowa *Hayden, Arthur S. , '96 Wall I^ake, Iowa Hazard, Mrs. Clara M. , '97, physician Iowa City, Iowa Henderson, J. W. , '81, deceased Hill, Mrs. Alice S. , '00, physician Dubuque, Iowa Hitchcock, J. B., '80, physician Montford, Wis. HoUopeter, Charles M., '90, physician Beatrice, Neb. Holman, Henry Delavan, '03, physician Rockwell, Iowa Homan, Ralph Waldo, '94, physician Webster City, Iowa Horton, Frank W. , '94, physician Sanborn, Iowa Hoskins, John Bennett, '00, B. A. '00, physician Sioux Falls, S. D. Hoskins, Samuel B. , '96, B.A. '92, University of Dakota Physician 915 W. 19th St., Sioux City, Iowa Howard, George S. , '81, physician Exeter, Neb. Howe, Arthur W. , '96, B. S. '97, Central University of Indiana, physician 1419 W. 27th St., Des Moines, Iowa Howe, Mariam A., (Mrs. A. D. Pugh), '00, B.S. 2225 University Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa Howe, William F. , '90 Huff, Ellsworth Abram, '03, physician Maquoketa, Iowa HuUhorst, C. J. A., '82, physician I^incoln, Neb. HuUhorst, Frederick, '82, physician Yutan, Neb. HuUho'rst, Paul, '89, physician 4269 N. Ashland Avenue, Chicago, 111. Humphre}^ Frank D., '91, physician and surgeon Grand Rapids, Wis. Humphrey, Alice M. , (Mrs. J. B. Hatch) '95, physician 5th and Walnut St. , Des Moines, Iowa COLIvEGB OF HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE 239 Humphrey, Howard M. , '95, physician and surgeon lyake City, Iowa Hunt, William F., '96, physician 518 W. 3rd. St. , Davenport, Iowa Hunter, ly. K. , '80, deceased Huntoon, Gardner A. , '96, physician 1086 25th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Huxley, A. T. , '84, physician Mason City, Iowa Isom, Francis Marion, '94, physician Dunkerton, Iowa Jackson, Anna, (Mrs. Cyrus W. Ivongshore) '03 Waterloo, Iowa Jackson, Mrs., (Flora C. Moss) '95 Mattoon, 111. *Jacobson, Robert Andrew, '94 Lake View, Iowa Johnson, Deora, '90, physician Iowa City, Iowa Jones, Thomas J. , '93, physician Bevington, Iowa Joy, lyizzie E. , (Mrs. Eldridge) '81 Da^vson, Iowa Kauffman, Edward Charles, '01, physician Union, Iowa Kauffman, Frank E. , '97, physician Lake City, Iowa Kauffman, William A. , '98, physician Conrad, Iowa Keaster, Joseph Bruce, '03, physician Creston, Iowa Keller, Francis, '84, physician Dallas, Texas Kelso, Isabella F. , '93, physician Waterloo, Iowa Kemp, Everett D. , '01, physician Denison, Iowa Kemp, Malcolm Edwin, '03, physician Lake View, Iowa Kennedy, William R. , '95, physician and surgeon 204 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Kilborne, Jay M. , '94, physician Sioux City, Iowa Kilborne, Mrs. Jay M. , (Adelaide Cornwell) '94, deceased Kile, William T. , '85, physician and surgeon Plainview, Neb. Kimball, Adele Pauline, (Mrs. Chas. H. Graening) '94 Physician Waverly, Iowa Kirkpatrick, R. S., '86, physician 926 4th St., Des Moines, Iowa Knight, Frank M., '82, retired Alliance, Neb. Krogstad, Henry, '88, M. '89, New York Homeopathic College, physician 1524 K. N. W. Washington, D. C. Lambert, Elmer J., '98, physician and surgeon Ottumwa, Iowa 240 AI.UMNI REGISTER Ivankton, Freeda M. , '88, physician 1617 Dodge St. , Omaha, Neb. I^anning, Charles, '85, physician and surgeon, Morrison, 111. lyaunder, Frank Trowbridge, '01, physician Garwin, Iowa Lawrence, Ed. S. , '87, M. '90, Iowa College Physicians and Surgeons, physician 322 6th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Lee, Frank \V. , '87, physician and surgeon, Riceville, lowa Lewis, Edgar C. , '91, physician Lyons, Iowa Lillie, Bertha S., (Mrs. D. Mason) '97, Cripple Creek, Colo, Lintleman, Fred Richard '04, physician Harlan, Iowa Loizeaux, Charles Edward, '04 Dubuque, Iowa Loizeaux, Charles J., '89, physician and surgeon 1400 E. Grand Avenue, East Des Moines, Iowa Longshore, Mrs. Cyrus W. , (Anna Jackson) '03 Waterloo, Iowa Lount, Robert, '81, physician Hempstead, N. Y. McBurney, George F. , '96, physician Belmont, Iowa McCabe, Fordyce, '99, physician Fairfield, Neb. McCeney, Edward M. , '89, M. '90, Hahnemann Medical College, physician and surgeon Dubuque, Iowa McChesney, Mrs. M. J., '88, physician Osceola, Neb. McClean, S. N. , '86 18 Glen Park Place, Cleveland, Ohio McDowall, Gilbert Thompson, '02, physician, Hampton, Iowa McGarvey, Marie M., '00, physician Franklin, Neb. McKee, Bart, '91 'deaceased Marble, Pearl L. , '99, physician Liscomb, Iowa Marr, Harvey, C. , '82, physician Victor, Iowa Marsh, Franklin A. , '89, physician Seward, Neb. Martin, Albert L. , '87, physician Clinton, Iowa Martin, Hobart Earle, '01, physician Elvira, Iowa Marvin, Henry N. , '97, physician Sioux City, Iowa Mason, Mrs. D. , (Bertha S. Lillie) '97, Cripple Creek, Colo. Matheson, Arny, '93, physician Neillsville, Wis. Meredith, W. C. , '84, physician Caro, Mich. Merry, Weltha A., '81, physician Creseo, Iowa Messenger, Harriet E. , '90, physician 2800 University Place, Des Moines, Iowa Metzinger, John J. , '99, physician Fremont, Neb. * Miles, Franklin P., '93 Black Hawk, Colo. COIvIvBGB OF HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE 241 Miller, John P., 88, physician 628 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, Kans. Davenport, Iowa Evanston, Wyo. Marion, Iowa Toledo, Iowa Iowa Falls, Iowa Mattoon, 111. Marion, Iowa Cincinnatti, Iowa Clinton, Iowa Fort Dodge, Iowa vSan Leander, Calif. Colusa, Calif. Miller, William, '81, physician Mills, Caroline, '95, physician Moorhead, James, '93, physician Morford, Cornelius M., '90, physician Morton, William M. , '81, physician Moss, Flora C. , (Mrs. Jackson), '95 Muirhead, George S., '91, physician Musgrave, George James, '01, physician Myers, Mary A. , '84, deceased Neitman, lyouis F. , '88, physician Nelson, John S. , '88, physician Newbold, Edwin H, , '93, physician Newbold, Reuben ly, , '96, physician Newell, Robert C. , '79, physician, 70 State St. , Chicago, 111. Newland, Mark Allen, '92, physician Center Point, Iowa Nichols, Frankly., '95, physician Sutherland, Iowa Norcross, Carl V. , 87, physician Butte City, Mont. Norcross, W. S. ,'86, physician, 66 Lisbon St. , Ivewiston,Me. Nutting, Mrs. J. K. , (Abi h. Preston) '85 Oren, Samuel A., '78, physician and surgeon, Lewiston, 111. Owen, William Roy, '03, physician Osage, Iowa Oyler, Norman D. , '96, physician Downey, Iowa Page, Clarence Vernon, '02, B.A. '01, physician Council Bluffs, Iowa Paisley, Charles Iv. , 91, physician Farmington, Iowa Palmer, George W. , '93, physician Downey, Iowa Parker, James W. , '88, physician Peoria, 111. Parker, Mrs. Jas. W., (Theodocia Bennett), '88, Peoria, 111. Parsons, Percy lyeigh, '01, physician Traer, Iowa Paul, Frank D., '86, physician Rock Island, 111. Pearse, Susan S. , '81, deceased Peattle, Mrs. John, (Sophie E. Bennett), '90 605 Hancock, Peoria, 111. Peck, Raymond E. , '97, physician and surgeon Flat 3, Oxford Flats, Davenport, Iowa Peery, Bessie E. , '84 Perry, Marie G. , '89, physician Ithaca, N. Y. Phelps, Myron, '91, physician Van Wert, Iowa * Poland, George, '81, physictan Poland, Iowa 242 ALUMMI REGISTER Pollard, Alpheus L- , '93, physician 7 and 8 Ferguson Block, Denver, Colo. Pond, Issa Otto, '01, physician Sioux Rapids, Iowa Preston, Abi ly. , (Mrs. Nutting), '85 Printy, James A., '82, physician 598 Ivincoln Avenue, Chicago, 111. Pugh, Mrs. A. D. , (Marian A. Howe), '00, physician 2225 University Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa Pyle, Charles W. , '84, physician Altman Building, Kansas City, Mo. Quisling, Andreas, '93, physician Madison, Wis. Reinhold, Hanna C. , '92, physician Williamsport, Pa. Remington, F. A., '84, physician, deceased Richards, FrankO. , '01, physician Winterset, Iowa Richardson, Emma F. , '93, physician Cedar Rapids, Iowa Richardson, Everett E. , '95, physician Webster City, Iowa Robbins, Fred '83, physician and druggist. Woodbine, Iowa Robertson, Orrin, '95, L. '82, physician Quenemo, Kans. Robinson, George A., '81, deceased Rogers, Ernest Albert, '04, D. '92, professor of dental and regional anatomy, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Rorabaugh, William E- , '00, physician 1520 E. Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa Kosan, Eleanor E. , '94, physician 273 55th St. , Chicago, 111. Ross, Alice I., '94, physician Whittier, Iowa Rowat, Harry Lewis, '04, B. S. '01, physician Albia, Iowa Rowe, William H., '85, physician and surgeon Waukesha, Wis. Rumsey, Fred B. , '83, physician Almena, Kans. Sage, Fred C. , '93, specialist eye, ear, nose and throat Waterloo, Iowa Sandy, Benjamine Brooks, '03, physician, Shenandoah, Iowa Sarchet, George A. , '01, physician I^ansford, N. D. Sarchet, Lloyd H. , '98, physician Walker, Iowa Schwartz, C. M. H. , '80, physician DeWitt, Iowa Seeley, George Oscar, '96, phj^sician Grand Rapids, Mich. Seeman, William O. , '95, physician EauClaire, Wis. Semones, William M. , 97, physician Atlantic, Iowa Shaffer, William E. , '95, physician Hedrick, Iowa Shaw, Luella G. , (Mrs. P\ W. Dean), '95, Shenandoah, Iowa COIvIvEGB OF HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE 243 Skinner, Fred C. , '98, physician LeClaire, Iowa Smith, Mark H. , '95, physician Eagle, Colo. Snitkay, Charles John, '01, physician Belle Plaine, Iowa Snyder, Byron S. , '82, physician Ballard, Mo. Somers, F. N. , '81, physician Beulah, Colo. Sonthworth, F. W. , '87, physician 3 Taylor St. , San Francisco, Calif. Speaker, Everett E. , '97, physician Ivake View, Iowa Speicher, John G. , '83, physician Chicago, 111. Spencer, Hulda, '82, physician Denver, Colo. Stevens, Frank E. , '82, deceased Stoakes, William H. , '01, physician Humboldt, Iowa Stratton, Daniel E. , '86, physician Chinese Camp. Calif. Strawbridge, Frank A. , '86, physician Sigourney, Iowa Struble, Linton W. , '97, physician West Liberty, Iowa Suffa, George A., '88, oculist, 120 Clarendon St. , Boston, Mass. Swan, Clare J., '87, physician Chadron, Ohio Swetland, Agnes V. , '91, physician Omaha, Neb. Swift, Mrs. (Mirian E. Blakeslee), '91 837 Kansas Avenue, Topeko, Kans. Swinburne, Arthur H. , '91, physician Marietta, Ohio Taylor, Ellen A., '83, physician 552 W. 61st Place, Chicago, 111. Taylor, Morrison A., '97, physician and surgeon Spencer, S. D. Thomas, Adelaide E. , '96, physician Sioux City, Iowa Thomas, A. H. , '84, physician Trenton, Neb. Thompson, James H. , '79, physician Davenport, Iowa Thompson, Thomas F. , '90, physician Shohomish, Wash. Thomson, Belle M. , (Mrs. Bean), '96 Vinton, Iowa Tiffany, DeForest E. , '93, physician Cedar Rapids, Iowa Tiffany, John W. , '83, physician and surgeon Hiawatha, Kans. Todd, Victor C. , '98, deceased Tribon, Francis L. , '93, physician Algona, Iowa Vandeveer, Frank L. , '94, physician Cedar Falls, Iowa Van Sickle, A. R. , physician Hastings, Neb. Vint, George A., '94, physician Hindsboro, 111. Vroom, Charles W., '87, physician Ackley, Iowa 244 ALUMNI REGISTER Waggoner, Nettie, '82, physician 1028 Walnut St. , Kansas, City, Mo. Walker, Mrs. R. S., (Lelia O. Goldsworthy), '81 Keokuk, Iowa Watson, Samuel Newell, '93, B.A. M.A. B.D. D. D. Minister Cliillicotlie, Ohio Watzek, J. W. , '81, physician Davenport, Iowa Wentch, George F., '96, physician Cedar Rapids, Iowa Wenzlick. George John, '01, physician Hills, Iowa Wessell, A. E. , '85, deceased W^estenburger, James C. , '97, physician St. Ansgar, Iowa Whiting, Mary, '91, physician Redanda, Calif. Wiggins, Hiram N., '92, physician Allerton, Iowa Wight, William C. , '87, phj^sician 628 6th Avenue, Sheldon, Iowa Wilbur, Carrie A. , '84, physician Minneapolis, Minn. Wild, Peter Rowland, '03, physician Earlham, Iowa Wilkinson, Landy Abner, '01' physician Manzanola, Colo. Wilson, John W. , '94, physician Oroville, Calif. Wilson, W. H., '81, physician Paris, 111. Winchell, Harvey R., '82, physician Rich, Idaho Winter, F. W. , '80, physician Adams, Neb. Winters, Louis Ernest, '01 Wilton Junction, Iowa Woltman, William Henr}^, '03, physician Iowa City, Iowa Woodward, Archie C. , '94, physician Decorah, Iowa Woolverton, Ella G. , (Mrs. Guy S. Calkins), '95, D. '01 Iowa City, Iowa Young, Glyndon A., '00 Fremont, Neb. Brown, Adelyn Ethel, '04, nurse's certificate Cedar Rapids, Iowa Bruce, Mrs. Guy R. , (Mary A. Raff) '97, nurse's certificate Maquoketa, Iowa Davis, Mrs. John L. , (Grace S. von Stauffer), '94, nurse's certificate Muskogee, Indian Ter. Dean, AlmendaB,,' 02, nurse's certificate. West Branch, Iowa Graves, Sara D. , '98, nurse's certificate Dubuque, Iowa Hawkins, Alice, '98, nurse's certificate Des Moines, Iowa * Jensen, Cecelia A. , '97, nurse's certificate Osago, Iowa Larson, Oliva S. , '94, nurse's certificate, Mt. Pleasant, Utah McWilliams, Martha Fern, '94, nurse's certificate 28 High School Place, Cedar Rapids, Iowa COIylvKGE OF HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE 245 Mether, Emmaline Marie, '02, nurse's certificate Waverly, Iowa Overholt, Mary E. , '91, nurse's certificate, Iowa City, Iowa Raff, Mary A., (Mrs, Guy R. Bruce), '97, nurse's certificate Maquoketa, Iowa Rhodes, Charlotte Alice, '04, nurse's certificate Sigourney, Iowa Smith, Estella, C. , (Mrs. Earnest Putnam), '98, nurse's certificate Iowa City, Iowa von Stauffer, Grace S. , (Mrs. J. Iv. Davis), '94, nurse's cerfificate Muskogee, Indian Ter. Wagner, Harriette Daisy, '03, nurse's certificate, deceased Waite Carrie I., (Mrs. McCabe), '99, nurse's certificate Clear Ivake, Iowa White, Effie Jane, '03, nurse's certificate Da Hoj^, Iowa Woolverton, Ella G. , (Mrs. Guy Calkins), '91, nurse's certificate ■ Iowa City, Iowa THE ADPHABETICAD LIST OF THE GRADUATES OF THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY The star [*) means that information is uncertain. Where no business is noted our information has not supplied it. * Adams, Charles Ferris, '91 West Union, Iowa Addenbrooke, Helen M. , '95, dentist 412 Goldsmith Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Addenbrooke, William Joseph, '95, dentist 412 Goldsmith Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Addington, Earl, '04, dentist Marengo, Iowa Albin, Thomas G. , '90, dentist Sullivan Block, Seattle, Wash. Albright, Deroy Clark, '99, dentist Ocheyedan, Iowa 246 ALUMNI REGISTKR * Alexander, Joseph C. , '95 Union, Iowa Allen, Harvey, Orval, '91, dentist Idaho Springs, Colo. Allen, Henrietta Frances, '02, dentist Berthoud, Colo. Allender, J. C, '86, dentist Marj^ville, Mo. Amrine, Roscoe Conkliug, '91, dentist Rushville, 111. Anderegg, Daniel B. F. , '92, dentist Faribault, Minn. * Anderson, Arthur Lewis, '97 Bstherville, Iowa Anderson, John V. , '90, dentist Kane, Pa. Anderson, Mamie F. , '92, M. '00, Iowa College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, dentist Dayton, low^a Anger, A. B. , '88, dentist Brooklyn, Iowa Anger, BmmaE., (Mrs. Henr^- M. Dalzell), '89, dentist Muscatine, Iowa Anger, Hiram Wesley, '92, dentist Victor, Iowa Applebee, Jabez Olin, '91, B.A. '75, M.A. '78, Illinois Wes. University, dentist Cuba, 111. Archer, GuyS. , '94, doctor of Osteopathy, Northern College of Osteopathy, osteopath Atlantic, Iowa Ashley, Theodore, '9-3 Canon City, Colo. *Aydelotte, C. W. , '87 Newton, Ind. Ayers, Marshall Brooks, '96, 8tli and Main St. , Dubuque, Iowa *Babcock, G. M. , '86 Rock Island, 111. *Babcock, J. E. , '88 Belvedere', 111. Bailey, Edgar, '03, dentist Charles City, Iowa Baird, Henry M. , '86 No. 33U Brady St., Davenport, Iowa Baird, William H. , '83 234^ N. 4th St., Burlington, Iowa Baker, Ray N. '92, traveling for Funk & Young 100 State St. , Chicago, 111. Baldwin!, Hiram Walter, '92 Green Bay, Wis. Baldwin, Maude, (Mrs. Maude B. Rummell) '94 Des Moines, Iowa Baldwin, Royal Winthrop, '9- Ball, Elmer H. , '92, dentist Ball, Frank, '91, dentist *Ball, James William, '93 *Ball, Judson O., '84 Bandy, Robert Smith, '91, dentist Barker, Arthur D. , '90 * Barker, Gardiner Hubbard, '91 Barrera, Isaac, '98, dentist mtist Viroque, Wis. Tama, Iowa State Center, Iowa Fargo, ; N. D. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa t Tipton, Iowa Grinnell, Iowa Bridgeport, ' Conn. 5a Constitution n' 69 Durango, Mexico COIvLKGB OF DENTISTRY 247 Batcher, William Henry, '96, dentist Dysart, Iowa Baughman, George P. , '97, dentist What Cheer, Iowa Baumer, John Baptiste, '99 Independence, Kans. Beam, Frank N. , ' 98, dentist Laurens, Iowa Beckman, Fritz Smith, '03, dentist Grundy Center, Iowa Beeman, Clarence Evander, '03, dentist Springville, Iowa Belding, George Henry, '91, M. '03, Milwaukee Medical College, physician Milwaukee, Wis. Belding, Herbert Hooker, '94, dentist Waukoma, Iowa Bell, Frank Joseph, '03, dentist Billings, Mont. Bement, Benton, '90, dentist, 116 Main St., Lockport, N. Y. *Bemis, Oliver Hammond, '94 Bancroft, Iowa Bemis, Clarence David, '91, dentist Ziegler Block, Spokane, Wash. Benson, Grarid Clarence, '01, dentist Nashua, Iowa Bernard, Walter Grant, '94, deceased Besore, Jacob H. , '84, dentist Ida Grove, Iowa Bethel, Frank J. , '90, dentist 319 Ivumber Exchange, Seattle, Wash. Bevan, Clarence P. , '96 , Colorado Beyer, Christian P. , '88, dentist Waverly, Iowa Bickel, Frank X., '91, dentist 32 Mitchell and Lynde Block, Rock Island, 111. Bidwell, Everett, '04, dentist Hartley, Iowa Bigger, Lee Fisk, '03, dentist Preston, Iowa Billings, John Winfred, '91, dentist Grinnell, Iowa * Bingham, Frederick Nathan, '98 Des Moines, Iowa *Birchard, Thomas Leone, '01, dentist Oelwein, Iowa Blanchard, Frederick Channing, '97, dentist, Waterloo, Iowa *Bo6s, Casper Milton Baltis, '97 Muscatine, Iowa Booth, Charles Edward, '90, dentist 211 Keystone Block, West vSuperior, Wis. Booth, John Jacob, '99, dentist Marion, Iowa Bowman, Mallis Rebecca, (Mrs. Joseph Hickey), '94 818 Dekum Building, Portland, Oreg. Boysen, Frank Alfred, '92, dentist Webster City, Iowa Bradley, William Oscar, '98, dentist 407 Traders Block, Spokane, Wash. Brady, W. J. , 86, professor of Orthodontia, College of Dentistry, S. U. I. 1025 College St., Iowa City, Iowa 248 ALUMNI REGISTER *Braley, John Clifton, Branson, Leon Leota, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Harvey ', 111. Iowa City, Iowa Davenport, Iowa Le Mars, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Grafton, N. D. Ashland, Wis. Adel, Iowa Clarence, Iowa Lone Tree, Iowa Vinton, Iowa Greenfield, Iowa Perry, Iowa Ida Grove, Iowa Traer, Iowa '92 '95, dentist 104i S. Clinton St. Braun, Hugo Arthur, '92, dentist 329i W. 3rd St. Breen, Michael Henry, '92, dentist Breene, Frank T. , '88, M. '93, dentist 419 N. Clinton St. Brennan, John Patrick, '96, dentist Brennan, Michael, '92, dentist Brett, Donald C. , '91, dentist Brock, Albert J., '04, dentist Brock, Herbert Bruce, '98, dentist Brooks, Emory L. , "85, dentist Brooks, George, '98, dentist Brown, Albert Lew, '91, dentist Clarence Aubrey, '03, dentist Curtis Henry, '98, dentist Daniel Joseph, '91, dentist 7 Hofman Block, Ottumwa, Iowa Esther, '00, dentist Staceyville, Iowa Sim Chaney, '98, dentist East Los Vegas, New Mexico Browning, Ernest Welcomb,' 00, dentist. Morning Sun, Iowa Bruce, Guy Rolfe, '99, dentist Bruner, Charles W. , '94, dentist Bruner, Grant, '95, dentist Bumgardner, Edward, '93, M. '93, M.A. University, dentist Burdick, Norman, '91, deceased * Burns, Erwin Lester, '97 Burns, John Joseph, '04, dentist *Burt, Charles Preston, '92 Byers, Robert Emmett, '02, dentist Calhoun, Joseph Farrer, '98, dentist Calkins, Mrs. Guy S. West Branch, Toledo, Sioux Rapids, '94, Campbell Lawrence, Iowa Iowa Iowa Kas. Wells, Minn. Volga City, Iowa Elmwood, 111. Quincy, 111. Birmingham, Iowa (Ella G. Woolverton) '01, M. '95 Iowa City, Iowa Cameron, William John, '01, dentist 510 Walnut St., Des Moines, Iowa Cannon, Willis Lloyd, '01, dentist West Union, Iowa COLIvEGB OF DKNTISTRY 249 Carpenter, Ivockwood Dickerson, '01, dentist Indianola, Iowa dentist Tipton, Iowa D. '86,N. Y. College of Dentistry Colorado Springs, Colo. Sherrard, 111. '96, '84, Casebeer, Bessie Starr Chamberlain, Frank C. Dentist * Chamberlin, Lewis, '01 Chambers, George Edward, '91, dentist Iva Farge, Wis. * Chandler, Vincent Kenyon, '91, dentist Delavan, 111, Chapman, Frank C. , '92, dentist Iowa City, Iowa Chase, Mrs. Emma E. , '89, dentist 3334 Washington Ave. , St. Louis, Mo. Clark, Floyd Chester, '03, dentist New Sharon, Iowa Clark, George Edward, '97, dentist • Galesburg, 111. * Clark, Matthew, '94 Piper City, 111. Clark, William G. , '89, dentist 92 State St., Chicago, 111. Clemens, Henry F. , '85, deceased Cobb, Charles M. , '90, dentist 119i S. 8th St *Cogley, George Otis, '91 Colby, Charles Clinton, '95, dentist Cole, Alvernus Humphrey, '04, dentist * Coleman, Willard Foster, '90 Colt, George B. , '89, dentist Conn, Frank A., '97, dentist Cook, George .Washington, '90, dentist St. Joseph, Mo. Clarinda, Iowa Blair, Neb. Lancaster, Mo. Dec or ah, Iowa Cambridgeborough, Pa. Hartley, Iowa 47th and Kenwood Avenue, Chicago, 111. Cook, Harry Delmar, Cope, Charles W. , '88 Cotton, Ephriam E. , ' Coughlan, William J. '02, dentist , dentist 89, dentist , '91, B.Ph. dentist Countryman, Charles C. , 99, dentist Crandall, Walter Gove, '98, dentist Crawford, E. M., '86, deceased * Cress, George, '02, dentist Crowell, Irving Gardner, '03, dentist Currie, Albert Leigh, '91, dentist * Curry, John Frank, '92 Cutler, Earl Van Zile, '04, dentist Daily, Howland, '94, dentist Daly, Eunice Elizabeth, '03 *Dalzell, H. M., '85 . Hull, Iowa Onawa, Iowa Waterloo, Iowa Ira, Iowa Ureka, Utah. Spencer Iowa Rock Falls, 111. Shell Lake, Wis. Monona, Iowa Belmont, N. Y. Osage, Iowa Valentine, Neb. Cambridge, Neb. Muscatine, Iowa 250 ALUMNI REGISTER Dalzell, Mrs. Henrv M. , (Emma E. Anger) Muscatine, Iowa Paw Paw, 111. Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davoll Davenport, Iowa Oelwein, Iowa Reinbeck, Iowa Aledo, 111. Lincoln, Neb. Woodhull, IIL Howard, S. D. Daugherty, James Bertes, '91, dentist Davis, John Allen, '01, dentist 320 Brady St. John Clarence, '99, dentist John David Carson, '01, dentist John Mackintosh, '99, dentist Wallace Clyde, '91, B.S. dentist 206 Richards Block Walter Arthur, '98, dentist Fred E. , '90, dentist Dawson, E. S. , '88, deceased Decker, Herbert M. , '98, dentist 15 Whittaker Block, Davenport, Iowa Deetkin, Julius Charles, '98, dentist Council Bluffs, Iowa DeFord, Mrs. W. H. , (Jessie M. Ritchey), '87, dentist Jefferson, Iowa DeLano, Courtland Alva. '03, dentist Dempsey, Peter Francis, '96, dentist Denbo, Edward S., '92, dentist Detwiler, Caroline, '02, dentist Devaney, W. Leville, '00, dentist Dewey, James Baker, '01, deceased Dexter, Clement J. , '00. dentist Ft. Dodge, Iowa Dieffenbacher, Bemper Letson, '04, dentist York, Neb. Diehl, George E., '89, dentist Eldora, Iowa Dillinger, Hanna, '98, dentist Glidden, Iowa Dingwell, Andrew, '90, dentist 313 5th Avenue, Clinton, Iowa Dodge, Clarence Augustus, '97, dentist Elmhurst, New York, N. Y. Donalson, W. W., '86 Donlon, Joseph Patrick, '97, dentist Doolittle, M. J., '86, dentist Dorival, John Hicks, '90, dentist Dorman, Charles W. , '90, dentist Dowdey, S. G. , '91, dentist Downey, John William, '91, N. D. dentist 25 Linden St. , Ft. Collins, Iowa Dredge, William A., '92, dentist Lake Crystal, Minn. Lone Tree, Iowa Waukon, Iowa Orleans Red Oak, Ind. Iowa Albert Lea, Minn. Elkader, Iowa Paulsboro, N. J. Caledonia, Minn. Manchester, Iowa Durango, Colo. COIvIvKGK OF DENTISTRY 251 Sanborn, Iowa Winfield, Iowa Manchester, Iowa Mt. Ayr, Iowa Marcus, Iowa Strawberry Point, Iowa '02, dentist Des Moines, Iowa Sanborn, Iowa h vSt. , Des Moines, Iowa Ainsworth, Neb. ntist Waterloo, Iowa Hedrick, low^a Maquoketa, Iowa Maquoketa, Iowa Glenwood; Wis. Grundy Center, Iowa Duncan, Alvia Lee, '04, dentist Duncan, Warren, '03, dentist * Dunham, O. A., '86, dentist Dunning, Walter Lyle, '03, dentist D wight, Charles Frank, '92, dentist Baton, Hall Myrwin, '95, dentist Eberhart, Frank Vaughn, '04, B.S. *Bdgington, George Hubert, '95, Bdwards, Horace N. , '87, retired 920 15t] Bichar, Cora Leone, '98, dentist Bickelberg, George Charles, '98, dei Bller, Cecil L., '00, dentist Bllis, Jacob Benjamin, '91, dentist Bllis, Gideon Charles, '03, dentist Blmer, Rufus, '84, deceased Bnglish, William Kirk, '03, dentist Brb, Benjamin H. , '04, dentist Bshelman, George W., '96, dentist 51^ Bvans, Samuel Joy, '94, dentist Faber, Arthur Julius, '01, dentist Fairall, John A., '00, dentist 200 Century Bldg. , Des Moines, Fawkes, Charles James, '98, dentist Mineral Point, Fear, Milo Francis, '04 Sigourney, Iowa Ferreby, Thomas George, '96, dentist Humboldt, Iowa *Fickes, Josiah Barton, '98 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Field, Linus S. , '87, dentist Sanborn, Iowa Fish, Walter Bverett, '91, dentist Anita, Iowa Fisher, George B. , '85, dentist Red Oak, Iowa Fleener, James B. , '86, dentist Oskaloosa, Iowa Foote, Louis I incoln, '91, dentist Richland, Iowa Forbes, Lacy Stuart, '91, dentist Fayette, Iowa *Fordyce, Benson W. , '93 Platteville, Iowa Fordyce, Chester, '03, dentist Fairfield, Iowa Fox, Charles Sumner, '97, dentist 403 S. State, Belvidere, 111. Frahm, Frederick William, '04, dentist Wilton Junction Fraser, Milfred Orby, '01, dentist College View, Lincoln, Neb. Cedar, Cherokee, Davenport, Cascade, Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Wis. 252 AIvUMNI REGISTER Fuller, Charles Albert, '91, dentist 26h Public Square, Watertown, N. Y. Fuller, George W. , '83, dentist 322 Sixth Ave. , Des Moines, Iowa '89, dentist Cedar Falls, Iowa '85, dentist 423 Mack Block, Denver, Colo. dentist Early, Iowa '03, dentist Grinnell, Iowa Hastings, Neb. Ames, Iowa Fullerton, Kern M. , Fullerton, lyoren K, Gable, John Carlton, '98, Gallagher, Oscar Harley, Gal way, James, '91, dentist Gardner, Charles Edward, '04, dentist Gardner, Herbert H. , '99, dentist Gary, Arthur George, '98, dentist Gibford, Howard T. , '00, dentist Gibson, Charles H. , '90, dentist * Gibson, Perry A., '83 Giddings, Edgar T. , '87, dentist Gilbreath, Frank Milton, '01, dentist Girls, Calvin Lin, '91, dentist 119 E. 2nd St Glasier, A. B. , '89, dentist Glasier, E. S. , '87, dentist Glasgow, Nathaniel B. , '90, dentist Glenn, T. J., "87, dentist Gluesing, John Wilkes, '90 dentist Corner 160 3rd Avenue Williamsburg, Iowa Walker, Iowa Newton, Iowa Chaska, Minn. Edinboro, Pa. Missouri Valley, low^a Mandan, N. D. Muscatine, Osage, Algona, San Bernardino, Chilton, Iowa Iowa Iowa Cal. Wis. Moline, 111. Godlove, George Wesley, '98, dentist Godlove, Lester Linn, '01, dentist Goldthwait, Guy Garfield, '04, dentist Goodeiiough, George D. , '00, dentist Gormley, Thomas Andrew, '91, dentist Grafton, Charles Warwick, '98, dentist Gray, Lewis Ballon, '99, dentist Greene, Oliver Nelson, '03, dentist Griffin, Festus Manfred, '97, dentist Griffis, Thomas R. , '00, Grigsby, Louis A., '92 Grimm, Richard Clary, Riverside, Iowa Wellman, Iowa Sigourney, Iowa Gowrie, Iowa Mt. Vernon, Iowa .Rock Island, 111. Stuart, Iowa Newton, Iowa Rockwell City, Iowa dentist Carson, Iowa 224 E. State St. , Rockford, 111. '95, dentist Des Moines, Iowa Haines, Desway, A., '92, dentist Mabel, Minn. Haley, Frank Richardson, '98, dentist Shelby, Iowa coIvIvBGe: of dentistry 253 Hall, Edward A. , '00, dentist Reinbeck, Iowa Hall, Ivincoln Clarence, '91, dentist 206 Jefferson St Hall, Robert W., '98, dentist Hallett, Thomas A., '84, dentist 320 Sixth Ave. , Hamil, Melvin Preston, '01, dentist Hammer, William U. , '01, dentist Hannafin, Thomas Francis, '99, dentist Hare, Charles H. , '87, dentist Harlan, H. A., '85, dentist Harlan, Howard M. , '92 Harned, Calvin Waldo, '03, dentist Harper, Albert S. , '03, dentist Harris, Addison Arthur, '94, dentist Harris, Cleo Stanley, '02, dentist *Hart, Fred E. , '95 Hasek, Alois M. , '00, dentist Hasek, Frank Vaclav, '04 2nd Avenne and 2nd St. Hasek, Vaclav O. , '97, dentist * Hawthorne, John Ezra, '9J 1823 Second Ave., Rock Island, 111. Hayes, Clinton Le Grange, '98, dentist, Rockwell City, Iowa Burlington, Iowa Sanborn, Iowa . , Des Moines, Iowa Mendota, 111. Exira, Iowa New Albiu, Iowa Oskaloosa, Iowa Hillsboro, Iowa Alexandria, S. D. Iowa City, Iowa Oelwein, Iowa Brookings, S. D. Iva Motte, Iowa Osceola, Neb. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cedar Rapids, Iowa Cedar Rapids, Iowa Hecht, Ralph Henry, '91, dentist Heckert, Thomas Bayard, '92, dentist Hefner, F. A., '87, dentist Hemminger, Dave Milton, '03, dentist Hemsworth, Roy Clifton, '04, dentist Henle, Mathias Francis, '98, dentist Herbert, Vane Eli, '02, dentist Heverly, Samuel Franklin, '96, dentist Hickey, Mrs. Joseph, (Mallie R. Bowman) 818 Dekum Building, Hicks, Gard F. , '94, dentist Hiett, Will Merriam, '03, dentist Hildebrand, John Grant, '90, dentist 726 W. 3rd Avenue Hidebrand, Joseph Arthur, '02, dentist Hill, Silas G. , '84, dentist Hill, Silas W., '84, dentist Hawkey e, Iowa Wayne, Neb. Monticello, Iowa Prairie City, Iowa Marathon, Iowa Clinton, Iowa Adair, Iowa Cascade, Iowa '94, dentist Portland, Oreg. lyoveland, Colo. Malvern, Iowa Waterloo, Iowa Waterloo, Iowa Fargo, N. D. Iowa 254 ALUMNI REGISTER Hinkley, H. Delos, '88, dentist Williamsburg, Iowa Hinkley, Luther Harley, '94, dentist Sigourney, Iowa Hinsdale, Henry Vaughan, '04, dentist 130 N. W. Temple St. , Salt Lake City, Utah Hirons, Jennie, '98, dentist Princeton, Mo. Hitchins, Hammond Rouse, '95, dentist Florein, La. Hodge, Lorenzo D. , '86, dentist Arkansas City, Kans. Hogan, Edmund Michael, '99, dentist Bancroft, Neb. Hoge, Mrs. M. J., (Ida Weymouth) '98 Clarinda, Iowa Holland, J. C. , '85, M. , dentist 910 16th St., Denver, Colo. Hollenbeck, Charles Dighton, 98, dentist Waterloo Hollister, Edward Hanson, '94, dentist Holmes, Loxlej^ George, '92, dentist Holson, Alliene M. , '00, dentist Holson, Earle R. , '00 * Holson, John Claude, '92 * Homer, Adele, '94, dentist Hood, Guerne Tuttle, '98, banker Hope, Bird Norris, '98, dentist Hopkins, Anna, '02, dentist Horrabin, Alfred, '03, dentist Hosford, William S. , '92, B.A. '83, Dentistry, S. U. I. Hough, Norman Hamlin, '97, dentist Houser, David George, '01, dentist Houser, Harry Pernetti, '03, dentist Housholder, Frank Leroy, '02, dentist Hubbard, John W. , '90 Huff, Fay Leslie, '04, dentist Hughes, Ernest E. , '83, dentist 426 Altman Building HuUinger, James C. , '92 Humphrey, Michael A. , '92, dentist Humphrey, Williaro Francis, '04 dentist Humphrey, William M. , '89, dentist education Iowa West Point, Neb. Ottumwa, Iowa Grinnell, Iowa Fairfield, Iowa Ord, Neb. Rockwell City, Iowa Dunlap, Iowa Eagle Grove, Iowa St. Louis, Mo. Rockford, Iowa dean of the College of Iowa City, Iowa Waterloo, Iowa Center Point, Iowa Clarksville, Iowa Maxwell, Iowa Charlotte, Iowa Kansas City, Mo. Logan, Iowa Monona, Iowa member board of Carroll, Iowa Hunt, Alfred O. , '83, dentist, 1446 Bee Bldg. , Omaha, Neb. Hunt, J. P., '85, dentist Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Huntley, R. L. Guy, '90, dentist Mason City, Iowa Hyatt, Frank Baker, '85, dentist Ottumwa, Iowa Hvler, B. B. '86, dentist Savanna, 111. COIvIvBGK OF DENTISTRY 255 Ingham, Sylvester Iv. ,. '94, dentist Hampton, Iowa Irwin, James Newton, '04, dentist Brighton, Iowa Jacobs, Charles Harry, '92, dentist Colesburg, Iowa Jallings, William Harrison, '90, dentist 409 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. James, Frank Boynton, '97, dentist, Wilton Junction, Iowa James, Pearl Robert, '91, dentist Ottawa, 111. Jayne, William Beniah, '94, dentist West Liberty, Iowa Jeffers, William Joseph, '02, dentist Blkader, Iowa Jerrell, Clint Orestas, '91, dentist Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Johnson, Archie D. , '00. Johnson, Francis Alexander, '98, dentist 906 W. Seventh St. , Los Angeles, Cal. Johnson, J. H. , '87, dentist Waukon, Iowa Johnson, Oliver, '99, deceased . Jones, Harriet Mabel, '90 Jones, Harry Carson, '97, dentist Boone, Iowa Jones, John M. , '97, dentist Shelby, Iowa Jones, M. Addison H. , '92, dentist Iowa City, Iowa Jones, Perry Horton, '95, dentist Clear Lake, Iowa Joslin, Walter Trick, '98, dentist 26 Syndicate Blk., Minneapolis, Minn. Joy, Anna Hamilton, '93, dentist Newton, Iowa Joy, Hollis James, '94, dentist Newton, Iowa Kain, William Edward, '02, dentist Algona, Iowa Kaltenbach, Louis Edward, '91, dentist Kenosha, Wis. Kearns, Charles Rudolphus, '97, deceased Keehl, Walter Edward, '03, medical student, Iowa City, Iowa Keeler, Clark C. , '99, dentist 212 Century Building, Des Moines, Iowa Keeler, Howard Denton, '98, dentist 212 Century Building, Des Moines, Iowa Kelley, Herbert Nathan, '96, dentist Omaha, Neb. Kelley, Orange Reo, '99, dentist New York City, N. Y. Kelley, Thomas H. , '00, dentist Oxford, Iowa Kelso, Harry, '92, dentist Ames, Iowa Kenderdine, William H. , '00, dentist Peterson, Iowa Kennedy, Elmer Francis, '97, dentist S. W. Cor. 9th St. , and Central Ave. , Ft. Dodge, Iowa Kennedy, James, '04, dentist Albany, 111. 256 AIvUMNI REGISTER Kenney, Irving B. , '89, dentist Park Rapids, Minn. Kepford, Joseph Clarence, '03, dentist Milford, Iowa Kerr, Edward W. , '92, deceased Kidder, Richard Eddy, '96, dentist Emmettsburg, Iowa Kier, George Paul, '01, dentist Eldora, Iowa King, George E., '86, dentist - Villisca, Iowa *King, O. A., '88, dentist Des Moines, Iowa Kinsley, Jason Daniel, '98, dentist I^isbon, Iowa Knight, Norval, '96 Farmington, Iowa Knowles, Albert C. , '00, dentist Jesup, Iowa Kremer, Claude, '90, dentist Preston, Minn. Kremer, Frederick B. , '90, secretary and general manager Minnitonka Telephone Co. 407 Masonic Temple, Minneapolis, Minn. Kulp, Charles Joseph, '04, dentist Muscatine, Iowa *Kulp, Joseph Robinson, '93 27 Masonic Temple, Davenport, Iowa Laird, Curtis Ellsworth, '91, dentist 534 35th St. , Des Moines, Iowa Lamb, William Leroy, '95, dentist 780 Meade St. , Appleton, Wis. Lambert, Nella Maxwell, '98, dentist 306 Myers Bros. Building, Springfield, 111. Lamoreaux, Robert E. , '90, dentist 301 Karback Building, Omaha, Neb. Lange, Frank X. , '01, dentist New Vienna, Iowa Lange, Henry Frederick, '03, dentist Muscatine, Iowa Lathrop, Charles M. , '86, dentist Toledo, Iowa Lawrence, William Henry, '99, dentist Armstrong, Iowa Lawton, Ernest John, '98, dentist North Freedom, Wis. Lawyer, Louis Grant, '95, dentist Iowa City, Iowa Lee, Arthur C. , '03, dentist Ottumwa, Iowa Leech, Charles Sloan, '98, dentist Winterset, Iowa Leigh, Charles Lloyd, '98, dentist Manchester, Iowa Leigh, Joseph Forest, '91, dentist Evanston, 111. Leininger, H. A., '86, deceased Leonard, George Rowe, '97, dentist Mandan, N. D. Leonard, J. A.-, '88, dentist Deep River, Iowa Leslie, Friend Clyde, '96, dentist Lake Mills, Iowa Lewis, Charles Ball, '96, M. '99, dentist 1161 W. 21st St., Des Moines, Iowa Shenandoah, Iowa Manilla, Iowa Sioux Falls, Iowa Muscatine, Iowa Holdredge, Neb. I, Burlington, Iowa Moline, Iowa Oakland, Neb. Hamburg, Iowa , Davenport, Iowa Edinburgh, 111. Boone, Iowa State Center, Iowa Pella, Iowa COIvIvBGB OF DKNTISTRY 257 Lewis, Ive Roy Ward, '02, dentist Liggett, William B. , '97, dentist Lillibridge, William Otis, '98, dentist Lindsay, Clayton Burns, '98, deceased Lingo, Arthur Marling, '02, dentist Little, Cora Gertrude, '91, dentist Little, John J., '87, dentist, 407^ Jefferson, Lockhart, William I., '00, dentist Long, John Bdwin, '99, dentist Lovelady, John A. , '88, dentist Low, Fred Hosea, '90, deceased Lowry, William David, '99, dentist 115 B. 3rd St. Lundy, Luther Thomas, '01, dentist Lutz, Ira Daniel, '96, dentist Lynn, Bmery Collins, '02, dentist McAllister, H. M. , '85, dentist McCabe, Miles Boyce, '95, dentist McCabe, Wesley Drury, '94, dentist Osage, Iowa McCandless, Charles Russell, '90, dentist 55 McManus Building, Davenport, Iowa McCartney, John Grant, '92, dentist Mitchell, S. D. McCartney, Orman B. , '00, cashier of bank Fay, Olka. McClanahan, William B. , '98, dentist Iowa Falls, Iowa McClelland, Freeman, '98, dentist Cedar Rapids, Iowa McConnaughey, Ralph Otis, '04, dentist Denison, Iowa McCoy, Martha Scott, '95, dentist 722 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kan. McCrea, Harry C. , '92, dentist Boone, Iowa McCulla, Roy, '04, dentist Odebolt, Iowa McDonald, Wilbur Fisk, '90, dentist 126 B. Main St., Ottumwa, Iowa McBrlain, James Adelbert, '95, dentist Guttenberg, Iowa McBrlain, William Denis, '91, 52 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Macfadden, Cornelius Centennial, '01, dentist Sherburne, Minn. McGarvey, Loveless Bdwin, '99, dentist Davenport, Iowa McGregor, Henry V. , '88, dentist Atlantic, Iowa Mcintosh, Walter Scott, '94, dentist Atalissa, Iowa McKee, John Wesley, '98, dentist 126 Main St. , Davenport, Iowa 258 AlyUMNI REGISTER McKeeby, Byron Henry, '94, dentist Cedar Rapids, Iowa McKibbin, George Paul, '04 Mt. Pleasant, Iowa McKinney, Mrs. H. , '99, (ivillian M. Young) Des Moines McNeil, James, '91 McNutt, Robert S., Elma, Iowa Iowa 2nd St. , Muscatine, Iowa McNutt, Samuel B. Des Moines, Eddyville, '87, dentist 126 E '93, dentist 529 E. Ivocust St. McVay, Homer Reese, '04, dentist M^Whorter, Edward S. , '92, dentist 202 Mack Blk. , Denver Mabee, William Ernest, '90, dentist 327 E. Main St. , Galesburg Magruder, George Raymond, '04, dentist River Junction, Mahan, Isaac Shepherd, '95, dentist Mandeville, William B. , '90, dentist Maresh, Reginald, '04, dentist Marlow, George Calvin, '90, dentist Marsh, Edward Valentine, '94, dentist Marshall, Cary Andrew, '91, dentist Maxon, Lon J., '01, dentist Maxwell, William, '87, dentist Maytum, Burlington J. , '97, dentist Mead, I^eon, '96, dentist * Meade, William Joseph, '03, dentist Meis, Herman James, '98, dentist Meis, William Arnold, '96, dentist Mentzer, Charles J. , '99, dentist Mentzer, Judd A. , '00, dentist Meyer, Charles Edwin, '03, dentist Burton Atwood, '96, dentist Carl Baker, '92, dentist Frank Elias, '94, dentist Masonic Temple William C, '98, dentist 513 Paxton Block, Omaha, '02, dentist Waukon dentist Pella Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Mills, Leah, '96, Miner, Cora Rebecca, * Mitten, John C., '85, Iowa Iowa Colo. 111. Iowa Le Mars, Iowa Monte Vista, Colo. Riverside, Iowa Lancaster, Iowa Alexandria, S. D. Plattsmouth, Neb. Chicago, 111. Avoca, Iowa Paullina, Iowa Union City, Penn. Clarence, Iowa Dill Rapids, S. D. Dyersville, Iowa Cedar Falls, Iowa Mason City, Iowa Le Claire, Iowa Newton, Iowa Cedar Falls, Iowa Cedar Rapids, Iowa Wellman, Iowa Neb. Iowa Iowa Moats, Joseph Brubaker, '91 COIvLKGB OF DENTISTRY 259 Mommer, Benjamin H. , '86, 814 Calhoun St. , Ft. Wayne, Ind. Money, George Clyde, '91, dentist Manson, Iowa Monfort, Joseph B. , '83, dentist Fairfield, Iowa Moore, Charles Aden, '01, dentist 4 Jim Block, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Moore, Rolland Bruce, '01, postal service, Des Moines, Iowa Moorhead, William Wallace, '91, dentist Aledo, 111. Morgan, Henry Scarf, '93, deceased Morris, Robert C. , '02, dentist Kansas City, Mo. Morrison, Jefferson Code, '01, dentist Garner, Iowa Morriss, Robert B. , '99, dentist 3935 Main St. , Kansas City, Mo. Morrow, Burton Allen, '98, dentist Coon Rapids, Iowa Morrow, Henry, Jr., '97, demonstrator of Prosthetic Technique, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Morsman, Albert, '83, M.D. Morton, Edward B. , '90, deceased Morton, Raymond Archibald, '01, dentist Cresco, Iowa Moss, Solomon, '01, dentist Sheffield, Iowa Moss, William George, '04, dentist Garwin, Iowa Mueller, Adam J, , '97 Waterloo, Iowa Mueller, Henry Christian, '02, dentist Ackley, Iowa Munger, Francis Elbriggs, Jr., '03, dentist Bayard, Iowa Munger, Milo William, '04, dentist Black Earth, Wis. Murray, R. B. , '89, dentist 483 Endicott Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. Naibert, Wencil Frank, '01, dentist Cedar Rapids, Iowa Naumann, E. Herman, '90, dentist Columbus, Neb. Neill, J., '87 Newman, Otis Maitland, '96, dentist Aurora, Neb. Nies, George Henry, '04, dentist Ossian, Iowa Noyes, F. C. , '89, dentist Mount Sterling, 111. Ogg, James A., '89, dentist Orange City, Iowa *Ogg, Mahlon D. , '98, dentist Wykoff, Miss. Oldaker, Leroy J. , '00, dentist Exira, Iowa Orebaugh, Walter William, '94, dentist Girard, Kans. Osborn, Amos Edward, '91, B. S. dentist. La Port City, Iowa Otte, Julia Amanda, '93, dentist Peabody, Kans. Otte, Olinda Augusta,. '92, dentist Peabody, Kans. Oven, Adelbert Otto von, '02, dentist Miles, Iowa 260 ALUMNI REGISTER Harlan, Iowa Alden, Iowa Moorland, Okla. Calmar, Iowa Crete, Neb. Overfield, M. S. , '88, dentist Overholt, Frederick E., '00, dentist Owens, Ann Elizabeth, '92 Oyler, William Seward, '99, dentist Page, Robert Ray, '99, dentist Pallett, "William Henry, '92, dentist Palmer, Ashley B., '88, dentist 305 Mutual Life Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Palmer, Charles Alfred, '95, dentist Luverne, Minn. Parsons, D. Carroll, '00, dentist Lake City, Iowa Pasedach, Herman Richard, '92, deceased Patten, Jefferson Hollister, '98, dentist 611 W. Walnut, Peek, Edward, '89, dentist Peek, Lewin S., '00, dentist Pegg, William Austin, '94, dentist Pelton, Henry Clark, '04, dentist Penney, Clarence L. , '99, dentist Percival. Charles S., '88, dentist Perry, William Warner, '92, dentist Peterson, Albert Oliver, '95, dentist Pherrin, J. Bruce, '94, dentist Phillips, Edward Adelbert, '95, dentist Pingrey, Claud Oppie, '96, dentist Porter, James Tudor, '02, dentist Poston, Leon Leroy, '96, dentist 322 Merriam Block, Council Bluffs, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Waterloo, Iowa Fontanelle, Iowa Ossian, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Riceville, Iowa Bonaparte, Iowa Lancaster , Mo. Thor, Iowa Central City, Iowa Maquoketa, Iowa Neodosha, Kans. Blairstown, Iowa Pratt, George M. , '92, dentist Pray, Charles Henry, '99, dentist Price, Benjamin, '83, dentist Price, Benjamin A., '92, dentist Pringle, George Arthur, '01, dentist Punton, Alfred L., '88, dentist Ouaife, Howard Heaman, '03, dentist *Ranpolph, Hiram F. , '92 Raugh, Jesse Martin, '91, dentist Rawhouser, Charles David, '04, dentist Read, W^illiam M. , '98, dentist Reed, A. D. , '89 Reed, George Earle, '01, dentist Reedy, Edward Hager, '02, dentist Winterset, Iowa ManceJona, Mich. Iowa City, Iowa Cumberland, Iowa Liberal, Mo. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Correct ionville, Iowa Santa Anna, Calif. Lamont, Iowa Allerton, Iowa Milton, Iowa Schaller, Iowa COIvLEGK OF DENTISTRY 261 Reeves, Henry Clarence, '91, dentist Fairport, N. Y. Reno, Morgan Culbertson, '94, traveling salesman Iowa City Iowa Renshaw, Carroll Wheaton, '97, dentist Rock Valley, Iowa Reque, Sever Bernhardus, '91, dentist Westby, Wis. Reque, William Arnold, '96, dentist West Superior, Wis. Reynard, May; '98, dentist Osceola, Iowa Reynolds, Guy Hilton, '92, dentist Greene, Iowa Rice, James Knelon, '98, dentist Aurelia, Iowa Richards, Iv. Iv. , '89, M.D. Riggs, John Lawrence, '91, deceased Rist, Alfred Iv. , '88, dentist Algona, low^a *Ritchey, Jessie M. , (Mrs. W. H. De Ford), '87 Jefferson, Iowa Rittler, Elmer George, '03 Wayland, Iowa Rizer, Gustavus Ernest, '97, dentist Burlington, Iowa Robinson, Manford Akers, '91, dentist Maquoketa, low^a Roe, Fred A., '96, dentist Tama Bid., Burlington, Iowa Roe, Iveroy E. , '88, dentist 322 Merriam Block, Council Bluffs, Iowa Rogers, Ernest Albert, '92, professor and superintendent of clinics in College of Dentistry, S. U. L Iowa City, Iowa Rogers, Herbert O. , '90, dentist Cripple Creek, Colo. Rose, Joseph E. , '94, dentist Vinton, Iowa Ross, Fletcher R. , '84, dentist Battle Creek, Mich. Ross, John A. , '85, dentist Osceola, Iowa Ross, M. H., '84 Roth, Jay Arthur, '02, dentist Rock Rapids, Iowa Ruggles, Fred Josephus, '95, dentist Nevada, Iowa Rule, Fred H. , '85, dentist Ackley, Iowa Rummell, Maude Baldwin, (Maude Baldwin), dentist Des Moines, Iowa Rundorff, Arthur H. , '98, dentist 22U N. 4th St. , Burlington, Iowa Rupp, Hugh, '02, dentist West Union, Iowa Ryburn, William Forsythe, '91, dentist Milford, 111. Sauls, Williams Edwin, '96 Kingman, Ariz. Sawyer, Burt Ray, '03, dentist Dill Rapids, S. D. Schlawig, William M., '92, deceased *Schoemaker, William Christopher, '91 32 Mitchell and Lynde Block, Rock Island, 111. 262 ALUMNI RKGISTER Schrader, Elmer Anthony, '01, demonstrator College of Dentistry, S. U„ I. Winthrop, Iowa Schwartz, George W. , '90, M.D. , dentist 4704 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago, 111. Scroggs, Richard Krskine, '97, dentist Indianola, Iowa Searles, Charles S. , '88 Venetian Block, Chicago, 111. Secor, Alson, '97, farmer Forest City, Iowa Seeley, Samuel Lee, '90, dentist Waverly, Iowa Sensibaugh, William Chandler, '98, dentist. Port Byron, 111. Seydel, Samuel Jordan Kirkwood, '99, dentist, Wapello, Iowa Shane, Charles Newiion, '01, dentist Waterloo, Iowa Shannon, Howard Ritchie, 03, dentist Salida, Colo. Shannon, Rutherford B. , '00, dentist Sterling, 111. Sharp, Ray Blwell, '96 Sherer, Roy Eugene, '02, dentist Clarion, Iowa Sherman, William Arthur, '03, dentist Storm Lake, Iowa Shoemaker, Horace C. , '92, dentist Rock Island, 111. Shontz, Robert Ivan, '04, dentist Payette, Idaho Shriver, Francis M. , '87, dentist Glenwood, Iowa Shriver, Henry W. , '87 48 Barker Block, Omaha, Neb. Silvis, John C. , '97, deceased Simpson. William H. , '90, dentist Sycamore, 111, Sinton, W. K. , '84, dentist Colorado Springs, Colo. Sippel, C. H., '88 Skidmore, W^^llace G. , '92, dentist Manila, Philippine Island Slater, Frank, '89, dentist Rich Hill, Mo. Small, Berton Alonzo, '02, dentist Belle Plaine, Iowa * Small, J. L., '85 lone, Calif. Smith, Charles Carroll, '91, dentist Winslow, 111. Smith, F. Potter, '97, dentist 17th and 2nd Avenue, Rock Island, 111. Smith, H. H., '85 Smith, Roy F. , '97, dentist Scotland, S. D. Smith, Will Samuel, '03, dentist Lancaster, Mo. Sossaman, Oliver Henry, '92, dentist Lisbon, N. D. Soule, J. W. , '87, deceased Spence, William Everett, '02, dentist, demonstrator of Prosthetic Dentistry, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Spencer, Mark Lambert, '91, dentist Mitchell, S. D. vStanford, Timothy S. , '92, dentist Sheffield, Penn. COIvIvEGB OF DENTISTRY 263 Stantord, Walter, '96, dentist Peckville, Pa. Starbuck, Adelbert W. , '98, assistant in Histology, College of Medicine, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Starbuck, William Ray, '04, dentist Lancaster, Mo. Stark, J. W., '84, dentist Golden, Colo. Steuerwald, Louis Frederick, '91, dentist Longmont, Colo. Stillman, A. T. , '89, dentist Waukon, Iowa Stimmel, Edgar Clifton, '02, dentist Pueblo, Colo. Stinehart, James E. , '92, dentist Mason City, Iowa Story, William Henry, '04, dentist Crystal, N. D. Stott, Joseph T., '87, dentist 212 N. 4tli St., Burlington, Iowa Strayer, Frederick A. , '92 Stute, Fred Nicholas, '99, dentist Elma, Iowa Summa, Richard, '90, dentist, 316 N. 6th St., St. Louis, Mo. Suthers, Wilfie Abraham, '02, dentist Shellsburg, Iowa Sutton, Harry Burse, '98, dentist Chariton, Iowa Swain, J. E. , '38, dentist Brighton, Iowa Swain, Stephen Ralph, '92, dentist 777 Court Avenue, Marengo, Iowa Swan, Charles James, '03, dentist Diagonal, Iowa Swisher, Arthur R., '00, dentist Columbus Junction, Iowa Taylor, Edward A., '90, dentist Griswold, Iowa Taylor, Edwin Scott, '04, dentist Urbana, Iowa Thode, Guy Eugene, '02, dentist Randall Block, Mason City, Iowa "Thomas, C. G. , '85, 1318 E. Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa Thompson, Earl G. , '04, dentist Winfield, Kans. Thompson, James Irwin, '94, dentist Centerville, Iowa Tiffany, Charles Davis, '90, dentist 4703 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111. Tilton, Charles Franklin, '01, dentist Ashland, Greg. Tinker, E. Tay, '98, dentist Wheatland, Iowa Tinker, Francis Enos, '04, dentist Osborne, Iowa Tipton, William, '87, dentist Mount Carroll, 111. Tobie, Harry A., '96, dentist" Earlville, Iowa Tomy, John Ingalls, '95, dentist Mount Ayr, Iowa Toney, Samuel Breese, '97, dentist Preston, Iowa Torrance, Charles A., '98, dentist Talmage, Neb. Tourtellott, Louis J., '01, dentist Anamosa, Iowa Truax, Frederick Elmer, '98, dentist Olin, Iowa 264 ■ ALUMNI REGISTER Tubbs, WinfredE. , '96, dentist Bellevue, Iowa TuUis, Gerald Freeman, '99, dentist Ottumwa, Iowa Tullis, R. H., '84 Van Winter, Horatio, '90, dentist Colman Building, Seattle, Wash. Van Winter, Perry h. , '90, dentist Seattle, Wash. Vawter, George A., '94, dentist Galesburg, 111. Vawter, H. M. , '87, dentist Knoxville, Iowa Vernon, J. B. , '87 Vernon, Thomas G. , '86, dentist Paola, Kans. VoUand, Roscoe Henry, '02, lecturer and demonstrator College of Dentistry, S. U. I. Iowa City, Iowa Von Lackum, John Peter, '91, dentist W^aterloo, Iowa Vos, John, '04, dentist Orange City, Iowa Waggoner, S. R. , '85, dentist 1st Avenue S'. and Yeslerway, Seattle, Wash. Wait, Theodore Franklin, '01 Walker, William H. , '84, retired Wallace, Thomas B. , '90, dentist Warner, Mahlon W. , '92, dentist Warner, Raymond Theodore, '99, dentist Watros, Ray Alfonso, '04, dentist Waud, Clarence Cary, '03, dentist Webb, G. Dayton, '89, dentist Webb, John Everett, '98, dentist McGregor, Iowa Webber, Forrest Giles, '86, osteopath West Superior, Wis. Weikert, William Henry, '98, dentist Pomeroy, Iowa Wells, Frederick Paine, '98, dentist Clarinda, Iowa Wells, Hattie B. , '90 Welsh, James Donald, '99, dentist New Hampton, Iowa Westenhaver, Earl H. , '04, dentist Montezuma, Iowa Westhofen, Hugo, '96, dentist 959 Howell Ave. , Milwaukee, Wis. Wetzel, D. P., '87, dentist Wellington, Kansas Weymouth, Ida, (Mrs. M. J. Hoge) '98 Clarinda, Iowa W^hite, Herbert Henry, '96, dentist 4308 Cottage Grove Ave. , Chicago, 111. Wilcox, Charles Shuler, '97 406 Citizen's National Bank Bid. , Des Moines, Iowa Wiler, Wesley David, '04, dentist Forest City, Iowa Will, Roy Templeton, '00, dentist Red Oak, Iowa Storm Lake, Iowa West Branch, Iowa Goldfield, Iowa Parkersburg, Iowa t Hampton, Iowa Cresco, Iowa Germania, Iowa Wilmington, 111. COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY 265 Wiley, Harry Duane, '99, dentist Bloomfield, Neb. Williams, Ray O. , '99, dentist 531 Broadwaj', Council Bluffs, Iowa Williams, Samuel Clyde, '03, B. S. '01, dentist Marshalltown, Iowa Wilson, Robert Jessup, '92, dentist Oelwein, Iowa Wold, Willliam W. , '94, dentist Jackson, Minn. Wood, Alfred, '87, B.Ph. M.A. '85, dentist 139 Collinsville Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Wood, George Leroy, '98, dentist Geneseo, 111. Woodard, B. H. , '86, deceased Woodrow, Bdwin G. , '86, dentist Glenwood, Iowa Woodruff, Lyman Wallace. '04, dentist, Correctionville,Iowa Woolverton, KHa Genevieve, (Mrs. Guy S. Calkins,) '01, M. D. '95 Iowa City, Iowa Work, Craig Marlow, '95, dentist Ottumwa, Iowa Wright, Benson Edward, '95, dentist 342i Washington St. , Portland, Oreg. Wright, Frank Raymond, '92, deceased Wyant, Arthur C. , '04, dentist Sigourney, Iowa Wyckoff, Crayton Donald, '03, dentist. College Springs, Iowa Yeoman, Mitchell Brice, '02, dentist Lansing, Iowa Yergey, G. B. , '87 Young, Arthur S. , '00 Young, Lillian M. , (Mrs. H. H. McKinney, ) '99 Des Moines, Iowa Young, L. A., '89, M.D. dentist 721 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Zeigler, A. W. , '89, dentist Berlin, Wis THE AIvPHABBTlCAL LIST OF THB GRADUATES OF THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY where the address has not been lately verified, no business has been noted. If no address has been found within two years the address has been left blank. Ashford, George W. , '99 Homer, Neb. Baker, Melvin Franklin, '00, manager for Clemons Drug Co. demons, Iowa Ballard, Harry Winthrop, '96, with E. S. Ballard & Co. Davenport, Iowa Barkdoll, Bertram Eugene, '02 Van Home, Iowa Barr, Henry James, '99, pharmacist Clarion, Iowa Bender, Arthur Clarence, '00, Ph.C. '01, Phil. College of Phar- macy, '00, pharmacist Shenandoah, Iowa Benesh, Emil, '.00, pharmacist Toledo, Iowa Benham, Louis Albert, '99, druggist Laramore, N. D. Benn, Arthur Braxton, '04 Muscatine, Iowa Bernhardt, John Matthew, Jr., '94, deceased Blowers, Herbert Bert, '02, druggist Mitchell, Iowa Book, John Ray, '03 Griswold, Iowa Brady, C. F., '00 Waterloo, Iowa Breen, Joseph William, '96 St. Louis, Mo. Brinton, Gilbert Edward, '98 Pullman, Wash. Brockway, Mrs. Alice (Alicinda Beman) '96 211 Sherburne Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Broodeen, Luther LeRoy, '01, B. S. '99, Augustana College Los Angeles, Cal. Brown, Adin Noyes, '03, druggist Missouri Valley, Iowa Brown, Jesse Harris, '96 Maquoketa, Iowa Brubaker, C. E. , '88 • Vinton, Iowa Bruhn, Otto John, '02 Scotland, S. D. Burgess, Mrs. (Laura David), '92, Radcliffe, Iowa COIvIvEGK OF PHARMACY 267 Buss, Frederic John, Cameron, Mabel, '96 Carroll, Clara Moore, '98, pharmacist Clinton, Iowa Keswick, Iowa , (Mrs. Chas. H. Carroll), '00 Colville, Wash. Cauch, John R. , '93 Santa Paula, Calif. Coad, William Ansley, '03, medical student, Ann Arbor, Michigan Hull, low^a Coffman, Walter Thomas, '04, pharmacist Salt Lake City, Utah Collins, Bdwin K. , '96, pharmacist Winthrop, Iowa Collins, Elizabeth Grace, '03 Ivivermore, Iowa Conry, William Leroy, '99, traveling salesman for drug house Oakland, Calif. Cooper, Zada Mary, '97, instructor in Pharmacy, S. U. I. low^a City, Iowa Coppock, Wood Remington, '94, deceased Corlett, Clara Marie '04, pharmacist Coye, Charles Horton, '01 Coye, Flmer Lucits, '02 Cozine, Irvin Vernon, '97 Cozine, William Fdward, '91 Dabney, Maurice John, '99 David, Laura B., (Mrs. Burgess) '92, Delaney, Jerry C. , '99, pharmacist DeLespinasse, Adolph F. Henry, '96, M. druggist Deur, William Bugene, '01 Devine, Terry, '02 Doyle, William Joseph, '94, Ph. C. , Phil. Iowa City, Iowa Carson, Iowa Carson, Iowa Iowa City, low^a Iowa City, Iowa Culbertson, : Mont. Radcliffe, Iowa Kster, Neb. '01, physician and Orange City, Iowa Glenwood, Iowa Delmont, S. D. Coll. Pa. Frank Nadler & Co. Duncan, Claud Barl, '03, druggist Dunn, Mrs. Minnie, '04 Baton, Harry Blsworth, '92 Farley, John Aloysius, '04 Fink, Mrs. C. J. , (Georgia Knapp) Ford, Lawrence Thomas, '02 Fritzel, Clinton George, '04 Gates, Roy Homer, '01, pharmacist wholesale druggists Davenport, Iowa Nichols, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Bssex, Iowa Waukon, Iowa '96 Rock Valley, Iowa Ottumwa, Iowa Conrad, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Gearhart, Newton Arthur, '98, pharmacist, Hopkinton, Iowa 268 ALUMNI REGISTER Glynn, Thomas Henr}^ Joseph, '96, pharmacist Cascade, Iowa Goodall, John Albert, '02, 805 Douglass St., Sioux City, Iowa Gregg, P'inley Kenyon, '93 Tipton, Iowa Griflfin, Charles Francis, '94 Mapleton, Iowa Grover, Robert Oswald, '00, pharmacist Pocahontas, Iowa Hanson, James Foss, '03, 1702 1st Ave. N. , Ft. Dodge, Iowa Hanzlik, Paul, '02 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Hart, Bert, '00, pharmacist Anthon, Iowa Harvey, James Raymond, '01, medical student, Drake University Pleasant Plain, Iowa Harvey, Robert Walsh, '97, druggist Missouri Valley, Iowa Hazlett, James, '89, deceased Head, Scott Wilson, '03, B.A. '01, Heading College Abingdon, 111. Heide, Charlotte Andria, '04 Durand, 111. Heinrick, John Rudolph, '92 Henderson, James Marshall, '91 Centerville, Iowa Henderson, Lauren Ro}', '04 Moscow% Iowa Heston, Harry B. , '00 Adel, Iowa Hieber, Harvc}^ George, '99, physician Cedar Falls, Iowa Highley, Larry Edward, '97, pharmacist Hot Springs, S. D. Hild, Harry, '02, pharmacist Garwin, Iowa Hill, Albert Ernest, '02 Greene, Iowa Holt, Stephen Albion, '01, druggist Gross, Neb. Hormel, Eckert Emil. '01 7100 S. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, 111. Horton, Grant, '01, pharmacist Olds, Iowa Jeppson, Alvin Levin, '02, pharmacist Mead, Neb. Jester, Lulu Beall, (Mrs, John F. Snyder) '-96, Weldon, Iowa Jones, Charles Rutgar, '96 Ft. Madison, Iowa Jones, Harry Francis, '93 Clarinda, Iowa *Joy, Nelle Frances, (Mrs. Nelle Joy Ridley), '01 Toppenish, Wash. Junger, Paul Hugo, '02 Junger, William Fred, '99, pharmacist Kallam, James Loren, '95, pharmacist Kane, William P. , '00, pharmacist Kennedy, Arthur L. , '92, pharmacist Knapp, Arthur Manley, '96 Knapp, Georgia, (Mrs. C. J. Fink) '96 Knutson, Theodore H. . '03 Reinbeck, Iowa Reinbeck, Iowa Chelsea, Iowa Osage, Iowa Newton, Iowa Rock Valley, Iowa Alden, Iowa COIvIvEGK OF PHAMARCY 269 Koch, August Frank, '97 Amana, Iowa Koltermanii, Gustav. Hermann, '00, pharmacist Sanborn, Iowa Kullmer, John Henry, '93 Dysart, Iowa I/eFever, Louis Koontz, '99 Keokuk, Iowa Ivindley, John M. , '89, banker and pharmacist Winfield, Iowa Lohman, Fred Christ, '03 Wheatland, Iowa lyongwell, Albert Floyd, '02 Wellman, Iowa Loucks, Grace, '01 Danbury, Iowa Loucks, Richard Collier, '02 Danbury, Iowa McCray, Walter Robert, '97, M. '00, College of Physicians and Surgeons, physician and surgeon Marble Rock, Iowa McLennan, John Sailor, '03 Glenwood, Iowa McMahon, Thomas, '97, medical student Iowa City, Iowa McMurray, Charles Azariah, '01, pharmacist Maquoketa, Iowa Mack, Charles Leonard, '01, pharmacist 1721 S. 10th St. , Omaha, Neb. Macy, Otto B. , '96, Magee, Bdward Washington, '97, pharmacist Dunkerton, Iowa Mead, Nehemiah Paul, '97, physician Akron, Iowa Merckel, Carl Donald, '00 Charles City, Iowa Michael, Herman Charles George, '92 Miles, Clarence Wheeler, '94 Des Moines, Iowa Miller, Frederick William, '00, pharmacist. Homestead, Iowa Mittvalsky, Edward Charles, '99, pharmacist Cedar Rapids, Iowa Moffat, John Howell, '95, pharmacist, K. S. Ballard & Co. Davenport, Iowa Morgan, John Walter, '01, druggist Clarion, Iowa Mutchler, Jacob Samuel, '96, druggist Harwood, N. D. ]>?ewell, James Stewart, '04 Grundy Center, Iowa Nichols, Fred Claudius, '99 Waterloo, Iowa Nixon, Andrew Wallace, '02 Slater, Iowa Nixon, Robert Burns, '98 Boise City, Idaho Nixon, Samuel Ross, '03 Indianola, Iowa Norton, Guy Coe, '02 Livermore, Iowa Novak, Joseph Henry, '04, pharmacist Iowa City, Iowa Opfer, John C. , '00, pharmacist Waukon, Iowa 270 ALUMNI REGISTER Park, Charles Grant, '98, pharmacist Clarence, Iowa Porter, Earl Watt, '04 Sigourney, Iowa Prader, Dolph Christian, '98, deceased Reynolds, L/illie Ethel, '97 Brayton, Iowa Ridley, Mrs. (Nellie Joy) '01 Toppenish, Wash. Riemcke, Charles August, '03, student at Ann Arbor, Mich. Muscatine, Iowa Rose, Edward Spangler, '04 E. Yamhill and 37th St. , Portland, Ore. Schalekamp, Henry James, '01, pharmacist Sioux Center, Iowa vSchaumloeffel, Berenice Marie, '99 Gentry, Mo. Schnier, John Valentine, '99, pharmacist Oakland, Cal. Selby, Ernest Standley, '04, pharmacist. West Branch, Iowa Senn, John William Henry, '01, deceased Severin, Alfred Louis, '00, pharmacist Ft. Dodge, Iowa Shull, Harry White, '02 Galesburg, 111. Snelson, Pypsy Burr, '96 Massena, Iowa Snyder, Mrs. John F. , (Lulu B. Jester) '96 Weldon, Iowa vStansbury, Howard Erskine, '00 Estherville, Iowa Stayskal, Joseph, '01 Montour, Iowa Strong, Harry Lee, '02, pharmacist Vinton, Iowa Stump, Wilbur Henry, '00, with J. D. Mateer Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sullivan, Peter Francis, '02 Beresford, S. Dak. Svacha, Frank, '87 Ely, Iowa Swain, Jay Wheaton, '02, pharmacist Ft. Dodge, Iowa Swan, Wallace Cantwell, '99 Morning Sun, Iowa Tague, Marion Samuel, '98, pharmacist. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Tapper, William James, '96 Rowley, Iowa Van den Berg, Guy, '02 - Hull, Iowa Vosmek, Jaroslav H. , '96 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Watters, William Leslie, '97, of the firm Longwell & Watters Wellman, Iowa Webbles, William Fred, '03 Iowa City, Iowa Whetstone, Robert Reed, '04, pharmacist Iowa City, Iowa White, Louis Mortimore, '98 Lac Du Bonnet, Canada Whiting, Nathan Dudley, '04 Iowa City, Iowa Winans, Lewis Park, '96 Slater, Iowa Wise, Harley Louis, '00 Marathon, Iowa Zimmerman, Charles Joseph, '03, pharmacist with Brady Brothers Waterloo, Iowa AIvPHABETlCAIv IvIST OF THK HIGHER DEGREES GRANTED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Abrams, Henry H. , M.A. '85, (See Iv. A. class '82) Aby, Frank S. , M.S. '90, (See Iv. A. class '89) Albert, Henry, M.S. '02, (See Iv. A. class '00) Anderson, John E. , M.A. '76, (See Iv. A. class '72) Anderson, Joseph T. , '90, (See L. A. class '86) Anderson, Theodore, M.A. '99, (See Iv. A. class '98) Andrews, Belle R., M.A. '87, (See L. A. class '84) Ankeny, Rose B. , (Mrs. E. Lewis) M.A. '90, (See Iv. A. class '87) Anthony, C. W., M.S. '90, (See Iv. A. class '89) Arnold, Henry F. , M.A. '84, (See Iv. A. class '81) Bailey, Frederick William, M.A. '04, (See Iv. A. class '02) Bailey, Turner S. , M.A. '85, (See Iv. A. class '69) Baker, Willis N. , M.A. '86, (See Iv. A. class '83) Ballard, George Henry, M.A. '04, (See Iv. A. class '04) Bauer, George N. , M.S. '98, assistant professor of mathe- matics M. S. U. Minneapolis, Minn. Baughman, Ruby, M.A. '02, (See Iv. A. class '00) Beck, William Edmund, M.S. '02, (See Iv. A. class '00) Bell, William Bonar, M.S. '03, (See Iv. A. class '02) Blazier, Fannie E. , M.A. '85, (See Iv. A. class '82) Blythin, Joseph W. , M.A. '85, deceased Bollinger, James W. , M.A. '93, (See Iv. A. class '88) Bond, Frank, M.A. '84, (See Iv. A. class '80) Borland, Charles E. , M.A. '66, (See Iv. A. class '63) Bowman, Charles H. , M.S. '99, (See L. A. class '95) Bowman, John Gabbert, M.A. '04, (See Iv. A. class '99) Branson, Ivaura House, M.S. '04, (See Iv. A. class '01) Bricker, Charles W. , M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '82) Briggs, Fletcher, M.A. '02, (See L.A. class '01) Brink, Francis Newton, M.S. '01, (See L. A. class '99) 272 ALUMNI REGISTER Brock, Frank V., M.A. '97, (See L.A. class '96) Brown, Charles R. , M.A. '86, (See h. A. class '83) Brown, Florence Emily, (Mrs. John B. Sherbon) M.A. '04 (See L. A. class '92) Brown, Norris, M.A. '86, (See L. A. class '83) Brown, Samuel Joe, M.A. '02, (See L. A. class '98) Brush, Frank E. , M.A. '84, (See L. A.' class '74 Buffum, Hugh Straight, M.A. '02, (See L. A. class '01) Burge, A. J., M.S. '99, (See L. A. class '97) Burrows, Charles B. , M.x\. '82, (See L. A. class '79) Burton, Harry Edward, M.S. '03, (See L. A. class '01) Butler, Edgar B. , M.A. '81, (See L. A. class '78) Byington, Otto A., M.A. '89, (See L. A. class '80) Byington, Robert W. , M.A. '79, deceased Byram, Albert B. , M.A. '84, (See L. A. class '74) Call, Leona A., M.A. '83, (See L. A. class '80) Call, Myra E. , M.A. '89, (See L. A. class '85) Campbell, John, M.A. '82, (See L. A. Class '77) Carr, Elnathan R. , M.A. '78, (See L. A. class '75) Cavanagh, Julia, (Mrs. W. O. McElroy) M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '82) Chalfant, Arthur E. , M.A. '90, deceased Chawner, Mary Grove, M.A. '04, assistant instructor in English Iowa City, Iowa Churchill, Alfred D. , M.A. '80, (See L. A. class '77) Clark, Charles C. , M.A. '84, (See L. A. class '81) Clark, Florence E. , (Mrs. I. S. Gillilland) M.A. '83, (See L. A. class '79) Clark, Ida B. , (Mrs. N. class '87) Clark, Ivizzie Iv. , M.A. Clarke, James F. , M. A. Clarke, Laura, (Mrs. E. class '92) Clearman, Hattie M. , M.S. '04, (See L. A. class '00) elites, Margaret C. , M.A. '78, deceased Clyde, Jeff F. , M.A. '81, (See L. A. class '77) Coe, Clara E. , M.A. '83, deceased Collins, Edward Robert, M.A. '03, (See L. A. class '02) Conley, John W. , M.A. '80, (See L. A. class '77) Cook, Justin E. , M.A. , (See L. A. class '70) c. Young) M.A. '90 (See L. A. 79, (See L. A. class '76) '89 ', (See L . A. class '86) W. Rockwood) M.A. '96, (Seelv. A. HIGHKR DEGRKE:S 273 Coon, Julia E. , M.A. '89, (See h. A. class '86) Cooper, Clyde Barnes, M.A, '01, instructor in English Purdue University Cooper, Mrs. Clyde Barnes, (Daisy B. Hatch) M.A. '01 (See Iv. A. class '98) Cousins, Edward B. , M.A. '75, (See h. A. cl^ss '72) Cowgill E. Branson, M.A. '85, (See ly. A. class '69) Cowgill, Frank B. , M.A. '82, (See I,. A. class '79) Craig, Bayard W. , M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '72) Crane, William E. , M.A. '85, (See Iv. A. class '82) Craven, Edwin W., M.A. '78, (See L. A. class '75) Craven, Herman W. , M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '85) Crossley, James J., M.A. '97, (See Iv. A. class '91) Currier, Helen Noyes, M.A. '97, (See Iv. A. class '96) Dayton, Charles H. , M.A. '85, (See L. A. class '82) Dean, Lee Wallace, M.S. '96, (See D. A. class '94) Dean, Ray Herbert, M.S. '02, (See Iv. A. class '99) Dennis, Hattie J., (Mrs. Herberling) M.A. "83, (See Iv. A. class '80) Deyoe, Albert M. , M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '87) Dobson, William J. , M.A. '86, deceased Dodson, DeCosto H. , M.A. '83, (See Iv. A. class '80) Donohoe, Anthony Patrick, M.S. '01, (See Iv. A. class '97) Draper, William D. , M.A. '85, (See L. A. class '76) Earhart, George, M.A. , (See Iv. A. class '69) Edmundson, Charles Howard, M.S. '04, (See L. A, class '03) Egan, George William, M.A. '04, (See Iv. A. class '00) Eddy, Helen May, M.A. '03, (See Iv.A. class '00) Eggert, Carl E. , M.A. '89, (See Iv. A. class '86) Ely, Minnie E. , (Mrs. Farr) M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '87) Emery, Rush, M.A. '64, deceased Ende, Carl L. von, M.S. '94, (See Iv. A. class '93) Ensign, Forest C. , M.A. '00, (See L. A. class '97) Ensign, Laura S. , M.A. '79, (See L. A. class '76) Evan, David W. , M.A. '89, (See L. A. class '86) Evan, William D. , M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '78) Fairall, Herbert S. , M.A. '89, (See L. A. class '74) Fairall, Mary E. , M.A. '76, (See L. A. class '72) Farrell, Thomas, M.A. '03, (See L. A. class '02) Fellows, Albion W., M.A, '81, (See L. A. class '78) Fellows, Olin S. , M.A. '83, (See L. A. class '80) 274 ALUMNI REGISTER Fitch, Robert E. , M.A. '77, (See L. A. class '72) Fitzpatrick, Thomas J., M.S. '95, (See L. A. class '93) Forbes, Wilson M. , M.A. '76, (See ly. A. class '73) Fort, William H. , M.A. '84, (See L. A. class '79) Fracker, George C. , M.A. '00, (See L. A. class '94) Frazee, John S. , M.A. '81, (See h. A. class '78) Freeman, Mae Agnes, M.A. '98, (See Iv. A. class '97) Fultz, Francis M., M.A. '89, (See L. A. class '86) Galer, Roger S. , M.A. '88, (See Iv. A. class '85) Gaston, Myra Clinton, M.A. '03, B.A. Tabor College Gaymon, Leah May, M.A. '95, (See L. A. class '92) Gibbens, William A., M.A. '80, (See L. A. class '77) Gibbs, George Sabin, Jr., M.S. '01, (See L. A. class '97) Gilchrest, Belle M. , M.A. '83 (See L.A. class '80) Gillespie, S. Scott, M.A. '82, (See L. A. class '78) Girtler, Sadie, M.A. '85, deceased Glass, Robert C. , M.A. '76, (See L. A. class '73) Goodwin, James Gardner, M.S. '04, B.Di. '99, Weslyan University Graves, Sarah V., M.A., (See L. A. class '69) Graydon, Thomas W. , M.A. '78, deceased Griffith, Eliz. A., (Mrs. Albert Loughridge) M.A. '77, (See Iv. A. class '68) Grimm, Philip H. , M.A. '86, deceased Groendycke, Clara Louise, M.A. '04, (See L. A. class '00) Guthrie, Alfred A., M.A. '81, (See L. A. class '75) Hall, Frederic, M.A. '87, (See L. A. class '84) Hamilton, Ella, (Mrs. P. Durley) M.A. '82, (See L. A. class '78) Hamilton, John J., M.A. '80, (See L. A. class '77) . Hanley, Charles S. , M.A. '78, (See L. A. class '75) Hanna, Henry W., M.A. '76, (See L. A. class '72) Hanson, Hulda J., (Mrs. Erwin) M.A. '82, (See L. A. class '79) Harkness, Gordon Follette, M.S. '02, (See L. A. class '00) Harney, Helen M. , M.A. '97, (See L. A. class '90) Harrington, J. C. Fremont, M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '87) Hart, Nettie M. , (Mrs. R. Emery) M.A. '65, (See L. A. class '63) Hartman, Russell T. , M.S. '98, (See L. A. class '96) HIGHER DBGRKES 275 Hatch, Daisy Kleanore, (Mrs. Clyde B. Cooper) M.A. '01, (See Iv. A. class '98) Hearst, Mamie Frances, M.A. '04, (See ly. A. class '99) Hebard, Grace R. , M.A. '85, (See Iv. A. class '82) Helfritz, Metha, (Mrs. Jonas) M.A. '89, deceased Helmick, John M. , M.A. '84, (See Iv. A. class '80) Hiatt, Amos Jr., M.A. '76, (See Iv. A. class '70) Hiatt, Harmon J., M.A. '78, (See Iv. A. class '75) Higbee, Obadiah T. , M.A. '89, (See L. A. class '86) Hilsinger, George Karl, M.A. '98, (See Iv. class '98) Hollister, Horace A. , M.A. '96, (See Iv. A. class '88) Holmes, Mary Roberta, M.A. '93, (See Iv. A. class '91) Holt, Harriette Grace, M.A. '03, (See Iv. A. class '96) Horack, Frank U. , M.A. '99, (See Iv. A. class '97) Hornsyld, Peder Pederson, M.A. '02 Hostetler, Bruno O. , M.A. '88, (See Iv. A. class '85) Houser, Bva, (Mrs. J. C. Walker) M.A. '96, (See tv. A. class '95 J Houser, Gilbert Iv. , M.S. '92, (See L. A. class '91) Howe, Charles M. , M.A. '72, deceased Howell, S. Sylvester, M.A. '67, deceased Hruska, Victoria, M.A. '02, (See Iv. A. class '01) Hughes, Ivouise, M.A. '81, (See Iv. A. class '78) Hukill, Anson T., M.A. '90, (See Iv. A. class '87) Hull, Abijah H. , M.A. '78, (See Iv. A. class '75) Hunt, Charles N. , M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '80) Hunt, Percival, M.A. '04, (See Iv. A. class '00) Huston, Frank h. , M.A. '78, (vSee Iv. A. class '75) Hutchinson, Carrie W. , (Mrs. Iv. W. Clapp) M.A. '87, (See Iv. A. class '82) Hutchinson, Sarah D. . M.A. '89, (See Iv. A. class '83) Hutchinson, Sophia W. , (Mrs. J. Iv. Teeters) M.A. '89, (See Iv. A. class '80) Ilsley, Harry E-igene, M.S. '04, B. S. Coe College Wyoming, Iowa Ingham, Nelle V., (Mrs. Charles W. Russell) M.A, '89, (See Iv. A. class '86) Ishizawa, Kyugoro, M.A. '94, Tokio College of Law Fukushina, Japan Jack, Charles B. , M.A. '78, (See Iv. A. class '75) 276 ALUMNI REGISTER Johnson, Anna, M.S. '04, B.A. '03, University of South Dakota, Fellow in Radcliffe College Johnson, Eewis C. , M.A. '79, (See h. A. class '76) Johnson, Martin N. , M.A. '76, (See L. A. class '73) Johnson, Mary H. , (Mrs. Wilcox) M.iV. '82, deceased Johnson, Pleasant L. , M.A. '87, (See E. A. class '83) Johnston, Oscar Percy, M.S. '02, B.Ph. Iowa College Van Cleve, Iowa Jones, John, Jr., M.A. 'S3, (See E. A. class '80) Kauffman, Eou S. , M.A. '76, (See E. A. class '70) Kawakami, Kiyoshi, M.S. '02, EE.B. Eokyslaw College Scholar in Political Science Madison, Wis. Kaye, Percy E. , M.A. '96, (See E. A. class '95) Kelley, Alfred C. , M.A. '87, (See E. A. class '80) Kemmerer, Theodore Wilbert, M.S. '02, (See E. A. class '00) Kelley, Harry E. , M.A. '97, (See E. A. class '92) Kennington, Eawrence S. , M.A. '90, (See E. A. class '84) Kent, Carl Volney, M.A '04, (See E. A. class '04) Kent, Grace Helen, M.S. '04, (See E. A. class '02) Keplinger, Thomas B., M.A. '88, (See E. A. class '85) Kessler, Alois, M.A. '89, (See E. A. class '86) Ketner, William B. , M.A. '76, (See E. A. class '73) Keyes, Charles R., M.A. '90, (See E. A. class '87) Kimball, Minnie F. , (Mrs. F. O. Newcomb) M.A. '83, (See E. A. class '79) King, Agnes, M.A. '04 Shaler, Iowa King, M. C, M.A. '90, (See E. A. class '87) Kost, John J., M.A. '90, (See E. A. class '87) Krause, Charles Schutz, M.S. '04, (See E. A. class '02) Kriebel, Addison J., M.A. '90, (See E. A. class '86) Kuehnle, Carl F., M.A. '84, (See E. A. class '81) Eamb, Jacob -^V. , M.A. '78, (See E. A. class '75) Eambert, Charles Irwin, M.S. '03, (See E. A. class '01) Eambert, John Joseph, M.S. '01, (See E. A. class '99) Eawson, Herbert G. , M.A. '90, (See E. A. class '84) Eees, James Henry, M.S. '03, B.A. '01, Coe College Eeonard, Frank M. , M.A. '86, (See E. A. class '83) Eeonard, Charles R. , M.A. '84, (See E. A. Class '81) Eeonard, Minnie E. , M.A. '81, (See E. A. class '78) Eeslie, George E. , M.A. '85, (See E. A. class '82) Eodeman, F. K. , M.A. '92, B.A. '87, Indiana University HIGHER DEGREES 277 Long, Daniel A., M.A. '90, (See ly. A. class '87) Lorenz, Charles F. , M.A. '98, (See L. A. class '97) Ivorenz, Charlotte Marie, M.A, '04, (See L. A. class '02) Coring, Mary L , M.A. '83, (See L. A. class '80) Ivoughridge, Albert, M.A. '77, (See L. A. class '71) Ivouis, John Jay, M.A. '03, (See L. A. class '99) McAuley, Thomas B. , M.A. 86, (See L. A. class '83) McClain, Emlin, M.A. '82, (See L. A. class '71) McClellan, George F. , M.A. '75, deceased McConnell, Joseph J. , M.A. '80, (See L. A. class '76) McGee, Alice Florence, M.A. '04, ("See L. A. class '01) Merritt, Fred D. , M.A. '98, B.Ph. , Upper Iowa University Iowa City, low^a Magowan, Charles S. , M.A. '87, (See L. A. class '84) Mahood, Edward W. , M. A. ' 93, B. A. ' 92, North Western University St. Louis, Mo. Malta, Minora, M.A. '03, Editor Japanese American San Francisco, Calif. Marling, John P., M.A. '80, (See L. A. class '68) Martin, William M. , M.A. '81, (See L. A. class '78) Mason, Oscar H. L. , M.A. '95, (See L. A. class '93) Matthews, Joseph C. , M.A. '73, deceased Mattrson, Thomas, M.A. '76, (See L. A. class '73) Medes, William J., M.A. '75, (See L. A. class '72) Meyerholz, Charles, M.A. '03, (See L. A. class '03) Monlux, Hal L. , M.A. '88, (See L. A. class '85) Monlux, John B. , M.A. '81, (See L. A. class '78) Moore, Ellen A., (Mrs. J. W. Rich) M.A. '68, (See L. A. class '64) Mordoff, Carrie E. , M.A. '87, (See L. A. class '84) Morrison, Robert G. , M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '82) Moser, Silas L. , M.A. '80, (See L. A. class '77) Mott, Alice Jane, M.A. '94, (See L. A. class '93) Mozier, Harry P., M.A. '89, (See L. A. class '84) Mozier, William F. , M.A. '89, (See L. A. class '86) Murphy, Dennis, M.A. '77, deceased Murphy, Lavanda G. , (Mrs. D. Murphy) M.A. '77, (See L. A. class '74) Neiman, John N. , M.A. '77, (See L. A. class '74) Newton, George W. , M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '87) Nichols, Ernest R. , M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '87) Nipher, Frank E., M.A. '75, (See L. A. class '70) 278 AIvUMNI REGISTER Noble, Frank H., M.A. (See Iv. class '94) North, Howard M. , CE. '95, (See L. A. class '92) Noyes, Mary C. , M.A. '84, (See Iv. A. class '81) O'Doiiohue, J. H., M.S. '97 Ogg, Eli C, M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '78) Orelup, Fred G., M.A. '90, (See L. A. class '87) Osmond, Ida K. , (Mrs. N. B. Holbrook) M.A. '82, (See Iv. A. class '79) Owen, Erza Ivois, (Mrs. J. J. Louis) M.A. '00, (See Iv. A. class '99) Paarmann, Juergen Herman, M.S. '02, (See L. A. class '02) Parker, Hattie J., M.A. '82, (See Iv. A. class '79) Parrish, Robert Iv. , M.A. '88, (See Iv. A. class '75) Parsons, Ivouis A., M.A. '99. (See Iv. A. class '95) Patterson, Charles E., M.A. '82, (See L. A. class '79) Paxson, Susan M. , M.A. '03, (See h. A. class '91) Payne, William O. , M.A. '85, (See L. A. class '82) Philbrick, Inez C. , M.A. '89, (See L. A. class '86) Pinckham, Gilbert L., M.A, '72, (See Iv. A. class '69) Plock, Henrietta Dorothy, M.A. '04, (SeeL. A. class '01) Plum, Harry G. , M.A. '96, (See Iv. A. class '94) Polk, Mary Emma, M.A. '03, (See L. A. class '00) Powell, Charles, Iv. , M.A. '88, (See L. A. class '85) Preston, Charles H. , M.A. '87, (See Iv. A. class '69) Preston, Hartwell Iv. , M.A. '89, (See Iv. A. class '86) Preston, William C. , M.A. '75, deceased Prouty, Herbert M. , M.A. '89, deceased Ouigley, Sarah Ruth, M.A, '83, (See L. A. class '02) Radasch, Henry E. , M.S. '97, (See L. A. class '95) Rail, Harrison F. , M.A. '92, (See L. A. class '91) Ramsdell, Charles M.A. '78, (See Iv. A. class '75) Reed, Kate B. , M.A. '88, (See Iv. A. class '8o) Remley, Clara, M.A. '79, (See L. A. class '76) Remley, Fred A., M.A. '88, (See L. A. class '80) Remley, Howard M. , M.A. '73, (See Iv. A. class '69) Remley, Milton, M.A. '72, (See Iv. A. class '67) Resser, Jesse, M.A. '04, (See L. A. class '03) Richman, Irving B. , M.A. '86, (See L. A. class '83) Robertson, Charles M. , M.A. '88, (See L. A. class '85) Robinson, Frank B. , M.A. '88, J^ y^.T. ' ^- i Y: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS '■■liiiL 002994M08? ^'- #i V ^^' '::--M W;--. „',V.