Gass L B /03£ Book_ JT3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress EDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY IN THE ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION OF ABILITY OF HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS BY TRUMAN LEE KELLEY SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PUBLISHED BY (Eeacfjers College, Columbia Umuergttp NEW YORK CITY 1914 EDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY IN THE ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION OF ABILITY OF HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS *?• BY TRUMAN LEE KELLEY SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PUBLISHED BY fteacfjers; College, Columbia ftfmbersitp NEW YORK CITY 1914 Copyright 193 5 By TRUMAN LEE KELLEY Gift PREFACE The task of giving tests, establishing averages, and calculating relations, which shall serve as a basis for prognosis of mental ability, is, in every sense, a social undertaking, and it is only because of the kindly cooperation of the principals, teachers, and pupils of the two schools studied that it has been possible to secure the data that supply the material for this investigation. The evaluation of the data has equally been a social task and I am particularly indebted to Professors E. L. Thorndike, S. S. Colvin, and H. A. Ruger for assistance in grading the preferences of pupils in the interest test as to vocations, sports, and enter- tainments, and to Mrs. Grace Osgood and Miss Grace Kelley for the unique assistance which, as librarians, they were able to render in grading magazines and books. To the ever-ready, stimulating criticisms of Professor Thorn- dike, I am peculiarly indebted, for it is due to his encouragement that the investigation covers the three fields of mathematics, English, and history instead of one only, and that the number of relations determined is as extensive as it is. The field covered gives the work whatever of value it has, but the accomplishment of it and its appearance in print at this time has been possible only because of the devoted and untiring assistance, in grading, calculating coefficients of correlation, and deriving regression equations, rendered by my wife. September, 1914. T. L. Kelley. CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1. Statement of the Problem 1 2. Method and Specific Object 4 3. Elementary School Grades and Their Significance as Evi- dence of High School Efficiency 7 4. Teachers' Estimates and Their Significance 14 5. Special Tests and Their Significance 19 Algebra Test 19 Geometry Test 22 English Test 25 History Test 33 w Interest Tests 40 Grading of the interest tests 44 Two kinds of reliability coefficients 53 Grade for entire interest test 55 Combination of Grades of Various Tests for Purposes of Prog- nosis 62 Mot — Combination of tests with reference to (a) algebra and (b) geometry 63 E ot — Combination of tests with reference to English 64 Hct — Combination of tests with reference to History 64 M C i — Combination of the interest tests with reference to mathematics 65 E i — Combination of the interest tests with reference to English 65 H c i — Combination of the interest tests with reference to History 66 M — Combination of M ot and M i 66 E c — Combination of E ct and E ci 67 H c — Combination of H t and H c i 67 Use of Regression Equations 67 6. Use of all Sources of Data in Estimating Probable Average Standing 71 7. The Age of Pupils as a Factor 73 8. Comparison with Other Studies 74 9. Practical Application in High School Classification 81 10. Guidance Methods 84 11. Appendix - Ages of Pupils 86 Assignment of Numerical Magnitudes for Literal Grades 86 Extent of error in averaging literal grades 88 Elementary School Grades 89 Teachers' Estimates and Combinations of the Same 92 Bearing of the various factors upon M, E and H 94 vi Contents SECTION PAGE 11 Appendix — Continued. Grading of the Algebra Test 95 Derivation of formulae 96 Grading of the Geometry Test 97 Grading of the English Test 98 Grading of the History Test 99 Bearing of the Various Tests upon Mathematics 99 Bearing of the Various Tests upon English 100 Bearing of the Various Tests upon History 100 Interest Tests — Grading of Books 101 Grading of Interest Tests with Reference to (a) English, (b) Mathematics, (c) History 101 Combination of Parts of Interest Test with Reference to (a) Mathematics, (b) English, (c) History 103 Combination of Mathematics Tests with Reference to Mathe- matics. Similar Combinations of English and History Tests 105 •" Combination of all Sources of Data with Reference to Average Class Standing 106 12. Table Giving Original Data 107 EDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE SECTION 1.— STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Humanity's unvoiced plea for guidance is the foundation of all professions. The doctor, the lawyer, the minister find that belief and obedience are more often the result of need than of understanding and conviction. The modern idea of education is crystallizing into an effort to guide rather than to instruct — to answer to a need rather than to cater to a curriculum. The growing recognition of the need for vocational and educational guidance is resulting in the establishment of bureaus endeavoring to give the former, and in the training of psychologists to solve the problems of the latter. The movement for vocational guidance is in its infancy, but it only depends upon improved methods and more extended research to give it a place with the older professions. Vocational guidance has sprung up out of two needs — the need of the em- ployer for efficient clerks, mechanics, and laborers and, still more important, the need of the individual to utilize his talents to the best advantage in order to cope with present-day industrial con- ditions. This latter demand is most pressing at the time that the individual is about to leave school, and it is at this point that the major efforts of vocational guidance bureaus have been expended; but even a hasty consideration will show that the guidance exercised is tardy. It should have been present when the school training of the individual became different from that of other individuals — when he began to specialize and train himself for his life work. It may be stated with assurance that in all cases this specialization should be well under way before the completion of the formal education of the pupil. These remarks suffice to make apparent the need for such educational guidance in the high school and college, as shall precede and serve as a basis for the later vocational guidance. 2 1 2 Educational Guidance The general method to determine the accuracy of guidance is the same, whether the guidance be educational or vocational, and it is one of the chief aims of this study to determine accurately the reliability of the estimation of academic capacity. The data necessary for accomplishing this are at hand, for high school records of academic accomplishment are universally kept. Com- parable vocational records are generally not available; but for the determination of the reliability of an estimate of vocational fitness they are essential, and whenever available the method here used is applicable. The two chief factors entering into the problem of efficient guidance are, first, a correct understanding of the demands of prospective tasks and, second, an accurate valuation of the ability of the person in question to meet these demands. These two main elements of the problem may be stated as requiring an analysis of the individual to determine his characteristics, and an analysis of the needs of the situation to see to what extent the individual meets these needs. This is a general statement of the problem applicable to all kinds of guidance. The problem here undertaken is termed one in educational guidance, since the data concern high school pupils and high school subjects; but the method, which is that of calculating the correlation between the estimate of a person's fitness for a task and his later perform- ance in it, is of general validity and importance and will inevitably be used extensively in vocational guidance. As success usually depends upon several factors, partial corre- lation and the regression equation method are essential in the evaluation of the data. This method will be explained more fully later. The writer is not aware that it has been used before in a guidance problem, but its peculiar adaptability to a problem of this nature insures its extended use in the future. More specifically, the endeavor of this study is to predict with a known, and as high as possible, degree of accuracy the capacity of the pupil to carry a prospective high school course. In doing this, an analysis of the factors which make for success in the course is obtained. The essential objects of the study are thus (1) a measurement of the characteristics of the pupil, together with the determination of the extent to which these character- istics correlate with scholastic ability along certain lines, and (2) an analysis of the demands of certain high school courses. Statement of the Problem 3 To illustrate the intimacy of these two problems it may be pointed out that if all the essentials of fitness needed to fulfill a certain task were known, and if the abilities of the person under consideration were completely known, then prediction and performance would agree perfectly; and to the extent that this condition is approximated, the correlation between prediction and performance is increased. SECTION 2.— METHOD AND SPECIFIC OBJECT When selective classification of a prospective high school pupil is attempted, the usual question asked is, what is his general mental ability, and he is classified according to the answer to that question. The present study attempts to answer that question by considerations based upon one of three sources of data: (1) the pupil's grammar school record, (2) estimates of previous teachers of the pupil, and (3) grades obtained in special tests given the pupil at the very beginning of the school year. Beyond this, it is imperative, in rendering the most valid decision as to the pupil's capacities, that account be taken of his specific interests and peculiar genius. An excellent student of mathe- matics may be a very poor English scholar, and though this sit- uation is not true in the majority of cases, yet the number of cases in which it is true is sufficiently great that very material injustice will be worked if it is not taken into consideration. The further aim of this study is, therefore, to determine, before courses in the high school are taken, what the probable ability of the pupil in question will be in them. Instead of attempting to cover the field of high school work exhaustively, three subjects — mathematics, English and history — have been selected for study. The general method of procedure with all three subjects and all three sources of data is to separate the data into ele- ments that are, as far as possible, independent of each other, e.g., the teachers' estimates of the pupil are four in number, (1) intellectual ability, (2) conscientiousness, (3) emotional interest in his work, and (4) oral expression. All of these factors are important for scholastic work and it would be desirable if they were totally uncorrelated with each other. The first and fourth and the second and third are rather closely related with each other, but even so there is sufficient independence between the four to make their combined significance as indicators of scho- lastic success considerably greater than that of a single estimate, such as that of intellectual ability. If the grades received, or marks given, in the original data are represented by Xi, X 2 , X 3 , X*, and if the grades received in the high school mathematics, English and history courses six months 4 Method and Specific Object 5 or a year after the original data are obtainable are represented by X u , X E , X H , then the problem is to establish the correlation between X M and the combined measures based upon X\, X 2 , Xz, Xa, and similarly with X E and X H . Expressed as an equation it is X M = CQ+CiXi-\-c 6i 5> 4m) ). For English r FE (7> 6 , 5i 4b) = .710. The greater correlation in the case of English than in the case of mathematics may be partly due to an intrinsic difference in the laws of development of an individual with reference to these two subjects, but it is, at least in part, due to the greater reliability 10 Educational Guidance of the English elementary school marks, since these measures are an average of the grades given in two English courses, whereas the arithmetic grades are obtained from but a single course. It is evident that there is also a greater content difference in passing from arithmetic to algebra than in passing from 7th grade English to first-year English. From a statistical point of view it does not seem likely that the difference in reliability could entirely account for the difference in correlation, and the author will state that the mathematical probability of the difference being due to chance is small, though he cannot express this probability in exact numerical terms. It has been stated that the value of these coefficients of corre- lation lies in their power to differentiate between the ability of the pupil in mathematics and in English. The extent to which they perform this task in differential diagnosis can be measured by comparing for each individual the difference between the estimated ability in mathematics and the estimated ability in English with the actual difference of ability as shown by the grades in the two subjects. If individual (1) is estimated to be .7 sigma (standard deviation) above the average in mathematics and .4 sigma above the average in English, and the actual grades which he received are .9 sigma above the average in mathematics and .6 sigma above the average in English, then the estimated difference between the abilities in the two subjects is equal to the actual difference. The extent to which differences in estimation correspond to differences in first-year grades is given by the coefficient of correlation between these two differences, /*(Fm-e) (7,6, 5,4,m-e)- It is evident that if this correlation equals zero, then English grades in the elementary school are as good a basis for estimation Of mathematics grades in the first-year class of the high school as are mathematics grades in the elementary school — in other words, intelligence is general, and may be directed by the in- dividual with equal result in any direction. On the other hand, if the correlation is perfect, 1 then mental capacity is specific and specialized to exactly the same extent and in the same manner 1 For this theoretical consideration, not in the nature of a prognosis, a coefficient of correlation corrected for attenuation might be desired, but the data for its calculation are not available, nor is it likely that the assumptions underlying its derivation (lack of correlation of errors, etc.) would be sound. Such correction, if utilized, would increase the correlation found. School Grades and High School Efficiency 11 in the high school and in the elementary school when dealing with the same subjects. Calculation shows that r (FM _ E) (7i 6> 5i 4> M _ B ) = .515. The net conclusion which may be drawn from these four coefficients of correlation is, that it is possible to estimate a person's general ability in the first year class from the marks he has received in the last four years of the elementary school with an accuracy represented by a coefficient of correlation of .789; and that individual idiosyncracies may be estimated, in the case of mathematics and English, with an accuracy represented by a coefficient of correlation of .515. The method of doing this is the simple one of substitution in a regression equation. The regression equation given above proved the best for the school from which the data are obtained, but it probably would not occur in the usual school that the correlations of the 6th and 4th grades would be relatively as high as in this particular school. Assuming that for the usual school there is a progressive gain in correlation with first-year standing as one proceeds from the 4th to the 7th grade, we would have correlations about as follows: 1 4a Fa 7a 6a 5a 7a .67 6a .58 .67 5a .53 .58 .67 4a .50 .53 .58 .67 as 0"Fi 0-7a 0-6A 0"5a 0"4a The regression equation based upon this table is as follows: Fa = .4616^ (7a) + .1458°^ (6a) + .0910^ (5a) °"7a 0f» °"5a + .1094^ ( 4a ) (a) In case the o-'s are all equal this equation becomes, to a very close approximation, 54.9(Fa) = 25(7 a) + 8(6a) + 5(5a) + 6(4a) (b) Equation (a) is the equation recommended for use in the ordi- 1 See Appx., pp. 91-92. 12 Educational Guidance nary school system. The elementary student of statistics can use this equation without difficulty. First calculate the standard deviations, A , cr 7A , ct 5a> and Hi are calculated. J See Appx., pp. 101-103. 56 Educational Guidance Name (Pupil No. 90). Magazines Checked in Question I Date. X American X Atlantic Monthly X Blue Book X Bookman D Century (4) X ColHer's Weekly X Cosmopolitan X Country Life in America C Craftsman (6) X Current Literature X Delineator X Electrical World X Etude X Everybody's X Good Housekeeping X Green Book X Hampton's X Harper's Weekly X Harper's Monthly X L'illustration X International Studio X Ladies' Home Journal X Leslie's Weekly X Life X Lippincott's X Literary Digest X McClure's X Metropolitan X Modern Priscilla X Munsey's A National Geographic (10) (See question 2) X Outing X Pictorial Review E Popular Mechanics (2) X Popular Science Monthly X Puck X Red Book X Review of Reviews B St. Nicholas (8) X Saturday Evening Post X Science X Scientific American X Scribner's X Smart Set X Strand X Technical World X Woman's Home Companion X World's Work X Youth's Companion X Outlook Grade op Same for M E H Factor Con- tributing to Total Grade Frequency (75) Average grade 33 times average grade 5 10 8 28 4 4 5 30 9 3 3 3 5 4 4 4 6 4 3 4 4 3 5 7 5 1 3 1 50 3 2 4 2 2 5 48 4 3 3 7 3 2 2 4 5 5 7 336 4.5 5 4 2 16 7 2 1 6 4 1 2 5 2 5 6 3 7 2 1 7 1 2 7 4 1 90 1 2 1 1 Mi Ei Hi 246 3.3 149 109 Special Tests and Their Significance 57 Answer to question 2: "The National Geographic Magazine is interesting because it tells so many interesting things of people we know very little, and of places none of us have seen.'' No warrant is found in this answer for altering the grade assigned to the National Geographic Magazine Answer to question 3 : 1. Spenser's — Faerie Queene (3) 6.3 -2.4 2. Scott's— The Abbot (2) 2.4 2.4 3. Poe's— Fall of the House of Usher (1) 1 . 2 - . 8 Frequency . . . Average grade . (6) 1.65 times average grade Answer to question 4: "In a long walk through the woods.". Answer to question 5 : "Reading." Answer to question 6 : "Number 4" Frequency (3) Average grade 2 times average grade Answer to question 7: "A" Grand Opera .5 times the grade Answer to question 8 : 1st choice: "Landscape Architect (2) 2d " "Designing." Frequency Average grade 4 times average grade , (3) 4 1.3 19 6.3 9.9 1.67 11 3.7 ■ .8 .13 11 3.7 17 5.7 25 19 23 Answer to question 9: Pupil's mark Word simile primary election Mason and Dixon's line . creed Acropolis rip saw hydrogen compound interest cube root paradox Saracens , I. W. W Whigs theosophy toga block plane NaCl fissure 15 27 6 6 9 27 18 24 6 6 9 6 30 6 27 3 27 3 58 Educational Guidance Pupil's mark 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 Word equation guillotine prose syndicalism H 2 transubstantiation gladiator debit gravity cell strata improper fraction lever ragtime physical valuation of R.R score (in music) commercial fertilizer Magna Charta voucher ohm string halt fourth dimension piston rod Pythagorean proposition single tax stamen hemstitch Spanish Armada statute of limitations coherer vertebrate parallelogram , omelette Reichstag Commerce Court states' rights space bar giblets Australian ballot mollusk perspective tireless cooker mortgagee referendum Formosa Total F. of A. (obtained in next question) .57Xtotal .8 times the grade 21 9 15 27 15 15 6 6 9 15 3 9 3 3 12 9 6 30 3 21 18 6 30 15 18 18 24 3 3 3 6 3 15 12 144 96 426 82 55 243 66 44 194 Special Tests and Their Significance 59 Answer to question 10: Definitions of terms: a. simile b. cube root "When a number is multiplied by itself three times." c. improper fraction d. rag-time — "music that is used in songs and vaudeville." e. physical valuation of railroads f. commercial fertilizer — "Fertilizer that is used in a commercial way." ohm g h. Pythagorean proposition single tax j. hemstitch — "In sewing when threads are drawn out and then 4 or more drawn together in the centre." k. vertebrate — "The small parts that make up the back bone." 1. parallelogram — "A figure where oppo- site sides are parallel." m. omelette — " A dish made from eggs Sum 27 Factor of accuracy 15,5 = . 57 27 Grade given by pupil 3 1 3 2 3 3 10X.57. -50X.57. -20X.57. Mi+mean (mean in question = 16) Ei+mean( " " " =15) Hi+mean ( " " " =22) or Mi =4 Ei=5 Hi = 10 grader 2 1 2 3 2.5 15.5 -29 100 20 197 20 -11 324 32 60 Educational Guidance In the following sample only the detailed grading is given where the judgment of the grader is involved : Name (Pupil No. 14). Date. Question 1. Combination of all the magazines, except that one marked "A." (56) A, Life (See question 2) (10) 66 Grade of Same for Factor Con- tributing to Total Grade M E 160 30 190 2.9 H 113 1.7 Average grade 33 Xaverage grade Question 2. "I enjoy it because it is humorous and has some very in- teresting comments on the important things which are at- tracting attention." The interest here shown in current events warrants the in- crease in the history grading of Life, so, for this individual, the magazine is graded 3 for history instead of 1. Questions 3-9. Sum of the grades for questions 3 to 9 inclusive Mi Ei Hi 96 59 39 56 135 Special Tests and Their Significance 61 Question 10: Terms and definitions of same a. simile "A simile is a certain kind of a sentence." b. cube root — "I can't explain." c. improper fraction — "is a fraction which is not proper." d. ragtime — "A form of music with no special time." e . physical valuation of railroads — ' 'Know nothing about it." . f. commercial fertilizer — "Know nothing about it." g. ohm — "Can't explain." h. Pythagorean proposition i. single tax — " A tax on your personal be- longings." . j. hemstitch — "A certain kind of stitch. Can't explain." k. vertebrate — "Know nothing about it." 1. parallelogram — ''A figure. I can't ex- plain." m. omelette — "Can't explain." Factor of accuracy = .66 10X.66 -50X.66. . -20X.66 Grade for same given by Pupil 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 16 Mi+mean (mean in question = 18) = Ei -[-mean (mean in question = 17) = Hi -{-mean (mean in question = 26) = or Mi= —5 Ei=-7 Hi = -8 Grader 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 10.5 -33 66 13 102 10 -15 176 18 62 Educational Guidance The following sample covers determination of the factor of accuracy only: Name (Pupil No. 158). Date a. simile — "A comparison." b. cube root — "A quantity multiplied by itself then into the product produces a certain cube." c. improper fraction — "A fraction whose numerator is larger than its denominator." d. ragtime e. physical valuation of railroads — "Actual value of material and construction." f . commercial fertilizer g. ohm — "A certain degree to which magnets are wound." h. Pythagorean proposition — "Proposition discovered by Pythagoras regarding squares over the sides of rectangular triangle." i. single tax — "Tax on land only." j. hemstitch — "An open kind of stitch used in sewing." k. vertebrate — "An animal having a skeleton." 1. parallelogram — "A figure having two pairs of parallel sides." m. omelette — " A preparation made with milk and eggs." Factor of accuracy = 33/32 = 1 .03 Grade fob Same Given by Pupil 3 Grader 3 2 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 32 33 The grading of this interest test is not as long or difficult a task as it might at first seem. It can be greatly expedited by grading one question at a time after having memorized the table pertaining to that question, except the table for books, which it is impracticable to attempt to memorize. The use which is made of the interest test grades as well as the grades of the other tests, is given in the following section. Combination of Grades of Various Tests for Purposes of Prognosis Taking the grading of all the tests, there are six measures for each individual as follows: M t , mathematics test, which is either the algebra or the geometry test; E t , English test; H t , history test; Mi, Mathematics interest test; E,, English interest test; and Hi, history interest test. Not only do the gradings of each of these tests have significance in connection with the sub- ject for which they are specifically graded, but they also have some significance for other courses. In other words, the most probable first-year grade in English may be said to be a function Special Tests and Their Significance 63 of M t , E t , H t , Mi, Ei, Hi. The regression equation, expressing E as a function of these six variables, might be calculated, but the labor would be very great, and therefore a slightly different method has been used, probably with little loss in the degree of correlation. The regression equation expressing E as a function of M t , E t , and H t , is calculated, and this particular function is called E ct (meaning the measure that represents that combina- tion of the tests M t , E t and H t , which correlates the most highly with English). A second regression equation expressing E as a function of Mi, E 4 and Hj, is also calculated and designated as E ci (meaning the measure which represents that combination of the interest tests Mi, Ei and Hi, which correlates most highly with English). Finally a regression equation is calculated ex- pressing E as a function of E ct and E c i, and this function is designated as E c (meaning the measure which represents that combination of E ct and E ci which correlates the most highly with English). So far as English is concerned, the entire object of the tests has been the derivation of this measure, E c ; and the correlation between E and E c establishes the extent to which grades in the tests given serve as a basis for the prognosis of ability in high school English. The same procedure is followed with reference to mathematics and history, leading to measures M c and H c . The following sections will be devoted to explaining the derivation of M ot , E ct , H ct , M C1 , E ci , H ci , M c , E c and H c , in the order named. M ct — Combination of Tests with Reference to (a) Algebra and (6) Geometry (a) Algebra: In order that it may not be lost sight of, it is repeated here that all of the measures mentioned in the last section are measures that are expressed as deviations from the means of the groups to which the measures belong. For one duplicating this test, the means given on page 68 may be assumed, or better, they may be calculated anew for the group tested. The combination A ct , of A t , E t , H t , which correlates the highest with A is as follows: 1 A ct = .6A t +.4E t +.llH t This equation is self explanatory. To obtain A ct it is only 1 See Appx., p. 99. 64 Educational Guidance necessary to add .6 of A t , .4 of E t and .11 of H t , paying proper attention to sign. The correlation between A and A ct equals .48. The apparent weighting of the three tests, .6, .4, .11 is not the exact weighting of the tests, for the standard deviations affect these regression coefficients. Since the standard deviation of H t is large the weighting is somewhat greater than .11. The weighting seems very reasonable, bearing in mind that H t is not as reliable a measure as E t as it has but a single measure entering into it, whereas E t is an average of three. (b) Geometry: The regression equation for geometry is: G ct = .8G t +.08E t +.184H t The correlation between G and G ct equals .43. The small weighting of E t is somewhat of a surprise. It must be assumed that some of the elements entering into the grading E t are more directly related to algebra than to geometry. The measures A ct and G ct are entered in the same correla- tion tables and designated as M ct , for purposes of determining the relative weighting of mathematics, English and history tests. 1 E ct — Combination of Tests with Reference to English That combination of M t , E t , H t which proved the most feasible is: 2 E ct =!(M t +E t +H t ). The correlation between E and E ct equals .46. The weighting here used yields a correlation practically as high as that given by the regression equation but this is not an accurately deter- mined regression equation and it is impossible to use it for deter- mining the relative importance of the factors M t , E t and H t with reference to E. It may, however, be said that they do not differ greatly in their relative bearing upon E. H ct — Combination of Tests with Reference to History The combination for history is the same as that for English : 3 H rt =!(M t +E t +H t ) 1 See Appx., pp. 99, 105. * See Appx., p. 100. 3 See Appx., p. 100. Special Tests and Their Significance 65 No accurate analysis of the importance of the factors M t , E t and H t with reference to their bearing upon history is possible from this datum. M c , — Combination of the Interest Tests with Reference to Mathematics The regression equation giving that combination of Mj, Ej and Hj which correlates the highest with M is: M ci = .5M i +.65E i -.2H i The correlation between M and M ci equals .30. The mathe- matics interest test is weighted the most heavily in this equation in spite of the fact that the coefficient of E L is the largest. This comes about from the fact that the standard deviation of Ej is considerably smaller than that of M,. The actual weighting of the different elements is approximately in the ratio of 224: 183: — 95. The occasion of the negative weighting of the history interest test may be determined from the raw data for the calcu- lation of the regression equation given in the Appendix. 1 In brief it is due to the low correlation between M and Hj, .15, and the high correlations between M 4 and Hj, .54, and between E, and Hi, .63. Why the first of these three correlations is low and the second and third high is not apparent — an accurate calculation of the regression equation involving the parts of the interest test would reveal the cause, but it would be a very labo- rious task. E c i — Combination of the Interest Tests with Reference to English The regression equation giving that combination of Mj, Ei, and Hi which correlates the highest with E was found to have only a trifling advantage over the use of E 4 alone. 2 Therefore the relation used is: E ci = Ei The correlation between E and E^ equals .46. 1 See Appx., pp. 103-104. 2 See Appx., p. 104. 66 Educational Guidance H ci — Combination of Interest Tests with Reference to History The regression equation giving that combination of M i; Ej, and Hj which correlates the highest with history is : 1 H ci =-.5M i +.38E i +.7H i The correlation between H and H c i equals .33. The negative weighting of H; in its bearing upon mathematics is comparable to the negative weighting here, of Mj in its bearing upon history. The data for definitely determining the cause of this latter, as well as the former, are lacking. M c — Combination of M ci and M ct with Reference to Mathematics The regression equation giving that combination of M ci and M ct which correlates the highest with mathematics is : 2 M c = .66M ci + 1.00M ct The correlation between M and M c differs somewhat for the pupils taking geometry from that for the algebra pupils. The correlations are: rqQ =.44, r^ =.49. These correlations are not as high as could be desired, nor as high as the correlation between grammar grade mathematics and first year mathematics, which is .58. However, r^ is only .09 less than ?"f m (7, 6, 5. 4 M )> and when it is considered that the former is a correlation based upon tests of a few hours duration while the latter is based upon the work of four years, it is a very satisfactory showing and is of positive value for purposes of prognosis and classification. Lacking information as to the pupil's past performance, classi- fication, at present, usually depends upon such things as the pupil's, ^or teacher's, preference as to the hour when the subject is to be taken, or upon the first letter of his last name, or some other equally irrelevant point. It is earnestly hoped that tests will be devised enabling a very accurate prognosis, but, pending such tests, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by the use of the tests here given, whose significance has been accurately evaluated upon the basis of the performance of some 235 pupils. A summarized statement of the procedure in using the test data is given on page 68. 1 See Appx., pp. 104-105. 2 See Appx., p. 105. Special Tests and Their Significance 67 E c — Combination of E ci and E ct with Reference to English E ci and E et have equal significance in determining the most probable standing in English. The regression equation is: E c = E C i+E ct The correlation between E and E c is equal to .55. This correla- tion is higher than the correlation just above, for mathematics, though considerabley less than r FE ( 7i6i5t4E ), which equals .71. It is interesting to note that whether dealing with grammar school grades or with special tests it is possible to give a closer estimate of a pupil's performance in English than it is in mathe- matics. The greater difference between the natures of algebra and arithmetic, than between high school English and elementary school English, is probably a contributing cause in the case of these special tests as well as in the case of elementary school records. H c — Combination of H c j and H ct with Reference to History The regression equation giving the best combination of H ci and H ct with reference to history is: H c = .4H ci +H ct The correlation between H and H c equals .49. The apparent unimportance of H ci in comparison with H ct exists only in part, as the standard deviation of H ci is much larger than that of H ct . The actual relative weighting of H c ; and H ct is approximately in the ratio of 22:39. Use of Regression Equations Substitution of the test grades in the regression equations is required in order to use them for purposes of estimation of prob- able high school standing in the subjects, algebra, geometry, English and history. After having given and graded the tests for the pupil whom it is desired to examine the grades are sub- stituted in the equation giving A c , for purposes of estimation of his probable standing in freshman algebra, in the equation giving E c , for estimation of his probable English standing, etc. The necessary equations are here summarized: 68 Educational Guidance M c = A c orG c . A c = .66M ci +M ct = .33M i +.44E i -.132H i +.6A t +.4E t +.llH t . G c = .66M ci + M ct = .33Mi + .44 Ej - .132 Hi + .8G t + .08E t + .184H t . E c = E ci +E ct = E i +|(M t +E t +H t ). H c = .4H ci +H ct =-.2M i +.15E i +.28H i +KM t +E t +H t ). M ci = A ci or G ci = .5M i +.65E i -.2H i . E ci = Ej. H ci =-.5M i +.38E i +.7H i M ct = A ct or Get. A ct = .6At+.4Et+.llH t . G ct = .8G t +.08E t +.184Ht. Eet = KM t +E t +H t ). H c t = E ct . Mi = A i0 r G i = i(2M Spt3 +.5M Ent8 -f-4Mvo C8 +10F of A+.8M Wd9 — mean) . Ei = .l(2E Spt8 +.5E EntB +4E V oc3-50F of A + .8E wds +33E Mag8 + 1 .65 E B k 3 — mean) . H i = .l(2H Spta +.5H Ellt8 +4Hvocs-20F of A + 8E wda +33E M a g8 + 1.65 EBks — mean) . M t = A t or G t . A t = ^(Sum of grades of all the problems — mean) . G t = |(Sum of grades of problems 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 — mean). E t = f(E a +E v +W-mean). H t = 2(H a — mean). To obtain any of the last eight grades subtract the mean from the pupil's gross mark and divide the remainder by the divisor given in the equations and repeated in the following table of means and divisors. Math. Eng. Hist. Math. Eng. Hist. TESTMt TESTEt TESTHt Int. Mi Int. Ei Int. Hi Group and Class 3 go 00 GO m no m a £ § OS t-l 00 S3 S o3 GO c3 GO o3 GO a GO 03 00 03 E° 0> > 0> !> 0J > 0> > § S P § Q £ P 2 p 2 P 1 Beginning 2d year Gt25 3 18.5 3/2 7 1/2 95 5 170 10 260 10 2 Mid-year 1st year At89 5 16 3/2 6 1/2 80 5 150 10 220 10 3 Entering 1st year At72 5 15 3/2 6 1/2 65 5 160 10 200 10 4 Beginning 2d year Gt26 3 19 3/2 5.5 1/2 100 5 190 10 280 10 5 Entering 1st year At88 5 17.5 3/2 6.5 1/2 70 5 170 10 240 10 Special Tests and Their Significance 69 If A represents the most probable algebra grade expressed as a deviation from the mean, for some given numerical system of marking it is related to A c as follows : A = r AA — A c = .49 — — A c c 6, 5, 4 A ) Est A rF A (7,6,5,4 A ) = .83>.789 (given (7,6,5,4 A ) .83 on p. 8), and that r F Est = Est A .81 .68 T A .51 .56 .54 .81 > .76 =^ A v(I.a.,Cons.,Emo.i.,Exp.). (Given on p. 16). These differences are probably entirely accounted for by fluctuations due to sampling. The smaller values are the more reliable, being based upon larger populations. The regression equation is l F A = .536 (7, 6, 5, 4 A ) + .481 Est A -.043T A . The negative regression coefficient, — .043, is probably due to fluctuations in sampling. The probable error of the partial correlation coefficient entering into this regression coefficient is .112, so that no great significance can be attached to its negative value. ^f [(7, 6, 5, 4 ),Est t ] = -89, with a probable error of .023. This very high correlation is of interest in showing the great stability of individual character. To know that a pupil's grades ^ee Appx., p. 106. 71 72 Educational Guidance in the first year of the high school are so largely determined by what he possesses within his own personality is convincing evidence of the paramount importance of nature over and above nurture. With the undoubtedly varying environments under which these pupils lived there would be a greater divergence between estimate and accomplishment if nurture were the major factor. There is a likelihood that the correlation of .89 is higher than might be ordinarily expected from similar data, for, as noted, the particular sample dealt with seems to show a slightly closer relation than usual. This is true to the greatest extent in the case of teachers' estimates, where it is likely that the teachers who made the estimates were particularly well acquainted with the pupils, for these pupils had been in the elementary depart- ment of the same school for the preceding four years, and their capacities for accomplishment were probably very well known. The lack of absolute independence between teachers' estimates and average class standing, noted on page 15, is a factor to be borne in mind. In case it is essential to obtain as close an estimate as possible of a pupil's ability all three sources of data could profitably be used, but for ordinary needs of classification one source should be adequate. The method of combining the three measures into a single measure is given in the Appendix, p. 106. SECTION 7.— THE AGE OF PUPILS AS A FACTOR The number of factors involved in this study has been so great that the age factor has been omitted. The correlation between average class standing and age, using all the data, is —.31. Eliminating the bearing of innate mental capacity (or mental capacity as existing at one certain age) would certainly give a positive partial correlation between age and standing in a given grade. Though it is a fact that the aver- age twelve-year-old first-year pupil has a higher average standing than the average sixteen-year-old first-year pupil, it of course is not true that the average twelve-year-old is brighter than the average sixteen-year-old. The occasion of the negative total correlation, —.31, is prob- ably due to the fact that dull and over-age pupils are advanced more rapidly than their talents warrant, thereby always keeping them in a class which taxes their capacities and in which they can secure only low marks. Since there exists this negative correlation between age and average standing in a given grade, the use as a measure of in- telligence, of the age at which a pupil reaches a certain grade, gives to the bright pupil but part of the credit due him. The bright pupil is less advanced, and the dull pupil more advanced, judged by the grade attended, than talent warrants. The effect of this is to make the measure "age of attaining a certain grade" less reliable as a measure of ability than it otherwise would be. 73 SECTION 8.— COMPARISON WITH OTHER STUDIES The most fundamental distinction between this and the great majority of correlation studies is that the aim of this study is prognosis and not at all to establish the existence and magnitude of some theoretical relationship. This fact has already been referred to but is mentioned again as some important points of method depend upon it. It will be noted that, in the following paragraphs, where comparison with other investigations of mental relationships is impossible, it is generally due to difference in method, necessitated by this difference in purpose. A number of investigations, notably several by Spearman and his pupils, have as their object the determination of the abstract relationship which exists between certain tests and mental capacities. The aim is to establish the relationship that exists after errors of sampling, observation, and the like have been eliminated. The direct conclusions from such studies are of necessity theoretical, whatever may be the indirect practical implications resulting therefrom. Acting upon these implica- tions educational practice might be altered, but it still would remain to be seen if it were bettered thereby. This is not a criticism of theoretical investigations for, by suggesting relationships and methods, they have been the fore- runners of progress; but it is for the purpose of pointing out the difference in object and the consequent difference in method between such investigations and the present one, which has as its object the utilizing of measures obtainable under ordinary class-room conditions, with whatever errors may be inevitable, for whatever they actually demonstrate themselves to be worth as evidence of the capacity it is desired to measure. If one set of test measures correlates with class standing to a certain extent, no amount of superimposed treatment for elimi- nation of observational errors, chance errors, or the like can change this raw relation which exists. Correction for atten- uation would lessen the accuracy and vitiate the significance of the use of marks as a prognosis of other "raw" marks. Knowing the correlation between tests and average standing and wishing 74 Comparison with Other Studies 75 to estimate the latter from the former, the most reasonable prediction is that given by the regression equation. This is exactly what the regression equation has been devised to give, and ''correction" of the correlation coefficients in any way at all would lead to less accurate estimation. For this reason, none of the studies, the conclusions of which are based upon "cor- rected" coefficients of correlation, are comparable with this work, nor should the size of the coefficients of correlation here obtained be compared to "corrected" coefficients. The latter are meant to be a prophecy of what would be the correlation provided errors of various kinds were absent, while the former state the relation between existent measures. The results of this study, however, do shed some light, and give a method of attack, upon the problem of the existence, or non-existence, of a single mental function which is paramount in all intellectual activities. The statement of the view of those holding to the idea of a single mental function has undergone much development and elaboration, until it now seems to be about as follows: — that every intellectual performance depends not only upon a general factor, "but also in varying degrees upon a factor specific to itself and of very similar performances." 1 How the most ardent advocate of the specific nature of ability can object to such a statement, is hard to see. The problem is no longer a qualitative but a quantitative one. It is now necessary to measure intellectual performances and ascertain what part of each is a common element and what part is unique. The regression equation method, involving more than two vari- ables, is beautifully adapted to solving this problem, and corre- lation between differences in accomplishment, or capacity, gives first-hand testimony as to the uniqueness or generality of mental function. Pupils in the elementary school demonstrate a unique ability along the line of mathematics or English, by getting, relative to their average accomplishment, higher or lower marks in these subjects. That these marks do represent a unique ability and are not due to chance and the vicissitudes of teachers' gradings, is evidenced by the fact that different teachers, in the high 1 See B. Hart and C. Spearman, General Ability, Its Existence and Nature, British Journal of Psychology, 1912. Also C. Spearman, Theory of Two Factors, Psych. Rev., Vol. 21, No. 2. 76 Educational Guidance school, recognize the same relative superiority or inferiority in the one subject, or other. The correlation r(p M . E )(7 t6tSt 4 M . E ) = .52, with a probable error of .065. The size of the probable error precludes the possibility of the correlation being due to chance. The alternative is that intellectual function is specific, unless it is argued that ability to secure grades is not solely an intellec- tual function. This might be maintained, but grades have been used by proponents of the general factor theory as measures of intellect; and, furthermore, if so fundamental a mental characteristic as the ability to earn grades is not a fit capacity for consideration in connection with the general factor theory, then the theory must be of very limited scope in its application, and the traits of importance for scholastic and business success will lie outside its realm. The same conclusion may be drawn just as con- vincingly from the correlation r(M-E)(Mc-Ec) == -31, for its pro- bable error is only .040. Another requirement of method is that the means used in the study shall be capable of determination at the time of prognosis. Studies which have dealt with the correlation between high school and university marks, or between elementary school and high school marks, have, without exception so far as the author is aware, selected the group upon the basis of attendance in the higher school, and then calculated the means in the lower school of the group thus selected. It follows that the means used for the lower school data are not capable of determination until the selection has occurred upon the basis of attendance in the higher school. Any elimination that takes place is entirely obscured by the method, and the use of the correlation found, for purposes of prediction, is not sound because it is not known from what mean, deviations should be measured. However, though theoretically justified this criticism is prob- ably not of very great moment when dealing with elementary school and first-year high school pupils. The evidence of this study is that there is not a sufficient selection of the brighter pupils in passing from the elementary school to the high school to necessitate changing the elementary school mean of pupils who attended high school from the mean of elementary school pupils in general. It is quite possible that this would not be Comparison with Other Studies 77 true in schools where there is a greater elimination than in the well-to-do schools from which these data are obtained. The study of Dearborn 1 is excellent evidence that high school efficiency is highly correlated with university proficiency, but the method is not a serviceable one for a quantitative prognosis problem; and the high school means in his distributions are means of high school pupils who later attended college and are therefore the means of a selected group. The same remark may be made in regard to the means used in the study by Miles 2 and it may be a material point in this case, for the amount of elimination between the elementary school and the fourth year of the high school is very much more extensive, and probably also selective, than between the elemen- tary school and the first year of the high school. Miles finds that the correlation between the average elementary school grade and the average high school grade is .71. This is quite in harmony with the results of the present study and it is probable that Miles' data, treated by the regression equation method, would yield correlations between .80 and .90. The fact that Miles deals with the average of all high school grades results in higher, or lower, correlations than would be obtained in dealing with first-year high school marks only, dependent upon which of the two following factors is the stronger : (1) In general, as the time between testing is increased the correlation decreases; and as the second, third and fourth years of the high school are more and more remote from the elementary school in time, it might be expected that correlation between the elementary school record and the first-year record would be greater than that between the elementary school record and the average of the entire high school record. (2) A factor tending to offset this is the fact that the reliability of an average increases as the number of grades entering into it increases, and, to the extent that a grade represents native ability, the greater the number of grades averaged the greater the reliability of this measure. It is impossible to say, a priori, which of these factors is the more important, but it is the author's opinion that the *See Dearborn, W. F., Relative Standing of Pupils in the High School and in the University, Wis. Univ. Bulletin, No. 312, 1909. 2 See Miles, W. R., Comparison of Elementary and High School Grades, Univ. of la. Studies in Education, Vol. 1. No. 1. 78 Educational Guidance importance of the second factor has been, quite generally, under- valued, and might easily be the more important of the two. Another class of studies has been undertaken, especially in England by investigators who have found the correlations be- tween various tests and intellectual ability — the latter based upon teachers' and headmasters' estimates. It is pertinent to ask what relation there is between intellectual ability and the ability to secure grades. The regression equation giving the bearing of teachers' esti- mates of intellectual ability, conscientiousness, emotional in- terest, and oral expression, upon average class standing, weights these factors in the ratio of 8:4:2:1, or, combining the first and last and designating it as the intellectual factor, and combining the second and third and designating it as the motive factor, or factor of effort, it is seen that the weighting is in the ratio of 3 :2. Since effort is so important a factor in accounting for the ability to secure grades, it is apparent that the correlation between tests and intellectual ability will be quite different from, and probably higher than, the correlation between the same tests and class standing. This is a common finding and in the study by Wyatt 1 it is possible to estimate the extent of this difference. Wyatt finds that the average correlation between his tests and intelligence, as determined by the headmaster's estimate, averaged .63, and that the correlation, for a different group, between the same tests and intelligence, as judged by class stand- ing, averaged .51. As the headmaster did not grade upon both intellectual ability and effort it is probable certain evidence of excellent effort received credit as intellectual ability. Accord- ingly it may be expected that the difference in correlation be- tween Wyatt's tests and real intellectual ability, from that be- tween his tests and class standing, is actually greater than the .12 found. Wyatt's tests apparently were given at about the same time that the marks which determined class standing were earned, so that his results are not comparable with the results of this study. Also the age of pupils is different, but his results suggest that certain of the tests used, especially the analogy and completion tests, are highly indicative of average class standing, and tests x See Wyatt, S., Quantitative Investigation of Higher Mental Processes, Brit. Jour, of Psyc, Vol. VI, Pt. 1. Comparison with Other Studies 79 of this nature are worthy of investigation for purposes of esti- mating average capacity, but it is doubtful if they have par- ticular value for purposes of differential prognosis. In giving such tests it is not to be expected that the care with which Wyatt gave them will be duplicated under ordinary class conditions. There are at least two classes of tests which are comparable with the tests here given, so far as purpose is concerned. One of these is entrance examinations. They perform their task, in the main, by attempting to measure acquired knowledge, whereas the tests here given, in the main, attempt to measure interest and capacity. Both types of examinations have a function to perform and the former should be supplemental to the latter in the final determination of the classification of the pupil. Acquired knowledge tests, of themselves and alone, are too likely to be evidence of the degree of success which has attended a cramming process, and not very definitely evidence of ability, which is the more important consideration. The following correlations, given by Thorndike, 1 show a progressive decrease in correlation between the median entrance examination grade and the average grade in the different years of the college course; freshman year .62, sophomore year .50, junior year .47, senior year .25. In- tellectual capacity could hardly have changed much, relatively from pupil to pupil, during the four years of the college course. These correlations seem to indicate that the capacity measured by the entrance examination was, in the main, acquired knowl- edge and not intellectual ability, otherwise, why the decrease from year to year? For purposes of immediate differential diagnosis tests of ac- quired knowledge undoubtedly perform an important function, but for the broader problems of vocational guidance and the selection of general courses of study they have very limited scope. The second class, tests of the Binet type, have classification as their object, and in this respect are comparable to the tests here given. Thus far, however, they have not shed much light upon the points of relative strength or weakness of the individual tested. If mental deficiency is not general, but selective, an individual being normal in one capacity and quite defective in »See Thorndike, E. L., in Science, N. S., Vol. XXIII, p. 839. 80 Educational Guidance a second, then a mass test of mental age gives no light upon the distinctive feature which it is desirable to be acquainted with. There is plenty of evidence to indicate that deficiency is selective in many cases and the defect of the Binet tests on this point should be remedied. However, there is sufficient correlation between defects to make a Binet test of considerable value for purposes of classification; just what value has never been deter- mined, so far as the author is aware, in quantitative terms, i.e., in terms of the correlation between capacity, as estimated from the test, and capacity as determined by as complete and con- clusive measurements as possible. It is essential that mental age tests be tested by such methods, in order to judge which are the more accurate and what their accuracy is. The use of tests of this nature as a guide to classification may be illustrated by the work of Adler, in New York School 77. 1 Boys in the first and fourth grades were tested with Dr. Goddard's 1911 revision of the Binet tests, with additions from the tests of Terman, Whipple and Courtis. In both the first and fourth grades the 35 pupils, out of about twice that number, who tested highest, were placed in an advanced class. The results were highly satisfactory. To quote the results in the case of the advanced section of the fourth grade: "Twenty-two of the thirty-five pupils are ready to begin the second half of the fifth grade work. Thirteen of the pupils begin the regular fifth grade work, though several of these will probably catch up with the advanced pupils before the end of the term. One pupil, who was absent because of contagion, will be retarded." The tests are evidently of high significance, but the calculation of the coeffi- cient of correlation between them and the accomplishment in class would be of value in giving a quantitative measure to the degree of accuracy of the classification. ^ee Adler, Martha, Mental Tests as a Basis for Classification, Jour, of Educ. Psych., Vol. V, No. 1. SECTION 9. — PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS IN HIGH SCHOOL CLASSIFICATION There can be little question as to which of the three sources of estimate of a pupil's scholastic ability is the preferable one to use, in case it is not desired or possible to use all of them. The elementary school records of the pupils give the most accurate estimate of average class standing, as well as of standing in specific courses. A higher correlation than .80 between estima- tion and actual first-year standing should not be demanded, or expected, in a correlation of this nature. There would be a great advantage in having a uniform record card, for each state school system, to contain, in addition to other data, the pupil's grades from year to year, together with a definite statement of the significance of the grades in terms of a normal distribution, or as deviations from the grade mean for the local system in question, expressed as multiples of the variability for that system. If these cards were freely transferred from school to school, as the pupil changed, it not only would be possible to classify pupils accurately each year, but it would be of incal- culable value from other standpoints as well, for there is prob- ably no easily obtainable data which could compare in signifi- cance with such a record. The estimates of several of the previous teachers of the pupil give an excellent basis for classification, but wherever available, the more valuable records in the elementary school are probably also available, so that, for high school classification, they are not of prime importance. They are, however, of specific value in analyzing the elements which contribute to scholastic success. In the regression equa- tion based upon teachers' estimates, effort shows itself to be a very important factor. There would, therefore, be many advan- tages for educational, and even more particularly for vocational, guidance if there were available grades representing ability and effort, as well as accomplishment. The importance of the interest and specific subject tests is not 6 81 82 Educational Guidance to be measured solely by the extent of their correlation with class standing, as they probably are not at all measures of conscien- tiousness. Conscientiousness has been shown to be second in importance to intellectual ability only and to deserve a weight of 4 to 12 for all other factors measured, intellectual ability, emotional interest, and oral expression. A classification of pupils which does not take into account conscientiousness may be particularly advantageous in that it throws the indolent in with conscientious pupils of equal mentality, thus acting as a strong spur to the lazy while, at the same time, the group is homogeneous so far as capacity is concerned and it does not require a dual technique of presentation on the teacher's part to answer the needs of dull and bright pupils. It may be that in a small way a different technique of presentation is needed to best present a subject to a lazy pupil, from that needed in pre- senting it to an industrious one of the same mentality, but the difference does not compare with that needed in the case of dull and bright pupils. It is also undoubtedly true that the tests here given, if given in a high school with classes one year apart, would yield higher correlations than here obtained. In the school from which groups 1, 2, and 3 came classification is close and grades differ by one-half year. In the school from which groups 4 and 5 came particular attention is paid to classification, resulting in courses which fit the needs of the pupil probably fully as thoroughly as in the other school. In fact, in both of these schools, certain classes differ from each other by not more than a quarter of a year. The effect of this is to make the classes more homogeneous and such homogeneity always decreases the correlation. Ref- erence to the tables of means, p. 68, shows that the groups differ materially in their average accomplishments in the various tests. This shows that by means of these tests pupils could be classified as to their most probable place in the high school much more accurately than they can be classified as to their place in a class. The former is not the question which it is attempted to answer, but it is mentioned to show that the ability to place a pupil among all pupils is considerably greater than the ability to place him in a more or less homogeneous group, and as the groups here considered are unusually homogeneous the signif- Practical Applications in High School Classification 83 icance of the tests is correspondingly greater than the correlation coefficients indicate. To make the classification still more reliable it is recommended that in the case of a pupil whose previous record is not available the tests here given be supplemented by acquired knowledge tests, particularly in mathematics and foreign languages. SECTION 10— GUIDANCE METHODS It will be found that having once initiated a guidance bureau the demands upon it will be positive and innumerable — many of them extravagant. In the attempt to meet these demands, and to meet them on the spot and without a moment's delay, one of the richest sources of information is likely to be only very parti- ally utilized. Reference is made to that product accumulated by every pupil — school grades. Whatever capacity it is that a grade, say, in mathematics, stands for, it is measured with a high degree of accuracy when the records of several years and of several teachers are combined. A pupil's school record is the most complete, detailed and accurate of all records, of the ordinary pupil, from his entrance in school to his entrance into work. Unless the significance of this record is evaluated with reference to all the important studies and vocations the most readily available and accurate data concerning the applicant for a place in some class, or for a job, are not being utilized. The evaluation of these data will require much statistical work, but its use after evaluation is simple. Teachers' estimates of a pupil are second in importance only to grades. It requires, however, the estimates of several teachers to secure an accurate rating, and, under present conditions, it frequently is not possible to secure the estimate of more than one and, in cases where either the pupil or the principal changes location, even this is lacking. If each teacher were to place on record, at the end of every course, an estimate of several of the qualities, important for success, of each of his pupils, these data would be of inestimable value to the guidance expert. In this case, as that of school grades, a uniform record card, carrying a standardized grading, is essential for the best results. The use of special tests in vocational guidance is unlimited. There could well be certain specialized tests for each important vocation, but first of all there might be devised a general test, somewhat along the line of the interest test in this study, which would have significance in all vocations and which could be evaluated with reference to any one desired. This general test 84 Guidance Methods 85 could test interest and general mental capacity, while it could be left to the specialized tests to measure specific capacity and the necessary acquired knowledge. In so far as guidance becomes a science and not an intuition, in so far as its method and conclusions are capable of definition and free use by different individuals and are not simply inner convictions of the expert making them, the problem of relation- ship, expressed in quantitative terms, between the capacity of the applicant and the demands of the position will become more and more insistent for solution. A guidance bureau should be like a type distributing machine, which will take a hopperful of type, of all the letters of the alphabet, and place each in its partic- ular niche, in the one place of all places where it fits. That a fitting distribution of human talent is a task of unmeasured intricacy is apparent, but the peculiar service thereby rendered to groping humanity makes the solution worthy the greatest effort. In broad outline, as already pointed out, the problem of vo- cational guidance consists of measuring the demands of the possible vocations, and of the capacities of the applicant and then fitting the applicant into that place which best suits his talents and his ambitions. In detailed procedure, the regression equa- tion method is a powerful instrument, for it enables any number of factors to be combined with the highest significance with reference to the vocation in question. When a large number of factors, none of them of predominant importance, contribute to a total result, the human intellect, unaided, cannot compass their total significance and it is only by mathematical means that they can be summed and interpreted. SECTION 11.— APPENDIX Ages of Pupils This study covers four different groups of pupils: (1) 59 pupils starting the second year of the high school of School A; (2) 42 starting the second term of the first year of the same school; (3) 81 starting the first term of the first year of the same school; (4) 26 pupils starting the second year of the high school of School B, and (5) 25 pupils starting the first year of the high school of School B. Ages are expressed in years and tenths of a year from birth up to January 1, 1913. Since the algebra and geometry tests were given during the last of September and the first of October, 1913, and the English, history and interest tests were given in January, 1913, the average ages at the times of the tests may be obtained from the given means by subtracting .30 of a year in the cases of the algebra and geometry tests and by adding .05 of a year in the cases of the other tests. The mean ages of the different groups January 1, 1913, is as follows : Group 1 16.1 years. Group 2 14.6 " Group 3 13.7 " Group 4 15.7 " Group 5 14.4 " The Assignment of Numerical Magnitudes for Literal Grades In both schools a literal grading system is in use. In School A letters A, B , C, D and E are used. The mark E is used very infrequently — some teachers not using it at all. In averaging the grades for two or more terms it was assumed that the difference in ability represented by grades of A and B was equal to the difference in ability represented by grades of B and C, etc. That little error resulted from this assumption will be shown in the next section of this appendix. In averaging the grades of four terms the following differences in ability may occur: A _A +A+A+A _ A+A+A+B A , A 2 - , _, A+A+B + B A+A+A+C _ x , A+B+B + B a+= = , ±52 + = = etc, 4 4 4 B= B+B+B+B ^ A+B+B+C _ ctc 4 4 And so on for other combinations. The literal grades thus obtained were then transformed into numerical grades, assuming a normal distribution of talent. This is very readily done by noting the percentage frequencies of the different Appendix 87 grades and using such a table for transformation as that given by Thorndike in his " Mental and Social Measurements," pp. 221-225, second edition. Upon this basis literal grades were assigned numerical values as follows : Courses in which Tests Were Given at Beginning of Term Hist. Hist. Hist. Alg. Alg. Geo. Geo. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. 3rd & 4th Yr. 2nd Yr. |Yr. 1st. Yr. i Yr. 1 yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. §Yr. i Yr. 1 Yr. i Yr. \ Yr. Groups 2 and 3 5 1 4 1 2 3 4 and 5 1 1 2 A + 2.44 1.99 AJ + A 2.34 1.42 1.49 2.70 1.81 2.23 1.23 1.96 A|- 1.69 .99 B + 1.29 .88 1.56 1.27 1.65 1.13 1.49 .55 1.14 B* + 1.05 1.92 .77 B .80 .96 .51 1.28 .55 .78 .68 .67 1.29 .29 .67 Bk- .57 .44 .23 .92 c+ .38 .06 .08 .58 .07 .15 .21 - .05 .77 - .05 .28 CJ+ .17 - .24 - .08 .15 c - .01 - .58 - .20 - .36 - .48 - .28 - .39 - .70 .32 - .60 - .20 CJ- - .24 -1.20 - .31 - .71 -1.35 D + - .47 -2.10 - .53 -1.00 - .95 - .73 -1.13 -1.99 - .32 -1.32 - .74 D* + - .64 - .81 -1.42 D - .77 -1.09 -2.16 -1.46 -1.11 -1.99 - .88 -2.16 -1.33 m- -1.49 D- -1.03 -1.89 -1.85 -1.34 -1.17 E + -1.54 -2.44 -2.10 -1.65 -1.86 E§ + E -2.34 -2.70 -2.28 -1.49 -2.62 E- -2.23 The same kind of transformation tables were obtained in 18 other courses in order to obtain numerical measures for the literal grades received in the first year of the high school by the 59 pupils whose records were available down to the third grade. The populations upon which the transformations were based averaged 40.4 pupils per course. The grades of A+ and A|+ require explanation. In mathematics and English special classes were formed for the particularly bright pupils. The grading of pupils in these classes was more severe than the ordinary grading. It was the opinion of the teachers concerned that grades would be comparable with the rest of the grades of the school if the grades received in the special mathematics classes were raised one point, i.e., call C's, B's and B's, A's, etc., and if the grades received in the special English classes were raised one-half of a point. This was accordingly done, and accounts for the grades A+ and The grade D — is an average of such grades as the following : first term D, second term E, third term E, fourth term D. This is a passing grade for the year. The grade E+ is an average of the same grades, except that the final term is an E, constituting a failure for the year. It is reasonable to assume that slightly greater proficiency is shown in the former case than in the latter. A further simple transformation was made in order to obtain measures that were convenient to work with. The numerical measures obtained by use of the preceding transformation tables were each divided by .2 and the results kept to the nearest integer. The range thus obtained has about 26 divisions 88 Educational Guidance in it and the standard deviation is about 5. This distribution is very conven- ient for purposes of calculation and the effect of the grouping is so slight that no correction in the value of the coefficients of correlation need be made on account of it. The distributions thus obtained have means at zero, to a very close approximation, and no correction to the coefficients of correlation is necessary to correct for arbitrary means. To test the extent of the error due to the averaging of literal grades, the following facts are to be considered : Extent of Error in Averaging Literal Grades t im. i j u A plus B _, B plus C „ In averagmg literal grades such as — =B + ; — - = C+, etc. Zi Zi no error is introduced because the only assumption involved is that A>B + >B, etc., which is the basic assumption underlying the transformation of literal grades into numerical grades. Some 92 per cent of the averaging was of this nature. It is only when it is stated that AplusC_BplusB =B that 2 2 there is danger of error from this source. Simplifying we find that this equation is true only in case A— B=B— C. The following data show to how close an extent this assumption is true and it should be remembered that it applies to only about 8 per cent of the averaging done. Algebra-Groups English-Groups History-Group 1. Geometrt-Group 2 and 3. Average 1,2 and 3. Average Average op Two 1. Average op of Two Quarters Corresponding op Two Quarters Quarters Two Quarters Corresponding Corresponding Corresponding grade: grade: grade: grade: A 1.41 1.80 1.57 2.03 A-B = .86 A-B=1.04 A-B=1.05 A-B=1.22 B .55 .76 .52 .81 B-C = .71 B-C=1.00 B-C= .80 B-C= .91 C - .16 - .24 - .28 - .10 C-D = .86 C-D=1.10 C-D= .99 C-D= .89 D -1.02 -1.34 -1.27 - .99 D-E = .93 D-E=1.27 D-E=1.06 D-E=1.04 E -1.95 E-F = .88 -2.61 -2.33 -2.03 F -2.83 From the above table : If A-B = l, If B-C = l, If C-D = l, If D-E = l, thenB-C = thenC-D = thenD-E = thenE-F = Alg .83 1.21 1.08 .91 Eng .96 1.10 1.15 Hist .76 1.24 1.07 Geom .75 .98 1.17 Av .83 1.13 1.12 Average of all = 1.02 Appendix 89 From similar tables for groups 4 and 5 : Alg. . Eng.. Geom Av... If A-B = l, thenB-C = .842 .914 1.070 .942 If B-C = l, thenC-C- = .679 1.018 .855 .851 If C-C-=l, then C D = .99 .93 .96 Average of all = .918 Similar data from the elementary school group show a still closer approach to equality. It is therefore plain that no appreciable error has been introduced by such averaging. Elementary School Grades In the elementary school the system of grading for certain years was different from that for other years. In a few of the grades the literal system A, B, C, D, E, F, was used, but in the major number of grades considered the marks given were 1, 2, 3, — 1 being the highest grade used. By assuming a normal distribu- tion, and expressing both the values 1, 2, 3 and A, B, C, D, E, F in terms of deviations from the means, the values may be compared with each other. The following relation exists: Average Weighted English Arithmetic History Relation (Used in all trans- formations.) A to F 1 to 3 A= 1.2(7 = 1.0 A= 1.8(7 = .9 A= 1.7(7 = .9 A= .9 B= .2(7 = 1.6 B= .8(7 = 1.6 B= .5a = 1.8 B = 1.6 C=- .6o- = 2.1 C= .0(7 = 2.1 C=- .5(7 = 2.2 C = 2.1 D=-1.3a = 2.5 D=- .8(7 = 2.6 D=-1.4c7 = 2.8 D = 2.6 E=-1.7 = .36 I group 2 1 This method of averaging varying numbers of correlated measures was used frequently in other portions of this study, e.g., m averaging grades of pupils for some given term or year where the number of studies varied appreciably. 94 Educational Guidance The estimates of "other" teachers may be considered as accurate as those of the geometry or English teachers, so that the excess of .57 over .44, and of .54 over .36 is, in a sense, a measure of the extent to which a teacher's estimate is based upon the unique ability shown in the subject he teaches. The combination of the measures, based upon teachers' estimates, into a single final measure or estimate of scholastic ability is accomplished by the usual regression equation, as follows: Av. I. a. Cons. Emo. i. Exp. I. a. .72 Cons. .62 .61 Emo. i. .58 .61 .66 Exp. .63 .82 .55 .59 ff'a 4.048 5.193 5.166 5.138 5.190 Av. = . 3584 |^J (I. a .) + . 2456 1^ (Cons.) + . 1161 f^g (Emo. i.) ^.oyl o.ooO o.547 + Q471 2J530 (E ) 2.905 or Av.= .364(1. a.) + .183 (Cons.) + .086 (Emo. i.) + .043 (Exp.) or, approximately, 1.1 (Av.) = . 4 (I. a.) + . 2 (Cons.) + . 1 (Emo. i.) +.05 (Exp.) — which is a very simple equation to use. r (Av.) (I. a., Cons., Emo. i., Exp.) = ■ 7551 - Bearing of the Various Factors, I. a., Cons., Emo. ?"., and Exp., upon M, E> and H. From the accompanying data: M,e. = -460^Ll.a. + .114-^L M I& Cons . Emo . L Exp . 'I. a. "Cona. La. .591 Cons.+.129-^**-Emo.i. Cons. .467 .61 a Vmn . Emo. i. .472 .61 .66 Exp. .496 .82 .55 .59 -014-^Exp. a ' S °M °La. °Cons. °Emo.i. ^Exp. ^Exp. r MM t = - 61 (Population = 178). From the accompanying data: E te =.336— S- I. a. +.251- *• e - o-j (r CoilB E I. a. Cons. Emo. i. Exp. * ' I. a. .598 Cons. +.068 1- Emo. i. gons. .546 .61 ov. i Emo. i.. 487 .61 .66 Exp. .536 .82 .55 .59 + 083-^- Exp a ' B °E °"l.a. ^Cons. ^Emo.i. ""Exp. ^Exp. r E E = . 64 (Population = 179) Appendix 95 From the accompanying data: H t e = .450-^1. a.-. 024— 1_ tt T ^ t? ■ t? *• e - & qi and a A a>±.w+q'. Formulae giving these expressions (derived in the next section) are as follows: ^2 ff 2 f 1 * r \ A'- 2 ^ r AA' r AB' r A'B'-^AA' r2 B'C + 2 ^ r AA' r AB' r A'C' r B'C' ~] °A.A>B>C> A^" l-* AV +2T A , B r A . & r vc , J \ &r AA * A ,) 2 "I 2o- 2 A , + 2Xr A , B ,a A , E' .25 F' -.06 .13 G' .22 .19 .06 H' .40 .13 .09 Estimated 8 24Q - 169 r HH =V.096 = .310, and similarly we may say that the total correlation between history and the c ombi ned measures H a , H v is given by the following expressions: r H , H , H ^ = V. 094 = .307 and r H(H H n=V.102 = .319, where the notation r H , H H ■. is understood to mean the correlation between history and H a and H v when combined into a single measure by the regression equation. The above results show that the average, or sum, H a +H v , will give a lower correlation than H a alone, and that the regression equation yields but .009 higher correlation. For these reasons the sole measure of the history test is taken to be H a , for convenience multiplied by two. That is, Ht = 2 (H a — mean) . Bearing of the Various Tests Upon Mathematics (a) Algebra. To evaluate the significance of the algebra, English and history tests in their bearing upon algebra, the regression equation between these tests and algebra grades may be calculated. The following table gives the required data: A A test E test H test A At .47 „i _ 77A^-2 Et .37 .37 ^ or ^ e l ar S e standard deviation for history (6.12), operates, when taking an average or sum, to weight the history grading the highest, so the regression equation method is plainly the method needed. Calculation gives the following: 4.701 4.701 4.701 M = - 2238 3^5 Mi+-1826 — Ei -.095 — Hi = .2822 Mi +.3669 Ej-. 1120 Hi Multiplying by the convenient factor, .5646, and designating the result by M c i (combination of the parts of the interest test with reference to mathematics) gives the following: Mci = . 500 Mi + . 650 Ei - . 199 Hi, or for practical purposes, M c i = . 5 Mi + .65 Ei-.2 Hi. (b) English. Similar data with reference to English are: From this E Mi Ei Hi * 2 E.M lEi Hr- 783(r2 E ^i from which it may be deduced that g. r E(M i E 1 H i )=.464, o-'s 5.23 4.64 3.13 6.12 but as rgg. = . 46 there is practically no object in using the longer method. Ej is therefore taken as the sole measure of the interest test in its bearing upon English, and for such use will be designated E ci . (c) History. The data referring to history are as follows: From this H Mi Ei Hi ^.MjEiHr- 875 ^ g 1 from which it may be deduced that jji r H(M i E i H i ; = .353 o-'s 5.10 4.64 3.13 6.12 It is evident that r H(M +E+H) ^ appreciably lower than this, for the rather large standard deviation for Mi (4.64) would operate to weight Mi quite heavily. The correlation .353 is sufficiently higher than the correlation r ^ . (.30), to make the regression equation desirable. By calculation, 4.891 4.891 4.891 H== - 1597 3T77^ Mi+0767 i^ Ei+ - 2319 3^bI Hi = - . 2070 Mi+ . 1585 Ei+ . 2910 Hi E Mi Ei .15 .46 .21 .32 .54 .63 5.23 4.64 3.13 H Mi Ei .02 .27 .21 .30 .54 .63 10 4.64 3.13 Appendix 105 To obtain a convenient distribution and a simpler equation to work with, this equation has been multiplied by 2.406. The result is designated by H c i. H c i = -.498 Mi-h381 Ei+.700 Hi, or for all practical purposes, H c i= -.5 Mi + .38Ei + .7Hi. Combination of the Mathematics Tests, M c t and M c i, with Reference to Mathematics. Similar Combinations of English and History Tests (a) Mathematics. On page 99 of the Appendix, mathematics, English and history tests, Mt, Et, Ht, were combined into a single grading, M c t, which gives the total bearing of these tests upon mathematics. On page 104 of the Appendix, the gradings of the mathematics, English and history interest tests, Mi, Ei, Hi, are combined into a single grade, M c i, which gives the total bearing of the three interest tests upon mathematics. It now remains to combine M c t and M c i into the single measure which correlates the highest with M . This single measure will be designated by M c , and is given by the following regression equation, which is based upon the accompanying data: 4 ko 4 co M Mci Met M -. 1606 -^ Mci +.4198-^— Met M c i .30 1.719 2.95b jyj 4 g gg Multiplying by the convenient factor ff ,^ 5 23 186 3 48 1 . 556 gives : M c = . 658 Mci + 1 . 00 Met, or, for practical purposes, M c =.66 Mci+Mct. This relative weighting is used whether it is desired to combine the grades of the tests with reference to algebra or geometry. If the derivation of regres- sion equations, for algebra and geometry had been undertaken separately, the difference from the above weighting would have been slight and the increased correlation due to the more exact weighting would have been inappreciable. The terms A c and G c will be used instead of M c , when it is desired to speak of the algebra combination, and the geometry combination, rather than the mathematics combination. (b) English. Data for English, similar to the above for mathematics, are given in the accompanying table: E Eci Ect Eci .46 Ect .46 .34 5 > 4 A ) + .5983 A Est A . 5340^(7, 6, 5, 4 A ) . 5666<7 Est .4458 ff p _ -.0771 -i T A. .7973CTT The equation is left in this form for reference to it. The values of the various standard deviations are: -l ♦ + a i i i ill ? 0= + IM | | | | | I I I I I I •stoq •*CO*CN00O I H l I I I I l Hrt l I I t~O00(NOCN00iN'tfC0r-t00<0t»©0<-t»00050iH Appendix 109 »-it»t-oou5t^too5c > J'eoN<0'<*<'* ioio^io®Tio<»«>oio><5<0' "5 cm© ^ooo-* If I I I I II I I II I II I I f rt I NTtlin-He»COCOrHN^©i-lrH--(NNCO'H CO 00 ©rHCOt- III III |-*l I II I III MM I I H H l N tO SO CO iff) «5 -* .-I (O -< CO IN O 00 0*. CO IN ■* CO t-- © CO © IN CON iff) (NO II I If I f II II I f I If N IN IN -H tO CO m iff) CN "5 ■* NNNrtW>jlWO IN N IN r-l CO CON -H i-llO i ii mi I f I I I rtCOtONM--l©M>OIN©>O I I II I II I I I I I II I I I N©fflOr^N©N©0©tO^NNINtO-lOC0iHT)lrt^^U0©ONNTttlOl0NC0T)<-*©-*N©C0iN(N'*>-Oi-l(NCO'»JOtOt~00 0> NNNNINNNNCOMCOCOCOCOCOcOCOCOTll-^TjlrJl^lTjtT^Tll^-^iaiOiOiOusiOUSiOiOlCJ no Educational Guidance ©CDONCOr-<.H©lOOOt-Tj(NrHlOOO H I I I I I I •3 .-l-*!-lHOCD"50"*0(NOOO-*.cocoiN>oa>ao>ococoa>ai©cococoooiN i-H eB CO IN U5 IN IN CO CO I I I I I I I I I I I 0000'.COlO^OlNOCOM(NT}(TjliO'*COCOT)OCO'*OOlOcO(NIN'*Tt'*lNOt»iN(N(NOCN I I I l H II II I I f + \+ ++I ++ ++ + PPO ffl QOOOOOOPQ « WQQO + Q Q O O I + WO H O Q + + ++ I + BOH HO 0««0 QOOOOOOBPQfl + + -M-+ ++ +M + OQmOQOQWQ«1QOoO«««OOOOQQMOO ++++++ + + + QompqQQOfflom«moo«««o«o«wq«mo + ++ ++++++ pqpq«mQQwmo«oopqqomomeQPOHWHQO + + + + ++ + + Qpq«0«OfflQ«MQo «« 000#to©»«a50o©'*»i50t»©t»<»Tf<Qt»F-iio !._. »oiiiM<-ic«-*©co©>fl©«D(NiO!oeiiTji>aio»oc<5© (fiicoooiN?o©>oa» ■H I I -H I -< I I I I I I I r« I «j« III I_ NO«10MOOrt^H^N-*rtlOHMHlONNU! rH N 00 CO (M rH i-l rH •a i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i i i i i Wt_ 'Wat tO-*rHrH<00«0'»jieoe>«-»JiN©CO'.ts.^C0e0C0CO'*^lrtiH©IN(MeN100©'»*<>0 a I I rt I th IT I I I I I l rt I I IT I I I •I •OTHW (NlN-*©©(N*00©(N5OtO©©©C* I UU *^ II I rH rH | II II | I I I I I < Q H - Q 9 i H-rj o o § •ott™-» (N©(TlO©©(N©rH(0©-?tlTjln«Dt-OOOI>0'-HOCONCOCO©NCOtOI^T^^I>rHCO'-iN-'#T--N-i CXI-(t» II I II I II I I I « I I I I I I I I I I II N HOONn<*T|l«NnH!DNlO|Nl» 7 CO © to UO CO -H iH .H .-H CM CO ■* CO ■* t1< OtO'-i'-l I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I II I 7 - 1 N OO00O-*NC0t-N00'>t05CM00«0^t^©©^00>OtOOtOt^tO- 00 03 OS l> N to t- to-* co com to CO OOt-NN IT3 »C ■* ■* IT3 iO t~ ■* lO t~ tO W3 tO ^ to »C tO tO *C *0 l©lOU3U3 iHt0C0OO"5O^O-*e rt - < 7 I I II I I rt I I III * °7 0--HOlNiOIN(NO"50i-HiH'*000<-IN-*NCOi-ieO I I I I I I I I (Irv— 4 TAT ^Hr-lt0C0T-lOIMC0OC0t0C0C<110Ni-lr-(C0O(NC0rH'*OC0>0 °~ W II I I I I ^ I I I I I I t~->j( HMHOU3 i-INlO^CO «■*!-! rt O N i-l "3 •* I 17 I ^ 1117 I »a i C4MMi-l0i-l tOHNMNH I I I I I I I < Q H — H H Q w I 9 § O g 6s C0t>.'*C0'>!tltO'©i-ieoo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS0050503C1C5005000000QOO HHHHHHH>-IHHriHHHHririCqiNIN«MC-l © IQ >-l -»J< i-: C3 ■<* © © H«MH rH I I I rH ■ I - — • I r 1 T 1 I I I 117 1 H i_, HnnnouiH ^ ionncc(nin(N(d 1-1 coco no ^ a II I I I I I I ■8 J? . t-«i-I (N ■* •* CO <-H tO r-l O CM ©'->(Nco-*incDt>coo5©'-|ejco N(NCN